07/21/1969 - 5493CpUNGIL SECRETARY-.7UEL MER�R CDUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7;30 P.M.- July 21, 1964 � ' , ' , ' � 1 , ' � � ' � ' ' , ' � REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JULY 21, 1969 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Certificate of Acfiievemeat: Police Department Pistol Team Sezgeant Robert Cook Officer Thomas Kennedy 0£ficer Kenneth Wilkenson Officer Dallas Nelson Certificate of Appreciation: Waldo W. Hoffman, police Commiasion Receiving Pedeatrian Safety Citation APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Board of Equalization Meeting, July 2, 1969 Regular Council Meeting, July 7, 1969 Public Nearing and Woskehop Meeting, July 14, 1969 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: YISITORS• (Conaideration of Itema not on Agenda - 15 Minutea) PUBLIC l�ARINGS: None OLD BUSINESS• 1. RaFj,€�,£*��Qa R� ��q¢������ ��� -�� �rgency Ordinance fos the Modifio�¢�,4P. St! i�nd �tR�al: o! Sapp��. '�-..tl y.y`i :. Page A Page B Pages 1 - 29 Pagea 30 - 43 Page 44 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, NLY 21, 1969 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) 2. Second Reading of an Ordinaace Amending Sectioa 70.01 of the City Code. 3. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 71.01 of the City Code. 4. Second Reading of an Ordinance Ameading.Section 72.01 of the City Code. 5. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 99.011 of the City Code. 6. Ratification of Reaolution �6108-1969 Concerning the Need for Coatinued Exemption of Municipal Bonda from Federal Income Taxa[ion. NEW HUSINESS: �. Report of Mayor's Split Liquor Committee. PAGE 2 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Pages 49 & 50 REGULAR COUNCIL I+�ETING AGENDA, JULY 21, 1969 NEW BUSINSSS (Coatinued) 8. Requeat for Removal of 7,000 Cubic Ysrde from Property on Rice Creek Road (Mike 0'Sannon):, 0 9. Aequest for Raotwal of Building Permit, 5920�Mna Street (David Carrol) Comiseat: Building Permit was authorised September 3, 1968. A different party ia going to buy the property aad wants reapproval of the permit aith the sa� plane.) 10. Requeat for Determiaetion of Sewer Conneciion Chargea for Deeignvara Induetries, Inc. Commeat: There is additioaal material regardiag thia is the Council Agenda Envelop�.) , � 11. Coneidaration of an Ordinance for Rezoniag Raqueat (20A #69-02) hy`Geor$e M. Nelson (�enerally located on the south •ide of Onondaga Street and west of Lakeside Road) ! Comment; Three people opposed the resoning at the Public Hearing of July 14th.) , ' ' ' � , 12. Gonaideration of so Ordinance for Vacatloa (SAV #69-04) of all that part of Horizon Drive lying eaat of the east right of aay line of Third Street N. B.) Comment: No ob]ectora at Pub11c Hearing of 7-14-69) 13. Coneideration of Approval of Final Plae (P.S. #69-08) Marion'a Terraoe by SowRrd Crabtree. (Geaerally located on 71st Way and Riverview Terrace). Comm�nt: No objactors at the Public Hearing 7-14-69 The aecesa to be an eaeement ot public cul- de-sac Co be resolved.) PAGE 3 Pagea 51 - 55 Pagee 56 & 57 Pages'S8 6 59 Pagea 60 6 61 Pages 62 & 63 , REGIILAR COUNCIL M6ETING /�ENDA, NLY 21, 1964 , , NEW BUSINSSS (Continued) 14. Consideration of Approval of a Special Uae_ Permit ' for Construction of a two family dwelling 1n R^1 zoning. (Lot 3, Block 4, Oatman's Addition). Roger L. Peterson. ' Comment: Number of people objecting to the requeat. Council received three letters) ' 15. Conaideration of a 51gn Permit Request - Countsy Boy Station Store (John Baucom). � � , 16. Report Conceraing Request to Build a Garage on a Public Easement. (Edward Wilbest, 110 63'� Way). ' Comment; Engineering Department recommendation ia not to allow the conaturction aver the easement.) � 17. Receiving the Minutes of the Liquor Study Co�ittee � Meeting of July 8, 1969. ' , 18. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commisaion Meeting of July 9, 1969. , � I 19. Aeceiving the Miautes o£ the Building Standarda - Design Control Meeting oE July 16, 19b9. I � PAGE 4 Yage 64 Page 65 pagea 66 & 67 pagee 68 & 64 Pages 70 - 78 Pagea 79 - 82 REGUI.AA COUNCIL t�ETING AGENDA, JULY 21, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 20. Receiving the Minutea of the Soard of Appeals Meeting of July 16, 1969. 21. Consideration of Awarding Contract for Sanitary Sewer Project #91. Comment: We have a letter from George Walquiat to Proceed with Improvement. Councilman Sheridan was going to check with the other property owners.) 22. Conaideration of ChangB Order No, 3. Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-1A and ST. 1969-2A. 23. Report on Repair of Storm Sewer in 73rd Avenue Between T.H. #65 aad Central Avenue. 24. Report on Improvement of Intersection of T.H. #65 and Wea[ Moore Lake Drive and Receiving Commuaication from Minnesota Highway DeparCment. Comment; Highway DepartmenC has aupplied theae proposals as per requeat by City.) 25. Coneideration of the Proposed Sign Ordinance. Commeat; Ma[erial wae aupplied to you on July 7th, please bring with you.) PAGE 5 Pages 83 6 84 Pages 85 6 86 Pages 87 6 88 Pagea 89 - 92 � ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA, NLY 21, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) , 26. Consideration of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance. Commeat: Material was supplied to you on July 7th, please bring wi[h you.) ' . 27. Reaolution Orderiag the Improvement Plans and Specifications for Street Improvement Pro]ect ST, 1970-1. Coument; There were some objectora to the improvement at the July 14, 1969 Public Hearing.) 28. Resolutioa Receiving Preliminary Report and Calling a Eublic Hearing Street improvemen[ Project ST. 1970-2. Comment: Thia will aet up a Public Hearing for West Moore Lake Drive and Main Street) 29. Resolution Ordering the Praliminary Report, Plans and Specifications Street Improvement Project 1970-1 Addeadum 4p1 Comment: These are the streets which come onto Weat Moore Lake Drive.) 30. Resolution Receiving the Preliminary Report aad Calling a Public Hearing Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-1, Addendum #1, Comment: This will aet up [he Public Hearing for West Moore Lake Drive and etreets like SSth and 59th.at the same time.) � � 31. Reeolution Ordering Preliminary Report, Plana and Specifi- cation for Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-4. � Cooment: Ordering the Report for Hyde Park Slip-Off and Street Improvement) � PAGE 6 Pages 93 - 95 Pages 96 & 97 Page 98 Pagea 99 & 100 Page 101 t ' , REGULAR COUNCIL I�ETING AGENDA, JULY 21, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) ' 32. Reaolution Receiving Preliminary Report and Ordering Public Hearing for StreeC Improvement Project ST. 1970-4 , ' , � , � Comment; Council authorized Public Hearing by Motioa. This resolution is neceasary to meet legal requirements). 33. Receiving Damage Survey Reports and Authorizing to Proceed with Flood Repair Work. Comment; These reporta cover authoriziag about $41,000 to repair the flood damage) 34. Reaolution Directing the Lasuance of Tempo�fs,/ Improver�nt Bonds in Accordance with Laws of 1957, Chapter 385. Water Improvemeat Project No. W92. ' ' 35. Reaolution Directing [he Sale and purchase of Temporary Improvement Bonda in Accordance with Lawa of 1957, Chapter 385. Water Improvement Project No. W92. , ' ' ' � � � 36. Reaolution Directing the Isauance of Temporary Improvement Bonde in Accordance with Laws of 1957, Chapter 385. Street Improvement Project N0. ST. 1969-1 and ST. 1969-2. 37, Resolution Directing the Sale and Purchase of Temporary Improvement Bonda in Accordanee with Lawa of 1957, Chapter 385. Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-1 and ST, 1969-2. PAGE 7 Pages 102 � 103 Pagea lU4 - 111 Pagea 112 - 117 Pagea 118 & 119 Pagea 120 - 125 Pagee 126 � 127 , ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL I+bETING AGENDA, JULY 21, 1469 NEW BUSINE35 (Continued) 38. Reaolution Directing the Isauance of Temporary ' Lmprovement Boads in Accordance with I.aws of 1957, Chapter 385. Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. SWFrSS #90. � � ' ■ _1 ' ' 39. Reaolution Directing the Sale aad Purchsae of Temporary Improvement Bonda in Accordance with Laws of 1957, Chapter 365. Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Project No. SW6SS 90. 40. Resolution Directing the Iaeuance of Temparary Improvement Bonda in Accordance with Lawa of 1957, C6apter 385. Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SS#89. ' 41. Reaolution Direc[ing the Sele and Purchase of Temporary � Impsovement Boads in Accordance with Lawa of 1957, Chapter 385. Storm Sewer Improvemeat Project No. SS 89. �J , 42. Appointment: Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Anthority ' � ' 43. Claims ' , PAGE 8 Pages 128 - 133 Pages 134 6 135 Pages 136 - 141 Pagee 142 6 143 Page 144 Page 145 � REGULAR COUNCIL I�ETffiG AGENDA, JULY 21, 1969 ' ' NEW BUSINESS (Coatinued) , 44. Licensea � � 45. Estimates , ' , 46. Petitions; #7-1969 Reque�ing Street Light in Corner of Skywood Couri ' Petition Opposing plley from 61st to 6t}th Way (ST. 1470-1) Petition Oppoeing Street ImprovemenE for 63rd Way (ST. 1970-1) Petition Oppoaing Street Improve�tfor 63� Way (ST. 1970-1) i ' COrPfUNICATIONS: A. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers: Flood Dike Fund ' B• Rober[ Louden: Regardiag Sod Being Inatalled by Stteet ' Contractor. C. Lavern E. Dornbuach; Requea[ for Stop Sign. ' D. George M. Hansen Co; Suggeations in Connection with Mnual Audit. ' , E. Republican Club; picnic at Locke Park, ' � ADJOURN• , PAGE 9 Page 146 Pages 147 - 153 Pagea 154 - 156 pagea 157 & 158 Page 159 Yage 160 Page 161 Pagea 162 & lb3 Page 164 Pagea 165 6 166 Page 167 THE ,� / � OF MINAIEAPOLIS LA 3ALLE AT THIRTEENTH STREET • MINNEAPOL15, MINN. 85403 � 332-0255 Juty 1, 1%9 ' Jack 0. K(rkham, Mayor Yillage ot Fridley 6431 University Ave�ue NE ' Fridley, Mi��esota 5542i Deer Mayor Kirkham: ' Congratulatlons on recelving a Pedestrian Safety Cttatton. Your plaque is betng sant to you under seQarote oover. ' You� schisve�ents fn thls program have done mucfi to further awareness of the ImQortanoe crf pedestrtan safaty. ' Ws apologize for the delay tn presenting these a►ra�ds, which Mas caussd by a mfx-up (n our office. O�ce agatn, our sin- oere congratulattons. Sincsroly, / �"�� ��`�v.� ' "_' Ailen N, Fahden, Dtrector Public Relations 3 Satety MIF/e I o:r °�r:^:,..,o... " :�'.<.o:.:Y.�..:. ..M •WS}w.N��CNOt�pl' Nc�yiM��� on�u �. mnV. �x � i�c.n.v ...n.,. ...o..`°"�'u.1Y59Y;!" t�v�, bo 4{��,�s �ezvin� =!��1�!ions a:ti� TMYSTE85 }`IIi011DI.NO6P�ON COq6{O�LVOCR[ IMi.��w w. e�M� {Q!1` M4uY •eolo �. �!1�YC�d�G LRI��� T. �lMMPa• M��SR� e. iVwo� t6%AAo ver[rt�ow J[TR�M.�OOY4ALL L[ON.�XOI.IIAM1ill�i APTXV •. �qYEN TNpMI.i W. VOM ItV�TlR � � � BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING JULY 2, 1969 � . The meeting of the Board of Equalization was called to order by , Councilman Ray Sheridan, Acting Chairman, at 7:30 P.M, on July 2, 1969. Roll Call was taken by Sharon Waldstein, Secretary. � LJ � � t � �J � ,� � � � `J � � Those present were Councilmen Ray Sheridan, Leonard Samuelson and Frank Liebl. Those absent were Mayor Jack Kirkham and Councilman David Harris. Alsb present were City Manager, Homer Ankrum, Deputy County Assessor, 6ayle Leone, City Assessor, Mervin Herrmann, Deputy City Assessor, Leon Madsen, City Appraiser, Walter Mulcahy and Secretary, Sharon Waldstein. Visitors present were Samuel P. Hove, 57l 79th Way N.E., Robert W. Kretlow, 7885 Broad Avenue N.E., and Mabel C. Strub, 7890 Broad Avenue N.E. It was explained to the audience that the purpose of this meeting was to correct any appraisals as entered on the tax assessment records on January 2,.1969. This would mean new, remodeled, completed or added construction during the year 1968. There was no one present concerning the January 2, 1969 assessment. � Three people were present representing the River View Heights flood plain area outside of the dike protected portion. The Council heard these people and after some discussion, moved to recommend to the County Assessor that according to engineering information it was not feasible to protect this area by the dike. Therefore, this should have reflected in the City Assessor's records of value for January 2, 1968. The Council ordered the Administration to help these people wi�th the necessary abatement forms if needed. Also, when the recorrmendation is sent to the county, the Assessor should write a letter to the parties involved and deliver in person explaining why they will get the forms from the county and what they have to do to complete the forms for reduction in assessed value. • The Abstract was signed by Councilmen Ray Sheridan, Leonard Samuelson and Frank Liebl. The meeting was closed at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � _ ,.�c�+-�,✓ GIJ�I.���„�.l— Sharon Waldstein Secretary � LJ ' ' IJ ' ' t THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of July 7. 1969 to order at 7:40 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham lead the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Alleqiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1969: ' MoTION by Councilman xarris to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 16, 1969 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' , ' ' ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there were a number of items to add to the Agenda which were: SA. 5B. l0A 46. 4'7 Discussion Regarding Chies Constxuction Company. Consideration of an Dnergency Ordinance for the Modification of Flood Dike and Repair of Sewers. Foundation Permit for Max Saliterman in 3horewood Shopping Center. Authorization of Certificates of Achievement for the Members of the Police Department Pistol Team. Receiving the Minutes of the Split Liquor Study Coff¢nittee. ' Under Communications: D. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wilbezt, Request to Build Garage over Sewex Easement, ' E. City of Minneapolis, Regarding their Payment of Special Assessments on on Lot 3�, Auditor's Subdivision #39 in the amount of $1,464.43. , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' I� ' , VISZTORS: Mayor Kirkham explained the procedure of the Council in allowing 15 minutes to the audience for items not on the Agenda, and asked i£ anyone wished to speak. Mr. Nick 2roka was pxesent to explain that he sust move his home from 3614 Marshall Street N.E., Minneapolis by September 1, 1969 and he would like to REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE.2 purchase Lots 9 and 10, Block 13, Fridley Park Addition, 6435 Ashton Avenue, but first he would like to know i£ this move would be approved. The City of Minneapolis Waterworks has taken his 2and. He explained that his home is eight years old, and in good condition. He said that the Building O£ficial had inspected it and found that it met the building codes. He then presented a picture of his home to the Council for them to see. The City Engineer said that he had not seen the house, but is familiar with it, as he had talked to the Building Official, and since this man is in a hurry and the house is in good shape, he felt that the Council could, if they wished, approve this request. Councilman Sheridan said that he felt that this request should go to the Building 5tandards - Design Control Sukacommittee first. They will be meeting July 16, 1969, so this would not make too much difference in time. That way the Building Board would not be bypassed, and the Council would have their recommendation. Councilman Samuelson agreed that the procedure should be followed as there would not be too much time saved anyhow. He commented that there should be no problem, it is a nice looking house. Mayor Kirkham advised Mr, Zroka to get written concurrence by the neighbors to present to the Building Board's Meeting of the 16th, and then it will cane back to the Council on the 21st of July. Councilman Sheridan added that his feeling that it should go to the Building Board first was no reflection on the appearance of the house, he felt that it would make a nice addition, but rather that this is the proper procedure. The Council advised Mr. Zroka to contact the City Engineer to start the necessary action to get on the suilding Standards - Design Control Subcotarnittee Meeting Agenda. ORDINANCE Ik424 ^ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTi2iCTS: (N. Craig Johnson, ZOA #69-03) MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance #424, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan for discussion. Councilman Harris commented that he had already made his reasons known for being in favor of this Ordinance. Councilman Sheridan reported that he had had a number of calls from people in this area and there seems to be some misinformation that if this rezoning Ordinance does not go through, the land will become R-1. This is not the case, it will remain as it is, M-1, C-2S, and R-3. He said that be Eelt that by this zoning, it would be an upgrading of the land. Councilman Liebl asked the City Attorney why he did not sign his name to the opinion rendered on this case. The City Attorney said that he was in a rush to qet it out of the o£fice, and would be willing to do so, i£ Councilman Liebl desires. THE VOTE, upon the motion, being a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Harris, and Samuelson voting aye, Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Mr. Charles Floer, 161 79th Way N.E. said that as a citizen of the first ward, he would like to challenge the vote of Councilman Samuelson because of the conflict of interest, and request the Council to ask for a ruling from the Attorney General of Minnesota on his vote. � ' ' ' LI L� , u ' ' , ' � � , , , , ' ' u � L� REGULAR COUNCiL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 PAGE 3 The City Attorney said that it is hard to guess what the Attarney Gene�?�. Kcu3d say, but that once an action is accomplished, he would not render an opinion. He would only answer a pending question. 8 11YGJ � M1V VS4J11VH1Yl.L VLVLLR JGI�l AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX THE CITY (Harold HarriS - ' MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Ordinance #425, waive the reading �nd order publication. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan,'and Kirkham votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � ' � � ' � L , ' ' ' � , � CONSIDERATION OF ALLEY PROBLEM BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND SECOND STREET BETWEEN 60TH AVEPNE AND 61ST AVENUE: (Ronald� McClain) The City Manager reported that there was only one outstanding letter yet to be received. That was from a Mr. William Warner, owner of 6021 Main Street. All those receivad are in favox of vacating the alley. Mayor xirkham asked if Ms. Warner was in the audience. Mr. McClain said that he had said that he would be here tonight, however he is not here as yet. It was agreed to take this item up later in the Meeting when Mr. Warner arrives. For the sake of clarity the remainder of the discussien pertaining to this item discussed when Mr. Warner arrived will fol:Low. Mr. William Waxnex said that he bought the building in 1968 and that he deals in real estate. He said that there are three buildings in a line which were designed for walk-outs to the back parking lot. This would mean that the alley would have to be paved. He said that he had talked to a few of the people in the neighborhood, and they feel Yhat theg do not need the alley. It was pointed out to him that the children use the back for a play area, but it lias been shown that hard surfaced areas for play are safer than soft surfaces. He also would question the increase in valuation, if any, if there was a vacation. He said that he could not afford any increase in valuation. xe would also question how the off street parking in front could be arranged. This type of off-street parking would be in violation of the Code. Mr. Warner said that he did not feel that the vacation of the alley would be a progressive thing. He reported that they had a terxible tiaae with garbage collection last winter. if the alley was in there, it would be a simple matter to collect the garbage. He said that he understood that Main Street will be a State Aid Road one day, and with the restrictions imposed, would not the alley have to be opened up again. Mayor Kirkham answered that the point is. that the alley has never been open although it is platted. Since it is not used, most people feel that it should be vacated. If it is not vacated, it still would not be improved, but would remain as it is. The improvement of the alley would be very costly because of the drainage problems in the area and the people are not in favor of this. He said that in his opinion this alley would nevez be improved. unless it was petitioned for. Mr. Warner asked what i the State would require that it be opened. Mayor Kirkham said that he could not imagine why the State would require this. Councilman Harris added that this is not a controlled access street. Mr. Warner asked about the garbage collection problem. Councilman Liebl said that this was a problem },�yxquQhOµt the City last winter because of the amount of snow. The Council d1d qxa�}t a Waiver of th� qxdinance REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 PAGE 4 to allow the cans to be placed beside the garages, rather than in the back yards. He explained that the question of improving the alley came up in 1965. Now there is a double garage that would have to be removed, many fences are in the way etc. The City Manager has spent a great many hours on this problem. The mistakes were made many years ago, and cannot be totally rectified, but he would like to ask Mr. Warner to sign the agXeement as a favor to all the neighbors in the block. Mr. Warner asked why not leave it as it is. The City Manager explained that Mr. McClain has done a lot of work to get this alley closed off, and he would like the privilege of using the alley legally as those others are doing illegally. The great amount of patience and work of Mr. McClain has been done so as not to compound the error. Mayor Kixkham commented that it seems about once a year the Council gets a request to either close it or open it. This is as close as the City has ever come to a resolvement, and he would like to see the cooperation of Mr. Warner. Councilman Liebl explained to Mr. Warner that he did not feel that it would be in the best interest of all his neighbors to improve the alley and levy this very high assessment. It would possibly involve condemnation proceedings to remove the garage and this vrould also be very costly, and possibly could not be done, as a previous Council had given the permit to build the garage. Councilman Sheridan said that this is a public right of way and he would have the right to go from one end of the aliey to the other. Mr. Warner asked if that meant that he could require that the fences and the garage be taken down. The City Attorney said that would probably have to be done by a court order. Mr. warner wondered about the maintenance of the alley. Mayor Kirkham said that the iew alleys that are plowed in the City have last priority. Councilman Sheridan added that only the older plats provide alleys, the newer ones do not. Mayor Kirkham said that he wanted to impress upon Mr. Warner that he personally doubCed that the alley would ever be improved. He felt that getting 518 signatures to improve the alley at the high cost would be extremely remote. The vacation will put those people in violation in legal standing and allow those waiting to use the alley to do so legally. Mr. Warner said that he had called the Eee owner and he said that he did not care, but would be concerned about the a£fect this would have on the taxes. The Finance Director informed him that the valuation would not change. The depth is not involved, only the front footage. There is no valuation based on square footage. Councilman Harris said that as there is still some indecision on his part, he advised him to come into the City offices and get any tax information he may wish, consult his attorney if he wished, then report back to the City Manager. Mr. Warner said that he would do this. CONSIDERATION OF COST FIGURES - 61ST AVENUE AND UNIVERSITY AVENOE N.E. SERVICE IAOP : The City Enqineer explained while referring to the letter from Shell Oil Co. that their break-down shows that the total cost of the project to them would be $66,885. After subtracting the $36,000 for the cost of modernization plans and ' L� , � , ' , �� � C� , � � ' , , ll � � ' r , LJ � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 5 equipment price of $7,635, the amount of $23,250.00 is arrived at, which is the difference between the remodeling and relocation. Councilman Harri� asked relative to the price of the new station if that is for the new building oz with depreciation. The City Engineer said that the new building would cost $36,190. Councilman Samuelson asked what the $18,670 £or yard work was for. The City Engineer said that they would have to move their station tanks, light fixtures, additional drives etc. out of the proposed right of way, and relocate the pumps. He said that although these figures seem high, these are the same figures they gave the City last year, they have not raised them. Councilman Samuelson asked if the Council should agree with the $23,250 what participation would be by the State. The City Engineer said that the State will pay for the building of the road and our participation would be to qet the land. Councilman Sheridan said that with this acquisition, this would complete three quadrants. The City Engineer said yes, there is still the Texaco Station, but thexe is more land available and not too much of a problem. Councilman Harris said that in his opinion, they should go ahead with the � project. If these figures are based on last years', the City could not hope to do much better. Councilman Samuelson said that he assumed that these figures are agreeable with 5he11. The City Enqineer said he supposed so, they came from them in the letter dated July 1, 1969. Councilman Harris asked if Shell � Oil would not be agreeable with the figures and there would have to be a condemnation, would it be more or less than the figures projected. The City Attorney said it would probably be more. He said that he did not feel that ' the costs were out of line. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that if a con- demnation were to be entered into with Shell Oil, perhaps condemnation pro- ceedings would also have to be aqainst St. Williams Church. , � ' � � J I I � � 1 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the letter from Shell Oil Company dated July 1, 1969 and direct the Administration to advise Shell Oil Company that the City will proceed with the loop back. Councilman Sheridan said that he had a question concerning a phrase in the letter dated May 16, 1969 from She11 Oil ---"This of course, would be subject to final plan approval by Shell management."--- He wondered if that meant the moving of the station or the moving of the intersection. Councilman Samuelson said that he read that to mean the moving of the station. Councilman Sheridan said that he took it to mean the intersection. The City Attorney suggested calling the writer of the letter concerning the intent of this phrase, and also if the writer of the letter has the authority to make the firnt com- mitment. Counci]man Liebl said that if the City has to pay the $23,250, he felt that the City would be giving them the station for practically nothing. Councilman 6heridan pointed out that the total cost is $66,885.00 and they have deducted their modernizinq plans. Councilman Samuelson said that at the present rates, if they did not use last year's figure, the cost could be about 10$ higher. Councilman Hazris pointed out that the contract that would have to be drawn up would spell out a11 these things. THE MOTION by Councilman Sheridan was seconded by Councilman Harris. MOTION AMENDED by Councilman E3arris that the City enter into a contract, which REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE b would be brought back for final approval. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Harris, Sheridan and Samuelson voting aye, Liebl voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the AMENDMENT carried. THE VOTE tTPON Tf� MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl explained that the reason he had voted nay on the amendment is that he felt that there was room for negotiation on the proposed figure of $23,250. As this is in his ward, he would like to try to save the people a few dallars. Mayor Kirkham commented that the whole City would pay for this Councilman Liebl said that the Church is giving us the land for nothing. OF COSTS RK AREA: � AND T.H. H47 SL The City Engineer explained that on Page 30 of the Agenda the regular assess- ment procedure was £ollowed. This is why Block 12 and Block 21 would be very expensive. The side streets are assessed '� way down the block. The top fiqure shows the additional costs per square foot and the bottom figure shows the total cost per square foot. On Page 30A the assessment for the slip-off and alley improvement throughout the whole area is spread, with the thinking that the slip-off and service road would benefit the whole area. Councilman Sheridan asked about extending it all the way down to 57th Avenue. The City Engineer said that this would lower the cost by about 2C or 3C per square foot. The 57th crossover would be closer and these streets are already improved. The extension of 3rd Street from 57th Avenue to 57th Place is not improved. The reason for not bringing it down, is that it would be hard to prove a benefit. Councilman Sheridan asked if the proposal was accepted, would there not be the same benefit to the people on the east side of 2� Street as on the other side. He said that he felt that without the slip-off ramp the total plan implementation could not be done, and he felt that the assessment should be done on an equal basis like the procedure for assessing storm sewers. Councilman Harris pointed out that in a previous case, where there were very high assessments levied, the people just could not afford it, and they could not be collected, and felt that the assessments should be spread. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke said that he understood that the streets were not scheduled to be fixed in this area until 1975. He said that almost all the people to the south of him *�uld benefit. He said that he would appreciate an oppor- tunity to meet with the Council after the Meeting to look at this proposal more closely. If people are going to be assessed anyhow, maybe the work should be done now and the costs pointed out to the people. The City Engineer said that it would be about $3,000 for 10,000 square feet area which would not include improvement of the streets in Block 12. It would be about 1/3 more to do the streets in the area. Councilman Sheridan said that in his opinion the assessments should be spread rather than graduated. He said that he thought that the project should include Blocks 27 and 28. Councilman Liebl agreed with brinqing the area down to include Blocks 27 and 28. He said that what was requested was the costs of the slip-off ramp and the service road. The City Engineer said that this cost is , � ' r �I CJ f� � � r � � J � I�� � '�J �I � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY.7� 1969 � PAGE 7 I shown on Page 29B and amounts to $55,876.08. The rest of the work was done to show the estimated improvement costs of the streets i£ this should be desired to be done at the same time. � Councilman Harris asked if on Plan B(Page 31AJ the east-west road is through vacant land now. The City Engineer said yes. Councilman Sheridan asked with this plan, how do you keep the commercial traffic off 2� Street. Mayor Kixkham , indicated that he would like to stay with the Plan Circle Flow. (P1an Aj. Councilman Sheridan asked if at the Public Hearing the costs per lot would be available. Councilman Harris said that he felt that it should be conducted � just like an assessment hearing. Councilman Sheridan wondered if the legal requirements could be met in two weeks time. The City Enqineer and the Finance Director indicated that they could not. The City Attorney said that if the Council is going to have the rezoning Public Hearing notices sent out, they 1 might as well include the assessment notice, and the rezoning Ordinance could be ready at the same time. � � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to authorize the Administration to set the Public Hearings for the rezoning of the xyde Park area and the improvement project Public Hearing as soon as possible, no later than August 11, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson said that he would like to compliment the City Engineer ' for bringing foxth such a comprehensive report. Mayor Kirkham added his thank you. � � ' � REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR LEGAL ACTION AGAINST THE CHIES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: The City Attorney reported that Chies has been dumping fill in the right of way o£ 73rd Avenue and the right of way being acquired. This type of fill is not suitable and will have to be removed at about a cost of $2,200. MOTION by Councilman Shezidan to authoxize the leqal staff to take the steps necessa=y against the Chies Construction Company for the removal of the debris on 73rd Avenue right of way. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Councilman Samuelson asked if there was not now a condemnation proceeding against Chies. The City Attorney said yes. � MOTION AMEtIDED by Councilman Samuelson to authorize the legal staff to withhold any payment due the Chies Construction Company in the condemnation until the costs of the removal of the debris is accomplished. Seconded by Councilman � Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the AMENDMENT carried unanimously. i , � THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �EMERGENCX ORDINANCE #426 FOR THE MODZFICATION OF FLOOD DIKE AND REPAIR OF SEWERS: The City Engineer said that this was prepared to £acilitate the removal of a portion of the dike and leave as much of the dirt in place as possible. He checked with the City Attorney and i.� �Blt that the g;QBgr Procedure would be to REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 8 pass an Emergency Ordinance. He pointed out that in paragraph #3 of the Ordinance, the word "Permanent" should be stricken, because the amount of money that will be spent could not be considered in any way as a permanent flood control de- vice. He said that it is hoped that most of the costs will be reimbursed by Federal funds, but the Council cannot be assured of this. This would cover some of the work on the repair of the dike and repair of the sanitary sewers etc. It was pointed out that the wording of the Ordinance should be changed slightly, but that it could still be passed on the first reading with the corrections approved on ratification. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt IInergency Ordinance #426 on first reading, waive the reading, and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Lieb2. Upon a roll call vote,Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMEN�ING SECTION 70.01 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Councilman Aarris to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, iiarris, and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 71.01 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris and Samuelson voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 72.01 OF THE CITY CODE: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the ordinance on first readinq and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 99.011 OF TAE CITY CODE: MOTIOAI by Councilman Harris to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Harris, Samuelson, Sheridan and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. AND AGREEMENT - The Finance Director said that the biggest change in this agreement is that the payment would be made in stages, rather than at the end of a project. If they were to do work on a project that did not go through, they would be paid for that too. Mayor Kirkham asked the Finance Director if he would endorse this agreement. The Finance Director said that he thought that they have done an excellent job. , L� � ' , � � � �� u � � ' � � �! � S � � ' � , f 1 � ' � , � I� I C � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY ?. 1969 ppr�' g This is something new they will be going to do, and he believed that Fridley is one of the first to have such an agreement. Councilman Harri.s ccrrrer_ted *-kaat he had talked to Bob £hlers and he would be in favor of this type of an arrange- ment. Councilman Sheridan felt that a financial consultant would prove advan- tageous to the community , and they may be able to bring things to the City's attention that would be necessary to know. In past years the City has had a financial consultant. and it has proven adventageous. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the letter from Ehlers and Associates, Znc. dated June 25, 1969 and their pYOposal, and zefer it to the legal staff for their review, and have it brought back to the Council as soon as possible. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayoz Kirkham declared the motion caxried unanimously. Councilman Harxis pointed out that some information was requested of the City in the lettez fxom Ehlers and Assoaiates, Inc, and he hoped that the City Manager will cooperate with furnishing the material requested. The City Manaqex reported that the City Engineer and the City Assessor have already completed the compilation of the information requested. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A FOUNDATION PERMIT FOR MAX SALITERM7aN - SHORE- WOOD SHOPPING CENTER: The City Engineer reported that Max Saliterman wants to put in a Sears Depart- ment outlet store on the south side of Rice Creek Road. The proposal is for 25,600 square feet of space and he hopes to eventually exgand the shopping center. He would have brick on the north and west sides, and the whole building would have a sprinkling system. He agrees that if the shopping center is not expanded, he will fix the other sides of the building also after three years. He is still thinking of the possibility of putting the Sandy's Restaurant into his shopping center on the south side of Rice Creek Road, that he had requested earlier be glaced in the parking lot on the north side. Councilman Fiaxris reported that he had met wi�h Mr. Saliterman in the morning, and he would like to build the whole shopping center, however, mortqage money is quite hard to get, so he is willing to agree to sign an agreement to fix the other two sides o£ the building after three years if the shapping center is not expanded. Councilman Sheridan asked about parking. The City Engineer said that there is enough land available. He is meeting the minimum setback under this zoning and he has been advised to bring in a landscaping and parking plan to the Building Standards - Design Control Subco�ittee Meeting for their final permit. Councilman Harris said that he understands that under his lease he is required to provide more parking than the Code requires. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant a foundation permit to Max Saliterman for a Sears Department Store in Shorewood 5hopping Center subject to a 30 day limitation, a deposit for the estimated sewer connection charges, and with the � understanding that he is proceeding at his own risk. