07/16/1973 - 5503PATRICIA ELLIS COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 16, 1973 � ' FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETZNG - REGULA.R COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 16, 1973 - 7:30 P. M. I; ' � 7:35 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Given ' ROLL CALL: Breider and Utter absent ADOPTZON OF AGENDA: Added estimate from Weaver, Talle & Herrick and estimate from Wyman Smith ' PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: � Wayne Ek, Fridley Fire Department - did not attend meeting Donald Froom, Fridley Fire Department- did not attend meeting Bonnie 0'Dell, Human Relations Commission- did not attend meeting Administration to forward the awards APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of May 21, I973- Addition to Page 8, paragraph 3. adopted. Councilman Nee said R-1 would be marketable in the area. Several others just built. Regular Council Meeting of June 4, 1973 - adopted as presented. VISITORS: (Consideration of items not on agenda - 15 minutes) SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY ANQKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON THE PROPOSED LIBRARY AND CON- SIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTIiORIZING THE COUNTY OF ANOKA TO PROCEED WITH ITS PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A$RANCH LIBRARY BY THE ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: Council approved the plans in concept for new Library to be on Mississippi and ;,,_-� Street. Resolution ��85-1973 adopted. .ti ��l � � il ' • FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA OF JULY 16, I973 PAGE 2 � ' . � , , ' ' PUBLIC HEARINGS: (None) ' SECTION I: SECTION II: ' OLD BUSINESS: , Reconsideration of Locating a National Guard Armory in the ' City of Fridley ........................................................... 1- 1 0 To be sent back to Planning Commission for reconsideration. ' ' m 0 . Receiving Memorandum from the Acting City Manager on the North Suburban Youth Services Center............ .,. .................. 2- 2N ' Tabled until a full Council present - August 6, I973�. ' , Consideration of Approval of the �,ease for Gardena School Property for Park Purposes ...............................................: 3- 3B Lease approved, Mayor Liebl authorized to execute lease. , ' '' Consideration of Appraisals for I�rainage and Storm Sewer Easement Acquisition for Area I�orth of Rice Creek, Outlet for Briardale ........... .............................................. .. 4 - 4A , Appraisals received. •City Attorney and City Engineer authorized to negotiate for easement up to and not exceeding $23,000. . �.-� � �� ' FRTDLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA OF JULY 16,1973 Section II: Old Business Continued: PAGE 3 ' Discussion Regarding Side Street Assessment for 7th Street ' (Original and Two.Alternate.Rolls).Tabled.June.l8:.and..'.••••..•••••••• _ July 2, 1973.. . . 5 5P Tabled until full Council is present. August 6, 1973. ' , ' ' ' � ' f ' s ' � ,3 NEW BUSINESS: SECTION III Discussion of Area to be Assessed for Cost of Project No. 102....•.••••••• 1- 1Q Ass�ssment district to be confined to area east of East River Road - carried two to one, Starwalt nay. Breider and Utter to be polled. Concurred with the proposal of the Finance Director on areas B& C. Consideration of Changing the Time Limit on Truck Parking in Residential Areas........... ......................................... 2- 2A City Attorney to prepare an amendment for consideration at the next meeting. Receiving the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission of May 21, 1973 ........................................................... 3- 3A Received. Question raised by Councilman Nee about the delay in Council approval of the minutes. Director of Parks an� Recreation said this has been corrected. Receiving the Minutes of the Fridley Human P.elations Commission of June 28, 1973 .......................................................... 4- 4A Received. Council opposed to proposal of Commission that six members will constitute a quorum. Improved attendance urged. 0 .,,,. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA OF JULY 16, 1973 Section III: New Business Continued: PAGE 4 Receiving the Minutes of the Charter Comanission Meeting of June 19, 1973 ................ ........................................ 5- 5G Received. � , Claims ................................................................... 6 Approved. � 0 Estimates .. .............................................................. 7 - 7N Approved all in agenda and also those from Weaver, Talle and Herrick and Wyman Smith. , Licenses ............... ............... ................................ 8 - 8A Approved. COMMUNICATIONS: {None) ADJOURN: 10:05 SECTION IV .,.�,.�. ' ' ' I U �� U ' ' ' ' ' ' � � '��i� MINU�'ES OF THE REGU�.AR MEETING OF TH$ FRII�LEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 16, 1973 ihe Regulax Meeting, of the Fridley City Council was called to ordei at i:35 p.m., July 16, 1973 by Mayor I,iebl. FLEpGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayox Liebl led the Council and the audience i� saying the Pledge o� Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI�L: MEMBERS PRESENT: Starwalt, Liebl, Nee MEMBF.RS ABSENT: Utter, Breider ADOPTION OF AGENDA: N�ayor Lie�l said the following items should be added to the agenda: Estimate from Weaver, Talle, and Herrick Estimate from Wyman Smith MOTTON by Councilman Nee to adopt t.he agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor Liebl deelared the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: WAYNE EK, FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: DONALD FROOM, FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT, CERTIFTCATF, OF APPRECIATION: RONNIE 0'DELL. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. CER`�IFICATE OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Liebl called on those who were to xeceiv awards at the meeting ancl they were not present. He directed the ad inistration to forward the awards to the recipients. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973: Councilman Nee called the Council's attention o page 8 of the May ' Z� minutes and said he believed the statement ade by himself that R-1 is always marketable on East River Road sh uld be included in the minutes. ' ' ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to add to his comment on page 8 of the May 21 meeting of the Council that R-1 constru tion has taken place within four blocks of the property and that it is obviously market- ab�.e as R-1. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motio carr�ed unanimously, REGU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 2 ' R�GULAR COUNCIL MBETING OF JUNE 4, 1973: ' MOTION by Caun�ilman Nee to adopt the minutes as pxesented. Seconded ' by CQUncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Li�bl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISZTQRS: � SFECIAL PRES�NTATION BY ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON THE PROPOSED LIBRARY; AND ' R�SQ�UTION #g�-1973 - AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF ANOKA TO PROCEED WITH ' TTS PLANS TQ CONSTRUCT A BR NCH LIBRARY BY THE ANOKA COUNTY L BRARY $ N THE CITY OF RIDLEY. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. Jerry Young, Director of the Anoka County ' Library Board. Mr. Young said the Board had been in the process of determining a location for a larger branch facility in the City of Fridley. He said the Board had come to the conclusion that the fa�ili� should be constructed on the corner of Mississippi and 5th Street. He said he felt this was an excellent location and would be an asset to the community of Fridley. He said it would be easily accessabl�. Mr. Xoung said the facility wauld be 9,000 to 11,000 square feet and ' would house 15,000 to 20,000 books. He added, this would be a one story facility. He said it would be an expanded faeility as compared to the facility now in the basement of the City Flall. , Mr. Young said he hoped the Council would approve the prel�minary �on- cept of the Library plan. He said this would not include any approval ' on the building plans or specifications at this time. He added, the architect would be workxng on the plans and the Board would present them to the City upon completion for approval. He asked the members o the CQUncil i£ they would appxove the Resolution of the concept of the proposed Library. Mayor Lieb1 asked the amount of the planned investment for the Library ' Mr. Young said the investment would be $350,000 to $400,000 including the 1and. Mayor Liebl said Mrs. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Texrac� has kep� the Council in£ormed on the plans of the Library Board, and he knew that they had looked for the site for a long time. He sa�d hs thought the facili�y would be an excellent addition to the City. MOTIQN by Councilman Nee to a�opt Resolution #85-1973 authorizing the ' Anoka County Library Board to proceed with their plans to construct a��anch Library in the City of Fridley on Mississippi and 5th ' Street. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , LJ ' , REGU�.AR COUNi;il, Mi:EI'ING GF ,JULY 16, 19?3 PAGE 3 I ' 1 LJ 1 ' , ' ' QLI� BUSTNi�SS; RECONSIDERATION OF LOCATING A NATION GUARD A �RIDLEY: Mayqr Li.ebl referred to the memorandum submitt Manager, Mr. James Hill, stating there are two CQUncil could re-aff�rm their decision to not Fridley, or ask the Ylannin� Commission to ree the new developments. Mayor Liebl said there from the Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. the Commission was favorable to the considerat in Fridley. Mayor Liebl said the Director of D. Aldrich, also favors the const.ruction of th H� added, according to Mr. Aldrich, the armory C�vzl Defense forces in Fridley. Maycar Liebl said the City of Fridley would onl fox 250 or 30% of the financing of the constru this would be a gold business venture for the suggested the matter be sent back to the Plann �heir consideration of the plan and its feasib ho�ed the other members of the Council would h at the proposals. RY IN THE CITY OF d by Acting City alternatives. The ocate an armory in aluate and reconsid�r re recommendations Paul Brown, stating on of the armory ivil De£ense, Robert Armory in Fridley. would enhance the be responsible tion. He continu�d, ity. Mayor Liebl ng Commission for lity. He said he ve a chance to look MOTIQN by Councilman Starwalt to send the matt r back to the Planning ' Commission because of the change of circumstan es. Seconded by Councilman Nee. ' ' ' ' 1 CI � 1 ' Councilman Nee said he would like the matter r ning Commission with the idea that the Council approve the concept of the armory. Councilman saying they should reconsider the cha�ge in in consider t�is as the Counci� asking fox approv said he would hate the Planning Commission to and approve the plan just because the Council r�commendation. ferred to the Plan- is not urging they Starwalt agreed, ormation not to 1. Councilman Nee eview the matter s asking for anoth�r UPQN A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING MEMORANDUM FROM THE ACTING CITY MANA�GER ON THE NORTH Councilman Nee said he though� the matter should be tabled until the next meeting of Council when the other Cou cil members woulc� be present. Mayor Liebl said he thought this wo�1d be appropriate action to take. He said he thought this to be a moral ecision. He said he �ad talked to the welfare department and,ther are people in need Qf �his t�pe of s�rvzce, H� said there are m ny young people thmt a�e ��ared and afraid to go to their parents or help. He said n�at obta�.ning this assistnace could cause serious mental and health px�b��ms, RBGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 4 , H� said he £eels people are more important than money• tie said he did , no� �eel th� present standing of the service could �e de�ermined by a dollar v�lue. He said he had also talked to people who are , volunteexing their time at the center, and these were people of Fxidley. t�e said he had determined they are really helping those wha are zn �eed of help. He said he would like the City of Fridley to mak� a commitment in order to take care of the less fortunate young people. ' He said they would not be singled out by society and would have a h�lping hand. Mayor Liebl said he would support the recommendati�n rhat the County ' take a closer look atthis £ar funding at a County level for 1975. Councilman Nee said he had been present at the meeting when a pr�senta-' tion was made by the directors of the youth center. He said at that time he was under the impression that the members of the Council and the City were in support of the programs of the Center. He added, if the �ity is changing its pasition, they should make this decision know� to the organization. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt recommendation numher t�ree as sub- ' mitted by the Acting City Manager and budget $1,000 fox 1974 and xecommend to the County Commissioners that the sexvice be financed by the County Board in 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt fQr dis- ' cussi�n purposes. Cauncilman Starwalt said he thought the matter should be considexed ' �y a full Council. He said the City would be setting a precedent with th� amount of controversy on the matter, he would like ta hav� additional information on the aspects of the organization. He said ' he wou1� �ike some more answers and would not want to take action an the thought the City should be willing to pay their way, but.he did nQ� want to vote on the matter at the present time. He stressed the �o�nt �hat this would set a precedent and he thought i� should be ' voted on by a full Council. May�x Liebl said he was aware of the concerns by Councilman Starwal�, , bu� feli �he people mean more than the $1,000 being discusses, �ay�r �ieb� said the City of Fridley is a young community and there are peop�� wha need help. He said if the City would put aside the $1,000, thi� would be a good gesture, He said he would like to indicate to the Count,, that �he City thinks this is a good thing, and that they should lo�k into �unding it. Mayor Liebl said he would hope the mattex could be a unanimous one, or this would not loo good. Ne said this is a p�litically orientated or partisan matter. He said it is no� a m�t�er whi�h wpuld enable young people to have a chance in 1ife. He said h� is very sens�tive in this matter, and he thought every young per- ' spn should have a chance to be a good and productive citizen. �QUNCILMAN NEE WITHDREW his motion and Councilman Starwalt w�thdrew ' his second. ' , , ' ' C' REGULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE S �IO`�I�I� by CQUncilman Nee to table the matter unt 1 it Can be cor�sidex�;d by a full Council. Seconded by Counc lman Starwalt. UpQn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl d clared the tnotion c�xried unanimously. CQNSIDERA�'ION OF APPROVAL �F LEASE FOR GARDENA S�HOOL PROPERTY ' Mayc��' Liebl aske�. the Gity Attorney if the lease Tl�e ��ty Attorney said i� is in substance what h di�eu�sed and a�proved by the Council in memo fo is acceptatale to the Counci.l, he �hought �t shou ' tcathe Schao� �oard for their approval. He said standing that the Director of Parks and Recreati w�th the School Board on the matter. ' ' ' , ' ' ' �i � ' is acceptabT�. d been previously m. He said if it d be pre�ented it was his under- n had worked MQTION by Councilman Nee to approve the lease and authorize the Maypr to execute the lease. Seconded by Council an Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl eclared the motion carried unanimously. , CQ�iSIDERATION OF APPRAISALS FOR DRAINAGE AND STaRM SEWER EASEMENT ACQUISITION FOR AREA NORTH OF RICE CREEK ROAD,�UTLET FOR BRIARD�LE: MQTION by Councilman Nee to receive the apprais ls �rom Harvey Petexson Company and Curtis A. Larson, Independ nt Fee Appraiser, dated July 16, 1973. Seconded by Councilman St rwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declare the motion carried unanimously. Mayor I,iebl said the total amount as appraised �y Harvey Peterson would be $21,400 and the total from Curtis Lars n would be $23,000. The City Engineer sazd the action to be taken s �he easement for ponding of water on the proper axe a number of complaints about the present te Briardale area, He said the storm sewer system an outlet. 1'he City Engineer said this is a pa Cr�ek area planned storm sewer program. He sai the Council authorize the City Attorney to nego sition of the ponding easement. He added, this which the $800 is required to be escrowed fox s tion per building site. ould be to authorize y. He said there porary ponding in cannot be used without t of the whole Rice he would recommend iate for the acqui- is the same area in orm sewer construc- l�ayor Liebl commented to the Ward Councilman St rwalt and said this would be a part of the overall storm sewer system in his ward and he would suggest the action be taken s eedily. Coun�ilman Starwalt said he was sure this was s mething that had ' to b� done at this time, ' ' 1+�t��'�QN by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the City Administration and the City Attorney to enter into negotiations for the easement Q� th� panding area fox the area not to exceed $23,000. Seconded b� Cpuncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all v���.�� �ye, Mayor Liebl d�e�axed the motion carried unanimously. R,�GULAR CQUNt;IL MEETING OF 3ULY �6, 1973 PAGE , 6 . ' AISCU�SION REGARDIN(� SIDE STREET ASSESSMENT FOR 7TH STREET (ORIGINAL D TWO ALT�RNATE ROLLS TABLED JUNE 18, 1973 AND JULY 2, 1973 : I�OTION by Councilman Nee to table the discussion xegarding the side street assessment for 7th Street until there is a full Council present. Seconded by Councilman Starwal�.. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor �.iebl sa�d this should be put on the agenda on the first meeting of August or pn the 6tn. The Financ� Uirectox said he would like some indication from the Coun�il as to how they �eel about the assessment. ' ' , � �� ' Mayor Liebl said he thought the procedure should be maintained as it had been previously and no� changed. He said he knew that the Ward ' CAUncilman was also against ehanging the policy. The Finance Directox said Councilman Breider had indicated he felt this way to I�im also. Coun�ilman Nee said he thought that Councilman Breider should be present as this was in his Ward. ' Mayor I.iebl asked the Finance Director if there was some rush on the matter? The �inance Director said it could be placed on the next agenda ' �f the Council wished. Mayor Lieb1 said the Ward Councilman was not present nor was the Councilman At Large. Mayor Liebl stressed his thought that the assess- ment policy should not be changed. The Pinance Director said if the ppli was changed the City would have to call the other people in for a Pubiic Hearing. ' Mayor I�ieb� instructed the Finance Director to place �he item on the next agenda. ' DTSCUS�ZQN OF AREA TO BE ASSESSED FOR COST OF PROJECT N0, 102: Mayox Liebl read the memo from the Finance Director to the City Manag�r aloud to the Council. Mayor �iebl said the people had been in and had also been• assessed for tha cav�rall assessments of the area. He said the c{uestion would be to put a.n the impxovements and assess the people for the improvements ox g�.ve them consideration for their completed system. The City �ngineex said there is a possibility of breaking down the assessmentsr He said it may be possible to not assess those who res�de wesfi a� E�st Rivex Road. He said there is oppositian to the assessment b� th�s� peo�le fox the improvements. The City Engineer said i,t would be a mattex of CQUncil prerogative. He said Engineering wise, he could preser�t a ease . ' CJ ' ' � ' ' '( • R�G�JI.AF� COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 7 ' � ' ' ' , I_J ' �.� M�ypr J�ieb� said he thought #�he storm sewer assess shc�uld l�ave been £inal. He sai.d the Ci.ty did inake '�he p�Q�1e. The City Engineer said the Counci� wo th.� d�termination regarding the benefit to the peo �ast River Road. He added, Mr. Harris had made a �oncerning the down stream improvements. e�.t of this area a commitment to ld have to make le west of the trong statement N�ayor Liebl said the City was trying to get the wa er across East Riv�r Road and into the ri.ver. The City Engineer aid the watex would drain into the creek which is in this area. H� said the Counci7, �ou1d have to decide if this new improvemenL would be a benefit to �h� peQple west of East River Road. The Ci.ty �ttorney explained the difference in the �he area stating in the area now being developed, wa�er table and the property is being developed as industrial. He added, it could not have been deve not drain�d. He said if the improvements had not Stanybrook would hav� taken caxe of the area natur ater tables of here is a high commercial and oped if it was een put in, 11y. Mayor Liebl said the City had pushed the water th�ough there and caused the problem. Couneilman Nee agreed. Mayor Liebl said they had planned a system that w s practical and fea�sible. The City Engineex said they had saved 200,000 on the prQject over the estimates of the time because of the sand fill �rom �urlington Northern. Mayox Liebl said he would like to see the people est of East River , Road not assessed fox this improvement. ' �� i� �I LJ � LI ' ' Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if he had prepared the proposed legislation in regard to the request by the Council or► the �ecent la�r suit, The City Attorney said this would take some weeks ta pre- pa�e, Councilman Nee said it would cost the City some money, but it would be worzh it, MOTbON by Councilman Nee to authorize the Finance Department to pre- p�.re th� final assessment rolls, confining the assessments to the persons in the assessment district east of East River Road. Seeonded by Councilman Starwalt. M�yox Liebl asked if this area would drain into Stonybrook Creek. The City Engineer said yes. The City Engineer said the system would cc�s� another 1/4 of a million dollars i£ the creek was not used. Mayor I.iet�1 asked if the more expensive system were planned, the City could assess the people. The City Att4rney said this should be faced when the City got to it. He said at the time of the Public Hearing fi�he �eo�l� wexe told they would not be assessed. He said if this dQes not wark, something else would have to be done. He said if so t�ey w�ould have to call another hearing. Mayor Lie6�. said they had �o�.d �khe peaple they would not assess them again. He added, the c����r Caun,cilmen should be polled on the mattex. The Finance �ir- ectc�r sa�d �his had not been done yet, but k�e would do it. Counci�- man Starwalt said he wished the other members were present, if he voted nca, he woul�. Wa�� t�o know if this would hurt the system. � �;, REGULAR �OUNCIL MEETING 0� JULY 16, 1973 �A�� � . I 'Th� C��y A.ttarney advised Councilman Starwalt that a two to one vote on tk�� mat�e�' would be suf£ici,ent to apprave the it�m. He said �his r�a� onl,y a.n the form of stating som� direction to the �ta�f and wpuld no�. b� es�abl.�shing any le�al position. U�0�1 � VOTC� VO'TE, Liebl and Nee voting aye, Starwalt voting nay} Mayox Lieb1 declaxed the motion caxried two to one. The Finance Director asl�ed what would be done about areas B and C of h�s memoxandum. The City �ngineer said the City had hoped to get some money fram Sprin,g Lak� Paxle £or this system, but the door had been closed. The City Engin�er said he would re�ommend another pipe be put in Alden Way in case there is a block in the pipe or a back up by the river. He sa3.d th�.s way either outlet would be available. He said he would like a p�pe a't a little higher level. The City Engineer said this is what the money is for. � � , I� � LJ The City Engineer said he did not think there would be a problem with ' equal assessments of the whole area for this improvement. He added, the projec�. was $200,U00 less than the people had been told. The Gity Attorney said befoxe the assessment hearing, the Council should go on record authorizing the proposed plan for the expenditures. He s�.i.d the Council would have ordexed the work. He said if the members of t}�e Council would agree with the recommenda�ions of the City Engineex, thi,s i.s what should be done. �ayor Liebl sa.id the Ci.ty Engineer said the area had already saved $2p0,0�0 for the people of the East River Road area, He said the peaple would be saving on the proposal put to them a year aga. He said he did not want to make it hard on the home owner. He said he did not think t�he people should be assessed. , �� ;� ,� MOTTON by �ouncilman Nee to Goncur with the recommendata.ons of th.e Fi�anc� Dire�tor on points b and c of his memorandum �Co the Ci.ty Manager on ' Ju1y 12, 1973, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, a11 vc►�ir�� ay�, Mayor Liebl declared the mo�ion carried unanimously, �tayox Lieb� ciixeeted the Finance Director ta inform Councilmen Bredi�r ' and U�t�er what the Council's feeling on the matter was and why. He said he should also refer to the commitment to t�e people. The Fi.nan�e Di,xectox said he wotzld cio this . ' CONSIpERATION OF CHANGING THE TTME LIMIT ON TRUCK PARKING IN RESIDENTIAI, AR A : Ths A���.ng City Manager �ai.d he had brough� �Ghis tp their attention, �Q ge`t �he�.x �e�l�.ng an th.e matter. He said �t would take some l�gal re�e�;��� �Q �hange tlie 7.�ma�ta�ion. He said h3.s i.nten��on wou�d be tca r�du�� �.Fi� nu:mi�ex o�' hours a commercia7. veh�.c�.e would be able �o paxk, ' ' , � ' ' ' �� � ' , ' !� R�GULAR CQUNCIL �IEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 9 Mr. Hi17. said thexe is a problem with the 24 houx limi�ati.on. H� add��,� th�s would involve three shifts of police officers who axe subjeet to day changes a1so. He said the present situation is very dif�i�ult tQ keep up with the necessaxy records. He said if some- tim� within the 24 liours the wheels of the vehicle are moved. the poli.�� could do nothing about the parking. He said he thought this type of parking gave an unsigh�ly appearance to ihe residential areas, The Acti�g City Manager said he would like some indication o� the Council's feeling on the proposed change vf limitation, He said if the Coun�il feels the time limit should be reduced, hs would ask them ta �.uthorize the City Attoxney to look into the possibility. �Iayvr Liebl said the Councilman At Large had broughr this matter to his �ttention recently. He said there axe semi-trucks parked in xe�iden�ial areas for two days at a time. The City Manager said this is right. If the vehicle was moved up the street and back, they could park for another 24 hours. He said it is very difficult fox the police to keep track of whether or not the vehicl,e i�s maved or not. Mayor Lieb asked the City Attorney if he would loox into the matter. The City Attorney said this had been d�.scussed at the Departmeni Head meeting thdt day and he had a question in regard to �he type of , vehicle to be allowed within the catagory o£ commexcial vehicles. He said what about non residential areas? I�e also questioned the meaning of commercial vehicles stating a lot of people have pick up ' tr�cks. He said what about the the off and on stxeet parking, would thexe be a difference in ihinking on the two? He asked what type oi v�hicles would be ban? ' , u � , �tayor Lieb1 said he had xeceived complaints about big semi-trucks bEing park�d in residential areas with heavy Ioads. He said he did not think this wouldbe good fox the street and he also thought it �.s a ha�ard, He said he knew of £ive different occassions of thi.s typ� caf parking, He said he would like the City Attorney to come up w�th something that can be enforced and would hold up in the +caurts. He said he would have no objection to those who owned picl� up txu�ks parking ox those who visited in pic�C up trucks paxking the�'e. �-Ie said he does not 1•ike the �axking of the large loaded txucks over Saturday and Sunday. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed. He said he would not want someoz�e to take the truck �rom one street and park it on another for another 24 �oux' per�od. He said there should be a definition on these points: � MaXo� �,iea� said� he had r�cea�ved �alls fxom the first Ward �nd peopl.e ' who thi�k there should be more stx�.ct regulations . He saa.d he lcnew o� an �.+�e3�den� w�Ti�ch. �ras caus�d by a lax�g� �xuck pax�C�ng on th� str�et. ' , , REGULAR CQUNCIL �EETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 10 ' M��ox Liebl said he would instxuct the City Attorney to amend �he oxdinan� �nd xedu�� th� limitatian of parking time in resident�al areas. Coun�ilman Nee agreed asking the City Attorney to prepare an amendme�t fo� �ansideration at the next meeting. �ayor Liebl said he did not think a motion on the actian would be necess�xy, RECE�yTNG THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OP MAY 21, 1 MO�ION by �QUncilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Parks and R��reatiQn Gommission meeting of May 21, 1973. Seconded by Gaun�ilm�n Ne�. Councilman Nee questioned if the minutes axe running this far behind in reaching the Council's attention for approval? He said he had be�� questioned by people concerning the Moore Lake study and had advised �hese peop�e there was no such study. He said now it appeaxs there is a study and has �een underway for some time. � UPON A VOICE V�TE, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared zhe motion eaxxied unanimously. The Da.xe�tox of Parks and Recreation was asked by Mayor Liebl why the minute� had been so late. Mr, Brown said this was an adminisira�ive problem and the policy had been changed so that the minutes would be out within five days of the meeting from now on. He said he hoped this would answer their questions. Mayo� Lieb1 asked Mr. Brown if the statement that thexe was no contract was coxxect? The Director of Parks and Recreatian said this was truep there is a task force study groupr�nrking on Movre Lake. He said a member of the Par�CS Commission and Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre wexe in the prc►cess Qf gathering informatiqn concerning th� hisr�ary of the 1al�e and what the problems would come to. He said they are just accumulating information. ' ' � � ' �_� ' ' !