06/19/1972 - 5555JUEL MERCER - COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 3U13E 19, 1972 - 7:30 P.M. r � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - JUNE 19, 1972 - 7:30 P. M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Certificates of Appreciation: Mr. Walt Starwalt, Human Relations Committee , Mrs. Lillian Wegler, Human Relations Committee . Mrs, Ruth Kelshaw, Human Relations Committee (Mrs. Kelshaw's Award is being mailed to her) ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Board of Equalization Meeting, June 1, 1972 ADOPTION OF AGENDA: VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not listed on Agenda - 15 Minutes) CITY COUI�iCIL AGENDA - 3tINE 19, 1972 PAGE 2 y IT'EM NUMBER & PUBLIC HEARINGS: PAGE NUMBERS None OLD BUSINESS: Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending the City Code. ....... 1 by Establishing the Office of Assistant City ManagerJ Public Safety Director and Authorizing Duties For Said Position Consideration of Rezoning Request ZOA ��72-04 by Leigh. ....... 2- 2 A Investment, Inc. to Rezone From R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) to CR-1 (General Office & Limited Business) - 63rd Way and East River Road N. E., Fridley, Minnesota CONR�IENT: Public Hearing was held June 12. There was a large petition; also people present in opposition to the rezoning, but the people did not object to the use especially if the applicant lived in the house) Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for. ........ 3- 3 B Rezoning Request ZOA r71-08 by General Realty Company, Lots 16-22, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville COMMENT: We were waiting for a letter'from applicant before holding second reading, We have now received the letter) � , ,' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - 3UNE 19, 1972 PAGE 3 ' ' r ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS: PAGE NUMBERS � Consideration of Approval of Final Plat (P.S. ��69-12). ....... 4- 4 A I � I of Shorewood Plaza Plat, Request by Max Saliterman _ and First Reading of an Ordinance for Vacation of a Public. ....... 5 Drainage Easement (SAV ��70-02). Request by Max Saliterman (CONIMENT: Public Hearing was held on June 12. Council and , applicant agreed on the conditions so the final plat can be apgroved. We will work with the applicant's engineer to get the proper easements) . 'I , Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Plan of Phase I. ...... 6 (Quadrominium), Requested by Viewcon, Inc: Condominium Partion of total multiple unit complex on part of Outlot H� Innsbruck North Addition, Being 1600 Block ' (COMMENT: We have requested the applicant to appear before , the City Council for further representation) � � . �_J ' �' Request by Mrs. Robert Ness to be Heard Before the City ...... 7- 7 C Council Concerning Special Use Permit SP ��72-04, to Construct a Two Family Dwelling in an R-1 District and Receiving Petition ��10-1972 Against the Special Use Permit �COML�NT: Planning Commission has turned down the request. Applir_ant lives out of town and they are requesting a hearing before the Council. If the Council wishes, hearing can be set for July 17) I ' , , 'I CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - 3UNE 19, 1972 PAGE 4 ° ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS: PAGE NUMBERS Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission ...... ... 8- 8 L Meeting of June 7, 1972 ' Receiving the Minutes of the Building Standards. .......... 9- 9 D Design Control Meeting of June 8, 1972 Receiving the Minutes of the Board of Appeals. ........... 10 - 10 D Meeting of June 13, 1972 � k � � �' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 19, 1972 PAGE 5 ' � ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) PAGE NUMBERS , Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing for. . . .�. . . . . . . . 11 Mississippi Street Railroad Grade Separation _ , ,�COMMENT: We would publish this in the paper on July 5 and 12, and also send individual notices to the property owners about 300' on either side of it if Council wishes) ' ' � Acceptance of 1971 Audit Report From the George M. Hansen. ..... 12 ' Company . ' , ' �onsideration of Request by Marvin 0'Berg for Deleting. ......�23 - 13 C Balance of Pending Assessment for Circle Flow in Hyde Park Area (Part of T.H. ��47 Slipoff) ' r � . � � 1 Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Policy and. ....... 14 Assessment Procedure for State Aid Streets and Other Road- ways Where Other Governmental Bodies Participate in the Cost ' . ' , � II CITY COUI�iCIL AGENDA - JUNE 19, 1972 PAGE 6 � ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) PAGE NUMBERS Consideration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement,. ........ 15 Approval of Plans and Advertising for Bids: Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-10 (Seal Coating) Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance. ...... 16 - 16 A of Certificates of Indebtedness for the Purchase of a Fire Truck (Pirsch Pumper Model 41C) Consideration of a ResoluCion Authorizing the Issuance. ...... 17 - 17 A of Certificates of Indebtedness for the Purchase of a Fire Truck (100' Aerial Ladder Truck) Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing and Directing. ...... 18 the Splitting of Special Assessments on Parcel 1370, Lot 27, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 19, 1972 PAGE 7 ; ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) PAGE NUMBERS Receiving Petition ��8-1972 Requesting Street Improvements. ..... 19 - 19 I for Carlson's Summit Manor Addition Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 21 A E s timate s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 c 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 19, 1972 PAGE 8 � ITEM NUMBER & NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) PAGE NUMBERS Receiving Notification that City Manager Will be on.�. ...... 23 Vacation From July 10 to July 25, 1972. Marvin Brunsell is Designated Acting City Manager Per Council Resolution ��232-1970 ConsideraCion of Approval of Agreement With . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 A Frank Gabrelcik for Used Car Lot I,icenses AD JOURN 0 0 � , I� , ' , ' ' THE MINU7E$ OF THE ANNUAL BOARD CF ELUtiII?ATION MEETING QF JUNE 1! 19%2 T�e annuat Soard of �qualization mezr;ng was convened at 8:00 �.M., June l, 1972, at the Frid;ey City Hall. PLEpGE OF ALIEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ATTE NDANCE : Present were Mr. Davis, City Manager; Mayor Liebl; Councilmen Utter, Middeistadtt and Breider; Mr. Herrmann, City Assessar; Mr. Madsen, Deputy Assessor; Mr, MujCahy, Appraiser; Mr. Schwartz, Anoka County Assessor; and Mr. Leone, Ano�a County Ghief Appraiser. GENERaL DISCUSSION; Mayor Liebi stated that the purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for any citizen who desires to be hea�d regarding the real estate value placed on his property as of January 2, 1972. He then introduced Mr. Schwartz, Anoka County Assessor. Mr. Scfiwartz explained that because of laryngitis, Mr. Leone, his Deputy Assessor, would be speaking for the County. ' Mr, Leone referred to the cards which each citizen received this year for the first time informing them of their assessed valuation as of January 2, 1972, per action by the State Legislature requiring this notification at least ten ' days prior to this meeting. This card also shows if the property is homesteaded and gives the date and time of this meeting. He also stated that this Board of Review has the right to raise the valuatior. of any praperty, but may not lower valuations more than one Fer cent of the total aggregate value of the City of , Fridley. Fair market value is of prime importancr. in determining the valuation of eac� praperty. � ' Mr. Herrmann pointed out fihat if the increase in valuation was minimal, there wou1G likely ue very iittle increase in the actual tax dollars payable next year. A statP taw was passed last year timiting state, county, and city to a six per cent increase in budqet per yearv The welfare department budget is the only one not limited to six per cent. lie also explained that bond issues are voted an by the people. . ' There was a general question from fihe audience asking when the last vatuation . was made on each property, ,41so, wF►en a s�uare footage basis is used, are the age'of the buiiding and the location taken into consicerct��n? Mr. Herrmann i' replied that this is aone every even-numbereu year (since t966, as of January 2). In 1�70 about half of a11 Fridley homes were ph��sicali�� inspected, and the , b��ance were valuated on a cornparable percentagFS basis, dependir.g on the last , y�ar that they were rE�-evaluated. Land values F�ave been re-assessed every �' assessment year since before l��F:^. Regarding market value 5ased on squa�e foqtage, identical hones may differ in market value depending on the area i� which they are located. Yhe age of a house is a determining factor. VariQus manuals are used for reference to aid in equalizing market values with those of I� , similar properties in other cities in Anoka County. The style of the bu�lding is also a determining factar. , , � ' ANNUAL BOARp OF EQUALTZATION NEETING OF JUNE 1� 1912 PAGE 2 I Mayor Liebl exptained that each citizen present this evening registered prior to the nreeti�g, and each will be called in turn to present his request, He asked that each citfzen try to iimit his presentation to five minutes. NOR 1--MR. NORMAN HERZOG, 115 GLEN CREEK ROAO (LOT 38, PRRCEL 5$20, AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 77)s Mr. Herzog stated that his valuation of $33,000 market value in 1972 is too high� and that $26,OQ0 to $27,OOQ is a more realistic flgure. Some reasons cited were that they have no frontage on Gfen Creek Road and access to thei� lot is by a twetve-foot easament, have made no improvements, and do not have City sewe� o� wate�. Mr. Merzog anployed a licensed appraiser, a Mr. Ooty,.to make a p�ivate appraisal of his property which resulted in a figure of $21�280 }�or the bui�ding and S5,000 for the lot, a total af $26,280. Ne feets that the average sa�e price in hfs neighborhood is around $26,000. MQTION by Councilman Middeistadt to re-evatuate this property as he feels that a$11�000 increase in three years seems to be out of tine. Seconded by Councit- o�nn Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motio� Carried unanimousty. N0. 2--MRS. JRMES W. PEf RY, 7863 � vE� wAY (!07 8, BIOCK 3� PARCEL 700, PEARSON�S CRAIGI�+4Y ESTATES 2N0 ADOITION)t Mrs. Pse�y presented a letter and th�ee photographs to the Mayor. MOTION by Cour�cilman Midd�tstadt to receive these items. Seconded by Council�n Utte�. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried uha�imousiy. Mrs. Peery stated that sh� feels their increase of $4,�40 in vatuatio� this year is too high for the reason that though their home is worth the amount of the vs�luation, the ttaffic to tM park property through thei� ya�d has caused great �luisance value and has la+�red the ma�ketabii•ity of their property. At the time �h�y purchased their tot and built thei� F�rie� the vacant lots on either sidc a� �hem were zoned R-1. Unbeknown to the neighborhood property ownet-s artd �h�mselves, thase lots were purchased by tho City to extend the ptayground which was behind their prope�ty along the slde of the prope�ty also. The noise c�eated br people using the park has violated thei� privacy and woutd aiso affect the price they might be able to obtain if tF►ey sold their property. She a��o �aid that she feels the park has never been used to capacitr, atthouqh it is a lovely park and an asset to the neighborhood. For these reasons, she feels that the increase•in markat vat w was e�ot justified. M�s. Peer�r suggested that pe�haps the City would provide a fence of simitar design to the fence around the rea� of their lot whlch would afford them some privacr at the side of thei� house. . MOTION by Councilman Midd�ist�dt to have the City Assessor�s department make � Rhysical re-evaluatio� of this p�ope�ty and also ta co�sult with the Pa�ks ahd Recreatio� Depa�tment, and if the above factors do det�act frdw the market value, to arrive at a possible reduction 1n vatuation. Seconded by Councitma�l 4�tt�r. Upon a veic� vote, alt �yes, Mayor Lieb1 decla�ed the iaotion carried utM�irtaus 1 y. . Mr, Herrmann is to info�m Mr. Middeistadt of the resutts, and Mrs. Pee�y will get in to4ch with Mr. Middelstadt. I' ANNUr1L 30AR� OF EQUALIZF�TTON MEETING GF JUNE 1 19i2 PF�GE , 3 I ' At this point Councilman Breider pointed out that a date witl have to be set for ' a continuation of this meeting, at which time the �esults of any re-evaluations wi]1 be a�ade known. Mr. Herrmann pointed auC that this continued meeting will have'to be held within twenty days of this date. � , Np„ 3--MR: DAV10 I.UBET, 5361, 5371, AND 5381 SIXTH S7REEi NO'THEh:;7 (LOTS 25-27, AND 29 ANO 30, BLOC� t F_, pq2�ELS 4820, 4840, ar10 4868, y,�ILTOr�� :� aDDITION TO MECMANICSVILLE : � Mr. Lubet exptained tnat he felt his valuation was too high and that a more �e�listic figure would be $22,000 or at most $23,000 for each building, Mr. Herrmann pointed out that an error had been made, and �ir. Lubet had been seni a tetter showing the corrected valuations which were lower than the figures Mr. Lubet was presenting to the Council. '' Mr. I.ubet purchased these prope�ties in 1969 (two previous owners had lost the property because of the expenses involved in upkeep and taxes). He stated that he rented the apartments for $110 per month, and he would not be able to ' keep up the properties if his taxes are raised based o� this new market value. Street and curb are not in, so when it rains the basement apartments do have a water problem. Mayor Liebl stated tha*. the quatity of the area is poor, the ' buildings were very run-down, and extensive repairs have had to be made, so he feels perhaps a reduction of $5,000 on a11 the buildings combined might be in keeping, aithough this was only his viswpoint as he is not an appraiser. ' MOTION by Councilman Breider to hold over a decision on this request untii the City Assessor is able to make a physical re-evaluation of the oroperty taking into consideratio� the aater problem which the City had never been informed of ' as welt as the other factors mentioned above, and a recormiendation be brought back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Middelstadt. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Flayor liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. At this time Councilman Breider again mentioned that a date will have to be set for a continuation of this rneetinr�. After detiberation, the evening of June,20, 1972� at 8:00 P.M. was set. Councilman Middelstadt pointed out that each person in the audience shouid cpnsider the fact that in requesting that their evaluation be examined more �losely, the Board of Equalization has the right to also raise any value which they feel is too low, as we11 as to make a recarmendation for reduction if th�y feel it is justified. N0, 4--MR. RICHARD FUOWLI, 7845-7875 EAST RIVE�2 ROAO (PARCEL $400, SECTION 3� AND LOTS 1-6, aLOCK 2 L PE.ARSOW � S 1 ST ADDITION, FIVE SANDSt MEAD041RUN APARTMENTS ); __...._ �1r. Fudali stated his opinion that the fair market value of his property.(apart- mQnt buildings) at 7f345 and 7$75 East River Road is $237,3b1 in excess of what tt should be. He then presented to the Mayor a letter stating his case atong with a copy of a letter from a firm of certified public accountants who had prepared a certificate of actua� cost. MOTION to receive communication� by Councilman Middelstadt. Seconded by �ouncilman Utter. Upon a voiceivote, �11. ayes, �layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. .`�N"lUA(. BOA�ZD OF EQU�LIZATION MEETI^!G OF JUh!� 1, 1972 PAGE 4 Mr. Fud:,li's nr<sent�tian was reFerred to :1r. leone as :'-�F County do�s the apprUising on this type of building. Mra Fudati stated that �ormally a vaTue is placed on a new building of .thi� type by taking into consideratic>n the total cost of construction and then alTowing an aoditional amount a� � I'easonable profit to the owner if the buiiding were sold. His contention is that both the Department oF Housing and Urbdn �evelopment and the Federal MQusing Authority arrived at a much lower market value figure. He alsp rnetitioned that �•,r. leone estimated the property would be valued at a much �Qwe1' figure ir Apr�l� 1971� when the bui�dings were under co+istruction. MOTION by Councilman Middelstadt to have the County Assessor's department meet with Mr. �udali to go ove� the facts and figures, and then return a recommendation to the Board of Er�,uli:�ution. �oconded by CounciTman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayo� Licb� declared the motion carried unani- mously. N0. 5--r!�. HENRY LYNCH, 7345 BAKER A�J���1E (LUT 24, BLOCK 1, PARCEL 1150, NAGEL'S WOODLANDS AODITION)s Mr. Lynch feels that his buitding is overvatued, due to the fact tha� he has made no improvements and his building still has tornado damage which is not repairable {joists, etc.) The concrete floor now sags so rain comes in under the doors, and there is loosening of concrete blocks, He a�so questioned if the�e is a government ceiling on r_:ising the market value of property as there is on wage increases. M�o Nerrmann explained that this is the has been increased since it �vas buitt, increase in actuat tax dotiar charges. first year the value of the structure ' and there will probabiy be oniy a sma11 Coun�iiman Breider stated that he does not feel tF;, v�luation is out of iine. Mr. Lynch replied that he would like to get a private appraisal. MOTION by Councilman areider to hold over a decision to the June 20th meeting, and if Mr. Lynch presents an app�aisal by a qualified appraiser, it witl be considered at that tirne. Seconded by Councitman Middelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, r!ayor l�iebl declared tne r;,otion carried unanirr►4us1y. N0. 6--MR. RICHARJ CARL�ON--EIGHT ACRES OF UACANT PROPGRTY ON RICE CREEK ROA� PAR�EL 1b0_0�.4UDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 22); Mr, Carlson statec� that he feels the market value of this property is mach too hic�h as it is undevelaped, unp�atied, an� there are no utilities on the property. (The frc;r,t of the lot is on ,�ice C�eek r2oad where there. .