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , Councilman Harris asked that when Mr. Saliterman comes in for his full permit, the City Engineex speak to him about painting the rear of the shopping center. The City Engineer added that also the weeds need mowing. Councilman Sheridan ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 10 asked about the possibility of sodding, and added that now the sidewalks could go in. Councilman Samuelson saicl that he has already agreed to put them in. CONSIDERATION OF SPLITTING ASSESSMENT$ ON PARCELS 1260 AND 1300, REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #103: Requested by Bernie Julkowski The Finance Director explained that Mr. Julkowski came in and asked that the special assessments be split on Parcels 1260 and 1300 Revised Auditor's Subdivision #103. The Council has never granted permission previously on land that has not been platted. He, at one time started to plat, but the plat was never filed. He said that his office told him that this split was not allowed by Ordinance. The City Attorney said that he also received a call from Mr. Julkowski and his understanding is that Mr. Julkowski purchased these two pieces of land separately. Zf they were bought before the lot split requirements went into effect, the splitting may be possible. DISCUSSION OF JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVEMENT: (Discussion requested by MY. C.H. Benjamin, 5708 Jefferson Street N.E.) Mr. Benjamin said that he understood that JePferson Street was going to be improved with a 24' street with the street off-set, and asked if this was correct. Mayor Kirkham said that this was what was agreed upon. The street will be located within the 30' right oP way, but off-set. Council- man Liebl added that there would be 5' on the east side and 1' af the west. Mr. Benjasin asked what about the snow storage then on the 1' side. Iie also asked if this is already final, that it will be a 24' street, and asked why not a 26' street. The City Engineer said that there is only 30' right of way. The costs are already high to the lots on the west because they will also be assessed for water and sanitary sewer. On the east side of Jefferson the people will not be assessed for this as they already have the utilities from Madison Street. It was felt that the 24' street would be sufficient as it will only allow two way traffic and only the people living on the street will be using it, and it would help keep the costs down. The City Engineer said that the width could be increased to 26' of �he people desire it, but it would cost more. He also suggested that the alley could be vacated to qain more land. Mr. Aenjamin asked what about the utility ease- ment. Mayor Kirkham told him that it would become a utility easement only and not a public access. Mr. Benjamin then asked if there were any notices mailed when the City of Fridley gave Donnay permission to take the 30'. The City Manager said that the Minutes were researched and Councilman Sheridan read aloud the Minutes of June 7. 1954 where the plat was approved. Councilman Sheridan elaborated that at that time it was not necessary to mail out notices of a Public Hearing, they were just published in the Iegal newspaper. The Finance Director said that maybe there was never a 60' dedicated street. Mr. Benjamin came forward to look at the plat map of Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition which was filed in 1955, and Councilman Samuelson said that it appears that the plat came up to the Section line and at that time there was no legal require- ments for a dedication for a street. Mr. Benjamin was then molified to find that the 30' dedication was never made, and that there was nothing illegal in the procedure at that time. Mr. Senjamin asked if the wntract has bee� �.e� y��= The City Engineer said that it will probablp be in 1970, bBCause oE the necessity or put�ing �,� khe , u LJ , IJ � i � ' "� I J , �I L_, � �� �J , , r � / , REGULAR COONCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 L � � I � � PAGF. 11 sewer and water first. Mr. senjamin asked if something temporary could not be done so that he can qet to his house. With the construction work being done in his area, he cannot get into his home. Mayor Kirkham advised him to come in to see the City Manager and he will see that something of a temporary nature will be provided so that he will have access. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUHCOMMZTTEE MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1969: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN 11 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING ON LOTS 30� 31, 32, 33 & 34� BLOCK 6, FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION, THE SAME SEING 6551 EAST RIVER ROAD. (REOUEST BY PARTHENON CONSTRUCTION, INC. The City Engineer explained that this is for an 11 unit apartment building. , They have submitted a new plot plan which includes the stipulations of the Building Board. This plan would be putting in two additional uncontrolled entrances into East River Road. In his opinion the plot plan is all right � with the exception of the entrances, and that the Council should acquire 10' - 12' right of way, Councilman Sheridan asked if the parking was off- set on the lot, could one entrance be eliminated. He also asked how many I parking spaces were provided. The City Engineer said that there were 17 parking spaces. Councilman Aarris pointed out that the entrances are quite close together and the City Engineer said that they were about 150' apart. Councilman Samuelson a5ked if there could be parking in the rear. The City , Engineer said no. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that there is a very steep grade behind the proposed building. The City Engineer added that the alley is 12' wide. Councilman Samuelson asked if the south entrance could , be cut out. The City Engineer said ttiat he would work with them to try to shift the building on the lot to pxovide pazkinq on the side of the building. Mayor Kirkham suggested that there be riqht turns only, so if a car were to � want to go south, they would have to go around the block and enter at the signalization on Mississippi Way. 2he City Attorney said that if this were to be done a median would be necessary to enforce this. The City Engineer pointed out that there wi11 be a median needed £or the Hirsch aparhnents also. I Councilman Sheridan said that they should be apprised of what to expect in the way of traffic control. ' !' � �� � � , Councilman Aazxis commented that there should be a sidewalk agreement signed, for the future when the City may want to put it in. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the request by Parthenon Construction for an ll unit apartment building on Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34, Block 6, Fridley Fark Addition subject to the stipulations of the Building Board, with the additional reguirement of a sig^�d agreement for future sidewalks when the City deems them necessary, and only one exit be allowed on East River Road with right turns only. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimoulsy. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR GENERAL CONCEPT APPROVAL OF A SERVICE STATION AND DRIVE-IN TYPE�RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1� PEARSON'S 1ST ADDITION, THE SAM�' BEING 79TH WAY AND EAST RIVER ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY A.J. FALKENSTEIN, 8931 YORK ROAD, BLOOMINGTON. MINNESOTAI: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 rAGE 12 The City Engineer reported that Mr. Falkenstein would like to get his general concept approved before going ahead with any plans. He wants to put in a gas station and a drive-in restaurant. Councilman Harris commented that here again there is the problem of access off of East River Road. The City Enqineer said that t�ere will be signals at 79th Way, and there would have to be the same provisyons as before for right turns only. Councilman Samuelson said that he was not too happy with this concept,and that he did not like to see too many small drive-ins and gas stations. He asked how big the parcel was. The City Engineer said that it was 280' along 79th Way and 314' along East River Road. Councilman Sheridan said that he would agree with Councilman Samuelson and if it wexe to be approved, he would prefer it to be one complex. MOTION by Councilman Harris to ask the applicant to come back with more substantial information. Any approval would require proper access and egress from East River Road. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer pointed out that whether or not a special use permit would be required would depend on when he first made his application; before or after passing the Ordinance regulating gas stations and drive-in restaurants. The City Attorney commented that he would like to see him apply for a special use permit anyhow. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A SPECULATIVE BUILDING ON LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK 2, COMMERCE PARK, THE SAME BEING 7330-7350 UNIVERSITY AVEN[JE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ROGER LARSON AND ASSOC., 1052 OSBORNE ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.): The City Engineer explained that these lots are along the University Avenue Service Road. He said that he has worked with the applicant to incorporate the recommendations of the Building Standards - Design Control into the plans. Mr. Larson came forward and discussed the plans with the Council at the Council table. Councilman Harris asked why he did not want brick above the windows. Mr. Larson said that he felt that the use of the masoniterough cedar would give more warmth to the building. He had a sample of the masonite with 3�im and showed the Council. Councilman Harris suggested making the pilasters of brick. Mr. Larson agreed and commented that it would not cost much more than the broken block he had planned on using. Councilman Samuelson said that he thought that it would look quite nice with the use of the masonite and brick. He said th9t he would like to see some continuity along University Avenue. Councilman Harris suggested that both ends of the building be brick also as they will be seen from the highway. Councilman Sheridan asked what was the object of the overhead doors. bfr. Larson said that he did not know what the building would be used for, it is a speculative building. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the permit for Roger Larson & Assoc. for a speculative building at 7330-7350 University Avenue N.E. subject to the stipulations of the Building Board with the additions that the pilasters and both ends of the building be brick and the use of the masonite as shown ' REGULAR COUt3CIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 ' , PAGE 13 at the Council Meeting to be above the windows. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - , Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of June 25, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' , , I ? �I � � � � ' � � � � r RECEZVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 2� 1969: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR CHANGES AND AN TRP.TIVE AND COMPUTER AREAS IN THE TARGET WARE The City Engineer showed the preliminary plans for the addition of office space to the Target Warehouse. This space is to be used for computers. He said that Target is in somewhat of a hurry as they have some computers arriving pn Auqust 15th. Mr. DeWayne Grande of Daytons and Mr. Don Srattain of Target came forward to the Council table to discuss their plans. The City Enqineer explained that they will be working with the railroad company for an access to be used jointly bX Tazget and as an access to Locke Park. Councilman Harris commented that he was glad to see that some of the office space was to be moved to Fridley. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve of the concept and grant permission for a foundation permit for office space for a computer room for the Target Warehouse. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CITIZEN COMPLAINT AGAINST TAE TARGET STORE, 755 53RD AVENUE N.E. Mrs. Aqnes Mihalow, 5411 Madison Street N.E. came fortvard with a formal signed complaint against the Fridley Target Store. She supplied a copy to each Council Member, City Manager and the City Attorney. She said that she and her neighbors have repeatedly complained to the City Manager, Fire Prevention Chief and appeared in April to register a verbal complaint before the Council on the soot, burning, flying ash, and smell caused by the in- cinerator used by Target. She reported that she had clothes hanging on her line that got very sooty, she called the ste=e manager and he came up and admitted to her that their incinerator was to blame and took care of the cleaning. Aowever, the burning is not stopped and if anyone later complains, they claim they knew nothing about it. She said that it smells like a garbage dump. Mr. Brattain of the Target General Office said that they knew nothing about this, that it was not within his domain, but that he would report it to the company. Councilman Harris said that this is the first he has heard o£ this complaint and sugqested that the Council require the.:. to bale their trash, and to close down the operation of their incinerator. REGULAR COUNCIL�MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 14 The City Manaqer reported that after the last complaint in April, trie Health Sanitarian, the Fire Prevention Chief and hi.mself went down thereand talked to them about this problem. Mrs. Mihalow said that after that they ceased burning for about three days. MOTION by Councilman Harris to initiate a Eozmal request to the Target Store to cease usj,ng the incinerator and start baling their trash. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 1Cirkham declared the motion caxried unanimously. 2. �UEST TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE AND WAREAOUSE ON OF OUTLOT 2. FRIDLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT 1. THE PENNSYLVANIA OIL COMPANY. (REQUEST B1 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNE50TA): The City Engineer explained the Building Standards - Design Control stipu- lations and Mr. Mortenson ceme forward to the Council table for a discussion of the plans. The City Engineer showed on the plan why a 100' setback could not be attained because of the building and structure layout, and the maxi.mum he could qet would be 56' from the property line. Mr. Mortenson said that they plan on future expansion to the south. The City Engineer said that the applicant has complied with the recommendations of the Building Board with the exception of the setback, which ha cannot do. This would place him about 50' from the edge of the service road. There was also a question on the exterior finishing material to be used. Mr. Mortenson was asked if he would improve the service road to City standards and he said that he would do so. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the permit for Sheldon Mortenson for an office and warehouse subject to the applicant complying with the plan shown tonight, improving the service road for 200' to meet City standards, and grant a setback waiver from 100' to 56', seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design -COntrol Subcommittee Meeting of July 2, 1969. Seconded by Council- max� Srieridan. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BORHD OF APPEALS ME$TING OF JUNE 25, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of June 25, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING�OF JULY-2, 1969: OF A SPECIAL USE PERMI':.' AS PER SECTION 45.16 TO OPERATE A ESTABLISHMENT IN M- ZONINC IACATED ON THE WEST 375 FEET FRIDLEY A Representative from the Castle Mobile Homes and a Representative of Macey Sign Company came forward to the Council table for discussion of their plans. � LJ L J J , � fl � r � J r I) � � J J � , J , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JLJLY 7, 1969 � i PAGE 13 at the Council Meeting to be above the windows. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - � Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of June 25, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cazried unanimously. , � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DE52GN�CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OE JULY 2, 1969: � 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR CHANGES AND AN P,DDITION TO THE ADMINIS- TRATIVE AND COMPUTER AREAS II3 THE TARGET WAREHOIISE LOCATED AT 7120 HIGHWAY #65. (REQUEST BY DAYTON-TARGET STORES INCORPORATED, 700 ON ITHE MALL� MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA): The City Enginees showed the preli.minary plans for the addition of office � space to the Tarqet Warehouse. This space is to be used for computers. He said that Target is in somewhat o£ a hurry as they have some computers arriving on August 15th. , u � �� � ' � � / II � , Mr. DeWayne Grande of Aaytons and Mr. Don Brattain of Target came forward to the Council table to discuss their plans. The City Engineer explained that they will be workinq with the railroad company for an access to be used jointly b�. Target and as an access to Locke Park. Councilman Harris commented that he was glad to see that some of the office space was to be moved to Fridley. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve of the concept and grant permission for a foundation permit for o£fice space for a computer room for Che Tarqet Warehouse. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CIT22EN COMPLAINT AGAINST THE TARGET.STORE, 755 53RD AVENUE N.E. Mzs. Agnes Mihalow, 5411 Madison Street N.E. came foneaxd with a formal signed complaint against the Fridley Target Store. She supplied a copy to each Council Member, City Manager and the City Attorney. She said that she and her neighbors have repeatedly complained �o the City Manager, Fir� Prevention Chief and appeared in April to reqister a verbal complaint betore the Council on the soot, burning, flying ash, and smell caused by the in- cinerator used by Target. She reported that she had clothes hanging on her line that got very sooty, she called the store manager and he came up and admitted to her that their incinerator was to blame and took care of the cleaning. However, the burning is not stopped and if anyone later complains, they claim they knew nothing about it. She said that it smells like a gar�ge dump. Mr. Brattain of the Target General Office said that they knew nothinq about this, that it was not within his domain, but that he would zeport it to the company. CounciLnan Harris said that this is the £irst he has heard of this complaint and suggested that the Council require the^ to bale their trash, and to close down the operation of their incinerator. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 �PAG� I4 The City Manager reported that after the last complaint in April, the Health Sanitarian, the Fire Prevention Chie£ and himself went down thereand talked to them alwut this problem. Mrs. Mihalow said that after that they ceased burning for about three days. MOTION by Councilman Harris to initiate a formal request to the Target Store to cease usj,ng the incinerator and start baling their trash. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN OFFICE ANB WAREHOUSE ON THE PENNSYLVANIA OIL COMPANY. (REQUEST BY SHELDON MORTENSON CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The City Engineer explained the Building Standards - Desiqn Control stipu- lations and Mr. Mortenson came forward to the Council table for a discussion of the plans. The City Engineer showed on the plan why a 100' setback could not be attained because of the building and structure layout, and the maximum he could get wauld be 56' from the property line. Mr. Mortenson said that they plan on future expansion to the south. The City Engineer said that the applicant has complied with the recommendations of the Building Board with the exception of the setback, which he cannot do. This would place him about 50' from the edqe of the service road. There was also a question on the exterior finishing material to be used. Mr. Mortenson was asked if he would improve the service road to City standards and he said that he would do so. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the permit foz Sheldon Mortenson for an office and warehouse subject to the applicant complying with the plan shown tonight, improving the service road for 200' to meet City standards, and grant a setback waiver from 100' to 56'. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design �Control Subcommittee Meeting of July 2, 1969. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MIN[JTES OF THE BOAkiD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of June 25, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEI�IING THE MINUTES OF TfTE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JULY 2, 1969: � HIGHWAY 6, OSSEO PERM2^ AS PER SECTION 45.16 TO OPERATE A IN M- ZONING LOCATED ON�THE WEST 375 FE. ION #89, PARCEL 710. THE SAME BEING 715 A Representative from the Castle Mobile Homes and a Representative of Macey Sign Company came forward to the Council table for discussion of their plans. ' � l__J ' J � !_1 , , ' � t � � �J , , L� J � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JOLY 7, 1969 PAGE 15 � Councilman Sheridan said that he had been concerned that this was the pro- � per zoninq, but it seems that it is. The City Engineer asked how he plans on fixing the parking area. The Representative said that they will be putting in 13 parking spaces in the center and other spaces foz parking at random. i Councilman Harris said that he did not approve of random parking. It was agreed that the applicant is to submit a plan to the Engineering Depart- ment showing parking, landscaping and the internal traffic flow. It was pointed out that the lease runs for three years, at which time it wi11 ' revert back to M-1 unless the applicant re-applies for a special use permit and re-approved by the Council. � ' l� II u � � , LJ r �J r � MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to grant the special use permit for Castle Mobile Homes at 7151 Highway #65 subject to the Board of Appeals stipulations and that he bring in the aforementioned plan to the Engineering Department. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF 5IGN PERMIT REQUEST FOR CASTI,E MOBILE HOMES: 7151 Hwy. #65 The Representative from Macey Sign Company said that he would also Like to request approval of a sign permit. IIe showed his plan £or the sign to the Council and they unanimously agreed that it was too large. The City Engineer asked why this request could not wait for the next regular meeting which would be the 21st. The Representative from Castle Mobile xpmes said that they plan on being moved in there by July 15, 1969. They asked that as they are some distance off the Highway and that this would be a temporary sign that this be taken into consideration when determining the size. Mayor Kirkham said that it was a nice looking sign, if it could be cut down. This is about the size allowed along the freeway. The Representative from Macey Sign Company said that it is 16' X 8' and there is a considerable cost factor in cutting down the sign. Councilman Harris informed him that a sign this size could not be allowed as it would be setting an undesirable precident. The question arose on the lighting of the siqn, and the City Engineer said that there would be no change in intensity of light. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve a sign for Castle Mobile Homes to be no larger than 100 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Minutes o£ July 2, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a].1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion car.ried unanimously. RECEIVING Tf� MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATIOiV COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1969: , MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Rec- reation Commission Meeting of June 11, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declased the motion carried unanimously. ' RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE�PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF Tro.n oe inen. ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive tYle :�jr�u�e0 0€ the Paxks & Recreation Cwmnission Meetinq of Juite 23r 1969. $econded py Councilman $�{ItuPl9on. U�on a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the�motion carried. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER PROJECT #91: (Hids opened July 7, 1969) LUMP SUM COMPLETION PLANHOLDER BID SURETY BID TIME C.S. McCrossan, Box 336 Osseo, Minnesota Inc. 55369 Randal Brothers 3400 Silver Lake Road Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Charles Lovejoy Co. 2506 Cedar White Bear Lake, Minn 55110 U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5� Cert. Ck. $745.00 U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5� $21,495.00 $14,900.00 $12,292.00 PAGE 16 150 Calendar Days 30 Calendar Days 60 Calendar Days The City Engineer reminded the Council that this is the sewer project to serve the pet clinic on T.H. #65. He added that although he knew this would be an expensive project to put in, the bids came in 50� above the Engineering estimate. He said that he had talked to Mr, Walquist and told him that if they could delay, they could probably get better bids. However, the pet • clinic is very anuious to get started, and felt that they could not wait. Councilman Sheridan raised the question if there should be some sort of a hearing to make the people aware of the high cost. The City Attorney said that this would not be required, but agreed that they should be made aware of the cost to them. The City Engineer said that Mr. Walquist would submit a letter of approval and stating that he is aware of the costs. However, the gas station is also involved and should be apprised of the costs. He pointed out that the petition was over 51� Por the improvement. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the bids and take action on July 21, 1969. In the meantime the people involved that will be assessed are to be alerted of the costs. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motioa carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #94: (Well House #2 - Bids opened June 23, 1969) BASE BID BASE BID COMPLETION PLANHOLDER - BID SURETY NO. 1 NO. 2 TIME Berglund-JOhnson St. Paul Fire $12,574,00 $20,200.00 ---- P.O. Box "D" � & Marine Excelsior, Minn. 55331 5$ B.B. Unsco, Inc. Aome Owners $11,413.00 $19,249.00 90 Cal. Days 3307 Hwy. 100 North Ins, Co. Minneapolis, Minn. 55422 58 B.B. ' ' ' � L� ' � , ' � , � � �I ' , � 1 Karl Dedolph Constr. Co. Home Owners 511,700.00 $18,600.00 90 Cal. �ays ' 771 West 7th St. Ins. Co. St. Paul, Minn. 55102 58 B.B. �I � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 17 ' ' (Bids for Project #94 continued) PLANHOLDER BID SURETY � Dupre Constr. Co 535 East Cottage St. Paul, Minn. , Inc 55101 U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty 5� B.B. BASE BID BASE BID NO. 1 NO. 2 $13,160.00 $20,966.00 C�?1Fi�TYON TTME 90 Cal. Days , The City Engineer said that he had anticipated an additional cost of between $4,000 to $5,000 for the addition to the Well House for the Parks and Recreation Department storage, but the Base Bid #2 came in at about ' $7,000 for the addition. The Well House alone would be a 16° X 16° beailc3ing with a flat roof. The addition for the Park Department would double the size of the buildinq and would make the construction change of a pitched xoof, with overhead doors. u LJ ' � � I I II , , , , � ' � Councilman Harris said that he felt that $7,000 was too much for a storage room, and he would rather see an adequate building built in a location more desirable to the Department, althought it would cost more. Counca.lman Liebl asked if the Council did not make some kind of a commi.tinenk to the Parks Department. Councilman Harris said that he felt that $7,000 was too much £or a starage room. He would rather see the Council bvild sanething more like 30' X 30' for perhaps 515,000 at a more suitable loca.tiona MOTION by Councilman Liebl to award the Base Bid ql to Unsco Inc. in �he amount of $11,413.00. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL: (December 18, 1968 through Si:ne 18, 1969) MOTION by Councilman Iiarria to approve the payroll for the Fire Department. Seconded by CounciLnan Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATIONe The City Manager explained that as the City grows there is a need for more supervision and overall planning. The Director of Public Works has a load of paper work and cannot take care of all the necessary supervision. The proposal is to elevate the position of leadman to foreman, and each foreman could then be responsible for some of the necessary future planning wattnin his zealm, however, all the foremen would be cross-trained to be able to help out in an emergency and during vacation time etc. The City Manager pointed out that the question of whether the foremen wou�� not bp rao�Hc'wng foremen, except for an emergency would be studied out, With the autSxc°�i±y to do some of the fore-planning, the costs of maintenance would be cut do�.+n my having more problems solved before they arose. Councilman Liebl asked if this would not be a case of too many chiefs and not enough Ind3ans, and asked how the foremen would be determined. The CiZy Manager said that the positions would be posted and any who wish to apply will be considered, and the best qualified will be chosen. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Tesza�e asked iP the position of Super- intendent was going to be done away •ait} The Citg i�Aa�ager sa�� ea�ly tempor- arily, maybe in 2 or 3 years the positzon may be ne�essary. R±�Iat naw the REGULAR COU�CIL MEF,TZNG OF JULY 7, 1969 need is for more supervision and direction on the spot. PaGE 18 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager for the Public Works Department reorganization as outlined in the Agenda of July 7, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously RESOLUTION #108-1969 - RESOLUTION�ON THE NEED FOR CONTINUED.EXEMPTION OF MUNICIPAL 80ND5 FROM FEDERAL ZNCOME TAXATION: �� MOTSON by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #108-1969, retyped to conform to the City standard Resolutions, and brought back for ratification July 21, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT FOR MUNICIPAL GARAGE: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the contxact and authorize the City Manager's signature. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF QUZT CLAIM DEED ON FIRE.STATION CONTRACT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to accept the quit claim deed on the Fire Station Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAY OF RELOCATION OF 12.5 KV LINE FROM UNIVERSITY AVENUE: The City Engineer explained that the 115 Kv line will be routed along the railroad riqht of way, then up to 69th Avenue and back to University Avenue. The other section of the 12.5 KV line will be along Main Street, crossing at 60th Avenue then between Sth and 6th Street from 60th to 63rd Avenue, and from 63rd to Mississippi Street back on street right of way. Mayor Kirkham asked if there are existing poles. The City Enqineer said that there are some and some will be added. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve Lhe zelocation. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Sheridan, Aarris and Samuelson voting aye, Liebl abstaininq, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF INTEREST RATE ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: The Finance Director explained to the Council in his memorandum that the 1969 Legislature authorized raising the maximum interest rate charged on special assessments from 6� to 8�. He explained that interest costs to municipalities have been running more than 6$ and suggested going to 78. Councilman Harris asked why he did not consider 7;�. The 7� will probably be abo�t what bonds will be selling for. The Finance Director said that the next bond sale will be around the end of this year and would be for about one million dollars. Councilman Samuelson asked why not go up to 8�. Mayor Kirkham agreed and commented that it has been 6$ for many years and now the raise has been authorized, he thought that it should go up to the maximum, Councilman Liebl asked if the rest of the Council did not think that rather high and � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 � � � � � � � � � � � � PAGE 19 wondered what 8� would do to the market. The Finance Director said that there are always some assessments that are not collected and there are some that are preg�id so they �xe not entered on the pe�$nemt bond. Councilman Sheridan question�d whether raising to 88 would not be encouraging pze- payment. MOTION by Councijman Liebl to raise the interest rate on special assessments to 7'��. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhafn declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPRQVAL OF FIVE YEAR STREET LIGH`PING PROGRAM: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the five year street lighting program as outlined by the City Enqineer. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORITY TO SELL OLD EXCESS HOI5T AND WELDER: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to authorize advertising the old excess hoist and welder for sale. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motiom carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ELIMINATION OF MOWING AGRE�MENTS DUE TO CHANGE IN STATE STA STTES: . . '. ' The City Manager explained the change in the State Statutes and suggested that the agreement� that are now in £orce be continued, but that the new method be gone into for all future work. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to approve the new form to be used. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris and Samuelson vpting aye, Sheridan voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caYried. AND ESTIMATES OF � ^ RESOLUTION ST. 1970-2: � MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #109-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Councilman Harris questioned whethez or not the County would be taking over ' Main Street as a Coun�,y Road, as they have mpgt, of Main Street now. If�so, consideration �hmuld 1ie given to holding up the vaoation of the alley between Main Street and Second Street discussed earlier in the Meet3ng. The � Courity may not approve of any plan for backing out onto Main Street. If the City were to build the State Aid Street to a 50' width, then the County take it over, then where are the people going to park. Councilman Sheridan 1 suggested ordezing the plans and specifications and in the meantime settle this with the CounLy. Councilman Harris volunteered to accompany the City _ Engineer up to Anoka County to see what could be done. ' The City Engineer said that WeSti Moore Lake Drive needs work very badly. The Fire Department is even hesitant to go onto this street. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 20 Councilman Sheridan asked about 58th Avenue as it is also in need of improvement as long as West Moore Lake Drive is going to be improved. The City Engineer said that that street could be added to another project,`as this one is just for State Aid. THE VOTE upon the motion, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. -1969 - RESOLUTION AND ADDING PROPOSED IMPROVEME MENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1 & ST. ONTO THE EXISTING OF PLANS MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #110-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. I969 - AND ESTII ADDENDUM THEREOF: STREET SPEC . 1969^3 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #111-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #112-1969 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELTMINARY REPQRT AND CALLING A PUBLIC�HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN rMVDnVS�MlPT1TC• 4TRRRT TMPRfIl7F.MFTTT PRn.TF.CT ST_ i.JFiB^3 ADDENDUM #2:. MOTEON by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #112-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Engineer explained that this is for the improvement of Riverview Terrace at a higher level and also for the improvement of the streets and utilities behind the dike. They would be 24' streets with a machine rolled berm. The assessment would be about '� the normal assessment but wou2d still pxovide a base should a permanent improvement go in later. 1969 - F'1� 7 THEREOF: FINAL PROJECT MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #113-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 1969 - FOR MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #114-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' RE6ULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 ' ' , ' , �� PAGE 21 APPOINTMENT: BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOt�AfITTEE VACANCY: Councilman Samuelson submitted the name; Carl 0. Tormoen, 6912 Hickory Drive N.E. Telephone Number 784-3858. to fill the vacancy. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoint Carl O. Tormoen to the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommittee vacancy. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kiz'kham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESIGNATTON: MR. WALDO W. HOFFMAN, SECRETAR.Y FOR FRIDLEY POLZCE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION; � MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the resignation of Waldo W. Ho£fman foK the Poliae Civil Service Cwmaission and authorize preparation of a Certificate of Appreciation. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. , Mayor Kirkham said that he w�ould like to accept Mr. Hoffman's offer to continue serving on the cou¢nission in an advisory capacity in working out the school program for the Police Pepartment. He then suMnitted the name: Mr. James R. Keating, 1291 Gardena Avenue, to £ill Mr. Hoffman's position. MOTION by Councilman Harzis to concur with the appointment of Mr. James R. Keating to the position of secretary for the Fridley Police Civil Service Commission. The motion was seconded and sspon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously: CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Harris to pay General Claims #18362 through #18613 and Liquor Claims #3438 through #3508. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSE5: EXCAVATING Larson Excavating 1024 lllth Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Minn. . Glenn Rehbein Excavating, 7309 Lake Drive Circle Pines, Minn. Robert Timm Route #1 Rush City, Minn. GAS SERVZCES Jerry Baer Heating Co. 3024 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minn. Sy: Orville Larson Inc. By: Glenn Rehbein By: Robert Timm !