04/21/1969 - 5511COUNCIL SECRETARY-.I[TEL MER�R COUNCIL MCETING AGENDA 7:30 P.M.- APRIL 21, 1969 REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - APRIL 21, 1969 - 7:30 P. M PLEDGE OF ALLEG7ANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Youth Achieve�nt AWard - Robert Shaffer Youth Achievement Award - James Stockton Youth Achievement Award - William Samuelson APPROVAL OF MINUTES• Regular Council Meeting, April 7, 1969 Public Hearing Meeting, April 14, 1969 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: Consideration of Items not on Agenda PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Continued Public Hearing on Final Plat (P.S. #69-03) Maple Manor Addition, Highland Park Development Company. Comment: Planning Co�ission recommended approval of this plat at their April LOth meeting. The minutes concerning this item are on page 5 of the Agenda) 2. Consideration of Final Plat (P.S. #69-01) Srentwood Estatea Reques[ed by Thomas R. Swanson. Generally located west of East River Road and south of Logan Parkway. Comment: Planning Commission recommended approval of this item March 13th. Copies of their minutes are on page 58 and Page 59. Pages 1 - 41 Pages 42 - 53 Pages 54 & 55 Pages 56 - 59 3. Supplemental Public Hearing on the Matter of Conatruction of Pages 60 & 61 Certain Improvements for University Avenue East Service Road from 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue including [he 69th Avenue Cross- over on University Avenue - Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-LB. Comment: At the recommenda�j.oa of the City Atto;qqy we ase hav�ng this hearing onthis street and croasover as he felt the improvement has changed cppsiderably since the last hearing) ' ' �J ' COUNCIL AGENDA - APRIL 21, 1969 OLD BUSINESS: 4. Second Reading of an Ordinance for Rezoning from R-1 to R-3A (ZOA dk68-13) Hammerlund Enterprises, Inc, and approval of agreement with property owners. ' Comment; We hope to have a signed agreement from the property owners. If the agreement is satis- factory, the Council can authorize the second ' reading and publication subject to getting the agreement executed.) ' S. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 45.101 Relating to the Construction of Offices and Office Buildings. , ' 6. Consideration of Special Use Permit as Requeated by Murphy Oil Corp. ' Co�ent: We have worked out a traffic pattern with the Property Owner and Anoka County and should have recommenda[iona available at the Council Meeting.) ' ' , ' � , , ' 7. Consideration of McClain's Alley Between 2nd Street and Main St. PAGE 2 Pages 62 - 68 Page 69 Page 70 Co�ent: The Memo from the City Manager is in the Agenda envelope) Nb47 BUSINESS• 8. Consideration of an Ordinance for Rezoning Requeat (ZOA �69-03) to Rezone from C-2S and M-1 to R-3, S. E. Corner of 79th Way and East River Road. N. Craig Johnaon, Co�ent: The Public Hesring was held April 14th. We had three people oppoeing the re-oning to apartments.) Pages �i & 72 ' COUNCIL AGENDA - APRIL 21, 1969 ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) ' 9. Consideration of an Ordinance for Rezoning Request (ZOA Ik69-04) to rezone from M-1 to C-2, Gordon Swenaon. ' Comment; Public Hearing was hel{1 April 14th. No opposition. There is some parking shortage. Council ahould probably rezone with some stipulations.) , � , 1 ' C L � � 11 ll , ' ' ' 10. Consideration of an Ordinance for Rezoning Request (ZOA �k69-OS) to rezone from C-1 to CR-2, Lots 26 and 27, Block 2, Commerce Park. Commerce Park Investment (Robert Guzy). Comment; Public Hearing was held April 14th. No opposition. 11. Consideration of Registered Land Survey (#L.S. 69-02) Smith & Anderson, Iac. Comment: Planning Commission had approved the Lot Split. Council had recommended a Registered Land Survey. Council can approve this survey as it is the same setup that was approved hy the Planning Commission) 12. Diacussion Regarding Rezoning Request of George Nelson, Inc Co�ent: Planning Commission turned down the rezoning request. Minutes are on pages 80 -•83 . Council has authorized settiag up a hearing on May 12th on this item. 13. Conaideration of Exchange of Tax Forfeit Land. 14. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Deaign Contol Meeting of April 9, 1969. PAG� 3 Pages 73 & 74 Pages 75 & 76 Page 77 Psges 78 - 83 Page 84 Pages 85 - 87 ' � � � � COUNCIL AGENDA - APRIL 21, 1969 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 15. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Co�isaion Meeting of April 10, 1969. ' 16. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for New '� Ton Pickup Truck - Paska and Recrestion Dept. ( Bids Opened April 21, 1969, 11:30 A.M.) � ' ' � � ' 17. Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for New 2 to 3 Toca Vibrabor Roller - Public Works Department(Bids Opened April 14, 19b9, 12;00 Noon). 18. Receiving Bida and Awarding Contract for New Tail Gate Paver - Public Works Department (Bids Opened April 14, 1969, 12;00 Noon). ' 19 ' � � ' ;� ' Setting a Date for Discuasion Regarding 8 year Storm Sewer Progrem. Comment• This program involves the stosm sewer fos Riedel ' Rice Creek Area. We would like Co have an informal ueeting with the Council before an informal hearing with the public. 20. Diacuasion Regarding T.O.P.I.C.S. (Traffic Operational Program for Iacreasing Capacity and Safety - City of Fridley) Comment: Fridley ia cooperation with Anoka County ia going to be making requests under this Federal program for traffic safety on the streets shown on the map in the agenda. PAGE 4 Pages 88 - 97 Page. 98 Page 99 Page 100 COUNCIL AGENDA - APRiL 21, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 21. Resolution Ordering Improvement and Final Plans and Specificatione and Eatimates of Coste Thereof: Street Improvement Project No. 1969-3. Co�ent: The Council held a hearing on this April 14. There was some opposition for the stretch of 79th between between Broad and Apex Lane. This has been eliminated from the resolution submitted) 22. Resolution Ordering Improvement and Final Plans and Specifications and Estima[ea of Costs Thereof; Water and Sanitary Sewer Project No. 91. Comment: The Hearing was held APril 14. There was some concern by the neighboring property ovner about the neceesity of putting the water line in the planting boulevard. Resolution includes only sanitary aewer improvement in this area at this time. We recommend to get an agree�nt with the property owner to develope the west lots in conjunction with the east lota.) 23. Resolution Requesting Signal at 61st Avenue and East River Road Co�ent: Resolution submitted as per Council's direction. County ahare of the cost of the signal would be in neighborhood of $16,000 for a fully activated aignal) PAGE 5 Page 101 Page 102 Pages 103 & 104 1 24. Resolution OYdering the Improvement, Plans and Specifications for Fage LOS ' University Avenue East Service Road from 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue including the 69th Avenue crossover on Univer0itp Avenue - Street improve�nt Project ST. 1968-18. Comment: This improvement ahould be ordered before the agreement with the State is approved for 69th Croesover. 25• Resolutioa Approving the Agreement between City of Fridley and State of Minnesota for the Re-vamping of 69th Avenue crosaover on T.H. #47. Comment: The agreement aeta up the State'e ahare to pay - $49,091.64 for the 69th Avenue croasover revamping work) Page 106 - 114 , COVNCIL AGENDA - APRIL 21, 1969 PAGE 6 C ' lJ � , ' C'' ' GI , � l�' ' ' ■ J �� ' ���r ���s��ss �coac�nuea> �.e, y�,�,^,��u�?ae€ �seeivi�g Final Plans and Specifications and ��l.�.b,� ;`c� Bhd.� �or Pxoject 4694 - Wellhouse for Well �k2. Co�nt; We Ccave supplied �he plans to th� Park and Recreation Commission Members and hope [o have their recommendations back by Monday. We would like to proceed with the improvement as soon as possible. 27. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Asaesaments on Lot 14, Parcel 600, and Part of Lot 15, Parcel 610, Block 2 Sylvan Hil�s tlddition, 28. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Asaessments on Lot 6, Parcel 1500, Auditor's Subdivision No. 23. 29. Change Order for City Garage (Mechanieal Contract) Co�ent: This is the additional work they had to do for hooking into NSSSD manhole as per NSSSD require- ments). 30. Conaidesation of Request from County to be Able to Put in a Ditch on Park Property to Dsain the S.E. area off Arena Psoperty. 31. Appointments Page 115 Page l %5 Page 117 Pa�� �16 Page 119 32. Resignation of Mr. Carrol Hauge faom Byildipg Stdndards-Deaign P�ge 120 ' Control Committee. , CuJNC�L AGENDA - APxIL 21, 190� ' NEW BUSINESS (Continued) , 33. Claims ' 24. Conaideration of Licenses for Casino Royale - Car1 Rostburg. � � 25. Miles Lumber Company Application for a General Contractor's ' License. CommenC: Milea Lumber has been asked to appear before the Council and ahow cause why their General Contractor's ' License should be issued). ' 26. Licenses ' ' r 27. Estimatea K�IlIUNICATIONS • A. Property Ownera in Innabruck: Requesting a stop sign B. Fridley Jaycees; Thank you for funds aent to Hazlehuret, Misa. C. Fridley Jaycees: Copy of letter sent to Mayor of Hazlehurat. �JOURN: NOTE; The Planning Commission after numerous diecussions and meetings with us has recommended for approval the proposed zoning ordinance with eome additiona and alterariona. Copi.ea of the proposed ordinance with changes and modifications are enclosed in the Agenda folder. If you could posaibly bring the original copies of the ordinance,in, we would like to bring them up to date.) PAGE 7 Page 121 Page 122 Pagea 123 � 129 Pagee 130 , 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 TIiE MINUTES OF THE REGUI,AR C00.1NCIL MEETING OF AYRIL 7, 19b9 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meetinq of April 7, 1969 to ordar at 7:45 P.M. - PI�EDf'B O!' ALLEG7ANCE: Mayor Kirkham requaeted the audience atand and join ihe Council in sayinq the Pledqe of Alleqiance to the Flag. INVOCATTONs The Invocatlon was given by Reverand Gary Noyes of the Roslyn Park Weslepan Methodiet Church. ROLL GI.L: ME!lBSRS PRESENT: Lieb1, 5amuelson, KirkLem. Sheridan (Arrived at 10:i5 P.M.) Mffi�(BERS 11BSENT: Harris Mayor Kirkham said that Councilman Harris' abeence should be an excuoed aboence as he ie attending a Lwgislative sesaioa toniqht. PRBSENTIITION OF AT�RDS: Mayor 1Cirkhem read the follo►ring Grtificates and made the presentatione: ' Certificate o! Achievement to Nasim M. Qnreshi, City Engineer - Director Planninq Certificate of Appreciation to tiarry Crawder, Human Relations C�ittea Certificata of Youth Achievement to Kevin Benson,�David Larson. and Desn Reiners. ' ' �J , � ' 1 , Mayor Kirkham co�ented that in order to qualify for the Eaqle Scouta, it talcea twanty one merit badqes. llayor ICirkhan euqgeated that the approval of the Council Minutes vait until Councilman Sheridan arrivea. ADOPTION OS AG84ID�A: Mayor Ki.rktw� said that there were saoe items to add, which were: N�1. Rasolution - Fridley Request for Pexmanent Flood Control for Portioa o! Ri�erviwr'xeiqhta. M42, iwttar lxom F1ood P1ain Rasidenta Reqazding Folicy on Moving Theiz Homee. ��3. Petition N11-1569 From Carl Paulson Oppoainq R�zoning (Varlance) on Lot 5, Block S, City View Additioa. MpTION by Coancilman Samuelson to adopt the Aqenda as amended. Seconded by Cauncil- mn Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion car=ied. ' - vzsiTOns: Msyor Xirkham oalled for any coaments the audiance may vrish on ite�u not on the 1►qenda and euplained the Council's policy in allowing visitora 15 minuteo at the b�qinning oi uch Council Meeting. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 2 . Mrs. Agnea Mihalow, 5411 Madison Street N.E., said that she wished to reqister a complaint against the Target Store in regard to excessive amoke and strong odors. She said that she has called the Fire Prevention Chief many times. This is a nuisance to the people lixinq in the area, and she aeked that samethinq please be done about it. She said that ahe believed that their incinerator is not workinq properly. She said that she has had to put up with this for three years. Mre. Carol Novitsky, 5421 Madison Street N.E., said that ahe had talked to Councilman Sheridan about this a few weeka ago, and he talked to the Target people at that time. They say that they have never heard of this cartplaint. She said that Councilman Sheridan can vouch for the amount of emoke, as he saw it when he was down to check it out. Mra. Mihalow explained that the store ia down in a hollow, this means that the smoke stacks are only nbout 3 feet above the qround level of the h�ee on the hill. Counc3lman Samuelson asked the City Manager if any latters have been sent to Target. The City Manaqer said no, that he had not known it was this bad, but that it would be done. He added that if they are c�plyinq with our Ordinancea as far as incineration is concerned, it may be that the Nuisence Ordinance can be used. Mrs. Mahiloa said that ehe would be willinq to siqn a complaint, if neceasary. f{Ryor Kirkham asked if anyone else wished to speak on any item not on the Agenda. There was no reaponso. OF GF�I BY N. C�'F�;�;n The City Engineer ahowed a map of the area on the screen for the benefit of the audience. Councilmen Samuelson pointed out that there is a small poztion already zoneS R-3, the rest ia M-1 and C-2S. The City Engineer added that the Ordinance aill say R-3A, as that cateqory is exclusively for apartttrent houses, whereas R-3 doea permit other uses. Mayor Kirkham then called for comments from the audience. Mr. Charlee Floar, 161 79th Way, esid that he is acroas 79th Way from the property in question. tie asked what was to be qained, and he felt that a shopping center �rould be a better use. He said that he was in opposition to the proposed zoninq. Mra. E.L. Pett, 176 Lonqfellow Straet aqreed and snid that she would rather have• a shoppinq center, aa the neareat center is either Holly Shopping Certer, or } Coon Rapids Shopping Center. Mrs. Curtis, 161 Lanqfellow Street N.E. said that k ehe was also in opposition to the rezoninq. Mrs. 1.0. McCollow, 290 LongfelloW Street, eaid thet ahe lives next door to an apertment house, and did now want any more apartsnent houees. She said that a peraon cannot drive dovm the atreat, and the apartment house is not kept up. Mr. Johnson, applicant, said that the project propoea2 is for a total of 290 units, dividad up lnto four buildings, three storiea high, with qaragee provided. They will face ,toward the canter and accese wi22 be lrom East River Road, rith two entrancea off of 79th Way. Councilman Samuelson asked if he had any plana for the proposal. Mr. Johnson said that they are beinq prepazed for the Building Standarda - Deaiqn Control now. Councilman Samuelson aaked if there were any plsns for impsovinq the creek. Mr. Johnson replied, not unleas it proves necessary. He said that thay are planninq an artificial areek through the center of the com- plex. Councilman Liebl asked haw much acreage they have. Mr. Johnson said about 17 acres. He then asked haa the units were divided up: Mr. Johtieon said that � �l ' � � ' � � � � ' L� � � ' � LI ' , �' ' �� J I. I I' � , � � RBGUTAR COUNCIL MEETItIG OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 3 they ara pla=uiinq one, Lwo and thres bedrooan apartments, with approximately SOt to be three bedx'oom. 25t to be two bedroom, snd 258 to be one bedroan apartments. Councflmaa Liebl asksd how much the rental would be, and coamented that Fridley has baen tryinq to get in nice apart�ent houaes. Mr. Johnson said that the one bedr000 units would rent for $150 to $165, the tro bedroom units would rent fram 5180 to $200, and the three hedroom unita moulfl rent froan $225 to $250. The City Snqineer elaborated on their plan by naying that the four buildinqs wuld be placed in a circular fashion, witli a recraational building in the oenter. The access for one of the south apartment bnildinqs vauld be off 8aet River Road, and for tha othar three,acc�as would be off 79th Way. Councilman Liebl asked if there vreze adequate facilities. The City $ngineer said that the utilitiea Mould have to be e�ctended iato the project. The oaly thYng they do not have is a etorm paver syatem and either th. creek wauld hane to be up-graded or drainage would Aave to be piped through the property. Councilman Samuelson comeented that it seemed that it would not require any additional vork by the City, that these thinqs trould have to be taken care of by the developer. Covnc3lman Liebl aaked if thia project vrou2d be completed.ia five yeaza. Is;. Johnson said that some of the �aork would be done this su�ez and it would ba completed next sum�er. Council- man Liebl aeked what the Co�mittae of Five represented. Mr. Johnson aaid that thie regreeented the five ownere o! the property. Mrs. Pett aaid that if this plan is approved, it will mean that she will be looking at garbaqe cane. Mayor Kirkham told her that the City Ordinances vrould control this. , Councilmen Liebl asked what ia the estimated cost of the project. Mr. Johneon said about $3,800,000. Councilman Liebl pointed out that the School 8oard wae concerned about the mmber of aparta�ents and the effect they would have on I the schools, and that 50� of Che units mould be 3 be8rooan units, which could meax� a large pmrcentage of childrea. � 140TION by Couacilman 5amuelaon to close the Public Hearinq on the Resoninq Request ZOJ► M69-03 ta resone from C-25 and M-1 to R-3 by N. Craiq Johnson. Secondad by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice crote, all wting aye, I�layor Kirkham declared the notion carzied. ' u , � � Mayor Kirkham infoxmed the audience that action will probebly be taken on this iten ox� April 21, 1969. PUBLIC HEARING ON Tf� REZONING RE4UEST (ZQA Ii69-04) TO REZONE FROM M-1 T0 C-2 SY GORDON SSiENSONe Outlot 1, Block 1, Nagel'a Woodlattds together with t�at � part ot the NW�i of the NW� of Section 12, lyinq East of Nagel's 4POOdla�de, West of Lempert's Addition, North of Weat extension of South line of Lampest's Addition and South of Oeborne Road.. The City Eaqineer �howed a map on the screen for the benefit of the audi�nce. ite explainod that this proposal is for the area whare the anLique itt�op is rwn. He said that Lampert'a Lumber is to the south and.oa the weat ie a telephone buildinq. Mayor Kirkhamasked if there was anyone prasent who wiahed to speak on thie itm. Mr. Swenson vaa.prosent and explained that the property vras otiqinally aoned ' M-1, but you could bui18 ca�ercial in an induatrial area. In 1964 th� Council chanqed tho uses, and the uses now would be aonconforoainq, and he cauld not bu11d under the praeant zoninq. The City Attornay addad thst ha rrould eugqest that, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7� 1969 PAGE 3 . as there are a number of caees such as thie where there aze nonconforming usesa the zoning be changed so the structure within the catec}ory would be a cxaa���r�c ing uae. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone preaent who wished to speak in opposition. Thera was no responae. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request ZOA #69-04, by Gordon Swenson to rezone from M-1 to C-2. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor xirkham declared the �tion carried. ' , '�J � � PUHLIC HEARZNG ON THE REZONING REQUEST ZOA #69-OS BY CO[MIERCE PARK INVESTI4ENTS, � ROBERT GUZY, TO REZONE FROM C-1 TO CR-2: Lots 26 & 27, Block 2, Coffinerce Park Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearinq Notice and the City Engineer shrnred the area on the screen. Mr. Robert Guzy was preaent to explain that when Commerce industrial Park was developed, Lots 26 to 29 were to iront on Comonarce Lane and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 were to front on the earvice road. Lota 1, 2, 3, 28, & 29 were sold to parties to develop the Food Bonanza Store. Therefore, it would appear that Lots 26 & 27 would not be properly usad as comercial, basad on the fact that Coapnerce i�ane is an interior road aerving �astly light industrial buildinqs, and in effect the Food Eonanza Store has cut off these lots. xe said that Mc�qul Corporation has been interested in Lots 26 & 27,•however, they had s�e soil teets taken and they shoaed that the soil in Lot 27 to be poor. He pointed out that there was a letter presented to the Plattning Commission from Larsen Manufacturing C�pany indicating that they were ixr favor of this proposal. Councilman Liabl asked Mr. Guzy if he was the ocanar of the property. He replied that he was. Councilman Liebl asked why he is requesting this particular.re- zoning. Mr. Guzy replied that if it is sold to the Mogul Corporation they would need the zoning as CR-2. Mayor Kirkham agreed this eaould seem to be a good zoning cateqory, as these lots are aot ueable as coa�ercial lots. The City Engineer explained that whan thie area was zonad, it aas hoped to get a large commercial bus3nesa center in there, but Food Bonanza went in, and he felt that the CR-2 would be a good buffer between the Food Bonanza and the area to the south. Councilman Samuelson agreed also that this is a qood zoning raquest. He asked ebout outside storage. Mr. Guzy replied thst CR-2 prohibits all outside storage, and:he assumed Moqul Corporation ie aware of this. He said that he is not sure if the Mogul Corp. is going to buy this land because of the eoil conditions, but this'wuld atill be a good zoning cateqory foz these particular lots. Mtayor Kirkham aqreed that the lots would have a better chax�ge oF developawent if zoned right. The City Engineer eaid that sanitary sewer ie not provided to these lote aa originally it was thought that these two lots would go with the reet of the lots to the north for a large c�nerci>' center. Councilman Liebl asked vhat Mogul Corporation is. The City Engineez said that it is a water testinq laboratory. MOTI�I by Couacilmaa Liebl to cloae the Public Hearing on the rezonlnq request 20A N69-O5, Co�erce Park Investaients, Robert Guzy, to resone fran C-1 to CR-2. Seaoi�ed by Councilmen Samuelson. Upbn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tha motion carried. , � � L� � � � t ' , r � � � � , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 ON F Manor 4th Addi Eaet. PETITION IN PAGE 5 at 217.8 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #9-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votiaq aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. , Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice to the audience. The City Engineer explained that as this land encompasses a large portion of property, it was felt that the developer should plat the land for ease in legal descriptions. They , are following the regular procedure for platting. He said that no one objected to the plat, as such, but there was considerable amount nf objection to the apartment houses, however, the zoning is correct on the property for the apart- ment complex. The Planning Caaomission has already seen the plat, and they have , continued the Public Hearinq. Ae said that he would sugqest that the Council hear the people concerned and then continue the Public Hearinq until the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission is received. � L , �! � � �I Mr. Richard Cartright, 7503 Tempo Terrace, said that he would like to know more about what is going in on the land before the re-plat is approved. He asked if the action is irreversible, and if the plat is approved, these buildings would go in. Mayor Kiskham explained that this is not a re-plat, but a new plat and that it has nothing to do with the zoning. �rhe zoning is correct for the applicationa made upon the land. He then explained the platting procedure, and said that Council action will be to either accept of deny the plat, nothing else. The City Attorney pointed out that the same thing could be accomplished without a plat, but for greater ease in legal descriptiona, both the County and the City would rather work with a plat than a meets and bounds description. Councilman Samuelson added that meets and bounds descriptions can become very lengthy. This property was zoned to sultiple dwellings in 1966. Mr. Richazd Cartriqht asked if there was a principle signer on the application. Mr. Donaldson said that he had signed the'application, but that there are five ovners. Mr. Cartright asked who they were. Mr. Donaldson replied: Mr. Vernon Plaisance, Mr. Winslow Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph Getis, t�r. William Goldberg, and Mr. Leo Wolk. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone else present who wished to be heard. There was no response. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to continue the Public Hearing on the Final Plat ' P.S.'#69-03, Maple Manor Addition, Highland Park Development Company. Seconded by Councilman Satnuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the �tion carried. ' � � LJ � Mayor Kirkham sugqested that the coaeideration of the rezoning Ordinances ios Mr. Momchilovich and Hammer:.und Enterprises, Inc. be held until Councilman Sheridan arrives. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #69-02� SMITH AND ANDERSON, INC.: Councilman Samnelson said that he uaderstoocl that thia will be a Registered Land Survey rather than a plat. The City Engineez said yes, and added that he had asked that the applicant be in attendance, bu�, tti�t he is not here yet. It was agreed to wait with this item for the appearance oS Mr, Smith. This item was considered later in the Meeting. REGULAR COUNGSL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 OF MAPLE MANOR A REQUEST TO CONS AND LYRIC LANE, ION. (REQUEST BY AD. ANOKA. MINNES PAGE 6 � � A NURSING HOME IN THE N.E. QUADRANT � .ME BEING LOT 1. BIACK l. PROPOSED APARTMENT #1071: The City Engineer said that the Building Standards - Design Control had studied the plans, and had felt that they would like the plans improved. Their principal consideration was the aesthetics of the south elevation. Mr. Donaldson had indicated that he would like to appear before the Council even though his present request had not been approved by the Building Board, and the Board had told him this was his right. He said that the Board had eugqested reversinq the north - south elevations. Mr. Donaldson said that he would like to expedite this project as much as possible. He said that a balcony has been added onto the south elevation to improve the aesthetics, and some trees have been added. Councilman Samuelson esid that he felt that the addition of the balcony improves the elevation a great deal, however, he would like to have the plans re-submitted to the suilding Board, as he would not like the Council to over-ride the Buildiag Standard - Desiqn Control's dacisions. Councilman LIebl aqreed, that the changes should be returned to the Building Board. Mayor xizkham cotmnented that he also liked the addition of the balcony. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to instruct tha applicant to re-submit the changes as shown to the Council to the Building Standards - Design Control for their comments and suggestions, before the Council acts on the plans. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTSON by Councilman Liebl to receive the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee Minutes of the Meeting of March 26, 1969. Secondad by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MIN[7TES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1969: FOR A TO AMERICAN OIL 0 STALL ADDITIONAL BAY � HIGHWAY #65. THE SAME The City Engineer explained that the Board of Appeals has approved this request, as did the Building Standards - Desiqn Control at thair meeting of March 12, 1969 However, Councilman Samuelson at the Council Meeting of March 17, 1969 had in- dicated that he would like all perr?.ssion held until the Council had an oppor- tunity to talk to the applicant becauae of the poor maintenance of the Standard Stations in the City. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. W.G. Housenga, Area Engineer for Standard Oil, when the Standard Stations within the City will be'maintained. He said that they are all dirty, some have juak cars, some of the light standards have paint flakinq � � � l l , , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 r ' r � ,� � � u r ' � � � , PAGE 7 off and are generally in pooz condition. He said that the one on East River Road is very dirty. He said that he has asked verbally many times that this situation be corrected. Mr. Housenga replied that he was not aware of any of this as no correspondence has been received. He said that the first thing to do would be to submit a letter, then Standard Oil will be qlad to sae to this. Councilman Samuelson said that the Council and the City Manager work hard to try to keep old junk cars out of the City. Mr. Housenqa said that these are private businesses, and the Company is not in a position to approach the stations, unless there is a fozmal complaint. Councilman Samuelson said that he would be glad to write a lattar, if that is what is needed to correct the situation. Mr. Housenga then gave Councilman Samuelson his card. Mr. Housenga then showed the Council pictures of the proposal, and said that they will c�ply with any provisions the Council may wish to make. Councilman Samuelson wondered if the permit was gzanted, what assurance would the COUncil have that the maintenance would be improved. Mayor Kirkham felt that the maintenance problem would require a separate action. The City Engineer asked if the Council c.rould not wish to require a dedication for sidewalks if they should prove necessary in the futuze. tie suggested a small amount of landscaping also. He said that they have a limited amount of land, but it is hoped to carry the sidewalks all the way to the corner saneti.me in the future, so the C3ty would need a dedication of land. There followed a discussion-while looking at the plans. MOTIOnI by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the Board of Appeals with the stipulation that prior to the issuance of the building permit, a plan for Bome landscaping is to be received, and an easement for sidewalks along Osborne Road for future development. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl said that he would also like to see something dpne about the trucka that park on the new sod at the Standard Station on Mississippi Stxeet and University Avenue. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meetinq of March 19; 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carzied. RECEIVING THE MINU'TES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1969: � A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ANiI PATNT CN(lP nTT TM'C 7 LTfiI R_ ATL]!`K � � ' � N.W AN AUTO BODY REPAIR The City Engineer explained r.hat the building is already built, but thare are no tenants. Mr. Eotvos would be occupying the third stall furthest from the servica road. This is CR-2 zoning and the restrictions are very strinqent on outside storage. He said that the Board of Appeals granted the special use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. There be no outside storaqe of cars or trucks. 2. He meeta the requirements of Section 45.102 Yaragraph 9. 3. By granting a special use permit� it o/ould give the City and the Council autho- rity to revoke the permit in a case whera Mr. Eotvos would not comply with REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 � PAGE S. � any of the Ordinances and Codes. Mr. Eotvos said that this would be a light auto body shop. 7'here is 3200 square feet and he stated that there would be no outside storage of cars or trucks for more than 24 hours. Mr. Guzy, representing Mr. Eotvos explained that there is trouble in finding tenants as the building dces not face University Avenue. At the time the building was be3nq built, the City Council requested that it face South instead of facing Univer8ity Avenue. He said that Mr. Eotvos will hava a five year lease with him and does not intend to do any major overhauling. He felt that as a landlord, this business could ba operational within the Code. As a landlord, he would not want outside etorage either, and Mr. Eotvos has been made fully aware of this both by the Boazd of Appeals and by himself. Mr. Guzy pointed out that he would question whether a special use permit is even needed, as, if there is not outside storage, he would be operating within the Code. He said that if Mr. Eotvos violates the City Code, he vrould also be in violation of his lease. The City Attorney said that this is a point well taken, that techniaally apeaking a special use permit would not be necessary. He suggested he occupy the building under a Certificate of Occupancy with the understanding that if he violates the City Code, the Certificate of Occupancy would be withdrawn. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to qrant the special use permit based on the provision that he comply with all the City Ordinances and the City Code, and that the Certifiaate of Occupancy be issued upon the understanding tha4� if he violates the Code, it will be withdrawn. Seconded by Councilman i.iebl, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Counci7inan Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of April 2, 1969, and concur with the recommendations of the soard of Appeals on the requested variances. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH�27, 1969: LJI ' � u , L � � L� 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #69-10, CUSHMAN K.D. MZNAR, JR.: Westerly 20 feet � of Lot 2, Block 2, Innsbruck Sth Addition, purchased to add onto Lot 1, Block 2, innsbruck Sth Addition. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the Lot Split #69-10 requested by Cushman IC.D. Minar, Jr. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 2. VACATION�RE ST: SAV #69-02. WILLIAM J. 10EEFER: Lots 1 throuqh 4, Blxk l, Sprinq Brook Park The City Engineer explained that when this area was platted in about 1930, 50 feet was inadvertently dedicated instead of the necesaary 20 feet for the right of way and they are now�asking that the 30 feet be vacated. MOTION bg Councilman Liebl to set the Public Hearing on the vacation request SAV #69-02, by William J. Keefer for May 12, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer called the Council's attention to Item #8 of the Planning Coimnis- sion Minutes regazding the Meeting night whiGh ;i�d}C�ted that they will be � � � � r � , � LJ l.� � ,-. J �� ' � 'i , , ��I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 9 chanqing their Meeting nights to the Wednesday following the first and third Monday, beginning in June to facilitate preparation of the Minutes for inoiusa.on into the Aqenda. The Council said Thank You and that they appreciated thia consideration. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 27, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LAT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #69-02-03-04-05, SMITH AND ANDERSON� INC. CONTINUED: The City Engineer said that this request is merely to divide the lots into buildable parcels. He reminded the Council that they had moved to request that the application be made for a re-platting or registered land survey for qreater ease in describing the land, rather than lot splits as, the descriptions could become cumbersome with the lot split procmdure. Mr. Smith said that he had talked to a surveyor and he can get this registered land survey. The City Engineer sugqested approvinq a building permit, with the Certi�icate of Occupancy beinq held until the registered land survay is c�- pleted. He added that the applicant has been made aware of the pendinq assass- ments. MOTZON by Councilman Liebl to grant buildinq pezmits to enable the getitioner to start construction, and hold the Certificate of Occupancy until the registered land survey is completed. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declazed the mation carried. �3'a AS INSTEAD . FOR The City Engineer explained that this request is for a different material than is presently allowed under the City Code. It has been used in Minneapolis on a trial basis and he would recommend trying it in Fridley. 1 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant the request from Advanced Heatinq and Air Conditioning, inc. to install Ti-Krome Stainless Distribution Piping instead of Schedule #40 E}ack Piping at Hirsch Brothers Complex. Seconded by Councilman � Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 1 �I r-, J I � � CONSIDERATION OF PIAT PLAN AS REQUESTED BY MURPHY OIL CORPORATION: Mr. Ralph Tully, representing the Murphy Oil Corporation, was present and gave a brief history on the proceedings concertting the Gertzen property on the intersection of Miseissippi Way and East River Road to date. The City Engineer showed the plan which the Council had approved (Plan on Page 73 of the April 7th Agenda) which had two curb cuts on Mississippi Way and one on East River Road and said that he understood that Murphy Oil Corporation has indicated that the plan is agreeable to them, with tia exception that they feel that they must have two curb cuts also on East River Road. He then asked Mr. Tully if this was correct. Mr. Tully replied it was, and added that they have also aqreed to give soma land in the northwest corner for a right turn lane. Councilman Samuelson askad if the plan with the inclusion of the four curb cuts would be acceptable to the City, xn the Enqineer's RRtimation. The G�tY Enqineer REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 10 replied that he was not too sure, howevar, the two cuts were worked out for Miesissippi Way. Mr. Lundberg, of the Murphy Oil Corp, was also pxesent, and agreed that Murphy Oil Corp. has felt that it is essential that there be a toWl of four cuts. xe said with the setbacks, it would make an impossible situation without the four cuts. He said that Murphy Oil Corp. would be happy to put in sidewalks. Mr. Tu11y asked how long it would take Co try to work out a plan with the four cuts. ,The City Engineer said that he would work with Mr. Lundberg thia week, and would try to have it ready for presentation at the Council Meeting of April 14th. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approde the concept, contingent upon Council approval of the plan worked out by the City Engineer and Mr. Lundberg for two curb cuts on East River Road and two on Missisaippi Way. Seconded by Counci].man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MZNUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COI�AlZSSION MEETING OF MARCH 24, 1969: MOTION made and seconded to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Meeting of March 24, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all wting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BY PARKS AND RECREATION COD4�SISSION REGARDING Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick, Chaizman of the Parks and Recreation Commission was present.to explain that in January the Parks and Recreation Camniasion sent a Resolution to the Council concerning the use of park land by the City for other than park purposes, and that the Commission would like some expzession from the Council on the Resolution. He said that the intent of the Resolution was to establish a principle for the future. He pointed to Minneapolis as an exemple of how park land can be used by the City to the detriment of the Park Board. This may seem petty now, but it miqht not always remain so. xe referred to the statement made by Comstock and Davis when talking about well sites, that park land is free and pointed out that it is not free, but is taken at the expense of the park users. Councilman Samuelson said that if this was the intent of the Resolution, he could agree with it, howevez, he was �t by the wording of the Resolution. It implias that the Council does not work with the Parks and Recreation Coimnission, and he felt that the Council has always done a great deal for the park system. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the purpose of the Resolution was not to cause offense, but rather an aktempt to eatablish a working principle between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Council for future City use. Councilman Samuelson said that he felt that the Council has been quit= choosy in regard to placement of well sites, and'pointed out that the 1.57 acres referred to in the Resolution was replaced with 12 acres whan the City Garage was built. Councilman Liebl coamiented that the point about the replacement of land to the park eystem on a"when done" and "as done" basis is right, and thought perhaps it was mora a matter of lack of coAanunication between the Parks and Recreation Co�ission and the Council. Councilman Samuelson said that he had suggestad at a �i t � U � � w � ' � � � � C� L � r � � L , r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE �1 Council Meeting that the well house proposed for Commons Park be build with � warminq house in conjunction, and the layout of the plans to be aqreeable to both the Commissi�on and the Council. This would more than offset any land the City may have to take. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he realized that the Council has treated the Commission fairly. � The City Engineer said that he had written a memorandum to the Parks and Rec- reation Diiector advising him of the plans for a well house in Co�ons Park and that the City hoped to work out a plan for including a park facility also. He ' said that his Department would like to start work as soon as possible as the p�ak season of water consumption is fast approaching. He suggested that the CommiB�ion make their wishes known to the Director, and he would work with his. r , I ' ' 1 ' � ' , � ' � RECESS: Mayor Kirkham declared a recess froan 9:55 to 10:15 P.M. COUNCILMAN SHERIDAN ARRIVED AT 10:15 P.M�. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1969: Mayor Kirkham pointed out that on Paga 16 of tha Minutes under the heading: "Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract for Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer #90", the Councilman making the motion, and the vote upon the motion was left off. It was pointed out to the Council that Councilman Samuelson made the motion, and the vote was unanimously in favor of the motion for bid award, and that the correction had been made in the Minute Book. M02�ION by Councilman Sainuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 17, 1969 as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPACIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 31, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 31, 1469 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. BY fran 5-AN OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, uis Momchilovich, to rezone Councilman Samuelson asked_if the applicant has provided all the necessary documents. The City Engineer said not yet, but the second reading could be held, with publication held up until all the papers are received. Councilman Samuelson wondered if there would be a necessity for requiring an easement for sidewalk� to the shopping center to the south if it should beoome necessary to put one in in the future. He said that he would hate to have to approach Mr. Momchilovich at a later date and ask for the easement, and thought it would be better to include an easement now for possible Euture .;::velopment of the sidewalk. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Ordinance #415, waive the reading and order the publication held up until all the necessary documents are received, also a signed agreement for dedicated land for futuze development of street and side- walks, if needed in the future. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a roll call wte, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson, and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 12 Councilman Liabl asked if he would have enough land after giving this dedication. The City Engineer said that the sidewalk easement would be part of the land requirement, but that it should be considered when he places his building. )N OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE BY The City Engineer showed the area on the screen and commented that there was still the park dedication, the slope easement, and the easement for Stinson Boulevard to be received, however, if the Council wished, they could pass the Ordinance and order publication held up. Councilman Samuelson questioned the wisdom of holding the second reading without ever having seen the plans. The applicant is not ready for a building permit yet, and it has been the Council policy to see the plans before holding the second reading. He brought up the possibility that the plans may not be accept- able. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that there is also a possibility that the plans may fall through, then there would be a new zoning on the land, but no use. The City Engineer said that for purposes of financing, the applicant has to show that the rezoning has been completed. The City Attorney suggested a letter of agree- ment from the appliCant be received before tha second reading, then the second reading could be held, but publication withheld until all the paper work is completed. This would help satisfy the mortgage companies. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table the second reading of the Ordinance for rezoning requested by Hammerlund Enterprises (ZOA #68-13), and direct the Administration to send a letter to the developer, advisinq him that the City needs the easement for Stinson Soulevard, the slope easement, 33' access easement to the park land, and the park land dedication, and the Council would like to see the plans. Seconded by Councilman Sheridar�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF PARK DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM REQUESTING REMOVAL OF TRUCK FROM ACTIVE SERVICE: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Director that the 1954 Chevrolet Truck be removed from service and that the vehicle be stripped of all usable parts. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a vo3ce vote, all voting aye, MaYor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN 1969 BUDGET PROGRAM AS REQUESTED IN PARK DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the reco�nendation of the Parks and Recreation Director, to remove one riding mower at a cost of $1700 from the financed portion of the budget, and replace it with one new �i ton pick up truck. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson for discussion. Councilman Samuelson asked if.there would be better mowing o£ the parks this summer than there was last summer. The inclusion of the riding mower was iaaluded in the budget because of the complaints received last summer. The Parks Director said that two additional men have been added to the Department, which should help. The ridinq mower would have been used for trimning. What is needed most is the tractor and Elail, but ihat was dropped into the needed, but unfinanced portion of the budget. He explained that this truck is needed, as, after the bidding pro- cedure had been started for the truck Aid that wi}} be considered later toniqht, 1 � � � � � � , , ' � � 1 , � � � � �J L_ 1 u REGOLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7y 1969 PAGE 13 tha 1954 truck went out of service. There will be five men and four trucks, and throuqh the aummer there will be 13 men. He said in order to supplant the loss of the tractor and flail, his Department will probably have to work with the Weed Inspector. , Councilman Sheridan wondered if it would not be better to apply the $1700 toward the purchase of the tractor and flail, and try to get by with three trucks. Councilman Samuelson agraed, considaring the amount of complaints received last , suimner. The Parks Director explained that there is only $1700 in the budget, but the tractor and flail would be about $2900, and there are no more funds to draw from. � L � CJ LI I; I ! , ' , L , ' 1 , Councilman Liebl felt that to maintain any degrae of effeciency, the men must have transportation to and from the parks and the trucks would be necessary for moving the equipment. Mr. Fitzpatrick aqreed and explained that the Department is faced with the prohlem of havinq more men, but less trucks. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, MayOr Kirkham declared the motion cazried. RECEIVING BIDS AND FOR PARKS DEPARTMEN Bidder Art Goebel Ford Co. 12 Public Square Anoka, Minnesota McGee Trucks, Inc. 3001 Broadway N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. (Bids opened at Bid Security Cert. Ck. $175.00 $t. Pdul Fire & Marine Bid Hond /4 TON TRUCK WITH BOX AND SNOW ] :30 A.M., April 7, 1969) Cash Price Delivery Date $3,343.00 $3,651.00 45 Cal. �ays 60 Cal. Days The City Manager explained that the bids were opened at 10:30 A.M., however, the bid bond for McGee Trucks was not present with the bid and was not received until approximately 3:30 P.M. The bidder's representative, Mr. Joe Cheela, requested the Council waive irregularity of the bid bond not being present with the bid, inasmuch as he stated the bid bond had been ordered from the Sexton Insurance Affiliate and had not arrived. The bond received was fzom St. Paul Fire and Marine and was signed and sealed on the 7th day of April, 1969. The low bidder was Art Goebel Ford Co., however they do not meet the specifications, as power steering is not provided, as was stated in the specifications. The Council determination is now whether to let the bid to McGee Trucks as they have met the specifications and waive the irregularity in the receipt of the bid bond, or to award to Art Goebel Ford as low bidder even thouqh they do not meet the specifications and waive the power steering requirement. The problem here would be that other bidders might have bid if there was not the requirement of the power steering. The thizd alte�native would be to reject all bids and go out for re-bids. Awarding a contract without the bid bond being with the bid could set an undesirable precident. He pointed out that there was another bid re- ceived from Market Ford at 11:30 A.M. too 1ate.for the bid opening. Councilman Liebl asked if it was not unusual to only receive two bids out of all the invitations to bid sent. The Parks Director said that this is a high truck sales time, and the companies are re�uFtant tp go through all the work of pre- parinq a hid.Conncilman ..::hl pointed ou� that iE thm Citg were to re-advertise REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 14 there might not be any more bids received, and they might come in higher. He asked if it would be within the realm of legality to make an aaard. The City Manager poi.nted out that it would be feasible that if the Council decided to waive the infoxmalities in the teceipt of the bid and award the bid to Mccee Trucks, Art Goebel Ford could also request that the award:be made to them and that the informality in the specifications be waived, as they are the low bidder. The City Attorney said that tha irregularity in the receipt of the bid bond could be waived in this case as they have proven to be a reliable company in the past, however, he adviaed that this is not a good practice and would not advise doinq this very often. The City has bouqht other trucks from McGee Trucks, and they could be given the benefit of the doubt, but as the City Manager stated, thic could open the door for other companies to try to do likewise. Mayor Kirkham agreed that they have always been a good company to do business with. Councilman Sheridan felt that the award could be made to them in this case, as they were the only ones that did meet the specifications. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to award the bid for the purchase of the 3/4 ton truck with snow plow and box to McGee Trucks, Inc. in the amount of 53,651,00 and waive the irreqularity in the receipt of the bid bond. Seconded by Council- aan Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. AND MUNICIPAL at 11:30 A.M., Bidder 7, FOR STREET Bid Daposit Arcon Construction Cq. Inc. TraVelers Mora, Minnesota Indemnity Co. B.B. 58 C.S. McCrossan, inc. U.S. Fidelity Box 322, Route #2 & Guaranty Co. Osseo, Minn. B.B. 5B� Aennepin Slacktopping Co. U.S. Fide2ity P.O. 2675 � � & Guaranty Co. New Brighton, Minn. B.B. 5$ Hardrives, Inc. 10135 Central Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 53433 St. Paul Fire & MariAe Co. B.B. 5e Basa Bid PROJECT ST. 1969-1 2: (Bids opened Completion Date $293,757.55 Sept. 15, 1969 � L ' u L I t_ 1 LJI �� ' J �! I) $255,579.62 Sept. 15, 1969 � $277,670.06 $262,52a.37 As per Proposal As per Proposal The City Engineer coamnented that it appears the prices of construction are going up, however, the bids were atill within the Engineering estimate. He recommendad that the award he made to Arcon Construction Campany. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to award the bid for Street Improvement Project St. 1969-1 and MSAS SYseet Improvement Project St. 1969-2 to Arcon Construction C�pany in the aawunt of $243,757.55. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cerriad. � I' J � , , r ,' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 � � J � J , , PAGE 15 Councilman Sheridan asked why Dunkley Surfacing Company had not bid. 2'�ae C��y Enqineer said that they had thought the bid opening was at 12:00 tloorn, 'xea����a, they were not the low bidder anyhow. OF APPLICATION FOR MINING PERMIT TO MINNESOTA SIL%CA SAI3D: The City Engineer explained that it is a requirement of the Ordinance that the property be fenced, but to his knowledge, it is not fenced now. Councigman �,i�b3 felt that the license fee shouid be moze than.$5.00. The City Engineer said that there is an expensive bond requirad. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that the license fee is not meant to be in any sense a type of tax, but is meant only to cover Administrative costs. The City Attorney agreed. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the mining permit to Minnesota Silica Sand with the permit fee to be $5.00. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declarad the motion carried. EXCEPT THE EAST 200 FEET FOR ABATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 13 & Mayor Kirkham said that these people have bought this property for develop- ' ment, now they are asking that the assessments be abated. He felt that they should be well enough versed in the law to check the asaessments against a piece of property before purchase. � !i _� 'J , , �I I I �_J � � The Finance Director said that the lateral assessment is spread over a 20 year period and it has already been spread. The City could not grant an abatement for this property without granting an abatement to all other properties served by the improvements. If the City did grant an abatement, it would mean the cost of the improvements would have to be borne by all the property owners thxougieout the City. This has never been done for a water and sewer lateral project in Fridley. The City Attorney said that he is somewhat familiar with this peice of property, and the applicant specifies 24 units, however, it vrould seem that he should be talking of more land. The applicants are not actually representing the situation as it exists. This property would be about 200' R 1000' which would come out to be about Q acres and this would support more than 24 units. Councilman Sheridan asked when the property was purchased. The Finance Director said about six to nine months ago, and a search would have shown a year ago that there were pending assessments against the land. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to deny the request of Kutzik and Leavitt to abate any assessments on Lot 13, except the east 200 feet and except the north 30 feet for road, Auditor's Subdivision #89. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Attorney suggested a letter be sent to the applicants stating that the Council has denied the request as it was not justifiable, and if they wish to pursue the matter further, that they should appear at a Council Meetinq. r.FnSE FOR LIQUOR STORE #4 - HOLLY CENTER: Councilman Sheridan said that he ha$ discussed a chatnge with the City Manager concerning Paragraph #19 which deals with the right to sublet. He !ei! that it REGULAR C6UNCIL MEETING OF APRZL 7, 1969 PAGE 16 , wo�ald Yse +o the City's advantage to strike this paragrpph and add Adc3endcam #6 �o the Addendwns qiving ttae City the right to sublet for the balance of the leasing period in the event of private off-sale liquor. This would gssarantee a lessee in the event of private off-sale. The City would stili have the first res- ponsibility even if sublet. Councilman Samuelson agreed and cwnmented that the owner should have the riqht to review lessor. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to delete Paragraph #19 from the lease, and add Addendum #6: The City reserves the right to sublet for the balance of the Yease in the event of private off-sale of liquor, with owner reserving the right to review lessor. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PERMIT REQUEST FOR FRONTIER CLUB: The City Enqineer said that this sign wonld be 128 square feet, and there would be no flashing parts. It vrould be set on the corner of Onondaga Street and Central Avenue. Councilman Samuelson asked about the plans for parking for the Frontier Club The City Engineer said that the plans have been completed, and the applicant has agreed to them. Thexe was not enough land for parking along the side of the building. Mayor Kirkham said that he would like to see the size cut down. The City Engineer sugqested 100 square feet which the Council was in agreement with. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant a sign permit to Frontier Club with the sign area not to exceed 100 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #SI-i969 - RESOLUTION ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR �i TON PICK UP TRUCK FOR PARK DEPARRMENT: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #51-1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. i2-1969 - RESOLUTZON ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #52-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a wice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN ZMPAOVN.M�NTS - MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #53^1969. Secondad by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �#54-1969 - RESOLUTION ORDERING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICA' OF COSTS THEREOF FOR THE WELL HOUSE FOR WELL NO 2: WATER ' LJ L ' lJ ' , ' �� ' ' ' ' � , � � ' ' REGULkR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 , L_J I� , , ' � I �I fi , PAGE 17 The City Engineer commented that he will be workinq with the Parks and Rec- reation Director on this item. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt aesolution #54-1969. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. CITY OF ST. PAUL The City Engineer said that this agreement has been authorized by previous Council action, however, the soard of Water Cotr¢nissionars would like the action initiated by Council Resolution. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #55-1969. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. SIDE OF AVENOE: The City Engineer explained that two lots were needed for a loop back for tha service road. This is also the site desired for a booster station. He said that they were going to try a test well here also. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #56-1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Liebl, and Samuelson voting aye. Sheridan voting nay, Mayor xirkham declared the motion carried. OF THE - RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND , The City Enqineer said that he had talked to the City Attorney who felt that as the plans have been changed considerably, that another Public Hearing should be held. He said that his Department had sant letters and a map to everyone in the area explaining the project. Councilman Liebl said that some of Ehe people ' thought that there would be a gas station qoing in on the west side of University. The City Engineer said no, that there was an easement running across the highway, and there would not be enough room. The City Enqineer sugqested that to expedite I the project, the bids could be let, but the award not made until after the Public Hearing. , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #57-1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' RESOLUTION $58-1969 - SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLIC H FOR UNIVERSITY AVENUE , CLUDING THE 69TH AVEN� PRO,7F,CT� ST. � 1968-18: MATTER OF . STREET MOTION by Councilman SamuelsOn to adopt Resolution #58-1969 aF�d sgt the Public i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 18 , Hearing date for April 21, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. - RESOLUTION �. i AVENUE EAST SERVICE MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #59-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaPed the motion carried. - RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS FOR THE FOR UNIVERSITY AVENUE EAST SERVICE Ri T MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution N60-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT HETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE RE-VAMPING OF 69TH AVENUE CROSSOVER ON T.H. #47: The City Engineer reported that the agreement has not been received. MOTZON by Counciltoan Liebl to table the Resolution until the agreement has been received. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING PETITION #10-1969 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT ON STINSON BOULEVARD: The City Engineer said that he would be workinq with New Srighton on the proposed ianprovement. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receiva Petition #10-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve payment of General Claims Ii17678 through #17819 and Liquor Claims #3166 throuqh #3225. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriad. LICENSES- Councilman Liebl asked what the purpose of the rasume by the Police Department was in front of the licenses. Mayor Kirkham said that this was an attempt to answer and queations by the Council before they were asked. Councilman Liebl pointed out that most of the violations were by the custaners, rather than by the businesaes. , , ' , ' � ' ' � J u , LJ � ' , IJ , , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRZL 7, 1969 � , $LACRPOPPING All Service Blacktopping, Inc. , 28 lOSth Ave. P. W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota ' Modern Bdadways Co. 7045 18th Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Pioneer Slaektop Co. 2642 Jemae Ave. N. ----Minnespolis, Minneaota , ERCAVATING , Carl Bolander 6 Sons 2933 Pleasant Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Brighton Bxcavating . 1920 Highway 96 New Brighton, Minnesota , Clark-Mootea Ex. Co. Box 392 ' Monticello, Minnesota Lenny Cochran Exc. Inc. 6537 Central Ave. N. E, , Minneapalis, Minnesota Houeer Corp. ' 4754 Lyndale Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Jaraon's Service Co. 9180 Xylite S[. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Park Construction Co. 51 37th Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Ted Renollet _ 927 Andover Slvd. , Anoka, Minnesota Rosetown Sanitation 10732 Hanson Blvd. ' Coon Rapids, Minnesota :' YAGE 19 By: Eldo Fineeth RENEWAL Bldg. Inep. By; Gloria E. Smith RENEWAL Bldg. Inap. By; Arthur Schuber By: R. Erickson RENEWAL Bldg. Insp RENEWAL B1dg. Insp. By: G. Indykiewicz RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Bq: Willard $. Clark RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. By: L. Cochran By; E. Houser By: Lloyd Jarson By; Duane Prairie By; T. Renollet By: K. Berghorst RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAI. RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAI; Bldg. Inap. $ldg. Insp. 8�dg.Insp. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inap. S1dg.Insp. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 SRCAVATING (cont.) $outhtawn Piping Co., Ync. 8640 Harriet Ave, S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Weleaki & Sons 9316 Jamestown N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota GA3 SERVICES Air Camfart, Inc. 3300 Gorham Ave. S. St. Louis Park, Minneaota Advanced Htg. & Air Cond. 7805 Seech St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minneso[a Bacicdahl & Olson Plbg.& Htg. 3157 Chicago Ave. Minneapolia, Minnesota Bergharat Plbg.� Htg. 10�32 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Buchman Plbg. Co., Inc. 3035 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Citywide Plbg. & Htg. Corp. 2912 Bloamington Ave. Minneapolis, Minneaota Cronstrom's Htg.'6 A. C. 1409 3t. AnChony Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota Louis DeGidio Oil 6 Gas Burner 6501 Cedar Avenue Minaeapolis, Minnesota Egan � Sona Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Miimeapolis, Minnesota Yraak'a Htg. b� Sheet Metal 2531 Marshall S[. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gae Supply Co. 2238 Sdgewood Ave. S. St. Louie Park, Minnesota By: Walter Boorsma By: G. Weleski gy: Donal G. &uden Sy: D. Eodsdon Bq: Clazence Olson gy; K. Berghorat By: W. Buchman gq; S, Garfinkle PAGE 20 RENEWAL Bldg, Insp. RENEWAL Bldg. Inap. RENEWAI. Atg. Insp. HENEWAL Htg. Inap. RENEWPS. Htg. Insp. RENEWAL At.g Inap. RENEWAI, Htg. Inep. RENEWAL By: C. Arthur Nelson RENEWAL Sy: Louis DeGidio Sy: A1 Smith By: Frank Vogt By; S. R. �aaViqka6 RENEWAL RENEWAL 3f. �i�I+I"/:fi� $ENEWAL Htg. Inep. $tg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Htg.Insp. Htg. Insp. Htg. Insp. , � ' , ' ' , � ' ' � , ' � � , , ' , � �GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL-7, 1969 6A5 SERVICES (Cont.) T. D. Gustafson Co. 5820 Cedar Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Home Gas Co., Inc. 1430 OId Aighway 8 ftew Brigbton, Minnesota Mianeapolis Gas Co, 739 Marquette Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Mooney 6 Ridler Olbg,� Htg. 2816 xarriet Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Royalton Htg. & Cooling Co. 4727 Lyndale Ave. ft. Minneapolis, Minnesota St. Marie Sheet M�tal Inc. 7940 Spring Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Geo. Sedgwick Atg.& A. C. 1011 Xenia Ave. S. Mianeapolis,Minnesota Standard Htg. Co. 410 West Lake St. Minneapolis,Minnesota Suburban Air Cond. Co. 8419 Center Drive N. B. Minneapolis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACfOR Ackron Bldg. � Supply Co. 6613 Portland Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gunder Anderson Coast. Co, 2130 West River Road Champlin, Mianeaota Alladin Pools, Inc. 181 Ely St, Fridley, Minnesota By: Ray Gustsfson By: S. P. Chapman RENEWAI, RENEWAL By: Arthur AhlQuiat RENEWAL By: David Ridler RfiNEWAI, By; William Stewart RENEWAL By: Louis St. Marie RENEWAL Byt Stanley Snyder By: Tony Ferrara By: R, Chinander 8y; Ed Ackerson RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL By: Gunder Anderson RENEWAL By: S. E, Thayer NEW PAGE 21 Htg. Insp. Htg. Inap. Htg. Insp. HTrm. INSP. Htg. Inep. Atg. Insp, Htg. Inap. Htg. Insp, Htg. Insp. H2dg. Insp, Bldg, Insp. Bldg. Insp. .,: ff.GULAR COUNCIL�MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 GENERAL CONTRACTOR (Con[.) Antler Corp. 2954 North Rice St. St. Paul, Mianesota Lance Bartlett 9708 Humboldt Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Belgrade Construction Co. 7841 Wayzata Blvd. 'Minneapolis, Minnesota &odney Billman, Inc. 151 Silver Lake Road Pew Brighton, Minnesota Carlson-LaVine Inc. 2831 Aldrich Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Chuck's Const. Co. 3800 Hayes St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota George Cook Const. Co. 2833 I.yndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Crawford-Merz Co. 2316 4th Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Robert DeGardner Const. 7950 East River Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Vern Donnay Const. Co „ Inc. 7300 36th Avenue N. Minneapolis, Minnesota Falk Construction Co. 2516 Central Ave. N. E, Minneapol3s, Minnesota Franklin Construction Co. 2611 E, Franklin - Minneapolis, Minnesota Fridholm Const. Co. 1795 St. Clair Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota Bye Mike Finneman Bya Lance Bartlett Bq: J. LaFromboise By: Rodney Billman By; Erick LaVine Bye CharLes Nelson By: G. Cook, Jr. 8y: Thamas Merz PAGE 22 RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. RENEWAL B1dg.Inap. RENEWAL B1dg.Insp. AE2iEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL Bps RobC. DeGardner REIZEWAL By: L. A. Donnay By: Laurence Falk By; R. D. Brager By: Ed Fridholm RENEWAL NEW REIPEWAL RENEWAL Bldg. Inap, Bldg. Insp. Bldg, Insp, Bldg. inap. Eldg. Inap. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Inap. Sldg. Insp, Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. , ' ' ' , , ' , � � , ' ' ' ' ' � , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 23 Giertsen Company 3501 Xenwood Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota Sy: Louie P.DenBoer REI�LWAL Bldg. Insp. 6orco Construction Co. 3384 Brownlow Ave. St. Louis Park, Minnesota By: Sheldon Coplin RENEWAL Bldg. iaap. Harris Erection Co. 6210 Alverview,Terrace Fridley, Minnesota By: flarold Harria RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Hamedale Blders. 5217 Waysata Slvd. ' Minneapolis, Minneaota By: Aorman Chazin RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Jamieon Bros. Inc. 8413 CenCer Drive N. E. Minneapolis, Minneaota By: Duane Tamison RENEWAt Bldg. Inap. Chris Jenson & Son Co. 1400 Selby Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota By: Chris Jenson RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Lindwall Coastruction Co. 1120 4ieat Minnehaha Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota Bq: G. H, Lindwall RENEWAL Bldg. Insp, Lund-Martin Co. 3023 Randolph St. N. E Minneapolis, Minnesota� Bq: ClifFord Lund RENEWAL Bldg. Inep. Henry 0. Mikkelson Co. 20 West 59th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Heary Mikkelson RENEWAL B1dg.Insp. * Miles Construction Co. 4500 Lyndale Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minnesota Sy: Steven Charles RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. OsDorne Construction 7565 University Avenue ft. E, Minneapolis, Minneaota By: Warren Osborne RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Ryan Construction Co. 8053 Bloomington Freeway Minneapoli$, Minnesota By: James Ryan RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. Smith and Anderaon 912 40th Ave. N. E. Minneapolia, Minnesota By: David Anderson RENEWAL Hldg. Insp. * Better Business Bureau reports that they had 9 complaints on this company in 1968. We have alao received a couple of c�plaints in Fridley. t 1 REGULAR COUNC2L MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 GENBRAL CONTRACTOR'S (cont.) Staber Construction Co. 2915 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis, Minncaota Suaeel Co. 1850 Como Ave. SC. Paal, Minnesota 11rin City Apt .' Developera, Inc . 