04/14/1969 - 00019564� M�NUTES 0_ TIIE SPECIIIL PUBLIC HF�LRZVG AND WOHkSi�ap 1�'IDL"PING OF A?R1L 1¢, 7y6y Mayor A�rkham called the Special R�b11c IIearir.�; an�i 67�r_'F.shop T°Zeeiing o£ Apri1 1¢, 19b9 to order at (•30 P.M. PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCL: Mayor Kirkham requested the Council, Plannin� Commissz�n and Llie audience si�and and �oin in saying the Pledgc: of t111eglance to i,li- ?+=ag. ROLL C�1LL: COUNCIL N1EC/LBE�S PRLSEN'P. L2eb1 IIarrie, Samuelson, S-ieridan, Ii2ekliam MF'�,�'iI3II�S ABSENT: [�Tone ROLL CALL: PI,L�NIVING COP7MISSION M�'IB�S PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Jensen, Fitzpatrirk, L'= ic1_sou 1�MB�S �1BSEN`P: Myhra ADOPTION OF AGENDA: � Mayor l��rkham sald Lhat there were three ltems to aad �o the Agenda, which �aere. �7 Water �nd Sewer in Onaway Addition #8. N.S.S.S.D. hoolc-up aL Bob's Produce Garflen Cenb�r �°. i�ppointments � M01ION by Councilman Samuelson Lo adopt the i1F;enda as ameuded Secorided br Councllman Sheridan IIpon a voice vote, a17 -TOi,ing aye, T'Iayor KirkLam decl�.iecl th� motlon carrzed un�.nzm�vsly. Mapor I�lrkham exten.ded the Cout�.cil'e Thank 7ou Lo �he Flanning Commission lo� their cooperation in the ,7oi�zt nearing w�{h th� �',,uncil on the II}de Park_ Zouir.r StLdy. � L 1�V EN[T� : i"ll? L' d =TY MOTION by Councilman Sanuelson to waive the readzng c�f the Pub12c Heai�n� TSoLica Second2d by Councilman L�eb1 Upon a coice �ot�, a1l vo,ing aye, P�Ta�ror F_i�kliam declared the motion carrled un�nimousl-y. The Council and the Planning Comm,sslon took seats iu tre aucliencc: so as Lo see the screen, where transpazencies were pro�ecL�d, wliile the City 1�Iana�er pLesented hie zoning atudy oC the IIyde Park_ Ac�di�ion and Cltg Vtesa Addition, daTed l�lpril, 1969. Upon hls summaLlon, he explained LPiat boLYi t�aff�c plans would depend on concurrenc2 by the P�Iinnesota Hlgriway Departinent. 13e acldea lriat i� �his concept were adopted, ii, would nol: forc� anyone to sell, �ut wculd make it posslbie ior many land owaers to group together tor tl�e purpose of sellin� land for a large complex. T �., , YECTAL Pi��3L-C HP,41tI'VG 11ND WGRI�SFIOP P'LEETING OP APRIL 1� , 1969 P9GE 2 7'�ere would be more �eei for apartment houses, with the land west o£ Main � �tceet being indLStrial and Lh� 1anr. t� �he east and sout� being commercial After tP,e presentation, the Counczl �nd Planning Commission re-assumed their chairs ana Mayor F<�r�Lham called Sor comnen+,s from the audieace. l�Ir. LeRoy Sy✓erson, 6�_�l� '1'n�rd Stre�t, asked i£ the zoning remains unchanged n.ortr oi o��� Avenae. mre C2tg P'Iat7ager said that th�re wo�ild be no change north o£ 60tn A��nue. Ae peinted out that there would be more traffic gGnerated on 2z Street, ou� Ll�aL would be necessary Lo serve I;he commercial areas A member �£ tr,e auclience asked riow higr the buildings could be. T'�e City Manager said taaL Lt�ey coald be C etorles in an R-3A area. The g�ntleman �� Lhe audience �hen asked about Lots 1 and 2, 1�loclt 11, and co�nmented Lh�L possibly there could Ue a 6 story apartment house right across t�in etree� £rorn Lhc residential district The Clty Manager replied that the aparLment hcuse there no�,r is sti11 quiLe new and rather than build a new one, it would be more fe�sib7e in convert it to a CR-1 business use. t1 member o'_' �he audzence asked U�ha-;, a£fect this plan would have on the alley off Tliird Street n,rth of 60�' �venue. The City �ianager said Zt wovld have no af£ect IIe then asr�ad about ttie ieland in 60�' Avenue in relatioa to the driveways t?zere. The City PZana�er asl:ed tl'iat I;hey come into his o_°rice later at2d tl>>s tiaoul3 Le ch2ciced furtk�er. Chairman Erickson suggestea �hat lt mlglit be to the Counclls' and Plann-ng � Commissione' advanLage to see how many peop-e were in favor of th�s proposal and how many were against =1; T�7ayor Ktirkham asked £or a show of hands It showed t�at 21 orere in favor and � were anainst Chalrman Lriekson asked hcw many o£ �hose in �pposiLion 1lv�d noitn of bJ�` A�renue 9nother ralse oi nands sho�.ied ±ra+, al1 seven of thcse not �n favor of �he plan were north oi thc area under consideraFion. NIr. I<enneth Ynapp, 60Q� T�ird Street, �a�d that 1�e lisr�s on the corner and his housc- faces 6�t� xv�nue, and he would not like to havz ¢0' - 5G' trallers �;cing past hls 12otise 1°�ayor Kirki,am replied Lnat he was not an Enolneer, how�'✓er, it may oe po�slole to put Che slip oiF ramp £urther south. lhe Cyty P'Ianager agreed �ha� LLis U�ould be looked -cn�o. linother m�mber o£ ��he audience suggested thaL a chair_ link fence should be used alon; the sl�p o£f ramp to kcep children oi't L-ne street. Councilman Samaelson concur�ed w�tl. this euggestion. A aiem�er o£ Trie aud,ence commentzd that there would be trucks going down 'Il�ird Street, ihe City Nlanager said yes, there would be, however, it would b� onlc tY_ose senring tre comme^cial businesses and lhe tra££ic zlow would preclude any through traffic. � �-�; , SPLC iAL PUBLIC HF.f�RTATG AND WOPI:SI30P 1� �E1ING 0'� APItIL lq , 1°b9 Pl�GE j � MOTION by Mitt€�lstadt to close th� Public IIe�r�ng on ZOA ff69-07, area bounded on the north by 60tn Avenue, on the sou�t� by j711' Avenue lying between viain Street and UnLVe�sity Avenue. Se�onded by Jensen. Uooi2 a �roice zrote, a11 voLing aye, the motlon carried. MOTION by Counc2lman Samue]son to close the Publtic Hear2n� �OA j�6)-�7 Seccnded by Councilman Lieb1 Upon a voice aot�, ali voc�ng �pe, t�1�yo� k_irkham declared the motion cairied unanimously. (Note) T�i�re was a sl-o_ t discussion at the end of the meeting and Zt wae agieed ta bring tli�s back in the Nay 5'� Agend� . PECESS• lIayor Klr_kham declarc-d a 10 minute recess at 8:55 P.AI. T-ie Plannin.� Commission then left �he Counc�l I�leeting. PUI3LIC H�FRING ON SI'REET IMFROVyi NL PROJ�C7 SP. 1jF,�-3: Mayor I{lrliham read �he Pu'ol ic Hearing Noticu aloud and tl�e City Eng�neer showed the area on the screen. He said Lhat the f�rst triree would be considered togzther as they were all rn L-he same are� Spring Brook Y1ace. `Jy`° Way Lo i,cngicllova ti�treet � 79t� GTay: B-oad Avenue to ��sL River �oa�3 The City Engineer explained that there was a polltion fo^ Ll.e improvemenL of Lonofellow and i'or �9�' Way irom East Etiver Road to Alden LTay. 1'he extenslon oi 79�' Way down Lo Broad Stz�eet ai�d �Spring Brook Place waxe adcled by the adm�nistration for the purpose of the h�ar-n�„ to see if tza prcperty owners would wish to participate wh�le oLhcr stre�ts �n tre area were b�inr, improved, thereby keeping the costs somewhat 1�wer Lci2gfellow Street, Spslug Brook Place and 79�' from A1den to Broad wou]d �e 3�' s�reeLs In Long£e11�w and 79t° Way there would be some need o£ draina�;e iac�lities, however, Lecause 2t ie the preliminary hearing, exact surveys ha-re not been dorie yet. He said thal; zf �J�'` Wap were ordered in down to Broad SLreet, 1Lere ma� no� I�e curbinU £rom Alden Way to Broad Street He pointed ou�, Lliat the Ci�j has applze�. for StaL-e 11id for 79�" Way 1'rom East River Road to A1d�i; I�Iay and is awaiLln� approval £rom the Scate. A member of the audtience said t�iat there is wa6er over L'ne stxeei al th� lower end oS �9�' Way now and there would suL�l�r have +;, be some drainaee work done. Mayor Kirl�han asLed him if tihe JngineerinE; work coulcl �l�mii�aLe thie problem, would he be 1n iavor of rhe Zmprovemeni ai�d he replied thaL he would not. A �rieitor to the Meeting said that $Hey would like vcry ntiich +o have 79`° Way a State �id road �.s it does carry a loL of ,z�.�,�ty traffir. Trere are many bLises and �rafiic to �,he City ParL. The Ci�y E�z,tneer sa�d that ±Y�e pl�.ns � are still for a heavier than residential street unlees approval �s not received irom the Highway DeparLment. �, „ � SP�CIAL PUBLI� HE�R-N(: AND GJORYSI30P NIEJTING Ol�' �PRIL 1¢, 1969 PAGE L A s�isitor to �h�� Tleetln� sa�d tlat L'zere are others in opposltion to tLe im�^over.iei2L all the taay down. Lo B°oad Str�et, bu� they could not get to � �}�e 1"Ieetin because they nave had to move out, oi their homes becauee oi ��he ilor,d -'�Ir. Pooert Morin. %871 13road StreeL, asked how the assessmen�s would be o�f ]°�'i„day �C l,he impr�v�ment went ir_ all tne way down to Br_oad. Mayor lirkham explalned t�at i,he assesemente �aoold go 2 way down Broad as it wo,�ld. be a side sLieet. �he question is, lf the improvement eltiould go all the way dowr. I,� 3road Street P�r Samu21 Eove, 5%1 ']9�h WazJ asked who would pay foL ,Yie mainc�nance o£ �9�' in the event o= another flood. Mayor Y�irkham eaid �YiaL tl�ss would have to come out oi the mainbenance iunde and would not be aeses�Ed 1� visitor ±� the Meetii�g said i�riat he owns tive lots on Broad and wondered �f b•�ild�ng permiLs v✓i11 ever be allowed on them. Sf not, what could he do with them. T�Iayor Iiirkhaui said Lhal; he did noL £or2see any opportunity o£ ev�r buildinc t�erP, bLt the City o✓ould 1�4P very much to add to their Park system, i£ �nd when there ar� lLtinds available. II� said that �t was a shame tne pazk bond zssue fa�led. Councilm�,n Harris said �lia, he oaculc concur with i�h� comments of the audience �.nd that he feZL chat %��'�day sLnuld only be improved to Alden Way. CoLincilman Sarnuelson said 'ehat z�s suggestion was to improve i� to Apex to keep acwn the extrzmelv high maint�nance costs on the hill. The vis�tors aL 5("I (9�' Way, �8;1 L'road �nd (885 Broad asked if the improvement were to � only go to gpex, would the�,- be assessed Triey were told thep would not be. 9 lady in ttie ard�ence said tihat tl-erG are no houses facing on Spring Brocli Place and a�ked liow Lhe asaessmen�e are placed. The Finance Director said that tl�e cosi, oi the nortli 2 �- 79�' Way, LoiZ�fell.ow and Sprin� B�ook P1ace ar� �11 lvmped I,ogetl�er and spread evenly on t'ne assessable footage. A visitor Lo lPie ]�leet�ng asked if they �froLld be paying £or the improvement do�an tl�e h� 11 . S�Zayor I{irkP��m explained that the land owners pay by front £cotag�. Another v�sitor said th�t previously, in 196�, they were told the cost woula be abou� �B.OG, not it is about �11 ¢5. The City Engineer " explal�e!