� �� C U Mayor Liebl said he was aware that Mrs. Sporre had called the County and asked for �.�farmation. Mr. Brown, said information is also being gathere� £�om s'tudi.es �nade af Crooked Lake and Lake Calhoun. His refurbishin� �.deas are eoming forth. He Said the study is focussed on how to bring baek the oxygen in the 1ake. ' Counc3lman Nee said he had been asked why the City had ordered a con- sultant and he had told them the City had not. M�. Brown said this is only a task force and there is no contxact with any ca�sultant. He said Brother Sullivan from Grace High School and 1+�x. Aon Savekoul were also helping in the praject. He said the County Health. Board is also working on the project. He said he thought th� stud�.es �.ad been made the preuious week. ' ' ' ' ' � ' I' � R�GtI1�A.� �QUNCI� M�ETI�IG OF .JUI.Y 16, 1973 PA,G� 11 R����V�NG T'H� �TNUT�S OF THE FRTDLEY HUMAN RELATTONS CQMMISSIQN N _� UN 2$, 9 MpT�ON �y Councilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Frid�ey Hum�� R��.ati4ns Comma.ssion meeting of June 2�, 1973. Seconded by �c�un,�ilr��z� �ta�walt . �oun�i�man Starwalt called ihe Council's attention to the ]ast item � or� the minutes which proposed the change in the rec�uirem�nt for a q�orum �xQm ten members tp six members. He said he did not feel any c�ut�rum should be 6/15 of the membexshi�, He sai.d if thexe is no c�uorum present, th� members could make a recommendation for Council. ' a�pr�Yal. I-;e said al� items should receive equal consideration whether Qr �Qt the�'e is a c�uorum present. He said the members of the Commission� sh+�uld. encourage the members to attend the meetings, He said they ' had �l�o ialked about proxy votes, and even with this type of voting, he did not �eel the number rec{uired for a c{uorum should be reduced frvm te� to six. �� I �J , , LJ Mayor Liebl said he agreed with this. He said i� should be at J.east, nine. He saicl he did not feel that six would constiture a quoxum. Mayor Liebl said it may be they have to write a letter everyt�ime there is a meeting to alert the membership. He s�id he did not thi.nk it was a good idea to have the meeting in someone's �ome� He �aid it would he appropriate to k�ave public meetings in C�.ty Hall. He said he thought the Commissian could be critized for this typ� af ineeting. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with this point, Councilman Nee said he alsp agreed. The Ci�y Attorney said he had been c{uestioned by the Chairman of th� , Commission and he had advised �im that same bodies have less than th.is for a c�uo�um. He said the Chairman is concerned because there a�� �ot ar�y people coming to the meetings, He said he had knowledge ' o� �roups wi.�h a lesser number constituting �.c{uorum. The City A�to.rney �aid th�s is one alternative, the other would be to allow them to have a small number of people appointed to the Commission. �' Councilman Nee said he thought it should be at least hal£ af the mem�a��'s�ip or eight members. Mayor �,ieb1 said there should b� �ine tc� h,av� a quqrum. He reminded Councilman Nee of the new appointment ' �.� xeccammended by the High School that brought the membership up. �+�u��ilmar� �tarwalt said the Cammission should strlve for better ' �tt��.dance at the meetings. He said he �haught the proxy vote may bQ a�p�op�'�ate with the Quorum remaining about nine or ten. He �aa.d h�: Wou�d recommend they maintain the number ten, C� � � Th+e City Attorney sai,d he thought eight wauld be su�£ici,�nt for �h� c�uo�um. I�e sa�,d i.� has been diff�cult £or t3�em to get a quorum pr�- se n� �� the�r. meetings, LTpQN .� yfJ�CE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayox Li�bl declared the rnotion �������, ��}����nq�us7.�►a �r�d th� mi�nutes rec�����, _.. _.� .� .. .: � .� R�'GULAR COUNCII, M�ETZNG QF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE �.2 � - I R���T1(ING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER CO ISSI N EE I G 0 ' MM 0 M T N F JUNB 19, ].973; MCiTTQN �ay �ouncilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Chartex Comm�ssi.Q�, ' me�xi�� ca� June �9, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a vo�,c� votE, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec�.ared the motion carried unan�mausly. � CLAI�IS ; GEN�RAL 32486 - 32519 L�QUQR 7�46 - 7963 MOT�QN by Ccaunci�man Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilm�n �t$rwalt. Upo�n a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Liebl decJ.ared th�� mofiion caxried unanimously, �STTMATES: Pierxe Thibault (1972) Ltd. �ierre, Quebec Thibault 100 ft. Aerial ladder mounted on Custom chassis Thibault model ALW 8176, dated May 30, 1973 Ehlers and Associates, Tnc. Fa,nancial Consultants 5Q7 Maxc{uette Ave. Mp1s. MN 55402 For all services under Part T- Planning, dated June 30, 1973, Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz $ Casserly Caxl J. Newc{uist, Fridley Prosecutor 6441 Univ�rs�.ty Avenue N.E. Fxidley, MN 55432 Services �endered by Prosecutor in represe�tation of City in Cximina� Matters. Dated 3uly 2, 1973. Patch Erickson �Iadson $ Hanson, Inc. Architeets and Planners 2801 Way�ata Baulevard Mp�s. MN 55405 June inspection of Fridl�y Liquor Store, dated June 29, 19i� Lee �7.�c�ric , 3775 Highway 5Z Mp � s , Nl'�1 �1��tri�al, work fox �ris�ley i,�quox Stoxe, dat�d Jun� 26, 1973 $ �66,16A,�?Q 1,5QQ.00 1,155.QU � SO,QQ ����o.a� '�F���AR COUN�IL ME�TING �F JU�Y 16, 1�73 PAGE 13 �STTMATES : (CQNTINUED) : F�agr+����.v�e Contractor�, Ir�c, Fa�°��.al Estimat� �� - Street Tmprovement Pxoject ��t 1�72-1 �'a��t�i�1 ��timate #7 - Stx�eet Impxcavemen.t Pr�aject S�, 1972�� (MSAP� �uxy � �axl�Qn, Tne, 600� Wayz��� BQUlevard r�a a. �, i�v � s 4� 6 � �artial E�timate #4 - Street Impxovement Project S�. 1973,� Parti�l Estimate #4 r Stxeet Improvement Project . Sx, 7�973-2 No�cthdale Construction Company, Tnc, $20$ Northwood Parkway M�1s. MN 55427 Pa�'tial Estimate #2 - Sanitary F� Storm Sewex $ W�ter Tmprovement Pro,ject No, 112 Al,�ie,d Blacktop Company 36Q1 �F$th Avenue North Mp1s. MN 55429 Partial Estimate #1 - Street Improvement Project St, 1973-10 (Seal Coat) Rysgaaxd-Master Company, Inc. 1253 West Connelly Street S�, Paul, MN 55112 FINAI� ESTIMATE - Water Improvement Prpject No. 110, P�inting of 1.5 M.G. Ground Storage Reservoir, Fx�dley, MN Nodland Associates, Inc. A.lexandria, MIv 56308 �TNAL ESTIMA�'E - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewex, and Watermain Improvement Project No. 102 (Estimate No. 10) ' Weav�r� Ta1�e $ Herrick � �16 E, Main Street Anoka� ���N 55303 i' .�une �.et��.ner �lus add�.tional s�xvic�s ar�d secxe- t�xial serv�.c�s ' $ 5+895.59 5,031.�8 61�5��.�42 31,920.75 4�,463.63 �4,348.$Z 29,�OO.Op 7,SOO,OQ ].,212,SQ It�GU�AR COUNCIL biEETING QF JULY 16, 1973 E�TTMATES; ��NT�NUED: Smi�h, Just�r, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Bu�ld�rs �xchange Building Mp�s. MN �5ao2 Add�t�onal legal serv�ces to June 22, 1973; Pol�ce Pension � Glover Suit PAGE 14 , ' ' 1,57Q.Qp ' MQ�TqN by Cotincilman tiee to approve the estimates. S��onded by Cou�c�lma� � S�axwalt. Upon a ��oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl �eclaxed �he mox�o� earried unanimously, LIC�NS�S: 1'YPE OF LIC�NSI: BY �TREET VENDQR Barbara Glc�mmen 1Q48 �7th Ave. Blaine Barbara Glommen MULTIPLE AWELLING Darrel Farr Dev. Co. 5901 Brapklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Center 1601 N, Innsbruck FUBLIC DRINKING PLACE Casina Royale 6219 Hwy. 6S Fra.dley Casino Royale S�LICIT�R �oy"� of the City 257.0 E. 24t� St. Minr�eap�lis S�RV�CE STATTON Sinelair S�ation 629Q Hwy. 65 g���,��y Arnold Midtaune �i,ACKTQPPIN� �ior�Ch��n Asphalt Construction, Inc. 11Q64 �add�son Road N.E. ��.aa�ne � MN By : Gerhard Larsan , APPROVED BY Pub. Safety Dix. Fire Tnsp. Pub. Safety Dix. ' FEE � (� n/� � � 1.J s �/ L7 �_ � 26�QQ ' ' 1QQ.QU ' ' Pub. Safety Di.r. 17S,OQ , Cqmm, Dev. Adm. Fire Insp. C. Bel�.sle ' �Q,AD , �.BN�;W.A� ' � � � � ' � ' ' •REGU�,AR �OUNCII. M�ETING QF JULY 1�, 1973 I����NSES: �C�NTINUED ; ��C�AVAT T N� T��.�yd" � �x��vatin� �Q�� Gxc�v�land �Zvad ��1�, ��i By: Lloyd Remmers ��N�FtAL �C�NTRACT�NG �iutt�n � RQwe, Inc. 3958 1�A1�h �.�.�� .�r�caka, MN By : James Hutton Wha.t+� ��k Bu�.lders, I�c. ' 7079 Si�v�x I�ake Raad ��,�� , M�( By : Edwin Dropps , Pa�u� .Auxand ],7��. �:a��G County Raad G �t . Fau]. , N�N �y : Pau1 Aurand ' , ' HEATING q�, iC H��.1�ing F� Air Conditioning ].89�& ?�ek��� Streei Wyomiz�g, MN By: Arvin Kuhn MA�O�IRY Sar�o G�ar��txuction �112 2�th �vs. N. I�g�.s , M�i �y : T�ny Sar�ch G. �elisle C. B�lisle C. B�lisle C. Belisle C. Bel�sle C. Belisl� PAG� 1S N�W RENEWAL �BW N�W NEW �11�W Aan ��bxc� ���emt Company ' �Q�,7 P�r�rc�d Lane Mp1�, MN �y: Don Zebrca C. Belisl� N�W MQTIQN by �Counc�.lman Ne� to appxove th.e license�. Se�onded by Coun�ilman ' Starwa�.t � Uppn a voa.ce vate, a11 voting aye � Mayox Lieb1� dec�.ared the mc�t�or� ca�r�i�d unanimausl.y. , � ' � ' MAYAR I�IEBI,' S CO1vIN1ENTS ON THE BUTLDING PERMIT REPORT ; Ma�tar �,i�b�. �aid he wquld like ta commend th�a admi�xstra�.ion fc�x a11 of �h� �a�rd wcark in �,972, �i� said h� would like to ex�end hi� comp�.�.� men�� �ca the staff and especially th� Inspection pepartm�nt. �Ie sai�i �xidley �.� �.h� leadex in Building Permits in Anaka County. Mayar I�isb�. 1ist�sd 'th� amount o� permits �.ssued in 1972. Ma�ox ��.�bl �a�.d that h� th.ought h.e should cqmm�nd the C�ty �ngSneex ��r �h� �lev��opment of a solid commun,ity. The City Ez�ginea� thank�d the Mayoz� and said this is nic� to hear once �n a wh�.le, RRGU�AR GQUNGI� M��TING QF JULY 16, 1973 PAG� 16 � MAYQR LIBBL'S QUESTIONS CONCERNING 61��; Maypr ���b� a�ked if the problems on 61st had been �aken car� �f? ��un�i�m�n Ne� said he had not taken care of this ye�, �TT.MAN u�� cnTn HF. Nan AN ADMiNTSTRATIVE PROBLEM WHICH NEEDED ATT�NTT� ' � �QUncil��n N�� sa�d he had the �ame of a psrsan wha had been thrQat�ning �■ pexson� �nd he �ad recsived complaints from peaple h� �ad b�en th�ea�- �n�n$ �o sh��t, He $av� the name of the p�rson to th� Acting �i�y ' �an�g�r/Fu�lic Safety Director, and asked to be not�fied cvnc�rn�ng th� resu�t� i� �h�� was feasib�e. T�� �cting City Manager said he would take care of xhe prabl�m. CQUNCII.MA�1 STARWALT' S UESTTONS CONCERNING THE OPERATIONS AT CAS�NO Cv�ncilman �ta�walt asked ia� the Casino Rvyale was operat�.n$ with or withou�� grob�.em� at the present time. May�r Liebl said the ownex�ship oi th� es�abla.shment had changed and there we�re no long�x pxoblems. He �a�i.d h� had not heard af any complaints. �ouncila�an &�arwalt asked if there had be�z� any problem� �.t ihe �ub. Mayor I�ie1a1 said thexe no longer were any problems. ADJQURNMENT: , AL� ; M0�'I�?N by Coun�ilman Nee to �djourn the meeting. Se�onded by Councilman S�axwal.t. Upon a vaice vo�e, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declar�d the matian earxied unanimously and the Regular Meeting of Ju1y 16, 1973, adjourn�d at 10:05 p.m. Respe�t�ul�.y submitted, ��� � ����= �' � , �,�t� ,� . , P�.tri.c�.a E11�.S Secr��a�y to the City Counci,l Frank G. Liebl, Mayox ' IFRIT?I��X CZT'Y GQUNCIL ME�TING - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI�G - JULX 16, 1973 - 7:30 P, M. ' ' PLEUGE AF ALI�EGIANCE s ' ROLL CALLt ' ADOPTTON OF A�ENpA: ' $R�SENTATION QF AWARDS: ' W�y�e �k� k'ridley Fire De�artment I?onald FrQam, Fridl.ey �ire Deps�ztnent ' �onnie 0'De11, Human Itelakians Commission ' APPROVAT, QF' MINUTE� : ' R�gu�-ar Council Me�tin� pf �ay 21, 1973 ' �t+�gula� Cc�uncil Meetin� of ,Tune 4, 1.973 ' v�s����s� g ��+�n��.d��'a�ion c�f it�m� not or� a$enda - 15 minutes) ' 3P�CI�AI� PR�S��TTATION BY E�.NOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON THE PAOPOSED LIBRA�iY AND CON-� 9ID�RA,'��QN Q�' ��t�S!QI,UTIpN AUTHQRi��NG THE COi1NTY OF ANOKA TO PR�CEEA WITH, IT� ' FI•AANS Tl� ��NSTA�IC�' A aRANCH I,IBRARX �Y THE ANOKA CQUNTY �,IBRARY BOA,RA TN THE ���Y A�' FA�A�.�X B ' ' ' ' � �R��L�Y CIT� COUNCIL AGENDA �F �U�X 16, 1973 SECTION I: PUBLTC H�A.RINGS; (����) � PAG� 2 SECTION II: ALp BU�I�ES�: Reconsidexa��Qn of Locatin� a National Guard Armory in the Ci�y �f Fridley .... .............. ....................................... � T 1 a R�ceivin$ �em4randum �rom the Acting City Manager on the Na�th Subur�a� Youth Services Center ............................•. ..•.. 2- 2N �Q�s�d�r�t��� Qf Apprava� Q£ the �ease for Gardena School Prop��ty �or F�rk �urposes ........................�....�.......... ,...,,. 3 - 3H Con�id�r��ion �f Appxa�aa�s for nrainage and Starm Sewer F�►asm�ntAcqu��itio� for Area Nor�h of Ri�e Creek, outlet ��I'�. u6 �Q�* �5'F�� r • s � e e • . r . • • ♦ • e • • s . f e r • . • • . . • • s s • • • . . . • • • t e . • t s � . . • • • R r • r . • � � � " �61 �RIDL�X CITY COUNCII. AGENI)A OF Jt1LY 16, 1973 Ciot� II: O�d Business Continued: PAGE 3 Discusaion Regarding Side Street Assessment for �th Street (fJ�iginal and Two Alternate Rolls) Tabled June 18, and July2, 1973 .................. ................. ......................... 5- SP SECTION IIT N�W BUSINESS: Discuss�lon Q� �rea to be Ass�ssc�d �or Cost o£ Project No. 102 ............. 1- 1Q Cor�$id�ratior� +a� Changin$ the Time I,imit on T.ruck �'arkin� it� R�ei.d�rtt�al Axeas .. ......................�..,,,,...,........,......... � - 2A ��c�elvlr�g Ch�s Mi�utea of the Parka and Re�reation Commission Qi I��y 2J., 19T3 .... .............................. .................. .... 3- 3A R:+�c��.vin� Ch� 'Mi.nutes of the Fridley Human Relations Commission ca� Jut�e 28� �.473 .......................................................... 4� 4A � I'I ' FR�A��Y CTTY COUNC�L AGENDA OF JULX �6, 1973 PAGE 4 ' ' Section IITt New Business Continued; ' Receiving the Minutes.of•the Charter Cac�nission Meeting ^ afJune 19, 1973.. ................... ........................... 5 5G , ' Claims........... ......... ............................................. 6 ' ' � Est�matea ....... .............................. .. . - . ... .. ................ 7 7N , , Licc�na�s .................................................................. 8 -� 8A ' ' , � SECTION IV C�MNNNICATIONS. ' iNanei ' ADJQ RN� U . � � ' . � ' ' ' rt� MiNt;i�:� Ur 1►-�. xH�c;� ,J�x ,�u:r.i t.tiu i��• ct�t� f hIDLEY CL�iY (;l)UNCI1. Ok� MAY 21, 1973 �h� Re$ular Meeti.n� ut the Fridley City Council was called to ordex at 7:30, M.�y �1, 1973, by �tayor L.iebl. � LEGIANCE; M�yc�x' I,�,Qb�. led r.he �'nuncil and the audience in 5aying the Pledge of Allegiance Cca khe Flag. ,�,N C ION : Th� Invoc�ti.on was ��ftiered by Mayor Liebl. �.�,�AL.I, s �1EMB�RS PRE SEN T : �1EM$�RS ABS�NT; D ON OF GENDA: Liebl, Utter, Breider, Starwalt Nee (Councilman Nee arrived at 7:51 p.m.) Maypx Liebl said the following items were to be added to the agenda; Tt�9aplut�.on pf Condolence to the family of Mr. Donald Bana �rau�7r and Associ�ates, CommuniGation T,Btk�x ��Om SChoo1 District 4�14, Supt. John Hansen E�t�mmte f�om Keyway Builders. MQTIQN by �ouncilman Breider to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman U���r, iJpon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani.mous ly. ,�,E„�t�UTION �k70-1973 - CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMIZY OF MR. DONALD BONA: M�yor Li.ebl read the Kesalution of Condolence to the family of Mr. Donald Bona aloud , to the Council and audience. Mayor Liebl said it was deep sorrow tt�at he would aek £a� a motion of adoption of the Resolution, MO��ON by Gouncilman Utter to adopt Resolution �k70-1973. Seconded by Councilman SCsrwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried ut�animous ] y . P}�SENTATION OF AWAitDS : �,�}�TIF�Ct�,TF S OF APPREC IATION ; Mx. James I,angenfeld Mx'a. Domingo Ramos M�. Theron Horn Rev� James McChesney �Ir, �k�arles Hall Mx', ��x]. Paulson Dx. �i. $. Strait Chairman of Human Relations Committee Member of Human Relations Committee Member of Human Rela.tions Committee Member of Human Relations Committee Member of Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority Member of Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Aukhori:�y Fridley Health Officer Mayvx I�i�b1 xead aloud the names of the persons to receive the awards. He asked i,£ �ny �f them were present to receive the awards. Mr. James Lengenfeld came forward. M�ypx"'�i.ebl �'ead the Ce�tificate of Appreciation aloud to Mr. Langenfeld and thanked him ior his aervices. R�GUIaAR COiJNCII. MEETING 0� MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 2 ' ' Mayor I,i�b1 said the remainder of the certificates would be mailed to Che recipier�ts,. �NATON: p��EN��1TIpN BY JOEL KOEMPTGEN, NORTH SUBURBAh YOUTH SERVICE CENTER ON FISCAL 4P�RA�IONS OF THE C;ENTER APdD BY DON WEGSCI�IDER ON VARIOUS PROGRAMS OFFEREA AT '�HE NQRTH SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER: M�yo'c Lietal inGroduced Mr. Joel Koemptgen and Mr. Don Wegscheider to the Coun��l and at�dien�e , Mr, ,Tp�l Koem�atgen addressed the Council and said he would present aa 3.nt�'oduction to Ch� seiv�Cces of the Center. He said the program had begun, in the Coac� Rapids Hi,�h Schapl and they outline� the problems of the area. He said the first con- �idexa��.o� was pxovidi.ng jobs for teenagers, secondly, obtaining mec3ic�1 tzeatment atld t�i�rd,�,y, solving probiems of drug abuse. Mi`. Kc�mpGge�n elaborat�d on the following items: 1. Free Clinic, 2. �'amily Ce�uc�&slin�, �. Hot Line, and 4. Drug Education. I+�rre K�+�mptgen said at thi�s presentation he would like to ask for financial h�1p, }I� sa�.d �h� pro�ect has been financed for the year 1973, but there may be a,need fs�� �dd;��ic�na� funding in the future at the local level. He hoped tha� eventua�ly th+� fund�.�� �ram Fridle; would be $3,OQ0 to $5,000. Mr. Do� Wegs�heide�, Pro�ram Director and Counselor, addressed the Counc�l and e�i.d th� �arogr.am at f�rst dealt with the crisis type o£ situation, He said those wk►� �om� fs�r help were frightened about drugs and other simil.ar situati.ons. He �aid npW the p�Q�ram has more balance and has included much family counseling, '�e paid the young people are referred ko them through probation officers and schaal +�o�s+s�,c�rs. H� said Xn many cases the entire family is brought in for counseling. M�yo�^ T,isb1 said he, the City Manager and Councilman Starwalt had heard a recent px'e�e�3tation of the group in Coon Rapids and they were very i.mpressed with the warl� b��.n$ done by them. He said, since the people of Fridley were using the fac�.lities ca� xhe Ce�iZer, he thought the Cauncil should be aware of the activities. MQT�QN by Coun�ilman Starwalt to receive ttie �iterature from the North Suburban �'QUth S�rv�.ces Center and deposit the intormation with the City rtanager for appropxi�te aCCipn. Seconded by Councilman Breider. UPon a voice vote, all voting aye, the moCion c�rx�.�d unar�imous].y. �DOPTION OF MINUTES: }�'IINUTES OF Tl� RF,GULAR COUNCIL MEE_l.'ING OF' MAY lEii 1973; MQTION by Councilman fircidcr tu ad�,pt the minutes of the Ke�;ulaz Council Meeting o� May 16, 1973 as pr��5en[ed. Sec���i�ded by Gouncilman tiC�er. Upon a voice vote, a11 Vatin� aye, Mtiyor Lieb'. decl<�r��d the mution carriecl unanimously. V S TORS• MI�. AAVTD BERGSVEN . 7566 STINSON BLVll. N. E.: Mr, A�vis� Bergsven addressed the Council and said he was requesting a lot spl.i,t fo�' ths b�ek portion �f his lo�, ' ' R�GiJT,AR CUUNCii, MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 3 Caµnc�.lataa 3reider asked if the lot splits could be handled together as a plat. j��. ��r��ven s��d this would be fine. �t. S�A%1 UAVIS , 1511 FER[�1DAI,E : �x, pavis said he had sent an application tor the lot spiit to the City Ha�l four WE��ks �go �nd ��othing had been done t� date. He said there is some urgency as he w�s tnov�ng th� coming Friday and the lot must be divided belore this time to satis�y '.'���1 City �eder�l. He said he would pay for the curb and gutter. He sa�.d this should h�ve been done before he had purcha5ed the home, and was not done. He said he was t�c�t awaXe that it was needed at tl�at time. I�ayor Liehl ask��ci tf,,. City Attorney if under certain circumstances the lot split eo�ld be granted in une e��ning by the Council? Would this be legal? '�h�e Ci�y ACto��ey said the Council has the right to grant a lot split. �'if�T�QN by Councilman Starwalt tu grant the lot split requested by Mr. Stan Davis, 15�1 Fexnda�e, the 82 foot by 150 tout portion in the front. Seconded by Councilman �jttex for discussion purposes. Th� C�ty �n�ineer pointed out the area on the map on the overhead project�r. �I�. Aavis said his lot was Lot 1, Auditors Subdivision 92. �h� C7ity �ngineer said the split would create a land locked lot on the north �rld of the property, this is why it had not been approved by the City before. ki� �a�� they did not want to create any land locked lots. The C�ty Attorney said the City Engineer may be right, but he could aee no diffieulties �hat do not exis� at the present time. �h� �ity Attor�ey said some language should be included on the north half and he su���s��d Mr. Davis come in and work something out with the administration, UYU1� A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTTNG AYE, Mayor Liebl declared the motio❑ carried unanimous�.y. M�y�� I,iebl directed Mr. Davis to come into the office the following day and work W�.t� the a�i�ninistration on a satisfactory solution. �t. WAYNE CHASE, 7839 MAIN STREET N, E.: 1�ir, Ck�a�se said he was the Project Chairman from Four Seasons Construction Company and h� was z'equesting a house trailer permit for 7839 Main Street N. E.. He sa�id �h� building on the site was being demolished and this had begun that day, He sa;Cd th� �eason for the application at the present time would be to set up projeGt headqu$r��rs and develop a site for construction for a permanent construction office. ' Ma,yox �i.e�bl asked if there were any questions. Tt�+9 City �n�ineer suggested the application be considered favorably with the a��.j�u,latiQnS that a plan be submitted to the City within one month aud the conatru�tion o� th� ���'u�ture begin within three months. R,�GUTAR COUNCIL N�E'TTNG OF h�.Y 21, 1973 FAG� 4 ' 1�IpT�Q�`i by CQUncilman Breider to approve tfle temporary permit with the �tipulat�Ans ��:�ommended by the City Engineer. 5econded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vo�.�Q y�te�� a1j, vo�in� aye, Mayor Liebl c'.eclared the motion carried unanimously. C���.,,1'VL�D PUBLIC HEAKING ON ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AUTHORtZING THE CITY TO ISSU� �, k'RANCHTS� FOR THE ESTABLISI�IlKENT OF A UNIFO1tM EI.ECTRIC FRANCHISE BETWEEN NORTHERN �,''�,T'E�CIWER C(7NIPANY AND COMMUNITIES IN TH� METROPOLITAN TWTN CITX AREA INCLUDTNG T�' CT'Tiv�c�F FRTDLEY (CONT]NUED FROM THE PUBLIC HEARING MEET_ING _ OF_ MAY 14, 197�) : 1KQ'�T,QN by Counc�lman UCtex� to waiVe the reading c�f Ch� Public Hearing Natice, S�soonded by Gouncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I,i�b�. de�1a�'�d th� motion earried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 8:25 p,m. Mayqr �,iebl asked il tl�ere was �inyane present who had any questi.onG on the propc�sed pi'dic►ance? HY asked tEae City Attorney ii he had any recommendations or if there was anyt:hit�g that may n�.�� �,t l��al or should the Council adopt the urdinance at th�.s �ime? The City Att,orney said th� ordinance is well drafted fzom a procedural standpoint. ��e Sa�.d he beli.ev�d the City would be better off with the ordinance adopted then w�th no pxacedure at all. �ou�e�.lman Utter said he agreed whole heartedly with the City Attorney. �our►c�.lman �reider said this would operate like the Suburban Rate Authority. Cpunci.lman Starwalt said the ordinance dealt with the both x-ate and usage. Cauncilman Nee asked if there was anyone present representing Northern StatEs �'ower Company? Mr. John Ra��k of NSP indentified himself.He added, Northern States Power has been ��rying for years tc> get a state wide franchise and some people do not want this. �Is sa�d in view of not being able to set up a state wide authority, the Metro AuChori,ty would be the best as over 50% of the power used in Minnesota is used by th� 12$ cQmmunities that will be involved in setting the uniforrt franchise, H� 8aid originally there were 30 communities involved in setting the uniform franch�,se. H� said iVSP felt it woulci be easier to deal with one body than 125 separate bodies �Q�' c�egot�.ations. Cpqn�ilmar� N�e questioned the representative asking, does the Company shut off the pqwe� �o�e n�on payment? Mr� Rank said there is a 1on� list of procedures that are fq�law�d before this is done. He added this is done as a last resort. �yar �,i�b1 aslced if there was an�yone in the audience with a questioa. He sai.d �h� s�dinan�e w�.11 take two readings and publication. He said the Council� had to determine �.f �hf,a woulcl be in th� bast public interest and best fox the p�ople of th� coma►uni�y. Mayo�C �,�t�k�1 �aid he had talked to Mayor Bruce Nawroeki, of Columbia l�eights who had stud�,� �h� propo�a�d Qrdi�an,ce and he felt it was as fair as could be achieved. He added, p��apl� ��om St. Pau� had studied it and also an at�prn�y i,n, Ri.chfiel.�. He aaid h� ' thQU�h� �h� sev�en caunties involved should b� treated equally. He said thex'� �hould bA an vv�:�' all strueture and �his would be doae unde� the proposed system, He �aid thi,� Wou�+� al�o make �1SP sound so they can prov#,de the �eceasary s�rvices tQ the ' �QCnmunit�es, He said perhaPs t�}� �'��es can be reevaluated for the benefi.t o� th� �oc�sumex �n�d thi�s ��:dinance cauld make this happen. « .. . .,-,. ' � t ' R�GUT�AR GQ�JNC��. MEE�TNG OF N1AY 21, 1973 PAGE S � Councilman Nee said he favored collective bargaining in this respect, how�ver, ' ����� ar� �wo major �arts he had qualcas with. He said he thought Che rate �t�uCCuTe was discriminatory, He said he did not see why some have ta pay R�Qx�' thaA , c�tl��x& � ' �1�� Cizy Attcaacney said i,t may be a good idea to have some expert or have M�: Nawrock� g��$�nt at �h� se�ond r�ading. ' 1�S�r. par� Fish, 7501 I,akeside Road, asked if the City of Fridley of the Metrp Council W�t��d s�t the rates. Mayor Lisbl said this is an independent a.greement. He said i� Woul�l b� x'��i�ied by many communities or 60% of the Metro area. M�� Fiskl asked once the ordinance is adopted, who would arbitrate the rates? CouneilmaR U�ter said Councilman Starwalt is the Fridley representative from the Council, and Gh�r� is an alternate, He said with the affairs of the 5uburban Rate Authority there �,�a one X�presenkative from each community and they meet quarterly and have all financial x�parCs. He said the authority is given to an attorney and he does the negotiating Wf�i� the Cotnpany, He said the Attorney is hired by the CommunitiRe to represent th��'n. HE: s�id the Company pays the money for this service. He said the Suburban Ra�s Author�.ty received $30,Q00 for the operations of the Commission and this amount had �Q 1�� cut down to $12,000 as they had to refuse money because they had an exces&. M�. Ranek said the Company was allowing the commission $50,000 for negotiations. �pun�ilman Utter said the Cammission would not be costing the communities a cent. H� said they will benefit if anything, A resident asked why a home owner c�uld not receive the rate that a businQSa cou�.d, �� Rancsk said the average home owner does not use the amount of electricity as the smt�11 �ommerCi.a� business. He said the business pays a demand rate and this is npt �c�yvlved in zesidential billing, He said each person is supposed to pay his own way. ki�'. Andx'ew Kohlan asked how soon this could be in affect after the adoption of ttte ozdinance2 Councilman Utter sai.d one year. Mayor Liebl said this would have to be ratifi.ed by so many communities to establish a rate authority. Mr. Kohlan asked if the rates in the ordinance at the present time were the exisking , rates? He said it should be considered as the energy crisis is reached that those us�.ng more should pay a higher rate. t'x, Ranck said Northern States Power is studying this point. �quncilman Utter voiced concern that some people may miscontrue what is done with kh� money. He said the o�ganization would have a president, a secretary and a tr�asurer. He said if there is a meeting, all the representatives pay their own way. The only money that is spent by the authority is used to hire an attorney �o re�resent the authority. He is the only one to receive a salary, Councilman tJCXer said. He said the authority is not influenced by the money at all. He said i� i.s n,�ver tauched by any person. kIpTTON by Councilman Breider to c�ose the Public Hearing on the F,lectric Franchige�, ' S���nded hy �puncilman Utter, Upoa a voice �otr, a11 va�ing aye, Mayor 1ieb1 d���.ax�d �he m4tion c����.ec� and �he �yb�i.� �earing closed at 9;LS p.m. i , R�GUI,A,R COUNCzi, MEETING OF MAX 21, ]973 FAGE 6 ' CQNTTNUED PtJB�.