�lx:l NEW NEW By: Jerome H. Baer NEW APPROVED BY Building Inspector Building inspector Building Inspector Heating Inspector REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 Licenses continued. LeVshn Brothers, Inc. 4108 I,yndale Avenue North Minneapo2is, Minnesota By: Robert LeVahn GENERAL CON'I'RACTORS Bud Johnson Construction Co. 45�7 �elvidere Lane Edina, Minnesota Sy: W. M. Johnson U.S. Custom Built Homes, Inc 9010 Olson Highway Minneapolis, Minnesota By: R. W. Pagitt MASONRY Carl Hanson 3809 Buchanan N.E. . ' Columbi_a $eights, Minnesota By: Carl Hanson Heath Construction " 43 East Golden I�ake Road Circle Pines, Minnesota By: Merlin Heath SIGN ffiECTION Kaufman Outdoor Advertising Co. j15 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota $y: R. M. Kaufman ciaex�rTS � Priciaion 9heot Hetal 525o xain SLreet N.E. Pridl�y� Hfnneaots Jin'e Dairy St,ore �53 Uniwrstty Ave. Fridley, Minneeota Railroad Accee'. Corp. 1�6$0 Main Street N.E. Psidley� xinneeota Rapid Shop Corp. 6530 EasL River Rd. Fridley� Minresota F (3eorge Kuhl Jame� Rochetord R. T. Steiner NE4! PAGE 22 ' � _� ' Heating Inspector ' ' NEW Building Tnspector ' NE4! Building Inspector t RINB'WAL � NEW Irving P. Goldberg � Building Inspector , Building Inspector ' _ � Building Inspector ' RBCOM�iD�D FOR APPROVAL $I Chiet ot Police Chief of Police Chief oP Police Chief of Polica ' � L� ' , � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 Licenses continued. Jimbo�s Piaza 21t8 Miasiseippi St. F7ridley� Kinaesota Onan Corp 1Iy00 7jrd Ave. N.E. Fridley� Minnesota Srpder'a Dru¢ Storesi Inc. 6592 Dnlveraity Ave. N.E. Frldlep� Minnasota 3haddrick & LaBeau Amer. Legion Post 303 7j25 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley� }tinnasota Service Station Burkea Texaco 6�01 xwy. #�65 Frl.Aey, xinnesotn Gertsep Service 61i85 Eaet River Road Frldley� Minneeota Favres 3pur 8255 Eas4 Rirer $oad Frf.dleri Rinnasota Chuck's Gnlf 7315 Hxy �65 Fri�ey, Minnoaota Don�a Culf 53� �tral Ave. FTIdl�*, Minnesota Cwntry Boy Sta. Store 1301 *iiasiseippi St. FM�ey� Minneeota Jaiaas 3chooley Don Haneen Bichard Upiioff Robert Roaecrane Larl Bur1ro Leonard Gertrsen Dednia Favre Charlea Jordan Aonald Michaele John Baucom Jr. PAGE 23 Cqief of Poli�s Chie! of Polids Chief of Police Chief of Police Bldg. Iaspeotor Fire Inepector �ldg. InepeoTar Fire Inapector Bldg. Inspector Fire Inspector Bldg. Itwpector Fire Inspector Bldg. Inepactor Fire Inepector Bldg. Inspector Fire InapocWr REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 Lfcenses continued. SOLICITOR` Fred Lewis 1Q6 Thomas Ave. No Minneapolia, Minneeota (tT,L &1L' 3 OF TAE CI1R ) Qreg H2akea 1�8�27th Ave. S. E. ttinneapol7.a� Minnesota Johathan 6raham 1602 Freaoat Ave. No. Micweapol�, Minnesota Leoaard Rhinehart 1021 Morgan �IO2 ?linneapolia � Minneaota ?tichaol �Ucker 1021 Morgan Avertue No. Minne�olis, Minaeaota I,n�ndar +lade i]�7(i Oliver No. Minrbspolis� Hinnesota Jemen Cook �8-27th Ave. S. E. Minneapolis� Yinneeota gP�CIAL"USE YERMIT 1Ffre or` s aP a9 I-694 ��+Y• �5 FricIIsy� Minneaota PUBLIC DtiINK1NG PIACE Shaddrick & L$Beau Aaer. Legioa Post 303 q32S Oentral Ave. N.E. Fridley� Minnesata Cantergury Tnn, Inc. 6it79-81 Oaiv. Ave. Fridley� Kinneeota fR'F S1lI.E Sqyder'a Drug Stores� Inc. 65$F Universitp Ave. N.E. Fridlep� �Itnneaotp Fred LeKie 6reg $lakea Jonathan �rahaia Leonard Rhinehart° Mlfchael 1licker I,eander +Jade Jamea Cook Bob Braail F:� Robert Roeecrans Robert �hrietef�non, Prea. Richard Uphoff PAGE 24 Chief of Police Chief of Police Chisf af Police �hief of PolicO Chiet of Police Chief of Police Chief of Police Fire Inapector RECCl9�SPNDED FOR APPROVAL BI ChfeY of Police Chisf os Police Chief of Yolice Ree1�1{ �LR4p0otRT rREGULAR CGU:�;�IL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 YAGE 25 ' � ' , � ' ' . ' � ' ' �I ' ' , , � ' Licenses continued. dtJ 3ALE _ Hovard Johnaon 5277 Central Ave. Prilley� riinneaota DffiIOEitY 1RUCK Jinbo'e Inc. 248 Miasisaippi St. Fridloy� Hianeaota CAFE Jimbo's Pissa 2lt8 Miseieeippi St. , Fri�ey� Tlinneaota Hoxard Johnaon'a Inc. 5277 Central Ave. !►ridlep� Kinneaota S. �dera Drug Stores� Inc. 65ZfZ Oniveraity Ave. N.�. Fridlep� Minneeota � R8[+RFStASENT & POPCORN ST6ND Holiday �hopping Center Univeraity & 69lt FridleTi liinneaota VEtSDING MACHINE Chicago Lakes Dairy Lindstrom, Minnesota for 5701 University Avenue Fridley, tdinnescta Eugene Durgin Jamea Schooley James SChooley Helen T�t Richard IIphoff Raymand Ostraw Chicago Lakes Dairy Chief of Police Realth Ioepect�ox` Health Inspectar Chiaf of Polics Health ImQector Aealth Inspector Health Inspector Realth Inapector PACKAOED FOOR & PRE-GOOLE� BEVERAGS Xealth Inspector Chicaqo Lakes Dairy Chicago Lakes Dairy NOT APPROVED Lindstrom, :�iinnesota for 5695 Hackmann Avenue � Fridley, Minnesota� MOTION by Councilman tlarris to approve the foteaoing licenses with the exception of the VENDING MACHINE license for Chicago Lakes f.airy for 5695 Hackmann Avenue WH2CH I5 NOT APPROVBD. The ;notion was seconded ar.d upon a voice vote, all voting aye', Mayor Kirkham declared the notion carried. REGULAR CO?JNCIL MEETING OF JULY 7� 1969 ESTIMATES: Peter Lametti Construction Co. 615 Drake Street St, Paul, Minnesota 55102 PARTIAL Estimate #1 for work completed this date for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer improvement Project #90 according to contract. Bergerson-Caswell Inc. 13120 Wayzata Boulevard Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Bill from Bergerson-Caswell Inc. for doing well and pump repair for Well #2 under F]nergency Ordinance #414 For work completed from 4-18-68 through 5-15-69 For work completed from 4-7-69 through 4-9-69 For Johnson vertical W/L turbine pump Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc, 756 Cur�ew St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 FINAL Estimate #4 for work completed this date £or air conditioning work on the Police and Park Department remodeling in the Civic Centex according to contract. Park Department $2,042.56 840.26 $8,300.00 PAGE 26 $69,820,99 $11,182.82 $200.00 $ 200.00 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment of the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. SIGN PERMIT REQUEST BY GULF OIL COMPANY: 7451 EAST RIVER ROAD: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the sign permit request by Gulf Oil Company. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. SIGN PERMIT kE¢UEST BY SUPERETTE: 6530 EAST RIVER ROAD: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the sign permit request by Superette. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' REGULAR COUNCIL i4EETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 27 ' �� ' CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES IN PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE: MOTION by Councilman Lieb1 to receive the infonnation fran the City Engineer on the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion cazried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES IN PROPOSED 5IGN ORDINANCE:� ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the information from the City Engineer on the proposed Siqn Ordinance. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' , , r� �J ' ' , � ' ' , r 'L J AUTHORIZATION OF CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR FOUR MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT PISTOL TEAM: . Ihayor Kirkham reported that the Fridley Pistol Team placed second in the State Pistol Shoot in Winona. The competition was against all law enforcement agencies and the State Conservation Department. He would like to eee these men awarded Certificates of Achievement. MOTZON by Councilman Harris to authorize preparation of Certificates of Achievement to be presented to: Sergeant Robert Cook, Officer Dallas Nelson, Officer Kenneth Wilkenson, and Officer Thomas Kennedy. Seconded by Council- man Sheridan_ Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE LIQUOR STODY GROUP MEETING OF JUNE 26, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Liquor Study Group Meeting of June 26, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carxied unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS• A. KAYE CONSTRUCTION: REQUEST TO BE Ot3 AGENL`A JULY 14, 1969: MOTZON by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from Kaye Con- struction C�npany dated June 12, 1969. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. B. BUREAU OF OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the co�mnunication from the State of Minnesota, Department of Conservation dated June 23, 1969 and authorize the City Manager's signature. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C. JANICE A, RIESE: OPPOSED TO YMCA ON WEST BANK OF MOORE LAKE: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from Janice A. Riese dated June 19,1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Dpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETSNG OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 28 D. MR. & MRS. EDWARD WILBERT: RE UEST fiOR PERMISSION TO BUSLD GARAGE OVER SEWER EASEMENT: � Councilman Samuelson said that he has conversed with Mr. Wilbert, 110 63'� Way N.E. concerning their desire to build a garage. There is a sewer easement where the garage would have to be placed and he told them on the phone that they would have to assume all responsibility if ever the sewer should have to be torn up or repaired. They are willing to sign an agreement to this effect, and hold the City harmless. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from Mr. & Mrs. Fdward Wilbert and refer to the Engineering Department for review, and return to the Meeting of July 21, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. E. CITY OF MINNF.AppLI5: REGARDING PAYMENT OF 3Q. AUDITOR'S Mayor Kirkham read the letter aloud for the City of Minneapolis in which they explain that they purchased Lot 30, auditor's Subdivision #39 in 1965 and at that time there were special assessments of $1464.43 against the property. At that time, in the Attorney's opinion it would be illegal for a city of the first class to make payment to another city. Since that ti.me Legislative amendments have been made and it is now legal to do so and they are willing to pay that entire amount now, with the understandinq that the interest and penalties which may have accrued since that time wi11 be waived. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the �i.ty of Minneapolis dated July 1, 1969 and concur. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. YMCA DISCUSSION: Conncilman Harris reported that he had also received a letter from Mrs. Riese and felt that some clarification was in order. Since receiving the ruling of the Attorney General and the City Attorney that the land cannot be given away, some coverage by the press to that effect should be helpful and that the City is not goinq to be doing anything illegal. The City Attorney added that it will not be necessary to have an appraisal, but that it would have to be a marketable price. MOTrON by Councilman Harris to authorize the Administration to notify the YMCA that the West Moore Lake site cannot be given to the YMCA and to invite the YMCA to consider other sites in Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. There followed some discussion on Iocating the YMCA facility behind the Ice Arena, however, the City Attorney pointed out that here again the same ruling would hold, that it would have to be for a marketable price. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adjourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman C ' ' , 1 , � , , ' , , ' , , ' � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL 'rIEETING OF JULY 7, 1969 PAGE 29 Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of July 7, 1969 adjourned at 12:35 A.M. Respectfully submitted, i������ `���:�CY � � ""�Q�Y/ Juel Mercer 3ack O. Kirkham Secretary to the City Council Mayor � ' � , YAGE 30 THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 Mayox Harris Pro tem called the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Harris Pzo tem lead the Council and audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ' ROLL CALL: ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , i� ' ' MFMRERS PRESENT: Harzis, Samuelson, Liebl MEMBERS ABSENT: Kirkham, SheYidan PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING REQUEST (ZOA #69-02) BY GEORGE M. NELSON: (Generally located on the south side of Onondaga Street and west o£ Lakeside Road) Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Hearing notice aloud and asked for any comments the City Engineer may like to make. The City Engineer reires);e� the Council's memory by saying that this is the request that originally was for apartment dwellings all the way up to Onondaga Street, but was reduced because of the wishes of the people and to conform with the recommendations of the Planning Coimnission in their study of the over-all zoning for this area. He then showed a map on the screen for the benefit of the audience. The pro- posal is for the north portion to stay R-1 along Onondaga Street. The City Enqineer said that this request has been heard by the Planning Commission and they have recoanmended approval. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Nelson if the land were to be rezoned, which way will the buildings face. Mr. Nelson replied they will face 73rd Avenue. He said that the Planning Co�mniasion had requested that thep provide an easement of 25' on the west side of the lot from Onondaga Street to a point 25' south of the southeast corner of Lot.28. Mr. Moore, Attorney for Mr. Nelson said that it was his understanding that such area of this easement is to be allowed in computing density of the multiple dwelling project in the R-3A. He felt that this revised request would satisfy the complaints of the residents. Mr. Dennis Herbst said that he was the owner of Lot 28 and he would just as soon see it left as it is. There is a lot of industry in there already. Mr. Robert O. Persgard, 7430 Lakeside Road asked how many units there will be, how much they would cost and how the petitioner would answer the question of how these apartments would benefit the c�mmunity. He said that he was very much against adding any more apartcnents in the C£ty. Mayor Harris Pro tem informed the audience the' on this Public Hearinq and all those following, there will be no decision made tonight, and that they will come back July 21, 1969. Mr. Nelson said in reply to the questions by Mr. Persgard that they will be putting in as many units as the City Code will allow and that they had no SPECIAL PUBLIC fivARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 PAGE 31 cost estimates as yet. He pointed out that much of the area along 73rd Avenue is already zoned £or multiples now. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on the rezoning request by George Nelson (ZOA #69-02). Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Magor Harris Pro tem declared the Public Hearing closed. PUBLIC WAY LINE OF PART OF 69-04): Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Hearing notice. The City Engineer said that as the request indicates, this is for the vacation of a portion of right of way between T.H. #47 and 3rd Street that is no longer used for vehicular traffic. This would provide parking for two apartment houses and it is the recoimnendation of the Planning Commission to vacate, but retain walkway easement to align with the signalization on T.H. #47. Councilman Liebl asked if by vacating, would the City still have the sidewalk for the children. The City Engineer said that the vacation would be of the right of way, but the City would still retain the easement. Councilman Liebl asked i£ a pedestrian bridge were to go in in the future, would there be a necessity oP a condemnation. The City Engineer said no. Mayor Harris Pro tem asked about putting in a Pence on the north side of the parking lot so it would not be at the same qrade, and to keep the children walking away from the parking lot. The City Engineer said that the sidewalk would be about 1' to 1�' higher than the parkinq lot. There is also a 6' boulevard proposed between the parking lot and the sidewalk for snow storage, and the parking lot is to have a rolled berm. Councilman Samuelson asked if then,the apartments would have to do the improvements themselves. The City Engineer said yes, if it is vacated. The same owner owns both apartments. He suggested entering into an agreement and acquiring ease- ments for the sidewalks before the vacation. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearing for the vacation of a portion of Hoxizon Drive lying east of the east right of way line of Third Street. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the Public Hearing closed. PUBLZC HEARING ON THE FINAL PLAT MARION'S TEREt7aCE, BY HOWARD CRABTREE (P.S. #69-08): � Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Hearing notice. The City Engineer showed the proposed plat on the screen for the audience, and explained that it is Ln the southwest corner of Riverview Terrace. The large parcel is being proposed to be split into 4 lots. The Planning Commission did approve the layout, but he would like to point out one consideration, in that two of the lots are to be served by a private easement. Here again, there is the question.of the difficulty of getting financing y_ land not abutting a public street. Other than that, he said that the plat meets all the requirements. Mr. W.J. Engelhardt, 7120 Riverview Terrace asked if there was any consideration given to how close a house may be built to the river. The City Engineer said not as such, but that the setback from the street must be compatible with the surrounding area according to the Code, however, this would not affect the platting. , SPECIAL PUSLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 PAGE 32 ' Mr. Allan I. Rolland said that he is planning on buying Lot 2, he had to move ' out of his house as he had sold it, and is anxious to get his house started so he can enroll his children in school. He would like to get the construction started as soon as possible. He said that he would rather have a private , easement rather than a cul-de-sac as the cul-de-sac would cost more and would require his house being built 45' back, as was pxeviously stated, when he appeared before the Council. ' ' ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on the Final Plat Marion's 2errace requested by Howa�d Crabtree. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL U5E PERMIT FOR OONSTRUCTION OF A TWO FAMSLY DWELLING IN R-1 ZONING: (LOt 3, Block 4, Ostman's Addition) Rogex L. PetersOn ' Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Aearing notice and the City Engineer added that this request is for a ddplex in R-1 zoning. The Planning Conmiission recomnended approval subjeot to the applicant providing a turn-around on the property so that autos may enter East River Road head on, rather than ' backing on, and that a three car garage be constructed as part of this pro- posal. � , , � CI , Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the Council has received a letteY from Lorraine R. Hanson asking that her name be removed from the petition she had signed in favor of Mr. Peterson's construction. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive the communication from Lorraine R. Hansori supplied to the Council July 19, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upnn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl pointed out that there were also letters from Mr. William C. Hoffman, 6900 Hickory Drive dated July 5, 1969, and Robert F. Havel, 6911 East River Road dated July 8, 1969 requesting that their names be withdrawn from the petition in the Agenda. The City Engin�er said that it seems that originally the neighbors were in favor of the construction, but upon reflection, changed their minds. Mr. Roger Peterson said that he had nothing to add that he has not already stated except that this house will look just like a single family dwelling, with a walk-out basement. ' MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on the request for a special use permit for a two family dwelling in R-1 zoning by Roger L. Peterson. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:00 P.M, ' r IJ PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-1: Mayor Harris Pzo tem read the PUblic Hearing notice and explained that some of these streets have been added as petitions have been received, others have been added by the City because of the poor condition of the street and in view SPECIAL PU$LIC ??!`'.�RING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14r 1'.369 PAGF 33 of the 10 year street improvement program adopted by the City Council. The City Engineer explained that basically the plan is to bring all the streets within the City of Fridley up to City standards in 10 years. This proposal was approved by the City Council as it will facilitate better planning and by combining a group o£ streets in the same general area the construction costs can be kept down and the savings passed on to the property owners. It is hoped to let this contract early next spring. He suggested taking the first seven streets together as they were figured together in the estimates. Lake Street: Circle: Place: River Road to Hi� River Road to Hi� River Road to Hi�� � Lake Road to 69� Wav to 70th Way �ry Drive to cul-� �rv Drive to 70th The City Engineer said that the proposal is for a 36' street with curb and gutter with a blacktop mat. Councilman Samuelson said that he had received a petition against the street improvement of Locke Lake Road, 69th Way and Hickory Street. k25-1969 - . 69TH WAY TO MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to receive Petition #25-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. Councilman Samuelson read the petition aloud at the request of a member of the audience. Mr. Gary Hedman, 60 N.E. 70th Way presented a petition against the installation of sanitary sewer lines with approximately 40 signatures, represanting residents in this seven street area. TO THE i��7 LINES MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive tha Patition #26-1959. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. Mayor Harris Pro tem read the petition aloud for the benefit oP the audience. The Finance Director said that there was some misunderstanding on tiie part of the residents. The sewer means storm sewer improvements, and that there was only one sanitary sewer service to be installed. The City Engineer added that this area has a history of delayed improvements. In 1965 the City received a petition for improvements. Some people were epposed and felt that they would like the project to be delayed another year. In 1966 another public hearing was held with the same rasponse, some were for it and some were in opposition, so the improvement was again delayed. In the meantime the City has qone in and patched as well as they could, but this was four years ago and by now the ' ' ' ' CJ ' ' ' L� , �� , ' L�I' ' , , � , � SPECIAL PUBLIC fiEARING AND WORKSAOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 ���� �Q ' I� ' J I� ' ' ' patches are not much good any mo=e. 2he Council feeling was ���� avenrually everyone should have improved streets as the City dces eacpend excessive monies in maintenance on all the streets not improved. The costs o£ construction are increasing at about a rate of 108, but the cost o£ living is increasing at a rate of 4� - 58. This means that further delay is not saving the pro- perty owners money. As a means of comparison he said that the estimate� figures in 1966 were $1o.78 per foot and this year they are $13.30 per foot. The City feels that it is necessary to improve the storm sewexs first before any street improvm�ents are made, or the water running on the streets will soon destroy the improvement. In 1956 there was only an oil and sand mix- ture put in, and the proposal now is to have curb and yutter with a finished mat that would hopefully last about 25 years. He explained that by having the watez run a long way on the streets will soon wear them out, but if the resi- dents want to put up with the water in the streets, this is their decision. He said that the Engineering Department tries to propose the best solution for long range planning. Councilman Samuelson asked if the work would be done in 1970. The City Engineer said that if the work was completed in 1970, it would go on the 1971 tax rolls, but if not completed, it would go on the 1972 tax rolls. The assesament is spread for 10 years. He explained that a Public Hearing does not mean that an improvement is going to be forced in, but rather a means of informing the public and enabling them to make their own determination. A resident of the area said that it appears that the response of about 988 , of the zesidents is that they feel that the street is all riqht as it is and that it will last for some time yet. The City Engineer said that if any portion is salvable, it will be used as a base and this would lowex' the coat. , t � ' Mrs. George Kelley, 50 N.E. 70th way, said that she did not feel that they naed atorm aewers. The City Engineer said that as he has already explained they would save wear and tear on the streets and the assessment would be on the seven street area, as they would be the benefitting property owners. This estimated coat is $21,718, and ahowed the areas propoaed to be assessed on the screen. Mr. Bruce E. Olson, 7030 xickory Drive said that he lives on the corner of Hickory Drive and 70th Way and has already paid an assessment for Hickoty Drive, so what would his chargea be. The Finance Direator said that everyone in the project has had at least one street assessment. He would pay per front foot and 1/3 for side yard if it is a corner lot. ' Mr. W.w. Salkcam, 6821 Hickory Street N.E, said that his biggest objection to this imprwement is that there is something needed far more and that is a sidewalk alonq East River Road for the children te walk on to go to school or � sane accesa across Eaat River Road. Zf blacktop and curbing were put in, the children will still have to walk in the stzeets. He said that he did not feel that the improvement was needed. ' A reaident asked wheze the run off would go. The City Engineer said that it would go into the lake. xe then presented the eiqht year storm sewer improve- ment maps and explained the meaning of the different color echemes and that at , the end of eight years everyone will be in one storm sewer district or another and would have about the same assesament rate. J SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 HarUoan Circle: Including the stra�ht and curved road PAGE 35 The City Engineer explained that this is for a 36' street with concrete curb and gutter with a blacktop surface. The estimates include some work on the storm sewers. Mr. George Rusler, 169 Hartman Circle said that it seemed that there would be more than some minos improvements to the stprm sewer needed. He said that he was in favor of the project. The City Engineer said that there will be no water standing in the streets when the improvement is made and that it is just a matter of extending a storm sewer line. 615t Way: East River Road to alley on the East Alley bet. 61st Way & to to 63§ Way: East River Road to a: Alley on West Side of Railroad Tracks: 6lst Way to 64th Way on the East on the East on the East on the East The City Engineez showed the map on the screen and explained the proposed traffic pattern. He said that there is a need for storm sewers, but this cannot be done until East River ltoad is improved. Mr. Richard Brown, 6103 East River Road, said that his home fronts on East River Road and abuts on 61st Way and asked how this would be assessed. The Finance Director said the front £ootage would be considered and 1/3 of the side yard would be asaeased as per the standarai Council policy for assessments. Mr. Brown said that he is opposed to this improvement. Mr. George Danielson, 6305 East River Road asked what the bonds would be selling for. The Finance Director said that there have not been any sold for sane time, but that the interest rate for assessments of the improvement has been established at 7�8 by the Council. Mr. Danielson said that he is opposed to this improvement as he feels a couple of coats of tar on the streets would make the road serviceable for another 10 years. He asked who would pay for the alley improvement alonq the railroad tracks. The Einance �irector said that the assessment would be $5.59 on the east side and $3.41 on the west side. One half the cost of the alley is spread on the property on the east side of the alley right of way and one half of the cost of the alley is epread on the property on the west side of the alley and spread half way down the block. Mr. Dani- elson asked why the City is proposing to pave the alley when previously the City policy has been not to pave alleys. Councilman Liebl said that the problem is the safety of the children as there are no sidewalks on East River Road for them to walk on. This alley or 61st Avenue, depending on where the signal is located would be used by the children to get to the school. The City Enqineer said that presently there is only 12' right of way but if ordered in, it would be a street and there would be more right of way acquired so that the street can be snow plowed. Mr. Danielson asked if there was anything that could be done about the trucks using this alley now as a short cut. He said that there are semi-trucks using it now. He then asked what about the drainage. The City Engineer answered , , 1 ' L� , ' , ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF .7ULY 14, 1969 PAGE 36 that for the first time the County is making a study of East River Road and hopefully s�ething can be done in conjunction with their findings. Mr. Danielson asked if the railroad will be paying their share. Councilman Liebl said yes. Mr. Danielson asked if it would be a 24' street. The City Engineer said yes, and that additional right of way would be needed. Mr. John Othoudt, 20 N.E. 63rd Way said that when sanitary sewer lines were put in past his place, he got water in the basement and had to dig a ditch across the street to drain the water away. The City Engineer asked when this was. Mr. Othoudt said about three years ago. The City Engineer said that this work �ras done by N.5.S.S.D. and that this is another qovernmental body, and the City has no control over them. Mr. Othoudt said that it seems that all the water drains across his lot all the time. The City Engineer said that to put in a complete storm sewer system would be very expensive and it is hoped that when East River Road is improved, that the City can hook onto their system. Mr. Lewis Doyle, 25 N.E. 63rd Way said that he agreed with Mr. Danielson that just a couple coats of tar would be adequate. Mr. Othoudt asked haw these stxeets will be voted on next week, individually or as the whole resolution reads now. Councilman Liebl said that they would be considered individually. He said that sane may be deleted and some may be added on. He comnented that he felt that Mr. Danielson was zight in this case. The �torm dzainage is very bad in this area and it is all a question of money. Some of the streets between Mississippi Way and 61st Way may have to be up-graded just to the minimum as he did not feel that the people could stand the assessments. 61St Avenue: Starlite Boulevard to Main Street Sylvan Lane: Starlite Boulevard to Jupiter Drive Starlite Boulevard: 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane ' The City Engineer said that these are the only streets le£t to be improved in this area. Councilman Liebl said that he had received a call from a resident living on Starlite Boulevard between 61st Avenue and Sylvan Lane asking what was to be done about the drainaqe, as there is a valley in the middle of the ' block. The City Engineer explained that to take care of the storm drainage a storm sewez extension will come from Trinity Drive. ' A member of the audience asked if 61st Avenue will ever be going acxoss to East River Road. Mr. Jim Gibbs, representinq the City Attorney, said that the City has zequested this, but the railroad has successfully blocked this plan. ' The resident then said that he is already paying assessments on storm sewer. The City Engineer said that there is no storm sewer asseasment proposed, that the storm sewer work is incidental to the street work and i� included in the cost of the street wozk. ' , ' , Mz. William Zurbey, 145 Sylvan Lane said that there is a water prol�lem and he would 13ke to have this fixed if the street is qoing to go in, but'�he is satiafied with the atreet the way it is. After a rain the water runs down the street very fast. If the plan does not include fixing the water problem, he would not be in favor of the improvement. Mr. C.A. Suuder, 101 Sylvan Lane agreed, as did Mr. Kleinschmidt, 160 Sylvan Lane, who said that it would be nice to have the improvement, but it was not a necesaity. Mr. a.J. Ricks, 161 Sylvan Lana said that he had curbing in front of his house, and he would not like to aee this torn up and thrown away. He said that hg WaS I SPECIAL PUBLSC `?PPRING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 196R PAGr� 37 against the improvement. Mr. Sunder said that it seems that there is about 100$ against this improvement. He had no petition aqainst the improvement, but he said that he was sure that he could get one with enouqh signatures. Mr. Merle Longerbone, 180 Sylvan Lane, said that there were three houses that have curb and gutter, and asked if this would have to be torn out. The City Engineer said that everything possible would be saved. Mr. Longerbone asked if there would be an increase in cost for extending the storm sewer line from Trinity Drive. The City Engineer said no, that that is part of the given estimated improvement cost. Mr, i.ongerbone asked what mill happen when there are more homes built along the street. The City Engineer said that all the utilities will be in, so the only problem then would be thz curb cuts for the driveways. The property owner at 175 Sylvan Lane said that he would qo along with what the other neighbors wanted. T.H. #65 East Service Rd.: 73�5 Avenue to Fireside Drive The City Engineer said that 73� Avenue is presently being used, but there seems to be no uniformity of feeling on whether it should be vacated or improved. Mayor Harris Pro tem called for any comments from the audsence, but there were none. He then asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak on the T.H #65 East Service Road from 73�. Avenue to Fireside Drive, with no response. At this point a large number of the audience left the Meeting, and Mayor Harris Pro tem thanked them for coming and giving their cotmnents, and told them that this item will be back on the Agenda at the Meetinq of July Z1, 1969. Drive to Bdcori Drive: Mr. Tom Flanery, 1465 Onondaga Street, said that hardly anyone uses Bacon Drive, and pointed out that much of this improvement abuts park property. Mayor Aarris Pro tem answered that the City would pay the improvement cost ior the park land. Mr. Flanery said that he is against the improvement of Bacon Drive. Mr. John Reick, 7426 Bacon Drive N.E., said £hat this is a dead end street now, and if improved, he would like to see it stay this way. There are only five houses on this street. Mr. Gary Omalley, 7432 Bacon Drive, said that he also would like to have the street dead-ended, with perhaps a cul-de-sac. He said that he thought that the people to the north would not mind exiting onto 75th Avenue. He added that since the storm sewer was installed last year, he has had no water in his basement. Lakeside Road: 75th Avenue to Osborne Road Mr. C. Cornell, 7525 Lakeside Road, said that there had been no petition, but he would get one if the Council wished. He said that he is in favor of the project and would also speak for a neighbor, who is not present who is in favor of the improvement. Mr. L.R. Hegne, 7550 Lakeside Road wondered about the storm sewer, and when it would be put in. The City Enqineer said that there would be an extension of a storm sewer line needed. He explained that the City's policy is to have all the utilities in the street, before the street improvement is put in. This , . SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14� 1969 PAGE 38 ' r ' ' CI ' �__J , � , ' �� r , ' u LJ , would mean that there would have to be water, sewer and stoxm sewer sezvices installed fixst. Mx. Hegne said that he is in favor of this, and asked if this would all be done the same year. The City Engineer said yes. Mi. Hegne said that the estimated price of $1�.69 per foot has been quoted and asked if this is the total cost. The City Engineer said yes, the proposal is to install a 36' street with curb and gutter and the storm sewer extension to pick up the surface drainage. The storm sewer cost is part of the total estimated cost. A man in the audience said that they have paid for a storm sewer assessment already. The City Engineer said that this was for a main trunk line, and this would be just an extension, and would not be a storm sewer assessment. Mr. Clarence Whittmer, 7629 Lakeside Road said that the amount of sand in the street makes it a hazard qetting onto the street, and she would be in favor of the project. Mr. Lenny Cochran asked why 25' was taken from his land to the north. Mayor Harris Pro tem said that this would still leave him sufficient lot depth. The City Engineer said that the lots would be 120' deep. Mr. Cochran asked why he should have to stand the cost. A 125' lot would not meet the City Code. The City Enqineer said that it would. Mayor Harris Pro tem asked if McKinley Street will line up with the street to the north. The City Engineer said that there will be 25' off-set. The plat has been approved and this question should have been brouqht up at the time the plat was considered. He assured A1r. Cochran that the lots will still meet the City Code. It requires 900Q square feet per lot. Mr. Cochran asked if the City will condemn his land on 61st Avenue when extending to the north. The City Engineer said that there is road right of way needed that is part o£ his pxoposed plat. Mr. Cochran said that he did not feel that he should stand the costs when he drew his plat according to what the City wanted, and now theze is the required 25' off-set. Mr, Gibbs told Mr. Cochran that his plat has not been approved yet. Mayor Harris Pro tem said that the street cannot be put in without the necessary Yight of way. Mr. Cochran asked if the City was going to put in � of Stinson Boulevard. The City Engineer said that this will be done in con- junction with t3ew Brighton. Stinson Boulevard has already been ordered in. Mr. Cochran asked why McKinley Street cannot be moved to line up with the street proposed in his plat before_ The City EngineeX said that he would have difficulty in platting his land as shown on his plat. Mr. Gibbs said that his office has been trying for over a year to negotiate this problem to get sane solution. He told Mr. Cochran that his attorney proanised him four times that he would look at the terrain and the surveys etc. but nothing came of it. The holes in his land are very deep and there will be difficulty with the storm sewer in thia area. Mayor Harris Pro tem told Mr. Cochran that the plat, Amber Oaks has been approved, so somewhere he will have a street going north and south. CounciJman Liebl said that Mr. Cochran implied at the time the plat Amber Oaka was preaented, that he would concur with it, and that it is unfair to complain nw. He should have done his speaking at the time of the Public Hearing for the final plat. Mr. David Hubers, of Amber Oaka said that he was in favor of this improvement. At the time the plat was being discussed Mr. Cochran was well aware of what was intended. He said that he really did not know what Mr. Cochran wanted, but he SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF NLY 14, 1969 PAGE 39 wanted this improvement made, and if necessary he would like to ask the Council to start condemnation proceedings against Mr, Cochran for the necessary riqht of way. Proposed Roadway: Riverview Terrace to Cul-de-sac to east The City Engineer said that this is also to serve a proposed plat, Brentwood Estates. The aiajor portion has been petitioned for. The developers are trying to acquire a little more land. Councilman Liebl asked if there was any objection from the School Board. The City Engineer said no. Mr. Gordon Sangster, 7169 Riverview Terrace said that he has a corner lot and must object to the p2at itself. This plat would result�in the funneling of traffic down Riverview Terrace, and he felt that it would be more desirable to take the traffic out to East River Road. He felt that the lower speed limit on East River Road has helped to mitigate the problem. There are four homes in the area and now the traffic is out to East River Road, and all the vehicles servinq the school use this right of way for access. He said that he understood that the Planninq Commission is considering this ptat yet. He said�that Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Dickenson, Mr. L.V. Moen, and J.R. Dahl have all expressed this same concern. Mayor Harris Pro tem said that in discussions with Anoka County officials they definitely want to limit access onto East River Road. They are planninq ahead for signalization, and do not want to multiply their problems. Mr. Sangster coumented that if this was made a major road, it could be a traffic hazard for the children on the way to school. T.H. #65 East Service Road: Rai2road Tracks to 72nd Avenue The City Engineer commented that this abuts the Harstad property. Mayor Harris Pro tem asked for any comments from the audience, but there was no response. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to close the Public Heaxing on Street Zmprove- ment Project St. 1970-1. Seconded by Councilman Llebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the hearing closed at 9:40 P.M. RECESS: Mayor Harris Pro tem declared a recess from 9:40 to 9:55 P.M. TARGET STORE IN FRIDLEY: COMPLAINT ON INCINERATOR: Mayor Harris Protem read the letter aloud that ttie City Manager received from the Target District Manager, Mr. Ron Martin. The City's letter to them was dated July 9th and the Target letter is dated July I0, 1969. Their letter informs the City that the Target Store in Fridley has been informed that they are to cease use of the incinerator and use other means to dispose of a11 trash. He said thank you to the City Manager for his prompt action, and also to Target for their good response to the City's request. BERNIE JUI.KOWSKI: REQUEST FOR SPLITTING OF ASSESSMENTS: Mr. Julkowski explained that in 1964 he purchased about 12 acres o£ land. There are two separate deeds and the taxes are s�,parate, and he wouid lika tg 5]�lit r, J ' � ' ' � ' [J ' , ' ' ' a ' ' !_.I ' � SPECIAL PUSLZC t�ARING AND WORICSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14, 1969 PAGE 40 ' � ' , � LJ, ' f� I� � � , '�� the assessments. He said that he hae a prospective buyer for a building, therefore he would have to have the assessments split. The Finance Director referred to his memorandum to the City Council dated July 14,1969 explaining the problem. He said that the final plat for Mr. Julkowski was approved by the Council October, 1464, but it was never zecorded. According to the Platting Ordinance adopted in 1962, the land must either be platted, have a reqistered Land survey or a lot split, before any assessments can be split. It is cuzrently unplatted property and has a metes and bounds description xhich is quite lengthy. Once the platting or a registered land survey is accomplished, the splitting of assessments would follow autanatically. Mayor Aarris Pro tem advised Mr. Julkowaki to initiate action through the alanninq Commission to get some form of platting recorded. He sugqested a lot split. if Mr. Julkowski is not ready to plat and Y,he 10 remaining acres could be an outlob. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE F2NAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PR0.7FlCT ST. 1968-1A: Mayor Harris Pro tem read the Public Hearing notice and asked if there r+ere any comments from anyone. The City Engineer said that he was happy to report that the final costs were 258 - 308 lowez than the estimated cost. This was probably because the bids weze let durinq the winter. Mayor Harris Pro tem commented that there seemed to be no complaints. MOTION by Counci]man Samuelson to close the Public Hearing on the final assess- ment roll for Street improvement Project St. 1968-1A. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the Public Hearinq closed at 10:04 P.M. RESOLUTION #115-1969 - RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PRQ78CT ST. 1968-1A: � MOTZON by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #115-1969. Seconded by Councilman Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. PUBLIC [iEARING ON THE EINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2A: Mayor Aarris Pro tem read the Public Hearinq notice and asked for comuents. The City Engineer commented that the prices were about 1/3 lower than the estimates given the public. ' MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearing on the final asaess- ment zoll for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-2A. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. ' 1 ' RESOLUTION M116-1969 - RESOLUTION CONE'IRMING A35ESSMENT�FOR STREET TMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2A: MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #116-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declazed the sotion carzied. SP£CIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14 1965 PAGE 91 RESOLUTION #117-1969 - RESOLUTION MAKING A TRANSFER FROM THE PUBLIC UTILI'. FUND TO W-75 WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND. IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1960 FUNB, IMPROVEMENT BO1 REFUNDING BOND FUND: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #117-1969. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, a12 voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem de- clared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT FOR 6156 STINSON BOULEVARD, JAMES VAN ERAEN: The City Engineer explained that this building permit request is in Amber Oaks Addition which has been approved by the Council, but not recorded yet. Before recordinq the improvements have to be ordered in or a 5� engineering escrow retained. There is water and sewer available for this lot on Stinson Boulevard. Mr. Hubers of Amber Oaks Addition said that Mr.Van Exden has a mortgage commitment until the lst of September, this is the reason that the request for the building permit at this time, to meet the deadline. Councilman Samuel- son asked when the plat will be recorded. Mr. Hubers answered that it is in the City offices and is ready to be filed. Councilman Samuelson said that the normal procedure is to issue a building permit for the whole plat, however, one building permit can be issued for one lot legally, but only one according to the Code, and he wanted Mr. Hubers to understand this. Mr. Hubers said yes he did, and added that he is the abstract owner. Mr. Gibbs elaborated that according to the Ordinance, they can get one building permit for the whole plat. Another permit cannot be granted until the plat is recorded. Mr. Hubers said that they have tried to get together with Mr. Cochran without success, this is why he would like to ask the Council to authorize initiation of condemnation proceedings. Mayor Harris Pro iem said that this improvement will be back on the Agenda next week and if ordered in, then the plat can be filed. Mr. Hubers said that th0y would like to stazt cutting the road through as soon as possible. The City Engineer agreed that he could not qet together with Mr. Cochran either, but negotiation would be cheaper than a condemnation. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to grant issuance of a building permit for 6156 Stinson Boulevard requested by James Van Erden. Seconded by Councilman Liebl with the stipulation that the plat must be filed when signed by Mayor Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF ICAYE CONSTRUCTION REZONING REQUEST: (ZOA #69-OBA): The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval. MOTION by Gouncilman Samuelson to set the Public Hearing for the rezoning request by Kaye Construction for August 11, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. ' , ' ' , � , ' ' � , � � � ' ' , ` ° � ' ISPECIAL PUBLIC n�F4R2NG AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14� 1969 ' PPGE 42 CONSIDERATION OF BYLAWS OF THE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION: Robeit D. Aldrich, President of the Piremen's Relief Association said that the Bylaws have been reworked to bring them into conformance with the action of the Legislature. They are in line with the previous discussions held with the City Council. Mayor Harris Pro tem asked the City Manager if he had gone over this. The City Manager said that he had. Mr. Gibbs said that they sent in n resolution to the Legislature askinq them to pass this enabling legislation. This will go into effect when the Bylaws are accepted by the Council. He said that the legal staff has gone over the Bylaws and they are within the law and there seem to be no problems. They can be adopted by a simple majority of the Council. Mayor Harris Pro tem asked how the vote went with the Firemen's Relief Association. Mr. Aldrich reported that the vote was unanimously in favor, and added that each member of the Association h�s received a copy of the Bylaws. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt the Bylaws of the Fi:emen's Relief Association. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LEGISLATION RELATING TO FIREMEN'S PENSION ACT: Mr. Aldrich explained that this covers the same axea. The Bylaws will go into effect when approved by the City Council, and tihis approval is necessary for notification to the State. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the special legislation relating to the Firemen's Pension Act and notify the State of the Council action. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the motion carried. RECEIVING REPORT REGARDING REPAIR OF WELLS #1, #2, &#7: The City Enqineer explained that a few weeks ago thexe were sane wells out of order, and according to Resolution #132-1967 it is required of him to go ahead and expend the money for the repaiz as it is an emergency and report to the Council. About $30Q0 total was expended. Mr. Gibbs said that this Resolution states that emergency repairs of water and sewer facilities often exceed $1,000, and the repairs cannot wait for authozization by the Council. Councilman Samuelson suggested that when the City Charter is re-worked, this might be taken into consideration. Mr. Gibbs said that the $1,000 Pigure was taken from St Louis Park's Charter and our Charter has been in effect since 1957. The City Engineer said that the State provides for a maximum of $5,000. He said that since the adoption of the Resolution, this is the first time there has been occasion to expend over $1,000. Mr. Gibb� asked if there is any questions by the public examiner. The Finance Director said that any bill over $1,000 they go over. The City Engineer said that his departmenC will continue to follow the present policy. The City Manager added that under the current policy, quotations are still taken, and the budqet re-adjusted accordingly. ADJOURNMENT: , MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adjourn the Meeting. Seconded by Councilman SPECIAL PUBLTC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 14,�1969 PAG:' 43 Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meetinq of July 14, 1969 adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully sukmitted, JueCG��e//r tJ.!iC�Q�� Secretary to the City Council Jack 0. Kiskham Mayor ' � II � , , ' LJ , ' 1 ' ' ,' C� ORDINANCE NO. 426 AN EMERGENCY ORDZNANCE FOR THE MODIFICATION OF FLOOD DIKE AND REpAIR OF SEWERS THE COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLIAWS: WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has previwsly constructed a te�porary dike for flood prevention purposes; and WFF�REAS, said dike was constructed under emerqency conditions caused by high watar in the Missiasippi Riverr and iff�REAS, the City of Fridley desires to modify and improve so ae to raiae ths grade of Riverview Terrace and 79th Way and provide limited flood.proteeti�a dike to protect a poz'tion of the Rivervie�r Heiqht� Addition; and WHEREAS, the.City of Fridley has received assurance from the Office of Flnerqency Planning that a portion of the cost of said modification and improve�ent will be paid for through federal fundsr and Wt�REAS, certain portions of the Fridley sewer system were damaqsd by hiqh waters caused by the flood and are in need of imnediate repair; and WHEREAS, the normal biddinq procedura ae provided in the City Charter and City Ordinances would require too much time to accampliah the above neceseary work. tiOli THEREFORE, the City of Fridley does ardainr 1. An emerqency exista as contamplated by Section 3.06 and 6.06 of the City Charter of the City of Fridlsy. 2. That the bidding requirements of Section 6.06 of the City Charter are herehy raived beaause of the �mergoncyt that the City may prxepd at once to contract for the repair and iaprowa- ment of the flood dike in Riverview Heiqhts and !or the repair of damaged aerez line■ at a price conaiatent vith the construction coste normally involved and for a sum not to exceed Tvanty- Five -lilousand and no hundredthe ($25,000) Dollara. PA33Ep BY TI� CITY COUNCIL OP' THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 7TH D11Y OF ' JULY, 1969. ATTBST� YOR - JACK O. RIRRI7IM , 1"ir6t ReAdj,n _ �Jhl� �7 �19b�9 ciTx Ci.�tuc - ru►nVax c, sxtrxsEi.i. �iish.....9, ' aul"y is' ";.-19d� ' LJ '� 7 ' ' ' ' � ' , , , , � , ' ' , ' , , � ORDINANCE N0. � AN ORDINANCE AMF]�IDING SECTION 70.01 oF TAE CTfY C�E The Crnmcil of the City of Fridley do ordain as lollares SECTION 1. Section 70.01 of the FMdley City Code ia hsreby amended to read ae tolla+ss 70.01. Fii�ieray Tra1!'�c Regulation Act inao�porRteB by reference:' The r�gal,.tory ryrovieiona ot Minneaota Statutee, 1959, Chapter 169, aa amended by l.�.xa oP the State oY Miruxsota, 1969, are hereby adopted aa a tratiic ordinaace regulating the ns� of highraya� atreete, and alleys xithin the City of FYJ.dley and are hereby incorporated in and made a part of thi� ordinonce as caopletsly aa if aet oui here in 21�]1. (R�f. 178 ) P Tf� CITIC COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF FRID7Ey THIS � DAY OF , 1969. I ATTFSTt C C R� PGRV N. BR SELL FYret Readings Seco� Reading: �— Pnbliah� MATOR � AC 0. ��, 1 �� ' � I Z� ORDYNANCE N0. 4 AN ORDINnNCE AME�IDIN(1 SECTION 71.01 OF TAE CiTY CODE The Covncil of the City of Fridley do ordain ae folloxe: SECPION 1. Section 71.01 of the FMdley City Code ia hereby amended to readaaa follovs: ' 71.01. Dri�'ere� Licenae Lax incorporated bp reference. The regulatory provisione of Minnesota Statutes 1959� Chapter 17�, aa amended by Iaxa 19b9 of the State oP Minneevta are ' hereby adopted aa a Drivere� i,icenae c)rdinunce in the City of �idley, szid are hereby incorporated in a:d made a part of thia ordinance aa coepletely as if eet ont , here in full. {Ref. 179) PASS BY NE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF FR7DLEY THIS � DAY OF � , 1969. , � � ASTEST� � J �I I� , , ' Ma°(�t — 1wCR 0. HIftKHAM , ]i w �fa N � D� t.t. Firat Reading: Jul �, 1969 Secoexl Readings �� Publiah: � �T' T _ 46 ' � ' � !J ORDINANCE NG, AN ORDIAiANCE AMII�IDING SECTION 7?.Ol OF TIiE CITY GCDE The Conncil of the City oY FYidley do ordain aa Yollasrs: SECTION 1. Section 72.01 of the �'idley City Code ia hereby aaerded to read as follrn►s: ' ']2.01. Pursuant to Minnesota Statntea 191t5s by Lava 194?� Iaxa 19�►9� IaWS 1951� and Lasrs , by reference in 5ection 70 of the City Code hereoY by referance thereto. (xef. 9h) ' � ' C_I !� ' ^ J � , , , lJ Section 169.87 ae ameaded 14b9, and aa lncorporated of Fridley� are part IT 1,5 F�REgy pftOpTDED, That the Citp Council shall by reeolution, duly adopted, prohibit the operation or movement of vehiclea upon any street or public highr►ay in the City, or iapoee restrictions aa to the weight oY vehiclea to be uaed, operated or moved upon any sveh atreet or public high— yra��r}isnever aay such atreet or public higtn�ray by reason of daterioration, rain� saov or other climatic conditions, wi11 be aerionaly damaged or deatroyed nnleae the nae� operation or movemsnt of vehicles thereon 3a prohibifi,ed� or the per— misaible xeighta thereof reduced. Tt�t upon the adoption of such reeolution� the eaere shall be in i�i11. force and effect and the Conncil ahall cause the street or pnblic high�+ay afiected bq auch reaolution to be poated rtith notice in the manner pa'ovided in Minaeaota Statutes� Section 169.87, and thereai'ter, it 8}f81�.4eY1�C eaor combinationeof vehiclea�in and operate or move any npon ench atreet or public highway in the City �onirary to ti reatriction aet forth in suoh reaolution RQnD GIEIGFi� RFSTRICTIONS the prohibi on or and x�otice. n pA THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY C1F FRIDLEY THIS J DAY OF , 1969. ATTESTs C C — MA .&Z S LL Firat ReadiaB: � 1969 Second Readit'iBs Pnbllahs MAYOR � AC 0, % �� , , ' i ' ' , ' ' , � ORDINANCE N�. � AN ORDZHxNCE AME't�IDTNG SECTION 99.011 OF THS CITY C�E The Covncil of the City of FYidley do ordian as Pollowe: SECTION 1. Section 99.011 of the Fridley City Code is hereby aaiandsd to read aa follovs; 99.011. Adoption of Mitu►esota Statutes Sectiona 609.a5a 609.085, �9.175, �9.22, 509.27, 509.37, 609.375, �9.40, 6o9.t�75, bo9.l�85, 609.50, 609.505, 509.51, 609.515, 609.5z, b09.525, �9.53, �9.535, bo9.51�5, 609.555s �9.565, �9.57, 609.5T5, �9.595, 609.b0, b09.505, 6o9.b15, 609.65, 609.655, 609.66, 609.675, �9.68, 609.685, �9.7�5s 609.715, b09.72, 609.725: �9.735, �9.74, 604.745, �9.75, �s.755, 609.7T5, �9.78, �•785, �9.T9, 609.795, �9.805, 609.81, 609.815, �9.82� �0.96 and 61lt.57i ae aovended 1969� are hereby adopted a� ahall be 1n fUll force and eYfect in the City of FY�idley inaofar as applicable. P TfiL CTTY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1969. ' � ATTEST: i�� J , '_� ' , . BR Firat Reading7 Julr 7, 1969 Secoad Rea�iing� Pnbliah: !fA R— ARO. . � DAY OF .• ' ' , � _ RESOLUII�N N�. l�i 1li� A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE NEED FOR CONTINUED EXEMVTION DF MUNICIPAL BONDS FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION , WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota has consistently, defended the exemption of municipal bond interest from federal income taxation. We have done so and continue to do so not only because it is a constitutional requirement but because we deem the exemption essential in maintaining the / constitutional balance between the national government on the one hand and state and local government on the other, and we know that without that balance our federal system cannot survive. � �� ' II � 11 ' {J J II �1 We deplore renewed efforts in the present Congress to impair that exemption. Specifically, we oppose proposals to include municipal bond interest in the base for a minimum income tax or a limit on tax preferences or an allocation of deductions, or to impose a guaranty subsidy plan to replace tax exemption. We are particularly disturbed that anyone would be willing even to entertain the idea of applying such programs to any outstanding bonds. This is not only because of the immorality and probable illegality of depriving municipal bond holders of the value of the exemption for which they have alreaQy paid by accepting markedly lower interest rates. It is also because such a breach of faith, no matter how small the initial target, would be a warning to all future purchasers of municipal bonds to protect themselved by requiring public bodies to pay even higher interest rates, necessitating higher local taxes. The historic exemption from taxation of interest on state and local government bonds provides major advantages, including the following. �9 1) Conformity to the Constitution, preserving the federal system by protecting state and local governments from federal compulsion. 2) Freedom from federal controls of policy decisions which are properly in the sole province of state and local governments. 3) A saving in the cost of borrowing -- without which the present urban crisis would become more aggravated by requiring increased property, sales, and other local taxes, and a reduction in essential services. 4) Freedom from the uncertainties of the recurrent annual federal appropriation process to obtain state and municipal capital needs or any portion of their interest costs. 5) Protection of, and freedom of, access to viable capital markets of local government's own choice, without reliance on a dominant federal financial institution. 6) Expedition in local government borrowing, free of the delay of federal ' clearances which can make them miss their optimum interest market timing, and can farce them into increased capital costs as construction costs continue to rise. ' , Resolution No. 108-1969 (Cantinued) Each of the identified proposals reducing the value of the exemption of state and local government bonds would destroy one or more of these major advantages and might well force interest rates beyond constitutional and statutory limits. THEREFORE, we continue to oppose any plan which does not preserve all of these benefits for state and local governments. PASSEO AND ADOPTEp BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDlEY THIS 7TH DAY OF JULY, 1969. ATTEST: - rv�n . ru�se - ac 0. r am 9 �� O I� ' , , � ri � ' ' ' � ' � , � ' : �► ';� CITY OF FRIDLEY NOTE: 6pplidant ehould obtain building permit vrocedure information from Building Inepection a�ri�.n�x= l...t.,�r��a �-..• L ADDRESS: _ 778 1er�at �d� �d� ir�r �rfrktns K5113 Street City i� TELEPiiONE: �qp, �� "�ome ���� Buaineas PROPFItTY OwxIIt(S) — - �i�o�i'Qit7 �plc+riqt ���a, r.� f� ar..a P�.�...�� t4 �mi�](�s� S54tL Street City Zip Code TEr,�oxE xo.(s) �y��et�, 86tJ►t�t aome Buaineea OF , I Proparty Location on Street or Exact Street Addreas (if eny); ��_��,�d v.! �t�i_j�, '� �! ' Legal Deecription of Property: �a .o- �: � . ificat DESCRIPTION OF BUILDTNG Propoaed Building IIee: ����t Building Dimeneione: Front��� Depth �p� $eight 3 Square Ft. �K_�„�A7,_ Cubia Ft. �}�g Type of Conetruction: ��� Eatimated Oont �j���i�_ To Be Completed i�t�71e IDATEs_%��� APPLICANT'S 51 � E, i �% , J ' I�� � �J I �, '. - J � J ' , , , �. � RBGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEP`PEMBER 3, 1968 (Liebl's Statement Continued) the City of Fridley; therefor, PAGB 7 I MOVE THAT this Council refuse to pay the bill from Horwath & Horwath as presented, and that Mr, Pikul be informed that it is the�opinion of this Council that he is in de#ault on his contract wiY.h the City of Fridley. /s/ Prank G. Liebi" TH8 MOTION seconded by Councilman Sheridan for discussion. Councilman Sheridan said that by acting on this rootioa. the Council would have to rescl�nd the motion of the previ�ua ��tit►g wherein all the material is to be aent to the Chicago�office. Se said that he would ask that this motion be lald over to qive the firm a chance to reply to the lettei^ as the Council re- quested. Councilman Hatris agreed with Coucticilman Sheridan and said that as the Council has made the request, time ahould ma allowad for a reply fran the hoarte officea C�a�aa���c�se � ����s� aqraed. Mayar Kirkham pointed ou�. thag #�� lot�� d�t� �aa&� 2�, 1967 could, in effect, constitute t7►e Cg�y og gridlc�e� ��sa����a and no time limit was specified. Caincil�rs L4�1 ��1� that the purpose of thYs study was to have it befor� th� �1�tion� and esi� C]tat he did aaot £ecl that the f� kn�ml P�ae� u� to it'� ��at- tract. QM1ayor Ifig}�¢� s��d �dz�t� �� �gs� �ay�� �� ���b��� �� 6 to 8 weeks, but that he did not feel tla�� k�a� ��,;�� �a� defaulted. Councilman S�muel�oaa said tEa�� �� ����� g��� t5� ���,� tha l9�t�,An noda btgo�e the Councig r�s��ad� ����, �s� ���� staff could look into th�s, �� ���� �p�� ��gg�g �p���,��,� �� ����. Cousicilman Liebl said that he ara� in op�osgtgoa� to 42►ia letter. lIOTION by Council�an She�idass t� table t�ai� d��.�oax �����ted l�y Coutecilman Liebl to the Meeting of October i', 19��e �d to s�uset that th� 1��� ����� ��vi�r r��,�. �s� �8c�tm r�^�� ���c�� �� u�n m ��1�e v���� &��Skka�o ���r���a ��i�b��a�o ��� ���s���� �����a� •ye, Liebl votfaa� naya ��z�� &��s�aa� ��b�� ��ac� �t���� ������m � ': ' 1 4. : r i�lY " • , ,.. � . v�_ �:+�h'Fti.� ,. s� T, i r • 1: �,Yi �._ Y� ' � •' ,-� , �--. _ _— � -.,., �J� � �n; � ,��� • . . . , .... , . .,. � ,� . ,. .. .i:a.. _i � . � .!-_ _� • � K_., �a � .:.. 1.�,M...k.. .� , . : . . y � _. , .« � . „ . . +! , � .► - . . --;.. �. , � � . . . . : _: : _ _ � r � 1 , • RBGpI�AR �pUNCIL MBETING OF SSPTEMBBR 3, 1968 L_� 53 � . .. . f The City Bngineer explained the stipulat�ons imposed by the Huilding , gtandards - Design Control Subcoimnittee and said that this apart- mant house would be north of Georgetqwn apartments, and sc�xth of , the elementary school. He then shaved the"Council the plans and said that he felt that this was a faisly nice addition to tr.is areae ge said ti►at the apartment wonld face the river and the garages ' would have the back facinq Anna Avanue. Councilman Samuelson s�is�, while lookinq at the plans, that this would achisve a clean lisae �s oppoaed to a lina of cars. The City Sngineer sald tYnat thare was ' o�e additional item he would like to have included, which would be to provide necessary right of way from Sie property to make the road right of way 41' wide, and on the south end of 1►nz�a Avf�nue, , g�ve an easement for a turn-around. He sald that there is no right of way between the garagea and the area to the aouth, and tha�� ' it would probably be needed as eventually access between t:�a Georgetam aparta�ents and the school would be nesded. In tne intetcim the easement would ba used by emergencY �Quipment. , '. Cour�cilman Lieb1 questioned the amount of brick included on the plans. !{ayor Kirkham pointed out that with an 8nqlish Tudor daaiqn, they would be using some atucco and paneling. He said that ,�the City'a requirementa are 5076 brick and this plan does meet thesa specificationa. ' NOTIQN by Councilman Harris to approve tha building parrait subject to the 8tipulations imposed by tha Buildinq Standasds - Aes9.gn � Ctmtrol Subcommittee with the addition of Item #5: Provide ne- coas�ry right of way from the property to make the Anna Ave;�ue right oi way 41' wide and on the south end of Acuia Avenue, give , aasamsnt for a turn-aroussd. Seconded by Councilman Samualson. and npc»s a voice vota, all voting sye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion Garried unanimously. , Mt. Aichard 8arris asked about the handlinq of tks� isaffi.c to G�orqetown. The City Engineer said that the traffic would go oa ' S9� Nay. Mr. Harria co�mnented thai thia will maka a vezy busx ■traet, and aaked about the algnalitation. Mayor Xirkhain replied that the plane are not finaliaed aa yet. IJ , ' ' «• i� .� � � � • i • • � ,`J! • � \.�z "+�. � � ,� � ' BQILDING STdNDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEF;PiNG MIN[3TE5, AUGi3ST 28, 1968 The meeting wae called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: 1�ff�T�IDE�iS PRESENT: Erickson, Fiauge, Tonco, Dittea ME3�IDERS ABSENT: Biermann OTtiERS PRFSENT: John Breher-Building Officiel 1. Chairman Erickaon advised the Board that Piywood Minneaots'e requeat would be abled until auch a time ae they can be preaent and have filed their plana with the Building Official be£ore the meeting. ' -_ � ' , ;'.,3 � .♦� Mr. James Nelson was preaent to preeent his propoea2. Mr. F�ickaon sdvieed the Board thst this project wae origina2ly approved ea b-12 Unit apartment building. MCYPI02i by Tonco to approve thia propoeal and recommend that a building permit be isaued etibject to the following iteme which are marked on the plane in red pencil: 1. Crushed rock in planting islande located in parking lot. 2. Curbing ahall conform to the curbing in other apartment projecta in the area. j. Add brick under the Cedar panela on the rear oS the garage facing Anna Street. q. The owner uee Cedar ahingles on mansard roof inatead of saphalt ehitiglee he vanted to change to. Seoonded by Hauge unanimously. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried Mr. Keith Holvenstot of.Erickaon Petroleum Corp, and Mr. Richard L. Ozment of Country Kitchen Restaurante were preaent to greaent their proposal. `+ 1�SOTION by Dittea to approve thie requeet and recommend that a permit be � ieeued eubject to the following items which are marked on the plane: � 1. The redwood fence be changed to a Cedar fence to match the aiding on S the building. .�� � :� .z�._� --.__ . _.._. r 54 ���, , .� � THE MTNUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MESTING OF NLY 5� 1467 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ylinen at T:30 P.M. RQLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: - MEMBER ABSEI3T: Ylinen, Ahonen, Minish, Mittelstadt Saunders ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF THE MF'ETING OF JUDTG 28. 1967: Motion bv Ahonen to accept the minutes of the meetinq of June 28, 1967. Seconded by Minish. Upon a voice vo4e,, there being no nays, Chairman Ylinen declared the motion carri.ed. 1. '' , ' ! � � �.'' ,; 2. ss PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A VATtIANCE FROM SGCTION �5.26y CITY CODr. OF F12TDLEX�MIAiL�TESOTA 1963, F2EVTSED DECEhIBER 31, 1954, BY WATVER OF FRdLdT YARD SFTBACK REQUIREh,r.NT FROM 35 FEET TO 24 FEET IN ORDER TO SCREEN PARKING AREA FROM ANNA AVENt3E BX USE OF GARAGES AS SCREEN WALL OI� LOTS 3 AI3D 4`$LOCK 2, HAYES RIVER LOTS, ANOKA COUNTY, Mr. Nelson was present and presented the Board of Appeals with the plot'plan showing the proposed location of the garage and the exits onto the stxeet. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schwartz were present and in- quired as to what was planned and how this would affect the traffic in the area, Motion by riinish� seconded by Ahonen to grant the. variance as the objections raised were primarily on traffic and not on the question of the setback. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Chairman Ylinen declared }�:e r.iotion carried. CONTINUATIOPI OF RE4UEST FOR A VARIAN� FROi�I SECTIOI3 45,24, CITY CODE." OF FRIDLEY, MIL3NESOTA 1463, REVISED DECEMBER 3I, 1964, BY WA2VER OF SIDE YARD REQBIREMENT FI�bi 5 FEET TO 3 FEET TO PERMST CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACTiED GARAGE ON LOT 11 BLOCK 5 BROOKVIEW TERRAGE THIRD ADDITION AL30KA COULSTY MSNNESOTA SAME BEING 730 PANDORA DRIVE �10RTHEAST, FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. (REqUEST BY WESTLEY J. BENGSTON, 730 PANDORA DRIVE NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, 55432.) � It was noted that the petitioner had not been present at either of the last two meetings. There was some discu::sion on this item. Motion by Mittelstadt that �� ' ' COMPLEMENTARY DEBIONS � FOR �LAMOROIJH INTERIORB , 6476 �MAIN �TR6ET N. E. • MINNEAPOLIB, MINNE{OTA • AREA COCE B/2 T6L. 560-3.�30 ' ' ' , ' I JI , LJ , � M41LiNG AJr){7[S5� P. ❑ E3C:... 21 ("b City of Fridley 6431 Univsrsity Aveaue N, E, Fridley� Mianeaota 55421 Attn: Nasim Qureshi City Eagineer Dear Hr. Qurashis Encloaed please find the followiag material: v. { '� :-, t _ q : - . �. : 5.. M i �.. r. E S ': i A .. . � � July 17� 1969 Exhibit A Proposed addition to our existing glant showing proposed alternatives for discharging affluent from our anodizing department, Exhibit S These are drawings sho+ring the location and construction of the existing maahole as designed and approved by the N;SSD, and paid for by Desi¢nware industries, Inc. Exhibit C Copy of a letter dated April 7, 1969 to the Pollution Control Agency, Exhibit D Dwnping achedule of Anodizing Department, Exhibit E Water and Sewer Charges 1960-1969, Our conatruction plans will provide additional office and manufacturin� spsco but doea not include an expansion of our anodizing facility as there is no necessity for expanding the cagacity of this department at this time or in the foresesable future., As per Exhibits C 6 D wa havr made applicatior to continue to discharge the I rinss xatrre into the storm saWar. we have bpen assured by the Pollutioa Control that if we diecharge .this affluent to the specifications and tests aith which this affluent must co:aply that thi5 permit will be granted. I We are now operating on the dumping schedule a� ahorm on Euhibit D which is preaently being discharged into the Fridley Sanitary Sewer. , ()nder tbia proposed sctudule we therefore contend that our total discharge i.nto Fridley Sanitary Syatem would not excead Che useagas shovn on Exhibit E, � , ��Ei , 1 Page 2 ' City of �idley , City of £ridleq Rsaolution $61-1967 atates that aaqone With a permanent , conaoction'prior to March 20� 1967 would not ba billed tor REC, connection chargea. we ioel that wo conform to the requirements of this reaolution aad that there should be no conaection charges for connseting to Lhe NSSSD ' interceptor line. If there are connection chargsa wa Would therefore continua to use ovr axiating connection at the front of our propsrty. ' If there ie aay additional information that you ahould require� we crill provids it oa rsquest. Yery truly yours, 1 ' , RJBtao ' Enal. , ' � ' � L� I 1 DESICNWARE INDUSTRIES� INC. R. J. BRI Presideat 5'7 ' � ' , ' ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO At�ND THE CITS[ CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESpTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1, Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley ia amended as hereinafter indicated. SBCTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and deacribed as: , The North Half (N}) of Lote 30 and 31, exeept the North 125 feet, Auditor'a Subdivision #129, •11 lyiag in the Northea�t Quarter (N8�) of 1 Sietion 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridlsy, County of Anoka, Minnesots. ' Ia hereby deaignated to be in the Zoned Distric[ E-3A (apartment and multiple d�rellinge). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Adminiatrator ie diractad to change ' the official aoning msp to ehw said trsct or srq from Zoned Diatrict R-1 (eingle family dvellinga) to R-3A (apartment and msltiple danllinge). , � , . � _ , , � , � PASSSD BY T8E CITY COUNCIL OF TE� CI1Y OF FRILH.SY THIS D�AY OF , 1969. AITEST: CITSt CLBRK - Marvin C. Bruasell Public Haaringe July 14, 1464 Fisat Reading: Second Resding: Publi�h . . . MAYOA - Jack 0. Kirkhem � l 58 , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' , , � , ' � , � � GSORGE M. NffiSON - ZOA #69-02 N� of Lot 30, N� of Lot 31, Auditor'r Subdivialon No. 129 Aezone from R-1 to R-3A 59 1 1 1 , , � ' ' , �� IJ J , ' ' , II „ J J u ORAINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDE[t SSCTION 12.07 OF THE CY1"1 CHA�tT� TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND 1�D AM6ND APPENDIR C OF T� CY1Y CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain �� follars: SHCTION 1. For the vacation of the streat deac=ibed ae foliows: All that part of Horiaoa Drive lying batlacea ths Eart zight of aay Line of Third Sts�et Northeart and a liue located eorea�ty £�e� (20' ) We�t of the Waet sight of vay of State Trunle Highway �47 (Univereity Avenue Northaaet) All Located in tha South Half (S�j) of Saction 26, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Countq of Anoka, Minaesota be and is hereby vacated aacept that the City o£ Fi3dlay ieiaine eaeemeut Ilght� fo! utillty, drainsge and pedeetrian rallaray purpo�ee. SECTION 2. The said vacation hse baon o�de in conformance vith Minne�ota Statuta� u►d purouant to Saction 12.07 of the City Chsrter and Appendix C of tha City Code shall be ro swnded. YASSED BY THE CIT7f COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDI.�Sf TEiIS AAY OF , 1969. AITEST: CITff CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsall Public Hearings�l 14 1969 First Resding Second Reading: Publish . . . : MAYOR - Sack �. ��P��.� 60 ,''�: ' ;,.` �W�a'.,:� 5}1Y �13 yI° j {� 1,}1�j �!��( � 'I.i�o�:, � a —t _ � ., f'i `r�iw^�� �; L `� fti 9 � ? 1 ��I I " 4� .'� �te �� �' � `l--�' '_' '� � . ' '• �! f s� �L�+�'� � , i ;' � •`. � ��'��`/�i1� �� � : � CITY OF FRIDLEY: SAV �6�-�4 J ss � � � h.-_� Vacate Horiaon Drive East of 3sd St. r ,�, . .,,� - - sr �y �� ihH � ..;.. ,vn�KV.v : � ,a ^s to T.H. #47 --- e . . ��' _ �S� ? 1l L�% .• .' ► '• ' .�; ,� ; (Ben Sigos, oaner of Lot�'2 6 part of -- ; $ a,��!��19 ��� `. ��"��/ :3 �: 1� Bl. 9 SIId LOt� 17 eIId p8rt Of 18� � �' .} s.. :-- '� `°` F ; ' /I �f ' El . 4, Cazlsan' • Sns! t Manos �Iwe _ � u. " x s t+ z ' � f, South Add. ) " +� � ..r y,� � �.�r':'F w /d� � ` ~ b f "T �• '`� - � ` • . � S?�j +t� �v� '^ > � — o u a �,..wr '�,,,..a �; M�. N�: '�. � 2 `;� � S.� � � � Yx y �1 �v t+ a ��. pa�3�'i..! .iy� � ;.:.... 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F.y . x n • � • ,. ^ s � a�r•�rt a _ - � - . y.., � . ___. _. .. _ . _ _ -- --._ . . • _ - -_ _ r.- , ' ' , LOCAli�s ' LEGAL DBSCRI?lldl STAiL'1' ADO�t'S.4i t CITY OF FRIDLSY, iIIH:�80'�'A �� ,�y� Ei�) ���� (� APPLIGTION T� SZf�i PEi1Q! 1., � �r A,,,� �19 l' �` �� / /_ t't- Z c_ .'_ S, .,4 e�/�� 71.0 s st G lJiL. Sia.a �/Zt+ /!i� , i�ts�; st�� ��,�; S-F . �c�� � C�F��R �,�v�� / ' iRis�.si n�arscron o�► smt.ontr.�s : ' �p�oi[l�d. agre�iu;�do•all�vor4 ina�erict'aceord�ace YithtthtYCl� �1Y1�pCp�p t�ad ruling� of tM D�yr,sprnt ot Euildiega. and hsreby declaeen tiue all t6» tact� +�d r�Pew�acatiaw �tse�d ia thi• applicacian my trua and cxrset. , ZaN7�lG �i.A�sIPIGTI� O! PYOPBRT7s �= - � OI�6R Ol P�Op6l1Zi C`c^ c-.r --.e`i v.'. v � t- -t �-JTie�.0 cfc�C jl (�`�'��� , !!P! � 81t�: ^ • J n >.cn.' 7c i-Y'cc.d 5..6� � • � L NOfi �S?Li1.1D: 4 PlL� � Rdp"r FLA7�iI8= 03t 1I.DG. � lRd! 'ixst�t.urta� ro secnr a q s• � P ro as cc�t,etsD an �'r=---- ■sarnti►rsn carr a ami 0 _ "� �; �; >° DESQII`1'IOl1 Gl� SI(� �nOBIQISt LE�.'T9 S" SiIClq��{_,17tZaQIs �J �� t: C'Z• 1"�� l L�'!'Pi{is �0l3ER 8IZE I.ETtiRIAG AREA C' 15!r4.c,' � L= A r', ��� ��le !�0lit!! L�t (� ) � � L � _______,_,ClO�IDR! l�lm) l/ ' �01.1la Qi �_{� IRLtl 6 ii�Om O'r8d�! � 9Lt'n1i�t/.t'7 �_ �IyG: _ 'sarfr a�t�a eic�uu�o�te asr�aer� Arr�.icn�r�s e:cn�rvus . r. :�:t.....� //✓J /�` ,, � �` ��zr!-,.., ,,.o..��. ; " �L"'�K' ��4 _C,a.,,, . � !'nl,c.. 8t: �. �h . � � � ��aesss ra cas�t.r wisn asux��. 3id � r��Y �� � sa� ous IG! 1. 1967� Aa piR 6LCPIqi 56.03, PAR.2. 6 3SCtiai 36.0�, PAR. 9-A i 1 � �?� 1LA1�tIG C�!"�II�Ia1 ��� CI7H' C^U71'C�, . C1T N�1iLk7E8 ' CI+? EEICUQL°A .�._.. QiGTRICAL i l4LOa ;�Ili�e'EC'i�lt9 ' , ' f V't _ � , , ': , ' ' '. �- ' , . ' Mr. Fidwaxd iVil�ert 1I0 - 63 1/2 )vay Fridley, AJinn. 55421 9 � 6f; V [ / U// ( Y�1 V � �I�(/� V' � . c�Zy2��G�jf�� 7 June 20, 1969 � . . - „/" RE: 10 Foot Easeiaent on Your i�'est Lot Line Dear Alr. Wilbort: On Thursday, Junc 19. our City survey crew did make p field survey to deternine the location of the Sanitary Sewer. The gurvey shows that tl:e sewer pipe is locuted at or vcry near the property line e�id ut a depth of about 11 fcet. Assuning a brcafi was to occur nt this location • and an excavation was to be made for repairs N�e eould assusie that the tre�ich k�alls ti•�ould be ' approximately on a 1 to 1 slopc thereby taking up t1�e full 20 foot ease;�ient. Thc survey toEetl�er i+ith the aUove assunptions r.�enns that we would be unable to recommend to t1�o Cfty Cow�cil vacation of any porti.on of the existing easemcnt, therefore iae regret to inforro you that you could �iot expect to build any structure over tiie Westerly 10 fect of your loC. �I iaould like to tiiank you for your patience on this matter and if there is any additional information you migFit want please feel free to contnct ne. Yours very truly, l)C/» j f �_-_,} ���r:�-��_ . __ ;� �n,��z,:i �c r � � �-�---- __._ f:ngineerinj, Assistant ' - .. _ _�...:,� Ila> r� , S. .lo,�r �f .>' 1 i I ����� � -�� � �� ����i�.� r��� • x � - n /� ���� ���:������ Nd.II[� �6L: r'G.LQ �Cf/P.�OPMf'itt l OM�JQH.+I f . � o� a� r w � w c< • r a. s e u t H M�MM[�rOLli t0. N1111�Cf4!♦ �' � NARRY 5. JOHNSON '�`, . . .. ' su�iee •�a�on R06ERT 6. MEREDfTH . .. taT��`��.+_ � rsea, . . . i _ . f , - -. '���� � � t ,� s F � ���� � � � _ � 6,�r,s gg,77 "' - ` � :., 4�"' ti � � �� �� � � : r►� 1� :_ - � r �: � _ \ '_; . � "'I/- i % N �/ !'' �" \• �, ., 1 �� � (`'� t � �r � �J a ,� .�'o � � . � _ � e� . � O� � propo5ed �1 � o �C � �o�,e. . , ati i�'�' _ 2�°, � p.� � �q �, � ,w ��i t � 4 � G � �! � � �� ti • ��� � , �� � � ; 1 !0'ORA/N!s'G � U� �!0' � ;�Ef+S�Mr/VT ' Y ` � 1 -O ` � � �� . ,1 �� � I' ' 4 6'D�PAi1+aL•E �it'=� ~°� � y C2"i!/Ty,fF6F�'lE/v�fJ— t. Fi`i , � 30' � S�A� . � � { s — �u�-�---- � ' ;'f.. � �: { '__ s i. �, ij�� i. l��.. , , i�� . ��s ����y �ha,t .tJ�.%a. pla.t_ ia a cor�.sc.�,t ze.�ru.3c.ctc�t.i.on o� a a,.r2uey o� tF..: bo�ndc.�%�.c. ua :�• r:�°� y. £ U R F K 9 C K�y 0 N !Q 9 II t�' M H N d I�, N�ioka Co�er..`.�r, Mi,:,:va?'a. �a '~r��K,..�i � t�+ 2oth da*1 c� J�r.u., l461. . / �'._r ..,.,. `_'.. _ _ _ ' e� �'u�j3'�S "T Y3aoa..