09/15/1969 - 5563, � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � � ' ' ' � ' ' I �TUEL MERCER � COUNCTL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 � 7:30 P,M, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 - 7:30 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE; INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: � Certificate of Appreciation - Fridley Lion's Club APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, September 2, 1969 Public Hearing Meeting, September 8, 1969 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Consideration of items not on agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. Continued Public Hearing on Final Assessments, ST. 1968-1$ (Continued from Septem�er 8, 1969) 2. Assessment Hearing, 1969 Service Connections Comsnent: Put on ag,enda of Sept. 8th by mistake) Pages 1 - 22 Pages 23 - 38 Pages 39 & 40 Pages 41 & 42 REGULAR COUNCIL N�ETING AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 15, I969 OLD BUSINESS: 3. Resolution Confirming Assessment for ST, 1968-1B (Tabled September 8, 1969) 4. Resolution Confirming A.ssessmen� for ST. Z968-2B (Tabled September 8,.19'69) 5. Second Reading of Ordiriance for Rezoning (ZOA ��69-09) to Rezone from R Z to FC-3A Generally Located South af Highway �k694 between 5t:h Street and 6th Street. (Requested by Sacred Heart Parish)� 6. Second Reading of Excavation Ordinance 7. Second Reading of Sign Ordinance 8. Consideration of First Reading of Ordinance for Rezoning (ZOA ��'69-08A) to Rezone fram R-1 to R-3A, Generally Located South of 69th Avenue and 1,000 Feet West of tE►e City Limits. (Requested by Kaye W. Westerlund)(Tabled Sept. 2, 19b9) Commant: Asked the Hammerlund Enterpr.ise people to appear before the Council for their plans of the property east of this.) PAGE 2 Pages 43 & 44 Pages 45 & 46 Pages 47 & 48 Page 49 Pages 50 - 65 Pages 66 - 67 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - SEPrEMBER 15, 1969 OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 9. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Improvement Plans and Specifications, ST. 1970-2 (Tabled Sept. 2, 1969) NEW BLTSINESS: e� 10. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat (P.S. ��69-IO) Gallagher Addition (William H. Gallagher} 11. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat (P.S. ��69-09) Mike 0'Bannon 12. Consideration of First Reading of Ordinance on Vacation. (Leo 0. Lemke) Z3. Consideration of Storm Sewer Improvement Project Lucia Lane and b8th Avenue. � 1�;_1 14, Consideration of Lot Split Request (��b�-09) North Air Home Association (By James Plemel) . Comment: This request was held up because of the Storm Sewer hearing.) • PAGE 3 Pages 68 - �0 Page 71 Page 72 Pages 73 & 74 Page 75 Pages 76 - 79 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 NEW.BUSINESS (CQNTTNUED) 15. Consideration of Change in Exterior Finish of Riversedge Way Apartments (By James Nelson) Co,n-nent: The only changes are the outside finishes. The rest was approved by the Council.) PAGE 4 � 16. Consideration of Plot Plan and Other Items for Country Kitchen Page 80 Restaurant and Sign Permit Request Comment; Building Plans were approved before the plot plan was revised to �eet the new road pattern.) 17. Consideration of Plot Plan Development for Sears Store in Shorewood Shopping Center. Comment; Max Saliterman is not agreeing to put the sidewalk on the north side of the raad and dedicate the bicycle path.) � 18. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards Design Control Meeting af September 4, 1969 19. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 10, 1969 20. Consideration of Acquisition of Dike Easements - East Leg and Completion of Work Under ST. 1969-3. Page 81 Pages 82 - 84 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 21. Consideration of Easements and Assessments under , Sanitary Sewer Project ��91 �omment: Gas station wants the sewer service bLt Don Savelkoul does not wanC to pay assessment as required by the lease) 22. Consideration of Signal on East River Road near Stevenson Elementary School Comment_ Scho�l is requesting temporary pedestrian signal) 23. Consideration of Receiving Copies of the Flood Disaster Project Application and Requesting Advance of Funds from 0. E. P. , Comment; O.E.P. requires the City to agree to certain things before they will advance funds) 24. Acquisition of Easenent in Northwest Quadrant of East River Road and Lo.zgfellow. �omment_ This easement is required for Longfellow improvement. We recommsnd approval) 25. Consideration of Development and Drainage Plan for Meadowlands Park 26. Consideratiori of Improvement of Intersection of Central. Avenue and E.H. ��'65 Comment: Plaas have been also supplied to Anoka County and the Minnesota Highway Department) PAGE 5 Pages 85 & 86 Page 87 Pages 88 - 92 Pages 93 & 94 Page 95 Page 96 � � REGUL.AR COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 1VEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) 27. Resolution Confir;ning Assessment for 1969 Service Connections. � 28. Resolution Receiving Plans and Sp�cifications and Ordering Bids for Water Improvement Project ��95 (Schedule A, E & F) Comment; This is for calling bids on 4 we11s and improving two existing drift wells) 29. Resolution Requesting Connection to NSSSD for. LaMaur and receiving letter from NSSSD Comment; A resolution requesting connection is required by NSSSD) 30. Resolution Ordering Preliminary Report, Plans and Specifications - ST. 1970-1 (Addendum ��2) Comment: Ttem 30 and Item 31 are for the 3rd Street Connection Between 57th Avenue and 57th Place) 31. Resolution Receiving Report and Ordering a Public Hearing, ST. 1970-1 (Addendum ��2) 32. Resolution Ordering Bids for Relaying and Repair of Sanitary Sewer Line along the River west of Alden Way, SS ��96 Co�nment_ To repair the sanitary sewer line damaged by floods) PAGE 6 Pages 97 & 98 Pages 99 & 100 Pages 101 & 102 Page 103 Pages 104 & 105 Page 106 REGULAR COTJNCIL MEETING,. SEPTEM3ER 15, 1969 NEW BUSI[�ESS (CONTINUED) 33. Resolution Receiving Final Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids - W&S ��93 Comment: This is for installing water and sew��r in area north of Osborne and west of University) 34. Resolution Certifying Certain Delinquent Water and Sewer Charges to the County Auditpr for Collection with the 1970 Taxes � 35. Consideration of Receiving and Approving 5 Year Sidewalk Program Com:nent_ The proposed recommendation from the City Engineer is in the agenda folder) 36. Consideration of City of Fridley Budget for the Year 1970. 37. Appointment 38. Claims PAGE 7 Pages 107 & 108 Pages 109 - 111 Page 112 Page 113 _ � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING,.SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 � .___ _� __._ _ ' NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) , _�_�_.__._.. i , 39. Licenses ' ' • � 40. Estimates ' � 41. COMMUNICATIONS: ' � A. Zera, Inc: Acquisition of Right of Way at inter-' section of Mississippi & East River Rd. ' ' B. LaMaur, Inc; Request for Signals on East River Road ' C. Residents on Re uestin new house numbers q g 64 z Way: ' ' D. LeRoy J. Peterson: Release of Engineering Escrows , E. City Attorney: Assessing corner lots ' ' ' F. Minnesota PolZution Receipt of CounciZ's Resolution Control Agency; ' AD JO?JRN : ' � i_ � PAGE 8 Pages 114 - 117 Pages 118 & 119 Pages I20 & 121 ' Page 122 Page 123 Page 124 Pages 125 & 126 I Page 127 � , ' � �J , �I u J � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of Septeznber 2, 1969 to order at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham lead the Council and audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Lieb1, Harris, Samuelson, Sherid.an, Kirkham MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST Z8, 1969: Councilman Liebl pointed out an error on Page 2a I��m �45, which should be ' changed from September ta August 22, 1969. H� also stated that on Page 19, fourth paragraph, the motion should be seconded by Councilman Sar,tuelson, rather than Councilman Liebl. ' ' 1 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of August 18, 1969 as corrected. Seconded by Co��xcil.man Sharidan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham dec]_ared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING AND CANVASS OF ELECTION OF AUGUST 22, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Gamuelson to adopt the Minutes of the Special Meeting and � Canvass of Election of August 22, 1969 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � J n �� n U I' � u � ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham stated that there was one item to add to the Agenda which was: #34. Discussion of costs for the University Avenue East Service Road from 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE FROM R-2 TO R-3A (ZOA #69-09) REQUESTED BY SACRED HEART PARISH: Generally located south of Highway #694 between Sth Street and 6th Street. Councilman Harris said that noting that the chanqe in zoning would biing about an ac3dition of only 5 un�.ts, and the fact that the other property owngd by Sacred 43eaae� p����� �,� aoned R-3, he ���d be in favo� �� ��� ehange. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 2 Councilman Liebl reported that the Sacred Heart Parish has said that they are willing to participate in the improvement of 5th Street, and that they are in favor of the impxovement. MUTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Rezoning Ordinance as requested by Sacred Heart Parish on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson, and Shexidan voting aye, Mayor Kirklzam declare�3 the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZOiVING (ZOA #69-08A) TO REZONE FROM R-1 �O R-3A REQUESTED BY KAYE W. WESTERLUND: Generally located south of 69th Avenue and 1,000 feet west of the City limits. Councilman Samuelson asked if there was any consideration given to a dedication of parlc land alonq the creek. The City Engineer said yes, the south 60' of the area is to be dedicated to the City. This dedication will follow the same general contours talked about for this Rice Creek area. The dedication would start about where the bluff starts. Councilman Samuelson asked about the contiguous property on the east. The City Engiiieer reported that this was a request by Hammerlund Enterprises, the first reading of the rezoning ordinance had been accomplished and there was an agreement drawn up between the City and the developer. Then the person .instrumental in getting this rezoning accomplished died. He said that he understood that there is someone now working on this request, however, the 6 month limitation has passed, so they will have to come back for reconsideration. The City Attorney asked if the ownership of the parcel under consideration extends down to the Section line. The City Engineer said no, only roughly to the bank of the creek. He added that Mr. Westerlund has presented preliminary plans on his proposal at a Council Meeting, but he would assume that the second reading of the ordinance would be held up until the final plans are approved. He then showed on the map just lzow much this request is for, and the relationship to the parcels to the east and south. Councilman Liebl asked if this dedicated land could then be used by anyone. Councilman Samuelson said yes, the ultimate goal is that this whole creek area will eventually be used by the City as park land. Councilman Liebl pointed out that in this case the City would be getting it for nothing. Councilman Samuelson said that he was not sure that it would be wise to allow this rezoning until it is known how the property to the east is going to develop. If this was rezoned, and the property adjacent to it was not, it would result in an R-3A parcel in the middle of an R-1 district. The City Engineer said that this rezoning could be held up and both could be done at once. It does not look as if they will be able to start untal s�x�ng anyhow. Mr. Westerlund said that they had hoped to get started this year yet. Councilman Samuelson explained that the question is whether or not to give the first reading. If it is read, everything would have to be ready in 6 months. Councilman Harris said that he could recognize Mr. Westerlund's situation, but the City could not grant a zoning change in the middle of an R-1 district, and he agreed with Councilman Samuelson that it would be better to wait for the property on the east, and do them both at once. MOTION by Councilman Harris to table the consideration of this rezoning ordinance until it is known that the property on the east is ready to be developed as R-3A also, �1 , � � r ' ' ' , ' ' L� � � ' , I� ' � ' � � 1 ' �I , � 1 � ' � � IJ � ' REGULAR LOUIv�IL MEETINv Or' SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 3 Mr. Westerlund said that he would rather have the �i�_zst xe�.c�.inc�. Cc�uricilman Samuelson said that then he would have to have ever�thinc� in order in 6 months. Mr. Westerlund said that they could. �ake that deadline and asked if the other property owners would not have a reply by the next Council Meeting. THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Samuelsone Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Harris to direct the Administration to write a letter to Hammerlund Enterprises Inc. inquiring what they in�end to do with the property to the east of Westerlund's parc�l, and to have the answer ready for the next Regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried un- animously. CONSIDERATION OF FIRS'I' READING OF AN ORDID?ANCE FOR REZONING (ZOA #69-07) TO REZONE AREA BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY 60TH AVENUE, ON THE S�UTH BY 57TH AVENUE LYING BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE: AND RECEIVING PETITION #38-1969 RE UESTING "SLIp-OFF" NOT BE INSTALLED AT THIS TIME, TO WAIT FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPERS TO COME IN: MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to receive Peti.tion #38-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all ��o�incr aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson commented that this petition char�ges the concept some- what. Councilman Sheridan felt that it would affect th� street improvement but not necessarily the rezoning. The street improvements could just be held up, which would be a reasonable zequest. He said that he would like to see the Council hold the first reading for the zoning change. Councilman Harris pointed out that the petition also i.ncludes the slip-off. Councilman Sheridan said that the slip-off is a necessar�T pa.rt of th� zon.i_ng change. Councilman Harris agreed and sai.d that i� was his understanding that the people were not in favor of the street improvemer�t.s, but were in favor of the slip-off. Councilman Sheridan said that his intent was to order in the slip-off through the resolution for the street improvement. He said that he had no recollection of any concern by tlie people over the slip-off at the Public Hearing, and that they unr3erstood that they had to have the slip-off for the zoning change. Councilman Harris suggested that the petition be checked to see if the peopZe who signed the petition are the same that would be assessed for the s].ip-off. There may be less than 50o signing the petition. The Council seems to agree that the slip-off is necessary to the implementation of the plans. A member of the audience asked who would pay the assessments. Councilman Harris said the abutting property owners. The money would not come from the general �und. Mayor Kirkham added that the law prescribes that the assess- ments must be placed on the benefitting property owners. ' Mrs. Marvin O'Berg, 5947 2� Street N.E. said that she did not believe the people on 2� Street knew what they were getting when this plan was started. She felt that the land would become more valuable, but the value of the homes , would be greatly reduced. She said that she felt that the costs should be spread throughout the City of Fridley, as a commercial area would be an i � . � � � I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 4 ' asset to the entire City. She felt that the assessments are very i�igh on 2� Street for any benefits they may be getting. She pointed out that the lots may be bought up piece-meal, and no large development come in and in that ca�e there may be the properties with homes on, that may not be used. Even if a home owner were to sell their proper�y, they would still have to pay off the assessments, this places the burden on the home owner, rather than the commercial enterprises. Councilman Harris questioned whether it would not be in oxder to turn this back to the Administration to see what proceduxal steps should be developed now. Possibly a number of people are not against the rezoning, but may question whether the rezoning is worth the cost of the slip-off. There may be many other view points that would be of value to the Council. Councilman Liebl said that there have been many Public Hearings already on this topic, and asked i£ there was anyone presen�t opposed tto �h�e rezoning. (About five people ra;ised their hands.) Council�an �iebl po�n�ed out that there have been 4 or 5 Public Hearings already held on �his, and the City Manager has spent many many hours trying to come up with a suitable plan. At the Public Hearing no one was opposed to the rezoninq. The Council has already contacted the Minnesota Highway Department and gained their con- currence in the slip off. The people in the Second Ward cannot be expected to pay for developments in the Third Ward. This has to be assessed back to the propertg owners. He said that eventually the people living in this area will have to pay a certain amount for their improvememts. T3ae City Manager did an excellent job of preparing facts anci figures and makiras� the ��e�- sentation clearly. He said that he fel� as ti�e Co�,a�c�l�aa� of ��.?s a��� �� wo�a�c� �� a�ii5ta3�e not to clean up this area. As �ax as the ��proveanent o� the streets is c�n����,�� a�� S��-e�b a�x�. Stre�t a�ac� ��e cxos� st�eet� could be deleted, but if the people refuse the slip-off alsoo thers the Cou�cil and Administration ha�re spent a lot of time for nothing in the belief tha� this is wkaat the people wanted and what �hey �ndicated at the Public Hearing. Mr. Kenneth Strand, 5955 2� Street N.E. said that h� had circulated the petitzon, and as he urent a�ound, �he concensus of �he people seemed to be �that the area will be developed a� commercia� so�netamea bu� �hey did not want the slip-off until the cognanercial develops. He could not see where small commercial shops along University Avenue would help 2� Street. He said that he had a nice home and the home next to him is nice, the apartment building in his area will not be taken down for some time, and so these lots would not be bought up. He questioned also what if the slip-off is put in but the rezoning does not go through. Mayor Kirkham answered that they must go together. Mr. Strand asked why he should pay for a slip-off that would be of no value to him. He said that he would have to pay the assessments, but no one is going to buy his home. He asked if the price c�aoted incl.udes the acquisition of land. He said tha� there is � c����s�� "�1���, c�aQ�nb� �aa�e to be mo��d ��^� a k�ouse �k�ose front door �oaald be on the curbing e He did not feel t�aat the $44,Q00 would cove� a��. ��� cos�s of the sli�moff, ���� �a�y �raginee� ex�l�ined th�t the estimated right of �a�y cost �s $19,79f.65, *I�.�^ �.������.�r�e�n� c�£ ��a� service r�d �s $�.6,092m�0 ��d ��e i�rovement cost for �,?^�;�: �1��mo�� as $8 0 771. 40 which c�mes �o tk�e total of $44, �Fi0.65 . The values ��a� ���~E���� carries on the books for the lot required for the slip-off are the fi�aa�'�� used. � � _1 ' ' LJ ' i ' � ' ' I� � � � � � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 ' � ' � � ' � , � � � ' � 1 , � � � PAGE 5 Mr. Albert Campbell, 5840 3rd Street N.E. said that he was in favor of the rezoning, but not the slip-off. Councilman Harris wondered if all the people to be assessed should not be � polled on their fu11 feelings, which would in effect, be a petition cir- culated by the City. The City Manager suggested a letter be sent to all the people inviting them to an informal meeting in the Community Room to explain everything that has been done to date. He explained to the people present concerning this item that the Minnesota Highway Department has already given their concurrence through granting a slope easement for the additional land needed for the service road. Councilman Liebl added that he had checked the petition,and the people �aho signed are people who would be assessed. Councilman Harris wondered how many people have not been approached who may be in favor of this. Councilman Samuelson said that a letter could be sent out listing the alternates for checking off and returning in a self addressed envelope. Councilman Harris said that he did not feel the replies would be returned, �xcept from a certain percentage of people who feel strongly one way or. another. Mayor zCirkham suggested that the letter could state that no reply would constitute a yes vote. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table the consideration of this rezoning ordinance and return to the Administration for analysis of the property owners intent. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Mrs. O'Berg asked if the assessments should not be graduated in some way, as the people along University Avenue taould receive more value. She also asked if there would not be help available for the service road. Mayor Kirkham told her that there is already a service road on the west side of University Avenue. Mr. EZdon 5chmedeke said that he thought that the people thought that they wouZd be making a lot of_ money but it may be a long time before a buyer would buy the land. He did not think that the people understood what was involved in going to commercial zoning. He felt that the rezoning could go through, with the Plan Circle Flow to be implemented when the area starts to develop commercially. He added that he thought that the Public Hearings were all over on this item. Mayor Kirkham said that they were, however, some consideration must be given to this si.zeable petition that has been received tonight. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACATION (SAV #69-03) OF AN ALLEY AND TWO STREETS IN BLOCK 6, BERLTN ADDITION, RE UESTED BY GRF�AT NORTHERN RA.ILWAY CO • MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the Vacation Ordinance on first reading, waive the reading, and bring this Ordinance back for second reading upon the compl�rtion of granting the necessary easements. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris and Samuel- son voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE #435 - INTOXICATING LIQUOR: CounCilman Harris stated that he had gone over the Ordinance again, and could see no further changes that needed to be made. He felt that it was complete, concise, and gave the City very good protection. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 6 ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Ordinance #435 and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Councilman Sheridaaa ��id that in going over the Ordinance he noticed a typographical error t�at should be cor.rected on Page ��, last paragraph. The word "lass" should be changed to "laws". He also question�d that way section 10, Paragraph #3 was worded. There was some discussion on this paragraph and it was decided there should be a period after "-----granted under this Ordinance." The rest of the paragraph should be deleted. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to amend the Motion by Councilman Harris, to provide for the changes suggested in the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION to adopt the Ordinance, being a roll cal�. vote, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl and Harris voting aye, Mayox Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimausly. Councilman Harris said that he wondered if, considering the vote of the public, some thought should not be given to disposing of Shorewood Lounge. He sug- gested the Administration and City Attorney contact some appraisers, get the value of the land and structure� and put it up for sale to the highest bidder, before any licenses are granted by the City, The City Attorney said that he did not think it was necessary to put it up for bids. Councilman Sheridan pointed out that someone may want to lease it from the City. In that case, there would still have to be an appraisal made. In either case, the bottle store would probably have to be moved. Councilman Sheridan asked what about the Lounge on 37th Avenue and East River Road. The City Attorney agreed that the appraisal should be made on this one also. It was pointed out that it may prove to be too valuable a location to be used just as a warehouse. MOTION by Councilman Harris to ask the Administration to prepare the necessary papers and present them to appraisers they may select for the appraisal of Shorewood Lounge and the 37th Avenue Lounge. The appraisers are to place a valuation on both the land and structures. The Administration to continue to pursue the relocation study for the bottle stores. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Samuelson asked if there were any suggestions on the procedure to be used on license applications. The City Manager reported �that they are being typed now, and will soon be ready for Council review. Councilman Liebl asked if it was ever checked to see how the City procured the land for Shore- wood Lounge. The City Attorney answered that he had not checked it, but he thought it was by an outright purchase. CONSZDERATION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST.1970-4: � L� l� II u �� t � � � ,�� �� , � � � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to table this resolution. Seconded by Councilman � Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried ��ani,mQ�}slx. � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEE�IBER 2, 1969 ' � r � � � � r � � � � � I. 1 ' � � ' PAGE 7 RESOLUTION #152-1969 - RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS �'HEREO�': STREET IMPROVEC2EiQ2' F�20JECT ST. 1970-1, ADDENDUM #1: Councilman Samuelsoan commented that everyone seemed to be in favor of this improvement. Councilman Sheridan added that he had talkec� to soane of the people and they seemed to be sorry that they had n�t done this before, when the costs were lower. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan. to adopt Resolution #I52-1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET iMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-2: Councilman Sheridan reported that he had r�ceived 5same calls �ram p�ople objecting to the street width and the side�aalks on West Moore Lake Drive. Mr. Harry Nawrocki, 5800 West Moore Lake Drive said that l�.e had called Councilman Sheridan about getting only an overlay placed on the street. He said that he felt that an overlay would make the street 1�.st until ].974 when the street is scheduled for improvement. He wondered why the State Aid Street, and not just a regular residential street. He felt that by putting in a State Aid Street would encourage sp�edinga Councilman Harris answered that as was explained before, the cost diffexential bettaeen the State Aid Street and a residential street is not ass�ssed, but is paid for by State Aid funds. The residents only pay for a regular residential street, but they receive a street with increased width and thickness of the mat. He added that studies have shown that increasing the width of the street does not increase speeding. A person who �eill speed, will speed regardless of the width. He said that he would agree with the residents who voiced concern over losing the trees, and that he would like to have them saved. He said that the City spends too much money in plantin� new trees to allow them to be lost if it can be avoided. Councilman Sherid«n asked how much right of way there was. The City Engineer replied 60'. Councilman Sheridan asked if all the trees were within the right of way. The City Engineer said that most of the boulevard trees are pretty close to the xight of way li�e. The State Aid requirement is 44' but this may damage the root system of the trees. The Council could make a special request to allow a 40" State Ai� Street to the Minnesota Highway Department, State Aid Section. If this vaas granted, the road would be about 1' wider on each side than the existing street. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to ask the Administration to make an appli- cation to the Minnesota Highway Department for the reduction of State Aid standards from 44' to 40', to allow the trees to be saved. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Liebl commented that this would be the first 40' State Aid street, if approved. Mr. Nawrocki asked what about driveways. Councilman Harris said that they are fixed with whatever exists there now, whether concrete, blacktop or crushed xock. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 8 The City Engineer suggested that the resolution be passed before the appli- cation be made, as he felt that it would carry more weight if the improvement is already ordered in. Councilman Liebl said that concerning Main Street, the industry on the west side has no objections to the improvement, but the residents on the east side have been vigorously objecting. He said that he felt that the parking problems should be solved before the street improvement goes in. Councilman Harris said that he felt that if the improvement is already ordered in, the City could go before the County and speak in stronger terms. Council- man Liebl said that he did not want parking on the street. Councilman Harris replied that if Main Street is taken over as a county road, they will place certain restrictions on the street. Mayor Kirkham wondered if the apartment house owners should not be approached on �heir parking problems as he felt that it would be a shame to wait another year. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the City does have a Tagging Ordinance for tagging parked cars, and if enforced along Main Street, with renters getting tickets, they will bring pressure on the apartment house owners. MOTION by Councilman Harris to table this res�?ution �o the Regular Council Meeting of September 15, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upai� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REMAII3UER OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1969: � �� �i � r �I� u � � 1. REZONING REQUEST BY GEORGE BALTHAZOR, ZOA #69-10: Lot 3, Su}adivision #10, Auditor's Subdivision #94. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A. � Councilman Sheridan reported that he had spoken to Mr, and Mrs. Balthazor and the Council concerning this request and, speaking for himself, he felt that the rezoning request should be d�nied. However, if the Council concuxs, he would suggest a solution for Mr. Balthazor. Mr. Balthazor is partially retired now, and will be fully retired December, ].970. With full retirement, he could receive a better tax break for disposing of his property. In the meantime, he suggested granting an occupancy permit for the lower level to run through December 31, 1970. Mayor Kirkham and Councilman Samuelson concurred with this suggestion. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to deny the rezoning request by Mr. George Balthazor. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTZON by Councilman Sheridan to grant an occupancy permit to Mr. & Mrs. George Balthazor only, 1374 Highway #1Q0, for the lower level third family dwelling, only at this address, with the permit to expire December 31, 1970 or sooner if he disposes of his property, with the permit non-renewable. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the motion carried unanimously. 2. REZONING REQUEST BY R.W. WORMSBEeKER, ZOA #69-08: NW Quarter of NW Quarter except N. 16.6 acres and SW Quarter of NW Quarter of Section 2; also the N. 34.68 acres of NE Quarter of NE Quarter of Section 3. Rezone from M-2 to R-3. � � � � , 1 � � � � � � � 1 � � � � ' � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 9 The City �ngin.eer showed the area on the screen for the Council, and expl.ained that th� P]F�nn.i;�q �or.vnission had denied the request, and the reasons why. Coun�:a��rna.n ��rris said that he must concur with the recommendatio� of the Pl.ai�r��r�c� ��*�a�;� ��ion, but he would have no objection to � Public Hearing if the applica�� shc�uld so desire. Mr. W�z�snsbecker said that it was his understanding that the Planning Crnn- missiora'� hands were tied because of the Open Space proposal for the area. As the decision will be ultimately the Council's, he wanted to appear before the Council and get their feelings. Parcels 2, 3, 7& 8 are those that would be taken by the Open Space program, but Parcel 9 could still be developed. He felt that it would then be more valuable with the Open Space to the north of it. To get in a good development, you must have people living there. Councilman Harris said that the Planning Commission is aware also of the Open Space request. Governmental reguests at the Washington level move very slowly, i3e s�id that Mr. Wormsbecker has stated tha�c in�ustrial sites are s�ow to develop, �u6� ;�:: hi, opinion development has been quite rapid. As the Cities get more congested, the industrial b�asinesses are forced to move farther out, and these areas are f_iliing up quite quickly. The Fridley Iz�dustrial Development Commission feels very strongly that this is prime i_ndustrial land. r�r. T�r:ormsbecker replied that there would have to be 5' to 6' of black dirt z�;���Fpd first. University Avenue is higher than the land so then it would l:�NZ t;a b� brought back up to grade. This would make development costs qui�e �.ic�h. Mr. William Barbush is also tired of paying the taxes on his prop�At� and would like to see it developed in some way. If there were to be a shopping center in there, there would also have to be people living in the area, as people shop close to where they live. He said that he thought Fridley already has too much industr9.al, and needs more commercial. He said that he has a national motel that wants to come in, and they would need a liquor license. Councilman Harris answered that Mr. Wormsbecker is entitled to his opinions as he is to his. The Council is here to promote tax producing entities for the City of Fridley. The Fridley Industrial Development Commission feels that this is good industrial land. Mr. Wormsbecker felt that industry, when looking for a suitable site, would by-pass the low land and qo further north for a good site cheaper to develop. The freeways of today make distance not of prime importance. 