�C HEARNG 0�1 �jN��4P�L COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN �CONTINUED FRQI� J?UBL�,� HEAR�NG MEF..TING, MAY 14 , 1973) . Maycar ��sb� said the item had been continued because there was no� anypne at the mo���.ng �o +�amm�nt on the plan. I+�, �3ud Hacnil.ton, 181 Rice Creek Terrace, said he would like to talk about study t���� numb��' four, Mr. Hamilton said he had an alternative plan for the portion o� land covere� in this study area. He referred to the first p�ragraph on Pege 6Q �� the p].�n �hat x�ead, "It would not be desirable Co extend industrial faciliti�s �t��th��r ��to the residential areas along the railroad sauth of Rice C�'eek. Th�s ar�a shQU1d retain �ts residential character to fit into the surround�.ng r�sid�i�tiai n�ighbi>rhood. Medium density housing would serve as a transition fo� tk�e existing railzoad and industry and would preserve public use of Rice Creek.�' �'I#'. I�amil.Go�t said ad jacent to the area is Jay Park and this would be more desirable �e #'es�d�ntial land than along the tracks. He said i�f this were possible a larger park �n �he area from Designware to Rice Creek may be feasible. He said the ded�tcated rpadway �'���'e it crosses the entrance to Rice Creek into Locke Lake would form a �a�uxa�, la.nk between this park and Plaza Park, north of Rice Cre�k, Mr, HamiJ.[on menK�.pn�d thz.s is a mast beautiful area in Fridley and is best viQwed from the sl�sli.ca��d roadway, He added, [he Creek a.s used gxtensively by canoeists and many c�f �h�� use this a�ea tv bring their canoes ashore. �J ' ' �_ � �� �' �� ' �ouncilman $r�ide� c�uestioned the feasi.b�lity of the plan. The City Attox'ney said t17� land c�uld be condemmed if it was to be used for public purposes or attempt to , ��►y �c, M,a,yo�' �ieb�. asked if a.t would be po�sible to relocate a park. He asked if this �Qt�1d be doa� w�.�,h Che cooperation of the Park Commissio� and the people of the area. �� added, th�re �s a very small amount of park in the area now, He said he though� �h�x� may be area for basketball and softball. Mayor Liebl said he be�ieved Counc�lmar� $�e�.d�r is �he Ward Councilman. He said he did not think the peopl.e of tk�e aXea would �ike to have a park relocated. He said the present park is used extensively. � ' �yo� I,iebl �aid he had many comments about this area. He said he is nok ready to , ��.qa�s th� heari.ng at the present time. He said he would like to go over each area o� the City. Cou�ci�ma� �xeider said he would like to Cable the Public Hearing on the Compr�hensive p1�n unti.l the Council can spend some time on it. 1`�QTI(�i by �ouncilman Breidez to tabie the Public Hearing till the Publ�.c Iieari�� j`�e�ting in June, (June 11, 1973). Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voi�� Ycz��, �11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �,ISCUSSION pN UTILIZATIO�` OF CHASE'S ISLAND BY THE FOUNDATI4N FOR ISLANDS OF PEACEt Mx', A�drew Kohlan, .Attorney for the Foundacion for Islands of Peace addressed the Cauncil say�ng the Fouz�dation had received the consent of the property own4xe �a�' aR �Xt�nsion of clo�ing on the proper�ti adjacent to the Island. He said i.n o�de�' �ra k,eep proceeding along with the plan, the Foundation has had the Navy Seabe�e th�ze ��a do 3ome work. He said the Foundatiuu was currer�tly asking permission frpa� the City to ubtain a 30 c�ay lease f�� �h�se's Island whi,ch would determ�ne th� �i�iai�i.ty for anything on t�he Island, He said he was not asking for any long te'�m �ease at Che present time. " " ~,.w� � � L� ' , ' , 'REGUI.,F�R �OUNCIL ME�TING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAG� 7 � 'Mx', Wi.l.m�� said the Navy Seabees had surveyed the property and staked out Che traila ' 1a�' �he k►�nr��.capped. He said the paths would be eight feet wide. He added, only e3gh� Ct�es wauld have to be cut down in the area for the construction of th� trails. rjx, {�T�.ltnes said the reasan for the eight foot width of the trails was because the ' �quipm�nt to construct the trails w�uld be this wide. He said the trails woul.d be a� a 5% �rade. � � � � ' Mt�yor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he had any questions. Councilman Nee said he thought this k�ad worked out very we11. �syor Liebl asked the City Attorney if he had any recommendations. The C�ty ACtoX�l�y 9aid Chere should be .j constractual arranrement betweer, the Foundation and the City. kie said he had no quarre? witi� :�ir. Koh1a��'s proposal. He said the Island could be leased on a month ';>v muntif basis. He saici the amount of money would have to be deiermined. He added, the termination of the lea�e could be dvne by either of the pa.rt�.es involved. 1ie said the prc�po5a1 would not put the City in any jeopardy. He sazd ic could be thac after the Fuundation had spent a certain amount of money, a �utur� Council could terminate the lease. He said thare would have to be some trust. The CiCy Atturney said ttie Council should determine if the proposal for the area is e,uit�ble and if the physical plan is acceptable. He said a lease between the two bt�dies could be drawn. l�r. Kohlan said he did not think. it would 'ne feasible to enter into a long terw lesse ' �C this time. He said they �perated on faith in the past, he was just cpncerned thaC someone may say the Foundation is operating withouC authority if there would be no lease at all. He said the Foundation would like the approval of the Council. � �J � Coun�ilman UtCer asked if it would be betcer to draw up a three month lease, Mr. Kvh�an said if the lease would be for 90 days, all the better. Th� c�.ty �ttprney said the lease would run until one party or another would w�u�,t tca Ce�minat� the lease. He said it could be terminated with 30 or 60 days notice, ���. jrj,�ypg I,ieb1 asked if the proposal had been presented to t�e Park Board, Mr. Wil�es eaid i,� h�d, ' Mayor Liebl asked if the facility wouLd service the public at large as well as the handicap�ed,The City Attorney said the lease should state the area is open to the ger�c�ra�. �ublic of Fridley. ' ' �: C� I , Mp�'�ON by Gouncilman Utter to authorize the City Attorney and Mr. Kohlan to draw u,p a lsase and that the City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation work o� the xequitements for the maintenance of the area. Seconded by Councilman Nee. 1Jpon. a vo��� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. pRD%NANCE N'tIMBER 537 - REZONTNC REQUEST BY ROBERT SCHROF,R, ZOA ��73-05, TO REZONE FRf�„J�I M-2 TO C-2: M�?'�I(�T by Caunc%lman Breider ta adopt Ordinance �k537, rezoning request ZUA ��73-OS, �'equ�eted by Robert Schoer. Seconded by Councilman l`tter. t'pon a r��ll call vote, �,�,ek►1, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec�a�ed th� motion GaTrled q n,an imou� 1 y. REGUI,�1R COUNGIL MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 8 ' �,�N9IAERATIQN OF R�:IONING REsUES'P ZO_1 4k?3-03� BY SAM TEMPLIN, TO REZONE LOTS 1 AND 2 t,,,�N� �9 THRU 42, BLCK:K 6, FRIDL"Y PARK ADDiTIOI`I FRU�I R-1 to R-3: 1`��}TION by GQµncilman Nee that the petition for rezoning be denied. Seconded by Gpt�Rc�,].R1�n Utter. M�,1�'��N by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from ��1r. t,-�land, Mr. Temp�in's ,�GtQ�R�y. SecQnded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a vuice vu�e, all voting aye, �a�ax Li�b1 declared the mot�.on carried unanimously. I+'�rt Perxy Capeland, Attorney for Mx. Sam Templin addressed the Council. Mx'. Cop�lan.d ��id aefo�� �he Council voted on the i.Cem he thoughk Chey should consider the �1�ernaC�.Y�s Q� use of the pruperty. He said there had been a number of proposals fox sam� ��pe o� development ot tf�u property, and it is very difficult. �'Ix. Copelaz�d said it cannot be assumed the property can be developed under the prssen� zaning as there are no reasonable alternatives. CQun�ilcr�an, Ne� said he though� it would be feasible to develop the area reaidential pn East Itiver Rs�ad. He said he did n��t believe it would be harder to �ell these p�p��Xti,es on E�st River Road than it would be to sell those Mr. Templic� had construeted �dja�eAt �o the Railroad kracks, He said hQ hated to be arbitrary, but he �elt thx'e� e�.t�g1e fami�y dwe�tings coy� e constructe there. G��,�.���C.�..c-�-� � �ffLaL�� /f�c� �/�- � �" 7j - . � � �, ;�� � ,L-j /vl,�.�c --dz,�-t't''-�'�"'� /� ',- � m c�•�� �s��tnci�man Stax�walt said h� had heard no better proposals for the area and he thought th� p�'opos�d construGtion was a very nice residential strucLUre. L1�QN A VQ�CE VOT�, Liebl, Utter, Nee and Breider voting aye, and Starwalt voting na�� l�ayor �,iebl declared the �notion carried and the rezoning denied. Ct�dSIDERATT�N OF VACATION REQUEST SAV ��73-02,MR. SAM TEMPLIN, TO VACA'I'E NORTHISOUTH A�,LEY ��1 BLOCK 6a FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION : MQT�(JN tzy Council.man Nee ko deny the vacation request by Sam '�'emplin, SAV �k73-�2. SRCand�d by Councilman Utter. tipon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I,iebl declared ths mQ��on carr�.ed unani�mously, CQNSIAERATION OF FINAL PLAT P.S. �k73-01, RUDOLPH BAYER, A RF:PLAT OF LOTS 12, 13, ,�PTTJ �.4 , BL(?CK 1, S PR IN� IAKE PARK LAKES IDE : '�(�yo�' L�.�bl sald there are two proposals. MQTION by Cpunc�ilman Starwalt to grant the appXOVal af the Final PLat P.S. ��73-01, b}► Rudcal�h Bayer and approve four 85 foot lots on Lakeside and five 72 foot lots on Mct��nl�� as requested bX the petitioner. R�CQn�ed by Coune�lmac� Ltter. iJ�'ON A VQIC� VQ�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on carried utt�nimous�.'�. ���?S� I3'QR LOT SPLIT BY MR DAVID BERGSVEN, 7566 STINSON BLVD. N. E. : ....... Mr, �e�gsvec� �ddresaed the Council stating he was requesting a lot split far th� pp�tiQ� cai' h�s property that wquld �but 1�cK�n��� Str*et. Mr. Bergsven said ths l+�ga1 ��a���.p��,Qn Af that praPerty would b�e as fpilows y ,. �. � „...; r _. . ., � k � ' ' � R�CUI�AR �QUNCII� ME�TING QF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 9 Th� we#��X1y 162,24 feet of lot aix (6), Bl�ck one (1) Spriag Lake Park Lakeside Add�,t3.c�� as measured along nortfl and south lot lines or described as follows: That ppX�i�pt� Qf Lot 6, B�ock 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside Addition lying west of an a�t�nai,ran o� the easterly line of Lot 6, Block 1, Stinson alvd. Addition. Th� ��.t� Atfio�ney questioned I�r. Bergsven on where h� had received the legal descriptio�, h�d h� had the property surveyed? Mr. Bergsven said the description was written ��� Che purChA� ap,r�ement. MX. Be�rgsv�n &aid the reason he was requesting the lot split at this time was twp �ca�d, Hs s�id he was in the process of purchasing a home and the purchase of the � home was �ontingent on the sale of his home on the front portion of the lot by June $, '�97�, kie s��d the lot must be split before this time. He said he had Calked to Mr. Rudolpl� $ayer and he had agreed to purchase the back portion of the lot for a fair ' m.��:�.�t pxice• Mr. Bergsven said there would be 25.24 feet in back of the gaxa$e and �y�1.24 fee� i.n back of the houae. Mayc^r Liebl said thi� was not much hack yard. GounGilman hee said thi:� was one hal� :>t the lot. M�, $ergsve� said this split had already been established by the abutting addition, Th� Ci�y At�orney suggested the 1ega1 description be done by a surveyor and the app�'oval be contingent upon receiving the description. '�he City $ngineer said the lot split could be approved with the following stipulations: 1, The west 25 feet be dedicated for right of way, 2, A 6 foot utility and drainage easement be agreed upon on the east. 3. A survey of the property be submitted before the approval of the split. 4. That the lot is regarded as only one buiidable site. Mayor Liebl ques�.ioned the City Attorney on thE� legality of the split being granted 8t the pxesent time with four stipulations. The City Attorney said he thought this was legal. MaTION by Councilman Starwalt to grant the lot split with the stipulations as �e�ommended by the City Engin�er. Sec��c�ded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vaice vote, a].1 VQZira$ aye, Mayor I.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �„ONSIDERATTON OF A FINAL PLAT P.S. ��73-03, BY MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY A REPLAT OF LOT 8, S�COND REVISE AITD�TOR'S 5UBDIVISION ��23, EXCEPT THAT PART PLAT7�D AS VEIT'S ADDITION: �h4 Ci�y Engineer called the l:ouncil's attention to page 5 of the agenda and suggssted �ome axrangement for a drainage arrangement and easement be included. MQT�ON by Councilman Breider to approve Final Plat P.S. ��73-03, by Michael Servetus : U�iCa�'ian Society with the stipulation that a drainage easement be worked out. Seconded hy Goun�ilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl d��'�ax'�d the motion carried unanimously. REGUx,AR COUNCIL MEET�NG QF MAY 21, 19%3 PAGE 1Q � CpNSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT P S �F%3�O4LV�,I'1''S SE(;OND AUDI1'Ii)N, I3Y I�INDA $NGLUNA, �„RYPLAT OF I.0'� 15, REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION �ip23, EXCEPT THA�T PART PLATTED AS � ' ' �'Sf,X�ipN by �ouncilman Utter to receive the report by Che City Mana�er on the possibi�,i�y �af �h� utilization of th� property as paricland, Seconded by Councilman Breider. ' UppC� a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Tkl+a Ci.ty Manager said the report a�'+�A and where it would fit into the b�:st area would be the area Q�hex properties. dealt with the possibili.ty of a park site in the the area Co provide a neighborhood park. He said , being platted as it would allow for more area th�n The City Ma�ager said there was a skating area in the neighborhood in the past, but this propezty had been developed. The City rlanager said there is money in the budge� that hasi been planned for the park in the Rice Creek Road area. Mayor Liebl �sked if there were any people from that area at the pres�nt meeting. TheXe wae x'esponse from st;veral people. Mayor Lieb1 asked those present if thi& was in support of t.heir opinion. They responded favorably. Th� C�ty �ttc?rney said the Administration could be authorized to get togethex with th� land owner and decide an a price for the land. He said a contract for deed �au�d b� worked out. The City Attorney said there is $7,200 set aside far parks at �he pres�nt time and if the Council decides that the Rice Creek Road is a lower �xior�ty, this �ould be moved up. Cquncilman Utter said it should be kept in mind that the City has just made an agree- msnt with �ardena School to use part of the property on the School grounds for park. �i� s�id this would relieve some of the pressure in that area for a park. �Iayor Liebl �aid this should be budgeted and paid for in the next two years. Mayox �,isbl asked Couneilman Nee if he was in favor of the proposal? � ' � � ;� ' ' Cquncilman Nee said yes, He said Stevenson School is for teenagers not far smal],er Ghi�.c��'�c��, he added, the children are isolated by East River Road. He sai.d the children Q� �he area are playing in the street all of the time. He said a fac�lity for �he� � �hildxsn ahould be provided iu the area. MQ��O'�1 by Councilman Nee that the Adc�inistration make a firm proposal for acquir�.ng ' Parcel C w�,th p�ices and plans for financing the land available at the next meeting of the Council. Seconded by Couneilman Utter. Councllm�c� �reider said he assumed the Council would not approve the plat until ' after Lhe proposal for the purchase of the land is discussed by the Parks and �t�creatiAZ� Comcnission. The City Attorney asked when the Commission wauld mest next. 'The C�ty Manager said not For a month. ' Counc�.�man Breider said he thought this to be kind of a mute point, as the Ward GQUnci,lman wants �o a�qu�ze the land for a park, and the Council��n At Large was in iavor of ' the aequ�.siti.on, He said all the Commission would have to do is lay out the appaar�Ct�s. Mayor T,iebl aeked what the Commissions were for if the Council did not consuJ.t them. �ouncilman Breider said the Council has already considered the matter. The �ity At�axney said thE: �ommission could consider the n}�tter while the administration * ., ., .,. m was n��atiating for the land. He said the Council could meet again before final ���s�,������,�?� of �he �ro�osal,, , , R�GULAR CQUNCII� MEETING OF MAY 21, 1�73 PAGE 11 GaWn,C�.lm�n a��ide� said i�n the mean tim�e, the Adminiatration wauld not stop the tte�gQ��.�tiona and the p1a� will nat be stopped. ��iyp� T,�.efi�� �aid the thoughts and recoaumendations oi the commissipn have t4 be co�nsid�r�d, a� th��+� wi].1 not be many people who are willing to serve on the commissians. �c�unCilman Utter said he agreed and he th�ught the members of the Co;nmi.ss#.on di.d �$ot�d job. H� said he did not want to go over their heads, He said a park is r►eeded �,1: �hF a�ea, He said he had tried to get a skating rink into the area. He said he thou�,ht �he Parks and Recreation Department did a fine job. U�'C1�V A� YQ�C� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimou5ly. CO�iSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT P.S. �b73-02, FOR INNSBRUCK NOKTH T(X�INHQUSE FO_URTH AD�ITTON: BEING A�PLAT OF OUTLOT H, INNSBRUCK NORTH; M(�ION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the final Plat P.S. �k73-02, for Innsbruck Nortir Townhouse Fourtti Addition, replat of outlot H. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Uppn a vozce vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the RIOtlOLl carried unanimously. Cf�1SIDLRATION QF PRELZMINARY PLAN APPR�VAL. PHASE IV AND V: T. �k73-01; 118 UNIT �,�,4JNHOUSE $Y DARREI. A. FARR DEVELOPMENT: �'[qTTpN by Councilm;�n Starwalt to apprave the preliminary plan of Phase IV and V; �. ��73^Q1; 1�8 Un�t Townhouse by parrel A. Farr Development. Seconded by Councilman jJtter. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dclazed the motion earried unanimous�y. CONSIDERATION OF FIIvAL PLAT P.S, 4�73-05 PHASE T FOR TNNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES �IR�T ADDITION,�BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 10� BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT: �he Ci�y Enp,ineer said the lot lines were being shifted to save the trees, MOTIQN by Cauncilman Starwalt to approve the Final Plat ��73-05. Phase I, a replat oi I,ot 10 by Darrel A. Farr Development. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all yoting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �ONSIDERATIQN OF APPOINTMENTS TO BOARD OF APPEALS, ENVIRONMENTAL sUALITY C�IISSION �„Np H,UMAN RELATIONS COMNIITTEE : �ta�ox Liebl asked Councilman Idee if he had an appointment to the Board of Appeals. Coun��.lman Nee said he did not have anyone at the present time. Ma�yo� Li�;bl said the appointment to the Board of Appeals would be tabled again. MQ�IQN by Councilman Utter to appoint A.rvid Hanson, 1318 Hillcrest Drive to the Human ��lations Commis8iou. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voiee vote, a11 vQt�ng ays, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motiun carxied unanimously. �'Ia�oc �,iebl asked if rhere were any appointments to the Human Relations Coamaission ��om �he members� o� t11s CouACil, Councllman Starwalt suggested Ms, Mary L. Matthews, 1259 Skywood Lane. He said she is y��y int�rest�d in environmental aspects and has been for a long time. He said she �as �aken course� �� th� Univereity of Minn.esota in cpnjunct�op Wi�� �k]is also. .,� ,._ �.._�.A__ ... .._ ..... ,�r,.; ..., . , R�GL'LAR COI.`NCIi_ N�ETIj�G OF MA� `L1, 1973 PAGE 1`L MQTTQN by Councilman \�e to appoint Mrs. Lee Ann Spc�rre as a replacement for James �,a�►gen�eld on the Environmental Quality Commissiori. Seconde�d by Counc.ilman Utter. ��yor �.iebl said this would be his rec��mmendatic>n for tt�e Commissian. UPQN A VOICE VOTE, all voti�ig aye, Mayor Liebi declared th� motion carried unani.mously. ,j�,E.,�'�RT ON SALES SHORTA('L AT STORE �k2 NOTCD ON LIQUOR INVEN 1'OKY CONTROL REPORT k'OR FIRST QUARTER, 1973; _.,.-__,-._---._ MOTTON by Councilman Breider to receive the report submitted by the City Manager. Se�onded by Couneilman Starwalt. Upon a vc�i.ce vote, al.l voting a}�e, rtayor Liebl dscla�'ed the motion carried unanimuusly. UPp'� A, VOICE VUTE, al_1 votin�, aye, M�iy�r L�ei�t declared tit� moti�n carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE I-'OR VAC'Al Lt)i� k�;QUEST SAV ��73-Ob By RICHARD MTLLER kIOMES TQ VACATE 1' TO 0' OF UTIT,ITY EASEMEVT ON LOT l0i_B1,0(;K 2, BRIARDALE ROAD: ANA CONSIDERATION OF A IZEQIJEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 34.U53, 4, B4, TO REDUCE REQUIRED SIDE YAR.D FROM 5' to 4'9", 1653 BRIARDALE ROAD N E, F'RIDLEY, MINNESOTA, REQUEST BY ' RTCHARD MILJ..ER HOMES, 1600 RICE CREEK ROAD N. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA: �Q�IpN by Councilman Utter to concur with the rec:>mmendations in the agenda and adopt the tirst reading of the �rdinance. 5ec:��nded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Liebl declareci the motion cdrried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACATION REQUEST SAV ��13-04, WAYNE SIMONEAU TO_ VACATE 571� AVENiJE AND 58th AVENUE BE7WEEN 6th STREET AND 7th S1'REET AND ALLEY TN BLOCK 32. HYDE PARK ADDITION: The City Manager said the easement should be retained. �'I,pT�pN by Cou�cilmau Breider to alopt che first reading of the ordinance retaining the eas�menk. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, rlayq�' �,iek�l declared the motion carried unanimously. �TRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE OGIIVED BY TI-IE CITY: M4TIQN by �ouncilman Breider to ado�t �he first readi.ng of the ordinance relating tp the s�le of real esc��e owned i�y ti�t �ity. Stconded by Councilman Uttez. Upon a V4ic� va�e, a ll voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mvtiun carried unanimously. CON9IDERATTQN OF FIRST READING OF AN OKDINANCE GRANTING TO NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE REPAIR AND MAINTAIN IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA AN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUT SYS1.'EM AND TItANSMISSION "I.INES, INCLUDING NECESSARY POLrS�POLE LINES, FIXTURES, AND AppUftTENANCES; FOR TI-iF: FLIRNISHING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY 'TO TI-lE CITY AND ITS INH,ABITANTS, ,ANp QTHERS� AND TO L'SE THE STREETS ALLEYS PUBLIC WAYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS OF SAID CTTY FOR 9UGH PURPOSES; PRESCRIBING CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND PRESCRTB T�IE FtATES TO B� CHARGED TI�REOF : �IQTIQN by Councilman Utter to waiy� the reading and adopt the first reading �f the ox�di�na�►ce, S�conded by Councilman Starwalt. � ' , � ,. ' ON ' ,� ' II � REGULAR �OU.vt;IL MEETI1v„ Or titAY 21, 1�i'3 PAGE 13 Cca�,ncilman Nee said he would like to ofier r:wc� amendments to ti�e ordinance for consideratian at the time of tt�e s�cc�rid readiri�. �ounc�.lcn�n Nee said he would like the collection practices of Northern States Pr�wer Compariy to be conventional with the satisfaction being saught in court rather than kh� stopage of service. Co�nci�macl Nee said his second amendment dealt with the classil:ication of electrical cat�gories and he objected to the discriminatic�n of who a persor is and what he is goin� to cia with the product. Cou�cilman Nee said he would not want to stop the adoption of the ordinance making these items Che i�ssue in question, but he thought the amendment could be submftted for ratification. He said he thinks t:here should also be some discussion about the rate structure. 1-le said he thought the oniy requirement should be demand, not wt�at the individual is using the product for. The City Attorney said he thought Councilman Nee's point is well taken, but he thought th� thoughts of �1.ayor Bruce Nawrocki :>hould be obtained on this matter. Mayor Liebl said the amendments should be sent to Mayor Nawrocki. Cqun�cilman Breider said Councilman Nee: could be Fridley's representative and he could ��ke the amendments to the first meetnng. I�aya� Zatebl saa.d believed the franchi:>e would be better than what the City 6as �t xhe pr�sent time. He said the ide<�s should be sent to Mr. Nawrocki and the peo�le who wox'ked on the committee, UPQN A�tOLZ CAI,L VO'TE, Breider, Staxwalt, Liebl, Utter and Nee voting aye, Mayor �,�.ebl d�clared the motion carried unaaimouslv. RECEIV�G THE MINUTLS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 9, 1973: RE(�UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��73-02, RUSSELL SCHLEMMER: :�i0�I0N by Councilman Utter to grant the special use permit with the following five stipulat�ons: 1, A pro�er drainage plan be worked out with the City, 2. The aesthetics of the garage conform to the huuse. 3, provide a pri�per turn-around in the driveway. 4. Maintain 5 foot side yard setbac[c as specified on the plot plan, the garage be set back a maximum of 45 feet behind the house. S. The driveway to be at the same grade as the adjoining neighbor's. S�econded by Cuuncilna�i Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dAClared the mo�ion c�arried uuanimously. CONTINL�ED; VACATLOti FtEqt�ST, SAV 4�73-05, (:ILBERT i�NKVELD: VACATE PUBLIC EASEMENT ' � pN 67th t�VF;N;�E'_ti [ !,E IWEEN A!�c)h_�� S1RF.E l' N, F.. AND FRIDLEY STREET N. E. TO ADD 30 FEET �O 'i'ti�. tiuKTli tiuUT}i DI.NII �SION _�)t' LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OAK GROVE ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PARK� MAKING IT a BUtLDABLE SITE. ' ' Ths C��y �ng�neez aaid � Fublic Hearing should be set. MOT�QN by Cpuncilman Utcer t� set a Public Hearin� tc�r June 11, 1973 on the vacatioti r�yusst by Gilbert Menkveld, SAV i�73-05. Seconded by Cuuncilman Breider. Upon a vs�iGe vQt�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carra.ed unanimously. i�TB�IC HEARING: CONSID�RATIOt3 OF A PROPOSED PLAT, P,S. �k73-05, BY DARREL A. FARR. �F�,�,EI,Q�NT CORPORATION: A REPI�AT _()F BLCOK 10, INNSBRUCK :+ORTH TOWNHOUSE ]st AUDI�ION� The ��.�y �ngi,�,�eer sa-id thi.s had been taken care of and there was no action needed. 1 C� I� � VACATION REQUEST,�SAV �k73-08, AENNIS A. RANSTROM: VACATE 20 FOOT UTIL�TY AND DRAINAGE ' EASEM�NT I,TNE BETWEEIv` LOT 10 AND 11 , BLOCK 1, RICE CREEK SCHOOL ADItITION , TO ALLCIW (��1$,�RUCTIQN OF A HOME ON TWO LOTS Th� �i.ty Engin�er said a Public Hearing should be set for the vacation of the t�t�l:lty ' at�d �la: a�.nage easement . I�QTIpN by Councilman Starwalt to set a Public Hearing for June 11, 1973 for the v�catiozt ' x�q��s� by Dennis A. Ranstrom, SAV �k73-08. Seconded by Coun��Lmact Utker. Upon. a� Yo�c� vote, all vating aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoul9y, R�CpI�IENDATTON FOR VA�ATION OF fi7th AVEN UE N. E. BEIWEEN FRIDLEY STREE T AND STINSON �Q1T.�EVARD , Cs�uneilmar� Nee said he would speak in oppasition Lo the vacation. He 5aid as long as th� iz�em would be considered he believed the other people wl�o had not signed a p�ti�i.can �hould be notified. Th� e��y �ztQrney �aid the Council could petition the vacation, but it is uauall.y d4ng by th� pxoperty owner. �'h� City �ngin�er said it could not be used as�a mokor cycle rouCe as it is being us�d �k the present time, He said when the area is a street easement, it canno� be stopped. Cqut�ci,lman N�� said this is contiguous to the park land. He said he did noC Chink khe City should vaCate the property as they were talking about spending $2,Q00 fpr a smal.l port�on o£ land by St�venson Schoal. Counci�.taan Starwalt said item number two and item number four were related. MOT�QT`I by Councilman tltter Co receive the minutea oi the Pl�nning Cocnmis&ion M�e��.ng 0� May 9� 1973. S�conded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng �ye� Ma�►or Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CQUncilman SCarwalt said in item number two the ei.evation which set the point o� Vacat�.4n was 902 and just a block down it may not be a good elevation for such a vacaCion, �ouAe�.l�naa $reider said i� the people a�e not asking for the vacation, ihey should no� t�ke an�t �ctj.on, T MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CQNTROL MEETING QF MAY 10 9;' A RE UE5T 6. BLOCK 2. e. . _ ...... .. . TRUCT A � TOR TO THE PRESENT N , , ' R�GUT�R COUNCIL ME�TING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 15 ' MQ��ON by Ccaunc�lman Breider to approve the cons'truction of ' 7�21 Gommerce Lane. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a �yp, �ayor Liebl declarcd the motion carried unaimously, a dust colleGtor at voice vote, a11 voting , MQTTON by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes o� the Building Standards pesig,n �ont�ql �ubcozt►mittee meetin� of May 10, 1973. Seconded by Councilamn Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ' , ' � , ' , ' R�,.�CE�VING �HE MINL'TES ��F THE BOARD UF APPEALS MEETING OF MAY 1�, 1973: �,REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 4�.053, 4A, FRIDL.F:Y CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE �'RONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FE�T TO 11 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTIO[� OF A DWELLING �N T,OTS 10 ANp 11, BLOCK 1, RICE CREEK SCHOOL ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 6700 ARTHUR. �TREET N. E.