10/07/1968 - 00019907�C�� 'PHE MINUTES OF TH� REGULAIt COUNCIL ME�TING OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 Mayor Itirkham cal].ed the Regular Council Meeting o£ October 7, 1968 to ordcr at 8:05 P.M. PLEDGL OF ALLEGIANCEm Mayor ICir]cham requested the audience to stand and join the Council in saying the pledge oi Allegiance to the Plaq. ROLL CALL• MEMr3ERS PRESENT: I:arlcham, Liebl, Samuelson, 5heridan, Harris MGMBERS IU35ENT: None PRESENT.i1TION OP AWARllS: Mayor Y.irlcham read the Certificate oL- Appreciation aloud to the audience, arid presented it to Mr. Robert Ylinen for his service on the Pl.anning Commission and the Board o£ Appeals. He also read the Certificates of Appreciation for Mr. Willa.am Milbrath, for his service on the Human Relations Commit�ee, and P+lz°. Donald Murl, for his service on the Fridley Housing and Re- development Autharity. Both men were unable to attend so the City Manager was instructed to see that the men receive their awards. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1968: MoTIUN by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes o£ the Regular Council Meeting of September 16, 1968 as preseated. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decLared the motion carried unanimously. AFPROVAL OP MINUTES OI"i'fIE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OP SLPTEMBER 23, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Puhlic Hear�ng Council Meeting of SeptemUer 23, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Yirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said Regarding Tssuance Agenda and placed Mleeting . that Item ##15: Consideration of Ordinance of Liquor Lacenses, is to be deleted from this n the Agenda for th� next regular Council REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OP OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman 5amuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1967 uTREE'PS: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice to the audience. The Finance Director explained that this includes three street pro,7ects; St. 1967-1, St. 1967�2, and St. 1967-4. He showed the costs on the screen for the in£ozmation oE the audience. Mayor Kirkham ihen asked if there was anyone who wished to speak on any of the streets. Mr. Ed Chies, 7651 Central Avenue, said that he wished to ask what the assessments were on IIaker Street. BAKER STREET: 73RD AVENUE TO OSBORNE ROAD: The Finance Director explained that th is is a State Aid Street, and 1:hat the lots on the west side of Balcer Street actually iront on Able Street so that this street serves more as an alley £or this property. on the n� th end, the people on the west side of the street are assessed for 4 of the cost ot a typical residential street, at the rate of $3.45 per foot. On the east side the people are being charged for 3/4 of the cost of a typical industrial street, the rate being $14,03 per foot. At the south erid the rate of assessment for the west sxde is $1.95 per foot and on the east side of the street it is $7.24 per fooL-. The southerly portion oP Baker Street was given credit for the value oi the existing street. He said that the total cost of the street is mare than is b�ing assessed since it is a State Aid Street. The Caty Engineer said that the total cost was over $60,000, but the City is assessing about $33,000. COMET LANE: TRINI�PY DRIVE TO JUYITER DRIVE: Mr. W.H. Faber, 6181 Trinity Drive N.E. asked whai hi� ass�ssmenL- would be. Councilman Liebl told him it was $7.61 per Yoot. The City Engineer said that this was less tYian the figure given to t he people at the improvement hearing. Mayor Kiskham asked if anyone else wishecl to speak at this Public Hearing. No one answered. MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the Final Assessment Roll for the 1967 Street Pro,7ects. £3econded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 votisig aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � LJ d�� REGULAit COUNCIL MEETING OP OCTOBER 7, 1968 PUBLIC IiEARING UN THE 1969 BUDGET: PAGE 3 MoTION by Councilman Samuelson to continue this Public Hearing to the next regular Meetiny. Seconded by Councilna n Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirltham declared the mation carried unanimously. OI2DINANC� ��404 - XN ORDINaNCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF TtiE CITY ClitIRTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND T� P.MIND APPENDIX C OF THB CITY CpDE: (56th Avenue =rom 6th Street to 7th Street) MOTION by Counci.lman Harris to adopt Ordinance �404 on second reading, waive reading, and order publication, Seconded by Councilman Samueison. Upon a roll call vote, ICirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� motion carried unanimously. �T�PICATION OP RESOLUTION #k141-1968 DEDICATING A PORTION OF FRIDLEY CIVIC CENTER PROPERTY AS EISENHOWER MENIORTAL SQUARE: MoTION by Councilman Samuelson to reaffirm action taken on Re- solution �k141-1968 at the Meeting of September 16, 1968. Seconded by Councllman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING HORWATH AND HORWATIi: (Tabled to this Meeting, from the Meeting of September 3, 1968) tdayor Kirkham said that Mr. Pikul had called him and had indicated that he wants to be placed on the Agenda. He was advised by the Mayor to contact the City Manager either by te2ephone or leiter. The City Manager said that he had not done so as yet. Councilman Samuelson saia thaL he did not think anything could be done until the Council hears trom Nir. Pikul. Councilman Sheridan sazd that there was a motion tabled from the Meeting oE September 3, 1968 to this Meeting. He said that he feYt that this organization should be able to maet with the Council somel-.ime within a ten mont_hs time. Iie then asked if there was anyone present at the Meeting from Horaath and Hozwath. There was no response. He then read the motion made by Councilman Lieb1 Lrom the Meeting oP September 3rd which was tabled, which was: "I MoVE THAT this Council refuse to pay the l�ill from Horwath and Horwath as pre sented, and that Mr. Pikul be informed that it is the Opina.on of this Council that he is in de£ault on his contract with the City of Fridley," � I F � � . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAG� 4 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to remove this motion frorn the table and bring it back for action. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl said that th e City Administration has sent numerous lett�ers to the f�.rm asking that their representative be present at one of the Council Meetings, plus telephone calls. The City Manager said that he had not receivecl any calls as]cing that they be placed on the Agenda. Councilman Liebl said that f�oxwath and Horwath did not seem to be interested in getting this situation �esolved. He said that he felt that the firm has not kept faith with the contract as written. Ha said that he would still like to act on this motion for denial of payment, and instruct the City Attorney to take the necessary action. Mayor I{irkham said that he would have to refuse to vote lor denial oi payment. He said that this Council hired a tirm to malce a study, and this they did, whether the results were to our liking or not. He said that the contract was rather simple, the City agreed to pay a firm a certain amount of money ior a study. Councilman Sheridan said i.hat he ielt very strongly that_ when a consultant of any kind is hired, he should be available Lor dis- cussion at a Counca.l Meeting. He said that all the Csty is as];ing is that he appear. Mr. Pikul has not ap�earec7 in the City o� Fridley before this Council, even thouyh he was asked L-o apE�c.ar when he presented his repor�. Fie said that he felt that ur:til such time as they agree to appear at a Council Meeting tha� he woulcl like to see a refusal of payment. The City Attorney said tliaL- he did not reel thac Councilman Sheridan's comments were out of line, and that thLS Council. is not being unreasonable in aska.ng him to appear. Councilman IIarris saic tllat he had much the same feeling on this as Councllmzn Sheradan, however, the motion beL-ore the Council is to reiuse pzyment, and maybe this should be changed so that payment would be made if he appears. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that as a result oP L-he inoL-ion, he received the telephone call Erom Mr. Piku1. MOTION by Councilman Harris to amend the motion on the table L-o "' include the stipulation that payment wi11 b e made if b7r. Pi7cu1 appears before the Council. Seconded by Councilman Samue].son. Councilman Harris said Lhai:. in this way, iL- he does not appear, he would forfeit his right to payment. Councilman sheridan saxd that he felt that this amendment is the reverse of the intent o1 the original motion. Mayor T:irkham said he did noL- thin7; �o, only �� r ti, , RLGUf_���I: COULQCIL NI�ET.ING OP OCTOL'ER 7, 19GB PAGE 5 that lhe L'ouncil will no� pay untiZ he appears. Councilman IiaYris as7tecl i� P� , Pi7cul were to apgear before L-he Couneil, would be ]>e 1u1Ei].ling the contract. The City Attorney said yes, unless the Council would want L-o contend that as the report was late, it did not serve tl�e purpose intended, but he did not ieel that this would Ue a cL-rong pasition. Mayor Kir7lzam said that the aryue- ment was whel=her he detaulted on his concract, but it 5urely was not an �ron-clad contract. Councilman Sheridan said that the Council has never received any correspondence as to whether they oaould ur would not meet the estimated date of completion of the study, nor did they ever as]: to extend the deadline. UYON TIIE MOTION TO 11MLNL1 TIIE MOTION OF SEPTEMDER 3, 1968, there beixig a voice voLe, zcir]cham, IIarris, Sheridan, Samuelson voting aye, Lteb1 vot�ny nay, M�yor I:ar]diam declared the motion carried. ,,. � TIiE VO'PL^' UPON TIiE MOTIODI OP S�PTEMBER 3, 1968, that this Council reiuse to Fay thc bi11 Lrom Horwath and IIOnvath as presented, and L-hat PIr. Pikul be intormed that it is the opinion of this'Council ihat lie as in default on his contract w1L-h the City oE Fridley, but L-Yxat payment wi.Ll be made ii Mr. Pikul app�ars be£ore the Council J.ar discussion, was a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECOMNlls'NDATION OF POLIC� CIIIEF AND CITY ENGIN�ER REGARDING NO E'ARi:ING SIGNS ON 52ND AV�NUE: Councilman Sheridan said that it was his personal view that k�ecause oi the narrowness oi the street, L-hat he mus� concur with the recommendations oi the Police Cha.eP and the City Engineer. Mayor I.irkham said that he a3reed, although he realized that zt would be a hardshzp on the residents. Councilman Liebl said thd.t this woutd not solve the residents problems and as]ted what could be done. The City Engineer said that there was some open lahd avail- aUle on the west side of the apartment building. He said that he thougYit that the apartmeiit house had been sold, but that the land had been retained. Councilman Samuelson asked if this apart- ment house is in compliance with the ordinances. The City En- gineer said that it was. Councilman Harris said that he went down and loolted at the parking area behind the buildings, and although iE looYs on paper lilce they are living up to the ordinance, there are actually other tliings in the parkiny lot which are being stored there, and ui:ilizing thc parking area. Councilman statc that a�.so be llz Sheridan commenied in additzon to the open spaces leit. that maybe our ordinances should one garage per unit, there should '1'he City Manager suggested that the � � :_.�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OL OCTOBER 7, 196£; PAGL 6 Council could deny issuance of permit ii the garage is to be ren�ed in addition to the rent for the apartment and the garage uses space needed to comply with ordinance par]cing space requirements. MOTION l�y Councilman Harris to direct �he Administration to yo over to the apartment house and make a count of available parlcing spaces, and if there are not enough, that more land should be made available. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlcham decl.ared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the City Engineer - Chie£ of Police memorandum dated October 1, 1968. 5econded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Icir]cham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 154-1968 - RESOLUTSON IN SUPPORT OF THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION DESIGL3ATING TIiE WEEX OF OCTOBER 6, 1968, AS EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED WEEK: l�ir. �harles Hall, 5818 Hac]cmann Avenue, oi the Fridley ,Taycees was present on behalf of the Fridley Jaycees and ihe State Jaycees. He said that'he was aalled upon by Mr. Duril�ar, tlie President oP the Minnesota Jaycees to assist with this proclamation. In so doing, the Fridley Chapter of the Saycees will be sending a letter to all the local,business places telliny them of the advantaqes of hiring the handicapped. He then read aloud the Proclamation signed by MayorzKirkham. Mayor Kirkham said that he was happy to be of service in such a worthy cause. MOTTON by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution {�154-196�3. secondec3 by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDSNG STANDARDS - DESIGN CON'i'ROL SUBCOMMiTTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1968: 1. CONSTDERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING FOR ELECTRO-COTE COMPANY, LQCATED AT 5220 MAIN STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (REQU�uT BY CARLSON-LaVINE INC. 2831 ALDRICH AVENUE SOUTFI MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA)` The City Engineer gave a run-down of the stipulations recomm�nded by the Building 5tandards - Design Control Subocmmittee. IIe said that it has been Council policy to up-grade the structures when � `� �, .