5406 Plorida Avenue North Minneapolis, Minneao[a Weetern Conatruction Co. 3017 Lyndale Avenue S. Minneapolis, Mimeaota Plyvood Minneaota Remodelers 3737 Marsha2l St. N, E. Minneapolis, Mianesota $BATING Advaaced Htg. & Air Cond. 7805 Baech Street N. E. Fridley, Minneaota Backdahl & Olson Plbg. & Htg. 3157 Chicago Ave. Minneapolie, Minnesota Berghorst Plbg.� Htg. 10732 Hanaon Blvd. Coun Bapida, Minneaota Boatrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 785 Curfev St. • St. Paul, Mimesota Cityvide Plbg.& Atg. Corp. 2912 Bloomington Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Cronstrams 1409 St. Anthony Blvd. I�Iinx�eapolfs, Minneaota A. 6T. Doyle Htg. Co. 3418 31at Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minneaota � By: Audrey Staber ItENEWAL By: Stanley Barenbaun RENEWAL By: xodney Gooler By: Milton Chazin Bq: &udy Boschwitz By: D. Hodadon By: Clarence Olaon By: R. Berghoret By; A. H, Paulicek By; Wayne G. Vail Bq:C.Arthur Nelson RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL •fi. :A�l�?'1:`il RENEWAL RENEWAL By: Richard W. Doyle RENEWAL PAGE 24 Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inep. Bldg. Inap. Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Inap H[g.. Inap. Htg: .insp. Heg.. Inap. Atg: Inep. Htg.. Inap. Htg.. Innp. Htg.. Insp. ff�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRZL 7, 1969 BEATIIQG (cont� Econoary Gas Installers 3623 Lyndale Ave. S. Minanapolie, Minnesota Sgan & Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Faircon, Inc. 2021 W. County Road C. Soeeville, Minnesota Frank's Htg. & Shee[ Metal Co. 2531 Marahal2 St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota General Sheet Metal Corp. 2330 Louisiana Ave. A, Minneapolis, Minneaota Harria Bros. Plbg. Co. 217 West Lake St, Minneagolis, Minnesota H. S. Horvitz, Inc. 1411 llth Ave. South Minneapolis, Minneaota J. McClure Relly Co. 2601 3tevens Ave. S. Minneapolie, Minneaota Midwest Airco 6400 Central Ave. A. E. Fridley, Minnesota Midweet Sheet Metal Works 340 Taft St . N, E. Aiinneapolis, Minneaota Mitech Plbg. 6 H[g, zns. 332 5th Ave. S. E, Osseo, Minneaota Richmond F. Sons 2810 Major Ave. R, � - Minneapolis, MinnesoCa Boyalton Atg, 6 Cooling � 4626 Lyndale Ave. N, liinneapolis, Minnesota By: Edward Toohey Byt W. J, Egan RENEWAL BEIiEWAL Sy: 4Jilliam R. Porder RSNEWAL By: Frank pogt B9= R. T. Kraus By: Lloqd Harria REREWAL RENEWrAI, RENEWAL By: S..B. Gruenberg REi�WAL By: J. Relly By. George Rogstad By: Mike Elnicky BY: Gary Mitsch RENEW�S. RENEWAI, RENEWAL RBNEWAL PAGE 25 Htg.. Insp, Htg.. Inap. Htg, Inap. Stg. Insp. Htg. Insp, Htg. Insp. Htg. Inap. Htg. Insp. Htg. Insp. litg . Ina p . Atg. Insp. By: Sigurd Follese, Jr, k;•�WAI, gtg, Insp. $y: William Stewart RSpEWpI, Rtg. Insp, AEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 - St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. 7940 Spring Lake Road Minneapolis, Minneaota Geo. Sedgwick Htg. & Air Cond. 1011 Xenia Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota S3egler-Ttinnesota 106 East Lake St. Minneapolis, Minneaota Sheridan Sheet Metal Co „ Inc. 4116 Quebec Ave, N. Minneapolis, Minneaota Standard Htg, Co. 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minneaota Suburbaa Air Cond. Go. 8419 Center Drive Minneapolis, Minneaota Thamas Air Cond. Co, 815 14th Ave. S. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Thampaon Air Cond. 5115 Hanson Court Hianeapolis, Minnesota MA30NRX Lance Bartlett 9708 Humbold[ Ave, S. Minneapoliq, Minneso[a Bendiske Concrete & Masonry 825 Lincoln St. N. E. Anoka, Minneaota Circle Cement Co. 8532 County Road 18 Oaseo, Minneaota L. T. Ernst, Inc. _ 1661 127th Ave. N, W. Anolca, Minneaota By: Louia St.Marie Hy: Stanley Snyder By: Doaald Hebner � By: Robcrt Graving Bq: Tony Ferrara RENEWAL HENEWAL RENEWA7, RENEWAL RENEWAL By: K. W. Chinander RENEWAL By: Lqnn Thomas By: Floyd Thompson By: Lance Bartlett Bq: Art Bendiske By: Thomas Deiley By: Lloyd Errol RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL pAGE 26 Htg. Inap. Htg. Insp. Htg.Inap. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inep. Htg. Iaep. Htg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inap. Htg. Inap, Htg. Insp, Htg, Insp. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7� 1969 lfASO1PRY ( Cont) Mario Frasson Cement Co. 3925 Minnehaha Ave, Minaeapolis, Minnesota By: Joseph Frasaon RENEWp+L Ganter's Const. 8091 Highway 65 Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Qllie Ganter REt7EWAL Hward Lidtke Const. St. #1 Anoka, Minnesota By: Aoward Lidtke RENEWAI. Aorth Star Masonry Inc. 12116 Siverwood Drive Burnaville, Minnesota By: Robert Hardman RENEWAL B. E. Oetrom Inc. 4857 Maryland Ave. A. Cryetal, Minnesota Byt R. E. Ostrom RENEWAL Riverviev Cement Co., Inc. 4021 37th Ave. South � Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Duane Razink RENEWAL Tom Rochel Concrete, Inc. 12445 River Ridge Road Burnavflle, Minnesota By: Tom Rochel RENEWAL Donald Schminkey Concrete Const. 3942 Polk St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Donald Schminkey RENEWAI. Sharp Concrete Conat. Inc. 12060 Mississippi Drive Oeseo, Minnesota By: Desnis L. Sharp RENEWAL 31be11 Brothers 1405 Parkview Lane Minaeapolis, Minnesota I�VIIQG Robin Corp. 5016 40th Ave. A,_ Minneapolis, Minnesota OIL REATING Air Comfort Inc, 3300"Gorham Ave. St. Louis Park, Minnesota By: Donald Sibell By; Ever[ Boerhave ' By; Donal Ruden RENEWAL RBNEWAL RENEWAL PAGE 27 Stg. Inep. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inap. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inap. Htg. Inep. AEg. Insp. Atg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Atg. Insp. B1dg.Inap Htg, Insp. ?� z REGULAR COUNCIL MEESING OF APRIL 7, 1969 OII. HEATING ( Cont) American Oil Co. 2288 West County Road "C" St. Paul, Minnesota Berghorst Plbg. & Htg. 10732 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minnesota Cronatroms 1409 St. Anthony Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota Louis DeGidio Oil � Gas Burner 6501 Cedar Ave. Mianeapolie, Minnesota Prank's Htg. & Sheet Metal Co. 2531 Marahall St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota PLA3TERING A. E. Conrad Co. 308 W. 59� St. Minneapolis, Minneaota Morria Rallevig 2310 West Jones Place Minneapolis, Minnesota Geo. W. L•ovgren � Sons 5900 Wisconsin Circle Aew Hope, Minnesota Joe Aelson Stucco Co., Inc. 1150 98th Lane N. W. Coon Rapida, Minneso[a Peterson & Hede Co. 314 17th Ave. N. Hopkins, Minneaota Ben Ruffenach Plastering Co. 3611 York Ave. N. � Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Chester Schmidt RENEWAL By: R. Berghorst RENEWAL By: C. Arthur 1Qelson RENEWAL By: Louis DeGidio Sy: Frank Vogt By: A.E. Conrad RTNEWAI. RENEWAL 7�f, d�17i!`.I:�il By: Morris Kallevig RENEWAL By: G. Lovgren By: Marvin Nelaon Bq: Arnold Hede By: Ben Ruffenach &ENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL ;��FT'�7c PAGE 28 Htg.Inap. Htg. Inep. Htg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Heg. Insp Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inap. B1dg. Inep. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Insp. ' ' ' � ' ' ' 1 � ' � , ' -' , , � , ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7� 1969 ROOFIAG Beroard L. Dalsin Co. 8824 Wentworth Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minnesota SIGN HANGERS Brede, Inc. 2211 Broadway.N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Gold Medal Beverage Go. 553 North Fairview Ave. S[. Paul, Minneaota Leroy Signs, Inc. 3101 ftorth Second St. Minneapolis, Minneaota Meyere Sign Service Inc. 6416 Highway #7 Minneapolis, Minnesota Naegele Outdoor Adv. Co.,Inc. 1700 W. 78th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Schubert Outdoor Adv. Co. 2508 E. 25th St. Minneapolia, Minnesota Seven-Up Bottling Co. 3612 East 44th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Sunaet Signs . 6670 Channel Road Minneapolis, Minnesota Telke S1gns, Inc. 3940 Minnehaha Ave. Minneapolis,Minnesota TA7CICAB Fridley Taxi 5740 Uni�ersity Ave. Fridley� Minriesota By: Bernard Dalain By; Jamea Bratland By: Arthur Mavgot By: Leroy Reiten By; Arthur Heyera By; N. E. Ohlar..:i PAGE 29 RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. : ��t l��il RENSWAL BENEWAL RSNEWAL RENEWAL By: Lawrence Schubert RENEWAL By: Prank Zondles By: Sig Aaneatad By: R. V. Telke H: Frsnk :�[. u8bTelCik RED7EWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL Bldg. Iasp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Inep. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inap. Bldg, Insp. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Insp. APPR017?;D B7 Chief of °olice REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 CIG9RETTE Wantland Standard 0�1 �311 University Oil Fridley� Minnesota Houies 2110 t9ississip�i St. �;.r.. Fridley, Minnesota Canteen Co. of tlinn. 6300 °enn Avn. So. Minnea�olis, Mianesota (Ft�tC Coro.) Frontier ^lub ?365 Central Avenue N.F.. Pridley� :�Iinnesota Bills Steak House T373 Centra.I avenue N.E. Fridlay, 14innesot.�. PennyTS Suoer ".Sarket 6540 University :�.venue ?i.F.. Fridley� t4innesota Aoliday Village vorth 250 57th Avenue r?.E. Fridley� �iinnesota The Ktnger Co. 5251 Central Avenue h.°. rridleyJ ;4innesota Chanticlea: ?izza 620I University Ave. N.^. Fridley� Ninnesota 100 Twin Drive In 100 Central avenue SL. Paul, `?innesota Holiday (G2s �ta.) 5807 University Avenue Pi.E. Fridley� Minnesota BY James G. '+lantland Howard �. Nelson &veTyn Coagrove Mar2ene Povlitzki '�filliam Juell Marion Levine Donovan A. °rickson J. W. %oon �ichart A. Kemoe J. Srog Dono•✓2n A. Erickson PAGE 30 APPROTT::D HY Chief of ?olice Chief of Police Chief of Po2ice Chiet oi Police Ch3.ef of Police Chief oP Police Chief of Police Chief o£ Police Chief o£ Folice Chief of °olice Chief of Police � ' � � ' , , ' ' ' , � � � � ' ' ' ' AEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 CIGAi2STT� Fireside Rice Boi�rl �y0 Central Ave. N.?,. Fridley� Minnesota Gordys Country Ho� 10lt2 Osborne P.oad Fridley� Kinnesota Country Club H':ct. 6275 H�r• �65 Fridley� ?iinnesota Tom F. Ryan 638� Universit;� Ave. Fridley� r;innesota Summit Gear Co� Inc. 595o r;sin st. N.s. Fridley� •`dinnesota Hetro 500 5333 University ave. Fridley, Minnesota TA�fi�LY Frontier Club 7365 C�tral �.ve. N.3. Fridley� Mi.nnesota Club Lt7 , b061 University `i.E. Fridley� �4innesota Fireside Rice ?�owl 741�0 Central Ave. Fridley� ,iinnesota: Howies - 2lt0 Plississi?oi St. ri.R. Fridley� I4innesota PU3LZC DRIM1'KTN^.: PL4Cc�. Frontier Club 7365 Central :�ve. Fridley� N.ir.nesota BY G1,enn F. Wong (}ordon G. Sirenson Harold Rehawnr Thomas F. Ryan M.E. Des Chain Paul Castonguay BY Harlene �. Povlitaki Billy Don Haroqle G7,e� F, iJong Hc*�rard A. Nelson BY Marlene ? mrlitzki � PAGE 31 11pPR��, . Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of 'olice Chief o£ ?olice APPROV�D 9? Chief of Pelice Health Inspector Chief of ?olice Health Znspeator Chief o£ Police Health Znspector Chief of °olice Health Insoector APPROVA:D 9Y REGULHR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 VENDINQ MACHINE Central E�abers, Inc. $It00 Csitral Ave. N.E. Fridleg� Minnesota Peru�y�a Super Mkts. 6$!t0 Uninersity Ave. Fridley� Minnesota Fl±G Coape Ca:e4.srn Co. of Minn. 630Q Penn Avenue So. Hinneapolia� Minneaota Metro 500 Inc. i333 Univeraitp Ave. Fridley� Minnssota �Moore Iake Ptxre Oil 5695 Kaclenann Ave. Fridle�� Minnesota Acme Metal Spinning Ince 98 ly3rd Ave. M•E. Minneapolis, MinneemLa ARA, Inc . ICuri Mtg. Campu�y 5280 Main St. N.E. Fridley� Minas4o�a IIRA� Inc. . Dealers Mfg. 5130 Main 3treet Fridley� Minneaota RRA� Inc. Holid�p 4111aa,e �dortfi S7th 4 Univeraity N.E. ?rid'tey, Minnesota A:iA� Inc Doxing Hox Compa� $851 East River Road Fridley� Minnesota A1tA, Inc. ?ric.ision Sheet Matal 5250 Main SL. N.E. Pridely, Hinnesots .BY xe�y s. xr�t.�i :$8I'SOh S,CYSlJB Evelyn Cosgrnve Paul Caston�Guay Richard M. Kqro Mildred Dahl 4eorQa Kahi beorge lCuhl t}eorge Ruhl !:eorge Kuhl 6eorge Kuhl PAGE 32 � APPROV&D BY Health Inspector YeaZth Inspector Health Inapeetor Hsalth Inapector Health Iaspoct.r Health Iaepector R.e1th I�ssp�otor Hsalth Inepootor Kealth Inepector Health Inapector Health Iaspector � , R.EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 -. F00� FSTAHI,IS!�ITS 9Y Fioliday Vi'.3abo *doa�t@� 250 57�h Avenua N.F. Fridley� riinnosota Fridley Food Mar'.cet 815lt East River Road Frid7sy� Minr�asota Ca.n�Lxq Club Market� Inc. 6275 xxy. N65 Fri�eP, �finrsaoCa Gorc35�s Cowitry `�oy 1Cit2 Oabar!xe Road Frifl3.�� �icmesota Country Boy Station 1301 N.S. Mississippi St. Fridley, Minnesota 1'he Kroges Compauy 5251 Central Avenue N.:. Fridley� Minnesota Art's Superette, Inc. b1�8j University Ave. N.�. Fridley� Minnesota Mico Independent Oil �o. 6500 East River �Toad Fridley� Minnesota �im's Dairy Store b253 University Ave. NeE. Fridley� Minnesota Red Ortl 5tores, Inc. 6525 Univers3;y +lvenue N.E. Fridley� Minnesota Penny�s Super Mkt. 651�0 Univereity Ave. Fridley� Minnesota LIYESTOCK Welsh Poqq 1601 Ri.ce Creek Rd. Trldley� Min�sota �o�acav��� ���,����s� John A. Rieok Hasald Rehavur Gordon u. Sxanson John Baucom Jr. J.,l. Soon A.J. Sxensoa Ken Mix James A. Rocheford R. D. Uohoff Marion Levine $Y Ted "onsior PAGE 33 �i�R(��Eo �Y, l�e�&��a Y�iapecLor Health Inapoctnr Health Inapecta� Aaa±'�.� �?�:�p�e�er Health i±�a�ctor Aea12h Ynapector Health ZnepecLor Health Inspector Health Inapector Health I�pec4,o�° Realth Inapector �.. � �: Bldg. Inapector .� � 7 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 CAFE Roxies 21�0 Misais�ippi St,*1.F:. Fridlep, Mi�nesota 9urger King 61t10 University Ave. N.s. Fridlep� Minriesota Cen�ra2 �mbers 51t00 Central Ave. "7.3. Fridley� Minnesota Holidag Pillage NorLh 250 5?th Avenue N:�. Fridi�ey� Minnesota Frid�ep Dairy Quean 280 Mississippi S�reet Fridley� Minn�sota 100 ltirin ikive In 100 Central Avenue S$. Paul, Minnesota Phoeni� Chou� Mien 21t2 Mississipoi St. N.B. Fridlep, ifinnesoG� Bills Steak House 7373 Old Central Fridley� Minr!esota Frontier �lub 7516 Arthur St. NaE. Fridley� �innesota Spartan Dept Store //78 5351 Central Ave. N..°.. Fridley� Minnesota Canteen Corp. FMC Corp l�8th & Marshall M.A. Frid7ey� MinnesoCa - Tireside Rice �oHl 7l�t0 Central Ave. N.E. Fridlev, Minn�sota BY Hovard A. Nelson l�ssell A. Peterson Henry S. Kristal Donovan Erickson Ernest !� itch J. Sorg Lyn F. Hom 'diTliam Juell Marlene ?ovlita�i Ralph (}oldfinch Gerry J. Baudin Glenn F. 4toag PAGE 34 APPROVED HY He�lth inapeestor Health Inapec'r.or Health Inepoctor H�alth Inapector Hea1P,h Inapector Health Inapector Healt6 Inspector Health Inapector Health Inspectar Hea1Lh Inapector Aealth inspector Realth Insp�ctor , ' , , ' , � , ' ' � , ' , ' ' ' � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRZL 7� 1969 � Central Frostop 7699 oiron Road Fridlep� Mlnrssota Chant±clear Piaza 620t IIniversitp A-re. F�idle�v� Mire�esotz VFW Hall, 363 10�0 Osbome Road Fridlep� Mie�so�a Colonial `iouse 62i$ Universl�y Avoe Frid�_.ogD MinnssoLa 3endepa 61y90 Con2ra? Age. N.F., Frid]og� MLrzaeot�a Club i�7 6061 Ur_Sv6*�s1:y A�ca. dridt.r-., ,� Ri•t r��Gt� Chinesa Vill�e.ge Znce 63Git On4eersi¢� Ave. Fr3dleya !�Iis►nasots pAR9AGF CO �Il�CTIa�T Fridley Saait�tion 75TO xiga�ra.y �65 Fridl�ye Hli��so4a Bubbiah R�noval Ia�c. iwo �t. s�o xe�a. Ne� Er�',-.�tcily M1nr18so%a Sn!nxabcr P4c',nx� Sareice Iac. Eox 356s Circle Pi.,sey Myn^aasota Gallsgh�a^'o Ser�?ce, Inc. 8566 Jefferso� S�, 7I�E� I�in.�oe�ooli�� Pt4n�saota DELIV�iY TRUCK Chanticlear Pizza 6201 Un�yg��ity Ave. Fridley� Minnesota � Sherman Haneon Richard A. Kempe Arthur !�1cClellan Paul A. Bany Wm. F. Weias B117,y Don Hasooie Harlox Ee John� n HY Ben H. �hutrop Robert W> NLzon Jack C23lag?ies ?.ora'ein Gallaghos BY Richard A. Kempe PAGE 35 apPxovEn sr HealL� Inspector Health Inapector Health Inspector Sealih InapecsLoa Healkb Inspe�tor RoaLth Ir�epector Health Iieapacs�.c+z APPROVED B4 Chief oP Police Health Iaspmator Chief oT Policm Health Znepector Ctsie: cf Po� tcs Health I��aa�or Chi�S e:t °o? 4ce E�ea�ih ?ce,a�a'+.c: OPPR�VSD BY Chief of Polioa Bldg. Inspector . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PU3LIC DRINKIN:, PLAC� Club It7 6061 Univerei�p Ave. Fridley� M1nr�sota OFP SALE Countrg �Zub Mkt. 6257 x,�. �555 FrLdlaya !dinne sata JOl'�t.9��i0439�_^}� �i't`p 10It2 Oal�rno R3e Fs'�1�oga �i�n.sso<a Fridley Foods B15i.E. River Rcad Fridley, :�fina^ssota Country 3oy �tation 1301 1�ississippi. St. FridleyL Minr.esota Art's Suoere�+yeL Inc. 61i83 UaAe�^s'.'cy Ava. PridLey� Mf.nr�s3ta Pen�ypts �uper N,k2, 65�;0 Universi.ttiy A�re. Fridley� Minnesow3 Holiday �'illage North 25p_57�h �venue N.E. Fridle�f? P^.'nneso#z ON OFe SA�'.E 8o�ries 2Ls0 Mi.tai.�aipai St, FridleyD F1in.bsso�a Frnns�its Club 736y C�t_*�'� Avo. %.E. F�±a?�s x�.^��oa� Fireside fti�e Bvr,�l 7(u0 CentraZ Aae. NeE. F�dleyD Mi*uaesota Club k7 6061 University Ave• Fridley� Min�esota 9T 8117y Don Harpole HY Harold F.ehavur Gordon G. S�renson John A. �tiecg John D. Baucam Jr. Arthur J. Seanson T�Iarion Levine Donovan A. Ericksoa BY floward �. Nels�n Marlene Povliiz'x4 �lenn F. .iong Billy Don Harpole PAGE 36 A?pROVrD 9Y ChieP of Foliee Health Inapector APMiOVED B4 C6ie4 of Police Chief of Police Chief of Polic� Uhief of °olice Chie! o! Police Chief of Police Chiaf of Police A?PAAVED B'� �hlef ef Po�ce �hief of Polic� Chief of Police Chiet of ?olice , , , ' ' ' ' , ' � , ' ' ' , , ' , � REGULAR�COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 3ERPICE STATION 3teiger & Gertsen '.}araee 5�3 CeitraZ Ave. NoE. Fri8le�a kl3nrn sota T3ili�a Service 3709 Na3°e�s7.1 5t. x.F. FridlEyD Minnesota phillipa Petrolewn 650o uni�rs�ty nVe. Fridleya Mint�es Ceatral Spa�dy Car 4Jash 5201 �eitral Avenue N.?. Fri�ley9 Minr� sota Mico — . 6500 East River Hoad Fridleya Minnesota Fridley 66 566T Un�ve�siLy Frici3sg, Ffinnesota [tyan�s Con000 6389 UnAversity Agee Pridle ya Minnesota Hetro 500 5333 Qniversity Ave. Fr3d�ep� Minnesota Holiday • 5807 UniversiY�y Ave. Fridley, Minnesota £ridley DX $TO1 IIniaersity Ave. Frid].ey� Minr�sota tISED CAR IAT Fridlep Auto Salea 5923 3rd St. N.E. Frid]ey� Minst9sota BY Srnest b/a Gasn*.aen Wflliam Svetin J. W. Walker .. � Stuart Pihlstrom Ken Mix Je W. Walker Taa Ryan Paul Castonguay Donovan 4� Erickson Duane C. Schlothnan BY P'raak ?t. Gabrelick PAGE 37 ..�'�� : Fire - - Bldg. Inspector Fire Inspector Bldg. Ihepector Fire Inapec4.a� Hldg. Inspector Fire Inapector �ldg. Inapector Fire Inspector Bldg. Inspector Fira Inepector Blc=g. Inepeator Fire LRapector �ldg. Inapector F� Z�sspector B7.dg. Znspector Fire Inepector Hldg. Inapector Fire 3s�spector Bldg. Inapector IIPPROVED B7f Hldg. Inapector Fire Inapector REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 . PAGE 38 ' USED CAR LOT CONT. Hyde Park Motors 5900 University Avenue Fridley, Minnesota Edison GMC 7501 Highway #65 Fridley, Minnesota HY E2don Schmedeke Gerald E. Toberman APPROV�� �X Chief of Police Bldg. Inapector Chief of Police Bldg. inspectos Mayor Kirkham pointed out that there is a report by the Buildinq Inspectio�r+ Department that the Better Business Suresu has received 9 complain�s aa�C�:i3es Construction Coaipany, 4500 Lyndale Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and that there have been some in Fridley. He suqgested that they be requested to submit a letter showing cause why they should have their license grarated. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to grant the licenses as requested, with the exception of Miles Lwnber Company, and they are to be requested to show cause why their license application should be granted. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tkae motion carried. ESTIMATES: Berqlund-JOhnson, Inc. 351 Second Street Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 FINAL Estimate #8 for Fridley Municipal Garage according to contract Bostrom Sheet Metal Wozks. Inc. 758 Curfew St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 PARTIAL Estimate #3 for work completed this date for air conditioning work on Pol.ice and Park Dept. remodeling in Civic Center acaordinq to Contract Police Department $300.00 Park Department 0. Robert L. Miller Construction 1390 Tenth Avenue Newport, Minnesota 55055 PARTIAL Estimate #1 for construction of Storm Sewer Improvement Project #89 according to contract $7,180.00 ' ' ' 1 ' � ' , � ' ' ' $ 300.00 ' ' $9,758.00 Councilman Liebl asked if everything was completed at the City Garage now. The City Engineer replied the General Contractor's work is complete, and the Electriaal and Mechanical Contractors still have not been paid the final estimate. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment of the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declareS the motion carried. , L L � ' REGULAR COSINCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 , ' !� ' ' , ' �J LJ 1 ' , PAGE 39 PRELIMINARY PRESENTATION BY CITY ENGINEER OF 8 YEAR STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY: The City Engineer explained that as the Council has approved the 10 year street improvement program, this plan has been worked out to provide the necessary drainage before the streets can be improved. He showed colored overlays of the proposed storm sewer districts for the entire City. By keeping the districts quite large, a more uniform assessment could be obtained. with this plan the storm sewer assessments in Fridley should be between $3.00 and $4.00 per 100 square feet, although any money paid by developers would be taken into con- sideration and the property owners would be given czedit for the amount paid. He said that a Town Hall type of Meeting could be arranged for the public's infor- mation, much the same as was done with the 10 year street improvement program. Mayor Kirkham commented that there could be no guarantees given to the people that the finished plan will be exactly this plan but this would give a working base for presentation to the people. He said that the end result would be, in effect, that Fridley would be one large drainage district, and the assessments would be within a small range of being the same. • RESOLUTION #61-1969 - FRIDLEY REQUEST FOR PEFMANENT FLOOD CONTROL FOR PORTION OF RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS: MOTION by Councilrtan Liebl to adogt Resolution #61-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. LETTER FROM FLOOD PLAIN RESIDENTS REGARDING POLICY ON MOVING THEIR HOUSES: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication dated ApYil 5, 1969 from Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kretlow, 7885 Broad Avenue; Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hove, 571 79th Way N.E•; and Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beumer, 7899 Broad Avenue N.E. and in- struct the Administration to work with these people in finding adequate tax forfeit lots suitable on which to move theix homes. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that the homas should be checked to see if they were aesthetically sound and if they meet the building codes. The City Engineer said that he would work with the Finance Lirector to find lots for these people. , THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' ' PETITION #11-1969 - OPPOSING REZONING (OR VARIANCE) ON LOT 5, BLOCK 5, CITY VIEW ADDITION: Circulated by Carl Paulson MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #11-1969. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 9 ' A. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #14: REQUESTING COUNCIL PETITION COONTY FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE: ' , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the coimnunication from Independent School District #14 dated March 19, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �j��kha�n declax�ed tha motlon carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1964 B. EARL H.A. ISENSEE, JR: REGARDING BILL PAGE 40 I The City Attorney said that this is an old bill for services rendered in 1964, before he became City Attorney. He said that he did not know why such an amount of time has elapsed, but he believed that the bill was submitted when the pre- vious City Attorney decided to change Prosecutors. Mayor Kirkham cortmtented that Mr. Isensee worked under bot� City Attorneys Kohlan and Smith. The City Attorney said yes, he continued to be the Prosecutor until James Gibbs took over as Prosecuting Attorney. The City Attorney said that it appeared that the reason the bill was not paid originally was that there was a request for an itemized break-down by cases, and this was never done. He suggested, if the Council wishes, this bill could be resolved for a lesser amount. Councilman Liebl asked what the State Statutes say concesning the time limit for collection. '1'he City Attorney said that there is a 6 year Statute of Limitations. The City Attorney said that he believed that Mr. Isensee, Jr. is entitled to some payment, the question i�, how much. Councilman Samuelson wondered if Virgil Wills, former Clerk of Court vrould have any recollection of this bill, or what it is for, The City Attorney said that he had talked to him, and Mr. Wills' feeling was that this bill is somewhat excessive. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to turn the bill over to the City Attorney for a negotiated settlement. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. C. HOCKEY ASSOCIATION OF FRIDLEY TO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from the Hockey Associ- ation of Fridley dated March 28, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. D. GREAT NORTkiERN RAILWAY REQUESTING VACATION OF STREETS AND ALI.EYS IN BLOCK 6, BERLIN ADDITION The City Engineer explained that this is between the railroad tracks and East River Road. This was platted many years ago and there is no need for a road. He suggested that this be turned over to the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Uti,lities Subcoimnittee. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from the Great Northern Railway Company dated March 19, 1969 and refer the vacation to the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. E. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY: APPROVING BIDS FOR PRQ7ECT #90 Conncilman 5amuelson asked if provisions have been made to accommodate Midland Cooperatives. EASEMENT FROM MIDLAND COOPERATIVES FOR PUTTING IN WATER LINE TO SERVE THE GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT The City Engineer explained that Midland Cooperatfves wou2d like the water line to be lowered so they could lower the grade in the future if it should be necessary, , I'i � � f .J ' ' ' ' J ' , ' ' , , LJ' , ' ' , , ' , ' , , , � ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1969 PAGE 41 they would like the right to hook onto the line in the future, and if there is a break in the main, they would like the easement restored to a reasonable con- dition. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the co�nunication from the Great Northern Railway Company dated March 31, 1969 and concur with the requests of Midland Cooperatives in regard to their easement. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declated the motion carried. F. VALLEY VIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH: RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSED ZONING MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from Valley View Christian Church dated March 17, 1969. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caXried. G. MEMORANDUM FROM ENGINEERING ASSISTANT: PERMANENT DIKE EASEMENT The City Manager said that he would like to have the Council approve this per- manent dike easement, with the stipulations, which seem reasonable. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve of the permanent dike easement on part of Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block M, Riverview Heights Addition outlined in the Engineering Assistant's Memorandum #74 CM #69-04 dated April 3, 1969. 5econded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPOINTMENT: Name Stephen J. Thorstad 101 Charles Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota Sa1arY $606 per month Replaces Position Straet Maintenance Man New Position MOTION by Conncilman Liebl to concur with the appointment of Mr. Stephen Thorstad to the Street Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department as requested by the Director of Public Works. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. INFORMAL�MEETING WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS REQUESTED BY MR. ED CONTOSKI, PEMTOM, INC. ' Mayor Kirkham reported that Mr. Ed Contoski of Pemtom, Inc. had called him and indicated that he felt that an informal meeting between the Council members and himself to discuss the proposed P.D. District plans would be mutually advantageous. , Mayor Kirkham sugqested a breakfast meeting Saturday morning, April 12th, at 8:30 A.M., at the Kings Chalet. The rest of the Council agreed this would be a good idea and they believed they could come to the meeting. , ADJOURNMENT: There beinq no furthez business. MaYor Kirkham declared the Regular Council � Meeting of April 7, 1969 adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. /Re7spectful�ly ssubmitted, ' �-�y�j/C�'LG�'Fii'i� ':JUel Mercer, Secretary to the Council Jack O. Ri;kham, Meyor L.' ' �',I � , ' ' ' L_ J ' ' tI 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' Pac,� aa MIN[TTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC FiEARINC AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF AYk1L 14, lyby Mayor Kirkham called the Special P�zblic Hearing� and Workehop Meeting o£ April lQ, 1969 to order at %:30 P.M. PLIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham requeeted the Council, Planning Commiasion and *.he sudience atand and'join in eaying the Pledge of Alle�iance to the Fla�. ROLL C9LL: COIINCIL P�NIBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham MFT4BERS ABSENT: None ROLL CALL: PLANNING COMMISSION MII�ERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Jensen, Fitzpatricic, Erickeon t��ERS ABSENT: Myiira ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham esid that there were three itema to add to the Agen3a, which were: #7. Water and Sewer in Onaway Addition #8. N.S.S.S.D, hook-up at Bob's Produce Garden Center #9• Appointmente MdPION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Kirkham extended the Council's Thank You to the Planning Commission for their cooperation in the joint i�earing� with the Council on the Hyde Park Zoning Study. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unsnino�sly. The Council and the Planning� Commission took seata in the sudience ao as to aee the acreen, where traneparenciea were projected, while the City Manager presented hie zoning etudy of the Hvde Park Addi`ion and City View Addition, dated April, 1969. IIpon his sun:mation, he explained that both traf£ic plans would depend on concurrence by the Minnesota Highway Department. He added that if this concept were adopted, it would not iorce anyone to sell, but would make it poeaible for many land owners to group together for the purpoee of selling land for a large complex. SFLCIAL P[TBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEEPING OF APRIL 14, 196q B1K;E d3 There would be more need for apartment housee, with the lsnd weet of Msi.h Street being induetrisl and the land to the eeet and south being oo�ercisl. After the presentation, the Council and Planning Commiesion re-aeeumed their chsirs and Mayor Kirkham called for commente from tkie eudience: Mr. LeRoy Syveraon, 6017 Third 3treet, aeked if the zoning remaine unohan�ged north of 60m Avenue. The City Manager eaid that there would be ao chiag�a' north of 60ti' Avenue. He pointed out that there would be more traffic genersted on 2� Street, but that would be neoeeeary to eerve the oomeraisl areae. A member of the audience aeked how high the buildinge vou3d bs. The City Mansger eaid that they could be 6 etoriee in sn R-3A area. The gentlemnn in the audience then asked about Lota 1 and 2, Block 11, an3 '' co�eated that poeeibly there could be a 6 etory spartment house right across the etreet from the residetitial diatriot. The City Manager replied that the apartment house there now ie etill quite neW sad rather than build s n�w aune, it wwld be more feseible to convert it to a CR-1 bueinese use. A member of the audience aeked what sffect thie plan would have on the alley off Third 3treet north of 60m Avenue. The City Meaiager said it would have no affeot. He then asked about the island in 60m Avenue in reletion to the drivewaye there. The City Manager seked that they come into hie offioo later and thia would be checked i'urther. Chairman �iokeon euggeated that it might be to the Councile� and Pla�ting Commieeiane' advantage to see how many people were in favor of �hie pcopoeal and how many were againet 3t. Mayor K;�khe,m aeked for a ehow of trrtd�. It ehoried that 21 were in favor and � were againet. Chairman Eriol�on deked how many of those in oppoeition lived north of 60� Avenue. Another raiee of hande ehowed that all eeven of thoee not in favor of the plan were north of' the srea under coneideration. Mr. Kenneth Knapp, 69@'% Third Street, said that he livea on the coraer and his houae facee 60� Avenue, and '� would not ltke to have 40� - 50� trsilere going p■et hie houee. Mayor Kirkham replied that he was not an Psngineer, however, it msy be poeeible to put the alip off ramp further eouth. The City Msnager agreed that this would be looked into. Attother me�eber of the sudisnce euggeated that a chain link fence ehould ba ueed slong the elip o£f ramp to keep children off the etreet. Councilman Samuelson concurred with thie auggestion. A member of the audience aommented that there xould be truoke going drnm Third Street. The City Manager eaid yes, there would be, however, it rrould be only thoee eerviag the oommercial busineeeee and the traffic flov would preolude stty bhro�gti traffic. • ` , ,. i ..