�re water and sewer lines �lready in, but.there are no utility lines in the rear of the jot.) He has had the prope�ty for sale at a price of $2,250 per acre for the iast five years wit�, no one sho�wing any interest. He has made no improveme�ts �xcept for about $50 spent for rough seeding to keep the weeds under controi. G�ading and excavating work will have to be done before R-1 dweliings may be �pnstructed. Mr* Herrmann sxplained that a lower than average acreage value was placed on this property except for the po�tion fronting on Rice Creek Road which has availability to utitities, because it is z.,ned R-1 and the utitities are not y�t availeble for the batance of the property. The Council was of the opinion th+�t this might sti11 be too high a valuation. ' ' � ' r ' , ANNUAL BOA�p OF EQUA�IZATION MEE�ING OF JUNE 1, 19%2 PAGE S MOTION by Councilman Breider to have ±he City Assessor's department meet with Mr* Carison and make a physical inspection of the property and then present a recommendation to the Council on June %,7th. Seconded by Counciiman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebt declared the motion car�ied unanimously. Mrt Carlson left his card with Mr. He�rmann and asked that he be contacted. N0. 7--MR. �AWRENCE PIERCE, 35a - 67r� AVENUE NO�THEAST (LOT 1, SLOCK 5, PARCEI 94c, RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 3 ADDITIO�): Both Mr. Pierce and his wife have reached age sixty-five and have retired. Me fears tha� perhaps his house is over-vaiued, and his mai� concern'is that the taxes witl continue rising even though they are now on a fixed inc ane. He would hope that they wilt stay at a minimum. M�a Merrmann exptained that any tax increase he has will be minimal, Mr. Pierce appeared to be satisfied with this answer. NO* 8--MR. FRANKIIN TIGGES, 6805 HICKORY STREET hORTHEAST (LOT 5� BLOCK 1, PARCEL 100, O�TMHN'S 1ST ADDITION)s • Mr, Tigges feels that his valuation of $24,580 for 197�' is too high, and that �' he would not be able to se11 his house for this amount. Ne has,had a 57,580 in�re�se in the four years f�om 1968 to 1972. ' ' ' ' � ' '� i ' , ' , , ' MOTION by Councilman Middelstadt to have the City Assessor's department re- evaluate this property and b�ing back a recorrmendation to the Counctl for the �eason that he feels the inc�ease over four years appears excessive. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. N0. 9--MR. ROBERT LGTZ, 161 RIVER EDGE WAY (LOT 9, BLOCK l, PARCEL 200, RIVER EDGE A�DITION): Mr. Lotr stated that an easement from his property is being considerrd by the �jty for a walkway. Stakes have already been put in wfiich Councilman Middelstad� ��ated are�merely "talking stakes." Mr. Lotz said that people are already using �hi� area es a waikway which has lowered the vatue of his property, and he fe�1s' this indecision would reflect on the price he could obtain for his property�at �his time. ; �t was exptained by Mr. Her�mann that if an easement is obtained from him, he will be reimbursed by the City. Also, there is no walkway easement as of �anuary 2, 1972, so there could be no reduction allowed this year for•this �urpose. If the easement is obtained and the walkway put in, his property vatuation would be reduced as the actual size of the lot w�ould be less. If this walkway is put in this year prior to January 2, 1973, then the valuation ma�fe for 1973 r+ould reflect this. NQ� 1Q-�MR, WINTON KNAPTON, 6200 CAROL DRIVE (LOT 8� BLOCK 2, PARCEL 320, SHOREWOOD ADOI7ION): M1'* Kr�apton said that by listeni�g in on the discussion so far this evening, �he majority of his questions had been answered. He did question whether there is any basis for knowing just how his taxes wift be projected for the next few y�a��� as t�ey have "yo-yoed" up and down the past few years. 1+ , `� ANNUAL BQARQ OF E�UHLIZATiON �EETiNG uF JUNE 1, i972 PAC,F. � Mr. Davis brcuqn: up the fact tha� though the C�ty b�,dget has increased, pr;;certy taxes have dropped '�ecause of new co.�struction, cam��ercial and residQntial, so if ou� City growih continues, ho�efulty the tax picture wi11 remain favorablP. tde are limited to a yearty six per cent increase in budget by State 1aw, and all ����� aid is lost if we exceed this timit, city-wise and school district�w{se� Mr� �errmann repeated a suggestion he has given to a number of people sugg�sting that if they fee) their valuation is too high, they sFx>u1�1 take a drive some $unday afternoon and see just what is available for purchase at the price set as the valuation on their own property. NQ, 11--MR, r,ARY O�MALLEY, 7432 BACON oi�IVF (LOT 9, PAr2Ctt, 625� AuoiTOR�� su�olvasTON No, t29): Mr. Q�Malley st���-ed that he felt his appraisal for 1972 was too high, as h� Feceived a 2�,4 F,er cenL increase fror� 1911 ta 1972 in the amount of $6,140. �{e has no paved street or driveway, only one-hatf basemen� with craw] spare keneath the resr of his house., and his only improvement has been replacing a Mof which w.�s �,��cessary. He presented two pictures to the Gouncil. MpTIQN to re,:eive pictures by Councilman Middelstadt. `:econded by Councilman UL�er� U�on a voice vote, atl ,3yes, Meyor Liebl de�:.l.,;e�i the motion carried unanimously. MpTj�N by Councilman Breider to have the City Assessor re-evaluate this property and bring back a recomnendation to the Council for the reason that he fe�is the increase was quite large. Seco�ded by Councilman Middetstadt. Upon a voice vot�� all ayes, Mayor �iebl declared the R�otion carried unanimously. NR+� 'I�R��RR RALPH KLINGL, 7364 ABLE (LOT 11, BLOCK 4, Pr��2CEL 920, SHF�FFER' $ SU80ZVISION N0. 1)s Mr� K�i�c�l objected to receiving a twenty-two per cent increase this year, and �onde�ed if this was not high, as in talking to h�s neighbors, he felt their� av�rage increase was only about ten per cent. Mt-�, Merrmann stated that a11 homes in this area have been t�eated equally ,and �h�� this property has not been held back previously as to valuation for arly reason. Councilman 8reider stated that he feels this valuation is normal for the �ype of home and property ?nv�lved. M�� Herrmann requested that Mr. Klingl contact him and provide the addresses pf t�lp s�� �hree neighbors for compari son purposes. �Q4 lj--MR. W. J. ENGELhA:2DT, 7120 RIVERVIEW iERRACE (LOT J, BLOCK 2, ?ARCEL 750� RIV�RNOQO MANOR � O�ITION)s _..�„'.,*_. _ __._ _ �_ _ _ _ .. _ .^ __.._., _._ _ N0. �k--MR. ROGER G. CLAESGE�t�, 7i30 RIVERVIEN TERRACE (lOT b, 9LOCK ?_, PARC�1, 7QQ�, �ERWOOU MANOR AODITION): __ _.,___.._-- ..,__� _ _.._._.._ �__ �_�_._.____.___T - _.....�,_�._., '�hRa�4 two genttemen spoke jointly es they are retatives living in adjacent house�, ��� �har�ing a mu�ual complaint--that their homes a�e older than the avera��p hs�5 �� �rjdlsy and they both feel they have not received adequate depreciatip� be4ausa o.� �h� ��e�, d�d would not �e abie to se11 either home for the appraised rr��k�� va1�� set by the City. , ' ' �_J ' , ' ' ' � ' ' '• ANNUAL BGaRD OF EQUALIZaTION MEETING OF�JUNE ii 1972 PaG� 7 Mr, Her�mann �xptained that they have noth rzceived depreciation on their homes due to the age of the buitdings, but that the value of a dotlar has depreciated more and faster. �+lsc>, the 1ot vaiues �ave risen consiaerably as bot�� tots are directty on the river, not ir� the flood pl:�in area, and are valuable lots. Ttiey both felt that consideration should also be given because they have private wells and cesspools. Water pipes er►ter at the rear of their homes backing on Rive�view T�rrace, so there wo�id be no problem hooking up to City water, but the drain fields fcr sewer are in the fron*_ of the houses draining towards the river, so they would have an ex•�e�.�ive cost due to bri�ging sewer from the front tp tnc rear of cne buildin.;� �e�ore being ablP to nook up to City sewer. , MOTION by Councilman 3reider t� physicatty inspect 'ooth propertie� and bring back a recommendation to the �o�1nci1 at the ,lune 20�h meeting. Secon�ed by. Counciimar. U.ter. Up�r. voi;.e �,te, a�' ayes, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried �.�nani,nously. N0, 15--M`�. LE'�JIS DOYLE, 25 - 63ku w�.Y ivor�THEA;,T (LC'� Z�-22, BL�GK 16, PARCEL 33uJ� FRI�LcY P;ai2K ;aD0ITI0N):______,.__--._.---...�._�_____._.__________ ,__ _ Mr. Doyle st��ted that in 19� he had a pr-�vate appraiser vaiue his home at $11�$00, and the �narket vaiue set by the �ity for 1972 is $15�200. He is auestioning this value as bein� too high. Ne feels that wages have not risen this much. It was pointed'o�t th<,t ;�ir. Doyle's taxes wi11 probab.fy not increase, and if anything, perhaps wil� go down a littie based on this va?uation, This a;�peared to sati si'y him. N0. 16--M�Z. FLQYt7 FO�I,IEN, VACr,NT LOTS (LOTS 10 APIO il, SLOCK 1, PHRCELS 450 ANQ 5�0� RICE CRE�K .�,C'i40L _�JJITIOi�): ^ , _ Mr. �oslien regis*.ered pr;ur to the start of th� rneeting but was unabte to remain and present his com�lair� verhailt. Gn his re�3istration slip he stated tnat he desired to have these lots re-evaluated because there is a drop-off at fihe rear of tfte lots. , `'V0. 17--MARTtiA ;-tRUGH, 310i �IUERVIE'�J TERRNCE (LOT� 19-22, BLOCK U, PARCt� 434:,, RIUEZ ;IIt�.�l NEIG!iTS ADOITIOPJ)s __�_�_�_ i ' She stated that she has had a probtem with water in her basement. The basement wa11s have begun to crack, then the upstairs walls, then the s1�ab on the b�esze- way has sunk, and she has had probtems with mice and then rats. When tfie st1•eet was put ir,, their lawn was partially upraoted and some seed was spread, but a ` , very inaclequate jo� of repair was done as far as shA 9s concerned. Signs have also been put up by the City along tfie street in f�ont of the picture window. She feels the City has deteriorated the property and that her home is over-valued. , �_ I II , Nc. tierrmann explained that she has had no change in her valuation since 1968 due to the fact that she is in the fiood-plain a�ea, and it was �iifficult to judge a fair market value untiT now. ANNUA� SOARA OF EQUALTZATION MEETING OF JUtr� 1' 1972 pq�� $ MUTION by Councilman Middelstadt to have the Ciiy Assessor's department physically inspect and re-evaluate this pro���rty and bring back a reco�rrneRda- tion to the �ur�e 20th meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice yot�, all ayes, f�fayor Liebl dectar��d the motion car�iea unanimously. '�'�s 1�_ .n'�'•o C• M. K/V�1� 120 TALMAJr� >JAY 1LC�� -'� FiIOrK �� PA�CEL 200� ��,W�LL' S RIVER:iiDE HEIGHT� AJDITIQN): _ � � Mr� Karn has made no impr-ovc�ne�ts on nis property and felt his valJatio;� ��ras too high. This proparty is in �ch�o? :?�:trict No. iE+ wfiere thcrz was �o phy�iGei in�pection this year, and an overall percentage increase was pjeced on each property based o� the selling prices of houses in the area duri�g the year. MOTI0IJ by Councilman Middelstadt to have the City �ssessor's department physically inspec*. and re-evaluate this property and bring back a recomnenda- t�on tq the Council. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 ���3s� Mayor Lieb1 dectared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Herrmann is to contact Mr. Kam at 734-6295. NQ, 19--MR. ROBERT MOSEMAN, 7533 FOURTH STREET NORTHEr1ST (LOT 15, BLOCK 1, �'ARC£L 300, Q�30R�iF MANOf? AD�I TI ON .,..,,�.__...__._ _ . __ ...._ _, , _ , ._...� :_____� _. _ _ _. _._ r� �- Mr. Moseman feets the vatuation on his property has increased too much with no im�rove:nents made, �nd he feels with this valuation his taxes witt be so hi�h that he will be unable to afford to impro�-� the property in any way. uitF, LF1is valuaXion he states that a bank will not grant him a loan to buitd a ��Page� He feeis $1,000 per year increase in valuation wcwld be ample, �n t�is op�r�ioni his home is probably one of the poorest in his neighborhood. Mayor �,iebi s�ated that he felt that probably'the resale value on this pro�erty would or�� �r be about $16, SOc�. MQ'��QN by Councilman [3reider to have the City Assessor's department physicali�€ Check the property and bring back a recorrmendation to the Council. Seconded �*y �quncilman Utter. Upon a voice vc�e, atl ayes, Mayor Lieb1 dectared the motic�n ��rried unanimously. � Mr; Herrmann is to contact Mr. Moseman. Np. 2p-•Mr2. WILIIAM CEOERSTROM, 5331 SIXT!i STREET NORTHEAST (h1� OF LOi �q, ANq LOT ��, BL�CK 15� PARCEL 4780�HAMILTON�S ADDITION TO ME�HA4ICSVIIIE :, M�, �Qderstrom stated that in his opinion the valuation on h1s prope�ty is tob h'�c�h�• Some of hi s reasons are, as fol lows: the tornado twi sted hi s horne on the foundation and defects such as 3 t�aking roof, nails popp4ng on the siding, ��c� have since developed. It is a poor lot �s the rear s�ants and dirt keepa rrashing into the neighbor�s yard. The�e is �;o ;,ur�fng o� the street, and he f�`e1s that these factors were perhaps not �il taken into consideration When his new market value was determined. "jQ�"�ON 4y COun�itman t�iddels,tedt to have a physical inspection to determi�e if �he sey�nteen per cent increase in valuation is valid and to brin� back a � r��c?�mx�ndation to the Councit. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voi�e v�#q, ��� ��/es� Mayor Lieb1 deciared the mation ca�ried unanimously. � � ' ' C� , ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ❑ � ' ' ' ' , �Nt3lfAL �30�R0 �F EQUALIZ�iTION r�tEFTIWG J� JU'��� 1, 1972 ' , ' ' , ' , PAGE 9 NQ, �t--MR. DON.aLD 30URK�, 7�+5 LAK�STJE ,?0�� (;.C�� 19, aLO�r. 1, PA�rEI 760, SP��IiJG LAICE PAr�K L%1�;E�IDE AD�ITIOt�): __ +�` � � Mr. Bout-ke feeis that his valuation is too high. P1r. Herrmann �:xplained that three notices had been left at his hone notify;,g him that they were unable to inspect his hone physically. rtr. �iour':.<e Yaid that he is a tr�ac� dciver and is aL•�ay from home qui te r�ften. Mayor Liebi suggested that Mr. 9ou��e cantact !",r. Herrmann and set up a date f�r a physica] inspecZian oi his property, and if necessary, Mr. Fierrmann is to make a recortme�dation to the Co���,cil. t�o direct motion was made. t10. 22--ptR. ��1;{Y;JE r1�NSEr�, 10;0 GARDE�dra (LOT 3�, BLOCK 4, PARCEL l�+oo, P��KVIEY! t�iANQR Ap�ITIOW): ' --�---�--- -- !�ir. Hansen registered prior to the start of the meeting but was unable to rem�in. On his registration slip he questioned the procedure used in arriv�ng at a vatuation on property. NO! 23--MR. FRANCIS r�. VAN UE'+N, 6342 E3AKci2 (LOT`. 9 A►vD J0, i3LOCK 2, PARCEL •720� MQORE IHKE HIGNLHVJ� ADDITION): , Mr. van Dan complained that a stip-shod inspection was made of his home in determining tne valuation in his opinion. :,e stated that his is the oldest hou5s on his block� that there is no curbing on the street, and that he is not ' Using City water. He has constructed an �::idition to his home which is incom- p1�te. He also feels tnat the process of ev;�luation used by our City Assessing aepa�tment is not a proper one. MOTZON bX Councilman Utter to have the City Assessor's department make a physical inspection of the properiy and bring bacic a recomr:iendation to the Cou�cit. Secpni3ed by Councilman 3reider. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared t,�e motion carried unanimously. �N0, 24--MR. CHt+RLES ENDc"RLE, 1420 GL::�? �; L�'�`JE {LOT 3, 3lOCK 4, PARCEI u40, IN�1SBr2UCY 1ST ��JDiTI�N�: � —.,'... M�• �nderle stated that he felt his valuation was out of line canpared with other prope►�ties in his neighborhood, and he presented a comr-wnication showing compari- �ons with other neari�y properties to the Council. 110TI0�� by Councilman 1liddetstadt to receiv� this communication. :ieconded by �ouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, atl ayes, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. M�. Enderle said that the valuation on his property was increased by ten per cet�'t too much last year and �y an additional thirteen per cent too much this year. MOTIODJ by Councilman fSiddelstadt to have the City �sse�sor's department makfa a 'phys��al inspection of this property and bring back a recoanend,�tion to the . 3oard of Equatization. �econded by Councilman Utter. U�an a voice vote� atl ayes, Mayor Liebl declarec� the motian carried unanimo��sly. ' , � ' . ��NNV�L BQA�O OF EQU�LIZATIOtJ MEETING OF JU"dE i� 1972 � PAGE lA �oNT„�t�uA�'io�� oF r�E�TriJG: , . �.. ..,� � MQTIQN made by Councilman Middelstadt at 11:00 P.M. to continue this rr���jn� �q June 20, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all ayes� MayoP Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousty. RBSPectfujly submitted, �,./'`� ,�'✓��-� P��ri�ia Sykes � 0 Frank G. Liebl Mayor i ' � , , � � . � ��J , ' ' C�� / % �, GRDINAIJ�1� IVD. ` A.N C)RDINAIVCE A'9EAIDiNG CITY CODE BY ESTABLISHI�;'G THE OFFICE OF ASSISTr�1VT CITY ,41hNAGER-PUBLIC 5AFETY DI WCTOR A!4i� AUZ`HURTZING DUTIES FOR SAID POSZT_TON , T1iE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DDES ORDAIN AS FOLI.O[^TS: SECTIDN 1. Thire is hereby created the p�sition of E�SJS:Jtant City 1Na�ager-Public Safety Director for the City of Fridley. SECTION 2. The Assjstant C.ity lianager-Puxilic rafety Director shall perform suc'� duties as are pr�.scribed by the City Aianager> Arn�x:;; thvse duties sF�ecificUliy authorized is zi�� �dministration of the Polict Depart- ment of the City of Fridley. The Assistan t City llanager-Public Safety Dira::to�� sha�Z be the adrninistrative head of �he Police Dcpartr�nenL. A11 duties previou.sly assigned by ordinance or statute to the Chief of PoZice sha11, frar:� the effe� tz ve date of this ordinance, be�on;;.: the duty and responsibility of the Assistant City Manager-P�.abljc Saf��y Director. � ED BY TF1E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZDLEY TNIS / DAY O�' � , 1972. � �lT�'ES�' : , rr--�^'�--� . .. . � I' MI�x C�� �'""��? i .� J � � . i � � �7 � �—�-_ . �� s ; , L' � /�!�,�t ., �,-`. r , ' , MAYOR 0 � I�,. , �__ ----._ ..__ — __ _._------ — �--- �---- �� ' � � , ' 1 ' ' ' � � ' i i . c.� " 1�� _ , �- 4 L /�� � 1, � � � � �: '� QRDINANCE NQ. � �T O�tDINANC� T4 AMEND THE CIT� CODE OF TH$ CI� OF �RIDLEY, MINNESOTI� BY MAKING A CI�ANG� I�i ZONING A�STRIGTS �,e Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follow�; ��CTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amendec� aS hereinafter indicated. S�G'�ION �. The Cract qx �rea within the County of Anoka and �h� ��.ty of Fridley presently zoned R-1 (single f�mily dwelling areas) and described as: ' Lots �2, i3, 14, 15, 16, 17 and the West S�'eet pf Lot 18, Block 16, Fridley Park lying in Che Sout� Half of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of �'rid�ey, County of Anoka, Minnesota Ts �►ereby designated to be in the Zoned Distri�t CR�1 (general office and limited business). S��;T�p�1 3, That the �Qning Administrator is direct�d �o ch�g� ChQ off�.cial zo�ing map to show said tract or axea �� 1�4 rezoned from R-i (single family dwelling areas) tp CA-1 (genQral office and limi,ted business). �'�SS��1 �Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH�S A�AY QF , 1972. MAYOR - F�tANK G. LIEBL ������� �iIT� C��RK � MARVI�J G • B�tTJNSEI�L �µ�i�.