08/17/1970 - 5806JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECY. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:30 P•M. AUGUST 17, 1970 REGUI.AR COUNCIL I�ETING AGENDA - AUGUST 17� 1970 - 7:30 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, August 3, 1970 Public Hearing Meeting, August 10, 1970 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Con�ideration of Items aot on Agenda - 15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARINGS: None OLD BUSINESS• 1. Second Reading of an Ordinance Repealing Section 37.01 of the City of Frid�ey City Code Relating to Clean-up Paint-Up Week and Amending Section 37.02 of the City Code as Relates to Inspection and Enforcement 2. Progres�:� Report oa Project #93 3. Second Readiag of aa Ordinance Repealiag Chapter 6 "pog'Control" of the City Code and Adopting an "Animal Control Ordinance" � ,(Comment; The Citq Manager's rgcommendations follow Che coannunicationa in the agenda on pages 119 - 122 Pages 1 - 19 Pages 20 - 31 Pe�ge 32 --- Pages 33 - 40 REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 17, 1970 PAGE 2 NEW BUSINESS: 4. Consideration of Firat Reading of an Ordinance on Vacation Request (SAV ��70-04) James L. Robinson by G. D. Giancola, his Attorney (Vaca'tion of Brooks Street) Comment; The First Reading can be held but the Second Reading should be withheld until utility easement is received by the City. � 5. Considexation of 1971 Budget 6. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of Auguat 5, 1970 7. Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards - Design Control Meeting of August 6, 1970 8, Re�eiviag the Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of August 11, 1970 9. Receiving the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Meeting of July 27, 1970 Page 41 � Pages 42 - 51 pages 52 & S3 Pagea Sk b 55 Pagea S6 - 59 REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 17, 1970 PAGE 3 NEW $USINESS: 10. Receiving the Minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Coamittee of June 25, 1970 11. Cansideration of Appeal of Assessment by Minnesota Transfer Railway Company on 71st Avenue (ST. 1968-1 B) 1.2. Discussion Regarding Request for Deletion of �mpFOVement of 61� Way from Street Improvement Project ST: 1970-1 � (Comment: This street is under contract under ' ST. 1970-1. If it is deleted now it should be improved when the East River Road improvement is done) , I ' I ' I ' I 1 I ' ' ' 13. �iscussion Regarding Entering into Agreement with County for P]rofessional Engineering Services for the Design of Street Improvament Project ST. 1971-3 Comment: This coa�nits City to over $6,000 for design of East River Road and related safety improvements, so Council should be sure they plan to proeeed with the improvement as discussed earlier) 14. Coasideration of Naming of Auditor for the Year Ending Aecembei 31, 1970 Pages 60 - 63 Pages 64 - 67 Page 68 Pages 69 • 76 Page 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 17, 1970 PAGE 4 NEW BUSINESS• 15. Resolution Ordering Improvement and Final Plans and Specifications Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-1 (Addendum #3) Co�ent; This is resolution for ordering the sidewalk on Osborne Road) 16. Resolution Approving Change Order ��1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-1 (Osborne Road Sidewalka and Other Work) Coamnent: This would add the sidewalks on Osborne Road onto existing Project ST. 1970-1 and approve other modifications in the contract) 17. Resolution Ordering Improvement Final Plans and $pecifications Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-3 Coonaent: This would order improvements for the loopbacks on University Avenue 18. Receiving Preliminary Report and Ordering Public Hearing Street Improvement Project ST. 1971-3 Comment: The County is holding their public hearing for the improvement of East River Road on Sept. 2 at 8:00 P.M. in Fridley City Hall, so we would be able to hold our improvement hearing sometime after this in S�ptember) 19. Reeolution in Regard to Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with State of Minnesota �age 78 Page 79 Page 80 Pages 81 - 83 Page 8G R�GUTAR COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 17, 1970 PAGE S NEW BUSINESS: , 20. Resolutioa Making a Transfer from the Public Utility Fund to W-75 Waterworks Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement Bonds of 1960 Fund, Improvement Bonds of 1963 Fund, Improvement Bonds of 1967 Fund, and Refunding Bond Fund - and Proposal for Meeting Debt Service Requirements for Improve- ment Funds for the Year 1970-71 21. Appointmenta a. Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Anthority b. City employee 22. Claims 23, Licenses 24. Esticaates 25. COI�IlrIUNICATIONS A. Fridley Youth Football Assoc: B, Republic Party: C. Dept. Civil Defense: Permits for Tournament Request Regarding Picnic Chief Aldrich Certification A. Insurance Women of Greater Mpls: Use of Council Chambers on Saturday Mornings E. Wyman Smith: Regarding Michael Servetus Society Charges Co eat: Pleaae note last paragraph €or payment of specials-'�Irid" weed�) Pages 85 - 87 Page 88 P$ge 89 Page 90 Pages 91 - 103 Pagea 104 - 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Pages 114 - 1].6 Pagea 117 & 118 ' , , 1 ' ' O 1 ' ' , ' � ' 1 � ' 1 ' THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETII�iG OF AUGUST 3, 1970 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of August 3, 1970 to order at 7:35 P.M. PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: . Mayor Kirkham:lead the Council and the audience in sayinq tha Pledqe of Allegiance _to the Flag. .. INVOCATION: Reverend Berqren, Redeewer Lutheran Church offered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, I�arris, Breider, Sheridan, Kirkham MEMBERS� ABSENT: None PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: Mayor Kirkahm presented Mr. Mark Hansen, Valedictorian, with his Youth A�hievetaent Award an8 aaked that Miss Wanda Werner, Salutatorisn be sent her award, as she was not present to accept. Mayor Kirkham then presented the Certificates of Appreciation for con- tri.butions to Eisenhower Veterans Memorial Square to: Fridley Lioas Club� Fxidl.ey American Legion, Fridley Veterans of Fozeign Wars, and the Fridley State Bank. He asked that the Fridley Garden Club, and the Minneapolic Gas Campany Certificatss of Appreciation be sent as there was no one present to reaeive the awards. APPR�OVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CAIII3GIL.MEETZNG OF JULY 20, 1970s MOTION by Cauncilman,Harris to adQpt the Minutes of the Regular C,ouncil Meetinq of July 20, i970 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Bxeider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mr. Marvin Brunsell, Actinq City Manager, said that there was a resolution to add as follows: Resolution Revisinq Departinent Appropriations Within the General Fund. Se explained that this is to proceed with the purchase of Lot 8, P�cel 2000, Auditor's Subdivision M2� from the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society. Th� Counci� now has to accept the deed. M(7�IpN by Councilman Sheridan to adopt the Aqenda as a�nended. Seconded by Counailman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhata declared the tnotion carried unanimously. REGUTAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 VISITORS: , PAGB 2 ' Mr._R�abert Minder, 550 Rice Creek Boulevard: Cooqplaint on D�edqir�q Rice Creek Mr. Minder explained that the person across the creek from him has been dtedqinq the creek, making his side deeper, which has left his side with nothing but sand bars. He has a sprinklinq system which has b�en inoperable because of the lowered water level. He said th�t he checked to see if there was a pezmit issued and ha cauld find no evidence of any. Mr. Minder said that he did nat feel that this man had the right to divert the course of the creek. The City Attorney asked if the dredging wa� complete. Mr. Minder said thnt he understood that the instructions were to dredge all along this person's pro- perty. . He said that there was no pern►i,t with the State Depart�nent. Two years aqo this aian built a bridge across the creek and it is now used by all the neiqhborhood children as a short cut throuqh to the Ice Arena, which he also found bothexsoiae. He said that he would like a pera�uzent inju�ction #or this man to etop his dredqing and for the creek to be put back into it$ for- n�er condition. He said that the man doing the dredqing was Mr. Ralph Frkel. The City Attorney said that he and the City Enqineer would take a look at thi� property the next day. Mayor Kirkham said that he understood that th� Police Dapartmant stopped the work when they were informed of it. CounciLa�n Ha�z�ria wandared if the property could not be red taqqed to •liminate any fuxther wOrk until it is checked o�xt. Mr. Minder said that he Nas afraid that thep w�1d qo ahead and dredge saae more some week end when he and his neighbo�cs �re not At haa� to stop them. Once it is done it wauld be harder to isake hiut gut thQ cresk back into the oxiqinal condition. The City Attorney said that ig there waa not a.permit, it would be in violation of the State la�. He said that by tomarxtiow a�ternoon he would have this checked qnt and would then know hqw to proceed. . . Counc�Lnan Harais caamented that the property avners wre payinq taxes ba�ts$ pn c�'esk frontage.- This frontaqe should not be .ta]cen away fraa them. Mr, Minder said that aone -of the rest of the neigtsbo,rs have tampered vritit t�ie coux'se of the creek. Councilman Sheridan said that the Department of Con- serviation should have a part in this action. . Counci,Laan 8reider asked if the City Attorney would need atty action by th� Counci,l. The City Attorney said tha�t at this point it iR administrative. Cownoilman Liebl told Mr. Minder that he has received saae canplaints that tx'�e creek.vra►+a not being taken care of. In some cases, the sand shouid be cl�aned out, but to ahanqe the caurae of the creek is eaaethinq else ac,�aia. Mr. M�.nder said that this is not a matter of cleaninq out the sand, he h�s divsrted the couxse, and left them hiqh and dry. He has duq down $eeper thau► ths oxiqinal bed. Mr. Minder added that as to the bridqe, they haVe tried "Nq T�'e$passing" siqns, but they do no good. Mayor Kirkham said that he belioved that the bridqe was put up without pexmissian, Mr. Mindsr at�id.yss� he put up the bxidge, then obtained permission on Iriay 27, 1967 fraA the � Consexvation Department. Counvilman Breider said that he wvuld agree that the creek ahould ba=clea�rw4 Qut be a joint effort of all the people. He pointed out that if ever�rone MerB to �lt�� the creek, it Would have a bad effect_all.up and �n the.Cre�k .. calree, The City 1►ttorney eaid that .he wou��� �a�� �trs ;lsi.n�ie�� Wednesdap A.!!. a►lt.�A� checkinq thie out. '"" _ f , � � ' � ' � ' ' � II ' ' ' ' �'� � 1 ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 , , ' ' , ' ' ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 Robert E. Kelshaw: 831 West Moore Lake Drive PAGE 3 Mr. Kelshaw said that he would like to volunteer to serve an some cnooaaaission or caamittee for the City of Fridley. He said that he would like to serve his community. Mayor Kiskham informed him that there is a vacancy on the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets and Utilities Subcammittee, and asked him what his business was. Mr. Kelshaw said that he was in the inaurance businesa. Mayor Kirkham asked him how long he has lived in Fridley. He replied a total o� about 12 years. Mayor Kirkham said that thia was most admirable for a citiaen to caaae forward and wish to serve. Councilman Harris said that some of these cammittees take a qood deal of.time and he appreciated the good citizenship. I� was agrsed to move the appointment to Plats and Subdivisions - Stxeets and Utilities Subcoaimittee to Old Business so Mr. Kelshaw would not have to wnit so long. � RATIFICATI�ON OF RESOLUTION �k112-1970 RELEASIDiG C�RTAIN T�1{ FORFEIT LOTS AND HOLDiNG CERTAIN TAX F'ORFEIT LOTS FOR CITY PURPOSES: Councilman Harris said relative to Lots 1 throuqh 13, Block 7, Edqewater Gardens included on the list to be released by the City, that he did not feel that these lots shauld be built upon. These are the lots that back up to the rai�road tracks eaet of Redeemer Lutheran Church. The City Enqineer �aaid thAt he believed that the County was qoing to hold these lots. Councilman Harris said that Lots 14 and 15 are built upon, but the rest are not. The City Enqineer aaid that the County would be holdinq them for disposinq ot tha dirt caainq from the underpass for Mississippi Street. MOTION by CounciLaan Harxis to xatify Resolution i�112-1970, and instruct n lettex be sent to the County of Anoka indicatinq that the City of Fxi$ley understands that the County will be holding these lots, and if not to plea$e adv�se tlie City. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, nll votinq axe, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �ISCUSSION REGARDING STATUS OF PRlJ.7ECT'�k93: The City 1ltt�ney reported that.at this point the repair work needs to be completed. American Pipe has checked to see what repairs are needed. Z'he baadinq co�apany has received two bids for the repair work and Mr. Camatock, Consultinq Enqineer, is reviewinq the bids. Bids for the uncompleted work wil� be let iaanediately once the repair work is taken care of. The bonding qompauny is neqotiating for the balance of the work. He said that Nr. Coaa- stoak has reported that the bondinq c�npany is very cooperative and he is optaaistic that the work will move right along. 1'he contractor will be under the direction of the bonding campany. REPORT APPRISING OF A�CTION REGAP FRAPERTY !RD STREET N.E.: z PETITION �10-1970, CONDITI MO',�ION by Councilman Liebl to receive the information supplied in the m�no- randum by the Health Sanitarian dated July 20, 1970. 3"�'� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, .1970 p�� 4 Councilman Liebl asked Mr, and.lriz�s,:gankq Schuur if they would not pleaae canply with the requests. He explained that there was a petition for the sprucing up of the property signed by the neiqhbors. llrs. Schu�r aeked what needed to be done and Cauncilman Liebl read the list of 6 itens fro�t � �e m�orandum. He aaid that he has also received a camplaint tha t t3iere is saae old lumber piled on the property. Mrs. Schuur said tha��it is not there any more. Cauncilman Liebl aaid.that he would appreciate it very much if they �+ould comply. Mrs. Schuur said that they ha�e pictures of the ba�)t yards og saae of the neighbors who �igned this petition and cane forward to present them to Cour�cilman I,iebl. She aaid that they did not iniend to paint the ga�rage. It is supposed to have a lifetime finish and not re ire Councilman Liebl expl d tiwt the are � Paintinq. 90t cf the people on�Street do h,aye n���g to enforce the code aad that anly titae that yatd was not mowed was when theapeogle Were�on v ation�Shehe added that the City should write her a letter of what needed to be done, and she Would turn it over to her attorney. She charged that she had called Councilman Leibl four times and he never called back. Councilmari i,eibl eaid tha� he receives about 50 ealls a week, and added that this propezty has lool�ed like this aiace he bscame a CounciLnan. THE MOTION was seconded by CounciLaan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voti.nq aye, lKaiyor Kirkham deElared the motion carried unanimously, APPOINTMBNTs PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS - STREETS AND UTILITIES SUBCOlQldITTEg; Councilman Sheridan said that Mr. Kelshaw should be commended for steppiriq forward a�nd volunteerinq to serve. MOTION by Councilman.Sheridan te appoint Mr. Robert E. Kelshaw, 831 West Moore Laks Drive to the Plats aAd Subdiv_isions - Streets and Utilitiee SubaeaAaitte�: Seconded bp Connc.�lman i3arris. ilpen a voice vote, all votinq.aye�, Mayor Ki,rkham declared the nwtion carried unanimously. TION OF AN OTr CODE n: CHAPTER .99 OF TFiB CITY �F The City�]►trtorney read aloud:the suggested Ordinance as written by Maiyor Kirkham. He said that this Ordinance poses scme probletae. Chapter 99 a�dopt� the Stat�.Statutes by reference, but this would not atrietly spea�kinq be a-� pa�rt of Chagter-99. This Ordinance would raise a nwobsr of con�titu�ional P���• Mayor Kirkham �aid that.Chapter 99 adopts the State StatutM�which includes mention that no person shall fly a red or black flag. The Gity Jlttorney said�that this ha� been ruled un�onstitutional. Mayor Rirkh�ut poinLad� out that the .Ordinance urider cor�sideration says any cottntr�+ �hee United Statee ia engaqed in armed aonflict with. The �ity Attorney +taid thatt 'khis aqain Would be auabiquous ia a court of law; haw do you define armed cor�_ flict. Mayo� Kirkhma said that what had pro�npted this action, wae in Minneapolis, a United States flag was taken davn and a Veit Nam flakg raieed, �d he'di�d not.want.this happening in Fridley wirthout a ag penalty: Counc�Itpan 8reider�askQd`if thi,a�waa enfosce�ble at the municipal level.- He s�,td that the interlt was� good but he did not want a lavr on . the boo]c� ig it wae unanfo�`oeable. The City Attorney said that he could ttot ansiver that� A�nd that� he �ld subtait it to the AttOrney _ General . � � ' �I ' � � ' � � ' II ��� 1 � LJ �� LII ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 LJ l.J ' u IJ ' �� PAGE 5 Councilman.Liebl ques�ioned why "O��enses against Government"? He said that everyone in America should have the right to dicsent. He said that he would never vote for an ordinance that denies the riqht for freedam of speach. Mayor Kirkham explained that in the State Sta�utes "Offenses aqainst Govern-. ment" is subdivided into "Offenses against the Flaq" and this is �he part he would like to amend. MOTION by Councilman Harris to table considexation of this Ordinance, pending a report by the City Attorney. s�conded by CounciLnan Breider. Upon.a voice vote, all vot�.nq aye,.�layor Kirkham declared the aotion carried undnimously.- FIRST RF.ADING OF AN ORDINANCE REPF.ALING 37.01 OF i CODE RFLATINE's TO CI,BRN-UP PAINT-UP WEEK AND AMEIZD: CODE AS RELATF.,$ TO INSP$CTIpN AND �iFORCEMENT: CITY OF FRIDLEY CITY 37.02 OF_THE Mayor Kirkham eacplained that tile City Manager had infoxmed him tha.t th�.court dismissed a case bec�use the�e wa,s . no_ pra�lau►ation proclaia�ing tha.t week to be "clean-up week". This Ordinance is to rectify the situation. The City Attorney said that this will, in effect, make every week clean-up wesk as far as the courts are concerned and will eli.uninate any ambiquities. MOTION by Cou�cilzpan Shexidan ta approve the Ordinance ori first reading, ' waiving.the reading. Seconded b� Councilman Liebl. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkhau�, Liebi,.�iarri�, 8reider, and Sheridaa-voting aye, Mayo� Kirkham deal�'ed the motion carried unanimously. ' - : + . . ... DISCUSSION REGARDING VA�CATION OF MARSHALL STREET AND OTHFsR RII.ATED RE4Z1E3TS ' BY TiiE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS: , The City Eng.ineer saa�d that the City.vacated a,>portion of Marshall.Street throuqh N.S.S.S.D. property. The latest infarmation he had was that.N.S.S.S.D. had the property, but he understood that they could not file the deed. Ttie , City Attorney said that they acquired the land through condemnation, but they never fi�ed a certificate of.condewna�ion. He stid that,this.wos�ld.pose no problew. - 1 , �I ' �I � � ' The City FsYiqinser said that,the City of Minnenpo�.is has xequested�vacation..of certain staceets; -and also sozae -easeiaents .. He then . ahowed on -the screen those portior�s 4f Marshall Street and 43rd Avenue.�that they would:like vacated. There has bes�.-=a<public-heas�4ng and the first reading oi the Ordinance for . the vacation. Nobody objected to the vacation. All the facili�ies are,+o�mad by Minneapolis and deeds can be given fox easemente on 43rd Avenue an�d Main Stzeet. He said that Fridley would 7.yke an aqr�ement to buy r+ater fraa Minneapolis on an emergenQy basis, If this.aqr�emet�t Was.reachedw th� 8econd reading could be held-and the easements given. The City Attorn�y said that the City of Minneapolis is unha�ppy with,tha action taken for N.S.S.S.D. He said that hs responded by eaying that �e would qst their requeat back before the_Council. They feel that Fridley is not.being cooperativa. N.S.S.S.D. gave an easement but Minneapolis feels that it is too restriative. <Minneapolie' attorney want� to meet with the Fridley City Attorney �o reoord the easement.. All their linea are protected and if any lines need.movinq, it would be at N.S.S.S.D.'a expense. Councilman�.Harris ;said that scme of the area is,sti�l beinq_used as a d�mp. T4�e qatss are in now, and if Minneapolis wants to get in to repair their �ines, they have to qet the keys. REGULi� COUNCIL ME�3'T�3G p�' At}uUS� 3 a �.9?0 P7�E 6 , The Cfty.Engineer said tha�� all the facilitaes ar�: cbwaaed by �13snxaeag�olis, a�nd l�e c�id nCt fares�e that F:�idley would be p�f:ting anyt�inq i�n. Councila�an L.{.ebl aaked if ti�aere was any devglo�ment on �7th Ave°��.e and I�+6�r�i��11, would there be adequat� sewer �acilities. The City Engin�er sait3 ti��t this 3� all ,public'proper�y, and he di� not for�se� �ry private usage� but if tiaere ever was, there would have t� be so�►e arrange�nent with l�inneapolis or Fx�idley would have to put xn theix o�m facility. MOTTI�N bY Councilraan Harris to receivs ti:e c�muaiicati�sn fz�a I�orsard T. Jueter to Mr. Raym�n3 H. H�gna, Assistan� C3ty .�ttoxnc�g, Mira�-ier.�olis dated JuZy 9, 1970 along with the backgxound ietter fran t2:e City a� �liauieapolia dmt�d June 24, 197Q, to }he City idanage�, �.rd the cop�� of t�xx� pxop�sed deed. Seconde� �y Gouncilman Liebl. Upan a voice eor.e, a11 votir� t�ys, Mayar Kirkham ciec].axea the z�otion carried �ra�nimously F RECEIVII3G i'��lE MII!iUTES OF ''t".-is; PLANI3ZNG C(3MI�iISSiON A���:�: �_ - +3s� OF J'�tI.�° 22. 1970: PRGLIMIN�►Ra PLL�+,iT, P w S, fi�?0-(32, C,�QRGE :� . btELSQi�: Tho City Enga.neer safd �hai �the ac�°or, nece���ry o� t.1�e Council is to set tlxe public hea�ring fe�r �t:�e fin��. p1a�t �car sep�ei��::r �4, :��'��. The aeoend it�r the �F�SC�.dl�. 1��e �58�t�.�� C,`�[3 De a1.I.SC4A88��C� C:�33i�+.�;�'.�3I'AiC1�7 tr�l�a $�11� j,J���. d'it ��'I�7 pt�1�C heariaig. A p�jl�.o iaea�c�r.e� is not s�:q�a�r�c� i��v t�� i;=�aa��l �e�� t�so �Ise�ial u�e g�rmit. C�uriciLtt3tn Liebl sai� `��t ai �,n 4.� ��ti�l�a�i �:s� �• to deve?o� �he R-3 land, if he w�cal� a�res ta put in ax.� �d��gua��: b��der, �� �h� �.�r�pertsr surxo�.�sdinc} i:hia s��� is la�gely R-1. He �.�i.c? �� }�� zars3ss��tc�c1 tPs�t I'�c. �ielson� ha�s ag�eed i.o cut f_n it�e b�aff��� ��, �..ici.�,rd H�:�is, Fl�nrai;�q �a��s�lon, said th�t pax� of their stipulation� wa►s �ha�t i�e ��as� itz�e c�cre�r+3nq. It 1N►a� telt ttaa�. the R-1 �rea wou�d b�e arerfla�a ,�a�:�.:.�►q a:��� � z:ecre�tional �r��. There i$ �nouc�h zoc�ra to �ui: in 46 unfts anfi�c� �ae ��3 ar�m. �►i� wra,a no�c ta b� Cornsid�ar�al a� paaz��. of ti:e land ��, af t�a� fi�3 �o��on. �9e said tiati� �id't�y hatve az�reed .�hat the st:rip �� la�nr� al�ang Ors��ed.;�g�: w�1d b� ��.��,d� u� into 6 ze�ic�e�t�al, �ingle f�uniiy lats. There i� �:� �,�n c��r�eater�t an �e west aide of tkae p�ro�rty �rr a�u�ure ���°eek �.f n��.�ss�v> He �aid *h1�t �taey did nat r�ua� aszy aecc�s� fr�► Or,o:ne�ag�, Stre�� ��h� +eawr��flow ��r.king a���. Cot�incil�si►n Harsis� felt 'tha►� this �3i�cus�si�sn �a�a �z��,�:ur�e, an� ,��o�id wait until the p�ablic heari�g, so as ta hL �'ai�: �t� �he �gpaicant. Yt w�ta ac�Seed by th� Counci�. �hat t.he p�,b�:�c �:�ar� *� e�auid ��.ei� ��Q�e�x . �4, a�s�o. � MOTION by C�nciiamari IiuzYi� �� �:�V�i��` trc� �Sa.�za�t.�� o� �h�? P�.�..�.i�g C�s- mia�ioa �eting of July 12, ;�7Q. Se sara��� �y c'��c^�.���.1. T,i�l. U�r� at voic� vat�,, all votisig ay�, ��,yc� �Cir�cka�m d��;; ��esi t�h,e� �oti�ry caarxie� un�sai�ualy e �avi�rG � M�ra�rrES o� ��� �u��ar�� s���� � ���� c� �, �rta , OF ,i�i'.Y 23, 197Ca T — � -- ` l. (�iSZD�RATIU28 CAF° A �'����� �'! �t��S' SiiOP � � �E T.,t�',��ED %�I '�� . ;��� y nu � ' ' C , ' , � ' � I� � �J , .1 ' C u REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 p� 8 The City EnqinOer said that the drainage as it is no� wo�ld suffic�, bat i�e Wan�ed ti� _applicau�ts . to understand that wh�n the aucea develops , t.here w�uld be a ne�d for an underqround sy�tem. , Ccuncilman Breider asked what is the ratQ of traffio qoinq in and ou� og the• terminal. The rapresentative said about 25 trucks a day, and that they qo out on 0$borne Road. Ccuncila� Bseider strsssed that hm did not want tiiem qoing dowri Central 1lvenue patst Moore Lake Beach. Counci].atan Harris said that he woulsl rec�amensi a route out Osborne R�ad to T.H. �i65. The representative said� that this would be the bsst xoute for th� toc, and he could s�� no reason �zhy they would go dawn Central paet Moore Lake geach, It waus pointed out that they could put up routinq siqns on their property and also at their other terminals. �TI�+1 b�Y Co�°iLaan Lisbl to iPProve the roquest for a permit, subject to the aonditions of the Bnildinq Standards - Desiqn Control 3ubca■rnittae, with the a�ddition cf a privacy.fence around ths ar�s whese th� tsucks and.other equipaient will be parked, the understanding that tphon the area devolope, there will ha�re to be a drainaqe sy�ete� put in, �nd vrith the underatar�dinq that the;touting �vould be out Osborae Road to T.H. �65. Seconded by Councilmari Breider. Upon a voioe vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilaian� Shasidari to receive the Minutea af the Buildinq Standards - De$iqn Control Subc�muaittee Meeting of.July 23, 1970. Seconded by Councila�an Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caraied unaniu�ously. RECEIVI1iG%THE MINUTES OF-THB BQ�1RD-pB .ApPEALS l�STING OF JULY 28 1970s A REQUEST FO�R A V7IRIANCE -OF SECTIQN. a5.053, 48, SUH,p�R�GgApH 4A� Tp WCE Z'HE SETHAQC REQpI� FOR AN ACCESSQRY BUILDIIJ6 01�i T r WHSN Tiil� LOT TO THE R�:FI�t &8S .-F'�O11T]1GE 7►IQNG T�E 3IDiE S' $SiT TO 2S P'$ET . TO. � PEl�MIT - THE �ONSTRLICfiIOI�i� 0�+' 11 D8T71CN8D r iz. Br�c 3, M��ow�aoa 'r�, TI� SAME BEING 1351 76� IDS.SY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. RAI,PH SCi�71NSi. 1351 ' N.B. -- - � mOTIOd bp Co�ciLaaa -Breid�z to : ap�s�rvve � thQ variauce _ requQStaB az�d recoa�r►ded toz' eyppsova� by the Hoard. oi' 11pp�i],s. .�econded by ��ouncilmaa �heridaa: Upoa s vodca vot�,:all:voting.ag�,_Mapot Kirkham d�clared.tho motion Earri�d-;.: unaniawualy . - . . - -� ._ ._ , . D,I_SC�JS_ $ION�' REGARD� LIGHTING ON H►ST RIVEH RQiID li1S B71ilT QE . IMPAO!1�Et�tEetm n��, CREEKa . Ths Citiyr.Engineer aaid that there:has'been some diacusaion previeusly ab�out pxaviding liqhtinq oa East River �t,oad for a.gr�ater degree of safety. He ai.aked the oonsulting.::tr�af�ic enqineer::to a►ake a stu�aly. Thair reaaamenda�ions +�re �or 20 liqhta to be installed.at a tE►tal cost,:of $28,000. Thore cauld be a request made to the Bureau of Public licads and he felt that they could get 50� : p� this oo�t. This .vr�oeuld .be an .added cost onto the coat of th� iqprovement p�ject. " 0 ' � ' � ' ' u ' � ;� �l � � ' u ' ' ' . ' ' i�GUT�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 ' , ' � __l � ' � � ' ' , �AG� � �QU�ca.lman B�eider asked what the setback o# the houses was aleng E�st RiVe� R�ad �n c�a�ar�.son with Highway #100. The �ity Engineer said that they wez� G�.OS@x' than on Highway #100, but the spacing of the lights was more �d tsl'iex� wAUld be less intensity of light. The light would shine dawn onto the 7�qa�, and would not shine onto the adjacent homes. M4��01�1 by Councilman Harris, inasmuch as lighting would provide a greater des��ee of satety on the curqes, and on the median, which are areas oi bazaL'd, th�t �.he light�.ng be included in the improvement project and a petiticu► �ox ���� garticipation by the Bureau of Public Rpads should be started. Seoonded bx CounciLmar� Hreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carrisd unanimously. Mr. Richard Harxis said that speaking of East River Road, there is anothar �A►att�x that he.would like to bring up. On East River Road at Osborne.FLoad�, �he Coun�y Highway Department has put up barriers and signs that say local tra�fic on1y. These have been hit several times and he felt that one of the xeasons was insufficient blinkers. The lighti�g in this area i� poor also, �t wa� agareed that tt�e Cf,ty Engfneer would talk to the County to sea if � so� more blinkers could not be put up, or so�n►e other� ac%quate safety measure�. RECEaS: ...._.-..-,,..�. Maypr Kirkham declaxed a xecess at 9:20 P.M. The Meeting recon�rened at 9:40 P.M. DISC[JSSTON REGARDING APPE7�1Ia OF NORTH PARK CODIDEMDi7►TIDN �AWARD: - FILE ON L970 - A RESC OF FARCEL 10 AND 300, AND PARCEL 600: THORIZING THE. 2, PARCEL 3,0! SECTION 3 ' MQTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Reso].ution #145-1970. Seconded by Council- man Ha�rris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the motior� car�ied unanimously. � ' ' ' u �J � pISCUSSION �2EGARDING RUNNING A LIST OF WATER CUSTOMERS FOR POLITiC11L P�IESs The Acting Ci�y Manaqer said that they have again:been asked if they eould run a list of water customers. He said that last year they lost money, at�d there were only two requests for the lists. Councilman Harris said that nv�w that thexe is a Fridley directory, they could use that. Mayor Kirkhata com�nented that the Fridley directory would be more cosaplete anyhow. Councilman Liebl aqreed that.he did not think that the City shou.ld go th�ouqh that expense again. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to discontinue running a list of water custvmers for the �Alitical parties, and suqgest that the Fridley directory be used.. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayo� Ki.�ekham decl�red the motion carried unaz�imously. DTSCUSSION, iiEGARDING P�tOPOSED RESOLUTION AND CORRESPONDENCE FiLOd4 .THE -LEAGUE OF MTNNESOTA MUNZCIPALITIES: � M�►yor Kirkham said that this would be to limit and-redefine some of the ca�tegories af property now classi�ied as tax-exentpt propert�. R�GULAR CWNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 PAGE 0 ' 1 RESOLUTION #146-1970 — A RESOLtITION ENDORSZNG Al[END�IIIdT NO. 1 Oli TAX— EXTMPT PROPERTY: MOTION by Councila�an Harris to adopt Resolution �146-1970. 3econded by CounciLaan Liebl. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkl'�a� declared the motion carried unanimously. � DISCUSSIOid REGARDING EDUCATION COQRDtNATOR: Mayor Kirkham commented that this is another of th� City Manaqer's qood eagqestions. This man is already employed by the City oi Fridley. MOTION by Caincilman Liebl to concur with the recomwendation of the City Manager as outlined in his me�norandum of July 28, 1.97A and agpoint Mr. A1 Baqstad as the City of Fricileg Education Coordinator. Seconded by Gouncil- man Hat�xia. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motian carr�ed.unanimouely. RECEIVING FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTUARIAL REpORT: MOTION by Councilman Harri� to reaeive the acttiarial report as of Decembeic 31, 1970, iran the F`ire �epant�ant. Seconded by CounGilman Liebl. Upon a voiae vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unaniaausly. RECEIVING HEALTH SANITARIAN ]�C'i'IVITY REPORT FOR SEC0�1D QUAATTR OF 1970 s MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Health Sanitarinn's report as Eaund in the City Council Aqenda dated August 3, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Sherid�in. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the aqtion carried unanimously. MOTION by Cvunci3.man Harrig to instruct the Public Health Sanitarian to seport on the proqress on those complaints he has wri�ten a letter to, on the di�- positian a! the.ssaaplaint.• Secon�led by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all votinq Aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mation carxied unania�ously. RESOLUTIOiI �147-1970 - A RESOLUTION REGARDING SPEED LSMIT AND TRAFFIC SAFETX O11 OSSOR1tE Ia011D ((70UNTY R(.�AD NO . 8): MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Re�olution #147-1970. SecondeQ by Councilman Breider. MOTION AMENDED by.Councilman Harris to inatruct the 1�idtninistration to a�dd the follos+ing fourth and fifth paragragha: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley recognizes the problems alonq Osborne ltoad, and WHFsREAS, �he City Council of the City of Fridley h8s taken action to ze$uc� �rafiic ha$arde on Osborne� R,csad by setting a public heasing for Auguet 14, 1970 on the sidewalk installation on the south side of psborne Road, u�d The nqtl.on for the amenc�nent was seconded and upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the xaotion �;arr��c� u��t�,�q���s�.�� T� .��i {,�9N Tii,� MQTiQN, beinc� a voioe vote, all votinq ays, 1y�tyor Ki,rkhaia declared the wotioT� oarr�ed uni►nimouely. - , ' t � � u ' ' LJ ' ' ' � '� � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 � ' ' PAGE 11 RESOLUTION #148-1970 - A RESOLUTION TO ADVEI,tTISE FOR BIDS, NEW FRONT END IAADERa (Street Department) MOTTON by Councilman LiEbl to adopt Resolution #148-1970. Seconded by Counoilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the.motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #149-1970 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TFiE SPLITTING ' OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON WEST 216 FEET OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, NAGEL'S WOODLAND AADITTON: MOTION l�y Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #149-1970. Seconded by ' Gouncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�,�ror Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' ' ' ' u ' ' 1 ' RESOLUTION #150-1970 - A RESOLUTION AU�F30RIZING AND DIRECTING THE COI�INING OF SPECIAL piSSESSMENTS ON IATS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 3, AND LOTS 13 AND 14, BI,OCK 3, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION: MCaTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #150-1970. Seconded by Counci].man Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #151-1970 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMSIPiING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON SOUTH 9 FEET OF LOT 2, BLUCIC 2� AND LOT 3� (EXCEPT SOUTH 9 FEET), BLOCK 2, RIVERWOOD MADTOR ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #151�1970. Seconded by Cquncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #152-1970 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COM$INING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT$ ON IATS 24, 25, 26 & 27, BT,OCK 23, HYDE PARK ADDITION: MOT�ON by Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution �152-1970. Seconded by Cauncilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor lcirkham declarsd the motion carried unanimously. 53-1970 - A RESOLUTIQN AUTHORIZING AND DSREGTIDTG THE SPLITTING OF SP�CTAL ASSESSMENTS 0�1 PART OF OUTLOT 2, BLOCK 1, PAI�EL 600, MOORE HIGiiLANDS 4TH ADDITION: MQTIQN by CounciLaan Harris to adopt Resolution #153-1970. Seconded by Counci Lnan Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: MOTIQN by Councilman Breider to authorize payment of General Claia�s #22263 ' th�ough #22487 and Liquor Claims #4676 through �4719. Seconded by Council- m� Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor KirkYiam declared ths motion carried unanimously. ' ' . � � . . . �. � I " REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, i970 LICENSES: -.---...__.___ DRIVE-IN THEATRE �.�wrw - J� Oae Aundred TWin Central Avenue dc I�ixy 69lt �'Fridley� Minnesota PUBLIC DRINKING PLAC3 ' Canterbury Pub 6%79-81 IIniversity Avenue N.E. FrJ.dley, Minnesota - Clnb 47 _ ' 6061 Qniveraity Avenue N.E. Fri.dley, Minnesota F'rontier Club - 7365 Central Avenue N.E. �'�ridley, Minnesota 3uidee�s Cafe � 6lt90 Central Avenue. N.E. �'ridley, �Iinnesota IISED CAR IAT � � �knitta Motor �9 IIni�nersity Avenue N.B. !'ridley�' Minnesota 30LICTTOR3 R�onxld Williams Sanry Wong Brian Duchscher Terrenae Callayhan � . Iiiak Pratt Ronald•Fiaher �'Or iGttttl EntploymerL 3eTViCe ?727 Lyndale Avenue S. Ki�nneapolis, Minneaota � FOOD ESTABLTS�3JT � *Pilgriin C�.eaners 5251 Central Avenue N.E. �'Mdley, Minnesota � By: Gerry Herringer By.s Robert Chrisieason Bys Billy Harpole By: Marleae Povlitzki By: Wil2lam Weias . By: i�Tallace Sct�nedeke Bys M�chael Gooc�rin Bys Magic Maid nsnding a � ' P/�GE 12 ' ' 1PPFbOVED HY I Police Chiet . ' - ' � Healtt� Inapector ' Police Chi.et - Health Inspector � Police Chiei' H�a1th Inspector ' Police Chie� ' Health Ins�rctor Poliae Chiet' , Huildin Sns cto� g Pe Poli.cs Chie� ' . ' � Police Chier , ' Health InapeatOr ' ' ' REGUL•AR COUNCIL ME�ING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 � . PAiGE 13 LIC�NSES CONTINUED• � Nq� AOORESS UNITS FEE . ' Sponcar J. Sokolowski 5801 - 2nd St. N. E. � 4 � ��•� fo� 6arton Cross Fr(dley, Minn. 556 • 4Qth Ave. N. E. ` Mi�nea�polis� Minnesota 55421 Sid�ay R. Oahl �6551 - 2nd St. N. E. �7 �0�� " � bS51 - 2nd St. N. E. Fridlar� Minn�sota 55421 � ' Dr. I�ving Herman 5710 - 2� St. N. E. 11 ' 11.00 1135 Medical A�ts Minnaapolis, Mi�n. 55402 � � Albin ,�ohnson 5804 - Z� St. N. E. 4 10.00 � 6824 �wing Ave. No. Mlnneapolis, Minn. 55429 � I11bin Johnson 5810 � 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 6824 Ew1ng Avs. No. Min�e+�polis, Minn, 55429 � p�r. irving Herm�n 5846 - 2� St. N. E. 6 10•� • )135 Medicai Arts • Minneapolis. Minn. 55402 John Mazzanga 4901 - 3�d St. N. E. 7 10.00 �}4Z9 N. E. Benjamin St. Minne+�polis, Minn.�5418 . . John D. Mt�ller 4965 - 3rd St. N.E. 11 11.00 �7 Ri ce C reak Way • F�idley, Minn. 55�+3Z . C. N. Miller 4985 - 3�d St. N. E. 11 11.00 1095 Polk Circle N. E. � !linnaepolis. Minn. 55421 � . . :. - C. M. Milla� S�5 • 3rd St. N. E. li 11.00 1095 Polk st.�N. E. • Mtnneaporis. Minn. 55421 ' . M, W. Untine� 5025 • 3rd'St. N. E. I1 11.00 , k3k7 University Ave. N. E. Mlnneapoli�, Minn. 55421 � I.�rry G. Mte�ert Sgpp .. 3�d St. N. E. 4 10.00 272$ CouRtr Rd. Hx Ndw 6�18hto� Minn.. 55112 . '- . ` RF�CUI�AR COt1I�IL MF.E,'TING OF 11UGUST 3, 1970 . � LICENSES CONTINUED. . . -�-: .. . .. . . _ . . _. .. . .. _. ... _ . L�o J. H�r�es 6os1-S3-55 - 3�d St. N.E. 3 27�4 1 rving 11vs. No. Mtr�apot l�, Mln�. 55411 f��ncf: daRtddsr .' 5347 4th St. N. E. 7917 • 3�th �vs. N. � Mi��sapolis, Mlnn. 55427 ' ' Jon ��ndzimes 5401 - 4th St. N.E. k�►17 � 78th I.ane Nlnnaepolis� Minn. 55429 t►� J. Hy�es 5400 - 7th St. N. E. • �i2k Irv(ny Avs. No. Mit�neApolls� Mtnn. SSkll Dovid M. Adams � 537e - Sth St. N. E. Z807 Ga�fleld Ave. S.E. ' Mi�n��poFis, Minn. S�ypg ' ��Irvt�� Efron � Z6x - 57th Placa N.E. D �. 1 rv 1 ng He rn�n- � •Ni�$ Salem Ava. . ' Min�eapolls, Minn. S541G � � � ��ancts deRidder 3S9 - 57th Place N.E. 7917 - 31th Ave. N. Minneapolis, Mtnn. 55427 T. C. Halk � 390 - S7th Place N.E. 390 = 57th Pl+�ce N. E. F�ttll�y, Minn. 5S421 Clifto� I�vestme�t Co�p. 151 - S9} y�y N. E. 5145 Ilood 1 e� � 1 vd. Ml�nepulls, Minn. 55417 C1lfford.T. Oakko 190 • 59} May N. E. 9119 - 13th Ave, so. Mi�neapolls, Ml�n. 55420 � dohn �ohmar 191 - S9� vay N. E. �rootan. Minnesota Charlas J. delivaau 110�- 61st Ave. N. E. 11� � 61iL AVO• M• E• frldl�. Minn. 554►�1 or. Irving Msrnan 181 , 79th May N. E.• - 1.135 Medic�l �rZ�t Mim�apo� la, Minn. � 3 4 3 k 8 8 4 12 12 12 e � ao, o0 - � to.00 10.00 10.OQ 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 1 Z. 00 12.00 � 12.00 10.p0 10.00 pAGE 14 ' ' � '^. C MEET OF AUG T 3 0 �• P �� �GULAR COUN IL ING US , 197 � AGE ' � , - ' . . LI�ENSES CONTINUED. ' _ • , . • , . � , ADORESS UN 1 T ..__..�E� ........ ' SPGA Associetes '6551 Channal Road N. E. 11 11,00 909 Fa�me�s i Mechanics Bank . ' dld . Min�eapolts, Minn. 55��2 , SPGA Assoclates 6571 Cha�nel Rd, il 11,00 ' 909 F+�rmers i : . . Mech�nics Bank Bldg. Mtnneapol(s� Mlnn. 55402 . Ilrving Efron 595� Eas� Rtver Road 12 �x�00 ;O2S SA1em Ava. , • ' �Min�awpolis, Minn. SSkl6 ; �Frldlay Cou�ts� 106 - 77th Wsy N.E. 4 10.00 (Milda Co�structlon) ' k500 trnde� 1 s Ave. Mo. . � Mln�eapolts�.Minn. 55412 � ' �M1chAQ1 Tdna 591W East River Rd. 12 1Z,pQ k�01 {Jnivarstty Ave.N.E. Mtnneapolis, Minn. 55421 , , • Miles Const�vctio� Co. 7673 East Rtver Rd. 4 10.00 4SW Lynd�+l• Ave. No. � Minneapolis, Minn. 55412 ' L,eona�d Dailey 8251 East River Rd. S 1p.QQ $2$1 �ast Rtve� Rd. ' • f � t d l ay, M i nn, 551►32 ' S i S Investmant Co. yk75 Main St. N. E. 12 �2,00 � 'TxOZ ��k� Laka� Or.. ' . . Nar s�tghton, Minn.55112 S i� S Invastment Company 5595 Msi� St. N. E. 12 � 1Z.00. 'Iz02 Plka Lake Dr. � . New O�lyhton, Minn. 55112 . . . ,Kanneth Pats�son t 6019 Main St. 8 • IQ.� � Nubert Neison �441 lr�d�l� Ave. So. . - Mt�nea�ppl is. Mi�n. 55�+05 � � , ' Ka�nath Patarson t 6011 Mein St. N. E. k 0 0 Huberc Nelson � � � • '24k# Lynd�le Ave. So. � : . M(nnaApolls� Mln�. 55405 i . . ,. , ' ' . _ ; . . . . . . , : r ; , , , . - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 , � � P1�GE 16 ,. • , LICENSES CONTINUED. ' ' �� � . . , , , ADDRESS UN I TS FEE _ __.__,,..,,,�,,,� James S. Rudnitski 6035 Main St. N. E. 4 _14.00 ' 6035 Main St. N. E. . � f �idlay� Minn. 55421 . . ' A11e� C. Mattson 120 Missis`sippi P1. 4 10.00. 63x0 Rtv4rvi�w Terraca , � F�Idiey, Mlnn. 55421 - _ -- � _: ' All�� C..Mlattso� 137 Mtssissippi P1. 4 . 10.00 b320 ' Rivcrview Te��ace - ' f rtdlsy, Minn. 55421 ' . aohn Kassutkac 6530 -��d St. N.E. � 4 10.00 ' Rt� �Z OR�ai�, Minn. � . I . olen F. Ntlkes . Z90 - 6�st A�e.N.E. 3 �o.00 �90 - 61:t Avo.�M. E. • . _. � ' Frtdiey,•Minn. SS421 � , . . _ ' I , • ��c��INc 1�ortt►esn Asphalt Canat. Inc. 1�631-66th Avanua� N.E. ��aiay, x�s�.oca �YATING �strolaw� Maintenutcs Cc. 1k�0 Old Righ�►ay 8 � mrigtitvn, Minne�ota 3y; Garhard G. Laraon By: Vera L. Lar�oA ��.__T�_� Coa�nercietl Aix Conditioniag Iac. • 707 8outh 7th Street Mim�dapoli�, Minne�ot� By: Asthur Vanaala� . CONTRACTOit 1tutlre�.l I,. Scott Const. 10�0•93sd Avenue N.W. �ppp Rapid�; Mianesota By: 8ueee1l Scott aou� Sa�iona Ao�a Remodeling _ 30S We�t La1ce Straet ilimaeapoli�� Minnaeota By: T. F. .Gaxret�oin �PP'RO�VED $X . 81dg. In�p. B l�d� . Inap . Plbg. Intp. 81dg, in�p. m�a�. zrrp. ' ' I 1 � ' , ' �I � �I ' ' r� , R�GUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 ' ' � PAGE 17 LTCENSES CONTINUEDt MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the foreqoing licenses with the exception Qg the cab license for Highland Taxi, 903 40th Avenue �o ed bynthePolice Minnesota requested by Robert Kahles, that was not app pepartment. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unaniA►ously. ESTIMATES: , Arcpn Construction CvmpanY. Inc. Mora Minnesota ' ' � ' , ' � � ' u IJ , ' FINAL Estiiaate #7 - St. 1969-1 FINAL Estimate #6 - St. 1969-2 ,._..-.--- Berqlund-Johnson, Inc. Excelsior Minnesota 55331 pA,RTIAL Estimate #1, Water Improvement Project No. 95, Schedule 8 Allied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 pART�AL Estimate #1, Street Improvement Project St. 1969-10 (Seal Coat) M�.nn-Kota Excavation Co. 3a01 85th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota PARTIAL Estimate #1, Street Improvement Project St. 1970-2 PARTIAL Estimate �12, Street Improvement Project St. 1970-1 $ 4,811.73 $ 2,540.29 S3Z,252.00 $14,613.88 $ 8,276.94 $14,469.75 MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve payment of the esti.mates. Seconded by CounciLnan Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared•the motion carried. iiE$OLUTION #154-1970 - RESOLUTION REVISING DEPARTMENT APpROPRIATIODIS WZTHZN THE GENERAL FUND: � MpTIpN by Councilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #154-1970, accept the deed frean the Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, and authorize a check in the amount of $4,000 at this time, for the purchase of I.ot 8� P��nla2voics vote, Auditor's Subdivision #21. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upo nll voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaia declarec� t1i� m�tion �a�p#�ied . t}�a�►�°usly. �� REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 1970 ' PAGE 18 COMMUNIGATIONS: A. FRZDLEY JAYCEES: LICENSE5 FOR SIAW PITCH TOURIZAMENT MOTTON by CQUnc� �aat� Harris to reoeive the co�taunication from the Fridley Jaycees dated July 23, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voiCe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimpusly. 8• WILLIAM HOFFMAN; RE UEST NOTZCE TO PUBLIC ON DOGS Tha City Attorney said that the City Manager has been working on the final draEt oF a:.n�w dog c�ntrol Ordinance. The Acting City Manager said that the Ordiriance would be before the Council very soon. Mayor Kirkham asked that a copy of the draft Ordinance be sent to Mr. Hoffmann. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the oowmunication from Mr. (,�i11i�m C� Hoffmann dated Juiy 26, 1970. Seconded by Councilmari Breider, Upon a vpice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimpus�y. C. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: RICE CREEK WATERSiiEn pOSITION STATEMEN�' _ MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the c�araunication fro� the Le�gue o� Women Voters, signed by Mrs. Edward Larsen, Chairman, dated July 22, 1�7p. Seconded by CounciLnan Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayQr K�.rkham declared the motion carried unanimously. D. PIORTHERN STATES POWER: TRANSMISSION LINE REppRT ,TULY 17, 1970 MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the NSP transmission li,�e report ciated July 17, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. �. NORTHERN STATES POWER: TRANSMISSION LINE REPORT, JULY 24 1970 The City Engineer explained that the 345 KV line is the bigger problem ar�d once the induction problem with the 345 KV line is solved, the problem with the Small 115 KV line will automatically be solved. Councilman Harris said that the Council's concern is the 115 KV line, not the 345 KV line. MOTION by Councilman Harris to receive the NSP transmission line report dated Ju]y 24, 1970, and instruct the Administration to fonvard a letter to them stating that the 115 KV line is the City Council's immediate concexn, and that the delay in construction is not acceptable to the Council. Seconded by COUncilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kixkhatn declared the motion carried unanimously. F• WOODCREST BAPTIST CHURCH: RE UEST PF.RMI$glpN FOR PARADE MO'�IpN by Councilman Sheridan to receive the communication from the WoodGrest Bapti$t•Ghurch dated �uly 30, 1970 and grant permission with the understanding ther� will be supervision as so stated in the letter, seconded by Coun��,lman I,iebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. � � �I � � � ' li � � II , ' ' ' , u ' ' , . gEGpLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3, 197Q � C � ' ' , ' ' ' ' � , LJ , , ' C' PA�GE 19 G. GERALD CLOSE• RE UEST PERMISSION FOR PARACHUTE JZArlP _ 1�TZON by Councilman Liebl to qrant permission far the parachute jump to Mx. Gerald Close as outlined in his letter dated July 27, 1970, upon his submitting proof of liability insurance to the City Clexk. �ie iaotion was seaonded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mot�:or� carxied unanimously. H. W.B. HOLM, 7424 MELQDY D&IVE NE: LACK OF' BEACH STiCKERS MOTTON bX Councilman Liebl to receive the com4nunication frona Mr. W.B• HoLRr 7424 Melci�dy Arive AI.E., dated suly 30, 1970. The wotion was seoont�ed arid upoA a voice vote, all votiaq aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. It was agreed by the Council that.th+ere shauld-be so� type of temporary pexzpit qiven to those who apply, as the supply of beach stickers has � v�tt. The 8olice�Department is to be notified not to tag cars without a sttakwc and the atte�ndants at the beach ar�e also to be informed to accept the tempox'ary type o� pes'ra�.t . . ADJQURNMEI�TT : Thsxe being no #urther,l�usiness, Mayor Kirkham declared-the Rsgulax' Council Meetinq of August 3, 1970 adaourned at 1Os10 �.M. � R�$ actfully submitted, Jusl Mercer Jack O. Kirkham Secretary to the City Couacil Mayor i� � � ' ' ' , � ' 'J ' ' PAGE 29 THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING J1t�ID WORKSHOP MEETING �' �i7Gt78T 10, 1970 Mayor Kirkham called the Special Public Hearinq and Workshop Meetinq of August 10, 1970 to order at S:OO P.M. PI.EDGE OF AI.I.EGIANCE : Mayor Kirkham lead tbe Council and the audience in sayinq the Pledqe of Allegiance to the Flaq. RiOI.I. GALL : MEMBERS PRESEI3T: Breider, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris MEt�ERS ABSENT: None � ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there were a number of items to add as folloMa: Awardinq bids for fire apparatus. Apprpval of display at Moon Pl�za requested by the Air Force. Receivinq Northern States Power transmission linQ reports. Approval of Jaycee concesaion for regional softball tournament. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by CounciLaan Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MaXor Kirkham _. dealared the motion carried unanimously. � PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT, STREET IMPROVFiMENT PRAJECT ST. 1970-1, ADDENDUM #3: ' Mayor Kirkham said that he would dispense with the formal readinq of th�e pttblic hearing notice, but informed the audience where the proposed iipprove- ment is located. �I ' ' � � ' , The City Finqineer said that-the proposed improvement is for the installation of sidewalks on the south side of Osborne Road from the west property line of Unity Hospital to the existing sidewalk about 110 feet east of Hn1ce�C. To provide for a proper boulevard, a 5' sidewalk easentent is neede$ alo� thi+� area. There is an existing cocitract and it is hoped that if thi� imp�coVe- merit i� orderad in by the Co�cil, that it could be a�dded onto the project� to take adyantage of the 1970 construction prices. Mr. Al Rahnqe, 7431 Lyric Lane N.E., said that he is a member of the District �16 School Board, and he wondered why the sidewalks are to stop at ths ti+est property line of Unity Hospital rather than go all the way over to 5th Street. The City Enqineer said that when this Was first diacnssed by the Council, it was felt that this portion cwld be the first staqe, then 1� could be added onto at a later date. On west of the hospital is reeidenti�l property and the difficulties.would be greater. If the Council would wau�t to,add on.this portion, there would have to be aaother public hearing. SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUC�JST 10, 1970 p�S 21 Councilman Harris said that.i.n the City's plans for the aidewalk proqr�m, there were other streets that they had planned to put in sidewalks on, but it was found that the qrade wae too great, so they Mrere abandoned; so the City could work to qet the sidewalks on Osborne Road. He wondered if.Sprinq Lake Park has any plans for sidewalks on the north side of Osborne Road. Mr. Rahnqe said that he could not say, none that he leiew of. He felt that for a relatively small additional sum of money, the sidewalks could be extended to 5th Street to enable those children to be able to Walk to school on the sidewalks. CounciLnan Harris said that as you qo west there are a qreater number of trees. The City Engineer said that the sidewalks could be extended to 5th Street without doinq too much damaqe. He said that there is a church, which has 5 lots, and a residence between the church and 5th Street. Councilman Sheridan said that this would have to be handl�d.under another public hearing unless there was 100� agreement with the addition. If there wae a petitioa with 100$ approval, there w�uld not have ta be another public hearing. Council.man Ha�ris sugqested aeadin q a letter to try to get the lU0$ approval. Councilman areider asked Mr. Rahnge if he knew how many school age chilc%x'en co�se out -of that area. � Mr. Rahnqe said a}.�out 70 eles�ntary. T'hese� children are bused during the winter months at a cost of about $500 � mqnth, CounciLaan Harris,said that he felt that this was a good suggestion and the Administration should pursue getting the approval oP the two property� owners. Councilman-Breider said that thi� particular sidewalk project was ariginally scheduled for installation in 1974. He said that the Council felt that by at least getting this much done, it would halp the foot traffic proble�n. A member of th� audience said that.he lives on the corner of Jackson and Osborne Road and with the 5' easement,- he would lose some trees and a fence. The City Engineer said that these trees were installed xecently and would have to re.ioc�te them, and the fence. RLSOLUTiON �1155-1970 - RESOLUTIODi RECEIVIDiG PRELINlINIARY REPpRT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HF.ARING ON THE MATTER OF CO1dSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPRQYEMENT3s STREET SMPi�QVEMEI� P1�0►7ECT ST. T9i0-1, ADDiENDUM �4s . � . � . � � � MQTION bx Cour�oilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #155-1970 and set the pttblic hearing date for Septewber 8, 1970. Councilman Bzeider asked if this addition to the project would affect th� ao�apletion date. The Gity Engineer said that the City would have to move quickly to get it doAe this year. If a new contract would have to be let, it would�probably $elsy construction another year. He pointed out that th� prices reCeived this yeax Were quite good. THE lqTIODi aecanded by Counailman Harris. Upon•a voice vote, all yoting �►ye, I�yEi.t Itirkhamt declared the motion carried unanisnatxsly. MOTIOi�I bg Couuciintar� -Harris to close the publia hearing on Strest Iiapz^oVe- � n�ei�t Project St. 1970-1, Addend�un #3. Seconded by Councilaan Liebl. U��l a vofcs vote, all votinq aye, Ma�+or Kirkham declared the public hearing C10eed at $s20 P.M. , , ' ' ' � � � � , � , II -J L-J � , ' ' � � ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1970 ' , ' , ' ' � � � ' , ' r1 , ' ' ' � L PAGE 22 PUBLI___,� NG ON FINAL PLAT �- UAIIVERSZTY GQS.F EST]1TES • R(JGER M. JODTES: (Part of the 5W�i of the NW�x of 6ection 2 for qolf drivinq range) _ The City Enqineer e�id that the plat is broken into three parcels, Parcel A is_for the qolf driving ranqe. Thare sre roads planned all around the plat with a detached road at 81st Avenue. The raccamnendation of the Planning Commission was that the island be a►ade l�i acres rather than 1 3/10 acres. This would requize a few chanqea. MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the public hearinq and approve the final plat, University Golf Estate�. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. U�on a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the hearing closed at 8s25 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING AN IMBR�DVF�IENT STRF.ET IMPROV�LE�iT PRO�7ECT ST. 1970-3: University Ave. East Service Road DetachuEent: From South Property line of Lot 23, Block 4, Hyde Park Addition to 100 fest South of North property line of Parcel 440, Pa�rt of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdiviaion #59 T'he City Engineer showed this area on the screen for the benefit of the auclience and said that there _has j�een discusaion of this detachs►ent_ for saae time, but there have been riqht of way problems. The improvemei'►t would elisninate the existing'service road, and the road would loop behind the She11 Oil, Service Station and the Texaco Se�vice Station. The impravemeat in- a�.ud�s widgning 61st Avenue to iske three lanes going west and two lar�s gcainq east to give adequate storage at the intersection. There ara �ide- Na1ks proposed going north and south along University Avenue and alonq_ 61st Avenue to the loop back. There is also a divider provided in 61st Avenue. Cauncilman Sheridan asked if there were not proposed.at one ti:ae to ha.ve aidewalks alonq the north loop by the church. The City Enqineer said that it was discussed and shawed him the.plans at the Council table. He said that he has given a copy of the plans to the ehurch architect. Cainailaaan Harris said,that'there had been consideration given to pa�tinq in a slip off ra� into Moon Plaza. At one time the Hiqhway Department fe�lt, tha►t it would not be feasible, but he felt that another appeal �houlft be made to the State, ae he felt that it was a necessary p�rt of the totml i�aprovement. Gouncilman Liebl said that the reason qiven by the H��hway pepartment was that the grade was too great. It was agreed by the Caunail to reactivate this reque�t. _ _._ _ Star Lanes From 61st Aveuue to-University Avenue GTest service Drive�_ To the Narth property line of Lot 16, Block 2, SylvBn Hills The City Enqineer said that the existing service road would be closed a�nd �uat usad for acces� for the apa�tment house. The residential tra�iic wauld be c�iverted to Star Lane. All the coa�aercia�l traffic has already bee� diverted away from this area by a alip ori+ to University Avenua. SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETINCy 4F AUGUST 10, 1970 pAGE 23 MrS. Darlene Anderson, 6021 Star Lane, asked why it would not be poseible to have the traffic stay just as it is. The City Engineer said that t;he possible solutions to the traffic problems at this tAtersection have been under discussion for about five years. The improvement was held up because of right of way acquisition problems. Now since there has been a death at 61at Avenue and University, the State h�s been more cooperative. He said that there are many conflicts of traffic and presents a dangerous situ$tion. M.xs. Anderson asked if there were any accidents at the service road and Unviersity Avenue and 61st Avenue intersection. The City Engineer ex- plained that there are too many streets merging and the people cannot te11 where they are supposed to go. This results in accidents. Councilman Liebl then went to the screen and explained the projeGt, dnd said that this proposal is to eliminate congestion at this intersection. He said that there were not sidewalks planned on this atreet as there is npt enouqh right of way. The goal is to make a safer corner at 61st Ave�ue �nd University. The traffic on Star Lane will be strictly residential. Councilman Sheridan said that the Highway Department has stated that unles� the City were to put in this improvement they would put in a median that would block off the traffic without any benefit of ths improved street. Mr. Mylan Carrigan, 6074 4th Street, said that he lives east of Texaco �nd asked if any of his property would be taken. The City Engineer said no, and that he would try to save his trees. A pxoperty owner at 6164 Star Lane asked how this is to be financed. The Finance Director said that the total cost of the improvement is estia�ted at $216,110. The total amount of the assessment roll is $74,189,29. The difference of $141,920.71 will be made up fran the State Aid fund. He explained that the basis for the ass�ssment on affected property is a nox'mal residential street assessment rate. The assessment rate is $12.50 -per foot for concrete curb, gutter and street. A xesident on Star Lane said that there were 5 bungalows and an apartmer�t house and asked how the assessment was divided. The Finance Directox said that the assessment is by footage, at $12.50 per foot, The apartment house would be paying the normal rate plus 1/3 for the short side yard side. The re$ident said that the street is filled up with cars on the apartment side. The cars are sticking out into the street. He would like to have no parking signs put up. The City Enqineer said that the street WoulQ be 36' wide, and that no parking signs could be put up. He said thAt he would work with the apartment house on their parking. Mr. Caurriqan said th�t he would be assessed for two streets. M�yqx ��r�� explained the policy for lots such as his that are�actually double �ront�Aqe la�ts . Mx's. Anderson asked where this will all end. She said that she ha�8 four ases�s=n6nts on their land now. The City F�qineer said that thi8 w�puld ho1?efullX b� the lsst. Mrs. .Anderson said that she would pre�er the is�.�rid, t�,�,t the Highway pepartment said that they wou3d put in if the City �1id r�pt da samething with that intersection. Councilman Sheridan said �khdt t�py wou7.d �etill have a7.1 the traffic withaut the benefit o� th� imp�oved stre��. Mx'�I. AT�derson s�aid that she did not think that the servi�e xpad wa� t�� �p���� o�` �� Acoidants, Mayor �cirkham said ��}at �he Ci��► remlly r�,��, ���, ��Y� � t , , � , , '�� , ' I� , � ' ' � , , ' r-. � S�ECZA�I, PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST l0i 1970 PAC,E 24 choice in the u►atter. The aqreament has already been made with tha atate. Mrs. Anderson asked why they were asked to attend thes. Mayor KirlchaAa said that this is an improvement hearing. The actual asseasment vill not be known �antil the bids are let, this is an estimated figure. Mrs. Anderson asked if there was no way to change the plans. Mayor Kirkham said no, there have been other improvement hearings. The City Engineer added that this has been going on for some time. . . 61st Avenue: From University Avenee to 4th Street There was no one presen� to speak on this street. The next five streets were considered together as they are in the sa■re generAl area. 57th Avenue: From 3rd Street to 4th Street 57th Place• Fraa University Avenue to 4th Street extended Universit Avenue East Serv. Ad.: Fraa 57th �venue to 57�i Avsnue 4th Street: From Interstata �1694 Onter� rive tb 57th Place Interetate #694 Outer Drive: Fran 4th Street to 57th Avenue Mr. Richard Simmons, 360-362 57th Avenue N.B., said that he had not received a notice before this. The City Engineer asked when he bouqht tha ptoQerty. Mx. Simmons said in September, 1967. 