01/06/1969 - 5865JUEL MERCER, COUNCIL SEC. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 1969 - 8:00 P.M. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JANUARY 6, 1969 - 8:00 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO THE FOLLO�JING ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mayor Jack 0. Kirkham Councilman at Large David 0. Harris APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Public Hearing Meeting, December 9, 1968 Regular Council Meeting, December 16, 1968 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS• None OLD BUSINESS; 1. First Reading of Proposed Sign Ordinance• Comment: This is recommended by the Planning Commission after spending 8 meetings reviewing it.) 2. Memorandum from Legal Department Regarding Service Facilities for Georgetown Apartments. 3. Receiving Communication from Dorsey, Marquart, et al in Regard to Improvement of 73rd Avenue (Onan Company) and Discussion of Resolutions Requesting Anoka and Ramsey Counties for Improvement. Comment: We have prepared two resolutions, one for Anoka and one for Rams.,f ;;ounty. Council might want to add onto them.) Pages 1 - 16 Pages 17 - 41 Pages 42 - 63 Page 64 Pages 65 - 67 ' REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 6, 19_69 PAGE 2 ' , OLD BUSINESS (Continued) ' 4. Resolution Appointing, Reappointing and Confirming Existing Appointments to Commissions., Boards, Committees and Sub- Committees for the Year 1969. (Tabled December 16, 1968). Pages 68 - 73 ' NEW BUSINESS: ' 5. Resolution Designating Time and Number of Regular Council ' Meetings (Charter 3.01 as amended) Page 74 , _ 4 ~ -. 6. Resolution Designating a Legal Newspaper (Charter 12.01) , and Co�unication from Sun Newspapers. Pages 75 & 76 � 7. Resolution Appointing a Representative to the Board of ' Trustees of the'North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District. Pages 77 & 78 ' S. Resolution Appointing a Director and and Alternate Director , to the Suburban Rate Authority. Page 79 ' 9. Designation of Depository for City Funds (Charter 7.13) Page 80 , I ' 10. Consideration of an Ordinance Regulating ttie Excavating , of Streets, Avenues or Alleys; Requiring a Permit Therefor � and Payment of a Fee; and Prescribing Penalties for Violations of its Provisions � Pages 81 - 88 ' (Comment: This Ordinance has been requested by the Gas Company.) ' �� , REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 6, 1969 PAGE 3 ' , NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 11. Discussion of Planned Development Decision Concerning,Howard ' Dumphy Request Comment; On Agenda at request of Howard Dumphy.) ' ' 12. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of December 18, 1968. ' ' ' 13. Receiving the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Nteeting of December 16, 1968 ' , 14, Presentation of Plans for West Moore Lake and Riverview ' Heights by Parks and Recreation Commission. ' ' 15. Receiving Bids on Public Outdoor Warning Sirens and Installation. ' , ' , 16. Consideration of Releasing Tax Delinquent Lot (Request by Kenneth Strand). ' , � . ' � Pages 89 & 90 Pages 91 & 92 � Page 93 Pages 94 & 95 � ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JANUARY 6, 1969 PAGE 4 ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) ' 17. Approval of Fire Department Payroll. � -. ' 18. Consideration of Resolution Advertising for Bids - ' One New Rear Mounted Truck Crane (Water Dept.) ' ' 19. Consideration of Resolution Advertising for Bids - Three Police Cars. � , ' , 20. Consideration of Resolution in Support �f the New Metropolitan Zoo. � ' 21. Appointments , ' ' 22. Petition No. 35-1968. Street Paving - Longfellow Street ' ' Page 96 Pages 97 & 98 Pages 99 - 104 Page 105 Page 106 Pages 107 - 110 � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN�1 AGENDA JANUARY 6, 1969 PAGE 5 , NEW BUSINESS (Continued) � 23. Claims � ' 24. Licenses � � CONL�ILTNICATIO'�S : ' A. Minnesota Department of Economic Development: Brqchure ' B. Miller Funeral Home: Time Extension for Paving Parking Lot , Comment: This request seems reasonable because of new fill.) ' ' VISITORS• ' ADJO'JR[� : , i � ' � CNOrE: The Material from the Planner for the Hyde Park area is in the Agenda Folder.) Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEN�ER 9, 196� Mayor Kirkham called the Special Public Hearing Meeting of December 9, 1968 to order at 8:04 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• Mayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and join the Counci], in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MF.[�ERS PRESF.L�iT: Liebl , Samuels on, Kirkham, Harris ( arrived at 8:10 P.M.) ME1�3ERS ABSENT : Sher idan ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there is an additional communication to be added from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ohlson, 376 66th Avenue N.E. MpTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor�"Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARiNG• STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJ�CT s�r. 1969-1: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing notice to the audience. The City Engineer explained that most of these streets have been petitioned for, with the exception of 62nd Way and Third Street which was added by the Administration because of the very poor condition of these streets. � { ��}�;.:; Jefferson Street: 67th Avenue to 680 Feet North ' � The City Engineer said that this is a swale street naw. He said that the proposal is to improve th is street to join the section to the north, which has already been improved. Mayor Kirkham � called for a response for or against this improvement frota the audience. There was no response. �. �J ' � Washinqton Street• 67th Avenue to 5U0 Feet North to 68th 81vt3,�,., The City Engineer said that the same situation exists here and that this street has been petitioned zor. This will also join the improved section to the ncs th . Mayor Kirkham called for comments from the audience. S�EC�AL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEN�ER 9, 1968 (COLT�CIi,MAN HARRIS ARRIVED AT 8:10 P.M.) PAGE 2 � Mr. Charles Berget, 6855 Washington Street N.S. asked haw far the improvement would go. Mayor Kirkham explained to him that it will go only to the existing blacktopping and curbing, and that he was included in the mailing list as they would rathe= i,n�lude too many than leave someone out. The City Engineer added that if there were no benefits derived, there would be no assessment. Seventh Street: 68th Avenue to 480 Feet North The City Engineer said that the reason the whole street is nat incl�ded is that the portion north of this area needs atorm �sew�r, and it would be too costly to put down a permanent street, then hav� to tear it up later. He said that the Council had directed him to only include in th is Public Hearing the streets �h�t could be improved without additional storm sewer. Mr. R�.c�ard Kemper, 6736 7th Street N.E. said that he under�toad that tiiia was for a11 of 68th Avenue and 7th Street. Mayor �Cirkh�a said no, that they did not want to put in permanent streets over areas that need additional storm sewer work. Mr. Kemper asked where the water would drain. The City Engirieer said that it drains to the Riedel property, and that th� �xisting storm sewer is undersized. Mr. Kemper then asked if the problem with the storm sewer is to prevent draining intQ the Riedel property. The City Engineer said that this is part of the problem. He said that no one knvws haw this land will develop. I�e explained that the awner of this land has died and the land is in probate. Mr. Kemper said that he did not want to wait another five years. The City Engineer said that there are other streets in th is area which need improvirig once the problem with the storm s�wer is resolved. Mr. Kemper said that he has lived on Seventh Street for 10 years �nd would like to $ee the street improved. Another visitor to the Meeting said that he lives on the corner of Rice Creek Terrace and 68th Avenue and would like to see this whole area improved. Mayor Kirkhain explained that the water would have to go to the Riedel property, and tYie storm sewer cannot be forced until the development of this property is resolved. A visitor to the Meeting asked haw deep the storm se�wer is under Mississippi Street. The City Engineer said about 15' but that it is not hooked up to any system. Mayor Kirkham said that that was put in by the County when they improved Mississippi Street so that the street would not have to be torn up later, and was paid for by the County. Councilman Harris added that there is an existing pipe which drains the i � � � � � . ' � � � , � � � �� � � SP�CIAL �UBLTC HE1�F2ING MEr,,TING OF DECEi�'tBER 9, 1968 PAGE 3 � avearflcxa from the Riedel property into the creek. The City Engineer added that 7th Street was not permanently improved. �t has ,�ust a temparary overlay as it was getting very bad He ' said that there was a Public Hearing �3 Xears ago and the people objected �au� u�nder Mississippi Street. � � � � � for this storm sewer about ta it, so the pipe was just A visitor to the Meetii�g asked haw this storm sewer improvement wauld be paid for. Mayor Kirkham said that State Statutes state that only lands bene�itti�g can be assessed. Councilman Harris added that this is a very �arge drainage district and takes in Christie Addition, and the assessment would be spread over ttiem �lso. He explained that every parcel of land is included in one drainage district or another, and none would be excluded. The distr�.cts are divided by the natural drainage of the water upon the 1and. Mr. Kemper said that it would seem to him that it would be to their advantage to get it in as soon as possible. Mayor Kirkham said that previously th� people were aqainst this. There is always the problem with storm se�wer assessments that the people on the h igh ground do not want the improvement, a�n�d �ind it hard to understand that they are a part oE a drainaqe district. �ouncilman�Harris said that there were three possibilities open � to the Council. One was to put in small storm sewer pipes and use the Riedel property as a retainage basin, another would be to put in larger and deeper pipes and use a smaller retainage � basin on the Riedel property, and the third would be to have no ponding on the Riedel property at all and drain directly �to the creek. He said that the Council is still considering � purchasing the Riedel property to use as a ponding area. Z'he problem with using the property as a ponding area is that it is in a very good location,and could be developed to a higher use. � He said that if the people feel that they want the storm sewer, the Council will be glad to hold another Public Hearir}g. He explained that the reason fnr r.he 10 year street improvem�ent � project that will come up �_.�r in the evening, is to make the people aware that the improvements will be coming, and that the cost rises every year. � � �� Mr. Kemper said that he lives on the street that is not to be improved nvw, and realized that the costs will be going higher and wondered if the pipes could not be laid at the time of construction the same as was donE with Mississippi Street, then hooked up later, Mayor Kirkham said that this could be �ane but brings about problems in assessments as there would nat SPECIAL PUBLIC HE�RING MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 4 be amy imntediate benefit. A visitor to the Meeting asked if there had to be 51/ on any petition. The Mayor said that the Council has the right to order in any improvement, with or v�ithout a petition. The visitor said that it seems then that �i�inqs are at an impasse unless the Council decides to ga ahead with the �torm sewer project. Mayor Kirkham said that if there a.s the sa�me interest shawn at a subsequent hearing as shawr� tc�ay, the Council probably would go ahead. Mr. Kemper said that he was not in favor of the storm sewer, but he wanted the str�et put in. Councilman Harris said that he would lik� to see another Public Hearing held. Mayor Kirkham addod t,ha� it still would not be too late to add it to the 1969 project, The City Engineer agreed and said that the construction costs are going up much faster than the cost of living. Counci].man Harris explained that if the Riedel property owners �hou�,d decide to develop their land, they would have to first raise� the grade, and this would result in these people gettir�g water on the streets. MA'�TON by Councilman Harris to authorize calling the Public Hear�.ng on January 13, 1969 for the streets and utilities for the area shawn in crosshatching on the map, which are a portion of 68th Avenue and a portion of 7th Street, and bring the necessary resolutions back at the next Council Meeting for reaifirmation by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayat Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #193-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PR�LIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1: MOTION by Councilmaa Harris to adopt Resolution #193-1968. Seconded by Councilmari Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ,�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. - RESOLUTION #194-1968 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINASY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE �QNSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET ,j�ROVEMF:NT ,�,�,�1.7ECT ST. 1969-1 • MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolutian #1�4-1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vot�e, all votin�? aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � � r !._� � � � � � �� � � �� �� � � � � � SPECI.FIL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING UF DECEMi3ER 9, 1968 PAGE 5 � RESOLUTION #195-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY � PLP,NS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIi�ATES OF THE COSTS T�iER �OF: STORM SEWER PROJECT #80: MOTION by Councilm�n Harris to adopt Resolution #195�-1968. �eeonded by Cpur►cilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared i:.he motion carried. RESOLUTION #196-1968 - A RESOLUTION �ECEIVING THE PRELIMIN�RY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HE�1FtING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CER'rAIN IMPROVEMII�TTS: STORM SEWER PROJECT SS #80: � MOTi�N �ay Councilm�n �la��i� to adopt �teaolu�ion �i9�-1968. Se��anded by Couneilman Samu�].sQn, Upon a voice vote, a 11 votinq ay�, M�ayar Kirkham declared the motio� carried. Counci�,man Liabl asked what the total figures are for th• thros atorm se�wer proposals. The City Engin��r said that they range �rom $155,000 to $236,000. Mr. Kemper asked hvw many square taet ir� the drainage district. The City Engineer said that he did not have the iigures, but that the total area and cost psr 100 square foot will be computed by the Finance Director for the Publ,ic Hearing January 13th, and he could coaae in around the �irst of the year and obtsin this infornration from his office. Councilman Liebl added that it would probably be between $3.00 to $5.00 per 100 square foot and that it would be useless to put in a new street without the storm se�wer, as the street would not last. Fourth Street; 67th Avenue to Rice Creek Terrace The City Engineer said that this street was also petitioned for. A visitor to the Meeting asked if there was any storm sewer �eeded. The City Engineer said that all utilities are in the ground now. He added that there may be an additional assessment later if the large storm sewer district is determined. He added that the asseasment could be spread over 10 years. Rice Creek Terrace: Hiqhwav #47 Service Road to 68th Ave. The City Engineer said that this street was also petitioned for. He said that it is a swale street naw, and would be 36' back to back with concrete curbing, 4" base and l�" mat on top. A vi,�itor to the Meeting asked haw much the front foot assessn�nt would be. The City Engineer said $10.01, and that yenerally the estimates are too high rather than too low. He explained that SPFCIAL PU$LIC H'.�,RING �1.�;ETING OF D�.C�� EF 9, ].968 PAGE 6 � th� ��et fxgures wou].d not be i�nawn until the coinp�etion of the p�c�����. H� said that his department liked to let bids early �.n t.h� �pr �ng so that the b idd iny pz ice would be better . A visi�.rar as7ced haw many bids were usually received. The City Eng�,neer said that it is published in the paper a�d his depart- men�t ��nds Qut invitations to the bidders also. He said c�ener- a�ly there are five or six bidders. A visitor to the Meeting asked why 67th Avenue was designate�� a:: a State Aid StreeL as it is in the middle of a residential area. Mayor Kirkham said that he did no� knaw, but that at one time a.t was a ma.in artery. The City Engineer said that the pe�p�e la,vira�g on 6'!th Avenue are stil� assessed for a residential stree� and that the State Aid funds pay the difference between a 36' s�,reet and a 40' scree`, and that it is a heavy duty street. He sa�d that one of the requirements was that the street had to Gonn�Ct �wo main streets or hiqhways. It was designated in 1961. Coun�i.],man Liebl asked haw many times State Aid funds have been uspd or� 67th Avenue. The City Engineer replied once. Mr. Kemper �sk�d k►aw they are designated. Mayor ICirkham said th�t the� are desa.gnated by Council. He explained that the City is al�.awed so m�ny miles and the Coun�il makes a designation so that the City can get a11 the tunds to wh ich they are entitled. The Ci�y Ma��q+�r �c�e��e1 �k1�at �c� �� ��� �ta��r �� a1�e� us�d ��x mair�ter��nc�. �ouncilman Harri� s��d tha� �i�� ��ale�a�,inq �arc�- qram com�� f�e�m t�hie func7, and is r��� aaaeaaed. �i� said �hat sealcoating is a�nly dona on stre.�� tha� are improved snd hava curb �nd gutter. A visitor to t�he Meeting asked about assessing on a corner lot, and on a 1ot that follaws the curve of the street. Mayor Kirkhatm said that the short side is taken as the front footage, the side yard is 1/3, and the rest is picked up � of the way down the block. A visitor asked what about a pie shaped lot. The Finance Director said that in this case the width of the lot at the setback is used. A visitor asked haw much_difference it would make in taxes. The Assessor said that based on an 80' �,o�, �.t would be about $13.20. Highway #47 East Serv�..� Road: Rice Creek Terrace to 300 Feet South- � � � � �� � �' � _- � � '� � � �'he C�.�y Engineer said that the reason this was included in the � Heaarl�nc� was that the service road is being used to gain entrance to � garage, and it was felt that the azrt would wash onto the ��w streets. He said that the assessments were quite high, as �.'�� �wo �.ots have improvement frontage on both sides. � � SPEC�AL PUBLIC HF:ARZNG MEETING �F DECEN�ER 9, 1968 PAGE 7 Councilman Samuelson said that a vacation of this area was tried 2 or 3 years ago. Mr. Charles Swanson, 312 Rice Creek Terrace, said that he is paying for two sides already, and suggested ending Rice Creek Terrace in a cul-de-sac. Mx. John Baune, 6760 Fourth Street N.E. also objected to this, axxl commented tha� the State should have given the service road ba�k when T. H. #47 was improved. Councilman Liebl commented that this case points out that the Council has to make the decisiqn wh�ch is the Fairest and to the best advantage. Coune�lman Samuelson said that the choice is a 12' wide street or a cui-de-sac at Rice Creek Terrace. Mip�l'ZON by Councilman Samuelson �o delete the Highway #47 East Service Road trom Rice Creek Terrace to 30G Feet South from the project. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mr. Charles Swanson said that there should be a barrier put up at the entrance to prevent cars from coming dawn. He said that there is one naw, but cars just drive around it. 62nd Wav: Riverview Terrace to East River Road: Tha C�.ty Enq�n��r sa�.d th��k thi� stre�t is gone and is one of the str.ata adc�ed t�� �:h� hearit�q b� ti�e Aelmina��tra�ior�. A vi�itoz to tho Meetiz�q eaid that he livea on �he eorna� of 62nd Way and Riverview T�rrace, and at the �ima that Riverviaw Terrace wag improved, he had wan�ed to havc� 62nd Way improved. Mr. Fuqene Gohman, 151 62nd Way said that he was in favor of the improvement. Mr. William White said that he was also in favox of this proposal. Councilman Liebl said that th is street would be 36' w ide and would cost approximately $12.11 per front foot. He pointed out that before there were no utilities in the street and the lots were not built up as they are nvw. Mr. Richard Harris asked what the assessments would be on Lot 2, Block 2 Juli-Ann Addition. '1'he Assessor told him. Mr. Hax'ris eaid that in the winter the water pipes break and asked what was qoing to be done about this. �i'he City Engineer said tha�. the water services have been lawered, and if there are any mor� ti�at need lawering, th is will be done before the improve- ment goes in. Mr. Harris said that he could not see why the property awners should have to pay for the lawering of the services. The City Engineer said that the pipes were laid in �.961. SPECIAL F�JBLIC �E�RING Mt:ETING OF DECENIBER 9, 1968 PAGE 8 � � M�'. Harr�.s said that there was a vaeant lot on 62nd Way ar�d a�ked i� fihis could be stubbed in. The City Enyineer said that this � wc�uld be done. Mr. Harris asked why this assessment would be $7.2.11 and on �tice Creek Terrace it was $10.00. 2'he City Ez�gi,neer said that thi.s was because there are five side yards. � CQUZ�c�.lman Samuelson added that it is also a short street and the Q�ly one in the area so the contractor will have to move hi� ec�uipment back and forth. Mr. Harris asked why Riverview � Terrace has not been sealcoated. The City Engineer said that �h�re is just su much money, and it is used where the st,zeets a�; th e wor s�. � Councilman Liebl said that the City �ngineer goes to the pro� pezty cywners and checks on the driveways and felt that he deserves credit for this. Third Streete 49th Avenue to 53rd Avenue �'ho �i,t�r Engineer said that this would be a 40' wide, 9 ton �'�7�4et. He explained that this was designated as a 3tate Aid st�reet, as it does carry a great amount of traffic and therQ are �,p�r�ment houses on this street. Fie said that the dif�erence between the 36' residential stre et and the 40' State Aid s�rept would be picked up by State Ai• funds. Mx's. Ronal�l Lilliencrantz said that she was in favor of this. Another re$ident asked haw this could be called a State Rid street when a11 the streets entering onto it from 49th Avenue to 53xd Avenue were residential streets. �i*he City Engineer said that� it was because this street carries more traffa.c due the apartments, but that if they did not want the better road no extra cost to them, they did not have to have it. He said that he could not see why there would be any objection to a better street when the residents do not have to pay for it. visitor said that he did not feel that they needed a 9 ton � � ; �� � � � to at � The �k(J' wide street for residential hom�es on one side and apartment 'k�auses or� the other . Councilm�n Harris said that it would seem xeasonable to have a State Aid street as they will be getting a better street for their money and will last longer. A typical �es�identia� street would not last as long with the amount of �ra�f�.c this street gets as the state Aid street would. The City Fangineer said that if the people do not want a heavier 8�.�eet, another street could be designated to receive the State Aid funds. A visitor to the Meeting asked about a pie shaped �ot. The F�nance Director said that this would be con- ��dered, as explained before, when the assessment is made. � � � I � � r � � �: � � � � � � � � � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAC� 9 Ano�.her resident asked if they would lose the trees in the boulevard. The City Engineer said that if it is a State Aid si:reet, these will be replaced with small trees. If it is to be a residential street, they will not be replaced. Councilman Liebl said that if the street is oniy 36' wide, and ther� is a car parked on each side, it would make it too narraw �o maneuver. There will probably be another apartment house in this area ir� the future. He said chat he did not want these same people to come back in �ive year� complaining that their street is too narraw. He referred co che City Engineer's st�tements that they would have noching to lose, and would be gaining a better street. MOTION by Counc�lman Harris to close the Public Heari�g on Street Improvement Projc:ct St. 1969-1. 