�.i.._� . �t _, .. � SPECIAI, PUBLIC HEARING AND 470RKSHOP MEEPING OF APRIL 14, �969 PAGE 44 ' MOTIOH by Mitteletadt to cloee the Public Hearing� on ZOA #69-07, area ' bounded on the north by 60m Avsnue, on the eouth by 57m Avenue lying betweea Main Street and University Avenue. Seconded by Jensen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried. I� ' , O ' � , ' ' ' , ' ' � MOTION by Councilman Samuelaon to close the Public Hearing ZOA #69-0']. Secondec� by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. (Note) There was a ahort diacueeion at the end of the meeting and it wae a�reed to bring thie back in the May 5m Ag'enda. RECESS: Mayor Kirkham declared a 10 minute recesa at 8:35 P.M. The Planning Commieaion then left the Conncil Meeting. P[TBLIC HEARING ON STREET II�ROVII�IENT PROJECT ST. 1969-3: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearir� Notice aloud and the City Snginaer ahowed the area on the screen. He said that the firat three would be considered together as they were all in the eame area. The City Engineer explained that there was a petition for the improvement of Lon$fellow and for 79m Way £rom Eaet River Road to Alden Way. The extenaion of 79m Way down to Broad Street and Spring Brook Place were added by the adminietration for the purpose of the hearing, to see if the property ownere would wiah to participate while other streets in the area were being improved, thereby keeping the coats somewhat lower. Longfellow Street, Spring Brook Plsce and �9m from Alden to Broad would be 36' atreets. In Longfallow and 79m Way there would be aome need of drainage facilitiea, however, because it is ifie yreliminary hearing�, ezact aurveys have not been done yet. He eaid that if 79m Way were ordered in down to Broad Street, there may not be curbing� from Alden Way �o Broad Street. He pointed out that the City has applied for State Aid £or %9� Way from Fa.st River Road to Alden Way and is awaiting� approval from the State. A member of the sudience said that there ia water over the street at the lower end of ']9m Way now and there would eurely have to be some drainsge work done. Mayor Kirkhe.m aeked him if the Engineering work could eliminate thie problem, would he be in favor of the improvement and he replied thet he would not. A viaitor to the Meeting eaid tha.t they would like very much to have 79m Way a State Aid road as it doee carry a lot o£ heavy traffic. There are msny bueee and tra£fic to the Gity Park. The City Engineer esid that the plane are still for a heavier than residential etreet unleae approval ie not received from the Highway Department. � SPECIAL Pi1BLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP ;'fEEi'ING OF APRIL �4, 1y69 PAGE 45 A visitor to the Meeting eaid that there are others in opposition to the improvement sll the way down to Broad Street, but they could not get to the Maeting becauae they have had to move out of their homes because of the Ylood. Afr. Robert Morin, %871 Brosd Street, asked how the asaessmente would be off 79m Way if the improvement went in all the way down to Broad. Mayor Kirkham explained that the asaessments would go �- way down Broad as it would be a eide street. The question is, if the improvement should go all the way down to Broad Street. Mr• Samuel Hove, 57� 79m Wsy asked who would pay for the maintenance of 79'� in the event of another £lood. Mayor Kirkham asid that thia would have to come out of the maintenance funds and would not be esaesaed. A vieitor to the Meeting eaid that he owns five lote on Broad and wondered if building permits will ever be allowed on them. Zf not, what could he do with them. Mayor Kirkham said that he did not foresee any opportunity of ever building there, but the City would like very much to add to their Park system, if and when there are funda available. He aaid that it was a sha.me the park bond iaeue failed. Councilman Harria said that he would concur with the commenta of the audience and that he felt that �9�' Way ahould only be improved to Alden Way. Councilman Samuelaon said that hie euggestion was to improve it to Apeu to keep down the extremely high maintenance costa on the hi21. The visitora at 571 79m Way, 7871 Broad and �885 Broad asked if the improvement were to only go to Apex, would they be asaessed. They were told they would not be. A lady in the audience said that there are no houaes facing on Spring Brook Place and aeked how the asseasmenta are placed. The Finance Director eaid that the �oet of the north � of 79�' Way, Longfellow and Spring Brook Place are all lumped together and spread evenly on the asaeseable footage. A vieitor to the Meeting asked if they would be paying for the improvement down the hill. Mayor Kirkham explained that the land owners pey by front footage. Another viaitor said that previously, in 1967, they were told the coet would be about $9.00, not it is about �11•45• The City E�igineer ezplained that there are only eatimates and the coat will depend on how the bide come in. They must be let on a competitive basis. Mayor Kirkham added that the City Can in no way be bound by thie eatimate. Thie ia only arrived at for the purposea of the Public Hearing and actual pricea would not be known until after the bids are let. A viaitor to the Meeting asked when they would go onto the taxes. The Finance Director said that they would go on the tax etatement for 1971 and would be spread over 10 years at 6�, intere�t. A member of the audience asked how much land would be needed for the cul-de- sac. The City Engineer replied about 1C� ad3itional and if more exact informa.tion is desired, to please ca12 the office. A visitor asked when the work would be done. The City Engineer said that if it is ordered in, it will probably be late Eall or early spring of next year. MOTION by Councilman flarria to cloae this portion o£ the Public Hearing on St. 1969-3• Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon a voice vote, all voting� sye, Meyor Kirkham declared the motien carried unanimously. ' t u � ' � ' ' ' � .� , I J�i tJ � � , ., . I .',... ' SPECIAL P4TBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEEPING OF APRIL 14, 1969 T.H�Q7 Weet Service Drive: Osborne Road to 79�' Avenue PAGE 46 The City Engineer explained that this would be a heavy duty road and there is no need for utilitiea in the road as these are planned along the north- eouth eseement near the buildinga. He pointed out that when 79m Avenue is extended, there will be need o£ utilities, however. Councilman Harris said that the petitioner ia not in the audience but hae indicated that he is in favor of thie improvement. Councilman Liebl aeked if thia would be 100� aeeeeeable. The City EY�gineer esid yee. MOTION by Councilma.n Harris to cloae the Public Hearing on T.H. #47 Weat Service Drive from Oaborne Road to 79m Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon s voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robert E. Engatrom of Pemtom Inc., was preaent and eaid that he Would like to present the overall tra£fic pattern and propoeed land uaes which inaorporate the auggestions made by the Planning Commiasion. He said that they £elt that thie wae one of the moat magnificent parcels left undeveloped in the entire metropolitan area. He said that through the plana they have tried to retain the original terrain as much as poeaible. He then asked Mr. Ed Contoeki to present the plans. ' Mr. Contoaki greaented a large ma.p showing� the relationahip of this land to the aurrounding land in Fridley and New Brighton. It is about 120 acres in estent and o£ extremely rugged terrain. It is heavily wooded and there are low places vhere the water stands a good deal of the time. He explained that the deneity would be greateat in the south and east corner where it would abut the inatitutional property and get gradually leea as the land goes to the aorth and west. There is a heavy deneity at I. 694 and geta lesa as i± goes aorth toward the residential area. The main traffic outlet would be Silver Lake Road to tHe east. The intersection of T.H. #65 ia some distance from thie development and Silver Lake Road would have the advantage of the diamond interchange. He said that he would anticipate that the traffic would use I. 69q unleas they intended to come into the complex. The traf£ic into Fridley would go along a rc,ad parallel to I. 694, then north to Gardena Avenue. He ezplained that there is a commercial area in New Brighton and the traffic ie planned so that it wil,l loop around and wi11 exit again without going through the reaidential areas. He felt that A�thur Street would have to be extended up to Gardena Avenue and Hathaway Lane would be dead-ended. There ie a ahort road through the town houae area for accesa to the school to the eouth and Grace High Sahool. This road would not encourage through traffic becauae of the round-about way the cars would have to exit. The Highway Department has felt that thia plan would be workable at the Highway #65 interaection, however, it could be made better. The Aighway Department has indicated that they would not undertake initiation of thia improvement but that it ahould come from the City level. SPECIAL P'UBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF APRIL �4, 1969 PAGE 47 Mr. Contoski then showed a map of the area only as pertains to the City of Fridley. He explained that there wouZd be 215 townhouses in the west and eouth portion of the area and 17 sin�le detached family residences just weat of them to act as a buFfer. There would be a 60' aet back along the west eide in £ront of the townhouses. Ae said ,that they hoped to inetall eome type of recreational facility somewhere in the complex which would include a amall grocery store to accomodate the residenta of the a�ea. He said that this plan was felt to be the best possible use of the land and in their opinion, it could not be developed into R-1. He said that the Highway Department feels that if the T.H. #65 interchang•e is updated, there would be no reason why Gard=na Avenue could not be used as the through etreet. He said that the single faII:ily detached dwe2lings on Matterhorn Drive would be in the price range of $35>000 to $40,000. Mr. Engstrom said that there would be 491 multiple dwellings in this, total area and would average a 5•7 density. He said that they have built single Pamily ettached homes in New Brighton and Burnsville. With this plan the individual buys his home and land, but the land is maintained by the Home Owners Aasociation who also maintain all the open apaces, which would be gsrk land. The townhouses would vary from two to six attached homes. The variety this afforde in individual buildings is of great benefit. They would e11 have walk out'tiasements and patios or some kind of back yard £or outaide living. The townhouses would have two to three bedrooms with 1� to 3 baths and the price range would be from $35,OJ0 to 350,000. He then 8howed a crose section to explain the posaible variations of grade which would allow for up to 16 feet differential, depending on the terrain. $e esid that they would be natural wood aiding combi.ned with brick and atone. He then showed a working model to demonstrate how the outaide living area is incorporated. He said that he was convinced that Pemtom could develop thia complex euch that the people of Fridley would be praud of the addition to their City. Mr. Contoaki eaid that a very aignificant Fact ia the ability of fittin� thia plan into the terrain and st'_11 retaining so much open space for recreational purposes and open land. Mr. Eng'strom added that the density is below the City of Fridley Ordinance requirements and below the requirementa for apartment houaee. He eaid that 2�3 of the land would be uaed as town houeee which wauld be within the Ordinance for individual residences. Councilman Liebl said that he would not agree that this land could not be built up with individual reaidences with a price range af E30,00� to =50,000. He felt that this plan is not consistent with the development to the south and would not be in the best interests o£ Fridley. This could be one o£ the best residential areas within the City of Fridley. He said that he waa not impresaed witri the town houae complex and could see that the only beneficiariea would be the developers: plr. Engetrom, referring to the Ietter from Rodney Billman to the Planning Commiasion, explained that it was written as he had been misquoted and wanted his opinion clearly stated. He said that Pemtom ia purchasing� the land under an option. Councilman Liebl asked i£ it was dependent upon the rezoning. Mr. Engstrom said yes, tha! they would not be interested in developing aingle family residences. iie pointed out that by studying the grade in relation to the grade south of this area, you can plainly see that ii is not comparable. � � _ � , , I� � ' , � I ' J I � ' ' �` _ �, � I ;'� SPECIAL PfIBLIC HEARiNG AND WORKSHQP ME�".'ING OF APRIL 14 1969 PAGE 68 Councilman Liebl said that the City ia ahort o£ about 500 residential homea within the City ri$ht now. If this development were to go i.n, it would necessitate another school. Mr. Engstrom replied that thia complex would produce less school children than single family residences. Council- man Liebl asked if they could not put in $40,000 to $50,000 homea in thia area. Mr. Etigstror� replied that they were not interested in single family dwellings. Councilman Liebl asked iY they were aware of how much taxes thie would bring into the City. Mr. E�gstrom said yes, that it would take an average oY $89,OOJ price homes to come out equal. Gouncilman Liebl said that at thia time he could not go on record as being in favor of thia project. He pointed to the water.and sewer £acility problems that atill �nust he resolved. Mayor Kirkham pointed out that the burden of payment far these services would 3e on the developer. Councilman Harris asked about New Brighton and what their stand ie on this. Mr. E4igstrom said that a preliminary preaentation has been made to them also, but their approval would be contingent upon the City oP Fridley approval. Councilman Samueleon asked if there was any proviaion for dedication for City park land within the complex. Mr. Engatrom said that this is the firet he had heard of this, but that there would be many open areas for the uee of the residents within the complex maintained and controlled by the • Home Owners Aaeociation. These, he felt, could be better maintained because there would be more funds available than the City would have. Many of these open epace areas would be bounding the ponds and would be for community use. Ae said that it was hoped to work out aome pedeetrian walkways and bicycle paths within the complex connecting the open space areas. Mr. Jamea Polzak, Director of Innsbruck Home Owners Association, said that he wsa heartened by Councilman i,ietl's statement that thie area would preaent the moet besuti£ul area £or single residences. He said that he felt that Fridley needs this kind of image. He admitted that the Innsbr�ack Association would have selfiah intereata, in that when the people bought their property in Innabruck they for the most part inquired what would be going in north of them and they were told that it would be R-1 and Innsbruck 5�' 6�', and 7�' would be develdped there. He said that he must congratulate Pemtom for their time and effort they have put into their plane, but he felt that the quality of li£e would auffer by this zoning from R-1 !o multiplea. There would be perhape three timea the number o£ peopl= in thia type of development. He esid that the Asaociation was upset by the Planning Commisaion's atand that single £amily dw�llings could not be put in thia area. He said that he must agree with Councilman Liebl and that he felt thai Mr. Rodney Billman's. intereat in the area was largely based on the possibility of a quick profit. He asked that the Innsbruck Associat:on interests and considerable inveatment be coneidered when a determination is enade. Mr. H. F. Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail, eaid that he would like to speak against thie rezoning. He said that he would queation the reason for the rezoning request and that it aeemed that it was just ao that the developers could make e profit. He said that he was not against a peraon ma.king a profit, but he would be if it wae detrimental to other people concerned. SPECIAL PIIBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MLETING OF AFRIL t4, 1969 PAGE 49 He said that he would feel very nedatively toward zoning thia area from R-1, and that it seemed to him that the requeat more properly should be to R-j, and that they were just using P.D. as a guise. He said that there has been a great deal said tonight about the besuty of the town houses but what about the apartment houses. Mra. Eleanor Heyda, 1224 Regis Terrace, said that ahe would questioct the foreaight o£ the developera. There will be more demand £or single family residences in the future. In the last 10-15 years Fridley has grown very fast and there ia not too much desirable land le£t. She questioned what kind of image Fridley is trying to build and felt that Fridley ahould be a little'more sophisticated in future planning, Mr. Carl Paulson esid that the citizen's righta must be conaidered also, and the Council muet be careful not to infringe upon other people. Thia ie a piece of land which could be developed into home aites that would eell for from $60,000 to $150,000 and as the northern area geta more aad more built up with industry, there will be more call £or homee of a high caliber. He felt that there would be less need for po2ice protection, fire protection, and lees tra£fic if left to eingle family reaidences. Mr. Lowell Mellum, 5517 Regis Trail, said that he felt that there were eome flaws in the plan and queationed whether anyone would want to buy a�35,000 to $45�000 home with apartment houses eo near. He then read a clipping from a Minnetonka paper describing� a terrain much the same as here in� Fridley where very expenaive homes have been merged into the exiating land, making a very exclusive residentigl development. Mr. Bill Dietz, 1280 Hatha.way Lane, pointed out that the Planning Commiseion had advised the Council of the sewage problema and that at this point the City could not handle it. Mr. Engstrom said that the City Engineer has come up with some alternative solutions. Mr. Robert Aho, 5577 Regis Trail, said that he had talked to many people living on Gardena Avenue and none were in favor of this and some were very much againat it. He pointed oui that the intersection of T.H. #65 is bad now, and this would make it much warse. Another visitor to the Meeting agreed with Mr.'Aho and aaid that he did not want Gsrdena to be a through etreet. Mr. Harold Swansan, 1211 Gardena Ayenue, agxeed that he would not like the added traffic. He said that he believed that it was scheduled for improvement ia 1971 but that it is not a good road now. He also pointed out that there are not adequate schools on the east side of T.H. #65. He said that the intersection o£ T.H. #65 is a problem and the only solution he could aee would be to take out the service station. Ae pointed out that it will be worse aga.in in the summer when the Drive-In season starta. � David Petterson, 56'j9 Regis Trail, said that the land was R-1 when bought his home, and � was told that it would atay R-i. CIe said that � would like the developera to prove that the land is undevelopable as R-1. The only one benefitting from this zoning change is the developer. 1'Hb� said that he moved out of the City into the suburba and it has been a nicL�'place to live and would like to ask the Counci2 +.o consider their moral obligation to th� people when making their decision. Mayor Kirkham answered that any land owner has a right to petition for a change in land use. ' �� � � SPECIAL PfJBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP ME�TING OF APRIL 14. 19�9 PAGE 50 A visitor to the Meeting pointed out that this whole plan depends on the concurrence of New Brighton. The high density apartments have been put in New Brighton becauae of the complaints received from the citizens of Fridley, but what about the citizena of New Brighton. There ie no assurance that New Brighton will go along with these plana. Mr. Bergman said that everyone in the neighborhood was expecting an R-1 development. With R-1 there would be possibly about 300 cars, but baeed on approzima.tely 72U unita, this would generate more than 11�cars, which Would be 800 more than with an R-1 development. Mayor Kirkham said that the usual policy is to bring an item back at the � aezt Council Meeting, however, because of the amount of land involved and the magnitude o£ the problema, the Council would like some additional time for coneideration. ' , MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearing� on the rezoning request ZOA #69-01 by Pemtom, Inc., from R-7 to P.D. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. (NOTE) There was a ehoz� diecussion at the end of the Meeting and it was decided to bring thie item back onto the Agenda for the May 5, 1969 �Ieeting. PIIBLIC HEARING ON WATEB AND SEWER ]S'[PRaVII�N'P PROJECT #91i !� Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice and the City Etigineer showed the area on the acreen. The City Engineer explained that thie ie to serve - that portion of Herw31's Second Addition not now served with water and , eanitary sewer. There is a proposed lift atation for the sanitary sewer line, then it will go on south into the Weat Moore Lake Drive line. The propoeed water main would go in the Planting Boulevard and would be basically to aerve the weaterly lota.of the Herwal�e Second Addition plat. , ' ' ' ' � . � _ � Mr. Stan Carlson, 1692 Baker Avemie, said that the Planting Boulevard is in hie beck yard and it is his underetanding that it cannot be built upon. He eaid that it ia now uaed ae a ditch to drain the water from the north. He eaid that he would like to have the Planting Boulevard maintained. Councilman Liebl said that he assumed that the people already served with water and sewer will not be as�essed. The City Engineer said this was correct, and added that the Plantin� Boulevard is dedicated land to the City of F'ridley. He said that the d>velopera of the pet clinic have ind.icated that they couli get water from the line on T.H. #65. Councilman Sheridan asked if this ia a plat. The City Engineer eaid yes, and that it is divided into front and back lots. Councilman Sheridan eaid that then it seem=d to him that it would be the responsibility of the developer to put in the water to aerve the back lots as they would be land locked without the necessary water. Mr. Swansan said that the land was developed with three lots in the front and 2� lots in the back, but the back lots would have no access. SPECIAL'PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF APRIL 1Q, 1969 PAGE 51 The'City Engineer said that at thia time there really ie no need to run the water line except that there would 'be the benefit o£ the loopsd line in the event of a fire. If the groperty owner wants to pay £or it, it can be put in. If not, it will be taken out of the project. He suggested that an agreement could be required that the water line be put in by the property owner before selling the proper*y, or the back lota be sold along with the front late sa buildable sites. The City Attorney said that he had talked to Don Savelkaul, ormer of the bowling alley and gas station and hia underatanding was that his aaeesament aould be about E145o and he has no objection. He suggeated that if there would be any additional assessment for the water Iine, that he be made aware o£ the additional cost. Councilman Harrie said that he would agxee with Councilman Sheridan, that it is up to Mr. Walquist to eay whether he would like the water line put in now. , � ' I _I �� MOTION by Councilman Liebl to eloae the Public $earing on ths Water and Sewer Improvement Project #91. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon a voice , vote, all voting� aye, NI�y.or Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoualy. " The City Ma.nager explained that thia ordina.nce was drawn up ao as to have more control over aervice stations and drive-in restauranta. This adds to the liat of busineasea requiring a apecial use permit. H= esid possibly the Council may want to add othere to the liat before the eecond reading of the Ordinance. Councilman Liebl felt that this was quite restrictive. The City Attorney eaid that it was his underatanding that the Council did want more restrictione and explained how this Ordinance pertains to the Code. Councilman LiebZ wondered if only the gas etations should be required to have a special uae permit. Couttcilman Samueleon said that hia intent was to control gas atationa with auxiliary uaea which have a tendency to become uneightly. The drive- in reataurants that provide curb service, he felt, should be more closely con- trolled. Councilman Samuelson suggested drawing up two Ordinances for the eake o£ clarity, one dealing with the gas stations, and one for the drive- in restauranta. The City Attorney au$ges*ed laying thie over until the next Regular Meeting�for further atudy. Councilman Liebl ag�reed with the eu�gestion that there be two Ordinances so they would be more easily underatood. MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to table this proposed Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. (NOTE} It was decided at the end of the Council Meeting to briag these Ordi- nanoea back at the Meeting of May 5�. TION 45•101 RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCT nance enlarging upon businese allowed Mayor Kirkham read the Ord�,nanc,e q�oud at the �equest of Mr. Richard Harria and the City Attorndy explained the intent. � � � ' , i � � �- �� � � � � � � ( � i� SPFJCIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP P�TING OF APRIL 14, i969 PAGE 52 MOTION by Councilma.n Liebl to approve the Ordinance on firat reading�. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. IIpon a roll call vote, Liebl, Harris, Sam- uelson, Sheridan and Kirkham voting� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. [�5� The City Ergineer reviewed the action to date; being� that a Public Hearing , wae held last fall on the facilities in thie area. Council ordered in the improvement but ordered that the conatruction be held up. This area is. developing very fast, and the Fire Department has been concerned as there ia no water into thie area. With the increased development, there is more and more need of the £acilities. He would recommend authori2ation to proceed. He eaid that there will be another Public Heasing at the next Public Hearing Meeting on the facilities needed south of 79m Avenue, East of the railroad tracke and weet of Univeraity Avenue• Councilman Samuelson eaid that he could see no reaeon £or not atarting with the plane. Councilman Sheridan esid that Mr. Wyma.n Smith had to leave the Meeting, but had indicated that he was in favor of the improvement. � visitor to the Meeting indicated that he was ixi favor of the project. The City Et�ineer added that the sewer and water facilitiea have to be put in first before anything can be done with road improvementa. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to suthorize the Coneulting� Engineera, Come`ock and Aavia, Inc. to proceed with the plans for water and sewer in the area north of Oaborne Road and eaet of the railroad tracks in Onaway Addition. Seconded by Coancilman Sheridan. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor girkham declared the motion carried-unanimoaely. NORTH SD'BIIRBAN SANITARY SEFr7F�i DI5TRICT HOOK 4P AT BOB'S PRODIICE GARDE@II CENTER: Councilmsn iIarris reported that N.S.S.S.D, had indicated tha.t they would prefer to act upon a letter, so he had aeked the City Ma.nager and City Engineer to draft a letter relative to the temporary hook-up to the Spring Lake Park line'by Bob�s Produce Garden Center. MOTION by Councilnan Harris to approve the letter dated April 14, 1969> eigned by Mayor Kirkham, and authorize sending it to the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Disfyrict. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votirtg aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , APPOINTMENTS: Name Mr. Rex Sackett 4656 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, Minneaota Poaition Street Maintenance Street Department Replaces Dennis Ottem SPECIAL PUHLIC HF,ARING AND WORKSHOP.MF�'PING OF APRIL 14, �969 PAGE 53 Name Position Replaces Mr. Wayne Hintz Street Maintenance New Position 606J 5m Street N.E. Street Department Fridley, Minneaota MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the Adminietration in the sppointment of the two new men. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimouely. PFMSOFI INC. HYDE PARK STUDY AND PROPOSID ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGES: Counci2man Harria eaid that it would be the usual policy of the Council to have theee itema on the Council Agenda at the next meeti.ng but ae there fs about 80 acrea involved in the Hyde Park Study and abo�it 120 acres in the Pemtom requeat, and considering the volume of etudy that has gone into theae two projecta, he £elt that it would be better to withhold these itema, to allow time for the Council to conaider them flzrther. There are atill many unanewered queations. The people ahould be made aware of when it will be on the Agend�.�next so a definite date should be set. He euggested an informal meeting of the Council to diacues the varioua faceta of both o£ theee items. It was agreed by the Council a£ter a ehort discuseion to have these itema ba.ck on the May 5, 1969 Agenda. ._ MOTION by Councilman Harris to bring back the Hyde Park Zoning Study, the Pemtom Rezoning Requeet and the two Zoning Ordinance changes to the lgenda of May 5, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, IIpon a voice vote, sll voting sye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimouely BETiEFIT PF�tF'ORMANCE BY THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF TI�IR CLASS PLAY: Mayor girkham said that the Senior Clasa has indieated that they would be willing to either have another performa.nce o£ their play, or donate the proceede from one of their performances to help �'Duane Bixler, aon of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bixler, 530 Glencoe Street, who was very badly burned February 4, 1969• He euggeated that i£ they do put on a benefit performance, that the rental feea should be waived. MOTION by Councilman Samuelaon to grant authority to the City Manager to waive the rental fee in the event the Senior Class donatea the proceedings of a performance of their play. Seconded by Councilman Harris. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham deciared the motion carried unanimously. : 1. � 114 1l41�I�M. There being no further bueiness, Mayor Kirkha.m declared the Special Public $earing and Workehop Meeting of April 14, �9s9 adjourned at 'l1:30 P.M. Reepectfully Submitted, �,�,i,.uA%��`.-c.�'✓ Juel Mercer Secretary to tHe City Council Jack 0. Kirkha.m Ma yor r.J � � ' i � L , 1 � � � �I � ' . � ! � � � , � � i � � ' ' � � , OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARIHG BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on April 7, 1969 in the Council Chamber at 8:Q0 P.M. for the purpost of: Consideration of the final plat (P.S. M69-03) by Highland Park Development Co. being described as Outlot 1, Melody Manor 4th Addition ex. North 400 ft. of West 217.B ft. located in the North lJ2 of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Generally located South of Osborne Road between Madison St. and Jackson St. Anyone de5iring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heard at this time. PUBLISH: March 26, 1969 April 2, 1969 JACK 0. KIRKHAM MAYOR .��: � � � Mduftnd Zon�d p l L P,S, �(i9-03 - MAPLE MANOR ADDITION Outlot #1, Melody Manor 4th Add, ex. N. 400 tt. of W. 2i8.8 Ft. Highland Park Development Co. .Rn�d�n+ml � S� � � I {I i 6! ll�7I �k � I[ i�. I ,c � Ros _ I� �q -'_]� ._].r[ ___ . _. r' ` __'�-_.._. _ . . � .� J7l_JL1_1 �� �- _ .. _ � - _ F NT R A ° n.;;,,F• t CIT Y iMi �S ili2 —_... , �� � � � E� � bR+VE . �H � �/� �" : : z pqOCq�ST f lJ � ','�, ��" ; � , , � �; ? ' ELEM�NTA�Y�� a ` -- ' N ` u r }pr n, i � . � j ,� o rr , .,; , °;;;;�; '` ri'�SCHOQL z > , � `E UNITY _ ��__ �5;;; ; ' ; to�s.t �s>�,�` �iiii � � S 4�3 ? �. ' +.i . �" HOSPiTAL f �� ' � . �J � � � � e T s s s a z � T6TN. AVE. �� i. d � �� ' � �a , I _ ' �. ��z � s�o � "' ii . - . z _, - e � u ° it � � � 1! ... rt �s � r s s • � x � �: ,. .. � � - u s o •' H i� " iz �� �� � t!s N s5 3T is �s '' iv a �. �! � + • � is r y �� F �� :a 6�r _ 5 I � . . : n " � � Y i i �a �c B . ,� - AVE. N.E. �� �� � �� I s 4 = 75 TH AVE. N E. �, � � s is S + ` � � Q�{ . �:. � D 22 v p p lo � 6• ♦ � 1 /� J' _/ i -< 3„ - _ o ,.• , � !2 �� _ z! ,. _ 345:nii .� o n �s • 7 2 � 3� 1J � 3 a ��:. . altTF 3�� � '� � ' ��}+� �� .� � 11 et @i. ����� • r � � �'�s'�s►• �o_r ��= �1 00,-�p�'�'�', � � ; �� �-o,. $ ; P �:: a .. � �e. , p�• ,�; m '�_= �e�' �o'• � 'f ,�,� � a �m ° �` • 3q� � � � 0 4�� 0��` O�O � 0 �' ^ r$ �� � m � v�0i o : vo� � � �i `� � :�%ei:m��r�:� � �����---_ � 9� � o!' P �f III •K����U��l •��i�� �YS• OIC• �a���[\� ����.• ��� �cf������� � ����� 4 Q 4 � Q � � h a O 2 O��ICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL � TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will of the Cit� Council of the City of Fridley in 6431 University Avenue Northeast on April 21, Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: be a Public Hearing the City Hall at 1969 in the Council Consideration of a final plat, ( P,S. #69-01 ), Brentwood Estates, by Thomas R. Swanson, that part of Lot 35, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 lying Easterly of the Northerly extension of the Westerly line of Lot 33 and lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 35, said point being 421.38 feet Easterly of the intersection of the said North line and the Northerly extension of the Westerly line of Lot 33; thence Southerly to a point on the South line of said Lot 35, said poinC being 431.6 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 33 and thereby terminating. Also, that part of Lot 33, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 33, said point being 401.4 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said lot; thence Southerly to a point on the Southerly line of said lot, said point being 401.9 feet Easterly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 33 and thereby terminating. All lying in the South Half (S 1/2) of Section 10, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. Generally located West of East River Road and South of Logan Parkway. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to th� above matter will be heard at this meeting. FUBLISH: April 2, 1969 April 9, 1969 JACK 0. KIRKHAM MAYOR 5� , •. r �. . � ' � i � I 1 1 1 � -- -- . � � _.,__._ r �� � � � � � e� 1�' � �. � i ': i * �� � ��`�� �-��; / Prelimina� Plat � '`9�� » �` r �.��i G✓ P.S. #64-10 R�y i�� Brentwoo$ Estatea �1. ta' 1� .rE� l Street Studp C � �89 • �. m� �°'�' ! � � go. 1- — ..,� � �— `� , � l ��"'— � 1 �� I ,. ��� � 1 1 �Q �` a D � � �r � � �' Eq:, _ —_ a ,zt So� J i � � �/ ) � f� � ; < < nr , rro l 4�.�e� � a : N J � e; � N w � � n � � �� � N 0 J � � 5`� -_ �E �' � .* Dwg. #64-61 sy cn S/29/64 , p��.^.�im;isaior. Meeti_ b- Ma�ch 13„ 19E4 _ Patte 4 � if� cotUiderable weight with the co�nity. We look at the metropolitan area A+� a , ahole. and if there ie a market for m�ltiple dwellingo� this tianr theia it� people who need homes and the co�inity haa to contribute the �pace for �ltiple dvellinga. Our big factor ir this. In this ca�e, ve are not tr�ing , to solve the whole problem, but we can logically make a motion of thi� •ort. Then ve have to atart examining what ao=t of impact thia vill have upon the �choole. � 2. II � (� �� , r r � ' � ' t � � YRVYVSLU YBKLIlII.1VAKY YLAT. r.5. �07-v1. The rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35, rear 40 e Subdiviaioa �77. Yublic hearing open. Chairman Erickson said that you may racall our last meeting got to the polnt ehere the Board of Education once again had a conflict of intarest. Because of conflict of interest, Mr. l�hra rmvved hinseif from the discussion. 'phe Engineering Asaiqtant eaid he had talked to Jim Hedtm. The scho0l- board�• coneideration of the dedicatioa of rdditioosl right of vay �*�� dlvidad Luto three parta. 1) G1ve right of vsy to m�lce a toul 40 foo� viAth ftqa AlvsrvieW Terrace to aorth-south road to Bxsntaood �etate�. 