'i'he City Engineer said that this pliu� was started in 1965•and he did nat live there then. The City Attorney added that this is a hearinq on the improvement and that the concept wae approved in 1966. Mrs. Anderson said that it appears that the people do no.t have a choice in salecting the island rather than the elimination of the service road. Mayor Kirkham said that the point Counci Laan Sheridan was makinq was that if the City did not do sanething about this corner, that the State would put in a median, and they would still be stuck with the sa�ae amount of traffic. Councilman Harris said that the plan was engineered in 1965. It tesulted from the Highway Department making University Avenue into a four l�ne e�xesaway. This gave the aty of Fridley sa�se corners that they catld aot live with. The City then asked the State to join with Fridley to xectifx the situations the impravement of University caused. One of the terms of the agreement was that the City must acquire the property, but the p7�oject was initiated by the State. The people have been called in at vatx'iaus times to discuss the plans and this may have been prior to some of the people present tonight buying their homes. This is a State approved plaun. A�'esi,dent of the area asked when the construction is scheduled to start. The �ity Enqineer said hopefully next construction season. �'he plans wi11 be worked on this winter. Mr. Simnons asked if Minnie Pearl, Holiday, Mc,Donalds, etc. were notified. The'City Engineer said that they wex�e told when they applied for the building permits. Mr. Sim4aons asked why, then, he was not told when he built his house. Councilman Sheridan said that ttll comanercial and industri�l building pexmit� come before the Council, residences do not. Mr. 3ivaaons said that he felt that this street was A� detXiment to his property, yet he is being asked to psy for it. He said that there are many children in the neiqhborhood, and there is no neighbor- hood gark, as a re$nit there are children'iu the street. He said that t�,ero SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1970 pAGE 25 would be more speeding than t,here is now. Mayor Kirkham said that that would be a matter of judgment, there would not be any speedexs, he dfd npt believe, on a street that is only � block lonq. He said that when tliex� ia a sexvice road running parallel to an express�ray, you get these impoasi}�le corners. This plan was desi�ned as most feasible qeoqraphically and econamically. Mr'• Sium�ons asked where he should take his protest now. He said that he will have a piece of property with traffic on three sides, F�r that t,he Ci�y wa.11 charqe him, yet it will depreciate his property. The City Attorney said that he had a legal right to protest his asses�ment. This wauld be at the final assessment hearing; these are just prel.iminary fiquzes. The only issue before the Council at this time is t3re iinprcye�,er�t, The conaap� is apprqved. He said that he may register his objection. Mz. Simmona $aid that wheth�r he did or not, he would be gettinq the street. The City �At�tornsy said �hat the glans are drawn to do the greateat qood for the majority of the citizens. Mz'. Theodore Biermaier, 349-353 57th Avenue N.E., �aid that he was a neiqhbor of Mr. Simmoris' and he felt much the same. He said that theMrQ were children in his apartment house also. Ti�ie City Engineer po,�ntgd qut that this is a multiple zoned area. Mr. Biermaier asked why, if this i$ a State approved plan, the State did not have to pay for it. The City Enqineer said that the State is paying a portion of the cost. Counci]�an Liebl eaid that he was fully aware of their problems as,k�e wQ�,� dc�m into the neighborhooc� to look it over. He said that he could see khe�e pxpblem� cominq, �r►d was not whole hQartedly.in favor of the-proje�t, but tLe talked to the Hiqhwa� Departme�t and the City Engineer about the txaffic problems. He said fz�p the cost and sa£ety standpoint, thie Seea� to be the best plan. He said that it was impossible to please everyane, He said that the plan was drawn with financial responsibility and aafety ir� mind. Councilman Harris said that Mr. Siaimons does have a valid point and the Council should take coqniaance of it. They tried to find.-a plan that was the least objectionable. Other plans with more costs w�ould inVOlve more people. He said that they trisd to do the best job poasible c'�nd if he lived where Mr. Simu�ons does, he would probably vaice the��ame cqm,plaint, He said that there has been a lot of thouqht put into this concept, and aCtual7.y these lookbacks should have been there in the fix8t place. A gentleman in the audience said that he ran the DX Service Station ana he wondered if his driveways would be closed. Mayox Kirkham said that the contractox. and the City Enqineer would w�ork with him to keep them o�en, Mx. H.S. Babb, Sun Oil Co�npany, 470 Weat 70th Street, said that he would liko to have the City Engineer qo thraugh the tragfic pattern. He asked Nheu the plans would be done ar�d if he could see thnm then. The City Enq,ineer aaid fi.hat the� would be done in about a month. Mr. Babb snid 'k��At he would weloame the �pportunity to Mork with the City �nqineer on 'hh��B� pl+�ns• The City Engineer said that he would work with hi�n pn a�G�s�� and other related details. M0�'I0�1 by Councilman Liebl to close the Public Hearing o;n Street � P�'Gjeat St. 1970-3. Seconded by Councilmara Breider. Upon a vo,�ceI�v� p,�,�,��, vAtin9 ays, Mayor Kirkham dec�,�od the hearing closec� �,� ���p ;�,�� , SPFCIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1970 ' � 1 �_' , � ,' � � �I � ' � , �1 � ' , pAGE 26 PU$I�.IC HEARIAIG ON VACATIODI REQUEST (SAV #70-04) , JAMES L. li(JBINSON, 8Y CY.D. G�ANCOLi1, HIS ATTORNEY: (Vaoation of Brooks Street) Mr. Giancola said that this request is for the vacation of Brooks Street in conjunetion with the negotiations entered into for a Skelly Oil 3ervice Station. He would like to attach Brooks Street to the remaininq ps�operty owned by Mr. 1Lobi�nson. i3a said that he w�ia ordet a r�gietered land �urvey and the City Engineer has asked that the parcel for the Skelly Oil Service Station be separate froaE the other parcel. The City Enqineer said that the stsw��o�u]y8-be vacated, but the City wou7.d ask for easements over the land. He said that they wduld awn, hold title to, and could use the property as their awn, except that they could not build-on it. Councilman tiarris c�eated that these easements are seldam used. Mr. Giau�cola aaid.that he t�u�ld be verT agreeable to working these easements out. Councilman Harris asksci what asaurance the City would have that the propertX beinq taken would be kept and maintained. IE this is vacant land, there may be the same problem as vtith the prope�ty to the south. Mr. Giancola said t.hat what remains would be cleaned up. He added that as to the property to the south, within-a couple of weeka it rtill be going under.foreclosure. � Possibly the new owner would clean it up, it is too valuable land to leave lyinc� dormant. He said that the large pieces of cement would be removed frtam the Skelly OiT site. Councilman Harris said that he did not want �t removed and placed on the adjoining property. Councilman sreider satid thnt the junk cars in this area are an eyesore. Councilman Harris asked that tt�i.e be considered notice to them that the Council wants this area cleaned up. Mr. Giancola said that notice- is taken and he would pass the information along. MOTION by Councila�an Harris to close the public hearing on the vacdtion request SAV #70-04, by James L. Robinsan. Seconded by Councilman Breidex. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the hearing closed at 9:35 P.M. STATUS REPORT ON P�OJECT #93:. (D..M.-Nayes Construction Co[npany) MOTIOt�T by Goun�ilsaan Harris to receive the report froan the City Attorney reqarding the status of Project #93. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting• aye, Mayar Kirkham aeclared the motion carried unanintiously. CONSIDERATION OF FLAG OdiDINANCE: � Mayor Kirkham said that he had asked the.City Attorne� to qet an opinion fraa the Attorney General'a office to determine if the ordinance is proper and i� the City Council could adapt such an Ordi.nance. There has been no ' answer to date $o he asked tiiat thi� be back on the Aqends when the reply is received. l�OTI019 by Cotuicilman Breider to table �consideration of this Flag Ordinance , �til there is aa. opinion• .received froaa the Attorney General, then it is to be back on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayer Kirkham declared the motion Carried unanimously. , $PECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 197Q ppy�E 2� CONSTDERATION pF ABI ORDINANCE REpFnr.r� CI-IAp�E& 6"DOG CONTROL" ,pF THE CITy CODE AND ADOPTING AN "ANIMAI, CONTROI, ORDINANCE": The City Manager said that the City Attorney questioned why the oharge.pf $5 for a male dog and $15 for an unspayed featale, for the permit. Ha;sai.d that the Humane Society and other souxces recamaend that the permit.fee should be one half of th�.cost of spaying the female animal. Council.man Harris said that he felt that the Ordinance was basically:qood, but he would question the wording of Section 7- Impounding of Animals� This has ta do with people entering upon private premises with�t a$eax,ah �vaz'rant. He thouqht the intent was good, but felt that it should be re- woxded. Councilman Liebl agreed and caumented that he did not want.to se4 the C�.ty give �nyo� a free hand. Councilman Harris felt that this wa�g aot restrictiye enouqh and could be used as an excuse for qoing onto private pzoperty, Coyncilman Liebl suggested that it be worded so that the Aa�l Contxol OfficeY could enter upon receiving a signed canp7.aint. Gouncilman Harris agreed, there should be some wordage to cover a signed c�nplaint � being received. The City Manager said that he would_check the worda.ng with t,t�e City Attorney. Councilman Harris said that in Section 11 - Unclaimed Impaunded Aniaial,a�, there is no mention of the dutie� of persons impoundinq to notify t�e o�nner, Thp Citx Manager said that this is eovered elsewhere in the Ordinance. (S�ctioan 7). CounciLaan Liebl said that the point of the Ordinance is not tp pe�lalize,the dog, but the awner. This wouid give the law enforcement oi�iCer� a firmer legal hand. The City Manager explained that the Animal Contrpl Officer would pick up the dogs. The Warden would make a census of the doqs, and would not be pickinq up any dogs. He would issue th� tags. Councilman Har�i� said that he did not think that the City should qet into the,po$itiQU of destroyinQ_�doqa� The ututost should be done to find the owners. On �o�ne occasions the doq b�reaks the leash through no fault of the owner. The City Manager said that the Warden could be a man or a wc�amwn; snd i� `,�ou�d be a census ty�e function. A portion of the perntit fees could be taken to pdy his wages. It would not be his functian to c�►teh the dogs. The Ordinance works on the basie of an owner beinq requ�red to have a pe�ni,t �p owxi an animal. If an animal is allowed to run at larqe, the Council cpu�d revoke the permit and that person could then not own an ania�al for one yeaac. Gounci].man Breider said that a large amount of his calls concern doqs and cats running J.00se. He said that he had talked abaut this ordi�ce:to saae of the dpq and cat owners and even though they are dog lovers, they £elt that the Ordinance was,a--good thing, even with its stringent requiretnents, Because of other dog� running loose,.�eople get complaints on their doc�s. C4unailman Harris suggested that the wording of Item 4, Page � also staou�.d be checked. �40T�ON by Cou�cilman Liebl to.table.consideratian.o� thi� Ordinance and haVe it back on the next regular Council Meetinq Agerida after review by the City Attorney and the City Maraaqer ot Section 7,:and Sectior► 2, Item 4. The �aqti.pri was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kir}chaun d�clared ti�e motion carried unanimously. i� ' � ' � � � , � ' ' � iJ , , � � , ' ' i � C , ' , , ;I � i '�� L� ' � � � ' � _J � � ' , SPECIAL COUNGIL NIEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1970 PAGE 28 . , AWARDING BIDS FOA 1250 GPM TRZPLE CO�INATION PiA�lPER: (Fire Departlaent - Bids received July 6, 197Q) Hidder American Fire Apparatus Marshalltown, Iowa Peter Piarsch Kenosha, Wisconsin AAterican LaF'rance ELnira, New York Base Bid $38,195.80 $38,291.00 $38,614.00 Alternate "A" $3,800.00 $3.448.00 $5,931.00 The City Manager ex�lained that the Fire Chief and the Fire Prevention 8ureau Chief made a trip to Marshalltawn, Iava to review the equipmeAt. It was found that they could not'a�eet the specifications, so they have requested tp be allowed to withdraw their bid. This leaves Peter Pirsch the second �,o�west bidder. The Fire Department also felt that they would like to haVe Alternate A rejected as the bidders could not meet all the specifications, and they would call for bids for the Alternate at a later date. The �'ire Chief said that �.�a►eri.c�n Fixe Apparat�us builds good equipaent, but i� is not what they wanted. The Department wanted the engine in the fxCU�t. They checked and found that they could not build the apparatus to aneet the CitX's apecifi.cations. Counailman Breider asked what Alternate A was� The Fire Chief said that this was for hoses, nozsles"etc. �he bidders would have to purchase them, then resell, them to Fridley after adding on their �rofit and it was felt that these could be rebid at a better price later. Council- at�n Bxeider asked if they would be standard fittings and would fit any fixe truck, and the Fire �Ghief said Xes. Coux�cilman Harris a�ked wh�t was the� specifi�d date of delivery. The Fire Prevention Bureau Chief said that P�ter Pixsch specified 540 days and American LaFrance said 280 working days. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the rec�endation of tI'ie Fixe pepart�nenC and award the base bid only to Peter Pirsch in the amount oE �38,291.00, noting that they are the second lowest bidder; the low bidds�' �►aving withdrawn the bid due to not a�eeting the specifications. Seconde$ by Caincilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ki�khaA0. declared �he motion carried unanimously. The Fire Chief said that they would like authorization by the City Cvuncil t�o start checking into a new aerial device. He said that it would be 1972 pr 1973 before they would qet it. The ladder truck is 27 years old ti�is year, By the time they were to get a new one, it would be 30 years old. He euplained that parts are getting hard to buy and they are rut►ninq into mors ar�d uwre apartment houaes. Mayor�Kirkham�told him that he did not need authori�ation by the Council, to qo ahead a�d prepare the plahs and submit ta the Council through the City Manager: •19?Q � A :BESOi�lTIO�i WIDERI�G PRr:t.trsinwiu -r,��. �+� .a /nvc� r.nemc� mvti+nsnE+. - CTStAF'T T'M:�RiiV�.'NT P�EGT ST-• (�ast Rivex Road) MC?T�ON by CounCiTman -Has"ris ti6 adopt Reso�ution �k156-�970. Secondisd by Cownoi�.- man Liebl. Upon a voice vote; all ayes,=l�t�►or Ki,�haun deaiarsd th� iaot�oil ��r�, .. �..;�� carried unaniniously. � ..;.ah.�� r,.�„ ... SFEGIAIa PUB�,iC H�A�tZNG M��TIN� OF AUGi1ST 1Q. 1970 FAGI� 29 �tECFIVZNG LISTS OE REPU$LICAN AND DFL RECGIMMEIVDED ELECTION JUDGE$ FR(1M ,'�TQI�A C4U TX AUDTTpR: MC�T�UN by �o�tn��.l�na,n I�ax�ris tQ re�eive the li$ts o:� Re�ublican axid T��'�, r�as�am�nde�l ��.��tiQ� �udqe� from the Anol�a Cpunty ,Audito.r, �e�or►d�Q by �+�u�icilat�r�; 8x'��.der. Upon, a voice vQte, all voting aye, Mayox i�i�k,��p �,eq�7,,,ax�ed t.�e mc�tion carrie� unanimously, �N #157-1970 - A RESOLUTION JUDGES FpR THE SEPTEMBER 15 � M9'��ON }ay Councilman Harris to adopt Resolution #7.57-197Q. S�candQd by !��t�r�o�.l�nan �r�ider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Maxor Ki�'khaip c�es�7,arec! th� motion carried unanimc�usly. 15$�1970 - A RESOLUTI RQVEMENT PROJECT 1970 MOTION �ay Goux�cilcaan Harxis to ac3o�t Reso�.ution #158�197Q, S�cotad�� by Gouneilman Li.eb]:. vpon a voice vote, a11 votinq a��, MaXox Ki�tk�awa d�C�a�Qd '�� motion aarxied unanimously. RESOLUTION #159�1970 - A RESOLUTIOW DII�ECTING PUBLICATI(?N �F HEAFt,IN("a ON BRQPOS�D ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1970 SERVICE CONNECTIONS: MOT�ON by CaunciLnan �3arris to adopt Resolution #159-1970. Second�ed kty Cqunci].man I,ieb1. Upon a voice vote, ai1 voting aye,.Mayor Kirkhaat . declared the motion carried unanimously. ��SOLUTION #160-1970 - A RESOLUTION IN REGARD TO SEWER CONNECTION TQ NOA'�'H SUAUFtBl�N SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: MQTTON b� Counc�.Lnan Breidex to adop� Resolu�.ion #160-197p. Th� mot�.ca� ��� �sconded and upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayox Kirkham de��.a�ed �h� motion, carried unanimously. APPRAVAL OF DISPLAY AT MOON PLAZA,BY AIR FQRCE: 1�'T'ION by Counciltaan Harris to approve the request for an Aix Foxce displAy at Moon Plaza August 29 through September 7, 1970. Se�ondecl by Counc;flman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kiickham declaxsd t.k�e xnotion carried unanimously. RECETVTNG NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY TRANSMISSION LINE REPORT i]ATED JUT�X 31, 1970: MQTIQN by Counci]man Sheridan to receive the NSP transmission 1�:ne x���pr� dated July 31, J.97p. Second@d by Councilmar� Harris. Upon a voice vc��e, �,�,�, �A�inq ays, Mayor Kirkham declared ti� motion caxried t�nanimqusl.�. RECETVING NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY TRANSMISSION LINE REPORT DATED ,�1ZJ("eUST 7, 1970: Councilman Harzis asl�ed if there had been any xeply to the �.ette� �.h� G�.t� sent them in �egard to mee�,�� �a�� �cheduled date of completipr�. �l�p G�.ty �iar�aqer said that no let�er ha�s been �g�eived tca da�q� � � , ' � � � ' ' , ' LJ � � � ' i � � ' , SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING MEETTNG OF AUGUST 10, 1970 pAGE 30 M(�TION by Councilman Sheridan to receive the txansa�ie§ion line report isGm NSl? dated August 7, 1970. Seconded by Councilu�an Harris with the request that the City send a iollow up latter ask�i�g-��a to please aceply. Upon a voia� vota, all voting aye, Mayox Kirkha�n declared the aaotion carried u�na�riimously. APPRAVAI+ OF JAYCEE REQUEST FOR C08ICESSION FOR 1tEGIODIAL SOPT$ALL TOUA;NAMENT s Theze was some diecussion by the Council on rewriting the Ordinance iri reqard to cor�ce�aions�:ir��tlae City parks when it is a non-profit orqanization. MO'�TQN by Gounvilman Liebl to authorize the concesaions in Coa�aons Paxk on A�uquet 15, 1970 as xequested by the Fridley �Taycees, in their letter dated l�uqust 10, 1970. Seconded by CounciLnan Harris. Upon a voice vate, all voti.ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. ATSGU�SION OF STAKING ON WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE: �ouncilman Sheridan aaid that it has come to his attention that the ataking dons on the south end of West Moore Lake Drive near 58th Avenue puts t.t'ie curbing vexy close to the property line. In sane places it looks like 30" �0 36" away fxam the propexty line. The City Engineer said that West MooZe Lake Drive neax the i,ntersection on 58th Avenue was shifted tp savs svsae tree�, but it i.s still basically following the old blacktopping. There should be at least 5' from the property line. Ms. Axt Olson, 5771 West'Mooze Lake Drive, said that v�en he came home one evening the stakes had been moved 3' closer to the house. This would put k�is houae or�ly 37' from the road. xe said that if they were put back t�+hera they were, it would probably save some of the txees. MOTION by Counci],.man Harris to a.n�truct the City Engineer to eheck the stakinq on�Wes� Moore Lalce Drive early the next moxai-rn}. Seconded by Cotulci].man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkhaua declared the taotion carried unanimously. DISCUSSTON. REGARDING G1�.S STATION BEIIIG BUTLT BY SPRING LAKE PARK ON OSHORNE D}A T.H. #65: Councilman Harris said that he had xeceived a notice of a gas station being bua.lt on the N.E. corner of Osborne ji�oad and T.H. �F65. He said that he would �.�.ke tv�ave Spring Lake Park send the City of Fridley a copy of the plmns. At so�ne time t�t�are may be a neaessity of a loopback at this lx�tion also, aAd he did riot want a road xunning parallel to.T.H. #65 similar to thAt on University Avenue. DISCUSSIO�T �CARDING ALTERATION OF CREEK AND LAKE BEDS: There wna some discussion on the City Attorney's report regardinq the Mindex - Ez'ke1 mattes of dredqinq in Rice Creek. The Gounail felt that there shoul�d be saae provision, perhaps in the land alteration Ordinance, or thrauqh the �xcavation Ordinance, whereby the City of Fridley wa�uld have to be notified oi any alterations to be done to the creek, river, and lake beds psior to the SF�CIAL PUBLIC H�ARyNG MEE�ING OF AUGUST 10, 1970 PAGE 31 Consexvation Depart�aent permit being taken out. It Was agreed that the �l�x �a9ex and the City Attorney should look into this matter. ADJOiJRDImENT t There being no further business, Mayor Kirkham declared the Special Public Heazing � Workshop Neeting of 1�iuqust 10, 1970 adjourneQ at 10:34 P.M. 1�sp�ctfully submitted, i���t""� i��r����CP� Juel Mercer Se�retary to the City Council . Jack 0. Kirkhaip Mayor ' � ' 1 ' 1 I ' � I ' t ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' l�_) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 37.01 OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATING TO CLEAN-UP - PAINT-UP WEEK AND AMENDING SECTION 37.02 OF THE CITY CODE AS RELATES TO INSPECTZON AND FNFORCEMENT ' The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: �ECTION I. Section 37.01 of the Fridley City Code is hereby repealed. SECTION II. Section.37.02 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 37.02 Inspections shall be made by the Health Officex or his duly authorized representative, Police Department, or �such other representative as the board may designate. If necessaxy, such representative shall issue specific orders to property owners or occupants to clean up their precaises, and shall reinspect the same to ensure can- pliance therewith. If a cleanup order is not complied with, the Health Officer or Police Officer may take appropriate action under the applicable code (Ordinance�. }1TTEST : CITY CLERK ^ MARVIN C. BRUNSEt.r. First Readings August 3, 1970-- Second Reading : ' ' ; ! ' . � 1 � Publish.......: MAYOR - JACK O. KIRK��AM r � r) � •<�, � �� ' ' ' I�' �I �� , I�J , �� ' ? a.3. � jE i i ORDINANCE N0. ` �, AI� ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 6"DOG CONTROL" OF THE CITY CODE AN� ADOPTING AN "ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE" TI� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN as follows: SECTION 1. As used in this ordinance the following terms mean; Owner: Aay person, partnership or corporation ow�ing, keeping or harboring animals Pet Shop; Any person, partnership or corporation engaged in the busineea of breeding, buying, seiling or boarding animals of any species. Veterinary Hospital: Any establishment maintained and operated by a licen�ed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals. Anim8ls: Any living creature, domestic or wild. Animal Shelter: Any premises designated by the City Council for the purpose of impouding and caring for animals held under authority of this ordlnaace. Such facility maq be City owned or shelter service contracted. Officer: Aay person designated by the City Council or employed as a law enfora�ement officer. ' Animal Coatrol Officer: A person, firm or corporation deaignated as animal cont'kol of�icer {dC0) whose duty shall be to periodically patrol all aectians of the City for the purpoee of picking up atray animals and to issue ordin�ace violatioa tags to owners who allow animals to run at large within the City; to ' pick up to impound stray animals �,dogs and daaesticated pets, Rxclu�ive of cata). runaing at large within the City; to pick up and dispose af de�►d animals dnd to i.nvestigate all cases of animal bites xeported to him aad to enaure Chpt ' all auch dogs or aaima�s�iare impounded in a aecure place of confiaement where the dog cannot contact other animals or humans and are kept unde� obeervation for a period of fourteeen (14) days. ' � ' ' C Animal Warden; Any officer designated by the City Council a• a law enforceaieat officer; animal control officer or firm and any individual, coatrdeEed through the etnimal control officer or an indivi,dual, partnership, campany or co�porat3on diractly appoin�ed by the City Manager to perform animal control And �n1mm1 cenaua dbties. • �: Any ania�al of the canine apeciea. Cat; Aay animal of the feline species. Dog Kennels: The, keeping of three or more dogs on the same prem�aeo. ' 0 ' ' ' ' , ' � � ' ' 3�. ORAINANCE N0. PAGE 2 Permit: A permit is the authority to keep a dog or other animal of the canine speciee within the City of Fridley. Tag: A tag issued to individuals who make application to City Clerk and are issued a permit to maintain a dog, or other animal for which a tag is required. License Year; The license year shall be fran May 1, year of issue, to April 30t6 of the year of expiration. SECTION 2. CONTROL Contro : It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, harbora, or keepe a dog or the pareats or guardians of any such person under 21 years of age to allow such dog, regardless of age of dog, to run at large in the City of Fridley. For the purposes of this section of the ordinance a dog shall be deemed at large and shall be considered to constitute a nuisance when; 1. The dog is off the premises of the owner and not under the contral of the owner or a member of his immediate family by a leash, not exceeding eight (8) feet in length. The dog must be with a competent peraon having cus�ody of him and obedient to that person's commands, or within a vehicle being driven or pushed on a public street. 2. The dog coa�nits damage to the person or property of aayone other thaa the owner, or creates a nuisance upon the property of one other than th� vt+nex, except in the defense of the awner, his family or his property. 3. A fea►ale dog or cat in heat off the premi.ses of the owner, unless con- fined in the process of being transported to or from the premises of the owner. Whil,e on the premises a female dog or cat 3.n heat is not kept in a building or s�cure enci.osure where said female dog or cat cannoX be in contact with other dogs, except for planned breeding, 4. The owner does not assume the obligation and responsibility xequlred of the owner of any dog or animal in the City, whether permanently or Gemporaril.y ' therein, to prevent such dog or other animal from coarmiting any act whieh Gon� s�itutes a nuisance as defined herein. u , ' 5. The owner or custodian keeps a dog or other animal who shows vicious habits, barka, howls, cries or yelps, or allowa the animal to cause aoi.se, disturbance or annoyance to persons residing in the vicinity thexeof; or fxequent school grounds or public beaches. 6. The owner or custodian of a dog or animal of the canine species does not eause the same to be confined to the owne�s or custodianb prope�'ty by adequate fencing or leashing, except as herein defined. 7. The owner allows the dog to chase vehicles or interfere with t�alking ' o£ pedestz�ians, the dri�ing of sutomobiles, bicycles, motorcyclea, motorblke8, or snowmobiles on public streets, alleys, grounds or highways. ' ' 8. The owner allows a dog or animal to molest or annoy any pereon ii such pQrson is not on the property of the owner or custodian. ' ' CI ' ll u ' ' , ' ' � ' LJ ' �� ' ' � ORAINANCE N0, PAGE 3 9. Every unregistered dog and every dog.that runs at large or causes disturbance, or noise in violation of the provisions of this ordinance ia hereby declared a nuisance. 10. A person abandons any dog, cat within the boundaries of the City of Fridley. 11. Owner or custodian fails to have dog vaccinated against rabies at leasC once every two (2) years, or �jog's vaccination has not been with�n the past two years. $ECTION 3. PERMITS (REGISTRATION) r � ,) The applicant for permit must sign and agree that he is prepared to comply with regulations established by the City Council. Upon payment of the permit tag fee the Clerk shall execute a receipt in duplicate, the original of which shall be delivered to the person who pays the fee and the duplicate retained in the City records. The receipt shall describe the dog or animal as to breed, age, color, owner and address as a minimum. In addition to the permit, suitable animal tags, the shape or color of which shall be different f or each registration year, shall be iesued by the Clerk and he shall issue one appropriate tag to the owner when the fee ia paid. The owner shall cause said tag to be affixed by a permanent metal fastener to the collar or harness of the animal so registered, in such a manasr so that the tag may be easily seen. The owner shall see to it th$t the tag is conatantly worn by the animal. In case any tag is lost, a dupl�cate may be issued by the Clerk upon presentation of a receipt showing the paycaent of the registxation fee for the current year. A charge of fifty cents sha11 be made for each such duplicate tag. If at time of initial registration a dqg i$ due ta be vaccinated within the next six month period, then a new vaccination eha11 be required before permit is issued. IC shall be unlawful to counterfeit or attempt to counterfeiC the ani.mal tag or take from any dog a tag legally placed upon it by fts owne� with the intent to place it upon another animal, or to place such tag upon anothet �nitn�l. Animal tags shall not be transferable and no refunds shall be aiade on animal permit fee because of 2�eaving the City or death of the animal befoxe the expiration of the registration period. A permit or anicnal tag shall be required for a dog or other animal of Che canine species. No permit ahall be required of any humane society, veterinary hospital or laboratory. SECT pN 4. pERMIT REVOLKING �, permit, if not revokea, shall be valid during the iicenae year. A aew pe�cmi.t sha11 be obtained each license year by every owner and a� neN fee paid. [� � C' , i� ' ' , ' � ' ' ' �� �J' 3� ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 4 SECTION 5. The Council may revoke any permit if the person holding the permit refuses to or fails to.comply with this ordinance, Che regulations promulgated by the Council, or any state or local law governing cruelty to animals or ` the keeping of animals: Any person whoae permit is revoked ahall, within 15 days thereafter, remove such animal(s) permanently from the City of Fridley or humanely dispose of animal(s) cited in the violation being owned, kept or h$xbored by such person and no part of the pera►it fee shall be xefunded, An animal permit and tag may be revoked if an owner fails to provide animals with sufficient good and wholesome food 8nd water, proper shelter and protection from the weather, veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, and with humane care and treatment. Also if an owner shall beat, cxuelly ill Lreat, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwise abuse any animal, or cause oY` permit any dog fight, cockfight, bullfight or other c aabat betWeen animals ox+ between animals and humans. In addition auch owner shall be liable to court action under the ordinance of the City of Fridley, State Statutea and loca� laws for any of the actions cited above. It any peraon violating the terms of this ordinance 3 times.in one psraiit year, his permit to own, keep, harbor or have custody of animal(s) for which the o�fenee wae cited shall be deemed sutomatically revoked aad no new permit tnay be iesued for a period of one year from date permit is revoked, -. �ECT�,_,IO_N_„6 ; PERMITS REQUIRED a) No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog over the age of s1x monChB, within the City of Fridley unless a permit therefor has f:trst been $ecured. Permit certificates shall be issued by the City Clerk fpr n fee estab�ished by Council resolution. It shall be the duty of each peraon owning, ., keeping, c►r harboring a dog to pay the permit fee established ta the City CLex'k on or before the first day of �iay in each year, or upon establiehing resi� dence in the City to forthwith pay such permit fee. The Clerk au�y c�ase +�. no�ice o� the nece$sity of paying such permit regiatration fee to ber printed in th� o�ficial newspaper in January of each year. Issue of new permite fo� tho j,icenee pear shall coa�nce February lst of each year. b) Livestock: See City Ordinance (Code) - subject L�veetock Cont�ol, . c) Wild aniiaals and birds: See City Ordinance (Code) - eubject Wild ,Aniiaals and Birda. d) The sections of this ordinance requiring a permit shall not apply.to . ' n4n�Tesidents of the City who are�keeping only domestic pets, provided that anima�ls of such owners ahall not be kept in the City longer than 30 d�ys �nd that Che a�timals are kept under testraint. The provisions of this ordinance ah�ll ' �pply 1.nsofax' ae requirements for rabies vaccination is conc�rned. ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' '�,� � CJ ' , , ' ' ��� . ORAINANCE N0. PAGE 5 A compulsory system of permit and registration is established whereby the City will issue City owner permits and license taga to ownors of dogs over aix montha of age�upon proaf of rabies vaccination within the preceding year, all animal permits and tags expire on April 30. Permits and tags muet be applied for and obtained and tags affixed on dogs or other canines requiring tags before they attain the age of six months. All permits in effect at time Qf enactment of this ordinance shall be extended to an expiration date of April 30th. Fees will be based on a minimum of aix months regardless of date of application. Permit fees are as follows: 1. For each male dog, or apayed dog or other canine species: $ 5.00 2. For each unspayed female dog or other unspayed canine speciea: • $15.00 3. Permits fox livestock - See City of Fridley Code = (Ordinances) 4. For each animal of other speciea an amount to be deter- dnined by the Council and established by Council reaolution, provided the Council approves the issuance of the permit for such anicnal. SE�TION 7. IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS , The Ania►al Control Officer, Animal Warden, Law Enforcement OffiCet' or Huma�►e Society shall take up and impound any dogs or antmals requiring pera►ita ox' ta�s found in the City without the tags; or any dogs o� animsl8 which are in viqlation of any of the other proviaiona of this ordinance. Anima�a oha1.1 be �mpounded in an animal shelter and confined in $ humane manner. Impounded doga ehall be kept for not less than five days, not including Sundays aad Halidays, unless reclaimed by their ownera. If by a permit tag or by okher meane Che owner can be identified, the Animal Control Officer shall immediately upon impoundment notify the owner by telephone or mail of the impoundment of the animal. Notwithstanding the provisions of this ordinance, i�i an animal ia found at large, and the owner or cuatodian can be identified, the Animal Control Officer, tk��a Animal Warden or Law Enforcement Officer may proceed against tho awnex for violation of the ordinance. The Animal Control Officer, Animal Warden and Law Enforcement Officexs a►1�y ' enter upon any private premises where he hae reasonable cause to believe there is being kept: ' ' LJ ' a) A dog or other animal for which the owner does not have a requirod perm�C. b) A dog which has been at large during the eame day, c) A dog or other canine specie or cat or other feline spea�.e Nhich has : bitten a human being. _ � � � � , ' ' , ' � �I ' � � , � �I�' � ir1 �' � I_, � ARAINANCE N0. PAGE 6 3ECT�ON 8. NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT Upon taking up and impounding any dog or animal as provided in this ordin�ance, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall immediately potlfy the owner, if known, and the City Police Department. The Animal Control O�ficer, Poundkeeper, and Police Department shall maintain a record o� dogs and ani.taale so impounded. SECTION 9. xBDBMPTION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS WITHOUT PERMITS - TAGS - VACCINATIONS In the instance of dogs or animals for which the owner does not have a �equired permit or tag, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall not return such animal to the owner until a permit and tag, if applicable, have besn purchased from the City Clerk's office or fraa the Animal Coatrol pfficex or Poundkeeper. The Animal Control Officer or poundkeeper shall ram�.0 Ca th� City the sum paid to him for the permit and tag and if owner hAS no proaf of rabies vaccinations, the cost of immunization, and furnishing the City Clerk all necessary information pertaining to sA1d purchase including a copy of any permit certificate issu�d in connection therewith. In addition the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall be paid by the dog or ania►sl owner Che itnpounding fee plus feeding and care fee for each day the dog px animal is confined in the pound. All monies received by the Animal Control p�ficex or Poundkeeper shall be turned over to the City Clerk, and shall be placed in the general fund of the City. SECTION 10. REDEMPTION OF ANTMALS WITH PERMITS - TAGS - VACCINATIONS Any dog or animal for which the owner has a current permit - tag taay be xedeemed from the pound by the owner after impounding by payment of �.mpounding fee plus feeding and care:fee for each day the dog ie confined in the pound. Fe�a paid shall be in accordamce with those established by the City Council. All moaies received by the Animal Control Officer ar.Poundkeeper shall be Curned over to the Ci.ty Clerk and shall be placed in the General Fund of the City. SECTION 11. UNCIAIMED IMPOUNDED ANIMALS A,ny dog or ani,mal which is not claimed within five days after impound�.Rg, noC including Sundaye or Holidays, may be sold for not lesa than the amount of the total chargea accrued against the animal in accordance with thls vrdia�nce mnd Couacil resolution, to anyone desiring to purchase the dog, 1f not requeated by a licensed educational or scientific institution undor Minnesot� Statutes'Section 35.71. All sums received by the Animal Control Offt,cer or Poundkeeper shall be turned over to the City Clerk, and sha11 be placed in Che general fund of the City. Any dog or animal which is not claimed by Ch� owner, or by a licensed educational or scientific inatitution, or eold, sh1t11 be painlessly put to death and the body properly diapoeed of by the Poundkeepor. The �i.me of sale ar other disposition of the dbg or animal shall be at le�et 1.2Q t�oure after notice has been given to the animal owner by the AnitneG� i Coc�t�o1 pfficer or Poundkeeper. The provision of notification of awner does noC dpply� when owner cannot be ascertained. �nimal Control Officers, Animal Wardens and Law Enforcement Of�icer8 ehall , h�ve police powers in the enforcement of this ordinance and no pereon �h�li. interfere with, hiader, or moiest auch officer in Che exexai.a� o� •uah powers. VW.+iN�-r.., ` ' . .3� � � � � � , � ' ' ' ' ' � l_l � ' I� �� � �i � 0 ��� QRAxNA,NC� N0. BAG� 7 SECTION 12. DOG AND ANIMAL BITES pny person knowing of a human being bit by a dog, cat, raccoon, skunk, ar ott�er r�abbies susceptible species shall i�ediately notify the Ania►al Cont�ol pf��.cer or Police Aepartment and the Animal Control Officer shall then cauAe said an,ianal to be quarantined under observation for a period of 1k days acaordiag to State Law. - No Police Officer or other person shall kill, or cause to be killed, any �tai�nal suspected of bein� rabid, �xcept after the animal has been placed ip quarantine and the diagnosis of rabies cnade. It shall be ualawful for sny person oCher than an ,Animal Control Officer, Aaimal Warden or City I.aw �n�orcement Officer to kill or destroy any dog or animal of the dog kind �ouc►d runa�ng at large in the City. Violations of the above shall be considered a misdemeanor, SECTION 13. COMPLAINTS Aay person complaining to the Police Departmeat that a dog �r other itaimal is allegedly running at large or otherwise constituting a danger o�c ' nuisance shall ideatify himself upon request and ahall make every reasonuble' attempt to assist the authoritiea in identifying the dog aad its awner or cuaCodi,�m. 3ECTION 14. MUZZLING PROCI�AMATION Whenever the prevalence of hydrophobia renders such action necess�ry, �to protect the public health and safety, the Mayor shall issue a proclAmatip�i px'dering every pexson owning or keeping a dog to confine it securely pn hi8 p�emises unleas it is muzzled so that it cannot bite. No person shall Violat• such praclaaiation, and any unmuzzled dog running at large during Che time fi.xed in the proalaa►ation shall be killed by the Police, the Animal Controi� Of�'ic�r ox Aaimal Warden,wtthout notice to the owner. SECT ON 15. KENNELS $ee Cit�► o� Fridley Zoning Ordinance ��C��QN 16. The Councll aiay appoiat such person, persona, or firm as the CounGil t�y. deem ne�essary and advisable as Animal Control Officer and Ania�al Warden. Suclt uppoi�ntees shall. work under the direct supervision of the Fridley Polic� Dsp,arC- �n�nt and ahall be responsible for the enforcement of this ordinanGe� � , I i . pRAINANCE N0. PAGE 8 SECTION �7. REPEALER T Chapoer 61 of the City Code of the City of Fridley ia hereby repealed. All existing ordinances of the Ci�y of Fridley are hereby repealed iaaofar as they may be inconsistant with the provisions of this ordinance. 3ECTION 18. P'ENALTIES ' Every person who violates this ordinaace is s�bject to all peculties provided for such violatians under the provisions of Chapter 105 entitled "Penalties" of the City of Fridley City Code. 0 �n ' ' . ' �. ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follaws: SECTION 1. For the vacation of a street described as f ollows: All that part of Brook Street as dedicated in the Plat of Central Avenue Addition lying between the Southerly extension of the Westerly line of Lot 15, Central Avenue A,ddition and the � West right of way line of Cent.ral Avenue; All lying in the South Half of Section 12, T-30, • R-24, City of Fr�dley, County of Anoka, " Minnesota; Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shal�. be so amended. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS __,,,,,,_„_,,,,,.,, DAY OF , 1970. , , � . ATTEST: MAYOR - Jack 0. Rirkham �ITy CI,ERK - Marvin C. Brunsell publ�.c Hearing: Au st , 1970 Fi.rst Reading:, C�.+��-/ � � %�'}� Second Reading: I publ��h. . . .: . . • i �� � � ' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING , ' ' 1 ;� 1 ' , ' ' � �� C ' ' ��� <,. AUGUST 5, 1970 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Harris at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Minish, Harris, Schmedeke Members Absent: Erickson, Fitzpatrick Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant Peter J. Herlofsky, Planning Assistant APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JULY 22, 1970 RECEIVE PLATS 1� SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS $ UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: , 0 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTBS: JULY'23 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: JULY 28, 1970 i�uo�,a yoice vote, all voting 1� �QBI�TS�D PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT P,S, �70-03 Y N, INC.: T at portion o t e E 1 o t e S o ectior� �A �- nns ruc ort . 2, CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST: ZOA #70-05 $Y VZEWCON� INC.� F�or t at portion o t e E �7 o t e S 1/4 of Section z4 to. be �� rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (General Multiple'-Family-Daelliag�) or�R=3A (Apartments Only). - Acting Chairman Harris suggested that the first two items on the ' agenda be consa�dexed at the same time as they both involve the samQ develvpment. The audience was told that since the Public HeaxiAg had not been closed the floor was open for comment. , M�', James R. Durand-1553 Berne Road - Commented that he lives +dixectly acxoss from whexe the townhouse apartments are proposed. ' ' �� il �'lanni,ng Commi,ssian Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 2 ' 852 unit's of apartments means at least 1600 cars traveling back and forth daily. This will definitely hamper traffic on Silver Lake Road. Their ' school system already needs help and the children from the apartments will just make matters worse. � He also stated that they had hand picked their lot and it was very ' expensive and a Hi-rise apartment building would bring down their property value. ' Acting Chairman Harris explained Hi-rise apaxtment. These buildings Hi�rise is at least 6 stories tall. that technically this was not a are only three stories tall and a ' Mr. Durand said that this did not matter, he still did not want to s�.t i.n his yard and look at apartments. He was against the project. ' Mr. Wi,lliam Dietz-1280 Hathaway Lane - staied that it was his understanding that Hathaway Lane was going to be made to continue to Matterhoxn Drive. Because of the elevation and the increased flaw of ' traffic he and other residents were concerned about an additional. traffic problem at Mooxe Lake and Centxal Avenue. He wondered if there had b�t��} a�y studies done on this area and what our plans were fox it. ' Darrel C1ark explained that there was a study in progress on th@ �,ntersection at the South end of Moore Lake and Hwy. #65, but that it had not been completed yet. He also explained that the necessity of ' connec'Cin,g`Hathaway to Matterhorn would be decided by �he City and he was sure that they would be willing to listen to the people's comments be�oxe making a fi.nal decision. ' Mx. Dietz added that they had been assured that this area would x�main Rrl and felt that t�ey were entitled to residential txaffic. He �elt that the people would take the straightest route and go stTaight , dot�m Hathaway rather then up to Gardena and around. Darxel Clark commented that more thought will pxobably be given to ' the open%ng of Hathaway Lane and that it might not be done at all. The develaper doesn�t really care if Hathaway Lane is opened becaus� hiS plan will work ei.ther way. ' ' '� ' ' ' Mx. Chaxles Van Eeckhout (Viewcon xepresentative� told the aud�.�ence that his company has already modified its p ans to reflect ths changes suggested by the Planning Commission. Regis Lane�can now-� �onnect �o Matterhoxn and 175 feet South there is a connection fo�' another road. Also, because of the view from Berne �toad and noise frpm the f�eeway it has been decided to move the multiple dwel�ings SO feet from the freeway and leave the area in a natural state. This should supply 0ery substantial screening because of the natural veg+�tation, '�ioss�bly close to 100� . T?te multip les will be small buildings, approximately 47 feet by 8Q fee�, so that they can accomodate the different grade changes. '�ha a���tments �xe actually not much larger then some of the ramblers i� -, �nnsbruck. � PJ.anning Co�mission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 3 � �� ' The individual apartment units will be sold on a condominium basiS. Building in this way rather then all single family dwellings saves much more of the wilderness area. ' ' � LJ II L�J ' ' , These will be deluxe buildings. The�' people will be homeow�[BSS>, not renters and they will be vote�s and good citizens. Ludie M. Thomas-5353 Matterhorn Circle - asked about the population dens�.ty. This should be Considexed a major problem. Mr. Van Eeckhout said that there would be approximately 7.4 units per acre. The 1 and Z bedroom townhouse units will have 2 l/�2 to 3 people �ex unit. The 120 single �amily homes will probably have 4 per home.or appxoximately 2700 people. Mr. David A. Doehler-1281 Hathaway Lane - stated that the South end of Moore Lake is a major traffic problem now. Populat�.on density just means more automobile density and this is what concerns him. There is no real outlet to Silver Lake Road planned to help the problem� He felt it was human nature to stick to a route once you get used to using it so a gaod route should be devised now before the development is Gompleted. A good Silver Lake Road outlet would prevent a xeal �xa£f�c pxoblem.:It was no good to change just to make one person happy� Darrel Clark asked if he was aware that there was a road to Silver Lake Road. Mr. Doehler replied that he was but what he had in mind was a real good xoad, p�tssibly foux lanes �rith lights. The �lanning Commission was asiced if the project will be crossing County 1i.nes ? A�.xr.eJ. Glark replied that the Innsbruck pxoject itself will nat ' c�'ps� az�y County l�.nes bu� Viewcon does own property across �he 1i.n� in Ra,mse� County. , ' C ' ' � ' Act�ng Chairman Harris commerrted that the residential lots on the West �3,c�e�of the pxoject which abutt Parkvaew Homes are the real ��,^a���.� ��3X1�x'A.tOTS for Fxidley. There will be an access fxom the East ����Cin�t o� t}i'� proj ect to Silver Lake Road. MY'. Van Eeckhout said that Viewcon has indicated that they Wj,�1 -de�d�.�ate� ;� ��ie�.li�h� �bf way o�t to Sil�r,er �ake Road' to. the ' _ E�.t� of`Fxidley: It will be up to the Fridley Engineering Depart�ent to desi$n a road that will handle the traffic. The Stat� Hi.ghway D�gartmen� and the Ramsey County Highway Department see no problem and wi�1 commence design on their sections of the road as soon as they ara sure the project is going ahead. The road is-really a governm�nt p�'oblsm and Viewcon�s hands are tied. They are trying to design an �de�,uate system, . Mr, Van Beckhout further explained that the interchange is a di,a�mond interchange and the State has many ways of upgrading it but �,t �a.� just`-n�beceming necessary. 1 ' LJ , ' , 4� Planni,ng Gammission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 4 Mr. Bergman-5503 Regis Trail - stated that he had heard at a City Council meeting that the State Highway Department was considering revising the intersection at Hwy. #65 and Old Central. Darrel Clark said that the State has been taking traffic counts and using other methods to study the intersection to improve its design so that it could better handle traffic on Hillwind Road to Central. During the busy hours now Hillwind is practically useless. Mr. R.D. Blohm-1605 Berne Road - felt that the traffic plan should be set up well in advance of the completion of the buildings sa that, Lhe residents of the area did not have to suffer for five years while it was being completed. He also wondered if any thouglat had been given to the sewage problem. Darrel Clark explained that the problem had been given much thought , but no definite plans had been drawn. The present sewer laterals would not handle the problem in the conventional manner but reservoirs or holding ponds which would discharge the sewage during the off hours ' would probably take care of the problem. These systems are exp@nsiVe, but the burden is on the developers. Any assessments would be made to the acreage in the project. ' ' ' �� LJ ' Acting Chairman Harris commented that the people could not be assessed fox something which would not benefit their property. Mr. Blohm then asked if the new children added to the axea would ` not overload an already troubled school system ? Darrel C1ark said that this area is in the Columbia He�ghts school sy'stem and they would have to ask the Columbia Heights Schvol �aar�d. He continued that oux recent Apartment Survey shows that the poqxe5t taxpay�rs are single family dwellings. Apartments more then pay th�ir way in the school system. Mr. Van Eeckhout explained that he had spoken to the Columbia Hei�hts School Board and they had told him that the number of grade school a.ge school children in this area was on the decline so they would bs able to handle the children from the project. The projeGt w�.11 be paying enough in taxes to build a new 4 ar S million dollar s�hoo�. It will be a definite tax advantage. Ludie Thomas asked where the outlets were located and was tol.d that ' they wex�: Matterhorn to Gardena; Hillwind, Regis, Hathaway to the Wa$t; an� ths un�named route East to Silver Lake Road. ' ' 1 ' Mx. Donald A. Zappa-1549 Berne Road - said that he was told when he moved into the area that it was all zoned residential and would stay that way. Thi.s i.s a first class area and he wanted it to stay th�t war. He was agai.nst the pxoject. Ac�ing Chairman Harris asked if there were any comments fx'om th� ��.�Aning Commission members. ' ' ' , C ' ��� �lanni;ng Commission Meeting - August 5, 197Q Page 5 Mr. Schmedeke said that he was glad that the people had come to ths Publi.c Hearings, it gave the members a chance to hear both sides of the Question. The tra,£fic seemed to be the main problem and he wondexed i� a loqp back, possibly on Hillwind, would help the pxobl�m. Mr. Durand commented that the traffic is important but so is �he ap�earance of the building and Vi,ewcon had not shown any pictures of the proposed apaxtment buildings. Mr. Van Eeckhout explai.ned that the apartments would be very similar in appearance to the apartments at Viewcon's project at Twin Lal�es North. 'They would be changed only to make them more compati:ble to the £orest �.rea in Innsbruck. This factor had been given very careful attention. The°aetua3 bui.lding �lans wi11 have to come before the �'�.anning Commi.ssion £or approval before they are built. Mr. Minish asked if the buildings were similar to those at Twin° , Lakes Noxth then tahy nat bring pictures of this project to at least g�,ve the �eaple some idea of what will be going in. He then asked ii Yi.ewcon had done any traffic studies of its own on the area. ' , �J ,� , Mr. Van �eckhout answered that their study £i.gured for about 3�600 trips in and out af the development daily. They guessed that about 2/3 of these would use Silver Lake Road and most would be free- waY oriented. These were just guesses and th�y would need.more � �.n£ox�mation for better figures. Mr. Ma.nish asked if the figure of 2/3 of the P60P1@ liS1A$ S11Y@:T �.ake Road was based on the fact that Silver Lake Road was to be uggrad�d? Mx. Van Eeckhout answered that it did not really make any dif£exence tha�t the people wou•ld use Silver Lake Road regardless. Th���S�at6 Highway Depaxtment has said that as soon as they have tangible evidence, such as the rezon�ng, that the project was going through they will staxt u�grading the xvad. The people will not be in there foT from.3 to 5 years. Actin� �Chairman Harxis asked if there were any questions concerning , th� P1a�t. He thought that some of the grades in the area wer� p��tLy �t�ep. ' Darre7. Clark commented,that the highest grade he had seen was 6� �,nd tb.�,t tb�.s �ta,s w�ti�in tI�e Ci.ty standards. Hathaway and Fillmox� are bot� l0 �k . , ' , ' ' ,Act�ng Cha�.rman Harzi.s stated that it seemed that some ot'�these stxeets �rould be di£f�.cult to put in and wondered if the City's st�,d��c�d�gpc��ics�ions for curb and gutter and black top �treets wou7.d suffice. Darxel Cl.ark answered that a 6� grade was not really very steep, on1� a mattex of a rise o£ 6`f�et�tergve��`100 £eet. � Planni,n� Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 6 ' Mr. Van �eckhout added that Suburban Engineering had done the p�.ans fpr the project and that he was suxe that they had done a fi.ne jqb and none of the streets would be too difficult. ' Acting Chairman Harxis then asked how many buildable lots th@re were in the residential area? 4 �%i , Mr. Van Eeckhout answered that 100 out of the 120 lots were buildAble a� a reasonable cost and the other 20 they would either have to se11 at a loss or not develop at all. CI , , ' �_ ' Acting Chairman Harris commented that they would not like to see theSe 20 lots on the tax delinquent rolls. Mr. Van Eeckhout said that all of the lots would economically stand on their own two feet, it was just that a few wouldn`t be very profitable. Acting Chairman Haxris asked if the swampy land near the lake would cause problems in installing streets and utilities, ox if the low areas would have footing and foundation problems. Mr. Van Eeckhout stated that Viewcon had made sevexal borings and that there was actually very little peat in the area. Besides they only have one site on low ground, the rest of the sites are on the xi.dgas of the hills overlooking the low areas. Mx'. llanald A. Zappa-1549 Berne Road - said that he could na� see how building to�rnhouse apartments would save trees. Mx. Van Eeckhout explained that there will be from 200 to �QO ', ��et of undisturbed land between the buildings. Residential dwellin$s have more or less formal lawns in front and back, the apartments wi11 just have smal]. gxass areas, possibly none at all. The garageS wi11 ' be attaGhed to the build�.ngs and there will be additional paxkin$ in back, Acting Chaixman Haxris asked if anything had been done bj�olche , k'axks and Recreation Commissi.on about the �ark Viewcon was offer�ng to the Gi.ty on the North end of the project? ' Aarre�. Clark answered that they hadn't met yet but he was sure tl��t they would accept the land because they had been thinking of acq,u��'�Ti� some tax forfeit lots in the same area. , I� ' � � Mr. Davi.d Doehlex commented that in the �ast the freeway intex- changes have laxge clovexlea�s for access to the freeways from 1ax$e deVelopments. He also thought that the traffic problem should be taken care of before tfie land is developed. A�t�i.ng Chai.rman Harxis stated that thexe were situations like this al� ovex �x�.dley. The City Ilad doubled its population in the last ten yea�s and is growing too fast to take care of all its problems. Tha;s a�'ea is one o� the �ew large open spaces left in tl�e City. Beca,use o£ tlie many pxoblems involved with development of the area he w�s not pxej�a�ced to vote unt�l the full Planning Commission was pxasent. , plannin Commission Meetin - Au ust 5 1970 Pa e 7 ' Mr. Minish asked if it would be possible for the Commissio� to see pictuxes of the development at Twin Lakes North to get soms idea of what the project would look like. , � , , � ' ' , ' �J , , , �J� ' ' � ^� Mr. Van Eeckhout said that it would probabl� be a bettex id6a fox the Planning Commission and any other interested members o� ths �udience to actually view the development at Twin Lakes North. Acting Chairman Harris asked if there were any other possibilities in developing the area? Mx. Van Eeckhout explained that it would not be feasible to build single family dwellings all over the area unless the land was free• 20p un�ts would not cover the cost of the project and the company do�s have to show a pro£it. They will build the homes themselves ox build to an owners speGifications. Gonstruction of the single family dwellings is planned for this fall and they hope to market them very qu�c�ly. Mr. Minish asked why the apartments were condominium instead pf re�tal units. Mr. Van Eeckhout explained that the rent for apaxtments would have �o be around $250 per mont�, they could be purchased fox $175 per month. Suxveys have shown that there is a high demand £or this typ�:� o£ housing in the area. The price of each unit would pxobably run between $19,000 and $25,000. MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish that the Planni Comm�ss�on cont�nue to t e u ust meetin consi era t a ro ase xe iminar P at P. . ,03 Viewcon nc. o t e 1 o Sect%on 24 an t e Rezonin Re uest �;�rvcon nc. to �ezone t e E 1 o t e SE 1 o Sect�o rezone ram to �__ pon a vo�ce vote, al voting aye, ion o� o t e e 4iX1'1 J�.vu u,acasa.�.s..v.+.a.� . It wa�s th.en decided that the Planning Commission and any othsr �.nteres�ed parties would meet with the Viewcon representatives at Twin Lak�s North at 6:30 P.M• August 12, 197Q, RE� Acti.ng Chairman Harris declared a recess at 9:Sa P.M. and reconvened at 10.05 P.I�. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT RE UEST: SP #70-09 8Y ARTHt1R B N ON: To construct a secon garage on Lot 3,�loc , pr�ng Bro�Park Addition under Section 45.051, 2A, Accessory U�eS �page 12 Zoning Code). �t �i Ik'lanning Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 8 ' MOTIQN b �he Pu�lic H , � xin �xoox a e � � �_ � � � ' Schmedeke seconded b Minish to aring Notice or Special Use Permi Canton; To construct a second ara Park A ition un er Section 45.051 nt� Co e . waive the r�eadin.�o,f Re uest• S!� �7U-u� e on Lot�34, Bloc 2 2A. Acces�orv UsQs Mx. Arthur E. Canton-402 Longfellow Drive - explained to the Plannin� Cammission that the reason.he�waated to build a second ga.Tage wa�s� that his present garage was too small for his car. He would like to use this garage for storage of his picnic tables and snow plow and use the second garage for his car. Mr. Ho�rard 0. Rick-410 Longfellow Drive - stated that the garage wpuld be within 12 feet of his garage and he had no objections ta it, Mrs. Scott-391' I.dn�t�ellow - sai.d Lhat _s�ie �ivas acxoss t�e stxeet fxom �he property and has no objection to the second garage, She stated that Mr. Canton has always kept his property up very n�cely. Acti.ng Chairman Harris a'sked if there would be any prob7.em with the xec{uirement that the structure be 15 feet fxom any living axea? Dax�el Clark answered that the structure met all the xsqui.remeAtS. ' A representative from the �ussel Garage Company showed'the , P1ann�ing Commission a sketch of t,he proposed garage. Both gara�es are situated behind the house. The new stxucture will bQ 24 feat by Z8 fe�t., , Th�re wi11: be driveways into both structures and the outside of the new gaxage wi11:��match the house as closely as possible. ' ' � � ' ' MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish c1oSe t e u�.c earin a t e ecia se. !'x't ur anton: Q COIIStTUCt a secon c1TA � r�1 TO4 ax ltion un er ection . a� onzn o e. on a voice vote a carxa,e unan�mous y, that the Plannin Cammission ermit• , Y 8 an •ot , OC , � ccessox ses � voting aye, t e ma on Acta.ng Cha�rman Harris asked if there was any furthex d�sGUS�ion � on the Special Use Permit. , MOTTON by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commiss�.on xecommen a roval to t e Cit Council o t e ec�.al Uso! �rm1t: SP 70-09 b Art ur E. Canton to construct a secon axa � t�n ot B oc 2 S rin Broo Par A ition un er Section . c�essor Uses Pa e 12 Zonin Co e wit t e con �.tions t at t e sxter ox o t e secon ara e matc t e ex stin ouse an t at t�r�. e a rlvewa to t e secon ara e. U on a voice vote all votin ��, t e motion carrie unanimously. 