5econded by Cpuncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kir}cham declsxed the motion carried. RECESS• IKayox Kirkham called at 10 minute recess at 10:00 P.M. ONSTDERATION Ob' PROPOS�;D FINt'1L PL�1T, P S #68-06, MA.RXEN TERRACE, THOMAS E. MARXEN: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing notice to the audience. The City �ng,ineer said that thi:� requesi; is for property abutLin� Onondaga Street on the north. �ie said that the P18nning Commission recommended approval of this rec�uest. He explained that the lots facing Onondaga are the only lots that will be developed at this time, and that they are only 66' wide, but that Mr. Marxen has been trying to buy land to the east and west to bring them up to 75'. He said that the total square footage is adequate. Councilman Samuelson asked if he had any plans for the back lots. The City Engineer said no, only the front two lots. He said that the P�anning Commission did not feel tYiat McKinlOy Street would ever be esttended through this area to 73rd Avenue. Councilman Harris said that he assumed that the cul-de-sac would serve the back lots later. Z'he City Engineer said yes. Mayor Kirkham wondered if this would not be setting a precedent by letting him develop 66' lots, and asked why Lot 7 could not be split into 66' lots also. Councilman Samuelson said that the setback from the corner would prevent th is. The City Engineer pointed out SP�CIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEET�NG OF DEC�;N�ER 9, 196$ PAGE 10 fi�,at the front lots were about 230' deep. Councilman Samuelson aske�d �.f the cul-de-sac has already been dedicated. Mr. Marxen sai.d yes, �nd added that he has been trying to get land on either s�.de, but it is very expensive. `iYhe City Eng ineer said that �his area is not built up, but Dalberg Terrace north of this area is. b10TI0N by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the Froposed Final Plat P.S. #68-06 Marxen Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayoX Kirkham declare d the motion carried. MO`�'I4N by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendations Q� the �lanning Commission and approve the plat. Seconded by Cauncilman Samuelson. Upon a vaice vote, Kirkham, Harris, Samuelson voting aye, Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ��7STDr,ERATION OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #68-12, ROBERT A. SCHROER: MayQr ICirkham read the Public Hearing notice to the audience. MOTIDN by CounCilman Samuelson to receive that portion of the Planning Commission Minutes of December 5, 1968 dealing with the rec�,���� k�� Robert ScYiroer. Seconded by Councilman Harris. UpQn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion �arried. �ouncillcdan Harris asked the City Engineer if there is anything further that should be included. The City Engineer said that l�ir. Schroer has submitted plans for the south portion of the laa�d, but not for the north portion. The plans include tYie loopback on the south to be aligned with the service road south of Osborne Road. He said that there is a St. Paul water- waxks easement here, and this will have to be checked out with St� Pau1 to see what can be done. He said that the Planning Commi,ssion recommended approval with a loopback at both the north and sout� end of the property. He said that they agreed that the first reading of the Ordinance could be held, then hold up the second seading until all the final plans are approved. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Schroer if he holds title to a11 the land. Mr. Schroer said that he awns the south portion, and has a contract on the northern portion. He said that he plans on much the same type of business as he has naw on Sast River Road. "' SPECIAL PUBLIC H�ARING Ni�E`1�ING OF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 11 r . � � He explained that he would like to expand to the north in the �' r future. He said tha-c it would cost him about $150,000 for the development of the south portion. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Schroer if he plans to have any gas sta�.ions. Mr. Schroer � said that there were no plans for a service station at the north end a;:, this ti.me. Councilman Liebl said that he could no� vote for a rezoning if there was a gas station in;ended. He said that � he thought that originally P�Lr. Schroer was going to rebuild on his location on East River Road. �, Mr. Richard Harris said that he would like to speak for himself and his father, Mr.Harold Harris as property owners in th is area, � and urge the Council to approve this rezoning request. He said thai: this proposal loo}:s good to him and he felt that a C-2-S zoning along University Avenue frontage would be compatible with the area. He commen-ced that more development in this area would � expeclite ge►.ting the neeessary utilities in�.o this area. Maycr Kirkham agreed that this wou].d force a conclusion to the problem. � Mr. Harris said that now is the time to consicler a large r►tain int�o this area. He said that as the area develops there will be � more large buildings that will require spri�]cling systems. � Councilman Samuelson agreed that by zoning commercial, there would be a higher valua-cion per acre. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close �che Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kir}cham declared the motion carried. �' MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Planniny Commission's recommendation and approve the request for rezoning from M-2 to � C-2-S by Robert Schroer with the stipulat ions presented in their Minutes on First Reading of the Ordinance and request that the second reading be brought back at the next Regular Council Meeting. NSeconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Harris, Samuelson and Kirkham voting aye, Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion FAILED. Mayor Kirkham said th at the First � Reading of the Ordinance would be brought back agai:n at the next Mtg. Councilman Liebl said that he had voted no as there is one � Councilman absent, and also he would like a little more time to discuss this with the Planning Commission. INFORMAL ri�:E'I'ING - TEN YEAF INiPROVEMENT PROGRAM: (For Areas North o� Rice Creek and vaest of Highway ;;47. in Fridley, Minn. ) � The City Manager sa�d that the City Engineer has put a lot of time and work into planning this program. He said that the City does not want the residen�s to have to drive on rutted streets. � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MLETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 12 The plans involve improvements in an orderly fashion and at an accelerated rate which will result in a saving to the taxpayer as the costs of construction are rising very fast. He eYplained tha-�. if the improvements can be grouped inta areas, this cuts down on construction costs as the con�rac-l-or do�s not have to move his equipmeni, about the City . There is also planned a more ac�ressive sealcoa�Ling program and the City has authorized purchasing a small paving machine. He said tha�t i� is hoped tha�t when the residents undersi:and the program, it will be less than ten years, because of the rapidly rising costs, and thac it is just a mat-cer of time until all the streets within the Ci-cy will be improved to City standards. He explained that added to the cost of labor and materials, the bond inter- est is rising. He said that it is hoped i:hat when the public is aware of this, they will be more willing to accept the acce- lerazion of the program for improvements. The City Engineer said that there are about 17 miles of streets that are not up to Ciicy standards. He said in the last four years, improving s�,rale s-creets has been at a rate of about 2 miles per year. This program is put together to give the people advance no'cice and has the advantage of giving his Engineering Department time to work on the plans during the winter when there is more time. If people wish to have an im- provement made earZier, they can still petition. He eYplained that if it is known which streets are to be improved in the future, it would better enable his department to ma7:e the best use of main-cenance funds. He said that this is just an informa.l mee�ing and there will be a legal Public Hearing for every street at a later date. The City Engineer showed a ma.p oii the screen of the areas proposed to be improved in 1970 and said that a Public Hearing had been held on some of the streets in 1965 and 1966, but the people did not want the improvement. Now the streets are very badly deteriora-ced and cannot be.maintained. He added that the figures given naw will be much higher than they were in 1965 and 1966. Once the stree-cs are improved to City standards, then S�cate Aid funds can be used for maintenance. Councilman Samuelson asked if any street could be,accelerated in�o the 196g street program if petitioned. The Ci�y Engineer said �es. A visitor to the Meeting asked if one street is accelerated, does this push another street back in the program. The City Engi- neer replied no, that as many streets as wished can be improved in any year. Mr. Richard Harris asY.ed if Alden Way should not have been con- sidered when the improvement of 62nd Way was proposed. The City � � , � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING UF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 13 Engineer said that 62nd Way was put into i:he project as so - many people complained aboui: the condition of the street. A visitor to the Meeting asked what would happen if an improve- � ment was petitioned against. The City Engineer said that he felt that it should go in anyhaw, as he felt that this was a good program, however, this is a Council deter minatipn. � Cot�x�►Cilman Samuelson said that if a program was established, he felt that the Council should adhere to it. A v�.sitor to the Meeting said that in 1965 or 1966 there was a petition for improvemen-c. of streets in the Hickory Drive area, but they did not want storm sewers. He asked if there would be a petition for storm sewers needed. Councilman Sam- uelson said in this area, Lhe storm sewer portion of the improvement was a minor cost of the total improvement. He sai,d in this case, the Council would probably go ahead with it. �e said that the Council has to compare the cost of the storm �ewer in relation to the overall cost of the streets. The City Engineer added that storm sewers will go in with the �treet improvement. He said that this particular area is a sma11 drainage distric�, and the program would be set up to include the storm sewers. Councilman Samuelson asked if the storm sewexs in the Hickory Drive area would be installed in 1969 and the streets in 19'10. The City Engineer said that the pipes would z�ot have to be very deep and it could all be done in one year. Mr. Roy Anderson said that he lives on Alden Way and about 6 or 7 years ago there was som�e storm se�wer lain dawn in Rickard Road. He said that now this creates ice on East River Road, and the road is such that you have to drive onto East River Road to see if there is any traffic coming and he felt that this was a dangerous situation. The City Engineer said that this was done in 1961 or 1962 and the City did not want this water from East River Road to go into the City system. Councilman Samuelson said that maybe a small overlay would help. Mayor Kirkham told Mr. Anderson that th is would be checked to see if a little blacktop could be placed where it would help. A visitor to the Meeting asked about driveways, He said that he was planning to put in a concrete driveway. The City Engineer said that the City matc"ies the driveways already in e�cistance. If it is concrete, they put in concrete, if blacktop, they put in blacktoip�,or if it is dirt, dirt is replaced. He asked the man to come into the office to talk to him before he Quts in his drive�way. SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 14 A v�s�tor to the Meeting said that she lives on 79th Way and wou�d l�ke to see the street improved. It is scheduled for �g71, iiowever, she said, there is a vacant lot, an apartment house and rental property, and a corner lot, and a City park and they cannot get 51% on a petition. She said that there are xttiany schobl buses going down this street and there is a lot af du,st. Mayor Kirkham advised her to try another petition and i� wi,ll be considered. She then asked if there was a possibility tha�. i� could be designated as a State Aid road so it could be �,a�cie�:, Councilman Samuelson said no, that the State stipulates that a S�.ate Aid road must connect two main streets, and 79th W�y does not. The City Engineer said that in 1971 improvements are also proposed for Onaway Addition. He said that once the uta.lities are in, the City can proceed with the streets. He said that theX would have to be 40' streets as i.his is an industrial a�ea. There is a 60' right of way. Mr. Richard Harris pointed out that the City only awns � of 77th Way. The City Engineer aaid that by 1970 the utilities should be in and everyth ing i.n carc9ex for the streets to go in. V�hen consiaering the streets �to be done in 1972, which are all. south of z.694, a visitor ask�d haw wide the streets would be. The City Engineer said that they would be 3�' wide. He ex- plained that presently they are about 39' because of the swale, but this will be cut back and curb and gutters added. He said that everyth ing wouid be finished up to the property line. Tnlhen cor�sidering Riverview Heights, which is due for improvements in J.974, the City Engineer said that i:he City will have to wait to see what develops there. In 1975, Hyde Park is due for improvements, and he said tha�. by that time, the City should have some answers to the problems there naw, as there is a planner working on this now. A visitor said that� he lives on starlite Boulevard and wants to bui].d a dr ive�way , and asked about the grade change . The City Engineer advised him to come into che office to get the ��rade lines before he proceeds. Mr, McLain asked haw much difference there is between concrete �treets and blacktop streets. T`he City Engineer said that concrete streets are just about double the cost in sandy soils. � �_J � � � � �� � � � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING UF DECEMBER 9, 1968 PAGE 15 C�'N�,[J�TICATIONS - A. 1�ETROPOLITAN COUNCIL: RE: HF�IIRING ON EXPANSION OF MINNEAPOLIS WATERW08KS AND COPY OF N.S.S.S.D. RESOLUTION � �ou�nc�.lman Harris pointed out on Page 7 0= the Agenda there is th� Resolution passed by D1.S.S.S.D. The hearing is still planned for December 19, 1968 at 2:00 P.M. in the Metropolitan Council Chambers and there has been no new information, so the action of the Council of the last Meeting still stands. MpTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the Metropolitan Council dated December 2, 1968 and the N.S.S.S.D. Resolution #12-1968 dated November 12, 1968. Seconded by CounciJ.man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, Mayar Kirkham declared the motion carried. B. �t. Ii1�1ItOLD OHLSON, 3 76 66TH AVENUE N. E. RE: WELL MOTION by Couneilman Samuelson to receive the coza�nunication from �i�c. I�arold Ohlson dated December 9, 1968. Seconded by Council- mRn Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � Councilman Harris said that he had talked to Mr. Otilson at some length, and wondered about the possibility of running a line from Red Qwl. The City Engineer suggested holding a Public � Hearing. He said that in 1961 there was a Public Hearing held and the people violently objected to get-�ing water at t,hat time. He said that if Mr. Ohlson could wait until after the Public Hearing, the people may have changed their minds, � then the water line could be run. The Council was in agreement with this . � �� RESOLUTION #197-1968 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PI.ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: WATER, SANITARY SEWr:R AND STO�iZM SE�IER PROJECT W#90 - ADDENDUM #1• � MOTZON by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #197-1968. Secqnded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � �� RE50LUTION #198-1968 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMEL�ITS : WATER, SANITARY _S�n1ER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT W#90 - ADDENDUM #1: SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MELTING OF DECENIDER 9, 1968 PAGE 16 � MOTTQN by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #198=i968. �scoz�ded by Caunailman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all vQting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. It was agreed that these Resolutions are to be brought back at t�i�e next Regular Council Meeting for reaffirmation. L N NT• MQ'�70N by Counci],man Harris to adjourn the Meeting. Seconded b� Counca�lman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayWr �Cirkham declared the Special Public Hearing of Decetnber 9, 1968 adjourned at 11:35 P.M. Res�ectfully submitted, L�� ��'«-����/ �7'uel Mercer SeCretar� to the Council Jack O. Kirkhara May or � PAGE 17 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL 1KEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 Mayor Kirlcham called the Regular Council Meeting of December 16, 1968 to order at 8:09 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLB,GIANCE• Mayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and join the Council in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION• Father Keefe of the St. Williams Church gave the Invocati,on. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PR�S `r:��TT : MF.N�ERS ABSENT: ;{irkham, Snc�ridan, Liebi �am�xelson, Harris (Arrived at 8:30 P.M.) None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL �Mr:E'rIN OF DECEN'�ER 2, 1968- MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve i:he Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 2, 1968 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF ACHI�'VEMENT• Mayor Kirkham read the Certizicate of Achievement aloud to the audience and presented it to Patrolman Robert Parquette with a tharik you from all the Council for services e�cemplifying the finest traditions ot Police work. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there were some changes in the Agenda as follo�ws: Item 8A: Mrs. Ohlson re: Well on 66th Avenue Item 9A: Medtronics Foundation Permit Item #19: To be tabled to January 20, 1969 Item #27: To be tabled to January 6, 1969. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � REGULAR COUNCIL ME:ETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 PUBLIC HEARING: STORM SEWER PROJECT #8�: PAGE 18 Mayor Kirkham announced th at this Public Hearing has been re- scheduled for January 13, 1969. Mayor Kirkham said that Councilman Harris had advised him that he would be about � hour late, and had requested that Item #1 be held up until he arrives. CONSID�RATTnN [�F rRADES AND STREE`1� LAYOUTS FOR AUDITOR'S SUB- DIVISION #22 IN REGARD TO MOVING A RESIDENCE I7WELLING. (REQUESTED BY LES CHIES - BUILDING STAND�R.DS - DESIGN CONTROL MINUTES OF 11-27-68) The City k:ngineer explained that Page 25 of the Agenda shaas the road pattern established by the Planning Commission and the Council. This house would sit between two exi�`;^�� homes, and he felt that it �.:;ald �it �.. ��.,. ���:.:.. He s:c��; V;,�:. �;i�re is 115' setback on the north and 84' setback on the south side from Rice Creek Road. He explained that there is a possibility that there would be a cul-de-sac behind this property which would leave th is back lot substandard. He said that the question is whether the Council would wish to extend the house about 6' closer to Rice Creek Road and make the setback about 78' as this would put this house at about the same setback as the home on the east. He said that the Builbing Board had approved of this request sub- ject to Mr. Chies posting a performance bond for complet�on by July l, 1969, and subject to Engineering approval of the street layout pattern. He said that Mr. Chies is planning an expansion by adding a double garage on the west side. With the expansion, the side yard setback would be about 10' from the property line. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Chies if he is also intending to re- model. Mr. Chies said that he plans on using rough cedar and brick. Councilman Lieb1 asked if there would be a full basement. Mr. Chies said yes and also a basement under the garage. He said that he had checked with the neighbors and his plans are accept- able to them. The City Engineer suggested that approval could be made subject to concurrence of the neighbors. He added that the houses on Rice Creek Road are set quite far back. Councilman Sheridan said that he thought the house on the east would be about the same elevation, but would the one on the west be higher? Mr. Chies said that there is very little chanqe in ele- vation, only about 3'. Councilman Sheridan �aid that the Building Standards - Design Control had recommended a�proval subject to posting a completion bond, and asked Mr. Chi�s if he could have it � I� REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16, 1968 � � , � � � � ,� don� by Jtily 1, 1969. Mr. Chies replied that the had set the date as July 1, 1969, but that about a already gone by, hawever, he thought he could have July lst. PAGE 19 Building Board month lzas it done by MD`I'ION by Councilman Sheridan to yrant the permit subject to Mr. Chies getting concurrence of the abutting property awners, posting a coc�pletion bond of $4,500, with completion to be by July 1, 1969, and the house to be located on Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision #p22 as shown on Page 26 of the December 16, 1968 Council Agenda, with a setbaek from Rice Creek Road limited to between 7S' and 78'. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Mr. Chies said that he has title to the property naw, and will have clear title when the house is moved. The City Engineer pointed out that for future development of the lot behind the house, platting will be nece�sary , He suggeste�: t..d-.s �he set- back of about 6' could be adjusted at a later date. Councilman Sh�ridan said that he would rather have it spelled out in a motion so as not to put this mari at the mercy of the other pro- perty awners. THE MOTION WAS AMENDED with , addition for expansion and ject to Engineering revie�w. the agreement of the seconder that the up-grading the building will be sub- , COUNCII�M�1N HARRIS ARRIVED AT 8:30 P.M. �HE VOTE upon the motion was a voice vote, Kirkham Liebl, Samuelson, � �nd Sheridan voting aye, Harris abstaining, Mayor Kirkha�a declared the motion carried. 1 FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONING (ZO�A #68-12) R0B8RT SG'HROER.�OB'S PRODUCE RANCS AT 7620 UNIVF�tSITY AVENUE N.E. FROM M-2 TO C-2-3: � � � � � Mayor Kirkham said that this matter has gone through Planning Commission, and is now ready for Council action. Councilman Sheridan comzaented that he had not seen the Minutes of the December 9th Public Hearing Meeting but recalled that everyone present seemed to be in favor. Mayor Kirkham agreed. Councilman Liebl said that at the Public Hearing Meeting he had voted aqainst this as he felt that a full Council sh ould be present. He said that he would like to see the plans to see what Mr. Schroer is planning to put in there. The City Engineer said that Mr. Schroe� did submit tentative plans to the Planning Commission shawing his intentions. Councilm�n Liebl said that these plans only shaw the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEA'�ER 16, 1968 PAGE 20 south portion, which is only about 2� acres, and he is requesting a rezoning on about 9 acres. In the past we have required appli- cants to shaw full plans. Mr. Peter Lindberg, representing Mr. Schroer, said that they did not have tull plans available yet. He explained that the Planning Commission requested a change in the street layout providing for loopbacks at the north and soutn ends, to which they have agreed. By doing so, they had to move t2i�: building pack. He said that Mr. Schroer wants to put in his shop�ing center in three parts, the construction to be a western motif something like Holly Center. There would then be some other shops in there. i�e said that they will have more complete plans later to shaw what will be going in before the second reading oi the ordinance. He said that they have to have some indication thac the land w ill be rezoned before they can go ahead with their plans. Counci7.man Liebl askedif rezoned from M-2, would this be considered str�.p zoning. He felt that this would destroy the whole area for M-2. Mr. Lindberg said that at this time they are in the process of negotiating for an industrial development behind this strip. He said that they were not at liberty to divulge what these plans were at this time. Councilman Liebl said that this was a very nice piece of industrial propercy along University Avenue and someone could put in a very large industrial plant. If this rezoning goes through, th is would prevent this from ever being done. He said that in the past the Council has shied away from splitting up portions of land by rezonings, and that he felt that a degree of consistancy must be maintained. If the Council allows this here, why not in other places. Mr. Lindberg pointed out that the peat is very deep in this area and there may be some problems with heavy industrial buildings goinq in theze. Councilman Liebl asked, from a developer's standpoint, if they felt that they were utiliaing the land in the best interests of the City and also in their best int�..::.�:.<'�;� , Mr. Lind- berg said that there will be �obs ava�lable to tlne C;itizgns of the City of Fridley, and the taxes derived will benefit the City. He pointed out that commercial development of the land allows intenae use of the land as opposed to heavy industrial, where there is a large amount of parking space required. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that if an investcar is willing to develop 40 acres or naor�, this is his decision, not the Council's. He said that as the Planni#�q Commission has recommended approval and the abutting property owners have spoken in favor of the project, this would be putting it to it's best use. Councilman Harris added that he felt that this would be very compatible with the area sout� of Osborne Road, wherein the frontage land is zoned for commercial, and the back portion which has access to the railroad tracks is industrial. , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16 1968 I � PAGE 21 He said that this could be made into a hub of commerce at this �ntersection. � Councilman Samuelson said that by putting the cost on a per acre basis, a shopping center of this type does exceed that of an industrial area. Councilman Liebl said that he realiaed this, but would like to see the balance of the plans. Once this M-2 District � is broken up, there cannot be any big industrial plants. Mt. Lindberg said that one of the problems they had encountered with their speculative plans for the M-2 area is that there is no Idirect access to the railroad tracks. He said that we have a situ- ation here, wherein Mr. Schroer has been a businessman in the City � of Fridley for about lU years and would continue to do so, but his present locatior� on East River Road is too small for his plans. � � r�-:, , Councilman Sheridan said that he assumed that they on the land. Mr. Lindberg said yes, and that they on the acreage tcs the west also. He said that t�::.. out of time as he has to have his present building first of the year. had an option held an option ,; �:taroer is running remav ed by the Councilman Sheridan suggested a step type of arrangement in case Mr. Schroer cannot meet the 6 months time limit. If broken dawn into two or three steps it could progress even though he may not have the total plans available at once. Then, if he does not meet the time limit, the re zoning on that portion would not go through. This would require amendments to tlze ordinance read tonight, for second reading, when the completed plans are available. Councilman Harris asked haw much total front footage is involved. � Mr. Lindberg said about 1500'. He said that they could have final plans for about 1000' within 6 months. Councilman Sheridan asked if this would have to be platted. Mr. Lindberg said that he thought � so. Councilman Sheridan said that it was not a question of whether the Council approved or disapproved, but rather whether the zoning in this area should change from M-2 to C-2-S. He �sid that the 1 reason he a$Jced about the option on the land was the possibility of step zoning. , � � i Councilman Sheridan asked if there was an accsss on 79th Avenue. Tize City Engineer said that Spring Lake Park did not want a cross- over at 79th Avsnue and had mada it at 81st Avenue. He said that it this rezoni� qoe8 through, he felt that the Stats 8iqhway Department will consider a crossover at 79th also. Councilman Sheridan asked if there would only be an ingress at 79th Avenue and egress at Osborne Road. Tt►e City Sngineer said that he was not sure about that. He said that these are th ings that have to be resolved. He said that there should �be some definite road patterns established . RFGULAR COUNC�L MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16,1968 Pl�iGB 2 2 �ouncilman Samuelson asked what would happen if this was tabled �Qx fu�ther study. Mr. Lindberg said that they would lose their option on the land. Mayor Kirkham asked if the Council does this a�.l at once, will Mr. Schroer be able to complete his plans. Mr. Lindberg said that Mr. 3chroer was not sure ir he could get all his p�ans through all the subcommittees necessary within the six months time limit. Councilman Sheridan said that this is the Council policy, and that he did not want to cause a detriment to his plans. Mr. �indberg asked if the plans were completed for the south half �,xid they were ready for a building permit on the south half, but not the north half, then what would happen with the rezoning. Council- man Sheridan said that in that case the rezoning on the north half would not go through. Mr. James Gibbs further explained that if there was rezoning step by step, the plans would be approved, building permit approved, and the second reading of the Ordinance al�o done step by step. �rhe City Manager said that this first reading would stazd, then later the second reading of the Ordinance would be amended to only inclu�ie ��x�t �ortion oa� `a►a.�_�:~; the plans arp Complete. Mr. Lindberg said that he w� uld be willing to split th� laz�d �.n half as they could meet these requirements. Council- ma�i 5heridan said that then the building permit would be approved anc� �he second reading of the Ordinance would be held at the same time. Councilman Liebl said that if the plans are approved on the south portion, the Council would still have no assu=ance of what was going in on the north portion. Mr. Gibbs said that there would be no rezoning, if the plans were not approved, as the second reading of the Ordinance would not be held. Councilman Samuelson pointed out th at the Council is putting the burc3en on the investor. Council- man Liebl said that he felt that the Council must look ahead, as th is will be here if approved for the next 40 years or more. M�OTZON by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance on first reading on the request for rezoning by Robert Schroer to rezone land at 7620 University Avenue N.E. from M-2 to C-2-S. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Ha�'ris, and Samuelson voting aye, LieUl votinq nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REAFFIRMING RBSOLVTION �193-196£� et$SOLt�rTION ORD$RING PRSLIMINARY �I�NS_SPSCIFICATIONS AND BSTIMATES OF 7�I8 COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVB�DIT PROJECT ST� 1969-1: Mayor Kirkham asked if this resolution included those st�eets the Counci,l requested to be included. The City 8ngineer said yes, and pointed out the necessity of holdinq another Public Hearing. ' I � I � I � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEN�ER 16, 1968 pAGE 23 k�OTTO�T by Councilman Harris to reaffirm Resolution #193-1968, adopted at the Meeting of December 9, 1968. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. B�A�'FIRMING RESOLUI'ION #194-1968 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRE ' LIi�NARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUplLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF '�ii„F,� CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPROVEI�E NT F_. RO�!"ECT ST. 1969-1: �_� � � � � �' \ � � , , ' r � � ' MOTTON by Councilman Samuelson to reaffirm Resolution ##194-1968, adopted December 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REAFFIRMING R�SOLUTION #195-1968 - RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS , SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMFI'1'�S OF THE COSTS TH�.LOF: STORM SEWER PROJECT #8u : � �� ����� MOTION by Councilman Harris to reaffirm Resolution #195-1968 adopted December 9,1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 1�EAFFIRMING RESOLUTION #196-1968 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRE LIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEA.RING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS• STORM SEWER PROJECT #80- MpTION by Couneilman Harris to reaffirm Resolution #196-1968, adopted December 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridar�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REAFFIRM.ING RESOL•UTION #� 97-1968 - RESOLUTIODT ORDERING P1�8LIMiNAI�Y PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: WATER, SANITARY S�i+IER, AND STORM SEWER PROJEC`P #90 ADDRNDUM #1: The City Engineer com�nented that as there are two wells that have run dry on 66th Avenue, the people may naw want tha water line run. iYlQTIO�I by Councilman Harris to reaffirm Resolution #197-1968, adopted December 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanim- ously.' REAFFIRMING RESOLUTION #198-1968 - RESOLUTION HCETV g pgg_ %IMINARX REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HSARING ON THE MATTEIt OF TH8 CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: WATER SANITARY SEWER A1� STORM SEWER PR�JECT #90 ADDEN�UM #1: � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAC�: 24 Nk�TZON by Coun��.i,�aar� Samuelson ta ieaffirm Re�olution #198-1968 adopt�d pe�emb�r 9, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. UpQn a voice vote, all vota.ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr�.ed unanimously. S l 40,,,�D QHLSON: WELL ON 66th AVENUE (376 66th Avenue) Mrs. Ohlson said that they have no water and the plumber cannot get a permit without Council approval. She said that they are in dire need of water. Mayor �Cirkham said that th is would be a con- siderable investment and would hate to see them waste their money on a new pump, if the water line were to be run. Mrs. Ohlson said that her husband had worked all day yesterday and today, azd they are still without water. Mayor Kirkham suggested the possibil- ity of running a hose i:emporarily from a neighbors house until the results of the upcoming Public Hearing are known. Mrs. Ohlson s�id that she was afraid that �he water hose would freeze. Council- ma�i Harxis added that this is the second well that has run dry on this street and the people living on this street may be afxaid that the�.r wells will be running dry also, and want the water line. He said that the Public Hearing for this line is the 13th of Janu- ary. The City Engineer said that this is the only street in this neighborhood that does not have City water. Mrs. Ohlson said that they needed the water immediately and would like to have the permit for a well granted. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant a permit for a well at 376 66th Avenue for Mt. and Mrs. Harold Ohlson. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec�.ared the motion carried unanimously. �cESS : rtayor Kirkham declared a.5 minute recess at 9:30 P.M. f�„ONSIDERATION OF ADDING SERVICE FACILITIES TO RECREATION BUILDING. RE4UEST BY MAURICE FILISTER (GEORGETOWN APARTMEN''PS): Councilmar► Sheridan asked when this was added to the Agenda. 1'he City �tanager said last Monday or Tuesday. Councilman Sheri�dan askeci if ar�y of the Administration has looked at the plans. The City Manager said that he had not seen the plans, but that he had looksd at the site. Councilman Liebl asked the City 8ngineer if he had seen the plans. The City E�gineer said that he had looked at them tonight and knows what he is proposing. Councilman Sheridan said that there are too many plans coming befo�e the Council that have not been reviewed by the Administration first , REGUI�AR CO C UN IL MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16, 1968 �J P]i►GE 25 I� �r�d that he woulci like so�e �r�,��;�:,�unal appraibal b��„��: �he CAUncil reviews the plans� � MOT�ON by Councilman Sheridan to receive the plans, and refer these plans back to the Administration for their review and recom¢nendations. SeCOnded by Councilman Liebl. , ' �J , � �l�c. F�lister said that there is no major change. The proposal is tp �.awer the back of the recreation building 3', put in a walk out bmsempnt and provide a beauty shop, barber shop and delicatessen. H�: asked that the Council look at the plans and if there are no prob��ms, they could act on them, if there is some problem, it could be delayed, but he could see no �eason for delay. Mayor Kirkham sa�d that they might not need the comments of the Administration, i� the change is this minor. THE VOTE upon the motion, being a voice vote, Liebl and Sheridan voting �ye, Kirkham and Samuelson voting nay, Harris abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion FAILF�. Mr. Filalster then brought the plans foxward to the Council table and ' �cp�.�ined that there would be no change in the recreation building, �th�� this is a proposal to put small shops into the basement, and �hexe wou�d be none on the fixst floor. He said that this would ' �na,ke it 3 stories with a walk out basement, as the grade naturally goes dawn. He said that there would be pre-stressed concrete acros� the ba�ement. '�he City Engineer pointed out that if the Council approves this, they must be �xplicit on what is allawed in this basement, being only a barber shop, beauty shop and delicatessen. He explained that if there were more there might be zoning prob�ems, and there is the question of whether he will need a special use permit to have C-1 or C-2 in an R-3 District. Mr. Gibbs agreed and said that there may be a l�al problem on wh�ther it coula :�: x•. � owed in an R-3 zoning, without a special use permit. He said that the City Engineer thinks there may be a provision in the City Code to allow this i.f it is only for the p�ople of the development, and not out- s�de�rs, but this is a legal question that will have to be checked. Councilman Sheridan said if this is approved by the Council they cou�.d allaw the building permit, but occupancy wauld depend on wh�t,her a special use permit would be required or not. If it is �ec�ui�ed, it would have to go to the Board of Appeals. Mayor �Cirlcha�na commented that this problem bears out the prudence of the motion by Co�,ncilman Sheridan. Councilman Harris said that the Ci�y At�orney would research this and advise the Council of the necessary st�ps. Mr. Gibbs said that this would be done, and that he is not pre�ared to give an attorney's opinion at this time. REGUI,�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 pA,GE 26 kl�'. �'i1.�.�t� ask�� if the Coua���..:� :.�u�.d be willi�,g t� y�cant a �ui].ding permi� for enlargement of the recreation building, and the Certa,Fic�te o� Occupancy could be obtained later after the legal staff checks this through. Mr. Gibbs said that if this is done that the motion should only be for enlargement of the recreation 7aua.lding and nc�t include anything about i:he facilities. MC?TION by Councilman Harris to grant Mr. Filister a building permit �or enlax'gement of his recreation building, subject to Engineering �eyie�w. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all yo��,�g ��e, Mayor Kirxham declared the motion carried unanimously. �ouncilman Sheridan suggested that in the future the p�.ans should be brought in to the Administration so that they would have a chance to review them and make a pro��:ssional recommendation. MEDTRONICS FOUNDATION PERMIT: The City Engineer said that some preliminary plans have been sub- mi�ted for this development. He said that it would be located sputh of Norton Avenue dawn to the creek bei:ween Central Avenue and �.H, #65. He said that they are rec�uesting a foundation perm�.� at this time. He said that the �irst phase is for 100,000 square feet, and that there are plans for expansion to the east and wesl-.. He said that they have tentative elevation� which shaa brick or better. He said that the plans are not for approval by the Council at this ti.me. He said that the building on the south will be two stories and one story in the front. He said that from the preliminary plans the development looks very good. He sa id that there were some traffic problems that would have to be re- solved as there would be more than 1500 cars and he would encaurage them to put most of the traffic onto Central Avenue. There folla�wed a discussion of traffic patterns at the Council table while look�.ng at the plans . The� representative from Medtronics said that he hoped to be able tQ cotne back with the f inal plans for Council approval within a month. He said that this plan is presented to t he Council so that �hey may have an idea of what they intend to build. He said that a site of this type would support about 10,000 people. Councilman Iiarris said that this looks like a very nice plan. The City Engir�eer said that he had talked to the contractor and they are a�vcious to qet the grading done before the frost goes dcn�m too deep. He said that Medtronics will be bringing the final plans back later and in the meantime, he will work with the applicant. MpTIpN by Councilman Harris to yrant the foundation permit subject to Engineering approval. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice va��, �t7,1 voting aye, Ma.yor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � REGUI,AR CpUNC�I, MEE�l'ING OF DE;CEMBER J.6, 1968 � I � � ' � ' PAGE 27 �QNSIDERATION QF RE4UEST FOR PYLON SIGN PERMIT FOR ALLIED RA.DIO• (�cax'an�ar National Tea Buildinq) �'�� C�,ty Enqineer said that the rea$on this request was held up was that thq C�ty wanted all of the shops to be included on the one p�'lon sign to be locatc�d on the street frontage. He referred to �ag� 41 of the Council Ayenda of December 16, 1968 shawing a letter �xam the Gift House Stamp Company, dated December 11, 1968 in- di�ating their agreement with this proposal. He said that he would re�ommend approval of the re�uest with this understandi.ng. M0�'ION by Councilman Liebl to grant the request for one pylon sign ta be located on the service drive irontage for Allied �tadio, and all �h� shops' signs to be incorp�rated into the one sign. Seconded by Coun�ilznan Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Ki�'kham declared the motion carried unanimously. C.'Oj�^�,,,�,,.DERA�I,O�J OF :�:EQUEST FOR. PXLQlv ��GN PERMIT ���ct :;'.�;'r.eRETTE AT � I�IQflT__�EAST CORNER OF MISSISSIPJ?I STREET AND CENTRAL AVENUE - SCHUBERT DUT.,�,,, DOOR ADVERT I S ING COMPANY : � ' , � � ' � 'I'he City Engineer said that on Page 45 of the Agenda there is a map sho�wing the ].ocation oi the sign. He said that it meets all the ��quirements. It is set back 10' �rom the pr operty line. He said that it. wil l be a 1 ighted s ign . Mr. Lawrence Schubert, of Schubert outdoor Advertising Company ���.d that the top portion will be a Country House sign for milk, and the bottom will be for Country Boy. There will be no mention of the sale of gasoline. He said that the sign is lighted, but does no�. rotate. �IoN b�r Cpuncilman Liebl to grant the request for a pylon sign a�. the Superett,e on the northeast corner of Mississippi Street and Central Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Harris, Sheridan, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, Samuelson abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MEETINGS_ OF SEPTEI�IDER 5, 1968, OCTOBER 3, 1968 AND DEC�ER 5, 1968: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Minutes of the Fridley � IT�dustrial Development Commission Meetings of September 5th, October 3rd, and December 5, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAGE 28 �ou�C�.lit�an Harri� ealled the a���r,�i�n of the Council to t,Y�e ,�i��,�µ�,g� Q� p�cembeX S, 1968, the second item d�aling w�th a lette� ��cam �he State of Minnesota, Department of Economic Development ����d Nov�m�ier 6, 1968, and requested that this letter be in the naxt Ag�n�7a . RECEZVSNC� 'giE N4.TNUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEP►LS MEETING OF DECEMBER � �,�, 1968:� ��,��F,�-� FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 49.082, REDUCTION OF LAUNDRY �„(�OM SFAGE FROM 500 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR ARf�:A TO 2$4 SQUARE �'�„F�T „'�p PERMIT ERECTION OF A 17 UNIT APARTMENT __BUILDING ON �� 23, AUDITOR'S SUBDTVISION #129, ANO_KA_COUNTY, MINNESOTA, �`�„_,SAN1E BEING 1441 73RD AVENUE N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. ,�,,,RE4UEST BY R.L. JOHNSON INVESTMENT COMPANY 7325 WAYZATA �OULE'VARD, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA : �,g C�.ty �nqinesr said that this request is for a variance, ;but �i��e t�a� time there have been meetings with the Planning Com�nission ana it �.s f�1t that the requirements could be reduced. Z'lZis is an a�.d prdi,nance that was drawn up with the older type equipment in �ind. He explained that they need additional information from the Engineering pepartment, so there is no action necessary at this �im�. �'�pN by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of F1,pp�als Meeting of December 4, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Sa�nuelson, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- c],�xed the motion carz�ied unanimousl.y. RE�ETVING THE MTNUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECE1rff3ER -�•-----�-- 5, 1968• MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of Commission Meetinq of December 5, 1.968. Seconderj ���= Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor clared the motion carried unanimously. the Planning , ;::°,��z�nc ilman Kirkham de- ' Councilman Samuelson asked what was being done about Hyde Park. '1"he ��,�y Engineer said that the Planning Commission is holding a Public ' H�aring January 8, 1969. He said that they have three proposals tQ present at that time. Mayor Kirkham said that he felt that the Council should be kept abreast of what was happening before the � p�anning Commission's Public Hearing. The City Engineer suggested ��at as the Council has a Meeting Januax�y 6, 1969, the plans could be available at that time for them to see. Mayor Kirkham said that , it ���d not be an item on the Agenda, but requested that the Council receive the infQrmation available on the three proposals. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DLCEI�BER 16, 1968 PAGF 29 F�ECE��IING THE NiINUT�S OF TH� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1.2, �.96�: _. , �he City Engineer said that tha e was no action necessary, but that he would like to point out Item ##6 concerning the proposed sign ordinance. He sa id that there have been eight meetings to draft this proposed sign ordinance. This has been approved in the rough dra�t form by the Planning Commission, and has been forwarded to the Council, still in rough draft. He pointed out that while the Flanning Commission has been working on this ordinance, the Council has received many requesi:s for large signs and that after passage of this ordinance, there wou�d be no necessity of Council action on all these signs unless there is a variance needed. Councilman Liebl said that a lot of time has been spent on drafting this ordinance, and he would like to see it in as simple a form as possib�e. He asked if the Naegele Sigr� Company agreement has been comple�ed . Counc ilman Harris sa id r_�iat it has � Len �, �- �rted . He said that they went through the proposed sign ordinan�e, and the$e signs would conform to the neryv requirements. ., MATION by Councilman Liebl to receive the proposed new sign ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion car ried unanimously. , � 1 ' , �J ' MOTION by Councilman samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of December 12, 1968. Secoruled by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimousl y. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: (Opened 11:U0 A.M., December 16, 1968) The Finance Director commented that the law bidder is th e same Agent and the same Company that has the insurance for the year 1968. Councilman Harris ask�d if all the bidders were present at the bid opening. The Finance Director said that Mr. Black from the Mutual Creamery Insurance, Rice Creek Agency was not present, hawever, his bid was higher based on the specifications set up by the City. Mr. Black said that he would like to make a comment that on work- , men's compensation, the general rate structure is based on approxi- mately 60% loss ratio. �l�he fact tnat the C�.ty of Fridley is lucky to be belaw this 60% loss ratio and take advantage of sliding scale ' dividends does not alter the fact that on a guaranteed dividend basis the City woul.d not be taking the chance that it is on a sliding scale basis. The �ity of Fridley does not have the operation to train the ' �R 16 1968 Z 30 , R�GULAR COUNCTL MEETING Ok' DECEMB , pA+t3 po7�icemen an,d Fir�men a.n adequate safety procedures. R 60;a loss ' ratio wauld not be gambling, and he would advise giving some thought to a guaranteed loss rai:io. He said that if the City has a good ' yeax' it is fine, but it would not be so good if they were to have , a bad year. . . , THE FOLLdWING ARE THE BIDS RECEIVED: � � � Partici.pating Plan Final Premium i..oss �evels ' Company b Gross Premium Net �' �51�935 -$3,86� -''$5,802 -'$7,736 -� Agent Premium Discount Premium i1.934 �$3.868 $5.801 �( $7,735 $9,609 ` ' ! � � � — , Employers $19,33g.0 $980.28 $18,357.72� to 10 to 20� to 30$ to 4Qo to SOo Mutual Ins. $12,182.52 t Co. 15,220.17 R. K. Stens d 14,352.23 16,088.01 � 13,484.35 � 6 873.OI -5$ 10-15% 20-25$ 30-35°6 40-45% �' Agricultura $19,338.0 $2,465.00 $1 , � �11,748 $13,005 13,779 $14,262 $14,649 Ins. Co. -10� 15-20� 25-30� 35-40� 45-50$ ' V.M. N�gel • 12,522 $13,392 14,069 $14,456 S14,843 � � � Mutual $19,338.0 $980.00 518,358.O�i , I , Creamery In . � ___ ----- ----- ----- Rice Creek � , F.gency I Western Ins $19,338.0 $2,465.00 516,873.