06/01/1972 BOE - 00017413{� i(�-i TtIC 4�iSNUTES OF TriE �.N�lU�4L B(1;�C2Cl OF EQU1tLI�lOTIQN MF�TING �F JUNE lt 1972 , 3'h�= anrr�a] 13aard of Equalizatiarr meeting was convened at II:00 P,M., Juna 1, i972y at tFe rridiey City f�a11. I'LEiit;E U'� AI_�rGiArdC�: Mayor �ieL-T lzd th� Cou�a�:ii and the audience in saying the Pledge of f�Ilegia�ce ta the s=7ago !'��1`:tJDAh!C�_: Pres�nt utzre Mr« :)avcs, City P1anager; �hayor Liebl; Courrcilmen Utter, M14IfIP�StaCl�t �n� �reide;; ilre Iierrmann, City Assessnr; h1r, Madsen� �eputy Nssessor; I�Ir, �4ulcahy, i',ppraiser; i�1e, Schwartz, �,reoka Caunty Assessar; and Mr. Leone* Anoka Caunty Chief +��"J�Y 7i S2�" r GL;JER�1L �JlSC�15STQIV. I�lay.�r Lie61 stated tnat the purpose of this meeting is ta pravide an opportunity far anv car.rzan who dcsires to be heard regarding �he reaT estate value placed o�, his prop�rty as af Januzry Z, �972, H� then introduced Mr. Schwartz.y Ano".<a Coianty ;;sessa�, P�r� Schwartz explained that 6ecause of laryngitis, MrW Leon�, hi s�Jeau�y :lssessar, would i5e speal<i rg `ar the Caurrty. ' M�r �eae�e rzSerrec ta the cards which each r_itizen receivad this year for the �irst tim� inFe�rm�n� thRr.i af their assesszd vaivation as of January 2, 197'L� per action ey tire State Lngisjature requiring th9s notiiiication at least teii d-ays �riar l-7 th�s meet�ng. 71-�is �ard aiso shows if �he oroperty is nor��esteaded a;�d r�rves t7:e dzte ana time of this meetring, He also stated that this Baard of (2eview Fras the -ight �o �-«��e t�-�e va?uatiaii Uf ara� prcrper�:Yr but rrray not tower t,a;ta�s,�ns encre tf�an e�ric per ccr,r af the tou.al e�gre�ata value o� tl7e Gi�y af �ridie,, �a�r mark;ct v�Tue is of F�rinie nr��partance in determ r=irig thn valua�icn a= each �rn��er°ya `'Y. a'19C1'mHan ��Ce1�E�C'CJ OL+C i:a'IR� 7° ��'1B 'lllCCr�GSG� lf3 Vd�Lld�7(7YY fNd5 iTtil`!1%TI�97g $�lP,F'�.' ,���r�u'ci �'Ske�;� b� ver�y 'itt'e ii�rrr�s�: in CE�e a�Y.ual iax d�il�rs p�y:�Fte n�,�Y ye.:i-, �i sra�� �aV� �,�rns rasse+�' 1as� year ��rt�tiny state� cour�i.y� ahd city to a s;r. �e�- ce�tt incre,xs� in 1�!aunet ��er }�ear, ihe yveiiare departnent hurl�et is- ',;he �ri�7y �r�e �-ic� �irnite�: io six }�er cen�. 6y� �lso ex,�alained �ha� l7orn� issue, are vaia� on ��� t-7a uaaple� 7hs�e kstis a yerreeai �uest�an f�nir• t}t� aue�ir-�i�ce askirrg �vtren the �as� valu�tion was rr.�:�e ❑rR each �7ro��eriy. .'�,Iso, ���l�en a sq��arr foot�.,ce basis is usec,� are the aSe of- t�-e bu47��ing eind the icc,�zian taken ir�ta consi�'er=tian? hlr, Herrm��n�E :cpiicd tha+ rl7is Ss dan� every even-nurnbered year [since 1�Eb, as cf Janu,ry z), Sr, 3>;jQ ��,aut hai � o� a"s �� ricrSe;r Piorn=s wer�� physica]T)+ inspectea� artd the �a,�i,ce wer� valuate�i cn a ea��:urahle �Ercentag<< 6asis, c'epenring �n the iast ' ,vear tl�at they i,��r� rr-eval4ateci. �ana �ra7u�s have �een re-assessed ever/ �ssessmeat year si�-,ce I,�ic�r� i5'62, f;r�garc,�r,g rn�r"�et value basa�l o� squ�,re ; octay+ ,� aent t ca i I-��i��es �r,ay ci f i nr i i-� ma,rFcet va7 ua depen�i ng on the area i n eaF�ici� they a-c- ]o_3t�c. Ti7c- age c�i a hause is a determinar�g factar. Variaus s-naiiva3s are usrd ;o; ref�rence tn aid an ec;uhlizing mark�c v�lues with tho=c oi sln��7a, rarciyerties ir other citi�s 9ri /',nol:e County„ The style of the i"�uSt�'sng is also G eecermit�3r�y :er_icr. v �^ ) � � C'7 e_4 r',NPJU,�L EGr1Rll GF �QU�aLTCAT?Of; PIEETT'9G OF Jllbli: ;, 1972 h'�AGC ? � ]A�yor Liebl exp1ainGq ihaC eac'rG c4lizen nrrsent �ii�� ever�7i�g reg4stcr�d ��r�or co che meeti r�y, and each wi 11 be tal9ed i n turr� �o orsserif hi s r�y�Eest� H� asked thaR each cftiz�n try to limit 1;9s presr-rataGiar Yo f�ve mir�u�.es. NG. 1-�h1R„ NORMAPI iiER�Oa, 115 GLEPI C:2EER ROP�'J (LOT 33, �;�;f.EL ;5?l":, �aJJITO�;"S SU14UI'Jr5I0id !d0. 77}: -- -_�.__--- -__._.__ _ _.._ . _ _.- - c ? -.•� n Mr', iaerzo� staCeu that nis vaivation o� ti����QO �7v�r°�,er ua��°e �n �;7.