4, PLANTING BOULEVARD (40 FOOT) IN MOORE LAKE HIGHLANDS �4TH ADDTTTON: ' Mr, Schmedeke stated that he didn�t feel that the Gity should giv� up th� lanting stxip as lbng as we already owned it. He felt that - the pxa�l�em should be re£erred to the Parks Department.: Th� are� is:`: ' no woxse than Chase Island which may flood out every couple years. Fossibly there could be some picnic tables set up or a horseshv� Gourt. i� � ' � � � � �i � _� , Plannin� Commission Meeting - August 5, 1970 Page 9 Acting Chairman Harris commented that the problem should be under the jurisdiction of the Parks Department. The immediate problem is the debris on the strip. Mr. Schmedeke added that birch, willow and popal trees grow on the strip now and he was sure that evergreens could be introduced. MOTION b Schmedeke seconded b Minish that the Plannin � Commission re er t e ro lem o t e 40 oot lantin oulevar in ; La e Hi 1an s 4t A ition to the Par s and Recreation Commission stu to see t e easa ilit of usin it or an o en s ace area. � an o en s ace area is not easa le t at t e ar s an Recr�ratio Commiss�.on s oul ma e xecommen ations for its use. U on a voice all voting, aye, t e motion carrie unanimously. or te , 5. LETTER FROM THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: RE: Rice Creek Watershed Inter-League Stu y ommission ate July 22, 1970. ' �J MOTION receive th RZCT e Cree�c nt� on -a vo i 0 ,� Schmedeke seconded b letter rom the Lea ue aters e Inter-League S vote, all voting aye, Minish that the Plannin of Women Voters in re ar tu Commission ate ul t e motion carrie unanim Commissi o— t�Te - �I970 6. STREET NAME SIGN STANDARDS: , Mr. Feter Herlofsky from the Planning Department was present. � �' , � LJ � ' �� Mx. Herlofsky explained that the signs that the Planning Department had in mind were 9 inch color coded signs exactly like the ones which the Minneapolis Street Department will be using. Green designated North-South streets, brown designated East-West streets. Mr. Schmedeke thanked Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineex-Director of Planning for the information he had compiled on the street signs and said that he was glad something was being done. He added that he agxeed with the color scheme, size, and placement of the signs as shown on the Planning Department's map but thought that the placement should be$in immediately and instead of placing the signs at different intersections that one main thoroughfare, such as Mississippi Stxeot, should use the new signs completely. " Mx. Minish and Acting Chairman Harris agreed that Mississippi Street should be used as a trial street. Acting Chairman Harris asked what the difference in pr�.ce was between the 6 inch sign and the 9 inch sign? Mr. Herlafsky replied that , betWeen the two signs and added re�laced, the street sign posts , ' there was a three dollax d�ffexence that only the signs woul.d have to bo were useable. :� "� Planni.ng Commi.ssion Meeting - Au ust S, 1970 PaSe 10 MOTIDN b Schmedeke seconded b Minish that the �lann�,n Comm�.s��en recommen o t e �.t ounc�. a t�ova o t e tre�t Name �.gn an ar s as xe are t e n�.nee�in e artment an t at �,ssa.ss�, x ree rom to entra venue e use to �.�"��, �il�,� ��,g�ls ana i t e lannin �ommission o es to see this Ko� cvmp e e �.n . pon a vo�ce vote, a voting aye, t e mot�,on Gax��.e unan�`mpusly. ADJOURNMENT: Acting Chairman Harris adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted . �G�� � �%'��J Nikki Finck Acting Secretary 0 � ' , ' ' ' ' , ' r_ � � . ):�,. BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF AtJGUST 6, 1970 The meetiag was called to order by Chairman Harris at 8:03 P.M. I��ERS PRBSEPTr: Harrie, Tonco, White, Gnerre r'II4�ERS ABSEATr: Iiart OTHERS PRESENT: Hank Muhich-Chief Building Inapector MpTION by Tonco to approve the minutes of the July 23, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A DENTAL CLINIC TO BE LOCATBD ON LdT 6 AND THE SO[TI'Ei HAI.F OF LOT 7. BLOCK 1_ ERCO' S 1ST ADDITI�Ii_ T� SAl►� Mr. Walquist was present to present the requeat. Mr. Walquist stated that the building would be masonry construction with face brick exterior. It will have a mansard roof with cedar shakes. The Board stated that louvres would have to be put in for ventilatian in the overhang of the roof to prevent dry rot. They also stated that a fire block would have to be put in the roof. , The building will have steel studs with 16" centers on all framing. Type X sheetrock which is fire resistant will also be used. L� ' ' 1 MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval to the Council to grant a building permit for the propoaed dental clinic subject to the following stipulatioas: 1. That the roof will be machine cut cedar shakes. 2. That louvrea will be put in for ventilation in the roof. 3. That fire blxking be put in the mansard roof. Seconded by White. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motioa carried unani.mous ly . 2. CONSIDERATIOI�i OF A RSQUBST TO MOVE A GARAGE FRQri 1515 HIG�.AND PARK WAY, ST. PAUL, MIN1�30TA, TO 225 LIBERIR, FRIDLEY, MIli1BSOTA, THE SAI� BEII� ' LOTS 18 A1�D 19 BLOCR 11 SPRIPG BROOK PARK A1�OKA COt�1TY MII�ESOTA. �,REQUEST BY GENE GRA�, 225 LIBERIR, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. n '� � Mr. Graunke was present to preaent the request. Mr. Graunke stated that he was going to take the garage apart at the corners and that he would then put the walls up on a concrete slab. Ae is also going'to put a hip roof on the garage to match the house roof. ' A report from the Building Inspection ilepartment woss presented to the Boasd. The report etated that the �uilding had a vhite cedar exterior and an aephalt roof. All stude aad rafters are 16" centera on all framing, There ie a need for one or two more collar ties tq ���n� the buildis�g up ' to City code. One glase pane ia bsokan on the entrsnce door bt�L qtherNise the garage is in very good caaditioa throughout. ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' , � 1 Buildinit Standarde-DeaiAn Control I�eeting of Auttuat 6, 1970 Pags 2 Mr. Graunlce atated that the shingles will be the eame as on the houae. M4TION by Taaco to recommend approval to move the garage with the location to be determined by a eurvey. . Seconded bq Wfiite. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uaaaimously. Mr. Gnerre arrived at 8:45 P.M. ADJOURAII�H:PTr : The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Harris at 8:47 P.M. Reepectfully submitted, �_ a..t�e-� � ..��ii CAi60L CHUDEK — ---- Secretary� � . �� ' ' 1. ' ' ' 1. ' ' t ,s . D�+ THE 1�IINUTES OF T� BOARD pg Appg.AI,g 1�y�TING OF AU(�TST 11. 1970 Zhe meeting wae called to order by Chai�an Minish at 7:32 P.M. i�ExS PRESENT: Minish, Drigane, Ahonen, Sondheimer, 0'Bannon OTi�RS PRESENTt A1 Bagstad-Building Official MpTION by Ahonen to approve the minutea of the July 28, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Minish reported to the Board the Council��etion on the July 28, 197p Board of Appeals iteme. Mr. Jerome Manley was present to present his request. , A aurvey of the lot, dated July 24, 1970, showing the propoeed addition was ahown to the Board. A photo of the lot, taken by the Building Inepector, wae also shawn to the Board. Mr. Manley explained that at the time his home was built the zoning laws pex�ited a 14.2 faot aetback on the street side.of a corner lot. He will only be constructing a patio, with frost footings, at this time, but in the futu�e he hopes to inclose it and make it some type of living aree. The addition will be 20.4 feet by 15.0 feet and will be added onto the South side of the house, flush with the West eide. He wants to have the addition flush with the Weat side becauae there is a kitchen door on the South side of the houee and the addition would be to cloae to thie door if he were required to maintain the 17.5 foot aetback. 0'Bannon asked if he had contacted any of his neighbors concerning this requeat for the variance. Mr. Manley anewered he had contacted them but they had n� objections. 1�A1'tON by 0'Baanon to close the public hearing. Seconded by Drigane. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the.��ertinn carried unanimously. l�TION by 0'Bannon to recoc�rend approval of the request to the City Co�aail for the follawing reasons: 1. The addition will not protYUde any further to the side street than the present dwelling. 2. The addition will not block the view of any other etructure�. ' 1 , ' ' 1 ' ' , The Minutes_of the Board of Avpeals Meetint� of Autzust 11, 1970 Pat�e 2 3. There will be no traffic hazards caused by thie addition. 4. This was the proper setback at the time the home was conatructed in 1955. S. There were no objections from any surrounding property awnere. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 2. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 56 05 3G FRIDLEY CITY CODE 1�0 Tiif�DL�AQL+ m�� ��r�x.a..e n.......'�" ��^_'___�'— —__ ' _ FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY COM�lANDER BOARD, 56 1ST STREET $ E,,_ � NEW BRIGHI�ON. ) Mr. John Ravnik, Sales Rep. for Con�ander Board, was present to present . the request. . Mr. Ravnik explained the Frontier Club is located along Old Central Avenue which has a 30 foot easement. There is also a rather large xow of dense trees on the South side of this lot which restricte the viaibility of the Club from the North bound traffic. ' He explained further that the sign will be placed in the middle of the block and right on the property line. This would enable the North bound traffic a longer time to read the sign. ' � ' ' C ' ' ' ' , Mr. 0'Bannon asked if they had considered plating the sign�on the Noxth end of the lot. Mr. Ravnik said that they had but that there is also a raw of tzeee on the North that might restrict the sign. Mr. Ravnik st�ated the sign will be a two pole pylon with a 2 foot by 8 foot sign board on the top, interior lighted with a plastic face, and a 6 foot by 8`foot changeable message 8ign board below. The mesasge eign board will display the entertainment appearing at the Club. There was a discussion on the location of the proposed sign but since there was no survey of the lot available, no exact location could be detern�ined. IrDTION by Ahonen to table this request until the applicant can eubmit a eurvey of the lot shawing the exact location of the proposed sigyn and also a drawing of what"the sign will look like. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURI�NT t The meeting was adjoumed by Chaitman Minish at 8:15 P.M. Reepectfully submitted� Mary Hintz 8acr�tary .�,r ' n , �J 1 ' �� � NINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATIQN COI�MISSION MEETING, JULY 27, I970. - 1�ieoting was called to order at ?-:30 p.m, by Chairman Fitzpatrick. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Ash, Novitsky, Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Bob 0'Neill, 861 Rice Cr�ek Terrace, 560-1272, Tennis �r Municipal Pool, Don Johnson, 7500 Hayes Street NE, 786-4618, hfuunicipal Pool. Wayne Hyland, 5800 East River Road, 560-0782, Tennis. Keith B. Hart, 6230 Jupiter Road, 560-2311, Public Relations. _ William Saxson, 6801 7th Street NE, 560-3297, Municipal Pool. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rica Creek Terrace, 560-2618, Nature 'frail. Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner. Paul Brown, Director of�Parks and RacYeation. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Coaimission. TENNIS AT THE COI�410NS. ' The question has been brought before the Co�ission in-regard to the Fridle)► School District #�14 using the public tennis courts every afternoon during the �pring months. Sc�me�of the citizens have voiced complaints, stating that they were unable to make use of the courts in the afternoons becaws+� Lhe sChools ' were always monopolizing them. Mr. Wayne Hyland, Tennis Instructor, Mas present on behal� of the schools, in order to clarify the problems and perhaps find so�e suitable solutions. . , i� ' ' L� J Mr. #fyland indicated that there were approximately 28 Senior High S¢hotil boys anti 24 ninth grade boys enrolled in Tennis during the past school year. The�* use the Commons tonr�is courts fran as early in spring as weather peratits, until school is out in 3une. The courts are used from 3:00 to 5;00 p.�a. un188s tli0ro is a match and then they're..in use from 4:04 to 6:00 p.m. I►�z'. Hyland iAdicltted that he was unaware oi the problem we were refering to. He said that he hACI been the Tenrlis Instxuctor for the schools for thc past two years and h� had not encountered any problems with citizens wanting the use of the courts during those particular hours. Mr. Olson•asked if it would be possible to adjust their playing so that 4ne court could be made available in the event that someone Nanted to play? He said they could proceed as before unless someone asked to use ona of the courts and then, adjust themselves accordingly. Mr. Hyiand said that he didn't see any reasoa Nhy this couldn't be arranged. ' MQTTON by�4,�on, Seconde.d by S�a.ili, .tu ne,�y oK �the op�i.n.t.on o� �ke..�enr�f,� Tne�u�c�k �to uae h,i.b awrc good �udge�newt .to ad�uaz #he,�. achedu.Cea �to .tnc�Cude ed,t,�zena �o dea.ined .to p.eay 7en►�.c,a . ' ' ' ' � Discussion: Mr. Ash asked if it would be in order for Mr. Brown to NTite a lettOr to pr, Hanson at the schoois, asking for inforeiation in xegard to the sGhool builditig T�nnis Courts of their own. Mx. l+bvitaky 3uggested that a si�n be posted informin� any interested parties _ shauld c�ll or wxite the Parks and Recreaticm Dapart�ent in re�ard to the hours the courts are available for open play. This vrou�d also tell us ho�►'�aany pao�le a�e`�re�lly,'interested in using the courta: � (►�c., �iy�at�d fe�ls that the sur�ace at the Coaamons is a very good one and tltst f�ncas Mould preserve it. . T�.a� M4�.an cavca.i.e.d. C� � �� ., Minutes of the Regular Meeting, July 27, 1970 pa�e 2 _ � MUNPCIPAL POOL. Mr. Bob 0'Neill was present to see if there were any plans in the i�oediate. future for a Municipal pool. He was representing the Swim Club and said that , he knew the club would be very willing to help in any way possible. L__I � ' � Mr. Blair asked if this would be a heated pool and the approximate dates it would be open. Mr. 0'Neill said that in Minnesota it would almost-hsve to be a heated pool in order rto gain full benefit from it.� The season would extend from Memorial Day until one or two weeks after Labor Day. Mr. 0'Neill gave three suggestions for sights for the pool. He suggested The Commons, Moore Lake Beach, just adjacent to the lake, and next to t�e Columbia Arana. Mr. 0'Neill and those present for the proposed pool, said that they will proceed with petitions and whatever else is necessary to obtain a municipal pool in Fridley. RICE CREEK NATURE TRAIL. ' Mrs. Barbara tiughes was present to discuss the proposed Rice Creek Nature Trail. and any progress that has been made. She mentioned the meeting at Medtx�onic, which Mr. Brown attended, and both Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Brown felt that there , was much interest. The Metropolitan Paxk Commission representative was v�ry i.nterested arid offered assistance in the form of a contribution or federal aid. � ' PURLI� RELATIONS MAN. The Parks and Reereation Co�aission feels that we should have more CommuntCation with the general public tArough the newspaper. Mr. K�ith B, Haxx wi�.l work witA the Comnission and the Parks and Recreation Department, on a volunteer basi�, and will take pictures and report special events to the Fridley Sun Ne�yspaper, wi.th the hope that we'l1 receive better coverage on our activities. ' FLANERY BSTATE. �! II ' 1 � u , Mr. Olson and Mr. Brown have com�unicated with the executives o� the F1�eT�► 8state, with the hope of putting to good use, the donation of $1000. The Park has already been named "Flanery Park" after the late Mr. William L. Flanery, Mr. Brown has r+zitten a letter to Mrs. Burton Johnson, asking if thex�e ia some special type ef Memorial which they would prefer to have installed. CORRESPONDBNCE. MOTiON.by B.[ain, Second¢.d by Nov.i.taky, .to acce,p.t a.�E co�ch.eapond¢ne.e. soceER. ' Mr.,Juan Salas wrote a letter to the �om�nission, with the hope of irttroducing SocGex to,Fridley. HB has offered to set up the progrs�, with the help oP Luis Castellamos, and would work on a volunteer basis until the prograa� Kas s�t up and xunniAg smoothly. Soccer would run through the mor�th of Septembor and Octpber,�and would involve boys from ages 8 to 12. Mr. Blair asked Mr. Brown if he thought there'd be very much interest, Mr� Bz�own said that he thought Soccer would involve boys who weren't quite roady for'football and would possibly include soma boys who otherwise wauld not got involved 1n sports. � , Minutes of the Regular Meeting, July 27, 1970 Page 3 . SOCCER (coA�t): MOTI�N by O.Q.QOn, Seconded by Nav.i,tefzy, .to accep.t .the pnopoaa.e �on a Soccen , Pnog� �an Fn.i.ci�ey, and ,i.n,3�nu.e.ted Mn.. B�wwn �o .i.nceude .i.t d.n ,th.e �a.� Pnpgnam an a.th.i.a,� ba,6-c:b .'The Mo�i.on ccvvc.i.ed. , ' PROPOSED BALLET PROGRAM. Mrs. Patricia Commers wrote a letter to the Commission, in regard to setting up Ballet cl,ssses for girls from sixth grade to high school. The classes would last for 45 minutes for the grade school girls and one hour for high school girls. The Commission discussed the fact that there really isn't much recreation planned , for the girls through the winter months and they decided to invite Mrs: Com�wexs to the next Cammission meeting to furthe� discuss the possibilit�es. , M4TION by Aah, Seconde.d by Nov.i,t,�Fzy, xo .i,nv.i,te Mn.a. Comme�ca .to #he nez.t Pankb and Rech.e.a.t,i,on Comnu,eb.i,on mee.t�rtg on Augua.t 24, 1910, .to di.acubd -the poda�.b�i.Gi,ti.e.4 o� a Ba.�e,t Pnogn.am �on xh,e g.ih.ea .i,n. �n.i,d�ey. The Mo.ti,on c.a�vci.ed. , PARK GRANTS. ThQ Cominission received a Memo from the City Manager in regard to park land ' grants and the status of park land acquisition. There"will be a meeting in reS�ect tv this memo on.August 3, at 6:30 p.m. and Mr. Blair, Mx. Novitsky, �nd Mr. $rawn plan to attend to discuss the budget and proposed prop@rties. , C' ' , �I ' �' � �J ' , SPBCIAI. M�ETING. A special Commission meeting is tentatively set for Monday� Augus; 17, to d�scuss the Budget and prepare it for the Council. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the cgnference xoom at Civic Center. POLICE REPRESENTATIVE AT AUGUST 24th MEETING. Th:e Cor�mission requested that a representative of the Fridley Police Departn►Bnt be pxesent at the August 24th meeting, to discuss the vandalism problems in the� parks. GOLF COURSB C.OMlUNICATION. MxR Bab eaarnette sent a letter to the Commission in regard to building a Gvlf Go�ixse in Fridley. � MOT�QN by Aah, Se.eqnded by O.�aon, xo .taFze ,the nequesx boa a Ga.�� Counse unde�c. a.dv.i.aem�n.t, The Mo.t.i.an e.a�ve,ied. BQND ISSUES. Th� Commiss�on discussed the fact that a Bond Issue would be necessary if Fz�idley Was to have either a Municipal Pool or Golf Co�se. Mr. A$h seemed to think that th�ts isn't th�:proper time for a Bond Issue and Mr. Navi.tsky said that he felt our hand� were tied as fax as further development, unless we proGSad Ni.th a�ond Issue. ' Mr� Novitsky s�ated that the portion of Fridley which lies south of highway �494 ha9 v�ry l,itt�a as far as park development. He ��id tj�at there are.�,any childxeA who-liVe in this area and in order to play bali or go swimminq, �h�� must pe i._� � � l Jl i ' ' ' , i , �J ' , ' ' �l �' , J� ' ' , ' ' , ; � �� Minutes oi the Regular Meeting, July 27, 1970 Page 4 _�. BOND ISSUES (con'tL ..r,_ transported across 694 to parks and beach. He feels that the Commission should seriously consider development in this area in the near future. Mr. Novitsky reminded the Commission that items which are too large to be included in the budget can only be developed through a bond issue and he feels that now is as good a time as any to approach the people for aid in special developments. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by ��.aon, Seconded by Nav.i.t.af�y, .to ad�ow�n �he mee,ti.ng a.t 10:15 p.m. The next Special Meeting will be held on Monday, August 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at Civic Center. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, August 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, / -� ' � �l-� � CATHIE STORAAHL, Secretary to Commission � , �� � , ' , ' , �_J � � � , �HE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COi�4tITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1970 Tk�e Meeti.ng was called to order at 8:00 P. M. ROLL CALL; MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Mosa, Theron Horn, W. Starwalt, John Oden, John ivere, � J. Thomson COMhiITTEE REPORTS : Housing by J, Thomson, Attachment �kl. Education Commi,tze-e-_h3i Father Keefe, Attachment ��2 / MOTIQN made b ther Ke to establish a committee investigating the type of Human Relations nar we should establish. NEW BUSINESS: C�.O.M.E. group offered to have members of the Human Relations Committee attend 8nd get involved in a family exchange with minority groups. J. Ivers and J. Thomson expressed an interest. MOTION was made and approved to meet at Pilot City Center on Broadway in North Minneapolis. Chairwoman Moss will make arrangements for a monthly meeting, possibly at a different date than our normal schedule. John Oden voluateered to type up a list of the constructive commeats from �he surveys by the Auguat Meeting. This list will provide some direction to the Human Relations Committee. ' NLY MEETING CANCELLED: MOTION was made and approved to cance� the July Meeting of the Committee due to heavy vacation schedules. ' Respectfully submitted, ' � ' ' ' Jame+r E. Thomaon Vice Chati-rnan �,i ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' i , � ' ' ' , ' ' ATTACHI�NT NQ. 1 HiJMAN RELATIONS COMI�IITTEE MINUTES NNE 25, 1970 Canclusions of Hucnan Relations Survey in Fridley as related to Housing Sub-Committee The questions most relevant to the housing subject are: 9. What would be your response if a Negro family moved next door to you? Move- 124, Object- 190, Neutral- 367, Accept- 402 Weldome- 273 12. 13. Should mor� racial minorities be encouraged to reside in Fridley? Yes- 427 No- 660 Do you feel more low income housing should be provided in Fridley? Yes- 290 No- 936 r-j"f My interpretation of these figures indicates a negative attitude towards Negros (speciiically) and minorities in general. Question No. 9 shows 681 negative (move- object-neutral) responses and 675 positive responses. Many people stated they judge people as individuals and consider themselves as non-racist. However, No. 12 dispute8 their claim as most people do not want minorities in the community, let alone, next door to them. Question No. 13 received a resounding negative response even though the low inc ane housing was not defined as being for the elderly, minority groups, whites, multiple dwellings, subsidized housing, or any other specific factor. I balieve there is a stigma associated with "low income" anything or "urban renewal" which must be removed. Society in general and the Fridley community in particular, should be infarmed as to its responsibilities to all people, regardless of Race, Rel�,g�.on ox Nationality. Several worthwhile suggestions were made and I have liBCed those � feel are best suited for nur Committee's consideration; 1. Go out of our way to encourage minorities to work and live in Fridley. 2. Sponsor Human Relations Seminars. 3. peCermine the minority's attitude towards Fridley, what do they expect of our community? 4. �stablieh laison with minority groups. Bring about person to person discussipne of speaific problems. 5. Develop aome programs through churches, schools or business groups calling for diTect involvement with minority counter parts. 6. Student exchange programs - on a voluntary basis. 7. Publicize Fridley's welcome to minorities in media read or heard outside o� our coaxnunity 8. Ac�ivate or motivate community churches to greater involvement in Hua►an Relations progxams. 9. Consider Indi$n problems also as emphasis on Black relations seems out of propor- tion to taany people. 10. �emove fear of decreasing property values when minorities move into an area. 11. Justify the need for minorities in Fridley. 12. Explain � Negroea are heard more today than Indians, Mexicans, etc. 13. Provide scholarships to minority students in ghetto schools. 14. �ducate the minority grpups so they will be on an "equal" basis with the WhiCe community (Everybody can play God) 15. Educate the c000�aunity regarding alternative programs for Low income housing Chat will not be a blight, economic burden, or social embarrassment to Fridley. ' Reapectfully submitted, Jim Thomaon, Chairman Housing Sµb-��nm�t�ge ATTAC1iMENT �1 � TAC1iME1��,N0• 2 � ' , � u � ' ' ' C'' ' ' ' 1 �I, � � i l.J IiUMAN RELATIONS SURVEY � 6-22-74 The fact that such a good percentage (1,485 out of 6,000) returned a leiigthy questionnaire indicates that the people take the problem seriously. The questionnaire Was not meant to be judgmental for it indicated that the ansWers glven are not to be regarded right or wrong but Would offer the Huaan Relationa Comiaission opportunity to gain from citizens' opinions and find same direction to tak.e. •r� �)-<.. Yt $eema painfull' apparent that the present at�rle of education that is gain�d through T-�� neaapapers� school and churches ie not genesating under�tanding and spmpathy m�ong the large maes of people, 274/974 less sympathetic. Not onl� doe+� ou� fluman Relatlona Commission need to serve these media better but alaa bs �wre credtive ia develapiag Wara of arousing genuine sympathy for those �+ho are oppreased culturally aad economicall�. There is aleo indication that the Human Relationa Commiasion needs to help our citizenry to have a bigger picture of racial problems and underprivileged in general. The fact that such a large number (290/936) waa opposed to lo�► incose houaing in Fridley means that we would be derelict in our responsibility if we do not trp to improve this attitude. Each year some people leave Fridle� when they have mi.efortune becauae_no pravision is made for their neede here and inner city ot so�e other co�naunit� ,ust take on a responaibilit�►�rhich we are shirking. Alao Me naed to improve the image of low income housing. It does not necessarily mean cheaply conetsucted housing nor dces it have to be located and reetricted in such a May as to create a ghetto. It would seem that there is a geaeral acceptance of minority teachera, nelghbors, friends and church membership, curriculum in minoritq cultures that offess a baae �or conatructive upbuilding. The underetaading of the term "white racism" requires more definitioo as onlr 276 felt it Wae at the root of racial problems in apite o� research ahoaing - 1 - A1"�ACI�IIT �Z ' � ��� .� ' evidaaae to the contraz7►. ' The fact that only a small majority (561/k95) felt that there ehould be more emplayment of racial minoritiea in Fridley and the fact that a majorit7 (427/660) ' felt Chey ahould aot be encouraged to reside in Fridley and a large majoritp (380/610) ' �ould aot support the "Buq Black" program gives added evidence to aa earllex question in Which a saaall majaritq (668/613) agreed that it is more difficult for Negroes to advance ecouomicallr than oeher groups., ' There seema to be a good tolerance for aceepting a Negro family �s Aeighbors, ' ].,042/314, but resiatence to open encouragement, 427/660, of such reaideac�. ' Although a large number, 1,138/163, Would Welcome a Negro joining their �hurah there Mas a more cautioum, but favorable, attltude, 792/491, about the'church ' beiag dixectlp iAVOlved in improving racial relations. 1 ' � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ,-2- ' 1 ' J ' ' WVMAN SMIThi LEONARD T. JUSTER MENRY M. FE�KEMA RONALD l. HASKVITZ JAMES R. CA5SERLY CARL J�N[WOUIST DOUGIAS HALL OFCOUNS(L LAW OFFICES HALL, SMITH, �TUSTER. FEIKEMA & H�sevrTz CMARTERED ' Ctty of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' ATTENTION: HOMER ANKRUM, CITY MANAGER August 6, 1970 ' RE: Street Improvement Project 1968-1 B Involving 71st Avenue from University Avenue to West Property Line of Locke Park Dear Homer: ` �j�1 SU�•C iOSO Bu�,�p[AS E�G..�NGE •uilDiNO M�vNE.►�OUa ��tiNESO�• 55�0= O�FICCS �rr; /A.p,�. ♦ OS!