� that �Y�e^e axe only estimates and Lhe cost wi11 depend on how the uius come �n mhey must be leb on a competiLive basis. Mayor Kirkham added l,hai the C:ity czn lu no way be bound by L-his estimate. This ls only arr�ved ai for tYie purposes oS the Public Hearin� and actual prlces would not be kno�srn until a�ter the kids are let. A visitor to the Meeting asked when they woi.lo :;o oni,o tY�e taxes. �'Yie F�n�nce Director sa�d that they would go on the tax statement for 19�1 and would be spread over 10 years at 6o interest. A izemLer o�" tlic �.udience asked Low much land would be needed for the cul-de- sac lhe City Fngineer replied �.bouL 1C' aadll;ional and if more exact iniormat�on is desired, to �lease call the oFlice. A visitor asked when the work would be d�ne. Th� C�+,y- Et.gineer said th�.t ii it is ord�red in, il: will probably be laLe £a11 or early spr�ng o£ naxt year. 1�i0iI0Pi b;r Co�ncilman �Iarris to close t�is portion o£ the Public Nearing on � St. 196�-3 6econd�d by Councilman Samuelson. tipon a voice vote, all voLing aye, Ma•ror I�irkham declared bhe motion carr2ed unanlmously. GJf - � r`.�+ SPECIAL PUI3LIC HEP_RIPdC 1�ND WO�KSHOP MELTING OF �1��tIL 1/F, 19E9 PAUE 5 � T.II. f��47 West Service Drive: Osbocne H��ad :o %,{�h Avenu2 The City Engineer explained that thls would uc- a�i,avy dvl;yr road and there i9 no need for utilities in tihe ro�d as theae ar� pianned aloizg thE norbh- south easement near the buildings. He pointcd out l,hat when 79th Av�nue �s �xtended, there wi11 be need of utilities, h�wever Councilman TTarr�_s said tLat I:he petiL-ioner is ti2ot in �he audience but l�as indicatecl thaL lie is zri �avor of this imp�ovemei�t. Counctilman Lzeb1 aeked if thie w�uld be ]OCi� assessable The Cli.y �nglneer sald yes. MO�ION by Covncilman tIarris to close the Publ�c Tlearin� on T.H. �47 �r�est Ser�rice Drive from Osborne Road to 'j9�h Avenuc. S�conde�l Ll CoL�ncilrrian Samuelson. Upon a volce vote, all voting aye, -.�Tayor Furkliam declared I.h� motion carried unanimously PZ]BLiC HEARTNG ON T13E RLiZONT1VG kE�,UPSi ZOk �65-U1 FSY PP�,N1T01`�1, �`HOM R-1 TO P.D. TH�� AREA GEN��ILLY LOCAIED P1039'II Or�' HIGIILJIIY M�rPm'G�i A(1RTT ilRT�7�! 4N11 �AG! FR fT1T.FV _T�.1�7 RR i(`_�T�Pf1T�T RI1TTNi1l1T�`I Ms. Robert E. Ln.gs�rom of Pemtom In.c ,+das �-eecn, and �aid tlaar, I�� wot�la llke to preeent the overall tra£fic pattern and pr�posed lat2d vsee ��hich lncorporate the atiiggeetione made by �hE S'lano, ig C,r�t�a esioii. He sd-d Ltiat I;hey felt thal; this was one o£ che most magliiFi�eti� parcets 1Ffl, und�vclol�ed � ln th_e entire metropolitan area. He aaid that tlirotisa tlie plans they >>ave tr�ed to retain Lhe original te�rain as muc1- as poesible. ]7e �hen aslced Mr. Ed Contoski to presznL tl�e plans. Mr. Contoski presented a l�r�e map showing tl�e relat�onship oi �7i�s lanu to the surrounding land in F�zdley and 1Vew Bri�hton. I� is aboli� 12^ acres ii2 extent aiid o£ extremely rugged terra �n. I t is ��eavily w�odecl anc 1 rie_re �i•e low places wherz the water stands a good deal of I,ne ��me. He �Fplained t1�aL the deneity would be greatest �n the aoath and east corner whe�e it would a�ut the inst�L-utional property and get graduallv lesa a: tne land joes to the north and weec. There is a heavy density at 1!�9�i an�l gets less as it goes north toward the residenLti�l �rea Ti�e maln LYaff�c ou�1e1 would be S_�1�ier Lake Road to the east. The intersectlon of �.H. j�6j is some d�stance from this development and Silver Lak� Road would have the �,a.vanl;age ol t,ze dti�,mond interchange He said that he woul_d antic�pat� that 6he traCiic would use I. 694 unless they intended to come inLo the conp�ex. The tralfic Lnto Fridley would go along a ioad parallel �o I. 0�4, loen nortli io Gardena A�en�ie. He explained tha� �l,here is a co�mercial area ln New Brltl2ton atid the trafi�c �s planned eo that it will loop around and wi11 ex_it a6d,n wittzout goitio throvg'� the res�der_tial areas. He felt Ll�at Arthu?