2) Ootttlnul� tife 40 foot right of vay to 8set Rivet &oad or turn arouad and stop, 3) Cul de �sc be located saoewhere juat iiest of Sut S1ves Soad. As h. und�r�tood 1C� the 40 foot right of vay wae not too detrisental to the playground ara�, but the cul de iac definitely would be. Stte petitioaer sald that he gathesed from the seeting that if the road want all the waq through, it might be a one way road betvem Bset Aivet Road and the north-ewth road to Bxentwood Satatas. Mr. Thayer eaid the Schoolboard was Willing to give euoua6 fool;gs foT a 40 foot right of aay from Riverview Terrace to th� proposed aorth-�wth acces• road to Sreatwood Eetates. Mr. 14►ayer eaid tha Schoolboasd also coasidered a one wey road going weet. Mr, Jen�en �aid he vould be oppo�ad Co a one way street. it �eemad to hia it would be soswrhst dif�icult to police a etreet like that with juet one Little ieolated back up !,A � se�idential area. He thought he aould favos a�hort �traet froo flivesvl,eq Tezrace to this proposed north-eouth stre�t and vaive requirement,� on langW of cul de rac and hopefully put a siga up on Riverview Tesrace not� it vas a dead ead road. He wondered if the p�opin living back Ln there voulda't find it very difficult using it ar a oae aay street. Tha Ylumipg Cooi�sion vould like to eliminata accee� to $ast River Road. MT. Thayar eaid the echool propexty waa not vary larga aad they ypyld lo�e the whele front end of that proparty a� �ar ss playground va� concttC�Nd� !,f you u�a a cul de sac. 17t. Jensa► a�id the C.�ught vas the 18 fooi sight of way wu1.d praYida 1� dtivs for th� iadividual homee. Rivaiviar T�sr�cs is baing p�ved baek of tha �chool. Lot 32 has vater from Ea�t River Road� but no �avar� end LoC 31 � A�aOII�31H Comniaslon ?ieoci:,�. - Marc:�_:�_7.9��� '. h�u aeither wates or sewer. Passe S ;5`� Dasrel Claxk eaid that the:e is a eimilar strent in Fridley, Chetuey. ifay. Ii was blacktopped by the peopin living or it and esintained !ry Chw. It is about 15 to 18 feet wide, juat wida enough £os two cars. �s� �is isutaace there would be 9 feet osi each sida of the xoad xFai.ch �ou1d be l�trgm epough iot a small street for the indivlduel homee, but iC wrntld be difficult foT a enawplow, as it wwld have to back up. Mr. Jenaen eaid that one of the Subcomnittee's prwi�ions vas fo� �A utility eaeement from the dul de sac to Sast River Road. Ths petitioaer eCaCad at their last meeting he received pexmiAeion to get ona of Che wa- �anta, Mr. Swanson eaid he did not have the eaeement yet. They wou],d ne�d 20 feet for water and aewer up to the piat and then go dow to 10 fee� for plat apprwal. Mr. Sangetez felt the north-south streat vould craate a cut up axe�. lDTipl1 bq Mitteletadt, seconded by Jeneea, that the Plaaniag Co�i��iaa cloaa the Public Heariag of the propoeed Prelimi.:►ary Plat, P.S. f69-Oi� Brentwood Eetatas. Thomas R. Swanson, of the rear 431,6 feet of Lot 3S� star 401.9 feet of Lot 33, Revised Auditor'e Subdivieion #77, aad Chat the P1lmain� Comoia�ion recomoend approval of the p=opoeed Preliminary Plat, P.S, �69-01, �abjeot to the follwing: 1) Subject to utility easement 20 feet 111 f►1dtlt op tha lot liae between psoposed Lots 4 and 5 of the propoeed plat and 10 SNi in width exCending fzam the east 11ne of Che plat to East Rives Ro�d. Blt�e- �mts to be prwided bg the petitirn►er. 2. Subject to tha scqui�iClos► of • 40 foot mini�m aidth right of vsy fram Rivervia�+ Terraca to tha propo�ad north-eouth straet. 3. Subject to the Citp'• ability ta psavide �►daqu�Ct =ight of vap fram 72nd Aveoue to ehe developer'� propoand Flat. Nr, Jmsen eaid it w+ae his own feeliag that the uee of th� axittlUg stght oE aay oa the South edge of Loxr 31 and 32 should be especially 1lmited to a private road for the beaefit of Loto 31 and 32 and pashap� coM idesatioa b� gi�en to tha closing entry to East Ai�er 8oad foz seaeon� of rafat�. Thit �tsset (to be called 72nd Way) goes through Hiverviav Tersue to the aorCh- �outh line of the cul de sac should be designatsd by the City as "da�d aitd^ �tseet. U an a voice vota, all voting aye, ]bhra ab�taining, !he fotion si� � � Tbe owner of T.oC 31 said he �rould lik� �aeed�ing in • less axpezuir� rotd. Hs tras infoimad ihat Ceuocil Le the body h� should patiC�on, wd that ha apould gat in tcuch wiEh Darsel Clark for ths appropriate tise. ppbLiC 1�ARIIiG; ZOA �69-Wi� GORDON G. Sii&N84�3 Outlot 1. Elock 1� 11ags1�� poodlanda togethsr with that par_ of the IIW� of the NiI�C of S�ction 12, 1yia� =aat of Nagsl'� Yoodland�� Weat of Lepert'� Addition. North of pa�t �C�siop ot South lina of Lwpast'� Addition and Swth of Osbosns 8oad. A�soM fso� 1[-1 to C-2. Ms� Gordon 3vewon vu preeect and staeed he oper�tad a Dsiry Sto�� npc! doos to thi� proparty. The atore hu parkin` probleor w he purcha�ad th�s 1�nd, 1ia �rould like to put another buildiag on the lot and build hi� owa dllisy etore there. 1'he Bngineering Asei�Caitt �dd that thi� cam� *bout bacawe of the soning ehpage as fu as divisions ere concerned, W6ea 1t War � ' , � ' , ' , , ' ' , �� r ' ' �� � � � � OFPIC7AL PUBLZCATION CITY OF FRZDLEy (E7aiIBIT A) A�TICE OF HEt1RING ON IMPROVEME1VTg UE EAST SERVICE ROAD ATID 69TH AVEIr . _ --.—_ST. 1968-1B iil�APA3, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, 1[inneaota, has deemed it necessary and expedient thst the iuprov�yne�g� hereinafter described be made. Av t�� �F��' �,�CE IS HEREgy GIVEN THAT on the 21at dap of -�_� at 7;3p o clock P,M,, the City Council will meet aC the Citq Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear aIl partiea iaterested in said improvementa in whole or in part, Zha general nature of the improvements is the construction (fa the lande and streeta noted below) of the fallowiag improvements, to-wit: �ONSTxI7CTI0N ITEM Street impravemexsts, including grading, atabilfzed base, bituminous aurfacing, concrete curb and gutter, stozm aewer syetem and other iacilitiea located as follws; Qniveraity Avenue East Service Road from 69th Ave. to 73rd Ave. including.the 69th Avenue Crosaover on Univers3ty Avenue ESTIlfATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 121, 733.55 . TBAT THE AREA PROPOSEB TO gE $SSESSED FOR SAID IIdPROVEMENT IS AS FOLIAWS: Zor Construction Item above - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �11 of the land abutting upon said atzeeta named above and all landa within, adjacettt and abutting thereto. AI1 of asid land to be asaessed proportionately according to the benefita seceived by auch improvements. f;t/ That the Council propoaes to proceed with each of aaid improvements as �eparate improvements, except as hereafeez otherwise provided by �ouncil ill under the following authority, to-wit; Minnesata Laws 1953, Chapter 398 snd law amendatory thereof, and in conformity wi[h the Charter. -pI►TSD THIS 7TH DAY OF APRIL 196 9 ORDER pF THE CITy CpUNCIL. Atteat: 1�tA7COR - Jack 0. Kirkham CxTY CLERK - Mazyin C. Brunsell Publish: April 9, 1969 � ,.... . . , , . � � � r � r � � � � � � r � � � � ' ' , r ---- - _, 6/TY Of FR/OL fY Fil � , . �, � . CONSTRUCTION AREA LOCATION MAP IfNIVERSITY AVE. EAST SERVICE ROAD: From 69th Ave. to 73rd Ave. including 69th Ave, crossover on University Ave. IMPROVEMENT COST - 69th CROSSOVER REVAMPING COST FROM MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ASSESSMENT COST = s 121,133.55 = 1d,091.64 _ � 107,641.91 ' 1 , 1 ' , ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDTNANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Appendi.�c D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECxION 2. The txact or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The North 813 feet of the East three quarters (E 3/4) , of the Northeast Quarter (NF.'�) of the Northeast Quartex (NFi�} o£ Section 13� T-30� R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. , , ' , , , ' � � � ' ' Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as R-3A (apartment and �ltiple dwellings). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned district R-1 (single family dwellinga) to R-3A (apartment and multiple dwellings district). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRLDLEY THIS IIAY OF ATTLST: CYTSC CLERK - Marvin C. Bxunsell Public Hearing: March 10 1469 Firet Reading: March 7, 19 9 Second Reading: Publish. . . . 1969. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham F>�' ' _,.,..____-_--- ..'...��. • -. ..rr�— ' . �: . , ..��--•�"' � • � ` } ,._ i' i �jx�,t t � •�' '..! ��; i , . _ . `;. ._ . �.. ` ��: I � ' , i i :'�� � � �� , . I.♦ Owi (Nro) � 2 �. 3 ' + r'� � � ' f�� O S�r . .. , �'� I � // Q ...��._.... � iMM �R/Gt r.__F _."� . .•- �� ' • \+ I ~– k aca� � gaa � :a ��-l' s 1 \� p7� ��� ,O '�q J a� � � ti �° `�� � ' _.. �•'� �REE� R�c�MENp� E����� 5 �� � � � � _' _, � f� ; _ ' , n^'� t ���� - RiiAe - �i{� , - p.m Wi/JpB (FH.Yau E i��i fH /YM ✓NE.� ���,, � � o f" 2Y 1 6 Z zs ? v o � 3 . Zc 5 6 y,�, . 4 ' L/ G 1♦ 23 � ! S • 13 z¢ 9 • az � I� .G � R/ q ze ii -- zo ,r /9 _bz H !z Il za zr aa 66 T ; W : : i 29 3 _' � s y, 5 x c z: � < zs 9 :� z3 9 2 zz , w a zi n �, i % I ao� f 7 ir AVE. 3 � 3 4 q S 5 c > s � J � s : O : f d' : i. � � �. i: NL COqNER T7+ S � � JfC. /3 � Q !3 7 ! ' 2 : 3 � un � 66 I/2 AVE. N.E, � r+� ss . �Y!/ 2J • �, t J�� 2Q F�9 W �3? 23 ' � � Oq F .4V h¢ 7 N � ,. ,. N � � N.E. = t , . .,: _ � � } : '��.�,� ' '-• . p�r �j � 8$ E / RN 13 Rezone from R-1 to R-3A: Parcel M30 and Parcel �200: Hammerlund Enterprises� RGiAND W.ANOfR50N Inc. 'Clarence D. Nordstxom, Agent COUNlY SURV'YOF ZOA �68-13 enc-� :xr+rr, r+n+rso:� �?, F--- ��. }'- 4:�% Vi � ' �^L ,,- �_._ 6 � STATE�OF NINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA � MUTUAL AGREEMENT ' THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of ' ' ' , ' ' , ' 1 ' ,: , ' �4 April , 1969, by and between Carl Hipp and Pearl L. Hipp , hereinafter referred to as the "property owners". .and the City of Fridley, a municipal eorporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City". NHEREAS, the property owners have petitioned the City to rezone the following property from the present R-1 zoning classifi- ution to R-3A zoning classification. The East 3/4 of the NE lJ4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. NHEitEAS, the City Council finds that the rezoning of this area to a R-3A zoning use district will be in the public interest, relfare, and convenien�e to the people of the City of Fridley provided that certain dedications aze made to the City of Fridley and provided further that the owners agree to lay out, develop, and ■aintain said property according to standards agreed to in advance by the parties hereto. Consideration for this agreement shall be the rezoning of the property described above from a R-1 zoning to a R-3A zoning nse district, owner to be able to build a 312 unit apartment complex on the property left after the dedication of the partion of the property to the City of Ftidley, and the.mutual benefits to each of ' the parties hereto. The pa,rties, their successors and assigns do hereby covenant and agree as follaws: ' ' ' , ' _� FJ � 1) That the property owners agree to: ' s) IIedicate the South 687 feet of said property to the City far , ' , , � ' ' ` ' ' ' public use. 0 b) Dedicate a 40 foot strip of land along East boundary line of the property for the purpose of road right of way. e) Dedicate easement of 33 feet wide running along the ifesterly � boundary line of the property for the purpose of road access to the South 687 feet of property. d) Property owners agree that the development af said property including plans and landscaping,. building design, material, setbacks, off street parking� and screening for exterior storage shall be subject to tbe approva2 of the City Council at the time the building permit is requested. e) Property owners or their tenants shall not occupy said praperty : o; building until seceipt of a certificate of occupancy which shall be issued only upon compliance with the Fridley City Ordinances and the terms of this agreement. It is mutually agreed that the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon and enforcible against the parties hereto, their successors and assigns and all subsequent owners of the property here , dascribed. An executed copy of this agreement sha21 be filed with the Anoka County Register of Deeds and made a part of and be binding upon the above described property. , �' �. � ,` . . . . ,� . .' . , . , : . ' Ei6.. '- . �, � '.� � . � � . .�. ._ � ' IN AiITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set ' tLeir hands this day of , 19_ ' In Presence Of ' ' ' -EPrvperty Owner)- Carl.Hipp _ ; (.Property__Owner)-_ Pearl L. Hipp.. : ' ' � S?ATE OF MINNESOTA ) ;' ___ ___--� ss. . _ COUNTY OF _ _ ) .` , On this day of , 19_, before me, a Notary ' Public within and for said County, personally appeared ;� � and ; to me known to be the :' persons described in, and whu executed the foregoing instrument and ; acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed, ;'. . .. _..-- -.__ _------__ _...._.._._ - ._._ ---... --- ' . ' : ' , ' ' ' . , , • �� IN KITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands this. day of , 19_ In Presence Of STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. 'COUNTY OF ANOKA ) CITY OF FRIDLEY A Municipal Corporation By MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham Br CITY MANAGER - Homer R. Ankrum On this day of , 19_, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and , to me known to be the persons described in; and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. 1 tne undersigned o�ficers of the corporation have read the �i� agreement between the property owners Carl Hipp, Pearl L. Hipp, and ' ' � � y ' ; , ' , the City of Fridley, concerned with the rezoning of the property and as this corporation is the contract of deed purchaser, we agree and accept all conditions of the said,agreement. IN �ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herato have set their hands this • day of , 19_ In Presence pf . k t u ; ' �, 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' , " COUNTY OF � ss. � � � r 'i � � ' ' orporation ame ...... _ ... -. �� esignation �7 esignation : On.this T day of , 19 , before me, a Notary Public xithin and for said County, personally appeared snd to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the and the ' of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporatian by authority of its Board of and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. �?DINANCE N0. '0�� AN ORDIAiNCE AHFNDINa SE7C1'ION 45.10i REfATIN(3 TO TFfE CONSTRIICTION OF OFFZCFB AND OF'PTCE HtTILDINOS The Conncil of the City of F`ridiey do ordain as Po11oKa: SE�TION 1. S�ction �t5.101 by amer,ding to read aa folloxas lt5•101. OlYices and otYice buildings, medical, deaial and optical clinice, apothecarT ahopa, harmless and inoffenaive laboratories accessazy to per- mitted uaes in the saee bnilding. ` P B THS CITY COIIACIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLSY TfiLS�DA7 aF , 1969. lIAYOR - JAC6 0. KIRRHAM ATTffiT s � CITY CiHtR - MARVIN C. BRDNSEZL Flrst Reading: A ril 14, 1969 , 3econd Readings +� Pnbliah: � � , ' r � � � F;; 3 � � � ` � � � \ � ��, . � ( \ , �::, � ` �1 �.��. � �'. '� . y��, � ��, � ', , : , �, �; � �, � � �: \�\ �� ` ,'� �,`� . � I :, , - . : : . ���______ _ ___ - -------- • '�ac'x �s: ��.� 'Ti ' s _ __ � .� -� � � R.=: ^ . --� , ' .,q�i..�-�—_ -�. ; ------ ,_ - _- -__ - -r . _ ___-.- � , --�=-, �� ' � � � . -- -- � � �,,�. � . �, � �, �� _ � a. b � �� `� : , ,, � � � �� `�� ; � � �y��\: ` ��l �� '' i � ' ` �. , , \``,,\ -.� 1 � \ ` \ `, � ,. \ \� \�- ` '� .--� � ,` �\ � \ � �� . , � \ ,� �, , � ``,. � , � ��, � \� , ,� �\ ` �, �, � ,, � , i , �� \ , ,. ,,, ,� � � �� ��� � . � � ,, � � - �� ,; _ , , t / \�� : �,. � �I �� ------MlSSl�StPr �. _ � �,ROPO��� �� � , 8�\MISS. Si. ,,`\\ ���� �� _ 0 r i ' � ' ' I�' L� �,j U � � ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDIIiANCE TO AMffi�ID TNE CITY CODE OF Tf� CITY OF FAIDLEY, ,, N'f MIPIIyESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DIST1tICTS ,'I;�t S ���-� � Tha Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as followe: SECTiON 1, SECIZQN 2. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is ameuded a� hereinafter indicated. The tYact or asea within the County of Anoka snd the City of Fridley and deacribed as: Beginning at the moat Southerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1� Pearaon's let Addition; thenca Nostheestarly and Eaetexly along tha Southerly lina of eaid Pearaon's lst Addition to the Southweeterly line of the Great Northem Railroad Company right of wsy; thence Southeastesly along esid Southveatesly right of way liae to a point 606.60 faet Northxeatatly of the Southerlq line of said South Nalf of Section 3, ae measured along said Southweatexly right of va� liue; thence Weatesly� parallel with said South line of tha South Half of Sectian 3, to the Northeasterly eorner of Outlot A� Poar�on's 2nd Addition; thenca contitwing We�terly aad Southwe�terly along the Rorthasly line of esid Pearson's 2ad Addition to tha NorttieasGerly right of wap line of East River Road; thence liorthweeterly along said Northeasterly right of vap linn to th� point of b�ginniu�, lying in Section 3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley. County of Anoka, State of Mint►esota Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned Matrict kaovn as R-3A (vultiple drrellings only). S�CTION 3. Thst the Zoning Adminietrator ie directed to change the official zoning map to ehow said tract or area from zoned dietricte C-2S (general ahoppiag areasj and M-1 (light induotrial araaa) to R-3A (multiple dwellinge oaly, PASSED SY THS CITSC CW11CII. OF 17� CI1Y OF FBIDLEY THIS �IAY OF . 1969, , , AITSST: u ' '�l CIT1C CLSRR Marvin C, Bsunsall Yublic Hearing: First Aeading: 5�cond Reading: Publieh.......• .�^^^--- — ':1 ,_ y MAYOR Jack 0. &irkhas ✓f „ � W fi � � °l 1 ; . _.... . . . _ . _ ._ . ___ _. .. . __ . . ', . . . : . � . . , wI� � / : ZOA .#69-03 � � • , , � . • ``:... • � Committee of Five SE eorner 79th Way &. R. Rd., ' , .- '. xezone from R-3, C-2S�&- 1 to -^. _ — — �-�is,- , rr� - 'a'3 . '"_ .� � �1 } �on�:�l.vrKr��n,ro u f� s f�� n�� a n�. .� n+a��s r n�i�f�•. j Z l s f c,1 • � - ... .. . .. .�.� I . ° � � . .. . . . � ' . .�. ,_1. _ .�.. � . r. E6Y • . : ? .: STR'cE � ` . i y�� . . . . ,. . . . . .. ..,, • - . • `.. .�._-I; Ii �...a���i,i:�\0•�: �s 'vlrI•r;�•'+� �'. -II �i. N:fJJ!Nl.fi/Rl�b� lI'1� �•���� -1-. . .. ' � �.� _ .� 1� ��v\ :;: .... ,:. . �.:::. ; ...���.;.� ��: =���..� '�{*�� . 11 ��� � :\2�';.j/sIl•! ..�` . . �,•s��I�s.f s�ia+q i a�r.iia li,c�i rt�ilsfr�raaan '�,. y � . 'N.A�+wfy...= ��.. .�A : r. ioir. � �s s STREj:T , ., �. _.� � i ,. � tl � •• � r . . ,. � F . _, .. . . . •I- s �� M z� a, ; . p•nn�i� a ; �N aai'•, �f�' ;ft!l!�iaa�� .. . �aa . �1��. � " . ' � . . . .. . i - � ���(, fl� �_I _ � . - . J., '�L.1��' 1 \ „ . . , . . . . . . . M • ,i � .' . /r . � •J• � � • a � 1 I� �� � � I ! ! I l [ 7 / J� = N /t �7 / _ � ' O` �/ ! %) F% � .� �' y�.. . • � �• JAI f!'1 J if t } ���{ .� 1• ,. �� . ' I ' � � . O [+� H O � .. . N f �' •.'._�._...... nY���� ��.`�1 ./� + . . . � S REET " i Z � I „ � • � Ax,..�;\ � ;s l` wnt.sef f .�. � 2 �' � �� � r a\ �\, n`t��z� Z .. � .... ' l! ) l � �.• • a . �,... -.�- 1`,��.o ,'.�, � � - . _ /'/��, ' 11 j,v ' � �= i�� n'" � \• �ib+� . ('' ' � e �� � . .. . - i. . �, ;j, Y . , a_ � . . . . . _ �•. . • �. � I I , A`� � � ^4 I 1 I � • �I�I�'�I.N� �s' =/!/9,x2/` � i�{!� t � . �, Y, o'u!. .r�qa � : � . _ _ . . , � � ' ` r�„�F\\S\' �n;• ,.r..L •.._i. :n,.- ._._ _ ,.,. .�.:.Ati � ,'a�'r'l�'a '•.' '7i�_ '• ';S�H—��.'�m'.n°nrr�'1 '�-_'�p�E'�. ' . � s• x • • ; s�� �'- ' : ' �.V .._X.a.�•..... a �� /C ...��= `li r ` ..�� , ~� � �\ ". � � z h s+�< � 8 � � � t ►- n i : j P t ���?, 7 ! . � ? �j ' ' ,.._ • w ' i9 ¢� '' O.r 1 I• L I s. I r,�_� C. �y , p• r: � i, � i �I �. . .. i �,, \\ _.y......., .�«. 9` ` '�c` y re •, d ii = .,• in s' , u� � � <� /. v i� . '_ � `: � � 'Ipp . � � , /P �� � , � '. . r '` �� p •��_.1 �� �.�—: - p O� � '� �_ t! d �, i 4 �� !�' , Giy .L_ r. s � . ` .. T ' � . _ � � ' .. . o '., IS �0 `� ,f:' �l'� '�� � � � ' `� 4� ; tG � U � j�'�rj_• �. � ��,� /,�.! : . ri� ;: ,e_: �_! ^ - • ••t�. 0' 3� . 9j, si,��e,.`.a ` —�,, � . • .,' � ' C - . . _ � � � . ' Ce 'l; r ,r ':r :. :e _ • a v � n f.1 { • 1'� f' ��% • ' �. `� � i� �^. TD fl � R;�ctIV: A(n • � 11 • '9j, y •Q✓ e�� . � ' . . . .O r• � ra . •�• : «�: :. '�• q%� I r� � I fJ�O !.Z ' ! j ,s ' '� Q . '.. ,�_\\ � : L _ �. � � ��'�i� •��`• �•;i ' • ' - ��, •�'�' � ' - �. . � •.1� 1; . . `L, • 1' p \`� ��� —" / � ,•; -r— • '���,!��; - - �% � �. !�, i� ,i . S C _�,�.' i Ss � 9�, •�� � � ., :i F . !,a•v� ; •;, g�. , � ! _ 1 � r .:;•., , �� ' ��•iiJ�" . .. , `�S� 19 q/I.� ;� . � ,_ l, � �w����tiM• Q � f ����. � •��,� � � C� Qi� . Q.(!{' o.l�hin :{\j� �I� � . �, i ��1 . !. • �v. , �p�r�•v �♦` /� �\ �Li�u. V � � � ..j -�. •S/�� � � 4�' ' •. ' � N 1 � '��" O• o i!lel . . ` � �,J � • �(� �,.�� �� �' •, ~' � `•,�� � ;��p ' 'C \� t p // � � _ p Y ��I � ��� � � �I �S � .� 04.�'.� �� � ���1 �� � ♦ � �<c �� � 1.�+�,�„��f��V��, , . '•���` Sr `�4` �:i�� . � �,(.(' • 1`� : � : �� � • - �� �: , '11 ^ I' f 1ca �: , .,� / �t" '�� P V� • " �. �� , (i � wt� f �;�f �_-i�`_.3 L. ''� , • ` i �� • .'\ � �• '• q � ;: ? � -� r � ',� ' iZZZH � . � � � . , � � . �r, N ,/�_. r.� _,. ...�r ri r./ . �1_�.Y , � ' LJ � � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OP FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGH IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTIOi�I 1 SECTION 2 Appendix D of the Citq Code of Fxidley is amended se hereinafter indicated. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: , Outlot 1, Block 1, Nagel's Woodlands, Anolca County, Minneaota; together with all that part of the Northweat Quarter (NW'�) of the NorChweat Quarter (NW'�) of Section � 12, lying Easterly of said Nagel's Woodlande, Weaterly ' of Lampert's Addition; Northerly of the Weaterly exten- sion of the Southerly line of said Lampert's Addition, and South of the South Line of Osborne Road, lying in ' the Northweet Quarter (NW�) of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. � Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned Diatrict known as C-2 (general businesa areas), SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator ie disected to change the ' official zoning map to show said tract or area from zoned districC M-1 (light industrial) to C-2 (general husinesa areas). ' r ' i� ' PASSED BY TAS CITY COUNCIL OF THE C21Y OF FRIDLEY THIS DIAY OF ATTEST : 1969. � �� � ��� �. $����� Public Heariug: First Reading: . 1 ' Sacond Readingo Publiih.......: , MAYOR Jack 0. 1Cirkhmn �� '73 , � I R�s GORDON G, SWENSQN - ZOA #69-04 Outlot 1, B1. 1, Nagel's Woodlanda 6� NW� of NW� of Sec. I2 lyiag g, of Nagel'e Woodlanda, yf. of I.a�pert'e Add.� li. of W. IW teneiop of S� line of Lampest'e, � S. of �s�o=tte Rd. I��I- 2onrd � ZoneA Com meruai i a m, I Comm�rual '�� J %`� a�.a co�T«��e _. _"_"'__ ______..'_"___' '_"'_""____'_'__'_'_""'__"'_".'." "" i - f� `� /lK `� � � ' f ;n 9 s : • • q�ST ; : t � ' ELEMENFA Y � -� • � ��.SCNOCL ; ; � � ( �J'&1' ' 46 �� `a� f f 4�3�5;: ^"Y � � 76TX. AVE. � y � �- /s N� k �J. ' 1'_ ;' I a o i1 � 1 � � 1! �1 ,:' � ♦ . - 1 I t U /o f .' F 14 .i (wI 6 � li !f g j _� 75TN AVE. N.E. , ' � . . i !e i I .�. � It � 2 � J 2P 3 _ I �' !' 4 1 � .. s f 2� �S,_ I �; � � 6 2S L r � v z.� � r • � 1i I¢ d ; : i . � zz s � �� :i 2. :I � n - f ,/ 10 : � i !1 � ,7 � !t ? 1) '. . _f.. .. y � � ^ } Js . [ . • 6 I� .� � ..• , Q � � ✓ _ V' � f��f , •�� : J ,��•�_ 11') 'j� +. ��' .J ''_ �, ���/�••I ��. � .�, O � ��'1('/ �I�'!.' ..�•/�/ . �/ /� if i;�� Z 116 ���u � W ' m! :' ' ' ` C �1 � : ' : T.' •. :' .e 2 ::.....,. :,.,' ;. :.� .'I�to I �� � �%/./.,��// ._...... } ::. ......::: ::: : � ��� z;,, , ;; z ���,,,.:;,;�.�3`�s;;�;' � ;z4z;;"s; o � i .i:; (> .i� riiiii i:iii ifi i � .i�.ei !6. r. Mi ii.i... ; ii i. i:i:_ �.:%i.. i24iS;::�i!..,�.�.. i S t � ' ' , ' , L1 ' , , ' , ' ' � , ' � � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TNE CITY CODE OF TF� CI1Y OF FRIDLEY, 2�NNESOTA BY MAKII�IG A CHANGE IN ZONiNG DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follwe: SECTION 1, S&CTION 2. Appendix D of the City Code oi Fridley is amended ae hereinafter indicated. The tract or area within the County of Anolca and the City of Fridley and described ae; Lots 26 and 27, Block 2, Comnerce Park, lying in the Northwest Quaxter (NW�) of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Bridley, County of Anoka, State of Miimeeota.. Ie hereby deaignated to be in the Zoned Diatsict known se CR-2 (office aervices and limited buainese). SHCITON 3. That the 2oning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to ehow said tzact or area from zoaed diatxict C-1 (local businese areas) to CR-2 (office services aad limited buaineas). PASSSD BY THS CITY COUNCIL OF TfiB CI1Y OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF . 1969. 1�fAY0R Jack 0. Rirkham A19.'SST: CI1Y CL�IC Matvin C. Bruneell Public Hearing: Firet &eading: Second Reading: Pu6lish.......: �5 ..-1 �� 63 �; M � r � m w 0 c` _i -o +O w m 3°m �N R�GISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA �orth )ine of Lot i5 --128.97Meas•: -- 1290 Plat-• ::. TRACT A �" NOT I2b.96-- �� i t. TR ACT C ,; i28.99 t � ; ty ° °a Z TRACT E l- � ` 129.0 � " IL7.0 m 57th �,,-,.� r,� ,,� •, l�..iVi+3r:�: I 89°22�W i North line of Lot 2 � -128: 97Meas.- � 1290 Plat Z 128.97 .: TRACT D " —�.98 �� L' TRACT �i C7 ❑� W ; � � T RACT F Q � , rs"as� 22� Er -�z9.6-- Souih line of Biock 3 AVE. � ; i: �: � . r r- • �.� ._.-��.�_Y� �.:i � " o Denotes Irof .o � Bearinqs Show � �1 Scale- I inch = � g z Aprii,J969 60 ( � LOT SU� c � � o � Lancf ` � � a W ` �� d W I � � do � v I oQ o IO - ^ U Z � � ° � I o m � � o � z ; '> N c = : I _-I�� . � - •- (n i y � I "� 0 � � v Lt � I `-- — � EO N.E. ° ►, 1 ,^ � � ,•• � � • _ � •- � %1 .-\ i �� �' . � r� a.l �; . I F;E6SiiY CEffi'Icf ir��1T IId FC�Okt)^hCE 'r�ITE Tti.;' F:iQ'IISICitS C;' Cfi�F'L"tk �OE?� `uit�1��SGTF ., '`%• r5 f.:,�t;il�U, I H",4'h SL'R'��YF.11 TH. FULI�Ci;I?;rr DF.SrR.TE}:il TR?.CT 0'r Lpkll I2� THI: C�`- �"}` F�� S:•11'g 0� '�ii\iiF;SCI'f: TU N?Ts .� � ' 3� 5. b, 7� 8� q, 10, 11. 12, 17; Ah'U 15, P:LOCF: j, /DA�iS Sl'FEBT AUD:TIGt� ��- .. � �.�-r;^. ... ._....,... _ . . .� _ . . . �� �� ' , � , l � , �_ .� C� , , �� � � , , , , G50RGE NELSON, INC. ,- FOSHAY TOWER • MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 • TELEPHONE 332-8921 (AREA 6121 March 13, 1969 � Mr. Homer Ankrum City Manager ' City of Fridley Minnesota Subject: 20A N69-02 Dear Mr. Ankrum: I would like to request a hearing before the FridTey Cfty Counci) at the April 14 meeting to discuss a rezoning request made before the Planning Commission on February 73. Our request has been modified as a result of the originat bearing and subsequent conversation with citizens of the neighborhood. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss. this request with the Council. 51n�erely yours, % � / y i 1,C !�'.,s- ,/. ; -. � � �: '6eorg�Ne1 son jh `78 �- ' �.. .J1\.. a CL• 1YGLU. . J.JO NVJ V� � N� L. 30, N� L. 31, A.S. �129 Rezone from R-1 to R-3A SpRING �-AKE ' . � MfCDANfN „ � .., �s dEC: !t � ;' ♦s:i�I' e /MN :� ` (�F�i[FAM,HY. '��{ ���If` R • „ � r.s, t y ^ � / . . Yy \� AqM . N /�Ir ._ `7 � � � � � I � 1 ' !' I T �� t-;3 /7 ; z + i = �� � s� �. fM =` :m� �/7�K� Is� /y o/� � j I. 22z Zi; 2oY 3� 2 b I -t - i . +�" �s x ¢ � NI � � I �� ', „ �, � �^ T M' � r � I b� 5��� • /1� 5 � $ /f 4 �M � iB � , 3 � Z � r � . .� . �l L. ,� „ � . , . � a� '�`� � /3 k 6 1� ' .e . . i � 25 ;t� .,n j' Z/z ; � W�0. iB aG 5 � '. � y.� � N '� � �' ,z�� z � a �y � .f;NkKINLEY:ST. t m // �; s 1, j i� .__ 6 ,� 'C � ' _ /` s? 23 S .�. 1�,,,,: ..✓G � ? `.�. ,.� � .l ; n G . � ' � . � � 'w � � �6 �� , � K - �'us_iV.f—W i .. �-. . r r:,.....� O � -- . '1 x ,1 � AN C0� � °� ° ,3 c � .., ', -� � i �' i o . j p�� • 4,j,� 2 y� � i2 � � f w "AD x h i4' ,1 P .: Q . •t�� i srr�.r/ �.'� •m I ^4t � x W ` z. �._:. • Y � x � � • -�. � . 3 rz � � u,,a i�f ' � � � ri a 4� , � +' �� i � ( J s -•! . Wli r •^ `� w __- _ _ _ . ... : �, _._ � r }! 1��� O• , /Z t� a / p� P.: 9 I��t -N � � a •o~ fr i 3 jv, \...� � _ • _ . �.. �.�e'-}��i� "'-ssr— -� ., q � � � � - z ( 't .>���-�r�.:.,� �..- - '. .... ,ii' _ ..:_-hiFF --x�rw��.s-11�f—.. .... a � /� dw.�' K •� • . iiTlr �1� �u// M .Y � vr i rx+ � � A.w*. ,:;/ 2 j 3, y '`I 2 � 3 . Z K.r�.. � ,.> ° :a 9 1 N�i r9' w' �Z r 4 � .:. . . W 4HV 7 � �'f ;�P• . � /4 �k'a 4 2 23 • _ fa�' N,w, . (�wFi • i��1 /3 :� S . . : _.• ..�3 'G s .. . `j �j K��� 1_ _ _ . a��, t . ?� � .T` "ia :. t✓° � /j S i � ._ �0 a h 6 J :!w ' 4 � \' I = /2 6 �±my G� V�! .� � S w `0 J 4 3� Oii it a g ��t � �� ` \' f'::.. • I I � 0��� I .IAn/ „ � �N G.. i ! ie � Z • '', �a � f 6 _�o � s n e Cy �, .f� 'ti � , 3{`' . 11�. n. ✓ I ' � (l ON N 6�GA STRfET � �r�.r-"�"'"'"" , l . - .. ' ~��S BOIVI ION I ��+ i i 1- j ,a �,n.. Ol�. Pn,� H.. � A D. r� - q� 22 � 24 26 28 �,,,� . a,., •• � "" ..d " 8 .� , -� ,, ��. ,:-.� .., � 32 i 4 ; -- I � ���.� S BD. ; 9 �,:o� .... ..,, . 3 25 27� g N. 129 j- � �I, 10 II I �wc � . � � I _ � ,. .:-'^�' - �r.W � � :� ��s J '�_ NtQHM'RY-NQ:�--�'-----�3 RtN-=AVE— - N:f—�s- � � --�---+�-: ".= - - - - -[a� toeNER , . . . . lEC. /t . �I 1 ' PLAPNING COlMIS3ION T�ETIPG ' , ' UI �, u FEBBi]ARY 13. 1969 P/�GE 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:35 P.M. 110Id. CAi.L: Membere Preeent: Myhra, ltitteletadt, Erick�on, Jensea� !ltapatziak Members Absent: None Others Present: City Manager Homer R. Ankrum, Sngineering A�ristant DarreZ Clazk �E!tROVE PLANNING CQ�QQSSION MINUTSS• JANOAHX 30 1969; MDTiON by Jen�en, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaxming Co�iesion minute� of January 30, 1969 be apprwed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tha motion carried unaaimoualy. $�eEiVE PARIGS b RECRL�ATION Cd!lQSSION MLNUTES• JANUABY 27 1969: ' !lDTION by I{yhra, ■econded by Mitteletadt, that the Planuing Co_S�aion z�caive the Parks 8 Hacreatioa Commission minute� of Jamuary 27, 1969. Upon a voics vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uoanf.mou�ly. ' �VE PLATS 6 SUBDIVISIONS-SIREETS & UTILITIES StIBC01�AtI1TEE MiNUTES: L�A� 6. 1969: � �� � , � lqTLON by Tlittelstadt, aeconded by Jmuen, that tha Planning Co�oi�rion raceive the Plata b Subdivisioae-Strceta 6 Utilitiee Subcommittee minutas oi F�bruary 6, 1969, Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion catried un.ns.on.ly. E�Y$ DUII.DIIiG STANAARDS-DSSIGN CONTROL S11BCd!l�fI1TEE MINUTSS FSBAUARY 11 1969: MDTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Camiuion r�eaiva the Bnilding Standarde-Design Control Subcommitte� minotei of D�bsuary 11, 1969. Upon a voiae vota, all voting aye, the motion carriad uwnlfou�ly. � � �_� �o a_ � ' � u �North Aalf reaone froe • lls. Nelson said he represented Burton Johneon, John Flanesy aad Rogez John�on. He said that the eouth half of Lot• 30 and 31 on 73rd Avsnua �ra son�d saltipla d�nalling and are across from the Onan plaat. The froatage nf the nareh half of Lot� 30 and 31 is about 490 feet on pnondaga Street. and at the pr�senC Cime, ehe land is undeveloped. The i�tovements are ia th� •trset both on Onondaga and 73rd. They vould Iike to plan an spartoent devalopa�at on tha total eite and wcre requs�ting rezoning facing Ononc4g� Stse�t the �aoe a� ehe south half of Lots 30 and 31. �e publtc haaring aotice vas res�l bY Gh*lratn Erickson. S �0 � � ' � Pla�ninx Cowmiasion MeetlnA - Februarv 13, 1969 Page 2 Robert Locker, 1601 Onondaga Straet; He presented a petition again�t thn rszoning. MOTION by Jensen, secoaded by Myhza, that the Pla�ing Commis�lon raceive the petitioa pre�ented by ?fr, Locker and circulated by him dated February 13� 1969 oppoaing the rezoning request, ZOA #69-d2. IIpon a voice vota, all voting aye, thn motion carried unanimously. � I George Hanson. 1476 Oaondaga St.: Ae said the petition juit pseaented � repreaents pretty near everybody on that block. It includc� ninet�en home avnesr. They feel there ia pleaty of coam�ercisl and iadu�trial thst 1s saned comerclal along there without putting it out !a a ze�idential aree. , lfiste people are buying their homea without knaring the rezoning that is coming about. u � r �I J � . � � I�i � �I , , �� � � Gordon P, Cnasdoakeq, t491 Onondaga St.; He said he lived on the East ead of the pask and felt that the park should remain the way it ie nw. There 1� a lot of childrea uaing it, and st the pre�ent time there i• a lot of traffic all the time to that area. He ehought putting euch a complex !n x ze�idential area �+ould be hazardous, as far ae traffic is conce�ed. He waa againsC the rezoning. The 8ngineering Aseistaat diatributed maps of the asea to the Co�is- �ion. �e �treet ahwn through the center of Lote 4, 5 and 6, Auditor's Subdivision i108 wae half vay through the area, and he reminded the Comis- •ion that Lot 5 waa juet reviewed, iihen aaked if he could foresee any probl�ms, the Engineering Aseietant eaid that thie pattern would be neceaeary to develop the area into sfngle family dwellings, but if the development rould ba in large pieces, perhape there would not he any need tor a otreet doea the middle. Delphine Hentgee, 1533 Onondaga St.: She aeked how can they rezone vhen evesyone 1s against it. We would aot have bought our places if we thought that they vould rezone. We are all againat it and ju�t the petitioner ie for zezoning. If it goee through, then what7 Chairman Erickson aaid that a�one has the right co aek for `rhatever thar want to do. The Council is the ultimate authority on it. The Council would have to eay whethnr or not it would be rezoned. After the hearing bsfors thia body, there Will be another hearing before the City Council at vhieh time the public ie re-notified. Thomao E. Marxen, 773 83rd Avenue N.E.: He aaked if the cul de sac oa Loti 5 and 6 wnuld etill go through and was informad the l�nd has been dsdicated and the etreet aould, Then ha asked what kind of street Onondaga auuld be. Chairman Erickson eaid he aseumed he wae refarring to the differ- ance betaeea resfdential sad lnduetrial. Stseets that have msltiple dvelling� do not hava to have a heavler deeign. Mr. Robert Locker: I heard it meationed that if it reotina resldential, a�tzaet srould have to be put through there. Why would it have to go through thare? Darrel Clark aaswered that perhaQs some day they msy vant to divids their property into amaller lote. The plans we are looking at would provide acca�s. A11 this plan does is to tell ua vhere the atraet could go if they ds�ire to put it in. �z � t�� �laaniaa Co�isaioa Meetina - Februarv 13. 1964 Paae 3 � J ' !