09/21/1970 - 5809JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECY. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7;30 P•M• SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION• ROLL CALL: PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Certificate of Appreciation, Father Gerald Keefe APPROVAL OF kiINUTES: Regular Council Meeting, September 8, 1970 Public Hearing Meeting, September 14, 1970 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS• Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. O�ti Improvement - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Improvement Project SS&SW ��100 OLD BUSINESS: 2. Co�aideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Repealing Chapter 61 "Dog Control" of the City Code and Adopting an "Animal Control Ordinance" as. - Chapter 61 (Tabled 9-8-70) 0 Pages 1 - 2k Pages 2S - 3� Page 36 Pages 37 - 44 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 PAGE Z OLD BUSINESS (Continued) 3. Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 66 of the Fridley City Code Concerning Water and Sewer Administration, Said Amendment Eliminating the Requirement That Water and Sewer Minimum Charges be Paid in Advance and Adopting the Schedule of Charges that have be�n in Effect Since February 6, 1967, This Amendment ,AffeCting Section 66.08, Concerning Water and Sewer Charges 4. Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Change, Obstruction, Reconstruction or Alteration of Any Public Water or Waterway Within the City of Fridley Without a Wri.tten Permit From the City Engineer Comment: The corrected ordinance will be ready for the meeting) 5. Consideration of Second Re,ading of an Ordinance Adding to Section 81, Beer, Section 81.13 Which Section Shall Authorize the City Council to Issue Licenses to Non- Profic Qrganizations to Allow Them to Sell Beer on Public Property in Conjunction With Their Activities Comment: The corrected ordinance will be ready for the meeting) 6. Discussion Regarding Condemnation 31257 - Projects: Park and Recreation Purposes (Tabled 9-8-70) Pages 45 & 46 --- Pages 47 - SQ 7. CAnsideration of 1971 Budget (Tabled 9-8-70) ""- , I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � � R�GUI.AK CQUNCII, AGENDA - SEPT�MBER 21, 1970 P,AG� 3 NEW BUS�NESS: S. Coasideration of First Reading of an Ordinance to Amend Section 3.06 of the Fridley City Code to Classify and Restrict Certain City Employees from Wage Payment During Period of Injury 9� Con$ideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Providing for Li�enaing a� Taxi Cabs and Regulating Their Operation ia the City of Fric}ley and Amending Ordinance No. 25 Presently Coded as Chapter 73 of the Fridley City Code �p, piscussion Regarding Sewer Backup Claim by Steven Mast �1. Request �or Extension of Time for Meeting Requirements fo�' Rezon�ng (ZOA 4k69�08A) Westerlund on 69th Avenue Comment: There were certain stipulations that applicant had to meet before a second reading of the ordinance, were to be completed within 6 months) ].2. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of Se�tember 9, 1970 1�� Rece�.v�.ng the M�nutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 1S, 1970 Pagss 51 & 52 Pages 53 - 39 Pages 6Q - b4 Pages 45 • 6$ Pagea 69 - 73 Pages 74 � �5 REGUI�AR COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 PAGE 4 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 14. D�scussion Regarding Ordering Remaining Street Lights Budgetsd in 1970 Comment: We have about 10 street lights still to be ordered under our 1970 budget. We have some requests and recommendations. If any Councilman has any special ],ights they want installed, these could be brought up at this time) ]5, Consi,dexation of Authorization of Advertising for Bids - I.iquor Qn Sale Outlets 16, Consideration of Vacation Policy ' 17, pis�ussipn and Adopting Resolution Approving Frontage Road D�tachments at 57th Avenue and 61st Avenue on University Avenue (T.H.#47) �I � �J Comment: This is approval of the preliminary plans �or street detachments. If the Council approves this, we will work on acquisition of additional right-of-way needed and also final plans and specifications) , 1S. Resolution CertifyiAg Certain Delinquent Water and Sewer Chargea to the County Auditor for Collection with the 1971� Taxe$ , � _.,. �a�e 76 Page 77 Pages 78 - 83 Pages $l► � $$ , ' R�GUI.AR COKiNCTL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 pA� $ ' NEW BUSINES3 (Continued) ' ' ].9. Appointm6nts; Human Relations Committee PaB� 8Q City Employees Page 90 , 20. �l.ai.ms � ' ' 21, Li.censea ' 22. Eati�aat�s ', � 23. COMMtJN�C�ATIONS ; , A. Automobile C1ub of Mpls: Receiving Plaque aad Letter B. Von yakenburg, Moss�& ' Flahezty, Ltd; Brothen, Inc. C. Northern States Power: Repart pated Sept. 4, 1970 ' D, NorGh�rn States Power; Report Dat�d Sept. 11, 1970 ' I�J----- Pe$e 91 Pages 92 � 93 Pages 94 - 9b Page 97 Page �$ Pa�e 99 P�ge lOQ ' NOTE: Monda�y pctober 12th is Golumbus Day which is a legal Hplid�y. poes the Council wish to hold the meeting that evening or do you want to mest Tueaday, pctober 13thY ' , ' 0 1 ' ' ' ' THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF' SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Mayor Kirkham called the Regular Council Meeting of September 8, 1970 to oxder at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE : Mayar Kirkham lead the Counci.l and the audience in saying the Pledqe of A1legiance to the Flag. ' INVOCATION: t I� Reverend Bergren, Redeemer Lutheran Church offered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Breider, Sheridan, Kirkham MEMBERS ABSENT: Harris ' Mayo� Kirkhan �nformed the Council that Councilman Harris' absence i.s an exCUSed absence as he had to attend an important N.S.S.S.D. Meeting. i3� said tha�k the �mpact of the decisions made tonight at the N.S.S.S.D, meetil�q wi11 be important to the City of Fridley. � ' ' t ' , ' �RESENTATION OF AWARDS: �layox Kj.rkham read the Certificate of Achievement aloud and presented i� to Q�ficer Robert Rehard with the Council's congratulations, ' 1�aXor Kirkham then read the Certificate of Appreciation aloud and p�reS�nt�d it to Mr. Homer R. Ankrum, retiring City Manaqer with his, and the Council"� Tha�}c �au . ' �APPROVAI, Ok' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 1970: kIQTION b� Cpuncilman Liebl, seconded by Councilman Sheridan, to adopt the 1°i3.zau�e� o� tk�e Regulax Council Meeting of August 17, 1970 as �res���ed. [jppri a VQi�e vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caxX�ed. ADOPTIQN OF AGENDAs ��uan�i�nar� Sheridan said that at Councilman Harris' request, the Dog Gqnt,rol 4�'�ii�►a�Ge and the discussion regarding the park grant should be tabled� M�y��' �i�'kha,m agXeed and said that thexe were the following items �o add �o t�ae Agenda t ' ��P ��'c�n1 th� Gity Manager oa Cammnunity Preventive Security Serv�ces, Ae�,1��� �xo� �etx'opolitan Transit Gommission for the Use of the Counci�� �ham}�ers . ��s��1t�t�At1 Car�cerning Bondinc� Co�npany for Completion of Work on p�o��G� ���, ' ' MC�'i'�9N �� �ounaii�nan Sheridan to adopt the Aaenda as �►�naea. Secondec� �y CAU���.a.tt�ar� Li�b1. U,�o� a voice vote, all voting �ye, Mayor KirkY�am d�cl.'�x'9c� tk�� m��io�n caxried, � 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-3: PAGE 2 ' Mayor Kirkham read the public hearing notice. The Finance Director explained that the total cost of the project was $98,525.42, of this amount $68,339.45 is the amount that is covered in this assessment roll. The difference is made up by some Federal funds and in part fxom the City genexal fund. This $98 thousand does not include the work on the dike during the emergency. This assessment only concerns the improvement of the streets. The assessment rate is $8.70 per foot and $1.68 per foot for some side yards only. It is spread over 10 years at 7�$ interest. 79th Way: Riverview Terrace to Apex Lane Mr. Robert Kretlow, 7885 Broad Avenue N.E., said that the letter received said that on�.y benefitted property would be assessed. He said that he did 1�pt live on that street yet it seems that he is to be assessed. He $aid that he has Lots 25, 26, & 27, Block A. The Finance Director said that he was not included in the assessment roll. The notices were sent out to a greater numbex' of people than are actually covered in the assessment. Mr. Kretlow said that he had gotten figures from the City Hall offices. The Finance Directoz' said th�t the final rq11 had not been made up yet, and anyone �tt�at called was told the highest figure that could be assessed. Buf.falp Street: Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Cheryl Street: Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Dovez Street: Riverview Terrace to Broad Avenue Ely Street: Ri.verview Terrace to Broad Avenue Fairmont Street: Riverview Terrace to 290 Feet East A lady in the audience said that she has paid several years a quite sizeable amour�t ancl asked why she would have to pay again. She said that she had Lots 15 & 16. Tk�e Finance Director said that she would be charged for a side ��rd assessment. He explained that when Fairmont Street was done pefp�r�, she did not receive an assessment. Lots 1 through 14 had two assess- ments. Tl�e lady asked how much her assessment was and tha Finance Directoar said that it Wou�d be $42 for each 25 foot lot, or $84. Mayox Kirkhan then ex�la�nec� t2�,e side �ard assessment policy. The lady said that she had a� ineorreck d�'iYeway ppening and wondered if she wanted to build latex� on, if t�.�s could �e corrected and if she would be allowed to build on a 50' X 110 foot ic►t, since she would be paying assessments on it. The City Enginesr said that she could get an opening for the driveway just by asking for it, but the cost must be borne by the pXOperty owner. Mayor Kirkham said that as to whether she could build on her land or not, that would go to the Board Qf Appea�s a�d he was not in a position to state whether or not it could be built upo� at this time. The lady said that this additional assessment would make it k�ard for them. A ge�tleman in the audience said that he has Lot 33 - 36, Block J, and k�as been told that the assessment would be $2.04 for Broad, and he said that he could not See where he would be benefitting. The Finance Director sa�d �h�t tl�e same Wou�.d apply �� him as tp the lady previously. He has receivec� a���� � R�GULAR COLJNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 3 yaxd assessment. 2/3 of the cost is spread � way down the block. He added �ha� �h�: cox'xect assessment figure iS $1•68 per foot. Mayor Kirkham eac- p�ai�,ed �ha,t t,hroughout the City this is the policy applied, ancl that eventual�y everyone wi11 end up paying their fair share. The visito� saiS that the other half of the block would never get an assessment as the �next street is East River Road which is a county road. The Finance Director said that when East Rivex Road is improved with concrete curbs and guttexs, or sidewalks, it will be a City assessment and would be spread � way down the block from East River Road. The City Engineer added that it was just � mattex of �i.me. There are plans for the improvement of East Rivex Road scauth of R�cs Greek now. The visito� asked that if concrete curb and g�tters weXe t�� City standards, why were they not put in. Counailman Shexidan said ��.at th.� cost was such that it was felt that they could be left of�. The ��.tX Eng�nee� said that the reason was that this area is subject to ilocad�x��. '�he�s i� an i.mproYed dike, but it is still not a permanent dike, �ut an ��evated ,�oAC�Way. Th�ey did not feel that the people could bear the bux'd�A, �Q a resQ�u�ion was passed waiving the City standards in thi,s case. Coun���u►a�n I,ieb�, saic� tha� �.t was explained that the Council was fully aware of' �%i� p��b1e� Q� tk'�..e �loading and they felt that it would be a waste oP �tha peop�e& �q��y �.� p�,� �,� the �ermar�ent im�rovement with the curb and gutter . Th� ��oc�di��g wt2u.ld deteriorate the str�etS. The people felt that tY�ey we�� +��t�i��ed �Q � stx'eet �hey could use, so this was put in as a com��'an�.�e r bu� W,�tj� �ta,� u�derrtanding that the Council could not guarantee that �.f �t f��od� �g�a�r� ��lexe would be �no deterioration of the streets , Flood money was used �o u,�g�'ad� Riverview Terrace along the dike. The City.Engineer has �ointec� ou�, �o tkie �eop18 that this area could possibly flood again, but the Counci�. h�� �he �:�sponsibility o�' prov�.ding suitable access to the ho�nes. T1�8x tr�,ea �Q aQ the best they could and still keep the costs down. '�'�e v�.sito� to the .hieeting said that 79th Way and Fairmont are the two strQet� �hat are uSed to get out of the area by anyone south of F�irmon�. He adc�ed that kie d�d r�ot live in the flood area. Mayor Kirkham told him that eventu- €�,��y ev�rX�ne wil�. end up paying their fair share. The Finance Direatpx� ex�la�ned tY;e assessment palicy for the side yards again. The vis�tqr aSked x� t�h� Counqil had the power to change an assessment. Mayor Kirkham eat�^ �1.s�ined �at ta Change the policy would mean that every assessmen� fpx �eax� ���k t�voulc� �1ave to be �e-evaluated and reimbursed and would be an �n�ur- �t,�t,��,e �ask. He said that they do have the power, and occasionally �khe?t� are �,�d�vidu�� adjustments, but the overall policy remains unchanged, Th� ��,�y �t,to�Ci�eg sa}d that the Cit� could have .chosen to go the other. route �nd pay €p� a11 streets through general funds but this would �tttean that people o�, u��ltn�a�cved stxeets wou�d be paying for other peopl�'s improved stx����s. �� v��i�Qr asked �f �othing could be done, whg hold the hearing? Ma�o� lc3�l�am �a�d t�,at eVeryone had the right to appeal an assessment to the cau�tt. �S�utr►cil�an. �,ieb1 zdded that occasionally there is a clerical error ar�d a �a��Qr� wo��d be assessed more than he should be, or less, and this is �d�u��ec� t�-ti�'oug}� the assessment hearing. iie said that� the Council �nu�t Stic�t �� ���.� �o1�c�r, or they wpuld be open to law suits. The�e is a 1Q �ear ,�t�req� i,�roveme�t �roqram and it is hoped that at the enci pf �0 �ea�s ���l t�� �atr��ts �n the City would be i��xoved, The visitor said �hat #,�e Ata� ¢� ��1e ��xe�� w�s wrong as �.t s}►ows the str�ets south of Fairmont gQin� '�t3xQU�li �q ���� �iy�.r Road, ana tt�e� ao not. Mayor Rirkham said that there �s c�edi-� c���ed �ic�ht of way, The vi,sitor asked if it floods again and dix� i� �ut �,� ��,� ���p�t&, would �l�e� #� gxpe�tgd to pay? Mayor Kirkham sai� th�,�, ��y must k�� �charqed �or the improvemer�t they xeceived. REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 4 I Rivsrv�.ew Terrace: 79th Avenue to 120 Feet North of Kimball Street Mx'. R. Morin asked what his assessment would be and said that he had �,o�s �2, �3, & 14. The Finance Director said that all the property oz� Rivex�- vi�w T��race wouJ.d be assessed at $8.70 per foot. He added that if tha� �'k��et would h.ave been taken out and treated differently, they probably w4uld h�ve h�d a hic�hex assessment as there could be a� assessment on only one �id� o� the street. Mr. Morin said that the paving did not qo tp 1Z0 £eet north o� Kimball Street, but was about 10 feet short and asked if t�e contractqx c�ot paid for that. The City Engineer explained that th� cqn-� tractp� c�ets paid for exactly the amount of materials and work exper�ded on anx giver� parc�ject. Broad Avenue __ Buffalo Street to Fairmont Street MQTIQ�1 bX Councilman Liebl to close the public hearing on the assessment �'t�lJ. fox St�'set �mprovement Project St. 1969-3. Seconded by Couneilm�n She��,c�a�. i�pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declaxed the hearing alosed at 8:25 P.M. PUBLiC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-1, ADAENDUM #43 Th� ��.�y �rt�iz�esr ex��ained that this public hearing is for the sidew�lk �tnp�roveme�t or� Osborr�e Road from Sth Street to the west property �.in� �o� 'ki�,e kio€A�ts�l, Tt ortly involves two property owners, and sidewalk has alxe�dx �e�� �in�'��9.led in front of one home, with the owner's permission. The chu�ch �.e inSta].ling t�e ��dewalk themselves, so it is all taken care �a�` exce�� fo� �.�.� lega�. requirement of the public hearing . Cour���,l.►�na�► Breider said that the estimated assessment was $6.25 and �sked �ow �}�a� com�ared with the rest of the s�dewalk assessment. The City E�ginee� ;�a.�d that for the final figuring the assessment would all be �he s�tne anc� �pxead o�t evenly. '�he C�.t� F•ngineer said that the question was raised why not complete the s�.dew�l� 9n QVe� to the shopping center.near T.H. #65. It is less �han 2QQ' and h� 'hA� talked to the property owner, and although he is not in �avo� o� ��, h� wi��,r�ot object. This would be in front of the antique shop, I��YQ�' K�rkh,am said �bat it could be made part of the same project, Council-� nta� �r�9,d�x said that he would recoaimend that it be put in. There is the c�u�7� p�ob;�em qf the shopping center and the school. Councilman S�er�.dar� agieed �hat it would be rydiculous from a safety standpoint to put in ��.dew��l� 2Q0 �eet short of the shopping center. The City Engineer said tk�a� ti}e�� hrpuld have to be two resolutions passed to set up the requixeme�t� �o� t�� �ub].ic heax�.ng. It was agreed to take these up under New Business. CONSIAERATTON OF THE 1971 BUDGET: (Tabled August 17, 1970) MQ��Q� �y �ounci�.mar� Liebl tQ table consideration of the,1971 budget. Se�Q���c� by �ounc�.lman Breider. U�on a voice vote, all voting �Xe, M�yqr l���lc�am d�a�ared t,�e motion carried. IREGULAk2 CQUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 ' PAGE 5 CQNSIDERATION OF TAXI CAB LICENSES FOR HIGHLAND CAB COMPANY AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CAB COMPANY: (Tabled August 17, 1970) Mr. Go�'don J�r�sen was present representing Columbia Heights Cab Company. ��?ur�cilmai� Liebl said that the Council had asked �or a listing of the d�'ivers, wh�ch has been received. He said that the Council has also ���eived xecommendations from Medtronic, Inc., Onans and Burlington NQx'thern pn t�7,e Highland Cab Company and based on these reputable compan�,�s recommendations, he would be ready to act on the licenses. ��, Jensen Said that Columbia Heights Cab Company has put in an ap�licat�on �o� tWr� �iaenses and they would like to make application for 4 more in O�tqber wher� they get in,to their office headquarters. They would eventually lik.e to put 8 cabs in service in Fridley, but their present a���ica�ion is onlX for two cabs. He said that he understood that he wQUld have to re-submit �or the remaining four. Councilma� ��'eider asked what the Ordinance calls for, and if there is any ��qui�ement on �he inspection of the cabs. The City Attorney said nQ, it Qx�1y c4vQ�S i�su�'ance and the p�yment of the application fee. �he Ord�,r�anc� sY�ou�ci b� u�d�ted, M.x. Jensen said that the Columbia Heights Ordin�nce c��,�� fp� i.�S��ctipns, �1�d Mr. I�aMont of th� Columbia Heights Cab Co�n��ny s��,d tYi�� �he�r did bring in the cabs for inspection by the Fridley Poli�e De�axt.zt4er}#. �r��, a copy of the Ordinance from Columbia Heights was giVer� t4 tk�e Ppl�,�� �epa�'tanent, The City Attorney said that if they comply w�th �he O��inara,ce in �ol�nbia Heights, that should be a good recommendation. �ou�c�,�mat► �reider asl�ed when the cabs are inspection and Mr. LaMon� sai� �Very �k�re� mq�ths. Councilman Breider suggested if the licenses are approved, making tt�em subject to a stipulation for the inspection pf the c�bs, MGYT'IQN by Councilman Liebl to grant a cab license to Columbia Heights Cab ' Com�any wit� a copy of the inspection report to be torwarded from Columbia He�ghts to �'ridley every three months, and the Highland Cab Company with the ���.�ulat�or� t.hat they bring in their cabs every three months for an inspection� The li�ense Ear Highland is for 4 cabs and for Colubmia Heights is for two ' �i�s, Secqr3ded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�oz �Ci,zkham dec]�ared the motion carried. � �J I� lu V�SITOR, BAIT,EY TILLER: REGARDING REQUESTED MEETING WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT �614 t �--- r?.'�', �a�.l�y �il�er said in regard to the proposed meeting that the School �oa�d �zsu�4 p�,strict #14 wants to have With the Council, that he f�lt that t�e resident�_.should be allowed to attend the meeting. The meeting was �.n conaunct�on with the action the Council took in deleting the sidewalks frpm �ardena, Cc�uncilman Liebl said that the Council reads the newspapers and he was ' �i�tsconcerted at the reaction of t.he School District #14. He felt th�t the �ouncil has Yery cqnscientiously considered the views of the people. H� said tha� he lool�ed at Gardena Avenue and could not see how sidewalks could �e 1 �u� �:�• T�e School Board spends a high percentage of the tax dollar and t�� �4t�!?��� Qyer th� �.ast 4 years has tried to bring in industry into the ����r Qf Fridley to broaded the tax base. He said the �ceaction.of the 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 6 ' ��hQOI �oc�rd was a stab �n the back for this Cquncil. He said th�t he would ��k� t4 see �oW � sidewalk could be �ut in o� Gardena, and he wou�d �ay ��� ��� �� th� meeting with District #14. Mr. Tiller said that �� �q��� �hat W�e� G�rd��a Avenue went in, that it would be taken care of $� th�� �t wAUI� ��8t, Mayo� Kirkham said that this Council did not consider tt�e ��deW�lks foX Gard�na lightly, and that they were given thorough �q�s�dg����o�. Hs �aid t,ha� he would be willing to meet with the School �oard. �ouricl�n Li�bl said that it would be irresponsible to push the working man �o such tax�tlon limits. Aistrict #14 must realize how much the imprpve- m�nts east. r�c�ss • �a�o� KirkY�am ealled a recess from 8:50 to 9:04 P.M. READING OF AAi ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 66 OF THE CITY CODE 4t�NC:�R�TING WATER ,AND SEWER ADMINISTRATTON, SAID AMENDMENT ELIMINATING THE R�QU�REMENT TH�T WATER AND SEWER MII�IMUM CHARGES BE PAID IN ADVANC� ANp ADOP�IN� THE S�HEDULE OF CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN IN EFFEGT SINCE FEBRUARy 6, 196`7� THI� AMENDMENT AFFECTING SECTION 66.08, CONCERNING WATER 1�IJD �EWER CHARGES: ��unci�.zmar� Breider said that this Ordinance was originated because of a ��7..� h� x'e�e�ved Prom a new resident of tt�e City. There is a$40 meter Ch�]C'ge plu� �dvance water and sewer on the Pirst billing. Counc�.lman Liebl said that he had received a letter asking what the �ity dic� W1th the $40.meter cleppsit. People Were perturbed about this. Origi�a�.�,y t�e Orc�i�a,�ae was adopted to protect from overdue bills. He sai,d that he wou�d ha�ve no objectiori to abandoning the advance sewer and water chaxge�, if it would help public relations. k'19'I'IAIV by Cot�r�cilman Liebl to approve the Ordinance on first reading and wd�.ve �k►e reading. Seconded by Councilma.n Breider. Upon a roll call vate{ �reidexs Sh�rida�, Kirkham and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the m9tiQ}i CdxZled. A���X �x� the audience asked i£ the acivance billing would be returned. The Fii�ar�Ce� Aalr�ctor saic7 that a credit would be given toward the requlax� bill ch�q�d foz the next quarter. Everyone now has an advance charge. Mr. Mik� Q'��nnon asked �� the water m�ter belonged to the people. The Finance' i��.�'�ctqr said tt��t the �neter deposit is returned when the resident movqs Qut o� t��,e City, if the bill is paid. �'IRS'�' REi3AING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BX ADDI�G TO iT3 TITLE THE PHRASE "EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITTONS" SO THAT THE TITI,F fJF 6ECT�QN �6 SHALL BE FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITTONS AND ADDING TQ �'iiAT SE�"i'IpN PRQVI$IOIJS RELATIVE TO THE SALE, TRANSPORTATION AND L15� QF �XPTASIVLS AND ANIl�iUNITIONS s M��+Q�C �Ci�'l�ham sai� that he would like to have this Ordinanee reYi�w�d i�y t�� ���'���� �� Effectiv� Crime Cor�trol before passage. The City Att9�'n,e�r �c�j�� ���►� ,�� COI�V�rS�.r�� W�.th the Attorney General, he had swne suggestiQn� fp� �dd�.fi.�or�$ to �khe Qrdinance . , IREGiJLAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 7 MQ�Z(QN ki� Cc1uz�Cilinczn Liebl to table cpnsideration of this Ordinance ur���.�, . the Cc�mma.ttee on ����ctiv� Crime Control has had a chance to review �,t,. �ecor�ded by Cour��ilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kf.�kham dec�.ared �,e motiqn carried. FIRST READT�iG OF AN ORDINANGE H�OHIBITING THE CHANGE, OBSTRUCTION, RECONS= TRUGT�QN OR ALTERATION OF ANY PUBLIC WATER OR WATERWAY WITHIN THE CITX OF FRIAL�X WITHOUT A WRITTEN PERMIT FR(3i�I THE CITY ENGINEER: Tk1� ��1�� ���'i�i�er comzttented that this Ordinance would include all the Water� wayS wi�k�in the City of Fridley with the exception of the Mississipp� Ri.vex which i.� under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers. �1�'. Ri�hc�rd Harris asked if drainage ditches were considered as ,public wa,�e�wa�s. �e said that the Ordinance should include a listing of the wate�r� ways cpv�red, to specify them as separate from the private drainage ditches. The Ci�y �ngi�eer said that this would be no problem. This Ordinance wou],d ir�e�u�� ��1 waterways under the direction of the Conservation Department , �r�d dit�hss woui$ r�ot be listed. Maxor Kirkham agreed that there would b� rio �,ar�m, i.� �i�ting them in �he Ordinance. Mr. Harris said that he wauld ��'o�e�t the l�stin� of drainage ditches as a waterWay and felt that th�� 'W�ul� }�e �n���.�gir�q o�l his ganstitutional rights. The City Attqrr�ey exQ�ai��d �h�� �h.�� Q�d�nance was oxiginally dxafted because of a complaint that th�; cours� &�� Ftice Creek was diver'�ed by a resident. No one should be allowed tQ d�vezt a �ublic waterway. �. R,�.��arc� �i�rris said that in Onaway Addition there are drainage cu1v���s bei�� pu� ia with the improvement of the street. He said that ne�ct spri�c� tk�e ��pes would be full of sand again and would not work. He sa�.c� ti�t everything wauld be washed out again, and the City Engineer agrees to the pXC?b�.em. He said that he had brought this problem before the Council b��Qre, Ii they are going to have to live with this ditch, it &hpuld be t�.�ed, p�' something done to the ditch. This is the problem with the Sp�ing �ake �'ax'k drainage water and asked when that would be coming into cqurt. ��e Ci,�y A�tQrney said that they recommended, that since nothing can b� dQ�e th�ougl� negot�ations with Spring Lake Park, that it would have �tp b� b�qu�h'� into court. �'I�e law suit has been started, and there wil� be a �neeting �.n O�tober �n preparatian for the trial. This would be tried r�ext s�r�ng �n$ i� wil], not be ar� easy case. Mayor Kirkham commented tha� th� �s�uncil � s �o�itior� has not changed. riOT�piV by Counc�l.man Sheridan to ap�rove �t}ie Ordinance on first �eadi.r�� a��s� W�i�e the �'eadir�g. Al�o, that an amendment be prepared listing th� wat�x'wa�g in �.he Gity c�f Fridley covered by this Ordinance. Seconded by Counci�mar� �.iebJ., tJp�x� ��oll cal], vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Breider and Sheridan va�ing �ye, �ta�or K�-rkham deelared the motion carried. �ING OF AN : i.ICENSE TO TO THE BEER ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PROFIT OR(iANIZATIONSt �'�� ��,�� �Attp�'neX s�id th�t �t Would bs possible to iind the City l�abie y����Q�� �e prptection qf this Ordin�nce. The Cit� does have pub�.�� �,�,�b�.�.3.�y �i��urance for cases such as thi� . Councilman Sherid�n �sk�d �� �� p�c�ar�,�.���ions hav� to Y�ave liab�lity insurance. The City Attorr�ex sa�.d t.��� �h�y s�ou],d be cc�vered, but he did not know �f a�on-�rofit o�c�a�l.� ��t,i4�� �oul� q��k liability insurance� for"�Short peripds. This wquld b�+ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 p�oteGtian in case they sold l�er to a minor or Gitx"s paxks. �he City Manager suggested that �irerid�d �p inc�ude the filin� of a certificate avai7.�ble, PAGE 8 an intoxicated person �n the the Ordinance could be of insurance if it is MOTION by Councilman Liebl to approve the Ordinance on Pirst reading and w�.ive ti�e reading, and instruct the Administration to check to see if li�b�la.�.y insurance is available for short periods of time for non-profi� o�'ganizations. Seconded by Councilman 5heridan. Upon a roll ca�l vote, Sheridan, Kirkham, Liebl and Breider voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. I?ISCUSSION REGARDING PETITION #12-1970 - OPPOSED TO IMPROVEMENTS ON 4TH STRE�T k"ROM �HE OU�ER DRTVE I. 694 TO 53RD AVENUE: (ST. 1971-1): '�k�e ���y �nqineeX said that 4th Street from the Outer Drive ot I. 694 �o �3xc1 AvQr�ue is �art of next year's program, and the public hearinq l�,as s�1�'eady b�e� �eld, The goal is to try to keep construction in the same 4Qi�ex�,7. dX'e�s as this keeps the cost to the contraetor down and this savinc�� c�.r� be �assed on to the residents. The cost of constructiqn is '��sing mu�h faster than the cost of living. Under the 10 year stree� im��ov�:mer�t ��o�xam everyone would be paying their fair share. People who have p���, th�ir �ssessments for their street should not be taxed ta �ay �p� t�e m�i�tgn�nce o� those streets that are not improved. He said that hE �k�ought tl�at some o£ the base of the street could be sav� and built uppn. The petit�.on received ,is against the improvement of this street. A ladx #�n the au4iience said that they hnve lived there 15 years and have sewer ax�d water assessements even though they have deep wells and cess pools. She said that the improvement of the street would serve no purpose. She felt that they wexe already heavily assessed, and the street is not in that bad sh�pe compared to some of the other streets in the City. She asked that tl�ey be given time to get on their feet before another assessment is pla�ed on them, and �ut 4th Street in toward the end of the 10 year imprav�- ment ��ogram. � r�s.