� � P.ECUi�1'xIt CUUNCIL MEE'1'ING OP OCTOSER 7, 19G8 PAGE 7 addition� were made, this would mean that blacktopped parking ' spaces and curbing should be provided -and I:he �ront landscaped w.�th sod raL-her than crushed rock. MO'PION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recoznmendations of the IIui7_ding �tandards - Design Control Subcommittee. Seconded hy Councilman Samuelson ior discussion. Councilman Samuelson asked haw much blacictopping would be involved. Th� City Engineer said thaL- there would be a considerable amount as the b].acktop is in bad sk�ape. Councilman Sheridan asked if the applicant had been advised ot this. The City �ngineer said that L-he Council sets these standards. Mr. Erick LaVine, representing Electro-Cote, said that the plans as suUmitted showed blacktopping in front and grading and crushed rock on tYie sides. He said that they would need a totai of 50 parking spaces at the most and blac]�topping this whole area would be an extra burden on the company at this time. He asked that the City Engineer show tlze plans with the white cruched rock rather than the grey rock, which the City Engineer did. Mr. LaVine said that he j felt that this makes a respectable looking building and would be � an improvement to it. He said that they made their last addition to the buildzng about 3 years ago and at that time they were in- iormed that they could have crushed rock in front of the building. Councilman samuelson said that he could appreciate his position, however, the Council must maintain a degree of consistancy. The City Engineer suggested that Electro-Cote could be given a year L-or campliance, to give them time to make tunds avai2able. Council- ❑ian Samuelson suggested posting a bond so the City would have the assurance th�t this would be done. Councilman Haxris asked about how much the blacktopping and curbing would cost them, The City Lngineer estimated about $3,000, Mr. LaVine said that he Eelt that it wo uld be unreasonable to b1acY.top an axea for about 109 cars when they have le5s than 50 employees. He asked that the Council consider the plot plan as submitted. Councilman Liebl said that he thought the City Engineer's suygestion as a compro�ise was a good one. Councilman Harris aslced if the company has sufficient parking spaces available now. Mr. LaVine said no. Councilman Liebl asked if they planned to add any addiL-ions in the future. Mr. LaVine said yes, as there is more land available. Councilman Liebl said that he did not want to see _ any business lost, and because of future expansion plans, perhaps in this case, the policy oi the Council should be waived. Mayor � �, a REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OI' OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAGE II Kirkham said that he was in favor of sticking to the requirements as is done with othex businesses, and that he would agree with their posting a bond. Councilman Sheridan said that with the parking in front, and area for parking in back of the building for a total of 50 cars which could be located where it would not interfere with future plans, he did not £eel the Council �hould require parking spaces £or 109 cars, since 50 is all they need at this time. He said that he did not want to discourage growth. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION was a voice vote, Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan, Liebl voting aye, Samuelson voting nay, Mayor Fcirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Sheridan asked a.f there could be parking on the sides, as there would be no expansion in that direction. The City En- gineer said that there was only 32' on the side, which was not sufficient for parking. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan, to ask Electro-Cote to provide additional parking spaces to make a total of 50 blacktopped parking spaces available to be placed to their best advantaye, taking into consideration their future expansion plans. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT 2ND PIiASE TO FILISTER A,�PARTMEN'PS. LOCATED AT 58TH AND EAST RIVER ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. {REQLTEST BY MR. FILISTER, NLZNNEAPOLIS, MINN.): The City Engineer said that the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee had recommended approval oL the plot plans su]a�ect to some atipulations which he outlined. Mr. Filister said that he had just received these plans at about 5:00 this eveniny himselt. He said that his request is for 3 more.buildings, 2 qarages, and a recreation center. He said that his buildings are slightly different than those already built. They are oP a different ele- vation, but the decqr is basically the same. He said that his recreation center is a 17,000 square foot building, which a.s wood on three sides and brick on one side. Fie said that there would be a pax�ty room, game room, swimming pool, exercise room, sauna baths for both men and women, 3 guest apartmenL-s, and one resident mana- ger's apartment. He said that possibly in the iuture he miyht possibly in the future he might want to add a barber shop, beauty shop, a small grocery store etc. Councilman Liebl asked i£ the traffic pattern is all right now. Mr. Filister said that the people have to wallc a long way to the garages, but that cannot be helped. Councilman Sheridan as7ced it 1 � �� REGULIIR CO[INCIL MEETING OP OCTOSER 7, 1968 there was enough open area parking in addition 1':ilis ter said that tYzere will be more parY.ing will be used. The City �ngineer said that his tlle parking requiremenis. PAGE 9 to the garages. Mr. area available than staff would check Therc, follcnaed a discussion at the Council Table while looking at the plot plans. Mr. Filister said that they were working on the landscaping plan now. MOTTON by Councilman Harris to approve the request, subject to the stzpulatiuns o� the Building Standards - Design Control and revzew o� �he revised plot plan hy the Buildiny Inspactor, and submittin�� tYie landscaping plan. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor I;irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RL�',CETVIiQG TI3L MINUTEu OL TE3F. BOARD OI' APPF.AIrS MEETING�OF SEPTEMBER l8, 19G8- 1. A RE�2U��T FOR A VARIP.NCE OF SECTION 45.26 OP FRONT YARD S�TBACK RE4UIRENI�N`P FROM 35 FEET 7`O 27 FEET TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING Z8 FE�T 10 INCHES IN DEPTH AND NOT ENCROACIi ON THE SEWER EASEMENT ON LOT 11, BLOCK 3, MI�RIIIN IiILLu ADDS'PION, THE SAME BEING 5171 LINCOLN STREET 172F3 The City Enqineer said that the Baard of Appeal5 had denied this reques-L Lor waiver ior construction of a house because of an uriusual sewer easement. 13e said that this is a corner lot and the 20' sewer easement cuts through. Councilman Sheridan commented that this lot came before the Council once bePore. Councilman Harris aslced .i.i L-here was anythzng on this Zot now. The City Engineer said l:hat�it was aacant. There followed a discussion at the Council table while loo7:ing at the hali section map. The result oL the di�cussion was that possibly an ali.ernate plan could be devised, such as moving the garage back furthery or making a tuck- unde� garage. It was suygested by Councilman Liebl that this 1ot �hou.ld be used either by trying to put a house on it, or the City using it, and he suggested that the City Engineer should talk to the applicant about alternate plans, which could be accommodated on thi� lot. 2. 