� is tao hig�? and that $26,Q�q to $?7:r1D0 is a more reaTistic fig�oi�e. Sarn�� reas��na cite� were that thcy haue no fronkage on Glen �.rnek Rea,a anu acces, tn crieis Iet is hy a tw�1ve-Fooi easem�ant� Fiave mac� n�i iRiprravrm�nts� antf �o not �av� Ci�y sewer or ivatera Mr, ker<-_ag employed a licensed anpraiserp a �1r., .r�:y, to rieke a pr���te �npraisal of his FroN�erty which �°e,i.3Eed in e�=iyure af $?.'k,"L�0 For the 6uilding anc j5�ti00 foC thc lot� a tor4�1 0� 'j2Ei,%8f7. Fle Yee7> h��i� tne avera�e snle pric� in his neighborfwod is around $26,DD0. MOTION by Cour�c�iR�an Micidelstac't to re-e•raluv+ze rh�s �rr�i�r•,y a; i1e Fee1s �I>>i a�jlI,OJC increase in thrce years seems to Iae �ut ci 1ir�e. Secor�de� ny Loi.mc�i- roan Ufiter. Upori a voice �ote� all aycs, Mayor i,inl,l dec1arecl thF� nvotic�n carried unanimously. PIO. 2_.MRS. J,41vi=5 1�1. PE�RY� ]GaJ r1L'JEN l�lAY (LUT u�, 3LOCh ?} PARCEL ]UOx pEARSOPI"5 CRf�IGWAY ESTATES 2ND AUDITIGN): 11rss Peery presente� a 1etter and three photogr�.phs to Lhe h',ayor, � MOTTDIJ by Councilman Ftiddelstadt to rece9ve these itcins, �ecanue�l b;� Councilman Utter. Upan a vo�ce vote� all ayes, Mayor L�eL�l eeciarc;d che rnac�on cars°ie� unanimously. Mrs. Peery styted that she feeis tiheir increase of $4,3LtU in va1uaticn chis year is too high for the reason that thou�h lheir i��x�ie Ts worGh thz anoerrrt oF riie valu�ationy the traffic to the park property thrnu�h �}�eir ya�'ci has causeri �,rea� nuis�nce �aiue and has lowered the mark�tabi1i�y of thetr rroperty. At the tirne they purch�sed their let anci buiit their h�riea crie vacei:t iets on either sicl� p"F kilCfil �Nc^I'(? ZOttEI' i-� e �SI1f;Pktl�Vrh '�O ti1C IlE�3 ��'14;P1'i;:+C�� PYOhC:I'ty O�YtlCCS al'1�1 themselves, zhese lots +vere purchased �y tne C��y �o �r.z�n.a +:I�a r;a�gr�u.;c, tivhicn tivas L�ehine, their proper•ty along cho si:.e o�= cne r,roperty al�a,. �r�� noi�� crt:ateu 'ay p�o��3E usinr� tha �arl; t��s violatied c%�eir� privacy and vroultl �Sso �,i-fect the ,�rice they inight be a�le io oL-cai�i iF they sc�Td �'���r prop.^r�y. ;he a1so said that she feels the p�rk hes ixev�;r 5e�^s� useel to capacii.y, aiLl»iayH� i� is a 1ovelyF p�rl< �ind an asset to the neiyhber�°�aad. For �,�ese re�sens, s��e reeTs that the inerease in market value tvas not jusiiiied. P1rs, °csr�� sugcescac� !'Faat F��rhaps th� City xHOUid provide a fencry �f simi1ar r;;s9gn zo the fence are�nd the rear �f their ict +n�hicli rovoulc aFf-ord them sor,7� criv�cy �t �he side af �'heir iiouse, PiCTION 6y Councilni�ri 'r�iidde1stadt to have Lhe. Ci�y rlssessor"s depa�-t-raent maE.� �i ph}�sical re-evalu�tiorl of this pro;�erty snd also te con:.uit witP� zhe Parl�s anc ' Recreatiori Department, and �f the above {;�ct�rs ao eetracx fror�i �hw� mar�:�t v�at�e, to arr�ve at �� pass�'aTe reduction in v�ivazion. Seconcled h;� Councilra�3 Utter, Upon a voic� vote, ali ayesr i'�ayor LieF31 crclarad the �iociori c=+rricd unani i�ir�usl y. Mr. Herrr�ann is to inForm P1r. 1•+idde1stadt pi c's7e rc-s�ttsx and h1rs. Peer,^ wi'�� get in touch witi� N�r. Middelstadt. ���x IS,Pr�UJ"�L "�O�Ii=V uE E�U:aLL'J\T16P7 ML63T7DIG Q�= ,fUN= ly 1JI� PFSGE j !SC t;�i= na;r� ��ounci7n•�n areider fio4nteci a�at that a da�e witl have to t�e set For � a continuataon o� thas meetinyi at which time the resuits �f any ra-evaluations vri11 be made known. Mr� i-lerrnattn p�inted c�� that this canYlnued me�ting wi41 hzve Y� be 9��1d i�dithin �k��n�y �ays of thie datzy ri�� 3--Mlt. Da11T�J LIJ�E+�, l'�I�I� ?c� ,4C�iU �0, �LCICP� ]E�� i°IeG�"a1P!IrSViLL[=t: _� . _ _� _. � ._ .