08/03/1970 - 5804, � , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECY. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7;30 P.M. AUGUST 3, 1970 ' „ __ . ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - AUGUST 3, 1970 - 7:30 P. M. ' . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ' INVOCATION: ' ROLL CALL: ' PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Youth Achievement Awards: Mark Hansen, Valedictorian ' Wanda Warner, Salutatorian Certificates of Achievement; (For contributions to Eisenhowe.r Veterans Memorial Square) ' Fridley Lions Club Fridley Garden Club _ Fridley American Legion ' ' Fridley Veterans of Foreign Wars Fridley State Bank Minneapolis Gas Company ' ,. � — APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ' Regular Council Meeting, July 20, 1970 ' ADOPTION OF AGENDA: ' VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) ' PUSLIC HEARINGS• . ' � None ' OLD BUSINESS: ' i. Ratification of Resolution ��112-1970 Releasing Certain Tax Forfeit Lots and Holding Certain Tax Forfeit Lots for City Furposes ' ' � Pages 1 - 23. Pages 24 - 28 . ' _ ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1970 � ' OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) ' 2, Discussion Regarding Status of Project ��93 and Related Problems ' �- - - - - — —_- -- - - - 3. Receiving Reports Apprising of Action Regarding' '• Petition ��10-1970, Condition of Property at 6025 3rd Street N. E. t \ ' NEW BUSINESS: . ' 4. Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 99 of the City of Fridley City Code -. "Offenses Against Government" ' Comment: The City Attorney will have this ordinance ready for t�e meeting) , 5. Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Repealing , 37.01 of the City-of Fridley City Code Relating to Clean- Up Paint-Up Week and Amending Section 37.02 of the City '.. Code as Relates to Inspection and Enforcement ' Comment: To clarify and ensure complaints are not filed under this section) ' 6. Discussion Regarding Vacation of Marshall Street and Other ' Related Requests by the City of Minneapolis (Comment: We would like to enter into agreement with ' Minneapolis for use of water on emergency basis before City vacates all these right-of- ways and provides easements to Minneapolis) � � ' , � � PAGE 2 Fages 29 & 30 Pages 31 & 32 Pages 33 - 35 Pages 36 - 40 � ' -- ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1970 � � , NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) , 7. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of July 22, 1970 ' I8. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of July-23, 1970 ' ♦ ' 9. Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of July 28, 1970 ' � } , � 10. Discussion Regarding Appeal of North Park Condemnation Award ' � 11. Discussion Regarding Running a List of Water Customers ' for Political Parti.es , 12. Discussion Regarding Proposed Resolution and Correspon- , dence from the League of Minnesota Municipalities ' ' ' 13. Discussion Regarding Lighting on East River Road as ' Part of Improvement Betweeen.I.694 and Rice Creek � ' (Comment; There is a possibility that 50% of the cost be funded by Bureau of Public Roads Under T.O.P.I.C.S.) ` PAGE 3 Pages 41 - 48 Pages 49 - 51 Pages 52 & 53 � � Pages 54 - 59 Pages 60 & 61 ' ., ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1970 INEW BUSINESS ( CONTINUED) ' 14. Discussion Regarding Education Coordinator ' ' 15. Receiving Fire Department Actuarial- Report Comment; Under separate cover in the envelope) ' ' 16. Receiving Health Sanitarian Activity Report for Second Quarter of 1970 ' , 17�. Resolution Regarding Speed Limit and Traffic Safety � on Osborne Road (County Road ��8) ' � 18. Resolution to Advertise for Bids, New Front End Loader (Street Department) ' , littin 19. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Sp, g of Special Assessments on West 216 Feet of Lot 4, ' Block 1, Nagel's Woodlands Addition ' . ' 20. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combining of Special Assessments on Lots 11 & 12", Block 3, and Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Spring Brook Park Addition � . , � . � . � PAGE 4 Page 62 Pages 63 - 68 Page 69 Pages 70 - 72 Page 73 Page 74 _ _ _.._ ( ' w , { ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1970 � . PAGE 5 -� ' � . � NEW_ BUSINESS (CONTINUED) � � I , 21. Resolution Author:F_zing and Directing the Combin�ng Page 75 � of Special Assessments on South 9 Feet of Lot 2, . I, Block 2, and Lot 3, (Except South 9 Feet), Block 2, � Riverwood Manor Addition � _ --- - _- -_- _ -- - 22. Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Combini�g Page 76 , of Special Assessments on Lots 24, 25, 26, and 27, Block 23, Hyde Park Addition ' - ' esolution Authorizin and Directing the Splitting Page 77 23. R g of •Special Assessments on Part of Outlot 2, Bloek 1, ' Parcel 600, Moore Lake Highlands 4th Addition ' 24. Appointment: Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Page 78 � Utilities Subcommittee � , _ _ . � - � 25. Claims Page 79 ' ' 26. Licenses ' Pages 80 - 86 ' . ' _ Pages 87 - 90 27. Estimates � . � � _ . ' .. ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 3, 1970 ' . NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) ' 28. COMMUNICATIONS: 0 ' A. Fridley Jaycees: Licenses for Slow Pitch Tournament ' B. William Hoffman: Request Notice to Public on Dogs � PAGE 6 Page 91 Page 92 ' . Lea . of Women Voters; Rice Creek Watershed Position Statement Pages 93 - 98 C g ' D. Northern States Power: Transmission Line Report, July 17, 1970 Page 99 ' . E. Northern States Power: Transmission Line Report, July 24, 1970 Page 100 ' ' ' F. Woodcrest Babt. Church: Request Permission for Parade Page 101 tG. Gerald Close: Request Permission for Parachute Jumg ' ' ADJOURN• ' , , ' . i .� . � Page 102 I� ' ' ' 1 � , ' ' , THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20, 1970 „ Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of July 20, 1970 to order at 8:05, and appologized for the lateness of the hour, and explained that the Counail had a meetinq with the George Hansen Company, auditors tor the City. He said that the City is in excellent conditian and they received compliments on the excellence of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALI.EGIANCE: Mayor Kirkham lead the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge ot Allegianae to the Flaq. INVOCATION: Reverend Bergren, Redeemer Lutheran Church offered the Invocation. ROLL CAI+L a MEMBERS PRESENT: Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Breider MEMSERS ABS�NT: Sheridan APPRAVAL OF MINUTES OF TEiE REQJLAR COUNCIL MEETINfs OF JULY 6� 1970s MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Minutes of the Reqular Council , Meetinq of July 6, 1970 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breidar. Upon a'voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� motion carried. , ' , ' , ' � � APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARIDTG AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JtJLY 13, 1970: MOTTON by Councilman Harris to adopt the Minutes of the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting of Ju1y 13, 1970 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Councilman Liebl said that he has received a petition wl�ich should be received under the consideration of 5t. 1971-1 and 1971-2 Street Project. M4TION by Counciltaan Liebl to adopt the Agenda wi Pet#tion #11-1970: Property Owners Not in Favor oi Between 5th Street and 6th Street fian 53rd Avenue Seconded by Councilman Ha�rris. Upon a voice vote, Kizkha�en dealared the motion carried. VISITORS: th the addition of: an Irnproved Alley to 54th Avenue. all voting aye, Mayor Mr. Jerry Schrcer representing Brothen Inc. - Landscapinq Plaul The City Enqineer sa�id that Brothe}� �� �net vrith Bob' a Pro!luae Ranah � they haf�1`e'�ccme up ��,t,� a p��. He then aubtaitted copiea of their pla�n to REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTIV� OF �'t7L"Y' 2U, 1970 �i PAGE 2 , the Council along with a letter from Brothen Inc. agreeing to certain conditions. They have agreed to sod a 25' area in front of the building, along with the empty lot on the north side along their frontage. They h�ve added an 5 more green ash trees. They will p�qvide a c4ncxete bum�ex and wood border along tkie back -to �etain the rock. They have stated that theY wi.11 maintain about 5' of their neighbors land to the south to make sure they did not inconvenience their neighbors wi��a the rock scattering �bout• Th�y have added mor� large racks to the l�ndscaping and tlley have agre�d to eut and maintain the green stri.p, Cauncilman Liebl said that when Mr. srothen r,a� k�efore the Council he did not comply with the original intent for landsc�pxng on the building �e,�m�.t. He was instxucted by the Council to compl�y. Mr. achrosr said that Mr. Brothen's feeling was tP�at t�ie Gounail wa,rxted a green str�.p all the way across. �nd this plan a.s �ubmitted as a aamprc,xaise. Hi$ undexstanding was that the Gouncil wanted a green strip across the f�on�., so he pu��.�c1 t3te xock back about 25 �. on the south side they hay� agraed to maintaan abo�t 6° of �.heA� neighbor°s property. Counci Lnaa-i Harris sa�d that he had looked at this at Mr. Schroer's xac,�uest, He ��lt that the Council gxantec� the build,ing permit p.�edi.�atQd oM si.�� development and landacaping plans being ad�ered to. He ��lt that unless this was enfoxced, they would be in a pcaor �osition to enfoatc�: w��` sozneQn� else, S�aneone could come ir� w�.th a nice landscaping p�,An� �� 9�� �� aPpxoved, then not adhere to it. This has been the situatian in �1'iis case. He sa�.d that he recognized the expense involved in rsmoval Qf the rock and replacing with sod. He said that what was subanitted an the plan th�,s evening is somewhat of a canpromise, however, he felt that it should include more green area. He said that he has discussed this with Jerry Schroer. He said that he recognized Brothen's intent was to upgrade rather than downgrade, but this is not heaw it appears to the COLii1G�l. Mr. SchXOer said that this was correct, Mr. Brothen felt that he was upgxad�.nq the original plan, rather than downgrading it. Counailman Harris asked what was the setback in this area. The City Enginser said 60' from the property Iine. Councilman Harris said that he wauld like to see some grass as an adequate green barrier put thrpugh the center and have sane of the rock removed. The property owners to the south Shquld not have to put up with his rock, and the Council cannot accept the Cand�tion that Brothen iaill maintain someone else's yard. Councilman Liebl asked how big the trees were. Mr. Schroer said 5 trees, ^lll � �]LN � 4� ♦ �ounc�.lman Liebl said that at-.the last Meeti.ng this was discussed he was one of the CounciLnen who felt that they could cs�rnprr�mise. He asked if Mayor K�i,rkham and Councilman Harris were willing ta ac�ept this plan. COUnciltpan Harris said that the Council should not be put in this position. It was not the Council's fault that he entexed into this contract for his own 1.and�caping plan. He pointed out that the CounGil has insisted on ather developers in Commerce Park follc�wing theax plans, He said tha,t he would apprave the caapranise with the retROVal oP th� rock along the aouth porti,on and a 2D' green strip through the center. i�e added that he did not fee]. '�,hat the Coun�il should be put in the �pp�,��q� p� ��,��� ,�Qals with othe7r pxoperty owners as far as the main�ent�nce goes �or �the'ypra�C� �,,�� to th� southo , ' � , � I � , , � ' � ' ' ' � � ' ' ' �, , , ' ' , ' , ' ' , ' , L ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20,1970 PAGE 3 Thexe followed a conference at the Council table while looking at the plans. Councilman Liebl asked how the gxass looks in other areas of Cammerce Park.. Councilman Harris said that the grass in front of Minco and Takkenin looks vexy nice. MOTTON by Councilman Breider to adopt the new landscaping plan as marked "Exhibit Master Mark-up: 7-2Q-70", which shows a 25'�strip along the front with an additional 20' strip in the front yard and 5' along the south side to be sodded. Seconded by �ouncilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, a►11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Com�].aint of Water Standing on Osborne Rpad st Arthur Street A memb�x of the audience said that he lives in the vicinity of Osborne Road and Arthur Stxeet and there has b�en water standing in Osboxne Road when it rai�s for tc� years. He wondered if and when thia coul$ be taken car� o�'. H� sai.d also they have been told that thexe was goinq t0 be a beach in this area and wondexed when. Mayor Kirkham told him that the City is still working on the beach a�d that=#�?t has been a slaw prc�esa, but it ie still coa►ing. The Cit� Engin�ex said that the area by Arthur Str�et wil.l be taken over by the s�rinq Lake Park School District ior an elementaxy schaol, so ti�tis will affect the area quite a bit. iie aaid tha►t he had h�ped that wher� t�e Gounty improved Osborne Road that �►ey wou�.d take care aE the pxablem oi the water standing. Councilmaui 8reider as}ced that the Administration look into it and see if there is anythinq that� can be done . Mr. Richard i�arris - Sprinkling Ban Mx�. Richard Harris asked if ther� was a sprinkling ban on_now. The City Manager said no, only that the sprinkla.ng should be done an odd days by odd numbered houses and even days by even numbered houses. The City Enqineer added that the facilities are now qood enouqh to take care of any spx�nkling. There are twa more wells in operatian so the residents can sp�tirikle. It is very dif�icult to enforee the sprinkling ban anyhow. A member ot the audience sai.d that a Police Officer told him to stop sprink�.ing, ye� at onans they sprinkle every day. The City Engineex said that generally enforcement is only when the water shortage is critical. Mayor Kirkham added that he thought that Onans had an independent sprinkling system. ORDINAI�ICE NO. 460 - AN ORD.IDIANCE TO AMEIZD THE CITY GODE OF THE CITY OF' , BY MAKIDtG A CHA Rezoning axea Generally Located at the Corner o Avenue N.E., by Cpl. ►7ames L. Robi.nson, by G.D. 0 � DISTRICTS: (ZOA �70-04) f 73rd Avenue & Central Giancola, his attoxne�. CONSID�RATION OF LOT SPLIT L.S..#70-05 AND SPECIAL USE..PERI�AIT SP M70-05 AND APPROVAL OF PT,ANS FOR SKELLY OIL SERVICE STATION: The City Engineer said th.�t this is th� area being proposed for develop- ment by ,kelly Oi1 Service Caapany. The.lot split has been approved by Plar►riinq Caamission and the Council has taken care of the special use permit a�nd the first reading af the rezoning ordinance. On Pages 34 & 35 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETTNG OF JUI,X 20, 1970 ' PAGE 4 ' of the Council Aqenda are the Minutes of the Buiiding Standards - Design Contrpl pertaining to their plans. They han� approved the plans as submitted with.some stipulations. His recoAOmendation was if the Council wished to concur, that they authorize the Administration to proceed with issuing the building permit and hold the publication of the ordinance until_the deeds far additional turning lanes are executed. A xepxesenta- tive of Skellg Oil Company said that they now have the deeds available. MOTTQN by Councilman Harzis to approve the Lot Split L.S. #70-05 and ti�,e plans as subzn.i;tted with the stipulations by the Building Standards - 1)esign Control Subca�amittee. Seconded by Counci�man Breider. ilpon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Ki.rkham declared the motion carried. MOTIQAi•-bX+ CounGi.la�nan Harxis to adopt O�dinance #$60 ou. seaond rea�ding� waive t�he reading and order publication withheld,until re�eipt of deeds. Seconded by Councilmax� Liebl. Upon a xoll ca11.v��e, Kirkham, I,iebl, Ha�cris, & Breider votir�g aye, Mayor Kirkhaan dec],�ed the motion carried. Tha City �nga,neer saa.d-that they have .gone befoz�e.the Planning Commission Por tlae vaaat�.on of.�rooks Street and he is working wi�.h them �o qet a reqi+ctered lazxd su�vey o� a plat of the prqperty. CNG AATD CONSTR�TC'PION OF' MICHAEI„ SERVE.TG l$AST Ii.LVER A031D. TQ 660J. :C�AKLEX DRIVE: The City Engineer said that the Gity Manager has received.a letter fro�n, b1r• Glenn �'hompson, Board of Tru�tees, Michael Servetus Unitarian Soc�iety stating that they will have their landscaping cc�ctple�ed by June 30, 1971. He said - that his department is in receipt of all the necessary plans. The building wi11 be built by a contractor but the landscaping will be done by the church. ' MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to receive the letter from the Board of Trustees, Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, signed by Glenn W. Thompson, dated July 2Q, 1970.' The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTTON by Councilman Liebl to approve the moving and construction plans and grant the permits subject to an agreement that the landscaping will be completed by June 30, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Iti,rkham declared the motion carried. AEPOZNTMENT TO PLAT9 AND SUBDIVISIODiS - STREETS AI>ID UTILITIES SUBC01�41ITTEE s MQTION by Councilman Breider to table this item to the Meeting of August 3, 197p. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upan a voice vote, there being no nay�, Mayor Kirkham deelared the motion carried. AISCDSSION:.REGARUIDIG.G�AGE.PICKUP: (At the.request of Car1 Paulson) Mr. Carl Paulson said that he felt that there were three areas of con- sidaration. One was the cost factor. The second was the �act that sinee burning has been eliminated, there would be more pickup. The third faGtor is the noise pollution caused by mechanical equipment. They have te ca�a- gres�s the loads inta the trucks and this makes a great deal of noise. He � � L__J ' ' � ' ' , ;-1 , , ' ' CJ � � ' , u ' � � , ' I� 1 ' r-, �I l ' , ' ' � , L_J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20, 19?0 PAGE 5 said tbat he would rather have an airplar�,e:-going ovex. Witti the system the City has now, it means that there can be several companie� in the sa�se areas which results in qarbage trucks every day of the week in the neigh- boxhood. Many companies drive right into the driveway. Alore trueks are a greater hazaxd to the children. He suqgested finding a way to gQt less txucka into the neighborhood areas such as a franchise system. Then one caapauay would take care of a particular area and the trucks would on].y be in �he area one day.. O:ie o� two comganies could be given smallex �kerxitazies. He felt that there was a need ior upqrading of equipa�ent to eliminate the uoise. It ssem� that Blaine ha� gone into munic�.pal qarlaaqe pi.ckup. There is also this altexnative. H� felt thAt there ehauld ba a�CSas s�t up and one cauapany servs a particulax area. Thsy s�pend a lo� of tim8 driving frcx�► ane area to another. Mayar Kirkhaia said that this has been studied for a nuonber of years with the alternates of municipal system, franchise sy�tem of letting bids, or leaving as it is, diacussed. It was felt that as lonq as this systesa is woxking well, leave it alone, although no defiriite deci�ion has been made. M�c. Pau�son asked if this was such a complex prablem that it xequired a canau�tan�. idayoz Kirkhaia �aid no, they di.d not nsed a consultant, and th.e� ar�t .� aonv�.naBd tha� th�re is a c:iia►nqe neededr Mr. Paulson Pelt that it Ro�1d be �xaved. Councilmaun xarris aaid that the Counc�l bsli�uea � a fre� sr�terpr��e:�system, anS they-have been oppoeea� �o a Cit�r opsa�ata.on, Th�xe are some merits in a fxanchise ayste:a in that in �cxaa �►xea►s ther�+ ar� thres differer�t ccanpani�s with pickup i+hiah meaui,� tk�at �or Lhxea diff�rent day,s thera aure grass clippinc�s i� b�q$ and l�avas atc.,sitti.ng on the front.curb awaitinq pickup. Thia is a point ia lawx of �he franchise �yste�. Mr. Paulson said that the numbex of trucks and the amount of noise shaulc3 be considered. He said that th.e company he has.does not a11ow backinq into the dr�.veways. the man walks to the back of his house. Maypr.Kixkhata said that-about two years ago there w�s so�e discussion on mak#,ug a ck�ar�ge as3d the: Ca.ty called -in the garbaqe collection companies and at�that time the=e-seemed to be a-xeluctance to make a change. Mr. Ben Shutrop, All State pisposal S�rvice Ine. said that a franchise system t�uld be fine, except that the residents would never get as good eervice. •_If a xesident had-a g�rbage collector that he had camplaints on, he would just be stuck with the cetapany. With a free enterprise system, he would be free to chanqe aanpanies, Councilman Liebl said that All State has�been doing a fins job and.he has heard nothinq but oampliments. He eaid tt�at All State has said that they would be able to take the add�.tional garbage there wauld be as a result of no burning, and they have bsen doing it. He said that they.�icked up his burning barrel at no exfira chaxqe. He quoted All State as saying - qive them more time and theX will buy additi.onal equipsaent to becomne mQre effecient. He $aid that he also was in favor of free enterpriae. He did not,feel that the City should go:.into municipal pickup as he did not want to put anyone out oi business. He felt that it would be a big problem to the City. There is a cc�woaunity in municipaZ:operation, but they could no� give us an in- dication whether it ia prefitable or not a� they.have not besn in opesation vex� long. He said that he woul.d like to keep.it on.a caapetitive basie. ,• � _ .. REGiJLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULX 20, 1970 PAGE 6 Mr. Shutrop said that the couanent was made that there was a lot of noise frwn the equipment. _He said that i.t takes 9 seconds to cocnpress the laad, and this is as modern equipment as he can get. He said that he just re-routed about a month ago and in the change-pver there was sosne con- fusion and if anyone qot_missed, they went back when they received a ca11 and made �ths pic]�up. kix�. PaulsAn �aid that �his is a ca�e of biq. gov�rnm�nt takias� avex. �'he State p,��sed the requlation xegardinq no burnzng, Thi� ai.$ jus� anothex instance of_the local.governments losing control. He said that he �apuld like to_.ree local go�varnment back. The Council refused to consider this, ee 'the State made the regulation. Mayor Kirkham said that the Cc�uncil did nat refuse to consider this. The Council has considered this for sane t�.ms. The fact that you do not agree does not mean that it has not been can�sidsrad. DISGiUS�TON . 4F SPEEII LIMTT OAi OSB�RNE ROAD BETW��Di CENTRAL AVEpJ[JE AND UNIVF ITY AYENUE AT THE R8 UEST OF LEE E7ICK .SPRING LAKE PARK COUNCILMANt Mr, LeayVick, Spxing Lake Park Councilman, said that on behalf of the. Spra.ng Lake Park Council, he would like to enlist the aifl af t�� F�,���,,��, City Gounci� in getting the speed reduced from 40 MpH ta 30 MPH wn Osbqr�e Road betwe�n Central Avenue and university Avenue, and to have a stop.�iqn �u� up at Ab1e Street:or 1�lonroe. In September, 1969 the $P@ed�l�mit �,ras xaised fraa 30 b�ii to 40 MPH and on that day a boy was �'�ruck arzd isjux�d, Shortly thereafter another�boy was killed. He then read a rssolution he had prepared aloud. He said that they,.in Spring Lake 1'ark, were not consulted on the speed change. He said that he lives on Osborne Road and there are many children going to the school, and a],so during the suiq�ner to th@ s�►a,ll shopping center lacated on Osborne Road. He said that he u�derstood that the school patrol has-difficulty in getting the traffic stopped for the childxen to cross. A meutber of the audience saic�.that he drives an Osborne Rc�d frequently and is aware of the problem. He said that he could not see the reasan for a stop siqn, why stop the traffic, as it is a tharoughfare. Fie suggested a temporary stop sign during school. Mayor Kirkham told him that they were not leqal any more. CaunCilman Ha,rris said that he.has always contended that there were sidewalks needed on Osborne.Road. He sai.d that he hoped that Spring Lake Park would Put them in on their side. During the school year there are a great number of children walking in the street. A sidewalk would contain the pedestrian traffic. He said that he would agree with the 30 MPH speed limit but not the stop sign. I3e felt that the emphasis should be on pedestrian control. Mr. Lee �Vick said tbat he would agree. Spring Lake Park has been looking into sidewa].ks on their side of the street. There is a St. Paul Water- work� easement that would pxesent some problems. Councilman Fiarris said that the City of Fridley has croasad the st. Paul Waterworks easement succesafully. He said that he wc�ld not want to tell Spring Lake Park what.to do, but he felt that this shou�d be considered. Mayor Kirkham said that he �va�1d like to see the resolution implemented, but he did not aqxee with the clause about the stop sign. CounciLnan Breider said that_he lives in Melody� Manor and he did nat �c�,��� W�,� t�,e sto� s�,c��n, but thexe ahould be scme type of aroesinq. �e said that otherwi�e, he agreed with ths resolutior�, �,'k}�;� should be inQluded a clause atating Fridley's dasire , ' I i ' r L� IJ ' � , � ' ' C � � � � ' �� ��I � , �� � � ' ; �_� ,� � � � , ' �. J ' � REGUJ.�AF� GOUNCIL MEETING OF JULX 20, 1970 PAGE 7 ta put in a cros��nq, Th� City F.ngineer suqqe�ts� in the re�tolution maki.r�g a request to the County and th� Min�esota Highway i�eepart�aent to take ade- quate a4ea�ure� fox cros� tral�ia. Let them study the situation rather than the City tellinq them what to do. Mr. Vick said that they have already sent their resolution in to the State and the County, Councilman Harzis suq- ge�atad;��hat thi$ be back on �`fi�e Agenda after having the City Engineer au�d the.City l�ttarney loo3c aver the wording of the resolution. He $aid tha�t Mx'. Y1ak cauld gv back to Spxing L�ke Park and report that the City Cqu�vil of .Fr�.dleg is unauiiriwt�sly in favor af a reduced speed 11mit-on O�born� Road, �K�TTc�t b�► Council�a�w �arri� �o r�quest the City At�orney to study t�he �o�4].utio�, re-w�it� ik. �d �tu�ve it brouqht back �t the next Reqtalo�' Gounca�l Meetatnc�. The motion was eeoonded a�d upou a voice vote, Al1 vating aya, Mayor Kirkhawt-d�alared the mvtian carxied. R�CEIVI�G TH� MiBIU'�i�b OF THE- BiiT.LDTDiG ST�F�A�DS �* �DESTGN CONTROL SUACAMPAT��-MEETTNG OF JULX 9, 1970: (�t0'TE) Thi� ite9m d.i.saussed wi�h .the Ordinanee #460. D�'IQN by =Ccxunc�.�raan -i.iab7. �a acece#ve the Minutee 0f the Bui�.dinq 8taryd� 1�e►vigr� Cc��rQl �u3acv�tai.ttee �besti�nq of July 3, 1970. Seconded by Cou�cil,mara sr�i�de�. u�vn a-rroic� vot�er al� v�Pti�ng>aye, Mayor Kirkh�t �: dsclara�d the matian cazrl�d. � RECEIVING THF MINiF� CkF TIiF: PI�ADi8i2NG eO1dMISSTODi iIEE�ING UF JULY 8� 1970 s ],. .