11 R�:�JU�3T FpR AN ADDITION TO EXISTTNG NON-CONFORMING SPECIAL USE PEF2MIT STRUCTUI2E, (OFFICE BUILDING IN AN R-3 ZONING) ALSO SID� YARD VARIANCE, OF SECTION 45.23 FROM 10 FEET 0 INCHEu Tp 6 FEET 0 INCHES AND RE71R Y]1RD VARIANCE SECTION J, ,.. a REGULAi2 COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 19G8 P(1G� 10 45.25 FROM 30 FEET 0 INCHES TO APPROXIMIITELY 15 F�ET 0 iNCHES, ON NORTH 95 FEET OF LOTS 14 AL3D 15 BROOI:VIEA ADDN. TO FRIDLEY SOUTHEAST CORNER OP 68TH AVENU'E N.E AND IIIGII- WAY #65 N.E., SAME BEING 6875 HIGHWAY #65 N.E., L'RIDL�Y, MINNE50TA (REQUEST BY CAROLYN A. MINDER, 55U RICE CREEK BOULEVARD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The Ca.ty Engineer showed the Council the plans and explained the stipulations impDSed by the Board of Appeals. He said ttiat all the objections from the people in the area have been overcome. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur wrth the recommendation oP the Board of Appeals. Seconded by Council.man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a7,1 voting aye, Mayor Kixkham declared the moL-ion carried unanimously. It was pointed out that they will come bacl. with par]ciny lot plans later. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the Minutes ot the Board of Appeals Meeting oi September 18, 196II. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlch�m declared the motion carried unanimously. RECETVING THE MINUTES OF TI3E BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF OCTO)3EF2 2, 1968: NOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur and receive the Minutes oi- the Board of Appeals Meeting of October 2, 1968. seconded by Councilman Liabl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Fiirl;ham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECE�VING THE MINiTPES OI' 'PHE PARKS ANA RECR�ATION COMMISSION N1�LTING OF SEPTEMBER'23, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes o" the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting o£ SeptemUer 23, 1968, and concur with their recommendation of naming "Siverts Lane", seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING CHI�S EKCAVATION: The City Attorney said that he requested that this be put on the Agenda because, as the Council will recall Mr. Chies permit and bond was extended through September. He said that he would la.]:e to get fhe Couricil approval on resolvinl this as he has been yeLL-ing �J� R�GUZIIR COUNCIL P+lEETING Oi' OC'POBER 7, 1968 PAGE 11 calls L-rom people interested in what was going ta be done about this. H� said that he talked to Mr. Ed Chies, who told him that Mr. Carlson has had a request for a large amount of fill from Target, and possibly he could take some from the Chies pit to lower it to qrade. He said that he would check with his brother and let him know tomorrow. The City Attorney said that originally he liad raquested that this be put on the Agenda to obtain authori- zation Lrom the Council to start action against the bonding company. Councilman Liebl asked it the $9,000 bond was sufficient. The City Attarney said that he could not say whether that would cover all the work involved. f�7r. Theilmann, I.540 Rice Cree7c Road, said that L-hey are still haulzng steady in this area. Councilm�n H�rris said that it seems that we continue tro go around and around and that every time he submits a request, it is granted and he promises to take care of it, but he has not satis- fied tliis Council and the people in the area, and that he couZd see no rezson to £urther this program. MOTION by Counca.lman Harris to instruct the City Attorney to start action against the bonding company to get this property up to grade, and to post or barricade to prevent further hauling. Seconded by Couneilman Liebl. The City Manager suggested �etting a court in�unction, The City Attorney said posSi.bly this could be done but that he would prefer sending L-he Police Department up there advising them that their permit has expired. IE l-.hey continue to haul without acknowledging this order, L-hen a court i_n,7unction could be obtained. �ihe CiL-y Engineer said that on September 6, 1968 he sent a memorandum to the City Attorney advising him that Mr. Chies was noL- close to completin� any £inal grades. He said that something shou].d be done as it is a hazard and could be dangerous to children. Councilman Harris as7ced ii zt was not below grade naw. Mr. 'Pheilmann asked what would happen i£ the $9,000 is not enough to cover the work. The City Attorney said that work would be done to the extent of $9,000 and that any excess would not be assessable. Councilman Samuelson said that some discretion would have to be used in leveliny oif this area so that in five years or so if there were homes built there, there would not be problems due to impropar compacL-ion. � I i •_J y REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1968 PAC3E 12 The City Attorney said thaL- Mr. Chies is not the fee own�r, that a Mr. Paulson is, and tlzat he had tallced to h un and Mr. Paulson had indicated to him that ii Mr. Chies does not comply, that he would cancel his contract. Mayor Kizkham asked when the $9,000 bond was set. The City En- gineer said that this has been the policy for some t une. The $9,000 would make the property look decenL- and it would not be an eye-sore. This permit was issued on September 20, 1965. Council- man Lieb1 said that Mr. Chies has had plenty oi time to yet this area cleaned up. Mrs. Theilmann said that she would like to make the Council aware ot another situation which they may not be aware of. She saad that there were very deep holes dug by Parl: Construction on the Cochran property. She said that this was leveled off once, and Mr. Carlson told them that they were done and there would be no more gravel hau].ed from there. The City Attorney told Mrs. Thei1- mann that the Cochran pit a,s under a yrandfather clause, and L-he legal problems there are quite diiferent. �Phe Council and Admin- istration indieated that they c3id not ]cno,� that there was more digging going on up there. Councilman Sheridan asked i� up to this time, Park Construction has been adheriny to their plan. The City Engineer said that i:hey have a permit and bond and have not been in violation that he knew of. Mayor I:ir7:ham advised Mrs. Theilmann that the C1.ty Engineer would chec7c into tliis. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION to instruct the City Attorney to start action against the bonding company to 9et this property up to grade, and to post or barricade to prevenl: iurther hauling, was a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kir]:Y1am declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING CdUNTY PARTICIPATION IN TRANSPORTION OP CRIMINAL OFFENDERS: Counc�.lman Harris said that he had consulced with the Police Department on the transporting oP criminal oifenders to and from the Anoka County jail to ouz County Court. At present i-his ls done by the Fridley Police pepartment, however, since this is naa a County Court system, the responsibilrty should be the County's. This would free our policemen and cars far wor]t within the City. He said that he could see no reason why the City should contznue this service, since the court is handled uy the County. Council- man Harris suggested drawing up a resolutlon to this eifect, as the County would prefer to act on a resolution. Mayor Fcir]cham suggested also asking for the recommendations oL- the Police � �al 1 � t� Ad R�GUI�AR COUNCZL M��TING OF OCTOBER 7, 1963 PAGE 13 pepartment before drawing up a resolution. Councilman Sheridan said that this would also l�e true for Blaine, Coluxnbia Heights, and SprinJ La]ce Park. He suygested_that this could be made efFective as of ihe lst o.0 January, 1969. Councilman Harris acJreed, a� this would allow x"or inclusion ini:o their budget. � The Chiet of Police said that transportation of prisioners is already the respons�ility of the Sherrit-'s Office of Anoka County by state Statutes. He suggested the use of a panel wagon which could also serve Blain, Columbia lieights, and Spring Lake Par]c. FIe said as long as the municipalities continue this service the County will not be Eorced ta undertake their share o£ the res- ponsibility. Iie said as long as the CiL-y continues to do this, a car and two men are not in servzce. He explained that this brings about a duplication of work, as an example, this morning the City went up to I�no3ca County to geL a prisioner for Court here, and at the same time, �.noka County sent down a car with a prisioner for the I'ridley Court, so there were actually,two cars doing what could have been done by the one county wagon. MoTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Chief of Police in his recommendation and direct that a resolution be drawn up relerring to the State Statute designating the responsihility of the SherriE's Office of Anoka County in transportation of prisioners, to be presented at the next regular meeting. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham debl.ared the mo�ion carried unanimously. CONSIDLI�TION OF MAINTENANCE STATUS OF 2i STREET BETWEEN 57TH PLZ�CE AND 57 z AVENUE- The City �n�ineer said i:hat this street has ne�er been maintained and as in very bad shape. There is only '-z dedicated right o� way and Yie Pe]t that it should be closed and barricaded, but not vaca- ted because oL- drainage problems in this area. Iie said that it was not needed now since both Third Street and Main Street provide consiection. Councilman L.ieb1 said that he appreciates the City Engineers' and the 1lcting Director ot Public Works' etior�s, and that he agrees that tha traffic should be stopped. MoTION by Councilman Sheridan to concur with the recommendation o£ the Adtlinistrai:ton to barricade 2Z S�reet to close it to automobile _ tratPic. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. t EJ �,� REGULFIR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 19Go PAGL 1�1 CONSIDERATION OP STREET LIGHT REQUESTS: The City Engineer suggested that the one light leit over be used on Riverview Terrace and 71st Way as it- is a 90 deyree corncr and badly needs a].ight. The other request for 66th Way wi11 have to wait anc3 be con:sidered wii�h the rest of L-he requests for 7 969. MoTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with L-he reconmiendaL-ion oE the City Engineer and place the street ligh� on the corner oi Riverview Terrace and 71st V7ay. Seconded by Councilman H�rris. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor I1ir]cham declareQ the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE: The City Engineer 5aid that it was apparenL- irom the problems on 52nd Avenue that a complete revision oi the City's zoniny orcliriances is badly needed. He said that he felt L-hac this ordinance is sorae- thing the City needs as it is in the era of greatest industrial grawth. He said that the Council has heen supplied with copies of, the proposed zoning ordinance. The ordinance was comp�.led Prom the present code, Planning Commission recommendations, and portions of other progressive communa.ties' codes such as Ldina and Bloomington. He said that in compilinJ the ordinance, he, and his staff have tried to keep each zoning ca�agory separaL-e, Lhis way when a person asl:s about a speciiic zoning district, he can be given only what is pertinent. He sa�d that there is �also sketches ,included so it would be easily understood. Ii�= said L-haL it is also being supplzed to the Planning Commission ior L-lie�r recommendations and has taken a lot oi cime and energy. Fiope- iully, the Council may be a7�le to publish _t around L-he l.s� oi L-he year. Mayor Kirkham said that che City �ngineer liad done a �ood �o}� ancl gave the Council more �han chey asked for. The Cii;y Enc�ineer saicl Thank Yuu. He explained that this ordinance sliouLd include al]_ the requirements so that the Council wili not have to �jo over all the plans at the Council Meeting as they do now. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the proposecl zoriing ordinance compiled by the City Engineer and his s��1=f, and request L-hat the Council be given two months to st,udy it. Councilman LieY�l said thai; he hoped tha� it would be ready arouncl the first oP the year so that when people come �n witYi quesl-.ions, the category in question could be pulled and answers could be given easily and quickly. He asked if the Ci�y Attorney had revicwed thzs proposed ordinance. Tlze City Attorney replied that he hacl Nup- plied the Plannin� Commissicn with some material, but he hhc! noL $� � REGUL[-1R COTINCTL MEETING OP OCTOB�R 7, 196f3 PAGE IS read the proposed ordinance, but would do so in the near iuture. TH� MoTION was seconded by Councilman Sh�ridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICir]diam declared the;,unotion carried unanimously. It was decided that they did not want to hurry the planning Com- m�.ssion on their study of this proposed ordinance, but to ask ihem iE they coulcl be ready with their recommendati,ons by the lst oi the yaar. cr�zrLS : MO'CIUN by Counczlman IIarris to approve payment ot General Claims ;f1Fi042 throuqh fr162B� and Liquor Claims iJ2586 through #�2637. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkliam declared the motion carried unanimously. �STIMA'1E5; MOTTON by Councilman Iiarris tu pay fihe iollawing estimates: Arcon Construction Company MoraJ Minnesota Partial Estimate #;4 for work compleL-ed this clate accorda_ng to cnnL-ract: SL-reet Improvement Yro7ect St. 1968-2A Partial F.stimate �-4 L-or work completed this date according to contract: S'creeL- Improvemant ProjecL- St. 1968-1A Dun]cley ,urfacing Company 3756 Grand Street Miru�eapoli „ Minnesoia FIN[�L �stimate ��6 Por construction work on: Street lmprovement Pro�ect St. 19G7-1 rIN[�1L Estimate ;`�5 For construction work an: Street Improvement Project St. 19G7-2 (MSAS) $24,086,97 $ 780.30 $14,571.70 $ 7,776.66 i _'r i I _ _i The moL-ion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. IIpon a vaice vote, - a11 vottng aye, Mayor I,irJcham declared the motion carried unanimously. , i � I I � � ...s REGULAF COUNC2L MCETING OF OCTOBER 7, 19G8 PAGL ] 6 CounciJ.man Liebl as]ced about the cost oS_ seal coatinc� ror Jupiter I Drive, P.ainbow Drive and ComeL- Lane. Thc Ci.i;y Fnginecr saicl that on new streets seal coaL-ing is considered parL- of the cost of- the project. On old streets the cost cornes irom General Funds. RECESS: Mayor I:irkham declared a 15 rninute recess at 10:20 P.M. LICENS�S- MOTIOL�I by Councilman Samuelson to approve oi the followiny licenses: October 7, 1968 HLACKTOPPING Fred ,T. Keller Asphalt Paving 450 tlatch Avenue St, Paul, MinnesoCa By; Fred J. Keller GENERAL CONTRACTOR Camp Construction Corp. 6280 University Ave, N. E. Fridley, Minnesota By; William Camp MASONRY Bendiske Masonry 825 Lincoln St. , Anoka, Minnesota By: Art Bendiske Olson Concrete Co. 4004 4th Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Stanley �lson Sibell Brothers 1405 Parkview Lane W. Columbia ileights, Minnesota By; Donald Sibal GAR3A �E J & FI P3ckup Service i 76j'L Lake Drive I Circle Pines� Minnesota SOLICITOR Cordon aleu Co. 3612 �3ryant South Minnelgolis� ntinnesoba BY leo B. Bruder i1E4J BY NE:a Joe Anderson NEW NEW APPROVED SY BLDG. INSP. BLDG. INSP. RENEWAL BLDG,INSP. RENEWAL BLDG. INSP, NEW BLDG. INSP. APPRO"VED BY Health Inspector Police Chief APPROVED BY �A ' I � ", 13�� RLGULt11: C�UNCIL MLliT1NG OI' OC^lOBER 7, 1968 NNLTIF'l�li DL77�LLING LZCSNSLS: William L. Zaier Jr. 6723 Dverton Dr. Fridley, Mi�ncsota Harold Schmidt 5901 - 2z St. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Ralph J. White 4840 Washington St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Glenn Mostoller 2895 James Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota William �. Zaier Jr. 6723 Overton Or. Fridley, Minnesota Maurlce M. Filister 1312 - 21st st. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Paul Sanden 2521 No. Ferry St. Anoka, Minnesota Kenneth F. Peterson S Hu6ert M. Nelson 2441 Lyndalc Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota Edstrom Realty 64 East 2nd St. Winona, Minnesota Edstrom Realty Co. 64 East 2nd St. Winona, Ptinnesota Carl A. Swenson, Brooklyn Land Co. Route I, Box 59 Osseo, Minnesota 5761 - 2nd St. N. E. 5901 - 2'-z st. N. E. 5644 - 4ch st. N. E. 5420 - 5th St. N. E 6550 Central Ave. N. E. $940 East River Road 6417 hl i ghway #65 6011 Main St. N. E. _. , � . , � �., � III PAGE 17 , i i � UNITS FEE I 3 lo.00 � - 4 to.00 � ] 10.00 ' 4 S.OD (reimbursement for �I overpayment 1y67-68) , 4 10.00 I 42 L•' 4 ` 155-175 Satellite Lane 33 195 Satellite Lane N. E. 20 _ 201 Satellite Lane 1_l- 0 42.00 10.00 � i� 10.00 � I 33.00 20.00 11.00 , i� �� � � I . � , M� . M1 Y �, FEGULAI2 COUNCIL MEETING OP OCTOBER 7, 196G PAGE lu THE MoTION to approve the licenses was seconded by Councilman Harris, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlcham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION POR COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Councilman Harris suggested that Edward Pitzpatrick, Irom the 3rd ward, now serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission be ele- vated to Chairman, thereby making him a member oi the Planning Commission. He said that Mr. Pitzpatricic would be willin�l to serve as Chairman of Parks and 12ecreation Commi�sion. Councilman Lieb1 said thai. he had not conL-acted anyone, but that the Council must make sure Lhat the man appointed is competent as it takes a lot o£ time to serve on Planning Commission, and the rnan appointed would have to have a good background. Iie as]ced how the appointments are handled. Councilman Sheridan said that the Council appoints the G`hairmen of the Subcommittees as they com- prise the Planning Commission and the Chairman oi the Planning Commission is also appointed by tY�e Council. I3e pointed out tliat the expiration term is in December and as]ced if Mr. Fitzpatric]c knew this. Councilman Harris said that he would continue tr.yiny to call him this evening to �lain this to him and ascertain ii he was still willing to serve as Chairman. Councilman Harris said that there is some emergency in the appointments tor L-he Planniny Commission as th�re are only three menbers now and Mr. Myhra is going into the hospital, which would not leave a quarum. It was decided to move on to the next appoini:ment as Mr, ritzpatricic could not be reached on the telephone. PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS - STREET> I�ID UTILITIES SUF3COMMITTEE MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoinc Donald Batterson, 6490 �ast River Road to the vacancy on the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee vacated by Harold Albrecht. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE Mayor Kirkham said that John ivers, Chairman of the Committee, had asked i£ a member of the Police DepartmenL- would be willing L-o serve. He said that he had asked John Oden i£ he would be will�ng to serve, and he indicated that he would. ��� R�GULI�R COUNC:SL MEETING OI' OCTOBER 7, 19G8 pAGE 19 MoTIOId by Councilman Samuelson to appoint John oden, 5899 - Hac7cmann Avenue N.L. to the Human Relations Committee, posicion vacated by the resignation oL- Mr. Wa.11iam Milbrath. Seconded by Counczlman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICirkham cleclared the motion carried unanimously. PRIDLL'Y I30Uf'iTNG AND R�vEVELOPMENT AU"1'IiOR2TY Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to submit the name of Pasi�or r"lrnold Ston�, Redeemer Lutheran Church, if this received the concurrence oE Mayor Kirkham. Mayor Kirkham said that he was agreeable with this. He �ointed out that the terms are staggered and each term is for 5 years. MoTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Pastor Arnold Stone, 6950 Hickory Drive N.E. to the seat on the Eridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority vacated by the resignation of Mr. Donald J. Mu-ri. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dectared the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMIua^IQN_ IBOFiRD OF APPEALS) Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to submit a name, t+ir. �ar1 Biermann who is an Engineer for P.M.C. Counczlmaz�IIarris said that he 7cnew that Mr. Biermann is we11 qualiCied �=or this appointment, but he wondered ii someone on the Board oF [�ppeals should not be moved up, rather than appoint a new man over i.he old members. In line with this thinking he said that he wou.ld like to submit the name of Donald Mittelstadt for Chairman ot the Board ot I�ppeals, thereby making him a member of the Pl.anning Commission. He said that llonald Mittelstadt has indicated tl�at he would be wi_lling to serve. Councilman Liebl said that he had no doubt that Donald Mittelstadt would be we11 quali- Fied to serve, Councilrnan Samuelson then vaithdrew the name of Earl Biermann. MOTION by Councilman Harris to appoint Donald Mittelstadt to Chairman oi the Board oE Appeals to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Robert �. Ylinen's resignation. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Kirl.ham instructed the City Manager to place the other vacancy on the Board oF Appeals on the Agenda for the next meeting. ` �� �� � J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Or OCTOSER 7, 196a PAGE 20 MOTION by Councilman Harra.s that in line with the concept of ap- pointing the senior members oi the committees to Chairmansltip, he would like to suggest Oliver R. Erickson Por Chairman of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlsham declared the motion carried unanimously. PARICS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Later in the Meeting, Councilman Harris was able to contact rTr. Edward Fitzpatrick to see iL- he would be 4rz11inq to serve although his term would expire December 31, 1968. He said that Mr. Pitz- patrick was,still willing to serve under this condition, MOTIOLT by Councilman Liebl to appoint Mr, Edward Fitzpatricic as Chairman of the Parks and P.ecreation Commission in the vacancy created by Mr. Robert Hughes' resignation. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor T;irkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson said that he would 1l}ce �o submit �he name of Mr. Gary Stimmler, 7841 Alden SVay to L-he vacancy on the parlcs and Recreation Commission. He said that tie was an active rnember of the community and interested in the parlcs system. Councilman Harris said that this was a good suggestion and felt that he was qualified. Mayor Kirkham agreed, and commented that the commLm ity wor]c �hat he ha5 done has been in line wiL-h the work dane l�y the parlcs and Recreation Commission. Councilman Lieb]. asked the City Manager where, in his opinion, were parks most needed. The City Manager replied that he would suppose that in the area across Central Avenue, in the 3rd ward, and in the area around Meadowmoor. Councilman Harris saicl that in no area has the growth of the par]c system kept pace with the grawth of the community completely. Councilman T,iebl said that it d�id not do much good for the Parks and F.ecreation Comrnission to lay out a park proposal and then have the budget slashed. IIe szid that he felt that the parks system should have a high prioriL-y. MO'PION by Councilman Harris to appoint Gary Stimmler to L-ize vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission createcl by Mr. �dward Pitzpatrick moving up to Chairman. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor I:ir]dlam declared the motion carried unanimously. L� �p REGUL�AI2 COUNCIL M�ETING OF OCTOBEIt 7, 1968 PAGE 21 CONSID�RA`i'TON OP RGSOI,UTION NAMING 64 Z Tr+TAY NORTHEAST: The City Lngineer said thaL- his department was working on a total revievr of stzeet names. IIe said that th�re are some instances where a street is called a street and should be avenue, and there are :some streets that sound alike, such as'Tennison Drive and KennasL-on Dr�ve, which can be vesy confusing in an emergency. Fie said tYiat he would li]ce to request that this street name be laid over until the entire proposal is ready. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table this item until such i:ime as the Enyineeriny DeparLment is xeady with their total streot naming program. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all vol:iny aye, Mayor I:ir]-,ham declared the motion carried unanimously. 12LSOLUTIOIQ fF155-196II - 7� RFSOLUTION TO 11DV�RTISE P'OR BIDS FOR ONE NL'iV 2 7, 500 POUND (,'VW DUMP TRTJCIC: MOT'1'ON 7-�y Councilman Liel�l to adopt Resolution �$155-1968. Seconded by Councilman 5amuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor I;ir]:haiti declared the motion carried unan�mously. RESOI,UTION dl156-1968 - A R�SOLUTION TO ADVERTTSE FOR BIDS FOR LI UID CIILOP.INli, EIYDROFLUOSILICIC (25% P�CID) , AND AMMONIUM S ULPFi�T S : MO`I`IUD7 by Cuuncilman Harris L-o adopt Resolution �li�156-1968. Se- conded hy Counc�lman Samuclson. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayc, Mayor I.ir7�lzam declared L-he motion carried unanimously. R�SOLUTION ii�-��-Y96S - A RESOLU'PION DESIGNATING ELECTION tTiJDGES FOR `PI3li GLN�RAL ELECi'ION TO BE HE7�U ON NOVENi6�R 5, 1968; MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution �$157-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICirkliam declared the motion carried unanirnously. P.ESOLU'PION �rlSS-1968 , 1-1 P,liSOLUTION MFIKING A TRFiNSFER FROM TAE PUBLIC UTILITY FiJND TO IMPROV�MENT BONDa^ OI' 1960 FUND, IMI�ROVE- MGNT BQNDS OP 1963 I'UND, W-75 F7ATERWORKf'i IMPROVEMIIQT BOND FUND AND RFPUNDING I30DfIJ PUND: P•10TIOPT b�> Councilman IIarri� to adopt Rcsolution �#158-1968. Se- concled by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, B4ayor I:;rJcham declared the moL-ion carrzed unanzmously. P.EGUI�1ft COUNCIL MEETING OP OCTOBER 7, 196� PAGli 22 RESOLUTION #159-1968 - A R�SOLUTION Tl'.i1N'3PERRING E'UNDS PP�OM 7'IIF CITY GENERAL FUND TO THE 1967-10 STREET LUND: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson t Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the o adopt l,esolutlon {�159-196£30 Upon a voice vote, all voting motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl as]ced why the transfer oL- money. 7�he City �ngineer said that the sealcoating money comes irom State Aid P.evolving Funds, then it is transFerred L-rom State nid to �he sealcoat�ing fund. RESOLUTION #160-1968 ^ A RESOLUTION DIR�CTING `!'HE ISSIIFINC� OL�' TEMPORARY IMPROVEMEN`P BONDS IN ACCORDAD7C� FTI'PH LAWS OF 19S /, CHAPTER 3$5: (Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvemenc Project #k88) MOTION by Cauncilman Samuelson Seconded by Councilman Liebl. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the to adopt Resolution +�160-1J68. Upon a voice vote, all voLing motion carried unanimously. P.ESOLUTION #k161-1968 - A RESOLUTION DIP.EC'PING THE SALE AND PUR- CHASE OF TEMPORAF2Y IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITFI LAV75 OL' 1957, CIiAPTER 385: (SS &3 W Improvement Project ,$SS) MOTION by Councilman Samuelson Seconded by Councilman Sheridan aye, Mayor xirkham declared the o adopt P.esolution ��161-1966. IIpon a voice vote, all voL-ing motion carried unaniinously. � RESOLUTION #162-1968 - A R�SOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMEP7T FO1: STR�E'P IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1967: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt P.esolution #F1G2-1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimousl1. Councilman Liebl said that he had gotten calls concerniny the costs on Horizon and Ventura Avenue. He aslced the City Engineer if he had made any other comnuttments concering the price. The City Engineer replied that the Council ma]ces the committmenL-s. Councilman Liebl asked ii it was not correct that with the storm sewer the cost would be over $9,00 per assessable foot and without the storm sewer it would be over $F3.00 per assessable �aot. Thc: City Engineer replied that the Council gave the people the choice oP whether or not they wanted to put in the sL-orm sewer. 