�dent of the area asked that the improvement be set back a�ew years to g�.ve the�n a chance to �ay off the sewer assessment. He asked why shouid ti�e ,���ey �� improved. The lady.said that there has been some talk abput z�r�ewir�q the plans for a cloverleaf by the Highway Department. In that ca�e i.t would be silly to put in 4th Street. The people qo right through th� �er��e c�t ti�s end of the turn-about. The gentleman in the audience aqreed �he �;��� �hC�u1d wai� to see what the Highway Department is going to do. Mr, Mike Q'�annon said that the i.mprovement of the alley would benefit s���.y s'�ac�u� c��e pe�'son. . The problem with the parking for the apartment k}�us�8 �th4u�.d be �olved to keep the cars off the street, and in their c�� �ax'king lots , 7� �'esis�eAt p� the area said that this street is used as a race t�ack anc� �h� Wou�d like so�ne signs put up. Another resident said that he agree$ ��� ��tl� SYe�pe �.S vez'y bad and should be }mproved. �Qt3�G3,�.�na� �,�eb1 went to the screen and explained the project again anGi ���n��s� tha� �e did not feel that the alleys would have to be pu� ��� � ����c�e�t said �hat there were only 3 or 4 that wanted the improvemer��! IREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 � ' ' �J PAGE 9 �c�u�cilman Liebl explained again that it was not fair for the peo�le paX�ng s�s�essmen�s �o also be taxed for the maintenance of the unimproved stree�9, �his mo�ey comes from the qenexal fund. T1�� C�ty �ngir�eear said that of course it is their money, but it would be �a$ �J.di'�ning to delate 4th Street. At this time maybe some of the bas� Gould '�Q s�v�$, but if delayed any further the whole street would have tp be tp�n up, �'he �sSessment for this street would not go on until 1972, and would be �g�ead over 10 years. He explained again tYiat by grouping the streets in the ��me ger�ez�al, area, it keeps the costs down. He agreed that maybe the ,��.leys Gould be deleted. The improvement was suggested to try to clean up the City. The lady said that they did not want 54th deleted as that s'k�'eet is very bad. Mr. O'Bannon said that .the alley between 4th and Stk�. woulci pnly s�rve the apartment house. , Ni0`��O�i }�y Counc�,lman T,iebl to delete from the 1971 construction pxojec� the ��avemen,t of tY�;e a�ley between �th Street and 5th Street from 54�h Avenue �p �. 694 Qu�er Drive and the alley between 4th Street and University Av�nue �rqm ��a�d Avenue to S4th Avenue and 4th Street from 53th Avenue to I. 694 Ou�er ' �z�ive. Tk�e �.mpXovement to be delayed until 1973 and be on the tax ro11s in 197�. ' � � ' , ' ' ' , 1 ' �QU�c��mar� Sheri.dan felt that if this street was taken out, the imp�ovement o� the �zea would not be feasible. Councilman Liebl said that they would still ��ve t4 4�0 54th AVenue, Councilman Sheridan said that he felt that eve�y- �hi�g �ho�tld be deleted from this quadrant, or else leave everythin� ��. H9 s�:ld tt��t he would agree with Councilman Liebl on the deletion of tt�e im�xove^ men� p� the two alleys, and would go along with Councilman Liebl, but only f4� a two year period. A membe� o� the audience said that 4th Street has just been patched and is - in quite good shape now. Councilman Sheridan asked how long the stree� ha� lasted. The Gity Engineer said that it was never a standard street, but w�s a PH m�x, then seal coated. '�HE MOT�ON SECONDED by Councilman Sheridan. �ounci�n, �xeidex� said that at the public hearing meeting there were com- �la�.�ts about the snow plow not plowing the alleys. He said that he wanted tca m�lc� c1�a� trhat if these alleys are deleted, they would not be plowed o� acnain�ained as the City does not maintain unimproved alleys. The com- �a�.air�t was that garbage was not being picked up. Mr. O'Bannon said th�� t#�gse a�artments are the poorest ke�t in the City of Fridley. Mayox Kir]cham ��kec� th�� wl�en he sees a condition existing, to please call it �n �o some��t�-�g cQUld b� done about it. Mr. O'Bannor� said that he would ��11 the �ui�d�ng:Inspection pe�artment t�ext time. A member of the audience said th�� she �,�� cal�ied on complaints on the garbage six times and she has S��n rats �'u�ii�n� f�'�t► th� �ans. Councilman Liebl said that when a complaint is �����,y��, ,�c��on is taken and these ap�rtments have been tagged. G4���c�,�,11t�;1 �heridan asked for a call for the question, with the comment t#�a� ����; c�����iqa�s Wouid hurt the improvement program. (�f�� p� �,Q�,�, �iI, vpTE , Kirkham � Liebl , Breider , and Sheridan votinc� aye � May4�' g�,i;�'k�#m dQel�'ed the mot�o� G�rrie�,. F2EGU7�AR CQUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMSER 8, 1970 PAGE 10 ' ' RECEIV�NG TH� MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1�70t �� PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, INNSBRUCK NORTH, P.S. #70-03, BY VTEWCON, INC. ' That portion of the E� of the S� of Section 24. 2. REZONING REgUEST: 20A #70-05, BY VIEWCON, INC.: For that po�t�p� p� the E� pf the SE� of Section 24 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (ge�e�al multi�le family dwellings) or R-3A (apartments only) �he City �ngineex said that the Planning Commission has discussed the requests bX VieW�Qn over tt�e last 2 or 3 meetings, but in this meeting they did �ot �al�e �qx'ma1 action and passed it on to the Council without a recammendatio�. Th� �ezqn��g is i� the area called Znnsbruck North and the total acreag� is abou� 132 �cres. The plat is divided up into residential lots along with so�e la�g� �utlot�, and he showed it on the screen. The public hearing has a1lCead� been set for September 14tt�. They plan to plat into 120 single �"at���g dwe�.],�nqs, mainly on the west side. On the north side there is sane �ark pxoperty. They also have some interest in the property to the east i� ���a Br�c�hton, The proposed road;as shown on the plat would connect to S�.lver T.ake Road . �c�un��,�.�an L�.ebl said, that he had heard comments from the people adjacen� �.o �k��$ ��Qje�t i,ndiaatinc� they axe in favor of it. He said that at thi� ��x�t �� woul� be �r� iavor oi the project, as it takes into consideration tY�e ��9�e�'t� owners ir� the area. They have indicated that they wanted a su�tab�e %�ffea� and this has �een provided. He said homes were needed in th�,s area, Mayo� K�.�rkham said that he was agreeable to holding the public hearing. Tt�e �ity Engineer said that there was no formal action necessary as the publa.c �ear�.r�c� has already been set. �QUneil,ma� Breidex asked about the question raised by the Planning �ommis�.�q� r��c��ng the assessments. The City Engineer explained that the develope�'s wQ�de�ed W�ether it would be possible to have so�ne of the unbuildable lots r�o� ��seSSed and the remaining lots would then carry the assessment, The �'i.r�an�e Directpx said that if this is to be considered, there should be �c�� }�i.�d o� an agreement on paper. Councilman Breider asked whether there we�e any sidewall�s proposed. The City Engineer said that there �►ere no ��an;s ��� �� s�dewalks now. Councilman Breider suggested working sanethi�g out sp t}�a� i�n �0 years or so if they are needed, they could be put in. 1�4�ID�I by Councilipan Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Planning Coc�¢ni�s�.or} i�eeti�g qf 2�uc�ust 19, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upor� � vo�ee vs�te� a�.l votin� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, �tECEIVING THE M,INt7TES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1970; �.. A RE�UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.073, 1B, SUBPARAGRAPH 2, TQ REpUCE THE ZC)T AREA REQUZREMENT FOR A FOUR FAMILY DWELLING FROM�T �,��OQO SQU�RE FEET TO 13,287 SQUARE FEET TO PERMiT THE PRbPERTY OWJ TO SELT, THIS LAND WITH THE UNDERSTANDZNG THAT A FOUR FAMTLY DWELi,Zi GAI�T SE BUILT ON IT. THE PROPERTY BEING LOT 4, BLOCK 1, JBFIIdSON ��] Li�lNE ADDITTON, THE SAME BEING 167 MISSISSIPPI PI.ACE N.E., FRID�+EX� MiNNESOTA. _(R�UEST HX MR. ELMER JOHNSON, 64�0 RIVERVIEW TERIiAC� l �'AIAI,EY, i`�IN1�jESOTA) : � ' � IREGULAR �OUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 ' ' ' PAGE 11 ��� ��ty �:i3g��eex said that this is �or a four plex on Mississi�p� ���c�, �� �������� �S awned b� Elmex Johnson, The recommendation of the �oa�d q� �P����� �� �a ap�rove the request. The p'rope�ty is surrounde� by ��he� �������� �d���� dw�l��ngs. He said th�t when the streets were ded�cate�, t}��� ��� �Q� �����Ye �e xadii they needed for the turns and sugqested th�� ��y �9ult� s��� th�,� �� �his time . _ MQ'��S�N b� CounG�.lman Liebl to concu�r With the Board of Appeals and gran� the reque�t �or the variance, subject �o the property owner dedicating the ' necessaxy x'adi� easements. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a yo�.ce vq�Q� �,1� voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. ' Cour��i�,�taun Breidex� asked how much lanci he was talking of . The �ity Engin�ez ���� �h�.� it �vould only be another 300 square feet. �, A REQUEST FOR A VPkRIANCE OF SECTION 45 154, 3, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO �1�1CREAS$ THE HEIGHT' OF A FRANT YARD FENCE FROM 4 FEET TO 6.5 F$ET Tf? pE�1IT THE ERECTION OF A FENCE, TO BE PLACED ON TOP OF l� RETAiNING WAI,T,, ON PART OF T,OT 4H AND PART OF LOT 4I, SECOND REVISED AUDITOR�S� �UBDIVISION N�. 21, THE SAME BEING 656$ CENTRAL AVENUE N.E, FRID� �M�NNE50TA. (REQUEST BY MR. RICHARD FIILSON, 6568 CENTRAI, AVEN[J� 1V�E., 1''#�fiA�Y, MINNESOTA) : � ., ��'���I �a� �s�u�ci;lman S}�eridan tQ grant the request for �a variance to M;r, �G��'� �^1,il�o�. �econd�:d by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice Vote, al� v4x��g �y�, Ma�Qx Kirkham declared the motion carried. 3* � REQUEST FOR VARIANCES OF SECTION 45 053, 4B, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD �EQU�REMENT k'ROM 10 FEET TO 7.1 FEET AND SECTION 45 153, 2, TO DECREAS� ��IE AVERAGE �'RONT YARD S�TBACK FROM 47.21 FEET TO 43.24 FEET^TQ p�� �s THE Cf�DTSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED TWO CAR GAgAGE AND FAMILY ROOM ONTO AN �XISTiN�, DWELLING LOCATED ON THE EAST 83 FEET,FRONT AND REAR, OF IAT$ , f A�TD '14, REVISED AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION NO. 10, THE SAME BEING 1400 66TIi AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY MR MYRON OSTLUND, �.4Q0 66TH A`7ENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The CI�y Engineez said that this property is adjacent to the school p�opert�. H� asked if t,k�e driveway would be paved. Mr. Ostlund said not as yet, but i� wo�ld be when the work is done. 1�Q�'�QH b� Councilman Sheridan tp grant the request for variances fox Mr, Myro� Qst,�und. Seconded by Councilman L3ebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting zye� Ma�or Ki�ic�am deciared the motion carried. 4, A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 053, 4B, SUBPARAGRAPH 3, FRIDLEy CITii CODE, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK RE UIREMENT FOR AN ATTACHED � GARAGE FROM 5 FEET TO 4.2 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GAR,AGE OPJSPO AN EXI$TING DWELLING .IAC.ATED ON IAT 11 BIACK 2 MELODY MANOR �RD ADDITTON, THE SAME BEiNG 74Z4 CONCERTO CURVE, N E, FRIDLEY, Al�NNESQTA. (REQUEST $Y THE SUSSEL COMPANY, 1850 COMO AVENUB,ST. PAUL. ' �'h� f:�.�� �ngineer $aid that the Board, of Ap�eals has approved of this request, �ayQr �C�r}c�am asked how far it was to the neighboring dwelling. A repre- �e����v� �rs�ni Suasel Company said abqu� 15' . ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE.12 �I�TON b� CounC�7.man �reidez ta grant the request for a vaxiance to th� Su�s��, ��i1��� �Q� 7424 Concerto Gurve N.E. Seconded by Councilman Lieb�. [T�q� � Y9#��� vR��, ��,� voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motipn cax'�1�4i. �. A RE(�1�7ES�:` FOR A VARIAIQCE OF SECTION 45 . 074 , 1, FRIDLEY CITY CODE � 7�'O � rNCREASE `.�'HE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENT FOR A"HIGH RISE" APARTI�EIJ�' ..,a-.--�..� �''�tQN'1 6 STORTES TO 15 STORIES TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION pF A 1Q4 [TAT��` "HIGH RISE" APARTMENT TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS 3 AND 4� BLOCIC 2 r F�,AYES RIVER LOT9 ADDITION, THE SAME BEZNG 5950 ANNA STREET �1.E „ ,FRTAI,EY, MINNESOTA. (REQLTEST BY N.C.R. CORP., 1811 UNIVERSITX AVENiJE N.� „ MINNFAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418): �h� ��.ty'En�ineer said that the Board of Appeals has recommended ap��roval. ThA ��l���e s�E t'he area i� apartment houses. The variance is to go froan ��tpx�i�s to 15 stories, and they will have bettex quality GonSt�'uct�on and �u11 £�.�� �rAO�ing. ' M0�'IQN �� �ot�zlcilman Liebl to concur with the Board of Appeals and g�a�t th� Y,�'�.�c� �9 �T.C.R, Cor�►. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon � vOi�e YAt�l� �l� v�'k�,�g a�s, 1�yar Kirkham declared the motion carried. M4,1�IA�1 ��ot1a'�cilman Sheridan to xeceive the Minutes of the Boaxd o� �A��e�.1.� ���tin� C►�'At�gu�� 2S� �.970. Seconded by Councilman Breidex. Upo� ,� �pi�e yp��� A�.l yo��.�g aye, Maxor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RF:CEIY�I�TG TH� MII3UTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION CONII�IISSION MEETING OF �►UGUS�' 24 � 1970 s . , �. �-- - �gu�i�l�.� �+ieb1 pointed out that the Comma.ssion had requested a meptinc� w�,tkl t�39 �Aunci.�. �'ec�a�ding the budget. The City Manager indicated tha� the buSig�� �� �nQ� xe�d� for presentation as yet. �IpN by Councilmar� �,iebl to receive the Minutes of the Parks and R�cr�at�an ���.�sion Meetinc� of'August 24, 1970. �G►�n�ilmar� Bzeider asked what was t�e meaning of the motion by the CommissiQ� ���a�'���g 'khe pr�orities in the budget. The Finance Directar we�t and gpt ��s���► o€ their budget and there followed a short discussion at the Cownc3,7. ��2�.e, �ouiiciiman Breider said that he would object to the lis�ing A� �x'�4����.�9 as �tuth Circle is in desperate need of a park and that has bee� �L�'LiC}� , � MQ�'�(�N w�s seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aya, Mayor xCi�}cYka�t�4 ��ssia�r�d �kk�e mot�on carried. . � ' T r ' , . _ ; + k�G�1�,,A,A GQUNCI� M�ETING OF S�PTEMBER S, 197,0 � PAG� 1� : • � , ' � i ; � .. � 1- i-� ' � i �E�IVI�7G SIDS AND AWARDING GONTRACT FOR ONE NEW FRONT END LOADER: ($1S�s �a��1��c� #�u�t �4, 1970 at 11:00 A.M, ) , 5Ff Ie`? .�' ..� �'.b tn `,� N.�. �', �►�1 C/) CTj �O C7 i!� V� N',n W fT N�'� w+�G o G� r• Ua w r• O n r ui m p� rr � �I : p� � Q A� � � �D'� t-� ��o cD � O O m 8 • Oo � C7 �! «"� p�p h-� n. (D "� O r� � N cD (D f9 �D �1 � 4n y N ,� � G � � � � � R7 H �a � x r� � m w w w c� ro m a� ►� � aa ' � r• c> 'r� t4 w m b r• rn �s m�C m � �n o m C n n. r.-H �r rt o� � o 00 � o ff �v �r E r w� � r W �--� rr � fu r�' r� � C�J S� rr tD W � p w t� w r• o' r• E v r• �,r.a a' o.a n a' �" rr � �'�< � in v� O �n A� � v� oo � C2 �� o � r H F++ W � oo m C .`C cn � rr w C » rt!7� < r• r� r+• , �� � �* K e� � a' �v m �' co � w r� � r'� � �' `C � r� rt � � � C�7 � r� r� r• r� r- .o w cn ru r• v� .c� m Y 40 � � Cs cn S?+ � Q H � n� rr � m C H 9 to � rt p ',� p � rr �• r• O�D K rt 7C �t �o H cn rD cn � �D cD 'd rr � W R� _ f, �C m �D G tn O• m C) m � P� C[� , � � O cD 'd O• O O O cD N rt � w�^d w� w w n K n r, • • � z�a wz� :�oo�cµ o°o £n �r��+� �n��w r � e�r � � o r-� 4 �� � o � � � i rn � � �" � �' � tJ1 QD � W O O w O h-� t � � � �iD V W !� V � .Q? OD � � � � N 9� �� � �� r � v�H,� fD o ° 7.. 6' a� o E °w � n, �C n. w o o x � C M fD � fD � � w w V � 0 w r� lJ'i 00 O O O O °o °o � � � � W W Q N O � O O W C7 '.c'r ti v+ r�- O r• a tfl G �D E m po N cn m �- m �± r � �� Cs' ,� H t,n � O N O O � � O O 0 Q r-� w :I.1 O N O O ]G � G� OQ O �' ►-, x� , �o w O � od z O bd H C . m o cn � �zcnc� � �7: � re u � o a � � twa O� r�'t twn � Gd ��'�i Ar�-� � a� n.o � a� �� zc� HH�rJ "� ts' rt tn cr' • 7�' £�' rC � C � n C p o n ce �� t� M 7C p�9 �. . � � r r �V1 V � � � �Q � � O O� H Hy � O O t'�+] H � � O O � • � � � � G in - � W 7d C=! M � r H 1-� o �H 'R$ ° e� � � �. � � w � � t-� y � � �� � ln o� o+ O rn �n �n � C�# O � OD � � ^ O O O �'7 � �(} :+ � r r r- r w N ►q rn o� o• 7� OD Q� F-� H � O O Q � O O O O O O � �, � d � � � v m rt �D rr tn G� 1 o tD m fD O �i � � w `� w � o �o K � n m � r, �,a �� � � � t�n p W v� wo waQ � � �� 0 r o� � N N O 0 W l!1 O� O 0 O � N � � N O O � tj + r• v �p � � C� tD � w tn fD REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 14 , M�'�4�I �y CQ�cil�nan Liebl to award the bid for a front �nd �.oadex' to ��,ge P9W�� aulc� �qu�.pment Canpany, for Mode� #W-7--� Gasoline Motpr for $.��,6$Q,qp, ���c��?ded by Gouncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MaXQ� Ki�'�h�! d�cla�ed the motion carried. CQN�uI�ERA,TIQN OF CITY MANAGER MEMO 12EGARDING POLICE SCHEDULING: �he �ity �'lanage�r said that for the last three moaiths of the year the ex��a fundS �Q� t;he difference in the sergeant's pay would have to be furided out of �Q ��xq�ncy fund. He said that he has always felt that there should be s� se�qes�t on duty at all times. This would be adding an additional �nar� to �1'l� fpz'Ce. Mayor Kirkham said that he would concur with the Ci�y Man�c���. GQUnci].mo'►x� �iebl said that according to the Police Manual every man would k�� e�.�c�ib�.� �4 test for the job providing he had had in the specified �uc4tbe� �� �onths in service. The City Manager said that then thexe would b� a� vac��cy when the man moves up, �"�QT�9N k�jt Coul�ci�man Liebl to concur with the recommendations o� tt�� �i.�y �'��c�ger �s ou�lined in his memorandun► dated August 25, 1970 and put �r�tA ����c� �;�o�ity number two. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan, U�or� a vo�cg YAte, a�� v4t�ng aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion:carried. S�T'TING 1�ATE TO MEET WITH SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT #14: ��1� ���� i�ia���e�' indicated that the School Board wanted to have the m�etir�g px'�Q�' 1;A t#�e �3rd of September. i�r, R�,ch��'c� I�arris said that he would speak in opposition to a meeting wi.tl� the ScY�opl �oa�d. The School Board could read the paper and be appr�.sec� Q� w}�+�� Wa� gq��ig on just like the citizens. All the public hearing nqt�ces were ��tb.�ishe�l. TheX should have appeared before the Council at the publi� hea�ir�g ni�c�ht, Mayor Kirkham said that he would not deny thezn a meeting, b�t he wqulci not change his opinion. Mr. Harris asked if this would be an �pe� �►e�;ting and the Mayor replied that as far as he was concerned, this wou�C� be an open meeting. Mr. Harris said that in his opinion the School $d�rd was �sking for Special pXiorities. �ou�ei�mar� Areider suggested asking them tq-the next meeting. This would � tk�e ,�ub.��c h�aring meeting September 14th. It was agreed to ask theat ta be ����$nt at 9c00 P.M. �' COUNTY �UBLIC HEARING DATE AND RESOLUTION #173-1970 APPROVING TiiE � BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND ANOKA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ;a THE DESIGN OF AN ADVANCED TOPICS PROJECT BETWEEIV NORTH CONNECTipN , 694 AND RICE CREEK IN FRIDLEY ON COUNTY STATE AID HIGiIWAX �IO, ]. JER ROAD): ��}� �i�y E�nc��.nee� said that the ,ounty has changed their public heax�ing ��gY�� ��q� ���teuib�r �, �97Q to Se�tembez 23, 1970. He proposed that the h�ari�q ��� #_.i�� ���y b� held October 12, 1970. He said that he had talked to �e �ptar���► ��g��eer and advised him that the service roads should be ��r� of, �.lze �Q�ty ����ta�sibi2it�, When the request is made for the TOPICS mo�ey� th� ���ye�� s�ouid inciude the total cost of the project so that 5Q$ a� the �q�a7, �5��'� ��u�.� b� Abtair�ed� This has all been done verbally, but �his �c�so�utigr� tp�t}�c� �A�a►a�.i:ze the rec,�ues�. R�GU�A,R CQUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 M���9N �y �ouncilman I.iebl to adopt Resolution #173-1970. Seconded by �������l� Sher�dan. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor xirlci�am ���i��e� �h� mOt�o� ���ri�d� �C��y:��TC �a'�'d�''�US REP��tT REGARDING RIEDEL PRQpERTY LAW SUIT; PAGE IS �qT��� �� Cpt�nc�il�man Lieb1 to receive the communication from the City Attor�ey ��t�d ������ 24r 1970� t�,e copy of the letter from Carroll, Cronan, �pt� arld Au�t�n c�c�ted August 18, 1970; the communication from the City A�tp��ey ����c� �ugu�t 31, 1970 and the copy of the court findings. Seconded �y Counc�l^- �� $���ae�', U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared th� �na�ic� carr��d. ' RES(JT,UT'ION #17�-1970 - APpOINTING, REAPPOINTING AND CONFIRMING EXISTING «��AIN'TMENTS TO COMNIISSION$ r BOAR1)S, COA4SITTEES AND SU$COMMITTEE$ FOR THE _ YEAR 197Qs ��T�O�V }ay �ouncil�man i,iebl to adopt Resolution #174-1970. Seconded b� G����l,�.u►,a� 8reider. ppon a voiCe vpte, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham �����e$ �he mOt�on c�rried. �SQLU'T'�TON #175^1970 - A RESOLUTION RE UESTING THE VILLAGE OF NEW BRIG , ��� �MPROVEMENT DF STINSON BOULEVARD FROM GARDENA 1��7ENUE �O RICE CREEIt UNDER 3[�7NT PnGiFVC nr±oti+c�uc+,,.m _ ' �"�QTIoN k�Y �oun�ilman Lieb1 to adopt Resolution #175-1970. Seconded b� ���?��?-l��n Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham ��cia�ed the anotion carri�d, FLESOLUTTON #176-1970 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS 5PECI- �'ICATIONS i�ND ESTZMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: WATER, Sl�1NITARY SEWER AND STQ�iM SEWER �RA7EC� NQ, 100: �"�Q'��pN by Councilman �.iebl to adopt Resolution #176-1970. The motion was se�onded anc� upor� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham deciared the mq��or� c�'�ied, RESO�U�'ION #1.77^1970 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PAELI2�3INl1RY REppRT �ND CAi�i,ING .F� PUBLIC FiF.ARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPRpVEMENTS� WA�'ER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT NO. 100: �lOTION �y �p��cilman Sj�eridan to adopt Resplution #177-1970. SecQr�ded by CounG�,lmc'�r� �reider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham �,e��aa�ec� �,he �notior� carried. i)IS�USST�N REGARDING ORDERING BIDS FOR MEADOWLAND pARK STpRM SEWER AND OTHER RE�1T�p WORK � �� �1�y ��gineer said �khat ori Pac�e 80 of the Council Aqenda tt�er� are five ��'���9 ��S��d th�t Aiu$t be considered when speaking of upgrading Meadpw]�ar�� �'��'?� • ��� ��.�e ar�d q��,c�ir�g wo�ld be only a temporary type solution . The ������� wAU�d �� to �ower the putl�t and pipe the whole area. He �hen ��de� Qu� e� �o�mmunicstio� from the Parks and Recreation pirecto� da�ed ������r �� 197A, iie said tha� th�re is some money budgetted �p� �h� ��n�or� �,m�x'oveme�,t. He said that he tried to get some interest by �he REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 16 , , re���e�ts �n �utting in the stox�m sewer, but was not successful. He sai� �hat h� v�Mt�d the Council to be Pully aware of the problems they would have with �he park. Councilman L�.ebl asked if he could �ive some assurance that the park could be uti�iz�+d fqr ball fields and a hockey rink. The City Engineer said �hat th� area k�as a very j�igk� water table and the ground would be spongy. Tl�is wquld mean during a wet season it could not be used. It would be all �ight for use during dry weather. The pipe would get clogged because of the 1ow veloqi�y o� the running water. Councilman Liebl felt that it would be money well spent if it would drain part of the area. He said that he would like to see this area used as a park. Gour�cilman Bxeider said that he would like to see a scale model of the parkc �o see how th� Xelationship of the water problem would affect the plans fox th� p�rk. The City Engineer explained by using the screen just where t�e back� sto�s would be and the diamonds etc. Councilman Breider said if it is u�i�it far ball p�aying, why spend the money? The City Engineer said that i�G wqt�l� bQ unfi� only part of th e time, and that he could not guarantee ar�ythinc�, I�OTION by Gouncilman Breider to table to the Meeting of September 14th, at W�}iGY} time he would like to see a scale model of the park, to see how the wate� p��ble�ns wo�ld affect it, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a�.l yoting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RESOLUT�ON #178-1970 - A RESOLUTION RECERTIFYING'SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON TAX FQR�'EIT PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE BEEN RECERTIFIED: MOTION by Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #178-1970. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mo�ion Garried. RESOLUTZON #179-1970 - A RESOLUTION CONFZRMING ASSESSMENT FUR STREET iMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1969-3i MOTION bg� Councilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #17Q--1970. Seconded by Counci�n:an Sheridan. iJpon a voice vQte, all voting aye, �IayAr Kirkham declared th� motion carrie�. ' RESOLUT�ON #18U-1970 - A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR AN ADDITIQNAI, �AX f�EYY IN ADDITION TO TFiE 30 MILL LIMITATION PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHAR�ER --- SPECIFYING THE PURPOSES AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING: �IOTION by �ouncilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #180-1970. The motion was �e�or�aea �a upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�ror Kirkham declared the �ni�tion �arried . �SOi,U�'TON #181-1970 - A RESOLUTION CORRECTING THE C:RTIFICATION OF AN A:SESSMENT FOR THE 5T. 1968-1B STREET IMPROVEM�NT PROJECT WHICH WAS PI,ACEI? ON THF WRQNG PARCEL TFiR(JUGH CLERICAL ERROR: �,QT�Q�1 �� eour�Gilman Sheridan to adopt Resolution #181-1970. The motion +y,►�� ��,��andec� ar�d upon � voice vote , all voting aye , Mayor Kirkham dec��res� �!4 �ns�'��64� ��'ried, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPT ENiBER 8, 1970 , � # PAGE 17 �LA�M�a; --T MQT�pN k�� �pur�cilmar� �reidex� tp apprqve payment of General Claims #�274� thrg�g� #2�913 anc� Liquor Claim� #4768 through #4814. The motion was s��onded �d upon a vq��e vote, all voting �ye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carrie�i. LICENSES: Blackto����� Approved By A�phait D�r�.v�way Company T �.195 East Hic�hway 36 St� Pau1, Minnesota By: Wilhort Schwarzbaner RECOMMEND DENT.AL General Contractor Jim W, Mil�er Construct�.on, Inc. �s�x 122$ St! ��oud, �li�nespta By: Edwin Sheldon Building I�sp�c�p� United Gonst�uction Com�any .4517 Mir�netonka Boulevard Mir�neapplis, Minnesota �y; Vincent Rockler Building Inspectg; Richter, I�co�porated 3339 Termi�aj. Drive St, Paul, Mir�nesota By: Inesis Orgins Building Ins�ectp� F��ating Bpma� �i�c�ric Company 7026 13th �yenue South Mi�nea�oli�, MinneSOta By: Robert Buescher Plumbing InspectAr Masonxy �in�'en Cor�s�ruction, Inc. 35'7Q Shad4 Qak Ftoad Hopk�ns, Minr�esota By: Luther A. Amren Building Insp�c�Q� Sign Er��tox � r-- �Ql�nm�ndex Board o� Minnesota, Inc. �6 �st Street S.E. . �1ew B�.�gh�tpn� �+�tinnesota By: �t.�t. Tucker Building Inspe�tA� Per B�tter Business Bureau there have been many complaints on this s�pm�a#�y for installing unsatisfactory driveways. There are cpcn- plain�s o� c�ack� ir� the driveways and on incorrect drainac�e. Most of tf�e complaints were correGted but not all of them. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 LI��NSE� CONTINUED. �iu�,�i��.� Awellings : Name �.ddx'es s Mo��i� Av�ck 54�.9 4th st. N.E. 'iQ�3 Hlckory Dr. �''�'�fii�4'Yr M�.Rn. Kennet� Franko 5612 7th St. N.E. 632�k ScQtt Ave. N. Minn�apolis, Minn. Ke�neth Franl�o 5640 7th St. N.E. 6324 SGOtt Ave. N. �1i�ne��qlis, Minn. �an 1�, �ags�� 5770 2nd St. N.E. �972 H�.�k4xy ��'• �•E. �'��d�eX r Mir1n , T�pgias W�l�h 5866 2nd St. N.E. ��20 S��n�o� ��.Vd, �'�id7,eX, M���. ,�a�'y G, Novak 5820 2� St. N.E. 5315 4�1� S�. �I.�. Min�ea�olis, Minn. Gerald �'asehke 5955-65 3rd St. N.E. 60Q0 KirkWOOC� Lane No. MinneapoliS, Minn. P�� Lindstedt 5400 5th St. N.E. 50 Grczyaland Terrace ' M�.nnea�qlis, D'Iinn. Rr�y I��r�dstedt 5410 5th St. N.E. �Q Grov��.and TerXace �liz�nea�o�i& f Minn. ��.enr� Mosto].ler 5420 5th St . N. E. 2$�� ��es Ave. So. Miz?nea�aoli.s, Minn. Ud�11 I.,��son 5460 7th St. N.E. �i848 ��1� St. Minneapol�.s � Minn. JoSeph ,7. Ryan 105 58th Ava, N.E. �.Q7�5 Yal�ey View Rd. E�3en Pr�i�i�, Minn, Units 4 11 11 4 � 4 4 4 4 4 34 � PAGE 18 �'ee �19.Q0 1�.00 11,A�? �(� . QQ �QeYM l_,0 . QO 10.0(J �O.QO 10.00 lO.QQ 34.QQ �Q.OU R,��U%AR �pUNCI� MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Page 19 L��ENSE� CO�TI�TUED. N�tne Address . Units �'eq C}��zies �lisk�eX 380 57th Place 4 $lO.Op 1Q7J�9 B�'a�ewood Circle �+'lin�eapaJ�is, i�inn, Kenneth G. Larson 350 75th Ave. N.E. 11 1�..Op 68�$ Knoll St. M�nneapolis, Minr�. Johri L. Ma�kti 6551 East River Road 11 11.00 44 �,ocke Lake Rd, Fridl.ey, M�.nn. �Q�a1d E, Jqhnson 137 Mississippi Place 4 1Q,9Q `7�0� V�� �uren S�. N,E. F�'�d�ey� Minn. JAh�i �'latti 140 Mississippi Place 4 1Q.G9 �� Lock� �,ak� Rd. �'��d��Y r Mi-nn , �igarett� Approved By S�aow� Wtkit� Laundry �i��l Un�ve�s�ty Av'enue N.E. �'�'�c��ey, �Iir��esota By: United Vending Chief of POl�ce M(�TON i�� Councilmar� Liebl to apprqve the licenses as listed with the exc�pt$p� Qf the b].acktopping license for As�halt Drive Company, 1i95 East Highway 36, ��. �'�u�, Minnesota. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, a11 �rpti�c� ��e, �ayor Ki�'kham declared the motion carried. ESTIMAT�S: �?�.1, S�4i�hf Just�r, Feikema and Haskvitz �A5Q �i��lc�exs Exphange Building �S�,�nea�acal�.s, Minnesota 55402 T,ec�a�. Se�vices not covered bx retainer �'rom 6-22�70 to 8-21-70 $ 2,�47,00 L��a�. se�:vices for time over and above the retainer, $-27-70 �iQ,3q R�tain�z �te Counci]. Meetings for August, 1970 70Q.p0 �tetainer Re Criminal Prpsecutions for August, 1A70 and Secretarial 61�.4Q � RF�S3�TIrA1r� COVN�II, ME�'INC,� OF SEPTF:MB�R 8; 1970 �9TiMATE�a S:ONTINUED, HQw��, �.e�'�V��'s, Lefler, Hdmilton t� Peaxson �-�«49 ��X�t Na�tipnal Sar�k Build�.ng ��r��ne��oli.�, ,�innesota 55402 Leg81 Se.ryices �endered in Connection with Issuance d�T�d S�l.e of' $1,330,000 Assessment Bonds of 1970. �+���� Se�'vices �2endered in Connection with Issua7ice a�� S�1e of $460,000 Waterworks Bonds of 197G �k�l�x& c��t� A�soviates, Inc. �0'� ��'�u�;tte Avenue • l�lir�n�apol�.s, M�.nnesota 55402 �e�vi�es in the Authorization, Sale and Issuance Q� $1��3Q,Q00 Special Assessment Fund Bonds S��'iti�es �,r� the Author�zation, Sale and Issuance 9� $��Or409 Watexworks Bonds of the City �1��-�id ��.ackt�p �om�axiy ��41 4�th �vQnue North M�.nr�ea�a,���, ,Minn�so�a 55429 F'���NAL Est�mate #2 fpr Street Improvement Project ��: 19C�-1Q (Seal Coat) according to contract 1�eG�'t�y We�.l �om$any €7�9 ��st �Q�� Stxeet M�,��d�p1�.� � i�iin.nesqta $5420 �TNAL Estimate #1 for the Construction pf Water �mp�ovemsn� Pzoject #99 , M��3^^�C��� �'a€cavatinq Company �����a M�,r�aasota ��r�ia1 ES�imat� �#3 Street Improvement Project �t. 197Q-1 �axtial �s�imate #2'Stree� Improvement Project 9t. 1970-2 �4�l�tOO1� I� 1��Vis� I�1C, ��3��ult�a�� �nc�a r�e��s �4�� �o�ar��� �ad ��,��� d�i���pc�l�,�, ' Minn�sota �'o� t,i�e fuznishing of resident �nspection �� x'�sid��t supexvision fQr the staking out �t� ��M���µctlA� wo��: #'AGE � Q S �SO,OQ 5AQ,Q0 '�►].iQ,�� g►�l7�,92 1 � Fi�3 .77 Q.8��.1,2 6$,9$8.p4 22, 7�.8, 5� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Rar�iai Estimate #3 for Water Improvement Pxoject #95, Schedule B from June 29, 1970 through July �1, 1970 Partial Estimate #9 for Sanitary Sewer & Water Imp�ovement Project #93 from June 29, 1970 through July 31, 1970 Fartial Estimate #9 for Water Improvement Project #94 from June 29, 1970 through July 31, 1970 PAGE 21 $�.3Q�=�Q 1�Q1�,5S �4,$� �Q�ION by Cquncilman Liebl to approve the foregoing estimates. The mo�iq� W�s �eco��ed and upon a voice vote,all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declax'ed tY�� �q��o� cduC�led, A�S�7SSION REGARDING DISPOSAL SITES FOR STREET SWEEPINGS, MATERIAL FR(JM S�j2EET CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER MATERIALS: � '�h� �i�X ��gineer said that as the City of Fridley becomes more develop�d, i.t �� h��'dex' to find disposal sites for the street sweepings and the �4����'�c��. �rom construction etc. In the previous years it has beer� u�es� �p �u��.� u� tl�e �arj�s and low lands, and now the City has run out qf �pa�e. , �ome �rrang�ments have been made with private citizens for the d�sposai �� tna�,s��a� if they want it. He said that he wanted to make sure the Cour�c�.l Was aw�re pf wh�t was hap�ening, He said that if any of the Counc�l �Cr�ows 4€ someone look�.ng for fill, to let him know. The policy has been that tl�e � disposal sit� shoulal be within 4000 feet of the construction site. �50LUTION #7.82-1970 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMEN�' WITH STATE OF MINN�SOTA FOR MUDJACKING CONCRETE STREETS IN INNSBRUCK: (ST. 1970-9) The City �nc��neer said that the concrete streets were put in Innsbruck in 1961, �hen water and sewer was put in. Over the years there has been saae settiir�g as the area is clay. The State and Hennepin County are the only gQver�tner�t�� bodies with mudjacking equipment. This resolution would be fqr �ntQ�ing i�to an agreeinent for the work. MqTiON bx Gouncilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #182-1970. Seconded by Counci�man Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �Iayor Kirkham dec�aXed the �notion car�'ied. pISCUSSION OF MEMORANDUM REGARDING PREVENTIVE SECURITY SERVICES: MOT�ON b� Counci].man Liebl to adopt the recommendation of the City Manager Qutiin�sl in �he memorandum entitled Preventive Security Services. This woulc� �,�14e ty,TO new �psitions: The Director of Community Security and the DiXecto� o� �.aw �n�orcement. Cou�oii�ar� Li,ebl com�nenteS that this is sotnething unique and the City Manag�� s�puld �e s��Ye� Fzedit �or it. The Civil Service Cott�aission would set u� the ��itex��� �g� both positions. The eipphasis would be on crime prevention, ���i�e� �,a� �ust apprehension. Something of this nature could be a grea� ass�t tp �he community. TId� NiQ!��OI� was seconded b� Councilman �reider and u�on a voice vote, all vptinc� aye, Ma�or Kirkham declared the motipn carried, R�GIJ�AR GOUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, �970 PAGE 22 �QIJES'T BY TI-�E METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION FOR USE O$ COUN�IL �HAMBERS* Mc����T �� �p�ncilm� �,iebl to grant per�nissiAn for the use o� ths �ou�►c�.� ��e�� �� �h� Metropoiitan Tran$it Commissiqn for Sep�ember 24t�, ��� m���Qr� Wc��s SEeonded �,nd upon a vpice vote, all votiz�g aXe, Mayp� I���}�k��► c�eQia�ec� th� motior� carried. S -197Q - RESOLUTION A iRIZIN� ACTING CITY MANAGEI2 fT BETWEEIV BONpING COMPANY AND - PROJEC� #93s �'he �i�� �Atto�ney Said that the bonding coanparly has been negotiat�ng w�,� �.5. Mc��ross�n �or the completiqn of Project #93. They feel that �,�1 �1�� wpr�C ��� be done within 10 ds�ys, MQT'�QN by Cqu�cilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #183-1970. Seconded by Co�nci�,.m�r� Breider. ilpon a voice vote, all voting_ �ye, Mayor Kirkh�m declar��, t�e motion carried. ;pN #184-19i0 � A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS AiJD SP�CI� P'I�AT�ONS A,ND ESTIMATES QF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMpROVEMENT PRCk7�CT ST. �97Q�]. ADDENDUM #5: �'�e �i�� ��ginQer ex�lained that this resolution and the foilowi�g ar� �o �e� ��h� �egal ��roce�lure for the sidewalks east of Baker over to T.H. #�i5 t�n �1�box�e �tqacl. �JQ��ON b� Councilman BreideX to ado�t Resolution #1$4-�197p. S��onde� ��r �g��a�.�man �,iebl , Upon a voice vote , all voting aye , Mayor Kirkham d�a�,y�re�� �he ma�ion carzied, RESpLUTTON #1$S^19i0 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPOR�' AND CALLTNG la P[iBLTC AEAR�NG ON THE MATTER OF THE CON3TRUCTZON OF CERTAIN IMPROVEME143'S t STTtEET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1970-�1 ADDENDUM #5: p�0'��Qi� �y Cc�uncilmcZn Breider to adogt REsolution #185-1970. �ecorided k�y �qu��i� i,i�b�, Upon a vo.ice v4tet a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirkham decla��� �h� mot�or� aarried, �'k�e Ca�tx Eng,�r►eer k�anded out copies o� letters he I�ad written tp ,M�r, {� M�'g, ���e �1. Schmi.dt, Sr., and James & Blaine Kelly & Blanch Hannah �qYexir3� �� �c���em��t fa� the easements for the sidewalks and said that he rec�e�de� �ha� �QG �er square foot be paid �or the easements. Fo� Mr. � Mrs� Da�.e tAj� �chmid�, Sr„ this amounts to $219 and for ,7ames & Blaine Kelly &$�ar�;g� C: Fiannah, $16$. ' �ATIpI� ka� �oun,cilman S�heridan to �ut#�orize tt�e expenditure flf 30fi ��� �S�t�� �oo� �p� the sidewalk easements on Qsborne �toad, Second�c� b�j �our�g� j�n� �,iebl. Upqn a ypice vote, all voting aye , Mayor Kirkham �eviax�s� t�e �notion carried. �O1�S+lUNiCATTONS : �:� A1SPt AELAYS TN RELOCATION OF 115 KV LINE A�� �'� �,'�, �'�7Q, Seconded b Counci�lma� sr� ���nicat�or� �rom �TSP c�a��� ���6�� �' +�t�uncilman Sj�er�.cian r M ve th � _ y eider, Upon a vaice yc,��e R���, �y��s Ma�yp� Kirkham de�lared the motion carri�. ' , ' ' ' �GU�,A� GOtJNGIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 ' A, �15�; TRAIVSMISSION LINE REPORT DATED AUGUST 14, 1970 ' � PAG� 23 I�QT�QN �� �o�n�ilman Sheridan tq rece�ve the NSP transmission linQ x��QX� c���ee� �uc�s� 1�, 1970. Second�d by Councilman Breider. Upon a vpi�� yQt�� c��� �y�s, �"���'o� Kirkl�am de�lared tk�e motion carried. �, RQTARX CLUB: CONTRIBUTION TO EISENHOWER SQUARE , The C��y Ma�ager comnl��.ted tha� the $400 contribution would be encav,�1� '�� �o�pl�te �Y�s north and �outh sidewalks in the Square if valun�eer 1s�b��' �� �e�eiYed� ' �10TIqI� �� �o�snci�.Znan �.iebl to receive the communication from the Rotary �]�u3a d��ed August 21, 1.97Q� Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upo�n a �o�F� �rc2te, ��,�. yq�ii�g �y�, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. i�?, �,OTA�RX CLtJ$t INT�RESTED IN FRIDLEY SWIMMING POOL ' I�O�'IQ�T b� (�pt�ncilaian i��.ebl to receive the communication from the F�idle� Ro�.ary C1ub dated August 21, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Sheridar�. Upc�T� � vo�ce yc�'�e, a�1 Voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion caxx'ie�, � �� S�GAL & SAVELKOUL: WAGES DUE (NOYES CONSTRUCTION COMPANX �QT�Q�V #�y Gouncilman Liebl to rece�ve the communication from Sigal & ' S�v��3�o�� ci�ted September 2, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Breider. y�or� a voiae yq�e, all ayes, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried, i ' � ' � � � ' '. �', FATHER KEEFE� RESIGNATION FROM THE FRIDLEY HUMAN 1�ELFITIONS COMMIT'�EEt �Q'�iON k�� �quncilman Liebl to dccept the r�signation c�f Fath�r Kee�e �z+c�n the �"r�,�11�y HUman R�lat�ons Committee, anc] autho]Cize preparation of a� C�rtif��a�e �� Apprecia�ion. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Uporn a Vo�ce �rote� ���, Voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. �l�yo� iC��'k�am asked tkla� the vaeancy bQ placed on the Agenda for th� ne�t �t��u�,ax ��u�Qil �ee�ting September 21, 1970. �ITY' 1+�ANAGER SALARY k'OR THE BALANCE OF SEPTEMBER: �gu��i,l�!,�n S�eridan said that ovex a�eriod of years many people have ma�dQ s�gr�if�.�a�� contr�buti4ns for the betterme�t of the City of Fridley a�d k}e �rant�c� k�a �t�te that i3omer R. Ankrum has done a great deal in the �ime �e has k�e�� Gity I�ar�ac�er. Man� of the things the City Manager has c�one Y�aYe nQ� �e�� w�.t�in the reaim of hfs job, but were done for Fridley a�l � w�Qi�r There w�re many pe�s4na1 hours spent for the betterment of the City, �f�'�'�(�1 �y �ou�r;��l,�an Sherida� to instruct the Administration to p�y Mr. ��'tum +� s��.ary tk�rpuc�h the end of Sep'�ember as a cac�pensatory ad justme�t� ��� �i}e �xt�'�, t�n� he l�as spent. Seco�ded by Councilman Liebl. Up�n a yo��e �c�te f�1� vca�i�q ay�, Mayor Kirkhaiti declared the motion carriec�, ��� ��ty ��ac�ex �aid tj�,�t his Cert�.f}��te of A�greciation wa� r�o� e��'�ee� ���e��► k�y �im, b�t by al�. th� depa�t.mer�t� of the Cit� wprking tpg�t�e�, �Q ��� � tha� tY�e�� Were ��.ot oi nice peq�le �r� the �ity of Fridley ��d he �,��s$,�t�c� t�e o��xtur�itX of workin� with them. FtF�U�R COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE 24 AFPQiNT�N�'�C�iNG C�TX MANAGER� ��'��N %y �A�r��i�lmar� S�,er�,dan to ap�°�.nt Mr. Marvin C. Bx'unsel�,. �'iria��� ��x&�'�� �� 1��t��q G�.�X i�anaqer unt.�l the new one can be hir�d� ��Gg���y� �� �4����-��►t�� �i�bl. ypon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Kirki�s� ���l�s�� ��� motion carried. . �Q������t ���b1 ��i.c� that theze should be a screening commxtt�e appp��t�c� �o ���� ���W ���� �nage�, ar�d commented that he was glad �o hav� had �pm�� t���� °�P +�Q with the hiring of 1�tr, Ankrum. He said that tKr. Ankrum kaa� �s�V'3s�+�� �1�,3t1 When hs needed advising and that he was txuly inte�e�te� j,r� �� �4?i�1Uil��� r AA70UR�IMENT : MA'�iQN by �q►�ncilman Sheridan to adjourn the Meeting. �he mot�on was secpnd�sd �d upQ� � yraice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the Rec�ulax C�u�►��„1 M�e��.�q o�° September 8, 1970 adjourr�ed at 12:15 ,�.M, R�sP@c��ull� �ubmit�,ed, � � �,� , ^ c.� ��'.p �, �c: ,.-� z� �G�� �ex��� ��►���t��'y Gs� the Gity �ouncil Jack o, Kirl�ham Mayor PAG� 25 THE MINUTES OF THE SP�CIAL PUBLIG HEAki.ING AND WORKSHOP MEETZNG OF $EPT. 14, 1970 Mayor Kizkh�n called the Special Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting of Septembe= 14, 1970 to order at 7:45 P.M. PI.EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• t�layor Kixk2�am lead the Council and the audience in sayinq the Pledge of A1leqiat�o� to the Flag. R(�I,I, C1+i�T.: �.ERS PRESENT: Rarris, $reider, Kirkham, Liebl MENB�RS ABSENT: Sheridan A�OPTI01�1.. AF' ::rAGF.�I+TDA: ' . 1�OTION by Cauncilman Harris to adopt Councilma�n �,iebl. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. the Agenda as presented. Seconded by� all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared PUBLIC HBARIN� OA1 ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE (:�IIIEGTIONS s . Councilman �iarris pointed out that all the people have signed an aqreement except one. Mr. Hezm�n W. Kubow, 6654 East River Road, said that he had Lot 9, Parcel 1640, Auditor'S Subdivision #23, and asked why he should have an assessment as he �ad tA. run the water line under East River Road �or connection at his a�m expense nnd �howed the �ill for $1014: The Finance Director said that this then would be a cxedit against his assessment. Councilman Harris pointed aut that his as$es�nen� riould ha�Ve ��en $933.66. Mr. Kubow asked if this assessment would be for both wat�r and 8ewer. The sewer was hooked up in 1966. Councilman Harris sbtid thAfi the a�sesstqent is foz both water and sewer connections. Mr. Kubow Said tha� the a�we�' line was illegal as it was not 9' belaw the ground, but only 5 feet, '�'hh� St�t� BQ�d oE Health specifies 9 feet. The City Engineer said that the 9 �`eet wa$ x�ot a x'equirement, and the State Board of Health approve� all the plar�,� befoxe conatxuctian is started. �ouna�lm� Liebl said that Mr. Kubaa had come before the Council wantinq to z'uxi t.k�e w����r �.in� as his well had qone dry. Mr. Kubaw added that he aigned the �c�zeeanen� unciex pxotest and said that h� had a small baby in the house and neec�ed w�t�er b�dl�+. The installation of the water line he said that he paid �or hit��ell� �Q �w cou�,d there be an assessment. Councilman Ha�rris told him that ti�e �1AUt�t h� ps�id woq,ld be credited. In this case it would wipe out the asses�ment, �►s k�e ha� �ais� max� than the �ssessment would be. The Finatnce Dixector said tl'�a� 'th� p� 4� �khe bil�. had not been turned �n sp he could not be shvwn a credit, Mr. �CUbow Chen subu►itted a copy o� the bill showing �.t paid. �c;��CUi �y Co�ancilmau�, Li�bl to cloae the Public Hearing on the asst�smen►t �pr ' W�t�r 8u�c� Sewer Mains, Laterals, and Setwice Connections fox 1970, $eCO»ded k��+ �4u�ai�mat�, Harxi�. Upon a� voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kix'kh�u decl��d thie h�eariaQ �losed a►t 8:00 P.M. � SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHQP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 PAGE 26 MOTION by C9ur,cilman Harris to remove the assessment for Mr. Herman Kubota, 6654 East R�ver Road, Lot 9, Parcel 1640 Auditor's Subdivision #23 fxan the assessment xo11, in the amount of $933.66, Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vo�te, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tfie motion carried. PUBI.IC HEPiRING OPd ASSESSMENT FOR WA.T�R I�IpROVEI�ENT PRQJ'ECT NO. 98: Yh� �City Engineer said that this is the water line extension to serve the Grea� Northern Industrial plat and connection to Well #13. Mayor Kixkham aske� if anyone wished to be heard with no response. ' MOTION by Councilman Breider to close the public hearing on the assessiaent roll for Water Improvement Project No. 98, Seconded iay CounciJ.man Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham �eclared the hearing closed at 8s02 P.M. PUBLIC HEARZNG ON FINAL PLAT, P.S. #70^03 INNSBRUCK NORTH, 6ENEF�Lyy I,pC',ATE1p NORTH OF HIGHWAY #694 BETWEEN MATTERHORN DRIVE AND THE FRIDLEY-NEW BRIGg7�'ODi �OUNDARY, BY VIEWCON, INC.: 0 CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING RE UEST ZOA #70-05, FROM R-1 TO R-3 OR R 3A, BY VIEWCON, INC.: . The City Engineer said that included in the Agenda are the mi.nutes of the Planning Co�nmission in which this item was discussed. The property is 132 acres. There is an area to the north proposed for a park and there is also some tax farfeit land in this same general a�sa. On t.�e westerly � of the property they ar� proposing to develop into I20 single �a�rtiiy �ites. The rest is outlot� B& C where �he pra�os�d rezoning is zec�uuested. Outlot D :�� *� a�� ;.zse3 �s a ponding ar�a. The plat basicaliy �ee�s tF�e requirements �r� :.� e c�� > , � rlinar�cf Cour.cilman Lie�:� asked if ttieg had an�r plans as �et. Mr. Dax�r�I 1�arr, Viesacan Inc. , s�id that they do r>ot have any bziilciing p3ar.s as yei�, but �hey work from study models. Councilztsan Liebl asked what is the anticipatec� price rang� for the single family Y:ome�. Mr. Fa�r said �YZat the iot� �aould be a mini�uin of $9,Q00 and some may be as high as $1�i3Of3f� d�gending on the lot. The price range would be similar to Innsbrua�., a.°�ci *;�r�ul� be ap�roxim�tely $50,000 in most cases. Co�ncilman Lie�l wonde�ed if they wauld be building the R-1 structures ffrst or would they �e in conjunction with the multiples. Mr. Farr said that they would like to petition the City for streets, sewer and water first as an express:on cf s�ood faith £ar the residents in the area that they are going to d�as�h�t they have said. Couneilman Liebl pointed out that the people on Matte�horn Drive did not want the apartments next to their h�nes, and this plan has been subani�ted showing �he �ingle family units on that side as a coanpromise. Mr. William Dietz, 1280 Ha�taaway Lane N.E., said �ha� some cc�tnents were forwarded from Planning Co�nission concerning dead e�ding Hai:haway Lane. This shoutld L�e considered because of the gracie �� the street, and the traffic pattern. Mr. Farr said that this was di:scussed and talk@d abou� another stxeet to the south. Mr. Dietz felt that the street would be di�',��,G��,� �p u�ai��mix}, ��,e �ity Enc�i�tee� �aid tk�at this �s a d�t�xmi����,A� ' ' , 1 ' ' ' � ' ' , ' ' ' ' �I ' PAG� 27 SPECIAL PUBZIC HEARING AND WORKSHO� ME�TING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 the Git� would have to make whether HathaWay Lane would be connected or not, a,n� act,ual�,y k�as notkling to do w�,�h �he development. Hathaway Laxie is a State �d z�pad, so t.k�ere wauld hava tA bs a request made �ko take oPi �he �tate Ai.d dCs��l�ation. For State Aid� � xoad has to connect be�ween two ����, �p�Q,s * ge ��7.t that this wou�.d not be a great problem. Mr. Dietz y���,$ �h�� F�m�away has a maintenanee prob].em now, it is hard to get up y,�h�� �� �,� �.Gy. He said that his rec��ndation wonld be to make a cul-d�- �a�, He add�d that his driveway has about a 12� incline, �, ��,�� ����man, 5�p3 Regis Trail N.E., said that this property has been �ns�.de7ced fax' rezoning three times. 8oth previous times there was an �.ncr�ase i� d�gi�x �n �e west � as we11 aa the east �. There were a 1ot o� ob�ea#�ons, primaxily because of the traffic. This plan by Viewcon xepresents a 1ot of consideration oa theix part and would be much more �easona�le �kQ tl'le r�sider�ts. ViewCon has met with the residents and liateAed �Q the �v�er�ts and reaated to theui. He had no disagreement with the p7.ax�• He said tha� ha would like scaae aasuxnnae that� �he westexlx porti.on wv�u�ld �atually be� s�i�nqle �aunily homes. I� seems that the plat would assure the �e�id�nt� o� thi$•� �'t�e seco�►d co�sideration was whether there wouid be aa o�'� g�� q� °,g�gis I�an,e at l�atterho�n to c�uide the traffic into I. 694 serviae �4ad. F�e 1+ou�.d like a p4sitive ��c44ram wY�ereby traffic fran the higk� den�ity aarea wou�.d gp out �nto New Bxighton anto Silver Lake Road. �, paul g,�e�in, 2121 17th Avenue, New Briqhton, asked��f�l�aa� �as����B �Q cen�r�ea� �.rn New Brighton. Mr. �arr said that the maj c�oes to Si7.v�r Lake Road. This is the easiest, fastest and most direct �cc�u,�� tc� thQ freeway. This would not be thxough any single family residences. �+�►��Q �acs z�o houses thexe and there are none planned. �r� �oqex $].okun, i605 Ber�e Rr�ad �1.�•, said that the traffic at Silver I�ake �o�d Sai.11 ypa]c� a bad bottleneck, with the high density �area exitinc� the�e. H� �elt that it would be more than the road could stand. He said that when �� �uacCYi�ssd his h�►e the adjacent axea was R-1, and he' assumed that i� would ���� ��t wmy� He �aid that he was not too happy with the rezoninq. I�� c,�u�s�ie�ed w2�at if Viewcon came back later and petitioned for the westex].Y �tj.on to ?�a rezoned to multiples. He pointed out that this is the larqest ����� p�' ],�pun,d 7.eft in the City oi Fxidley. ��. Wa�n�+ S�hrader, 1510 Berne Road N.E., said that speakii'i4 as a tax PaY�x+ ��e wctuld �i.ke to see sanething d4ne with this property. 5he said that�:.:�2'�e ' p�op�.e �n �nnsbruck have 2-3-4 cars, but this would not necessarily be th� case in th� high density area. T'he apartntents would be better than wl'►�t iS �4��� E!� A �ayor iCl�xkizam' told Mr. Blohm, that anyone+ has the right to come bePt�x'e the �QUneil eu�d �eti�ian for a chanc�e in zor�ing. �, Fa�X sai�d in apeakinq of hiqh density, that this is actually not � hiqh s��nsity. � ig h dQnaiEr acrea m�'his�wou0d otsbeea hiqh density�zoni�ngp���ng t)� d�0�'� �i�'i L1I1�t$ � �, �@p�c�� �tustad, 5365 Matterhorn Drive N.E. aaid that he represented the ' Ir►����utsk iioaae Owtiers Association a�d they were in accoxd wi;th the plat as ��C��ex�t��l'�t this time. � SPECIAi. PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHO� MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 �AGE 28 �Q�Ciimar� y,i�bl s�id that the last time the rezoning of this area catae� up he wanted to know what kind of structures would be an asset to the school distxict, and which would be the bes� �rom the oyerall standpoint. Th�,s �.s �e larc�sst r��a tr�ct of land left within the Citp of Frxdley. The c�ue�tion was asked� can it be developed to all R-1? He said that he was told by several c�evelo,�ers that it could �ot be and that it would not be econcxaical7,y fea�ible �eQauae o�' �he zouqh terrain �kowaard Silver Lake Road. He saxd that he qote$ aga�nst tl�e rezoning last time . The City needs tax money aiad tk�ere �, should be so�methinc� j�ro�ght in. Last time the residents noiced an abje�ti�QZt to tbe muit3.p�.es a�u�ting the single �amily dwellings and he would be i�clined to view thiq �],an as a caapromise. He fel�k Viewcon has complied with the wisi�es of tk�,e peo���„ .. The terrain south o� I. 694 is more condusive ta single fa�ai�,y xesid�nces than is the north. �' • Blehm t�lr,�ndered why it was ever zqned R-1 then. He fel� that it woulc� b� an �vanl;age to the City to have sotpe hiqh cost hou�es . He said that wi�eru u� he purchase¢ �i.s h�ne the adjacen� land was R-1 and he assumed that it Mould stay R-1. �ie said that his concern is that he would be adjacent �o tt�e multiple dw�l.lings, so his feeling is a bit different than those livinq west of the caa�plex . Mr. Bex�par� said that he would aecept Councilman Liebl's statements that one hal� wpuld be single faipiiy:and the other half multiple. He said that he had viewed the Twin Lakes project and was �avorably impressed. He said that he wauld apprc�re the present plan. A resider�t �,n the ;•.audi�noe said that he came in late and �vondered if Hathawa��► Lane would be ape� or c%aed. Mayor Kirkham said that thia would be � engin�ering decision, aad that personally he weuld think that it shoufid be a c�tl-de-$ac, but they were nvt ready at this time te.make this decisior�. l�r. Berqmar� asked about the intersection of Central and T.H. �65. The ci�t� �r�.qineer �a�.d 1a9t year there was a.request for remodeling of the ga$ s�a�ior�, . 11�� that t,ime tite proposal was to malce a detached �ezvice zo�td. This a.a what he would recammend, although there have been no plan$ app�oy�c� at this time. Mayor Kirkham added that the City would like to go ahead ar�d a�ake so�me changes, but negotiations with the State take some time. . . I�r� Fouzi R�hani, 1545 Berne Road N.E., said that the gentleman who spoke for the Iru��sbxuck Home Owners Association did not speak for all the members, lau� fQr ths �oard. He felt that the majority of the residents would be against this �roject. Mr. Farr said that Lhis cam�ent waa made before, bu� �t$ wa�1d have to sap that he cauld see no rallying cf the opposition to the �1a►ti. �`� �����:�d #i�t '��= h��� not �.received a�ingle phone call in opposition �° �� P�.a�,� He �aitl that he livea on Matterhorn and he felt as 1�4rs. Schrad�� ��,1t; tha� �tnything would be an itn��ov�nent. Ar� overall asses�e�� was m�c�a by the Board and there has been no support in any objection. A resident in the area asked if the plans extend into�New Briqhton. Mr. Farr•said �hat the�, have ao Eiru� p1au� for New Brighton �lthough they have abou� ��7S ac��s . �ey hav�e not asked Net�z Brighton for �nything . They �vez� e �p� ��'� at thie time What thay wt�nted to db wit� ��,a��1 iy� �Iew �r�,c���,Q�� �'�� ���t 11��'e not aaking far a]aighex densit� aEOr New Briyhtbn� a� t��,� �� R � 1 , � ' � � ' ' 1 ' ' �I i� ' ' II � ' ' SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETTNG OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 pAGE 29 lJ ' i� ' Couneilman Harr�.s said that he had sosne concern over routing the traffia east to Si1v�r Lake Road because it is the closest north-south highway. Befox� this Counci� could act he wouZd like a guarantee that the property to the east would be single family and that New Bxighton and Ramsey County approve the discharge of the.traffic onto �ilver T�ake Road. Mr. Farr said that h� did not lenow iE Ramsey County cc3u2d'stop them from discharging ontp Silver Lake Road. The City Engineer added that the road is not a controlled aacees road. Counci3�aan iiarris said that iP the project was dropped for same rea�on the road might never connect and would just be dead ended. Fridley should find out if the tra�fic is acceptable to New Brighton. Councilman I��ebl.asked if they were the owners for.the whole tract. Mr. Farr ' said that they have an agreement to purchase the whole tract. Councilman Liebl said that he did not see any waX that the road wauld be stopped from going throuqh. The Gity Engineer said that the plat for the land in New Brighton wo�ild-hav� to be appraved by New Briqhton, which would have to ' include the aacess. He added that they could not deny access. Councilman Harris said that he felt that New Brighton will object to the amount of traffic exiting onto S�1ver Lake Road. ' CJ � ' MOTION by Councilman Harris to close the public hearing on the rezoning and �he plat by Viewcon, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all vqting aye, Mayor Ki,rkham declared the hearing closed at $:45 P.M. Mayor Kirkham said that there would be no determination made tonight. Traditionaliy the Council reserves the right to delay a decision until they have had.a ehance to review all considerations thorouqhly. Councilman Harris said that he would not be ready to act next meeting. He said that there were �ome things that he:would like to discuss with the City Enginees. It was aqre..ed by the Council to bring this item back on October 5, 1970. �iJ�LIC HEARING ON THE CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT, O11AAi TERRACE, P #70-02, BY GEORCE N. NELSON, GENERALLY ,LOCATED IN THE 1500 BLOCK BET ' 73RD AVENUE AND ONONI]AGA STREET NORTHEAST: ' ' ' ' 0 PUBLIC HEARING ON TF� CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMTT SP #70-08, HX GEORGE N. NELSON: The �ity Eng.�.