03/03/1969 - 5526, , � � � ' ' � 1 C , ' ' � � ' � , COUNCIL SECRETARY-JUEL MER�R COUNCIL MCETING AGENDA 7:30 P.M.- MARCH 3, 1969 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ADOFrION OF AGENDA: Regular Council Meeting February 17, 1969 Pages 1- 15 Special Council Meeting February 24, 1969 Pages 16 - 19 VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS: None OLD BUSINESS: 1. Second Reading of an Ordinance to Amend the City Code by Making a Change in Zoning Districts from M 2 to C-2-S (Bob Schroer - Produce Ranch at 7620 University Avenue Northeast) Page 20 2. Second Reading of an Ordinance to Vacate Streets and Alleys and Amend the CiCy Code - portion of Highway ��65 West Service Road South of 73rd Avenue for Loopback (City of Fridley) 3. Consideration of Second Reading of Sign Ordinance Comment: Another letter was sent to the Chamber requesting their comments, but no response has been received as yet.) Page 21 REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 OLD SUSINESS (CONTINUED) 4. Consideration of Building Permit to Construct Exteri.or Display Area of Bob's Produce Ranch and Consideration of Building Permit [o Construct the Main Building of Bob's Produce Ranch. Comment: •This was considered by the Council on Februray 17 and was laid over until the 2nd Reading of the Rezoning Ordinance was completed.) 5. Discussion Regarding State Bottle Club Permit - Casino Royale NEW BUSINE5S: 6. Rezoning Ayde Park for the Purpose of Broadening the Tax Base in School District No. 14. This item is on the Agenda at the request of Carl Paulson. 7. First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 74.03 of the City Code (Bicycle Plates and Registration Cards) 8. Receiving the Minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Committee Meeting of January 16, 1969. 9. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of February 19, 1969. 10. Receiving the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Pieeting of February 24, 1969 PAGE 2 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Pages 26 - 28 Pages 29 - 31 REGUL4R COUNCTL MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED 11. Receiving the Minutes of the Building SCandards - Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of February 26,1969 12. Receiving the Minutes oE'the Planning Comnission Meeting of February 27, 1969. 13. Consideration of a Sign Permit for Riverside Car Wash at 6520 East River Road. Comment: The requested sign is larger than would be allowed under the new proposed sign ordinance.) 14. Consideration of Request by St. Anthony Village to Purchase •Used Plectron Radio. 15. Considera[ion of Agreement Between City of Frfdley and Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company of Minnesota, Inc. 16. Consideration of New Authority for Issuance of Permit for House Placement on a Portion of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22 (Les Chies) Comment: Mr. Chies has submitted a new request for approval of permit for Council consideration based on same stipulations with approved signature of one of two property owners bordering his property.) PAGE 3 Pages 32 & 33 Page 34 Pages 35 & 36 Pages 37 - 41 Pages 42 - 44 REGULAR COUNCIL i�ETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 PAGE 4 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 17. Consideration of Disaster Emergency Operating Plan. 18. Consideration of Improvement pf 73rd Avenue Setween T.H. �65 and Central Avenue. Lomment: There has been no positive response from the County. If the Council feels this should be improved this year then it could be made a part of the 1969 Street Project.) 19. Consideration of City Offer to Liquor Department Employees for 1969 Wage and Benefit Agreement. 20. Resolution Relative to Additional Hookup to the NSSSD System (Schroer Request) 21. Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and Ordering Advertising of Bids: Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-1 and Municipal State Aid Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-2. 22. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications, and Estimates of the Costs Thereof; Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-3. Coarment: This is in response to some of the petitions the City has received.) Pages 45 - 47 Pages 48 & 49 Fages 50 & 51 Page 52 REGULAR COUNCIL MrETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 23. Resolution Receiving Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construction of Certain Improve- ments; Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-3. Comment; The City has added some additional streets in the area for purpose of the hearing to see if there is a favorable response.) 24. Resolution Receiving the Preliminary Report and Calling a Public Hearing on the matter of the Construction of Certain Improvements; Water and Sanitary Sewer Project 4�91. Comment: This is for the Sanitary Sewer Service for.Herwal.'s 2nd Addition where the veterinarian clinic is proposed.) 25. Consideration of a Sign Permit Request for Columbia Arena at 7011 University Northeast. Comment; They have requested that the fee for the sign be waived if possible.) 26. Claims 27. Licenses 28. Estimates C O.�L�i[ TN I C IA T I Ov 5: A. State of Minnesota: 69th Avenue Crossover on T.H. �k47. Comment; Council can direct us to delete the construction of this crossover from the existing project and authorize us to proceed with a new bid.) PAGE 5 Pages 53 & 54 Pages 55 & 56 Page 57 Page 58 Pages 59 & 60 Pages 61 - 63 Page 64 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 1969 (CONTINUED) B. Spring Lake Park: Approval of Cost Participation in Project 4i89 (Comment; The contract for this work was let oa February 24th) C. Barna & Guzy: Requesting Appeal to Council of Board of Appeals Decision Regarding Special Use Permit for Dunkley Surfacing Company be put on March 17, 1969 Agenda Page 65 Page 66 PAGE- 6 D. Columbia Heights: Regarding petition signed objecting to operation of Dunkley Surfacing Company Pages 67 & 68 E. Village of Burnsville: Copy of resolution they have adopted opposing the proposed metropolitan tax. ADJOURN- LNote; The preliminary report on Project �91 is in the Agenda Envelope for your review.) Pages 69 & 70 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEFTLNG OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular �ouncil Meeting of February 17, 1969 to order at 7:40 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEfIANCE: �Iayor Kirkham requested the audience to stand and join the Council in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL• NII;MBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham MEMBERS ABSENT: Harris PRESENTATION OF AWARD: The Certificate of Achievement was for Mr. Daryl Nagel for his work with the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee. Mr. Nagel was no[ present, so his Certificate is to be sent to him. DISCUSSION OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 20, 1969 AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMAFI LIEBL: Councilman Liebl said that he would like to challenge the intention and legality of the Council concerning the January 20, 1969 Minutes which were approved by three attending Pfembers of the Counci2 on r`�bruary 3, 1969. He said thst the motion by Councilman Harris read as such: "MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the building permSt subject to utility and drainage plans to be submitted ta the Engineer, and eliminating two dYiveways, and dedication of the roadway meeting the service road to the south." After further discussion Councilman Harris amended his motion to read: "MOTION AMENDED that the Certificate of Occupancy would depend on the dedication of the roadwaY." Councilman Li�bl said that he felt that this was against the State Sgatutes and the City Charter as the proper�y has not been rezoned properly yet. Counci2man Sheridan said that it probably should be amended to read a foundation permit. Councilman Liebl said thaf he felt that this still would not correct the error, as this property ia still M-2 and until it is propeYly zoned, there cannot be a foundation permit issued on the property. He said that he will not go on record for future generations that he voted for something illegal, as he took an oath when he took this job. There followed a very lengthy discussion of the le$ality of the issue. The C1ty Attorney said (verbatim)"Well, If I caz� digress for a moment, I was not in atteadsace at the Febxusry 3rd Meeting, and this is a complete surprise to me. This waa handed to u�e S minutes aga. I was present at the Meeting in which Mr. Peter Lindberg came before the Council and asked permission for rezoning. As I recall. that Meeting, they`were asking fot quite an extensive piece of property to be rezoned [o commercial zoning. But the council at that time, because they did REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 rAGE 2 have a plan ior the entire paTCel, agreed to �old a first reading, an�i at leaet it is clear in my mind, or it was at tl�at time, tkhat I think it was a suggeation of Mz. Sheridan that the rezoning - second reading would be contingent upon his coming up with a plan for the whole parcel. In the event that they did not have a whole plan, the second reading would be held for a certain portion of that parcel oz that portion which he did have plans for, am I correct up to that pointY That then, in my opinion, put us in much the same position as we have had with Onan, Target, ox any of the other businesses where we have gxanted a foundation permit. In those instances, it is contingent upon their submitting adequate specs, electrical, plans and the rest that have to be certified by the Engineer, and that this position is a parall�l position, in othez words, the Council hae said that they will not give a rezoning, or thac the rezonin8 of the whole parcel as zequested, is contingent upon his having a plan fot that whole ptrcel. Aowever, it was my vnderstanding that night, and it sKill is now, that in the event that he does not have a plan for the whole parcel, the second reading will be held on that part which he does have a plan for. Under those circumstances, it would be my opinion, that while State Statutes or Charter may not give tMe Council the right to do it, the State Statutea or Charter do not deny thQ Council the right to do it; and whether or not it is question�ble, I thlnk that, the Coa,�t as a practical matter are extremely reluctant to inquire into the proceedinge of a Council as lpng as they are not acting arbitrarily or capriciously. I see nothing arbitrary or capricious about what the Council has done so far. It would be my suggeation that that pesson, or persons who are complaining, contact ua eithex through thei,r attomey or by themselves and we would certainly be willing to sit down and dlecue� it." Couneilman Liabl said thaC he would huve to disagx�e with the Asaiseant City Attosnay. �te said that he did t�ot feel that the comperiaon with clnan'a a pTOpar compariAOn ae Onan'e had the proper zoning. Mayor Kirkham asked the City Manager what wae put ouG in the Department Head Memoxandum. The City Manager anewered (verbatim) "Sased on the memo to the Department Seada, which of course is a litt7�e different than what ia in the Minutes, but these thinga were discuased in the Minutes, I asid to them with Chese atipulations: the Certificate of Occupancy subject to outcocne of the second reading of the Ordinance and approval of rezoning of the area. A1so dedication of the road. The applicant to proceed with construction at his own �isk. This I got fxom the final portion o£ the Council Meeting tape where it indicated that they asked Mr. Schroer if he underatood that he would be proceeding at his own riak, or words to that effect. Submisaion and apprwal of utility plana, drainage plans, and easements to the City Engineer. We eliminate two driveways and the final approval would then allow for thtae driveways. Dedicatlon of the street to the City which can be determined £ram St. Pau1 waterwotke an their easement and faCillties which at present preclude link up of street to the street to the south. All permits subject to second reading of the Ordinance to be placed on the Agenda February 3, 1969. The building permit isaued was not a full building permit, but based on knowing that we feel that we could not go ehead and issue a full permit, without the zoning. It was just a foundation permit, and it glso etates on it that a11 permits are subject to the eseond reading of the Ordinance for the resoping of the area•" MayoY Kirkham said that it seemed that theFe was some question as to whethe: Chis was a ioundation petmit or building permit. He said that the permit he has before him, states quite clearly that it is s found8tion pexmiX, and that is all Mr. Schroer has. 1 1 ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 3 Councilman Liebl asked if the City has e4er given, in previous years, a building permit without the land being properly zoned. He said that if the City has a record of this, then he will be convinced. Mayor Kirkham said that the Council has given foundation permits in the past in order to allow a builder to get started on a building project before the Council has been satisfied with every- thing, but he did not know if any cases involved zoning, but always, as in this particular case, the builder understarids that he,proceed� at hjs own risk. MOTION $y Councilmap Liebl to rescind the motion of Councilman David Harxis on ' January 20, 1969 whieh was and is illegal and improper as such, and in violation of our State Statutes and City Charter, and I MOVE that this permit is withdrawn on the above mentioned grounds until the property involved is properly rezoned, � at the two demanded readings, and legally published. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sheridan. UpOn a voice vote, Liebl voting aye, Kirkham, $heridan, Samuelson voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion FAILED. ' � �1 , � I ' �I ' ' ' ' ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to correct the Minutes of January 20th, 1969 to read "Foundation permit" rather than "Building permit" on page 14, apd the amendment on page 15 for the Certificate of Occupancy would depend on the second reading of the rezoning request. The motion was seconded and upon 4 voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. It wae pointed out that Mr. Schroer's foundation permit has expired, and he would either have to stop work or get his permit extended. This item was again discussed at the end of the Meeting. (NOTE) There is a tape transcript of this conversation on file in the Office of the City Manager. [1pPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1969: I+�TION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 3, 1969 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10 1969: t�TION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Minutes of the Special Pub}ic Hearing Meeting of February 10, 1569. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there were some items to be added: Item lA: Les Chies - House Moving Permit Item 9A: Resolution on Maintenance of Signals Item 9B: Resolution on Liquor Legislation Item 20A: Fiscal Disparity He said that he would also like to table Item !1?: The Second Reading of the Ordinance to Amend the City Code by Making'a Change in Zonipg Districta from M-2 to C-2-S (Bob S�hroer - Produce Ranch at 7620 University Avenue N.E.) to the March 3, 1969 Meeting. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt *_he Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 4 ' VISITORS: ' Mayor Kirkham asked the audience if there was anyone present who wished to speak , on anything not on the Aganda. There was no respons�. �;\;�iM G79t:7 6� t3� IDEN? DWELL 2: THE SAME f1►;��7 ��� Councilman Sheridan said that he had requested that this be included on the Agenda He referred to the Minutes of December 16, 1968 where the Council gave Mr. Les Chies permission to move his house into this com�unity with stipulations, one of which that he check with the neighbors. During the d�scussion with the Council at this Meeting, the Council asked if he had checked with h1s neighbors and if his plans were agreeable to them. He indicated at that time that there was no ob- jection from any of the neighbors. On February 11, 1969, Councilman Sheridan ssid that he received a call from one o� the neighbors wanting to know when he was given such permission. He said that he felt that this constituted incorrect and misleading statements by Mr. Chies and he would like to ask the Council to withdraw their permission. MOTI�N by Councilman Sheridan to withdraw pexmission for Mr. Le� Chies to move a residence £rom Silver Lake Road to 1530 Rice Creek Road. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Thi� item was brought up again at the end of the Meeting. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF SIGN ORDINANCE: Councilman Samuelson asked if there was any communlcation from the Chamber of Commerce. The City Manager said that he had been in contact with Mr. Glenn Thompson and Mr. William Jensen, and that the Chamber of Commerce wanted to appear before the Council before any official action was taken. Councilman Sheridan commented that there seemed to be some conflicting opinians on some of the paragraphs. It was agreed by the Council to table this until the Meeting of March 3, 1969, at which time the Chamber of Co�erce may be ready for an appearance. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND AMEND THE CITY ,. CK: GIT3t OF FRIDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MINUTES 1. LDING SiANDARDS - DESZGN CON'LxuL 5 EST TO CONSTRUCT THE EXTERIOR DISP CATED AT 7520 UNIVERSITSC AVE. N.E. nFU_ 7RAF FIRWOOD WAY N.E.. FRIDLE , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 I AND 2. PAGE 5 � The Engineering Assistant brought the plans to the Council table foz the Council- men to review. He said that they found it necessary to move the building 50' to the south because of the soil conditions. He said that this request is for the dieplay area and the garden centQr. He pointed out that the foundation permit un ' the garden center expired last Friday, February 14, 1969. They are now requeating a full permit. Councilman Liebl asked'if the members of the subcom�i.ttee vere arrare that this property has to be rezoned firet. The Engineering Assistant said that he did not know. Councilman Samuelsoa e�cplained, while looking at the plans that the diaplay area is baeically of post and beam construction, and that there would be no walls or inclosures. Mayor Kirkham asked if the foundation is completed yet. Council� man Samuelson said not yet. Councilman Sheridan asked when the revised plot plan would be completed. Coimcilman Samuelson said probably by noon the next day. He said that Suburban Engineering has not finalized some of the utility details. Councilman Sheridan suggested laying this over until the second read�ng of the Ordinance and acting on all at the same time. The Assistant City Attorney poiated out that either the foundation permit would have to be extended, or work etopped. Councilman Samuelsan agreed that they would need a continuance of th� foundation permit. The Engineering Assietant said thaC it was qnly an 11 day pqrmit. When asked whq such a short time, he explained that in thia way it encourages the contractors to bring in th=ir completed plans aooner and that the se¢ond reading of the Ordinance was scheduled to be completed before the permit would have expired. I+�TION by Councilman Liebl to table Item #1 and Item #2 of the Building Star.dards - Design Control Subcommittee ?feeting until the rezoning ie completed. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Liebl, Kirkham, Sheridan voting aye, Samuelson abstaining, Mayor Kirkhas declared the motion carried. 3. OF MM;� CONSTRUCT A BY ): � .. ,on� The Engineering Assietant said that Mr. Bro�hen has svbmitted his reviaed plaas, and brought them forward to the Council table. He explained that th� brick would extend up to the windows. Councilman Liebl asked how much he estimafiea his in- vestment is. Mr. Brothen said about $125,000 for 1'� acres. The Engineering Assietant pointed out that this building also had to be moved north because of the soil conditions. Councilman Samuelson asked if the Buj,lding Standarda - Design Control conaidered the fence along the east line. Itr. Brothen said yes, it was brought up, but the Committee did not think it would be neeessary. He pointed out that he also had to raise the building aeveral feet. He Chen shqwed the landscaping plans. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant the building permit to Mr. Brothen for a meet proceasing and packaging plant located at 7501 Co�erce Lane subject to the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 6 stipulations of the Building Standards - Design Control. Seconded by Councilm man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 4. BUILDING �A BEING�LOT 6;- BY F.M:C: COR S AN ADDITION TO AN ROAD N.E.. FRIDL KA COUNTY, MINN. FRIDLEY. MINN.): The Engineering Assistant said that this was for an addition Co F.M.C. at the southeast corner of their propeTty. It is for 20,000 square fee[, all on one floor. He said that it is to be used as Engineering offices. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to grant the building pexmit to F.M.C. fpr the addition to their building for some Engineering offices, as per plans submitted. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion Garried. Tha Engineering Assistant said that there was no Council �cgion necessary on Item 115 as thay still have to come in to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcqmmittee wi.th revised plot glans. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receiv,a the Minutes o£ the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of February 11, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVZNG THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRU,pRY 13, 1969: The Engi,neering Assistant said that there wexe two Public Hearing dates that need to be set by the Council. One is for a Rezoning Request: ZOA il68-11, Loµis Momch�lovich, and the other a Rezoning Request: ZOA $68-13, Hammerlund Enter- priaes, Inc., Clarence Nordstrom APplicant. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to set the Public Hearing d$tes for Louis Momchilovich Razoning Requeat and $a�erlund Enterprises, Inc., Resqning Request for the Maeting of March lOth. Seconded by Councilman Sheridaq. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The Engineering Assistant pointed out that in Item #6 of the Planning Co�ission Minutes, they suggested that the proposed Main Street be extended southerly acroas the open land and connect up with Commerce Lane and that the service drive constructed along University Avenue be looped back away from the highway at Osborne Road and 79th Avenue. Councilman Liebl sa�d that he would like } chance to review the �lanning Coimpission Minutes beEore the Council Meetings, as there j�s not tlme for stu�}y op the correct action Che Council should take on some mattexs. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to have the Planning Commission Minutes oP February 13, 1969 available for receipt at the Specia� Mee��.ng at 5:15 P.M, the 24th of Pebruary Seconded by Cpuncilman Sheri.dan. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION .TANUARY 9 1969: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to recei•�e the Minutes of the Fridley Induatrial ' ' ' � , � ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAG$ 7 , ' , ' , � ' ' ' , �II ' � ' , ' ' ' Development Cpmmission of January 9, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl asked what the $500 was for. Councilman Sheridan said that there were advertiaementa in all of the papers. Councilman Samuelson commented that there were nine calls resulting from the ads, and if the City were to have one sale, this would pay for the ad. APPLICATION OF SIGN PERMIT - MR: STEAK RESTAURANT: The Engine�ring Assistant,said that this requeat meets all the requinements of the Sign Ordinance, although it vould exceed the new proposed ordinance by 50 square feet. This sign in smaller than those to the south of him. He said that there would be no flashing, rotating, or blinking parta to this aign. Pi0TI0N by COUncilman Sheridan�to grant permission for the sign for I4r. Steak. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DISCUSSION REGARDING STATE BOTTLE CLUB PERMIT - CASINO ROYALE: Mr. Carl Roatberg and his attomey, Mr. Gary Phleger were in attendance at the Council Meeting. Mayor Kirkham eaid that he was surprised at this request as this has been a teen age club. He said that he had received a letter from Mr. Rostberg, dated Feb- ruary 15, 1969 and aeked the Assiatant City Attorney to read it. Mr. Phleger explained that they are now running a teen age dance club on week ends, however,_due to high expenses, Mr. Roetberg sviahed to a�igment his income to help cover his overhead, He said that his requeat is for a 3.2 beer license and set-ups for adult nights during the week. On week ends, the club would nperate as before with the beer locked up. Coimcilman Liebl asked about policing the c1ub, and asked for assurance that it would be a good club. Mr. Yostberg said that there are two qniformed Policemen and one out of uniform in attendance. Councilman Sheridan asked about the legality of isauing a 3.2 beer license for a portion of a week. He said that he wondered if it would be illegal for anyone under 21 to be in a place that has a beer license. The Asaistant City Attorney aaid that he was not sure azid would like the opportunity to check this out with the State Liquor Commissioner. " MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to lay this over until the March 3, 1969 Meeting, when hopefully, the Assistant City Attorney will have his answer from the Sta[e Liquor Commissioner. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the wotion carried. SUBMISSION OF CIVIC CENTER AS A FALLOUT SHELTER:' The CiGy Manager explained that thia would allow outsidara to come in and use the Civic Center as a fallout area. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the Civic Center Fallout Plan and suthorize the signature by the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman 3heridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEEfING OF,FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 8 MOTION by Couiycilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution b'23-1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Msnager co�ented that thia would etill allow the C3ty of FFidley to change the lsmps on all the eignals. .� Councilman Liebl pointed out that the C�ty Council has alreadp paseed two reeolutions etating that they were ia favor ot having private on-eale and Municipal off-sale liquor. Mayoa Kirkham said that it wae very important at this time to stick together, ae there are two bills beiag considered now. He said that Seaator Greig's bill allowe the cot�unities to pick and choose at their a+n option. Gouncilman Liabl said that Se�ator Gseip's b111, if a4dpptad, would mean that oveatuaily the eommunitiaa would have to phatw out Ch�l.r aunicipal o!f-aala. Couaci].m�n Sharidan eaid that he fnit that this resolution rhould ba pa���d, then if at � lat�r dat�, thi� Council woald wieh to hack s particular hill, thir would call for a separate r�eolution. Co�mcilman Liebl said tha[ thare waa a Meeting at 9:00 A•M., February 26. 1969, and Seaator Gr�ig has indicated that he wanted the faeling� of thio Couacil. MOTION bq Cotmcilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #24-1969. Secoaded by Council- man Liebl. Upon s voice vote, all votiag sye, Mayor Ki,rkham declared the motioa carried. MOT3AN by Councilman Sheridan to ask the Administration to ob[a1n copies of the two bllle for Council review. The motion wae seconded and upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Kirlcham declared the motion carried. C[.AIMS : I�lDTION bq Gouncilman Samueleon to approve paymeat of General Claime �17336 through #17438 and Liquor Claims #3011 through 83068. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion carried. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the followiag licenaee: Multivle Dwe111nB: Name Addresa Units Fee Waqne W. Siewert 251 Slth Place 4 $6.00 3732 46th Ave. So. (6 mo. ownerehip) Minaeapolie, Minn. Q REGUI.AR G40NCIL MEETjNC Ok' r'EBkUARY 17, 29b9 GAS S�BRV^xCES T. D. Guatafson Co. 3820 Cedar Ave. Minaeapolis, Mianesota By: Ray T. Gustafson (3E�VERAL CO�NfRACTOR Palk Construction Co. 2516 Ceatral Ave. N, B. Mlnneapolis, Minnesota By: Lawrence E, Fslk Qshorae Construction ' 7565 University Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Warren Oaborne ,Autler Corporaiion 2954 North Rice St. $e, Yau1„ MimeaoCa By: Mike Finneman �� ' ltoward Lidtke Const. Route #1 , _ . • Aaoka, Minneeota By: Howard Lidtke SM1sp Concrete Const. Inc. , 12060 Mississippi Drive Os�eo, Mianesota By; Dennis L. Sharp p[.ASTBRING ' Morri; Kallevig 2310 WesC Jonea Place Minpeapolis, Minnesota By: Mqrris ICallevig SIf3N �RECTION Telke Signs, Inc. 3940 Minnehaha Avq, Minaeapplis., MinReffO[a By: R. V. Telke CIGARETTE co,�try soy 1301 N.E. Mississippi St. By: John Baucqm Jr. Fridley, Mlnnesota NEW RSNEWAI, RENEWAL NEW NBW NEW NEW �t$NBWAL PAvE Y APPROVSD BY Hcg. Iaep. BLdg.Insp. 81dg. Inap, Bldg. Insp. Bldg; Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Chief of Police . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI2�G OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 LICENS$5 CONTINUED CIGARETTE Chinese Village Inc. 6304 Iiighway 1k65 Fridley, I�inn. Knights af Columbus 6831 Highway 1165 Fridley, Minnesota Sy: Harlow E, Johnaon By: J.R. Plumel ARA'Service oP Minnesota 655 20th Ave. N.E. By; Shapiro Minneapp�ia, Minn. THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. aye� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ESTIMATES: PAGE 10 ApAroved By Chief of Police Chief pf Police Chief of Police Upon a voice vote, all voting The Engineering Assistant said that thesa had been checked over very carefully, and are actually less than the oxiginal glans called for. Councilman Liebl asked if theae wexe final estimates. The Eng�neering Asaiatant said yea. Council- man Liebl asked what if eomething goes wrang on one of the projects. The Engine- ering Aasistamt aaid that there is a maintenance band for a 12 month period. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to pay the following estimates: Anoka County Highway Department Anoka Minneaota 55303 For woYk performed on projects completed in Fridley last construction season. S.A.P. 02-606-04 (S.P. 0205-29) Concrete curb and gutter, Fridley ahare 50% Concrete walk, Fridley share 100�6 S.A.P. 02-606-OS ConcreCe curb and gutter, Fridley share SOX Concrete walk, Pridley ahare 100% S.A.P. 02-608-Q3 Concrete curb and gutter, Fridley share 50% 91,687.40 3,945.24 2,161.14 7,440.16 5,358.70 $21,192.64 $21,192.64 ' MOTION seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayot' Kirkham declared the motion carried. ) REDESIGNATING M[JNICIPAL CounCilman Liebl asked how these designations were arrived at. Mayor Kirkham said ' � , t I� ' , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 11 that the amount of milesge �hanges annually so the Council has to make desig- nation$ in order to make certain that the City gets the Stat� Aid Funde. Councilman Liebl asked why 67th Avenue was a State Aid Street and that he had received a call asking why thls was so. Mayor Kirkham said that this atreet has beea removed from the State Aid section, and another Btreet put in it's place, as 67th.Aveaue no longer meets the criteria for a State Aid Street eiace the accese was cut off to University Avenue. MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 Co adopt Resolutipn #25-1969. Seconded by Councilmaa Smuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�yor Rj=kham de�lared the motion carried. - RESOLUTION IMPOSIDTG LOAD LIMITS ON nn oornt w. ' MDTION bq Coimcilman Liebl to adopt Resolution A26-1969, Seconded by Couacil- man Samueleon. Upon a voict vote, all voting aye, Mayqr Kirkpam declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #27-1969. Seconded by Councilu4sn Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion casried. . TO TFIE NORTA MOTIpN by Councilman Liebl to adopt Iiesolution #28-1969. Seconded by Council- man 3amuelaon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maqor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The Engineering Assiatant aaid that the City has already obtained the right of way for the south hal�, but not for the north half. This is the reason for the reeolution. It gives the City Attorney the right to proceed with condemnations. He eaid that it was proven not feasible to trade land as this would involve cutting off access for some of the property owners. He aaid that on Lot 18, it may prove costly ae the owner has some underground storage tanks in the area needed for the right of way. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution �`29-1969, and authorize-the City Attorney to etart condemnation proceediags for,the north half of the right,of way for 73rd Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, Liebl, Kirkham, Samuelson voting aye, Sheridan abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declared the mot1� canied. - RESOLUTION REGARDING T] MOTION by Councilman Liebl to reaffirm Council action of February 10, 1969 in sdoptiRg Resolution #z0-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice RF,GUJ,AR GOUNCIL �`fEBTING OF FEBRUARY 17� 1969 vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RAGE 12 Mx. Riqhard Harris asked that the R�solution be read aloud. Councilman Liebl commented that the Jaycees did a fine job and that the Citizena of Fridley responded admirably [o the call for help. HQ said that when Fridley needed help, we got it, so it w$s felt that we should do the same if we were able. The Assistant City Attorney said that these wexe not public funds. Mr. Harris pointed out that a lot of people did a great deal of work for qothing dui�ing the 1965 tornado. Councilman Liebl told Mr. Hatri� that there wae sti11 $230Q in khe Disaster Fund. Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to see this Pund drawing intereat. The Aasiatant City Attorney said that there ia some legal queations on who has �he authority to adminietex this fund. �ouncilman Sheridan said that he would talk to Mr. Berry of the Fridley $tate $aqk about th1s. 1969 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND MOTION by Cauncilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution �30^1969. Seconded by Council- man Shesidan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motinn carried. APPOINTMENTS• MOTION by Couitcilman Liebl to concur with the Director of Parks and Recreation in the following appointments: NAME Aonald Ososki 585 S7th Avenue N.E. Fzidley, Minnesota EIIanett Gosselin 6872 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Minn. POSITION Park Maintenance Park Mainienance REPLACES New Position New Position Seeonded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all wtin� aye, Maqor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ROBERT SCHROER: EXTENDING TIME ON FCUNDATION PERMIT: Councilman Liebl askgd how much he has compj,eted. Mr. Schroer said that 1t was only paTtly done. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to extend the time on the foundation permit to March 17, 1969. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, Kirkham and Sheridan voting aye, Liebl voting nay, Sa,nuelson abs[aining, Mayor Kirkham declared the n¢otion carried. DISCUS6ION OF FISCAL DISPARITIES: Councilman Liebl said that pver the past four years or so the City of Fridley has been engaged in encouraging industries tp move into Fridley. This has imp=oved our tax base, but nor+ there has been a b�ll introduced, which would in effect take REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 13 fsom the riCher coa�unities such as Fridley to help the poorer communities and suburba. He pointed out t�at along with the benefita of the increased tax base, the City now has the problems of providiag facilitiea and utility serpicea, ait dnd noiae ppllution, uqre traffic, and prpviding increased Fire and Police protection, He said that this bill has the aupport not only of the core citiea, but of many of the suburbs. He said that he would like to know how the Council Paela on this bill, Mayor Kirkham said that the City of Fxidley has already voCed against thie bill. He said that Mr. Ankrum was sent eo the meee�ng by him and he was one of four Municipalitiea who obje�ted tq thia bill. Mayor Kirkham asid that hie position �a that it has not been provea that there is actually fiacal disparity. The aurvey th�t was made to establish this was made over a period of one year, 1966. and he felt that in order to say definitely that there ia fiscal dieparity, they shpuld have a survey of over at least s five year period. so they can see whether thia is in fact true. He eaid that he thpught that fiacal disparlty ia really nothing mpre than another catch phrase, and is a new name for fiscal irreapott- aibllity of the core citiea. He sald that until the coxe citiea are willing to help them6elvea to the extent Fridley did, he wae not interested in help�.ng. Councilman Liebl pointed out that the money to help the poorei eommun�tiea has to come Emm somewhere, and that would be from Chose who have the ahili�y ta pay. Councila�an Samuelson commented that this is the Robin Hood plsn generated by the cora citiae and all they want is another method o£ t�cing us, to carXq out theis spsnd�,AB Program. The City Manager esid that one of the ealient poiata that was brougqt out at the maeting� was how do you measure efficiency. If money is taken Lrom one to glve to aapther, how do you measure the degree of efficlency of the people baing given the money, such as are they building more luxurloue school buildiaga, are they buying faacier equipment, or how are they spending their �ney in comparieoa to the citias that the �ney ia being taken from. Councilman Liebl peinted out that the care cities are going to be able to outvote us. The City Maqager said that prattically all the subyrban votes were for the tax stsucture legis�ation a� hae been proposed by the League and they voted oa it as such to go foxward for a Legislative request. Couaailman Sheridan said that he was disturbed by the fact Ghat this bill was beiag lntroduCed by the League of Municipalities. He wondered wY�eie thia originally atarted and if it was a move to perpetuate the League. Coupcilman Samuelson agreed with him. Coun�ilman S�muelson said that he would be happy to approve a resoluCiop to our Representatives in the Legislature etating that we do not want any part oE this bill and that the City does pot feel that the backgro�md is proper or the atudy ia ptoper. Councilman Liebl said that the reason he brought it up, wae to see wh$t ateps could be,taken so the City gets a fair shake. Councilmaa Samuelson said to get the bil], turned down if possible, Mayor Kirkham agreed with the suggestion of pascage of a resolution in opposition of homogenizing Che tax base, He also REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 14 suggesCed that anyone who wished could lobby. Councilman Liebl sald that he Would 1i�e to have the Administration draw up a resolution with the help of the City A[torney itt this respect. MOTION by Couttcilman Liebl to instruct the Administration to prepaxe a reaolution in opposition to the bill designed to homogenize the tax base in the Metropolitan azea. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Sheridan suggested having it ;eady fot next Monday's Special Meeting so it can be passed and forwarded on to Anoka County for the Legislatfve Meeting. (NOTE) There ia a tape transaript of this conversation on file in the Office pf the CiCy Manager, LES CHIES - MOVING PERMIT REQUEST DENIAL: Mr. Les Chies was present at the Meeting now to ask why his permit to move his residence was withdrawn. He said that at the December 16, 1968 Meeti,ng, the Council gave their approval. Councilman Liebl read Mr. Chies the Minutes of December 16th, including the stipulations. He said that permission was withdrawn as it was felt by the Council that Mr. Chies has deceived the Council, in saying that he had talked to the neighbors, when in fact he had not. Mr. Chies pointed out that everyone in the neighborhood knem that he planned to move a house into the area, but they did not come to the Council Meeting and object. Councilman Sqmuelso� said that he had to have written approval from the neighbors. Mr. Chies said that he would like to know if someone on the Council advised some neighbor not to yign his letter. Mayor Kirkham said yes. Mr. Chies said that he has been to Building S�endarda - Design Controi, and the C3ty Council, and wondered now why they let him do all this if they were not going to let him move his houae. Mayor Kirkham told him permiasion was granted on the strength of what Mr. Chies told the Councll he had done. Gouncilman Sheridan asked Mr. Chies why he made euch a statement. Mr. Chiee replied that he did not know if he said it or not, and asked why the Council has done this. Mayor Kirkham said because he had deceived the Council. Mr. Joe Conners asked what circ�mnstances are considered in cases such as this. Mayor Kirkham told him the aegthetics are considered, and the Building Inspection Department goes over everything very carefully, and the applicant has tn check with the neighbors. Mr. Conners said nobody came to object at the Council Meeting, which might mean to Mr. Chies implied consent, and that it was all right with them. He asked iE the Council made their decision because of deceit? The Assistant City Attorney said that Mr. Chies said he had had hia plans approved by the neighbore and that the issue was the deceit. RICHARD HARRIS - GUIDELINES FOR CONfRACTORS: Mr. Richard Harris Said that from the actions of the Council and the City Adminietration in the past few weeks he is becoming �re and �ore diaturbed. Re s$3.d Lhat it is becoming harder and harder tp answer quastions and eaplain things to the people who ask questions. He said that he had asked last November t�at a list be made up of all the requirements and st3pulations required of contractors. He sald that there should be no deviatloas and no apecial favors, and that a concise list be prepared. Councilman Liebl said that the Council has REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF FE$RUARY 17, 1969 PAGE 15 Co treat everyone alike. Mr. Harris said that they do not do that. Mayor Kirkham said that this is a continuing process of getting better regulations. He said that if he had sny specific complaint to make he would be willing to lietan. The Aasiatant City Attorney agreed that he did not know wh§t specifics Mr. Harris was talking about and asked him to come into his office to discuss.it. Councilaan Samuelson said that there is a liet and asked the Engineering Aseiatant to go and get one for Mr. Harrie. The Engineering Aesietant did ao. Councilman Sheridan said that it seems that there ia always trouble with buildinge be�ng moved into the community. He suggested the poasibility of drawing up a number of ordinances for consideration. The Assistant City Attorney said he would be wi113ng to come in and eit down with the Administration and draw up aome tentative ordinances to this effect. ADJOURNMENT : MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adjourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Counc3l Meating of February 17, 1969 adjourned at 10:55 P,M. Re ecCPully submitted, ��i.�''-� 1��.�.,��/ Juel Mercer Secretary to the Council Ja�k 0. Kirkham Mayor ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , PAGE 16 THE MINUT$S OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1969 Mayor Kirkham called the Special Council Meeting of February 24, 1969 to order at 5:15 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLE6IANCE: The Cotmcil and Administration rose to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: 2g'.I�ERS PRESENT: Sheridan, K3rkham. Lieb2, Seauelson (Arrived at 5:30 P.M.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Harria ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Agenda as preeented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a wice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. r�,�!] r� Fk;r:i�2�a The City Englneer said that this vacation ie in the area where the car wash ' is to go on East River Road and Missiesippi Place. He explained that the City is getting an additional 13' right of way a2ong Enet 3tiver Road. He said that the City has already received some of the neceseary dedlcatlons, ' but there axe still some to be obtained, and he would suggeet that the secoad reading be held, but publication be held up until all the required documents are received. CAUNCILMAN SAMIJELSON ARRZVED AT 5:3Q P.M. MOTION by Comcilman Sheridan to adopt Ordinance #410 on eecond reading. waive reading and ho2d up publication until the Engineering Department receives all the neceseary dedicationa. Upon a roll call vote. K�rkham, Samuelson, Sheridan and Liebl wting aye� Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 13. 1969: The City Engineer said that the Planning Commisaion had denled the fixst item which was a Rezoning Request by George M. Neleon, eo there was no action necessary by the Council. Ae added tha= the Council has already set the two Public Hearings for March 10, 1969. The only other item fpr Council con- sideration is Item #6: PATTERN NORTH OF SPECIAL CAUNCIj. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, �969 pAGE 17 The City Engineer showed the proposed street layout on the scresn £or extending Main Street southerly across the open land and Connectipg up w�th Gommerqe I.ane, and the setvice drive congtructed along University Avenue to be looped back away frpm the hi.ghway at Osborne Road and 79th Avenue. He said Chat the Engineering Department is working on an agreement with St. Paul Waterworks for the easement to line the stxeet loop back along University Avenue up with the street south of Osborne Road. Qoyn�ilman Sharidan brought up the question if the person who owne the land alot�g 77th Avenue would want, in the future to develop his land, would [hia road be a hinderaace to him. He said that he thoughC that most of that lutd was under qne ownership. Tne City Engineer said yes, and that the only present acFess at this time to thia property is from East River Road. Coupcilman Sheridan asked if this was presented only as a possible concepC. The City Engineer said yes, and that he feels that it would fit in fairly we11 with the area. Counci].man Samuelson agreed that another accees is needed into this area. The City Engineer commented that there is no water service east of the railroad tr$cks except for the water main that runs along University Avenue up to 83rd Avenue, then it runs east and west. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the Planning Co�ission Minutes of Febzuary 13, 1969, and agree with the concept for the road layout plan. Secoaded by Councilman L1eb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF LETTER TO BE SENT TO NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD: I� wa8 pointed out that Northern Pacif.ic has requested permission from the City of Fridley to negotiate with the City of Minneapolis for a water connection to a trailer house located on 43rd Avenue west of the Minnespta Linseed Plant. Cpuncilman Sheridan asked if the City did not have weter there. The City �'ngineer said no, that they have to get permission fKom the City of Fridley, then they will go to Min.-.eapolis for their pexmissiop. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize peXmission for Northern Pacific Railroad to negotiate with the City of Minneapolis fpr a domestic water connectioA to a trailer house. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING ..JNTRACT FOR STORM SSWER PROJECT 1i89: (Bids Opaned February 24, 1969, 12:00 Noon) The City Engineer said that ihere Were good bida Yeceived. He sald that this projecC was for. an increase in size of the culvert that runs undei the M�nnesota Transfer Railway tracks. He poinCed out that the Engineering estj.maGe was $16,900.00 and the lowest bid was $11,1O5.Q0. He eaid that under the contract, a completion time is given. The second lawest bidder Was C.9. McGrossan, Followi.ng ara the bids Teceived: ' ' ' � SPECIAL Wt1NCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1969 Planholder Barbarossa 6 Sons, Inc. Route 3 Oaseo, Minnesota Bid SuretY St. Paul Fire 6 Mar�ne - SX pAGE 18 LumP Sum Bid Completion Time $1$,920.00 As Specified Nodland Aseociatee, Inc. Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 American Zns Company - Sx $19,p25.00 Marvin Rehbein Landscaping, Inc. $16,267.00 Box 222 Fidelity Deposit Forest Lake, Minn. 55025 Co.Maryland - 5% Bobert Miller Construction Seabpard Surety $11,T05.00 1390 lOth Avenue Company - SX New Port, Minn. 55055 Hurley Construction Co ' 49 Signal Hills West St. Paul, Minn. 55118 � �I 1 C.S. McCro�san, Inc. $ox 336 Osseo, Min�. 55369 Northern Cantracting Co. Box 336 Hopk�ns, Minn. 55344 Sandstrom & Hafner, Inc. 7400 Highway /165 N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 St. Paul Fire $14,506.00 & Marine - SX United States $11,610.00 Fidelity S Guar. 5% Trans American $14,275.00 Insurance Co. 5% The Home Indem. $11,920.00 Company - 5% 50 Cal. Days 40 Cal. Days Blan$ April 15, 1969 100 Cal. Days 45 Cal. Days As Specified Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the completion time is blank for the , low bidder and asked if he will sign so� sort of agreement to have it done by a epecific.time. Mr. Comatock said tha[ in the contract the compZetion time is speclfied as April 15, 1969. 1 '_I , ' 1 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to award the contract to Robert L. M311er Construction, 1390 lOth Avenue, New Port, Minnesota 55055 in the a�unt of $11,105.00, for Stoxm Sewer Project 589. Seconded by Councilman�Sheridan. Upon a vQice.vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rirkham declared the motion cerried. The C1ty Engineer said that this is for the water line that is to xun on 66th Avenue and that the Council has already ordered it in, and this Resolution is for authorization to advertise for bids. Mayor Rirkham said that as he recalled, at the Public Hearing some of the people were talking about a petition against the street improvement and asked the City Enginaer 1f any had been received. The City Engineer eaid not to his knowledge. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution fi31-1969, Seconded by Cvuncilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�ayor Kirkham SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1969 declared the motion carried. P.yGE 19 i R�FSOLUTI�qN U32-1969 - RESOLUTION ON PROPOSED NEW METROPOLITAN TAX PROGRAM: Councilman L3eb1 in referring to the Resolution asked if Minnesota was aeventh in the Nation. The City Manager sald that the Assessor had checked this �a by some tablea, we were fifth. Mayor Kirkham raised the question, if the Ciyy should acknowledge that there are fiscal disparities. Council- man Samuelson said that if there is any fiscal diaparity, then why should this not be done at the State level. The City Manager agreed, and wondered why juat the seven county area, and not the whole state, or Nation. He felt that this could conceivable cause an exodus of people, impede growth and discourage further conatruction of new £acilitiea in the aeven county metropolitan complex. Councilman Sh�ridan suggested pasaing the Resolution, but deleting: "while realizing fiscal disparities do exist". MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resoiution U32-1969 with the correction as noted. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl asked about the distribu[ion of this Resolution. Council- men Sheridan said that it will be ready to pass out at the Legislative Meeting in Anoka on March 1, 1969. He also suggeated sending copies to the League of Municipalities. Mayor Kirkham suggested sending copies to our Repreaentatives in the House and our Senators. Councilman Samuelson suggested also sending copies to all the other suburban co�munities in this seven county area. )N OF WAIVING PLUkffiING AND HEATING PERMIT FEES FOR The City Manager said that Anoka County has requssted'that the Council con- aider waiving the plumbing and heating pexmit fees for the Ice Arena. He ssid that he had talked to Bernie Steffans, County Administrator, and he had told him about the request fox waiver from the contractor, and whether the bid was based on the permit fee being paid by the contractor and the County would have to make the request, not the contractor. The City Manager talked to the County Administra*_or and he said it was not included and he would send us a letter of request. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to waive the permit feea for pl in and heating for the Columbia lce Arena. Secanded by Councllman . Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motiop carried. ADJOURNMENT: I�TION by Councilman Sheridan to a�Journ the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, 411 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Coimcil Meeting of February 24, 1969 adjourned at 5:50 P.M. �pec�tpfully submitted, : ��Ciz� �%�'C�CQ/':/ �uel Mercer Secretary to the Council Jack 0. Kirkham Mayor 20 ORDTNANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO A�'�IEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, DtINNESOTA BY MAKING A CfIANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION.1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: a) The South 430 feet of all that part of the South 1/2 of Section 2, that lies between the West right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway Number 47, and a line drawn parallel to and 452 feet West of said R'est right-of- way line. b), All that part of the North 1/2 of Section 11 that lies North of Osborne Road and between the West right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway Number 47 and a line parallel to and 452 feet West of said West right-of-way line. All lying in T-30, R-24, City of Fridley County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. ' � Is hereby designated'to be in the Zoned District known as G-2-S (General Shopping Area). ' SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned disiri,ct bi-2 (Heavy ' Industrial Area) to C-2-S (General Shopping Area). ' 1 ' ' PA55ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TEIIS DAY OF ATTEST: 1469. Mayor - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public f{earing: December 9, 1968 ' First Reading: ��,rPmfiQ�l_6� 196R Second Reading: Publish........ 1 1 ' � , ' 1 ' . � 21 ORDINANCE N0. �/// AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACA1'E STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AAIEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the vacation of the street described as follows: All that part of the Highway �65 West Service Drive that lies East of and adjacent to B2ock 1, Fridley Industrial Park Plat 1, South of the North line of said • Block 1 extended East and North of the following des- cribed right of way, a fifty foot (50') strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a point in the North line of Outlot 1, Block l, of.said Fridley Industrial Park Plat l, located twenty feet (20') West of the Northwest corner of Lot I, of said Block 1, as measured along the North line of said Outlot 1; thence South, parallel with the East line of said Block 1, a distance of fifteen feet (15'); thence Southeasterly on a tangential curve to the left with a radius of 230.56 feet and a delta angle of 58°49'S1" a distance of 236.74 feet; thence on a line tangent to last described curve a distance of 8.11 feet; thence on a tangential curve to the right with a radius of 230.56 feet an3 a delta angle of 58°49'S1" a distance of 236.74 feet and there terminating. All lying in the South Half (S 1/2) of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, � be and is hereby vacated, except that the City of Fridley ' , retain an easement for drainage and utility purposes over the portion of the street herein described and vacated. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with • Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the ° City Charter and Appendix C of City Code shall be so amende_' PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, THIS DAY OF ]7%�if,e�, , 1969. ATTEST; 3'"`` MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CLERK - hiarvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: Februar 10 1969 First Reading: Fe ruary 17, , 1 Second Reading: 'J72,va�k, 3 ���9 __ Publish........ ' 1. 2 3• �`� BIIILDING STANDARDS-DESI^vN CONTROL SUBCO54•II'l'TEE MEETING MINfJTES - FEBRUARY 11, t969 The meetir�g was calle3 to order by Acting Chairman Biermann at 8:00 P.M. MII�IDERS PRESE?VT: Tonco, Siermann, Sornsen t�[�BERS ABSE[V7': Hau�e, Erickson OTHERS PRFSENT: Hank Muhich-Building Official, Peter Herlofsky-Senior Er�n Aide Mr. Bob Schroer & Mr. Leonard Samuelson were present to preaent the request. The original location o£ the garden center has been chang�d due to soil conditions. Also, Mr. Sch`roer stated the building permit requested at this time was for the exterior dieplay area building only. MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval of the building permit for the exterior diaplay area building subject to the submisaion of a revised plot plan. Seconded by Sorneen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Schroer & Mr. Leonard Samuelson were present to present the requeet. MOTION by Sornaen to recommend approval of the plana as presented. Seconded by Tonco. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ralph Brothen & Mr. Myers were preaent to preaent their propoeal. MOTION by Tonco to recommend isauance o£ a building permit in accordance with plans eubmitted, aubject to revised front and South elevations. The windnwe and £ront door to be raised approximately two (2� feet to agree with £loor level and maneuard type roo£ to be ahorm on the front of the building and extend five (5� feet around on the South elevation. Also, the front of the building to be bricked up to at least the bottom of the windowa. Seconded by Sornsen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unaaimouely. �� �: � 1�M0 T0: License Clerk I�10 FROM: Harvey J. McPhee SUBJECT: Casino Royale I recommend approval of the license application, if a condition is attached to the approval. The applicant must give attention to all items in my letter to him and must have a£inal survey. I would sug$est that my letter to Mr. Rostberg and this memo be attached to the application and be made a part o£ it. Mr. Rostberg is_agreeable. This procedure was discussed with him at the time of my initial survey on March 1, 1969. He wants license approval before beginning any work, and this is understandable. CC: City Manager HARVEY J. MCPHEE -� $`� r 560-3450 �i�� °� �yi�[e� ANOKA GOUNTY 6431. UNIVERSITY��AVENUE NE March j,� 1969 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA�55d21 Mr. Carl Rostberg 2217 Humboldt Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 Re: Casino Royale-6219 Highway #65 Dear Mr. Rostberg: A survey was made by me, of the Casino Royale, 6219 Highway �65, on March 'I, i969. The Sanitarian will recommend approval of your license application if the following items are given attention; 1. The bar will be rebuilt with an open foot rest and arm rests if provided. The underside of the bar will be finished with epoxy paint to give a smooth and cleanable surface. The bar upright will be sealed to the £loor with silicone on either side. 2. The present £loor tile will be accepted for behind the bar, slthough it would not be approved for a new installation. j. A minimum of a£our vat sink will have to be provided. Three vats are required for washino, rinsing and sanitizing glasses and a fou.rth vat for a dump sink. An ice bin with a£alse bottom might be past o£ the over-all unit. �. The beverage faucets can not be located directly over the ice bin. 6 cold plate will not be p�rmitted in the ice tank. 5. The back bar coolers should be on 6 inch legs. 5uch coolars are now available. 6. The upright cooler also must be on 6 inch sanitary legs. 7. All post nix equipment must be Iocated off the £loor and will be located under the bar. B. All equipment includan� sinks, coolers, ice machine and post mix equipment must meet N.S,F. standards and bear the seal o£ approval. Page 2 �, - .+ - '' 9'. The rug will be removed irom behind the bar. ' 10. Hydraulic closers must be provided on the rest room doors. 11. Missing coving tile must be replaced in the women's rest room. 12. Looae tile must be repaired or replaced in the men's rest room. 1j. All refuse must be kept in covered containers. The refuse problem must be.resolved. A memo will be sent to the License Clerk recommending approval of your license application and placing the matter on the City Council agenda. It will be £urther recommended that the Council approve your license wiih the understanding that all of these items be given attention and that the Board o£ Health make a final survey. Please feel free to contact me by calling 560-345�• Sincerely, $6RVEY J. MCPHEE Public Health Sanitarian Fridley Board of Health AJM�mh CC: License Clerk City Mana�er Building Inepector Plumbing Inspector 23 M E M 0 R A N D U M February 27, 196q " MEM190 T0: Mr. Homer R. Ankrum � City Manager AtEMO fROM: Mr. James D. Gibbs S�BJEC�: Casi�o Royafe application for 3.2 beer license and bottle ciub application I have checked M.S. 34o relative to the above entitled matter, which concerns itself with the State Liquor Law. f find that there are no provisions in that Statute which would prohibit the issuance of a state bottle club permit and/or a 3.2 beer license to the Casino Royale on a part-time basis. Our Code of Ordinances contains no prohibitions against such an arrangement. 1 discussed the matter with htr. Leonard Skoglund of the State Liquor Commissioner's Office. He has advised me that this type of arra�geme�t has been worked out in many locales throughout the State. 