03/20/1972 - 00017566�� ��< � THE MINUTES OF TIIE RHGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 The Regular Council Meeting o£ the Fridley City Council was convened at 7 43 P.M , March 20, 1972. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION Councilman Kelshaw o££ered the Intiocation. ROLL CALL. MEMBERS PR�SFr�T: Liei�l, Uttex, I�fittelstadt, Hxeidex, Kelshac� MEMBERS ABSENT. None AUOPTION OF THE WINUTHS OF TfiE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �+EBRUARX 28, 1972. � bI0TI0N by Councilman Breider to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 28, 1972. Seconded Uy Councilman kelshaw Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. AUOPTION OF THE b1INUTES OF THE RbGULAR C011NCIL D7L-�,TING OF MARCII 6, 1972- MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to adopt the D9inutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 6, 1972 as presented Seconded by Councilman Breider Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motxon carxied unani- mously. ADOPTItIN DF AGENllA• Mayor Liebl said there were items to add to ihe Agenda as follows At �nd of bieeting Complaint on 5peeding £rom Jacl. Young, 6549 Lucia Lane Appointment to Parks and Recreation Conunission. Communication. Receiving letter from Director of Parks and Recreation to New Hope Regarding ltiarming ILouse Plans $ S�ec�£ications. (At request of Councilman Utter) MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt the Agenda as amended Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw, Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Alayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, � VISITORS• Mr. Sohn Doyle, 3296 Rice Creek Terrace Presentation o£ Plans for Real Estate Office on 63rd Way and East River Road Mr. Doyle said first ]ie would like to thank the Council £or the opportunity of addressing them He said he was considenng acquiring property for use as a � �;h REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 2 real estate office on 63rd Way and Hast River Road. This piece o£ property � was picked because of the size, location, and the large amount o£ shrubbery and trees already on the lot. There is an existing building on the lot, and presented a sketch of what the building looks like. He then presented a sketch of what they would like to do wzth the building, in mak�ng it appear more modernistic and with a chalet flavor. He said he was associated with Leigh Investments, Inc and they would divide up the interior into of£ices to give rt a feeling of spaciousness They plan on adding a dormer across the front and adding a lot of windows. 1Ie said they figures they would need 10 parking stalls and showed a plot plan on the easel. There is 135 feet frontage on hast River Road and 245 feet frontage on 63rd Way. The existing building is located in approximately the center of the Iot. There ivould be about 80 £eet between the building and East River Road and also between the building and 63rd Wa�r The parking lot would be between the building and East River Road The access would be from 63rd Way, then out to East River Road He said they £eel that tra�fic will not he a great problem due to the fact that there are lights both north and south on East River Road �ust a few blocks away. He said they are willing to meet the Code in regard to the parking and will have the proper setback Mayor Liebl asked how many parking lots he t�as speaking of. Mr. Doyle said they anticipate one lot with 1D stalls, however, there would be access to the rear where there would be more than adequate parking. This lot is sheltered from the neighborhood on the east and north by quite a few trees, there are also many trees on the west side. Mayor Liebl asked if he kneta of any � opposition from the people on the west or north side. A4r. Doyle said on the north, the property is zoned for duplexes. He said he had not talked to the owner, but he has talked to some of the reszdents. On the west side across East River Road and to the south there is a duplex He said he had not talked to the people directly across the street. He said he felt it would be an improvement to the area, because the building as it exists now would receive a face li£ting. Councilman Breider asked what was the zoning. Mr. Doyle answered R-1 Council- man Bxeider wondered what zomng he would ask for. The Crty Engi�teer said there were two types of zoning availahle He could £it under the G 2 zoning, or if the Uuilding is only to be used for offices, he could request a CR-1 zoning, which is more restrictive. I£ the plan is to use the building only for o£flces, he would suggest that Mr, Doyle request the CR-1 as he could receive less opposition from the neighbors i£ they were assured that it taould be only of£ice use and that at some future time somthing else, such as a grocery story or a gas statzon, could not go in. Councilnan Breider eaplained to Mr poyle, that under the State law hearings must be held for any change ln zoning classi£ication He said the procedure was to make an application in the Engineering Department, notices o£ the hearing are sent out to people within 300', the hearing is held before the Planning Com- mission, and a recommendation is made to the Council. Then notices are again sent out £or the hearing be£ore the Council. After the hearzng is held, if the � Council approves the request, an ordinance for the zoning change must have two readings and be published. The City Engineer reported that Mr poyle has received an application form, but he has not submitted his request as yet. `� � .} ■ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETSNG OF NL4RCH 20, 1972 PAGE 3 � The City Attorney said, in considering this particular rezoning, would the Council have any desire to consider rezoning a larger piece o£ property at thzs location� There was at one time some talk of changing the zoning to commercial in this area, and suggested that the Planning Commission could look into this Councilman Breider said that when the question was put to the people ln the neighborhood, they did not express any particular desire to rezone to commercial. He said he assumed it would be acceptable w]ien they come be£ore the Planning Comniission after the notification, they could give their views on rezoning their property Councilman Mittelstadt said that he felt this should encompass more than 7ust the 300' and should cover the area from 61st 1Vay to Mississippi Street, and all those people should be notified b9ayor Liebl said that the City Engineer will have to proceed as the Charter provides, which is 300 feet He added there is a fee £or this request to cover publication costs etc. Mr lloyle sazd that he has a list of the people wrthin the 500' radius, and that he could get the names