�es sa -- �1 �� ��� ' ._._ . . ' 1 �� ,: �F�¢�zad Rua ,�a� �88.�� • .. _ .,z'� . .. ,� � eqoasB�Yc uoi���� so��,i�rb�,.�..,.,,, �� eas atr{ tI'�� a� �oef ur� C4 i . , � � ' ' �I � ' ' � ' ' � � ' , � ' ' � v� THE MINUTES OF THE LIQUOR STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING OF ,TdPY�% �, ��bg � The Mee[ing was called to order at 7:40 P.M, by Chairman Dave Harris in the Community Room of the Civic Center. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Harris, Chuck Hall, Joe Connors, John Swanson, Virgil Werner, Harold Hsrris, Bill Jenaen, Bud Holtze, Bob Pierce OTHERS PRESENT; Virgil Herrick, City Attorney; Shirley Behrens, Sun Publications MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The Minutes were diatributed by mail prior to this meeting. Three amendments were offered to the minutes hy Connors. 1. That the purpose of this group be included. Dave Harris asked that this be done by attaching a copy of the Mayor'a letter to the members. 2. That the hesding "Loyalty Oa[h" be changed to �'eonflict of intereat atatement�' and the word "osth�� be changed to "etatemenN'. 3. In topic "Tlming of Ordinance" 2nd sentence - change th� �agd '°a�ay°9 to ^unneceseaty". Each change was seconded and approved after a diacuseion of over twenty minutes. MOTION by Werner, aeconded by liell, to appsove the miaaut�� �� ��e��h��?, '�a� mo��osa carried. LEITER FAOM JOi3N SWANSON: Mr. Swanaon talked at some length with Bloomington and Arden Hille people and wrote s letter to Dave Hsrris with a summary of the information we requested last time. Each committee member received a copy of the letter. IC ras Swanaon's underatanding that in each co�vnity, the licenaea were guarded very carefully, although the ordinaace generally used State minimuma. WERNBR REPORT: l/s. Wetnei reported on his conversationa vith Hopkina. Here also, S[ate minimums are used in the ordinance although the liceneea are never issued at or for theae minimuma in actual practice. Coon Rapida - the proposed ordinance uaee 150 ae minimum seating capacity, which ie far above the stst:e minimum of 30. MOTION by Hall, aeconded by Holtae, to receive theae couimunicationa. The motion carried. PROPOSED FRIDIEY ORDINANCE; 14r. Herrick, as per requeat at the last meeting, pasaed out copies of a propoaed ordinance for Fridley. A diacueaion followed with the following changes and explanatioae being reco�ended; Sec. 2- Queation - Do club licenaes count againat [he five licenses allowed by State law for Fridley? 68 i � , � , � , ' L� � LIQI�ItSTUDY CO�AiiTTEE MEETING MINUTES, NLY 8, 1964 PROPOSED FRIDLEY ORDINANCE (Continued) PAGE 2 Sec. 7, No. 7 MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Connors and passed unanimously to set license fees at $4,000 per year for "On Sale". Sec. 4, No. 13 Ad� Number 1 of Section LO to this item. Sec. 10, No. 2. The figure of 1,000 feet was questioaed. Werner and Jensen were asked [o draw in, on a City map, the areas excluded by thia restriction - further conaideration at next meeting, Sec. 10, No. 4 MOTION by Svanson, seconded by Connors and pasaed unanimously to change 1200 square feet to 900 aquare feet. " Sec, 11, No. 10 MOTION by Harold Harris, seconded by Swanaon and paesed unanimously to remove this item. Sec. 11, No. 19 Change language to agree with that in Blaomi¢egton application. Inveatigation Fee - Set at $150 for individuals and $3QQ far partnerships and corporations, MOTION by Jensen, aeconded by Werner and paesed that Surety Bond for licenae holdera be set at $5,000. Liability Insurance Amount - Check with other areas and Herrick to inveatigate. Sec. 17, No. 6 Svanson to check with Bloomington. 1 Sec. 19 � ' , � LJ Sec. 7, No. 1 May be too atrict. Check with managers of other Cities and posaibly reword the section. Put responsibility for record keeping on employees upon the manager of the establishment. Omit club license. ISSUANCE OF LAST LICENSE: Mr. Herrick pointed out that voters cannot by referendum or the Council by ordinance prevent the iasuance of the license that would close out the municipal off-sale operation. A change in the City Charter was auggeated; that unanimous vote of the Council be required to issue the licenae which would require the City to cease ita off-sale operstion. Virgil Herrick will obtain an oral opinion from the Attorney General's Office on the legality of the procedure. NERT 2�II.+ETING; Monday July 21st at 7;00 P.M: Resulta of legal opinio�s, other municipal electiona, � and final recommended changea in the proposed ordinance will be considered. It is hoped thet thia can be a relaCively 6rief ineeting so that a report can be made to the City Council at their meeting on the eame night. � ' ADJOURNMSNTr 11:30 P.M. Reapectfully aubmitted Bob Pierce �9 ' � ' � , , , YIJINNING CC�PIISSION MEETING JULY 9, 1969 PAGE 1 The meeting wae called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Erickaon. OLL CALL: Membare Present: Myhra, Erickaon, Jeneen, Fitzpatrick Member Abeent: Mittelatadt Othere Present; Engineering Aseistant Das�i�el Clark APPRUVE PLANNING COi�1lIISSION MINUTSS: JUNE 11 1969 The following correction was made by Jenaen: On page 7, third line from bottom of the page reada "vind up" and should be Nline up". P�DTION by Jeneen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Plaiming Coumiesion � minutee of June 11, 1969 be apprwed ae corrected. Upon a voice vote, sll voting aye, the motion carried unanlmously. , ' L C� t� � � r RHCEIYB PLJITS S SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIBS SUBCO!lQTf&E MINUTES: JULY 2 1969 MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, thst the Planning Comit:ion racsive the Plata � Subdivisiona-Streete & Utilitlee Subcommittee minut�a dat.d July 2, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motlon earried unanisou�- �r. B�L"BIVB FdBKS & RHCRFATION CQZIISSION SPIIf�� 1�[INUTES •,1UNE 11 1969 MQTION by Jensen, seconded by Ilyhra, that tha Plaaning Ca�winion receiva the minuta� of the Perlw 6 Recraation Coeminion Spacial aeating datsd Jun� 11, 1464. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carri�d uwwi�u�ly, PASKS 6 B�C8Se1TI0N COlS�IISSION 2�NUTES • JUNS Y3 1969 lDTION by J�nean, seconded by liphrs, chat tha Pluming Comis�ion rac�iv� the �iauter of the Parke �x Recseatioa Co�nis�ion d�t�d Juae 23. 1464. Zi�on a voice vote, all voting aye, thn motion carried uaanlmou�lq. B&CBIVE BOASD OF APPEAI.S MINitTES: JUNE 25 1969 I�DTION by Myhra, seconded by Jenaea, that tha Plamting Co�is�ion rec�ive the mimites of the Board of Appeale dated Juae 25, 1969. Upon a voica vota, all voting aye� the motian carried unaaimwielp. R�C8IV8 HUILDING STANDABDS-DSSIGN CONTAOL SUBCO!lIITfLrg MINtTTES• ,TUNE 25 1969 � MDTION by Tensen, aeconded by Myhra, thst tha Planniag Conanis�ion racaive tha miuute� of the Building Standards-Dosigu Control Subcoumittee dated Jusu 25, 1969. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, the motlon c�rried un�ni�ouoly. ' , i0 � ' ' ' , �I �� � , YlenninFS Co�isaion Meetinfs - Julv 9,_ 1969 Page 2 RECBNE BUILDING STANDARDS-DFSIGN CONTROI. SUBCOrAfiTTEE MINUTES: JULY 2 1969 HOTION by Jeneen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Plenning Co�ission receive the minuCea of the Building Standarda-Deaign Control Subc�ittee dated July 2, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely ORDHR OF AGENDA• � 1. � �� � , L,' � II � u � l_� l _� Chairman Erickeon reported that Item 5, continued rezoning request, ZAA #59-08, by R. W. Wozmebecker be tabled for two weeke at the requeat of the petitioner. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Plsnning Co�iaeion table fox tvo weeka the continued rezoning request, ZOA #69-OS, R. W. Wormshecker, fos the NW� of the NW'y, except North 16.6 Acrea and SW� of NW� of Section 2; aleo the North 34.6& Acres of NE� of NF� of Section 3 to be resoned trom M-2 (heavy induatrial) to R-3 (general multiple dwellinga). Upon a voice vote, ell voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chaizman Esickeon aleo added Item 10; Apart�nt Survey. PUBLIC I�ARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #69-10. GEORGE BALTHAZOR: Lot 3, Subdivieion #10, Auditor'e Subdivielon #94. Resone from R-1 to R-3A. Mr, and Mra. Balthazor were present, but did not wieh to comient. Chairnoan Erickson read the Notice of Public Hearing. Custie Shaw, 1386 Sky�rood Lane, piesented a lettes snd petition oppos- ing the re:oning. MDTION 6y Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatsick, that the Petition dated July 7, 1969 oppoeing the resoning, 7pA #69-10, with twenty-eight aigaa- turea presented by Curtie Shaw• be received by the Plsmiing Co�ie�ion �nd that the letter datad July 7, 19b9 with five efgnaturee aleo be received. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The letter dated July 7, 1969 waa resd for the bmefit of the people. Chaixman Brickaon refarred to the Building Inspection file on the buildinQ p�rmite. In April 1965, a per�i.t for s double bungetoa by specSal uoe p�rmit wae iesued in an R-1 district. Letters were eubsnquentlq rritt•n after an inspeetion shoving there vere elsctrical fscilities for thrae families and atating thie vas in violation of the City Code as the building patmit was for a double bungalov. In Auguat, 1965 a letter vaa �rrittan by the Icting City Aetorney ateting thst the se:vicas were not pHma-f�cia evidence, but that the awner sho��d receive a lettes reminding him that only �iro families wern allwed and no vther occupant aould be peimitted. In 1967 a letter from the City Attorney indicat�d a petition ws� reeeived th�t three families were living in the gremiaes violating the Code and tine waa g=antad for carrection. In Auguat of 1968 Mr. Ankrum rent e memo to the City Attomey advising him of the aimilar eituation. Now we have the present situation in which they are raqueeting a rpecial uae pe�cmit for three families to occupy a double bungalox. A lntter �rritten by Hank Muhich, Chiaf Building Inepector, on May 22, 1969 atated the petition �tae denied by Eh� �1 1 L� CJ �2 P1a�minR Commisaion MeetinB - Julv 9, 1969 Page 3 City Council for three families in double bungalaw and they advisad reaoning would be neceasary. Since that time, he believad, the City had taken �ction through legal council on this matter. The Engineering Aseiatant said that the hearing wse before the court on I June 3, 1969 and the court ruled that the petitioner aae in violation and itould have to vacate one unit before June 30, 1969 and thia hae been done. At the preaent time, there are only tiro familiee living in the dpelling. � ' � It wae brought up that it wae true that 1n the liat of people living within 300 feet, some of the namea of adjacent neighhore vere left off. The City reliee on the petitioner to eupply namns. In answer to Mr. Shaw'e queetiou, he was infoxmed the preeent occupante were Mz, and Mxe. Don Thompeon and Mr, end Mre. Balthasor. Mr. Shaw eaid he was living in tha neighborhood at the time of the first special uae pe:mit, but he wae not too interested at that time. , li0TI0N by Jensen, aeconded by Fitap�trlck, that the Pla�ing Co�leaion ciose the public hearing of the rezoning requeet, 7AA �69-10, Georga Baltha- zor, of Lot 3, Subdivision #10, Auditor'e Subdivieion �94, to be reaonad I from 8-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mtion carried uuanimouely. � Mr. Mqhra eaid he checked the raque�t from a financial point of view. He �dded, it ie hard to go baek and recoa�tn�ct tha thiaking through the yetrr. Deliberate violation of tha lav i� pratty hard to know.. tsr. B�1thA- sor feela he hae to have a multiple dre111nQ to make it feasible. Tha othor � •ide it the age old problem of epot soning -- you are helping an individual out of a problam and ci;aating a problem !or othar paople. He did not kiww if he waa ready Co act on thia. I! � ' ' , � �I II � 11 Mr. Fitzpatriek �aid, thst in viar of CF� f�ct� that hava come up tonight �+hich are nev, he wu ready for a motion to tabla. l�D7TON by Pitspatrick, secondad bp Myhra, that the Pianning Co�ais9lon contimia until July 23 th� reeoning r�quett, ZOA #69-L0, Gaorg� Balthasor, of Lot 3, Subdivi�ioa �10, Auditoz'� Subdivi�ion �44, Co b� r�soned from R-1 to H-3A. Upon a voica vote, all votiug aye, tha �tion carried unanimouslq. Mz. Myhra said it vae hia undaretanding ehat th� City had not baen infotmed that three familiee occupiad tha double bungala►. He aleo etat�d ha vould not ba praient at the next meeting, Air, Balthasor pae aeked if it Mould be agraeable With him for th� resoning raqu�st to be put ovar to Augu�t 6. 1969 and ha agreed. MDTION by Fitspatrick, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Comi�sion amsnd tha motian to contirn�e to Augu�t 6� 1469 the resoning r�qu��t, 7AA �69-10, George Balthuor, of Lot 3� Subdivleion #10, Auditor'� Subdivi�ion i194 to be rezanad from R-1 to R-3A, Upon a voice vota, all voting aye, tha sction carried unanimouslq. Mr�. Shaa referred to tha l�ttar� sent to th� Saltlusor's hy tha Citq and notad nothing �aae �aid about sacaiving a rsply. T6� Chairs�a annrar�d ehat ebase wera ao rsplleR �p the ��,l�t, � Planning Conmiasion Meetintt - Julv 4 1469 Pa�� 4 , 2. � Subdiviai Addition. LJ , ' , � J � �uu sa�ua�u'LLa�qAl rLtfl, C.J. T`V��V/. DAG1Y11tWL All that psrt of Lot 34, Reviaed Auditor'e East liae of Block 1, Miasisaippi Vie�r The public hearing wae tabled at the last meeting becauae the petitioner vas not preeent. Becauee of conflict of intereat, Mr. Myhra removed himself from the dis- cueaioa. The following were preaent for thie item: Thomae Swanson, Mr. and Mre. B. Novak, Gordon Sangater, Henry C. Dickinaon, Ed Droppa and Ibn Nielsen. Mr. Novak stated it was agreeable to them to add their property to the plat ae long ae it was only oae additional piece. They felt a large lot would be more marketable than two amaller onee. They were informed that esaementa r.ould be required for public acceae, water and aeaer. Mr. Nwak would have a ahart driveway inatead of a long one. He asked hw sooa [he imprwamente would be p=ovided. Water and eever could be under contract thia fall and completed in 1970. The earlieat for the final aeeesement roll prob- ably would be in 1971 or 1972. The plattiag could be done thie year. Ms. Nielsen etated there would be a drainage problem as the water in the epring of the year does not run off. Mr. Sangster, speaking as a reaident living in the sree�expreased his desire to eee the exit to Eaet River Road left open eo ae not to add to the traffic ueing Riverview Terrace. , IKITION by Fitxpatrick, eeconded by Jenaen, that the Planning Co�ietion close the public hearing of the propoced prellminary plat, P.S. #69-07, Brantvood Estatee (Revieed), Thomas Swaneon, for all that part of Lo[ 34, , RCVised Auditor's Subdivieion #7 lying East of the Eaet line of Block 1, Mi��is�ippi View Addition, Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Yhe motion carried unanimouely, tJ C � ' , � � With the apprwal of the petitioner and the interested psrties present this evening, the following motion was made. MOTI04t by Jeneen, eeconded by Fitapatrick, that the Plenning Comnission table until Member Mittelatadt arrived, the propoeed preliminary plat, P,S. #69-07, Brenlw�ood Setatee (Revieed) by Thomas Swanson of all that part of Lot 34, Revised Auditor'e Subdivieion #7 lying Bast of the Ea�t line of Block 1, Miesiu ippi View Addition. MOTION bq Jeneen, eecondad by Fitzpatrick, to amend tha motion tabling the propoeed preliminary p1at, P.S. #69-07, Srexrtirood Estate� (Revieed) by lfiomae Swaa�on and continue the requeet to July 23, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carxied unanimouely. i �`3 , , , � , ' � � , ' , ' ' , r PlanninS Co�iesion Meeting - Julv 9, 1969 PaAe 5 3, CONTINUED RSZONING REQUEST: ZOA ��69-OSA. KAYE WESTERLUND: North 824.7 feet of W} of NE'� of the NE} of Section 13, reaone from R-1 to R-3A. Public hearing cloaed 6/11/69. 4 5. 6. Mr. Weeterlund, Leelie Tidham and Darrel Bacon were preeent. The Co�iseion felt they would like a full co�ittee [o act on thie petition and expected the mieaj,ng saember to arrive later on. t�TION by Myhra, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the reaoning request, 20A #b9-08A, Kaye Weaterlund, be tabled until later in the evening. Upon a voice vote, all voting eye, the motion carsied unanimously. Continued on page 6. CONTINUED REZONING REQUEST: ZOA �k69-09, SACRED HEART PARISH: Lota S, b, N� of 7, Block 10, Hamilton's Addition to Mechaniceville, to resone from R-2 to R-3A. Public hesring cloaed 6/11169. Mr. Brunia Smoka, Leon .Taworaki and P, Aplikaaski were preaent. MOTION by Jenaen, eeconded by Myhra, that the resoning request, ZOA #69-09, Sacred Heart Psrieh, be tabled until later in the tvening. Upon a voice vote, sll voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. Contimied on page 7 CONTINUED REZONING REQUEST: ZOA d669-08, R. W. WOlafSBECKER: Action taken to table for two v4elci under Order of Agenda. Lot Mr. and Mre. Welle vere preeant. BLLS: The Eaet 12 feet of North s Subdivieion #21. Mr. Myhra said that the Subcownittee dircuaaed the f�ct that Lot &1 would need an additional acoere on the Eaet if it ahould aver be split. Mr. Wells explained they live on Lot 8A �+hich is 100 feet in vidth �ad theq am the North L00 feet of Lots 8C and SB. Lot 8C ie going to be put on the masket, and bncauae thair house is situatad in Buch a faehion that they otould look directly into the backyard of the nev lot, they rould like to take 12 feet from the East line to be added to Lot 8B �rhich ie nor used'a• yard. Mr. Welle had turned in thp ��6a1 ducription prepared by an attozney ' which is a� follows: Parcel �1: Porth 100 feet of Lot SC, axcept the B��t 12 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdiviaion ;�21, City of Fridlay, Anoka County, Mipnasota. Parcel #2: North 100 feet o� Lot 8B, together vith the Eaet ' 12 faet of the North 100 feet of Lot 8C, all in Auditor's Subdiviaion #21, City of Fridley, Anolca County, Minneeota. � It was felt thst most of the houses on Brookviea are setback pretty fRt, as�d the people there are enjoying their backyarda, ao thera is no splitting of the loti in Che foreeeeabla future. ' .� � � �� glannin¢ Comnission Meetintt - Julv 9. 1969 Paxe 6 ` ' ' • ' 7. , � � ' ' 8. � , ' 3. ' '--- , '' MOTION by Jenaen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission recommend approval of the lot split requeat, L.S. #69-18, L. George Wells, �of the East 12 feet of the North 100 feet of Lot 8C, Second Revision Auditor's Subdivision #21. Upon a voice vote, a'll voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, !,11 t 5 acree e�ccept South 4 acres, Chriat Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher were preaent. The Co�iasion discussed the curve in SevenYh Street. The curve is South of the Gallagher property and the extra width was taken off the Riedel property. In checking the width of the boulevard, it was felt there vould be enough land for sidewalks if they ehould ever be required. M0120N by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�iseion snt the public hearing date of July 23, 1969 £or the propoaed preliminsry plat, P.S. �69-10, Gallagher Addition by William H. Gallagher, of the West five acres of the NW'y of the SE�, escept South four acrea, Christie Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion can3ed unanimously. Women E LAKE DRIVE: Letter dated ,1une 19, oppoeing proposal. Chairman Erickeon said that since the Planning Coc�iasion has not been asked to give an opinion, the letter should be received. 1�➢UTION by Myhra, aeconded by Jensen, that the Planning Comnission receive the letter dated June 19, 1969 from the League of Women Voters in Fridley opposing the YASCA proposed Suburban Facility on West Moore Lake Drive. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONTINUED FROM PAGE S, REZONING REQUEST� ZOA #69-08A RAYE WESTERLUND: MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, to re�ove from the table the resoning request, ZOA #69-08A by Kaye Westerlund. Upon a voice vote, sll voLing aye, the motion carried unanimously, Mr. Myhra said, in talking about the number of apartmen[e for the past six months or more since he has been on the Planning Co�nission, it eeemed to him that to auddenly decide, becauae the Planning Coffinission has become conoerned with the problem of the number of requeats for apartments, to start talking about stopping action on requeets, was not good thinking. If the Coamission can foresee a need for apartments in the area by Onan's, such as this one, they ahould look at it on its own merits. ' � At the Planning Coumisaion meeting of May 22, 1969, the Coc�isaion felt a report auch as that of the Roseville Adminiatrative Staff would be of benefit to Fridley. This was "A Study to Examine the Tax Advantage or Dis- advsntage of the Apartments in Roseville and Their Affect On The Locsl � Schools". The Engineering Assistant said this information could be compiled for Fridley without too much trouble if Council vould so direct. L� .. ; 5. . ..w 7..sA4! � ..-�s..: . . ��n .. .._.. .. � � ,�' L.S. �69-18 2nd Rev. N. 100' of Lot 8C,nAud. Sub. �p21 L. George Wells Retain E. 12' of L. SC _�v.,, ... . We(/5� liaJt¢ Lot Sf7 b SS3 OalUe.y .. _ _ G0.YO��'. /Vcrfh /oo� o�F Lof S'B ! 1 ' ♦i I � � '�� � 1 � � � � � � � � Na_�th ��c' of �-� t se !OO' �� o�.xrzy ' b-ri v� yovs.� bsti"7 Oc�Y. . . � � � . . � 9 . ' b �� \: �1S .I ..I'�.�. I� . . _- � � _ 4 ��, ,, �� � � _ a o - � „ � .. � i�3�� � � d` 3�0 1 - �ti O .�l . � i P�- � 7JOd � �� . .t, � n �-9 S i 13 0 . `., ... . � ��" •r b�., t 4 .; .�.4 , . � . 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Jr ' � ��_.. _ _ � . �r „4 �b ER '-- .—_•._._•� — _ _ EC. 3 � � � s � � , � , ' � , , ' , � � ' Plannin8 Crnrmisaion Meeting - Julv 9. 1964 Page 7 , 4. ' ' ' ' The Comniseion felt a atudy would be useful in anawering questions from the public and helping them to make decisione. It wae felt a atudy �ould be completed within 30 days. The headinge ahould consiat of hox many unite in Fridley; how msny could be built under our present aoning, hw many echool children, particularly on avezage per unit; and tax dollars and retura. 1he Enginensing Asaietant reported a eurvey was made in 1963. The Commiaeion wauld be comparing thia report with the propased survey. In answer to the query of declarittg a moritorium while the study was going on, the Comnisalon £elt they "ehould do buaineas on a noxmel basie", taking each request 3ndividually. Ln regard to M=. Westerlund'e requeat, Mr. Myhra eaid the Planning C�iseion was concesned with Che elevation lines. Uaing the Gounty Auditor's deecription, the rezoning requeet is for the North 824.7 feet of Parcel 300. The balance of the lot was not included. The South end of the lot has a drop which ie not buildable. The petitioner plane to leave the South part ae ie. So� of the neighbore were concerned about Che setback of the apartmes►CS and were informed the eetback wae shown to be 180 feet xith future gsrages to take up eome of it. Mr. Weeterlund wae to have a certi- ficate of aurvey prepared. MOTION by Jenaen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�isaion reco�mend apprwal of the rezoning request, ZOA #b9-08A by Kaye Wasterlund of the North 824.7 feet of the W�y uf the NE� of the NF.� of Section 13, to be rezoned from R-1 (single family �aellinga) to R-3A (Apartments only) with the condition that the developer deed to the City the South 60 feet of the dencribad tract and further agree that no diaturbance of the craek bank below elevation of 880 would take place and that tha developer would further agren thet the frant aetback would be a minimum of 100 feet. Upon s voice vote, all voting aye, the motion cazried unanimouely. Mr. Jenssn added that thie particular tract ie appropriate for the proposed use. It happena to be on the boundary of a Large induetsial tract; it aleo abuts the trect that was recently rezoned for multlple dwellings; and on the South side a naturql buffer of Rica Creelc bottom land exists. Acceea to the property from the South would be extremely difficult becauae of [he terrain and natural vooded area. The only area that rem�ins to be conaidered ia the area to the Weat and it ia spareely populated and would not be advereely affected at thie time. It would give thmi an opportunity to develop :hat propertq ueing the bnet design factor� that could be developed to allaw an interface betveen R-1 and R-3 aoning. CONITNUED REZONING RHQUEST (FRdM YAGE 5'): LOA #69-09, SACRED HEART PARISH: 1�lOTION by Senaen, eeconded by Fitapatrick, that the Planning Co�ieaion rmnve from the table the continued rezoning requeat, 20A #69-09, 3acsed liaart Perish. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carriad unanimously. The Engineasing Aeai�tant eaid that moet of the property [hat the Church plane to aell, which !s everything North of tha South line of Lot 24, Bloek 10, ie alrnady soned �ltiple. 2ha only part not soned multiple i� �F, r � � � planninA Co�ieeion Meetinrt - Julv 9 1969 Peae 8 2} lots. The ce�tery is in Block 10 and waa purchaeed in 1915. Referring to Sth Street, he eaid the dedicated portion ia 30 feet wide. Fifth Street wae dedicated a long time ago, and there ase twenty-two graves on the East half. Off 54th Avenue there was only one grave, There sse nine graves within 22" of the fence on Sth Street. There ia room for 4,000 additional graves on the property the Church intende to keep. The plat of Aamilton'a Addition to Mechanicsville was recorded in 1886. ' The Church felt thie was a good piece of land, but more land than they could uee. They had hoped to sell off the portion they didn't need and keep the reat for the cemetery. , The Cocmiaeion diecueaed the fact that the Eset eide of 5th Street was vacated all the way up to the Freeway. They diecuseed a pravision that the Eaet half o£ SCh Street be dedicated on the front of the area to be developnd , maltiple and alang the Freeway prwiding a service drive aver to lth Street. This vould give the spartmente accees to the Esae or Weet. , , LJ lJ ' 9. r MCITION by Myhra, eeconded by Fitzpstrick, that the Planniag Comvission reco�end to Council apprwal of the resoaing zequeet, ZOA #69-09, Sacred Haart Pariah, of Lote 5, 6, N� 7, Block 10, Hamilton'e Addition to Mechanics- ville to be reaoned from R-2 (limited miltiple dvellings) to R-3A (apastmente unly) from the NorCh line of the South Half of Lot 24 to the North line of the preeent cemetery propertp and 8 right of xaq for the continuance of the rervice road betveen Fourth and Sevaith Street. Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, the motion cerried unanimouely, For further clasification, Jeneen said this raaoning would add only five unit� to the number of apartments that could be built on tha alresdy aoned property and prwides the Ce�tery Aesociation the opportunity to put the land to anothar use. Their agreement to tha conditioa� of the motion would aeri�t solviug street and traffic probleme that they nov have. No one wae present for the peCition. Alley and The Chaiitoan rtviewed the request sayiag that the petition came to a halt ' on one particular item, that of No:thern Statee Power. 11ro exieting aervice� in the Ba�t/FTe�t •treet sketch indicated ahat portion that the Northern States Poaer has a�kad to be maintained ae utility easemente. It xas decided that ' Northern States Power should draw up a private easement Kith Che Great Northern Railroad, ae this would be the aimplest way of handling 1t, ' ' ' ' MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Fitspatsick, Chet the Planning Co�lesion seco�►d appraval of the vacation request, SAV �k69-03, Great Northarn Rsilroad, of t!u alley and etreets in Block 6, Berlin Addition subjact to the righte of the Horthern Statee Povrer easment baing handled psivately betvasn tham aad the Railroad ae far ae actual vacation, vith a copy of the exacuted agree- wa►t to bn received by thn City. Upon a voice vote, sll voting aye, the motion car=iad uxunimously. �� __J J , ' �! � r--� L � ' , ' ' ' ' � � � ' ' , Plannina Co�ieeion Meetinu - Julv 9. 1969 PaAe 9 10. 4►PA&11�NT SURVEY IN THE CITY OF FRI�[.EY: Continuing the aubject of an Apartment Survay for the City of Fridley, after reviewing the Memo from the Citq Engineer, CM �69-10, to the City Maneger, the follawing tentative liet for etudy was suggeeted: Liet of buildings presently occupied. Number of unita. Tax baee and what they would hava paid. Age of building. Asassaed valuation: achool tax and ragulas ta�c. N�mhes of School children. Ratio apartmente to eingle family. Economic factor: dollar return. Reeidenta per acre. it is hoped that by comparing this etudy vith the one in 1963 pras�ted thia evmiag by tha Engineering Aeaistant, the Planning Coaission will be helped in deciding how many apartmente tha comwnity needs. Further commnnte were: Fitspatrick: There ehould be County wide plan- ning, ae ve have obligationa to our neighbore. Jeneen: One echool of thought is houoing ehould be concentrated. Transportatien is almost impos- aibla. Myhra; What happene in the futura relating to the quality o£ apartments - queation of Huilding Coda. Erickson: Comented that economic coaditione have a lot to do with the aount of paople in apartmente. Aleo, ragatdiag construction -- get aparmnents to a poiat where ve don't have to worry about them. 7eneen: Sise and number of unite. Fitapatrick: The aoning category "multiple dvallings" pesmit� large area� of duplea and four- plex, �uch ae thore Eaet of McDonald's in Columbia Haighte, and referring to appearancee, thie ehould be checked. The Commiaaion hopad to hsve tbis sutvay cou�l�isd befora Laboz D�y. ADJ�QRt�NT • There baing no turthnr busineea, Chaisnrn Erickeon adjournad tha mesting at 11:25 P.M. Re��ly �ubnittad �.•.,. 1 O'Brian Recording Sacretary '78 � lJ , � 1 � BUILAING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMIITEE MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1969 The meeting was called Co order by Chairman Erickaon at 8:05 P.M. t�.NIDERS PRESSNT: Erickson, Tormoen, Tonco, Bierman MEI�ffi8RS ABSEN`T: Sornsen OTHERS PRESENT; Hank Muhich Building Official Mr. Harold Harris was preaent to present the request. , MOTION by Biermaa to recoumend approval of the requeat subject to the following changes marked on the plans; , A.) 8.) C.) ' D.) E.) ' F.) G.) ' H.) , ' , ' Complete previously proposed landscaping. Front of proposed center section addition to be of break-off block. All block to be painted. Parking lot blacktop to be at least 20 feet fr� both Elm Street and Main Street. Driveway, parking area, and landscape on Elm Street end of building complex to be designed similiar to thaC on Main Street. Add 12 parking places directly behind building with concrete humpers to protect the building. Curb and blacktop driveway to ex[end only to lot lines until street improvements are in. Concrete curb around entire parking area and driveway. Secon�ed by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays the motion carried unanimously. 2.CONSIDERATZON OF A REQUEST TO MOVE A RESIDENf DWELLING FROM 3614 MARSHALL TO LOTS 9 AND 10 BLOCK 13 FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION THE SAME BEING 6435 ASHTON AVENUE N. E„ FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. NICK ZROKA, 3614 MARSHALL STREET N. E. , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Nick 2roka was present to present the request. After reviewing the photographs and neighbors letters of approval a MOTI�N was made by Tonco to reco�end approval of moving this dwelling into Fridley. The followtng stipulations were made; A.� Submit Certificate of Survey. , B.) Dwelling [o be set on a full basement. C.) liard surface driveway to garage. D.) Reatore dwelling to natural condition fn case of any damage in moving. � Seconded by Bierman unaaimonsly. , 3 ' ' Upon a voice vote, there being ao nays the motion carried Mr. E. J. Bechett! repreaenting Sears presented the proposal. i� 1 � � , 4 � ' S � � � _ 5 � 6 � , ' � .� Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee Minutes of Jul 16 19b9 Page 2 MOTION by Bierman to recommend approval of the requeat subject to the following provisions. This plan to be approved by the Engineering and Inspecti'on Departments. A.) Entire exterior wall surface to be finished in brick since there were no definite plans regarding future expansion. B.) Raised concrete sidewalk full length of north and west walls thus providing parking bumpers. C.) Eliminate exterior depressed loading ramp because of drainage problem. D.) Submit new plot plan with curbing,landscaping and parking with the rec�ended change of the loading ramp to the south wall. E.) Curb detail. Secanded by Tonco unanimously. OF Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried IVISION A RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED ON PART ���:SN�'1 Mr. E. J Bechetti presented this request also. MOTION by Bierman to table this request unt31 more information could be submitted. It was suggested the new proposal include; A.) Certificate of Survey. B.) Plot plan showing the drive-in as an individual structure on it's own plat or a plot plan incorporating this with the plot plan of the Sears building and the future mall so as to eliminate any possible future parking and driving prohlems. C.) Survey showing sewer line easements and topography in order to assure against any future problems with the structure and drainage. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Dick Johnson was present to present the request. Since both requests -(no. 4 and no. 5) are ef simfliar design to be constructed adjacent to one another, they were treated as one request. Any recommendations and stipulations would refer to both. MOTION by Bierman to reco¢mend approval of the request subject to changes marked on the plans and the following stipulations; A.) Remove restriction of parking in front and approve the original plan showing blacktop in front of buildings. B.) Blacktop entire area between buildings showing loading dooka, 8qd eliminate sodded area . SD �1 1 � BuildinQ Standards-Des1Sn Control Subco�ittee Minutes of July ?b.�i4� �_ti',a�F �� C.) Substitute concrete valk for sod on short side yard setbacks. ' D.) Preceeding suggestions were made to help eliminate the weed problem and to simplify maintenance. � Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousiy. 1 � 1 No representatives were present. � MQTION by Bierman to recommend approval of the general concept but requested the applicant furnish the fo2lowing with the revised plans. A.) Detailed plot plan. ' B.) Rendering on the main manufacturing building and office area, C.) More specific information on the tank fatm aad storage tanks- (tyge of material stored etc.) ' Seconded by Tonco unanimously. ' 8 ' , . Upon a voice vote, there being no nays the motion carried Mr. Clarence Lowe and Jerry Roberts were present to present the request. ' MOTION by Bierman to accept the general concept as proposed, requesting, however, revised plana of the en`ire concept and individual units showing more in detail. ' 9 ' � Seconded by Tonco unanimwaly . OF A Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried TO P. E OA LOT 2 Mr. Jamison and Mr. Bonnet were present to pz�:sent the request. MOTION by Biexa�an to recommend approval of the request subject to the changes as marked on the plans as well as the following stipulations; A.) LO foot radii at driveway entrances. ' B.) 2- 4' x S' plate glass window units substituting those shown on the plans. C.) Paint all exterior block. D.) Include sidewalk agreement with permit. ' Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, Chere being no nayB, the motion carried unanimously. 1 � ' � ' � � , � � , ' , � ' 1 � ' , Building Standards Desiga Control Subconmittee Minutes of July 16: 1464 Page 4 After a short discussion the board decided to change their meeting date to the evening following the meeting of the Planning Ca�iaaion - Thursday night. ADJOURLaSEP7f : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Erickson at 12:10 A. M. Respectfully submitted, �,..r� ��.�. HANK MUAICH Acting Secretary e 52 1 � ' � ' � ' ' 83 __ THE MINIITFS OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEE`PING OF JIII,Y 16, 1969 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mitteletadt at 7:36 P.M. YIFI+IBERS PRFSENT: Mittelstadt, Minish, Harris ME�S ABSENT: Ahonen, 0'Bannon OTAIIiS PRFSENT: Clarence Beliele-Building Inspector MOTION by Minish to approve the minutea, of July 2, 1969, ae written. Seconded by Harrie. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kopecky was preaent to preaent his proposal to the Board. Picturea of the property were ahown to the Board. � MOTIQN by Minieh to receive a letter £rom the ajoining property owner, Mr. John 9. Reno, etating he did not object to the garage being built cloeer to the street thath his houee. � Seconded by Harrie. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naya, the motion carried unanimously. ' � , � LJ � ' , 2. I �1 Mr. Sopecky exglsinsd to the Board that his preeent home facee 2� Street and the garage will face q6th Avenue. Mr. Reno'e houee slao facee 46th Avenue. The proposed garage will be in line with the applicant's home but will be ahead of Mr. Reno's home. With thie setback there will be enough room to park a car out of the garage without perking in the atreet. MOTION by $arrie to cloee the public hearirig. Seconded by Minieh. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimoualy. MOTION by Minieh to grsnt the requeet for the following reaeona: 1. The eideyard eetbsck will be in line with the exieting home. 2. There will be no traffic haaard by placing the �arage at this spot on the property. 3. There will be room to pask a car in the drivewey without parking in the etreet. 4. There were no objectione £rom the adjoining neighbor even though the garage will be in front of his house. 5• It rrill be an improvement to the property. Seconded by Harrie. IIpon a voioe vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � n .Fr. rrrrrFS A. The Minutea 0£ The Board Of Avpeale Meetin� of Julv 16, 1969 Page 2 Mr. Arthur Deya was present to present hie request to ihe Board.A Survey and,picturea of the property were ehown to the Board. The aurvey ehowed that the lot ie being split in en engular manner. A diacueeion followed which involved where the preaent gsrage could be located, having the garage torn down all together, having the house, which is preaently there, torn down before the lot eplit. They also diecuased the diatance between the preaent etructure and the proposed structure. Ae it now stande, there will be 10 £eet between them and the Oode doee call for 15 feet for fire control. The Board did recommend to the applicant that he ehould eplit hia lote into b0 foot lota inetead of in the angvlar manner. MOTION by Minish to table the request until July 30, 1969 to ald.ow the applicant to bring in a preliminary eketch ehowing how the proposed home ie to be poeitioned on the lot. This will ehow the Board a truer picture of the exact meaeuremente between etructuree. Seconded by Harrie unanimouely. ,__f •1' 1y171�j� IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried The meeting wae adjourned by Chairman Mitteletadt at 8:30 P.M. Reepectfully aubmitted, 0 MARY ffiL Secretsry 84 , •�; `� i' . �. SANITAitY S$IiER II�1P�20V@7L�NT PH03ECT NO. 91 ( � FF.TDL:Y9 MINN$SQTA ��' �� �. BZp OPEiJIKG ON JULY' 1, 1969 AT 12:00 NOUN ° j� � PLANtIOLD$R �S aronsa 6 Sana, Iac. &,ute 3 , Mianasota 55369 � C�S. 1�laCsoasan, Inc. Boz 336 �� Mianesoea 55369 � � Eaadal Arothera 3 � oa 3 Silt�er Lake Boad polis. Miunesots 53418 � wr.�a. B�ag;fa Tsail �apolie, 141nnesota 55421 .e r.m►.�or ca.�p.oy a � ° �° Cedar Bear Lake, Mionesota 55110 ' , � BID ��i7RSTY' I Liil� SUH BSD � C�LETI0�1 TEM$ � � N.c. �;e�G� � 4 v�-� Li . '�d c.-.i � � . � � 9,s'...