�,FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (r�EQUEST BY MIt. DENNIS RANSTROM, 3728 FOSS ROAD N, E., MINNEAPOLIS, MTNNESOTA): Th� Gi.ty Engineer said the action on the variance should be continued until ac�ion is taken on the vacation of the easement. � REQUEST FOR VARIANC�S OF SECTION 45.1"34, 4, B1, TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED SIDE YARD �T,�i�CH HAS A ARIVEWAY, FROM 30 FEET TQ 25 FEET AND, SECTION 45.135, 1, E3, TO REDUC� � D�STANCE BE7.WEEN OFF STREET PARKING AND A LOT LINE FRO�I 5 FEET TO ZERO FEET�TO ALI,�,OW TF� C�NSTRUCTION OF A BUS GARAGE AND STORAGE BUILDING TO BE LOCA1'�D ON LOT_1 �I� �HE N�RTH 25 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITION, THE SAME B„E�NG �75� :r1ATN STREET N E FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, (REQUEST BY MR. RODGER CHRISTIANSON, 64T3 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N, E„ FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA.) The City Engineer said there was no action necessary on the item. �,REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 56.05, 3A, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TO INCREASE_ THE �I,A�XIMUM �a�ZE FDR A WALL SIGN FROM 75 SQUARE FEET (15% OF THE TOTAL WALL AREA) TO 95 S('�JARE FEET, TO ALLOW THE ERECTION OF A WALL SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 18, BLOCK S, �,tIG� CREEK FIAZA SOUTH ADDTTION THE SAMF BEING 6528 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N, E., FRIDLEY, M�INNESOTA �RESIJEST BX EDIN� REALTY INC. 6528 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E., FRIDI.EY, �INNE�QTA.) I�OT�QN by Councilman Breider to approve the variance for the wall sign from 75 feet �ra �5 feet as requested by Edina Realty. Seconded by CounciZman Utter. Upon a vc��.c� vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �,REQUEST k"OR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE �tEQUTRED S�DE YARD FROM 10 FEET T� 8.5 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION ' ,(�1T0 AN EXISTING STRUCTURE LOCATED ON LOT 4, BLOCK 53, RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 4, 'THE SAME BEING 6746 - 7th STREET N, E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. DAVID RICKTER. 674�i - 7th STREET N. E. , FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA.) IJ ' M4TIQN by Councilman Starwalt to approve the variance for the sids y�rd set back �ro�rt 1Q fe�t to 8.5 feet as requested by Mr. David Rickter. SeCOnded by Coun�ilman (jtte�', Upcan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried �n�z�impus �.y. ' �QT�Q�1 by GQUncilman Utter to receive the minutes af the Board of Appeals Meetin� Q� May 15, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. i7�on a voice vote, a1Z uotin� aye� iY1,�tyQx Lieb�, declared the motion carrried unanimously. �I REGULAR COiJNCIL 1"��TING OF MAY 21, 1973 QN OF APPROVAL PAGE 16 ST BY WA �h� �iCy �n�inesr said he had talked to the people from the Wall Corporation at 5;30 that +�yening and they had presented a plan to him for the construction of all CoW�lhauses in the development of the Reidel Property. He said there is a probleat o� �h� density. He said the units within the R-1 zoning must be owner occupied acCO�ditt$ to the City Gode. He said he had some reservations about the proposed �CC�:sB to the area under the new plan, He said the agreement made with the neighboxing prpp0t�y ownex's must alsv be considered in the review of Che plan. �QUnCilman Bre�.der asked if there was a plan they could review at the preaent time. M€iyQr I,iebl. asked if someone from the Wall Corporation would make a presentation Q�, th8 p�'oppsed plan. �, �udolph pante, stated he was a representative from the Wa11 Co�poratipn, and addx'�ssed �he Council, He said in the original plan 108 units were multi family urti�s �ctd 63 wer� townhousea. He said they had reevaluated their plans. H� �a�i.d th� new plans were dropping from the multi family and adding all townhouses. I�e �a1d thex� would have been 171 townhouses in the first p1an. M�`. A�A�� sa�,d �he ponding area would also be changed. He said they had originally g1�tu�e�d fo� �ha i.nstallation of one �ond and now they planned on putting in three ppnda with a flowing creek connecting them. I�4a', I?��ks said the new plan reduced the total number of units to 155. He said the pp'rtiot� of the land that may be considered ior the library had been left out of the p�.�n� rt�, pante said the Wall Corporation has an agzeement to staff and maintain the [arv�e�rty of the total eommunity development. CQUn�i,i.man Brsider asked if there was a recreation building in the plan. Mr. Dants ��icl yes, 800 square feet in size. Th�+ Ci.ty �ngineer said the recreational building is much smaller than was oziginally px'QVided £or in the first plans un the complex. He added, the original plans called fq�' 2,QQp square feet and an additional 1,000 square feet of swimming pool. Mayor I,iebl said the units must be owner occupied and asked if the zoning was propex. The C3.ty Engineer said the zoning is not proper. He said the staff is concerned about proCecting the neighbors, He said there are now 20 more on 7th Stzeet than Wha� chey had told the pec�ple there would be. He said there are problems with the d���,nage and problems with the access. He added, before they planned a good recreati.pn fa�7.11ty, and now it is not bood. He said tliere is a review required by the Planning Coalati,8sian for the construction of townhouses, unless the Council would li,ke to by- pa8� khis reqairement. He said h� did n,,t feel the commitment made to the nei$hhor- hood could be met with the present pr.o�usal. 1`�aypx Lieb� said he thought this was a�ood plan because it is residential. He said h� did not understand. �he City Atto�ney said it is nut a question of what the City would rather have�. He eald ther� is a zoning requirement. He said the development may be beautiful and noC f�t the code. He said the developer would have to go through the procedure� as �t;ipu�ated in the Code. I, ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETII`G OF yAY 21, 1973 PAGE 17 ' The City Ma�ager said if the plan was mc.>dif`i.ed, the Wall Corporation would npt have ' to go to a P;_tblic ��...�ring again. He sa��i this is ttie reason he had met with them at 5:30 that eveni�tg, The City i:ngineer said he hoped �hey cc�uld agree on someChi,clg th�t could be lived Nith with,���c boing to ;i public hearicig. Cour�cilmar. Nee asked i f the Wal l Curpe>r:�t ion tE� 1 L t.he rec reational l�uilding was ma�.nly �oX the ter�ants �.�f thc apartm�nt buildin�;s? The i:ity En�ineer said no, they were in Ghe tpwt�house .�re.a. He said they wer� trying to h.�ve addi.tional facilities Pzoviaed and this was one conctipt they liad been trying tu maintain. Mr, pante said the p��ol w,.>uid uut be used ��s the uwciers ��i: townhouses are g�.nerally �ettled people with little intertst in swicruning pools. He said it is younger I, people who enjoy this type of activity. He said there is a p�srty room availab�e, saun.a and th� ponds and creeks. He saicl this is a pleasant atmosphere and will provide for ice skaring in the winter m�nt}is. He said f�t felt thiis would be i' �xtremely attractive and the cost considerably exceeded the cost of installation of the single ponding area. The �ity Engineer 5aid tl��� density i5 higfier than that in the Larson Complex. He Faid kh�.s is the hi_�hest density in tl�e City. ' 1�x. Reese �rchitect for the Wall Corporation and also the Larson townhouses addressed �h� Couneil. He said he would like to compare the living area of the Larson complex with his area. He said this would be adjacent to open area. He added, the garag� s wou�d be intregi�ated into the h��me. H.e said in the Larson complex on Rice Creek ' the�'e are gang garages. He said the pond wvuld be t-ecirculating on the Wa�l GQ�'porati.on plan with check valves to shut off the flow in the winter to create skating �.rea�� He said there are four parking spaces for each family. � ' ' ' ' , �tayor �.�.Qbl questi.oned the members of the Counci�l askic�g if they thought the proposed pl�n was bettsr than the other with three apartment buildi.ngs. Cciuncilman Utter said some of the groupings of huildings have six units and have it�divi.dual �arage>s . �r. Dante said there was one with 24 units. Councilman Utter asked how many units �,aQ�e �n the group on Mississippa. Street, Mr. Dante said there were 17 units in that g�aup. Councilman Utter asked if there would be berms2 Mr. Reese said tk�e area wo�11d be terraced down from the hi.gher level to the lower level. Th4 Ci�y �lttorney asked if there would be a request for a variance or rezoning. �p�ncilman Breidt+r asked how high the density could be granted by the use of a vaXianGe. Tk�6 City Attorney said the ordinance limits the density to five per acre and they are asking for eleven per acre. He said the Council could take tt�eir chances that thi� c4u��1 be considered a reasonable variance. He said he did not know if this would hold up. �h� Ci.ty Attorney said this would have to be put to the Board of Appeals. i'h� C�ty Eugi�eer said there would have to be a Public Hearing and a11 the peoFle �aould have �o be brought in again. REGUTAR COUNCIL Mf:ETING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 18 , CoVr4cil�an Nee asked the represe;ltative fr�m the Wall Cor.poration why the plans w��e bE�ing changed? Mr. Dante said they wanted to �;et rid of t��e multiple dwell.�.ngs in khe area. He said he felt this wuuld be a be[�er development for the City to �o in�tP all Gownhouses. He said if the old plan would be tollowed they would haye f7.zst built the tawnhouses ar�d then thc: apartments later. He said thi� would gre�tly Bxtend the time for development uf the complex. }ie said tt�ere would be some unhappy people when the apartments were constr�eted. Iie y..iid in all hc�ciesty to the buyer [hsx� should not be mutiple dwellings in thr ��re�. He 5aid they would not want an agartmenk ranting fur $157 along side their townhouse. CounCf�matl Nee asked ii �t would be possible to improvc: the recreation area. Mr. I?aRte said w�th the t��wnhouse sales planned t�� be from �32,000 tc� $35,000 the additional expense for ti�e recreational building would �ric�. the t�omes out of the ma�ket. klayor L�ebl stressed the view that th�� plan fur all tc�wnhuu;es was a better plan than the original plan. Councilman Starwalt said he liked the second plan and he thought Chis was a step in the right direction. Councilman Starwalt said f�e would be interested in finding out the reaction of the people of the area to the plan, ne ttiou�ht it may be better than before. MpTION by Councilman Breider to approve the concept, and that the plan be worked put by the Administration and representatives of the Wall Corporation t� reach satisfactory agreement on the access on Mississippi and 7th and also to change th� p18�n for the recreati.onal building if possible. Seconded by Councilman Utter. ' Caun��.lman Utter said the recreational building was much too small and about the si�e of a warming house. , MX. Dantq askeci if he would appear before tbe Board of Appeals on the 29th. Goun�ilman Utte� said yes. � �he C�ty Attorney said the notice of the hearing should be sent out quickly as th�re 3s onJ.y one week before the meeting of the Board of Appeals. UPON A VQICE VOTE, al] vr�ting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimouely. , �tECETVING P'ETITIOiv FUR IMPROVEMENTS IN EAST RANCH ESTATES THIRD ADDITION , REQUESTEA , BX RpBERT S�HROER: ' �'ipT'�O�i by Counci].man Breider to receive the petition from Robert Schroer £or �.mpxpve- ' ment& in th� �ast Ranch Estates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, �a11 VoCing aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTTON ��71-1973 - ORDERING IlKPROVEMENT, FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND_ESTIMATES OF 'I'HE COST THEREQF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2, ADMENDUM �62; MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve Resolution ��71-1973 for those improvements Wh�.ck� ax� i.n the First Ward. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Counci,lman iJtter said he would like to delete McKinley Street from 75th to Lakeside �tomd until there is some agreement on the property in the area. � ' ' ' , �GUZ,E1�t COi,JIdCTL MEETING QF MAY 21, 1973 �'��� �9 Cotu�Cil�nan atarwalt said khe people that were not in attendance, were not appas�d. ' �put���.lman Utter said he did not think this was the case. Mayor Liebl. said it was hf,a c�p:lni,on that the majori�y of the people in the area favored the improvementg. Mx. Rudolph Baysr said he would not favor waiting on the impxovement installation ;' as the pri�e would increase and they would not be able to get a cent more for the , land w��.h the additional expenditure for the improvements. Mr, �a�yex' said those people that had attended tbe meeting had waited all evec��.ng to �xpress their opinion, and if the decision was to be made without consideration qf their attendance or opinion, he may just as well have stayed home alsa. U�'ON �. VO�CE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOI;UTION ��72�1973 ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES ' OF T'HE CO3T� THEREOF: SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER PROJECT ��LI3: 1�10'T$ON by �ounc�lman Nee to adopt Resolution #72-1973 ordering improvements, Final ' Flans and Spec�.ficat�ons and Estim�ites of tEie Costs thereof: Sanitary Sewer and �torm Sewer Project �k113. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, alI voti�g aye: M�yor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, ' RECEIVIIdG REPORT ON COIlNCIL CHAMBER ALTERATIONS: �'IOT�ON by Councilman Breider to approve the alterations of the Council Chambers as ' long aa ,A,noka County pays for the alterations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoualy. APP(JINTMENTS : N,�,ME Pt�S ITION EFFECTTVE SALARY DATE REPLACES Iti�hard Cameron Operation & Maintenance $85S May 22, Stanley Pete�so[� 21+6 - 6�zh Place Man - Public Works per 1973 Ftid].�y, Minn�sata Street Sec[ioti month MQ�'ION by CounCilman Breider to approve the appointment of Richard Cameron as Q�e�atis�ns and �taintenan�e Man - Public Works Street Section. Seconded by Councilma[1 �ee, Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion caXried u�animously. NA,� i{athryn A. Mulrooney Lawr�nc� A. Chubb POSITION Police Technician police Technician EFFECTIVE SALARY DATE REPLAC�S $599 June 4, new per 1973 month $599 June 4, Dispatcher per 1973 Larry Si.mon month R�GUTAR CUUN(;1 L'�,�; i itiG UF MAY 21, 19 73 PAGE 20 MpTION by Couu�ilman Br.•icl�-r to appr�,�,e tl�e appointments ol t:��l��ryn �1. M�.xirooney and Lawrence A. C-hubb a, P�>lice '1'eehiiicians. Seconded hv l:ouncilman Utter. tipon � VaiCe vot�, all voting aye, Mayor l,iebl declared the muti.on carried unanimously. C�$ � G�'�tERAL 3187Q - 32042 �.�QUnR 77(�2 - 7828 MQTION by Councilman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by �`��uncilman $tarwalt. Ups►a a voiGe vote, ail voting aye, Ma��ur Liebl dei:lared the motion carried unanimou8ly. �CENSES: 'I,'yPE OF LIC�NSB gy APPROVF.D BY FEE �ervice Statian �oun[ry Boy Station 1301 Missiasippi St, Fire Insp. Fridley Henry Lemm Comm. Dev. Adm. 30.00 Rivex�side Car Wash 6`�20 East R�.ver Road Fire Insp, F�1d�ey Robert Schleeter Comm. Dev. �dm. 30.00 Cbamplin Superette 7298 Highway 65 Fire Insp. ��'i.dl,ey Larry Liludford Comm. Dev, Adm. 30.U0 Grant's Shell 761Q Ut�iversity Ave. Fire Insp. Fr�dley Duane Grant Comm. Dev, Adm. 30.00 �arbage Pickup ,1 and W Pickup 7631 �,ake Drive Ci,rcle Pines Food Establishment Sears Roebuck 6199 Highway 65 k'ridley Geoxge is �.n Frid Ley 37a0 Eask River Road Fx'idley �ig B's P�-zza 321 O�bo�ns Road Fridl.ey Leo Bruder Sears Roebuck George Nicklow Robert 3ohnson Public Safety Dir Comm. Dev. Adm. Anoka County Health Dept. Anoka Health Dept, 35.00 20.OQ 25.00 25.OQ R�GULAR CQUNCIL ME�:'TING OF MAY Z1, 1973 P OF I,IcENSE hY �'pod E�ta;,l i shment oretinued . — Map�� I,�nes 63IQ Highway 65 Fridleq Kec. � Fzidley Ser�,•. C��. Ryan's C�nocc� b�$9 University Ave. APPRi)VED BY Anoka Health pept. �7Cidley Autc�matic Sales Co. Co�nm. Dev. Adm Qft Sale Beer Bob�s ��roduce Ranch 76�0 Unfv�xsity Ave. P'�i,d��y Robert Schroer Em„playees Liguor Annette Johnson 7��4 Woodlawn Drive Sandee's Cafe B�th F�rrmenn 744$ Spring Lake Road Sandee's Cafe Phili.p Hewitt 39�5 Looicvut Place Sandee`s Cafe Loxrain� E�l�r 249 - 99th Ave. Sandee's Cafe Sharyn Ry�rse 3017 Verndale Sandee's Cafe b1a�'�a Daher 2$3% -�lth Ave. So. Sandee's Cafe Kather�.ne May �S7 - 99th Ave. Sandee's Cafe Di,ane Erickson 6534 Oa[cly Drive Sandee's Caze Chax'�es Stauffacher 10060 Jackson Street 5an�lee's C<ife �'homas LuRd +.;e��r�e ;:� in 2112 $rookvirw i�� i.�� Fridley �de��a Hzl1 George is in 2750 Taylor Street Fridley Nanc}� }����i.n George is in 3726 Girard Ave. No. Fridley Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public SafQty Dir. Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir Yublic Safety Dir Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir. PAGE 21 FEF 25.00 5.00 t5.00 5.00 S.QQ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 R�GUTAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973 PAGE 22 ' , �'P� OF LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE �mployQes I.iquor ' Cantinued .- Zonda Ilaug George is in ' 5031 Mi.ssissippi Sc. Fridley Public Safety Dir. 5.00 Muxi�l Payne George is in , 35�9 Eme�son Ave. So. Fridley Public Safety Dir. 5,!00 Margaret Michael George is in , 3798 Girard Ave. tiu. Fridley Puolic Safety Dir. S.Op Mary Pisansky George is in 41Q5 Madison St. Fridley Public Safety pir, 5.00 ' Marie Rodgers George is in ' 8].QQ 2ane Ave. No. Frid�ey Public Safety Dir, 5.00 ' j�oaQmary Ant1 George is in 104�1 Washington �lvd. Fridley Public Safety pi,r. 5.00 Fhi�.ip Yhillips George is in , 3$39 Hart Blvd. Fridley Public Safe ty Dir. 5.00 �,aod Establishment ' CQUntry Boy Station ' 1301 Mississippi St. Fxidley Henry Lemm Comm. Dev. Adm. 25.00 �T,sed Car �,ot , Nakional Auto Salvage 51 - 37th Ave. ' Fi'idlry James Dowds Comm. Dev. Adm. 100.00 MUT,TIPLE DWELLING LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL Sept. 1, 1972 to Sept. 1, 1973 ' Name Address Units Fee Approved by: ' Gordon Jargensan 5644 - 4th St. N. E. 7 $10.00 Robert p. Ald�rich ' 2225 Chalet prive Fire Prev. Aept, �`xi,dley, Minn. 55421 ,�ONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVEA BY COUNCIL AT 'THEIR KEGULAR i�F.TING ON MAY 21, 1973' �as Services APPROVED BY �l4en �ompany ' 371.6 Quail Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Bert Mitchell W. Sandin ��EW ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEET:[NG or r1AY 21, 1973 APPROVED BY PAGE a3 ensral ontractor I�. J. ,Arndk Con�truc�iun Co. 2Q�Q Sh�rwoad Road Minneapolis, Minnesuta By: Marlan Arndt C. Belisle RENEWAL Aa�vid Ch�cisten�en 10�+0 - 1.28kh AVenue N. E, �lai,n�,! 1�icine80Ca By: David Christiensen C. Belisle N�W ���ardn�r Construction 79�Q �ast River Road N. E, Fi�.d1�y, Minnesota By: Robert DeGardner C. Belisle RENEWAI. Ch�rles �, Johanson Inc. 5$p - 69th Avenue N. E. F'ridley, Minnesota 55432 By: Charles Johanson C. Belisle RENEWAL Lyle J. Raufenberg Gen. Cont, 7�i No�th Western Avenue S�. Paul, Minnesota By: Lyle Kaufenberg C. Belisle RENEWAL Npr�h I��tro Construction Inc. 52Q3 C��.tral A,venue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Dennis Barker C. Belisle NEW Paeo ��lcorporated 5920 Kirkwovd Lane North kiinn,eapolis, Minnesota By: Gerald Paschke C. Belisle NEW Patio Roofs Company �118 Ly�dal� Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Jerry Nystrom C. Belisle NEW Rs}�nolds Construction 6556 Ch�rokee Lane M�,nneap4l�.s, Minnesota By: Les Reynolds C, BelisZe RENEWAI. oofin I�ohawk R,aof ing �71� �,Qngf�l�ow St. South Minnea�aalie, Minneso�a By: Ronald Mohawk C. Belisle NEW 1�,QTZpN by Cpuncilman Breider to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Uttex. �Jpon a v4ic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unaaimouel�►. REGULAR COUNCIL r1riE�I'1NG OF i�SAY 21, 1973 �TES : ��TES FOR THE FKLDI�.Y CITY CO�mCIL CoNSIDERATION - MAY 21, 1973 $ux'y & Carlson Inc. 6QQ8 Way�ata Boulevard Mf.nneapolis, Minn. 55416 � PARTIAL Estimate �62 on Street Improvement Project ST, 1973-1 PARTIAL Estimate 4k2 on Street Improvement Project ST. 1973-2 Progresa�Ve Contractors Inc. , Box 3b8 Qssea, Minn. 55369 PE#RTIAL Estimate �k7 on Street Tmprovement Project ST. 1972-1 � YA�TIAL Estimate ��6 on Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-2 NAdland Associates Inc. Alexandria Minnesata 56308 PARTIr�L �sCimate �k12 for work completed on Sanitary Sewer, Storm 5ewer and Watermain Improvement Project Na. 102 � Ken Christiansen Painting Inc. 7525 FourCh Skreet N. E. Fxidley, Minn. 55432 PARTIAL Estimate ��1 for Water Improvement Project No. 104-A, Painting of Filtration Plant �k2 Schumann Bros. Inc. Box 8599 SC. Pau�, Minn. 55110 PARTIAI. EsCimate ��2 on Water Improvement Project No. 109-B, Painting of Elevated Water Tank Weav�r# Ta11e & Herrick 316 East Ma�.n Street Anoka, Minn. 55303 April Retainer and for services rendered PAGE 24 $ 54,631.7Q 37,40Q.4Q 12 , 997 . 7�+ 4,OQ3.68 80,676.7p 8,632.13 4,504.00 1,555.00 � I I� � REGU�.AR GQUNCII, MEETING OF MAY Z1, I973 PAGE 25 � �Sti.mates Conti.nued Caxl- J. N�wquist S�tith, Just�r, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly su��e zo�o Builders Exchange Building Minneapoli.s, Minn. 55432 Apxil. Prosecution Work 1,100.AQ MO�ION by Councilman Breider to approve the estimates in the agenda and also Che e$timate �rom Keyway Builders. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING MATERIAL FROM NORTHTOWN CORRIDOR FORUM �k4 AUTHORIZING SENDING OF LETTER TO CIVIC AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: MOTTON by Councilman Breider to receive the material a�d authorize sending the letters. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deGlared the moCion, carri,ed unanimously. . �ETTING AATE FOR MEETTNG WITH PLANNTNG COMMISSION AND COUNCIL: MOTZON by Councilman Utter to table the setting of the date for the Planning Cotnmi&sian and the Coun�eil. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay�, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �ONSIDERATION OF A FOUNDATION PERMIT REQUESTED BY ACME METAL SPINNING 9$ - 43rd AVENUE N. E., A 9440 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION ONTO AN EXISTING BUILDING: � A representative of the Acme Metal Spinning Company addressed the Council and stated he had hired a contractor and an architect to improve a building in Fridley, He was requesting approval to excavate the land for the foundation before final approval is given. He said he understood this had been done on occasioa. Couneilman Nee said he had a great deal of confidence in Acme Metal Spinning. �� MQ�'ION by Councilman Nee to approve the request fox a foundation permit as requested by Aeme Metal Spinning subject to the approval of the Building Standarda Design Contral, Committee, and that a drainage plan be submitted. Seconded by Councilman ' i Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion caxried unaimously. � ' REGUTAR GOUNCI�, MEETING OF MA,Y 2],, 1y73 • �i4��l�� i I � ;'�T,�„�'•SQTA HIGHWAX DEPARTMENT� SIDEWALKS ON MISSISSIPPI STREET: MQTION by Coun,cilman Breider ta receive the communication Highvoay A�partment Xegarding the aidewalks on Misaissippi 8�econded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all de�clared �hs motion carxied unanimously. �„�'�Q�'OLZTAN COUNCIL• D�D STADIUM/GARAGE PARKING; PAG� 26 ' , ' fram the Minnesata Street dated, May 11, 1973. ' voting aye, Mayor Li,elal ' MOT�QN by Cauncilman Utter to receive the commincation from the Metropolitan CounG�.l regardin� the Ilomed Stadi,umlGarage Parking, dated, May 15, 1973. Seconded by �auncilmat�� $xeider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared Che motion carried unanimously, RAX SHERIAAN TO JUDGE GILLESPIE; APPOINTI�NT TO CHARTE:k CO�IMTSSiQiV; ' MO'xZON by Couneil.man Breider to receive the letter from Ray Sheridan to 3udg� G111espie x�garding the appo:i.ntment to the Charter Commission, dated, May 16, 1973. Secanded , by CQUncilman Utter. Opon a vc�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mqtio� caxzi.Qd unanimously. BRAUER AND ASSOCIATES, T�1C REGARDING REPLY TO BARBARA HUGHES LETTER DATED MAY 18. 1973I MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the letter from Brauer and Associates in reply ' to letter of Barbara Hughes, dated, May 18, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous].y. Cou�cilman Breider reminded the members of the Council that there would be a diacussian tneeting an khe North PaXk matter the following evening in the Council Chambers a� 7;30. JO�TN K HANSEN, SUPERINTENDENT, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL _D_IS�ICT_N0. 14; REAFFIRMED RESOLUTION ON SIDEWALKS AND SNOiW REMOVAL AT AND NEAR STEVENSON SCHOOL: MOTIQN by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Mr. ,7ohn K. Hansen, Sup�rintendent, Indepentent School District No. 14, dated, May 21, 1973. Seconded by Couneilmen Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M,ayor Liebl declared the motion carxied unanimously. ADJQURNMEN� : MOTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian Garried unanimously and adjourned the Regular Council Meeting of the Fridley G�.ty Council a� May 21, 1973 at 1:22 a.m. itespectfully submitted, -. �!/t.�-��-' � � .�t�.�� patricia Ellis Frank G. Liebl, Mayor �ecxetary to the City Council THE MINUTES OF THE ItEGL'LAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COLT;�3CIL, JL'NE 41_ _1973 '�he R�$t�l.ar �Ieeting of Che Fridley City Council was called to arder on June 4, 19%3, at 7:35 p.m., by Mayor I,ieb�. ��DGE QF ALI,EG�ANCE . I+�ayox Lieb� 1ed the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. �NVOC���c�t : Tk1e �nvocation was offered by the City Manager, Gerald R. Davis. ROLL CALL: ,_-�� MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ADOPTIfJN OF AGENDA : Uttex, Nee, Brei.der, Starwalt, T.iebl. None. Mayor T,iebl said the iollowing items were to be added to the agenda; Appointment to the Huma.� Relations Commission. l�ppointment to the Charter Commission. Communication from Ehler and Associates - Goli Course/Nature Center Financial Report. MOTIQN by Councilman St_arw�lt to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman ' Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayvr Liebl declared the motion car�ied unanimously. ' t � ' � VISITORS; MR ANDREW KOHI,r1N, .ji'"i'ORNE1' �-(?!; 7'Hl� FUUNDATI�1 FOR THE ISLANDS <?F PEACE INC.: Mr. Kohlan addressed the Council stating the commitment for tt�e purchase of the land abutting the Islands tiad been made and the $15,000 had been paid. He added, documents concerning the lease or the island will be coming soon. Mr. Kohlan s�ressed the importance of having �ommunications immediate and direct wi�h the Public Works Department in an attempt to excellerate pr.ogress for the ground ��� �or June 23, 1973, which various public officials will be attending. M�yor Liebl asked if the Islands of Peace had made their commitment. Mayor Liebl Xecommended a liais��n between ttie City and the non-profit organization be appointed and h� suggest�d Mr.Curt Dahlberg because of his e ngineering background. MQTI�N by Cauncilman Breider to appoint Mr. Curt Dahlberg as the liaison be�ween the �oundatipn for the Islands oF Peace Inc. and the City Adninistration, Seconded by Cpuneiltnan Utter . The �i�y Manager said he had one question, he asked when the lease would be in effeGt b�tween the City anc? the Foundation for Chase's Island? Mr. Kohlan said they were �n the process of co�in� }�� y��.t�} ,� definite workin� arran�ement, followed by a long ��x'm lease . 1�GUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JIJNE 4, 1�73 P�c� 2 ' Mr, Kohlan said the Foundation wanted first, obtain tit1� to the land it had just m�ds ths commitment on, the[�, work out the conditions of the long term lease. UPQN p VQIC� VOTE, a11 voti.ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moGion carried unanimously. ,I�R. GENE IAKE, 7584 STINSON�_REQUEST F�R A LOT SPLIT: Mr, �,ake address�d the Council and said he was requesting a lot split and t�ad made app�.ica�ion far such a split. He said this would be a contin �a�ion of what h�ad alx�eady be�n done on McKinley. Tk►e City �ngineear said the same thing was being xequested for two lots, lot four and �Qt fi.ve, and he recommended that they both be appzoved with the stipulation th�t a 25 foot right of way be granted, and the necessary drainage and utility sasementa in the middle of the existing lots. MOTIQN i�y �ouneilman Breider to approve the lot splits for Mr. Gene Lake, 7584 StinsQn Blvd� snd Mr, Robert Henderson, 7600 Stinson Blvd, with the stipulations that a 25 �QQ� x�.ght of way be agreed to and also that a utility and drainage easemen� be es�a1ali.ahed in the m�ddle of the twa l.ots. Seconded by Council.man Utter. Upon a vcaie+� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoualy, �'he C�.�y Manager said the m�eting with �tiller and Schroeder concerning the Tndustrial Re�v�r�u� Bo�ds wa� set for W�adneaday, June 6, 1973. ON THE QUEST:CON OF ISSUING AN ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TO TED AT 5277 (�ENTRAL AVENUE N. E, : Ma�or I.7teb1 read the Public Hearing notice aloud tp th� Council and the audience. MOT�QN by Councilman Utter t:o operi Ch� Public Hearing. Second�d by Councilman 3Carwalt. Upon a voice votE:, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carrfed unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:43 p.m. � 'S , � ' Mx'. Wy�nan $mith addressed ttie Council and intrpduced the Ground Round representatives. Mx. Smith continued by saying he did not know if there was anything new to be said ' on the matter of the application, He said the investigation on the applicant had bs�n �ompleted by the Pc�lice Departmecit. 