of all those from 61st Way to Mississippi He said he was willing to go one step £urther and personally contact eacli person within the 300' radius and ask them to sign a petition on what they would like to have done. Councilman Breider said that the City Administration goes through the procedure o£ getting all the names for the hearing notifications, so he could get the list from City Hall Mayor Liebl asked how long the procedure mrould take untll it is completed The City Engineer said, considering the meetings and the re�uirements £or all the � publications, about 3 months Mr poyle commented that if this property ever did go back to residential, the building still would not be oBnoxious to the neighborhood. The City Engineer said that he did not have a clear understanding of what the Council wishes were in regard to the noti£icatlon. Did they cvant only those within the 300' or the entire area notified Councilman Mittelstadt said only within the 30D` £or this particular property, but if the Planning Commission would want to consider this totally from 61st to Miss3ssippi on a broad basis, then all the residents in this section would have to bc notified. Ile said he would recommend going ahead with this particular piece of pro��erty, then let the Planning Commission consider the overall zoning concept for the arca The City Gngineer said that the Planning Commission is working on a comprehenszve plan for the City, they could consider this 3n relation to the overall plan. Mr C.H Qen�amin, 5708 Jefferson Street Request for "No Parkin�" Signs Mr 13en,7amin said that he has a 24' street both un the east and south of him There is a dif£icult problem in this area with cars parked on �oth sides of the street, especially in the winter with the snow banks narrowing the street even more. He said he would like to request "No Parking" signs for both sides of the street from Lakeside (57%) to 58th Avenue and on Lakeside from Jefferson to 7th Street. He said he would also like to request another street light. When the theatre � opens, this area is used as a lover's lane, and disturbs people at night There is one on Jefferson and Lakeside now, and he would like one further north Mayor Liebl said that there should not be a problem in putting in the "No Parking" signs, this would appear a dif£icult situation and would be a reasonaUle request. s5 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 4 As to the street light, he told Mr. Ben�amin that the City feels the £irst � priority must be zntersection lights. All the intersections in the City are not lit yet, and the City puts in as many as they can afford every year There are still street lights available for 1972, and asked that the Administration check into Mr Ben�amin's request MOTION by Councilman kelshaw to concur wrth the request for "No Parking" signs for Jefferson from Lakeside to SSth Avenue and on Lakeside from Jefferson to 7th Street, and instruct the Administration to £ollow through on this. As to the street lighting, he would refer this to the Adminzstration to check out, taking into consideration those most needed, and monies available. Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt The City Manager asked if there would be any problem in limiting the parking on both sides of the street. Mr Ben,7amin said that the other streets are 60'. He said he had company about a week and one half ago and there were cars parked on both sides of the street, plus a lot of snow, and a car could barely squeeze through. He went up to the Police Department, and they came out and had the cars moved They said they could see no reason the cars would have to be parked on this narrow street If there were "No Parking" signs, the Pollce Department would have the right to do something about it. THE VOTC UPON TI-IE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr Carl Paulson, 430 57 Place N.�., Request for Traf£ic Control on 57th � Place, 57th Avenue and 4th Street: Mr. Carl Paulson said that in considering signs, the Council and Administration should consider some "No Parking" signs in the area o£ 57th Place, 57th Avenue and 4th Street where the ser�ice drive loops around. This area is a bottle- neck, and there should be some sort of improvement to the conflicts at this location. Mr Paulson said that he would also like to have the Council �ustify hiring a new man to head the Police Department at a high salary at a time when everyone is trying to cut costs. He added that he was on the Police Commission when Chief NlcCarthy was hired. Mayor Liebl said that the Council will make the decision when it is on the Agenda, and they are not in a position to answer at this time It was pointed out that the recruitment process has already started and there is money provided for this position in the 1972 budget Mr, Paulson said that he understood that the Police Chief had been demoted and Mayor Liebl replied that was not true. ORDINANCH #507 - AN ORDINANCH AMENDING CHAPTER 23 OF THE FRIDLEY GITY CODE REGULATING TI]E LICENSING AND MANNHR OF CONDUCTING DANCES; MOTION Uy Councilman Breider to adopt Ordinance #507 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Mittelstadt, Breider, Kelshaw, Liebl and Utter voting aye, Mayor � Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. r--i , � � � �y �) r� . 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 5 ORDINANC� #508 - AN ORllINANCE AMENDING CIIAPTER 83 OF TIIB �RIDLEY CITY COD� RLLATING TO THE LTCENSING OF TAVERNS: MOTION 6y Councilman Breider to adopt Ordinance ±k508 on second reading, waive the reading and order publication Seconded by Councilman b7ittelstadto Upon a roll call vote, Utter, Mittelstadt, Breider, helshaw and Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION s".03 OF ThE CITY CODE - I-IOLIDAYS The Crty Manager explained that this amendment to the Code had the first reading on February 1, 1971 The ordinance would incorporate the Monday Holiday Laia passed by the State Legislature. The reason the second reading was not held last year was because the labor negotiations were not settled and they felt they should caait to see if a di££erent set of holidays would come £rom the union negotiations. Most o£ the union settlements coincide with the 9 holidays set out in the ordznance. The ordinance has the e£fect of reducing the ll holidays to 9 This amendment would not take effect Uefore Good Friday, which is allowed in the Code, so he would llke a recommendation on that The City Attorney suggested, in view o£ the length of time between the first and second readings, that there be a new first reading and have the second reading at the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Liel�l said the Council could have another first reading, and added that he understood this