= RF�' UEST FQR.SPECTAL USE PFiRMITr SP �70-0.3, �D CHZES: `Ib COI]-' stxuct housing for iche �Idearly and senior oitizens on i,ots 6 through 12, Lots 1S through 20, D4eadawttwar Terrace. The Gitg Enqi.neer sai:d that this reque�t-is for a special ure pes�pit to a11aw housing for the eldezly. The Planning Co�aiasion xeooaenended denia].. He added that the applican�e are present. Mr.'Aft Wintere, repxesenting Mr. E�lward Chies, said that this houeinq request comes under 236 of the 8UD proc,�raia. The biqqest concern by the Planning Cvm[aission was the aiethod of controlr He aaid that they are askinq for ten four plexes fox senior citizens of 62 yea►rs and older. , Thia would qualify under' a certain type of mortgage. �The Pianning Coai►- mi,s�ion felt,that there would not be sufficient control aftex erection. Tf the texms of the mortgage are not lived up to it can be called baek in. This is a subsidy program and he then read a portion fram the bookle� on what they were tryinq to accaapliai�. He said that the mortgaqe peaple hav� advitsed theia that this has becaae a-popular program. It can be en- foxced thxough a special use pexaait on the terms on Which the pesmit ia granted. There was a petition taken o� the home �ers and appxouituately 75$ did nt��k-abject.: He Bai@ that there we�e two p�ople that vbjected, their maia conce�aa s►��. Lha� this x�uld c�pan the daors to let riff raff in. This-is.not�t�e intent o# the petitioner, the intent is to build one bedroos� units an a slab of concrete, nicely oarpeted. If ths Cv�uicil �ould not Waa►t the traff ic ca�ninq aut . on Meadowmooz- Terruw . it could be pos�ible to have it come out on Osborne Road.. He pointed �t that not everyone wauld have a cax in this price ranqe. He asked ��t tk�A �jI4�'��or► REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JtJLX 20, 197�) Qt' the klaxui�lnc� Caa�uaissit�n ba xecor�sidsred by tlne Council. senior citizen housing a.n Anoka County, He said that Mr. nursing homs busin,es� and he dae� have compassion for this � PAGE 8 There is no Chies ia �,n th,e type o� peaple. A mambar of the audi�nce said �hat the statement was made that the xental would be to persons 62 ar oldex or those of ls�w incotne.. He wondexed whe�n the fixst mor�gage was paid off, then their obl.igation is done ar�d �ti�en what wauld happen to the con.txol. Mr. �i:r�ters saic� that �he mor°tga9e is wri.tten on a 40 y�;ar basis and a paid off mortgaqe is a very ra.re �hing. GQUncilman Breid�x asked if there were any p1�ar�s � The City Engine�ar �aid tha� tixe plans wsr� vExy sketchy, i�e added tha� �.t is true trat t.his tYi'� p�` _dev�lo�nent would ,put� �.ra a higl��r dsnsity. Tk�is is an R-3 : t�pe of dev�lopment in an R-1 zoninq. Mayor Kirkh�,�n s��d tha� he was in.: ac�resment with tk�e P.Iann.ir,g Cc.�i,ssipn. Councii�u�a Li�bl said that ths._ ,�a�t four y�axs with the help of the Pl�,.�ring Canusawssion, the Counci], has work�;d hazd a,nd diligentlx ta �xy to cam� up. to tt�,� plann.ing ar�d zaning aode. He �e1t that the code should be ��uak to ira the interest pf a bett�a� cammun�.ty. Thi� woulcl be putting a densaty af R-3, with na b�tse� ms�n�ka, into an R-�, zoninq. Mc��4N �aX Caunc�,lman Liebl tv concux wi�ra the dec�.sion . af .the Plaxininq Comznia�ion and deny the x�equ�st for a special use permit for housing of eldexly �vi�iz�ns. _ Seaonded by Councilm��a �iarris. Mr. Edwax3 Chies said that it �.s true that there axe no basements� haines o� � 1ow inc�r►e type do not k�aye basemen�.s, however, they would be �arpeted. The rent would be subsidized. In tal?cing about 40 units, pexhags 20 of them would be widows paying $40 -$45 a mQnth.rent. The�e would npt be people that would need to be close to a hospital. He said that �.hey wsre willing to build these units and re�t them and would follow any texms the Council saw fit to lay out. Mr. Winters added that Anoka County neecls homes for their senior C1t1Z�k15. Gv�ia�ever stipulations axe put uppn them, they would follow. Councilman Harris said that he had seconded the motion because he fe].t that this type of program should be in a multiple zoned area. ThiS density would be larger than permitted under R-3 zoning. Mr. Winters said that two more units could be added under R-3 zoning. They could then have 42 rathe� than �40 units. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Maypr Kirkham declared the motian carri,ed. 2. PRUPOSED FRELIM: ROGER M. JONES: driving range. ARl' PI.aT, P.S.. �7E�M-01,YJ1�TIVF�2: ITY �OZ,�' ESTATES, BY Part of the SFI�i of the NW$� af Sectaion 2 for— qolf MOTIQN by Councilman Harris to set the Puk>liG H�a'7.rii�g for the „final. plat, Univexsity Go1f E�atates requested by Rogex M. Jnnes fca� 1�ugust 10, 1970. Secondeci by Gounciunan Lieb1. Upon a voice vote, al.l vo�.ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the moti,on carried. � � ' I;J , � � � � , � , � � � J � �I � ' ' ' � , ' � �J ' , � , � � l_ J ' FtEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20, 1970 PAGE 9 3. �PECTAL U5E PERMT'� SP #70-�Q6, DTAEGELE OUTDOUR ADVERTISING CO.t For bil].baard si,gn on Outlot 2, slock 2, Fridley Industria�l Paxk Plat #1 in M-2, heavy industrial area, as per Section 56.04, 2, Fridley City Code. The City Enqineer said tha� �this request for a special use permit is to pexmit � billboard along the Pennsylvania Oil buildinq north af the NSP subatation. The sequest waa denied by the P�.anning Cvmmission. Councilman #�arria said that he had talked ta Mr, Harry Hokeu►eir about thi�s and it aeet�s thr�t wk�at ha� k�appened is that the City raquested thesa to move their sign back o� th� �ity x�ight �f way aftex the City aaqui�ed tho land. tiaen a�tex m�king thsni to move th+air sign, �d�nied thei.x xequlet. Councilman I,iebl said that a� we had asked them to move the sign, ths Gity should kee� their �aart �f the barqain, and authoxiae ths special use penttit to al�ow the si.gn. He added that the City has always ha$ an exa�llent relatianship wa.tki Naegele Outdoor Advertising Co. and pointed out t�at the Chairman of the Planning Commission voted against the denial. He said that at the municipal convention there were taany caaaaents by ather taayoxs and councilmen oa the quality of ths signs in the �ity of Fridley. MOTION by Gounci�.man Harri� tca gzarxt fi:he xeque�t fox a special uae pex�.t ta iV�eq�1� Qu�d4ox Adv�x�ki��.nq comgany, with the under�tanding :thAt wh� the axea dsvslops, tk�� bi].1ba�rda must aame down. Seconded by CounciLnan Lieb].. Mr. Richard Harris sai.d that he would like to �peak a� a private citis�en, rather than as a member of any board of co�nission. He asked if the City had acquired this land for a frontage road.� Councilman Harris said that it was dedicated, but comstruction was delayed. Mr. Richard Haxris said that i� was a long time before the City asked Naegele to move the sign off Ci�.y property. In 1969 they were asked to move it, but they had a con- tract with Pennsylvania Oil for the rental of the land �ince 1963 ar�d bave peid rent to them fox tk�e use of �e land. Y�t the Ci.ty owned the land. He felt that this xnoney, at least morally, belonged to th� City of Fz�dley. Councilman Harris�said that Mr. Hokemeir mentioned this to him. He said that Naegele Outdoox Advertising Co: should hot be penalized, they paid their money in good faith. He said that he was cure that land txansfex's take place all the tim� and it ia not their responsibility to keep up to date on them. The responsibility for the correction of the situation should have been with �ennsylvania Oil. He suggested that a communication to that effect be directed to Pennsylvania Oi1.Coa►pany by the City Attorney. THE VOTE UPON.TH$ MOTION, bsing a voice vote,.all voting ays, Magor Kixkham declared xhe motion carried. � 4. "� SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �170-07, NAEGEI.E OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (70MPANY: For a billboard sign on Parcel �4780, Section 12, in C-2S, qeneral shopping axeas,-as per Section 56.04, 2, Fridley City Gode. , MOTIODi by Councilman Liebl to grant the special u�e persnit to Naeqele Outdoor Advextisinq Company for a billbosrd on Parcel �4780, Sect3on 12, � p3,th- th� ur�derstanding that when the area cievelop�, the. b#llboards . must caae down. Seconded by Councilman Breid�;A t7pQ� � y�ia� vote, ai1 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion"carried. ��� CWNCIL MEETING pF �t�LX 20, 1970 ' PAGE 10 , 5. I.OT SPLZT RE UEST: L.S. #70-10, R08ERT T. JOHNSTONs To s,plit off _. 10 teet fxcxn Lots 6 thxough 10, B1ock 9, S�rinc� Brook Park and add to I�o� 5, t'or driveway to �az�age . Th� City Enqinee� $eported that the Planniz�q �camulission xecanmended approval o�E this lot split, Ths 10 fQet i� u�ed for accass to the qaraga. Mx'. ,Tohnaton added that he has used this �.an;ci, this lot split would jusst make it l�gal, as he has a new neighbor, a�d� he felt that the split ahould be reCOrd�d. MOTI�T by Cou,aci].�an Brei.de.x'. to conaur with _th� Planning Ccu�.i.�e�,on ruxd 9�ant . t,�e �ot �plit requestsd by� Mr . Ro�ert T o,7ak�nstan . Seconded by Couxtoi,lzaan L��bl. Upon a vcai�e vate, a�.� vot�.na �y�, 2�avor �.,irkha�t de- a�,ar�d the motion aarrisd. 6• ���UEST: L.5 #i0-�1 �!a& Creek Addition F+�.a� #2, to �.i3ARTrES E. :E'rJSTER: Lot ,j, � 8�.taAk 1 � �l.ii: off 8� f�et for � bu�lding s�.te. Ths C�,ty �ga.neex said that this requ�a� was ta s�.�a.t a la.z�ge lot into t�a lota. Tt ,�� located on Glen Creek Ko�d and East � ver Road. Aoth lots w111 �m�et �,he minimum requirements. Mr.. P'caster 'tk�sn came. fo�ward to tY1e Gouncil tab1� �nd showed th� Ccaul�;ci,l d ��tey, Cou�Gi�.man Haxxis asked him i� he would be w�.,lling to agx� tc pt�ttiz�q h�.� dri.vewa� a:�� Gl�n exeek Road, when East Rive� iZOad ie i�a�p�t� wi,th a med�.bun. Mr. �'oater said that this is whexe it should be ar�,yway. MOTION.by Councilman Harris to approve the lot �p.�it requested by Ch,arles E. Foster with an agreement to kae siqned by Mr. F�ster that upon develop- ment of East River Road, upon xequest by the County, he will pu� in the dxiveway to enter on G1en Cxeek Road. S�conded by Councilman Liebl. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion ca�xisd. 7. PROPOSED PBELIMINARY PLAT P.S. #70-02, GEORGE IQ. NELSON: LQts 3Q and 31, Auditor's Subdivision #129, This item cvntinued by the Plaaning Commission. 8• �,-SPECTAL USE PE,RDlIT: SP #70-08, GEORGE N. tdELSON: For an automobile -parking lot to be located on the N�S of Lots 30 and 31, eaccept the nprth 125 feet, of Auditor's Subdivision #129. This item continued by the Planninq Commission. Councilman Breider said that previously this same request was before the Council under a request foz a change in zoa�.ng tm R-3, Now they axe requeetinq a special use permit far parking in R-1 in conjunction with R-3 uaaqe. Cauncilman Harris said that in certain cir�.umstances the Counail wou�,d peartait a certain development, but they wou�d not want any encroaah- m�nt. This would protect against R-3 moving up wi�h the aaquisition pE maxe lsnd. Caur�cilman Breider �aid that he tho�ght that the purpose of R-3 zc►n,:ing was to pexmit sa many units on so much Ianc3, In this case tha develqpear i� fi.11ing up all the R-3 land avail,able �rith units, then using R-1 land fox the parking. He pointed out �hat to �ezone requ#xes fou,� vqtea of fihe..Counail, but.a special use permi� ��.� ��,q����$ three. He felt that t2�e City. owed it to the comnunity to contx'c�.1 U��ie*''��� mcsre c1o�e1X. �e� ,e,b,�� J � ' � � � , , � � ' ' � � �J � � , I'iF�GUT�A�i COUNCIL MEET�NG OF JULY �0, 1970 � PAGE 11 , th�t the R-�� zoninq should be a.r�vestigated to hold the R-3 ju�t tp R-3. It �eam� t.�at this �'ea �.s nat big encaugh fa� R�3, so tb�y are E��-l�.ng the R-3 �ox��,vz� with ap�rtments and u��.ng the R�1 �or the paz�kinq. � 9. REZONTNG REgUEST: ZOA #70-05, BY VIEWCON� iNC. For that portion oi t.he E� af the S�k o£ �ecti4n 24, to be reaaned �roan R-1 tq R-3 (qanexal multipls familX dwellings) or R-3A (apartments only). � � �] ' Thi� itsm continusd by th� �lanning Com�nission. 10, FRELZMINARY PT.AT s�. S. 117.0�03 � B7�ACK FOREST ADDITION.. BY YIEWCQN IDiC. t Tha� portior�-of the E of.the S� af Section 24. Z't►ia �.tem ca�nti,n,ued by �he 8lanning Ceunmi5sion. 11. STREET SIGNS 'i"�a �ity �.nginee� saa.d that thexe was a recomn►endation made in "regnxd to �. atreet �iqns, kzowever, he would Zike to collect furthex data betore going �q any ahanqe�. H� �aid that M�,nneapolis and St. Paul are workinq on ao7.a� �od�.n:g wh�rebX �he naxth a�d �auth s�reeta woul.d b� one ao�ox nnd � tho �as� and west �atxeet� wauld }�e anothe� ..col,br. There ahauld be -eo�s +�ta�ndard thrc�ug�4ut the. enti.re �t�txopo;itari area. MOTIQN by Caunc�,lmari .Hazri� ta t'eceive the. Minutes of tbe P�an=iing Ccat- � m�.saioi� Mseti.ng c�f �uly �� 19?0, Ssconded:by Councilman Lieb1. Upon d voi�a vo��, a].l vo�ing aye, Mayer Kirkha�t decl�rad t.�s ma�ior� cai"ried. � ' ' ' �_J � PECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARA OF APPF.}�LS MEETING OF JULY 14� 19'i0s 1. A REQTJEST FOR:VARIADICES OF SECTION 45.053,-4B, T� REDUCE-THE SIDE YARD R��U�REMENT FOR LIV°:iNG AREA F�20M•1Q FEET TO 3 FEET AND SECTION 45.053 4B, SLIBPARAGR2l.FH 3� T0 REDUCE THE 5IDE YARD REQUIREMENT FOR AN ATTACHEA GARAGE FROM 5 FEET TO 3 FEET 20 PERb4IT THE CODiSTRUCTION (9F AN ATTACHEA 'TUGC UNDER GARAGE WiTH LIVING AREA ABOVE� ONTO AN The City F.nqineer repoxted that the Roard.of-Appeal� approved the vatir►nae for the garage, but not-for the living quarters over the qarage, aus the living spaee wauld b� too close to the'ad�acent pxoperty. Mayor Kirkh� asked what would be the space between and Mr: Baker said 6'. Mayor Kirkha�ta smid that liviny space over tha garag� being that close is contrary ta the fire protection laws. Mx. Saker said that.he has agreed to theix zecaa- mendations. MOTTON by Counci7.man Harri� to grant the variance for the garage to Mr. � +7ames Saker, and deny the request for 1'iving space over the garage. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Ri�'kham declared the motion carried. , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETii�� OF JUL'i' 2C) � 39'70 2, A RE4UEST FOR A VARIANCE QF SECTION.45 053, 4B, FRIALEX CIT �DU(:E TH� SIDE XARD SETBA�K FOR A LIViN6. .R&E�1��:FRQM 10 F°EET '1"O F'�R�IT AN ADpITiQN ONTO �'HE TOP OF AN' ATTACIiEp GARI�C,E z,q LAT 26 BLQ�R 1 iNN�BRUCK STH ADDITIONr THE SAME BETNG 151 BERNE I�O�D NF � F�IDLEY M3:NNESOZ'.�. RE i3E�T kiY R.OADIEY. BILI� 151 �a�L,VER T�AKE ROAD, NEW BRiGHTQN, MINi�1ES0'��) ; PAGE 12 . The C1ty Enga.x�eer reported that �the Board of Appeals approvsd the �eque�t, or�a o� the reasons being, it is an odd shaped lot. � MQTIAW by Counci�.u►an Liebl to qrarat the variance. to Rpdney 8.�,].lman Inc. �� �'equ��ted, �econded by Couzaci.�.alan Harris fox disaussion. , Coux�cilm�.za Haxri� aske� cahaw �a�s the sepa::atic�n b��ween the homes. A x'ap�ces�a��a�;.zvs of Rodney Hi17.s�an �nc. s��.d about 75' ta 80' betwesn '�he twc� b�,ai�dins�s. TH� VOTE U�'ON �'�i� �IOTT�V. bning a voice vo�e,. al). v�tiug aya, Maya� K.i�kk�am dea�.ared �:.k:e m�.;�xon c��a aad, �. G:TiON' �5,A53, 4A► ERIDLSY_ CI'I,'Y R�DiJGE THE F�'tONT Y�:RD S�2'F3AGK .REQUTREMFNT F'R�'JM 35 .FEE� TQ AN� S�CT,ION �1.`�i.053. 4B SGBP�aRAGRAPH 4t� '�U RFDUCE THE �aiD T2� UZ�.M�NT ON A�ORNER LQ'r �"ROM 17.5 FEET TO 13.5 FEET �Q TF�E �OiVSTRtJGTION�OF AAT 31T?UTTiON ONTO EXTS�'ING .HQUSE 7.�O�AT�: 11. 1�LOCK 1 CH`RIS�'T.E .ADpIT:[ON, THL SAME BEIAYG 785 BENNE'I"T' �'RIIIT,�Y, MiNNESG'I'A (RE UEST BY MR: CLEM Z, COVERSTON, 785 : DR:tV� N.E., k'RIALEX, MTNNESOTA); .E. � I ,...,... MQT'TQN by �aunczlman Liebl to concur w,�th the variances as rec�uested bX Mr. Clsm �. Coverston. Seconded by Counc�,lman Breidex. tTpon a voice vets, al]. voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. M�T�QN by CQU�ci�.man �3reidex to x�ceive the Minutes af the Bo�d o� Appeal$ i�eeting o� July 14, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a veive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kizkham declared the motion carried. RECESS: . Mayor.Kirkham declaxed a recess from 10:Q4-P.A�1. and convened at 1Os20 F.M. RECEZVING BIDS AND AW1�,RDING CONTRACT FOR. STREET Ib1PRiDVEMEAtT PROJECT ST. 197Q-4s (Bids Opened July 20, 1970, .11:00 A.M.) Bidder &id Deposit Base 8id Ccxnpietion �ate Bl�ck To Service Co. Nbar land Cas. +� P Y $112,b61.49 As speciPiad 8ox 2654 Co. Nc�w 8�'iqhton 5� B, B, Dunkl�y Sur�acinq Co. capitol �nd. $ 98,722.00 Novembe�c �5, 1970 375f Grand St, N.E, Corp: Minnaapolis, Minn. 5� 8.�. � I � , ' __.] � � �� �i � � � R�GULA,R CqUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20, 1970 ' � ��! L1 8id..,� � H�cdar�.ves. � Ina. 101�35 Central Ave. N� Minnaapa7.i$, Mi�n. 55435 C.S. MaCrossan, Inc. 8ox 322, Route #2 Osseo, Minn. , M�x3ri-Kotm �xcavatirlg . 34Q1 85�kh Avenu� N4. M�.nneapo�i�, Minn. I , ' �� �� L� � ' ' � � � ' � � a�,,,..,.,�..�.p.: �t. a'k. Pau1 Fire & M,ar�ine 5� A.H, U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. 5� a.B. Inc.Ux�ited Paciiia T33� . �.'A . S'�„8.�., _. Sar_,_..s �id $108r10A.14 $109,97T.93 $100,944.86 PAGE 13 Com le#i�t�' 3'�►1ce As speclPied As s�ecif�ed As �pscif ied The Ci.ty Enqineex reported ti�a� the appaxent lo� bidder is Dunkley aurfacing Cp. thQ next ia Minra-l�ata Frxcavating Inc. He said that he had ts►7.,k�sd t� ,Taaca London of Dunkley Surfacing and bs has assured �i�aa th�t ths� will ba impxaved supervision. This seemed to be the main prc�le�a Dn their athex worlc. Th�so bids are within the preliu�inary astimate$ givan. Hs� �aid that he used t�re 197Q �iquxes and.�rmised'them by l�$. The bid8 reaeived axs wi�hin u-tight .�ange. HQ said tha►t if -the Counail chc�osA� tQ awa�;d tR Dunkleya, he would xecazma�nd a canpl�tion date of Qctobex 15, 1970► May4r Kixkham asked when the specifications a�� written, is �hexe ariX Con• tzol aver the aggreqate. �re �eezns tc be a lot oF limestone in sdme portiona of the.ir wo�k. �'he� City Engineer said that.they use the State apecifications. There are certain n�inimum and ma�ciu�uu► standards set. He said that on occasion there is a bad section. Mayox Kirkham asked what is the City's recaurse. The Cit� Engineer said that this is a discxetion question, and ii it need no� be.replacea it can be accepted at a x'educed pxice. MaXor Kirkham asked if it was too late to dp anything about 67th Avenue. The City Engineer s�id that he would check it aut. MQTION by Councilman Harris to award the contract for street Improvement Project St. 1970-4 to Dunklsy Surfacing Company in the amawnt of $98,722 with the completion date October i5, 1970. Seconded by Councilmari Breider. [lpon a voice votes, all voting aye, Mayox Kirkham declared the motion carried. . REPORT BX CLTY ATTOR1dEY ODi LAIiD IN CENTRAL AVSDiUE ADDITIAN THAT NEEDS CLEANING UP: The City Attorney said that he has met with Mr. A1 Newquistr City �rosscutor, and a caaplaint has been issued. He said that the�e could be legal prob�.ems as it has been 7 years with no en�orcement of the stipu- 1at�one placed on building pexu►its, such as fencing, plantings, etc. �ie aaid tha�t he could xeport flirther in 2 or 3 weeka after the court appe8rance. pISCUSSION OF NEED OF SIDEWALKS ON OSBORNE ROAD BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND WOODCREST SCHOOL: Counvilman Breider said that as was mentioned, the.� hi�� d boY killed on Osborne Road. He said that he has bee� g��tia�g a���a fxota mo�heacq Q�` REGU�R COUNCIL M�ETING OF JUI�Y 2q, 1970 � PAGE 14 , ahildxen c�oing t�o Woadcx�st �choql conaerned over the safety caf t.kaeir �hi�dxen. Tk��r� is �car��idezab7.� pedestrian trafFia to the s�hnal aind th� amall +shcap�ing a��tez. H� aaid t�hat he had tal�ed ta some a:E ths peo,��.e pn Jaak+�on and they th�.nk that s�dewa�.ks would be Pina, i� they dca not �Q�� ���► �Yt1��-�9. He addsd that there ia .one �roperty ow,n,e� on - Van 8uren Street that would probably lose a large tree. Th� Ciky Enc�ineer said that this is a Gounty raad, and under the sidewal7t Pro�rau►, tiaey are schsduled :Eoac 1974. When osbarn� Road was i.mprcaved, it was Aot cc�pp�,�ted, bu� was dpne in a stage type of con�tructian. �ventu- al�y, �haxa wi�.�. be aurbin9, and :i.mproved to �u11 standards. I� w�� ho,ped that when th�.s i� dor�e, ttz� sidewalks ccul.d then qa in also and get a11 the� constructian dAns at once. B��w��:r� U�ivexsity and 5th Street �hexe ara a, gr�at a�umlaeac Qf trees t�at wn�,�9d t�e a��ec�ed, but from there on �a�t, 3.t �a ��.���'• �'h�re may lae some pxabl.ez�s witY� aasement� east Qf th� apar.t�- me�nt� by the clinic. He sa�.c� tha� he �el� strongly that there would be ea�e�mentsi ��eded as OsbexTTe Roa� will �ventually lac� widened to �pu�' lane$, I� the Coun�il f�eJ.s that ti�e sidewa�lk� shou2d ]ae acce;terated. the City s�o�s i�ave a�ar��xact� wi�h Minn-Kata for �the sidewalks an F1est Moore Laka Dr�.vs tha� 'th,e �quncil de�,eted, and it could .perhaps be added to that coaat.ract. The sa�tipt� �zam �h� wes� side of fi.i� hcrspital to th� �chool cat�ld ia�- im,psov�,�:riqh� awax. The prpject �rom T.H, 4k47 to:�.H, �.65 could be brcalter� up in�Q a Gouple a� stages. Couriciltnan, Ha�ris said that he would like to g�t it?a11 dane, but th� �ectien f�cam, t,he hosp.e.�al east, would at 1ea,�t be a�tart and would tak� aara a� a�hax� of �.he compl•aints. Th� hospital, cla:nic, and ths apatrt- ment hpuse would then be assessed. The City Engineer pointed out that on s�ate a�.d xoads, �the sidewalk$ are not assessed because state.aid �uri$s cari be used. pn Caunty roads they are asse��ed as they do not have an a$sess- ment for a street, except for concret�..cuxbing. They would still get a,ss�ssed less than � of the cast �o a noxmal interior street. He said that th�y would need to take 5� fox a'sidewalk easement fox adequate snow storage between the sidewalk and the street. There are sane trees t.hat wau].d have to be relocated and replaced. Councilman Harris felt t.hat the same assessment policy as �or Mis�issippi.Street should be followed. MOTIqN by Councilman Harris to instruct the Administration.to set up .tha mechanism for i.mplem@ntation of a sidewalk program.to start fxom the west property line af the Unity Hospital east to Woodcrest School, with a nosmal assessment basis. Seconded by Gouncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mation car�ried. The City �ngineer suggested that the Council pas� two xesolutions to start the process for the sidewalks, but leave the date for the Public Hea,ring open. If �he �idewalks are added to a present contract, then the-biddinq process will nat have to be gone through. RFSOT+UTION �1136-1970 - RESOLUTION ORDERING. FAEI.IMINA�ty p7,ADTS SPECTFICATIOIVS ADTD ESTTb�lATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF : STREET IMpI�pVE.. MENT PROJEGT ST. 1970-1 ADDENDt�i #3 z MQTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �136-1970. Secanded by CounGilman Breider. Upon a vo�.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the a�►o�ian aaz�ried. ; � L�I r�� 'J i �� � �� � � � u � � ' ' �{ � ' � � �l � ' � � � L__J ' ' , � LJ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 20, 1970 PAGE 15 i+�OTT{�N by �cauncilman Harxi�s tc� adop� Resolutioa �i137-1970. Saco�ed bY Go�cilln�n Sroider. Upon �. vc��;cs vats, alJ. voting aye, May�r Ki�khaua dealax�d �ha mat:lcan aarried. RECETVING CSTY' .D6F�D40,RA�j1)IJD'1 FitOM CTZ'Y MADTAGER ON� PARK- LABtD -AND GRADiTB t �'ho �ity Ma�nager said that k�� and the z�irectox o� Parks and Reorea►tio� vi.�pited the De�artment oi Ca���rvation, and they indicated to theul �h�t the applicatian shou�.d be �.n by Se�tember. Thap also wanted to knov� �hst t�h¢ Ci�y inter�ded tQ c�o abou� the paym8t�t � the �.nteriia before the �'sdexnl Grmn� i� znade, a��er i� is appxoved: `, f�e �sugqeatad switchinq the gxaui� w� �he ��tTler pasae�.s to tb� larqe pazcel to cov�r this de�icit. iie sai+� tha� hc� did nca� knaw if t.k�� conde�nnaki:ox� would ba app4alec! and befata thi• ca�n iae considersd i�ir�a, the t�.me for appeal .xf11 �►av� to lapse ." He lel� �ha� tk�e C�ty atiould qet a�e��er ot � intent in to 'the Federal gaverlrment to k�e� �'►�m up �Gc► dats. He augqe�ted a sbort>tmxza loan to ruri "�hzee �ar� �o c�avc�x the d�f'�.ci� caused by the ,u�dexeatime►C3an-of thea cost at� t.ba 1�1. �Ie added �t thi+� m�maxandum al�o went to the Parke arul Recreatioa Co�pm�.$a�or►. He said that u►az�� mariX eomu�unitiesr axe having thi� saato .. d�ttit�ulty ir� judc�ing tha�x� �da�� t4o lot� �nd'unde�rest�nat�� the �isir� cost oP ths �.and, H's said�that he�has �eceived caap�imen�s on thie eite. He sugqeet�Gi thq� the Counci� �ould meet �rith tisp Rt►x'k� and Rear+amt�oin" Cammiasion. The k'edsxal �und�"ax�s`only`avail.able"after execution of the deed. They havs said that they would da �hei.x bset ta exp�dits our xeques�. He asl�ec� haw lor�c� ths City has to pay af thi� $275.000 and aoam�►ented th�t i,f it could wai� until after the first o� the year, the City wou�d be in a better positivn. The City A�toxney said that he did nat think that there would be any prablam in delay of payment until the �irst of the year. _ � Counai�.u►an Harri� said tha� the City should go on recoxd as willing to procee$, as he falt that.th� $xice pf the land wa$ not too excessive. The City Manaqer said that he had a dxa�t 1Qtter fairly a�nplete and he had ' yet to:see if ttle Parks and Recreation,Coum�ission were in agreement with tho letter. xe �aid that, the Sta�te grant is available right away. The City Attorney cominented that this will only leave the Federal portian auzd � the City'u ahare to barrow. Gouncilman xaxris felt that the City ahould me�lce their inte�s�i,one kno�m xigh� array.. Tf it were ta have to wait aaothez year� the cost oi the.land would b�e even higher. - � ' , � M(7T�ON by Counc�f.lmau Hazris 1 to ditect the Admini,��ratioa to- aoataunicate w�.th the State and F�deral governu�ent as necessary, our iAtentions to proceed with the project as originally planned. Maxar Kixkham felt that tht Paurks and Recreation Cotam�i�sion sthould have a voi.ce in this. He thpwght that �rhaps they should also siqn this le�ter. The City A�torney said that aun a�peai weuld have to be filed beEoxe the end af July. Mayor Kirkhaua sugqested asking the City Manager to �vrite the �etter alao for the signatus°es of the; Parka and �screation . Go�aa�ission arid be�are tfie n�xt meetinq it could be �aent out. The City Manaqer.aald-that R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULX 20, 1970 ! PAGE 16 , h� w�,�.l h�ve �o ,indiaate that the smaller parcel� will be funded put of City Pund� and the r�rant placed on, the large North Park garcel.. Tha �.