01/08/1973 - 5600PAT ELLIS COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 8, 1973 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCI� - REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 8, 1973 - 7:3o P. M. P4EDGE OF ALLEGIANCEt INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, DE�EMBER 4, 1972 P4BLIC HEARING M�ETING, DECEMBER 11, 1972 ADOPTION QF AGENDA: VISITORS: CONSIDERATION OF IT�MS NOT ON AGENDA PUBGIC HEARINGS: NONE � m REGULAR MEETING�JANUARY 8, 197�, PAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS: Consideration of Second Reading of a Vacst3on. .. Ordinarce, SAV M72-05, by Lei� ilenriksen to Vacate all t�at Part of 64� Way Lying West of Riverview Terrace �s Now Laid Out and Traveled, Generally Located in Veit's Addition in Section 15, City of Fridley 0 � � y� 1 Consideration of Second Reading of an �rdinance. . , Prohibiting the Possession or Sale of CQrtain Drugs and Related Paraphernalia and Providing Penaltiea Therefore , ' �,yd.�,ccr�cJ # s.a 7 � � � � � IT£M NUMBER S PAGE NUMBERS MI 2 - 2 A Consideration of Second Reading of an Oxdinance, .....3 - 3 D Proh�biting the Possession or Ssle of Certain Barbiturates and PrOViding Penalties There�'ore it ,,s 2 � , Consideration of Seaond Reading of an Ordinance. .... 4_� A Regulating the PuTChase, Sale or Possession of Glue and Related 6ubstances and Providing Penaltie� Therefore � U 1 O��s�-9 � � 1 ' REGULAR MEETI�G, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE 3 OlD BUSINE55 (CONTINUED) , Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance ' Regulating the Purehese, Sale or Posaeesion of Codeine and Providing Penalties Therefore � , i i ITEM NUMBER S PAGE NUMBERS Consideration of a Resolution Approving and. .... Authprizing the Signing of an Agreement •� Establishing Wprking Cond�.tions, Wages and HourQ of Employees of the City of Fridley Police Department (Dispatchers and Pstrolmen) � �' � i _i y�3 and Reeeiving Report on Salaries of Supervisory Positions in tMe Po11ce Department 5 6 - 6 0 ' ' � 1 1 ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' 0 REGULAR MEETING. JANUARY S, 1973 PAGE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO ELECTED OFFICIALS Timothy F. Breider Wallace R. Starwalt William J. Nee Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 ITEM NUMBER � PAGE NUMBERS 0 PRESENTATTON OF PLAQUE TO RETIRING COUNCILMAN OF THE 3RD WARD Donald R. Mittelstadt IHTRODUCTION OF NEW CITY EMPLOYEEB BY CITY MANAGER Richerd ry. Sobiech, Assistant Fngineer Herbert R. Zlmmerman, Pclice Patrolman . NEW BUSINESS: Conaideration of a Resolution Desig�ating Time. ..... 7 and Number of Regulat Council Meetings . ��� —� 97� Con�ideration pf n Reaolution Aesignating a......,$- 8 A Lase�. Newspaaer and Reoeiving Cammunication Fro�n Fridlsy Sun /� J%��!u.2cr+r' � 3 —� 7 7 ,.3 , ' REGULAR MEETING� JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE �I ' �i , ' 1 � � ' ' , ' ' ' ' • ' ' NEW BUSINE55 (CONTINUED) Cqnsideration oP a Resolution Designating. . Authorized Signatures for the City of Fridley Bank Deposit � � � �-/ Q 73 Consideration oY Resolution Designating. . Airector and Altern&te Director on Suburban Rate Authority � .# S - /9 7� Consideration of a Request by Richard Miller. . that the Assessments be Equalized on his Lots, and Fqr a More Accurate Coat Estimate for the Curbing Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Minut�s of pecember �0, 197� �nd FBCelving Petit�on N24-�972 Requeating Vacation of A17.�y in B1ock 11, Hyde Park , ITEM NUMBER & PAGE NUMBERS 0 10 . 11 - 11 A , . . . 12 - 12 P , ' REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 PA6E 6 ' t ' ' , ,� ' ' , ' ' 1 1 NEW BUSINE55 CCONTINUED) ITEM NUMBER � PAGE NUMBERS Receiving the Minutes of the Building. ... .... 13 - 13 B Standards Design Control Meeting of December 28, 1972 Consideration of a Resolution Establishing. ....... 14 Administrativ� Procedures for Collecting Service Availability Chaxges • . � s �� 9 73 Consideration of a Resolution Ordering. . . . .' . . . . . 15 Improve�aents, Approval of Plsns and Ordering Advertisement for Bida: Water Improvement Project N1096 � �6-/973 , Consideration of a Resolution Ordering. . . . . . . . Improvements, ppproval oF Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids: W,ater Improvement ' Project N109 8 _ � 7—/ 973 , � 1 , . 16 e 7 REG.ULAR MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1973 PAGE 7 ITEM NUMBER � NEW BUSItJESS CCONTINUEO PAGE NUMBERS Consideration of a Resolution Ordering. ...... Improvements, Approval of Plans and Ordering Advertise�ent for Bids: Water Improvement Project N110 � P�is �.,3 17 Consideration of a Resolution Ordering. . . . . . . . . 18 Improvements, Approval of Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids: Water Tmprovement Project #�li � ��ii973 Acceptance of Resigriation: Eldon Schmedeke, ...... 19 Planning Commisgion, Plats and Subdivi$ion - Streets and Utilities Subcommittee and the Fridley Industriel Development Commission 0 % u Claime. . . . , , , , . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . �' 20 REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8 1973 PAGE S NEW BUSINESS CCONTINUED) Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimates . . . . . . . . . ;; ADJOURN ITEM NUMBER 6 PAGE NUMBERS . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 - 22 C n s 4- THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1972 The Regular Council Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called Co order �t 7;35 P.M., December 4, 1972 by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Counc�l and the audience in saying the Pledge of pllegiance to the Flag. ,�NVOCATION; The Invoation was offered by the City Manager. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Mittelstadc, Breider, Starwalt MEMBERS ABSENT: Utter. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6 1972: MOTIO'� by Councilman Bre�der [o adopt the Minutea of the Regular Council Meeting of November 6, 1972 as presented. Seconded by Councilmqn Mittelstadt. Upon a yoice vote, ell eyes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE CANVASS OF VOTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 9� 1972� CouncilmaR Breider pointed ou[ there was an error on Page 9 of the Minutes. Ilnder the headin$ "Councilman 3rd Ward", the lines for "write-in votes" should have zeros filled in on them, and the numbers listed there now should be mpved down a line so they are liated on the "�'otal" linRS. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt the Minutes of the Canvass of Voces a�e corrected. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, there being no n;ys, MdYOr Liebl declared the motion carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTE3 OF THE PUBLIC HEARINC' MEETINC OF NOVEMBER 13 1972• MO�ION hy qouncilman Mlttalst�dt to adopt the Minutee of the Public Hearing Meeting pf November 13, i472 ag preaented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. iJAon a v�ice vote, ell ;yee, Mayor Liebl declared the motion Farried. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: ' HIeyor I,lebl eaid thera wae one item to add to the Agenda under "$et�mRtes'�. �'his ie �stlmate �d10 for punk�ey Surfacing Comp�ny. Councilwan grelder sugg�atsd they mave Che communicaCion from the League of Women Voter� to the "Visitors�' , aecCian as some af Khe membexa,were preaent to greaent their petition tv th� Coun��.�, The Counoil a$Xepd vith this auggeatian. �I , � MpTIpN by Gr�uncllman Mitt@lstadt Xo adopt the Agenda with the add�txon of the estimate and the Byg$88tEd chapge ln qrder. Seconded by Councilman Brel.der, Upo�n � vo�,ce vote, oll ay�e, rtayor Liebl declared the motiop carried. ��� REGUI,AR COUNCII, MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1972 PAGE 3 ' Mrs. xughes said that oo April 17, 1972 she had appeared bef.ore the City , Goun��� to relate the outcome of the League's etudy on open apace in Fridley, They had done a block by hlock analysis of recreational facilities available in the City, County and neighboring communities and studiCd Che City and County ' comprehensive park plans and the Rice Creek Waterahed powers. She said the League had sponsored a tour of North Park October 8[h, and had shown a slide ahow to explain a Nature Center and how it would relate to North Park and ' Rice Creek to City, school and county officials. She explained why they felt North park was more sultable than Rice Creek for a nature center, which in- cluded steep banka at RicQ Creek, the fact that it is subject to flooding, and a greater variety of terrain j,n North Park. I J , ' � �� , ' 'i � ' , ' ' � Mrs. Hughee pointed out that the petitions represent most areas of the City and were aigned by 1345 people. 966 were adult taxpayers and 379 Fridley residents under 18 signed the petition. The petitions were circulated by 14 League members and a like number of intereqted citizens. The League is not aaking for a referendum so the signatures were not restricted [o voters. Many people outside of Frldley expresaed an interest also. Mrs. Hughee said the League urgee the Council to provide for protection of the aree until such time as a nature center could be estab119hed. They sugge$t Lt be fenced, especially along County ;i132, "no hunting�� gigns be posted, pltt=olling be increased, and a naturalist be employed to help plan a site. She 9uggeeted a community wide project of cleaning the area for "Earth Day" in 1973 and they would pledge them9elves to help, The League urges the C1ty to explore methoda of funding such a nature center with neighboring aommuniti,es, school distr�,cts and [he County, 6i No Mr. Harris said that at an earlier meeting, the Council had recelved a com- munication from the Chsmber of Commerce with their proppsal to'enlist com- munity �upport for a municipal golf courae, and during the next few months they w111 be doing a detailed study of thelr proposal. Recent.ly they have heard [wo apeakera:A golE aour9e architect wh0 indicated the property is the f1ne9C t�hey haye seen fot th� development of g golf catree and a representative of khe City of Bloomington on financing of such a facility. They plan on pu[t�.4g their iaformatj.on togkther in a form Che Council caq use in making a determinstion on the uae o�rthe property, buk at thie time have not com- pleted thalr coaC proje�tion and would like ti}e Council to defer a decision until ell the information is 6vailpble. If the Council deelrea a petition, they wQre suxe Cheie wauld bQ �nany people interested in aigning one for a golf courae. He e eid thefi 411 thelr informatipn will be made pvailable to the public. Cvun�iiman Breider said he thought the next cqurse of actiaq wouLd 6e foF the � admlpiatr;tion to collect facte gnd figuree oR the beat land use, and where the money would come from. Zisyor Lie hl said he agzQed wlth this. Mayar �.t.e61 �a%d ha felt it wea thp �puncj.�'s duty aqd xeappne�bllity to look over CBFGFli1,�.j' Whdt a nature penter ot golf courae would dp for ktre Ci�ty af Fxidley, hQw much iC would coat, and how muth good or sesvlce it would give to gri.dley. He fslt Che deciaion ahould be �oede on a non-partisan ba�is, The Coun�il muat h4ve ;11 the Pacta a�d tigures and be able to just:ify its decielon to �t�e taxpayers. He aaid that maybe by �arch or Apr�� the Gouncil muy be �n a poaltion tp make a decie�on, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1972 PAGE S The City Manager said that he understands that some years ago a Land Altera- tion Permit was granted to the Chies Brothers for the excavation of their land. This work has not been completed, but there is an agreement with the insurance company indicating that if a nuisance i; declared, the bonding company will furnish some fund to finish the grading work on the land. Mayor Liebl sail that the reason for a hearing is so the people may be heard and he asked Mr. Les Chies if he wished to speak. Mr. Les Chies said that since the Land Alteration Permit was taken out, Benjamin Street has been put in fpur or five feet lower than the Chies pro- perty. He said they have to develop their property because of high taxes, but it has to be sloped to align with Benjamin Street, and at this point they have to find out how this is to be done. They did not want to level out the property and then when the street goes through have to take dirt out again. The City Engineer said that on May 10, 1971, Mr. Ed Chies signed an agreement with the City with a number of stipulations, and this was all taken into consideration. Ije said that the work is not completed and the banks on this project are creating a dangerous situation. Mr. Chies said there was 15,000 to 20,000 yards of dirt to be removed, and you can only get rid of dirt at certain times of the year. Park Construction was going to take some of the di.tt, but they found another spot. Mr. Chies said he wanted to sit down with the City �ngineer and figure out the grade, so they can do it just one time and not three times. hhyor Liebl said that a few years ago their bond was running out and at that time he supported their request. The Council tried to comply with their reQuest aAd gave them about a year in which to grade it at a grade acceptable to the city. Mr. Chies said that the�grade has been changed drastically, and at that time the street was not in. ,� The City Attorney said he had two concerns regarding this. The�bonding company� that Mr. Chi�s has, has indicated they no longer want to keep the bond in � force as the job should have been #ipished many years ago. Their attorney has said to get it dvne o� they will be withdrawing the bond and the City will have no protection. His other concern was the steep banks in the sandy soil which are a hazard tq children. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney how much time was left on the bond, The Gity Attorney said he doubted if thare was any time left right now, but they have agreed that if the City will do something to resolve the situation, they will mak� a contribution i£ that is necessary. He thought it wou7d be a11 right if there was a meating and they came back with solnething in a week oF two. The City Engineer said that we have been through all this at ieast a half a dozen times. They goi togethex with Chies' angineer last year, Sx�des were decided upon and an agreement signed by Mr. 8d Chies• The work was to be done by Septembar 3p, 1971, Les Chies said that Ed Chies should never have sig�ed the agreement, He wouldn't have as Benjamin was not in. The City �ngineex xeminded him that Henjamin was planned at that time. , Mayqx 1y�b� sugg�gted that the Ward Two Councilman, MY. Chies and the City Adm2::�stratipn g�t together and work on this. Counci,lman Starwalt said he couid meet the naxt day tq lpok intp the matter. Mx. Chies said the next i , {tEGULAR COUNCIL MEETING �F DECEMBER 4, 1972 PAGE 7 I, ' MpTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to table the seCOnd Teadin� o£ this �rdi- ' nance until December 1$, 1972, to incorporate suggested changes. Seconded by Councilman Breidex. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor L�ebl declared the motion carried, � The City Attorney said he would get the concensus of the Council a week from now Sa he will know how they wished it changed. ' DI BU , ' ' '. ING PARK HAULING OF F Mx. Aouglas Osieczanek said he cannot get any sleep because thes� trucks dxive all night., Ne asked if thexe wasn`t a City ordinanc e that could prevent them from driving all night. The City Attorney �aid our ordinance prevents construction during certain nighttime hours, but he did not think that would apply. The City Manager s�aid that when the Council heard the request for a permit, Park Construatipn Company had indicated the second shift wprking from 7 P.M. - 7:q0 A.M. would be goin& to FMC only and would not pass thxougla any residential areas, so when he had heard of complaints Cpuncilman Mittelstadt had received, h9 co�- tacted Paxk Construction and Mr. Gerald McDOnald, Administrative Co-oxdinator, indicated he would come tv tha meeting and explain the situation to the Council. ' Mr. McDonald said that they were hauling dirt £rom Columbia Heights to Coon Rapids and not doing any dumping in Fridley. Since they found out there h�d been a complaint, thay have split the routes with some trucks going 44th ' Avenue to University Avenue and soma going up Main Street. He said, weather permitting, this phase will be finished in about twq wesks. He gaid . there were no txucks haulin& after 12:30 A.M. ' , , [J G�uncilman Mittelstadt said that Park Construction had not r�ceived per- mission to start a seaond shi�t driving through the residential areas. ye �eit the Administxation shquld have baen adVised of this. Mr, McAonald said that p�iginally they ware dumping at sites in Fridley, but the pr�sent site is np� in Fxidley. Thay have split the truck routes and most of them are gping up East Rivex Road. He did not know what else theY could do, Ha felt the aparation in Fridley had been very successful. They have �ried to cooppraCe fullyt and on the complaints thexe have been of trucks spaeding, they do not c4ndone this and want to see Gickets issued whenevex this hagpens. Ha said much pf this trvuble was with hired trucks, but they are npw using most�y theix awn txucks. Caunc�iman Braider a�ked if i� was possible for them ta go out on the weat , �ida o€ the job. Mr. Maponald said thexe was only ane exit on 43rd Avenue, and they eithea $o to �ast River Road, Main Street ox up 44th Av�nue to Univexsity, Councilman &seldex asked i£ they cauld use 8ast River goad tq , I, 494 ovex to Urllvar�ity, Mr, McDonald said this might not be an ecano- mical prvpositivn. He sa�d Main Streat 1s a state aid street and they cpu�d ;un all tha trucks up Main Streat, but Chey want tv coopaxate, , ' Mr Knutson, Cxown RPad, asked how many trucks were be�ng used. Mr, Mcpanald {-;:� he wou3d gue�9 about ltl trucka, and they could probably make a turn �a a half in an hqur, Mx. Knutscn said xhat xhese t�CUCk� ware noi�y and asked iF there wps a poi$e qrdinance. The Gity Attorney said this Wpuld be goYexr�ed , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1972 ' PAGE 9 Tha City�Engineer showed the City Council a picture of the house they would like to move into Fridley. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney i£ a bond was always required. The City Attorney said it was to the best of his recollaction. Mayor Liehl asked the petitioners if they understood that a paved driveway was xequired, and they said they understood this. Councilman Breider said he felt the house would fit into the area, and asked if the garage was going to be moved also, and was told that it would be. Mr. Findell said they would xepaint the sid�ng and rapair any damage. Councilman Starwalt asked if the house was going on a£uli basement. Mr. Findell said it would be an 11 course basement. The City Engineer said the time limit for the bqnd was one ysar, so it would have to be brought up to code befoTe that time limit was up. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the xecommendation o� the Building Standards - Design ContTOi Subcommitee and approye the request with the stipu- lation that they post a performance bond af $250Q, tha house be repaired and brought up to Code within one year, and that they pave the driveway. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl daclared the mption carried. F i0N OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT 177 BUILDING TO BE The City Engineer reminded the Council that this item had appearad before them previously and they had approvad it contingent upon the approval of the Building Standards - Design Control Subcommitee. There is no further actipn raquixed by the City Council. ' MQTION by Councilman $re;der to receive the Minµtes of the Building Standards Design Gontxol 5ubcommitxee Mg�ting of November 21, 1972. Seconded by Gouncil- man Mittelstadt. Upon a voic� Vote, all ayes, Mayor 4ieb1 deciar�d the motion carried. , , , ' l� RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COhIlNISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1972: FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP li �veyr�uri: av c9nc1A4C Cri8 11sC QT th9 SBxY1Re StBt�,pTt P�r Code AS.l01,B, ,E an to �anvext tha north sta11 of the �ervice station ta a car wash �, instail a caz wash machine par Code A5.101, B, 3H: lacatsd on the south ?l0 feet s1£ the east 12Q feet of Lot 18, BJ.ock 5, Rice Cresk P1aaa Svuth Additian, being xha northwest �o�ner of Up�vers�ty Avenue $ Mississlppi St. Th� eity �,���naex poinxed out xhat the Planning Commissipn xacommgnds appxQYal o£ �he �FeeiQl use parmit ior the service statipn but �enial af the cax wa�h, MayQr Gisbl sald he would agree as there is quite a bit of traffic conflict on that cvrner and the water ��om tha car wash would make the area slippary in winter. IREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER A, 1y72 PP.GE 11 ' RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 1972• ' � ' Tha City 6ngineer pointed out that the Board of Appeals did not have a quoxum at their meeting, but the two members that wexe present recommended approval of the variance. Councilman Breider asked if there were any problsms with any obstructions. The City $ngineer said there were none as East River Road is veTy wide here. He mentioned to Mr. DeGardner that he must continua living in the house to continue his home occupation as a small real astate businesa. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the Board of Appeals and approve ' the variance as requested. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vpte, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. MQTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutas of the Board aP Appeals ' Meeting of Novsmber 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upan a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxied. , , RECESS: Mayox Liebl declared a recass at 10:30 P.M. Tha meeting was Teconvened at 10;45 P.M. OF OF ;OURT FOR THE The Councilman submitted the following list of names to be fprwarded to tha District Gourt Judge for selection of a Charter Coaunission: Councilman BTeider: �arl Hendricks, 7341 Able Strest, 786-8237 Elaine Knoff, 6776 7th Street, 560-1938 Prancis Casay, 740 67th Avenue, 560-9048 JeTry Radcliffe, 7350 Memory Lane, 786-2142 Cauncilman Uttar: John Swanson, 5835 Central Avenwe, 788-7638 (Read by City Mrg.j Herbert Bacon, 159 Logan Parkway, 784-7806 Geoxge Bacon, 1336 Hillcrest Drive, 788-2355 Maxy Ellen Luckow, 161 64'� Way, 560-1839 Thomas Flolid, 6053 Woody Lana, 788-5904 Robert 0'Neill, 861 Rice Creek Terrace, 560-1272 Cqunciiman Starwalt: Rolan E, pnderson, 5194 h(atterhorn Driva, 788-7587 � Mrs, James J. Collins, 6854 Channal Road, 784-9626 Arlon J. Haupert, 6524 Anoka Straet, 786-1466 Roy J. McPherson, 5808 Tennison Drive, 788-2440 Paul M. Shaw, 6380 Madisan Street, 560-1767 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING QF DECEMBER 4, 1972 PAGE 13 #741-1972__- AUTHORIZING F, DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL MOTION by CouncilmaR Breider to adopt Resolution #141-1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittvlstadt. Upon a voiee vote, a11 ayes, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried. RESOLUI'10N M142-1972 - pUTHORIZING F� DIRECTING THE SPLTTTING OF SPECIAL MQTIQN by Counciiman Breider tp adopt Resolution �1142-1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittal�tadt. Upon a voice vote, all �yes, Mayor Liabl declared the: motion carried. -1972 - AUTHORIZING � DIRECTING THE SPLiTTTNG OF SPACTAI. MpTIQN by Councilman �raider to adopt Resolution #143-1972. Seconded by Cquncilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxzed. RESOLUTIpN N144-1972 - AUTHORIZING F nrttFCTTUr. TNF CDITTTTNC !1C CDC!'TA1 MOTIpN by Cpuncilman Breidar to adopt Rasolution #144-1972. Secondad by Cpuncilman Mi�telstadt. Upvn a voice vota, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared tha motion carxied. • RES9�.UTION �145-1872 - AUTHORIZING $ DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL A&SESSMENTS ON PARCEI, 3600, SECTION Z: ' M�'CION by Cc,uncilman Bxeider to ad4pt Resolution #145-1972. 