1 Mr. Barbush said that he owned Parcels 2, 8& 9. He had Thorpe Brothers work on an appraisal of this land and they informed them of the high water table, and that it was not adaptable to industry. This is why the plan was developed for nice apartment dwellings. Studies have shown that apartment ' houses are not detrimental to the school district, and improve the tax base. He said, however, that he could understand the City's reluctance to rezone considering the Open Space program. He could see no disaavantage, and possibly , a strong advantage to having Parcel 9 below the Open Space area developed with people living there. He said that he would be willing to se11 Parcels 2& 8 if approved for Open Space, and in the meantime, would like to proceed with the development of Parcel 9. Across University Avenue, in Spring Lake � Park there are apartment houses going up, while Fridley is standing still. He felt that an apartment house would better abut the Open Space area than an industrial pl��,�„ � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 10 Councilman Harris said that asking for a rezoning on Parcel 9 is unrealistic in the midclle of the other lots, Mr. Barbush answered that they only started with Parcel 9 as 2, 3, 7& 8 may become park land. He then asked the Council to wait with their decision upon the rezoning until all the £acts are before them concerning the park land. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST BY FRANK DIRCZ, L.S. #69-20: Combine 10` of Lot 29 with Lot 30, Block l, Plymouth Addition Mr. Gordon Jensen representing Mr. Frank Dircz explained that Mr. Dircz owned Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 'l, Plymouth Addition. The house is on Lots 28 and 29 and Lot 30 was acquired in 1963. He is proposing to take 10' off Lot 29 and add to Lot 30, and has already obtained the necessary variances from the Board of Appeals. They were also approved by Council and do exist. As 49th Avenue is quite heavily travelled, the driveway would not exit on that street, but would probably exit onto 3rd Street. Mr. Dircz has gone around to the neighbors and obtained a petition in favor of the lot being developed. It is felt by the res9.dents to be in their best interest to have a house on this lot. Mr. Dircz' parents are quite ald and he would like to move them into a house close to him. He is now faced with payment of a $400 assessment, has had to maintain the land and would now like to use it. He then came forward and presented the Council with the petition. PETITION #37-1969 - IN FAVOR OF L.S. #69-20 BY FRANK DIRCZ: (Petition #37-1969 was received by the Council at the Meeting of August 18, 1969) Councilman Harris asked what the total area is that Mr. Dircz owns. Mr. Jensen said 115' X 128'. He said that there is plenty of side yard, and Mr. Dircz is willing to give easements as necessary for a driveway. The only problem he could foresee was that the neighbors would fear that by allowing a house here that the area could become a slum, but this problem has not materialized as shown by the petition in favor of the development of the lot. Councilman Liebl pointed out that most of the lots in that area are 40'. There is some hardship shown, and since the Board of Appeals granted the variances, and the Council accepted the Minutes, he felt that the Lot Split should be approved. Without the Lot Split, the land is useless. The Building Inspector would still have to go ovez' any house plans submitted. This would help to clean up this area. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to grant the Lot Split requested by Frank Dircz for splitting off 10' from Lot 29 and adding it to Lot 30 for the utiliza- tion of that lot, with the Administration to direct which way the house and garage will face. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Liebl ar�d Sheridan voting aye, Kirkham, Harris, and Samuelson voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion FAILED. DISCUSSION OF MINING PERMIT FOR LEONARD COCHRAN: The City Attorney reported that he had drawn up the agreement as it appears in the Council Agenda. The agreement has already been signed by Mr. & Mrs. Cqchran. As the Council knows there have been discussions with Mr. Cochran for some ti�e. At the Council instructions, court action was started. � ' i � � � � L� � J � � �� . � � � � � � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 ',_J � � � PAGE Z1 There were also some tags given to trucks hauling out of the pit. Mr. Cochran originally contended that he did not need a mining permit because he started his mining operation before the mining ordinance was adopted. Later, Mr. Cochran and his Atiorney met with the City Engineer and himself. The proposal that ensued was that Mr. Cochran was to apply for a mining permit and submit to the City a mining contour map and a paper showing that he would develop the pit to �hese contours within a certain amount of time. This agreement was prepared after consu�tation with Mr. Cochran's Attorney and includes a time limit for completion of development on or before Decem- ber 31, 1969. Councilman Samuelson said � suggest the inclusion of approved by the City" on Section 4. ' r , � ' , � L_I � ' � L� i that he had looked the agreement over and would the words "proposed"grades as su3�mitted "and the topographic map. This is the last line of The City Engineer said that he would like to make a few comments in xegard to the grades. In 1967 some grades were submitted, The revised p�ans show the center of the property to be 13' lower than proposed �reviously. It is hard to envision how there can be homes built on it. There will be ��efi- nite need for a storm sewer system. The grade� will be anuch more severe than previously proposed. There is z�ot much material 3eft, and some more will have to be hauled back in. Councilman Sheridan asked zf tkais is compatible with the property to the west. The City Engineer said yes, to sQme degree. Councilman Sheridan asked if there is a plat orn record. The City Engineer said that some of the land was platted and some was Zeft as an outlot. This is part o� the outlot. Councilman Samue3.son wond�reci about putting homes in there. The soil would have to be compacted. Would there be density tests required? The City Engineer agreed that there wou].d be problems with com- paction. He has to fill as it exis�s now. Under normal conditions he would not recommend approval, however, it is very bad now and being brought up to the contour map submitted would be an improvement. Within 300' there is a drop of 30'. This is about a lOg grade. In the Platting Ordinance only a 6� grade is allowed for streets. He asked what other choir.e is there. The City Attorney added that in some cases the courts have ruled that a mining operation was there by a pre-existing use and the owner has the right to continue the gravel mining operation. In other cases, the courts have given the Council the right to regulate the gravel mining operation. He would recommend that the agreement be approved, as if it went to court, and the judge ruled that he has the right to mine gravel by a pre-existing use, he could dig a deep hole, then walk away from the property. The City Engineer stated that the first application was approved, a letter was written to Mr. Cochran listing the stipulations, inc�uding a bond, but he never submitted the bond. If Mr. Cochran could be done by the 31st of Decem- ber, the paper work will not take long. Councilman Sheridan asked if he will submit a plat. The City Attorney said that this is not part of the agreement. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve �he agreement as amended by the suggestions of Councilman Samuelson. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. The City Engineer said that these should be one more condition imposed. There is right of way needed for the improvement of 61st Avenue at the south end. This wouid put the road through to Amber Oaks Addition. Approximately REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 3/4 of the land required is already dedicated. Councilman out that Mr. Cochran was unhappy with this road when it was before because of the off-set. The City Attorney said that discussed when the aqreement was drawn. PAGE 12 � Samuelson pointed discussed this was not Mr. David Hubers, of Amber Oaks Addition said that they had tried a number of times to get this easement from Mr. Cochran but to no avail. This would seem an appropriate time to obtain it. Councilman Liebl added that at the time of the Hearing for the final plat it was brought out that there must be access and condemnation would have to be gone through if necessary. The Acting City Attorney was instructed to see about the easement at that time. MOTION AMENDED by Councilman Sheridan to add a condition anto the agreement for the dedication of the N� of 61st Avenue between Stinson Boulevard and Fridley Street ex�ept that portion already dedicated. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�ror Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Sheridan, and Samuelson voting aye, Harris voting nay, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Harris voted nay as the contour map does not meet acceptable Engineering Standards. RECESS: Mayor Kirkham declared a 15 minute recess at 10:05 P.M. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEE'FING OF AUGUST 21, 1969: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO RFMODEL EXISTING BUZLDING LOCATED AT 6041 UNIVERSITY AVENOE N.E., THE SAME BEING LOTS 20, 21, 22, AND THE S� OF 23 BLOCK 4, HYDE PARK ADDITION. (REQUEST BY MELS VAN-O-LITE, 3035 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418): The City�Engineer explained the stipulations imposed by the Subcommittee. MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant the request with the stipulations imposed by the Subcommittee wi�h the addition of a sidewalk agreement. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RE tJEST TO CONSTRUCT AI3 ADDITION TO EXISTING SERVICE STATION LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIOI3 #25, THE SAME BEING 5696 HACKMANN AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY PURE OIL COMPANY, 4940 VIKING DRIVE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435): The City Engineer said that this is for an expansion onto the existing gas station located on the east side of T.H. #65. They want to add an additional bay. He said that he would work with them toward the loop back in this area. They are agreeable with the plans presented to them. Mr. D.S. Egerer was present and said that they would like to get the loop back as close to the �����r,�� ��,�� as possible. He said that their Engineer ' � i � � r � ' � , � � � � LJ � , � i � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 13 ' � , � � � i � � II � � r ' has met with the City Engineer to accomplish this. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the request subject to the conditions imposed by the Subcommittee and the �uisition of the agreement for the loop back. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared t:ze motion car.ried unanimousZy. 3. CONSIDERATION Or^ A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 294 APARTi�1ENT COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED ON LO'PS 1� 2� 3� $� 5r AND 6o BLOCK 2� PEARSON'S 1ST ADDITION AND PARCEL 8400� S�z OF SECTZON 3� T-30� R—�24� ANOKA COUNTY� MINNESOTA� THE SAME BEING 7805� 7825� 7845� 7855a 7°u75� AND 7895 EAST RIVER ROAD� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REOLTEST BY N. CRAIG JOHNSON, 45I7 OXFORD AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA): The City Attorney reported that last Friday there was a preliminary motion. The Court permitted these pe�ple to intervene �nd advance the schedule as much as is possible. The City Engineer said that there vaere onT� small ch�an7es made since the Council last saw the plans. As before, there will. b� righ� turns off East River Road and right turns onto E�s�t River Road. goi_ng riorth, bnt no left turns. Alz left turns must be made at 79th Way. There will be an additional lane provided. Mr. N. Craig Johnson said �.hat he would like to get the plans approved, although obviously he could not get a building permit until after the court case is settled. He asked if it was possible to get a building permit subject to the outcome of the court case. The City Attorney said that it would not make any difference. The City Engi.neer saiu� that he thought. it best for Mr. Johnson to come back with his plans after the case is settled ard request a building permit for the first building. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the general concQp�t of the plans, subject to the pending court case. Seconded by Couricilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Harris and Sheridan voting aye, Liebl voting nay and Samuelson abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declarec3 the motion carried. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE GENERAL LAYOUT OF A TRAILER HOME SALES OPERATION AS WELL AS THE AESTHETICS OF THE PLOT PLAN AND THE TRAILER TO BE USED AS THE SALES OFFICE AT 7151 HIGHWAY #65. (REQUEST BY CASTLE MOBILE HOMES, HIGHWAY #52, OSSEO, MINNESOTA): ' The City Engineer refreshed the Council's memory by reporting that Castle Mobile Homes received their special use permit and sign permit July 7, 1969. Now they are requesting approval of the plot plan. They are already in operation, however, there is some minimal work that they must do. ' � , l MOTION by Councilman Harris to grant the request subject to the Subcommittee's stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF AUGUST 27, 1969: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of August 27, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Ma�o�' ��.�'}�J��I d�olax�d the mction c��xied unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 14 ' RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1969: Councilman Harris stated that about 2 years ago this Council decided unanimously that they should start to look into the possibility of open space acqnisition. The land was appraised, then the Administration was asked to prepare an application for a Federal grant to see if the City of Fridley could meet the requirements for a grant. The City Manager prepared the application, made a trip to the Metropolitan Council to gain thei� approval and also to the people handling the funds for Federal dispersement. There was much time and work involved. The Metropolitan Council approved of the request although there were only about 8 out of 60 approved. Fridley has had the three approved, the North Park area, the Spring Lake Park area, and the Rice Creek area. The Federal Government has agreed to pay �, although first the City has to provide the money, then they get reimbursed by the Government. The State will also pay approximately 25�. The City Manager added that the State grant will fluctuate more than the Federal grant and may be up to, or less than 25�. Cvuncilman Harris said that he had appeared before the Parks and Recreation Commission to explain these grants as there are some new Members of the Commission. There is a motion asking to have the three parcels appraised. He was very elated with the grants, considering the volume of applications the Government receives. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Parks and Recreation Commission and ask that the three parcels be appraised. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Councilman Sheridan asked if the Rice Creek area referred to is not the area where the City has already obtained some land, such as the Fontaine and Siverts property. Councilman Harris said yes. The City Manager added that the reason for the grants was that the sites will enhance the overall Metro� politan area. The large parcels are their concern. The smaller ones are considered to be a local responsibility. Councilman Liebl asked what the procedure was. The City Manager said that first the land has to be purchased, then the Federal Government reimburses the City with � of the cost. The State grant will probably be after the Federal money is received. He said that the people responsible for the State dispersements cautioned hi.m not to figure on the whole 25$. Councilman Liebl asked how much was allowed in the 1970 budget for the Iand acquisition. The City Manager said that the budget is not that far along and it will depend on where the money comes from. Councilman Samuelson pointed out that the City Manager needs the concurrence of the Council to program the expenditure into the 1970 budget. The City Manager stated that the Government will mail the exact procedure to be used for the appraisals. • THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Harris told Mr. Barbush that there may be some action taken on the land he is interested in before too long. Mr. Barbush said that if this plan can be implemented, he was sure it would be an asset to the City of Fridley. He was glad to see something being done with the land. He com- mended the City Manager for the job he has done, because getting things through Washing��� �� ��� �a��� � � � � I � 1 � � � � , C � ' � �I � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 � LJ PAGE 15 Counci2man Harris asked about acquiring the other Spring Lake property talked about befo�e. The Finance Director said that everything is ready, authorization is needed from the Council to proceed. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to ask the Administration to go ahead with � the purchase of �he Spring Lake Park property, Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the naming of the parks as sug- gested by the Parks and Recreation Commission, which are: the park located at Jackson Street and Kennaston Drive as Meadowlands Park and the park lo- 1 cated at Broad Avenue and Hugo Street as Spring B�ook Park. Seconded by Counci Lnan Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unainimously. � � , � � , ' ' , � ' , , i Councilman Samuelson felt that there should be some acicnowledgement to the Lions for their donation of a shelter building for Locke Park. He suggested a Certificate of Appreciation be presented. The rest of the Council con- curred. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARI7ING CONTRACT - TREE BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM: Bids opened September 2, 1969. Bidder Linden Ash Honey Maple Maple Locust SiZver Summer Bob's Produce Ranch $39.95 $26.95 $56.95 $26.95 $39.95 Alternate {Shrubs) Amur Maple $5.45/plant Claveys Dwarf Haneysuckle $4.95/plant Winged Evonymus 6.95/plant Wiegela Venicek 5.45/plant Silver Bufialoberry No Bid {Not recommended)Potentilla Jackman 5.45/plant Common Purple Li�.ac 5.45/plant Zabels Honeysuckle 5.45/plant Councilman Liebl asked how the trees planted last year turned out. Councilman Samueison said that they carry a one year guarantee and he thought that about 6 or 7 had to be replaced. As the Ietter from the Parks Director states, he had recommended that shrubs be placed on the bid to be used as an alternate. This will give the Director moreleaway in planning the parks. He can order shrubs to equal the cost of trees for some of the parks, as some of the parks have adequate trees. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to award the bid for tree beautification to Bob's Produce Ranch, with the option of planting shrubs as an alternate, and allowing the Parks Director leaway in planning the landscaping of the parks. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CONDEMNATION AWARD ON 73RD AVENUE BETWEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND T.H. #65: The City Engineer said that he felt that this was very expensive. The condem- nations along 73rd Avenue will run over $20,000 and will probably be closer REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 16 to $24,000. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Central View Manor are to be used for the loop back behind the gas station, well and booster station. The City Attorney said that this is very expensive land. There were three good ap- praisers. The City could appeal if they want to but in his opinion, he dic3 nat think that it would do any good. The property owners have expressed dis-satisfaction also on the award, as they did not think that the award was high enough. The City Engineer felt that it would be hard to justify the cost of the right of way acquisition for the service road in the street project, even though � of the cost is picked up from the utility fund and � from the street improvement fund. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to proceed with the condemnation award. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Samuelson az�d Harris voting aye, Sheridan abstaining, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer then presented the appraisers' bills from F.N. Shaffer, Curtis O. Larson and Albert Kordiak amounting to a total. of $2900. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to pay the appraisers fees as presented. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a3.1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNICATION FROM GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY - AUDIT FOR THE YEAR 1969, AND MEMO FROM FINANCE DIRECTOR: The Finance Director reported no complaints with this company. Mayor Kirkham commented that he felt that it was a good policy to have the same company at least two years running. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to appoint the George M. Hansen Company for the 1969 audit. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 46 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO EXCAVATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ON OR OVER EASEMENTS OR PRIVATE PROPERTY AND REQUIRING COI3TRACTOR OR PROPERTY OWNER "STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDiNG": Mayor Kirkham said that this represents another project well done by the City Manager. He recalled the lengthy ordinance proposed by the Minneapolis Gas Company. Councilman Samuelson added his compliments. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Samuelson, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, and Harris voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Richard Harris asked what this Ordinance entailed. The City Manager gave him a short explanation. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 , ' PAGE Z7 RECEIVING APARTMENT HOUSE STUDY FROM ENGINEERING PLANNING DEPARTMENT: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the apartment house study. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � Councilman Samuelson commented that this apartment survey was nicely put together and consisted of excellent background material. The City Engineer said that four copies of the survey were supplied to e«ch school district � within Fridley and his department is still waiting far their return with the school children informatian filled in by them. ' , APPROVING CHANGE ORDER #4, ST. 1969-1 AND ST. 1969-2: MOTION by Councilman Harris to appr.ove the Change Order #4 for Street Imgrove- ment Project St. 1969-1 and St. I969-2. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �irkham derl_ared the motion carried unanimously. ' FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, ALTERATION, LOCATION OR MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS AND BII,LBOARDS 47ITHIN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF �orrns, TFiE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS, TNSPECTION AND FEES, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATTONS, AIVD AMENDING THE , EXISTING CHAPTER 56 (SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS) FRGM 56.OI TO 56.12 OF THE CITY CODE: i , �- , J ' � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the Sign Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Samuelsori. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Samuelson and Sheridan voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #153-1969 - A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISF FOR BLDS FOR ONE NEW 15� C.F.M. COMPRESSOR: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #153°1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #154-1969 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING A SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRELIMINARY REPORT ON WATER UTILITIES, DATED AUGUST, 1969, AND ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #95: The City Engineer explained that the reason for the supplement io the pre- , liminary report is that the Minnesota Department of Health has approved the use of the dolomite formation in the locations proposed in the report. The supplement also gives a schedule of spending. ' L_� , ' Councilman Harris asked Mr. DeWayne Olsen of Comstock and Davis, Inc., Consulting Engineers, if his firm had ever given any consideration to involving a number of communities in some joint project for drawing water from the river. Mr. Olsen said that he did not think so. The number of communities using river water is very few. He was not sure whether or not this was discussed in 1959 when the City was first getting into the wells system. During low flow, such as during draught periods, drawing water from the river creates problems. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 18 Mr. Olsen showed a graph on the screen and fully explained the water flow and how the peak periods of June, July and August affect this flow. He then explained what is proposed in the supplement to the Preliminary Report on Water Utility, the theory of drift wells, the advantages of drift, Hinckley and Jordon wells and the advantages of the locations proposed. Mr. Richard Harris asked if it was not costly to maintain the drift wells. Mr. Olsen replied that it is more costly to maintain the deep wells. Mr. Richard Harris then asked how many Hinckley wells the City has. Mr. Olsen replied 5. MOTION I�y Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #154-1969 and instruct the City Manager to contact the neighboring communities to poll their interest in a joint venture for drawing water from the river. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carzied unanimously. RESOLUTION #155-1969 - DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-3: MOTZON by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #155-1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votirlq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLIITION #156-1969 - DIRECTING PUBLICATIOIV OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET ZMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 196$-3; MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #156-1969. Seconded by Council- man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #157-1969 - RESOLUTION DECLARIDIG THE NECESSITY FOR AI3 ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY IN ADDITION TO THE 30 MILL LIMITATION PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER 5PECIFYING THE PURPOSES AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #157--1969. Seconded by Council- man Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #158-1969 - RESOLUTIOI3 TRANSFERRING CASH AND INVESTMENTS FROM THE 1965 DISASTER FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND: � , , ' � �-, �I � ' L� � , ' ' , , MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to adopt Resolution #158-1969. Seconded by , Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REMAINING APPOINTMENT TO THE POLICE PENSION COMMITTEE: Councilman Sheridan apologized for the fa�t that he had not gotten a member from his ward as yet. The City Manager said that the Police Pension Committee would like to get together as soon as possible. Councilman Sheridan said that he would try to get someone very soon. �7 � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 PAGE 19 MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to concur with any appointment Councilman Sheridan will make to the Police Pension Commzttee. Seconded by C�u�cilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: - MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment of General Claims #18978 through #19172 and Liquor Claims #3643 through #3671. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ki�kham declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MO`rION by Councilman Harris to approve the following licenses: FOOD ESTA$LISHMENT BY : RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY Don's Gulf _ 5300 Central Ave. Fridley, Minnesota VENDING MACHINE Chisago Lakes Dairy Lindstrom Minnesota Stauffacher Rubbish Service 1724 County Road H2 Fridley, Minnesota TAXICAB Fridley Cab 5923-3rd St. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota BLACKTOPPING P & H Blacktopping 1040-73rd Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minnesota GENERAL CONTRACTORS Unsco, Inc. 3307 Highway 100 North Minneapolis, Minnesota Donald Michaels H. Weinrick Miles G. Stauffacher Frank Gabrelcik Richard Holmberg Don J. McDonald NEW NEw Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Chief of Police Chief of Police Bldg. Inspector Bldg. Inspector � REGULAR COUNCIL M.EETING OF SEPTEMBER 2 � , , 1969 PAGE 20 L_� GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ben Wolke Cons[. Co. ' 251 Rice Creek Terrace � Fridley, Minnesota By; Bernard Wolke RENEWAL Bldg. Insp. i�EATI NG � � ' Reliable Heating � Cooling °� : , 744 Adams Street N. E. r'� Minneapolis, Minnesota By; David Diamond NEW Hea[ing Insp. - NAME ADDRESS � UNITS FEE ` Mbrris Ovick • ' 7�3 Hlckory Drive 5419 - 4th St. N. E. 4 �. 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota �+, Ralph J. Whi te � � ' , 4840 Washington St. N. E. $644 - 4th St..N.�E. 4 ~ 10.00 � Minncapolis, Minnesota � �� Clifton Investment Corp. �' , 51�+5 Woodlawn Blvd. 151 - 59i Way N. E. 12 12.00 -� Minneapolis, Minnesota •• , Glen � Gladys Wilkes 290 - 61st Ave. N. E► 290 - 61st Ave. N. E. 3 �� 10.00 Frfdley, Minnesota _ • � :; . . Kenneth G. Larson • 6848 Knoll St. 350 - 75th Nve. N. E. �� ���a� ' Golden lialley, Minnesota Holmquist Enterpriscs _ , 3608 Admiral Lane 450 - 75th Ave. N. E. 11 11.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Hol.mquist Enterprises . , 3608 Admiral Lane 476 - 75th Ave. N. E. �� ��.�Q Mfnneapolis, Minnesota ' Paul L. Sanden 2521 No. Ferry St. 6417 Highway #6$ 8 1:0.00 Anoka, Minnesota•• ., Allan C. Mattson � 6320 Riverview Terrace 120 Mississippi Place 4 10.00 � f �tdley, Minnesota John L. Matti ��- ' 140 Mississippj R�� (�� �t j��' Mis�i�sippi place � 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota Ail�n C, Matts4n � __ ��+3�Q Rive�view Terrace 157 MissJsyippj P1ace 4 , iQ.00 , ' � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIi7u Or SEPTEMBEr�2 2, 1969 PA;iE 21 t�I0T30N seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upor. a ��oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr�ed �nanimously. APPROVAL OF SIGIQ PERMT�r REQUEST: GRACF EUANGEL�C73L Fr'2EE CHURCH: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the sign pe•rmi� request by Grace Evangelical Free Church. Seconded by Councilman Sheridar.. t)pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unan�.riously, FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 45, ZONING ORDII3F,t�ICE: MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Zoning Ordinance on first �eading 1 and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilr�an Sheridan. Upon a roll call vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris and Sariuelson voting aye, P�layor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � , , ' , i CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY OF FRIDI,EX BUDGET FOR THE `IF,F,.R 1�70: MOTION by Councilman Harris to table consideration o� +�he. �_�7� Czty Budg�i. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote� all voting ayep Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: A. CITY ATTORNEY: REGARDING SPRING LAKE PARK DRAINAGE MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the conununication from the City E�ttorney dated August 28, 1969. Seconded by Councilman S�muelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, :�ayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out that the City Engineer has been negotiating for i:he last year and one half without any results to date. The City �ttorney felt that as they are receptive, that it should be followe�3 up. Councilman Harris volunteered to represent the Council in any meetings set up for the resolve- ment of this problem. Mayor Kirkham accepted his offer. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur in the appeintment of Councilman Harris to be the City Council's representative in any meetings with Spring Lake Park for the resolvement of the storm sewer system for that area of Fridley located ' north of Osborne Road and west of University Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�iayor Kirkhar,i declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ' �' � , B. CITY ATTORNEY: LEGAL OPINION REGARDING EXPELIDITURE OF FU_�:DS BY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Councilman Liebl extended his thank you to the City Attorney for giving a legal opinion as to the propriety of the Indust�ial Commission expending funds for a brochure relative to the "Split Liquor" election. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the communication from the City Attorney dated August 28, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 C. VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW: ASSESSMENT PREPAID: PAGE 22 � MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the communication from the Village of Mounds View dated August 28, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuel5on. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tYa� motion carried unax�imously. The Finance Director said that the money has been received and credited; however, they would still receive a public hearing notice on the assessments. DISCUSSION OF METHOD OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE UNIVERSITY AVENUE EAST SERVICE ROAD FROM 69TH AVENUE TO 73RD AVENUE: The City Engineer presented a cost breakdown showing the total construction cost, items chargeable to Minnesota Transfer Railroad property, items chargeable to water utility and the costs to Anoka County. He asked if there was any reason for a change in policy since last agreed upon. Councilman Harris said no, to proceed with the figures already agreed upon with the County. The City Engineer then asked about the assessment for the improvement of 71�t ��e��e. Can the parcel to the north of the Minnesota Transfer Railway be assessed? The City Attorney said that he could not see much difference. Both the right- of-way for the tracks and the parcel to the north are owned by Minnesota Transfer Railway. The only argumen� that could possibly occur would be if tracks were ever to be put in there. It was agreed by the Council to proceed with the improvement with the costs to Anoka County to be based upon the figures presented in a letter dated July 25, 1968 from Anoka County, signed by Bernard E. Steffen, County Administrator. MOTION by Council.man Liebl to concur with the report by the City Er.gineer, received September 2, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unani.mously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Regular Council Meeting of September 2, 1969 adjourned at 11:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � '�-C�� ������0 �� Juel Mercer Secretary to the City Council Jack O. Kirkham Mayor CJ � , ' , � ' ' , � ' ' ' � � 1 � , � ` ' THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 19by Mayor Kirkham called the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting of September 8, 1969 to order at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Council and the audience joined in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Sheridan MEMBERS ABSENT: Samuelson ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt the Agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #89: Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The Finance Director gave a short explanation on the purpose of the assessment hearing and said that the assessment rate is $1.77 per 100 square feet, the assessment is spread over 20 years at 7�S$. A member of the audience living on Norton Avenue said that he had a petition � from the people on Norton Avenue against the assessment as they can see no benefit. He said that he had livec� tl�ere 3.� y�ars arrci the �arad has normal drainage to the north and souih. and cana�ot u�ad�rs�:arad w�� �.k�is ��orc�re sewer can , be called feasiblem Origina�l.y this r�ad was private, then it was turned over to the City. When it �roded, the Cit� pu� a surf�c�.n� on it. He then came forward and presented the petition. � ' , , , � � PETITION #39°1969 - RESIDENTS OF NORTON AVENUE OBJECTING TO ASSESSMENTS UNDER STORM SEWER PROJECT #89 MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive Petition #39-19�i9. " Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, Niayor Kirkham �eclared the motion carried. �: � The City Engineer exF3�i.�.ed to tk�e �eopTe oaa Nox�on �>�uxau� �.�aat the C�t� o� I'�1_��ey has a basic drainage pZan ax�d tha�t everyor�� w�ll evet:t=�,�.� I� ?�� ;-� ���.�a�.a�age district or ana�2ae� � E���r,��:ae �l �aa.w ���e:d.� Ee�.a� a� sc�on as �I�e water 7 eau�s their yard, they are not responsible for contri}�utirg �o th,� �rainage dis�rict. The people on high ground that do not have a drainage proble.zr+ are sti�l cQn��im buting to the drainage water within the district � A�ast e�re�y area wi�k;? z� ��� City of Fridley has already been assessed for stQran s�ut�x, He then showeel the storm sewer drainage district map to the audience. Councilman Liebl asked what the average assessment cost in the City is. The City Eng.ineer said that it averages about $3.00 per 100 square feet. Mayor � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING-Ok' SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 �)�t ' �ti # Kirkham added that this type of complaint is not anything new to the Council. Every time there is a storm sewer assessment, the people on higher ground cannot understand why they should be assessed. The City has adopted a policy of it not being feasible to put in any street improvements until the utilities are all taken care of. The areas within the City are divided up into districts by the lay of the land. By State Statutes the City must assess by square footage. The gentleman who pres.ented the petition said that most of the problems con- cerning Norton Avenue are man-made. Originally it was a perfectly drained street. When the street was graded, however, the grade was lowered about two feet. This causes the water to run down the street and erode the street away. He said that he did not mind paying his taxes like everyone else and that he is for the schools, propection by the police and fire department, etc, but he ob- jects to paying for man-made engineering faults. He felt that the d�ainage water comes from the area to the north of him and although he is concerned with that area, he did not want to pay an assessment that did not benefit hi.m. Councilman Sheridan said that part of the improvement under this project was the enlargement of the culvert under the railroad tracks. This was necessary because of the increased run-off within the district. The pipe from Norton Avenue takes the water �o the creek. A lady in the audience said that this would be a benefit to the man who just spoke, but not to her. She said that she lived near where the pipe was put in and she has had water in her basement the last two springs since the pipe was put in. She never had any trouble with her basement before the pipe was put in. Councilman Liebl asked what could be done for the lady with the water in her basement. She replied that this has since been corrected. The City Engineer said that as the run-off increases the size of the pipe must be increased. The storm water must get to some pipes, the river, or the creek someway and as property develop5, so must the utilities. The spokes- man from Norton Avenue said that it seems they are being told that the City has the right to assess even though he does not feel that there is any benefit. Mayor Kirkham said not necessarily so, there has to be a benefit to the people to be assessed. If he feels the assessment is unfair his recourse is legal counsel. The spokesman replied that he would be willing to take any legal counsel up to Norton Avenue and ask him to show how this storm sewer benefits him. Mayor Kirkham suggested that he came in to the office and discuss this with the City Engineer and he will try to explain completely how this storm sewer benefits him. If still unconvinced, he can get legal counsel. Councilman Sheridan asked the City Attorney if he did not have the right to contest any assessment spread by the Council if he feels that his benefit is not an equal benefit compared to the rest of the property within the district. The City Attorney said that there have been a number of court cases that have held that it is proper to assess all property equally because the water falling on higher ground must eventually make its way to the lower ground. The whole question resolves down to the question if this entire area is benefitted by the storm sewer system. If the Council feels that it does, then they can levy an assess- ment. If the property owner appeals, then the burden of proof is upon the City to prove the benefit. Councilman Sheridan read the Minutes of the Public Hearing on January 13, 1969 in which there was only one person speaking on the project and was in favor. The person also told of tanks floating in the water. A lady in the audience said that that was after the storm sewer was in. The City Engineer said that the storm sewer for Norton Avenue was in, this was put in with the street improvement, then the storm sewer portion of the i.mprovement was moved to. Storm Sewer #89. The C3,�� Ma�,c��j��' asked when the drainage under the railroad tracks was put in. The City Engineer said this spring. ' ' THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTFI�lBER 8, I969 , �p_ ,�.,. ) � The gentleman with the petition said that he lives within an industrial area in the City and has to live with the increased traffic, smoke, noise, etc. The people not close to the industry want to be able to benefit from the taxes � the industry pays, yet they do not have the liabilities. He wondered why they did not get a special break with their taxes. The City Engineer pointed out that there are residential areas within the City which are paying about $6.00 per 100 square feet for storm sewer assessments. ' �J �I , ' � , � i� , �1 � ' � L_J ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the Final Assessment Roll for Storm Sewer Project #89. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:15 P.M. Councilman Harris asked the City Engineer to make himself available to the people who have further questions concerning their assessments on this project. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #92: Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The Finance Director said that the cost will be $5.88 per front foot plus a connection charge of $174.28 per service. This is also spread over 20 years at 7��. As with all assessments, if paid with- in 30 days there is no interest. If not paid within 30 days, the assessment will be from the date of the assessment hearing. Councilman Harris asked how the actual cost compares with the estimate. The City Engineer said that the estimate was $6.13 per foot and the actual cost is $5.58 per foot. This is about 10� less than the estimate. Mr. Lloyd Bennethum, 369 66th Avenue N.E. said that he had spoken to the Engineering Assistant about the quality of sod to be used, and was told that it was to be cultured sod. The sod they received is very thin, about 2' wide, many weeds and of very poor quality. He said that he was one of the few with a blacktopped driveway. On the old part of�the driveway it is still hard, but the new portion is soft and in hot weather you can see every heel mark. He said that no form was used to put in the blacktopping and he felt that it was poor workmanship. Cou�cilman Sheridan advised him that this work is covered under the street project. The water project is now under consideration. Mr. James Thayer, 377 66th Avenue N.E. said that at the preliminary hearing the people tried to get an estimate of the total cost, but somehow this never came through clearly. He said that after the hearing, his neighbors did not know either how much their estimated assessment would be. When they asked how much it weuld cost them they would get part of the cost, that part for the constru- ction work, but they did not get the service connection charge. When the people ask how much it will cost them they should be told the total figure. He said that it seemed a lack of com�nunication. The City Engineer showed the trans- parency that was used at the preliminary hearing which iricludes on it the cost of the work and also the service connection charge. The City Attorney added that he was present at this Meeting, and as he recalled that transparency was on the screen for about �S hour. He said that he did not recall any such question. Councilman Liebl said that they were told the estimate at the Public Hearing for the preliminary assessment roll. He then told them again what the estimate was and the final cost. He said that this was a pretty close estimate, and he wished they could aZl be so close. As to the complaints on the workman- SPECIAL PUBLIC HEA122NG AND UVORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 , ti� ' ship, the Engineering Department keeps a list of the complaints and follows them all up. Some of the problems have been solved and the Engineer is still working on some of them. The City Engineer has spent about the last two weeks trying to satisfp people with complaints. MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the Final Assessment Roll for Water Improvement Project #92. Seconded by Councilman Shexidan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJF�T ST. 1968-1B: Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. Horizon Circle: Main Street to Horizon Drive Horizon Drive: 53rd Avenue to Interstate #694 Service Road Crown Road: Main Street to Hmrizon Drive Ventura Avenue: Main Street to Horizon Drive Mrs. Fiarvey Johnson, 136 Horizon Circle N.E. said that she had problems with the drainage in front of her house. 5he had reported it to the City Manager. Councilman Liebl said that he thought that Suburban Engineering had inspected ' the driveway and that it was taken care of.. The City Manager said that 5ome gravel was put in to bring up the low area, but the Engineering Department feels that it still needs some additional improvement. A member of the audience said that they had been given an esti.mated fiqure of $8.50, and now the assessment is $10.51 per foot. He questioned how the estimate could be so much lower than the actual price. Councilman Liebl asked the City Engineer if the streets in this project were bid on individually or if the project was let as a total. The City Engineer said that the bids were let on the grand total of all�the streets. Councilman Liebl said that as he recalled one prfce was with s�ne catch basins and the other was without. He asked what was the specific bid. He said that the City Engineer had advised that the four streets be done together, as they could be done at a cheaper price. These four streets were higher than the engineering estimate. Mr. Dale Hamilton of Suburban Engineering, Consulting Engineers, replied that the calculated guess at the estimate for the construction of the four streets was about $41,000. The actual final cost was about $44,000 for the construction work. Mr. E.F. Olson, 5361 Horizorr Drive said that this is about a 10$ error. They were qiven a figure of a little over $8.00 and they assumed that that was a fairly firm figure. Mr. William ,7ensen of Suburban Engineering said that there were figurea given with and without some storm sewer work. The project was done with a compranise of a partial storm sewer system. This would make the difference not as great as Mr. Olson thinks. The City Engineer added that the estimated figures are never given as firm figures. These are estimates based on our ex- perience with other streets in the City. This is the whole purpose of a.pre- liminary hearing, and in no way constitutes the final cost. This depends a great deal on how the bids e�ne in. If the contractors have a lot of work, thQ bids quite,often co�ae in high, but if the bids hi.� a slack season for them, the bids obtained are much better. , SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 ' �/ A member of the audience pointed out that there was about 52.00 difference between ' the estimated cost and the final cost and that he felt that it was only an $8.00 job anyhow. � Another member of the audience said that they were told at the Public Hearing last August that the cost would not go up and may go down. Mayor Kirkham ex- plained that there is no way the Council can lower the bids. The Council has to take the lowest responsible bid by law. The City Manager then explained the , bidding proceduxe. A member of the audience asked how much time has elapsed between the Public Hearing and the bi.d letting. The City Engineer said about a year. Mr. Olson said that the work was almost completed last fall. He asked the City Engineer if an explanation sheet of some sort showing all the figures , could not be worked up and sent to all the people in the area. Mayor Kirkham agreed that this may be a good idea. � � ' � , ' � � ' �� ' , � A resident of the area said that he had a bad sodding job. He also reported that his driveway was torn up. Another resident asked how the estimate is made and if it is not made by using the past patterns and coming up with an educated guess. The City Attorney said that since he has been the City Attorney, in about 90$ of the cases the estimate by the City Engineer has been higher than the final bid cost. This is an exception, and there has not been many in the past 3 or 4 years. He said that he did not know the reason, except that the Country is in a period of rising costs, perhaps he did not make enough allowance for this. He added that he agreed with the suggestion of Mr. Olson, that a letter be sent out to the people. He thought also the Minutes of the F�iblic Hearing for the street improvement could be included. Councilman Harris concurred with the suggestion also. He asked if the people would not prefer to have this portion of the Rtiblic Hearing on the final assess- ment roll continued rather than closed. He added that maybe this same project let at a different time of the year may make a differerice of 109s depending on how much the contractor wants the job. A member of the audience said that the City Engineer told them it would be better to have it done last year, because this year the price may be up to $I0.00. The job was done last year and it still cost over $10.00. He asked why the assessments were at 7�� now. Mayor Kirkham answered because the City has to pay more. Mr. Olson said that they are bordering on an industrial area and there are trucks which use Horizon.Drive. They have 49th Avenue, 53rd Avenue and 57th Avenue as ingress streets off University Avenue. The people have called City Hall to see if something can be done about this, but there has not been a stop to it yet. Mayor Kirkham said that the Administration would try to get something done about this. A resident of the area said that the sod was about 30$ sand burrs, was in very smal]. pieces, and in generally bad shape. Mr. Hamilton said that sod was one of their bic�gest headaches. He said that he recognized the problems with the bad sod, they have had trouble with the sub-contractor. He said that he would have to appologize and extend his sympathies. He asked the people to please water the sod. There i� a rmti�eable difference in the number of coonplaints on the south side of the streets as compared to the north side where ther is not as much direct light. xe said that another sub-eontractor has been engaged to 5P�CIAL PUSLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF 5EPTEMBER 8, 1969 �C7 clean up the worst of the sod problems. It was pointed out that any money spent on the clean-up by the sub-contractor will be deducted from the contracto�'s final payment, which has not been made yet. Mayor Kirkham said that what is not up to standard should be reported to the City Hall, giving their name and address. This record will be turned over to the Consulting Engineers. Councilman Liebl said that he has received some angry telephone calls concerning the fact that the driveways have been torn out and the people have to wait for two weeks to use them again. He felt that there should be more cooperatiqn. Mr. Dale Hamilton agreed that two weeks was too long, and that the City cannot wai� any longer. He said that it will have to be done by another sub-contractor if it is not taken care of immediately. Councilman Liebl said that t�ere w�.s; still about $30,000 being held back to take care of any bad work, and he assured the people that any work the City has to engage another sub-contractor to do will be deducted from the final contract payment. A member of the audience said that he put in some sod hitnself when he made a garden and this has done nicely, however, the sod put in for the project had nails, rocks and glass in it. Mr. Hamilton said that this was correct, that he had gone down there and dug some out himself. He said that this was the only complaint received concerning any glass in the sod. The gentleman said that there was another case that he knew of, but the people took care of that themselves. Mayor Kirkham said that this was a complaint that the people should ca11 City Hall about. A member of the audience asked about partial payment of the assessments. The Finance Director explained that any portion over $100 could be paid up until October 31, 1969. At that time it is turned over to the County. If paid next year, there cannot be a partial payment made, the entire amount must b� paid or else proceed as usual with it added to the taxes. The Council asked Suburban Engineering if they could get the letters out to the people containing the information on the Public Hearing, and the information on the cost figures as requested, to include both the estimated costs and final costs. Mr. Hamilton indicated that they could. MOTION hy Councilman xarris to continue this portion of the Ptxblic Hearing to the Meeting of September 15, 1969, and to request Suburban Engineering to send out be mail the synopsis of the Council Minutes on the Hearing for the stareet improvement and the explanation of the cost figures. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Alley Between Main Street and 2nd Street: Fro�n 47th Avenue to 48th Avenue There was no one present to speak on this improvement. Anna Avenue: North Property Line of I,ot 18, Auditor's Subdivision #78 to South Property Line of School � A member of the audience asked just what this entailed. The Finance Director explained the improvement and the costs. Councilman Liebl added that this stree� was put in south of Stevenson School and east of the apartment houses for access. , SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 �)� .6,..� , � ' ' � � � ' , , , ' � ' , � ' ' Chase Isia�ad Access Road: Mississi pi River to Anna Avenue Mr. James Thayer, Chairman of the Board of Education, said that this street runs adjacent to the school property and asked what impact it would have on the school. The Finance Director answered that the assessment is $3,291.13. Mr. Thayer said that there was a letter directed to the City Engineer dated Rugust 27, 1968 which set forth the stipulations for the granting of the 30 foot eelsement and one of them was that no assessments would be levied against the school, as this road is of no benefit to the sChool. Councilman Harris said that he did not think that this easement was ever conveyed to the City. Mr. Thayer answered that after the meeting with the City, the proposal was presented to the School Board and they agreed that if the letter was accepted by the City, the easement would be conveyed. He said that he would assume the terms of the letter were acceptable, aince the work was started, and there was no further communication from the City. Councilman Liebl asked if the street was put in according to the terms of the letter. Mr. Thayer answered yes. Councilman Liebl coeamented that if there would have to be a condemnation to gain the ease- ment, the project would cost more. It seemed that there could be some co�npro- mise worked out. He pointed out that the improvements gaid by School District #14 comes �rom everyonea pocket. Mr. Thayer said that this was not necessarily so. The road will be used for access to the park by the entire City which is comprased of three other school districts. He understood that the street was going to be at grade level, however, it is 10' to 15' below at the far end. The excavations took out the good top soil and is now down to sand which is harder to maintain. Councilman Liebl said that what the School Board wants is for the assessment to go back to everyone within the City as they Consider it an access road to �he park. Councilman Harris said that as the title�has not been conveyed, either the City gets it through condemnation or take the assessment through legal channels. The City Attorney pointed out that the Finance Director would not know how much the condemnation would run. The cfioice would be to take the money from the general fund, or put the $3,000 back on the other people being assessed. Co�zncilman Sheridan read the last paragr�ph of the letter aloud and said that as the Administration or the Council took no action on the letter, he would have to say that the costs would have to come from some ather fund. Councilman Harris asked if the School Board is still willinq to convey the instrument under the terms of the letter. Mr. Thayer said yes, providing there is no assessraent as the letter states. They are meetinq th� following night and can be presented to them then. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to accept the terms of the letter from SchooZ District #14 addressed to the City Engineer dated August 27, 1968 of which each Member of the Council and the City Manager received a copy. The terms of the letter have been met, the final assessment of $3,291.13 to be removed from School District #14 as they are dedicating the right of way without any cost to the City. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Trinity Drive: 61st Avenue to Starlite Boulevard A member of the audience said that there was no excuse for the slip-shod work done and that he could not go along with Suburban Engineering. He invited the Representatives of the City to cane down and inspect the work. Councilman Liebl ansxered that the contract covers a qualified inspector to do this. Mayor Kirkham added that any complaints should be reported to City Hall so that they can be rectified. Councilman Liebl said that there were £ive complains on Trinity Drive that he knQW Q�� SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSIiOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 , 30 Mr. M. Packard, 6291 Trinity Drive N.E., said that the sod was very bad and there was poor workmanship. He said that he felt that he has been reasonably patient, but has been waiting for completion since last October. Councilman Liebl said that the contractor has been qiven a dead-line, and if not com- pleted by then, the City will hire another contractor to finish the job. Mr. Packard said that there was someone out today, and they did an excellent job. Councilman Liebl said that there were many complaints of this nature, and the City Engineer is doing an excellent job of following them up. Mr. Packard said that do to the fact that Trinity Drive is not completed all the way up, there are some traffic problems crea�.ed. Councilman Liebl agreed and said that between 7:45 A.M, and 8:30 A.M. the traffic is heavy and fast. He said that there would be a Police check. Mr. Packard said that they have already been up there. The City Manager explained that five minutes after he received a complaint, the order went out to the Po].ice Department to check the speedinq in this area. 64th Avenue: Central Avenue to Arthur Street The City Engineer said that the people were given the estimate of $5.65, the actual cost is $2.88. This is a temporary street. There was no one present who wished to speak on this improvement. McKinley Street: Mississippi Street to 66th Avenue A resident asked what the estimated assessment was. The City Engineer said $10.73. The visitor said that this was only for a 26' street, yet they got no sod. The City Engineer said that the assessment of $10.21 covered so�ne storm sewer work also. The reason the street was 26' was to save some of the trees. There is a 50' rigl� of way. A member of the audience said that iie li,ves on the cornex of 66tIi Avenue and there are three cases that he knew of where there were 12� concrete aprons put in. Part of the driveways were concrete, but from where the driveway ends, there is crushed rock, then the apron starts. The street construction did not disturb the concrete in any way. He wondered if he was being assessed for someone elses concrete apron. A lady in the audience said that they were unable to extend their driveway down until the grade of the street was set. Mr. William Jensen said that possibly they had a private contract with the contractor, but that this will be checked out. Councilman Harris advised the man who reported this to call Dale Hamilton of Suburban Engineering. 75th Avenue: Lakeside Road to Stinson Boulevard Mr. Daniel �'ish, 7501 Lakeside Road said that he would like to know his assess- ments. The Finance Director told him and explained the side yard assessment procedure. Mr. Fish asked if, when Lakeside Road goes in, if he will not be assessed again. The Finance Director said yes, this would then be front footaqe. Mr. Fish asked if there was not a storm sewer assessment also. The Finance Director said yes, he had 5,280 square feet and the assessment rate is $2.15 per 100 square feet. Mr. Fish said that he understood that living on a corner lot is more expensive, but he felt that.this was a little high. He said that he was assessed for a storm sewer in 1962. The City Engineer said that this was for the main. Mr. Fish said that the road sank in places and there was a lot of re-work required. They had to excavate and do it over again and at that time he had asked for some sod, but he did not get any. Mr. Dale 1 �i ' , � C , ' � ' ' ' --, L__.� � ' -� I i'� � ISPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 ' ' ' ' ' � ' � J I� ' , t 1 , , ' ' ' �� _L Hamilton replied that the contract does not call for sod, but that some seed will be delivered in the fa11 when the weather gets cooler. Mr. Leonard Lind, 1620 75th Avenue said that he had his attorney make an assessment search when he bought his house. In 1965 he was assured that the only assessment yet to be levied would be for a street improvement. There was some discussion on whether or not there was money in escrow, and Mr. Lind was instructed to call City Hall and this will be fully checked out. Mr. Lind said that he had an objection to the workmanship also. He then came forward and presented a letter to the City Council dated September 8, 1969. Mayor Kirkham told him that he now has a complaint on record. Mr. Fish asked why when the storm sewer main was put in in 1962 it was not ex- tended all the way, as the road was not done then either. Now it is called a lateral. The City Engineer said that the storm sewer is assessed on an area basis. There was some additional work done at 75th Avenue and Lakeside Road. The area at the time was assessed on a main basis. When the main is extended, the assessments are on a smaller basis. Generally there are two assessments, one for the main and one for a lateral. Hayes Street: 73rd Avenue to Onondaga Street The City Engineer was asked what the esti.mated cost and the £inal cost was. He replied the estimate was $10.66 per foot and the final cost was $7.99 per foot. He was then asked if the contract called for seed or sod. He answered that if the street is dirt, then usually black dirt and seed is replaced. The reason for this is than on existing dirt streets the grass usually is not too good by the street anyhow. If the street already has same old black- top, then sod is used because the grass is usually good up to the blacktop. Onondaga Street: Hayes Street to Bacon Drzve There was no one present who wished to speak. Norton Avenue: West end to Old Central Avenue The City Engineer was asked the estimated and final cost. He said that the estimated cost was $9.43 and the final cost was $7.99 per foot. 72nd Avenue: From T.H. #65 to Central Avenue The City Engineer reported that the estimated cost was $10.76 per foot and the final cost was $9.73 per foot. University Avenue East Service Road: From 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue, Including 69th Avenue Crossover on University Avenue 71st Avenue: University Avenue East Service Drive to Park Property Line 73rd Avenue: From Commerce Lane to 390 Feet West There was no one present who wish�3d to speak on these streets. MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public He�rinc� on Street Improvement Project St. 1968-1B except for Horizon Cirale, Hozizon Drive. Crown Road and Ventura Avenue which are to be �Qntinued as q���,ined earlier. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, ali a���� Publip Hearing clesed at 10:10 P.M. 3PECJ.AI. $UBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FINAL RSSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVE� MENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2B: Mayor Kirkham stepped dawn trom the Chair, as he has some property under this street improvement pro;ram that will be assessed. Councilman Harris assumed the �hair. Mayor Haris Pro tem read the Public Heariny Notice aloud. 53rd Rvenue: Main street to Universitv Avenue Mr. R. A. Freeburg, 160-53rd Avenue N.E., said that his concrete driveway was cracked. Zt is naw closed oif and asked when he can use it a:,ain. Mr. Dale Hamilton replied that the contractor had engaged another contractor to do some of the work, but he did not kryow what happened to him. He said that ,�f the work is not done immediately, another contra�tor will be hired to finish the work. Councilman Harris saic3 that this payment would then be deducted from the final payment due the contractor. A momber of the audience asked haw thick the black� top was. �I'he City En�ineer replied 3" with a 6" base. Mr. Hamilt�n added that this is a State Aid street and has to meet the State Aid standards. Mr. Walter Olstead, 5377 Altura Road, asked why he was being assessed for a 5tate Aid Street that is one block away from his house. Councilraan Liebl said that if the lots front on 53rd Avenue the assessment is $9.53 per foot and for that section o= street that does not have lots tronting on it, where the�street cost is spread halfway up the block, it is $1.95 per foot. He was then asked what is half way up the block. The Finance Director said that it is based on footage, one half of the footage between two streets is used. There are not many houses facing on 53rd Avenue in this area so it was figured differently. Thi,s has been the Council policy for many years. One block may be only 500' lon�, but another may be lOQQ'. Mr. Olstead said that this is a very lony block. A lady in the audience said that everyone uses Altura :toad as an access to Highway #47. �he� only have a south street, there is no intersectiny street to the north. Councilman Harris added that what these people ' + i �r , ' �I , lI , � � � � l _ �� l� ' ' , , � ' LJ �� SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEi�ER 8, 1969 ' are saying is that there is no east-west street at the north end , of Altura Road. The Zady said that the cars come out around Horizon Drive, then onto Main Street. , � � ' ' ' �� � ' � ' ' r-, U ' � _J Mr. Mike Lewko�wicz, 5407 Altura Road, said that when Altura Road is improved, they will be assessed ac�ain and wondered if the assessments would be spread then on someone else. The Finance Director said that there would be another assessment by front footac;e. He said that there can be no guarantees that everyone will be assessed equall.y . The only way that can be d one is in a new subdivision where the deveZoper puts in all the streets at once. A member of the audience said that S3rd Avenue is used by the industry on Main Street and asked i� chey would be assessed. The Finance Director said no, but some of the cost will be made up out of the State Aid funds. A lady in the audience said that 53rd was put in heavier to take care of the trucks used by the industry, yet the residents have to pay for them. Mayor Harris Pra tem explained that the streat is being assessed to the residents as a reyular residential street and the difference between a residential and an inc3ustrial street is being made up by the 5tate Aid funds. The balance between the two�is about $12,OQ0, He said that as to the question of assessing the industry, that only abutting property can be assessed according to law. Councilman Liebl read the Public Hearing Minutes of December 11, 1967 aloud to the audience and stated that this was the Council policy then also. A lady in the audience said that she could see tlze reason for tt�e policy of assessing one half way up the block as long as there was an intersectin:� street at the o�her end, but in this case, there i� no other intersecting street and the people at the north end will r�ot get assessed one half way dvwn the block from the north. The City Attorney said that this was a point well taken and asked if Altura Road was assessed as a side street when Horizon Drive was improved. The City Engineer said no. The City Attorney said that if the Council feels that everyone all the way up Altura Road receives s�me benefit, they could be assessed; hawever, there would have to be anothez publ3c Hearing. Mayor Harris Pro tem said that this is an interesting point that has been raised and that it is a different type of question. He said that it would behoove the Council to discuss this among t'hemselves and with the City .�.3. �� SPB�CIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTB�ER 8, 1969 Attorney. He asked that the City Attorney also check on �the legaZity of this. He said that the Council w ill try to have an answer ready by the next Council Meeting. He said that there is not enough time for a lec�al publication so he asked the people present to please inform the nei�;hbors that it will be disaussed again at the next Meetiny. Councilman Liebl objected to the consideration of a change in policy a� this is the way all streets have been assessed in the past including Ventura Avenue, Crown Road and Horizan Circle. If th is is done on Altura Avenue, why not other places as wel,l. The City Attorney said that he did not mean to imply that he w�s g iving an opinion, just that he would like to research tthe mattex, nor is he advisiny the Council what to do at this tima. Councilman Liebl answered that the policy has been set £or som� time and he felt that the Counc�.l should abide by it. 67th Avenue: Universitv Avenue to Jefferson Street Mr. Merril Jordahl. 575-67th Avenue N.E., said that he has talked to a number of people and everyone seems to fee], that� they should not be assessed yet as the job is not done. He said that he wished to register a complaint on the sod, or� the way it was put in and on the quality. Mayor Harris Pro tem s8�.d that anyone with complaints should call the City Hall and the City Engineer will check it out to see if it can be rectified. He added that before any final �ayment is made, all the streets will be inspected thorou��hly. Mr. James E. Thomson, 411-67th Avenue N.E., asked what the est�.ma*e was, what the final cost was and hvw much will be paid by the State Aid fund. The City Engineer answered that the estimate was $9.33 per foot, the final cost was $8.72 per foot, the total cost was $49,305.49, and a little over $30,000 was assessed. 69th Avenue: Old Gentral Avenue to Stinson Boulevard; The City Engineer said that the estimate was $9.16 and the final cost was $6.25 per foot. A member of the audience asked if the�e was any idea when the concrete curb and gutter would be put �#�. The City 8ng ineer said that would be done.when the area develo�s, 1 �1 �,� ' � � i i� ' � � ' � � J I � I __J � � ' , � , � � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING r'�ND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 19t{� If the curb and yutter were put in nflw, they woulci nave to be torn up a;ain for the drivew ays. A resident asked ii this was t;zen considered a temporary street. The City En�,ineer said that the impro�ement that is there is a permanent 9 ton street, but that it will be a staged program. M4TION by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearin� on the Final Rssessment Roll for Street Improvement Project St. 1968-2B. Seconded by Councilmar� :�heridan. Upon a voice vote, �iiere being no nays, Mayor Harris Pro tem declared Lhe Y�earing closed at 10:45 P.M. MAYOR KIRKHAM RESUMED HIS CHAIR AS MAYOR PUBLIC HERRING ON FINAL PLAT P.5. #69-09, REQUESTED BY MIKE O'BANNON: Mayor Kirkham read the Nr�tice or Hearing anc� asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak on tt�is with no response. A neic�hbor of Mike O'Bannon' � came forward with tY�e plans and said that Mr. O'Bannon had to be out of tawn and had asked h im to present them to the Council. Councilman Liebl asked it there was access botiY �rom Rice Creek Road and Arthur 5treet. It was pointed out that access was oniy �rom Rice Creek Road. MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Heariny on the ' Final Plat P.S. �69-09 requested by Mike O'Bannon. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayos Kirtcham declared the hearing closed at 10:55 P.M. � � PUBLIC HEARING C1N VACATION REQU�ST 5AV �69-06, REQUESTED BY LEO O. LF.1�CE: All that part of 47th Avenue lyiny east of the east ri�ht of way line of 3rd Street. Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing and asked if there were any comments from the audience. Mr. Cornelius Warzecha, 4675 3rd Street N.E, said that he understood that there ' was something about a walkway. Councilman Tiarris said that this was right, the City will retain an easement for a walkway out to University Avenue. Mr. Warzecha said that he approved of the walkway. The City Engineer explained that there are some utilities in the street, so the City will have to retain an � easement for them. Mr. Lemke wants to put a house on Lot 30, using the land that he would gain by the vacation. There is already a house on Lots 28 & 29. ' 3� SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 �li) ' I�ot 30 is now tax forfeit and he assumed that Mr. Lemke has an option on the 1ot. He said that the Planning Commission has received a letter from 4710 3rd Street suggesting that this lot be used as a"tot lot". Mr. Lemke would have about a 68' lot with an easement over some of it. Mr. Lemke came forward and showed the Council some preliminary drawings of his proposal at the Counci�. table. � MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the Vacation Request SAV #69-06, requested by Leo O. Lemke. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan for discussion. CounciLaan Sheridan asked if the alley is still part of the plat. The City Engineer said yes. Mayor Kirkha�n asked if the alley is being used now. The City Engineer said not to his knowledge. Ti� VOTE UPON THE MOTION being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, and the Public Hearinq closed at 11:07 Y.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CONSIDERATION OF A STORM SEWER PROJECT FOR THE LUCIA LANE - 68TH AVENUE AREAr Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice. The City Engineer showed the area on the screen, and explained that as the areas within the City develop, the drainage is increased. At the present time, a drainage sump is being use to collect the water at the north end of the proposed district. There are sane problems at the north end. The road goes under water at times, and the streets in this area need improvinq. The K.C. Hall is proposing to add onto their parking lot and this will further add to the sump. He explained that the area bounded by the black line as shown on the map would be the drainaqe district which would be assessed. The drainage sump has been wozking until now becaus� the low land is undeveloped, but it will have to be done eventually. A member of the audience asked if this is proposed to be done for the benefit of the K.C. Hall. The City Engineer answered no, that the area now collectinq the water will eventually be developed also. He was then asked what the zoning was in the low lying area. He answered that it is R-3 now. Mr. W. Hitchcock, 6532 N.E. Pierce Street said that it seemed to him that the problem seams to be the street, rather than the land. The water stands in the street because there is dirt piled up between the street and the swamp preventing the water from draining into the swamp. A member of the audience asked if there was no storm sewer system in this area now. The City Engineer said no, this is a storm se�+er district still to be set up. Every bit of land will eventually be within one storm sewer district or another. There followed a lengthy discussion with many residents of the area speaking as unanimously opposed to the development of the storm sewer system at this time. A'Representative of the North Air Home Association said that the K.C.'s had not requested consideration of the storm sewer district either. A Member of the K.C.'s said that since he has been coming to the meetings, he has noticed no problems with the water. Mayor Kirkham told the people present that it is the duty of the Council to ],00k ahead. There are areas within the City that have been allowed to develop, so that when a storm sewer system was installed so�ne of the�land had to be bouqht back for a basin and this is very expensive. � � � � � � II � ' i ' � � � � � � ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 • t -ti .�I � MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the Public Hearing on the proposed Storm , Sewer District for the Lucia Lane ^ 68th Avenue area. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham cieclared the hearing closed at 11:35 P.M. i ' ' , � ' � ' � , ' � �I� � � � PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FINAL PLAT REQUESTED BY WILLIAM H, GALLAGHER, P.S. #69-10, GALLAGHER ADDITION: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice and asked if there was anyone who wished to speak. There was no ane in the audience with any comments. The City Engineer explained that this plat is dividing the land into three lots which all meet the minimum requirements. The City is requesting a right of way easement in the southwest corner, with this dedication, the plat will still.meet the City standards. MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to close the Public Hearing on the Final Plat P.S. #69-10 requested by William H. Gallagher. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT P.S. #68-04, GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL PARK: Mayor Kirkham read the Public Hearing Notice. Mr. R.H. Brokopp and another Representative from Great Northern Railway were present to discuss the plat. Mr. Brokopp said that the final plat is ready for execution, and that it is almost the same as the registered land survey the Council approved previously. The City Engineer pointed out that the platting ordinance requires a dedication of 15$ of land to the City. There followed a discussion at the Council table while looking at the plans. MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the Final Plat for Great Northern Industrial Park, P.S. #68-04 subject to a conveyance of Lot I, Block 3 to the City, and an easement for a water line over Outlot I to Lot 1, Block 3. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEY R,L.S. #69-02, EAST RANCH ESTATES, INC.: Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The City Engineer explained that this is the property the car wash, Superette, and the apartment houses are using. This had to go to court to settle boundry lines, and it is now ready for approval. MOTION by Cvuncilman Liebl to approve the Registered Land Survey R.L.S. #69--02, East Ranch Estates, Inc. subject to an additional dedication of the property bounded by a 50' radius on the southeast corner. Seconded by Counci.lman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLU�ION #159-1969 - RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #89: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #159-1969. SecondeS by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vq��� �,��, i�yAs. Ma�or Kirkham declare the motion carried. . � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 RESOLUTION #160-1969 - RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #92: ��� . �C'i MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #160-1969. Seconded by Council- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION CONEIRMII3G ASSE5SMENT ROLL FOR STFtEET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-1B5 MOTION by Councilman Sheridan to table consideration of this resolution to the Meeting bf September 15, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. CONSIAERATION OF RESOLLiTI0I3 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1968-2B: MOTION by Councilman 5heridan to table consideration of this resolution to the Meeting of September 15, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ADJ0t1RNII�lENT : There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Puialic - Hearing and Workshop Meeting of September 8, 1969 adjourned �t 12:05 A.M. Respectfully submitted, uel Mercer � Secretary to the City Council Jack O. Kirkham Mayor ' � l _J � l.J 1 , � , 1 r ' � , , � � � � CITY OF fRIOLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINN�SOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 19�-1B STREET IMPROUEMENT PROJ£CT Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridiey will meet at the City Haii in said City on the 8th day of Se�tember� 1969, at 7:30 o'c]ock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvement, to-wit: ST. 19�-16 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open to public inspection by a11 persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of sai d Ci ty, At said hearing the Councit will consider written or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvements. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of street improvements including grading, stabilized base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer systems, water and sewer services, and other facilities located, as follows: Horizon Circle: Main Street to Horizon Drive Horizon Orive: 53rd Avenue to Interstate No. 694 Service Road Crown Road: Main Street to Horizon Drive Ventura Avenue: Main Street to Horizon Drive Alley Between Main Street and 2nd Street: From 47th Avenue to 48th Avenue Anna Avenue: North Property Line of Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 78 to to South Property Line of School Chase Island Access Road: Mississippi River to Anna Avenue Trinity Drive: 61si Avenue to StarTite 8oulevard 64th Avenue: Central Avenue to Arthur Street McKinley Street: Mississippi Street to 66th Avenue 75th Avenue: Lakeside Road to Stinson Boulevard Hayes Street: 73rd Avenue to Onondaga Street Onondaga Street: Hayes Street to 9acon Drive Norton Avenue: West £nd to Old Centrai Avenue 72nd Avenue: From T.H. No. 6� to Centrai Avenue University�Avenue East Service Road: From 69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue, Including 69th Avenue Crossover on University Avenue 71st Avenue: University Avenue East Service Drive to Park Property Line 73rd Avenue: From Commerce Lane to 390 Feet West The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area of the above noted streets. �� �� Page 2- tJotice of Hearing of Assessment for ST. 196g-1B Street Improvement Project Said improvernents v1i11 be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part propartionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. DATED THIS l�th DAY OF AUGUST, 1969, 3Y ORD�R OF THE CITY COUtJCIL OF THE CITY OF fRI DLfY. ATTEST: ��, . � MAYO� Jack 0. Kirkham F �� CITY ClERK Marvin C. Srunsell � • a Publish: Fridley Sun o� August 27, 1969, and Septen�oer 3, 1969. � 0 0 0 �' � J � � ' ' I�I ' ' � , , L� ' ' , , ' � ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKR C�l.»;TY, MI NNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF hSStSS'tENT FOR 'd��TER ANO SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS Notice is hereby given that the Council of tF�e City of Fridley will meet at the City Natl in said City on th� �5�� day of September, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if dny,,to the proposed assessments in respect to the foll�v:ting improvements, ta-wit: 1969 WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS , NOT HERETOFORE FUZ�ISHED AND AVAILABLE The proposed assessment roll for eaeh of said improvernants is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. • 1 , 1�I At sai_d hearing, the Council will consider written or orat objections to the � proposed assessments for each of said improvements. � . . . ,; The general nature of the improveme�ts and each of them is the construction and furnishing of sewer mains, lat�rals, and service connections and water mains, laterals, and service connections in and to the properties, as foltows: Parcel 6000 Parcel 6600 �.: Block 22 (Registered Land Survey) Btock 22 (Registered Land Survey) Tract A Tract 8 Tract C Tract E Lots 3 and 4, 81ock 2 Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 Lot 7, Btock 2, and Lot 1, lot 8, Biock 2, and Lot 16, I� of Lots 13 and 14, Block Part of Lot 32, Parcel 4040 Parcet 1940, Part of Lot 12 lot 2, Block 1 Lots 17-2t, Block 4 Lot 2, Bl ock 1 -�� -' Lots 51 and 52, Block G Lots 53 and 54, Block G West 60 Feet of Lots 22-25, lots 8-l0, B1ock 9 Lot 60 Lot 64 lot 66 lot 68 . Lot 69 lot 70 (N. 165�) Block Block 4 �, ,• �� Block _ 3.�1 . Section 2 . Section 12 Fridley Park Addition (Hirsch Brothers) Fridtey Park Addition (East Ranch•Estates) Registered Land Survey No, 14 {Adams St. Add'n) Reg�ster�d l,and Surv�y No. 14 (Adams St. Add'n) Registered Land Survey rdo. i4 (Adams St. Add�n) Registered Land Surv�y No. 14 (Adams St. Add'n) Adams Street Addition Adams Street Addition 3 Adams Street Addition 3 Adams Street Addition Ad�ms Street Addition Auditor's Subdivision No. 23 Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 Herwal 2nd Addition Lowel] Addition Nagel's Woodlands Addition Riverview Heights Addi:ion Riverview Heights Addition 7 Spring Brook Park Addition Spring Brook Park Addition Spring Lake Park Knolls (Moundsview) Spring Lake Park Kno11s (Moundsview) Spring Lake Park Knolls (Moundsview) Spring Lake Park Knoiis (Moundsview) Sp:ing Lake Park Knolls (Moundsview) Spri�g Lake Park Knotls (Moundsview) �2 I' . Pa e 2- NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESShtENT FOR W,4TER AND SEWEft MAINS LATERALS . 9 � � ANO SERVI CE CON;JECTIONS • , , , • � i . The area proposed to be assessed for said impravements and each of them is all ,� that�tand benefited by said improvements or each of them and is the same as . those listed above. � Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. ' S PASSED AN� ADOPTED SY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18TH DAY OF - i . ' AUGUST, 196g. � ' ' ' .. . MAYOR . Jack'-4. Kirkham ' ATTEST: - .+ "' • « . _� ' CITY CLERK Flarvin C. Brunsell . � ' � l Please pubtish in the Fridley Sun on September 3 and September 10, �959. ' , . . :; - ' +� � _ _ ' � , . _ ,_ - - ' � ' , � � � � 1 . .� . !, 1 . ' , � , I , ' ' , � ' , ' ' ' ' . . , � �j ! / � �4 � , �soLtrr�orr rto. �p' - 1969 �3 R$St7LUTIC�N COt1^II',t�flN�i !L�SESJ�'�Nr FOR jTREET II�E'P,QV i•1f�NT PIZOJI�CT ST. 19G8-iB 1 1 � :� B5 IT RESOLV�D by the City Council oi the City o£ Fridley, riinnesota, as follaas: 1. 1'h� City Clerk has with the assistance of the enginecrs hcrctofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper anounts to be spccially assesscd far thc , � . r'� SI'RrET� IMP�OVEI�iENT F?CJFCT ST, 1968-18 . . in said City again3t every ass�ssablc lot, pi�ce, or garcel oi land in accordanee with the provis ions oF l:�w, and has prcpared and filcd with th� City Clerk tabulated st�tencnt� in duplicate showin�.thc proper description of each and cvcry lnt, piece� or parcel of l:�nd to be spECially asscssed and the az�ount calculatcd a,�zinst the sarse� � `: t, 2. Noticc has been duly published as required by law that this Council would mect in special s�ssion at this tir�e �d placc to pass on the propascd Asscssraent, 3. Said proposed assnssment has at �lI ti.r.�es sinc� its filin; been open to inspection and copying by all persons int�reste�, and an opportunity has been gi.ven to alI interested persons to pres�nt their objections, if any, to such propos�d assesstnent, or to �ny iter.t thereof, and no objections have been filed; except � k, The amounts specified in the proposed assessr;�nt are changed and altered as follcnas: �`- � � ,� � C�y�� � ` �' • � lr-- � % - � - � 9� � � ` . � / '� ' � �2�',� °� '��- -��.�c,.�,.� `2;� �.- 1�--��'���f', 3 � i � `'�`"' /�,' ,�� �r.�`-� / � u�'�`.. ,.J .. , 5. This Council f inds tha,t each a� the l ot s, picces , or parcel s oE 2and entm�erated in said proposcd assessnent as altersd and nodi�ied was and is special2y beacfited by the STR3ET IPfF'�QVEr4T'stl!' PROJEGT ST. 2968-1B r , £n the �tcaount in said proposed assessnent as �altered and nodigied by the Corrective roll i�t the anount set opt�osite the descrintion of eaci� such 1ot� piecc, or parrel of land, and that said �aount so sct out is hereby levicd a�ainst each of thc resp�etive lots, pieces, or parecls oE Iand therein describcd, � ' � , � I� --, I� �� ' � K � � PaJe 2- RBSOLUTICT7 N0. �.. 19G9 �� � 6� Sucit proposed assessr�ent as �ltcrcd� rnaiigicd and corrected is AFfi.rned, Adopted, and cork in�ed� 3ruj the suns fixed arzd nam�d in saici proposcd assess-• ment as altered, modified and corrcct��cl with the ch:�nQes and alterations hercin abwc m.ade, are affirmed, adopted, anc? confirmed as the proper special assessments �or each ot said lots� piec�s or parcel� o` 1?nd respcetively. 7. Said assessr.tent so aFEirr.:ed, adopted, and con€ ixr,ted shal l be certi£ied to � by the City Clerk 3nd filed in his officc and shall ti�ercupon be and . Constitutc the sp�cial assessnent £or �•, � , i L� a STREET THIPF:OVEt�'NT PROJFCT ST� i��68-28 A 8, The.amounts assessed agairist each lot, piece, or p�cel of land s}izll bear interest froxt the date hereoE until the s�c h�ve been pflid �t thc rate of aevctt and one-hal� (71) per ccnt per ann�aa, . ,. _ ,�, y. Suca assessment shal.l be payable in tcn (10� annual ittstzllments payable on the lst day of Jattu�ry �n cach year� beginnin� in the year 1970, and � eontinuirk; until all oC said installments shzll have been paid; each ^instAll- ment to be collected with taxes colleetible durin� sa.id year by the County Aud itor. . 10. The City Clcri; is hereb,- directed to tnakc up and Filc in the ottice of the County Auditor of Anoka Caunty � c�rti.iied stater�erit oc the anount of all sueh unpaid assessZaer�ts and t:ie araount c� ieh will be due ther�on on the lst day of Januar;� in each ;�ear. ' Z'he c�ation for fi �dQption of the fore�oin; resoluti�n ta3� duiy seconaed by Cou�cilman _ ,�%����'�� , and upon vote bein�: ta?:en thereon the followir� voted in Eavor thereoi: � ' attd the follaaino voted against thc same: � ' - /;% PA.�5��? AP�,1 FC�D Tl' T?�E CITY COUCICIL OF T?iE eITY 0^ FRID7,EY THiS /-� - DAY OF 1969. �.. � ' , A�ZT�ST : , , CITX CLERK Marvin C. Brunscll MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham 0 � REa^OI,TT�'IOi�' NQ. �� - 1969 r, � ' . ,: � � A�SO1�Vi'Znr� QO>dI'�I'�`1ING ASSESS�ITNT COR SI'P,��T xI�TPP,C�L�IBNI' PF;OJI:CT ST. 1�6'8-2B � ' �� I3� TI' RCSOI;�'F:� by thc �i.ty CounGil o� tha City o� Fridley, Mi.nnesota� as L'o11oF�s; 1. Ti:e City Clcrl: h�s w�i�h �.h� assistance o� thc an�i.necxs h�rcto�ore sclected ' by thi.s Counci.l £or such puxpose, calcula�ed th� proper amounts to be speeially assessed for the ° „ STRF.ET 7�1P'::QVII�TENT PR�JGGT ST, 2968-28 � itt ss�id City ��inst everyr Asscsslble I�t, piecc, or parcel bP land in aCCOrdancc with the prov�sions of Inta� ��tncl has prepaxed and f iled �vith the City C1erF: tabula�Ed statem�nts in dupli.cZte sho,�in3 th� pr�per description of eac�t and every. Iot� picCG, or parcel �o� 2and to be spECially assesscd ar�d tha �nount catculated ��inst the sa-�e. � �Y 2; Nowice has been duly published as required by law that this Couneil wou�d meet in speczal s�ssion :�t this tir�e �nd p7.ace to p�ss on the prpposad Assessment� - . 3. S�tid proposed assessment has at alI times sinec its �ilin; been open to inspecti.on and copyit�; by 4111 persons interested� and an opportunity has bcen fiiven to all inter�sted pers�ns to present ttioit' objectzons, if any, to sueh proposcd assess�-lent, or to any iter� .theren�, and no objections havc been f iled; except , :�. k. The �ounts specified in thc propos�d assessmcnt are ch3nged and alte�cd R8 �0�10[J3 ; 0 S, This Council finds that each oi the Zots, pieces� or p�z�cels of land anumerated in saicl pz'opose$ asscssment as �lt�red and nodif icd o�as and is �3pccially bancfi.ted by the STRi:�T iriPr?ovt�;�NT Pb0.7FCT SZ'. 196F3-2B in thG �aouttt in said proposed ass�ssmcnt as altercd and nodiFied by the Corrective roll in the �ount set opposite the description o� eacj� such lot� piece, or parcel o� I�nd, and fihat said a�ount so set out is hcxeby Icvicd ag�inst e:ich of the respective Ints,� pieces, or parcels o� land thexein described, � . 0 � r 4�� 0 �t�) � _1 ' F�� 2� R�Sf�I,iLCI0P7 N0. .• igb9 ' � ..�.�... � 6, Such pra�os�d assessra�nt �s al.tGr�d. raodiEicd � and corrected is affirr,ied� , Ado�t�cl, :tr.d can�irned� and th� sums fixed and named in saia pxoposed ass�ss- , mGnt aS ���s���d� mocli�icd �r.d �arre�ted with the c�ange$ and altcr.�tiQn� h��re3n ttbqv�. m�zde� �re a�Eirr.i�d� ad�pt�df and conf irmed as th� proper specia7. � �9Q�s�ca��tt� �o�' eaCh of SAi.d 10�8 � pieces or parcels Q� land re�pecti.vcly. � '. , , ' ��_ , ' � ' 7, S�i.d assess�e,n� sa aEfirn�ed, ad�pte�f anc� cor_�i.rm�d shall be �.�r��fied to �Y �h� G�tY ���x'••' and �iled in hi.� p��ice �ncl sha11 thcr�upon ba and Gen��itu�e �hc: speci�l assessment ��x ��� _ . � _ . STR�'F'P IMPRQV�I�PI� PROJL C'I' ST. 1968-2I3 8� The, amoun�s ass�as�d ��ains�. eae`:l icat, �iecc� or parc�l oP land shall b�ar it�teresfi £ron t'te CiII�E iter�.�i' unt il the s�ne hav� been pa id at the rata oF sGV�n nnd arte�.h:.�1� (7�) per acnt p�x annum. . � � ,, = fy 8. Suett nsscssn2en� shal! be payable in ten (14) �nnual install�ents payable on � �h� lat day c�f January in eaCh year, beginnin�;� i� �he ycar 1970� and � continuiz�� unti.l all o� said installm�nts sha11 have been oaid�, each"install- ment to be callected wi.th taxes eoll�.ctible durin; s�id year by th.e C�unty Audi,tor. � 30, The City C1erk �.s hercby d�.rected �o na�;e up and �ile in tl�e of�ice of the County Auditor oE Anol;a County a cezti£ied st�ter�ent o£ the r�ount of a11. 8uch unp�id �tssessments and the anount caiiich will be due thcreor� on the lst day of J&nuc�xy in eac'n year. Th� mot�on �or the adoptio� o� the f�regoin� r�solution was duly seconded by Cquncilr.�az� , atld ttpon votc be.inb t�zken therevre thc tc�llaai,ng voted in favor th�reof : ttnd �he folJ.owin� voted a�ainst the s�e, PAaSEA !IND ADOPT::b BY THE CITy (;pUidCIL OI' 1"HE CITY OF' FRI�L�Y TH�S AAY OF , 1969. , ' ' �1T'.t'�S".�' : � tf�YQt Jack 0. Kirkhatn GYT�' ���'x Marvin C. Bruttsell ' - � II � i ' i , ' ' ' -, � ' ' . , � i� ORDINAxdCE N0. ` '� AN QRI?INANCE TO �MEND THE CITY COD� OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CI-IANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of �'ridley do ordain as follows; SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as . hereinafter indicated. , SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County ot Anoka and the City o� Fridley and described as follows: Lots 5, 6 and North Half (NZ) of Lot 7, Block 10, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, including the vacated alley and the vacated portion of Sixth Street lying adjacent to the above described lots, a1Z lying in the South Half (Sz) of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hexeby designated to be in the Zoned District known as R-3A (apartments only - general multiple dwellings). SECTION 3. 'i'hat the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or axea from Zoned District R-2 (limited multiple family dwellings) to R-3A (apartments only - general multi:ple family dwellings). .,� i PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCZL 0�' THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS /� DAY OF �''� , 1969. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Bxunsell Public Hearing: August 11, 1969 First Reading: SeotemhP� ?, 19h9 Second Reading: Publish....... � MAYOR - Jack 0. Kixkham 0 � _ r' ' ' ,I ' I � I , � , , ' I , �_ ' , ' ' ZOA ��69-09: Sacred Heart Parish L. 5, 6 and NZ of 7, B1. 10, Hamilton's Add. to Mechanicsville Rezone from R-2 (limited multiple family) to I2-3A (general multiple family) Z0�41R�C R-1 SiNGi�� �`APr�tLY DY�(GS AREAS R-2 �TD. h�t1LTIPLE F'AMILY D�'1G'S .' R-3 GEN, h9ULT1PLE FAMILY D�'!G'S � R-4 DISTRICT USE F'ERMITTED �� .' C-1 LOCAL. BUSiNESS AREAS C-t-S LOCAL SNOPPii�G AREAS CR-t CLINICS P� ALLIED L�+Ei, � � �� �,,"""� �� �� �'���� �� : _� •� -'�- -- -+�--_ ---�'` ;� �.�� _.�-�4�^` .r= . F-.� � j' � `� - -- -' . .)- . - - I - � - '�T- - — . � i . ' v . � .' .- ' $i° _v___u ._si� _ ` _iu r _a� . � . �` _ •1•fl �N� 1..is� �_ - •�ri�:.""'_"'."""''.I — e-." ,a•.0 .,,., y"'. ,r........'s_,�_ . .r u w .a ; ; � i., e, i a�: u , ;� 1" f� _ — - -- — � - --- ' ; ' Z' • Z . � z9 : ,__ �.�, ''� , z9 : : F 4; < • __ __ . __1�_. _. . 3 .... - ZS � . � , �/ :� l/ � --- � 3 ; � _-___� .-- - - - -- � -- .. . _ .� `� q - J a 1 27 �I - --- - - --_ _ � . . . . . : 1t� . S �. r IL . , � . IO s � . _.. __ u - — - - � �, 6 : �' : � . Zt 6 - — � - —��- - . .IO_ _�.. - _ - ---8 , 11�-- B-%-� -..Zq .._ ? " 9 <Z � 9 . 12 —.. g Z: — /O _ '� �. __- . _ _ Z/ .; � 1 y0 _ Z/ , c � _ 1a u Te '_ � U ?o . _ ir " ,� /9_ /t /! .• ` /1 � /9 i7 �' � �g_ _ _ /3 _ . � � = --^�/3 _ — �� � — _ /3 + ♦ A k[ •/7� N i7 � f! '�:t � �y ' /S fG l i x `i�� $ '� � /4' ' � —_ �i $ . „ AYE. -- __ �; ,�.,� J p�.�.~ _ i _ .. . }. --y,.- � _ ��,o _.,t.;; - 3v �e 'v, i � � 30 � � _e . � � . -'c � Z , Iy y �1� Y} ^9 - - -� � ►- Zg- E-�- � ` - ' � � ;: �i�-? � ; 3 �j Za j �' - =-T . -.4� _.�1L . __ __�.. __. _. _._ _ _.. ._._. _ ZS 6 _.-'._. _....'