��14,503I 16,437 $16.873 � � � Casualty �$14,503 $�6,873 Hadtrath � � • , Ponsfoxd � ; i0 loss�s �$3869 los iS7736 los Western , $1935 los $5802 los Casualty � $8,702 $13,061 ! � flaZ�firath � �' S8 , 702 , $10 , 776 $15 , 347 PoaSfo�'d �� , � _ � �� � . , ' REGULAR COUDTC��, MEE°1'INv O�' DECEMBLR 16, 1968 I � ti mp�ny � Ag�nt Rrgonaut Ins � Company Anderson A�ency � �_ J , , ' , , � , PM;B 31 Par'icipacing Plan Final Premium Loss Levels Gross Premium Net �� ' �S1,935 - 53, 69 -''$5, 02 - '57,73 . Premium Discount Premium ��1�934 � 53,868 S5�801 � 57,735 $9,609 I I� $19,3�38.00 $2,465.00 $16,873.00 0-5$ IS-10$ 10-15� 15-20$ 20-25$ ; $13,82 $14,252 $14,658 $14 ,039 $14 ,445 ., ComPany and Agent . riutual Creamery In�. Rice �reek Agency �;------ -- '�35-40� 40-45$ 45-50$ n515,29 $15,702 �i I $15,509 � Guaranteed Dividend Plan Dividend $ 2,753.70 SO-55$ 55-60% $16 ,128 $15,915 Final Premium $15;604.30 M�ITION by Councilman Harris to concur with the recommendation of th�e Administration and award the Workmen's Compensation Insurance to Agricultural Insurance Company, V.M. Nagel, Aqent. Seconded by Couac�lman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unaniuwusly. CONSID�tATI0,�1 OF RE4UEST FOR RELEASE OF BOND FOR LAND ALTERATIODT PL'R1�,T � LAP #66-03 ) PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPI�I,NY: �,8 �ity ��iginesr said that two years ago the Council authorized a Land A1�eratiqr� Permit �or Park Construction Co�apanx. Z'he Engineering pepartment has checked their land and recom�nend that as they have complied with the specificati ons, that the bond be released. Their bond is ur�til the first of the year. Mr. Gibbs added that Park Construction has been excellent in their cooperation. Councilman Sheridan agreed and said that it has been a pleasure to deal with tk�em, and that they have done a fine job, and that they have found that Mr. Richard Carlson's word is good. Mc7I'ION by Councilman Samuelson to direct the Administration to ' rel�+a$� the bond for Park Construction Company. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. ITpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the nation carried unanimously. ' , � e_ � �EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16, 1968 p�� 32. • 1,MM �'';• • • }�� • ' ��� • � _� . _ • • Y i_ _ (ii :1 � :�I • • � _ • • c The City Engineer said that Mr. Richard Ellis of Kenney Realty caume befoze the Council previously with a proposal for an egress a�d �ngres� on Mississippi Street, as he felt tl#,�t that proposal would have a better chance o� being approved by the Murphy Oil Cotporation. He said that to date Mr. Ellis has not heard from the Muxphy Oil Corporation. He said that now the City has approval by the Cour�ty and this plan will be brought back when Mr. Ellis hears f�om the Murphy 0�1 Corporation on their approval or dis- approval. MATIpN by Councilman Sheridan to receive the two letters from Anoka County, Department of Highways dated December 2, 1968 and November 29, 1968, and the letter from Kenney Realty dated November 2Q, 1968, along with the attached sketches. Seconded by Council- mar► Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSTON OF RENTAL OF COURT SPACE_: The City Manager said that in reterring to the comments from Mac. Stef�en of the Cour.ty of Anoka and the memorandum from the City Attorney and City Manager, that it seeras that the City and County can go ahead and draft an agreement. Councilman Liebl asked haw much this would amount to. The City Manaqer said between $7,000 and $8,000 per year. Councilman Sheridan ask ed in referring to the letter from Mr. Bernard Steffen, dated October 11, 1968, wl�y the County is named as an insured. Mr. Gi?�bs said that what is meant by tilis is that the City would be tk�� insured, with the County being co-insured. He asked if the City does not carry more than the $100,000 -$3C�t'�C� mentioned. The Fin�n�� Dir�ctor �aid tnat �t�he t.°i�}� has coverag� in excess of that. �he City Manager said that he would like the agreement to terminate at the first of the year for budgeting purposes. Council- m�,n Sheridan asked about supplying furnishings and equipment. The City Manage� said that th is has been budgeted, both as income and �xpense by �the City, but if not needed by the Countx �the City can use the £urnishings elsewhere. ��ON by Councilman Liebl to approve the recommendatio�n of the Citx �►ttorney and City Manager and authorize the City Manager to �tart negotiations with the County for the agreement. Seconded bX Counci�.man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �ayo�' Ki7rkham declared tha motion carried unanimously. C� I ' I ' I ' I � ( , , ' ' , �� i � I � I � � �� ' REGU��R COi7NCIi, MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 CONSIDE,.RATION OF CZTY PUBLIC WORKS UNION NEGOTIATIDNS: � PAGE �3 7'��e Ci.ty Manager explained that negotiations started initially by ���.ty Manager Negotiating Committee at the Metropolitan area level, w�th the Union representatives. After negotiations were completed, ap�aroxianate across the board wage increases were about $43 ,00 per month. The recommendations of this committee hawever, are not b�,nding on any municipality. This was done to coordinate and facilitate negotiations at the local level. There were advance- ments and up-grading of certain jobs. It was pointed out that paying a Sk�lled person for overtime work, when a lawer grade employee could also do the same type of work results in a waste of money. Zt was felt at the negotiations at the local level that R�lph Volkman sh ould be advanced. He said that naw the Union and Admi�istration have reached an agreement. Councilman Liebl said �hat he was glad to see the item about safety on Page 65, as Y�:: felt that ti�� �i�.r i.as been n��igvs��. in some areas conce�ning safet�, such as the digging that is done by the Ci,ty, where he did not feel that there were adequate saf�ty features provided. The City Manager said that they would be meeting once ev�ry three months to discuss safety matters. Councilma� Liebl asked if all. the Public Works trucks have flashers. The Director a� public Works said that the larger trucks have roto beams and the smaller ones have flashers. Councilman Samuelson asked �.f all this will fall within the budget. The City Manager said yes. Councilman Ha�ris asked haw many were in on the Metropolitan negotiations. The Cii.y Manager said five, then when things were concluded, using their findings as guidelines, the local negotiations were worked out. Councilman Harris asked haw the City of Fridley compares with the other municipalities. The City Manager said over-all we were about in the middle. He pointed out that when insurance was dis- cussed, the insurance was subtracted from the employees gross salary. I�e said that there is also a plan to see if the men want some additional benefits added onto their insurance policy. When this infoXmation is obtained, there will be another meeting with the Union representative to see about changing benefits, if so desired. He also porinted out that the cost of living has risen about 5�. ' �o�zncilman Sheridan said that some length and felt that he agr��d a�nd said that he felt ' t'�e employees, and that this meetings. � ' �ouncilman Sheridan asked if industrial, scales. The City s�x'e�d, so they took a mean, fprm�tion available, it was a trend is established. he had gone through the report at could support it. The City Manager that: it was fair to hoth the City and final report is the xesult of many there was an applicable comparison with Manager said that there is quite a and by cross-referencing w ith the in- 'ound that this could not be done until REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEN�ER 16 , 1968 p�g 34 CAUncilman Samuelson com�nented tl3at a Public Works maintenance man car►taake $7,980 and asked what the teachers at the Sr. High School m�ke. H� thought it was about $5,000 -$6,000 to start, after four yqaaC� scMooling. He asked Mr. Richard Harris haw much his crane ope�atc�rs �re making. Mr. Richard Harris replied about $10,000. M�QTIQN by Councilman Sheridan to accept the recommendations of the City M,a�ager and authorize the Administration to proceed. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaXed the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RE4UEST FOR LIVESTOCK LICENSES FOR ONAWAY ADDITION: ..,_......__..-. Counci.lman Liebl asked if this item could not be taken up at this time as the applicants ar-e in the audience. Th� aQ�licants are: Mr, James Hlavinka 5 77th Way N.E. Fr�.dley, Minnesota Mr. Francis P. Anderson 7748 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Th� ��.ty 8ngineer said that Mr. Hlavinka is applying for a new �.iv��'�ock licer�se for one Shetland pony, and Mr. Peterson is applying for a �naw livestock license for two Shetland ponies. He said that tY�e Ptxb]�ic Heara.ng notice as appears in the Agenda on page 99 was sent to prop�rty awners in the area, and t3�at this is M-2 zoning. �e said that all the addresses shawn on the map received a notice o� the hearing. Mr. Harold Harxis spoke as a property owner in t2ze area, in Favor of letting th� children have their ponies, especially as there is not a park in the area. The City Manager explained that an applicati.on for a license is �requ�.xed in case a problem of sanitation should occur. Mayor Kirkham said �hat he had no objection. Councilman Sheridan raised the point �,J�at a.� these are allawed, there wi�ll probably be more like ap- �li�a�i,ons. �40TTON by Councilman Liebl to grant the livestock licenses to Mr. �lavinka, 5 77th Way N.E. and Mr. F.P. Peterson, 7748 Elm Street N.�. �e�q�ded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all v+ot�.�.g ���, Maxor Kirkham declared the mot ion carr�ed unanimously. RE4UESTTNG LIGHTS FQR 1969 STREET LIGHT PROGRAM: �� C�tx Engineer said that on Pages 77 �d 78 ts a priority list �u�g�s���d by the Engineering Department. There have already been R�G�I�A�,R COtJ�TC�L MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 pAag 35 4$ �equests for �.�;;�� street lig:l;.;�; a :;,: suggeste�: ��i�a;. �� we auth- ta�i�ed at this time, and the remaining 10 to be placed later. The �audget only allaws for 30 lights. He said that a high priority was� given to street lights on East River Road, especially on the �t�rves, the lights on East River Road totaling twelve. Councilman S�mue],so�n agreed that the Council should authorize the 12 lights �� East River Road as it is very hazardous. Councilman Sheridan asked if there are still corners which do not have street lights. The City Engineer said yes, but because of the sa�ety problems, and because East River Road carries a large volume of traffic, it was considered first. Coun�ilman Sheridan said that he did not disagree with this, but pQinted out that the people paying for the lights are not th e p�c�ple deriving benefits. He said that there will be lights needed 02'� Clst Avenue trom West Moore Lake Drive, and on 73rd Avenue as it is an industrial road, even though there are no cross streets. Councilman Harris said that he agreed w ith the City Engineer's ��commendation. Councilman Samuelson suggested that in 1970, the �treet lighting program should be analyzed. He said that he has h.ad requ+�sts for about 30 lights in his ward alone. Councilman Ha�ris agreed and said that the City is to the point naw where it ma.ght consider a 5 year bonding program to c�et the street lighting completed. �IOT�ON by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the City Engineer for the placement of 20 street lights. Se- conded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON STORM SEWER ON 75TH AVENUE BE'i'j�VEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND S�"TNSON BOULEVARD• �'k't� City Engineer said that these are open pipes in this area. He ' ���.d th� they are trying a new experiment on this pipe line by w�a,ch th� inside of the pipe is packed and wire screening is put in s�n the j o.ints . He said that he is not sure whethex� this will work, , �o� ��.d he have figures available. If this is sucessful, the Aep�tmer�t will do the rest of the joints. ' �'I4N by Councilman Sheridan to receive tYie Engineering report on �.he storm se�wer on 75th Avenue between Cen�.ral Avenue and Stinson 8oulevazd. Seconded by Councilmari Samuelsc�n. Upon a vo}ce vote, ' ��� voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the`motion carried un- a��.ta�u$1,y . ' gEG�,TLA�R COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEI�ER 16, 1968 D�SCUSSION OF DISYAT�iiER FOR �VL:��.L l��PARTMENT : PAGE 36 Councilman H�rris askecl if the di�patchers were under the same general regu�ations as other eraployees, such as a six month pro- bationary period. The City Manager said yes. Mayor Kirkham asked if the requirements preclude one of our present Policement from applying for the job. The City Manager said they could an d also pointed out that the physical requirements for the dispatcher's ,�pb are not as stringent as those for a Policeman. He said that if a Policeman should bs injured on the job, he would have the px'ivilege of bumping a Dispatcher, as he would be considered a junior man. Councilman Sheridan asked if a Dispatcher employed by the City would have the privilege of moving up to the position of a Policeman. The City Manager said yes, if he could pass the physica� examination and the Civil Service Examination, then he would again be under a six month probationary period. Council- man Sh�ridan commented that this would provide the Dispatchers a chance for advancement. Councilman Liebl added that he thought this was a good idea. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the specifications set forth by the Chief of Police. Seca;:ded by Councilman SI^►eridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirlciiam declar�d the motion carried unanimously. SOL O 199-1968 - RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCTL: Councilman Harris said that he had asked the City Attorney to pre- pare this Resolution and that it is much the same as has been passed by other municipalities in the seven county area. Councilman Liebl s�id that this spells out that the Metropolitan Council should be appointive and not elective. Councilman Harris said that it is felt by the municipalities that they did not want taxing controls and legislative rights to be in the hands of the Metropolitan Council, at least not for a tiane, �sntil their strue�:,ure is sound. He felt that this would be a detriment to the local governments. Gouncilman Liebl pointed out that some problems should be handled a� the Metropolitan level, such as the problem of air polution. At. a C�.�y l,evel, effective controls cannot be obtained. He said that h� ge].t that they should have some funds available for developing �a]�ans for the control of air polution. He said that possibly in �q Xe�rs the members of the Metropolitan Council taay be elective. �l�OTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #199-1968, and dia��ct the Administration to forward copies to the Metropolitan Counci].. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, L�.ebl, Hax'�;is and Samuelson voting aye, Sheridan abstaining, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carried. , RE�ULA,F� GOUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 � PAGE 37 ' F,�ES9LUTION #200-1968 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING OF CERTAIN FUNDS: �QTI4N by Counci.lman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #200-1968. ' 9eepndQd by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' APPO�NTME,�TTS : Name ' ' Henry R . Muh ich 3�# Sou�h E�Cie St . Auror�, Mi��esota Nasim M. 4ureshi ' �495 M,��.n Street N.E. Fx�ldle�, l�innesota Position Building Official Director Planning- Community Development Replaces John B . Breher ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendations of the Administration and approve the appointments. Seconded by Gounc�.lman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor '``` KirlGham declared the motion carried unanimously. �ETITTON #34-1968 - RICE CREEK 'I'�:RRACE FROM 68TH AVENUE TO ' UN�,�ERSITY AVENUE: �ION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition #34-1968. Seconded ' by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: �ION by Councilman Li,ebl to approve payment of General Claims #��806 through #16905 and Liquor Claims #2816 thzough #2872• S�canded by Councilman Sheri dan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maxox Kirk2�am declared the motion carried unanimously. i�IGE�T„�ES : �� Multiple Dwellings Address Units �'c�h� J. Js��nson 321 79th W�y N.E. 4 ��3(? Fi,l].�s�iurX Building f►08 2nc� AVenus So. �i�neapo��s. Minn. 55402 Fee $1Q.00 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 Name Address Units _._._�.. SQencer J. Sokolawski 5801 2nd St. N�E. 4 f�r Bexton Cross 556 40th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 CAFE Submarine Sandwich Holiday Vill,age No. 57th & University Ave. Fridley, Minn. 55421 VENDING MACHINE (15) Servomation onan 4301 68th Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minn. GENERAL CONTRACTGt� Vern Donnay Const. 7300 36th Ave. No. Minneapolis, Minn. Donald J. Michnawski Construction 4423 Reservoir Blvd. Columbia Heights, Minn. BY Paul T. Haller R.E. Norman L.A. Donnay D. J. Michncrwski PAC�E 38 Fee $10.00 APPROVED BY NEW Health Inspector NEW Health Inspector NEW Building Inspector N�1 Building Inspector EXCAVATING Quinn Plumbing Harold F. Quinn NEW Plumbing 8003 13th Ave. So. Inspector Minneapolis, Minn. x�T zNc Assoc. Mechanical Serv. Richard Weatherston N�ni Heating 668 Jenks Avenue Inspector St. Paul, Minn. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the foregoing licenses. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES• M�OTION by Councilman Harris to approve payment of the following estimates: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEN�ER 16, 1% 8 � �I ' Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 758 Curfew St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 ' ' ' � ' � Estimate #2 for work completed this date for are conditioning work on Police and Park Department remodeliny in Civic Center according to contract PAGE 39 Police Department $ 472.00 Park Department: $ 756.00 Arcon Construction Company, Inc. Mora, Minnesota Partial Estimate �5 tor work completed this date a��ordiny to cor.tr4�t; STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1A Partial Estimate #5 for work completed ' this date according to contract: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2A $1,228.00 4,757.22 $17,758.80 ' THE MOTION for approval of estimates was seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ICOMMUNICATIONS• � A. 1�S. ROBERT G. JOHNSON: METROPOLITAN ZOG MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication and ' resolution from i�rs. Robert Johnson, Minnetonka Village Council- woman and Member of Metropolitan Zoo Advisory Committee dated December 3, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a ' voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the proposal of a seven county Metropolitan Zoo and direct the Administration to prepare a similar resolution for passage at the next Regular Council ' Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' B. UNITY HOSPITAL: STREET LIGEiT i MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication�from Unity I RE�ULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1968 PAGE 40 Hps����� d���� No�e�er 25, �968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. �pan a vo��e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkk�aan declared the �otion caxrie� unan�mously. Mayor Kirkham commente� that there are many lights in front of U�ity Hospital already and wondered if more were really necessary. H� add�d that th�re is a bus stop at Madison Street and Osborne Road. Tt was agreed by the Council to ask the City Eng�neer to make the determination on whether a light was needed there, or if the light could be put to better use somewhere else within the City. C. STATE OF MINNESOTA: WINTER MAINTENANCE OF FRONTAGE ROADS: MQTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the State of Minnesota, C.E. Burrill, District Engineer dated December 3, 1968. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ICixkham declared the motion carried un- animously. Councilman Sheridan called the attention of the Council to the second paragraph which states that the State crews will help the City crews when time is available, and in his opinion it should llave read �hat the City crews will help the State crews when time is available. D. N S.S.S.D. RESOLUTION REQUESTING FRIDLEY VACATE A PORTION OF MARSHALL STREET: Councilman Harris said that he had talked to the City Engineer and he thought that a publio hearing will have to be held. He said that the N.S.S.S.D. Board was going to talk to Mr. Harold Harris about h is gate. Mr. Harold Harris said that he had received no communication to date. Councilman Harris said that Mr. Harris is putting in a fence and has access from the north �n� south. He said that from tia�� N.S.S.S.D. L��st��c�. stazdpoiz�-�., :� p�lic hearing should be established. He said that as Mr. Harold Ha=ris has a 99 year lease rather than being a property c7wner, a public hearing i,s a legal requirement, although it will only involve 1�. Harris and N.S.S.S.D. The City Engineer pointed out that all the ease- ments must be maintained. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication dated December 12, 1968 from N.S.S.S.D. and their resolution and set the Public Hearing date for January 13, 1969. Seconded by Council- man aheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�cla��d the motion carried unanimously. Y r �t,j��UL�lR �OUNCIL ML�'I'ING OF DF;CEMBF.R 16, 1968 Pl�g 41 Coune�ilmax� �iarris said that this would serve as notice to Mr. �arp].d Harris of the Public Heaaring far January 13, 1969. O M � 'IT • � There being no further business, Mayor Kirklzam declared the Regular Council Meetir�g of December 16, 1968 adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, -� ( ��/-�.�1� � y��✓� ,��.i�. J'�ie,� Mercer secretary to the Council Jack O. Kirkham Mayor r � AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EftECTION, CONSTR'UCTION, REPAIRy ALTF'�RATION� ?;��'�T�;;::� {?F MAINTENA?Ii:T; ��' �TGtIS AND BILLBOARDS WITHZN `�HE CITY �F FRIDLEY+ �OVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF BONDS, THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITB, INSPECTION AND F�S, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VZOLA�IONS, .AND REPEAL OF EXISTING CHAFrF�R 56 (�IGNS & BILLBOARDS� OF THE CITY CODE. SEC'�ION 1. Purpose and Intent The purpose of this Ordinance ia to protect and promote the general � � weJ.fare, health, safety and order within the City of Fridley through the estab�iahment of a comprehensive a.nd impartial series of standards, regulations ar�d procedures governing the erection, use and�or display of devices, signs ox sy�ubols aerving as a visual commu.nicative media to pereona situated within or upon public right-of-ways or properties. The provisions of this Ordinance are intended to encourage creativity, a reasonable degree of freedom of choice, an opportunity for effective aommunication, and a sense of concE.�.z for the viaual amenities on the part of thoee deaig.n,ing, displaying or otherwise utilizing needed communic�tive media oi the types regulated by this Ordinance; while at the same time, assuring that the public is not endangered, annoyed or distracted by the unsafe, disorderly, indiscriminate or unneceasary use of such communicative facilities. SECTIQN 2. Definitions _.._r._--�,--- 1�. "Accessory Sign" meana a sig.n relating in ita subj�ct matter io the premiees on which it ia located, or to products, accommodations, services or activities on the premises on whieh it is located. B. "Acceasory Use" means a use which is subordinate to the principle use being made of a parcel of land. Examples: idex�tifieation signa, off etreet parking, off s+reet loading, telephone booths� etc. -1- :__ � ' 1 4.5 N. "Motion Sign" mean$ any aign which revolvee, rotatea or has any moving pa,rts . 0. "Nameplate or ldentification Sig�n" means a sign which bears the name and�or addrees of the occupants of the building. P. "Non-Accessory Sign" means a sig.n other than an a�cessory sign. � Q. "Nonconforming Sign" means a sign which lawfull.y existed prior to the adoptio.n of this Ordinance but does not co.nform to the newly enacted requiremer�ts of this Ordina.nce. R. "Portable Sign" means a sign so designed as to be movable from one location to another which is not permanently attached to the ground or any structure. S. "Projecting Sign" means any sign, all or any part of which extende over public property more than twelve (12) inchee. T. "Permanent Sign" is any sign which is not a temporaxy aigxi. II. '�Roof Sig^n" means any sign erected upon the roof of a structure to which it is affixed. V�. !�Roofline" ia defined as the top line of the coping; or, when the building ha,s a pitched roof, ae the interaection of the outside wall with the roof. W. "Sign" meane any letter, word or eymbol, devive, poatar, piature, etatuary, r�ading matter or representation in the nsture of an advertiaement, announcement, message, or v�i.�ual communioati�a whether painted, poated, printed, affixed or constructed, which ie displayed outdoors for i.nformational or communicative purpoeee. X. '�Sign Area" means that area within the marginal lines of the eurface which beare the advertiaement, or in the case of inessages, figurea, or symbols attached directly to �.n,y pa,rt of a building, that Rrea which ia included in the amallest rectangle which can be made -3= ' � � to circumacxibe the mess�ge, figure or symbol dieplayed tY�ereon. The stipulated utaxitnum sigri area for a free standing aign refera to a single facing. Y. "Street Frontage" refers to the proxim�ty of a parcel of land to o.ne or more etreets. An interior lot has one atreet fro.ntage and a coxner lot two such frontages. Z. "Temporary Sign" means a sig.n which is erected or displayed for a ' limited period of time. Such temporary sig�ns shall inelude those listed in Section 3, and Section 5D,�2�b, and pennants, bannere, � � ' paper and other similar type signe. A.A. "Private Traffic Directio.nal Sig.n" means a eign which is erected on, private property�by the owner of euch property for the purpose o� guiding vehiculax and pedestrian traff�o. Such sign bear0. no i advertiaing �nformation. 