09/25/1972 - 5591; i FRIDLEY CITY CQUNCII-REGULAR MEETING-SEPTEMBER 25, 1472-7;30 P,M. PI.EDGE OF ALI.EGIANCE: INVOCATIpN; ROII CALL: ADOPTION QF AGENDA; VISITQRS; _.__�____�T (�onsidemtion of Items nat on Agendo - IS Minutss) PUBLIC HEARINGS; Nona ;. ,. OLD BUSINESS; ��_ 1, CpnsidQratlon of Seeond RBading of qn Ordinance Esta6lishing an Environmentai Qualiiy Cammission for the City oF pridley 1 - 1 � CITY CQUNCIi. AS"sENpYA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 IV�W Bt15fNESS: PAGE 2 Item Nvmber S, Page Numbers 2. C9nsi�iQrafi4rrt of First Reading of ort O�dincutte for, ....... 2- 2 A Rezoning Request ZOA �`72-04 by Charles Jordan (Chvck's Gulf Statlon) to Rezone From C-1 fo C-2, tho Area Genarally Located at 7250 Centrol Avenue 3. Consi�raiion of Approval of Fina! Ptat F.S. �72-03, ....... 3 Ttmber Rid�e by Rpbert �. McGregor, and Firwl Town- hOV4e pevelopmenk Plan, Area Located South of 64th Avpnys and t,p40 Feet West of City L'+mih d- f�eSving #he Minut�s of the Planning Commiuion ..... ,.. 4- 4 M Mesting pf Septemlrsr 5, 1972 GTY COUNCII, AGENDq, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 Pq�E a Itom Number 8, Page Numbers NEW BUSINESS (CQPJTINUED) 5. Reosiving the Minufes of the Board of Appeais. ......... 5- 5 B Meeting of Septembe� 12, 1972 � 6. Receiving the Minutes of the CATV Advisory . , . . , , . . . , b - 6 � Commitreq Meating of $eptember 8, 1972 7. Reasiving N,a Minutes of the CATV Advtaory, , . , , , , , , . . 7 . � � Commtttee AAeeti�9 of Septeimber 12, 1972 •: 6. Rece7vtng tha Ml�utes of the CATV Advitory, , ,. . , . . . . , $ Commiftea Meafing of September 14, 1972 CIN CQUN�11, AGENDA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 NEW BUSINESS (CQNTINUED) 9. Receiving the Up-to-date Estimate Report From. ... .. project �102 (StonybrookCreek) from Comstock 8, Davis, Dated September 18, 1972 and , Receiving Bids for Project �102 (Stonybrook Creek) Opened September 25, 1972 at 12:00 Noon 10. Considemtian oF l�ppfovci) of ?��i'beimen4 with ihe. .. .. County of Anokd qhd Cfty o�, jvl�nneapolis, fqr Installo- tion of a Traff�C C�tintrbl 5igna) bt East River Road and 37th Avenue N. E. PAGE 4 Item Number 8� Page Numbers . . . 9 , . I 0 - I 0 � 11. Considerqt�on of a Resolution Authorizing tha Temporary. ... .. 11 - 11 A Transfer qf Funda From tha State Aid Revalving Account ta the P-10 Fund (Meodawlands Drainaga) , , , I , I ' ' ' GITY CQUNCIL A�ENpA, SEPTEMBER 25, }A72 NEW B____R USIJ*IESS (CONTINUED) PAGE S Item N�mber 8, Page Numbers 12. Consideration oi a Resolution pirecting the Issuance. ..... , 12 - 12 F • of Temponary fmprovement Bonds in Accordance with Laws of 1457, Chapter 385 (ST. 1972-1 ¢� ST. 1972-2) ' 13. Consideration of o ResoluKon Directing the Sale and ....... 13 - 13 A Purchaee of Temporary Improvement Bonds in Aecordance . with Laws pf 1957, Chapter 385 (ST. 1972-I & ST. 1972-2) ' , 'I ' 14. COflilt�9�p1'IQMi of a Retolution Making o Tronsfer From the .,... 14 - 14 A Public Utility Fund to W-7S Woterworks Improvement Bond Fund, Waterwarka Bonds pf 1970 fund, Improvement Bonds ' of 19b0 Fund, lmprovemenf Bonds of 1963 Fund, improve- ment Bonds of )47Q Fund, and Refunding Bond funds , ` ' , , 1 15• Receiving Petltian +�16-i972 for StreeT Improvement. .. , �� _ �� q Project fcx bbfh Avenuo from Pierce $treet to Channel Road CITY COUNCIL AGEND/�, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 NEW BUSINE55 (CONTINUED) 16. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission ..... Meeting of September 20, )972 17. Report by City Atfomey on Gabrelcik vs. City of. ,. Fridley: Frank's Used Car Lot PAGE 6 Item Number & Page Numbers . . 16 . . . . 17 18. Appointment: City Employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 19. Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 �*IEW BUSINE55 (COPJTINUED) PAGE 7 Item N�mber & page Numbers 20. Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Q - 20 B 21. Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMIJNICATIONS: 21-21E Z2, Frank G. Gommars, Attomey for James Lund Constructlon. .., . 22 - 22 B Inc: Settlement rerms in Lawsuit. ADJOURN: .,.�._.._......... 0 1 /� U ORDINANCE NO. `� AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Fridley recognize the profound impact of man's activity on the interrelation of all components of the natural environment, particularly the influences of population growth, urbanization, industrial expansion, reso�rce Akploitation ond the new and expanding tachnology; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of fridley recognize further the importance of maintaining and improving the environmental quality of Fridley; and WHEREAS, broad citizen awareness and support is essential to the successfui protection of the environment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley that it shall be the public policy of the City to fullfill its responsibility in assuring to all present and future citizens of this community the continued right to an unpolluted environment and to promote conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that citizens shall be encouraged to participate actively in programs and fully support policies for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of fhe environment. The City Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: `$ECTION l. TITLE. This organization shall be known as the Environmental Quality Commission of the City of Fridley. SECTION 2. DEFINITION. For p�rposes of this ordinance, the environment is defined as all of the natural physical resources of air, Innd, surface and sub-surface water, the biotic resources, the man-mode environment. Environment includes the sensorily preceived features of noise, sight and smell, all plants, wildlife and man himself. SECTION 3. PURPOSE. The Commission is established to s�imulate i�terest in, and to promote on awareness of, environmental concerns among citizens of the City of Fridley; to serve as resource agency to the City on matters regarding the environmenf, including information on environmental problems, laws, policies and regulations of the county, metropolitan, state and federal levels to fhe extent of their effect on F�j���y; and to advise the City Council, the CiFy Manager, � ' oRQ�NanIeE No. , , �� 0 � qnd otfter appropriate City Commissions on matters pertaining to 4he maintenance pr improvement of the environment, including the review and recommendation of programs and policies within the City. SECTION 4. SCOPE, The scope of the Commission sha�l be advisory to the ' City Council, the City Monager and to other appropriate Commissions of thg �ity pn mafters relevant to the �nvironment. I ' ' 1 SECTIQN 5. DUTIES ANR RESPONSIBILITIES. The du�ies and responsibilities of the Commission shall be: (4) To cOnduch investigations, studies and p�oly5es relating fp acologicaf systems and environmental q�ality within the City; (b) ,to develop recommandalions on matters of environmenta) policy and legislation; ' (c) fo aid the City in seeking the assistance of educational and � govOmmental instltutions in identifying, proteCting ancl prompting the us@ of nalvral areas within the City os an educa- ' lionql respurce at th6 request of, or with prior approval from, the City Council; (d) iC promote an enllghtened public aworeness and concem for the environment among the citizens of Fridley and the Commission may, upon prior opproval of the City Council, initiate, cond�ct, coprdinate and support educaFional programs which provide citizens iniprmation qbout environmental concems and acquoint them with cpmmunity prpblem-solving methods. SECTIpN 6. MEMBERSHIP. The Commission shall consist of seven members, each appointed by the Mayor upon the approval of o 1 majority of the members of the Cify Council. Mambers pf the Commission shall be � residonts of the City, shall have qn interest in the environment of hhe City, and shall be appointed with due rpgord to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the funGtipns, duties and responsibilities vested in and imposed upon fhe Commission. Ths Chairman shall !� apPointed at-large. The remaining six members shall consist of iwo membqrt from Qach City Word. Members of the Commission shall �e QppOinYed for rerm� oF filree years� except for high school or college students who sha�f be appoint�d fpr terms v# one year each, and except €or the first Commission appoinhd, which sht�ll have two members with one-year terms, one epch from Ward 1 ond Word 2, 1wo mamber� �yjth two-year terms, one each from Ward 3 and Wprd l, and throa members with three-yeer terms, one each from Ward 2 and Ward 3, plus the at-Iar9Q Chairman, Upon the expirphion of his term qf office, a member shall �S�C�XI[„�!e �A. i!1!ye Yflt!I Ilis ,successor shal) have been appointed. lA ' � 1 ' 1 G �� URDINANCE NQ.�_ $ECTION 7. LIAI$ON. To provide coordination and comrnuniGatjqn among varipus grou— ps w�iere environmental problems may be of mutuol concern, bvt apprqoclted from varying perspectives, the City Manager, Mayor, Chairman of the Recr�atipn Cqmmission, and �hairman of the Planning �ommission, or their respective designess, shall serve ps ex-officio, non-voting members of the Commission. 7here shall bQ open communication between the administrative and legislative bodip� within the Cify on all matters affpcling the environment. Where possible the Commission shall solicit eomment from interes►ed parties prior to flle submission o£ any reqpmmen- daiions tp the City Ccwncil and all interested parties shall hove the right to bp heard regarding any proposed recommendation from the Commission fo the City �ouncil , ' SECTIqN 8. ORGANIZATION. Following the appointment of the membarship, the Commission shall meet, organize and elect any officery except Chairman as it deems desirable. '* ' ' 1 (a) The Chairman shali assure fulfillment of the following responsibilities in addition to those otherwise described herein: (1) Call and preslde over me�tings of the Cpmmissfon; (2) appear, or pppoint a representative to appear, bgfore any City Commis5ion or the City Council to present the viawppint of the Commission on matrars pertaining to the � environment as it relates to the business under considera- tiorr by said Commission or Council; ' (3) revjew the agendas and minutes of the Planning Commission, Recreation Commission, and any other established City , �ommission ot the discretion of the Ghairman and inform ' the Commission of matters contained therejn rplative to ' the environment; and, � ' n ' � ' (A) provide liaison with other govemmentql and citizens' groups in moTters concerning the enviro�ment fof the purpose of obtaining timely and relevcant information fqr considerotion by fhe Commission. (b) The City Monagor shail assign one member of the administrotive staff to ssrve Gs Secrotary tp the Commission. The secretary shall Perform only such cler�col duties on behalf of the Cammissio� as may be 4ssign4d by fih�e �fiairman with the Consent of the City Manqger. A�ddifional adviaory stafP may be assigned tp Fhe Commiuion by the City Manager. : , ' II ' ' ' ' ' �v �RDINANCE NO. � S�CTION 9. TASK GROUPS. The Commission may sstablish speciFic task groups to furt er ►he objectives of the Commissipn. �uch fask groups shcll be appointed by the Commission. The qualifications for rr�mbership, composi- tion, and duties of said task groups shall be at the discretion of the Commission. At least one Commission member shall serve on each task group so established. $�CTION 10. COMPENSATION. The members of the Commission shall serve wit out poy ut may be reimbursed for actual expenses if funds therefore are provided in the adopfed general fund budget. SECTI(JN 11. VACANCIES. Commission members may resign vr be removed from o fice y a majority vote oF the City Council. Vacancies on the Commission shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor upon o maiority vote of the Council and Commission members appointed to fill any vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the vacated term. ' SECTION 12. REPpRTS, The Commission shall make such reports as requested by t e Ctty Council and shall prepare on annual report of its activities nof later than qugust l. SECTION 13. MEETINGS. Meatings shall be called by the Chairman and shall e e d as necessary to fulfill the responsibilities oi ihe Commission, Ail meetings of the Commission shall 6e open to the public. SECTION 14. EFFECTIVE DATE, This ordinance sha�l have full force and effect upan its passage and publication, � FRIDLEY THIS � DAY ADOPTE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OF �"' , 1972. ATTEST: �AA VIN C. BRUNS�GL, CITY LERK t=�r�t Reading: Se tember 11, 1972 S�.riSA� ��_°din�:��a��---�eZ� �i' Publication: "^"' "', � ^ , FRANK G. LI , YOR ♦ 1C , ' , , , � � �k ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMENp 'PHE CITY CODE OF THL CITY � OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS � a The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: � SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SBCTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and descrihed as: The Eset 125 feet of I,ot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor except the South 33 feet taken for Street purposes, all lying in Section 12, T-3U, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Mianesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned Dist'rict known as C-2 (General Business Areas) SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the officiaY zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezpned from Zoned pistrict G1 (Local �usiness Areas) to C-2 (General Business Areasj PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TkiIS AAY OF AT'��ST: Cz�y G7,�RK - Marvin C. $ruRsell , 1972. Public Hearing: September 18 1972 First Readi�g; Second Reading; Pub11Qh,,,�,,,: MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl nyI� !�" �� � ,;�� /�/ � ���//////� � / / / / . � � .. 1 , �a _ � ' �,/,�� ,�X, ii \�-\\ ' �� �s /r �� ��f/f� �i16 � 26�" / / � :��.,�;�;���'\, � � � , . . �. ��. ////� �\:�\\\� � , �` : - ,?] � �:+....n...� . � � � ' ���c�kr��u.� . � ,x . � ..� � �: . � �"-`�'_ � e : �� '� � ,1`1`L�.f .F �° V'/ .��� 9 J J� �'�� t 3 �Z����s,.?^�,� 1��.�� f i�� � i��5 I. ( ��i �" f�i� -ii? ,..le� J�,s�!a:� m�� 1f72-09: ' ^{,._ • -. . . �� � � e i_ –_--• E�l-',s_�4� 7 �� J a c��2�T,{-� _ `� � �✓ � �� 5 �-p - I _ 5 � .I 3� � 6! s `�J�:5 � 9�1 �=2 S��rE 75'.. .,. �f:: ,. .I ,� � r--r—: -- � � " +-' �: �? . . � . 7( y�� � � �---5:,•I�tiRLGC llf � . 47 ♦ .�- �� `��I � ��1�1' //J z� .. . .. � L:�' �::�� // �9 . , �. i �� �p���; ,�U�" � �:; �E7.;%�q . ., z4z;,�� ,�� ' // ;; . �, .�:; ! ' � r�� '�' " ' . ' �•z�7_" "%' � ����� .� � ,. ~�'• .� �� z �� � ��'�'',� �':�.''-== -��"('a G,',/.,,��ir f�', ��, � � �-._ �/f r ' ��� z . s�,/� � _ Ar !^ � -. ��,�.'�___ � 1 `^�'--� f ., , �! ' e Y ,�k f, z ,h . � � Q � i�i� z sy �a : t� „a � } ° e o �.��� � N 3 �� �� , � ,6 �, _ � U t�; � e i9 io " m� p , 1 • ' " � � - . r. ppRK � s�','.,+;1�� _ + -- . —•,� � __- ' aiJ ' -�--T=. ' "' , _A��tBY� : �jPA`r�fC � �� t--� SVBD/t�iS!Gr+, I r 3� ' r0 � .70 �, ;, _ � jyp , %29 i �`: �. : i � � �- —. �" . �+ �r i `! : . '22E. ; � . � • - � � -_-->- , p's �: 1' f 'l,%'l�. 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" 2 if°'. :` a; .. . ..lr_. ��1. _H� —�� R�`.JS_- ..._/`!_� J(rT_ L.y._ _ _ /• __�C 1__—__"_! �_'�'. � � S � _ _. _..-T. ..-'_.-....�._T." � ' __._ _'�.. �. ..__._��..' _— _ _" . . 'F' . .__... �. _-. -�� __._.._,�-_...-....,.. _ ___. � � . . . . , , .. . . � . . ( N�. e; 1 , ' , ' , ' ' CITY OF FP.IDLFt PLpNNING COt�4iiSSZON ME�TiNG CALL TO ORDER: SEPTEMBgR 6� 1992 The meeting was called to order by Chairman £rickson at S:Op P.M. ROL. L CALL: Members Present; Erickson, Minish, Zeglen, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke Members Absent: None Others kresent: Darrel Clark, Engineering pssiatant PAG� 1 APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSI02i MINUTES: AUGUST 23, 1972 MOTION by Fttzpakfick, seconded by Minish, that the P2anning Commission � rr�nutes of Rugust 23, Z972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, a21 voting aye, the motion carTied unanimousZy. _-. AFPROVE PLANNiNG COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 9 1972 MOTIpN by Fitzpatrtck, seconded by Minish, thet the Planning Commzssion m{notes oi Angyst 9, .2972 be approved. Upon a volce vqte, a11 vot�ng aye, the motion carTied. 4 , •"'��'���. F++e+a� a aunliLVisiuNS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMhIITTEE MINUTES; AUGUST 30, 1972 MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commisszon ' Feceive the minukes of the P1ats & Subdtvisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of Avgust 3p, ,�972. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, the motion carried unan.i mowsi g . � , ' � ' RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUSCOM[�ffTTEE MINUTES: AUGUST 15 1972 MOTTON by 2eglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comndssion t'ec�ive th¢ minutes pf the Bailding Standards-Design Control Subcotrmu ttee meeting of August �5, 1972. Uppn a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carrjed uaanimously. RECEIVE BO�RD OF APPEALS M�IITfES• AUGUST 15 1972 MOT� �I by yinjyh, seconded by Schmedpke, ��at the PZanning Comrnission " � x�eceive th mznuCes of the Board of Appeals meeting of Rugust 15, 1972, Upon a vcice vote, a11 voting �ye, the motion catried unaru mously. RECEI[B BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES: AUGUST 29 1972 MPTIpN by Min,is�, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission ' � Fe�eive �he mtnutes of the Boazd of Appeals meeting of August 29, 1972. Upo� a Voic�s vqte, a1I votiny aye, tne motion ca;ried unanimously, ' ' ' � , 4N Planninq Commission Meetinp�- Septemher 6 1972 RECEIVE PARKS & R$CREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 7�972 MOTZON by F�tzpatrzCkf seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission receive the mtnutes of t,he Parks & Recreation CO�ssiori meeting pf Auqust 7, 1972. Upon'a vpice vGte, dZ1 votipg aye� the motion carried Unanimously. 