� Hearing: June 12, 1972 � �'ii�$� �teadingt Se�9�d �4eading; l�r�k���h, . . . , . . � ,, . ���, z r, _3 � y�t ` e �+ . ,_;,�, �- `P�-- � :'4 •�'�Y�.`���-�''�-r-°� -•.-a� '��! L�J�� n �1' ' ��'�.� 1 '�� • . i �y ' ` `F " � �-* "'' � � J -� ��` ••a ., ' 3 a ,� � 3 �+ _--�;'' � * � ' +- �� � � � � ��.��j � ZOA I172-04: LE�GH (Lee) TNVEST. zNC, � � �� f�;r "°��-�` � "''s.;'f��=� • � L. 12-17 & W. 5 fE. of Lot 8 . � o � '-' ( 'i � l�J. ���" �� - - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 , B1. 16, a . r �,-. � v1 .� ``` � ��o� � �• ,:;�•�- '' � c'� Fridley Park. Rezone from R-1 to CR- �_� , � � �' U . • i - � , :�� - : Gen p .•, _-► ; i . Office & Ltd. � t� � � r.'..�.t.'., ' � _. }.: Du.S �, . � . •t . � • I`�. y ,` -• _ ' _ g� .._ _,, �`;^ , _ -,;'�� i j � .- _ � . 4 -�. � � , — — , .,; Il.e..-�;.6.' -• *R' . ;� ,,, , _ �'; W' .,�.,, � .9 �► _ , `<Y /Q _ 'J � „ . ,.�f� • t I- r + - + �--� - --^ � � � ��tit �}\� \T� � � � 't V +� . // �Q•7 � I� • C� '� �� � ^ �<_� _ . � `� �-' � ----- -- ! ��.i i �� K �� '. ; � I �� � J � /1 . � � � 'Q_.'._ � ' � . } � a � � ' o c,� � , � ,s ii;= { i.3 f „ : a. , � �. , � � � — �_.. . .�;;. - � � ��`°E �''�----- ; , �, '� „- ..- .r � . 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The tract or area within the County of Anoka �nd the City of Fridley and described as: Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, ly�ng in the South Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, Is hereby designated to be in the 2oned D:Istrict known as C-2 (general business areas). ��CT�QN 3. 1'hat the Zoning Adminiatrator is directed to �ha1��� the official zoning map to show said tract Q� ���� to be rezoned from Zoned District R-3 (genetal multiple family dwellings) to C-2 (gene�al business � areas) . ��l,�S��? $ E C�TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF FRIDLEX THIS -� 1?AY �1�` , 19 7 2 . t��'T��T ; C�'�'Y CL�RK - Marvin C. Brunsell �ub�ic Hearing: December 13, 1971 F�r�t Reading: December 20 197� S��p�.� �teading: L �'�b�,��h. . . . . . . t MAYOR - FRANK G. LIE$I� � i . , , . _ : , — -� - �N . �— . , , ; � �: _ � .� `�i ; ' ' � ' - '� �� � 1 ` � --°a � " � _ _ -- - ' � I - ' �� F � ' I � �� ; •. : .� . . ,. � , f td_ i . \ , �,, * � ; �, � -' • - -- "- _ ., � .�_'�•• _ i _ `.- �' _ . , r � ' . � � i I � � . ... . . � . . - � �. _ .�� ,I , � �t _—' _,�.. f � , . . i. � . � . � . _ y._ . . _ ._.. .��_ — t 0 • � (r 'eal C enera R 7 8: G 1 OA 1 0 Z 4i y � , _ . dd. _. . i tonsA , . Ori . L. 20 21 22 Ham 1 _ , t:7 �^ � I�' . g � � .: _ _ _ _ I R� to Mechanicsville. � ; �, : r, r -,4,.,f----T--T---�-� --�-_ - --�----,- -�--.T Added L.16-19. to P.H. notice � i � �Y 4 �, � '�.� r �"� � _ _��� '' ---; •�_--�.. ������ ,; , �..�-..�� ,------- ---,�' _ .- -,�_- �..,..,.. � � � o �.-- ` , ' , . , - - - � ' •,�`�`~�-: _,. � _ �.. . _, , _-- - `*.�4 ; ' t"1 � ' Q �4 , � /Sp _ � - �-� � - -- - - - - - - — --- ' r- - — � � =� ---- �- —�"- �-- - -- , _ � � r _ r t- - r .. — i I � r-- �- ' � ? � � �---...-_ ,_r ` . � � , I � ; i O ._- , ,; _ r , � �r"\ � I ,_-- --.. _ . _ --.--�--i--� —rf ��- �__ � � - �+t— ----' � � - � _ _ � �... ` ; , � -.- -R��- -,� t �j� — — ' � . ' : --- L_ '1'_ I-----��--J- ' �---- � ' _A,�: - ! _�� ::, *-� -- -- -- '1 - � _ � - - - - -f - ,~ � . � . T �.SI�` �-1_�I� /i . �4J v � i `�� '^ � ���� �g� I�} � , `f I a° '� y ! f A i: � � � -�w.: � _ � _ _ -� _ _� >s __ _ • i :�^_�r i � _ - i ` �= --� - -- �'e 's_ � - - �°+t_ -� � � ,� . 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M � es. , � w • - ---- - - - - -- - � - - - - --- - - - - � �!k' , ' � I -- - � - ;—. -��.{ " _ __ .,4 _ * n"/ �� h*�I'rN . �{1e T "��J'A� - !► 1 . -- - ---- --__._-- --- --- - •- - ---�. -_ _ . ��11+ • �..r � .�Q // ;10 � s // ' ' L�� ° s // � � � *'�,? +F � . - - �1 �" ti:,< '� y /9 /� ' �, �•- [�f .� -- � `�A �%�. .�wJ - � ` . ` _.... 19.....- - ---/� �— ��f� -'-- ',� — A --...-- . f} -n�fre� �. �n.0 � ! ---- -._.----- . a ~{��l� ep; k � � �' � i I /J = 1.� ^ /8 l� !,�' ,. , . ` : : ' v , , _-- _ /B . _ .c - ---- - --- -- - -- --- -- - - - , ' � , a a ' ' _ _ — — -- �--- .... _ .__ _ - � ---- , - �� � -- �� �R{�64 p�, +�,s���e � we�' � I � I7 /¢ . /7 . a /� . �T /9 ; � �'!� e t /F +` � Y .#.fa _ �y�j' 2 iG:�. � ufro Y %� d �� � o �° S9 a � � /� � g - ,�' -p Q. . I `�+p ; . 4 i T �p.9 V e�P � w . t4r//•. ..�� 'I . �/L7i.�..9 � ' y � . �{ . . .. . . , . .11. ��'1�;i{' t "��� .:,�?�.a �! -�iai'��� �s l � � �- . . ��„� . . . �. 1 Ri ' r �t 4 � �� ,�. . nr� �'4.�L � i � . � ... �A � ! Y�" �t � ; � . . . ~ � •��,Rt� � f • I � � i � , � �i � I� ��'z�t� ��a�t� �o. �¢�� ,�Vta�l�� ��� ����b�iis, �(in►iesota 55404 bi�-��b=���a 'rric�ley City Councii 6431 University Ave. �Fidley� Minnesota 55421 G�ntl�m�n; �ta,� �sEaE� � 1�u�inES� �n��r � � dfdotpP� �`.��� �a�,c aat f tcy dv. �tns a�rsts � �ine June '3, 1972 ?e. �e..or�;n�. �{ue�t 'OA-'1-OE, crom R-3 to C-2. Lo*s 16-22, Block 13, Namilton's Addn, to Mechan- icsville� a�i lying �n south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, Fridley, 5333 University Ave. N.E. A# the request of Mr. Qureshi, engineer for the city of Fridley, this letter is being written, Mr. Qureshi has informed me that my request for rezoning made ot the city �puncil in the fall of 1971, and wh+ch was passed at the f��st public h�aringt tivQuld be accepted favorably by tt�e council if I made clea� my position r�l�tive to the alley which nas been requested to be installed at the rear of my prop�rty by others i� the area. This tettQr 5hal! se�ve as my assurance to the council of the city of Fridley that 1 wtll p�y the cost for the tmprovement to the atley adjoining my property if my pcqperty is reioned as requested. As � understand i-t, this means t�at for the entire distance that my property lies ' ��ains'h the alley, I will pay for the suffaGing to be installed for the alley's 4u11 wl�th� 1 Nill pay this by assessment if perTnissible, ar by putting into escrow the �atimated amount of the cost, as soon as my property has been rezoned. Mr. Qureshi ' hr�� e�tim�t�d that this cost woufd be atout �3.00 a running foot �or the distance #h�t my propert� abuts the af�ev. ' , , AF/re r�: Na�im Qureshi Engineer, City of Fridley ,! , I� ' II� , Yours very truly, GENERAL REALTY C0. � � � _ Y . � _ . . -�: . -\ `� Adotph Fine ' 0 � � �:y�;. .,, ; r G,� t �r '�+' �• yc .`�'Lr°' W 1. w o � k--�-+., .. -' � ,. ( � �4 � .,r.�, �' • �,,,j � � � , ` ,_ .'� G�►q� � 0 r W L3q � ;.3�g � �/�/ �Q��, �. �ro�o�� . ,� :,, � _ .,,s " +�', . . . .� �,��iQ " �'?�. �i3?Q l.37(� �� � 3� � i4 � , �� ... , � . �.�►, � . . . � • �. �,,k'� ' ,., .W ' ���L KE��� Q �,,� ��: `� �, �� �„ � . ,.. �,. :� �d �> x � f. (�t �► � G,�,rs�'� ��„ ���� + ��3�! � a ,: �� j , �.. �1. . '� � � �rr �� ` � �i"� � � ' ` � � R l�,�if ��`1LyAN '; � T ° :� � ' ° , � , .�•, . . ,, � � � . '' d; � - . • � M �i � 3op . � • . . t„� . � , �►���' � ` � , 'r��_.,� � � �► ` � , ,� •. - �: _ _ _;� - , ,� • � �' 1 � �°� � � �' ��: ' : ' � � � � � ; '' a � ..;. �.� �. � ".�� � � \ • � '' ` ' • , � ,.� •' p , . ; • r e � ���� r!Q• � . �• `+r �i �lf1i '. e � � �;- '� 1� ' �'' r=-�-�--.---.., '��p� io?}- ' . . ' � qe ' . : .. , � . , �� ' �� ^IDY� c • ' . . . �, ( � • � . � .0 � / Y. '� ��� � I. 3� . / _ �. �� � , �I��3 r�. � � :; . . L ., , , Nt �av. 1 � : � .,,, , j . 7 � �J?�, .'. l. ; `��� �i ` � � e ., �y,�, i ' - a,•. ; iia� �t � ��� i� , �,�►�� .: , ,� ' ' ' .,y �' � 3 ;� AUDITORS ,�o � l�,,.0. M_ • � V S' 1� � ' • ..c. � � . ' f � � � � 'Y ' V � - � �.�. Q ; ; td I ' ! ., , ' _ . e 1 � ,-�++.� ' '�. • � � ac �,1 �I � 1 , . . �� , i � ;. � , � � � �� l �/ ��0. � ' �O' V \/ � � ShoreWOOd Plaza #�P.S. 69-12 '�� ' � I', L. 4, Part of L. 16 6 17 AS �S� . � Max Saliterman . ''� ' ' ' ' , .. .�� � :,�� 1 �`' ' �,. � � +� (�) � � �y . ��,,� � ' , .+;,,.: � � r...r. • ..' I ' ^�,�w,"� "� � � �� �' �-- ' � . ' � , �� ���`" e """� . � ' � . � 6�� I� - N ,,:�m :� _. Q ' � � �i . "� _ . , rr ' � ,/� , T • , S ��� / . . , � �� . �/� ��_ � , �. , � ' .' �Y�ytAN SMITH I.EOt�:ARD T. JU$TER HEMRY N� F�",IK�MA RQNAL[� �. MASKy1T2 , �.JA�ME� R. �`AFiS�RLY _��� i�• ni�*�iQ4,ll�T PouG�.�� M,��4 gpc ooy�Ns€4 , LAW OFFIC:E- 5 ��,9.3I., SDIITH, cJUSTER, FEI��EI�I.A � H�iSICV��",� CHARTERED ' Sl�bt�rbdp ��►g1►l�eri�g Cpmpany ���� NRr��lea�t Nighway 65 F�^�dley: Minn��Qta ��432 �1-����1�ipt�; Bill ,lensen June 13, 1972 R�; M��C ��literman - Shorewood Plaza R�ar ��11� �'j�� �� ty Councfi 1 an� ��aprpv�d th� �A Mt�� p�v� � E � yau► SV1TE �A�Q BUILDERS �XCHANGE BVI(�DIr:G MINNEAPOLIS. MI:JP#E�QTA 55Sa� OFFIC€� �N: FRIOLEY ¢ Q66E0 y�RF,A C0�7 ¢�2 T�IF,PHf1NE�939-�a81 of Frid1ey at their meeting on June 1�, 1972, �ccepted �iy� items that I had mentioned in my 1et�er of May $ nvte that at that time I sent a copy of the le�t�1^ �Q - M�, �a1��erman has now authorized me to advise you to proceed with wh�� ���d� t�t b� dqne on the final plat. I do know that you need to work 4ut yr��� i����m an agreeable storm sewer line. Hopefully this can b� loca��d �� -���� jt Wi�j not interfere with future constr�ction �lans. I� 1naY �� �h�� �r�u sh�u1 d ta� k wi th �lr. Becchetti about i�. j��� �im G�bbs of Herrick's office was at the CoUncil �neetiny on �june 1� ��� (�� ��, p�ep�r�n� the ordinance for the conveyance of the L-sh�p� St4t�m ��y��� ,����m�nt t�ack to St. An�hony Village Shopping Center, In�, Th� �� r�� ���,�Ii r�g of that ordi nance i s now pl anned for June 19. W� � +1►� ' ��; MrR Ger�1 d Qavi s Nasi� Qureshi -- ��m �ibk�s Ma� �alj��,rman '', ' Mr, �ec�h��ti I', `� f1 Your$ truly, _ ��- L ���� �. Wyman Smi th� � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS ANA TO AMENp APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE e The Council o�' the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SE�TION 1R For the vacation of a public drainage zight of way described as follows: � � Y . ', .. � �. f � ' • �; � �\ '' �� �' ��i � All that part of Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision �688, being that part of the Southwest quaxter of Section 13, T-30, R-24, County o� Anoka, des�ribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the SouCh< westerly line of Lot 1, Block 2, Moore Ls�ke H��hlands Third Addition, distant 30 feet Northwesterly s�f the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; t�ence SAUtheast, erly to said Southeast corner; thence Soutt� Go a point in the South Line of the Southwest quaxter o� said Section 13, distant 625 feet West of the South quarter corner of said Section; thence West along the South line thereof, a distance of 250 £ee�, thence North at right angles to the last described 1ime, � distance of 100 feet; thence East and parallej, tQ said South line, a distance of �50 feeC; them�� Northeasterly a distance of 886,61 feet, more ox 1ess, to the point of beginning. A�.1 lying in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of .An,.�ka, u4nr-��ca. Be and is hereby vacated. S�CTIpN 2. The said vacation has�been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.�� of the City Charter and Appendix C of the Ci�y Code sha�l be so amended, PASSEA BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �t�Y OF , 1972. MAYOR - Frank G, Lie�1 �TT�S�i G�TY CLERK - �Iarvin C. Brunsell �'u1�1�� Hearing: March 9, 1970 �r�,��� xe�din$: yi /,� $�co�d R+�adingt �u�tli�h,,,,r,.t •y l m , . - . -�- _ . � - --.�_�-��,---,_., -,_— � ._ . _r _ . . . . . _—_ � _ _. . _ ._ , • � � � _ ..� , ; ,�mr �. �,� . . _ . , ; , , � I.'�, _.. �•� ���h k ; r4.� � a�^rr " �o��ea ,��.-���t-.,'=tli � 4� ���� � � r. � �� 4��.�¢� ,r„ � � �1 � �f.� I � � ��� �F �� wt�t��� � Q� i Q t� '+; �°: e ! d �� � , a�r �a � � y�: � , r � �,� „�i�z �.+� � a.r Y�x : �= � t ��-� a� 3r��� � ._, T" k�"��r ! �� \� � ..���� ������ �l���: t' :�\� ;y` � ` � �iw \*; \� ' \ �a9 \�`�__�_ _ � 1� ' , �; �.. � o �^ I �4, .,�• �u� . ` .. ���,��i,I-�'r-,`� �---' � "; . 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Date e— �— 7 L . �'�rC+�rtC Si8�i.ng ��p�'�gd tp �itp Council � �'���Q��G�9R � -- — - ---=.�.-r.r,� --...r. � r..-.-.. -•..�.-- � II ' I � � �. � ' ' May 25, i�?� Citq of Fr;dley public Hearing before the Planning Com�nission Petition ff10-;_y7Z , The following people strongly Ob�9Ct t0 the following rec�uest: A reauest for a Special Use Permit, SP #I?2-04, ' by Mrs. Robert Nes9 to �ermit the c.�nstructiun of a tr+o family dwelLng in an R-1 Di�trict as per Fridl.ey Ci.ty Code, ::ection 45.�51, 3+rD, to ' be located on lota 7 and 8, Block 1, Hillcrest Addition, lping in the South Half of Section 10, T-30, R-2k, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. � � � ' , Generally located at 722� East River Road. � f: �' ; , � � �. -�-�4�...� � ,- : , -, � _ � /: ; " % + �. . . r�. �� , _ , — c . ?\ ! { . , i= _ {, t ' ��� �..`r" '1.."`"�! 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SJ' `' i� -- � - .s _ d '1�. � 1 - . -- -� - - z # � .r��,' --k,— --3n -i f— .—;,.�-- '�: e � J�i F � � -ss, ��»y � "�'� ` � 4 $ i I { _ �Y . I .'.�f ( ,-'_' _'r. � .ty � � � �`•, �.z wq�r r • ,m : 1 1 ) � ` ' � , . � � IeT r' � .. . � !{,y' .l }�. 1 �� ` _ ' � . _ . . ' _ T . � !' r Z ; �., + ` ; .. ts' ` : ' .. �f.�� '�.;�i�c'e NC'•%nr � j v` I�^ i :if�`� � f < ?� , � �T . !"� ra �'i �� . ti � ., Y .. _ t. _ _ :�a°, � '� � 4. : I/ 'C. � . ,!� �+I /�� ' M ' ' ' � � � � � � ' �� i , i ' , ' ,. ' ' , ' � ' � , �_ � II� CITY O� �RID��Y F�+��NG Cp�SS��}N MEFTING JUNE 7, 19i2 �• P�G� 1 C1�I, TO ORDER: « , �. The �neeting Was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chai�man Erickson. Li, CALL : �emb��s Pr�sent: Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick, Erickson, Zeglen, Mat�i�b i����;� .��en�: None � Q�her� Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering AssistanG �?��'�tpVE PI,�INNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 17, 1972 MOT�QN by 3chmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commissipr� miz�u��� p� �7�� 1i, ,�972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, tl�g mp�t.ton ca.�,�ied �c��yi �rrQ �s.I y . Ri;CEIVE BUIiDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOrIl�IITTEE MINUTES: MAY 18, 1972 �!f0�'�pN by 2eglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commissip� receive �p �r�u��� of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting of May 1$, 1�7,�, U�n �{rAiCe yp�e, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. R�CEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: MAY 23, 1�72 , ¢., � ¢ MP�'�4N by Zeglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commis��.on rec+�ive t�?� �,�i�t�� of th� Buildinq S�andards-Design Control meeting of May 23, 1972. ��nnp� � t�p.��� vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslc�. �����f� BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: MAY 23, 1972 MOTTON by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the PZann.ing �o7�tt�.�s�i�� �����X� �� 7�1���es of the Board of Appea.Is meeting of May 23, 197Z. Upon a voi�� �p�e, �?j.� yp�,�q ay�. the motion carri�d unanimously. ���VE �ARK� & REGREATION COI�II SSION MINUTES: MARCH 27, 1972 �Hq�'.�QN b� ,Fitzpatrick, seconded by �eglen, that the �lanning Commissiqz� .���e�y� �J�� �g�#��g� qf �e �arks & �tecreation Commission meetiMg of M�.�ch 27, .�97z. ��q� r� y�.��� ypt�, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. ���EIVE PARKS & RECREATION COI�QSSION MINUTES: APRIL 24, 19 72 M(��'ION BJl Fitzpatrick, seCOnded by Zeglen, that the �,�an�inq Co�s��Q� �'Rp��y� ��� tt�i�Ltt,�� t?� �he Parks 6 Recreation Commission meeting �t` ,�p�'�j �4. �Q�� ��QJ� � yg;�� v���, a13 vota.ng �ye, the motion carried unanimously. �►* NG REQUEST, ZOA 1�72-03 R�zqne from R-1 to R-3 �ub�i� Hearing closed, Go�mhaus�� and �P�;tm��}�� r • � � $anning Commission Meetin� _ June 7, >972 ___ Present for t�}e hearing were Fred Wall, Dennis Madden, Richard 0. Schwartz, 13ei1 Webber, Lo1a Shoquest. Chairman Erickson informed the audience that the public hearin� had be�n c�o�ed. The Gotutnission had been asked for i_rYf_ormation on the location of ��e storm sew�r and assessm�nts. The Engineering Assistant discussed the map showing the are� and ��C�r�S w�G1� th� s�oXm sewex p�ojects printed in different colors. The Riedel, a��ea w�� �S���Sed 54G P�� 100 square feet but not for laterals. The area to the E�r� waS �S&����d S��O(J per 1pQ s4uare feet, 54� for the main and 46C for the �.rateral. H� s�owe� ��}� a�eas �o Ch� South that drain into the Riedel propexty and have not t�e�n a������� �� al�.. 1��'. $chmedeke said that this answers his question about �h� p�o�ex��es th�� h�d �3p manholes but were adjacent to the Riedel property. �'t�, Clark explained further that the first 300 feet pf Sth St��gt �ra�c�� �Q�t�. ��]. q� 6th and 7th Streets basically run North and eventually i�to �he Riede� A�QP��'�y• Mr. Schmedeke asked the Wall people if they had, at any time, �gAS�c��r�d on� �}�.��} �►��� �r�s�ead of two apartments. Mr. Richard Schwartz an�wered �hey c�i� c��R ,�� {�� ��.�.�ta ri.se building and maintain a little more open space arqu�.d �.�; b�� ��,�g y1ra� �s f ar as they had gone. It would have some advantages a�� ���, the ��� �iA4� Offered some disadvantages. They felt they did not want to dQ �,� �t Ck��� ��� • ��. Fxe�1 Wall said that if the City felt they really wan��d a high ��$e �p���� �p�;t��, tl��y wpu�d �ie �.n favor. Their experience has been tha� it� �h� �►e��a��t��, �kb�X� �� a fa�,� amount of support towards a high rise fp� the e],��rl�, �u� t��-s �1�� ,� W�� of breaking down when the problem comes up of �u�t whp is cp�s����e� ��d��'�� +�1�5� wb�t a�� the controls. ��, ��glen said he read with some interest about high �C�,�� 1�e�.t�g �{���,� �� ��:�p��. �t�y number of people, including some that thought thi$ wqulc� b�q �t �pQSi ���,�� �o� �he City, did not want to go in government funds. I�r, S�t�Wartz said that if there was inte�est in� tk►e cpmmu,a�.�y: �k�� ���� ;�.�� {��µ�,�} gp �Q ��.y� o� ���h� stories. One of the disadvanta�ss �.� ��@ xi��,+� �� �'��+� �'�qt3i.�'�t��nts. I�r. Wall added if there were great o}�jec��q�� Gp bq�,1i��.�� �1��� ��.�� �n F��.����, i� then becomes a political Ching to get th�ou$k}, �Q���,�}� �Q� ��+� ��4���1y �k��s down the traffic, one car £or every fou� uni�s, The �}3��tt�,p� �,s �� �Q k� st��e �he aparttnent would be for just the elderly. ��a kii,�i.S�t said he could not see the benefit of replacing two stor� aµ3.1��.{}�� y,��th ��i�v� p� six story bui�ding. 1`��r W���. �aid tha� the thinking now was �he Xownhouses wpt�ld b� �y��t.�� f���� ,�}��} ����e W�puls� be ent►ugh time later to submit an al���nate p�.