� . _ ______� 5�61y 53�5� r�Fd�3 $3�7 �IXTH STREE-� fJl'�RTHc'riST (LC�TS 2$..2]� F-�PCELS k&LG, 4F�Z6Cly ft�d0 4u6�i� Ii,4N,ILTaWI'S ADDITSO?I Tfl M. a Lucret ex�lained ti�at I�ie felt I•iis valuatioi� was too high and that a more rea7istdc �igure wo�lcl 6e $22,p00 crr a� most $2330G0 for �ach building, hi�� �-!errr,ann pa�n'ed out tf7at an error ha�� heen mace,.and i1r. LuLet had been sent a ivtter s,awin� the carrected v�luations which were lower than the fi�+rres Ihr� L�ahet �.vas presentirtg ta tize Council. MrW LubPt purchased thesr. properties in 1969 (twa previous owners had lost the prt,per;_y i�ecaus�e aF th� exrenses involved in uokeep and taxes}, He stated tha� ,�e, r�ntecl the �c�artnients for 511J oer manth5 and he wnuld nat be able ta ke�p up the r,rc��°rties iF his taxes are raised b�sed on this new mark.:t vaTue. S�ree,r anu' curL- are iroat iny so �,vhen it r�ins the basement apartments do h<tv�� � w�at�r pro'rrler�, M�i/dr Liebl stated that the quality of �he area is poor, the Su;ldtn�s �ves-e very :-�!n-c;o�m, a-�r1 �xttinsive renairs ?�ave l�ad io be made� so.he seeTs pe;6+�ps a r�e�ucticrn o: �5,C300 on ail �he buildings combined mighE be� in kee�ing, �:1t"�ougFa this was on'y his vie�apoznt as he is not an appraiser. MU-fIfDM by Cou�rcitr-i�n f3reicer ta hold over a�ecision cn thEs request until the City :lsscss�r �s a�le to n�,al�e a pliysic�l re-ev�ivaYion oi �ha property ta!<ing in�r� currs�dar�xtior� the �nrater ;.�-olr�em ���hich� the City k�ad never heen informed o� as wel� as i1-Ee ot'rier �actors meu-st;one,d a�aav�� and a recnmrendation-be braught lr�ck �o the CovrFC�l. Secanuad hy Counc�7man Miclde7stadt. Upon a vr,ice vote, �1! ayesi if��ror Lie,�l deciared the in�Yion carried unanimausly. r',t iizis tirr,e Counc-lrna>U Creidrr a�ain rnentinned that a date will have to be set for e� centinuation of this meetin�� �lfter deliberatian, the evening of June 2Gj 797;?j at u:00 Pa1�h, was seY� Gcuncilman I°iidde7stadt noi�ted out that each person in the audience should c�nsicJer the fact thai in requestiny that thair evaluatian 6e exr�mined more c7os�ly, ti�e 3oard oF CyG�alization has the riCht to also raise any value L,�hich th�;� �=cei is too 7ow, as weli as ta make a recommen�lation for reductivn if they f�azi i= is justii=iet, NC?� ts--I°t'7� �It;te;;P'� 1=U�7FILlr-iJ[y5-7%`iS FI.ST PIVCR ;0.'�fl (PFsRCEL `u'4D0, SECTIOM ."i, F�NG LOT:S 3�6� BL9Ci �,P�'aRSd�J�i 1ST ;a�DI`I°SO�dt_FSiJE Sf�NDSj MEA�ObJRUiJ APART�1[NFS): P9r. ��daTi st.�ted his oFinacn �hat the iair market value of 17is prop�r��l-(aaart- ��e::� :ui?clirgs; a�. ?a45 and j2jy `c�st River Ro�d is g237�,�61 in excess of wliat it sh,o��d be, t-�e therr presented to the Playor a letter stating his case along tivmih a co�j ot= a letter fram a z=irm o� cartified public accountants wha had prep�sreci a cer�iFicate a; actual cost. �IC17I�Ji� to r`eceive communicaticns by Counciiman +`1i�'delstadt� Seconded by Ccuncilman l3Gter. Upon a vaice vote, a11 ayes� I�leyor Liabl c;ecl�red the I'lOf1fl'4 L�,3'y'7CQ Cla"]cl'I�II;O°.65'J'y!� ' ' 1 �, � �� ,1;w"J�.�i�L '30r'�;s7 GF ��UNL,7=-�,iS�,;d ,"I�CT=11C 0� JUh!� Is t97% PAGF `-; ' N�r. Fudali �s pres�ncation was rcFerred to I�lrm Leone as tli� Co4sr;T_p dnes tiiU appriising on zPiis typ? oF buit:.i�g. tM1r. Fuc�ali statari that nc,rmaTly a vatu� is placed on a �ev� huildiny oF this type by tal<ing i,�to cei�s�aera�ria�� �he tota1 cest o; constructien and then altawiny an adc�itiQnal amount a, � reasonable profit to the owner if the building were so1a, Nis conteniir.n is that both the Cepartment of Housing and Urban Lievelonn:ent ancJ the Feeeral Housing Authorifiy arrived at a much lower marl�et v�1ue fiqur�. Ha aTso mentioned that Phr. Leone esfimated the praperty ��ould be v�,1ued at a nuch 1ower f�gure fn Apr91, 1q7i, wh�n ttze euiTr7inys were ��nder enris�r�sct�iati� �tOTIGPI by Councilman i{ici�]e1stadi to iiave �he Count;r qssPssor's d����rcrcieni. meet with P��,r. Fudati to go over the facts _ann Fig���res; and 'areri rel-i_�rn � rccnm�-�iendat�on tp the Qoaru of Equalizarion. Secencled �iy Co;fnciim�an U._ter> llfo�i a vcicc vote, al] ayes, p9�yor l�eL-i declarcd tihe inc�t�or� cari��ed i.