�t� AttQrney cammented that be�ause the original estimate was sp lcaw, �ha land c�wr►��� �eem to be �atisfied wa.th the award. �c�uncilu►a�, �sider saic� tha� he would like ta �neet with the Park� �nd Rsaxsatio�n Goznmis�ion, He wondered what they plaz� �ko do with this l�nd, a�ter the dGC�L1�.Slt�Ori. He said that every time he ha's talked to 'kt�e Paxk Airec�or, he seems to have barely enough money for maintenance, z�ot to �ner�tior� new develogment. The developmental cogts must be ph�nomen�,l on thi� ].arge piece of land. Mayor Kirkham said that ik was felt that if ttae �ouncil wa�.ted anothe� four ox fi.ve years, there may be more sewe� and w�t�x in the ar�a and �his w6uld �ush �he cost up. Now is the c�ar�ae to ge� aper� space before there is any development. In other areas ca� �he G�ty �a�� war no�. dQne and �f�er dev�lapmen�, it is vi.rtually a.mpo��ibla tp g�t �axk, �.ancl. �t �,� xiow or never a� the raw land value. Caunca.a.ma� Ar��.der �sk�:d wh�.t wou�.c3 ha��a�x� wher� tkxs a.m�zavem�nt.s : go in. Th,a Ci�y wa.l�. sti1.� have �a �aaX for �h�zn, Couz�ciLnan Harris sa�.d that it wcauld r�o�k m�ax� th� narm�l sewex and wa�ker zn t,he grid patt�r�a as with rt�e�t�, bk-�,YQr Ki�kham added �tha� �he current trend is .to' leave in the natuaKral +s.�ate.. CQUnailanan Braider poa.At�d ou� that th� :Third Ward ha� nothix�g in t,he way �� ba.q pa�k�. Coun�il�ruan Ha���.s said that, �his is the mis�aks they ax!� txy�.�ng� z�ot �:a dupla.cate fq� th� �arthe�n sectl�n o� the City.. Cour�ci.�.ana.r,, �aceidex said that he woulc� �.ike to discuss thi,s w�.th �h� 8a,rks aud Re�creation Commission to c�et their fselings. Cvuncilman Liebl �c�xaac� that it wa� necessary to havs the Parks and Recreation COAtIri13SlOi3 WOX�C7.X1CJ wi.t�► the Gauncil or� this proj�ct. MpTTON by Councilman Har•ris �o withdraw his pxevious motion and MOV� to aUt;hoxize the Gity Manage� to draw up the le�ter s�.nd contact thQ Parks and Recreatior� �ommission for their coauaents on the letter. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a'yoice vote, all voting aye, Mayoar Kirlcham declared the motion carried. CONSZDERATION OF "NO PARKING = 6:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M." AREA OF COMMONS PARK: MOT�ON by Councilman Liebl to concur with the �ec�endation of the City Adm.�nistration and authoriae "NO Parking - 6:OD P.M. ta 8:-00 P.M." signs ar� the west side of 7th Street fram 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue. Mayox'I�irkham askesi if there was more parking-space needed. The City M�nager said that most of the cars are jam�ned.in at the south end c�� the pax'k. He said that znoving some apparatus to the rear to make more parking space has been considered. Councilman Liebl said that a man coming home afi. 5:00 P.M, should b� able to use his driveway. He suggested that the people going to the park use the schaol parking lot. TF3E MOTION was seconded by Councilman Harsis and upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DISCUSSTON REGp,RDING TRAFFIC SI�IVAL AT 37TH AVENIJE AND EA�T RIVER ROAI?s The Ci�y �nginee� said that he has been woxking with Minneapalis �or a sigr�al at 37th Avenue and �ast �tiver Road. F1� cCntribute� to the traffic conjes�kian considerably. The signal would provide +an add�.tio�}al bx�a,�ic �,�, � � � � � � r-, ,, �__, u u � �J lJ � '� � i I 'u � R�GL�� CQiJATCI�+ MEETING OF JUI�Y 2p � 1970 PAGE 17 ' ' the traf��,a tc� a3.].pw cross traf iic to- gat onto F�st Riv�r Road. This ' infos�tian has been given to the County, who would pay � af the co�►�. MaXox Kirkham asked how much of the interseotion was in Fridley. The City �x�ginser said tha� i�k was in Minneapolis. Councilman H�xris said t.h�t ' he thought it wau�.d be il.legal foz the City o� Fridley to �partic�pate ii'i tize Cost i,f none of the �,nter�ect,ian was in Fridley. The City Enqineer said that,Fridlex has a 1eg caaning into tl,}e intersect�.on. The Cpunty is going , LJ � ' � fJ LJ ' ' ' � � � tca snter �.t��o an agre�ment wi.th Minneapolie and the City of Fridley ww�.d entsx ir�tQ an agreement with t�he eounty. Gouncilman xaxxie �aid that i�'MC contri.butee to ths pr�lalem. He aaked if thexe was ar,y pos�ibi�lty o� using a p�,�.rolman at th�.a i,�tersection. The City Enqi�eer eaid thttt there would be soms addit�anal �urninq lanes pravided. The �pignal t�tld pzavide a bxeak i� the tx`af#iC to allow`the FMC people to qe� iato ti'se ttFedn► Pf �'dtfiiC. A�ignal csu'�not be provided !or FMC �or anlg ane hotts o� t.raf�ia, Councilmaul Harxi� said that FMC ehould take care oE their awn prcablem: _ Mr. Rick�ard Harris aaid that some sort of contxol,ia� vitally aeeded.�t �hie intersectiart, and some signaiixation should be worked out. Iie �Aid �ha� he thouqht that Miruieapolis �:e goi.ng to be doing somethinq with 4Znd Av�nu� Nh�ch v�auld af�ac� th�.s intersection. Ke asked i� the pa�li�, us�cA bx FMC aur,'e Cr� +�,tty o� c,►�� duty. Cbuncilman Li�b], sa�id that h� b�li�►vsd fih�t thex w�s� O�'�-�uty hired bY F�C. MoT�P�T by Counci]'ma�i I3arx�:� �to �ece:�ve the aoauaunication->frc�t the Ci'�Y p# Idinnea►pcl�,a dated Jwbe 16 � X97Q, � ar�d instruc� the City Enqineer ta �ntiz�u� warkinc� towt�rd a solution. Seaonded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voi.cs yote , all vota.ng aye , Mayox Kirkham declared the motion cax7c'i.ed. DTSCUSSIOBT REGARDIDIG aPRING LAKE PARK SCHOQL DISTRICT PLANS FOR BUII�DING EI,EMENTI�RX SCHOOL SOUTH OF QSBORNE ROAD AbiD EAST OF ARTHUR STREETs The City �nqineer said that he had talked to the Spring Lake Park Superinte�,dent of Schools and advised them to work with the City befoze ttzey get tpo faz' in their pla�ns. They will require some ��.dewalks i'rv�a T.H. M65 to Stinson Boulevard especially with the beach to go in north of Osborne Road. There wi11 be som� difficulty as thexe i$ a S�. Pau� Wate�worke easement running v�•the north �ide of Oscborne Road where the schoal :La proposed. He said that he had advised them that when their acquisition is completed, the�e are so�me public�street� that should be vacated. He said that they would be cutting off access to the back � of some lots and this will have to be worked out. He advised the Council to start thinking in terms of pedestrian control for this section of the City. Counci].man Harris asked if they would be coaaing before the Council for a builda:ng pexmit. The City �nqineer sai.d no, they are an independsat body. They have sald that t,hey wauld work with the City to solve our mutual prab2ems. ' � MQTION by Councilman Harris to receive the infoxmation City �nginE�er. Seconded by Councilznan Liebl. upon a vating aye, Mayo� Kixkh� deciared the �otion carried. i ' supplied by the voice vote, a�ll CONBIDERATION OF REQt1EST FOR DEI.ETI�I OF STRFET PROJECT OW 7TH STR�BT (ST. 1969-�) ' �'laa City Engi.neex reported tha�t in the ,�96�i �� ��Iq�,, �Yth �►ve�a�}e .�, ? ��it K�rs propase� to be impraved. They were not pu�"��beca�se the Couna�� REGUT.AR COUNCII, M;EETiNG OF JU�Y 20 � 197a � PAGE 18 ' aho�e not �A axdea� in �toxm Sew�:� Pzoject �80 so the drai.nac�e wou�,d anot be t�lcen caxe q�. 6�th Avenue and 7th Str�et aze still on the booka a� b�ing ordsrad in. Mr. Lilyq�en, pro,perty owr�ex for 512 66th Avenus pmid the ,pendinq assss�zn�nts o� $�.�9�,.71 plu$ $212.34 for the stox�n sewe,� and rlow would l�k� �his smount r�funded a.f the project �.� not gQ.ir�q �G �e �ut� in,. M(�'!'IAN by Coun�c�.lman Harzi.s ta dsny the requ�st and keep 68th Av�nue and 7th Stra�a� can tk�� books . Second�d by Councilman Liab� . iTpon a vQi�G� vots, a11 vc?ting aye, Mayrax KixDcham de�laxed tha mo�ic�n aarried. A1�PR4V�L (�F DEL�VERX PQINTS CON�'RACT W�'!'H I�JS� L 7l'h,� C�.t� �ng�.nee� said �hat �h�,s �ontraot is �a �cavcax el�ctac�,ca.l �e�ico tA �he w��.� k�c��uses � MOT�aiV b� �Gour.c;.lanan :i�.rria �v at�tiioriz� �he �at� d�ialnagex and d�ayQr - Kirkhar� �o �xecu�e �ha c�oGUmea�t, s�ce�r�c�ed by Councilman �re�dar. i1p4n a1 vp�ce 'voi�� � a�.l vcat�.ng aye, r�a;�ox� Ka,xkriam dec7.a.red t.he motipr� v�.a�ed,. �J.970 ^ a MOTION by Caunca.lman I,iebl to r�:ceive Petition No. 1.1-1970. Second�d by Cc°►unai7.maza Harris. Upan a voice vqter, �I1 voting aye, �iayor K�.rl�ham dec�,�'�d the zno�ion carrieci. Councilman i�a.eb1 suggested that the alley between 5th Street & 6th St,rset from 53rd Avenue to 5�th Av�nue ans� 6th Stxeet from 53rd Avenue �0 54�h Avc��nu� be dele�ed frcam the �.97�. ��ojeat« He said that he had �alked to the�� peop�.e a�d thp.assesament� would place a financial haxd�ship on t�em at tli�.s titae. There are about 6 people that have just bought homes arid the apartment houses have just been:bought and the man is trying to fix th�in up. H� said that he would aqree with the rest of the imprcavetnC�nts, Counqilmaa'� Haxria said tha� he �elt i:ha� �hey should not just be deleted, bt�t pastponed until.a later yeax. Espec�ally 6th Street, as he fe�.t tiia� t,2ii� �ta��e� was in kaad condi�.ion. He sugge�sted putting 6th 8txeet back in t�e 1Q yea�r strest .�,mpxc�vement proqxaun for 1973. Couricilman I,iebl aqreed, arxd :Ee7,t �that this woulc� give. these people some taane to get an the�.r fe�t. �ouri��.�.tnan T�ieb�. said that he was worried that the �eznd would wash ir� �khe v�,ciuity Qf 54th Avenue. �'he city Engi�eex said that this was the ob- j�ct�ve, t�ca get the whole axsa cleaned up. He pointed put that a.t, wil�. r�ot b� �ny chea�er to d4 6th Street in the next few years, CQUnci].man,i�arxis sa�.d tha� a notation should be anade that 6th Stree� is to qo in in 1973. MOTTON by.C4uncilman Liebl to delete tYze alley betw�en 5th Street and 6th S��eet facom 53zd Avenue to 54th, Avenue and 6th Stree.t from 53rd Avenue to a4tl�t Av�ez�i�e frcxn the 1971 progxam and 6tk� Street is to be put b�ck in the ].0 year is�zes� improvement pxogram iox 19i3. Secanded by Councilman Harris. t7�aon a voi.ce vote, a11 vating aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carr�ed. � C� L_.J ' � � � �J � � � '�l � � ' � u ' ' REGULAR GOUNCIL MEETING O� JULY 20, 1970 PAGE 19 � �� U Ccrur��ilman H�ri.s �aid ti��� h�a islt ��e cance�a ovar fihe �id�walk� icar ' Gax'd�na +�u'1d W�qt� MaQx�� l.�1ca Arivs � Thoxa wore good xeasonr preaen�4d �1tiy the y��o,pl� ahau�d nok have ti;�m. M�yox R�.z'khdm �aid kh�t ha thau�ht �.�tat the eid�wa�.ks �haulc� �Q �.n o� Gardena� on t�� noa�'th eide. Th� 8�o8lei wou�d ' t,he� h�ve to qraa+� �ii� atraa�k. They would hetvm �v aroe�a the etxeet anyhaM to gas� ta the school. A11 �h� ahildren are bused to the p�troahit�l �ckiool. Caunvi,l.man Harr�s �aid that the same thing could be doas w�t.h Weat ' Mocre Lak� pxive, the sidewAlka cauld go in or� the north �aide and tt�e �t�qet opu�d be o,�f centered as muah as po�sible. The childxen wvuld eti11 hAVe to cro�s the"atre�t. ' MAT�ON.by Councilman Haurris to include sidewalks oa�Gardana Avenue qn the noxkh side� and on West Mooxs z,ake Drive on the nortt>>$ide in Stxeet Impravemen� Pxp�aat St. 1971-�., ' Counailiaan I,ieb]. qua�tioAec�- if:.. th$rs . was enouqh �ight , oi way on G�7c'dsnu at�� how ia t�e snaa plaw�,ng going to be dcne. He aai�d' tiiat he wa►e in �'av�ar ot �ha �txoet" improvem�r�t, and the atorm seWer; -9qut he wa$ rtot '�oo ' aux� ab��t the sidawalks. H� sa.�d that hs.had no ob�eetfan ta t.�e m�.da- walks �n West Moc�e Lake pr3.ve. T�ie:City �ngiue�r �aid that �e terraln r.�r� Gardsna is va�y- lcsad ►' ans thexe �ould have to be mors_ right a� waty ' acqu�.red, There would have to be some xetaining waZle and eteps. iIs ts3�t that it would be vi.xtua�ly impossib�e. ' � ' ' ' ' ' MCX�ZC3�T by Go�nci3.man Harxis ta withdraw. his previous. motion, arid A�OV� tl�a� �th.azQ be r�o sidewa.�lc� pn: Gardsna 3�venue and that sidewalks ba plscod c�x� �the r�arth side o� West Mpore I�a1ce Arive undsr St�set Impxovement Pxaject Sia. 7.971�2� au�d adopt R�so].utiort i�138-1970 with the noted delestiat�s, Maywc Ki.rkham said that the school board was gcaing to be very unhappy. Cauncilman Ha�rxis asked tha� the City�Manager comraunicate ta them the sidewa].k� were no� put in on-Gardeaa, because of the unanimous oppasition �nd the very rough terrain+ THE MOTTON-was sec�nd�d and upon•�.,voice vote,.a11 voting aye, Mayox Kirkk�am declaxe8 the motion carrie8. MOTION by Councilman I�iebl to instruct the Administration to studx the feasibility og � stop sign'at Able Stxeet on West Moore Lake Dr1ve. �econd�d by Councilu�an Harris.' Upon a voice vate, all votinq aye, Mayar icirkham dealaxed the arotion carried. MUTION�by Cbuncilman Liebl to iastrtict the City.ylanaqex to write to the School 8oard te1].ing them the Council''s reason� for not puttinq in the aidewalks on Gardena Avenue. The iaotion was seconded�and upc�n a Voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkha�n declared the motion carried. RESOLLiTION #139-1970 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADiD DIRECTING TliE SPLITTING ' QF SP�CZAL ASSESSMENTS ON PAItCEL 7950, S�CTION 11, ADID REPLATTING I_NTO _ i�GISTE�tED I�ND SURVE3t #6 a - - �. Mc�"!'ION by Cauncilman Haxris� ta adopt Resolution �139-1970.. Secanded by ' Gouncilman i,iebl. i7pon a voice vote, th�re being no nays, Mayar Kirkhaia c�eclarad the motion carxied. I� REGULAR COiJNGZL MEETING QF JULX 20, 197q �. 1� � AND i.OT� 1� .ANI?: 15. BLt�CTC 16 PAGE 20 A171:U�TTGN `�p MECHANTCSVIT+LEs _ MQT�ON by Gounc�.lman Harris to adopt Resolution #140-1970. �ecor�ded by Cc�ur�ci].mar� Liebl . UP�n a voice vsate � all voting aye, Pdayox Kirkham declared the motion carxa.ed. TOtJ #1ql-].970 *-..A. RESQLiJTTQi�T AU�H�RTZING. �#Dtl]. IA� AS�aESa�MENTS _QN I.�OTS l�, 17 AND 18. BI,C)CK . �� , HYAE FAI�K �T � '�.•�.�.+n t MO'I'ION b� �c�unqa.lman Harr.is tc a�dagt �is�alution #141-7.970. Seao�ded by �caunai,ltnan ;Gieb1. upon a voiee vot�, a11 votinc� aye, MaX�� z�ixk�am de��ared th� mAt�.can carried. R�SQLUTTQN #142^�1970 ^- A EtESOLIJTTON- AUTHORI.ZING. ADUI,DITiEC�'IN�. '�'�I� (�OMBT; AF �PEGIAL A�a�ESSMEDTTS ON LOT 13:, BLC�K 2, APJD PART OF LOT 7�4, T3I,OG�C ,� PARC�L 281Q, INNSBRUCI� 5TH �DDITTONs MAT�ON b�r �auzaca�:l�a►ian Harxis to adppt Re�oluti.on #142-197,q., Se�can�ed by Cot���i7.man� �i.ebl . D�o� a. v��.c� vQt�. a�.l vatinq aye, .:Mayor Kirkh,am dsalared the motion car:ried. - RE��,'TCi�V #a<.��",L9�O - A RESOLUTiON AUTFiOR'EZING AtJT� T.ITRFC'T°I'N(': PPLt'G? P+("fMT2T7 �NTS. Oi�i LOTS 11 �iNA ..9..2 r ANIl:.T,flT �1.3 : BTACK - MOTION by Councilmax� Harria to a�do�t,R�sol.ution-#]A3-1970. Secand�d �x Couz�Ga�lman Lieb1. Upon a vpic� vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried.. RESOT+UTTON #144-1970 �- A RESOZUTICIN REVTSTN6, DEP.ARTMEI�T AP.pROp12IATTONS WTTHTN THE GENERAL F'UNDs MOTIQN by Councia.man I,iebl to adopt. Resalution_..#14�-197Q. Seconc�ed by Ccauncilznaz� Harris. Upon a vaics vate, a11 vating aye, Mayor Kirkham dealared the motion carried. GT�AIMS • MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment of General Claims #22223 through #22362 and Liquor Claims #4624 through #4675. Seconded by Gouncil- man Harris. Upon a vaice vote, a.11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham d�claxed the motion caxried. J�IGENSES : Ga&� �ervice : Ap�roved By Blue F�,ame Contractozs, Inc. 5309 �dina tndustrial Boulevard �dina, Minne�ota ��s. Grant E. JOhn�on Plumbinq Inap. ' i REGt,TLA,R COUNCIL MEETING OF JULX 20, 19'70 T�T��NS�S CQNTINiJ�D. G�naral Contractor Solinlca Miciwest, Inc. 244 Sauth Faixview St. Pau],, Minnesota Heat�.ng._. 81u� Flaiae Gpn,tractor�, Ina. 5309 Eda,na Tndu�trial Blvd. Edina; Minnesota Mason �.. c:ax7, R. Har�sun 3809 �uuhanan N.E. Mina�ea�l:�s, Minnespta Tt��rr�o�,ds �x Gagnpn 311� I3oo�e NAa:�.h Naw Hope, M�.nriesc�� Gene�xa]. Contxactor Rockford Canstruation Ccxnpany 5SA5 56th�Avenue North Minn,eapQ�.is, Mizan. 55429 By : K . �2. Harter By: Grant �, Johnson Sy: Ca�l R. Hanson Pat Gagnar� Sy: Vern Reynolds By: Robert Potter PAGE 21 Approved 8y 8uilding Inap. Plumbinq Insp. Buildinq Ine�. 84ti�dina Tn�p. Building Insp. MO�ION by Councilman Hax'ris ta approve the foregoinq licenses. Seaonded by Councilman Breider. Upqn c� voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhata �1�a,�aa:ec� the motian carried. ESTIMA.TES s Hall, Smith, Juster, k'eikema & Haskvitz Atto�neys at Law �050 Buildexs Exehange Building Ma.nz�eapplis, Minnesota 55402 For Leqal Services froia 5-1-70 to 6-17-70 _ not Gavexed by Retainex $ 1,162.96 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 �ast Main Street Ancaka, Mixxnesota 55303 For Legal Services Rendered S 450.00 Asaoca�at�d Gontrzcting Company 2745 Sunset Lane Burnsv111e, Minnespta 55378 k'�NA�� Estimate #1 f4r work c,anpleted this date on Water Im�rovement Pzoject �198 accarding to contract �1�t76���Q R�Gt1T�lR GQUNCIT, MEETING OF �'U�,X 2A. 1970 �STTMAT�B G'OiJTINUED. Ca�nstock & Aavis� , Znc . Consulting Engineers 1446 Gounty Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furn�.shi.ng of resident inspection and xesident supe�vision for the stakinq out af the fal�owing projects: ��timate #1, Street Tmpravement Prpjec� No. 70-4 from June� 1, 197A ti�rouqh Jun� 26, 1970. Est�.ma�e #�. S�ni�ary Sswex & Water Ztnprovemer�t Project #�3 �rcxn Juz�� 1, 19?(� �h�ough Jun� 26, 1970 ' 8,A(�E 22 ' ' ' � 583.62 � S $ �.,7]��.79 ' �sti.m,ate #8r W,�ter Zmprovement Project �94 froaa June 1, 1970 thraugh ,7un� 26, 1970 $ ,1ap.7�. . � Esta,�►,�te #2. Water Iiaproveut��t Pxoject �95, SGhs�iuls 8 �rau� �'un� �., 197A �hrpuc�h �une 26 � 1970 $ BQO, �2 ,�sta.ma�e #1. Watex �mprovemen� ]?roject �k98 from June 1, 197Q t�araugh �7ur�e 26. 1970 _� q53.6Q MOTION by Couz�iclman Liebl to appxpve payment of �the foregoing esta.mates. Seconded lax Councilman Harris; Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq ays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. G4MM[JNIC.ATIONS : - A. NSP: TRANSMISSION LINE REPORT DATED JULX 13, 1970 MOTTON k�y Councilman Breider to receive the NSP transmission line re�ort d,ated July 13, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voiae vo�e, all voting aye, Mayox Kirkham declared the motion carried. MQTTON by Councilman Harris to communicate to NSP the Council's dis- pleasure, and that they should continue to meet their scheduled date fox oompletian acCOrding to the agreement reached. Caunailman Breider asked what was the scheduled date for caapletion, Councilman Harr�,s answered August 15th. TIi� MQTIpN was seconded by �ouncilman Bra�der. Upon a vcaice vote, a].�, vQ'�ing aye, �iaXor Kirkham dec1a�red the: motion carried. 8. G�OR+GE ELLIOTT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL ON RIVERVIEW TERRA�CE Mayor Kirkham asked what could be done, and commented that he felt that the City had a xight to be proud of the work completed in this area, con- sic��ring what we had to da with. Councilman Liebl asked i� it was postec�. M�xox Kiarkham sa,id that it is not now, but it could be when the woxk ia ClonB . I�QTTON 2�3� �5���35���!�! �a,�'�� '�A �;e�caiv�a �}e ��ttunioation, frocn Mr. Gsorga n U �� � ' ' � ' C � LJ ' ' � R�(�tJT�A,R COUNCT� MEETING OF �7'tJI�X 20, 1970 PAGE 23 ' �7.13.ott, dated Juns 25, 197p, and �nstruct the City Manager to cc�m�nunicate tp Mr. E1liptt tel,linc� him �ha� Riverview Tsrrace will be pasted with s�ea� 1im�.t ��.qns whan tY�.e wc►rl� :is co�ttpleted. Second�d by Gouncilmari Sreidsr, Vpon a voias vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kixkham declmred the , �ct�,or� caxr.�ed. C. MIKE Q'BANNONs F3E UEST' FOR ACCEPTTNG AEPOSIT TN LIEU QF PERi�'ORMANCE ' BOND Ti1e Gity Manager said•tha� Mx. o'Bannon naw has $16,oAA depo�ited with the 1 City ot �'ridley. The City Attc�arney said tha� accepting �he degoait ia �i�u af a perPqxznanc� band cpuid be done and would pose no probleA►. ' MQT�pN by Councilman Harx�.s tca recezve the co�nmunication fram Mr. M,i.ke �]'Ba�nncan dated Ju1y 1,6, 1�?Q �nd �ancur wi.th his xequest that S1fi,000 be helci by the City zn �i�:u of a per�annarice bond fo�'� tha construCtion oP aewer maa.na, wa�.ex mains and aezvices in Heathe�; H�lls Addition. �e�anded ' �y �QU�c�.],zn�.n L�.ebl. UpQn a voi.ce vote, all voting ays, Mayor Kirkham d��lax�d fi�k�e I[10'��.OII carxi�d. ' ' � A. FRANiC M. SHTMEKt �tE UEST FOR SETTLEMENT FOR 1�AMAGES M0�'ION by �our�ca:lman Harris to recsive the communication irc�m Mr. Fzax�)c M. Shimek, 79QI Rivexview T�rXaae, dat�d July 15, 1.97A and instx`uct the �1�X Manag�ar �a �ommu��cate �o him that the award has been mada a�d the aettl�ment� shQU1d be coming,sho�tly.' '�he moti.on was seconded and upon a vai�e VOtP r A��. VO��.riS� '.ij�e � Mc'1jjQX ��'�t�'lalil declared the motion aax'xied. STATUS �F D.M. NOYES CpNSTRUCTTQN COMPANY - PROJECT #93: ' Th� C�ty Afitcarney repp�ted that the City of FridleX has nqw termiz�ated the con�xaa� w�th A.M. No�es Ganstruction Company. He advised �that a letter shou�d b� �orwarded J'u1� �1, 1970 tv Home Owners Tnsurance Co�n.pany asking them �o complete Project #93 under the obligations of the bond furnished 1 �he Ca.ty, sai.d bond being executed by Home Ownexs Tnsurance Coma�nx on CJGtp}���' 28. 1.969 • He said that the testing has been done and it has been £pund �t►a�k it will take about $15,000 fox repaixs and another $50,000 Por ' th���est o� the work. He �aid that"the rest of the work �hould be com� pleted usin� t�,e inoney that the City has retained. ' ' , , I� AU70URNMEN�' s Thare be.�n.g no further bus3.ness, Mayor Kirkhaia declared the Ragulax Counci7. Msetinc� a� July 20, 1970 adjourned at 11:55 P.M. Res eCtfully submitted, uei• Meresr . ' S�cx��ary to the City Council Jack O. Kirkhalu Mayor Cl � ' � ' � � , , , , ' � ' r ' , � � RESOLUTION N0. 112-1970 A RESOLUTION RELEASING CERTAIN TAX FORFIET LOTS AND HOLDING CERTAIN TAX FORFEIT LOTS FOR CITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, The City af Fridley has previously put a hold order on certaln tax forfeit lots, and WHEREAS, After review, it has been determined that certain of these lots should be released, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO�YED, Th�t the foiic�ring listed lots are hereby released by the City of Fridley: Part of NEa of SE4 of Sec. 10-30-24, Plat #53910, Parcel #f1Q Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision #92, �arcel �11Q0 Part of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision #108, Parcel #52p Plat #54167, Parcel #900, Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivisior� #�129 Lot 3, Block 1, Garlson's Summit Manor North Lot 4, Block 1, Carlson's Summit M�nor North Lot 5, 61ock 1, Carlson"s Summit Manor North W'ly 5' fron� & rear thereof of'Lot 3, Block 2, CdrlsWi'S $ummit Manor North Plat #5538�, Parcel #100, Lot 2, Block 1, Choulnard Terr�c.� Lot 22, Block 1Q. Donnay's Lakeview Manor (Subj. ta sass. to N.W. Bell Co. over N. 5') (Subj, to ease. to City pf Fridley over W'ly 30') 1.4t 7, Block 2, �dgewater Gardens Lot 2, Block 3, Edgewater Gardens (Subj. to easements) Lot 6, Block 3, �dgewater Gardens Lat 11, Block 3, �dgewater Gardens Lot 1, Blpck 4, Edgewater Gardens Lot l, Block 6, Edgewater Gardens Lqi 3, Block 6, Edgewater Gardens Lot 4, Block 6, Edgewater Gardens Lot 5, Block 6, Edgewater Gardens Lot l, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lqt 2, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 3, slock 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 4, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 5, Block 7, EdgewatQr Gardens lot 6, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 7, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 8, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 9, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 10, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens Lot 11, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens l,ot 12, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens lat i3, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens P1�t #55995, Parcel #2280, Lots 25, & 26, Block 12, Fridley Park Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 15, Fridley Park Lvt 7, Block 1, Gideo's First Addition Lot 8, Blo�k 14, Hamilton's Add. to hjgch��j��yjll� Lqt 9, Block 14, HamiltQn's ,�dd� tq MeGhAnicsville � 2� ' Resolution Na. 112-1970 ' Page 2 1 Lot 10, Block 14, Hamilton's Add. to Mechanicsville 1 Lots 23 & 24, Block 16, Hamilton's Add. to Mechanicsville Plat #56215, Parcel #180, Hillcrest Addition Lot 17, Block l, Hillcrest Addition ' Lot 18, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition L.ot 11, Block 4, Hyde Park Addition Lots14 & 15, Block 4, Hyde Park Addition Lot 16, Block 7, Hyde Park Addition � Lot 17, Block 7, Hyde Park Addition Lot 21, Block 10, Hyde Park Addition lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition ' Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition Lot 19, Block 24, Hyde Park Addition Lot 6, Block 1, Marian Hills Addition ' Lot 13, Block 1, Marian Hills Addition lot 14, Block 1, Marian Nills Addition l.ot 15, Block 1, Marian Mills Addition Lpt 16, Block 1, Marian Hi11s Addition , Outlot C, Marian Hiils Addition Qutlot D, Marian Hills Addition Plat #56849, Parcel #2980, Outlot 2, Melody Manor , 2nd Additipn S. 103' of t.ot 11, Block 1, Moore Lake Highlands (Ex. E. 88') � Lot 21, 61ock 1, Onaway Lot 22, Block 1, Onaway Lot 13, 61ock 2, Parkv.iew 0aks First Addition E, 35' o�F Lo�°8, Block::2, Rice £reek Te�race Plat 2, , (Ex. E. 25') Lot 33, Block A, River View Heights Addition Lot 34, Block A, River View Heights Addition Lot 49, Block A, River View Heights Addition , Lot 50, Block A, River View Heights Addition Lot 57, Block A, River View Heights Addition Lat 72, 61ock A, River View Heights Addition ' Lot 26, Block C, River View Heights Addition Lot 21, Block F, River View Heights Addition Lots 48 & 49, Block J, River View Heights Addition � Lot 8, Block 0, River View Heights Addition Lot 9, Block 0, River View Heights Addition Lot 3, Block U, River View Heights Addition � Lot 4, Block U, River View Heights Addition lot 32, Block W, River View Heights Addition Lot 33, Block W, River View Heights Addition Plat #59045, Parcel #620, Lot 10, Block 3, Shaffer's , Subdivision #1 P1at #59045, Parcel #640, Lot 11, Block 3, Shaffer's Subdivision #1 P1at #59Qa5, Parcel #660, Lot 12, Block 3, Shaffer's ' Subdivision #1 Plat #59045, Parcel #850, S� of Lot 8, Block 4, Shaffer's Subdivision #1 � Plat #59045, Parcel #1200, lpt �6, Block �, Shal�er's Subdivision #1 - ,`2; � ' � � , ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' � � � ' � � � C� IJ Resolution N� 112-1970 Page 3 Lot 4, 61ock 3, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 5, Block 3, Spring Brook Park Addition l,ot 6, Block 3, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 29, 61ock 3, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 18, 61ack 4, Spring Brook Park Addition Lats31 and 32, Block 4, Spring Brook Park Addition l.ots 39 and 40, Block 4, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 45, Block 4, Spring Brook Park Additian I.ot a6, Block 4, Spring Brook Park Addition Plat #591a0, Parcel #925, Lot 41, B�oek 5, Spring Brook Park Addition Plat #59140, Parcel #930, Lot 42, Block 5, Spring Brook Park Additian Lot 43, Block 5, Spring Brook Park Addition L.ot A�4, 61ock S, Spring Brook Park Addiiion �.Qts 17 and 1$, Block 6, Spring Brook Park Addition Plat #59140, Parcel #1i65, Lot 43, Block 6, Spring Brook Park Addition Plat #59140, Parce1 #1174, Lot 4�, Blpck 6, Spring Brook Park Addition l.ot 1, Btock 7, Spring Brook P�rk Addi�ian lot 2, 61ock 7, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 3, Slock 7, Spring Brook Park Addition �ot 4, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition Lots 42, 43, and 44, Block 7, Spring Brorak Park Additipn Lot 45, Block 7, Spring arook Park Addition Lot 46, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition l.ot 47, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Addition Lat 48, Block 7, Spring Brook Park Additian Lot 20, Block 11, Spring Brook Park Addition Lots 25 and 26, 81vck 11, Spring Brook Park Addition Lot 29,'61ock 11, Spring Brook Park Addition �at.30, 61ock 11, Spring Brook Park Addition Lots 5& 6, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Additian Lots 45 and 46, Block 12, Spring Brook Park Addition �� r ' ' � ' � ' � RESOLUTION Np. �i2 - 1970 Page 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOI.VED, That the City Council of the City of Fridley desires to hold certain tax forfeit lots for City purposes, and the County Auditor is requested to withhold from sale the following listed 1ots which the City of �ridley intends to purcbase: For Park: Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision #10 Parcel #500 Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision #10 Parcel #90Q For prainage Pond: For Street Blvd.: For prainage Pond: For Park: Lot 41, Auditor's Subdivision #92 Lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision #92 Lot 47, Auditor's Subdivision #92 Lot 48� Auditor`s Subdivision �92 Lot 52, Auditor's Subdivision +�92 l.at 11, 61ock 2, Hillcrest Addition Lot 12, Block 2' Nillcrest Addition Lot 13, Block 2, Nillcrest Addition Plat #568p9, Parcel #3060 Outlot 4, Melady Manor 2nd Addition That part of Lots 8 b 9, B1ock l, Oak Creek Addition, described as follows. Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 6, Oak Grove Addition to Fridley Park Plat #57096, Parcel #1490 Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 6, Oak Grove Addition to Fridley Park Lot 4, Block 3, Pearson's Craigway Estates 2nd Addition Lot 10, Block 3, Pearson's Craigway Estates 2nd Addition Outlot 1, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition Lot�13, Block S, River View Heights Lot 14, Block S, River View Neights 2'7 e � RESOLUTION N0. �i2 - 1970 Page 5 2� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City desires easenents over a portion of the following lots for streets and utilities purposes: For Street & Utilities: Lots 28 & 29, Block 3, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville Lot 30, Block 3, Hami1ton's Addition to Mechanicsville For prainage & Utilities: Lots 26 & 27, Slock 7, Spring Brook Park . Plat #59140, Parcel #1370 Lots 30 & 31, Block 7, Spring Brook Park For Street & Utilities: Lot 12, Block l, Spring l.ake Park LakeSide Lot 13, Block 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside Lot 14, Biock 1, Spring i.ake Park Lakeside Plat #59148, Parc�l �14fl0 � Lot 18, Block 2, Spring Lake Park l.akeside Plat #59148, Parcel #1420 SZ of Lot 19, B1ock 2, Spring Lake Park Lakesidi� Plat #59148, Parcel #1440 N� of Lot 19, Block 2, Spring Lake Park Lakesid�t Lot 8, Block 1, Spring Valley Lot 6,, 61ock 2, Spring Valley Lot 10, Block 2, Spring Va11ey PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL.EY THIS 8TH DAY OF JUNE , 1970. ATTEST: C T CLERK - MARUIN C. BRUNSELL -JCK . K K , ' HAI.L, SMITN. JU9TER� FEIKEMA�AND NASKVITZ i 1 • � L� ��'l � L �� , ' � 1 , DOYOLA• MALI WYMAN •MITM l[ONA1�0 T. JU�T[11 M[NRr M. ♦CIKCMA IlONA40 l. MI�.�KVITZ JAMt• R. CA�itRLY Mr. Ho�er Ankrum Ci� Mana�er 643 tMiversity Ave. N.E. fridley, Minnesota 55421 � iL ����/ _, �. 905Q lUILD[10! [XCMANO[ OID�.. M1NN[APOI��, MINN({OTA fl402 •MbN[ 139-1409 • OFFICBE 7N: O'fEO. FI�IOL[Y �U�aI Zgf �9%Q in re: Sanitary Sewer &�later Improvep�ent Project N4. 43 � �y�� Dear Homer: � � � r On Mbnday, July 27, 1970, Mr. Comstock and I met with the attorney for the bonding co�any, Norman Evidon, and the �nding con�any's consulting engineer. Wal t Kutchner. At that meeting, the banding company indicated their willingness to take over the uncc�mpleted balance on the above project. Mr. Comstock has recommended the first step would be to contract for the splidification of the soil on the existing work done by Noyes to repair their leaks and breaks in the pipe and they promised a decision within the next two or three days as to letting that contract. Their plan is to negotiate a bid with a contractor for the balance of the Nork 1 on thetr behalf a�nd then will bond Fridley with a new bond for the re�aining u�com�pleted portian of the contract. ' Nothi ng has been forraal i 2ed i n wri tten agreements as of thi s time and rte rvi 11 continue to meet with them and push the project to completion as rapidly as possibl�. , ' LtJ/vn ' cc. Nasim Qureshi Ci ty� �ngi neer , Very truly yours, ' Leonard T. Juster cc. �. Y. Comstock cc. Co�cil Me�nbers Co�nstock � pavis, Inc. 2� r�� BRIARWOOD HOMES INC. nn 780 - lOth Street N.i1. NeM Briahton� Minn. 55.112 July 14, 1970 City Co�il af Fridley City Hall 6437. Unirraraity Avenue N.E. Minneapolis� Minnesota Gentl�ment iie are ovirrently intareated in four lots in I�idler for reaidentisl oonstrutotion. HoWe�rer� it has 'been brought to our attlntion tttist B�Mer and �a►ter aervice to the lote hss not aas �nat been co�p�.eted, Fri�rilr x� a,rs interested in ia�eedi.ate cans�ructio�a attid �c�t�.d like ta irnax �hethsr or not a building permit could bs obbined at this time. The loea�tion of the p�opert�r 1s on 60t�h a� McKinl�y atid is prasently oxned by Mr. David Hubers. �our aasistance in thia matter would halp us grestly in �king our decision to purchase this p�opert,�r'.� ' DJB/ip � Dennia J. Preaidsnt . � -� 3n , - � ;�' . �,✓``- , t: , . � `,, ' � , ��. , � ' � ' , � � , .MF.MO T0; City Man�ager MFZMO FROMt Harvey J. McPhee I�MO DATE: July 20, 1970 xE: 6025 - 3rd Street N.E. A aurvey wae made by me of thia property on July 18, 1970. Mt. and Mxa. ,Jack Habel, rGnters, were present during my inspectioa. ?�'hm iaterior of the house was also checked by me including the basemene. Mr. and Mre. Habel have lived ia the house for almost thrae years. Mz. Hab�l is partially crippled and is repairing the propert� ae,f�st as he is able to do eo. Mr. Habel worke at Snyder's Drug and could be contacted thexe if necessary. The property is owned by Ranko and irene Sc�ur. '�. Habel informed me that thia ia "Shorty" of Shortq's Towiug Service at Univeraity. The owaet may contact you relative to�this regort by various e�af� people. I said we would like to discuse it with him. � Tbis i.s a rather large p#ace af property with a rather old houae and garage oa the rear of the lot from 3rd Street. The houee doea no� coaform wiCh �h� setbacks of the ne�x properties. The gasage is so�ae�hat atypica� ' i� looks because it has ths appearance of an old houae fraa the axterior. It atiay have been a house at one ti� . � The majority of the house and garage is covered with asphalt shingles. Mr. Habel has paiated the house exterior but not the garage. The garage is ' a daxk brown, and he says he will also paint the garage. Same exterior shintgles of the house need to be replaced. Sane of the screens aad wiadows , aleo needed repair work. A number of the trim boards should be checked for rot. � �I �J ' � ' � The interior of the house is heated by two epace heaters, one ie gae and th� other is oil. Mr. Iiabel daeires to eliminate tbe oil as eaon ae poasibla. Some`of the floor tile needs to be replaced, and s ane wood rot t+ae notsd around the faucets of the kitchen e1nk. The houee has a partial basement with a gae hot nater he$ter Which is vent�d. A handrail is needed on the basement stairwaq. The spliced electrical cord through the wall at the head of the baseoent sEairs needa to be eliminated. The house ie coaaected to �rater and aewer Nith bath aad kitchen facilities. The yard Was motired although it couldn't be coaside�red a"good" la�n. � have �►o cxitic�am of the yard. There vaa same material oo the Msst eide of the garage. Mt. 8abe�. was requeeted Lo remove it. � 3i � . , July 20, 1970 Page 2 6025 - 3rd Street N.B. Swnmary and Recommendations The property is marginal. However, it is not in a dilapidated condition. I can only make the following recommendations. 1. Remove all litter on the west side of the garage. 2. Replace and repair broken and weathered ahingles, trim boards, windows, and screeas. 3. Provide-a handrail on the basement stairway. 4. RaeQOVe spliced electrical cord at head of base�at stairway. Electrical Inspector should check wiring. 5. Kitchen sink should be repaired. 6. Giarage shoul� be painted. Specific plumbing de€ects, electrical defects and structural defects are left to the Building Department for inspection and recoamendatioas. HJM/cc GC: -.� iiank Muhich HARVEY J. Public Heslth Sanitarian 32 ORDIATANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 37.01 OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEX CITY CODE RELATING TO CLEAN-UP - PAINT-UP WEEK AND AMENDING SECTION 37.p2 OF THE CITY CODE AS REZATES TO INSPECTION AND �NFORCEMENT ■ �'he �ity Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: � SECTION I, Section 37.01 of the Fridley City Code is hereby xepealed. SP�TTON II. Section 37.02 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended ! to read as follows: � 0 �7.02 Inspections shall be made by the Health Officer ��6t" his duly author�.zed xepresentative, Police Depa�rtment� or such othex zepxesentative as the board may design�to. If r�ecessary, such representative sha11 issue specific orders to property owners or occupants to clean up their premises, and shall reinspect the same to ensuxe coaa- pliance therewith. If a cleanup order is not complied with, the Health Officer or Pol�ce Officex may take ' appropriate action under the applicable code (Ordinance�. �_t����� ` • A � �i � � l�` • �� ��/,� v�,'� � ��' . � -� . �. �.- � ��.� � .3�X ME1� T0: CITY ATTORNEY FROM: CITY MANAGER DATE: NNE 29, 1970 MEMO: #134-629-70 I have received the attached memo from Lieutenant Rick, who is Acting Chief of Palice during vaeation period of our Chief. I,t has be�n ary underatanding that the cleanup prociamation W+�s juat fox cl.eanup week and had nothing to do with people having to keep Cheir praperty clean year around. We did h�ve a proclamation but it wae �or "Gleanup - Fix up - Spruce up Week" and only covered that , �teek. (Maq 11, 1970 to May 16, 1970). - Please advise oa this. If such a proclamation is aot required bq the State Statutes T would appreciate very much your rlrawing an ordinance repealing this sectian in prder that Council can hold a first readiag on July 6, 1970. This is certainly a surprise to me as no one has felt this aection invaTidated or affected the balance of the code (ordinances). 0�� ANKRUM HItA/mis Enc. - 3 � ` vn�vtlVr. � VK — txtrocr PIivK topy ond f-o�ward WHITE and YELLOW copies. �_ -"'' REP�IER — Return YELLOW copy and retain WHITE copy. � - - --- -- -- - �---- -'---. __------_ _ _ -- --- __ _ -- ------_ � _ _ � :.._ A �NTION OFs , — — ------ - - — r_ 3.�. ty _.Max�age�, __ _._---------- r; -�._ _ --- �. . . -__�.�.... _�_ __ —._ --__ � i�BCT — G�88a't-■L1P �X"d�l'18riC@ 37.�2 DATE 6-29"70 . . ___�-_:.�.�ZO OPiicer__Huss was 3,n �ourt in regard to a_t�written on a cloariu prder � to �Tx Joe Zixaka. This property is located at 57�1 2� St. Jud�e�War�o�inted out to the Officers that the Ordinance ia preceeded 1�� the �8ntcnae_!! The May_or aha].1 melaim Clean-up-Paint-uQ R►eek�� and ind�.cated to �hq O�fiGer that tirithout the exi�tance of such proclamation at #.he timo of 1e8ixaACe ,,�,��'.�ha�..tick�'t it ._is not _le�. _He then dismiesed the case. He did al$o on �tho e oF the �aicturea taken, ot the mese warn the defer�dant from •the bench t4 olet�n it �^�_h�ut �.0 daqs to do thie and indicating i.t wauld be ��1� wJ.th h�s order. . . � Th ie T.URE g�g E Y� ot' cout� not to �--�-_�., -_-,.�.,_.. nt bei.ng that_ he__wi11 continue to take this att�tudQ & will die�aias - - __�' ..__� a#`ter that t�ne, Suggest having the Ci�y Atty x�gvier�r this �_ �ns��ct ao �irbaeQttre, or chan�e th� Ordinance_ y *.// G�� ' � ,> , DATE SIGNATURE '' REPLIER'S COPY - RETAIN POR YOUR FILES - ---- --___ _---.._--__. ------- -- -___--- __ -- - --- , . 105 � '' ' . w .. r , ;;• � ��, NALL., SM1TH� .IUSTER. FEiKEMA I►NO HASKVITZ ° 3� '� � T �� � .,K t` . ' � . � �.� � �. �� 4 � �C � ,� ,�. �.,,.. � � � � � � ROwOI.�� Me�.� � '" �PMAM RMITFI IICLO �u��.ocsa iStOpaa96 M40�i.� MIMNCArpLlw• M�NMC�OTA ���A� 4RONAROT..�4i7FR �nMpM6 aa�+/rie 0 pi'IIBR� eNi O�wiO• I'A10`[r M�NIlr Mr RLIKRM�► � � � A�MA1.q M MAiKVI�i ' dAMt� R. OAiS�Q�Y July 9� 1970 � Mr. Raymond H. Hegna .. Assl�tant C1�ty Attorney 325M Ci�y Ha11 ' Minneapa1is, Minnesota �,:' � �, �/ �' I,. ' ' ' � I' ' ' Dear Ray: . : r ,� �,: Zn rsfsrence to our recent telephone conversation, on the regular coun��1 ma�ting of May 18, 1970, the Counci] adopted Ordinance 4bS� � copy af which is enclpsed for,your records. Also enclosed you w111 �'ir�d the d�ed we reGeived from the NSSSD whlch we had hoped would p�atect th� C�ty of Minneapol�s �interesxs. I was instructed by the administration of the City to assure that no action would be taken that wauld prejudice the easement rights of �Fte City of Minneapolis, and it has been the intention of the City to coap�rate both with the NSSSO and the City of Minneapolis. � � I further will ask the Ci�y Manager to put the matter of the vaGation of thos� partians of Marshall Street requested by the City of Minneapo1lS on the ag�nda for the coming Manday night meeting or as soon as he . can place i� on the ag�nda, as I understand there is no problem in granting the Ci�y's request. - I am sending a copy of this letter to the City Engineer asking him to meet r�ith me re�arding the execution of the easement deed to the City of Mirmeapo1is for water main purposes at Main Street N.e. and 43rd Avenue N.E. I will report to you within the next two weeks. I furth�r wi17 discuss wi�h him the easement deed that you have prepared between Fridl�y and the City of Minneapolis�for the present facilities in the port�ion of Marshall Street adjacent to NSSSD property. � Very tru1y yours, � L.eonaird T. Juster /d9 �ca asim Q reshi ' ,�t�er An�Crum �� � � � :-, �� � /. � 1 ��.�� �.� . 'QFFIC� OF TNE CITY A770RNEY KEITRi M. S71DD, CITY ATTORhEY ' G. V. ,IOHNSON, fIRST ASSISTANT �32SM CITY NALI, • �30•2010 MINNEAPQLIS, MINN. bFi4l5 0 / • . � . 3'� ��.�.a�.�.��,���.�.� , 0 June 24, 1970 • , • R�r�^a µ►�+ Mz, Hvmer Ankr�m . '�� �c. t�� ra� t. �u�►:n Ci. ty Manag�r . . � . . ��'� "� �'"�^ C3.ty o� Fridley �d`0�`f,`��`;"�° 6�31 University.Ave.N.E. Mi�toN GcISDin ' , '���'� H,��O" ' Fridley, M.innesota 55421 ; � lerome R k�o F4MJrd C� Ye�k jA . R�' t VaCBt�.OT3 O�- Sr. j o,�e��;,� 7;, s,� f. p t o� Alarshall St. N, E. - Cf ty o�` Ft:�xc,ws��.,� � Min�eapolis �North Suburban Sanitary Sewer Ai.st. � . r�;�s:�n o c�u+a —. � �...�....�.�. R.�rt 1. �`tccit ���+�a � ►��_� Dear Mr . Ankrum s � � oa�at01, ty;�tk . {r�' N� An0'crsoil . . � y`'.� .� , .: '� r , �. ; •' �.,� � � '�r:? ; .. ,.� , , , _� '.���P� Xou wil� zecall �hat on Janua�y �3, 1969 hearinq� Was hed � �,►,�,�°id` • u�aan �the pet�,�ion 'by Nor�h Suburban San�.�ary Sow�r Di�t�i�o� � t4 vaca�e a part o� Marsha�.� Street N.E. r�ort•h og 37th ��a.� Av�MUe N.E. adjaaent to properties ownad by said SAnitary � S�w�r �is�rio�. The'Ci�y of Minneapolis oppo�:ed th� V�aA• . . .� � t�.on an8 was present at that 2�earing, z b�:lieve the matteY ' - , with no actior� taken at that time. . � � , .. ;. • . ' w�.S aont�nued Therea�ter T receivecl a�etter from Mr. Herrick, your. C�ty '•>�'>�'.'.����� '. � At�orney, dated June 10, 1969 advising that your Counci]. ���' • � . � ' • „ d, � ' � ' ' �. ' � � ,� '� .. .�1 passed on the first reading of an ordinance vacating a .� por. tion of M�rshal7, Street and stating that the seGOnd x��ci- ��� �.ng woul.d bP at the mceting o� June 36, 1969. T talked with �' � Mr. c�e�crick on the telephone and he assured me that the mat��r wouTd no� be on the agenda for June 16, 1969, and by lettex Sated June ].9, 3.969 he advised me that he would let mes know �.� a second' xeading was rescheduled . - � . ' � B l�etter to � Y your city dated January 2, 1970 the City o� Minneapolis requested your City Council to formal.ly vacatQ certain st�eets in tY�e city which are wi�hin the boundazie� o� the Wa�er Works property. A hearing was held by your Council on said request on March 9, 1970. At the satne tirae the second reading of the proposed ordinance vacating a portion of Marshall Street as requested by�NSSA was a7�so heard. I apneared at that meeting in support o� tho City of Minneapolis' request and objected to the reque$t of NSSD. At �he same time we discussed the qranting to the City cf M�.nneapo2is by. your city of an ,ea�etnant }or ex�.sting water main$ in Main 8treq� N.E. and 43rd Ave. N.E. as refexrea �p . . .. • � . � w� ^•. .� ��� y� '" 1:1 � , �f9 �� ' { ' ' � i .,�'! � . /� �'' .�� ����.. . . . . f� , .( - . s+ _ ' ;t! . �. ' �: - .� r ' ' i , Mr. Homer Ankrum • June 24, 1970 Page 2 n � • � �. . , � . , l� C 7 . in a letter to you dated June 7, 1970 by Mr. Corlett, the ; Direc�or of the Minneapolis Water Works. • . � It was my understanding at tha� time that your Council indicated ' �hat they would grant the request of the City of Minnea,�olis to .vaea�e �ha stzeets �nvolved provided that they also granted ttie � r�quQS� o� �TS&p �o vaQa�p that portiat� of M���hall 8troa� that � i� w3,shed to be vacated. It was my impression also that you r �� ' Caunc�.� on advice of Mr. Herrick was to see ta it that tho City oP Minneapplis was given an easement deed from NSSD �or tho ' ���Y's ut�.�.it�,es present�y in said street, and that your Counc��. ' woul.d a�.sa grant to �he C�.ty oE Minneapolis an easement de�d cav�ri.nc� the water mains in Main Street and �3rd Avenue N.E. ,• I�oll�owed up this meeting with a letter dated March 18, 1974 to Mx'. Nerrick, your then City At�orney. Unfortunate�y you ch�tnged,_ •' ���Y �ttorneys a cou�ale �a� weeks later and our offic » , c�iv�d nothi�g from Xou ei.ther as �o the easement !4r �h� wa��r� . �a�n� ox a$ ta �he e�sement fn Marsha],1 Street N.�. from%N88D. ,, ' �_ �4x��°re, �au�'suant �o �our telephone conversa�ion oF today T �up ' . -°n��p+���q h�rc�with eopl�es o� all of the abo've ],e�ters t►r�d ... ., . oo�re�spornd�noe; a� � we�,], �+$ the easement deeds referred t.4 i� m�.� .', Y,' _ 1.et�er o� MarcM i8, ].970• �o Mr. Herrick. � � �'' � '�� ' . , . , .� : T-hav� alsd talked to Mr. I,eonard Juster our � Attorney, an,d am.sgnding him copies likewise. Heeindicated�tO me '� t�ha� �,t was his impression that if . adjacent to NSSD property has been vacatedr�ion of Marshal�, Stxoq� stand�ng and assumption that tk�e City of MinneapolisnwouldUbe��! proteatecl as to :Lts uti�.�.tie� presentl iq sai ,'' ' Y d s t • reet. � � : .: Wou1d p . , , . you l,ease; therefoxe, send me a copy %f the ordinance or , �ardinances vacating these �ortiens of Marshall Street rec�uested �' ���'; � by NSSD and b th Ci, :,r; . � ' 1 ' s ' y e tx of Msnneapoliz�. Would you alsn pJ,edSe, " � , have the City of �'ridAey a��khorize the execution of the easement ��, deed to the City of Minr�eapolis for water mair► purposes in Main � Street N.E. an� 43rd Ave.N.E. Last, would you transm�t t� NSSp' the easemen� deed that z haye prepared between it and t,he C�,�k � o� Minaeapolis for th� present facilities which we have,in tha�� por�ion og Mar�hall Stre�et adjacent to NSSD property.. .. � • � . . , �, . , - ..� ' ' . „� . � ♦ . - . � � , .. � . . 0 . � , � ,M�� ' . .+ .� • . . . , , • , . 3�i � � � . � ' ,. M�. iiomer �nkzum � . �'un� 24, 1970 . . , � •' Fage 3 • ` . '* � I have at�tempted to talk to Mr. Herrick today but ho is aut of town unti��Monday. It would appear that he still has the ori- qinal and a copy of the easement deeds that x sent him undor my ' 1+�t�ez oE .�tarch 18, 197Q. Would yau �r Mr. Juster plea�a� qet. . ' from him �hea�a 8aaument�? May I D�jlea�e hea� �ran .you about this matter ' at your eazli�a� 4 r�`:' , �,:. .� � wt��{1F�•Ii��fi�Qe� r� • ' � ' - � � � � ,����. � ' . ... . . .. . . . . , . . . . •t"`� ^ r . y� r •. � 1 � � .. ' • . .. . . I` . • . �~,"� r� �R� � , � • � , � � � � � • , ' �, . �ru y ' , � � � • . � � �� �. , � , ��� � i2�� • • - R.A�MOND H. HEGNA� � � ' : Assistant City Attorney - . RH�:b� , . � - ,a,A'CC a Mr. ��+cnaxd �'us�er :, � . . . ' ' � Cit.y A��ozne� �Qr` the , ; ' . _ ; }� �, ` C�ty o�. �'x�.a�e�► � , � - � ;: , . � ' � � ~ �. . • � . , � . lOaQ 8ui�.der� Excbanqe . Minn�apo�.is, Mi,�n. . , � , ; . �'; , � CCs Mr. V�.rqil C. Herr�ck � • � ' .. Attozney a� Law � � . . • 6279 Uni,versity Ave.N.B. � . . ,i. �, � •Fridley.. �Iinr�. 5542], , . . : , ' � ., , , , ' ' ' . . r � , , , . � , ' . , . . • � . . . . - •, . .. ,,, , � . . ' � • . .- . .., . . � ' . . . � � . . , . . ' . . . .. . . . . . . .' . , � ' . ' . . _ ,.. ' ,' • . /� . • � R . 1! • . . . � � •. ' � . . ' � . ' I • • ' . . . - . . , � ' ' ' . + ' ' • • . . • � , • . 1 LJ ;��-� ��� �-�� _�� ,� ,�,� � d�`'' �� �'G6 , � y , �t��� ���►�e�ture, .�� �u.......... .� ...................�...�......�� Qr:�y.. ...... ... .... .�o ��y��� NQR�.'H, SU�UIt$AN SANITARY Q$[�i,4 j�7'�'` �'j'('��+ »M.. ..„� .»� 1�.. „...I R�WWG6� ...«..ri.. .. ... ...h: .::.R.t`...}1.74'.YC.�i:4�.Y.* ................... ........... .....�...............................e.n...w.wa..�n.....,m.. nn. A��t117 �1 C �r�p�� ��Rty��er the lawa of tha Sta.te of............ Minnesota.�_.....�.� .................... pa.r6y o� t1t� JiriO par�, a�+d """"qttitit���I�'m � ».� ....................».............«............ 'Minnesota........................,...............�...................».........m..._....�..�...... a%rpora � ur�der Eh.a lawR oj' ihe 3te�te of ........................... .. ............................................................... �.........»......._.........�. A��l or 6h�s acaond �aarb, � �f tn ��et�1 T�aE tlu igid part� o� tlu �rst par�, tn aonsukro.tion of the r�aw •> t�ne and Nof ].p0 �$1.QOj and other va ues received________________ �..,.,,. �'/�"�//� �nN�� eM.� nt.� � n�• r� rr� •. n .��..��w�...���.......�..������.�.r..�.�..r.���rr����. • • twt� p/�/��� to u t� ha�+d pa,�ut � by the +aid pa.rty vf ttu .eoond pa,rt, tlu recdpt cvlzereo> ii iisreb�, aoknowkd,�ect, daeM Tisrab,� (3ran6, Bar,�ain, Quiiala�imy a�d Corivcy unto th� eatd pardyy of tha ieoond paa�t, t�s iu�svr+� a�d aq�sd�n�t, Forcva�, all Aht tract...........:or ycirotl......,.. of larzd tyi�P aRd betng �tn th,e Cry���nty f,.. �•Y�e Vw' V M�F'+��r.rtinrwl ...... ° .......................... ...................dnd 9tcite of'.Aftnneaota, described cu folkwt, tawitttr �n. Ar� easemen't b6 feet i.n width.for the sole purpose of ma3ntaining therein Cha �atex maia, �as �nai,u �nd undsrground and overhead electric utilitiea now locateu W�thin $aid 66 foot axea av�r and across a11 that part af vacated Marshal�l Str�et NQrth�a��. �.ying betwee� the North right of way line of 37th Ave. N.E. and the South line of T.ot 36, Auditor'e Sybdivision No. 39. This easem�ent is givan a�d aCCepted t� the eot�ditian Chat it is granted fox maintenance of the aforedesc�ibed axistiA� uti�.�.�y earvi.c�a only and that �►qtbing her�in contained ahaii be ccnetrued as g�+�Cir�g (i) any �iglnt tq instal.l, adc�itiona7, utilities oi any kind �tthiA �sid e+�smst�t ar�a or ��.i) �ny Pth�r rights within said esesiaeat area. , F���� party �hall have the z�ght at ita so18 option to re].ocate ak itet eole cort �d e�cpenee and on its property any or all of the utilitp aervices above deacxibed provided that (�) �ervi�ces aha11 be grovided,by the relocated faci�ity be�fore Ch� old faeil.ity i� discontinued, (ii.) the relocated facility sha11 conneCt With the �tistin� facili�y at or within first party's property line, (iii) such new facil.iki.aa shal�. be const�ucted in a good and wo.rkmanlike manner and of acce�table qua�.ity , materiala� and (iv) new easements o� normal width and upon customary terms �hall be grant�d far main�enanee of th� relocated facilities. Upon completion a� xelocatio�n o� any of the aforede�cribed util�ty aervicea •1z� CanfQx'taity with the; te'xms abov� st�ted or the voluntarg removal ther�o�, this eaee�n� shall be au11 and void as to the services so removed ox re].pcated and u�on r�location in conformi�y w�th the`terms above stated and/or volu�tary ramcaval oi all �uch utility aexvices �his easement shall become nul�. and void and upon this easecuQtiC b�ca�►ir�g �ull and vaid, the party of the second part shall furnish first party� ��� successora or a8signs, with �ppropxiate'evidence that this easement is of no furthe]c force artd efiect, upon request o� first party. ,. ., TE�S 'ZNSTRUMENT I$ EXEMPT FAOM STATE DEEA TAX. - QGo �jAbe anb ta �e1D t�e �►Ame,', �'ogstlaar wi.th ai1 the l�p��g�t T� apAurknanoei ��i it�o bolo�,�n,� Or LA anyw�ee apFrprtaintn�, to ihe �atd p4�r�y o� t1w suoond,�ar#, �Ee'tt�oatar� a�d w�tjM, ! M .:1,.. �'pI'�T� r . ._ . , ..�.. � � 1 ' , ' ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 22, 1970 41 PAGE 1 The uieeting wss called to order by Chairman Erickson at 8:05 P.M. ROLI, CAI,L: ' Members Preaent: Minish, Erickson, Schmedeke, Harris Member Absent: Fitzpatrick Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant ' , II C ' ' ' � ' , APPROVE PLANNING cQMISSSIUN MINUTES: JULY 8, 1970 1�TION by Minish, seconcied by Harris, that the Planning Ca�raisstOn Mtnute�s af July B, 197o be approved. Upon a woice vote, a1I voting �ye, the mptfon csrried unanimously. RECEIVE •PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS _� UTILITIES SUBCO1�iI�TEE ML�TUTE$� J�,y 8, 3,970 M�TION by Schmedeke, secanded by Min,fsh, that the Planning. C4�pra,isasipn reCO�vq the rainutes of the P1ats � Subd.�visions-Stxeets & Utilities 9ubco�ranittee meetirtQ of Ju1y 8, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr.ted uria�n�ta�ou�ty. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CODTTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES• JULY 9, 1970 M�TION by Narris, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Co�ission rece.ive the minutes of the BuiZding Standards-Design Control Su.bcormnittee meet.ing pf Ju1y 9, 1970. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, the motion carrted unanitaously, - RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JULY 14 1970 1NbTION by Minish, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Comtnission receive the minutes of the Board Appeals meeting of Ju1y 14, 1970. Upon a voice vote, A11 v�ting aye, the motion carried unanimously. l. �LIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION -0F A PROPOSED PRBI.IMINARY PLAT P.$. �70-02, BY GFAAGE �I. 1�ELSON: Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129. 2. PIIBLIC HE!►aING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SP �70-08, BY GEORG$ P. NELSON: For an automobile parking lot and recreation area to be located on the N� of Lot� 30 and 31, except tbe North 125 feet, of Auditor�a Sub- division �129. The Engineering Assi$tant euggested that, because these tWO requests invalve ' the same piece of ground and development, and that the plat is contingent upaa the Special Use Permit, they could be considered at the same time. ' LJ ' I'� ' LJ ' �J � �x� �lanning Commission Meetin� - JulY 22z 1970 � ra�,e Z The Public Hearing Notices for the Pro�osed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #70-02, by George N. Nelson for Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision �129, and the Sp�cisl Use Permit Request, SP �70-0$, by George N. Nelson, for an automobile parking lot and recreation area to be located on the N� of Lots 30 and 31, except the North 125 feet of Auditor�s Subdivision 4�129 were read by Chairman Erickson. Mr. Nelson, Sr., Mr. Nelson, Jr., Mr. William Merlin and Mr. Otto Schmid of Urban Planning & Design, Inc. were present. Mr. Nexaon, Sr. reviewed the request by saying their intentions were to build apartmeAte. Originally they took ateps to rezone the whole site because thez�e had been aome objections to build apartment buildinga o� proper�y_zoned reaiden- tial, Naw they decided to restrict themselves to building on the laad zoaed fpr apartments, use the rest oP the land for parking and subdivide the aix lots ot► Onondaga Street. The lota on Onondaga will be 80`x12S` except the Westerly lot which will be 115'x125' to allow for a 30 £oot easement on the Westerly edge for future road. Mr. Otto Schmid explai.ned that the project has the same layaut �s presentsd ' 1asL Win�ex, w�th the exception the agartment buildings will be on property zoned lt-3, and th�y are asking ior a Specal.al Use Permit for park�.ng and rec���ti�nal area. Ttzs �ite aould be mare attractive if they were allawed to devslop thl� �trea ' bet�w+een tha h+om�ss on Onondaga Street and the apartments for park.�.ng �nd recr��tioa �ot the apartments. ' ' ' ' ,� I� ' LJ ' �' Mx. Wi1�.iam Merlin added that, as a� alternative to the p�.at, they would Zik.e ths Planning Commission to consider the poseibility of a str.est thxough the �iddl� of the block so that they can do something with the inner portion p�` the block. They believe there is a particular hardship because of the in,ri@x'"part �f the block. These are long 1ots, and they would like some way to develop the ' middle arEa; therefore, they were ask.ing for a Special I7se Fermit or Variai►ce. Becauae a Varian�e a� Spe�iel Use Permit is heard by different committeea, it' waas decided to begin with Che Special Use Permit. Chai�man.Erickaon s�id they had about 14,.QQ0 square feet-and they cw�1.d go to� the Board o�- Appesls far a variance r�n � the -area requirements . ' Mr. George Hanson, 1476 Onondaga Street: He said the prapased plat will'' give the petitioner the s�ne density as if they had rezoned. 1) Tl�e neighbvre felt the request should be denied because of schooling. The children in thi� area right now are being bussed to Blaine School. 2) Lookin$ on t1�e map, Che area all around the S� of Lots 30 and 31 are zoned R-3. We don`t believe the Comm.i.asion, because someone wants' to speculate on R-1 property, should feel �:t 8hauld be granted. At the Council meeting they had a petition against thes xezoniag of 60 signatures, everyone in the are8, except two people. They don't object to the apartment building on 73rd Avenue but, as far as rezoaing It-1 property to increase the density for the apartments by making a parki.ng at�d' recreatidnal area, they do object. Last year the Planning Commiseion O.R.�d the �ezoning request but Council turned it dawn ior the people. Thia year Che esID�. He thought the Council took into consideration the wants of the working peop�e- in thle area. When every person in that whole area does not wanC an apartu�ent there, th�re will be no be�nefit from it. He would like to see the Commissioa de�y it. ■ ' '� ` � ' Plannin� Com�niasion Meetiag - Julv 22, 1970 PaSe 3 ' Mr. Hanson was informed that the Council did not deny the last requeat -- the petitioner withdrew the request. Also.that the Spring Lake Park School District was studying the possibility of a new school on Osborne Road aud Lake- si�e Road. ' Nick Barrett, 7450 Lakeside: When he applied for a new home, he was told he was going into oae of the finest districts in Fridley. He was born and rais�d ' in Cf1�.GA$O so he knows what it is to have tenements and apartments. He lived i.n Southeast Mimneapolis �or ten or fifteen years. At first it was one of the best places you couXd live in all of Minneapolis. If you take a tzig dowa there t�aa, you will aee what happens with all your apartments and ev�xy Chiag. That ' waa why he moved away from there -- undesirable characters and living canditior�e. What he had seen so far thia evening, he would hate to see come to pass. , , ' � ' ' ' ' , , Robert Persgard, 7430 Lakeaide: If the petitioner could build the housea firs� on 4nondaga and sell them before t%e apartmeats wexe built, maybs the people wau�d be given more consideration, as they might not like ths apart�sn��, I� the apartments were built first, he didn't think the houaes would se11. Chairaian Erickson explained the proposed plat would be "L" shaped, it wau�d be the �hole piece without any buildings. The Special Uae P�rait Was fp� pa�cki�g attd recr�ational purposes. Mr. Harxis wondered 1� the Special Us� Pe�t we�re grant�d, would Mr. Neleon have to-get a vaxiance. The answer was hs would ii` he wanted tv build more unita than the land zoned R-3 permits. Mr. Geoxge Hanson: I� the Fridley Code does not allow more than 40 un1t� �or the au�ount of land Mr. Nelson plans to use, then there would be moxe than a�p�.e parking sgace an,d there would be no need to get a S�ecial Uae P�rmit Pa� parking. Mr. Nelson sai.d th� zoning ordinance provides, with the denslty as 1t �.a� ample room #or parking two cars per unit. l�lnTION 1� Xarris, .seconded by Minish, that the P1ann.ing Co�tssion v.lo�e ;.. the public hearing of the propqsed Preliminary Plat, P.5. #70-02, by Geot'ge N. Ne.is6n for Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision #129. Upvn a vo�ce vote, a�il voting aye, the mot#on car�ried unanimously. ; Mr. Harxia questioned if there could be tiie possibility of access onto 4nomdaga Street from the parking area. The Engineering Assistant said that oaa way of preventing this wou�d be to.put the recreation area next to the 3Q foot �asement and � allo�w traffic from Onondaga to the parking lot. The Weste�cly 115 foot corner lot, even with the.dedication of 30 feet will present ao probl�m. Chairman-Erickson..asked the copies of the pxeliminary sketch used thie; eveaing be numbered and dated.. MpTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission recpm- , mend approval to the Counci.l of the proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #70-02, by Gev.rg� N. Nelson of T�ots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 subjeat to �he necessary 30 foot easement for a road on the West side of the plat� subjeGt to ' any -v�ier utili� esse�at,s,: thett •the plat frna2aBes_e11F�ix Iots on Onondaga Street and �he other 1a�ge parcel to remain in one. Upon a voice vote, al.� vot.ing aye, the motion czerried unan�mously. ' ' , , ' , � �J , � � � , � `� PlanninA Cou�misaion Meetia� - July 22, 1970 Pa�„ Mr. Minish asked if the Planning Commissioa should recommend approv�l of the Special Use Permi.t, and if the Council were to approve the Plat and the Special Uae Permit, would that mean the petitioner could use the land for only a parking lot? Darrel Clark answered "qes"; however, if they wish to build more units than the R-3 land will allo�w, they would need a variance. Mr. Harris asked if there would be acreening along the new North liAe. Mr. Merlin answexed that they do want to have screening. They do not know what kind yet� as sarae people like a fence and some don't. . MOTION by Sciunedeke, seconded,by Minish, that the Planning Co�ission close the gublic hearinq for a Spec�al Use Permit, SP #70-08, by George N. Nelson for- an automobile parking lot and recreation ares to be located on the North Aa11% oP Lots 30 and 31, except the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdivision No. I29: Upon a voice vote, a11 voting sye, the motion carried unanimously. Cbairman Erickaon concluded that the request is about the same as that pre- sen�ed in the past, except Chere are no buildimgs on the North plece. Ths Cota- mi�aion has apent aomething ov�r a year study3ng this problem, has appxoved it twice, fseling that the area is somewhat of a problem because of the leagth o� th� l.ots on Onondaga and this is probabl3� a reasonab].e use. He would like to see that the recreatior� area be moved to the West.aad the parkiag to the $ast to �3v� groate�c ptatectlon to the residential arsa and ��rict accesa to 0�o�adags. MbTICM► by Minish. seconded by Schmedek�. that" the Planning>Co�,is��on�reC�t- rr�nd approval to the Council oP the Special Use Permit, SP iY70�08, by Geos�e N. Nelson far an automobile parking Zot and recreational area to ba lpaated Ora th� 1V� of .Lots 30 and 31, exaept the North 125 feet of Auditor's Subdiv�s�on No. 129 wi Gh the condi tions that the peti tioner reverse the location of the xecreatt�onal aa�ea with the parking area, e�ect screening between the residential lots atid th� recz�eation and parking area, and that there be no access to Onondaga Street. Upqn a voice vote� all voti�ng aye, the motion carried unanimously, 1Hr. Minish added that the reason for the approval is that the proposed u�e o.� the property, with a Special use Permit, allows greater flexibility oia the South portion, thus making.better use of the property. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. i�70-03, INNSBRUQC NO1tTH BX : VISWCON, INC.: That portion of the F3� of the S'� of Section 24. 4. PU$LIC HEARING: REZONING REQUE3T: ZOA �70-05, BY VIEWOON, INC.: For that , portion of the E'� of the SE� of Section 24 to be rezoned frow R-1 ta 1�-3 (general multiple family dwellinga) or R-3A (apartmenta only). � ' ' �� The Pub lic Hearing Notices for the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. �70-p3, Innsbruck North and the Rezoning Request, Z0A #70-05, for that portion of the �� of the Sk'n' of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 or R-3A, by Vie�wcot�, Ine. were read by Chairman Erickson. The petitiona were represented by Charles Van Eeckhout and Darrel Fars. The Engiaeering Aseietant explained the petitioner hes pu� the R�1 lots: �.n the Weaterly portion qf th� proposed plat totalling six bl4cke; and tbe, Easterlp portion into t�►q large out�ots (C 6 D) for multiple dwellinge Witb � tMtlax 8 beia� a atoro� ee�er holding basin as h��� �� park for the reoidaat�. ' ' � ) o�e M�t� �- .� �. 22 197 � , The P�.�.ts & Suhdivi,ai.ans-Stxee�s & Utiiities Subcommittee eaamined the prvpoaed p�at pxeviously �his evening and recot�anended appxoval. Outlots C and D taay be replatted later. ' , � ' � ' lJ , ' �� � ' , , ' , Mr. Farr explained that the initial precept was whether or not they could bu�11d a residential development economically feasible and sti11 mai.ntain the character of the site. The plan that eventually evolved is ecanon�i.cally feasible and they believe maintains the natural amenity and character of the site. Theix thiaking was as follows: 1) The affect on adjacent residential property. 2) Haa t�ey cqu�.c� have prqpex �ngress and egress sa as not to cr�ate a burdeneo�pe �ra�fic prob].em. 3) Other conaideration wae whether it could be properly s07c��- � vic�d by utili�3.es. 4) Eccmomics. CouJ.d they actual.ly achieve e�nough d�tsity �o make it a pxo�itabl� ve�ture. , Mr, Farr continued Cha� having held two meetin�� with most of the people px�seaC this evening, they i�ad cansidered their queations and desiree. Sasical.ly, the lausd use breakdown ia as £ollows : 60 acres of single fami.ly hotaea with �two 7.sate to the acre; 852 units of townhouse type apartments with a de�s#ty of il units to Che acxe, making an. average density of 7.3 umita per ac�e. The -- - Na�therly piece, which projects from the pzoposed plat and will be d�dicltCed-' �ar park purposes, GOTL�8iA$ about 10 to 12 acres. They felt they h�v� dpa� -' what th� peop�.e, �.n $eaeral, deaire. He xeferred to the mag of ttte Weet�rx7,}� .bQ acr�s which ehcr�sd wha� Ch�y proposed to do with Che single fatai.�y xe$�de�ce��i ` '1'kie lo��ai��a wi�1 be over mi.niu�um aize. The 276 unite �o the E,e►eC Ki11 b1� = simi�.ar �a tho�� in Broakly� Center. �''he uriits ar� al.� ai.ngl� ap�xtm�nt ua1C� . fac.�.ng o�e direc�ion. The buildings are 2� �o � storiea because �# the grad�+i. They have also purchased th� land to the East to Silver I,ake Road-fo'r a majo� a�cesa in that direction. The Chairmara asked about the tax torfeit lots adjacent to tt►e. p�operty th� p�titioner intends to donate for park, and Darre7. Clark said th�_C�.ty has recenrly, by Resclutian, asked that �he County wi�hhold from their tax forfeit sale �eVeral oP Che J.oXS, about 10 acres, so that there wauld be a common boumdary betweeri the two sites. George 0. Nustad, 5365 Mat�erhorn prive: Mr. Nustad said he was a�c�apxe88�i� tative of the Innsbruck Home Owners' A,asociation, and the Board had he�.d a taeret� ixtg Tuesda,y night. He was directed to say they were in support of the plan& �8 presented by Viewcon, Inc. Herman J. Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail: He said, as pointed out bq Viewcon, they had met with them ou two occasions. Viewcon had been conslderate of the w�shea of the people. Regazding ;ezoning, Viewcon had certainly provided an - adequate buffer for the neighbors on the West -- no objections at all. If this. specifi.c p�an were to be approved and actuallq follawed, he would have np objec- t�ons. He wondered if there were some waq to control the construetion �o tttat �he actual. canstxuction of a eingle family dwelling would be required, and if the R�1 did not get built, theq could not come in with tawnhouses. Chaixman Erickson said the answer to that::is it is diff�cult to tell a developer haw he is going to develop, but if the plat were accepted and raCO�ded� it Would be difficult to change the R-1. This way it serves to protect the C1Cy �s the land will be platted. V�rginia Walberg, 5659 Regis Trai.l: She had heard the atatememt mads kh�t ' tawnhouaes can be built in R-l. She w�ts into�cmed that it is pe���ib�.�+� bKt y. 4 ' C� ' � L1 � � L. , Plaanin Coatmissioa Meetin � Jul 22 1970 ' P a 6 �h8'�e are manq stipulstions to the aem� as R-1. Roger D. Blohm: He wanted to be from Hwy. #694. Mr. Farr aaid ments ars proposed to b� fairly c the right o# way and �rill be thre Couincll,doea not ne�essarily mean follaw aad that the densitq would have to be knaw haw f ar back the buildinga are goiag to the residential i� on the West and the apaTt- lose to the right of �ay, about 30 feeC fram e story buildinge. Ho�wever, approval by the that thia plan will be adopted, Mr. B1oh�a said h1s umderstanding was that there would be approxlmate�y 8!iQ utiite� Ae did not feel that 5ilver Lake Road, �:n conjunction with Matterho� Srid�e and the overpass of �694, would be able to haridle the traffic irom thi! a�rea wi�hout. a clovsrleaf.. Silver Lake Raad is dangerous juat ae �.�k is. When he loolc� from:his property across the highway, he is mainly concerned with the apartmeats bEing aa clo�e to #694. As far �e he was conceraed, he thought the- City of Fridley aad the Highway Department should give it some study beiore ths t�caffia becomes a problem. ' One thing the Chairman wanted to clarify was that it does not appear a Bpaeial iJse k�rmi.t �.s needed for tawtihouses as before the tawnhouse appl�cation - �.� gr�se�te�dt the �eques� goea to-�uilding Standa�da-DesigA Control Subaomt�it��� , �.d theA to the Couacil. If �hey approve it, the applicat�.on gose back �o tha Planniu� Gommissicm tb be checked aad the final plan goes bQfore Counail� : x, _ : Mr. iiermaa Bergman asked #or a confirmatior� af a comment. I� Che reqiae�lt ' fo� a p�el.i�ainary plat ia approved, that p�.at would have a negaCivs ef£ect oti: auy future �owniiouse request? ChairmaTi Erickaon said h� believed �t wou�.d �.n"�1�• aiinda oi the Plannia� Commission or Council, bein$ that the plat is presented ' ' as a single �amily development. It would be difficult ta get a tawmhouse projoo� approved. � i� � C'' C_� 3maes A. Polzak, 1527 Trol].hagen Drive: Mr. Polzak identified I�m+�e�! ae Pfieaident of the Innisbzuck Hotae Owners Aasociation. He referxed to th,e px�tvipLt� attempta for developing th� land, The people bad pxesume� tbat C�.e laAd wquld atay� under R--1; however, ,it Was inconceivable that tliie large beautiful. tr�teC, o£ land could remain much longer ae it is. It was felt the ot%ex plaas we�s n�gati.vs, but this plan does represent a consi$tant developmeat of tite area �bat �s saCisfaato��* to tliose o� the Board. It gives a huffer zone; giavee the peo�►l�e an the West ten lots of buffer zone; tract pattern --�- they don�C� e7cpect tbs kis�: of prpb�eme they have seen in other pla�ns. 8e kno�e thnt "evi.1 lurk� ia the itearts of all mea" but the 8oard did.nat have any reaaon to auapect tiut Fsrr.' people and have been pleased with their quality of aiacerity. Tbey are askirtg far a plat which Would eatabliah the area to the West as single family. Ti�p iavor the rezoning change and the plat and will eupport them. ' Herman Bergman: He would like to suggest the Planning Cammiaeion recodmtend approval of the rezoning and the preliminary plat with one additional com�emt. I� the conversatioas with Viewcon, theq have discussed the extension of Regi� , Trail into the development ares to line up with their Southerly throug% a���et. 7�'hey are coacerned with the amount of traffic through their resi�deatial ar�a. He was euggesting that Regis trail go through but not line up with their througtl uCreet. Ferhape the �hrough street could be xouted more to the Soutl� than the ' proposed plat now elwws -- about 15Q or 200 feat to line up with Hiliwix�d Road. �e thought that ehould provide a better all around egress pattexn �or emexga�ep vehla7�es getC�ng in and still maintain a moderate traffic problem ia the reai�- dential area. t_J u � ' ' , ' L�J u � u , � �� � , � u LJ LJ ��� Plannin Commission Meeti.n - Ju1 22 1910 P 7 H�Chaway Lane 3.a a State Aid Road, and hae a very ste�p grad�e aa it. Mattex� harn Ar�.ve ie al.ao a State Aid Road and it will have to be e�t�nd�d North �a (�arden�. The ori,ginal alignment was to curve to the East. The Grace Hi�h School aaked that it b� ].ocated one lot depth West of their West baundar�r. There is a watermai�n �,ocated in the present alignment which fs East of the n� al.igniaent aad pxobably would have to be relocated at the Northern part of this plat. It would be a problem ior the propos�ed through street to line up with Matterhoza Drive at a poiat whlch wou7.d nax interseat Regis Trai1 as that would be on State prop�rty. Mr. Aer�aan wondered if �in� through street could not line up with Hillwiad, per- hape they cou�d offset ta the South and dead end Regia Trail, but wiCh thR s�f�`+�e�� Rogie Tz^aii aould. go through end then dead end at Matterharn. Chai�aan Er1�lcfoA �aid he� �sal.izsd it would be desirable £or them to have that acceea. • T.awe1�, Me11ws, 5517 Regie Trailr Wondered if the sewers wer� large e�fiough Ce handle ths proposed densi.tp, and if the waterlines were big enough. - Aa'rrel Cl,ark sai.d, zegarding water, there wauld be no probleaa. Thete ie a 1G iaeh aatermain running down Mattexhorn Drive at the presenC titae. �o� etorw aewe�, Viewcan propases using ponding areas on the slte for outfalls. 8at�.it�sy sewer is ths real pxoblem and most expensiva, but there are three poeaib�.11tiss-.-. to conside�: part in New Brighton and part �n Fridley, all �.n New $rigt�tpa_�d thirdly, hp�d �he sewage �n res�rvoi�s and discharge �t at o�f peak hpuxa� Th�� Er�gineexci.n� A�aistan,t said 'he had talked _ to Mr. Queatin Waod, Vi�,1�ge $A;�asA�; 0!�' Naw 8ri,ghtcnn who admitted �hat they are a littls bit slow on thai,x camploC• ov�r• a11 ssw�sr dssi�m. They wau�.d b� wil�.ir�g to accept the sewage �.E �hey h�d the ` ��p+�citp.' �ec�uae oi the terrain; l.ift stat�one wot�ld probablq havs to be �sd. i� conju�aC�o� with any o� th� other methods. - Fpuzi Rehani, 1S4S Berne �taad: He would like t4 knaw �heth�r Mr. Pa�z�c . spoke for the members a� the Board o� Innsbruck �iome Owners Associatioa,. a� i1: ther� was an actual poll of the members. There are six people o� th� $pard� His posi.tian was the same as Mr. B1ohm's. He l.ives di,rectly South o� �b94 _at^�d. �s. aonc�;ned about the views. Mr. �lohm asked why the request, was �or apartment zoning, Mr. Van_Ee�1�q�tt..;. answered that �.�. was an apartment building, not a to�mhouse, and thep ar� Fa11pd-. a,tawni�ouse type of apartments. The unixs run a11 the way _�rau► the fr.ont t� - the back. 'The living rooms : and dini�,g rooms face a common green a�eea. Mr� $�;Q�tu said tha� becauae the townhouse apartments will be built so alase to the H�.gh�aq and directly facing his property, and the traffic prob].em theq w�.11 create, etitd 1� no� solved when this petition comes up before th� Council for a t4eaxli�g, ;t�e wi1�. preaent his objectio�s to the Council. Mr. Van Eeckhout said he believed the project mlght be fini.shed iA froAi thxee to five years. If Chey get approval from the Counci�., they waut�.d im�a8di#�te�1y be�ng in the plat on the Westexly part of the concept. They intend to devslop tk��a R-�1 a�d th� towtihouse ; apartments simultaneously ae much as passible. Mr, Harxis etated his concern was that if this should be a i'1ve ye�ar p;oj#Ct� �heze would neceasarily be a large amount of duet, movi.ng of d�.�rt and g�aer��; co�►etrucCion in the single fa�aily area. �Over this �leagth of tims, he could pe�-� �ei.ve some pxoblems with the neighbora. Mr. Van Feckhout anewered t�►ey iatend to �ome in on the proposed permanent road fram Silver Lake Road. , � � � � ' ' ' , ' � � � � , � �, r �� ' � 'J �� I� � ,� 4f� �lann Commission Meetin -.Iul 22 1970 P e 8 lFK.�T.TON by Narr�is, seconded b� Minisl�, that the Planning Co�sntssion opntinua tv the August 5, 1970 m�et.�ng cO�a3ic�e.z�at.�OA oaE the Prvposed Fxelim{xlr��y P1�t, F.S, 1�7Q^03. by V�eWCOn, �'nc. of the E� of the ,5� of Sectio.n .?4, �tnd th� R��or�- �ng Request, ZOA #70-OS, by viewcon, Inc. to r�zone the E'� o� the Sl� o�' Saotion 24 to rez�ne from R-1 to R-3. Upon a vo.tce vo�e, a1.1 votinq sye, �he ntottorl caxr.i ed unanz mous.l y. 5. PLANTING BOULEVARD (40 FOOT) IN MOORE LAKE HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDITION. As explair�ed by Darrel Clark, th3.s is the only plan�ing etrip in the�Gity at the present t�tme. This piece of property 1s 1aw, and there is +� aulvext on W�s� Moo�e L ake Ar�ve for draina$e. There might be a prablend with dxai.ma$� if the 1a�d wexe �111ed. Th.ey felt aboux th� Qnly trse that will �rc�,t in ��iat_ type of 1,amd" is th� w�.l�.�a. The su��estion wae made to �ither plant or sbetadvt� t�►e aCr�.p> 'x'l�►e �1ann;�n� �a�:ssion decidsd to study this itew more. NP 8+.t1oIA. ADJOURNMENT ; Chairman k;ra.ckso� adjaurned the Planning Commission meeting a� 10:40 P.M. �spectf,�y s�ed Ha�Brian, Recording Secretary ' I I ' ' CI ' ' ' � ' ' ' � � ' BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF JilL�i 23, 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Harris at 8:04 P.M. r�IBERS PRESENT: Harris, Tonco, Gnerre, Hart MEMBERS ABSENT: White OTHERS PRESEN'T: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inspector I�TION by Tonco to approve the minutes of the July 9, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by Gnerre. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO EXISTING AUTO SHO$ TO BE LOCATED ON TIiE EAST 108 FEET OF THE WE?ST 216 FEET OF LOT BLOCK 1 NAGEL S WOODLANDS WHICH HAS BEEN RECENTLY SPLIT AND ADDED T� L_OT 2, BLOCK 1, NAGEL S WOODLANDS, THE SAM6 BEING 960 OSBORNE RQAD, : MINNESOTA. (REQiJEST BY FRIDLEY AUTO BODY, 960 OSBORNE RQAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) Mr, Eugene Bonnett was present to present the request. Mr, Bonnett stated that the exteriot of the additi.on will be the sa� as a� the present building. The present building has peinted block Wal�s aAd the addition will be painted to a�tch the existing buildiag. A I.6" ce�nt blocik wall would be provided along the drainage easement on the south side af Che property to prevent any further washing out pf fi11 over the black- top of the gr�party to the south. Mr'. Bonnett would also provide sc {eening by inserting slats into the existing cyclone fence along the west line of the parking area as well as the westerly 20 feet of the south line. The �oard asked Mr. Bonnett if he was going to have any type of security 'lighting in the back. Mr. Bonnett stated that he would be putting one ia on the back of the addition. MQTION by Gnerre to reco�►end approval of a building permit for the addi[iqn to the auto body shop. Seconded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, all voting�aye, the wotion carried uaanimously. 2. C�SIDF.RATIOld OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A GUARD HOUSE TO B; ' I.OT 7, AUDITOR S SU$DIVISION N0. 79, THE SAME BEING 48TH b N.E,� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY F. M. C. CORPORATIO�T MARSHALL AVENUE N■.E., FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA.) ' ' ' ' Mx'. T. W. Collins waa.present to preaent the request. l` .L�4 �ii��3 Mr. Collins stated that the new building will be replacing the preaent guard house. The present guard house will be removed with the approval of the Fed`eral Governmeat. The new guard house will be built at the maia entrance. The building will have a wood roof and the building wi11 be �ace brick. MOTIO�T by Tonco to recommend approval of a building permit to construct a guard house. � . '$econded by Gnerre. unanimoualy. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motian CAx�Cied � C� u �� � I� ' BuildinA Standards-Design Control Meeting of July 23, 1970 Page 2 3. C�iSIDERA A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT ---- TO BE LOCATEA ON LOT 5 ENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FR INC.. 203 COOPER AVEN OFFICE AND TERMINAL Mr. Richard Rennie, Mr. Ken Ellison and Mr. Ed Sheldon were present Co present the request. Mr. Elliaan stated that the lot had been brought up to grade according ta what had been discussed with Mr. Qureshi. The buildi.ng will be an all block building. �he exterior will be painted ' witite, The upper and lower deck of the building will be spancr�C�. Tha bui�ding is to be setback 100 feet accordimg to City code. Also, a11 the easementa for the property have been recorded. , ' � � � � ' ' Mr. Hart arrived at 8;35 P.M. The trailers will be parked at the back of the building. The�e wi11 be no frei$hC handling aC thia terminal, There will be security lighte- �ra�►t�d the bulZding as shown on the plans. The greea areas were aleo , �t�o�ti om the plaas . Mx. Reunie �tated �hat there is to be a lounge oa the eecoAd flaox. �'hia loun�e will hav� accc�aodations for� the'�d�civ�rs �ta alauap. � will rttat be any cooking facilities . The Board stated that they would need a second means of egresa in case of a f i.re . it was decided that �erhaps Chey could put in a door on the secottd floor where they now ahow windows. This door would open onto the roof of Che buildiag for access to the mechanical roof units as well as provide amather means of egresa. The 8oard asked if the parking area in the back would be asphalt. �, R�x�nie aaid that they had planned to use grayel and oil because asphalt would not hold up with a11 the turning around of the heavily loaded trailera. I[ was then stated that accordiag to Che City code all parking areas must be asphalt, coacrete, or other hardsurface. MOTION by Gnerre to recoarnend approval of a building permit subject to , the following stipul.atioas: 1. �ut up a stop sign for the trucks to stop before entering the streeC. C �I ' ' 2,� Provide a aecond means of egress fram the lounge area. 3, Provide a 10 foot radius on all concrete curbing around islands aad entries. ♦7' 1 Bui_,,,1_d�g Standards-Deaign Contzol Meeting of July 23, 1970 PaSe 3 Secoad�d by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tha motion car�'ied unanimoualy. . , ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Harris at 9:28 P.M. Respectfully submitted, r,�d� ��� �,ROL CiIUABK Secree$ry ' � .' ' ' y ' ' , 0 .`-�1_ ' ' � ' 1. C ' ' ' � � ' ' ' , , ' THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF �PPEALS MEETING OF JULY 28, 1970 _ �.'he, meeting wae called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Minieh, Ahonen, 0'Bannon, Sondheimer Ml'�SBERS ABSENT: Drigans OTHERS PRESENT: None � 1�TION by 0'Bannon to approve the minutes of the July 14, 1970 meeting as written, , Secanded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion c$rxied unanimously. � M�C. Ralph Scherniar�z� wa� px�sent to present his request. A survey showing the loeation of the present houae and the propased �s�+��e, �nd a pictuxe of the 1ot were ahown to the Board. � Mz, Schermann explained that there ia a fornal dlning zoou� windaW �utd a aox�tzex kitchen windaw on the Weet side of the houae. If he would hav� Co iollvw �he requirementa of the Code and place the garage 30 feet bac�C from 74tb Ave�aue, the garage would cover up both of the Windaws. He statad he hae uarrvwed the garage as ueuch as he can but it will still be on].y 10 feet fxrnn Che Weat side of the house and 4.85 feet from the lot l�ne. IC Wi11 be a 24 foot by 20 foot double garage. G'k�aixmaa Miniah asked if he had talked to any of hia neighbors about the variance. Mr. Schermann etated the lot to the Weat o� the garage is vacanC, the house acrass the etreet is rental pxoperty (the people felt they had no righ� to ear anythin� abou� it as they are rentir�g) and the people direcCly to the Noxth oE his pxoperty have no objections as thei.r houae facee the cu1 de sa►e. 1rAT�ON by Sondheimer to close the �blic hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carzied unaaimoualy. 1�TION by 0'Bannon to recoaa�end to the City Council approval of the reque�t �ar the �allawing reaaons: 1. To preeerve the �ora�l. dining room windo� . . 2. Th� 25 foot aetback doei not hinder the view af the intersection. 3. A house could be built to face either 76th Avenue or MeadaWmoor Drive 4n �he empty lot to the West of thia property and thie requeet Waul�d pot obetxuct �he building of it at all. rn J,�. �� �'he M3.nutes of Che Board af A eale Meetin of Jul 28 1970 YA s 2 Sesconded by 3ondheimer.` Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, tt►e a�tioa carxied unanimouely. AI?JOLTRNIlrIENT : Tt�e taeeting was ad j purned by Chairm�n Miniah �t 8: 03 P.M. Respectfully submitted, , MARY HTN �� �) Se�retary __ __ _- ,� <� . r.a : : -c c� ' � .. ..._ . . /I�l�I . /�')lt�.�. 560-3450 `��r: , . } ' . • � � � � ��f � ���le � �► � . � . � ., � � � `° ANOKA COUNTY �i 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 , '- -- . ____ ---- MEMO T0: CITY COUNCIL IFROM: CITY MANAGER "��' ' DATE: JULY 23, 1970 . ' ' Attached is a ro osed Resolution and correspondence P P • from the League of Minnesota Municipalities. The subject , can basically be considered - whether or not our Council wants tax exempt property redefined. Information is provided to the City Council in order , that a decision can be reached as to whether it is desired by that body that the item be placed on agenda for considera- tion August 3, 1970. � �,�,�...�. � ��.-,.�-�--�---- ' - . AOMER R. ANKRITM , ' HRA/ml ' Attachment CC: Finance Director , Assessor � ' City Attorney ' "� . • , ' , ' ' - � 1 . � �1 ILEAGUE OF MItdNESOTA � MUNICIPALI7IES '3300 University Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, Minn., 55414 Phone: Area 612/373-9992 ' .�uly 15, 197U � , , � 1 , � , ' ' , , : ,. : To iiayors , I-i2nagers or Clerks : � The erosion of t�►e property tax �ase t.zroughout the state by tiie steady growt:i ef tax-exempt property (as defined in tne i�iinnesota Constitution) is , a problem facing every municipal government in Minnesota. T�ie state lzgislature, recognizing the need to limit and redefine some of tae categories of property now classified as tax--exempt, voted unanimously to place an amendment on tne ballot in t'ne November 3 election concerning t"tiis issue. Amendment��Pl to tcie i•iinnesota Constitution, Article In, Section l, if a�proved b� ti.e voters, would allow tiie state legislature to make some sorely needed revisions in tlie nefinition of tax-exempt property. The enclosed fact s�zeet incluaes tile provision for tax-exempt property as it now stands in the Constitution, and the changes proposed by Amendm�nt 461. Tae League of :finnesota i�iunicipalities favors passage of the Amendmeat and is ask�ng every municipality in the state to pass a resolution of endorsement. A copy of a suggested resolution is encl�sed. Because the passage of this Amendment could be of real help to your community in paving the way for more equitaUle distribution of the property tax burden ana in lialting the tread toward more and more tax-exempt property, we urge your immediate consideration of tlLe resolution. Strong support of the Amend- ment by local com*nunities throughout the state �ai11 encourage support by the voter� on ilovember 3. If'tlie re�olution of endorsement is passed, will you please fi11 in the blanks on ttie'enclosed news release anu submit it to your local newspaper for �ubli= cati�n. By public-`zing any positive actien in t�half of Amendment ��1; we hop, to educate and inform tiie puolic on the benefits of voting "yes." . idill you please also send a copy of your resolution to tliis office so t'�at we may nave a record of the number of municipalities taking action on this measure. ' Sincerely, _ � �.�.�1� � , —1.�.-^ � �ean r_. Luna �xecutive Secretary 1�:�: dma r�_t_ 5r� � � I 1 I� , ' ' ' CJ C , . .- _ � 5� FAC`.i.' S1i�El U�� A:iEiJi/il�;`:vT 'tTO. 1 ANll THE ?�IIi1iVESOTA COrl'rfITTEE Oi1' TA?i-EXE:�T PROPERTY Amenument :Vo. 1 is a proposal to amenu the L�linnesota Constitution, Article 9, � Section 1, Providing for the Classes and Treatment of Property Exempt from Taxes. Tlie state constitution now provides that: '...puolic burying grounds, public school houses, public hospitals, academies, colleges, univ2rsities, and all seminaries of learnino, all c:iurches, church property and houses of worship, institutions of purely public charity; and public property used exclusively for any public pur�ose, sha11 be exempt from taxation." Amendment �10. 1 would add this sentence: '`The legislature may by 1aw, define or limit the prop�rty exempt under this section, other than churches, houses of worship, and property solely used for educational purposes by academies, colleges, universities and seminaries of learning.'' The Amendment, therefore, wi11 give the legislature the authority which it does not now have, to enact laws defining and limiting the property exempt under Article 9, Section.l, without changing the tax-exempt status of churches and houses of worship, or property used solely for educational purposes. � The Amendment, itself, cannot change tne status of any property that is presently tax-exempt. It will enable the legislature to make these changes by enacting Iaws. Some of the currently tax-exempt property which the �egislature might consider ' for change if the Amendment is passed includes college and school-owned residences for teachers; residential property of clergymen, some of whom� are without churches; camps and recreation grounds owned by d:urches and other non-profit groups; some ' retirement and nursing homes; vacant land owned by. institutians; and major private industry on land owned by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. ' ' , , � � � Tne 1969 state legislature voted unanimously to place the Amendment on the ballot in the i�Iovember 3, 197D election, following lengthy hearings on tax-exempt property in 1968 by a legislative'sub-committee. � The l�iinn�esota Committee on Tax-Exempt Property waa organized as a non-profit corporation to inform Minnesota ci,tizens on ths extent of tax-exempt property in the state and its effect on gover�ment operations and finances, and to make the public aware of Amendment No. 1 ar;d its providsions. The Committee's Board of Directors consists of: Lavid K. Roe, co-chairman President, t�innesota AFL-CIO iniheelock Whitney, co-chairman Chief Executive Officer Dain, Kalman & Quai1 William R. Chapman, treasurer Chairman of the Board �Iidland National Bank ' ' � ' ' ' ' � � ' , � � � ' Fact Sheet - 2 .. 5� i Thomas L. Anding Ernest A. Lindstrom Executive Director � State Representative Upper Midwest Resear�h and 'Distxict 28A . Development Council � Dean A. Lund Frances J. Boyden Executive Secretary � Director League of Minnesota Municipalities League of Women Voters of ' Minnesota Frances B. Paulu - _ _ _ __- _ Director Gladys S. Brooks _- League of Women Voters of Alderrian, City of Minneapolis Minnesota Past President, Minnesota Council of Churches Martin 0. Sabo State Representative Earl W. Cravens District 42 • President : � Greater Minneapolis Area Rita F. Shemesh Board of Realtors Executive Secretary . • Voyageurs National Park Association James Faber Director of Public Relations Minnesota Association of Commerce and Industry Bayle Greenberg is executive secretary of the Committee� The Committee is seeking support fpr its activities from organizations which have an interest in introducing greater equity into the.tax system. The Committee believes the issue of tax-exempt property to be of sufficient importance that voters should be thoroughly familiar with the topic and with the proposed Amendment concerning it. To overcome voter ignorance and apathy, the greatest opponents of any amendment, the Committee will sponsor a state-wide educational and informational campaign precedirig the November election. Distributed by: THE MINNESOTA COMMITTEE ON TAX--EXEMPT PROPERTY 3300 University Avenue S.E. , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Phone: (612) 321-1230 � .. . y , 1 � ' � ' ' ' ' ' , � , ' , ' �I � I! � � �� , � � �1��1 Rr:SOi�uiIO'_v E:vOP.SI�G A:^iEiJL:�iE\T :10. 1 ON TAX-EXEMPT PROPEP.TY kri E��l,•�'1S, ti:� City (Village) of _� is by 1aw almost totally dependent on tiie property tax to finance municipal services� and 4Tr.r;REAS, tae city (village) council is acutely aware of the burder. which pr��2rty t8X25 lIlly�.t�S2 Oi1 aroperty owners, particularly those indiv�c�uals living on fixen iaconea; az� Wr:EREAS, tize city (village} council is concerned about the steady growth in` tax�exempt property which serves to increase the burden of taxpaying property owners, and :T:�IZ��S, t:,e city (village) cou: cil �s not unmir.ciful of t�.e va?uable services perf��rmed �y �any tax-exem�t organizations, particularly r°ligious and educational institutio�s; aad w�:EP.�'AS, t.ie :•iinnesota Lagislature has tnoroughly studied tnis problem and a�:pressed its concera throug� t:ze passage of Laws 1969c.925, which �rop�ses to amend Article 9 S2ction 1 of the �1inn2sota Coi::.titution to peralit th2 L�gis?ature to define or limit the clas�es of exempt property, except churches, houses of worship and property used solely for educational.pur- poses ; :a�d . _ � .. _; _ .. , - � . -. - .. • , . ,. .. Wii�i.E�'1S, th� city (village) council believes tne �roposed amendment to be in tne beat �nterests of t:ie city (vill.age) of .�_ and the state as a w'r►o!z, aad represents a reasonable means of ineetin� the zeed to more eauitably sprea� tne burden of financing local govern:�ent services while at the same time avoic;iag i�►posing undue financial. hardshin on educational and relioious institutioas; _�OW TfiE�.EFOi:E BE I1 RESOLVEL that the city (village) council of .__ ___.__ � ennorse� tne �rinciples of equitaule tax policy and reform exemplified in ?,i:lendment :+o. 1 relating to tax-ex�mpt �rop�rty and urges its ratifir.ation. ' �� ' ~ .0 ,-, 1 Samplz of ideroa �:elea3e I . .5� i - � . _ - A raaolution urgin�ratificatio�i of Ainendment ��1, enabling tne legislature to aefine or limit certain categories of tax-exempt prop�rty, was passed by the city _ � (village) council at i!'s meeting in the �______ __ __ tlmendment i�l will appear on tlie ballot in ttie b�neral election on :vovember 3, a� ' a result of a unanimous vote by the 1969 state legislature. It will ar►end Axticle IX, . S�ct;o� 1 of the Plinnesota Constitution which provides tax•exemption for "�ubl�c L�urying grounds, public sc:�ool houses, public hostitals, academies, collegea, un;versi-• ties, anu all seminaries of Iearning, all.church�s, churciz �rd�erty and hous�s of ' � wors'r�ip, inst�tutions of purely public charity, and public property used exclusively � for any public purpove." , � ;'� The propossd �?.mendment ��1 �vould still protect "churches, houses of worshi� and ' I I property 5olely used for educational;purpose� by academies, colle�;es, un.i.v�rsities ' and seminaries of learning" but would permit the state legislature to "define or �' limit" other property waich has been granted tax-exempt status under various iz:ter � pretations of the Constitutional �rovision. � Ti1e Council believes the proposed amendment to be "in the best intere�ts of �,__.__._ i. f and the state as a whole,'� the resolution.stated, and represents "a reasonaUle r�eans of ineeting the need to more equitably spread the burden of financing local gov�rament I services, whil� at the same time avoiding imposing undue financial hardship oi1 ed� ; ` � ucational and religious institutions.'� JTiie Council's resolution tooK note of the fact that is almosC cotaliy dependent ori the groperty tax to finance municipal services and that tls� steady i' ' j growtii in tax-exempt property �!serves to increase the burden on taxpa�ing proper.ty � owners..." , �� ,' i•isntion was also made in the resolution o£ "the valuabl.e services perform�d by many I ! tax-exempt organizations, particularly religious a:�d �ducational institution�." ' ,I A majority of all persons voting in the election is required to pass th� Amendm,�nt. ' ' A endment is . . The ba11ot of anyone voting in the elect�.on who does not vote on th_ am � counted as a "no" vote. . , ' ' , • , t , ' ' ` � ' K. ' , �'I, I � � , , � � � ' � , � � , , � � !�' _�,\ ' �� �� ` � � a� � � E. C, Bathei & Associates engineers and land surveyors , 1550 Wist County I�oad G2, St. Paul, Minn. 55113 • 612-633-4463 Surv�ys . . • Tra, ffic : • Municipal July 21 , 1970 _ __ __ - - __- Mr. E.J. Lundheim;--p,E.-- _ Anoka County Engineer Anoka County Courthouse Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Re: East River Road - I-694 to Rice Creek Dear Sir: - � Attached are preliminary costs and computation data for the lighting along East River Road as requested by the City Engineer of Fridley. The costs are based on current Highway Department experience for Mercury Lamps with double masts. The level of illumination is fairly low and would be less than the amount now being installed on Highway #100 in Golden Valley. Spacings in Golden Valley are approximately 200-250 feet. Please call if you have any discussion on this matter. Sincerely yours, E. C. 6 TAER AND ASSOCIATES ..�'"� �2��- k�C�X/ �.- . �' ""�.�- Lawrence J. Gardner, P.E. LJG:ms Enclosure T.H. 15 Rou�e 3, St. Cloud 56301 � 718 W. Lilckfteld Ave., Wi!lmar 56201 �� . . . :.� -�. : �'?, :� �- .:_ �y _ „ ____ �` " �. - • ` C•� � ., _ . i ` • V � • . ` . ' ^ . !�_' � � . '_ , . ' EAST RIVER ROAD LIGHTING COST ESTIMATE ' ' • Illumination Level = 0.6 Feet Candles _ iMaintenance Factor = 75� Coefficient of U�il�ation = .47 � Lumen Output (Mercury Vapor) = 20,000 Lumens . , Spacing = 20,000 x.47 x.70 = 300 Feet .6 x 36 , , c' n � = 300 Feet Bas�c Spa � g Total Project = 6,000 Feet �_ Number of Uni ts = 20 Doubl e Li ghts i n Medi an Cost Per Standard = $1,404.00 ' (Includes conduit, connections, and installations) � ' TOTAL COST = $28,000.00 (Construction in 1971) , , _ . . ' . � i - _ - � 1 �_ . . : 1 . t � � � � MEMO T0: FROM: DATE: � c�t o Y�d�e � � ANOKA CO�NTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER JULY 28, 1970 560-3450 � 2 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 The City has adopted an education program, which is outlined in City Memorandum ��4-1970 dated May 18, 1970. In conjunction with the programs there are numerous sources of grants for education and training programs, with both State and Federal Aid avail- able. A person is needed who keeps abreast of the various programs and the courses available to our people, both through schools and extension courses. . This person would assemble data, act in advisory capacity to the employee and the City and in general coordinate the education program. Mr. A1 Bagstad of our Building Inspection Department is probably the best qualified among our employees to assume additional duties as "Education Coordinator". Mr. Bagstad is a graduate of the University of North Dakota. He has served as a principal of a secondary school. Also,while administra- tive assistant with Sylvania Electronics,.during the installation of the Minuteman II Missile Program, he coordinated educational extension and coorespondence courses for Sylvania Personnel. I recommend Mr. Bagstad be given the additional title of City of Fridley Education Coordinator. At present he would �ot be increased in pay, except for any overtime expended at this time. However, I would recommend that his salary be increased for use of his additional qualifications effective January 1, 1970. • HOMER R. ANKRUM / , �. The City Engineer concurs in this appointment ��et U.rw l�'t .�k%�i�:� MEMO T0: City Manager ' MEMO FROM; Harvey J. McPhee MEMO DATE: July 16, 1970 RE; Activity Report Attached is my activity report for the second quarter of 1970. ___ ___ _ _ � �/�G� ��--^�- � ,� �j''� � � / HARVEY J. jMCP�IEE Public He'alth Sanitarian � � � ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' 0 , �� 11. PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN _ APRIL, MAY, & JUNE ACTIVITY REPORT: � • 6201-6267 University - Moon Plaza Rechecked litter several times and wrote second & third violation tags. 5428 - Sth Street N.E. Rechecked litteY and wrote second violation tag. Cleaned-up after second tag. 5866 - 2nd Street N.E. Rechecked litter and has been corrected. 5980 - 2nd Street N.E. _ Litter complaint checked and sent letter. ' 6831 Highway �k65 N.E. Checked litter dumping and sent letter. 350 Bellaire Way N.E. Checked litter complaint and discussed with owner. 151-191 - 59Z Way N.E. Rechecked litter problem and has been corrected. 1500 Mississippi Checked and wrote letter to owner. Memo sent to Bldg. Inspection on condition of bui.lding . 1340 Mississippi Head louse problem checked on as complaint. Gave advice and also sent letter. 1490 - 64th Avenue N.E. Head louse problem checked. Sent letter on this problem and also litter .and junked cars. 1340 - 64th Avenue N.E. � Litter checked and discussed with owner. 7699 Viron Road N.E. • Litter checked and wrote letter. 6201 University N.E. Litter checked and sent letter. 995 Lynde Drive N.E. Litter checked and found satisfactory. Wrote letter since have history of complaints. 5251 Taylor Street N.E. � . Litter checked and sent letter. 591 Lafayette N.E, Checked litter problem. Discussed and also wrote letter. 0 ' �„ ' ' ' ' 1 . ' LJ ' � ' ' � ' ' ' � 0 �7312 Symphony � �' Rechecked litter on vacant lot. Not cleaned-up and wrote second violation tag. . . l I36 - 73 2 Avenue N. E. • Recheck of Lester Chie's property. Nothing done and wrote 3rd violation tag. 6634 Central Avenue N.E. Recheck of litter problem. Being cleaned-up at time of visit. 5233 Central Avenue N.E. Recheck of litter problem and not cleaned up. Wrote violation tag. 101-179-1$9 Charles N.E. Pool complaint. Checked and sent letter to owner. 7847 Elm N.E. Checked dilapidated house and sent report to Bldg. Inspector. 5400 - 7th Street N.E. Housing complaint. Handled by telephone. Columbia Arena Survey of food concessions and toilets. Sent report to manager. 226 - 57th Avenue N.E, I.itter problems at Holiday Car Care Center. Checked several times. Sent letter to manager on one visit. 1090 Hathaway Lane N.E. Reviewed pool plans. 151 - 59� Way N.E. Plumbing complaint in apartment building. Sent letter to owner. 41 - 662 Way N.E. Fence not complete around pool. Checked and letter. Own.er called to report that it is being corrected. 280 Mississippi Food survey and sent report to owner. , 6460 University Avenue N.E. Complaint on dumping of debris from gravel trap. Sent letter to owner. 1232 Hathaway Lane Litter complaint. Checked several times. Called and wrote letter. Wrote violation tag after last complaint. 501 Glencoe N.E. Numerous complai_nts and checks. Wrote letter with copy to Anoka County Welfare. 8154 East River Road Food survey of grocery store and letter to owner. 110 - 64th Way N.E, Litter and junked car. Checked and sent letter. �� ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' �i 7838 Firwood Way N.E. Reviewed plans for pool. ' i 1300 - 69th Avenue N.E. ' Checked litter in area and wrote letter. 1439 Mississipvi Checked litter and wrote letter. . 5357 - 4th Street N.E. Litter survey and letter to owner. 6061 - 2nd Street N.E. Housing check and letter to owner. Regis and Matterhorn Litter complaint. Checked; neighborhood dumping. No specific solution. 5974 -3rd Street N.E. � Litter complaint. Talked to caretaker. 280 - 57th Avenue N.E. Food survey prior to opening of new restaurant. . 181 - 79th Way N.E, � Water complaint. Checked problem and sent letter to owner. 6536 Main Street Dumping complaint. Checked and found no serious problem. No further action at this time. 4815 Rice Creek Terrace Reviewed pool plans. � 100 Ventura Rechecked litter problem and has been corrected. 6319 Highway ��65 N.E. � Litter complaint checked. No problem at time of visit but discussed with operator. • 5971 Central Avenue N.E. Litter complaint checked and discussed with owner. 5201 Central Avenue N.E. . Litter complaint. Talked to operator. 5233 Central Avenue N.E. � ' • Litter comglaint. Checked and wrote letter. Shorewood Shopping Center Litter problem rechecked. Some improvement but not satisfactory. Wrote letter to owner. 380 - 57th Place N.E. ' Litter problem rech2cked. Has been cleaned up. 350 - 75th Avenue N.E. Checked litter in rear of 350. Wrote letter. �� ' , f. 1 , ' ' ' I ' ' 7620 University Avenue N.E. � � Rechecked litter problem. Some improvement. No further action at this time. 4679 - 3rd Street N.E. Litter complaint. Checked and no serious problem. �Sent letter to complainant. _ : 1050-1090 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Litter complaint. Checked and letter to owner. . 6300 Central Avenue N.E. Litter complaint. Checked and letter to owner. 1335 - 69th Avenue N.E. Litter complaint and letter to owner. 211 - 79th Way N.E. Litter complaint and letter to owner. 4710 Main Street N.E. Litter complaint and letter to owner. 5475 Main Street N.E, Litter complaint and letter to owner. Sears, Shorewood Shopping Center Consultation on installation of a refuse compactor. , 7600 Universit Avenue N.E. Recheck of a service station for food license. ' 270 Liberty N.E. Two complaints on vacant lot leveling. Checked and sent letter to ' complainant that little could be done. 1207 Gardena Litter complaint checked and letter to owner. , 801 Kennaston � Litter complaint checked. Talked to owner and agreed to clean-up. ' 6551 Chann�l Road . . Litter complaint checked and sent letter. ' � . 65o Ely � Li,tter and car repair. Checked and sent letter to clean-up. ' 680 Ely Litter and car repair. Sent letter�to clean-up. ' 1565 Gardena Litter complaint checked and letter to owner. ' 1570 - 60th Avenue N.E . Dumping and litter. Sent letter to owner.. ' 7250 Central • . Checked for sale of food without a license. Request a court complaint from City Attorney. � f'7 250 - 57th Avenue N.E. - Holiday Village North Checked for litter on complaints from residences.. Sent letter to manager. 5910 Oakwood Manor . Litter not cleaned-up and sent another letter. Hayes School � Dust compfaint on school grounds. Letter to school and memo to City Manager. 476 - 75th Avenue N.E. Water complai_nt checked with caretaker. 361 - 74th Avenue N.E. Complaint on steps in poor repair on apartment building. Problems last year with refuse. Checked and sent letter. 4901 - Srd StreeE N.E. - - Water seepage problem in apartment building. Checked and sent letter including other items to be corrected. 