�eer said that this reguesb is for approval of a plat and a8pzoval of a special use pezmit on land.bounded by 73rd Avenue on the south and Onondaga-on the x�orth. There are six lots proposed for .single familp dwellinqs, c�irectly south of this is the area laid out for parking and on the east side, a� xecreational and green area. South of this is the area for the apartment �ause. They would like to use the R-1 parcel for parking and recreational., and the R-3 area for- the b.uildir�. The Plann.i.ng Commission recamnended a�proval. ' Councilman Breider asked if it was npt correct that they were asking �o�' tl'�e �peaial use ��rmit so that they cauld have an increased density in t�e �x'�sse�,� �=3 area, �r. Nel�on Sr. said yes they would us� t�� s�ta��.g of larld �ox �ar_king �r� �ecxeat�onal use. T�ey wou1� use this arsa toward the �otal 1{�d ' unit� �hat woulc� be a11oW�� yn the R-� zan �ea ��,�,io: �o� the �number o! r.g - proposed la out. He said��� distric�. HQ then reser�ted a dia ram of the �hat SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING ANA W�ORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 ' PAGE 30 ' �hey felt in askinq for the plat, that th.is was the best use of the land. " There wou3d be a row of single family lots on Onon.daga. The present demand far iots is not for lots the size o� these. Ori�inally they were 300' deep a�nd in the pla,t they are cut down to 125'. The parking would be tied into Z3bd �venue for access. The parking would be south of the R-1 on the west side and the recreational area would be on the east aide in the R-1 portion. Councilman Liebl agreed that the 300' lots were not feasible in this day and age, with the taxes sa high. Councilman Liebl then asked if there were names on the west side. Mr. George Hanson; 1476 Onondaqa Street said that there were homes on the west�side.and added that they are set back fran the street about 100'. On the east side on Onondaga the settlement is more sParse• Cot�nciLnan.Liebl asked if the recreational area would be just for the apartment dwellers snd Mr. Nelson said �res. Councilman b,iebl asked if there would be a fence and Mr. Nelson said that they plan to separate by a fence. -He added that there is a 30' road easement along the west side of -t.*�e deve7��nt fox the future development of the back lots to �he west should it ever be x�eeded. The apar�ent dwellers would nat have access to this easement, CAUncilirtan Liebl asked how many units he was talking of and how much they woul�d cost. Mr. Nelson said 76 units and close to one million doliar�. Councilman Liebl asked if the trees would be �ost. Mr. I�elson said that they would lose most of the trees, so they would have to ianr�sca.pe ttae area. He adde� that to have the apartments rentt the compiex .ec��u�.d i�ave to i3e kept t�. He addec3 that he lives in an apar�tment and he likes ta°}aave it kept up nicely, Councilman Harris asked how �ar the homes we�e away oz� the east side. A4r. Nelson said approximately 150 feet. On the west side they are right next to the easement. Councilman Harris asked why not move ihe recreationa�. area to the west so that it would act as: an. additiona3 b�if�er for '�� �p1� on the west side. He felt that there would be less oppasition if tiie g�a�sed area were next to �he property owners homes on the wes�t side. b3r. Nelson said �that he would not object to the ��ement of that line, althouqh it wo�id make it farther for the apartment dwellers to walk to the cars, The City Engineer said that there was a 20 foot planting strip cailed for in the Ordinance. M�. Nelson said that he p].anned to comply with all the requirements. Coinr�cilman Harris said that there were three men in a�tendance for this item, and asked them if th� p1�n would be more pala�abie if tn� �e�rea�tional area were to be moved to the west._ Mr. George Hanson, 1476 Onondaga Street N.E., said no, ancl asked for a stop to this specuiator's bonanza. He said that 10 ye�rs �c�o he moved from Minneapolis because of the encroachment of 3s�de���tr� �°�,� ��aax��nva�g� �a� �ae single faraily dweller. He said that he would not buy � home next to apa��- ments or industry. He called for a look at the �ity of F�iciley anci said that there is industry and apartments scattered all ti:�c�u�h t€ae Cit�. ��re axe very few areas lei � t3aat is ali �-esidential . He �ai� ?-,,.�at he tv�s op�sed to �l.zns continuous infringem�ra�. ��ia�t i�ir. Nelson tva,�x�� i� ��aig��r den,�it�r. The children are now buse� �o S�ring Lake Pa�k ar?�. ����r ma�r ���,*� to be bused to Blaine, As fax� aa taxes go, MiraneapoLis �ons��.z:�iy� re�.onec� fo� more taxes, but this forces the sfngle family =�sident 4ut, �her� hasc �.lready been a ���a��a�c�� �u�n.�ttec� witt� about 60 ��gr�a�t�u���s .�n aP�os�.��on ta'��.� ��.a,�► �� �� oPP�+�i�io� ,�� �r�et��ally ualanimou�. H� cc�uue�tione� �ak��r a�}� �car a rezaning when there is R-3 lan�! available ju�t. ad jaaer�t tes �rhere ne wants to build. ' ' SPECIAL PUBT.�TC HEARING AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 PAGE 31 �t is all R-3 �long 73rd Avenue. M�r. Nelson wants to pick up the R-1 property and c�et credit for it toward the R-3.density. without the speaial use permi'� he would be able to only put in about 35 units, but with the sgecial use permit he could put in over 70 units. He asked that the Council keep the infxi�gement�down and let the speculators use the ].and already zoned I� 3. . Councilman I,iebl poi�'�ed.out that•there is a new school proposed for this area. Mr. i�arlson said that the i�ond issue might fail. Magar Kirkha�n camnented tiiat he was sorry that the residents have to keep coming bacl� to these aneetir�gs, but the.petitioner has the right to be heard. The City Enqineer po�nted.out:tha� the advantage of the special use permit is that it allows the Counci], to put stipulations on the builder. The City At�oxney asked how many aeres he is talking of. A Representati�ve �ai.d just ur�der 6 acres, and the denai,ty would be 17 .per acre. Councilman H�rris aske� if it wcauld be econa¢nically �easi2�le to bu3.ld with a smaller density. M�, Nelson said that their plan would tie the area together and in his opinion wou�d be the highest possible use. The B�epzesentative said that he did, nqt believe that it would be feasible with a smaller number of units. � Mr. I�anson �aid wk�en spe�lcing of splitting the large lots, that this 100'. behind the �ouse would�be very important when there is an apartment house behind them. He felt that the 300' �.ots were an asset and that people would like the additional land. �'his type af large lot is getting•hard to find in tha City. �ounciLnan $r,eider asked how many units axe going in down 73rd Avenue. �'he City Engineer �aid that it was a 16 uriit apartment building. Mr. Hansor� s��d that thiS was just �ine; the land is aoned for it. 1!�r. Nelson then presented some sketches at the Council table. Mr, Har}son ccxqmen�ed that the homes on Onondaga to the west are s�� ba�c about lOQ feet, but the new onets would have a setback of about 35 fse�� a�d he thought that this aspect would appear awkward. Councilman Harris �qinted out that he.thought there �re areas in the City with mixed �etbacks, espeaia�.��j Ia�nsbruck. The required minimum setback is 35 feet, but it could be more. The City cpuld not requixe a pers4n to build farther back than 35 ���t, M�'. Hanson said that the house to the east is also set far back. He ask�� '�hat the Couneil draw the line on 5peculation in Fridley. GQUnai�,man �i�,rris said that the land under the special nse permit wou�d n�p'� ' l�ave a d�ve].o�ment on it, and this is permissable under the Ordinance. Mz'. �tanson said that there was alread� land available right next to them tha� is ��ready zor�ed R-3. Counci3man Har�is said that he was looking for a�om� ' promise. �layor Kizkham said.that the R-1 area would be vacant. Mr.'Han�on said �tat �,e did nq# feei that a�arkinq lot could be considered vacsn� �.a►r�c�. ' �QUnci].naan Sxeider said that he felt .that the parking lot abutti.ng a resid�tit�� �rea wquld b�a an undesirab�,e thing. There has been talk sbout a fence or �xe�s � bu� he sugc�ested that there may be Qeople �.x� �ize epartment hvu�� #Y��� w�ula a.i1c� ta �rork pn their car� ��� �naY get peopie heaving aan em��i oi1 , c,� ov�,�p �a !'e�nce, etc. There are pxoblems with apartsaents that C3,p�Q �p eir�g�� �amt��.y dwe�linqs. How do you protect the R-17! SPECIAL, PUBL�C HEAR.TNG ,AND WORKSHQF M�ETING qF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 ' PAGE 32 ' The City Engineer pointed out that if the back of the lots are to be served wit.2a a road with the poss�.bility qf a spli� �n the tuture, then there would also be an assessment o�, �has� lots for th� street. He suggested platting another lpt fx�cn tY�e parking area on the west side just for landscapinq to c�ive more of a buffer. This would decrease the density somewhat. Mr. lianson said that he could not foresee.that the people would want to split theix lots. They are all happy with the 30�' lots. The City Engineer said that with the tax situation as it is, it may becane econanically unfeaeible �o keep the iarge lots. Mr. Nelson said that he would be agreeable to the suggestion of the Ci�y Engineer in making tY�e corner lot 300' deep as an additional buffer for the houses on the west. He said that he would landscape the lot. Mr. Gordon Qnasdoskey, 1491 Onondaga Street N.E., said that he lives next to Fiannery Pa.�k. The property in this axea is well kept up and continues to improve.i T�te people are constantly trying to npgxade their hame�. He said that he was or�e of the organizers of this opposition to the plan. 7�b have ,�n asphalt �►a�kinq l4t i.n the middle Qf the area seesas like folly. He asked that it.be 1eFt residential. Cvunailman �iebl s�id that the Council is fully aware of the wishes of t,k�e people a�nd �h� petit�.oner-. He said that he was one ot the Councilmer� who went up intp that area larst year. He said that he wanted to make sure t,he �eople undesstood that if the street had to be put in to develop the back lots, these would be an assessment, if this proposal is turned down. Councilman Breider asked why he withdrew his application for a rezoning a�d applied,for a special use permit. Mr. Nelson said that he did this in response ta the voic� of the people in the community. The original �lan would bring'the R-3 zoning to the rear of the single family lots cm � Onondaga. � MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close the public heaxing on the final pla'k, Onan Terrace and the special use permit requested by Mr. George N. Nelson. Seconded l�y Gouncilman Breider. Upon a voice �rote' ail voting aye, Mayor Kirkham deeiared the public hearing closed at 9:45 P.M. MQTION by Councilmsre Breider to bring these items back before the Cauncil qn t.�a ;Ager�da of Qctober 5, 1970. Seconded by Counciliqan Harris. U�oin �, voice.vote, all vqti�►z� aye, Mayor Kirkham declared tl�e motion carried. I.,TCENSES ; �-,..�.. I�QTION b�+ �QUncilman iiarris ta ap�rove the following licensea : Genera,� �ontractor Ar�hies Coxa�tructian Inc, �t+oute �5 .. . . , �nQka, Minneeota �idem I� �id,����� (�Pr�at. Cp. i2out�, �j� Osseo, �,�����.a By: G.A. Gunderson ��: RiCkard A E.i�lem Approved By SuilBing ��i���tO�' Building I�spec�o� ' , � � ' � � � , �� � � , , C�� , SPECIAI, PUBLIC HE�RING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 il'� � ' �I LTCENSES CC?N�.'ZI�IUED. G & S �wdsl3.�ng Inc. �542 7th St�'ee� N.E. �iinnea�oli,s, Minnesota Lor�der Canpa�y 2�09 Nico�let �venue Minneapol�.s� M�nnesota MaSOnry Hy: Leo R.:Castiqan By: R. I�onder ' Haward Lidtke Cons�ruction . Raute #2 Wyoming, Minnesota By: Howard Lidtke , ' pAG� 33 Build�.ng ��spectox' Building tinspecto�' Buildinq InB�eatot' THE MOTION seconded bY.Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay�, Mayor Kirkham declared �ae motion carried. RESQLUTION #186-1970 - RESOLUTION TO.ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR MF,ADOWLANDS PARK $TORM SEWER: The �ity Engineer presented both the sumater and winter diagrams on the easel ' showing the sheltex, baseball diamonds, football and soccer field and the hockey rink. The.memorandum reeeived by the Council last meeting outli.tied the problem, they would have with the park. The best solution, of course{ ' would be to pipe the whole area and put in the storm sewer system. The temporary solution is at best, or�iy mediocre. What is proposed is to.pi�Qe � portion o� the ditch. Even then there would still be a high water table and the grour�d would not i�e hard, and would be unfit for play after a ra3n. ' He then handed out a list from the Parks and Recreation Director of the priorities that he would like. It involves pipe to supplant ditch, hXdxan�� and grading as the first step. ' ' ' � ' ' ' Councilman Liebl said that it could be developed avex a three or four year period, wit� some d�velopment accomp.lished:each y�ar. The City Engin�er s�id tha� they could get the ditch and the hydrant done this year. Next y�ar thex may go back and do some more grading work to get the diamonds i��S� s�aQe, Counailman Liebl said that the Hockey:Association were vexy axix�iou8 to get � sink started in this axe� this Pall. Councilman Harris pointed �t� that unles�s lights are provided w3,th a rink, they dd not get too muGh u�e. He asked what cou�,d be done to close the ditch. The City Engineer sa3,d ��� �t would be done any time the City chose to put in the storm sewe� $��t�At €or $80,OOQ, Cour�,cilman Harris said that he would like to see a portio� ta� tlle mone� �ie for prQViding an answer to the drainage problem. The City �r�gir�eer said tha� he tried to get some interest in 3nstalling the stoz'�4 ��wer, but did not meet with much success. The people immediately e►djac�r�t �p the park a�'e for the improvement, but tho�e farther away are not, and th�y wQUld �11 be in the same drainage district. He added that 5 years f�om not� the �ost may be� up to $120,000. This would be a fairly larqe area. Stoxm s�w�r� �,re•vexy unpopula�. �1,Yp3i, KIRKkj� L�F� THE �lEETING AT 10;00 P.M. SPEGIAL PUBI.�G HEARING MEETING OF SE�TEMBER 14, 1970 � PAGE 34 ' Councilman Harris asked if the water could be drained to the hiqhway right o� way. The City Engineer said that �,t Was too high. A�er of tt�e audience said that he would like to see some way of covering up the d�tch. The water is deep enough in places for a child to drown. Councilman t3arris said that the people basically using the park axe in #.his �torm sewer distriFt. E�reryone wi.11 eventually have a storm sewer asses$� ment at a r�t� of $bout $3.05 per 100 square leet. L�entually the storm sewer will �aVe to }�e put in. There is about 60$ - 70$ of the storm sewess done now. The problem could be solv�d so much easier if the City could pu� in the stoz'�n sewer as it should be done. Five years froan now there will be� t�e inflatipnary iricreaee. Ha said that he would like to �see the projeet done right. This �emQorary pipe would be just below grade. He asked that those �residents in attendance try to sell the storm sewer project t9 their neigYil�ors, as a storm sewer district is inevitable. There wi11 be sand and si�.t in the �ipe and the system should be put in right. A member o� t'he audi�nc� asked when the storm sewer would be put in. Gouncilman �a�ris �aid that the Cquncil reacts to pxoblems created and $olves them ra�her than acting to prevent a problem. Councilman Liebl said tha� because of th� cost, it was turned down by the residents. Councilman Ha�ris saa�d that i� the same amount of money could be placed toWard the pexmanent impxovement, it would not be money wasted by duplicating the City's effqrts. The City Eng�neer then brought ou� the 10 year storm sewer district map. Councilman Harris said that the improvement of Meadavlands Park was part of the bond issue that failed. He said that he would like ta see a first c�a�s� park. CounciLnan Breider said that he agreed with Councilman Harris that he would like to see the park improved right, but he felt that they may just as w��� go ahead and fix the park as well as they can over the next three or fot� Yea�'8• A. m�mber of the audience said that the people immediately adjacent tp the park we�Q for the full storm sewer improv�nent. Councilman Harris said that he ielt that the Council should move on this. He wondered if i� would be possible �or:�the Council to hold one large public hearing on all the storm sewer districts left to be done, then defer the assesaments until later. That way thsy could �take advantage of the 1970 prices and everyone w�ould pa�► the sazne grice. He asked that the City Attorney do some reeearch on th�.s. Iie said that he would approve the temporary plan as laid out by the Parks Airector and the City Engineer. MQTZO�t by Councilman� Breider to adopt Resolution #186-1970 oacdering advert�s�-� ment for bids for the Meadowlands Park temporary storm sewer pipe, and other related work necessary to implement the plan submitted by the Park Dixector an� the City Engineer for pi�ing the ditch. Seconded by Counc•i�ma� Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the mp��.An carried. A member af th,e audi�nce asked how muah it would cost tor the tsmpo�a�y �.mprovement o� the pi�e. The City Engineer said $6,000 to $8,000 and �is would �c�yer about � of the ditch. �,tESOI,U�'ION #187-1970 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT ANp FINAL PLANS �AND SPECIFICA'I'IONa`' AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF : STREET IMPROVEMENT FRf�T��.".�' ST. 1970-1 ADflEATHi]M d14e . _. SPECIAL PUB��C HEARING ANA WURKSHQP M�$TING OF SEPTEMBER 14r 1970 pAGE 35 �ION by �pur�cilman L�ebl to adopt Resolution #187-1970. Seconded by Councilman �reider. Upon a voice vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared #h� motior� earried. �iESOI,UTION #I88-1970'- A RESDLUTIpN CONFIRI�ING ASSESSMENT FOR 1970 WATER AND SEWER M1�IN1S, LATEIiALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS: MOTTON b�+ Coui�cilman Liebl to adopt Resolution #188-19y0. Seconded by Councilman �reider. Upon a voice vots, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham deQlared th�`motion �arried. RESOLUTIaN #189�19i0 � A RESOL(JTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR WATER IMPRaVEMENT PR0.7ECT NO. 98: MOTION by Cauncilman Breider to adopt Resolution #189-1970. Seconded by Councilfian Lieb1. Upon_.a voice vote, all votinq aye, May�or Kirkhau declared th� aotion carried. ' A[fJOU�AI'� e . - - There bei,ng no further 2�u�ineas, Mayox Kirkham declared the Special Public Hearinc� and`Woxkshop Meeting of Septetqber 14, 1970 adjourne�l at 10:20 P.M. Res ctfyll�► �ubmitted, Juel Mercer Jack O. Kirkham Secretary to the City"Council Mayor a ' ' . ' . - , ' ' ' '- �. ' , • ' ' ' ' pFFICIEIL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) 3� � NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS yv 1'ER} SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT N0. 100 . . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter describe�. � I �TOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 21st day of S�tember , at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear --- -- all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM j (a) Water services to serve all lots in Anderson Development plat. : � (b) Sanitary sewer lateral and service connections. 1. To serve all lots in Anderson Development plat. 2. To serve all property on the'West side of Central Ave. between ' Fireside Drive and Anderson Development plat. 3. Storm sewer and appurtenances_ serving the area bounded by Fireside Drive on ihe South, Osborne Road on the North, Central Avenue on the East and a North/South line midway between Central Av enue and Viron Road. ESTIMATED COST . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . .$.6'7,250v00 - THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS IS AS FOZLOWS:: � _ .F'or Construction Item above ----------------=--------`----------- ' All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all � lands within,.adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be�assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. That should the Council pxoceed with said i.mprovements they will consider each separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the .' Council all ur�ler the follooring authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes lSul, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the Ci'ty � Charter. DATED THIS 8TH DAY OF � SEPTEMBER , 1970, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. I' Publish: September 9, 1970 September 16, 1970 MAYOR - Jack 0. Kirkham i REVISED for 2nd Reading ORDINANCE N0. r, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 61 "DOG CONTROL" OF THE CITY CODE AND ADOPTING AN "ANIMA.L CONTROL ORDINANCE" AS CHAPTER 61 THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN as follows; SECTION 61.01 DEFiNITIONS. As used in this Ordinance the followi.ng terms mean: Owner: Any person, partnership ar corporation owning, keeping or ha�'boxing animals. Pet Shop: Any person, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of breeding, buying, selling or boarding animals of any species. Veterinary Hospital: Any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuriee of aniwals. � Animals: An� living creature, domestic or wild. Animal Shelter: Any premises designated by the City Council �or Che purpose of i,mpounding and caring for animals held under authority of Chi.s ox'din�nCe. Sucb facility may be City owned or shelter service contracted. Off�,,,, icer: Any person designated by the City Council or employed ae a latK enforcement officer. � l f , Animal Control Officer: A person, firm or corporation designated �s anima]. cantrol. officer (ACO) whose duty shall be to periodically patral all aectione �af the City for the purpose of picking up stray animals and to issue ordinance v�olat�on �ags to owners who a11ow animals tQ run at large within Che �i�y; 1 to pick up to impound stray animals (dogs and domesticated �ets) runnic�� at 1��'g� wiGhin the City; to pick up and dispose of dead animals and to investi���t� a11 �a�es of animal bites reported to him and to ensur� that $],1 sueh dpgv oT ' anima�.s are impounded in a secure place of confinement where th� dog �ant�oC �otlt8ct pther animals or humans and are kept under observation fa� a per�.ad ot �oar�eea (14) days. ' Animal Warden; Any of�icer designated by the City Council as a].aw enforceta+9RC Off�cer; animal control officer or firm and any individual, contracted Chrough Che anim�l control pfficer or an individual, partnership, company or eo�paration ' dlr�ctly �ppointed by the City Manager to perform animal control and aniq►�tl �enaus duties. ' ' ' pog,�, Any animal of the canine species. Cat; Any animal of the feline species. Do�, Kenn�ls; The keeping of three or more dogs on the same premises. .`�?'; QRA�N�NC� �i0.�_ �AG� 2 p��m�,�; A permit is the authority tn keep a dog or Ather animal of the ca[►i�te spe ies within the City of Fridley. Tag;� A tag issued to individuals who make application to City Clerk and a�� issuad a permit to maintain a dog, or other animal for which a tag is required, License Year: The license year shall be from May 1, year of issue, to April 30 of'the year of expiration. • aECTION 61,02.CONTROL CQ��r41; It shall be uniawful for any person who owns, harbors, or keeps � dpg vr the pare�nts or guardians of any such person under 21 years of age to a�.�pw sµGt� do�, regardlesa of age of dog, to run at large in the City of �ridley. For Che purposes of this section of the ordinance a dog shall be deea�ed �C lar$e and shall be considered to constitute a nuisance when; 1. The dog is off the premises of the owner and not under the contrOl. of the owner or a member of his immediate family by a.leash, not exceeding ei�ht (8) feet i,n length, The dog must be with a competent person� having custody Qf him and obedient to that person's commands, or within a vehi�le being driv�n p'� p�shed pn a public street. 2. The dog commits damage to the person or property of anyone othex ChS� ' the owner, or �reates a nuisance upon the property of one oth�x than the owct��', e�c�pt �.n the defense of the owner, his f amily pr his property. , 3, � fecnale dog or cat in heat off the premises of the owner, unleas can� �itled i,t� the process of being transported to or from the premises of the oWRe�', Wh�le on the premises a female dog or cat in heat is not kept in a building �� �e�t�x'e sncloaure where said female dog or cat cannot be in contacG wi,th othe�r ' m�l� a�imals of. its kind, except for pianned breeding. 4. The owner does not assume the obligation and responsib�lity �equized ' pf the �i.ty Code or does not prevent such dog or other animal from canmiti,ng �ny �ct which constitutea a nuisance as defined herein. ' ' � ' ' 5. The owne�r or custodian keeps a dog or other animal who ahow� Vi�i.ou: habits, barks, howls, cries or yelps, or allows the animal to can8e noi8e, distuxban�e or annoy�nce to persons residing in the vicinity thexeof; or �requectt schaal grounds or public beachea. 6. The owner or cuatodian of a dog or animal of Che canine species do�� �not cauae the same ta be confined to the owner's or custodian's prapsxty by adequate fencing or leashing, except as herein defined. , 7� The Qwner allows the dog to chase vehicles or interfere wikh walk�.ng o� p�dea[�ian�, the driving of sutomobiles, bicycles, motorcyclest motoYbik�4�, p� aROwmobilea on public streets, alleys, grounds or highways� � ); � CIRATN�INCE N0. �'iAG� � 8e The awner allows a dog or animal to molest or annoy any perao� if such p��'son is not on the property of the owner or custodian. 9. �very unregistered dog and every dog that runs at l�rge or Causes di.�turbance, or noise in violation of the provisions of this ordi.z►�nce i� �er�by deClar�d a nuisance. �.0� A person abandons any dog, cat within the boundaries p� the �City 4� Fr�dley, 11, pwne� qr cuszodian fails to have dog vaccinated �gainst rabies 8t le�st 4[1�e every two (2) years, or dog's vaccination has not been withia Ch� pa$t two years. SECTION 61.43. PERMITS (REGISTRATION) Tb� appl.icant for permit must sign and agree that he is prepared �o c anply Wi.th re�ulations established by the City Council. [Tpon payaieat o� the� perm�t �ag �ee the Clerk shal� execute a receipt in duplicate, the oxiginal of whiah shal�. b� delivered to the person who pays the fee and the duplicate ��e�ained �.�t �he ��,Gy r�cords� The receipt shall describe the dog or animal as Co bs�+pd� ag,�� color, owner and address as a minimum. In addition to the permit, suitable animal tags, the shape qr colo� o� which shall be different fo� each registration year, shall be issued by Ch� ���rk aa�d he shall issue one appropriate tag to the owner when th� �ee j,� paid. The own�r sha11 cause said tag to be affixed by a permanent metal faa�ener to the collar or harness of the animal so registered, in such a man�ne� so that khe tag may be easily seen. The owner shall see to it Chat the tag �� �octs�ar4tly worn by the animal. In case any tag is lost, a du�licate tnay b� i�sµ�d by the Clerk µpon presentation of a receipt showing Che psym�nt 0� thp Te��,stration fee fox the current year. A charge of fifty cents sha�� be tnad� �a7� each such dupli.eate tag. If at time of initial registratiotl � do� �� d�t! to b� Yac�i.nated within the next six month period, then a new Vaccination Shall be req,uired before permit is issued. �� sha11 b� unlawful to counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit Che aR�ta�l tag Ar Lake irom any dog a tag legally placed upon it by its ownex with th� in��nt to pla�e it upon another animal, or to place such tag upon �noth�i� �nj,p�t�, Animal tags shall aot be transferable and no refunds ahai.l be mad� o� an�,mal permit fee because of leaving the City or death of the ani,a►al be�ore t�lQ expiration qf the regis�ration period. A, pezcniC pr animal tag shall be required for a dag or qther anima� o� t�+� �a�ine apeaies. No permit shall be required of any humane society, veterinary hQSpital 4�' lab�ratory. 0 ORAINAN� N0. PAG� �► SECTION 61.U[}, pERMIT REVOLKING A permit, if not revoked, shall be valid during the license year. A Rew permiC shall he obtained each licenae year by every owner and s new fee paid. The Counr_il may revoke any permit if the person holding the pe�rmit �'efuses to pr fails to cpmply with this ordinance, the regulatiqns promul- ga�ed by the Council, or any state or �ocal law governing cruelty to aniaial8 or the keeping of animals. Any person whose permit is revoked sha11, withiR 15 daps thereafter, remove•such animal(s) permanently from the City of Fr�.dley Qr humauely dispose of animal(s) cited in the violation being owaed, kept A� barbo��d by such peraon and no part of the permit fee shall be refuctded. Ac� animal permit and tag may be revoked if an o�ner fails ta provide alnimals with sufficient good and wholesome food and water, pzoper sbelter and p�otectian from the weather, veterinary care when needed to prevent euf�e�cing, and with humane care and treatment. Also, iE an owner shall be�t�, c�cuelly �.1.], treat, torment, overload, overwork, or otherwiae abuse any anitq�ir Qr Caus� ar permit any dog fight, cockfight, bullfight or other combat bstwtsn ani.a►al� or b�tween animals and humans. In addition such owner shall be li�bi,e �c� eouxt acCion under the ordinance of the City of Fridley, State Statues &t�d lc►G�� l�ws for any of the actions cited above. T� any �erson violating the terma of this ordinance 3 times in one pexmi� y�ar, h�.s pextnit to own, keep, harbor or have custody of animal(s) for whicb the o�fense was cited ahall be deemed automatically revoked and r1a new perW�t may be issued for a period of one year from date permit is revoked� S ON 61.U5. PERMITS RE UIRED �., No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog over the age of aix ' mo�ths, withir� the City of Fridley unless a permit therefor has f�.rst bean se�t�x�d, Peraait cextificates shall be issued by the City Glerk for a fee ss�ab�iahed by Council resolution. It shall be the duty of each pex�on pw[�ing, keeping, or harboring a dog to pay the permit fee establi.eh�d tp thq ' Ci��y Clerk on or before the first day of May in each year, or upon establ�.sklic�$, res�den�e in the City to forthwith pay such permit fee. The Clerk may c#�ttse � n���.cg of Che necessity of paying such permit registration fes to be p�int�d ii� ' th� q��icial newspaper in January of each year. IsBue of new pex'mi�s fo�' the l;��ense y�ar shall coaunence February lst of each year. i ' � � 2. I�ivestock: See City Ordinance (Code) - subject Livestock Contxol. �, Wi1d animals and birds: Se� City Ordinance (Code) - subjeat Wild Animals and �irds. 4. �he sections of this ordinance requiring a permit shall not agply to �o�-r�sidents of the City who are keeping only•domestic pets, provided thAt �[li�ma�� o� such owners shall not be kept in the City longer than 30 d�ye �nd that Gh� animals are kept under restraint. The provisions of thi.s c�rd�.n$nc� ahall apply insofar as requirements for rabies vaccination ia concerned. ` r �� QRAINANCE NQ. P�G� � 5. A compulsory system of permit and registration is established whereby the �ity w�.11 issue City owner permits and license tags to owners a� dogs over six month of age upon proof of rabies vaccination within the px'ecad�.ng y�ar, all ania�l permits and tags expire on April 30. PermitS and �.