° StreeL wc�ild have to be ex�ended up to Gardena Avenue and Hathaway I�ane ,,ro���1d �e dead-cnded '�here ls a short road tlirougl� the town house area _or �ccess to Lhe scP�o�l I,o the south and Grace H�gh Sct�ool 7'his Toad would noti encourage throtig� irai'iic because of the round-about w�.y the cars would havF to exi�. �19ie lIzg'nway Departmenl: has Felt thai: �his plan would be wo^kablc ai, the FTi�'���ay �'o� � �.ntersectio�, hoia�ver� it could be made bett��r. The TIi�,hway Denas*menL 'ias indicated that Lhey would not underl;�.�e in�tia{�ion �,F this improverr.ent but that it should come from tlie Clip level. �; � . . SPECT9L PTJ3LIC HFAI�ING AiVD WORIiSHOP 1�ETZNG OP �PRTL 1¢, 1969 PAGE 6 1`Zr Contosl�i Lhen ehowed a map o£ the �,sea on.ly a9 perta�ns to the City of � Fridley He e�:plazned tkia� thera would be 215 townhouses in the west and south port�or_ o£ �he area and l� sinjle detached i'amily rzs�_dences �ust wes � of LL�em to act as a rul rP1 . '1'h�re wou�d be a 60' set baclz along the wes� side in I.ront o£ the tcwnhouses. 3e said tl'iat they hoped to install sorne i,ype oi recrea,�onal faci�ity somewhere in the complex which would inclu�e a small �roc�r�r store +o accomeaa�� the residen�s of the area He eaid Lhat triis plaa was felt to be L-he best possible vse of the land and in tlieir opinion, it could not be developed into R-1. He sa�d that the Hignwa•� �epartment ieels that ii t17e T.3. �65 lnterchange 2q updated, there wculd be no reaeon wYiV Gardena Avem'e could not be used as the through s+reeL. I3c said trat t�ie single iamily detached dwellings on �aLterhorn �riv2 �J�ould 1,e tn �he prlce range o£ ��j,G00 to �¢0,0'J0. 1�Tr. Engstrom said Lhat there would be 4�1 multiple dwellings in this total area and would average a 5% density. He said that tLey have 'ouilt single £amily a�Lackied hori.es �n New Pr�?'htcn and Eurnsville. With t�ls plan I;he indialdual r,uuys hls home ana land, but the land is maintained by the FIome Ooanc-r,s Association tiaho also maintain �11 �he open sp�,ces, which would b� parl; 1and. Th- towi2hcuacs would �ary from two to six attached homes. The variety this aifords in ir.divi��ua1 bu�ldii7os Ls of great beneiit. �l'hey wculd a11 h�ve walk eut bas�mei2ts and pat�os or sone kind of back yard for outside livin�. Ti-� townli�tisee would have two to three i�edrooms with 12 Lo 3 baths and �t�e price rar�e would be iiom $35,�00 to $50,000. He then sr�ooaed a cross s�cLion �o sxplain the �,ossible variations o£ orade which would allow Sor up to 16 feet 3�__Ierentzal, depending on t7e terrain. He � eald that they would be natural wood ezditizg combzized wlth brtck and stone. He then sl�owed a workinE model to demonstral;e how the outside livin,� area is incorpor�ted He said LYiat he was convi�iced that Pemtom could d�velop �his complex euch �ria� Llze peoplE oi Fridlev wotzld be proud oi the addition �o their CiLy. P'Ir. Con�oeki said +riat a very signi£icant fact is the ability oS f�ttin� tais plan in�o `.he terra�n and still r�talning so much open space £or recreat�.onal parp�ses and open land PiLr Engstrom added that the denslty �e below the City oi Fr�dley �rdinance requiremente and below �he requirements for apar+,ma_nt houses. I3e said that 2�3 of the Zand woLld be used as town �oases whic� would be witnia the Ordinance for individual residences. Co.mcilman Lieb1 sa�_d that �z would no� agree tha� this land could not be builL up with indivtdual resilences wlth a price range of �30,000 to �SC,,OCO 9e felt +ha, tLis plan is not consietenL with the developmen� to the sou�li and orould nct be -in th� bes� interests of Fridley. This could be one oi the best residontial areas with2n the City oi Fr2dley. He said that he was not �mpreseed ���itih �he town hcuse complex and could see that l�e onlp �enafic�aries would oe tYie dea�lopers. T�s s,ngsirom, rel�rring to Lhe 1ei.ter froui Rodney Billman to i,he Plann�xig Commission, ex_plained that it was writtea �.s he had been m�squoted and wantec his opinion clearly stated. Tie sa�d that Pembom is purchasing the iand L�nder an rntion. Cooncilman Liebl asked 1£ it was dependent upon the � re,oni�g. P1r. En�etzom e�,id yes, +hat they wonld aot be zntexes�ed. in devc-1op�ng single £amil�j residences. IIc- pointed o�it tha'� by etudying che jrade in relation to the �'rad� south oi' th�s area, you can plainly see thaL it is no+, conparable h��\ V SPECIAL L�TBLIC HE[iRIN� AND WOPKS=IOP 1�ETIDTG OF kPRIL i��, 1J69 P�GE 7 � Cot�nc2lman Liebl. said that the C�i;y is short oi abo��t 50� residential hcmes within the City rlght now. If i,hls develupniei2{ w�re �u =�o in, it i��ould necessitatE another school. NIr. Engstrom repl��d that t�is cornnlex taould produce less school chlldren than sin�;le iamily residencee. Counc_1- man Liebl asked ii theV could no� put in $¢D,O,^,0 �o js50, WG homes ii2 �hie area. P4r. Zngstrom replied that Lhey were n�t in�erested in sin�lc =amilq dwellinge Councilman L2ebl asLced ii they wPre atiaare oF tiow mtich taxes chis would bring into �he Czty. Mr. �ngstr�m said yes, t��at it �aould �ake an average o£ `�89,OG�; price homes to com2 w t equal Councilman Liebl sald that at this time he co.