� `1'I , 4-4'� �� � �4', 9e'° '°' �%a+ �� d � s - F �4,l,�J�'� 4v-�c..w-� C� a �� / Se e,t t _ D'�'YS , 3 ° �,Rc' p�t-yS �' / y, � y . .,� � �-v �.t-� D�-ys �� Mr, b'asim M. �ueeshi City Engineer Fridley, Minn. Dear Sir: L. WALQUIST r� _.. � � ,�i� ���,�. Re t290 CEeiTwA1. AvlNU[ N. E. MINNiA►OU5 ZI, MINNESOTI� orRiec 7M-s�oo 240Y $ILViII LAN! NOMt SU 8•1101 July 11, 1969 Sewer 11ne for lot 2, Eerwal Addition. We would like to request that this project be started and completed as soon ae possible. � We understand that thia cost will be soread over the tax rolls as it app�ias to the propert� affected and spread oner a�eriod o£ 10 years or more. ' ' �J � �� We e�ect to atart the construction of the veberinary clinic aoon, and will be needing the sewer service for the project within a few months. Your usual prompt service will be snpreciated. s ever� _ � l� u� eor�L. Walo st 8�, � ' � � [J LJ � � fGINEERING DEP9R'1MIRiT City o£ Fridley Fridley, Minneaota Arcon Conetruction Compsny Mora, Minueeota July 21, 1969 RE: CHANGE ORDEB N0. - STREET II+lPfiOVFl�iT PROTECT ST. 19 9-1 ArID ST. 19 9-2 Gexitlemen: You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to add to your Contract for Street Improvement Project St. 1969-1 ana st. 1y69-2, the followi.ng eetimated quantities for a net total additional lump aum price of Two Thoueand, Two Hundred Sixty Three and Forty One Hundredths Dollare =2.263.40 Figures The above lump sum price ehall be adjuated by any additiona to or deletiona Yrom the approzimate quantities by the Contrect or a�eed upon unit prices noted, other incidental items ahall be compensated £or at Contract amount bid pricee. These quantities noted hereafter basically cover the work o.n the following etreete. 73RD AYENUE: T.H. N0. 65 TO CE,2VTRAL 9VII�[TE � 8 Houre 16 Houre 8 Houre , 16 Hours 4 Houre 10 Hours 4o I,oade � � !J Front End Loader 1 3/4 Yd. (Crawler� Fro.nt �d Loader 2 3/4 Yd. (Crawler Dump Truek W�27 Yd. Debria Boa Tractor Truck W�30 Yd. Debria Box Five Axle Tractor Trailer Lowboy Foreman Dump Fee @Pay Dump LOI�FII,LOW STREET: EAST RIVF9? ROAD TO 800 FEET WEST 150 L.F. Of Ditching 72 L.F. Lowering� Eaiating 12'� C,A.P. 6 IInits Relocation OP 1" Stop Bozes � =21.00 (�? 25.2� � 16.80 � �9 �95 � 18.90 � 10.50 � 10.50 _ �16b.00 = 403.20 = 134•40 = 319.20 = 71.60 = 105.00 = 420.00 �1,621.40 c� 1.00 = 150.00 � 1.0� = 72.00 � 20.00 = 420.00 32,263.40 � Tha completion date of the Contract £or Street Improvement Project St. 1969-1 and St. 1969-2 includi.ng Change Order 1Po. 3, will be eztended to October 9, 1969 inetesd of September 75, t969. I 1 � �i Change Order No. 3 St. 19b9-1 & St. 1969-2 Pa�e 2�� Arcoxi Conatruction CompanY — TOTAL LUt� 5UM PIiICE OF CiIANGE ORDIIt N0. 3....•...••••••..••.....•..•.• .32.263.40 Submitted and approved by City Engineer, Naeim M. Qureshi, P.E., o.n thia day ot , �969• �� 1. �t � - �fe;Un�rt-4-, 7M M. QIIRESHI, P.E. City Engineer Approved and accepted thie daY of � i969 by Arcon Co.nstruction Company, Incorporated. 9RCOH CONSTRIICTION CQRP9NY, INC. By Title 1 Approved and accepted this day of City Council of Fridley, Minnesota. � � �J � I� J , � � � �, , 1969 by the Ey Jeak 0. Kirkha� MAYOR Hy Homer R. Anla�um CITY MANAGEft 89 ;1! , ��•i �'.' '� S7ATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF Ii1GMWAY3 CISTRICT NO 6 20]5 NO. LILAC D111V[ MiNNEAPOLIS. MINN. dulY 3. 1y69 Pir. Nasim pi, yZureshi City Engineer City of Fridley 6�+31 IIniversity Avenue N,�. Rridley, k4innesota 55`+21 In reply refer toc 315 c.s. 0207 (m.a. 65) Lt Central ivenue in Fridley Dear Mr. Qureahi: This letter ac,lrnowledgea receipt of your letter of May 22, 1969 containing City Reaolution No. 77-1969 pertaining to proposed improvementa to the above referenced interaection. Ottached are 3 alternate pmposals for the upgrading of thia inter- section for your review. Please call ua xhen you are read,y to d3eausa the layouts. � IIpon aporoval of any of theae layouts further discussions xill be necessary to determine the extent that this imnrov�ent vould benefit the `Pxvr.k H?�hwa,v svat�r. ana th°refor quali£y °or cost participation.by the State. It w311 be the responsibility of the City of Fridley to acquire any ri�t of rray needed to construct theee projects. Sincerely� � . � O.:y " // ., . N, R. Oaterby �� Acting 7)istrict �gineer � . . , ; � � . °� �i 9 � I � � ` l ' ` . , ,�. , �. , A 1 � ..� � I. � .' ,'� . . � //ay � •. t � � � . , %' �/ _,e . �r � •. 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"�,_1 . . . . _ �...,� � . �1. . .;.� ' . . - '.�-". �. . . �. `'. � ' � � • ' , �.��� ° ? ;±� � �' �1 '-^-.,,.. � �,. .. ���r �` � ��. � � .� ' ' � � ' i i , � � :. � � � • �J , , � ����Y xESOLUTION N0. �_ BESOLUTION ORDERING ZMPROVEt�ffidT AND FINAL PLANS AND SYECIFICATIONS AND EST7MATES OF COSTS �HE�OF: STREET II�ROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1980-1 i1HER&1�5, &esolutian No. 90-1969 adopted �tn� 16�� �.� af ,�ax�a�, ��'69 bq the City Council, set the date for hearing on the propoaed impzovemente, as speci- ficsl2y aoted in the Notice of Heasing attached hereto for =eference as Exhibit "A", .na s�. W�SEAS, all of the property ownera whoae property is liable to be ussased vith the making of theae imprwementa (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) days aotice by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2) veekly publicstiona of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon at the hearing, se noted in said notice. NOii, THESEFORE, B� IT R�SOiVE�, iby the Council of the Citq of Fridley, Anoka County, Minneaota, as followa: 1. That the following imprwe�nta propoaed by Council Resolution No. 90-1969 are hereby ordered to be effected and co�leted as soon aa reasonably possible, to-vit: Street improvementa including grading, atabiliced base, hot mix bituminous met, concrete cusb and gutte:, water, sanitary swar linee and serviaee, incidental drainage and othmr £ac�l�a���� located a� follnr�: 'Locke I.ake Road: i69th Way: �Oth Way: �i.ckory Street: icicory Drive: ickory Circle: 8lekory Placa: �art�an Circle: 6Ut Way: Alley bet. 6Yet Way aad 62} Way: 61} Waq: 63rd Wsy: G3$ Way: Alley on Weat Side of Railroad Tracka: 61et Avenue: S�lvan Lane: Starlite Boulevard: T3k Avenue; East xiver Road to Riekory Street Bast River Road to Aickory Street Saet Aiver Road to Aiekory Drive Locke Lake Road to 69th Way 69th Way to 74th Way Hickory Drive to cul de aac flickory Drive to 70th Way Including the atraight and curved road Bast &iver Road to alley on the East Eaat River Road to alley on the East Eaat River Road to alley on the East East River Road to alley on the East Eaat River Road to alley on the Eaet 61st Way to 64th Way Starlite Boulevard to Main Street Starlite Boulevard to Jupiter Drive 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane Highway �65 to Central Avenue �_ _ ; r_, � , ' ' , ' • � --- , , ' ' ' � , � , � LJ 1_ I ��� ora. xo. St. 1970-1 Page 10io Onondaga Street: � Bacon Drive: Lakeaide Road: 61st Avenue: MeKinley Street: ��roposed Roadway: T.H. i65 East Ser- vice Road: Y.H. #65 East Ser- vice Road: Bacon Drive to.Lakeaide Road Onondaga Street to 75th Avenue 75th Avenue to 0aborne Road McKinley Street to Stinson Boulevard Cul de eac to North to 61st Avenue Riverview Terrace to cul de sae to Eaat 73� Avenue to Fireside Drive Railroad Tracks to 72nd �venue 2. That work to be pe=formed under thi� project may be performed under oae or more contracta ae may be deemed advieable upon receipt of bida. 3. That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, and the City's Conrulting Engineera arn hereby deaignated aa the Engineers for this improve- aent. They ahall prepare final plans aad epecifications for the making of such imprwemeat. ADOPTSD BY THB COUNCIL OF THB CI1Y OB FBIDLEY THIS � 1969. ATTE9T: CI1Y CLEBK - Marvin C. Brunsell � ! 11AY OF MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 95 rlf'r-� � . � _ r � � 0 SESOLUTION N0. I � � A H850LUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIAIINARY REPORT AND CAI.L�ING A PU�L7C HBARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CdNSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IP4PR4�° STREET IMPROVEL�II.+NT PROJECT ST. 1970-2 � WHEREAS, the construction o� certaii� improvements is deemed to be in the intereet of the City of Fridley aad the property ownera affecteII there- by. 1 � L. J � lovs: 1, bE IT RESOLVED, by the City Couneil of the City of Fridley, aa fol- That the preliminary report aubmitted by Nasim M. Qureshi, CiEy ;,g�t„_ ,�, r+ry �f Fridley ia hereby received and accepted. 2. Tdat this Cwncil will meet on the llth day of Aueuet , 1969 at 9:00 o'clock P.M, at the City Hall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Yublic Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof bp referance, �chibit "A". ' ;, �at the area proposed to be asaessed for said improvments and eaeh of them as noted in said notice are all the lands aad areas ae noted in said notice: All of the same to be asee�sed proportionately tccosding to the benefita received. 4. That the City Manager ia authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley according to lacr, auch notice to be tubstantially in the form and subatance of the notice attached here- to as Bxhibit "A". ADOYTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CI1Y OF FRIDLEY THIS '� / DAY OF �, 1969• i A1"f&ST : MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell �F 1 ' �I ' , � ' , OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CI1Y OF FBIDLEY (E7�IBIT A) HOTICE OF HEARING ON Il�ROVFd�NTS STREET II�.'• PROJECT ST. 1970-2 iJ�BF.AS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Iilaneaota, has deemed it neceesary and expedient that the improvementa beseinafter described be made. POW, THEREFORE, NOTICS IS HEREBY GNEN THAT on the llth day of August , at 9:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City }lell in said City, and will at said ti.me, and place, hear all parties intereeted in aaid imprwements in whole or in part. �e geaesal nature of the improvemeats is the coastruction (in the laadi and streets noted below) of the following improvemente, to-wit: C�STRIJCITON ITEM ' Streat impravements, including grading, etabiliaed baee, hot mix bituminous mat, ooncrete curb and gutter, eidewalke, �rater and eanitary saver eesvicee, stotm taver and other facilities locatad ae follove; �� ' ' il J � � � ' ' Main Street: SSth Avenue to 61et Avenue West Moore Lake Drive: T.H. �65 to South property of Fridley High School ��� ,� ESYIMATBDCOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�� J " �� �IAT 1i� ABFA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID II�Q'ROVEMENT IS aS FOLIAWS: YorConetructionItmabwe ----------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streeta named above and all lande within, adjacent and abutting thereto. �11 of said land to be asaeased proportionately according to the benefita receiroed by such imprwements. �at the Couacil propoees to proceed with each of said imprwemente as sepazate impravementa, except as hereafter othexwiae provided by Council all �mder the follocring authority, to-wit; Hf�eaota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and la�r amendatory thereof, and in confoxmity with the Charter. DATED THIS DAY OF �ttest: , CI1Y CLERK - Masvin C. Brunaell publish: JULY 30, 1969 � AUG[TST 6, ] 969 - , . , 1969 BY ORDER OP THE CITY CWNCIL. MAYOR - Sack 0. Kirkham 9i � RE50LIITION NQ. I'� � ��� 0 RESOLDTION ORDIIiING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPE�IF'ICATIONS, AND ' ESTIMATFS OF THE COSTS TI�EOF: STREET IMPROVEt�NT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 ADDENDITAf #1 , � ' i I'� r-+ LJ ' ' 1 � ' C� � �J , ' ' BE IT RFSOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley ae iollows: 1 2. That it appeara in the intereat of the City and of the property ownera affected that there be conetructed certain improvementa, to-wit: Street improvement including grading, stabilisnd base, hot mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, sanitary searer linee and services, incidental drainsge and other facilitiee located as follwa: 58th Avenue: Quincy Strent to Weet Moora Lake Drive 59th Avenue: Monroe Street to Weet Moore Lake Drive Marigold Tenace: Monroe Street to Weat Moore Lake Drive That the City Engineer, Nasim M. Qureahi, City Hall, Fridley, Minn. le hereby authorized and directed to draw the greliminary plans and epecifications and to tabulate the results of his eetimates af the coats of said improvementa, including every item of coat from inception to completion and all fees and expeneea incurred (or to be incurred� in connection therewith, or the financing thereo£, and to melce a preliminary report of hie findinge, atating� therein whether asid improvementa are feasible and whether they can beat be made as p¢�oposed, or in connection with eome other imgrovementa (and the eetimated coet ae recommended�,including� also a description o£ the lande or area as may receive bene£ite therefrom and ae may be p�opoeed to be aeseased. j. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and addreas.of the owner o£ each pe,rcel of land directly affected or within the area of lande as may be propose6 to be sesesaed for eaid improvements �and each of them�; and upon receipt i`rom said Engineera of the eaid pxeliminary report, calculate estimatea of asaeasmente as may be �opoaed relative thereto against each of said lande. ¢. The,t asid preliminary report o£ the E�gineers and estimates of aesesementa af the Clerk, shall be furniahed to the Council, and ma.de available for inepection to the owner of az�y parcel of le,nd ae may be affected thereby at ax�y public hearing held relative thereto, sa vell ae at any prior time reasonable and convenient. / 2 ADOPPID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF � , 1969• I lTTEST: IT7E QbB�R'= " i`ri 'C'-Binirisel MA,OR - Jack 0. Kirkham � � , � ��'� � $ESOLUTION N0. � � A BESOLUTION RECENIPIG THE PREI.II�ffNARY REPORT AND CALLING c°. PiJBLIC i1EARING ON THE MATTER OF THE COPISTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROYEMENTS: gTRgET IMPgpVEI�+NT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 ADDSNDOM #1 SiHEREAS, the conatruction of certain improvementa ie deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property ownera affected thsre- by. lacr� : B8 IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- , 1. That the prellminary report submitted by Nseim M. Qureahi, City _ Ene+_.±aer. ri*_� �f Fridley is hereby received and accepted. ' ' �J I� i Cl � , ' � ' � , 2, Ihat this Council will meet on the llth day of p,�net , 1969 at 9:00 o'clock P.M. at the City flall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, . mchibit "A". 9, Thai the area propoaed to be asseased for said imprwemants and each of them as noted in eaid notice are all the lands and arese se noted in said notice: All of the same to be asaesaed proportionately aecording to the benefite received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized aad directed to give notice of such Public Aearing by publiahing a notice thereof in the official newsgaper of the City of Fridley according to law, auch notice to be substantially in the foxm and aubatance of the notice attached here- to as Sxhibit "A". ADOPTSD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF �� , 1969, ATTEST: CIRf'Y CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � � MAYOR - Jack O.,Rirkham �� , ' �I L� � , , , � � � ' , � � I � � ' � 1,)� OFFICIAL P[TBLICATION CITS[ OF FRIDLEY '� �.r:ir. : P01ZCE OF HEARING ON II�RWEMENIS S1RELrf PROSECT ST. 1970-1 ADDENDUM �kl WSEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anolca County, 1linnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. ROW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS �Y GIVEN TH?.T on the llth day of Auauet , at 9:00 o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties iaterested in said imprwements in whole or in part. 1Le general nature of the improvements ia the conatructioa (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following imprwementa, to-wit: Street improvement including grading, stabilized base, hot mix bituminous mat, concreta curb and gutter, water, sanitary sewer lines and services, incidental drainage and other facilities located as follws. 58th Avenue: Quincy SCreet to Weat Moore Lake Drive 59th Avenue: Monroe Street to West Moore Lake Drive Marigold Terrace: Monroe Street to West Moore Lake Drive ESTIIIATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TBAT THE ABEA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID I3 AS FOLI.OWS c $ % 7� -' � FosCoastructionItemabove------------------- -- --- All of the land abutting upon said atreets aamed above and all lande within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of ssid land to be assesaed praportionately according to the benefits received by such improvemente. 74►at the Council propoaes [o proceed with each of ■aid impravemeACs aa sepsrate imprwementa, except as hereafter otheswiee prwided by Councii all vader Che following authority, ta-wit; Minaesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Chartez. 11ATSD T$IS I1AY OF , 1969 �' �ER OF TAE CITSi COIINCIL. 17AXOR - Jack 0. Rirkham Attast: CITY CLERK - Mazvin C. Brunaell Yubliah: �RLY 30; 1969 AUGUBT 6,1969 , � � ' ' �i � � � � � L� , , ' � �J , , � RESOLIITION N0. /_ y- -r—� A RESOLIITION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND FSTIMATES OF THE COSTS TF�tEOF: STRBET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-4 EE IT RESOLVED, by the Council o£ the City of Fridley as followe: 1. That it appeare in the intereat of the City and of the property ownera sffected that there he conetructed certain improvementa, to-wit: Street imprwement including grading, stabilized base, hot mix bituminoue mat, concrete curb aad gutter, water, eanitary eewer linea and services, incidental drainage and other facilities located as follova: 3rd Street: 58th Ave. to 60th Ave. including slip off from T.H. #47 2} Street: 58th Avenue to 60th Avenue T.H. �47 West Sezvice Road: SSth Avenue to 60th Avenue Loop bet. 3rd St. and T.H. �47 We�t Sesvice Road near 60th Ave. 59th Avenue: 2� Street to T.H. #47 Weet Service Road 58Eh Avenue: 2'� Street to T.H. #47 Weet Service Road 2. That the City Engineer, Neaim M. Qura�hi, City Hall, Fridley, Minn, ie hereby authorized and directed to draw the prelimina.ry plane and apecificatione and to tabulate the reeulte o£ his eetimates of the coate of said improvemente, including every item of coet from iaoeption to completion and all £ees and expeneea incvrred (or to be incurred� in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a prelimina.ry report o£ hia findings, stating therein whether ssld improvements are feaeible and whether they can beat be made ae p2opoeed, or in connection with eome other improvementa (and the eetimated coet ae recommended),including also a deecription of the . lands or area as may receive benefite therefrom and as may be pxopoeed to be aesessed. j. That the City Clerk ahall act to secertain the name and address of the owner of each parcel of land directly e.ffected or within the area of landa ae may be proposed to be seaeaeed for said improvements �and esoh of them�; and upon receipt f�om aaid E�gineera of the said preliminary report, calculat� rst:me.tea of aeaesaments as may be propoaed relative thereto against each of eaid landa. ¢, Thst said preliminary report of the E�gineers and estimates of aeeeesmenta of the Clerk, ahall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inapection to the owner of az�y parcel of land as may be affected thereby at ax�y public hearing held relative thereto, ae vell se at az�y prior iime reasonable and convenient. � ADOPTID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CI'�!Y aF FRIDLEY THIS L_ DAY OF �__ � , 1969. f ATTEST: ' �ITY OL�tK .. Marvin 0. Bruneell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham 101 iJ , �� , IJ �� BESOLUTION N0. �,� A RESOLUZTON RECEIVING THE PRELII�QNARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEABING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVII�PTTS; STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-4 tlFrmtFec� the construction of certaiti improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- bY. BE IT BESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- laws: ' 1. That the preliminary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi, City Enaineer. Gitv of Fri�lev is hereby received and accepted. , 2. That thia Council will meet on the llth day of Aueust , 1969 at 8:00 o'clock P,M. at the CiCy Hall in the City of Fridley fos the purpose of holding a Public Aearing on the improvement noted � in the Notice attached hereto and made s part thereof by reference, Euhibit "A". , ' _ ' ' ' ' ' � , .A I�� r 3. That the area propoaed to be asseased for said improvementa and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areas as noted ia said notice: All of the same to be aesesaed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give notice of such Public Hearing by publiahing a notice thexeof in the of£icial newspaper of the City of Fridley according to law, auch notice to be subetantially in the form and subatance of the notice attached here- to ss Exhibit "A". ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TiIE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF ' , 1%9, eTTEST: CITY CLERR - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0, Kirkham 102 1 �� ' � , , � L1� , LJ ' ' ' � , ' C1 LJ ' Ul'C1(il.AL YUDuIGa•11U1V CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHZBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVL'MENT PROJECT ST. 1970-4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements hereinafter described be made. N�l, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV$N THAT on the llth day of Auguat , at 8:�� o'clock P.M., the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general natuxe of the imp=ovements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Stxeet tmprov�ent including grading, atabilized base, hot mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, sanitary sewer lines and aervices, incidental drainage and other facilities located as follows: 3rd StreeC: SSth Avenue to 60th Avenue including Slipoff from T.H. 4P47 2'� Street: 58th Avenue to 60th Avenue T.H. ��47 Weat Service Road: 58th Avenue to 60th Avenue Loop bet. 3rd St. and T.H. 9k47 West Service Rd. near 60th Avenue 59th Avenue: 2� Street to T.H. ��47 West Service Road 58th Avenue: 2'� Street to T.H. �647 West Service Road ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 96, 910.60 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IIfPROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS; For Construction Item abwe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All of the iand abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. 103 That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improvements as separate improvements, except as hereafter otheiwise provided by Council all under the following authozity, to-wit; Mfnnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatoxy thereof, and in confoxmity with the CharCer. 11ATED THIS � DAY OF� � 1969 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Attest: MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ' CITX CLERK - Maxy�n G. Bruneell ` Publish� JULY 30, 1969 �'�� AUGUST 6, 1969 10�� Sbeet i of_Shse�: '$ ' _ ' - ���EP`9ER�GEPICY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT ' i Under Public'Law 875, Slst Congress, as amended) qdJ1M OPRI[Y Oi M PRFBIpEM 1. APlLIC T Sba A� ey, C ly, . 4r4�tlen DUtriet, eteq � 3. DIiw9TER DEC4�IRATION /�DATE / s /� aa✓ 7�+ �� fTATL '`. ._. �, COVNTY 5. p9P[CTfO D T! C � /L �. *ORK CATLGORY (!LE DLFINIT[ONE) 7. YAP OR TO R6►CRlNCE NO• �. TYPL (CMek) b. IT6Y NO. e. TOTAL '❑A �B �C ❑D �t �F /� �TgM3 L *ORYTOB6ACCOYPLIBNlD6Y: ci �. Cenb�et 4. ►orce �, (,pCATION AND ALfCRIPT{ON OP DAMAO6D FACtLRI84 ❑ Aeceunt ' � / �O� COYPLETED TO DA7L/� O � /�Ll� //C.(/� r( tl. D6RR[PT[ON W� DAWG6 - /�///+ /i+ �/ . 17. ►lOrO!<D tYtlOLNCY fORC ' . /' d/ 13. SUYYARY OF S6TIYATL pUANTRY lfN1T YA'iCRIAL AND/OR DBSCRlP'tIOM UNiT PR1CL CMS �. b. � � e. d. �. ��%� �3 /%.d�. �C,rT O/vyr..� � . CO � I/.� 00 ✓�r/V /7r� �i c��Ui���'r� ��� B�7iOl! ..��1 /Y�'� !/i� �S �.l �L � �T 4lir✓/�,++ iJ S� .�rl �Y /1. �O / . TOTAL 6ETINATED COST `'� o II.INiURAMCB COVLRAGt �YSS W NO � AMOVNT /"� I3. ►QIDQiG4 O b. WgLICIBLH �• �BDHRA � CYOR (Si`nat�re) w FLI6mL6 (6apldrt S�p�rNelrl �/-� , i ' --__ O/G 16. CONCVRRENCF�B '' � e. fTATE INSPFCTOR (Si�n�ture) A. AGSNCY OR OFFICE ] �. Y[� � b. NO e iPR SEj7TATIVB OP AP�CANT (51 n�ivre) 'f' 7 � f�/�/ � � �. Y[S � b. NO �� ��� I I JYYl� ' '`i • /- �ww 06P IN ' IN�TAUCT�ON/ FOa CONPL6TIN6 TNIS �ORY AR! tONTAM6D [N HANDBOOK ���, �� ��� � � ~• �OR REDERAL ACENCY INSPECTORS, 06P CIRCULAR 1000.6 d. DAit 7-1�-6� COPY N0. 1• OEP COPY 0 io,i Sheer 1 of _ Shexts ���,� ' _ ' �jf EP�ERGEt�CY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT �7 � � Under Public i.aw 875. Slat Congress, ea amended) wo�ntie oc.ce or n� ar�eioeN� 1. APVL[C�VVT�(Stau A eY. Counl�Y. �iVtion Di�trict. ete.) !. U[SABTER D6< ! ! / r . 2 s. 7, iTAT6 �, COVNTY y, p79PLCT[O % %i � ,�'� 6. wORK CATEGORY (SE6 DEFIN7TION3) T. YAP OR OT� /. TYP6 (CA«k) p. 1T6M NO. e. TOTAL /. NO. A �B �C �D �E �P iTgM �.rORKTOB6ACCOYPLISXEDBY � �. Cmlr�et �►• Parc� f. LOCATION AND D,EECRIPTIOH OF DAYAGBD FAC[L171E8 . ��p� / 10. P[RC{MTAOL O► �OQK / �/' � � //� � � COYPLLTZD TO DATE �� tl. DLfCRIPTION OP DAYA6! � O/ � l7. SUNMARY O! 6DTIYATE QUANTfl'y Ulq'f WTBRIA6 AND/OR DESCRIPTIOH �UI�l1' PRICI COiT �. b. � e. �. •. /Ca f1`• ,`..6..i �r/ofi.:� .��J �l. od lv, na ��4. ' r� .Gi6�// �f 1r1� 21 UO' -�S ZO.Od .j20 /�'�i �,w.,/f %rv.� /�� ��Od � 60,00 �� /✓/ �� /� ' � .G�� B� 2. .� 0 ��OO.Od -� . TOiAL 6!T[NA76D COST O QO 1{. INfNRA]ICL COV6RACE � YES �IIO � AMOUNT � ❑ b. QiELI01BLE °' �. LLI6IBLC (6apbin tepo�tely) t. iTATE Iq7PEC'IOIt (Si�n�tere) ��.YE� �►.NO �y{ e.RFPR6lENTATIVE OP APPLIf Ip� �. YES � E. NO =; • r•� ��r - IS. FINDIN6! I�ECT � (81�nHUr�) 16. CONCVRR67iC4s d. A66NCY OR T (Sitn�tme) L{ DAT[ ��� '!. DAT6 • �1/ ' cT'� r� `I�, I 7c( �fd��P°r 1aw OCP 161 . Iy�T�UCT10N3 FOlf COMPLET�iNO THIS pOlY AyR CONTA�N�� ��]�{�� N�t�nb�� ��M � "' ��►OR F6DERAL A6ENCY INSPECTORS, OBp QIR�UL^R IQ40.� .. �. ..y. Ibr' . .. . . .. . ro r,r No. �i • ���a� ee�iPr 0 l0� � ' Shee� ) of _ Shee�s � ' _ ' ' � E61ER6EMCY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT � � Uuder Public Law 875. 81st Congress, ea amended) oaamVa oFrcF aF �.e v.�eoer.n � . L�APPLICA T ��te A'ney, oun ity, Ini��tion Distdet, MeJ 3. DIfAlT6R DECLARATION DAT6 ��• ;. �%c 2z �/:� � l �, {TA7L �, COUNTY � y, INlPlCT Np ATE i�iyJ - n d � � �/ /�G 6. *ORK CATECORY (366 DfPINIT10N3) T. MAP O HOTO R6FER6fiC6 NO. '�. TYPL (CMek) b. RiM NO. t. TOTAL �A �B �C ❑D �L �► ` 1TeYS �•1'ORICTOB6ACCOYPLIfNECBY: 9. LOCATIOp ANO qHBCRIPTION Ot DA1[AG6D RAC[Ll'CIEB ❑�' C°°���t ❑ b Acewnt �� 1�. ►[RC6NTAGL Ul AORIC . COYPLiTLD To DATL p / // 1L q6lCR[PTION OP DAYAOL I�i' J/ 1J. ►ROPOt�D t O�MCY MOR[ � - /✓ / /� 1 v . .'i II�// /re.w �� GM�..7 - 13. tUMWRY OF i/T[MATL � QYAMTftY UNIi YATLRIAI, AND/OR DIECRIP7iOl� UNIT DilCi CO/T �. �. � e. �. �. CO r� y ,`B� ..� 1,,,'. .�,.- 20.4d doo, oa /�� , /s'ri ,l%�... rw � l � � /.�'Od Z�oo, d�d 9` � f�� ,C�.����'�,�ow�h� t oo �9� Z3o �� .�,a.. ',� C � ^ �/!0 3`�'• � d 200 ..il .l.•- . S'a vo, oa �b /� ,L�-� ��'-��' ��•.or•.��) .��! 29f�oo � TOTAL 6S71MAT6D CMT �� DQO !J 11. INOVRANC6 COVBRAOL � Y!8 . NO � AMOUNT I3. FWDINGE �_� a !. IN61IGlBL! °' �. L610mLL (E:vl�ln !<D�r�teir) . If.CONCURR6NCgY e. fTATE 1NBPECTOR (9i�n�tur�) ] �. Y63 � b. NO � e. RPAEE6N7ATIVE OF APPL(( � �. YLi � A. NO � A % ! �/l � OR O!!'ICE e. d. DAT6/ '1 rk7rLoq �ww OFP IN ���TI{UCS{pN4 ppg k'OI�p;,;TiNg'�'HIS j��t AR! COIITAINHD 171 HANDBOOK � MpM�ber tf46 � -' ►OR /ED6RAL AOENCY INSPECTORE, 06P CIRCULAR �000.6 � COPY N0. 1- OEP COPY '�' i � ' ' 1 ' ,' ' ' � � 1 ' - : ' � , ; I � � ' ' , I I � � ' � ' � ��)'� $heef 1 of _ Sheefs � � _ � . �11���i ER1E,� R6�EFJCY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT � Uuder Public Law 875, 81st Congreas, aa emended) ourvrn+e acs� or T.ie r+r�so�tir ' 1, APPL[CA T taN A`e y, Co nt Ity, lniplion Di�lrict, �tc J 7. DIBAST6R D6CLARATION DATE �� ` ,.;�"� rz � �� �9� s, {TATL l�� ♦, COUN�` � S�9PECT70ly��YE /�/� C �/ G � 6. MORK CATEGORY (SEE DEPINITIONS) 7. MAP OR TO R6FERlNCE NO. '�. TYPL (Check) !. R[M NO. c. TOTAL �A � �B �C D �t �f �T�Y�11 t.MORKTOBCACCOYPLI5XED8Y: C! �. Contr�et b. twee 9. LOCATION AqD �EBCRIPTIOH OP DAYAGLD PACILITI68 ❑ 7k�e��t � �� 10. PlRCENtAG6 UF 1'ORK /d • � '' COMPLHTBD 70 DATL4 d It. D68CRIP'fIOH O DAYAG6 ��/i.�jar%.Y// G�� /7iv�✓ �//duJ irri�� f�� ���1% �� �� U.DtOPO/LD 6YlQO[NCY wORK � � " � 17. tUYMARY OF i8T[ItATe QUA}i'1'ITY UNR YATERIAL AND/OR DLDCRIDTIW� UNIT PRICL CMT .. s. �. a. .. 2�O �" /Yk' „�,�.- ra ..l� � S, 00 3�e[1 Gd go . ,�i ,�✓ ,D-J Zo, od /daa, or� �� �/ � f�0 ff�� .�06- .✓ �o, oo /Goo.Od � TMAL RtT1WTLD COfT /O � O y/ G O U. 1NbLRANC! COVERAC! ❑Ygs 1]'1 NO � AYOUNT cy 4.INELIGIBLL� °' �. ELI6mLL ❑ �Bapl�in Ss p�rNelr) c. � �. Ytf � �. NO e. � a. Y6S � b. NO � fernOEP IN MMemEer 196ti 16. INSPECTOR (Sisneture) IS. IIt�DR7G! � A. AG6NCY OR OlP1C6 DAT6 iE36NTATIVE OF APPL[CANT (Si�n�yy e) "C �� r� �A. DAT6' ^�� I �c..�.�-� �-C. /J�u-�.E'.�.' e�-1'��,u� ���y � 7-I v [NBTRVCTIOMS FOR COMPI,ET�NG TR� PONM AR} Cjtn'�'A�N�D �N KAND6�OM � �OR I{pRRAL AQlI(CY INEPECTORb, 6LP CIRCULAR 1000.6 GOPY NO� 1• OEP COPY 1:; i , i ,� ' � ! , i ' . ' I ' � i , � i ''i : '� � ' ' I � I ' ' � � ' ', I i '�i i ' �. I 'i i ��,r o c . EF�E�R�GEN�CY �aevrM a�rice v n�e �eioexr 1. APPLICAl7S/(SUb A�ne�. (7gynl �/ / �� 7. l�� �,^n:rc � �? W �bQ;c� DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT ( Uudcr Public.Law 875. Rls't Congess, as amended) InIP[ion Dl�trict, ete.I 3. GISA9T6R D6( �. / %%/131 � H iJd �d 6. rORX CATBOORY (S8b DEFINIT[ON7) i. TYPL (Ch�ek) � .OA �e �C � �6 �F 9. LOCATIOM AND DElCR[PTION Of DAYAGED FACILITIHS fT/aH4///u% �Y//O! L iY>/�ti tl. O��CRIPTION O► DA4AG6 � • „y ::: : z _ /• / . _i '�eg�..: �ORK �, � �& QaF[C4.LS� S. DAT6 7. YAP O(�ROTO R6FLR[lACQ FPO. e.TOTAb R6N$ t.901P[CT09LACCOYPLRH6�BY: � e. Cwnesoce � b. ferco AceeueS AH�. �F3R��i9°9'caC3i� �G+' uwJI:2kA C�C8fID66�C8iP 9F� �c2^a f3 � _ �✓ '������� � QUAM7RY Vl1R YA4R@BAL AND/6R DLSCRI?'S'HOA –� . 1 �'�� ��� ��.--��Y �. i. � � c.. d. � a. �9 � �. �'�,``>� L:' 1� � � a� � �, vo % . fl�it �,���.`o.r. .O !i �� C�9 '�� a��� �� ..3�9 /t'�s ,�1,�..f �- • C�,�.f " � � � �� �'��� �7�� /' /ti 61 N .66idI� �� .A � N� � 'I ��9' t �� i /�° Y '1/ /Y�/ /�� �/ �/'''� � d0 . ��3 � /�''� ��Aiss .�u! . �d ..�`�. Od aorwc asaam,es�a ��oa � ' � � ���� N. MBUItANC6 COYSRA08 a Yt8 � �MO � AOAOUtt'd' — � -- — � O b. IPo6LE68IBY6 e. ■ DBF ��. LL16�LE (6xptein l�puately) � ' � e. {TAT[ MlPECTOR (Sl�n+lurc) ]�. YE6 ��e. NO � <. �(.. .e�� r«. osr iw /eytamber 191M es. �erapvips ��6C�f R (siQnoe�maH 16.CONCURR6NGf! y A. AG6NCY OR OFFICE R65EIMiAT7VE OF APPLICANT (8 aturo) (�� � � �• ��� �-r.�s ��ct- � IK!T.RVSY94[!t PR!! fR�Sik4Ti►tSt 9'@�'S �QRM �a cowreaae€e� au� a�ac��a�vt5 ►QR F6PERA4 AcspCr IqiP4CTOR8. 06P CfFGVyA7f 4GV0,; = a:�, � .. . .. , , - . 6�. �Ai� �� B . � s. ��i@ A, DAT6 �,�°��°��� COFY IYO. B • 06� [OiY , 10� . �� �; � � Sheet I o/_Shee�s � , '.� • _ • . Eiv1ERGENCY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT ,' '� ( Uuder Public.Law 875, 81s't Congresa, as amended) OIl6l�M CiHCE OF T�E PRE910ENT L AiPL/I�C�AN�TL/�Stale A[e ey, County. Clt . Ini`�tlon D�rtrict. �rc.) ' 7. UqIE�AjSTER DECLARAT/IO(NjD/AT6 , � 4 � /. � . /� i � G G e ri/ f /G ], lTAT �, COVNTY S. INDPECT N-0A7! '' � �-� /C,� /9l ' . 6. MO1tK CATEGORY (SEE DEFINIT[ON9) 7. YAP NOTO R6F6RENCE NO. -�. TYPE (CMe4) !. fl'EY NO. c. TOTAL �A �B �C �� �6 �! 1T6Y9� �.MORKiOBLACCOYPLfeHCOBY: , f. LOCAT[ON AND q6lCR[PTION OP DAYACED FACILiT165 - �'' Coetrp1 ❑ b Aceou�l A 10. P�RCBNTACL Ut ROQi , %% � • �1 // COYPLIT�D TO DATQ (� ��ld.i./Y! �../ t/ .7/ /�J.i'v ' 11. DEBCR[P'C[ON OP CAMAG! ' ' , / /o � 'i/ ' �O/ . 1!. PROPOitD LIRROtMCY tORR ' � j % f�/ i � � / � ' 07 i � ✓s.� s.- ..o- � ./.t'�r�i�/!s'9 '. '� U.fUMMARY OF t8T1YATL ' ; QUAMRY UNIT YATLRIAL AND/OR DtfCRIPTION UNR iRIC■ COlT �. ►. � e. �. �. � . 33/ 6'C� � 6' ./ �; � �.-r � .s�,yr u...�,,.y . o�e� z.�z.�.� ': �" � !,� ,� / /C� � � �;� �l ay, -. --j'� 14, si: �iH� ! ��. / i �U ; %2 ,G�J ,� ��.f �;.-Y� � 1 '�/-2�' �2,/G 1� I i �b -- 3,; vo � 1�/,.-- �.�f/� .-. �; � . torwc �ar�rnTen coar �� �� N. 1NBURANCL COVERAG6 QYL7 � NO � � AMOUNT 1 ' I � I5. Pp�D1N05 , i � 4. INlLIOIBLE �•`EDERAL 1 E�TOR (Sl{n�tve) � d. DA� 'i ��. LLf61BL6 ❑ (6zDl�in Sep�n�elrl ,� y_ _ '� v /` / � i � �6. CONCURR6NCF�5 e. STATE [NSPECTOR (SiQn�Wre) e. A06NCY OR OFP[C! e. DATE ''� �. YB6 � b. NO . . ,.._. • � ❑ e. R6PR65ENTATIVE OF APPLICANT (Si�n�lure) �(,i ��� E. DATB � �. YBS Y. NO t � C�� �'_ Q ' i . /��-/L' c�`� r..�. OFP 1 W In�SRUC�'IONi WO� �'QuP�i�{�� THIS �O*!1 ARF CQNTwIq6D IN HAN9mOpK � kpt�mper 196ti � �' . � ' - ��Oq �EDERAp A66N[Y IHSPECTORg. pEP CIRGU{.AR �009.6 �ppY N0. 1- OEP COPY .,- ; 1' . ,' ' ' 1 . ' ' 1 � � ' � ' ; � � , : 1i 1 1 i I I, I '.i '• i ' �. . 1 i 0 I�p Sheet 1 o6_Sheets �� . a . ' EF�IE� DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT ' ' ( Uuder Public Law A75, 81st Congress, as amended) vuo�rne arscc or n�e vaEeio�r I, APPLICANT (Ebte A/��ne�, C�un1y..Ciry, Irci`e�ion Dl�bict. ��e.) 3. D13ASTER DECLAF ..:. . �. .� < r, i �.��. / / i /��.'_- �, fTATL � � �' T1, COVNTY � S. iN9PCCTI N DATB � /. S � _ '"' /` ?S . � . i. 6. 1PORK CATE60RY (866 D6F[lIITIONS) �. TYPf (Ch�ek) �A �B �C �D �6 �P 1: LOCATION AND qC3CRIP'IION OP DAMAGED PACILRI6f /III��.I% �/IIl /� �K Y / 7 /� J.�J 11. D64CRIPTION OP DAYAG6 � 17. PR070tLD 6YLR6<NCY fORC ! .-�+>. ✓�/..' i � %' iF i � .i� iin,. Ot LfTIYA7e ITE1t9 �:� :�j /,��� i. YAY OR PNOSO R6FER6NCC NO. �. �'ORCT066ACCOMPLIEH6DBY: q .. cenn.�i ❑ s. �e.e. Aceount QUAM'ItY IJN1T YATLRIAL AND/OR DilCRiPT10N ��T P=�� C«T .. s. � � e. �. e. .i .� � > ; � - tl: r� �•�' jj :>:, %� .� � / / ... �, • ` /�� �ir:./� -- yG4� �v•.� � �--'•' �J � �- j/. . :'�. .. / /.�" : "� �'':� ; _, a %'' � .�/. l% , =: - r iJ ✓;: -_: %� :i�::� "_ .- ./y,,.- �/.j_ . f�j-'� � - j;'�'%< /U / � �J..--�v-s� ��.�� /f i� ���-' .,� -�� .,,� �'!%. /�: , �. � ' /G'. :.� / •w�r• � . v i� � � _ .. ✓ . TOTAL LiTIYAT[D COST � i ' � � .J ��. INfURANCE COVLRA�6 �j . ��Itb �HO � AYOUNT � �^� b. WELIGIBL6 �' �•. s�amte ❑ (e.vw� s.w..�.ir> , 16. �e. ru�v�noa a. DwT6 C /G� e. STATE INSP6CTOR (Slanatura) d. AOBNCY OR OFP[CL . � �. Yt! � 0. No . e. R6PR636NTA7IVC OF APPLICAN7 (51`n�lure) � � {,�, ��: YLf � b. NO � ("f) � � r N- I�re 06P li/ -, ,�.�N/T VQ�Ii�N� ►OII C01�Pk�T1NG TxlB ORM AR[ CONTAINED IN HANDBOOK teppmber 1966 . . ��.. �� -- � ' iOR�6DCRAL AG6NCY [NfPEQTQ�s, OLt CIROVLAR �WO.f •. DA7E 7 -!� COPY N0. 1- OEP COPY 1;t 1 Shee� i ol_Sheete ���� � _ � r. EI'�ERGENCY DAMAGE SURVEY REPORT ` � ( Uuder Public•Law 875, 81st Congress, en amended) O�Vf1Ut �FIC� OF M PREBOlNT �, APPLfCAMT,(St�t� A�eneySount C��y. Irrisation Di�trlet, ete.) 2. D[SASTER DECLARATION DATE �r . / . �'i '�� //.'• /�� +oiJ�/�� //�� ,L sr�re ' ./ ♦, couxrr s. txarse'rtoer u�re ��,.� ._. ._ -5!�i /. i/ % ; /y� � 6. YORK CATECORY (38E DEF1N1710N37 fi VAP 9:@ qSA��� �2�EiRHElCS 110. '�� TYPB (Ch�ck) E. ITBY NO. c. SOTAL �A �H �C �D �6 �► 1Te�A �-VORKTOBLACCOYPLIfNiDlY: v �. Conb�et b. �ve� f. LOCATION AND qLfCRIPT[ON OP DANAGED FACILIT16g ka�� . �J U. P[RC6NTACL UF �ORK 7// COYPGLTLD TO DATt .r/i✓.'/.'/.Ii / / /� /�„'..i i /�'.�1 � //', iJ / / Ii. Gl�CRIPTIOY OF DAYAOL � � � , �� //y: ,,. - If. ►ROPOliD �YBROLNCY WRK � i i •. ;//- r �. �� �/ / ., _......._° -- ----•--- ' V�AbTRT ��'1' , YATiRGL AND/OR DLlCRIPTION �UMfl' PRICS CODi �• 6. � e. hi: s. / � �' r'. � : �- � /"�:-� �At /6��i ' �.1;: � ��% �� %���'�...` � (/ �7F• � . /':�/ .i!%/_i. �� �:v �/ /:� j �G�� . , �.. <''O /� / � `` /_^ ��%;' G-r � .�1�� �� ,./ . . „i /� ./L' . ' . . ' J . . �� .� G°t' ✓�� `J�, '. �� ��..` � �':� J�' f:�,.!'%'�� f,?.�T_a' /��!✓S� . ._ � � ' . TOTAL �fTIYATE� COfT / N.IN�URANCL COV6RAOE �Y65 �110 � AYOUNT � IS. �7F8pE71Gi Q b. p�ELIGIBLE r °•'gDtRAL IPtgPECTOR �i. LLI(i�L6 (6tp�alrt SeD�r�tel ) � � @. - l6. CONCURR6NCFS I/ `'' e. 3TATE INfPECTOR (Sian�twe) d. AG6NCY OR OFPICE •. DATB ] �. YL/ � 0. Ii0 �O �lPR� TNl.OF APP ANi fSl�n�l�s'/ �G/y/�R ���L`� a� `'� C� � .. res e. ao / i i� r«. oer �e� lNr;�RVC.T.IQ�A 7"QR �Rq��h#fTI�IR'6tl's �Si!!M AIlt ¢411TAI�i�P 86+�aA����o9B . Nylembv 1966 rOR PCD6RAL AcENCY INSPHCTORS, OLP C[RCULAR 8000.6 . � COPY N0. 1• OEP COPY � ' � RESOLUTION N0. � A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN �GORDAt10E WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Moka County, Minnesota, ' as follows: _ ' SEC. 1. The total estimated cost of Water Improvement Qroject No. W 92 has been estimated at $30,000.00 ' SEC, 2. It is now estimated that the s�an of $30,009.00 is currently �-�2 necessary to provide financing of the projects abw e noted, and it is hereby determined to be necessary to borrow said amount for the payment of obligations riow incurred and for expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the construction of said improvement project. 5BC. 3. There is hereby created Wdter ImproVement PI^ojett N0. W 92 which shall contain a construction account as part thereof into which ahall be paid all proceeds of temporary bonds issued pursuant to this resolution and similary subsequent resolutions, and out of which shall be paid all amounts due and payable as costs or expenses incident to or incurred in connection with the making of said impravement. SBC. 4. There is also hereby created water Improvement Project No. W 92 a P& I Account which account in said fund may and shall be termed as the P& I Fund, into which shall be paid the proceeda of all special asseasmen[s levied against benefited property by reason of making of said impravements as well as all other monies therein to be paid as.provided by law and out of which shall be paid the principal and interest on all temporary improvement bonds isaued to finance said project. SEC. 5. It is hereby determined that the sum of $30,000.00 shall be borrowed to finance said Water fmprovement Project No. W 92 ' with respect to cost of construction and expenses neceasarily incurred relative ,... . _.._ 1 � . : r- ' ' ' , � � ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' 1 r ' ' � thereto to this date, by the issuance of temporary improvement bonds of the City of Fridley as authorized in Minnesota Statutes, SEC. 429.01, Subdivision 3, as amended by.Laws 1957, Chapter 385. SEC. 6. Said bonds shall be payable from the �P & I gund of the following: Water Improvement Project No. W 92 but the City further recognized its duty under the law, as provided by Seca 429.a�91, and cwenants and agrees with the purchaser and all holders from time to time, of said temporary improvement bonds, at or prior to the maturity thereof that it will pay and retire such bonds and [he interest thereon out of the proceeds of definitive improvement bonds which the Council shall issue and sell at ox �rior to the matusity of the temporary imprw ement bonda to the exten� rcha� the same cannot be paid our of £unds available in ttxe P� I Fun� o� �1d�er ImpraP��tnert P1rojeCt N0. W 92 or out of other t3aanieipal funds,which are properly available and are appropriated by the Council for such purpose. SBC. 7. It ia hereby determined to levy special assessments against benefited property by resson of the making of Wdtel^ Implrov2m2nt PtrojeCt No. W 92 and to levy ad valorem taxea, if necessary, to 1_t3 produce sums at least 5$ in excess of the amounts sufficient to pay principal and interest when due on said temporary impravement bonds and on any definitive bonde to be issued as herein prw ided, such special asseasmeents to b� placed on the tax rolls at such time when said imprwement projecta have been cermpleted or the total cost thereof has been determined, SEC. 8. Said [�porary imprw ement bonds in the amount of $30,000.00 shall be denaminaced Water Improvement Project No. W 92 Bond Series "A" shall be Slx (6) in naimber and numbered fr� 1 to 6 inclusive, each in the denomination of ��a���•Q� ahall bear interest at the rate of �% per annum, payable semi-annually on JUIy 8nd JdnuaPy of each year and shall mature oea `��ly 1° �9�2 , ahall be subject to redemption and pre-payment on acsy intereat pay�gn� date� at Par � ' ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , 1 ' , ' ' ' and accrued interest. Not less Chan 30 days before che da.e specified fur rede�ption on said bonds, the City Treasurer shall mail no[ice of the call thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer shall mainta3n a record of the nemes and addresses of the holders of said bonds insofas �s such infoamation is made available [o him by the holders thereof, for the purpoae of mailing said notices. The principal and all interest on said bonds ah�ll be payable at Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N E. Minneapolis. Micuaeaota 55421. S&C. 9. Said temporary improvement bonds shall be mimeogsaphed and When so mimeographed shall have attached [hereto an interest coupon which bond and coupon shall be substantially in che following form: (Form of Coupon) No. F (Unleas the bond deacribed belw is called for earlier redemption) on the day of l9 , the County, Minneso[a, will pay to bearer at Minnesota, the s� of money of the United Statea of America for intereat then due on its DATSD CITY MANAf;ER �Y� c � � 12�� dollars lavful SEC, 10. Said boads and coupone attached shall be prepared under the direction of ehe City lianager aad ahall be executed on behalf of the City by the •ignaturee of the Mayor and Manager, and the corporate aeal of the City shall be affixed t � ' ' �_� i theteto, and the appurtenant iuterast coupon s`.:sil be :::?:�::u�rapaed and au[henticated, by the printed, engraved, Lithographed, or facsimile signatures of said tiayor and lianages, When said bonds have been executed and authentica[ed they o6a11 be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchaae price heretofore agreed upon and accrued incerestto date of delivery and said purchaser shall nbt be obliged to see to the application thereof. ' SSC. 11. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified eopy of this resolution with County Auditor of Moka County, together with such , LJ CJ ' ' r , other information as he shall require and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate tha[ said bonds have been entered on this bond register. SBC, 12. The bonds issued hereunder shall be payable for Wdte1' Implro Vement P1^OjEGt N0. W 92 vhich is hereby crested. The Treaeurer shall cause all monies received from the proceeds of said bonda, all soniea appropriated and transferred from other funda and all special aeeesammta for the imprwemen[s prwided tha[ if any payment of principal or intereat shall become due when there ia not sufficient moaey in said fund to pay the same, the Treasurer ahall pay auch principal or interest fram the general fund of the City and such fund ohall be reimburaed for such advancea out of monies to be credited ' Co said fund when said monies are collected. All proceeds for said bonds except , ' ' ' t ' ' aecrued interest shall be credited to [he fund and used to pay the coat of said ioprw meata , SHC. 13. It ie further provided that ahould it appear at any time that the monies credited to said fund and provided for the payment of principal or intereat on the bonds vhen the a�e become due are not aufficieat [o pay the same, that then the City ahall issue further definitive imprwement bonds ae authorized and prwided in accordance with Minnesota StaCutes, Sec. 429.091, Chapter 475, and that [he procesa of eaid fur[her definitive bonda ahall be firat used to pay the principal and intereat as !e [hen due and to redeem the temporary bonds isaued thereunder, � 1 1 ' , � , , ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' , ' ' 1_�.�. SBC, 14. The City Council has determined chac not less than twenty percent (20b) of the total coat of said imprw�ents will be pnid by apecial assesem�gs to be levied againat every lot, piece or parcel af Land benefited by the said i�pzw�ents. The City hereby cwenants and agrees that it will do and pesfo�m, �a aoon as t�ey caa be done, all acte and thinga necessary for the final and valid l�vy of such apecial aaseesments, and in the event that any sush aeaessments be a[ any tiae held iavalid with reepect to a�r lot, piece or parcel of land, due to aay error. defect or irregularity, or in aay action or proceedlag talcea or to be taken by the Council or any of the City Officers or employees, either iaa the aaking of such asaeaement or in the perfoxmance of aay condi[Lon pseced�t thereto, the City and thia Council will forthwith do all auch further prceeedings a� o�y be required by law to make euch asaessments valid and binding Eiena �gain�t ��ch property, and also shall take auch further proceed4nge aa msy be r�quLred by law to prw ide moniee £or the payment of principal aad intesese ae the sans fall due on the bonds isaued hereunder and to provide for the sedemption of the sane. SEC, 15. It is hereby determined that the collectioa of special aseea�ents and the proceeda of monies appropriated and transferred £xom other Eeanda iq and will be in an amount of at least five per cent (SZ) in ezcese of the aau►t required to pay the principal of and the intereet on �aid bo�s s�em �e;� awd that no ad valorm tax levy is accordiagly required. S&C.. 16. The officers of the City and the County Audi[os of Anoka County are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnieh to the puschaeer of said bonds and to the attorneya aQprwing the legality of the i�auexac� �&�,�i�e�s, cestified copiee of all proceedinga an� recosd� seg��4� Ro eaid �nda and So the finax►cial affaire of eaid City, and euch other affidaeits, certificates and info:mation as may be required, to ahow the facte relating Lo the legality aod marketability of esid bonda as the smue appear ffrom ¢he booke and raeord. undar ' � ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' � ' , ' ' 1 ' , ' 1 their cuatody and control or as otherwiae imown to the, and such certificatea, aortiPi�d copies and affidavita, including any heretotose furniehed, �hall be d�em�d repreeenta[ions of the City as to tha corsactneas of all statementa coatained thereia. EASSBD AND ADOPTEp gy T!� CITY COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF FR7DLEy THIS DAY 08 , 1969. A'1'PaSI': CITY CL6RE , Marvia C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. &irkhau CITY MANAG81t - omer . n rum -+!L/ 1 t`�' 1�t�3 �so�.uTiou t�o. _���_ A RESOLUTION DIRECTING TIIF. SALE AND PURCIIASE OP TEPII'ORARY IMPROVEMENT BOb'DS IN ACCORD:4\GF. WIT}{ ),AWS OF 1957, CHAPIER 385 BE IT RESOLVEA By the Cicy Council of the Ci.ty of Fridley, Anoka County, Minneso[a, as follows: TNAT WEIEREAS It has heretufore been deteLmined by this Council [o issue temporary improvem.�nt bonds in order to provide the necessary funds for the construction and payment of expenses relative to the following improvement projects to-wit: Water Improvement Project No. W 92 as per plans and specifications approved by the City Council: and Wf�REAS I[ has been deCermined that there is at [he present time an amount in excess of $30,000.00 in thc following fund, to-wit: ' Regular Special Assessment Fund (Principal & Interest Account) ' vhich sum will no[ be required for other purposes prior to JUIy 1, 1972 IT IS THEREFORE Detexmined to bc in the intr.rest oi the City of Fridley that [he ' s�an of �30,000.00 of the Regular Special Assessment Fund (Principal & Interest Account). � ' , LJ , BE INVESTED As authorized by law and in accordance therewith it is hereby de[ermined to purchase the sum of $30,000.00 Project No. W 92 of the aforementioned water Improvement �nder date of July 1, 1969 , UPON Their initial issuance in accordance with�f he provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091, 471.56, and 475.66, out of funas�the Regular Special Assessment Fund (Principal & Interest Account) and on behalf of said fund at par and accrued in[erest as of the date of delivery of said bonds and completion of such sale; i[ being further determined to be reasonable and advantageous co the Prineipal & Interest Account. � of the ReguldP SpeCiel AsseSSment Fund to invest in said temporary improvement bonds t ' and to be reasonalbe and advantageous to thc City to sell said temporary improvement bonds co che Principal 8 Interest Account of the Regular Special Assessment Fund in accordance WiK� �Fpy��ions of this resolution. asc• i• The City lfanager and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed Co Cske aAy and all stepc necessary to eff�ct the provisions of the aforegoing reaolutloae and to make such transfer of funds as may be necessary from time to tLse to give effect to the prw iaions hereof. PAS�D MID ADOPTED BY TE� CITY COUNCIL OF Tt� CZTY OF FRIDLEY THIS anx oa , 1969 MAYOR - Jack O. Kirkham - �� � - Nom�r R. Ankrum A'!'T�ST s Ci17 Ci.BBK - 1�4rvin C..Eruna�ll 119 1 . � ' . . n�� RESOLUTION N0. Iv + A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 , BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of [he City of Fridley, Anoka Coun[y, Minnesota, as follows: - , SEC. 1. The total estimated cost of Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-1 & ST. 1969-2 120 has been estimated at $325,000.00 . SEC. 2. It is now estimated that the s� of $325,000.00 is currently necessary to prw ide financing of the projects above noted, a�d iC is hgxeby de[ermined to be necessary to borrow said amount for [he payment of obligaCions now lncurred and for expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the construction of said improvement project. SEC, 3. There is hereby created Street ImproVement Project No. ST. 1969-1 &$T. 1969-2 �,*hich shall contain a construceion accoune aa part thereof into which shall be paid all proceeds of temporary boads issued pursuant�to this resolu[ion and similary subsequent resolutions, and out of t�thich shall be paid all amounts due and payable as costs or expenses incident to or incurred in connection with the making of said improvement. SEC, 4. There is also hereby created Street ImprOVement PT'6ject No. ST. 1969-1 & ST. 1969-2 a P 8 I Account, which account in said fund may and ahall be termed as the P b I Fund, into which shall be paid the proceeds of all special assessments levied againsC benefited property by reason of making of said imprwements as well as all other monies therein to be paid as provided by law and out of which sha11 be paid the principal and interest on all [emporary improvemen[ bonds issued to finance said project. SEC. S. It is hereby determined that the sum of $325,000.00 ahall be borrowed to finance said Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-1 & ST. 1969-2 with respect to cost of construction and expenses necessarily incurred relative n � ' ' , ' , ' 1 ' �_� ' � ' ' ,' ' , 1�'1 thts�to Lo this date, by the isauance of temporary improv�ent bonds o£ the City of Fridley as authorized in Minnesota Statutea, SBC. 424.01, Subdiviaion 3, as a��nded by,Lawa 1957, Chapter 385. �iC. 6. 3sid bonds shall be payable from the 'P 8 I lund of the folloving: Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-1 & ST. 1969-2 buc th� City further recognized its duty under tha lav, ss prwided by Sec. 429.091, and cw�oant� and a�reea aith the purchaoer and all holdors from tiae to tfae. ot �aid tspoYary iaprwement boxds, at or prlor to the maturity thereof tMt it vill pay znd rttir• �uch bonds and the intera�t thereon out of the psoceed� of definitiv� taprw ment bonda vhich ttie Cowtcil ahall issu� and �all at os prior to the �aturity of th� e�rporary imprwment bond� to the �ztmt that the aa�e ea000t b� paid our of funds available in the P i I' pund of Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-I d� ST. 1969-2 or ouc oi och�r Municipal lieb vhich sre prop�rly �nrailable aad ara appropriat�d by the Couneil ior �uch VnrPw� • ESC. 7. It is h�reby date:miaed to levy �p�cial a�ae�aentr a�aiiut benelit�d yrop�rey by zMaon o! th. �aicing of Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1969-1 6 ST. 1969-2 and to levy ad valora� tsza�, if �cuassq. to psoauc� ne� at l�a�t 5x in accass of th� aount� suificiane to pay priscipal auA int�r�at vh�u du� at �aid t_porarp i�pzw�att bond� �nd on a�r a�tinitiv� boois to b� is�ued s� h�r�in prwidad. auch �pacial as�e��ent� to b� placsd oa th� tas zoll� at �uch tisa vhen said i�eprw��nt pro�eets have b��a ccrpl�tM or t6� total co�t th�r�of ha� been detec�in�d. RC. �. iaid t�rposarp iaprw��t bond� in th� yount oi�i325.000.00 �Lall w a�Mt� Street Improvement Project No. ST, 1969-1 � ST. 1969-2 Bond . Series "A" .hall ba Sixty-five (65) � �Y aiW asD�r�d iraa 1 to 65 inclusive� uc6 in th� da►oainatioa of ;5��•� �6�11 brar iat�r�st at the rate of �% per anaa, payable �m!-aanually oa �uly �d January of aach year and shall �ature on �uly 1, 1972 � �4a11 bt sub��ct to rsdamption and pr�.paymwt on a�gr. lAt�:��t pay�en� �J;6�. aa par p � , �� �J ' �� L ' , ' ' , ' , and acerued interest. Not less [han 30 days before the date sFec�€�¢A €u� redmption on said bonds, the Cicy Treasurer shall mail reoeice o� �h� �r�l' thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer sttall maintain a r�cers� oA the namea and addresses of the holdess of said bonds insofar as such infforsmtlon is made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose of malliag said notices. The principal and all interest on said bonds ahall be p�y�b7.e at Fridley City Hall 643L Uniaessity Avenue R.E. %iaan���aQS.tag d'���c��a__ � 55421. SEC, 9. Said t�porary improvement bonds shall be mimeographed and ��aecs �o mimeographed shall hawe attached thereco an intereut coaago�s �na��s ��a� ��� coupon ahall be subs[antially in the froll�uring ffos�: (%+oa� o� Coupoat) No. (Unless the bond deacribed belov is called ffos essl�.��r �������.��� on cha d�y of -- a A��, `�� � C�uea2�, 6�s�s��a��, �isA� pag+ ¢� �r�sr��r �a AYin¢s��o��+, ¢�a� s� og ■oney of the Uaeis�� S¢���� m� ��a��� ��r� "�m�t�Q€��s� rs�� �i�,� mr, �� UATBD ' CITY MANAG6R �� 1 �� {��� fi IC.. �',e��l�,at�o F<��„i�:� ' SRC. 10. Said bonda and coupoaae ��tach�d atoall b� �a������ �w-�!.b�� �`��'a� c�fl���;b� of the City Mena�es a�� ��11 be execeaKed oca be�bg �g P� �Aree R� �L�,� ,�<"��+�S�r��� � of the P4ayor and A1�eea����p �� �4�� �����s�sg� ��b �� �GaO i�n�,� ePma?l� �� a��Att�� ' ' � ' ' ' ' t ' � ' ' � �I ' � ' ' , ' ' �( t ) thereto, and the appurtenant iuteresc coupon sk:all be m_m�ographed a�d autheraticsted, by the printed, engraved, Li[hographed, or facsimile aignatures of said Mayor aad Managei, When said bonde have been executed and authenticated they ehall De delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon and accrued interest to date of delivery and eaid purchaser shall no[ be obliged to see to the application thereof. SEC. 11. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with County Auditor of Moka County, together with such other infozmation as he shall require and to obisin from said County Auditor a cettificate that said bonds have beea entered on thia bond regiater. SSC, 12. The bonds issued hereunder shall be payable for $tl"28t ImpPOVenlent Proiart Nr� ST 1969-1 & ST 1969-2 which is hereby created. The Treasurer ahall cause all moniea received frcm the proceede of said bonds, �11 moniea appropriated and tranaferred frao other funds and all special asses�o�n[s for the imprwements provided thac if any paymeat of priacipal or intere�t �hall becooe due when there ia not sufficient money in eaid fuad to pay [he saos, the Tr�aurer shall pay such principal or interest froo the general fund of the City and auch fund ahall be reimbursed for such advancea ou[ of noniea to be cr�dited to said fund when said monies are collected. All proceeds for said bonds acc�pt accrued inteteat ehall be ctedited to the fund and used to pay the coat of said iaprwreats. SBC. 13. It is further provided that should it appear at any time that the �oaies credited to sald fund and provided for the paymeat of principal or interest on the boads vhen the aime become due are not aufficient to pay the s�ae, that then the City ahall i�sue further definitive imprav�ent bonds as authoriz�d aad prwided in accnrdance vith lSinneaota Statutea, Sec. 429.091, Chapter 475, and tAat the proceas of said further definitive bonda ahall be first used to pay the principal and intereat as is then due and to redeem the temporary bonds iesued thereunder. � , ' ' ' , , � ' , ' ' , ' ' , , � ' 1`a�" tis SEC, 14. The City Council has determined chat not lesa than twenty percm�t (20�) of the total coat of said imprw�ents will be paid by special aeaeseotnes to b� Levied against every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by the said laprwsents. The City hereby cwenants and agrees that i[ will do and perfo:m, as aoon a� they can be done, all acts and thinge necessary for the final and valid levy of such spacial aaeesaoents, and in the event that any such aases�enta be at anq Ciae held Lmralid with reapect to a�r lot,.piece or parcel of laad, due to ammy error, defect or 7.rregularity, or in any action or proceading tak�n or to be eaken by the Co�s►cil or any of the City Officers or �ployees. either ia the saking of auch asaesament or in tha perfo:mance of aay conditim precedent therew, the City and thie Council will forthwith do all �uch furthar proceediag� as a�y be required bq lav to nake euch asaes�ents valid and bin�i.n� li�� a��� ��� property, aad alro ahall take euch furtiaer proca�diag� �� �ay be requ�r�d by �aw to provide aoaies for the payoent of principal and iaterest as th� �e fall due on tha bonde issued hereundar and to prwide for tha redamptioa of ehe saoe. � SEC. 15. It is hereby determined that the collectioa of epecial a�aeswont• and the proceeda of monie. appropriated and esaasfur�d fr� otlaer fau�s is and vill ba in an amauat of at leeat five per cent (57C) in �ce�� of th� awmt zaquired to pay tha principal of and the interest on �aid bonds s+han du� and that no ad valora tax levy i� accordingly requir�d. SLC. 16. The officera of the City and the County Auditor of Anoka Camty are haraby authorized and directed xa psepare and fusnieh to t�n� p�accl�oa� of said bond� and to tha attorneye apprwin� the le�alffty oi �h� 48�aa��� ¢����t, c�stifiad copi�s of all proce•dings and racord� sela2S� 3� ��i� ba�d9 � so th� fiaancial atfairs of aeid City, and auch other affidavits, c.rtificate� and iniormation ae may be required, to ehow the fact• relatin� to th• lasali2y rad markatability of said bonda as [he same appear £so� the ��5� ase� rocords uoder �- 1 1 , 1 , i 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' � � ' � ' ' their custody and control or as otherwise imwn to the, and auch cercifieatee, clrtifisd copies and affidavita, including any heretofore furnished, ekall be d�emed repreeentations of the City as to the correctaeae of all statements contained therein, pASSBD AND ADOPTED BY THB CITY COUNCIL OF T1� CITY OP FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF . 1969 I►�iTiSP s CITY C1.L�1C - Marvin C. Brunsell' MAYOR - Jack O. Kirkham CITY 1iANAG6A - omer . n rum 12� � ' ' , � C ' , 12F RESOLUTION N0. __�__ � _ , A RESOLUTION DIRECTING TIIE SALE AI�ID PURCl1ASE OS TET�P4R.AA% 7]°`,F'ROV�MENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WIT}i LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 3@5 BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council o£ the City of Fsidley, Aana'xa C�c��t�F Ri���e�otay as folloc�s: THAT Wk�REAS It has here¢o£ore been d�t�aanined b�r khis �s��azx�i 1 t� Uva'au :�apox�xy improvemene bonds in osder to provide the necessary �cand� ��� �h� ��r�t�a�=��A�aa and payment of expenses relative to the following improvement projects to-wit: Street Improvement Pro,iect No. ST. 1969-1 6 ST. 1969-2 � as per plans and speci£�cations approved by the City Counci�� �mmd W4�REA5 It has bAen de�erminecl thar_ ��exe is at the pr�sgaet timQ aa� amount in excess of $3�5s000.00 An etae £o�lowing funda e�-�aix� ' Bonds of 1960 Fund (Principal & Int�e^e�� Accmunt) � ' 1 LJ ' ' � which s�nn will not be required for other purposes prior to JU1,� ]g 1972 IT IS THEREFORE Determined to be in the interest of Che City of Fridley Chat the swo of $325,000.00 of the Bonds of 1960 fund (Principal & Interest a4cc�unt) BE INVESTED As au[horized by law and in accordance therewith it is heseby determined to purchase the s�nn of _$325,000.00 Project No. ST. 1969-] & ST. 1969-2 of the aforementioned Stree� Improvement under date of �uly 1� 1969 , UPON Their initial issuance in accordance vith the provisions of Minnesota Statu[es, Sec. 429.091, 471.56, and k75.66, out of funds Of the BOtlds Of 1960 Fu11d (PPinCipol & IntB1'25t ACCOUnt) and on behalf of said fund at par and accrued interest ae of the date of delivery of said bonds and completion of such sale; i[ being further de[ermined to be reasonable and advantageous to Principal 8 Interest ' ACCOUnt Of tfle BOndS Of 1960 Fund to invest in said temporary improvement bonds ' , and to be reasonalbe and advantageous Co thc.City 4o sell said [emporary Lmprovement bonds co the Principal 6 Interest Account of the Bonds of 1960 Fund • in accordance gj.�h �FQy�ql.ons oE thte rg$pluti.on� � � � ' � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $SC, 1, The City Manager and Treasurer are hereby authorized and direated ' to tske 8py and all stepa necessary to e£fect the provisions of the �foregoing resolutiqqa and to make such T.ransfer of funds as may be necessary from time to time to give effect to the prwisiona hereof. PA9SBD M1D ADOPTED BY Tf� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CZTY OF PRIDLEY THIS DAY OT , 1969. A1TR8T t CIT1f CLEWI, - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham - �T� ��B - Naner R. Ankrum 1�� ' , , ' �� 0 c • RESO�.UTION N0. � � , � — '. ♦ RESOI.UTION DIRECTING TtII: ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY II�ROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTfiA 385 E8 IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota� as follows: -" - 1�� ' SBC, 1. The cotal escimaced coac of Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Project No. SMBSS 90 has been estimated at E75,000.00 ' S6C. 2. It is now eatimated that the s� of ��5,000.00 is currently • ' ' , , _ 1 n�cessary to prwide financing of the projecta above noted, and it ia hereby determined to be necessary to borrow said amount for the payment of obligatioas nov incuzred and for expenses necessarily incurred�in connection vith the conatruction of aaid improvement project. SEC. 3. There is hereby created Sanitary Sewer. Water 5 Storn Sewer Project N0. SM&SS 90 which ahall contain a conatruction account as part thereof into which shall be paid all proceeds of temporary bonds iasued pursvant�to this resolution and aimilary aubsequent resolutioas, and out of ' vhich sdill be paid all amounts due and payable as costs or acpenses incident to or lncurred in connection with the making of said improvement. , 88C. 4. There ia alao hereby created Sanitary Sewer; Water-8 Storm Sewer Project No. SW8S5 90 a P 3 I Accounc which ' �� , ' ' 1 account in said fund may and shall be termed as the P 8 I Fund, into which �hall be paid the proceeda of all special asaessments levied againat benefited property by reaeon of making of said improvements as well as all other monies therein to be paid as prwided by law and out of which shall be paid the principal and intarest on all temporary improvement bonds Lasued to finance said project. SBC. 5. It is hereby determined that the smn of $75.000.00 shall be borrowed to finance said Sanitary Sewer, Water 3 Storm Sewer Project No. SW8S5 90 with respect to cost of construction and expenses neceasarily incurred relative 0 ,r . , 4 . ' �.�ys� r �"� n 1ti�� tAereto to this date, by the isauance of te�oporary improvement bonda of the Ciri of Fridles� as suthorized in itinneaota Statutes, SEC. 429.01, Subdiviaion 3, as asended by.Laws 1957, Chapter 385. 116C. 6. Said bonda ehall be payable fram the �P 5 I gund of the follm�ring: Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Project No. SW&SS 90 but th� City further secognized ita duty under the law, as prwided by Sec. 429.091, and cwenants aad agreer with the purchaser and all holdere frao time to time. of uid tmporary imprwement bonda, at or prior to the maturity thereof that it Mill pay aad retire ouch boads and the iaterest thereon out of the proceads of definitive iaprwment bonda which ttte Council �tull issue and sell at or prior to the maturity of the temporary iuprwement boad� to the extent that tha sue eanuot be paid our of funds available in the P 8 I' pund of Sanitdry SeWer. Water & Storm Sewer Project No. SW&SS 90 or ouc of ocher Munioipai fuods vhich are properly available and are appropriatad by tha Council for �uch purpose. �C. 7. It ia hareby deteYmined to levy speeial asaeasmenta a�ainst benefited property by reasoa of che making of Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Project N0. SW6SS 90 and to levy ad valorm uxu, if neceuary. to produc� naa at ls;st 5x in access of ths amount� sufficient to pay priacipal and int•r��t rh�n due on said tanporary iAprwsant bonds and on any definitive bond� to bt i�suad as herein prw ided, such �pecial as�eswmts to b� placed on th� taz roll� at such tisa vhea said i�prwmant pro�ect� have baen ccAplatd or t6� total cosC thareof has been dete:sin�d. fLC. 8. 8aid t_porary iapzwsent bonds in ehe amount of $�5.000.00 �hall 0� d�na.inac�a Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Project No. SWBSS 90 Bond � Sertes "A" shali be Fifteen (15) in n�aser and m�b�r�d fram 1 to 15 inclueive, each in tha denooination of $5,000.00 ahall bear intere�t at the rate of �� per anmm, payabls semi-anawlly on July a� January of each year and �hall m�ture oa ���y �' 1972 . �ball M�ubj�ct to redmption and �_�.��.��n� vn �n�r ig�����t ��l�� d���! {j �r � t � ' ' t �J ' ' aad accrued intereat. Not lesa than 30 days before the date speci€ied fos rad�ption on said bonds, the G�ty Txeasures shall m�il auogac� es� tIIre cBiT thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer ehall maintaian a x�cosd of the osmea and addresaea of the holders of said bonds inaofar as such infotvatlon is made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose of nailing said noticea. The principal and all interest on aaid boads ehall be payabla at Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, @linnesota 55421. SSC. 9. Said te�porasy improvement bonda shall be mimeogs�phed and w�ecn eo miaeographed shall have attached thereto an interest coupoc�r+hich bond and coupon shall be substantially in che following focm: (Form of Coupon) No. S � (Unleae the bond described belw is called for earlier sedemption) � on the day of , 19_, the County, 1^finneaotaa caill pay to ��ss�� ag : ` of 1�y� ' , Minnesota, the s�mm of dollar� lavful uonay of the Uait�d Statea of America for iniereat then due on its � ' � , � ' ' AAT6D CITY MANAL.'ER ltAY� SZC. 10. Said bonde aad coupons attached shall be prepared uader the direction --,-- of tha City Manager and ehall be executed on behalf of the City by tht •iga�tures of the Maqor and Manager, and the corporate oeal of the City shall be affixed 0 13l thereto, and the appurtenant incerest coupon st:a:l be m?maograptted �nd �rathenticat�d, by the priated, engraved, 1lthographed, or facsimile signacure� o� ��f�s� h��mr and Managar, Whan said bonda have been executed and authentica��� �e2�� ���s a� delivered by the Tzeasurer to the puachaser thereof, upon paymeaat of t!►e �puachase price here[ofore agreed upoa and accrued interesttn date of delivery an� aaid purchaser slull not be obliged to see to the application thereof. SSC. 11. The Ci[y Manager is hereby authorized and disec[ed to file a ceztifisd copy of this resolution with County Auditor o£ .4nole� Goaangy, to��ther r�t�h �e^3z other information as he ahall requise and to ob[ain frw aa�.� Coewty Acu'ef�sar a certificate that said bonda have been entered on this bond re�ietar. S6C. 12. The boads isaued heraunder shall be payable fos Sanitary Sewer, WdtEP & Storm Sewer Project No. SW&SS 90 whicln i. hereby creacad. The, Treasurer ahall caure all moniea seceived fx� Che �gsos��� �ff ��s�d [��B�7�y ��1 soniea appropriated and transferred fro� other fun�� a�aml ��g ���c��i ������?s�Ga for the imprwemeata provided that if any payment o� �aflmx�i�ffi� �s Las2����2 0ha11 become•due when there is not sufficient money in said fund to �a� t�a� sa��, ¢he Treaaurer ehall pay auch principal or interest fram the gemmeaal f�ammd of t�e City and such fund ehall be reimbursed ffor such advanees out og ��se��� s� ba sradited to said fund when said monim� �sg solLests�. Alb �$o���d� ff�s ��flA1 L.o�l� �r���q� accrued interea[ shall be credited to the fuand an� u��� to gay tflnm co�t of said isprwasenta . SSC. 13. It is further provided that should it appeas at a�y t7.ffi,� +5�� tk�e monies credited to said fund and provided fos the paymen[ ofr �s�esc��� ��e fia�eseat on the bonda when the e�ma besome due are not au£��c��n� t�m.�m� r_;�r,� n��, rth��z itacam ��r Ci[y siull lssue further defimmitiae �mpgoss�ent �an�� e� �aaKE��s�z��d �and pxe�£d�d in accordance with Minneaota Statuces, Sec. 429.091, ChapCess 475, a� thse t4te procesa of eaid further definitive bonda ahall be firat used to pmmy tCam psbcssEpal and interest as ie then due and to sedeem the temporary �c�aeds b��u�d tlses2�ea►d�x. ' � SSC. 14. The City Council hae determined chat not lese than twenty perce�e (20"L) of the total coat of said imprwements will be paid by apecial asaesemaat� to ba RT �) t)!` leviad agaiast every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by the said laiprwa0ente• The City hereby cwenants and agrees that it will do and perfo:m, as s000 as they can be done, all acte and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such spacial aeseseoents, and in the event that any euch assessments be at a�+ tiae held imralid with respect to a�r lot, piece oz pascel of land, due to a�r error. defect or irragularity, or in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Council or any of the City Officers or employeea. either in the uaking of euch aeees�oent or in the performance of any condition precedmt thsrato, tha C1ty and thir Councll will forthwith do all such turther procaedings aa may be required bq lav to mak� such arsesments valid and biading lians a�inst �uch property, and aleo ehall taka such further proce�ding� ae �ay be s�quir�d by lsv to praride moaie� for tha payment of pzincipal and interest as th� sm� fall dua on tha bood� iseued herwnder and to prw ide for the rademption of the saoa. �C. 15. It is hereby dete:mined that the collactioa of spacial a�sesmant• and the proceede oi sonies appropriated and traneferred from other fuad� i� and vill ba ia an a�ount of at leaet five par c�t (5X) in ezcass of the aount required to pay the principal of and the interast on eaid bonds vhan due aad that no ad valor� tax levy is accordingly required. SEC.. 16. The officers of the City and the Co�mty Auditor of Anoka County ara —•— herebq authorised and directed to prepare and furaiih to the purchaser of said bonds and to tha attoraey� appraving the legality of the issuance th�rao£, caatifiad copi�� of all proceedinge and rocorde relating to �aid bonds and to th� fin�ncial affairs of said City, and such other afiidavit�. cartificata� and info:matfoa as may be r�quired, to shorr the facts ralating to tha lagality and urketability of said bonda aa the eame eppaar from the book� and racords und�r their custody and control or ae otherwise lmovn to tha, and such cercificate�, certilitd copiee and affidavite, including any heretofore fusniahed, ehall be d�aeod rapreeentatlons of the City as to the corractnea■ of all statemente caltained therein. EA88SD AND ADOPTBD BY TF� CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF FRIDLSY TBIS �y � � 1969. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham CITY MANAG6R - omer . n rum ATTaBls CITY - Marvin C. Bsunsell F � l t) � ' � ' � ' � LJ 13�t gESOLUTION N0. i�� A RESOLUTION DIRGCtING TIiF. SALE AND PURCiIASE OF TEPiPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDM'CE WITFi I.AWS OF 1957, CHAP'i`ER 385 BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County9 I^Yinnesota, as follows: TNAT WHEREAS It has heretofore been detexmined by this Council to rssue t�mporary improvement bonds in order to provide the necessary funds for the ccnatructaa-� and payment of expenses relative to the following improvement pso�ects �o-wi,L; Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Project No. SW&SS 90 ae per plans and specifications approved by the City Council: and WHEREAS It has been determined Chat there is a[ the present time an amount in excess of $75,000.00 in thc following fund, to-wit: � SW - 48 Fund (Principal & Interest Account) 'J � which s�nn will not be required for other purposes prior to JUIy 1, i972 IT IS THEREFORE Detexmined to bc in the interest of the City of Fridley that the , a�o of $75,000.00 of the SW - 48 Fund (Principal 6 Interest BE INVESTED As authorized by law and in accordance therewith it is hezeby determined ' to purchase the s�an of $75,000.00 of the aforementioned SenitdCy $Ewel', Water ' � & Storm Sewer Project No. SW&SS 90 issued under date of July 1, 1969 . UPON Their initial iss�ance in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091, 471.56, and 475.66, out of funds of the $W - 48 FUnd (Pt'7�Cipol b � Interest Account) and on behalf of said fund at par and accrued interest � as of the date of delivery of said bonds and completion of such sale; it being further determined to be reasonable and advantageous to Principal & Interest ' Account of the $W - 48 FUnd to irrv est in said temporary impsovement bonds , � and to be reasonalbe and advantageous to the.City to sell said eemporary improvement bonas co che Principal 8 Interest Account of the,SW - 48 Fund in aC�g�danCe w�.�� ���p���q�y� Q� ���,s sesolution. r ' • ��1�, The City Manager and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed Cp Cd$e aCty and ull step� necessary tc eff��t [1ze provision� of [he 2foregoin� resolutiona and to make such t*ansfer of f�nda as ma� be neces�ary from time to time to give effect Co the p:ovisions hereof, PASSED ANp ppOpTED gy THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OB � 1969. A.1Ti8T s CI1: CLBRK - Narvin C. Brunaell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham - �� M��R - Nomer R. Ankrum 135 L! 1 � , ' 13f RBSOLUTION N0, � A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TSMPORARY II�R�NP BONDS ' � ACCORDANCS WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BS IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: Storm Sewer Improvement Project Noe SS 89 SBC, 1. The total estimated cost of has been estimated at $27��Q•� ' 36C. 2. It is now eatimated that the s� of $15,000.00 is currently ' ' necessary to pravide financing of the projects above noted, and it is hereby de[ermined to be aecessary to borrow said amount for Che payment of obligationa now incurred and for expeaeea neceasarily incurred in connection with the construction of esid improvement project. ,. SBC. 3. Thare is hereby created Storm Sewer Improvement ProjeCt No. SS 89 -� _- � ' ' _' � � � , � which ahall contain a construction account aa part thereof into which shall be paid all proceeds of temporary bonda isaued purauant to thia.reaolution and aimilary aubsequent resolutions, and out of vhich shall be Qaid all amounta due and paya6le as costs or expenaes fncident to oz iacurred in connection with the making of aaid impravement. SBC. 4. There ie also hereby created Storm Sewer Improvement ProjeCt No. SS 89 a P 8 I Account Which account in eaid fund may and shall be termed as the P!i I Fund. into rrhich �hall be paid the proceeds of all special asaeaementa levied against benefited pzoperty by reason of making of said imprwements as well ae all other moniea therein to 4e paid as prw ided by lav and out of which ahall be paid the principal ' and interest on all temporary imprw ement bonds isaued to finance said project. SEC. S. It is hereby determined that the sum of �15'��'� ehall be borrowed to finance said Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SS'89 vith reepect to coat of construction and expensea neceeearily incurred relative ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • '_ ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 1 � thereto to this date, by the iasuance of taoporary imprwe�ent bonds of the City of Fridley as authar4zed in Minneaota Statutes, SEC. 429.OA> S�+bdivision-3, as amended by,Laws 1957, Chapter 385. SSC. 6. Said bonds shall be payable from the �P S I gund of the following: Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SS 89 buc the City further recognized ita duty under the law, as prwided by Sec. 429e091, and covenants and agrees with the purchaser and all holders fram time to time, of said temporary impravement bonda, at or prior to the maturity thereof that it will pay and retire auch bonds and the interest thereon out of the proceeds of definitive imprwement bonds which the Council shall isaue aad sell at or prior to the maturity of the temporary improvement bonds to the extent that the same caanot be paid our of funde available in the �& I Pund of Stornl $EweP Improvement Project No. 55 89 or out of other Municipal funds which are properly atrailable and are appropriated by the Council for euch purpoee. SEC. 7. It is hereby determined to levy epecial asseasments againat benefited ' property by reason of the making of $torm Sewer Imp1^oVement PrOjett Mo. SS 89 • and to levy ad valorem taaea, if nscessary, to produca s�ms at least Sx in excesa of the amounts aufflcient to pay principal and intereet when due on said temporary imprwement 6onds and on any definitive bonda to be Lsaued as herein prw ided, such special asseesments to be placed on the tax rolls at such time when eaid impswement psojects havse b�en campleted or the totai cost Ch�seoff fiaa been determined. 13 ;' SEC. 8. �aid te�porary impravement bonda in the amount of $��'�0°�� rhall De denominated Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SS 89 Bond Ser9es "A" ahall be Three (3) in ntmber and numbered fra�m 1 to 3 inclusive, each in the dena�ination of $5�000.00 ahall bear interest at the rate of �% per ann�, payable aemi-annually on Ju]y 8na January of each year and shall mature on J�ly �' 1972 � ahall be sub�ect to redemption and pre-paymfnt on a� interol� �ty���� ��Z�� at par - ��.__ _ - — e � 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' and accrued interest. Not less than 30 days before the date s�eslfke� fi�sx radmption on said bonds, the Cisy Tseasurer shall mail notice of, t'�� :�kh thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer shall.maintain a record of the namea and addresses of the holders of said bonds insofar as such infoa°Aation ia made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose o� mailLn.n.g. said noticea. The principal and all interest on said bonds ,shall be �a3+�b�e at Fridley City llall 6431 University Avenue N.B. Minneapol9.a, E�&�.;a�e�s��� 55421. . SSC. 9. Said temporary imprw�ent bonds shall be mimeographe� am� ���� �� mimeographed shall have attached thereto an fntezeat coupon vhich bond and coupon ahall be substan[ially in the folloving form: (Foxm of Coupon) No. � (Unlea� the boad deacribed belw is called for earlier red�ption) , on ths day of ,, �' ' , , �. 19_, the of County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at , liinnesota, the s�m of ■oney of th� Onitad 3[atea of America fos intes�at th�mm �ea� �an bt�e DdITED ' CITY MAwACi� MA7C� ' �I � 13Fd �stLasm lavful �C, 10. Said boads and coupone at[ached ehall be prepare� ma th� �ffg��tiou of the City Manager aad ahall be executed on behalf of [be City � C�eA �i�asture� of the llayor and Manager, and the corporate aeal of the City aQ►811 � s�fiaeed 1�3�3 ' � thereto, aad the appurtenant in[erest coupon shall be miroeographed and au[heaticated, ' 1 ' � ' ' 1 ' � , � ' ' � ' 1 ' bq the printed, engraved, 1lthographed, or facsimile aignaeures of ��id �yot �ad Manager, lihen said bonds have been executed and au[hen[icated t6ey sball ba delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon and accrued intereat [o date of delivery and e�id purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof. SBC, 11. The City !