1 have discussed the matter further with Mr. Carl Rostberg`s attorney, Mn. Gary L. Phleger, and f have informed him that our office will o.k. the permit as requested by him with �he stipulation that the license clearly set forth the hours and days on which 3.2 beer will be served and when the bottle club will be in operation. I� should further be stipulated that no minors will be allowed on the premises unless accompanied by a parent or guardian during the hours reiterated above. We further agreed that Mr. Rostberg would provide complete and adequate police protection at his own expense. 1 � , � , , , , ' _ ' ' ' ORDINANCE N0. AN QRDINANCE AMENDING SECTION �4.03 Of THE CITY CQDE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as fotlows: SECTION I. Section 74.03 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 74•03. The City shall issue reflectorized ticense tags, and registration cards having numbers printed thereon in numerical order, and indicating the year for which the same are issued and that such taga shafl be suitabfe for attachment upon the frames of the bicycles and it shall be the duty of the City to issue one such license tag, Which shall be attached to the frame of each bicycle, and to issue a corresponding registration card to the licensee upon the payment of the license fee herei provided for. Such license tag shall remain���ched during the existence of such license. The Alan�a__g�er � also shall keep a record of the date of issue— of each license, to whom issued and the number tfiereof. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS . 1969. • , . ' , ' pTTESr: , ' ' C� CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL Firs� Reading: �h�-� 3 �5L9 Second Reading: y Publish: 24 PIATES AND REGISTRA��ION CARDS r�� � � ,, ,�L��� n ✓ p� � MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM � DAY OF THE MINUTES OF TNE HUMAN REI.ATIONS CQII4ITIEE I�ETING - JANUARY 16, 1969 The Meeting wae called to order at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: John ivers, Father Keefe, Linda Roeaman, Walt Starwalt, John Oden, Jim Thomaen, Jordis Mittelatadt. �SRS ABSENT: GUSST PRESENT• Doneld Batteraon, Katherine Rosa, Robert Hynea, S�eve Kachina Robert Buckley, Andrew Kohlan, Reverend Denyea Barbara Hughes, Sun Reporter ' The Minutes of the November 21, 1968 �eting were accepted. ' 1. Chairman ivers stated that the Committee ahould consider and recommend an outline and goals for the year 1969. 2. Education Committee reported 25 coffee partiea were held through C.O.M.E. and the Human Relations Committee. Father Reefe auggeated the Co�ittee co�end the Superintendent of Schoola for hia appoiatment of a Human Relations study group compriaed of District No. 14 school peraonnel, and that the Committee invite a copperate effort. Linda Rosaman auggested the Committee attend tKe panel diacuasion headed by thia group during their Workshop January 23, 24[h. She also reported the FEA will receive the Human Relation Committee's resolutioa regarding the teaching of minority history and the hiring of minority teachers on February 4th and the School Board will receive them on February llth. 3, Houaing Committee - no report. 4. EmploymenC Co�ittee - no report. 5. Iaterface - John ivers read his letter addreaeed to the City Council regarding commendation of Peter Meyerhoff for hia efforts in the "Buy Black" campaign, a copy of which was sent to Honeywell. Next month will be election of Officers. The Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Reapectfully submitted, Jordis Mittelatadt, Secretary Human Relatioas Co�ittee 25 , ' , y THE MINDTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19 �969 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mitteletadt at 7:35 P.M. MEMBIIiS PRESENT: Mitteletadt, Harris, Ahonen ' MEI�IDF�R.S ABSENT: Minish, 0'Bannon �THERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Building 0£ficial � , 1 , , ' ' ' 2. , , ' , ' ' MOTION by Harria to accept the minutes of December 18, 1969 ae written. Seconded by Ahonen. IIpon a voice vote, there being� no naye, the motion carried uxta.nimously. Mr. Jerome Peterson was preaent to present hie propoeal. He brought with him a plot plan of the proposed garage. MOTION by Ahonen to table thie public hearing� until the March 5, 1969 meeting, to allow the applicsnt to redraw hie plana to try to get as cloee to the minimum requirement af 15 feet between atructurea, ae pqasible. Seconded by Harria. Upon a voice vpte, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimouely. Iir. Jim London, Vice President of Dunkley Sur£acin� Compeny, Inc., and M�. Robert Hynee, Attorney with Barna & Guzy were preaent to preaent thia propoeal. Mr. Bruce Nawrocki, Mayor of Columbia Heighta, wae p�cesent to repreaent Columbia Heights. The Dunkley Surfacing plant ie located in Golumbia Heighte with the gravel pit, where �he rock cruahing machine ia to be located, in Frid].ey, Mayor Nawrocki: The whole Dunkley operation has been a concern to the neighboring people in Columbia Heights. Thie roak cruahing machine hae been in operation for eome time. We were wondering about the machine meeting the requiremeats of the F'ridley air pollution ordinance. pur main coacerna are; 1. How the reeidente in the area will be adverely affected by air pollution a�d 2. The additional truck traffic in a residential area. 1 MT. B. A. Satek, j852 Main Street: Columbia Heighte ie a�ainst the machine aa it h�e been i.n operation £or eome time without having a permit. I have clocked truoke going down the atreet at 35 milea an hour. ' � ' THE MINOTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEAI,S N�E,'TING OF FEBRIIARY 19. 1969 PAGE 2 2� � , ' � Mr. Douglae Hsuglid, j616 Main Street: Where are they going to.get the rocks to cruah in Fridley? Are they going to blaat for them? Mr. London: Siliaa 3and plane to haul them in. Mr. Hauglid: That meane that additional trucke will be going back and forth hauling rooke to aruah. Mr. Shonen asked Mr. London: Ie thie the only eita svailable to your Compeny? Mr. London: Thia ia the best site. Mr. Hypea: If the merger of Great Northern and Northern Pacifio ia approved ' they will ultimetely build a awitching yard in the area. They pill want to come in and cut down banka to create pn area for thie ewitchixig� yard. Dunkley wante to da thie to get eome uae o£ the roek and eand. It will be a benefit ' to the Railrosd and to Dunkley. He added: The Dunkley people do have a dd.eagreement with Columbia Heighta, becauee they are operating the plant doxn there and they will continue to do so. � He aleo added: The Dunkley Company ie willing to comply with any Minneeota Statutee concerning truck traffic. Ae for the air pollution proble� they would ba willing to comply with any regulatione auggested. � , � , � Mr. Ken Scadden, 3842 Mein Street: Dunkley wae running the rock crushing machine about two weeke ago becauae I wae down there. Also, how are they going to get the aock looae without blaating. Mr. Satek: This cru@her hae not been running l�gally, The Railroad would just remove the rocke, Dunkley wante to crueh them to eell. I'm eure they oan fittd other places to use thia machine. Mr. Loadon: 9bout the Railroad, �hey anticipete the merger to go thru eometime within a year. They would conaider ue se the contractor to remove the rock. The Silias Sand people are blaeting everyday without'any probleme. Mr. Satek; Ae I undaratand, thia operation will laet one year. If we allow them a one year permit when the year is up they will ask for another and another and it will end up being five yeare. Magpr Nawrocki: Eirerything� that hae been eaid ia baeed on i£ and maybe and ' nothing ie down in black and white. There hae been talk that thie whole Railroad yard might move a little iluther 1Qorth o£ thie property. It�e sleo difficult to control air pollution with the crusher. � C ' ' ' Mr. Harrie to Mr. London: Has thie crueher been i,n operation without a yErrmit b9ing iaeued? Mr. Lond.on: We telked to someone in the EY�gineering Department of Fridley and we got the underetanding that we did not need a permit for a temporary machine. . MOTION by Ahonen to close th� public heering. Seconded by $arria. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naye, the inotion osrried unsnimouely. m THE MINDTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF FF.BRUARY 19, 1969 PAGE 3 Chairman Mittelstadt: It is the opinion of the Chairman that the Board ie at a disadvantage for the lack of certain facts and in£ormation. It ia also the opinion of the Chairman that the Councile of the City of Fridley and Columbia Heighte Qet together with the DurilGley Surfacing Company to iron out the problema o£ air pollution, traffic routes of the trucka, noise and safety measuree. The Board ia only ssked to either deny, accept or table the variance request For a Special Uae Permit in an M-2 Diatrict. The Chairman then read the Board of Appeals Powyra and Dutiee fropu Ordisiance No. 358, Section 4. MOTION by Harris to deny the requeat for the following� reaeons: 1. We do not aee an undue hardahip. 2. There are objections £rom the neighboring residente in Columbia Heighte and aleo unoffic�al objections from the City of Columbia Heighta. Seconded by Ahonen. IIpon a voice vote, there be� no nays, the motion car�ied unanimouely. f:i��f�Yi;i, u�� YiA The meeting wae adjourned at 9:12 P.M. by Chairman Mittelstadt. Reepectiully eubmitted, MARY HINT � J ' Secreta.ry ' , � ' ' ' ' ' � � � � ' � r �MUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETZNG FEBRUARY 24, 1969 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Stimmler, Blair MEMBERS ABSENT: Donlin, Cochran OTHERS PRESENT: b9rs, Bernice Hyvare, 6281 Able St, NE, League of Women Voters Mrs, Joanne Jochum, 841 West Moore Lake Mr, Robert Minder, 550 Rice Creek Blvd „ Mr, Harvey Peterson, County Commissioner Mr, A1 Kordiak, County Commission 2� Drive Pres, of Rotary Mr, Edward Braddock, Park Gonsultant, 4201 Drew Ave, So. Mr, Homer Ankrum, City Manager MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARX 27, 1969 MOTION by Blair, seconded by Stimmler, to accept the Minutes of the Regular A4eeting of January 27, I969, The Motion Carried. IRECTOR'S REPORTS A recreation activities participation survey was explained to the Commission by the Director, The School District �14 school board requested this survey and also felt that greater supervision should be supplied when the recreation department is using the school�s facilities, Player's Passes have been passed out to all of the participants in our programs which involve the schools. Also a member of the school personnel has been hired to supervise the school in general when it is being used by our department. � MOTION by Stimmler, seconded by Blair, to accept the February Parks and Recreation Memorandum and the February Parks Work Progress Report, The Motion Carried. � C� �_ . . � DEVELOPMENT OF WEST MOORE LAKE - ROTARY CLUB Mr, Robert Minder, President of the Rotary Club, spoke to the Commission and offered any available help in developing West Moore Lake by the Rotarians. The Commission has given this completely undeveloped park a high priority, b1r, Minder mentioned that although not a great deal of help can be offered financially, it is their desire to donate services within the Club along the lines of planning, moving dirt, planting trees, sodding, hand labor, etc, The Chairman thanked Mr. Minder and the Rotary Club for their generous offer. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - MR, HARVEY PETERSON AND MR, AL KORDIAK Mr, Ed Braddock, Park consultant, briefly explained his plan for the development of Riverview Park for the benefit of Mr. Peterson and Mr, Kordiak, A4r, Kordiak stated that in order to allocate money for developing a parcel of land, the County requires that the parcel is only approximately 14 acres, if it were developed as a boat launching area, it would receive much inter-municipal use since the first sucfi area South of Anoka is located in Camden. 30 REGULAR PARKS qND RECREATION COA4MISSION MEETING, FEBRUARX 24; 1969 PAGE 2 Mr, Peterson added that the only other land presently owned by . the Cit� on the river for park land is Chases Island. Mr, Kordiak said that much of the County's attention is being given to the developing of Bunker Prairie Park as a major county recreational facility, They have discussed the possibility of eliminating the County Fair and developing this area into a major complex that could be used the year around instead of only 3 days of the year, FIVE YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr, Homer Ankrum, Gity Manager+ presented to the Commission, a Five Year Comprehensive Plan Draft that has been written by the Director and himself, It contains descriptions of Fridley`s physical features, existing park facilities and proposed parks and recreation facilities, in addition to charts and maps showing income statistics for Fridley, taxable valuation and millage rates, population and growth, capital improvements program, etc. He requested the Commission analyze what they want to do in the next five years and complete the plan, This plan is needed as soon as possible by the administrators of the Housing and Urban Development so that they can start processing the applications for aid sent to them in 1968 by Fridley, CHAIRMAN'S REPORT � Chairman Fitzpatrick reported that the Parks and Recreation Department has received many of£ers from various clubs and organ- izations to help either financially or physically in developing ' our parks or in the betterment of the recreation programs. The Commission suggested that a list be made up of the areas where � help can be used, and that it be made available to inquiring groups. O i � PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR 1970 MOTION by Blair, seconded by Stimmler to adopt the Preliminary Plan for 1970. The Motion Carried, ORDINANCE BOOK Member Stimmler reported that he has studied the Minneapolis Park Board Ordinance Book and finds that approximately one-third of the book would be applicable to Fridley, The Director and Member Stimmler have agreed to study this.further and report at the next regular meeting, RESOLUTION The Commission inquired as to the progress of Parks Resolution No. 1-1969 and the Director reported tfiat Council received the Resolution, MOTION by Stimmler, seconded by Blaiz, that the Chairman make personal contact with a representative of the Gity Council in respect to Parks Resolution No. 1-1969 and ask their advice. The Motion Carried, , .. � 31 REGUL��ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AiEETING, FEBRUARY 24, 1969 PAGE s LETTERS � Letter,from Suburban Recreation Association, Subject: $690.00 has been allocated to be used by the Fridley Parks and Recreation Department for co-•sponsorship of its general recreation progsam. MOTION by Blair, seconded by Stimmler, to receive letter from the Suburban Recreation Association, The Motion Carried, Letter £rom Curtis A. Larson, 6730 Madison Street N,E,, Subject: Foot Bridge over Rice Creek at the North end of Madison Street N,E. making Locke Park more accessible to the people living to the South of the Park, MOTION by Stimmler requesting that the Director contact Mr, Everett Utter, Industrial Arts Instructor at the Junior High or R1r. Stanton of the Fridley Senior High regarding design o£ a£oot bridge and advise Mr, Ankrum on results, The Motion Carried, WARMING HOUSE Due to the number of participants in the city's hockey program and the limited warming house £acilities at the Commons Hockey complex there is a definite need for an additional warming house facility. There is a building avai.lable free that can be moved / for $700.00. Additional expenses will be incurred in putting the� building into condition. .. ._ . ... cy AD.IOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12;00 P,M, The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, 6larch 24� at 7:30 P,M, in the Conference Room of the Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, ���C Lec� -C���L�"2l-'�LJ Mary �ou Erickson, Secretary to the Commissi.on �'�"� e e ( �7 � a , �, �� � �V 1969.