�ld not �o on record as benzg in =azror oF this pro,7ec1 . He puinted to thc wate_' �n3 setia�i £acility problems that still must be resolvEd. Mayor Fiirl�ham �olnLcd o1i� tY:at LYie burden oS payment ior �heso services would b� cn �he aPVeloper. Councilman Ha�zts asked about PTew Erighton and �ahat the�r stancl ia �t� this. Mr. Engstrom sa�d thaL a preliminary presentai.loi2 �as Leei7 rnade Lo tt�em also, hut their approval would be contingent upou tle Cl±y �£ Fiidl�y- approval. Councilman Samuelson asked if the.e° was aitiy provision £or dea�c�.tion _or City par'� land within the eomplex. Mr. Engs+iom sai� ll�at Lais �s tna i2rst he had heard o£ this, but that there would be r�atip open areas �or �r�e use of the residents within �he complex ma�_ntairnad ariC controll�d by the Home Own�rs AssoclaL-ion These, he telt, could l�e better maintalried because � there would be more Funds avail�Ule than the Cit�r would have. T��aay ol Lheae open space areas would be boui2ding the ponds and ti�uuld be for communsty t-se. He said �hat it was hoped to work out some pelesL�ian wa1'_T�aays atzd I�icycle paths wi�hin the complex connecting the open spaca a�°e�s ]�[r. Jam�s Polzak, Dir2ctor oF lnnsbruc� Hom� �Jwne�s f.sso��aiion, sa�d �hat he was heartened by Councilman Liebl's statement Lhat �his area would present the rno:�t beautlful axca for single residences. FIa sa�d t'�iat Ye ic-lt tYiat Pridley needs this kind o£ image. FIe admlttel Ena1; �he Innsbrack AssociaLio7 would have selilsh interesL-s, �_n �hat when the peo�le boueht LheLr p�coperi.y ln Innsbruck they £or the most part ingulred whaf, woi�Ld �e going ln north of them and �hey were told that it would be R-1 aud 1ni�s�ruck 5t�', Ei�^, �rid '(t" would be developed there. Fe sa�d that he must con�i�atulatF pemtom Sor tlieir time and eSfort thev liave put into thelr plans, b�L rie lelt that ,he quality of life would su£ie% bp this zoning £rom R-1 Lo mulb�plES �here t��ould bc perhaps three times the number of people in �I�is zype oi develonmenf. TTc- sald zhat Lhe Assoclation was upset by the Pl�:ming Comm�ee-ou's qtand tnat single iamil;r dwellings could nol: be pu� in +:iis area 3e said tY�at ac- mus� agree w�th Couacilman Liehl a,nd tha� he Selt �riat Mr. Rodirey Btllma,n's interest in the are� was largely based on thc� possibil�ty of a oLiicFr pro�it. He asked that Lhe Tnnsbruck Assoclation intcre�t5 aud cousid�rabl� invesl.mrnt be consiaered when a detc-rmina�lon ls madG. Mr. H F. Bergman, 5503 Regis Tra21, said that he wo�_�1a 1ik;, ;o spealt aE�.an;.t 1h�s r�zoning. He said thal he would ques��ei. the reason for LYic- iczoning � request and that iL seemzd ttiiat -it was �usc so tLat t1�ie de�-elopeis could makz a profit. He said that he was not againat a person making a pro,it, bu+ t�e would be �f ic was detrlmen�al to other people concerned. F� � � i SPECTAL PLBLIC �ILd1RING i1PTD LJORI�SHOP 1`�IEFTIN�s OP �PRIL 14, lg6g PA�E 8 He eaia +hat he woi lo feel =.rc�_y ne6a�rvely toward zoning this area from � P-I, and Lhat it seemed to him thac �he r�quest more properly should be to R-j, an.d ta�,t the� we�e jtiet ueiug P.D. ae a guiee. He said tNat Lhere l�as beFn a gr�a± de�1 said ton-i�ht abcut th� beauty ol the town l-ouees bti�t w��at about the apartnent house9. P'I_s Fleanor FeVda, 1724 Re�ls T�rrac�, said that she would quzstlot�, the forc-s�ght of t'�e developers. Thexe wi11 h� more demand for singlz family res�dences in the i,�F��ce. rn the last 10-1j vears Fridley has g-rown very fast arid there �s not too aiuch 3e5irable land leit. She questloned what k_ind o£ image rridley _s trying to Lti�1d and zelt tha{; Fridley sriould be a littic- m�re sopliisticated in itiiLure plannin�. i�Ir Car1 Paulson said tnat t7�e citizen's eights must be considEred also, and th� Cooncil musi, be careful not to li2fringe upon other people This is a p��ce of land wh�cN could be deaelopea into home sites that would se11 lor fr�r�i �$60, OCO to .