1`�ayor Li�b� read the memoraridum fxom the Public Safety pirector, Mr. James Hil�, , whe�e he stated an iiivestigation of the applicant had been campleted by Chief Everett MCCarthy. The mtmorandum also stated that Huward Johnson's comes within the provisipns Af �he Gity Ozdinance and no detrimen.tal information was discovered to prohibit ' ths �.SSUance of an �xi-sale liquur license within the areas of the investigated by the Polics. MO�IC?�T by Counci_lmu�i �tter to receive the cu�uri�unication from Mr. James Hill, Pub1�.c Safety Directur, regarding the Howard Johnson's Restaurant on-sale liquar li��na� appli,�azion, dated Mlay 15, 1973. SeCOnd�d by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voi,�e vqCe, a1.1 voting aye, Mayo� Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. I�zs. Ac�nald Sav�lkoul, 9�6 WesC �Ioare Lake Drive, addr�;�sed ���; Council and asked Wh �c�W�rd ,Tp�►nson's f.ound pu� �bout th� �v3il,abl� licet�se and np oc�e �Lse had KAI�''�C T�!i'�i ��f �BC�� ,� � � �. . a .a�rnmd 'r�w m �I^ wai �.;^9�: +fi.'rY ;�� ti�:M� '� I P't � +`�� �n �a �r t ' ' ' R��UJAR COUNCIL I�L;TIIVG OF JUI3E 4, 1973 PAGE 3 Mr$, �avelkoul said she thought the licenses had heen issu�ci to �tr. Weiss of Sandee's C��� and Mr. Glen [��on�:; ��i ! I�e Fi r�: iu� ki�:c ,�w i :� :,��,.. A:���� . The C1,ty M&nagcr said tht>. lic�n5�_ t��r the Fi.r�si�i�� Rice 5uw'1 h�id noC been issued as this was conCingent �,Pon ttle a,�;:1ic���1r doing _,��ui�:: n�a jor r�i��odeling withia the p�riod of one year.. l�c�yor Liebl asked if et�ere w�re any further question� from ��iie audience or the Council. M�ypr L�.�bl asked Ward Councilman Starwalt if he had any questions. Councilman Sts�rwa�t Sa.id to his knowledge, Howard Johnson's was goirig to make an effort to dup].icat� the Koseville operation. He s�iid he wa5 not a.ware if tt�ey were made aware of the available lii:ens�. directlyo ur separately. lit added, h� ci«�u�i,t perhaps, rlr. Wong and the re2�rti�entatives oF Howard Jo!,n�c�r.'s had r�t.en :� contact with each other. MATION by Councilman Nee r_u cic�se th�� Publi� l�earing. S��co,�d�d by Councilman Utter. Upor� � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayur Li.el�i derlared ti�c „ution carried unanimously and the Publ�.c Hearin� �_losed at 8;03 p.m. Mayor Liebl aske� the members of the Cr�uncil if it was ti:eir wi.si� c_o grant the ��cense at the present time? Councilman Utter suggested a motion to grant the license tc> Howard Johnson's and a�5p�c�Ve the liquor licen;�e for the proposed Ground Reund Re�taurant at 5277 Central Avenue N. E. , hoping they abide by the regulatic�ns c�f the ��rcliance. The Gity Attorney said t,�,�: moiion ct>uid be made conLinge�it upon the appr��val of the plans and specificat.ions :�y the City Lngineer, MpTION by Councilman L'tter to issue the liquc�r license to Howard Johnson's for the G�oyn Round Restaurant, 5277 Central Avenuc_ N. E., a`ter tl:e fi.nal inspecti.on of th� p�ans and specification5 b�� the �iuildine Deparentent. Secunded by Gounci.'.man Starwalt. '�h� City Assessor said if the proposed plan was Co includ� the price of the propexky f.t Would be his recammendation that the part ttiat is rented be divicied off to ease �,t� �h,e x'eco�d keeping of the property. ��ya� �,�.ebl �aid this would be easier for the City Assessor an�i be better for the cpmmu�.ity . � Gout�C�.lman Bresider said the Building Design Control Subcom�nittee should have some �t�pulation�. �yot� I,iebl said ttie amount of the license would be $4,500 per y�eai . AM�I�IAMENT to the motion made by Councilman i)tter to divide off the portiun of the ' pXoperty that is r�nted for ease in assessin�. Seconded by Cou��cilman Sta-r��alt. Upo� �z voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion to amend the o�iginal ms�t�on,carried unanimously. ' ' . R�GUI.AR COUNCII� MEETTNG OF aUNE 4 a 1973 PAG� k , UPON A ROLI. CALL VOTE, on the original motion to grant the license, Liebl, UCter, Naa� Br�id��� and Starwalt vating ay�, Mayor Liebl declared the motion car�ei.�d t�aani�nous �,y. 0,�?�T.NANCE �538 � ADOPTING Mli'NICIPAL CODE Ok' FRTDLEX, MINNESOTA REPEALING ALL k'R ORD ,7NANC�B TNCC�iSISTENT �.'HEREWI+„�Tfi,�, PROVIDING A SYSTEM FQR C�TTINUOUS REVISI(�T �E�EAVTNG i',�CTST�NG RIGHTS CNDER PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING FOR TH� F�LING (�F' �, COk'Y W,,,,�TH THE CITS� GIERK; � �1THO�RIZTNG TH� PRINTING OF TI� CITY CODE ; �tQTRpN by Coune�.lman Breider to waive the second reading and adopt ordinance ��538, pTde� pub�ieat�,ar� and authaxize the �rinting of the Code. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upo� � rall call vote, Nee, Breid�r, Starwalt, Liebl, and Utter voting aye, Mayor Li�bl dacJ,azed the motion casried unanimously. ,Q�,INANCE �k53� - RELATING TC� THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE UWNED BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: ' ' ' � � ' �QT�ON by Caunci.lman Breider to waive the second reading, adopt oxdinance ��539 and order i.ts publication. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll cal.l vote, StarwaJ.[, I,�.eb�.� Utte�, Nee, and Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared th� motion carried , unanimously. ,Q,RDT,NANCE �k540 - VACATION REQUEST SAV �k73-06, BY RICHARD MILLER HOMES, TO VACATE 1 FOOT OF UTILITY EASEMENT C�i LOT 10, BLOCK 2, BRIARDALE ADDITION, 1653 BRIARDAZE �OA� N, E, � �ONSIDERAT�,ON OF A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4, B4, T� REDUCE REQU�RED SZDE YARD �T LOT 10, BLOCK 2, BRIARDAI,E ADDITION. 1653 BRIARDALE ROAD N. E.: MO',�TQN by Cqunci�man Starw•slt to waive the second reading, adapt ordinance ��`540 and o'tde�' publication of the o�dinance. Secanded by Councilman Utter. Upon a ra11 �a1�. vote, Utter, Nee, Bre�.der, Starwalt, and Liebl voting aye, Mayor I�iebl dealared tkie motion Garried unanimously. �iQTTO�T by Councilman SCarwalt to grant the variance for the side yard set baGk requested by R�t�hard Mill.er homes for 1653 Briardale Road N. E. Seconded by Coun�ilman Utte�. Upon, a vQ�ce vote, all votin.g aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion c.arried unanimausly. 1 - E PAR ATIDITION ; VACAT'ION REQUEST SAV ��73-04, WAYNE SI BETWEEN 6th STREET AND 7th STREET AND 2 � , � � � C , M()TIQ�1 by Cc�uneilman Breider to waive the aecond reading, adopt ordinance �F541 an�i ardsx publ�,Ca��.on. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Brsider$ ' Starw��t# T,�.ebl, Utter, and Nee voting aye, Mayar Liebl declared the moti.or� �a��ci�d unan�.mously. ' � ' REGUI�A,R �QUNCIL MEETING OF �UNE 4, 1973 PAGE S L_� , , L_J ' ' ' ' � ' ' � Il ' , ' ' CpN$IpERATIQN QF A.PPOINTMENT - BOARD OF APPEALS: Mp'TIp� by �puneilman Nee to appoint Ms. Patricia Gabel, 5947 2�g Street, 566-1288, a� a m�:mb�� of th� �oard of App�eals. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vp�ee v�at�' ��.1 Vot:tng aye, i�tayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimausly. Mayqr I��eb7. said this would be a three year term, and would expix�e April 1, 1976. A�ppTNTMENT ^ HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION: �iayp�' Li�eb� said he had reeeived a le tter from Ms . Karen Parke r, pos�ible high school students who would make a vital contribution Humc�r� ReJ.ations Coaaaission. He read Che letter aloud and stated axet ��ott Stoxla, 7548 Alden Way, 7$4-6726 Aiieole N�e, 219, I.ogan Parkway, 784-7595 T�iei� Coleman, 1�3 Glen Creek Raad, 766-3434 listin$ khxee to the Fridley the three atudenta MQ�'�ON by CcaunG�lman Utter to appoint Nicole Nee, 219 Logan Parkway, as a m�mber c�f th� #�uman Fielations Commission. Seconded by Gouncilman Breider. Up on a voic� vAtes g�c�idra�t� Starwalt, T�ieb�, and Utter voting aye, Nee abstainingw Mayox T.i.ebl d�clared Che motivn earx�ed. �.FFQTN'TMENT � CHARTER COMMISSION: MOTTQ�T by Councilman Breider �hat Mr. Clifford Ash, 460 Rice�Cre�k Blvd., be recom- tp�nded to >lud�e Gilespi� as an appointment to the Fzidley Chartsr Com�ission to ��p7.aee Mx, Paul Sk�aw and for the sam� term. Seconded by Cauneilmar� Staxwalt, (1�►cazt a vr�iee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moCion carried unanimouslp. Ma,yc�r Lieb1 directed the administration to write a letter to Judge Gilespie and �.nf�xm him of the recomanendation. A�SCUS�TQIJ REGARDING STORM SEWER ESCROW FOR THE RICE CREEK AREA: 'Tit� �ity Engineer said this would involve the peaple residing in the Rice Creek dra3.n-� ag� d�.�trict, H� sa�id there was a need for formalization of the storm sewer escrpw prcppsed �ar the area. He �aid what he is suggesting is that at the time of issuing a,lauilding p�rmi�, thos� in the area be required to put money in E3CTOW for the st�o�ctn sewer development of the area. He added, a developer who sells a home woul.d th�r� k�ave all the assessments in and paid for. The City Engineer said the peaple :Ln the a��� wQUld no� have to pay �or the storm sewer some time in the future. 'l�ia��or I,ieb�. �sk�d the City Engineer to point out the area on the map. The �ity �n��.n��� poit�te�3 out the axea on the map on �he overhead projector and said �here i� no �toxm sew�r in the area now, except for some small areas, and this would enable th�:m tQ �nstall it in other parts of the area as the development of the a��a �nerr�as�d. �t�q C�.�y �ngine�r said tha City Attorney has a copy of the resolution and he can- �u�x�� �r� �k�e passage of it. g�GU�AR �QUNG�L MEET�NG OF' JUNE 4, 1973 �ay�� ����� asked how much was to be put in escrow by Mr. 0'Bannon? PAGE 6 Th� �iCy A�se�sor said thi_s was $800 per lot. The City Assessor said the �e��l�tion should state this amount for each residential building site, not �sch lq� as some lots are very large and unplatted. He said one of thes� lot� �QUId in�lude several buil_dings. CA�nei�n Utter asked if this would include the development dane by R�chgrd ��1���? The Cit� En�ineer. said he is paying $800 per lot. M�TIAN by Counci�man Breider to appXOve th� resolution with the am��dme�t that th�s sh�uld include each buildable site. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Gou�ei�taan Nee said he thought this was a very good idea, but he would like tv ��� t�e record clea� and <�ueationed the legality of the resolution. Gpun���man B��ider said tlie developers in the area have been required to escrow �h�� �tnoun� for each lqt. The C�t� �n�ine�r said th�� mat�ey would be escrowed with the City and the people WQ��d be charged when the sysCem is pu� �n• He said same of the asseasme�ta will be tno�� and some les;s, those that w111 be less wil]. get some mo�ey baek at �1�� �itne �� the inst�l].at:ion, He added, this was as estimated figure, Ths ���y ��gi�nse� said Che Ci�ty is banking th� mcney unti.l it is needed. He. C�r��j,t�u�d, the City Attormey has advised him tha� this is prape:. AM�NA�IEI+T'T TQ TH� tnotion b;y Cou�cilman Starwalt tha� in part number two of Lh� ��a41�ta�on b� "That for e.3ch residential building site the requi�ced escraw will b� $$QQ and for other typ,es of construction, ths esc�tow amount required wi11 b+� $$ �+�r 1!�Q sc�uare feet; due and payable at tl�e ti�e of the fssuanc+� of the t�u�ld�ng permit, less any storm sewer assessment assessed against the property, �ox �ny $tQXm �ewer assess��ent pending against tY�e property. This esc�aw �u�tt wi��l be used fox any future storm sewer c�evelopment in this area." SeeQnd�d by �ouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl �pc�axed Che motion carried unanimously. UPpN A YOICE VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the t�c►tion carried. pISCUSSION REGARDING ANOKA COUNTY CENTRAL DISPATCHING SYSTEM: ,�,w,—�.-.—_�_�___T---------�,,. --------- -- �nui�ci�.m�n Sreider said he would like to discuss the items one by one. He $a�.d th� first item dealt w�th establishing a standard telephone number for dispat�hing system that the people could easily become familiar with. He s��d '�he suggested number would be 425-1212. M��IQ�I by Councilman Breider to approve the standard number. Seconded by CQUncilman Utter. , A�GU�R COUNCIL M�ETING QF JUN� 4, 1973 PAGE 7 ' 1�x�, �ob�xt Hughes, Fire Chief, stated that many people could become con�used by ��� �umbe� as the street names in the cities would be the same and it would b� , di��ic�lt to determine which city the call would be coming from. He said he thought i� would be better to retain the number being used in Fridlsy for those �ite emergen�y ca�ls. He said often times the caller is unable to repeat Che ' �dd��s$ or g�ve it clearly and is unable to give directions adequa�ely under the �ttess af the emergency. He said a real problem could be created by someone givi�g Ch� �ddress and not the City. ' 1 ' ' 11 �ou���ltna� ��eider said he would like to have the Fire Chief come back to the Council �ith ��m� a���rnatives to this proposal. He said he would like to find some solution and h� wAU1d direet the Fire Chie� to come back with this proposed alternative. Mr. Hugh�9 �aid �pt al1 the Fire Departments are going into the system. H� said the �ep�le �hould not be told they wi11 get a fire truck if they call this number, he added, �h�y wi11 not do this from some of the communities in this area. Mf���QN by C�uneilman Breider zo adopt 427-1212 as the Police Emergency number. Seeond� ed by C�uncilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared th� motiQn carxied unanimously. �ounci�ma� Bre�d�r said the next item to be discusSed was the Central Aispatching �in�s a�d the number to be used. The Public Safety Director said h� would recommend t'he u��' o� four l,�nes if the 15QQ is carried for the Fire Department calls. 'l�iATIQN iay �ouncilman Breider to carry four lines from this district to the Central. ' AispatGh�.n� C�nter• Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin$ �ye�, M�yo.r �.ieb� declared the motion carried unanimously. , ' ��' U � ' � � C� �1 ��aunc�lman Br�ider said the ne�t item is the hours of dispatching of emeXgency busines�s b� �unie�.palities. Councilman Breider said this would be a matter of just thrawing a �wiCch and the administration would handle this with the County. Ths Public Safety Ai�ectq�' agreed, sayin� this can be switched back and forth. �QUnc��zn�n �reider said item numbe� four dealt with selection of Fire Aepaxtment dis��zch site�'natives. Mr. �iughes said the Fixe I�epartment could go into the system �nd �.€ it did not wprk, tie would like to go back to the present system, 'i�TT�1N bX Councilman Utter to have the Fire Department go i.nto the system but go back Cc� the pz'esent system if it did not work. Seconded by Gouncilman StaXwalt. �he ��Cy �t�a,ge�' said the Fire De�artments would be involved in the planning of the a�►�►��At ktith the jQint law e�nfarcement Council. The Public Safety Director �aid a11 �i�e ch�.��s ean be incorporated in the planning to meet all requests. �.ypx �.�.�b� said this would increase the efficiency and +�ut the costs. `Th�3 �'ut��i� S�f�ty Director said there are seven juristictions including the sheriff �nd a�.l �xe usi.ng varivus radio frequencies. He said �.f there is trouble in the area* gh�.� 1.� �ot ef�ieienC. He said the cost is noC as strong a factor as the bas�.s of ��era��on�. He said the initial system would be paid for by a Federal grant, a�d fihe �ema�.�der would be paid fo� by the County. Mr. �?i11 said there would be some sevict$ �o�' �'�idl�y �nitially. REGUTaA.R. CQtJ�1GI� MEETING OF J'�UNE 4, �973 PAG� 8 ' MayQr Lie1a1 said in cas� of ,�n extreme emergency such as a murder, a1.1 for��� w�auld b� �Qmbined to do the tracking. He said all police forces couJ.d be cambin�ad �c� h�lp Aut i�n suGh cases, IKr. Hi11 said seven law enforcement gxoups wpuld be bxou�,bt �o$eth�r� H� said ths cammuility car could be put in the area where it i,s n$�ded. '�ha City Mana��r said Chere is aaothex� definite saving in the cos[ of persQnne�. I3e Fa�d the Foli,c� Department was abl� to hire technicians rather than disgateher�. He Said thi.s wauld be $15Q a month less. He said tht� techniGians wou�.d do Che wark i,n �he �a�fiee fx�eing the Police pffieers for Police jobs. He sai.d the Pol�.ce can �,�� away �Xam Cha elezical w�ark of the office. blaXar Lieb� s�aid h� believed this would improve efficiency. L1PUN A VQICE VOTE, all voti�zg aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimoue�,y, �S��J,SSIUN REGARDING 1972 LICENSE FEE FOR WILLIAM F. WEISS, SANDEE'S RESTAURANT: MQ�I(JJ�11 �y Gpuncilman Utter t�� receive the communication from Mr. William F. Weiss� re$ax'dir�g tk�e license fee dated May 23, 1973. S�conded by Councilman Breider. Upon � Vo��e vot�, all Voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the tnotion carried unanimously, riayo�c Lieb� said it was his recommendation t�o approve the credit for the l�icen�se fec� as he thou�ht this would be reasonable. Th� Ci.ty Manager said he had discussed the matter with the Finance Director aad hs had stat�d it would be in orde� far $666 to be credited to his 1973 license applic��i,on a��ount, MOTIAN by Cpuncilman Utter t�� grant a credit of $666 to Mr. William Weiss for his 19%3 on-�a1e liquo� license +3pplication. Seconded by Councilman SCarwalt. Upon a yoi�e vote, all voting aye, 1Kayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, �QNSIDERATION OF A RE�UEST Ti� BUILD A THKEE STALL GARAGE FOR AN APARTMENT BUILDING ,A,T,,,6060 - 2� ST'REET N, E. B'Y R. J. BAUMAN; Caut�Ci�man NeQ asked if Mr. :Bauman was present at Che meeting. Mr. Bauman addre&s4d the ��un��,]. staking he would like to pass out some information to the Council. rlpTTqN by Caunci�man Utter C�� receive the communiGation from Mr. R. J. Bauman conc�rning �h� �oast�u�tion of a thres ,stall gaxage at 6060 - 22 Street N, E, Seco�ded by Cottnc�.lcnan Starwal.t, Upon a voice vote, all voting sye, Mayor Liebl declared the mofiip�, carr�ed unanimously, Mayox Li�bl a:��d tt�e letter ,�loud to the Council and audience. 'bia,yar I,i�bl �sked the �ity En$ineer if thia matter had beez� preaented to �,he Boa�rd �f App���.�, Th� Ci�y E�ngin�er said the item had been befoxe the Board of Appeals and th�y had x��oc�ane,nded i.� b� approved with ths ati�ulations tha� Mr. �auman install pavemen� �n ihe area and also curbing. Mr. Bauman was to agre� to a time-table for �he improve- aa�a�#, �h� �ity Engineer sa;Ld any realiatic date fox ihis install.at�.on would be plcay�d b�* tk�� ataff. He said this must be don� according to the Code, , R�GUT,A,R CpUNC�T� MEET�NG OF JUNE 4, 1973 PAGE � ' r[��►Qr �.iebl �aid he tc�ew o� khe area and he thaught Mr. �auman was tryiag to aalve I'� ' �h� �r�bl.�c� by ihe cons�ruction of the garage. He said if the garage i.s put in� ChA�'� h�� �o be a driveway and also a set numbex o� parking spaces. Mayor Li.ebl s�id gr�v�l r�o�s nQ� d4 the job. Mayor Li�bl asked �ir. Bauman if k►e could mak� some k�.nd p! Gommi�meri� �o th� Council on the installation of the pavement? He said the , �urb�ng wQUld not b� included. 'l�i�', �awn.�.n a�$ked if he Gould put in crushed rock? Mayor Liebl said this wauld ereats tnis���a F�c�blepas. Mr. Bauman sai.d he would lik.e blacktop, himself, bu� it was •yery �xpenslv�s. Mayor Zi�bl sai$ Chis did not have to be done for two yQaxs. Th� �i�y �ngic�eer auggested the deadline date fo� the canstruction of the b�ack�ap palrki.[�� ���� be June 1975. He said if this i.s not feasible, he can come to th� Council, �t �h�� ��.c�� and iz can be discussed. The City Eng�neer said at leasz the parking 10� sh�ulc� b� �'equired, and �he curbing can be waived a� this time, �h� City ��gineer said they could continue discussing the matter the sntire evening. H+s �a�.si h� w�auld sug�est Mr. Bauman set a date at �une 1975 for the ir�stallation c�� �h� bla�ktopping in the parking area and if he is unable to m�et the cocnmitment G�atn� b��k to the Council at that time. MQ��QN by �caunci�man Nee �o grant the building permft for a three etall garag� with th� bt�.p�l�t�,4n that the required paving for the parking lot be installed by June 1975. S�+�qnd�d by Councilman Utter. Mx. ��uman s��d he would be appearing before the Building Standards Deaign Control. Sµbcommf.t��� and he would worlc out the necessary tneasurements foz the garage with them, '�h� Ci�y' En�ineer said there are some restrictions that must be confirmed to, Mr. $auma� �aid he would talk to the City Engineer later on these matters. Cou�cilman Starw�lt asked Mr. Bauman if he plann�d to rent the garage stalls? Mr. Bauman said th� garage would be a place for him to work and do the necessary repair wQ�% �ar the building and his automobiles. He said presently i� he rnust fix someChing, he �s farced to do it in his apartment. CQUt�c�.lman Starwait s�id when a building ber_p�QS a hodge-podge repair building, iC '� may b�come � fire tiazard. Mr. Bauman said he Could also take the car from the ga.rage �tr1d h�y� room tca do repair work, he would also have a storage area he said. He alsQ tne��ti�nBd working on the Ford Coupe and putting it out af sight. � � ' I , ' �'Iayax Liebl �sked if he planned to use the area for a repair shop. Mr. Bauman said �no� �t al]�, just for maintenance on his own personal automobiles. Tk}e Ci�y �ngine�x' said the main purpose of the structure would be the atorage af ca�Te} kIe said Mr. Bauman is currently short of parking spaces. Mayor Liebl �&ked �x', Bauman if he wquld water the grass and put on some �ertilizer. tJpON A VQ�C� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxied unanim,au�ly, R�CUI,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF J!UNE 4, 1973 �CEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING C01�4ISSION I�ETING OF MAY 2� 1973: PAGE 1A , CQNTTNUED; VACATION iZEQUEST; SAV ��73-08, DENNIS A. RANSTROM; VACATE 20 FQOT �TT�,I.ITX AND DRAINAGE EASEMEN'T LINE BF.TWEEN LOTS 10 ANp 11, BLOCK 1, RICE CREEK SCHOOI� ADDIT�ON„� TO ALLOW CONSTRUCT'LON OF A HON1E ON TWO LOTS. SAME AS 6700 ARTHUR STREET N, E; The G�ty En�ineer said a PubLic Hearing had been set far June 11, J.973 on this item. C�QNT�NUEA: REQUEST FOR LOT ;iPLIT, L. S. ��73-OS, BERNARD JULKOWSKI: SPLIT QFF �T OF ItOT 6 AND 7 LAUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 153, TO DEVELOP LAND ETTHER MULTI�'T.E Ok� Cf�1MERCTAL. The City Engineer said there was action required on the item. �'.,d�N�? �JSE DIS�USSION: t�00GEft CHRISTENSON: PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A SCHQOL GARAGE ON �,Q'T 1 ��AI3D THE NORTH 2S FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITIpN , ��B�ECT TO AT.L EASEMENTS OF ItECORD.: � ' ' � � �� The Ci.ty Engineer said this :Ltem concerned the proposed construction of a School �us , Ga.r�tg� by RQd�;er Christenson. He said a letter had been submitted by Mr, Carl NewquisC, At�orney for Mr• Christenson„ 'riC�I4N bX Counailman Utter tc� receive the letter from Carl iVewquist in re�ard to tlae , con�truct�.�an of a school bus garage dated May 30, 1973. S�conded by Councilman $x'e3.d�r. Upan a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo�ion carxi.od unanimously, ' �,aypr Lieb� read the letter to the Council and audience. He said n,othing �ould be done on the matter that evenaLng. MayoX Lieb1 said Mr. Christerison was trying to make an offer to th� City fox' Ghe land fc�r $,�5,9pQ or perhaps less. He said he understood the comp�aint of the neighbonc�aad, but �he agplicant has to be out of the current business structure by fall. He sa�.d he would l�ke to know if the City could exchange land or reimburse Mr. Ch�is�enson. A�tin� Ci.�y Attorney, James C�ibbs, said he had talked to Mr. Herrick and there was &ome c�uestipn on the value oi: the land. He said the land is zoned J.ight industry and Che applieant could buil�l the proposed structure on tt�e land. He said perhaps �here �Quld be an adequate cc�mpromise worked out. He said it was his co nsidered o�ini.on �hat bir� �h�cistenson had a ri_ght to build the school bus garage on tl�^ pxoperty. � � I� _� � MQT�QN by CQUncilman Brei�ter to table the item to ,Tune 11, 1973 and that the Adminiatra�i.on �.nv�sC�,�a�� the possibility c�f using the land for a park facility and exct�anging some ' othe� �'a��.�i.ty. Secanded by Counc�.lman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 votirt�g aye, I��ayor Lieb1 ci�clared the mot3.on carried unanimously. �IQ�L()N by Councilman Utter tc� receive the Planning Commissxon minutes of May 23,1973. ' �eGpnded by Gouncilman Breide;r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor T,iela� dec].ax��1 C�e �otion carried unanimously. REC�T�IN� '� MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEET G , QF MAY 24, 1973: �"�""�r , S � , �,j�R�EI� Sp: THE SAME BEIIQG 5247 CENTRAL AVENUE N. E. ;""�"R"I15LEY. MINNESOTA. (REQUES'� �Y HOWARn-�,�HNSON GROUNn R�i1N�i ,2l�DQ NORTH SNETL?NG �Ni� R�SE�� NNE ,_,�,,,,�1 ,` � I' �� � � + " r.� � > ^x� i � — — °4 � �� � ' 'R�GUTAK CQUNCZI. MEET�TG QF NNE 4, 1973 PAGE 11 I ' , Th� G�.�y �ng�.n�er said Ch� request was for the construction of the Ground Round g�a�,a��x��nt by Howard Johnson's. He said the Subcoaunittge had recommended �pur stipul.a- ��.ar��� H� saic� th� requeat could be approved and the requirements could be warked c�ut w�Ch Ch� a�plicantR He said they should wprk with the City for the modificatior� ' c�f the Craffic signal and �coadway. The City Engineer said the applicant should be awaxe �h�re i5 �an e�sement �omin� up for this modification. � ���i��lma� U�te�' asked when the proposed construction would be started. Mr. Snyder f�+am tb� �tASSV�11� �round Round Restaurant said within 30 to 45 days. �yo� Liebl ag�eed with the �ecamcn�nded stipulations �rom the Subcommittee and said rh� would like the maintenance af the property handled differently. The City Engineer 9��d the maintenance program would have to be improved. � CQU�ncilmaz� Starwalt asked if the stipulation that the parcels of property be combined� also �e �.z�cluded. � MO'�IQN by �±?uncilman Starwalt to approve the plan with following stipulations recommended �y the Bu�.ldi.ng Standards Deaign �ontrol SubcQmmitte�: 1, pefir�i�e landseape plan be brought in for Council approval, 2. 8lacktap curbing be replaced with 6" x 18" poured concrete curbing. ' Canerete curbing be used to enclose the East side perimeter island and t4 separ�te the parlcing axeas and green areas on the Narth, West, and SGUCh sf.c�ea. Con�rete curbing wi�l alsa be used along both driveways. ' 3, A LQ foot �adius be used on �he Eas[ side parking lot entrance. 4, A 6 faot sereening fence tr�ated to match the building be placed around tkae dumpsters, et�, # ac�d a gate be provided. , � � a�d s.dding tt�e following atipulations ; �� �hat the parceJ.s Qf proper�y be combined for ease af handling thxough �he Assessing AepaXtmen�.. 6, �ha� th,e applican� is aware af an�i accepts future easements on th� . �c�dif�.cation of the traffic signal and roadways. ���c►nd�d by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 Voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared '�h� tao��.9n ,�ar�cied unanimously. T 43rd AVENUE N A e THE PURPUSE ��39, LOT 6 '�h� CiCy �ngineer said there were two stipulations recommended by the Building Design , �on�x'�1 S�b�omznittee. He said if there is future expansion, they will have to pay �o� �hs :�toa�m sewer system. I � � �qTI�1N by Councilman Nee to concur with the Building Standards Control Subcommittee and a�pz�ove the plans for the addition with the following stipulations: 1, �, fi,v� year period be allowed for further expansion, at which ti.me, �oured �oncrete curbing (6" x 18") will be used to replace the precast curbing and put poured concrete curbing in place where the �ity de�ms necessary. 2, Dx'a��,a�e prabl�am be �rp�ked out ��.�� �he Engin����,n� A�p�rtment. ,. „_.,. �.�.,> .,„. ..,.. �w� �. �.» .,.� ... RE�t1LAA CQUNC�L ME��'IN� QF JUNE k, 1�73 PAG� 12 , Sq�anded b�► Coun�il�nan Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Li.eb�. d�cla��d Chs �noti.on carried unanimously. '�(„�T�Ip��tA,,,�,I�1 OF A REQUEST TO APPROVE THE ADDITION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDTTIODIA�� �ST,�LAGE AREA TO 'Tl� PRESENT STRUCTURE , LOCATED ON TRACT ��2 , PART OF LOT ]. , BI�OCK 2+ �RYI,yVAN �„IZLS PLAT S� PARCEL 5; THE SAME BEING 6410 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRID�Y. MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY ANTLER CORPORATION, 2954 NORTH RICE SREET,_ST._PAUL MINN�S Ma�►o� �,iet�l said the maintenance of the area should be improved. He said th� State is doing aome landscaping along the roadway and this should be kept up. He said ther� are a�lwaya paper cups and garbage laying along the highway, Mayor Li.�bl said the �mp].ayees should pick this up, its their obligation to clean up the area. � ' ' � r Cot.�ncilman Bre�der said the people at McDonald's pick up paper all the way up to ' Mi.&sissi.pp�. Street. The City Attorney agreed, saying they assign this clean up to Chs work crew each day, Th� ��ty �ngineer said the Subcommittee had reco[nmended the refuse containe�� be ��closed, that poured concrete curbing be installed in the parking 1ot, that the extex�or ladder be �laced i.nternally and that the landscaping be improved. M�yor Lieb�l read aloud the stipulations as recommended to the Council. Mayor �,ieb1 said Chere should be more restraint. The City Engineer said the conCrete curbing Wi.�.l keep the people from driving all over. The City Engineer recommended a fifth sCi,pulation be the area should be maintained and the refuse should be picked up. P'�ATIqN by Councilman Breider to concur with the recommendations of Ghe Bu3.lding Standa�'ds pesign Control Subeo�nittee and approve the request with the following $ta.pulations; 1. Repair �refuse enclosure, either redwood or rough eedar plywood, and provide a gate. 2. Place poured concrete curbing (6" x 18") around the entire parking 10� and driveways, 3. The exterior ladder found on the rear roof will be placed internally. 