6601 Anoka Street N.E. Litter complaint on vacant lots. Checked and found no serious problem. No further action at this time. 7863 Alden Way N.E. � Vacant lot complaint north of 7863. Neighbors using for a dump. No further action at �this time except requested weeds to be cut by City crew. 6301 Baker' Complaint by occupant of 6301 Baker on vacant low area in rear. Contacted owners but no satisfactory answer to complainant except development of land at some future date. 6320 Riverview Terrace ' Review of pool plans. 7865-69 Firwood Wa� N.E, 1�ao complaints on litter. Checked and letter to awner. 5378-84 - Sth Street N.E. - Litter complaint checked and letter to owner. 7885 Memory Lane N,E, � Litter complaint on vacant lot. Neighbors dumping grass clippings. Called complainant about it. 1042 Osborne Road N.E. Food survey of grocery store and letter sent to the owner. �� RESOLUTION N0. 1�.SOLUTION REGARDING SPEED LIMIi AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ON OSBORNE ROAD (COUNTY ROAD N0. 8) WHEREAS, Osborne Road (County Road No. 8) borders the Northern boundary of the City of Fridley; and WHEREAS, Woodcrest Elementary School, Prince of Peace Parochial School, Unity Hospital and the Fridley Medical Center are located along Osborne Road; and WHEREAS, there have been serious accidents, including a recent fat� ity on Osborne Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that: 1. The Fridley City Council is opposed to the action of the State Highway Commissioner causing the speed on Osborne Road to be raised from 30 m.p.h. to 40 m.p.h. and requests a that immediate action be taken to restore the speed limit to 30 m.p.h. 2. That additional traffic control devices and other appropriate measures be taken by the Anoka County Highway Department and Minnesota Highway Department to increase the pedestrian and traffic safety on this road. 3. That the City Council be advised before any speed limits are changed by the County and the State Highway Department within the corporate limits of the City of Fridley. � ALSO, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is hereby directed,to furnish copies of this Resolution to the appropriate County and State officials. ��1 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS / � DAY OF � � � , �� ,� , 1970. JACK 0. KIRKHAM - MAYOR ATTEST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL - CITY CLERK ' , �7� � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • CITY OF FRIDLEY July 30, 1970 City Manager and City Council City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Gentlemen: I would like to request that the City purchase a Four Wheel Front End Loader of no less than 12 yard capacity. There is only $8,500.00 budgeted for this. It is not enough to purchase a ma- chine of the size and capacity needed by the City. There was an item in the 1970 Budget for the purchase of street right-of-way for raising the grade on 79th Way at River- view Terrace and Broad Avenue. This item was paid out of the 1969 Budget, due to having the funds available at that time; and it was approved by the Council in December 1969. This leaves an amount of $5,619.00 in the Capital Outlay portion of our budget, not being used. This amount, combined with our $8,500.00 for equipment, will give sufficient monies to purchase a piece of equipment that can be used year-around. It could be used for street repairs and other various work in summer. In winte'r, we could use this equip- ment for snowplowing and cleaning of areas that require this type of equipment. If I were to purchase a loader for the $8,500.00 budgeted, it would be a loader with two wheel drive and only a 2 yard capacity. This would be of no use during the winter months; which, I believe, are just as important or even more so than the summer months. LEC:ik Very truly yours, � �/� - • LESTER E. CHESNEY Director of Public Works � �n � . . . RESOLUTION N0. � A RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That �t is in the interest of the City to award bid con- tracts for the following items or materials. "ONE NEW FRONT END LOADER" 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as�described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 24th day of August, 1970. The City Manager is directed and authorized • to advertise for the purchase of said items and materials by'sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and { the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be sub- stantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1970. ATTE ST : CITY CLERK 0 Marvin C. Brunsell 0 0 MAYOR 0 Jack 0. Kirkham �� � - CITY OF FRIDLEY BID NOTICE � � for � ONE NEW FRONT END LOADER EXHIBIT "A" ' � The City Counci.l of the City of Fridley, Ma�rnesota will accept sealed bids on One (1) New Front End Loader on the 24th day of August, 1970, until 11:00 o'clock a•m• on said date at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 (Tel: 560-3450). All bids must meet the minimum requirements of the Specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualification of the bid. — --- --_ -__ _ ___ - -- — Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or Bid Bond and made payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (S%) of the bid, which check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into Contract, after his bid has been accepted. The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid received without explanation. T�e City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of delivery or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past performance of similar types of itemsor materials, avail- ability of products and other similar factors that it may determine to be in the best interest of the City. Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined in the office of the Purchasing Agent, or copies may be obtained from this office. All bids must b-e submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on the outside with "ONE NEW FRONT END LOADER". HOMER R . ANKR.UM City Manager PUBLISH: August 5, 1970 August 12, 1970 � �2 �.r � ' ,{' - R£SOLUTION N0. � ' 1970 , , ' ' ' ' � A RES4lUTI0N AUTHORIZING ANO DIRECTING THE SP�ITTING OF SP£CIAL ASSESSMENTS ON W£ST 216 FEET OF LOT 4, BIOCK 1, NAGEL'S WOODLANOS AOpITION WM£REAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect ta certain tand a�d said land has subsequently been subdivided. N041� THEREFORE, B� IT RESOIVED as fotlows: That the assesamanta tevied against the folloaing described parcel, to-witt West 216 Feet af Lot 4, 81ock 1, Nagel's lrbodlands Additio�, raar a�nd shatl be apportipned and divided as follows: O�ri_ 1 n�al�Par�1 Wast 216 Feet of I,ot 4, 91ock 1, NagQl's Woodlands Addition ' Qivi si or� of Pareel Approved ....... .�........, ' West 108 Feet of Lot 4, Block 1, Parcet 150, Nagel�s Woodtands Addi t i on � ' ' , ' . Fund Regutar S b W SW #24 Sewer Main SS #24 Storm Se++er W #3�+ Water Main SS �1 Storm Sewe� W #�4 Water l.aterat S ##84 Sewer �aterai ST. ig67-2 Street Fu nd Regut ar S �, 4i SW #24 Sewer Main SS #24 Storm Sewer W #34 Water Main SS #�1 Storm Sewer W #84 Water lateral S #84 Sewer Lateral ST. 1967-2 St�eet Qri �i�al Amount ri r �r ^ i A��i � ■ � ����7 115.08 S28.S1 158•99 174.26 863,00 �,boz.�z 1 41 .0 ,9 •3 Original Amount w �w�.w.�����. $ 26•38 57.54 264.z6 79.50 87.13 863.00 1,602.72 1,417.03 Esst lp$ Feet of West 216 Feet Reguta� S 8 W $ 26.37 - of' Lot 4, 61ock 1, Parcel 155, SW #24 Sewer Main 57.54 Nagel's Woodlands SS #24 Storm Sewer 264.25 W #34 Water Main 79.49 SS #�1 Storm Sewer 87.13 � �,9 . �.,.� AOOPT£D 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOL£Y THIS QAY OF , 1970• ' ATTEST: ' CITY C ERK Marv n C. Brunse , , MA 0 ac 0. Kirk am r�.� ' ' h�� 4 0 + ' � ' ' ' ' , II � ' ' J C' � � 1 ' Il 0 i R£SQLl1TI pN N0. - 1970 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ANO QIRECTIN6 THE COMBININ� Of' SPECIAL ASSESSMEIVTS ON LOTS 11 AND �2, BLOCK 3, AND I,OTS 13 ANO 14, BLOpC 3, SPRING BROOK PARK ADOITION WH�REAS, certain special asses�ments have been tevied with respect ta certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW,� THEREFQRE, B� IT RESOIVEQ as follor+s: That th� assessrt+ents tevied against the foliowing described parcels, to-witt Lots 11 and 12, Btock 3, and L,ots 13 and 14, Block 3, Spring Brook Park Addition� may and shall be apportioned and combined as fotlowss Ori�i nat Parcet s � lots 11 and 12, Btock 3, Spring 8rook Park Addition l;ots 13 and 14, 81ock 3, 5pring Brook Park Addition ' Combi ni n�of Parcel s ApProved � � � l.ots 11-14, Block �, Spring 6rook Park Addition Fund Ori gi na 1 Art�ount � �wr SW #�13 (Mlater S Sewer Mains) $ Regu 1 ar S.A. ( Sevr�r Mai n) S1�1 #21 (1later 6 Sewer Laterals and 1�2 Servico) s s #87 ( stor�, sew�er ) ST, 1968-2A Street ST. 1968-tA Street S1i #13 (Water & Se�wer Mai ns ) Regular S.A. (Sewer Main) Sw #21 (Water � Sewer Laterats S 1/2 Service) SS #8� (Starm Sewer) ST. 1968-2A Street ST. 1968-tA Street ST. 1968-1A Street Fund SW #13 (Water t� Sewer Mains) Regular S.A. (Sewer Main) SW #21 (Water � Sewer Laterals and Se�vices) SS #87 Storm Sewe� ST. 1968-2A Street ST. 1968-iA Street ST. 1968-1A Street 109.� 17.28 428.38 z89. S8 �+SS.40 259.$0 $ 109.98 17.28 428.38 288.58 455.40 216.50 31.30 3,112.�'� Ori gi nal hnount _...._ $ 219.96 34.Sb 856.76 577.16 910.80 4�6.30 37. o 3�'3,1 . ApOPT'ED 9Y TNf CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLfY THIS �1Y OF , 1970. � ' ' .,� RESOLUTION N0. - 1970 . -,----- � � �r . � .? A RESOI.UTION AUTH4RIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON SOUTH 9 FEFT OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2, AND LOT 3(fXCEPT SOUTH 9 FEET), BLOCK 2, RIVERWOOD MANOR AODITION WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, N(�1, iHEREFORE, B£ IT RESOLVED as follows: ' 1'F�at the assessments ievied against the fottowing described parcel, to-wit: South 9 Feet of tpt 2, Block 2, and Lot 3(Except South 9 Fcet), 81ock 2, Rivet`r+opd Manot� Additipn, may and shall be apportioned and combined as fottows: ' , ' ' ' � ' ' , 4�i inai Parcels South 9,Feet of,Lot 2, �lock 2, Riverwood Manor Addition lqt 3 (�xcept South � Feet), $fack 2, Riv�rt�ood Manor Addition Canbi ni ng of Parc�el s A�proved South 9 Feet of l.ot 2 and Lot 3 (Except South 9 Feet), Block 2, Riverwood Manor Addition Fu�^. d . Regular S.A. su #13 S�! #67 (Lateral s and Services) ST. 1965-1 Street Sia # 13 Regular S.A. Sy1 #67 (Laterat s and Services) ST. 1965_1 Straet Fund Regular S.A. Sw #13 SW #67 (Laterals and ' Services) ST. 1965-1 Street Ori 9i nal Amount ._.,. ..�� ..,�.. $ 4.22 26.z3 142.74 73.80 $ ZA7.48 39.6z 1,447.48 6 1.40 2, .97 '"_ Original Amount ...��.. $ 43.84 273.71 1,590.22 70 .20 , • ADOPTED BY TME CI1'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOLEY THIS pqY OF , 1970. _._.__... , ' ATT�ST: �� IJ I K Marv n. runse MAYOR Jack 0. Kirkham ' I ' I ' I � I ' I ' I ' C , ' ' t . ,` RESOlUTION N0. - 1970 A R�SOlUTION AUTHORIZING AND OIRECTING THE COMBINING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS pN LOTS Z4, 25, 26, AND 27, BIOCK �3, HYDE PARK AODITION WH£REAS, certain spaciat assessments have been tevied with respect to c4rtain l�nd and said land has subsequentty been subdivided, NOM1, THER�FOR£, B£ IT R£SOLVED as foltows: That the assessrt�ents levied agai�st the foilowing described parcels, to-wits Lots 24, 25, 26, and 27, Btock 23, Hyde Park Addition, mar and shall be appor- tioned and combined as fottows: Ori Ji nai Parcel s Fund Ori gi,nal Amount Lpt 2b, Btork 23, Hyde Park Regular S 8 W $ 300.81 Addition SS #5-C Storm Sewer 140.�3 '�pt 2§, �jqCk 23r Hyde Park Regutar S S W $ 300.75 Addition SS #S-C Sta� Sewer 140.13 l,ot 26� 81oek ^�3, tfyd� Pa�k Regular S S W $ 450.37 Additipn - SS #5-C Stora� Sewer 140.13 I,ot 27j B1ock 23, Hrde Park t�eguTar S f, W $ 450.37 Addition SS #5-C Storm Sewer 140.13 Combining of Parcels Approved lots 24-��, Bic►ck 23, Pa�cel 8545, Myd� Pa�k Addition � Fund Regutar S S W SS #S-C Storm Sewer $ 2,062.82 O�i�inal Amount I �w ��� S 1,502.30 .._�• 5� $ 2,062.82 Aa0PTE0 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOIEY THIS DAY ' OF , 1910. ' ' ATT�ST: � ' ' Marv n . Brunse MAYOR ack 0. K r aip ��� � I ' LJ � � ' ' � � ' ' ' ' R�SOLUTION N0. - 1970 A R�SOl.UTION At1THORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAI. ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF �TLOT 2, BLOq( t, PARCEI 600, MOORE LAKE HIGHLANDS 4TH ADDITION WHEREAS, ;certain speciai assessments have been l�vied with respect to certain ia�d and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW, THEREFOR�, BE IT R£SOLVED as follo�ss That the� astessme++ts i evi ed agai nst the foi lorri �g dascri bed parcei , to•wi t s Pa�^t of Outlot 2, Biock 1, Parcei 600, Koors Lake Mighiands 4th Addition, �rey a�d shail be apportioned and divided as folloNSs pri inal Par�e1 Fund Original �ount � Part of Outict 2, Block i, Regular S,b Vi $ i3O$0.12 Parcei 6Q0, Moore Lake HigMlands W#34 (Water l.ateral) 351.20 4th Addition S#91 (Sewe� Laterat S Service) . Z 0 . $ , +► Di vi a44n of Parcat A roved � Part of O�ttot 2, �fock i, Parcet 600, Moore Lake Highlands 4th Addi ti on ' Part of Outiot 2, Block 1, Parcel 680, Moore Lake Highlands 4th Additio� Fund Regutar S S M W #3�► (Wate� Laterat) S #91 (S�er Laterat) Regul,ar S b W S #;1 (Sewer Lateral) tMi�! nat �c�unt S 97z.61 3S1.2o 832.30 $ 117.51 1,475.28 , •9 Ap(JPT�O 8Y TH� CITY CQt1NCIl OF TNE CITY OF FRIOLEY THIS DiAY OF , 1970. ' � ATT£ST: ,� � ' � , C K arv n. runse MAYO ac 0. K � am p'yi ,`�+ I i _ _ �%� APPOIN'1'NIENT TO BE MADE BY COUNCIL, AUGUST 3, 1970 PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS - STREETS AND UTILITIES (3 Yr. Term - S Members) (Section 40) Previous Member Term Expired APPOINTEE Thomas Myhra 12-31-69 6360 Able Street N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 0 � �.: > _ _ : � �: � � �.. - � . `� -. � � �. . � � , . �� -� . . . - � . � 1 .,.-:�� . , . � :; 0 � , .. _ ' ' ' ' , ._ � ' ' ' . ' � , 1 1 i 1 1 ' C L A I M S GENERAL: #22363 through #22487 LIQUOR: #4676 through #4719 + z 0 .. _ �� . � � ., - EVERETT W. MCCARTHY ' CHIEF OF POLICE , , Mmn[sor� ao� �A� , ' ._ ' :bepari�nent o� �o�ice � � � � AN 6431 1 MINNE -=�u t y =-30, 1970 � � V � TY Y AV E. MINN. 560-3450 �� ., . , . _:,i �-° � ' To: City Manag�r, City Council From: Chief of Police '� Subject: Cab license for Highland Taxi The apptication for a taxicab license from R obert Kahles, ' dba�Hightand Taxi came to my desk on this date, and i feel that the license should be denied for the foltowing reasons: , 1. The application does not contain the names and addresses of the drivers, as required by our code. (This is very � important, because all of the drivers should be checked out for driving violations, and character�. , 2. 7he application is for four cabs, and there is insurance coverage for onty three. 3. Mr. Kahtes tists his address as RR1, Hinkly, Minn. but , the insurance forms list his address as 7870 Apex Lane. The address at 7870 Apex Lane is apparentty where the ' cabs are stored, and repaired, and the area is in a very messy condition. ' 4. The rate card attached to the a�plication implies that the C i ty C1 erk of the Ci ty of � Fr i d 1 ey has ei ther set the rates, or concurrs with them, and I do not believe that ' this is a fact. � r' VV , E. W. McCarthy, Chie . � Fridtey Potice,Dept. ' ,. r4 : _ . . : . . . . -- ' _ _ 8� I.IST OF LICENSES TO BL APPROVED BY COIINCIL AT T[-� MEETTNG OF AIIGUST 3� 1970 : , . � DRIVE-LN TfiEATRE • APPROVED BY ,• _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .. _ . _ � One Hundred Twin _ _ ,- _ Central Avenue & I-Hwy 69lt _` By: Gerry Herringer -_ Police . Chief , -- _ __ _ _';Fr.idley�� Mi�nesota , _,_ _ . . _. :. _ __ _._. _ . PUBLIC DRINKING PI,AC� ' ' � 'Canterbury_Pub . � -81 IIniversit Avenue N.E. - Healih Inspect�ar 5t�79 Y � Fridley, Minnesota Bps Robert Christenson _ Police Chiei . _ : ,_ __ . _ .-- .. - - - -- , -- -- - -- ' . club 47 - - --- -- . __6061 IIniversity Avsnue N.E. ^ ` Health Ins ector P _ . Fri�tleY,: Minnesota - _ • By:-` =Billy Har-pole ,_ _P�l�.ce� -Chief _ - - - _. " �"rontier Club , _ _ _ . _ _ . _ ; _ _ _, - _ _ ._ _ 1365 Central Avenue N.E. . . Health Inspect�r Fridlep, Minnesota _ _ _By: Marlene Pov�.it�ki _ -- . _..�oli��.�� u � � ,- -�-_. . _ . _ _ . _ _ , - - - _ _ _ Sandee � s Cafe . _ �. . . _ _ � . __ _ ._ ._ _ _ : ._ . 6t�90 Central Avenue: N.E, � �ealth Inspector � Fridley,` Minnesota = =, . ::. �Y� William Weiss Polic�. Clii.ef _ , . _ _ _ . _ _ _ .. _ : . _ _ s ., . - - -- . -. _._.,_.. :__:,- -.�.:,,. � IISED CAR LOT - . } . _'Smitts Motor - . . � ' S6I�,9 University Avenue :N.E. , � Buildi.ng Inspecttsr " Fr�dley, P4innesota _ By: 'Wallace Sc�xme�ieke , _ _ : F€►�,ice�Ghie€•' �:_. _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ : . . � .S�LICITORS : _ ' : � _ : - Ronald Williams - Henry Wong . _ �Brian Duchscher _, _ .. • : Terrence_Callayhan : . �- _ Dick Pratt _ __ _ � . ,. �Ronald Fisher - . . , - For Youth Employrrierit Service - � = � ` � Q727 LyndaZe Avenue�S. _ � . - Aiinneapolis, Minnesota. By: M�.chael Goodwi:r� - � Police Chief _ . _ __ . _ ., , . � _. _ _._ FOOD ESTABLIS��1T . , , : _ . _ '�Pilgri�-n Cleaners 5251 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota � TAXICAB . By: Magic Maid Vending Health Inspect�ir " : '- H�ghland Taxi _ , . , _ : _ < 903 - �tOth Avenue N.E. Minnea���lis, Minnesota I� �Qending Machine Onlp By: Robert �ahles . Rot Approved � ` , _ _ _ _. __ � . �� MULTIP�E DWEI�ING LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL August 3, 197p September 1, 1970 to September l, 1970 N"�� ADDRESS Uld I TS FEE Spencer J. Soko)owski 580'1 - 2nd St. N. E. . �a 10.00 for Berton C ross Fridley, Minn. 5$b � 40�h Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 Sidney R. Dahl 6551 - 2nd St. N. E. 7 1Q.00 6�51 - 2nd St. N. �. Fridley, t,inne:sota �5421 Or. I r��tng fic�rman 5770 - 2� St. N. E. �� 1 135 Mred i�.a 1 Arts ��•� Mlnnaapoli�, Minn. 55402 Albtn Jpheison $800 - 2� St. N. E. � 6$24 �wing Ave. No. lQ.00 Mtnneapol6s, Mtnn, 55429 Albin Johnson 581p - 2� St. N. E. 4 �p,Oq 6$24 Ewtng Av�. Na. Mlnnaapolis, M(nn. �5429 Dr. Irving Herman 5846 � 22 St. N. E, 6 1135 Medical A rts )0.00 Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 Jahn Me�z�nga 4901 - 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 34�9 N. E. Benjamin St. Minnaapo)is, Minn.55418 John D. Millar 4965 - 3rd St. N.E. 11 47 Rice Creek Way >>�� Fridley, Mlnn. 55432 C. M. Milier 49$5 • 3�d St. N. E. il 11.00 1095 Polk Circle N. E. Mlnneapolts, Mtnn. 55421 C. N. Miller 5005 - 3rd St. N, E. 11 I1.00 10�5 Polk St. N. E. Minncaporis, Minn. 55421 . W. W. Un�tnen 5025 - 3rd"St. N. E. 11 11.00 k3�+7 Unlversity Ave. N. E. Minneapo)is, Minn. 55421 I.arry p. Mienert �900 �728 County Rd. H� ' 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 New Brfghton Minn.. 55112 i ' I , Multiple Dwelling License ' August 3, 1970 � � � � ' ' ' , , ' i. �J ' . Page 2 � ADDRESS UNIT �E �'Q° �• �yR°S 6051-53-55 - 3rd St. N.E. 3 •10.00 2724 I�vi�g Ave. No. Minnaapoltg, Min�. 55�+11 Francis deRtdder 5347 - 4th St. N. E. 3 10,00 7917 - 3zth Ave, a. Minneapolfs, Minn. 55427 ' Jon Pendzimas 5401 - 4th'St. N.E. 4 �q�pp 4�l7 � 7$th l.ane Minneapolis, Minn. 55429 _ I,eo J. Hynes 5400 - 7th St. N. E. 3 10.00 2%2�+ I rv i ng Ava � No. Minnaapolts, Minn. 554)1 pavid W. Adams 5378 - 5th St. N. E. 4 10.Q0 z8Q7 Garfield Ave. S.E. ' Minn�eapoiis, Minn. 55408 Irving Ef ron � 262 - 57th P1ace N.E. $ lO.OQ Dr. I�ving Ha�man ` 3Q25 Salem Ava. Minneapolis, Minn. 55416' Francis deRidder 359 - 57th Place N.E. 8 10.00 %917 - 37th Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 T, C. Halk 390 - 57th Piace N.E. 4 10.00 390 � 57th Place N. E. Fridiey, Minn. 55421 Clifton Investment Corp. 151 - 59� Way N. E. 12 12�pp 51 �►5 Wood 1 awn � 1 vd. Minnaapolis, Minn. 55417 Clifford T. Bakko 190 - 59� Way N. E. 12 12,pp 9119 - 13th Ave. So. Minneapoiis, Minn. 55420 John Bohmer 191 - 59� Way N. E. 12 12.00 Broote�, Minnesota Cha�les J. Beliveau 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. 8 10.00 110 - 61st Ave. N. E. Frldley, Minn. 55421 Dr. Irving Herman 181 - 79th Way N, E.- $ 10.00 1.135 Medical Arts. Minnaapolis, Min�. �� . Multiple pwelling License August 3, 1970 � �� Page 3 NAME ADDRESS UNIT FEE SPGA Associates �6551 Channel Road N. E. 11 11.00 909 Farmers 6 Mechanics Bank sldg. Minnaapolfs, Minn. 55402 SPGA Associatas 6571 Channel Rd. 11 11.00 909 Fa rmc rs s� Machanies Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 Irvin� Efron 5950 East River Road 12 12.00 3Q2S Sa?�m Ava. Mi��oap�lis, Minn. 5S41b Fridley Courts 106 -�7th Way N.E. 4 10.00 (M(las Gonstruc.tion) �+S�A Lyndaie Ave. No. Minn�apa3i�, Minn. 55412 Mlcha�l 7'�►n�a 591+0 East River Rd. )� 12�0� �+701 ��iversity Ava.N.E. Mtnneapolis, Minn. 55421 Mile,s Construction Co. 7673 East River Rd. 4 10.00 4500 Lyndale Ave. No. Minneapotis, Minn. 55412 Leonard Daiiey 8251 East River Rd. 5 10.00 $251 EasL River Rd. Fridley, Minn. 55�+32 S� S Invastm+ent Co. 5475 Main St. N. E. 12 12,pp T20? Piks Lake` Dr,.. Nerv Brighton, Minn.55112 S S S invastment Company 5595 Main St. N. E. 12 12.00. 12Q2 Pike Lake Dr. New B�ighton, Minn. 55112 Kenneth Peterson � 6019 Main St. 8 10.00 Hubert Nelson 2441 Lyndale Ave. So. Minneapo)is, Minn. 55405 Kenneth Peterson � 6011 Main St. N. E. 4 10.00 Hubert Nalson 2441 Lyndale Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. 5540$ Mulxipla Dwelling Licenses August 3, 1970 ' , �. c- .� �},AME ADDRESS UN I TS FEE � James B. Rudnitski 6035 Main St. N. E. 4 _ lO.OQ 6035 Main St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 Allan C. Mattson 120 Mississippi P1. 4 10.00 b32Q Rivervicrv Terrace , Frld9ey, Minn. 55421 - . . A11an G..Mattson 157 Mississippi Pl. 4 10.00 6320 �Rivarvi�w Terrace F�'idley, Minn. 55421 . John Kassulker 6530 - 2�d St. N.E. 4 10.00 � Rt. 2 ti�aruia, Minn. . Glan F. Wiiices � 290 » 61st Ave.N.E. 3 10.00 2�0 - flst Ave. N. E: • . � � fridley, Minn. SS�+21 � C � i , ' � ' � � � ' ' ' ' ' � � � LIST OF CONPRA�CTOR'S LICENSBS TO BE APPROVBD BY COUNCIL AT THE MEETIP�G OF AUGUST 3. 1970 , -.----- � BIACKT4PPING AYP'ROVED BY Northern Aaphalt Const. Inc. 1631-66th Avenue-N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Gerhard G. Laraon Bldg. Ia�p. F•X�CAVATING Petroleum Maintenance Co. 1420 01d Highway 8 NeW Brighton, Minneeota By: Vern L. Larson Bldg. Iaap. HFATING Coa�nercial Air Condi�ioning Inc. 707 South 7th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Asthur Vanselaw Plbg. Inap. . GENERAL CONTRACTOR Rutsse�.l �.. Scott Const. 1050-93xd Avenue N.W. CoaR Rap�ids, Minnesota By: Ruesell Scott B1dg. Intp. Four Seaions Home Remodeling 30S West Lake Stxeet Minneapolis, Minnesota $y: T. F. Garretson Bldg. Inep. 0 . �C-.. , � ' _ - - - . __ .. , ' . _ ' . •. f•�;. ��� ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - AUGUST 3, 1970 ' ' . . Arcon Construction Co., Inc. ' Mora Minnesota FINAL Estimate ��7 ST. 1969 - 1 ' FINAL Estimate ��6 ST. 1969 - 2 ' Berglund-Johnson, Inc. - Excelsior ----- -- ' Minnesota 55331 Partial Estimate No. l, Water Improvement Project ' No. 95, Schedule B. Allied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North ' Minneapolis, Minn. 55429 Partial Estimate No. 1, Street Improvement Proj�ct ' ST. 1969-10 (Seal Coal) � — Minn-Kota Excavation Co. , 3401 85 Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Partial Estimate ��1, Street Improvement Project ' ST. 1970-2 Partial Estimate ��2, Street Improvement Project ' ST. 19I0-1 , ' ' . ' ' . � . � .. $ 4,811.73 2,540.24 $ 32,252.00 $ 14,613.88 $ 8,276.94 $ 14,469.75 . ' _ -. -- - __ � _ _ ' . � . ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6431 UDTIVERSITY AVE. N.E. ' FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Honorable Mayor and City Council ' City of Fridley c/o Homer R. Ankrum, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N,E, ' Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Gentlemen: ' t ':. _. �� July 30, 1970 CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER ' We hereby submit the Final Estimate for Arcon Construction Co., Inc., Mora, Minnesota for St. Improv. Proj. St. 1969-1 and Municipal State Aid Street Improvement Project 1969-2. ' Original Contract $243,757.55 Change Order Number One Add.. 25,516.91 Change Order Number Two Add. 14,472.78 1 Change Order Number Three Add. 2,263.40 -Change Order Number Four Add. 5,871.00 Adj . Final $291, 881 .64 ' St. Improv. Proj. 1969-1 ' Final Construction Cost $218,255.52 � Less Estimate 4�1 = $40,378.79 Estimate ��2 80,922.73 Estimate ��3 = 30, 257 .18 ' Estimate ��4 � 31,198.63 Estimate ��5 3,324.62. Estimate ��6 = 27,361.84 . ' AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE �k7 = $ 4,811.73 . St. 1969-1 • (See Attached Sheets ��6 - ��9 ) , . - St. Improv. Proj. 1969-2 ' Final Construction Cost $ 86,059.90 Less Estimate ��1 = $22,189.65 , ' Estimate ��2 = 15,958.43 � Estimate ��3 3,724.73 Estimate ��4 = 23,988.96 ' Estimate �k5 � = 17-,657.89 ,. AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE ��6 =$ 2,540.24. � St. 1969-2 i.. � -- - �` .. .. r.., aR � n _ aR �'] \ 1 __ ' Final Estimate for Arcon Construction Co. St. 1969-1 & 2 0 ' Total Final Construction Cost For Project St. 1969-1 &�2 ' ' St. 1969-1 5t. 1969-? TOTAL $218,255.52 86,059.90 $304,315.42 ___ _ _ � __ __ _ i - � 8� Page 2 We have viewed the work under contract for the construction ' of Street Improvement Project St. 1969-1 and Municipal State Aid Street Improvement Project St. 1969-2 and find that the same is substantially complete in accordance with the contract documents. I recommend that final ' payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one year contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed above. / \ � ' Prepared By Respectfully submitted, Checked b � (�, j� Y � . � , /' . NASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. City Engineer-Director of Planning CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR This is to certify that items of the work shown in this statement of work certified herein has been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned project in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved. The final contract cost is $304,315.52 and the final payments of $4,811.73 for St, 1969-1 and $2,540.24 for St. 1969-2 would cover in full the contractor's claims against the City of all labor, materials, and other work done by the contractor under this project. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and correct. ARCON CONSTRUCTION C0. Dated: �E�L 1 � ( , /'�7 0 Signature: � . /�Contractor (/� - � . - �Q • � ' Date � � .� U � : _ .