�'150, 00�� ancl as �he noi Lh�rt7 area gets m�re an.d m�re built up witri -_ndus+ry, there will be more �a11 lor homes o£ a high caliber. ile Se1t =hat clier� would be less izeea ior pollce protection, fire protection, and 7ess trafi�c if lelt to single family residences. P'Ir Low�ll Mellum, 551% Regis Pxai1, sald that he felt L-hat there were some ilaws in tli� plan and ques�ioned w�etner anyoae would orant to buy a$j5,000 to "�¢j,000 hornc v,�ith apaltment hotises so �2ear. I3e then read a cllpp�t2g £rom a P�Iinnetonlca papzr desc_r�bing a L�rrain much �he same as here in l�'rldle5� wliere ver}r expensive �iomes l�ave been merged lnto th� existzng � land, mak�ng a very exclusive rae2denti�l c�evelopmenl 1�i. Bi11 D�ztz, 128C Tiathao�ay Lane, peinted out tl2�.t thz Planning Commission had adv�s�d tl,e Cotiincil oF Lhe sewage prok�lems and tha� at this point the Citjr could not handle Iti. Nr. Engetrom eaid that tne City Eng�eer has come up with some al,ernative soli�tlons Mr. I,cbert Ario, 5j%� Rc�;ls Tra�1, said that 'ne had halked to many people 1,-vin� on Gardena �1v�nue and r_�one were in favor of this ancL some were very mucYi againsL lt. Iie pointed out that the lntersection of T,H. �,65 is bad now, and tiis wou"!d malce Zt much worse. Another vis�tor to the Meeting �greed w�th ?�Ir. �h� and eaid that h� did not want Gardena to be a through street. ��lr �arold Swai�son, 7211 Gardena A,Tenue, agreed that he would noi; lil,e t�e added trafFic. II? sazd +,La+, Yie believed tha� it was scheduled for improvement in 1°(1 bu� that it is not a�ood road now. FIe also pointed out �1��at ��i�ra ar� not adequa�e sc�ools on the east side oF T.H. #65. He said that �he lnters�ctiori o£ P.II. �65 is a proLlem and the only solution he could se2 w�uld be to �ake out the service eta��on. I3r polnted out tha� it will be worse agair ir. �ha sum�er ti7hen tle Lrzve-ln season starts. *-x-'� Zlrs.�avid Pc-ti.erson, �b?9 kegis `Prai1, said tha� the land was .Z-1 when sne bought ��r aoms, and she was told �hat it would s�ay R-1. Sne said that she eaould lihe the 3e�elopers to pzove thaz tP�e land is undevelopable as R-1. The only one bezePitting Srom i,his zoning change �s �he developer. She sald � thatsrie moved out of �he City �nto �he suburUs and it has been a nice place to live a,id �ao�zld like to ask Lhe Council �o consider thelr moral obligation to th� people wLen malcing �heir decis�on. Nayor Kirkham �nswc-red that any land owner l�as a rl_rt �Lo peziLion for a cran�e in �and uee. *�x Corxec+1�n at Meet,ng of April 21, 1909. i'�1r. Petterson changed to Mrs YeLerson. ��, .�.,, SPECTIiT, PUBLIC IIEP.P,TNG IlND WORKSIIOP MEEmING OF AFRIL 1}, 1y59 PAGE 9 � A visitor to the Mee�ing pointed otiit that tliis wY�ole plan dcpends on t'aP concurr2tice oi New I3riohton. Tne aigh dens_i,;r apartments have been pa� in New Brighzon because o£ thc complaints recc-�ea £rcm the ci�izens of Fridley, but what about the citlzens of New Br��Lton. '1'°iere �5 no assti�ranca that New Brlghton will go along w1�L these pians Mr. Bergman aala that everyone in the ne2ghborhood �mas expecting ari R-1 de�relopment With R-1 there would k�e possir�ly abo,�, �'�0 carti, but Y�ased oc �F� approximal;ely 720 units, this would generate moxe i;han 1,1Jt care, wli�ch would Ue 8L`0 more �han wlth an R-'I dcvelopmenC Mayor Kirkham said thaL the usual policy �s to �rlr�g an it�m b�cJz aL the next Council Mee��ing, howetier, U2c�.use of th� amoz�nt of land lnvolved and the magn2tuae oi the probleme, 6he Council urotila Lke some addllional time for conside-ration. MOTION by Counc�lman Liebl Lo close tihe Public =Icaxiu„ on the rezon�ng request ZOA �`6°-01 Uy Pemtom, Inc., Crom P.-� to P.D, uecoi2ded by Counc�l- man Samuelson. Upon a voice zrote, all votln� ayz, Nlayor KtirYnav� declar�d tne motion carried unanimously. �NOTE� There �oas a shorL discusslon at the end of the Pieel,iri� and it was dccided �o br�ng this item back onto the Agznda for Llia ?�Tap 5, 19b° P-leetin�. PUBLIC HEIIRING ON WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROJLCT �91: � lvlayor K�rkham read the Public Hearing Piot�ce and the City Engineer el�owed the area on tn2 screen Th� Clty Engineer �xplaii2ed that th_s is Lo scrve that portion oS Herwal's Second Aadition no� noi�r �ervca with �,�at�r and san�tary sewe� Tliere is a proposed lift si�ation �or Il�e sanitary seu�e�� line, then it wlll go on south ln1,o the Ides+ Iioo� r La1_e Drive l�nc The proposed waier r�a�n would go in the PlantlnE I�oulFVard and urould b� basically to serve tihe westerly lots of thc Herwal's Second Additzoi� piaL. I�Ir. Stan Catlson, 16j2 Baker l.v2niae, sa�d th�.t tlie Ylantina bo�levar3 is �n his back yarQ and Zt is his underst�.ndlnt thaL -i1, cannet be built upcn. IIe said that i� is now used as a ditch to drain the Ja�LFr Crom tl��� i�orth. II� s�ld that he would like l:o have thE Planting Louicvard main�ain�d. Councilman Lieb1 aaid Lhat he assumed �nat tl�e pcople alreaay servea w�ta water and sewcr �aill not be assessed. T'_ne Ci�,� Pn�_r�eer sal� '�his was correct, and added �hat the Planting Boulevaxu �s dellcated land to trie Clty of Fr�dley. He s�,�_d that the developers o£ thV p��L clii�ic h�.vc- in��tc�ted that they could get wate� from the llae on T.H. #6j Councilman Shecldai� asked if this is a p1at. Tne Ci�y Engine�r said pes, an1 that iL �s div,ded ZnLo front and back lots. Councllmaa Shexldan said tha� then �t se�m�d to him thaL tit would be the responsibiliLy of t'�� de�elopet 1�o put ln the wac�i to s2�ve �he �ack lots as they would be land loclzed wiilioi; c the necessa��y water. P'Ir. Swanson eaid that the land was dcveloped with tYL ee 1oi,s iri tne i'ront and 22 lots in I;he bacli, but the back lots wo>>ld have no �.ccess � ��� Correction at Meeting of April 21, 19F9. 