�, (�}��'��r� �,���kson 6aid that the only way � community wot���I h�v� �o ��}���q� ��� �yp� pf thing would be a recommendation �o approve the p�Qj�}ct, , li ' ' ' �� P1aT �ni�� �o�ssion Meetin� - June 7, 1972 ��, Minish �aid that since the public hea��ng meeting, h� took a�oo� at a �QU�� c��� inva�v�ng � developer of apartment buildings on p�ope��y �A��d �p� ������ ��mi�y dwellings where single family dwel�ings coul� �o� b� ca��t������ q� ���ono�ical basis. In that situation substantial construction cos�� w���� ��v� ���� ��V���ed to ma�ke the land buildable. The court ruled that bec��se ��e sui� �4�����$ �x9perty had been developed as single family dwellings in ���ia��� �ha� t��� p�op��ty Was zoned single family, the developer could nqt �aV� ��� ��Qpe�ty ���p��d. �he similarity to the Riedel property is quite striking. �� ��� op�n�Qn, ��e W��1 proposal does not do justice to the surrounding land pwners. He fppn� the pxqpos�l �a� to be acceptable. If townhouses could be compatib�e w�th �urrquA�2�g ���a, he did not feel he would be adverse to seeing all townthp����, a�d tp s�@ �p� �he �Qi�h���s would react to high-rise and mid-rise. I� �h� �pa�g���C bv�ld���s ���� d�leted and m�d-rise for the elderly were constructed, h� wqu�d ���d 1� �gt q�j����onab�� providing the surrounding property owners were �� f�yox. '�he �hai�ma� said if M�. Minish were correct in his asswaption� ��i� wou�d ���µ��e �nq�her g��lic hearing. ��. F��zpa��ick said he did not follow Mr. Minish's argum�n�s �haC a���-��se Wg��d b� more �ompatible with the surrounding area. �r. �i�ish said this would give a greater amount qf op�� �p���.� H� wpul$ p����ipa��Y like to �ee the reaction of the people who �iv� �hex�; '�'t�,i� �� a ����e amp�nC of open land, pretty much surrounded by deveioped ����R ��� ����k pointed out that eve� if the land were rezo�ed tQ ���, t�@ petit}Q��� � W�u�� �e requized to apply for a Special Use Permit for hQm�� fQr ��g ������y, �$ ���� �he following from the City Code pertaining to R-1 Distric�;; p��� ��, ���� ��4� ��.QS1, 3-�: "Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, convalesGe�t �p���, ����� �p� the elderly"; R-3 and R-3A, 4507�, 3-G on Page 28: "Hospitais, G��n��s, , ������g homes, canvalescent homes, homes fo� the elderly". �ha��m,an �r�ckson said he did not think an apartment wit� eid���y p$�p�e �s ,' ��y d��fer�nt than apartments with young people. ��r. 5��medeke said he felt a little different about t�is requ�sta �� ��i� th� ' "����C�Q��z� have a nice pro�ect. The apartments are setbaek �� a� ������� �Q ���� them* He �e�inded the Commissioners that in 1956 this �a�d W�� �A��� coa�er� ���� �nd cquld easilp have been a conglomerat� development of eomme���a�. Be#pg �he ���or�s we�e lost, he did not know wha �ecide� this was �-�. �,��e �xe �p�x � �p���� g� 63�d Ave�ue whose side yards would face the proje��. �� ��p���� ��� �Q�qp����o� w�u�d ��ve to commend the Wall Co�p. for coming u� w�t� � p����y �pp� �g���ed p�an• �hey are not to blame for the storm sewer. W� �pw k�QW Gh�� �p�e �eq��Q were not as$essed and their water runs �nto the l�j.���l prqp����� �Qm� �@Qp�� �' ��x �QV�� ��Ve �q ��y. In his opinion it is a good proj�ct, a�d �� ����g�t �� W���� �e �n f�vQ� Qf the rezoning. ' ' M�. �eglen s�id his sentiments were the same. Basicaily g�� ��a;������ ����g �� �h� hack pf 5�h Street where there is no reside�tial and �owt��o�p�� a�ou�� ��� �����e�er, w�11 h�de this development and wi�l be a nice develap���� ���in� �;�� ����, H� W�s i� �avo� of the apartments. ��. ����sh commented that the Trezon� property o� t�� NQx��W��� �p���r p� ���������p� ��� 5th Stre�ts is zoned R-1. ��. Fitzp���i�k �a�d t�� �oRqni���9� �g$ ��� ���p ����i�u�ty �rying to rezone with two s�parat� pwc�,e��, ��f � Plann3ang Cp�ission Meetint� -.Iune 7, 1972 f�, �IOT�'QN by Sch�edeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planntng Cpmmissio� reeQ�t• ��� tc� G�uncil ap�roval of the Rezoninq Request, ZOA #72-03, by t,�e Wa1� Co�pora- ticaTt tq rezone f�om R-1 (sinqle family dwelZings) to R-3 (genera.� �tu.iti�le �am�1y �w�,��ings) for townhouses and apartments on the East Ha1� of the ��st Ha1€ o� t.�'ie �'vuthwe$� Quarter of Section 14, except that part platted as Upland lst Add.�tac�x� r�7��' (1�,�aX4d 2nd ,��Td�. tion and except tha t par t sold to Trezona , W� t1� �h� s ti pu,j� �,�o� �c�� #h� densi ty per uni t not to exceed the densi ty as shown on t.�'i� p,��� ma�k�3d �x�.ibit �, dated June 7, 1972, and that the petitioner would h�ve �p agree �v �r�ect frpm the present outfalZ location to the existing storm S�wer at Ben�e�� p�'�V�, ,�nd S�ject to the boundary survey to show that the actual area i$ th� same d� t.1�e pxoj�osal. Upon a voice vote, Schmedeke� �':.�.�1csa�n, Zeglen, Fit�p�tr�ck Y�t�.i�� dye, Minish voting nag, the motion carriec� , �r. S�hmedeke did not think he would recommend a fence �o� �h� pQ�d as �� tttigh� be t,tnsightly and the fact that Rice Creek is not fenced. 20 (:OMT�N�De REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #72-05, EINER "TED" DORSTAp; Lqt 39, F'dev���si �,�uditor's Subdivision ��77 ea�cept part to Greernaood, Parcel l�Sfil►0. To ��zone from R-1 to R-3 (genexal multiple family dwellings) fox apa�tmet►t �o�piex� Public Hearin� Closed. I`1�. and Mrs. Einer porstad were present. !�l(?T.�QN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the P�blic Hear.�A� �vP th� �t��s�riiflg �lec�uest, ZOA �72-05, by Einer "Ted" Dorstad be reopened. Upon � Va�C�B V4'�e, d11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr, Aorstad explained that they wished to change the rezoaipg xgqµ�st an�l WG�'k �uder �1�� 18-1 and R-2. They were now asking foz double bungalowS alon$ �a�� 1�v��' Pesad ��TM?� a six foot pri.vacy fence along East River Road, T�ere W�1� bl� � ���°e�� �LLe. b�a��. of the double bungalowso The lots to the Sot1Ch wi�,1 hav� �n���n�a�g c�� �'al.tt.�r�;�,��: G��:;�� T�ere will be two lots exiting on Talmadge LaAe qn Xhe W�9C. �'t►� ��'s�p�r��r �qt t�e dquble bungalows would be 150 feet deep along 8ast Rive� �oad. �aixman �rickson asked how essential it would be from the Cit�'� $t�t�pQ�nt ��x Os�orn� itoad to cross East River Road. �Ir. Gl�rk answered that if a median was installed on �as� g,�,��� Ra�c�# �.� W�pt��d �,��� �h� exits. He did not believe there would be an opening �n 75�}� W�y Qr '�a�.t�►a�$� Way, bt�t Che logical one would be Osborne Road. To haVe � xoa� ave��' t�� �tt F��� W���rworks Easement would be too costly. A study has besn made q� �k�4 �X��B �?� �as� River Road, but it is indefinite when the study wi�l b� pt�t i��p ����l��. "�k�e peopl� present were asked what they thought of the pxqpos��„ AfL�i" � ��p���,�tion of the routea the people would take to get onto East Rive�' Rp��� t�}y�Y ����,�� to the double bungalows on East River Road and the rest of the land ba�.�� p�a���d. The zonin� will remain the same, I�I , � � ' �� ' ' . , � ,:: ' ' 4 J' ,�, , �� � `� `r ' � , � ' , � ' II�� � � �lanning �ommission Meeting - June 7, I972 Y MOTION by Sc%medeke, secon�ed by Fitzpatrick, that the Plann�n� Commis�i�� �ak� the follow�ng commitment: The Commission wi11 be aq�eeable to rezoni�g �he p�qperty along East River Rqad, beinq 150 feet in depth, to R-2 w.ith the bala��e of �he praperty remaininq R-Z, and that the petitioner plat the property, refe����g i� to �he Plats & Subdivisions-S�reets � Utilities Subcommittee. Upon a voi�e Vo�e, ��I votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Clark saicj it might be possible to set a public hearing for Che se�b�rtd meeting in July. Chairman Erickson suggested to Mr. porstad that he talk �q �}�q p�op�e, one on the East end of 75th Way and Che other on the �ast end of Ta�.m�d�� W�y a�d tell them there is a possibility the street might be closed tp EasC It�vs� Road, �. CpNTINUED: REZONING REQUEST: ZOA 4�72-06, BY WF,STERN STORES: �o rezon� fxom C-� (local business areas) to C-2 (general business areas) Lot �, Block 1, �ommerce Park. k. GONTINUED: CONSIDER A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��72-02, BY WESTERN ST'ORES; To continue a service station and permit the addition of sales and di�p�.ay q#' garden and lawn supplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-E, �Q be 7.pc��ed or► Lo� 1, Block 1, Commerce Park. � �'�blic Hearing open. Mr� L. J. Haug was present. At a previous meeting a request was made to list the violatio�s ��sins� �hi� p�qFerty. Mr. Clark reported that he did not make a comparison, and �np�rma��.y hQ �$,�, t►ot get involved with violations as it is handled by Che �uildin� It�spe��io� ��y}?�xtmen�. He believed that most of these violations have been co�xeC��d• T�� Y�s�la��.o�s are probably not out of the ordinary. There is probably �bput tb� �4@�tne ��pe of t�ing going on in most of Che service stations. The minj.atyxg g��de1� j�as b��n �emoyed. At the last meeting the petitioner asked fox permission tq co��it►ue th� pt�.F�iature garden to Jut�e 15th and this would be the only �e�� he wou�.d h�tv� it. MOTTON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Plarini�g Comm}.1sSip� �Zo$e ��j� �'{�1ic Hearinq for the Rezon,ing Request, ZOA #72-06, by Western S�Px'es tG► x�zoX�e from C-1 (local business areas) to C-2 (general business areas) gor ,�pt 1, �.�p�k �, �ommerce Park. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motio�l ����.�ed i��a�.��no�s� y • ��'ION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Minish, that the Planning �Pm�ssiqr} c�4�i4 �h� �'u�,��� Nea.�ing fo� the S�ecial U�e Permit, SP #72-0�, by Weste#'r� StQ.�cs tp QG►7#t,i��te a service station and permit the addition of sales and dis,p.tay o� �s��'de� ��d �c�w�4 supplies per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-E, �p b� �q�a��d on �'i� �. ��p�l� ,�, Gommerce Park. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�tipn Ca�rie� �1�7s�#2�mOUs1 y . MOT.�ON ;by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commiss.lor� �p�rQye t#�� �t��tan�M�Request, ZOA #72-p6, by Western 5tores, to rezone from �-.� (IQ��,� ��s,��e�fi ,�,�a� �. � �,���) to �-2 (general busi,ness areas) Lot 1, B1ock 1, Commerce �ar�, UpS?A �i y{�,��� yp�e, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimous3y. � $� ��.anning Commissa.on Meetin� � June 7, 19%2 p ' � � ' ' ;�. �, '�. � �� ' �� ' � �I ��i v � , _ �,. � ' ' MQ�'ION by Minish, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Co�nm.issiorl �gp;ov� '�ha� pc��t of the request for a Special Use Permit, 5P #7Z-02, by We�te�r� ,��q.�Q,�, to caAt'inue the service station, but not to incZude the sales and �i.��!p��y p� qca.rden and lawn supplies, per Code Section 45.101, Section B, 3-�', c�� Lot �, �,Zock 1, Commerce Park. ilpon a voice vote, aII voting aye, the motion car.�ied �t��ni�nou�.� y. M�. Minish statad he was pleased to see the garden display take� down. He ha5 a�.ways been concerned with the manner the station has been operatin�, �uC nqw w�tk� ��w personnel, he hoped they'will conform to the Code of the C�ty. �. TASLED: VACATION REQUEST, SAV �72-04, BURLINGTON NORTHERN� INC.t TQ yacate l,) 47.st Avenue between Lot 6, Block 2 and R/W line of �c��l�'pad, 2) q��.eX it� �lock 4. 3) Unnamed Street between Blocks 3 and 4* 4) Unr�amed Str��t b�Cw�et� ��.ocks 4 and 5, Berlin Addition. " Robext H. Brokopp, 3upervisor of Title and Closing, of the $urlirigto�-NQ�the�rn Inc. was present. Mr. Schmedeke stated that normally vacations are brought befo�'e his Su1�CO��t��. �r� this case it happens most of these streets have never been used ar op�ned, bu� th�y show qn the plat and are under one ownership. It was felt the petit�.p� cpuld '�� �Qnsid�xed at the Planning Commission level. M�, Gla�k said it is also a matter of cleaning up some old platting. MOTIDN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by 5chmedeke, that the Plarueirtg Co�.i.�sipr� zecommend to Cotancil approval of the Vacation Request, SAV #72-04� by �uz�lingtg� Np.x�thern, Inc. to va�ate 1) 4Zst Avenue between the East line of Lot 6, B.�p�� � +��� the R/W Zine of the Pd1ZP03d. 2) AIIey in Block 4. 3) Unna7ned St�eat �_ae�c��eaa BZock 3 and 4. 4) Unnamed street between Blocks 4 and S, .�e�'1�,� Additiota, �,� described on Pages 44 and 45 of the Planning Commiss�on Agend� Q� �un� 7, 1972. 1T�pn a vpi�� vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimou�,��. �► ��l3LiC HEARING: RE�ST FOR A SPECI.AL USE PERMIT: SP �3 To permit the sale of Art Paintings on a seasonal basis pe�' City Code 45.101, B, 3-E-1. Mr. Vern Johnson was present. ng MpTIp1V by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1an�a.Z�� �q���ig� Wc�dVe the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the Special iJ�e P�rmit �egu�s�f S� iY7�^0�, by Vers� Jphnson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay�, the mptiO� ca��.��c� t,�ts���:mous 1 y , Mr. Johnson presented a picture of the way the display wqu1� b� set up, �I� �s ��eliing oil paintings on velvet backing. The trailer is �3 �Qet lot�� aA� Wo�ld be parked on the Southeast corner of the service statio� pxqpgr��►. Th�;� ��@ pictures on three sides of the t'railer. ��. S�hmedeke $aid Chat he had seen a similar display ir� �[�w �xip����t�, �,�j wt�il� �hep a�Q attractive drawings, they are kind of a t�af�ic haz�rd. S i ' I ' I ' ' II�' ' � ��aAn��g Go�.ssio� Meeting - June 7�g�2 P � M�. F�tzpa�rick was not cert�in they would not distract �h� pea�tle �A GQt�C��1 �yenu� . M�, Jphnson said he had dis�lays in Richf�.eld and B1oQmin�tQ�. Th�y t,�pu1� k�� &h�wwr� gt�ly on a seasonal basis. �r. S�hmedeke said if the Coimnission allowed this type 4t� �����z��� ���y wQt�ld hav� �equests for other types of display on many corners. Is t�i� Wk��� w� wA�tt? M�. Minish said outdoor displays are by permit. His �eeling was tk4�6� s�p�1.s� b� �Q���olled and discouraged. This is just one more example o� put�pQ� d1�pl�y�s ��. ���rk said the only difference between these p�,cturQS a�d � gaiC�9�� �i�p��y i� G�e C�ty can enforce hours and time, number of days �nd th�y aT� mob�l. �r. Schges�r-_T�� countered that the Planning Commission ��v� t�i�d XQ �j,it�i,t��te ,���� qf autos on these lots and if this display were permi�tedt � tequ�&t Gvu],d be t�ade �p sell cars. M�'. Fitzpatrick added that in terms of setting a precedent, he WOuld �b,j�CC� �iut i,� terms of this operation, did not object. �Ix. Schmedeke said he felt this was a business that pxobably Cgu1d xe+r�� �pac� in a large store. If the Commission allows to display th� pi�tuxe�+ we w�,�l �v�: �Ce�uests fox potatoes and fruit. He wouldn't object i.� �. Jpllm�c►A WRUId sej.l his drra�i�.gs in one of the larger stores. Mr. Minish would like to see a direction eliminating the k�ardw��'e stQ�� i�xx�y Q� 1awt� mowers and similar outdoor displays. Chaix'�aan Erickson said that he was less concerned about havi�$ �rt �tl-1ut�d*� Q�� ��e Qf business in some of the areas, but did not look wit�i �avp� ��l $��S �A��tiox� at all. M�?T.TpN by Fitzpatxick, seconded by Minish, that the PZan,ning +�omm��B�Q� plose the �'ublic Hearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #7,��p3, �� Ve�'� �7�►hraSpn �o permit the 5a1e of Art Paintings on a seasonal basis (��?r3A� �h�'QLigh �c�,il) or� the East 3S1 feet of Lot Z2 and East 351 feet a,f the S►4ilth ,�Q �e�� p� Lpt 11. Auditor's Subdivision �1Z55 except part taken �oX hiqhway ar�s� ��r�q� ��r�^ j'�?���. T1pon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the tration carriec� u����rtou�ly, 1►1�pTXp1V by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the �'.�arJnir�g �gtMti;,y$-iG+�i �'�dCpt�tme�d �p,�,��.� to �h� CounciZ of the Special Use Permi.t, SP If7�=03, by v�rr� Jo�lx�sq�t tA �p��'ttt.�� �,�e Sc�1e of Art Paintings on a seasona� basis (S��riMg thrp��h �'�1,�� 4�i �'t� ,����k �3,� €e�� of �t 1? and East 351 feet of the Soutl� 20 �ee� o.� ,%pt �l�f �qS���p�r� ,�t,tbd,�V,��'.iQ�J #155 except that part taken for highway and st.�pat �ur��Q�, U,p�7� �! VQ.��� Vpt�, c�11 vntinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mx. Clark stated that Mr. Johnson came into the off�Lce Qf hi.s owi� s���Qx� ts� �e� i� h� were xequired to have a permit. �Ie did not ,�ust ��t �y h�� �1��9p��y �n{� wa�t to be tq�.d he had to. � �. P�.a�tnin�Gammission Meetinpi - June 7, 1972 __ {a FOR A SPECIAL 1 �$$; �Q p�rapit the Gonstruction of a two family dwe��.ing �,T� �� R�^`� A����'��t Qm I.,o�$ 7 at}d $, Block 1, Hillcxest Addition pex City Cod�R Se���Qt� 45,0�1, �i?. MQT�'(?�V by FitzpatriCk, seconded by Schmedeke, t.�at the F1c�nn.�r�� �om,�-is��G+n Wc��V� th� x'��dinq �f the Public Hearing Notice for t11e regues� p� a Spe�.�al �I�sQ ����,fi�, ,�P #72-04, by 1�9rs. Rabert Ness to permit the cons�ru��ic�� v� a�{� �E��1y �W�,��ing �,n an R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, BIoCk 1, Hi.�lcre�t AdS�i�iGnf U�n � �rq#�� vpte, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. �s. Robert Ness was present and explained that they wou�d like tS� �u�.ld � t��s? �am��3�y k�4tase. j�t ��.arlc stated that the plans presented this even�ng sh9wed �hS�re wPU�,d b� �► two ����1 garage 24'x22'. The garage would have to be Ghang�d fxou� twq Eo �hr�� ���,��� �p �q��t �h� code. Probably one car could be parked i� frQr�t of ��e g����� �lpo� s�.n�� �t was �.n the rear yard. There will be a split foy�x �a�trartc�, Mrs. �Jess said they would be willing to build according �o �ode. '�t�� g�,�fi� s�e presented had been used for another house and they could l�e adjusted �a me�t ��� �ode. �h. w�s dete�tn�.aed that the area was predominantly �ingle ���y l�v��. 'l��t ar�c� Mzs • Sprungman (7255 East River Road) and Mx, and i'�i�. Waldem�r �,(�►dlY�AA ��27�. �,��t River Road) being the property awners tca the NQrth �tb����41� �Gt th�+ dQUbl.e bun�alow. Mrs. Ness said the people on tihe Sauth h�►d r�S� ��'�t����� ���9.�s� the du�lex. �ir. James Sprungman presented a petition objecting to the �p�st�cuctiQt� q�' � , �W� ��mi�,� dwell�ng in an R-1 District and showed a photogra�h q� �kiR p�'Q����� ,�i��h N�1t'�h c�� these lots with a rented home on it also owned by �@, N���, � i�P�'�4N by schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the �Z�r�r�,t,�q Cp�,���s�� ,���'e�y� �Feti�.zo.n #10-�972 objecting to the request for a S,�veCi�.� i1S� ���'t��� ,�� ��',��Q�f, �o pe�rmi� construction of a two family dwelling �� an R�,1 Ii��t���t j�Q����T c�I1 .T�vt� 7 and 8, B1ock 1, Nillcrest Addition. Upo�n � vp�,�� 1t�t�f �1� '� �yp�,��tg ayts, the motion carried unanimously. ��'s. Ness said the home did not belong to her until Apri�, qf �hi8 ys��, 6�s ' �+�d �4�.d �he pro�erty and had to take it back. II�' �' �� ����rungman read the letter she had W�i�ten to �ix&, �1e89 dR�3Cxibit�g t#1� �����,��,y �Qndition o� the home and lot and sent her pietux'es. �1o�hiri� w8� ���4'I�P ���h�� • . ���. �1ess said she would rent after the twa family �►ous� W�� b�t�j,�, �l�e stald $k1� c�th!