4� BB. "Wall Sign" means any sig.n which is affixed to a wall of any buildixig. CC. "Window Sign" meane m sig�n placed on a window, or any sign placed withi� a building for the purpose of bei.ng vieible �rom the ' Public Right-Of-Way. SECT�ON,� General Provisions Applicable To All Districts � A. Non-accesaory free standin� signa are prohibited in all districts except in areas apecifically defined in the Ordinance for this � � purpose. Non-accesaory wall signs ahall be permitted only i.n the C-2, and C-25 Commercial Districta according to the requirements se� �orth for those distrivta. ' B. A11 signs ahall be constructed in such a ma.nner and of such material that they ehall be safe and subatantia�, pxovided that nothing.in ' this Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorizing the ereation or � ' conatruction of any sign not now permiesible under the Zo�ixig or -4- Y 4� Building Ordinance of the City. C. Nq �ign ahall contain any indecent or offenaive picture or w��tt�rl matter. D. No illuminated s�,g.n wh�ch phanges ir� �i,ther aolor ox i,ntene�ty o£ light shall b� permitted �xcept one giving pu�lic eervice information euch as time, date, temperatuxe, weather, or similar information. The City Building I.nepector ix� gxanting permite for illuminated signa ahall apecify the hours during which the sa.me may be kept lighted when necessary to prevent the creation of a nuiaance. All illumixiated sig.ns sha,ll have a ehielded light source. E. No sign other than governmental signs $hall be erected or temporaxily placed within any atreet or rnzblic right-of-way or upon any ptxblic easement. F. A permit for a si ri to be located within 50 feet of anv atreet or � � highway regulatorv or warnin� ai�n, of anv traffic sign or e� , or of any crossroad or coreewalk, will be ieeued only if: (1� The sig:n will not interfere with the ability of drivere and pedeetriana tq see any atreet or highway eign, or any traffia sig:n or Signal, or any crosaroad or croeaw�lk, and; (2) The eig.n will not distract drivera nor off�r any coxifueion to any etreet or highway sign, or any traffic eign or eigne.l. G. Roof ai�ns are prohibited in all dietricts. H. �anners, pQnnants and whixling devices or any such aign reaemblix�3 the same are prohibited from uae wit:�in the City ex�ept when ueed as a� Y integral part of the deaign of a bailding or whe.n used in conjue�ctior� �►ith grand open�..ngs (the initial commencement of busixieee�,or whert a1l�wed by tY�e proviaione of thie Ordixiance. In the Qaee o� g�and openinge, banners and pe.nnanta ehall be.allowed for the week (7 daya� � of said gxand opening. In other casee a sp�aial permit ahal� be iasued for 7 day periods, but limit�d to three (3� times a y��ar ' O 48 per business. I. Campsign •igns poeted by a bo.na.fide �andidate for political offioe or �� by a per�on or group promot�ng a political issue or a political candidat� may be placed in any distxict subject to the requirements of that �i.istrict. Such sig.na ehall be removed withi� seven (7� �iays following t:�e election. A�25.00 deposit eha.11 be received by the City of Fridley before any signa may be postzd. If all the signs are removed, the �25.00 will be refunded, but if removal ie not complete, the depoait will be uaed to defray the cqets of removal. J. One.temporaxy identification aign ms.y be inetalled upon a ' conatruction site in any district, provided auch sign doea not exceed eighty (80) square feet in axea. ' � � K. Temvoraxy real estate si�na may be erected for the purpoee of selling. or promoting a residexitial project of ten (10� or more dwelling units or any non-residential project provided: (1) Such eigns aha�l not exceed one hundred (100) pqusre feQt in area. � (2� Only one such aign ahall be permitted per s�reet frontage upon which the property abuta. , � 1 ' � ' � (3) Such signe ehall be removed when the project ie 9y� completed, sold or leaeed, and , (4) Such signe eha.11 be located no cloaer thaz�. one hundred (100) feet to any pre-existing residence. L. �,py�orary aiena for the purpose of aelling or leasing individual lote or bui�dinge sha11 be permitted, provided: (1) Such signe ehall not exceed aix (6) equaxe feet for re�id�ntial � ' � . � ' , propexty and twe.nty-four (24) squaxe feet for non-residential property. (2) Only one such aigr� is permitted per street fronta�e upon whioh the �roperty abuts. (Exception: An additio.nal "open house" sign may be used.� (3) Such aign shall be removed within thirt.y (30) days followixig �he lease or sale. ' M. Any free-sta.ndin� sig.n within twenty-five (25� feet of any in�ersection o� etreet rigt�t�of-way linQs aad�or driveway entranCes ishall ha,ve a minimum vertical clearance of ten (10) feet above the ' � ' centerline of the pavemex�t. N. The total sign area of any multi-faced free-standi.ng eiga sh�.11 not exceed twice the permitted area of a aingle face sign. 0. Private traffia directTna,l eigne shall not exceed aix (6) aquare feet in area. � P. Motion sig.na are prohibited in all districts. Q. Portable aig^.na are permitted only in the R-1 Diatrict. , R. No projecting sig.n shall be permitted in any district. S. One addreas sign ahall be required per building in all districts. � T. Bench signs shall be permitted only at bua atops. ' U. Church directio.nal signs shall be permitted in all diatricts provided the total area of such aigns ehall not exceed four (4) ' � � � � aquaxe feet per facing. V. Canopiea and maxquees shall be considered to be an i.ntegral part of the atructure to which they are accesaory. Signs may be attached to a ca.nopy or marquee but such atructures shall not be cox�sidered as p�,rt of the wall area and thus shall x�ot war�ant additional, aig.n area. _7_ 49 I � ' ' ' �� W. Signs which are located on the interior of a building, except w%ndow s�gns, sha7.1 be exempt from the provisio.ns of the Ordinance and sha11 not require permits and fees. X. Signs attached to a building wall which exte.nd more than twe.nty-four (24� inches from such aurface shall be prohibited. Y. The iasuance of a permit may also be subject to conditiona in order to promot� a more reaso.nable combination of signs and to promote cot�formity with the character and uaee of adjoini.ng property. The aonditions will be subject to the disoretion of th� �u�lc��x� Znapection Departmex�t. �. A wall eign. a� other bui,�.da.ng fenoin� (wh�vk� �� �n �.ntegral par� , of the etruoture� uae,y groj�ct only �ou� (�� �'eot above t�xe � roo�line of a a�ruature, Thie addi�ionsl height, however, ehall not ba aoneidered as part of the wal� aa�ea and eha�l not warrant ' , , ' ' � additioxie,l aign area. :igns shall not be pa�nted directly to any exterior buildi.ng euriace but ahall be on a eeparate frame except for temporary dieplay windowe. Sign lettere and symbola may be attached directly to a wall by adhesive or mecha.nical meane. AA. �.�nte.na..nce (1� The surface and structure of a11 signa mu$t be kept refiniahed as .necessary to prevent the sig.n aurface from becoming unkempt in appearance. When any si�z�.for which a permi!; is required is removed, the Building Inspector shall be notified and the entire sign and its' components shall be removed. � (2� The permit owner ahall be reapo.naible for all of the requirementa of thie Chapter, including the liabilitv for ' expenee of removal and maintena.nce incurred by the City. � � -8- Jr� � 51 SEGTION 4. S�ecial Regt��.ati�,on$;' Tem�orar,y Nozlaccessoxy Free-Standing Sig.na Nonaccessory signs ehall be perm�tted on a temporary basis on the follqwi.ng' deacribed property subject to all of the requirementa herein set forth: The pxoperty West of University, Ea$t of the railroad tracka, and North of Osborne Road. a. Maximum Hei t= Twenty (20� feet above lot grade. B. Ma.ximum Sign Area: Three hundred (300� square feet per facing a.nd not to exceed two (2) facin,gs. Double faced.sig.ns sha�l be attached back to back. C. Minimum Diata.nce Between Sig:ns: Five hundred (500� feet. �. Minimum Setback From Street Right-of-Wa,y Linee: �i€ty ��0��feet. E. Dietance From Street Intersectione: Not cloaer thaxl five h��:�dred (500) feet to the intereection of two ox more st;eete or highwaye, such distanae being m�aeured fro� the in�ersectiox� of �atreet or highway centerlines. F. Proximity to IIaes Permitted in Residential Distriete and New R COSl$tI'L1C�lOT1' Not cloeer than five hundred (500� feet to any residential etruc�ure, any publically owned land, or any other use ar etructure permitted in any distxict,. When any atruature is built within five hundred (500) feet of a temporary non-acceasory aign, euch aign ahall be immediately removed upon occupa,ncy of such etructure. SECTION 5. District Regulations In addition to those signs permitted in all dietrict�, the following �igns are permitted in each specific diatrict and ehall be reg�lated as to aiae, � 1ACation �nd character according to the requiremex�ts herein set forth: 0 -9- � 52 I � �A, k�-1R R�2� R-2A Residentia� Districta -� . r . (1 � Nameplate Si�.n�s One sign for each dwellixig unit, x�ot ;-rea�er ' t�han �two (2) squ�.re �eet in �rea, �ndiqat�ng the x�ame and/ox address o,f the occupant. (2� Institutional and Reareatio.nal SiRns• One aign or bulletin•� �....�.r.�..�.�....,.....�wr..�...�.��.��i. board per street frontage for � church, a public institutioxial use, or a recreational uee i.n the R-�, R-2 and R-2A Dietricta. Such aign or bulleti.r. board shall not exceed twenty-four (2q.� equare feet i,n axea nor ehall it be placed closer than ten (10� feet to any atreet right-of-way lix�e. (3� Area�I�ex�tificati��l Si�;ns: Or�e aign per development not tp exaeed twenty--fou� (2Q) square feet in area. (4) Temporary Sig.ns: Refer to Section 3. (5) Maximum Hei�ht of Free-Standing Sigxie: Sia (6� feet above the lot grade. (6� Minimum Setback: No part of a eig.n shall be within ten (10� feet , of any property lis�e. (Bxception: Nameplate sign may be plaaed Ianywhere on the owxiera property.) B. Mu1tiple Reaidential Districts- R-3, R-3A And R-� � (1) Identification Signs: One identification aign or ayqibol �er � building not greater than six (6) sqnaxe Peet in area, providsd ' such sigrx ie attacr�d flat a�ainat a, w�,�1 of the buildi:,�. � � , I__J , (2� Area Identification Signa: One area identification sigri pex development, providing such aigxi does not exceed twenty-foux (24� square feet in area, and further provided, +9uch pi�n is p�aced no oloser tha� ten (10� feet to any street right�of-way. ' (3) Institutio.nal Signa: One �sign per street fronta.�e i.dent�fyiz� . a.n lnetitutiona� complex within a multiple reeidential d�str�at -1Q- ' 53 I , (convalflsce�t, nuarsin$, �est or bparding care homes, or mobile hotne comp�ex. � Such aig.n �hall not exceed twent f- � four (24) aquaa^� feet in area z�or ahall it be placed cloaer than ten (1p) feet to any atreet right-pf-way line. ' ' ' , � � , � ' lJ � � � � , ' (4� Accessor� Use Signs: Signs identifying usee acceaeory to � multiple residex�tial development aha.11 not be vieible from the public right-of�way. (5) Temporary Sig:ns: Refer to Section 3. � (6) Maximum Height of Free-Standir�g Signa: Six (6) f�et above the lot grade. (7) M�.minum Setback: No pe,xt of a sign shall be Within ten (10) feet of any property line. (8) Pr�va,�e Traffic DirectioxLal 5i�ns: Re�er to Section 3,/0�. C, Commercia� Districte-C-1. C-2, C-1S, C-2S — � �1� Wall Signe; The total area pf all wa11 signs affixed to a building wall shall not exceed fifteen per cent (1�) of the total area of tha,t wall. (2� Free-Sta.nding Sig�n.s: One free-standing� sign for eaah building per etreet frontage. The total area of a free-s�anding sign far a building having one atreet frontage ehall not exceed eighty (80) aquare feet i� Commercial District C-1 a.nd C-1S, nor �hall, it exceed one hut�drqd (10C) equare fest �n Co���mercial. D�.strict C�2 and C-2S. Where a buildixig has two or more stree� frontages, only one iree-atanding eig.n of the above aize eha11 be permit�ed. Each permitted free-etan,ding sign in exceas of one ehall be na greater in ar�a than one-half (�) the axea of the �irst sign. The maximum height of free-e�anding ei�ne �ha11 be twenty (20� feet in the C-1 and C-1S Diatricts and twe�tty-five -�1- �- ' , ' 54 (25) feet in the C-2 and C-2S Districts. (3) Area Identification Sig�ns; One �i� ��x� development .r• .�; to � exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. (4� �`�mpora�v Si�riB: Ftef�r to Sect�.��z �e ' (5� Private Traffic Directio.nal Sig.ns: Refer to Section 3,�0/�. ' (6) Exce tiones Offices and medical and dental cli.nics in a co�merci�l dietrict ahal�. �om��y� ����i �ection S,E; "Medical and Oifice Buildirig Ds:atra.ct" � (7� Minimum Setbsck: No part of a sign shall be within ten (10� feet of any property 1ine. D. Automobile Service Area means g^as sta�ione, drive-in res�suranie, drive-in theaters, etc.; or any other type of busitaess where an automobile is used as the recipient of the �ervi,ce ox product or where an automobile is necessary to obtain or to make uae of the service or product. (1� Wall Signs: The total of all wall sig�n�s a�fixed to a buildi.ng wall ahall not exceed fifteen per cent (15�� of the total, area of tt�at wall. (2� Free-Standi.ng Signs: � a. One free-standing aigxi per princip�l building per atreet frontage. The total area of a free-standing sign for a buildin.� havi.ng one street fra�t��f �hall not exce�d eig'nty (80> square feet. Where a building has two or more street frontages, only one (1� free-sta.�ding aigxi of the abave size shall be permitted. Each permitted free-standit�,g sign i.n exceas of one ahall have a sign axea not to exaeed fifty (�0� equa�re feet. The maximum hei�ht of free-sta.nditlg — signs shall be twenty (20) feet. �-12- �5 b. Temporary product sale, stamp and game s��s may oocupy ihe remainder o#' that area not utilized for the pe�m�.ne�� free-atanding brand Sign, provided the total area of all �er�4a�ez�t an� �empox�ary s�gn� does r�ot exceed eighty (80) square feet for one aign and fifty (50) aquare feet for each aign in exceaq of one. glso, the maximum total area for temporary aig.na is twenty (20) aquaxe feet. (3� Pump Sig.ne: Letteri.ng or symbols wh�ch aace an i.ntegral paxt of the deaign of_a $a$oline pump shall be permitted. (4) Private Trafiic Di��ctio.t�al Signs: Refer to Section 3„(0/. (5� Temporary Sig.na: Refer to Section 3. (6� Restroom Sig.ns: aig�ns indicating the location of restrooms and contaix�in$ no advertieix� information ehall be permitted as needed. E. Medical and Office Building District- CR-1 and CR-2 (1� Identification Signs: One sign per atreet frontage, provided such s�g.ns do not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet i.n area. (2) Accessory Sig.ns: One identification wall aign per accessory uae attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor level. The total area of all wall signe shall not exceed fifteen per cent (15/) of the ground floor wall facin� of the accesaory uae. (3� Area Identification Si�na: One sign per development, not to exceed thirty-six (36) equare feet in axea. (4� Maximum Height of Free-Standin� Si�s: Six (6� feet above lpt grade. (5� Temporary Si�ne: Refer to Section 3. (6) Private Txaffic Directional Sig�ns; Refer to Section 3,�0�. -1j- �7) Mi.���um 'e�b,R aok; No part of a sig.n s�a�l be with�n te� (1Q) feet of a�y property line. (Exception: Twenty (20) feet from front �ot line when located within twenty (20) feet of a driveway). �. Heavy and Light Induatrisl Districts- M-1 and M-2 (1� Identification Signs: One identification aign per atreet frontage, not to e�ceed eighty (8�) square feet in area. One (1� addi�io.nal wall identificatio� sigxi for each tenant hav��g a private e�try to a multi-tenant building� and the total axea of auch signa being displayed at or near the tenant's entrance, shall not exceed ten per*.cent (10�� of the axea of the wall to which it is affixed. - (2� Area Identification Si�ns: One sign per development not to exceed eighty (80� square feet in axea. (3� Temporaxv Si�ns: �tefer to 5ect�o.n 3. (4� Maximum Height of Free-�tandin� Sig.nsi Twenty (20� feet above lot grade. � (5� Private Traffic Directional Signs: Refer tp Section 3,�0/. (6� Minimum Setback: No pe,rt of a sigxi ahal� be within ten (10� � feet of any pro�erty line. G. P and FD Districts: Sign requirementa in P a.nd FD areas would be ' pontrolled by the Council when the development is planned. ' � ' � � SECTION 6. Adminiatration Permits: Before a sigrn ma,y be diaplayed in the City of Fridley, the ownex of the premises on which the aign is located aha11 file application with the Ci�ty Building Inapection Department for permiseion to display euch sign. Pvrmits cauet be acquired �'or all existi.ng, new, relocated, modified ox redesigned. -14� s� ��.g:p,a except thoae specifically e�Cempt u,nder Seotion 7,�8�. A. �'�rmit Application: Applic�t�.on for permita shall be made upox� bl�,nlca provided by the 8uilding Inspector and ahal�, atate or have attached there�o, the �following ixlformation: f1) Name, address and telephone number of applicant. (2) Location of building, atructure, or lot to which or upon which ' ' the sign is to be attached or erected. (3) Po$ition Qf the sig:n or other advertising at�ructureq in relat�on to nearest buildix�gs, structures, public etxeets, right-of-ways and property lines. The drawing a�owing such 5`7 I poaition ahall be prepared "to scale". (4� Two (2� blueprints or ink drawizlgs of the plans a.nd spe�:ifications and method of construction or attachmex�t to the building or in the ground including all dimeneiona. Locating all light aources, wattage, type and color of lighta, and details of any light shielda or shades. (5) Copy o#' s�reas sheets and calculations �howing the atx�cture is designated for dead load and wind velocity in the atnount required by this and all other Ordinancea of the City. (6) Name of person, iirm, corporation, or aasociation erecting the structure. (7� Any electrical perul�.t required for any eign., (8� AN AGRE�IT WITH THE CITY: a. Which would authorize and direct the City of Fridley to remove and diapose of any eigns and ai&n etructure on which �� a permit has been issued but which was not renewed, if the � _._...�. owner does not remove th� same within a thirty (30) da� eriod following the ezpiration of ths permit. � t�g- . 58 b. Whi'oh wo� ld author�ze and direat the C�ty of F� y�o re�ove tha si�n and s� etructure, at the expenae af the applicant, where mainte�anae ie re�uired and the maint� ena�ce is not furniehed, but onlv afte� a hea�ing and after a T notice of eixtv (60) day� apecif�v_ing the maintex�a.nce re�uired bY the City. (9) If a eign authorized by perm�t has not been i.netalled within ni.rity (90) da.ys after the date of iesuance o� eaid permit, the pexmit sY�a�,l become null �nd void. �10� The Bu�,1,di.ng Tnspeo�ion Department may require other � information concer.ning aafety. B. Feeet Perm�t fees for signe shall be: ' (1) For aigr�s forty (40) equaxe feet or leas an initlal fee of $10.00. � � (2) For signs laxger than forty (40� aquare feet the i.nitial f�e ahall be �25•00 plus 25 cents per squaxe foot o,� the sign auxface exCeedi.ng 100 square feet. ' ( 3) An annual �'ee for free-standin8 a.nd non-aoceaeorv ai�ne ,of $5.00 plus 1Q cents per square foot of the ei� su�rface iexceedin�y00 aquare feet aha11 be chaxged, Th� annual fee ehall not be aharged for acaeasory sig�s � attached d�reCtly on a building Whioh identify the acti�rity ' or advertiee producte eold o� servicee provided i� that buildix�� An �nnual �ea wi11 ba d�ze on Apri� 30 0� eaoh ysax. [�� ll ' ' (q�) No fees are xequired for the non-permit eigne provided for �.� SeotlOn 7,� j� �nd may 'be waived fox religious � eivia, sahpol and pu'�1ia �.x�terest$ by a majoxity vote a� the City Counc�,l. ( j) �'or bannere ��exinax�,te and whir�ing dev�ae� ox any suoh sign ..� �_ ♦5 J resembli.ng the satne, a e�ecial fee of �5.00 ie required for each • aeven (7) day period or lees. C. Liaenaes and �onde: No �exeox�, firm, or ao�porat�.on shall exigage in � the buainess of erecting eigne under thie Ordi�ance unleae licensed to do so by the City Council. Such licenae may be granted by the City Council after w�itten applicatiox� to the C�ty Clerk, accompa,nied by an annual license fee of �25.00 and it may be termina.ted at any time for cause. The license shall expire on December 31st in the yeax of isauance and each yeax thereafter. Na licenae shall take effect until the licenaees shall file with the City ' Clerk a corporate surety bond in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned tha.t the lice.nseee �ha.11 conform to all of the proviaione �i this ' chapter and indemni�y and hold the City, its officers and age.nts, Y harmless from and dama.ge or claim reaultixig from or related to the erection or mainte.nance of any sig.n in the City l�y the licensee. A licenae and bond shall not be required of an a�pli�ant, who ia no� engaged in the buainess of ereating aigxis, �nd who chooses to conetruct and erect hie own sigxi on his property. SF.AT�� Enforcement A. Sign Identification �,a�,: For a,x�y s�gn �or which a permit is required under the provisiona of this Ord�nance, the City Building Inepect�in Department sha11 aff�.x a tag which ehall be aonepiouously attached to th� aigxl or ox� the premises. Such tag eha.11 indicate th� z�urqbex of the eign permit and the date of ieeu�nc�. Pexonite and t�gs mup� be acquired and application fee$ paid for all non-exempt signe exiating at the time of adoption of thie Ordinance. -�7� so � k3. Exem�t�one: The ex�m�tio.ns permitted by this SQction ahall a�ply anly to the rpquixement o,� a permit and ehall not be construed a,s rslieving the i,nstaller of thq sign, or the owxier of the property upon which the sign is located, from conforming with the other provieions of this Ordi.na,.nce. No permit is required under this Section for the following sig.ns: (1 � A window s�gn not exoeedix�g thirty per cexit ( 30f ) of the window area. ( 2� Signs hayi.r�.� an area of six ( 6� aquare feet or less . (3� Signs erected by a governmental unit ar publi� school distxict. (4) Tempoxary signs as listed in Section 3� paragraphs I, J, K, and L, and Section 5; Paragraph D, subpaxagraph b. (5� Memo�rial sig.ne or tablete contain�ng the name of the build��, its use and date of erection when aut or built into the walls of the building and conatructed of bronze,�brass, stone or marble. (6� Signs w�ich are completely within a buildin$ and axe not visible from the outside of said building. C. Violations and Finea: If the City Building Inspector or,his agent shall find that any sign regulated by this Ordins..nce ia unsafe, inaecure, or is a me.na,ce to the public; or has been constructed or erected without a permit firat being granted to the owner of the property upon which said sign hae b�en erected, or is improperly maintained, or is in violation of any other proviaiona of this Ordi.nance, he sha11 give written notice of euch violation to the owner or permitee thereof. If the owxier fails to remove or alter the sign eo as to comply with the provisione set forth in this Drdinance within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of said -18- , � i - _. notice, suc'h signs may be rem4ved by the City, the cost incide.r�t thereto b�ing levied as a special assesement against the property � upon which the sign i� located. Any pexeon, organization, corporation or their representatives � found in violation of this Ordina..t�ce shall be guilt of a Y , tniademeanor. Upon conviction, a fine of not more than �100.00 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in existe.nce. , All aig�$ Qre subject �o such pe.nalty for v�olation of the requirem�r�ts of the district withir� which they are looated eve.n ' thou�h they may not be required by Ordina,nce to pay a fee or acquire a permit. D. A eale: (1� To provide for a reaso.nable interpreta�Eiox� of the proviaions o� thie Ordinance, a permit applicant who wiehes to app�al an interpretatio.n by the City Building Inspector or his ag�r�t tuay file a notice of appeals with the City Engineer and requeat a hearing before the Board of Appeals. The Board sha,ll have the power and duty of heaxing and deciding, aubject to appeals to the City Council, appeals or requeata in the followi.ng casess a. Appeale where it ie alleged that there is an error in any order, requa.rement, deciaion or determination made by the adminie�rativ� officer in the enforcement of thia Ordina,nc�. b. Requesta for variancea from the literal provisiona of this ` Ordinance in inatances where their etrict enforcement would ' ' ' cause an undue hard�hip. �1 � (2) Before the Board shall grant a variaxlce, �.� is the reapo.t�.