�nan,_ rrously. iJO. �--11P„ IiENRY LYPJCII, 734$ EAK'cf; AVEP'!7� (LOT 2�F� 6LOCK I, PARCEL 1150, tJr1GEL�� 'JGQDL'-\i�IOS I:O�ITIOAI): l�tr. Lynch Feels that his bu�1c.�ng is overv�1�seu, rL:� �u the far.T =_iiat ne h,�s made no improverrents and his 6uilding sti11 has Lo:�adn clarnage wh;ch is not repairable (joistsx etc,) Thu concrete floor 7ova sags so rain co+n�s in uni]a; the cioors, an�] there is 1oosening af cancretr- w�]ocfcs. ii�. aTso ques��oner i`,"- there i s a governrnent cei 1 i ny on re,i si ng the o�arkut va1 ue a� pr�pe; �� as therc is nn wage increases. � �1r. Herrnann exp1ainecl thac this is the first yLar the val:ac; of the structure- has been increased since it �-r�s Guilt, anc! ther� �ai11 �.�ro6aG7y ne oi�1y e, s�,�ail increas� 9n actual tax dol1ar ehar�es> Cauncilman 3reider stated that he does not feeT �his �alu�ticn is uut of iine, Mr. Lynch replied that he would like to get a pw�ivate appr�isa1, �4i1TiUh 6y Coi.�nci1m.an Iire�Cer to naid over a decision ta the June 7_1)t'r� ineetirig, and i f 1�1r, L�nch pres��nts an appre�i sai by a_ a,ual i Fi ea apprai ser, S t��i t i Il� considered at that tima. S�conaed by �ouncilrnan iSzuclelstac°�, Upon a�.oice ✓ate, all eycs, P�ayor Liebl deciarcd tiza motion c�rrieci unanin�aus1y, fd0. G--��iR, RTCH,�RU G?,RL.i�N--'cTG�IT ACr2E� OF VACAiJT PR�PERTY OIJ �4IC°_ CREEfC R0�1� {pt�RCEL 1GO��AUllTTDR'S SUf39TUISION P]Q. 22}�� �� ���� �� ISr. Carlso� state.i that he Feels the market v�lue of this p:uperip is m�icl� .00 i;i3h as it is unaeveioi�ed, unpla4te��, anri tncrc= �re no ut�lities on t�1e pro�?rty. (��e frunt of the lot is. on Rice Cr�ei< �;ozcl �rrh��r� chere are �va�er anci se�ver 1ines already in} but there are no uLility� 1ines tn the rFar of the 1ot,) He has had the property for sale at a price of $2,2;0 per acre �ur cn� last five years witn no ane shawing any� intcrest. Iie l�as mace no im�zrovements except for aL�out ,"j50 spent for rough seedihy to �ee� the �aezds unc�er contirn1. Grading and excavating wark will have to be oor�c bei'are R-i dwelTings may eE constructed. � hir. Harrmann explainea that a lower than aver��ge acre<.ge value was placco on this property except for the portion frenting on Rice CrFek Road Umich has �va9labslity to utilities� because it is zoned R-1 and the utilities are no� yet availabie for the ba_lance uf the property. The Ceunc9l was of the opinion that this might sti11 be too high a valuaticrt. Yp , � A 4 �r (_' r'4I�IPIIUAL �G,aRC� bF E(�U�ILIZr;TI[Dli� MEETIiYG OF JUP:E 1�. 1972 pFIC� 5 f10ii0N by L'ouncilman Breider ta have the City Assessor's department meet wi'th ' Mr, Carlsar, and ;nal<e a phy=icai inspe�cYi�r� of the property and then present a rFCammer�d�tion to the Councii on June 20th. Seconded by Councilmart Uttar. li�an a vaice voie, a11 ayes, Mayor L�ebl declared thz moCiorr carried unanimousyy, hir. Carlsan Yeft his carci with Mr� Herrmanw and asked that he be contacted„ �!(i, j--�;R, LAI�iRLid�:E PI4RCE, .35a - 57TH AVEIJUE NCJRTHEAST (LGT 1 j BLOCK 5, P�IRCEL 9��, 13IC� CZ�Lff 76ftRACE PLRT 3 ADGITION): I3oth P1r. °ierce ancl his .vife '�awe reach�d age sixty-five and have retired� He re�rs that p�rhaps his hause �s over-va7ued, and his main concerri is that the taxns will cartir�ue rrsing �,ven though thPy ar� now on a,fixed income„ He h�oul� hc�cE that thpy wi�S s�ay ati a minirrsun�P Mr. I-�err�nani-r ex��la�ned th�t any tax increase he has will be minimal. Mr. Pierce appe�rc�' �o be sa€Ssfied with thss answer. N0. 3--MR, FRArJKLII�I TIGGES, ii8D6 HtCKORY STREET NORTHEAST (L6T $i BLdCK 1, P.qRCEL 1d4. JSiMAN�S 15-� AO�TTIQ���1. P1ru 7igges feeTs th�� his valuaticr� of j2'-E,5£30 for 1972 �s #ac highs arrd that he Niould n�t be able to s�l] his hause for this amount. Ne has had a$7,5`�0 increase i� tFre four ye�rs frcrm 1963 ta 1972, h',L7I�N c�y "vouncilman Middelstadt t� have the City 4ssessor's departmeht re- , eva�uate this �raperty and k�ring back a r�com-rendaticn to the Council for the reascn rhat he Fe�1s the �ncrease aver �aur years appear= exc�ssiveo Seconc'ed �y C�urcilman P,rer'der� UpcT a vaice vot�, a11 ayes, �qaycr Li�b7 declared the motien .aa�rTed ur.arimously. Nt3, 9--h+�:. It0^�"?