�x k�puse in December of 1970. She rented it before a�►d �he� �q�.d ��. �iA1�1 �,� �� ��nted a�d the tenants are buying. It is a small home. it ��i �tpt p�'�p���y �Q� ��nt �enC for � large amount of money. They did have the �,pGs fst� �a��, �tltC ��,� �p� f��� ths price was right. ��. �egl�r� asked how she would take ca�e c�� the hous� as �,Q�� ,�s ��� �.�Y4i� �� Wi��p�si�.. Mrs. Ness answered that with tt�e f��eways and t�� �h�ld��A ��t��.Ag p�.�p� � ��� �� �eav� them. $��?�g CommissiQn Meeting - June 7��972 � � �r. Sprungma� objected to the Special Use Per�it because the are� w�� ��e� �oma,n�ntly one family dwellings, nor did he feel the ob�ection was un��a69n���e, Mrs. Ness said t�e propebty is not really in the best residenCi�l s��t�4� �a ��i�road tracks i:� .`;-� �,�ck, a fou� lane highway in t�e �ront and on th� NoXt� Fo�qnercial. T'he depth of the lots is �OG feet. Mr. �prungman countered that houses near his home were asses��c$ �t $���OQO. MOT.�pN by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Cor.r�rr�is�iraza ��QSe the PubZic Hearing of the request foz a Specia.� Use Permit, SP #7�-0�,, by �.�s, Rpbert Ness to permit the construction of a two family dwe�j�ing �.r� �� �-�� A-�St�ict. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr�ed u�c�nimou�.��t �r. �rickson asked how far away Mrs. �Tess lived. She �nswexed 14Q �j,j��$, � MO�'�ON by Zeglen, seconded by Fit2patrick, that in view of the fac� t.��t the Cosr�,is$io�a have had quite a few requests for the same kind of Cp�ts�r��t�g�y �jp� �he street a ways, and that the area consists of single family �yellings, t�j� P1c�r�ning Commission recommends denial of the request for a Special Use ,per��, SP #72-04, by Mrs. Robert Ness to permit the construction of a twp farni.Zy dwe�l.��g ��3 �X� R-1 District on Lots 7 and 8, BZock 1, Nillcrest Additio� ,�e� ��.te� Cod� ����ion 45.051, 3-D. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mo�j.pr� ��,�ried {,u7a��i,tnous,�y. '!` , ' Tk�s Gc�mmission took a five minute recess. 8. FUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA /�72-07, BY JOHN GABRELGIK� �g ���9�� �rom C 1(local business) to C-2 (general business) for aT U�se� �a� I.qt qA pa�°� of�I,ot 50, Block J, Riverview Heights and part of Lot 1�� R�yised Auditor s Subdivision �t103. �• PUBI,IC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #72 03, $Y JOHN GAB____RELCIK. To permit a Us�d Car Lot, per City Code 4$,1Q�, �, �.-$� �p }�� ].PG���d on part bf Lot 50, Block J, Riverview Heights �r►d psx� q� Lp� �„�t �QV��ed Aud3tor°s Subdivision ld103. Mr. John Gabrelcik wa� present. MOTlON by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plc��.ing �orr����.pn w��tVe the reading of the Public Xearing Notice, for the RezoninQ Re�uest, �q� �i���47, by John Gabrelcik to rezone from C-Z to C-2, for a US�S� ��t; ,j,Qt Q� ��� , c�S` ,Gq� SQ, BZock J, Riverview Heights and part of Lot .I3, Rev�i�ed �pu���o,�'� ,�t�� d,iY��iqn #103. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the mo�iqn Gax,�18c3 un�n�mqp��jy, ' � 1'�Q�'IO1V by_Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that t�� ��i�,��i�� �o����P� WaiY� t.�e z�eadinq pf the �ubZic Hearing Notice for the reques� afpr � S e�ia1 Use I�e�m,,, z t, SP #72 05, by John GabreZcik. Upon a voice vote, 81,� Vp��ng sa�p, � rr�p�.�Qn carried unanimously. �_ I ' �2r. G&�relcik said this is the former Standard Oil Station �ti�e� }ie ��cF,����� �p ��nprove �t. He would have shrubs in the front, clean it up-and u�ak� i� �.00k �ece��. �'he bp�ld�ng itself is twelve years old. It wouid hay� �wp Qx �t��ee ���1�.$, �Ie does body work. He would carry about �Q or 4Q �a�'a* �h��'e �� �Q7 ���t Q� ��qt���$� o� East Rivex Road. There would be overhead lot ��.�ht�ng. }�e Wou1�j ��4�� abQUt 9:00 P.M. and be closed on SundGy. On Saturday th� ��,a�� �equ�d �.�Qp� li� III � , �� F1.at�z�ing Commission Meeting - 3une 7, 1972 R ■ At !�F00 �.M. Th�xe would not be much noise around the weekenda. Ca�l Lee, 544 Fairmont: He said that he was sort of in favQ� A� th� �'�que�t. He �iv�d 3 houses from it. The site is run down and is used, fo� a, �a�e ����k. �'�@ �oi&e is there sometimes all night long. This would be an �mprovepnen�, Ral�h Swanson, 511 Ely: He lived exactly behind the $tqre. 7.fie backys�d W9��d be Auor� or less his concern. Generally speaking �e wa� ag,a��,sX � U�es� Ga�' T�p� with a11 the lights. It would be an eyesore in the �eighbQxhos�d. Robert Johnson, 471 Ely Street: Ae has lived there for eight yea�s. ��� g� �h� time this site has been run down. It seems like no one �an make iC th���e, �om� are there five months. He would like to see it opened as a gas �ta��o�, �ut Ciid npt l�.ke to see a lot of cars around there. ' K�nneth P. Peterson, 500 Dover St.: His concern is the polic� have been up �he�� many times for the store and laundromat. A lot of kids hang around up tk����. �t all hours of the night you hear brakes squealing, ptotp�'cy��,As �ev�ng. �i�s �eelin� was a car lot would contribute more to the noise. Ths �p�fae c��'t ' seem to do much about it. The reason the station lost theix busiAes� W�a b�cause �hey leC the kids hang around it. They destroy evexything. He did apt thi�k a u�ed Cai Lot would help them at all. He was against it. ' Aznqld Englund, 470 Ely: He ob�ected. I�x. Gabrelcik said he thought he would be able to keep th� ki.ds out. �i� , Wp�ld �pck the doors every night. He has a Used Car Lot now aC ,�B�.I���hw�y �, �'�w ��ci$h�p�. New Brighton lost a lot of traffic when the freeway w�� bu:��t. H� i$ �Q� being kicked out. , ' � Mr. Schmedeke said he has known the petitioaer for same tim�� �i� �nfor��� �i7�. Gabre�.cik he goes by the same rules as he has since he was appo�A��e+� �� tl�� P�,�.ning Commission. He dislikes ha�ring someone come in on C-1 pxo����y ��d �,81� �'�� a chartge in the zoning when the City still has C-2 �onin� ava3.l�1?�e� �� ��+em� ���t wh�n qne service station is closed, another one springs up. �i8 ,�l.ap �qp�d t�tat Ghe�e woulc� be some way to get less traffic on East River Road, but �h�S ��q�tes� �►,ay �enerate more. Mr. Schmedeke said he informed Mr. Gabrslc�.k about th� ij��s pe�cm�,��ed i.n C-1 and that there were many more Uses in G��, �Ir. Minish said he did not have a car lot in Fridley, but h� w�a t�ot d�+��.�,pu� of seeing more. �I�r. Zeglen said he has seen occupants come and go for many y��Y� at tY�i� s3t�, '' �I+e did nA� think a car lot would do anything for that cornQ�, �i� }��� a r��.���,v4 � ��te� �.�v�d on the corner and he used to tell him about it. �� ie a w�cked cvr���', I � lEtOT.��N by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that th� $1c�nni7�� �pr�p.i�sifp� c,�,p�t� �i� ��,p�.i� H�aring of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-07, by Jphr� ��b�'�,�G�IF t� ��,�g�p �'�'pm �^�1 to ��2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, B1ock �7, R�Ye�P��w �e���� �77� �?aX'� Qf Lo� 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #103. Upon a voice vo��f �t,�,� vqt.�ng aye, the motion carried unarumously. ' M9TION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the 8.�dnn�t#� GQnimi��r�p� �' �,���� th� Pub�ic �Iearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, �,� �i��?-Q9� ,by �Tp1}t� G�re�eik to permit a Used Car Lot. Upon a voice vote, �1� vpt.}A� d�jA� t�p I, m�GiOn �arri�d unani�ously. ' I � '� ' ' ' �I P�.�nni.n,g �ommission Meeting - 3une 7, 1972 2 � � � ktr. �'�tzpatzick felt this Use was not compa�ible with Che surx���ndi�� ����� �!$ 1Qr�g �s this Use is not allowed in C-1 and is allowed i� G-� R}�� ��1� �k4St �.t��m�S� �s the City had plenty of C-2 land st�.11 available, �� �gq��, �Q� a�p�q,��r �r� M�.tl�sh did �ot feel this Use was appropriate. ��. ��g�.e�t �greed with the comments and did not be�.i.eve th�,s w�fl� � pla�� �p! �k�� Us�d G�� Lp�. Would generate a lot more kids hangiag a�o�ndA ����� �,� �s�i�$ ��+ bQ � lot of npise in there, a lot more noise than a gaso�.i�� �����.p� �p}};�� ��A�T+�t�. MOTZON by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the ,�lanninq Go��s.ip� ���Q�h• ��� �o C'ouncil denia� of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #72-p7, by Jq,hn �;�bFe.1�'i,� �� ;��CtJ�� f�ptn C-1 to C-2 for a Used Car Lot on part of Lot 50, B,Zp�1c �7, 14avezv�+�y�► �e,i�1#�� a1�d part o� Lot 13, Revised Avdi tor's Subdivisio� #103 fpr tJ�t� �ed�pra,� ��d��d ab�v�. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpat�'ick, ��C.��.j�p,� yp�,��� ��1+�, S�1�nes�ake abstaining, the motion carried. Inastauch as the denial of the rezoning would preclude puttiug it� � p�@d (���' �,pt, �he Cov�ission did not act upon the Special Use Peruiit. ' 1Q. � �� �� S, C-2� C-2St ' ,lyQTIQN b� Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the �.Zanz�i�q Cp�.i,s�i47� W,�;Y�� t�� #'��c�a1�g of the Ordinance Amending Section 45.103 Relating to th� �ot A.�'�� ��7d �� j!�#dtt� Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2, C-2S. Upon a vo�ae vc�t�� �4�1 YQt,��� s�y+�, �he motion carried unanimously. , 1�OTI04V by Zeglen, seconded by 1Ninish,. that the Planninq Conu�,��;pi7 G.Zo�q �}t� P���G' Heaxing of an Ordinance Amending Section 45.Z03 Relatinc� �p �{� �,p� ,q�� , ��d $,r�+� W.lidth ,Requirements for C-1, C-ZS, C-2, C-2S. Upon a ypi��s Y9��� �j� yp�,��� ay�, the mvtion carried unanimously. ' ' �►�'=T'0�1 by a�chmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the �.2anr�,;�� CQ�e���r� �'E:�mrt7��4d to Gvuncil approval of an Ordinance Amending Sect�on a�.10�A lR�1d���y' �p the Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements for C-1, C-1S, C-2� �-,�,�, (J�� � v��;G,� yp�e, �1.1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy. � �j,. $��ING PERMIT: A-1 MOTOR SPORTS BY MS. VICKI SKIFF: Lo�s �,� �d l4� ��.p�� ;�� Cptmma�rce �ark, for Snowmobile and Sales Se�vice. �k�� �Qp��� pxesent representing the request we�e Ms. Vicki, �ki��� W, r'���'� ' ,�����R �t�y Wqrmsbecker, Gordon Jensen and Robert A. Guzy. ' MQ�'IDI�t b� Fitzpatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that ' AlSt�oz' S�nGrt� by Ms. vicki Skiff, c.oncerning Lots 13 �n ,�p,1C �.now�pb�le anc� Sa1es Service be removed from the � �,�.� v��ing ���, ths motion earried unanimously. II� ' �� * the Sui.tdi�� F��'i�t �� S+°l and �4, 81QCk ,�r �s���'�� ��i�k;� table. V�p� $ YiF�R+� �'p��r ����nin� Commiission Meeting - June 7� 1972 a Ckxairman E�ickson removed himself from the Commission. Gordon Jensen, Attorney, introduced himself as repres�ntin� Ghe ��� Mp�o� �pQ��� in �he purchase of the property. This was a company tha� wqu1� d��1 W��� ���v�c8 �nd sales for snowmobiles and boats during the su�ner time, �h� ���t� �� ��� �ro�erty is 265 feet with 200 feet of frontage. There wo�ld �� ad��µ��� ��rk��� a�ea to the South with room for expansion to the West. � � ��• �ensen co�tinued that the reason they felt this is an �d��� ar�� �S th�� f�xst you have traffic control on Osborne Road and 73rd Avenue tp ��C Q��9 �h� ���vi�e drive. There is industrial property to the West, so wi�� ���s typ� p� Qp�p�t�on the �eople that would be using the roads would be the pepp�� b�in���� S�Qwmob�les in for service. After 4:00 o'clock people would be cptt��� �� and ��1�g �he place. To start with, they would be open from 9:00 �.m. t� �tA4 p.�, �� possib�y open later in the morning. The owner of the lan� tq ��e S�uth �f C�1� �r�p��ty has no objection whatsoever. His land is vaca�t �t the p�e�e�� ���e. ��. Jensen said that this type of operation is not predomi���t1y ���les �������on, khe use is service. The owners plan to have six �mp�o�e�s, 4�� ��e S��v�ce department, 1 handling parts and the other managing the p�aee a�d ���d���� s��es. Thtee different lines of snowmobiles would be carried. During the suA1�e� �� pX�er to keep this many employees on, they would go into another typ� of s��yice. They would be working on outboard and inboard motors. The �eP�irs w��� �� done inside. They can test the new snowmobiles on the Dynp�eter, ��� ����Q� g��y ��gl they need this particular zoning for this operatio� (G� 2) �� beC���e the�� �s no land available in Fridley for this type of operation. �e c��C��� ��he� 6imilar Uses as far as retail sales of boats, but not 1Qqk�ng at th� ��1�� ��pe��. This particular piece of land is vacant now and except ip� thi� p�pp4���, Wauld �emain vacant. �f the Use would be considered favorably, t��y wQ��� F��� �p bv�ld �mmediately. As far as any danger to the general publi�� the�� �s �R x���denti�l property in the area. ��. Jensan conCinued to the South is vacant property, to Ch� �o�th �µ������ ' Pf��ces, behind strictly industrial. They feel it �eets the i�te�t�on �� Ch� ���� �An��g. W�t� snowmobile repairing, people bring in the snowLaobi�� �nd l�av� �� tg� tW� or three days. There would be traffic control as £ar as ths h4q�S �� b��A� q��, 'Tk��y are talk��g about a service type of operation. The p�d1Aa��� ���q���$ , ��X ��� ��isplay xoom. Referring to a map showing the propo�ed b�1�diAge M�� ���se� pQint�d out the area shown as the show room was obviou�ly mox� th&A ��x Q� g�e �re�, but it will also be used as a reception area. Tp shpW thx�� ��n�� p� ' �nqwmpb��es and to display boats in the summer takes up a lot pf th� sp��4. �v�� Wh�t �ppears to be about 40X of the building for display, be&au�e Q� Ch� b��k p� ��� �tems, i� is necessary. ' ' �1 �II ' Mr. Rpbert A. Guzy spoke from the audience saying he was the �wrter o� ��� ��Q�e�Gy• Mx. �eglen asked if they could say they would be sel���� oA�y boat� ��� ��qW� ��b�1�s. �e has seen where �inibikes and motor bikes were �1sQ �d��� l�t��, �� �s��need E�is was not the intent. �r. Jensen said he felt the bikes would probably b� r�p�ired, b�t t�� �a�� ����� li�� was �nowmobiles and boats. � , ��.an�in� Gommission Meeting - June 7� �91� i - li ' , , � ' � L �j�. Guzy, in answer to Mr. Schme�eke's question, said he bought the ��Aperty Wh�� �-t was zoned CR-2. �jr. �ehmedeke then asked if the City Code has no specific 2Qa���ng fQr snow-, ��lp1?�1�5 was Mr. Guzy asking that it be put under CR-2? Mr. Guzy answ��'e4� Ch�t �;�e�� gepp�e �ee1 this property is an excellent location for t�e�'� deve�g��ne�� �$ �'�� �� tk�e �eve�oping of this type of property. They wan� two lo�s. '�h�y a�e ��p,��� in W�,th a business with one particular use, that of sr�owmobiles and bpa��, ��'. Jet�sen added that he felt this would be a permissiblg use, Mr. �uzy said the general tenure of the ordinance is being �net by th�s� pe�+p1.� ��ying a�imited use to f acilitate a low traffic generation. Mr. �Iinish agk�S� �1vw �he �om�nission could know that this business will be low t�a���.c o� h�.gh �������? �'o� ar� go�.ng into sales and the intent is to sell the product, 1`�s. Ski�f said the money is not in sales. The money is �t� s�xvi�cs. 1��, S��n� stated expansion is planned for spring for the show�oot�. �'Ir, Schmedeke said he would be hard pressed to say there is a boa� �t�'1,d r�►ow-- AMpb�le sale and that it is not a sales operation. That is only a se�vi�.� type op���tion and they do mechanical work. He still £elt that this is a sales �ype Qp�r2�t�on and should be in a C-2 center. M�. Guzy countered that there is no residential area. This bua:ii�e$s gene�ates �pW t�'a£�i�c. The only thing he could say was they are askin$ fp� �o�� than 25X ��1�� area. M;. Minish said he finds it hard to be convinced this busine�B Wpuld b� low ��,���ic. Mx. Schmedeke said his son purchased a snowmobile and seems tp be hau.�in� �� �pA� place and getting it fixed ali the time. Ti:t- �ri:�r� .:f snowmobi�es ^- they z�pve. I�x'• Guzy said this would be the best place �c mu� e. � MO�'IQN by Minish, seconded by ZegZen, that the followinq ppin�.on be �#Y�� ��i Coux;G��� B�Cause of traffic potential and some degree of t�� uncer�air��y pi� tl�e ��a���, �his particular Use ,proposed does not come wzthin the eR-� zonj.n�. �'�e ' g��� t�px�er should co� in under Rezoning or Special Use Perm.z t� d�d �t�z'�"J�.� �'e�9m- A�M4T to Council that this may require both Rezoninq and SpeGial Use Per�n.it. �IpQ� � voice vote, a11 voting•aye, the motion carried unanimous.Z�. ' ;��R STUDY OF FORTY FOOT LOTS IN FRIDLEY: Tabled. �l II ' ��: SGHEDULE MEETING5 IN JULY: The Cot�ission decided not to change thei�c sg�et��i1�. +�'��1� ----1�N� 1 �e�� being no further busineas, Chairman Erickson adjourned �l�e� N�e��.�g �r �l€�+� I�•M, Re�sp ectfu,�ly $ubmitted %r�� -�� �'- Uv�.t-�-L.. Haze�'l?'.Brian - Recpr��ng $ecret��y , , , � x ' ' ' , � �� ' �T�ILDI�IG STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTRO�i.. SUBCOI�QTTEE 1�ETZAG OF ,�pp�, $, 19i� ��t ap�tlltit� wa� �a11ed to order by Chairmau Zeglen aC a��0 P,�'l. l�'1B$j� PRE$ENTi Zeglea, Simoaeau, White, I,iadblad, �op�,o M� 4si$SE�T: NAn� ��i9 PR�$ENT: Peter Herlofekq, Administrative Asai�at$nt �IQF by Tonco to approve the minutes of the Ma� 18, 1472 s� ila�r �3� 1972 o�etings as written., 1111��1ld b�► Simoaeau. ����'��d ulpanimously. 55303 Qpon a voice vote, all v�oting aye, �b� taaCi+oa HEING 7 ST BY C, Y FRIED � �' ��+��r�, Besudry aad Mr . Bon Porter were present to pxesent Gbe ;��µest . �t': $�audry �resented a detailed landscaping plan and etated �,e� r�rq��,d �!#Y!1 a�q, u�$e�grouad sprinkling system. 1'�r. Pprter said Chs�re Mpui,� b� A�#�b�t�C eppeal tQ the 1ot . They hoped theq conXd pav� tl�t tze�11 oQt �be� �p�t�i ��d� o�' the l,ot . . �. �oa Porter preaented picturea to the Board oi the �aci�,�,ty �,� p,��'q� ',��� i+� a modular metal structure that is ide�tical to the b�ilAipg �l���► , �T�q� �o cpqstruct ia Fridley. The conatruction exceeds aj,�, �bl� Cq�l�B t�$ Q�i'��el� a 2-hou� �ire raCiag and a N.S.F. certi#icatio�. �����#-pfi �,'��, ��ve 10.11 mets�..Dgnpl a s..� �....arr� tile floot 7�'ho �'eeC�q�'�t� w���, ��!#t� 9� people . � �'�e�€lofsky to�d Mr .�esudry to present a set o# ths p�a�w f q Gh� �p1�1 �±p�f;ty �ealtf� Departmea[ for their approval. Tsi� app�pya� p�� p�cp �,;� �+s�ore a buildin� permit could be iesued. �, �onco said the radius on the en►trance sbould be enl8r$ed Co Ceq �!1►�w t� ,�eg�st� �$ked i�� the parking area met the requi�emeats , 1+'� ���s��a�'tky ��1�d �C i�ta�+� more than adequate . i'�, �&�i,Q�aky asked about the drainage of the �1�p�erty. rl�� �q���� #��� �h�� �a�q'� reaolved this problem. Mr. Serlofsky eaid �he�► �hp{��� m��R� ��h ou; �ln�i,neering Department and work it out vlth th�ta, �, ,��glen said there was some pxoblem �+ith �he p�acemeqt pt ��411 �li��A� '�8 �pti� requires Che sign to be 10' f�'�wn a�j, p�roperty �i�e� , �1�t ;i����� �#lpa�ate �rinit for sigas aad they Mi11 hay� tq �pe�t ���, G�� rg�µ�,�p���� �� �b�� !