1. ON INC.: To build a home for the handicapped on tor's Subdivision If10 per City Code 45.051, 3, F. Mr. and Mrs. John Gemperle, Sister Mary Hubbard, OSF, Mts. Ruby Anderson, Mr. Dave Tollefson, Mr. Chet Tollefson and Mr. Jesse S. Hall, Jr. were present to epeak for the petition. Mr. Clgrk reported that he did talk to the AdministratoT at �he Village of Victorla about the home foz the handicapped in their town. He was told there were three residences located within half a block of single family dwellings. There is noW a peti.tion fOr three more buildings. He asked specifically if they hsve had any problem with the community getting along with these people. TheTe hai been no ttouble or the necessity of policing the area to keep the "childreA" out of mischief. They fit in the community very nicely. The request Yai three lnore homes is a little disturbing because the percentage of handicapped people would be getting quite high in relation to the rest o£ the communi[y as victor�.a is a small town. ' Ths latter wzitten by Mr. C. Aasland, 1330 69th Avenue, objecting to the requeat inaemueh ae he couldn't be present, and a Rsaoluti9n stating the "Anoka County Cqmptehensive Health Board go on record as,'f�avoring a reaidential facility , £or handicapped ddulte providiug there are programs available and $cc�asible to th�m and that said Hoasd be given revlew as to approprlate location of the fac111ty" were diatxibuted to the Co�ission. dpTr�N by M�nish, seconded by Zeg2en, that the Planning Commission receive thw 2ettar dated August 31, I972 fzom C. Rasjand and the Resol.ution regardtng the Anqka Gpunt9 CPmprehens,{ve Health 8oard. qpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Che pp�ion GarFied unani.mously. Ms� Schmedeke asked Mr. Tallefson if he knew of a home of this nature in Aedwood Falls. Mi, Tollaieoa sald 1t was the'�John Milton Home for Adult Retarded. Ms. SChmedeke said he had a chance tp meet a man who helped establisp this hap�e. He was the managet, but isn't now. The same people attempted to bu*_'ld thie type of home 1n New Hope with no success. What he would 11ke to bring to the attention af the Coum�iesion was that he asked thia party 1€ he would recommend d home similat to Chis riext to h18 home. To that he got the answet "RO". Althoug' the thaught that �omeGhing like this should be built, he was still wondering if thle was the place, . � � ' 4� Plannin� Coumiission Meetin� - September 6 1972 Mr. Minlsh was wpndering whether or not this type of hpme would fit 1n an area without a Special Use Permit, or if it would be better being multiple. Chaitman Erickson said that nursing homes are permitted in G Mstricts without a Special Use Permit. Nobody wants to live next door to a county home or home for the aged. He couldn't really justify putting nursing homes in commercial. Also he didn't know if ineeting the requirements construction could be stopped. , Mr. Tollefson said there was a hearing on regulations to govern residential facilitiea for mentally retarded children and adults last Wednesday. Mr. Gemperle was present at that meeting. , 1 Mr. Gempezle eaid there were some minor objections and modifications, such ar the door� bsing locked. The object wae to prevent thieves. �varything elss went right through axeept a moCion conaidered that nat more th�n twa units be' 6uilt. Here wa are aeking for one. � Mr. Tollefson added that at Victorla there are three buildinge similar to ,' the plan eubmitted for this site. Thay_are in a rectangular shape othezwiae the same eize. All three buildings ar.e"in a cluster on a two acre tract. Adding three more would be over-building in one axea. The people should be put where , the wotk for the handicapped ia located. In this case, there are tcaelve people with some handicapped, but also there is a normal husband and w3fe who runs and supervisea the home. The home would not generate much traffic. Mr. Clark said he checked and found that in R-1 a Special Use Permit would be requlred. It appears the same way in R-3. C-2 is the only district where a Special Use Permit is not required. � Hr. Fitzpatrick said the Commisaion discussed this at some length at the other meeting and it seems questions were raised that have since been answered. He asked if regulatlons pertaining to this type of homes have been proposed. Mt, Gemperle said they wete adopted last Wednesday by the Public Welfare Depart- ment Rule 34. At the request of Ing Siverts, 6850 Siverts Lane, the public hearing was reopened. NOT,TON by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission .Ceqper! the Public Hearing for the Specia2 Use Permit, SP p72-12, by Blaine Constryction Inc. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimoasly. Mr. Ing Siverts said he missed the first public meeting on August 9th. His thoughts were whether the request came in for this type of facility or any type of projecC, that he was for R-1 at this point. Although his land does not [ouch thi6 propeTty, it 1a very near to it. This is a very peculiar area and z�ok tva many homsa invoJ,ved. What affacts qne lot, certainly will affect the other, If ypu have the Sp2cial Permit granted here, then all the property owners On 69th could also request one. He would•like to see the land remain R-1 if at all possible. There is a traffic problem. Onan's and Medtronics a,�d ��;�mqndous increase qf traffic. Where 69th Avenue and Central Avenue , ' , ' , 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' , , � , 4C PlanninR CommLssi,on Meet�nA � Sevtember 6 1�72 � lntersacC thera io a potentia�, accident cornex• Ae has seen some very close Calls, por Chi.s paxk14u1ar request, Chere are nice areas acroea the road to willk in. There is a x�a�'good phance thQ p�ople may want to explore the area. He 1t114�8FaCPOd �he owner of the lot has had e hard time selling it as a home, That could very well be, but there was a lot he originally owned jvaC &outh o� thts iot wkicil oold for practically douh2e the amount of what he had eald it, However, Rhe buyer bought it for R-1 and is going to build a hpme. He thought ths argument that the lot can't be sold as R-I is a weak one. Sr. Mary Hubbard, OSF. j.900 lllth Avenue N,W., Coon Rapids: She said that the pipblem of shikdren or young adulta being run over 1s something we really •hould Aot"consider vety weighty. Anyone can be run oveX at an intersection. We rant to wake thG surroundings for the handicapped as normal as possiblz. Theq would have this opportunity as this building would offet them the opportunity to live in a hom� like other humaa beings. The statement of "imposing on my � ps3VaCy and the childsen here might do some damage", if we look at normal children, hw aiany tim�s a� thls happened to usY It Would be at a minimum with these Childien. They wili, be well gupervised and will cantribute to the community in haadicapped workahope and regular busineae. She thought they deserved this opPostwtity. Ms. Ed Widsinski, 132p 69th Avapup: He eaid he at111 objected. He lived pext dppr to that lot. He felt two eupervisors for twelva people from the ages ot l7 tq 3S waa not enough. &ve=qtt Uktex� Councflman-At-Large: Mr. Utter said he represented the p�pple �p thii dtea. H� has had a number of phone calls from them. One gentle- taaa yras cpaceYqed about the fact that thfs home was pzoposed for this area. He hae built tPwnhoupttg. If he had know th£s home was being built heFe, ha pould aot havs bui1C thz tawahousee. MY• Tollefaop asid he did not Irnow where these people get �uch fear of th6 reterded Whan they woq't even take time to go to a home like this or go Co Aise, '1'hey have fous ietarded from Fridley working in gise. They are people who Could uae this facillty, There are some others working in South Minneapolis. Ist Fx£dlsy you have the Activity Centes and it 3s not too far from where,this Would be loCated. Haw.m4ny have been ovet to look at the Activity Center? Have these ChildTen run arouqd the community? If he did not have a retarded child, he prpbpbxy pould have the same concern. These people can go out on [heir own but Chey ha,va to rely oA others to help them live � more home-11ke life. 7'hey felt Chis was e good location. Sure, it is zoned single family, but there ail� homea in neighbolhoods where � pami,ly has a retarded child. In this case, Ch4Te will be ten o= twej.ve, but they a*ill work and be supervised. They don't drlve cars. IndusCxlal 1s oa two sides of the lot. iie had talked to other aeighbore and th6y wase more or less for a�acility such as this. He had asked them CO Come to the pteeting tonight� and they had said thay would try Co gat here, �i, Ing 51v6rts aald thet be wanted tq make it very clear that h�, Pe=9ppg�ly, did not fear sp�nething 11ke this, He felt there should be a place like thi.a. StTlct�y oA the basis of zoning, he,did not think there should be ; devi�j#o}� €ro�p �-j I II ' PlanninK Commission MeetinR - September �. 1972 ___ 4 D Chairman Erickson said apparently Blaine Edmundson has tha property for sale. How did ix happen he wanted to build oa this particular lot. ' Mr. Tollefaon answered that Mr. Edmundson had the lok for sale for some t��e. pbout a month ago he went with Mr. Edmundson to look at some other property �n Shoreview. At that time they discussed real estate fvr this type oi facility.. He had looked at this lot aeveral years ago for possible purchase, They then , looked at it from the aspect for a home of the handicapped and reallzed it would work for the handicapped. They felt it would fill the need for such a home. It was decided ko pursqe the Special Use Permit. Mr. Minish asked if they would consider seducing the size of the house and house less peopie to make it more compatible with the res[ of the neighborhood. If lt were possible, 3t atill would be within the same type of program. Mr. Tollefson said that it may not be as economical. Mr. Siverts co�ented that they mentloned some regulations mhich have been accepted, In these regulations is there a restriction for the number of people 1AVOlvedZ Chairmsn Ericluon aaid thare were suggaetions £or the number af peaple in baesmeata and a maximwn number for a facility was suggested as sixteen. , Ms. Zeglen referred to the Reeolution received earlier in the euening, soking the namea of the members. The Anoka Couaty Comprehensive Health Department eubmitted the following liet of names and waa received on Septemher 11, 1972 by the City: ' C01�REHENSIVE HEALTH BOARD Commisalone� LeRoy .TOhnaon Mzs. Arden Marchiniak Comnisslonex Edward Fields, Chairmaa Mrs. Gerald (Margaret) Roback Commiseioner Michasl 0'Bannon Mrs. James (Peg) Tarnowski Brandon Adams, M.D. MT. Clifford Nelson Mss. Joaeph (Miriam) Craig Mr. paul K. Auud 2�ENTAL RETARDATION AD�IISORY COMMITTEE Mlchael 0'8annon Bruce Olson Mzs. Joseph (Miriam) Graig Sherwood Cleveland Ross Jot3nsan P8k Wilson Leon Olson Chei Tollefson Harold McClure ,, ; NpTIQN bg Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tllcit the Planning Commissian cioae the Public Heazing of the request for a Specjal Use Permzt, sP N72-12, by 8laine ConstrucXtoA Ine, Upon a voice vqte� a1Z voting age, the motion carrted unanimoasly. . �+ E #'lanninA Commiesina MeetinQ - Sentember 6 1972 i Mr. Mi.n�sh caid the pspposed Use did not bother him, but he is noC famili.ar wlkh prqgrams fos Ck►s mentally retarded. He was opposed to rezpning for a double bungalow and he would be opposed to a atructure as proposed. That wae xhy h9 a�ked the questipn of ieducing the size and to consider some modifica- 114ns. Qne t41ng that concerned him wae that if the licensa were, for some leasOA 14sZ, nnd Gouldn't operate as the atructure was bu11t, it probably wquld bQ u&ed fpx multipl4 dwellin$, wheregs a amaller acale would be again a single tamily xeaidenco. Mr. Sitzpatrick teferred to the comment that a smaller structure would s�fOCt the eponopti.CS 9Y the operations� but wpu�dn�t this ultfmately fall upon the Walfare Board? He thea asked how oId vas the 02dest facility of the kind psagosed hers. Tlr. To��efeon said Chree yeara at V1Ctotia. It 3s the oldQSt of that paTtiC�18r qonCapC vhere the people 11ve in the hoWe aAd go outside o£ the � i1Rm� Yar xoskehop. At Redwood Falls there is no workshop, but they hav� it in the 1�oms. At Vlctaria Che people have about 81x blocks to their workshop -- they wd�c back A�d fOrth. A ceTtain portiqq of theiT saiarles at the workshop {�oes to tha kwme wi►ile tfiq WelfaXe Board pays the balance. The home is a tax pByi�Ag tacility. The welfare departmeat finds this worka very much to the advantage of th� taxpnyer. Mr. FitzpaCriak 9sid it seemed to hlut the need for this kind of thing i.s wid�s►t eapu�h. }3e xonderad if any other zoaing would pexmit thia type of t�tcillty. �. 'Ciark �aad from the C1ty Code, Sectian C which permita thia facility •itb ; 3pecial Uae 8ermit. In R-3 boarding housea are permitted. The deflni- tloa pt � boarding house ie desc;ibed as a multiple dwelling with a married oouple and p�ue nine guQSta. iis. Schmedeke 9aid he has always said he would consider Che wishes of the nel,�ttyqTe. tIe dida't believe ha has seen a neighbor hexe in favor of thie psrticuldr request. If Chare was more A-1 property, he was sure there would be moxe Aaighbors opjecting.' He belleved that this building would prabably be Mith1A 2G feet ot the property lipe o! one of the people objecting, and about 30�'1 �eet fxom anpthei ateg, Cettainly if the Commission gives a Spe,cial Use Permli �oC this lot� we wi11 be,setting a precedent down the street. tdt'. FiCxpatrick said that he agreed With Mr. Schmedeke for most of hSs poinCa. The problem is wheTe do these people turn? He agreed that this is not an ideal jo�akion. What he was Crying to ggt an anawer to was where would a more idedl place be? Mt. TpllefeoA said one of the points raised against bullding here was tranapartatlan. HQ subtqitted a bus schedule from the Aickinson I.ines to prove there was CranspqFtation both North and South. ' C4dirmap ErickBOn said the thing that bothered him p�obably the mo&t was the facG Chat the Gity, at this point, does not have an ordinance to regulate this type pf Use, If sOmething should g0 wYOng� we have no recourse. There ' is no State Law. Ke would not be in favor of voting for a concept like this y{��i� {t�e lo�gl co:mnunity has an ordinance, He would rather see the request , L� � ' , ` 4F Plannin¢ Cotmnission Meetinpi,- Sentember 6 1972 P at some other locatlon as it seema to be iAtroducing a hlgh denaity in a single family community, Me. Fitzpatrlck said it seems to bring up another question. About a month ago the Commission was at the point of discussing stipulations about the k�uild- 1ng. He was not prepared, although he looked favorably upon the request, to propose recommendatiqns wi�h stipulationa. MT. Minish did not £eel the problem was lnsurmountable. The City should "� ": '� come forward with some kind of ordinance fot this type of facility. The City �'�;� 8taff tould work with the petitioner to determine other locations within the confines of the City that would not require a Special Use Permit. , �II ' u ' ' XPT.�oN by Fttapatrick, secpnded by M�nish, that the PIanning Carranission move to table this request, 8P N71-22, bg 8lazne Constzuetion Ine. to the first meet�ng tn oetobes and ask the City Attorney to 2opk at tha presant ordinance- to aeo ahere it cavld be changed and a2so propose whatever ordinance he sees ko ftt the City needs before the P2anni.ng Comndssion considers this raquest• UL�oA a Voice vote• Fitzpatrick. Min.ish, Erickson, Schmedeke vottng aye, 2eglen abstair�ing, the mottoa passed. 2. CHARLES JORDAN: Continue service station and permit addition of U-Aaul �entals an East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block 2, Central' Viev Manor per City Code Sectlon 45.101, B, E. t1r• Charlea Jordan was present. Gh4�.smatt Erickaon explained that the Public Hearing wae closed. The item wap tabled Lo give the Commission a chance to look at the site and come up with some tecommendations. � Mr. Zeglen addreased Mz. Jordan saying there didn't seem to be much room to manower the larger trucks. He noticed there were trucks and six trailers estting up againsC the feace alongside the street. Did he intend to bring the tssilers to the West side or North side? Mr.,,Tordan aaid there will 6e a fence in £ront of the street and U-Haul - behlnd that, Chalrman �rickson said he noticed there was junk at the back of the station. He drove by a day or two after t,he last meeting. There were 15 yehicles � ParkRd. it lookGd as if Mr. Jordan had a?'lot of employees and customers tgo. Mr. Jordatl anewered that they work on cars of customers from Onan's and , thea the cars ace parked on atation property until. the owher picks them up -- i�sually aftex wock. They have four trucks parking temporarily over night. The �*ners ase trying tq find a site for them on thelr own site. ' ' 1 Chairman E�1ekson asked if he had a lot of temparary parking. Mz. Clark explained that vahicle parking is prohibited except as shown in the Code under Section G5.101, Subsection B, ParagYaph 3, 11-b Vehicular ' , ' � , 4G PlanninS Commission MeetinQ - Septemher 6 1972 Pa�e 8 pa;king is prohibited except that the owner's and employees' automobiles and a ma�cimuu� of 3 service vehicles may be parked, and autpmobiles being serviced may be parked for a maximum period of 48 hours at any one time. Chairman EriCkson said his big objection is that the place does not look clean. Mr. Schmedeke said the Commission has granted MI. Jordan's request going from C-1 to C-2. The total square iootage i.s 20,000 sqaare feet which is the minimum square footage for C-2. He, also, couldn't see how a home, service station and U-Haul rental can be operated on a minimum square footage. , - MOTZON by 2eglen, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission recormoend to CounciZ approval of that part of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP !77?-10, by Charles Jordan to continue the service station on the East 125 feet of Lot 18, alock 2, Central View Manor per City Code Section ' 45.201, B, E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , MOPZON by Zeg2en, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission iecorrmiend to Council denial of that part of the request for a Special Use Peimit, SP 1f72-10, by Char2es Jordan to permit the addition of U-Hau1 rentals on,the East 125 feet of Lot 18, Block Z, Centra2 View Manor per City Code , SectioA 45.102, B, 8 for the present time. Upon a voice vote, a12 voting aye, the tnotion carried utienimously. 1 ' ' ' �J Mr. Zeglen esid that perhape the requaet can be brought back when condl- tione would warrent. Chairman Erlckaon said he wanted to make it clear that he was not against the propoeal as he wae until such time that plana are made to upgrade the etation -- lapdacaping and the station brought up to a reasonable appearance. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGt REZONING REQUEST ZOA if72-10, ROBERT SCHROER: Lot 1, 81ock 1, Lpts 2 and 3, Block 2 and North 230 £eet of Block 3, East Ranch •. Estates 2nd Addition. Rezone from M-2 to C-2S (general shopping areas). Mi. Robert Schroer was present. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission watve the readi7tg of the Public Hearing Notice for the Rezorzing Request, 20A. k72-10, by Robest Schrper. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mousl g . • Mr. Schroer gBVe the following eXplanation; Several,years ago he came in ' �ot a requsst CG tezone Lots 4 and 5. At that iime the property along Univer- �ity Avenue was rezpned cowmercial, 6ut Council would not give rezonin� to the iest of the porClon until a proposal was set for the development of the property. , They axe now in the process or developing the property. They have dug out the peat and put in sand. They have at this �ime some contracts, one a pancake house, another for a couple of films which prefer to remain anonymous, and are working with �till anothei firm.' The development will be speeded up if the request for ' i'ezoning can be passed. The co�ercial zoning goes back approximately 433 feet. They t��?vg gpeq� a goad deal of money preparing this parcel. The party interested ' , LJ ' ' ' Planning Commisaiaa Meetin�� September 6, 1972 Pa�e F in the tnajor portion 9£ the property to tl�e North didn't want Co be next to something zoned industrial, They wQre asking for reconsider- atioa of the rezoning back in 1969. Mr. Clark aeid the present zoning from Bob's Produce is commercial aad this request is f�om Bob's Prodnce up to 79th Avenue including the ieland. The island i.s an acre and pTeaently zoned M-1. Mx. Schroer eaid they were requesting the people interested in the ' property to develop into a Western style as they were trying to develop a Weatern style ahopping center. He also stated that the plat was re- corded about two weeks ago. ' ' 1 ' The City is storing some sand on the North piopeFty to be used for etreets. �` Mi. Clark atated that the plat is served with water and sewer. Mr. Clprk contiRUed khat if Council were going to rezone the parcel up to 79th Avenue, the second reading could be held up Eor plana. lsi', Schmedeke �aid the only thing he would frown on was the island being 11 eQSVi�ce station, otherwise he had no objections, lSF. Claik eaid the C-ZS setback requirements are quite a bit larger than C-'1, Thi� probably would restrict the building on that island wi.th 64 ai.ghty foot setback. Under the C-2 the seCback is 35 feet. What is g0od 1A C-2S is also permitted in C-2� but the seCbacks are dif£erent. Mr. SchroeT said that in� the past month oY so they have had a lot '' of lnquiries due to the shopping center going in North of them. They wo41d appreciate, i£ this is in order, Che request be made to C-2 for I+ot l� Slock 1. , � �� , ' 4H M?TIpH by Fitapatrick, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plaaning Conmiission cIp9Q the public beaiing of the Rezoninq Request� ZOA N72-10, Robert Schroer. Upop A voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimoasly. Chairman �slckson asked if it were within theit realm to stipulate ieauising plans as iar as possible, private and rentals for the island. t4Y. Clark said that probably the Com�ission could not reco�¢end the soaing and esy esrvice atations can't be permitted, but give dixections ta say Nhat you may or may not want it there, Mi. SChiodr said theE as this develops to the North of them, there w111 b� loopbseks and you will create �re gas etations. The lpopback on Mr. SShioer's plat is ps-bably a bit amaller than those to the North. It is an aCSe ia s1�e and meets the M-1 zoning. . ' Mr, Schmedeke said h1s understandinR is that MT• Schroer has to have spu@ type o� pl�ns befoxe rezoning. He had no objections to rezoning the ,whol,e paFCe�� es�eci,a}ly if j.K would help Mr. Schroer sell the land. ' , , Ylannina Conmdssion Meetinx - Seutember 6L t972 YaRe 10 ' Ms. Miniah said thac in previous rezoninga. the recownendatlons wera eubject to a building permit being issued. Would it be posaible for just paste of tha request being approved, and z�ot the whole thing? LJ ' ' u � � I� , 4 I kOTION by Sahrnedeke, seconded by Zeg2en, that the Planning Cotmnission recnaunend apprpval to Council of the rezot�.ing request, ZOA N72-I0, by Robext Schroer, to rezone Iqts ? and 3, B2ock 2, and the North 230 feet of Block 3, East Ranch Estates 2nd from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2S (general shopping areas) and rezpne Lot Z, Block 1. (the island) from M-2 (heavy tndustria3) to C-2 (general business areas) and that the #inal teading of the ordi»ance be aithheld unti.l the building plans are approved and the permit taken out for the'NOrtherly part of Lot ?. Upon a voice vote, a21 voting age, the rwtion carrted unaniuwusly. M�. MiAish eaid that he wiahed to go on record as being opposed to .