� LOT�� T6] 2IV�f' rDGE 1�ft�Y (LGT 9�, 3LOCK 1,� P:iRC�L ?00„ RIVER CCGE A7�JTTIOP#}: h1r. Lotz stated thzt an easement from his property is beirrg cansidereti by Yhe CiLy For a 4�ralk�vay, StakP= h�ve a!a'eady been put in which Courtcilman_Middejstau't stated are�merely "talkin�,� s;.ai<es." Mr. Lotz said that peaple are a7raady using this ar°a as a uratl<way ��rhich has lowerec? the value of his pro�erty, and he feels this incEecision woul�t reflect on the price he could obtain for his �roperty at ihis trrr�e. It was .xplaineo �r� 94r. Herrmanr that iz an easement is a6tained frarr, him, he tvr"rti he reimburse�Il7y Che Ci�y� �?Iso, there is no walkway easemerat as of Januar�+ 2, ��72, so there co�7d be no reduction allowed this year for�this purf�csP� iF t+ae easement is o�tained and the waiktvay put in, his property valuation i��auqd lae reducecJ as the acYuai size of the lot wauld be lesso Tf tF�s wa71��r�ay is p�t in this year priar ta January 2t 1973. then the valuation made for 19]5 wou]d reflect *his, f�0. �6--�'�h. ���II`TO�; KiJ,�,�'TOti, 62C0 CNROL Qi'�3tilE (LC�T IIj '3LOCK z, PfiRCEL 3205 ' SHOFEIdOGD .4�317i � �ONi: P1r. Knapt�ri said tha: by 7istening in or. the discussiort so far this evening� tne majarzty of his Gucstions had baen answered„ He did question whether there is asry '�as9s for knowinc� ,�ust haw hr's taxes will be projected for the next few years, as ihey f7ave '"ya-yc,ad" up arrd down Yhe past few years. � (��� �} e. laNNll{IL 801;RQ OF E2U�LIZAFIOPJ MEETT[JG OF JUNE i, 19%2 �{:�(� 5 � Nir, uavis brouyht up the fact that thc�ugh �he City l;uage� has incr�ased, pro�:er�y taxes nave cJropped because o� new constructior�, commerc�a7 and re=_ic�entizi, so if our City growth continues� hopefully the tax p�ct�,,re �rr�ii remain favora6le, !�!e are 1�mited to T yearly six per cent increase irt uudqet by State law, and ai1 state aid is lost if we exceed this limita cizy�wis� and sc}:ooT discrict-wisee Mr. Herrmann repeated a suggastion he has giucri ce a riun!�er or peoFl� suggescing that if they reel their va1uatinn is too h�gt�, ti�ey shoul� take a ur�ve se�e Sunday aftern�on anc! see just what is auai1a�:e ear purc;zase a� tE�e �rice seY as the va1uation on their own propercy. N0. 11--MR. GARY 0'MALLEY, 743z t3ACOh �I�IVE (LGT 9, r'/aRCEL 625, :`1Uf:TTO�'S SU3IIVISION hl0. T29}; Mr. ��Maliey stated that he felt his appraisa= ior i�72 �das toa higl;, ?s he received a 2y.4 per cent incre�se from 1Q71 to 791� in the amaunt of $6,74G. He has no paved street or driveway, only ane-hati` I,asemFnt wi�h cr,�s�S sF�ce ben���fi� the rest or i;�s houser ana his orly isr�pro�.^einenc "t��s be�n re�Maca��g � roof wni ci� wvas n�ressary. He presented tvra r i cci�res t�;he Counr_i Z. Ni0TI01V [o reeeiv� u�etures �7/ Coianc�lin�n 64iqde;scadc. �acoioci�u by Caui°�ciiinari iJcter. l���an ,� vo�c:= �ote, a11 ay_s� i4��yor Ld�b' deel�red cne moti�n carr�a� unanimaus1y. MOTiOP: uy Counciloi�n Lreider to have the City ;lssessar re-eva7u�ce zF�is �roper�y � ana i�rin�; f�acl� a recomme7:i,tiian to t,�e Counci; ior the re�san tha� he feeis ine zncrease was guite 7arge„ >ecended :y Counc�7inan Piicidelstadc. U��on a voic� vote} ail ayesr htayor Liebl decTared the motion carried unanimUU=3y9 iJ�. 12--MR. R,4LFH KLIMGL� 7364 ,�BLE (LCT 11, DLUCiC 4, P,4RC�L 92�, SH�'�FFER'S SIJP�JIVISIOhJ N0. 