�� or�ic►ance, , . ' � .,. � � [� ' � t Standards-pesi Control Subcommittei in °t P��� Mr. 8ort�r pre�ented pictures of the traab storag• buildipg. �h�►i �i �t 89pa�ate structure that has a dumpster and a Caapi.ste�,�► epC�tt'N� ' ���� f0� the storage of baxee. I,I , f , ' ,� . ' , , , ❑ ' � I' w z Ili, , �'ls'. Zeglea �sked about security lightiag. Mr, $eAudry e�id �� NQq�,d be weli lighted around the resta��rant and the trash builditt�. �� �t�'s�erred the canplete lot to be well 1lghted. �I4N by White to recommend to tbe City Couacil approvs�, p� �� ����� Cp canstsuct a restaurant with t1:e folloviag etipulatiavlit ?. , Araiasge probleaas to be woriced out with Bngiqee��.p$ ���p� � �, Change placement of siga to meet code. 3. �A' radius on drivewaq entrance. l6�ctQades� by Tonco. Uppn a voice vote, all votiag aqe, the �pt�p� ���,�� �asnimouely. M�. ��u�ld Tadaen aad Mr. William Leibel were p�eeent to �4g11�►� � �'eqt�ee t . 1'l�C. Tadeea said he wa� the architect of the orlg�aa� bvildio�• M l��� __ thia wi11 be aa interi� entry. It vill be used for appro�i��e�, �;��� �►�ax�s while Mid Cantinent leases out part o! their bttildtn� tq �����p��p� , i�oxtb�so tQ use duriag the railroad's conatruction ps=�od� � , � �. T�dA+� �aid they Wanted to coastruct ea�ethin� camp�iti�b�• 11��� ��1! � ;��� p�' th�a buiiding. He preaented a picture of the gre�epX �pt�►t � A:��d t�� �rppoaed additional entrq vould be tha sa�me escapt qq �t ��,�� ,..�» �c��e. �lOT�OI� by �aacp to racao�ead to the City Counc�� �pp�pq�� p� �� ����� �p cp�tstrvct an �dditiona� eatry. t� t , _ , ��CO�tde� �y Lindblsd. Opan a voice vote, all voting ayte, tb� ��� �as�iad w�an�:mowi�. . •�. i��Fk Jobaaaa aod Mr . Adoipl�, �. Bi��� �re �r���at t0 p���t� FI�M �+��e+�� , , . . ,. II � ,'' '* , 8u'i� g�tanda�ds-Design Control aubcoam�ittee Meeting oE Juae BA��� . P��l1 3 Mi�, D�ck Johnson said this addition vould be a comtiauat�,pq o� ti�! a���a bui�d�rig. It s+111 add approximately 12,040 squa=e teet, T�te add���pp Wi�1 b� used pr�,marily fos the storage of wpoden paL�.eCR aAd p&pE+;� t�L�1 #� 1� ft. x 14 ft. section used for inflamable materia�,s, 'Th�,• OqC��oq t�i�� be completely fir�-proofed, This part of the additiou has a��q �pp�t Gr'�t�� w#�th $ob Aldrich, Fire Preventian Chief of Fridley, apd wil�, �pE #���, [be stringent requirements aecessary for storing iA�1�,b1Ai� �'f Jphc�soa said they will have to relocate a catch bssiq �ud �'��Q� gallon propane tank. � �'�r, �ierloft�ky said he had no questians oa the additiqc� auG hs bsd i� ;equesk ko a�ake. He stated there was going to be an ��rrpvemeo� pq �i�@C giver fload. A semaphore will be located close Co DpMplag �pp� �r9Knp�ay. The C�.ty would like a plot plan showiag the tr��lic pa��e�p p�' eaX�aaces and exits, parking patterns of cars and Crµcks, exis�ipg ��dBC�piz�g, losation of the catch basin, locatios of Che �rQpapl� tsqk,� Cr� �p��►�hin� else located on the property. This wi�l he�ji ��� G�� �D�ip��riag Department alleviate the traffic probl�ms ot4 $aa� ���� ��1. 1�?�Op by Lindblad to reco�amend to the City Couacil app�cpyal ot t�� ' �+�c�est to �onistruct an addition with an addltioaal request ��+�t tbey p�py�d� �h� City with a plot plaa ehwing traffic and parklt�g ➢�Lt��u! �I�d tb� add�tional information needed bp the Citq Ea,�inee��,t� �p�t;pp�sp�, ' ' �R , + '■ . Ae�p�1�d b�► Toaco. Opon a voice vote, Zeglen, Tanco, �.iadblad� $�,mQp�l+�Y �t����g aye, t�ihite abataining, the motion carried. S Gl lQI�12�'F: TO CONSTRIICT A 4-P ON, THE SAME BBING (REQUEST BY GORDON 95 �C, QprdQa Aapensaa was preaent to preseat tbe requeat, 4 �', Z�g'�e� asked about �he zoning . t�lr . Herlo�sky aaid it pp� �A !A ���a �pned for multiple dKellings. Mr. Herlofsky said Ghes• ��* �� �jBdroan unite a�id there were 2 stalls provided for �ach va�t oa �1►� p�pt glxa �icb oeet the code requirements for parkit�. �' �. 1.indb�ad asked abou� the storage of refuse. M�, Aep�pspp !�l�1� b� u►vtit�,�, dp whatever the cpde required. Mr. Herlofaky stated 1�M NOUld �,�,ji� . ��� ���& �enced. Mr. Mpensoa aeid he would p�ovide twp �pp�p�,p��� �p� �l���# �t�i�.�. �Ir. Zeglen said he would have to pollce che �=pp �p� �� �j� �' ���++� �ouldn'� be kept cican he wanted Mr, Aepetieon to sup➢�� �� ����� � � I' I,, �� A��asQn sa�.d the exterior vill be Texture 111 rpugh �1a� c�� „ I� . . � , �� � ' . � � ' ` �ui�,d Standards-De81gn Contr�31_Subcommittee Meetin pf ua 1 Pag� . t��,th �x� asphalt shiagle roof. There will be guttars. Therw W111 b� paCio d00rs leading on to a,ieck �-�r each unit . These wj���, i�tCg the ��Ver, �r, Tonco :isked Chst thE r:umber �7f exits be c�e�k�d Lo i!p �_ a$��1� oT ladder �as necessary fram chis beicony for a� ��1�, . '' ��le ^paxd asked about firewalls between units, iacluding th� baa�ent�� aqd what type of eoundproofing there would be between uait�� 1�, ��p�qq ia�,d tbie would be built with double wall construction #md ho Wp{1�d tqpq�t A�1 the �pde requiremeats for firewalls and souaapro�fi.�� �, ' �pRap asked if the garage will have the same exterior as C�a bti�,ld�ug I�a� j"k, Aspea+soa said thep would. ' , ' , ' , , . � �� � ' f Rt � M�+ Aspeasos� agreed to poured 6"x12" concrete curb a�ouqd �h� b3�+�aktop a�eao. � M�t' , Ze��en asked about security lighting, Mr ,,�penso�, $sid �h�r� �p��� �� �1$��s on each building and on the garagee. �ON by SimQ�eau to recommend to the City Council app�pYal p� ��� ��Qt���� �p conetruct a 4-plex with the conditioa that tl�e c�i��� 131�MC�11Ct10p plans be submitted and approved by the auild�pg uy�Ct1V� �p�uetmeat be�ore the request gces to the City CoaaFil. SI��Qaded by Tonco. Dpoa a voice vote, all voting aye, t�e a�ptiap �s�C��ed unaaiaowly. '�'Ai� ie Che caspletian of the agenda items. i'�f, Bpb Minder of Suburban Eagiaeering came to the meetiu� tQ �tay� �b� �0e��'� Cotislde� hiR requeat to conatruct aa addition to thei� 1t7c11���pg buildi a8 ag , He eaid more space is needed as the bu��,ding tbey h+�Wa 11� ��Ct�,tag too crarded. M the next Building Staadarde•Desiga Cpqt�Ql u�t�pgunittee meeting is three weeke away, he came tv th�� tos�(�og 1N ��f�1�► Mer� eaxious to get construction atarted, Mr, Mie�de; ps�*�y��d A�►�C�ur� of the exiating building aad a drawing of what th0 gpplplp�� bt�l�l��c�g would look like. He said the addition vould coAtlp�e ��g 0� ��Ipe q� coas�ructioq as the original building, and the enl�rp ��j��,p� Np1�1d b� painted at the same time eo it would a11 be the •AaM, �', '�Opco eaid tbe Board vould be uaable to tak,s sny kiad oi` p�t�p�q ,pq A��ot p�,an and a photograph. �, He�lo�alc}► told Mr. Minder if he'd get three sets o� Fem�1�t! ��� !�Q �b� $u4ldiag Iaqpect�on Department as sooa a4 possible� th4 p�a� +G�k�� b� �tocessed While �. Miader i+als caming back to 84����µ� g��pq��� 0� +�u�it $iiEh aad appearing befoxe the C�ty Gou���'� on Jul p AP4��+� ��►e� ga� 4�a pe�mit oa Ju�y llth after Gnunc�l app�pym��'�i� M� �� Mt'��1�R � t be �.os iug any L ime . �� • , . . - : , , ..� . �, �� � II, �D . i�1 * i I, ' �Y�w�� � Standards-Deaign Control Subcommittee Neeting of June 8���� I Pa�� � I �Q ��#�ol� t�s t�ke4. Mr . Minder was told to get a Coatplete ��t o# , �1�ai� ds�wn up aad appear before the Board at tbe J�tt� 2ii �,p7� . � 9�A��. 1 ' r!'�si�n Zeglen adjouraed the meetiag at 10:00 P.M, , ' � �11epR�tfully aubmitted, , , ' �p�c�tby �v on, Secretary i � . , 1 1 � 1 � 1� . 1 ' - � � , 1 , 1` � . I�1 � . � '�1 . � !. I� . � � ' ' C1 �' 10 `��I�F� MINUTES Q�THE BOARD OF APYF.ALS M�:ETING ��?' 3C?;;E 13, 1972 � 'T'�� t�,��Cing w�t� called to arder by Ci��iirrnan Minish at 7:30 P.M. �F,R,6 Pji�S�1T: Minish, Crowder, iiar j�i, Sondheimer MF.,��g� ABS�N�': Wahlberg Q��2� ��SEN�': C�arence Belisle - Building Inspector MQ'��Q�1 l�� Harju to approve the May 23, 1972 minutes as wzitten. $@CA�Aded by SondYieimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, tk�e mot}pr �����,,�� urisan�,p�oui �Y {��}�71� �'Iia�,�h �,�cplained this request had been tabled from the M�ty 23t 1�7� p����jp,� �p ���srw the �pplicant tiane to redraw his plana to accomodate 44 parki�g ���1��F, � i�� ���� �� forward with a new aite plan ehowing the 44 parking SC��1�. �� $��� l�g ��� ����Ce�d witt� Mr. Dean Redman, project engineer w�.th the County, aba�t t'h� ��ctpa��� �t►��caY��ts for Osbo�ne Road and these imp�aVetnenta We�� ���o��p�'+�tAd �t�t4 �� t�� ��.�,+� '���n, One improvement was a 12 foot right Cu;n �.�n� on Q�bps'�g �#��ttd�.ri� �A u�iy��'Si�� Avenue. There wi11 be room for a 7 fQot sidewalk qn Ch� �►�di,ca��d ���h'� R�" �T�Y C�� 4?�korne Road. '�he 6 additional parking spac�e w�xe ahqw�t a�ptig ,.Qp���� �t�8� p�op��ty line and Mr. Ernst explained he wotild the� pl�tt �9 put �r1 ¢��p�� �l�nt�,�s to make up for the loas of 10 feet of green �rea �`0� �he �g�e��,t A� :��� ��t� .d�t��i,a� �r�a across the road. Mr. Ernat added Chat i� tbie� p1�� w�s p��� ��,�p �� �o�trd's ap��ova� than the o;iginal request, he would matce ap�lica���p �q� � ��p��� �r�.�r� s�tbacl� variance of from 20 feet to 10 feet. ',�'� (��';�h►+��� s�at�d this item was tabled as he had wondered how �h� ���� t�py�.d lpak _ �1�,th ��l� b atdd�.tional parking spaces in the front as Mr. Ernst had ��a��� �p did �}oh W��� �9 �u� doWn �he size of the building. Naw that the pew �r��e plast haa bi��p ��,��1��t�d� �� wp�d�red what th� residential azea would think of �Q��n� �q g�e� og ��A� ����z� ar�t, �� ������� �dded that in the winter the enow fram Osborne Road wpuld bs p#,��d t�p �� t��,p� �oC���,o�t on Che property by the plvwe on Osbozne and aleq �rpm ��e���.�� �h� Fi�x��� �e� � �, ���c�►�itpeT #t�ted that th� parking �pacea in this �o��tion could be ��e� �� ��q �pµtp��� bu� in the winter they would probably be fil�ed with O�vw. � I , � Th�e„ N�inutes af the Board �t r"�Fpeals M�_`t.in of .Tune 1.3. �972 Pa�c r � �, ��� I"I�,T1i�� �$ked what the siz� of th�: building was at the tiu� tj�e rez9nin� ze�q�&G w�� a�e�C�� �o� �n thi� pxoperty . �t ���� �a�t� �here was no specific m�asure�n[s for the buildi� me���p�ed a� �ak ��. .�U �{ II' �', ���,��h's�,�ted �hat �f the Planning Cou¢nission had had all the faG�� on tj�� bp��din� aT►� o� �k�� co$� requirements not be.i�>; ab�e to be met, they might h�y� acG�c� c�if���c����y a� the rezoning. �� '* i`'l�, C.rQwder �aid Chat after s�eing whi�re the additional parking a�acea wpuld b� ��d �h�� ���y wQUld probably be lost durin� th� winter with the a�►pw pile u�, h� was �t�� �i1 ��vA'� of this �ayout and �e would n.�t be able to vote �o� a va7ria�tce pn G1�$ #�p�1� y��'d ��:tback i� rec�uested. D�#'. Ha�'�� ���t�d that k�e felt the right way to go would be to cut khg builc�j.ng c��, ��� �AO sq�t��e �eet and have the minimum parning requirement for tha� si�� bt�il��i1�: �i� ��id �.h�C s�.nce the tenants could possibly change, the Board has to lqpk �t �#�@ QY�x��l �f�ects and what the future might bring in the way of paYki�� spac�� t,l��� t��uld t�e �ecea��ry. �. $�lisle aaaea that having the parking spaces along Osborne Road wQUld zesult �.�t G�x' �igh�S Sh�.ning acroas Osborne Road onto reaidential propexty. �P�'�QN b}� HarJ4 to recommend to Council denial of the r�quest and xg�ue$� �o GQµpc�� �h�&t �he building area for parking spaces needs to concur to the �ity Gpd�� ' �t��pnded by Crowder. Up��n a voice vote, there being no nays, the a��ipr� ��x�i�d , ��}�r�itnous ly . � �r ' � ' ' �' r II � ' �iQ��pN b� �;�u, seconded by �rowder, to waive the readir►g of the publiC ���#'ic�g �►gt���, �T�t�� � Voi.ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unan�upusly. �+, ��& Carlson was present to present the request. He explained �� ��s ��,rp d�c��' �p�a�� t�ow but he can't fit 2 cars in it without taking dowa hi�6 wpxkb��ch �'1� R�t��'��� �v�xy�hing qut side. There is a furnace i� the garag� in��de d��ppt j�� ,� �po�. bs�x �s �here ie no basement undex the house, �he duc� work is �-r� ��1�t �t�tic, �� (�t���1� �hey do n�ed two ears ae, both he and his wife work, �F'� �i��'�IiQ� said ��a wi�l bg naving the wall out �awar� the p�o�rty line and ti�i.n�{"y'�, ' �a} �'�� xpp�� wi.�� �he exiating roof. He will be blocking out one ga���� �c►o� pp h� �►s,�1�� Q�l�t e�td u� with 2 doors. He said he has converted a dog p�r� b�h�T�4i t�4� ���&�g �CO ��t�s��'a�� shed for hia snow blower and lawn mower and [00�8 and h� Kp��.�{ �.�e �p� e�q�� �he�� it� �he garage and get rid of the. shed as it doesn't �.op�, �qp�, ' I I,I 'i ' � � � ' � II ' I , . lU � Th�Minute� s of the Board of A��,� a1s._Meec i.� of ?une 1}, ��72 P��e � M�'. Sondheimer �skad what the distancE� between structures w�s. I�f C�,x�.s�n said the�e is approximately 40 Feet betw�:en stru�CUx'e�, �s.Mlni�h asked if the adjacent property owner had been in�o7C'ined ar �h�s x i7��`M'7� R . I�. W$�t�� I•eimgruber, 1027 Mississippi Street, adjacent �rop�Xty owner, w�� i�r� �h� �ud�,�nce and said h� had no objections to the addit�Qn a� �h� h��s�� �x� �'a� �nough apart. �'. H�xju asked �f there was a utility easement down this side of the pxqpax�y �� ��3� ��cture shows poles toward the back of the house by the pxoperty ��,�}�, �� B�lisl� stated the Building Inspection Department had c�,ll�:d N.S.P, to ;��}�d aut if they had �n easement there but the answex would �oC be avai�ab�,e ��til tomo�row (14th). (NQ'�E; Mr. Larry Benson, N.S.P., called June 15, 1972 and said khey h�ve no +���gtn��,t along�the East side of this property. They do hay� a 6�po� �a���n� ���ng the back line. If there are any poles along the East; sid� q� ��e pruperty ���y were pu� }n with a pennit from the previous owner and ti.S.F, w��l mav� �he �tples if necessary at no charge to the property owner!) M4���N by Harju to close the public hearing. SeC�t�d�d by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays� tl�� rup�ion �a;�',�Pd unani.mously. jYfr. �g�;cit►e�.me� said that if a fence was to be put up on the �as� p�CO�e�'ty line, �r►�.y �w4 �eet might present a problem for maintaining the �ara�� W�l R �'1ic, ��'�wder said his initial though[ was why Mr. Carlson h<3d �p gp Z���� �� ��g ��,�� whetn he �as such a big lot buz since Mr. Carlson has exp�����a ;�p��'�� �+��'PU►�� V� �he garage, Mx. Crowder feels he could go along witk� the �aquest. �. �a�lson aeked the Building Inspector if he had to put ir� f�os� �ooting� �k���� �h� �d,��t�p� as tt�e house and existing garage are built on just s�Lltb, �, �iel�sle re�lied th$t he would have to underpin the ex�st�.t�g ���u���►�� �I,;td ��1r� f�ost footings under the addition. �yp�pj� by �rowder to x�coamend to the Council approval o� �he req;usst w�,th �h� ���.�u1��iQ� Chat if there is a utility easea�ent along the ea�t p�ager.ty lix��, ��. �a�l$o� get the necessary agreement f.rom N.S.P. : ���Q��ed l�y Harju. Upon a voice vote, tl�erg be�ng no nay�� �he mpt�p� p��'�'�*d �4�l4�1 �?�{iA ��i + �� � i ' , , �e � ' ,' ' � �� � e t� f�he Board of A eals Meetin of June 13 1972 Pa e G �, ���k G�����, pistric� Superyisor, and Mr. John Klava, Stp�s Mana��r, We�B ������� �Q ��e���t the request. �Q��Q� by �xcawder, Seconded by Harju, to waive the re�ding o� the pgb�i� ��x�� po��A�. Ugo� a voice vote, there being no nays, the �otion cararied p�,Rni.�pg��y� �'�,��,}��'�� c�� th� �xis�ing sign were shown to the Board. Th� pi.c��X�� ��qFtQ� �he ��,� ���,� ],fi� $quare feet, an open 9:30 sign , 11 square feet, and �n Q�et� �ur�d��► ����t ��G �e �Q be reawved in a few weeks so it ie not included �n fih� p�p�p��c� �q��� ��'+�a o� 2i2 square feet. �� K��Y�t explained they want to put up .a sign that says "Ta�� 1�i�ns Shop" whi� �� �, .�� �9c�u�� foot panel. He said there used to be a"Shopp�rs Chaz���' p�.$� �� t�� �Y�Qt� that has been Caken down and is not shown on the pi.ctures. ' �fif G���el 8aid the Tall Mens Shop is an extresnely impoxtant business �p h��. �,'�,��r ��� only competing with 2 other stores fn the area for this businl��s an� C�p p�.�i� �.� rie�s���ry Co �nfonn the larger clientel that they can buy ���;�� c�,at�es ��� �h�� ��p�+�, The L�rgor men do have a hard time findi� cloChe� tc� ��.t t,t}e�+n , �td t��y ���al �hat witti Che sign up it would increase thsit bu$inesa, �� W�+� 1��'ought out, by looking at a picture taken in 1970 of the ,���n� Ci��� ���y I��p�6� ��tav� 4 signs on Che gylon plus the inain sign. �� Q�t�el ���d they:haven't had the propoaed panel made up as ye� as it �.a � ' ������ve si.gn ar►d they wanted to first make sure they would be allowed �Q p�� �,� �,�� �'kl� s�,�� would have a white background with black lettering an�l be :�l�,t��na�+�� �7C+�p t.he'i�ns�id0. M�'. �&].�$�� �aid that theoretically they should be allawed ti�� same $c�uare �+�otag� ��! ��,�,T� ��'�,� �h�t ��ey had at the adoption of the ne�saa sign oxdix�snc�. �'j�`t H���µ �a#,d that if both smaller signs were removed from the pylqn# C�;� Pa�n�j �Q�41d �h�er► �p put ug wiChout increaeing the sign area that much. �,� $���.��� �aid that the Board could aee by the pictures that th,�re 1s a��ea,� �Glb�� cf� �i$n� a�.Qn,� Central Avenue already. �ix, ����� ���.c� �hat a tmn from Ttain City Federal� came to talk to him �,6rput t1�� �'4��1��� ���d �h�y l�ad �o ob j ec tiona to i t. , �# �+�ii�h�i.�g� �tatted that if the proposed panel eouic� bs movQd up �p ,�bu� t�� Q���y �g�U sign i� would make the sign area more campacC and peopl� ,�q��s� ��� �,� ��;�q � ��xther di�tiance. lU D Th�. i�u e of the Eoard uf A eals i'��:.�etir of June 13 1972 Pa e M�'. �iava asked �f the open sunday sign would be allowed qt� �he bui�d�.r�g, � M�R ��17��s1� said tt�at he would have to check i�to that after tbey mak� ��► app�i�catio�. He d�dn't knaw what type of signe are on the build�� �1x�at�y, ,LKQ��QN by Crowder to cloae the public hearing. e��cs��c��ci k�y Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, these being no �ays, the �uo�ion ��t��,�d ut�i� �1qus ly . I'���QA1 by 6ondheimer to xeao�r.�end to Council a�proval of �he requ�s� to �tdi��r ��,q� qfE�,s��.� gy�:qn by adding a"Tall M,ens Shop" sign that will abuC Ch� Qp�n 9s3Q +��,�1 �1� wi.7,1 allow clearance of approximately 16 feet plus froqt the ground� u�tds� t,�,� P�p�1d���,On tjiat no additional signs be installed on the py�.on (bQSidea �h� fJ���1 9��0 ��d ��1� Me�s Shop signsj and under the conditfon that khe construc��,p� qf �� ��,$� �t� �b�t►�.ut��,y stoYmproof. 8�apta�i�d by Ha�c,ju. �� k��,�t� add�d �hat thie is a reductiou from the preaent aign a�c�a and �,� w�.�l �4� � qpoxe comgact sign. �'k}� v�pte upon the aatian, there being no nays, the motion carried u�ni�ppu�ly. � NT � �� W����� Was adjot�rned at 9:00 P.M. by Chai=man Minish. RR�ps�c��i.i11�+ submiCted, 2�- � .� � ��� � se�r��a�y � , � � !, I' ' ' ' OFfiICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE �ITY COUNCIL �� w�o� �T MA�' co�vc��N: T�,p Ci�y Council of Fridley has been extremely �nx�x�S��d �� ob�a�i��ing a grade separation at the railroad tracks Q3� M1��i��ippi Street since 1964. The County o� Anoka �� CQ�►peratlox� W�th t�� �ity has developed two proposals for the Fr�c��.ey ����.