_ � � � , � u � � � I; � t 1 � � � i I i I � � 1 I I I I I Mrs. John R. Doqle, 1651 Onondag,a St.: What kind of buildings did Chey plan to put on thia land? Mr. Neleon answered that they did not have any epec3fic kiad in mind yet. ?nTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commiseion cloee the public hearing of ZOA $b9-02. George H. Helsoa, of tbe N� of Lot 30 and the N� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision i129, to be resoned framm E-1 to R-3�A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimou�tq. 1�TIQN by Mitteletad�, seeonded by Myhra, that the requeat for rezoning, ZOA i59-02, George M. Nelson, of the N'� of Lot 30 and N� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivieioa #129 fzom 8-1 to H-3A be denied. Bill Finnerty, 5040 Oakland Ave., Mpls.: What right does the property ovner hsve in the event it is not usable for reeidential and could not be resoned? The Chaitman anewered he did not think� for one thing, the particular cost for reeidential is prohibitive. He thought if the petitioner had �ome faets that it vould be a hardahip, they could bring it to the Council. Mr. Finnesty then asked that, as far ae the resoning, hw far can the objactlana co�ee from. He was told that a�rone had the right to voice their opinion and that the City notifies awners vlthln 300 feet. Mr. Mittelatadt eaid the reasons for his motion of denial were that thers were 19 names on the petition againot rezoning and theee people do not vant to oee apartment complexea. He fouad ao harIIahip in this case. Ae vould agree to the rezoning, but felt that in this area, vhich ia right neat to ssjor industrial complex, it should remain as ie. He felt the proposed etreets ahould be put in within the next fev ynars. The accese ie needed and should be put in. Mr. ?lphra eaid he thoughC where there ie an industrial area, apartment� probably would serve a buffer purpoae. We have that on 73zd Avenue nar, and if vn vere to rezone the northern part of the lots, we are actually gettiag out of that category and are gettiag into something like apot zoning. � 1fie Chaiiman added that the uae of the area ia aubatenti�ly •ingle family reaidencee. He could not eee, at this point, the need o rezone iaa�ch ae the Planning Co�iaefon recently approved a lot aplit for single f�tily residence. He felt it should remain on R-1. � � L� � � Mr. Fitcpatrick comoented on the fact that many people at the meeting toaight are from ?leKinley and I.akeside which it further aaay. Ha vondered if th�rs was a reaaon for those living claaer not being present. Saveral s�mbere of the audience volunteered the info=mation that there aera valid rsa�ons for four of the neighbors not being prerent. lir. Looker eaid that he was new in the area ia the paat twn months. Hie hans wa� on Onondaga and I.akeside. He did not knoa anyone other thsn tho�e right a�ar him. He moved from St. Paul becauoe`»f apartmentt and the traffic they generste. � .I !_� r � � `� L� LJ l_J � � � � � Pl�..ia[ Co�iaaion lieetiaa - Februars 13 1969 ?aaa 4 ' � Chaistan Srickson aeked for the vote on tha T➢DTIO'N, reco�ending danial � of the reaoning requett. i �i UPON A VOICB VOTE� ALL VOTING AYS� T!� MDTi02�i CAxRIED DNANIlD�SLY. i 1h� audlence were informed that this recoomendation voald gc to the � City Council oa llonday. The Council will or will not set a public heasing date. The petitionez may desire to conti�we it and he has that priv3lege. � $s oay dacide to aithdrav. �_� 2. PUSLIC i�ARII�G• RBZONING RHQIIBST ZOA #68-11 LOUIS I�1C11II.OVICH: The West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Audltcs e Subdivieion �88. Aeaons fsom A-1 to 8-3A. Chaisman Erlckeon read the public hearing notica. Mr. ?fomchilwich brought a plan of the area for the Plaaning Commis�ion to �tudy. Sugene Lang, 1132 ttissiseippi St.: Hi� home is on the South side of ![is�is�ippi Street and he hae lived there 20 yesra. Ae sokad if tha proparty liorth of Misri�sippi is zoned R-1, siagle family aad xoAdered if oomarcial vould bs requeeted. Ths Chaisman aaid there ha� been no reqoe�t for anything othar thaa xhat i� zequeated now. Ms. l�Iomchilwich di�csseeed hie plan� Mith Mr. Lang. MOTION by Mittelatadt, aeconded by Jeneen, that the Plannlag Comdseion close the public hearing� TAA �68-11, Louis Momchilovich, of the Weet 47 feet of thn South 120 feet of Lot 10. Auditor'e Subdivi�ion #88 to ba rezoned fsam R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanlmou�ly. MUTION by Jensen, eecanded by t4ittelatadt, that the P1anaing Co�taiion recasoend apprwal of the rezoning sequeat, TAA 1K�8-il, Louis ltomchilwich. of Che Weet 4J feet of the South 120 feat of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivirion i88. to rezone from x-1 to R-3A ae it being the logiaal expan�ion of the R-3A zoning Qrevioualq granted to lSs. Momchilovlch allwing him to maks better u�e of hie property, and subject to the eignature of tha fee ovner. Upon a voice vote, all voting aqe, the motian carried unanimously. � The Chais�an etat�d that the Plaaning Commission ahould hava tha signa- tuss of the fee awner •ince Mr. Momchilwich doe� not htve tha titls to this pzopnrty. � 3. � �. � Lot 35, rear 401. o Sub�•.•i�ioa #77. Chaissan Erickson raad the public haering natice. l � J I 1 � CiLy of Fridley � 6enLlsmen: April lE. 19E9 ' we. Lhe under�igned, are intereated in one lot included in your liat of tax forfeited land, available for exch[.nge ia tbe city oP Fridley. � Tne lot in yueation is located on the northegat corner of Bacon aud � Oaandego 3Lreeta. The lot siae is 92.E X 182.3. Ne haurby requeat an optatoa on qnl3tting the lot, to be exchan6ed for ' our property in &iverview $elghta, in euch a manaer that we can put our twp iwmea oa thle one plece oY property. 1 All other lots listed on your available liat ,uere aoL in any Rr� BccrpLable to elLher of us. � Any deciaioa made on this or aqq other property muet aloo be acceptable � to onr lending inatitutbone. R'e also requeet dieaater designation, eo Re can quslify for 3R1 ,� aseistence id making our moves. Sincerely. � �������� � �����'���-�t��� ! �j.� , �i� ,-���,� �- _ - i; ?u.� �`, , �� iSS �� ��� _ �J � � �� ' � $UZLDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SIIPCOMMITTF� MINUTES OF APRIL 4, �969 ,-- Ttµe meeti�g was called to order by Chai,rwan Fsickson at 8:05 P.M. MM�MBIItS PRkSFSVT: Erickson, Sornsen, Tonco, Biermann � 14I��IDERS ABSEN`I': Hauge OTHF�?S PRESEN'P: Clarence Belisle-Building Ins�aector, Pete Herlofsky-Senior EYigineerir� Aide 1 F Mr. R. L. Johnson was present to preseat hia requeat. The i'ollowing points were discusaed and marked in red on the plans; Plot P1ans 1. 5 foot fence acrosa the rear lot line of the property. 2. 3 foot separation between the fence along the rear property by precast curbing. 3. Poured concFete curbs through out,except for the rear lot line. 4. 10 foot radii at atreet openinga. 5. Sod the areas not to be blacktopped. Buildln� T�'lane; 5heet 1. oP 5. 1. Special Notes: Insulaie laundry rooms for sou.nd, souxidproofix�C/' walls, reailient ct,:annel and 3 5�8 inch insulation. Sheet 4• of 5• 1. Wall eection epecifying soundproofing for floors, 5/8 inch plywood subfloor, felt pad, 2 inch overlay, carpetixig�, joist 3 5�8 inch insulation, R-�1 Resilient Channel Clips. � MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval of the request aubject to the items marked in red on the pla.ns. Seconded by Sornaen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. t4r. Carxoli and Mr. Weiaberg were preaent to preaent their requeet. MOT�O�I by Biermann to table the requeat until the varioua recommendations made by thie Qommittee could be incorporated into the plana. Seconded by Tonco. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uasnimously. C7�j 3• A� • Buildins 9tandards Dee_i�n Control Minutes af Qpril�� 1964 Pag,'e 2 Mr. Gordoa Sweneon was gresent to present his request. The followi.ng' points were diecusaed and marked in red on the plana; Pla,,,t Plan: Elevatione• 1. 10 foot radii on entrance driveway and interior corners. 2. 3 treea epecified as Green Aeh or Maple. 3. Blacktop to extend around to the rear of the building. 4. Eliminate one-way, use drinea Por two-way traf£ic. 1. All concrete block to be pe.inted. MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval of the requeat subject to the items marked in red on the plans. Seconded by Biermann. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the nation aarried unanimously. Mr. Rudy Boechwitz & Mr. Kenneth Frost were present to present their proposal. The following pointe were diecuesed and marked in red on the plana; ' Plot Plan: 1. Parking eliminated on the Northwest corner of the office end of building. , il � ' ' ' � Of) Buildi: Plane: 1. Add pilseters & brick on third eide of office and ahowroom �,-' instead of split face block & 8" x 8" block. � 2. Brick on all three sidee of the office and showroom.�� ",,,.oY-`" � � h� �r� MOTION by Biermann to recommend approval of the plans subject to the changesP�� 4... msrked in red. � � Seoonded 1�y Sornsea. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoue�y. � V ��Q L�,� � �� � n-� l�'''� � �� ��� � ���� � � ��� � � ���� � r�-^�" � �r �°'� � ,�` �: ,- �,. �. �i '� BuildinS Standarda Desig�n Control Minutee of April 9, 1969 ' �, ' Pa e Mr. Fred Donaldson was present to preaent the requeat. , MQTZQN by Hiermann to reoommend xefusal of the plans ss presented becauae in �he qpinion of thia Committee, the cY,ang�es on the plans as offered were not enough o£ an improvement to recommend approval. � Seconded by Sornsen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMEN'P: TY�e meeting was adjourned by Chairma.n Erickson at 11:25 P.M. �iea�e.otfully aubmitted, r � �-'� ��.�,�� - r�. Pete Herlof�ky Senior Engineerir� Ai e � � , , , ' 1 , , , , , , ' � , , ' � � �� PI.AlUING COilQSSION MEETING APRII. 10� 1969 PAG� 1 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickeon at 7:30 P.H. ROI.L CALL: lSembers Present: Myhra, Mittelatadt, Erickson, Jenaen, Fitzpatrick� Me�bers Absent: None Others Preaent: Sngineering Asaietant Darrel Clark APPRAVE PLANNING CadMQSSION MLNUTES: MARCH 27, 1969 M01ZON by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Co�isa�on Minutes of March 27, 1969 be apprwed. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayq, the motion carried unanimously. $RCEIVS BUILDING STAN1lARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MINUTSS: MARCH 26, 1969 l�OTiOTi by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�iasion receive the minutes of the Building Standarda-Design Control meeting of March 26, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. R&CEIVS BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: APRIL 2. 1969 1. MOTION by Mittelstsdt, seconded by Mqhra, that the Planning Co�iasi�on receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meetir.g o: April 2, 1969. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. HIGHLAI7ID PARK D&VEIAPMEIV'f CO.: Ou[lot 1, Melody Manor the North 400 feet of Weat 217.8 feet. The Engineering Assistant aaid that Council opened the hearing last Monday and contimied their action. Chai�an Erickaon said that at the last meeting� the Cummiaeion had received some petitione preeented oppoeing the constxuction of &-3 in the area aad theae petitione were reprinted in the Agenda for this evening. He etated the Subco�ittee had approved the pre- liminary plat eubject to the final plat prwiding adequate utility and acceas easementa. Mr. Fred Donaldaon, representing Highland Park Develop- ment Company, wae asked if he had anything further to say.about the p1aC this evening. He said he did not. Floyd Smith. 7600 Jackaon St. N.E.: Z completely protest the buildipg of any �ltiple dwellinga on thie lot. If so, i will sell mq home. I am sure the reet of the people feel the same vay. I have a nice home. Somer thing like thie vill devaluate the property. The reaeon I bought the lot was that I was told there would be a park on thie area. Waltes Petereon, 7506 Tempo Tenace: I am also opposed to thir for Khe elmple fact it would werload our achoole. The classrooms are getting to the point where they can handle the children better. ' L.^SCj Ylanninrt Co�isaion Meeting - April 10 1969 PB�e 'p ' , Chairman Erickeon said that the one thing he would like to hear is whether or not there is aay particular objection to the plat becsuse thi6 is what the Planning Co�mission is to conaider. The people were informed , that the membera of the Pla�ing Co�isaion were not on the Co�iaeion at the time of the rezoning. The objectiona have been heard in regard to the use. , ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' , I� ' Charles Heid, 7513 Tempo Terrace: I have lived ia a brand new fourplex. I have seen �rhat can happen to an apar�ent house in tvo yeara. You can't imagine what it ia like for the people acroes the etreet from one. When we moved in� they said it would be very nice. but it was not kept up. Richard Cartwright, 7503 Tempo Terraae: I am aware you are asking for for s plat. I think there is no objection to that. I am sure this Plaaaing Co�iasion has a definite influence on whether or not to allw a building permit and you could recomuend denial. Wouldn't thie influence the Council'e decision to grant a building pexmit? Chairmsn Erickaon answered that. to his knowledge, the Plazmiag Com- mission has never taken a posi[ion on property that is properly zoned, nor have they been asked to do ao, Mr. Myhra comnnted that if the land ie properly zoned, it would eeem to him the owne= could challenge the Council. Mr. Cartwright asked if the City of Fridley hae no other meanc of cox�- trol than the zoning as to what is built r+here? The Chaixman answered that other Chan zoning, he would say that wae correct. It would seem we ate nw getting into a lagal field which the Planning Coumiasion is not properly fitted to handle as they are a recom- mending body only. He vould say that the owner hae a right to build what he wanta, if he complies with the zoniag aad City Code. Mr. Cartwright said he was oppoaed to the building of any apartment buildinge in thia i�ediate area. Chairman S=ickson asked him ii he were avare that the people,who Kere asking for the aparUment comple�c� vere building the reat home? Mr. Cartwright anewered that he felt that the petitionera felt they aee large economic benefits from the apartment build- ing. He did not see any iffiediate connection between the tao buildinga. He wae sure their i�ediate concern wae how much money the apartments were going to make for them. Mr. Myhra told Mr. Cartwright that in a aense� he was asking the Plan- ning Co�iasion to meke a statement on some[hing before it wae preeented to them. We have always been very careful if a developer comee in with some- thing that aeemed very good. that we would not want to give a etatement until it.had gone through the variwe steps. Mr. Cartwright asked if it vere not one of the Co�ission's duties to , give their reco�endations to the Council and Mr. Mghra answered that what he �+as saying R+aa really Mr. Cartwright ought to give his opinion to the Council. Every once in awhile, he added, the Planning Co�ieaion gete proble�e where there is a conflict betveen the petitioner and the owner, ' aad eometimes, he felt particularly relieved when the oppoeition fell on another body. , 1 , , , n ' ' ' 9� Plaaniau Crnmission Meetina - April 10, 1969 Paqe 3 The Engineering Assistant said that Council had appraved the iasusnce of the Building peimit. Mr. Jensen informed Mr. Cartwright that the actual apprwal has happened and one building can be etarted ae soon ae the builder wiehed to pick up the pexmit and that it is rather late to object. Alto, this is a matter that does not require a public notice. The only way any- one caa be aware of it is to be aware of all the proceedings of the City Council. It would be inconvenient for an ordinary citizen to do. It vas also mentioned the rezoning vae passed three years ago. Mr. Floyd Smith said the neighbor acroea the atreet, who lived there in 1965, was never givea notice on the rezoning. Mr. Jenaen informed the sudience that there ia a record kept in City Hall of all notices sent out. If his deed was not filed in time, the notice might have gone to the previous owner. Occasionally the holder of the mortgage ia listed as the fee owner, as they pay the taxes. the notice could have been sent Co him. Sometimee the large organizatioae do not have the interest of the people at heart to forward theae noticea. This is tragic. Mr. Myhra said that the Pianning Co�iasion recognized that apparmtly these people are unanimously opposed to the building of apartmente and we want you to realize we do recognize this. It seemed to him� Ms. Jensen said� that the queation the Plam►ing Com- , miesion have before than is the propriety of the proposed divieion liaes on a large tract. Thie is a relatively uncompllcated pla[ that hae six parcele originally known as Outlot 1, Melody Manor 4th Addition. It runa ' bet�reen Lyric Lane and Oaborne Road and bounded by homes along Jackeon. It is being divided up for the purpose of aimplifying legal descriptioas for deed purposes and the request was made by the City Council to plat the , property so that additional buildinge could be built on the property and each have their separate lots. This was the purpose of granting a single permit for a single large tract. , , � II � , , ' ' A citizen said they were told what would be put up there ia different from what is going up there. Some of them fouad out from the City Hall that it was zoned R-1 and nothing bigger than duplexes would be allwed. Mr. Jensen said it ie a confueing tract of land� depending on where you live. The people on Lyric Lane could have been told the zoning vas R-1 and it ia true. However, it is permisaible to get a apecial use penof.t to build a nursing home in an R-1 area. It ia understandable there could be eome confuaion. Mr. Cartwright asked if the minutes of thia meeting are given to the Council. He would like to go on record, and he imagined his etatemente perm accepted by the people present, and rec�+�+a�d the City Council not give the building permit until the objection ie aired, He would like to diacuas the rezoning of this area to R-1. Mr. R. S�ift, 7577 Lyric Lane: As I underatand it, this ia all one plat with differmt zoning. It is not being soned. Chaixman Erickson explained there are three different zonings. Platting ie to simplify legal descriptione of the property. There folloM.ed a ehort' diacussion of probable taxea. , ' , , ' � , ' , ' I� ' , IrJ Planninst Co�i.asion MeetinFt - April 10, 1969 Paae 4�2 2. Chairman Erickaon said the Planning Co�iasion is faced with a aituation that exiata and they do not have the power to change it. A citizen said there will be approximately 70 unita in the apartment buildinga. He believed theYe would be quite a few children in the elementary and high schools. He asked if there were anything they could do to fix the taxes on thie land that will be developed ao that thie would not raise their property taxea. Chaixman Brickson said that there ie nothing the Planning Co�iaeion can do in this respect. Apartments get a high valuation. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Com- mission close the public hearing on the preliminary plat, P.S. #fi9-03, Maple Manor Addition, Highland Park Development Company of Outlot 1, Zfelody Manor 4th Addition, except the North 400 feet of the Weat 217.8 feet. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Myhra said that the Planning Co�ission is back to the same thing. Thie is samething for the Council. He didn't see anything to be gained by holding the request up, and if it ia held up, Council.�n't take action. It is to the benefit of everyone to move it along. He seked the Engineering Assistant about the roada and utilities. Darrel Clark anawered that they seem to meet the requirements the Co�ission apoke of at the last meeting. MOTLON by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Plazming Co�iseion recoo�- mend to the Council apprwal of the Preliminaxy Plat, Y.S. �69-03, Maple Manor Addition, Highland Park Development Company of 0utlot 1, Melodq Max►or 4th Addition, except the North 400 feet of the West 217.8 feet. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion canied unanimously. Mr. Myhra suggeeted to the audience that those who were interested La the request should keep in touch with City Hall for the date it would appear on the Council agenda. . Lot 4� Auditor'e Subdivlsian #92, Lot 1, 81ock 3, , worrei•s Chairman Erickson explained that this item was tabled at the last meet- ing of the Planning Co�ission and the combined plata of Amber Oake and Southhampton 2nd Addition were re-advertised. The public hearing notice was read by the Chaizman. 1 Mahlon Moe, 5955 Benjamin St. N.E.: i have same property a little South of the proposed plat. We have never been able to get a atrent ehrough there. Are there a� plana made for the atreets between Stinaon and ' BenjaminY I have a 150'x300' parcel of land and I can't get a building pexmi.t nor can I aell the property. (Mr. Moe'e land ia platted ae Acorn Hill.) I�1 �'� , Mra. Lorraine Winkler, 1641 Gardena Ave.: I have bann trying to sell my houee and I cea't do it until I have a road I can call my oim. If I can have a road in the back of my property, I think I could aell. 1 ' , � � ' ' ' I'� ' � ' ' Ir� J � 1 L1 ��j J � 92 Plaaning Co�isaion HeetinFS - April 10, 1969 Page 5 The Winkler property is 160'x180' and a driveway is uaed to get out to Gardena. Mr. Moe referred to the cul de sac shown on the preliminary plat aad said he believed if it were extended another 300 feet to the corner of the Winkler property, it would open the access to all of their lote. He said the last time they got Mr. Mitchell to agree, but then Mr. Winkler dis- agreed because there was a garage wheze the turn around would be anrl he felt he ahould be compensated for it. He did not know whether they could get Mr. Mitchell to agree with it now. Chaixman Erickson said that one of the problans of a cul de sac con- cerae the Fire Department aad Police Department. The legal length, accord- ing to the City� is 500 feet and to include the other property would be to add another 300 feet, which would be againat the ordinance. Mr. Moe aaked if it would be posaible to put the street through to Gardena which would eliminate a long cul de sac. It vae mentioned there are buildinga that would be in the vay. Mr. Jensen said that he certainly had eympathy with their problems, and it is so�thing the Planning Co�ission has got to look at. The Ca�ission read the records of the etudies made in this area for streete about a month ago and the studies went on month after month from year to year, and the people that wiahed to divide the ilorrel Addition were held up with a total lack of agreement among the neighbora� and once again Mr. Julian Johnson tried to plat, and we have held him up about eix monthe. Nw the key to a good development for Mr. Johnson cras when the platting of the property to the north came in with a plan that eeemed to match with his. Lt was the feeling of the Subco�ittee that the combinetion of the two plats would be quite ideal to make the best use of the properCy and make building lots of really high quality. Naa to try to continue the cul de sac 300 feet to the south, would be in violation of the ordin- ance. The platting ordinance atated the cul de eac must not be more than 500 feet and it is nor. 400 feet. He did think the Planning Co�ieaion has to face the problem the people brought up. but his personal opinion is this would not be the way they ahauld try to get the •olution. Mr. Moe said he would not want to put samething through that would not help the whole neighborhood, but it ie hard to pay the high taxes and not be able to build. Mr. Costello asked if Mr. Mitchell would be agreeable, could eomething be worked aut. The Chai=man said if Mr. Mitchell were agreeable, a road could came in fzom Stinson. He has a large parcel that could be divided up into probably seven lota. The only eolution is for the people owning land and needipg to acquire acceae [o this property� to aek the City - to conde� land. It is up to the Council. He would euggest that if they really felt they must get acceee in the uea'to their property to the back, to come in and sit doRm with the City Engineer, even if it meane some conde�atione have to be doae. He did not think it would be fair to hold up this plat. � ' ' ' Jtl Plaanina Commisaion Meetina - Anril 10, 1969 B ae 6- MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra� that the Planning Comniesion close the public hearing of the pxopoeed Preliminary Plat, P.S. tF69-02, Amber Oake, David R. Hubere and Julian Johneon, of Lot 4, Auditor's Sub- divieion #92 and Lot 1. Block 3 and putlot 2� Worrel's Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' Mr. Mittelstadt stated that the Planning Co�ission got the opinion af the people for an additional road in the area ta the south and realize they do have a problem there in order for them to get aceees road, but ' the businesa before the Planning Crnmiasion this evening ie the propoaed preliminary plat of P.S. #b9-02, Amber Oaka. ' 1 ' ' � LJ 1 ' ' �J � 3. 4. 24DTION by Mitteletadt, seconded by Jensen. that the Planniag Co�is- eion recomnend approval to the Council of the Preliminary Plat, P.S. �b9-02, Amber Oaks by David R. Hubers and Julian Johnamn of Lot 4, Auditor's Sub- division #92 and Lot 1, Block 3 and putlot #2, Wonel's Addition. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion canied unanimouely. Mr. Myhra asked about drainage and Danel Clark said the grades could be worked out on the streets and Yhe water, at present, goes to Stineon Boulevard. There is one utility eascmertt to be granted at the lot line out to Stinaon Boulevard. The reason for the easement is looping of wate=main. Mr. Jenaen said this particular area does not have a stoim acwex so water is running on the streets for milee, which ie really not propes. He would like to etate that the atreet gradee that they checked at the las[ meeting were not positively appraved end they are de£initely going to have to be examined carefully by the Engineering Department relstive to elevatione. Mr. Hubere asked at what point could they start to build. Darrel Clark anawered that. legally, they could take out ane or tt+o building permits now. He would advise them not to until the plat ie apprwed, RoB�T SCHIWER: East 6Z1,87 feet of that part of NW} of NW� as meaeurCd aloag the North Line thereof of Section 11 lying northerly of ceaterline of Osborne Road, aubject to portion taken for T.H. #47. Oeborne Road and St. Paul Watenaorks' easement. PUSLIC AEARiNG:_ PRELII�IINARY PLAT, P,S. �69-OS EAST HANCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION. RDBERT SCHItOER: SW'� of SW'y of Section 2 eubject to portion taken for T.H. #47 and subject to easement for Sanitary Sewer purpoaee over Swth 33 feet thereof. Iteme 3 and 4 were eo cloeely tied together that they vrere hnard at the same time. � MOTION by Mittelstadt, aeconded by Fitcpatrick, that the Ylanning Co�isaion dispenae with the reading of the Public Aearing Noticea of the preliminary plats, P.S. $fi9-04, East Ranch 6atates let Addition and ' P.S. �69-Q5� Eaet Ranch Estates 2nd Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the �otion c���ie¢ u��sly. � �., �, �. : ' � ��� Plaimixut Crnrmiasion Meetinx - April 10, 1969 Pa�n 7 ' Darrel Clark said the original preliminary plat of East Ranch Eetates 2nd Addition shown before the Subco�ittee did not have the easement rua- ning through the center of the plat to line up with 78th Avesnue. The � plat has been re-drawn and thia has been conected. There are a few more lats on the new plat, but othezwise no changes. The xeason the developer requeated two plats was that the land originally wae under two o�merahipe ' and he used each ownerahip for a plat to facilitate legal mattera. The induetrial lots are 215' x 315' snd 200' x 315'. The only recoo�cendatioa the Subco�ittee made was that aomn day Main Street ehould contimae davn and line up with Co�erce Lane. ' , , . ' � ' ' ' 5. ' � ' ' 1 ' � Mr. Richard Harrie said they owned Block 3, Onaway Addition and some other scattered parcels. Their objection to the original preliminary plat was the easement through the center of the plat did not line up with their lot liaes, but thie hae been corrected. Mr. Harris said his �urveyors re-surveyed all their land and ca� out juat about on the noae as that done in 1911. MDITON by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra. that the public hearing of the preliminary plats, P.S. #69-04, Eset Ranch Estates lst Addition snd P.S. #fi9-O5, East Ranch Estatea 2nd Addition by Robert Schroer, be cloaed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carsied unanimously. 2i0TI0N by Mittelatadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plamiing Co�iasion reco�end to the Council apprwal of the Preliminary Plate, P.S. #69-04, Iiast Ranch Estates lst Addition� Robert Schroer of the Eaet 621.87 feet of that part of the NW� of the NW} as measured along the North line thereof of Section 11 lying northerly of ceaterline of Oeboine Road, aubject to portion takea for T.H. ji47, Osbome Road and St. Paul Watexworks easement and P.S. #69-05� East Ranch Eatates 2nd Addition, Robert Sch=oer, being the SW� o£ the SW� of aection 2 subject to portion taken for T.H. #47 and subject ta easement for Sanitary Sewer purposee wer South 33 feet thereof. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously. aortn LO.b acres ana �w� of NF.'y of NE'�, Section 3 general multiple. 08, R. W. WORMSBECKBR: NW� of NW� except NW} of Section 2, eleo Nozth 34.68 acres Resone from M-2, heavy iadustrial, to B-3, MOTION by Jeneen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plauning Com- mlesion set the public hearing date of May 22, 1969 for the rezoning request, 7AA #69-08, R. W. Woiwsbecker, of the NW} of the NW�, except the North 16.6 acres and SW� of NW� of Section 2, aleo the North 34.68 aerea of IiB� of N83y of Section 3 to be rezorted from M-2, heavy induatrial, to R-3, gen�ral miltiple. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unmimouely. 6. PROPOSED ZONING OxDII�IAhCB RBVIEW: The City Engineer� Nasim M. Qureshi and Peter Herlofaky, Senior Engineering Aide, were present. ' , ' ��� P1a�inR Co�ission Meetius - Apsil 10, 1969 Pas[e 8 Mr. Qureshi referred to the Miacellaneoue &emarke of December 9, 1968 by Chairman Erickaon which were being studied. The study thia evening began with the industrial Land, which ia most of the land left in Fridley, and finished checking out the remarks. Chairman Erickson� on behalf of the Planning Co�ieeion, complimented ' Mr. Qureshi and Mr. Herlofsky stating it was a pleaeure having two men who would go ahead and camplete the zoning study and in such an able manner. ' 1�HYfION by Mittelstadt, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission reco�end to the City Council the adoption of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Review with the stipulations discuased this evening. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. ' , 7. , � II ' ' �I �1 , ' � S7iDE PARK ADDITION REZONING STUDY: Nason� Aei�nun, Rnigh[ 6 Chapman, Inc. Chairman Erickson referred to the new plana, dated Apri1,1969. CoIIaaenC- ing on the final page of the report� he said that it lacked �hs ia�gomaation of the feasibility of cleasance and cost for land on Plan D-1. It aeemed the last sheet in the =epozt which zefexred to this, was left out. (This sheet is now Page 17 and has been added on Friday� April 12th) MOTION by 7ensen, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commisaion receive the Final Study of the Hyde Park Addition Rezoning Study dated April, 1969 together with A1Cernative Scheme A-1 and Alternative Schewe D-1, and recarmend payment be made for the Study. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer stated the City Manager was making a atudy of the area raith the Council. Mr. Jenaen said he really felt quite uncomfortable about this t�tole thipg. Someone has put the Planning Co�niasion in the position of being oppoeed to an Administrative or City proposal. Ae felt it was tragic to have a publia hearing without a discussion with the Planning Coa¢niasian as it would be a pretty bad place to start "washing things out". Chai�an Erickson reported that on Saturday, April Sth, the Planaing C�ission apent several hours and came up with, what they considered, a Qretty good plan and also an Alternative to that plan. Mr. Jensen and he met with Mr. Chapman on Monday noon. Mr. Chapman was informed of their choice, and they were given the Study together with a feasibility study for the Altemative plan for D-1. He said it was rather ridiculoua to apend so much time on a study and then throw the whole thing out the window withwt letting the Planning Conanisaion know. 'ltie follawing camnents were made on Plan A-1: Vehicular access was not prwided for those commercial lots off 57� Avenue in order to separate com- marcial traffic from residenCial traffic. They would like to have 61at Avemie continue West across the railroad tracks to East River Road, aa the increase in density is going to require other major thoroughfarea be constnicteg� as that denaity is reached. 0 ' � LJ ul , ' C'� 9E> Plmniw[ Co�i.asion Minutee - Anril 10. 1969 PaRe 9 Referring to Plan D-1: There is a drafting error on 2nd Street between 58th and 59th Avenues -- it is shaded and should be Light. Vehicular com- mezcial access is to be prohihited to co�ercial area from 2� S[reet between 57� Avenue and 60th Avenue and 3rd Street from 59th Avenue to bOth Avenue. The purpose of this is to keep coffinercial traffic out of the residential area. Relative to the timing of zoning, Mr. Jensen said Plan A-1 would take i�ediate aCeps for 8-1 rezoning at [he North and slso Commercial zoning on the South. Rezone existing m�ltiple dwellings to R-3, then adopt a guide plan for R-3 development on the remainder and set up criteria for the success- ful rezoning including area requirements and other pertinent requirementa and the City could possibly develop some rigid requirements for the future. He said they would not want to force anyone to go R-1 where there is existing multiple dwellings. They probably Would have to get the owner's to sign an agreement. The potential density will insrease about three times and will bring a need for a park for the pre-achool children, which the Planning Com- miasioa felt c+as mctremely important and necessary for enjoyment of living in the area. The park, in either plan, is located in the aame place because Ehere vould be a minimirm amount of acquisition problems because the=e are juat two buildinga there. , Again referring to Plan D-1, use same recomiendations for R-Y, every- thing South of 57th Place can he zoned immediately, and having a guide plan to cwer the area between S7th Place and 60th Avenue, it would be aame- vhat more important to have the criteria under which you would rezone Com- , mercial property. Co�uercial property wants to be contiguous with previouely zoned property, and therefoze, the plan needs a sezoning. � ' 'L_J 1 L L ' ' ' The City Engineer asked to make a few eo�ents and referred to the 61at Avenae auggestion ot continuing acrosa the railroad to East River Boad. 1) $e said that it would he impossible becauae the City has talked to the Railroad Company and the County, and have been actually pushing getting Miaeiaeippi Street grade separation. They were infozmed it would not be practical and economically not feasible. If we cannot get a grade separation on Misaiasippi Street� 61st Avenue would be out for aure. 2) He did not lmov if the City can legally rezone d6wn from &-2 ta R-1. Oa Plan A-1, you are completely eliminating Mr. Schmedeke's operation. 3) Undez Plan A 1, he co�eented on the traffic pattern from the 8ighway, �+hen the slip off plan is used, theze would have to be a one way tratfic and then, maybe further swarh,a,o way. Mr. Jenaen said they ciant to find a way for access off all parking lota and then tuxn back into the ahopping area to Qe[ out. ![r. Qur�shi ■aid the •trip along the highway R+ould be too narrw, !�, J�n�en anrvar�d lhat the soad is out of proportion on the drawing, ae the etreet would be lmnediately nent to the highway. However, this was not the plan the Planning Comniasion vas going to xeca�nend. Plan A-1 was really vhat was going to be reco�ended, but Plan D-1 Was the best alternative if it ras desired to have eomnercial up University Avenue. 