� Lot 1, Block 1� being ueed as a gae atation. Mr. Schmedeke said he would have likad to put it in the motion to try eomething beaidea filling atationa on tha ialand. 4. South of KYS. FlorenCe Swanson wae present. West AlOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cosmissxon watve the readang af the Public flearing notice for the pzeliminary p2at, Sl+ansort Terrace, by Mrs. F2orence Swanson. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried vnanimoaslg. I' Mr. Clark explained that there is a change in the preliminary plat. The original propasal showed two lots, one 85 feet and the other 75 feet. The patitioner asked these lots be changed to 80 feet each. With that change, the Flata & Sube. - Street 6 Utility Subcommittee recouwended , approval of the plat contingent upou the lots teing platted with the rear oi` Che lota pn Aehtoa planted with a living hedge. There are two different soninga on the plat. A 25 or 30 foot strip zoned induatrial is adjacent to ' Ashton Avenue wF-,,toh the petitioner would like to have rezoned to R-1. Being euch a narTOw rstrlp, by mutual agreement the zoning line may be moved to the atseeC liae. The zoning line was put there before the street was dedicated. ' � JMOTION by Pitzpatiick, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Conunis- aion receive the 1.etter dated September 6, 1972 signed by Mrr. Florence E. SWanspn� reguesting "the Easter2y stxip which is now zoned for light tnduatry,, be rezoned to R-1 by mutual agzeement". UpoR a voice vote, a12 voting aye, tbe rqotton carried unanimous,�y. ' Mr. Clark sald the reason thie procadure can be done ia that the strip 1s not wide enough to build anything on in any zone. It is right along the 8aeterly bout1dary of the plat. Ashton Avenue is not paved, but water and ' sewer are 1n. Ixonton is not paved, but Hugo is paved. The lots are ld�s8e� ��}� ���QQ ����xe feet and meet the frontage at the setback lines. ' T ' ' ' ' ' ' LJ ' ' � Plannine Co�ission MeetinQ - Sevtember 6 1972 pa� `� J Thie atrip dves have some history. Heazings on rezoning were held three or four years ago as to what should be the category in the area. Since that tiwe the Cify has purchased, thru ta�c delinquent property, all the land lying South and West of Ashton. Mr. Clark continued that Mrs. Swanson was a little disturhed by the stipulation of the Plats {r Subs. Subcommittee of a buffer next to Ashton Avenue. This was for the pro- tection of her own property. This ia a little different from most cases in that we would ask the industrial to rezone, but now the industrial was there firsk. Mr. Schmedeke said they were more ecology minded now. Robert Venne, 200 Augo Street: Ae had a question regarding the zpning and whether or not the land would be developed industrially or aingle family. , Ms'. Clark explained there are five lots in the plat. ltiao lots face Ironton and the three lats would face the half cul de sac with the rear lots an pahton Avenue. The lnduetxial strip is so narsow that Mrs. Swanaon coulda't build anything on it. le was her deslre to have all the plat R-1 so ehe could build houses. Mr. Rurt W. Skraadiea, 321 Izonton Street: Ha asked 1f there was eome place for getting to the park. Hre. Kenneth Spoore, 301 Ironton Street: She said Mrs, Swgnson did I�, , pseseat a letter to the City to buy her land for a park, but ahe has not received azt anawer to her offer of park land so she has gone ahead with this plat. ' , ' y^ � , ' ' ' ' . Mr. Fitzpatrick said he could substantiate what this lady said. Mrs. Swanson has come before the Park Board offering her land for sale. It is true this has been under consideration as park property a number of times. Mr. Clark said a walkway ease�nt between Hugo and the park was euggested. There was $ short discussion abput the walkway. Mr. Fitzpatrick aai.d tha[ actually there is no access problem going down Iron�on and Ashton. Ms. Clark said the tentative plans were for a ball diamond in the �!ar 5outh end and large enuugh to be a football field. Hockey and skating �ink juat Nozth of the football field. 1'he Tot Lot will be in the area S�uth of the proposed plat. Adult programs have not been scheduled yet. Ms. Venne said he too did not know haw aeriously a walkway for children Was aveded. Rl�. Fxank Lamp, y80 Ironton Street; He was itttexested whlch way the honaea Would be #aced and where the street lights would be. Mr. Clark said the number of street intersectiona would not change. The Ytreets are dedlcdted now. The two houses built on Ironton will be facing Irantqn. T�tg o=her three houses wi11 be on the 90 degree bend so that they • aan pick up f;ont�i$e� � � ' ' ' , , 4 K PlanninR Co�isaion Meeting� - September b 1972 PaRe 12 NOTION bg Sctunedeke, Seconded by Zeglen� that the Planning Corrmisgion SeCpnmtend to Council apptoVal of the pTelim.inary p2at� P.S. N72-09, Swanson Terrace, by Mrs, FZOrance Swanson, being a replat of the pzoperty Zying SoUth of Sionton Street and West pf Ashton Avenue with the stipulation that Iqts 1 aad 2 be each 8p feet, and the portion of the plat zoned M-1 be Ieaoned ta R-I. Upan a voice vote, a21 voting aye, the motion Carzied unanimoua2y. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGi PROPOSED PRELZMINARY PLAT P.S. 072-OS MEADOW RUN ADDITION, BY FIVE SANDS, INC.: Generally located South of 79th Way, Baat of East River Road, West of the railroad tracks and North of 77th Wae. Mr. Richard Fudali was present. NCITION by Mi.n.ish, Seconded by ZegIen, that the Planning Corrmr+xission ' aa�ve the reading of the Public Hearing notice for the proposed pre2iminary p1�t P.S. !l72-O5, Meadow Run Addition by Five 5ands inc. upon a voice vote, a22 Vpti.ng aye, the rrotion carried ananimoasly. �J �� � , , , , � ' ' ' MT. Clark explained. that about November 1970 a pTOposed plat was sub- mitted by the petitioner. The P�anning Commission recommended denial on Poux pvinte as Eollowa: 1. 'The lot� are too emall fos 59 unit building� aa propoaed. 2. The creation oi lote without public acceps. 3. If platted now, the City will loae what contr.pl it has over khe project. b. This was not part of the orlgiaal plan when presented for rezoning and building concept approval in 1969. Mr. Fudall. has gone to the Board of Appesis and gotten approval to cpmplete the fiVe buildings on a variance. Now three buildings are 100% eompJ.eted� oae more near completion, the Recreation room is 99% completed. There is only one aite yet to be built on. This one has access off East. River Road conveyed by ptivate easement. The South boundary is an open � ditch to $tonybrook. We may or may not need a wider easement along the Creek. The reasoa fot having a wider pne �s the culvert under East River Road is under^sized and poasihly some ponding upstream from the easement may be needed. . Mr. Fudali said that originally the Recreation building was to have a eAepax'ate legal deacription. That has been changed� because the xecrea- tlpnal facilitiea expanded to a greater degree than planned. They have teArtlB courts, rome 4,OOQ feet of concrete patios, some children's play areas and will 6e planning some more recreational activities. Due to the faat that Lot 3 which cpnsists of two 118 units and the F.ecreation building dra �uid��' o�}� ��n�ncing there was no reason for making a reexeational area outlet; 1? ;A � 4 L Planni� Commisaion Meeting_ September 6, 1972 PaRe 13 In 1970 they had only one building cpnstructed and just one other under eonstruction. There is water in the swimming pool and a sauna is built. The tlme schedule is aet up and the financing is set up. At the moment the 1ega1 description is over seven pages long, single spaced. Ae was splitting the mortgages on the first and second buildings and single mortgages on thQ third and fourth plus the recreation building on anorher. He was trying to keep the taxea separated entirely for the mortgagea. Mr. Clark safd Chat for the records, it ought to be mentioned that khe srea of only one of khe lots was large enough for a 59 unit. The original complications wera made by the first surveyer. Now there is no problem pther than the fact some of the lots have not technically had variances. - Winetoa Jacobson, 121 79th Way: He said the only complaint he would have ie the head lighte etill ehine into hie houae. Mr, Fudali eaid the berm ie suppoaed to be five feet and on top it aill be landacaped aad treee planted. He can't tell the Commiesion about the berm in the aXea on the far Easterly end, They have just teen doing some gradlmg aad landacaping there. IM�TZON by Zeglen� seconded by M�nish, that the Planning CorrmRission cSase the pub.itc hearing of the proposed preliminary p1at, P.S. N72-O5, Meadow Xun Additzon, by Five Sands, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye� the motiort parTied unanimousIy. Motion by Minish� seconded•by Fftzpatrtck, that the Planning Com- mt8sion .tecommend to Council approval of �e Preliminarg Plat, P.S. N72-O5, MEadow Run Rddition, bu Five Sands, Inc. with the stipulation that the dxdiaage easement along the South line may have to be made larger. Upon � voice vote, a12 voting aye, the motion Carried unanimoasiy. 6. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. 1172-07 BY JOHN KOPROWSKI• Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision /f23 Revised. Mr. John Koprowski was present. Mr. Clark explalned that Mr. Roprowski would like to have the entire psrcel divided into three building sites. Actually one lox is already separated and that being the area to the East of Riverview Terrace. The semaining lot with Ghe existing house would be 1$,OOq square feet which is the minimum lot Fequlxement for a cesspool. The lot areas Por the other two lota are 12,000 squarq feet. The existing house by the river is Iower than the street and cannot, bY gravity, hook on to the sanitary sewer. The house on th� lot South of Lot 13 is also too law. Perhaps later on the two parties coµld purchase one lift atation and hook on to the sewer jointly. The Engi- neeing Department feels this arrangement would be fine, but in fairness to the petitioner and t,he City, Mt. Koprowski should get a waiver from the Council to get permiasion not to hook on to the City sewer. � L� ' . ' ' ' • , u� , ' �� , � ' � ' 1 ' 1 ' 4 M PlanninR Commiesion MeetinR - September 6`1972 Paae 14 Nr. Clark contlnued that they have had one case similar to this on H;. Ing $ivert's property. It was wlthin the jurisdiction of Xhe City to grant euch a waiver. The garage for the house on Riverview Tesrace is 140 feet off the sight of way. Kr. KoproWeki said he had the easement for the driveway.(15 foot minimu� . MOTZON by Schmedek e, seconded bg Zeglen, that the PIanning Commission saCOmmead to Council approval of the Lot SpZit request, L.S. q72-07, by John Koprowski, for Iat 23, Auditor's Subdivision H23 Revisiony subject to A attivey being furnished before the 1ot split is granted, showing the lot spltt.dSvided into three separate building sites. The first building site is Che physical spltt East of Riverview Terrace. The next portion to be the land rematning to the West and that said portion West of Riverview Terrace be sp.�tt into two building sites. The first to be 1?0 feet and the second being the remaining WesterIy part with a 25 foot easement for drtveway parposes on the Soather2y side of the lot next to right of way. Upon $ voice vote, a11 vot3ng aye, the motion carr�ed unanimously. 7. SDGGESTED AMENDMENT TO PLANNING CO:�AfISSIOr MINUTES OF JULY 19 1972 IN A LETTER 11ATED AUGUST 22, 1972 FROM DON A. SC9ULTZ IA hi6 letter qf August 22, 1972 Mr. Schultz requested a correctlon in the etatement of the Planning Commission minutes of July 19, 1972 that "Mr. Schultz built an additlon on his home thaC extended over the lot line". The correction ahould read the "home vas built in this manner originally befor2 h1s ovnership". MOTION bg Schmed?ke, seconded by Minish, that the Pldnning Conmiission miaates of Ju1y 19� 197? on Page 6, paragraph 3, should read "Mr, Schmedeke 8aid that an addition was built on his home that extended over the o1d 1ot 2tne." Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried ynanimously. AWOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Ericksor, adjourned the meeting at 11:15 P.M. Respectful2y submitted, Hazel 0'Brian, Secretarv r �. .. � . ' ' .. • �� � � 1 ' City of Frid1EY '11�& MINfITE9 OF THE BO�,RD OF APPEAI.S MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1972 T'he meecing was called ta oxdex by Chairman Minish at 7;31 P.M. M�MBFRS PRESENT: Minish, Crowder� Harju, SondheimaX MEME81t5 ABSENT: Wahlberg 0'�'HERS FRBSENT: UAire1 Clark - Co�mnunity Development Administrator M�TION by Crowder to approve the minutes of the August 29, 1472 meeting as written. seconded by Harju unanlm0ualy. Upon a voice vote, there heing no nays, the motion carried L� Mr. Clark stated the rear yard variance has been withdrawn by Mr. Nicklow and a �eviaed parking plan has not 6een submitted as ye L , Chaii'man Minish stated this item wil]. continue to be tabled until Mr. Nicklow �ubmits a revised paxking pl,an. 2. 3, Mx. Aicbar Sajady ;equeated thla item be Cabled to the September 26, 1972 meeting as he could not appear at the Sept�6er 12, 1972 meeting. j40TI0N by Crowder to t$ble this item until the S�ptember 26� 1972 meeting. Seconded by Harju. MT• Sandheimer reqy�ested that Mr. Sajady present a useable layou[ of his construction (a scaled dimensipnal dxawing) when he appears before the aoard. A Yp� UFON THE MOTION, there krCing no nays, the motioq carried unanimously. M�TpN by C`rpwder to waiva reAdiAg the public hearing notice. , Seeonded by Sondheimer. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. �' � ' � ' ' � �i � ' 5A �e �n,utes of the Bo�� o� Apveals MeetinA of Saptember 12, 1972 Y b(ts. V�gaylch wa& pTdeBnt to present the request. Half-aaetion mape were ahovn Co the Board ao thay could see the location and shapa of the lots. Mrs. Vagovich explained they have owned this land since 1941 and at that tlme the lOts had over 10�000 square feet. In 1942 the Highway Department approached he� about deading a Cr1an$ular piece off from these lots to them� approximately 1tp00 square feet, so they could use the dirt for road purposes. She undezstood them to.say the land would be deeded back to her in approximately e years time afcer the Highway DepartmenC had remove3 all the dirt they wanted. Since they did not use the land at that time, they deeded it to the Highway Department and were paid $400.00 for doing so. When Mrs. Vagavich put the l.ots up for sale in 1965� ehe discovered khat Chis triangular piece of property had not been deeded back to them and now thelr lota did not have enough square footage ko build a two family 'dwelling oa them. Mr. Ciark stated that from what Mrs. Vagovich has told them, i[ sounds like the Highway Department c�itis talcing a slope easement� which means the land is owned by the Highway Department foY two years and then the land reverts back to the owner Mr. Sondheimer asked Mrs. �agovich if she has a potential buyer for the Lots. �J�[s, Vagovich stated she has had several potential buyers, but each time they call ' Gity Hall and are told a double could not be built on the lots. The 6uyer she has now won't buy until pirp. V�govich can guarantee him that he can build a double on the lots. ' ' l_ I ' A1:S. Ve84Vich said ahe hae at8rted action on getting the triangular piece of property back, but she hae been told it will probably take a year or more. Mr. [Larju asked if she would pursue getting the land back if the Board granted the vaTiance. ljr. Clark stated Cl�at there might be a legal problem getting the land deeded back and then getting 1C added back Co be part of these lots. He added that if the '$osrd grants tha v�ilance� it wouldn't be to anybodys advantage to pursue getting Xhe laqd back. t{e eaid the land Ls still there and not being used� the Highway Dapartment just Cqok some dirt off from it. M�'&, Vagovich state$ the dwalling on the lots to the north of her lota is , Apploxi.makely 120 feet fTOm the adjoining property line and ahe thought these people would be wi111ng to eell part of theit land to her buyer if ha needed moxe land f�r his buil�ing, � ' ' � ' MRT�aN by Ciowder Co close the public hearing. Saconded by Harju. UpoA a Vpice vote� the;e b�ing no nays, the motion carried ue�anivwus ly . j�jr. Harju st8ted th7,e 7raquait aeems reasonable in that the land is there physically. Ttte owneF ahould gat a au=Vey of her lots to find out exactly hoW much land is gemaini,ng. 1'he l�nd 16 there in either case and it ts not a detriment to the �emaining p�opez0y, whether the people can go acroas the sma11 piece deeded to the Highmay DeparttpeAC or not. 1 � , ' 1 ' . , 4. ' ' ' ' The Minutes oP the Hoard Oi ADDP.51S MeetinR o€ September 12 1972 Paxe 3 kiT. CT�d&x sa�,4 he cat1Q s�e nothing wrong with tk�e requeat. He added the dlmensi.otnq of khe propeitp that the Highvay DeparGqent took has not been �$ctly spellad out. if the eale of the land is �ogde, and the remaining proppsty is found Go be leFs than 9400 square feet� the Board would have to cOniider anpther vaziance. Ae asked 1f there is eome way the variance could bfl $S�nkad aild avqid a poesible second variance qn square footage. Mr. Clark su�geFted uaing the vosding of I.ots k& 5, except thaC part tak�n €or hi,BhwaY PurpoAe6. �DT�ON by GiPwdex to appsw� kh@ variation of squaxe footaga on Lots 4& 5� miqus th� p�opeTty taken by thR Highway Departmant, which i.eaves appxoximately 9400 sqvase #a�t, and a11qW a two family dwelling to be constructed. Seeanded by &andhplmer. Upon a voice vote, chera being no nays, the motion carr�.ed unani.eqwuwly, Ms, R1pFk exp�illned thie it� had been withdrawn by the applicant. �. � � _l; .yr!.� . . .. The sneetipg wps adjourned at 8;15 by Chaixman Minlsh, Itespect�ul�y aubmitted� 0 ' 't4ARY RI Z ' , $ecseCary � ' ' ' II ' 1 1 5B ' � . � , . �� ' u CATY ADVI � 03Y Ct�hJ� I i`PEE Mr.