���i� �Q consider, they are: � 1. �lr�derpass - Mississippi Street wpuld run unde� t}�e ra�,�road track�. �. QV�xpass - Mississippi Street would run ove��t�� ` �'ai�.road tracks . ---� �� ��ly 17�,,.,�972, the City Council af the City of F��d��y ' wj,��, �p��i �--��i�Ii� �iearing in the City Hal� at 7:30 PtMs �1� �h� ��µ���� Chatnl��x to discuss these proposals, �'here wii� a��P bp � �p���,� o� �h�5e 2 proposals available at �his meeting so that �j�� �Z�t?p�� �a�3 make a visual comparison. , � ;, li, ��yone desiring ta be heard wit� xefer�nce to t}�� �i�QY� m����� will be heaxd at this meeting. �'t��j���N; Ju�.y �, 1972 Ju�y 1�, �.972 FRANK G. i.IEBL MAYOR ` � �� � �T�M #12 Acee��anee a� 1971 Aud.t.t Repon,t �nom ibie. Ge�hge M. Havr�en Campany In�afimcrx,i.on eov►,tai.v�ed �.n bapfz,Qex unde�c ae�cv�a.te Gove�c �,n Agenda enve.2a�e. � � � ' f � t ' ' ' w . Members of' the Council Cfty Hall ' �as.� ��ivers�tr a�gn. �.E. Fridl�ey, 19inn. 55432 Ge�t�.e►m�q: Jun• 14� 19T2 � Re: Pending assfsament fq� ci���.e t1oW street betresn Hrr A7 ��d 2+� 5treet N.E, just nortt� pf Holidey Village North Wil� rau please anter the above on your age�da for the council ae�ting schedulsd for 3une 19, 1972. Part of the above iwprovea�ent� the slip—oft, has been coapleted and taxqd ��d the balac�ce of the i�provement left unfinished. At the Jur�e 19th council meeting we wish to brin9 up tbe matter of deleting the ba�lence of the pending assessa�ent. Would you ploase give same thought ta-ths follo�ing pointis so thet yoc� can �dvise �hat action tliq council plans and r�a�a�s tor it. � 1„ Sinca the praperty ie nor zoned aom�erciel and access from Mwr 47 � availabls, the property should be very �sable on a comaercial bas�s aithopt furthsr iwprove�aent expenditures. �anp of the peap�a irho aould be taxed for the i�+provement would never benefit e�ytiay. � i 2, , � ' ' ' . I ' � � # �. r� IP a road is put in� it is not iikely to fit tbe uses of ar�y person buring it Yor commercial use -— he would b• toari�g it up �o put in hia o�rn d�ihrewara, etc. The ori�it�al thougt�t by eo�e council �ewbers was that a large company �ight purchase the entira ares —— in this caa• it ia even �.e�ss l�ikely #'.t�ay �aould uae your road as it possibly Would be in the way,� .i.� +�, 'fps cqwplete project Mas to hara bean do�e all at o�ce --�t is uafair to delar the project becsuse it �ill increaee tb�► cost to everpone acad it tios up Lt�ads for sell�rs i� the area �rho h#MA mvner ` baing held in •scro� a�att�ag completion and fi�al coat of these pend�.ttQ as�essments. :As it is ditficult for us to ettend ma�r ot your c�eetings due tp the d�st�nce t�e l�ve frpa� Fridley, �e hop• you Will be able to help.u�'on June 19th. �Naving am�ed three lots iA the above area end sinc• �e have about �2,OQp t�ed ; u� �n s�c�ow becsuse of th�e• asse�sments, w� havo a vital interest �n yQ�� d�Cisi.on. Sincerelr, ' ~- ,,.�yi� �- yf�,�....- ��--�.:-, � `l . . iy Mr. � Mrs. Plmrvin 0�8�rg Ro�te 7� Brainard� Miru3. 56401 �:GULAR COUNGI� �EETING �F 1�1AY 4, 197G PyGE a `. QFZAINA,NCE t�0 ��3 � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE !�Y PRv`.'IL�Nu :�iC.'iON 2tQ5 TkIE�IN d1Ni� �ROVIDING FOR THE APPUINTMENT OF A DEPUTY CITY CTwERK: �-.— � �O��O�j 1��r �our��ilman Liebl to adopt Ordinance #453 on second rtading , wai���- �}�� �e�d�ng ancS order publication. Seconded by Councilm�n Brc�id��r. ��on a arQ�l �,��.� vote, Hax'ris, Breider, Sheridan and Liebl voting aye, �;ayor {��ri� Pro tem declared the motion carried. DI$CUSSTON OF CITY ATTORNEY MEMO ON HYDE PARK IMPROVEMENT I�ND � (Tab�ed A�ril 20, 1970) �Q�nG�,1�41at� �iebl �sked the favor o�' the Chair to let Cou�icilman Sheridan ����i�ie� �� �o�}t�c�.�.man Eiarris would be willing to move for reconsid�ration, �{� W�s Q� t�e p�evailinq side on the motion, so the motion for reco�siderat�c�r. �n��,� q�q}Q fxom #�im. CounCilman Sheridan agreed that the on�y w�y that thi� p� j� ���pnsidered is if the prevailing side were to bring it back. He t�#lde�'s�oAt� from the last meeting tha t the intention was to bring it back �'q�' ��1�1I Cour�cil, but that is not possible tonight bec�,use of Mayor K��'�h�m'S i�ln�ss. Councilman Harris aqreed that it should be a full GC�un���, . ���r���lpldn �,i�ebl cqmmented that the Mayor said at the last meetinc� th�G k�e �a� gqtten t�k�e message fram the people present and that t�e aesizea tt�� �����e tp W�'�.�e to him letting their wishes be known. He said that he ��sumed th�� �.h� Council was fully aware of what the intentions of the peop�e �.n �he Hyde l?�x'k area are. He said that he thought that the people are Q�,t�t�Qd to know why Councilman Harris turned this ordinance down on second �ec�c��ng. Why did he change his mind? ��µ�}c�.lman Ha�rris said that he has stated his reasons publicly and they are ��►c�Gte�' q� recozd. S�nce the first reading, he has discussed this item w��}� �� �nembers of �he Planning Cottunission. He said that he did this }������� of questions raised prior to the second readinq. The Planning �q��,��}.o�, voted 5 to Q to turn down tr,e proposal accepted by tbe ����ncil, ��t� ��fs��d instead a plan to the Council and the people �n the area, that �}�� G�ty �pent some 52500 on for the planner. He said that he h�}d dis- c���@� �.Y;�s p�.an further and is convinced that this plan is superxqx to �he �1a�? d��ept�d l�y the Council. He said that he was not against the rezoniny �rac� ��#at th:�s area must be cleaned up, but he felt that a better method of ����,Y�.ng at � solution could be found. He said that today, and in the pc�9�, h��dPes ��PPort the rezoning of Hyde Park, but he does not support the ��.ar} app�Qv�d, (rlr. �Qn W�eC�ing, 2Q7 59th Pldce N.E., said that he has not seen any of the�;e ��,�,�s. t�� ��id that about three years ago they tried to stop sqme spot x9n�.n9. SPeaking of Holiday. Councilmai� Harris asked if he was �n att�r�$- ���e a� �k�e Planninc� Comanission Meetinqs when these plans were discus�ed. Mr. hT�y��r�g $aid that he was not sure, he had been to so many meetings. �ouf►���man Har�is said that the planner made a study and came ba�k ta the p������ �om�nission w�th his recom�aendation with a couple of alternates. ��y,�� w�� ���g��ted to �he #'�.anning Commission as a feasible and wpxkdb�� ���'l! b+��e� o� a commercial zoning. He said tha�t the�e t�as b�en a�pt pf ��,t�� �F�t�� pn �his area, and he assuxed Mr• Weeding that he w�s not �galnst �,�� ���p��,��, �� was just thaC he did not fee� that ths plan acc�pted wa.s �,�}� b���, p�,�n �or HydQ Park, Mr • Weeding said that aftez three ���rs h� �,��� ���t ��iere sl�ould be Sqme actio}�. ��- �� �� R.��liI.r�R COUD+'CI:. MEETlPdG OF N1AY' 4 197� ,� � � PA�E, � II ' Counc�lman Liebl sa�d that the Council unanimously rejected the pla� doAe ' by the pro�essional planner, and instructed the City Manager to draw up a plan �or the approval of the Council, which he did and it was approved, Afte�r that tne slip-off was approved and the Highway Department was apprpachec3 fo; their approval. After the slip-off appr^val and the first rec�dir�c� thex� ' was a delay in seating the First Ward Councilman, then therewas the $econd reading, which failed. He saiu that he was under the impression at that time, that he did have the majority vote. He. said that if Councilr.ian HarriS ' was sincere, h� should not have voted against the Planning Commission pro- �osal. The Councilman At Large is elected to serve the people to the best af his ability, and the people of the Third Ward want responsible leadership ' ��'Q�n the Counc�lman At Large. The people from Fiyde Park then applauded ��l Su�?port of Councilman Liebl's stand. ' ' � � ! , CQUt3cilman t�arris said in reply to Councilman Liebl that when th� �j��st discussio;�s �.�ere held on the plan dane by the planner, it was fel�. t,}►at tk�p�r were too bold. tie felt that tne �'ou-��i1 did nc�t qet an adequate Chance t4 sit down with the Planning Commissior� and go �ver the �lans thorpucjhly. iie ss�id th�t it is his prerogative, as a Councilman, to change his m��i�, �nd h� d�,d so with a clear conscience. He said that it was not in li�e �p Gk4as�ise a member of the Council for chanc�ing his mind. He said that h� wanted the people in the area to be fully aware of what this wouj.d me,� tq tk��m. The City ordinance does say that there must be 200 feet fron�tage anc� �hiS cquld �ut som� people in the position of not being able tq use the�r ��q�erty. He said that if it is the decision of the people that �%6y ar� h���,�ing to assume the consequences and the problems built into this ty�e Q� �lan, and if the value of the nroperty does not come up to their ex� �s���tions, he did not want them to come back and point a finqe� dt him, �� he has done his best to protect them. He then asked for a raise of hands o�' thpse.in favor of the rezoning�as proposed, and about 25 �eople x�lised th��r hands, with no one in opposition. Councilman Harris then said t,�,at it appears �hat the majority of the people want the project as �.� S�ands, �QT�O�i by Councilman Harris tq bring the Ordinance back for recons�.derat}o�l. Gpu�cilman Harris said that if thi� rezoning should be passed this evsninc�� hf� wanted it known that if someone is disappointed in the rezonin$ and t,�e�,x expec�.ations do not come to pa5s, that he has issued his pleas to the �ep�le �or z�consideration. Znterim Chairman 5heridan called for a seco�nd. TH� MOTIQ�V seconded by Councilman Liebl with the com�ent that this mo�ior� did come �xom the prevailing side. , j+i�s, 0'BQ�g �,Sked if the Council was talkinq about the improveme��s or t,h� jre�Q��.ng. ��terim Chairman Sheridan said that the �ezoning was �nder con- �ide�ation. The action of the Council would be the second readi�g of �e Or�i�an�e for rezon�ng. Mrs. O'Berg wondered why put in the slip-of� whep it ' i� not known what type of businesses would be goinq in theze, and felt �yat �h7�� �hould wait. 13 t� ' �4r. �arl Paulson asked if the 200 foot frontaqe minimum would }� ynconsti�.�tiona�,� ��$ �,�,e City Attorney said no. Mr. Paulson asked what peop�� wpuld c�o With wj,t�� the sms�ll lots and the City Attorney said tha� they couid mexqe with ' at�e� prope�ty owners, or appeal for a waiver under hardship. Counc�,lmar� $heri�la� ��lained that this is part of an ordinance already pas$e� by kk}� Ci�y �nc� y�►as done priox to thQ first reading o� th�.$ ordinc��y��. Counci].mc'u� Har�i� , ' �I� ' . I'� ' , � � �- _-.. ' � �. ' i ' '. ' ,' I' RESOi,tirlo� �10, _�g4-1°69 RESQI,lJT1:0\' OI:DF��:I1G IrII?I:OVEPIf�i�T E1�tiD F?NE1I, PLA;�1S �1.I�D SPECIFICATIC?\'S ��,'D F.STI�IATES OF COSTS THLhT:O�� ; STRI�k'.0 IT�'ROJL�1i.i�T PROJl;CT S'1'. 1970-4 .�..J 4 W�1�';F�:AS, p,esoluti.�n No. 125-19�9 ado�ted the 21st day p� J�1y, 1969 �x �he Cit� Council, set �he d�►te fon c�arin� on the proposed �.mproy�n�ents, �s ��r�ci- ��e�411y noted in the Notice of flearing at�tached hereto for r�ferezicg as E�i��.b�.t "�1", �nd WkIERF.AS, a11 of the property o�,iners �ahose �ropex-ty i's �.ia�le �o b� asM�;s�ed W�t�t L`�1C IR�I�C�Sl� of these improvements (as noted in said Notice) w��e �iv�� ter� (1Q� �aY� �otiG� '�y mail and pubJ.ished notice o� the Counc�.l Hearing �j�zou�,h ��aq (�� ���k1-,• �►�31�i.��aGio�s o£ the requi�-ed noti.ce, and the hearing was held and the �xop��-�y ow�exs �4��� �h���oi� at the hearing, as noted in said notice. NOW# �'H�I:EIOI:F, BF. IT RESOLVED, by tiie Couiici.l of ttie City o`# �'��,dl�y, Q,�oka Qouil��, Miiuiesota, as follaws : 1� That the �ollowin� improvements proposed by �g�ncil �esQlt��j.on No. 125-1969 are hereby oxdered to be effected �lid Co�tj��eted a�, �;oon as reasonably possible, to-wit: $treet improvement includin; grading, stabilized b�se, hc�t m�.x bitwninous mat, concrete curb and gutter, water, sani�a�y �ewe� �ines ,�nd services, incidental dra�nage'and othez facilitie� 1o�at�d a� follows: 3rd Street: South propexty line o� Lot 24, Block 12, }�yde �ark Addition to 60fih Avenue including the slip off from �,Fi. �'�4� T.H. ��47 West Service Rd.; 58th Avenue to 60th Avea�i� Loop bet. 3rd St. and T.H. �r47 West Sexvice Fdr z��ar �O�h �v�. S�th Av�nue; 2 Z Stireet to T.H. ��47 West Seryiee �t���j '�, That woz�c to be perforn�ed under this pxoj�ct ma� b49 pa��'p�i�� ��d��' G�e P� ploxe eontracts as may be deemed advisab�e Lt�0I1 r�ce�p� Q�' �►�.Q�, - �. R That the �i��r Engine�r, Nasim M. Qureshi, and th� C�ty�� (l0��}4���tn� Engine�rs are hereby desionated as the Eng�.nE��� ��_ �1��.5 �j�n�,xo�,=q� �en�. �ey sh���. prepare fiiial plans and speci�i�atio�� �ar �he �13'�.���, � Qf s5ueh irnprovement. ,ADQPTED E�' T�IE COUNCIL OF THr. CITX' OF FRIAL�Y TEI�$ ���_ �!?�'�` Q�' , ��'��� S�' � NOVEMBER , 1969. ' �-,�.-,�,-r--�--------�--�.-------� _ f��'�'X ��,F:1:4� � �?ar-✓in C, Brunsell ��--� MAYQk * ,ac�� 0. K�.r�am 1 -� � � �' I RESOLUTION # '� , R�SO�,UT�ON �STABLISHING �OLICY AND ASS�S�M�NT FROC�DUR� �QR �'�A'�E AID STRE�TS AND OTHER �tOADWAYS wH��� vTf��R �OV�RNM��ITAL BOUIES PARTICI�AT� IN TH� CQST. ' ' ' ' wH�R���, or� November 5, �962, the City Gouncil adop��� �� ���������� p+��,�.�y Qr� State Q,id Streets ; �i�i�RE��, this policy has been followed s�nce 196Z; WHEREA�, thE City Council of �ridley now wishes tca �o�e �l.e�r�y de�i�� &�d modify existing policy; WH�R�AS, tl�ere have been instances where this poli.cy ���c�ed �t�r�l��� de£ixi�tion and c�arification; �IOW �� IT RESOLVED, by the City Council o� the C�ty c�f Fi�dley �h�.� �:p�' �1� �treet or curb and gutter improvements wi��in th� G�ty Qf F�i��.ey wY�ex� all or some of the improvement cost is con�x�.buted b� Qther governmental bodies, the following assessment �olicy wi�l ba �Ql�.owea: 1. For R-1 arld R-2 zoned properties (Single or poubl� ��m�,�,y Awe�.lings) the assessment will be on th;e basis of st�.tl���`d res�dential street desiga�. �� �, Fc�x �11 oxher zoned districts the assessment W�.�� be� p�, ��� , basi� o� actual total improvement cost, but r�ot t0 �x+���d �h@ co�t of a standard industrial 9 Ton, 44 foot m�.n��tum �'Q�dw&y. 3. Fpr the loopback portion of service roads along ���n� I highways, where the prime consideration fox th,eix� ���s�x�t�t�.�tii �s ��affic safety, the assessmer�t rate fo� R-� �nc� �-2 p�'P������� 12�' �et at 2/3 the cost of a normal residentia� s�r�e�, �. T� �1� otl��� xoadways constructed by othe� �ov��'T�m�nt��. 1�&�d1A� ��d wh�re the Gity is pa�rticipating, the tot�l c�� Fridl�y'� �qst participation will be assessed, but w��l �ot �x�e�d �hs m�ximum established in the above paragraphs. AllUPT�:U l�y T ..' �,'iT�ST c j� I ' i� H� C�:TX COUNCIL OF TKE C�TY OF F�tIDL�X THI� DA� 0� , ��7�, � � � � N� cE c�co� MAYOR -� F K G. I, E��, r, ' I ' .� , � 1 . ' � � ' � , �� 1� ' a � � ?i � -(l RESOLU'lION r0, • "'—_"""°'"""" _ �, RI:SOLU�iOP� OI:DF!:11�G IMI'FOVI3i•TF'P+T� APPRQV�� OF �'I,,E1,NS Aj�T� �l�V�P,IIST.�G FOl: $�US: STF.EET TrIP��l���il:N� ��OJ�,C'�[' &�'. 1�72�10 ($�::AI. COATING) } UT�I�KRE�S, �t�e Cir� Cc��ncil of the City of` Fxi-dley h�� �s����,����d #t �p�.��y oi Sca1 Coating the City str.eets on a�egular. b�si�� jh'�ZF.Ri?,AS�, tlie Ci.ty �ngineer has submitted a plaii s��ow3,n� t��� ts�xe�ts �.� �,eed of Sea1 Coating, r�arked as Exhibit "A"t p4id, TiIE}:E�OR�, BE IT P.ESOIVED, by th� City Council p� ��p f����r �� F��d�AY� Anoka Countyt Minnesota, as follows; ,_' �. Tha�: the streets marked black on ttie atta�h�d pn�p b� �qAl coated, and the wo�k involved in said ImprovemenG �l�a�.l k�¢��• . � •after be designated as: STRF.F.T IMPKOV���NT PFOJ�CT ST. 1972-10 �, The plans and specificati.ons prepared by the Ciky En�ii�e��; �c?� such im�rover.ient and each of tl�em, pu��uant to the Coi�.r��31 act�ion he�etofore, a copy of whicti plans and �����.�ica��.��s are hereto attached and n�3de a�art hereoi�, a��s he7�'pby �pj+�'a�Yp¢ and shall be filed with the City Clerk, �. 1'he work to be perf.ormed under STREET L�ROV�;�c,1��' ?RO,j�.��; ST . 1972-10 shall be performed�under �r�e conkxact, ' �e ��:ty rianager sha? 1 accordingly prepare and cause tp be i,1�+�x��� i� the off.icial newspaper advertisements for bids tipon the r���k:�r.G �f g�t�i} , �m�xov�c^ents under such approved plans and specifications. Th� adver�i�e� �1��1C �h� ll. b°- pub l ished for two (2 ) weeks (at least 1Q ��v� �; and ��,,� ;� i������y LhP work to be done and wi?l state that ?�i3s wi"sI b� �pe11�d �t� . 1�.;�Q A.M. o� Moaday, July 10, 1972 �ti Ci{� ��u��i'� ChaG.,'�exS of the City N.all, and thst �a bids wil,l be cpt�sid��t�� pt�'���� scat�d �nd filed with the City Clerk, and accua�pani�d �j a C��h d��Q��.G� bid 'oo�►d, or certified check payable to th� �i.ty �'�� ��v� p�� ���� (�%� q�' the araou�t of such bid. Thut t►ie advertise;n�r�� �ar ��.d� ��� �'�'��� ���'�OV�IF::;T P�OJECT ST. 1972-10 shall be sub�Cantia�t�r �r� �Q�°�� g�� ���� �oted in Exhibit "3" attached herzto for referance 2n4 �'��d� a pa�� ���'��� � � t � ,ADOPTED BX TEIE CITY COUI�iCZL OF FP.ZDI.x..,'Y T�tIS _____� �_�.Dt�j� p� _ � 1972.-. �� ' � �►TT'�'��T � • . . • I�IAYQ�t - FRANK G, LIEBL -���' �. _ . . . � �. • .• -- �� • � , . 16 MEMO T0: GERALA R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FRQM: MpRVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR �U�J�CT; PURCHASE OF FIRE PUMPING ENGINE DAT�= JUN� 13, 19i2 On August 10, 1970 the City Council authorized the purchase Of a Pirsch fire pumping engine. This engine was delivered vn M�y �0, 1412. The total cost of the engine was $38,291. The payment schedule previsously set up is as follows: �ncur�bered in 1971 Budget $10,000.00 In 1972 Budget 11,556.00 TOTAL $21,556.00 Cost of Engine $38,291.00 SALANCE TO BE FINANCED $16,735.Q0 �quiRment c+�t^�ificates to be issued: Equipmen� Certificate Due 7/1/73 $10,000.QQ Equipment Certificate Due 7/1/74 $ 6,735.00 Th� attdched resolution would authorize the issuance of the �q�+i pmer�t certi fi cates . ��, , RESOLUTION N0. , A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF FQR TH� PURCHASE OF A FIRE TRUCK (PIRSCH �' 1972 CER7IFICAT�S OF �NDE���DN�SS PUMRER MOD�L 41G) WHEREAS, The Council �f the City of Fridley awarded bi�s An August 10, 1970 for the p�lrc+�ase of a 1972 Fire Pumper, and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Fridley has deemed it advisable to issue certificates af indebtedness for the pur�h�s� �f a fire truck, and WHEREAS, The Fridley Firemen's Relief Association ha� 4ff�red �p purchase said certificates of indebtedness, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City qf Fridley that the issuance of certificates of indebtedness i� the amount of $16,735 is hereby authorized. Said certificates to ma�ur� in �wo years or sooner from date of issuance, and bear intereS� at the rate of 5 3/8% per year. BE IT FURTHER RESbLVED, That the sale of these certifi�ates of in��btedness to �he Fridley Firemen's Relief Association �s h�r�by duthorized. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TN�� DAY 0 , 1972. ATYEST: � Y CL�RK - MARVIN C. RUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK 6. I�IEBL lb h 0 MEMO T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FRQM: MARVIN C. BRUNSEI.L, FINANCE pIRECTOR SUQJECT: PURCHASE OF 100' AERIAL LADD�R TRUCK p�r� ; auN� � �, � ��z On $eRtember 20, 1971 the City Council authorized the purchase of a 10Q' aerial ladder truck from Pierre Thibault Company. The cQSt of thi� �ruck is $66,000. Delivery date is tentatively ��t fpr November �, 1972, The attached resolution would �uthpriz� the isSuanGe of certificates of indebtedn�ss in the amount of $�6,OOp for the purchase of this fire truck. Th� t�nta�ive repayment schedule for these certificates of inde�tedness 1$ d5 fvl1ow�: 1973 - $16,000 1974 - $15,000 ]�75 - $15,000 197b � $15,000 1977 - $ 5,000 t � / RESOI.UTIQN N0. � 1972 A R�SOLUTIpIV AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GERTIFICATES pF �Np��T�DNE�S FQR TH� PURCHASE OF A FIRE TRUCK (lOQ' AERIAL LApDER TRIJ�K) WH�R�AS, The Council of the City of Fri�ley �w�r��� bids on �ept�mber 2Q, 1971 for the purchase of a lOQ' Aeri�l (.�Idd�r Fir� trick, and WHER�AS, The City Council of the City of Fridley ha� deemed j� �dvi�able ta issue certificates of indebtedness fqr �h� p�rchase of � f1►� truck, and � WN�R�AS, The Fridley Flremen's Relief Associa�ipn ha5 Off�red t4 p�rchase said certificates of indebtedness, NQW, 'iHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Councij pf th@ Gi�y Q� Fridl�y that the issuance of certificates of indebtedn�ss �r� �h� amount of $66,000 is hereby authorized. Said certificate� t0 m�ture in �Five years or sooner from date of iss�uance, and bear int�rest at �he rate of 5 3/8% per year. BE IT �URTHER RESpLVED, That the sale of these eerti����t�s c�f indeb�edn�s� to the Fridley Firemen's Relief q�sa�iation i� h�i"�by �uthQrized. PAS�ED A L1 DOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE DAY F , ATTEST: I Y GLERK �(NARVIN C. BRUNSELL CITY OF FRIpL�Y TNIS 1972. MA R-F NKG. � �7 A I � �� � �ESt7LUTTOt�j tJ�tr _ ___�_ ' 197� I,I , i� �2ESQ! UTiON AUTNO:<I�'_I�v�� /aND JiRE�.TING T'H� SPLITTI�Jv OF SPECi%��L A�SE�SMENi> 0'� PAi2CtL 13]Q� LOT 27� •ti,!uITOR'� SUBDIVi�ION N0, �2 ' � ' , WHEREA;� certain sp�cial assessme��t, hav:� b�en tevied wit5 r��spect to ct�•�cair► 1 and and sai d 1 and has s�bse:;uen � 1 y be;��� su��i � � ded. NOW, TNt7EFG:�i, BE IT RE�OLUtD as rollows: That the assessments 'evied �;,�:>inst tht-� ;uli.r�riny described parcel, to-wit: ?�3rce1 i;7,,�, Lot 27, +udi to�'s Su:�divi sion ,ro,� 92, n�y Und shal l be a�portioned a��d di vi ded as fol i o�.��: Ori inai ParceT Fund Ori inal ,=�mount _____�-- _...-. - - - -- -- —.. ._ --�1- Parce) 131t�, Lot 2�, Auditor's Regu]ar SF; (Mains) � 348.3? Subdivi sion No. 9? S� �#58 (Storm Sewer ) 3.21 S 3 51 • S�s _— ___._.. Division ot Parce? /�P3roved Parcel 13;2, West ?j Feet of Lot ��, Audi tor's Subdi vi si o�� t�jn. 92 Fund i;egular S.a (Mains; S S #S'� l Storn� �ewer ) Parcel 1373, Th3t Part of Lot �1 Regular �A {Mains} ' lying East of the 'dest 75 feet, �S ��8 (Storm Sewer) Auditor's �ubdivision No. 92 ADOPTtD BY THE CITY COUiJCIL OF THE CITY Q� FRIDLEY 7HIS � , _ ,._ _..._� � _ OF , 197'. , Ori �g'nal Amount ; �7s.7o �.57 S b9. 67 . 64 $ 351.5��------ DA Y � , M�(OR Frank Go lieb T ' ATT�ST: ' �� ' � CITY GLERK � Marvin C. Brunsetl 0 � ' ' � CITY �� _RiDLEY PEI'i`TION COVER SHEET' Petit�,o� Nc�, �� ���� ��tt� �tsce�.ved May 8, � 972 � pb�+��� S'tre�t improvements for Clearview . , Pe��t�c1� Che�k�d 8y m.i� Dr�,.�...0 AaLe (�' 2-' 7 L �. 70►� � (.O...t iQ %� �t.riAu�[w 7� � �&�'��r�� S%�ir�g Pa,��a�... w S� � I-lubMi� �3 /. l�r�a ��,o,u„"�, (� `i%a R���fi`�ed tp �ity Council Aispas�.��qr� -..r�. L.rI , �-*j`1 ��--� .%'����C:lic.�C-`-��i���,� L° � /!1�,, {rs y- �,f : r- , � � 19A � � r�-�, i �z.� � C�t�-r.�,c,� ��� �'-� °�,'t-��� - ; i ,,���'-� � ,: � ,,,� � % � �� I . ,�. , � "{.-t��'�~s ' Fe t . $^ �9 7 2 , i ���� � �' �'�� � �'�t ��` ��� � Pag� � II ' • __._ ,�,.�--Y,....- � � �: , �# ' �„�.,.�.,�.�.�.-----��.--- . --_-- pIj�it�:�� � __�__�____,�,...�.. �=tL ��aC c.� l� �•, . � r , � � � -'' ` � � ! 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S��=z C�� :�_ ' � � r . - �- -� i .� �' � � �-�z � ��� c�..� _ - � � �-- �� i, , � � � � -- - � � _ �-����v �-�'�'-�9i`� � _ � , � - � ' .� ) .� � �?�. -eP- � -� . � ` :�� _ __- _ _- ---- _ --- - - � - --� , . � �� � � /�� � ir �� , � - � -- - - -- � - --- -- - - � - ���-�Z.�� ��-- �%Vl. ��.�!L-�. _ --- __ - , ____-- � �/ � --�- - -- ----- - -- a �-�-��_�� ,� ��, 1 _ - - � _ - ---- ----- - ----- - --- .�__ _� C�_ % , ---------_ _ �-C�_ _- ---_-- - ---- ' ---_ ---- --- ------ - --- ____ _ __ _ - _—_ ___- - --� _ . _ _ _ - - -- --- -- - - --- _ ,,,�-<� !)`�" -- ----- - _ _ _ �-�.� -� - � :�' _ __ _ tic.�' _ __ _ -- - - _ ' � ��� . �" -�--�--_- --_ -_ _ _ _��.��- _ - � _ _ . _ -,..�.� _ --- - _ ---_ _ _ __ _ _-- ___ � � - �--y -�----- _ _ _ ��'-�-?�v ���. _ �.�.� __ _ __ ,.-� �- __ _ - --- --- - - __5 .� � �---__ _ __ ��� cp�' �- __ _ � - - - _ _ __ __ — --- _ _ „-- - __ _ _- -_ -- _ - --- - -- _- -- - - _ _-- --- ---- ---- �__ � - �=o l -_ _-_ - _ . �'-°-�� _ -��.��.� --- - - --- --_ _ - - _ - -- _ � ,, - - - - - � c?--'_ � _ �__ _ _ � ��.� c� _ ���� - --- -- -- - _ - _ - -- - - ----- -_ - -- - , , � -� � -----5 _ � � � �_ --- -- -- - � �e�l c� c� __�G.���� ___ __ - --- � —_ - ----- - _ _-- �,� 2 3 _� �� _ �3�1 ��z--�-��-- _��' __ _ �.�{.c� _ _. � - -- -- - _-- ------ ------ --- �--� `�_y ___ _- - ------ � __�,�,�_ _ .��nu� _ _ _--- _ _ _ � _ -- ---- -----__-- __- � -- -- -- --_ _ _ _� - ----- � __- -- -- -- ------ i-- - --_ _ _ .___ _ _____ _--- _ ________ _ _ __ __. � _ ___ _ __ _ _, __ __ __ _ _ _ _ � _ � _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ ._ __ ___ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ ___, _ _______ ___ _ ____ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _. _ ______ ___ _. � ___ __ __ ___ _ . ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ________ __ _ _____ __ __ ___ , � _ _ _ _ _ _ � - ' . � ' ' June 19, 19�� � t���MS � � ' Gene�cu.e: #2�611 �{vc.vu�h #�$�12 ' L.i.qua�c: �6132 �coug�. M�i�Q ' ' , , ' , . ' , 1 �1 1 1 � . . , . ° I � ' ' ' ' 0 CQNTiiA�'�1� � S Z�CEriSES TO �� APPROVED BY CpUNCIL A� �IA RFGUI�AR ���NG 4�1 . � 19, 7,�72 �!�'�.RY�.. 's ,a�� ��t���Q �ncorporated ' 47� � �� �venue N,W, N€�ri ���.����n, Minn�sota By: Robert Jensa� g���• T�}�p�,� ��! C0�1�RACRA TOR �'pW�6��1 t��t��nu�a 1'roducts +���#. Qyt�ef��C �Yen�e �orth N�w �up�� �I.nne�ota By : H. Sweet ��,�, ���� � C�a Co�tru.ction Corp. ' 6��3�? Ut��.vezs:Lty Avenue N.E. F��d�.&y� M�.nn�sata By: William D. Camp Jx. �e&�=� �+���3��ucCio� � �iasonry Inc. �,72� C�rs�al Avenue �d�, �'�1�, �"�inne�Qt� By : Donald Palme 4��k�1�9Qr�-T�aVine, Inc. ���� ��.d��.ch Avenue South �T1n��applis, Minnesota By: Erick LaVine �oL��1t�* �t��.�.ders� �nc. �t?� Sou�h �tain - ���OUtn��, ��nesota By: Curtis Oatroa� &r Q. �ia1Y��'�o� Com�an� �9�1 W����� �ou�.eva�rd ��lttO��Q�i�, Minnesota By: Lyell Halverson +�a�.�,� . �����o �r��c►�rpoxated �#�+�. � �� �Y�u� 1�,W, �T�! $��,�ilt��►� �iinnesota Bq; Robert Jenser� �p�aa�d �c�uaninkey �oncr�te ,��!4$ I'p1k �zreet �I.E, . �p�taq�b�a ���ghtai Minneeota By; Donald Schmi,nkey � i B�d�• �Ai�� 81d�• �r��p, �ldg: ��sp� �;�d$. ��0�► � a��� ���� P16�• ��n�pp� �ld� e �!�F t � ,�/� ����%� , ' , ' , � � ' � ' � , �% � ���. � , �� ��� � �� 1 t ��� �,�.,'. G9 � ��`�� �' � fi� ST o� L� EN�ES B� sPPROV�n �Y THE CzTY' couxczi. `�2 � r�Etrxa o� Jui� 19 19'� T�� OE� LI�N� LTY�"S�� (�eorge P�►�terson y88s .• ?th 3t. f}e�orge P�►tteraor� Phillip Willaoa �tQ� �ro�ton Phi�lip Wi11so� Georg�9 Olaon 612 T.,��'�ette Geo�rge Olson Ted Gonsior ].601 I�ice Creek Road Ted (3oasier ���T'T]� Shaddr�.c LaBeau Legioa ��19 �%+y. b5 �fi,a��a Supe�ette 6��,9 Hxy. 65 Robsrt 3ta�a�n �tavt � Snper�tt't�s E�83 Ur���eraity A�e. Robert Stavanau �'�1A� �,��SF�M�iT �t,a7t � Sup��ette 63�� �rY. 65 Robsrt Stavaisau Sta�v� s 3npes'ette 6�L�8� Un3aersity Avs. Robert Sta�ansu Qj�' �+� �� Sta�o� e� Supe�ette �8� Unirsrsity Are. Robert 3tavanau � �t„aY� e Supersite 6319 Kxy. 65 Robart Stavanan �� ���p�' �ick�a ?suaao bQT�, Dni�►r�ity A�e. Ri�a Miaa�� �iat���� �t��'�� 76�4 Un�ve�ity Ave. Lealie Michaelaon APPROVED $Y' FEE ..�.... Bldg. �nsp. �•Q4 B1d�. I�ap* ��.ti(� B1dg. Inap. 14�� Bldg. �nsp. 10e4� Pslice Police Police Health Znsp. �.4A � �r44 �t� ��i�? Health Zn�p, ��.1� Police �Iealth Tns�?� 1,�sU4 Pqlice Health Inap, 1�'QO Fire InOps �ldg, I�ap. �Q.QA �'ii'� Insp� Aldg. inap• �4?.QCi � � � ' ! -,---,-._...-, � :� F��'��1`�AT'ES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - JUNE 15, 1��2 ���,k��y �urfa�ing Co., Inc. �7�'�? �r �+� ��'��5� ��reet ����������s, �tinnesota 55421 �'AR,TIAL Estimate ��6 for Water Main, Sanitary Sewer and S�oxm Sewer Proyect #�.03 (Innsbruck North) ��bq��i�� �n�ineering, Inc. �$'�� ��,�hwa� Nq. 6S N, E. �,�,�����p�,��� �I�.nnesota 55432 ���'���, �st3.maze #7 for Inspection time through 5/20/i2 �p� �c?�Struct#.on of ut�.lities in Innsbruck North projeCt #iQ� FARTIAL Estimate ��7 for additional staking of utilities 3,n �nnsbruck IVorth - billing thru May 23, 1972 Se¢4A��ack � 1?avis, �nc. � ��t���F9��fs�� ���a�ne��'s ���� ��u���y ���d ++,��, �1�11���p���.s, Minnesota 55432 �'�� �h� �urn,�.shing o� resident inspection and resideat ��peryisioa for the staking out of the following Qc?����u���on work: B�TIA�, Estimate ��5 for Sanitary Sewer, �torm Sewer � y�l��q� ��nproveme�t p�o ject ��102 from May 1 thru May 24, j.�72 ��R���L, Estimate #2 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm �mpxovement project ���06 thru May 26,'1972 �������, �$timate ��S fox Sanitary Sewer � Water �mprovement �p���� �?c�! �QS-1 �rom May 1 thru May 26� 1972 0 0 � � ��43�+•� S `�� � 3��,k4 � ��Q�3,�4 S S,7bo,9� � 3t�b�,S�+ � �k � 49� � IT�M �23 ReCeiv�.ng Na.t,i.�,�cu,t.i.an .tha.t C.i�y Manageh wi.Y.� be orc V�,�,cc�i.�r� �n�m Jc,,ey 10 �o Ju.2y 25, 1912, Manv.i,n. �nun.4q,�.� �t-4 af4,4�L�na-ted Ac.ti.ng C.i,iy Managa�c pe�c Counc.i,e Re4o�on ���2�1990, 6 0 ����� 0� ��NN��QT� �tUTUA� AGR��MENT ����TY Q� ANQKA ���� AGR��MENT made and entered into this ��y Q� , 1972, by and betwee� ���41�a��e� �e�erred to as the party (s) of the first paxt, a�d th� ���� �� ������y, Anoka County, Minnesota, a Municipal Co�por��ip�, ���������e� ������ed to as the party of the second pa�t, W������, the paxty(sa of the first �art desire to x��ew thai� U��d C�� �p� �ic�n�� as requixed under the Fridley Gode o� �xd���n��� �p� �h� Qp������n of a Used Car Lot; and w��R�AS, t�e �arty of the second part is concerned �bout th� ������ �p�����a� Q� th� Used Car Lot and the propex enforce��nt �� ��� ������pal �ode; NQW TH���FAR�, bs i� agreed by and between the pa�tie� �����p ���� ��� ����y(s) of the first part agrees to rhe following eonditions� �, �'�p ���y w�ll allow him to use the �>> �.• ��� ;� unused portion of t�� S8�Y� Avei�u� East of 3rd Street r��i� i,� f way for the pa�kil�g p� ��r�, He will maintain the area and �ay the Gity 5�,� �x aax' rent for the use of this area. Upon x�C' e�V��i� ��� �� �om �he City, he will remove the cars and havQ �h� ��'�a available for City use within 7 days. �, �'�� tjsed Car Lot License is only for the Noxth Ha1� Qf i�4� 7, ' �,Q�� 8, 9, and 10, Block 28, Hyde Park Addition, ,�t T4� �ubmit a p�ot plan showing the building and shOW�i�g �h� ���� ���� t�� can accomodate within the No�th Ha1� o� ,�ot 7' L��� �, �; and 1Q, leaving at 1eas�. 2Q �eet frpm ��1� +cux� 1�,I�� �i� 3�'� ���'e�� �nd � feet along ��.� other prop��ty 1�,��s, Q, Tp �u�m�� �n application to the City of Fridley fqx �$pe�}al �I�e P��'mi� xequesti�g an extension o£ h�s Used Ca� Lot I.��ense t� �ot � and the South Half of I.ot 7, Block 28, I�yd� �'�xk �c�d�'G�o� �,nd Lot 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Add�t�p�3� �� '��@ �'��t��gt •i5 not granted he will �e�ove �1�� ca�� �'x�o� ��e�e lt��� wi�thir� a week of the denial of th� r�c�uest ��nd �� w�ll �� ' � I, , ��� �p a fence on the South property line oi the �Ip��.j� �j��� c��' �.ot 7, Block 28, Hyde Park Addition, 20 feet ��pm �j�e � �u�'b l��,e to th� Easterly pxoperty line of the lot. ' ' � ' , ' ' , I' ' b, T� �1��� up the whole area and maintain a ne�t �Iid ��.��.r1 �p�e�rance. There will be �o junker$ or any parti��ly d��m�?�t��d �ar bodies lying around on the �ot and ���, ���a��� ��td d�.�mantling work will be conducted within the [�u�1d�A� �r� �h� property . 6. t•�� �lss� agrees that if there is a violation of any q� ����� �Q�ditions that the City can revoke his license. �NI�� i� �or�sideration of the above, the party of t�e gBCp�ld p��'� ����,� �o �.�sue said Used Car Lot License wit� the cp���.n�en�y '���t ��� �?a�ty(�) of the first �art will comply with th� �k�9Y� WT�t�@n ����U�������� �N 'T��'T�MQ�IX WHEREOF, the parties of the first par� h�ya h�xe�n�� �Q� '�h��� h�nds this day of � 1g7�� � FRANK M. GABRELCIK (Hu� ��t MARY GABRELCIK �Wi e �4 A � ' � ' � . , ' ' , ' � ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ,' 1 ��,��t o� �'��,�1��� �innesota �i�'���� +�� �hQ �ui�,din� Inspeetox ',�Q���i ; �4�ITI�II�Y REPQRT TO Z`HE C ITY MANAGER t^'�} �9�2 e C S�.'R GTI.qN '��� �d��t �.�� ����d�tilti��. Garagsa �ip�1� ,A,9��er��ipns & Addns. �,�t9 x ,A1t�x��ipns & Addns . �i�Ciple �W�+l�,ing� �Q4mm��ci:a1 ��du�txi�� b�u�t�4ipal �h��41'►ae & ��h�Ql� ��ep���1� � ���m 1�dy��$ & Wzeckin� �� ���t���� ������� ���p�tx�a�t�. NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED 1972 � 1971 MAY MAY 42 7 6 10 7 7 17 12 0 p 1 1 1 Q 0 0 o � 0 0 3 2 i 26 25. 23 1$ '�i�S �� � DATE ^� . 9,� Q 16 4� Q S 0 0 2 �, �Q6 79 3y ESTIMATED VALUATIONS OF BUILDING PERMiTS IS9[Tl�II ���i��a�ti�� $944,1i2 � $166�800 $4,�4�,9�b R4+���s���a]� Garagea 21,708 30,�00 3X�401 �a�q� A����a�i�r�� & Aaan, S$6,823 7.,344,0�0 �QZ���� �,l�#, �1G���tic�n� & Addr�. 32, 760 11, 725 7,�0�,��� �i������ Tkae�li.ngs � 0 p � �J�►��� �a?� 16, 698 400 l�$ � ���; �1��t���ia1 56, 47$ 0 $�7 � 7�� M�t�i6��g�� 0 0 Q G�1��'�i�1�19 80 �chools 0 4 '�3,6$F �c�sp����a A 0 Q Q��i1� 200 �iSQ �7t $$`� DSQY��R� �a W�'�+�141n� Q ' S5 , $],658,779 $1,554,23,� $6,46 � ? ��� X� �TE�.--+. �� i9 �� Q Q� � A � $73��� 840 �t?, 3�0 1R�0��$�0 �Q�4�Q �+a9, kOQ 0 T��4Q +��r'��� i��*�� 0 � . R ��,�l��tp����� �/�c���a� �� 'P�T'� • ti . - / 4e��a+��a 1 �eat�n� a �R�ise �av�,� 8 Wrecking ���� �i.� xeating ��,�s ce�ing R.00 f f ng �i$n� ���1 Dxilling NtJMSER OF LICENSES CURRENTL� IN EFF�G� AND �.IC�xS� �s$S CO�eT,�� ,�4 �T� e....�,� N[�B�R S 13 25 67 35 2 19 8 2 1 11 0 1.88 FEB� C�.I.ECT�D $ 7�,QQ 19��OQ 37S.OA 1, 6�,5, 04 52S.4Q 3Q.QQ �$�.4?0 120. AQ 30 . t1Q 15.0() 275.AQ 0 $3,600.Q0 ti P E R M I T ' F 8 B S � � i9�s �f�i �ui Ya+►� �� x� ��,��4QZ-�1,k7� BUILDING � 6,919.08 � 3,SO1.S0 $��,�Z�,.s� ; Ii�Q$l.t� ��$'�7 * �693$ ELBCTRICAL ' � 1,708.50 A19.SS �•4QQ.Q,� ;���1�.�0 �'���� *�5248 HEATItiG 2,166.50 1�b48.00 S�OZb�7� 5��7���A �'�,�7+� � #���9a PLjA�ItIG 989.50 �50.25 9�a78.lf0 � i���,� � 9Q *�Si� SIC�S _,_„_, 2_5.04 35.00 463.00 8$i.OQ � .,..v ..... 1r�, .ar'7. c } I' �� 1 ��l�i�C� ��"��►���`������ �� .`�. �.�£ �- City o� Frid��y ° � � �111or��h� � , . ,� . M�!{�fiMl�Y INSPECTION R�PORT � � ��`���-�� Iq � . � y � _ _ 1tY �-_ �_ � t � .�► � � b�t�p�ciio�� ,u,Tg_ ns ; ew onstruction �.��n��s_��_T_�New Construction , a�t ni� g� F� Reins�ections� �� �Ready or �e�ecte ��ns _ �Q or�c ��ost� ecTT olat�pns Checked z�g�rc�us Builclings m� a�nts ��iecke��� ��A1lanevus Y ' ��.a s: Residential � �.na s: Omme cr ial In�ust. ' Total Inspections , - Perm%ts Issued �'� Aff/ S�ck Leave Hrs. ■ ,.,._,r......,..,,., . �►u ns: New Services . Q ��pections ork Not_Ready or Re� ected T��.: �+�$'� �is �x �9 ��, Yaa� ���r r�y Ma� T4 To D��� AatQ so ia 60 18 1 �— 0 3 ,,.�,,.�; —�---- � t 9 F . 7� 9 tl �+0 . ' angerous_Buildi.ngs d � � � Miscellaneous � � " � Fi.nals: Residential � � °� n�a1s; Commercial $ Indust. � �i� � '..`.� , Total Inspections p,�p i� � � ' �-� Permits �ssued 51 4i � ��� Time Off/ Sick ieave Hrs. � � �"'"� Rpugh Ins : New Services _,� , Reins ections ,,,�,�,.� � �P r Not ReadY or Re; ected ' , �,� ��gn� ' ' y ' ������s__8uil.d3,ngs '� I�.s�ellaneaus 0 3 , � �1s_;.,�Fte�ide,ntial _ --- 2�T- � ,,-�„'� ' - - - -... _.___ _ � ��: CQmmercial � Indust. _ 7 1 ! Total Inspections g �d�, ' • �ermits Issued 42 98 �2� #.3! , . • � ff/ Sick Leave �xs;. �t'� O O O O O 'rl '�'1 �'1 �'1 3 -n 'T7 `*1 `*1 i W N N (n N N W Z D D � � � I �o m m m m N � p W N � D r* rn I � � U C ---I � `O � N W F--� O C '�1 N � N � � I��V F-+ dq p 1--�� � s W l0 Oo � N G � VN � NV O ^ ' r R c� v f.+ C � W N W �'' --1 � � 00 O v 3 F � W � O � � NN � v�O .� W W N W r--� �< n� � o�o � � v . < .� , ' �.� II ' ? ' 0 J I � � C') O Q O O J 3 'Tr1 '�1 ��'1 "TT7 r' N � N N (n V1 (7'J w z� n a a o m r r r v sz. �7 m m m m p � � � J Fr, w m rv � � S � r � � ►-+ m ,. ,. „ z m W W O ti-' 00 +� 7C V .P O :tn U� N � V (O Vt N � tn � V .P � Cn N v N �--' N V tp W N V E}T !!r f1'I N o E W r ►-r ►-� m V r �^mT � � � �"J N v / / ` -p O� Q� O� N Cn V A W po O �` O �A N CJ� V v N N 00 t0 F-� � '� t0 �� � O O� V f-' O� � n O O� O i-' O� `� • u • EA �a4 -G �--� �T1 l� W ~ � N O� F-+ 00 t0 V � � � � � �A � o�o v rn � oao �-' tn fn V N Cn c0 W tn O� �� .P V i--+ V tD m �s � -t -' � t0 V W f'' f.,, _ � _, o° �--� co �' a` o r � o w iv cn � �.1 N t0 tn p O �7 V p� U7 i-r � —1 � r N �P N N � t!� �P A N tf� � � O 3s � � � � � � W V1 Oo W �.1 ^ Z a n i.� � V N oo r^ ' u v v n , �� 64 E�s -�-I 'v O � E � m --� co rn � o v mo N O W � O� O� ta0 � O � �� � � m 2 .Z7 C Oo O� t0 O � --I t� � 0o A 1-+ � p '""� fn N � V A p� O'J ` V O C D • L �.I � mo � � C� O�` O O O �p --� O 'Ti �'1 ':1 'Tl ¢� 3 'r1 �'I 'n '*t � N W(!> (n N V1 D H W m r�'- r�- rn- � m F.'�.. st� o m m m rn cn .ts � � � . � � �+ W N --� r'►� � w �s► m tv � N A N F-+ �� O� cn o cp o cn z m" V M Y � ^ Y+ � �..� � CD W W � N l0 Co V t0 t!i tn —' V �. Cn t0 � W y� N tD V7 V� V N N N V m n, � � � � oE O� �.1 O N VI F.,� T O� 00 V f/l V7 � 7C t0 Oo N tn W V, p� t-� F--� V C17 � lp N I-J I-� t0 O� G7 v N �� � � 1-' ? tC ? 00 � � V I-� N C!7 t.0 n� v v � v • ' � � � .P f-+ r-+ 0o t0 t0 �P � V O W W �O � N W .P Vt 0o O .i� �1 V N O� � Cn W Oo �P 0o D W J V V O � tn v �O c0 o m � � � .P ►-� F-+ �--� �7 O� �t O N C!t r� co � o w � �-' W tn W Oo � f-+ .A� 1� Oo �P � t!i �--� O� V O �, 00 ►-� � N � �P m O `--� � '� `o t0 Cr] N �3 •^• ► �' tn rn � w � mi v v v u n� '�'t O � � E O � m m cn N r � m z fTt N ►-+ p n r-� ►� m z v --+ ooa-< r �Ar� � O.O `n T1C70 N p �... V��p • m r F"' o C � �1 -'�-� O N r �A � w r N � y O� v d� N y Cn n r Oo W 0o t0 V � __ . � t0 • l0 • ? Q`I N Oq �+ �� f � � O� N 1--� h-+ F-+ Cn N tf O t0 W t0 D � 0o O i--� �A Oo W � r . � , � . � . N � � { W :� c0 �-+ Cn t0 O I-+� -< 1 1( 1 1 I_ I� I 4 � 1f h-� t--� t F-+ �-+ e--�� t-+ �--� �-r' t0 t� EtO t0 t� t D�cO t0 t[7 t 0� V V� V V'�d V V) V Vt i �--� tv1 ►--� � t�tt ►-� 1� � N