5econded by C�uncz�m�.r, Mwt:e+stadt. Upon a voice vpt�, a11 ayes, Mayor Giebl declaxad ths motzon car�i°d. ' RESOLUTYQN #146�1972 - AUTHOa�IZING � RIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL A&565SMENTS ON LOT$ 26 � 27z BLOCK 4, HYDE PARK pDDITION: ' �IQTION by Councilman Breider to advpt Rasolution #1A4-1972. Secondad by �oun�ilman F�[ittelstadt> Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayo; Liebl declared i7�� .�e�tion carraed. ' RIESOLUTi�uN f�147-1972 - AU1"HORIZING f� DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ' � ' � MOTION by Coua�g�lman Breider to adopt Resolution �1A7-�972, Seconded by Ccrurrc�.:+::;araC�i.tteistadt. Upon a voice vote, a1� ayes, Mayox Liebl declared YnF �r,•a�de�*� ear�led. I' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 1972 PAGE 15 , Councilman Breider said he wanted to make sure the Council got to go over ' the Code again before it was printed. The City Attorney saidthe first and second read�ng of the Ordinance can be done using printing proofs a�id any changes can be made on these proofs before the final printing. THE VOTE UPON TH6 MOTION� being a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to pay the claims as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, hfayor Liebl declared the motion carried. LICENSES: General Contractor Keho Construction Company 5801 Kemrich Drive Edina, Minnesota By; Lloyd W. Hoyer Enghauser Construction Co. 2508 Tonkawa Trail Minnetonka, Minnesota By; Karl K. Enghauser Bauar The Builder 401 Penn Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota By: HarLand Bauer Masonry ; Norths�de Concrete & Masonry Inc. f 7101 Idaho Av�. North ' Minneapolis, Minnesota gy; Paul Dalbec Christmas TreQ I,ot Bob's Prvduce Ranch 7620 University Ave. N.E. Fridley: Mianesota gy; Green Giant Home & Garden Center Approved By Clarence Belisle Clarence Belisle Clarence Belisle : Cla�ence Belisle Fire lnsp FVe i $110.00 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the licenses as presented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried. STIMATES: Patch Erickson Madson & Hanson, In�. 2801 Wayzata Bouievard Minneapolis, Minneso�a 53405 Yrinting Plans & Specj,£ications - Fridley Liquor Stoze, pated November 28, 1972 $ 124.10 RF.GULAR COt'�C:LL ^�'ETING OF UECEMRfih 4, 19;2 �OMMUNICATIONS: PAGE 17 PETERSON AND KALINA: REQUESTING SPLITTING OF PROPERTY FOR TAX AND ASSESS- MENT PURPOSES: Mr. Douglas Peterson addressed the Council and explained that he was representing the estate of Emmy Riedel. He said the northwest portion of their property was sold to Dr. Richard ,T. Trezone in 19h5 and the Wa11 Corporation has recently bought the res[ of the proper[y. They are requesting that the property sold to Dr. Trezone be split for tax and assessment purposes Yrom the rea: property purchased by the Wall Corporation. The City Atturney said he would rzcommend that when the Wa11 Corporation plats their land they plat it including the Trezone property and indicate this as an outlot, This would help in that it would not be necessary to have a lung legal description and the property would then be split in lots and blocks. Mr. Peterson said he would be meeting aith represen[atives of the Wall Corporation in the next week or so and he could con- vey this to them a[ that time. The City Engineer said he felt the City should receive some kind oY letter back agreeing to chi.s. He said the legal description has a question on it, so this land shuuld br platted. Mr. Peterson said he could try to get something back to the Council by [heir next meeting, He said they hoped to close che entire estate in �anuary. The City Attorney stated that the Council could approve the split contingent on receiving a let[er from the Wall Corporation and Dr. Trezon4, and if Mr: Pe[eraon fi.nds ou[ anything different, and not get the letters, he can bring this item back to the City Council at the next meeting. � MOTION by Councilman greider [o approve the special assessment split su6ject Co receiving a letter from the Wa11 Corporation and Dr. Trezona indicating they will plat the entire piece of property. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Lfpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. MRS. LINDSTAOM AND MRS. SONNENBERG: GRATITUDE FOR ACTION TA[�N ON THEIR PETITION: MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the communication dated November 25, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor i.i.ebl declared the motion carried. FRIDLEY JAYCEEES: PERMISSION TO USE CLASSROOM AND WAIVE FEE - UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN: MOTION by Conncilman Starwalt to approve the request for use of [he Civic Center Classroom on December 16, 1972 and waive the fee. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. ' Mayor Liebl said that th�s district is north of 79th Avenue and suggested the peraon dppointed should be someone from this neighborhood. He requested that the Third Ward Gouncilman contaet someone to serve and submit the name to the , School Aoard as soon as posaible as they request the name of the nominee by Dece-ePer 8, 1972. Councilman Mittelstadt agreed that he could submit a name to the Jistrict 4{11 School Board. � ' . IREGCLdR CuL`NCIL MEE"f1MG OF DECENtBEd 4, 19%2 1 , PFlGi3 19 Mr. Schmedeke :..sked if the escrow the penple had put up would be returned now. qe was told tt�at it would be. He iel[ it should have heen held until the roadway had been resoived. He said the Couacii had not given hi�a a chance [u offer his suggestions, :�nd he would not have treated them i.n that manner. ' The City Attorney said that the Council may have relied on his recommendations, whlch were based on his coneern about the 1ega1 preblems of justifying the assessments of the size they were talking about. He said he felt he wouid ha•✓e , been unable to convince a jury that the property owners were receivi.ng benetits worth $'L,ODO on a 40' 1ot. He said thae [his does not mean this could not be considered again or that other suggestions could not be considered if a major cocuern came i.n or the Highway Department was convinced to change their '� pps�tions. Cuuncilman Starwalt said he had sat in the audience at the public liearing under discussion and he had the impression thar_ as a group, the people were heppy with the decision made. Mrs. Schmedeke said she c�uld under- 1 stsnd whp they did not want an assessment Like that. They owned 7 Lo[s which would have meant an. assessment of 5�.4,000 for them. She said [hat the project � should havc. been done ri.ght away rather than dragging on so long. Mr. P�uggli pointed out that with the one way a truck tias trouble baci:i.ng up inr� his shop. He also asked about the requirements for being notified Ior a public meeting. The City Attorney said Chere had been no legal requirement for a discussion regarding an area, but if there is an assessment to be made a. notice is mailed by the Engineering Department or Assesscr's Department. He said he wuuld presume ilr. Muggli had received notice when any legal action was to be take�� . Mr. Schmedeke wanted to know if the Minnesota Highway Department had been notified yet of the Council's action. The City Engineer said thaC they had been. Mr. Schmedeke said it appears that everything is cut and dried. Councilman Breider su�gested tha[ Mr. Schmedeke and the planning Assistant get together and see whgt they could come up with as tentative proposals for the area, and maybe the Copncil could get some negotiations going. ADJOURNi�NT: MOTZON by Councilman $reider to adjourn the Regular�Council Meeting ot December 4, 1972. Secanded by Councilman plittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Meeting adjourned at 12;]0 A.M. Respe�tfully submitted, MaFY I,u Strom , Act�ng Secretary to the City Council � 1 n Fia4k G. Liebl May�[ , THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEAI2ING MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1972 The Public Hearing Meeting of the City Council azid Planning Commission was cal.led to order at 7:39 p.m., December 11, 1972, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter, Mittelstadt. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. . ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said he would like to suggest the following changes and additions: Add: Minnesota '['ransfer Railroad Resolution, #155-1972, Item 6- B. ' Add: Sunday Liquor Licenses for Sandee's, Inc., George is in Fridley, and Shorewood Inn., Inc., Item 11. Add: Approval of letters to he sent to McCarron, representative Elect, and Schaaf, Senator Elect - Signals on 69th and Trunk Highway #47, Item 12. ', Table: Islands of Peace Project, Item 4-4A. MOTION by Councilman Mittlestadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by ' Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , ' ' 1 ' JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COFIl�fISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL rone Areas as Outlined by a to Rezone to Flood Plain Zo� Can MayoF Lieb1�11� on the City Manager to read aloud the notice sent to each property qwner in the Flood Plain Area and declared the Public Hearing open. Chairman Erickson declared the Planning Commission Public Hearing open and asked the Secretary to call the Toll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick, Erickson, and Zeglen. M�BERS ABSENT: Minish. The City Engineer briefly outlined steps for eligibility, showed the location ' of the Flood Plain area on the overhead projector and gave a brief summary of what rezoning to Flood Plain would mean to the audience. He than introduced Mr. Kirk English of the Department of Natural Resourses. Mr. English distributed ' pamphlets putlining the National Flood Insurance Program to members o£ the City Coµncil, Planning Commission and audience. He explained that this ph�plet, published by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Developm�nt gave a elear example of what rates may be for the government subsidizad program. , Mayor Liebl asked i£ he would eacplain the advantages of the program and the procedure to be followed to acti�ate it. ' MT. English explained that the program was established by the National Flood � ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1972 Page 3 ' under the subsidized program for these residential dwellings is $.25 ,' per $100 structural coverage and $.35 for $100 contents coverage. The actuarial rates (locational) will become effective when the studies are completed by the Housing and Urban Development Department. Additional structural and content coverage will become effective after the actuarial ' rates become effective (f.e.$17,500 structual coverage available at subsidized rate..will double or offer an additional $17,500 and content coverage will not be limited to �5,000 but raised to $10,000, £or single family residential ' structures, all other structural coverage will be doubled from $30,000 to $60,000 and content coverage increased from $5,000 to $10,000). All new construct;on within the Flood Plain will be covered by the actuarial rates ' only and the coverage l�mit will be $35,000 for structural coverage and $10,000 for content coverage. $17,500 structural coverage and $5,000 content coverage outside the flood hazard area for single family residential structures will be availat�le at subsidized rates with another $17,500 at ' actuarial rates. The new cunstruction rates for all other types of structures in the flood plain are also covered only by the actuarial rates and are limited to $60,000 for structure coverage and $10,000 content coverage. ' $30,000 structure coverage and �5,000 content coverage outside flood hazard area c'dn be acquired at subsidized rate with an additional $30,000 structure coverage and $5,000 content covexage at actuarial rates. Mr. English assured the Council that the actuarial rates will not be higher than the subsidized rates, and added that in fact they are most generally lower. If the actuarial rates established are lower than the subsidized rates established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the citizen can use the acturial rate in place of the subsidized rate. He stated as a matter of example that the Tates did decrease prior to July of this year. Mayor Liebl asked i£ the City were to adopt this Flood lnsurance program, would the property of those citizens residing in or near the rezoned Flood Plain area suffer property value loss. Mr. English�stated that this;program is a newly established one and there is not sufficient data avail�ble to answer the question. The Mayor added that in order to comply with regulations a 4/5 vote from the Council would be required.` Before this vote, he added, we�will have to know how many people will gain from the program and how many will�be damaged b/ it. The Mayor continued by saying, the Council may be helping the citizens in the Riverview Heights area while the Rice Creek residents suffer damages. He suggested that all available information should be obtained along with a guarantee to those people in the Rice Creek area that their property will not be devalued before the adoption of this program. Clarifying the di£ference between the Flood Way and the Flood Fringe, Mr. English explained the Flood Way to be the area where rapid running water would be and the Flood Fringe to be where water would only stand in a pond or run off, fie added that` restrictions should be put on building within the Flood Way areas. Mayor Liebl asked if building permits could be issued for actual building within these areas. Mr. English stated the Flood Way could not be used, but the Flood Fringe could be if the land use and control measures were followed. The base of the structure must be at least one foot above the 100 year flood elevation or be flood proofed. The City Engineex stated that this is the existing practice in these areas. Councilman Breider asked how many str�.tctures there are in the Flood Plain area from ' PUBLIC HEAR1!�iu MEETIP�G OC �iECENBCR il, 1972 ' ' ' , Page S there are many methods. Mrs. Fuehrer said she lived within one half block from the River and this may Ue within the area aoned Flood Way, could they build a garage. The City Enoineer explained that the area designated as Flood Plain has been extablished, but the ratio to be Flood Fringe and Floo�l Way within this area has not been determined. lf the proposed structure were to be built in the Flood t9ay, re�ulations k�ou!d proh�bi; constTnction. If the structure would come within the boundaries of the Flooa Fringe, the property owner may fill in the land but not raise the elevatio�. of the Elood 14ay more than .S or ?a foot. And again, the land use regulations must be enforced, he added. Councilman Breider asked what portion of Riverview Heights was in the F7ood ' Way. The City Engineer said a very small portion, most of which is the main channel. The City..Attorney asked if there were a dike around the floo�l areas and it did the job, would it take the area out of the Flood Plain. Mr. English said there are certain standards to be met in the construction '' of such dikes, and if the�e standards are met, it will take ±he land out of the flood area. He also added that in many cases dikes cause additioiial trouble. The City Engineer stated that the existing dike is an elevated , roadway and does not come up to standards of the corps oF Engirieers and would not provide permanen[ protection. Mr. William Engelhardt, 7120 River View Terrace, asked who was to pay for these programs. Mr. Englisl� ' said the Housing and Urban Development Department pays for it. Mayor Liebl added, the people in the area involved pay the insurance premiums, not the taapayer. Mayor Liebl called on the City Manager to explain basically , how the people and property in the area would be affected by this progr;�n. The City Manager replied that all people with structures in the Flood Plain area will have a chance to Uuy Flood Insurance adding there is no forn, of Flood Insurance.available to them at the present time. He added that it ' will not be required, but available. It is basically a consumer protection device and if a home owner in the Flood Plain area wished to protect his investment, he (she) would be able to do so. Again, Mayor Liehl asked , what affect the program would have on the assessed evaluation of the homes along Rice Creek, if any. Mr. EriCkson asked if F. H. A. would continue to approve loans to those people in the Flood Plain area after rezoning takes place. He added this is a point that should be cleared up with F. H. A. Mr. English said the proposed flood insurance is $200 deductable or 2%, whichever is higher. Mayor Liebl added that this is on present structures and their contents. Councilman Mittelst�dt asked how many people were present who are living in Riverview Heights. Seven people in the audience responded. His next question was, how many people would buy this insurance if it were available. It was detexmined that the geople present could not form an opinion because of lack of information-available. Mr. Richard Cook, 690 Fairmont St. N. E., asked how much could a home be financed for by F. H. A. if it was carrying $17,000 coverage for Flood Insurance. Mayor Liebl, stated that this is anpther question that must Ue answered before approval or disap�roval of thi,s program can be considered. Mayor Giebi asked Mr. English if a home valued at $25,000 could be insured fpr a greater amount than $17,500. Mr. English said it would not be pogsible until the actuarial.rates have been esta6lished. The City Assessor added, the total value of the home included the amount of land value and this woµld not,be insured, therefore the $17,500 would insur� st�uctures pf greater value. u � PUBGIC HEARIIrG MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1972 Page 7� /� i�C� l�p answering many questions before adoption or rejection of ±his program. � fie said that this could financially hurt the people in the Rice Creek area. He suggested that these questions be answered within the next two to three weeks by Mr. English. ' Mayor Liebl asked if there were any possibility of changing the report from the Corps of Engineers and Mr. English replied that the report was correct and developed according to the current standards. Mr. English ' stated that according to his knowledge, there is not a tremendous amount of flexibility as to what area lies in the Flood Way and the Flood Plain is a matter of fact. The City Attorney asked if it were possible to develop two types of zoning within the Flood Plain areas. Zone one, to correspond ' to the Flood Way building restrictions and Zone 2 to correspond with the Flood Fringe building restrictions. ' ' , Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. English for providing his inside knowledge. Mr. English stated he wished he coulu have been more helpful and if anyone had more quesr.ions, they could phone him or ask him in writing and he would give them all the help possible. The Mayor asked if �he Planning Conunission �any more quesiions. Their response was negative. He asked the Council and the audience if they had any questions. 7'he City Assessor asked if, according to the present code, it is possible � to build in the proposed Flood Fringe area, or are there restrictions prohibiting the issuance of building permits. The City Engineer said that the current standards are to build one foot above the 100 year flood elevation. ' Mr. Erickson stated there were three specific questions he would like answered: 1) Does F. H. A, grant loans to people in the Rivexview lieights area now? 2) Would F. H. A. depreciate property value if it were rezm�ed ' to Flood Plain? 3) Would private parties and and agencies devalue property zoned as Flood Plain? , ' ' ' ' ' ' MOTION by Mr. Fitzgerald to close the Public Hearing of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Mr. Zeglen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Erickson declared the motion carried unanimously and their Public Hearing clqsed at 9:25 p.m. T'he Mayor asked fox a motion to close the Public Hearing of the City Council. He added he was surprised that so few people from the 800 or 900 in the area af�ected had attended the meeting. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to close the Public Hearing until inore facts have been obtained and could be presented to a greater number of people concerned. Seconded by Councilman 8reider. Upon a �oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Leibi declared the motion caxried unanimously and their Public Hearing closed at 9:27 p.m. ON VACATION_OF A STREET (SAV #72-OS) LEIF HENRIKSEN. MOTIQN by Councilman Mittelstadt tp waive the reading of the Public Nptice. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deClared the mption caTried unanimouSly. C� � F'•pRLIC HL«RIN(� MLETING Of� DECEiIdBER li, 1Ji� Page 9 I,• MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the motion as suggested by the City Attorney, and declare the banks a Public Nuisance, that Mr. Chies meet with the City Engineer within the next week and before thc December ' 18 meeting to agree on the engineering aspects and the proiect be completecl before the first of the year. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice; vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' DISCUSSION OF 'PHE ISLAND OF PEACG PROJEC'P MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the letter from the Office ' of Local and Urban Affairs, dated December 1, 1972 and table the discussion until Uecember 18, 1972. T'he motion was seconded. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REAPPROVAL OF PHASE II OF THE RESIDENCIAL INNSBRUCK NORTH YLA'fTING The City Engineer pointed out the area on the overhead projector and stated that it involved 120 residential lots on the westerly one half of the property. Nlayor Liebl asked if there were any reasons for not approving this platting and the City Engineer said that it complies to what has already been approved and as a County requirement a second vote was needed, due to time lapse. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to reapprove Phase I1 of the Residential Innsbruck North Platting. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried wianimous!� CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMEhT OF DIVISION OF LAND FOR ICE ARENA AND GARAGL' Mayor Liebl asked the City Engineer for his views and he in turn stated that the City Assessor had been working on this question. The Citv Assessor explained the portion of property in question as: Easterly G4 feet of University Avenue and all of the East Service Drive, which is SO feet, for a total of 114 feet that are not usable to the County Ice Arena. The orignial agreement the City made according to the City Attorney was that the City would get the Easterly One Half of the Southeast Quar[er of the South west Quarter (E� of SE`, of SW4) of Section 11, 'Pownship 30, Range 24, except the South 400 feet thereof.' The City Assessor added that the � value of this portion of laiid is $7,500. ' Mayor Liebl asked if the intent would be to divide the usable porticn of land or the total portion. The City Attorney said he was involved in the dealings on the question of easements. Fie believed it was the intent to , divide the usable portion between the City and the County. This would be the east half or 40 acres. He added the question of easements was not dzSCUSSed at that time. ' !_ I Councilman Utter asked if the resolution would have any affect on the division. The City Assessor answered that he did not believe so. He added in his opinion, there was not enough green area around the Ice Arena and parking lot. Mayor Liebl stated he beii�ved the plan was sensible. PUBLIC HEaRING MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1972 Page 11 Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. .Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A LETTER IN RESPONSE TO ARTICLE IN ST. PAUL DISPATCH: Councilman Breider asked what was the purpose of sending a letter of response. He added the Council does not have to tell the people in Fridlpy what they are doing, their tax statements show their taues are going down. Perhaps a rebuttal would place undue emphasis on the unfactual article. MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to instruct the City Manager to rewrite the letter, enclosing information on Fridley, with the letter to be sent to Wisconsin Congressman Henry Reuss and Mr. Jay G. Sykes; also to instruct the City Manager to write a thank you note to Bob Ehlers thanking him for his concern for Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES FOR SANDEE'S, INC.. GEORGE IS IN MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the request for Sunday Liquor Licenses by Shorewood, Inc., George Is In Fridley, and Sandee's, Inc., Secanded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. OF LETTERS TO BE SENT TO REPRESENTATIVE ELECT MC CARRON AND MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve sending ofletters to Aepresentative , Elect MeCarron and Senator 81ect Schaaf as presented. Seconded by Councilman Mittlestadt. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' INCLUDING 'sRTY IN PLATTING` OF THE RI ' Mr. Doug Peterson, Attorney for Reidel estates submitted two letters to be received by the Council regarding the platting of the property bounded by Mississippi Street, Sth and 7th Streets, and 63rd Avenue, Northeast. ' The letters submitted are: 1) from Richard J. Trezona, D.D.S., to pouglas J. Petexson, Attorney at Law, dated December 11, 1972; and 2) from the Wall Corporation to Douglas Peterson, Attorney, dated December 7, 1972. ' ' ' L_J MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to receive the noted letters. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deClared the motion carried unanimously. Mr, pquglas Peterson stated that Lee Hoffman, Treasurer of tha Wall Corporation would be more than happy to include the Trezona property in the platting, but he did not know what kind of agreement they had worked out fo�' development. He asked i£ anyone knew how much the proposed platting would cost. The City Engineer said the cost would be nominal or from $1Q0 tp $200. He added, the only problem would be if Dr. Trexona refused to sign the plat. 1 ORDINANCE N0 . �_/ � AN ORpINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE The Councll of Che City of Fridley do ordaia as follows: SECTION j.. For Che vacation of a street described as follows: All that part of 64'� Way lying Northwesterly Of a line parallel with and 40 feet Nortfiwesterly of the Southeasterly line of Riverview Terrace as laid qut and travelled in the plat of Veit's Additionr All lyi,n$ in the South Half of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of FYidley, County of pnoka, Minnesota. � Se and �a hereby vacated except that the City of Fridley retain a drainage and utility easement over the Nor[heast 20 feet of the Southwest 30 feet of ' that portion of the street herein described and vacated. SECTION 2, The said Vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code ehall be so amended. pAS$EA �y THE CITY COUDTCIL Og THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY oF F��y ' 1473. __ � A'ATEST; MAYOR - Frank G. Liebl CITY CGERK - Mas�in C. Brunsell �ublic He�xip�; December 11� 1972 Fizst Aead�ng: � Second Reading:�p�,ba����� Pub11s1�,..,.,,: 2 ORDINANCE NO. � / AN ORDZNANCE PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION OR SALE OF CERTAIN DRUGS AND RELATED PARAPHERNALIA AND PROVI➢ING PENALTIES THEREFORE TXE CITY COUNCIL OF TXE CZTY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. No person shall possess, se11, distribute, admini.ster, Possession, dispense, furnish, use or prescribe any cocaine or Etc. of Drugs opium or any of their derivatives, or any cannabas Restricted indica or cannibas sativa or marijvana, or any of their derivatives (hereinafter called "drugs") except as provided in Section 2. SECTION 2. My manufactureF, wholesaler, apothecary, physician, dentist, veterinasian, public or private hospital, sanitorium pr institution maintained or mnducted in whole or in part for the treatment of disability or disease or inebriety or drug addiction, may purchase, receive, possess, se12, distribute, prescribe, administer or dispense such drugs provided he .sha.2Z have comp2ied with a11 the provisions and requirements of the Act of Conyress � of December 17, 1924, known as the Xarrison Narcotic Law, as the same exists and may be amended. S�'CTION 3. No person except dealers in surgical instruments, appthecaries, physicians, dentists, veterinarians, purses, attendants and interns of hospitaZs, sanitoriyms or �y other institution in which persons are treated for disability or disease, sha1l at any time have or poss�ss any hypodezmic syringe or needSe or any instrument or imp;em�nt adapted for the use of crocaine or narcotic drugs ' by subcutanepus injections and which is possessed for that pus�poa8, unless such possession b� authorized by the cert�ficate of a physician issued within a period of oAe year prior to any time of such possession. S�cT1oN �. No person aha12 use, possess or have under his contro; foF use any atem� bow,�� lamp, yen hock or other opium- smoking parapheTne.Iia or accessories used for the smoking or inhalation of opium, Doctors, Etc. to Comply with Federal Law Possession of In.jection Zmplet�nts Possession of Opium- Smoking Paraphernalia Prohibzted Page 2 SECTION 5. The provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 sha2l not applg to common carriers or warehousemen or their employees engaged in the lawful distribution or storage of the drags and materials mentioned in said sections, or to public officers or employees while engaged in the performance of their official duties, or to the temporary incidental possession thereof by empZoyees or agents of persons lawfully entitled to such possession. . SECTION 6. Any possession, sa1e, distribution, prescription, administration, dispensation or use of such drugs, injection imp2ements, or opium-smokinq paraphernalia contrary to the provisions o f this.chapter is hereby decZared to be dangerous�to the public health and a menace to the pablic welfare. 2A Distributors, Etc. Excepted Men3nce to P�b1=c wei fare SsCTION 7. roo person shall fraudulently obtain any such drugs Fraudulent by any deceit, adsrepresentation, subterfuge or Receipt of concealment of materiaZ fact or the use of a false Drugs name or address in order to obtain treatment in the course of which such drugs may be prescribed. SECTION 8. Any person vioZating the terms of this ordinance sha12 Pena2ty upon conviction thereof be fined a sum not to exceed 5300.00 or shall be imprisoned For a period not to exceed 90 days or both. SECTION 9. This ordinance sha21 be in fu11 force and effect Effective thirty (30) days from date of publication. Date PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZDLEY, �� a' 4-*- , I97� •1�t�f7�T7 ATTEST : CLERK Firat Reading: Dece�lg '1972 ' Second Reading; �� � Publish: ' TNZS ��Y OF �' � ' ' ' t ' ' ORDi:NANCE NO. �� AN ORDINANCE PROXSBITING THE POSSESSION G6 SAI.E OF C�'RTAIN BARBZTURATES AND PROVjDING PENALTZES T'HEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORpAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The sals and possession of barbiturates and other prohibited drags sha11 be reyu2ated as follows: • Subdivision I. (a) Prohibited Drug. As used herein, tne term "prohibited drug" means: , (1) Barbital and any derivative thereof; includ�ng.but not limited to the following; diethybarbituric acid; anynalkyl, ary2, � metalZic or halogenated derivative oi barbituric acid; veronal (barbitone); proponal, ipra2; dia2; neonal (sonery2); sandopta2; amytaZ; phenobarbital (1am.inal); � pharidorn; nocta,i, allona2 (which contains a1Zylisopropylbarbituric acid in combination with &midopyrine) medianl; ang preparation, � m.ixtuTe or other substance containing any of the foregoing suhstances. , ' ' � � � Definitior:s (2) Amphetamine and any der,ivatives thereof including bvt not Iimited to such substances as follows: desoxyephedrine (methamphetamine) mephentezmine, pipradol, phenmetrazine, methyl- phenidate o= any salt mixture or optical isomer thereof which salt r+uxture or opticaZ isomer has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. (b) Deliver. She term "de2iver" means sale, offer for saZe, barter, exchange, admi.nistering, dispensing, giving away, dlstributing, or supplying in any other manner. The term deliver as herein defined sha11 include the attempt to do such acts as we11 as the actual completed commission thereof. 3 ' � Page 2 � i �� � ' (c) Patient. The term "Patient" means, as the case may be (I) the individual for whom a prohi5ited drug • is prescribed or to whom a prohibited drug is adrtun- istered, or (2) the owner or the agent of the owner of any anima2 for which a prohibited drug is prescribed or to which a prohibited drug is administered. (d) Person. The term "person" inclades individual, corporation, partnership and association. (e) Practitioner. The term "practitioner" means a person licensed by 1aw to prescribe and administer any of the prohibited drugs as defined above. 1 (f) Pharmacist. The term "pharmacist" means a person duly licensed and registered with the Minnes- ota State Board of Pharn�cy as a registered pharma- cist. � � ' ; , ' (g) Prescription. The term "prescription" means a written or oral order by a practitioner to a pharma- cist for a prohibitive druy or stimulant for a particular patient, which specifies the date of its issue, the name and address of sach practitioner, the name and address of the patient (and, if such barbitarate or stimulant is prescribed for an animal, the species of such animal), the name and quantity of the prohibited drug prescribed, the dlrections foz use of such drug, and in the case of a written order, the signature of such practi- tioner, An oral order by a practitioner for a prohibitive drug must be promptly reduced to writzng by the pharmacist. (h) Manufacturer. The term "manufacturer" means � persons other than pharmacists who prepare dru9s in dosage ,�orms by miring, compounding, encagsulating, entableting, or other process. � ' � � � (i) WhoIesaler. The term "whoZesaler" means persons engaged in the business of distribvting prohibited dxugs to persons included in any of the classea named irt Subdivision 3. (j) Warehousem�rt. The term "warehouseman" means persops whq atose prohibited drvgs, for others and who have nq control, over the disposition of sach ptohibited drugs or stimulants except fot the purpose of such storage. 3q : ,"` t Page 3 t � � , � � ' ' � ' ' �� � ' Subdivision 2. Zt is unlawful for any person *_o Onlawfal have in possession, purchase, oc to deliver as Yo:�sess:on, herein defined, any prohibited drug as defined De?icery or in Subdivision 1 hereof, except on a lawful Purchase prescription by a practitioner. Subdivision 3. Subdivision 2 of this ordinance Excepted snall not apply to the following in the ordinary Lawful course of their trade, their basiness, or profession liusinesses provided, however, this exception shali not be a and ' defense to the doing of the acts prohibited .in Professions said Subdivision 2 or Subdivision 4 hereof: (a) PTactitioners. (b) Pharm�cists. (c) Manvfacturers. (d) Pharmacists as manufacturers. (e) Wholesalers. (f) Warehousemen. (g) Persons engaged in transporting such pro- hibited drugs as agent or employee of a practi- tioner, pharmacist, manufacturer, warehouseman, wholesaler, common carrier. (h) Public officers or public employees in the performance of official duties requiring possession or control of such prohibited drvgs, or persons aiding such officers or employees in the performance of such duties. (i) Any patient as herein defined with respect to procuring, possession and use of a prohibited drlig in accordance with the terms of a prescription and prescribed treatment. (J) Persons whp procure, possess or use such drugs for the pqrpose of 2awfu2 research, teaching or testing, and not for sa1e. (k) Lawfully licensed and registered hospitals or bona fide institutions wherein sick or injured perspns are cared for and treated, or by bona fide hospitals for the treatrr�nt of animals. �� � � Page 4 � � ' r , . r� ' � Subdivision 4. No perso» sha11, nor attemrt, tn possess or have in his contiol or possession to purchase, or deliver a prohibited drug. (aJ. by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or suliterfuge, or (b) by the forgery or alterat-on of a prescrip- tion, or (c) by the concealment of a mater.ial fact, or (d) by the use oF a fa15e name or the giviny of a false address, or (e) by making a false statement in any prescrip- tion, order, report, or recnrd relative to a prohibited drug, or (f) by falsely assuming the title of, or falsely repsesenting any person to be a manufacturer, wholesaler, warehouseman, pharmacist, practitioner or other person described in Subdivision 3 hereof, or (g) by makin9, issaing or uttering any false or forged prescription. Unlawfai Procuring, Puzchase, D2.:ivery or Possession �C , Subdivision 5. Any prohib�ted drugs found in the ConFiscation possession of any person cpnvicted of a vio2atioq and of this ordi7tance sha11 be confiscated and shall Dispositioi, � be forfeited to the Chief of Police who sha11 make proper and �imely disposition thereof by destroying them. ' Subdivisipn 6. AZZ patients having possession of any prphibited dz'ugs, by lawfvl prescFipt.ion of practitionei while such prohibited drugs are � lawfuljy in such persons possession, sha11 keep such pzobibited drugs in the oziginel container in which th2y Ne1'e delivered untjj used in ' accvrdance with such prescription, and sha11 not FenGVe the pharmacist's original IabeZ identifyiny the prescription from suct� original container. use of Or: yinal Containers and La1�e1s Required ' SECTION 2. Any persqq piplating �he provisions of this ordin- Penalty anpe sha12 be gui.Ity of a mi.sdemeanor and upon convict�on shalI be punished by a fine of not � more khan 5300.00 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 daya oT both. � ti � Page 5 SECTION 3.' 2his ordinance sha11 be in fu21 force and effect Effective thirty (30) days from date of publication. Date PFLSSED BY THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THF. CITY OF FR:DLEY, THIS � Y � � � ..�" . , I97�� � -- +7A}'OR ATTEST: CLERK First Reading: December 18, i972 Second Reading:�.._ , � ��� Pub],ish : , , � ' � � �� � ' ; ' , � ' ' �J ORDINNJCE NO. �� � AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PURCXASE, 5ALE OR POSSESSION . OF GLUE AND RELATED SUBSTANCES AND PROVIDZNG PENALTIES THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLJAWS: SECTION 1. The inhaling, breakhinq, or drinking of certain substaraces, hereinafter defined and commonly known as gl.ae, is prohibited and the purchase, saZe, and possession thereof are regulated as foZlows: Subdivision �. Znhaling, breathing, drinking of certain substances prohibited. No person sha11 inhale, breathe or drink, or be or become intoxi- cated bg reason of inhaling, breathing, or drinkina ar�y substance ciomrnpnly known as gZue, adhesive, �ement, mucilage, dope, solvents, lacqver, drogs, f-ngernail polish and Zacquer, nail polish rer�over, or thinners foi the above named substances, nor any substances containing toluol, hexane, trichloroethy- Iene, acetone, touene, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, trichoroathane, isopropanol, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl cellosolve acetate, cyclohexanone, or any other substance whir,h contains ketones, aldehydes, organic acetates, ether, chlorinated-hydrocarbons, or any other simila� ingredient which Feleases toxic vapors for the purpose of inducing sgmptoms of intoxi- cation, elation, excitement, oonfusion, dizziness, paralysis, j.rrational behavior, or in dny manner change, distort or disturb the ba2ance, coordination or tj�e audio, viaua2, or mental processes. Purchase, Sa2e and Possession Subdivision 2. Puzchase, sale, or possession XequZated. No person sha12, for the purpose of violating or aidi.ng � anothez to violate any provision of this ordinance, intentivnaZ2g possess, buy, sell, transfez possession, or receive ppssession of any glue containing the intoxi- cating substances defiAed in subdiv.isioa 1. Subdivision 3. Self-service display prohibited. Retail ,, • estab2ishments sel2ing glue coritainiag the intoxicating substances deftnQd in subdivision 1 sha21 not se11 such glue �rom a seZf�service display: ' . , ti Page 2 SECTION 2. Any person violatiny the provisions of this ordinance sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanar and apon convictjon shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisoruoent for not to exceed 90 days or both. SECTZON 3. This ordinance sha2Z be in fu11 force and effect thirty (30) dags from date of publication. � PASSED BY THE CITY COpNCIL OF THE CITY OF FFtIDLEY, TNIS ���DAY O t,..�,..�, � h„r , I97� MRYOR ATTEST: er.Eruc First Readirig: :%ecemoer 18 ]'a7% Second ea3iri�: !� �� Pubiis!;: � a Penal ty Effective DaLe 4k � 1 1 ' , ' � ' , � ' , � ' ORDINANCE' NO. � AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PURCHASE, SALE Ok POSSESSION OF CODEINE AND PROVSDId1G PENRLI'IES THEREFORE THE CZTY CDU.NCIL�OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES OHDAIN AS FCi.IAWS: SECTZON 1. The sale and possession o� codeine sna11 be :egulated Requlatior. as follows: , of Sale a;:d I��_nssess.on Subdivision 1. SaZes, etc. of codeinr yrc:�ibited, and exception. No person s.9ai1 admini.�ter, dispense, � se1l, barter, exchanye or offer for sa1e, yive away, ; distribute, deliver or supply in any manner, wt,en `� .9e knows or can by reasonable diligence ascertain, that such administering, dispensing, selling, barter- ing, exchanging or offering for sa1e, giviny away, distributing, delivering or supplyiny, :r. any manner wi1l provide more than six grains of�codeine or any of its salts within forty-eight (48) consecutive hoc�rs to the person to whom or for ��hose use prepar- ation is administered, 3ispensed, scid, bartere�3, '. exc.hanged or offered for sale except pursuant tu a lawfal prescription issuad tc a practitioner do1:; licensed vnder the laws oi� tne State oF Minnesota. Subdivision 2. Pnrchase and c�ossession prohibited, and exception. No person sha:1 within any forty- eight {48) cvnsecutive hours purchase or have in his possession mure than six yrains of codeine or any of its salts, except putsuant to a lawful prescription issued by a practitiontr duly 2icensed under the laws of the State of Minr:esota. SECTZON 2, Any person violating the provisions of thls ordinance Penalty , shall l�e guilt of a misdemeanor and upon conviction sha11 be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for nvt to exceed 90 days or both. ' SECTjON 3. This p;dinance shaIl be in fu21 force and effect Effective thirty (30) days fsom date of publication. Date 5 � PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZDLEY, THIS /J � pAY OF #,• � , 197� , � ATTSST; MAI'OR �—'- � "irst Reading: De�:r-mber 18,-:Yi� Se�ond Readi:������� CLERR p i'o 1� s h RESOLUTION N0. � 1973 A RESOLUTION APPROVIN6 AND AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF fRIDLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (DISPATCHERS AND PATRQLMEN) WHEREAS, Mail Order Department Store and Warehouse Employees Local Union No. 149, as bargaining representative of the Patrolmen and Dispatchers of the City of Fridley Police Department, has presented to the Council of the City of Fridley various requests relating to the working conditions, wages and hours of employees of the Police Department of the City of Fridley, and WHEREAS, The City of Fridley has presented various requests to the Union - and to the employees relating to working conditions, wages and hours of emp1oyees of the Police Department of the City of Fridley, and WHEREAS, Representatives of the Union and the City have met and negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the City, and WHEREAS, Agreement has now been reached between representatives of the two parties on the proposed changes in the existing contract between the City and the Union, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Counc9l th�at the Mayor and �the City Manager are hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement �(Ex M bit "A"}relating to working conditions, wages and hours of employees of �the City of Fridley Police Oepartment (Dispatchers and P�trolmen). PASSED AND ADOPTEQ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL�Y _ THIS � DAY Od�_%.�P�r.,l�n 1973. � „N��� MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: C Y C - MARV N G. R.NS LL 0 , ' � ' , , �_J ' �_ J �J , � • SUHJ£CT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRZDLEY, M.INNESOTA December 29, 1972 MAYOR AND CITY COIIIvCIL COUNCILMAN-ELECT [vEE pE�C)POSED CONTRP.CT FOR POLICE OFFICERS & DISPATCHERS FpR 1973 �5 A L I am planning to place on the Council Agenda of January 8, 1972, a proposed contract covexing wages, hours, working conditions for patrolmen and dispatchers for 1973• The Police Lieutenaat and Polica Sergeants are not includ�d in this agreement because the matter oi repxesentation of supervisory personnel is not settled at this time. The City is contendiq4 the Lieutenant and Sergeant are supervisory personnel and therefore not �ligible under the state labor law to be included in the same unit as non supervisory per.sonnel, The State Bureau of Mediation may rule on this question sometime in 1973. i will prepare a seperate report on salary adjustments for these supervisory personr.el for next wseks aqanda. 