�gs must be applied for and obtained and tags affixed on dogs or okher ��nines requiring kags before they attain the age of six months. All permi�s in e��ect at Cime of enactment of this ordinance shall be extended ta an expir�Cion datie of April 30th. Fees will be based on a minimum a� six montt�e ra�ardlesa of dat� of application. Permit fees are as follows: a. For each male dog, or spayed dog or other canine species: b. For each unspayed femal dog or other unspayed canins speciea: c. Permits for livestock - See City of Fridley Code . (Ordinances) ' d. For each an:imal of other species an amount to be determined by the Council and establiahed by Gouncil resolution, provided the Council approves the issuance of the permit far sucli animal. SECTION 61.06. IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS $ S.AQ $1�.OQ The Animal Control Officer, Animal Warden, Law Enforcement Officer or Hum�ne Society shall take up and impound any dogs or animals requiring pexn►�C8 s��^ taga found ;Cn the City without the tags; or any dogs or animals which �rA ` �.n violation o� any of the other provisions of this ordinance. Anitaals sh+�11 �� impounded in an animal shelter and confined in a humane manner. Impounded �lo�s shali be kept for not less tban five days, not including Sundays and �ol�id�y&, un�esa reclaimed by �.heir owners. If by a pexmit �ag or by oChe�' meAns the owner can be identified, the Animal Conttol Officer shal.i iima�d�.akaly �pQt� impc�undment n�otify the owner by telephone or mail of the impoundmet�t o$ Ch� �niwal. � Notwithstanding the provisions of this ordinance, if an animal is found �� l�xge, and the owner or custodian can be identified, the An�ma� �onCrol Q��i�er, tbe Anima►1 Warden or Law Enforcement Officer may proceed again$t th�+ s�w�et� fcar violation of the ordinance. '�he Animal Control Officer, Animal Warden and Law Enforcement Offi.ce�s � m,�y enter upon any private premises where he has reasonable cause to believe �there is being kept a dog or other canine specie or cat or othex fel�ne specie which has bitten a human being. � , � ' �ECTTON 61.07. NOTTCE OF IMPOUNDMENT Upon t$king up and impounding any dog or animal as provided in th�.e oxdinance, Che Animal �ontrol Officer or Poundkeeper shall immediatel.y cto�i.�y Che pwner, if knot�rn, and the City Police DepartmenC. The Animal �ontrol O�ficer, Poundkeeper, and police Department shall maintain � rec0�d af dogs and animals so impounded. �7 ORDINANCE N0. PAGE 6 SEGTIpN 61.08. REDEMPTION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS WITHOUT PERMITS - TAGS - VACCINATIONS In the instance of dogs or animals for which the owner does not have a required permit or tag, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall not return such animal to the owner until a permit and tag, if applicable, have been purchase3 from the City Clerk',s office or from the Animal Coatrol Officer or Poundkeeper. The Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall remit to the City the sum paid to him for the permit and tag and if owaer has aot proof of rabies vaccinations, the cost of immunization, and furnishin� the �iCy C�erk all necessary information pertaining to said purchase �,neJ,udin� a copy of any permit certificate issued in connection therewith. �n addition the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall be paid by the dog or anim$1 owner th,e impounding fee plus feeding and care fee for each day the do& or ania�tl is confined in the pound. All monies received by the Animal Contral pfficer or Poundkeeper shall be turned over to the �ity Clerk,•and shall be pl.aced in the general fund of the City. $ECTTON 61.Q9. REDEMPTION OF ANIMALS WITH PERMITS - TAGS - VACCINATIONS ' Any dog or animal for which the owner has a current pertait - tag may be redepmed from the pound by the owner after impounding by payment of impoundic�� �a� pZus feeding and care fee for each day the dog is confined i.n the pound, ' Fe�s paid shal.l be in accordance with those established by the Ci�y Couneil. A1]. monies received by the Animal Control Officer or poundkeeper shal]. be turned aver to the City Clerk and shall be placed in the General Fund of the City, , SECTION 61.10�. UNCLAIMED IMPOUNDED ANIMALS � . Any dog or animal which is not claimed within five days after impounding, ' no� including Sundays or Holidays, may be sold for not less than the amounC p� the Cat��. Gharges accrued against the animal in accordanee with thi� ordinanC� 8�d CounCi.l resolution, tp anyone desiring to purchase the dog, if not ' xeques��d by a licensed educational or scientific institution under Mi�nne�s�t� Statutes Sect�on 35,71. All sums received by the Animal Coatrol Off�cer or Poundkeepsr aha11 be turned over to the City Clerk, and shall be placed in ths gat�e�x�l fund o� the City. Any dog or animal which is not Claimed by Cha ' ' ownQr, o� by a licensed educational or scientific �nstitution, or sold, ehall b� p�inlesaly put to death and the body properly dispased o��by the �ouadkeepo�. Th� Ci.me of sals or other disposition of the dog or animal shall be at lsnet � 12Q houra after nptice has been given to the animal owner by the Animal ConCxol Q�ficex ar poundkeeper. The provision of noti£ication of owner doe$ npt appj,}r� when oWner cannot be ascertained. �� ' ' ' Anitaal �Antrpl Officers, Animal Wardens and Law Enforcem�t Officere shltli. have ppl.ice powers in the enforcement of th�s ordinance and no pexaon sh�11 i��ex�ere with, hinder, or malest such officer in the exercis� of s�ch powe�r�. � ��i ' ' ' , �r �� ORAINANCE N0. P�G� 7 SEC�'T01V 61.11. DOG AND ANIMAL BITES Any person knowing of a human being bit by a dog, cat, raccoon, skunk, or other rabbies susceptible species shall immediately notify the Aqimal Control officer or Police Department and the Animal Control Officer shall then cause said animal to be quarantined under observation for a period of 14 dmys according to State Law. �To Police Officer or other person shall kill, or cause to be killed, �ny ' �ni�nal suspected of being rabid, except after the animal has been plaCed iri quarantine and the diagnosis of rabies made. It shall be unlawful for �ny persvn other than an Animal Control Officer, Animal Warden or City �w � �n�o�ceme�t Of�icer to kill or destroy any dog or animal of the dog �Cind foupd �cun�ning at lar�e in the City. Violations of the above shall be cans�d�red 8 misdemeanor. S�QTION 61,12� �pMPLAINTS �iny p�rson complaining to the Police Department that a dog or oth�r anitual fs allegedly running at large or otherwise constituting a danger o� nuisance �hall identify himself upon request and shall make every re�sonabl� ��trmpt Co assist the auth'orities in identifying Che dog and its ownex Qx custs�dian. SECTIAN 61.�3, MIJZZLING PROCLAMATION Whenqver the prevalence of hydrophobia renders such actfqn nec�$�ary to protect the public health and safety, the Mayor shall issue a proclamat�on o�derin� every person owning or keeping a dog to confine it securely on his premises unless it is muzzled so that it cannot bite. No person shal� vialat• su�ch p�'o�lamation, and any unmuzzled dog running �t large during the tim� fix�d ic� Che proclamation sha11 be killed by the Police, the Animal ConCxpl O��icex o� An�ma1 Warden, wikhout notice to Che owner. SECTTON 6 i,^ .14. I��iATEIS See City of Fridley Zoning Ordinance 6EC'�TON 61.15. APPOINTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER AND ANIMAL WARDEAf Th� Council may appoint such person, persons, or firm as the Couc�oi% pta;y deem peceasary and advisable as Animal Control Officer and Anicaal Waxden, guC11 appa:Lntee� shall work under the direct supervision of the Fridl�y po1iC� Depazt• tnen� �,nd shall be responsible for the enforcement of this oXdinane�, S�CTIQN 4116. REPEAI.ER Chapter 61 of the City Code of the City of Fridley is hereby repealed, A11 e�i,stin$ ordinances of the City of Fridley are hereby repealQd i.neofax �a th@�► tnay be inconsistant with the provisions qf this ordinance. .� �� •r�, QItDINA,�ICE N0. PAG� �3 '� ���T�Q� ��•i7 PENALTIES EVery pexson who violates this ordinance is subject to al.l p�n$ltie$ p�ovided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 145 of the Fridley City Code as amended. PASS�D $X THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FitIDLEY, THIS DAY OF � I.970. ATTEST: MAYOR JACK 0. KIRIQ�AM G��'X CI.ERIC - MARV�N C. BRUNSELL . �f.r�t Read�,n�;_ August 17, 1970 9eaond Reading: �ubl,:[sti; . � 4 �� ORDINANCE NOo AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SfCTION 66 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CONCERNING WATER �AND SEWER ADMINISTRATIQN, SAID AMENDMENT ELIMINATING THE RE� QUIREM�NT THAT V�ATER AND S�WER MINIMUM CHARGES BE PAID IN ADVANCE ANf� ADpPTING THE SCHEDULE OF CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN IN EFFECT SINCE F��RUARY 6, 1967P THIS AhlENDh1ENT AFFECTING SECTION 66.08, CONCERNING WAT�R AND SEWER �$„ The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTIQN 1, Sectipn 66.Q8 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as o ows: Mat�r Gonsumptjon and sewer use charges to the consumer sh�11 becor� due and payable quaPterly each year on a calendar schedule or by monthly intervals or periods of time in accordance with a Schedule prepared by the Gity P4Anager. ,d. Commencing an and after February 6, i967, the water ra�es per qu�rter shall be as follows; Range of Wat�r Us��� 0 - 10,000 gal. 10,000 - 30,000 gal 30,OOQ - 50,000 ga1. 5Q,Q00 - 100,OQ0 gal. lOQ,00Q - 20A9000 gal. Qver � 20Q,000 ga9. 50�/1000 gal. - Minimum �5.00 Next 20,000 gal. @ 40t/3000 Next 20,000 gal. @ 34�/1()40 Next 5�,�00 galo � 30Q/�Q00 Next 100,000 gal. � 28�/10Qq Ovew 200�000 g�l. @ 26�/100Q b. Corr�riencing on �nd after February 6, 1967, the sewer rates per quarter shall be as follows: a) Single family dwelling b) Multiple dwellings, trailer cts. and mot�ls c) Comnercial First unit Additional units & Industrial 0-15,000 gal. 15,000-50,000 gal. Over 50,000 gal. �7.00/Quarter $7.00/Quarter �7.00/Quarter � 7. 00/ Qua rter �0.35/1000 g�l, �0.30/1000 gal. (� • - t. ! Winter water usa�� wint�r w�ter us�ge c. Mhenever the period of billing of charges for either w�t�r or sewer or both is altered or changed, the minimum chdrge payable for such water or sewer may and shall be prorated as necessary in equity to the consumer for any period pf time less or more than a full quarter year or any period used. SuCh prorating 1s also authorized whenever the ratefl minimum qr otherwise, for either water or sewer services or both, is �hanged. PASSED �Y.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS SEPTEMB�R, 1970. ay�r - ac . r am ATTEST: arY n. runse , ty C er Fi�s� Reading; September 8, 1970 Second Readiag: p�blish; DAY 4F c; �, ' ' , ' ' � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , T�1�Q T�; �RO�: DA'� ; �_ �1 CITY �OUNCIL PARK ANA RECREATION DEPARTt�NT AND CO1r8�IYSSION CIT�I MANAG�R S�PT�MB�R 1, 1979 The �ity o� Fridley received grant approval from the Department of the Tnterior $u��au of 0utdaor Recrea.tion and from the Minnesota State Department of Consex'vatiact for pa�rk land Cotalit�g, $107,250. The Federal grar_t was pro rated as follow$: �pring Lak� Parlc Area Parcel 30 g��p Greel� Park Are� Parcel 4k620, 4�'640 Nc�xth P�xk Area Parcel ��10, 300, 3000, 3200 Total �ederal Assistan:;e State Gx'ant City of �'ridley Share Estitnate of Total Cost $ 1,OOO.pO 3,500.00 67.000.00 $ 71,500.00 35,750.00 35,750.00 $143,OOO.QO Coaa�ti6�ioner �wards came in on North Park with a total award of $275,746 or ut� �W�,�d exCeeding esC�.mates o� all park parcels by $132,746. i,�tCe� �x'oa► City Attorney Juster, dated August 28, �970 (copy attached as �mc1p� pq;� �Iq, J,) �ndicate� awner of Parcel 3000 appealed commissioner aw�rd� and th�� tllq C��y h�8'p�►W e�'oss appeal�d �11 awards, The letter further goes on to st��e th�t Pa�G+�1� 3QOQ aou7.d �ast as much as $4,500 per acre, caus�ng the �ollowiz�g �o rr+�v���� Tot�1 cost of North Park $364,996.00 Ox'1$�n�� FedeT,al Grant, State Grant, City share 143,000.00 Unanticipated additional cost $221,996.00 �,� ����,��qrney Jueter suggesta, land can be purchased to the wes� tp 8ub$t�,Ct�te �p� ��� 1�,� ����� �n Parcel 3000 for approximately $2,000 per acre, the followi.ng Kou1d �����e ' Parc�l 10 • Pareel 300 Parcel 6Q4 SubB�itute k5 acre parcels ' iVew Total prigic�al �otal Fed-State Gr�,nt & City Share �otal t�ow costing above estiaiates II ' poaeibl.e additional State Grant (To�a�l suaount up tc� $100,00Q, We have a1�c�ady �recelved $35,750 on all park p+�rcela) Atnouc�t remaining for City to pay if add�tional State Grant were approved. $ 76,296.00 60,0OO.Op 26,200.00 90,000.00 $252,496,Op 143.000.00 $109,496.Q0 64,250.00 $ 4g,246.OQ � ' l__J ' ' � ' Th� p�'�eC�c�ing i.s predicated on City applying all grant funds Cowarr�s Xhe ����,�,,��e t�f �TQxth Park. This, of course, requires Federal - State apgrov�l And ��,�y ������tt�� �o pu�chase othe� �arcels,for which grant was origin�l�y m�dQ, wi�h �ifi�' �4��d�, Ol�ve�' E�°ick�on donated the Spring Lake Park Parcel ��30, tl1@ �i�y k��6 ���'���ly gt���hased o�te pf the �tice Cre�k parcels and this leaves a�pro�tipi8tely �9��QQ ��► �h� gther Ri.ee Creek p�rcel to pay. Also, it �s predieated on app�.ieation ����� ��,�.�� �nc� $tate incx�asi.ng g�r�nt by $64�,250. �l�e'���t�.Ye� �vai.labl� to Cauncil in accordance with Attorney Just�x�� 1et��� �nd �ran� t�le�; 1. Distniss enti�re acquisi.tion and return all State funds and request ��c��e�ll�t�,an gf Federal Grant. Reimburse land owners as indicated in ,�Ctaxney Ju►8t���e 1etCex of August 28, attached hereto. 2, Cp�Ginue as fo�lows: ' �, Dx'op Farcel 3000 (45,0� acres), negotiate like acreag� ta the west. Notify both State and Federal Government of wh$t you are da�.ng . ' b, Request State grant assistance be increased from $35,7�0 tA y��.p0,000, or in other words, an additional $64,250. ' �� Request State and Federal Government authority to use a�l funds g��nted Cow�rds North Park area, with agreement to purchase other � �arcels from City funds. I� ' ' ' � u ' u � , d, Ca�ry over in new budget $35,OU0 budgeted for park land and rebudgeC �o�' next year. Borrow from utility fund and pay back from a leYy ir� park fund over a period of three years the amount of $45,246 (or greater if land substituted for Parcel 3000 is more than $2QQp pe�r acre. (This could be more costly if State does not approvQ g�'a�te bu� this you should know by January 1, 1971). 3. �ec�uest amendment to Federal Grant based on one half of the un��nCieip�lt�d ������sq�, 1d�nd costs (Tom Clawson, State Coordinator, indicates these ar� �arely �pg�pvedj, A�so, coordinate like increase for an adjusted one-forth of the to�al ��i��ecC from State funds. � �..1, Q v�-.�i,,.,�.-.___ HOMER R, ANKRUM `� C`l L�w o��-ecEs H�r.i.. S�xTx, Jtr�T��. �-0�T7F�EM� �C �SBYITZ . _ cHe►RrE�Eo WvMAN SM�TM L�ONARD T. JUSTER HENRV M. FEIK[MA RtaNA�,O l. HASKVIT2 JAME$ R. CA$$CRLV CARL J• NEWpU1ST OquG6.�s N��� or eo�nsc4 Homer Ankrum City Manager 6431 University Avenue N.E. Minneppolis, Minnesota 55421 SUITf IObO •UIlDCRB E7tCMANGE SUI�OINO MINNG►OL13r MINNf,50TA 4640s orr�ees iN: r�ip��r i oasRO �wc� eooc ��: ♦[L[rlIONC i!l�1��1 Augaast 28, 1970 RE: Condemnation 31257 - Projects: Park and Recreation Purposes. Dear Hom�r; - . To bring the A�ninistration and Council up to date on the above matter the awards entered by the Commissioners for all the parcels - involved have been appealed and cross-appealed. That means that the ultimate question of value will be decided by a jury in the Anoka County District Court sometime in the spring of 1971. It is possible that prior to that time some of the owners might request 75� pf the amount of the Comnissioner's award but as yet we have not h�d such reques ts . In diScussing the matter with Wyman and Yirgil it is difficult for us, as attorneys, to guess what the District Court jury would do, but a11 of us have had some baekg��u�d in F�i�ley �and sales and it is our feeling that the Commissioner's award should not be �ub�tantially changed, either up or d�ran, on Parcels 300, Parcel 10 and P�rcel 600. However, we all express concern over Parcel 3000 which is University Avenue frontage land and which conceivably cou1d go as high as $4,500.per acre. pnce�th� case is tried in District Court in Anoka County the matter is final. Whatever the amounts awarded become binding on both parti�S dnd the City would be required to come up with the money at�that �ime (the 1ikelihood of an appeal to the State Suprem� Court is extreme1y s19m), The only �uggestion we can make to the Council, if they wish to avoid th� eXposure o� a high award on Parcel 3000, is to dismiss the proceedingi on thdt Parcel at this time and negotiate with th� property ownerS to �he West of th� present Park Land fpr the purchase of a similar s1zQ piece and reapp1y to the Stdte and Federal authorities for a new �rant. . � � . . . .�'��c%�� . 4:� '� r -z- It is our understanding, legally, that this could be dismissed at this fiime with the only obli�ation of the City to pay the attorney's fe�s and cost of the land owner. These cos ts should not be high aince the land own�r did not us� a prof���ionel appr�i��l� before the Conmissioners. Ther�fore, the Administration and the Council should reconsider the question whether the Park land is worth the risk of a high award since i� would give the Park exposure to University Avenue an�! go0d dccess to the citizens of Fridley or whether the Council sh�uld b� conservative and dismiss that appeal and negotiate a parcel claser to s2�000 per acre along County Road 130 and not have th� tJniversity Avenue access to the Park. Yours very truly, � t�TJ : mr ca: Counci1 Members Nasim Quershi City Engineer — Marvin Brunsell Finance Director Yi rgi 1 Herri ck Paul Brown Director af Park and Recreation . , . Leonard T. Juster � ' �. 5� I �ll U 0 � ORDINANCE N0. 1 . AN ORD I NANCE TO AMEIvD �ECTI ON 3.06 OF Tt� FR I DLEY ' CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY �ND RESTRICT CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES FROM ��IAGE PAYMENT DIJR I NG PER I OD OF I NJURY . ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: � , Any full-time city employee who has been employed by the City at least six (6) month s injured on his regular job shali be entitled to full pay up to'a period of ninety (90) days while he , is absent from work by reason of such injury and his accrued sick leave will �ot be cha�ged until after and beginning with the nine- ty-f irst (91 st) day of abaence from wark by reaaon of such injury, ' erovided; however, the amount of any compensation shall be re duced by any payment received b� the injured employee frow workme�'� compensatio� insurance. An employee who claima an.absence from work due to an injury sustained on his regular job is aubject to , a� examination to be ma de in behalf of the City by a perso� competent to perform the same and as i s designated by the C ity . ' Any volunteer firemen injured while serving the City in the pe�forma�ce of h i s duty sha ( I be ent i t led to compensat i on for ' a period not to exceed ninety (90) days while absent from work by reason of such injury. Rate of compensation shall be equal to the �� then current pay scale for first class firemen in the City of• • '/� � � s, Minnesota, provided; however, the amount of any J campensat�on sha�l be reduced by any payment rece�ved by the in�ured �irema� from workmen's compensation insurance, or any payment s received frpm his regular employer. Any voluntee� fireman who ' claims an absence from work due to said injury shall submit said claim on forms provided by the City and if so requested; subject himself to an exemination by a physician designated by the City , . ' ' ' .�i1 I A TTE ST : CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRl1NSELL Firat Reading: Second Reading: Ru b I i sh : 0 0 0 0 MAYOR - JACK 0. KIRKHAM .�21 ' �� '. , �I WYMAN SMITM LEONARD T. JUET�R MCNqY N. �EIKfMA RONA40 L: NASKy1T2 JAMES 1�. CAff(Rlr C�ANI J. N[WOUIiT 1?QUOLAi MAL1. OiCOUN1C� LAW OFF;rES HALL. SMITH. �JUSTKR. FFIHEMA 8c HA�HVITZ , Mayor Jack 0. Ki rkham , City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55421 ' Dear Mayor and Councfl Members: CHARTERED September 15, 1970 sui►r •aso �UILD[Rf [xCwkMGE �L�kti�w0 M�MN[A�OII� M�iNC50f� NaUj pI►IC[s +w. FRtO�[• L OS��O M[A COO� �N Ttl(M/ON[ i3�-14�1 fnclosed you will find a copy of an existing Taxi Cab Ordinance and a copy of ' a proposed new ordinance that was worked out between Carl Nerrquist, City Prosecutor, and Chief McCarthy. The new ordinance is so+aewhat similar to that presenily in effect in Columbia Heights and the City of Anoka. , ' In discussing the proposed new ordinance with Homer Ankrwn, he Nas opposed to the 1nspection provisions as he felt thnt the City did not have the personnel to cc�plete the inspections and he further felt that once the City undertakes the responsibility of inspecting vehicles they assume certai� liability if the vehicles aren't inspected properly. ihe origlnal philosophy behind our very simple Taxi Cab Ordinance was that the '� Gity w8►nt�d to encourage the operation of cabs in the City, they did not r�rdnt to �esign �n ordinance that would be so restrictive as to only allow the large tnajor companies to operate in Fridley and further, that since the ordinance , r�quires insurance, the insurance companfes would refuse to write sub-stan��rd cab operations. ' ' � �I � � Mowever, in recent practice, the ca�b canpanies have been able to get minimum insura��e without too much said by the insurance companies and the recent appliC��lts for cnb 1icenses have but 10/20 coverage, the minimum that c� be written, and 1r�»a�dequ�te ter�ns of today's jury verdicts for injuries or wrongful death. i'herefor�e, I would appreciate if you would study the proposals and give me sonK guldance at future meetings as to the type of ordinance you would like draftrd, if �ny. i'he thlef feels rather strongiy that we should tighten up control and will De g1�d ta �isCuss it with any of you at any time. Ve truly pours. Leonard T. Jus�e� �.T�1 s n1 � . �nc, CC; Marv�n Brunsell, Acting Manag�r, Chief of Police Everett McCarthy .fi: 3 I ' � � ' 1, ' , ' ' ,.�, , ��- � '.� � , � '` . . �• ' , ' ' , , � '. 73.05 73. TAXICABS 73.p1. No persoh''shall drive, operate or keep for pa�y or. �hire within the limits of Fridley any taxlcab without first obta�i�ing a license or licenses so to do. (Ref. 25) 73.02. Application for license or licenses shall be made i�1 writing to the City Office showing: a. Description of the taxicab. ' b. Ownership of taxicab and employees of company. c. Copy of automobile liabilit�r insurance policy covering taxicab. � , d. Deposit of license fee. � e. Schedule of fares and rates to be charged. � ; f. Hours of operation. 73.03. Any license issued under this chapter shall ter- minate whenever, during the term of said license, the insur- anc� policy shall not be kept in full force and effect. 73.04. License or licenses shall be granted by the City Council. The license fee is s20.00 per year per cab, coimien- �1ng on May ist of each year. ' 73.05. Every taxiceb shall keep a trip sheet upon which shall be noted the starting point and time and the termin�-. tion a�nd tim� of each trip of the taxicab end the �mount of fare charged. whlch information sMall be a�ailable to �r�r lew enforcement officer of the City. , , . . � 1 ,. > . ��: LICENSE REQ�IT �. . : INSURAMCE I.ApBE ` F�E TRIP SNE�'I' � �,. . � . � � �85 � �, ORDINANCE N0, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR LICENSING OF TA�I CAt3S AND REGULATING THEIR OPERATION IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND AMENbING OROTNANC� NO.� 5 �RESENTLY CODED AS CHAPT�R 73 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. The Cout�cil o�' the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: 73.Q1 Qe�lnitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in S or inance, t e following words shall have the meaning given to them by this section, a. The word "taxicab" shall mean and include any motor vehicle engaged in the carrying of persons for hire, whether over a fixed rou�e or not, and whether the same be operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a garage, or otherwise operated for hire; but the term shall not inclyde vehicles subject to control �nd regulations by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission or vehiCl�s regularly used by undertakers in carrying on their business. b. The word "street" shall rr�*an and include any street, alley, a�venue, court, bridge, lane or public place in the Ci�y of Fridley, c. The word "taxicab driver" shall mean and include �ny person wh0 drives a taxicab, whether such person be the owner of such t�►xiCdb or be employed by a taxicab owner or operator. d. The worG "operator" shall mean and include any person own�ng or haYing control of the us� of one or more taxicabs used for hire upon r th� streets a^ engaged in the business of opera�ting a taxi��b within the Ci ty. ' e, The word "person" shall mean and include natural persons, corpora�ivns, partnerships and associations. � , f, The word "taximeter" shall mean and include any mechanica1 instrument or device by which the charge for hire of a�axicab i� mechanical�y calculated, whether by distance travelled or � wai�ing time or by both, and upon which the charge shall be indicated b� �igures. , � ' 0 .�:� i � . .5t..� , ' , L� � � � I� � , ' , ' , , ' � Page -2- 73.02 l,icense Re uired. No person sha11 operate or permit a taxicab owned or contro ed by him to be operated as a vehicle fQr hire upon the streets of the City af Fridley without having first obtained a taxicab license therefor under the provisions of this ordinance, provided that any �axicab licensed to operate in any other municipality of this sta�� may carry passengers from said munici�a1ity whereso licensed to any place or point Wtthin the City of Frid1,ey and may receive passengers for carriage t0 such municipality whereso licensed; but owners and drivers pf suCh vehie1es sha11 not be permitted to solicit business in the City of Fridley or otherwise opel^ate a taxicab on the streets of such city, without being licensed under the provisions of this. ordinance, Each app]icant fqr a taxicab license shall apply to the City Council for �uch license upon an application form to be provided by the City, �nd to be filed with the City Manager, and must comply w�ith the following provisions to th� satiSfaCtion of the City Council, �t. Be a citizen of the United States.. b. Be of the age of twenty-one (21) years or over if a natural person, �nd in the case of any co-partnership, firm or corporation, must be authorized to operate taxicabs and carry on busi.ness in acGOrdance with the Laws of the State of Minnesota. c. Said application for the �axicab license shall be verified under oath and shall furnish the following information: a s��temerlt covering each vehicle to be so licensed, giving the full nam� and address of the owner; the class and passenger-carrying capacity o�F each vehi�le for which a l.icense is desired; the length of time the vehiclg has� been in use; the tnaha of vehicle; the engine number; the s�ria1 ►1urt1�81" and the state license nur►�er; whether the same is mortgaged; a�so th� holder of legal title.to said vehicle if other than the applicant; or whether said vehicle is leased, licensed, or under any form of eon��^aC� permitting �ts use and operation by some person other than the �ne holdl�lg l��al titl� thereto, and what person, firm or corporation collects thQ 1^ev�nue from the operation of said taxicab and pays the expen��s qfi operatin.g the same. d. No person who, upon investigation, sha11 be found t� have had a� license to perate a taxicab revoked or cancelled in any other muniCipA1�'�y .in the State of Minnesota, shall be grar�ted a li�ense tro op�rat8 a taxi�ab i� the City of Fridley. �. No p�rson shall be granted a license to operate qr driye � taxic�b in the City of ,Fridley without first having furnished to�the Chief of POI��e o�F sdid City such proof of citizenship.and other data �s he m�� t^�qulre fio complete a thorough inspection of the ope�rator's or driver S pa�t record. No license to operate or drive a taxicab �hal�l b� �t'a11�ed by the City Councll af the City of Fridley until such insp�ctlon.t�por� hd� been �urnished said Council by the Chief of Police. � / . �, � .5�: Page -3- 73.A� License Fees. The applicant applying for a taxicab licens� sh�11, befipre be ng issued said license, pay into the City treasury the sum af �hirty ($30.00) Dollars for the first vehicle and the sum of Five ($5,00) Doll�r� fpr each additional vehicle �a be licensed by said applicant; prpvided �hat iF the said lic�ns� is denied for any reason �he aforesaid f�e pr fe�s shall forthwith be r�turn�d to the applicant. All licenses hereunder shall expire qn the 30�h day of April in each year. No license may be transferred nor shall any rebate be made for the unexpired portion Qf �ny 1iCenss surrendered to the City or revoked as herein provided. 