___ �------_. _ .. -- Z: ` 8 lz-� 9 -- ______.. —`- zi /c � — 1 8---- - //-- i ��___ __"? _ � , ;e , , y : —_'T — __'u__'_ (� � /G � e�r �. a) Y L.�G��� i CQ CITY�PROPERTY O SCHflOL PROPERTY I � Q ORDINANCF NUMBER I� ' � a Q ZONE USE LIMITATION I , _ ''_ 4_ _ .__2f. _ _. .S__ __.`t __-+ _ �1* _ ____ �_'__ Ii ` _ 8 _--- 2t 9 — ` �-- --�c-- _ I< // --/9 -- �_.. /r'— // . : 9 ._"__ �f. _ . .'.� -_ �� i � � `/,-? � i !o C-2 G�NEfiAL BUS(N�SS AREAS C-2-S �ENERAL Sf�OPP1IVG AREAS CR-2 OFFICE SERV. Q LTD. E1USINESS PD PLANNEb DEVELOPMEN7 M-I LIGHT INDUSTRlAL AREAS M- 2 HEAVY !hlDUSTRIAL ARE�1S P PUSIIC FACI�ITIES AREAS a \\\\\ �\\\ v i v I -- i � � � � C' � , ' ul ' -_ I ' � �� , � II� ORDINANCE NO �: � � r� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 46 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO EXCAVATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ON OR OVER EASEMENTS ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY AND REQUIRING CONTRACTOR OR PROPERTY OWNER "STATEMEPIT OF UNDERSTANDING" The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 46.6 When a Building, Plumbing or Electrical Permit is issued, the contractor or property owner shall be required to sign a"Statement of Understanding" which outlines and calls to his attention his responsibilities in conjunction with excavation (digging) and construc- tion as concerns easements over and on both private and public property. Such statement shall include but shall not be limited to the following sub- jects: �ermit number and permit date to wh?ch Statement of Understanding applies; office address and telephone number of agency to be contacted to obtain information on easement locations and staking of loeations; appli- cant responsibilities concerning construction on or over municipal or public utilities easements or installed facilities; barricading, lighting and/or reflectorizing excavations and/or obstructions; repair to streets; alleys and other surfaced areas; responsibilities for reporting any damage caused to municipal or private utilities; staking of curb boxes; backfilling of excavations and repairs, and Industrial Commi.ssion of Minnesota safety regu- lations preventing operation of cranes, booms, or other apparatus that ex- tend into the air within 15 feet of any energized power lines. The "State- ment of Understanding" text shall be approved by Council resolution. A signed copy of the "Statement of Understanding" shall be attached to each Building, Plumbing and Electrical Permit issued and one signed copy shall be appended to the City file copy of the permit issued and shall be retained as a part of such permit record. � PA ED B THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS I�, DAY OF —1 ;' , 1969. MAYOR - JACK O. KIRKHAM ATTEST: � CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Reading; September 2, 1969 ' . Second Reading: Publish.*. ... �� � 1 ' , , ' � i � � � _ � � � � ' � , ' � � AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, ALTEftATION, LOCATION, OR MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS AND BZLLBOARDS WITHII� THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, F'ROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF BdNDS, THE ISSUANCE OF P�.NIITS, INSPECTION:AND FEES, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND AMENDING THE EXISTING CHAPT� 56 (SIGNS & BILLBOARDS� FROM 56.01 TO 56.12 OF THE CITY CODE. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: � SEC�ION 1. Chapter 56 by ame.ndi.ng to read as follows: �6.01 - Purpose and I.ntent The purpose of this Ordina.nce is to protect and promote the general welfare, health, safety and order within the City of Fridley through the establishment of a comprehe.nsive a.nd impartial series of standards, regulatio.ns and procedures governing the erection, use a.ndlor display of devices, signs or symbols serving as a visual communicative media to perso.ns situated within or upo.n public right-of-wa.ys or properties. Th� provisions of this Ordinance are intended to encourage creativit.y, a reaso.nable degree of freedom of choice, an opportunit.y �'or eifective commu.nication, and�a sense of concern for the visual amenities on the part of those designing, displaying or otherwise utilizing .n,eeded communicative media of the types regulated by this Ordi.nance; while at the same time, assuring that the public health and welfare is not e.ndangered. � 56.02 - Definitions 1. "Accessory Use" mea.ns a use which is subordinate to the pri.nciple use being made of a parcel of land. Examples: identification signs, off street parking, off street loading, telepho.ne booths, etc. 2. "Advertising Sign" means a sign, generally known as a billboard, which is used to advertise products, goods, or services which are .not related or incidental to the products, goods, or services o.n the premises o.n which the sign is located.. 3. "Address Sign" means identificatio.n numbers only, whether writte.n or `in numerical form. _ _ _ _ _ 4. "Area Identificatio.n Sign" mea.ns a free standing sign which identifies the name of a neighborhood, a residential subdivision, a multiple residential complex consisti.ng of three (3) or more structures, a shopping center co.nsisting of three (3� or more separate business concerns, an industrial area, an office complex consisting of three (3� or more structures or any combinatio.n of the above. 5 �� 5. "Banners and Pennants" mean attention getting devices which resemble flags and are of a non-permanent paper, cloth or plastic-like consistenc.y. 6. "Bench Sign" means a sign which is affixed to a bench at a bus stop. 7. "Busi.ness Sign" means a sign relati.ng �n its subject matter to the premises on which it i.s located, or to products, accommodations, services or activities on the premises on which it is located. -1- � . 1 � � - , � � � � � i 1 � ' \ 8. "Church Directional Sign." means a sign which bears the address and�or name of a church and directional arrows pointing to a church location. 9. "Canopy and Marquee" mea.ns a rooflike structure projecti.ng over the entrance to a theater, store, etc.' 10. "District" refers to a specific zoning district as defined in the Zo.ning Ordinance. 11. "Free-Standi.ng Sign" means a sign which is placed in the ground and not affixed to any part of any structureo 12, "Goyernmental Sign" means a sign which is erected by a governmental unit for the purpose of directing cr guiding traffic. 13. "Illuminated Sign",means ary si�n which is illuminated by an artificial light source. 14, "Information Sign" means an,y sign giving information, containing no advertising or company name, to emplo,yees, visitors, or delivery �vehicles. � 15. "Instituti.onal Sign" means any sign or bulletin board which ide.ntifies the name and other characteristics of a public or private institution on the site where the sign is located. � 16. "Motion Sign" mea.ns an,y sign which revolves, rotates or has any moving parts. 17. "Nameplate or ldentificatio.n Sign" means a sign which bears the name andlor address of the occupants oi the building. 18. "Nonconformi.ng Sign" means a sign which lawfully existed prior to the adoptio.n of this Ordi.nance but does not conform to the x?ewl,y enacted requireme.nts of this Ordi.nance. � 19. "Portable Sign" means a sign so designed as to be movable from o.ne locatiAn to another which is not attached to the ground or any structuxe. 20. "Porta-panel" refers to a 10' by 20' back to back mobile advertisi.ng device, mounted o.n wheels and used for commercial as well as �ivic promotions. , 21. "Private Traffic Directional Sign" means a sign which is erected o.n private property b,y the owner of such property for the purpose of guiding vehicular a.nd pedestrian traffic. Such sign bears .no advertising information. ' � � � 22. "Projecting Sign" means any sign, all or any part of which extends over public property more than twelve (12� inches. 23. "Permane.nt Sign" is any sign which is not a temporary sign. • -2 - r' J .� � ' , � j � � , lJ � -_ � � J �� I_� 24. "Roof Sign" means any sign erected upo.n the roof of a structure to which it is affixed. 25. "Roofline" is defined as the top line of the coping; or, when the building has a pitched roof, as th� intersection of the outside wall with the roof. 26. "Sign" means any letter, word or s.ymbol, device, poster, picture, statuar,y, reading matter ar representation in the na.ture of an advertisement, announceme.nt, message, or visual communication whether painted, posted, printed, affixed, or constructed, which is displayed outdoors for informatio.nal or c�mmunicative purpoaes. 27. "Sign Area" means that area withi.n the marginal li.nes of the surface which bears the advertise�ne.nt, or in the case of inessages, figures, or symbols attached directly to any part of a building, that area which is included in the smallest rectangle which ca.n be made to circumscribe the message, figure or symbol displayed thereo.n. The stipulated maximum sign area for a free standing sign refers to a single facing. 28. "Street Fro.ntage" refers to the proximity of a parcel of land to one or more streets. An interior lot has one street frontage and a cor.ner lot has two such fro.ntages. 29. "Temporary Sign" means a sign which is erected or displayed for a limited period of time. Such temporar,y signs shall include but not be limited to those listed i.n Section 56.03 and Sectio.n 56.05 4 b2, and pennan-ts, banners, paper a.nd other similar typa signs. 30. "Wall Sign" means any sign which is affixed to a wall of any building. 31. "Window Sign" means a sign placed on a window, or an.y sign placed within a building for the purpose of being visible from the public right-of-way. �6.03 - General Provisions Applicable To All Districts 1. Address Signs � O.ne address sign shall be required per building in all districts. 2. Bench signs shall be permitted only at bus stops. ' 3. Canopies and marquees shall be co.nsidered to be an integral part of the structure to which they are an accessory. Signs may be attached to a canop,y or marquee but such structures shall .not be considered , as part of the wall area and thus shall .not warra.nt additional sign area. � , � 4. Church directior_al signs shall be permitted i.n all districts provided the total area of such signs shall.not exceed four (4� square feet per facing. ' -3- J� � '�l ' ' �.� � 5. Co.nstruction All signs shall be co.nstructed in such a manner and of such material that they shall be safe and substantial, provided that notiiing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted as authorizi.ng the erectio.n or construction of any sign .not .now permissible under the Zo.ni.ng or Building Ordinance of the City. . 6. Free Standing Si�ns a. Any free standing sign. within � section of street right of way shall have a minimum vertical ,centerline of the pavement. � � � � , -_ twenty-five (25� feet of any inter- lines a.nd�or driveway entrances clearance of ten (10� feet above the b. The total sign area of any multi-faced free standing sign shall not exceed twice the permitted area of a si.ngle face sign. 7. General Requirements a. No sign shall contain any indecent or offe.nsive picture or writte.n matter. . � b. No sign other than governmental signs shall be erected or temporarily placed within any street or public right of way or upon any public easement. c. A permit for a sign to be located within 50 feet of any street or highwa�r regulatory or warni.ng sign, of any traffic sign or signal, or of any crossroad or crosswalk, will be issued only if: I (1� The sign wiil not interfere with the ability of drivers and pedestrians to see a.ny street or highwa�r sign, or an�r traific sign or signal, or any crossroad or crosswalk, and; ' (2) The sign will not distract drivers .nor offer any confusion to any street or highway sign, or any traffic sigri or sigr�al. � d. The issuance of a permit ma� also be subject to conditions in order to promote a more reasonable combi.nation of signs and to promote conformity with the character and uses of adjoining property.. The ' conditio.ns will be subject to the discretio.n of tne Bnildi.ng Inspection.Department. , � � � l_J 8. Illuminated Signs No illuminated sign which changes in either color or intensit.y of light shall be permitted except one giving public service information such as time, date, temperature, weather, or similar information. The City Building Inspector in granting permits for illumi.nated signs shall specif,y the hours during which the same ma.y be kept lighted when necessar,y to preven� the creation of a nuisance. There shall be no use of revolvi.ng beacons, zip flashers, or similas devices which cause an,y of the sources of light to change in intensity, unless as noted above. -4- . i � , � � � � ' � ' -: , , � ' , � � L� , 90 Maintenance a. The surface and structure of all signs must be kept refinished as necessar.y to prevent the sign surface from becoming unkempt in appearance. Fm en an,y sign for which a permit is required is removed, the Building Inspec�or sha11 be .notified and the e.ntire sign and its' components shall be removed, b, The permit owner shall be responsible for all of the requirements of this Chapter,.including the liabilit,y for expense of removal , and maintena.nce iricurred b.y the Cit,y, 10. Motion signs are permitted onl�r in C-1, C-1S, C-2, and C-2S Districts. Also the only type of motio.n sign allowed is a revolving sign which revolves 360° but does not exceed 8 RPM, 11, Portable signs are permitted o.nly in the R-1 District. Portable private traffic directional signs are permitted in an�r district, 12o Porta-panels ma,y be used in C-1, C-2, C-1S, C-2S, M-1, or M-2 Districts witYi a Special Use Permit issued by the-Building I.nspection Department . for 10 day periods, but limited to three (3� times a year per business. 13o Private traffic directional signs shall not exceed six (6� square feet in area. . 14. Projecting Signs No projecting sign shall be permitted in an� district, 15o Roof signs are prohibited, except in C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S•Districtso The type of roof signs permitted in the Commercial Districts shall be parallel to the outside wall of the building and project only fifteen (15� feet above the roofline of the structure. This additio.nal height, however, shall not be considered as part of the wall area and � shall not warra.nt additio.nal sign area. The supporting members of a roof sign shall appear to be free of any extra bracing, a.ngle iron, gu� wires, cables, etc, The supports shall appear to be an architectural and integral part of the buildi.ng, Supporti.ng columns of round, square or shaped steel members may be erected if required bracing, visible to the public, is mi.nimized or coveredo 16. Temporar Signs � The following are the only type of temporary signs permitted unless other types are specifically allowed in the individual zoning districts. a. Bann.ers, pennants and whirling devices or any such sign resembli.ng the same are prohibited from use within the City except when used as an integral part of the design of a building or when used in conjunction with grand openings (the initial commencement of business�, or when allowed b.y the provisions of this Ordinanceo In the case of grand openings, banners and pe.nnants sha].1 be allowed for the Week (maximum 10 days) of said grand opening. In other cases a special permit shall be issued for 10 da,y periods, but limited to three (3� times a.year per business. -5- 5�� 1 , , , � r , , i ' _ � ' L.J , ' J`�S b, Campaign signs posted by a bo.nafide candidate for political�office or by a person or group promoting a political issue or a political candidate ma,y be placed in an.y distri�t subject to the requirements of that district, Such signs shall be removed withi.n seve.n•�7� da,ys fol.lowing the electiona A$15.00 deposit shall be received by the City of Fridley before an,y signs may be posted. If all the signs are removed, the $15000 will be refunded, but if removal is not complete, the deposit will be used to defray the costs of removal. c. One temporar.y ide.ntification sign ma,y be installed upon a construc�ion site in any district, provided such sign does not exceed eighty 80 square feet in area, ' . d. Temporar,y real estate si�ns may be erected for the purpose oi selling or promoting a residential project of ten �10� or more dwelling units or any non-residential project provided: (1� Such signs shall not exceed one hundsed (100� square feet in areao (2) Only on.e such sign shall be permitted per street fro.ntage upon which the property abutso (3� Such signs shall be removed when the project is 95f completed, sold or leased, and (4) Such signs shall be located no closer than o.ne hundred (100) feet to an� pre-existing residencea e. Temporar.y signs for the purpose of selling or leasing individual lots or buildings shall be permit�ed, provided: (1) Such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet for reside.ntial property and twent.y-four (24� square feet for no.n-reside.ntial property. (2) O.nly one such sign is permitted per street frontage upon which ' the property abuts, (EXCEPTION: An additional '•ope.n house" sign may be usedo� (3� Such sign shall be removed within thirt,y (30) days following the lease or saleo 17, Wall Signs a, Sign.s attached to a building wall which exte.nd more than forty- eight (48� i.nches from such surface shall be prohibited. , bo A wall sign or other building faci.ng (which is an integral part of the structure� ma,y project only four (4� feet above the . roo£line of a structure, This additio.nal height, however, shall � . not be considered as part of the wall area and shall not warrant additional sign area 1 (1) Business and advertising signs shall not be painted direc�ly• to any exterior building surface but shall be on a separate frame except for temporary displa� wiridowso Sign let�ers and , � , , , � , ' j � i � i , , ' ' � , ' , J� symbols may be attached directly to a wall by adhesive or mechanical means. (2� Iniormation signs, containi.ng no advertising, may be gainted directly to the exterior building surface. 56004 - Special Regulatio.n: Advertising,Signs 10 Advertising wall signs shall be permitted o.nly i.n.the C-2 and C-2S Commercial Districts according to the requireme.nts set forth for those districtso � 2, Free standing advertising signs shall be permitted in only the C-2S, M-1 and M-2 Districts, but only after securing a Special Use Permito The followi.ng co.nditio.ns shall be oonsidered as the minimum standards for free standing advertisi.ng signs, but the City still may impose • additional conditio.nso a, Maximum Heigh�: Twe.nty-Five (25� feet above lot grade, unless the sign is i.nte.nded to be viewed �rom a highwa.y, then the 25 foot maximum height will be computed fro�i the centerline of the traveled highway, but in no case, shall the vertical distance betwee.n the bottom of the sign and.�he ground be reduced to less than ten (1U) feet. _ _ b, Maximum Si�n Area: Three hundred (300� square feet per facing and not to exceed two (2) facings. Double faced signs shall be attached back to back. c, Minimum �istance Between Signs: Five hundred �500� feet. d. Minimum Setback From Street Ri�ht of Wa,y Lines: Thirt,y (30� feet. e, Distance From Street Intersections: Not closer than five �undred 500 feet to the intersection of two or more streets or highwa�rs, such distance being measure� from the intersectio.n of street or highway cer�terlines. fo Proximit, to Uses Permitted in Residential Areas: Not closer than five hundsed 500 feet to any residential district or any park or playground, go Sign Structure Specifications: The structure shall be all metal, The metal shall be either painted or treated to prevent deterioration, Lack of proper mai.nte.nance shall be cause for revocation of the Special Use Permit. -7- � ' , L� � CJ � , ' , � � � Ji , , � � � �6.05 - District Regulations In addition to those signs permitted in all districts, the following signs axe permitted in each specific district and shall be regulated as to size, location and character according to the requirements herein set forth: 10 R-1, R-2, R-2A Residential Districts a. Name late Signs: One sign for each dwelling unit, .not greater than two 2 square feet in area, indicating the name and�or address of the occupant. ` . b. Institutio.nal and Recreatio.nal Signs: One sign or bulletin. board per street.fro.ntage for a church, a public institutional use, or a recreational use i.n the R-1, R-2 and R-2A Districts. Such sign or bulleti.n board shall not exceed twenty-four (2¢� square feet i.n area .nor shall it be placed closer than te.n (10� feet to any street righ� of way Zineo c. Area Identification Si .s: One sign per development .not to exceed twenty-four 24 square feet in area, d, Temporary Signs: Refer to Section 56,03, No. 16, e. Maximum Height of Free Standing Signs: Six (�6� feet above t�e lot gradeo f. Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shall be within ten (10) feet of an� propert� linea (EXCEPTION: Nameplate sign may be placed anywhere on the owners property,� • 2. Multiple Residential Districts R-3, R-3A and R-4 a, Identification Signs: One identificatio.n sign or s,ymbol per building not greater than six (6) square feet in area, provided such sign is at-�ached flat against a wall of the building. bo Area Identification Si�ns: One area identification sign per aevelopme.nt, providing such sign does not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in area, and further provided, such sign is placed no closer -than ten (10) feet to an,y street right of way. c. Institutional Signs: O.ne sign per stree-� frontage ide.ntifying a.n i.nstitutional eomplex withi.n a multiple residential district �convalescent, nursing, rest or boarding care homes, or mobile home complex.) Such sign shall not exceed twenty-four (2Q.� squar.e feet in area nor shall it be placed closer than te.n (10� feet to any street right of way line, d. Business Signs: Signs iden�ifying uses accessor,y to a multiple residential development shall not be yisible from the public right �of. wayo � s� , ' �, � � ' � �� L� � � , , , , � ' � LJ � e, Temporary Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 16 f, Maximum Hei�Y�t of Free Standing Signs: Six (6� feet above the lot grade, go Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shalZ be within ten (10� feet of any property Iine. h, Private Traffic Directional Signa: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 11 and No. 13a 3, Commercial Districts C-1, C-2, C-1S, C-2S a. Wall Signs and Roof Signs: The total area of all wa11 signs affixed to a building wall and all roof signs parallel to a specified wall shall not exceed 15 % of the total area of that wallo However, the maximum size of an� roof sign is 80 square feet. The use of a _. roof sign will substitu-�e for a free standing business sign along the �ro.ntage it faces. - b. Free Standin�Signs: One iree standing sign for each buildi.ng per street fro.ntage, The total area of a free standing sign for a building having one street frontage shall not exceed eighty (80� square feet in Commercia2 District C-1 and C-1S,.nor shall it exceed one hundred (100) square feet i.n Commercial District C-2 and C-2S. Where a building has two or more street fro.ntages, only one free standing sign of the above size shall be permitted. Ea.ch permitted free standing sign in excess of one shall be no greater i.n area than one-half (2) the area of the first sign. The maximum height of free standing signs shall be twenty-five (25� feet, c, Area Identification Si s: One sign per developme.nt not to exceed ' one hundred 100 square feet in area, c3, Tem op rar,y Signs: Refer to Section 56,03, No, 16. eo Private Traffic I�irectional Signs: Refer to Sectio.n 56.03, No 0 1 1 and I1To 0 13 . f, ExcePtions: Offices and medical and dental cli.nics i.n a commercial district shall comply with Sectio.n 56.05, E, '�Medical and Office Building District". g. Minimum Setback: No part of a sign shall be within ten �10� feet of any property line, 4o Automobile Service Area means gas stations, drive-in restaurants, drive-in theaters, etc.; or any other t,ype of business where an automobile is used as the recipient of the service or product or where an automobile is necessary to obtain or to make use of the service or producto ' � �� LJ ' a. Wall Signs and Roof Signs: The total area of alI wali signs affixed to a building wall and all roof signs parallel to a specified wall shall not exceed 15� of the total area of that wall. However, the maximum size of an� roof sign is 80 square feet. The nse of a roof sign will substitute for a free standing business sign alo.ng the frontage it faces, bo Free Standing Signs: (1� One free s�anding sign per princi� le buildi.ng per street � frontageo The total area of a free standing sign for a building having one street frontage shall not exceed eighty (80� square feet. Where a building has two or more street ' frontages, onlv one (1� free standing sign of the above size shall be permitted, Each permitted free standing sign in excess of o.ne shall have a sign area not to exceed fift.y (50� �. square feet. The maximum height of free standing signs shall be twenty-five (25) feeto ' _ (2� Temporary product sale, stamp and game signs may occupy the remainder of that area no� uti�7zed for the permane.nt free standing brand si�n, pro.vided the total area of a11. permanent and temporary signs d�oes not exceed eighty (80) square feet � for o.ne sign and fifty ( 50� square feet for each sign in e:cess of o.ne. Also, the maximum total area for temporary signs is twe.nt.y �20� square feet, , ' � � ' � � � , co Pump Signs: Letteri.ng or symbols which ase an integral part of the design of a gasoli.ne pump shall be permittedo do Private Traffic Directional Signs: Refer to Sectio.n 56.03, No. 11 and No. 13. e, Temporar,y Si�n.s: Refer to Section 56.03, No. 16. f. Restroom Si�ns; Sign.s indicating the location of restrooms a.nd co.ntaining no advertising information shall be permitted as needed. �. Medical and Office Building District C�fi-1 and CR-2 _ a, Free Standing Signs: One si�n. per street frontage, provided such signs do not exceed fo�ty-eight(48) square feet in area, bo Wall Signs: One identification wall si�n per accessor.y use attached to the facing of the building at the ground floor level. T.he total area of all wall signs shall not exceed fifteen per cent {15f� of the ground floor wall facing of the accessory use. c, Area Identification Sign.s: O.ne sign per development, not to exceed thirty-six 36 square feet i.n area, -10- 5� � ' , ' , ' � , �J , - , , � ' ' ' LJ � � _d. Maximum Height of Free Standi.ng Signs: Six (6) feet above lot grade, e. Temporar,y Signs: Refer to Sectio.n. 56.03, No 16, f. Private Traffic Directio.nal Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 11 and Noo 13, g. Minimum Setback: No part of a sigri shall be within ten (10� feet of any property line. (EXCEPTION: Twent� (20) feet from front lo� line when located within twent,y (20� feet of a driveway.} 6a Heav,y and Light Industrial Districts M-1 and M-2 a, Identification,Signs: Onefree standing _ sign per street fr�ntage not to exceed eighty (80) square feet in areao One (1� additional wall identification sign for each tenant having a private entry to a multi-tenant building; and the total area of such signs being displayed at or near the tenant's en�trance, shall not exceed ten per cent (10f� of the area of the wall to which it is affixed, b, Area Identification Si . s: One sign per developme.nt .n.ot to exceed eight�t 80� square £eet in area. c. Tem�orary Signs: ftefer to Sectio.n 56.03, No. 16. d, Maximum Height of Free Standing Signs: Twe.nty five (25� feet above lot grade, e. Private Traffic Directio.nal Signs: Refer to Section 56.03, No, 11 and Noo 13. f, Minimum Se�back: No part of a sign shall be within ten.(10� feet of any property lineo � 7o P and PD Districts: Sign requirements in P and PD areas would be controlled b�r the Council when the development is planned, 56.06 - Administration Permits: Before a sign ma,y be displa�red in the City of Fridley, the own.er of the premises on which the sign is located shall file applicatio.n with the City Building Inspection Department for permissio.n to display �ucn sign. Permits are required for aI1 existing, new, relocated, modified or redesigned signs except those specifically exempt under Section 56.Q7, No.1, 1. Permit A,pplication: Application for permits shall be made upon blanks provided by the Building Inspector and shall state or have attached thereto, the followi.ng information: • -11- � / , � , ao Name, address and telepho.ne number of applicant, b. Location of buildi.ng, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached. or erected. � �)1 c. Position of the si�n or other advertisi.ng structures in relation , to the nearest buildings, structures, public streets, right of ways and property lines, The drawing showing such posYtio.n shall be prepared "to scale", � L_� � , il � � � �� J �', � i ' d. Two (2) blueprints or ink drawings of the pl�.ns and specifications and method of construction or attachme.nt to the building or in the ground including all dimensioris. Locating all light sources, wattage , t�rpe and color of lights , and de�ails of an�r ligh � shields or shades. e. Copy of stress sheets a.nd calculations showing the structuxe,- is designated. for dead load and wind velocity i.n the amount required . by this and all other Ordi.nances of the City if required by the Buildi.ng I.nspectio.n Deparime.nt. f, Name of person, firm, corporatio.n, or associatio.n erecting the structure. g. Any electrical permit required for an,y sign. h. AN AGREIl`iL�NT WITH THE C ITY : (1� �Which would authorize and direct the Cit,y of Fridley to remove and dispose of an,y signs and sign structure on which a permit has been issued but which was not re.newed, if the owner does not remove the same withi.n a thirt.y �30� da.y period following the expiration of the permit. (2� Which would authorize and direct the Cit,y of Fridle,y to remove the sign a.nd sign structure, at the expe.nse of the applicant, where mainte.na.nce is required and the mai.nte.nance is not furnished, but onl� after a hearing and after a notice of sixty (60) da,ys specifyi.ng th.e mai.nte.na.nce required b� the City, i. If a sign authorized by permi� has not been installed within � ninety (90� days after the date af issuance of said permit, the permit shall become null and void unless an ex�ension is gran�ed by the Building Inspection Department. ' ' � , j, The Buildi.ng Inspection Department may require other informatio.n co.ncer.ning safetyo 2. Fees: Permit fees for signs shall be: aa For si�ns fort.y (40) square feet or less an i.nitial fee of $10,00 -12- 1 � � ' � CJ � ' � ' ' ' , ' � LJ ' ' � b. For signs larger than fort.y (40) square feet the initial fee shall be $25.00 plus 25 cents per square foot of the sign surface exceeding 100 square feet, c, An annual fee for advertising si�ns, of $5.00 plus 10 ce.nts per square foot of -the sign surface exceedi.ng 100 square feet shall be chasged, The annual fee shall .not �e charged for busi.ness signs attached directly on a building which identify the activity or advertise products sold or services provided in that buiZding. An annual fee will be due on April 30 of each year, • d. No fees are required for the non-permit signs provided for in Section 56,07, No, 1, and may be waived for religious, civic, school and public interests. e. For banners, pe.nnants and whirlin.g devices and porta panels or any such sign resembling the same, a special fee of $5000 is required for each ten (10) day period or lessa 3. Licenses and Bonds: No person, firm ox corporation shall en.gage in the business of erecting signs under this Ordinance ia.nless licensed to do so by the Cit.y Councila Such license may be granted by the City Council after writte.n applicatio.n to the City Clerk, aceompanied by an annual license fee of �25,00 and it ma,y be terminated at any time for ca�se. The lice.nse shall expire o.n December 3'!st in the year of issuance and each year thereafter. No lice.nse shall take effect until the licensees shall file with the City Clerk a corporate suret.y bond in the sum of $1,OOOo00, conditioned that the Zice.nsees shall conform to all of the provisio.ns of this chapter and indemnify and hold the City, its officers and agents, harmless from and clamage or claim resulting from or related to the erectio.n or maintenance of any sign in the Cit,y by the licenseeo A license and bond shall not be required of an applicant, who is not en�a�ed in the business of erectin� signs, and who chooses to construct and erect his own sign on his propertV. ' �6.07 - Enforcement 10 Exemptions: The exemptions permztted by this Section shall apply only to the requirement of a permit and�or fee, and shall not be construed a� relieving the i.nstaller of the sign, or the owner o� the propert�r upon which the sign is located, from co.nforming with the other provisio.ns of this Ordi.nance. a, Temporar.y signs erected by a.non-profit organizatio.n are not exempt from obtaining a permit for signs, but the City does waive the fee requirement. bo No permit is required under this Section for the following signs: -�3- f�ti ' ' ' ' ' �1) A window sign not exceeding thirty per cent (30%) of the window area. (2) Signs having an area of six (6) square feet or less. (3) Signs erected by a governmental unit or public school district. (4) Temporary signs as listed in Section 56.03, No. 16, b thru e, Section 56.05,4,b.