'nc� people elected to have the bare minimum of wor3c done. This would involve some catch basins. He said that narmally catch basins are placed about G00' apart, in this case they are over 1200' apart. This is not {:he best solution, but should not give L-he people Loo much i����� RP^.GUGLIR COUNCIL P�E'1'ING OP OCTOB�R 7, 1968 PAGE 23 trouble except in an excessively heavy rainfall. This they under- sL-ood at L-hc time oF the Publac Hearing. Mayor Kirkham commented f_haL- what �.t amounL-ed �o was that the people bought the $8.00 ral_her_ than the $9.00 �ob. RP'.:iOLUTION ��163-1968 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS FOR STRL''L�"t' IM- PROV�P'iLNI' 71Nll d1PPROVING CfL11NGli ORDER N0. 2 FOR �.CHE ADDITION OF SA3D STI:EETS TO STR�ET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1B AND PRO- VIDIDIG POR C�RTAIN DESIGN MODIFICATIONS ^10 STREETS INCLUDED UNDER F,TREL'I' IML'kOV�MI:NT PROJ�CT ST. 1968-2B: Mo7'ION bp Counciiman Harris to adopt Resolution #163-1968. The moL-ion was seconded by Councilman 9heridan. Upon a voice vote, al]_ voLtny ayc, Mayor I:irlcham declared ihe motion carried unan�,mo�xs ly . Councilman Lieb1 asked ii L-here were any changes in regard to L-he cosi. oL- Crown Road and Ventura Avenue. The City Enganeer satd L-hat the costs will bc in the $8.00 -$9.00 range. CONIb'iUIQ IC11'r I ONS : 61. COLIIMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS: STREE7.' IMPROVEMENT MOTIQN lly Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from Co].um}�ia lIeigl�ts School District #13 daL-ed September 27, 1968. Counci].man Sheridan seconded the motion with the addition that L-he 11c�mtnistration be instructed to write to Columbia Heights School District ii-13 advising them thaL- the City does not cnvn the nec;eseary riglit oi way and as the over-all plan £or street improve- meri� in iliis area is noL- completed, that the City does not wish to do Lliis street at L-his �ime. U�>on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I°,irl:ham declar�d tl� motion carried unanimously. P, f�RIDLliY MUNICTP[�L COUI2T: P207'l01� Ly Councilman Samuelson to receive ihe letter trom Judge Sohnson c�ated October 3, L968, and direct the Administration to wra�e i;o Judge Johnson advising him that the Ciiy funds are ex- pended, and L-hat this a.s now the responsibility of the County. He also instruc�ed that ihe Administration write to Anoka County Court system ak��raisinq them oi this request. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. U1�on a voice vote, all voting aye, f�iayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C. COI'Y OP' LETT�R TO CHIEP McCARTHY FROM CHIEF UMAKICHI OHNISHI, SAPPORO LAST POLIC� llLPA12TMENT: P.�GUL�AR COUNCIL MEETTNG OP OC7'OBER 7, 196& 1'l1GE 2�1 MOTION by Councilman La.eb1 to receive �he letter from Chiei Umakiclu Ohnishi, Chier of the Sapporo, East Polace DeparL-menL- dated Septeml�er 14, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor 1:irlcham decle�red the motion carried unanimously. D. �NFORMATION COPY OF COMMUNICATION P120M CI'PY Il'PTOP.NEY �i'0 DEPARTMENT OP MILI'PARY AI'FAIRS: MOTION by Councilman Sherzdan to receive L-he iniormational ropy o£ the letter wr�.tten by the City Attorney dated Septembcr 23, 19G8. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. UY.on a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declase d the motion czrried. �, COMNNNICATI013 FROM CI3I�F OF FOLICE ItEGARDING UN1"t012M CIfANC�: MoTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the conmtunication irom tl.c ChieL- oi Pol�ce dated September 20, 19G3, concur and authorize the change irom green Lo blue. Mayor 1Cirlcham commented thal-. he thouyht �hat this was an er.cellenl- idea. Councilman Samuelson agrced. Chiei McCartliy explalned thaL hopefully the whole MeL-ropolitan area wi11 be in blue tn a 1'ew years, at the local 1eveLs. This would diiferentiate frorn the County and State Police which have diEierenL- colors. Ile Le1L that as more and more communities are si�nin9 mutual aid agree- ments, this would be an advantage to have the uniforms con�lstanL-. THE MOTION was all voi:ing aye, animously. seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice voL-e, Mayor Kirlcham declared the moL-ion carried tm- 57TH AVENUE AND T.H. #k47 FRON'PAGE ROAD D�TIICIIM�NT: The City �ngineer explained that the Council had authorizecl L-he preparata.on of prelirninary plans for the fronL-age road detachmeiit for 57th Avenue and T.H. ;;47. He said thac L-he preliminary plans have now been received sroin the State oL- MinnesoL-a, and lie wi�hed to know ii the Council still Feels that this is a good ptan. IIe said that there may be some people in the area r.hat wilL riot lllce this plan. Councilman Samuelson said yes, he felt L-haL- this �s a<food plan. Councilman Liebl said L-haL- he would lilce l-.o L-alJc to the peo�le in the area and look the site over. Mayor lcir];ham commenL-ed l-hat when the Holiday people came beEore Councll, they were ap1�raisecl oi this possibility ai: thac time. �lhe Clty AL-torney added L-hat � }1 + R1{Gt1i,i1I: CU1JS•ICSL MLt;'i'ING O�� OC`I'OBER 7, 1968 PAGE 25 ll<t u�is ��1 ;o L-old, �.n a7�out 1�u5, L-hat L-here was yoing to be a loo��-]»�I� ir� ihiU area px:o7�ably. Mo�PI�iS ]�y C�uncilman Samuelson to receive the communicatzon irom chc ;,L-aLc oL I�linnesota, Deparl-ment oE 1Iighways, S.E, McCarthy, 7>>_sLr�r�L Lesign ]'sngineer da�ed October L, 1968. Seconded by Counc �_Tai���ci ti�rrtis. Upon a votce vote, aii votiny aye, Mayor I��xl�i�im clec7_a�ecl l-.he mota.un carried unaniutousl.y. Counctlinzn 7,1e1�1 sa�,d �haL- �l�ere w111 be some ob�ections �rom some or L-hc I>co��J_c �i� this area. The Czty Lngineer said that these pec���l.c wi J I liatic Llze rilht '�o spea7t at l-1ie Pu3ilic Hearing Meeting. DIO'CIOD] 7�r� Councilman Samue] son to concur with the concept of the �r�anLa�7e a-oa�l detachment of 57t1i Avenue and 4'.H. �f47 on the east ;�.dc, a;; �,�_er�entecl by Lhe 3L-al,e Highway Department. Seconded by Cc�tznc�7_mzai Iiarr.LS. Upon a voice vote, a11 votine� aye, Mayor I:itl,hain cicci arecl tiie moL- �on carried unanimously. ��DJUi lY.i ib�CIT' L' : I�iaynr i;z� ]liam cleclared the P.egular Meeting oF October 7, 19E�3 tc7jattrnccl �1L L1:3� P.M. it�s��ecLiiilly ;,ubmil:Led, � �l� , f J� � r <�c.z/ Juel l �ci c e1_ liCC1Ci:Zt�j i-U L'�IE' COLlI7Cl�. �. �+E � � %���-�•. � Jacl; O. Itirkham Ma�> or