�ETI:iG September F, 1972 The reeting be�an et 7:1` f'.t�. In atr,endance were N�rs. �iarbare Hn�hes, Ns. Jchn iia?r,es, 1 r. Dean Caldwell, l�r. Tom G'yhra an� F�ther Fd Chimielewski. E'�ther Fd waote� a correction made en },a�te 4 in t:e mim?tAs r9 the P.u�ist ?Qth ID.°:tl�e. 7'}1P, l'?:E'P°T1CP, thAPP Y78S LC 'r. t�I'OCE!��'..I'P ffr ?}'i° A'�V1S02'j7 �r^":':tPF not the City Crnincil by which the committea would try to perfPct m��e t?�an ene mot?cn b�fore votin� so that any kin� of minority rosition �* ai�e�ree— m�nt coald be heerd and the objactione 9afin��1 and perfected an� at that t-oint tYA co[�mitt=e would votP on thA �roticn that it �;?Fe°PPd. Tom h�yh:a said e point omitted in the mePtin� of kua�zst 3�th was tt;at add±tional servic?s cost additionsl money and c�n w° r�c* th=,n "or Po°n. , ThA _ldviscr� Comc!ittee disc�sssed the upcoe:in� me�tin� en TuAsdsy �;ith thP p°oFie `roe� Nashington. Dean Cal�w°11 �.entionad ik:at he di!�n't recFive the +inal draft of Lhe sur€ested �•ciinence as yet. iiaroara tin�hes felt th�t there wer= not that :*�any ma jor probi?rre u�ith it. � � ' ' ' , ' , ' CJ Fati:er Ed askFd ,�r;at v&s t;:e real val�ze of Lhe amendment thzt tt,e com�;any has tc effer on interconnection (Sec. 20), uaroara HupY.?s steted that St. iouis F�^k had something dif+.'erent on interconnecticn. bnothPr exam��ie was Chicr�;c. rhey had to interconnect with all the ct�.nnels uut thuy could c}:arE e.°or it and the comF,an� i;�d to do all the oLr;&dcasts. Desn Cald�ell said tr,at there was a deficiency in the o;dinence in that iL does not �rovide for tW�way video TV in the future. Joi,r haines said thet if we cen accept the validity of tk:e company's �,osition, I Would think that they xrould do everythine th�y couid to have another service. 'ihey better heve t�.ese thin�s oec2use there wrnild be too muc}� np�osition. The question, how can yw assure theee LhinE�s in +he ordinance now, thet will be developing lK yeass �rom now, was asked by ?ather F�d °er next week's � deetin�°. Father Ed seid the purpoee of t}:is r�etin� was to outline Lhe basic ���iecipl�s the Committee hav� detArmine� as ts ���hat are the valizPS that tfi,� corrmittee has in r.�ind that �,rouid �overn au* r�ror��endations to the ewncil. Dean Cfldwe�l said we have two choic�G at least. We cen rAcommen� +.het th?y do �way r:ith ;he ordinanee. we can reeoe,c�end amcr,dmAnts to th> or'inanCe t::at �,viil stren�then it. +ie eculd �r•nvide sor the acecizntability that we have been talkine� about for so lon� tl:s' will establist someone whc crn rovern or zct as an authority to eacer�ise the accountapil'ty aspect of tY:e thinb' wit}� tr� company t�� the toint where not eply *.he cr,c;�any �ar, accept thP �r=ndment but also the citizPns of �ridley whe hav� exZressed ;c��U��a �9lssmey with thF ordlnapce. 0 ' ' • ' , ' ' ' n , ' Advisory Conimitt�e I�.�etin� SeFtenber A, 1972 - 2 - Ta�: t'.yhra said he �2s Lhinkin�: the reverse. If we t,ave acccn»tability�, etc. xe on that oasis ��rnild ���.ke a �lecision *.o scra�� it or repeal it becaus° we dcn't thin� �znder tt�e yresent circumsta��ces you can �et the ttii.n� s re w�nt, cr =ay keep it cr arrend i� tc ��et the thin:Ts we dant in this £ashion. 5ather �:d a;;ced ,�hat is th� ideal o� �Nhat is it that we «�.nt °or 'h� �eo�le cr Fri:ley iF we Y.u� c.n ir.eal oriinance. ;on. iy}:ra sGi^ :v,-: tt.at .;ill allow za�? enc�u°a=e rn� rroLecL tt:=, �.oten;iai for future �arvices to tl�.°� citizens e�n�a udd�d a suo-loint: then s,r,re f;rcup �uith eno�;h le�al authority to ass��ire Gceo�.mtability o❑ rh� ;,a,�t o° th� fr€nchisee. Dean Caldweli recc,^.n,ended chat Lhey oe elected. i'o�: tyhra �-,�rea� a�d said for a four- year t�rm rath�: than e. th�ryear tern�. ?2th°r Ed si��°s;,ed that it Ge t� co�rmittee that woul�i encour�e the develo�ment oi the srt and tcey wa�alc t.avA to h�ve a,•rasi, ss to what was gr,_n� cn. A disciission °c'_lowe�' : e�;ardin€ elected ��d appointe� memGe:�s�.. John tzines �ave a❑ exan�pl� to two boards (one elected And one aFt,ointe�l} end Felt in this instar,ce �riai th? �en�rai level o? concern oF the ap���ointed ooar� was hir`rer tnan the =1�cted ooard. ThP, questinn c` a�}�ointer� was brourht up by Father .:d. rather Ed ask?d if �t �:as safer r,o essociate sppointm�nt with arees ��s IroFessinnel li£e. Thie rir��r� �rin� =ore �:Po�le 4r�ith �iif'1'�r�^nt opi�ions en�' Z�rovi�'� for a r.ore cr�ati��e €rnu���. Dean Calc?weil askrd if this board �aill have any aurhority, it Nill SP �'�fric°.�lt ' for them to axcercise that authority �m L�� tt.�y zre °1 cted. John Eain°s sai�i as �oo❑ as you set �z� an elAct�d comc tt�e, it ui L hr��F anothPr level of aathority, vrrich was not bad i� itself. dUrbara Ha�Ses �ve on � exae�Fl? ��he e tr�,i�� was bad. Father Ed said we �,�ou1d hPV�� Eo Fut seme kind o` �utlloriry tc t�° cor�mitt�e if it is �,�1n�• ta ; Pffect�v�. � Father Ed sai� we have the value of a le�al auShority to assums acr.o�zntability frn� e franchisee and askah :or arcth�r one. Tom added, that system of °nou�:h technical sophistication to provid� or pPrmit servir.ss likel� to technically and er.onomiceliy f?asibl� �ithin the fore,�e�ol? fiiture (fore- � �eeciolP fut��re" ad�ed after a discussion of °the fra�ci_isP }Priod" was -�,resented a_nd discu�sed). , ;iaroora tiufhes sa:d thaC re are told that �� ure poinF tc Y.a�r- z two-�,�ay come�anication, but w�e ar� not. ae are toin€` te h�va one--.��,� caole ev�,n �:bw� u �hey r�en �ioned a second cable. i'hF ene-way c� oiP s} ro�rammeci `or une-�ay use. iom P-,yhra seid he w�s concerned �,:ith two-�,�ay video and ir; ' t�he letter f'.^cm venerai iel�vision saw little evidence they uer� plannin�° an it zn'. asxed iY ±ni,- «as econorically feasiul?. ' � ' Dean C�ldwell sai^ they can provide a s;�ste��� now th�t +,c�." Rake it tossible to pro�ide tt�t leter. John Hain?s s�ii he �,�s ��oncern-d zbo�it th q�uicr.er i'� �E�3 $�A�PtBC�i i:ilE' �OOII°P �}iBS'2 Ottit'.P ililFS Cb.❑ 30 a��8i1]°')� P�.l�p!�Ellt 0❑ :he demand for ti.em. darbara }iu�hes �ai�'� thct these coe.e _n a crisis siL>>atio� .� ' 1 � , ' ' ' � ' ' pdvisory Coe��ittee N.Aetin€ $B�7%P,RIbP,P P:� �J72 � - � ancl mention°d an exarple o°in� libra^y serv�.ces. John HainPs this is whPre this sho�rld come under accountability. As aeencies dev�lop the potentiel on thP Lrznsmittin� end that the t°1°vi�ion cable wou19 be u�'° *�ady to �,rcv:9e that. It �a�.ild not have to oe aone but that the ^omritt�e w%uld have to take - look et it to �?e if the� h�ve ??ood workable system and tc dAterm;�e i� it fair rt this point to demand- that the coc,.eny provide this se.v�ca an�� if so, thera ha= to be sore kind o-` authority. He seid he u2s sup�csin� tnat the company bould do ii becaitse it is anoth°r servir.e that would m�ke e fe" more custou�ers ha�ppy. Father Ed said that in *eference to an eleeted or appoioted comcitt=e ;�ai could �uarantee a ereat deel of tk:e q�xality of that committee by demanding a certain kind of acr_ wntability�on thearl�� ublic�hearin�s,�seu�i-nnnual� tu�lic cnd city ce�ncil by deman..ing y. Y P *_°ezort *.o the co�zn::il as to its ectivities. This woul� �=�-:�ke it easier for tre �uulic to r�et ir. or. the act and dem�.nd accotintabilit;�. John liair�es ask°r, i: it would necessitata chenE;in��the ordinance or a�din�� a staten�rnt tl•,et there will be an advisory coua�itt�e to the Councii. Father `'9 said ne w�uid like to s�e in *.he ordin�nce that it wi:i se the ��ur�;ose a: Lr.is cor�u,ittee to conanct hearings annually, t� reviea� e�aually and to re},ort to the; Gi�y Council ser!i-znmaaily. Fethe* Ed said ti:at tt:ere is no acconntaoility to the committee �tseif and no accountaoility tc Lhe �uolic at lar�-° th° wsy things are no•d =nd auties of comnittee a;° ncn-existe�t until at e�a°ti�ular time when the council wi11 ask For it. ' sarbarb iiu��hes sa'Id some places have su��ested that �n adfisory come�ittee st,ould ��,onitio^ *he construction. I` yo�� do that, you'^e :-°cin.' to say, ha�e � r.hQ bnildin,�� ex:Prt on our committPe or have t"e buildin� i-7s��ector report T- Y to tha a�'visory come�iLtee. She s�id she didn't kna� w:ether ±}��r�; l;�portan� if Lhere ar° ot'ne: ways of reportin� that kind if ir:iarQ�etien Lo the city structure. �n o:ir own or!�inance it says '.he city may errcint someone to ' watch or 5e �r s°nt whil° they a^e �oin�- the test�inFnb�.ztlifLch�sc�s c�P case, is tY�2� d re�rb?r of this bo�'y o. �cmeon? s� � askea. � Sohn Eaines sairi ae have to ask i` we vranted that done out elso Qentionsd he is scL:°�hat o�rosaa to it°miz?.ng Loo much this sort o° th.inp and accou�te- , bilit�� shoul� be 'cept in a�eneral frac°aork sincP it is �asy tn leev° so!^Pt in^ �ut. Ne did a�ree to this kind of thin�. sr, R��v m°°tin�s thn coe!��tte2 ��^��1�9 teve, it would reFort te the Council, Zt w�ll �iee a public expr�ss�icn ni its �'iodin��s se�i-annuailp to the public. Dea� Caldwell�said � if yo» �G it tl,:at way, you have to defina authority. tiUrbara 'r.u€hAs said the cniy :�F-y we can d�o that is to say that a re���ort cen o= r,a�e to the Gou�cil ���' t��:a �:nDllc. � :�tner �? esk°�� if it was the�committee's consen=ns that aii e` `hP u°.oni�s eccurrine fro�� tY:i� °nterprise oe rei�veste�' i� pror��eting locsl �a=_e of caale �TV. :�aroara flu�h�°s sain the suE;�e�tions r,i�et run across are tt:at ' u C�] i� � &dvi�cry Co�?ttee:�eting �n�..tc'.C.b.�.� �. 1�.,;�7� ' � 1 1 ' ' — U — �i!t� r:01116 0° '71?1- ..-. �`RCPCI n- GS c�'V1�OI'y' C:� P`�'?ic.V'y' rOG� LL".2. W}'i0 �+,C'J1'� .. `�2.:1C&C."a +0 }�TOCO�i;lf" LY.(':;�; .>@ii'.Pbi L�•°F6. IL .,..-'iC"'.� a :,.°a1C&— L10i1 t0at3P' S l.i-:;�_. iV. .�.i18I' -, .�t` _�`.11li.� t.�ip9a 2_GIBL�-.PntS !I.it b" 8U19 LO JP �fi 5}�Cc'a �,-^I16j�5 ��- , l f�. r�. _�oI �,.� :IQEY.S cF _� LC�:Gll��n r+:�.eal ,�.. . L'r°r o�r��� a �t . . i� a� c?; IS :'i n�L'�is 1 ..' � '�?'1(- 1I7 ;.L L�]1S 1o�'r C "�- � C?'.� d'l1eE,.i,1C'1 ...., 5.1� i.l]c.PZ li `lG ...Lh.0 ]�.y :❑ d1P C` . :1��.. F�'la fi0t ���rfc:n.i �_'_ ��cui? b- Lhe o�-� �..�:-;: r° ..�t,t;r,-�� ri�' r+' 'I:e �rrF�ar.;� i£ fou .an;��� tk���t. I'F�,i..�T '=a cc.j: ..�,.,T ,�Oi" �"j'liS•c�'� �.� 'ii:-"lt� qt0 `ll t"1T:3:', r:l(� �7'i 'di� �.'"(', F1]Turf? $t. V'i yc �;P t1-p };c('�t-.(� rf . pi'j.��° -/?S c. 48111". -PU2P3 f'1 `}l@S ��- �( , '('}l% S �y �r,8 1L5 F '' f _7F T P :C:', � 7 - ., . r� '�l➢F� EOO iL —" ���_ �jU'1 li(:I� �.� V�ri][[IPtlt .^ �e�.,t�y,., lt f''r"�.i, C" '� r,t c2� r��� n' t£ ',IfI'^:� �0� �°PL1�1 ��SP°_� UI'�HY.9V°T. .i0� 8�� .v ��"1�•� � � c�lu C!CIC� G71 �-}-� __ �.`.�t °-ht; no that 27� o�� ,�on_� a.,° �Jst°s�• _ ��:�coa��tcbil�ty. ' �' nP _,: �i��i �1 '7 WP r'�'V c. 5 �C"1� �^ ' i_�-s OP 'r �.-.1°__ �.�"t u �.j__r,: � 8 �OU�16-C111t7�:,C �IP. �.alU11C �� i� '12C S'1'j� t� -f ^11i fr(', 1T! r .,1LI1 ��P 1 i.V=ciC.� °��P ti'�c,� r�;^71 n�p°_^a L=.'i�➢bl '.�llPl.�..S9`� � ❑.V?P }��. ° a D ''. '��t:� ! ,1I195 �2ili � ; �r-�-,qc.r� f(P -.il�_th�°^ c =n_l. b i:' - . � ' . .. C�]E� 01 ;� ot i�;i �*� r t n spitA c o�.r or inancP, th° � i t � is E ��•'�r Y a , E�P_ s CT'- r. �r.o I&C� 0� T,�':1 �L1 r 1 i�r�:,. ti 7;1 �`,}�, nP� _C:CC-i1'1'���,�1ilY,V L�I:"�f' COQ'r'S 1C. � %',I �L�7Ai �cli] n7.E .'":� ,��g ��api,i � �c°L1CI�c�.10' y,,__ � :. LI` C1L]Z"il S}i�lll�. -2+ .:'P� ❑td,`�1Vy' 1fC'�L� "-tl' LL Gx:�Prt7.i�'7. ��Il t�lii2S .'1�8� th�.t th' rrv�=cr� Cor.,ri tt2e �ou'.^ Cry tr ec°rta.n t;,,� 9FSires ef � i. �} c1.'_e. � �6CUcia :l1pr.F� 2.�r '�� `'t10111U' efll '' : '- b1L'�'.7 OP °CI1�.P :P}ilt� ' '�: i-��ild � C�L1Z'❑ ��C`.11sP w. d1.5! E�GuL u LL'_ il l�' �1�ll[� �[i"� li', .i�11:}:.t' L(1'1 t,-16 h0� C1P,1i7 -� V01'��ltFi!'�' Gliirl�. JoiJ2T2__,7:C.. S_:7� '„G&.L 1P. '..r' Ca (' 6} f �7 '� "��llr� Cr p,r- �7`O}�OS1 ]F C°P�tl Gl1C ]J ��:1 E.P � ssr�eys v� y��� � ., �' �� }�e ��o,°. � ci� t 1 re � a� �t.at t��P� �� � E'e rs�t� i.,��.it c� t.E �,� t� c:� � i�1�a. Johr; r i.ies sold ',r.is .��u�a r r:�o tY:in� t0 CC i0P t".° CC�.I�_�i�BB o0 :LP. K�'.('-, �CI'[(�17'`J Pd�tiP._^ �C.t_1 Lr1=1 :'d Ftc:i.1G�. � , , � LJI ' 'PDC�. I.�+IIP& �..",'1L10'7P.'� �i:.°. �OI:1L C_° L2 �.I1? ^-�y a� �,y, �` - � ' ° °�-' 7CIc'."� .°:OP,'� *;.c viFU�;_r.�nts: tc ��eep u� with *Ir .�. .-n� to :leter�r��i ��. the r_ rs und ce�FOiL� �; c: tha c�,Q�ciunitp. �3�roara :iuE'h�s sria that �he :CC s� te� the p;j'?irUO "�;`?.^:?S il"r? E.`I(j `v:' ��„ . Sd _°OP C''0`''B It i!!' j-.1:�`.��;+ 1%. :�fiFo 6i50 . 1 ` LC:�:', ;} - _ CC 'N20C� t0 90CC'� �?L*P, 'Y7.:-r1rP,C�t'�.ifl❑ 8�� cSKC^ �C ti.o 'Nc'.i1L t� °..cr,�z c_ �Y;st th5t r,nrou�Y :;ir o.�:_na:nce tcr. � To� 't��hr� ^rni��l�.t ���, thA ��oint o'" th� ;�ract.ir,zllrv c' r�dress 7rc-.anr°e . ]iiC1L1(�I.TIdT }:C-+l CC .� - C1��' a"'0 B�DOUt CCC� ��7t)`if i).:&t _ t,"lE i-r a ;.�,� C.g2[]5 `',c ""'"°s'S �dLrUP �'� 8S}C?h lf Li15 S}.GUi7 ,� . ' b� .. D y � °�,Fn - r �UF^ aittti_� t: o-�'�n�nc� ?* '_". c r ���d ri�., '.} zt c�_� G� lo,... _ �. »1�� L� F2�.. �r.15 r G ��°jrOi]!? dSCO]'7tbU?I7:)/ �n^. �(-Y}t?E' : C-' 'f.0 � I 2dqi7118�9 t.�I'�IS d'.I G��`}>>1��.'.Ce. 6C i� � ' ' � Ravisory �orei t` >� I,`�etin� i;�I,!en.b�r �` , 1';?2 - 5 - JC�171 .',A1:7�5 ft!°II`.,!OLl°,� S'[_P, �:�`1CP.^^ ?'C^ h�p:il�? t}"F Cnr��'.8'ly `J^coa 1❑ -.?��1°y' 8.�1a �� W(� '�0", ..'=t ^�.OVi[IF :' SOIG�tII'�F f.�l.8t 2 P.°�a't'=�OP1Tl�° CC3�:.IIfl.l,'lltj .e(`I7.'a S'P.L `Ln D ti'� )c.5� ^_OP'P'U!7� ��i C. , tfRC I:IUj+La :718 R;P.�P^. C01'.C1 �. _ P SL'd�n 0_" ?_ ��::' f_ . �d�d11� ..'.j�9PSr '1;; :^ ..._� � dc_j LtidAL 1L l:'U�a }!�.1-'L O1L^ O1JI7 � 1oc31 7°oerat-ci^.^. Th��n tYe �::ro�� o�s-, �e lo���l )�ro�-�'.�i��:� riot,l�' be c� a��t^o _rea ai� oot che-�,- 'o we ,. _,�in un �e_�'�n.- rny in7�tt �eere. sr��roera narrrs ssih tiie o,�� tY_inF ��P r�v�- t� do is �;o'���t -hP lccal aspect cf loc�l ccu:r.ur.ir,�:t:on syste�s. �� . � rflbtl �';!j S] j .]�8L ❑G II;H�?'r'P wr18t �: V�iO� i t t-'_° fUt'-_iP � Lt�. .;.j' OP f:.❑ . fl!)V.. hp�' �(,P a 1�� �':,ttl.if 'd f.0ui. .°�dPt Oia.g�'1}n�o 'V?❑ OZ . ��E Oi � P,Si,&C:i1SC1'1- _; I!'u''�1 '_:1 Ci��B, 1�;.':" .._ .-_ .- ^.�� ?ilCOt1C'���1 ip. JC}I°P t�POj�I._ t0 � i',7'1Gw 810f ..0: 1 DI'�1CdACP,� fll][� u(�0'�� ri<i t�;i0�� L LPc:Pl°F COU:�. C^ ti:: vontG . c` �1ltnin� ours:lv ti: utc�r co tn.t:= . , 1 ' ' ' � ' u ' ' ' , , t8L1iPP '.� .1?�1 _"c!i LtiP, �;PZm1S�; ._ Cbl'a?5 L7;oC i��. UP.?IJ C'1SC1155;'� LililS fBP. �i'G h110W� PilCG7PH:.e t�.RC j�^OZSCL �f:E jCrB'..L1'r.� fOr :ll�!1.^- ., ^V?C23 '.C�� i.r" }so��le r.f Fri�1_y; Hccuuntability to the piiolic is ❑�v���essu,^y �nd ��m�er th�t lack n,` comFetitiveness; }eo�.le particiFatior -.�pres°.ntetive :n}=it o;; the t.Othl CG':11. lilitY 011 50!'I° �Sl.l1 G� 2 I��U1H'.' Dc5'1S� iG Y1�?C21 c�''e{UBCy ti keey :�F r;i�h tt.- art and dAtercin� thE. na ; end c��ui�it� c° tt... cc������unity�; i�-:eans for ins��irir.f� compliance; rdventa�°e c- encc�tr2�in£ ��o��ement towerd C`cblP. `j'i� &!1� IU."�:1 COC:if!llili�y '.'I OPa°,. LG fiBU° i(�CEZ "'��?7�I'Gi ':i7^ ,•�JolO�.:ti�,..^.�� tG ��.Pt if�r:^°1��. fLi' f-:tYl?P Cni�. ?lil'.tlF.c� i(�� jI'OLP.Ct IOCfll OI'1F�1TIf-tIG^� "Yt2 eovonte��� to alir�nio� u�o°s� 1ve� Lo r,th��r corr�znities s,s -o �et .� �'or �dl-at benefits - �Y�� n�cessity to tt-°, scY.oci ��istrict�, li�rar� ^istn;cts, cca�t�- wide servic��, �tr. Another val�ie wa a^de�? thPn; �xe co7�ider tr�is nP�lium Or Si1C}'. V21.]' 85 ?�C wa.^I'8"]t !'OP.SC�0�1 °'FO!'L OP the j;2T't C.° t_�'.? CCPi"'.1']lr.� to pr;;r�at° �s�� '°v�lnp local =nd ;��blic s°rvice pro�ran�e:i�� es �o ���slare `�11 r?z'iizat'_cn c` ih�, r�dium's � ot��tiri. t�n!'�J??'2. ::'IF�}:E.':' ^81!� thttt l.P CR° f;F �flF-cp �;I'"'c'S ttlf?^F: }i3t/'-. '�Pr'li <''�V1��CP;/ COIDC1LL9pc tl'2t CClli�'� OP,'. r'.�hl^. `�'� "bf£ CpC-j�.'.2i7C� ]1SY,g pV�..•, ;`ItJ HliCVB g]O��iy E„al0i` C�1P.iil"°i �,fl]...]]CV o_ �d� r€�p'- h: _ ftCl'� W9 �.1�_Y�L ,.�'73?"�P.P .,"iS. �Oh❑ �<�1:'IRS 2FK�� EDOIlli L�"'e _°-tt]r•G'.0'.� O'_" �:ift .^.OL^P^_ttP` '.❑ Citi{'pf" P�n�•�1�2[°.°Iia2- ticr,s r.n £P s, .' w� �o�c��me tr,F a�°oitr��t�^ kind of t},in��. uarea �t��hes sai�? the ��(, „,.' r�ve some kin� oi �omr_���t on �e�3s= rates ��it th.,� ar� ❑Ot 6'�'.:lk' tC P'-r'l1�-;tP 1a35fl i8L°3 �17��� i.�-:� JI]i;� `i'�F�` r�P' 0^�1IIHTICa C�`.nCP01S H.^ �'1=t2_�8�1C❑ 'o;l'� tY1B GIC71L111�+ Pd.L-. J�1. yr1C 9.°,V2"&1 OGtI°?' 0�1�="'ICL'S W'0P Fbi2 t0 � •.-1t Ofl E11 iil�d.5 � r.C.`i' ft:lllF':S 11:•,-�� la cr .n�.i ��\`r�:Slllp. rat°, ann r;s ii,-t�.t �e somF�hin� ����� �e �'ht fiant to c��.�_� nn I�fll'12: $iia l7B L:�S CG'1t;2P'12d Wl�Yi� .-.- '.AG.i!;�12� b PBt°' ::� i'P�' .,. ._ G''. �a�':'.Lti t:chniccl e�?vici on se�tin� up. ic�}l°P a� ��.Sf?^ IF i;h@ COG�.G1LtFP, i'c.6 �+. �'i�l:'. OI ftPuiLI'ut�7', �2PC:1'fl �,}l"° Sfil^ Llif; Pli'. S%j�S C�7iiPE', G.IlS� DP. �fi �lI'OC� �"..1."9 'OP SP.PVIC" ..., },_e.�L7 £i:l� i.f? �OIl�� ,.�.V` ."1�'�.'?` 5}.PrJl� ...�.. . r'f},�i6'L .. E�Ci1' 1= r}:%T'c d�P°' 2:IV C�P.'; 1�:11.`;S. -� ^Gt;'E �..., a_ ,,., .� i� � Advi��ry Committee D!rPtiag �epter�oer �, 1972 ' ' ' � , ' IJ �� ' � ll CJ , � , 1 -6— must dPol uith �,sy 'PV. The FCC d�fines pay TV as "sei';n� on a�^o�,�ai �y F.i�G�,I'ci!'. DES�S OP Q getSPC••ti�� �caP.!!:S,YY'i2.tpCileP'', C1D^OPCSSTIC2�T,I1P.nFCC�SfljrS 50. 2,d doe�n t defin. �,a� TP ,it it Toc�;.;vhra aa�ad another point: the need for adjuaication procedu°es. Baroara I`.�hes sxi� on� ef tr;e t'r.in�s we should aa�?ress someti[r�s is xheti,er '+�e shculd leave the woro "lic°nse" in Section 3• It says if yoii use the telephone poles end neth'rg else that all yon need is the license and yrn�'re a licensee rather than a fr�nchis�e. Tom P%�yhra saia en�th�r iteu w? siould �;ive f��:ther co�sidere— tion to are tc th� rate makin�� po��ers over and above �ubscr?bers fees. Barb2re. It�x�'hFc g8�� �t�..°. r?&!� trPP,2 F8F'?S (?!1 '.'BL�S Ot:1PI' tr18;1 iT1��P'_l�tion. �Orifl t�Yin6S aS}{o'� jo �}ePa WgP2 8TI)' T°Alljr Wfly' O�lt 8P@88 Wv }�-VAI]�t P,V�?❑ t81k°�i about. 3arb�^a Fit ''°s sa?�? t!-ere wer° eom° ttinps whirh w�'rP n�w to her under °�`isce�lanPrnis". 9s an Pxer,:}le, Lbe :olP of loca.; microwave and here is a matter a� ra.tes that �ay or our'ht to bP ccntrolled on son�e lev?1. She also said the matter of provi?in� a=Prvice en�? then cher€'in^ for it. 3'Y�t i�, th�y cFUl� l�ase out any chenn�ls `hey w�nted to to som�b�dy for fire elarm systems but th=y conldn't oF°Ar ona t�Amselves. That is; thFy conl�n't 'oA an o�ner of any of the�e services that Lhey would char�*e extra 4or. 5he sei� sY!e didn't thin�c the FCC riiles say th�t you havF ta allow th°m so ?t crnild bA built int� th� ordinance. ?he role of te�� owner in that kin�l nf t'i*�� is a.noth°* t�in� we heven't talk?d at�out she said. �arbara Eueh?s �1sc n?ntione-' the ability of t}:e cir,y to °nLer a iaw s�it or that the cor,��any cc11�1 nnt 7�^ohibit t!�� c�ty ^r_�r �nt� °int� a law s�iit s�ainst the co��.ony. Nn� yo�• +cu'.� `f,- tr tr.� s clause �c e:low yo>> to de this (� huld—haruless cleuse). Dean Caldwell orougnt u�, tY_e fr�7chisa ���riod and asked is ?t �os�itrla to have 12 years r�view and than �ius tY,r�e to finish the franchise plus tt:ree pl�is three �fterwards. Jotm :aines asiced if there was any �rov+sion to revoke the fra.ochise at the end nf l5 years and we could afld be�ere Lhe franchise could ue reveked, Lre citJ would show cause and hsve �ublic hearin=s. The meetin€ ad jrn�:ned at 9t �� Y.�� • 6� , 1 ' � , ' cn�rv a�vtsc�ct ccx.?,<i��;E rw�ri:;c 5e�,t�mber 12, 1972 �l'118 G.PCI`,lilE-. D2i&11 2t ]:_?(�i Y.i�. iP, cti911C�d.TICE w'PB i�.PS. __^`JflPB t.'Ll"ii@5� N.r. John l:ai7es, 1•�r. Dean C�ld�ra`1, i�r. "'on: f�:y}ira- dnd t�r. i��ike �ieiiand c.° the C��oie i'=1=vi:?on Inforration Center, r+cshin�-tcr., D.C. 1•,r. D�n rish �nd P:r. Jerr� ��ton were ��.*esent ?� t;.e ceeinn?n� of' the u���etin� to ex��ress some ide2s tc :.".� r,ommittee. h1P. �PIl C1Sli SL'dt5�. k1E Y!&S T�1?1I71T!p''. F..I. Orc1CP 1❑ "7'idlN�y ?00 FSKP(j hI`iEt�l."i � the City C� .;�il �.r ;ha ndvisor� (.o���iT.r,ee ��.m�1� ��ve the ability to Frant �pprcvsl or con���r,t or �.cssibly r'ec �ca fi�ancial Ai!� bacY _'rc�. t..e� cem�2n;� for t}.e se1li��s o� r�tan��. liis firsr, cues'ic-, w��; or, tre =�:b1�it;� for s�.r��ey � tF'dl'ip' Ci L7] 'l 1] �,�/ C� tfl�. OP^1i�8�'1C� Lr �.p� *7lflt LrA CI� '�.Ol'.''