73.Q4 Examination of Taxicabs. Upon filing an application for a taxicab cense or i��nses the app icant shall accompany the same with a statemen� si�ned by the operator of a garage or service station in the City of Fridley Qr by a mechariic employed in such garage or service station certifying that eactt vehicle sought to be licensed is in a thoroughly safe Condition fOr the transportation of passengers. The City Council shall cause the Chief of Police oh some other employee on behalf of the city to thoroughly and Carefully examine each taxicab before a license is granted to operate � th� same. The Chief of Police or other designated employee may fur'th�r' inspect vehicles licensed as taxicabs from time to time and may suspend any 1�cenSed vehicle from service as a taxicab which he ma�y deem unsafe or unfi] for°such"service. Cause for such suspension shall be furnish�d to the City Council by.the Chief of Police or designated employee dt �ts nex� regular meeting. Any vehicle so suspended from service as a taxicab shal� npt be r�turned to this service until it has met with all the t"��sc�nable requit^ements of thE officer making such inspection. A�1,� exp�nSe incurred by r�ason of the an;pection of any licensed vehic1e sha11 be paid by the licensee of such vehicle. The taxicabs hereunder must be kept cledn aC�d of good appearance and well painted. 73.Q5 Grantin License. If the City Council is satisfied that the publi� cor�venience an goo order wi 11 be served thereb i t rr�� y, y grant a licens� to �ny such applicant. Each 1icense granted:shall be given a qumber and an �d�quate description of the taxicabs licensediherehunder. �3.�6 Taxicab Cards. The operator of any taxicab shall cause to be print�d in p ain, legib e letters displayed inside the taxicab a card giving th� numb�r of the license� the maximum rates of fare to be charged, and � st��ement wh�t"� any package or article 1eft in the taxicab may be identified and cldimed, � 73,07 Taxicab Drivers. No person either the operator or employee o� suCh opel^Atpr, sha rive a taxicab in this city without first hav'�ng been 1iC811i8d � • �s � ch�uffeur under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and every driver shd11 dig ' SuCh Gh�uffeur'� 1icense badge conspicuously upon his coa� or Cap as ther�e�n provid 73.08 Insurance Policies. Before a license shall be deliver�d tp any oper�tOr ' e S n epos t w th the City Clerk a policy or policies of an insurance comp�ny �r comp,�r�ies duly 1lcensed to transact such business in this stat�, lnsuring th� opera►tor of any taxicab to be 1icensed against loss from the 1iability imposed b,y law fp1^ damdges on account of bodily injury or death, �r the d�ma9es tp , prpp�rty resulting from the ownership, maintenance, or use of any taxicdb �0 � � 1 Page -4- � be owned or opera�ted under such license, and agreeing to pay tq any judgment cre�itor t� th� �x�ent of the amaunt specified in such policy, any f�nal judgrr�nt rendered against the assured by reason of such liabi�ity. The ' p41icie$ shall be approVied by the City Attorney as to form in cOmpl�iance with this prdinance. .5t� The limit in any such insurance policy of said liability of the insurer on accot�nt of �he awnership, main�enance and use of such taxicab sha11 n�t b8 less than $25,000.00 for bodily injuries to or death of one person, and sub�BCt �o sdid limit �'Qr one persan, no� less than $50,000.00 because of bodl1y �njury to ar death of two or more persons in any one accident resultin� frpm thw negli�ent �peratiQn, use or defective condition of any taxicab. Such insuranCe sha11, �n addition to the foregoin�, also contain a provision insuring such person, his leSSees or licenses, in the sum of at least $5,Q00,00 against 1osi t01" datmage �o propel^ty of any person or persons in any one accident resu1ting firpm �he neg1igent operation, use or defective condition of any taxicab. Any of the policies herein pravided shall contain a clause that the liability p'� the insurer.shs11 not be affected by the insolvency or bankruptcy of the inst�t"Rd QC' assur�d, A c1ause obligating �he insurer to give ten (lp) days aritt�n notice to the Council of the City pf Fridley and to the insured or assured t�efor� any can�e1lation or determination thereof earlier than its expiration da�te; d clause providing for the indemnity or security against the liabil�ty and 1^�sponsii�li'ty of the owner, licensee or operator of any such tdxiC�b Or injuries t9 any person or persons resulting from neg1igence in the operation Q�' such taxicab, in the business of such owner, licensee or operator, by any PersAn legally using or operating the same with the permission, expreSS 4r �mplied, of such owner, licensee or operator, subject to the limitations as t0 dmpun'E h�1^�1 n Stat�d. No such pol i cy shal l incl ude or contai n dny 1 imi �ati OC��, condi �1on pr �'�ause providing in effect that such policy shall not cover au�orrqbile� �11'C'�Qt1R� or desGrjbed o1^ included thereir� when such automobiles are driven, usQd� oper��Ced or main�ained while the driver ar occupants thereof are intpxicat�d or engaged in the i111cit transportation of liquor; and no such policy shll contaim m�y limi�at�an, clause o1^ provisian whatever except�ng and releasing any insurer on, �ny �uch poliGy from liability thereunder by reason of any sucM automobilQ being driven, used or operated when ths driver or occupants ther�pf ar� int�xiGdted or engaged in the illicit transportation Qf liquor. �fi at any time in the judgment of the Gouncil of the City of Fridley any �{�Ch pollcy is not sufficient in form for any reason, said Council shall requir8 the owner: lessee, licensee, or operator of such vehicle to repl�ce such poliCy v�ith �n4th�r approved by the City Council, and if for any reason any sueh pp11Cy shdll become inoperative, no persan shall operate such taxicab until � ppli�y appr�ved by the City Council sha11 have been obtained and deposited with s�id Gouncil as her�in provided. The policy hereinbefore provided for may be ori ginal1y written or 1ater extended to cover during its term an,y additlondl t�xiG+�b under tfi� same owner, associatian or control. Any 11c�nse issued under this Ordinance sha11 be suspended whenever durin9 t�t! ��rm o� s�id 1i�ense the owner, lessee, licensee or op�rator of said t�►xiC�b �hall fail to keep in fu11 force and effect such insurance in the fu11 anpunt hereinbefore required, ' ' , � Page �5- 73.09 Miscellaneous. m. No driver of any l�censed taxicab shall carry any other than th�.passenger first emplqyinc� a t�xicab without the consent of such passenger, � ' b. No taxicab driver shall deceive any passenger who may ride with him, or who may desire to ride in any such vehicle, as to his des�ination o1^ distatice trave1ed or to be travel�d. ,� , , , � .5: � c. �very taxicab shall be provided with windows sufficient in number and of such size and dimensions that a't all times persons may be readi1y seen throug such windqws with sufficien� distinctness to identify such persons. d. A11 taxicab operators shall give continuous 24 hour servi�e with one or more taxicabs. 73.10. Revocation. Violation of this ordinance shall be cause fpr rev�cat on of any licenses issued hereunderat the discretion of the Council, 73.11 Se arabilit . Every section, provision or part of thi$ ordinAnce is dec �red separable from every other section, provision or part: and if any sec�ion, provision or part of any ordinance shall be held valid, it shall not affect any other section, provision, or part thereof. 73.12 Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordina�c� shdll � u�y of � misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be puni�hed by I a f�ne of not more than Three hundred ($300.00) Dollars or by imprisonrr�nt �For n4t more than ninety (90) days, or both. � � ' ' � , ' � 73.1� Re�,eal. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsisterr� with the proyi$ions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. 73,14 Ef�ect. 7his ordinance shall take effect and be in fpr�e �rom and �4'�Ilri the �x�ration of thirty (30) days after its publication and passa�e� PASS�D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY 4F S�PTEMB�R, 1970, ATTEST: ty er - Marv n. Brunse Mayor - ac . �r am ' ' � ' ' ' � i i 1 � ' � � � . �l ' MEMO T0; MF.MO FROM ; MEMQ DATE: MEMO NUMB�R: RE; Marvin Bxunsell � Act�ng Ci.ty Managex Nasim M. Quxeshi -� Ci.ty Engi,neex Septembex 16, 1970 Misc. #70-28 Sewer Backup Claim By Mr, and Mrs. Steven Mast I have discussed this claim �tith Les Chesney. Attached �.s a copy of a report he made in regard to this sewer backup. This claim was turned over to the insurance company along wi.th the report. My understanding is that the insurance company has turned down this claim. If this claim has to be consi,dered any further by the City, the City Council will have �o take action on it. 0 ;�' ��� �.� - �� -� H , . . City Engineer-Director of Plannir�g cc: Les Chesney - Dir'.. of Public Works NQ/njf �n iul� 29, 1970 Director of Public Worka 6431 Qni��rsity a�Yenue N.E. Mr. Las Cb�#tnea► �� � y U�- � � �..� �., ; ,�.u� ,����� /u�.� �. ��� D�r sir c3a July �3 � 1970 a� 10 s 34 p.�. +� aotiQed Aur s�r bae�lciai up ia our ba�ant �rhiab haa a�ar�d Ploor. w� Lho�L ous plu�bing Mas ��wing Lhie probles buL a!'t�r eailia� a� li�e�d p1umD�r aaad a 12.00 dollar plumbing bil� ri�r+sr� iator�d that � probl�at vas ia tho str�et« '!� plusb�ar �dvi.od ua th�� thia i� t.he City• ptoble� ar�d yn shouid ca11 th� 3�wr � pt� �rhi�tth � did mar,y times to havi a r�prea�ntatite sol�ne � �ery dirtaaf�l�l � smvlly proble�n• uur plu�ber eta�l until 4s15 a.m. to oonfer with �ha oiti� �wr sepr�a�z�- t.atiw. ?!ta oit� r�p�ahs�atatiTe ia.ios�d u� hv �qruld rKura in tee winut�s �ft�t pMria� is� =.ho m�-hole co�nr. N• finally ref.urnvd about ! p.�. �,; t.ho ��cL day� at�r ava�ay Phope aalla. t�hen Ks tirsti notiQed Lbia prob�� it ws �u+�t a t,rickl. �d ii �t�e da� wvut oa t�� s�� r+�• pous3t►� out, A• a�r�tu]�4 ot �bts �n not only ioat a night oP rat� bu� elo�hsag and to� �►� � d�a�6s�oy�l as �11 as t►h� losa oP the �none� paid t�o th� pluab�s. w� � Lold tbati �h� pipe vaa �r�salc�n�d b�aaua of tDo •u�d floe4r basN , s�t�. ?hi� is j�at �t Lsu�. Thi� pips ra• aad is supportod bY lt�ber, W� #{wI Ms hava �sg�il jnatitiaaEioo to sscuro th� �on�tas7 �alw of vnr loa� dw Co tb� Citys esgllg�aQ� in main!►aluiag th� ��rir. W� ar� ano)osi� a liat o! •ati�aated �alno ot our loss��. '�� alno�rl� hop� �bia �aa b� s�tLled it► an aalaa0la �ra�. ftoapsat.!'ullp� A�s. �od ��rs. �t�� Iqaat � 'v. ���;1 �� 3�- /7�� �' J . } ^ � (�4,i/r� � • . �� �- --- � �. � �� . o-t,. �� . , �-�► s, t (� n . o , w ��.�""� • �Lti�►�vt�' - � . ��,�,�9., �- 6�- . �� ' . ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' '�., . �� � u PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � CZTX OF FRIDLEY August 3, 1970 REs SEWER BA..'KUP AT 6034 - 4th Street N.E. � On Friday, July 24, 1970 at about 3:15 A.M., Mr. Cook of the poli�e Department called James Brindley of our Sewer Department and moti#ied him that the party living at 6034 - 4th Street N.E. waa haviag seaer txouble. 2fie 3ew�r Man was on the job at 4:20 A.M. and he �outtd about 1� £eet af sewerage in the manhole. He called the Police Dispat- cher an�d asked him to get help. The Dispatcher called Merle Longerbone �4 ��1� unpiug the sewer. _- -- -- . The sewer Was free running at approximately 4:45 A.M. (July 24, ,�,R 1�70)F. The men picked up their tools and went back to the Shop at ap- -.��' -------- - proximately 5:30 A.M. At this early morning hour, they did not attempC _ __-- to get into the home, as it was all dark and they assumed the peop e ' hac� �one to bed. At 8:30 A.M. (July 24, 1970), the sewer men went to said home to Bee if they could be of any assistance; but there wm�s n�a A�$ '__ T -- - -_.__ _.. _ �� hpme, at least no one answered their knock. � ' ' � ' ' • ' , The party at �said 6034 - 4th Street called the next day. I�hen eeat thxee men to clean the basement and disinfect. It was noted that t�� p11}u►bing in thia house is in poor condition. � . ��Gtik � LESTER E. CHESNEY . :z: • .,. Director of Public Works � `, r :,,� t-►`� � ' _ ' ' ' 1 0 �# �i ��Q D.i�c+ecaEeic o� �6.L�.c lUvnfi,a fik„3/ l,�u:ve�� �lv�cce N. � Fi��d�e�y l�Wve. /�Yt L�a �lte.v�rt.e.c� ._�.....� ..�t... °' w . , . Q�wt, S.vc: � N7. �,2� ���0 Q� �0. ��Ob !!1. 1� RU�l.C2� UWL 40t1PJt �UIT�.c/t�. G� '.tJt�_ 4U/t �a.o@tiPt'Lfy . . . /` '' •,' � ' -- - - . . I�Lt.C�i �Q� .qQ/tLl �,�UV�4 _ . We �u�t vcvL p4a�b-ut� wrz.o �#h,i..a �avrvb� 6wt a� c�a.l,Cire�, a,Lt,ce►ieed �cs�be�c und a,�`/� Q'I p�lu�b.irig. 6.i,GL we we�e .i.���,►ied #h,a� �Jie pro6.Le� wc�a sn #1te, ,e.ticee� ' The p�(artbe�t adv.i,aed u,a #ha� #fu.o .i.e #he Cs.�rf.° Pa"6.Le� vnd �rx .alr�ou,ld acLC #1t.e ,�Sera�t Qe�, w�. w�e ciiQl mw�e� z�,iinee �v have a ae�,viceee�a�,i.ve .ao.�vc ou�t ve� d,�.o�a.a.t�u-�, �r►:eGG� �azvb.ls,r. (� �eit, �eal tan�.i.L 4: /j a. m. �o avn�eic u,k#h. #he c,i� .oeweit �e�vteoat.ia�`.�.ve, %fe� c,t�c �e�e,aen,ta.t�.ve .in.�vaned cca he uvu.ld ae,t.cvui in #.en. m.i,uctee a�.ie�t �C�t,in�, �.�i, #fie rr�an.-hv.�e-cx� v�eir, f% �ti►u�� ir.e.tivcn.ed al�vc�i 2 p�, in. a�ieir, n� P�ia�te caa'GCa, ..: �1���►t eu� �.t�.e� nv�.t.c�d �fu.a �wrv6.Cern .i.i uxr.� fuat a#ici.ch.Ce cv�aL aa �e d� t� wz ' aEfte .aewcr�e u�za Pvcur.tnr� vu.t �le a ze.�u.l� o� #fi,i� we nv� orr,� .lv..� a ru�fLi o� ze,a#, bu� c,(o#lr.iru� a� .�lvc�o su�,�te d�#iw�ed aa uaa,l,L aa #fce .ln� a.� #rie mvner� pa.c:d �ri .tf�.e �.�liaribea. W� weice �v.�d .thrzt �fie pi, pe uxr.� weaft�na� be�muu.ee o� �te .earul �OVZ ba.o�rnPn�`. , %fu�o <..a �iu�t �w.� �iuce, Tfu.o �ail�e cazo ar:d .i.� .accpp�n.c,ted bc� .lr,onb�t. We �ee.� w� have -(.�n�aC ycv��i..�f:i.oa,�,i.vrc �v .�ecu�ce �he mvzet� v�(cce v� owt �v.oe�a s�tte � �li.e C.��.a rt�e�ce .in .�in,teruvcc� lUe a�e �.c,�v.ainr�t a.Li�.t v� e�.irnr�fed va,lue o� vcvt .lvae,e�, l�� .aince�e,l�c hv�e �fu:a cxrrr. be .ae�ed .�:n. an. am.i.oa6.Ce r:�. • � ' . ., ' R ' � �* 1 /?eapeci�u,�, �fik. 8%'Lr�. S�Eeveeri. X, i 1k�.o�' t')� i , .�.. .._ __...u__... ___,.____. ,_: ______ _. .. _ _._ _ . . _.. r r 4 r � . . � �� 1 y ' � . , , �U44 ��a.t.t/1 �.c..0� s � � ��r� %.�.� : .�- � �+ ' /�- b.lcce �,Gwvze� 6.(cvtlze.t /-- �rvnte mac�e ccvv.� �weu�e�. ' ,��.. ��u:,%�er� avtale�p�CZr�.ta /- �. �ed .�c%a ��.�,ld��a� � �� ���� . ,�- �abr� �P.a�+e,a _ - . I � T .afii�r.� _ , /-Pv�. ba�b� �e�vu.a qlw ea � ba�h, �ocv�Ca ' /-. .dna.C� bed .ohee� � /�- �vp .�h.ee,t ' �- p��v c� /-. u�i.i.�Ee 6.Cvu.ae • ' '� � �� � �� pvr, Rew 6.[ue .a�i�ed .ohv�O (uv�en.�� s+ R�!! 1110*�d�-�hlJU�JLO � � _ _.,-R.,,-,..-.�.-.t-,.------- ---- ----------- -- � Toy,a 1 � .�- ,�� �� � - -� � ��._L�,_�ec�--6ecvi _---- I — r�zclu��.e g.un. , - _� l� i�a��+i�t �e�ed p�Lczt.i.c av�ve.i cruc l— Tonf� Tv� ��epe� ,� r, �� �� ,�. � �:.-� ' '�". " ��P - /� p�cio�t.c w�cee,C �v� . ' /�- f�u� w�t.ee.0 �iiac�tq (•�p.i% l�• 2l�cu�c hv�e�t. � �,� � ,��,� na v�a,li.ce l� Tonlaa Tvr� .a�a�ivn. wag.on � . � � ' ,. , � � .� � 0 ,�`i2. a� 5• � . ,SO S• Ol� . >tl .� /. ao . �� . '.�`�. . 25 /.50 . S'0 /. AD .50 �� . 25' � Z9 8. Ot� .� �� /• 75 /. �7t� �� . 2.50 8. a� ' 2. 01� . S'0 /. GU . 25 2.� i`s8. /8 fr j��r � , ,. �. � � September 10, 197p Tp: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FRIDLEY RE: Rezoning (ZOA #69-08A� Regarding rezoning (ZOA i�69-08A) the North 82�.7 feet of the West Quar�er of the Northeast Quartsr of Sectioa 13, Parcel 300� T-�0, R-24, City o� Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, due to Che lack of financiu� and �ther circumstffices beyoud our control, we have been unable to meet the April 6th deadliue. We hereby apply for an extension of time �o complete tine Items spelled out in the original agreement. I und,erstand there is a meeting on September 21, 1970 and raquesX your Gons�deration of this matter at that time. s J ,,, dva d Perry For Property Ovner Arthur W. Geggie, Jr. ' ' , , REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 . BUSi�IC Fi�ARTNa ON 1970 8U1��Ts PAGE 3 T'ha C1ty Mant►ger reported that thsr� tu�q ��en t�p �ettlement with the union as yRk +►�d thst they havp bean working vazy tu�xd an the budqet, �nd it iR hopecl th�t it wi].1 be r�ady Por the ne�t �eqtila� Cc�tu�oi1 M�etit�q. MQTTc�T by Cau�cilman Samueleon tp tmble con�idar�tlon of the 1970 budqot to ' the� aext r�qular Meating o� Octob�r Z0, 1969. Seconded by Councllmeu1 Liebl. Upon A voice vo�e, there bsiaq no nays, i+�yoz Kirkham decldred the motior► �axxied. ' ' ' ' CITY QN 69TH AVENUE The City Mar►ager explained that this is tl� agreement the Gouncil in�txuc�ed �i'►e Ci,ty �ngina�r to �xe,�ara. Ths Ci�y �nginear said that thie is the pieca A�' ��Q�exty. t�nane+rlu�d Et�terprise� started to rq�one. The Council ha�d ��it�ori�e�d sign�ny the aqreement bePore, but dua to tha death aP the �ut �1►r�dlinq �e rezonii►q, w�ork was �toppad. It is now a�qned by Mx�. a�nd Mra. C+�rl K�pp and ths Carpora►tion, Riae�Creek Aeve�op�rs. Authoris�atian i� ne�ded �'4r th� May�r and the City Maru�qex to sigr� tMv a�gree+aent. The Gity Attoraey �#�id �hmt he had exeu�►ined the agreeaae�t nnd everythinq see� ta be �.n atdsx', MOTION by Cot�ncilnian Shera.d+tn to authorl�ae �hv City Manas�r ar�d Mayox xirkham ' to •ic�n th� aQr�anwnt. seconded by CounciLnan Liebl. Upon a voice vote, a�,l YQt�i'W mYar �yor'Kirkham declared l.he m4tion carried. � �,' F�RST RFADING Ol�' ORDI�iANCE FOR REZOl�IING (20A �69-08A) KAYE W WESTERLUND: Ths Ci,ty �gina�r remirided the Gouncil that �his ia the propertx ttu�t was #'»i�9 h�� �D �ile waiting to sea wFu�t th� land c�evelopers �o tha esst w�uld � dAirtq• �auncilmarl Samus�.aon a�ked iP this would bring �t up to a► speci�ic 4�I�V��lOA. The C�.ty En�ineer said yes. He aaid that there is a diff�rent �ix4p���y ownor to the aauth and thA� the City ie �ot getting as much land ��aa thie �cel �s fraa the Rice Creek pevelppe�s� parcel. �'l�c. Wa�terlura4 eaid that h� did r�pt know who the ownez o� the pieca of ,�xo�axty to �h+r s�th is, H� saici �ha� ho balieved tha� the ownere of tho eouth y�e�G� +�re a�1�Q thirakir�p at za;an�.nQ to 'multi�le� dweilinqa . Counci].�aan Saa►uel- �A�1 ��i4 �1'►+at � Cour�cll �ou14 liks to eQnaides thq t�hale ar��► tqgather, 7c�the►� thAS� piov�-meal. Mr. Weste�lund ask�d 1g the Cpt�c�l would lik� hi�p �Q t�'y to piok up the addltional land. The Ci�y Attos�raey satid tiu�t xhis Qxd#n�r�a� oou7,d be pA�+�ed ar� fi�r�t seAdinq with the COZW�C�oA tha�t theY�Y '�o �i.ck u� tt�s �dditioaal parcel !os City uae. Councilmen Samuelsoa sAil1 i thMtt �ho t�l� th�t tho CitY should prxeed with the rezoni�nq ae it v►auld bo i��rte�'it �rr th� City to ti� all the land toc,�ether. .�e Moulc! like to tuve �'k� �'is�t ;��ainq tonight And th� second when tha land dedication is u�d�: `'�r ��tY �i4��aa� suqq�aisd that an aqreement cou�d be drarm up �imilar to � �.�t! !or �h� Ria* Cre�k Dvv��,o�r�. Mr. we�atsriu� �ald t�►st this vrou14 3» ' AQr�lAbl• ��M�sn a�nd asked it khtse aould bR �¢ month �imi�atien th�ri. ��ot�tsailm� i�nu�l+�on �a�id that khis hA• been atar}dard Cout�cil �oliay, but th� � b Aw���� tim� �siod ao�id be ++aived i� nea��e�ry. Councilman �hesiClu� � 1�1d�d kt�1� tl� co�u�,cil ��it et,+�t it nc�,��d nat b� latt op.a !or s arat ;�N'lpth Rt *l�Ir b1�t i� �we� �x0�i'oe• !.i evider►t as�d so4n� detetilv be�n4 4A�^ � ��l���1R �t vould � ����r��� �'� ��ster�u�nd �e�i� th�k A� thought t!►� •!�c � .. ..... . . . � ��rnw'� .•� . . .. � I , `�� /`l.. L � F;�; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , REGULAR COUNCTL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1969 PAGE 4 ����+ I � i ` mo�tha rrou3.d bp adec,�u��.e. Counc�.lma� Satnuelsan saicq �hat the City Erigia�ar ,+��d the A�1e0asox wi�l wprk toqether on the ownerahi,p of the pXOperty to the �1ot�th at�d that th+� agr�sment �rhaul4 be xeady for him to gick up by the esn,d o! �h* we�k, �4QT�QN by Couac�.liman �r,�nuelsQn tq approva the ard�.r�ance on �irst reading and ` �►Aive th� r�adi�g, w�.th the under�tand�.ng that an agxqe�msn� be goz�nula�e�t and i �iqr►ed betoze the s�cor�d r�adiflg Qt the c��dir�atnre . seconded by Co�tnGi;matn 1 �lhsxide�n. i7,�n a zoll call vote. Shsr,idr�n, K�.rkk�a�m. �eibl snd Samu�l�on � Yoting aye, MaYa� Kizkham declared t.h� mo�ivr� c�rri..eCi. � ION l�yor Ktxkhauq askad �� th� tabulat�ion reprea��t�d ox��y �.hoae res�ond�r►A, Ths C��Y �artl�qer said yes. 7eha City ���in��r �ai,d t�hat thare wsx� �bou� 83 Zettox• aq�� oµt and 48 w�xa re�urned. Mr. Sciuneaeke brought in �bout �2 by hand. ' Mo'�'TON by Caunci�,man Shatidan �o rec�ive ths vp��.�g t�au���lon sh��,�ka . �occrided �y Goat�ci�aar� I�ie�bl. Upc�n a vqice vot�, a11 vOt�ag ays, Mayor Kirkham d�vla�ed t�h� mot�,on ca�rri�d. i'',Gr:� Ma;'v1�'i 0'8erg, 5947 2� g�ree�, askgd!ar the reSU1C9 to be xpad �`rom ttM , t+aaul,�tion. �ouncilmaa S�nuelson read them aloud. Mr�. p'Berg asked �Ihaa thi� pill be eonaidered aqain. CQUncilmaz� Samualson eaid possibly it wiil ha On the Aqonda for the next �egular Masting. Ke said that he would like a� ' o8portun�ty to atudy ths re�ults more. Mrs. A��erq wonder�ad why the Cour,a�.� cha�� to ccur�� no rsa�ons� a�s a y�� vat�. Counc�lma� I,�ebl told her that the tabulation do�s not i.nclude �h� r�a-r�spona� �ote�, only thase who �a�uxned t�;� �oxm. Mr�. Q'Ssrg que�t�one$,wh�k���r mos� o� �hQ PaQPIc� wha voted tpr it ' did no� 7,iv� on 2� �tzeQ�. sh� ���.d that� �n �ha pr�v��us ��,scus�xon �t was pci.nt�d out th+�� th� Ctiy is $aY��9 '� �pr the �idaw�lks Qn Missis�ig�� 8tx�et, �t ye� khe Ci�y is t�c+t pay��q �r� any wa� fax' th,��, She s�id that rhe uaderA ' etood tha�t �hs re�oaing would no� .go th�cauqh unl.ess �here ie a�1:�� o�'! �a�mp� 8he w�w a�zAid ti�at the lanc� wou�d be taken u� by amaii bu��,nassea ans� no l�rqe con�arn wauld com� �.n. zr� �h�s ca�o, 8rob�b7.y 2� str�et would �ta�y �he +�am�. St�e said th+st sh� did r�Ot oe� how �he •�ip o!� w�ll da h�r e�is}� ' ii�r and'that �h� will nevp� be�elit ixom khia. �tr• �ldo�, �chmadeka said �h�t j�� ��p�qht ttutt the Publ�c iiQaxinqa were avsr ' ot� �hia i�ein. Tha Ci�g A�tor�AY aA�d tira�k kt�e �'ormal hearinge were a7.oAeel, �Mx' ��vhm��k� thet� ask�d thAt �he vok�e oomi�4 txoat alocks l0, 23 �d 26 be d��raoa�t�l +�a �hwy ��4 on� the wa�t aida o� 2� 8tree+� a��d w�ui4 nofi be ' ��+�e$+���1R Cpua�i7.�►�n i�ie�7. �aid that �h�r� wers aome af thase inelud�d ia '��1w vc+te an4 MaYax Ki.xkham add�d that a� ��.x�st q��rice they se�med ta abeqt �vpn out. '�'�o�s� �r� �ha th�,nqe that �e sai�l that ha wauld like to �tydy ��'�he�r+ Mu� 9oha►s�leke said that thie w�� aupposed to Answer �1.1 tho questian� ' , ,�� t.isal� 1��'�a�c s�aco�,pt o� the queqtiassnaize, a deci$ior� could ba made� �os�n, ' ' �'he �ity �p���qr rq�rtod fi�t t'►� t��c1 meot with khw Cot�ri�y ar� t��y ��� ���v�pd� p�t� ���a�oxaucy signai. �h� �rr����ment wa� tha ci�y wou3,d pax � A� �h� G�µ��y Yrou�Q �ay � with th� ��,8�� b�,+l �o ba� �a#� b� the sa�oo�, ' ' ZOA ;r69-08��� F��FZ� �1d r�e��erlund About 1500 B1��:�.�9 E�n �9t� Av . , �'. J1 � ✓ �]L. � ` � �14�d �IJ6� ��Iea': � � � .� ' � B 19 ' 2 0 ��' a�.`> rn�� I ` It � �s � , i ! '}'iv�� rJ� Ci�h J�«� fir�r+i 1 ; �.�; i � `� i � � I i � �Y— - --RO�kD - "H" - . `'' ��,1. �ji �;�. ti : ^ w . '; �:.� rs. ' �.so�oy. �, � r��, oe„�� <.N..�..<f � I' N.O/ r ; � 2 3 ----- -- -�,,o. .� . i _i�.� � S,r ��A �� , � w.inr.B «-a„x. f t/i!.✓�N N'/ri .JNBM �._ // _R��C � I i ( I � GN�7/i// ( __I— _ �o� ci� N E COR � SEC. i; '' .Tt� � y � r W J (io) o � � J -� � x ;.�...e.- -,. ; o -. � — �/7/ � � �,�sr,= :9�'ia- � �'L N.ti o '� O. ._ �a..� �, n o�a, I �.ai �►:a +� c �r1. , Ce C,.�J,F i �I �,s?�i.�"�D�L. t.. 29 � :: Z C° + 13 , / �, 2 ,3 ! c I i'te ey tN �,.� •-a. r� �, g '� 2 ZB 3 > � � � ';ir I v s.. ra. .� ' �a�. , � i 3 r, o �l f�1 S ____ �t � �'�t ' �mo� ` _� s s � ss ii2 �VE. N. E. � ��� t 4 zr 6 � �..:,,. �� .,.r. ,,.. � � �_ Z�I� I _y'--'ti w o ti`` (/i� �,�r i.. 24 7 ��;'; j� Q � ' y �'`_ 7 ��G-� "3 J4 3 + 2 '' � ^ O a � 3 i � i S ' 23 �j • � .•,p/� . 4 ,��-,7' ' { � � � ; �► � I; I�D��! '�Qlc� .. .r�� ,��,.,, a ,�;..� ''�- -�i� gzQ � ' � a, :� .:cz �0--. ivi� Y ZZ 9 2z s� � 9 � i � � Z ,'" ' '• f�.l.� S� 2 � .'O L I /D ` . a /O � ' ��� � zo /� zo �/ �/ ' CW� 9 W 3� 23 �L•r , -�O ' � � I ��r� ,9 ��z is /z /z Z N b K ,B og � °¢� ° .,� � TH AV�. N. E. � E �3 ia i3 i.� m 4. �`4 w r . _ � /� Q�j �� " . � - t � u -�� �i `r ii � ' \ I f /4 /7 /¢ �s' N `ZLi � � � d� .�(% � � �� I, � � V j �� i S, 2 t/ G.. /. s 2' s o7 s. �� l t, s , � ,., � E R i��..�_�' O,������ �. ;� R�G E N1A � L 6 6 T H �+? A V E. N. E. � � .��. ,' •� `�— -fi��-�---�=>. , � ♦ �s. ' _,�.,. � ��i `L� �C� i�� ) .u13 v� � �',� � `, O� a il.� e �`p � i W t � r-,� f � � �f u r..f.. . »y�. . t �$ i �O �' � . � O Z Z � � � 3 •�z1� 3J'� a. �� ' x� r E �j r, � z, �y �� �1J _ !x.� :; - :..,, �c: _ 'r� si s� ���j°l � �j�� � 2B 3 :B 3 N 3 2 �' . �2� , ^Q . � .w. • � :., � ,. ,. �, ti. cj , (� tn Z � 4 N ` `f . �i �.�i'++ '.. • � •, �::. ` a �!./`O/��o.i!i.� � ' ' I I ZC 5 `?! 5 S -_-1�44 � }i!�' `%!.____�. 7 W"''� =r ,;,.r = � � z; � z� � r � :v3,. i,,i �,; 3�, 3t� _ ¢ :Q ( I � Z� � � 2f 7 J 7 t�,S Z a./_`= ti�- �'`G GQ'� � � 23 B O. 23 B � .n_n.�__,-'�� L,q�' �.,.,i✓7= ��0� v 7l fa f. ' N[ 12 Z 21 �' � L__.__i�. � �n CK • 9 a! 9 � .�� --u u�.�_ . F" ,. Q ' ;• I (/JroJ S( 2l /o a 2i V- '-} w:. %'�,, . :J✓ �_, a • /I /o r.n �r. r � r I 3 Q cn � 4 • , ; a o — _ CJ , _: `. � y; �-._ ..r.—i� .�G� �-- ;� �;J � �� �.�� ��z�� � z „ zo „ ,, 6;,.: ��. o� �T �s* — ll1' Q °;�;�e ' � eJ !� %z i9 ie is ^�r�st'in�'.� '� , ti� 4 �r1 2 / � � �� 1� �a� � �� � /B /3 /B /3 / _ ;B ` . '.•,. ..,, '�`r,—�r' � I ) .�,.... . . t(ny , l� � � � ° �� � I /7_ 'ss /7 .'4 /6 j � 7 B � 7 e..� '1 „ �.�.. °' � �dx /6 is" 2 3 ie i>.. Y�s , � . .� '��5�_ �•" f ... __%if �__ �'i'!�-11�._ � � i,-1�� � ,` `O il �� � J� � �� � , i.r O/ Ii - ��f _t _ia'L_ . i__ . (�--• � � - ------� , � 1 _.�,.._ .__. E //� . y:.. ' i �� ' PI.ANNTNG COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1970 pp�,� � ' ' � The� meeti�g was called to arder at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Exickaon, RALI. CALI�: Members Fz�es�nt: Metabers Absent: Others Present: Erickson� k'itzpatrick, Schmedeke, Harris, Minish None Aarrel Clark, Engineering Assistant APPRpVE PLpNNING CO�II SSION MINUTE3; AUGUST 19 1970 ' 1'lp�',TQIN by Narris, seconded b� Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cawniss�p� ,m�(nutes• o#' August 19, 1970 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, th� ma�.ion c�t,�'ried ur�An�mously. , RECEI� BOARD OF A,PPEALS MINUTES: AU�UST 25 1970 MOT.ZON by Minish, secondeQ by Fitzpatrick, that the PZanning Comnissior! raC�,iv� � the m.fnv�es of the Board of AppeaZs meeting of August 25, 1970. Upon a voice y�p��� a3,i voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � �CEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COrIlKISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 24 1970 MO�'lON by F�tzpatrick, secor�ded by Schrrledeke, that the PZanning CommissatpA rv- ce�ve the minutes of the Parks � Recreation Co�rnission meeting of Aqgust 24, 1970. tlpo» a vp.ice vot�, a11 vpting aye, the motion carried unanf�usly, 1. pUBLTC HEARTNG: SPECIAL USE PERMIT RE UEST SP �70-10 $Y liOxTH AIg 8k�! ' ASSOCIATION: To improve parking lot on the South 150 feet o� �.ot 18, $� view Additloa, pex Section 45.071 (3F) City Code. ��t8 p� Columbute) ' , Th� �ublic hearing notice wa$ read by Chairman gxickson. Mr. Mark Brenny, Vice President pf North Air Home Association, explaiaed C�l�� the Rt�ighta of Columbus needed more parking space and purchaaed this 1and. Npt�t chey w�nt to blacktop the parking space. Chsirman Erickson aeked if Atr. Brenny understood the property is �o�et� R•3 ' aud ie $µbje�t to certain minimum requixements such as front yard setback of 2g feet, eide y�rd and rear yard minimum setback is 5 feet. Mr. Brenny eaid they h�ve plamned Pox a five foot clearance off the back of the parking lot. Xhe Sou�1i SO feet wi11 be used for a road, and 65 feet will bs blacktopped, The entraAC� ' N111 be pt� 68th P1ace aad the driveway at the corner of the lot. Mr. $reaay s��d Lhere �roµld not be an additional exit, but the present exit will be made lar$e�, ' ThIR draiaage problem was discussed. Mr. Brenny 8aid that he had talhsd to Mr. Clax'� �ptbout drain�tge, and he Was told that there Were plans for a storm a�.