1 ' � ' t ' , , , LJ � r �� � � � � � � 9� Planaiw[ Co�nisaion MeetinA - April 10, 1969 Passe 10 Mr. Qureshi elao reco�nended that if they were going to a higher zoning, he was aure tfie schoole would not be happy. Chairman Erickson said he could not aee any i�ediate problem of greater higher density. Mr. Senaen said that if you took out every vacant lot and other aingle family lots, you would end up with acreage for about SSQ apartaients and that would be about 100 aites. This plan would just about triple the present density. 1�TION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Co�uission suggeet Alternative Scheme A^1 ahould be adopted as the Planning Comnission seco�endation of the study completed by N�son, Wehrman, Knight artd Chapman, Incorporated and that the proposed park site should be included as part of any plan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. AA70iJRN!➢3NT : MOTION by Mittelstadt that the Pla�ing Co�iaeion meeting of Apr11 10� 1969 be adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Rea� �y s� d H,az 'Brian Recording Secretary ' ' PU.BLZC W�RKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY April 21, 1969 ' Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley ' 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' ' ' ' ' Re: Bids on New 1Wo to Three Ton Vibrator Roller Opened on April 14, 1969 at 12:00 o'clock Noon The following are the bids submitted for the ahove mentioned ro1- ler by these five companies: Bidder Ha11 Equipment Company 2360 Hwy. No. 100 South - Mpls. Qlson Equipment Company k411 Hiawatha Avenue - Mpls. Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. 3024 - 4th Street S.E. - Mpls. Cash Price $2,427.25 $3,200.00 $3,325.00 Delivery Date 3 weeks 2I Cal. Days 30 Cal. Days ' The 2eco Company 9033 Lyndale Avenue So. - Mpls. $3,395.00 15 Cal. Days ' Berchert-Ingersoll 2161 University Ave. - St. Paul $5,978.00 7 Cal. Days , My recormaendation is to accept the bid of Olson Equipment Company for a Western two to three ton vibratory-type roller, Model 2T-UR at $3,200.00. This is not [he low bid; but I believe this roller with a hydrostatic transmission is worth the $773.00 difference from the low � bid. This roller can be fitCed with tow wheels, thus saving the cost of a trailer'which would probably he approximately $1,000.00 or more. The tow wheels cost about $350.00 per set. , ' ' � � The Low bid is from Ha11 Equipment Company, and theirs is a good machine. I would recommend it as second choice. The roller bid by gall is a C-H & E Model 957 with a planetary gear transmission. This, I believe, would be a bit more exgensive -- maintenance wise. The cost of this machine is $2,427.25, and we would need a trailer to move it around, There is $4,500.00 budgeted for a roller LEC:ik h-�C_��7 L.. �L� L.-��..zc-* . � LESTER E, CHESNEY Director af Public Works �� , , , ' 1 ' , ' ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY April 21, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Homer R. Ankrum, Gity Manager City of Fridley 6431 Univetsity Avenue Northeast Fridley, M3nnesota 55421 Re: Bids on �New Tail Gate Paver Opened on April 14, 1969 at 12:00 o'clock Noon The following a=e the hids suhmitted for the above mentioned tail gate gaver by these three companies: Bidder The Zeco Company 9033 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Hayden-Murphy Equipment Co. 9301 Bloomington Freeway Minneapolis, Minnesota MacQueen Equipment, Inc. 2229 University Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Cssh Price $2,297.00 $2,942.00 $3,I70.00 Delivery Date 15 Cal. Days 15-30 Ca1. Days 14 Cal. Days My recammendation is to accept the bid of The Zeco Company for the tail gate paver at $2,297.00. This is a$i-�ay towed type bituminous paver, Model No. HP 100. I have had the opportunity to check over this equipment, and i feel it is capable of doing the work needed for the City. . My second choice would be the paver bid by MacQueen Equipment, Incor- porated, which is a Ford Lane Model No. A-2. This is also a very good piece of equipment. • There is $3,500.00 budgeted for a paver. : ' LEC:ik � 0 �� � .�-��.2._,_, ,y LESTER E. CHESNEY Director of Public Works �� � �__ �� � a^�� — :., � J ,. �*;� � � � � � �� I M�� % --s � � � � pl 3 ST I I� 1� It I ! „ CT1 Y or, 1A � ____�_-�.� FRIDLE� � L I B ; �RIDLE x� ,:�.: � i7 E F , �� o� tw Si. G '`� ..�. � :; ;.m�n� � � �------- �' S700 � H � � __. ' G.1 ' . s�m � I y� .. � ' .. .. , • ... ' . _.___. � S; pY j o� S �: f3XD ' . C a [x � � - .J � T AVf. N�[ J, �., '; i ' . . .:. . _.... • y � . . . ...... : `. . . � ... _.... ... . .. ¢L..... . i� • I � __ �Z� __�, ay�^ � FRIDLEY' S REQUEST FOR STUDY �' f OF THE STREETS UNDER i . ;,, •.i�: . ; � rs = . � _ .,s , " T,O,P,I,C,S, " _ i �� � o;. 6500 Traffic Operational Program _ t ,i • 4.... '�� :!'� ��� -rrTM- For Increasing Capacity f� Safety _ ., � f . K �� � ; . -1-- - w' �� 9�Teet�s Study Requested _ i _ . i _. . N � � p% ��?9�`" �; � v Pedestrian Crossiny Study L �Y � '�i' �7�'-t(T'N'i.��..- �� �n,en� �oc� � . �_- , ' BESOLUTION N0, �Z -ly�� RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMETIT AND FINAL PLANS AND SYECiFICATI0N5 AND ESTIMATES OF CQSTS THEREdF: STf2EET IMPROVENiENT PROJECT N0, 1969-3 1�1 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 35-1969 adopted the 3rd day of March, 1969 ' by the City Council, set the date for hearing on the pxoposed i.mprovements, as speci- fically nated in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and ' � WI�REAS� all of the property owners whose propertq is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said NoCice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2) weekly gublications af the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heard th2recm aC the hearing, as ao�ed in said aotfce. , POW, THEREFOTtE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council oi the City of Fridley, Anoka Coanty, Minnesota, as foliows: � �� That Lhe following improvements proposed by:Gouncil Res¢luti.s2A —__...__ .,".- No, 36-1469 are hereby ordered to be effected snd completed as soon as reasonably possible, ta-wits_ ��.--- The 3mprovements as noted under the Construction It�m in ___ ; the Notice of Aeariag (in Fxhibit "A") for the following �.: .� � streets: � Longfellow Street: East River Road to 800 feet West � Spring &rook Place: 79th Way to Longfellom Street � 79th Way: Apex Lane to East River Road i' T.H. �47 West Service Drive: Osborne Road to 79th Avenue j ' (including loopbacks) ' � � ' � ' ATTEST: , 2. That work to be performed under this project may be performed under one or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi� and City's Consulting Engineers are hereby designated as the Engineers fox this improve- ment. �ey shall prepare final plans and specifications for the making of auch improvement. � ADOP'YED BY THE CQUNCIL OF Ti� CITY OF ERIDLEY TAIS � , 1969. CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Srunsell ' ' � / DAY OF MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ''� � tu:soLUTiox No. `�3'�y�9 &ESOLUTION ORD�RING IMPROVIIICNT tIND FINAL PLANS AND SPEGI�ICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS TtIEREOF: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PR�3ECT N0. 91 1�2 � '" W44IEEREAS,_ Resolution No. 37-1969 adopted the 3xd day oE March, 1969 by the City Coune�l; set the-date for hearing on•=th� proposed improvements, as speci- �- - ficalkq noted i�ti�e3dnC�:cev€=Aearang-attached-hereta-for reference=as Exhibit "A", `` ' i �'d :_ .._ _ .WAEREAS,- ail :.u�.#he_prBperty owners crizose -PxopertY--is liable to be- assessed -: w�--- -itith�fhe making of-these-impz�wEirtents--fas-no2ed-3n sai3 Notice) were giveTr t�ts' f20j " .. �._ days notice by maa�--arar�=�#r}ished notic�-of° the=E."ou�ci�-�earing- throug}r=twcs--�(�-) �eeI�3y=- °�'- �,+nblicatsons rof tite-required-notice,�and'the irear3ng°was held and the`property owners: ' . heard thereon=aE==the hes€i�g; as nated in said--�otice. - �"-, - - `NOW,-THER�F�RE, 'BE•°iT RESOLVED,-by the'Coancii"nf the-City of Fridley; Anoka County, Minnesota,_.as faYlows:- - - ry.�.-� .— _ _ . . � � That the fo-lSawing • impxovements pFOprrsect #y-Cou�i1 _Besa2ution -_:-- .�.--.,� . ___ _ .:< _.,.., ;�_ . -==__�0...37--1969��e hereby ordered ta-�°�fected_and--crnn�3xt��s __�_w_ ::.�:aYT�-, '• - - soon sg reasonably possibl�, to-wit:- ° ;,,_. ___. . .__. - -. Tlae i.�prouements nnted.under .ttt�.Cnnstxuctinn_�iem_3n_th�---�,.,: _..__�--.---- � �.:: _ _ � . -_ i�i�ice crf<ilea�ing_ (in Exhi.bit !`�"� for -the £ailnrai�g area �, . ,�::-°- 's,. � Sanitary-.�ezaer and_appustenances�tu serve the-area deacrabed-. -«- . � as follows: ° - Ail that:paxt of Outlats 1� 2�-3� B3ock 1�. Moore Lake:Hig��a�ds . .� . -- 4t#� Addi.t.ivn nnt noca served and°�ta�gax�.-uf Hexwa� 2nd Addition � � . not now served. � ,� , i - i ' 2. That-work-to- be perfonned under fihis project may he pexformed un&er one or mare contracts-as may be deemed_advisable upon receipt of bids: 3. That:the Consulting Engineers, Comstock & Davis, Inc.,_1446 County Rd. 7, Minneapo�is,-Minn. hereby designated as tha Engineers for this improve- _ ment.:�..Thay_shall.-prepare:final plans and.ageeifications for the making of such improvement. ' ATTEST: ' � ADQPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE FRIIILEY � _, �1969. !, , CITY CLERK - Marvin C, Bxunsell THIS �� �' . DAY OF MAXOR - Jack 0. Kirkham - ' ' � ' �I ' ' CI ' ' ' ' ' IJ � ' 1 ' ' �Vtl ItESOLUTION N0. �� �y�y A RESOLUTION RE(2UESTING ANOKA COiTNTY TO INSTALL SIGNALS ON 61ST AVENUE AREA NEAR THE SCHOOL ACCESS ON EAST RIVER ROAD WHEREAS, The City Council of Fridley received a letter from Independent School District No. 14 requesting a traffic control signal on East River Road at or near 61st A�enue for the purpose of praviding safe pedestrian crossing for children to the Stevenson Elementary School. WHEREAS, East River Road is a heavily travelled County Road and is in need of improvements for purposes of safe travel on this road. NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Fridley as follows that Anoka County Comuissioners are hereby requested to improve the road in this area and prwide adequate traffic signals at this location. I PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FRIDLE7[ THIS ��DAY OF , 1969. ATTEST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL - City Clerk JACK 0. KIRKHAM - Mayor ' 1 , ' 1 ' � , ' , ' ' , 1 , � 1 ' 6000 WEST MOORE LPKF ;;F �. fP!Ct.LY, ".`:'+E'- : _ �Ii � 6�."��6ii�;) March 19. 1969 Mr. Homer Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum: �f 1��. UR. .lOHN K. HANSEh � SUPEP�XTENDENi JAMES H.HEDREN ')IaECTOR e� �SiNESS �ivun5 . 1A1AES G. FAPPAS vIPF�:TOR �uu�.vrnev eoucnrion The Board of Education at a special meeting yesterday gaa�se,� the following resolution: Be it reeolved that the Board of Education requests the Fridley City Council to petition the Anoka Board of County Commissionere for the erection of a traffic control device on the East River Road at or near 61at Avenue N.E, for the purpose of providing a eafe pedestrian crossing for children to the Stevenson Elementary School. I have reason to believe that the County Board will act favorably on thie request and if expedited there ia a poasibility it may be put in operation during the 1969-70 school year. Cordially yours, �y �! ��z James H. Hedren Director of Business Affaire JHH/ t�j , RSSOLUTION N0. � � / �� ' RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROV&l�IT AND FINAL PLANS AND�SPECIFICATIONS AND &STIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVFI�SNTS FO8 UNNERSITY AVSN[IE EAST SERVZCE ROAD ETtOM 69TH AVENUE TO 73RD AVSNUE INCLUDIIVG THE 69TH AVENUE CROSSOVER ON UNIVERSIIY AVENUS: ST. 1968-LB , � ' ' , ' , � 1 - ' ' ' 1 ��;i WlIBRF.AS, the City Council by Resolution #193-1967 adopted the 20th day of Nwember, 1967 suthorized the public hearing and WHEREAS, Resolution #58-1969 adopted the 7th day of April, 1469 authorized a aupplemental hearing for University Avenue East Service Road from 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue including the 69th Avenue Crosswer on Univ. Ave. iwprovements ae epeci- fically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached here[o for reference as Exhibit "A", and Wl�REAS, all of the property owaers whose property is liable to be asaesaed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners hea=d thereon a[ the hearing, as noted in said notice. NOW, Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the following improv�enta proposed by Council Resolution iVo. 58-1969. are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as xeasonably poesible, to-wit: Street Improvements, including grading, atabilized base, biCuminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer aystem and other facilities located as followe: Univeraity Avenue East Service Road from 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue including the 69th Avenue Crosswer on University Avenue 2. That work to be performed under this project may be performed under one or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bida. 3. That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureahi, and Suburban Engineering Go., Incorporsted are hereby designated as the Engineers for thia imprwe- ment. They ahall pzepare final plana and apecifications for the mak�.ng of auch improvement. ADO TED BY Tf�: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ' f , 1969. ' ' ATTEST: � CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � �✓ DAY OF ?IAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham j , 1��� s6osa ' gorm 212'� 1 1 , , ' ' ' ' 1 0 1 ' , ��oF� RESOLBPION ��'� �� � HE 1T RffiOL9ID thnt the �(City) esiter into sa sgreement with the State of Il�sneoola� Depnrfinent of Higtaaye faa� tbe follaRlag purpoees� to-Rit= to pro�ide Yor p�ywnt by tha State af Minnseota to t6e City of P�idls� of th� oo�t of re].oaating and raoonetrnating Ttuak Highvqq No. 47 oonorete aediaa at the 69th Iveaur N.E. int�raeotion (State Projeot Ho. 0205-36, Agreomeat No. 56068). BE a F�Tam �soi.vm t�t ti� (� ��ynr) and Clerk ba sad they herebq ere euthce�ized to exeoute euoh a�¢eement. Stste of Waneeota Crnanty ot y�� � (City) FMdLry CIItT IF IC�T rON 1 �y� � ,, � � � � ' I hareby oertif'� 13�at the faregoing Reaolutio� ie e 4rue and oarroot oopy of reeolntion preeented to and adopted by the Cotuail 08 the �Y10q�s) (City) oP ' Fridley at a duly authax�ised �eting thereof held ��kt9 eai meet � 19 , se ehrnvn hy $►e miautss oP �ag ay poeeesai�. , ' (H�I3egi�1 (City) Clerk �. . 4"� `".x� .. '�,�, �t'� �. 'r STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGNWAYS CISTRICT NO S 3005 NO. LILAC DI�IVE . MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. �prii 17� 1969 City of Fridley 6431 Uttive�sity �veaue N.E. t�inneapolis� Minnesota 55421 In retly refer bo� 315 9.P. 0205-46 (T.H. 47=1`J6) T.H. 47 O 69th Lvenue North Proposed Coop. Conat. �gr. Ho. 56088 Za Fridley� �noka County Gentle��i ?raaeeitted here�rith in triplicate ie a form of agreement relative to relocation and reconatruction by the City of Fridley of T.H. 47 median aud left turn laner at the 69� ��enue intereection� to be perforaed in accordaace xith the City plans thersfor. It ia propoeed that the State pe4y the coat of thia imprn��ent based on the final qnsntitiee of the Work performed computed at contract cmit prices as aet forth in the agreement. 14ro oop3se of the project coat estinate are ancloaed. , If the egreesent form meeta vith your apprnrsl� pleaee preseut 3t to the City Counoil for approval aad ex�cution. Yoar eigiatnre of reco�nendatioa is also requested. Mhen approved and signed by the ' pmper City officials� sll three copies of the agreement are to be retuxaed xith thrae certified copiea of a nex reaolutioa pesaed by the City Council authorizing ita officere to ezecute it. ��nggested foa of auch a reaolution is slso enclosed. ' ' Zou will aote that the agreeaent provides thst tAe City shall not asko ite conatruation contract avard until the agreement ie fully ezacuted aad the Cft� receivee written concurrence in the propos�d arard fr� th� 9tata. ' It is requeated that the agreement and reaolution oopies (the original aad tro carbons) be returned to this office ae eooa as poaeible. L oopy of the agree�ent tirtll be retuxned to the City whea it is f�lly ezeoutad. , , , Binaerely� � �/\,� H. E. Osterby �ssistant Diet�7,ot �eea �O 1�� ' ' C ' , � i, , MDIIIY.�TA HIC3iH�I ➢SPiR11�P! T!p[ �LLOT. Q1R. 1� � �o. 56088 �DDl1f �C1E�!!. i; S.P. No. 0205-36 (T.A. 4'1i1S6) Agr�a�ent bstv+�a Sh� Citt ef lYidle�[ A� the Statr of Minaesota, D�p�rtrnt oY Highv�qe, Ari T.H. lio. 47 - 69th A�e. N.s. GY�oaso�' rsoonstrn�otioa ODOPFF�TNS WN31iiIIL"TZDIi dtHt�1T 1H23 /14R��iT ,ad� and eatered into by aod betwsen the Stata oi Minn��ota, DeparLs�nt o# Hi�h�pe, hsreinaitsr r�farrsd to sa the "Stat�" and the Ci ,S� o! Ytidl�y, Mis�w�oLs, actiag by and t�hron� 1Ls Cit,� Counoil, lwr�- inafta� refa�r�d to u t�h� "City", YI111�8S�i: if�ti�8 the Cit� has p�epared PLns far tM roloo�tion and reoonsZtue- tion oi tb� ooaorete median, aurb &=nLler, drdn� faoilitiee and 1�tt tm�n lan�• on Trnnk Ai�wq� No. 47 (IIni�sraity A�nw) at 69th A�enus N.B. in oon- ' aotion vith ita orweo�sr r�000strnotion projwL aL thla loeation. aaid ' CSt7 pLa is d��i�t�d u IIni�r: _Ly �wnw 4os�er R�oanatrwstion at b9th ��enwz and , ' � �8 the SLat� haa av�iewrd and appro�sd eaid City usdiaa r�eou- ��J� 1�� .G'� atrnoLion pLne, oad deaignated tho �ass as 5tate Proj�ot ilo. 0205-g6 (T.H. 4'Ts156)j s� YH�BdS ths State deair�• the City to relooate and reoonstruot eaid traifio aadian � oontraot to be awarded b� t6• City, xith the State r�im- bur�i.nQ th� Ci� Yor oon�truotion oost tha�eof sa hereioalter set forthf aad YHEBE�3 Mina��ota Lvs 1959, Chaptsr 500, Ilrtiole II, Seotion 1b1.20 authoris�� th� Cwdt�aio�r of HiQhryye Lo make arranQaments viLh and 000perate rith aq�r �o��rns�ntal autl�orit�y f� the purpoee of ooastruotinQ, maintaicin� aad isprwina the 4unk hiQhvq a�stem. IT Z3� �iPDAL� MOTUALLZ AGR� �.4 FOLLOIi3t I �►e GitJ �11 duly rsoai�e bida aad avard a oontraat to th� ].ainst r•spon�ibU hidd�r, �nbjsot to oonourr�na� in euoL aw�rd by th� State, !or th� reloaation a� reoanatruotion of eonorete mediaa, curb &�utta�, draia� laeiliti�a and leYt tura ].a�• on l�unk Highvq No, 47 at b9th �veane li.E. in FMdl�y in a000�d�ao� uith ite plans aad spsoittoation� thu�tor� d�aitnatsd u"Croseo�na� R�oonatrnotion a� 69lh a�enue" and u Stats Pro1�t No. 0205-36 (T.H. No. 47=1i6). 3aid plane aad �»oitiaations, vhioh �re on fiL in tb� otrioo ot t6� Cit,y 8ngi�er at i�idleq, Mi.na�wta and Sa th� ofiioe at t6� Co�t��iomr o1 Hi�vqa at St. Psnl, Minne�ota, ars aad� a part ha��at by r�fa�em� vith tM a�ss Yoroe and eYYeot ae thouQh lull,y wt torth haein. 1b� City �hsll tollovio� r�oeipt oY bids tar a�id s�dian relooatioa aad r�ooa�tswotion r�fa•rsd to hmin, P3'a�Ptly snbait to tho �s�istant Dirw- Lor oY Opa�atioa� oi tho Depar�nt of Highrrays a oa�titi�d oc� ai tho lov bid r�o�i��d �nd an �bttraot of all bids ayceived, to�th�r with tl� Citr's rqueet for ooaeimenos by ths State in the propwad avard af a aonstruotion � -2- u ' ' ' , , IJ , I� I �I u , J � ' , ' � �� .�,"��r coatraot. The City shall not aak� euoh oon�trnotion ooatraot avard until the State advisos ths City in vritinQ oY ite oo�urrsnoe thersia. IZ 1he raoonstsuetioa of Uss said traiYio �dian oonta�plaled her�in �hall b� undsr direation af tho Cit,q, aud ehall b� undar the aupervision af a r�gistered profeseional �ngineer. Hovevsr, the reoonsttuotion of aaid traYfie median ahall be open to inspeotion by ths Diatriat �iaeer of the Minc�eso'k4 Depart'ent oY Highx�pra or his dul,y authorised repreaentatives, ond aust be approted by a�id Dietriot �inear ae eatielaotory b�fore attr p�yusnt ie �de to th� City by ths Stat� ae hersinafter pro�ided. III saoh party to this a�vment reesr�es tde right to vithdrav iram and oann�l this aareanen�t within 15 d�ya trom the opeai� ot bids ooata�lat�d in Artiole I 6a�eaf in ths e�ent either or both partiee ooneider a�y a� all bids unsaLiefaotos7; Lh� vithdraval or oaaaellation af ths agreement to ba a000mplishsd bT �itha� or both pattiee xithin 15 d+p�a o! the openine of bids by ser�inQ a xritten notice t6ereaf by mail upon the othsr. � 1lre City �hall oaoplate the work to be p.rt�..a a�.,�a� a�� the year 1969. This oompl�tion period sqr be eactended by an azohar�e of lsttare betv�ea fhe Cit,� Clerk or City Engineer and the Diatriat �gineer of the D�partmsat a! Hi�v�ps Yor utit�oidable dslqa enaountsred by the City ia ths psrPoisano� at tlii• ooatraot. V lio ohaop la plaa far vork to be pertormed hsrsuad�r rhioh vill �l1�oL -�- 1'�� ' � , , 1 � ' , �� tJae oon�b�uotion aontupLted hereia ehall be sade unlssa such alan' ca� ohan�s in plan ahall first be oomurred in a�l oons�nted to by the Dietriot �ine�r af t6e Minnsaota Departaent of Hi�hvqys. The Stats ahall g�y no part oY Lhe ooet ot e�ctrs work perfat�sd ia a000rdanos �ith anv oh�ngee in plans nal�ea th� State u�d tha City ehall bati ent�red into a�uppleaent to thi� agrement priar to the performanos of anoh sztra rork. i'f (s) tTpon eatisYaot�ory oo�lstion of said traYfio median reoon�truotion in aooaa�danoe vith ArLiole I ha�sot, the State shall p�q to t6e City an a�oqnt squtl to the total oost of oonstruetinQ said trnak highvqy impro�emenL oosputed at the City'n ooasttuation ooatract uait prioee. ' (b) In additioa to esid pa�ssnt by t� Stats, th� 3tate aleo �rssa to , L_] LJ I,l u � ' � p�y to the Cit� a eim equal to aiz neraent o! the atbunt omputed u the aYoz�sald eonstrnotioa oost, it bsiag understood that eaid addiLioaal payaunt by !ho Stat� i� the State's proportio�te shars oi a�iaeerina ooeta im�d by th� City in aonnention with ooastruatioa vork pertormad hereundar. VII (a) The estimat�d total aaount vhieh th� 3tato vill py to ths Cit,T ior aaid trunk highwqy impro�emeat eonatsuotion to bs perfoTmsd hsreu��r i� th� sus oi 11L.091.6�, In the e��at, howe�er� it �ppeart at aqP tim� L6�t the uonat to bs paid by tha Stat. to the Cit� hsreundsr ia abouL to e�ro�ed said s� oi =14,091.Gy beoauss ot imraasee in the esLiaaLed qnantitie� ot wrk it�s, the City shall pra�pt�y aotify tL� Dietriot &�ia�a� of ffi� MlnaesoLa n.p.rS..nt or xs�hw�y. t�h.r.ofr in order sn.t tn. state m�y .nemnber .noh � -4- � y_"1 � J , additional f'�nda ae ae� be dsesed neoeeeary. � , , ' ' � � 1� ' � ' � � � �•� (b) 1ho City ahall keep euoh records md eaaonnta ae ahall enbls tde City upon 000pl�tion oi ths vork Lo aubmit to the State a deLailed etateaent ahowiaQ the asount due the City trom the 3tats for vork performed ha�si�od�r. lhia etatoaent dull liat th� itees and qusntiti�a oi work psrformed t�hat are to be paid Yor by the State u provided herein a�l the aaLnal ooat thereoY ao�uted at the conatruation aontraot usiit priaee. It ahall be subaiLtqd ia quintuplioate and ahall oontain thereon a osrtifioation by a reepoasibls City offioial to ths effeot that all of th� itema therein are true aad oorrsot wd ha�� bean aa�p�ad�d npon the vo�k pa�fo:sed under �he pro�idona of this a�eaasnt. It i� undor�tood tLaL the Cit�y ahall produoa its r000rds ead acaouats in aon- neotion vith thia �grsmenL for as�aination 1t ro r�qnseted by dt�y authosised reprsaentativem of the State. VIII 4hs City indesnifie�, al�ea and ho].d� harml�es ths Stats a� all of ita aQents and �eploys�� o! aud Proa ar� +md all olains, da�ands, aotiom or oauee• oi aotiaa of �t►ateoever mtura or ch�raotar ariaing oat of or by r�aeon o! the a:eoution or perYoa�a�a ot th� xork pro�ided tor herein, and Yurthsr �r�ea to d�fsnd at its rnm �ole ooat and �psnae �qy aoLion or proae�ding oamenoed for the purpoee oY aaaerting ar� olaia oY Whnteoe�ea� oharaoter arising ae a reault ot t�he voak to be periarmed her�undsr. � 2L is furthsr �re�d tlut ar� aad all esplayeee oi ths City and all otFur p�r�on� �loyed b� the City ia the perfaraenas of ar� xoa�k o� nrtin�� rpnirsd oa� paotid�d !or hsrsin ahall not bs oonsida��d �ploysaa ai th� Stab � -5- 1:4 2 � � � , , � , � � � r � � � i i ."� a� t�Lat aRy aad all olaina that a�y or aight arias under the Yorkoen'a Coupen- aation iloL o! th� State of Minneaote on betulf of aeid eRloyees uhile so enga�ed aYd ar� a� all olaims made by a�y third partis� aa a oonaequsme of an� tot aa� o�iaeion on Lhe part ot eaid City e�ploynee yhilo eo eng�ged on ar� oi th� vork or sa�io�� pro�ided to be r�bdered hersin ehall in no vqy b� the obli�ation � reaponaibility of the State. Z Before thie agreement ed�7.1 bsoaue biadiag and effective, it �hall be appravsd by resolution of the City Cow�oil of ths City aad ehall also reoei�e ths appro�al of suoh 3tats otfioars as ths Lv �q psa�ide in �ddition to tha Coemisaion�r af Hi�hvqya. � �_ 1�3 � 1 � .m IH TiStII�lDNY ilf�ibDF the partiea ha�o duly e:soat�d thie aQrea�nt by iheir duly suthorised ofYiaers and oaueed their respsoti�e seals to be ` h�reanto diixed. � (Cit7 3ea1) � i � DZPIRIl�N2 OF HIL�iAY3 ' R�casNnded for approval: � � � � i � �_,.,,.,�.� Kunsotpal Yn�tne.r _� � � � Road Des er � � � � � � � � Diatriat &�gia�a� �l bdst�nt Direotar oY Opsratione Appror�d a� to toa� and �ontiont � 9pselal �sdstant �tto�� Gensral �.. -7 CITt OF FRIDL�Y � T'�41�' � City Clerk 't > �L � I,I,r'�: i � . � Deputy Ca�iseioa�r ot Hi�vys Dats Dat� of darsa�nt �ppa�o�sdi Co�aiasioaer o1 �inistration B9 �athoris�d Sipnture Dste 11 _� _ � � � � ' � u � � � � � t r , � � -- - __ ��'x'"' RBSOLUTION N0. � 1.I'� RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVElfENTS, ppPB(nrpL OF PI.ArTS ANI� � I� ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT F�R BIDS ; WATER IMPROVEI�NT /f �� PROJECT N0. 94 / � WHESEAS, Ordinance No. 414 authorized emergency repair of We11 #2 in tlie amount not to exceed ltuenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). Wf�+REAS� to protect the revised facilities, there is need of a well house. WH6REAS, all this work is baeically in the nature of remodeling and repairiag. Wf�REAS, pursuant to a Resolution #54-1969 of the City Council, adopted on the Ith day o£ April, 1969, Comstock and Davis, Incorporated, Coneulting Engineera, hae prepared plans and specifications for all the improvements propoaed by Reso- lution #54-1969 and has presented such plans and �pscificationa to the Council for approval, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RfiSOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows; 1. That the following improvementa heretofore proposed by Council Resolution #54-1969 are hereby ordered to be effected and com- pleted as soon as reasonably possiblea to-wit: 2. 3. Construction of Well House and other facilities £or Well #2. That the work imolved in such imprwement as listed above shall hereafter be designated as Water Improvement Project No. 94. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby appraved. The work to be performed under Water Improvement Project No. 94 ahall be perfoxa�d under one contract. The City Manager shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inaerted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of euch impravements under such approved plans and apecificstions. The advertisement ahall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 daya), and sha11 specify the caork to be done and will state that bi,ds will be opened and considered at 11:30 o'clock A.M. on the 19th day of May, 1969 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unlese aealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accompauied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of auch a bid. Thst the advertisement for hids for Water Imprwement ProjecC No. 94 shall be aubatantially in foxm as that noted in F�cchibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1969. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham A11RiST: CITSC CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � � � RESOLUTION N0. 10� 1969 . _L�? A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING 7HE COMBINING OF SPEGIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 14, PARGEL 6d0, RNO PRRT OF LOT i$, PARCE� 61D, BLOCK 2, SYLVAN HItLS ADDITION WIiEREAS, certairr special assessments have been levied ti•�ith respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE� as fotlov�s: I That the assessments levied against the following descri6ed parcel, to-wit: � Lot 14; Parcel 600, and part of Lot 15, Parcel 610, Block 2, Syivan Hilis Addi- tion� may and shall be apportioned and combined as follows; Originat Parcels • Fund Originai kmount _ _ _ _ -____ Lot 14, Parcel 600, Block 2, Regular S. & W. $ Z3.35 Sylvan Hills Addition SS #5-C (Storm Sewer} 27�.Og � � � � � � � � r � � � � Part of Lot 15, Parcel $10, Block 2, Sylvan Hilis Addition Combining of Parcels Approved Loi ]4 and atl that part of lot 15 which iies N. of a tine drawn pa�ailel to and a distance of one (1) foot from the CJ�Iy boundary thereof as measured at right angles, Parcel 605, Block 2, Sylvan Hi11s Addition SS #5-C (Storm Sewer) Fund Regular S. � W. 55 #5-� (Storm Sewer) ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNTS ___�� , 1969. ATTEST: CITY GLERK Marvin C. Brunsell $ 3.35 $ 300.79 Original Amount $ 23.35 277.�� �300.79 �r � DAY OF HAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham �. ,__ <r J� RESOLUTION NO.�p - 1969 1 �'� A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIi1G AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 6, P�IRCEL 1500, AUOIT�R'S SUQDIVISION N0. 23 WHEREAS, certain speeial assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequentty been subdivided, ND�d� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE� as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Lot b, Parcel 1500, Auditor's Subdivision No. 23, may and sha11 be apportioned and divided as follows: . Original Parcel Lot 6, Parcel 1500, Fluditor's Subdivision No. 23 fund Regular S.A. (Water Main) OriginaT Amount $ 362.85 5 362.88 Division of Parcel Approved Fund Oriqinal Amount Part of Lot 6(Excep*_ Parcel Regutar S.A. (Water t4ain) $ 109.85 1530), Parcel 1500, Auditor's Subdivision No. 23 Part of Lot 6, Parcel 1530, Regular S.A, (Water �4ain) $ 253.�3 Auditor�s Subdivision No. ADOPTEO BY ( HE CITY COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS t , 1969• ATTEST: CITY CLERK Marvin C, 9runsell $ 362.88 J /,� DAY OF MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham � � � � ' � � � ' �3 L, � � J � � � , � �r,c urrr•.<°r � CHA.NGE ORDER ,�,,.- �..2---uaici�.a�, i,�c�H: nATr_ t�y_ 22,_� _'a,:�s�t. :�u.__6T-o25 �,WNE�----�stx—Qr �ria�.ex--- _ _ __ __ _— ____ _ . _ 13R YEiOJIiC1'_ . � _ ��b'jl �ni -i t'ri1 ['�_ �a.rn4nt� . . _ ' ._ — — . _� . _ . . . . _ ._ 'Pn '1'H2 CU,Y'1 R 1CP� �R - 1 �: r �� � i.�i 1 t � i h.1 � i... I ro I- i� li.sled L� �.� In .I � �� , 1i11 in �lu• ol n.Lve to� A. Com141 . 1-�tl mpun n r:� � ILe L.t � , orq�..t. P4v:. . 1 iuo : eP:�raleW .md .�p� nnd -n .JI ni! � 1.� , lu Ih .\ L� r i. In lieu of conneCtion of 6" sewer as specified, conaection ahaLl be bY ine'ta11ia8 a drop manhole as required by North 5uburban Sanitary 3ever Mstrict aad Fridley City Engineer. Truck Crane rental dve to extra depth, $ houre � $20.00 per hour Stsialees eteel bolta for he,ngers FSctra cut into se�rer pipe at invert Pipe layer - 8 hours �$6.50 per hour P].us 15$ Total $16Q.00 16.00 50.00 52•0� 27 .00 41.70 31 .70 i,`.,i� <::r ...i�� �,:. ` ... �. .r ; . �_ _ . . _ �_ � _ e —i � ; �� ! ( -, � � , , _ _ I�� � - i I � -- +__.1—^ . ;' �GV:3+.....fv. .__�i�i.:. �� We pmpose to make the aMwe listed chnnges for un (mcrea�e) �tC6lfdGii�76� in rontraet priei� of g___37'9•7� �d � (ittcrease!) (decrrase) nf roustroMion lime nf _dap9. . C'�mtractor_$&IT38 BT08.._pa.�mt1�,a.g,�' .a 3,].j-y�ICdtc Leke.�^t y . _�� �i:ur_ . �/���5� Minaeapolis, Minn. 554� � ��%r�� 'Pn'1'lIR UWN4:1[ -'llu, t•�ru1m����u h:�.�pnq.�...1 lu ma4.. tlx� :dnrv�• lid.�.1 hnnx�^s Lrr Om a .�pinir�l pria•v. W�.:�pprov�, lLi.. rhnnu�•. If �-xw �i�anq�x xnd I m Prvq� rmnl arr �::�f.a1n���.�ry. PI�..�.�, indirnl�, c�mr ��pyr���.�1 by .iRni�u nit i i��.�.1 � 7•��n' h � / . 1� nyi�^�f� a :u��l n•luni :dl olher rvqm.n b� tlm ArcItiLCL, ( / F��� `� � � • PA'1'CH and F.RICKSOA', TNC.. .\RCHIT'F.C1�5, by _date� 'i'n '11i1i t'(�h"I'It.\Cf�rR — 1'�inr pnqmmd for mabin� ilw alroe lirt.:d cl�-anq.v i+ ���qunved :u„1 an.�pl�.i. �\�u xrr .�u�imriuvl lo prw�n�� ailh tLe :�iti>ra jiyleJ ��trinRr.x. � 1 hvnrr. bV . . _ ..,� . - _. __.__ . _ _. .,.. _. _ ._. .. _. _._ dulr___. �_ti �PPOINTMEllf FQR CONSENf AND APPROVAL BY TEIE CITY COUl�CIL --- JPBIL lli 1969 � TION � �� ClROLB BIdIAN iIAITRESS � 2.10 p/hr. PART TII� EIQPL02EE3 6553 erthur stseet NE lridlo�� Minneaota STAM,EY WILSO�T HAAIBNDER ; 3.19 pfisr. EARI, A�ORB 11�5 Hinge Iane B►R � 22 enolm, Minttesota � , ' , City of lridley 6431 Oniveraity Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 33�1 , �v 645-67th �ve, 1. E. hidley, Ninn, 5543Z The Aonorable Mayor Jack Kirkham aad neabere of the Council ` oi the City of lridley fieatleaen: It has been indeed a pleaeure to have served on the Building Standards-Deei� Control Subeommittee. formerly the Buildittg Board, for the paet five ysare. I hope that I have been� in a Bmall xay� ot soae ssrvice to the Council and the City of lridley. My desire is that I covld continue to serve on the Subco�mittea bnt the preea of other dutiss makes it impossible for ss to gi.ve the ti�ae neees- eary to do the job properl�. Tharefor�, I wlah to t�nda my reeig�ation from the suLcos- mittes, stfective immediately. Y�l� � � Carrol R. Hauge ' , , ' , C L A I M S ' GENERAL #17820 - #17921 LIQUOR # 3226 - �' 3289 1�� . �' �` � I o� � � � I � � z % Q 0 � � � O � � '+ ki � �� ,� �a .. , � � m ' N � g � � � 0 � -�z 1 �. . o�e � o ' y . �� � � � � ` m � , � N ` ' t . . ^v ,1 • . d Z = � �� : ,o K W ��C' � W � o e o o � I � �,.� " , � � � ' � � \�. ,J : � � } 1 �� � _ `._ V- o � .Zso� ` 0 i 0 � 0 u � 0 � u W 6 I � � m o I� � W � � e V m , � �-a�� � � Q . �, � Q a ?� � , � � _ � 1 4 v h � � � �� M � � � .� � % r Qi Q. M \ � z � � ` �� ° " � x 0 e ,� � c. �. -. � � � � v _ _ _ �- ``?' ( �� a I � � � 0 � � � F -. � � � : � � fi � � '� 3 - � �� � • � � a � � � � � V� 0 � ��+ C/ \�t` r � � � o�;��. , T0: License Clerk FROMs Aerveq J. McPhee D�TEt ipril 17, 1969 Si1BJ8CTc Release of "hold" on food licenae of Food Boneaza, 250 Oeborne Rd. A reautveq wea msde by me of their food establishment oa lpril 16� 1969. The Board oY Henith hereby releaeee tlm "hold" oa their liceaee application and it vill be approved whan received by the Ssnitar3an. a �7 ��v LICF2ISES T� BE A'Pr'ipT1,�',D AT THE APR-L� 21, 1969 CouuCZL "�tE�TIAiG CIGARETTE Mirmie Pearl Chicken 5865 Unineraity Ave. Fridley� ?linnesota Lea�a Standard 7b80 Highxay �►65 Fridley� Minneaota A & W Resturant T1129 �. R. Road Fridley� Minneaota Maple Lanea 63�o xig�ay ;�65 �1.dley� Minnesota Riverside Standard 8100 Ts. R. Road Fridley� Minnesota Onas► Cor� 7J.t00 T3n'1 Ave. Fridle'g, Minnesota Superior 1�00 Oil Co. 7�+51 Eaet River Road � Fridley� Minnesota Aurkes Texaco 6301 Higtnray #6$ Fridlep� Minnesota Minnesota Linseed co 1t5 & Main Street �rid7ey, Minnesota Canterbuxy Inae 731 Rice Creek Terrace Fridley� Minnesota Burger King 61i10 University Ave. No. FMdley� Mirmesota Ron�s Standard 61t90 University Ave. Fridley� Minnesota m David C. 3o�ner Les Schaffran Earl M. DufYy '�iar. Gottvaldt Jame� A. ,qnnstrong Don Hansen M. D. Anderson Earl Furke Russell Nelson Robert �. Chriatenson Russell 4. Peterson koland Cox APP&OVED Chief of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police ChieP of Police Ch3ef of ?olice ChieY of Police Chief of °olice Chief oF Police Chief of Police Chief of Police �hief o£ Police Chi�f of Police � 1�4 LZCFaTSES CONTINUSD - Page 2 - ciau�rr� sY donat6� Stores, Inc. 7$5�3� Ave. N.E. M. Applabaum Frid.