(2). - '"(5) Memorial signs or tablets containing the name of the building, ' its use and date of erection when cut or built into the walls of the building and constructed of bronze, brass, stone or marble, � ,� I_1 J � ' ' � � � (6) Signs which are completely within a building and are not visible from the outside of said building. 2. Violations' and Fines: If the City Building Inspector or his agent - sha1Z find that any sign regulated by this Ordinance is unsafe, insecure, or is a menace to the pubZic; or has been constructed or erected without a permit first being granted to the owner of the property upon which said sign has been erected, or is in violation of any other provisions of this Ordinance, he shall give written notice of such violation to the owner or permitee thereof. If the owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions set forth in this Ordinance within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of said notice, such signs may be removed by the Citq,�the cost incident thereto being levied as a special assessment against the property upon whicfi the sign is located. Any person, organization, corporation or their representatives found in. violation of this Ordinance sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction, a fine of not more than � $100.00 shall be imposed for each day the violation remains in existence. All signs are subject to such penalty for violation of the requirements of the district within which they ar e located even though they may not be required by Ordinance to pay a fee or acquire a permit. 3 . Ap�eals • _. a� To provide �or a reasonable inter.pretation of the provisions of this Ordinance, a permit applicant who wishes to appeal an interpretation by the City Building Inspector or his agent may file a notice of appeals with the City Engineer and request a heaxing before the Board of Appeals. The Board shall hear the appeal and make their recommendation to the City Council, appeals or requests in the following cases: (1) Appeals where i,t is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the administrative officer in the enforcement of this Ordinance. �-, ��� � � i ' J � � � � ' — ' � (2� Requests for variances from the literal provisions of this Ordinance in insta.nces where their strict enforcement would cause an undue hardshipo ba Before the Board shall grant a variance, it is the responsibility of the applicant to prove: �1) That there are exceptio.nal or extraordi.nary circumstances applicable to the propert�r or to the intended use that do not apply generally to other property in the same vicinit�r and zoning district; (2� That the variance is neceasar� for the preservatio.n and . enjoyment o� a substantial propert�r right possessed by other property in the same vicinit,y and zone; but which is denied to the property i.n ques�ion; (3� That the strict application of the ordinance would co.nstitu�e unnecessary hardship; and (4� That the granting of the variance would not be materially detrimental to the .public welfa�e flr injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinit.y or zone in which the property . is located, . 56.08 -- Non-confor.ming Signs 1, An�r non-conforming temporary or portable sign existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall be made to comply with the requirements aet forth herein or shall be removed within sixty (60� days after the adoption of this Ordinance. 2. Non-conforming permanent business signs law�ull.y existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance shall be allowed to co.ntinue in use, but shall not be rebuilt, altered other than to cha.nge the message, or relocated wit�out being brought into compliance with the requiremen�s of this Ordinance. After a non-conforming sign has been removed, it shall not be replaced by another no.n-conforming sign. ,' 3. Non-conforming advertising signs existing on the effective date of this Ordinance shall become non-co.nforming uses and shall be discontinued � within the following period of amortizatio.n of the sign; unless the ;� required Speci_al Use Permit is obtained, The period of amortization for signs shall be not more than: � ' � a, Free standing and wall signs: Five (5� years from the effective date of this Ordinance, b. Signs painted directl.y on buildin� facings: Three �j� ,years from the effective date of this Ordinance. 4. Whenever a non-conforming perma,nent sign use has been discontinued for a period of three (3� months, such use shall not trereafter be continued unl.ess in conformance with the provisions of thzs Ordinance. -�5_ �� 1 . : .. ��� � , � '1- �� � �J 56,09 - Severance Clause If any Section, clause or provision or portio.n thereof of this Ordinance shall be found to be invalid or unco.nstitutionaZ by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decisio.n shall: not affect any other sectio.n, clause, provisio.n or portion thereof oi this Ordinanceo a. 56010 - Repeal � Any portio.n of the Fridley City Code inco.nsiste.nt with this Chapter is hereby repealed, " n il �� �, I.? ' �` .f ' n ,' �� / � �� � �' IC � �'/ �. l� � I � I ( �' � � �� r E � � � � ,� . � ,, r � . / i � � ~ � f� � t � � �S �.. � -16- i- � � � � ' ORDINANCE N0. ', AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONTNG DISTRICTS � � � � � -- � � �l. r � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as fo2Zows: SECTION 1. Appendix D ot the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City c�f Fridley and described as: The North 824.7 feet of the West Quarter (W4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�), of Section 13, T-30, R-24, Ci.ty of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as R-3A (general multiple family dwellings, apartr.ients only) . SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area from Zoned Distxict R-1 (single family dwellings) to R-3A (apartments only - general multiple family dwellings). PASSED BX THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF FRIDL�i' THIS DAY OF , 1969. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Bruns�ll Public Hearing: Au�ust I1, 1969 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish........ MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �� �: . � , ZOA ,r`69-08=A Kaye W. Westerlund About'1500 Blocic on 69th Ave„�.-�'n.c.. � ^u"- �l'�-- �;-� �-•..1"1r - - , _T-; ,o. --�-. ..N,�.— -..-�--�t�: —£E}!}N�Y,: ,R(}AD - "N� � . j , � !; � > � , 1 �. �:� �E�> n�z.�-: •; F s' a C I� �E� :- : r • C�' •y � 8�(��, 20,� W a`0 a:i 1�6�J ��Q �'�,:� � �+,',Y,i�{ , I � 1� `� I �� � q�1s` I �? . t �� � t ��*: � .. _. i i � � � � ' I � �e , � f I Wi/>eiBlF/o aavE '� !(J� I ��,� .! 'f:f,+�Fit�W r� .�.�rEn �-� i . �T. Sirii�i,J�/CritrJi.nSiier�i � I : � fsS. —�'�` •' . � Cii7HiPP . i r:o� o� ` ,i°'� � � k �4 ---�-- — ,2 _��.�3 ) � �� �� .� . . � �. o�. s��, �on�� i �ACii9r.: t � R`r _ -' � E ` O� r (1 s" , .,.,,� �o� � r h i -� �}"1 E� � ME CO? ' ��� SEC. .� ' �_'�3�il7_�t . r r W J (/o) � � � J I ' ,J...� � I - -- — � �O� ` // .Ri C �' �^ '` .,�, � � . �...� ; }� �; ' � I1.N ^T l�n-. ����%1 i � � �t � ` nrI�l% '-9 �.�� / `. N,�3 �o ' � c� �. `., .,' ;"'T :. ��:, ' i,::� .�sc - �R�«' Cr��k �' �_ lo� i��{'i00�y t' Z9 2 _ z Cy � 13 . l�� 2.�`j 3 • • 'in .ra u. ••r.: I � � 'I B �.� ` ZB 3 � � � .�.-�... � ,rcr � , .. I � , , �� � /�J //' (� �� I " u, g, � � °\t ' �>f �D3� z� s S 661I2 AVE. N.E. ` j."i j�'`� _-�-' 000) `i� ---±. 4 2s 6 { � 6 : a;�e ca ✓s,/.� ,i,: r i i I !(' �_ — �: � 'h.rt y °y f I � � ~1 ' .�� L� ` -°' o ti�, �3r� ' � .�. 2�F �! i 7 �;•.•'p •�. 'zi 7��G-�'3� . 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N.E. :� �,�..-''7' ^,�-�.-�-� �-+.��-li r 1 ` ' il �.�f.. � � ` . 1� u `� i � � - y � O ✓ �i W .�O l� $ W J� � � ' ' � 1 � V .6� o; �=o �•, �, JI � p -- . r ) '�. u. v ° . � .I �' �� 3J,O ( . �� � e j�0 ill; E y�� .� . 29 2 Z' - 29 f �l �' �1 $t 2`� IR� � I 75• 3 =2 �"� �3 �n'_ic : a�� a� r+�J�o� i G�="I 2 7 4 f- Z., '�,. ,,. � rJ 4 v�i �`� 5 ` � ��' , � vs �'6 — , I u s c �,�.-,,. ��,� r = � _ = � :s c'I�J i I � 25 6 25 f � 24 7 a 24 i � � — 23 B p z3 6 ' a: ,. .� r, —�� . yt a• z z 9 Z zz 4,t 9 t . F- , � (ur 1 5( . z I io a e i / a� p�: � � v�' Q ,� �� I; � I ao d zo � � � ` _•7f �'1n— —L'4r2' _ Q �a ` l oo) J — — �i » Q �� ���1 ^��. �• �T . /� /2 !9 /, %� :.... �— —�rlr : L : � � :'`�a �' � 5 � � /9 i3 /B_ /. uo�o, � l L�� Z , �� � / :' a -- w.�.. g ,�i o � �� I ii�J /7 ,'¢ /�^ . u � .., 1 . ��`., �1 . � V I �N R /6 -- - �S j so i /¢ t `�� '�'A � { _ ,, ' .t. ,a ,.1_"b�#'�1.._`__�J)l_t °'�i:'t.�f3_.�.___ ". ��f_i._[!ai_.I �.—_—" " s ,n n � . I� 1 i G�1 xESOLU�ioN No. � � RESOLUTION ORDERING Iii�11PROti�NT AND FINAL PLANS AND �� �' µ� �! SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIrSE1TES OF COSTS THEREOF : � STREET IMPROVENIENT PROJECT ST. 1970-2 . �F� WfiEREAS, Resolution No.121=1969 adopted the 21st day of July, 1969 � by the City Council, set the date for hearing on the proposed improvements, as speci- . fi.cally noted in the Notice oi Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and ' � WHEREAS, all of the groperty owners whose property is liable to be assessed w•ith the making of these i.mprovemeiiCs (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Ceuncil Hearing through two (2) weekly � publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heard thereon at the hearing,�as noted in said notice. . 1 "_ -- -- ---___ ___ __ � ____. N04J, THEREFO?tE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows; � " � �_ � ' ' 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 121-1969 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: Street improvements inelu.ding grading, stabilized base, hot mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer and other facilities located as follows: ---��----������. �§8-�t�--:�ven�e�€o s West Moore Lake Drive: T.H. ��65 to South property of Fridley High School - J 2. That work to be pex�ormed under this project may be performed under one or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. That the Ci.ty Engineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, and the City's Consulting Engineers axe hereby designated as the Engineers for this improve- ment. �ey shall prepare final plans and speci£icatior.s for the making of such improvement. / n ADOPT�D BY,THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY �'HIS �J DAY OF �� : '� , t969. � � AT2`EST : CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - 3ack 0. Rirkham 1 I , , I SS�oF �� r1A4dc � �_.. � � � , � � 1 1 1 _ 1 . � � � � � PA WE , SI 4JE ' r ,� ,--� � 6 0' ' �, � Y5.0' _ - �--6_- 6tII C C f� G --�--------- — 2 —1 t/2` 617. RSATS 6" STAD, Ht1SE grS►nE �r�.+.0 s-r. c9�o •z .��� .b�.N I � � . f•: �.. � . � . 4�/ �1� - S .it- y � - . .l� l� �j l >l r N�/��f.(i `� v % � � / !_'�l ,r` f�v -a'�- � � `± ^T� ^ �._ � , ..� ' . i�', } j � _ � v z � : � ; ! ; : ��•, � •s� r,. f� ti {�' ;� �s . i iY ` \ `�, y. �g� �f ` �i��or .i..rr . - � .r r.a s �'Mt 1�.� �'• �` +I . � j s .cr .•a ` � s*: s� ,, . � „K' �>' is` ie,� `y � � / v '•�„ �� � i '' � i .,. _ - - ' -i9 1 /� c F- ,.,n � i �I / .vo•irr �• c `� .�.i�er. 12 \ N ,� J 2 S. �, � i AJE PLACE�� °",,"«�� Y c � , �' , � . , �_ �� � � � � dt `� � . • � !� l s� .. s. . � � �� �� ` � s ,,� ��" \.. d �,,; ,sJ.,± � „•� • � � � ^ ^ � ' � J � f ! t � i � Y � � �.. � ���� �P � � � � �� >>� ^ � �l �. _ � � � ` U � n � +W is � r '1°�.L ,<•T'..�: . I 1t._ t_ >, i[`! — _ � ' iir L1 ` := j�A (/.,�� . �-� '� '� � � '„�/._. t � .' � iq � . //YjllCiVr� C 7 _. , Q .,� � , • . �.... � . ._ Z....� . � � r,;. j s�c �2,# . � N i* ir is �7 �/ �}' � � t 1 �' �. �'���, : ' � , � i , PAVING IMPROVEMENT LOCATION MAP VII`ZEEIVT IMPROVEMEN'I' COST: STATE AID STANDARD TYPTCAL RESIDENTI.:-. II STREET STREET COST ST MOORE LAKE DRIVE $44,400.00 $34,410.00 DEWALK IMPROVEMEN'I' COST : ST MOORE LAKE DRIVE � 7,400.00 EACH SIDE . TOTAL 2 x $7,400 = $14,800.00 _ � • . ' . ' . ' +°"'-', `f . � . : ' ' � . 6 0 � ' �- • �-- . � � �15.0' -- . �, 1 � - ' ' . . ____________ � __ _- Q- 61£t C C� G 2— � �!2'� Dit. ti�n7s • '- " 6" STAE3. BASE � N. f. C., • ' SE'QM£R ��23_ - , � - - -Gf---�T -. - . J p ; 1•, ' ae � "�.- i�. � (,� � ? � : : !1 j : � Z° �' 1' PAVING IMPROVEN�NT LOCATION MAP s.nt8wr. co. . S. ' t� + z� ' � .�. rs,sc a , Zi s ss f I M F R O V E M E N T C Q S T: ' . �� ' u 6 ' � _i ' , t s � � , y� � STATE AID STANDARD TYPICAL t�� ! � 1� d� � s� ' B STREET RESIDENT-_= w"��`b'"'" ' STREET �l.O AC, ' 1 L 9 �• IS y � . � ? ! • u so c_n • 21 ta cn , , COST O I! _ _ Zo 1t � � � 1B t3 . � 11 MAIN STR� $49, 200 .00 $38,130 . C � ti � � ' ... . � � 11 s4 17 tf_ . "` `. � s: i !f ° 1� 0 � , �• ! ' , 60 TN Z j ` � 1, = ., o.r� . � - �'O . � . ' 6 F,�� �: ,� Z � 11 1_ x...�u..,� i< � ZB 3 ^ ~ZB � S. f AC. j. � Z 7 �f 7 � • � �" � 2f 6 Is � S"�' , ��%� -2 • ff � 7 It 1 � ' 13 r s Z3 /�/_��d .F J�yt NlH wsN r 1 : . 'Z � A �1 4 � , ' . � )JAF..+rtl� � � � 1' _ . " . . u :� 1 � 10 � Z U • ,to ll - zo � ��u ` � ! � 19 S1_. 1� �� JS ' � c. ,i"� � (ni t er. ,Cri ` 1B 13 !S U • . � ii.a.���� �' 11 _ 14 17 _ �� > I� ` t�,,.. S,S,,,Y : I�� ,'� 4 ii � , 59 , 7N 1 '� t' ♦JO � /eJ �� , � • , c s ;�o •l• N � 19 2 t : z8 zr , �� � Z7 4 ' 27 � ��4 = .r� s _ s _ � s.9sA�c� � s4 _ 7 • = Z4 � I N i'I , � O F' J II Q , � , � ��� d 3 ' �� iO�P/IIYi1 n� , i � -� �I ZI� � Q 'D : . J st : N � � ` !� U u ^i N l�' (J ' � I • 17 :� j : IS... sr ; � 53 �._ 7H ."� CI 1� . l � _ i � r� ���'� � � � ' �,r 4 , ��� �r ' � �...a�'� t� � �.y �`� � ��� ``{ -'. � �F � � � � Ga1la�her Addition - P.S. ��69-10_ (500 Mississippi St.) W. 5 A. of h'W'� of the SE� ex. S. 4 A. to Christenson Christie Add. f'�! `��'��l��: s , //� j� \ J�• � j �.�. �:� � �� �- M � ��}�A` t ■ :_._ , �------`__ � � �:�; � R ■ � � � � : � -_ -�— �� 1 � ���� �.-. � .� � ; ��:� . . � �� 1 � � 1 I 1 1 . # � -� �. � '�., Y" � �::u-'f . a..�_.....�a+ns+ao�� . +a..w�_ �.� � a _ � �� � � —�- I � . � i ' ' � r? S. ���;- oy r,� ; �� - ��;-,: , __--. .--� _� _ ; .���;.;_. . �: ' __ --- , - --- ■ �\ .� \ ' `- 1 � `� ,� .. " . . , . 1 � : � • . t � � � i 7 �. � i` - "' � ��� . i� � y' � ! . . � , . �� . _ � - --� � --- -- � . � � --- - --- '` . , � � �. . :� � � - � , . _ - : _�._ - --- ��-- - -_ - - �----- !� - � �� ' � 1 � � . ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITX CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND A.LLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF TI� CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The vacation of the street described as follows; All that part of the South Half (S2) of 47th Avenue Northeast lying East of the East right of way line of Third Street and West of the Northerly extension of the Easterly line of Lot 30, Block 9, Plymouth Addition, All lying in the South Half (SZ) of Section 26, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, be and is hereby vacatedd SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. - PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , Z9b9. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kixkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Heaxing:September 8, 1969 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish....... r-i�; < <. � , _ . .._ . .._ .. . � f P � . ,�, f >1 �, _ , - �_� � ' ...___ �'.-- ---�- i '' - '_. ,r ' _--'.�— ' _ ----------- , : 'r, << o . � �+.� V ' � . ,t , �'-- � r��� A � ri 4 . t �, � ._a� • � � �� _ tlq-f `�-- �- �� - �4 l� -- ---j--�y- � r� io a. : :a� u u^�o � t;� --;I �: _ �7_ __- --- �g :� ,f Q: > � ,� � --�{--� - T �; ��i�' `i '� �sJG I( y `i � 1 �'�. : �g' 1, . �q t, �� :1 - ?�� ,�4 te • � i9 � �.� �9 - - . o`� ; � �g _ � •i �s .l: �; � . �� ! i ai}�• __ p �i' f ���. � iN����s,� c4_._.. ' il�ssy � i�'.ss � �Q o if C � �. 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REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST I8, 1969 r- �: � � ' ' ' � � �� - _ � � , � � � , � PAGE 6 i �� property, he had thought he eventually would be able to build on it. Mr. Dircz said that Columbia Heights had lots of that size in the area, and he thought land would get scarcer and he would be able to build. Councilman Liebl asked if anyone had objected to this plan. Mr. Dircz replied that the neighbors did not object and presented the Council with the petition the Planning Commission had received. PETITION #37-1969 IN FAVOR OF L.S. #69-20, FF�ANK DIRCZ MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #37-19b9 of adjoining property owners granting approval to build a suitable home. Seconded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Liebl asked Mr. Dircz what size home he would build. Mr. Dircz replied, giving the approximate measurements of the house he had in mind. Mayor Kirkham said that to be fair to Mr. Dircz he thought this should be brought back at the next regular Council Meeting with a full Council as he did not feel he conld vote for it and it wauld fail. He said the City has minimum requirements"set up and a lot of onZy 45 feet would be a rarity in the middle of the block, let alone a corner lot. t�r. Dircz asked how the City would maintain the lot if he was forced to let it go. Mayor Kirkham said that was another problem, and did not bear on the lo� split. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to table the consideration of the Lot Split Request L.S. #69-20 to the Regular Council Meeting of September 2, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 7. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #69-10, NORTH AIR HOME ASSOCIATION, J.R. PLEMEL: South 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition subject to road easement over south 50 feet. The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the lot split request. He pointed it out on the map, and commented that this area has a drainage problem and the only way it can be drained is by going to the Creek someway. He pointed out that this lot split will aggrevate the water problem because they plan to extend their parking lot. The Council dis- cussed the drainage problem in this area. The Acting City Attorney said�that he was sure the Knights of Coltimbus would go along with any solution the Council can find to resolve the "lake" on 68th Avenue ancZ L�cia Lane. Councilma.n Samuelson asked if it would be wise to hold another Public Hearin� for storm sewer. The City Engineer said that he thought it was advisable, but storm sewers are not popular. Councilman Liebl said he thought it was important to solve the drainage problem first. The City Manager said that tnis area is the source oi many complaints because of water. Councilman Samuelson suggested a Public Hearing be held in October to give the Administration more time for enginee�ing studies. The City Engineer said that they were ready now as this �has been brought to the Council before. MOTION by Councilman Samuelson to set up a PubZic Hearing for the construction of storn� sewer �ervices to the 68th Avenue and Char�nel Road area and that the Lot 3plit Request L.S. #69-10 be tabled until the Public Hearing is completed. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � i .. , . �. ' �� i ' � ' , ' � -_ � �� Pl�nai-+.��; ��o�:�ssi.�si P4eetin�- Au�;ust 6„1969 .,�___.._.,._._�.� Pat�e 6 by fifteen people genexal�y in the 4800 block on 3rd Street and some on 49�h Avenue. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Comaniss�.on recei.ve the petition, dated August 5, 1969, refexring to Lot SpZit, L.S. #69-20, by Frank Dircz appro-�ing the buil�ing of a suitable home an Lot 30. Upon a voice vote, a.11 voting aye,, the m�tion carried unaaiimously. MOTION by Mittelstadt that the Planning Conanission recocrm►end approval of Lot Spl.it request, L.S. �69-20, by Frank Dircz to combine 10 feet of Lot 29 with Lot 30 and also approve recotranendations made by the Board of Appeals to grant the following variances: Section 45,29 reduce lot width from SQ feet to 45.12 feet; Section 45.29 (2C) distance between living areas from 20 feet to IS feet; Section 45.24 street side corner lot from 17� feet to 12 feet; Section 45.28 reduce lot area requirem�nt from 7500 to 5820 square feet; Section 45.23 sideyaxd reduced from 10 feet to 5£eet on existing home, t� allow the applicant to spZit his lot for a saleable home. The MOTION FAILED for lack of a se�ond. Mr. Jensen explained that he did not think it would be appropriate to grant the proposed 1ot split with its many variances. The minimsm Zot size is 60 feet. With these numerous variances, the lot is really not suitable for a single family dwelZing. It was his own impression that this lot would be more suitable purchased by the City or County in aZl or part for a road right of way. There is a most sexious shortage of right of way in this area. The boulevard for the lot would be fiv� feet. Plowing a street with a five foot right of.way is not wide enough, and a sidewalk is n�eaded on that side of the street. Fox children to be walking in such a street is ridiculous. He thought it would be a far more appropriate thing for the City or County to acquire part of that lot and Mr. Dircz retain what is deemed necessaxy. ' _MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission recam- ment denial of the lot split xequest, L.S. ��69-20, Frank Dircz, to combine 10 feet of Lot 29 with Lot 30, Block 1, Plymouth Addition and coneur with '� the xeco�endations of the Subco�nittee as follaws: I) The proposed lot would have on one side 49th Avenue which is a heavily traveled main artery affording little boulevard, and the propased 11 foot setback seems very inadequate. 2) The total of five variances already granted fram the Board ' of Appeals does not seem to meet the intent of the City ordinances designed to prevent this sort of thing. 3) The City should study this lot as a pos- sible area to acquire more right of way to, perhaps, provide room for future , turn lanes and sidewalks, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, except Mittelstadt who voted nay, the motion carried. '�" 7� 8.. CONTINUEB LOT SPLIT REQtT�ST: L.S. �69-19, NORTH AIR iiOME ASSOCIATION,'J. R:'" " � PLF�L. South 150 teet of Lot 18, Brookview AddiEi-on subject to roa ease- ment over South 50 feet. ' ' Mr. Plemel was present. The Engineering Assistant reported that there was no need for a sewer easement for this request because the se�oer was located about 12 or 15 feet onto the property of .the Knights of Columbus in Harstad Addition. ' , . . ��� ' Ylanr.�.��� i,o:�,ziission T•i�etin� - Au�u�t 6, 1969 x���s 7 ' ' ' 9• ' , ' ' ' � ' �1 u �� MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Cou�ission recom- mend approval of the lot split request, I..S. �r69-19, North Air Home Association, J. R. Plemel of the South 150 feet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition, subject to road easement over South 50 feet. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. . : LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. 4�69-22L RICHARD GJEVRE: Splitting a strip of land appxoximately 10 feet wide along the Westexly edge of Lot 4, Block 1, S2*�d- hurst Addition for additional yard, The Engineering Assistant explained that the purpose was to acquire more yard for Lot 5. Mrs. Lori Rakos, owner of Lot 4, signed the petition. 1KOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission recam�end approval of the lot split application �69-22, by Richard Gjevre which calls for selling a strip of land approximately ten feet wide along the Westerly edge of Lot 4, Block 1, Sandhuxst Addition. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. 10. LOT SPLIT REgUEST: L.S. ��69-15, ARTH[JR DEXS: Lots 3 to 5, Block 7, Hyde Park Addition. Referred to Planning Commission by Board of Appeals at their meet- ing of July 30, 1969. ' 11. ' ' ' ' ' � The Chairman explained that the Boaxd of Appeals requesCed denial of the lot split until the old house was torn down and then Mr. Deys return for the lot split.' MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelst�dt, that the Planning Cou¢nission acknowlecige the action of the Board of Appeals and table the lot split request, L.S. �`69-15, Arthur I�ys, for Lots 3 to 5, BZock 7, Hyde Park Addition until such ti.me as Mr. Deys comes back. The lot split is to be granted at such time as the new house is built and the old house icorn down and the application be made for the lot split showing that there are no variances other than those already granted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani- mously. AMBER OAKS PLAT; To correct platting error, returning "triangle" from Lot 1, Amber Qaks to Lot 2, Block 2, Worrel's Addition. The Engineering Assistant explained that in the Worrel's Addition, part of Outlot 2, a 50 foot strip out to Stinson Boulevaxd was proposed for future street and a radius was included with it. However, in the plat of Amber Oaks, this stre.et was changed wh�.ch caused this portion to be part of Lot 1. There- fore, part of Lot 1, Amber Oaks is actually in front of Lot 2, Block 2, Worrel's Addition.l'he o�,mer of Lot 2 in Worrel's Addition is willing to accept a deed for the smsll triangle which would result in a straight lot line between adjoining lots. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission has no objecLions to splitting off the "triangle" from Lot 1, Amber Oaks, provided a proper.lot split applicetion is signed by the petitioner and the party it is being sold to, being the pxoperty lying south o£ the south line of Amb�� Oaks. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � CITY oP F�:I��Y, I�ffiT�su'`�A iAPPI.ICAiIO?� �'aR SZGF1 Y ' _September 10,�__ : 119 69 ���= Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Part of 12, Blnck 7, City View � L�S�fa� DESG�r��'PY�i_Addition, Anoka_County, Minnesota, the same being 280 - 57th Place N E Fridley, Minnesota S�'�'� ��`��8 280 5%th��lace ' l�lt Z�S��� � �t�ia��:� : ' - � . T�i� �c�����.�� ia���bg� ��a �pplic�tic�n fo� a�r�i.t #ox th� v,ark hsxoia a�c�fi€�d3, �������� to do �a�� ��k fr� �tzict ac�a���a�a wi�h tha City O�dtn�ctcea �apd ruai8a� �f ti�� y�a��at o� $uilc�i�ga, r,s�d hA���y d�ci.�xe!t tii�t all thm4 fpcte ata� �e������+�� �g�t� in ttaia g��iicac�r� a�� ta�n� �and coxrect. ' Z�dY�� ��;�y�% - , . Commercial ��Ag'%� �� �Q����7. ��'i 0� 1'"at��'..�; Erickson /Petroleum Corp. , 4567 W. 78th St. , B oomington , T� �° �Y�:� Illuminated, Ground Sign � ,_.--��-�. �y�� a y��`s�q�y �FI'GIII 3�7 . U� • .L CIl$Otr�t�! �� - � �- � l�Dd�l.�8✓: � 4 3dtZ�:�� X,��L� � � rJ�E��'1+ � �a' . e � � i��AY �p a��q-y1��r� �v ��OY a�'%��81SEa�i! flW �,�,.'�� � `V �i.� y . : � . . �����'� �� C� 3� � 3�500.00 . ' "" ' � ' D�t�3�I�06�; G� S?C� D�ZG'� t � �� � 0�� �ii�t 20 ���� �ii��� 12" APProx. L�� ; ��� r �x�� �. �� COUNTItY KITCHEN p lus � ..�.,�a.,�..,„ ,,.��__i�g i�"��°3 �'r.��s �°�49v��`�' L�(s) yeS --- �� r(gf F�rl�)�—.`._. Cc��i.°°�'�i � t I� � �� ____,�___IP'.CNi � Steel faced with Plastic ' � � .� = ye s ��Z� : .�.... ,i��: ���' 3�Z��� i ' A�'FI,IC�'fi 3 3I�i t�' p���� ' s ' �� �: ��: O�R �'..�a �'d C+��,,"'�.Y EJI1"�1 G�c.DT�t�y ;d0. 318 AATD P�T��.�LY T�YTH �I. YE8 DU8 't� �Y 1. l�e3i'� �i F� �E�T'�:C�� 56.03. PA�t.2. � S3C`C'8� 56.0�, PAR. 9-A & S ES� IIYt �"��w� C`�'�'?�I:�%�4 (I�Ragg � G'�� �!z?3ER��, -- - ' C1 i'� MAi��.,�=�k�� ._.._.._._.. .,.._._.� C�-'� �'•«�X.��.�� �..�_...,,, _ �Gi�7�^� 6� ��:�. � b'r� Sr�i��'IG� � r � bi� I � i ' SUTLA�NG STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SU$COMMITTEE MIN[1TES OF SEPTEMBER 4 1969,� �k�e ma�eting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M> M�M�3ER8 �SENT: Erickson, BieXmann, Tormoe�a, �MBERS ABSENT; Tonco, Sornse�a ATHERS PRES�NTs Clarence Belisle-Building Inspector � 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR CHANGES AND AId ADDZTION TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMPUTER AREAS IN THE TARGET WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 7120 HIGHWAY #65 (REQUEST BY DAYTON-TARGET STORES INCORPOR.AT�D� 704 ON THE MALL9 MCNNEAPOLIS, MLNNESOTA ) , � r � � � I� � � ' ' ' i ' � � � � � Target requested that their proposal be postponed until the September 18, 1969 meeting to allow them time to receive their c�►pleted plans, 2. CONBIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT THREE 12 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDINGS TO BE I,OCATED ON PART OF LOT_13, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO 89, THE SAME BEING 125 0,127 and 1300 NORTON AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEYa MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY NIIt. WAI,TER THUFTEDA 3212-32ND AVENUE N,E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESO�A.) � Mr. Thuftedal and his builder, Mr. Don Udsten, were present to present the rcquest. The BoaXd asked the applicant to bring in a new survey which would incZude the Bast 200 feet of Lot 13, to make the land area adequate for 36 units. MOTION by Biermann to continue this item to the September 18, 1969 meeting. Seeonded by Tormoen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNEMTNT• �he meeting was adjourned by Chairman Erickson at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � - -� � ,�.�_ �--� NCE BELISLE Acting Secretary �� , � II _J ' � ' t 1. ' , � , � � ' , ' L� , � � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER Z0, 1969 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:37 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSL+'NT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Minish, Harris Ahonen, 0'Bannon Clarence Belisle-Bui,lding Inspector MOTION by Minish to approve the minutes oP the Au�ust 27, I969 meeting as written. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carrfed unanimously. Mr. Donald Fleigle was preseat to present the request. (NOTE: Mr. Fleigle brou�ht his house plans in to the Building Inspection Department on June 7.8, 1969. The plans were checked and a permit was issued at this time. On August 27, 1969, the adjacent property owner, Mr. Doug Lumby, callad the BuiZding Inspector about the position oP this home on the Iot. The Building Inspector went out and checked the location, and noted ah oversi�ht had been made in checking the plans. The plans that were submitted showed a living area over the gara�e and according to the City Code, this requires a 10 Poot sideyard. The Inspection Departmeht in checking the plans did not notice the living area, over the garage, and allowed the spplicant to place his home, on the lot, with a 7 Poot sideyard es the City Code states an attached garage may be 5 feet Prom the property line. At the time that the Building Inspector noted the oversight, he asked Mr. Fleigle to atop work on the home and to Pill out an application to appear bePore the Board o;t`Appeals Por a variance of the sideyard requirement. Mr. Flei�le was very cooperative in doing so.) Mr. Fleigls expl�ined his house plans t� the Board end to the audience. He said he had not p3anned on breaking any oP the City Codes and did not know that he was doing so, as the B't�ilding Department had approved the plans. If the oversight had not been made, he could have moved his home over 2 Peet on the lot and decreased the size(length) by 1 Poot, which would have been in line with ell the requirements, but st this time ths 2'oundation has been built. To correct the mistake the whole thing would have to be to�n out which would i�nvolve a sum ot' money (spprox. $2,000.00) and a great deal of time Ioss. � ��.. ' � � � Minutes of the Bo�rd of Apneals September 10, 1969 Meetin� PaRe 2 Mr. Doug Lumb�, !�0 Rice Creek Way, aske8 the B�ard what the requirements were on sideyardso Mr. Harris explained to him, and the audience, what the requirements were on sideyards and also tho requirements on space between livable and nonli.vable structur�sm ��� Mr. Lumby Pelt the structure �aing up w�uld decrease the resale value ' of his home. Iiis reason being the home would be 3 Peet closer to his than the City Code requires and also being i.t is a l� story home it wnuld look over his. � , , � ' � � � There wes then some discussion, betw�en Mr. Flei�Ze, Mr. Lumby and the Board on how Mr. Fleigle would landscape his lot se he wouldn't be draining onto Mr. Lumby's land. The Building Inspector explained the drainage patte�n for this T�te Mr. Lumby did sta�e �2iat he was no� a�ainst the �iouse but he was concerned about his own praperty. Mr. Bob Stuart, 17- 67th Way asked if this variamce, if grarated, set a precedent in the neighborhood. Chairman Mittels�adt stated that esch case that comes before the Board is treated ind�vidually and �h� Baard's decisions are not based upon what happened �o other va.rianc�s. The decisions are based on what is presented at the meetings as to whether there is a hardship involved or not. No d�cision would set a precedent in a nei.ghborho�d. Mr. Stuart explained that he was against the variance as it would further �ramp the neighborhood, He does have 2 empty lots next to him and he wouldn't like them to ask for� the same kir�d c�'variances. Mr. John Mayer, 33-66� Way, stated that he felt it is the City's problem as there was a gross oversight made on the part oP the City. Mrs. Betty Blair, l�0-66'-� Way said she Pelt the people at the meeting ' were objecting more to the house than to the three Poot variance. She stated Purther that there are o�her 1'Aws story homes in the aree that overlook ramblers. C� ' ' � � There was a discussion on the grade of the land in the area and if turning the house ar�und wculd lower the height oP it at s11. Mr. Fleigle explained that his garage P1oor is 18 inches above the center line oP the street which is the minimum requirement oP the Citq Code. To turn the house any other way would raise the height oP the house even more than it zs naw. Mr. Foster, 59 Rice Creek Way (Not within 200 Peet) stated his only interest i,n this tiaas the wa3r it would aPfect the whole neighborhood. He felt that the City should bear the expense Por having the whole Poundation torn out and then start all over again locating the building corr����,y p� t�� Zot accord'zr�g tQ t�� Oity Code. , �� Minutes oP the Bo�rd oP A peals September 10, 196Q Meetin� PaRe 3 ' Chairman Mittelstadt explained to Mr. Lumby, Mr. Flei�le and the ' audience what procedures they could Pollow iP and when they did not agres with the Board of Appeals ruling on �he variance. � , r � ' ' � ' , , ' ' ' ' , ►i MOTION by Minish �o close the publ.ic hearing. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unan�mously. MOTION by Minish �o grant the variance Por the Pollowing reason and with the PolZowing stipula�ion: 1. There dePin�tely is a hardship in the Pact that the City is the one thet cnade the mistaks and not the Fleigles and in so far as the Poundation is alresdy in and to remove this Poundation ahd to start over again would take a Pairly Iarge amount oP rr,oney (which Mr. Minish Pelt should be paid by the City iP the variance is denied by the Council por some reason) and would also involve a great deal oP lost time. 2. The stipulation imposed on this variance is that the variance would not be in ePPect and the work could not be resumed until such time as the Council has had a chance to review the Board's minutes of this meeting and to state their recommendation. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimouslq. Mr. Stuart asked the Board what their decision would have been iP the Poundatioa would no� have been in and co�nplete. The Board stated that they would probably have voted against the variance. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was ad,journed at 9:10 by Chairman Mittelstadt. RespectPully submitted, � MA RY H IN Secretary �. � ,��� '�= ��� -i�;;�h : :!►• � ��`-'�-'�i � ��sr � � 560•3454 �.'�� o Y��l� � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUF NE September i 7, 19b9 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 Mr. Homer Ankrum Ci ty tYtanager Re: Belisle & Foreman Praperty Lots 1-5, Block Y River View Heights A. 19bg tax if paid by October 37, 1969 � $122.88 + 7/ penaltY ($8.60) _ $ 131.48 + 2nd half of 1969 tax plus $ 122.88 penalty = $ 254.36 B. 1968 tax and penalty if paid by Oct. 31, 1969 = $ 239.60 C. Special Assessments on City Books = . $ 311.99 D. Future street ordered in by City estimated at = $1,224.00 E. Total cast without land = $2,Q29.95 F. Plus price of land = $1,650.Q0 G. Total cost = $3,679.95 H. Already paid = � >$ 300.00 I. Balance = $3,379.95 J: Less Item B to be paid by sellers = $ 239.60 K. Bal ance to be pai d by Ci ty = -�---$3,140.35 It should be noted that additional penalties will be added if payments for taxes are not made by October 31, 1969. Also, if the City acquires title af ter November 15, according to new law passed in 1969 state legislature, it must pay taxes in 1970 the same as private individuals. There are no loopholes to this. �,�'_% _ � � � r;i�� ; .. �t�- � c-� i =•i r -L. �E-:Lt.;•t.l�-� Mervin J. Nerrmann -s , _. •- ..�' . ..� ..... L " I�' IJtJ ' PRELIMINAF;Y ASSESSf•tENT ROLL �; SE`WER RND 4lATER It�tPRO!lEt4�h7 PROJECT N0. 91 I' �' F007AGE � F007AGE APPROX. COS7 APPROX. COSi TOT�L FOR HATER FOR SEtIER FOR �lAiER FOR SEk�'ER COST ,� � �_,___�.. ' HERI�AL ADDITIOP� ' LO1�dCK v � ' 1 � � - � ' 2 ' � �4 t S 1 . 1]0 �� , MOORE LAKE HIGH[.AidDS �TH AOOITION �C�l. ` 195 - 100 _ (. o i70 $ 2,228.70 4,44�.•� $ --�-; 864�p• ZZgo.o. 3 �6.� 08 a-,-6z5-;� S t,86'�.L_ 956.0� 3,853.5: ' �C 600 -- N.kt, portion of lot 338 - 4,431.tf3 - ��31.18 -- S.E. partion ofi tot _ .__} �.�... ' � � - - = i;8-64.2o i ,864. ZQ ,' x 700 �36 � ---�-36-- 3i093.96 -�25Es-rl-(s' Sr350•I2 ,� �Sp � 15� . 3 q-z-e�••o . 'i-; +3�t�0 1, 434. C � �- �" 77+ +�f t � �� 9�,15-3 . �"' g;�9, -� t'— ��4,15� 'jt7 Fr . �6i3dO'ao ' TOTAL CQS�: $19,750.00 � � �«0,3oo.co ; '71� � � 22•t�o P�R-fi7 ` Cost of Sanitary Se�-.Lr: $1.0.�O�i,-p�}-;.{}ty��—=—�-����.���,�� , Cost ofi I�ater: $9,7S0.00 e 744 feet =$i3.i1 per foot. � � ' • � . ' � , � � ' � � � � ' . l] • � � � � , � ___. .. _ _ _ . � � �y - . : � . . . _ - _. � _ . ., � i . ' . - , r) — ,__ 3 � . ; � � ` � . �� � / • � � . - . �-Q � ;, v __ � _ � (t . / �. 4. 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' y /I . ,r ' � � 1 � n � , , �t _. � � � o � � '.,3 _/' 9 �� ��v� i r 6I 1 2 aY �� � � � 9 � 3��y �� —�S r���-_r. ��. � � P ;t� w� p � % _ t:i .o I:' .'.Z �.! ,f,ifiK (� � 1 8 ii f �l /f _.yC� � ` 1 ') � �I : .! �i ,{_ _ if , �y.4- � � ia y i.� --�-- �- �'' /`�c �Il!ZZ Il talLs ��'p � _ - •-'-°_ :L .' � /G_-- t _ � ` - � � ie ..,�,z-�„-�—•.r,,r--� � .� �a ii ;3 e � �7 ' � - r;Y,:..� /? /4 . -;,�• .y,� � _ _ � fA7E_ {, ??j29 y ) -- :t , / �p � a� � � r, ______._____ � . . ` - 9 � ' a - e. ,� �> Q . �- . � - - -- - � 0 r iOTM � � , I ROB / � � . ` • - ` HAR O � � = MAy� , _ . . �.. _ _ w � �o � �"_ EASTR �R J M _. � 2 AY ,� � , �� seo-3alo C�f o r«lle � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 September 16, 1969 Mr. Richard Preiss Military Affairs Veterans Service Building State Capitol St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Re: Advance of Funds for Project Application for 1969 Flood Disaster Dear Mr. Preiss: The City Council of Fridley has authorized me, at their meeting of September 15, 1969, to direct this lettez to the Office of Emergency Planning. Attached herewith is a schedule showing the expenditures , to date and cash requirements by month through completion of the approved work for the Flood Disaster AppZication in the City of Fridley. � The City of Fridley also agrees to the following conditions; 1. That funds will be credited to a separate account. 2. That tlie funds will be used solely for the approved project for which the advance is requested. 3. That any funds advanced, which are in excess of the approved expenditures as accepted by final audit by the Federal Government, will be pramptly refunded to the State. 4. In the event the amount of the project application is reduced, the advance applicable to the amount of t�e reduction will be promptly refunded to the State. f�`i Cit o rid�e � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE ..tchard Preiss Military Affairs 560-3450 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 September 15, 1969 You indicated to us that all work under this Project Application will have to be completed by April 17, 1970, so please process the application for the advance of funds for the 1969 Flood Disaster Project as soon as possible so that we can get the work completed in the near future. ' Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours �.i�v-�.�n„t�c.• 2 HOiMER R . ANKRUM City Manager HR:ob CC: William Flynn, Comanander O.E.P. c�� ► EXHIBIT "B" DETATLED PROJECT ANALYSIS APPiIC:.A'T_ C1% 0t il�i� Loca i P��c� j ec t;�o . (�.%30 �;tt:ac'::ed herer.o, as identi:ied be�ow, .3re. c:etailed ce,cci,•*i�-�s o£ the ;.te:;:s �� .�ork to be performed by tne :'.i.p_lcar.t, �r;:' est; �a�ed c;;;cs (to t:::: r�azest .iul2ar) for each i tem of woric for w;;ich F��,'er,>? i.�.a:�� i al assistance is requested. ?. separate attachment is ineiuded for each of tne aasic ..:t�-:gories of �•:cr�c for �:hich assistance is requested. "�.e rc�[a? vf •. , �PS�-ibeci in �;t attachments is the amouat of Federai fir:ar.ci_.� as:.;.::t::n.:�_ reyuested in tn� above r.eferenceci project application. The applicant will complete the ro�lowi^g fvrm only for t�ose cateqories for which Federal assistance is requestec?. Cate�orv No. A. B. C. D. E. F. Basic Cate�ory of Woxk Debris Clearance Protective, Health and Sanitation Measures Streets, Roads and Bridges Dikea, Levees, and Drainage Facilities Public Buildings and Related Equipment Public Utilities �,mount Requested ,. Ig � ?F : ,C w :� . 5,?9%.65 4 2y�,1rOG.0o i�,43�." it�,b6fi•91 TOTAL o � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �F��15,8j.i.4� _ (Signature of Applicar.t's :�uthorized Repreiaentative) F-�rv. OE P I52 P��• 5 0! 7 �rN�e ^^u 1'i5� . , . ��:: � � a � ���_= � • . � 3�. � " 3(______��Y Gfi"' A_..�I�EN', � ,�TO� EXI{ISIT 'tBn CITY OF FftIDIEY (Anoka Caunty� CA'IEGQ�Y A Line Item 1- Debris re�o�al; 2oadere, du�ap trucks, iat�c,r Line Itew 2- De�ris remaval; chain Baw, bader, du^.� `r�.ck, la:bor CAT�:GCR1' F ______�..�. Line Item 1- Protective p��mpirtg and sanitation me�sures; Ft;iu�ir,P� chlorine, aatellite services, deiivery c!�ar�es Line Item 2- Protecti�►e atsaavree; dike patrol, pickup, labor CAT�GCEtY C I.ine Item 1- Removal of dike IDaterial; gravel base, bituminous mixture CAT�CARY D Line Ite� 1- Construction of dike; sandbags, sand, clay, borrow•, rock, pipe � Line Item 2- Conatruction of dike; dozera, 2oader, trucks, ?.abor Li.ne Ite� 3.. Conetruction oP dike; loaders, trucks, patrol, saw Lirie Item 4- Repair o� washoutj dump trucks, doxer, loa,der CATEGC'R`! F Line Item 1- Sewer cle�ing, pv�pi.n�t, over�ime, sand�aps, :,ard, equi�nt rer�ta� Lirse Ztem <- Ciesning, repair e�d possib�e re�3ace.^.:F:r.' cf -�an �`..arv se�rer sectior�s ' '"(,^'A I. ;� $ S, 2t►.E.00 � 10� 260.00 �! 5�9•g9 � 5, �7.76 r 25,4oC.00 ` �',9�5.74 � � �r�46�75 `� 6E�E .4C `� r,�'ixi.CC � ^�4r , .ol .� 1."?, X Q.00 � � 115,F31.45 ;is � III i' I , � � � O i � I , � � , b ' � �-I .�-{ � � , � , , � � � �i ' o � i ' � � � � a � , r`li r--1 � •ri � � � , _ � b ' ri CCi -" a a � ' � o� � �� .� � . � � � �� ' �� N L', � Q) ' O � � C!`. ' � O O 0 0 0 r-1 ' �' 0 � 0 � 0 � � Q � � � v� 84 00 00 00 O o0 d- N w w N �./') b9 oa 0 0 O O O Ct� �f' N �fi O r-1 � i r � r � � i � � r i r t i r ( t � f � t i ( i . O O 0 0 �t N � � � � 0 r-1 � 0 0 0 O O N r-i O 0 O O '�i' � � N O 0 0 0 0 r-!. � � � � � N O 0 0 O O e�i 0 0 i i i • i Y 1 O � [ r �t' i i � r-i . � O 0 0 � r t r �p f i i t t t � ( ( 0 O 0��, o� 0 0 �I � � 0 � 0 � r--I tn .o � M � � r-i � 0 �' d� O 0 0 c� . � � � d Q � Ct' r"'i n M fi� IJ'f � � � �0 Q <t' � in 0 e--1 � M n � b4 tn � rn rn or� o0 0 �O N t O [� f � � f N N � '� c� n � '. . ' � [ond Plvun�ny Lt,vki 5:.7•vet/'i�k� / So�/s Tesir�,� Cwrl f• .4lunic:�ol � - L.S. #68-09 Robert DeGardner L� L. 22, 23, 24 & 25, 1. 7, Spring Br. Pk:s :/�9hn�� •GS U.<. iyn�ntv`t,� �is )1 Ef�lGINEERING, INC. � "',;���'° Sun,et4-i0� . c�� � f��»>�er,f� En9ineers � Survec�ors ����+'. �i_�w /� (�Q��♦ �/T'7 %� %' W�r� �1ELI��� �✓� ✓W+b�..L �� r ��� ' : "��r�r � �-/•� .JQ�i`�%1�'/� � � i' -�� 1�. . . . I _ . + � . ,` . . ` I � � i { _. .. - - ,�i�%c, " - •� � • . „ . r � - � \ �t ..s� fJ L F � � = �� � \ ' -'� �, 0 • G: //C' F.`' /•"•'r ;/ / i �J ... .. \ �� 1 r-- - -;- . � � �� � i � � � � � � j � �t1 �� � � � � 2� �_ , / _ .{_. � . � `�,:;_, � r' � �� � i � } �� 22 ; � ii � � � 4�v � __._ ���_ _ _ _T . �_____-- _ _ 2�¢7----..__ ��ii����.�_:. ff :, ; \,\\ `„� "� J_ � , � P� , •: � � — � . . a.� *� . `�n Y• . � \ , '� . O _ _�(j � r O �/ .�'iD � � �'. ---- - _._ _--- — - -1f' ; 3� _ - - �� _ .. , /.. _ . . L •i /'� } • L ;., .. � � ;- r!'/i.: r ,� _ � �/O.''i)' ' 7 ` j", `"/r" J' s �/"G � . . �7, j�. . r ' f%�/.: r: A � 4�i/.':'i' //rt�ebe, urii�'y fhof fhis is alr�e ond cor�ec� re��esenfofian o�'o surveef ��tit bavndor'ies q�'!�re obc,r oEsuyl�'S on4,end o�'llx /ccvtio� o�'o;l bu�!��n�s ,�t�on , o,�oll ri5i�/C U%�'eotf,�mvrlS ,�`onc1, Fmn or ar�soid lar.d. As su�vetJ�d � me lti�S �` •- cby 6/�, t n�-� / A.0/9 -_'. . �' SUB U28AN ENG/NEE21NG , INC. . Cn4inevs E Su�r�yors � _ ��n . ' • ,r i . . .' • � � w , �— , • . I/ -/." '" �/? ' , , ' ' L� �I � � � � ' � �� � � ' ' ' � lndividualto Coryoration. I�fJta� .��.- �.V'1�1. mipaesota Unuor.. �,on. _,auaa� lilanx� �_ .�� �C�j�, � .[�O�Of ...............................................................� 18........... � r�benture .�z� t� ................... .... ....... .. . between .................. RQ b. �.r..t.... D e.G ar. dn.e. r..... �H�u s h and.) .....and... Ma r.l s.n s.... Il e.G a r. dne. r..... ( W i f.e .�................... ofthc County of ...................A�1�o1ca...............................................and State op...............N�i.nne.s.s�.�a............................................., part.�..e.S. of the ftret part, and ...................C.I.TX....QF....F.RID.LEY......................................................................................................... .�............ . ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................., mun�t CcbliPpo� ation under the lawe o f the State o f......... M�,�.Il.�. S.S�.t.� ......................................., Party o f tha aeoo�rd pa.rt, �lilC��fl�, Tkat ths said part..�..e.s of the first part, in consideration of th�e aum� of ....�.s.x.e�.�.y......and....N.cz,l..1.0.�.....(.$..7..Q....Q.Q.�..-.-:.-.-.-..-:.-..-.- - - , - - - -, -.-..-..-.-..-.-..-..-.-..-.-..-.-..-..-.-..-..:DOLLR S, ............................. to .................par..�i.e.s..................in ivand paid by the said party of the second part, tJu reoeipt wlureof i�s h.ereby acknowied�%ed, do............ hereby l.�rant, Bargain, Quitciccim, and Conve� unto th�e said pa,rty of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, aLl th,e traat,..... or parcel...... of la�cd Lying axd beins in the County of ..............................A.I1o.1�a....................................and Stc�te of .Minnesoia, described as follatvs, io-wit: A triangular shaped easement for street and utilities described as follows: Al1 that part of Lots 22 and 23, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition that lies North- easterly of a line drawn from a point in the South line af Lot 22 that is 30 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 22 to a point in the Northeasterly line of Lot 23 that is 50 feet Northwest of the Southeast corner of Lot 22, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition. All located in the South half of Section 30, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. No State Deed Tax Required. �Go �abe anb to �o[b t�je �ame, To�etli.er w�th �cll th.c h,ereditarnents and a.ppurtenances there- unto belonsin� or in arc�w�se appertainin�, to tlt.e said pna�t� of the second pccrt, its successors and assi6ns, Forever. �In �Ge�timonp �fjereof, The said ��ai�t l.e.so�" the ��•st part ha.ve..... he.reunto set.... ..t}�e.l.x....._... �i'E ZCl'LftP71. ( 1�� ) � � 9.`.� �_� ' , � � ' � , � ' 1 I � L_1 I �IEMO T0: MEMO FROM; Homer R. Ankrum - City Manager Nasim M, Qureshi - City Engineer �IEMO DATE: September 9, 1969 M�MO NUMBER: CM #69-20 RE: DeveZopment and Drainage P2an for Meadowlands Park along Kennaston Drive It has come to my attention that the Park Department has some money budgeted in 1969 to do minor development in the above park. As indicated in the Eight Year Storm Sewer Improvement Program, if this area has to be developed fully, then there is a need for additional storm system to drain the area. At present, this park serves as a retention basin for drainage of the surrounding property. Unless a new storm sewer system is installed all the way to Rice Creek, there has to be a drainage ditch and drainage sump left on a portion of this park property. I feel that Council should establish a total development and drainage plan for this area and make the decision whether there is going to be a storm sewer installed or not,sa that wkatever development plan is proposed by the Park Department, it should fit with the drainage plan approved by the Council. I am bringing this problem to your attention before it develops into a problem later on. �,� �� � `� _ t �,�. N S , , p, , City Engineer-Director of Planning cc; Paul Brown�Director af Parks and Recreation NQ/njf ! f I , 1 i i � � � � 0 ♦ t .3 � i �� L� � � � --_._.......� �; � � y �__.. �� 0 C�{ I � N-. �,��� = ro /M A �l ---,�- '1 � . ' ' 1 � , � �� LJ r � ' ;; . �� RESOLUTIOPd N0. `� �` - 1963 RESOLUTION CON�IRMING �SSESSP4F�T FOR 1969 t�ATER r1ND SE',IcR M;IItdS, L,�TERf�LS, AvD SERUICE CON�lE�TIOVS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City �f Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Clerk has with the assistance of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated tne proper amounts to be specially assessed for the ` ,-, 196g ;Jr�T�R AND SEW�F; MAIPJS, LATERaLS, RNQ SERVICE CO(�idECTIONS in said City against every.assessabte lot, piece, or parcel of land in accordance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the City Cler4; tabulated statements in ciu�ticate showing�..the proper descripfion of each and every lot, piece, or parcel o; lancl to be specially assessed and tF�e amount calculated against the s�me. 5•�r�y 2. Notice has been duly pubtished as required by law that this Council ►vould meet in regular session at this time and piace fio pass on the proposefii assessment. 3. Said pr000sed assessment has at aii times since its fiting been open to inspection an� copying by all p�rsons in�erested, and an opportunity has been given to alt interested persons to present their objections, if an/, to such proposed assessm�nt, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been filed; except :: 4. The amounts specified in the pro�osec� assessment are�chanted and altered as foltows: 5. This Council �inds that eacn of the lats, pieces, or parcels of land enum- erated in said proposed assessment as attered anc:' �o.iified was and is specia]ly benefited by the - ' tg69 WATER ANO SE',JE� MAINS, L�aT�R�LS, ANO SERVICE CONPlECTIONS ' in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the corrective roll in the amount set opposite the description of each sucn lot, piece, or parcel of land, and that said amount so set out is hereby 1 levied against each of the respective lots, pieces, or parcels of land therein �escribed. ' ' ' b. Such proposed assessment as altered, modified and corrected is affirmed, adopted and confirmed, and the sums fix�d and named in said proposed assessment as altered, modified, and corrected, with the changes and alterations herein above made, are affirm��, adopted and confirmecl as the proper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land respectively. . 9� , , I , '� Page 2- RESOLUTION N0. �_ �_- 1s69 . 7. Said assessnent so affirniecJ, adopted, and confirmed shalt be certified to by t��e City Clerk ancl filed in his office and shall thereupan be and con- stitute the special assessment for 1969 �,J,aTER r�ND S��;IER MAINS, La7cR;�LS, A�JD SGRVIC� C�N�ECYIONS 8. The amounts assessed against each tot, piece, or parcei of land shait bear interest from the date 1�ereof until the same have been paid at the rate of seven and one-hatf (7�2/) per cent per annum. , 9. Such assessrnent shall be payat�le in fifte�n (15) annual instatlments payable an the lst day of January in each year, beginning in the year 1970 and contih- uing until all of said installments shatl have been paid, each installment to be collected with taxes collectible during said year by the County Auditor. ' 10. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County AGditor of Anoka County a certified statement of the amount of._all such unpaid assessments and the amount which �,vill be due ther.eon on t'hz ist � day of January irr each year. ' , « The moti on for the .�a,ciopt�F�n% a�' the foregoi ng resoluti on was duly seconded by 1 Councilman _�:���--`"���`�� . , and upon vote being taken, the fotlo�-ring voted in favor thereof: � _ ' � , and the folto+�ing vote� against the sames :� r Pf�SS�D AND ADOPTED 8Y THE CITY COUyCIL QF ifiE CIiY OF F'2IDL�Y TNIS � 7 ' , D,`�Y OF . �<' l� a:— , 1�69. � , , ATTEST: ' , � ' CIiY CLERK Marvin C. 3runsell MAYOR Jac{; 0. Kirkham .� , � ' �� , f; , �r `•.� ; RESOLUTION N0. RESOLUTION RECEIVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING BID6 FOR WATER II�ROVEr1ENT PROJECT N0. 95 - SCHEDULE A,-E AND F i' WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution ��154-1969 of the City Council of Fridley, Comstock & Davis, Tncorporated, Consulting Engineers, have prepared � Plans and Specifications for the Schedule A, E and F under proposed improve- ments as described in the Addendum ��1, the Supplement to the Preliminary ', 8eport for the Water Utility dated August 1969 and have presented such Plans and Specifications to the Council for approval, NOW, TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Gity Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1) That such Plans and Specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby received and approved. 2) That the work involved for the improvement as listed belaw shall be designated as Water Improvement Project No. 95: Schedule A-1: Well No. 10 (drift we1Z) and Well No. 11 (deep well) at Locke Park Schedule A-2: Well No. 12 (deep well) at 73� Avenue and Central Avernie Schedule A-3: Well No. 13 (deep we11) at Great Northern Industrial Plat Schedule E: Schedule F: Well No. 7 Modification Well No. 8 Modification 3) The work to be performed under this Project may be performed under ane or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of the bids. c)ct The City Manager shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements fox bids upon the making of such imprave- ments under such appxoved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be publiahed for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days), and,shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered for Project No. 95, Schedule A, E and F at: 10:30 A.M. - Schedule A-1 (Well No. 10 and We11 No. II) 11:30 A.M. - Schedule A-2 (Well No. 12) Schedule A-3 (Well No. 23) 1:30 P.M. - Schedule E (Well No. 7) Schedule F (Well No. 8) oa the 20th day of October, 1969 in the Council Chembers of the City Hall, and ---- __ _. _- __ ___ - i Resolution No. � �Frr l Proj. �95, Sched. A, � & F , � iC}� ' that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, , and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to � the City for five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid. That the advertise- ment for bids for WATER Il�Il'YtOVEME�TT PROJECT N0. 95, SCHEDULE A, E AND F ahall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for ', reference and made a part hereof. � %� .ADOPTED BY I THE Cd7[JNCIL OF THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY THIS I� � 'v 1 D�AY OF ---� , 1969. � � , ATTEST: ' CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � ' , � , i ' I I � � I ' ' ' MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � ' , � � � , � RESOLUTION N0. '� i�� A RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO CITY OF FRIDLEY - ��: NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT SEWER�,, �" USE AGREEMENT. -�� ' 'v� _ ., .,J�� j,v WHEREAS, the City of Fridley and the North Suburban ,�� Sanitary Sewer District entered into a general sewer use agreement, conditioned, modified and limited by a supplementary agreement dated the 8th day of January, 1964, and WHEREAS, Section 7 of said supplementary agreement , relative to connection charges reads in part as follows, "Fridley shall have the right to connect portions or all of its sewer system directly to the District dispdsal system on a temporary or permanent � basis, as Fridley may elect, and shall pay current connection charges to the District;...�', and ' ' � � ' � � , ' ATTEST: , � � NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. That the City of Fridley has not exceeded its disposal capacity at 22nd and Marshall, or 43rd and Marshall, 2. That it has elected to connect to the District system the sanitary sewer laterals serving the following area on a permanent basis. Lateral serving LaMaur, Incorporated at: 5601 East River Road N.E. 3. That this resolution is enacted for the purpose of facilitating the connection of the above described property into the North Surburban Sanitary Sewer Dis- trict system and is not to be considered as an admission or waiver by the City of Fridley as to the proper legal interpretation of any agreements or contracts between the City of Fridley and the North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District. i , ��> PASSED AND ADC�PTEI� BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF .�; N� �}= t-�. , 1969 . ITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell MAYOR - Jac 0. Kir am �ortl� �'adar6dk �a��'tdry �'�r �i,�trict� iOARd MEMBERS David j. Lar.ron - Chairm Mel f ord C. Chri.rten.ren Harold O. Goertz David O. Ha�rri.c Arnold J. Holx Rithard S. Johnson David D. Schauf John G. Songa.c �s1-2is4 %eronae A. Trapp �458 COUNTV ROAD "J" (85th AVE. N.E.) MINNEAPO�IS, MINNESOTA 55432 Jamea F. Wol f e STATE OF MINNESOTA Mr. William Sandin City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Sandin: 8ERVII�i Blaine Circle Pine.r Coon Rapidt Fridley Lexington Moundr View Spring Lake Park September 11, 1969 � In response to your request for a suggested assignment of RECs for the new building under construction for the LeMaur Corporation, we would suggest an assignment of 50 RECs. This is based upon a statement 1 by Mr. Dick Spiegel of the LeMaur firm that the waste disposal system for the plant is designed for a flow of 3.6 million gallons of cambined domestic and industrial waste per year. It should be understood that in suggesting the above assignment of RECs the District has not approved the physical connection between the District facility and the waste disposal system from the plant. It is necessary, as you know, that the City of Fridley formally request permission to make the connection in question and the plans for the physical connection be �urnished ta the District be�ore the connection can be made. Very truly yours, NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT ��� � , (�: ,(� �i .= :. k '-z . 1 � ` - ` �.< "`% EleanoX Mowery � RLS:em 11�4 ' . �' iO`, RESOLUTION N0. %�� �� LJ ' , ' ' � , ' � � ' Cl � � � , , � A RESOLUTION ORDERZNG PREI,IMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS TI�iEOF: STREET TI�ROVF.I�II:NT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 ADDEND�JM ��'2 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. That it appeaxs in the interest of the City and of the property ownera affected that there be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: Street improvement includi.ng grading, stabilized base, �ot mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, storat sewer and other facilities located as follows: - 3rd Street: 57th Avenue to 57th Place 2. That the City lEngineer, Nasim M. Qureshi, Fridley, Minnesota is hereby authorized and directed to draw the prelimina.ry plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of coat from . inception to completion and all feee and expenses incurred �or to be incurred� in connection therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a prelimina.ry report of his findings, statir� therein whether said improvements axe feasible and whether they can best be made ae proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and the estimated cost as recommended), includiizg� also a deseription of the lanc3a or axea as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the axea of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for �aid improvements �and each of them); and upon receipt from said Engineers of the said pxeliminary report, calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. 4. That said preliminaxy report of the Engineers and estimates of assessments of the Clerk, shall be furnished to the Council, and made available for inspection.to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any priqr_time reasonable and convenient. ADOPTID BY TH� CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TiiIS ' DAY OF � -� � �' _, 1969. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATT�STt � '. CITY CLII�tK - Marvin C. Brunsell , � c '--, '� �� � � ' , � � _� � , ' � ' , � � �. RESOLUTION N0. � A BE30LUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPOAT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEI�RING ON Ti� MATTER OF. THE COfi1STRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPR�OVF.i�1+1TS STREET II�ROVEI�II�NT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 ADDENDUM #Z WHEREAS, the construction of cer[ait� improv�menta ie deemed to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected there- bY- BB IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, as fol- lowa : 1. That the prelimiaary report submitted by Nasim M. Qureshi, City F�¢ineer. Citv of Fridlev is hereby received aad accept�d. 2. Tha.t this Council will meet on the 13th day of October , 196r9 at 8:00 o`clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Frid].ey for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing oa the improve�ment noted ia the Notice attached hereto and made a pezt thereof by reference, Bxhibit "A". 3. lhat the area proposed to be asaessed for said improvements aad each of them as noted in aaid notice are all the lands arid areas as noted ia $sid aotice: All of the same to be aasessed proportionatelq according to the benefits received. , 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to give aotice of such Public Hearing by publishing a notice thexeof in the official newspaper of the City o£ Fridley according to law, such notice to be substantially in the form and substance of the notice attached here- to as Sxhibit "A". '� ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIi OF THE GITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ ` �' �- , 1969 . • / ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell . MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirtcham 2 (�� ' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 1t� " � � 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVII"fENTS STREET II�ROVFMENx P�tOJECT ST. 1970-3. ADDENDUM �2 t ', W�IEREEIS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, �, Minnesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improvements 'hereinafter described be made. ' , � �� � � ' NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 13th day of Qcto�er_,�969 , at 8;00 o'clock P,M., the City Council wi11 meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time, and place, hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements ie the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Street improvement including grading, stabilized base, hot mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer and other facilities located as follows: � . 3rd Street: 57th Avenue to 57th Place ESTIMATEDCOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $� � 770. 00 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID Il�lPROVEMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: For Construction Item above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - AlI of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. That the Council proposes to proceed with each o£ said improvements as , sepaxate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by Council all under the following authority, to-wit; Minnesota Laws 1953, Chapter 398 and law amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Charter. ' ' ' � , UATED THIS DAY OF , 1969 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Attest: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. �runsel� 8ubliah: Sept�taber 24, 1969 Qat�ke�► �,� ��b9 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � RESOLUTION N0. � RESOLUTION RECEIVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOTIS AND ORDERING BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 96 WHEREAS, an emergency exists due to the 1969 flood damage to the sanitary sewer line South of Riverview Terrace and West of Alden Way. WHERF.AS, the City of Fridley has received assurance fram the Office of Emergency Planning that a portion of the cost of repair, modi- fication and improvement of the sanitary sewer line will be paid for from Federal funds. WHEREAS, any costs not covered by Federal Funds would be paid out of Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund. GlHEREAS, Comstock & Davis, Incoxporated, Consulting Engineers, have prepared a report and plans and specificat�ions for the aecessary repair and modification of the sanitary sewer line. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that such report, plans and specifications covering the repair and improvement of said sanitary sewer line is hereby received and apprrn►ed and the work under Sanitary Sewer Project No. 96 shall be perfos^�ed under one contract. The City Manager ahall accordingly prepare and caur�e to be in��rtod in the official newspaper advertiaements �or bids upon the makit�g af auch i.mprovesnents undex such appraved plans and apecificatipne. The adveztiae- ment shall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days), and shall apecify the work to be done and will state that bids will be open� and conaic3ered at 11:30 A.M. on the 6th day of October, 1969 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk, and accampanied by a cash depoait, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount ot such a bid. That the a�vertisement for bids for SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 96 shall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADOPZ'ED BY Ti� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THiS r�' DiAY OF '' , 1969. {. ,:;. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell 1C�� � 1 ' ' I ', �. �. . R�SOLUTION N0, � A�'.ESOLUTIOPd 0�'.D�RING IMPROVErSL��T,' APPROVAL OF PLANS AND OF.DERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS : W�1TER .AND SE1NITt1RY SEL�IER PROJECT N0. 