(O ♦AEA COOI e�f T[�EPHONE 33f-��el I have'now received a letter from John�Dablow, the attorney for Minnesota Tr�nsfer Railway Company, indicating that the Railway Company is not agreeable to keeping the fifty-foot strip and paying the city assessment on the road. I enclose a copy of Mr. Dablow's letter so that your file is complete. I also enclose a copy of the letter that I have written Mr. Robert Johnson, the Assistant County Attorney, who is handling the county condemnation matter and my letter to Jahn Dablow. This letter and those letters should be contrued along with my previous letter to yau dated June 12, 1970. I think the City has no alternative but to strike the assessment at this time. Then either the county should dismiss $nd de1ete the fifty-foot strip from their condemnation or if that is not posstble, �hey shou1d complete the condemnation and then convey the fif ty-foot strip to the City v�' Frid1ey. Once the City of Fridley has title tv the fifty-foot strip the coun�il can make that strip a part of the roadwa�y and then run through a reassessment prvicedure to put the assessment back on the roll against Minnesota Transfer Raitwny Company. I have talked with Nasim about this by phone. ff you or members of the council have any further questions•please advise. Yours truly, Wyman Smith WS:1 jk �ncs. ' '( ' WYMAN SMITM �CONARO T. JUiTER MENRY M. �EIKEMA RONAlO L. MASIfVITi ' JAMCiw R', CASSCR�Y c���. �. NCWOUI�T OOUG�AS MA�4 O� COYN�« I� ', , u , � ' ' ' ' LJ ' J LAW OFFICES HALL. SMITIi, cTUSTER, FEIKEMA 8C HASIiVIT2 CMARTERCD August 6� 1970 Robert M. Johnson Assistant County Attorney Anoka County Courthouse Anoka, Minnesota 55303 RE: County Condemnation vs. Minnesota Transfer Railwa�y Company Dear Mr. Johnson: � ��� � SUITC �060 •UIlOC1�S [1fCMANOC •UilO1N0 MINM[A/011s. MINN[iOTA iNOi 0/►IC[i �N: ��10�[r �, O��[O A11lA COO� �11 1[�LM/ONR »�•1��1 I have a copy of John Dablow's letter dated July 31, 1970. In behalf of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company he had appealed an assessment�that the C1ty made for the road that runs from University Avenue East and along the southerly part of the Transfer Railway property. For the reason that the county is condemning their property and would leave a fifty-foot strip between the City S�reet and their property, Dablow objected to the assessment on the basis thdt the street dtd not abut tF�e railroad property. Judge Keyes agreed with that contention. I tal[ced with Bernie Steffens and we made a proposal that the County would d�lete that fifty-foot strip so tf�at the Transfer Company would con��nu� as Own�r. It was my understanding from our court discussion that if that were the case the Transfer Company would pay the assessment. Mr. Dablow's letter well indicates the contrary. I am advising the City that we will have to pursue reassessment proceedings after the county's condemnation is complete. I think the City would want elther the fifty-foot strip dismissed from the condemnation action or else find a� way for i� to be conveyed to the City of Fridley after the condemnation action ts comp1eted. In my opinion, either wa�y it is handled, the City would then have a v�1id righ� to assess for the road improvement. Wi11 you keep me informed of what the-county does in this matter. ' WS:1 jk Enc. � Yours truly, Wyman Smith . , ' u 1 L � DABLOW & JOHNSON �TrowNCr� �r uw CAMBRIpOt. MINN<HOTA �d00� • �� . ���Y�•a�# ls�� � Robert M. Johnson Attorney at Law Assistant County Attorney Anoka County Court House Anoka, M�nneaota SS343 IN RE: The Minnesota Tranefer Railway Company va. The City of Fridley, Minnaeota, a municipal oorporation ---- D�ar Bob: Z h�ve your letter of July 14, 1970. Please be adv�,sed that prior to the receipt of your letter, • and in aocordance with correspondence wi,th Wyman Smith, the Attorney for the Villa$e of Fridley, Z requested instructions from my c1i�+nt as to the 50�foot strip. Mr. IIannon of the Minnesota Transfsr Con►par►y p says that they have r►o need for the 50-foot strfp between the serviC� roacl and the quartor section line. There is now a high voltaga lin� of NSP between the Railroad's property initiated aince the commer►cam�At of the condemnation proeeedings has been to orient its propsMy ir► a northsrly direation. I aw sanding a aopy of this letter to Mr. Wyman SmitA so that h• might b• sdvis�d. ' Yours most sincer�ly, ' ' JFDsbl� ' oos Wyman Smith , , � '� ' � i� � r , ' ohn F. Dabla+ :� . • T"_' T ` , �jta � ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' WYM�.N $MITM IEONARD T. JUSTER MENRY M, �EIKEMA RONA�C l. MASKVIT2 JAM[$ R. CASSCRIY CARI ,I. N�WOV�iT OpVaIA= MAI� O�COVNS[L � LAW OFFIGES HALL, SMITH� cTUSTER, FEIHEMA BC HASHVITZ CHARTERED August 6, 1970 Dablow & Johnson � Attorneys at L-aw � Cambridge, Minnesota 55008 ATTENTION: JOHN F. DABLOW RE: The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company vs. The City of Fridley, Minnesota, a municipal corporation �.��� suirc �oso •UIIOERi C%CMANO� •N���INO MINN[APOIIi. MINNCiOTA is�Oi OI/IC[i IN: /RIO�[� b OisiO AIICA COO[ �1� T[L[PMONR ii!•1�►�1 m Dear John: ' I have a copy of the letter dated July 31 that you directed to Robert Johnson. The conclusion of your client seems opposite to the statement that you made 1n court chambers but I will judge that your client has had a change of mind. ' Tn view of Judge Keyes' position that the assessment is invalid because the raad does not abut your property, I will be agreeable to stipulating for knoCking out ' the assessment at this time. If you will prepare a stipulation and a proposed order and send it to me, I will present it to Judge Keyes on August 18. I haVe an assignnent for two other cases on tF�at same day before him so I would be there. ' T6� City will go throug6 reassessment procedure after the county has ftnished thetr condemnation matter. C ' , WS:1 jk �1 J ' ' ` Yours truly, Wyman Smith Y a, s. o�v��so►+ V�C� MLf10�NT Ii TR[A{Y11[R ' , ' ' ' , ' ' �. ' ' ' ' ' ' NORTHERN pUMP COMPANY ESTADIISHED 1907 Ifl13 37TM A4ENUC NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55430 August 11, 1970 Naaim M. Qureshi, P, E. City Engineer-Director of Planning . City of Fridley 6431 Univereity Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re: Improvement of 61 1/2 Way between East River Road and the Railrosd tracka and the alley along the R.ailroad tracke; Street Improvement Project St. 19�0•1 Dear Sir: T[l[rMOM[ ARCA COD[ •�! s�o-s�oo This ia to confirm our telephone conversation of this morning wherein I informed you that Mr. Norman Undestad and the Orbit Investment Company, Inc. no longer have any interest in the Fridley lots which are in the area affected by the above- referenced proposed atreet improvements. The full owner- ahip remains in this company. It is the wish of Northern Pump Company that this proposed improvement be deleted from the City's street project far 1970-1. ,� ., � � ; � . � , � �>� : � ; . 4 . . �� �D�di��. .t' � �, _ � ' � r� , '. �a , .. ��Y Yours very truly� F�9�THERN PUMP COMPANY , / G. S. Davidson Vice President Fj �i ANOKA GQUNTY DEPARTI�IJT OF HIGHWAYS Tst. Amt. Aeceivablo ffi6,066.00 �-iC� 0 s.n.P. oz-6ol-ib Minn. Fed. Proj. No. TS003(001) Agreement between �e City of Fridley and Anoka County - Department of Highw�ys ftegarding the design of an advanced 1�UPICS pro ject between North connection to F.A.I. 694 � Rice Creek in Fridley on County State Aid Highrray No.l •(Eaat River Roa►d) COOI'ER.A TNE AGRF�'.NT THIS AGRE�lENT� made anci enterad into by and bet�neen Anoka County� State o� Minnesota� hereinafter referred to as the County! and tba City of Fridley� Minnesota, acting by and through its C1ty �ouncil,� horeinaf�er referred to as the City� 1�tI�NESSE�i : W�iF�iEl�3� An�oka Cbunty has executed agreemsnts for the comple�e Trat'Pic Operationa Program to Increase Capacity and Safaty (1�OPIGS), and �kiEREAS� in sddition, the County has completed an F�gineering Study oP a oaction of County State_ Aid Highway No.l beL�reen Federa]. Aid �rtterstate Highway No. 694 and Rice Creek in the City of Fridley� i►r�d 1�EREAS, the ttiro preceeding facta compliment each other to the Pact ' ' C� ' ' I ' �n � �.A.P. oz-601-16 th�►t an impravement project should be implemented i,n the beat public interest and general welfare, and WHERFA3i the City by Reaolution No. 134 - 1970 dated Ju�► 6� 1970 concwrring xi�h the proposal t,c implement an improvement project on �a�.d aection of C.S.A.H. No.l, and ��+AS, ��e County �,s expected to execute a design agreement xith 8. C. Bather & Aasociates� a copy of w�ich ia attached here�ri,th and ' vonaidexed a part hereot', arid ir[iEREASi the design project consiats of responaibilities oP bot,h t.he , Ci.ty and, the �ounty. - , ' NOW Tf�iEFOFiE� IT IS MUTUALLY AGRF.ED AS FOLI�O�S: 1— Tbe �ounty $hall e�cecute a design agreement xith E. C. Bather & Aaaociata$ for an improvement project of Co�ty State Aid Highnr�► , No.l batween tho north connection to Federal Aid Interstate High•• .�Y Nc. b94 and Rice Creek in Fridl,ey t,o general]�, confona to the ' R.eport of Bathar dated p il 1 0 Ps' 97. � , � � �2� .1he �o�Ly ahall be financial�y responaible for the Kain Line and FrOrtte►ge Rosd on the Eaat +aide between 61at Street and the entranceo . to the industriea on the South and assume deaign coata thereot. w3.. � �fie Qity mhal,l be t'ins�ncial],y reaponaible for �he othor Serv�,ae Aaads i�nd asatune the deai,gn coata of these. -�4- ' • At t�hie PcinL the cost of the construction ia eatimsted Lo be ��k?i000.00. The total deaign fee for thia amounta to �32�g2p�pp ' ot �hi,� $6�066.00 �eould be a financial obligation oY the City. , 1 � 0 , ' , ' , ' r��� S.A. P. 02-601-16 _ � ..5„ T'�e City r+i.]1 pay to the County the computed de$ign iee upan receipt 4P vex�i.�'iod voucher at tae conclusion of the attached maid 8ather design agroe�nent. -6- �t �,s anticipated t#�at part of the deaign cost �dll be raimburaed because at Lhe fact that this is to be a TOPICS project. The ' G�ty atte�r receiving deaign reimbursemant xill retltnd to the ' ' City � propart3onate part of the deaign o�at by doducting the reimburaement from the toLal design tee and app�ying tha aa�ae ratioa to the rama3nder. -?- , It ia lLx�ther agreed that prior to initiating a conatructi� ccntraat atwther agreement xill be ejcecuted relative to constructio� deta�3.a. ' ' � , . � . ' ' '� , , -6- . Be1'ore this agreement shall become bir�ding sud eiPective� it ah�ll be► app�oved by resolutioci oP the City Council of said City and shetll a1�ao recei.vo the approval of such city otficera as the ].a�r m�,y pro-• 'vida in additian to tha approval of the County Board. iN T�STII�NX WHFRDOF, the parties have duly e�cecutod �hia agreemer�L by Ohair duly authorized officera arid cauaed their reapective aea].a fi�o be hereunto aPtixed. (City Seal) R�OOMI�TDEa FOA APPRpVAL: City oS Fridlqy �' �Yor � City Manager i ' County of Anoka I S1`.ats oP Minnesota � � � . � � ' C rman� Gounty Eoard i County Aud tor , � �, ' County pttorney '1 I n ' .� ' .< ■ � - ' ' '. ' ' . ' '. ' ' ' ' , , . , � ' � ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT � (Anoka County C.S,A.H. �1 - East River Roadj S.A.P. 02-601-16 Minnesota Federal Project No. T5q03(041) This agreement made and entered into this day of �� , 1970, bY�and 6etween the County of Anoka, State o�-Minnesota ere n- after referred to as tf�e "County" and E,C. 6ather and Associates, I�c., consulting engineers, lorated at 1550 West County Road C-2, St. P�wt, Minnesota, hereinafter,referred to as the "Engi�eer". Now, tf�erefore, it is hereby agreed by and between the partles herefio., that the County retain and employ the Engineer to perform C@r; L�tn consulting engineering services under the supervision of the County Hi�hway Engineer. Such contract of employment to be subject tv th� fpl1owing terms and conditions: � I. O�SCRIPTION OF PROJECT • The project for which the County would ut,ilize the service� of � the Engineer consists of the design and implementation of an - lmprovement to Anoka County Highway C.S.A.H. �Y1 (also known �S the East River Road) from the North side of Interstate Highwt�y : No. 694 to Rice Creek, in the City of Fridley. Also to be in- cluded in the improvement are the associated frontage rqads �nd Fridley city streets whi'ch are essential to the overa�l function ofi the roadway system. The project sha1T include tf�e basfi� fdci1tties recommended in the preliminary engineering study, d�ted.April 3, 1970, which has been prepared by the Anoka County �nglne�r's Office, and apprQVed by Anoka County 9oard and'�the �Fridley City Coun�il. The project general1y sha11 c�nsisL o�F upgr'�ding af the East River Road by the installation of tr�f�1C signdls, raised median, channelization and protected. tur.n 1anes, frontage roads , and tj�e Ci ty af Fri dley connecti ng streets As per the preliminary engineering study. . The praject is to be programmed as an "advance pro�ec�" under the TOPICS Program, administered by the State of Minnesata, Department of Highways, and the County of Anoka, and all pro- c+�dures and submittal data shall be based upon the proper �nd . . Adequate comp1etion of the requirements of that progrAm. P� _, , ►�n � .�. r-+ �, �,: �, , 0 I�. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The engineering services to be provided by the Engineer o� this prpject shall consist of the following general areas: A) Sta9e I (Preliminary Phase) 1) Establish and locate in the field, the alignment � and make location surveys in sufficient detail to proceed with final design. 2) Determine and describe the necessary right-OP•w�y acquisition. � • 3) Make the necessary traffic counts and investiga- tions in order to establish warrants for slgnals based on present conditions. 4) Prepare a preliminary plan for the proposed pro- � ject including recommendations an� cost estimates. 5� Coordinate and assist in securing the necessary state and local approvals. 6) Attend meetirtgs and pub1ic hearings for purpos�s of explaining tfie project as requested by ttie County. B� Sta9e II (Final Desiqn Phase) 1) Based upon the approved preliminary plan, pre� � pare detailed plans and specifications and docu- , ments for awarding a construction contract,• 2) Assist in securing appraval of the�final plans .by the state and 1oca1 governments. 3) Assist in advertising the project, review the • bids received, and make recommendations as to the � a�ward of a contract for the project. 0 ! 0 � - r ' * F � � C) Stage III (Construc�'ion Phase� 1) Provide generalized inspection of the construction of the project and administrate the processing of peripdic payments. 2) Provide continuous resident inspection of the construction. , . 3) Provide staking and field control during construc- ° tion. 4� Provide general�overall coordination of the project between the various parties involved. 5) Assist in the�final audit and final review o� th� pro�ect. � � � , Pl�ns and specifications shall be prepared in a manner th�t is �CCeptab1e to the Minnesota Department of Highways, and design criteria to be used as those c�rrently in effect fqr St�te aid roadways. � � . I III. FE�S AN� TERMS FeQS to be paid by the County to the Engineer for services performed,.shall be as follows: A� St�I A fee in the amaunt of 1.5% of the Engineer`s �stimdted 'cost shall be paid after all work as outlined 1n �t�m IIA (Preliminary Phase), has been completed. . 6) Sta„cLe II . - . The fee for work included in Item IIB (Final Qesign Phase), shall ¢e a specified percentage of the actua1 construction cost as established by the award of the construction contract, less the total or a proporti0na�te �. amount of the fee paid under IIIA above. The percentage fee shall be established in accordance with the fpllow- ing schedule; • r . ►-i � �4 , , , , . �. ' _ , � , ' , ' , ' ' , ' ' ' �__J � Actual Construction Cost Percentage Fee �1Q,OOO�.QO - $100,000.00 8.5� 5100,OOO,Qp - $200,OOO.QO 8.0� a2Q0,000.00 - $300,000.00 7.5� �3Q0,000.00 - $400,000.00 1.0� a40Q,000.00 - $500,000.00 6.5� E500,000.00 and Over 6.0% , In the event a design is completed but not .placed un- der contract, the Engineer's final estimate shall be used as the basis rather than the actual construction Gost. , C) Stage III . •The fee for work included in Item IIC (Construction �Phase) shall be equal to the actual gross wages paid by the Engineer to employees working on the project, multiplied by a factor of 2.2 and shall be billed on a monthly basis as work'progresses. IV. SP�CIAI, TERMS ANQ CONDITIONS i A) Outside technical services, such as material testings, Soi1 borings, and etc., which are performed by others, shall be retained by the Engineer and the cost thereof . sha11 be billed to tf�e County at the Engineer's actual COS�. i . 6) The acquisition of right-of-ways and the necessary en� �gineering work related thereto, are not a part of the 'basic fee structure. Payment for work directly in- volved in•right-of-way acquisition, shall be invoiced in the same manner as Item IIIC above. C� The County will furnish all available records and docu- ments relative to the project. Dj The County may perform, with its own employees, portions � of or a11 of.the construction phase engineering, as de- termined by the County at that time. ' ' . � ►-� �-- I. ,► � , � ' , , LJ , ' � � t . , i E) Completion of the design of the project will be scf�edu1ed in accordance with tf�e needs and progress of the County and State. It is agreed that if right- of-way acquisitian or other factors do not cause de- lays, beyond the cor�trol of the Engineer, that the deSign work will be�completed in order to allow for construction during;the 1971 construction season. More precise completion dates may be set by means of an amendment to this agreement at a later date, by the mutual agreement of all parties thereto. F) This agreement may be terminated by either party by medns of wri�ten notice of such termination. NotiCe oP termination may be issued at any time during the period of this agreement. If such termination should occur at a time other than at the completion of one of the three stages provided for in Section II, payment for work completed drior to the termination shall be �s provided fpr in Item IIIC. � APPROYED: ' . ' ' ' � , ' APPROYED; ' ' ' ' ' . f. C. BATH�R AND AS�ATES 6 y : � � .� .%►.� r�'n-�' -� T i t 1 e;,���►..� �",��r_.,.✓ _ pate : ? �'1,C�? . � By ; Title: D�te• . . AWOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 6y • . Title. ' Ddte: . ' sy• . 7itle: � . Date: , . � ! � ; r c s 0 u ►-��, �.� . ' ' ' ' August 5, 1970 ' ' MENp T0: City Manager and City Council FROM: Finance Director ' SUBJECT: Naming of Auditor for the Year Ending December 31, 1970 ' I suggest the Council name the auditor for the ' year 1970 naw as they could do some of the _ preliminary work during the fall, rather than wait until after January 1, 1971 to do every thing. This would allow us to get our audit , repart sooner after the year ends. l.I 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' t'° f'r�1 ( R ' '` . � � . � ,C ' RESOLUTION N0. I'� . RESOLUTION ORAERING IMPROVk�NT AND FINAL PLANS ANA ` 6P�C�F�CATIONS AND �STArlATES OF COSTS THEREOF: S�REET IMl'ROV�MENT PROJECT ST'. 1.970-1 ADDFNDUM �3 r�� � !�; m WH�R�AS, Resolution No. 137-1970 adopCed the 20th day of July„ 1970 - by `the Ci.ky Counci,l, set the date fox hearing on the proposed i.mpxwemente, ae apeci- � lic�ally noted in the Notice�of Rearing attach�d hereto �ox refsxence +aa Exhibit "A", and ' WH�AS, all of the property owners whose propexty is liable to be aaaeaaed W�th the making of �hes� impxovements (as noted in sai.d No�ice) w�xe g�veR ten (�.0) ,�y� t�otice by mail and published notice o� the Counail Heaxiag �bxough Cwa (�) we�ekly ' pabl�a�tione of the xequi.red notic�, and the hearing was held and the p�ro�p�r�y ovms�w heard thereort at ths hearing, as noted in said notice. ' ' ' ' �- ' ' pQW, THEREFORF, B� xT RESOLVED, by ths Council of the Ci�ty qf Fr�d�.ey, AAOkp Cout►�y, Miaa�sota, as follows : _- 1. That the follawing improvements propoeed by Council Reeolution ' No. 137-1970 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed a� �aon ae xeasonably poasible, to-wit: . _ ' � ' � &idewalk improvement including grading and other work Tocated`a�` follawe: . � . South side of Oeborne Road; West aide of Unity Hospl�tal tA . exi.ting walk on 8u t•ide of Ba,ker S traot 2, That woxk ta be �erformed under thia pxojec� may be pexfoxmed undear vAe ax more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon xeceip� of bida. : 3. That Naeim �l. Qureshi, City En$ineer-Directo� of Pl.anning, eicy xa►1i, F�ridley, Mian. is hexeby desi.gnated as the Enginesr�7 for Chia i,mp�pvos �t. He shall pxepare final plans and apeci�3.cation� fo�c th� �k�.s�$ o� such improvement. • � ADOPTED BY TH� CO[TNCIL OF THE CITX 0� FRIDLEY THIS '.,�,_„____,,,. AAY OF �, } �e • � ,_ - , 1968. , ' A�STs . ' CY�'X GI.ERIC ' Marv in C. Bxuns el l I� . MAYOR - Jack O. Kirkha�n � i � _. � 0 ' �'�� �.. ' �I � ' �� � ' � ' ' ' � ' ;' . RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVING CHAIIGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR ADDING PROPOSED IIdPRO'VII�iTS ONTO EXISTING STREET IMPROVF.��NT PROJECT ST. 1970-1 WHEREAS, Resolution No. dated day of � �.970 of the City Council of the City of Fridley ordered the improvement for �idewal.ke on the South eide of Osborne Road and authorized pxeparation, of �inal plans and specifications, WHEREAS, Resolution No. 100-1970 adopted May 18, 1970 by the City Council of the City of Fridley deleted aidewalks for West Moore Lake Drive u�nder Stxeet Improvement Project St. 1970-2, W'HEREAS, there has been some additional modifications needed i,n the Stacee[ Impravement Project St. 1970-1, and, WHERF.A.S, the City of Fridley has an existing contract for Street ImpxwemenC Project St. 1970-1 with Minnkota Excavating Incorporated which pxw ides that the City can attach additional work up to 25% of the origi�nal cac�tract price. NO'W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fri,dlay, Anoka County, Minneeota, as follows: 1. That plans and specifications for the eidewalk inprovement along psborne Road are hereby received and approved. 2. That the attached Change Order No. 1 incorporating the additiona and changes for Street Improvement Project St. 1970-1 ie hereby appxwed. ADOPTED BX TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI1Y OF FAID�.EY THIS UAY OF , 1970. � , ' �►�'TBST : ' CxTY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunaell ' , MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham ' : .,. � ' � . RESOLUTION N0. . I _ """��..; . : RESOLUTION ORDEFING IMPROVII��NT AND F-INAL PLANS AND �� SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIrfATES OF COSTS THr.REOF : . STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1970-3 � . - ��. ' WHEREAS, Resolution No. 131-1970 adopted the 6th day of July, 1970 -'� ..by the City Council, set the date for hearing on the proposed improvements, as speci- � fically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", ' . and : : , - WHEREAS, all of the property owners whose property is Iiable to be assessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) ' days notice by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two {2) weekly �publications of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property owners ' beard thereon at the hearing, as noted.in said notice. ' . :_ _ :: - - - -�" NOW,• THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: � . ' 1. �That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution � �--- - No. 131-1970 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as - soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: � ' ' _ . � - ._ � Street Improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bitumi.nous mat, ¢oncrete curb and gutter, water and sanitary se�aer services, starm sewer and other facilities, located as follows: ' _ ' - - ---- - ' -` - , . - - . _ - ' Univers ity Avenue Eas t - - — -_ _ . _ _ __. . _ .. _ - ,-- . - - - - - `- .� Service Road detachment: From South property Iine of Lot 23, Black 4, �_ . .''�_ .�_ , � - Hyde Paxk Addition tQ 100 feet South of North �. property Iine of Parcel 440, Part of Lot 5, 1 . �iuditor's Subdivisi.on No. 59 . Star iane: From 61st Avenue to University Avenue West Service Drive � to the North propexty Iine of Lot 16, Block 2, Sylvan Hills �� . 62st Avenue: From University Avenue to 4th Stxeet . 57th Avenue: From 3rd Stxeei to 4rh Street � S7th Place: From University Avenue to 4th Stxeet extended : ' '-- iT�ni.versity Avenue East Service Road: From 57th Avenue to 57'� Avenue �-- � (4tfi-Stxeet: From Interstate �694 Outer Drive to 57th Place - ' • 'Interstate �694 Outer Drive: From 4th Street to 57th Avenue . . ' ' ' ' � ATTEST: , , 2. Tiiat work to be performed under this project may be performed under one or more contxacts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. .3. That the City Engineer, Nasim M.'Qureshi, and Minn. Highway Department Engineexs are hereby designated as the Engineers for this improvement. T.hey si,all prepare final plans and s�ecifications for the making oi such improvement. • � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS '. I DAY OF i j , 1970. ' _ . �; Marvin C. Brunsell ' MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � ' ' 1 , � . , RESOLUTION N0. � ' A RESOI,UTION REC�IVING TIi� PRELIMINARY REPORT AND �ALLTNG A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION 0� CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPRO�VEMENT PROJECT ST. 1971-3 , WHEREAS, the construction o� certain improvements is deemed to be in the intereat o� the City af Fxidley and the pxaperty owners affeated th�reby. ' ' � ' J , ' � �� � �E IT RESQLVED, by the City Council o£ the City of Fridley, a� follows: 1. �t►at the preliminary report submitted by Na�im M. Qureshis P.E.3 ,�,�, C,�itv En�ineer is hereby rece3ved and accepted. 2. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and addxese of Che ownex of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of landa as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calculate estimates of assessments as may be propoaed relaXive Chexeto agai.nst each of said lands. 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for aaid ;tmpxovemente and each of them as noted in said notice are all the lands and areae ae na�ed i.n aaid notice: All of the same to be assesaed proportionately accQrding to the benefits received. 4. That the estimates of assessments of the C1erk shall be available fox , inapection to the aaner of any parcel of land as may be affected thet'eby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any priox time xeasonable and convenient, 5. That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to give t►otice oE suCh ' Public k�eaxing by publishing a notice thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley and by mailed notices to all the pxopex�y own�xs � whose property ia liable to be assessed with the making o� these . improvements according to law, auch notice to be substantially in the form and aubstance of the notice attached hereto as Fxhi.bit "A". fi. That thia Council will meet on the day of �S ° a�g,�. ,� � 197Q �t 8:30 a'clock P,M. at the City iiall in the City o�� Fxidley for� the ' purpose af holding a Public Hearing on the improvement noted i�n Ghe Notice attached hereto and made a part thexeof by referenc�, Fxhibit"A". , LJ ' ' ' ADOPTED BY THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �„ � DAY OF , 1970. , ATTEST: CITY CLERK - Maxvin C. Brunsell � t IrIAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham �1 ' ' � �__J ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , , OFFICT.AL PUBLICATION cz� o� , �znz.� , (EXHIBIT A) ,�!TOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS ST. 19'71-3 WHEREAS, the C�ty Council of the City of Fridley., Anoka County, Minnesot$, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining Go the itapxovements hereinafter descxibe�. �iOW Ti�REFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the day of �gp��g,� ., at 8:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council will mes� at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place h@a1c �11 pax'tieS intexested in said improvements in whole or ia paxt. The general nature of the improvements is the canstruction (in ths I.ands and stxeeCe noted below) of the following improvements, to•wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM gtrs�t iatrova�eats, includfn� grading, stabili:�d baas, bot-w!� 1►itu■�iuou� �at, concrete curb and sut[�r, aidwralks, stora� ��NSS� ' �yl�tem, and other facilities located as follows: � 1. .EAST RIVER ROAD: = � Interstate �694 Co Hartm$n Cixcle 2. EAST RIVER R(3AD WEST PRONTAGE ROAD: So. iine of N. � 3ection 22 �o th� South property line of the 8ast Rivex Ranch Estates Plat and then Weat�rly along South side of Plat ta An� Ave�ue 3. PROPOSED 60TH WAY; running � along the N. property line of Lot 1 of Aayes River Lota: Anna Avenue to Eaet River Rostd G: FAS� RIVER ROAD EAST 450 feet N. o� the S. lin� of N� Sec. ,,, " FRONTAGE ROAD: 22 to 600 feet S. of the N. liae o� N� Sec. 22 , ' ' ' . , �. PROPUSED 60TH WAY; xunning along an East West line b00 feet S. of the N. line of N� Sec. 22: 8aat River Road East to th� Rail�4ad R/W 6. ASi�l� AVOiO� YJC'1'i�IS I0�1; srrr�n;� xi� Za�l+��1 �11t � b00 ��st i. si tLs 11. 1�w �i �s. 32 t� ths al�� tiet . 611� N�r a� �l�t �yr r� �.<s, � ' ' , ' ' ' ' Heax�.ng On Impraveiaents St. 1971-3 Pa e 2 i. ALLEY BETWEEN 61ST WAY AND 6�� WAY; ��. 20, Fridley Pk.: 8. �1SHTpN AVENUE EXTENSION; � xunning along Railroad R/W: � 9 . 61'� WAY : 10. 63RD WAY: 11. 63� WAY; 12. MISSISSIPPI WAYt 13. RNERVIEW TERRACE: East River Rd to Railroad R/W Alley bet. 61st Way and 61� F1ay to 64th Way Bet. Eaet River Rd. � Rai.lroad Track� Bet, EasC River Rd. � Railro�,d Track� Bet. East River Rd. � Ritilroad Txack�i 300 feet W. of �ast Rivex Rd. to Hickory Drive 62nd Way to 63rd Way , �STIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ THA� THE AREA PROPOSED TO $E ASSESSED FOR SAID II�RO'VII�NTS IS AS FOLI+OWS i �ox Construction Item above --------------------------------�__.. --- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and ail lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. A11 of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. �hat should the Council proceed with said imprwements they will consider each separate impravements, except as hereafter otherwise pxovided by the Cpuncil all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota St�tutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws ameudatosy thereof, and in conformity wi,th the City Ck�axter. AAT�D THIS DAY OF , 1970, BY ORDER OF THE C�7.'X COUNCTL. MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham � Publiah: ,� �, � J ' ' ' RESOLUTION N0. �_ _ 1970 A RESOLUTION IN REGARO TO CO-OPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESpTA WNEREAS, the Commissione� of A�ninistration of the State of Minnesota pro- , cures for State agencies, through campetitive bidding, various supplies, cortmodities, and equipinent, which are then ordered by or for the agencies by appropriate methods; and ' ' WMEREAS, the State Legislature by Minnesota Statutes 1967, Sec. 471.59, has au�horized the State and its politicat subdivisions to enter into agreements to exercise jointty the governrnental powers and functions each has individually; and WHEREAS, the State and the City of F'ridiey wish to combine their purchasing ' functions, as is specifically provided below, so that the City of Fridley may avail itself of the prices which have been ag�eed upon by the State and its vendo�; and WHEREAS, it is the pu�pose of this agreement to make available to the City ofi Fridley the various conmodities at prices and terms as are availabte to the State under contracts entered into under canpetitive bidding pur- suant ko Minnesota Statutes 1967, Chapter 16, by the Comnissioner of Administration; NOW� TMEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councit of the City of Fridley to instruct the Purchasing Agent to enter into a purchasing agreament with the State of Minnesota for the purchase of various carmodities as available and ag�aed upon. r AOOPTE� BY THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS pqY OF , _, 1970. MA OR Jac . K r am ATT�ST: C CL RK Marv n C. Brunsel ��� 0 August 6, 1970 MEMO T0: City Manager and City Council . FROM: Fi nance Di rector SUBJECT: Transfer of Funds from the Utillty Fund to the Special Assessment Fund The attacheQ resolution is one that has been passed each year i�or the past several years. If this resolution is �dopted, no tax levy will be necessary for 1971 for the improvement funds. Tax levies were set at the time the bonds were sold to provide the necessary financing. The money was expended mainly for waterworks improvements. � i , � ' RESOLUTION N0, 1 1970 � , A R�SpLUTIpN MAKTNG A TRANSFER FROM THE PUBLIC UTILITY FUND TO W-75 WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND, IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1960 FUND, IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1963 FUND, IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1967 FUND, AND REFUNDING BOND FUND � � ' , , ' ' ' � �i WHEREAS, Tax levies have been adopted or transfers intp Bond Funds are necessary to provide the required amount of money in certain Improvement Bond Funds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Fridley, meeting at a regular session on the day of , 1970, as follows: 1. That a transfer from the Public Util.ity Operating Fund to the Waterworks Improvement Bond Fund W-75 in the aq�punt of 550.207.00 is authorized for the purpose of elimin�ting the tax levy for the year 1970, collectible in the yeap 1971. 2. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Improvement Bonds of 1960 Fund in the amount of $420.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy for the year of 1970, collectible in the year 1971. 3. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Improvement Bonds of 1963 Fund in the amount of $19,638.p0 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy for the year 1970, collectible in the year 1971. �4. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to Bonds of 1967 in the amount of $719.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy for the year 1970. 5. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Refunding Bond Fund in the amount of $37,063.00 for the purpose of reducing the tax levy for the year 1970 collectible in the year 1971 be authorized. � 6. ' That the transfer of the 1970 collections from the Service Connections to the Refunding Bond Fund for the purpose of reducing the tax levy for the year 1970 is authorized. ' ' . PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRTDL,EY THIS ' ' ATTEST: DAY OF , 1970. - ac r am ICITY CIERl� . Me�rv n. runse �° i ❑ P R 0 P 0 S A L FOR M£ETING DEBT SERVICE REQUIREM£NTS FOR IMPROVEMENT FUNOS FOR THE YEAR 1970-]1 FUND REQUIREMENTS AUAILABLE TO BE TAX LEVY FROM SERVICE TRANSFERREO CONNECTIONS FROM PUBLIC IN 1970 UTILITY FUNO W- 75 S so,2o7.00 $ $ so,zo7.00 Bonds of 1960 420.00 420.00 Bonds of 1963 19,638.00 19,b38.00 Bonds of 1967 719.00 719.00 Refunding Bonds 72,699.00 35,636.00 31,063,00 S 143,683.00 $ 35,b36.00 $ to8,o47.00 �i� ! Not s�hedut�d if transfer is made from Public Utility Fund APPOINTMENT FOR CITX COUNCIL APPROVAL - AUGUST 17, 1970 NAME David F. Relley 216 4th Street S.E. Mlnaeapolis, Minn. POSITION Bartender Bar ��3 Full Time EFFECTIVE DATE July 23, 1970 SALARY $3.53 per Hour �� REPLACES John B. Hea1y APPOINTMENT TO BE CONSIDERED BY CI�Y �OUNCIL AUGUST 1�, 1970 FRIDIEY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (5 Year Terms) PRESENT MEMBER M. Mahurin 6378 Dellwood Drive Fridley, Minnesota 55432 TERM EXPIRED 6-9-70 ��1 APYi �.....INTEE i C L A I M S ,� ' ' ' ' ' , , ' ' '� �I ' 0 GENERAL; #22488 through #22746 LIQUOR: �14720 through �k4767 ���� � _ ' ' J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ,� ' , , 1�i0 T0: License Clerk ' �0 FROM: Harvey J. McPhee I�Mp D�ATE : Augus t 10, 1970 � RE; Food Establishment, 5207 Central Avenue N.E. (Richard H. Aldrich) . I xecoo�end disapproval of this license application and that the food establiehment be ordered to cease operatioa. The following violations were found: � l. Ao running water dipper well is provided for the storage of iCe cream dippere. 2, Packaged food products are stored in ice uaed for cold beverages. Adequate refrigeration is not provided in the front area. • 3: The domestic refrigerators are in poor repair and are not approved �, units. , Po thermometer is provided in one of the two refrigerators. 4. Floor cleaning is poor especially in the pin ball room and the rear kitchen area. The pin ball opexation location between the two food areas is poor. 5. The floor finish is inadequate in the rear area and the pin ba11 _ area which constitutes a hallway. 6. The plywood floor board in the front area has not been xemoved. 7. The wood shelving has not been repainted. 8. The rear area has not been c�pleted with walls and ceiliag. 9. Po paper towels or the equivalent were provided at the front hand aink. � 10. The ice cx'eam cabinet had not beea provided with legs or c$sters �o afford proper floor cleaning. � 11. Po sanitizing chemical was readily available at the three v�� eink for the disenfecting of dishes. 12. Fo exhaust ventilation is provided over the cooking area. The recirculating carbon filter used in private homes is of p0 value. Such a device is not recoamended for home use. 13. The general cleaniilg is.�oor th�oughout the esCablishmeqC. ,, � c-�� , " . . . i. ' ' � . Neaio Tos City Council From: License Clerk � ' . nate: august 13, 1970 ' Ras Taxicab License for Highland Taxi ' Mr. Robert Kahle�, owner of Highland Taxi, submitted a list o! drivers and the missing insurance fox�a, and chaczged his addreaa snd '. - rater card� per Chief McCarthy�a letter oP JuZy� 30, 1970. Bokever� ' the ChieP of Police �rill not approv�e a Taxicab Licensa for thia compaay. (The City of Colurnbia Heights revoked their license.) , . . N�na I�ia ' � L�cense Clerk � . � � � ' ' . . � y ' • . � . . ' ' , . . ' � . ' • ' - � � . . . - ' _ • . t. ♦ 1 .. � . �� . �.�_. 0 ' � f �^ . c � >_ ' . ' ' • . . ` . . : • . ' �To: Ci ty Manager • F�oms • Chief of Police , ' Sub ect: Taxicab license application for Cotumbia Heigts Cab Co. j ' This de artment checked on alt the drivers listed in the application, P and atso checked out the owner, with the Stste Crime Bureau and tht ' Motor Vehicle Department with the follawing results. ' None of the parties listed have any criminal record. ' N of the arties tisted have anything against their chauffers ona P lice�se, but a check on their drivers licenses.revealed the fotlawing. � �Joh� Lamont Ctear Record Gurnie Zentzis ,3 prevtous convictions, ail speed ' Terry Ptadsen 4 p�evious convictions, stl speed �awrence Peterson 3 p�evfous convictions, 1 speed, Z signs E� signats Eugene Olson 6 previous convictions, all speed, drtvers licenae ' , under suspension as of 6/11/68 � ' , 1 " .1 �_ 1 , � �. � 1 � . 1� �� � � � 1 1 � - �� �. � . , ' LI3? aF LICEN3�3 4�0 BS APPROipSD BT CO�I+iCIL AT 7RE 1�TIRa OF A�UST 17, 19T0 ' — ,._._ CI(3� AP'PROOLD BY 'Pi.lgria Cl�aners 5z5� cent�r�l bvsatie x.a. Fridle3r, Minne�ota By: IInit�ed Vending Chief at Police ' FOOD BST�BLISf��I? �ilgris Cleaners • 'S251 Caat.ra,l Av�erws N.E. Fridley� Minneaota By: United Vending Aealth Inapsctor 'Skyxood 3nt�ck Bar 5207 Cent.ral Av�enn� 11.8. Fridley� Minneaata By: Hichard H. Aldrich �ot lppro�ld ' LIVbSTOCI� sall� srk.l 1 567 �ic• Cresk T�rrace Fridlry� Miur�eeota By: 3a11,T Erkel Building Inspsctor ' PtTBLIC D�INKIl�it3 PL►CE Maplp I,auea b310 Higb�ray 65 Chief ot Polio� ' Fr�.cA��� Minnesota By: Wia. H. Gottxaldt Health Tnspsat,or �IGE 3TATIOb ' , (�sorge' a Tearaco 6071 Univ�ersity Av�enue N.g. Fir� Zuspec� �'ridley, Iiinnesota Bys William Mc4nire Building Znspeat�or IHwpel' a Spnr 64�s �st xirer x4ad Fire Iaspector ��'ridla�� Mi�aota �y: R,alph He�el Hnilding Inapecto�► TIZTCAB ..�.�,..,_... ' Colw�bi.a H�ight,a Csb Co. 3lt74 �- 3rd 3treet r.8. Columbia Heights, Kinneaota By: dohn E. La Mont Not Approved ' High'l.a�ad Taxi �,; " %�1 AYa11i10 �.Bi• ' Minasapoli.s, Kinnesots By: Robert Kahles Not Approved ' � ' � fYendia� I�chiae On� : �;, � MULTIPLE DWELIING LICENSES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL �►ugust 17, 1970 c� r, September 1, 1970 to September l, 1971 NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE ' Glenn Barrott 5830 - 2nd St. N.E. 4 10.00 '1)130 Madison St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Delta Land Inc. 5848 - 2nd St.N.E. 8 10.00 '6z91 Comet Lane N. E. Frldley, Minn. 'Rogers Proparties 5851 - 2nd St. N. E. 11 11.00 65�2 - 50th Ave. No. M(nneapolis, Minn. � John Waki�iak 5980 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10,00 660 Spring St. N. E Minneapolfs, Minn. ' John Calguire 6008 - 2nd St. N.E. 4 10.00 2018 - 36th Ave. N. E. 1 Minneapolis, Minn. Wdlter Sinner 6511 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 4427 Monroe St. N. E. � Mlnneapolis, Minn. DBrold p, .lohnson 6541 - 2nd St. N. E. 4 10.00 �4216 - 7th St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 1 pale F. Knott 5980 - 2z St. N.E. 7 10.00 104g Pete�s Place Minnaapolis, Minn. 'R. J. Bauman, 6060 - 22 St. N. E. 4 10.00 2825 N. Pascal St. St. Paul, Minn. ' Robert J. 6auman 6060 - 2nd St. N. E. 4�; 10.00 282� Pascal St.' St. Paul, Minn. ' Arnold C. E1rr�uist 4913 - 3rd St..N. E. 7 1p.00 Ap�. 3ot ��$60 East Rivcr Rd. • Frldiay, Minn. , ,Arnold C. Elmquist, 4921 _ 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 5860 East River Rd. Frldley, Minn. ' ' f♦ ( �� � , Multiple Dwelling �.icenses for Council Approvai September l, 1970 to Sept. 1, 1971 qugust 17, 1970 ' NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE , Arnold C. Eimquist 4935 - 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 5�60 East River Rd. . , Fridley, Minn. Ar�qld C, Elmquist 4949 - 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 5860 East River Rd. 1 F�idley, Minn. Ar�old C. Elmquist 6370 Hwy. #65 15 15.00 �5860 E. River Rd. Fridlsy, Minn, �W►�• M• ��� 5035 -� 3rd St. N. E. 7 10.00 4255 Arthur St. N. E Minneapolis, Minn. Bigos Properties i215 LaSalle Ave. Minnaapolis, Minn. ' 81gos Properties 1215 I.aSa 11 e Ave. 1 Mi�neapolis, Minn. Bigos Properties T2i5 LaSalle Ave. ' Minneapolis, Minn. Bigos Properties T215 �aSalie Ave. ' Minnaapolis, Minn. Son Bigos Properties '1215 LaSalle Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 'Ben Bigos Properties i215 LaSalle Ave. Minne�polis� Mlnn. 'Ben Btgos Properties 1215 LaSalie Ave. Minnaapolis, Minn. � Ben Bigos Prope��ies 1215 LaSalle Ave. ' Minneapolis, Minn. ' 52�0 - 3td St. N.E. 5201- 3rd St. N. E. F � 5230 - 3rd St. N. E. 1) 5231 - 3rd St. N. E 11 5260 - 3rd St. N. E. 5261 - 3rd St. N. E. II] � 5298 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 5291 - 3rd St. N. E. 11 � �� 11.00 �� 11.00 11,00 11.00 11.00 11.00 , ���� . ' Multlpla Dwellfng Licenses for Council Approval September l, 1970 to September l, 1971 August 17, 1970 , NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE ' D. L.. Scherer 6525 - 2nd St. N. E. 7 10.00 6525 - 2nd St. N. E ' Fridley, Minn. Harold �chmidt 5901 - 2� St. N. E. 4 10.00 5901 - 2� St. N. E. ' Fridley, Minn. Flayd C. Bradley 5900 - 2� St. N. E. 7 10.00 1 5861 Wast Moore Lake Dr. Fridlay, Minn, 1 Floyd C. Bradley 59�8 - 22 St. N. E. � 10.00 �86) W�st Moose Lake Dr. Fridley, Minn: 'Floyd C. Bradley 5916 - 2� St. N. E. � 1p.00 5861 West Moo re Lake Dr. ' Fridley, Minn. , James Annis � Jon 5924 - 2� St. N. E. 7 10.00 Scarpino 1 i$22 Riverside Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Alex Mosicjc2uk 5974 - 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 ,P.O. Box 757 Mpls. Minn. 1 Arthur Blank, 5980 - 3rd St. N. E. 4 10.00 117Q Eldridge Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 'Martin $mulders 532� -�+th St. N. E. 4 10.00 855 - 86th Ave. N. W. • Coon Rapids, Minn. ' IRalph J. White 5644 - 4th St. N. E. 7 10.00 4$40 Washington St. N. E. ' Mlnneapolis, Minn. Robert A Skogrand � Thomas 5800 - 4th St.N.E. 4 10.00 1 M. Buesing 4811 lakevlew Ave. No. Minneapalls, Mi�n. , 'James R. Bateman 5428 - 5th St.N.E 4 10.00 3001 Otiverave No. Minneapalis, Minn. ' , :��i , Multiple Dwelling licenses for Council Approval September 1, 1970 to September l, 1971 ' August 17, 1970 ' NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE John Boros 5370 - 5th St. N.E. 3 )0.00 , R�. 2, Anoka, Minn. Harold Morrow 5430 - 7th St. N. E. 34 34.00 Rt. 4, Cty. Tk MM ' Rivar Falls, Wisc. McAllistar Properties Inc. 1050 - 52nd Ave.N.E. 16 16.00 '730 HG�nepi� Ave. Minneapalis, Minn. ,McAilister Properties 1090 - 52nd Ave.N.E. 16 16.00 730 Mennepin Ave. Minnaapolis, Minn. ' MGAllister Properties 1120 - 52nd Ave.N.E �6 16.00 730 Mennepin Ave. Mi�neapolis, Minn. ' McAlliSter Properties 1170 - 52nd Ave.N.E 16 16.00 730 Hennepin Ave. 1 Minnaapol�s, Minn. Bigos Proparties 215 - 53rd Ave.N.E. 4 10.00 1215 laSalle Ave. ' Minneapotis, Minn. Blgos Properties 405 - 53rd Ave. N.E. 7 10.00 '1215 I��Salle Ave. Mlnneapolis, Minn. Harold Batti� 150 - 592 Way 12 12.00 ' 2930 Dauglas Drive Minneapolis, Minn. 'Wayno Slewe�t 251 - 57th Place 7 10.00 3Z32 - k6th Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. ' ParlQn Company 361 - 74th Ave.N.E. $ 10.00 1675 Grand Ave. St, Paul, Minn, ' Casey, Moban Bach Real Est. 389 - 74th Ave.N.E. 11 11.00 3025 S. Snelling ' Minncapalis, Minn. ' . �j�� ' Multiple pwelling Licenses for Council Approval September l. 1970 to Septanber l, 1971 August 17, 1970 ' NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE � �SC oba - C y, H n Bach Real 415 74th Ave.N.E. il 11.00 Estate . '3025 Sp. Snelling Minneapolis, Minn. 'Robert L. 6 Wm. C. Holmquist 3608 Admiral �ane Ml�neapolis, Minn. , Robert L. � Wm. C. Holmqulst '3608 Admiral Lane Minneapolis, Minn.� M. A. 6iddle ' 4800 Cedar Lake Rd, So. Minneapolis, Minn. Paul Burkholder 7860 Alden Way N. E. Fridley, Minn. , John J. Johnson, 380 Pillsbury Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. � William pale Hgy 100 � France Ave. No. ' Miflneapolis, Minn. E, V. Fuglestad '�174 St, Imiar pr. Fridley, Minn, Nathan Schwartz 'S916 Medicine Lake Rd. Mlnneapolis, Minn. Nathan Schwa�tz 5916 MediGine Lake Rd. Minneapolis, Minn. � Nathan Schwartz 5916 hksdiclne Lake Rd. 'Mtnnaapolis� Minn. , Maurica M. Filister 3620 zani�h Ave. So. ' Mpis. Minn. 45� - 75th Ave. N. E. � 476 - 75th Ave.N.E. 2�1 - 79th Way N. E. 23) - 79th Way N.E. 321 - 79th Way N.E. 5669-80 Anna St.N.E. 6542 Central Ave. 101 Charles St. 179 Charles St. 18Q Charles St. 5760 East River Rd. ��� � � 7 4 33 4 12 12 12 42 ti.00 11.00 � �� � �� � �� 33. 00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 42,00 �r li I ' I , ' ' � , ' ' ' � ' ' LJ ' I� �J , ���� Multlple pweiling i.icenses for Council Approval September l, 1970 to September 1, 1y71 NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE Maurice M. Filister 5780 East River Rd. 42 k2.00 3620 Zenieth Ave. So. Mi�neapolis, Minnesota Maurice M. Filtster 5800 East River Rd. 42 42.00 3620 Zenith Ave. So. Minneapolls, Minn. - M�urice M. Filister 5820 E. River Rd. 42 42,00 3620 Zenith Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Maurice M. Filister 5$40 East River Rd. 42 42.00 3620 Zenith Ave. So Minneapplis, Minn. Maurice M. Filister 5860 East River Rd. A2 42.00 3620 Zenith Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Maurice M. Filister 5750 East River Rd. 4 10.00 3620 �enith Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. � H. � 0. Properties 6503 East River Rd. 5 10.00 3804 - 3$th Circle Minneapolis, Ninn. BRIC of Minn, Inc 5701 Hghway #54 32 32.00 5309 Lyndale Ave. So. Mlnneapolis; Minn. ' BRIC of Minn. Inc. 5700 Polk St.N.E 32 32.Op 530� Lyndala Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Carlyle �. Mathson, 6341 Hightway 65 10 10.00 Rt. 1, Box 3� Aurora Minn. leonard Jacobson 6379 Highway 65 8 10,00 1408 FraQkson, � St. Paul, Minn. Arnold Elmquist 6393 Highway 65 7 10.00 �860 East River Rd. Minneapolis, Minn. � 1 � �� ��� Mult�ple Dwelling Licenses for Council Approval September l, 1970 to September l, 1971 August 17, 197� NAME ADDRESS UNITS FEE McAllister Properties 1200 Highway ##100 18 18.00 730 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. McAllister Properties 1230 Highway 100 18 18.00 730 Hennepin Ave. Minncapolis, Minn. McAllister Pr�perties 1260 Nighway #100 18. ' 18.00 730 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. McAllister Pr�perties 1290 Highway 100 18 18.00 730 Hennepin �Ave. Minneapolis, �1inn. Bigos Properties 5100 Horizon Dr. 5 10.00 1215 LaSalte Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Bigos Properties 5101 Horizon Dr. 7 10.00 1215 LaSalle Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. William C. Warner 6021 Main St. N.E. 4 10.00 2813 Casco Pt. Rd. Wayzate, Minn. Donald Wescom 117 Mississippi Place 4 10.00 117 Mississippi Place N.E. Fridley, Minn. Chris Jeleverov 160 Mississippi Place 4 10.00 160 Mississippi Place F�idley, Minn. Highland Park pevelopment Co. 630 Osborne Road) 34 34.00 540 Greenhaven Rd. 650 Osborne Rd. ) Anoka, Minn. �dstrom Realty 155-175 Satelline Ln. 33 33.00 64 E. 2nd St. Winona, Minn. Edstrpm Realty 195 Satellite Lane 20 20,00 64 E. 2nd St. ,. Winona, Minn. Mid American Homes 7860 Alden Way Fridley, Minn. 201 Satellite Lane N. E. 11 11.00 � �n �.1 < - ' 'Mu1�1p1e Dwelling �icenses for Council Approval September l, 1970 to September 1, 1971 August 17, Ig70 � ��- ADDRESS UNITS FE� �A. G. Sru�h, 221 Satellite Lane I1 11.00 212 Pen�insu'la Rdr. . Minneapolls, Minn, �J ames G. Pappas 6111 Star Lane 18 18.00 4520 Twin Oak Or. Minnpapotis, Minn. , Hl�sch Bros. Inc. 6550 East River Rd. 140 140.00 39�� Wooddale Ave. , Minneapolis� Minn. Stanley Kania 430 Ironton St. 3 10.00 '430 Irontan Sto N. E. Fridley� Minn. Mrs. �. A. Torgeson 6061-63-b5 - 3rd St. N.E. 3 10.00 '6065 � �r� Jtr N• E• • Frldley, Minn. , � , ' ' � � ' � LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF AUGUST 17 1970 Gffi�IERAI. CONZZtA,CTOR APPRiOVED BY Mid American Homes 211 Tyrol West Building Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Kenneth Nordling Bldg. Inap. Jack Carlyle 881 Manor Drive Mi.nneapolis, Minnesota By: Jack Carlyle Bldg. Inap. �l�`i • ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AUGUST 17, 1970 I,eague of Minnesota Municipalities , 3300 Uc�iveraity Avenue S. E. Minaeapolis, Minnesota 55414 1►�abership Dues in the League of Minnesota Municipalities for year beginning Sept. 1, 1970 Gile and Nelson Construction Co. Blaine M�nnespta FINAL Estimate �k5 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1969-3 Aunkley Surfacing Company 37�6 Grand Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota P�rtial Eatimate �i�l for Street Improvement Project ST. 1970-4 Berglund-Jot�nson, Inc. Excelaior, Mi.nnesota 55331 P�rtial Estimate #2 for i�later Improvemeat Project No. 95, Schedule B 10�: S 2,437.05 $ 10,509,77 $ 17,707.95 $ 83,259.00 ' � ��1 '��AGUE OF MINNES4TA �MUNICIPALITIES 300 Univ�rsity Av�nue S.E. Minneopolis. Minn., 55414 ; hone: Ano 61T/373-9992 , ' , � ' j � July 31, 1970 �UES STATFMENTS FOR 1970-7j, To t!�e Mayor and Council: Your membership dues statement for the year beginning September 1, 1970, through August 31, 1971, is enclosed. You have the opportunity to demon- str�te again the loyalty you have shown to the League in the past and to provide Che support essential to the success of our 1970 League legislaGive ^�agram. Those municlpalities which are members of the Metropolitan Section of the Lea$ue wi11 �ind their Section membership dues listed as a separate item vn, kh�ir atatement� Any League members in the Ttain Cities metropolitan 8rea who wish tp join the Metropolitan Section r.iay do so by passing a resolutlon �nd paying the Section dues, which have been set at 65% of the League dues. Th� Leagiie's services and effectiveness depen3 upon its membership, now the h�gh�st in its history - 713 members include all municipalities over 1,000 popu,lation. The cooperative efforts of the League to strengthen muni��pal. government are more important than ever before„ Xou h,�Ve recently received copies of the latest editiar� of our "Cal.eadar � qf Important. Dates." Our annual Salary Surveys and "Aids in Estimating 1971 Mun�.cipal Budgets" will be in the mail to you shortly. Another example of the League's information service will be the publication of a new ' �ditian.of the "Handbook for *iinnesota Villages" which should be available within th� next few months. In this election year, we are planning a revised format for the meetings which , we anticipate will generate added interest as well as increasing awarenesa of munic�pal problems and needs - candidates for the legislature from each reg�onal area wiJ.l be invited to appear on an "equal time" basis, and asked � tc�-give thei: viewa on areas of special interests to municipal offici�ls, As time pea:mits, there will be an opportunity for informal questions �rom th� f�oor. � � � Sin.cer�ly, '�-,,,e�.' C�' �,°�:��`�C, D��n A, Lund Exacutiv� Secxetary �IAI. t ral 1nz-a ' ' , 1(�= : Fridle.y . . . Population (latest census) . . . . .?4� 789 , , . .... ............................ . ... To I.�ague of Miiuiesota Municipalities � 3300 Universtty Ave. S.E. Organized 1913 Minnoapolis� Minnesota, SS414 � Dues Schedule MUNICIPALITIES WITH POPULATION OF: . 249 or under . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 250-2,499 ........... 60.00 plus 10¢ per capita over 249 ' .. 2,500-4,999 ........... '285.00 plus 8¢ per capita over 2,499 3,000-9,999 ........... 485.00 plus 6� per capita over 4,999 ' 10,000-19,999 .:.;..... 785 00 plus S¢ per capita over 9,999 20,000-49.999 ........ 1,285.00 plus 4� per capita over 19,999 S�,OUO and over ...,... 2,485.00 plus 1¢ per capita over a9,999 � T/els schcdule adopted lune 1969. Total rounded to nearest dollar, fo� m�mberthip duet in the League of Minn�sota Municipalitks fo� y�ar deyinoinq Septembe� 1, 197--a--_ MAETRO SECTION DUES M�nNnt from ►ubtic funds Authoristd by Minn, Stoti., S�c. 465.SE $1,477 00 960 05 $2,437 05 � I doelare under the peaalties of law that the foregoing accouat is just and cornct and that no part of it has becA paid. . �,R-6—ri.. � . �" " " '"/ J U is 1� j�; 7� Bxerurlve Secretary, Lea�ua o/ �M1nne,toto MWnkiPaqdet Dated ......:....................... 196.... ..*_ ._ ._ __. __ .. . _,.;�, ,._ : � . ` .� , . . . � � � . . " � _ a . -' . � . � � , ' ' � - - ... ' . � � . 1 . � , • . , . . � . .. ., _ _..��,..� . _ - - �y . . � � � . � � � t . . ....Ty , . - � � ���i • _ ' . � � � � . �! . e � � � � . ! . � . - - • �+ . . . _ . ' . . . . - . . � . � . . . - . . . !. • . , . . . �. ; . • � - . . . - _, . .� � . � — • � •�- � . . . . . . � . . . - . . �� � f � � � . � � , � - - '�� . . � . . . . . . . � ' � � . � . . . � . . . . , . ( . '� , �� f ' � � , " � ♦ � � . � . i � - _ �. .� { . . . .�;. . ...�� � � �,. ,' ^ . � i I � . , • � CTTY OF FRIALEY . _ ENGIIJ�ERING DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA aonorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley a/o iiaaer R. Ankxum, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fxidley, Minnesota 55432 Geatlemen: ���� . � d � AugusC 11, 1970 CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER .�Te hexsby submit the Fina1 Esti�ate for Gile and Nelson ConsCz�uct3.oa Oa., �laiae, Minnesota for St. Tmprov. Proj, St. 1969-3. �rigimal ContracC $62,844.78 St. Improv. Proj. 1969-3 �''�Aa�. COASC�LiCt�OA COSt Lese Estia�afie �1 = $13,437.61 Estimate #2 = 12,181.09 Estimate �3 s 12,715.63 EBtimate �k = 17,196.22 AMOUNT DUE FINAL ESTIMATE #5 = St. 1969-3 _ ` (See Atta�hed Sheets #5 - �7 ) $66.U40.32 $10,509.77 � _ _ ----- T -,._ � We have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Stz�ex �mprovement Pxaject St. 1969-3 and find that the same is subatant�ally Coa�plete in�accordance with the contract documents. I reeamnend that final psywent b!s made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Sody, and that the orte y�ar contractual maintenance bo�d commence on the date li,sted ab ave . , , �- GJ�/�," Prepared By a. C Respectfully submitted, Ghecked 8y � �� l� , � . 1�ASIM M. QURESHI, P.E. Cit E i pi � y ng neer- r�ctor oi 81ann#�c�� � CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR ' . This is to certify that items pf t�e wox'k .ah� �,� G��.� ����,��p�t Q� Kork certified herein has been actualiy iu�nished a�d�done loi�'�tib e�pc�vo� ° m�at�qp��d ����1� t in �ccordance with the plans and speaifi.aationa hexe�ofo�c� - appraved. �`�i �ina�; ¢pntxacC coat-�fa� $6b,040.�2 and the �inal paymeaC of "� ' ° 1�)-�' � . - • , .. . . - � ' .. . � 2 Final �etlmaCe for Gile and Neison Constructian Co. �$$� � BT, 1969-� • '" _$10,509.77 for St. 1969-3 would cover in ful t � a8ain8C the City of +all labor, materials, and other�workcd nesbylthescpm� � tractor uader this project. � � I declare under the penalties of perjury that this statement ia just ' +�ud correcC. GILE AND NELSON CONSTRUCTION C0. Dated; l'" ' ; Signature; � � . � �. - Contractor � � ' ' ' ' , � � ' � , . l _ _. _ -- - �_ -- - . . ' . _ r � � . . � • � ' , , ' ' ' . • . � • ' '� � T0: C�TX �NGINEi:R CITX QF FRIDLEY � Date August 11, 1970 REPORT 4N FINAL INSPECTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969•3 We the uadersigned, have inspected the above mentioned pr9ject _�pd fiod that Che work requixed by the contract is substantially complete ip Confox'mi�ty with t�e Plans and Specifications of the project. All de£iciencies have been cox'rected by the Contractor. A18o the �oxk �or wh�ch the City feels that the Contrector should receive a ;�,duced pr�ce ha$ beea agreed upon by the Contractor. � So, there£ore, we recommend to you that the City approve the I�tt�ched Fiaal Estimate for the Contractor and the one year wainteaauce bcrosi ��art from the day of the approval of this estimate by the Ci.�y Council� . - . Additional Remaxks �t� CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR - Q - CONSTRUCTION INCHARGE - ENGINEERING AS$T. _ • ` � �l:t�..�-- � ON CTOR REPRESENTATIVE � .. ' . 1 � . � � � � ' . � ' STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1969-3 �. ' Gl��e and Nelson Coastruction Campany ' 81+�iAe, Miaaesota ; ' 8ina1 Eatimate �5 ' AMOUNT DUE ST. 1969-3 = 10,509.77 ' prs ared B � P Y ' . �„ Chacked' �y- ' A�Fraved 8y N � � �,�, /�'( ' � . � � , 'Coatractore Rep. � - - ----__ ' ' - . 1 . ' ' . ' � . 1 ' .. 0 0 � 1_�_�n 4 Au$uet 11, 1970 ' , � ' , � ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' IJ � C � ', � f�IDl�11 VOUT� f001�fl11 �SSOCIfl110N Fridley, Minnesota Fridley City Council c/o City "qanager . 6l�31 University Ave. N.E. Fridley� Minnesota 55lt21 Gentlemen: 1 ^' � ` _ , , , � Augus't 5, 1970 RE: Beer Permit — Concession Permit Tournament Permit The Fridley Youth Football Association wishes to gain permi.ssion to the following three subjects: l. Beer Permit at The Corrmlons Park. 2. A Concession Permit at�The Commons Park. 3. A Tournament Permit at The CoTrunons Paxk. On Saturday and Slinday, August 29th a nd 30th, the Fridley Youth Football Asso�iation along with the Fridley Parks a nd Recreation Dept. wish to hold a 16 team (double elimination) slaw pitch softball tournament. The proceeds of this tournament would be used to obtain additional football equipment for the Youth Football Program this coming Fall. This tournament is a Ways & Means project of the Association. This is an invitational tournament with teams from Fridley as well as surrounding communities and also the State of '�lisconsin participating. We thank you for your civic interest. cc: Pau1 Brown� Director Very truly yours, cJ�� - �'�"`` - SAi�f IARUINT Chairman 6071 - bth . rr. F. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 pclone : 56o—la643 ��M_� a ' �y TNE RRIDLEY- SPRING LAKE PARK ' ,NETw, REPUBLICAN PARTY � ti�� N`����� , _� � , i ` � �.1' � \ ��ME ` � � � fi L� � J ��f,�y IME N011h'si . C��=-� , ' t ' , , ' ' ' ' ' '� 1 , 1 � Angnst 9. 19?� P'xridlqy► City Conncil Clty o! PMdley. MLnn. ae�t eaen� The Fridley-�i.P GOP is hav�.ng their annv,al picn.i.a in Locke park on August 23, 19'l0. Wa would like your okap to bring beer into t�he paxlc . Tt wi11 not be served to a�►one undar 21. And only to those adnl.ta who are at the picr�c. Thaak yon for yonr attention to this request. • (�erelY. ,�����.� Patricia IIl.ttes (Mrs. R. �. ) Fri�e�-SLP Ci.ty Chairw�man 0 � y �) -►_ <. .. o�—e..°.i" � ' � ' � - —. .. . . . . . � . .. . . � � � �� Y , n . , � . �txte nf ,��iinnesuttt . ` ' � . � '�e��x�zit���t� �� Cii�i1 �.e�Ext�.e' � � . ' VETERANS SERVICE BUILDING .. . ; , , � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 � -. .. . . . . 22f-2233 . � -. . � . _ , .. " . .. � • . - �e . . . � . . . . ; .. ' . . ,. .. . ' �� � i ��O . , , , , � . , , � ' , . . , , . , . ... . ,- ' .. .. , � ' " . �- �OTI�iA�li3 e�: Q. ��'►ils� - ' - _ -- . — . � . ' ��'c?x' d� �i'�.�.�` --- , �"i':1.�� t! i�.�. , ' : : �r�� �I33.�f�3�.�'i�'�,l �.Vt8d191�1 �e�`i• . , • � . � ��,�.�s �19�fl'�.$ ��i�� ' . ' �t�t' �OF �.I'�'s�.�`�t . �C� �'�'i��iS t►`"J�.17��' .�@t1�ar3 i�.l"� Gt'J�"Z�}t�%'� �'?�`• s'1�� ���llTt� �'E&8 i'8C"�`tYii.&^1�0� ' ���z► �.v.i 1 i3��r�s� I7•.�.ree��.�? Air: �a;�� �.7.c�r�.c�., b� a er�.f�i.cxl �ur �i�a�3 ' �'�� �.�'I�-• Tt�� � ir� ��:�� U� }oux' dir�a�u� con�5.nui.r� �o i.���v� hi� ���oP�s�a.n�I. r�ua,3.xficaV :nn� �y �`�'��nru;i.rz�; traii�a..�� oo��r'� �znd ���r� . a� racf;�r�d �� t.�� .5���� T?�,�'d�.�� aY F�iYalzc� ��'vt�;,t, G3.�.�. i;��u��� . '_ �k1.v�.�s.r�n.- . �`�. �,J.�.a�z is i�.��:� c.�3���.�u :�r�r �}:e� en�uu:�:�., ��ar9 �'�.�c�I. ���r lE}°'!l. '�hi€� ��ta..i�.oa�.�n f�r GG�iiz�.i �ir £�:xs� i�x°�a�ur� �.s o�� af ��a�a�. x'ac�uix��- � ' ��t� ��� �c�r�:ici��3�i�� �.z� �°c;:���. As�i�i�nc�� �'��,:r�r�. (�zz� a�c�cc� � g��r��:.��� �e �;��l,�rat:i.�z� cr�' t�n Q: ��.�vv� �i.�ra.�. �'��~�a� �r.�a.��;��c� �.�i.a� �nd 1��,�r�r� ���.;��sr, a��c� c�.;r.�:i��-,�a ���;�� r.:i.vi;4: x��.�;i��� �c�.�.���.) °�'2a� , . ' ����� �'��eis�a���� �'����� �:�:�.�.��i�t , . . �'�acz,n�. �:u� �i'�t�����y�v� ���`x��� , , �cu����2a�.z�La.on� ��� �a.�°.�.�. �c���� �;t;�.�m�ic �� �'�s�iii.t3.+� � C�n�,��,���.�=ia £c;� :��tad�::::�� ��ra��a . Ae�uz ��ion c�f �u�p�.u.� �r��*�� . . ' ��rs��.�tzir� �a►�*"`Li�iy���,vn b;� �u� d�s���CO� i.n t�.�l �����a �xai:�.r� � - ' � � I3�.v° �ion �.J�l ag�ure ' r:ro��.� r� �����z�:�b�.� b,� 8�,a �'L��4 �.��.... �.��e► �. ��.� b�.at� ��a.�lt�. ��.�'• �s.noc�►�r, ' ��=�at�irz�n� aF P�b3io �t��ty� C�IL �`�i�� �qZ82al�z�t ' .: �. �. �l�an� ' Ac�.� F��BO%o� - ��'�s � ' aos ��Jill�.�n ��,�yr►n . Ma'�� ."r.'�.r�'i.�.�: �� O , � , � ' , ' ' ' , ' August 10, 1970 Mr. Ankrum, City Manager 6431 University Avenue Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Re:Use of Civic Center Dear Mr. Ankrum: After calling your office last Friday, and being unable to reach you, your Secretary advised me to write to you concerning the use of your Civic Center lor a Defensive Driving Course. We have had many inquiries concerning a DDC in the Northeast Area and we would appreciate very much the use of your Civic Center �or this purpose. �n the event you are not familiar with the Defensive Driving Course, we are enclosing sorne literature which will help you become better acquainted with this widely accepted accident avoidance training course, its content and objectives. I am sure you will agree this is a timely need and we are striving t-o educate t-he publi_c to this effect. The Insurance Women of Greater Minneapolis and the Minnesota Safety ' Counci� w�rk directly with one another on these Courses. For this particular class we would need your Civic Center on September 12 and September 26, fr�t► 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. I will take the ' �iberty o� calling you on Wednesday, August 12, to discuss this further'with you. Or if you would want to call me, the telephone nwnber here at work is 789 8895. And thank you very miich. iI� ' ' ' ' 1 Sincerely, ��, --%- " �� �-� ' �i �,______.