1 ): Mr. Kling1 o6jected to receiviny a tw�n�y-two per cent �ncrease this year, ai�d ti�roncSered if this was not high, as in talking co his neigh6Urs, ha felt their avzrage �ncrease was only aUout tan per cent. Mr. Herrmann stated that a11 homes in this area have been treated �quatly and that this property has not 6een held 6ack previously as to valuation for any reason. Councilman Braider stated that he fee1s this valuation is normai for the type of home and properky invo1ved. Mr. Herrmann requested that Mr� Klingl contac� him and pravide the addresses o� �v� or three i�ciynnors for comparison purposes,. N0, �3-_r��2, la, J. =NG�LNf�,{a]j, 7120 RIrIERVIEW T�Iir:rICE �LOT 7, 7i')Cr 2, ?F,�;rr� 7:0, RIVFRalOU`J PLiVOR I�6!3IIIOii): �dC. ljF- "1i2„ 20G�'R G. ':LACSGEtJS� ]130 RIilERVTFbJ TtRRrl�wc (�OT br 3LQC!C 2a ?�d124�L 7U�J$ 7IVERWOGU i9A�JDZ ,�!]JITIDIJ); � These twa yent9��r,ian spoke joint1y as they ar� re8a:�ves livir,r� in adjacet�� ;ious�s and sharnn� a mub�al :.ornp1a�nt--that iheir hoines are o7Jet' than rl7e �vei�aye homes in Fridlay anci they both feet they nave ��ot ;ecc�ive.� adequate a�pr�r�ation a�ca�se of the agea and woutd not be ab12 to s�a11 �eitP�e3` lio;a-� `or the apprais�r, mar�c�L vai�.�e set oy iiie City, ���� r�4�:Pdfi.l,tt F?c�;2L3 (7F EQ.uE�LtZ4TSarJ IIcL`TS`IG CF JutWC I� 797� Pr;Gfi 7 �"�is ���=Y!"�ildl7it E?,t�J2d9rt0� Eilo'� i.:1lEy1 {i�t/° Jpt;' 3"�vCC:�Vryd deprer_9a�i�3n bC1 t�'181Y ildri1:35 , Jae L-o �he a,e of th� bu�7dii�gs, �ut that r}�e vaSue of a dollar has dep;c:ciate:i ror? � nd i a� �.er z!1T s�, LF��; � ot vcT ues i-�avc: ri s=.n consi derab i y as �Soth ti ots are direclly o�� �he rivert nat in �;�e F1ood �tain arna� and are va1ua61e l�ts, T�ie,y bo*_h ;e?t rt7�� considera�ion should also Ue given b..causa they }iave privat� we]?s ar�d cess�oois« b7attir pipes enCer at the rear �f their homes baci<�ny cr� Rivetvie4�r 'ferrace, s;, tnere would be no proutem hool<in�r up �.o City �v,7tar, ;,�it �i:� drain Fields for sewer arz i� the front of tlse hauses draining �oi��ards �h� r�ve�, so tlrey wc��a7�J hava a.,� �xc�ss�ve cost due to bringiny sew�r fo-ae-� rltz lr�s�c ro ti7e sear �P �I7e buil�irc�s `ue�orP be�i7g ab7e to i�ao4< up Lo C{ ty se�w�=r n - - • ;���J�f,GI�! b;r Coui��c�tmar� 3reider to �h��sical�y �nspac� h�ot;7 pro�er�.�es and I��tng back �n wvc�r� nzn�l-�;.� on to ti5e vou�ci 3 ai �]-v Jui7� 20i1� in�aTr �,ya ::eco�ded `�y. ��u�r_a3n�u-i i�9t=er� U;�cn vo�ce ���2, �31 ayr�s, Tlayor Liebl Jar]areu the r�vati�rF �arr;eu' �u�a+�imaus7;r. IdO. iS--M`;. �_�SsIS 130`(L;, 2y ,_ �?RO �;r�l' Plt!RpHE;'aT (�O�S ?C1-27, �3r (i°:I; �69 ',�;rC�k. �3�,7, �=+_u F" �,-,P,I< �AUUiT13N}_=__d_____ _____.� ______.________.��___�_.�__ _.�: ;�r. Coy",e sla�.er� that iiz I�G7 h�� had a p: �va�e appraiser valua his I-�ornu at w7i,�i70�, ai��a '�he ena:'I<�t va7uN se� hy t}�� C:tiy for i'.sl� is j�S,200r �-fe i5 .�tr�5�'OI'Y'tlrl!'j t�'175 �kl�LO#d clg `7i3i9�C�' [.C10 F17��1. i�t7 if^B"�S "�fiHt �+�BL?��5 i1dV� C70i. 3 i's"C'E'i T'"I;., iYIL.'�G"!. 7� :,�s nai7e_�cl aui t�,�c ���-. �oy7e's c-ixes ai11 �r�ua�7y i�ot ir�crease, ar�c3 %i � ?I']�/ti"li;l.�iy IS��ie1.1�7.`s lV7Yz 7.� �6'.JI' �. i7�L�� l.lu5°�,� iJil t�'755 V�3�1;c:161'7. Jf1-.., el�J?fl.7Ya�� Ca �si:isir �a,��� ��C. 46--P�i» ;LO�"0 ;0�r i����, �JACr'N;� LL��CS ;L01'S 10 rtf�10 ?i� �Ll7CIC I, P,1F;l;`cLS' �15J 'k'"r� ') � ��J' _.�`_ nl`� � : ?_��y ��=-__°!�_ :;�w_�,��'---_ _ �______w________.__.�_____.�__.�__ _ .___ �'e- 'CS�7B�➢ L"cf�}Sv°_1"BC� 6: �O�' �rJ' '_�"�E Si.c�i`L' nt '�E7�-1118��i'l� �i4A"C bs°i5 �lflel��2 i3O l"G''fll&7Y7 and �r:�s��;� his c��in��ra�m� vea�l��a7��j. Ori h�s ;e�istrazinn siip'ia �-tai.ed tha� tre 4"�85'r; {a �O �"�'l�� C�"12.".2 iO.'�.5 k B-d�/a�L=.i::'...� i:�l',CdUSC� ?'ileY� 'I S-_l Cif'Oi)-O�� d'i I:�l�.' rCdC" ��� _G�a 7a_�a , ��"G� �,�--MARTC-IA HAUGI-I, 51�; RIU��I"Jat! TERR++�.� (LOT:, T9-�'-, BLCiCK U, f�rIRCEL 43�i5, "'t`�trii U'_`_ ii�S�_�11'� i��J�ll`Oi��j; � ��"➢.� 51,:3±'C'L{ �Ci3u;� 5�'44? 5o3n iSHCj ] rib"6��r'lti etl7i.d W+3�0Y �l'I �"3�°( �?C45$,i7ie7Y`e.3 ��'E�o U�,i��e�+.;G'tl� �.ua77s 17a��� ��.g�ri to cracl., �'�e,� tne i�p�t�i-s �,aa�ls, tlzen tne slab on the k�reezc�- �a��y has saxel�, air�' sha has h,�r� proLilems wi �h mi�e arrd the� rats„ iJh�i� ti�7e streeC +��as �uut in, cheir 7�kvrr was �ariia�ty ui�roos'e� ancl, soma seed 4vrs spr��c�,-but a �d��ry �nadF�uac� ;�. oe re�a�r was doi7w as �ar as sh� is ccncern�d� Siyn� have aTsa �..eir put �i;� by che C�1:; ajang the street 9r� Front cP �he picture wi�idoia. 