2. Included in the packet of �nformation is: (a) Mr. Brunsell's report kzighlighting the key monetary elements oi - the 1973 contract. (b) a copy of the 1973 contract (e) A copy o� the 1972 contract under which will expire Decea�er 31, 1972. ," The cCntxact is one of the better we have negotiated. The 4.'3$ i.ncrease for patrolmen and'2� increase Eor dispatchers is right in line , with suburban sattlEments. Oux police dispatctters are still high by comgariS4n but this settlement reflects a scaling down of the wage ' �ate tq bring them more i.n lirle with tce going rate. ' - , ' ' }tECOMMENDATIOt7 : I would reFOmm�n$ you approved the attached rasolution and authorize the Mayor and C�ty.Mar}ager to execute thg attached agreement for 1973• GRA/pe Att. Very liespectively xi'v1�-��:. �. • .�+° �,wc-a/ ' �� Gerald R. Aavis City iIa:+agez , �I , ' MEMO T0: GERALD R. DAYIS, CITY MANAGER FR�1: MARVIN C. BRUNSELI, ASSISTANT-CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUB�ECT: CONTRACT COVERING WAGES, HOURS, AND WORKING CONDITIOP�S FOR OISPATCHERS AND PATROLMEPd FOR THE YEAR OF 1973 ' DATE: DECEMBER 29, 1972 , Attached you will find a copy of the propased contract covering wages and working conditions for patrolmen and dispatchers for the year 1973. Also enclo5ed is a copy of the 1972 contract. Those items underlined in the , 1973 contract are items that are new ar haye been changed from the 1972 contract. , Several of the opening paragraphs have been taken from the language of the prppqsed mpdel contract recomnended by the City Manager's Negotiating Com- mittee and the League's labor consultant. Some of the paragraphs have been attered somewhat to fit local conditions. The two principal changes in the contract as compared to 1972 relate to salaries and the provision for substituting pay fbr college credits for pdyment for longevity. The top base pay of $7,017.00 per month for oatrolmen represents the everage settlement in other comnunities for the 1473 contract year. In addition to the base pay, existing patrolmen have the right to c011eCt incentive or longevity pay up to a maximum of $75.00 per month or, at their option, to collect pay for college credits earned u� to a maximum qf �,72.00 per month, Longevity wi11 be phased out for newlv hired emoloyees. They will be eligible for pay for cpllege credits up to a maximum of 532.00 per month. The increase in pay from $975.00 per manth to $1,017.00 oer month represents an incr?ase of 4.3 per cent for patrolmen. Top pay for disoaichers for 19i3 has been set at $856.00 per month, plus up to $63.00 per month longevity pay. This represents a 2 per cent increa5e. The 1972 contract called for a maximum of $$39.00 per month p7us up to $60.00 per month longevity. 7he pay for dispatchers has been held down Somewhat in comparison to patrol- men, principally because the police dispatchers in the Cfity of Fridley at the present time are Qarninv rtpre than dispatchers in other co^imunities doing similar rrork, I feel this 95 a good contract for the City and for the employees, and reGOmnend to the City CounGil adoption of the resolution authorizing the Maypr and the City Manager tp sign �he contract, � Att. �:: �• - �1 , ,. . . ' , , , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , , � ' EXHIBIT "A" AGREEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF fRIDLEY AND MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT STORE AND WAREHOUSE EMP�OYEES LOCAL UNION N0. 149 ESTABLISHTNG WORKING � CONDIFIONS, WAGES AND HOURS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE FRIDIEY POLICE - �PRRTMENT (DISPATCHERS AND PATROLMEN) ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF A6REEMENT This A reement is entered into between the City of Fridley, hereinafter - C$lled t e Emp oyer, and Local No. 149, Mail Order Department Store and Warehouse Employees Union, hereinafter catled the (lnion. The intent and purppse of this Agreement is to: a, EstabTish certain hours, wages and conditions of employment; and • b. Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes conSerning this Aareement's lnteroretation and/or application; and C. Place in written form the oartiec n�.v+a��r ��.,,,� ro..�� �.,,� ARTICLE II RECOGNITION Section l. The Employer recognizes the,Union as the exclusive representativeY under Minnesota Statutes, Section 119.71, Subd. 3 for the fallowir�g job classifications; 1. Dispatchers Z. Patralmen AR7ICLE III -�, UNION SECURITY Section 1., In recognition of the Union as the exclusive representative, the Employer sha11; 0 a. Deduct eath payroll oer9od an amount sufficient to provide the payment of dues established by the Union rrom tr.a svages of ail employees authorizing in writing sucn deduction, and b, Remit such deduetion to the appropriate desiqnated qfficer of the Union, •1- 6C 0 , 1 . i FINA[ - 12/� EJ(HIB] C. The Union may designate certain employees from the hargaining unit to act as stewards and shall inform the Employer in rrriting of such choice. . d. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless ' dg_ainst any and ail c aims, suits, orders, or 'udqements - urouqnt or issued aqainst the City as a result of anv action zaKen or not taken bv the Citv under the provisions of this � , ' : ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � , article. ARTICIE IY EMPLOYER AUTHORITY a. Oirect emplovees; b. Hire, oromote_ trancfar_ aee;rtn ,-e+�;., om„i....ee� ,., ,,,...:«:...._ a��u �u��er�a, aemoze aiscnaroe emplovees. Civ;l Service Cammi wherever app icaole; t. Relieve emo7oyees from duties h ir taKe d�scioii �sion Reaulatinn �cause of lack o 72 ��Q,� 6D � tion aeainst fotla:,�d or other ssion d. Maintain the efficienc of the aovernment ooerations; e. Determine the methods means iob classificatiens and o � which such onerazions are to oe conoucied cottsist:�t f. 9• act � s. of work and i out the mission iish the method ' ARTICLE V EMPLQYEE RIGHTS 8 GRIEVAPJGE PROCED'JRE ' Section 1. Qefinition of GriPV�nc°: A arievznce is d=_*ired as - diso!ir� GlSdnr?c:_'^' ' _ - OP . . _ ^o +- –"' ^.l _ ' ' ' � t°r;'^.5 c71'� C^. , .:- - - __" _ --� "—_ ma 2P5 OV2Y:72d DV .: i �_ ,., ' .' � � i ,�y . ' - �' . C7L1 521'JT.._ YJ12S t:'.'Y1L SVS �^i fUl'_'� OP '��(�DI'V^Dt^f���—. $ d f10� ° CO(lS70�rea� artevanc�s d(10 SUh1eCL t0 Lt1° QY'1?VpIICL' UYOC°�Up� (i9!`_Sn�l` d er se ortn. t{o discip inarv action t�rnich r-av oe a�^�ai=d t� a civil se��:�ic ' or m2rit system autnority rii17 oe ccnsiuered a �ri2vance and su°=�ci to tne er;�-,� procedure here�n. _� � ( ' Section 2. t�e�rievance ' s esta ' �_ - wccessors ' - •- ' ' ' Settion 4. ' ' ' 1 ' . ' ' ' ' ' , ' ion n ves: The Emplover will re d bv the Emnlovee oraaniza aininq unit havinq the dut fie Emnlovee Orqanization s such Employee Representati FINAL - T2/24/72- EXHIBI7 "A" ize Emoloyee 6 E as the 3nd resaonsibil- notifv the :edure: Grievances, as defined bv Section T, shalTr6e resolved in 'ormance with the followinv procedure: 1. An em ]ovee claimin a violation concernin4 the interoretation �icat�on of �nis kareement sna]1 U�ithin tr��ntv one 21 cai n�ar after such a 7eaed violation oresent sucn or�evance to tne e:,�io;ee`s rvisor as desianated ov tne Emolover Tn� Em�lo��Ar desic�a� � esentative ��nit d�scuss and Qive an ansv�er to sucn Sieo 1 ori=var,c2 in ten 10 caiendar davs aft�r recei�t F qriFvance not r�-��� r tep 1 and aooeaied Lo Ste� 2 sha7i be �iaced in rritino sCt � a h the nature o� �ne ar�ev�nce tne facts on ,micn ii is basee, �n� 151011�OY' DY'OVlS70f15�07 Lh._ ;i^reemsni d1�2^_°af' V101dt°d� LhB��'"?,V ested, and snaii be rererred to STe� 2 4:i�nin c_n �,10 cal��,�.r after tne E^7lQV9P-Li�SiCii�L2,�t P°CY°S°!I*2,T1V°'S T11idl 2nS'c'��' ' 1 _�. �itlY QY'12VcI1C2 TIOL r?=errea in��•�ri'liltl LO JL�� 2 0! i.t18 2m IOV Z���� tn ten (10� cai_naar davs snail be consia red ��aived 2. The written orievance shalT be �resented to and discussed �;rith :RID�OV2Y-Cl?S1OR.:L?d JL2D L 1'°�P85°f1LdL7V�.. I��� t:."DIOY?Y'-�25'r';a'�n �sentative Shdi l C?V0 t^° �m710`/°E? t.^.2 [!'^IOV9i'S JL°D L d!1�',-._1- 1(1 Iflq 4llt'17f1 t°I1 ! Il�) calen�ar CPVS d7L r� r�ojp- ° S C�1 �� '+ � rance. A erie�.ance IlOI P°SOIV�� 1R SL°_•^ C'^3`/ =� Z7D23i°q "; j+�n '2 I�l ten �Q Cd�c!1CidP Cdvs �Oito�,^.ina tfl° t;ApI0V2�-�°SlC!}�T_°Q !^onrogon.r_ � �'s final Ste� 2 ans�.:er. �nv orievance noi re� -red in ��:ri�ine .o 3 by the emoiovee witnin ten (10 ca'e dar aa - snall b, c� r d 3. The written orievance snail be eresented t� and discuss?d •:ri±+, �.f11D�0'/2Y-G°_57C^3LBtl JL27 � f_.^,PBc°��Ldi.iY2.� irl° =^'?IO'!ap-C2S;"lr_'r 52(Itd�7V°_ 5 i0! 1 dl:'2 LO°_ ?'"�JIOY?? LR°.tT�0i0�i91^�y..:cf15';;?Y' lll �.;rj*;j.'l� n ten �� CdiA^�8P C?YS cTLS^ Y'°_rcjp+ G- cU�rl -- j n�jo�.-�- av �rn r,. r„ -- - ' -_— l,' —_ _' ' i -.a^..-� '1 '. �-.:n _ .. . .. . _ r _ . _ . . _ ._ — .:-.�,�_ _. -_ i _.'. � .._ ..,�_ ._ c �.. _,� . � :-_. . ar� ,er lft >� ✓ .j. n!i'/ Cf� _lc:�C? .�o� re�e+-rec �!1 .IY� L1!l oc _; � ___ e employee ��n tnin tPn iG caiPnazr d�vs snali � consicArei ����,. -3- ' t , / .�_ _ _ _� _ Section 5. Arbitrator's Authoritv: ' ' - -- ' " . b. _ ' -- ' , __ c. The fees and exoense s all be 6orne eoual ' provided tnai ezcn * representatives ann record of the orotee ' Arovidinq it oa•rs rc record of tne procee ' Section 6. Waiver: If a arievance above, it shaii be tons to the next ste� t•n thin the s�ecifie - -----s a 1 be consicerea s=t*1Fd on t�a C ' Employer does noti arsi���r a erie��ancA Timits, tne e.-��ovee �dY 21�CL LO �r immediatelv d'=^_�@I tne orievance �o ' e extended o mutual wriLten aereen Section 7. ' Section 8. Records: A1l documents, ' arievanc� snali ce *iie� involved emploveets). ;;il er�io��ee ' ' ' AL - EXI ��Z �A" . FI �s for the ar lv bv tne cn �arty shall 6 on tnesses. dinos, it ma r the record dinas tne co is not orese idered °�laiv c tir^� 7i�it asis of cn� or an aocea '_at rn� erie [ne next sc�� ;or's services and oroceedinas - and tne Emolovee Oraaniza-ler, !onsible ror com,�nsatina iz; c ^ ,h�r nart�� des�res a ver;,,�;r, e sucn a recora to o� -=c�, bo2n oarties cesire a v��e?-i� 11 be snared eauaiiv. �iinin the time limits �=t fc�`� Ir a erievance is no� =^-�3i=� v aere�c extension r��r-,= - - '- ?r s ias� zns�:;er, i - ^�T t'!1 =�1I1 Lh° S^?C1 '� 1' t'^� 25 G�(I1cC Zi,� LhdL SLB�� �^^ � r,,T� �,,,�t in eacn <->, m�� r ana trz �moiovee in » c.� �z�-. co��unicat�ons and recerds deatina wi±h = s�Dara�2iv.��Trc�.^i L�:� ^�r5nr•�j ,*iles Gr "^� o�rsonnei recor s ar o� n L�� E��i��;�_. -4- ; 'r : . ARTICLE YI ' .DEFINI774NS . --Section 1, Urtiflnc Mail Order De artment Store and War ion No. 149. ' - - - --- _.._ Section 2. Emp)oyer: The City of Fridle . '� Section 3. Urtion Member: A member of the Mail Order�D : arehouse Emplo ees Loca3 Union No 49. —�ection-4.—Erna7o ee: A member of the formaTl 'reco ni ' Dis atchers and Pa�rolmen . ,'- —5ertiart 5.- Base Pav Rate: The emolovee's monthlv pav or anv other specia] al]owances ' SeCtion 6. Senioritv: Lenqth of continuoas service wi � ����� 6� �partmen� Store and zed barqaininq unit rate excTusive of lonqevitti Senior�tv rosters mav be mair�zained 'ov the Publ .- v�� � ie oasts of tim� in qrad� a�d anthin soectf ' Section 7. Comoensatorv Time: Time off durin the emolo e work schedule eQUal in tim� to overtime ��rorked. - �YOnd reqular scheeaie equais one and one nalf ' ttme.} ---Section 8. Severance Pay: Payment made to an emolovee uorn ' o emp ovme�t. Settion 9. Grievance: A dispute over the interpretation or ' �reement- ARTICLE YII � ' SAVINGS CLAUSE ----�ection-1. This Aoreement-is su�iect to the izrrs of the Uni ' of ;;�nnesota, and t.^,= sianee �laic�oaii�v. in t of this Aareeme�± �nall oe neid =� e?'co.*.�r=_rv �0 1?s;� ov a � ur45diction rr �, t••r��e nna! r�--, n er c cr ro a the tire orovic a, sucn o� � , �� � ' _ Y0J151.,'t Sr.21 I D� ':O1C°_'J. ri 1 r,�^o Continue in ru ��crce anh efr�ecL. 7ne voiced �rovis�on ea� the request of ��ther partv lice Deoartment. c Safety Director 's reaularl scheduled One 1 hour �_lor=ed �1% hours comoensaior honorable separation aoplication of this ted States, the S*_=_-� ^° evenr anv �rovi�;�n a:rz or c^:^_et�n� - �� =en ta�2n � iz�in r rn�.isTOns s��i� De r_neqotiated 2� , ARTICLE VIII ' WORK S_ CH� S Section 7. The work week schedule for a13 Sworn Officers and Patrolmen, shall � constitute four (4) days ort du#y and ta;o (2) davs of' ;uti � for � ��r=� of thir+_v-se:�an and Q!18-�dif (7i'_� !'OUY'S �°_t' ��:8°';. !f!� ?'{:�j1C $d' , ��' �� P25Q0051012 i0l' SC�i°_�i,IIRC and d_57C:�1�i �f:� Y:�2ti � � .. Jir- J� � 9 Iy �;roric scnedu7_ . ' Section 2. No �fficer or Patrolman wili be required to wori; to-ra �nifts durin.a a twenty-four (24) hour period, except during an emeryer.cy, or for assicn=d shift chanqe. , _5_ " FINAL - 12/29/72 '� . fXHI6IT,��A�� Section 3. The work week for Civilian Dispatchers shall be forty (40) hours per week, or 7hirty-seven and one-half (31 1/2) hours per weeK as determined by the " Employer. ' _ _ •- . - ARTICLE IX _ ' ' _ . --Secti on 1. - n excess OVERTIME PAY . more Section 2. Overtime will be distributed as equall as practicable. ' Section 3. For the purpose of comoutina overtime comoensation, over� ' Section 4. re hou nl ARTICLE X � CALI BACK Section 1, If an employee is called back to work and more than one (1) hour has � elapsed since his work period ended, he will receive a minimum ofi t�:;o ' (2) hours overtima. If the employee is called to work eariy with no break ir service ----be€ore his reoularly-scheduaed work per�od-starts, the o-rork perform°d is consicered ' normal overtime for the period of time actually worked. When the assigned sch�d�led work day falls or are on 5aturday or Sunday, no overtime will be paid. � ARTICIE XI , Section 1, ' , ' ' nan-o� LEGAL DEFEySE involved in litiaation bec ance or iar;s, or o= a❑er<_ oroven ne�liaence, or wre, n3�� �ot receive Section 2. Anv em�lo ee ::�fio is charaed �•:ith a traffic violation, ordinance violation OP crimirai 07�iE�lco ?�-751�17 frr�+� ?r�S = . r. =N ir�.�- 2!f!D�OVID°llt. 4'. �.afl SJ�q ?C� '- �r-^�-- - - _ _°° ir.,__� . - ' ` '^ ',' SUJ2!'b�_r,,. � �.� _,� _...... _._ . ." _."�_ _ ��r _ nr„ „_— . ; _ -;:� ; . �. .,- _. c ' . ��.,. r. - --' ___ __ � SUC(1 HIGa10✓e2 1(I OciA(iCl�('0 _" • � "C:��- Cwc�� � - dadlrSL SUCn crl rra . ' - Section 3. The City of Fridley will provide orotection for all Officers and Patralmen against false arrest cnarges -6- ' ' � .-: EXHIBIT ��A�� ARTICLE XII ` � ��� RIGHT OF�SUBCONTRACT v ' Section 1. In an emeraency declared by the City Council,nothinq in this Agreement shall rohibit or restrict th� ri ht of the Emolo er from subcontractin rArk performe Y emp oyees covered by this Aqreement. �--- — --- - - _ Section 2. The Citv reserves the right to use supportive forces as needed. I _ ARTICLE XiII � . DISCIPLINE ; Settion 1. The Emplaver will discipline emplovees onlv for iust cause. , � ARTICLE X N � SENIORITY � Section 1. Seniorit will be tfie determinin criterion for ❑romotions la > ' an s i ass�anments w en a ot er qua ification factors are equal. " Section 2. Seniority will apply on vacations up to May lst of eacfi year. After , May lst, vacations wili be on a first come, first served basis. Section 3. Seniorit wi11 ap 1 on shift �ositions except that the Deaartment Head ' s a ave tne ria t to scne uie emD oyees oursuant Lo ec ion—T c-r�is article if i_ �s necessarv o insure a oa ance or exoerience oersonne on ar•� :� Patrolman a�itn three and one-nalf :v vears exoarience as a rairolman on *�� _;-;�;_,� ' o ice Deoartment UI1d2T t10NIDd1 C7PCUmctan�ag +S C��51C°?^8. 2:(�'_t^�'_:,C?^ ;�� �*-�� n�s� the riqht to utiiize sneciai skills o� er�oiovA�s as needed ARTICLE XY ' LOSS OF SENIORITY Section 1. Employees shall lose their senioritv for the following reasons: � a. Discharge, if not reversed. ' b. Resignation. t.: Unexcused failure to return to work after exoiration of a vac=tion � or formal leave of aosence. ��•ents b2verd tne c�ntrol or ri-�. emplayee wnicn �reveni tn2 eroio�aee rren retur��nq to orti �ii] not cause ioss or s�m oritv. , ��. � K2L1Petr�en�. � . . . IARTICLE XVI PROS�'.7iG.';�:r'.Y ?�?rr�S ' Section 1. AlT newly hired or renir�d er�Dloyees will serve a tsrPlve (12) r��r proodt�onarv ,.�rtod. ' Section 2. All emolovees will serve a six (6} months' probationarv oeriod in a�,7ob classincation tr v��ich tne err�]oyee nas net - rved a probationarv oeraod. -7� ,' ARTICLE XYII EXHIBIT "A" �O J � - , - , VACATIONS . Section 1. Each employee of the City who has worked regulariy for the City for a : ' , ' � ' �_� period of not less than twelve (12) successive months is entitled to a " vacation away from employment with pay. Vacation pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such employee is entitled. M employee who has worked a minimum of twelve (12) months is entitled to one (1) workday of vacation for each ¢ionth so worked. An employee who has worked eighty-four (84) consecutive months is entitled to one and one-half (1 ]/2} workdays of vacation for each month worked beginning with the eighty-fifth (85th) month af consecutive emoloyment. An emoloyee who has r�orked one hundred eighty (780) successive months is entitled to one and two-thirds (1 2/3) workdays of vacation for each month worked beginning with the • orte hundred eiqhty-first (181st) month of consecutive employment. ARTICLE XVIII . REQUESTS FOR CHANGE OF POSETION � . . � � . . H` . Sectiort 1. With regard to Investigators request to revert to Patroiman status, Management agrees with tne right of an empioyee to have a hearing before the Department Head on the matter. If #he question is not settled, the employee has the right to a hearing before the City Manager. The City Manager's decision wi'1 be final. Section 1 ARTICLE XIX EMPLOYEE:EDUCATION PROGRAM The Education Program in effect is as adopted by the City of Fridiey. ARTICLE XX HOLIDAYS Section 1. There is no holiday pay as such for Poiice Officers, or Dispatchers if the employees work a four (S) days on, two (2j days o*f schedule (37�1/2 hours per week). Section 2. If employees are reouired to work a requTar forty (40) hour work week, their nolidays sna71 be as set for other civiiian employees as folloti•+s: Holidays inciude t�ew Year's Day, January i; 4;ashinatcn's and Lincoln's Birthday, the third t9onday in February; i•iemoria] Da•, the last '.:;ndav in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first t�ionday in �eptember; Cnristo�^_;• Cotumbus Day, the second Nonday in October; Veterans Day, the fourth f4onday in Oczeher: Thanksqiving Dav, the fourth Tn;rsd=_y in P'ove.�;�r• znc Christras :�v, ��`�..,.,,,.,. provic=d, ..'_� ,=,�'i_er's u>_•:, ;c�;��r 3;�:,r � -�� �-� - Udf� U�C_�.JcY' C�� td115 Or JUllUdy, L�° TOIIC'li0� poJ �7ldt1JD2�d`i��.Il."id'J,�ana �;-oVlG2G� when New Year's Day, January l; or Independence Day, ,lu}y 4; or Cnristmas ua�r, December 25, falls on Saturday, the preceding day snail be a holi?ay. If adiitional holidays are granted by the City Council by ordinance, the e:nployee covered b� t:is Agreem°nt will receive the benefit of such additional holiday. -8- . A�EMEN7 - LOCAt N0. 149 ,. . � `� � r �� ' � artriaE xxt 'SICK LEAYE FINAL - ]2/29/72 6 �C Section 1. My employee who is unable to work because of sickness or injury may ubtain a leave of absence upon notice to the City. Written verification of his condition by a competent medicai autMority may 6e required. Where the condi- tion of the employee is such that he is unable to act for himself, the Union may apply for such leave of absence in his behalf. Faiture to notify the City subjects tHe employee to appropriate discipline by the City. Secti� 2. Each employee of the City who has worked reguTarly for the City for a period�of not less than tweive {12) successive months is entitled to sidc leave away from employment with pay. Sick leave pay shall be computed at the regular rate of pay to which such emoloyee is en#itled. An employee rlho has worked a minimum of twelve (12) months is entitled to one (i) day of sick leave for each apnth worked, cumulative to one hundred tw2nty (120} days of sick leave. After one hundred twenty (120) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, one (1) day additional vacation shall be granted to an e�loyee for every three (3) sick leave days earned and unused. The emn7oyee may elect, after ninetyw(90) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, to receive ane (1) day additional vacation for every �hree (3) sick days earned and unased. Sick leave days snall not accumulate beyond one hundred twenty (120). 8efore any sick ]eave comcensation is paid, the City may request and is entitled to receive from any employee wno has been absent more than three (3) days in succession, a certificate signed by a competent physician or other medica] attendant certiiqing to the fact tnat the absence was in fact due to sickness and not otherwise_ The City also reserves the right to have an examination made at any time of any percon claiming absence by reason of sickness; such examination may be made athen the City deems the sam� reasonably necessary to verify the sickness claimsd and may be made in behalf of the City by any competent person designated hy the City. ARTICLE XXII INJURY ON JOB Section 1. Any full time City emoioyee who has been empioyed by the City at least six (6) months, injured on his regular job, shalt be entitled to r"ull pay up to a period of ninety (90) days while he is absent from work by reason of such injury artd his accrued sick leave wi7i not be charoed �ntii after and beginning with the ninety-first (91st) day of absence from aiork bv reason of such injury, provided however, the amount of any comoensation snall be reduced by any pdyment received by the injured employee from workmen's conoensation insuranc°. An employee r.�no �iaims an absence from work due tn an injury sust:ined on his regular job is subject to an examination to be made in 6er,a}f or �he City by a person competent to perform the same and as is designated by the City. � �~ � _ --.--_Section 1. �_.__ . _. _ . . _ AftTICLE XXIII �j �, UNIFORM ALLOWANCE The City shall provide a unffornr ciothing alTowance for Police Officers ' of ;150 (One Hundred and Fifty Dollarsj per year as needed, Section 2. The City shall provide civilian Dispatchers a uniform clothing allowance of ET00 (One Hundred Dollars) per year for'clothing as needed. Section 3. Section 4. r in the Tine ARTICLE XXIV FUNERAL PAY g is purchased. Thi< Mon-uniform2d oerson� owance in anv quarter througn no fault of emplayer. ,�. � Section 1. Funeral leave will be granted to full time empToyees up to a maximum of three days. Funeral leave is granted in case of deaths occuring in the --- imnediate family. For this purpose immediate family is considered to be a spouse, , child, parent, grandparent, brather or sister, mother-in-law and father-in-las�1. ARTICLE XXV ' JURY PAY ' Section l. It shall be understood and agreed that the City shall pay ali regular full time employees serving on any jury the differences in salary between jury pay and his regular salary or pay while insuch service. , r ' ARTICLE XXVI HEALTH AND WELFARE BEP�EFITS Seetion 1. Regular full time enmioyees shall receive the same as other City employees, which policy at the present tir..e provid2s that the Ci:y oays for t^e employee's Health and Hosoital �nsurance and the emoioyee oays ror dependent coverae=_. The City also provides lir"e insurance equai io annual salary, wii�� a maximum or $10,000. The City a7so provides additionai AD&D Insurance equal :o salary, ,;itn a maximum af j10,000. � Section 2. A representative from the emoloyee grauo shall be inciuded on_a committee t'!'11C� makzs reco^-��eneati0!15 OR t'° G���:°RL Of S��C't' �3�`.iG!15 :`01' .: pO11C`J. SUC!7 r2co^-2ndaticn, are s�� �ct �a i,..:.:�il a��roval. � � -10- . A6RE�MENT - LOCAL N0. 