� ■I ❑ n ' 1. ' n ' ' B[TILDING STANDARAS-DESIGN CO�OL SIIBCOMMITTEE MINfTTES OF FEBRUARY 26, 1969 The meeting� was called to order by ChaiFinan Erick�on at 8:35 P.M. MFMB$RS PItESENT: Tonco, Sornsen, Erickson MFMBF�tS ABSENT: Biermann, Hauge OT�RS PRESENT: H. F. Muhich-Bui�ding Official Mr. P'red Donaldson was present to present the propoaal. IIpon euamination of the revised plot plans submitted, the Board agreed the chang�ea and additiona previously recommended were correctly ehown on them. The previoua changes are as follows; 1. 2. 3• 4. 5� 6. 7• 8. Change in parking area size frcm 9' x 22.5' to 10' x 20'. Concrete curbing surrounding blacktop area. Detailed landscaping (ahrub schedule�. Screening from neighboring.zone area. Blacktop eetbacke trom property line. Concrete curb detail drawing. Ezieting treea and ahrubswhich could be uaed in recreation area. Driveway radii. ' MOTION by Tonca to accept the proposal subject to the following stipulations; 1. Change the figure in the request for hearing�from a 77 unit ape.rtment ' complez to a 68 unit apa.rtment complex. 2. Comp3ete replatting and furnish proper legal descriptions. 3• Approval o£ Council and Inspection Department. ' 1 ' 1 � Seconded by Sornaen. IIpon a voice vote, there being no n�ys, the motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognizing hia �equest for a hearing although not listed on the agenda, the Board made a number of eugg'eetions to Mr. Arnold Petereon in proceeding with hia plane of a future commercial s+.:acture on Beech Street on Lota 10 & 11, Bloak 6, Onaway Addition. New plana & specs will be eubmitted �or a future hearing• 3• . . •,: :�. .� Mr. Dick Johnaon was present to present the request. 32 33 mhe plana eubmitted were of the same deaign as the structuree now locate3 in this area, Qxcept for increasing the height of the buildin� and overhead doors by 2 feet and the thickness of the concrete floor alab by 1 inch. A£ter a short diacusaion and a few penciled in chang�ea on the plot plan, the Board agreed to act on the matter. MOTION by Sornsen to accept the proposal, aubject to the following atipulations; 1. Addition of shruba with detailed schedule of speciee. 2. Concrete curb. 5econded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being� no nays, the mption carried unsnimously. ADJOIIRI�IEN`P: The meeting afljourned �,t 9:40 R.M. Reapectfully aubmitted, �/,.,� -�,;. �: . �.. HANK MQHICH Building official 1 t � z.�,��: ' LSGAL 1 STR6SY ' , ' 1 b8E.5 w� ��LL�i1s:.i� s"iist`aL'��i'wAS� Ili�yl�i°i2�����;V b'13� Je.k+:G 6�Y r� �� 2 � .19 C� � Jr �� �'� S i �1 Uc'_a2 r.. �YTr�.BY I�dSPSC9'0� � SOIE.IIie�G3: 'Phe uadereignad her�6y r�kea applice�ion far a permit f.or the �rark herein aptcifirsd, sgre�ing to do all ws=k in etrict accorcleaca with tha City Gsdinances �=ed r�,aine� of the D��gt�ant ot Huildiaga, �nd hereby declaxe9 tf�t all ths f�cte +tnd r���as�t�Li� et�tesl in this applica:iaa are trus assd c�srseet. �tYs�Xi9G CLASSiPYCATI� OF pBi a� o� r�o�arsr: ; f� ; - r� o� sz�a: �? :{ s ; „r'.� /� �. li'Jt3 II�iS�'L�.T,�T.SD: lracxu. �v.us �[ GDTOU�S1 I�) __- ' � P�Y:�i X � IALAiidISII 0� �T,�. xSf�PiD F�9�E 111�upAp���j 1�y�p�M� `��;•,5 n� r'�N�n<�_sn faf�M �&i .. �iWVi[a6�iiid�L aV L�SW... V:.i �� �C.�:.. ii`� ��1i VUC�[LI6�L vNa BST�A2`EY1 C�1' 6� $iC�9 � E� �) C.�':r-, C= �—�.._ ' , D83CRYI'TTOPi CP SIGH DI2SfiSI�43 s LEF�T'� ���iiIDTH �� � TfiiC;G'7333 ) 2-�• ' L�`6TSR8: �± R _� • � : ��__sIZB � 2- AREA `�x 5' y x 5: 5:� .• DYS'4'A�3C8 A�1s I''itOF8BT9t LXitB(s) z�3` m �t:{`�-LC (. "�-?"^' d- 7 � �r_L.___ GaO�D(If Pyl�m) ,C�ZS°d'�tPi1'8D GL'i IIt0�3 W0� IR021 S H�OD OTHBB �? i. � 5 t� � , IL+LUP�IZMA1`ED: �' ` FLASflI�C: %f f� � — — - 'PROPBATY OWAT�I3 `8 SIGFiAT7Jz�IS t . (I� DYHFH�LF7T) APFLYC.�'9T'S SYGPIAT7TfiBt ' <�, /'i,f ft� /,,7�r �-� FIRM ti6NlSs, i �tie tZ - 1 tS i} �� � �i 11 t ��tl �Z ��_ : BY:_ �n"�r � �-f:�. 0 4 l L T E R A G$ 8 83 'PO COY�L$ WITH OC�2D3NANc^,3 'ii0. 31$ ANA PART`III[TLA.F�.Y F1ITH Gia�7JFI. I�B DUB , � M@7 1� 193T� AS g� SECTIpbi 56.03, PA8,2, � S3CTICy;d 55.W, PAR. 9 A� 8 . . � t ;41 `v ,. 1 1 ^��'.�" � FLfi2T3�►3G C�;9YON R�1�S) Cd �`f C�J.?CIF, C1Yi MAI7e4a:;�t ��� �' CZ';'Y X:IGIP,2.°•3 —._.__._...�. 81L�G`s'RYC'�. 6 BT3iG. IIvSr"8C'IvBS � 34 35 Memo To, Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager From . Robert S. Hughes, Fire Chief Subject ; Request of St. Anthony Village to purchase 4 Used Plectron Radios Date , February 18, 1969 The Fire Department is now using a radio moniYOr of Plectron which is equipped with batteries and also Motorola battery operated monitors. We have on hand 16 old sxyle Plectrons which at the present time are impossible to trade in when we purchase new ones. The last time we traded in some of these old style radios, they allowed us $30.00 each for them. 1 would recommend that we seli 4 of these Piectron radios at $30,00 each to the Village of St. Anthony, RSN:et MEMO T0: CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: CITY MANAGER Recommend approval of sale. �7"v�"r+w�� U l.. �v.�1 HO:IER R. ANKF2UM Village of St. Anthony TELEPHONE 789-8881 36 . 2900 KENZIE�TERRACE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA�55418 FEBRUARY �Q� i969 FRIOLEY CiTY COUNCII FRIDLEY CITY HAII � � - 6431 ua�v. ave. N.E. MINNEAPOIIS��M�qNESOTA GENTLEMAN: � TH(S 15 A REQUEST TO BUY�FOUR OF YOUR USEO PECTRON MON4TOR RAD105 AT THE iRICE OF S�jO.00 PER UNIT FROA1 TNE FRIDIEY FIRE Derr. TO 8E PURCHASED 8Y TNE VILIAGE OF ST. pNTHONY FIRE DEPT. THAN,K YOU� �` �_. �.���� F.� ,� ARRY HAy1 R SUP7. OF PUBL)C �VORKS 3� ; STA�E OF MINNESOTp COUNTY aF ANOKA AGREEhiENT THIS AGREE�YIENT made and entered into this day of February, 1969, by and between the City of Fridley, a mu�icipal corporation, hereinafter referr•ed to as thc "City", and Naegele Outdoor ,9dvert�sing Comp:�ny of hiinnesota, Inc., a �linnesota Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Company". WHEREAS, the City and the Company have reached an agreement concerning the constructjon of outdoor advertising signs to be constructed on certain major thoroughfares in the City of Fridfey, . a� or near the municip�l limits of t}�e City; and WHEREA�, the company agrees to build such sic�ns, to provide proper lighting, and tp furnish tfie electricity for said ligtiting, and to provide proper �iability insurance covering both parties; and 1YHEREAS, it is agreed that the sign is to be 12' x 25', doul�le-faced, constr�cted of steef and sheet met�I �nd erect�d on met�l �-6eems. The sign is to have a mansard roof canopy covered by shakeshingJes; and WHER[AS, it is agreed between the parties that one side of said �dvertising sigr� will be reserved by the company for the purpose of cont�,ining a message promoting the City of fridley; ii: being further agreed by the parties that the otficr side of said si�n may be used by the company for r�hatever advertising purpose the company so desires; ��nd v � ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' WHERE�S,, the City agrees to allow the company to construct one such sign 3 feet south of the north edge and 10 feet from the eastern edge on property owned by the City of Fridley at 3�th £+ Marshall Streets Northeast, more specifically described as: Auditors Subdivesion No. 39; That pa�t of Section Thirty-Four (34), Township Thirty (30�, Range Twenty-Four (24�, described as fotlows to-wit: Commencing at a point on the 5outh line of said Section Thirty-Four (34�, a distance of Two Hundred Thirty-Four (234� feet East of the 5outhwest corner of the Southeast 9uarter (SE4) of said Section Thirty-Four (34�; thence North at right angles with said section line a distance of Forty (40) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing North on the same line extended a distance of Two Nundred Twenty-Five {225� feet; thence Easterly parallel with and 7wo Hundred Sixty-Five (265) feet from said section line, to the intersection with the Westerly right-of--way line of the East River Road as now lard out and constructed; thence 5outherly along said right-of-way (ine to tfie intersection with a line parallel with and Forty (Q0� feet North of said section line; the�we �Vest along said parallel line to the actual point of beginning. ' (The grantors reserve an easement for driveway purposes across the East Thirty (30) feet of said tract, being on area running generally in a Northerly-Southerly direction). �� ' �J r -, ' (The grantors reserve an easement for driveway purposes across the South Thirty (30� feet of seid tract being an easement running generally in an Easterly-VJesterly direction�. m. It is agreed that the south side of said sign shall be used for purposes of promoting {ihe City of Fridley; and WHEREAS, the City agrees to lease necessary land to construct, _ _ a�aintain and operate said sign for a period .o ten (f0� y ars for the sum of One ($I.00� Dollar per ycar. The City •ur her agrces to waive any permit fee and annuaf inspection fee. � It is further agreed between the parties that said sign shall 39 ' remain the property of the Company, and should it ever become necessary to remove and reiocate said sign, (due to redevelopment of- property, ' for example� the Company wiil be responsible for finding a suitable �l ' ' �_ � � � � repl,acement Iocatipn, it is £urther agreed between the parties that the company wiit paint the South side of said sign at the time of initia) construction and that the City agre¢s to..repaint the sign or to change the message on said sign at such time as the City so desires or as it becomes necessary because of-weathering of the sign. lN TESTIMQNY 1VHEREOF, the parties hereto fiave hereunto set their hands this In Presence Of day of Eebruary, 1969. � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirf:ham CITY MANflGER - Hamer R. Ankrum STpTE OF hitNNESO7A ) • • ) ss. COUNTY OF ANOKA ) 0� this day of February, 19G9, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County, personatly appeared Jack 0. Kirkham and Homer R. Ankrum, to me known to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. IN TESTIt+IONY 1�fIEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this day of february, t969. � I,rt f?resence Of NAEGELE OUTDO�R AOVERIISING COMPANY OF bt i NNESOTq� I NC. �i .� Its Executive Vice President-Gencra! htanager 41 STA1E OF htlNNESOTA ) • . ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of February, 1969, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared __ _•__ a nd to me personally 4:nown, who, being each by me dufy sworn did say tfiat they are respecti�ely tfie Executive, Vice President-�eneral Manager and the of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its 6oard of and said and ack�owledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. � �' ` ; , � , � ' � � � ' ��I/�/I,/� �r� �� / 1 �J ,��� F �N� L. A. Chies Inc. request consideration for tha Council to anprove the tse_ uance o° a new builoing permit for movament of house and placemant on lot describ�d ae: all of Lot 10, Auditor�e 3ubdivieion ido. 22 in Anoka County, biinnesota, axcept the following daecribad tract commencin� at tne iiortheaat cornor oY said Lot 10; thance �veet slong th� iJorth lina oP said Lot 10, said North line being ths c�nter- lina of 63rd. Avernze N.�., a distance of 88.5 Peet to tne actual point oP beginning of the tract oP land to be herin described; thance 9outh parallel with the East line of eaid Lot 10 a diatance oP 260 feet; thence 'tlast parallel with ths North line oP said Lot 10 a distance of 138 feet; thence I'orth parallel erith the Fggt 1127e oP eaid Lot 10 a distanca of 2S0 faet to tha Ivorth line of said Lot 10; thence �aet a- lor;; said North line a distance oi lj8 feet to the actual point oP beginning; sub- jact to the righta oP the public ovar the 1Qorth 30 %et thereoP Por road purposea, The City Council at the Council meetir� of February 17, 1q69, withdrew par- miseion Yor isauance of permit formovement oP the dwelling to the parcel deacribed above. Previoue approvel of the Buildir�e-3tandarde-Deeign Control Subconmitteo wae given at their meeting on iVovembsr 27, 1968. Requsat the City Oouncil grant new authority Por ths ieauance of the raqueated permit, recommended by the 3uilding 3tandards-Deeign Control 3ubcommitte�. At preaent only one of tha adjonir� property owners will eign as having no ob- jections to movement of the housa into the area. A copy oP the atatemont of Mr. Iavarn P. b'riend ia atiached hsreto. Other adjoining property, except for that of a Nr. E l�ira. Theilmann, ie owned by myself. I request nevr authority, only if by doin� so, such permission for is�uance oP pereait can be accomplished without fL�rther necesaity for my appearing bafore bo�rda, co�miseions or additiona-1 Public Hearirl,s. 42 " 43 By �pplyin; for nsw permission for isauance of a parmit I in no caay relinquish my stand that the previous withdrawal of the permission to iBaue a perc�it w�s legal. Please place thie on the agenda for Fe6ruary 24� 1959 for consideration in order that movement o£ the buildirg and materiale can ba acoomplishad by or on the 15th of :darch, 1969, when weia;ht limits on �jL��{�jL streets will go into effect. L. A. Chies, Inc. Lester A. Chies ��,� � ���� � � � , � � $� � � . 44 1. � � �n`Q4T��' �� �T m 4 ` � , ��- � � }' C%iIES BROTHERS COfJi"RACTORS --4020TYLER STREET N.E. MINNEAPOLIS� 21, MINNESQTA SU B-29S❑ ' "' �- -' �.'� .� '! \ ' . F; • ' ;\\��. f A✓C�/ii+� �1.:%'i `r'�✓ ��J� .- v'-''✓J'7�L c�?/L/`� ` — . � ; �? . � '' � ! '' �.� ,:' ,:' ;�:; �-1. >.,,���,�. . `,;;� . %.�L%'� % l�L �(�/ L. L�� . i' ,-'.� �,.^ .�i ?�� � �4'� ��'��^�,.� .�/ i LiL�`G��.�. U%'7 � '{ U-' '�� i�/iO�d_ _ " / i�: ✓j/-'' `��Z���2./ �'r . � ', /'92(��u� . , r � a /�� e i/� � � �" � � ;' ' , ' , ' � ' specia/isfsin/EXCAVATING • R�AD HUILDING o WRECKII�IG Ah1D CRANE SERVICE 5 T❑ 7� T�N CAPACITY. 90OM5 TO 20fl PEET , ' 1 ❑ � ' [l � � �' r CI ' 1 ' ❑ ' � ' Gentlemen: C�t� 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE o� �rid�e� ANOKA COUNTY March 4, 1969 (to be addressed to) Employees Union LoCal 792 706 First Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Attention; Mr. Don Strate 45 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55411 Bartenders Union Local 152 and 12 West 25th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 Attention; Mr. Fay Frawley As a result of negotiations between your union representatives and the City Manager, the City Council of the City of Fridley has authorized the City Manager to present the following offer for your consideration. A. The City vacation policy, although not based on LQ years or longer to receive 4 weeks vacation with pay, does provide equal or better benefits than those presented. For this reason the City proposes, in the interest of uniformity, - that the policy presently in force not be changed. The City proposed that the current City Ordinance (as pertains to vacation time accrual) shall apply to the union employees, so long as benefits are equivalent to or better than those existing in the union agreement, B. Union personnel of the liquor department are at presenC receiving their birth- , day off as a paid holiday in lieu of Good Friday, but would like this changed so a different daq can be taken as a holiday other than on their birthday. The management interposes no objection to giving the employee a day off in lieu of Good Friday, rather than his birthday, such day to be selected by employee, subject to approval of the City Liquor Department Manager. C. The subject of Election Day off was discussed. Election Day is considered a .,i day of work and although facilities are not open the entire day for sales, !