93 ��) ,'. � WHEREAS, Resolution No. 15-1968 adopted by the City Council on the 5th day of February, 1968, Resolution No. 53-1969 adopted by the City Council on the 7th day of April, 1969, Resolution No. 80-1969 adopted by the City Council on the 19th day of May, 1969 and Resoluti;n No. 90-1969 adopted by the City Council on the 16th ' day of June 1969 set the date for hearing on the improvements, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as EXHIBIT "A", and ' � WHBREAS, all property owners whose property is liab].e to be assessed with the making of the improvements (as noted in said notice) �aere given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council hearing through two (2) weekly � publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners heaxd thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. WHEREAS, Resolution No, 120-1968 adopted by the City Council on the 3rd day ot September, 1968, Resolution No. 79-1969 adopted by the City Council on the 19th day of May, 1969, Resolution No. 88-196� adopted by the City Council on the 16th day of June, 1969 and Resolution ��118-1969 adopted on the 21st day ot July, 1969 ordered these impxovements. . � . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, rlinnesota as follows: • 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolutions No. 15- 1968, No. 53-1969, No. 80-1969 and No. 90-1969 are rereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible; to-wit: The improvements as noted under.the Construction Item in the Notice of Hearing (in Exhibit "A") Watermains, sanitary sewer laterals, ser.vice connections and other facilities to serve the foZlowing streets and areas: 79th Avenue extended on the North, Osborne Road on the South University Avenue on the East and the Railroad Tracks on the West side basically including the streets Osborne Raad, 78th Averzue, 79th Avenue, Gumwood Street, Hickory Street, Main Street, streets between Main and Univer- sity Avenue, and the West Sexv ice Drive of University Avenue on the proposed plat of East Ranch Estates Streets in Onaway Addition: 77th Way, Beech Street, Elm Street Stinson Blvd.: 1,000 ft. South of Gardena Avenue to Rice Creek Road Jeiferson Street: 57th Avenue to 58th Avenue Street on South side of Adams Street Addition: 7th Street to Jefferson S�. 61st Avenue: McI�inley Street to Stinson Boulevard McKinley Street: Cul de sac �o the North to 61st Avenue � . . . � , �I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' � ' ' ' ���c7 � Resolution No. E �� � Project No. 93 That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: � WATER AND SANITARY SET,TER PROJECT N0. 93 2. The plans and specifications prepared by Comstock & Davis, Incorporated, Consulting Engineers, for such improvements and each of them, pursuant ta the Council ResoluL-ions hexetofore adopted, a copy of which plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. 3. T'he work to be pexformed under WATER AND SANITARY SEt`TER PROJECT N0. 93 shall be per£ormed under one,contract. The City Manager shall accordz.ngly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under such appraved plans and specifica.tions. The advertisement shall be published for three (3) weeks (at Ieast 21 days), and sha11 specify the work to be done and �aill state that bids will be opened and considexed at 11:30 A.M. on the 20th day of October, 1969 in the Council Chambers of the Ci.ty Hall, and that no bids will be considexed unless sealed and Ei1ed with the City Clerk, and accompani.ed by a cash deposit, bid bond., or ce�tified __ check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of such bid. TtYat the advertisement for bids for WATER E1ND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 93 shall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADOPTEA BY THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �'� `�'�. . �'� , 1969. . � ATTEST: � CITY CLERK - Maxvin C. Brunsell , ' �- � I r1AY0R - Jack 0. Kirkham 0 OF , 1 %U R&SOLUTION �10. / � A RSSOLUTION CBR'tIFYZNa CE[tTIIN Dffi,I�TQUEN? i�TATSR �iiD ' 3�W8R CH�RQ�S TO THE COUNTT AtiDIT� 1�QEt CE7LLBCTIa1T 1iiITH Ti� 197A TX%E3 ' ' �3, cer�sia xater and sanrrer ebargss ior ths City at Fridle� are delinqneat ia pa�ment� and, ' �R.BAS� 3�tion 7 of Ordinance Atusbar 113s 3�ctlon 1.02 o= ths CitT Ch�r providea for certifTi�B dslimqn�n� charg�a to the Co�uat� Landitor �or coll�ction xith the taicea. ' ' ' ' NOW, TIiARS[��tS, H$ IT RESt7LVED tbat tl� Cit� Clsrlc is h�reb� anthvrised aad directed to eartiPy ths �olla+i.ng char8ss t�o tl� Cwnt� Xuditor tor collec�io� �ith 1970 ta�cea dne and payable ia ths �sar 19T0 to �r3.ts �.tl thess noted ia Schs�ls pi" sttached hereto aad �nds a parE 2�sreoi by reference. �' , n ., � PA3SSD A1�D ADOPTSD TSIS DlY C�' .�s 1969 B7 T� CI1? (;OKT�iCIL� CITZ OF , , ' , , ' lZ"PB3?s ' ' ' ' +fYy�N�,i, y,i��:i11.T�:�;�'S' �1'Z�:��M� MAY�t - daa 0. Ei 1 n: + , e Dffi.Ix� iiATSR & 3�lER ACt�OUIi?3 C3atI1►IBD ZO C00!'PT - 1969 � � AHOU�iT I� T` ' District � 1 6025 - 3rd str��i aort�h�ast ' SE160 Cl�arritx As�aue Northea�t ' �i627 r�� strs�t North�sst 5765 Xsia Str�et �forthsset I6131 3�u�rias Dri.e 1(or�heaat 6�0 8ast Ri��r Roui ' District � 2 , 5968 - ltth 3tre�t lior6heast 5590 - 6th 3trsst l�ort,heaat � lt)61 - 67t,h tvesns �ortiyast 59�61 Ben�a�in Street 1(or�heast � 5895 Ce�ral gnow liortheast � 6507. Ce�rtral Aseau� �ortireast 6810 Chiu�sl itos�d HorL�heast ' 6651s Fridl�y 3%�t 8orthsust 6685 Fri��7 Strest Nort�i�sas� ! 1207 (�erdu,a ev+enn• 8ort�heas� 57cy1 HighMas ,� b5 Aorth�asi � ' 68 56 Monro� �trset 1�orCheaat ' 9� O�ert�a Drt►e l�ortheast , 5T0(3 Polk stree� !(orth�ast �i ' 6�A Qninc� 3tro�t Forth�ast 6215 IIai�er�ity i�aa� Aorthsa�t hs i ' - 39t� 66th grenn. �vrtheast 663lt Cemtral A�an� �ort.�ast ' 355 xisss�ipF� st��� #o�i�ue� i935 Mi�sisaippi Str�et llorth�a,sb � 50.06 �9.85 74.71 73•50 19.69 a s. 2k�.02 9.55 2l�.8l� 3l;.26 �i8.18 32.61 23.00 20.�6 l�2.29 55.00 b�.39 �9.28 70.�2 343.36 19.9� 82.19 28.�Dt) .►� •� 21.ao 11�.00 � 5.00 l�.99 7.h7 7•36 1.97 2.10 2.1�0 .95 2.l�S 3•� lt.82 3•2? 1.8lt 2.00 �.23 5.5a �0.03 a.92 7.00 31�.3�t 2.t�Q 8.21 2.80 28.oE� 0 �.10 1.ln0 � 55.06 5Lt.8l� 82.1$ 80.86 21.66 23.10 26.l�2 �o.� 27.32 37.68 53.� 35.88 24.84 22.06 l�6.52 6cj.5o �0.l�2 32.20 77.�2 377.70 21.90 90.l�0 30.80 3oe.0o 23.1�► 15.40 1.��) ' '_ DSLIIIQUE2R �TATBR & SEiiSR ACCODlIT3 CBRTIFIED TO COUIITT - 1969 (coadtino�.d) ' �DDR�.S'S _ � Diatriei► � 3 ' 31 - 70th �Ta� Yorth�aat � 1lt3•llt ; ].1{.32 ' l�til - 76� ��anu Nort2�aa� 21.98 2.20 7315 lble 3traet Uortheast 28.96 2.90 ' 7379 4b1� Str�et 1(orth�east 8.39 .83 i1t31 /Cble 3treet l�ortheaet 23.67 2.37 ,?503 �bl� Str��t l�orthsaat 12.97 1.29 '7579 �bl� str�st Hortbeaet 1b.79 1.67 61 Ahls 3trset Hort�l�u et 75 a 58.3� 5.84 '?5b1 Cestt.ral Arsan� Hortheaat 33.16 3•32 ?688 Bu�on Dri� aorthsaat 19.87 1.99 , 769� Hacon Dri�s llortheast 32.1? 3.21 '?170 8as� Ri�r Aoad 10.82 1.08 7451 Eait Ri��r Raad 116.65 11.67 � 5�1 f�l�ticos Street 8orthea�t 61�.32 6.1�.t 55b da�ua�ill� Star�st Bortivaat ].!�$.79 1lt.87 , 615 dai►�aville Street Northeas� !tl�.10 �.l�2 3�5 Longfellov 3tseet l�ortheast 57.96 5.80 � 15� oabor�• Roaci Horths�s� 2.T2 .27 ' T921 Ri��rri� Terrace Norti�sast is 7921 Riwrrisrv Terrsc� Northesst r ' 7339 Uai.srsit� t�ne�oa� Nor�hsaat ?363 IIsi�er�it� A'�ane 2iorti�eaat ' 12�0 - T3rd d�u� �orth�aat � b835 Bast Rirar Road 371 Ho6o 3treet Nvrt�usat I ' I ' 4.3�. 12.b7 2lt.39 11.38 28.U0 a7.5o 21.00 ..43 1.27 2•43 l.lh 2.8A 2.76 2.10 TO�RAI' = 157.46 Zl�.18 31.66 9.22 26.0l� ].l�.26 18.�b 6�.18 36.lt8 21.86 35.35 11.90 128.32 ?0.76 163.66 h8.52 63•T6 2.99 4.74 13.9b 26.82 12.52 30.80 30.26 23.10 � � � 1� _�.. APPOINTMLNT FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Richard J. Kreton Full Time $2.74 Replaces 5247 Girard Avenue Bartender per Ervin Minneapolis, Minn. Store ��2 hour Kay r � 1��_�3 � MULTIPLE DWELLING LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL September 15, 1969 September l, 1969 to September 1, 1970 NAME ADDRESS UNIiS FEE Dale F. Knott 1045 Peters Place S98o - 22 St. N. E. 7 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Lester Mayo 4950 Madison St. N. E. 5974 - 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 Manneapolis, Minnesota Mrs. L. A. Torgeson, 6065 - 3rd St. N. E 6061-63-65 - 3rd St. N. E. 3 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota James R. Bateman, 3534 Thomas Ave. No, 5428 - 5th St. N. E. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota Charles Wishey 10719 Braewood Circle 380 - 57th Place N. E. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota John J. Johnson 380 Pillsbury Bldg. 321 - 79th Way N. E. 4 10.00 608 - 2nd Ave. So. Minneapoiis, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 5750 East River Road 5760 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 575� East River Road 5780 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 575� East River Road 5800 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 575� East River Road 5820 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota Maurice M. Filister 5750 East River Road 5840 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota - 1�5 Multiple Dwelling Licenses September 15, 1969 September l, lgb9 to September l, 197Q NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE Maurice M. Filister 575� East River Road 5860 East River Road 42 42.00 Fridley, Minnesota Carlyle J. Mathson Hwy. 100 Box 3 6341 Highway 65 10 10.00 Aurora, Minnesota Arnold C. Elmquist, Apt. 301 6370 Highway 65 15 15,00 5860 E. River Rd. Fridley, Minnesota Stanley �. � Ann R. Kania 430 Ironton St. N. E. 430 Ironton Street N. E. 3 10.00 Fridley, Minnesota Edward A. Anderson 5808 Decatur Ave, No. 6061 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 Minneapolis, Minnesota LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF SEPTEI�ER 15, 1969 GAS FITTING Kal's Plbg.& Htg. 7101 West Palmer Lake Drive N. Minneapolis, Minnesota Sassco, Inc. 475 8th Ave. New Brighton, Minnesota GENERAL CONT1tACTOR Imperial Garage Blders 12483-73rd Ave, N. Route 5 Osseo, Minnesota HEATING Sassco, Inc. 475 8th Ave. New Brighton, Minnesota By: Edward Kaliszeswli By: Robert Jenson By: Gordon M. Olson By: Robert Jenson 1_�l_� APPROVED BY RENEWAL Htg. Insp. RENEWAL Htg. Insp. RII�EWAL Bldg. Insp. RENEWAL Htg. Insp. ty Avenue N.E. STIPUL9TION5 sultation wi�h Mr, Joo Stein7aorth, 6071 University Avenue N.E. September 13, 1969. Provide drain on l�rge open food display case. Provide thermo�ieters in all cases. Provide legs on upright case, Rsplace walk-in with N.S.F. approved box in.2 or 3 months. Soal large doors located �n Pront. Seal opening betweeh toilets and food area. Provide castors on front cases. Remove threads on Paucets or provide vacuum breaker. Provide soap and towels. Gas attendant shall not handls food. Pr�vide hydraulic self closers on two toilet doors. iTha BD�rd of Health has not received any plans or specifications '��his establishmant. � All stipulations will have to be met before the Sanitarian give his approval for a�icense. HA RVEY J. MC PHEE Public Heal�h Sanitari�n 0 LICENSE� TO BE APFROi�D �T TF?E SEFTEP-�ER 15, 1969 COUNCIL NEETxNG CIGARETT�. BY - RECONII�IDE FOR APFRO�JAL BY Food Farm � 60')'1 University Ave. Joe �teinv�orth Chief of Police Fridley,' A�innesota DRIVE IN THErTRE 100 Trrin Drive In 5600 Hwy #65 Chet Herringer Chief of Police Fridley, t�,innesota SERVICE STA`I'IO�i ' Food rarm 60"(1 University Ave. Joe Steinworth $ldg. Inspector Fridley� Niinnesota F3.re Inspector � ��-! . . . � . � ' CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTi�1ENT ' ' City of Fridley, Minnesota . . . , Honorable Niayor and City Council 6431 University Avenue Northeast �Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re: Partial Estimate # 4 Fox Arcon Construction Co., � Inc. Street Improvement Project St. 19b9-1 Gentlemen: . � ; This partial estimate is submitted for the work completed and the materials on�hand this date, all according to the contract. Work • _ _ _ _- _ ype Item No, guantities Item Unit Price Tota� 5 Assem. Hydrant Relocation (Horiz.) 4QQ.00 2�p � Vert. Ft. �Iydrant Adjustment (Vert.) lOp•00 5 Unit Valve Box Extension 26.?5� 133.7� 3366. 3p7 Lin. Ft. FF�I 1" Type K Copper Water Serv. 4.82 1,479.7� -�_ 3366. 10 Valve FF�I 3/4 x 1 Mulle� Corp. Valve 20.47 204.70 3366. 10 Box F�I Curb Boxes for Water 1" • 35.45 354.5C� � 3365. Lin. Ft. F�I 8" C.I.P. 8.70� � � � 33b5. Unit 8" G.V. W�Box � I95.32 H � «a 3365. Ea. F�I 8" C.I.P. P1ug 25.3Q H E"+ _ _ _ _ _ _. -- A 2503.503 258 Lin. Ft. 6" V.C.P, for Sewer Service �.SO 1,419.00 z o Cu. Yds.VM Rock for Pipe Found. 3/4" Rock 10.00 a � 2503.502 1462.3Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.P. Sewer C1. III W/G 0-7' A Depth 7.75 11,332.8� z '� 2503.502 214.8Lin. Ft. 15" R.C.P. Sewer C1. III WjG 0-6' � Depth 8.35 �,7g3 Sti 2503.502 Lin. Ft.� 36" R.C.P. Sewer C1. III W/G 0-10' � Depth 20.40 2503.502 Lin. Ft. 48" R,C.P. Sewer C1. III W/G 0-10' � Depth 33.70 2503.503 Lin. Ft. 8" E.S.V.C.P. 10-20' Depth 42.00 • Purtial Estirnate # 4 For Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Continued....Page 2 , St. 1969-1 ork ` e Item .No. Quantities ' ' Item Unit Price Totai 2506.506 59.4•Lin. Ft. Construct Manhole Design A or F 45.00 2,673,OC 2506.509 8 Structure Construct Catch Basin Design A . or G 190.00 1,520.00 1�- Structure Construct Catch Basin Special ' Design 1�?.00 1,122.00 w 2506.511 9•66 Vert. Ft, Reconstruct Manhole 50.00 483.00 H , H 2506.516 4 Assem. Casting Assem. (700-9 Cover 712) 82.00 328.00 a . � �'' 2506.521 Assem. Install Casting 40.00 � z 2506.522 53 Assem. � Adjust Frame and Ring Casting 40.00 2,120.00 � � 2501.536 Apron 48" Coric. Aprons 273.00 a A 2501.536 Apron 36" Conc. Aprons • IZ5.42 z � � � 2503. Ea. 48" Conc. 7°30' Bend 182.00 2104.515 Lin. Ft. Remove Exist 48" R.C.P. for Salv. 5.00 2503.504 137 Lin. Ft. 12" Metal Pipe 14 Gage 8.25 1,130.25 Unit 12" C.M.P. Elbow 30.00 2411.505 2 Structure Conc. Structure 12" Surge Basin 53.60 107.2G 2511.503 � 4 Cu. Yd. Grouted Riprap 40.00 160.00 f 295 In�. Dia. Clearing � Grubbing Trees 5.50 1,622,5G '2104.503 130 Li� . Ft. Remove Curb � Gutter - Conc. 1.50 195.00 � 2105.501 7758CuI. Yd. � Common Excavation .72 5,585.76 � � ' H 2105.505 1684Cu�. Yd. Muck Excavation .75 1,263.00 iA � r � 2105.521 190Cu.. Yd. VM Granular Borrow 1.20 228.00 Cu. Yd, VM Naul (Pt. to Pt.) .20 `�Kile • I--- . � � � 25�1.50124598.4Lin. Ft. Conc. Curb � Gutter Design B-618 2.37 58,298.21 a�x ��,�, 2531.50i 151.58���� Conc. Pavement (Reinforced) 2.58 1,515.80 ;�� . )�� - U � � Cu. Yd, VM Crushed Rock for Driveways 5.00 ¢ ' � �,w 2331. 1,139.60Sq�. Yd. 2" - 2331 Asphalt Driveway 3.00 3,418.80 00 � � � m : .� ork _ype x a 0 3 A � � w a � 0 Aa Partial Estimate #�_ �or Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Continued....Page � 1 St. 1969-I � Item No. Quantities . Item 2521.501 6g3•7 Sq. Ft. 4" Concrete Walk 2531.507 1529.6 Sq. Yd. 4" Concrete Driveway Pavement 2531.507 11.1 Sq. Yd. 6" Concrete Drive,tivay Pavement 2575.551 1067.5 Cu. Yd. VM Top Soil � 2575.551 Cu. Yd. VM Top Soil Clay 2575.501 Acre Roadside Seeding 2575.502 Lbs. Seed (Mixture #6) 2575.531 Ton Commercial Fertilizer (12-12-12) 2575.505 10191 . �Sc{. Yd. Sodding 2575.511 Ton Mulch Mat Type 1 E3) 2575.512 Gal. Mulch Mat Type 2(3) � 572 L.I./"Th. Sawing of Existing Concrete 23 Riser Sidewalk Steps - Concrete 2104.5181013.7 Sq. Yd. 2104.502 1680.3 Sq. Yd. 2104.518 6489 Sq. Yd. - 195820 Sq. Yd. W 2130.501 191.5�7�Gal. � ¢ � °q 2211.5018691.21 Ton 2207.503 57062 Gal. 2207.512 7805 Sq. Yd. 0 � 2207.512 14,388 Sq. Yd. � 2358.501 �9538Ga1. � �'� 2357.502 365Ga1, z H a 2331.504 204.15Ton IH N ai Rernove Bit. Pave. Surf. Driveway Remove Pave. (Conc. Driveway) Remove Bit. Pave. Surf. Salvaged Bituminous Mixture Unit Price Tota� •62 430.09- 5.03 7,693.89 6.03 66.93 2.00 2,135.00 1.80 50.00 .50 1�0.00 • .35 3,567.03 55.00 .66 1.50 858.U0 34.45 792.35 ' Water Aggregate Material (Class V) Bit. Mat. for Mix. (AC-1, 85-300 Pen.) Bit. Stab. Subgrade - 4" Thick $it . Stab . Subgrade -, 6" Thi,ck Bit. Mat. for Prime Coat Bit. Mat £or Tack Coat Bit. Mat. for Mixture 1.00 1,013.70 1.20 2,O1fi.36 .65 4,217.85 .30 5,874.60 4,00 766.00 2.10 18,251.54 .14 7,988.68 .25 1,951.25 .26 3,740.88 .30 2,861.40 •32 116.80 28.00 5,716.20 Partial Estimate #_�_ For Arcon Construction Co., Inc. Continued....Page w�� St. 1969-1 ork e Item No. Quantities . Item 2331.510 226.9 Ton Binder Course Mixture In a ��., 2331.5083851.O6Ton Wearing Course Mixture °�� 2341.504 94.44Ton Bit. Mat for Mixture a� . 2341.5091618.25Ton Wearing Course Mixture W/Filler r---------- �H 2356,505 CQ �o U' � H � 3365. 3365. 3365. 2503,502 Gal. � Bit. Mat. For Seal Coat�RC-800 Sq. Yd.. Sea1 Coat Aggregate (FA-2) Lin. Ft. Redwood 2" x 8" Header 1 Unit 50 Lin.Ft. 132 Lin.Ft. 4.5 Lin.Ft. 211 Lin.Ft. 4 Units 390 - Lin.Ft. 81 Cu.Yds. 150 Lin.Ft. 72 Lin.Ft. b Units Less 10% Less Estimate #1 Less Estimate #2 L�ss Estimate #3 F�I 6" G.V. F� Box � FF�I 6" C.I.P. F�I 8" C.I.P. - Drop Connection San.Sew. Outside 21" R,C.P. W/6 C1. III. 6" 1/$ Bends � 6" C.M.P. Perf. Rock Special Mix Ditching Lowering Existing 12" C.M.P. Relocation of 1" Stop Boxes _ $20,306.37 _ $40,378.79 . _ $80,922.73 . _ $30,257.18 TOTAL Ah10UNT _DUE ESTIMATE #4 . � e . ��� � P EPAR D BY �.�� CKED BY Unit P'rice Tota' 4.10 930.29 4�.10 �15,789.3� 28.00 2,644.3� 4.45 6,634.8� .18 .0975 1.00 140.00 140.00 6.00 300.00 5.70 752:40 30.00 135.00 10.94 2,308.3� 8.00 32.00 4.00 1,560.00 8.00 648.00 I.00 I50.00 1.00 72.00 70.00 420.00_ TOTAL $203,063.7G _ $ 31,198.6� � �: � ; �-�c . c�u � _ � � �.t t -�� APPROVED BY ' �_� � � I , I ' ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL - SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Suburban Engineering, Inc. 6875 Highway No. 65 N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For Inspection through August 29, 1969 Street Improvement Project ST. 1968-1B and ST. 1968-2B (Partial) Weader, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Streets Anoka, Minnesota 55303 � 559.02 � Estimate for the Month of August for $ 2,874•00 services rendered 118 �� � lAW OFFICES . WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK I '� CMARLEf R. WEAVCR MtRMANL.TALL[ VIRGIL C�. HERRICK . � ROCERT MVtiNS I JAME6 D.OIBBS FREDlhICK W.KEISER.JR. III /ATRICK J. ROCHE, JR. �, ' City of Fridley b43! University Avenue �ortheast Fridley, Minnesota 5542i , � , , Re : Augu st Reta i ner s. � Johanson vs. Fridley (Iegal research and preparing brief� � Riverview Heights Condemnation (drawing legal descriptions, preparing Petition, service ' of Petition) Dumphy vs. Fridley Floer vs. Fridley , Condemnation re Lots 1� 2, Block 2, Centrat View h4anor ' SIIBTOTA L : � September 9, 1969 Condemnation re %3rd Street , • Rea) Estate Closing re Lots 8� 9, Block 6, City View , Purcha se Agreement re Strub ' zoA 69 - 07 St. t97� - 1 St. 1970 - Z2 ' � SUB TOTAL: , Court Appearances: Dumphy vs. Fridley Floer vs. Fridley , Additional Expenses: G inger's Sa lary 6lonth of August 84 hrs. C $1.75 � ; � Exp� ses Adyanced: Ahoka Cout�ty Sheriff Re: Virkus TOTA i. � �i ' � . � l5 hrs. 16 hrs. 11� 7/f [Af:•MAtN 6TREET ANOKA. MINNESOTA 55303 a2�.a��a $ 950.00 �-r �ydq-3 t0 hrs. --_ - pL,4nn�,��. 4 hrs. 2 hrs. ___ - ��- /1�70'/ 47 hrs. $25.00 per hour 1,175.00 �$2, 1.2$.00 2 hrs. -. . _, t ., _ � . 2 hrs. � • ;,;• - - , I hr. s-��^-.-> I hr . vL A�� �^� � I hr. I hr. 8 hrs. $2$.00 per hour TNANK YOtI �, t , . $ 200.00 2$0.00 I 50 .00 t47.00 2.00 ��'.G74 • � � � ��� WALNUT 7-8491 ZE RA� � N�. General Contractors — Property Management � ' Ci ty of Fri dley 6431 University Ave. I3E Fridley, Minn. � � Gentlemen: 4804 WEST 60TH STREET, EDINA MINNEAPOLiB, MINNE'30TA 55424 August 29, 1969 Subject: 6500 E. River Road Gasoline service atation We have been in.formed by City officials that you are interested ' in acquiring a portion of s>>b_ject prorPrty which we own and also making certain chan.ges in the remaining portion. We wou1d prefer that you would take all of our property as the ' remaining por�ion �uld be of limited use. Your city engineer said that you would like a proposal with us retaining a portion of the ground with changes to be made. This letter is to submit a proposition for the same. ' Your engineer has submitted a plet plan, copy of which is attached, which we have gone over with him. These changes are acceptable with one change to be made and two additions which have been agreed � upon verbally, listed as follows: 1. This barrier is to be changed so that it will be made easier � to get into the service station stall and also possible to get on both sides of the pump island conveniently. ' 2. Additional curb cut on East River Road. 3. When the divider island is installed in the center of East River Road, the north end wi11 be kept back far enou�h to allow ' a left turn into the south curb cut. All of these curb cuts, barrier islands, ete. wi11 be done by the City of Fridley at their expense and no cost charged to prop- ' erty. The pump island nearest the highway will be eliminated. Z'he eaisting pump island will be increased in size to take care of the additional gmps. The property ovmed will be allowed the cost ot' ' doing same. Exact cost wi11 be determined a� a later date. -�'J � At the present time it is not determined if the banjo sign will have to be moved or not. If, at a later date, it is decided that it ' hss bo be moved, eost f or same will be handled as same as the pump i$land. Our price for the land whith the city wants to acquire from us aecording to attached plat plan is Fifteen Thoueand and no/100 , (�15,000.00) Dollars. Other items to be handled as mentioned in this letter. � � �J � �I Yours trul�, - ZERA,..�INC. b� �. Mark . Jo es, PrAs. r� , ` ' I I ' • � ' . . �� ' •• • � . . i � ''� ._� �..,� � �,� � . - . �.. • . .�. • ') ., '. ' , . . , ,. � • . �� � " I •. ! . . . �. -- � ► • • : . . v, . . -�� .�. - .�.. �_^� � r � . ` ♦ . � �..� f i � �, � a. � 1..t-~ ' I � i `. �,.-- ' ____. - ��/ � , � / ' � � ' �.�' I � �.� �� : ' --- -- , L �- � '�:.�,ti�d ' i-u �3e MpveD "�1_�� • i. _,��'� ��� . �.�'��+►�..�� • . _ -'�./ ' : - --_„__ = T��`��� 1 . --___ ____ ._ . . � _-�___._. .� _ __ ' � . 1 �- . � � !- __ ---__ ' `'�`y _��"��-� � l . . . � - � � f � i �- � : ' I � , I I - , _ ,i � � � I ,. I � � `��. ,� �. i' � i ! �i . � _�� �� . \ \� ��` � \� � . •� � • • \\ �. � • I �' . � .• • . . , �. . .' . � •- . �� .� � � scale , � ��_ �10' i � � ,�� % � PHONE 332-1171 . AREA CODF� fJl� It j .J..�+ , � , `�'� � � � } i � r� f �::� 7 � � A1 ., j .. . }� � . � p 1 �� F ' ' ` � INC. ., �� � . #�.:,.� .�: � ; - �, �, . ._ �`��,�,, ' �,, ' � 1 1 0 N O R T H F I F T H S T R E E T • M I N N E A P 0 L I S, M I N N E S 0 T A, U. S. A. 5 5 4 0 3 ' August 26, 1969 ' Fridley City Council ' Fridley, Minnesota ' Attention: Nasim M. Qureshi, P. E. Gentlemen: �' We would appreciate your giving consideration to approving installation of a traffic signal at the entrance to our plant and office facility at 5601 East ' River Road. As you know, we plan to be in this facility no later than August, 1970. How- � ever, part of the operation will be functioning prior to that date. At this time I do not know exactly what the date will be however, it should be sometime during the month of April, 1970, We feel it would be appropriate to have the , signal installed at that time. Should you have any questions concerning this request, please contact the ' writer. ' � ' Yours very truly, �� MAUR; IN . ( ' \ .._ � , ``i� '� R d G. Spie��l Vi esident - O ' cc: Anoka County Commissioners � . � �� �/ ations r � N E W I D E A S I N P R O F E S S I O N A L H A I R C A R E P R O D U C T S 0 RESOLUTION N0. �� RESOLUTION NAMING 641/2 WAY NORTNEAST 0 WHERE�S, a new street has been constructed from East River Road west to Riverview Terrace Northeast and - �IHEREAS, this street will parallel Mississippi Place and WHEREAS, three (3) homes presently face this new street but have an East River Road address and WHEREAS, a request has been received to name this street 64�/2 Way Northeast by Northern States Power Company for simplification of billing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley that: Section 1.� The street bounded on the east by East River Road and on the west by Riverview Terrace, . and south of Mi�sissippi Place wi11 be named and known as 64 /2 Way Northeast. Section 2, The City Clerk is hereby directed to register said change of street name with the proper . authorities £or Anoka County and with the proper postal authorities and other interested parties. ..` / _: . PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS '_ �� DAY OF _��'�-� �'�` � lg6g , BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. ATTEST: �` ; , YOR - Jac 0. Kir am CLERK - Marvin C, Brunsell . ' � � � .' _ � . - ��� �� ����'� ^�� � �' � � • . � -. ' k �ro7it �-» ,� ��y�/:'- � � , � N�/e : �rws�•ii�Jn Ow :i��1A l.w� si � � '., aras ;,,�:..,... �.i� R.ZZn�s�f..�u's � �✓' • �p.!_ � drVv� , . i '' � x � � . � �� e r�l- -�-Jr'� a j1!'��._ '��1 • . a `�' - _-yl.- '` i � � ' --� ii� � � . /� � � -- ----- - '�' 8 -- � -�},��tf°_:-_ �, � � o � � •. • r� --�-. • � � � r ' �`�y`�/s.� . . �_i U 1 + y� ^i`'q, ; I1i41�.-� ��� F�=llil±i�_...... ..f_. _.�.. 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' 0 � u ' ' , ' ' ' 1 i � � � � � � � Spptember 9� 1969 Fridley City Council We� the residents cf 6lal; ?�Tay� have been conferring �*�rith the Post Office Department for some time to allow us to move our mail boxes off Fa�t River Road and on to oUr own street. TnTe finally received permission to do so and were instructed to go to Fridley Ciy uall to get new hcuse nur.±�iers. At �ity Hall we were told this street has not bePn dedicated yet an,d house nurrbers could not be issued, This seems tather strange to us. 1'he street was completed over ti�o years a.�o Und the assessments against our properties have also been levied. ThereforP� xe request the Fridley City Council to do whatever is r.ecessary to dedicate ihis street so that we may get our hoxes roved before frost. Mx. and Mrs Gdalter Luckow 6t�b0 Fast R3ver Road �i �v � `h'l.►�v "�'uR,�r����.� Mr. and °°rs. John Addler 6I�2� F.st Ri.ver Road �,�..;�. � ���..�.� .�,� Gr��� Ns. and N'rs. Fdward �akry 6l�50 East River Road � �.. � � .��- a�� 12� r , . .. � 0 1 �J 1 ' � � ' � 1 ' � � ' � ' ' e,�� � � . �, ' � ����.�" �G � � � 124 ����..oc.,�� ' �. � �► �t.� , � � �,,c:, ; ����� �Zc.�. ./fiiC ��L.r�,<---� �. .,,� 4 t , -� � �z 4...�� � �` ��z..c.0 -� - � � .`� e < �r . ��?�U �l,t /' � �� �o_-. ==EC�-Y'� �'s.�--� Q-�c'.-e' � r"' " f' � ,, j � -•� -f/ (�l'G �� • \./ �i � �.-� �...�.��.c�'` .- -.�.G'�-.�� _..�-� ,�. �-z��-y-� �% . .--� ����� � -. , CTG2� �� �i� -���'�,e -c�i �,.,�� ���r,�,:� � ��%� Z.�e.�.G. �r., �.C'C �� G� c�...� .,�-� ��' ,.�.E � _ 'l� G / - 7 � °Z-,'L— ���-e . /`�7 . .. i�� A:> � - �� �� � �.z � ��-�.�' � • �� �� �. ��ti.�� _ T � -�:�� ,� �-'. �..���� ���.1 � /� � �XaiF!' ,C7'l f �,-• i.v+ 3Vf;' ��.f�3�iY+li�i:Lia � ���''����� �..� '��,� � ,_:� t �`''3���+r,'.t':s+ ` � ' � � � ' ' MEMO T0: ' , MEMO FROM: ' SIJBJECT: M E M 0 R A N D L! M September 11, 1969 Mr. Homer R. Ankrum City Manager � ,l ��Mr. Virgi ( C. Herrick /' � �, City Attorney '` Assessment of Corner Lots At the request of the City Council, I have done some additional research into the question of street assessments on corner lots. As was stated at the last Council meeting, the past practice in the City of Fridley is to assess the entire front and one-third of the side yard of each corner lot. The balance of the side yard assessment has been spread �ainst properties or interior (ots one-half the distance of the block. As you know, questions were raised �egarding the distance that said assessment should be spread up the street when there was no parallel street at the opposite end of the block. An argument can be made that the assessment should be sp�ead the entire length of the block where there is no parallel street. However, t believe that the City would be better advised to continue its previous practice. I make this recommendation for two reasons: I. Because of the (ength of time that the City has used this method it would be inequitable to make a change at this time. � 12) � ' 2. The principle of special assessments is the property to be assessed is receiving benefits greater than the general property in the community. The further the property is ' removed from the actual construction the more difficult it is to establish that this property is receiving special benefits. ' ' Mr. Homer R. Ankrum -2- September 11, 1969 The City,Council has discretion: !. llp �to a reasonable limit, in determining the spreading of special assessments. They are restricted in two ways: I. They must treat all property that is similarly situated in an equal manner. 2. The assessments to the property cannot exceed the actual benefits. Within these guidelines the Council can exercise its discretion in determining how to spread the necessary special assessments. � � ' a � i2f� , 1 I'� ' u ' ' I�� .�'".� STATE OF MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY 717 DELAWARE STREET S.E. (OAK AIVD DELAWARE STREETS S.E.) MINNEAPOLIB. MINN6sOTA SS440 September 5, 7-969 City Council c/o Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell, City Cl.erk Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Brunsell: � This letter will aclmowledge receipt of the August 4, Council resolution concerning the discharge of sewage effluent to the Rice Creek Water— shed. ' ' � ' � L _� , ' ' Please be aseured that the Council resolution wi11 be given f�l.l c�— sideration if any 1�rastewater treatment woxks with a surface discharge are proposed. Yours very truly, �I �I� • C. A. Joh es Acting Director Division of Water Quality CAJ/EAS:jdk cc: N1r. Frank Lamm, Metropolitan Council Mr. Paul B. Johnson, Minnesota Depa.rtment of Health ,� 1�: � � ' CJ ' � City of Fridley, Minnesota Office of the Building Inspector TOPIC: MONTHI,Y REPORT TO THE CITY MANAGER AUGUST 1969 NU1�ER OF PERMITS ISSUED 1969 1968 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AUGUST AUGUST TO DATE TO DATE ' Residential 6 9 83 122 Residential Garages 7 18 75 69 Alterations & Additions 8 18 87 g8 ' Multiple Dwellings 0 2 2 4 Commercial 3 2 13 7 Industrial 4 1 10 6 Municipal 0 0 0 1 ' Churches & Schools 0 0 1 0 Hospitals 0 0 1 0 Signs 0 3 23 17 , Moving 2 1 10 2 30 54 305 316 ' � , C � ' ' ' ' ' OTHERS Heating 27 27 206 219 Plumbing 18 36 196 205 Electrical 57 75 382 382 102 138 784 806 Residential $ Residential Garages Alterations & Additions Multiple Dwellings Commercial Industrial Municipal Churches 6 Schools Hospitals Signs Moving ESTIMATED VALUATION OF BUILDING PERMTTS ISSUED 153,500 $224,500 $ 1,940,250 $ 2,659,600 16,300 34,699 140,145 120,959 20,185 204,009 445,971 386,327 0 52,000 1,600,000 388,000 346,000 120,000 851,500 453,860 76,000 47,000 3,216,000 1,580,700 0 0 0 94,000 0 0 800,OU0 0 0 0 5 00, 000 0 0 2,300 18,315 22,120 3,200 500 6,5 00 700 $ 615,185 $ 684,978 $ 9,518,681 $ 5,706,266 MONTHI�Y REPORT TO THE CIZY MANAGER AUGUST 1969 ' NUMBER OF LICENSE CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AND LICENSE FEES COLLECTED TO DATE TYPE NiII�ER FEES COLLECTED BLACKTOPPING 8 $ 120 � EXCAVATING 22 330 GAS 32 480 GENERAL 88 2,200 BEATING 44 660 HOUSE MOVING 2 30 MASONRY 25 375 OIL HEA�ING b 90 PLASTERING 6 90 ROOFING 2 30 SIGNS 17 425 WELI� DRILLING 0 0 25 2 $4, 815 PERMIT FEES 1969 1968 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR PERMIT N[J1�ERS TYPE AUGUST AUGUST TO DATE TO DATE #10,355-#10,383 BUILDING $10,393 $ 1,879 $ 22,848 $ 19,210 �7866-��7922 ELECTRICAL 2,543 1,658 12,790 8,404 ��4549-��4575 HEATING 1,013 454 7,25b 13,856 #4985-#5002 PZiJi�ING 1,311 1,137 6,991 7,454 SIGNS 0 132 598 590 $15,260 $ 5,260 $50,483 $49,514 �- __— � ""° „t�.. � �_� t;�� �....'��--����.�..,�...,.,.�.,r,�...r -�.,.ti.� � i � � a � �. � r �� 7 ; ��j 1..., . . i > . . "° ' =.._...._� �a,.��.,.__..�......._ _.__ �_ ���, a ', �a'' � ��. 7 1a��'�`�,_ j ;_,_' -- -. �._.�....._....,.__ • -- � ._._.. .�___ __ �. a _ 6000 WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE, FRIDLEY, MlNNESOTA 55421 / 560-6100 September 15, 1969 Mr. Homer Ankrum, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Ankrum: DR. JOHN K. HANSEN SUPERINTENDENi JAMES H. HEDREN DIRECTOR BUSINESS AFFAIRS JAMES G. PAPPAS DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION We are informing you of the unanimous concern expressed by the members of the Board of Education at our meeting on September 9, 1969 about the hazardous traffic condition that exists on East River Road at the entrance to Stevenson School. A stop light is mandatory at the crossing of 61st and East River Road. Our bus drivers have registered a complaint of the severely dan erous c We feel a resgonsibility to see that our children are safely t�ranspor ed toland from school, but cannot possibly carry this responsibility through without the cooperation of the officials involved with the decisions, ! It is our understanding that the City Council has applied to the traffic signal but that the county would prefer to postpone a decision unt�.l a stu.dy of the River Road has been completed. We feel that conditions warrant a permanent solution but feel our situation is presently so serious we are appealing for your assistance in obtaining immediate, even if only temporary, relief. . Mr. Hedren reported that in consultation with you a temporary solution mi ht be a temporary pedestrian actuated signal at the school entrance cou led �vith modification of the entrance driveway, and we respectfully request the Cit Council to proceed with the steps necessary for the erection of this signal y Any effort that you might make in helping us to solve this problem immediatel will be appreciated by the Board as well as the parents and children in the y community. Sincerely, (Mrs, j Mary Schreiner Clerk of the Board MS /hj