144 FINAL - 12/29/72 �� r ARTICLE XXVII � � i � : . _ RATES OF PAY 1973 ' Section 1. Patrolmen's Salaries: ' Starting Salarv 5828.00 per month per month �' After One (1) Year �872.00 per month . After One & One-Half (lZ) Yean ao1R_on per month � After Two & One-HaTf (2Z) Yean 5966.00" per month After Three & One-Half (32) Years �1,017.OQ per montti , . ' ' , ' , i � , ' �� Disaatchers' Salaries: First six {6) months After six {6) months One and one-half (1�) years Two and one-half (2�} years Three and one-half (3�) years 698.00 '; � '• per month E733.00 per month $772.00 per month E813.00 per month �856.00 per month ARTICLE XXVIIi AODITIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 1973 Section 1. Incentive pay will be paid over and above the standard base rate or going rate for emoievees nired hefore ,lulv 1, I972 according to the following schedule: Time in otr,er c assir"ications 4�ii1 not count tovrards incznt a for a s4rorn offic°r. � a ro man— After 5 years $25.00 per month Patrolman After 10 years 550.00 per month Patrolman After 15 years $75.pp _ per month Dispatchers After 5 years Dispatchers After 10 years Dispatchers After 15 years -T1- 521.00 542.00 563.00 0 per month per month per month ,-' - � �� , � ' on 1. 1 � ..,�, �a�a I �ar'ICLE xxix -coi.�ec� � ca F1NAL - 12/29/72 6 n/ H � � ARTICLE XXX }'fhis Agreement shal7 be e,f�fective as of January 1, 1973, and sha��� remain 1n full �1'orce and effect unti l E_�;,_� )� � q 7 3 IM Ii;TNESS WNEREqp� the parties hereto have exetuted this kgreement this .� �^ ��� �.� r.•; .r i,.i. " �7�. — . In tha PresarKaof: � '. �,1`'�"�,'� - _, � / - ,�% � � , '`�'---_.�`,.�.:�.— TL ^':,-�--. ' f�e��{.�� 4�, .�.�,•,..,, ' n : i �, . .C.s' �'� �,' ' E _ , , � Mail Order pepartment Store and Werehouse Local No. 149 �� ' ��...,1-.1.:\ } r. / ��_.` � �''--..._ � C City ot Fridley Z herebX xeaoarmnent to tha City �auncil +rppsovml vf this aqraement. ".r �(C�Zll.l'c� �\ , ,�- � C.'`-t� ���,w OFFICE QF THE CITY idATIAGER FRIDLEY, PCi.NP]ESO�A January 5, 1973 �D MEMO T0: MAYOR AND CITYiCOANCIL SUBJECT: 1973 SALARY RECO2�A4ENDATIONS FOR POLICE SERGEANTS APTil POLICE I�IF.UTENA�IT The following raises+ are recommended by Na. Hill and I concur in them for subject positions in �olice pepartment: SERGEANTS Bese Pay Longevity Pay 5 Yeess 10 Years +i� =, 15 Years LIEUTENANT Base Pay Lpngevity Pay 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 1972 $1,035 25 50 75 $i,o92 27 5k 81 1973 $1,092 27 5k 81 $1,152 28 5'f 86 � of Increase 5.5 � 5.5 % ' The reasor, the above positions are r�•co�ended for a 5•5� increase is to partially close the gap bet�`een the Fridley supervisory positions and the surround- 1ng jurisdictions of our population category. The ten suburbar� cities 19'f2 average ' salary x'ete for police sergeants �ras wi3O;b/Mo. versus $1,035/N�c. for Fridle,y. „If educational azid longevity were averaged iq the comparison would be $1,132 for other cities ve;sus $1,110 (top ppssible pay) in Fridley for sergeant. 1 �J The supervisory peraonnel wi11 be subject to all terms and conditions of the 1973 police contract to ma3tttain uniform working conditions in the Police Department. Recommendatiori: The C1ty Cqux�cil approve the pay increases for Police Sergeante an$ Police LiGUtenent as outlined in t1�1s report. , � ' GRD/ms e Very respectfully, �� � � Gerald R. Davis City Manager , � ' , ' ' �� ❑ , �J ' ' ' ' , , , ' ' RESOLUTION N0. �1973 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TIME AND NUMBER OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS WHEREAS, Section 3.01 as amended of the Charter of the City of Fridley requires that the City Council shall meet at a fixed time not less than once each month, and WHEREAS, Section 3.01 as an�ended of the Charter of the City of Fridley requires that the Council shall meet a such times as may be prescribed by resolution, and WHEREAS, The Council has been meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 o'clock P.M. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City af Fridley that: 1. The City Council shall rrieet on the of each month. and 2. The City Council snall hold Pub7ic Hearings on the of each month as required by the Council. 3. The City Council sha11 meet at above designated days. o'c1ocK P.hi. or� tne PASSED AN� DOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF ERIDLEY THIS � DAY O�,k,�..d.•1..�, 1973. ���_ ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MpRVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ! 7 ' ' �J �! , • , ' , ' , ' � � I ' , 1 , , RESOLUTION N0. O 1973 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A LEGAL NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, The Charter of the City of Fridley in Sectipn 12.01 thereof, requires that the Council designate annually the legal newspaper of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLYED, By the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the legal newspaper of the City of Fridley for all legal publications required to be published therein is the following noted newspaper: and that such newspaper is accordingly so designated. PASSED AND ADOPTED Br THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY 0 ' 4f� 1973. ATT�ST: C Y CLERK - MAR1(IN C. BRUNSELL MA OR - F NK G. LIEBL E:� 0 ' �A ' � ' ' � , �J , � ' � , , ' ' ' ; `� � ; �� � �,�:`���,rE►E },� � .� o^�'� �ko� SEV[�v v . �'� FDINA, M VN , _ _. ., De.embe: 15, 1972 �ity Counci7. City of FYidley 6la,31 Universiiy Ave. P7.:,. rridley, Mn. 5Kl�21 �:�ntlemen: Yovr designation of *i:e Fridley Svn to he continued as your offici3l .^.�ws- pa?ar for the year 7.973 w�11 be r�oat apprecia;ed. The Le�islatura has cY:angsd the metnod of ineASV.^i.�o legal 3dV9Pt18BfRQn+9. '"he change has not increased th9 cost but has si:rt�lified measurements. Phe rate for legal publications as set oy i�finnesota law is .?.9¢ _,er ]ine for t?�e Pirst inssrtion, .1�Q per iine for aach subs9quent insertion. ?abular rnatter; i.s, proner names, aumbsrs, lsgal descrip:ior.4, =tc is .i�¢ ne^ li;e add;!ion3l for the original inse^tior. xith no additional cha^ge for repeat•� of *,hs eriginal inse�tion. . b1e will provide, at no �dditional cY;arge, txo notari2ed affidavi!s nn sa�h �f your ?.egal pnblications, 4dditionai notariaed affi�!�vits, �a ^eq���st, wi:i be fvrnisae3 at .2K¢ each. All publications should reach this of_°ice by 1C s.m. nionday ,;recee.+ing your ide�i- nesday pu3lic�ti�+-i. . In order to sxpedite our service to you� it is requested that you dir��t ;;s�:c publications to the attention of 4lendora 41. �'est, Le�al Departmeat, 6EC- `�est 78yh St., �ina; Nu:, K5t�35. Thank you for your conside.ation, of this, car offic'_al appli�atio:; for dasignaticn of the F�idley 3un as yovr official nevspaper for the ensuing ;/ea:�. Vary trvly yovrs, SUN :Sc,+JSPAPE3�� INC. .� �'a' .'v . � :. 'P- �� . .. .�'�f.sn-� !: elamss R. Ritch.ny Ex.ecutive Vice ?resident , J:tii:gv ' � ' � , ' ' RESOlUTION N0. � 1972 � J A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY BANK DEPOSIT I, Marvin C. Brunsell, do hereby certify that I am Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fridley, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and that the following is a true, complete and correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Council of said corporation duly and properly called and held on the day of , 1973; that a quorum was present at said meeting; that said resolutions are set forth in the minutes of said meeting and have not been rescinded or modified. RE60LVED, That the Fridley State Bank is hereby designated as a depository for the funds of this corporation. RESOLVED fURTHER, That checks, drafts or other withdrawal orders issued against the funds of this corporation on deposit with said Bank may be signed 'm'� by any two of the following: Marvin C. Brunsell,�Clerk-Treasurer Gerald R. Davis, City Manager and said Bank is hereby fully authorized to pay and charge to the account of this corporation any checks, drafts or other withdrawal orders. RESOI.UED FURTHER, That this resolution shall continue iti force until expre5s wirtten notice of its rescission or modification has been furnished to and received by said bank. RESOLVED fURTHER, That all transactions, if any, in respect to any deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts and borrowings by or in behalf of this corporation with said bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be and the same hereb are in all things ratified, app,roved and confirmed. � BE IT FU�THER RESOLVED, hat the First Na�tional Bank of Minneapolis, the First National Bank of St.�Paul and the Ma-'quette National Bank are hereby designated as depositiories for investm�t purposes. � I further certify that the Council of this corporation has, and at the time of ddoption of said resolution had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the ffl regoing resolutions and to confer the powers therein granted , to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority t0 exercise the same. �_J � ' ' PASSED AND ADpPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �� DAY OF �, , 1973. OR - F K. L l ATT�ST; I G K- AR C. RUN � � � � ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , 1 � , •. ' ' ' ' ' , �`:�� � � ��. �,�. RESOLUTZO:V DESICNATZNG DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE CIRECTOR TO SUBURRpN RpTE AUTHORITY B� IT RESOLVED by the Council of the of , h:innesota, as follows: is hereby desianateci as a d.irector of the Suburbar. Rate Authority, and is hereby designated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Au*_hority for the year 1973 and until their successars are appointe$. STATE OF MI�dD?ESOTA ) COUidTX OF H°?iII�?Ir7 ) S5. � O� ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualifiec? and actinq Clerk of the of hereby certify that the attached anc: foreqoing is`a true and correct copy ot a resolution duly adoptec: by the Counci_' of at its meeting on , 19 , as the same is recorded in the minutes o�f the meeting of such council for said date, on file and of reco�rd in my offic,e. Dated thfs day of , 19 of (SEAL) C er 1� FICMARO MII'LER INC. � .;. Y ��,. IMAGINEERS December 21, 1972 City Council City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55a32 6entlemen: I wish to request that the dssessments for curbing and streets in the Briardale Subdivision be assessed on each lot in the same amaunt, except f.or Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, and Lots 27 and 28, Block 3, where the Streets have already been assessed. Also, I understand there are more accurate cost estimates for the curbing �nd streets than the cost5 now being used as pending, I would very much '�ppreciate the City recanputing these pending specials to a more accurate � fiqure. ' Thank you, Si-rtce „1y, ' ; ✓ , ` - _— ` iaha�rc� N. Miller ' RNM:cf , , 1 ' 16Q(1 RICE CR�EK ROAO, MINNEAPpLIS, MINN�SOTA 55432, AREA CODE 612633-7464 ll CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST OF RICHARD MILLER - STREET ASSESSMENTS BRIARDALE PLAT DATE: JANUARY 4, 1973 There is no problem concerning Mr. Miller's request to have all the lots assessed the same amount for the street improvement in the Briardale Plat, providing the City Council gives its approval. The estimated cost per lot for the street assessments would then be $1,325.00 per lot. We do not have more up-to-date cost figures other than the figures given out at the preliminary hearing. This information will be available sometime this spring. a i � G llA , , ' � PLANNIN6 COiAffSSION MEETING CITY AF FRIDLEY - ffiCEl�ER 20, 1972 ' CALL TO ORDER: , 1be meeting was called to order by Chairmaa Erickson at 8:05 P.M. BOLL CALL: � � � PAGE 1 Members Preseat: Minish, Zeglen, Erickson, Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Co�uaity Development Administrator APPRUVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: DECErBER 6, 1972 - MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, that the Plannin/g Commission minutes of December 20, 1972 be approved. Upon a voice vote, ajl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BIIILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOi4fITTEE MINUTES: DECEMBEP. 7 1972 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control meeting of December 7, 1972. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE_BQ?iRD OF APPEALS MCNUTES: DECE*SBER 12 1972 MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting of December 12, 1972. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA• . Chairman Erickson stated that receiving the minutes of the Plats & Subdivi- sions-Streets and Utilities Subco�ittee meeting oi December 5, 1972 will oe ' received as the last item on the Agenda. Item ir'7, the Public Hearing of the proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. /172-08, Osbome Plaza, by Standard Oil Company will be taken as the first Item. 1 � ■ I ' ' 1. hc: PROPOSED PRELIN_ZVARY PLAT, P.S. ir72-C3 OS30P�iE PL?ZA OIL CO:�A.*.'Y: Generally located at i609 Uaiversity Avenue. W. G. Housenga represented the Standard Oil Co. MOTION by Fitzpatric�C, seccnded by Min;.sh, that the Planning i;om,.iission W31VE the ^eadi^g Ot :.._ t�li�J11C ���d^1P.4 ;:C=iC° iOT' t�:? D�:`C"=_°�e� ?�T`?__?'�'. ^ _ :� P.J_ =72-Oo� �5:7C .._ _ ��3� _.._ .,:c:: �8_� _ C.. . .. a _1.�_ vote, all votiag a}�e, t:.e�moticr. carr_ed u;:�zi;rous_y. ;1 ' ' , . � ' , ' ' � ' Ylannin� Commission Meeting - December 20 1972 pa�E � A Mr. Clark explained that the request for platting was oue of the require- menta of the building permit for the Standard Oil Station and shopping center otherwise the legal description would be 3n metes and bounds. They have divided the property as it waa described for the building permits. They have added a triangular outlot on the East end. They hope to buy the property to the North and c�bine it with the balance of the plat for access to Osborne. They stated they would not let this piece go tax forfeit because it is valuable for access. Actuallq, it would not be built on becanse it is property the St. Paul Water Works has an easement on. The plans are to put plaatings on it. They are now trping to buy it and feel that they vi.11 be successful. ilOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that tfie Planning Commission cloae the Public Hearing for the proposed Preliminary Plat, P,S. �72-08, Osborne Plaza, By Standard Oil Company, property generally located at 7609 University Avenue N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously. ?fOTION by Fitzpatrick, aeconded by ScUmedeke, that the Planning Co�ission reco�ead to Council that they concur with the Plats and Subdivision - Streets aad IItilities Subcommittee recommending approval of the Proposec�rPreliminary Plat, P.S. �72-08, Osborne Plaza, by Standard 0iI Compaay on all that part of • the Northeast Quarter of Section ll, lying Northerly of the center line of Osborne Road and East of the center line of Qniversity Avenue subject to Outlot A being included as part of Lot 2. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously. Chairman Erickson wondered if the reco�endatioa should be made that the division be granted at a later date.- Mr. Schmedeke thought it should be attached now. lY�'. Houseaga was informed that Council would, at their meeting of January 8th, set a publia hearing da[e for the second meeting in February. ' '2. Hacl�ann Avenue -- to rezone from C- business) 1: local shopping) to Public Hearing open. . 3. CODITSNUED PUBLIC HEA3ING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE P�'R2�T SP �672 28 gy UNION OZL CO,. 5695 Hacl�ann A�enue -- to construct a couvenience store and coatinue the service station. Public Hearing opea. Mr. Glenn Hubbard represented Union Oi1 Company. Chairman Erickson said that at their last hearing, the Co:wii.ssion recoc�ended that the people be notified of this meeting, and also a request was made r_o the City tor a traffic count on Hillwind Drive to help in determining whether or r,ot this Loopback was needed. The reeuest by Union Oil Co�pany i� to con�ir....-� use of tne ser.vice statien or. tt2at si*_e aad ia additi.., they :isn per.:iss�n:� to construct a convenience store �o�th oY the service station, in order to do this, it was felt an easement should be granted and a loopbaci: ;;ombined, � � � , ' , ' � . 12 B Plannintt Commission Meetinn - December 20 1972 Page 3 r � Mr. Clark explained the proposed loopback using a,blown.up copy. Lewis seai„�a, 930 Haclmana Avenue: Mr. Hedluad felt the Union Oil Company vas being coerced into granting the easement in order to provide the loopback. Cliairman Erickson said the Oil Companq can contiaue the use of the property vithout rezoai.ng because the Use is under a grandfather's clause. Mr. Clar& said that the City felt if they were going to change the road and require additioaal right of way it should be settled now before the new atatfon fs built. Chairman Erickson said the Co�ission has to make up their minds on several questions. First, is this corner such a traffic problem that it will have to change the traffic pattern. The State has offered to give the City the land to change the traffic. We have had some situati�s where it cost the City $20,000 to get land for the loopbacks. Glena E. Selsoa, 5747 Central Avenue: Mr. Nelson felt this�plan would be no improvement. • Mr. Clark gave the following traffic count which was takea in 1970, for 24 hours: Hillwi.nd Road, 670; Central Avenue around 3,500 cars per day. The predictioa for 1975 was 5,000 cars on Central Avenue and 1,000 on Hillwind. Stella A. Kowa1, 5715 Polk Street; Ms, iZowal said she was especially bothered by the semaphore on Central Avenue, She felt the ti.ming was very poor. George F2etcher, 5725 Polk Street: Mr, Fletcher stated he has been driving that road for 5'� years from 7;pp A.M, to 9:OO.P,M. and has never had one iota ef a problem from that area. , � Answering the question of traffic accidents at that interseCtion, Mr. C2a:k said he could give the accidents reported Lo the Fridley Police Department, which did not include the State or County figures, In 1971, from June to Deces�ber, tne accidents on the East side of Highway �f65 were seven. In 1972 there were six � accidents East of Highway ��65. There were three accidenta on Central and Hacl�ann in 1971 aad 1972. The West side of Highway ikb5 has more traffic accidents. , , � Vivian $edlun3, 930 Hacl�ann Avenue: Mrs. Aedlund didn't think they could attribute many of Yhe accidents on the East side of the Highway to Hillwind Road. She did not think this particular loopback would do anything for that problec�. Chairman Erickson asked if there was anyone present who used Hillwind itoad. There wasn't. Ae said the concern with Hillwind Road was what wi11 happen in the future when the development on,top of the hill and the vacant property in between is completely developed. Joseph J. Branco, 5720 Polk Street. Mr, granco brought up the fact that the , buaes for all schools in the area pick up the children at the Hillwind intersecti�s. Wasn't there some way to direc� �he traffic aaa_y frca Hillwir.:i 8ead. I'a ci,_ „ thiIIk this plan wouid solve anything. Whea Onan em�ioyees ge� out.of work tiiis`:.n�c__ , aection is impossible. Not having a right turn oYt Cen[ra1 without a stop sign is a bad situation. , Planning Commission Meetiag - December 20 1972 PaRe 4 Charles Buzzell, Jr., 5741 Polk Street:; Mr. Buzzell asked i£ any of the streeta would be changed as far as the vidth of the atreet, and how large an . area would be assessed. �C Hr. Clark said the City does not have a cost affecting land owners yet becauae this would be joint constructfon being this is a County Street with the City contributing. Since this project would be a loopback, the adjacent property ocaners would be assessed. Central Avenue will be widened considerably. The road w6ich intersects with Central Avenue is Hacl�ann. That road is 31 feet, but the State pays�for what is equivalent to a normal State service drive and the City picks up the differeace. Five feet w_11 be taken because 31 feet is not wide enwgh for passing. Glen Nelsoa, 5747 Ceatral Avenue N.E.: Mr. Nelson asked how much study comes with wideniag. Mr. Clark said the quentioas oa the cost wi21 come up again at a preliminary assessment hearing. �` Mra. Hedlun$ asked what the citizens could do about it. If they could stop it now, why let it go on? Mr. Clark understood the preliminary design had been State approved. Mr. Buzzell felc there must be some project cost settled or understood before it is adopted. He uaderstood a final analysis could not be made, hut there must be some idea of the cost. Chairmaa Erickson said first of all the question that should be resolved is , whether or not the City and you people feel the traffic is a problem to the extent that some al[ernative type of street be constructed and how it is to be paid for. In addition to the request for the street, which is really by the City, the , petitioner is asking for rezoning of�the property so�that he can legally continue tK4e use of the filling stati.on without the grandfather clause. However, he could continue the filling station without rezoniag: G , ' Mr. Clark continued that the aonvenieace store could be built without a special use permit and without any rezoning. As he understands it, the parcel is big enough for the convenience store right aow without the street. Mr. Minish asked if the convenience store was to be a separate building. Mr. Clark said it was and the only reason the intersection is being considered is to avoid the problem of having a new structure built that would have tn be torn down if something is done in the future with the road. ' The question was asked that if this intersection is something of a traftic hazard, why put the store in? Also what direction would the c�nvenience store face, off Hillwind or the present site. Mr. G1enn Hubbard said they have occ�spied , the station for 15 years under the present zoaing. About three years ago, the zoning was changed so that service statioas were not permitt�e in that tya� of zoning. They did nct I:aow tnis until they wanted to �o so��e ra;nedelim; a face lifting on tne station. Mr. Huobard said the reeiodeling .rould cor.sis� o: ' adding a bay and a mansard roof. He was asked if he were allowed to make the changes to the station, without adding a bay, would he still go ahead and put ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I�� ' ' ' ' , � Plannin¢ C�ission Meetine - December 20 1972 paQe 5 12 D in the coavenience store. Mr. Hubbard said they wanted to put in a convenience store and seli the land, Tfiey felt the coavenience store would be used, but not during the rusfi hours of traffic. Mr. Minish recalled that this was a problem intersection a couple of years ago, whea Public Hearings were held for Viewcoa, Iac. There was strong concern that this vou7.d be a prohlem intersection. It was not the traffic on Hillwind, but traffic backing up on Central Avenue. 