{anager is hereby authorized and directed [o file a certified copy of thie resolution with County Auditor of Anokt County, togethar wit4� such othar information aa he shall require and to ob[ain from said County Auditor a certiticate that said bonds have been entered on this bond regiater. 96C. 12. The bonde ieaued hereundez shall be payable for Storm Sewer Improvement Pro�ect No. SS 89 vhich is heraby creaced. Th• Treaeurer shall cauae ali monies received fram the procseda of aaid b�de� all aoniea appropriated and tranaferred fran othez funds and all apacial as�aeweats fos the iopronments provided [hat if any payment of principal or interest shall beca� du� vlten there i• not sufficient money in said fund to pay the e�� tIIe Treasurer ehall pay auch principal oz intereat frao the geaeral fund of the City aad �uch fund �iull be reimbursed for auch advancea out of monies to be cr�dit�d to said fund rhen said moaiee are collected. All proceeds for said bonda eacc�pt accruai intereit ehall be credited to [he fund and used to pay th� cost of said i�prw�ents. 86C. 13. It ia further provided that should it app�ar at a� tia� that the soai�� cradited to eaid fund and prwided for the pay�aen[ of Qrincipal or int�rest on th� bonds vhaa the s�s bacome due are not eufficient to pay the �aa. tha[ then the City �hall i�w� further definitive imprwment bonds as authoris�d and prarided la accordance with Mime�ota Statutea, Sec. 429.091, Chapter 475, and tAat tht proc�as of �aid further definitive bonde shrll be first used to pay eh� princLpal aud inter�s[ a� i� then due and co redeem the campoz�ry bonds i�sued ther�und�r. C 1�+� ' �C, 14e The City Council has 3etermined chat not Iess than tweney percent (2Dx) of tF�e total co�t of �a�.d flmprovements will be paid by �pecia� a�����m�n�� to bo� , ' , ' ' ' ' ' LJ , ' ' � , ' ' , , levied againat every lot, piece or parcel of land beneiited by the said Saprwments. The City hereby cwenants and agsees chac it wi11 do and pet£oxm, es �oou as thep can be done, all acta and thinga necessary for the final and valid levy of such epecial aeaesamente, and in the event that any such asaessmeats be at anp ii�e held iavalid with reapect to auy lot, piece or parcel of Land, due to a�+ exsor, defact or irregularity, or in any action or procea�fng teken or to be takea by the Council or wy of Che City Officera or employeea, either in the making of such asseasaent or in the performance of aay condition grecedeat thareto, the City and thia Coancil will forthwith do all such further proceadings a� say be required by law to make euch assea�ents valid and binding lims against such property, and also ahall take euch further proceadings as may be raquired by lav to prwide moniea for the payment of principal and intere�t as the srme fall due on the bonde iasued hereunder aad to prw ide for the redemption of the sama. � SSC. 15. It is hereby deteYmined that the collectioa of epecial aaieswents and the proceeda of monies appropriated and transferred from othez funda is and vill be in an amo�snt of at least five per cent (Sx) ia ezcese of the aoamt required to pay the principal of and the iaterest on said bonde wh� due aad that no ad valozm uz levy is accordingly requirad. SEC.. 16. The officers of ehe City and the Couaty Auditor of Aaoka County �►ra hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furniah to the purchaser of �aid bands and to the attorneye apprwing the legality of the issuance thareof, certifiad copieo of all pzoceediags and records relating to said bondm and to the financial affairs of eaid City, and euch other sffidavita, certificates and LaformatLon as may be raquired, to show the facts ralating to tha lag�lity aad mark�tabillty of said bonde ae the seme appear from the boolu amd s�cord� uod�r their cuatody and control or as otherwiae lmowa to the, and such certificates, c�rLiEi�d copies and affidavits, including sny heretofore furniehed, ehall be d�w�d r�presentationa of the City as to the corsactnesa of all sxaffi�n�at� coutaia�d therein. PA88ED AND ADOPTBD BY TE� CITY COUNCIL OF TF� CITY 0� lAIDL6Y THIS DAY OT .1969. MAY�R - Jack 0, iCirkham CITY MANA(�R - omer . n a^�� A1"1'EST : C - Marvia C. Bsunasll 1�1_ _ _ _ _ 1�2 � � � � � � � ' � ' RESOLUTION N0. �_ A RESOLUTION DIRECTINC TfIE SALE AND PURCt1ASE OP TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCti WITH T.AWS UF 1957, CHAPTER 385 SE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Couc,tya 32insees�ta, as follows: THAT Wt�REAS It has heretofore been deteimined by this Council to issue t�posary improvement bonds in order to provide the necessary funds fax k�g��a��C��'��?�+� and payroent of expenses relative to the following improvement projects to-wit: Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. SS 89 as per plans and specifications apprrned by the City Council: and WHEREAS It has been determined tha[ there is at the �r�secnt tS�e �a� m�s*�rT,�s F.� excess off ��5,000.00 in thc folloving fuazd, ga-���: Regular Special Assessment Fund (Prv�cipal & intee�e�� Accaar��) qhich smn will not be required for other purposes prios to J181y 1. i3%2 IT IS TNEREFORE Determined to bc in the inteseat of the Gity o£ Fri�ley S'�mt ehe s�ao of $15.000.00 of the Regular Special Assessmen� Faae�d ����^����r:� Gt i���,��,�°5 �r������� BE INVESTED As authorized by law and in accordance Ciaerecai_:� �2 �� Ya���h�3� a��������d to purchase the swn of $15,000.00 of the aforementioned $tm� 5���' Improvement Project No. SS 89 tssued under date of July 1, 1969 ; UPON Their initial issuance in accordance vith the provisions of Afi�nneso[a Statutes, Of Sec. 429.091, 471.56, and 475.66, out of fundsp �� ��9�A��" ������� �'�5�5����!� ���� (Principal & Interest Account) 8nd on behalf of said £und at par and accru�d inzerest as of the date of deliveiy of said bonds and completion of such sale; it b�iseg further determined to be reasonable and advantageous to th@ Pr4neip�l AIE� IB1t�P+�it Fund Atcount of the Regulnr Special Assessment„co tmesc in said ce�oporary t,�psove��m� t���� and to be reasonalbe and advantageous to the.City to sell said temporary impsovement � bonds co che Principal & Interest Account of the Regular Special Assessment Fund C in aCC�r�dan�g p��,tp gg�¢(�,����;g g$ ���s �esolution. .... ., .,,_ . 6� � 1. The City lianager and Treaaurer are hereby authorized and directod ' Co Cake aAy and a�l stepa necessa_ry to effect t6e proviaions of the aforegoiag resolutioqa and to make such kransfer of funds as may be necessary from time to ti.me to give effect to the prwisiona hereof. YAS$6D AND ADO�'!6D BY THS CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF tRIDLBY THIS �Y � , 1969 A1T'LSTs C - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham - �� �$ - Homer R. Ankrwn 143 � � � ' 1 � ' � ' � � � � � � � � � � APPOINTMENT FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - JULY 21> 1969 FRIDIEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AVfH�ITY Present Member Term Expisea Stan W. Carlson 6-9-69 430 - 57th Place Northeast Fridiey, Minneeota Chairman /" L� �r � �`� {� � ��. �G� ��� ;�,� � Avpointee 1�4 � 1 1 1 ' C L A I M S , ' �� �1 ' ' � t t ' ' �J ' , GENERAL #18614 - #16709 LIQUOR �k 3509 # 3563 14_ � � 9 1�F LIST OF CONTRACTORS LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD` OF APRIL 30 1969 THRU APRII. 30 1970 July 21, 1969 APPROVED BY BLACKTOPPING Guatafson Blacktop Co. 516 4th Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota BY: James Gustafaon EXCP,VATING Radlec Excavating Co. 724 Main St. 1Q. W. Anoka, Minnesota BY; Don Kadlec GENERAL CONTRACTOR Lumber King Co. 5145 Oliver Ave. S. RENEWAL f7�;1�"�;jil Minneapolis, Minnesota BY: Jerome Lorberbaum RENEWAL REATING Jerry Baer Htg. Co. 3024 4th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota BY: Jerome Baer HOUSE MOVERS Dale Move�s 7816 Central Ave. N. E, Minneapolis, Minnesota BY; Dale Pe[erson ROOFING Potvin Sales Co. 7341 C wimerce Lane Fridley, Minnesota By: Felix Potvin SIGR EREGTIi�i Co�ander Board of Minneaota, inc. 56 lst Street S. E. New Brighton, Minneaota By: R. M. Tucker NEW RENEWAL NEW NEW Bldg. Insp. Plbg. Inap. Bldg. Insp. Htg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. B1dg.Insp. B1dg.Insp. ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL JULY 21, 1969 Randall & Berglin 6801 Plaza Curve Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 FINAL ESTIMATE - Flood Disaster Work Keys Well Drilling Company 413 North Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 FINAL ESTIMATE - Repair of Well No. 7 Marvin $ehbein Coatr., Inc. Roate 2, Box 22 Forest Lake, Minnesota • P�IRTIAL Estimate No, l. ST. 1968-1B (69th Avenue Crossover) Arcon Construction Company Mora, Minnesota PARTIAL Estimate dk2 Street Improvement Project 1969-1 PARTIAL Estimate dk2 .' I` Street Improvement Project 1969-2 � Peter Lametti Conatruction Gompany ,, 615 Drake Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � PtLRTIAL Estimate No. 2 for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 90 , -Comstock & Davis, ittc. Consulting Engineers � 1446 County Road °J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 � For the furnishiag of Resident Inspection and Resident Supervision for the staking out of construction work. � , � � PART?AL Estimate No. 1 ST. 1969-2 from June 2, 1969 through June 28,:1969 PARTIAL Estimate No. 3 ST. 1969-1 from June 2, 1969 through June 28, I969 PARTIAL Estimate No. 3$anitary Sewer., water, and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 90 from June 2, 1969 through June 28, 1969 $ 42b.00 $ 598.39 $ 5;537.32 $ 80,922.73 $ 15,958.43 $ 25,263.02 $ 468.34 $ 4,105.88 $ 1,841.33 14 a' 1��� ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APP.ZOVAL NLY 21= 1969 __ PAGE 2_ Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. 13120 Wayzata Boulveard Minnetonka, Minnesota 55102 Well and Pump Repair for Well ��2 under Emergency Ordinance ��414 ;`' :\- Dunkley Surfacigg Co. y��- 3756 Gra�d Av� ` , MinneaQoliS ;--Minne sota Work done according to contract: Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-1B $36,827.03 MAS Street Improvement Proje¢t ST. 1968-2B $ 1,730.20 � C � �, � ti ,;; ,` � �� \,� $ 1,546.60 $ 38,557.23 14� R�NDALL � B��GL.I� 6801 Piaza Curve Minr�eapolis, Minnesota 55432 City of Fridley Engineering Department 6431 University Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 for Services performed" location: Riverview Heights Dates: May 28-29, 1969 Nbving Machine Equipment Rental ' 0-6 Cat with operator July 7, 1969 875.00 13 hrs. � 27,00 351.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ..................................... $426.00 , . � Telephonec: , 6467871 — 6467812. ' .� 9 , � CITY OF RRIDLBY CITY HALL FRIDLEY, MII3NESOTA � L Attention: Hr: Nasem Qureshi June 30� 1964 Pull Pump, Bail Well, Install Check Valve Material One (1) 6-inch Clear-F1ow Foot Valve Labor , � f No. Leaington Pkwq. '�t, paut, Minn. 55104 ��7i/ TERMSi NET 10 DAYS JPrevailing interest rates will be chargad on ai[ ouer•due accourits. Pump Rig - 11 Hrs. @ $12.50/hr. Pump Foreroan - 15-1/2 Ars. @$ 9.25/hr. Assistant Pump Man - 1G-1/2 Hrs. @$ 8.00/hr. Truck 8nd Driver - 1 Ar. @$14.25/hr. Labor - Overtime pump Foreman. - 12 Hrs. @$ 4.63/hr. Assistant Pump Man - 12 Hrs. @$ 4.00/hr. $137 50 143 38 116 00 14 25 Amount of this invoice . . . . .il. . . . . . 56 G . . � $ r� . . . $598�39 ,-. Li � :�:, i Contract No. Estimate Voucher No. 1 Period Ending June 30, 1g69 6431 University Avenue No. Owner City of Fridley Fridley, l�Iinnesota 5543z Route 2, Box 22 To Contractor_NIarvin Rehbein Contr.,Inc. Forest Lakr, Minnesota ' Date Contract Approved Ma.Y 12, 1969 Amount of Contract $12,375.00 M,H.D. S.P. No, 0205_36 (T,H. 47=156) Type of Work _{A part of Fridle.y Street Improvement Pro.i. St. 1968-1B) , University Avenue i�edian Reconstruction at Location 69t;z Ave. Fridle.v. Minnesota , cumbesed To Date � $iz,�75.oa , , , ' � � , �_� Certified $6,514.50 Less Charges and Deductions None Less �r}y, Less Pre- TNet Retained vious Paymentsl Amount $977.18 � IQone �5,53'i.32 This is to certify that the items of work shown in this statement of work certified herein have been actually furnished for the above-mentioned project in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore a r ved and t at the total work is 5� Y< completed. � -�L��ii� /� �/� Dated: �i �¢ � Signature: . UBURBAN ENGINEERING., INC. Project Engineer CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT . This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the quantities and values of work verified herein is a fair estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Dated• / ' �-� —� / Signature Item I hereby recommend payment of this voucher. Dated:_7 —� �G% _ Signature: / LZ , 2,�uz__ E in er , No. Contract Item See attached Annex A 1 ' , thru June 30, 1969��, .c purposes. , , L1 Unit she t) "Sta'eme r it mizatio of ract This Statement ount uantit ount ' Work C rtified comple ed for ay , � LJ ' INVOICE � ► ��6��� �yr,rr. �_�. �, k...w:��..,�.�.; ,�---,�-... -�..: . SOLD TO City of Fridley, Minn, c o oms ock avis, Nir, DeVJayne Olson 1446 County Road J inneapo is, Minnesota 152 . � 13120 Wayxato Boulevard Minnelenka, Minnesola 55343. li6erty 5•8834 WfLLS—PUMPS Munitipaf—lndustrial—Domesfic Any Size—Any Depth ' TERMS NET 10 DAYS. 67. ADDED TO ALL PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. $1546.60 , ' 1 ' " , ' ' , ' r �J �1 � iNVOicE No. �3�98 DATE June 30. 1969 YOUR ORDER NO. For equipment, labor, and material to furnish and install discharge piping, complete installation o pump and place in service, (Well #2) E�cuipment ' Boom truck Service truck Back hoe Labor Journeyman Helper Material. 1- 8 x 8 x 3 C, I, tee 1- 12 x 12 x 8 C, I, tee 2- 3" 90° C.I, flgd ells 1 - 3" CI comp. £lange 1 -12" C,I, blind £lange 1-�8" AWWA flgd gate va1_ve 1- 8" flgd swing check valve 2 1 11 80 1 1 1 8" slip on welding flanges 8" flgd to flexible coplg flange gaskets 25 hr s @ 4 . 12 hrs @ 2. 2 hrs @ 5. 35 h.rs @ 8. 26 hrs @ 7. 50.11 114.75 8. 80 1.87 17.01 131.00 OSL&W 208.00 25.90 61.20 5.39 machine bolts & nuts 26.75 12" flanged spool pc-11% lg 51.56 3" FG check valve 79,59 misc, pre-lub line, tie rods screened vacuum breaker, HTH pipe dope, etc. 23,8q 805.77 plus l00 112.50 30,00 10,00 306.25 201.50 886.35 $1546.60 � 5neet 1 of 20 1.`� ; , �.: , June .30,......_..,. _....,_ .,. .r_.., _�.. .._...�__ -. ._ _., ... ,..,_. •- _...__ 1969 � r;:���Y• ��:t.x . o.f F'r1dleY __ �.. ... ..-,.��,,.� .._....�� _.._...,....�. ........_..___.� ..:_,�.. ._.......-:.�-_.M. 3T55 Grand Avenue id.E. � :a �c��' ��:�r..u�r• �._D�nkley_Su��a�in�;_-�o...InC......._.,..��lnneapoli.�, r�ilnneso :a_____a._.�. , Da;.e�Cc�_.f;�.a�� Ps,rr.�:-.d. _.,T.ut�e�,LL2.4,,19b�.._ _ :=:�i .;r c ;-;�� s� $3R1,9Z.'�.bi� .�,. Street Improvement Projeet St. 1968 lgx�__.�. LJ Ty�-�,.� oS F,�w°i; Lss��.i�Q� _ .��,tY..Q.�..t�'.i.clley....�..._._�___,._.._vm�...�..�_,.......�,.�_ Filnd:s �'s1- �:??•te i,�:':s � 1,�:,�:� �. , .��c.erc�i Cay°�iii d ! . 'nci �g 68-1a �968-23 TOTAL � � , , _ , , ' ' , ,.,• •• r,. �S r i , � n�^� r,�_�..; ��a ! ��.:_.: r>=a,�� j3��.i� : i,�,,�,,. .227.49' 73.225. r,;, c _, �s� Lu�j 3o�S2', 37GlV.���L7 LyU�GS(�LO '�.7f7�J�J7 vv�i-��•�-• ,)v) TnT� :.s �u c�rti:i3 G��2t ih�a 5.�F:�:, c>f :,;i; shc _, i.:n ;d�_�,. t�<.-�.F,cz ,aC. cf +':3�; oext:ibi.act Y.ex°a5.r. havo -� ^.a a�tual.',;r +u.�-�+�i ;.ad Sc�e z1 o La,-�. , ac , i�,i��j�r.t in 3C+,^.4E^QetI2C6 Y%�.411 �'Ll9 y?�._.?3u 3�C'. S�Ctf"1�..�t:'LU:x3 i3^i43'L:7i. JX°C� :?'... � F:C: �1ii:? flr. ..,'G i`,,:.E 'LOtd31 S70:iC 1^u 9�U �IIfr1.3�i.CiGo J/���`yV=�y1`/�y°^°- °-" �tedtM � ._l.7../..l.�✓�% � ;z_.tr:�a ' . � � , G�����Z�� j c.l:�i(� � t\'i.�_ " ��,:t.. 1�:;,�i.°�, . +'i°a72c$ r �t:�.: r;,° cL�TZ�:�r..��r�: c�. � :�,1���,::,. This is to ce�LiP,y ..;�a�5 ta Li�:a'cn�sc oi .«I Y.i�:. �',r,�, ��c �=_��f�.t� =r:� r��a`�i.�[. a ;..^� �. w +�nx .y..�> .� �� w � - �_ �F ?�n tks� qv..zn�i��es aa,1 tial Y c�t' �a��.:c ��,.!�iea Y��_-� r' �i. . _�.ir c. .�::�v_� tG� i�� �Frio1 co�w���c:�c? '�y t;,is vu�.c:�e�°a I� 1 i1 n � Daieda.�[.��4 .. L�_.___.� 5:.�ar. ,U3 �2 0 .23 , Z 1?E`Y'C'e.�'"'.f Ti.-i..'S::.dL'°ri'::C�. V3J�SF:.ST!':: Cf �11`1S Y�::'� :C-'i'a , � . Datc;d.za...._.�.v..�o..y� �....�._...,�,. `5.rz7?��,=r:• ._.. ..��GG�l7�.. ._,� .�Z!,����, ..t�i:i<:- - , atem Nne� Ccza:.-:�r.� It,� Ane�a A✓asiur'eiPr�oj. St,Q1968-1B) ,210jG�01 21300501 2zo�10� 03 '22070 ;12 azxio�o? 2�31a)o� ,235i�o;o,5 z��6o�C07 �}S�ioJ�i 25a3�5p2 , �'3'�� :���5 Comwan ��vaf.ian �]c1i�9Y` Bai.a ,�ta ior Fuxta_�'.r Eit� Stabiioscbo=+" thi.�!: a�� ^ Uar,$ ���n ci�5 4leir�_n�� Gour�e :`3 {ti:..�ea D:L:.o ��?��i:o fo.r se�.] rc,at SC'.�11. �r`L/d.$ �idoY`E'r>i3�.,f? Aito .•Sato fo�^ I�a:� Gc�3t 12" RC:P, Ci o N a�S7 y(' � a� � Fii. r� i:� i � f�lti��/.�°j � a ' _r.lud�;�s bttumi.ncu� nats:�3a.1. �i�a-; rouo�;-d.� ,6$ i.G30 ;ti Ga2o 3�5� 25 Gaa.o �I� 59k�� sq„yd� 02�� 24i i �c5z7 :0�0 ;}0 ton 5 jt� 2C�j galo 022 ��l5 ton 6050 <:5 g�a .,17 �;j Zn�o jo�� E1� . ��:Y�� 35:3� � d� �r thg ,yr�:t:w: e i�no �7 �.c :t233 � � iG8,9 :1.S2a$ &'"•F�1 �a�� 0 5612 2463 . 0 249 0 0 14 28G 1,2by,48 -0- �01.68 591.12 -0- 1,469.10 -0- -0- t31.2D 140.00 1 0,10 , .' , , , � , ' , '- , ' , ' ' , ' ' .1 CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHEET Petition No. �-1969 Date Received February.28, 1969 Object �e light to be placed in the corner of Skywood Court and additional lighting be placed in this area if found necessary upon an inspection. (Skywood Lane and Skywood Court) Yetition Checked By N. t= _ n.ce 3- b- b9 parcent Signing Aeferred to City Council Disposition . g., :��Y. -- �� � Iw s� rl.r,. !,'�.�I "�� � C•j i . / i, -�° +r-- � a t 1�.► .9� 1 �_ � 1 �P . � � ' we� i 7 ` i � 'r : i�� �H . � � ►�` � W •�y,� �� � ' � � °v,,v � .�'�;.,.1�� �7 � fi � , � �• � i.. 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C'_��i ;^.._ � +, �— / . / _. - . _ f ,. �� [=G-f-=-'`�'�C�in �,_..: L Ci�/� l. ` `� � -� �-' {.-�-t2ti,/V ` / r .ia c�{ ) ` .�e.._,o �J.(,,,"��1� ./�� • ... .J ..�i' _. � `!L�/� . r�i: 1 e: J_./� t._,�1 ����� � ' ' ' 1 .� � � ' �� � %�1 — C�. 3 n� Lelz-� . ' ' ' ' � � � y� �l a-,-� __-----� CITY of. �IDI�..��'Y FRIDI�'�', T�It'IJi:SOT�' !?@ �. "J'tr I�ryO"I July I5� 1909 ��� Z�le! the Aroperty o?�mers on 63z- ��`a.y irom Eaet River Road to the alley 4rest of the �. R, tra.cks, are not in.favor of the atreet improvements for 637 L•Ja.y, pl�.nned by the City of Fridley. � . � rre�� . _ T' . ADDT_7. _S�a ���� � �1Vc��� ��� � ��� � �� � � 3 �� �,C� '�� � �' � n-�- , G, �jn�-��,,- � � � �'/ �! ���! � ,inz.c � F � ' -�.t c. C' `7i1.�ta �i;.� �- �-z.-e%.��t /S - 6 3 � 1{,1 a: � ' � � �'����� �,�-��- ���;������ �� - � �° � �/ �/- ° ��`�' �- ���� �� �,��.��� a� - ;� � � �% � I "� � �' �ti��%''�� ������ �LU`��V��>4—fLN�., _TQ "_ �% 1�������iCJ3 �- 1 �Fz,,e, i%a'll.c.��'��.�C' k %..".� 7/ — � � � %l-�t� � z��.�c.�� ' ,-� �� ��� �y' - �3 / G�� � "/�� � %i�iJ.-y /f��,.t i?-���'��(�-`c�r��,; 3'c °':.L,�r �� � Lt;'�� /Y%L= > � 1�ji .��i��. Z�/,�-��, 6� %:L�� c�v �t,�c �3/ c��� y � �,�..�zt� � ��� N�= 63 % c��� y 7ca f�'� G 3� GJf} Y � g o/L�e � 3/ c�� /} � .' , �/ `t� � � � , 1 ',� ' — ' �k"q�,;'+�MMS.A � DEPARTMENT OF TNE ARMY 5T. rAUL DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1210 V. 5. POBT OFFICE k CUfTOM MOUEE 9T. PAUL. MiNNESOTA S3f01 •J�SgfiPL�j$pEFER TO iv �tF-r � Honorable J. 0. Kirkham Mayor of Fridley City Hall 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, i�tinnaeota 55421 Dear Mayor Kirkham: 15 July 1969 , Thie is in further responae to your letter of 30 April 1969 inclosing a resolution requesting this office Co conaider improviag the temporary levees constructed under Public Law 99. ' � � ' , , � I_ �� ' We have recently been advised that Public Law 99 emesgency funds are aot available to improve or to strengthen the emergency works. Thie decision recognizes that theee wo=ks have served the specific purpose of providing protection againat the 1969 spring flood. I understand that Pablic Lar� 875 funde also are not available for general improvementa auch as levee resligning, raising, extending, bank protection or related work. However, major nodifications and improvements beyond your capability can be con- sidered under our special con[inuing suthotities for small flood control projecta or recognized and appropriately considered in a atudy if autho- rized apecifically by Congrese• Although we cannot provide material aeeistance at this tise in upgrading ihe flood control capability and security of the emergency wrlcs. ve do want to help you, insofar ae our suthoritlee permit. Therefore, we will arrange for an engineer from our Planning Branch to meet with you in Frid- ley eoon to explore with you the poesibility of accomplishment of tha Mork desired uader eome other authority. Our engineer will contact you by phone and arrange a date thut ie acceptable to you. Sincerelq qours Cosps of 8ngineers Engineer 1�>1 g4i� July 16, 1969 < City Council .. Fridley I7innesota _ ._ Dear Sirs: „ - I wish to call the attention of the City �ottnci]. of Fridley to the totally unacceptable material and workmanship of the sodding :; operation performed on 67th Ave• N•E• by a Lino Lakes Company• :, .� �— � � �� '1 I � �_1 I wish to make the following history of action and communication regarding the problem a record- The day the company installed the sod, approximately May 5th, 1969, an inspector for Che Suburban Engineering Company informed me that the workmanship and material was campletely unacceptable• I asked him his opinion on what my action should be, and he in� formed me to do nothing, that he would see that the ittstalled sod would be removed and properly replaced with the type of ma- terial required by contratt• Beyond that point and after waiting a reasonable length of tima for repairs to be made, I several times communicated by phone with various representatives of the Suburban Engineering Company - whose stocl� answer seemed to be ^We can't seem to contact the contractor,^ or ^We have it taken care of; the men will be there tornorrow.^ In addition to the phone calls I personally went•to•the offices of Suburban Engi- neering Coripany, the Frid].ey Cit'y Ettgineering, and the Fridley City Manager• As a result of my personal trips to these offices, I did receive a letter from 3uburban Engineering informing me they had been authorized to hire an independent contractor to make the necessary repairs if the original contractor had not per- formed by June 13, 1969- On approximately June 26th, 1969, someone replaced two strips of sod immediately adjacent to the curb on my property at 391-67th Ave• IV�E- The sod was of no better quality than the original which had been rejected by the inspector• I again voiced my dis- approval to the Suburban Engineering people and a few days later a few men spread a small amount�of black dirt on the sod and ap- plied a type of fertilizer• : As of today, with the rain we have had in the area as well as the watering I have done, there is still a great amount of dead sod on the lawn as well as no.less than a dozen varieties of weeds within the sod� This morning I drove to the block on Rice Creek Terrace where .' sodding is under way - the sod is culturecl, free of weeds and the workmanship is excellent• Frorn all appearances it would appear ' ' ' . ' • . , � � ' , the contractor is performing per contract which, if my memory serves me, states that the sod must be equal to or better than that which was destroyed during the improvement to the street- ', I would appreciate your consideration and action in this matter• Respectfully ' , �� •� ' � �'��'� . � R• C• Loudon � 3R1-67th Ave• N•E. 1 RCLedl . . • 1 . 1- 1 - 1 . i 1 �. � . 1 . i � r 1 . . i � 1 . . 1�,� ��. . � ' ' 1 ',� � �_ �llp,., �G(� �r.wcr-�y pi� � Y � �:� �., � /O� /9(e�'1 1 � �,,«,.�. -� .� � � � � �„ a,�,�e,., a,�,.e . � ' a � � � � , .�..�- �` � s�� � ,{ :� � �. �. ,— � � � , 1 � ,�..- �-� � , �� � 1 �yna� �` �� �. 9 ��,� 2 • , �Q�r.,.0 4�7 " � � • �°'� .�.� � �.- � �� , � ,.� �- � � �� � � �� �. .� � .���� , ,� . ,� , � �, ���� �o - � � _� -�x- �-�. �� � � ' sss�.�✓ ���IN- �(.��T{J . v s4A*T��SIiNUti,N; .�?'!1�»A `='';'! � .'�''. � ' (Vit1 ;l�i-��.�1:.�.��-'I�:f�;M�l:�i � � i'�i�f. � , , ' 1 � � ' � C GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY Cntified Public � Accarrotaan 1]9 lOUiN PLAZA BUILDING WAVZATI, lOULEVAIID AT MIGXWAY t00 MINNFAWI.IB. MIN�IF/OT/, 6441! 566�!!5� July 3, 1969 City Councii and City Manager City of Fridley 6431 Univeraity Avenue N. E. Fridiey, Minneaota 55421 Gentlemen; In connection with our annual audit we are making certain suggestions which we feel would be of interest to you. Theae auggeations, of course, refer only to thoae areas to ehich our audit work extended. DATA PROCESSING We underetand the City is considering leasing on a temporary basis a new accounting machine. While this will temporarily aolve the increasing volume of work in the accounting department, we feel consideration should also be given to the uae of varioua data proceasing equipment which would meet the City's future requirements in both the financial and nonfinancial area. Since the inveatigation and installation of data procesaing equipment could take as long as two years, such inveatigation should be started in the near future. lE>c� ' INf/ES12II:NTS The City followa the practice of dividing investment purchaeea among several funds. Accounting would be aimplified if one inveetment fund were established to handle ' the investment of all aurplus City cash with interest apportioned back to each fuad. To eatablish euch a fund, Council action ia recommended. y L ' ' , , � ' CHECK CASHING While caehing peraonal checks for employees ie a convenience for them, 1t doea cause inconveniencee for the cashier in the form of extra work. Occsaionally it reaulte in the Cashier not having sufficient cash for regular bueinese purpoaea. If it ie practical to do eo, we would reco�end the diecontlnuance of this practice. CONTRACT ESTIMATES Contract estimatee prepared by Comatock and Davie, Consulting Engineera, do not show certification of quantitiee completed to date on interim billings. Thie practice makea it impoesible to compare eetimate paymeate with original contracta ae to price and increases the posaibility of clerical errora with no check againat error provided. We recoumiend that all estimates be eubmitted in the form now used by the City Engineering Department. � 1 l�i'�i �' ' ' ' C� CASH REGISTER Internal control over cash receipts would be improved and same manual work nw done by the accounting department could be eliminated with the use of a validating multi-total cash reglater. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE We found that past due notices had been sent on invoices already paid. The billing for special aseeasment searches, publications and miscellaneoua charges ehould be made on prenumbered invoices by someone other than the cashier. Thia person could also maintain the accounts receivable detail recorde and would be notified by the cashier when payments are made. We would be pleased to diacuss these suggeatione with you and aseist with any changes you may wish to make. We expreas our appreciation for the courtesy and asaistance extended to ue during the courae of our examination. ' ' G24i; jlf ' ' ' , r � � � � � � Ve truly youra, G. M, Hansen ' ' , '� � ' , ' ' li� ' � ' 1 � , ' r t 5659 Regis Trail Fridleyg kd��ae�o�a July 179 �9b9 City of Fridlep Council Mr. Homer Ankrwi City Manager 6431 IIniversity Avenue Fridley� Minresota Gentlesens On Wednesday� August 20� 1969 the Republican Club of Fridley-Spring Lake Park x�ll hold their annnal Grand Old Picnic at Locke Park at 6:00 p.'. We �wt12 be serTing beer (at no char�e) to thoae adulta over twenty-one, as we did last year. The picnic is usnall� over b� 1Oc00 p.�., and the beer is kept under constant snpervision. Ws therefore seek ponr approval of this aervice� as required by citp and park reaulations. If there are any further questiona on thia, can be reached at �8tf-3318. Sincerely, TAi2L:Y-SPRING lAI� PAR1C RBPiTBLICAN ,CLIIB % � . �. . i'�;; ;:�. �c , tf.��.ti� �-_� / Mra. 7irg�4iia Wahlbera9 City C'aeirvoaan 1�C)r� , . � 8-79IREV.1�-3-641 ''� . '� � - (Sfondord Form of the Internafional Assotiation of Chie(s of Poliee) . (Copies available at Federal Bureau o{ Investigation, Woshington, D. C. 20535) CONSOLJDATED MONTHLY REPORT , �: POLICE �..DEPARTMENT . . . . ' - . . . . . cu, ar Fridley M«,�n oe dune . 19 69 ' . i` TABLE 1.—DISTRIBUTION OF PERSQNNEL Average Doily � Pertent Daily Average Doily ' � Numerical $trength Absence Absence Temporury Details �Averaga EfFective $trengtb ' �\ � EnA ot 'amemonth �mamont memonth amemont . Same month lihis mont last year ThismoN last year Thismonth last year his monl last year ThismonthLasimonth fast yem ' Total personnel. 4 .ChtePs oRlcc . . 1 1 ' ftecords buxe¢u . J � + 19 19 ` Unj(ovmed (orce . I 2 z , .. Dataetive bumau � Ttaffic Wrew . . � � .......... . F1rst reLLef . . , lo g � ' _� l� � Semnd rellef . . L Thled relle! . . . r v ' � TABLE2.—CHANGESIN PERSONNEL ' 1. Present tor d�ty end ot last month . . . . . . . . . . 2� � i .2. Recrufted durinq mmth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ry ' � 3. Aelnstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( Total to rscmunt tor . . . � . 4. Sepamflons from the servtce:. . (a) Voluntary reslqnatlon . . , (b) Rellrement on penstm . . . . . � � ' (c) Restqned wlth chargec pendtng �. (d) Dropped dvring pmbvHm . . . . '.. ! � (e) D1smissetl for cause . . . . . . . �. � (f )' Kllled ln line o( dury . . . . . . • �� (9! Deceased .� .. . .. . .. . . . .. � � ��„ . � Totaf separettons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O � S. Ptesant (m dvty at end of month . . . . . . . . . . . '27 1 • , `_.._.. ____. .. _ . _ . . . . . . _. .. TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH � ... .. . . . .. .. .. � S¢me month This monlh last year zz ia I. Total number of patro4nen . . . . . . . . 2. L.ess petmanent asslqnments (publlc - offlces, ekrlrnl� chauEEeuts, etc.) . . . 3. Lass detatls fo speelal squads or bu- reaus (tm([tc, vlce, pvrk, etc.) . . . . . 9. Averaqe da11y absences of patmlmen � a�sslqned lopatrol duty owlnq to: ^•�� ( J Vacation, suspenslon, rest � dvys, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Stcb¢ndln)ured............ •71 (c) Tempomry details . . . . . . . . . . • 96 7.50 •2� .66 9.10 8,36. Totvl avervqe dally absences . . 5. Awllable for putrol dvty . . . . . . . . . � � 70 � � �� . �i:� ' _...._ ..._ _.. _ _ . _ ___ :_ _ _ __ ' . TABLE 4-- CRIME INDEX AND POLICE ACTIVITY TREND t � � OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POLICE � CHANGE � CUItRENT YEAR VS. lAST YEAR ClAS51FICATION OF OFFENSES . YS. snME MONTH. v5.5,wE PERIOD � (MRT 1 CLASSESI REPURTED OR ACTUAL ' ACTUAL THIS LAST TEAR LAST YEAR � , � _ - KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFENSES YEAHTODATE � THISMOHTH THIS MONTN ��NUMBER ' PERCENT NUMBER PERCEXT lo: MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT � - � , � ' MkNS!_AUGHTER �L FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL 2 � o. RAPE BY FORCE ' b. ASSAULT: 0 RAPE • ATTEMPTS " ' � � � �- 3. ROBBERY TOTAL 9 � � ' s. ARMED - ANY WEAPON � 6. STRONGARM- NO WEAPON ' d. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL . 1 � .. GUN � 6. KNiFE OR NTTING INSTRUMENT a�OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON ' d. HANDS, FIST, ETC. • AGGRAVATED � 5. $URGLARY TOTAL �. �.�. %�V � � .o. FORCIBLE ENTRY � �' _ 6..IINLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE � � . e. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY ' 6. LARCENY - THEFT (ezcept o��o theh) a. j50ANDOVERINVAWE 2g Zg 130 � 7. � kUTO THEFT ' S 1 4 24 �' . CRIME INDEX TOTAL � 16. MANSLAUGXTER BY NEGLIGFNCE � � � 4. OTHER ASSAULTS-NOT AGGRAVATED ry� � $ �' 66. LARCENY, UNDER SSO IN VALUE 7J . - PART I TOTAL � 1 139 637 ._ , TOTAL PARTIIINCIDENTS ......................'..................................... . TOTALMISCELLANEOUSNONCRIMINALCALLS ••�-� ..............................5��5.... TOTAL GLLS FPR�PULICE SERVICE ....... �-.�Z.4 .............................. 6651}.... , . . 'AUTOMOBILESRECOVERED � " � -�(A7 NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALIY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ............................................... � . �(67�NUMBERSTOLEN IOCAILY AND RECOVERED BY OTXERJURISDICTIOHS ................................... _ ��C) TOTAL LOCALLY STOIEN AUTOSRECOVERED ..................................................... . ''-. (D) NUMBERSTOLEN OUT OFJURISDICTION,RECOVERED LOCALLY ........� ................................. 2 .. .�� . . . , � _ . ___ _ . . . _ . : - . ' . � �. 8-79a (Rev. {0-21-65) �, � - CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT ' • TRAFFIC SUMMARY Police Depertment City of . � ���'e� �. - � . Month of JIRv� —. is69 TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY is Monih Year to Date � This Year Last Year o�o Chenge This Year Last Yeer o/o Change n���ae��Totei ___ ._ 67 51 +31 363 263 +38 Fe« Z Pereonal ]njury � 2$ 21 +33 ].Ii7 107 +37 Property Damage 37 30 -�23 207 153 +35 Pedestrien . 2 - -�- 9 ',Z {- TABLE2. ENFORCEMENTSUMMARY This Mont� Year to Date � - This Yeaz Last Yeaz % C6ange Thie Year Last Year % Change Traffic Total 126 131 —4 g97 522 +72 Hezardoua viotetione 107 65 -�4 �+g9 300 +fi3 Other Violations 1 — s zf� lj{� .f. Parking � � 2 99 65 +52 Dm . + 1 16 Accident Arreste and Citations - � TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TRAFFICACCIDENTS This Month Year Tc Date Thia Yeaz Last Year o�o Change Thie Yeaz Lest Yenr o�o Change Tote� a�oideate 67 51 +31 363 263 +3g � Fetal Accidents - � � 1 � Peraons Killed . .. . . . - . . , . � 1 � — Injury Accidents 28 %�. -F33 ]./;% 1�'% -�-3'] Peraona Injured 5( 1�/� +2'] 260 182 +k3 Pedestrians Killed - � Pedeatrians Injured � 2 .F 2 + . Hit and Run Accidents $� ( �. 2 � +� � � Cieared by Arrest � � {. .�. � cie�ea-xo aResc 6 3 + 33 30 +lo Totet Cleared � 'j 3 �f- 36 30 �F20 � - ____ - --. . . . _ _ . � TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AND ENFORCEM@NT (By Hour of Doy and Day o{ Week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday �� � Citation Citation Citation � � Citation Citation Citation Citatia _ Acci. and� Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci-� and Acci- and . Time denr Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arreat dent Arrest dent Anest dent Anest 12 M j i:oo 1 1 z:oo 3:00 4:00 5:00 � 1 1 6:00 7:00 1 2 1 s:oo 1 9:00 IU:00 1 1 1I:00 1 �z x 2 1 i:oo 3 1 2:00 2 s:oo 1 3 2 1 a:oo 1 1 3 4 1 1 -5:00 2 � 1 2 � s:oo 1 2 2 �:o0 1 a:oo 2 1 2 1 s:oo 2 2 2 io:oo 1 1 1 n:oo 1 , �iote: •Citation and Arrest" column ehould include cII traffic citations and errests made during each hou[ period except parking . � citatione. ... .. . . _ . . . .. . . . . . ` . .,: . ,_. .. TABLE 5. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY Of ENFOACEMENT (By Violation) This Month Year to Date ' �� � � �� Thie Year Last Yeer This Year Last Year a o Change Hazardous Violations Total 109 66 • 505 316 +59 nm 2 1 16 16 3peedine -- — g1+ 2$ 331 ]1+8 -I- Recklees Drivinq 1 1 2 —$0 Cazeleas Driving 'j l} 2�J 19 -I'S2 rn�aee�� s�a�a� k 8 54 32 +� seon s�a� 1 2 21 14 +lo Other fteeulatory Sign 2 9 5 -�-� � ImPTOPer Peesing . . . _.. . . ]. . 2 . . . z � Smproper Tuming _... � 1 Ei 3 + Rig'ht of Way- Vehicle � z 1 5 � 6 —17 .� Right of Wqy - pedeatrian � � Following Too Closely � � No �or Impropez Signal � Lnproper Start from Parked Position Improper Backing � � ImproPer Lane Usage . _. • . . . 6 � . . �-� . 19 �� Failure to Drive - Right � ]_ Detective Equipment 1S 9 :i.0 —50 � - "Other Hazazdoue Violation �} � 1 � �y 'f- . Jther Violationa Total 1.� 21� z93 �-ji�- 'F'-� . Pazking Violation Total 2 ia 99 �'S '�l2 . � r... _ ,.� , .' TABLE 5-- VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED � VALUE OF PROPERTY VAIUE OF PROPERTY VAWE OF PBOPERiY TOTAL VALOE OF OFFENSE �ALIIE OF PROPERTY SiOLEN IOCALLY STOIEN LOCAILY. STOLEN OTNER STOLEN LOCALLY ANU RECOVEREO AND RECOVERE� 8Y LOCALLYSTOLEN J�RISUICTIONS LOCAILY OTHER 1�RISDICTION PROPERTY RECOVERED RECOVERED IOCALLY ' ROBBEBY BURGLARY • )� [ LARCENY 37�5�- ��-F$• �-g g�o� AUTOTHEFT OO�OO �OO OO OO OO Q ' rora� • 13,73o.g4 7748.66 774$.66 900.00 1 • TABLE 6-- OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST year to date (include exceptional clearances) ' � r1 ,' NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFPENSES � CLEARED BY ARREST - CLEARED BY ARRES7 ' CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES BY ARREST Of BY ARREST Of (PARTICLASSE$) TOTALCLEARED TOTAL CLEARE� PERSONS UNDER IB PERSONS IINDER 18 iH15 LAST THIS -LAST THIS LAST TXIS LAST - .� �'� �-� . TEAR YEAR YEAR TEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR � ' 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE . . . � �. hA1RDER AIO NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAULHTER .' b. AV.NSLAUGHTER BY NEGL�GENCE 2. FORCIBLE�RAPE TOTAL ], ]. a. RAPE�BY FOftCE � 1 �. ' b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS � � 3.� �ROBBERY TOTAL � ' a. ARMED-ANYWEAPON b. STRONG•ARM•NOWEAPON ' '. d. ASSAULT TOTAL 'Z � a. GUN �b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT . �. e. OTNER DANGEROUS WEAPON � � ' d. NANDS FISTS,FEET,ETC.-AGGRAVATED � 1 �. OTHERASSAUL75-NOTAGGRAVATED `� ' � 5. BURGURY TOTAL ]_ 1 a. FORCIBLE ENTRY 3 � I. 1 . b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO FORCE 1. �� a ATTEMPTEDFORCIBLE ENTRY � �' . 6, IARCENY • THEFT (E7LCEPT AUTO THEFT) 1 2O a. f50 AND OVER IN VALUE � b. UNDER f50 1N VALUE 2]_ � 8� 7D ' � 7. AUTO THEFT � $ Q (� 'GRAND TOTAL 273 208 y'% 98 ` . � � . <'= � �— � �; ' ' � . TABLE 7-- PERSONS ARRESTED, CHARGED AND • D{SPOSED OF DURING MONTH �� PERSONS COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH , . . .. ARRESTS Forsm�ur � � NCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CXARGE ADULTS GUILTY UNIFORM CLA$$IFICATION OF OFFENSE$ CMARGEP � ACQUITTED REFERREDTO THIS OR IUVENILE I MONTX OF OF OTHERWISE COURT OFFENSE LESSER ' � � � ���JUVENILES �A�ULTS TOTAL - TOTAL DISMISSED �URISDICTION ' � - - CXARGED OPFENSE . L � CRIM�NAL HOMIC�DE: m� MUHDER AN� NONNEGLIGEHf MAISLAWHTER . ' 6. MANSLAUGNTEN 6Y NEGLIGENCE 2 FORCIBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY �. AGGRAVATED ASSAULi .� 5. BURGIARY • BREAKING OR ENTERING � 6. IARCENY • THEFT (E%CEPT AUTO TNEFT) . g' 2 7. AUTOTHEFT � ' 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A• 4a) TOTAL - v�ar i tuss¢5 �' 6 2 .TFHS YEA2 TO DATE ry 2S 1 1 Z (� ZO ' • L15T YEAR TO DATE / O 2u �O / 1 �PERCENTCNANGE _ 9: ARSON � � 10. FOBGERYANDCOUNTERFEITING il. FRAUD ' -' 12. EMBEZZLEMENT � 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, ' � POSSESSING 1/. VANUALISM 2 2 I5. �W�APONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. . 16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE �, . 17. SE% OfFEN5E5 (EXCEPT ] AND 16) 1!. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS i 79. CAMBLING �, . X4 OFFEtbES AGAINST TXE FAhYLY AND QIILDREN _ 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLIIENCE 'l ?i. lIQUOR LAWS � 73. DRUNKENNE55 .�., d�. DISORDERLYCONDUCT '1 8 9 S 2 S. VAGRANCY 76. ALL OTHER OFFENSES (EXCEPT TRAFfIC) 2 '�� TOTAL - PART II CLASSES 7 2� 2 f 22 15 3 2 2 THIS YEAR TO DATE p ],�� ]_ ],1z E$ ].2 � LAST TEAR TO DATE' ] �� 1�'� g 74� 3 5 16 ' . PERCENTCHANGE _ � . � • � "_ __ ... __ . ...... . TRAFFIC ARRESTS THI$ MONTH � � � . . . ..._ . . . . . ,. . MO'fOR UEHICLES 0 _�- � Mileags Gaa dtlP]E 19 69 .MPG Fspenee CPM 2035 192.9 10.5 65.54 .032 ^ Unit# 39 -- - 56k 66.1 8.5 17.67 .031 Unit� ko 35�5 379.9 9.2 150.91 .043 Unitlf 1,l 4b42 Sa2.4 7.9 284.18 .061 lini+,� 42 7393 7g7.6 9.4 228.51 .031 Uait# 43 6497 670.5 9.6 441.71,. .068 Unit// Hqnipnent & 1�6�rning Taga Thia Month 121 Thia Year 6%ag ,