would not a�fect the Good Friday holiday for 1972. The City Manager said this would be the last year, a£ter that it would be eliminated. D70TION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading Seconded by Councilman kelshaw Upon a roll call vote, Liebl, Utter, Mrttelstadt, Breider and Kelshaw voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN OR➢INANCE FOR REZONING RL'-QUEST Z011 #72-02 13Y ROBERT L. MCGRE.GOR TO R�ZONE FROM R-1 TO R-2 AND APPR�VAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETiV�HN TIIB CITY OP FRIDLLY ItiND ROBERT L. MCGREGOR MOTIDN by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the Ordinance on first reading and waive the reading, and to approve the Mutual Agreement as £ound in the Council Agenda March 20, 1972 Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Councilman Breider said he would assume the second reading would not be held until all the stipulations are complied wrth and the plans are approved by the Building Standards - Design Control and the Clty Engineer replied yes THE VOTE llPON THE MOTION, being a roll call vote, Kelshaw, Liebl, Utter, Mittcl- stadt and Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously �' REGIILAR COUNCIL ME�TING OF MARCI-I 20, 1972 PAG� 6 CONSIDERATION OF AIITIIORIZING THE CITY ATTORNHY TO FILE AN ANSWER AND TAKE ALL , SUBSHQU�NT L�GAL 11CTION NECESSARY TO DEFEND THE LA4V SUITS DF KOROPCHAK US CITY OF FRIDLEY AND NEE, L-,T AL VS CITY OF FRIDLEY AND TO SECURE PROPER COURT DECISIONS ON THE LITIGATION (CATV) Mayor Liebl said that he had asked that this be on the Agenda, and he would like to ask the City Attorney what has been done so far. The City Attorney said there are two law suits involving cable television. The first suit of horopchak vs City of Fridley has to do t�ith the petrtion for a re£erendum vote on the CATV Ordinance. The second, Nee et. al. vs the City of Fridley, questions the effect of the Ordinance as passed The first law suit has had two sessions before the District Court. The City filed a motion to quash the suit and Judge Bakke has taken it under advisement. There was an order issued £or the City of Fridley to £ile their answer within 1D days. That time has expired, but he had requested, and received, an extension o£ time. The attorneys for the petitioners appeared 6efore the Judge requesting a preemptory writ, which was denied. The Judge has the whole situation under advisement and has not reached a decision, but the answer from the City is due. Concerning the second law suit, nothing has transpired at this time but the City's answer is due on that one also If the Council wishes to continue the litigation, the answers must be £iled. He said he would like some Council direction on this matter. Mayor Liebl asked why no one was noti£ied of the filing of the preemptory � writ. It was not even reported in the newspapers. The City Attorney said he did not know, he �ust £ound out about it from the talk around the Court House. The Judge did not grant the preemptory writ which would have ordered the Council to have the referendum, or repeal the ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to authorize the City Attorney to file an answer and take all subsequent legal action necessary to defend the law suits of Koropchak vs Gity o£ Fridley and Nee et. al. vs City of Fridley and to secure proper court decisions on the litigation. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Kelshaw if he meant by his Motion, authority to go to a 7ury trial7 Councilman Kelshaw replied yes, that was his £ull intent. THE VOTE UPON THG MOTION, being a roll call vote, Mittelstadt, Kelshaw and Liebl voting aye, Breider and Utter voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. Councilman Breider said he certainly hoped that this would not turn into a whole- sale case of everyone who signed the petition being subpoenaed. The City Attorney replied that was not his intent Councilman Kelshaw said that his motion meant that the City Attorney was to do whatever he sees fit to do to properly defend the law suits. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF TIIH PLANNING GOMMISSION MEETING OF MARGH 8, 1972: � RHVISION TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #71-09, SOCTAL DYNAMICS• To enlarge the site to include east 45 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Oak Hill Addition to permit construction and operation o£ day nursery and learning center per City Code 45.051, 3-F. r"_I IJ � L _] REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 7 LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. �r72-01, GERRAL HERRINGER: Lot 3, Block 1, Oak Hill Addition to be split in hal£ to create one 75 £oot residential lot, remaining used for slope and backyard £or Learning Tree Day Care Center. VACATION REQUEST, SAV #72-01, RUSSELL M. HEllGH. Vacate Madison Street lying between Blocks 1 and 2, Oak Hill Addition. The City Engineer said that these three requests are interrelated, so the Planning Commission discussed them together. He then shotaed the location on the overhead pro�ector and said the proposal Ls to take the easterly 'z of Lot 3 and add it to the Learning Tree Day Care Center, the Aresterly � o£ Lot 3 to be added to the easterly '� of vacated Maclison Street making a 75 foot residential lot and the westerly z o£ vacated Madison Street to be added to Russell Hedge's property on Lot 1, Block 2 The Planning Cpmmission recom- mended approval o£ the three requests. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to approve the request £or the revision of the special use permit by Social Dynamics, SP 1i71-09 and the Lot Split request L.S. #72-01 by Gerral Herringer, and set the Public Nearine for the vacation of Madison Street SAV #72-01 by Russell Hedge £or April 10, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VACATION REQUEST. SAV #72-02, BY JOSEPH A. LAURENT Vacate the easterly 4.5 feet o£ the westerly 15 feet of Lot S, Block 1, Swanstrom's Court. To build a two car garage. MOT30N by Councilman Kelshaw to set the Public IIearing £or the Vacation Request SAV #72-03 by Joseph Laurent for April 10, 1972 Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PHASE I INC.. Condominium portion o£ t H. FOUR UNIT QUA�RAMTNIUMS) BY VIEWCON multiple unit complex located on P The City Engineer reported that the Planning Commission recommended concept approval and will have a further recommendation at a later date MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to receive the information from the Planning Conunission. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. GOMMERCIAL ZONING REVTEW MATERIAL: Gl $ G2, C-1S F� C-2S The Crty Engineer explained that the Planning Commission is recommending the amendment to the zoning ordinance be adopted to incorporate the changes of reduction of required square footage from 25,OOD square feet to 20,000 square feet and the lot width reduced from 200 feet to 160 feet. The wording of Ordinance #459 is not changed otherwise and it would still read that either requirement must be met, but not both MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and instruct that the procedure for the public hearings on the amendment to the ordinance be started. Seconded Uy Councilman Kelshaw. J.7 W{ (� � � !� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 2D, 1972 PAGE 8 Councilman Breider said that he would assume by this recommendation that there are many substandard lots m commercial zoning in Fridley now. Mr. Eldon Schmedeke, Planning Commission Member, said that the zoning ordinance was passed in 1969. Throughout the Planning Gommission Minutes over the past month, he said he has tried to explain what has happened. The Planning Com- mission has had S- 6 requests for changes in zoning tahich involve substandard lots. There are four lots across £rom Sandee's Cafe which would £it the 2D,000 square foot requirement but have to be considered substandard now. They have also had a request �ust north of Sandee's Cafe hy Mr. Walquist which in- volved only 17,000 square feet. At the time the ordinance was adopted, his recommendation was a minimum of 15,000 square feet which he felt would be proper, but the requirement was made 25,000 square £eet, so the 20,000 square feet would be in the nature o£ a compromise. I-le said most service stations are on 20,000 square feet or less and the lot where Minnie Pearl was is less than 15,000 square £eet. He said as the ordinance is written now, they �ust cannot live with it, and he was sure there were going to be more similar requests in the future This ordinance was made for one area, and it should not have been done. I-Ie commented that he had thought that the recommendation £or the 25,000 square feet came from the City staff, but he has since £ound out differently. Councilman Breider asked if he knew approximately how many lots in Fridley would be involved. Councilman Mittelstadt estimated about SO to 75, and Mr. Schmedeke agreed there would probahly be that many. THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, A9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 8, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THH BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MARCH 14 A REQUEST FOR A VARIANGE OP SECTION 45.053, 4B, SA, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM SIDC YARD WIDTH ON A STRHET SIDE OF A CORNER LOT FROM 17.5 FEET TO 10 FF.P.T TO ALT.OW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE TO THE SAME BEING 7898 ALDEN The City Engineer reported that this house would be located on the corner of 79th Way and Alden Way, showed the locatiAn on the pro�ector, and said that the Board of Appeals recommended approval of the request with a stipulation. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to concur tivith the Board o£ Appeals recom- mendation and grant the request for a vartance to Charles Johanson, the reasons being that the hardship is shown and to achieve maximum use of the lot, particularily with the boulevard, trees and grade of the lot, that this lot requires a house of somewhat different design and this particular house would fit nicely. Approval is based on these considerations, with the stipulation that the exit of the driveway be to Alden Way as opposed to 79th Way. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � e� 1 REGIILAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGL 9 � A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SBCTION 56.05, 3B, FRIDLEY CITY CODH, TO IN- CREASE THE MAXTMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR A FREE STANDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN FROM 100 SQUARE FEET TO 230 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW AN �XISTING FR�E STRNDIN ., PARCEL 2650 AND PART OF 2600, SECTIDN 12, T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, THE SAME BEING 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E.. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA, fR�OUEST SY CASTLE MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to concur with the recommendatipn of the Board o£ Appeals and grant zhe variance to Castle Mobile Homes provided that there �e only 1 business sign allowed on this property, that this sign will only exist as a business sign for the time that Castle A9oUile Homes is at this location, and that the sign stay as it is except for the inscription change for the sales office. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously The City Engineer reported that Item #3 (Variance requested by David llockter) is still pending be£ore the Board of Appeals. MOTION by Counczlman �littelstadt to receive the Minutes o£ the Soard of Appeals Meeting of March 14, 1972. Seconded by Councilman kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L1eb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTHS OF THE PARKS AN➢ RECRLATION COMMISSION y�ETING OF � FE&RUARY 28, 1972: MOTION by Gouncilman Mittelstadt to receive the Minutes o£ the Park$ and Recreation Commission Meeting of February 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- mously. RECSIVING REPORT REGARDING STATH BUILDING COD� WHICH BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1972: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the report £ound in the March 20, 1972 Agenda and reaf£irm the City Engineer as building of£icial, as required by State law. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, b]ayar Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously APPROVING AGREEMENT iVITH BURLINGTON NORTHERN REGARDING COST PARTICIPATION FOR STORM SEWER RAILROAD TRACK CROSSING AT 78TH AVENUE UND�R PROJECT #k102 AND Councilman Breider said, i£ he understood correctly, that Burlington Northern will agree to pay $130,000 £or the entry and use of the 84" storm sewer line near 45th Avenue in lieu of assessment. The City Engineer said yes, this pro- 7ect has already been assessed and they want to use the existing pipe They wall pay �ointly to Columbia lleights, the Highway Department and the City of � Fridley. I-Ie added that he did not expect this amount, and also that he was happy to find that they are willing to pay the $20,000 £or the pipe instal- lation at 78th Avenue under Pro,7ect #102. This $20,000 was not planned in the pro�ect, and would be a good arrangement £or the City, �9 i tJ� 1..1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 10 MOTION by Counczlman Kelshaw to concur with the agreement submitted by � Burlington Northern found in the March 20, 1972 Agenda in