�. / �u, ��-�. --�-z,,� v / c� Harriefite Troxel (Mrs.) Safety Chairman Insurance Women of Greater Minneapolis ec:Pat Haas, President � cc:I,.M. Schooley, Minnesota Safety Council 1 �_�_�; �I � ' 1 � LJ ' , , l_� , 0 ��Y_ ~a Minnesote Safety Council, Inc. 416 Ii�amat Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Cooperating Agency NATIONAL TiEFEI+iSNE I&�IdIlVG CO'[JRSE This is an 8-hour course� given preferably in two or Pour-hour segments. The besic student textbook is the Minnesota Driver Manual. A Cocaplete kit for each student i$ required and can be purchased from the Minnesota Safety Council. The objective of the course is to provide infortnation, concepts and standards of judgement which will enable the average driver to acquire better driving habi�s. . The course materi8l is draWn from trair,ing courses successfully used to trsia Lhe profeasional driver� and thus far, it appears the average driver welcomes the apportunity to lesrn "to drive like a pro." Fo110wing is a brief listing of the c�ncepts covered: 1. A Perfect Tri - avoid 5 errors - accidentss trafPic vio].ations� vehicle abuse� schedule delays and discourtesy. 2. A Preventable Accident - one in which you failed to do everything y�ou reasona �y could have done to prevent the accident. 3. Defensive Driving - driving so as to prevent accidents in spite of the incorrect actions of others and adverse driving conditidna pre- sent. These adverse conditions are; light, weather, road� traffic� vehicle and driver. �+� The Standard Accident Prevention Formula � a., Recognize the hazard b. Underste�nd the defense c. Take corrective (defenaive) action in time , , ' , , ' , 5. Basic Data a. Types of accidents (over 40�, tWO-vehicle collisions) b. Stopping distances � c. Following distances 6. The 6 Positions of the Two-P,ar Crash and Defenses for Each s. Vehicle ahea@ d. Vehicle from an angle _ b. Vehicle behind e. Vehicle passing c. Vehicle approeching f. Vehicle pasaed by you 7. Drinking� driving and drugs 8. Ran-Off-Roadway accidents (N�ystery Crash) 9. Other accidents (Pedestrian� Bicycle� Animel, �eilroad, etc.) 1A. Discussion - brings �ut probable causes and preventability from case histories� accidents kn�wn to students� newspaper reports� "near misses," develops the atudent's awareness of e 8river's sbility to easess ¢�d ce�trol accident-pr,odueing situatione. , ' ' � , � � LJ ' �J II U ' � I � , � I� � u �� ' L� ' THE DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE is part of a nation-wide cam- paig� to make every ticensed motorist a defensive driver. It teaches techniques professional drivers use to spot and avoid potentially dangerous driving situations. Here'$ how DDC works: Conducted in four two-hour ses- sions, ppC teaches drivers to avoid accidents in spite of the �ctions of other drivers or adverse weather or rQad condi- tions. Classes are limited ta tweniyfive students or less, so each student is able to receive individual attention and parti• cipate in class discussions. The course covers a variety of safe driving topics, including: �' Principles of defensive driving ■ Standard accident preven- tion fo�mula ■ Preventability of motor ve- hic�e accidents i Six situations of the two-car Crash � Passing and being passed � The mystery crash ■ Pedestrians and bicyclists ■ Drivir�g on the expressways DDC is elfective: There is evidence from busi- ness, government, and military groups that have used DDC ex- tensively that this training does reduce traffic accidents: Oklahoma Gas arxl Electric Co. adopted DDC late in 1965 and since then 70.87% of their em- ployees have taken the course. According to Safety pirector J. S. Wantland, during the pe- riad 1965-1968 the number of vehicle accidents decreased by 18.$% while the vehicle mile- age increased by 6.5%. Lyle F. Miller, Regional Safety Officer, U.S. Dept. of the Inte- rior, Minneapolis, Minn., reports that afte� having presented DDC over a one-year period, 1967- 1958, the bureau's 1967 motor vehicle'accident rate of 2.8 per million miles _was reduced to 2.2 per million miles for 1968.. According to Dick Tamm, Safety Director for the 13th Naval Dis- trict, Seattle, Wash„ after insti• tuting DDC in 1966, accidents in the district dropped from 32 that year to 16 in 1968. pu�ing that same period, fatalities were reduced from 6 in 1966 to 1 in 1968 and the accident rate dropped from 1.a5 to .93. These are only a few samples of many reports of "before and af- ter DDC" accident rates National Safety Council has received. Why is DDC so successful? The key to the DefensivH Driv ing Course's success as a na• tional campaign is its standard• izatipn of instruction. All irn structors receive basically the same training and they all use a detailed instructor's manual. The same teaChing tools are sent to a11 classes and studeMs use a standard workbpok. In the tinal analysis the success of the pefensive Driving move• ment depends on the nation's 100 mi�lion licensed drivers: to reduce traffic accidents every driver must become a Defensive Driver. , "�_ �. ' ' ' ' ' , L� J C� � I.AW OFFICES HALL, SMITH, cTUSTER, FEIHEMA 8c HA�'aHVIT2 GHARTENED WYMAN lMITM l[ONARD T. JUfTt1� NENRr M. F(IK(MA RONALO l. NAi1tVITZ JAM(s 1�. CAii[RLV CARI J�N[1NOUIST DOUOL�S MALL or CpuM�t� liq•. l�arvi n C. Brunsel l FiAance Director City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Frldley, Minnesota 55421' � Dear Marvin: ' ' , , , ' ' ' ' su�rc �oso �u1lDCIli ElKM1►N6� �tlIL0/M0 M�NNEA1�Ol1s- 1riMM6�MA �O� O�i��ts �1r; RN��Y a Oi�O AR(A C�Ot Sli T[l[►MON< �H-14�1 August 7, 1970 Re: Deed Lot 8, Parcel 2000, Auditor's Subdivision 21 Michael Servetus Unitarian Society, InC. to the City of Fridley , At the Board meeting of the church on August 5, the check from the City for ;4,QOO.QO was recelved and accepted by the Board. The Board members reviewed your �e�no of August 3, 1970, and together �vith the weed cutting chdrges the total unpaid charges against the property aim�unt to �4,425.32. A1th0ugh the Board members had believed that the total charges would not exceed the �4,800.00 balance, that is what the City owes the church. The Bonrd, on ny recon�nendation, voted to accept your figures. SO that ther� w��r �e Ao f�ttu�+r �1r�w�lerst�n�di�, tl�e M��hael S�tr�ttrs I�i- 'tdriAn Society, Inc. is indebted to the City of Fridley for the additio�dl s�nn pf f�25.32. When that sum is paid, all of the present assessmentS �nd weed cutt�ng charges and so forth involved with Lot 8 will be settled, p�id `a�nd forever discharged. This, of course, means. as I understand it, th�t you will do the bookkeeping to have the $4,000.00 balance applied to a11 of these outstanding funds, without any change in the funds by reaso� o� int,�rest or so forth. I further advised the Board that I thou�t that we could pdy the �425.32 in two installments. One in 1971 and one in 1972. Although the Boar� didn't think of it, I would consider it appropriate that 'Chere be lnterest at 6X on that amount. I presume that if the church C�n �—i _�i_ • �.�_ �i . Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell Auqust 7. 1970 Paye Two pa�y the �5.32 durin9 the year 1970, in full, there would be no interest on it. auN sending a copy of this letter to our treasurer, t�obert J. Huyhes, a�nd to ow secretary, Edi th Tho�son . I f you have so�ne di fferent u�derstandi ng or deslres concerning the agreement on the deed, please respond pro�ptly. I want to personally thank you for your courtesies on this n�atter. Yours truly, Wyman Smith WS/vn cc. Robert J. Hughes cc. Edith Thompson ' 1 � � , , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' 1"�_�� 1�M0 T0: FROM: CITX COUNCIL CTTY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER AATE: AUGUST 13, 1970 SUBJECT: PROPOSED CHANGES TO ANIMAL ORDINANCE William C. Hoffman crnnments: SECTION T(Animal Control Officer). Why the wording "exclusive of cate"? One aeldaa seea a cat unless it is munching on wildlife. Suggest such be deleted. ommenC• Council pregrogative. Cats were not included as very �ew complaints are xeceived on cats. However, the words "exclusive of cats" �aul� be deleted from the wordage, and if complaiata exist the animal control officer could pick up the stray. Recommend deletion of "exclusive of csts" from �his paragraph. SECTI�i TI (Coatrol). Ref Par 3, delete "other dogs", substitutiag the words "of ita kind" . . . . . . Agree? Comment� Mr. Hoffman is correct and wordage should be changed to "its kind". SECTION V(No subject). Ref �ast par... reading "violating x x 3 times i.n one permit year"; suggest �he wording be deleted. A law is a law. What you are saying in ef�ect ie "if you repeat the offense often enough - we will take action." If people a�Ce o1d �anough �o own a house pet (animal) we can assume they are capable oi reading and uader- staa�diag cqntrol procedurea. ' Comment: Recommend no change of thia other than legal wordage. Tha intc�nt behind this paragraph ia an expedient in that the Counci� as indica�ed i�n �irat ' paragraph of Section 5 caa revoke permits and this could be on the first offense ' , , if warratnted. The last paragraph covers automatic revoking of a permit and wauld not require any Couacil action. This would be on third Q�fena�. Moat se�cious problems are brought to our attention by neighbors. This allows so�ae , P�tAPOSED CHADTGES - ANIMAL ORDINAA��TTCE PAG� 2 � ' , ��ti.tude for an owner whose dog is not creating a problem, but happens to be ��,� � ' let ou� of the house by children or chews loose from a leash. He would still be subject to violation tag fine. S�CTION VI (Permits Required). Ref sub-par a. Suggest the wording "six months" be � ch+�nged to "3 months". Have we not all listened to the yapping and/or caterwauldry i ' � of cats and dogs much less than six months of age? Coa�eent: Section 2, Paragraph 5 would allow for a canplaint to be filed on a dog or any other animal that shows vicious habits, barks, howls, cries or yelps, or allows the animal to cause noise, disturbance or annoyance to peraons �QS�di,ng i�n the vicinity ***. The aforementioned can be enforced regardless A� age of animal, Usually the complaint is signed by the complainez as he can ' Xest�fy Co his annoyance. Also, Dr. Crenshaw of the Fridley Pet CliniC ad�ises �' � �l that some companies do not recommend that their vacine be used until Che dog is �ix taanths of age. Also, most Veterinarians do not recommend spayin& until the ��tio�1 is six months of age. If�registered at 4 months the owner would not have proof of vacination. Also, we would have to charge a fee for an unspayed , fea�le, as the animal would not be spayed as yet. The lack of vacinat�on proof ' cauld cause the owner to have to return after two months and much administrat�.oA. RECOI�IEND NO CHANGE SEGTTON VTT (Impounding of Animals). Suggest the word "inay" be changed Co re$d "wi�j,��� ' (�,gsin, why bait the owner by offering another and yet another chance). C�nt: ThaLs paragraph is permissive and through this authority a violation , tag to be issued by the animal enforcement employees. In other words the et��orCe�' then has the option of issuing a violation tag without spending ' �xcessi.ve ti.me trying to catch the dog. RECOMMEND NO CHANGE. ' ' � � I ' � � ' � ' � ll ' ' � C ' PRAPOSED CHA�IG�S - ANIMAI, ORDINANCE BAGE 3 Ci.ty Attorney's Comments: The City Attorney commeated on the fee of $5 per year for inale dogs and $15 for femal�e dogs. �oanaent: Oxdinance provides for $5 fee for spayed female. $15 was placed ia ordinance as Humaae Society and other study sources indicate the unepayed female fee xecouunended is one half the cost of having the animal spaysd. Th1e is recoaxnended by several agencies because the dog population is exCesBivo and if the animal is picked up at large people tend not to claim it and pay fee, but allow i.t to be disposed of. Also, is is during the period Che feaiale animal is in heat that packs of dogs rove and cause the most problems. This �@e encourages the owner to have animal spayed so the experts iadicat� and h�lge r�lieve over population problem as well. Also, the $5 fee comes oloeer ta a�king Che program nearer to self supporting by dog owners. In �969 thp ' City collected $673 in license fees and just the animal control afficer (dog- e�teher contract) coat us $3,600, not incJ,uding extra patrol time. Thia doe• not include other administrative costs. Explanatory only. Th� City AkCorney recommends penalty section, Section 18, to read: . "Every peraon who violates this ordinance is subject to all penalkies provided far such.violation-under the provisions �hapter 105, of the Fridley City Code, as ' aaaended." omment; This is legal necessity. RECOI�4�ND CHANGE. ' Council. Comments; ' $ectlon 7. Impounding of animals. Based on Council comment, sub-paragr�lph � �nd �i, pf ar h a� that aection are bein� deleted, f IL ' f 0 � ; ,'� _� s,_ A ' ' ' ' ' PR4PAS�A CHANGES - ANIMAL ORDINANCE PAGE G 3ectioa 2, Paragraph 4: Question on wordage. Change to read; "Th� owner or custodian doea not assume the obligatioa and responsibility requ�red by Gity Code (Ordinances) or does not prevent such dog or other aaimal �rom Commiting any act which constitutes a nuisance as defined in City Cade (Ordit�ancee) RECOI�ND THIS CHANGE. HRA�/mi s e�.� f2, HOMER R . ,ANKRUM �5 `�l 4,� ( , 1 � , I ' Buiiding inspection Department � city of Fridley M�nt�. July MONTNLY INSPECTION REPORT Year: 19�0 Section , ' � � � ' � m ' , ' � � � � ' ' � � ' ' ' � � � 1970 1969 �nspections July July ou ns : ew _ onstruction _ _ 17_. --g---- __.._ _ Footings_New_Construction _ lg F�ra�m��in_g s $ Reins�ections 55__ __ _ ___ oA r7c Not�eady or�eje_cted___ 9 ___ ___ __ � gns • -- -- -- 6 - — -- - �S'� WorTc -Fosted----- - - Vio ations C�iecked Dangerous Buil i� 10 _ o� m a�in�s��iiec-7ced�— -- 23 -- � sce aneous � _ _� _ _ __ _ �na s : ftesiaential � __ _ ina s: ommercia3�-In ust. 7 Tot.al �Inspections 1 9 Permits Issued 42 Time Off/Sick L�eave Hrs. o� ns : ew ervices 10 ___._ Reins�ections � __ Work Not Readv or Reiected Miscellaneous 4 Finals: Residential 3 ina s: _ommercial__ n ust. 3 Tota1 Inspections 55 Permits Issued 33 Time Off/Sick Leave �,Hrs. Rouah Ins: NeM Services 1 15 Si�ns Dangerous Bu Miscellane Total Inspections, • pe��j,tz i�sued �i.me Off/Sick Leave Hrs. This Year To Date Last Year To Date ' ' ' ' 1 , ' ' , ' ' , NUP4BER OF LICENSES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AND LTCENSE FEES COLLECTED ?I�0 DATE TYPE Blacktopping Excavating Ga� - Gener�l Heating House Moving & Wxecking Masonry Oil Heating P1aBtering Roo f ing Sa�;ns Well Dx'illing PERMIT NUMBERS ��10, 729-��10, 772 ��8205-�k8239 �k4749-��4766 ��5151-��'S165 NUMBER FEES COLLECTED 7 $105 17 255 31 465 69 1725 38 570 2 30 25 375 6 90 ( 90 2 30 13 325 2 30 218 $409 P E R M I T F E E S 1970 1969 THTS YEA.R LAST YEAR TYPE JULY JULY TO DATE TO DATE BUILDING $1,360.50 $2,178 $4,532.50 $12,455 ELECTRICAL 551.75 1,014 5,378.50 10,247 HEATING 217.50 298 2,115.00 6,243 PLtJ1�ING 636.00 553 2,003.50 5,680 SIGNS 191.00 35 915.50 598 $2,956.75 $4,078 $14,945.00 $35,223 � � ' , ' ' II ' � C�.ty of Fridley, Minnesota Office of the Building Inspector TQPIC : kIONTHI�Y REPORT TO THE CITY MANAGER JUL_� 1970 TXPE OF CONSTRUCTION R���dential Residential Gara$es Alterations � Additions ,Mul�iple Dwellings Cowwercial �ndus t�cial Munia�.pa� Churchea & Schools Haapitala S �.�x�� P�avi�t$ & Wr�cking ' OTHERS � ' Heating P lumb �.ng �1e�cfixic�l ' ' ' ' � ' � � Residenti.al Residential Garages Al�exations & Additions Mu].tiple Dwellings Gvmme�cial Induatxial Mur►iai.pal. Chuxches & Schools Hospitals Signs Maving & Wxecking N[JNIBER OF PERMITS ISSUED 1970 1969 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR J'UI,Y JULY TO DATE TO,,,,,,�„D�ATE 4 11 24 77 10 10 55 68 22 16 , 109 79 0 Q 1 2 1 3 2 10 1 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 q 1 0 1 4 2 40 23 1 4 6 8 44 46 241 274 18 20 96 17� 15 23 76 17$ 35 55 159 �25 �, 68 98 �31 682 ESTIMATED VALUATIONS OF BUILDING PERMTTS ISSUED $ 94,500 $ 278,700 $ 573,OQ0 $1,7$6,750 31,650 21,798 132,894 123,8k5 42,290 21,670 276,615 425,786 0 0 150,000 1,b00,000 65,000 60,000 71,000 505,500 50,000 0 150,000 3,140�000 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 10,OOA 800,400 0 500,000 0 500,000 9,400 1,450 33,162 18,315 50 1 600 1 100 3 00 $302,890 $885,218 $1,397,767 $8,903, 96 ,----- ° _.�... - . .__�.._ ----- . _ . . ' "1 g-79 (REV. i1-3-64) • • � + ' ' (Stcndard Form of the International Association of Chiefs of Police) , (Copies available at Federol Bureou of Investigation, Washington, D. C. 20535) ' _ _ . . ____. __ CONSOLIDATfD MONTHLY REPORT - � '�� " � -'-� � - , POLJCE DEPARTMENT . �. _ _ _�._.... .�-.__._: :-= ; •:. - - .; . _ _ : , JU�V ' �� is%� ; ' Clty of �`71'�1„��/ Manth of TABLE 1.--DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL y Average Daily Percent Daily Averoge Daily ' _ Numerical Strength Absence Absence Temporary Details Average Effective Strongth End of ame month Same month Same month Same month Sart�e month this mont last year This mont last year This month last year This mont last year This month Last month last year � n _.__ . _ .. o C ' Total petsonnel. 3 0 � • �v � � • �O ' Chief�s offlce . . . ... _ _. Records bureau . � . _ . _. __. ' ' Unliormed force . Detective bureau ; j Traffic bureau . . � � � � � � � ' A _ _ . � . ...... � ........... , i -- � Flrst tellef .... � � � � • Semnd rellef . . _ . . ` .._ _ , _ _ _ _ : ' ( Third re11ef . . . i � , • TABLE 2.--CHANGES IN PERSONNEL � TABLE 3.--DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH ' ". ' . _ _.. ... . , -._. . . .. _, . _ _ Same month j 1. Present for duty end of last month .......... 27 1'his month last year , � __ , ' 2. Recrulted durinq mmth . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . .. n '• 3. Relnstated durinq month . . . . . . . . . .- 1. Total number of patrolmen . . �� L� �� Total to account for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �7 2. Less petmanent asslqnments (public ' . . . . .. .. . • •. .._.. . _..__ . _.. . . ofHces, cledcal, chauffeurs, etc.1 . . . � � -.. 4. Separations from the service: � 3. Less details to special squads or bu- ', ,_. reaus (trafflc, vice, park, etc.) . . . . . j (a) Voluntary resiqnatlon . . e . . . ' �. � - � � -'- �- � �� �� � � � � 4, Averaqe daily absences of patrolmen (b) Retlrement on penslm ..... assiqned to patrol duty owlnq to: ' (a) Vacatlon, suspenslon, rest 9, 35. 8. 5� , (c) Reslqned with charges pendinq days, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. : idi DropPed durinq ptobatla. . . . . .2� .29 ' ' � (b) Slck and !n)ured . . . . . . . . . . n (e) Dlsmissed for cwse . . . . . . ' (f ) Killed Ln Ilne o( duty . . . . . . (c) Tempoeary detalls . . . . . . . . . . ,'�ti� I9) Deceased . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; P ... ` 9.62 8.80 � � Totat se arations . . . . . . . . . . . . O Total avemqe dally absences . . 5. Present for duty at end of month . . . . . . . . . . . 27 S. Available for patrol duty . . . . . . . . . ' i . I • , � _ _ _ _ � _ _ � �...._-_._�_�_.��..,_.__ —•_----- _ _ _ _. ___ _ � . - -- - _ • , . .... • � r � ' � -.___, .� . ,� .....,,..._,.,.....�......—.,....•....-�_� ...._..Y.-...�.:...�.�..__.a._...., ...� _>.,�.._.._......�. s � , TABLE 4.- - CRIME INDEX AND POUCE ACTIVITY TREND . � j OFFENSES KNOWN TO THE POUCE CHANGE CURRENT YEAR VS. LAST YEAR CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES vs. SAME MONTH YS. SAME PERIOD REPORTED OR ACTUAL LAST YEAR LAST TEAR # (PART 1 CUSSES) KNOWN UNFOUNDED. OFPENSES ACTUAL TNIS ' THIS MONTH THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE NUMBER PERCENT NUMBEIi PERCENT lo.' MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT - MANSLAUGHTER 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL � a. RAPE BY FORCE b. ASSAULT TO RAPE • ATTEMPTS 3. ROBBERY TOTAL a. ARMED • ANY WEAPON b. STRONGARM • NO WEAPON 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAU�T TOTAL � ' a. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT e. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON d. HANDS, FIST, ETC. • AGGRAVATED 5. BURGLARY TOTAL � Z � 2 ""�':7$ a. FORCIBLE ENTRY b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY 6. LARCElJY - THEFT (except auto theft) 54 326 � a. S� AND OVER IN VALUE 54 7. AUTO THEFT Z Z 45 � CRIME INDEX TOTAL lb. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE , 1�. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED 66. LARCENY, UNDER f50 IN VALUE PART I TOTAL � 4'8 � 48 930 � TOTAI PART II INCIDENTS .. . ... ... .... .. .92 ... .. ...... ... ............. ......�J7.6 ... TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALL5�.1� 7 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. . . .... •. . Up�p�•� • • • - TOTAI CALLS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . .. . . �3�� . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . ... .. . . .. , .. . . p�tZ2 •.•. ... , . < i ' _ � _ . i• _� - -. .. ' _ . ' ,� AUTOMOBILESRECOVERED . . � _ ,. I U) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY .............................. .............. `� ... (B)'NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHERJURISDICTIONS ......................,............ � � � (C) TOTAL LOCALLY STOLEN AUTOS RECOVERED r�fa ......................... .......................... i �{ (D) NUMBER STOLEN OUT OF JURISDICTION, RECOVERED LOCALLY . ' , • _ _. � _ __ _ _ _ _ , , � . . i - - I..<�.. . _.._ ... __ �. ___._.. . ...__. _. .... _ .... ., ,.,.-,.. -- .:. _ .�.......,..�...,... , � ..,...- ..... ... i � 1 _ r _ _..� - _ __ ___ __ _ .._ _ . ____ _ .._--- -__ —._.__- - -_ _ ._ _ _ _ _- { . . _ ... > • r . .----------- _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ---- _. ---. . '�'i . i _ , � � .. ..._._. ..... .4 _. � .., ...> . . �.:....,..... .. ... .. . _., a . :... .. ... . . ..: _....... r> . �..,,..,. .. ,. -,... _... . . .. . ... .. ._ .._w _- ..� .. . .._ ,- . .. . -_ . .,.. .c ....�...._ _..... .,._..,..... ... ...w-......-_. . . _,..�.. .>. � ' • ' � TABLE 5-- VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN AND RECOVERED '�' VALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY TOTAL YALUE OF OFFENSE YALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN OTHER . LOCALIYSTOLEN , STOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED AND RECOVERED BY JURISDICTIONS __ ._. ,_ . PROPERTY RECOVERED LOCALLY OTHERJURISDICTION RECOVERED LOCAL�Y � 1 ROBBERY BURGLARY 262 . 75 - IARCENY � 1914.03 �', AUTO T11EFT � 45 , TOTAL 11 766.95 2626.78 2 626.78 ' -_ ___ __ _ _ �_ _ _ __ . _ _ _ __ __.__ . - - . -- � ----- - � -- -- - � - - TABLE 6 - -- OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST - , ,I - �� � �� -� year to date (inciude exceptional clearances) � - � _ _. . . �. � �; . i NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES 'i �� � CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST � CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES BY ARRESi OF BY ARRE57 OF 1 (PART I CLASSE$) TOTAL CLEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 TOTAL CIEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 i_. ____. .. � THIS LAST THIS LAST TMIS U5T THIS LAST ' ' "" ' YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR � 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE _. ... _ __ .._ . _ j a. MURDER AND NONNEGIIGENT MANSLAUGHTER � i ' � ' _. � b. MANSLAUGNTER BY NEGLIGENCE : { # 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL � 4 � 2 �q o. RAPE BY FORCE � k. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS ' � 3. ROBBERY TOTAL a. ARMED • ANY WEAPON . b. STRQNG-ARM • NO WEAPON � •; 4. ASSAULT TOTAL o. GUN b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT ' c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON d FIANDS FISTS, FEET, ETC. • AGGRAVATED i �. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED ' '� 5. BURGLARY TOTAL � a. FORCIBLE ENTRY ! b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY • NO fORCE .'� a. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY i I . •1 ' . ' 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFTI a. �50 AND OVER IN VALUE b. UNDER S501N VALUE 2�j� 2�j 7. AUTO THEFT � Z 4 � 3 GRAND TOTAL . 319 33J. 146 1 _ . ,� ,. _ _ _ _ _ ..._ . . .. _ . . . __--____. ___ _ _ . r _- _..� _ __ _.__ __ .' �' j .. . � ; , ; . . , '� -- E NS ARRESTED CHARGED AND � . . TABLE 7 P RSO , '� ______. __ . _` ___ _ ._ . _ _ DISPOSED OF . DURING MONTH __ _ _ . ---- ______ _ ._ ._ 1 � , - . _ . . ..___ __ _ �., _ _ _ COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH , � ARRESTS PERSONS FORMALLY j INCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMAL CHARGE) ADULTS GUILTY i UNIFORM CIASSIFICATION OF OFFENSE$ CHARGED ACQUITTED REFERRED TO > TMIS OR JUVENILE � __ _... . MONTFI OF OF OTHERWISE COURT ,` TOTAL OFFENSE LESSER DISMISSED JURISDICTION �i JWENILES ADULTS TOTAL �HARGED OFFENSE � 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE: — _ - _ !' o. MUROER AND NONNEGIIGENT MANSUUGHTER �_ � b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE _ ___ _ __ - _. i 2 FORCIBLE RAPE ' 3. ROBBERY ' 4, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY - BREAKING OR ENTERING •� 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) � 7. AUTO THEFT 8. OTHER ASSAULTS (RETURN A• 4e) TOTAL - PART I CLASSES � TFIIS YEAR TO DATE ,� LAST YEAR TO DATE � PERCENT CNANGE ; 9. ARSON �� 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING �I, 11. FRAUD 12. EMBE2ZLEMENT �� 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, j POSSESSING � 14. VANDALISM 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. �16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE � 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) i 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS 19. GAMBLING � 20. OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY AND GHILDREN 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INPLUENCE 22. LIQUOR LAWS ' 23. DRUNKENNESS 24. Di50RDERLY CONDUCT Y5. VAGRANCY ' 46. ALL OTHER OFFENSES(EXCEPT TRAFFIC) TOTAL - PART II CLASSES � �� �V �� � 7 � � TNIS YEAR TO DATE . �LAST YEAR TO DATE � PERCENT CHANGE � � �` _.. °'" '`M'j � TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH ' j �,� PHYSICAL CUSTODY ARRESTS ��A WARRANTSSERVED CITATIONS ISSUED 'I TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CITATIONS Z � � 4 I' , I � • ' _ ` _ . _ _ . �__.. __ _ . _ ___ .. _. _ ' _ _ 7 _ ;. _ - (�'� _ ...., - ' t ��..___. _.... _ ___ __ ___. _ _. . �_..._.•. . ._ _ _. . __ _ I � - ' : 8-79a Rev. 10-21-65) r ( . . �- �-� CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT � " � �-"' � -_ �.. _� .. - : �. ' � a�. ,. . . .. :. `1 h ' . a . . . TRAFFIC SUMMARY - - - -- - ��� - -' �.... ._ ... .. �� ... .. .� ..-j .. ..... . � . ...._ . .. . .. ... � .. . . . ., .� � t ' J �. + �•j ' . : , : . . , v.��• _ , �.. . < .. . � _ � . . � . . . _ _ -�_ ._ _ _.. .. . _ . .. ...._..,.. . ... . .. ___ .-._.. ....__,..___. . . a,. , Police Department , . � City oP F1"1 d� ejL � � Month of JU�y• , 19 7� � . TABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY ; ; is Month Year to Date '; Thia Year Last Yeaz o�o ('4ange This Year Last Year c.'o Change ' " e�cciaent Tota� - - - 36 46 —22 3b$ '� - . .. 409 —11 ' 1 _ _ �; F8c8� _ _ . _ _ 4 _ , ', PereonalInjury — � ' " , Property Damage ZZ 26 —16 204 233 —13 ; Pedeatrian ' � , . • , _ _ �� �'' TABLE 2. ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY � This Mont6 Year to Date This Year Last Year o10 Change This Year Last Year % Chenge : Traffic Total � $6 — . � � j � � . • . .. � . . . . . . :I� . .. . _ _ _. . . ._� ._ .. .._ _. xaZ�aoug v�otac�on9 55 131 —59 348 620 —44 , __ Other Violations ` � Pazking _ _ . . _ ,% DWI ♦ f' I Accident Arrests and Citations ' . � TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS This Month Year to Date This Yeaz Last Year o/o Change Thia Year Last Year % Change Total Accidents 36 — — _ __. Fatal Accidents Persons Killed _ _ _ __ . _ _ . _ _ . Injury Accidents - Peraons Injured 25 31 -20 288 291 —2 Pedeatriana Killed ° Pedeatrians Injured _ ° --- { Hit and Run Accidenta �� j �1 Cleared by Arreat -�- � .F 2 — �. Cleared - No Arrest 3 1 + 31 34 -9 � 1� Total Cleared . 4 � � + 33 7 -� �__ ` _ . _. _ . _._ _____ _ _ - ------_ _ _ _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ ___ ....___ ., . .__ _ _ --_. _ . .. . . , ' ► ; �`f �a ,,� � ' �i i _ _ _ __. . � TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AND ENFORCEMENT (By Hour of Day and Day of Weak) Monday � Tuesday Wednesday Thu�sday Friday Saturday Sunday Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citatio Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci and Acci- and Time. dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arreat dent Arrest 12 M _: 1:00 - . _ _ 2:00 3:00 4:00 . 5:00 6:00 ._ '1:00 - - 5:00 9:00 � 10:00 �. 1 _ 1 _ 11:00 � 2 ._ 12 N 1:00 2:00 . 3:00 1 a:oo 4 5:00 1 2 . . s:oo 1 _ 7:00 � 1 s:oo ° s:oo 10:00 11:00 - Note: 'Citation and Arrest" column ahould include all traffic citations and arresta made during each hour pe;iod except perking citations. _ _ _ _ _ _ __.. . _ � , _ ___ _. _ _ _. ___ _ _ _ _ _ ,. _ _ � _ _ _____ _ _ _ __ _. ... �t . . _ ... . . ' ► � � � ' TABLE S. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT (By Violution) =��:' This Montl� Year to Date _ __- --- - -_____ _ _.__ _ This Yeaz Last Year This Yeaz Laet Yeaz o o Change _ ,_ .. _ __ . _ _ _..,, _ . .__ .,___ _. Hazardous Viotations Total 55 1�5 3��: E)4O '-42 - _ ___. _ _ . �. ____ - _ _ _ _ . _ . _. nwt _ 6 _ . ' speeding __ __._ __ _. 26 _.. _. _ 94'� _ _ 177 425 -59 Eteckiess Driving __ _ --- 2 L�, _.. 3_ t33 Careless Driving. -- - - — --- _,: 6 _ : 10 �49 . 39 . _ +25 Tcaffic Signal Stop Sign . _ . _ Other Regulatory Sign Z � O �� —� Q Improper Passing 2 . _ _. __ __._ _ . _ __. __. _ Improper Turning , . _ _ -- Right of Way - Vehicle Right of Wqy - Pedestrian _ . ' . , . ' Following Too Closely � � . No or Improper Signal Improper Stact from Parked Position � Improper Backing ' Impmper Lane Usage � 2 - Failure to Drive - Right _ _ _ Defective Equipment 5 5 ' Other Hazardous Violation - - _. Other Violations Total � Z 2� 0 Pazking Violation Total 26 30 1 gp � 29 +47 __ _...__ . , _ . _— _ _ _ ., _ . ; � _. � w _ - , ' MOTOR VEHICLFS Mileags Gaa � . _�J.uly 19 7p � , MPG � E�cpsnas CPI�i '� i ' 35 323 46.9 6.8 24.06 .074 Unit�14E 39 1116 104.5 10.6 25.47 .023 ' IInit� 40 369 43.0 8.5 9.96 .026 Unit� 44 354 44.1 8.0 71.15 .201 : .. tinit� - . 45 -- - 5788 - - 748.4 - 7.7 228.56 .039 � Uait# 46 5502 776.3 7.0 183.39 .033 Unit# 47 5519 755.8 7.3 212.58 .038 ' ' . r- , Eq uipment & ' Warnit� Taga ' . , � 1 . ' ' ' ' , Thia Month 28 � � , = - . ,: Thia Year 294 , � , � , ,