� �rV? ��.}1P. suthority 'u F rove c^ di,a�f,rov� ,�ch surv�ye. s�F „Y�thA* r-e cable TV cnc7.n wculd have tne t=c^.nicel crr.��i�il,ty ^f fir:�i�,-- e�� r.rroumf�. LI'ta i?e° r;` %�';� ro.�L`�1F, Wt19t C)laililPiS '�JeP-: ;iEi.?1+�:.'tiB.i,C.}'..a''. �:A I'P^.��L1('?]:'ii. ttlHt � St. .G�iis 1ar:. F;rote ti-,rit �nto thei, ��r�?ind*�ce �o ?hat St ,� - coverea. �ike holisnd sai� there �s �� ux}�r� ?� tr�Lioition �£ t}�,_� tv tr: F�C. , Dan "1G}. ��^.1'� LhEt tr1S ?S 2 cOL1I'CF �f 1'PV ° f�I' COC•S^1P,� i.}t1� ;i'gL `.0(�c:y 1� ]t W S ii^� G2^P"!� �B.Pt C�`:� tr� 2 1G.^.S . ��:' �',r!f C1i,1ZP,[15 1S th° 111V851071 vf pr�vecy aod ir tY.is was �r� ��;r �.r,enc � it a�ould stre���*.Len �L rn� no? weaken it. Ba;�nsre Hu^hes ss�:d �art of �Y� �,�robleu nF�re s that �F LY!e F'�C � does not air ctl� pro�ibit it ue cnuiac't Eror;'oit it and �v��n��: �+re ��re'<r it in it oay nct �tand up �n cwrt. ' ' ' e , ' 1 ' ' Jerry Crton e.s�ed i.f th°r° Weu_d oe the eam?��;rivacy in two-4��„� corrrn�ication ss we now huve ia c��ar Lelai;hone. t�-ike hclland saic �he iCC h=�an't �x�ressly , a_ddressed a lot c,^ t'r;�e rig},t of }rivac} questions and �.,ill ce_��a.inly }.ave to address ttier�. ::e snid he felt you ccuidr't �oe ���,l:ec �o Hi.at yeu are watchin� on yoGr c�ble system w�ithout your ��,�reement ta it. There may be a warning li�°1-t, as dn ex�u;�le, r:=quirec by ths tCC scmetieA ;❑ the future tc a3vise tho,�: Nhen they are bein@; ��o�leo and �lthou�.ii tl.e�ider has r� �reat �eal cf cArit, 1�-iKe rioliand said we couldn't ±a1ic about iC since we con't ;mow Yo� it ail; worK. I�cil F�i.S]'i S81� %71d.0 Elly' COC-.Q'U?11C=:L1�P '�' ;:"11 C1t1ZE,'D e(l� �C17�;7� ��i C1L'.7-:1 and c�rvice sY_euld 'oe n�ileo as ��rive ,nd �rotected and we �t;otila writ� tl.at i:� our ordinance for the �,roteetic.n cf tl�� e�tizens. I�iice Lollond s�ic Lhat �re dcn't knew ho� to deal with `hP pri.`��.cy i,sue an� therc r�ve 'or�en ❑0 CCll^L CESF£ i:0 �72i„='. �':Y2Cj7ti1�17�, �I;2L ]'&S b�°A 'wT'`i.ti,e❑ C!". 1 � t1aS Of'.P,71 � hi�hly� s�.zrm:se� or what may ha�jen in �he `uture. It's �'i`f'cuit to nzndle since y�,i ��cn't know k�he.t's ��oin�° to hat�.en. He sa?r 2ny xrovisions tP�at you s•_�=k Lo caif�� mi�t�t oe a�oo� i.dea a�rl this at*sc�pt tr rrcrioit miYht not P�urt. . 1 ' � , ' ' ' ' u ' ' ' ' ' CA?'V♦ A�v�scry Cer�eittee h�etin� T O SPpb°n�b.°.i� i2� ��f2 [�(i�8 4 Ancther oue�tion orou;��ht �zp oy rzn rish wa; en the :�isbtzrs;m=nt ��f funds. . Tt!', i,^!'�_.^.9TtC? 1.^.fr:I'S ��"I@P�'. wli: U�' !IC U�1P^??1 C�'i tt1P, i,2��,ey�-'t O�t',°I' th&P � t0 ?1COl{ !li E:i^ -�.8jr Lt1C SUDSCC7.F�1G17 f°r5. NP, oS�'O,(�� C.°.Il �x° 1T1:��li°. `�il&t �. `L11° f1I1'dfIC781 C15��liT'SP.lG�II%5 PCC-?V°,^', ?rOf� ��P.ii�::'21 �i lilil 02 j�?li. ?^CO tf'Q :eneral fu�d =_nd that the co,�^cil will oisuurse them er ,�hat !e =�cio;T to hsp�en to thst �on�y that is corin� bac�c. If it ;_oe� to educ��ticn, es �n examxle, it's encther tax for the citiz�n. Dadn C�idtieil said tne.r? ara liu�itstica� r,y the FCC on su�scriber and installetior. rct�s �nci it c�n c�ly oe c�e^ £er specific �ur�os�s. P!iH:, ..oll�nd saic �hA rule is that you may ��r:�ruct ��;� of r,ross subscricer ^evem�es �xhich are define�9 as instelletio�i cY�ar�as cnd mcntrily servicP chsr�as only, r.�c,t �.��c�v�-rtisi��E ravenues, not leas'r,d cY;e.nn�=1 rev�°nues, not i�ay �3V rev�nues. fie, =�ir � oi e��av : �t as n�uch as 5N of tros -.uosc i ber r�:v �tiu. e}+ �.�s ci�ty 6:71': tYi� CE�1:, 01,9^ctLOP Co.71 '�EiGOIISbT'&eB i,U �Yil,' �_Ci; LYlE�`, �;}:..G 7GI1^� ivll� L.: usEd � or s iocsl r=�-ul� tery �;roE=re�.�. i.° .• oney �'r_a's �Lo o: renic€ �-�?. oniy to a loeGi reE�ula.tory �;ro��ra¢ for the cable s�st�+n: itsel.° ano it c;uld no. ro ?nt� ��uc�tiona; ,`unds or tt�e ��enarcl r-vrnues oi ±k�P city exc��.t ±_� the axten� th2t it mi€"ht take care ef pa.rt cf the city n�ena�°er's sala^y if t:e is s}�;-ndinE }_is time c❑ c2ble �r�ttere, etc. � � Pi'ae i-ellanc �ei�' therr� ere a loc of tt?in�s in 'h�� tCC rulee trr:t r�,rt�i1 trie tFcYn�lc;ic�1 kind ef rlevelo�ir�nt. Baro�ra Hu�hes ,zid ?hat it �e=. import?et th�± the gublic in*.�re�t b� T��ot�r,t�r. 'J21]fi i`lSr �Tl� JP,.^P)' �iP`LG^ 1"ft °i1� _58S'�li?'2 [:llf'}'.�' D7'011f�'i. lit� F'1llP�'.T1011 re�srain� the s°rvi.ce ccntract in our o*�;r,�ocP. �P;��ir�s for �M�?�_ich t�h°y ar° allow�d to char��e �. �ee e.nd �t;ou �a t��is oe .11owe�, [� ;;�� F�lland �eid it w�, e s�ric�.is pc�nt tha-t stwl� b� �'�zlt witi, in Lhe french�;-. Ee sa?ci you should decic•A �.�h�th�:rr or �nt y-ou sr!ouid :av�r th� basie ��ind of re1�.�:ir &LIG� IfF?i1L°11o^CP, SPPVSC�S �.P"�Vj�?P,lj ;CI ,= (?' C21&P�"'PP 'GP .�'}.CPaAP��➢.SS'y mairi°nanc_.. .s�rc����a �su�h � said tt�at i�.he ���o;iF would r��-�° te be ,�visec� r,f trr possibility that thPrF w�>>��' � service crmtrecG +- F that w�i�irl Ge over _.nd eGov� the ¢onthly servic_ .:iid i^-tzllaticn f�>e, [.ike Arlland s��+d ther� arP ordir.ances thet wo�_� re?�iire trz;, 'uasic � rralnt=nN�c? b� I�r:�vi�ed to trw en <cri�:�?: ���rithent charKe coverin� nny e4u�ku�sr.i th �� ��s in tcll°d and t �u:l� no_�mal nse simply te.iis te ::ork. , ' C' ��� dar�c-r� ru�hes raised Gnother Foint c�r. s?rvice, ce�plaint� o� su�ecriu�rs. Do�s �Y,et }rcvis`on allcw for cnstc :er ccu:�leintis or :s tr.e lic, ���" tc city �nr co��ary, P;::e holisnd �aid he idea Has t-�� r,�sar,er cc,: 1&ints csulo oe dealt wi*.h ;,y tkis role of th� �_dvisory Committae. Por. �yi�:ra su��.esteo it c�uid be 'r�ndlea 'oy someone ir. �he city de�s. _sa.ror�rs hu��t.-� asked a quesLion en mir-owave�—othet tha.n *I�u��,� i � w�.ici: are allowe� t.n�t locei micr:wav� f_ , ar= �ot re€-ulato��y. i-ike io�l.�n� ��-ic� 7p 1 1 ' � ' Cr.�V Ar,v�:ory Ccr:'.'tee r.eeti7t- « Se� �-=c����. 1%, _��7� F'd: , j= 1� c��e� C l-.,q iC �-°P ,� nf°P� i� � i� .,^ri t f^li;y ..- }"I? F F Uill'�c 1 t i jg� ��- Ip clt�i� _. �'i w _FCI, C.. !} �.ii;�h i.,_ .�.C" ._ i°C .�'.-� ���r _.. t,h.° �r�'i^:s.�::e� 2�d s2;^ '.h� �,�i?.1 � � ��.nt°ol �.c" �. F.��,.__. rls�r. �.. '.'Cli r;f}�^& ._�_'. � Cj1188t10T1 0"I '.^t` !1.^.CiPC��(�!'_n�7°tf]°:' 1.;;or�:, ;�p-, r� •��:v-.,. �o �� � },Iri? a}',P� � �/i, CCI'}�� >?°..^- WO!lla ^}]CC".°. '.0 � 0 �.�iF:L Pf:1�9 ?CP _���P" C"1 :`;CC'.OII " ' � c0!� t(��➢ :H'f LO CY! L�an �/rU [P�1FL j"Y FCP Lh;L Cnc* GF LIfl C.'.�-'Oa.'Vr . . n0!7�-Ctl'_',^�. ��1.-tv tOlic!1� �di� f.'1C�.� 2!1 °'��:�CPt!Gl?E.L F.11t}10?'1'�;� �.. �.➢ P;IF[fi]'.�'r ' cannot o� rhF -�a'.aditicne.11y °n^ �a^r�;n�- =xtra sy�t�°r,!s i i<.,, � llc^d S21d t}i2r (�� Tf.p ,•:P?'CG(ItleCL10P jP07-°[F� ]', 'S Wril y0li ll.b ,h,:' C=t-0��F;'Jl�li,�• on— ?he cce�.�ny rr the citv. � F:ik> Hclla�d asrFa �r�hat was encision�d �y ���ctiors 11F �,nd �� sur���.ste�� t�l&„ lt ^OIi:G� -'J° [f10.^`. SFeC1I1C ;,}18!7 ��i'��1? COf�ID'_�tP. �]131. O�LCFFa G� �1V4 P:�2I➢U�'P5 kh0 PBtP�'cp'.➢� 8 bPOflG Pt3Tl�,2 Qf� lI]tBC25t�....�u nP. 521fi �.�'_c3t °VBPy � FedetGl coR�rzissior. requires that no rurP :har: Four mamber� (ost �` � co�u�issioc of sAven) �Y�ail oc ����emt�ers of the s�m-. �.,olitica� ��nrty and �ut-t°es ��, tt,�t t}:i� �P >rrltten in te insur•° sor.e scrt c� uai�nce. � To�: t-yhra asked aiwt �bout sa;�in� the Lior�ry 3oe^a sl�ll ��-r�e on��. bikF: t:01i;.1� �'�'� }te �10i1'1. k[lOd r,n,d �t'�,.1��„ �`�.° cGPt C£ Jll.°SC10C �lt;`ll �.011:d hece tc ansa,er and trat's a��ele��etion cf city authority. ior t�yhra e<ked, � how about Cr��� can noninat° one. t i'.� rol �id �z�� tret's ���tin� it into �?iffei•�nt tnr s �nd GcaC's an alterna ive, tec. Ci�e :o: �n� eaid sinc� �t is an a�,��oint?d �omRission and a��.ointAd i;J !,t.a Ci�y Council, fcu woul� � h.ao l��ss �ban She l.ui>lir interest ir minc ��� t3ie �est wa;�, to av�id tt:it� is tr ?e�l with it direc�iy in a wr�tten � t:ion :n a sittaeCicn like thi� enr� tr.at i� woula insure a- politic�l balar,ce. � JOY:'1 :fll[1F� SH1(i 1C aOA°0� � hllPt LO ""PL S]i°C�fiCS 0'1 rlGp . c�,t°S 011t ShF^ ;y�eu still t_ave tc, hav= z7 �il inci sii-� ci�iisA. hatrPr ^? s��.^ �hzt ; ik�� wss su�g,estiaF= ',�e leav�� *,hi� fairly �oroa� but ask °or �,o�.inci7 re�olution � t}1F;t k0111C�, 1VP'�1£ °�.P.C7f'C�. BBP� P? -'-'llf}'R� gH]'� �NP IC2y �iN bb_° i^ r'�t et tt1At L�y `•h2t th�? COF[f'1?t@° W111 Wrlrc iy- c.�. 2[Ir� 't.:,rn C(il'.� �D�? r_go thinFS ��,-t��ch �..�onld have the approvel of the Coimcil. [J ' 1 u � l�.ike -ol7snc� eai;? ther�� ���ere two issu��- `},a: you ar= fecin�. '�uh.Ar� do rou want �o recc,mr�°n� th2t the control r� ,r �.,he �ay tu ��1zy ^e�ilatinn ni that Sj��.i,°C .)� �;?�`°.f� �:nr `d}12% )`.2T't fJ� i,}!&L COR�,^C1 ch�i,l'LL�i �JP, Voct�,r jn !.rF-� Advisory t:or�ritte?. H� �2i�? thP s;ay he r�z_ds it rc,; is ther� �s a�r�€,L deal of pcw�r to *}�' ��ty 1�a�a€e^ ���o�l s„f���-t=' t}��t tr�^ wavieo°; Corritt.� DP lllCillC]B�' ?❑ S9C'�.7C;1 i1T'�__?YlH.� Y'�'. C'?.V IF'IEt'°Pr pr�]f_n� OR LY'�P. 'IO_i-°�7C OY t.i'.. A�1ViFC.^y' �OrC7:t9F'...... t�.i'r�e tolla�ri ��a�d tha� nn the question c` coas�arcer co�)��laint�� tbat al1 ccr�lain�s ba r�ccr���i, checaed out b,r ��rh�;,s soreonP i•i the cit;; �'�ic , iB � 0 , ' 1 1 , t 1 ' , ' ' 1 1 LJ Cl+TV d^visc^y Cornittee P.�etin�; 5=F=t�c,c�r 1�, �972 re�c� 4 i�01iGnE� tl�. All(1 � i.]IOPG',]!"�1'1 : er.u"L '�;T1Lt�'P OUL. 'ir",P t}:P. i�1V1S0^y �OCr.'��.ttnn CO"1S1!�.?tF 7L t;l _ C!':1t;:1y '"�-i.1;:,�. +:}�'or;:°:, CP ❑�i lt 'w2S 2.'1 2}.��.PC��^18t�B 'A2j' Of i-.o^Il�il:^.. lt. ��i8 S81� �r8` ?rF �,� F'.�=� hPEPl'.� 'XcC,l.'1?�5 OP S��c ],..."qnTlc tc r.ea: �n�'.ivi�lual comj.iaints froc citia�ns anc' if ti�.e c-�tizen 'iscr`r�es ��ith ri� ''indir�s, it can �o to th� ���:aminPr cr tha FCC �.. �'„Lc�1e. Ee suf���ested th�t some of the sanctions ef thin�°s lik? `:�et couic o� bu!lt 1^`C i,�':2 0�- �1!IS!lC? �itl!� i.G SPL ll�� 2 F'?'OC?SS WY'.P,P° y0U ��tibilt 1T15: Cf�71iP01 tG �'1`: w7tY. oR� !��jr �0 ��8y.�P,C'Si0C1 [^81{jRp� �`OWEPS LO PPSL 1?' '}la �._`'�T A.8118cci �c of'ice witl�- r�vi°w �oy the�A�'vi=_ery Committer. i�`ika ?�oll2nd s��� +,het the vYin�• vrnz want to ra:<� snr° ?s r,h�t any ��inr� or 8PtiJ1tP2t�0� C^'_" O^ 8.'1;� �d]il� 0: C�.'151tR`°P COF��''•i1P.� [R°C}`E=iJSC .'.r.8t ;j'�ll. �0 d@VP,I.Gj� ir£t L}!.°,j�.tOV151CD jrOq P!`��{B ].'! �:.p GP�?IldPC" 2j�i�l.i°� lr. 8'_-'� ^:�. '.°nt sectiens c` ±l:e orr'inance. For each rrovie_cr. tr wr,;ch yo�a ��.ent thP C;�t�; h.ana€��r to ��ke ? decision *.Y�t ��ch of thes? provisicne i= fairly +�Pil expr?ssed. �larbara Hu�hAs asked �.�hut :rou1�1 be ?x^'i���ea. t�ike fiollend �aiP� �onr rat� �.POVSS�CII� fOP @�AIfi�11P� 'wf.l?i'? 3/0!: q,y�paccly dOIl�* 31106: °lly _[IC7'P2c,c in ra�.�� cv.r a_`i��°—yPar peric�. Ki;:? sai� tYer�� ar�r.'t nzn;; cit;�� :a"c t:a���° �?��27t ��itY, role �f tr? w�viso �� Corr�itt..e a°L?r rons�ructic� �nd inst��lation but ;�ou shoul� maUA ����° trtt arGit,^ation rc1'a bo �x�rP�siy note�. P'.';- E[cllen�' �ai�� anr�th�r a1tP^rative to arbitrati�n is an a=s�ss— mF7t of �.articular k�7ds o£ fine� For thA Tailure of thF corF2o�� tc a�°o��in2 b2sic kin�?� c`' G�r•v�c�c. �eto�:r� i:u;•h?s �s'���d 2 cu2stion o� Section �y �a 30 (r*ec��'ures of T�rrinaticn). h�l�{B �101��-I1C Ee,i•7 Y115 llll(�.°P_L211'�1➢F 0� ? � kF�S Lt]B.t lt j.�°OV1C]9° `�.^ }1P2P1[IF zod t�reclud-�� an;� Ki�r,�i of revocetion cf�the fr�nchise without ailowing a hearinF� o� the ;art of �he com��any. 1'h° �°ool��:m witk, tYie provision is that it i= 'n diffsrenC sections c� tre or�inance and should be x�sileo to�;ether for cr�znizational ��ur�os?s. :_e said a lot of theee rLinFS €o t'C the S&L^�2 j�C�l-']t� SI�1Ch �.5 SL'i:t10�5 L�� 2�� �1�� �1� �� � nd i.u'� 5717C`�� til".;� cecl wit1; �s=�,ntiaily �h2 szr�:e r::_n� __, r"ether rl^ su��est�a that he weuid like to mcve on c�ajor �c�;�ics �7 crE"�:c:izin; tt'i° OPh�]i1�1]CF. P..°. 80 .°X&f:�,12� llli,°Pt0i1S]°Ct10?l� I'P,�'^@SS l.1%"�('_^ [C" tOji�_Ci ^OlP Cf i''41 �C.^y LOfC1tlP.? 1➢ P.2;-'�21� 1L npl'_:8G1OIl� :'i.C. llIl'=C Eilf �il°t tO1.1C. .l:r� , czn s�J th�sP are the Qajor ..°�s of prirG_°y i�r���crtanc= �t!2-t the CO[fC1tLr° fp°=E fnl.°t DP, p2PC Cr L}19 OPdl!IflI7C8� OSIlePWl�°. }�°P}18j.S T".�,P21 1Y. OP CO*]c::'S,^ iF ;,n�j n�'.j":°P 8,^9d� W}'1C.h �.,� 18/?'81 !�°j�2PtL�1°7� OIIE,}:? �_C _CO{C ai,. Jchn h�.i-�=�= pointer' out � �•;a= t�e�� a � `o^e l�arch P3� C.-wc❑ t ..7_�_�.S 'n'll� OOt �^=V(.IC° 7L. ' ' *,he aif°iculty oF r°vo'r.ie� tY�e cr�ainanc� e..,..� it ?l�t. F2ther _.�? seid if � �^airr }��a^t ��- rn�r -.0° �rc't�t°'�, it 1��Ffit b° .4;orLr. ru -�' "C�!'t t0 7C ' ' . CA!'V A�,,;sory Ccc�:_ttee NPetinR S?pter,:b°r 1Z, 7972 ' ' ' � , I� , ' ' � ' 1 ' Pa€`P 5 F�tY;er Ed ask ����h�t are th- �jor tc�ics � wan± to �eal with or r��t,�wa '.VjS.; YO &�^°7'� -:'1!' 'rIPOL�' �CkII Cr° �C110"w]OF iI1L9TC0^'.7°Ct10T1� f�°�ln_S1C1]� �,F��:j�' •^��r 8�V1:'0.^}� �OL.ID'_tt2° :tSP'if� ECCL'Ui.'�.80111tjr, I.rivaey� G8T10flt� .'r:,,.�F:nc LY�'•. �iil hati°=�. tc t�o into t}.e rate G�d te^r. af th°,� fr�ncris�=. I•i;ce ccilrnd s�ic �,ehen you're talxin,'� s�cst Lh2 rol? of ti;�� hdviscry Gcc�n_;I.tee Sc'!CS] LI15 �'Cla eitFlS�°FIB11t 2I1�. bCC0�.1`:t2bl:l Cy G° tr1B 0}�� PBLOP LO Lt:C C:'�'i.'1F':C°.� yGll�PC tallil�� C` T11C�'�° 7❑ �rr _bi �P�:=-. �LG�. �:�Jk1P2 S�r](� 1° °OS �['C01�"L_- 1%ilit,� in ��3,..P�an� ]i�t.t. aac�. +r2::t z.i:k Y:avinp° 7ar;,:� �_ar 0`(��iiE[lC= P81::P.0 Lfr_(I :'OffP, OtI1P.T 0.�.i�i'1C°� '�i(', 8PP i,2�diDi- .. °1Sa i1cVlilF'" �:Pn8P81 i"1?F1SiC❑ `�GreP t�72i1 riFV2Cp `0!.^.20.'1° PZS!�� SC 'w'°�?'?. t8,il.^.F � P1`n into thA f:it�ire--r�e ���cn't kno;: .�hzt `t is. t=e �,aid t�2 s:es accennte�+�_lit; EE �7V1➢F" ll}� LG t71° `'�'ll'iC Gr �r_F CCI'1..^%-CL. l�.i'f,° t10112[l� 5`dl(j tff' 2 C°[f10T2'1!�UI�1 U° U_:1CP,PE�80f�1 f' SrO��� .-�.��i.�',�➢ btG,P. �ress where �h° cit,� rous�il ca7not rPn:ire oy la� the�o;� r�tcr t� ;�r!.:rm � y cP F`Ir� C '� 9, (� !�P r? ion :`!i c^i.• *}'�nP? .':n: c(��c� h�. Lf1P u ZUi� CT� �� l. �14f:. ��� � G. �t� c% n���c that ar^ �d� `t�: in a�� there yo" Y��t;vA r�r..ctions'�n� .r,on��,]i����cA 2�� rl_°r° 8I'? GLr1°i` t.1'.'.'.lf"° r!]2.`L £CP, u i!,.8tt°?` OF jllC11C '[lt°,?'O.�L e]lC! '`.r,° ni�`,�u�• �: contir��zi���� aie_o��+i? b�tw°en *he cor�F�any �n�? th� r.ity anrl that w^�z��? be thP if!P,VG7'BTI�IiR: 0:� 'l;i��"?'Gt2T1'�1TIF' Nr:Ft°,V?r 1% iq. �8.t�:E'•• ?.� �p;� T,?��Pr^ ]G o1�0 `r, j�?r10�1C P?Vj°W OTI SGR�P, �D�E�S OCI t1'P ^:7I'aL10� OF. tr�' :7'8!ICY_15�. � h.ik�� read SFction 25, "th� ccmpa�y srali o�zbmit a p��r, subjPct to tt_° a�•�^�val of Gh� city �tetinr a p°orosad number �f ch�nnels........5uch pl�es shall �iGO Cf�']i.r'.� tr`� .^�i10'�li71P�...• �c"�!1°.T' '''h S!='�rj `h'rt�c n�% t'.T] �(�!�'^,..:I^�nt t0 ',r� c_�?im�r� 2nd is eom tYin� thct ���° �vPnL�tall� �i]]. havP to ��e 'n.er th?y �� o a��' r'v' „r, i t. I•�1kP, CC1L^-`� cria ra !IC 9�9 OII �&;'° 3� �OOV° S°C,L1CR ''�DSP OF ��'-IPVIS7G❑ Y2C1i1�1°S'� ._�l£� :,Yl"P; 15 8'IPPr? �(� rif�t j'.1P C2b1" CoSi,1TlF.,� 0^_'r-7I]ni."1�" CB�i]IP cas�int°, zece�s c2ble cast,�-` �n� cha�n°lc, hA 2�?de� �hat the FCC ^2s �a�P s�Pciric �if;n;ti�oe er eaer c' tr.�se. . r'UtYer -,� � � tc�: �-e� on interconn�c*ior. 9s a sP�tlon wF r-�v- -cr� ��.°?h�r �:i-�' of t}�1r,ritG; o� and we co��ild tt �. '.t o.t oi n�-�, <nd ,..� it h_... `e _�... �: rmcc°dares for aroit�etion is r �°�e:�ate �cind cf' secticu ,. i,-i'u,� l:ollc°:a _-i� �i.�t _t w2s invclv-�d -_ ... ^c7e of t�e e�?visory conr,�I�te�. F�Btr � E�' E.1� :C 15 c` LO��,1Cr.] 5°Cili �..r;r � C_1ti]t Y,-ra c�V�'^bl °C � .-_- :'f.bt lf ❑0� -'_I'1' ..''.17'!� 'fIBP? �Il�,". 1-'n°. -_�i3t1!' 2.(`PP,°.C:. .. . � PbI r �' SE-1�] Wltr: L11�5 W_ COUld �j i.0 T)lf, CCll" ' W� lvC�.'� >iBC� �° or?i ia.,ce �r..n�ed ;; ell trr. ��.}re� a*� hay� as �u t'ster ny tr� �•; or*. � en� '�-�t ':v�� �,aonla �e .rn?i?� tt° �'ensnit�ticn of tY,° bdv�sor;� Co�:! _tt,�e � �!! rRl^�": CESF WP C(��1 a WOr�i 011L �� ' L �Yi_'Oo- r�PP 2j �'1C801� '�i^ A']'rt� '1�L ���� 1= wo��l� i�ake ��°°sPnYation 'o ��Y.� Co�.�.i� 1 l��^ as x^Clv to ri_i; trir,zs eni �!;_ .�x��t wcrdinr. ' ' 7D ' � 1 ' ' ' , ' LJ ' ' L1 ' ' � , ' 1 CA?"; Adviscr; Co�rittee }.ePr,in� Septe�roer 12, 19�2 la�e �� . m"L 1�}/kl^2 Sal� L�'1° 'dClll� PBQ�11P? .'1"/'Ot�c^'?OTl I�'�tr. r°p'P� _�°1°y'_cii=n. J-�^..�^2 [ili.-G2e �,�.n 'r�c� c�1011ld YPt i,}:P, Tlfl^PH±IV° ^r,'IP Ei71� .�Ct '-. "lr:F�: PF�O"'', =:�a `.r2t D;y' �811�: E.^. 8PP➢�C�r'il� �i"Cnacc .� _.,. !^ _. °9C° .:;�'irl� ❑0 , .ao..c0""Cl. _�,ti',t-" E' �. �. ��i : ?:"' :'.}'.CH :'lf: ��f' '�2`It tC b� 1 fl!'t ;.f �`,l^�F Fm..nriQ:°nt lnnf oc' hn �a2^t T.G kOP�! ',ti? t?". �.:^° C']Lj/ Gt�O:^?]:•jr C2' 'AtlCoy,.., ac ±r -ca 5��n��� 2.^� C°iRf' � P(lj C.: �.� to th� rnnr��il ?n�' ti1� �o hev� to }=:v� �=ub�tar,tial airPCtio^, ani �;t° ^. ��n� W�]j� W° -. L'S�{1^, t}:°PP �r.l,']d'`. :C� 1'�;.",T'r St:i.(� W? flP°. Sll€'�'°ctjilf• EJ�.F'l.j-c':ir ^ath��r th�n rPr.?Y1. a`'8t}1aP "'� :]!�. fi� 'vlfltl'_� L1iLP. t('. k'T`]�.�- jI'O]��p58.1" 0!1 t}'.°S^ Pr.;- '��1 ��rl '.�f:l��' _Y.P comRi't°�° as ��.�hC1P eoul�i vcte on zn� tc �r,rit� troreso�= er r��cer,c�n�iati��ne CC LY° C(.U�IC1- OP. }1('i'v: 0.^!1i11E.'1C° chplli� G' 2D'PTI�°(� PTI!1 4�.' r,�,�.p.ltT,°p �-,°CD''^� 2�"I'°9C1 CO t!ST1(il� LI�,° f011CWlil�': lG!', %`,J:'�^9 t0 f-�^.�i°. ?➢�? CCTIi°;'t�C❑ f?' �Q r'4t �OFELY:E�" L:':°.� ,`.}lI'"y FJ.LL°P➢AY,iVac �j� '}..n Yli1'_c'. IPV?l� (1f� rnyi;,_ro�.�.ri.E 10 tri=S. .10t1❑ �:81i1°� L^ }:2ha1° t::? jiP1V&C�+ F'_°C.�^.'1`�,: li9a❑ (,<'L^NB_'i .� .'P_^�ig �h, (`CO^..^_�8u1�=Ly '�Il� r��1PZL10P, C'� _�11�.° .° B.GC}-15= r`.Tl� S&.^'L'_Ctl ..-� r.[.",!}�3�ilC"� i.il!! Q1OI'Ci^E[lalll"� :;.� •;"1''a,I'SL8'I�1R��. f'-'.]':�..'P i:!� i:GU.':'� tFiP.!�i° L1:,' CV..^__.! P(���.. Gf L1?° n`'V150T';j COC'[L1tCP@; JcPb^oP& i:lif�li°S t�iF 2°f�q't70?l6 :'�,'' �0��❑ i.�..,.. ,� LY.e prcc�i�ire� Ccr arbitration. `Yhe �eetin�� ad journed at 9: SO F.I•-. 7 E. 8 CATV ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING of September 14, 1972 The meeting wds called to order at 8:30 PM by Father Edward Chrnielewski, Chairman. All members of the committee were presenk. The committee reviewed its suggested recommendations and discussed the Pormat in which it was to be presented to the i City council. Mr. Caidwell moved that the report of the CATV Committee as reviewed here this evening, in its entirety, be approved and submitted to the Fridley City Council. Motion was seconded by Mr. Haines. A roll call vote was taken. Each member voted in support of the motion. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:30 AM. . (/�, � �as,.c:� John F. Haines Secretary : .,, � � caysxocx s vavis, urc. coaeulcsug Bngineeze lk4b Cotmty $oad nJ" Minneapolis, Mivaesota 55432 September 25, 1972 H�orabla Mayos and Citq Coemcil c/o Nr. Nasim Qureahi, C1ty Bngineas City of Pridley 6431 Univassity Avenae, N,S, Mianeapo7.ia, Minnesota 55432 Be: Sanieary Seuer, SY.orm Se�rer 8 watermain Impr. Proj. No. 102-2 Fridley. MLnaesota Qmtlm�: We..have revisred the tabnlaCion of bida received at 11:30 A.M. an Saptembmr 25, 1972 fos the abovo referenced project. The tabulatioa of bide received is attxcLad hereto. The lw base bid vee aubmitted by E. R. Park Copetruci3on. 3306 ti�et Caamty Boad F, St. Panl, Ni,qaesota, 55112 ia ehe �t of $19�900. The eacond lov bid vae aubuitted by Mexrn Snginces#ng, g2pp - 97th Av�ue North, Minna+polis, llionasoLS in the �ount of $24,850.00. Tlie third loa bid was sabnittQd by Besgi�md-Johnson. Inc., P.O. Soa "D", 8acalsi,or, Miunesota in the eimmt of $39,300.00. B. R. Cooetructicn's bid for Altetnate Ao. I wae $9,900. The ooet aetimate vae ezplained in our 2ettar to T,he Co�mcii dated SQpta�ebes.l8. 