+►�r. 7�'ha Cowa�i� mit�utes oF Auguat 18, 1969 ehowed the motion for the approval of the lot Rp1i� �69-1p etated a public hearing for storm aewer servicee to 6$th Ave�u+� ' a�ad Channel Ro�� area should be set up and the request tabled utitil thg 8���� hear�g Maa completed. The hearin� was held bµ� tho peopla w��ce aga�� �ha p�o��4E* ' ' ' � ii � , , ' ' PlaaninS Commission Meeting - September 9 1970 pag� 2�� , M7c, Harris asked what was being done with the water naw, and Mr. Brenny aaaptered that the water runs off into the eireet. Mx. $xenny sa�id they have put in about 100 yards of fill and will pi�ch th� 7.ot �o �o],�.qw tha coatpurs of the older parking lot. Chai,rman Erickson asked the Engineering Assistant if the culvert going und�& the �ervic;e �oad of T.H. �65 drained that area. Darrel Clark explained that tlae di�ch ��ot�$ the h�ghway should be ].owered to drain the water from this area. ��caus� ths land is about even with the highway ditch, the culvert ia usu811y fu11 arnd should be cl�aaed regularly. The Minnesota Highway Department w�.11 not lvwe� the ditch becauae of the hazard o� 'having a deep ditch next to a highw�y. Th�e park,�- iag lo� wpu�.d hawe to b� graded higher than i,t is no�w to tie into the etreet g��$e. �R �.At�d �o� the $asx o� the parkin� lot �.s law and filled with cattails. �a��rman �ri�ic,aon mentioned that �he Building Standards-Design �p�trol Sub- c9�mtit�se�would want to see this reque�t, and that �Ir. Brenny shou�d iami7.iari�e hims��.f w�,th th� requirements of th� ordinance. He felt he could uot objeet zp th�a �eq,ues� fo� a special use pex7mit although there is a problem of dxainage �- �C is part o�' a lar�er problem which will have to be solved later on. The street `raaa put i� without the storpi sewer. The street is fairly flat, but the hig� ppim� j,g b�e�w��� �ighway #65 and I.ucia Lane and the law spot is in the curve. Winter pr�s4�tp a�p�'oblem of ice and in the spring the water collects there. Ml?T�QN by �ia�ris, seconded by Minish, that the Public Hearing be elasesi fp� ' the Spec��tl Use pe.rm.it request, 5P �Y70-10, by North Air Xome Associa�ion i:o imp�py� the pa�'11k��g lot pzl the South 150 �eet of Lot 18, Brookview Addition, p�� Se�t�c7A �5, 07.� (3r') o� fi.,he Ci ty Code. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion Ca.��'��T � wutnitaous�y. C� � � i Mt. �'�.tzpatrick, after looking at the liat of people who received public he�►�•� ing n�otic��, coamneated that none of the people were present at this pt,tbli� h�a��1n$, A�TTON by tiarris, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Co��s,ion r�apri��2� �pp�'oval pf the z�equest for a Special Us� Permit, SF #70-10, by North Air Hom� ,�sso�.��et�pn for the improvement of the parkinq 1ot on the South 150 �ee� p.� I�tt ��� Broolrv,�ew 1�ddition as per Sectiqn si5.071 (3F) of the City Code with �he ���pu����� '�h$� a�.�o� �,Zan be made of the parkinq 1ot and brought before the Building S��t,T3�T�ird�� �es,i9A Co.nt�o1 Subcormnittee as per Zoniny Ordinance adopted November 3, 1969, fJ,�ca� � ViD�c� vQGe, al1 vot�ng aye, the tnotion carried unanirrtously. Re�e�xing [o the mailing list of the people within 300 feet, Chair�tn EriC��p'A as�ked if �h� 1is� was checked inasmuch as he did not see the apax�ment pw�er� pp j.�, , pw He e�i.d he was not goiag against the motion but Would requeat th�t the o�es p� �#��e �pa�c�ent b� given the minutes of this meetiag. ' Mr. Harxis stated he would l�.ke ths City Adminietration to take aaothe�r �s�c�� a� ti��� ��Arm aewer si�uaticm. ' �. ' �_ J ll issi�p�, Stxeet, Stinson � C• ERNST: Area is vaca�nt 1�cid bc�t�d�d ard, Rice Creek Road aud Arthur Str���, ' ' � � �_ J ' � Page 3 �� plennimg Commisaioa Meetin�_ September 9, 1970 — , Mr. Ernat explained that the area is a 40 acre tract. There ai� oix or aeven dwelli�gs on the perimeter, but th� property o�mers have been reduced fram six ta t�vo� Th�: pxoj��� would be developed sitn�larly ta the sketch preaented thie eveaing. �ha 7.and �s �oned R-1 and he was requ�ating R-2 to allow conetruction of two iamily dwe�.linga. He rea�lized this is a problem piece of ground. By allowing doub�.e bunga�aw� �nd dup�.exes, the cpnstruction costs wauld not be too high. Referring ta th� "lak� ��ea"� �Ix'. Ernst said the pond contains about five acres and it would b8 dediaa�ec� �p th� City for park pux�ppses, All the lots sha�m on the sketch me�eC the City requi�ements as to lot area. i�e$axding drainage, the water concentrates in the lake area with the ov��fl.vw goiAg Au� Co th� West lnto the existin$ ditch which leads into Moore T.�e. �'he �ngiu�exing Assistant said Chat all the streets to the North in thia �x�a have beem l.a�rov�d and are paved and have curb and gutter. Right of Wa� has been pxovid�d a],ong the school property on Arthur Street for a storm ee�rer to Rice Qxp�k �.f the C�ty ordered it. - Tho alterpative is a type o� system with ditch improvements. The presene di�ah , date� bACk to about 1920. Due to nature as well as people filling iC with 1e�tv�a, etc., th�t ditch is filled in many placea so that one could not easily identify �� naw. If Cbie system �rorked out, the cost would be much less expeneive thau a uCox'm ' eewex at� s#�ould be part of some improvement project. Originally the ditch W�W bu�.lt by Pete l�ckelson with the help of other neighbors. At that time, Missis�ippi St�ceet vsa lvwer and would flood every apring. The ponds extend intn Itaaotseq Couu�'y. ,Ms; Ertist was asked if he would go ahead with the project whether or not th� - �tq would �Cequest a storm sewer o� the ditch for drainage. Mr. Ernst re�li�d the�t prob�tblq not with the storm sewer plan. � ' �a,i,rmiea, �rickson reported that the Citq Engineer had m�ntioned a�'utu�� o! one �d11�.p� do1l.a�s for the storm sewez in the whole Rice Creek Are�. l�ir, �iarris £elt the ditch system would be the ssme as a reteation ba$1n. A �o�c���e e�ructure coqld be put at the outlet to control the water 1eve1. ' Mr. �arriQ coanaented that the R-2 wou�d have R-1 district sround it -- h�lles tp t�h� llo�th end �lest, to the South Cpc�ran"s pit and 0'Bannon is building a COUIp1� o# 'bot�e�. Mr. �ochratn might probably end up with a retention bas�n a].ao. Aa��sl ' �1ark sa�,d a�s��a�a z,�� �n th� Easte�cn border of Tnnsbruck haa a aimilar cut�tgol �txuC�p�. Theres i� �, gate to tnaintain definite levels of water. Perhape th1! type o1� 'c�trol ie the auswer. � Cpmaaen�s wez� made that the Missipaippi River had never been as 1vW as it iR �tow, �nd �t,ice Cxee�C, too, is at a lvw ebb. It would b� advisable to aomQ up t,��,th �ot�s m�thcad of r�taining water wher�ver possible, not only in this area� but il�.Ap � �tt pt,hex parts of the City. Mr. Harria commented that it would be a mist+�� tV EalR,e �e �Corm W�ter Co concrete pipes and let run off. It would be bett�z C� 1iAV'e� ret�m�iot� basine and try to keep the �ater for the dry spells. ' � , Mx. ��cuat eai.d that he had talked with the pevple in the a�e+� s�d Ghey Msr� in ��yor p�' duplea�Qa at►d double bangalows . His first thought wa� Co develop wts�,tiplell but aft�sr �a].ki:a� t�ith some of the people who opposed this idea, he decidsd op $��,� $� f�1t there t�as a need �or this type of building with th� high �oat of hotae�ng. �_� ' � � � LJ � ' ' � Planain�t Commisaion Meetinlx - Sevtember 9, 1970 pBpCe ��f� Mr. Sctudedeke ask,ed if Mr. Erz�,at plaaaed to do the building himsel£. Mr. Ernet s�tid he did not, but will put the lots up for sale. Attention vas calied to the fact that �siagle family houses axe pe�rm3,tted under t�►e ordinance i.n R-2 districts. 1'!r. 8rnat we�s asked if he were awars of the fact that Tawnhouses can be built in lt-2> and if it wa,s hie intsntion to 1:Lmit the requeat to two family dwellings. I�. Etcu t t�asstered that at this time,it wae. Becauee toWnhou�es could get into quit� aa elaborate type of development, hs did aot think he would kant to go into th� mechanics p�' sett�.ng up the deve�opweat in this area. � Ks, �iaxycie aaked i� Mr. Ernet would hav� eay lot8 that were unbuildable ox difficult �o build vn. Mr. Ernat at�eWered they have not takea exten�ive soil be�r�ags so be cou7.d not aasWer, The information be received is that the ,subsoil i• amd With very litt�e pedt. Mr. 8arris aaked Mr. Erast if he would a�at n� a prsliainarp meeting with tbe people involved along the ditch, aad Mr. Ernet agreed that he iateaded to do it. Mr. Ernat said he hss a total of 78 buildiag sites. Under the lot area re- quiresent� of the C1ty, they could develap 3.3 lots per acre. They have thirty- five d�velo�able aarea. The eite would yield 115 .inale family homes. The layout gsssented thia evening accounts ior 78 atructur�a. Tii�re are no probleas tiith utilities. Tbe ��er oa 64th Aveaue is large oaough. Water service is on fous sidea. Ttr�e.aewe� capacity is ade4u$�e. He thanked the Comoission aad said thwt theq had been ve�y► helpful. 3. PLANTZNG BQULEVARD 40 FOOT,,L,.IN 1�ORE LAKE HIG8LA1�TD6 4Tfi ADDITI011: (Stil�, i� Subcammlttee. � The Parka aad Recreation Comwiseion would prepare a report, Mr. Fitzpatridc aaid, for �he p�,�nting boulevard. His understanding was that, oziginally, th� iatenfi o� this $trlp w�a Acreening for the peo�ple to the Weat. The planting � 'b�au�eva�rd ia in bad repair naW, and anythiag the Plaaning Ca�oissio� cou].d sec�- m�end ta b�aa�ify L'he area would help screen a prospgetive buslnesa frc�m the R-� propertq. I�'• Schmedeke wondered if the Ci�y could obtain small treea fxee of chaxg�, �ie Would 1i.ke to see evergreen treea plauted as they Would eventna2ly giv� a sQlid a�d beautiful acxeen with a minimum of �taiateaance-�ecause there would b� �w �eaves ta rake in the #all. . Mr; Fitzpatrick said the problem in the Park Department is they are �ade&� �aa�ed. �he City takea on additional land to develap for parks, but aot uddit�p��1 tne� Gp 'do the wo�rk, The park Department is very presaed �or wcrkere. �� tk►e GLC� woul.d g�^ade the planting etrip and then one of the civic organiz$tions i� the C�ty b� t�vil�in� ta co�tribute to the developm�eat of the planting et�ip, e�,d the Boy Scau�e pu� i.m th� aeedlinge ae a special pro�ect, the eolution to Che prable� o� Che planti.ng strip �ould be solved. Mr. �it�pa��ick agseed to brimg thie ite� up�at the uest Pasks aad Recr�a��t� m�azia�, . ' � ' u Plannin� Commission Meeting - Sevtember 9 1970 --- Pa�e S t�, pISCUSSION RE PRELIMINARY CHECK ON SIZE OF SEWERS FOR NEW DEVELOPMPI�1TSt �� �'h� Comnission asked if it were poesible fox' the EngineeriAF Departtue�lt to ch��k ���. new plans xegarding the size of aewers needed, notiag what type v� dsvel� opments were going in and ahether or not exietiag sewera were adequate befaxt Ch� P1a,nning Commission considered the request. The Engineering Asaistant explained that the City Engineering Department ' wae concerned, but was not staffed for that tqpe of work. The buildings aad _ land are checked for conformance with the City Ordinances, but the eeWezs axe part of the Consultant's reaponsibility. � ' �_� � ' ' ' ' � l� ' ' � , 5. INFORMATION REQUEST RE IAT SPLIT BY CARL SORENSaN: M�� Sarensen oww �two 4Q foot lots with a tax forfeit lot in betwe�a ,- �ot� �.� �and 20 with Lot 19 tax forfeit, 81ock Z, Oalc Grove Addition to Frid�.+�y, ., Park (Axipka Street� . � � He would like to knaw if he purchased the middle lot, would he be allvwasl �o ma�Ce two 60 foot lota. The Cam�ission stated they could not �s�ke tttat �� detert�i�atiaa until Mr. Sore�sen submitted a�ormal z'equest and thay had ti� �� stt}d�► the area. - AUJOURNMBNTt There bein� no further bueinees, Chairman Erickaon adjourn�d th� tna�tin� �tt A: SO P. M. Reepectiully submitted p�,��'�,,,�.�„� o Haz Q'Brian Recording Secxetaxy ' LJ u ' ' ' ' ' C ' L� ' THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF SEPTF�IBER 15. 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:35 P.M. b�ERS PRESENT: Minish, Ahonen, Sondheimer MErIBERS ABSENT: 0'Bannon, Drigans OTHERS PRESENT: A1 Bagstad-Building Official-Inspector MOTION by Ahonen to approve the minutes of the August 25, 1970 meeting as written. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairn�an Minish reported to the Board that the C�uncil on September 8, 1970 had reviewed the Board's action from the August 25 meeting, and approved all recoc�endations. 1. A RE(,�UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4A, 1�0 REDiJCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIRII�NT FROM 35 FEET TO 23 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 12 FOOT ADDITION ONTO AN EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE LOCATED ON LOT 19, BLOCK 3, Mxs. Eugen� Henkel was present to present the request. ?� survey showing the existing building and a sketch showing the propoaed addit�an were shawn to the Board. Mrs. Henkel explained they cannot economically place the addition onto the b�,ck o� the dwelling because of the steep slope to the back of the lot. She also added they had no alternate plans for the addition. Mr. Ahonen asked i�f they had contacted any of the neighbors about this xeque�t. Mrs. �Ienkel said she had but they had no objections. She stated it,irther Chat ' all of the houses are in line. The survey showa that Hillcrest Drive is �urvad in fx'ont o� Lots 1$, 19 and 20 and the Board could not visualize the positiott& of the adjacent houses. ' ' ' 1 ' ' �lUTZON by Ahonen to table the motion to enable the Board to view the site to check the positione of the adjacent dwellings. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, t he cnot�o�t caxried unanimously, Chais�aan Mi,nish infornted Mrs . Henkel that this item will be back on the �d�enda �or the September 29, 1970 meeting. i �� , i �+ ' , ' , L� , J , � u ' The Mir�utes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of September 15, 1970 Pa�e 2 --,�---�..— 2, A REQUEST FOR A VA.RIANCE OF SECTION 45.073, lA, SUBPARAGRAPH 2� TO REDUCE TfL MINTMUM LAND AREA REQUIRIIKENT FROM 17,000 SQUARE FEET TO 16,267 SQUARE FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTZON OF A 6 UNIT APAR�IEENT BUILDING ON IATS 28 29 AND 30, $LOCK 15, HAMILTON'S ADDITION T� MECHANICSVILLE THE SAME BEING 5381-STH STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR MARCOL EIBENSTEINER, 2110 THORNDALE AVFTIUE, NEW BRIGHTON, MINDIESOTA ) Mr. Marcol Eibensteiner, owner, and Mr. Bob Eibensteiner, builder, were present to present the request. Plans for the apartment and a survey of the lots were presented to the Board. Mr. Eibensteiner explained that they have a buyer for the proposed building as the �lans are now drawn. The building will be made up of 5 two bedroom unita with one efficiency unit. The buyer wants the efficiency fox his mothe� i� law. The buyer will also be living in the apartment. Mr. Eibensts�.nex then explained the general appearance of the building and the general make-up. Mr. Ahonen asked what type of buildinga occupied the adjacent lots. Mr. Eibensteiner stated that there was a duplex to the South and acxose the stxeet there was a 4-plex and there were also some vacant lots. He added that he has shown the land to other prospective buyers but as soon as they se� the area and look at the apartments across the street they are not as �.n�tere�ted as these buildings are not kept up. �Ir, Ahonen stated that he had driven past what he thought was the right area and he remembered seeing single family dwellings in the area. MOTION by Sondheimer to close the public hearing. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. M�DTION by Ahonen to table the request until the September 29, 1970 meeting to enable the members of the Board to inspect the area. Seconded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motiqn carried unanimously. AATOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P.M. by Chairman Minish. Respectfully submitted, ` y� � ' MARY HINT Secretary , ' , t r-�; I .7 ' ' ' ' FOR SALE - LIQUOR LOUNGE S��led bids will be received until 1:30 P.M. on Monda�y, November 2, 1970, by th@ Acting City Manager, City of Fridley, Minnesota, on behalf of the City Council af the City of Fridley for the sale of the following: Municipal liquor Lounges, Location No. 1: Liquor facility consisting of; ' 1) Buildin s, 2) Grounds, 3) Installed equipment located at 6161 Trunk H��hway #��. l.iquor stock not included. (For detailed list of equlpn��t e�., cpn�act Fridley City Hall,) I �I �I ' l.oca�lan No. 2: 1) Building, 2) Grounds, 3) Installed equipment lacated �t 371Q E�tst Riv�r Road. Liquor stock not included. l.aca�lon No. t is � lqunge located on beautiful East Moore Lake site nex� ta� shopping cent�r and a v�ry short distance from Interstate 694. l.ocation No. 2 is located at the intersection of East River Road and 37th Avenus Northeast. ' Tnspectian of property can be made available and arranged by calliny Marvin C, BI^uns�11; Acting Gity Manager, at 560-345Q, or Rob�rt McGuire. Liqu�r Stares Manager, at 788-8365. . � ' Ths minimum bid for Location No. 1 is $200,000.00 The minimum bid for I.oca�lon Na. 2 is �100,000.Oq. Pul^Ch�►se1^ must meet all Fridley City Code requirements and must be w111ing to remadel to meet City Code requirements at purchaser's expense. ' 61ds sho�1d be addressed to Marvin C. Brunsell, Acting City Manager, 6431 Universlty Avenu� Nartheast, and c1early marked "l.iquor Store Bids." Bids mus� be accompan�ed by a certified check or money order in the amount of �1,OOQ.QO as earnest money. Said earnest money to be applied against the ' �ur�h�s� price in the cas� of the high bidder. All other earnest money will e r�turned, ' A 11q�at� 1icense wi11 be issued to th� purchaser, his agent, or lesse� provlde� he meet� the qualifications as set farth in the advertisement �Fld 1'urther qu�llfies p�rsuant to the Fridley Liquor Ordinan�e. � ' , ' � Addi�lon�1 inFarmation relative tQ land, buidlings, equipment, and the Frld1ey l�iq�or Qrdinance can be obtained at the City Hall. THE C�TY COl1NC�l. RL'S�RVES TH� RIGHT TO REJEGT ANy AND ALL BIDS, Publlshs' The fridley Sun, September 30 a�nd October 7, 1970 Pub1lgh;. The Star �nd Tribune, Two weeks, r� , i �� . C� ' ' , CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM N0. 6-1970 September 4, 1970 ►-i� w /i VACATION POLICY 1. This memorandum establishes policy and procedure to be applied to employee vacatioaa. , 2. Employees are encouraged to take their annual vacation, unless extenuating circumstances preclude the employee doing so. Departmeat Heads must aseure opera- tional efficiency and therefore all vacations must be approved aad acheduled by the Depart�aent Head. Likewiae if an emergency occurs such as illness, death or a , disaater, the Department Head is allowed the latitude of rescheduling an employee'e vscatioa. Rescheduling will only be accomplished when the operatioas of a departu�ent Would be aeriously impaired. 3. Except where otherwise provided by agreement between the City Manager, the Department Head coacerned and the employee, no more vacation days than caa�be aarned during a year may be taken. 4. Employeea are not authorized to carry over in excess of five (5) days vACaCioR earned during a year without the express approval of his Department Head and the City Manager. Vacation leave is intended as a period of reet and relaxation and may not be waived by an employee for,the puspose of receiving double pay. 5. Except foz emergency or unusual circumstances, vacation requests and echedule� will be eat�,blished by Department Heads by the first day of April of each year �or the balaace of the year. This does not imply that vacations cannot be taken in January, February and March, or cannot be rescheduled, but merely est$blishes schedui,iag basis. pepartment Heads shall maintain a chart or log of vacation schadt11+A8 aad etnployees shall be notified of the approval or disapproval of the requested vac�E�pp� period . 6. When two or more individuals desire tp claim the same vacation dete(s) and � of operational necessity all cannot be approved, the City employee having the most gep. iorfty sha11 have the choice of dates. Where the apouse of husband of the emp1C►y88 who hae beea bumped from his requested vacation date(s) is employed where hi,a o� her vacation is fixed due to the firm's policy of closing during vacation periode, �1uek1 employe� ahal�. not be bumped by a senior employee more than two consecutive ye$ra, I� event mo�re than one department employee, other ihan the senior employee asks far tha same date on the third year, the senior employee among those wanting the saaie vaca�ion dette(s) as the seniox employee ahall be entitled to the thizd year vacaCi.on date(s)� After the third year seniority of the oldest employee shall agetin apply fot purpase o� claimiag vacatioa date(s) for two more yeara. A senior e�ployee ie nat authori,a�ed ko bump an employee from hia vacation date(s) after the first day of April, without conaent of the employee he is b�ping. When vacation date(s) are appliad �`ox ac�d approved after the first day of April, sucn vacation date(a) app�ov�d are naC �ubject to bumping. 7• To mellataic� coqtiauity of efficient operations, each Department Head muat Gf necess�.Cy h$ve an und�rakudy. The Department Head and his underatudy �hall, not b� �aheduled �or aorm$1 vacation per�.od at the same time. Depart�pent Heads may �PP�Y ��� amaie ruling where key personnel withia the department are concerned. �1 1 ' ' ' , Form 25u�Rev, R E S 0 L U T I 0 N � ,, At a�(regular) is�ci�1) �etiag �i tha C�cil of the ��_. °i h'idle]► duly hrld oa f,he day of �_, 19_, the follow- ing Reeolution wae offered by � i aeconded by � � ; to-wi.L: Wf�RF'.AS the Commisaioner of Highwa�ya h�a prepnred preliminary ' pla�na tor tb,a improvement of a part of Truak Highway Numb�r � rentiwbered aa Trualc iiigbway Nunber 4T vithia the corporate lisit� of the �,. of l�sy.dleY fram � STth /l�e i.S. to 61+st A�re�e a.E. � �a WI�EAS eaid greliaiaary plana are on file ia the otfice o� t.h4 Dspartmsnt of HighwaUra, Siiat Paul, Ninnesot�� being m�rk,ed, 1wDeled, aad id�tatilied aa �4T�t 80. l, S.P. 0205-07 (4T-156) irontage ro,►d d�tao}aaest ai 5T � 61at L��nns� i.S. . � ..._...._i and MHEREAS copiea of said preliminary plans aa ao mnrked, latbeled� aad idratifi�d � alao oa file in the office of the � Cl�rk; e►ad i��AS the ter� �'aaid prelimina�rry Plaap" aa hereiaafttr ustd in th� bod�► of Ehia reaolution ahall be deemed and iatended to mean� refer . to� and to iacorporats the preliainary plane as in the for�g�oins recitala pat�tiaularly id�ntified aad deacribed; �►�• BE IT B�60I.VED t.hat said pt�li�inarT -gl�as for th� � iep�'oveeMat o! Truak 8i�¢►wyr Nwmber 156 __rea�bered Trut�k 8iahra�y Husbsr 4�+ witbin the limita of the ��7 of ��q ��d b�reb� Are +�pp�oved. . `i � 1 IJ ' ' ' ' ' ' �I I� ' , ' Form 2521 Rev. Upon the call of the roll �he following voted in favor of tha Resolutioa �e to],lowiag voted a�ainat ita adoption: whereupon the Meiyor and preaiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. De�ted . .. ----______�_ � 19 70 . � STATE OF IQHNFSpTp ) COIINTY OF ) ss. �� _______.__ ��' ) Mayor Attest , �,�_ Clerk I do hereby certify that at s regular meetiag (wt a�peciail meetin6 oi , wk�ich due ar�d lsgal aotica waa given) oi the Council oi �li.nnesoti�, on the og ' ..,_ �l1 , 19_ at xhich a ma jority oi ti�e membera o� esid Counail were preseat, the foregoing reeolution waa �dopted. ' Given uacler ccpr haad and seal this �;� day of l�Q. . .,.. , ' ' ' ' �� Cl�rk • 0 � ►�>i I .� , , ' ' ' I � I ' , ' ' ' � August 25, 1970 `�'"` °" �i �•. ,+.. �'�' -,' .� V STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DISTRIf_7 N0. S 2053 NO. LILAG pRIVE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Mr. Homer H. Ankrum City �danager City oP Fridley 6431 Univeseity .+venue Yorti�z�st Fridley� Minnesota 55421 In 8eply 8efer Toa 315 C.S. 0205 T.H. 4? Proposal Por Slip Hamp North o� 61st Dear �dr. Ankxums Our position on your request �or rsconsideration of the T.H. 4? elip-oft north of 61st Avenue has remaine3 uncha,�ged. Our position in thie matter wa,s conveyed in an April 1� 1968 letter to yrou irom C. E. Burrill and also in a letter to you irom C. E. Hurrill dated December 29� 1967� copies oP which are attached. As to the proposed detachments at 57th ansi 61st� deeign of preliminar�r plaa� i� aomplete and cost eatimates are being prepared. These �rill be !or►arded as $oon a$ poa$ible �o that cooperative agreementa can be prepared. Sincerely� , �,� � � N. 8. Osterby ' District �inee Attaahmenta: , I,etters (,2) ccs ' H. H. Stiillivan P• B• �urPiU' 8. A.. h].aglqr ' ' ' � O�� , `�,,�� �,;� 1 � ��� �° � -� q . ' S'T'ATE OF MlNNESOTA DfPARTMENT OF HiGHWAYS CISTRICT NO S ' 2035 NQ. LILAC DRIVE ��r�n��%��o�iss �,{'ri�. Apri1 1, 1968 City oY Fridler 6431 Universi�y Aveaue N.E. Fridley, Minaesota 55421 . Attentioa: Homer R. Ankru� Cit�r !y►nager In reply refe� to: 315 C .S . 020� (T .H . 47 ) B�tve�a 61at �nd 6� ��e. N.E . in Fi�idle� Northboupd ��Slip-�pa" Dear M�, Adcr��: Yoar 14tt•r o� 1�rch 25, 196$, requeated the ats�tua of design on a slip rauup from T.H. 47 to the �ast frontage rosd aorth of 61st Are. N.E. �he Department has considered thia design aad our findin6s were p�esented in my December 29, 1967, letter, a copy oi vhich im attacbed. Wr poeition �as aot changed on this satter. Sinc•xely, ' . �. 4 C . E . Burrill DietrlCt mgineer �O �i1 � ' • , , , ' � , , , � , , i- =o .'� �. .�, 'A�w� ,. �� - �TAT� OF MINNESOTA pEPARTM�NT QF NIGHWAYS o�3TR�CT NO 6 Z05¢ NO, t.ILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOL,IS. MINN. Aecember 2g, 19E,� City o� P'r�,c1],ey b4�1 U�'iivexs�.ty Ayenue N.�.. FMdl.�y� ��.i.nnesota A��ent�on: %Ir. Horaer Anlcrum City I,Iar�a.ger Tn x�e�1.y refer � o t 315 S.P. 020S�2t� & 29 . . T.H. 4? a� 57th, 61st and Aiissi.ssippi Street Front�,�a Road Uetachments Aear ;Zr. Ankrums : - Di.stri.ct 5 has besn workin; with the City of Fridley for nearly �w0 ' yeax's tp detach the fronta�e roads at the 57th, 61st, and 2:ississippi StreeL in�e�sect3,ons. Ir�fact, the department partici�ated in the Construc��on af �il�.th t;venue on the b�.sis that a median would be con— ' st7t'ucted pn the c�r�terline of i;:ississip�� Street thereby limiting moveme�t� .frc,m �he east �z�onta�e road and alleviating a serious �rPff�.c grab].em. Saveral vr�eks ago, District Traffic Engineer, R.A. Kurpius� met w3�th Anoka Caunty Highway off�cials and Iir, f:�ureshi of Fridley to de�ermine hcyw' s4ort we co�:l.d expect to let the work planned for the west side a�' i�i.sei�sippi. including the lowering and hridening of f;ississippi 5treet. ,A7,1. thia work ia proposed for J,etting in a contr�ct by Anoka, County. 1�Ir. Quresh�. revietived ra.ght of �ntay procurement for ths frontage ro�d d�taahm�n�s, It is requested th�t a written stater.ient be foz�,raxded to our o�f�,cq as ta the present st�tu� o� the procure:nsnt so that a 1et�in� da�o a�r� be pro�r�:n�ed and funds secured for the proposed cons�rtt��ior�. It �1�, bq necessar.y Por the City to for�rard to us and the County doetv'a�n� '��t�,d� th�,t ths required right of w� 3s under acquisition � in �he Porm o� �t �oti�a o� Conde:,�t�on petition}� and also doeunenta�ion ahow3,ng pxaoP o�' owr�e�ship, � � � �t ia ixaaxsasir��.y apparent that �he S7th arxi blat intersectiozt� �e aauaing aapaci.�y prob7.errus and acaident occurrsnce. Attached are +.wo $�ar: �h4e�� �hawin� �he prc,posed d�tachment$. Co:r�aenta are as Yollowst �O � �2 . .' . ' ,, I , � i ' ' ' ' � , � , � ' � • , ' ' � ' City of �ridley _2_ � Decenber 29, S�,'�th Av�nue . �t is raq,uested that the City detezzni.ne wha.t solution should be pursued Pmm, al�e�nate� a�t�" thru '�C". The departr.ient favors e.lternate "C" and design is beit� held in abeyance �rsti,l a deterr.�i.r�tion is made. :Llter-� ilate "Bn uses ths a11.e;�. Although not shown on alterna.�e "C", consider- atio�l sk�o•ald be �iv�n to pro jecting the frontage road thru, �ortherly, be��er� 57th Avenue �l.E. and S7th Place N.�. btst Av�nue Tt�e d,e��.n of the alip ramp narth of 61 st to the east frontr_ge rcad would resu7.t a severely substand�rd construction due to the elevation differ- e�ce b�tj�re�en the roa,d��rays. Consecusntly; the depa.rtment rrill not consider i� Pur�her. Perhaps you will wish to discuss this matter �ri�h us af'ter the Cownail has had an opportunity to review it. Yle are also influeneed by the ww�rdersirable traffic pattern on the frontage road crea�ed by one waying �t to accomodate the sl.ip ramp. ' aiAC�re1y� . �. ��c-�.�.a--� , C.E. Burril.l. District Engineer cc: R.P. Braun Pat �;cCarthy . A.P. l:anley x.H. Sul.a.ivan ' �. J . Lur�dhQ�.m CEB: db ti�AE 0 � . �� ; a ! 1 ' ' ' i R�SOI.UTIDN tda. � A RES03.IITION C$RTIFyING CERTAIN DELIbiqUis�iT WAT�R 1t11D SE'WLR CHARGES TO T!i$ COUNTY AtTDITQii FOR C�I►�C�'IOI�i WITH THB 1971 TAxFS W�ERSAS, certain �aLer s�ad se�ner r'�arg� for 1� Cit� of Fridle� axe de:linqueat in pa�ent, and� � �S� Sectioa 7 of Ordiaaac� Nnaber 113, Sectio� 1.02 °t ��i�7 � Frovidea feir certifyimg deiinqneat ciiargra t,o t� C�tiT 1��.