4. �inal landscaping plan be brought in for Council approval. 5. That the area maintenance be improved and refuse be picked up moxe fxequently, C�,NSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO BUILD A NEW STRUCTURE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A STO�iE �Q BE LOCATED ON LOT 19, BLOCK 2, SPRING VALLEY ADDITIONy THE SAME BEING 1315 RTCE C�K RQAD, FRIDI.EY . MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY R. C. E. CORPORATION , ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA�_,,, � DICK ERNST, 2841 JOHNSO'.v STREET N.E. MINNEAPOLIS. M�NNESOTA I5 THE RE,�P2ESENTATIVE �,QR R. C. E. CORPORATION) THIS STORE ZS KNOR+TN AS A 7-11 ST�RE.: '�he C�ty ��gi.neer said there is a dz�inage problem in this area and he believed acti,on �n �.he matter should be delayed. MATIQN by Councilman Breider to table gny action until ,Iune 11, 1973, Secpnded ' b� Cpune�.].man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl, declared �k'� tnptic�n, ��xr�ed unanimously. �(P��(?�1 b�► Counc�,lman Utter to receive the minutes of the Building Standards peaigr4 �o�n��ol �tst��,��}it��e �� May 24, 1973, Seconded by Councilman Breider. U�vn a yQia, vote, all 'votin� aj►e, Mayoz-Lieb1 declared the motion carri�ed unanimoualy. , � . F ,� .� '�_� ' �,EGUT,�R �OITNCIL MEETI�G OF JiJNE 4, 1973 �,C�IVING Ti-� MI�IUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MAY 29, 1973: �AGE 13 �'�Q1,,,�TE�FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 56 O5, 3A�FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TO INCREASE � M,A'XIMUM SIGN AREA FOR A WALL SIGN FROM 84 SQUARE FEET 15% OF THE TOTAL WALL �„REA �0 16p S(,�UARE FEET TO ALLOW THE ERECTI�1 OF A SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON PARCEL LSOQs �1,,,iJU�TOR'S SUBDIVISTON ��88, THE SAME BEING 6265 HIGHWAY 65 N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESQTA. ,�(R�Q,UES� BY SIGNCRAFTER'S TNCORPORATED 13 - 77th WAY �.E. I?RIDLEY MINNESO�A) : Th@ City Engi�naer said the request was for the canstruction o.� a wall sign in the �h��ep�oc�d Flaza Center. He added, the Board of Appeals had recommended approval Qf th� zequest. He &aid the sign was for the Payless Shoe Store. He re�eXred tq p�g� fi-,7 of the agenda and said this was the type of sign being proposed. �p��pN by Goun�i.lman U�ter �o concur with the �ecommendations of the Board of Appe��s ' and gran,t the variance fo� the &ign Xe�r��ested by Signcrafter's Incorporated for th� p�oper�y at 6265 Highway 65. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, al�. vp�ing aye, Ma�or Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' �,,,1 REQiJ�ST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECT�ON 45 053, 4B, 5A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, �0 REDUCE THE S,�„D� XARD SETBACK ON A CORNER LOT FROM 17 5 FEE T TO 10.5 FEET TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTTON (��,�,N ADDI�ION �0 AN EXISTING DWELLIl�TG LOCATED ON LOT 30, BLOCK 24, HXDE PARK ADDITION. THE �AME BEING 5861 MAIN STREET N.E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, (REQUEST BY MR. CLYDE AEBQL'� ' �he Gity E�gic�eer said the request was for a sid� yard variance at 5861 Ma�.n SC�reeC tQ perm�.� the construction of an addition to an existing dweLling, He said the Board p� ,A�a��als had recommended the approval of the uariance. ' , ' � ' MQ��fl�i by C�uncil�ri�n Starwalt to concur with the reconunendation of the Board of Appeals artd �x'ant the variance for 5861 i�ain Street N.E,, requested by Mr. Clyde Debolt. ,���s�tlded by �ouncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl decla7ced Xh� �a►�C�a� �a�r�ed unanimously, V .053. C. FR i�TI�'iU'M REAR YARD FRC�T 25 FEET TO 14 FEET TO ALLQW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A AWELLING QN �,� AND 1/3 OF LOT 29, BLOCK 1, INNSBRUCK Sth ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 1501 WI1+ifi�EMERE DRIVE N E FRIDLEY MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY RODNEY BILLMAN, INCORPORATED. 151� R I,AKE ROAD, NEW BRTGHTON, MIN[�ESOTA) : Tk�� Gity Eng�ae�r said this is a request for a back yard set bacl� from 25 €eet ��a �4 ���t �� 1591 Windemere Drive N. E. and the Board of Appeal� had reeommended the Yari�n�+� be a�proved, Mf?��Q�? b�► Councilman Starwalt to concur with the Board of Appeals and approve the , b�ek y��d v�riance as requested by Rodney Billma.n at 1501 Windemere Drive, Seconded b� Cou�cl�man Nee. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor LiebZ declar�d the �ca�.�.s�n ea�rried unanimously. , �� 1 REGtTLAR COtJNC�I� kiEETING OF .��J1�E k, �973 PAG� 1G A REQUES� FOR AN ADDTTIONAL 'VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.153, 1B, FRIDLEY CITX GODE, REUUCE TH� SQUARE FUOTAGE REi�UIREMENT OF A TOWNHOUSE IN AN R-1 DISTRICT FROM 5, SQtJARE F�ET PER UNIT TO 4�24�6.5 SQUARE FEET PER UNIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTFtUCTION A TOWNHOUS� IIEVELOPMENT TO B;E LOCATED ON THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTiiEAST QUARTER TH� SOUTHWSST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, T�30, R-24, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 185.0 F'EE� �H AND E}CCEPT FARCEI.S A AND B, 'TH� SAME BEING BORDERID �BY 63RD AVENUE QN THE SOUTH IS���'k�I S'�RE�T ON THE NORTH, 7TA STREET ON THE EAST AND STIi STRE�T ON TAE WESTt :IL, HAS A.PPROVE:D A VARIANCE OF S JARE F�ET PER U;NIT TO 5,��4.7 SQ ;CTION 45.143, 1B� FRIDLEY fARE FEET PER UNITs &EQUEST BY THE WALL CQRPORATIONL 8Q3U CEDAR AVENUE, MINNEAP4LIS� MINNESO�'Az . MSSS- Mr, Audolph �ante addressed the Council and �aid he was a representative af the Wa11 Corporatian, Mr. Dante said he hoped the Council had all received a copy oP the minutee of the Board of Appe,�ls meeting. He said he had been directed to me�� Ki.th the Ci�y �n$ineer for a solution to the propoaed developmeni problem whieh wquld bea� �uit Ch� City, the community, and the Wall Corporation. He said he wau].d �.ike �a �ua�n the �loor over to the Gity Engineer to see if they were ati11 in 8$��etpet�t pn the proposed pl.an, The C�.ty �n$irteer said as he had poin�ed aut before, there is a drainage problem in th� �rea �nd the pl.an for the aolutlon of the drainage would have to be m sound Q�i+�. H� said the drainage plan was what had been laid out in [he oziginal plan, �pprQVed last year, and thia would function adequately. He said �he second paint� pf di�scussian w�s the recreation buil.ding. He said the new plan had been modi�ied to iaclude t� party room, indoor swim�ing pool, warming room, and sauna. He added, th� Wall CQ�poration had ala�� agreed to include a tennis caurt on �.he grounda. Th+� Ci�,y Engineer said the third problem was Chat of the traffic and access ta th� eozppl�. He �aid they had been eoneerned if there would be enough stacking �'oom in th� seCOnd p�.an. He sai�d he would reco�nend limited access on Mississippi S�r�e� a�d a�eess ot� 7th Street if the access could be close to Bennett Drive. He said Chey hac� agr�ed also, that the townhouses would be owner occupied within a per�.od of three y�ars after the completion of the construction. He said a� this time th� Copt�cil could grant an extension of two years if necessary. M�, Dat1�e said the three yeacs would begin after the completion date ox four yeaxs �xpm riow. kla�►o� Liebl asked when the project is scheduled for completion. Mr. Dante said �f'they could begin construction in the tniddle of July, it will be completed in. �.2 mcan,�hs. Mr. Dante said he would like to create a total community in the area. � Maya� Li.ebl asked if the canstruction would jeopardize the 7th Street improvementa, Th� Cit� Engineer said what th�y really wanted is to have the system installed p�'apetly. He said he wanCed to make sure the system is built to the praper spec.� if�.ca�i.Qns. The City Engineer said 7th Street would be installed next as had beex� ppi�tted put to the �eople. Mx. p�r�t�e said he still did not agree with the installation of the tennis court, he had �Qme �c�ncern over thi� point. Mayor I,iebl said the City Engineex� is very �Qna��'v��ive c�n the City'e standpoint. ' '� ' g.�t;�1LAR CQtINCIL MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1.973 �'�G� �� ��ruri�i�.man ��'�ider suggested the CQUncil hear the entire proposa�. befors �hey b��in t� d�.s�uss one point. The City Engineer said he was trying to have the plans cal�, ��x � good �Qm�lex they ail can be proud of. Th� city �n��neex said he was looking for an outline to give them some direct:lon �a ' work with. I�e said he would like the Council to approve the plan working ou� the �c�llow�.ng apecial problems : ' ' � �I ' i, The D'Cainage problem be solved to the Engineering Dep�rtments satisfactlAn. 2, ThaC the recreation building include a party room, switmning paol� aaun�, warming room, and a tennis court. 3z That there be limited access on Mississippi Street. 4, That the access on 7th Street be as close to BennetkDrive as possible, �, That the total eomplex be owner occupied within three years after the compl�etion of the construction and that at this time, the Council may $�'ant a two year extension if needed. Th� City �ngineer said the plan could b� approved with the stipulations or it couid b� �ha.n�ed, �oun�ilman Utter asked th�e number that had been requested. The City En�inee�' �a�c� ' �,55� unit&. Councilman Utter said he was concerned about the aecess on 7th Stre�t, �►e� f�l�. ��tere is too much traf f ie there now. Mr . Dante said there was 17 units that �n,¢uld us+� Che Mississippi Street access. , � �oune�.�.ma� Breider asked if the language should be "limited access." The City ��ngineer said this was his reco�nendation and they wou�.d work on the 7�h Street a�cc�s� �o bring it dow�c� tQ Bennett Arive. CQ�ur���.lina.n U�ter asked if thexe will be dredging and filling done. �ir. Reese ��ict sqtae pf the area wi11 have Co be compacted in order to put houses on it. CQ�tnan tJ�ter said there is some water seeping under$round and inta the people's b�semer��� , , 'k�r. Da�t� said they would be creating their own water district and taking cars q� th� dxa�.nag e problems. He said they not only had their own prablems, they ��.so h�d everyone elses. He said the project will be done professio�ally cox'�ec�t. �ot�t�eilmac� Utter said he eould not see how they w�re going to make water run up 'h�.li� l�u� wished them luck. Mr. Dante said they can always use lift stations. '� ' �our�e�.�.man �Carwalt sa�d he had talked �o some o� the people on 7th Str2et and �snr�e�t p��vs about the total reduction of the overal� units planned and they were �.�a�fused, H�: �aid the eomplex was described as being �'educed in aize rather than � �educed. �.n Che nu�ber of units. He said some of the people he had talked ta thpu�ht ' �h,i� was � betCer plan and some af them had attended the Board of Appeal� mseti�g. k�� e�id h� �e�� the aceeas on Mississippi was not an objectionable plan. � ' R�QLI�,AR GOUNCTL MEETI.NG Ok' .NNE 4, 1�73 PAG� 16 MQT�ON by Councilman Breider ta approve the variance far 155 units w�.th �he �a114w�.ng ��ipalati.on�; 1. Th�� the 7th �treet access be as close to BennettDrive as p4ssible, 2. Tha� limiGed access be provide�c�n Misaissippi Street. 3. That thase units in the R-1 area be owner occupied within a p�ri.od of three years after the completion of the construction and at thaC tiaitv a two year extension an the time limit be granted by the CAUac�.7. �.f it ia needed. 4, �hae th� draina�e problem be a�lved with the Engineer ing 1�epaxtntent. �. That �he rec�eation building include a swimming pool, party roam, warmi.ng room and sauna and that a tennis court be provided. 9eGVnded by �ouneilman Utter. �auz���lman Utter said �here are many people playing tennis and would Chey be G�'�a�i.n�g a mpnst�x by �nly including one court for 155 units? Councilman Breider sug�eated �f th�ra is enough area perhaps a tot lot should be created. He said the purpase wQU1d be to emphasiae th� recreational area. The C�ty �n�i.n�er said there had been a public hearing be�or� th� Board o� App�als and ths Board of Appeals had recommended 140 units. He added, either there should be� a h�ar�.ng before the Cpuncil, or take their recommendation, He said if this waa don�s, no pro$erty awner could come in and sue the City. He said he hoped �h� plan co+�1d b� developed without further complicat;Lons. MayQr i,iehl said he thaught there had been enough meetings, lie said he thought th� ec�aun,uni,�y wQUld be served wiCh this plan as it was 100% better Chan the orig3.na1 p1an, '�h� �ity En��.ne�r said if there was a.hearing,the City could cov�r its leg,al footp�ints, �c�u4n,��.�mac� �x�ider eaid ths only change wauld be in the variance. The Ci.ty E�►gineer ' a�i.d �his wo�ld b� the fi.rst time they had changed a varianc� by densit�. H� added, thi.8 i.s u&uall.y dons by zoning aot by a variance. ' The City $a�i,n�er �aid the Gouncil would be changing the reeommendatioa of Che �4Qard o� Appeal$. �ouncilman IItter said the Council did not have to fallaw•th�: r�evmatedmCi�t� v� the Board, Tise ��.ty Et�gi.�neer said he was trying to get am anaw�r from the City Attorne�r bu� �e had Ca 1.��V� th�a moeting, He au$geated allawing the City Attorney to make � xBCOl�IRB[l�f�C�,ORs Mayor- I,1abI. aai.d he had no� heard anyone whq was opposed to the plan. Hs said the g�ap1� whQ we�� orfgina�.ly oppaeed had aot attended the meeting. He said i£ �hey we�re� �.n oppa�itaton, they would tel.l the Council about it. Cou�a�,i.mac� ��arwal� asked how long the item would be delayed by having a h�aring? ��,� City �ng�.neer said one week. He added, thie way at least the peopl� wi11 be na,ti��.�d p� the change. lie said, maybe, no qne will attend the� hear�n�, �e Wi�.'��am pri.gana, Chairman of the Board of App�als addresaed the Council. � � 1 ' , ' � ' 'R�G'UTAR CQUNCxI� MEETZNG 0�' JiJNE 4� 1973 PAG� 17 � ' � U il� ' ' � ' CI'� ' � ' ' LJ ' ' Mx. Aaciga�� said the aoa�d of Appeals was concerned with the variance. H� saa�d �h� townhouse�+ should not be in an area under 9,OOU square �eet. He sa�d th�a pr�,j��t it� th� �-1 ar�a is 53% below this. He said the original variance was 38% beJ.vw th� rsqui.�'ed area for dens;tty. He said the code may b� a little high, maybe Chia ahc�µ�.d b� 7,SOQ, H� said if the entire was zoned R-3, they could �ut in 30Q unit�. k�� �a�d the d�:nsity shou�d be lowered to protect the area. Mr. Drigans said there �,e ��re�t dea� o£ traffic on 7th Street in the summer mon�hs because of th� Fridl.�� �opnmonS axea. He said a large project like the proposed one would cxeate additiort�l Cr��f�C �c� tbe area. He said they had submitted the plan as a total area, so the �Qetid had handled the entire area as one. He said the area that is R-3 could b� appxoV�d, bu� khey had dealt with the project as one unit. MayoX I,i�eb� sai.d to Mr. Driga.ns tha.t he appreciated his suggest�3.ons. He said the BaaTd af �,�peals had recommended 140 units. He asked if the dirference betwee� 1�5 ut�its �nd the 14Q units would create this much additional traf�ic. Mr� Dr�gans said the reduction was from 171 to 140 and the Board of Appeals was 1oc�ki.n� $t the code when they made their recommendation. blayo�' �,�.�b]. said the densi�ty now would be 4,OOOsquare feet per unit overall, Mr, Dxi�ans said it would be 3,800 square feet per unit. Mr. Drigans questivned if tt�� units Gould be £illed with this p�eoposed density. He said he would not want to purchas� � townhouse in an area such as this. �QUnci�man, Breider said the variance states it would be 4,246 square feet per unit, j�x,, pa�te said the Board of Appeals had wanted to maintain 4,200 plus square feet fos� each unit. He said they wanted this for the R-3 area also. He said they had �.owered th� density in all areas and spread the units evenly over the entire praject. He �aid they had dropped the total number to 155 and this i•�cluded the lt-3 area. i�ir, Dante said k�e [hought this was a feasible plan. ��. pxi,�ans said yes, it had been handled as one project. �. Dant� said he would like to go over the legality of the proposed action, He sa%d ��, i�e�'lrick, the City Attorney, said the matter should go before the people aC a hs$rin� of the Board of Appeals, this had been done. He said the people had �tgx'eed tp 17'�, ur��ts, and they were asked if they wanted the 171 units and apar�ments o� ��� unit�. Hs said there was no one there today to protest the action. He said he ciid �irat want tp delay the matter by bringing th.e people back again, he wauld nca� ��end �h�,a 1ci�ad of money �or a holding period or spend another year to put up 155 units. �QUC��il.man Utter asked what the origiaal requirement was per unit to put up 155 un�,ts? The City �ngineer said the variance would only apply to the R-1 portion caf th� property. Coun�ilman Breider asked what the requirement in the R-3 area ca�l�d �o�r? Th� Ci.ty �ngineex� said this was not disputed as it is less than the code. Cpunci�,man Nee said he would �ike to refer to the statement of the Gity Attprney. #ie said he remembeXed the City Attozney had said what the City Engineer i� s�aying, Hp eaid i,t waa unfort�matethat they did aot have an attorney present at the mee��.n�, �ie S�id h� dic� not know how serious Chis may be. He asked Mr. Dante if a del.ay p� s�ri� �l��k would be that serious? Mr. Dante said they had just had a public hsa��.��, i��yo�t I,iebl asked where the City Attorney had gone. Councilman Ne� said �t had b�en� �;� �,er��.ck who t:ad said it, �e r���mbere� �.t. ' � »: _.. R.�GUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1973 PAGE 18 ' ' M,qyQr I,iebl said the people ar� getting sick and tired of results on the issue. ' UP(�N A VQIGE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Lie bl declared the motion carri�d unanimou�ly. , M��►px I�iebl directed the Wall Corporation to work with the Administration fAr the �ompletion af the drainage plan and the recreatian plan. , l�r� AataC� thank�d �he members of the Council. He said he would like to �ie�in cons�.ruction a� rapidly as posafb�e with an expected eompletian date in one year, H� said k1� � ' rsali.zed tkta enti,re �roject should be owner occupied within the alatted time. He sa�id h� hQped the tennis caurt would not be made one criteria for the apprcaval, o� the plan. �'IQTIpN by Councilman Br�ider to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of M�y 29, 1973. �,��IVING TI� MINUTES OF TEIE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Cd�IISSION MEETING OF_MA,X 8, 1973; ' � MQTT�ON k�y �ounc�lman Breider to receive the minu[es of the Environmental Quality (;pmmi.ssion of May 8, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�i.ng ' aye, Mayo� Lieb], declared the motion carried unanimously. 1�EQUEST BY BURLINGTON NORTHERN FOR A FUEL S th AVENUE N.E : The Ci.ty Engineer referred to the letter in the agenda submitted by B. G. A,nd�raon, .As��s�ank Vi�e �'xes�.dent-Engineering, Burlington Northern in which the �fJC�C�O[1 o� �he tank is pointed out. �qWntcilm�n iJtt� Asked if ths tank will be a surface tank? Mr. R. D. Thompson s�i.d it would be a surface tank. Mayor Liebl questioned if the tank would set down ���.mi,naGi.n,g �.t from v�.ew. Mr. Thompson said there wi11 be a berm shrub bexy, fenci,ng and landreaping to hide it from view. Mr. Thompson said the tank wi11 be a 48 fopt tank, Mayox' Liebl said it wauld be close ta East River Road and not b;r any resir�ential prQp�rty. MQTIQN by CQUncilman �Iee to grant the permit to Burliz�gto n Northern for the Diesel Fusl 3torage Tank. Seeonded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice voCe, all, voti.ng ays, Mayor T,�ebl dec].ared the motion carried unanimously, �„ZSCUSSION REGARDING 'THE FUTURE OF TIiE STATE LEAGUE AND Ti� PROPOSED DUES TNCREASE : MQ'.�TQN b}� Counci.lman Brei.der ta table the item until after the Convention c�f the Lea�u� that the Mayor and Councilman at Large will be attending. Seconded by Co,unci,lman �Carwal�. 1�tayo� Li�:bl eaid he thought �t unfortunate that the League had lost the support of the '�ni.vs�s�t�y of Minpesota. He said the remainder af the members o� the I.eague a�uat naw suppl.ement the funding. He said �he members pf the Le�gue and �.he ��ty di.d g�t ��.QC o� use �rom the faci.J.l.tiea at the Univer�ity. He said he did noC know wha,t Cpald be g�ir�ed by abandoning the x,eague, it would not benefit the tax pay�x�, Fi� �a�d 3,� wcau�.d be his recoss�nendation to xemain in the T�eague oz the Counc�.l would b� d�i�g a di�aerv�.ce tQ ��� ����n��Ky� . �.•� M nn _� ' R.�GUI�AR COIINCIL MEE�II�G OF NN� 4, J.973 PAGE 19 J , �I� Counc�.lman �r�i.d�r said the� did not have to take a position of oppasitian, Chey �ou1d say the action had be�n delayed for the input of the convention, T��'4'� A yC?�C� VQ'�, Starwalt, �reider, and Utter voti.ng aye, Nee and Liebl. yoCiap �ay, �y�►� L�.�b� declared the motion earried, three to two. ��j�� 5; �(?TIQ� by �vunc�lman Utter ta adcapr Resolut�.on ��7l+-1973 requestin� Xhs Minns$o�a H,i��hw�y I�s��x'tm�nt ta :install a si$nai at the intersection of 73rd Avec�ue N.E, and �3.ghw�y ��65. ��conded hy Councilman Breider. Upon a Vc►ice va!te, all vot�ng ay�, Mayor I,iebl de�lared the motion, carried unanimously, �C,�IV3TDEktATION �F CHANGE ORDER �kE-1 WIRING FOR AUTaMATIC DOOR OPENERS - LIQUOR STORE; '�h� �i�y �Lana�er said the change order was for the purpose of providin� wir�.n�g iax t�� dQO�s. Gounc�tic�an �ta�rwalt said he thought the matter of the doors had been completed. , Th� ��ty Mana�er said the wiring is in the doors, but the� have to be wired ta the �lsc�xi.c�.ty. The �ity i�ianager said he hoped this wouid be �.he last change arder far Che J,�quo� s�or�:. ' ' �iU'�IQN by �ouncilman Starwalt, to approve the change order for the wiring of the �s1�ct'�i,c dq�r in the l�quor atore far $442 requested by Lee Electrie. Seconded by �putic�.lm�n B�eider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motio� ca�r�ed unanimously, CL�: , ��1+TERAL 32043 - 32169 L�QUCIR 7829 - 7846 , , ' ' MO�ION by CQUncilman Utter to approve the clai.ms. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voic�; vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. C,�„I ENSES: TXPE OF LTC�NSE Smrvice Station �d's �srv�tc� $1pQ Eas�t River Road �xid�.�y �'x�.d1e� Texaca Service ' b07� U�ivers�ty Ave. ���.a��� , �i.�l � s Spur Fa485 Ea�� Ri.ver Road �'x�dley , BY Edker Austin Dennis Sarkilahti ���p�i� oil Cor�. APPROVED BY Fir� Tnsp• Comm. Dev. Adm. Fire Insp, Comm. Aev. Adm. Fi.re Insp. Comm. pev. Adm, FEE � �� �o.av �O,GQ R�GUTAR COUNCIL MEETING QF JUNE �+, 1973 �OF ,�ICENSE BY �aexvice Skation Cont. Sh�11 Sta�ion 6101 University Ave. Fridley E. 0. Shell Ci�arette Ho�rard Johnson's 5277 CenCral Ave. Fzi.dl�y Pioneer Dist. Co. �aod Establishment �'ridl�y Terrace 74Q0 13ighway 65 Fridlsy MID Corp. �'irewArks Display lOQ �in Arive-�n 694 and Central Fzi,dley Robert Brasil Garba�e Picku� SDS �rttexprisQs 1741Q Driscoll St. N.W. AnQka Santo DeSteFano pan's p��posal Route 1 Cedar Daniel Johnson Uaed Car Lot Sat�tt& Mc�tor 56t}9 iJn�.versity Ave, Prridl�y Wallace Schmedeke �eneral Contractor _,..... C�act�.f7��d Constuctian Co. 2�QQ 8r�an� �venue I3orth ��c�n�apQlis, Minnesota L. M. Hogg Dalbe�$ �ui'�ders Inc. 1�.21 - $qth Avenue N.E, 'Nli��eapo�.i�s, Minnesota Samuel Dalberg Ls�ef�e7.��ngatxand Company 612 = l�.th Avenue Sout� Hc�pki��� b�inn�soCa Robert Loeff�l PAGE 20 APPROVED BY Fire Insp. Comm. Dev. Adm. Pub. Safety Dir. Comm. Dev. Adm. Fire Insp. FEE 30.OQ 12.Q0 S.OQ 3.p0 Pub. Safety Aix'. 25.OQ Pub. Safety Dir. Comm, Dev. Adm. C. Belisle . C. Belisle �;r ���is1e 25.40 lOQ.QQ �CUT.!#R COIJN�II. �IEETING OF JUN� �, 1973 PAGE 21 ;�'X F L CENB� � APPROVED BY FE� Genqral. Contractor Cont. '���,�tz°o� �tcao�ing �233 � 6th Stre�t N.E. �plumbia H�ights, Minn, Jamea Salitros C. Belisle �fia��wide �ontractors 4221, Ex��lsior Boulevard M�.nnea��l�.e, Minneso�a Mr, Foss C. Belisle $alco �ui�ding �ystems Inc. 2$Q4 Wayzata Boulevard Minnea�ol�.s, Minnesota Robert Balch III C. Belisle ��i.�n Erectors Telke Si$ns Inc. 394p i�iiz�n,ehaha Ave . South Minnsa�aoli.s, Minnesota R. Telke C, Belisl.e MpTIO�`1 by Councilman Utter to approve the licenses. Seconded by Cauncilman Starwalt, Upo�► a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unat�imouslg. EuT�MATES,: LCaG�� 300 MeCra Square Building S�. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � StaCement of 1973 Claas 1 Charges $ 3 725,p0 . Lee E1�Ctric Gompany 3775 Hi$hway 52 R�bt�inad�ls, Minnesota 55522 pAR�'IAL Estimate �k6 for electric work on Fridley 0�£-Sale I,i�quo�t Store fx'om �►/2S/73 to S/29/73� 450,OU Cumr�tock & pavis Inc. Coc�sulti.ng Engineers 1446 �ount� Road ".T" 'i�inc��apolis, Minneso�a 55432 • �or the furnishing of resident i.nspectian and xesident su��rvision £or the s�aking out of the following; PART'TAL Estimate ��2 - Street Improvement Project �k1973-1 & 2 frQm, April 2 thraugh April 27, 1973 4,45Q.4S �'�R'�'�P,I, �atimate ��16 - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer & Water �c�pzovement Project 4�1p2 from April 2 through April 27, 1973 336.84 ItEGUTAR CpUNCII. MEETZNG QF JUN� 4, 1973 1{ C �p18 e 6�r, ��,RTTAL �etimate �k2 - Water Impravement Pro ject �k1Q9-A �xom ppxil � tl�rou$h April 27, 1973 �'ARTIAT, �stimate ��2 - Water Improvement Pro ject �klq9-PI �xocn April 2 Chrough April 27, 1973 �'pgTIA,L Eatimat� �k2 - Water xmprovement Yro jeat ��110 from A��'il 2 through April 27, 1973 �'A,R��I� E�timate 4�3 - Water Improvement Pro ject �k1X1 frocn A�ril 2 thrau�h April 27, 1973 PAGE �2 3�9,41 2�5,8� �323 . �.8 77]..4� ' ' ' ' ' ' MpTTQN by Councilman Nee to approve the estimates. Ssconded by Gouncil.man Starwalt, 'Upqn, a yo�.ce yot�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo�ion carx'ied unanimously. ' t,j�PROVAL OF SETTTNG DATE FOR CITY COUNCIL - PLANNING CON�4ISSION DINNER MEE'�ING �FOR ,i1.Tj,y 19, �Q. 31, 1973, ATJGUST 1 or 2i 1973; ' Mxl�, Ba�bara Hughes, Sl+8 Rice Creek Terrace, asked the purpose of the propoaed �nee�ting, Mayor Lisbl said it was to enable the members of the Council and the Planning Comcniasion' �0 meet and get acquainted, He said it would be an �nformal dinner and discussion, H�: sai.d h� thought it very important for the Plannin� Commission and the Ccaunc�l to worl� together. He said he did not know the suggeated place of the dinner, He hoped they could meet the new members and exchange ideas. , MQTION by Councilman Br�ider to set the meeting betwe�n the Planr►ing Commis&ian and tha Counci� for July 30, 1973 at 6:30 p.m. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Mayor I,iebl suggested the place for the dinner meeting be George Is In �'ridley. UPAN A VQ�CE VOTE, Liebl, Utter, Breider, and Starwalt voting aye, Nee voting c�ay, MayoL' I,�.ebl declared the motion carried four to one, Mayor Li.eb� ask�d Councilman Nee if he would be attending the dinner meeting? CcaunC�lman Nee said he had not reached a decision. ��,,EIVTNG THE 1KINUTES OF TEIE CABLE TELEVISION C�IlrIISSION MEETING OF MAY 31, 1973; 1`'i(7��ON by �QUncilman Breider to receive the minutes of the CATV Meeting of May 31� 1973. S�eonded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �Iayor I.�,ebl deelared the motion carried unanimously. SETTING PU$LIC HEARING FOR 2 - CABLE TELEVISIUN : ' ,� ' ' � ' MQ�T.ON by Cc�uncilman Breider. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a�oiee YqCe, �11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried un�nimous].y. ' �ounci�man. Nee said he thought the City,had an obligation to tes� the propositiat�. iie said he wcauld like to conslder a teat,not an amendment. He said he wauld aat 1.ik� ' tc, �ee an i.nvestmen� until there �s certifi.catian. Councilman N�e sai,d many pub].i.� raf£��.c�.aJ.� say this ��aul�j �}�� �� ��c�pted. He said they should not lay down and �ac�if��� ��i• wiChout doing som�thing. }Ie suggested trying to win b�foxe the ordina�a �,� �a►endc;d, � $'9tl.e 'I,Mw1'�tlQ� � 1 , ' R�'eC'aUT�Ai� f.OUNCII� M�ETIN�'a OF .TtJNE � a 19%3 PAGE 23 I, 1�ayc�r �,�.�tb1 sai.d h� would not ].i.ke ta try ta fight the Federal GovernmenC. Councllman Nss �aid he would �:ot t�ave to. Gouncilman Breider said this was the purpos� of �hs ��mca�.a s i sa�n , �'ha C�ty �I�n,ager said at this time, the Council would onJ.y be setti.ng the Fublic I����Cing, �te said at one time there was no limi.t to the amount of fees a City cou�d �o11�ct �tnd a City Gould �rant a franchiee to the company who pays the most feea. �e, �ai.�d x�ow Chis has been cut to 3 to 5%. �aunc�.l.m���n Nee said there is the matter of subscriber revenues versus grass revenuee. I�� ��k�d �.� th�y should talk to the public or the State of Minnesota. H� sug$ested hc►�di.�.g up Che ordinance . UPQN ,A Vf)TCE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimou�ly. CdN1�iUNICE,TIONS : r_.__.,._..�.. �RF:CKENRIDGE: NORTH PARK DECISION: 1�IpT�ON b}► Cpuncilman Utter to receive the communication from W. J. Breckenr3,d�e coac�rning �he North Park deciaion, dated May 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwal�. upon a yoiee vate, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously, I?. F. I,. CLUB: SUPPORT FEMINISTS FOR OFFICE: ., MOT�ON b�i Councilman Utter to receive the communicatfon from I� pean Caldwell,Chaizman, Fridley I). F. L. C1ub. regaxding support of feminists, dated May 25,' 1973. Seconded by Co�nciLlman $reider. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the �notian c��zried una�imously. Jyj�N SM]CT�� GLOVER VS COLiTt�IA HEIGHTS AND FRIDLEY: MO'�TON by �ouncilman Starwalt to receive the caaimunication from Wyman Smith regard�.