5[-�e `�r7s the City has ��eteriorated ihe �r�p�t'ty� and that hnr hnme -is av�r-valaed,. i1r. '-Per�rn�ni7 �xpxa#i;��1 Lr�aL shz R,as I�ad no cE�,�ngP in h3r vaTua�ion since i,16S � du° to tne °ar:=-_ ���r� sFie is in '�ne r1oaJ-�lain �rea, and it vlas di�;zcuit to jtic�g� n Fau- i�ar�;er r,"a�a� uat�il �tc�vl. ii i? F� ,4N�JUAL QOAR➢ OF E�U,aLSZATIDN MEETSNG OF JUNG 1, 1972 PaGt- � ' ;1t1?[(,4d by CouncSlman i•hiadelstaJt to have th�=. City i,sse>sor's-depar�;n��nc physicall� �nsi�E=rt an� re-evaluare th�s t>ro}�er�y and ;;r�na h��lc . re_a;�nna��Ja-. �aran co ti�e J�ne 20L'n meeting. Sec,�nded by Co�ncilsnan Utler, U?on a�f��c� �otp� a11 ayesa P�a/or Lienl declar�d *_ne rnocion r_�rriec ui�ani�no�.isiy, `70. 1v- �HIR. C. bl. I<'t�,l, 120 7+lLPl;1J�;� il:1Y {�pr 2, I7L0�'f. ;�� I'l'� dCLL 20C, =R��r�LL' o I,TWE;iST[�L- i�lE?G�iTS P,DDITTG�J): I�ir, 14�n has made no irnprovcments nn his proparcy �nc i=41t his v�a",�aLio:+ �.ans too high. Tn;s proF���rty ;s in Scho�>� Qistrirt i�o. 1[� vrhere there was no pi�'�+sica1 insp�:ction th�s year� ana an ovarall �a.rcentar,a �ncr�ise ivas qal�ce�.; on each pronert/ basvd on th� sel7inc� pr�ces o( ➢ior3ses �n the area �li���iii� ��ne ycar. ^fCTTOr: b/ Couricslman Itiddelstadt to hzva thc: Cit,+ �ssessnr's rJ4par4m��nt rJi1V5jC�T��� lt'SPer;, �r7u Y4'-�V%iTL1r�E0 �tI7S �f"Ot7�i +:)+ 3ttd �Ji'if1�T �7aCiC c I'4'COI71ffl'2�!<.lrl- tion �o :he ;,ouncil. Seconded by Counr.iiman U�cer. i;pon a voice v�re, =_7i ayes, N�ayor Li2F�1 �aclared ch� mot�o�t c�rried ti�riarsi�*iou�:y. F1r, Fierrmann is to contact I1r. Y.am at 73r+-6?G5. NQ. 1^�-�P?;t„ ROE3ERT MOSE�L1Na 7533 FOl1P.Tri STRE�T PICRTNEAST (LdT I5, L'L�JCIC 1x ����RC�=L 300� OSii,l;td� f1�1��1C? �JLTllUPiJ� ______T___.�..__._�. . __�___,__..-- 1hr. hiose�ran Poeis �h�� vatuatic�n �ti f�is pro;��rty i�as �ncreas�eu too mc�r_fr �vi�h � rto im,�; overnents -nada� enil he r�e1 s wi th thi s��ai _�ti on l�z s tw>,es iNi 9 3 ue so hi�ii that he tia�11 k+� unab1e to afFord ko �m�ro��� the praperLy �n -��y a,ay, ihtu i:his valuaGicn hw states fihat a bani; wilt no� ;rant hi��i a 1oan �.o au91d a garage, Ile feals ;1a0D0 per yaar increase iaz �rsi�j::tian i��c��ild �e �m�ie. ?i� ��is o�i n9 on, hi s Siom�a i s;�raSa;�l y one of tEie pao; 4st i n �-�i s nei yh'�o,-e�oe:�. Nayor Lief�; sfiaiRd thaL he felt that proba5?y �che ti-esai� ualuc� �ri this propar�y ,a���_�lc'. only oe ahout �16,500. MOTSQfJ Ly Councilman 3rei:ler �o have tne City Assessor's ❑eu�r�rnes;t �hysical i�,r C.i92C�iC Y�l@ �7S'Oi?°I"�)/ cDG }?I'71"ICJ 17u'Ci: 9 iuC4f01TI�Ylt�.]'[.7QIl LrJ Lil° L'QUY1Ci�i. ��.Cpt}CBL� �•,^ ,:ounci Imzn Utter, Lpen � vr��ce ✓otes al] a f��s, ii�yor ? i �.�1 declarad �.he rr�o�_icn carrieJ unanir•iously, i'ii'• �iL'fYffii.�l7i l3 EO GOIlt3Ci �Yl". �'IOSu'iYlc1lle Sul7. �0--!1�. �1Ii.LT,�7 C�DEP,STROP1r 5i°i1 SS},T'-1 'al?'=1.i I'C1R��l�AST (f�+�� C� �fYf °ps a4�17 LoT %1a GLOCI< L�� P'1_,Ci=L �F]�Qp_H,�',P1I�.7JP��a Pt�JDTilGI: TC i��t=��f���JIuS�1Ti_l_F_)_-- __-, P•tr� �l'.CiC1^Si1"a�11 S'�3t'�� i.il�: AI"� f115 O�lll1011 �tSP_ 4a11A;1L7'pR QI �IiS �I"U�"1°Ciy 75 f0�] niglz. So�n� uf i�i , reNsons are, ��s f-ol1ows: tlie tc�rnado t�.:i;t�ad 17is hcinA� c�n th� iaundation end de�ec�s such as 3 1ea!<ing �-ooi, i�ails ;�a����ing on I�he sidii�gx etc, nave since deveioped, Tt is a�oor lot �., �,�e rear sl4ncs and elirk Fk�==.rs ivash�ng �nto tne ��eighiaoris yard, There �s no cur�3iny ci. th� street, �nd ?;� ie�is th��. thes� Fac�ors ivere perlita> not all ta��er� �n�c cc�side�-eii��r; ir�en � ,�is 7�atia r,�ar!<et vc1u�a .�ras ?eter�in�d. P��i'IO;J by Cour�ci1man 11idd�is�a:.