their letter dated March 13, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously SCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NiETRO SEWER AND THE CITY Mayor Liebl called upon the City Manager to explain the developments and his recommendation. The City Manager said that about one year ago the Gouncil directed the Administration to start legal action in regard to the 1971 sewer bill which amounted to $396,670.17. There were arrangements made for a�oint negotiating team between the Metropolitan Sewer Boaxd and the-City of Fridley. The negotiations have been concluded and have resulted in the ad�ustment o£ the bill downward to $307,846.59, which is a reduction of about $8g,000. Fridley had previously agreed to pay �10,00Q per month during 1971 on the bill, therefore, there is a balance left of $187,846.59 unpaid. The City Manager continued that it is the position of the City Administration that the bill has been negotiated downward ahout as far as can be 7ustified at this time. There are still some unanswered questions regarding measurement of flows, accuracy of ineters, etc. which have been outlined in the letter £ound in the Council Agenda on Pages #12A and #12B to yr. Richard Dougherty, Chie£ Adminis- trator o£ the Nletropolitan Sewer Board This letter has been prepared and held, pending authorization by the City Council, to have it sent. He said � his recommendations were to authorize sending the letter, payment of the remainder of the 1971 sewer bill, and that the Council authorize the payment of the 1972 sewer service charges for the first six months only, and that further authorization £or payment of the 1972 bill be made after a review by the Council as to the appropriateness of the charges £or 1972. He said a lot of credit is due the City Engineex, the City Attorney and the Finance Director for being able to convince the Metropolitan Sewer Board that their bill was wrong and to get the $89,000 reduCtion. MOTION by Councilman Mrttelstadt to concur with the recommendation of the City Nlanager and authorize sending the letter to Mr Richard Dougherty, Chie£ Administrator of the Metropolitan Sewer Board dated March 17, 1972, payment of the remainder o£ the 1971 sewer bill in the amount of $187,846,59, and to authorize payment of the 1972 sewer bill for the £ixst six months only. Further payment of the 1972 sewer bill to be only after review and authori- zation by the Council. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Lzebl said that it is hard on people to have their sewer bills increased, but it is so very important for this generation to try to ensure a clean healthy environment £or the future generations. Mr. Jim Gibson asked how close the 6i11 is getting to $15 a quarter Mayor Liebl said that it is $12 a quarter now and that Mr. Tony Gnerre of the Metropolitan Sewer Board has pro�ected a figure of $15 per quarter by 1975. Mr. Gibson said that it would probably be more like $23 -$25 per quarter, Mayor Liebl said that the Metropolitan Sewer Board is operating under the law passed by the State � Legislature, and that Fridley must pay their fair share to conserve their environment. When the plan is completed, there will Ue pure, safe and adequately treated sewage effluent going into the rivers. With this goal in mind, the Council wzll 7ust have to accept the complaints of the people on their $3 increase in their sewer bill, and try to expdain to them the need to clean our rivers and lakes. � � L__.1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 PAGE 11 Mayor Liebl called the Council's attention to Page #P12D, and asked what would be done with the refund of $24,221.47. The City Nlanager replied that it goes back into the sewer £und. TI-]E VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to approve the maintenance agreement £ound on Pages #12G through #12L, and authorize the signatures of the Mayor and City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, N]ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously #39-1972 - OF 1972-1 $ ST. 1972-2 $ SS$SW #106) The City Engineer said that the areas �here the easements are needed is shown on Page #13B. This resolution would give the Administration authorization to negotiate for the rights of way needed, or i£ that fa11s, condemn. MOTION by Councilman Kelshata to adopt Resolution #39-1972 Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #40-1972 - A RESOLUTION INSTALL "NO PARKING" SIGNS ON UN N MTNNESOTA HIGHWAY ,j C� The Crty Engineer said that this resolution is recommended by the Administration. If the Council £eels the "No Parking" should be extended on 57th F, 4th, this could be studied, although the problems are not as serious as in front of Mr Steak and McDonalds. Councilman Mittelstadt said that he would like to see some plan for 57th �, 4th Street, including maps and location o£ signs. MOTSON by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution #40-1972 Scconded by Councilman Kelshaiv. Councilman Breider went to the map and said that there were conflicts between people going north on 4th Street and those that wish to go east on 57th Place and that he would like to see some recommendation made to improve the tra£fic £low. He felt this was a dangerous corner The City Engineer said that he would study this area and bring back a recommendation to the Council THE VOTE UPON THE MOTION, being a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec- lared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #41-1972 - A R�SOLUTION DIRECTING PREP�RATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT *t1�5. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to adopt Resolution #�41-1972 Seconded by Council- man Mittelstadt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �U REGULAR COUNCIL N�ETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 -1972 - A RE PAGE 12 BLICATION OF HEARING ON PRO- PROJHCT #105 MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to adopt Resolution #42-1972 Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #43-1972 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. 1971-1 AND ST. 1971-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution �43-1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #44-1972 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PRO- POSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. 1971-1 AND ST. 1971-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: MOTION by Gouncilman Kelshaw to adopt Resolution #44-1972 and make the correction on the public hearing date £rom the lOth day of April to the 8th day of May. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to approve payment of General Claims #27893 through #28008 and Liquor Claims #6476 through #6527. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF HOUSE TRAILER PERMIT RENEWAL: PARK CONSTRUGTION COMPANY. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to approve the renewal of the house trailer permit by Park Construction Company. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICHNSES: e of License Gun Club Sign �rector By FMG Corporation 48th $ Marshall Fridley FMC Corp. Macey Signs Inc. 451 Wilson Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minn A.M. Riwelson Approved By Fee Police $3.00 Building Insp. Renewal � C� � REGULAR COUNCiL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 , LICENSES CONTINUED: TYPE OF LIC�TS�', BY CIGAR�T� Gord;�ss Country 3oy lO2Q Osborne Raad Fridley Gordon Swenson �' � Handy Superette — 6253 IIniv. Fridley David Schvrappach " Raoid Shoo SuperettE 6530 �ast t�iver Road Fridley Irving Goldberg " Shorewood Inn 6161 Hir,�. 65 , Fi idley �dilliam Nicklors " Red Oti:*1 b525 Univ. 41 3 ,� � Y � PAGE 13 APPROTT�D BY r EE Police 12.00 Police Palice Police Fridley Red Oa�*1 Stores, Inc. Police � t� PSr. Stea'_c Sg95 Uni�r. Fridlef R:�T. Schachtschneider Police �� Mico Ind. Dil � 6500 East River Road Fridley Ker.neth tiix " Count?T�* ?�itchen 280 - 57th Place Police Fri�leT R. •7ohn ?Iallenbecker Police " Cluo ty7 6051 IIniv. Fridley Rober� Sny�der " Onan Corp. 1400 - 73rd �1�re. Police Fridley Servo�:ation �ri_n Cities ^olice ", Stri ce-Andarsen 7585 lr 1*_'OCl 1��08 C1 Fridley Servo�nation 'P�Jin Cities Pol�ce � � la'� i�rin �r•ive_In C�:n,xal anJ S-59LE Friulef O�:i,cior�i mhe-_�.�� CaterEis ?o11c�; '� Target 3tores 755-53rd r1ve. rridle;� Target Stores, Inc. r , POZ1C? 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 I2.00 12.00 12.00 12.Ov 12.00 12 .0 J 1`Z.`vn �� f REGULAR COUNCIL b1EETING OF MARCH Z0, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: T'!�F 0? LIC�iS� °Y CIs4.�ET'?'�' BurkaTS Texaco 6301 H�,�: 65 Fridley Earl Burek " Target Food Stores 7SS - S3rd Ave. Fridley Joaathan Stores " Standard Oil 5311 Jniv. Fridley D.K. Carter Co. " CUB, Inc. 250 Osborne Road ' Fridley John Hooley s '{ Micheelson S�iell 7610 univ. Fridley Cedar Lake Vending " Spur Service Station 6485 East River Road Fridley Cedar La;ce Vending " Penny�s 6540 tini�: e � Fridley Penn-Fridle;�� Inc. " °hilli�s 66 6500 Univ. �� 1 � � �, S � � . �_ PAGE 14 I AP°ROV?➢ BY �°E' _, Police Police Palice Police Police Police Police Fridley Pioneer Distributing Co. Police " Phillios 66 5657 Univ. Fridley Pionee'r Distribn=cing Police ° Buroer Kiao 6)10 tiniv. Fridle�r Burger i;ing Coro. " Chanticlear Pizza 530� :tv�, . b5 Fr�dlef ftichard 1?emQe " Fr�dley i�'ST 1G1x0 Osborne Ro,d : rici� e-r ; erl� n ;Llnderspn " Sandee�s Cafe 6490 Cen�,'ral Fridlep �dilliam ;deiss ° Dealer�s �?fg, ' S130 i•iain St. Fridle� SirVend� Inc. Police P ol ice Polzce Police Fol_,_ce REGULAR COUNCIL MEETSNG OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED. � T'�?F OF LICF�iSE BY CIGAREiT3 Reser�re Supnly 5110 i?ain 5t. Fridley Sir`Tend� Inc. ^ II, PDQ Food Store I, � b20 Osborne Road PAGE 15 A.°P30;TED BY Police Fridley PDQ Foo3 Stores of Minn. Pol�ce �� Holiday `dillage PTorth � 2�0 - 57th Ave. � Frid1ey Erickscn 3rothers �� Holiday Service Siation I 5807 Univ. I Fridley Central Service Co. �� � Fireside Rice Boirl i 1160 Fireside Dr. Fridley Glenn 1�Tong ' " Country Club I_arket 6275 Hz.n,r. 65 Police Police Police , Friclle� Countrj- Club ?°Tarlret� Inc. Police � " Snyder�s D,ug Store 65�g� Univ. Fridley Sn�rder�s Drug Stores� Inc. °olice " S'yvrood Cleaners 5251 Central Fridley United Vending " Employer�s Overload 530o Central Fridley Fmolo:rex•�s Ove:load " Manle L?nes 632o u.,y. 05- Fridle� rIoore ';ay 'Terdin� �� TjOri,Cl �1_^ =i07']c 6�31 ?:�r�. 55 . Fridle�r biorth Air zlome 2ssoc. I " Ron's 5�ndard 62�9� Unia. I'r-c7 �e,� R o� an 1 0 0� " St�ndard Oil '�68o u�y. 6� FY'idley P and R Vendi ,,�, " y Steiger u� Gertzen Gara�;e 551�1 Cen�rzl FriQley Yionee-r Dti�tr�hutino �olice °olice Polica Polic; ?ol Lc� Po1'ce c'olice: 4� REGULAR COUNCIL h�ETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED• BLACKTOPPING Minnesota Roadways Company 810 County Road 3 Hopkins, Minnesota By: ,Tohn A. Mueller I Pioneer Blacktop Inc. 7608 - 68th Avenue North Brooklyn Park� Minnesota By; Arthur Scherber EXCAVATING Carl Bolander & Sons Co. 2933 Pleasant Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Carl Bolandex Brigfiton Excavating 1920 West Highway �r`96 New Brighton, Minnesota By: George Indykiewicz Houser Corporation 55 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Edgar W. Houser Julian M. Sohnson Construction Corp. 1229 Osborne Road N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Julian M. Johnson Park Construction Company ' 51 - 37th Avenue N,E. Fridley, Minnesota By: Gerald McDonald Weleski & Sons 9316 Jamest�wn N.E, Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Geo. Weleski GAS SERVICES Air Comfort Inc, 3000 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Donal Ruden Backdahl & Olson Plbg. & fItg. Co. 3157 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis� Minnesota By; Clarence 01son Cronstroms Heating & A/C 4410 Ex�elsior Boule��a'rd i�Iinne2polis, bS?naesota Hy; L. Pedexson r, , � 6 PAGE 16 APPROVED BY �� jP 1 II � � f Y � t_ aa* � Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewa� Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg, Insp. Renewal Bldg, Insp. Renewal PIbg, Insp. Renewal Plbg. Inspo Renewal Plbg. Insp. a P.enew a, � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED• Louis DeGidio Oil & Gas•Sales & Service b501 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota BY: I,ouis DeGidio Egan & Sons Company 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: A1 Smith i Franks Heating & Sheet Meta1 Co. 2531 Marshall Street N,E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Frank Vogt il Gas Supply Inco 2238 Edgewood Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: S. R. Navickas I Harris Srothers Plumbing Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Ey: Bruce R. Harris i Minneapolis Gas Company , 733 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Arthur Ahlquist $oyalton FIeating & Cooling 4626 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: William Stewart Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Air Cond. 1001 Xenia Avenue South Golden Va11ey, Minnesota By: Stanley Snyder Suburban Air Conditioning 8419 Center Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Superior Furnace Company 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota GINERAL CONTRACTOR Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota � Balsi�er Gontxacting Co. 2123 Cedar Avenuc South P:inneapolis, P4innesota Y � By: Donald Hoglund By: David Adolfson P�q: 47i11iam Ealsiger e Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp P1bg. Insp Plbg. Insp, Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp B1dg. Insp Bldg, Insp �YJ ' E � � Y � � PAGE 17 Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Reneo�al �il r, "�' iys� ,� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED• Born Construction 1432 Shoreline Drive Wayzata, Minnesota By: Lauren Born Roger E. Brenny & Sons Route �k3 Foly, Minnesota By: Roger E. Brenny Capp IHomes 3355 Hiawatha Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Earl Schmidt George F. Cook Construction Co. 2833 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Ray Peterson E1View Construction Inc. 7601 73rd Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Exickson Brothers 4567 West 78th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: John W. Hughes Erco, Incorporated 3231 Central Avenue Minne� olis, Minnesota Sy: Oliver Erickson JFM Builders� Incorporated 8609 Lyndale Avenue South Minne�ulis, Minnesota By: Ernest Johnson Mid American Homes, Inc. 7845 East River Road Fridley, Minnesota By: Ke V. Nordling Gorco Construction Company 3384 Brownlow Avenue St. Louis Park, Minnesota By: Sheldon Poplin Chris Jensen & Son Company 14D0 Se1by Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota By: Chris Jensen Milton L. Johnson Roofing & Sheet Metal Company 2513 Centrel Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Milton Johnson ii. R. Jol�nson Conpany 1011 West 80th Street Bloomington, Minnesota By: Milferd R. Johnson Lyle Kaufenberg General Contractor „ 7b North Western Avenue St.Pauly Minnesota By: Lyle Kau£enberg Sldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. B1dg. Insp. � Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg, Insp, Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Znsp, Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. �ldg. Insp. � i ) ,` 1 � I Y I �. PAGE 18 � New Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal , 1 i Renewal ' �I New � � Renewal Renewal Renewal Rene�aal � Renewal Renewal r � � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED• Kraus Anderson of Minneapolis Inc. 501 South Sth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Loeffel Engstrand Company 612 11th Avenue South Hopkins, Minnesota By: &ohert Loeffel i i Lund-Martfn Company 3023 Randolph 5treet N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Miles'Construction Company 45�0 Lyndale Avenue North Minne�olis, MinnesoCa By; Sohn Pope I L. W. Samuelson Construction Inc. 78Q0 East River Road Fridley� Minnesota By: Shelter Homes Corporation 1550 East 78th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Tri-Co Suildexs Inc. 7555 Van Buren Street Fridley, Minnesota By: Western Construction Company 695Q Wayzata Boulevard L. W. Samuelson Ingrid Severson Roger Meyer Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Milton Chazin Witcher Construction Company 40Q - 2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By; J, Adamson HEATING Backdahl & Olson Plbg. & Htg: 3157 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Glarence R. 01son Conditioned Air Equipment Company 3010 Clinton Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Cronstroms $eating �u �ir Conc�. Inc. 4410 E2celsior Paulev:rd M�nneapolis, Minnesota By; Dalco Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. 3836 biinnehaha Avenue South rlinneapolis, Minnesota By: Lo Pederson David Dalbec �d :i 1 � 1 Y �: PAGE 19 Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Sldg, Insp. Aenewal NDT APPROVED Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg, Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renev�al Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp, Renewal P1bg.Insp. Rene�aal Plbg. Inspo Renewal Plbg. Insp, Renewal P1bg, Insp. Renewal r �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED: Deluxe Heating & Air Cond. 1405 West 97th Street • Bloomington, Minnesota By: William Nagel Egan & Sons Company 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minnesota By: W. J. Egan i Erank's Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 2531 Marshall Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Frank Vogt General Sheet Metal Corp. 2330 Louisiana Av�nue North I$inneapolis, Minnesota By: R. 7. Kraus Harrils Brothers Plumbing Co. 217 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Lloyd Harris Axel Newman Heating& Plumbing 1608 Como Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota By: B. Vono Royalton Heating & Cooling Co. 4626 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: William Stewart Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Air Cond. 1001 Zenia Avenue South Golden Valley, Minnesota By: Stanley Snyder Sheridan Sheet Metal Company 4116 Quebec Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Robert Graving Suburban Air Conditioning 84I9 Cent�r Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Superior Furnace Company 6121 - 42nd Avenue IQorth Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Donald Hoglund Thomas Air Conditioning 815 - 14th Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Lynn Thamas Thor,ss Air Conditionir.g .SZL.J H�1IISGll CGL.IC Crystal� Nlinnesota By: Floyd Thompson Ray Ne Zdelter Heating Co, 4637'rChicago Avenue South "' Minneapolis, Minnesota Ey: Ray Welter 43 1 (i � 1 i i �.._, PAGH 20 � Plbg. Insp Plbg. Insp Plhg. Insp P16g. Insp Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Plbg. Insp. Renewal Plbg. Insp. Renewal , Plbg. Insp. Renewal Plbg. Insp, Renewal Plhg. Insp, Renewal Plbg. Insp, Renewal Plbg. Insp, Renewal P1bg. Insp, Renewal ' Plbg. Insp, Renewal Plbg. Insp. Renewal REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 , LICENSES CONTINUED• MASONRY . Citcle Cement Company 8532 County Road 1$ Qsseo� Minnesota By: Thomas Deiley i L. T,. Ernst, Incmrporaeed I661 - 127th Avenue N.Zd. Anoka, Minnesota By: I.loyd Ernst � I Mario Frasson Cement Company 2400 East 26th Street � � � Minneapolis, Minnesota By; .7oseph Fxasson R. E. Ostrom Inc. 4857;Maryland Avenue Noxth Crystal, Minnesota By: R. E. Ostrom Rite Way Engineering Company Inc, 2654 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Riverview Gement 3101 East 37th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Duane Razink Leo Sanders ConcreCe Contracting Co. 7&13 Jackson Street N.E. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota By: Leo Sanders Stone Masonzy Inc, 15002 University Avenue Anoka, MinnesoCa Sy: Jerome Stone MOVING & i�CKING Carl Bolander & Sons Company 2933 Pleasant Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By; Roger Erickson Minnesota Lumbez & Wrecking Corp 915 North Albert Street St.Paul� Minnesota By; C. Trudeau OII. HEATING Air Comfort Inc. 33C�0 Goxham Avenue Mianeaaolis, riinnesota Ey: Donal Rudcu Cronstroms Heating & Aix Cond. 4410 Excelsiox Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota By: L� Pederson B1dg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp, Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. B1dg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. Bldg. Insp. PJ.bg. Insp. Plbg, Insp 4�) :{ � � Y � . _., PAGE 21 Renewal Renewal I i Renewal i � � Renewal i f Renewal � I i Renewal Renetaal Renewal Renewal Renei�al Rene�ral Itenewa 1 �, ��;� REGULAR COUNCTL NIL�ETING OF NIARCH 20, 1972 LICENSES CONTINUED. Louis DeGidio Oil F, Gas Sales v Servlce 6501 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota By. Louis DeGidio Frank's Heatina $ Sheet yetal Company 2531 Marshall Street N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By• Frank Vogt Plastering Soe Nelson Stucco Company Inc. 1150 98th Lane N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota By. Marvin Nelson Peterson $ Hede Company 314 17th Avenue North Hopkins, Minnesota Sernard L. Dalsin Company 8824 Wentworth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota �xcavating Ted Renollett 927 Andover Boulevard Anoka, Nhnnesota By. Arnold [-lede By: Daniel Dalsin By: Ted Renollett PAGE 22 � Plbg. Insp. Renewal Plbg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp, Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal Bldg. Insp. Renewal MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the licenses as submitted, wrth the exception oi Miles Contruction Company The Administration is instructed to ask Miles Construction to come before the Council to show cause why their license should be renewed. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motlon carried unanimously. ESTIMATES. Comstock and Davis, Inc. Consulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For the furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for the staking out of the following constructzon work. PARTTAL ESTIMATH #Z - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer F� 6Nater Improvement Pro�ect i�102 from January 31 through February 2S, 1972 PAATIAL ESTIMATE #3 - Sanitary Sewer $ Water Improvement Pro�ect #105-1 from January 31 through February 25, 1972 $8,689.23 $ 810.41 � ' � � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1972 ESTIMATES CONTINUED: Weaver, Talle � Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Bill for services rendered, dated March 17, 1972 PAG� 23 $2,935.00 MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to approve payment of the esCimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, D9ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. SCHEDULE A STUDY SESSION FOR 6 30 P M. �ir nc r rnnnn emr�rv. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to schedule a study session for the Crty Council for 6 30 P.M., April 3, 1972 prior to the Regular Council Meeting Councilman Breider said that he felt that the discussion might be such that it could not be completed in one hour, therefore, he would rather schedule an independent night The City is in a situation with the tax levy limitation, that such a session mlght take a Iengthy discussion. He added that he was not sure o£ the purpose of having the suppliers present and that he did not want the Council to be in the position of negotiating price discuunts. That is the �ob o£ the Purchasing Department and the Liquor Store Manager. Tt was pointed out that the actual negotiating of the discounts will be done by the personnel, the suppliers wi11 only be present to see what they have to offer. MOTION WITHDRAWN by Councilman Kelshaw. The Council, after some discussion, agxeed that they would be able to meet April Sth at 7:30 P.M. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to schedule a study session of the City Council on April 5, 1972 at 7 30 P.M. to disucss purchasing and warehousing of liquor stock. Seconded by Councilman Mrttelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously COMPLAINT &Y JACK YOUNG, 6549 LUCIA LANE ON SPEEllING ON LUCIA LANE, Mayor Liebl said that he had received the telephoned complaint £rom Mr. Young and he had asked him to bring Chis item be£ore the Council. Ile said that Mr. Young had told h1m it is not a constant problem, but occurs at certain times Mr, Young requested that the City participate in more active patrolling, and added that the Council received this same complaint about 3 years ago. Mayor Liebl asked the Gity Manager to look into this situation. The City Manager said that he had received several calls himself. He in- structed the Police ➢epartment to increase their patroll�ng, but whenever , the squads are there, everyone is travelling below the speed limit as they should be, and if there is speeding, they cannot catch them at it He said they have also checked a£ter wedding dances at the KC Hall and there were no violations, � :.>_. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF M,�RCH 20, 1972 PAGE 24 APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Vacancy created by resig- � nation of Elmer Olson) Councilman Mittelstadt said that this appointment would fill the balance of Elmer Olson's term of o£fice and would expire December 31, 1972. He said he would like to place the name o� Terry Kirkham, son o£ £ormex Mayor Jack Kirkham, before the Council £or consideration. MOTTON by Councilman Mittelstadt to appoint Mr. Terry Rirkham, 430 67th Avenue N.�., Telephone. 560-3681, to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously Mayor Liebl instructed the Administration to take care o£ the proper notifi- cation of the appointment, and commented that Terry is 18 years old. The Council believes in the youth o£ the conununity and he hoped that Terry would bring vigor into the Parks and Recreation Commission. COMNNNICATIONS. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #16: FRIDLEY'S RESOLUTION ON RENAAiING SCHOOLS. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication from Independent School Distriet .`�16 dated March 15, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PAUL BROWN, DIR�CTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION, TO �.rnnnern.n iinxicnc. HOPE Councilman IItter read the letter aloud from the Director of Parks and Recreation addressed to the New Hope Parks and Recreation.Department concerning warming house plans and specification. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the Parks and Recreation Director to the New Hope Parks and Recreation Department concerning warming houses dated March 8, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Liebl declared the Regular Council Meeting of March ZD, 1972 ad�ourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �� � �(� �� �. Juel A Mercer Frank G. Liebl , Secretary to the City Council Mayor