'Not just oae street, but all of them. Chairman Erickson told the audience that at the time of rezoning for Viewcon, the C�ission had many co�ents. The audience has to realize there 3s going to he additional people using these stzeets when the Land is fully developed. When the Shell station was asked'to give up land for the loopback, ft cost the City $22,500. We are trying to avoid that expense by planning ahead. If the station were remodeled, there wauld be two accesses to Hacicnann, two to Hillvind, but from a traffic standpoint, the City does not like all these accesses. If this is going to be a part of the trade, it will be part of the transactioa. f Mr. Clark said that if there is going to be a change in the intersection, and the Oil Company agrees to give the laad, let.'s do it now and not after the atation is built. Chairmaa Erickson cautioned the people not to forget the fact that the reason this discussion came up is the people complaining about the traffic. Aan L. Wi2liams, 5760 Hacl�ana: Mrs. Williams said that you will find the majority of the people here live in the i�mmediate area. Her driveway is [he first driveway from that intersection on the North side of Haclmiann. She has ver}r seldom had xo stop when she backed out of her driveway onto Hacl�ann. , A citizen coffiented that the assessor said they would be assessed if the road went through. He was told it was true. Mr. Hubbard said he would like to get back to the original issue of the rezoning regardless of the station: They weze agreeable either way about the statioa. Mr. Minish said if the Planning Commission were to grant the rezoning, then Union Oil would be able to expand and add a hay or rebuild. He asked Mr. Hubbard if he envisioned there would be an increase of cars entering the station. Mr. Hubbard answered there would be a total of three bays in either case. They were most concerned about protecting what business they nave. You have to be modern and keep up to date in order to keep the business you have got. Sny new statioa built today is a three bay station. He was not coavinced this woula cause a traffic problem. Mr. Minish said whatever the traffic volvme is, if the station is i.mproved, tra:fic will increase. .-?r. Hubbard said their 6uildin� would .iot generate �:��ci_. the trafiic is already there. � , ' : ' ' Planaiag Co�ission MeetinQ - December 20 1972 Pa�e 6 MOTION by 2eglen, seconded by Minish, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing for the rezoning request, ZOA �72-11, by Union Oi1 Company and the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #72-18, by Union Oil Company. IIp� 8 voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa carried unanimously. Mr. Clark said that Parcel �2 is 30,821 square feet, the�road easement ia 10,592 square �eet. Part of Parcel #2 would be on-the opposite side of the service statioa. � 12E Mr. Fitzpatrick explained that it seemed to him thf• all came �?out because the Commission felt there was a necessity for improving traffic'��ata'tTiis inter- aection. The Engineering Department submitted a proposal that is supposed to do just that. He didn'.t lmow is th�y were to set themselves up as�judges as t•o whether this does it or not. He was not personally convinced this is a big improvement in traffic control, but on the other hand, he was not an authority to do that either. Mr. Minish thought that this plan represents, probably, the best approach to the problem at the least cost, but not necessary the optimum�to solve the problem at incr�ased cost. _ Mr. Clark explained that just the extension of the island will prohibit cars getting into the statioa siEe and that will be better than it was before. However, the station people must feel they would not grant an easement without cost to the City if the access is cut off at this poiat. This plan is part of a report made by a traffic engineering firm and approved in 1971 and they came up with about the same thing far this sectian. Concerning the petition, Mr, Clark said the'Special Use Permit was needed only for the station, but if Uaion Oil changed the plans and made one structure and bay and accessory use for the station, the rezoning was necessary. ' Chairman Erickson added that the convenience store part of the request was �really nothing to discuss at this noint. The Commission could just allow him to go ahead uader the grandfather clause without any action. ' ' ' 1 ' u ■ � Mr. Schmedeke said he was not,sold on the street plan at all. Chairman Erickson said the Co�ission at this point had two choices. One, deny the request for rezoning and Snecial Use Permit to allow the station to exist as is, Secondly, grant the request for rezoning so that the petitioner can expand the station with stipulations whethar or not the service station be relocated and that right of way be re-dedicated. Mr. Minish said he was concerned about the safety factors of this inter- section. One of the concerns at the time of the Viewcon rezoning was the problec� of traffic at this intersection. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Covmiission recommend to Council denial of the request for rezoning, Z0� 72-ll, by Ur?en Oil Co�pany, 5695 Haci�ann Avenue, to rezone from C-.S (Ioca�i sec;ppin;j [� C-2 (generzi buainessj and rece�c:end denial ior the request :_: a Speci>1 Lse Permit, SP #72-18, by Union Oil Company, 5695 &aci�ann Avenue, to continue the service station and constzuct a convenience store. Upon a voice vote, a1L votino aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' 1 Plannin¢ Commission Meetine - Decembea 20. 1972 Paee 7 ,� F � Mr. Hubbard said the neighbors said they did not object, but the City vants a aervice drive there, and because of that they are denied the use of their progerty. Chairman Erickson wondered if theze was some way of allowing the tfiird bay. If so, it woald give the City Lime [o solve the traffic problem. ?fr. Fitzpatrick said the whc�e tMng is brought about by the Co�ission's misgivings about this proposed solutiaa to the traffic problem. He would like to point out to the Union Oil Company that what they were requesting might make a bad situation worse, although it was not relative,to the Coffinission's problem. Chairman Erickson said he had asked for aa opinion about the feasibility of cllanging [he Ordinance adding a non-confoxming Use without rezoning. This is a possible solution to their problem. 4. CONITNUED PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERPffT, SP 4k72-19, BiF FRANK GABRELCIK: To continue the existing Use as a Used Car Lot and conduct an Ens�de_Repair Garage Shop to be iocated on Lots �j-through,l0; Block . 28, Lot lb, Block 21, Hyde Park Addition per Code 45.I01, 3B,.D and G. PuDlic Bearing opea. Mr. Frank Gabrelcik and attorney, Andrew Rohlan were present. Mr. Rohlan explained that the problem seems to be ownership of the land aad that the proper people be notified. Lot 6, Block 28, Hyde Park Addition, does not go down to the South end of the property. Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, are included in Mr. Gabrelc3k's property and so to the extent that any additional notices shauld be given on that petition, they would be covered. They have not lost any time on the request in this respect as he wants to use as much of his property as he needs. Any agreement for che Southern end of the property probably should be left open. Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City Viev Addition, go down to 57th Place - Country Kitchen. Chairman Erickson asked what property was presently being used. Mr. Kohlan answered that almost all of it. On Lots 12 aad 13, Block 2, City View Addition, the Western par[ has private homes. He produced a certificate of survey which show houses on Lots 10 and 11, BLock 2, City View Addition, and that a fence encroaches on Mr. Gabrelcik's property. C6airman Erickson stated that the understanding is that 24r. Gabrilcik has ' used Lo[s 6 through 10, Block 28, Hyde Park ddditicn, for his used car lots. Was it correct that he was not asking for any Use on Lot 16, 31ock 21, Hyde Park Addition. l J 1 ' � Mr. Clark said that the problem is that there is some ditference of oninion what Mr. Gabrelcik has been occupying far twenty years. The licence granted about a year ago stated he ocmed the North flalf of Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, He was to petition to get a Special Use ?e:mit �n Loc b ar3 the South i::l� o� 7 a„ zres oY Lots 12 and i3. He states hz nas been csing Lots Yrom 6 t.:raugh 10 �cr'c,ecc�: years. � ' Planninft Commission MeetinQ - December 20 1972 PaQe 8.� � ' Mr. Kohlan said that as far as rezoning is coacerned, and the Special IIse Permit, under the grandfather clause there would he no question what ever - he had used p=eviouslq. He showed a sicetch of the building, where the cars : would be parked, and the portion of Lots 12 and 13 that would be used. Mr. Zeglea said that when he drives bp,.he sees the same cars in the streets. I ii1Go owns them? Atr. Gabrelcik answered that some:were his and some the customers. Mr. Ritzpatrick said the Commission's sketches show Mr. Gabrelcik owns all af Lot 13, but the Highway has taken some pazt of it. , Mr. Clark said the parking stalls meet the code as far as the setback of twenty feet from the street and a certain size aisle. If he wishes to park cars cloaer ta the buildings and street he should get a variance. , Mr. Yohlaa said they were practically condemning that kind of business. Mt. Mfaish asked if they were talking about 39 cars or more. Unless the petitioaer comes up with what he intends to do, it is almost impossible to act. Chai=man Erickson said the Commission would Tike a proposal on how he wants ' to park the cazs in the area. Mr. Gabrelcik should get a copy of the contract that shows owaership of all his land. He felt the Hearing should be continued until that in£ormation is received. Mr. Miaish said that if the cars are parked on the street (58th Avenue) why not get the street vacated? Mr. Rohian said he 3id not thinlc the vacation of the street should be a factor at this ti.me. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission continue until January 24, 1973, the Public Hearing of the Special Use Permit, SP ;;-72-19, by Frank Gabrelcik to continue the existing Use of the Used Car Lot and conduct an inside Repair Garage Shop to be located on I,ots 6 through 10, Block 28, Lot 16, Block 21, Hyde Pazk Addition, per City Code 45.101, 3B, D and G, and republish the Notice of Aearing including Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, City View Addition, and that Mr. Gabrelcik bring in a sketch on how he wants to use the property and bring evidence af owaership of the property. 5. PUBLIC HEARPVGa REZONING REQUEST ZOA ��72-13 BY CITY OF FRIDLEY° Part of Outlot H, generally located on the North side of I i�694 and 800 feet 47est of the East City Limits to be rezoned Lrom H-3A (apartment and multiple dwellings) to C-2S {general shopping areas). 6. PUBLIC HEAFCL*iG: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Sp ��7�-20 EY CIT'� OF FRIDLEYe To permit installation oY an advertising sign in an C-25 District to be located on Outlot H, Innsbruck North; generally iccated on the North side of I�694 and 800 feet West of the East City Limits. Roger B, Redmond represented Viewcon, Inc. ..GISON Uy Sc�:L.-iedek�, secondzd ov Fitzpatri�c',;, ttta[ the 3'_annin,� Co-:-�:i�s-i�::r waive the readiQg of tne Pubiic tdearing Notices for the Speci_1 Use Permic, Sp #72-20 by the City of Fridley and the Rezoning Request, Z0A 3�?2-13, oy the City of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimou�zy. � Planninr� Commission Meeting - December 20 1972 PaQe 9� H' . � � Chairmaa Erickson said that this was part of the Viewcon proposal aad the City had asked pexmission [o put up the sign at the East entrance to Fridley. The City Attorney told him that a State law requires either c�ercial or industrial zoning for a billboard. Mr. Clark said that one of the stipulations of the agreement with Viewcon was tha[ they would allow the City to install or construct a billboard or ad- vertising sign at this general location. When the City applied for a billboard permit, it was discovered that tbe law required either commericial or industrial zoning. If the City wants this billboard, we wi11 have to rezone. The size of the piece of ground involved is 10 x 30 square feet. The sign will be 10 feet bp 14 feet. What the City is asking for is something similar to the "Welcome to Fridley" signs on University Aveaue, where the sign is "Welcome to Fridley° coming into the City and a message on the other side for those leaving the City. Mr. Redmond said that there has been a road conatructed from North 2nnsbruck Drive to the site of the sign, The road will be kept open and accessible at all times by his company. It will be as close to the freeway as the law permits. There is the possibility some of the trees will have to be remd'ved for visibility or the sign. Viewcon will lease the Aest side of the sign for a period of time. Mr. Schmedeke said that he has objected to signs of this nature for years. Ia this case, are we just going through the motions of what has been agreed to. Mr. Clark answered that it is in the original agreement with Viewcon to allow the City to construct an advertising sign and probably was the stieulation of Council. These are the motions that have to be goue through if the adcertising siga is to be constructed. He did not know how the Council will seact. The parcel of ground to be rezoned is only 300 square feet. This is smaller than a commercial lot. Billboards are supposed to be 500 £eet from residenti�l property. This sign would not meet that requirement. ' Mr. Redmond said Naegele will build the billboard. Viewcon has an agreement aith Naegele to lease the sign with the first right of refusal for subsequent years. They also have an agreemeat that Naegele will not lease that sign while ' they are in the area. The placement of the sign is on the second hi11 West from Silver Lake Road, They were not in favor of removing trees because it is costly and detracts from the area. � ' ' ' ' ' MOTION by Miaish, seconded by Zegien, that the Planning Coa�ission close [he Public Hearing of the rez�ning request, �k72-13, by the City of Fridley, and the Public Hearing for a Special Use Permit, SP �k72-20 by the City of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Fitzpatrick, secoaded by Schmedeke, that the °lanning Comciission recommend to Council denial of the rezoning request Z0� ,� i�-13 by the City of Frid1 to rezone from R-3A to C-2S, 300 square £eet on part of Outl:;t H, Innsbruck Nortn, and to include the fact that it would be co¢trary to the sign ordinance in that the sign would not be 500 feet from residential property, that it would be contrary [u the zoning ordinance statin� that the ec�.�_rcial area shcut� be 20,D00 -��.�,� and that the Plannin� Commissior. rec� r.end aenia: c� ���c r:� c ic� - iz_ __ Permit, SP ;;72-30 by City o;' Fridley in lieu ot tr.e above mc.io:i, uponya vc�ce vote, Minish, Schmedeke, Fitzpatrick voting aye, Erickson and Zeglen, nay, the motion carried. 1 , ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 , � � Planning Commission MeetinR - December 20, 1972 ! ��,I � Mr. Miniah safd that approval of this type of request makes it difficult for the Board of Appeals in passing on a variance. To see the City participating in the greatest variance to come before them, makes it more incongruous. Mr. Redmond reiterated that the State changed the rule in January of this year that no sign can be installed unless in commercial or industrial zoning. Whea they put up a sign on their own property, they go within the law. He felt the area identification di_, not fit that category. 7. C�ANYs Vacate all that part of the Noxth/Sout Park Addition. B. W. Dokken represented the Telephoae Company. > MOTION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by 2eglea, that the Planning Co�ission. waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the vacation request, SAV 4k72-07, by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � Mr. Dokken;explained the reasan of the request for the alley vacation. He said [hat it was necessary to establish'another central office to serve the Fridley area. At the present time the area is served by three different offices, namely Spring Lake Park, Grandville and Broaklyn Center. The growth in these offices, as well as in the Fridley area itself, means that they have to establish a new office. They try to put a uew central office as close as posaible to the ceater of the area it serves. Theoretically, this is a perfect location for the new office, between 59th and 60th Street and between 22 and 3rd Streets. They have seven lots oa each side of the alley. The proposed building is 120 feet deep and 14L feet wide. There is not room to put the building on one side or the other of the alley because of setback requirements. For this reason, they are requesting the vacation oi the alley. Back prior to the time they actually put this particular site together, they did see thev would have to ask the alley be vacated in the future. Mr. Qureshi, City Engineer, said that the basic policy af the City was not to open any new alleys and, as this alley was aot actually there to use, only as an easement, they thought they could go ahead. Mr. Dokken continued that Chis has not been turned over to an architect so it is aot a site plan as such. Their planning engineers told them how big the building will be and then superimposed that on the coaies you received, The ultimate building will be an additional 50 feet to take care of the ultimate telephone needs in this area. A telephone central office is a long time installatic^ There will be six to eight people employed in the building ar.d it won't be used by the public. They propose to landscape the parking lot. Tue telephone numbers will be changed. They plan to build next summer, but it will be about 2z years before the numbers are changed. The building wi11 be brick a�d face 3rd Sr_reet. They had talked to Northern States Power Company who were willing to vacate the �21e:. but asked they be given an easement to maintain tneir poles to serve the houses ia the block. : Allen C. Jensen, 5955 2�; Street; ;;r. Jensen is cpposed _o rne v.acat:...=: o.: the a11ey for che rea;on he did not think that clacing this u::ilding in tt,e c�iddie of the blocic is in the best interest for the Hyde Park area. Fie was not eF�osed , ' , � ' PlanninR Co�ission Meeting - December 20 1972 ' /� d to Mr. Dokken or the telephoae company's request for a building, but l:e couldn't see putting it ia the middle of the block. It would be setting a precedent for the rest of the area thereby any vaoaat property in the adjacent area could be bought up in a similar fashion. He thought this thing should be developed in the best intereat to be useful to the citizens of Fridley and the people living here. Mr. L. B. Smith, 5974 3rd Street: Mr. Smith was also opposed to the telephoae company locating their building in the center and chopping up the block. This did not leave enough room for another co�ercial building. Gerald McGee, 930 Midland Bank Building: Mr. McGee said he would think, fa addition to the points made hy the two property owners, the resulting situation vould probably remain stagnant for many years, The property will be tenant owned and tenant occupied, and the property will be allowed to depreciate. Before allowing the vacation of the alley, the Planning Co�issioa should take a hard Iook that the building should be at one end of the block or the other. Mrs. Allen Jensen, 5955 2'� Street: Mrs. Jeasen said that the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company has stated that in years to come, they will tfe expanding and this will include some of their neighbors. She thought the reason she was conceraed about�this is that they have two children so that they cannot sell their property because they do not have enough property according to the ordinance. The Telephone Company does not intend to buy their property, or do not want to buy it for at least ten or twenty qears. When they bought in Fridley they had no idea this was co�ercial property or even thought of it being co�ercial property, She continued that if they vacate the alley, she was going to move her feace back. It would end up that the people who 7ive ia the apartment building behind her would have ao paricing space. They park right against their fence now. Mr. Schmedeke spoke to Mrs. Sensen, He said that Mr, Strand, from whom she bought the property, received the notice. You were saying you would like to sell your property. When I asked your l:usband he said he didn't have any reason for opening the alley. It isn't opened now. He did not object to the telephone company or any clean operation. He, also, wants to sell his property, We cannot force the telephone company to buy your property at this ti�ne nr any other time. Another thing you brought up, you would rather see people buy a large piece of property. According to the Code, commercial property has eo be 20,000 square feet; If you combine your home with the vacant lot, and the one next to it, it could be sold as co�ercial. He was not telling her any story, he said. if they bought late: than November, 1972, they should have had their attorney check for them. Both of the property owaers who spoke tonight did not adjoin the Bell property. There is a caa�ercial piece between the Be11 property and these two property owners. If the development started East/b;est the way he was hoping it would go in this block, the parking would be on 2'; Street and the building would face 3rd Street. The owners to the South are comme:cial. If both of those houses are taken down, there was room for cc�mercial. Mrs. Jensen was informed the rezoning hearings were held in 19b9 and the second reading of the ordinance ou May 4, 1470. HIr. Schu:edeke said that this particul>r property has beeci vacant, outside , of the two or three homes, and no one has purchased it. The zoning change was made so that this woulci be the proper toad to go. Statements were made ttaat the � ' ' ' ' ' � � � Plannin� Co�ission Meetin� - December 20, 1972 ' P /�'� Telephone Company should buy out the whole block. This is something that no one can do. If he actually made this statement he was in error. He continued that he knew the Bicha's who live on 2'� Street. He was out of town for two months when this came before his co�ittee. He wanted to suggest that the option be in writing. Mr. Dokken said the Picha property was the last property that went into the site. There are