�aibi.l�ty of the app�llarlt to provet -19- �� a. That there are exce�tio�a,1 or extraordix�sy circumstancea a�pl�cable tq the pro�erty or �o the intended use +h�t: do not apply �ene�ally to other p�opexty in the sams vici.nity and zanix� dis�rict; b. Th�t the_variance ia necessary far the preaervation an� enjoy�ent of a subatantial pro�erty righ� possesaed by other property in the same vicinity axld zone; but whioh is denied to the property in question; c. �hat the �trict appliaation of the ordinance would constitute unnecessary hardship; and d. Th&t the grantixig of the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public welfaxe or inju�ious to the property or improvemente in such vicinity ox zone in whioh the property is located. SE'C�T ON�,$. Non-co.nforming S�.gns �. At Any non-co.nforming �emporaxy or portable sign existing a� the �ime o�' adop�ion of thie Ordina.nce shall be made to comply w�.th the �equirements set forth herein or shall be removed within sixty (60) days after the adoption o�' thia prdinance. B� Non-conforming perma.nent acaessory signe lawfully existi.ng at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall be allowed to cont:;:::a� �,� use, but ahall .not be rebuilt, altered other than to change the message, o� relocated without bain� brought ix�to aompliance with the requa.ramente oi thie Ordi.nance, After a non-confarpti..ng eign ha,p be�t� removed, it aha11 nQt be replaced by another non-confornaing ei�n. C. Non-con,formi.ng non-aaceseoxy signs existing pn the effective da�e of thie prdi.na,nca ahall become non-aanfo�ui.ng usee and ehall be ,�2p,. ' , � , �� � ��� disoor�tinuPd within a�ea.sonabl.e �eriod of amorti.zation of the sign; usea p�' sa.gn.s wk��ch bec�me a non-conforuiing �.zse by xeason oi �. aubsequent change in this Oxdir�ance �hall also be discontinued witk�lr� a reasonable period af amortization of the aign. The per�od of amQrtizat�,on far eig�na shaJ.1 be not more than; (1 � k'ree-standing a.nd wa7.1 signs: Five ( 5� years from the effect�.ve d�te o� this OrdinanGe• ' (2� Signs painted directl.y on buildi.ng facings: �'hree (3� years from the effect�.ve date of this Ordinance. � � � � � ' I , � � � CJ 1 D. Whenever a non-Gonformi.ng permane.nt aign use has been disconti.nued for �. period of three (3) montha, such use shall not thereafter be conti.nued. ur�les� in cq.nformance with the proviaions of this Ordinance, S�CTION . Severance Clauae �� any Section, c�ausa or provision or port�.on thereof of this Ord�r�at�css �hall b� �ound to be invalid or unconstitutio.nal by any court af competsnt ju���9d�.4�ion, auah decision ahall not affect ariy other aection, clauae, provis�o� px pp�tiqn th�reo�' af this Qrdinance. �ECTIO�T 10. Re ea7. At�y �ortion of the Fridley City Code inaonsistent w�.th this Chapte� � i� hereby �c�Pe�led. �� .y � �J�,��" _ . �f � � � � �' � , _ ' . , �. G �y�� �� � _ �� � ; Ce ���/ � � _ � � � �c � �� � _ _ �`�` � �1� w��� ' � ' � - si � � MEMO T0: M E M 4 R A N D U M Mr. Nasim 9ureshi City Engineer ' MEMO FROM: Mr. James D. Gibbs Dcce�ber 18, 1968 SUB.IECT: F i I i ster Georgetown Apart�nents for bakery shop, barber , shop and delicatesaen in the basewent of the recreation facility in the Georgetown Apertn�ents. Filister requested Council approval to establish what appeared to be a co�na�erc i a l venture i n an R-3 son i ng. F�idley Code of Ordinance 45.08 #3 allows businesses in R-3 conducted a$ a servie�Fo� gu4sts thereof and accessible to custo�e�s f�o� inside the building. � I am of the opinion that considering the Geo�getown Apartn�ents as one co�nplete co�plex, Filister's �quest is within the Code. This is true even though the businesses requested by Filister will be accessible fron outside the building. I am of the opinion that the design, location and outaide access to the service facilitiss requssted are of such a nature so as to be within the intent of the Ordinance; that is, it is designed primerily as a service to the guests or residents of the Georgetown Apartments. , i DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST. WEST 8� HALLADAY JAMES E.DORSEY 4B89-iss9) DONALD WEST DUANE E.JOSEPH WALDO F.MAROWRT �pEDERICN E.LANGE JOHN W.WINDHORST J�MES B.VESSEY NENRY HALLADAY WIILIAM A-WHITLOCN JULE M.MANNAFORD E.J.SCHWARTZB�UER ARTHUR B.WHITNEY THOMAS M_BROWN RUSSELI W.LIND0UI5T CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY WVIO R-BRINN THOMAS S.ERICKSON NORACE HITCH MI�HAEL E.BRESS VIRGIL N.MILL pAUL G.ZERBY ROBEPT V.TAR80% RAYMOND A.REISTER D[FOREST SPENCER .JOHN J.TAYIOR ROBERT J.JOHNSON � BERNARD G NEINZEN M.B.HASSEl0U15T WILLIAMJ.HEMPEI PETER OORSEV JONN S.HIBBS GEORGE P.FLANNERY ROBERT O.FLOTTEN CURTIS LROY JOMN D.LEVINE ARTMUP E.WEISBERG R08ERT J.STRUYN LAW OFFICES E400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUII.DING MINNEAPOLIS,M�NNESOTA 55402 Mr. David Harris �+70 Rice Creek Boulevard Fridley, Minnesota Dear Dave: TELEPHONE' 333-215� AREA CODE:612 GBLE ADDRESS: DOROW Re: Onan Plant December 16, 1968 MtCNAEI A.OLSON URRY W. JOHNSON iHOMAS S. HAY NRTIS D. FORSLUND G. URRY GRIFFITH CRAIG A. BECN DAVID L McCUSNEY THOMAS O. MOE JAMES H.O�NAGAN JOHN M.MASON MICXAEL W.wRWMT LARRY L.VICNREY LOREN R.KNOTT . pXI�UP N. MARTIN JOHN J HELD,JR ' REESE C.JONNSON JAMES T.HALVERSON CNARLES J. HAUENSTEIN CNARLE$ A.GEER JOHN C.ZWANMAN JOHN R.WICRS EUGENE L.JOHNSON ROBEPT O.NNUTSON JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR. MICNAEL PRICNARD RICHAR� G.SWANSON RICHARD W. DuFOUR,JR. fAITH L.OHMAN DAVID A.RANHEIM ROBERT J. SILVERMAN OF COUNSEL DAVID E. BPONSON HUGH X.BARBER LEUND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R.BARNER You will recall that when Onan Division decided on its present plant site in Fridley, you, I and the other members of the Council had quite a bit of discussion about the upgrading of 73rd Avenue Easterly to County Road. 8 and Westerly to the Mississippi River Bouleuaxd. In our last conversation you indicated that you felt it was unwise to push Ramsey County until such time as Hennepin County completed its project. Since this is noV� done (other than running it Westerly to the Mississippi River Boulevard), we would appreciate it if you would pursue the matter further with Ramsey County and let us know what the reasonable expectations are as to a completion date. We would also appreciate it if you would let us know what to expect in regard to the Westerly extension. In connection with the Westerly extension, it was also mentioned to the Council that we would like to have a semaphore at the intersection of 73rd Avenue and State Highway No, 65. Have ar�y steps been taken with the County and State regarding this aspect. I am sending this letter to you rather than to the entire Council, � in that I know you have been the most active 2dvoca�e of this project, Please give me a ca11 at your convenience and ].et me know where we stand. �J � ' � ' Best wishes for a happy holiday season. G7�G�k 1 CC: Mr. Eugene Felsenthal Very t'rtzly yours, ��y� ��V1�i , �arry G . ffi�h � s,� RESOLUTZON NO.�� ��� / A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ANOKA COUNTY COMMISSIONEftS TO DESIGNATE 73RD AVENITE AS A COUNTY ROAD AND � r•• W�iEftEAS, the City Council of the Ci.ty of Fridley by Reso�utio.n #37,1966, dated March 21, 1g66, and Resolution #�37-�967. dated Ju1y 17, 1967, requested the Anoka Cou.nty Commissio.ner to designate �ox�ip.ns qf 73rd Avenue as a County road and improve these sectio.ns of the x'oad; and WHEREAS, Ona.n Pxoperties are building over a$13,000,000 , industrial complex at 73rd a.nd Central Avenue with approximately 1,600 employees, and the�T will be us�.n? ?z�-'. ?.�;an11P, as theA;; �:�..:t; u,.vecs to theix complex, WHII3EAS, we have another development, Medtronic's Industries, South o#' Norto.n Ave.nue in the process of starting their complex ax�d will ultimately have over 2,50U emplo.yees, WHEREAS, we have received a commu.nication from Mr. G. Larry �riffith of Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay, representing Qnan Industries in regard to the improveme.nt of 73rd Avenue, WHE�EAS, the City's Administrative s+aff has met twice with the Anoka County Road a.nd Bridge Committee in this regard, NOW THEREFORE, be it r�solved by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: THAT Anoka Cou.nty is requested to designate immediately, at least the section of 73rd Ave.nuP from Tru.nk Highway #65 to Central Ave.nue as a county road, A?�TD also improve the same in the construction seaso.n uf 1q69. ADOPTID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tf3E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � DAX OF f;� , �9by . MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKf�A.M ATTEST: C:iY ,:LII'.f� - NIA�itti' I L C. B;tr?Iv:�E;. � .� ��) � � �1 ' �� RESO�UTION N0. ' � " � l ' ' �. _ L�c� � A RESOLUTION REQUESTING EY COUNTY CO�Il�iISSIO�ERS` /� � TO UPGRADE COUNTY ROAD NO H2 FROM COUNTY'S WEST �" ) � BOUNDARY LINE TO TRUNK HIG N0. 10 �v'`�, ,�% 2��u�'�' WHEREAS, Onan Industries is building a complex of over thir- teen millian dollars at the West end of County Road H2, WHEREAS, this complex will have approximately sixteen hun- I' dxed employees and the majority of them live in Ramsey County, and will use County Road H2 as their msin access to this industrial comp- lex, ' ' , ' , , ' ' ' ' ' � � WHEREAS, Anoka County has improved extension of this road itt An�oka County, WHEREAS, all this new construction is going tp create a considerable amount of additio�81 traffic volume, WHEREAS, the City has received a letter from G. Larry Griffith of Dorsey, M,arquart, Windhorst, West and Halladay Law Of- fices representing Onan Industries asking the City of Fridley to re- quest Ramsey County for the improvement of County Road H2, NO�W THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: THAT Ramaey County is requested to upgrade County Ro�d H+� from the Ramsey County West boundaxy line ta Trunk i�ighwsy No. ]�Q. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS AAY OF ' , 1969. . ATTEST: CITY CLERK MARVIN C. BRUNSELL • C.O � MAYOR JACR 0. RIRKHAM �j y�9 RESOT UTION N0. / � � APPOINTING, REAPPOINTING AND CONFIRMFNG EXISTING APPOINTt4ENTS TO COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND SUBCO.�II�IITTEES FOR THE YEAR 1969. WHEREAS, the City Council appoints several Commission, Boards, Subcommittees and CoRUnittees to perform functions outlined and authorized by Ordinance and Resolution; and WHEREAS, a review of vacancies and reappointments are conducted on January lst of each year and new appointments and reappointments can be made at that time; and WHEREAS, extension of some appointments are sometimes necessary to insure continuity in membership of such Boards, Commissions and Committees when certain extensions of appointments are deemed essential to efficiency; NOi� THEREFORE, the following appointments and reappointments are confirmed, made or extended by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as of January 1, 1969 or effective date as indicated. PLANNING COMMISSION (ORDINANCE ��348) PRESENT MEMBER EXPIRES APP�INTEE hairman, Building Standards-Design Control - 1 Year Appointment Oliver � Erickson (Chairman-Planning Commission) ����� �jv- t�h� � 1315 N.E. Hillcrest Drive Fridley, Minnesota 55421 1-15-69 �� ~ Chairman Board of Appeals - Donald R. Mittelstadt 12-31-69 6940 Hickory Drive N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 �� EFFECTIVE DATE 1-15-69 Chairmani Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 Year Appointment � ' � Edward J. Fitzpatrick 12-31-68 _?`��.u�.���7 ,0��,�•v� 12-31-68 5273 Horizon Drive ° Fridley, Minnesota 55+21 Chairman, Plats and Subdivisions-Streets and Utilities , Willia.m E. Jensen 12-31-69 589 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Member, Planning Commission; Vice-Chairman, Plats and Subdivisions Thomas Myhra 12-31-69 , 6360 Able Street Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 r • � -- �— � � r RESOLU'rION Np, ..�� I J� � PAGE 2 �� r SUB-COMMITTEES OF PLANNING COMMISSION - ' PRESENT MFMBER EXPIRES APPOINTEE EFFECTIVE DATE ' Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities (3year term - 5 members) William E. Jensen - Chairman 12-31-69 589 Rice Creek Terrace ' Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Thomas Myhra - Vice Chairman 12-31-69 , 6360 Able Street Northeast . Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' Donald Batterson 12-31-70 6480 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' Eldon Schmedeke 12-31-68 (�'�' `� 12-31-68 5900 University Avenue N.E. 1y(o (� 3:��,U� Fridley, Minnesota 55421 IDaryl Nagel 12-31-68 y�4- L�;,�-- 12-31-68 489 Rice Creek Terrace � , Fridley, Minnesota 55432 _ Y Buildings Standards - Desi�n Control (Ordinance ��351) (1 year term - 5 members� ' �� + — Y i Oliver Erickson Chairman 1-15-69 ����«✓ 1-15-69 1315 N.E. Hillcrest Drive F�idley, Minnesota 55421 �� ' � � V Earl E. Biermann 1-15-69 �/����--i✓ 1-15-69 7830 Alden Way ' Fridley, Minnesota 55432 _ � Carrol K. Hauge (First Ward) 1-15-69 1-15-69 645 - 67th Avenue Northeast �' , Fridley, Minnesota 55432 _ � M William R. Tonco (Second 6Jard) ' S925 Hackmann Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' Richard F. Dittes (Third Ward) 6291 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' ' ' � 1-15-b9 �� � � Y�� 1-15-69 1-15-69 _%���� �. � 1-15-69 -�-�- i . RESOLUTION N0. � SUB-COI�L�IITTEES OF PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT MEMBER EXPIRES APPOINTEE Board of Appeals (Ordinance ��358��3 Year Term - 5 Members Donald R. Mittelstadt, Chairman 12-31-69 6940 Hickory Drive Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Richard Harris 12-31-69 6200 Riverview Terrace Fridley, Minnesota SS/+21 Robert Ahonen 12-31-68 ��L,,iyr.r�rv 330 Osborne Road Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Robert A. Minish 12-31-68 331 P —� earson Way Northeast ' Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � — Mike 0'Bannon 12-31-70 , 5298 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 � � Page 3 EFFECTIVE DATE I 12-31-68 12-31-68 Parks and Recreation Commission (Ordinance 314) 3 Year Term - 5 MembersZ Edward Fitzpatrick, Chairman 12-31-68 _��.�%�����j�GZ���Ye� _ 12-31-68 5273 Horizon Drive N.E. 7"`— Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ----� ' John Dunphy, Vice-Chairman 155 Stonybrook Way N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 iThomas Cochran 1171 Lynde Drive N.E � Fridley, Minnesota 55+21 Richard Donlin 477 Rice Creek Terrace ' Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Gary Stimmler ' 7841 Alden Way N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 ' ' ' � � 12-31-68 _ .(�liyt� _ � 12-31-68 �r���` �2�+� �-.�. 12-31-70 12-31-70 12-31-69 � RESOLUTION N0. HUMAN RELATIONS_ CONIMITIBE (Resolution ��271-1964� ' PR.ESENT MEMBER EXPIRES APPOINTEE WARD 1 ' Jordis Mittelstadt 6940 Hickory Drive N.E. ' Mrs. Katherine Moss 1021 Rice Creek Terrace ' Andrew Kohlan 236 Rice Creek Boulevard ' WARD 2 Mrs. Linda Rossman � 6361 Monroe Street Northeast Robert Hynes ' 665 - 5�7th Place Northeast Stephen A. Kachina 6476 Dellwood Drive I WARD 3 ' Harry Crowder, Vice-Chairman 146 - 63rd Way Northeast , Don Batterson 6480 Riverview Terrace John R. Ivers, Chairman ' s�#1 Trinity Drive ��� AT LARGE , James E. Thomson 411 - 67th Avenue Northeast ' John Oden 5899 Hackmann Avenue Northest , Rev. Gerald Keefe 6120 - Sth Street ' W. R. Starwalt 1021 Hackmann Circle ' Rev. Mark Denyes 7460 Van Buren Northeast Robert L. Buckley , 54 Locke Lake Road ' - � 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-70 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-70 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31-70 Page 4 � 1 EFFECTIVE DATE � � ���� � 12-31-68 � � ? v �Z�-�-�-�- � 12-31-68 �^ ✓ 12-31-68 12-31-69 12-31:-69 12-31-70 12-31-70 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 RESOLUTION N�. Page 5 `�21 POLICE_C0:�IISSION �Chapter 25J �3 Year Termy3 Members) PRESENT MEMBER EXPIRES APPOINTEE � EFFECTIV� DATE — _ � Wilbur Whitmore �" 12-31-68 _,��(/����� 12-31-68 440 Rice Creek Terrace N.E. �L/ J s"�- Dr. Milton Williams 12-31-69 90 Craigway Northeast • David W. Larson 12-31-70 2438 Orchard Place, New Brighton (Moved from Fridley) G�-�=G��s lJ�• Upon Appointment .33.3 �� BOARD OF HEALTH (CHAPTER_36 3 Year Term - 3 Members Dr. H. S. Strait - Health Officer 12-31-69 J635 Northeast Alden Way Dr. Donald L. Wright 12-31-69 101 Logan Parkway Northeast Harvey J. McPhee, Public Health Sanitarian 3463 Zarthan Avenue South St. Louis Park, �Iinn. 55416 12-31-69 SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY �� — � . Councilman Raymond E. Sheridan 12-31-68 ' 1301 Hillwind Road Northeast , Councilman L. W. Samuelson, Alternate ���` ��J 7800 East River Road 12-31-68 NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT Counci"Lman David 0. Aarris 12-31-68 `����-� 470 Rice Creek Boulevard FRIDLEY HOUSIN�s AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY M. Mahurin 6-9-70 6378 Dellwood Drive N.E. Stan W. Carlson, Chairman 6219 Baker Stree� Northeast Pastor Arnold Stone 6950 Hickory Drive N.E. Carl Paulson 430 - 57th Place Northeast John A. Johnson, Jr. 7320 Concerto Curve 6-9-69 6-9-73 6-9-70 6-9-71 12-31-68 12-31-68 12-31-68 , , , � � � � ' ' 1 , , ' � � � � , � RESOLUT-ION N0. �' - �� � I FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL DLVELOPNfENT CONLMISSION David 0. Harris 470 Rice Creek Bl�d. Robert E. Christenson 231 Rice Creek Terrace Virgil C. Herrick 5800 Tennison Drive Donald R. Mittelstadt 6940 Hickory Drive Leonard Samuelson 7800 East River Road Robert Schroer 7886 Firwood Way N.E. L. E. Torrey I-694 at Main Street N.E. Charles E. Johanson 160 Hartman Circle Donald Stotts 5250 Taylor Street N.E. William Drigans 1060 Lynde Drive George Zeglen 841 Rice Creek Terrace Ton Dean 739 Mississippi Street Charles Hall 5818 Hackmann Avenue William E. Jensen 589 Rice Creek Terrace Don Blair 206 Rice Creek Blvd. Page 6 (No date of expiration or specific number of members designated) _ �" ADO,BT D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF�; CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �' DAY OF � I.�� , 196 �. �F ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRWiSELL MAY4R - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ��� � , � � ' ' ' � �J � � � � r� ' �4 RESOLUTION NO. .._ ___i' �' � �� � > _ . FESOLUTIOi�T DES:LG�JATIIIG TIi��1E AL�TD NUT•IGER OF REGULIIR COUNC�L N�ETINGS � �� �( � -� � '��� WH,El2EAS, Section 3.01 as amencZed of the Charter of the City oi Fr�.dley requ�res tnat the City Council shall meet at a fixed.time not lES� than once each month, and WHEREAS, Section 3.01 as amended of the Charter of the C3ty oi Fridl.ey requir�s that the Counci]. �hall meet at such times as may be prescribed by resolution, and W�IEREAS, ti�e Council has been raeeting on the first and third Mondays o� eaci� month at � o'clock P.rI. �. �v � NO«1, THEREroRE, BE IT RESOLV�D, by the Counci]. of the City ot Fridley that: l. The C�ty Council shall rnee4 on the �� and `3� ._ �___ each month �� of . 2. The City Council shal]. holc� Public Hearj.ngs on the �`����;Q°,�„ of each month as rEquired by the Councile 3. The City Council shall meet at /�- - 3� _ o'cloc]c P.Ni. on the above designatecl nights. pASSED r'1,i�iD ADOPTEi� �Y THE CiTY COUNCIL Ot THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TF:I3 � � DAY OF ____ � - • 1969. � ATTEST: , 1 � CxTY CLERF: -� tdarvin C. BrunselZ � e � � � MAYOR - Jacl: O. Kir'�c'nan � RESOLUTION N0. � / 56 f A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A LEGAL N�WSPAPER WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Fridley in Section 12.01 thereof, requires that the Council designate annually the legal newspaper of the City, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the legal newspaper of the City of Fridley for all legal publications required to be published therein is the following noted newspaper: �/ .�1:���''� ,'t�� and that such newspaper is accordingly so designa[ed. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � DAY OF ��• , 1969 MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL `�5 %�j �, UN �EW�PAPERS 83440th Ave. NE, Columbio Heights, Minn. 55421 Areo Code 612 • Phone 788-1628 �E^�,'�i�(l.Ei' '_7 �_O�`_l 7 r� l�� ~���� nl, •� i n -. r �-}'- �: -,i.iC:� E�,'' h; }'[♦ ,_ -� � . l C _. ' l y�'1 l i r -`^__F4 � 1_"?,�57�?. /Y r ..11 �..:. _. _�.�.�� � Y • 1 - ' T� .,� r, �. `.�,� _�, � _ _ 8` - -.� ° , 2� "�CI' ._�O�L'�.. ��• t7rri : ...� -�L'���_�r:�'_?_'�Y; �OT' t+:C ''�.St t;��'- ji- '-c.• •-,P�"crc r:CC_StS c .. — � _ __. � - • � Y r �+ � 7__c^i .: c;��,.��� 7_. 7r �c ,c.' E'_"G2?' _..�ur ? ;�-.C.. • :.G ?'_� �:t� ,^S't' ?� i � `F'*�� r'��-l_'�^ C . ` ..,vll ,� '�1.�'�--C,.:. u`�t �'�� �_��c: . 1'�t� 1 _� � „ �8..0`.�?_�'i�G � _.'.°i. _ , `, _ �1'?'� t?'L,_ � .... . __..,. _ _ .._ � �--- --r.-•� �",� . . 1 L� '.�' /; I'. i / /-. - -.. _ � / � /, r � _ , , � . _ � , _. , � " � / , / ,�. ,, � - � . _�' - �._ l�'✓i,.!i. �_.��% i.t._. T r''-^�_" =r � � . . .. . �. ._ � . `� � � � ?� � _:� � i. �r . r � n �.Z j @I o�6�i�t�� �U�ue`�a�a ��°�a�t�'6'� �e�7�i` ��,���`�e:� STATE OF MINNESOTA BOARD M�MBERS Harold O. Goertz - Chai� Mel f ord C. Christeiz.cen David O. Harri.c . Arnold J. Holz David ]. Larson Pe�•ry L. Malvin David D. Schaaf John G. Songa.c Jerosne A. Trapp ]amea F. Wol f e 781-2164 1458 COUNTY ROAD "J" MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55432 December 16, 1968 Mr. Ho�er R. Ankrum, ManageX City of �'ridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Mi.nneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum: SERVING Blaine Circle Pinet Coon Rapid.c Fridley Lexington Mound.r View Spring Lake Park A representati.ve to the Board of Trustees o� the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District is to be selected by and �rom your municipal council. Enclosed herewith are sample copies of the resolution to be passed for the selection and appointment o� your representative and of a certification for the certifying of thi,s appointment. Will you please place this matter on the agenda of your next council meeting; and after action has been taken, send us a copy of both the resolution and the certi£i.cation. Very truly yours , NORTA SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRTCT ��j��/� ;; / �.-/J'�, �. �f �� J//,/ .- .�}//� / / ' � / / /. '��,/J/ ��,%r . / 1 ✓ i % � �_ / ��G, � ��., � G '�' - �� ` Melf9,�d C. Christensen, Clerk l I�CC : em Enclosures %% ' ' ' ' � � ' � � � r �l � , � ' ' , RESOLUTION N0. � / %� f A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING A REPi2ESENTATIVE FOR THE BOARD Or TRUSTEES OF THE NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 1969. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: SECTION 1_ That pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1961, Extra Session, Chapter 90, Section 5, Subdivision 2, the Council of the City of Fridley makes the following selection and appointment, to-wit; That ���,µ,t ���_�;, is hereby appointed from among the members of the Council of the�City of Fridley as a member of the Board of Trustees of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District to serve on said Board of Trustees of the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District during the year 1969 and until his successor is appointed and qualified. That before commencing said service on said Board of Trustees, the said appointee shall qualify for said service as required by law. ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS � `DAY OF CC�r�1 , 1968 ',� BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 9 MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM a �� ' ' � �. �z '--ij�� ' i~,`.���:,�Jk �(9Rt 1?F� i�GRTFii TI��• 7'I�'E�'�'U'R A1�1D �'1I,'Y'�;3..NA'J�'L ��::�..�C�'�� TO iiJ3�J ��= Td �..L��� �.�J�'h����TSt � S� I� �„�,�i,�7�� bg� �he �Counc3l o:� the � of � � , r,�snneso�a, aa ::ollo�v�; � / � �..��.��_ � �-�,,,_.�._, �s he�e�� c�e�ignatec� a� a c?ireetor of fhe ;u�u�'�an �a �e Autho�°? �� anc C�,�����,�,`, is ' hea^el;y r"_eai�na�`ec_ �o �erve a, a�ie�na�e ci�ector oi tlie. ;�!�uriaan &�a�e A�t�tho*_r��y �oTM 'c�?e yea�c 19r,9 anc' unt31 �thGi?r �ucce��o�5 n;�e appointed. �TF�T� ��' MgP1i�T� i�'i'A ) C�I�1t5t O�� I��P1T1���TJ ) Sa. 0�' ) I, the ur�'.e:^�-:.��fied, be�nQ the c�u�y quaZifiec? an�? ae�in� CZerk oi tne o� heret�;r certa.�y t1��fi �he at- taclaec� an� �o�°�,o� ng is a true 2nc� co�°rect co�y of �, �ce�olc!tion duly ac�opa:ec' b;;T fihe Counc±? of a� ifs me���n� on , 19� , a� the �wme is reco;cc?�c' :�n the m�nu�es o� the m��fi�n� o� �uch couneal fo�° said da�e, on i�.le �n�� o� re�o�c� �n mg� oz��-�ce. ��.iecl fI�3 � c?�y o� , 196 . er z � of (S�Az ) � a �� I ' ' ' �� ' PRESENT DE - POSITORY ALL FUNDS ' Fridley State Bank 6315 University Avenue Nqrtheast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 .�_�.� y�.�:��;��,�; ���. —v� �� �����,��'� ����Aif�F��- ��; �����PATING ��' S�'?�E�'�y ���%�6�� �� A�%E��e �QCdI��NG q� P�R�'��" `�Fi��'�'�% .1��`X� ��YT�S�`r�'� Q� � �`�;�, ° ���� �,'�SCItIBING PENAL'FI�S �'0� �'�piA'iiC�1�5 OF IT� PROVISIONS Section 1. S1�ort T�tle. This ordinance $hal7. be known and may be cited as trie "Street Excavation Ox°dinance of the City of Fridley" o Section 2. Definitions. � 81 For the purposes of this O�df�ance, the fo].lowiaag terms 9 pha�s�� 9��x�ds �.�ad their ��ri�r�t�ons sha�ll h��re the meaning given her�in. When raa�. ��.���asa.�g��at with the �e�r�t��t 9����.s ��e� g�a ��� p�sent tera�� .����.