11,000 cars changed. to 1,1.;0. �; � SPLClAL �PLiC TiF',E1kING AND W01�T�SHOP P7ELTT1vG OP I�PRIL 1¢, 1969 PA�E 10 The C1+•,- �;rgii�Aex said thaz a� this tine i�h�re really is no need to run � tn� „��ter izne cxcep_ tl'at there would he the benefit o: the loopad llne ln the �ven± of a£ir�. LI the prop�rLy o�aner,wants to pay =or it, it can Le pu1 ln lf no,, tit will be+�ken o��t of the pro,7ect. IIe suggested that an agreen�ent colild be re�uired that the wa�er 12ne be put in by the propertp owner before selling ths property, oT the �iack lots be sold along with the £roi�t lots as btilldable sites TYle City ALtorney s2.id Lhat he had talkecL Lo Don Sav�lkoul, owner of �he bou�lin� a11ey and �as sL-ation �nd his understanding was that his assessment t�o��1d oe about �1¢�J an3 Y:e 1-�as no oo�ection He suggested tLat iS there would oe an�l add�tici�al assessment for the water l�ne, that he be made a�,�are oi the addlticnal cost Councilman Harris said tnat he *rrould agree witL Councilman Sheridan, �hat it is up Lo 1"Ir. ���a Lqvis t to say wheth�r he would 1i'_�e the water line pu t in now. l�"OTIOPd Ly Councilnan Lie'o1 to close the PLblic Hearing on the Water and Sewer I[rprovement Pro�eci; jf91. Seconded by Counc�lman Samuelson. Upon a voice •rote, al1 votin� avz, Niayor KirkLam declared tLe motion carried unanimously. CO1�SI➢�li'2ATION Ol�' GRPTN�S7SCF1 RFT�ATING TO C DHIVE-PV RLSTAURANTS RE�UTRING A SPECIIIL US� PII�I�4IT, TH�EFORE, AMENDING SECTLON t' SUT�DIVISION �I & 5. �lND A]�CENllING SEGPION 45 19 BY ADDING SUSDIVISIONS 15 & 1b The Clty Manager ezplained Lhat Lhls oxdinance was drawn vp so as to have more � control over se�vice stations and drive-�n restaurants. This adds to the list o£ businesses r�qu_xin� a special use permit. �In satid possibly the Council may want to add o+,hers to the llst before the second read�ng o£ the Ordznance. Councilman Lieb1 felt �r�t thi: i,ras quite restrictive lhe City Attorney said that it w�s n�s understand_n� hhat th� Covncil did want more restriction5 and cxpiained now tnis Ordinanc� pereains to the Code. Councilman Liebl wondered if on1V ��he gas stations sYiould be requlred to have a spec�al use permit Co:.mcilman Sami�elson said that Yus intent was to control gas stations wi1Y_ auxil�ary tises which have a iendency Lo become unsigh�ly TLe drlve- i�i r�sLauranl,s Lhat piovide curb service, he felt, sliould be more clusely con- trolled. Councilman Samu�lson sLi�gested draw,_ng up tiwo Ordinances for the sak� c£ ciarrt7, one d2aling witYi the gas stai.ions, and one for the drive- in restaurants Tt�e City rlttcrney suggeated laying tl�is over until tne next Regular 1�1eeLinc for iurtner stud� Counc_lman Liebl agreed with the suggestion that there be to,� Ordlnances so they would be more easily understood. MO`P101V bY- Cotmcllrian Lleb1 to table �Piis proposed Ordlnance. Seconded _by Counc-lman Farris TTpon a voice voL-e all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo��on carried �NOTF� Lt was decided aL the 2nd of �he Coincil Meeting to 'oring these Ordi- nat�ces back at �,hr, I�1ee�ino of l�fas,- ��'. FIRS'_' ItLA`DiSdG OF ORDItF1�iQCr� ��✓iLNDING SP(;TION ¢5.101 RELATING TO THE CONSmgUCTION � O1 OGFIC�: A�ID OFFICE BIIILDINGS• (Ordlnance enlarging upon business allowed iiti CR-1 zoning) l�iayor k�rkYiam read the Ordinance aloud at the request oS Nr. R1chard IIarris and tlie City :1�tori2ey explaine3 the intent SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF kPRIL 14, 1969 PAGE 11 � MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to approve the Ordinance on first readino. Se- conded by Councilman Samuelson. Upon a roll call vote, Ltebl, Harris, Sam- uelson, Sherzdan and Klrkham voting aye, Mayor Klrkham declared the motion carried. INFORI"1AL HEARING ON WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND OlI-� FACiLITIES IN ONAWAY � THE RAI�OAD TRACTS: (PROJECT The City Erg�neer reviewed the action to date; bzing that a Publac fIearing was held last fall on the £acilities in this area. Counc�l ordered in the lmprovement but ordered that the construction be l�eld up. Th�s area is developing very fast, and the Flre Depar�ment