two lots owned by Picha under option. He did not Imow the value of the buildings, and they would have to be wrecked. This would be economically unsound. They are interested in additional property around the building, but they would much rather wait in buying until some time that some of the values of the buildings are lost. Mr. McGee said that that was the answer. They were going to be there 70 or 80 �ears. He thought it was within the Planning Coamiission's power not to grant the alley vacation and the building. Mr. Dokkea countered wi.th the statement that strangely eaough, some of the property_owners say this will 3acrease the value of their property. There are three property owners who concur in xhe petition. Mr. Dokken continued that in the 14 lots they have enough property to take care of Fridley's telephone needs indefinitely. However, it is a simple case of a long period of time. Assuming they put the building there, they think it would be best to pick up additional property when it becomes available. They might need additional property for another function." For that reason, they have gone to Messrs. Ecker, Williams and Gabel and said they think some day they might be interested in buying their property. They do not have any need for it at the present time, but if and when these people should decide to sell, that they give them a chance. Chairman Erickson told the audience that they have to recognize first of all that the block is zoned couffiercial. Supposing they bought the buildings at the South end, they still could put the building where they wanted it. ' Earl Nordvich, a citizen, asked if Mr. Dokkea would say that purchasing the center of the block would increase or decrease the value of the two apartment buildings and Mr. Jensen's home. ' Mr. Dokken answered that it would increase the value. There is some vacant property poorly maintained. The Telephone Company proposes to put a building up which will be well landscaped and well maintained. There wi11 , be no noise or traffic. He couldn't imagine that the companv would adversely affect the value of the present buildings. It was not unusuai for the teiephone office to be in a residential area but this one happens to be commercial. ' ■ I ' � Mr. Minish said, in answer to the question if the Planniag Commission generally tried to get the buildings laid out in such a fashion that it is in the best interest of the community, that the question was reaLly unanswerable as you are dealing with ordinancea and City Codes. The Plannine Cu�ission tries te do what's' best for Fridle;�. Mr. Nordvich said that i£ the Jensen's take their half oi the alley vacatien then he had no idea where the cars from the apartment would yaric. Mr. Minish answered that perhaps the apartment owners could acquire, at this point, the additional land from the Jensen's. , ' ' ' ' ' PlanniaQ Commission Meetin¢ - December 20 1972 P / I�L Mr. Schmedeke said that the City has made errors through the years before this Co�issioner was sitting on the Planniag Commission. The zoning maps and ordinances were changed three times. At the time the apartments were built the epeM fications were on a square footage basis. Mr. Welk happened to buy one. of the old apartments. If he were buying it, he would have looked to see if there was eaough land. He did buy next to commercial property. What Bell Telephone is attempting to do is not illegal. Another thing that should be looked at is that a number of people came up before Council about two months ago and closed a street and now we have a ane way. How many commercial enterprises will buy on a one way street. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cou�ission receive Petition #24-1972 concurring in the application of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to vacate the alley in Block ll, Hyde Park Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there has been a person who questioned what the Planning Coa�ission rule should be in this instance and just for the record, he would like to say that this plan was not the Planning Commis�ion's plan. The � Planaing Coa�ission did, at one time some years ago, propose a plan for this area. Mr. Jensea said that about six weeks ago he came to a meeting. Someone made the statement that the Planning Cou�ission was opposed to any type of industry, in a commercial area in Fridley, buying a chunk out of the middle piececof property and leaving a building stranded. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing of the vacation request, SAV �k72-07, by Northwestem Bell Telephone Company. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Cou�ission concur with the Plats and Subdivisions - Streets axid Utilities Subcommittee and reco��er.d to Council approval of the oacation Request, SAV �72-07, Northwestern Be11 Telephone Company to vacate all that part of the North/South a11ey in Block 11, Hyde Park Addition, that lies within the Lots to be occupied by the Northwestern Seil Telephone Company building. .Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. - Mr. Minish said that this was a desirable utilization of these particular lots. It was not realistic to believe they should start at one end of the block. This would be a clean operation, compatible with residential property so close by. Chairman Erickson said that if the people behind the alley do not want it vacated, not to vacate it. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked about vacating the alley behind the property which the Northwestern Be11 TelepIione Company has option, but does not presently own. Could that be eliminated fro� the request in respect to portions owned by Northwestern Bell Telephoae Company subject to acquisi[ion o� all the preper*_y to the South. Mr. Zeglen said they have got to get someone to come in that area and get a foothold. He felt the teiephone company would be doing just this. � '! r , , , ' , ' , , � � f , ' �1 � ' Planning Commission MeetinQ - December 20 1972 p /� � Mr. Fftzpatrick spoke to the audieace saping that they have just seen the Co�isaioa protect this one owner on which 23orthwestern Bell Telephone has an option, but has aot purchased it yet. This motion on the vacation has done just [hat. He thought they could expect the same kind of protection for themselves when the time comes. He was in total sympathy with them, but could not totally reassure them until that time came. Mr. Clar& felt that a hous,g which was between two co¢�ercial structures ia not aecessarily worth nd`t�iirtig`��j Maybe the co�ereial area need parking area and the h�e owner has got the advantage because he has what the purchaser wants, Mr. Schmedeke asked that the last sentence ia the third paragraph from the bottom of Page 11 be deleted. MOTIQN bp Schmedeke, seconded by Zeglen, tfiat the Planning Co�issicn recive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions - Street & Utili�ies Subcommittee meeting of December 5, 1972, with the above correction. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ape, the-motion carzied unaaimously. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mr. Clark said that January 10, 1973 wouid be the presentation of the Comprehensive Plan be£ore the Planning Commission. The slides wi11 be basically the same as the Compreheasive Plan. The Public Hearing notice and v�ap were being mailed. with the City calendar. ADJOIIRNMENT- Chairman Erickson adjo�rned the meeting at 11t35 P,M. Respectfully submitted, HAZEL O'B&IAN, SECRETARy � � ; /aN ! CITY OF FRIDLEY , PETITION COVER SHEET ' Petition No. 24-1972 ' Date Received ' DeCembet^ 20, 1972 ' objecc Vacate alley in Block 11, Hyde Park �S.¢V �9�-�?-,����� �E�J , - , Petition Checked BY � Date %2�a%�i'7ti ' Percent Signing ,/ZQ� /yyL�y,� _ ' Referred to City Councfl rDiaposition , , — , , ' , ' ' . , .�,�1, �.� � - 1 %7� , ' SAV 572-07 �� O N.W. Bell Tel. Co. , The undersiqned property owners in Block 11, Hyde Park ' Addition to Fridley, hereby concur in Northwestern Bell Telephone Company's application to vacate the alley in that block. ' �j � 4 :v��"C.- Name Address � � � � � T.��-�� f�' �� 1 �G�-,�-° ���� � _ �-� �yl.� ��-�--�`� � l,I��r,,-� ��ZL%.G���l�-� � l/ l� i � . . �ti � - . �� ` , _ � _ '` � � -. 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Z�', 3� a 5 G � 6�9 i>./ .1. c �3 4 S � - ,.; QV � ..�_ �_ -. _ � � � ��. � ���i . . � ;� F : I` _ ;.1 `j , � '.t' 4 �_ __ __ , . �. a 3 F ��B,-,J . :. a.s M > > F s 6 Y "" " 4._. ... s s .` � ;._ ..��._, " = _ ._" .!'.. � �� ,j � - -- - — i �; t .�--- �_'_ _ , i oeNE,v -�--_ ... - �..:::... ___..—_ _._..-- ---- 57 TH-�AV',_F7UE�� N.c. . � . �. ?3 . � � � � �� �� ��� i i . � . .. � � i . � __� � � � i �. ICITY OF FRIDLEY ]3 , , . ' ' BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 28 1972 The meeting was salled to order by Chairman 2egFen at 8:20 P.M. MLMBSRS PRE$ENT: Zeglen, Simoneau, M@ffiERS ABSENT: Liadblad, White U1't1ERS PRESENT: Jerrold Boardman, Tonco PLanning Assistant ' MOTION by Simoneau, seconded by Tonco, to approve [he minutes of the December 7, 1972 meeting as written, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion Csrried unanimously. ' 1. ' ' � 1 �J MtC. Dick JohasoA a¢d Mr, Doaald Harstad vere preseat to present the request. Mr. Jot�ason said Ghe 12 foot x 36 foot addition would be used for offices on the fir$t floor and the second floor would be multipurpose. It will be used as coqfezence rooms and a place for estimators to go over plans. Part of the second floor wi11 be partitioned for an employee lunch room. They wi11 be iRStalliag new heating and air conditioning units for the entire building. Mr. Zeglen asked what they have in froat of the building. Mr. Johnson said they have a self-curbing walk which vould be extended to include the additicn. Mr. Topco.ask�d �f they have anything separating the black top area from the gieen area now. Mr, „ohnson said they were using p�ecast curb. Mr. Tonco stated we would like poured 6"x18" concrete curb installed at Lhe tin,e they confitzuct the addition. . Mt. 2e$len ques�ioned the area of the parking spaces. Mr, Johnson said [he ' parking lot has aever been striped, iqr, Zegien said the parking lot should be striped in 10 x20 spaces. ' MI, Bodrdaan said one of the stipulations of the building pet�it vould be a better site plan. This sitould include the locations of a1� blacktopping and eddiGional parkj.ng aF¢ag, the Location of the creek on [he site, and the , plauting aqd green areas, �fz. Harstad said he would prefer a tree inatzad u: low plantings on the NorthwesL aodded area, ' , ' � Tfr, Zeglen ayked about the diaposal of trash. M;. �ohnson said they had Ewo trash contaj.ners Chat a;e picked up once a week. Mr. Johnson said they were removing the roof peaks ef the original buildim; which would be replaced by cedar vertical s?ding. The origi.^.al b;i;li-:- .� the adr�[�,;�a caii� c`;_n a11 oe L,'ie same. The zr,�osed b;.oc:: -�n �.r�:�, oi th�� 6ui.dia5 wiil be pa:nted to match the exi��ir.g �u ' ` 1141na . 2. ' 1 . -Des 28, 1972 Page 2 ?SOTION by Tonco, seconded by Simoneau, to reconmend to the City Council approval 'of the request to construct an addition Lo an existing building with the following atipulations: � 1. 10' radius on drivevay in N.W, corner of aite. 2. Change precast curb to poured 6"x18" concrete curb. 3. Stripe the parking lot. (10'x20' spaces) 4. Sod area on N,W, corner of addition and plant a tree. 5. Provide a site plaa showing locating of blacktopping, additional pazking, loca[ioa of creek, and plant£ng and green areas, Up� a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , � � ���� S A.'�1E CONSTRUCT A PANCA F°�T QF L�T 3, B: �'.JII`�RSZTY �VEtiUE E.�..ST '�iF c: �C :� -_-5; Mr. Claude Thorp, president of T 6 M General Construction Consultants, Inc., s�as present to present the request. Mr. Thorp said this was a To�.m Crier Pancake House. The front of the building Will face East on University Avenue N.E. The exterior of the building cai11 Se white aj�inum siding and the roof will have bright yellow shingles. He saiu there would be a redwood fence around the trash disposal area. Mr. Zeglen said 6"x18" poured concrete curb should border all blacktop areas. We require a 10' radius on a11 entrances. M[. Zeglep asked the seating capacity of the building. Mr. Thorp said they eay 160 people but it figures out to abou[ 135. Mr. Boardman said the City Staff needs the elevations oY the parking lo[s. He also asked for some berming as no[ed on the plan. MT. Zeglen asked for four more trees to be plaated on the corr.ers oi the site He also asked aoout secutity lighting, P1z, Thorp said the;: will use a ninic�.cm of '� foot candles. He thought these wouid be gas lighes t'.:at wouLd be un Zu hours a day. These wi11 be around [he perimeter of the parkir; !o[s. MOTION by Simoneau, seconded by Tonco, to recoa�end [o the City Council apE;roc31 Of the request to construct a pancake ho�se w±th t!:e io11o�.:ir.^ sr_ic::Izt'r.::<.� i. i0' .-adius o: al: encrances, 2. Poured 6"x18" Coacrete cur6 around all blacktop, 3. Additional planting and berming as noted on the plan, 4. Submit drais3age and eleva[ion plan, 13N , , Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of December 28, 1972 Page 3 ' Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' ADJOURNMEA7T at 9:30 P,M. by Chaixman Zeglen. ' Eespectfully submitted, 1 � �'� �. �orothy Eve on, Secretary , ' ' � ' ' , ' ' , ' ' � � ' , r � �� I / RESOLUTION N0. � 1973 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR COLLECTING SERYICE AVAILABILITY CNAR6E5 WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Sewer Board and the Metropolitan Council did on October 12, 1972, despite the objections of the City of Fridley and representatives of.over 70% of the population in the Metropolitan Sewer District, adopt a new cost allocation system whereby a Service Availability Charge will replace the previously bil7ed reserve capacity and deferment charges; and WHEREAS, The City of Fridley and 15 other municipalities have filed a complaint in the 4th Judicial Court in Hennepin County to test the legality of the said act�on by the said Metropolitan 5ewer Board and Metropolitan Council; and WHEREA5, The City Council of the City of Fridley did by Resolution ' No. 156-1972 adopted December 18, 1972, amend the schedule of rates and fees for the use of and connection to the sanitary sewer system of the City of Fridley to provide for the collection pf a Service Availability Charge for all ' new sewer users, in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Metropolitan Sewer Board; , ' , i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minpesota, to direct the City Manager and the City Treasurer to provide administrative procedures for the co7lection of a Service Availability Charge and to hold the funds collected until their disbursement is directed by the District Court. PASSED AND' LAD,OPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �� _ DAY 0�l����, 1973. • ��_. 1 1 ' ATTEST: , ' � �� CI Y CLERK - RYIN C. BRUNSEIL MAYOR - FRANK G. I�EBL — 14 , 1 ' ' ' ' � 1 RESOLUTION NO.� RESOLUTION ORDSRING IMPROVEMENT, APpROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT fbR BZAS: WATER IMPROVE- MENT PROJECT �(109A WNEREAS, the Fridley Cortenons Park Water Plant is in need of painting; WXEREAS, Comstock and Davis, Zncorporated, the City's Con- sulting Engineers have submitted plans and specifications for the above` described work; WXERERS� Comstock and Davis, Incorporated have submitted these pZans and specifications for immediate repairs and improve- ments for painting Fridley Commons Fark Water P1ant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Citg of Frid2ey, Minn�sota, as follows: ' 1. Such plans and specifications, a eopy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. ' 2. The wozk to be performed under Flater Improvement � Project #109A sha21 be performed under one contract. , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , The City Engineer shaZ1 accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official naw�paper advertisements for bids upon the making of such imorovements under such approved p1�^s and specipications. The edvertisement sha11 be published foz two !2) Weeks (at least 20 days), and sha11 specify the work to be 8one �nd wi11 state that bids wi11 be opened at 11;30 R.6?. on the Sth c�y of February , I973 in the CounciZ Chambers o�' the City Hai1, and that no bids will be considered unless seaied and filed with the City C1erk and aCCOmpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for f:ve pez cent (5%) of the amount of such a bid. That the advertisement «or bids for Water Imp;ovement Project q109A sha11 be substant�'a11y tq fozm as �hat noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for re�erence and fnads a part hereaf. � ADOPTED 8Y THE COi1NCIL OF TXE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �'""� t-- DAY OF , 2973. �,.� R^TE'S1 : MARVIN C, bP.UNSBLL - CITY CL$P.K FRANK G. LZEEL - SEAY� � 15 , ' � I ' , � RESOLUTION NO.� RESOLUTION ORDERINC IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: WATER IMPROVE- FFfE"NT PROJECT #109B WHEREAS, the '� Million Ga1�on Elevated Tank in Fridley Cotrenons is in need of repair and paintinq; ' WHEREAS, Comstock and Davis, Incorporated, the City's Con- sulting Engineers have submitted plans and specifications for the above described work; ' WXERERS, Comstock and Davis, Incorporated have submitted these plans and specifications for irmnediate repairs and improve- ments for the elevated # miZlion gallon tank at Fridley Commons• � ' , ' � ' ' ,. i. ' , ' , NOW, TNEREFORE, BE ZT RESOLVED, by the CounCil of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1 ?. Such plans and sgecifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and mad� e part herapf, axe hezabg ayproved. She work to be pesformed ander Dlater Improvemsnt Project N 2098 sha11 be performed under one contract. The City Engineer ahal2 accordingly prtpare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved N?ans and specifications. The advertisement sha:i be pub2ished .`or two (2) weeks (at least 10 dags), and sha11 specify the work to be done and wi11 state that bids will be opened at 22;30 A.M. on the day of ,:973 in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11, and that no bids will be considered unless seaied and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond� or certified check payable to the City for five per cent f5Y) of the amount of such a bid. That the advertisement for bids for Water Znprovement Project pZpgB shall be substaatially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reierence and made a part hereof. AR�PTED SY TH�' COUNCIL D(�' THE CZTY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY O� " 1973. FRRNR 6. LIEBL - MAYOR ATTSST: MARV;N C. BPUNSELL � CITY CLEP,X i6 ' � , ' ' ' , , ' ' � ' ' , ' � � ' � ' , ' ' RESOWTION NO. G RfiSOLUTIOiV ORDERING ZtlPROyEDfENT, APPROVAL OF P7,11N5 AND ORDERING ADVE,'RTISEMTyNT FY3R BIDS: WATER ZMPROVE- MENT PROJECT #1S0 WHSREAS, the 1� MilZion Gallon Reservior is in need of cZeaning and repair; WAEREAS, Comstock and Davis, Incorporated, the City's Con- sulting Engineers have subaritted plans and specifications for the above described work� WXEREAS, Comstock and Davis, Zncorporated have submitted these plans and specifications for immediate repairs and improve- ments Por cleaning and repair of the 1*� million gaZlon reservior. NOW, THEREFOR�', BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City pf Fridleg, Mtnnespta, as follows: 1. Suah p.ians end sp�clPicattons, a eopy of which axe attach.d h�ssto and made a part hervoF, ira hmsaby approvsd. �• The work to bs psrformod under Plat�r Im�rovemant psoject N110 ahaZI be parformsd undsr one crontract. The Ctty Enginees shal2 accordingly prepare aad cauae to be �naerted in the ofi�cial newspaper advertiser�ents for bids upon the maktnq of such imarovements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shaI1 be published for two !Z) weeks (at Seast 10 days), and sha12 specify the work to be done and wiZ1 state that bida wi11 be opened at 2Z:30 A.M. on the 5th day of �ebsuarv , 1973 in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11, and that no bids wi21 be considered nnl.ess seaied and filed with the City C1erk and acrnmpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, o; certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5$) qf the amount oP sach a bid. That the advertisement for bids tOr Water 7mprovement Project �IIO sha11 be substantial2y in form as that noted in L"shibit "B" attachsd hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADqPTED BY TH$ COUNCIL OF THE CSTY 0� FRIDLEY TXIS � �Y pF� Z973. RTTfiSTr MARVIN C. BA.UNS£L,L � CiTY CLERX PRANX G. I.IEBL - MAYOP. J ' 1 ' ' ' � ' ' � RESOLUTION HO.� � RSSOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF�PLANS AND` ORDERSNG ADVERTISEl4ENT F�R BIAS: WATSR II�ROVE- l�NT PROJECT #I.I1 WEEREAS, We12s #3, {i9 and q1.1 are in need of repairs and improvements: WSEREAS, Comstock and Davis, Zncorporated, the City's Con- s¢Iting Engineers have subreitted plans and specifications for the above described work; W�REAS, Comstock and Davis, Incorporated have submitted these plans and specifications for i�ediate repairs and improve- ments for WeI1s #3, #9 and #1L NOW, TXEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the CiEry of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: S.. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made e part hereof, are herebg approved. 1. The work to be performed under 4?ater Improvement Project #111 shaZ1 he performed under one contract. The City Engineer shaZ1 accordingiy prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements vnder such aporoved plans and specifications. The advertisement shaZZ be pubiished for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days), and sha11 specifg the work to be done and wi11 state that bids will be opened at 1I:30 A.�4. on the Sth dag of February , 1973 in the Counci2' Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be consicered vnless seaied and fiZed with the City CZerk and accomnanied by a cash deposit, bid hond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5�7 of the amount of such a bid. That the advertisement for bids for Water zmprovement Projec*_ # 1S2 shaZ1 be substar.tialZy in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for re�erence and made a part hereof. . .�1DOPTED BY TNE COWi CIL OF THE CITY OF £RIDLEY :HIS �" DAY O �,. 1973. ATT"ST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL - CSTY CLEP.iC FRR:iK �G.. LIE3L - M.AYGP. 1� � . ' 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' - , ' , ' ' , ' , , ' ' December °7, 1973 Eo^.oreble ?�ayor Qnd Ccunc�lr.en City of 'rri3iey E_31 uni•srsi:; ve�ue '?.�. Fridley, ' innssc+e �5=32 f.tte.^.ticni Gereld _-,. DFCis, C`_tJ '�_pnr:zr �en`.lemen; r I ha:eb sa�.-.i: f i.�s=. r.=c� ^s �� sppci�t,s3 :ne; �er c£ .`.he Fridley Inl�,s:risl �.issio-t. I alsc ^asi°� ry n-�c=^.�:�r+, Qs Chrin;.�� of the _ lrts 'k S�abdivisions-S`.r-ets � i;t'_lities ;;u��a-.::ittee oF tne Ple:�:.in� Cea.missicn. 1 do, there£cre, relzna i r y se2t es r�e .o=r of the Fridlezr i'lenri.� :c .._ss_on. ::o.