�� workers are called in as usual to perform stock work, etc. The City proposes �il� to continue Election Day as a work day as agreed upon in 1968 negotiations. D. Health and Welfare coverage paid by the City for the dependents of employees✓' The union representatives reviewed the present coverage and received a briefing from the carrier. Since new specifications will be prepared for a bid letting for a new policy or negotiations, the City proposes that a representative from the union be included on a committee to make recommendations on the content of specifications for any new policy or negotiated changes to the present policy. Such recommendations then subject to Council approval. � ' , � , ' ' � �1 ' ' 4� -2- March 4, 1969 E. The union represenCatives and managemenC discussed on duty accidental death insurance co"verage to supplement workman's compensation. Also, discussed fact life insurance is a part of our current insurance package. The City pro- poses this i[em be a subject of discussion by the Insurance Committee when specifications are drawn up for a new policy or negoCiated changes to our present policy, with union representation on the committee as indicated above. E. The union indicated they would like an increase from SQC to $L.QO per week for waitresses. The City proposes that the uniform allowance be 50 cents per week for part time waitresses and the allowance be increased from 50 cents to $1.00 per week for full time waitresses. G. The union and management discussed check off of union dues. In previous years the City has indicated willingness when an adequate machine is available to the Finance Department to accomplish check off. The City proposes to go to check off dues when a machine is pnrchased. However, union to provide signed authori- zation from the employee to authorize withholding of dues. H. The union representatives and management discussed union request that a clause be inserted in the agreement Co cover sick leave time they have earned, authorizing full pay for all accrued sick leave accrued by "Off Sale" employees in event the "Off Sale" of liquor is discontinued by the City. Also, the same clause inserted in the agreement authorizing sick leave time accrued by "On Sale" employees in event the"On Sale" liquor is discontinued by the City. The City proposes that if the City discontinues "Otf Sale" of liquor, the'bff Sale: employee be paid in full for all accrued sick leave on a basis of one day for each two days sick leave accrued, not to exceed sixty (60) days. • The City proposes � employee be paid each two days of days. that if the City discontinues "On Sale" of liquor the "On Sale" in full for all accrued sick leave on a basis of one day for sick leave accrued, not to exceed a total payment of sixty (60) I. The union and management discussed improvements to health and welfare policy and ,the union's request to vote on the carrier. The management pointed out that the City ACtorney rendered an opinion that policies must be let on a basis of specifications with the low bidder meeting or exceeding specifications being awarded the bid. The City proposes to continue Letting bids in compliance with the Attorney's ruling. However, the union would have representatives on the insurance committee serving to propose specifications for the policy to the City Council. . J. The union proposed and management discussed with them the adding of a clause in the agreement indicating if the sale of a building to private enterprise for "Off Sale" liquor purposes or "On Sale" liquor purposes, that the City would specify in the sale that liquor department employees of the City would be hired by the purchaser. The City Manager pointed out that nothing could be done on discussing this until an Attorney's opinion. The City Attorney indicates the building would have to be advertised for sale to the highest bidder, if the City chose not to retain it, and that employement of a liquor department employee could not be a stipulation in the sale of a municipal building. The City proposes not to enter a clause into the agreement, based on City Attorney's opinion. -3- 4'7 March 4, 1969 K. Aftex negotiations by City Manager and union sepresentatives the City proposes the following wages for 1969, retroactive to January l, 1969: PRESENT OFFERED INCREASE Full Time Bartenders $3.17 per hour $3.39 per hour 22C per hour Part Time Bartenders 3.17 per hour 3.39 per hour 22C per hour Full Time Waitresses- 2.10 per houx 2.30 per hour 20� per hour Part Time Waitresses 2.25 per hour 2.41 per hour 16� per hour Full Time Clerks 2,72 per hour 2.94 per hour 22� per hour Park Time Clerks 2.62 per hour 2.84 per hour 22C pet hour L. The above proposals to be incorporated into and as changes to existing agreements. Yours very truly, Homer R. Ankrum City Manager HRA/ms 1. 1 .. , RESOLUT I ON N0. 3�' ��G � �f ��� �, �� p FESOLU�ION REL.4IIVE 10 ADDI7fONAL HOOY.UP r0 �HE NOR7H SUF3UREAP� S.ANIIARY S[�rJER DIS�RIC1 5YS�Eh1 ' BE (� RE�OLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka � County, hlinnesota, as follo�,rs: WHEREAa, the City of Fridley and the �orth Suburban S�nitary Sewer District entered into a �eneral sewer use a.greemen+, conditioned, modified and limited by a supplementary agreement dated January 8, 1964; and • .. . ' WHEn^EAj, Section 7 of said supplementary ac�reement relative to conneefion charges reads in part as follows, Fridley sh�ll h<ive the right to connect portions or a(1 of its sewer"system directly to the ' District disposal system on a temporary or permanent b�sis, as Fridley m�y elect, and shall pay current connection charges to the District;...". ' NOt�I TNEREFORE, 6E 11 RE�OLVED, AS FOLLO���lS: �, Th�t the City of Fridley has not exceeded its disposal capacity at 22nd and Marshall, or 43rd and Diarsh��ll. ' 2. rha� it has elected to connect to the District system the sanitary se4oer laterais serving the follotaing areas on a temporary ' . basis. a� AIl that part of the South I/2 of Section 2, that lies between the tJest right-oF-w�y line of �tate rrunk flighwr+y No. 4%, and a line drawn parallel to and �52 feet �9est of said Wes+ rigli�-of-rray I ine. b� AII that part of the North I/2 of.Sec�ion II that lies North of Osborne P,o�d and between the West ric�ht-of-way li�e of State 7runl; Highway �o. �% and a line parallel to and 4$2 feet ��est of said Nlest right-of-way I ine. AIl lyin� in Township 30, Range 24, Ci£y of Fridley, Courty of Anokn, State of htinnesot�. ' 49 , 3• That enclosed with and m�de a part of this Resolution are �he final plans and specifications showing the construction wi�hin the area to be served and the proposed connection to the ' NortF�.Suburban Sanitary Sewer District facilities. ADOPTED BY THE CI�Y COUNCIL OF �HE C11Y OF FRIDLEY, THPS 3� ' DAY OF ___ZiYJ�'—�E% YV_i. 1969. ' I• MAYOR - JACK O..KIRKHIM 1 ArrES�: � CIjY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL ' � ' 1 ' , ' � . , , , 1 50 RESOLUTION N0 . � - / g � � A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEIIF,'NT FOR BIDS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1 and MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVII�NT PROJECT ST. 1969-2 WHEREAS� the Resolution No. 106-1968 adopted by the City Council on the Sth day of August, 1968 and Resolution No. 194-1968 adopted by the City Council on the 9th day of December, 1968 set the date for hearing on the improvements, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached here- to for reference as EXHIBIT "A", and WHEREAS, all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of the improvements (as noted in said notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. NOW, TlILREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows; 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution ,, No. 106-1968 and Resolution No. 194-1968 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: The improvements as noted under the Construction Item in the Notice of Hearing (in Exhibit "A") for the following streets: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as follows: Riverview Terrace: Mississippi Place to Mississippi Way Mississippi Way: East River Road to Riverview Terrace (South of Fridley Park) East Service Rd. of East River Road: Starting from 1,000 feet South of South leg of Interstate ik694 Inter- change N.E. to railroad right of way. (Tract "J" proposed registered land survey) 66th Avenue: University Service Road East to cul de sac. 68th Avenue: Rice Creek Terrace to Washington Street Alden Way: 62nd Way to 200 feet North Jefferson St.: 67th Avenue to 680 feet North Washington St.: 67th Avenue to 500 feet North of 68th Avenue Seventh Street: 67th Avenue ta 480 feet North of 68th Avenue Fourth Street: 67th Avenue to Rice Creek Terrace Rice Creek Terrace: Hwy. �d47 Service Road to 68th Avenue 62nd Way: Riverview Terrace to East River Road 51 , Res. No. �� ��° � Page 2 St. 1969-1 and St. 1969-2 '� That Che work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: ' � ' � I STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1 2. That the following impxovements proposed by Council Resolution No. 144-1968 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-q.it; The imprwements as noted under the ConsCruction Item in the Notice of Hearing (in F�chibit "A") for the following streets: Street i.mprovements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat,'concrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as follows: ' Seventh Stree[: Mississippi Streee to 67Ch Avenue Third Stseet: 49tt� Avenue to 53rd Avenue %3 2= c?.u� ; 7-�1 � � � e�x�.�e. �?�.�Z� . , That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: ' ' �� MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 1969-2 3. The plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer for such impsovements and each of them� pursuanC to the Council resolutions heretofoxe adopted, a copy o£ which plans and speci- fications axe hereto attached and made a part hexeof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. 4. The work to be performed under STREET IMPROVII�NT PROJECT ST. 1969-1 and M[ID7ICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT N0, 1969-2 shall be per- formed under one contract. The City Manager shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted , in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making o£ such impravements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days), and shall ' specify the woxk to be done and will state tteat bids wi11 be opened and considered at 10;30 A.M. on the 2nd day of April, 1969 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and , filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROV�MENT PROJECT , ST, 1969-1 and MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT N0. 1969-2 shall be substantially in foxm as thaY noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ERIDLEY THIS 3�'� DAX OF � �, 1969. ' ATTEST: ' . CITY CLERK- Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � � ' ' ' . RESOLUTION N0. 37 �� g G� 9 RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THIItEOF: STREET IMPROYENIENT PROJECT —ST. 1969-3 BE IT RFSOLVID, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. That it appears in the interest of the City and of the property owners affected that there te constructed certain improvements, to-wit: 52 . Street Improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, and sanitary sewer services, drainage and other facilitiea, located as follows: . Petition No. Long£ellow Street: East River Road to 800 feet West #35-196$ Spring Blrook Place: �9th to Longfellow Street %9th � 2: �n"-�.'...... +,, s..�..+ nas.�_. n�..a IG.R�'. 7:0 �OI�G .�+iia/� - 1LLG YY , T.H. #47 West Service Drive: Osborne Road to 79th Avenue #2-1969 (With loopbacks at Osborne and 79th) 2. That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesota is hereby a.uthorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results o£ his estimates of the coata of said improvements, including every item of cosi from inception to completion and a11 fees and expenses incurred �or to be incurred) in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findings, stating therein whether said improvements are £easible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and the estimated cost as recommend=d),including also a description of the . lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owner o£ each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of landa as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements �and each of them�; and upon receipt i�om said Engineers o£ the said preliminary report, calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against eac@ of said lands. 4, That said preliminary report of the Fiigineers and estimates o£ asaessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection to the owner o£ any pascel o£ land as may be af£ected thexeby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as aell as at ar�y prior time reasonable and convenient. ADOFTID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 3��� DAY OF � �/t�{v , i9bd .� MAYOR - Jack 0. Rirkham ATTFST: CZTY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � ' ,y�D/ RESOLUTION N0. __� � i _ ' . A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PiATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IPIPROVEI�IENTS: STREET IMPROVII�4EtaT PROdECT ST. 1969-3 ' , ,' r 1 ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' WHEREAS, the construction of certain i.mprovements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- by.. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi, City �'n�ineer. Citv of Fridlev is hereby received and accepted, 2. That this Council will meet on the 14m day of April , 1969 at 8:00 o'clock P,M, at the CiEy Hall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A", 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately eccording to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, such notice to be su6stantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as �hibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �� DAY OF � �(lL.e�'�/ , 1969, ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 53 , '. , ' �, C' ' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IrIPROVEhfENTS - sm. �969-3 __. . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 14n' day of �ril, 196g , at 8:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at Che City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear aTl parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the constzuction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Street Improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous, mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, and sanitary aewer services, drainage and other facilities, located as follows: __ Longfellow Street: East River Road to 800 feet West Spring Brook Place: 79th to Longfellow Street 79th Avenue: ���� � �`^"� T.H. #47 West Service Drive: Osborne Road to 79th Avenue ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ' THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IISPROVEhIENT IS AS FOLLOWS: FoiConstruction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately accozding to the benefits received by such improvements. 