�' for collection With ths tazes� NOW', �0�, ffi IT BSSOLV�D that �he Gity Clerl� is herebT �ntLarised amd dir�cted to certiSj► th� tollo�ing chargea to th� Co�nntf �r,pr for collectioa vith 19T1 tauces dns and pa�abl• i�t tt� � year 1971 to wit: 1'll these r�oted ia Schsaale ��" att.acL�d hertt�o a�ct sad� 8 P� �reo� by rafersnc•. P/ISS�D A1iD ADOP'!�D THIS ,_ DA7 � 1910 BY TSE C�'7 C001�CIL� CITY 0�' F&IDLEY� AHOKA C�, IQNNSSOTI. � ♦i'r�$i�t 0 l7EliViL � Y�i� O� AiilfJis C1� �i� w Tiii�B►7� - Mar►in C• �� 0 0 ��� i ' �4� WA�'� � SSW�R ACCOUI�'1'S CF�tTY� 'Y'ib C�T� - 1970 �� �� �� ,D�� tri�ct � 1 �t880 - 2ad Street N. $, ,�847. - a�d strset N. g. '�6�i - 2� str.•t x. a. �$�s - 2� str.st 11. �„ �58�0 - 2'} Str�et 11. _. l�775 - 3rd strsmt N. 1�. ��Q - 63�� i�1a�y �. B. �t7�-8o - 63} wi� N. �. �lc� - 6� t�y x. 8. �43� Ll'tut� H�td ��79 ll'tnra Iioa� '�5 -� 6T�� r� a. s. �0 Cl��ie� �. 8. 'lr62T xa�G� str�et x. �S. !r T '�7� M��a str�at �. a. �.64 Paut�rsma A. ]s. �lk2� oe�►t�ra R�rad li. E. a�lst�c�� 2 �l�,th St1�et �. 8. 3� - �tth str.ei �. �. 1? - bth st�r.�t �. 8. � • b� st�r�r1� X. $. �►� - i'�t+t St�sl, Y, �* ��2 • 58�t ��a� �1. �. 4 bb� ,Awesswl Di. i. - b7kb liaan� �. E. `� w �Q +� �+4►�l ��III�,�' At �!!r� � 2e79 1o3.9b 78,35 90.3b 30.97 37.89 69.32 2].1.81 130.8l� 39.5t) 21.88 1�1.b1 118.96 92.t�0 82.38 45.�8 55•76 37�70 63.72 7.lt.29 1.9� 91.65 123.94 6.74 41.32 Ie' J'! ! 6 � .27 io.�a 7.83 4.t� 3. 09 3.79 6,94 21.19 13.08 3•96 2.18 lt.17 11.9� 9.2t� 8.2l� 4.52 5.58 3.'tA 6.38 1.43 .20 9.17 12.�0 .68 4.� 3.47 _ i 3.06 �4.3� 86.18 99.Ir0 3�.t�6 41.68 76.26 233.vo 143.92 h3•46 23•98 bS.ie 130.86 lOS.i�O 90.6� �9.Te 6a..3i� L1.1r8 7'4.LR 15.?'i� 2.1� Ir0.Q2 1,�6.31t 7.1�2 45.46 44.bb �� ' �+ � �' '�i�t & S�R ACC ocr�rrs c�tr� �o cotr�t -�97o C a�t�.�,• � �� �r ��sr ���t � 2 t cont�gea) . ' �"961 Eleaj�A str.�; = 57.21 i 5.73 �'895 �� e�tral h�s�u 8$ � 99 8� 89 ' 1�t0 F'ert�dale A�ent�lr 32.13 3, 2�, ' ].2c�7 oaxaeau A.e�• 62.l�1 . 6.25 6319 High�r,p► ,� 65 �. 8. , 12.6T 1.2'l ' b319 Ks��ris � 65 x.: s. 72.37 7.2� �.c� �;;��� �r�� x. �. 5�c.72 5.be ' b8�b Mi�nroe Str�e� I(. S. 27. 59 2.75 ���5 Liincoln st,r�ft �. g. 39.98 �pp � �� �� � �in+r►od Xauor �f. E. 25.23 2.53 ' 9�o rJP.ston nrir. li. a. 107.81 10.79 t�74t9 O�ar�on Drin ll. a. 46.38 4.b� '�72� Po;lt Str�� 11. s. 95.13 9. 51 '16,�1 Ric• Crraic ftoad a. �. 39.�3 3•95 �17'f! Rie�e crNic lsrrac� x. g. 37.70 3.78 'b3a.� •�u� enxya st.r.et Ii. $. 57.75 5.77 b1Cl �tr�raitT l�renn� A. E. ?8.6T 7.8? 'b21� uni:..rstt�r I�ne.a. 11. j. 5l�.86 5.h8 77� W�e�t Koora L+�ke Driry 1i. S. 20.b7 2005 3�► Cs��ttal �� �. E. � 2&f,tlC 2�.0� ' �c�s�t;� ���1 � b9th A�s�a� 1!• S� 92�1�! 7�2Y �• 7Q��lh ilaqr 11. E. 131.08 13.1� x�. - T,�i� A.�stn�► x. B. 21.65 2.17 �6�t� *� 7:it� A�eqtM1 �t• ?. 100 62 • xa.o6 � �a �tx��t �. E. 12.15 1.21 �'� A��.e� strseE �. _. ho.05 1�.01 �'�7 ,Ab�,�� ��r�ei li. E. 5�.16 �.02 rarii�, ____ i 62.94 9T.88 35.3k 68.66 13.9lt 79.b� 60.20 3o.�k b3.98 27,�b 118,6� 51.� 3�.bh b3.38 b�.�8 b3.�� 86.� bo,91�t 22.52 ,jtiB.N 1Q1.�Y �.za 23.8Y 11a.68 •13•�b ��� i� ' 55•14 � �� ' A�GXiR�T�.' WA't�R & SrW� ACCOtrNTS CmR�'TFIEl7 TO Cd�i2Y - 197o tGoa�tinued) � ..�.. � AM� I` D�.atri�t �, 3 (Coet� 1�.9 �►b�,• Str�st x. B. � 30.75 � 3.0? ?��2 Ai�1s Str�t A. $. �1.62 5.16 4�L �]�e Str�st 11. s. 38.01 3.81 �7�29 4�.e strNt X. E. 16.79 1.67 `��b� lua3� s�re.t �. s. 2lt.59 � 2.1►5 �57�► �,b7.e 3t.r�st lt. 8. 1l�.l�8 1.1� '��'�9 �Cbl� Strss� lt. �. 29. T5 2.97 ��0 $ellaire i�T . A7 i�7..82 l�.18 ��24 Ge�ral A�na� 36.97 3.69 7'�. C��ra1 �t�1ww 5�,30 5,}� �'i�+� C�tral e�p� ♦ b2.8� 6.29 'T�OI Co�certo Cwc� �. s. 1l�3•b7 1lt.37 � �uPl�alo 3tr�st #t. B. .8 � 4 6.78 �� �� �7 1�• �• 83.97 8.39 �� �x'Tl 3treet ?6.71 ?.67 '��0 �hh�a�r7. strfet 65.25 6.53 '��� �a�t Riv�r �oa�d 29.It6 �.91� '�b� � Rl«r �aad 12.41 1.25 '� �LT St��t� l�. 8. • 94.28 9.1i2 �?�, 41mMes►s StrNt A. 8. 74.39 7.h3 ,��� f��et� str��t �i, �5. 47.61 4.77 , �� �o Str�e� 11. s. 20.66 2.06 '�76 I�� Str�et x� �. 1.la2.98 � 14.30 � '�9p Haga �t�� 11. �. � 37.?t� 3.78 ��ti ��e�t 9tr�rd �. �. 31.91 ,3.19 '�i� �o�t St��t �. S. 24.2}� 2.92 ��Q d�awe�rri.�l� 3tre�t li. E. 41.3� l�.11t '�� �T��a.s str.e� x. �� 50. i6 5. 02 TdPAL � 33.8� 56.78 1�1.li2 18.46 27.t� 15.92 32.72 J�6.f�0 lr0.66 59.7J� 69.12 158.t� 7l�.62 92• 3b� 81i,38 ?�.78 �2.l� 13.bb 103,7t# 81.82 52.3� 22.i� 15T.2$ �1.�8 35.3��► 32•lb 45.l�8 ��.�a �i ' w� &�'� xcCOUrrrs c�T��n To c ' �� District � 3 (Coati�ed) ' 7�7A 7.alc�tide &oad 11. E. ,i�� �.�ear'Ey Strs�t li� 3. J�20 �.ilbtz�t 7 Strs�t 11. E. ' 7�tc�0 �►,�,c baaa N. E. T528 V� Bur�u Str�et N. �. ' 7�70 Da� But�en Street N. g. '7��7 uxai.nrait� Arra�e 7��9 IInirtrsit Ar Y et►u1� '738? pai�ez8ltT ,��s�p 7�1� Te�po Terrac� H. B. '9t?�8 R�t�h 5tree� D�. E. 21�Q - 73rd u��uu� A. E. �a �t a�..s xo� �� $��► ♦ 65 x. s. ' , ' • , • � ' ' ' AM�Ot1N2 � � 4�.74 55. eo b9.87 282.98 �.50 37.08 31.2? 5.�9 9.l►3 61.73 56.�b 31.00 28.0� 3,635.T5 - 1970 (Conti. 1NTS.►2�5? � 1�.lt8 5.58 4.99 ���l1 2.06 3.70 3.13 .05 .95 6.17 5.6t� 3.10 2.80 363•57 � 1'a�AI. .-____ i 1�9.18 b1.38 51�.86 311.28 22.56 40. �8 3�.l� 5.2� io.�8 67.90 62.09 31►.1G 30.80 3,999.32 �� AP�QI�ITMENT F0� CITY COUNCIL CONSID�RATION - SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 HUMAN RLI.AT�ONS COIrIl�lI�E (Resolution �6271-1964) RESIGNE$ MEI�ER ..,�" Fathe� Ge�$1d Ke�f� 6120 - Stb Street Fxidi�ey, M�t�nsspta 55432 TERM EXPIRES 12-31-72 A APPOINTEE �� APPOINTMENT FOR GOUNCIL APPROVAL - SEPTEMBER 21, 197p NAME ___�__ Nina �. Lewi� (Zabel) 11040 Ylspn Street N.W. Coon Rapid�, Minn. 55433 Bonni� l., Gin�erich 215 - �5th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota PQSITION SALARY Cashier $373.32 �f�'ective September 7, 197p Swi tchboard�- $364.14 ReGepti�oni s� Effective Septe�er 7, 197p , REP�ACES Linda S, Johnspn Nina E, Lewis :��� � i� ' �1 I ' I' C L A I M S I , GENERAL: 22914 through #23034 LIQUOR: �4815 through #4852 ' 'C� � LZST Ok' I,It:EI�ES TO BE APPROVED AT �4iE MEETI_NG QF S�PTEMBER ti 1970 ' SQI,��ITOAS XPPROVED $Y �Ed�ie Loyd Polica Chiet Bet;�y LoYd �:�irnnie Loyd ' Sanu Perry � . Pa�r�cia Perry Milbert Perry �r�ry Frassier ' �'or A�IJ Center 371$ St,e�ena Ave. 50. . M�n,nespoli$, l�iran. B�s �,T��ephine Forsm€un ' Minnie Hicka ' ' , , ' � � ' ' ' ' . , ' 1 � , LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF SBPTII�ffiER 21 1970 ' MOVING & WRECKING APPRO'VED BY Doepke Building Movers 5920 Weat 70th Street , Minneapolis, Minnesota By; William Doepke Bldg. Inap. I , I , ' � ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f- �) • �e ! ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL C4NSIDERATION - SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 Dunk�ey Surfacing Compaay 3756 Grand Aveaue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota Parti�l Eatimate #2 for Street Improvemeat Proj�ct S�. 1970-4 Comstock � Davis, Inc. 1446 County �toad �',r� Minneapolis, Minn�eaota 55432 Por the furni8h�n� of Profesaion$1 Engineering Servicea; FIN,�i 8atimate *1 for Water Improvement pxoject No, 98, Fj}� Eat�mate �1 for Water Improvement Project No. 99 Partial �stimate #10 for Sanitary Sewer � Water Improvement Praject No. 93 from ,August 3, through Augu�t 29� 197Q ParCial l�ati�te #10 for Water �a�provement pro ject No. 9+� from� qug�tst 3 through pugust 29, 1970 �artial �st�,au�te �4 for Water Improvement Project No. 95� Schsdule B from pugust 3 through August 29, �970 , $ �6;945.83 � $ 669.52 $ 257.20 S 565;�►0 , $ 10.56 $ 1,683.�0 �� � . ' ' � � � Ii I , � 0 CO[95TOCK b DAVIS, INC. . Consultting Engineere 1b�6 Co�uty Road ��J�� Minneap�iis, Minaegota 55432 Sept�mber 11, 1970 Honorable Mayor & Citq Council c/o 1�r. Hower Ankrum, City Mar.ager cicy of �s;[aiey b431 Univ�ersity Avenue N.E. Minnsapolis, Mi:unesota 55421 Gentlsme�a: ' CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEB$ ' We hereby submit Estimate No. 1, the final esti�ete, for Comstock � Datris, Iac., 1446 County Road "J", Minneapoli$, Minnssota 55432, ior the furni�h- iag of Ps+afessionat Engineering Sexvices for planaing Water Ia�raveaeat Pzoj�ct �o. 98. I�O�TAACZ'Ott'S FINAL CONSTBUCTI(� PjtICL $1Z, 752.80 ' BaQic Engia�ering FeQ (S-1/4X) $bb9.52 AMO�IT NOW DU�. . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $b69.52 , ' � ' SVC/qg ' �_� ,�, � Reapectfully eubmitted, COMSTOCK � DAVIS, iYC. By � B. V. Comstock, P. E. � :�.� C019STpCK � DAVIS, INC. Coaeulting Srsgiueera 14�i6 Cauntq Road ��J" Kinu�aPolia, Minaesota 55432 Sept�ber lI, 1970 HonorabIa !layor & City Co�cii c/o Mr. Hoaier ANcrwn, City Mauag@r City of Frtdiap 6431 Vniversit� pye�ue N.E. ��1i•, l�ianesoca ss4sa Geatlartt: C�RTIFICAIB OF TIiE BNGINLHR pe bes�sbY t�ubait Eatimate No. 1, the fiaal eatimate, for Camstock 6 Davis, Inc., 1446 Cawaty Road "J"� Mianeapolis, t�iiinnesota 55432, for the fusniah- ing �f P�ftesionai Eugineering Ssrvices for plaaning wat�s Ymprnve�ent Pro�ect �o. 99. CON?�tACTO�'S FIa�1AI. C(�18TRUCTZO[ri PRICE . $4,899.12 Basic 1�8inaeriag Fee (S-1/4�) $257.20 aMi0t1NT NdW WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $257.20 , • I{espectfully subaittsd, CO1�iSTOCK S DAVIB, INC. � $y E. v.•Comstock, P. E. 8VC/�g , ���� ��� THE A�'�'O �'y'" ji � ` OF MINNEAtOLIS LA SA�4E AT THIRT�ENTH STREET • MINNEAPOLIB, MINN. 65403 • 332-0255 August 28, 1970 � �:�s Jack Kirkhain, Mayor Ctty of Frtdley 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Ml�nespplis, Minnesota 55d21 Dsar Mayor Kirkham: It (s a plsasure to intorm you that F�idlsr's exoeli�nt record In the ftsld of padest�ian safety has again beon �oognizsd by ths Nnertca� Automobile Assoctatton. 11 Pedsst�tan Safety Award ptsque is nar on it's M�y �p you, symDoltzing tl� approclatla� of ou� national organtratio� for your city's most co�nendable aChtevemant tn this vitat safeiy area. Mle add our cangr-aitu I ations, Mr. Ki Ncham, and our s t�►csro "Th�k you" to you and to all of you� people who have contribulbd fv this sucoessful effort. Me Mtsh you every aonttnusd snccsss in yeers to oome. IlLH/sky ' . �� Since�ly, � %'� �G%�YV �L. Nlan L. Bar� Traftic Safefy Dl�ector ' r �_�t•E�: �o ,''�ta�� � . � ,.� -. ��:- Tc'r:tq ,_,�l �C�tCOi2i ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' t'aa�z Val.ken��ur�, i�Io� �� k�,l€��iea�ty, Ltd. e S ��IUYrrtPtl•f ' �r���lf' �� . IdAS C/►RG31LL 6U I LDINO - NORTH STAR C,: ENTER • MI NNCAPp�.I S, MtNNCSOTA 11�402 335-9a0i MORACE VAN VALKENp�URO VERNE W, M09i,JR, JAME� VAN VALK[N�URO 7(] PAUL VAN VALKCN�U1�0 September �� 17�0 PATRIOK F, FLANCRTY � WAYN6A.NER00TT v JAME� [,O�oO�tFN R�CHARD 3. ZI[6leR �f,QWAqp L,WINCR The City Council City o� �ridley 6431 Uni ve rs i ty Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota Attention: City Engineer ' ' Gentlemen: RE: Brothen, Inc. Our File 18,599-L We are attorneys for Brothen, Inc., relative to the . ],andscap�.ng matter that has recently received the Council's ' attention. ' Mr. BrotYien advises that he has every intention o� cooperating with you in r�solving this matter, and that he desires �.o reach an understanding wh�ch will be in the best ' �ntereats of all concerned. ,At this time certain finarrbaial �e-�.djustments are k�eing made within the company, so that funds are not imr�ediatsly available to enabl• Brothen, Inc. ' to compl�te its landscaping to conform to the Council's �'eques�. Howsver, a significant amount of the required laad- scaping has been installed. ' � �� ,8#s soon as matters within the company are resolved, the 1a�dsaaping problem will be s�tisfactorily concluded by aur alie�nt, . : � � � � ,.* . , � :._.. ? � �. rt� �urs trulY. 't ! � 7 X.• i � j, : .J, Y ` � . .. .. s . � � . ' �+l�l� S M � � • , 1%AL�1 r/i�-�i�L�L� � 1'it/174 &.FLAHSRTY, LTD. ;,:. 4-'Yfl, 't� . .��..✓��S '� � � � :.. ���!� E�iw�a L. winer ��?'f 0 - __ _ _ _ _ -_._.�.. INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE � �'�� FOF7M 113-SI�I . . � . � � � . . � . . � � . / . ' - . . . '. � � � . � . � . � . . � DATE - SCPteIClb@r '-F � .1970. . FROM , l�u�. G. R. Coleman, Manager-Transmission Line.Engr'�.� �LOCATION Minneapolis . � Right of Way & Constr. Dept. T� Mr.. J. C. Pearce; District Manager � �o�AT�oN North District . �n . r?��tn o�s�.;�t �...., n„Y „� , SUBJECT E-6462 � ` - � . � ., , � . � --- ; � �;,. ...1 �...,. Riverside-Moore Lake �0871 F, _ , - ; ' Fridley Reroute - I,etter #26 � j�,_, , ,, 3 ot� � ►: . � - • ' a;�! _ _. U?:. ^i , . ,M ......,_....a.,,....;. � � _ __ . �m� The following activities occurred during the period from August 19 thru September 4 relating to the relocation of the subject line: On 8-21-70 the Burlington Northern submitted to NSP their proposal, for the in- stal.lation of a cab.le system as the solution to the inductive interference prablem. . A meeting, attended by personnel assigned by top management of B-N and NSP, was held on August 24 to review the alternate systems and the occupancy agreement. Following the four hour session, assignments kere made for flzrther technical review of the systems and for refinement of the agreement.. • Meetings were held by the technica,l group o�i 2'u.esday, Augus� 25 and Thursday, August 27.� The right of tivay personnel met on Monday, August 3,1,� Another meeting of the i1111 committee is to Y�e held within the next ten days. . .e .. � � . � � . . G. R. COLEMAN Manager-Transmission Line Engr'g., Right of Way & Constr. Dept. Cc: A.V. Dienhart . J.E. Mielke R.G. Grosshans J.J. Ripsin, Sr. � . R.W. Walters G.V. We1k . ' GRC�lc , 0 , INTERNAL.CORRESPONDENCE 1 �,� FORtM I15-51�3 � � � - . OATE September ll) 197Q. . FROM G. R. Coleman� Nla,na,ger-Transmissian Line ineeri •.<���T�oN � �K, Minneapolis R�W� & Construction Dep�,rtment TO J. C. Pearce� District Me.na,ger ,,,�,, �,oN � North District � , � � 4 . �ii:rj�{ - "---__ s„a�E�T E-6462 _ � F►;r --,, Riv�erside-A�ore Le,ke Line #0871 � ! �!3 - _ .: � 1 R .'_.y . . Fridley Reroute - Letter #27 - ���r� -� fite LiS R�tcirn ; R� J ' ` bes:roy The following activities occurred during the week of Septetnber 8� with � L►'h fj' , regard to the subject line reroute: Two meetin�s were held betw�en right of wa,y personnel of both the Burlin�ton-Northern and NSP, �or discussion a,nd negotiations of condi�ions to be ma,de p�rt of t}ae ra,ilroa,d occu�ncy agreement . Discussion also continwes betw�een members of the technical �roup from both coRnpe,nies� as they work to resolve the problems and develop a system' � with protection from induction interference. �G/, ?C t: �K.G1�tI�f ��� G. R. Colema.n, Me,na,ger Transmission Line DepQrtment G1�C RWW�mlp cc: A. V. Dienhart J. E. Mielke R. G. Grosshans J. J. Ripsin� Jr. R. W. Waiters G. V. Welk . � ' ' ' ' ' ' , STREST DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MiON�rHLY REPORT — AUGUST 1970 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Street Work . . . . . . . . . Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signs and Barricades . . . . . . . . . . . . $quipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . ' WATSR DBPARTMENT ' ' � ' ' ' , CI ' ' , 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Filtration Plant Operations . . . . . . . . Final Readings and Collections . . . . . . . Hydrant Repairs and Flushing . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . . . Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . valve Inspections and Repairs . . . . . . . Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . Water Meter Inspections and Repairs .... Water Turn-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . watermain Hreaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . S�h1F1t DEPARTMENT l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lift Station Inspections and Repairs .... l�lanhole Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �.3CellalleOLtB .S0W01 inlork • • • • • • • • • • Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . Sanitary Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . Bquipm�ent Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . sTO� s�w� nsp�tT�r 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning .... 2. Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Work . . . . . . . HOURS 104� 14 16'� 199 759'� 85� 61 179� 218 50� 92� 60 67 41'� 52 8� 45'� 19 185� � 51 199 36 47 192� 9 67 1 18 ' �� ' Page Two PUBI,iC WORKS DEPARTMENT MiONTHLY REPORT - Aiti1ST 1970 , MISCSLLANEOUS HOURS 1. Engineering Department (190 Ashton) ..... 32 , 2. Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Funeral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4. Injury on Job - Richard Bloom . . . . . . . . 28 ' S. Injury on Job - Chester Swanson . . . . . . . 32 6. Park Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 7. Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 152 , S. Straet Project-St. 1970-4 . . . . . . . . . . 30 9. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 10. Weekend Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ' 11. Equipment Repairs - Engineering . . . . . . . 10 12. Equipment Repairs - Fire Department ..... 9 13. $quipment Repair5 - park Department . . . . . 56� , 14. Equipment Repairs - Police Department .... 74 ' � ' ' ' �I � , ' � u _ t�. ,�>. ,'•{ , 8-79 (REV. 11-3-64) '' , (Standard Form of the International Association of Chiefs of Police) (Copies avoilable at Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. C. 20535) , � - - - CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT _ citr �r FT`id1eY _ , _ Mo�ct, of Au�t:st _; ts`�0 :I TABLE 1.--DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL . ' ' Average Daily Percent Doily Average Daily � 'r Numerical $trengtF� — Absence {lbsence Temporary Details Average Effective Strength End of �ame month Same montH Same month Same month Same"month - this month last year This month last year 'I'his month last year This montt last year This month Lastmon[h last year ' 27 27 10.5� 9.12 _ _ 11.�+2 12.3$ 12.22 Total personnel. 1 .l Ch1ef's offlce . _ _ ,' Records bureau . J J � Unlformed farce . �� �� � � �� , '�� � Det�ctive bureau � � � - — Traffic bureau . _ -- ' ........... _ . � � Fltst relief . . . �.� Zl7 - Second relSef . . �'O 1'0 ' Third relief . . . ( � 0 ' __ TABLE 2._-CHANGES IN PERSONNEL TABLE 3.-_DAILY AVERAGE PATROL STRENGTH . . j. Present fLt duty end of last month . . . . . . . . . . �� . Same month . This month last year , � � 2. Recrufted durinq month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. . . . . . . . . . . • 3. Relnstated durinq month . . ��� 1. Total number of patrolme❑ . 22 2� � Total to account for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2.� Less permanent as=lqnments��(public , �� � . offices, clerical, chauffeurs, etc.) . . . . 4. Separations from the servfce: . 3. Less details to special squads or bu- � � � . . reaus (trafflc, vlce, park,�etc.) . . . . . (a) Volantary resiqnation . . . . . . � � ' � � ' � � . . . . � � - 9. Averaqe daily absences of patrolmen (b) Retlrement on penslm . asslqned to patrol duty owinq to: (a) Vacatton, suspenslon, rest � .. (c) Reslqned with charges pendinq ' (d) Dtopped during probation : ; : (e) Dismissed for cause . � '� � (f) Killed in line of duty . . . . . . (y) Deceased . . . . . . . . . � days, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Sick and inJured . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Tempozary details . . . . . . . . . . Total separations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total average dally absences . . ' S. Present for duty at end of month . . . . . . . . . . . '2� 5. Available for patrol duty . . . . . . . . . ' 1Q, CO 9 . ].2 .5a .66 1c.58 9.7� 11.1,2 12.22 F�" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ ; ' � _ ' _ , _ _. � , � ,. _ _. � ' " T��LE 4-- CRtIl�E INDEX AND POl.tC� ACTIVITY TREND CHANGE , OFFENSES KNOWN TO 7HE POLICE �URRENT YEAR V5. LAST YEAR CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES V5. SAME MONTN VS. SAME PERIOD '(PART i CLASSES) REPORTED OR ACTUAL ACTUAL THIS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR KNOWN UNFOUNDED OFFEkSES yEAR TO DATE ', THISMONTH THISMONTH NUMBER PERCENT NUMBER PERCENT la. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT ' MANSLAUGHTER '� 3 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL a. 'RAPE BY FORCE ' b. ASSAULT TO RAPE • ATTEMPTS � 3. ROBBERY TOTAL 3 j 1'O , a. ARMED - ANY WEAPON b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON �- 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT TOTAL a" ' a. GUN �' b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DKNGEROUSWEAPON ': d. MANDS, FIST, ETC. • AGGRAVATED 5. BURGLARY TOTAL 5 j �3 o. FORCIBLE ENTRY 5 �� �� b. UNLAWFU� ENTRY - NO FORCE � c. ATTEMPTED FORCBIE ENTRY � ' 6. LARCENY - THEFT (except outo theft) 3C� � � 355 a. E50 AND OVER IN VALUE 7. AUTO THEFT � 2 � 51 ' CRIME INDEX TOTAL 16. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE . 4e. OTHER ASSAULTS - NOT AGGRAVATED 6 6 � � ' C �' n�� 66. LARCENY, UNDER S50 IN VALUE pS PART I TOTAL 1z9 2 1•�7 1�5 ( , TOTAL PART�IINCIDENTS ............. 1 ............................ .ry..;,�...... ....... • TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NONCRIMINAL CALLS1C l�, ...(.9` �- ••••• 1��� ... . .. .. . . ... . .. S7?2 .. . .. - . TOTAL CALLS FOR POLICE SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' � . t . AUTOMOBILES RECOVERED , � • 3 " � ' (A).NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED LOCALLY ............................................... (B) NUMBERSTOLEN LOCALLY AND RECOVERED BY OTHERJURISDICTIONS ................................... � �;r (C) TOTAL LOCALLYSTOLEN AUTOSRECOVERED ...................................................... � ' (D) NUMBERSTOLEN OUT OFJURISDICTION,RECOVERED LOCALLY ......................................... ' ' • ,. 1 _ _ _ , , ' . . .� ' . ___ ', ;� I' � TAQLE 5-- VALtJE �F P�OPFRTY STOLEP� Ai�D RECOVERED ' � VALUE OF PROPERTY 4ALUE OF PROPERTY TOTAL VALUE �F �ALUE OF PROPERTY VALUE OF PROPERTY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN LOCALLY STOLEN OTHER OFFENSE LOCALLY STOLEN JURISDICTIONS STOLEN LOCALLY ANDRECOVERED AND RECOVERED BY pROPERTY RECOVERED RECOVERED LOCALLY LOCALLY OTHER JURISDICTION `' ROBBERY J�J��'� BURGLARY .L2 2o6r LARCEMY IC �. . dZ 1-1� 0 AUTOTHEFT '��O�GO 5?��.�C , , TOTAL �0� �72.:�7 6379.30 6379.30 ' � _ _ . � e TA�LE 6-- O�FENSES CLE/ARED BY �.ItREST � year ta dafe (include exc�ptiona{ clearances) 2�63.00 ,� , NUMBER OF OFFENSES PERCENT OF OFFENSES CLEARED BY ARREST CLEARED BY ARREST ' CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSE$ BY ARREST OF BY ARREST OF TOTAL CLEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 TOTAL CLEARED pERSONS UNDER 18 (PART i CLASSES) ' THIS LAST THIS LAST THIS LAST THiS LAST YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR , ' 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE o. MURD�R AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE �" � _ 2. FORCIBLE RAPE TOTAL I. � 2 a. RAPE BY FORCE 1 �- , b. ASSAULT TO RAPE - ATTEMPTS �- 1 �- 3. ROBBERY TOTAL �" , a. ARMED - ANY WEAPON �- b. STRONG-ARM - NO WEAPON 4. ASSAULT TOTAL ?�- �-`� ' a. GUN �- b. KNIFE OR CUTTING INSTRUMENT c. OTHER DANGEROUSWEAPON , d. MANDS FI57S, FEET, ETC. - AGGRAVATED e. OTHER ASSAULTS • NOT AGGRAVATED �� 1-O , 5. BURGLARY TOTAL 6 1-O �- II' a. FORCIBLE ENTRY J �-O � b. UNLAWFUL ENTRY - NO FORCE c. ATTEMPTED FORCIBLE ENTRY 1 � ' 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AU70 THEFT) �O 33 ]-� 1-1 c. E50 AND OVER IN VALUE '�� b. UNDER E50 IN VALUE <U2 303 � 11;7 1�0 ' ��ti - 2 5 � � . _ 7. AUTO THEFT , � GRAND TOTAL 356 3�0 161� , 1�t9 ` � , _ _ _ _. _ � . '' , , _ i� �. � • � . TABLE 7-- PERSOtVS �,R��STED, CHARGED AND �� DISP05�D OF DUF�16�+IG MONTH _ _ - - _ � � � COURT DISPOSITIONS THIS MONTH , ARRESTS PERSONS FORMALLY ADULTS GUILTY (INCLUDE RELEASED NO FORMA� CHARGE) CHARGED ACQUITTED REFERRED TO � UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES THIS OR JuVENI�E • MONTH OF• OF OTHERWISE COURT '� , TOTAL OFfENSE LESSER DISMISSED JURISDICTIOW JUVENILES ADULTS TOTAL � CHARGED OFFENSE 1. CRIMINAL HOMICIDE: � , a. MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGNTER b. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLIGENCE 2. FORCIBLE RAPE 3. ROBBERY ,• 4. AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 5. BURGLARY • BREAKING OR ENTERING �1 �ry �i 51 35 1 1 -�-H� 6. LARCENY - THEFT (EXCEPT AUTO THEFT) � 7. AUTO THEFT 1 1 8. 07HER ASSAULTS (RETURN A- 4e) 2 'G 2 TOTAL - PART I CLASSES 31 . 39 7� 53 35 ? 2r/ �+ THIS YEAR TO DATE 2� 2 ? b 2 2( 79 LAST YEAR TO DATE 1 6 2<�..6 �� ��J ?�O 20 67 � ' PERCENT CHANGE 9. ARSON 10. FORGERY AND COUNTERFEITING '-- 11. FRAUD 12. EMBEZZLEMENT ' , 13. STOLEN PROPERTY; BUYING, RECEIVING, POSSESSING 14. VANDALISM 15. WEAPONS; CARRYING, POSSESSING, ETC. � 16. PROSTITUTION AND COMMERCIALIZED VICE 17. SEX OFFENSES (EXCEPT 2 AND 16) 18. NARCOTIC DRUG LAWS ' 1. � �. , 19. GAMBLiNG 20. OFFENSES AGA�NST THE FAMILY AND CHILDREN [ 5 5 � 1' 21. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE J 1 1 22. LIQUOR.LAVIS , 23. DRUNKENNESS 2 2 � 2 1 2 � 1 24. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 25. VAGRANCY K 26. ALL 07HER OFFENSES (EXCEPT TRAFFIC) 2 J 7 � � � TOTAL - PART II CLASSES 9 1'3 22 16 l� 1 2 3 ioz z b z u4 9 2 THIS YEAR TO DATE 13 �'7 , LAST.YEAR TO DATE 1-OO 11'3 - 2�3 17� �-`�� PERCENT CHANGE TRAFFIC ARRESTS THIS MONTH �'-.r PHYSICAL NSTODY ARRESTS WARRANTSSERVED � � , CITATIONS ISSUED TOTAL TRAFFIC ARRESTS AND CITATIONS � _ 1 � �- b 1+3 4.9 4 9 6 4� 50 � 50 39 � 2 � 3 � 6 � • ,. � • g-9ga (Rev. 10-21-65) ' Police Department City ot' Fra.dleV CONSOLIDATED MONTHLY REPORT : TRAFFIC SUMMARY Month of Au�USt � 1g7� ITABLE 1. ACCIDENT SUMMARY This Month Year to Date ' This Year Last Year o,o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change ' Accident Total 53 �F� "F�-Q %+�1' �+57 �� ,y Fatal 1- � J�' 1 + ; Personal Injury 2O 2� —1'7 179 190 —Ei ' 33 22 +50 __ 237 255 —$ Pr�perty Damage Pedestrian �- "' �' � —5� ' ' s. _ TABLE 2. ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY . -- , This Mont6 Year to Date This Yeaz Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year o�o Change Traffic Total 60 $1 —26 ��,.3 -1164 —2� ' xaZ�raous v�o�ac�ons ?b 54 —52 374 674 —�+5 Otlier Violations � 15 —1�,. 233 329 —30 �_ p�k�n� . z1. 6 + 211 135 +56 � D��� � 2 6 —67 1+0 26 +53 ' Accident Arrests and Citations � ' � - TA3LE 3. C�MPARATIVE SUMMARY QF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS This Month Year to Date ' This Year Last Year o�o Change This Year Last Year % Change Total Accidents 53 ._ t��i 7'�-n �l �1'S7 �g ' Fatal Accidents �- — � � + Persons Killed 1. ° 3 �' + ' Injury Accidents 2O 2�V "1-7 1'79 1'gG �6 Pecsons Injured � 2� 1+% —39 3�7 33$ —7 , Pedestrians Killed 1- + Pedestri�ns Injured l �-�- —6 ' Hit and Run Accidents 5 �. .'F- 6� 53 +13 '`! Cle�red by Anest ]., 3 3 , Cleared - No Arrest 2 1 -�- � _ 33 34 —3 Total Cleared 3 1 + 36 37 —3 , r- � '.. TABLE 4. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY ACCIDENTS AND ENFORCEMENT (By Hour of Day and Day of Week) . � Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Citation Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and Acci- and ' Time dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest dent Arrest 12 M �' ' 1:00 1. �" 2:00 - ' . 3:00 ' , 4:00 5:00 ,• 6:00 7:00 1 1 1' , � 8:00 ' 1 1_ s:oo 1 �- � ' . 10:00 �- . ' _ 11:00 12 N 1 1 2 . , i:oo 1 �' ' 2:00 1 1 a:oo 1 1 1 2 1 1 , 4:00 1 1 � 5:00 � J_ 1 1 rs: o0 1 . l J: 1 7:00 1 3 ' 1 -� 3 2 s:oo � . ' . - l 1 9:00 10:00 �,-1 11:00 , Note: °Citation and Arrest" column should include a�� traffic citations and arrests made during each hour period except pazking citations. , _ R _ _ ._ . _ �.... �.�.. ' TABLE 5. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT (By Violation) - This Month Year to Date � This Year Last Year This Year Last Year o o Change xaZ�aoUS v�oiac;ons Totai 26 60 l�o0 700 —�.3 D�v� _ z 6 1+0 26 +5: Speeding 12 26 1�9 1;.5i —K° Reckiess Driving �F 3 +33 ` Careless Driving . _ __ 2 9 51 %�.� -I-Ei � 'I4affic Signal 3 S 23 73 _bo scop s�� 1 l� 25 26 —�+ Other Regulatory Sign 1-O �-1 `�-� Improper Passing 1- 2- 3 �F "25 Improper Turning 2 . . 3 �' '63 • Right of Way - Vehicle 1 � � � - 6 "5� Right of Way - Pedestrian Following Too Closely ' �- � No or Improper Signal Improper Start from Parked Position � Improper Backing Improper Lane Usage l. Z.O 13 --21E Failure to Drive - Right Defective Equipment . 3 z 27 16 -�6$ � Other Hazazdous Violation 1 2 �-� Z�' —'1'S , Other Violations Total �3 1-5 z33 329 —30 Parking Violation Total 2z �° z11 l35 -I-S( � :J � ' MOTOR VEHICLE,S ' Mileage Gaa August 19 70 MPG Expesn�e CPA� 1�.1+3 59.6 7.4 15.09 0031� ^ ' Uni.t# 39 1043 l09 . 0 9. 5 83 .�� . oso ' Unit� 1�0 262 22,3 11,7 1+4.45 .169 Unit# 4�. 160� 135.z ll.s 7�.57 .0�.6 ilinit�# 45 3�2z 37z.6 8.1 25�..28 .0�1} ' Uni.tf# 1�6 5457 766oz 7.1 317.96 oo5g ��� �-7 3715 475.� 7.� �27.45 .061 ' . ��1+� 11/+3 176.9 6.�. 1+3.55 Unit �' 35 out of �ervice �-20-70- Unit �' 1�8 in �ervice 5-20-70 , . This Month Thia Ya�r '- � Equi�,�n�t dc ' �rn�.�n Tag� 2� 32z � ' ' � � : , ' i i . , .038 � ��