7,972. Baeioally Lhe eaCimated constrnctias coat for the px+ojact ras $15,000 !or tha baee bid, and $5,000 for tha alternate. qo eam be saea, the low bid saceived vas highar thaa the estimated coet. The coat estia�ata was prepared by ueing the garformence records of the Mt� fozces ia mnstsncting the ortginai �ail. The ea�e time espended per foot eras used and tha coat psr hoar vas 3ncreaeed to reflect the highsr labor costs of a c�traatos• T6e act»al aontractor coat ahould then be ia accord�nce vith the estiaate. dbviously, thea. the contsactor has added � additioaal coat to offsat �y unlmo�ma or risk which might be mcountered during Lhe coaetructi�. We havs also diecusnad the c�tsact witk the apparent la+ bidder, B. 8. Pask Canetructioa. �ia contraclor conteatds ehat he mieinterpreted t6a propoaal and srishes to disqualify h3s bid. Thia me�a thst the contract wonld Lhea i`evert to e6e second i:o� bidder, Mstro Faginezing� tn she amount:of $24,850.00. We fael that the contsact cm be moat econoni.caliy constrqcted by tthe �a of dag labor foreea. , Wa ahall havs a representstive at the council �etit►g to feuaish any additional 3aformati�. Respectfully sube3tted, CO2ffiTOCK 6 IIIAVIS� IpC. By I��--�i..�� a.��/ e ra�►/me a� s. vauasris�a� /'_'. e � N ' O ri 0 z � � � a �o � � t �•1 n � �� °� � � . N � � Pa � � � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � F+ � .� S .�1 a° � � N f�C � �W M � R A � � S � . � � 8 � � A� � 0 � °o s a � 8 m N � M � !Ll .a o• P V �9 Fl • r a~o '� axf r� ae N w � " e°. N� �� .�i �/1 N d o V u1 O �Y A�� � � �� � ��� � �„ � o � �� � �g b � �° P '� � ,°� I ti_ . „ � 1 N N� a0n-.-1 � . W -� -�� �. �.a p � �. ; �. ~p�p��y �R•�p N Y7 7� {ti W W W.. T.� E�0 � � � .� O M 8 � O� � 8 � m A � N $ $ w � A S O � � � U � A �L_N �yh P � � � e � u �w "g°"� �i � . tl y � � O o.i g c�3� Y M � •fl Y R . ���w °'�a . � � W �� W�dVI • N O� N w eaw� � o • ��� W � � � <,� gY M � �� � Od �, e+'� M q � a�+l � � g�� Y �a �g Y H CS M �AC M F O �� � _v-,.-. I � � cc�sTOCR � nsv[s, r:�c. ' consuici.�p, Eu�:nc�erv :.445 Ccu�;.ty Road "J" Mivaespolis, :3innesota 55432 ' Sepeembces �.9, i972 , ' Ci�y Hsnaget — C+`g �isstncSl cfo �fr. Iraeim Q;:ca�hi,� �i.ty Er�gfr:4a� City o£ �rEdley � , 6�a1 IInl;recx�sicy Ac�nur, I9.E. MLGn�BpD's1.9� iSzi3u�&O"s.:i's 3�i1v'3� � � '�ilCA,01¢@Cl: 1 . , ' , ' �� � . ♦ ' r ' 1 , , ' W€ RiPt6Dy r�u�;;:it aHdii.farial infor�a&z<,:: :.n � � . ::;, ,a� .:�a:k C+s &e;-� �:ii informQd o£' 2hca progr�sr o€ rhie i��r.%°•�;;:�,,,:. ti� hav� pt��za�:�d gls�e as.:�i ap�cific$tione for the ccatiauati�� t;'s r��:e rr�it::.;i.ug a:aZ;,'fzrc3��c��. Origiaally s.wo e�Llma�es vese suism�;.�e� for Lhiu soicat,iau, ir:: Y) y�`?,�!3(; 3f conet�ucted '6y the G:�g aua 2) �;`;il,GUO i: :or;�•tr,ucti,a� i:y raat�sc°��r, `�Y-i� Cit� hes per£nrmed 3gt�s��l.mately ::;,Gf1G xror� �n �far p�-aj�ete �'hu, a t�.s��?_ remaining a ec�i i+;.r.lu�,inh dcntir.�:auc;3r,6 of a3.5,Q,u ±; do�ae ir�r t:. ':y :.r,9 $:4,�G�? -S£ �ors= by ; ons r�Ct., 1r'� �ISYE ?::l�Lt £6;iUtl:.'fj ".'Ci8 yCOp4: O� tt.0 };):i.�je'�Cb 8A8 SE� � h}I8 .u:?:::3L.Y !rc`_`.t:l': s.�ase b::� :.c:.:az: �c:�;oaa �3�imate oi $i;i,irQC. T`,Ls �ou:`�� pvrmia: ttie �vo�:ex3 �u�,=: to re�a2c ssi[n.z ah� �22,OOU �uti��s�, ;f tiie S;c•s*ee�.i ,a�s�lias 'L::� pi..:r^::ri :kri� Lhe entT_;e proj�€:k� EF.e A1t�rnaC�: �t;��b•�r 1, wi�t: a rcia:tt>wca.re; va=;: cbef�,:��: o{.f 55�0�!!9 C.:''.+' $g80 ilG s'x4it3T41�a. 'idi3 CO�F.] Y;bO,'ji K:$: i�7`3:: �Oti_".Lt t`[itc: &eD1;Y•_3VS? Y��1%ol1 d3 On'.��.:163j.1.y Q8t1.9ft��d.�. . Shou?d tue Cc;�°�ai': des>.re any furth<•� infoi'm>aaiou, �la.�.s�: �•ex�€xct C'r,r• _;riter< P�I/n� l�er� C�asy c�tt�� . f'6;�::i3'€i�:::. 4 i1 .. . I.i4C�. Sy��f_ �:1�.,-�..z_�:f.�....� .,<:%."�..� a� S, 6artiexliu�� ""_ __ _� � i� I1 I ' I ' OFFtCE PHONE 421-4765 � I II � , ANOiKA COUi`iTY DEpART1�ENi i�i� HlGH�';�YS A�WOKA, Mii�iidE'�t!FA 55303 E. i .�.. � � ,... `.�Bh.-a. `eG'nea� September 7, 1972 Mr. Nasim Qureshi � DirecCor of public Works Ci[y of Fridley � 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 59421 Dear Sir: CGl '.�T y ; �{7c 421-592^ , Herevich are six copies of a three party agreement relative [o the ins[allation of a[raffic signal at [he camon boundary of Fridley and Minneapolis on County State Aid Highway No.l (East River Road). I sm sure the forma[ of che agreement is familiar to you and is self explana[ory. Should you have aay questions please call [his office. Your pranpt action on the matcer would be appreciated and wauld expedite the procedure and installacion. EJLtlp cc: Carenissioner O�Bannon Ca�vnissioner Kordiak G. Davis - Fridley Ci[y Manager ?1r. B. S[effen Yours very truly, � , ,, � , �E,�J. Lundheim, P.E. County Engineer 10 [:j I1 A C B E E M E N T THIS INDENTURE� made and entered into by and between the City of ' Minaeapolis� a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as 'Tfinneapolis'�; the County of Anoka� hereinafter referred to as the ��County; and the City of , Fridley, a m�micipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Fridley��. �BEAS, it is mutvallq desirable to install a traffic control signal ' efcvizt at the interseetion o€ 37th Ave. N.E. and East River Road (also known as ' , - I llsirshall St. N.fi.)� Coemty S[ate Aid Highway No.l� one half of the main artery l�catsd tn �he City of Mim�eapolis, Hennepin County� and one half located in ths Ci�� of FYid2ey� Countp of Anoka, Siate of Minnesota; and �EAS� both Mfnneapolis.and the County and Fridley are mutually agree- able that the cast of construction, installation, operation and maintenance �atl be sharad between all parties; and �AS, ft is mutually agreed that Hinneapolis shall construct, install, ' eap�rate and maintain said traffic control signal device; ' , ' ' ' Ll ' iil2[�IESSETR 1i1A2: (1) 1(inaeapolls shall prepare the necessary plans and specifications, and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to insure completion of t� construction aad ins[allation of said traffic controi device. �2) Mimieapolis wfth tts owa work force and equipnent, or by contract, shall install, or cause to be installed, the traffic control signal device st Coanty Siate Aid Highway No.l and 37th Avenue N.E. (3) All work to be done pursuant to [his contract shall be performed in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved by the State of Minnesota Aighway Department, the County� Minneapolis, and Fridley. (4) The County, Minneapolis, and Fridley shall each share in the allo- cation of the.construction costs for said traffic control signal device at lO q ', c i� I ' ' _ ` lOB � � ' �, ' (5) �Payment by the County to Minneapolis for its proportional con- atruction costs of said project shall be made thirty (30) days after comple- _ ' ' 1 tion of the work. Hinneapolis shall keep records and invoices.and shall bill the County in triplicate for its proportional share of the costs 30 days be- fore payment by [he County is dtie. These costs shall include engineering, l+�boas aaterisls� equipmeat zeatal� and other necessary and incidental expenses � s�egad.red to eaeplete [he project and make said traffie controi device opera- �.�sl, (!6) �e �zlsEm which vill be paid to Mixmeapolis by the County for t:�e :as�tallation vork perfo�ed under this contract is estimated at ltaelve '�azid IIollars ($12,000.00). �'(7)(a) Upon completion of the construction and installation of said Lsa�ifie cantrnl signal devi.ce at said Iocation, it is agreed by all parties �t lfinnea�ol3g shall maiatain and keep in repair said installation, and ' pe�aisle necessas' electrical pover for its operat{on. ' ' 1 1 ��i)fma� 7[Le cost of providing electric power to the installation shall Da c&aa'ged oa the basis of fifty percent (50�) to Minneapolis and fifty per- ce BLp ta Fridle . Bf12s shall be submitted on a regular periodic basis, at Peest once sanuslly. f13�e) The cost of groviding other physical maintenance and extraordinary expenses as the need arises shall be charged on the basis of fifty percenc (SOZ) to Che Coanty and fifty percent (50°L) to Minneapolis which will be billed to the County by Minneapolis at least annually. (S) The timing of said traffic eontrol signal shall be determined by the City. No changes shall be made in the timing without Minneapolis' , aPproval. (9) Minneapolis agrees to indemnify, save� and hold harmless the County i� � i ' ; . . , (1�) The County shali provide or cause Fridley to provide Minneapolis , vith the riecessary authorizatfon, at no cost to Minneapolis, to do such work within its boundary, as well as the neeessary contracts with Local property owners wherein changes might be made relative to [raffic signal duct or traf- fic signal bases. Any contracts with utilities in the County of Anoka shall be made by the County. (I1) Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid construction, instal- ' lation, and maintenance of said traffic control signal device shall be con- ' sidered employees of Minneapolis, and it shall be [he responsibility of Hfnneapolis to require that its agents have the required worlanen�s compen- sstion coverage while so engaged, and any and all claims [hat may arise under the Worlanen�s Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said ' employees while so engaged, and any and all ciaims made by any third party ' as a consequence of any injury snstained by any third party while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall be the sole obligation and � , � � ' � � ' responsibility of Minneapolis. IN WITNESS WNEREOF, the City of Minneapolis� having been authorized by its City CouncSl, the County of Anoka� having been suthorized by its County Board of Camaissioners, and the City of Fridley� having been authorized by its City Council, do each empower their respective officers to execute in triplicate this agreement on the date set forth below. Dated this _ day of � 19�2� CITY OF FRIDLEY By Mayar Attest City Clerk CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS 10C ` � t � ,' (10) The County shall provide or cause Fridley to provide Minneapolis � . . wlth the riecessary authorization� at no cost to Minneapolis, to do such work ' � within its boundar y, as well as ihe necessary contrac[s with local property ' owners wherein changes might be made relative to traffic signal duct or traf- „ fic signal bases. Any contracts with utilities in the County of Anoka shall ' be made by the County. ' :(11) Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid construction, instal- lation� aad main[enance of said traffic control sfgnal device shall be con- ' aidered employees of Minneapolis� and it shall be the responsibility of Hinneapolis to require that its agents have the required workmen�s compen_ ' sation coverage whfle so engaged, and any and all claims that may arise under the Worlaaen�s Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said ' employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party ' as a eoasequence of any injury svstained by any third party while so engaged on ang of the work contemplated herein shall be the sole obligation and ' responsibility of Minneapolis. ' IN WITRESS WtiEl�pg, the Ci[y of Minneapolis� having been authorized by its City Council, the County of Anoka, having been authorized by its County � Board of Cwmnissioners, and the City of Fridley, having been authorized by its City Council. do each empocaer their respective officers to execute in � triplicate this agreement on the date set forth below. ' Dated this day of , I972. ' ' , ti � \ . , \ CITY OF FRIDLEY By " Mayor Attest City Clerk CZTY OF MINNEApOLIS _.By �_ _ Mayor Attest � City Clerk — �rsigned City Comptroller COpNTY OF ANOK.q By Chairman, Anoka County gaard 10 G ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 0 h C R E E M E N T THIS INDENT(TRg� made and entered into by and between [he City of Hinaeapolis, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as �Tfinneapolis��; the County of Anoka, here3nafter referred to as the �+County; and the City of Fridley, a munieipal corporatioa, hereinafter referred to as ��Fridley��. WHBBEAS� tt is mutuallq desirable to install a traffic control sig�al ��e at Lhe intersection of 37th Ave. N.E. and East xiver Road (also known as liarshall St. H.E.)� County State Aid Highway No.l� one half of the main artery l��e� in tfie City of HinneapoLis, Henaepin County� and one half located in iLe Cit� of Fridley, Countp of Anoka, State of Minnesota; and < �s �th Minneapolis.and the County and Fridley are mutually agree- �1� tYtat the cost of construction, insisllation, operation and maintenance sL�F1 be sharxd 6etween all parties; and �s �t fs mutually agreed that Hlnneapolis shall construc[, ins[all, ' wpesate amd �aintain said traffic control signal device; ' ' ' iii2N85SEP�! TFlAT: `i) �finneapolis sLall prepare the necessary plans and specifications, aad shal! perform the engineering and inspection required to insure completion of the eonstrucEioa and installation of said traffic control device. �2) Hioneapolis with its own work force and equipnent, or by contract, sha12 install, or eause to be ins[alled, the traffic contrql signal devfce st Cottntq State Aid Highway No.l and 37th Avenue N.E. (3) All work to be done pursuan[ to this contract shall be performed ia accordance with the plans and specifications as appro�ed by the State of Minnesoca Highway Departrnent, the County, Minneapolis, and Fridley. (4) The County, Minneapolis, and Fridley shall each share in the allo- cation of the construction costs for said traffic control signal device at East River Road (Marshall St. N.E,)�� C.S.A.N. No.l and 37th Ave. N.E. Total estimated cose is ltaenty-Four Tho�and Dollars (;24,000.00): Costs to be shared as follows=_ �� Hinneapolis� share Spx' �\ -0ountYts share 25X . \ Pridley�s re 25 � The C' •� �nty will pay Fridley�s share of the construction cost and Fridley vill reimburs�he County. lOq ' ' �1 - ' 10� � I, �5) �Payment by the County to Minneapolis for its proportional con� struetion costs of said project shall be made thirty (30) days after comple- , Cion of the work. Minaeapolis shall keep records and invoices.and shall bill '� the County in triplicate for its proportional share of the costs 30 days be- fore paym�ent b the Count y q is due, These costs shall include engineering, ' l��s �terialsy equipmeat rental s and other necessary and incidental expenses s =!'q►�%red ta caoplete the prQje�t and make said traffic coatrol device opera_ ' tino�i. =�°j ���°�t° which vill be aid to ' P Mt�meapolis by the Covnty for �.��sEaliat�°a *�ork perfaaed under this contract is estimated at Tt�elve , �� �oliars ($12,000.00). `����_� UP� eomplet{on of the construction and installation of said ' braffic control signa}, de�e at said Iocation, tc ts agreed by all parties , �[ �d.nneapolis shail mai�ain and ' �eP in repair said installation, and �j� °��5�'z9 eZ�.trica2 power €or its operation. I'��yf1�� �he east of providing electric power to the installation shall � C��'�� O° � basis of fifLy percent (SO'L) to Mianespolis and fifty per_ I�E, ) to Fridle , g;Zls shall be submitted on a re ular at Peast once annually. S perfodic basis, �Tlfe) The cost of providfng other physical maintenance and extraordinary expenses as the need arises shall be charged on the basis of fifty percent (SOX) to the Cotmty and fifty percent (SOX) to Minneapolis which will be billed to the Countg by Minneapolis at least annually. ' i8} The timing of said traffic control signal shall be determined by the City. No changes shall be made in the timing without Minneapolis� BPProvaL i9) Minneapolis agrees to indnsnnify� save, and hold harmless the County and Fridley for any and all a - cts of officers, agents and employees of Minneapolis, \ and from any and all claims , damages� actions or canses of action of whatsoever ��\ nature or character arising out of or by reason of the performance of any work �ovided for in this agreement, and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and �ycpense any action at lasr � or proceeding comruenced for the purpose of assert- 3ng any aim of whatsoever nature arising in connection wieh or by virtue of the construc on, installation, �B;�Le1yance and operation of said traffic con_ trol nignal dev � a � said location by Minncapolis. � � , d 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: 6ERAlD R. DAVIS, CITV MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARYIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINANCING OF P-10 PROJECT - MEADQWLANDS PARK DRATNAGE DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 The total cost of the P-70 Project to-date is $19,279.90. Financing has been provided in the amount of $11,000.00, leaving a baiance of $8,279.90. The attached resolution � would authorize a temporary transfer of funds in the amount of $8,280.00 unti] the year 1973 so that the P�1� Fund does not show a cash overdraft. The $g,2g0.00 will be provided for in the 1973 Park Department Budget. ll ' � ' 1 1 ., ' ' RESOLUTION N0. �` �, 1972 A RESOt,UTION AUTHpRIZING THE TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF FUNDS PROM THE STAT� AID REVOLVING ACCOUNT Tp 7HE P•10 FUND (MEADOWLANDS DRAINAGE) WHEREAS, The Gity Council has previou5ly authOrized expenditures for the P-i0 Project 9n the Meadowlands Park area, and WHEREAS, The City has not provided finanGing fpr the tatat cost af the improvement, and WHEREAS, The b�1ance of the funding in the amount oP �8�289.Op w111 bA provided in the 1973 budget year, NQW, THER�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That a temporery transfer ' of funds iran the State Aid Revolving ACCOUnt to the P-10 Fu�d in tAe �mount of 58,280.00 is hereby authorized. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Stato Aid Revolving Account ia to be rei�ursed no later than March 1, 1973. PASSED ANp AppPiED BY THE CITY CO IL pF THE CITY OF / FRIDLEY THIS � 5 DAY OF , 1972, MAYO - F NK G. LI BL _, Ai'TEST; 1' . RU Ell llA � CITV OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: G�RALD R. �AVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNGIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJ�CT: TEMPORARY BONDS - STREET IMPROVEMENT pROJECT N0. ST. 1972-1 ANO ST, 1972-2 DATE: SEPTEh�ER 19, 1972 The Attached resolutipns would au�horize the issuance of 5430.000 in te�orary imppovement bonds for the Street Improvement Prqject No. $T. 1972-1 and ST. 1972-2. ThQ e;timated cost of this improvement project is $581,000. No financing has been proYided for this project to-date. RESOLUTION N0. I / � A RESOLUTION pIRECTING THE ISSU�INCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACQORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CIiAPTER 385 SE x�' RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: SEC. 1, The cora� estimated co,c of Street Improvement Proiect No. ST. 1972-1 and ST. 1972-2 has been estimated at $581 000 00 SEC. 2. It is now estimaced that the s� uf E430.Q00,00 __ __ is currencLy ne�essary to provide financing of the projects above noted� and it i.s hereby detecmined to be necessary [o borrow said amount for the payment of obligati.ns naw incurred and Lor expenses necessarily incurred in conuection wi[h the construction of said improvement project. Sec. 3. There 16 i,��reby created Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1972-1 and $T. 197Z-2 which shall contain a construction account as part thereof into which shall be paid all yroceeds of temporary bonds issued pu[suant to this resolution and similary subsequent resolutions, and uuc of Which ahall be paid all amounts due and payable as cosks or expenses inciden[ to or incurred in �onnection vi[h the making of said improvement. ' SEC. 4. There is also hereby created Street Improvement Pro�ect No. ST. 1972�1 and ST. ]972-2 a P& I Account, wt,t�n ' account in said fund mav and ahall be termed as the P& I Fund, in�o which �1 ehall be paid the proceedq of all special asaessmenta levied against benefited , � , � � property by re8son o# making pf said improvements as we1L as all other monies therein to be pald as prw ided by law and out of which shall be paid the principal and intere�t on all [emporary lmproyement bonds iesued to finance said project. S8C�5. It is hereby determined that the sum of �430.000.00 shall be borrowed to fi.qapFe s.