� T0: CITY ENGINEER " CITY OF FRIDLEY REPORT ON FINAL INSPECTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-1$2 We the undersigned, have inspected the above mentioned project and find that the work reauired by the contract is substantially complete in conformity with the Plans and Specifications of the project. All deficiencies have been corrected by the Contractor. Also the work for which the City feels that the Contractor should receive a reduced price has been agreed upon by the Contractor. So, therefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached Final Estimate for the Contractor and the one year maintenance bond start from the day of the approval of this_ � estimate by the City Council. Additional Remarks � �?Q� . CONSTRUCTION INCHARGE - � � � � � � 2�� TOR REPRESENTATIVE. � _ . _ _ . ..: .. ' N __ . . . . . , , . . . -. . 9� 1 � � 1 _ : : ' �uI y z3, 1970 . , _ _ � � _ -_ _ Honorc�hle ��fauor ' a,n� rYFemb� rs o f t^ e Counc i. l Ci t>>� o f Fridl ey 5�F31 University Ave N. �. � . Fridley, Ninnesota 554�21 ' Ge�,tI em,en:� � ' _ .. � �. The Fridle�! Jc�ycees are hosti�,g t?��e �'�:�Lnn,esota Stn.te Indu•s trial S1 0?�� Pi. tch So f tbal I Toura,m•ent Augus t 7, 8 ' and 9, 197� . �'le wo�.�ld Ii, �e to re��ue_�t a t2rnpor,7r� 3.2'o Be�r license ' anc� a,lso a f�od permit to cover thes� t��ree dcys. Tho Fr;�� Jn:i�c.ees, in compIia,nce v�it'�, sta-te regu�laiions, holc? a ti�innesota St�te Sales Ta-x Certi fi.c�r te No. 71 �3573•. . ' . Your Con.si.n',er�,,,iion will �e c�p?�reciated. ' Ve r� t rul T� Yours, ' 1 � Ni�,rvin L. BodeKer, � ' Vi,ce-�resi,den. Fri�le� Ja�,�cees � , , ' ' .. _ _ ..._ • ' � 1 1 1 The City Council City of Fri�ley Fridley, r�innesota ' Gentlemen; . _ .4 0 6904 Hickory Drive ?�inneapolis, �r�innesota 55432 26 July 1970 _ In the interest of community health, well-being and ' safety comp�.iance vaith City Ordinances requd.ring positive control of animal pets should be mandatory. ��� � • ' 1 , , ' ' ' ' � � ' Currently dogs and cats range at will contaminating, desegrating, defecating; posing a threat to the citizentry; raisin.g havoc wath vdhat remains of nature � s wildlife; all of which portrays a t shanty-tov�m atmosphere �, i. e. dogs, cats, filth feces, laxity, shiftlessness so nuch par� and parcel of ci�y slums . Most homeo�rmers meticuously police areas surrounding their homes v�rhich requires .dail,y gathering and disposal of extraneous material. However when in the interest of such cleanliness.:one inadvertently encounters a helter-skelter assortment of dog and cat feces (feces often liberall,y laced with maggots, blood, etc., all of vrhich can utterly shatter one�s moraleJ); or when one is awakened early in the morning by the alarmed scre�ching of birds signalling a cat munching on another Robin;. or bein� c o nfronted �vith filthy, drooling� dripping dogs/cats raamir� pell-mell, I feel home�wn.ers:� deserve a shade better consideration.. I am a�rare of the old axiom ��every child should have a dog I i� But within the canfines of a city �rahere too of`ten papa .and mamma must furtively and surreptitiousl,y get the animal out-doors late at nite or ear].y in the morning, such practice can teach junior only a double standard of fair playS I am confident an official notice to the.public direct- ing compliance with e�.sting rules and regulations pertaining to control of pets will (general�y.) accomplish desired results. • Respectfully, � � ltiilliam C � fma Colonel, II rmy, Rtd. Inf o Copy t o: D�ay or Kirkha.m �2 , � � - League of ' :omen Voters Rice Creek '�Atershed � Inter-League utudy � Committee JuI� 22, 1970 Dear Sirs: The Lea�ue ot ;iomen Voters have long �been active in �upport of "clean �ra-�er." In 1968, nine Leagues t�rithin. the Rice Creek 'aatershed form�d an Inter-League Rice Creek Tiatershed Study Commii;tee. Lea�ues participatin� �_rere Arden Hills, Blaine, Fridley, Tiets Fri�;hton, �ose�rille, ilhoreviez�r, St. Anthon.y, St. Faul a.�?.d -�hite Lear. These Lea�;ues repre- sent people =.��ho eii:her live o?.i lar_ds �,�rh.ich c?rain into "ice Creek, or use v:�ater fro�r_ the cree?c (St. �au1 '�?ater Denartment users}. A1thoLlr;h the�•e �.r�e 27 conmLm?tias in the ':atershed, not all have League of �or,�en Voters groups. The stud�T con?,�i-ctee met mor_thly and comoiled ir.forma-- tion on the trater use, deyelonment, ���.d :�robl:a�a� o.f Rica Cxeek. The findin.,s of the corrnnii-tee ?��ere presented to members for discussion over t'ne 2�re�zr nori.od. In Atira.l, 1970 a consen- sus of o�ir.ion about Rice Creek �::�as reached. T'�.ei e r��as una.nimous agreement t?�at �c3Lere �.s a need ior re`•ional oovern- ment action i.n m.anagint, the ���ratei� resources of �he ti�ratershed; and that the preser�.i s�Tstem ( comuin.at3_on of local governments an.d st�.�:e ar;encies) is no� satisfactory. The i�osition st�,.��men.t included represer.ts tre oninion of 850 Leap:,ue irembers in :.he �:ice Creek atershed. Also enclased . is testimony :;iven to ��_�.e - et•ro��olitan Park itieserve Board on bAay 28, 1970. A 20 minL?�ce slide ��resertation c�e�a? cting T;•�ater uses from the source of Rice Creat- •co its mouth is ava; lable f'rom the studJ coirunittee i°or vie•.�:riiJ to anyone irlte� ested. The League of '.�or.ion Vo-�ers ha.s A- COIl'i;1.Z11?11'!b interest ' in developments t��ri�;hin '�he �ice Creek �.�atershed, and Vaould 'vrelcome any comr.ients you might have. �,incerel�r, Rxs. Efll��rard Larsen, Chairman 792 '?� Cotm.ty I�oad I St. Paul, 55112 484--8362 m _... _. �`)' - � 0 1'li�,� .� i � ����� ' . pOSITIOT' cTATEi/II�?T . he Leagues of bVomen Vot�rs in the Ri�e Crask T�rater�he� beiieva �hat �the iung erm trend to��rard vrba..ization in tne .va+ershed Th�iil c�usP tivater resource roblems to develop uniess preventive governnen;, a�tien is taken no�rr� omprehensive long—range pZanning, v�ritli Megianal ccoperati�, detarmSnation of est land uses, and citizen participation is es�en�ial to cont�ol po?lution - _ _ _ _ _ -- nd protect vrater sunplies. Present governmentai units alone are inadequate to eet the problems �-- an approach using s�rorg�i gu�del.ir..�s .'.'zc:�n r4��'L-.�cpo�i�an ouncil and its boards or a government iz�.it aa.;,��.g ti:��.te_•sne% ;ines ��vi �li Ma�tro ouncil revie��tal power, and stron political and f9r_a:��,.ic,.l cor.en : �ni:�r�.ts �r.o ooperation is necessary for effeozive conserv:��;;,or� ��,d c�e�e :o=:nen�� o.f the 'ater re�sources. . � 0 � . �4 --_� , .- .. ' .. . _ 9� ' AP'Pt LITI�?T'i0� �7:r� . . RICE CR�'EI� .��IATEicSf�.'`i COPTSEI+?�U'S .z'.TATE:I�1T � Nffty 259 1970 ' .. � . .. . ... � . . . . . . _ . . .. . . .. .. . •1 � � ,t. Nine local Leagues of ��+lomen Voters, totalling eigYit hundre3 and fif`ty members,�� participated in the study and consensus. The Leagues; from upstream and d rn,vn- � stream areas of the cratershed are: Arden Hills� BZaine., k'ridley, Nevr Brighton� Rosevilla, Shoreviev�s ��E. Anthony, St. �PauT,'.and Z'lhitie � Bear q '�� - - * "The Leagues believe that the �long-t�rm' trQnd totivard �urbaniiation. iri the Rice Creek'�Jatershed vrill cause vra�er resou�rce ��roblems to develop unless preventiva� • government action is taken notiv. - . - . _ . -,,, , . . : - �, . � _ . . , . . _. . � -- ._ <, . * Iseague members believe. the most•important,vJater resource prablems are pol- ' lution control and pro�ection of vratar supply. All pollution -� from s�orm '" water r�ioff, sanitary sowage, and industrial waste -- should be controlled. League members want to see Rice Croek protected as a source of supp�y for St, Paul 'a�la�er Department users, and as its possible role as an iMportant tirater re-- char�e area is inves�igated. A11 li�A't6x' resource areas should minimize other problems (such as flooding preventions provision of adeq,.aate drainage, provision sf. open space and recreation� protection of tivildlif'e, and control of eutrophi- cation). * League members agree that comprellensive, Zong-range planning is of paramount im�ortance for effective *�rater resource management in the Rice Creak tivatershad. Regional cooperation, determination of best Iand uses, and ci�izen participa�ion were seen as integral parts of comprehensive long-range pla_7ninga An example of the kind of decision that might ensu� tmder a policy of determ- ination of best Zand use is that keeping open space v�ould p-rotec� the TNater supply, provide time for long range planning, and for further investigation of current evidence that major seepage to underground"aquifers occurs zn tho Rice Creek watershed -- and greatly influence all facets of �he water problem. It might be that the best use, from the metropolitan viewpoint, yrould be limited development. Citizens of the area involved and affected should hava the opportunity to influonce plans and decisions. � * IAague members over��helmingly agree thare is a pressing need for �overnmont aetion� and that governmental units, as presentl;� organi2ed, are inadoquate to solve the problems of clean tiRrater supply, poilutiond and drainago.. Of primary importance to League membars is that our goals �e mets that there be �overnment action now to undertake co:nprehensive long-range planning to protect the v,rater supply and to control pollutian. � x . * League riembers agree a neis form for overall planning is needed. Most leagues preferred the can,ept oP using guidelines developed by P�etronolitan Co�meil and its boards to further the goals of y�rater resource management vrhich receiv�ed � priority. Hoivevoi•, many favored creating a government unit (v,ratershed district, special district, or joint prnrers ��:reement) along ti��atershed lines to further thQ goals, with ;.�otro Council having reviey,ral poz�ers over such a Lmit. ,Wisest use of the Rice Creek waters is more than a onQ-con¢n�i�y or one-county problem; by "regional", League members meant at least all the watershed regian� and that the '�region�} should include those com'munities that are involved or aff,eated. _ � • � , _', =• . _- _ . : � , _ . � .. __ _ 96 ...., .. . .. . , . ��* ' To effectivoly manage wa�er.'resources ,-the ieag'ue � � i�:cia�.a:! vJa'c�:r cnai:.*�an, b�Irrs. Donald Clusen states, thera are other criteria moz.� imnorta.nt •chan tY:e form of govern.ment. This consensus= shov�s .that our mer�be:�S 'J6�i�42 'i.fial; tcoF and that either form of governmental ager_cy can receive the Le�bu�;s� suP.p�r� if the goAls stated ar�; met.,. . , " � • ' . : :'. � , . . .. ':' � , :. :: .- Metropolitan Council vrould have.to have greater pc7vrer.to implement and enforce development gui,delines resulting from i�s long range s-�udies �on: land and water � use. A governmental unit formed along natura�l ��atershed boundaries tirould have to have strong political and financial support to meet tYie go�.ls. * V9hat is needed is,_strong political and financial commitment to cooperation,� } for effective management of,the vra.te�resources of the Rice Creek vJatershed. ___ __ . . . � . , - . ,. � ,.. . . , �-. . . ., . . . , . _ . . _ . _ � _ � • . _ .. . _ _ �... . . " _ .` �•, . -r. , ..., * .h .� r: ,. , .. _ . ...._. , . _._. a. . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ .; . . .f-._.. .... _ � r .. ...., - : _ . ,: . , _ .... . , . -.. • . ,_ '. , ...` ....__ , .. .. . . . . . .', _ . ` ._ � - • ...,... . . . , . . ., . , .. 3 . �.. . .. . . :- __ .'� ., ". . ." . .�� . � . . . . . � � . � � . .. _ . . _ .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . _ .. . a� � . . . . .. . � : . . _ - . . , - , . � � � . � � .. � . . . . .. . � . . .. . . . . . . . . -. - - '. . ... . . . . _ _ . . . � .. .. " ' � . �. . . . . � . -. "i . , . , , �. . � � . - _. - ,�. . ;,..., �. �'. _ . _. _ 1 � ._ . ... .. . ., . . � - " . . - - . . M r .. ,. � ' . .. ' " .,. . . , .. .. . , _ ... . _ . � i ' , . . ' � ' ` . , . _ . ... . . . ... . . � -i ' . � �' . � : � . . � !. �_ ' � : . - , � � " . . .,, . . . � .: .. ; - .. .. .., .. . � ... .,, . -. . : • , , 'fr� .., ,, ... ; . ...: i . '. ' � .. • ,. ...� y :.... ..-!.� .:. ... ,...�1: ,.. .,. .. , _ . . . . . " . 1. _ . . . � � � �. �. , � ' . . . . . .. . . . . � .. . . . L . . . ' . . .. . . , � . . �. .. . . � , . . . .., .. , . .. . ..., .. .. .. .. ... . . . • . I _ • . . . . _ .. .. . ... . . _ . _, , . ,, ' ; ,.. ' . - . . . � _ . . ,• . ' - , _ . . . .. a .. . _. _ , . _. ,� .. � �.. .. : . .: .._. . ` . � ... . ' - : ., • �' :. _ . . � - .. . ' _ _ . . . . . . . . `C � :. _. . . .. , . ,.' .: . . . .. , _ _".... _ ` ; .. ' ' . . . . . } '� " . ...._ . .. � : . � . . .. . '.".. ?:. : !.....'_ _ . ' .... ._. ._ .. 'S'.,.. . ., . - - ... , ' ,. �. " . � � � . . . , _� . . � , �_. ` .. _ � _ . .. . " . . . .. . ..._ . - . �• . . , •• , . . . .. : .._ � � . • ��. ..^ , F ' - - '.� � _,� � . ... _.. ._ . . .', � �... .. .. ' . _ .. . ... . . . _ . , . . ... .._ .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . � . ' r' _ . ._ � . ., � , -� �% TE �':' I:�:ZU:� Y T� Il�T FAVOR OF T�� �ROPOS �D PA�CS �: 0�'EP� SrACL C ri111� 1 LF' 0 r TI� .1.'?.F,T�.OPOLITIsI�? DEV'�LG??<� � �;T GL�IDE, PR"S�t�ITi,D T:iAt 28 , :�.970 at .. �, .' ' �-..,,''. • T� rG'E�IC �hF,AR7T�1G h��LD F�Y i�� £��Tt�POLTTAP? CCUr�;�I=, .. .r �. .�- � . . _ . . . . _ �. . . . � ' . . .. -+i I am Rrs. r�ichalas E. �uff„ Chairman of the Cou>>r,'il �' T��';ropo::�:i•�a,n Area� -- Le�gu�s of '�Vomen Voters speaking ir . ia.vor of the pro�ose�. ��r:cs ;- �pen Space .-• , Chapter �for the T�.�etropoli�an �evalop�?o.zt Guide� I.'v�?°P,56t1`� tre 34 local. -. I.�V�Ts in this �.�in Ci�ies area-- botl� centra]: ci-�ies �and sutiu'�s, or stated -, „ al�habetically-- from Ano� a to �:roodbury -- T.ritl� so:�e 3,500 members. � • �"�:� _. � It zvas our very real pleasure to v:Tor� in �he 19�9 session of the Legisla- .. • ture and he3p establish the P�'etropcli-�an Park P.eserve �oardo �Yotz hav�e dor_e a .: trul�t �remar��.able job vrith your char;e from the�Legislature to come up t�ith a ��.... Parks and Open Space s;jster.i -proposal-� esnecially .rs,nar}.>a'�le since the Legisla- ture prov? ded you with no fl�ndG ar.d in addition to this, because your bill vJas � passed t:�e last daf of f�he session, a cons�itutiona.l cloud h�ngs over 1=our '. � head. ":je s �and in tremendous admiration of the fzn.e 'joh yc� ha-re don�V to date. � • Thanlc go�dness vou have' this able staf.f on Ioa.n i'rora the ?'e-'�x�cp�l�t�n Coimcil and �• �2 million of state cigarette tax money to hoae�uliy s�art y��� on. an aequisition program after adoption of this secvion of the Developm�n�t Gvido� -•� -. "�Timing is of critica�'�muor-Eance with ��is pro,ram; ':�e do hope th�_s proposed ahapter for the Guidc is adopted by �ha Courcii �:s uoon as p�stiibie <<f�e share � your concern to protect our unique and ir�.�ortar�t oper spac� areas sueli as rivers, streaihs, la?ces, floot1�31ains and ?�retlands, Le� me take a spe��i.°ic locaticn; the Rice Greak.. �raters�.ed, a.nd ex�.��.ain. a fez-� critic�). n�_r. 'ts as s�an by the Leagues o#' �;�iomen Voters in Arden �� iZl_s, Llaine, Fridley,� fierr Pr? ?h;,on,� �oseville, Shoreview, St. Anthoriy Village, S�. Paul and ':dhite Sear-� This is �ths Rice • Creek '%ta�Lersned. In '�he words of�PJlrs. Ricnard Phiilips; �h�ai_ c't:�irma.:i: .. "The last few years have seen a�terrific bL�rs-� o� urban e�pansion in the `� northeast suburbs y�rhich drain into Rice Cree�. In Fri3'ley and ?�TeZRr. Erighton, - - near the mouth of Rice Cree'�, much of the lan.d along the creelc has been spo3�en ,.- for - either heavily developed (Slide ;;�5 of Locke LaLe) or saved as county or municipal �ark land (slide ;;=,50 of i:=aiinoMen). Eut our conce��s no�v turn north up the wa�;ershed, noT�v on the frinues of uroanizatian. here the problems seem �reater (Slide ;;8). Soils in this regior are �rariable - sQndy, m.ediL�m loam and peat or bog�y areas ir_�erspersed. rlise de4elopmont here T�rill require careful attention to r_a�ural c�larac-cerisi;ics. Your �;uidelines, as sta�Led in this proposed chapter for the Development Gu�de, would be most helpful here. :. There also are other problems �n- t::is�zvater5hed - a hi�h �rr�ter table (Slide # 4) and �seasonal flooding (4 slides sho�,-ing same p�ace spring d: fall ;;'= 11 - 14 . all in the Geor�;e '�datch Lake area). '."�e reco�nize tha`t there are legitimate pressures on t:�ase commwiities to develop. But �rre are concerned that too often _ � the approacn tal�en is to fi.11 lo�•r lards or restrict na�ui•al se�sor_al floodin�, which only transfers the probloms doranstream. Full ir��plementation of tnis pronosed chapter for the Developr�ent Guide vrould minimize Buch problems. . Implementation soon is needed to make this chapter effective. (sometimes ��e r�rish it could l�ave teen �,•esterday.) Com�letion of Interstate Hight�ray 35 (Slide ;;'- 10� ?rill bring more building to the ver,y areas T-;e consider of prime irr�por-tance - the Lino La�-es region. �":�e are pleased to note yoL.r interest in recreation onen snace -� ~rOttr. sele�'��.on of ��riori�y oarL sites. ''Te feel the Lino Lakes site is extremely irnnortance, that this area is a Yey area of the Rice Creelc rvatershed (Slide T'- 26 of park site). ■ - .. _ _-. _ : __ _ � . , . ' . , .. _ :�� Cauncil of b4�trapolitan Area Leagues of �Plctle�i Vo�cers - � , _ _. �. ._' � i . . _ _ .__ . "�'de share your conaern for the needs oi mul:ti- �pu� po�e c�en �s�a ���' a.nd� v�rou.ld just note the many uses these Ia1��.s now serve - water� suon:�y�_;:or �the. City.-of ` St. Pauly tivhich controls over 2,000 acres here, a vari�t�r _�f recreatior. uses and wildlife ar..d por_ding area �'or seasor..al floods� .:�Te dc hope p:eser_t developmeni. along here can be controll�d to have a min�.mum im�iacti an t'�E'ti�•a-t�r syst�em �nd" � c�re earnes�;ly hone t?�at a��a�r ���i7.1 Ue found to ;.carry out the Lino La1;es �cha.in � � Park nro�osal. Thi� v�ry �:i?Yn.aa�T 35_ ti,rl:ic'� increases �:�e press?�re �or development increases tne areas of � desirabj.lit�T as a oar?c. . lt ie more accessible �to a - lar�er nart of +he metropolitan aroa. . Tortunatel;� much of t'�,is land 'i's -still � _ � snarsely"�settled - the�re is time to: prevent haphazerd deve�opment if we act now. _:_... -._ _ _ �, . : : . ; . _ ., . . : . .. . . , Besides protection and aequi�sition of �the $ice Creek �:��tershedts natural y� ' features and of the Lino Lakes. Chain Park, ti°re v�rould like to put in a special plug for short - term objectives E3, 9, ar.d l0a on pa�e 25 of your proposed chap- tar for the Develonment Guide. ��e feel t��ses are extremely important enabling � aotions for comprehensive long range planning which considers t�isest use of land and t-rater.s. i'Tisest use of the Rice Creek �raters is more than a on.e community or one-county pro�lem. But without stron� guidelines it may be treated ' in disjointed iashion by individual municipal efiorts, k2so, t�ays must be devised to enhance and ericoura;;e citizens of �he area in the planning and implenentation of these guzdelines so t�1at tneir interes�s and needs are,lis'tened to." : ' Th'roughout the metropoli�an area, �-;e are pleased to note your interest.in�� � �� water access areas the 400 some acres of water related parks, the sv�.*imming� � pionicl�ing, �iking and hi?cing op�ortunities. Let me spend a moment an �iking � and hiYing trails because our St. Louis Parl: L':'�1V plus the Golden Valley League have done extensive r�rork on 'chose to�ics. (See attached St. Louis Park LTpdate publiCa�ion). Here's (sho�r) the Golden 'Jalley r:iap -- t�rith the extensive trail • , system marked out. They have been vrorl:ing on that program for years and are frustrated at every turn because it�s so very difficult for one municipality alone to floai an exter_sive program such as that wnich, of course, would be used by the rest of us, too. . . ' In t�±e soLithvre'stern suburbs, our �'den Prairie unit states it tY:is, r-ray: �. . "Tde *.vare very much in favor o� �;ze villa��e' s plan to �urchase some of its � park lar.d in areas t�rhere there i•ras _ lal.ceshore. '.:e r*ere concerned about the industrial zoning north of the Andersan Lal.�es and south of �n�:erstate 494. rTOw, howe��er, there is �fronta�e a�:rned by �the villa�e, so t'_zat the lakeshore of Anderson La.t-es tivill be partrZand nost of the way around...It is the �ri.11age� s intent that ! all .of the la►;eshore �;�rill be public land...:��e feel th�t t:�is areas is deserving of the to� priority given it h�r the r~etro��olitan Council as �he site for a NIetropolitan Park." . . . , Thank you for t.�is oppartl.nity t�o an�ear here tonight in behalf of these local Leagves and our r.ietronolitan council of L�+�rs to urge .your ado�tion of this , very find Parks �:.Open Snace Policies, System Plan 8. Pro�ram Ch�.pter for the Metropolitan Development vuide. . , �,... . _ _ ,..� � : � ~ M. . 1 . ' . . _ . - � : , , . • , . - : � .. . • . _ � . . _ - -... . _ . _ _ . _. _ . __. __ _. _ . � . _x . .--:. : . . . . . , . . _ . . . . . ; _ . ._ . .. < - -- ,: : -i� . � ,.__ . _ • . ��: fE AL CORRESPONDENCE • , � tM S-SIa7 � � . . . . . � � � - .. - . . � � . . ' � . � . DATE Ju1,y 17s �7�0 . : � °� �. R. Colema.n, Manager-Transmission Line Engr'g, • �o��T�oN Minneapolis _ R�W, & Construction Dept. , . � J. C. Pearce, District Mana,ger ����T�oN , North District' -_.�..._.� Mpls North Dis!ritt � 1CP ' R1N ���. . -�- �G19 A- E-6462 _ Riverside-Moore Le,ke Line �0871 _ RMP i � Fridley Reroute-Letter �21 - , !0_� F;�e D1S � R^turn � �--- - --- rRFU � � Des'.�qr � 'The f�llowing activities occurred during the week of July 13, on the subject reroute. � GM� A. Engineering: Complete . , B. Ri ht of Wa : � � ��_� ' 1. Private acquisition-Basically complete 2. Railroad agreement-No change in sta.tus with the B-N�Rail- � � j. road until resolution of induction problems on the cammunication and signal circuits. i � � , � C. Induction Task Force . . No f'urther action was ta.ken this week by the task force as we � , await an answer to our formal request for B-N Ra,ilroad �pproval to energize the.345 KV lines in the area. As noted previous],y; . this will assist in reaching a final solution to the induction problems with respect to both the 345 KV and 115 KV circuits. D. Construction• . 1. Materials for construction have been received�. 2. S-tart of construction continues to be delayed because negotiations with the B-N Railroad on the induction � problems have not yet been campleted. Construction ' will begin up�n resolution of these problems and execut;on of the necessary agreement for occupancy of railroad right of way. �� G ' � j� . G. R. Coleman, Manager �Transmission Line Engr'g� R�W� & Construction Dept. GRC�mlp � ec: R. G. Grosshans J. E. Mielke T_ T_ Rit�cin_ Tr_ � R. W. Walters G. V. Welk T ...........�: :' .. .. ._�.___ ... ....._. __._.�. .. ..:.�,. ... . ._.._ ____._..... . _ ..... .... ..... . _.... _ .. _..... ...__ __""._.�__.____�__.____��_ . �� . � . .. ' � •.. . • . ' . . , i V 1.1�. INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Y . - /OAM tIS-Sta3 � . • . . � . � �. . FROM G. R. Coleman� Manager-Transmission Line�Engr'g, R%W, & Construction Dept. To J: C. Pearce� District Manager �ATE Ju1� 24, �1970 LOCATION Minneapolis LOCATION North District Mpis. Horth District . JCP R1W S�B�E�T . E-6462 . _ _�-�- � cia� Riverside-Maore Lalce Line �0871 � _ RMP Fridley Reroute-Letter �22 _ ��M �i^F��e, • - -- b1S Return . ` -___ - _ _. . __..-_ - - -- • -. - — - . - RFU Destrq The �ollowing activities x�ctxrred during the week of July 20, on the x L m�3 subject reroute: � " A. En_gineerin�: Complete � . B. Right of Way: � ' 1.. Private acquisition - Basical�y complete � 2. Rai]xoad agreement - No cha.nge in status with the B-N � RailrQad until resolution oP in- , - � � duction problems on the Communication � - and signal circuits. .� C. Induction Task Force: � We are still azraiting a reply from the.railroad to our formal request Por their approval to energize the 345 kv circuits in -: ' the area oP the subject relocatiQn. D._ Canstruction: � . � 1. Me�terials for canstruction have been received. . 2. Start oi construction cont'inwes to be delayed because negotiations with the B-N Railroad on the induction `. problems have not yet been completed. As noted � previously� construction will begin upon resolution:of these probl.ems and execution of railroad right of way . . occu�a,ncy agreement . - . � ' �� �� � .� . G. R. Coleman, Manag r ,. ., Transmission Line EnBr'8s � . R�41� & Construction Dept. GRC RWW/mlp . . • . cc; R. G. Gmsshans ' �. • R. W. Walters J. E. Mielke ' (�. V. Nelk , . J. T. Ripsiri� 3'r.' , �� x�• . � i 1 I ' �� ' ' ' ' . _ �o�� " ,,:' n'�... . �OODCREST � . � � , .. . � �::... - BAPTIST - � 6875 University N.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 •(612) 784-6409 F.�r.�d.eer� C.i.t� Counr..i� Fi�..i,dQec�, l7.i�zn.�ao.ta _ � 30, 19 �'0 L�ea� S.i.�.s, Tf�i.s .i.s .to �.ec�u.e�.t �ulzi.�s.i_on �o� a I/ucc�t.i.orc /3.t.�.�.e Sclzoa.2 �aaad.e .thltoc�c�ir. cL .a�'�on .o� �'�r,id.PQ� .on ,�lu.�u.a.t 8.th, 1970, T.tme: 10:00 - 12:00 A.�"1. Two rhun.ch .�.e� ,�ou� .�.e u.aed �.i.th �xun.�i�zc� aclv.e.�i.zin.c� .thz .s.ch.00.e .on. .cani,rza eafi.i�Jt e�wu.ecl .�.e a.tt.a.c�i.ed .to .t/z�. .a.i.cLe� .o .thQ .�c�ap.s. Lo.o.a.e �acz�¢,.i. o�. .a.t�.eame.ir.a i.wu�cl n.o.t .8.e u.aed. l�°� fie,° fiQe 1.w� .P� ��rl.i.rua .th..e�..r, de.co�ter,L .�.iJz� a ae, .�Qhind .th.e .P�ca. Tfie .a.tn.�e,t.a .cov.e�c.�d wou.�d 8e .in. .thQ u�cea .o� Ob.�o.rn.e .to .th.e izoir..tfi., and 73icd .to .tJze .Qo�..th, ,.a.i_t1�. lln��.e2a.�.f�� (�iLO.Ltac�.e 3:ou.cl) and Vari [3urcen �� .th.e �O s.t - GI� a.t .P�m.i.t.a. Ad�t.s ,.wu�d czccom�zan�� .tJ�.e �an.arl�.. Th.e .t_o.ta.e ne�n�Q�. n� �n,av.e.s .in. .th.e �za�ade uaou�L num.�elt rr.��t.ox�e;r�a�Le,Pc� 50 �_n,a.orz.�. An. .e�c.tiu.c n�;.g.a�/ion.e �o.��.t:�.Pt� r.�ou�d .�.e u.a�r.0 .t.o .irw.i.t� clz.i..P�Lce.n. .i.n. .t.li.� a�a.a .to .corne .to .the rhua..che,a G�.�.Qe Schoo.e, R��.t 10-14 . ,7n�oiunr�t.i_on .ah_e.e�a wou�Cl .�e. �.Q.a.c�r.l .in. .fh.e hand� o� �vn.s �i.o u,ou� .fah� .th.Q,n .�ra.to .th�i�, h.ome.a. 1 W.e .Qha�2 .8:e c��ad .to �om�c� �.th a�i� .s.t.�:�w�a.#�i on.a c�ou. mar� .au.c��.t, .�u_t r�ou.P:rl �°u�c �'cun#�n� �h,i.a 'r.e�/'.r�.t. Tlwfrh r�ou. �o.c �.ou.� c.on.a.�den.a.ti_oR anc� .�ime. ' • S.�n.c.e�%.P�r�, � . � ,�C% ��i� �L'�' _�/ t2 �---�r� �r (�%a�h.e /�vD/!n!!lIL� /�a�.�o�t ' ' ' , Rev. Clarke Poorman, Pastor _ __ _._ _--- -- __.. _ _------- �.._.::. ! _ __r____. _ ___ _.__ .._ _._ _ _ . _ _ __ _ -_ _- . - _ -- _- ' � � . . 1C�� � . _ � � � � R � . �. � � w �� ` � �� � � _ �^ Y , \\v � • � • . . ` . L � . V `� ` v ^� � ` � - : _ I, - _ _ -_ -_ ._ � -- ,. _ _ - �� , � � _ _ �' � . .. i y . . . .. . . . . . _. .. . . . �� � ��' 1 ` �� � � . �� � . � � � 1 _ 5� i� l� -- : : _ _ _ � . � a '_ � � ' � � � �� _ � � � �9 � '� � � . � - � � �. � � � � ' � _. �� ` - � . � , ' ,o°� � �% ' � � � � � � 3 � ,� � o� � � � � 1 °� � ��� . . � _ - 1 � � . �' . � � � Q - � � � � r � �� � �- �� � � �