��� ��� �����e, �v��s in the plurai nt�mber �nclude the si�gula� number, and words �n the six��ul.ar au�b�z� a.nclude the plural number. �'f�� ra��k "sh�ali" is aiways mandatory and not merely directory. (a) (b) (c) (d) (el (f) Eg) (h) "Applicant" is any person making written application to the City Engineer for an ex�avatfon permit hereunder. "City" is the City of Fridleyo "Ci�y Council" or "Council" is the City Council of the�City of Fridley. "Engineer" is the City Engineer of the City of Fridley. "�xcavation work" is the excavation and other�work per�3.tted tmder an excavation permit and required to be performed taader this ordinanceo "Permittee" is any person who has been .�aa�ec� and-has.in fu,ll force and effect an excavation pe�ysi� .zssuedi h�reun�_. "f�rsoa" is any individual, firm, partnershlp, association or organiz�ti�n of any kind. "Street" is any street, highway, sidexalk, alley, aven�e, or other public way or grounds or public easement� in the City of F`ridley. Section 3. Excavation'�ermit. �_ It shall be unlawful for any person to dig up, brtakt. e�,csvatte, tunne],� drill, bor� , undermine or in any mar�ner break up aay. srtree� . er..to.. make or cavse to be a�de any excavation in or under the surface of any stree�, or to place, deposit or le�ve upon any street any earth or excavated materia:L cbstrt�eting. or tending to interfere with fihe free use of the street unless such person shaii...first have obtained an excavation pera�t therefor from the Engineer a� herefn providedo � , ���,�a��e �to. Excavating r � ' ' � � Section 4. App:lication for Permit- No excavation permit shall be issued unless a writtQn application for the issuance of an excavation permit, on forms �rovided..ror that purpose, is submi�ted to the Engineere The written application shall state the name and address �r t:: applicant, the nature, location and purpose of r.he excavatic,n, the date of �•:,m�riencC- ment and date of comp.letion ot the exeavat-�on, and uthex� data as may be r•easanably be required by the Engineer. If required by rhe Engineer, *he application shail be accompanied by plans shawing the extent �f *_he proposed excavation work, the dimensions and elevations of both the existing ground prior to said excavation and of the proposed excavated surraces, the iccation of the excavation work, and such other information as may be prescribed by t-he Engineer, Section 5. Permit Fee. Upon approval of the application for the excavation permit by the Engineer, the applicant shall pay a fee of $ �c to the Engineer te cover reasonabl�= ��sts for the issuance �f �he excavatiun p���m,it. Section 6, Excavation Placard. � The engineer shall provide each permittee, at the time the permit is issued, a suitable placard which shall �tate the permittee's name, the permit number �nd the date of expira�ion. It shall be the duty of any pertaittee hereunder to keep the placard posted in a conspicuous place at the site of the excavation Work. It , shall be unlawful for any person ta exhibit such placard at or about any excavation not covered by such permit or to misrepresent the permit number or the date of expiration. Section 7. Surety Bond. Before an excavation permit is issued r.he applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk a surety bond in the amount of $�+ce c.c� ln favor of the City. The required surety bond must be: ta) -With good and sufficient surety by a surety company a�thorized to do business in the State of Minnesota. (b) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (c) Conditioned that'the applicant will faithfttlly comply with ali the terms and conditions of this Ordinance; all rules, regulations and require- ments pursuant thereto and as requfred by the Engineer and all reasonable requirements of the Engineer. (d) Co�ditioned that the applicant will secure and hold the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, judgements, or other cost; ar�sing from the excavation permit or for which 'the City, the City Council or any City officer may be m�de liable by rP-��-� of any acciden� or injury to persons or properrty through the fault o' tne permittee. Recovery on such surety bond for any injury or accident shall not exhaust the bend � but it shall in its entirety cover any or all future accidents or injuries during the excavation work for which it is given. £�2 � � ' � ' ��� Orc�inaz� �e Na , . �xc�vati�� In �the e�aenr of any suit or �_idilCl ag3.LIIST the City by r�e���n .:,= the negligence �r defa��,c of the permir�ee, up�n the City givi:.g writt.e�; r�;,: ics to the peFmit#e�= �f such su�r :;r claim, any final judgme:.r �gainst rhe �ity requireing ir, *.,.� pajr f�r s���h damage sha.ii be �onc:�us;��e -,pon the permittee and h.� surety. An annual bond may be given under this pr�ovision which shall remain in force ' for one year ^ondition�d �s abUVe, in the amount specif�ed herein and in other re - SperTs as apecified hL.rF.�n �ut agpii:ab:i� aa �o all exc�vatio:� work in �treeT� bj� the permi�tee d'uring rhe term of :�ne ye�r trom said date. , ' � � � Section 8. Exemprion from Surety Bond- `The s�arety bond pr�visi�ns of this �rdinance ahall �at apply to a duly �icensed and bonded plumber �r to any public uti.lity �,ermi±ted to �erate within the Ciry limits, by fran^hise or u�her-aise, for the p�zrp:�.se of supplyir.g gas, electric, or telephone service or fur any excavation which i� made under a contract awarded by the City or made by the City. Section 9. Engineer. All work dane pursuant t� an excavar�on permi�t issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be performed under the direction and to the sati�faction of the Engineer cr h�s duiy authorized agento The Engineer shall prepare sucla regu�ations with respect to excavations within any street, and shall modify them w:ith respect fio par�ticular work, a� the Engineer shall deem necessary or advisable t.o pr�tect rhe public from injury, to prevent damage to pub;.ic or pr.ivate p..•operty, and to minimize interference with the publfc use of the streets. � Regulations promvlgated by the Engineer shal.l be appr-�ved by the Coun��.l after notice of hearing and hearing and a copy of said regulati�ns shall be given to each permittee upon issuan.:e of the street excevation permit, ' Regulations promulgated by the Engineer may include: (a) Requirement tha= all p�.�blic utilities be notified by the permittee of permi�tee's intent to make a street excavation giving notice of time, glace and purpose of such excavat�ion. (b) Requirement *hat the permi*tee sr:ail have the duty cr determ�ning the l�cati�n and depth of all. existing undergrcund faail�tieso (c) �lanner and merhod of backfilling srreer excavati�r. and pra:�dure to be faliowed in compa��ing backfilled material. � (d) Specificaticn� as to mater•ia� to be used in backfilling street excavation. (e) Manner and me#hod ::f making street excavation inc�uding pr�ceaures to safeguard and protect adj�ining and ad;acent properry and existing underground and above �round ��G��x?lgs. (f) Requirements for re_toraricn cf �treet sur�aces• � � Or3inan-�e N� . �xcavating ' � i ' �� ' Speci.al provisicr.s �hall be mad� r�;:r ��znpl�fying p���cedures •�:.a �upervi�ic_, in respect to ex�„ai3t�r.s b�t fran�hl�ed �.ri3i�lcs- Secrion i0 . Emergen. y A �* i�n , In the eve�nr ;,t a.-,y emergency in whic:h a main, cond�ir, ar uti��ty facil�*.y in ��r under ar.y atree�t breaks, bursrs, :,r :�ther;ai�e i� .r� such condit:�n as to immediately endanger the property, life, heaith :�r safe�y af any individual, the person owraix�g or controlling suck� main, conduit, �r uti.lity facility, witho�tr iirst app.lying for and obtai:.ing an excav�tion permit nereunder, sha�l immediately take proper emergen�y measures *o cure or remedy the dangeroua conditions for the prc, tection of prnperty, life, hea�th ar:d safety �f individuais. However, such person owning or contrnliing such facil�fy sha.il appiy for an ex�avat�.�n permit not later than the end of thp next succeed�.ng day 3uring which the Engi..�er's office is open for bu�iness, and shall not pr�ceed with permanen� repairs without first obtaining an excavation p�-rmit hereunder. Section I1. Non-completion or Abandonment. � Work shall progress in an expeditious manner until completion in order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the general publfc. In the event that the work shall not be performed in accordar��e with the applicabse regulations of the Engineer , or in a�cordance with the pr�v�sions of this Ordi.nance, or shall cease or be aban- doned without 3ue cause, the City may, after six hours' notice in writing to the holder of said permit of intent to do so, :orre�t said work or fill the e�acavatfon, � and repair the street, and in any such event the entire ecst to the City of such work shall be a Liabi.lity of and shall be paid by �he person to whom the permit was issued and his surety. �� Section 12, Insurance. �A permittee, prior to the ccmmencemeni of ex�avation work hereunder, shall , furnish the Engineer satisfactcry eviden�e in writing that the permittee has in force and will maintain in force during the performance of the excavation work and the period of the excavation permit public liability insurance of not less than S/p0.�� ��� for any one person and $ �or any one accident and , property damage insurance of not les� than � r+,e G o.� duly issued by an insur- ance compan y authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and �n whi c h policy the City is named as a co-insured. �� Section 13. Indemnification. � The pex�mittee shall indemnify, keep and hold the CiLy free and harmless frAm liability on account �f ir.jury or damage t� persons or property arising ox grqwing out of the permittee's negligence in making any street excavation. In the event tha�t suir. sha.i� be brcught agairs� the City, either independently � or jointiy with the permittee on account thereof, the permittee, upor. notice to it by the City,,shalL defend the City in any s�it at the cost of the permittee, and in the event of a rinai judgmen* being obtain�d against the City, either 1 indep�ndently or jointly wirr the permittee, the permitt�e shall pay such judgment with all costs and hold �the City harmless tnere from� lJ �4I r ' QrdinaACe No. �xcavata.ng ' , � � r � ' Sectfon 14. Exemption from Fee Pa�yment and Insurance Pr�visions The provisions of this Ordinance requiring payment of a permit fee and evidence of public liability and pr�operty damage insurar�ce shal:l not be applica- ble to any excavatfon work carried on by the City�o°r" i�sYemployees, and utilities operating gas, electric or telephone facilities within the City. Section 15. Refusal of Permits. If any person sha11 fail, refuse or ne;glect to comply witt� the provisions of this Oxdinance, or an.y rules or regulations of the Engineer, or any reasonable orders or directons of the Engineer in reference thereto, the Engineer tnay re#'use to issue further permits to such person until such conditfons or orders are complied witho Section 16. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisfons of this Ordiaance shall be , deemed guilty of.a misdemeanor and punished by a.fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment for not more than nir�ety (90) days for-each offense. � ' � � � Section 17. Effective Date. . This Ordinance shall take effect and be in �orce from and after its passage and publication, . PASSED BY THE CITY COUN�IL OF TH£ CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS __, DAY OF , 1968a ATTEST: CITY CLERK. � Marvin C. Brunsell Fi�st Reading: Second Reading: Fubl�.sh ,...o.. MAYOR Jaek .O. Kirkham �S �s i CITIi 08 aRt�X I�61�pRANDUM �_1968 ]�accava���on �or �derg�t�ound Candui.t Installsti.on Tl�e� propo�ed rulqa �,nd z�Ru�a��.on+o preaaribv backtill, aompaot�on and main- t�r►�noe proo�du�ra� tQr �e�x, etq�m dr�1n, Mater and other underground pipo or duo� ROn�x�YO��oct• I� ie reaop�ndod� that they be adopted by t}�e n�uni4lpat�.it',,y +�1 b� �d� part p!' ttfe apeoi�'loationa on al], muniaipa�. contraota Ktwtr eub�truc- tw�"�� �'t inn�olvdd. it ia alaa recommended that ti�eae rulee and reQu��ttiona be A���R+►�d bY �he En�aer 1n accordance w�th the au�riicipality�s 9treet 8'accava�- tion Ordi.tur�ce. a. cEria�►r, 1. Ar�}► peraon or lirin contemplating an excavation �rithi.n the public rights- oP �y na�►at t'irat obtain ar� exoavatioh perndt fsc+m the aa,uricipality as provided by ordinanco. 2. Ar�y peraon or lirn ta Mhom a�tr�et exoavation c�x��.�:. o� Mork poatr+�ot has been iesy�d ahall notify all utility coapaniee oP the irsten� tp aaoavat�• Tida notlfication shall be giv�n not lsa� than !�8 twure i�n �dv�t�a�' oP tl�e commenoement ot' the �ork and aha��l ind�oate 'th� tia�e i �plaoe atzd purpoee ot the atreet excavation. 3• Az�y peraon or Pirm to xhom a street excavatior� permit or �ork contxact haa been is�ued shall have the duty oP deterndning the l,ocation and depth of all exlsting underground utility installationa. It a utility line is broken or damaged in any xay the per�nittee, cr contractor� aha17. ima�ediately notit'y the utili.ty or�er. a. �cic�zs.i, 1. All exaavation 3n trenchea ahall be backt'illed to the ori�inal ground s�rFsoe or to gradee epeciPied. The backfill ahall begin a� aoon ae prAOtical at'ter the pipe or other construction has been plaoed and etutll ttqrea�'ter be carried on as rapidly as the protectian of the balatice o!' tihe �rk will permit. Depositing of the backlill ahall b4 done ao Lha ahook o! falling material will not lnjnre the pipe or adjacent etructurse. Qrading ov�er and around all parts of the �rk ahall be done aa ctirectod by the Englneer. 2. l�ranular or other auitable material ae deterndned by the Engineer� tree t'rom roCko and bouldera, shall be depoaited in the trench almu],tarieou�l�► on both eidea of the pipe Por thE full �+idth of the trench Lo a hel�ht aL lsaet 81x (b) inchea above the top oP the pipe, ahot�el plaoed euid hand tamped ta fill completely �11 epacea ur�der the adjaoant t,o the Dipe� (1) , �. 8t�oaeedl.ng layera of backPill may contain coaree materiala, butt eha�1 b� t're� �'rom large piecea of rnck, fro�en ,�aLerial, concrete, raote, •tw�a, ti� carie� rubbiah and other similar articlee xtwae pres�nce �n tt� baok� � 1111, �n the opinion of the En�neer, �auld cauae esceesiv�e Putur� sett3�i� ment ot the trench or damage to the pipe. � ' , 1 �ua�� �,a ����t�on9 -- 2 � �{. WhaTaviaT sui�8b�e mat,�rial existir,g wit�hin the upper ivur (1�) ieet of the tiniahed grade of ttuj p�ved or travaled portions of tha �treat or PoadWewy 1s remov�:d by th� trench axcavation, tha Contractor shall re- ' �l�ce sbi.d m�terial (or material of equal quality) .�s backfill in the upper four (L� ) feet of tha finishcd grade. ( 2) C. COi�IPACTION 1. Compaction of the backfill shall be done in lifts of uniform layers not to exceed tha dapth shown in the COiK?ACTION CHART below 3nd each �.i.Pt shsll bo compact�d over the full width of the excavated area. Br�ekfill shall be compacte:d to at le�st 90� of Standard Proctom D�ns�t;y�a oT tt► thc� ss�r►e or greatar density as the adjacent undisturbed soil, or as appl�ov�d hy the City (Villagd� Enginaer. �. 'm�� ( 3) �eet of matarial compa.^ted wi.th a platz �Zbrator, plate tr�mper or button head pr.aumatic compactor shall be placed ower tt�e pipe before a hydra-hammer, vibratory or sheepsfoot roller is operated over the pipe. 3. Special compaction shall be done around all valv�s, hydrznts snd other structures and utilitit-:s by th� use of pneumatic tampers, plate tampers, or plate vibratcrs with lif ts not. to exce�d that showr: in the CO,�PACTION C HART. �t• Se�'vice trer.ches must be comp3cted in the same mannar as t!� main tl"enCh, In 3re3s where curb 3r.d �utter exists, sufficiar:t CuTbing ehall be r�mov�d to a11oW ti�e prc�scribed compaction over the entire distrubed ar�a. 5• COMPACTIOtv CHART Com�actor Type Hydra- Hanune r(1000 lb wt : ls . f. shoef 6 ft. drop height) V`ibr8tory Roller Sh68psPoot (150 psi minimum) Plate Vibrator Button Head Pneumatic �,.. P�ata Tamper Mzxim�.m Loose So11 Lift Height (feet) Sands l� .0 3.0 Not allowed 1.0 o. 5 1.0 Plastic Soils j�.0 Not a1loWed 2.0 No t allo�red 0.5 1.0 �% ' ' , � �i Ftu3s s and Re gula tio ns -- - 3 D• SPECIAL F��UIIi�1�NTS � 1. Wtnn tha trench excavation is Frithi.n the right-of-way of St�ate ar County High�+ay, the backfilling ot the trenoh, canpaatlan oP materia].a, eubgrade preparation and surfacing ahall be done in 9triat acaordanae ' Kith the requiren►ents and specifica�iona ot the State or County it�gi�q Depart�+nent at no additional compensation. J 2. A].l. dePicienciea in the quantity of material for backtilling the trenchea or Por Pi�.ling depressions caused by aettlement shall be supplied by tt� Contractor. (3) 3. In all caeea, tta Contractor shall blacl,a arid compact the roadway after the trench has been backfilled, so that it shall be passable to trai'ti� at all times, Tha Contractor �hall mai.nta�n the roadW�y in a aond�t�ion aoceptab].e to the Engineer at all tia►es until Pinal appr�val ot the entira �rk by the City. (1, ) �1• The Contrac�car shall r�n�uy �t, k-i�s oWn exgen�e any det�bcis tlu�t appear 1n tha backPill for a period of one yenr folloxing compleGioa. $. DOOTN07E8 8ome municipalities have includod under the g�eneral heading of Hackt'ill a�d Compaction requirements for procurement and disposal of Pill material that is not tound or not needed at the job site. The following are auggeations t.hat should be considered: (1) In the etrent that suitable natural granular material is not encountered during the normal excavation of t.he trench, or when tira material eapoW�1�• ered is determined unsuitable by the Engineer for backfilling a�oWid the plpe as required abov�e, specification str�uld provi.de that the contraoLor Purnish and place other approved matorial. This approved material ehou].d be furnished from surplus material obtainable from the excat►atlori o! Ad�- jaoent trenchea, or from approved borrox areas. If suitabls pu�torial 10 not available as stated above, the Contractor should prpCUx�e Ouitable pit-run material for backfilling around the pipe aocording to apecit'ia direction Prom the Engineer. (2) Where sui.table material does not exist in place aa described abov�e� sp�citicatio»s ehould provide that the Contractor furniah and place euPfio�ent suitable backfill material to stabilize tl�e finiahed gTade uaing aurplus material obtainable from the excavation oP ad�acent tx+enoh��. (3) Praviaions can be made for any excess or unsuitable material to t� haWrsd at�ay� deposited and lev�eled where directed by tho Engineer. (1�) 9peaiticationa abuld provide Por the Cantractor to blade euid m8ini',ain all dstours and bypasses. Dust contrnl atauld be required, ae neoo��aty� on all atreet� atter compactlon and grading, and on all detoura or by- passea. � � ' � ' ' 1. ' , � ' � ' , THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPF�;LS MF�'PING OF DECII�IDER 18, 1968 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:33 P.M. MII��E�S PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Harris, Minish, Ahonen, 0'Bannon OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Herlofsky, Se.nior Engi.neeri.ng Aide MOTION by Ahone.n to accept the minutes of December 4, 1968, as written. Seconded by Aho.ne.n. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion earried unanimously. FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 49.082, RIDIICTION OF LAUNDRY SPACE FROM 500 SQIIARE FF�P OF FLOOR AREA TO 264 SQIIARE FEET, TO PERMIT II3EGTION OF A 17 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING ON LOT 23, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 12 ANOKA COIINTY MINNESOTA THE SAME BEING 1 1 RD AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. R UEST BY R. L. JOHNSON INVFSTMENT COMPANY 7325 WAYZATA BOUL_EVARD, MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA. MOTION by Minish to remove this item from the table and bring it back for action. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. A report, requested by Chairma.n Mittelstadt from the Engineeriz� Department, showing the amount of laundry room footage spa,ce in the apartments built in the last two years in Fridley, was presented to the Board. The report was as follows: 1. Burkholder Apartments: Units Required Sq. Ft. Actual Sq. Ft. Laundry 350 ? Storage 40�unit 40�unit Combi.nation of storage and laundry facilities. (IItility Room� 2. Dale-Tile Apartments: Jnits � Required Sq. Ft. Actual Sq. Ft. Laundry 500 550 Storage 40�unit ? ' Not the required. App� ;. 25 Sq. Ft. in lowest level. ' � � ' 3. Filiater Apartments: 42 Units Required Sq. Ft. Actual Sq. Ft. Laundry 500 600+ Storage 40/unit ? Storage distributed into the various floors and garagee. 4. Hirsch Broa Apartments: 140 IInics Required Sq. Ft. Ac�ual Sq. Ft. Laundry 500 Approx 1,000 Storage 40�unit ? Storage distributed into the various floora. �� � � _.� ............._ � ��' , ' � � I ' I � I ' I , [_J L� II � ' ' �� ' ' THE MINiTTES OF fiHE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF DDCII�ER 18 , 19d8 PAGE 2 The Board read the repc�rt and asked to see the Filieter Ap�tment plans. The Filiater plans were the only plans reviewed by the Board. 6Pter reviewin� theee plans, it is the Boarda opinion that the Filister Apartments are in violation of the present City Code, Section 49•�2► in regard to the storage space which should be on the lowest level of the building and also in the required squaxe footage.� ••�- MOTION by Minish to deny the request for a variance, on the beeis that the plans shown to the Board did not meet the present requirements of the City Code, and in the Board's opinion they can see no hardehip in requiring the applicant to comply with the requirements for laandry spe.ce. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, 0'Be.nnon voting nay, the motion carried. . Mr. 0'Bannon voted nay as he feels it is unfair to deny this request �.� when other apartments were allowed to be built and not meet the requirements of Section 49.082 of the City Code. The Board feels since the plans submitted to them were only preliminaxy plana, they can be changed to meet the present City Code requirements. It is also the Boards opinion that it does not make sense that a 17 unit apartment and a 140 unit apartment should req»ire tr� same 500 equare feet of laundry room space. They feel this section of the City Code should be cha.nged. There were no variances of laundry room or etorage apa�e brought before the Board on the four apartment buildings listed on the report. It is the Board's opinion that all four apartmente axe in violation of Section 49•082 of the preaent City Code. : �. • ls ��ul_ �_ �YW The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted Maxy Hintz Secretary �� , MINUTES OF T�IE REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 16, 1968 � Meeting was called to order by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 7:37 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Dunphy, Stimmler, Cochran (arrived at 8:25) ' MEMBERS ABSENT: Donlin OTHERS PRESENT: Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner Edward Braddock, Park Consultant , Ralph Volkman, Park Leadman Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation ' , ' ' , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 25, 1968 Uhder the heading SPRING LAKE PROPERTY, Line 1 of the Motion, the word "direct" should be changed to "request". . Under the heading LOCKE PARK ACCESS ROAD FROM EAST, Line 1 of the Motion, the word "directing" should be changed to "requesting". llnder the heading SUI�IER OLYMPICS PROGRAM, Line 4, the word "swimming" should be changed to "softball". WELL SITES MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 25, 1968 be accepted as amended. The Motion Carried. ' In the Minutes of November 25, 1968, a list of five sites were offered to the Engineering Department for future consideration in the locating of City water wells. Vice Chairman Dunphy suggested the possibility of Craig Park for a well site. The water lines are of sufficient size and a dual purpose building ' would be an asset to the Park. The Commission agreed to bring this to the attention of the Council and Administration. �� I , I ' COUNTY COf�A9ISSI0NER - HARVEY PETERSON Mr. Harvey Peterson, County Commissioner, presented a copy on a study of the County �arks made by Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. This included not only County owned parks but also City owned parks within the County. This report shows that the County is well ahead of the statistic on number of people per number of acres of park land. He also stated that he has colored slides of aerial views of some of the parks within the County that he will bring to his next regularly scheduled meeting and show to the Commission. ' Mr. Peterson brought the Commission up to date on some of the latest activities of the County regarding park land. He stated that they are interested in acquir- ing canoe camp sites along the Rum River. The County is rejuvenating the Rice Creek Boy Scout Camp=by installing a fence along the road, sidewalks and a new � shelter building in the area. The County Commissioners have also talked about the possibility of discontinuing the County Fair and developing the land now used for the Fair into a large park to be used the year around. ' ' , The Commission asked about the progress of the Ice Arena. Mr. Peterson stated that they expect it to be ready by the lst of March. They are in the process of interviewing managers at this time. They anticipate that the arena will be open for twelve months of the year, twenty-four hours a day. PARK CONSULTANT - EDWARD BRADDOCK Mr. Edward Braddock, Park Consultant, presented his revised plan for the River- view Heights area. This plan showed a curved entrance ofyf of Apex Lane leading 91 � ' � � �� � ' ' � ' ' MINUTES OF CON�NISSION MEETING DECEMBER 16 1968 PAGE 2 into a twenty to twenty-two foot drive, which would be used for parking, off from which a sixty foot, black-topped boat launch would be built. A large, open, recreational area would lie to the North of the circular roadway with the area lying to the South left primarily in a rustic state. The river would have to be dredged in this area approximately every two to three years although it would only take about one day and should not be too costly. The Commission explained the purpose of having both Mr. Peterson and Mr. Braddock attend the same meeting. They had discussed at an earlier meeting the possibility of having the County help in the development of this park since it would be open to the public and not restricted to only residents of Fridley. Mr. Peterson suggested that the Commission contact Mr. A1 Kordiak who is the County Park Committee Chairman. MOTION by Dunphy, s HeiAhts from Mr. Br re ularly scheduled � C11 OY' t eir �'n�n;• i MOTiON by Cochran, seconded of West Moore Lake and rrP� ,ocnran, to receive both �lans for Riverview ,o meet with the C�tv Council at their next January 6, 1969, to show these to the Coun- �uggestions. e L A1f �rri Stimmler to receive the reliminar lan to CoW1Ci1 OT t eir Meetina n _in�,.