�3� Stregt ImQM�o�r�ent proje=t No. $T. 1472-1 and ST, 1972-2 with Teipect to cost of coaetruction and expensea neceasgi�}Y incurred relative ' I' . I ' Ii � '. , � � � 0 there[o tp this date, by the 1ss�nce of temporary improvemen� bonds of �he Cit�of Fridley as authorized in MinnesoGa $tatutes, S6C. 429.01, 5ubdivision 3, as am�nded by Laws 1957, ChaQter 385. ' SBC. 6. Sald bonds shall be payable from the P& I Fund of the following: Strea� Imprqvement Project No. ST. 1972-1 and ST. 1972-2 nur the City further recognized its duty under the lav, aa provided by Sec. 429.091, and covenants and agrees with the purohaser and all holders from time to time, of said temporary imprw emen[ bonds, at or prior to the maturity ther�of that it will pity and setire such bonds and the interest thexeon out of the proceeds of dafiaitive impr�vement boade whiCh ehe Councll ehall ioeue and eell ae ox prier to the maturlty of the cmporary Lmproveaoent boad� to the extenc �hat the �same cannot be paid our of funds available in the P$ I. Fund oE Street Imorovement 12B Project No. $T. 1972-1 and ST. 1972-2 or out of other Municipal fund� whlch �te properlY aVallable apd are appropriated by the Council For�such ; � pPrp�as�. ' SEC�,�„7. It 1s hezeby detere�inRd to levy special asaessmencs agains[ benefited prpperty by r�eson of Ghe +asking ci Street Improvement Proiect No. ST. 1972.1 , dnd ST. 1972-2 and to levy ad valoraa taxea, if necessary, co produae stqop at least 5� iq exCeas of the amounts su€ficien[ to pay priacipal and interROt when due oA said C6mporary imprpvemeAG bonda and on any definiCive ' booda to be lesued �s berl�ia provi'ded, such speciel assessments tv be placed on eM� tmx, 1'olis a� avch k1s� r►hen said imprwment projecta have besn c�pleted , ' or ihe Cptal� cook thareof hl�� been determined. 5���8. Sa1d temporary i4pravement bonds ia the amouat of $4,0�,,000.0(L„ shall be dpnpa4aaced Street ,ImProvement Proiect No ST,�jQ7 1 and SZ��.o7�„� � Bond Seriea "A" sh811 be fnrty.,thraa (4.) in numbex and numbered from 1 to 43 inclusive, each 1q Che denomination of $10.000.00 � � �hall bear iaterest at the r�te of 7% per annum, payable semi-annually on September dt1� ,��r& of each year and shall mature on Septem6er 1,� 191�,, � .�AG.,�CRd.� � � shall Ee a4bj+a�t to xedemption and pre-payment on acry intereat Rayment date, at par �� , r , , , ' � � � ! and acCrued interest. Not less than 30 days befora Che date specified for redewption on said bonds, the (iity Treasurer ahall mail notice of Che call th6reo£ co the holder, if k.nown� said Treasurer shall maintain a record of the names and addresses o� the holders of said bonds insufar as such information is made available to him by Che holders thereof, for [he purpose of mailing said notices. Tha principal and all incerest on said bonds shall be payable a[ Fridley C� Hallt 6431 University Avenue, N.E.L Minneapotis, Minne�ota 55421. S�C. 9. Said tempotary improvement bondt shall be mimeographed and when so mimeographed shall have attached there�o an interes: coupon which hond and aoupon shalt be aubetantially in ehe iollowing Yurm; (Form of Coupon) No. $ (Upless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption) on Che day of , 19_ �h. _ County, Minnesota, will pay to bearez at Mi�nesota, .he ,u�¢ of mouey of the United SSates of America for intexest then due on i[ DATED CITY MANACLR MAYOR of dullars iawful 0 0 SEC��_10. $a1d bonda apd cpupons attached shall be prepared under the direccion o# the City MaAagei and sdall be executed on behalf of the City by the signatures p� �j{� I��p#' ��}d t�an����� and the corporate seal of Che Ci[y shall be affixed 12C 9 i� �� ( ' I , ' I � , � � w ' .� ' � 1 � �2 D K}�R;�Kp, and the appurtsasRt iaCere�[ coupon ahdll be u�iroeographed and :�uthencicated, by tkle p�inCed, engrsvad, lithugraph�d, or facaisqile si.$natures uf said Mayor and Mana�eY, Wh�n said bonds have been axecuted and authen[ica4ed they shall be �qllvered by Lhi Treaeurer to [he purchaser thereof, upon payment of ehe purchase price hQretofore agreed upon and accrued in[erast co date of delivery and yaid purch&ser shall not be obliged to see co che application thereof. S�C, li. Tha Ctty Maaager ic hereby authori�ed and directed co file a certified oopy 4f this [esoluti,pn with County Auditor of Moka Councy, together wlkh .�uch pCh�r j.nfarmdtion as he sh:tll requirc aad to ob�ain from �aid County Audi[ur a cestl.iicate thaC said 6onda have been eniered on this bond register. &6C. 12. The bonds isaued hezeunder stihall be payable for Str�eet Improvement Projett No. ST. 1972-1 dnd ST. 1472-2 _ which is hereby created. Thc Treasur�s sdall patla� a2I m�n��e rec�lvad from ehe proce�da oi said bonds, all moniea approprtat�d u►d trsa�f�rred Fran oeher funda and all epecial aeseasmenta !oT Lhe impxwamenta prw id�d that if any payment uf princlpal or interest shall beoowe due when there ls not aufficient muney in said fund to pay the same, the Treasurer shall pay sueh principal or lntereat from the general ivad of che City and Auch fuad shall be �eimbursed for such advanceh out of aonie; to be credited to paid £und whea said monies are collected. All proceede fos xaid bonds excepc accTUed intereac shali be credited to che fund and used co pay �he eost uf said Lmprcrvamen 4s . SBC�13� IL 1■ furthez prvvlded that shuuLd Lt appear at any t1.me that �he munies csedi[ed Co �a�.d fund and yruvlded for the payment of principal or iateresc on the bonds when the y�aas bec�s due are not sufficient to pay the same, that chen the CiCy shall isaue fux[her de[lnitiva improvement bonds as authorized and provided ip acaut�dance with M1pil��ok11 StatuCes, Sec. 429.091, Ghapter 475, and thai che $socea9 of said £usther dwflRitive bonds ahall be iirst used tp pay the princlpal aqd interesc as is thea dVe and to redeem tbe cemporary bonds issued thereundcr, ,.�.. • i� i� , �� SEC, lk. The City Councj.l bas determined that not less than twenty percant (2p%) p# the total cos[ of Said imprwements will be paid by special assessmenCS to be lev;sd against every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by the said imprqvemen[s. The Gity hereby covenants and 8grees [hat it will do and perform, as soon as they c&R be done, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such 1 special assessments, and in the evenc chat any such assessments be at any time , � � . �i' 1 heid imalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregul�rity� or 1n any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by ehe Cauneil or any oi tha CiCy'Ofiicers or aa�loyoas, eithar in cha making of h such aeeeeWOent or in t4� parfoi�nance oE any condition precedent therato, the City and this Council will forthwlth do all euch further proceedings as may be required by 18w to make euch asaesamenta valid end binding lilne against such property, and also shall Cake such further proceedings as may be required by law to pravide monies for [he payment of prtncipal and interes[ as the same fall due on the bonds iasued hereunder and to provide for �he redemption oP the same. I, , SEC. 15. It is hereby determined that the collection of special assessments and the proceeds of roonies appropriated and traneferred froa� other funds is 8nd will be in aa amount of at least five per cent (5%) in excess uf the amount requir4d to pay the principal of and [he intereat on said bonds when due ind thet np ad valorem tax levy is accordingly required. $EC�T16. The ofHcere of the Ci[y and the County Auditor of Anoka County are hereby authorized and directed to preparn and furnish to the purchaser of said bpnds and Co the attorneys approving the legality oE the issuance thereof, cesti�ied copies o# all Q;oceadings and recordst relating to said bonds and to khs tinanciaj affa3LS o� 441d City, and such other afEidavits, cectificates and 1Rtormatlon i� may be re�ulred, co shoa che faets relating to the Legality and � marketability of eaid bopds ae the same appear from the books and records under Cheil cu9tody end coptTOl oi a$ otherwise lmown Co the, and such certificates, cerkified copies and af�idavits, including any heretofore furnished, shal� be deemed representations of the City as to the correCGness of all state�uents ppAtained therein, . PASS$A AND ADOPTEA BY THE CITY COUNCJ.L OF T� CI'�y OF FRIDLSY THIS AAY OF , MAYOR - 0 CITX MANAGBR - ATTEST: CITY CI,ERK - Maxvin C. Hrunsell. �F � ]3 I , I � I � I ' � ' ' � ' ' ' • , s ' � � , ' � y�� RESOLUTION N0. / / ' / A RESOLUTjON DIRECTIN6 THE SAL� AND PURCNASE OF TEMPORARY iMPROVEMENT BON[1S IN ACCORpANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BE IT RESpLVED By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follaWs; THAT WHEREAS It has her4kofore been determined by this Council to tssue temporary improvemgnt bonds fn order to provide the necessary funds for the construction and payment of expenses relative to the following improvement projects to-wit: 8treet lmprovement Project No. ST, 1972-1 and ST. 1972-2 es per plans and specifications approved by the City Council: and WHEREAS I� has been determfned that there is at the present time an amount in extess �qf 5430,0OO.OQ in the following fund, to-wit: Investment Fund which sum will not be required for other purposes prior to Se�tem6er 1�1�7�,__• �i1' IS TH�R�FORE Determined to be in the interest of the City of Fridley that the sun of E480.000.00 of the Investment Fund BE INVESTEQ As authorized by law and in accordance therewikh it is hereby determ9ned tp purchase the sum of $430.000.00 of the aforementioned �tree��provement Project No. ST. 1972-1 and Si. 1972-2 � under date of Se e er 1, 1972 _ issued UPON The1r initial iSSUance in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091, 471.Sb and A75.66, aut of funds of the Investment_Fund and on behalf of sald fund at par and accrued interest as of the date of deliyery q1 said bonds dnd canpletion of such sale; it being furth4r dete�ined to be reasonab�� and adventa9eous to t6e Tnvestment _,�____ to invest in Said temporary improvement bond5 � and �q be reasonable and advantageous to the Gity to sell said temporary improvement p�!��i �9 6ho tIn�veTstment�Fund _ �T ---•---- -- . -- -- � __ _ }�"r' _ _r r'.___- . .. '-..-.+.�� in accordan�e with provisions of this resolution. � SfC. l. The City Manager a�d Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to take any and a11 steps necessary to effect the provisions of the aforegoing resolutions and tp mdke such transfer of funds as may be necessary from time to time to give effeCt to the provisions hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THF CITY COUNCIL OF jHE CiTY OF fRIQLEY THIS DAY , ATTEST:• MA 0'Tf R � �TTY M NAGER - 13� i� I' I' ' � ' ' , a , , i 1 1 1 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL PROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE pUBLIC UTILITY FUND TO VARIOUS IMPROVMENT BOND fUNDS OATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 The attached resolutian is similar to the one that has besn adopted each year for the past several years. If this resoiution is adopted, no tax levies wilt be necessary for any af the improvement bond funds for the year 1972-3. These bond funds were Por the most part for the purpose of financing improvements to the Public Utility Fund. Special assessments wgre nat levied at all or were not levied for the entjre cost of the improvement. Assessments were not levied for such things as wells, reservoirs, part of the main tine system. etc. The Public Utility Fund will have sufficiRnt surplus during the year 1912 to make this transfer. . 14 , �/iQ�2 14 A R�SOI.UTION N0. /� ' � , ' � ' , ' ' , , A RESOLUTION MAKTN6 A TRANSPER FROM TEi� PUBLTC UTTLIT`P PUND TO PI�75 PfATERPIORKS IMPROVEMENT BQND BUNO, P�ATERWORKS BON�S OF 1970 FUND, IMPROYEMENT BOND$ OF 1960 FUNp, IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1963 FUND, IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1970 FUND, ANQ REFUNOING 90NDS FUNO WHEREAS. Tax lev9es have been adopted or trdnsfers into Bond Funds are necessary to provide the r�quired amount of money in certain Improvement Bond Fqnds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of tihe City qf Fridley, meeting at a speGlal session on the 25th day of September, 1972 as follows: 1. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Waterworks Improvement Bond Fund W-75 in the amount of $48,338.00 i§ authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy for the year 1972, collectible in the year 1973. 2. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Waterworks Bond of 1970 Fund in the amount of $64,866.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy for the year 1972, collectible 1n the year 1473. 3. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund ta the Improvement Bonds of 1960 Fund in the amount of �916.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax levy far the year 1972, collecti6le in the year 1973. 4. That a transfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Improvement Bonds of 1963 Fund in the amount of $16,213.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tex 7evy for the year 1972, coltectible 1n the year 1973. 5. That a trensfer from the Public Utility Operating Fund to the Refunding Bond Fund in the amount of E31,897.00 far the purpose qf reducing the tax levy for the year 1972, collectible in the year 1973 be authori;ed. � 6. That a transfer from the Pub11c Utility Operat9ng fund to the � Improvement Bonds pf 1970 Fund in the amount of $4,441.00 is authorized for the purpose of eliminating the tax ievy for the year 1972, collectible in the year 1973. , 7. That the transfer of the 1972 collectipns from the Service Connections to the Refunding Bond fund fpr the purpos@ of reducing the tax ieVy for the year 1972 is author9;ed. , ' ' I PASSEA ANq Ap4pT�p $Y TH$ CITY CIl Of THE CIiY OF fRIDIEY / THIS �' �' DAY OF %� �`° � � 1872. . ATT�ST: T «:. � � ,� � 3� � ,�. '►�� � .�,N��� R- FRAN G. L BG , � ' , , CITY OF FRLDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET ' ' Petiiion [vn. 16-1972 ' — — �° Date Received September 20, 1472 .�1 ' bbject Street Improvement, curb and gutter. for 66th Avenue Northeast from Pierce Street to Channel Road. ' , Petition Cheek�d By Date Percent Signing � ' Roferred to City Council � Diapoaition , ---- ' � ,, , -- ' � I ' • i�. �1 I � I ' I ' I � I , . 15A Frli'], ., ,. . :, ._ ,.. !' ! __i:. , .> ,j�r_ � ;.i,.T;:G FF�]:F,Lr:7, >:li::�i:sJ�;;�. __ _ 9%i� , 19� To the City Council of Fridley, P�.1I1II�50t8: We, the undersigned, consti.tutino mora than fifty-one per cent (51�) of the property Rym�rs in number and in ir.terest, in the follo�ring streetr. fa G-�,� �.._.�5treet, from P� �-� Sr7' to C►+-�-�3 �EL � Strect, Frc::. Street� from to to ' who will ben=fit by the propos=d inproveraent, h=reby peti+.ion that the folloti•rir,g im- provemants be made. ' � • - Sk,1-�=,�.. �c.� � - �t c.�..rR-� � G u -r -r ��-.� �. � �' a---- _- --�--_--- -_ _ 3. We understan3 that the cost of said im?roJenent r;ili be assessed �>inst tne oroperty in the abpve described arza in equal inscal.lments foi� a peri�d no� �o excaed p yeu�s with interest payabl6 at the rata of ��� per annum o� the unnaid balanc�e. � lde undorstand that, until prelimi.nary en�ineerir.g can be completed, it is impossible to give accurate estimates of what these impror•ements wi.11 cost; but that based on cost tigulres for siru.lar work dcne 3n th= City, it is estimated t!�at these improvements �aiZl cost: • 1. F� ' }--C.'`'��'7� /� : 1 v�iC J — � i.(J.1LiJ� �c3 C7 �- J' - `"'�c------� - °;�/�; � �_c_. ' � .-f � �/_��l�.1 �1�� �-� �.�t �7` ��1� � , � � ,� 7�!'/; ;�� .. �. iy��l (r\ ��� �— �S .7"fi�s'6;%,_, �. ;�v���, > , -'�'��; _ ,_ . . ,:. _. .-�— .--..—•-- . .. — ---- CITY OF FRIDLEY �59 PLANNING CODAffSSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: SEPTII+IBER 20, 1972 PAGE 1 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P,M, by Chairman Erickson ROLL CALL: Members Present: Erickson, Fitzpatrick, Schmedeke, Zeglen Members Absent: Minish Others Present: Nasim Qureshi,Jerrold Boardman, and Darrel Clark 1. REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT: L.S, d�72-08. ROBERT G. LINDBLOOM: Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview 2nd Addition. Mr. Lindbloom was not in attendance so Mr. Clark etcplained that the Lindbloom parcel is a corner lot with 215 feet of frontage along 67th Avenue and 234 feet of frontage along Brookview Drive. He said Mr. Lindbloom has requested to spljt this parcel into three building sites. One site would be the southerly 100 feet of said Lot 7, which now has the homestead on it, and leaving abput 25 feet between the new division line and the existing garage. T}ie remaining north 134 feet would be split into 2 equally sized lots that would face 67th Avenue and have about 107 feet o£ frontage each. Since there is no sewer in 67th Avenue or Brookview Lri.ve, the corner lot would have to get its sewer service through the westerly 1ot on an easement. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, to recommend approval te the Council of the Lot Split request, L.S. 9k72-08, by R:.bert G. Lindbloom, to spli,t Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview 2nd Addition into 3 new sites, one being the southerly 100 feet and the remaining northerly 134 feet be divided equally into two 1ots, about 107 feet each, facing 67th Avenuc, and that the owner dedicate a 15 foot utility and drainage easement along the southerly side of tl}e two northerly sites. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion earried unanianous 1y , 2. The plan was discussed and revisions noted by the administration. The � revised �ections 1 and 2, along with secti�n 3, the actual plan, will be ready � by the October 18, 1972 meeting. ' AA70URN1�IG+NT : There being no further business, Chaixman Erickson adjourned the nieeting at 10:00 P.M. (�Resp�ctfu� submitted, V � � �l.rv ��:t.�,� DARREL CLARK Acti�g Secretary 1 ll ITEM #17 � REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON GABRELCIK VS. CITY OF FjtIDLEY; FRANK'S USED CAR LOT The City Attprney will report on this item Monday night. APPOZNTMENT FOR COUNCIL nPPROVAL, SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 Name Position Robert Nordahl Operdtions 1060 Hathaway Lane Analyst Fridley, Minn. (Public Works Department) Effective Date Salary Replaces October 2, 1972 $842 per P�ew Position month ,� i '� � t : C I, A I M S GENERAL LIQUOR: September 25, 1972 #29581 through #29753 #7004 through #7066 � 1 ' 0 ' 1"NI.TIFLE DWELLINGS LICENSES TO BE APPROVED by City Council September la 1972 to September 1, 1973 OWlT$1t , ADDRESS UNITS FEE APPROVED $Y ' John Mazzenga 4901 - 3rd St.N.E. 7 ' 3516 Skycroft Dr. N.E, Mpls. Minn. Jahn $. Kaseulker 6530 - 2nd St.N.E. 4 'Kt. $2, Box 124 ' Onamla, Minn. 56359 ' Leonard 5. .Iacobs�n 6379 Hwy. 65 4 1408 Frankson, St. Paul 55108 ' Virginia T. ,7acobsen 231 - 79th Way 4 231 - 79th Way N.E. Fridlep, Minn. ' Rona�d Shelton 140 Miseiesippi P1. 4 &706 Grosppint Ave. So. ' Mpls, Auane Oftelle 6503 �. River Rd. 5 ' 4511 Gettyeburg Ave. No. Mpls. 55428 ' A• C. Mattaon, 120 Mieeissippi N.E. 4 6320 Rivexv�ew Terrace N.E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 i' Harold A. Schmidt 5901 - 2'� St.N.E. 4 5901 - 2'� St. N.E. ' ' Fridley, Minn. 55432 Alberx M. Sohneon ,6211 Riverview Terrace 197 Miseiaeppi P1. 4 Fridj.ey, Minn. ' ' ' ' 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 10.00 Fire Prev. 0 1 1 ' ' ' ' 1 '• ' I I ' ' ' � ' � ' ' � GONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO 88 APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON $�P�@IBER 25�1972 �EN�:}tAL CONTRACTOR , APPROVED BY . Fixqeide Buildere de Remodelexs, Inc. 502Q Ma�nnetonka �oqlevard Minneapolls, Minnesota SS416 By: Frank Daughenbaugh Bldg. Inap. Harstod-Todd Construction 2$25 �iarding Street N.E. Minnqapolis� Minnesota By: Kaith Haratod Sldg. Inep. i.'ark ConstruCtion C�pany 51 - 37th Avenue N.E, Fzidley�.Minne�ota 55421 By: Gerlad McDonald Bldg. Insp. a`�anson Conetsuction 'w66 - 83rd pvenue N.E, MinnaaQolis, Minnesota By: Dean Staanson Bldg. Insp. HEATYNG Joe Tatro Plumbing & Heakiag Box 513 Watertawn, Minnesota By: Joaeph Tatro Plbg. Insp. �• 1� N�W NEW � NE4J NEW LIST OF LICENSES TO HE APPROV$D HY THE CITY COIINCIL AT TE� M�TING OF SEP'PEli?:�'. L�� _ TYP& OF 7,ICSATSE BY F'OOp E$TABLISHHENT Z�pata Foods 5905 IIniversity Ave. Fridley CIGARET"i'� Zapata Foods 59(Wj IIniversity Ave. Fridley Zapata Foods Iac. $PRPIA�EE'S DISPENSING Geor e�s in Fridle ar yn Ben er Jaqe Nikolajenko Muriel Paqae Dorothy Pickert Zondra Ilaug Ide11a Hill Antho�y & Qeorge Nicklw Nozma Hughes Barb Robp Donald Montour Jr. Philip Phillips John Bendel Thomas Lund PUBLIC URINKING PLRCE Frontier Clnb %365 �Zd C.BTI'�*'31 Fridley ,fi � � APPAOVED BY FEE Health In3p. Police Police 13.00 72.00 5.