54 That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as ' separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by Council all under the following authority, to-wit; Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Charter. , IIATED THIS DAY OF , 196y' ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. C Attest: ' CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell ' Publish: April 2, �969 ..� April 9, �969 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ,' ' , ' t RESOLUTION N0, J�� l y G� A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIG HEARING ON THE bIATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OE CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WATER F� SANITARY SEWER PROJECT #91 WHEREAS, the construction of cer.tain improvements is deemed to be in �, the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- by. BE IT RESOLVED� by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Comstock $ Davis, Inc. Consulting EnQineers is hereby received and accepted. 2. That this Council will meet on the 14 day of April , 196"4 at 7:30 o`clock P,M, at the City Ha11 in the City of Fxidley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice are a11 the Iands and areas as noted in said notice: All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, such notice to he substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- ta as Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ,3 �`� DAY OF _ �_��" , 196�8:� MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: GITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell 55 ' S6 OFFICIAL YUBLSCATION CITY OF FRIDI.EY (EXfiIBIT A) NOTICE OF FIEARING ON IIyJPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #91 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter descxibed be made. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 14 day of Ap ril. 1969 , at 7;30 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Sanitary sewer and water and appurtenances to serve the area described as follows: All that part of Outlots 1,2,3, Block 1, Moore Lake � Highlands 4th Addition not now served and that part of Herwal Znd Addition not now served. ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All of the land abutting upon said streets named abwe and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. , That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hereaftez othercaise provided by Council all under the following authority, Co-wit; Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 ' and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Charter. , Ik1TED THIS ,/�J DAY OF �%i.�"�"' , 1969 ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. , MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ' Attest: , CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Publish: April 2, 1969 � April 9, 1969 -- , � '� �.�►��_ �� � i::alaL ^J> u1446.ViiJ1) �.1..J':irYM.�:,� � ��x��v4� g� ��� �� �.=�b-69,�9 LBGAL DfiSCItIPT'tOF�i STRSBT ADDBRS3: "1i� � , -7i � _ ., � ,c _ . Y- �„ _ c�J S . „ e i:> r '•': r�- t� ��. The uncleraigaed hereby zsakea application far a permit for the vork herein apeci�lad, agre�ia� �o do all vroak ia etrict accordansa with the Citp t�rdinancec r,�al ruiln�e of t�a D�p�gt�nt of Buildiaga, rusd hereby declaxes that all t1� facte snd sa�a�tetiaea� stota�d En Chis appLicaCfan are trua esid er�sect. ZOPdIIBG Ci.ASSYPICATI� -0F �R04'BST7s. — �' -I�� 4:1: 1 •. F � 1 }:�� ..� v �c .r4 e �rrom �o.u� • z eu;oea�h �) �sa �u1sz�►ta.ec: u� rx�:� �_2[,_�t,A�rxss ot� �a. sar�an� s+�aaa i�sra�a►rxa ro � a�!� � R i I� i ra ss cc�� �_ MM R��'---- ssrn�x�n ca�r a� su� s_ 4�•' • ► �cxtrriorr ca stcs� S, , � au�aszo�s: t.�xe _ S 1- �t 3 G" r�c�as Ls.rrsas:, t��_ 1 3 sizs � �` �srre�txc ,►aEn o c/ ais�s sa�a r�orasr�r zz�te) aooa '� ��cs�sa��e ryi�> c a�: uw�_,�_� ir.� -� w� ors�a t F _.._ Ii.Lm�►'reus— I�/ c o � �aac;___n/ • Sf r�ora�rz o�a�s sic�vaa: . �� uarFS�rrr) err�t.zc.�x�s aicaax�rRac � ru�a n�: O S� S/` �✓ Co sx: a�a ncasss xo cor�r.y �Tx a�n�xax� �:a. 318 AND PARiI 17i AId;�1UFI. REB DUB �=ElAt 1, 1957. A8 FEa SECTI� 56.03. FAR.2. 6 SSCi'I� 56.04, PAR. 9-A d� E 6PPa�0:�$D SYt PLA�R% C�^.�SI� C3A'Sf CfSJ.iC�, Cl i'Y' MAI7e1��R CZ�Y SttGItr'E.°& BGSGT�iCAi. 6 81�GG. INS�'SCI�BS G ��' � � n �' t � +! � C L A I M S GENERAL $�17439 - �f17551 LIQUOR 9k 3069 - �k 3113 ' ' MULTIPLE DWELLING U CENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL February 24, 1969 NAME ADDRESS ' Robert J. Bauman, 6060 - 2'—z St. N. E. 1%30 West Larpenteur , St. Paul, Minnesota , • ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' � ' ' ' ' , 59 September 1, 1968 to September 1, 1969 UNITS FEE 4 $ 7.00 (ownership for part of year) 0 I �0� 1 . 1 IS�NSES TO R? A.PP�?0[r:� AT TH3 M��.R!;H 3� 1969, COUIdCIL t^,?ETIi�1G ' Food Establishment By Approved By ' Country Boy ;vikt. 6�01 Old Central John 3aucom Jr. Harvey McPhee Fridley� ?�iinnesota ' Off Sale ' Country Boy ?•ikt. 5501 �ld Gentral John Baucan Jr. Chief of Yolice FricO.ey, Ninneso'a ' Cigareite Fridley Food Market , 825l� �. River Road John A. Rieck Chie£ of Police Fridley� ?•iinneeota ' _ Day Company 5� 73rd Ave. N.�. ARA Service of Atinn. Chief of Police �'ridley� Minnesota ' ' . ' 1 ' ' ' , , ESTIMATES TO BE APPBOVED BY THE CITY COtJNCIL MARCH 3, 1969 State of Minnesota Department of Highways St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 First and FINAL Invoice for work performed under Cooperative Agreement No. 55263 on SP 0205-22, T.H. 47 and 57th Avenue Northeast. Karl Dedolph Construction Co. 771 West 7Ch Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 FINAL Estimate �4 for General and Electrical Work - Police and Park Department remodeling in Civic Center according to the contract, Police DeparCment $ 300.00 Park Department 100.00 Buildings Fund 409.51 &OO.OQ $ 1,200.00 E. H. Renner & Sans, Inc. 5465-A Gounty Road 18 North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Hstimate No. 1(PARTIAL) for construction of Water Improvement Project 75-H according to contract. Comstock 6 Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Estimate No. 1(PARTIAL) for the furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of the construction work for Test Well Constructian - Water Improvement 75-H from 12/30/b8 ;through 1/31/69. 61 $ 7,314.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 5,671.35 $ 162.62 �, Fa�m 30.'! (1i7) CPC ' ' D,•;=�o� 70;00:03 section � � DistNCl _ Agr. #55263 ' . iNVOICE STATE OF MINNESOTA AEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 5t. Paul, Minn. 55101 Aaount of City of Fridley Nasim Qureshi� Engr. 61�31 Urriversi'ty Ave, N,E. Tdinneapolis� A9i.na. 55►�21 Remitfance by Check, Money Ord¢r o� Dra)t sboutd be Payable to: Min.tesota Depaylmeni oj Nigbmays DESCffiPTION � First � Final Invoice Work performed under Cooperative Agreement No. on SP 0205-22, TA 1t7 & 57th Ave. N. E, Contractor: Lee Electric Co. Contract No. 12567 F'ull P. Act, T. Control S3gna1 System City�s share of cost 25� Flus 6� Engineering Fi�� $2��600.00 6,900.00 ia7.it.00 "�7, 31 .00 GUANTITY this 9 Central OtFce Uea�ulq 511 �3 �i Invoice No. nate 2 1 , 69 UNIT AMOUNT PRICE �7,31h.ao CITY OF FRIDLEY Et3GINF�EEtII3G DEPARTMESPP 6431 UNIVEEtSITY APENUE FRI➢LEY� MINN. March 3, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council c�o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley 6¢31 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 5542� Gentlemen: 63 CIItT7FICATE OF THE IIdGINEER We hereby submit Final Estimate #¢ £or Karl Dedolph Construction Company, 771 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 for work completed this date for General and Electrical Work - Police and Park Department remodeling in Civic Center according to the contract. Original Contract Change Order #1 Change Order #2 TOTAL NET CONTRACT ' Work Completed to Date LESS: ESTIMATE #1 ' LESS: ESTIMATE #2 LESS: EST3MATE #3 ' � ' ❑ ' ' AMOUNP DIIE FOR FINAL ESTIMATE #4 Police Dept• $12,100.00 186.74 �12,286.7q $12,286.74 5,100.00 6,886.74 0.00 t3oo.00 CC: Karl Dedolph Construction Company Park DePt• �3,i25.00 53•73 �3��78•73 $3,t78•73 1�450.00 1,113.26 5�5•47 $100.00 Bldgs. Fund 4a9•5� $2,680.00 $2,680.00 $2,680.OQ o.00 0.00 1,880.00 Total �15,225.00 240.47 2,680.00 ffi1a>145•47 $1s>145•47 6,550.00 8,000.00 2,395•47 $800.00 $1,200.00 Respectfully submitted, �.�� �.u,�� �'1 � �-� r� �� � NAS1M M. QURESHI, P.E. City Fiigineer Director Planning 1 , ' , ' , �a« w� �5 ����� �TATL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CISTFICT NO. D 2055 NO. LILAC DRIVE MINN�APOLIS, MINN. February 21, 19b9 Mr, Homer R. Arila-um Gity Manager CITY OF FRIDLEY 6k31 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 In reply refer to: 315 C.S. 0205 T.H. 47 At 69th Ave. N.E. Froposed Relocation Of MecLian Crossover Dear Mr. Ankrwn: '"� Much to our dismay we understand that a contract has already been let on the portion of proposed work at the subject location in which we were to participate. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot participate in � the project because of this fact. At this point if participation is still desixed, the foll.owing steps should be taken; 1.) Proposed work that the State had agreed to participate in would have to be deleted from the present contract. 2.) Necessary particigation agreements would have to be written and exe- cuted. 3.) A new contract would have to be let with bids f.orwarded to the State for approvaL Please advise us as to what course of action you intend to pursue. Sincerely, `����►_- ! C. E. Burrill District Engineer CEB:cp ���0 64 �� �cllr��e Of spri�tg ��ke �ar� D t Off' of C�erk-Treasurer 8427 • 84�9 Centcr Dtive, Minneapolis, M�nnnota 55432 .— 784-6491 � . VJ{age Of6ce and Water epartman, im February 19� 1969 E.V. Comstock, P.E. Comst,ock and Davis, �Inc. 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, t9innesota 55432 Dear Sir: ARNOLD L HOLZ, AtAYOR JOHN M. CONDE, CLERK-TREASURER DAVID A BAlLSTADT, COUNCItMAN DONAI� &�BUSCH,GOUNCIUhAN WILLIAM C. MILLER, COUNCILMAN Please be advised that on February 17� 1969, the V111age Cotuicil of the Vi�lage of Spring Lake Park, approved the plans tor Fridley Storm Sewer Project #89, and agrees to pay 5.46% of the costs of the project based on the aqree- ment between the Vilaage of Spring Lake Park and the City of Fridley, dated September 7, 1966. Yours very truly� VTT,i.AGE OF SPRIIJG LAKE PARK . � �hard L. Krantz� Assistant Administrator RLKjlgr - cc: Homer R. Ankrum, C3ty Mgr.� Fridley Nasiwn Quershi, City Engr., Fridley Joe Anderlik� Village Engr.� Spring Lake Park file � ' ' ' ' PETER BARNA ROBERT 6UZY ROB�RT C. �HYNES . G.� D. �IANCOLA . QORDON L. JENSEN � LAW OFFICES BARNA & GUZY 8700 CENTRA� AVE. �N.E � MINNEAPOLI8, MfNNESOTA 5Cr}27 February 26, 1969 , Mr. Homer Ankrum , City Manager City of Fridley � ' 6431 University Avenue N,E, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 , Dear Mr, Ankrum: ss Phone• 78&5844 On February 19� 1969, the Board of Appeals considered a request , for a Special Use Permit by the Dunkley Surfacing Company, Inc., to operate a rock crusfiing machine in a M-2 district. ' ' � ' The Dunkley Surfecing Company, Inc. , desires to appeal the decision oi the Board to the City Council. It is my understanding that this would normally come on before the Council for consideration on March 3� l969; however, in order to have time to properly prepare and present the facts� I hereby request on behalf of Dunkfey Surfacing Company, inc, � that this matter be passed over and placed on the Council agenda for hearing on March 17� 1969, Thank you tor your cooperation, Very truly yours, ' BAR� � GU ZY _.� J���� --,— , Robert C, Hynes ' mkl ' , ' � � � ' ' �� ' City Council 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421. Attn: City Manager Gentlemen: 6`7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS �4DMINISTRATIVE OFFICES COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 21, MINNESOTA February 26, 1969 ' At the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights a petition was received signed by 53 residents of our community objecting to the ' operations of Dunkley Surfacing Company. Several of these citizens appeared at our meeting and pointed out the foilowing items of concern regarding the operation: ' I. Our Louncil held pubiic hearings in the fall of 1968 when Du�kiey requested permission to blast rock and ' operate a crusher. These requests were denied. , 2. Fotlowing the Council denial for operation of a crusher, Dunkley moved the rock crusher just across the corporate limits line into Fridley and have apparently continued the rock crushing operation. ' 3• Some degree of air pollution due to the dust raised by a crushing operation is undoubtedty occurring which is potentially detrimentai to botfi our communities. `. J ' �J ' In view of the situation that exists in regard to the Dun(ciey situation tfie City Council asks yourcooperation � Page 2 Ltr, to Fridley City Council (Cont!d.) Fe6ruary 26, 1969 tn establishing reasonabie controls over their operation in the interest of both our cities. Yours truly, ����V. MALLOLM 0. WATSON • C�ty Manager M�4(: jec cc: Columbia Heights City Council .' r , ' � � , ' , , � 1 , ' .� RESOLUTION N0.350 I. R�SOLUTION OPPOSTNG TI1� PROPOSED METROPOLITAN TAX WFIEREAS, numerous solutions have been presented Uy the Leaque of Nunicigalities and others to so called Metropolitan � and Local Government "Problems"; and � WFI�REAS, many of the problems that are alleged to exzst in the Metro area are assumed to result from the ineff.iciency of local governmental units and alleged lack o£ co-ordination for�Metro wide problems; and ' WiiEREI�S� the League o£ ttunicipalities has proposed an Interim Committee of the Minnesota Legisla�ure to revise and reform the tax laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHERrAS, the Villaqe Council of the Village of. }3uxnsville, Minnesota, believes that the local municipalities in the Twin City 24etropolitan area are in fact operating more efficiently, economically and progressively than a Central Government � ` could operate; and WHEREAS, a piece meal attempt to provide for a seven coun�y metropolitan gross earnings or.other type of tax would eventually destroy Iocal municipalities hy separating the taxing and spending power from local governmental bodies; and , WiiEREAS, the local governmental units of the metYOpolitan area have not hampered the solution of such area wide metronolitan prohlems as the AirPort Convnission, the Transit Commission, construction o.f. sewage iacilities under the supervision of the Minnesota Pollution Control Ae�ency and other similar matters; and -' �VEIEREAS, any proposal to provide for a seven county special tax is not only of doubtful constitutionality, but is premature if adopted prior to the report of the Tnterim Committee as sugges::ed by the LEague of Municipalitie.�. • �V .. ' . . .. � . . ' i': . , , . . , � , ' . . . . . - ' . - � . , . ' . ' . . . . ' � .. ''�O - . . . . . _ . • � . . , . ' � . � � . . . � ' . . . . ' • . . . � , . ' . . . . • NOW THER�FOR� BE TT RRSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Burnsville tliat th€� Village of Aurnsville is unalterably opposed to any proposed legislation which would impose any type of seven county tax•upon the citizens,and taxpayers of the Metropolitan area. � Duly adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Buznsville this i7 day of rebruarv , 1969. � .� - . � ��1�� ��°� , ATTEST: . ' �A7. r�.�ea�. Ha , Mayor ��� ���� ; Lesls.e J. An erson, C er 0 . 0 !� i , . y ,