`t to Lave �t ,rahys9�4�1 Sns;^e���ion rr, ,z.ermi,�e tP tFe s4venteen per cent in�reuse in valuatior, is vr�7�u and t� �ar�ng c�av!, a YeCOCBi10�1(7�"a':l�il t:0 t�lf", 1.0U�iCl1. ,�ia_COIl^�dil i7�r COLl�1C7ifi72.{1 �_iit2'". I�p411 -_l vOtiC� 'vOt2a ;i11 ayas� ht,�yor L�eb1 decTared the inotion carrie�! u,ianimavsly� � �' �. r��,�r�u�;� �n���a� oY cc��raLZ�:����n� r�E;T�t�G a� �uivE ro, 19iz PI�G� 9 �,10„ "`1_�14r�. YJG��°,"�?.J F3UUf�AE=, 7C-�F5 L,'1:�W5SJF I;=O1�u (LDT I,�, 3LOCiC 1, AARCi=L %6Qy 5?Rii�� L,11;L ?4�'4l LflIC�SiOL- A]�STBOfI): __.�_ �..�,_._.� _.__�__._r f�.r � BOU['iCB fee i s �nat I�i s vaT uation i s too hi gh. Fir o!ierrmann -e:cpl ai ne�, t;�sat chr�a notices l7��1 �ea�r ie°t at his hor+e not_q{'y,�q IZim that �hey wvre unable Yo 5r,sp�c� ��js hame pi7ysica�l;�. Mra �o�r[:e .,�r',d t{�at Pie is a truck driver and is a�,aay irom ia<rme Gudi� oF�an� N„yor �ie:�% s.�gg�st�d tP7at ��4r, �3�url<e cor,c�ct �Sro Nerrm�nn arrd set up a dare i�r a �7i7;sic.! ��7s�ec:ion oC his praperty, and if nec_ssaryy hi�'. Fiarr��ann is to ma�<e a recor,i�nen�aati on to Yhe �aunci 1. P!a direct motion ti�ras made� I��w 27-_PM1Ra IU1'�ot� `IAfJS�;Jg !'05Q G��I217E;1.1 �OT 3u� (3LUCIC �-ly PAi2C�L 11:�'�.7y P��121CVi��r C��4�1�° �1J�Ii76id}: ;4r. �t�n>e;r r�uistarex ps-ias- to the start oi tih� meeting but was urrLri� �o remain. 0�7 "�is registr�tion sii� hry qupstion�d the �r�cedure used in ar�riving at a va1u3`ion en },;�p��-+y, hlGo 2y--i•IR. F@��Vf;TS �a� V}}N ��ib°r 6j1+2 3;lKE'� (LOTS 9�iPJD lOq JLdCft ?� PARCEL 720y 1�J�.�h�L' e�/���� �'�.��if'��.1-�I'i�$ F�i��1�P�I��: ��Ir., vai7 G�s� r.������qr�eu tV�a� a slip-shed ii7spoctinh +v�s a�acfe of his hai7e in �l�rerr�rn>>�g t{ie vaivatfoii in his opinio.�� He state�i that his is t17� olcest i�o.�s� o�-� his b]oci;, ;hat thera is ;a curb�ng on tne straety �nd that he is-not usi.�g City ��,rafFr� `ie iaas construrt�d an addition to his home which is incam- pTciG, Ne ais� feeis ±%�at the process c� evaluation used by our City i+ss�ssin� J�Sartrnent i s not a pra��er on�� "10TTOfJ by. CourcilE�a� Uttpr to h�ve the �ity Assessor's department malce a physical i�;srection o� tCze prok��rey and 13ring beck s recomrien�iatic�n to tPtie Council. Secorrdad r�y Co+_,i7ci lmai7 ;: ei ae.'� J��oi� a vc�ic� vo�ni ail -a�iesi 1�layor Liei�ti d�ri�ra�l t�i�� motion cas-riad ui��ni�nous�y. I�C� 7-�F--!''R, C:t"RL�S !=;!7i="1.�:� 11;?fJ GL�1L`?Er2 L11P!r (LUI ii ."�LOCY. �!y PARCi.I_ ��F'J, if�;�`;S�),�GCI4 7JT „1;�1fCGN): I•1r. L-`nde,�le state�� tiiet ne ic:l�: i-iis valuar4un was out of �ine car�rjarwd i��th other 7�ap��r}.�es iii I-��� �l�ly�7�1.10!"�400'.+y and h^� presestieu a canmunication shotding coniw�a�•i- ��ns w� tl� at��er ��eara�,� }�r�;�er ci es to iiae L`aunci !, i1��IiG[J by Coii��c;lrnan rlidd��stadL- to reca;v�: tliis corrm�unic3tian., Sc;conde�' by �;aunciT���� ;��rPr. u'�oi7 a vcr�c� voYe, ali ayes„ I�iayar Liebi d�clared tne inotion rarried urtanin�ous��� - [Sr, cr;de� 1� s�a.� c.iat tl�:s �ial�ation on his prop�rty was inrreased '�y t�n per r_ei,t too �^�ar_;-y �ast year �nrz by <an adrJitiai7al ',-,��trYea�n per can` i:oo �-uzcFi L'f�is yP�r� ��OCiOi`l l:� Counciiman ifiirxc'e7starlc to 17avz t��e City nssass�r's �e�arim�ni rn=ke a r^i��;�sic�i inspe��iion c.`' rhis ��°�n�;�t;r an� 6ring 'aacl< a recoRUn�hda�io� fo �na p�,rrl o�= E!�uat'izatio;, �Pcra:b�c3 la;: Caur�cilman U�ter. Up��n a votce vote� artI ayesy p�aya, Li�;11 cl�ciara�u' c;�e inotiar� c�rried �inanimo.rslyo � ' � 1 ���J ;"d �I!,lL 50A3rJ nP _r•ni� ;Lri;1TI0W ;-IE_TrfJr_, aF JJ�� : i. 7�?2 P,1;3� Tn � CD�JTIR`�JIi�I01i UF i1=cilriG_ i10TT01J �nade uy Counci1n�an ��fiddeist�dt �,� 11:00 '.Pf, ca contin+iu c;��s meeii'�g to June 7_0, i_'7= Scr.on�iad ,�y CounciTr,�an Ut<<_r. U,�on a ti-aice vote, cif �����s, IJi.=.Yor Li��l declared the Tot�an carric�i un�nir���usly. ;esrer.ffuily suamittt��a, � ' �7 ��f%o�.�.�' �• ..�G c� ��.�«, ��'F'> — � . �- �,-���s; c� � , �,�� Patricia Sykes I°„�,,f`- � �