�,�„ � PtANNING Ct�JISSION - CHAIRMAN FITZPATRICK Chairman Fitzpatrick informed the Commission that a developer has presented to the Pianning Commission, a plan for developing the Innsbruck area North of Interstate 694. Nothing officially has been done to date but he thought that the Commission should be aware of this. RESOLUTION 1 A draft resolution regarding land from the parks system lost to the Water De- partment for we�l sites was written by and presented to the Commission by Vice Chaixman Dunphy. More than 1.57 acres have already been lost by the Park sys- tera and the Commission feels that this land should be replaced. Mr. Marvin e Brunsell, Finance Director, was called into the meeting to explain the system of assessing park land. ' SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 14th The School Board of District #14 has requested Chaixman of the Commission attend their January ' and explain the yearly recreational program, L1 ADJOURNMBNT The meetinj was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. that the Director and the 14, 1969 Meeting to present The �ext �egular meeting will be held on Monday, January 27, 1969, at 7:30 p•M• in th� Conference Room of the Civic Center. Respectfully �ub�q�.tted, G%l �� . ���G� ��-C'���.��/ Mary Lo Erickson, Secretary to the Commissior. �� �� Memo To . Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager From . Robert D. Aldrich, Civil Defense Director Subject . Tabulation of Bids for Outdoor Warning System Date . January 3, 1968 Equipment Only Morgan Fire Equipment Co. Madison, Wisconsin Minn. Fire Equipment Co, 2476 University Ave. St. Paul Base Bi d $ 17,934000 19,536.00 Alternate Bid $ 18,780.00 Alternate #1 $20,160.00 Alternate #2 11►739.00 Base Bids are based on furnishing equipment to meet surverys drawn by Federal Sign and Signal Corporation and the Biersach & Niedermeyer Company, and provide warning coverate to 95% plus of the population of the City. Installation Only Federal Sign & Signal B. & N. B.� N., Alternate Lehn Electric $ 12,700.00 $10,920.00 $ 9,983.00 Anoka, Minnesota Bacon Electric 9,000.00 7,500.00 Fridley, Minnesota Recommendationo 1- Low bid combination appears to be the bid of Morgan Fire Equipment and Bacon Electric in the amount of $25,434.00. 2- Bid Award to be held up pending receipt of Federal and State funds to augment city funds in purchase and installation of system. 3- Bidders have been notified that purchase and installation of system are contingent up receipt of State and Federal government participation in overall costs. 4- Bid Award will be brought before Council for official award, when funds are available and the successful bidder has confirmed that he can furnish systems and/or installation services at the bid price. A more detailed tabulation of the bids and equipment will be furnished to the Council at that time. � ' ' ' � �'�r, �f� �����Z��; � �, / � �; 1 . . �,�,���' "�� i'"� CC����'r, - `%��-G��Z �2 , � � � / � 1 �I _ %� l> � E„� C.�,�:li,:' � i��� � . _ _ 94 l��L% -�-- )� � /1 r�% i� / ...� �.� iTi /-C .��L: • '/' / • l.i � ��.LL ; , j � , _ �'�f" �` !� %/ I" ",..t f;�l� �--G',�Z'i'1 . � � tJ � t �—. � �� . i C� , . . J i c;� % � �; `_�C�1 — �i)�ir> �_ � ' '�" �L���'Z���tJi� .�/ l�:a�� /'c.r�Ci �' ��%J;!/ Cji,�. �� ', ,r• - �.., / . �_ _ �'''�'"F ,� � ��/ � .�� - - ��-, % � �j,.�/ /,.f7f�1L-i'.r_.� ;Gii`ii�',./�'/�if�, -�;�—% � �,� ,f--l>;�!',' l/ / � ����f i /.,%�f.:- i/ %�Y�r.'�/ 1;`" � ;��/�i��/ `- /_�C!� �'� ./ I `f:i'"/,',,• � _!/; — 1 � ,� � . � . �-�-�� C�1 C�C-.L.� �;:� c':'Gc: G� ;,����.D % � "�j .��, , / � �' � V (� / ' j � ; % •�` % s% "l 7 �/� ��� -�� � �',�(.%�_�: r.c.�. .� (�. •—'r � 7� ��- � .� -� % / - � .. . � /� - cr� r�'e � ;�✓'-r ; �7 ��'C� .r,a n� �! - � -.��,��, . � --� � �= � ����� ���- � f � % ��. Z` �.�. � , � �„ , , , / � ` - � � • �:��j�-? �: /./I . �, r'J 7_ �� -✓�:. �: . l ,C: '� jL c.._. G�'•;: ZCJ � X/� '�'C'(." `C� / < � ' �. CC/L r- ; 1 / �' � �� i C i�t /�✓ �•�' . U � �/��,;` �� � .� -���.%.�. �G- � � �f �/ .�� � (' � l, f',%Z i� � ji,', �� �i,�%<— l.Z i%l� IT'0.:: ANI)Fl:id P. GAh'EL REGlU:I)ING P.S. ��GG-03, SIIADY OAK ADD7.TION•_ 9�rj Atr. Gawcl said fie had missed tlie cnecting at wtiicl� ttie public he�ring tiad bcen held, as Iie had not been noti£ied t(iat ttie date of tiie mecting tiad been changed from February 12th to Februzry 13th. Counci.I.man Fiarris said that the discussion had centered around wfiere tt►e drainage water wou2d go, }Ie said the plan c•�as fine, and the street pattern was fine, but the problem was drainage. Councilman Sberidan said th�zt tbis had been referred to t�ie Plannin� Com�nission because it ties in �aith thc Rice Creek/ Central Avenue plan ttiey have been studying, and ��Eiich the Council will discuss on March 18tii. Councilm�2n Stieridan said ttiat tiie Public Hearing t,�as held to approve the plat, and the request was denicd so anotEier hearino mu.:t be held. It was suggested he could get togeti�er with the City Engineer to see wEiat could be done. C.ouncilman Liebl said ttiat �Ir. Ga�sel will only have to pay for Fiis stlare of any drainage pro ject, but the otiier people have to be protected also. Mayor I�irkham said that the City cannot allow anotiier home to be built until the problem is solved, so there will have to be anather bearin�. Z'he City Engineer said there i.s a drainage plan for the area, and it�has been presented to the Council. He said that if less tban ttie plan is done there will be problems; to do it right the whole storm se���er system must be put in. . Mr. Gibbs �ti�as asked about State Statutes governing drainage rights. Mr, Gibbs said that the City Attorney �aould be more familiar �aith drainage and watershed problems, but it appeared to him that in case law, a property o�•�ner could dispose of water on his property in any way as long as tEie damage accruing to the neigEibor taas not greater than ttie benefit accruing to him. He said that the City Attorney could check into this fo th r e Council. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to refer the question of the drainage of the Gac�el property to tfie City Attorney and request that he bring this information to the Council at the Public H�aring Meeting of rfarch 11, 1968. Seco nded by Council- I man Shcridan. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Piayor Kirkiiam declared the motion carried unanimously. r�ux1����CUSSIOV OF LOTS TO REriOVE FF.0�1 TAX DELINQLTE\T pP�OPERTY SALE • The Council studied the map marked witfi the tax delinquent properties, and discussed tfie different lots the City may be interested in acquirino in the future. The Council decided to tag Lot 8, Block 1, Spring Valley Addition because it is a large lot and may be big enougfi for a"Tot Park". They decided to ta ever lot listed in the H de Park Addition, because of the � �° a d nt' the street attern is e,st� shed. Gardens tlley tag�ed Lots 1 through 13, Block 7, and Lots 1,��3,4,5, glockg6�Jater because of the pendino overpass or underpass on rlississippi Street. These lots ���ere ta�ged in addition to the loes t;�at the Pa-i;s and Recreation Commission requested in their minutes of February 2.5, 1968. These lots were removed EroR� the original list of lots as presented by the County, and the Council signed the authorization to per:nit the County to sell the remainder of the tax delinquent properties. �nJOOr,�,� 2'here being no furtfier business, rlayc,r Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of rfarch 4, 1958 adjourned at 10;20 P.rf. Respectfully submitted, r- . _ � �� �.__ Mary Lu St. oai � n� .iecr�tarv tn tF�n (`nimri 1 9�la«-/ �/,iyG�' 1 :J Hughes, Robert S. Olson, Arthur Blomster, LeRoy Aldrich, Robert Ellis, Edward Peka, Lawrence Ottem, Dennis Longerbone, Merle FIREFIGHTERS Anderson, Ray Andarson, Roberx Bakke, pale 6ax�s, ,lameS Carrigan, pon Case, Marry Che�nay, Las Clark, Darrel Froom, Don Ha�stad, Gordon Hi�gins, Jerry Kasich, Charles Kelly, Thomas Kramar, Richard Larsqn, Gary Messer, Ralph Lund�ran, Arne Paui�an, A1 Sachs, Don Sandin, Wm. Schrodal , �,eo Silseth, Arthur Simonson, Howard Viger, Pater Wagar, Ray W�inhandl, Tom TQTAI. * FIRE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL June 25, 1968 through December 17, 1968 arms Alarms Drills Drills 39 95 36 52 41 43 74 64 A 1 a rms tt� nn 30 46 58 64 67 37 s$ 59 26 35 26 28 3$ 45 57 42 41 17 30 54 20 43 30 1 1,474 _ `�_ 1,528 � 26 4 l0 8 11 12 8 7 11 Drills c4 nn 9 4 6 9 8 3 1 6 4 ,3 12 5 9 14 1$ 6 6 3 4 13 t0 1 16 6 5 1 3 0 6 5 2 a rms 77 110 45 92 53 57 86 77 Total Alarms � D�ills 39 64 73 75 61 60 32� �9 k2 31 50 5� 66 Sb 56 25 3b 5� 23 35 56 40 2 1, �� t 229.50 502.50 204.00 301.50 238.50 265.50 394.50 349.00 Amount 156.00 200.00 256.00 29z.00 300.00 1b��Q4 ��►. Op 2�r0. OQ 128.00 156.00 168.00 lzk.00 200.00 200.00 264.00 224.00 224.00 100.00 144.00 240.00 92.00 140.00 224.00 160.00 8.00 8 7,3 5.00 ' ' � RESOLUTION N0. � / ��/ A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: ' 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid con- tracts for the following items or materials: , ' �J � ' ' ' ' ' � ' � ' � _J , "ONE NEW REAR MOUNTED TRUCK CRANE" 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 27th day of January 1969. ,The City Manager is directed and authorized to ad- vertise for the purchase of said items and materials by - sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be sub- stantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CIT'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �� DAY OF � �-� , 1969. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham �� � �_ � ' � CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE for ONE NEW REAR MOUNTED TRUCK CRANE EXHIBIT "A" � The City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota will accept sealed � bids on One (1) New Rear Mounted Truck Crane on the 27th day of January 1969, until 12:00 o'elock Noon on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel: 560- 3450). All bids must meet the minimum requirements of the specifica- r tions. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualifica- tion of the bid. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or re- fuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted. The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests. of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid received without explanation. The City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsibility of the bid- der, past performance of similar types of items or materials, avail- ability of products and other similar factors that it may determine to be in the best interest of the City. Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the office of the Director of Public Works, or copies may be obtained from this office. ' All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on the outside with "ONE NEW REAR MOUNTED TRUCK CRANE". HOMER R. ANKRUM City Manager Publish: January 15, 1969 , January 22, 1969 ' � ��. ' � ' � �I � ' � , ' � � � � L�� � �J l�.l ' RESOLUTIQN N0. � - ' �3 � � RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TIiREE POLICE CARS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley as followss 1. That it is in the interest of the City to purchase the following items or materiais: THREE POLICE PATROL CARS 2. A copy of the plans and specifications fo� the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment the!'�C3F ��D��w been pres���;:�,� �� the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method ef acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of.said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be �eceived and opened at 11:00 o'clock a.m. on the 20th day of January, 1969. The City Manager is directed and authorized to advertise for the purchase of said items and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference. Said notice shall be publishPd at least 15 days or through two (2) publications in the officiai news- paper of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 6th OAY OF January _, i969, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. City C er - rv�n runse 1 MAYOR- JACK 0. KIRKHAM , �� 10� C�TY OF F�IDLEY NOTICE TO gID POLICE PAT'2pL CARS The City Cauncil of the City of Fridley will accept bids on three Pcalice c�rs on the 20th day of January, 1969, until 11:00 o'clock a.m.. on gaid date at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue, North- e�st, Fridley, Minnesota 55421. Bid award will be made on J�nuary ZOth, 1969, at the regular Council meeting. All bids must m�et the minimum requirements of the specifications. Failure to cqmply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. ' �acM bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount of not less than 5/ of the bid, which check or bond shall t�e forfeited if the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a � contract or to furnish a 100% performance bond after his bid has b�en accepted. ' ' � ' The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to k�e in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, �nd waive all informalities or �echnicalities in any bid. The City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as Lhe time of delivery or performance, experience and responsi- bility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of item or materials, availability of replacement parts, and other similar f�ctors that it may determine in the best interest of the City. GaRies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined ir� the office of the City Manager or copies may be obtained from ' his affice. , All bidS must be submitted in sealed envelopes and �lainly marked On the outside that the contents if a"BID ON ��:�:_��� CA�S". e ' ' a�bliea�ion: � 1 .J January $, lg5g Janua�y 15, 195;? HOMER R. ANKRUM City Manager ZC�1 POLICE CAR BID P40POSAL Fridley, Minnesota 1969 11:00 o'clock a.m. N�ne of F i rm: Address: Proposa 1: We propose to furnish and.deliver to the Gity of Fridiey three Police cars meeting or exceeding soecifications as follows: Make: Model: Cash pr i ce $ We wi11 take in trade two (2) 1968 plymouth Police cars now owned by the City of Fridley and make an allowance of: Total Price $ TO BE OELIVERED NOT LATER THAN A certified check in the amount of $ is herewith enclosed. BI�OER By 102 CITY OF FRIQLEY SPECIFICATIONS FOR Pa�.ICE PATRpL CARS PATROL CARo Shall be a Deluxe model in currect pr�oduction at date of del avec-y, ENGINEo Shal� be an 8 cyl�nderY at least 383 cub3c inch piston displacement, with not less than 305 maximum gross br°ake horsepowe�°o WEIGHia Minimum weight shall be 3500 lbso shipping weight, exclusive of heavy duty equipmento WHEELBL1SEo Sha�2 be not less than 120 �ncheso TRANSMISSION: Automatic HaDo over standardo REAR AXLEo Sha�l be I�oDa over standardo RADIATORa Shall be HoDa ove�° standar°da BRAKESo Shall be HoD, over standard Rower brakes9 front wheets to be equipped wath disc brakeso STEERINGo Sha�l be HoDo powec- stee�°�ng over standardo BODY TYPEo Shall be a� door sedano COLOR o B 1 ack and whi te � fr°ont doors anc� roUi` to be whi tea WHEELSo Shall be 15 incheso TIRESo Shall be 8o45x15, 4 pty, black sidewallo ACCESSORY EQUIPMENTo Whether or not inc�uded in the s�andard specifications, the following equipment must be furnishedo 1� Instrument Pane�o Standard grouping 2o Hot water heater: Fc°esh airy with defrosters Page 2 - Specifications 3< Air �onditioning (Factory installed) 4. Oil fitter - full flow 5• Oil bath air cleaner, or HoD, super filter air cleaner 6o Thermostat: Appropriate during season when car is purchased 7. Spare wheel (Including tubeless tire, mounted) 8. Steering wheel to have deluxe ring 9> 10. 11< 12. 13. 14. �o�� Dual automatic windshield wipers, electric variable speed type, including windshield washers Dua1 mufflers and exhaust pipes HeD, shock absorbers, front and rear Front seat assembly: Shall be heavy duty Arm rests on both front doors Front ash tray and lighter 15. Floor mat, front - extra heavy duty type 16. Alternator: 60 AMPo Leece-Neville, with Leece- Nevilte voltage regulator type 3450-RB or the equivalent 17. Entire car shall be shielded and bonded similar to standard procedure when cars are equipped with car radios 18. Batterys 12V, not less than 70 Ampere hours at 20 hour rate 19. Speedometer must be accurate within 3� of alt speeds up to 100 MoP,Ha 20a Spot lightss Two, furnished and installed by the dealer, sealed beam, 5 inch diameter onlyo Sample light and location to be approved by tMe Chief of Potice before installationo 0 10� Page 3 - Specifications � 2ta Rear view mirror. Inside - Shall be non-glare Outside - Location shall be approved by Chief of Police before install- ation 22o Heavy duty springs, front and rear 23o Car shalt be undercoated 2�a Trailer hitch: Complete with 1 7/8 inch ball to be furnished and installed by deater 25a Transfer of tights and siren from old car to new at dealer�s expense, including additional wiring and switches, if necessary 26. Rear inside door handtes to be removed and covered 27. Hand throttle to be installed at deater�s expense 28o Car shall be equipped with electric trunk opener, installed so driver can easily operate 29. Car shall be equipped with rear window defogging system RESOLUTIOV N0. i'� � � � � � / A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A NEW METROPOLITAN Z00 �E IT RESOLVED, by Che Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Coanty, Minnesoia as follows: WI�REAS, the Fridley City Gouncil has been asked to consider a proposal of the Zoo Advisory Committee to the Metropolitan Council for a n�w MetroFolitan Zoo; and 1 WHEREA{�, benefits would be derived by the residents of the City of Fridley from a new Metropolitan Zoo by providing a facility for the study and preaervation of animal species, as well as a place for f�mily-centered recreati�n; an� WT�REAS, the facility would be largely self supporting, with minimal financial cost to the public; and WH�REAS, the Zoo would be of benefit to area citi�et�s and businesses and a major attraction for tourists, NAW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Council of the City of Fridley goes on record as being in favor of a new Metropolitan Zoo and urgea the State Legislature to implement these plans in the coming I��gislat�,ve Session. « ADOPTED �Y Tii� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS C DAY 1 OF ......,.�.; ,�:� � 1969. A�z�sT: CIT� CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM 1�5 APPOINTMENT FOR CONSENi AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 6, 196g - Two Firefighters Added to Fire Department beginning January lg, 1969 NAME POSITION Dennis M. Ottem Fire Fighter 140 Rickard Road Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Howard H. Simonson Fire Fighter 801 Overton Drive Fridley, Minnesota 55432 e •t ' SALARY $656.00 $656.00 REPLACES New Position New Position APPOINTM�TT FOR COIVSENT AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL --- JANLTARY 6 , 1969 N� POSITION SALARY REPLACES —.,_._ Nikki J. Finck Clerk-Typist $340.00 Bonnie Weschle� 5201 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, Minn. John Brazil 5529 6th Street N.E. Fridley,�Minnesota Donald J. Lee 596 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Thomas J. Sauer 5353 4th Street N.E. Fridley, 1�finnesota Leater B. Russell 2827 � 133rd Ave. N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Po].ice Dispatcher (Non-Uniformed) Police Da.spatcher (Non-uniformed) Police Dispatcher (Non-uniformed) Police pispatcher (Non-uniformed) $575.00 $575.00 $575.00 $575.00 New Position New Positio� New Position �1ew Position 1a� � /� ��`%� � �� �� ����� CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIOi3 COVER SI-IEET Petition No. 35-1968 Aate tt�c�ived December 26, 1968 Qbj�cfi Street Paving - Lon�fellow Street P�tition Chec�_�d By� �� , � � �'� • � Da t e C--� . � �._,2 •�7 hrC � Perce�t Signing �J _� � r-__.--„ • � _ _. �,s, �; R.��errcd to City C�uncil 1?�.eposition �� ' � ■ ��� �- r �/ �: ) 2 ' l' �:' � �i - ! l L � 1��3 ,. 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Da�vid C. Sommer NF'.J� David C. Sommer Chief of Police , 58h5 Universit;� Ave. Fr�dley, Ptinnesot�: rPO'.3LZC DRI'dKIr1�� PLAC � ' Club !�7 60h1 University Ave. �u��l Bil]y Don Harpole Chief of Police Fr�.dley, `�!innesota Health Tnspector ICa�� � Club !�7 60fi1 University �1ve. NE�T 3illy Don Haroole Chief of Police Fr�idley, 1•linnesota Health Inspector ' � CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE JANUARY 6, 196,8' MEETING CAS SERVICES Approved By , f , ECoraomy Gas Installers, Inc. � 3¢2:3 Lyndale Avenue South � � Minmeapolis, Minnnesota By; EdwardiToohey NEW Plbg. Insp. _� � � ' � � . .. . . ' ' , � . � , -- _ _,: � " � `�o,.. o,,,,� :�._;:. "q�n• ,.�ya�;'..•-s---.�: .. a ,; � ��..%�e-�e r�' �4 w+w' 'Ik �i +f ....�� � �� 1Ui. /�,'����.. 51�.1 �'.. �. �." t: .,��-ak.;v�y.:;-�*c �?�: ST�TE O� MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 57 WEST SEVENTH STREET - SAINT PAUL 55102 November 6, 1968 Mr. Dave Harris, Chairman F'ridley Industrial Commission C:ity Hall F'ridley, Minnesota I>ear Mr. Harris : 113 ' Fridley is regarded by this department as one of the more progressive c►f its type in Minnesota as evidenced by events that have occurred in t.he last several years. �' ' ' V�le would like to use an in-depth outline of the progress you have made a�s an educational tool for inspiring other Minnesota communities to a Y��igher level of accomplishment. The approach you use within your c�ommunity, the companies and method of contact outside your town, the method of financing used, pictures of growth or action factors, all w�ould be helpful -- plus any additional information you feel might serve our purpose. ' If you are willing to let us use Fridley as an example of what a Nl�innesota town can do, we would appreciate having you forward to us, at your earliest convenience, as full an outline as possible of who � has done what, and how it was done, in and for Fridley. Since this will be used in a fairly sophisticated brochure, good glossy prints would be appreciated. Perhaps a local newspaperman or someone with ' writing ability could put together the script and might also be of considerable help on the pictures. ' Under any circumstance, please give me a call or drop me a line if you have any objections at our using Fridley for this purpose or if we can be of any assistance in putting together the information you and we ' would like to have used. We'd like to put this together and have it available by sometime in December so your prompt attention would be most appreciated. �_J ' � JDP:mm °'-�Q';a j'• SS V y t- y o s, � - a!>(�-c� Jo n D. Peterson, Director Ru a Bureau In u trial Development Division ' Abom�: •9875 788 I ' � II � � ^'''� , � ��!!er 3uHeral.�onre 881 FOR'r1ETH AVENUE NORTHEA8T COLUMBIA H61(iHTB, MINNEIIOTA C.c.t� <<j�-:.r%ee�r. wid �'�'t� �ouncc,L �.�iaG�e�{, ly',�ruaeco#a o� �r;�.. N�.� q��. �c C� Co� WJ�L3.il� E. MII.I.EIt Owa�s n12Gl.I116P�t 9f �7�' A�i�. l�a�l,laoe �. A',i.l,lr�t crnd l►k. Gb►�ld �ecu/raai l�e�ebg �.e.qr.�e.e� a ecai.►�t on afli,e aa�yaLe�ion o� #�r,e pn�/t�nr� a�ea beJw�d #/r,e r� Ifbo�e �c�tf�e fur��[ Hoa� -�+ea�luu�-�'•i,l,lu, .(oca,ied cit 62,id anof H.i�ah� �4i5 wr�i,l �coie �, /5lS9 due #o rteru � be.inr� needed #o �e.itLe 6e�oRe a ho�rd ,eu�ace 6.[ack .tvp ,i.a c�p�o�l,i,eal. We �vcr.GaL .�i�e an on,�ee�evit ore pa�# a bond .i� � tGe uvu.ld dl,eo '"7"!_ jT UJL Qf/LP.�IIZP.!►.t Li2. y�c.F_.PAnKl1� J�..c? ut:.I�P:r ,I� :ul.� �?/;�,�;,N.,�.r'� �Pli(/ILL •ilj,e �`i,u�a.0 hvme, d,i.tiec,trl� .tv #hre :�'ea#i#fiat #lu.a pwvp� c�c�da� oe waat �Co�c Prufti,�. w�.ti.L oua. .!v# .i.e cony}(��ed. w,i.th .th.i.a mrr�ent u�+e rwwld be ub.Ce .tv oper�. .tJ�.e ne�v �wcP�ro,L l�e .ut �° _"" � ��7f � .C� IWwcLi (?.C.Ve GL�� �.�Jl� .tU �!""-..f � �� ��L� i •r Thcv�la �vu ��� �'o�. an� ann�d�rut,cvn a,t �i,i.o #,inie. 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