has been concerned as there is no water into thie area. With the lncreased development, triere ls more and more need of the facilities, He would recommend authorization to proceed He said Lhat there will be another Public fIearing at the next Public IIearing PZeeting on the iacilitzes needed south of 79th Avenue, East of the railroad tracks and weat o£ Universlty Avenue. Councilman Samuelson said that he could see no reason for not stasting with the plans. Councilrnan_Sher�dan sa�d that NLr. Wyman Smith had to leave the Meeting, but nad indicated that he was in favoc of the improvement. A visitor to the Meeting indicated that he was �n favor oF the pro�ect. The City Engineer added that the sewer and wa�er facilities have to be put in £lrst beFore anything can be done with road improvements. MOTIOPI by Councilman Liebl to autnorize the Consulting Englneers, Comstock and Davis, Inc. to proceed with the plans for water and sewer in the area north of Osborne Road and east of the railro�d tracks in Onaw�y Addition. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votting aye, May�r Kirkham declared the motion carried-unanimously. NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT HOOK-UP AT BO]3'S PRODUCE GARDEN CENTER: Councilman ?3arris reported that N.S.S.S.D, had lndicated that they would prefer to act upr�n a letter, so he had asked L-he City Managzr and Cit�j Engineer to draft a letter relativz to the temporary hook-up to the Spring Lake Park 11ne by 73ob's Produce Garden Center. MOTION by Counrilsan Harris to approve th2 letter dated Aprzl 1¢, Zg69, signed by Mayor Alrkham, and authorize sendzno it to the No-rth Suburban Sanitary Sewer �is�rict. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. IIpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor K�rkham_declared the moLion carried unanimously. APPOINTNIENTS : Name Positlon Mr. Rex Sackett Stree� Maini,enance � 4656 2nd Street N.E. Street Department Fridley, M�nnes�ta Salary $6o6.oa Replaces SSennis Ottem �'; �� ,�, L .� �� II � SPPCiAL PUBLIC IIEARITTG �PTD WOR'�SIIOP P!IEETII�TG OP APRSL 14, �969 PAGE 12 1Tame Position SalarY Replaces Mr. Wayne Hintz Street Ma�ntenance $606 00 New Position 606�� 5�' Street N.�. Street Depar�ment Fridley, Minnesota NIOTION by Counc�lman Llebl to concur with the recommendation of the Administration �n the appointment of the two new men Seconded by Councilman Harrls. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. PEMTOM, INC., HYIIE PARK STIIDY A1VD PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGES: Councilman FIar-ris said that it would be the usual poliey of the Council �o h�,ve �hese item� on the Counczl Agenda at the next meetsng but as there is about 80 acres Lnvolved in the Hyde Par� Study and aboat 120 acres in the Pemtom reauest, and considering the volume of study that has gone �nto these two pro�ects, he felt that i� would be better to withhold these ztems, to allow time £or the Council to consider them iurther. lhere are still many unanswered questions. The people should be-made aware of when it wYll be on the kgenda next so a de£inite date should be set. I�e suggested an informal meeting of the Council to dlscuss the various facets of both of these items. It was ag�reed by the Council after a short discussion to have taese items back on the May 5, 1969 Agenda. MOTION by CoLmcslman IIarris to bring back the Hyde Park Zoning Study, the Pemtom Rezoning Request and the two Zoning Ordlnance changes to the Agenda of May 5, 1969. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting afe, P4ayor girkham declared the motion carrzed unanimously. BENLFIT P�'ORMANCE BY THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF THFIR CLASS PLAY: Mayor Kirkham said �hat trie Senior Class has indicated that they would be willing to either have another performance of their play, or donate the proceeds from one of their performances to help '`Duane Bixler, son of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bixler, 530 Glencoe Street, who was very badly burned February 4, 19Ey. FIe stiggested that 1f tney do-put on a benefit performance, triat the rental fees should be wali�ed. NOTION by Councllman Samuelson to grant author?ty to t1�e Czty Manager to wa�ve the rental fee ln the event the Senior C1ass donates the pxoceedings of a performance o£ their play. Seconded by Covncllman-Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �JOU1�N1�'IEN'?' : There being no rurther bueiness, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting of April lq, 1969 ad�ourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfullj Submitted, '7 � L�j/��,/'/ ��./C/ Juel Nlercer Secretary to the City Council ����t/,�i t% �,��ii/.%L'/�r�__ /f Jack 0. Kirkham Ma�l�r �1 � �