� CAFE MacDonalda 5831 �lniversity Ave. Mianeapolis, Mionesota King�a Chalet 6259 Highs+ay rP65 Fridley� Minnesota Irv'e Billiard �enter b237 IIniveraity Hvanue Fridley, liinnesota A & W Resturaat 7429 Bast RiiFsr Hd. Fridlsy, Minneaota Maple Lnnee 6310 Highvap #65 iRtdley, Minneeota YENDING HACHINE Wantland 3tondard $311 University Ave. Fridley� ?tinnesota Minneaota Linsaed Co. 1t5 & Main Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota .aridley Food fi4arket "154 L'. :ti..ar ?o.,,,� �r'_�i7.ey� ;:i�sota Burkea Texaco 1595 Miesiasippi St. Fridley� ;?innesota Onaa �orp 1l�00 73rd Avecn:e i;.F. Hridley� Minnesotz Strite..Anderson 7585 Viron Kosd N.?�,. Fridley� Ninnesota � James D�, Zien John Lindell Irving Weinberg Earl H. DufYy Wm. H. Gottvaldt !�'�! Ja�s Want]and E. itoehm JotL. ..,.. ., ,arl Bnrlae ;on I:.�.�,•�n Jon Hanaep. ���s, . Chief of Police /:�3��� ��:�� :�� Health Inepi�#or Health Inspector Health Inapector Health Inspsctor Health Inapeotor APPROVED BY Health Inspector Health Ir.spector Health Inapector Fiealth Inapector Iiealth I;vspector Hea1Lh Inepector 1ti.� .1 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' , � ' � ' ' � ' LIC�dSES COMTIIdUED - Paqe 3 _. VFIJDING MACHINB Snperior. 1�00 7�51 E. niver �oad Fridley� Minnesota GROCERY S�perior l�00 7451 E. Hiver Road Frid]sy� Minnesota Target P'ood 755-53 A{Fe N.E. Fridley� Minneaota Heach Concesaion Moore Lake 9each Hauae l�idley� Hinresota ON/l9FF 3AIE E of C Hall 6837. Highxay #65 Fridley, Minnesota Maple Ianes 6310 High�y N65 Fridley, Minn�esota Canterbury Inne 61�79-S1 IIniversity Ave. Fridlsy� *linneeote OFF 3AIE Tar�et Storea 755�S3rd Av�e. N.E. Fridley� Minnesota TAVERN KofCAall 68ji Highway �65 FricQey, Minneaota Mapla Lanes 6310 Highxav A�65 Fridley� Minneaota Canterbnry Inne & Pub �79-81 Univereity Ave. 1►ridley� Minnesota BY M D. �nderson � M.D. Anderson Applebawn Terry Kirkham HY James L. wbbett Wm. H. Gottxaldt Robert E. Christenson BY M. Applebaum HY Jamee L. Abbett Wm. H. uottxaldt Robert Christeneon APPROVED HY Health Inspec#.or •� � Health Inspector Health Iaspector Health Inspector APPRdVED BY Chief of Police ftealth Inapector ChieP of Police Health Inspector Chief of Police Health Inspector APPROVED B7 Chief of Police He�2Ch Inspector APPR.OQED BY Chief of Police Health Inapector Chief of Police Health Inepector Chief of Po11ce Health Iospector 12� � 1 ' , ' ' , � � , � ' � ' , � ' ' ' �mtse oomrn� - p.a. 4 - PQE C��L�ICI�G PLIICS � lhpls Lu�se 6310 oniversttT n.s. wm. x. aott,raiat l�rldl�i Minryseta S�RCb 3'�i2�61F BY �operior It00 Tli$1 E. River Road H. Andsrson Tridlsy� tilan�soEa Row SLandard 6k90 IIaiwraity Ave. Roland Caoc 1►'ri.���, Minn�soia flSSD CJ1R IiOT HY S9ai.t�s Motor Co. 561t9 Universit� Ave. Wa1Lce G. Sc�ad�b �riAey� Kinn�sota AUBHI38 PICiC-�P. BZ Y A� i� Co. 7l� Orsgon t�e. So � W4rs Hi�apolis, ?[inn�sota lOOD aSTABLI�liT HS lood �oaanaa 2�j0 Osborns Road dack Hoolsy lridlq, Minosaota �.+.� Chiet c[ Po11as �PPRdOAD BI lirs Irispector B1dg. Inap�ctor lire Iasp�oter Bldg. Zrypsctor AP'PR09BD B7 Poliae 1�fi AYPROV�tI B= Chief of Polios H�alt�h Lo�peot�' �PP809SD B7 Health IosQsctor 1�'7 LIST OF CONTRACTOR's LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COtTiaCIL FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD OF APRIL 30 1969 THRU APRIL 30 1970. April 21, 1969 BLACKTOPPING A. B, C. Blacktop Co. 1308 Main St, N. E. Minneapolis, Minneaota Minnesota Roadways Co. 2425 Minnehaha Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota GAS SERVICES Harris Bros. Plbg. Co. 217-219 West Lake St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 4607 Lyndale Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minneeota John's Appliance Service 4128 East 35th St. Minneapolis, Minnesota Schnapp Plbg. 6 Htg. 937 88th Lane N. W. Coon Eapida, Minnesota Superior Furnace Co. 6121 42nd Ave. N. Mianeapolie, Minnesota Ray N. Welter Htg, Co. 4637 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, Minneaota GEPERAL CONTRACTOR Amber Construction 5941 Benjamin S[. N. E. Fridley, Minneaota Brenny Broe. 6011 3rd St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minneaota By: James L. Turpin By: John A. Mueller By; Mitea Quigley By: Albert Vaeenius By: John A. Davltt RENEWAL RENEWAL RENEWAL RE2TEWAL '�,G '7�� By: Stanford Schnapp RENEWAL By; Donald Hogland By: Ray A. Welter By: Norman Dalberg By: Roger Brenny RENEWAL RENEWAL RSPEWAL RENEWAL 1�8 APPROVED BY Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Atg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inep. Htg. Insp. Htg. Inep, Htg. Inep. Bldg. Inap. Bldg. Inep. 1::z� r� LIST OF (�PTRACTOR'S Page 2 GENSRAL CONFRACTOR'S (cont) DeVac Salea of Minneaota Inc. 5900 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolie, Minneaota By; Barl Petereon RENEWAL Bldg. Insp, Erco, Inc. 3231 Central Ave. N. E. Minneapolie, Minnesota By; -0Liver Ericicson REliEWAL BLdg. Inep. Floodmaetcr Engr. Corp. 1545 Selby Ave. St. Paul, Minneaota By: William Fielde RBAEWAL Bldg, Inep. D. W. Harstad Co. , Inc. 7101 Highway �65 , Pridley, Minneeota By: D. W. Haratad RENEWAL Bldg. Inep. Hirech Brothers, Inc. 3954 Wooddale Ave. Minneapolie, Minneaota By: Phil Hirech RENEWAL Sldg. Inap, Arden Hwland Conet. Co. 4242 Quincy St. N. E. Columbia Heighta, Minnesota By; Arden Aovland RENEWAt Bldg. Inap. L. M. J. Co. 1011 Weat 80th St. Bloomington, Minneaota Swanetrom Co., Inc. 1350 Skywood Lane Pridley, Minnesota S. H. Templin Const. Co. 6184 Stinson Blvd. Fridley, Minnesota Tzi-Co Builders, Inc. 7561 Van Burea St. N. E. Pridley, Minneaota White Oak Bldera. 2198 Long Zake Road New Brighton, Minnesota Fred S. Yesnes Inc. 8841 31st Ave, P, Minneapolie, Minnesota By: Milfred Johnson By: A, E. Swsnstrom By: S. E. Templin By; Myroa Holm By: Bdwin Droppi By: Fred S, Yeenea � � RENEiiAL REAEWAL RENEWAL RSW l2Lx � NEW Bldg. Inap. aiag, z�p. Bldg. Inep Bldg. Inep. Bldg. Insp, Bldg. Inep. ��9 LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S Page 3 HEATING ' Conditioned Air Equipment Co. 3010 Clinton Ave. South Minneapolis, Minneeota By: C. A, Ferguson RENEWAL Htg. Inep. Harrle Bros. Plbg. Co. 217-219 West Lake St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Milea Quigley RENEWAL Htg. Inep. Ideal Sheet Metal Inc. 4607 Lyndale Ave. North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Albert Vasenius RENEWAL Htg. Inap. Schnapp Plbg. & Htg. 927 88th Lane N, W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By: Stanford Schnapp REPEWAL Htg. Insp. Superior Fumace Co. 6121 42nd Ave. N. Minneapolis, Mlnnesota By; Donald Hoglund RENEWAL Htg. Inep. Ray N. Welter Htg. Co. 4637 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Ray N. W�lter RSftEWAL Htg. Inep. West End Air Conditioning Co. 6408 Cambridge St. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: E. C, Graham, Jr. RENEWAL Htg. Inap. MASONRY D. W. Haretad Co., Inc. 7101 Highway #65 Fridley, Minneaota By: D. W. Haretad RENEWAL 81dg. Inap, M. R. Johnson 1011 West 80th St. Bloamingt6n, Minnasota By: Milfred R. Johnson RENEWAL Bldg.Inap. Leo 0. Sanders 7813 Jack,eon St. N. E. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota By: Leo 0. Sanders REftEWAL Bldg Insp. 3IGN EREGTORS Signcraftere, Inc. 836 40th Ave. N. E. Mi�eapolis, Miimeaota By: Jamea Staffor' RENEWAL Bldg. Inep. Urban Sign Co. 2909 Vera Cruz Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minneeota Bq: William Riemele NEW Bld g. Inep. 1 LJ , �i � ' I L L! , i-. L� LJ r-� II �J � � J � IJI SSTIMATES TO BE APP�20VED BY CITY COUNCIL APRYL 21, 1969 Harris Brothers Plumbing Company 217 - 219 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 Eatimate No, 3 PINAL Mechanical Construction Fridley Muaicipal Garage according to contract Nason, Wehzman, I(night and Chapman, inc. 2101 Hennepin Avenue Minaeapolis, Minnesota 55405 INAL Technical and Professionsl Services Hyde Park Study - Contract of July 16, 1968 Robert L. Mil er C natruction ,� 1390 Tenth Ave e (�,,�� Newport, Minneso 5055 � � `"- � � For constructio Storm Sewer Impiovement Project 89, according to con rac stimate No. 1- Partial) Corletock & Davis, Iac. Conaulting Bngineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Estimate No. 1(Partial) for furnishing of professional Eagineering Services for Planning Water Improvement 75-H Estimate No. 1(Partial) for furnishing of professional Engineering Servicea for planning Water Improvement Project No. 92 Eatimate No. 1(Partial) for furnishing of professional Eagineering Services for planning Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 90 Eatimate No. 1(Partial) for furnishing profesaional Engineering Services for planning Storm Sewer Improvement Projec[ No. 89 Es[imate No. 3(Partial) for furnishing of resident inapection and reaident supervision for the ataking out of the construction worlc for Test Wel' Construction - Water Improvement 75-H, from March 3, 1969 through Ma� 29, 1969. ' Estimate No. 2 for furniahing residentinspection and reaident superviaion for the staking out of the construction work for Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 89 from March 29, 1969 130 $ b,057.94 $ 2,500.00 $ 9,758.79 $ 1,097.70 $ 1,194.74 $ 7,993.58 $ 555.25 $ 213.44 $ 1,015.17 � Eatimate No. 1 for furnishiµg re�ident inspqct�vp aRd aup�rvision for ataking out pf Water Impr. Project No. 92 from 3/2G/69 - 3/29/69 $ 241.89 1 i ' , , ' IJ ' , � � � � I 1��1 AI'PLICATION FOR PAY:�IE:�IT �t, s ftnal`� r. 4, �469co�iNiTi`o�5.�7-��� � . . A)ATIi � �ro N�idlev Volunreer Firemen' a Relief Association __ �__ _ , owrrea, This Applicatiun i. in�+ci�l pavmrnt (nr_MeCI18II1C81_COI18Ci{ICCSOII oriR , Add � I'� u Fridle�Munic�al Gara�e �. 5/28/68 ------ _.,,�,��,�t,�,m__ _— Ih�rnPbn.� .,f )'m�..1 N'.nk liem> Insulstioa Sewar 6 Water Veatilation 6 Wazm Air Heatiag Temperature Control. Plumbiag Fixturae � Water Heater Waste 1Yap Drains & Hydrants Gae Uait Finatera 4iatta � Vent Piping Watar Piping Gas Piping C�ntraet Total�s nr;e Urdera Tol< � .�nmct ( . nPl.-ir�i ����� �rt � -! n�. � �� �.i - - 500.00--r---_ —"— 1,600.00 � 4,700.00 � 1�042.00 i 2,000.00 � 500.00 500.00 1,400.00 2,LOQ.OQ 950.00 500.00 --__ � ^+�393.4� CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Based on our observationa, this applicalion for pay- ment is correct to the best af our knowledge, and the contraMor is entil%i� fn the indicete�oavment � Total cn be Drawn to Dete lbmpIetM To Uute 500.00 1,600,00 4,700.00 1,042.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,400.00 2,10U.OQ 950.00 500,00 .— i _- — —593.44 _work •dnne on your 4/4/69 Helem�e To Fini«h Amount Now Due 6� V� /.94 ..... . .. ......................> $ � �,//LL��CC��.. �y /This in lo eertily thet all work lie�ed ebove has been mmpleted in �ccord�nce viM coptroe[ 1 Project ehecked by�yc�� i ��wnenh �nd Ihe1 all lawful Mar`er, for dMr, mxlerial, etr, for which previoun �erti8�alw � / ha�e been ixnued, hnve bem p�id. This form checked by��_� `''� � PA and F.R CK N, INC., ARCH E(.'CS Coniractnr �Ri$ �Q� P�M�iNi'' �ANi .� _r.J` , By �' Date`a"� � By- 4�' 6 �X:-c7/f• "=�' :%� Date 4�4/69 11�mrd�rris , Pres. , April 15, 1969 ' , City of Fridley to ' ' , , , � , � � ' ' { � �3ti NASON • WEHRMAN • KNIGHT AND CHAPMAN, INC. 2"10'I HENNEPIN AVENUE • MINNEAPOLIS • MINNESOTA 5540�" • PHONE 374-5790 u Noso�, Wehrman, Knight 8 Chapman, Inc. Site Planners - Community Planners - Engineero Dr. To tschnical and profeuional services Hyde Park Study - Contract of July 16, 1968 Aetivities Prepamtion of base rtwp, physical features, land use, building use and zonin8 informafion. Preparotion of preliminary development alternatives together with the discuuion of alternatives wifh the Planning Commission. Preparotion of draft of the first Hyde Parlc area report, September'68, October '68, Fetxuary '69. General publie presenMtion January 8, 1969. Preparation of finaf Hyde Pork area report April 1969. Delivery of 50 copies of April 1969 report. Preparation of April 10, 1%9 Report to Plonning Commission. Completion of all octivities of the contract. Tota I Amount Now Due S2, 500.00 � Nofe: This invoice serves to void the invoiee for serviees dated November 11, 1968. COMMVNITY PLANNIN4 • COVNTV PLANNINO . SITE PIANNINa . URBAN RENEWA� r UR04N RESEARCH ,Na1NEERING . �,ANPSC4PE ARCHiTECTURE 1 �_ 1 ' � City Engineer ' City oP Fridley 6431 Univereity �ve. N.B. Fridley� Minn. Dsar dir, �� n �j�, 5174, dt. 7eier Dr. Minneapolis, M3na. 55421 April 14, 1969 Ye, ths undsraigned, are ve:y conceraed with an intereection tmas our hom�a hera in Innsbruck. ?h� area I raPer to is the intereectioa of Trollhngen Drive and St. Iuier Drive. �� mors and mors aev hues are beiag built in our area, thsre ie att laoru.aing amount of traffic cosing dosm ?rollhagsa ae thie ie the oaly aocess for these people to Silrer Lake Road. It e��m� Lhat aost c4r� pick up sp•s� cosiag dorn tho hill on Srollhagen ead reach an ezceeeivs �peed turning the corner to St. Iaier Dr. As there are eo man,q liLtle chilHran ridiag bikea ead playing ia ths area, x� Psol a stop sign on thie corner rould diacourag� epeeding and make thi� iater�sotion much eafer. Ws vovld appresiats your help in thia matter. Thank you. �_ r. attd 1 rs. f3era d Vee 1`'j64 Trollhrgen Dr. r. and ! re. orn d J. Ma C� 5178 8t. Iaier Dr. Toura truly, `�v�. E. cJ - xra. s. v. Pt�gleetsa , ad }s. Dan.�E. Xaite � 1599 Trnllhagsn �. S,. '��: i"� �i -. ,. ��i ![r. and !lre, as Lind tros 1595 Trollhagen Dr. a �. �' �� � F R I D L E Y 1 A Y C E E S ��4 � � ' ' . , t• I • A 7, F II 1 Y L E Y. 11 I N N£ S 0 T A, 5 5 4 2 1 April lo, 19E9 The F;onorahle Jack KirY.har.� Mayor of the City of °ridley Members of the FridleY Cit« Council Fridley, Minr:esota 55421 Gentlemen: On behalf of the Fridlev Ja,ycees, I wish to thank each of you for vour generous response to our plea for funds to send to the city of Hazlehurst, Missis- sinpi. The $500 aporopriated by the City Council nlus the other donations received from other organi- zations and individuals has been sent to the Ctty of Hazlehurst for their use in assistin� tornado victims. � We feel that the results of this project were very satisfactory beca.use of the tremendous response from all those who were asked to assist us, The ' City of Fridley can indeed be proud for the Yray its citizens and city leaders cooperated in helping another community in their "darkest nj.ght." Very lv yours, !/G�"i�/ �` ���.,w Bill Drigar(S President "L�itp Tntni�tg Tluou�h Conun�n/ty Dsvelop�nant" , ' ' ' , ' � � ' ' ' , ' ' � 1�S i F R I D l E Y J A Y C E E S / � i 0 0 7. F l I D l E T. � I M M E I 0 T�. S 5 � 2 1 ♦pril l, 1969 Honorable Paul Bemph l�laTor of Hazlehuret ' H�slehurst, Miaaisaippi Dear Mayor Kemph, pttaohed please find a check for $782.00 xhich hea been collected by the Fridley JaTcaes from the people of Prfdley and surrounding area. We xould like the mone� to be uaed by your city council in en�ra� that Would help tha reaidenta of �our cit� Which auffered damage in the tornado that atruck yovr city on January 23, 19b9. Through this action, aa well as through the lood and alothea that r►ere collected b7 the Ja7ceea and sant to 7ou in Februar�, �he citizens of Fridley Pelt thet this ptight be one amall sra� in�+hich xe eould repay all the peopla who came to our aid on a night 1n May of 1965, xhen three tornadoea tore into our city. Ye are sll keenl� axare of juat xhat a tornedo oan do to a aansnunit7. Tha losa oS life and property damage caused by a dissater of thia kind can naver be forgotten b� � co�r►unity. But, through the period of reconstruoti� a senae'of friendahip, telloxehip, and brotherhood is lnstilled into the people o! the eoaaRUnity that generate pride and apirit xhich ia not forgotten either. Yleaee exprese to the people of your community the hope for a last and apeedy recoverf from �our disastes from th� people o! Fridle� and from all the people of ?Sinnesotn. Sincerel ---�.1 , -�}"'1��12�:- .:y Wi211am A. Drigefne Preaident Fridle� Jaycees . oos flridley CitT Council , • "LtadtrJhip Training Through Codtu�unit�r DtvsloPn�nt" PUB�IC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - FEBRUARY 1969 STREET DBPARTMENT 1. Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Signs and &arricadea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Equipment Repaira - Street . . . . . . . . . . . . ' WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2. Final Readings and Collections : : : : : : : : : : 3. Hydrant Repaira and Flushing 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . , S. Pumphouse Work . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6. Standpipe Repairs . 7. Water and Sewer Inspections . 8. Water Meter Inspections and Repairs . . . . . . . . ' 9. Water Turn-ons . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Lp, Watex�ain Breaks 11. Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs ....... 2. MiscellaneoUS Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. SaniCary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT HOURS 2 181z 81 102 52 105� 165 51'� 43 76'� 141 1 19 85'� 6 56'� 31 141 1052 98� 4 64 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning ....... 346'� 2. Miacellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . 8 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL 1. Sanding - Ice Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 2. $now Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �4 3, MisceLlaneoua Snow and Ice Work • . . . . . . . . . $3 4. Equipment Repaixs - Snow and Ice . . . . . . . . . 266 ,� . �' , Page Two PU$LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MQNTHLY REPORT - FEBRUARY 1969 ' MISCELLANEOUS 1. Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, Holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3. Park Department : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4. Sick Leave 5. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : 7, Equipment Repaira - Administration 8. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . . . ' 9. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department : : : : : : : ; 10, Equipment Repairs - Liquor Stores . 11, Equipment Repairs - Park Department . 12, Equipment Repairs - Police Department . . . . . . . ' ' � � ' , r ' ' ' ' ' HOURS 37� 136 35 12 84 8 2 11 10'� 2 14 51'� STRSET DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PUBLIC WORRS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 1969 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miacellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . . . Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop T3me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signs and Barricadea . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . WATER DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . . . Final Readings and Collectione . . . . . . . . Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . . P�phouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water and Sewer Inspectiona . . . . . . . . . . Water Meter Inepections and Repairs ...... Water Turn-ona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain Sreaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER DEPARIMENT 1. Lift Station Inepections and Repairs ..... 2. Manhole Repaira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Miacellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Sani[ary Sew�er Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Equipccent Repairs - Sewer . . . . , . . . . . . STOldd SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Catch Basin and 5torm Sewer Cleaning ..... 2. Hiacellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . SNOW AND ICE CONTROL HWRS 24 38 33 117 178'� 87� 150 138� 166 43� 49� 36� 51 22'� 7'� 63'� 7� 121� 2� 13 7'� 114 8 179� 100 104� 39'� 96 35 1. Sanding - Ice Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 � 2. Snow Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31'� 3. Miscellaneoua Snow and Ice Work 56 4. Equipment Repaire - Snow and Ice ....... 6 ' ' � LI 1 ' ' II ' , ' � ' , ' ' � _J L1 ' ' Page ZVo PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - MARCH 1969 MISCELLANEWS 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1S. 16. 17. Administra[ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood Control . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Injury on Job - Robert Anderson . . . . . . . . Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety School . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sewer School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacstiona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repaira - Administtation . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Asaessor . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Fiie Department . . . . . . Equipment Repaira - Liquor Stores . . . . . . . Equip�nt Repaire - Park Department . . , . . . Equipment Repaire - Police Depart�nt . . . . . HUURS 1� � 430 62 4 24 16 36 28 20 3 4 5 6� 6 13 36� 8-79lREV. 71-3-641 � � ($tondard Form e4 the Inrernotiono{ Associotion oF Chiels oF Police) � . (Copies ovailable ot�Federal Boreov of Investigation, Woshingron, D. C. 20535)� . CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT POLILE DEPAR7MENT � , � - � cnr or FPid19y Nmm ot March : 19 69 Total personna�. �Ch1eYs o([ice . . .8ecords bureau . Untfonned fome . Detective bureau Traff(c burem� . . � - . TABtE 1.--D4STRI8UTfOK OF PERSONNEL � � � � - Average Daily � Percene Ooily Average Dnily - NumericalSirength .� Absence. Abse�ce . Tenporary Deeails - Avaroge E{fecfive $trength Endo( memonth ��emontf inemonih memam Smnemonth ihis monih last year TMismon( last ye�r Thismnnth lasYyear This mont last year ThismonlhLasimonth last ycvr 27 21 �.28 6.73 14•72 1�.79 14.27 1 1 First relle( . . . �'O V Second rellef . . �O " ThIM re11e[ . , . ! 7 � TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL 1. Presenl (or duty end of last month . . . . . . . . . . 2. ftecrulted durSnq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Relnstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total to acmunt tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4. Sepvmttons from the servfce: - (a) Voluntury mslqnatbn . . . . . . � (b) Retlrement an pensfm . . . . . (c) Reslqned wtth chatges pendlnq (d) D�opped durinq probatlm . . . . (e) �lsmfssed (or cause . . . . . . . � � (f J - Killed In Iine o( duty . . . . . . (9) Dceevsed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Total seporalions . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5. Present [or duty at end of movth . . . . . . . . . . TABLE 3.-DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH 7 Same month O . This month last yeor � 4 1� Tota! number ot trolme 22 GZ • W n......... 2• 2. Less peemm�eni ass�q�ments Ivubllc oEfSces, clerlcal, chauffeurs, etc.) . . . .. 3. Less detalts to spectal squads or bu- � �eaus (tra(flr., vlce, park, etc.j . . . . . � 4. Averaqe daLLy abse�vices ot patmlmen asslqned. topatrol dutY ow/nq to: (a) VacaHOn, suspensWn, rest . daYS.eM ................. (b) Slck� vnd !n)om.d . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Tempomry delaSls . �. . . . . . . . . OTotal vve�aqe dalty absences .. � 5. Awllable tot pahol daty . . . . . . . . �.28� 6.73 '� ' _. � ' . � . � _ _ _ _,_. TABLE 4=- CRtME INDEX AND POLiCE ACTIVITY TREND � � � OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POLICE . CNANGE � CURRENT YEAR �S. LAST YEAR � ,CIA$$IFICATION OF OFFENSES � � � V5. SAME MONTH VS. SAMEPERI00 ' � �(��RT�I CLASSE5) REPORTED OR AC7UAL ACTUALTHIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR KNOWN� UNFOUNDED OPFENSES 7t�RTODATE � � THISMONTH 7MIfA10NTH � NUMBER� PERCENT NUMeER ��PERCENT MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT - �� � � � MANSLAUGHTER FORCIBLE RAPE 70TAL � � . �o. RAPE BY PORCE - ' � � ' � 6. ASSAULTTORAPE-ATTEMPTS - RD88ERY TOTAL � 7 6 � a. ARMED�-.ANYXEAPON b.�SSRON4ARM-NOWEAiDN 2 � AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL � . a. GUN 6. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRIIMENT e. OTHER DANGEBOUS WEAPON � d. XANDS, FIST, ETC. • AGGRAVATED BURGLARY TOTAL �T 7 ��- � � o. FORClBLE ENTHY d b. UNLAWFUL ENTHY • NO FORGE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTkY I. � LARCENY - THEFT (ezcept auro theft) � 18 18 �:7 a. S50 AND OVER IN VALUE � AUTO THEFT 6 3 3 9 CRIME INDEX TOTAL MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE OTNERASSAULTS-NOTAG4RAVATEO �,�I. 1 2Z LARCENY, UNDER ESO IN VALUE � ..PART I TOTAL 11S �. �.07 �7O . ITAL PARTIIINCIDENTS ..............�/.9 p/..."""..........................Z�j.�'.q...... ITAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS f Ovo ................ .............. ��jG.�Fn ..... ' � 171L GllLS FOR POIICE SERYICE .. ... . RZv ........ ... ................. .. 47.�.2..... AUTOMOBtLESRECOVEREO . ' Y U) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ...:..:..............................L......... . . (B) IYUMBER STOLEN IOCALLY ANU RECOVERED BY 07HER 1URf5DICT10NS .................... �............:.. � (C) TOTAL LOCALlYSTOLEN AUTOSRECOVERED ........... ......................................... � � . ' (D) NUMBER STOLEN OIIT �F JURISDIC710N, RECOVERED LOCALLY . .......................................... ' . .. . •. . . '. ... . .. .. . � . . ' .. . . .. _ .. . . . . ... . . � ' - ' ' TABLE 5-- VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED - � � � �� � VALUE OF PROPERiY VALUE OF.PROPERTY VAWE OF PROPERTY� TOT�L VA4UE OF OFFENSE VALUE RF iROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY � STOLEN LOCkLLY STOLEN OTHER '� .. . _ .. LOCAILY STOLEN S10LEN LOCALLY .� ANDRECOVERED �1ND RECOVERHD BY PHOPERTY RECOVEREO �URISDICTIONS � LOCALLY OTkER IURISDIQfON REWVERED LOCAILY � ' � R08BERY � 1 O � �.O � � _ ' SURGGRY � . •.00 � Z • � . . LARCENY' O �6 �.1 l 1 . . IUTO THEFT OO OO . roTa� 9835•03 ,6143•36 3ta75.00 9b18.36 6200.00 ' .' TABLE 6-- OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST year to date (include exceptionat clearances) �� ' � � � � _ � NUMBER OF OFFENSES� PERCENT OF OFFENSES ` CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED 8Y ARREST � CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES � 6Y �RRE57 oF sY ARRE57 OF �� - ��(PART I CLASSE$) . tOT�L CLEARED � TOTAL CLEARED ..' PERSONS UNDER IB PERSONS UNDER 78 TMIS LAST TXIS LAST TXIS LAST � TNIS LAST YEAR YGR YEAR 7E�R YEAR YEAR YEAN �YEAR ' 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE � � a. M{IftUER AtN NONNEG�IGENT MANSLAUGXTER � 6. MANSLAUGNTEH 6Y NEGLIGENCE � , Z. FORCIBIE RAPE TOTAL �. �� a. RAPE BY FORCE 1- � � 6. A4SAULT TO RAPE. ATTEMPTS ' 3. ROBBERY TOTAL � a. 1RME� • ANY WEAPON � � - � ' b.STRONGdRM-NOwEAPON 17 ZO� - - 4. ASSAULT TOTAI . � 3 a. GUN 'b. KNIfE OR CUTTING �NSTRUMENT � . e. OTHER DANGEROUS WEAPON - d HAIDS FI5T5 FEET ETC. • AGGRAVATED p � �, e OTHER ASSAULTS- NOT AGGRAVATED 1( O � 5. BURGLARY TOTAL � �. �. � � �' a. FORQBLE ENTRY � S b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE 1 '� � s. �ATTBMPTED FORCIHIE EN7RY '� � 6. LARCENY • THEFT (EXCEPT A11T0 THEFT) t O 5 1 Z ^ m�350l�N�OVERINVAWE 1 � b. UNDER f501N �ALUE 7U � 1 2 � � ' 7. At1T0 THEFT. � �- 1 1 � GRAMD TOTAL 129 S 8 Z r TABLE 7-- PE[t50NS ARRESTED, CHARGED AND DISPOSED OF DURING MONTH � veRSOeis � � �UR7, DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH ARRESTS � � FORMALLY � UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES .(�NCIUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CNARGE ADULTS GUILTY CXARGED ACQUITTED ftEFERREDTO . THIS ' OR IUVENILE �� � _ � . � MONTM OF• OF OTHERWISE COIJRT ' - - TOTAL OFFEt(SE LESSER DISMISSED 7URISDICiION � � � JUYENIlES /.DULTS. � WTI.I CNARGED OPFENSE 1. CRIMINAL NQMICIDE: ' � a. MURDER ANU NONNEGLIGENT MA1bLAWXTER 6. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLFGENCE � 7. FORCIBLE RAPE 3, &�88ERY � d. AGGRAVAtED ASSf�ULT 5. BURLLARY • SRE�KING 9R ENTERING 1� �6.iARCENY-THEFTfE%CEPTAUTOTNEFT) Z ZO LL ZO � 7. AUTO TXEFT 2 8: OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN 1• de) TOTAL- PARTICLASSES 2Q 2O � 2 ZO � TMIS TEAR. TO DATF ], I O P � �LAST�YEARiOCATE L PEftCENT CMANGE � ' 9. ARSdi � 10. PORGER7 AND CDUNTERFEITING � ❑. PRAUD 73. EMBEZZLEMEMT i}, STOLfN PROPER71'; lUCING, RECEIYING, � POSSESSING � 14. ' VANDALISAI 15�. WEAPONS; CARRTING, POSSESS�NG, E7G � - � 16.� PROSTITUTION AND CQNMERCULIZED �iCE � � � 17. SE% OFFENSES (E%CEPT 2 AND 76) 78.� NARCOTIC ORUG L1MS � � 19. GAM6UNG 7A �FEIGESAGAIIKTTNEFAMILYAlOQi/1OREN 1 21�. ORIVIN6 UNDER TNE INFLOENCE' L � .24: LIpUOR LAWS i3. DRIMKENNESf � 7d. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 75. VAGR�NCY � id. ALL OTNER OPFENSES (E%[EPT TRAFFIC) � - TOTAL�- PARTIICLASSES � ZO 1� 27 17 1� TXLS YEAR TG OATE o L � � � LAST TEAR TO QATE ' V 2 p. � � .�, PERCBN7C1Sf�NGE � TRAFFlC ARRESTS�THIS MONTH - . ''.._ � � � B-79a. (Rev. �0-31-65) ,� .. ,... -. "' _... . ' � police.Department City oP -CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT TRAFFIG SUMMARY Fridiey � Moeth of =Kgrch 19 69 �. TABLE 1. ACCIDENT.SUMMARY ' is Mon Year to Date Thie Year Last Year � o�o Chenge This Year � Last Year o�o Change � �' AccidentTotal �37 �2 =}-Z 7-95 1�� +3% Facal 1 1 ' Personallnjuri �. 20 —Z5 Ei5 0 '�'3� . Pmpe�ty Damage 18 � 21 . —1 126 91 +38 � ' � �Pedestrian . � .. �' � 't . . ' TABLE2. ENFORCEMENTSUMMARY T6is Monf� Year to Date � . This Yeaz Leat Yeaz o% Change This Yeer Last Year % Change ' T�tx�� To�� 272 109 + �.16 251 +65 xaZ�aoUa vsoiec.ona 47 45 +4 129 150 —14 �' pther Violetio¢s j.83 57 {' 209 7a + P�s�g 37 5 } 70 18 + 1 D`� 5 2 + 8 5 +60 Accident Arreata end Citations � � ' � � .. �. � - �� � . ' TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OP TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS T6is Month Year to Date . � : _ T6is Year Last Year o/o Chmige Thia Year I.aet Yeer ofo C6ange ' Totel Accidente 2 —12 19 1 2 +'7 � Fatal Accidents � 1 � 1 — � ' _ Persons Killed - �. �. � �;� ����aen�a i5 20 —25 65 50 +30 '� Peraons Ial�ed � Z3 33 —31 � 112 � � 73 � +53 � � Pedeatrians Killed � � Pedestrians Injured �(.. . '+' �}. . + . . �- � . �� � - �.. . � � Hit end Run Accidents i.� 1� � —3!� '�-� 30 25 ��'2� ' � Gleared by A�reat 2 - t Q � t Cieared - No Arrest � 3 �.� —7� �.5 . � 19 —22 . Total Cleared 7 1� "7�� 1% - 19 —�-3- ,. ,' �. . � . . � � ' � ' ' ' ,_� ' L , ' ' e 4"_ TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AND ENFORCEMENT (By Hour of Day and Doy of Week� Monday Tuesday Wedntsday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunduy Cita[ion � Citation � Citation � Citatio¢ Citation Citation �� Citatio �� Acci- and Acci-� and � Acci- and Acci- end Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and� Time dent Arrest dent Arrest .dent Arrest dent Artest dent Arrest� dent Aaest � dent Acrest 12 M ], 1: W ], 2:00 3:00 4:00 5c00. �. � � . � 6c00 �. . 1. 7: W 2 ], a:oo 1 1 s:oo to:oo 7- u:oo iz x 3 1 i:oo z:oo 1 a:oo 1 1 a:oo 1 2 2 1 1 1 s:ao 1 r 7� s:oo 1 7:00 s:oo - 1 2 9:00 ). ], 10:00 j ], I3:00 �� 1 ,. ._ �. � Nctec •Citation and ArresP column should include cII trnffc citations and arreste made during each hour period except perking citationa. . . � � I TABLE 5. COMPARATIYE SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT (By Niolation) , TBis Month Year to pute Thie Yeaz Laet Year� Thie Yeaz Last Yesr o o Change ' � � Haza�doue Violations Total 52 47 � 137 155 � -12 . nwi : 5 2 8 5 +60 ' 21 27 56 81� -3L� . � Speeding . , . . Recklesa Driving . . �.. . � 2 � Catelese Driving 4 � 7 12 '42 �., . . . ltaffic 3ignsl � . 1.7 �7 3� 16 +87 , s�oP s�� 5 z 13 10 +30 � a�e� Re�,�atory s�� 5 5 . u��acerp�e�e 1 1 1 _ . ' �ProPer Tuming . �. 2 �. 'F' � .' � � RightoP.Way-Vehicle - 1 2 � 5 �6� Right of W�y - pedeetriea . � .' Following Too Cloeely � ' No or Improper Signai , Improper Start from Parked Poaition . Impropei Backing -' Improper Lene Usage �� - � 2 � � �' Failure W Drive - Right � �- Z — � w � Defective Eq�ipment �- 5 Q t �. , .Other Hazardoua Violation 2 J 2 � + � '� �. . ��� Other Violstions ToteI � � �'$3 57 � 2�g � � 78 + Parking Violatioa Total 3% 7 �?� ].8 � t � _.�.___._ . . . . . `, MOT�R VEHICLES Mileags Gaa MPG March �9.69 &xpsnee CPH ' f3 2 2.2 9.1 l.�0 .0 0 � p��r 37 5LI �4 673.9 8. 0 264.18 . 049 �,i�, 38 7361 815.2 9.0 335•55 .045 ; ��r 39 75�� 95.7 7.9 108.78 .i44. � unst� 4° 391h 454.9 8.5 n 7.2s .055 i uast� um.+d &quiXanent & Wernitig Rage Tttia Moath .: Thia Year 394 RESOLUTION NO ���Es -_ A RESOLUTION ON RENEWAL AND ISSUANCE OF NEW LICENSE PLATES ON RENEWAL YEARS. BS IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as followsc WEIEREAS, *'°^--- ^' s under Section 74.08 of the CiYy of Fridley Municipal Code, a11 Bicycle Licenses shall expire on the lst day of July, 1957 and every four �4) years thereafter. The fee for the last half of any license period for bicycles purchased during the last half of aaid period and,not previously licensed by the City of Fridley sha11 be $0.50, and WHEREAS, during the anniversary of the licensing year, a person � registering a bicycle must pay for the last half of the year and then must re-register again on July lst of the re-lfcensing or new issuing qear, and WHEREAS, this necessitates two regtstrations during this particular year and reaults in over administration, as well as inconvenience to the person registering bicycles. - — NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Fridley Gity Council that the Council does hereby authorize new licenses and license renewals to be issued during the period April 1 to June 30th of the renewal year with- out pay�nt of the current licensing period fee of $0.50 and shall be issued new license tags for the forthcomin$ four (4) year period. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell 1969. MAYOIt - Jack 0. Rirkham 0 :_ . . . � . . . .. .. .. � . . . . � . � - _ r",p� �. . `,.�'�„-„`,. _'•,�,.-r P.FSOI=JTTO?; bi0._..ZS:_l.4Fz�..._ A RESOI,UTIOPJ RDGARDII;G F:zO�SID MEPFi4.T'GISi�iN SIb1E?i DIS'"F'iCT BE I1' RESO3,VED, by the Council of the City oP Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: NHERE0.S Senate File 237 and House File 335 comroonlp knosm as the Metro 8ewer Bill are proposed to be amended by "A Bill for an Act Creating a Metro- politan Sewer Board and groviding for the establishment and reorganization of regional Sanitary Sewar Districts; prescribing their powers and dvties in connection with the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage in Lhe metro- politan ar¢a, amending Hinnesota Statutes 1967, Section 115.62 and Section lls.b5", which amendment is proposed to be submitted to the Minneaota House of Represent- atives; and, WHF�tEAS the FYidley City Conncil deems it in the best interest of the Metropolitan area that the problems of uater pollution and disposal of seNage, irxlustrial waste and other waste be dealt icith by existing local governmental units in the area nnder existing laws by creating and providing authority to a Metropolitan SeHer Board to determine Metropolitan Benefits and by reqviring the formation of Sanitary Sesrer Districts xhoae boundaries would be determined — by the existing Pollvtion Control Agency Frithin the framework of existing legielation; HQrJ THIItEFORE, be it resolved that the Ci.ty of the Fl�idley, Minnesota be, and hereby is, on record recommending to the 1969 Minnesota Legislature that Senate File No. 23T aud Aouse FYle No. 335 be amended so as to create a Metropolitan Sewer Board and to eatablish attd reorganiae regional sanitary set�er districts within the metropolitan area pursuant io such proposed amended version of the Metrogolitan Sewer Bi1L ADOPTID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FftIDI.EY THIS �iGT DAY OF Anr3I , 1969. � AT7'EST: Y LEftK - t�RVIN C. BRUNSEIS, YOR - dACK 0, KIRKHAM_