�ng G�pYer v�:,�ity o� Columbia Heights and City of Fridley, dated May 25, 1973. Seconded by Couz�ciLlman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the �no�i+�n ct�rried u�animously. $HLERS t?�ND ASSOCIATES: GOZF COURSE/NATURE CENTER FINANCIAL REPORT: The Cityr r�l,anagex said the regort had b�en �cequested by Councilman Breidex', ModeraCar �or th� Noz'Ch kark Gommittee. He said this report cauld not be Gompleted until th�: repc►rt from Brauer and Associates is received. He said Brauer would came up with a c;4at figure for the Golf Course/Naure Center and then would meet with Ehlera +�nd Asac�ci��es, The City Manager said cross figures would be available to come up wi�tb yax�ipus �inaneing available. '�he Cit�► �ianager said Ehlers and Associates wauld mak� a p�'eaentation to the Nor[h park �onmalttee and also to the City Coun�il. He said the report should b+a donr by �khe 1.2ti� o� June, to enable the North Park Com�itt� to study the material. 0 R�GUI�AK CQUNCIL MEETING QF JUNE 4, 1973 PAGE 24 , Maypx Liebl eaid the cammittee should get all possible information to make a sound �udge�ent. He said this £inancial report wauld b� necessary to realize what �s neceseary to make the recom�endation come true. He said hs would like the commiCtee t4 hav� �ime Ko digest the informatioa before making a decision. He said h� would iike a sound recommendation to the members o£ the City CaunGil, Mayor Lieb� aaid hs did not feel the Council should �ake a decislan immediately aft�r th� C�nmixtee m�akes a recQmmendation, he would like two to �hree months to think abaut Che informaXion and xecommdation. He said he would also lik� �o have the people eon►e befpr� � Pu�lic Hearing beEore the decision is made. He said in his judgement� ��� decis�on would have to be made in light of Che fact that it wi11 have to be lived with Par many years to come. Cownc�l�an �xeid�r aaid in his position as Moderator of the North Park Cou�nitCee, hie iatention wa� to get the committee off the ground. He said he though� he had accompl�sh�d �his task. The report from Brauer and Aasociates would be ready within th� nex� week, he said. He said when this is furnished, the commitCee wi1� have aom� basis to work. He said he would like the committee ta get into a deefsio� �naking process after the meeting of July 12th, 19�3. He said afte� this meeting he would l�ke to remove hi�self as moderator of the Co�ittee. Cau�ciltean Breider said it is becoming increasingly more d�fficult for him to act as moderator and not iet hia personal opinions become involved. ' ' ' ' � ' ' Mayox Liebl said he had not talked ta the people on the Committee. He said he ' wauld l�k� them as an independent body to make a firm recammendation to the �ouncil. �a eai� wit� the he�p of Mr. 8hlera� this will be a mature judgement with all �be avail�ble facts. Councilman Bre3.der said his main intent in serving on Che committee was ta in�orm ttte cotamunity of what was going on. He said he felt this had been done. Council- tnan �reid�r said he had talked to a 1ot of peo�le in the community a�aout Che Cab1e �.V. �.s�ue �.nd �hey did mat know what was being talked about. Ae said if he aslced th� p�ople in the community ahout the North Park matter, they all aeem to be Pam,ili�r with the item. Cquacilman Utter questioned the people interested in a nature center, He asked how �he Ci�y was te hire a naturalist and assesa the people. Councilman Utter eatid hs hoped the people could read the report from the University of Minnesota x�atur+ai�.st, H� said he questioned how the City could hire the naturalist, and have other commanities use the facility without any funding. �quneilman Bxeider said the C1ty would be receiving f�fty copiea of �he repc�rt froW B�auer and Associates. He said there are a great deal of people interested in r�ading the �epoxt. He said there are many who would want to read the report in �he coming months. He questioned the feasibility of reproducing the repoxt and �he coat of sucb a project. He also asked 1f it would be ppssible to check copies ou� from Che library like a book. He said the report could be lent for � ce�tain, time period and rett�rned. He said this kind of system would enable many people to read the report over the next few months. Cpunailman Starwalt agreed, saying interest is very h�.gh on the issue. He �aid h� has assursd the �eople k�e has talked to, that ther� will be a method o� �bta�.�i�g a copy Qf the report to read, one way or another. ' AEG[TLA,R COUNCIL MEETING OF JiJNE 4, �.973 PAGE 25 I� � ' , ' MQ�'TQN b� Counci�man �reider to authorize Ehlers and Associates to �omplete part r�umbe� one of the financial report on North Park golf course/nature center when th� repoxt is available from Brauer and Associates. Seconded by Cauncll�man Starwalt, M�s, Baxbara Hughes asked if they were authorizing financial criteria? Councilm.an Brsi,der sa.id this would be determined from the report from Brauer a�d Associ�ttes. l�iayo� Lieb1 said the first part of the report would be $1,500. Councilman Brei.der said Che C�ity would have to start someplace, they could start with the report fram �raue:r and the report from Ehlers. kir�, Hughe�s said she hoped the City would not be paying $1,500 for something ut►r�alistt.c. Mayor Li�trl said the City would have to te11 the people of the costs. He added, ' Ehlers ancl Asspc�ates has always been a competent advisor to other Councils. He eald k�e Cttought the City should have a comparison. , ' ' UPQN A V07[CE 11QTE, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimausly. COiJNCIL�MAN N�E' S COrIl�iENTS 013 RICE CREEK AND LOCKE LAKE PROBLEMS VOICID BY AQNOVAN �CI�iJLTZ s Counc�.lma�1 Nee said he hated ta continue the meeting at such a late hour, but he had be��n contacted by Mr. Danavan Schulta several times about the problema on R1c� �r�elc and Lpcke Lake and he thought this should be brought to the Council's att�ntion, He quest�oned �� the City would enforce the restriction that tbere w�uld be �zo motox vehicles in the area being damaged and eroded. ' '�h� Ci�y lKana,ger said at the present time, the area is not posted. He said the City eould only chase the violators off the property. He said he had contacCed t'h� s�wer bnard Xequesting them to install some fencing in the area. He said the , baard had asked him if the City approved of their plans and he had answered that �he Ci�y had approved the plans. He said he also sent the letter ssubmitted ta the CQUne�.1 by klr. Frank Nebel, 6961 Hickory Drive, President of the Locke Lake Home , l�n�era Assac�ati.on, to the Board, The City Manager said this letter contained ao�ae atrong language. '�he City Mana$er said the City Engineer has been talking Co the Metrv Sewer 8oard daily. ' Cou,r�ailma� tTtter asked what kind af fencing would be lnatalled. The City Manager �aid it would be chain link fencing. Councilman TJtter said the chain link fenea �QUId bes ur�dermined. The City Manager said people eould cut thaught 1t a1so. ' �ou�neilm�.n U�eer aaid Mr. Schultz had requested something more pertnanent be used suck�. ae at�el or concrete. ' Th� ��ty Manager said the fence wauld shut off the whole area. He said the traffic wau�cl coAGe up againat the fencing or the railroad tracks. ' Th� Gity Manager said he had already sent the letter of approval of the �lans ta tt�� S�wer Board. He aaid if the plana are going to change. the Counci.�. better ].�+� �im �Cnow sc� he can notify the Board. - , , REGVI.�R CDUNCIL MEET�NG QF JUNE 4, 1973 �A�� 26 ADJOURHI�NT : MQT�QN by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman B�^�1d��'. Up4n a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unani- t�►ouetly ancl adjauxned the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cquncil of June k, �.�73 a� 12s25 a.w. Reap�ctfully SubmiGt�d: � .. � '�-��-�� _�� ! I.�.� ���x���� ����� Seer�tary to the City Couneil : Frank G. Liebl, Mayor � , i , ' n L � I� �!� �_ 1 u�sor�UTION N0. ��q�3 g� A RI�SOL.UTI�N AiTI�-[ORI�IVG T'I-tE COUN'I'Y OF ANOK.4 TO PROC:EED WITH ITS PLANS TO (�ONSTRUCT A BRANCH LIBRARY BY Tf-� ;aNOKA COUNTY LIBRARY BOARll IN TF-IE CIT`.� OF FRIDLEY Wf-�REAS, the Anoka County ::ounty Library Board has infarmed the City of Fridley of its intention to co�istrizct a branch of the Anoka County Library in the C=ity of Fridley; and WHI:REAS, the said I.ibrary Board has selected an appropriate site for the library; said site being approximately 1.5 acres located at the intersect�ion of MissiS�sippi �treet and Sth Street N.F.. in the South 1/2 of SectiQn 14, �'ownship 3Q, Range 24; and WH�REAS, the construction of said branch library in the City of Fridley ' wi1,1 sub:a�antially benefit the $eneral public and particularly the residents of tl�e City af Fridley; ' NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of�the �ity of Fridley, that pxo},osal to construct a branch library by the Anoka county Library Board a� the s.4�e hereinbefore described is hereby approved, subject to review by the Fr�d-ley Planning Agency as to technical compliance with the r�quirements of � th� �rid�ley Municipal P1an. ALI�PTEA ]3Y 'TI� C I TY COUNC I L QF THE C I TY OF FRI DLEY TH I S� DAY OF , , 1973. , ' ' 111 F �A�ii31 e ' � ' ' � �I'I'y' CI.EI�IC MARVIN C. BRUNSELL MAYQR FRANK G. LI�BL �r : i � , ' . . FRIDLEY BRANCH LIBRARY SITE DESCRIPTION � �_ .. . . ' , S:ite: Southeast Corner of 5th St. & Mississippi St., Fridley � S:ize of Site: Approximately 77,038 sq. ft. (Approximately`61,000 sq. ft. of usable space. Setback of 25' from each street ' required but can be partially utilized for parking. Dimensions - 363 x 215.• � � , Topograptiy:' Essentially flat. Some small trees. ' Access: From 5th Street only. Mississippi is a major traffic ' . feeder. • � Adjacent Usage: On east and south townhouses and apartments are proposed. On north, single family dwellings. On west, commercial ' development and Fridley Civic Center. � , .' . , � � ' � 1 1 . i � � . _ a .. ..� ,. ,� � ' , ' � � ' , � i . _ �p FRIDLEY BRANCH LIBRARY PROPOSED BUILDING REQUIRII�IENTS Size: ' 9,000 to 11,000 sq. ft. ' Parking: Space for �0-50 cars plus 10-15 staff spaces and a loading/delivery , dock/zone with access to building. � Conformation: One floor level with access at ground level from both parking lot and street. Estimated Population to be Served 1970: � 22,500 . 1980: 29,250 2000: 34,000 Estimated Project Cost: �300,000-350,000 plus site. Public Service Area: a. Seating for minimum of 50 persons. • , b. Shelving for minimum of 15,000 volumes; expandable to 30,000 maximum within seven years. c. Separate areas for children'y� and adult services--possibly a separate room for children. d. Separate, definable area for reference area. e. Work station for circulation (central control desk); reference; children's "f �• services. Each station to have telephone and adequate electrical service. f. Lighting to be minimum of 75-100 lumens at table top level. g. Lounge area(s) for informal seating of children, adults, and teens. h. Adequate provision for non-book items (micr�ofilm, magazines, art prints, sculpture, newspapers, pamphlets), both d`�spl��y and storage. i.,• Listening stations for recorded media. J'rovicic� vie�wi��� stations for visuals, including TV, films, etc. Pub]Lic Meeting Room(s): a„ Seating in one room for 75 persons - . � , , ' , _ � . , � , _._ . __ _ � , �•� ' �} Must have acoustical control for speakers, movies, etc. 2y Must be able to be darkened. ' � 3) Have built-in movie screen, speaker system, microphones, etc. ' 4} Have segaxate projection room. • 5) Portable or permanent raised platform for speakers. � 6) Must be adaptable for wide variety of different uses. � b. Conference Room(s): , 1) Seat up to 6 persons. 2} Be semi-private. � ' .31 Be available from public service space. � ' c. Large r�om must be separated from rest of library for use during non-open hours; separate entry. ' Non-Public Space: • Work ]3oom (at least 500 sq. ft.): ' ' a. Stations for two persons at counter-type work space. b. Storage for adequate suppl3es,� books, etc. ' c. Desk space for one person �rith typing facility, file, etc. ' d. Storage for art and displa� materials. • � e. Intercam with work stations in public service area. � ' Libra�^ian's Office: a. Space for a supervisory librarian with desk, credenza, and chairs for two or , three persans. ' b. Access from gublic area and from work room. Staff Room. ' a. .Kitchen faciZities (cabinets, stove, refrigerator). b. Seating for IO persons (tables and lounge seating). ' c. Windows. d. Intercom. ' ' � � }~ t ' ;" , � -2- • . � � :� , �r . �.7�:1� rJ Misce.11aneous: a. Lockers for 10 staff inembers. b. Restrooms (separate from public) for men and women (larger). c. Staff bulletin boards. d. Door (dock) and space for shipping/receiving. e. Adequate janitor room with deep sink, cabinets, work bench, etc. f. Storage for lawn equipment. Other Features: • . a. Adequate display and bulletin board space near entrance. � b. Adequate toilets,�usable by the handicapped; easily supervised entrances; as vandal proof as possible. c. Adequate display and bulletin board space in childrenJS area. d. Consider drive-up window for book pickup and return. ' e. After hour bookdrop in building, near entry; empty into interior fire-proof .- room. - : ' f. Entire building to be carpeted except for toilets, janitor spaces, and storage. g. Mechanical design must be simple to maintain. � h. Entire building designed for ease of maintenance. �•i. Windows essential in work areas as well as public areas. Working F'aper--6/18/73. , � ' -3- 0 w � ' ' � u ' � � OF'FIC� OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA July 12, 1973 MEMQ T0: THE Mt1Y0R AND CITY COUNCIL SU�JECT: RFCQNSIpERATION OF LOCATING A NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY Since the City Council at its regular meeting on April 16, 1973 acted on the abov� r�qu�.,t, there have been new developments that Council may wish [o considez. These develc��ments consist of the following: ' 1. Si:af� cQmments regarding the proposal had been submitted to the C:�t�► Manager's offiee. 2. I recently had occasion to have a telephone conversation with ' G�_ne�cal Cheeseman, Adjutant General of the State of Minnesata, who acivised me of the following: a" A xcew directive from Washington D. C. has reduced the donated land requirements from S acres to 350 x 35Q feet or approxi- mately 2.8 acres for suburban counnunities. b,, There may be a misunderstanding re�arding the sharing of costs. The Federal Government pays 75 percent within acceptable speci- fica�.ions, and the remaining 25 percent is shared by the City and the State which is approximately a 50-SO basis. �ener+31 Cheeseman stated that tk�e average� to a City in Minnesota, is appx�axi- taaCe�y $4,OI�Q to $f�,Q00 a year for approximately 23 years, which is in addition to thc� �.and da�zation. This money �oes toward payment of ths National Guard bond del�t ��x th� �on��tru�Cian. The cost to th� City is somewhat dependent upon th� parzicular �ity�a addi�kicanal requiremeats within the proposed structure. Aes��.�e the new develapmenta, there sti�l remains ane item of concern ta me. I� �.s tay un�3erstanding that if City Council approves of the �cancept of locatin� an artaQxy with�.r� the City of Frldley and dedicates a parcel of land for that purpose, the�a ati1� �pu�.d be a five to Cen year delay before construction would be i.ni.tiated. GolQtiel. Co�stan advi:sed me that the federal budget allows for one or two armorys �o b� can$tructed in our State each year. Hastings, Redwood Falls, and Hutchinson axe s�ch�duled for construction during 1973 and 1974. I would, therefore, make two alternative recommendations to Council: 1. That City Council request the Plannin$ Comanission to re-evaluate their previous recommendations on the armory proposal in light of the new developments. The Planning Commission's re-evaluation �hould inelude acquirin� specific cost formulas utilized by the Natianal Guaxd, and apecifie time schedules for eonstruction. ' TI lA �� M�MQ TQs MAY'OR ANp (:ITY COUNCIL R�GARDING NATIONAL GUARD ARMORX 'k'AG� 2 .Tu1y 12, 1973 ' �. T�EIC CO1.LI1C�1 reaff�.rm ita decision made on April 16, 1973 regarding ChE� National Guard Armary, and direct the City Manager to noti�y the ' Nat:iona� Guard of Chis action. Very respectfully ' �' ��'�"�"- James P. H�11 ' Acting City Manager JPH/cm ' � IT 18 � � ,' . ATI �I ■ ' � ' �J ' ' MEMORANDUM ar �r �rr � uo �r � � w w T�i C�.ty Manager ��� A�mory in FridZe� CI1Y OF FRIDI.EY 6431 Universi,ty Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 PAUL BRtN�lN, �.inec.ton Phone: 560-3450 X64 DiATES June 12, �1.973 FT�'I; PauZ Br�rn, '?ir. • M �F • r • • � li • 1i • i N ♦ • N M M • M 1/ • • • • • i • • � � • • • • • 1/ 1F 1/ • Zi@�T' ��.�y' �&i18.$�x'� Gomuner�t�t This subject was discussed by the Parks and R,ecr�atr.on Co�anission pn �iQndaya Jun� 11th. Their reaction was fav+orable to the Armory. They asked xhat 3,t� 't�rould ca�t the city each yeAr and what would the total cost be. I advised theen of the e�tmple �I.ven in the minutes. Chairnia.n Blair wishes to study the minutes a�d ac�ae iq at bit la�ar with more reaction. � P�.an t,ca ua� the Armory for: 1. Re creational Activit; ea (All ,�easons )�le: �3a�ketba7.1. � Vo�.leyball - Summer Playground Specials - Physical Fitneas Classe9, etc. Gity Wide U�es Carnivala - Public Hearings - Civic Group Msetings - City Wide ' �.eaxe�tio��a7. Mestings, Promotio�aal Dances and other �caaller items such as D3.nnera, &�£�eta� ��apquets, and Award Nighta. 'H��aef'�t� o,� the Armory= Additional space that is dearly needed just in our department �Qr some of th� many items mentianed above. Ua.r special nesd is for the rmttr�sa'�iania� basketball-volleybe�ll floor that would bs built in t�e bui7.din�. We �aa�e �'ac�d w�.th the need for a��ditional game space �s� of now due to the fact the �choo]s arer �o�ng to be in grester need of' their �a. '�'he planning of the build3.ng should inc.lude class rooms for use by our special arts and crafts claase�, chess c7,ubs and 1t xould also be a great place to hold public squars dancing as anott�er exiu�ple pf' cntr needed use of �uah a facility, AnotYier more important item of benefit ta the City of Fridley is the fact �hat fQr u� tc' build a, plant such a� this would cost us another 70 to 75�. With the ppporturt�.t;y to get a unit of gov�rrnment to build such a bu.1ldipg and the city aniy �ra� iq 2� to 3C1°b seems to me to be an excellent bnsiness adventure. It Wc�u7.d also eliminate the pressure of the use of Civ.tc Cepter that npw exists. The z•�qus�t 'by the Crovernment is fai� I feel and attention �hould be drawn to the aaune3.1 �o fl�rther investigate the reques#r.--� �' P$ ccs Park:� and Recreation Gommi�sioii -- Resp ctfully submit e , �it,�,�c.� � �,-►,�-�____ PAUL BROWNa j�irectox i � OFFICE OF CIVIL �EFENSE �tt y a� �ztdle� 6431 Univ�rsity Avs. N.�. Fridley, Minn. 35421 ANOKA COUNTY Memo To: Gerald R. Davis, City Manager � �rom . Robert D. Aldrich, Director, Civil Defense -�\.'L-� Aa�r ; June 12, 1973 Sub�ec�: Armory L'se R�ply�ng to your memo of June Sth on the above subject, it appears Ghat an Armoxy would be a valuable asset to the Civil Defense organixation in a community, TwQ a�'�ar that a structure af this type could function in are: Maes Sh�J�ter and Mass Feeding, �Iost ��xtainly the the advantage of the motor vehicle type of equipmen� as is normally housed in conjunction with an armory wou�.d enhance the capability of the Civil Defense forces. To som+� �xtsnt this would also be true of the personnel involved in Che Gua�d opeXation, I eua certain that if I were to look at this matter in greater depth, I�auld �ind more areas of yalue' although those listed would Cert�inly b� enough for my support of a project o� this type. RDAset / II 1C � �1 � ' ' ' ' ' i ' � II 1D '�Q: FR4M: DATB: SUBJ�(:T: MEMORA.'�DUM GERAI,D R. AAVIS, GITY MA1vAGER JAM�S P. MIi,L, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGBR/PUBLTC SAF�TY DIRECT�R JUN� 8, 1973 POLI�E U�E OF NATIflNAL GUARD AitMC)RY Th� ma�jar cansideratian regarding the locat�ng of a National Guard ArmQxy �'n Fri.dley would basically xest with �he cost to the City versus the use by �l�t� City. In consideration o� the latest information which indicates W� would have to donate five acres of land plus 25 to 300 of the building �ost, now makes tk�e location pf an Armory in our City very questionable. It was my original understanding that the total cost to the City �nvolved the dcmation of five acres o£ land. Additional cost to the City wauld be only #'ox those items or structure that th.e City desired to F�ave in the Armory which was not part caf the Armory's building plans, in �he original pro�aa��al , � do n�ot have any speci£ic plans fax police use of the Armory at �hi;s time. Poiic�, usage would depend upon a conference witfi the National Guard authax•zties re�arding �he al2owab�le use of th� buiZding for specific purposes. Nation�al Guaxd Armories located in the cities however do provide a great potent;ial in the public safety area. Utilization o£ Armories in other cities 'that J: am familiar with include the following; , 1. A x�ional police training school utilized during weekdays 2. A sheiter area for victims af natural disaster 3, Availability of the equipment for natural disasters such as , utilization of the militaries 4-wheel drive vehicles during extensive , snow emergencies as well as utilization of othex specializsd vehicles stored at the Armory ' ' I ' ' a. Availability of xeserve equipment fox civil disorders. This equ�pment would include teargas, gas masks, riot sticks, etcetera S. Availability of an indoor pistol range far the Anoka County Law �nfoxcement agencies 6. Immediate availa$ility Qf trained reserve manpowex for utilization during natural disasters and civil disorders MR. AAVIS JUN� 8, 1973 PQI,ICE USE OF NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY _�.. 7. Availability of trained and experienced individuals with expertise in developing policy planning, operational plans, intelligence, logistics, strategy, control tactics, mi.scellaneous tactics, command post, observation post, mass axrest procedures, and recovery after disturbance plan- niMg $, Availability of supportive vehicles with communication capability as well as observers during times of national disaster ox civil disorder, II lE Althot�gh the above factars, plus athers, are� av�ailable thraugh prescribed. porcectux�s irregardless of whe�her or not an Armory is located in our City, i.t is somewhat advantageous to have �he facilities immediately available as wea'�1 as developing a closer liaison with the National Guard officials. 0 u ' � � II � � ' � ' �' ' � Il � ' y C ' ' r7 E � F/�� ., . „ ,� . ` / . �4 / L .:� �� ��1,G��y�d 1$:�\� �,�,� * .- r . � . .r '�.�G:�: �'��/ f��-N �,,,���'1 � � STATE OF At�NNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MIIITARY AFFAIRS OFRICE OF TNE ADJUTANT GEN�RA� VETERANS SEfiV{CE BUILpING STATE CAPtTOI SAINT PAUL, 55101 january 29. I973 Tha �Ionorable �rank G, Liebl ��iayor of Fridley ���� University Avenue, N. E. F:ridl�y, Minnesota 55421 I��ear Mayo� Liebl; I__I _ � � Irt�-d�pth studies of population growth and population distribution patterns '��3 �M�Y aPP1Y to Minnesota, and particularly to the Twin City metropo2itar ��'��, �nd the fo�eshadow of forces at work and their resultant impact iZ land usa�e in the metropolitan area, makes it imperative that The Depart- m��nt Qf N�ilitary Affairs, State of Minnesota, look' ta the future and ��►t�k�lish plans for the relocation of some National Guard units frorn the �i�Iinn�apoli� downtown armory to the suburban communities. The reasQn �Qx this l�tter at this time is to acquaint the City of Fridley� its governr�en: le�dets ar�d �rour current and future planning grouos, that the Niinnesota Arm� National Guard is interested in establishing �latipnal Guard unit� in �crmrounities ciose to, or adjacent to, Minneapolis, and if a city i� ln�ec°S��d in � National Guard unit, consideration in city land use plGnning shoul:: :,k execcis�d ,�ow for the tuture location of an arm�ry. A�olfcy vf decentralization of units has been ir� effect for a nu;nber ef ��ears an�d ha� been accompl�shed in St. P�ul, Our long range decentraliz�tion p12�n for ,Minneapol�s will reauire five (5) new Iocaticns o�tsi�e of �tinnA- �p��lis proper, v�ith new armorie$ being constructed in iive (5 j sub��rb�r� �Q�mrnunities , If lths Nationa� Guard is to estab�ish a unit in a co:nmunity, the c�rrtmur�i`.y tnust want a National Guard unit, an3 it must be o` s���'f�cient sizA to e:j�5�a rec:rttitm�r�t of sufPic�ent strength to man the unit. The �t.�ar.i ��in., �;� ;;1 Y�31,urtteer force with :nission resoonsi��li�i�s :�� b�:_� the 3ta_e ar.ci :vuticr�, results in a joint respQnsibility to be shared ir� by the Federal, Sta,4 �,nd +Co:mmunity �overnments. TI 1G ThE3 Honorable Frank G. Liebl ' January 29, 1973 It �� �'�qu�sted that the City Council of Fridley discuss and evaluate their de.�ire� as �o whether or not they would be interested in establishing a �'t�i,i�l�y National Guard unit with the time period 5- 10 years fram now. If th�y de�ire more information on its purpose, mission, and how the Guard is ��dministered and managed, to include the construction of an armozy, �'epresentat�ves of this office will be happy to meet with you and the City CQ��nc�l �ko discuss the subject and answer your questions. s Sincerely yours , .�-• � � G�" '• ���<f'' �ESTE� j!M�G�ET�� Ma jo�. General , IvTinn ARNG The Adjutant General � �� '� , �,��,, ��r :a,-� � � ,`�`"1� a e� � ' �I , ' ' ' ' PU$LIC HEA�RZNG MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1973 � Page 12 in�tmlled is seven miles. He listed some of the areas as along Osborne RAad and NlisSissippi Street. He said, at the t.ime this was proposed, there w�s eome c�ppqsition from tha citizens a$ they would have to plow the side- walks sq t:he City agread to take care of the plowing. Copncilmari Nee asked if there were a hazard to the childrer� with the increased speed of the proposed plow? Mx. Silseth said they have been doing the plowing around the schools before the children go to schoal and Workir�g an the areas where there are no childxen the remainder of t�he day. . Counc���¢a.r,� C�tter asked � if, �he plvw were fast enough to throw the snow, what would� the City do when the number o� people complaining of the �r�aa being� thrown up onto their property increased� Will the City be �orasd to buy shrubery for the people too? MaC. alaq�n said a�t the preser►t tims, the plow movea so elow that the ' �now iA nc�t remaved from the aidewalk, it juet fallowe the plow. Council- m�r� Starwa�lt msked if the plow could be leasad �or ane year? The City . Mar�a►g�e�' sa�id he atzd the City Engineer had met with a repreaenta�tive from t�h� Cocqpan�y that morninq. He 6aid, this is a specialized type of equipmsnt ' �nd,ik� �e n4t the type of equipment that can be leased. He eaid the Aaar�u�aot�uae�ex provides the equipment if ordered. ' ya�►pr Liok�l said the piow could be used cn the City ice rinks, and to mGn►� diz�, airid if it hae enough force, it can be used in two to ti�e• ath,er ways�. , il�TIQN by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolutiqn #26-I973 and advertise ior bid$ #'ar a sidewalk snow p1ow. Seconded by Councilman Nee. upon a v'oi4� vc�te, Starwalt, Liebl, Nee and 8reider votinq sye, Utter votinq ' ��tdy;'*�te�y�i','�Lisir�. declared tha motion carrisd four to one. _ Cpuncilmar4 Utter said he believed the Council was defeatinq its own ' pux�casa, He aaid they had spent a great deal o� time workinq on autting t.1�e budgst: and only allowing th� sum of 56,000.00 for the plow. He said �e believe�d it to be ridiculoua tc deliberately cut the budget down i�y $4�000.00 mnd turn around and spen8 the total amount anywsy. ' �CA'!'IQNS REGARDING COMMUNICATIONS FROM MINNESOTA DEP,ARTMENT OF �'IILITARY P.�F'�'ATRS CONCERNING NATIONAL GUARD UNTTS (TABLED FEBRUARY 5, 1973)s ' Muyo� Liex►�, �said �he letter asked Fridley to evaluate the possibility o# +�stabli.ehing a Fridley National Guard Unit. Mayor Liebl suggested the ' COUrie�.l ��:��z the item to the Planninq Commission for their etudy �1d �e�omme�dntiqna. , ' ' MOTxO�i by �GUnci2man Stazwe►lt to refer Major Ger+era�l Moeqlein's letter #�nd re4ueait �.o the planning Comenisefon, Seconded by Coundilman Breider. ,'�NDM�NT �'A,THE MoT�oN made.by Councilman Nee that the City Manaqex J�af. � . � Qotitd�t I�a► joz� General Maeqlel�n xequestinq addition�l lnfoxznatior� on the ��.��, t�►p�� and locAtioa of suitable property for thia propoaed unit. Iz 1N fJ ' • PU,�BI.I� H;EARING Ni�ETING OF FEBRUARY li, 1973 Patqe 13 ��I ' ' Socor�ded, by Counci7.man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayc�r Lieb7. declazed the motion carried unanimously. � Ui'��1 A V'OI�E VOT�, all vo�ing a�re, Mayor Liebl declared the ariginal , A���a� �arried ur�animausly. . � � , :GARDING PROPOSAL FOR FRIDLEY VOLUNTEER FIRF.MEN'S RELIEF The �itx Manager said a proposal had been submitted to himself and the GAtlrtcil by the Fz�idley Fire�►en's Retixement Plan Associatian. He said �e h�d me� with Mr. Robert Aldrich and members of the Associatian and he M►a� no� pa�epared to rsach any concluaions st the preaent time. The City Mane►ye.