� each Police 120.00 � d 1. ' � �� 0 ESTIMATES FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AT MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1972 , Pdtch Erickson Madson � Hanson, Inc. , Architects and Planners 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 Fridley Liquor Store - September 19, 1972 Billing Weaver, Talle � Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 For Legal Services - Billing Dated September 14, 1972 Allied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Minneapolis, Mir.nesota 55429 FINAL ESTIMATE #1 for Street Improvement Project St. 1972-10 (Sealcoating) according to contract Austin P. Keller Construction Company 481 Front Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota FINAL ESTIMATE #3 for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Water � Storm Sewer IIDprovement Project #106 According to contract Comstock � Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers ' 1446 County Road "J" ; Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For tre furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of the following c�nStruction work: Partial Estimate #5 - Sanitary Sewer, Wa#er & Storm Sewer Improvement Project #106 from July 31st through August 26, 1972 Partial Estimate #3 ^ Water Imprpvement Project #10$ from July 31st thrpugh August 26, 1972 �Partial Estimate #7 - Sanitary Sewer � Watgx Improvement Project l�105-1 from July 31st thrqugh August 26, 1972 P3rtial �stimate #Q , 6�p}t��y Sewer, Storm Sewer E Water Improvement Project �102 from J,y}y 31�� ��Sou�h August 26r 1972 $ 3,274.43 $ 4,212.22 $ 6,377.74 $ 13,946.28 $ 38$.41 $ 85,54 $ 109.30 $ 5,103.89 � C� STATEMENT PATCN ERICKSON MAOSON 6 HANSON, INC. AR�HITECTS AND PLANNERS 2801 WAV7ATq BOULEVARD, MINNEAPp45. MINNESOTA 5b406 TEL 612/3�4-3490 tember 19, �y 72 Mr. Gerald R. Davis, City Manager City of Fridley � 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Minneaota 55421 Coam�: 7234 Re; Frldley LiquOr Store � Inv: 3195 Estimated Coat -- $133,650.00 3S� of 7�G o£ $133,650.00 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ $3,274.43 TOTAL DU$ THAPj(Z YOU $3,274.G3 �� ' ' ' , ' GHAVLESP. WENVEfl HEPMANL.TALIE tViRGILC. MERRICK R06ERTMUNNS JLMESD.GIBBS , YPqEVERICI( W. KEISER, JR nTFiCK l. ROCXE, JR. VdILL1AM �t. OOOOfi1CH ' � City of Fridley LAW OPFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK September I4, 1972 ' ' August Retainer Lvnd vs. Fridley , (Interrogatories, Motion, Consent, Order � Third Party Complaint) Minn. Trans. R.R. Co. vs, Fridley � Glover vs, Fridley ' CATV Recodification ' � ' DistTict Covrt Appearance � Re: Hedman vs, Fridley , •� Expenses Advanced: 318 EPSi M<I�I S2REET ANOKA.MIlJNE$OTA55305 ozi.sais .. ..- -- _ .. .._ . ...._ _...__.. $1,450.00 4 hours 2 hours 3 hours 2 hours 30 hours 41 hours 1,435.00 250.00 Temporary Secretarial Services 450.00 Law C2erk Salary 62�•Zz ' , 1 ' ' TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . ' ' '$4,212.22 : i� �� I 1 I 1 ' ,; ' I , I ' I ' ' , ' ' ' f ' ' ' ' ' CITY OF FRIDI.£Y ENGINE&RING AEPARTMENT b431 UNIVERSITY AVEIVUE PkIALEY, MINNESOTA 55432 HonQrable Mayor and City Council City of Pridley �/p Garald R. Davis, City Manager 4431 University Avenue N,E. Fridley, Mxnn. 55432 Gentlemen; , September 18, 1972 CHRTIFICATE OF THE ENGINE£R We hexeby submit Final Estimate No. 1 for Allied Blacktop Company, 3401 48th Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429, for Street Impxovement Project St. 1972-10 (Seal Coat) according to the Contract. 83,386 Sq.Yds. Seal Coat W/FA-2 @ 50.147 TOTAL $6,377.74 �6,377.74 AMOUND AUE FINAL ESTIMATE N0. 1 $6,377.74 Respectfully submitted, N C�d�.�„ �^�t . � �..,,. . . NA IM h1. �URES I,,P.E. City Engineer-pirector of Planning Checked by PTepaTed by � cc: Allied Blacktop Compa�y uc � ' 1 � 1 � ' I , I ' I ' isf:.�y',..�� 6 I?:':�Z�� I=ii:e � l:0!1L:L`.�t'l.r:� :�fl�=ir: e. :, � . .. � . Z,Ll:� �,'C�L1:;C� �QE.� n.qeo� . ttii:nc�ro�::,, i*•._nnesc;:s V5:�32 JE=;if'nr.�jJ`+P zo, �.y�z L1P..� L'•_�`i��'.�i.Y. ^ CyL7� llir�S2Fi.�%i{..l� . C),�i �'�Z• �iF:i.Si'1 �t:'l.`..�.JSi�f, �� �411.j �::.���� �ki'�4 C :i:,� of Frid3.ey • �'i32 L'a�ce2e;ity .°.�re.�a^. :?.�. i:.+.r.aeapolis, 'iis��=v�z `�a32 G�,^.tl.e�, n: c�:>�`rr�ic:�.:� �� ���L �ri����?��r•, ��f i;$T���i"ij S?!�f'i.� i^.�2.i?i:�:.... ''�.'). 3y 2s!c i:lSi.2� �.';�j_T'_: _4g iCZ L°'?BL�_. !�. �.+�::�.''.�:£ . �(Y�F,=�#:iLCf:7i.0� L'(li::'FT.1� �ii.. _.:'OSL#: ��'?.._.�..? n�_. Ffai:'r.� �i z1:.E:3G'�; u gG'i .:;s f G_ °.�i.�>:.ui i:�1;.{L (�u%8� fOi: L`f'i•r: CG_'@`L!',FSCt:fi:s (J'� :y�iui.Y..='j1 r`.,:.t:Y•y i1.,<:es �u �.��Pt_�T " F_a T"si+7'v'�.:'•— fif";:�' PYO,]CC� i:i0. �nGy Fe'CCC"�="!^� .'Q �;�S:=�L��'£,C2. � . _ �,i`Y%![/ $ULR �L88F3 �S _G � i,urr,� Suz t�.t.�^ �,�e ' o. 1�i•; 3-.fur, S+t� f1tc,.� �� _ o. 2 F:i�? ' T_aCe7. 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" �. �'�- �. .; , . .,� ... .. ..... . ...s. . ... i.�... ...,..... n. - - e r - '.-.. .� . ,.. .;..w.. .. � ,-. . . _ � (. ., e .. . .. _.v_ . _ ......t ......_.. �"L _... _.._... ... <_ . ��...� . . . . . � . , � �. . ,. �. . G�..,,r ,ti_� .,�...��..;:. � . :.:�:... C��l�:".,,��: G.: ..s ', �....:�.,: 4 .t . . _ .. .,.. ..=., _...,G;. . -,.�. _. ... . . ... P�=4 � c: L.;n�:':a F. ..��?.3.rt Cca�;:. G;�. - -- =C;�.'-z�.3.; .,v._.:._,._.:;�, C -.?: f ,: �: . i , i a..__ �'.�C"� C"��' �`^r ��d"'`/'�''.,..r u.._ti..�..._r....,.._ �. ;�: ��� - . � � �. . _.. �ti��..� r:. . 21E � CHRRl.FS F, WEM1VER HERMAN �.T�LLE YIRGIL C.NERRIC�t ROBERT MUNNS dn>+ES D.GIBBS FRE:]ER��CM W.MEISCR.JF. PGTRICtt J. FOGHE.IR. e LAW O�FiCGS WEAVER, TALLE & HERR�CK 3 E1�5' MP -! .T AN0�4,Mi,ti`.�'�. .. '�53C September 8, 1972 6il�eaN- a ...���E>e. FRID�EY u., . r 9_;TA 55<J2 iIR5T5�I�1[ w. .yVIiG.NG GOON RAPIDS,MihN.55aJ3 955-r33'� Mr. Gerald Davis City Manag�r The City o: Fridley CiviC Center 6431 Universit,y Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55�+32 Dear Mr. Davis: Re: James Lund Construction Co,, Inc. vs. The City of Fridley Enclosed please find a letter from Frank J. Commers, attorney ior James Lund Consti:uction Co. Wou1d you plEase put this letter on the agend� for the next meeting. Thank you very much. Sinc�rely, � // _ ; ' ,r� - _ - . t .. � ', Virgil C. Herrick VCH:rma Enclosure � ' ' � ' ' ' � ' ' LJ ' 22 A FRANH (�. COMbi%RS ATTORNEY Ai LAW 4i25 O�SON MEMOXIAI NIGHWAY MINNE.�POLiS. M�HNESOTA 55422 Tet. 308-9131 Septemi�,er : , i�77� Mr. Virgil C. Herrick Attorney-at-iaw 6279 UniversiYy Ave, N. E. Fridley, i�iinnesota 55432 Re: .7ames Lund Construction, Inc. r�s. City of rridtey Dear Mr, iierrick: Tn reply to your settlement offer, p2ease he advissd that I have recommended and the plaintiff has agreed to acce�t the offer based u}�ou the folloa;iny, . teras : 1. That the Gity of Fridley will reduce the amount of srecial assessments againsc each of the lots as listed upon the recertification starements dated November 23, 1970, and recent exhit,lt describin¢ each of thcse parcels prepateS by the City of "ridley ir� an amount eyual to 33-I/3� of the "specials" as listed therein. 2. '[he baiance of the special assessrAents to be spread over a period of years equivalent to the terei of the improvemant bonds and payable with the annual real estate ta�ces at the customary interest rate. , 3. The City of FridlRy will reduce the tnterest due and payahle on the suhject special assassments by an amount equal ta 33-1/3�. of the total . interest obligation for the years 1970 and 1971 against the subject ' parcels, and furnish plaintiff with a list showing the amount due and payeble and the amount of reduction. �' CI� lI � ' , 4. 7hat neittier .James Lund or James �uttd �;onstructiori, inc. shall be personally liable far the payment of any of the speciai assessments d!.: and owing against said property but such obligation shall be en forceable against Lhe land only. 5. That the obligation to pay the balance of the s�>ecial assessments shall be binding upon the plaintiff and any successors in Litle. � The foregoing is an outline as to what 1 have understuod your offer to be at � this time. We do not consider Lot Thirteen {13), ,�iiditnr's Subdivision 129 . � + � #, � , � ' 1 ' ' , 1 ' �,, FRAN}( G. C()SI�fF.R3 AITORN`c'r PT LAW A�25 O�Wn MeHOrsi��� HiaqW�r MifiNEAVOl:S. MiNNE50T• S$422 7[� 566�912! ��ts , 1'irgil C. lierrick - Pa�e Z(9J6/7: 1 to be worti� s�e value Nhich the C�[y of Fiidley i7as piai.ed upon it, but unless there ;s some offer of corsi�ieration to be ;,aid hv t:-.e City, we see no rea,on uhy we should execute a�1uix Claim peed or relea�e our in- terest in that parcel since we ar� not receivinp any c.on<iAeration for such action. 7lierefore, the r.t,ove praposal contanpiute, includ�n¢ sli parcels as listed upon the aforementionad Jocumen[s. It has also been brought to my attention that the speciai asscssments on ' 1.oi 'Iwc (2) , iilock 'fhree (3) , Edgewater �.ardens and I.ot Qne ; 1 ) , Btoe k Foe:r (4), F.dgewater Gardens have apparently heen paid under protest and, accordir.gly, :t appoars that based upo,n your settlement cffer ti�at it ' will prove ta Le necessary that the,City issue a refund check to us for a 1/3 r�rduction in the emount of special assessments already pa;d on those tKo lots, which amounts to a*.otal of �3,813.70 befnre the re- duction. ' ' Please prepare the appropriate reIease docusents far execution. ' FG;:jh � CC: Mr. James [.imd 7709 FYOOd'aawn t)rive N. L. i�ipls., �;inr�. 55432 1 � I, ' ' i' e Yours truly, Frank f,, Co�mners ♦, � 9 ? t { �,; �� � F �:s � � �: t ,ffi ;i � � 1 J ' ' ' ; �I � 1 LJ ' , ' ' � ' ' ' ' City ot Fridloy� Minna�pC1� office v! the Suildin� Ia�P�ator Y'OPIC: M(1NTHLY REPOAT TO TH$ GTTY MANAGBA Au,gaot� 1�T2 i,�: :�: � ' r.; a! . !: � • 1972 1971 THIS YEAR LA6T Y�AR '�r.gSi�.�x,�CTION nva nuc zo na� xo nn� $eeidential 17 13 149 56 aeaidantial Garagas 19 12 3$ 54 Com. A1ter. & Addn�q, � G 28 26 Re�. Altet. & Addn'a, ZQ 12 94 77 Multiple pwellingp Q' 1 0 S Comnaxcial 3 1 B 6 Induatri,ql 3 0 9 0 Municipal Q 0 1 1 �hurchoa & 6chools 0 0 1 0 �aspitals , Q 0 Q 0 S:gna 4 5 32� 43 Moving & Wrecking 2 2 7 11 57 50 367 279 � ' tieating 23 , 13 238 169 Pluwbin$ 23 19 195 125 Blectsicel 72 2S 31Q, 2�,2 122 57 743 566 Realdenelal Rasldential Gara,�es Com. Alter. 4 Addn't. Rea. Alter, b Addn't. Multiglo Ae�lling� Gcm�nascial Snduotrial l�nl.aip;l Qhurnhee 6 Behaoi�, Hospie�lls 8ign� Maving 6 Wxacking �,8�'IMATSD VALUATIONS OF BSTILDINCZ PE}iMITB „�5SU8D 352�760 41�712 57R500 24„92! 0 Z56�472 �65.7i3 0 0 0 ��100 365�709 23,989 149�551 18,19� 504�b50 111,000 0 Q Q Q T�9p� $5,334,199 10�,413 1�040,884 190,071 0 49b,k88 2,548,505 135.000 53.689 0 36,99k $1�429,739 144,162 1�569,666 136�197 2,054,850 583�400 0 7,900 Q 0 43,239 �.� 81xckCcDPinib �leoavAt ing Gaa Gonsral neacios }Iwse Mdving 6 Wrecking Ma.onry 011 Hasting Plaatering RooPing a igne Siell Dt'111i,s�g N11H8$A 11 14 29 85 39 3 Zz 8 2 1 12 , 0 226 P11R7BER OF I,ICF.N3�9 CiTRR�NTLY IN EPFECT At� LIC8NS8 �ES CdLLEC'��D �0 �TB ,,,� BR1lIT FEES 1972 1971 �,�C$ri NQ � S '�YP$,.. AUG • AUG . f11�572-d1�635 BUFLDING $5�051.64 $2�968.00 #9029-9101 EL8CIRICAL 1,447.75 573.20 i5344-5369 H$ATZNG 830.50 235.00 05663-5697 PLt1l�IpG 1�822,25 T12,50 i100-103 6IGNS 78.75 151.I5 $9,230�89 $4.639.95 � ' P6B8 COLLF.CT&D $165.00 210.00 435.00 2,125.� 585.00 k5.00 330.00 120.00 30,00 15.00 300.00 .00 $4,360.00 THIS YEAR TO MT$ $12,243.06 2,087.25 2,445.50 2,7J7.75 LAST YEAR TO L1ATE $13,830.53 7�603.85 6,644.50 5,093,50 I � Building �� ' _ I, ��rrri��,a�, � ' � .,a ' � •� � ' ' ' '�' C � � ' � : � Q. '' � � ' � � ' � � ri.� '. ^ �_ Inspec�ion Depar�s�en4 City of Fridiey Month: August __r MONTHLY INSPECTIQN R£PQRT Year: _ i9�2 This Last �i972 1971 Year Year ln5p�ctiQ�ns n„g, a,�g. , T� T� Date Date Rough lns : N�w _l:OnsjTUCtion Footings: New Construction Framings F� Reinspections Work Not iieady or Rejected 5igns — _ _ _ Stop_ Work_PoSted= _ Violations Checked _ Dangerous �uildings �oinp7aints-�hecke� PliseeT�Ianeous � _ ___ fi �nals: Residential _ Finals: Commercial � Indust. To4a1 Inspections Permits Issued 50 21_-- 41 . . 2.8 _ .. 59 4B_ _ 15 14 - _1 4 - 2 4 k - --�+-- -- 3 _ -12 - - 2 _20--- _9. _18 _ 45 �3_ 0 2 Tiae Rff/ Slek Leave �s• oug_ ns: ew ervi ces_ _____ __70___ 14 _ Reinspections_� __11___ __1 Work Not__Read� or_Rejected _ 14___ 1. Buildirg,a 2 0 scellaneous __ __. _.__ 'inals: Residential �inals;.Commercial � In3ust. —r Total Fnspections Permits Issued Tlme OffJ Sick I.eave Hze. ctions t_Rea_c�Q,r Re_ject Miscellaneous Finals: Resi3 T��,�j, �nspections Pe;mjts Issued �imie Q��/ ,41ck �eav� Hr�: __ _ � .... : 50 _L1 2L8 11� 2fi4 12L 341 511- - 1-18 197- 46 43-- _ 16. - -2q-. __-19 -90- 9 - 38- ___45 _ - 212- - 87 1�4- _. fiZ __ 12R. __li_ —_.4� _ � 6�_ _ 2 -11_.- 3S5_ __ - �+1-- 0 ' � ' ' � � J FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR AUGUST 1972 Fire alarms January through August 1971 ......... 252 Fire alarms January through August 1972 ......... 233 Decrease in alarms this year ......... 19 Alarms for August 1971 ......... 31 Alarms for August 1972 ......... 25 Decrease in alarms for August ......... 6 ALARMS TYPES OF ALARMS Autos, Trucks 'Gas Spills Houses Appliances ' Industrial Commercial Garages Fire Out ' Faulty Alarms Furnace Hydrant Open , Water Patrol Misc. Wiies Down Total Alarms , 4 1 0 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 � General Alarms .... 16 average response Company Alarms 3 average =esponse Still Alarms 6 average response i 17.14 11.33 _ 2.66 There were four training sessions held this month with an average attendance of 22.5 men. The regular business meeting of the department was held August 3rd, with twenty-five members attending. Wrote to Pierre Thibault Co. o£ Quebec, inquiring as to when the new ladder truck would be ready to go to the paint shop, as I plan to send Chief Aldrich to check out the construction of the truck before it is painted. Received a letter back stating that the truck will be ready for delivery in February. The truck was scheduled for delivery this October. ' Completed and turned in the Fire Department Budget for 1973. Mr. Middag our Purchasing ' Agent, advertized the 1946 Tanker for sale, in the League of Municipalities, and the Smoke Eater Paper. To date I have received two inquiries, II , Qur fire losses for the month of August amounted to approximately $55,700.00. I submitted a seperate report on the Holly Liquor Store fire. The liquor store fire should never have happened. It was a type of accident which would not normally occur. I charged $55,000.00 loss to the liquor store fire. MEETINGS ATTENDED , United Fund Meeting Insurance Committee Staff Meetings � Metro Paid Fire Chief's '� ' ' Res.�DQ)ctfullygSubmitted, /��/�� ✓ �[r / U / ! � C Robert 5. Hughes, C ''f '""' \ � � w � � � � � N . N F-' I�+ F+ F+ F+ F+ 1--� 1--� � �' �• � � � V J V V V J \ V J V \ \ \ \ \ v N V V V J V 'N N' N N N N N N N p N � � W 1-� O 1--� F+ F+ O O 0 N .. .. .. Q� U U1 �O V ' G 1-' N A Vl A N W W N F-� V O (n �O Oo �O A �' '° w w b .�s b w w � � � � � , � � � a � z < m K � a a � ro w w `C �+ z i� � v� w � � � � � �3 � `G � F+• i � o � � � � W h7 A x � �, � o �. a' .� o °N. rwr b c�, y =' fr p w � 1 (p V �-/ � G H �' � . H r+ z w d cn � � oa rt w ` W G G � `t (* � F. ` � N M �i � � I .p O h M y a W R °� � � c � e f � � � O� C � O O G N � O� C � � � O �D 1 rt rn 0 A � N H � � f+. H F+ ,� r ,. ,.., r � � v. ~ N N 1--� H � m W �-+ . C � N N A V � N W 00 C °' '� 'd w w � � H a a W � N � W I� N I V I N N N W � � � � � � � � � � \ � � t�o � tD o�o � N � D� N \ \ � \ �7 v V V V� V N m V V N N N N N N N N . 1-+ �"' N N �' 1-+ 1--' F+ �. A W W A T c0 O� �' � `-I p A N � tJ A O A p } N O J N I-' �7 J A N m p, �d ro ^c+ � b Ts ro �7 B � 9 � 3 � � � v � t-' cn � .�y tn cn �tn pAp O. N H t0 F�+• � � N �- a v� a rn " � r � z i � � � c� m o rn r, �, � w c" � .� a �, �,. r. .o � n a. � o � w o E � � � � n � o �. �t w � w < � • � � � cn � w a °.,' � z �, � f.. et Z � < N N • � rr v, '°t m a � � c� "' ' i :' " m z � c�o z m z: m o � � _ � m � � -3 D ^�f .. v � n o . w � H a.G+ r. o < w w w �' °' o � t�i� O � N O N� � � � w � N 00 N V y m o . Q K w n � v�i � `� p � 0 � � w G �" 'S 7' 4+'� y O ,� w w m �- � co .- � �- c� n � � `��' � � a x � rn rn rn D rn rn a. rn rn rn rn O O O �i O � O � O O O V V V rt V v V v � �7 �7 I 1 1 1 I � � � � � � O � O O O O Oo tn 0o W tn i-. Oo o � � � p rn ., rn n rn A o A n � v°� r. I � O 'Cf � o w � � N• a p w � � i � � .- rn .. v p N H r � O� O� (n l0 V O� 1--� A W W A A N W A W � A A N t+ N O� W t0 t!'1 N � W W V W N 'o '� �cs w w � w 'ti 'is '� � B � � � B � � � B B T O+ a+ �' C O O O � Z v V V � � 1 � � � � � � O O O O W � O� � A i � � N 0 rn u' o v Z � �,+ r.+ �, '"' Q' t0 Q' � Z A O A A � ao co v �' m �cs � ro 'ti � � 9 B � m N 1-+ F-� 1-+ 1-+ 1--� 1--� 1--� 7 N t0 O+ �-+ Oo V p� O� A W N. �' � �--� N O ! tp W N N O �. � m Z N N N N N N N N N N N� N N N N N N N f+ H H.. r 1-+ h-� i--� �-+ �-' �-+ N ,'*1 W N I--� O tD 0o V Q� V� A W N �-+ O � O.� • m N � V N • 1 I 9 0 i �! I I I I I I I 1 I c \ \ \ \ \ N N N N N b V VI A N N D \ \ \ \ \ �„� V V V V �l m N N N N N O N N �--' �--' 00 1-+ N 00 Co � N A 1-+ Vl A 3 t0 W tn A p m w �o � �ci �o S � � � � o � � u� r r+ w tw'� °o c°+ d `G � 3 �-+ Vi ..^� 7 fn A O 1n W fn C] f'• � y� N x O rt � w .-� n �w-+ � 'bC N -D1 r• o � b o cn z �v rr n x z � - . � m M T7 � (!1 'i � � H < ,�7 � N w � w � � m K � r m o w K .,i m o � � � s rn rn rn rn rn � 0 0 0 0 o Z �i V V OD O� � � � � 0o N Oo 7� 1 � � N � O� O� A Cn (�j1 rn Q O i rt ,-� z rn w �• o o .� .� u, .-� .., z � .� " � rn 0 rn O N N �-' 1-� — � '-' N Oo Oa 2 O A r -tn A {/i w W (n A W m � � 'b �U 'C C ' 9 � 9 � � . . . m 2 N �-+ �-+ O N fn W {O t0 O � 3 m Z W W W W N T W N I--� O t0 �� • m � C oa G N � �- � V N Su�ary of Fire Alarms Residential Non Residential Commercial Industrial Grass & Brush Auto & Truck lst Aid 6 Rescue False Honest Mistake Miscellaaeous Storage Mutual Aid Hilltop Total I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU This Month 3 0 1 2 0 6 0 0 2 8 2 0' � 1 25 This Month Last Year 1 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 19 1 0 1 ' ' 31 Response: 25 alarms 323 men General alarms 16 273 men 17+ men/call Company alarms 3 34 men 11+ men/call Still alarms 6 16 men 2.66 men/call Death 8 Injuries for the month of August: Firemen Civilians Total Losaes for month of August: Buildings $ 5,200.00 Total Losses for Year: Buildings $157,875.00 n August 1972 Total 27 7 12 11 33 34 9 9 19 51 8 0 5 223 Injuries Deaths -a -o- -a -o- Contents. $50, OOU..00 Contents $123;845.00 m Total for year 9 i Autos & Trucks _, $ 335.00 Autos & Trucks $ 2,060.00 . , , � ; 1 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ' Summary of Activities ' , This Month ' Buildings Inspected 22 ' fleinepections 6 Inspec[ions other y ' than Buildings Burning Permits 3 ' Requested . By Inspector 1 Sq Others p , Special Permits y ' Occupancy Permits p , Total 37 Orders issued g ' Ordera Completed Z ' Illegal Equipment p Written Warnings •g ' Verbal Warnin8s 14 ' Complaints o Fire Investigations 3 , Factra Activities ' Plans and checks on new construction Budget Meeting ' Fire Marshal Meeting ' Special Inspections Corporatatioa Yard � 88 Multiple Dwelliag Licenaes processed This Month Last Year 20 6 6 1 1 0 0 0_ 33 9 � 0 10 16 1 1 J C Auguat 1972 Total 166 72 56 23 10 0 10 _ 1 19 56 0 42 122 12 29 0 `�'� � 4 i •. I