<ecer ; „_11 co^tinue to serce �rtil :h� :•.! lic. c_,� ._^c cn the �c^urs- hensive Plen� is cc'r,leted ii �ou^cil so desirss. Yc�r� :e^�r �rul�r r �P�-_ ����'�- :,1.a.o^ ;o..;As�:.e �- 19 ' :' , ' ' ' , ' , ' ' , , ' , ' ' ' ' C L A 2 M S G�Exai. 30588 - 30800 LIQUOR 7324 - T396 , � . � � CONTRACTORS LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON JANUARY 8, 1972 l . , GENERAL CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY . W. H. Cates Construction Co. ' 3220 Xenium Lane Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Wallace A. Cates C. Belisle , Hipp Construction Co. 6355 Lilac ]Jrive North Minneapolis, Minneaota By:.Richard E. Hipp C. Belisle , ' , ' , ' 1 , ' , ' ' ' t MOVING Dale Movers Inc. 7816 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota SIGN ERECTORS . _ Brede Incorporated 2211 Broadway N.E. Minneapolis, MinAesota Lawrence Signs Inc. 945 Pierce Butler Route St. Paul, Minnesota Lezoy Signs, Inc. 6325 Welcoae Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota Midway Sign Co., Inc. 444 North Prior Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Naegele Outdoor Adv. Co. 1700 West 78th Street Richfield, Minnesota National Advertising Co. 6850 gouth Harlem Avenue Argo, Illinois Nordquist Sign Company, Inc. 312 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Schubert Outdoor Adv. Co. 2508 East 25th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Bq: Mary Ann Petersen By: James Bratland By: Geo. Lawrence By: LeRoy Reiter By: Arthur Kruse By: H. Barthlome By: D. W. Torgerson By: Richard Nordquist Jr By: Lawrence Schubert C. Belisle �' C. Selisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Selisle � � FSTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER9TION - JANUARY 8 1973 Lee Electric Company _ 3775 Highway N52 Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422 PARTIAL Estimate #1 - Fridley Off Sale Liquor Store electrical. Dated 12/26/72 Comstock & Davis, Inc. Consulting Fhgineers 1446 County;Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 1. Burlington Northern Storm Sewer Design, Review Joint Storm sewer No. 12 - Columbia Heights, N'�iD, Fridley 2. Sullivan Lake Lawsuit, Colvmbia Heights & Fridley 3. Investigation T.H. #47 - Culvert Installation between 83rd Avenue and 85th Avenue N. E. i $ 1,595.76 106.08 72.93 � $ 900.00 $ 1,77�+.77 ,� APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT No onrF T?/ (/7 A'RCHITECT'S ��� . � } __?_�COMM. N0. . TO Pafnh RTirlrcnn M8�SC1II &�A.RS^t]� IAC � lltt.. 1 7F�is Application is for 1S t payment for p 2P c t ri e� work done on your FRIDLEY OFF SALE LIOUOR STORR projecttrom to 12/26/72 ' �ESCflIPT10N OF PROJECT WORK ITEMS CONTRACT COMPLETED LOMPLETED 6ALANCE . AMOUNT SHIS PENIOD TO DATE TO FINISH ' 1. Service 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $2,000.00 2. Fixtures 4,900.00 4,900.00 , 3. Motors 1,400.00 1,400.00 , 4. Branch 3,295.00 3,295.00 5. Fire Alarm and Intercom 2,200.00 2,200.06 ' 6. Parking Lot lighting 1,200.00 1,200.00 r ' ' ' � ' ' ' � , ' Originat ContractTota�s 15,995, 00 $1 000.00 $1 000.00 14 Add Change Orders Totals i Deduct Change Orders Totals Totals to Date � j ' . . Less Retainage at /,'; % ; ; � ,� � CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Total to 6e Orawn to Date :J -,;. ,•;; i Based on our observations, this application for payment is Total Previously Certified ' correct to the best of our knowledge, and the contractnr qmount Now Due - . is entitled to the indicated payment " $1 000. 00 ..........�.---.. . ........................-a 5 , , .n .+ � f __ PfOjBCt Lh@Ck2d bV �� �� '�� �`�� Thls is to certii [hat all wcrk listed above has been con.qleted In a<cortiance wrth com.ract acc�m:r-: —.__ Y ' � . �� �.i ! and cha[ a11 lawtul charges for labw, ma[e�ial, etc., tor �::hich prev�aus ceruflcaros have been issuea, Th formchecked�y �. "�z-=-:".-�f����� -.h.-r�._ navabeen�d. � LEE ELECTRIC COMPANY . CH ERICK90N MA030N 6 MANSON, INC. COf1tf8CiOf '. A?FM�TECiS A�.IOfPLANNERa, �r/�.J'�. `��J / .'i � �; ' . 1 ' � C% / � ._' � / �f. �. '' Date � ��� _��� l �-c /' Date�2���1�2-_ ' � � 1 ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 1 ' ' COMSTOCK S DAVIS, INC. SiATEMENT Conaulting Engineers 1446 County Road "J° Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 DATE 12-29-72 . City Manager - City Council c/o Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer City of Fridley 6431 Uaiversity Avenue, N.E. ' , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Please detach :ond return upper porfion wifh your remitfance. $ DATE CHARGES AND CREDRS � BAtANCE Item No. 1 Burlington Northern Storm Sewer Design, Negotiations, Review Joint Storm Sewer No, 12 -'Columbia Heights, MHD, Fridley � ' 4-26-71 62 hours by E. Y. Comstock @$9.00 thru x 2.0 $1,116.00 1-21-72 16-1/2 hours by R. Murphy @$6.06 x 2.2 219.97 4-1/2 hours by M. Straus @$3.54 X Z'Z 35.05 10 hours by P, Vanderlinde @$5.72 g 2'Z 125.84 427 Sq. Ft. Blue Line @$0.20 85.40 45 Sq. Ft. Sepia @$0.30 13.50 Total $1,595.76 Page 1 of 2 ��; /�//3 r�� c�4o� Z� � �_ YCGP G!:6'�„F 15 �OOUi �� ..,.- . �.�so. � E co.vwvr • c�qs� .rs�v.E� i., u s. 71B , , , ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' COMSTOCK 6 DAVIS, INC. 1446 Covnty Road "J° Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 SiAiEMENi DATE ZZ_Zg_72 . Citq Manager - City Council c/o Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Eagineer Page 2 of 2 Please deFach and return opper portion with your remi}tance�. $_ DATE � . CHP.RGES AND CREDITS � Item No. 2 Sullivan Lake Lawsuit Columbia Heights 6 Fridley 7-24-72 8 hours by P. Vanderlinde @$6.03 thru x 2.2 7-29-72 Item No. 3 Snvestigation T.H. 047 - Culvert Installation between 83rd Avenue and 85th Avenue N.E. 5-8-72 5-1/2 hours by P. Vanderlinde thru @ $6.03 a 2.2 5-26-72 � eALA�*10E $ I06.08 72.93 AMOUNT DUE FOR ITEMS 1, 2 8 3 $1,774.77 �� �� ���� � ��.o�,�w �. r�... ���.. �a_�, �_P.A-� — � Ycur Cf;eci i� Yc.;r Faczci � �C � ' 1 1 1 ACTIYITY 'ASSESSING vision of Property ew Plats Real'Estate Appraisals ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS �Jivision of Property Searches �epaymertts obs Assessed ount of Prepayments �unt of Assessment Rolls ACCOUNTING ecks Processed Individual Receipts Issued �er Accounts Receivable Collected unt Billed umber of Billed Accounts �hut-off Notices Issued ervice Discontinued URCHASIIJG Purchase Orders Issued �olume of Purchase Orders UMBER OF ACTIVE ACCOUNTS 1/30/72 6431 i2/31/71 6173 �2/31/70 6054 2/31/69 5947 12/37/68 5748 2/31/67 5496 2/31/66 5304 l2/31/65 508u �2/31/64 4730 ' CITY, Of FRIDLEY TRIAL BALANCE 30 NOYEMBER 1972 THIS MONTH : 1, 300 3 109 308 0 $67,479.13 0 830 2358 $81,136.23 $87,058.61 2005 0 0 730 $22,058.79 , YEAR TO DATE 27 3725 l2 881 1599 8 $452,225.15 $590,576.74 8145 26584 $815,958.57 $887>882.35 23120 0 0 1722 $349,158.25 f LAST YEAR TO DATE 3U . � 3395 10 724 1067 5 $262,160.62 $697,337.72 8764 26908 $627,579.23 �669,778.48 2328 0 t , ' - PERMANENT BONDS OUTSTANDING ' 30 NOVtMBER 1972 ' PERMANENT BONDS OUTSTANDING 1/1/72 Civic Center ParK Bonds ' P�blic Utility Revenue Special Assessments Permanent Water Improvement ' ?OTA! ' PERMANENT BONDS ISSUED 11/1/72 Special Assessment Permanent , ' PERMANENT BOfJDS PAID 1/1/72 to 11/30/72 Civic Center - , Park Bonds Public Utility Revenue Special Assessment Permanent IWater Improvement ' , TOTAL BALAiVCE AND PURPOSE Of BON0.S OUTSTANDIN6 11/30/72 , Civic Center Park Bonds ' Public Utility Revenue Special Assessment Permanent Water Improvement , TOTAL ' ' , , $ 425,000.-00 105,000.00 75,000.00 6,270,000.00 1,175,000.00 $ 8,050i000.00 $ 2,135,000.00 $ 2,135,000.00 $ 20,000.00 40,000.00 15,000.00 859,000.00 35,000.00 $ 969,000.00 $ 405,000.00 65,000.00 60,000.00 7,546,000.00 1,1�0,000.00 S 9,215,000.00 INVESTMENTS IN U.S. 60VERNMENT AND BANK SELURITIES 30 NOYEMBER 1972 n DATE AMOUNT TYPE OF INYESTMENT PURCHASE 200,000.00 Federat Nat'1 Mortgage 12/11/69 Assn., Fridley Bank 600,000.00 Federal Home �oans 5/25/71 Fridley Bank 25,000,00 U.S. Treasury Bills 4/12/72 Fridley Bank 125,900.00 Federal Land Bank 8onds 6/26/72 Fridley Bank 125,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bills 9/14/72 Fridley Bank 50�000.00 U.S. Treasury 69115 9/22/72 Fridley Bank 100,OQQ.00 U.S. Treasury Bills 10/24/72 Fridley Bank 2,100,000.00 Farmers Home Administra- 10/16/72 tlon Note, Fridley Bank 400,000.00 U,S, Treasury Bills 11/1�/72 fridley Bank 1Q0,25p.p0 Federal Nat'1 Mortgage 7/16/70 Assn., Fridiey Bank 100,000.00 Federal Nat'1 Mortgage 6/25/71 Assn., Fridley Bank 409,OOO.f10 Federal Nat'1 Mort9age 7/1/71 Assn „ Fridiey 8ank 175,QOQ.00 Federal Home Loans 6/25/71 Fridley Bank 50p,000.00 F�dera) Land Bank 4/26/71 Bonds, Fridley Bank i25,D0A,U0 Federdl Home Loan 8/25J70 Bank, Fridley Bank APPROX. 12/11/72 199,422.22 8.39% 2/26/73 3/31/73 7/20/73 8/28/73 8/28/73 9/25/73 600,000.00 5.70� 23,842.94 4.72b 132,900.00 5.14% � 118,535.42 5.35% 47,440.56 5.42% 95,09p.67 5.26% 10/11/73 2,100,000.00 5.75� 10/23/72 3/14/74 3/•11 / 74 3/31 J74 4/27/74 10/21/74 8/25/75 380,903.33 5.10� 102,316.67 7.75� IQ4,988.89 4.62% 418,472,22 6.62� 175,000.00 6.35% 500,441.67 5,30� 125.772.92 7.95`: ' , � INVESTMENTS IN U.S. GOVERNMENT AND BANK SECURITIES 30 NOUEMBER 1972 DATE APFRCX. FUND AMOUNT TYPE OF INVESTMENT PURCHASED DUE DATE COST YIELD �vestment 150,000.00 Federal Nat'1 Mortgage 6/10/71 6/10/76 150,000.00 4.70% nd Assn., Fridley Bank �ves�ment 50,000.00 federal Land Bank 12/3/71 10/20/77 50,780.69 6.19% nd Bonds, Fridley Bank �vestment �nd � ' ' , , ' ' ' �J ' ' ' 30,000.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds, Fridley Bank $5,364,250.00 11/17/71 1/22/79 28,084.38 5.34K $5,353,992.58 , ' SCHEDULE OF TEMPORARY BONDS OUTSTANDING 30 NOVEMBER 1972 1 ' ORIGINAL BALANCE AMOUNT OUT TANDIN6 , 110,000.00 $ 110,000.0( ' 430,000.00 430,0OO.00 , 540,p00.00 $ 540,000.00 ' . ' ' ' ' i. , ' , , • ' ' ' ' ' ' PURCHASED BY INVESTMENT FUND DUE DATE 3 Years SW & SS #106 �uty 1, 1975 3 Years ST. 1972-1 & 2 September 1, 1975 Temporary Bonds Outstanding 1/31/72 Temporary Bonds Issued 11/31/72 Temporary Bonds Paid 1�/31/72 BALANCE 11/31/72 � � INTEREST DUE OATE January 1 & July 1 March 1 & September 1 � $1,605,000.00 1,415,000.00 2,4HO,OOO.Op $ 540,000.00 INTEREST 7% 7% ; Y , � ,• ' ' ' , STORE #1 ,' i ��2 �#3 ' d�4 ' ' ' STORE �Yl ' #�2 �i3 ' #�4 ' A � ' , , i , ' ' LI UOR $ 7>812.51 12.376,62 ]4,933.12 25,547.21 CITY Of FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES LIQUOR SA�ES REPORT NOYEMBER 1972 BEER $ 2,197.86 5.665.72 6,581.33 9,740.83 $ 60,669.46 $ 24,185.74 MIX & MISC. $ 308.69 363.45 458.43 651.91 $ 1 ,782,:4$ YEAR TO DATE 1/1/1972 — 11/30/1972 $ 77,056.02 ,$ 32,894.42 $ 3.020.97 139,413.55 72,730.43 4,345.95 133,812.62 77,891,18 4,425.47 265,634.43 726,658.92 8,200.85 ,� NOYEMBER 1972 NOVEMBER 1971 $ 10,319.06 $ 11,522.99 18,405.79 19,205.47 21>972.88 19,765.08 35,939.95 37,358.2II $ 86,637.68 $ $ 112,971.41 216,489.93 216>129.21 400,494.2p � 87,851.82 12Q,183.88 258,808.52 230,810.36 A00,816.27 � 615,916.62 $ 310,174.95 $ 19,993.18 $ 946,084.75 $ 7,010,619.C3 0 0 ' �N.-�N�;N,-N � n n n n frn rn.a�irnrnrn � 1 I 1� 1 1 1 s. �i�� � Q � �n �n �n �o� u� e �n �-1¢i���r�oit�rn� ��Ivv;a�o�v�ov I� r �-�� W — � i � I > C Q I� oJ tn W d' I� tA � M.i� Ol N. . 011p NIM01Q1t01.-OII� l0 N Ol I�iN l[] tn U W 6 � O w H G � 0 � � } W 1-- Q � O F- � >- i i � I � O W O H 7 • ¢ n 1 O f� Ln� tp� ��. �! ° rn �� �� �� � o �� °i c° � j �1 � d i � wl �I � � O O •N � N O w a 1� w Of O� �� �3 �I N z o �.�I uJ 3 'f N d r �}.1i v � i M �I M O N O � ('")� ^I V� l0 tn • W I U � '"_' Z � . aP O � � �I. . N OJ Ol V M W N �n M O N O N 01 tn 00 M lff �O � a1 I� eh O N ^ n � N N � � tn �H l0 00 M t7 r-- r- 01 ln pp � Ol O1 C' d' �p ct M r �1' W O1 01 �� N N V O �1 "'1 �I M I N � M t0 N N �D I� N M 01 Z 6q N M � p� �--� 1� W V M („'1. = ul N Ol 00 N .. W � CY ' N n n � O) Y (.0 � W Z � W �-r , . � 3 � V N W N 0 ' � O N �"' W O J i ¢ ' T N iQ � tD Ln 'cY l�0 M O O ch O N N 1� V lf9 00 Ol I� r r-� d' �� pp � � �A O M w . . . . �' F-- ^ � � ^ .� � m O � O � •- O ¢ in to I cr t� c�'I 10 Ni N�� N O� f- n . 01 � O� V oJ 00 O N I� N � . W I� I� r-� l0 M O¢ I� M f�7 M �tp �p O O O t� LL'f M J p.C._ r- i N N N � 01 N a��eK . �, N� V� �� � r r^ � \ n Of N r-- lp pp N p� N �A l0 � M 1� Y(:} 1� V M� N t�p W 'L � a1 01 � � t0 W o-+ . 3 o c•1 Z N W iq {q m � � � � � N W a' t0 lf1 ln � � � � � � r�- � � W O� t�0 N W Z ^ M W �-+ 3 0 N W aq V.� NI bl M I N w � 01 01 IO 01 i M � �+ o ^ 0 r. � c� c� � r� rn N � U Q N f O t ^ I N I O ^�I N1 NI MI 01 N M st iR ik 7R �k �. h W W W W p ea J J J J W N N N �¢i7 �-Z-+ M LY] N O O O O Uak ' ' ' ' , � ' � , � , ' ' ' ' I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY MONTHLY REPORT - NOVEMBER 1972 STREET DEPARTMENT HOURS I. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 2. Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 19 3. Gravel Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4. Miscellaneaus Street Work . . . . . . . . . , 229 5. Patching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 6. Shop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54'� 7. Signs, Barricades and Crossings . . . . . . . . . 124 8. Equipment Repairs - Street . . . . . . . . . . 141'� WATER DEPARTMENT r 1. Filtration Flant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Z. Fina7. Readings and Collections . . . . . . . . . 61'� 3. Hydrant Repairs and Flushings . . . . . . . . . . 355'� 4. Miscellaneous Water Work . . . . . . . . 211 5. Pumphouse Work . . . . . . . . . . . • 126 6. Standpipe Repairs . . . . . . . . � 3 7. Valve inspections and Repairs ,, , ,,,, lg� 8. Water and Sewer Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . 11'� 9. Water Meter Inspections and Repairs .. .... 45'� 10. Water Turn-ans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14'� 11. Watermain Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52� 12. Watermain Taps . . . . . . . . . . 6 13. Equipment Repairs - Water . . . . . . . . . . . , 4g SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Lift Station Inspections and Repaira ....... 123'� Z. Manhole Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3. Miscellaneous Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . 151 4. Sanitary Sewer Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . 436� 5. Sanitary Sewer Inspections .... 36 6. Equipment Repairs - Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . 53'� STORM SEWER DEPARTMENT 1. Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Cleaning ....... ¢g 2. Miscellaneous 5torm Sewer Work . . . . . . . . . . 107 SNOW and ICE CONTROL 1. Miscellaneous Snow and Ice Work . 54 2. Sanding - Ice Control , , , . . . . . . 1� 3. Equipment Repairs - Snow and Ice . . . . . . . . . 63'� ' ' ' ' ' � , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' , ' Page ltao PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT - NOVEMBER 1972 MISCELLANEOUS HOURS 1. Engineering Department . , , , 4 2. Fire Department . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . 4 3. Holidays . • . . . . . . . • 176 4. Mechanic (Paper•Work for Keeping Records). .... 23 5. Park Department 310 b• Project No. 102 - Addendum �k2.(Stoneybrook)• ,,, 252 7. Sick Lesve . . . . . . . . . . . 76 8. Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . • " . . . . 152 9. Voting Booths . . . . . . . . . . . • . 40 10. Water School . . . . . . • . 16 11. Weekend Duty , . � � . ,.36 12. Equipment Repairs - Engineering • � , , , . 18 13. Equipment Repairs - Fire Depart�nt• 48 14. Equipment Repairs - Park Department ...... gg� 15. Equipment Repairs - Police Depar[ment .... 102'� > �. . . .. . . • � . . , � � _ ��w �� � �� �/��t��l� � J�.i1F- R G�..�I�J ` , ! � � -� J� s',. !r i' DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY ��� � � � NAVAL AND MARINE CORPS RESERVE TRAINING CENTER,: �� �� C� � � � TWIN CIT�ES �� � � . � . � 6�� SLOOMINGTON ROAO,� FORT SNELLING� . ET. ►AUL. MINNESOTA. SS11t � � ' . . . � IN OCKY RCICp TO: . Mcs a5(9 ) -15 - 1500:JLL:rv Ser: QO-72 19 E1UG 72 From: Coazmanding 6£ficer� MCB 25�9-15)� N&��CRC� Tyrin Cities, St. Paul� i•In, To: Mr, Ed Wilmes� 635� Riverview Dr. id.E,, Fridley, ��.i.nnesota , `� Subj: "Islands of Peace" project; tentative construction daies 1. The work assigned for completion b;� the Twin Cities SeaBees, Detachment 9-'15, has been outlined as follows: 1. Cottstruction and grading of the parking lot 2. Grading an3 finish p=.ring�asphalt) of the pathways for wheelchairs� etc. 3. Construction of two £ishin,> docks 4. Construction of one boat dock 5. FiZl and £inal grading of access road to Chase Island 2. It is anticipated the SeaBees will start construction durin� th2 weekend of �6 and �7 June, 1973 and with completion durin? the weekend of 21 a.^d 22 July� 1973. These dates, however� are suoject ta your aparoval and tentatiae trith respect to the following: a) Submitta3 by the Islands Gf Pesce Co.mmitte'of a'�irc LiaUjlity" letter; you have a copy of the sa,aple letter previousl� trans�^iitted. b) Suhmittal try the Islands Of Peace Com-nittee of a°No Objection to Construction" letter fra�n the 1oc31 �uildinos znd Tradas Council. ' c} Final approval by the Coaunandant� iuIPuTH Tua_val �istrict, Great Lakes, Illinois. T�S Wyll be received upon sui;��issiott of icems (a} and (b). 3. In order for this detachment to ?lan £or construction ,nd develope equipment and material reGUirements necessary to co:c�lete the project, the following information will be necessary: a• Pax'king lot desi�n b, Access road desien iacluding additioaal culvert extensicns, fill requirements, location o£ fi12 m?terial and leneth o£ :a�il c, Pathway design includine �.�se material renuired and final ��v_n� d. Dock desi�n and loca-ion £or boats � e. Fishing doek design and �heir 3ocaiions, � . � � a � ` . .. .. � � v .� � _. � _ , . MCB25�9—�5) iSOO:JLL:rv � Ser: QO-72 19 AUG 72 4.• It is our vnderstanding all material will be provided by the Isl.�nds of Peace Commattee with no cost to the U. S. NA4Y. Further, certai.n items of equi�ent could possibly be furnished by the Cors¢ittee in the event the Navy or other Govern.mental Ageacies are not in a position to lend their equipment on these particnlar weekends. �s previously discussed, t.he Coffiai.ttee will provide messin� for Detachment personnel duriag the peiod of construction as previously discussed and agreed upon, 5. For additional information or questions iutanswered, it is suggested a meeting later on in the fall be held. It is ssg�ested a+. this time that constructioa data, etc, be available for ovr use £or pregaration of our "Operation �rder", ��� a �; � �� � ,�� � tf � . /; J.' L. L'IND� LCDR, CEC, USNl� : i � :�, ; � United States�Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE � urLr aerax m: BUREpU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Federal Building, Fort Snelling FS TwinCities,hlinnesota SSil1 October 25, 1972 Mr. Ed Wilmes Fridley City Hall �• 6350 University Avenue Pridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Wilmes: ' I found our visit of 6ctober 4 to the "Islar.ds of•Peace" Park for the handicapped to be very interesti.ng. Z welcome the opportun,ity to co�¢ent concerning the sport fishing and wish you success in development of the area. First; I think that we mus[ recognize th:�t the fishing potential , of the area is li.mited when related to the extremely heavy use which such an urban park wi12 receive. With this in mind I would recommend that every effort be made to present fishing as just one small segment of the natural area. It would be a mistake to attempt to encourage great mmebers of visitors solely for fishing as the amount of fishable water wi11 not per:�iL� high catch per effort ratios. Instead I would reco�nend that fishing be confined to designated azeas and be made available for special groups. ,�In keeping with your plans to maintain Durnam Island in its Laatural state, fishing should also be encouraged in a way which l will preserve the island's scenic quality. No ponds ,hould be �constructed and bank fishing sites should be favored over fishina -piers or platforms c;hen possible.. S?°��y devices such as railirgs 'should be constructed with logs or other natural looking materials. Because of the much heavier expect;:d use on Chase's Island, I would espect that construction of some cypc of £ishing pier or f:oating platform may be practical. T:iis wonld penait fishin� in the Mississippi River, i would suggest that constructicn of such devices be on a small scaie at first to insura deveiopment of a: adequate platform and to measure the interest and dasirability of this type of fishing for the handicaaped. , , -1. ". .L . � ' ; •' The existing gond on Chase's Island provides 2ittle fishing and � detracts from the esthetic qua2ities of the area. It is a typical : � river meander which floods often in the spring and then during the ` s�mer months holds only a little water while leaving a large unusable , muddy area. The feasibility of impoundi.ng permanent water by construction of earthen dams at the north and south ends of the existing pond should be investigated. An opti.mimm normal water level for this pond would reach close to the bases of the trees which now surround the pond area, If this pond can be constructed it �tould enhance the scenic value of the park significantly. . The fishing potential of such a small pond would still be mini.mal. Although it would be subject to periodic introductions o£ fish through flooding, the natural productivity of such a small pond cannot be expected to sapport heavy fishing pressure. Therefore, some type of stocking program utilizing adult fisfi should be anticipated. If the Chase's Island pond can be constructed I would recommend a stocking program closely coordinated with special use periods using adult bullheads and/or carp. We be found these species quite acceptable in a si.milar program we have been involved with in St. Louis. These fish are available through co�nercial fish dealers. I'm including a preliminary report of the Urban Fishing Program in St. Louis which I think you will find particularly helpful. • I hope that I've provided you with some ideas. Perhaps we could be of some assistance if you should de�ide to enter into a stocking program. Please call if you have further questions. Sincerely, ' � � � . .. . � � � C��`°�v`�' ^' „/^L.t°' Baclosure 0 Charles L. Pfaas Staff Biologist Division of:Fishery Services . . y, , .. , . � � � . • . � � NN EWAL OPPpqNNfTY EMP�OYER �����o�i���.�� SPECIAL SCHOOL OISTRICT NO. 1 . fVERETT E. DODGE, Principaf PUBUC SCHOOLS DOWLING SCHOOL FOR CRIPPLED CHILpREN 3900 West River Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406 December 15, 1972 Mr. Ed Wilmes 6350 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Wilmes, It has been a pleasure to talk to you in regards to your effort to provide a resource for handicapped people to bring them closer to natnre and provide a recreational facili[y for those in need of specialized adaptive environ- ment. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help aad the best of luck to you in a very needed area of developmen[ for handicapped people. Sincerely, � � �I: / i' 1 ," ' '� `1-it/+ �� .. E4erLtC Dodge� � `Principal i� Dowling School for Crippled Children EED:dt 1