� aaid Mr, Aldrich requested the Counci2 reasive the aommunications nC �he px�i��r�t time. Maypx Liebl said th��re was a letter stating �he certain changes and ' 1i�t�.ng the costs, also a l�ttex from Stennes and Associates, dated pecea�be+r 2�, 1�73. Mayor Liebl suggested the Counail meet with Mr. A7.dr�Gh and � delegation fxom the Fire Department and discuss tha ways :�nd taeans of a possible a�lution. Mayor Liebl Qommended the Fire ' �?ee�partment as k�eing the most effioient Department financially, addinq they . p�cav�.de many services . ,. �h� C1�y Manager said he would like to puzaue his negotiations with the Pena�on Assoiation and if no deci.sion is reaahed, the Council could meet w�th ths memkaers and he would make recommendations to the Council at that , �ime, He suggested nec�otiatior►s such as set up with the Police Pension A�&Paia� t �.pn . ,' �bTION bX Gouncilman Utter to receive the c�nunications. Seconded bX Councilman Bzeider. Upon a voice vote, a►11 voting aye, Mayar Liebl dsc].arad the motion carried unanimously. ' Mr. �tob�e�r� Aldrich, Pension A$sociation, addressed the Council. He said the ASSQaiation was not about to resolvQ the �lar► that night, but he #�ske+d 1f k�e might present the Council with some acklitional information. , #Ie iltmted�. ti�e plan had been Completely funded acco�ding to the Guidlinea Act o� 1969. He said it would be nice to spend six months on the plan, bt�t�t�mea did not allow this a9 it must be submitted to the legislature as , a bil� w'ithin the present session. He said he aqreed wi�h Mr. pavis �.n thst they 8hoµld have additional meetinge with Mr. Davis and his staff. � ,� ,� � �O�'ION b�r Caur�il.man Breider to authorize the adminiatration �o meet with ths Penstion Association to•detezznine a posaible plsn and �ceturn to the CQUn,�i.�,�with a plan if it is obtainsd by the first meetinq in March. $ACOnded ?�r Councilman Nee. Me oz *iebl asked the Cit M�ula er if it would be \ y y g passible to presen� khs C,�ttn,ai], with a plan by the first meetinq in Ma►rch? The City Miuiag�r Aai�' i� w�auld be poseible. � ' � �ta�►pr Liebi a�ked the City �ittorne� if he aquld �repare the bill to be �uk�cnitte�d �� �ie� leyislature within a��� �a�r� a�tter the CounGil approval , �� II 1J Plennin� Commiesion Meeting - Marnh 7, 1973 Page 15 MOTIQN by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plapning ' Coa�iesion recoQanend Co Council approval of lot split request, I,.S. �k73-02, by Amber Constru�tion Com�any, to split off the North 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1; Worrel's Addition, and add it to Lot 18, �lock 1, Amber Oaks ' ,!#ddition, to make a 50 foot lot a buildable site. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. L� , I� � �. LOT SPLIT RE�UEST: L.S. �673-04, BY AF.NNIS C.CZECH: Di.vide Lot 15, Par�e1 1080, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, into two building sites. Mr, pe�nis Czech was present. Mr. Clark said this 3s part of an old plat that was left out of Gut�derson Terrace, between Onondaga and Fireside. He said Mr. Czech's 1oC �s 120' x 250' and he would like ka keep 130 feet on the lot wheze "'khere is an existing house, to pxovide a larger back yard. The house on Onondaga is 52 feet back from the property line, The remain�ng parcel will be 75' x 120', which will be the new building s�te. Mr. Erickson said this would meet the minimum requirements. �' � ' Mr. k'itzpatrick �aid this split isn't in line with the other lots . �.n this block. Mr. Ciark said it vaas off 10 feet �o the 10 �ooC utility ,. �asement would all have to be taken off the one loe. Mr. Clark said 'he would have [o check the easements on the oCher properties, and line " the easement up with the other lots. ' MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planaing Coavnissipn '�ecoamend approval to CounGil of lot aplit request� L.S. 4t73-Q4�, by Aennis C. Czeeh, to•divide Lot 1S, Parcel 108Q, Audi[or's Subdivis�ton No. 129, inta two building eitea, �ubject to the alig�unent of a 10 foot uti2�.ty ' easement oa the 130 fooC lot. Upan a voice vote, all vozi.ng aye, the cnotion carried unanimously, ' � L_1 � u ' , ��� �A• 4,gZSpLy REFERRAL William Cheeseman, Adjutant General of the State of Minnesota was present. � ,, . General, Cheeseman said he was here at the request of Mr. Clark �a �expat�d or answer any questions the Commission might have in regard to �ocaCion or site, �.f a National Guard Unit ia established in the City o� F�'idley, and for yqur recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Eri�ckson asked General Cheeseman how much land Chey would need. G�neral Cheeseman said they would need a minimum of 5 areas, which i.s �equired by Federal directive, and we have to have fee simpJ.e [itl.e to th� pzopert}t. By we, I mean the State Armory Bu�lding Coumiss�.on. I�Ir, �r�ckaon asked who would purchase the progerty. GeneraY Cheeaeman, said the land must be donated by Che �oamiunity to �he State Amnory Commieaion, who in turn, tura it aver to the State af ����1�� Q�s . � ' � ' ' C 1K annin C iseion eetin arch 3 a b Chairman Erickson asked how large the armory wou�.d be. Genexal Cheeseman said it would be approximately 1$,000 square feet, wiCh an additional 28,000 square feet used for an asphalt raad, sidewalk', parking area, etc.. �lr. Mi�iah asked if the armary would be available for coaununity uae. G�n��ral Chee�eman said civic functions where no prpf�t is made, and it dp�sn't cost Che armory money, there would be no charge for Che use. Qnce the buirain� is up, it doesn't cost the City anything foz maintenance ox' upkeep'on the building, If the uae does cost the armory money, there woul.d be a lrental chazge. '�f the Firemen or Chamber of Coaimnerce were to use it fQ� a da�c�, for i,nstance, there would be a charge* Mr� I�ikzpatrick asked if the�e were gymnasium facilities of any kind. � ��neral Cheeseman said the floor was concrete and the as&embly hall was 7�QQA aquare feet. This is large enough for a tull basketball court and they da install the baskets. As far as sports are concerned, it would ' hav� to be uaed for intermural sports because there are no facilitiea for an audience. � u ' • ' ' " He said the National Guard would only be using the armory during the w�ek end. Mr. �itzpatrick said there ia a need for recreational areas for the Park Board. Gene�al Cheeseman said the a�morles have been used fox this pwt'pose and Ghe�ce are locker room and shower facilities. General Cheeseman said Ch� Federal Government pays 757, of the cost of Che �onstruction of an armory� within the specifications they se� up by m1li�ary ordinane�. '�'hat leaves 25% which actually gets to be about 3tPJ., that they won`t provide, that must be paid by Che coinmu�ni.ky and the Sk�Ce. �'h� State puts money in its appropriations at�d this money is for a new armory Co lease the facili.ties fx'om the State Armory Bui].ding Commission, The arma�ty does not belong to our departmenk, That money goes into paying pff the bonds. Also there is a payment by the co�unity, as provided �or by 1aw, in regard to tax levy on taxable property. 1"E►is is payment by the Gity, to retir� the armory bond. General Ch�eseman said, in Faiz�ont, Mic�nesota, where they just built a t�ew armory, it will cast that City $6,000 a year for about 23 years. Th��e , � is a basic plan fox an armory, and thi� paxticular armory� was more expensiv� �han most. They asked for additions, and every City has different requirement�, We cat� add amything that the army cam share the use. We had to turn dawn ans ' � �cequest for an axmory because they wanted an ice azena in connecCion with the armory amd this cannot be considered a shared use. C � � �� �I ' Mr. Eriekson eaid, in esaence, the City is buying a piece of a building +�nd �.t they want to use it, there would be some fee for using ik. General Cheseeman said he thought it should b� brought out Chat this will be Fxidl.ey's Guard Unit� snd so wa� a part of the coc�nunity. The charge for civi.c use would be verp minimal, just the cost of clean-up, lighCa� and heat# i� r►ecessary. l�e said for intermural sporta the fee is $6.OQ an haur and ior a da�ce the fee would be S75.00, , ' � II 1 � Planning Co,nmission Meetir�g - March 7, 1973 • pa�e 17 , Mr. Erickson asked how much equipment would be stored on Ghe prop�rty. Gec�eral Cheeseman said that would depend upon ttie type of unit, but it � would be vehicular equipment. Mr, Minish asked if our code calla� for aCorage of all equipment, how this would be handled. Genexal Cheeseman ' t�aid thia is what he meant that by meeting the requirements Qf different cities+ the cost o� the building could vary. ' ' General Cheesemaq s�id that ouk of twenty communities, we only want an �xmory in five o� them. Mr. Erickson asked how many men would use the. armory. General Che�seman eaid a singl� unik armory has 120 men.. ' Gene�al Cheeseman said we do need highway acceas and should be able to move our e�uipment without driving on residential streets. We alsa A�ed all the utilities, There must be sewer and water available. ' Chairman Erickson asked if General Cheeseman had looked at any �ites in Fridley. General Cheeseman said he hasn't looked at any sites. He said we are making it known we want ko locate five armories in the ; Yrtin,neapolis area. If a community shows an interest in having an armory aad there is same sort of a commitment from the Council to support at� `armoz�y, which he said is quite intangible, He said he d�idn't want [o w�tv� the flag� but it needs the patriotic an d univeral support of the ' commun�ty. He sai.d the Council has ahown an interest by refe�Xing this to the Planning Commission. ' ' ' e ' . ' ' ' 1 ' H� said a site should be se2ected and ear marked��or an aru���. Th�te +�hould be no transfer of property until a request goes inta [h� �'ed�ral Government fpr an armory to be lacated he�e, . Mr. Erickscan said if the City Couneil said; we want an armary at soone deei$nated locatior►, th+en how long would it take, General Cheeseman said it takes some time. They �re worki.ng on a tan year plan, He aaid the City would get a lett�z saying it i.s our plan and ��'Agram t4 build an armory in Fridley, and give them a firm year. He �aid the Cauncil woul�l then b� asked to appoint a citiaen's cc�mmitte� Chat F►ould work with sameone from the military, appointed by the Governar. Mr. Schmedeke asked if they are meeting with ather auburbs alaa. General Cheea�man sald they felt that Fridley would be a good lacation For an armory, �1 a,,J"""�� �hairman Erickaon thanked General Cheeaeman for coming . �,i,r � ,,.�� �,,..�^"�,11., RF�(IEW OF MINUTES ON 20A �T2-11 and SP �72-1$� UNION OIL C� ,/' � �,,,,,,� __. . - Mr: �rlckaon"��..t�iey asked �or a review of [t��r �iinukea becaue� Cha etatement had been mad`e°tlsa.�_,the Planain isaion didn'� underafiaad tha propaeal. , , �r, �zickaoq aa�d-they�did ut�dg���and ��� proposal� but the traffic .. , ,� �...,,.,..��.. . � h �� al Caused a lot of cos�trpver�y at Gh� eolution pres�►t�d with the prapos Public k�ea�in T e Plan ira Com�misa�pn also fei� khere could e a be e� wo}u'k���. � ;., � �� �� � »�, � r ��,.. ., .,�. ' C' ' ' ' 1 ' ' IJ ' �� --_.__ .� 1'� Ylaanint� Commis^ion Meeting -�pr3J. 4, 1973 �age 7 —_ . —.� MOTION by Ze$len, seconded by Fitzpatrick� that the Planaing Com�alesiaa Contiaua the extenai.on of Che Special Use Permit, SP �71-Q4, by Gxe�n Giaat 8oa� and Garden Center Pool Center, located at 7622 University Avenue Noxtheas. aatil April 18, 1973, Upoa a voice vote� all voting aye� the motia�t caxri.ed �a+n�iwoua ly . . Chairman Erickaoa said he would like to se.e the previpus miautes on t1�is Special Use Permit so they had the history of it. �. CONSIDERATION OF NATIONAL GU,'�F�D ARMORY FROPOSAL � ' . Chairmaa Erickson asked Mr. Fitzpatrick if he had diacussed the artaory proposal with the Parks & Recreation Commiaeion, Mr, Fitzpatrick laid he hadn't. He said he had come away frorn tha meeting after General Cbesaeman was herC,�feeling that the City would have to be willing to �ut +t lo� of money into the armory if recreation facilities were going. to be provi.d�d . Mar. �Iinish said if this was going to be a primary concern in ��nsidering the arniory propoaal, we could puC up re�reational facilities ��at a loC leas coat than paying for thew in an armory. Mr. Fitzpatrick eaid the Parks & Recreation Cou�miasion is mak�ng a ec�a►preheaeive study of cost in providing recreation and thia study could iaelude the coat of providing recreation in an armory, Chairmaa Erickaoa asked if anyone on the Caamiission fe1C we had a ' l�ve acre parcel we could purchase for thia use that would meek a11 tha requiremeata,the armoxy muat meet. ' Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought a aite would be difficult to find wlueQ Fzidley waa already so well developed. Mr. Erickson sa�d we are b;ving a probleta finding a eita for a library. 1 ', � ' ' � II 1lx. Miaish said Genera�. Chee�eman had said the caomunity has to be �a favox of the armory and give it good support. I can't see that �troag •uppaa�t cvaing froa Fridley. ' �lr. 8rickaon sai3 the propoeal Was sa vague aad there was no counaitment � �sota the Army. �Ir, Minieh said i� would be five yeare or more befora we Mqu1d havo a definite coomitment. � Chairmaa �rickson said the City iar involved ia CE��ae Island, the pattb Paxk areaR the Ice Arena aud other projecta th�t are all going to �etve te find a place in the budget and I don't feel we ahould lock up a p+�xcel oP land for yaara When we don't kaow if an armory will ever be lp�d�ed hese, Mr. �itcpstrick �aid that Fridley Mi,ll have dane ita ahare es a ao�ini ty . II � 1 � Pl�t►aiug Commies+an Meeting - April 4, 1973 Page g � ' MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Fitzpatrick�sthat the Planning Comm�s�i,on� �'14coam�ead to the Council that since the City has a number of ,inter-coa�munity �►�Qjecte already in existence and under development, auch ae Locke Park, MQOre i��tke $Gach, Golumbia Arena, North Park, and Islanda of Peace� it would not be in t.he best intereat of Fridley to add the additional facili.ty of a Natio�al Guard �IS7no�cy whieh would require the purchase by the eicy of about S acres of choice t'eetl �setate fox aa iq,definite period of time for a use which could be easily ���'c►'Y�ded by one or mox�t aurrounding coaununitles xhoae land availability ia such, �;ha� thei� �ax base would not be eroded by such purchase as would Fridleyb. U►poa a voic� vate,'all vatiag aye, the motion carried unaaimously. , �hairmaa Erickeon adjour.ted the meetin$ at �11:OQ P.Ai. Re�pact�u�ly subc�itt�d, � � Dp�'o�hy E neon, Secretary . . • 0 � � 0 � . ' � ' � � REGULAR COUNCIL. F�.EEtING QF APRIL i6, 1973 PAGE 1 � I I 1-0 Mf?Tlphl by Counci iman Utter t� set a Publ ic Nearin� on the prel iminary plan by D�rrel A. Farr Developme�t for May 14, 1973. S�conded by Councilman St'�ide:r. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the maxioni carried unanimausly.�,,,�� . Iht�':RY PLAT/ P. S_ t�?3-4-'+ IJ� IT'S SECUt�D A'�� I 0� NDA��iyGLuN�: Mr. � l�t'k sd i d the PI ann i ng Corr�ai ss i on h��d recor�nended a�p rova 1 of the pre� timin���y ptak. He said a Putalic Heariny co�ld be set. MUTIQN by Gcaunci lman 1d�e to set a Publ ic Nearing orr the Prel iminary Plat ' �oqu��t�d by �,�nda �n�lund for M�y 14, 1973* Seconded by Coun�ilman Brcider. �Ippn � vQl�e vote� all voting aye� Mayor Liebl declared the mat�on Garried unanim�ous ly. . I�X '�1,�,,,,S IpN OF SQEC IAL USE PERMfT, SP, �71-04 GREEN GlANT HQP1E AND GARQ�►J ' ..,f�� R POQL CE��ic R � ' . Mr. Clat'k sc�id the extenSian had been continued at the P1an�ing �ommission t�vel. '`'--�_. __ �,Q,�Q�RA f1N OF ATIONAL GUAR ARt�;�RY P�OPOSAL: '� � ' � 1 'h10TIAN by Councilman Utter to.conCur with t�Tie anning Commission members who b�lisv�: it would not be in the best interest of the City to add the MBtional �uard Facility to its many other projects, Seconded hy Co�ancil- m�n Brelde�. Upon a vqice vote� alt votin� aye, Mayor L1ebl declar�d the mRtipn carried unanimr�usly. � E�,A,�„ Q� Ct_t'�_ K 10,,, I�;f1SP,RUCK �;ORTH TQ'w�1�N0USES , r I RST ADil IT II�N , RE�1U;:ST�Q Y V I �'�1�0N � MP, C1'8rk said he wo::i�'�ke to add thiS item and set a Public Hearing U� ths I�t�m fqr Nay 1�� , i 9;r s. He exp 1 a i ned the re had been SOrT1E �onf us i 3n i � GQ�tSxr'uCkiqn which direGtS [he jogging af lot lincs which are nqt straighr_, MQTION by Councilma� Starwalt to set a Public Hearing An the replat request ' , k►y Vlew�on fo� 11ay i4, I�73. Seco�c'ed k;y Counci lman Qreider. �pon a vo�ce vpt+�, all vot�no aye, Mayar Liebl declared th� motion carried unanimously, � MGTIQN by CounCjiman $reider ta receive the minutes of the Flanning G���is��on � � m�exing of �prit �;, 1973. Seconded by Councllr;�n Utter. Up�an a voice vcte, al) vs�ting �ye� rayor Liebl declared the rntion car�ied unanimousiy. ' R5,�I•?3t�G TNE MIt;UT.r-.5 OF THG BUIL'J1NG STF,'�^.���� :�fSIGN C0�7�nL^ r�ETING pF APRIL ! _. �_._. . . ' RFOUEST FQF S��pSTITIlT� TEXT��FED S7l�CCU EX.TF.'tln�' �'�'!t?��4/C�Q SIDIN� WA� n..... ,.,...... - ____.. .__._._. _.�..� M _.... _._�.__ _ 1}� iC�°l'_D '^'� T�'= C�'(' i���;! '� "►a C:i� �:'.,iNT.�►'� ;ti �:. �� F.a S!i�',J�d G�'. �`'� kl t��,L F4.��: 3Y SU.j"tt--fr�'�;L1t� C4�PC���T1''F. R�f`,1•�1 �(;{ $�'�E�T +; E�; -:., ' • �� ' � � $ T A F F S T U D X �Q : THE MAYQR AND CITX COUNCIL A�T� : �fULY 12, 1973 SUBJ�CT: TJORTH SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER FR�BI.�FM: ahaulcl the Gity of FXidley participate in financial supgort of this a�tivity? ASSUMFTI(1N:i : Th;�� aictivity serves as a useful function to the northern suburban c�tizet�s in�ludi�� Lhose of the City of Fridley. FACTS $FAR.:CNG �N THE PROBLEM; �. . ' 2. ' ' � � � � II � A:� indi�ated xn its Federal �rant application, this is a private, non-- , p�,Qfit arganization, it does, however, receive financial aid from Che C=Lty o� �oon Rapids in whose jurisdiction this agency is located. Tlze �ity of Coon Rapids is the sponsoring unit of governrnent for a Law E�i�pr�ement Administration Grant through the State of Minnesota, under wlaich this agency op�rat�s. All Law Enforcement Assistance Admini�tCa- �:ion Grants must ha,ve a governmental unit sponsorship. Mr. Jael �Coemptgen� a�ull time emplQyee with the City of Coon Rapids,� serves as Pro�ect I?:i.��ctox �or the Federal Government Grant. � �, �m July 2, 197� th� State of Minnesota Gav�rnar's Commisaion on Crime P�r��renti4n and Control, awarded a Co�tinuation G�ta�.t in the amount o£ $:21�$p0 to the North Suburban Xauth Service C�nter. Mr. Koemptgen ad� v:�.s�d that the grant tuoney coupled with Coon Rapids monies in apprexi� m�ately $6,000 under the}present aperation budget. k. D,uri.ng the past month a�membe� of the Knigh�s af Columbus advised Che �A��ting �ity Manager tha�t he was propasi�g a Xouth Center concept �b �'ha Knigk►ta of Columbus�Board of Directdrs to be located within the City of Fri.sil.ey. Thie is on�y in the planni�„� stage at this �ime. 5� M�:, Koemptgen staze� th��t i� Fridley prc�v:�dea financial support for the Narth Suburban Youth 3e�'vice Center� th�re is a good po�sibility that a repxesentative from Fridley would be ap�olnted to a poaition on the Maaagement Baard. � 6, At �.t� June, 1973 meeting, the Anoka County Jpint �.aw Enforcement Counci� he�a�td a presentation by Mr. Aon Wegscheider of the Youth Center, simllar to the presentation iaade at the Fridley C�ty Council. The Anoka County ,Toint Law En£orcement Council took no acti.on on this presentation aqd it was considered for informational purpos�� only. �I II MEA10 T0; �LAYOR AND CITY COUNC�I� 2 A ' P,AG� 2 .TULY 12 , 19 7 3 ' 7. Officials of the Fridley High School; Anoka Court Services; Anoka County Administration Office; Anoka County Attorney's Office; Cpon Rapids Police ' Department; Blaine Pol.ice Department; Columbia Heights Police Department; and a Fridley High School counselor were interviewed regarding their opi�ion of the Youth Center. � � $, '�he North Suburban Xouth Service Genter serves priu►arily Anoka County du� to its phy�ieal location. However, in its presentation made to the Fridley City Couneil, Xouth Center representatives provided statistics and indicated they also serve residents of Hennepin County and Ramsey �aunty. The 10 percent estimate af services ta Fridley would appear to be quite diff=icult to justify at this time. ' DISCUSSTONs � ' ' � ' ' ' ' u ' ' ' Tt appears fXOm the �bove facts, that the IJarth Suburban Youth Service Cen�ez w111 be able ta operate at, ox slightly below, the level of the proceeding year with the approval of the Continuation Federal Grant. Mr. Koemptgen stated however, Ch� Center will experience some financial difficulties in the final third of 1974 without add.itional moniea of at least $6,000, AtCemp�ting to acquire sound opinions €rom ind�.viduals who represent agenc��s 1A ae�tion "7'" of facts above, prove to be a very �Xustrating ordeal, It appear� �Xotn the o��inions of the majority of individuals interviewed, that this ageney haa a place: in the community ax�d accomplishes much more good than evil. Almost Wi,thou� exc:�ptiQn, individuals who were interviewed did not wish to be quoted, I ��tribute t:h�� Lo the fact that many well-meaning and hi�hly respeeted citizens Qpen].y sup�iort Qr do voluntary work for this agency. Oz�e of the major concerns that w�� e3�.�+�e�s�d is that certain $p].icies and procedures of the agency are high].y controvers�-al and cuta dir�ctly across some very basic philisophical diff�renaes ot �pin�.on, o� our citizens. �'or exam�le, khe a�enay will treat and give adv�ce to �uv�ni���s in sueh areas as dru�s, venerial dise�se, and con�receptives without tha �owlecl�e of the juvenile's parents. One Fridley school official felt this �yp� of poa��ey and operation usurps the family unit, One �choal nQn-administrator, who works ve�j� closely with the center, indi.� cated that he agreed with the Cheor� af the Center, iie felt, however, that parents and �hildr4:n shQuld have a rappo�t such that an or&a�ization such as the center ahould not be necessary and in addition, h� would look unfavorably upon his chi�.d- �et� uti1�.�.Ln$ the Center. Irt ad�iition ta Che contr�v�xaial pol.i�ies �z tl�e Center, the second major aoncern of Chase :tnCerviewed waa that of Arganizational structure. It is the oAinian a� maay of thase �.nt+�rv�.ewed, primarily a� the Anaka County level, that the organi,�ationa�. structurs �or the C�nter�is satnewhat hazy. Tt is recognized Chst .Tael. JKoemp�gen is the itli�ial Piro,jec� T?�rectox far the Fed�ral Grant and 1e �lea ��ul�. tim� employee iAx �hs City of CoAn Rap�.d�� It wou�d then appear that bscauee of �iscal control, Joel KQemptgen and ths �1ty Of COOil Rapids has control over �hi� �ag�ncy as long as the Federal �rant �oAtinues, pr if the City of Cpon '�a�id� assunted direct control of this a�ency as a portion of their gavernmenta�, � ' Mk�O TQ: k�AG� 3 .ru�x � 2 , � , ' ' ' ' � ' ' t�1AXQ�t AND CITY CQUNCIL ���73 IT � � ut11t shou�.s� a Federal Grant expire. Beyond this point, the structure with respect to th�; cha:[n o£ comtnand; unity of command, and span of �ontrol, becom�es very difficul� L`p identify. It is this problem that appears to trouble certain County o��i�ials. k'or �xample, Anaka County utilized the Center as ane of several re�ouXCes :Cn which they xef�r individuals for various reasons. Referrals are usually noi: caade until a case study on the indiv�dual is made and it is determined khat �k�e C£Tnter is the best location for this particular individual. Beyond this pcaint� as one County offieial stated, control is lost. There appears to be some apprehensivenesa about the qualifications and approaches taken by certain staff memb�.xs of the Center. FQ� this reason those who expressed their conc�rn would 1:tke ta seE� a well-defined organizational structure within the Center in which Gounty off_lcials can be assured that individuals sent to the Centex receive �r�attnent 1:rom the prpper staff persons. CQNCLUSION„ � k�av�� discussed the negative aspects of tt�� reparts T reGeived about the Center wi.t�z �ir. Koemptgen, �Ir. Koemptgen indicates he fu11y understax�ds and ia aware o� �l��se ma,jor �oncerns. The problem, as both Mr. Koempt$en and I a�ree, x��uxn� tc� the very i�a�ic p'�i.lisophical di�ferenees of opinion of our ciCizens, schQC►�. o�f:lcials, and $a�ternmental officials regarding the control �f family a�fai�a anci �carmal �txucture versus informal. structure for this organization. i� appears that the �torth �uburban Youth Service Center will have funds ta qpsz�te �hr.ou�h 1974 althau$h the level of serv�ce may dxop for the final. third of 1�7� wit,�out additional �unds, ALTEItN�TE �tECOMMENDATIONS: , 1. M�i recommendatian �s that the �ity of Fr�dley n,ot render �i.nancial �txppox� fQr 1974 to thi� agency. I make this recommenda�ian Qn khe f c� 7. lowing ; �� ' ' ' l_ 1 ' 1 A,� Tk�� agency is basically a private, non°pro��.t organizaGion. Council may be setting a precedent by donating to sueh an organization. B�� Th� qrganization appears to have funds ta operate in 1974. �„ '�he amount of funding by the City of Fridley would be difficul.t to Gomputate o�n a fair basis, There are several other cities and count�les that are also Xeceiving benefits, A�� Al.though the g�neral concept o� this agency is accepted, there are serlous philisophical differences of opinion abQUt the Center'� ppera�ion, �" �f the Center i$ to receive financial support from governmental agencfes other than its sponsor�t�g a$ency, it appears moxe reasc��- ab�.e that the funding should coms from Anoka County or joit�t ' caunti.es than through the numeroua mut�icipalities. ' ' MEMQ T0: MAyOR AND CITX COUNCIL PAG� 4 JULX 12, 197� TT � C 2. Tf Council feels that it wishes to render financial support to this azgar�ization, it is my recommendation that this action be defezred until � recotnmendation from the City Manager can be presented as to a cost ��ormula for determining a fair share cost based on a formula which would t�ak� into eonsideration the services rendered by this agency to pther cities within Anoka County as well as other counties. It may also be wise to s�ipulate certain safeguards for our monies when they are presented t�� this agenCy. In addition, Council may wish to check the progreas, if s�ny, of the Knights of Columbus proposal for a Youth Center in Fridley. 3, I:� City Council would prefer not to accept the two recommendations above a�ad Council feels they have sufficient information regarding the Cente�, and feels the Center serves a worthwhile purpose for public funds for the ci�i2ens of Fridley, and wish to take an affirmative action at this time, I wAUld recommend a contribution of $1,OOQ for 1974. Zn addition, it w��uld be my recommendation that Council direct the �ity Manager to c��rrespond with the County of Anoka expressing Council's opinion that f�1nding for this agency through governmental funds in 1975 shoul-d be a:llocatea at a county level. JPH/cm � Very respectfully, James P. Hill Acting City Manager N RI�MA�.'r' . R��i'� E �,,� �, lEJ'. �; N4�GRAVC +Ja" J �or �E��l� O f'ETERSC!� Far��ly COVrt Oi�t�se'or �"�f�c�K� �'�?�1i�Ty ������ �� 5�R���:FS ����� � Re ' �+E �, �` J � ;q . ���"�' ��!ll'. � °� _� �.��,.H:��.�.. H� �p�ng .. .-�a. M�-,�r�etc'.� �y'i0' ,'F ..i al�:� Ma ,y ? 1 , 197 � Mr. Dcr.ald F. ���e.�schelder NoTth �uburbar� Yau*h Se�: v ice �?u� e�u J_GjTd �,: :� ::t-� . r� P1�; �' , �oOn FsB;�idG. I�i�nr,e�otF� �,`�4 ��j Dear L'�r' � zr � 2D� We appreclated verY much thP opportunity �f ineetina p�th you and m�mbers of .your �taff at our. l�st Court Serviees Ativl.soTV Committee l.ast Tuesda.y at which �ime we discussed the programs and o�iectiveG of Your Bureau as it m�av relate to tY:e �vunQ people of our community. During the meet ing vot� req ue sted a 1 e*., .`,er from the Advi sory Committee, if possible. indicatin�z �ur ir;tere�t ard recomaendatior. 01' Vour operations and it was the feellnR of the A�ivieory Comr�ittee that they would like to have addltlonal. inform�tior. or clarlficatio� an cez��a 2n point s or in certa in areaa bef ore such a letter shoulci be lseued. The points or que�tions were; 1. We would 11ke to have additional information as to the professional trainin� or qualificatlans of �ta�'�' ' persong in �rour contraceptive clinic due to the imminent danR�ra present. 2. If available. we would appreciate ree�ewing statist�ae on �our alir.lc oper�tion for the paat �la m�rths as �o number or cl�er.ts, a�t', nature af involvement end action taken bv the clir_ic. 3. We are interested in rece�vinS addltior.el data on the tTaining and qualiflcat�ans of your drup� counselore� age, eaperience, etc. • k. Ir reqarda to your valunteer program (hot-1lne, cou�nse].tng, etc. ) xhat in-�ervice traininq is given. the c�uallf lce►�lot��3 of �he person�doing the tralning� the number and sqe of yau�� volunteers �nd the turn-over of volunteers over a Riven period. ,� r �. Mention �as Qiven of the Internship progr�m a� you7� Center by students from v�rious co�,leges� etc. ln �hQ State and �vA rould e�ppreciate aeceiving additional data on the numbc�ra of such interns ard the deRree of academ�.e t�rd exp�arien�isl super�vi�l.ar+ �w��.ah ic Kiven hy Cha colleges involve3. . " ,. I ' ' C �' � � 0 Page Two (2) II 2E ' We trust that yo . r�l.�� ::r��'�^��f: , t.t1P !' ;t�,rF� c�f t'r,f, • above concerrs, irt�r�-:. ,� :,r ri q•. .-±- or ;s a�-r? �,°e�,. ,*..hat if all are ha.nd l ed to t't:.� �� • I sffxct.'l e� �i- our *�•r+.er.^ th�t i � mlght well t�e cor�i���r.ed '.0 1-�•�e r� ?etter f=�c����*7r.=. ,yo?.sr pro�rams �,nd operati ��n�;. It was the fee lna >f m=-mt�erc af L,'r��� fa�viGory CommiCt��e that it mi�rht re �r�a~,�z�i1 v�e� ef ic1��1 * ci o}�r urou�� to attern OY?e Of your "eC'COU'" GP_T''� ,�e ^fi :.G' G:':?!TiE? ?V P.r �.!^F; £irr V�@W � b;'2' pTO�tram, or cr.e o'' trlem, i�� r�c* lo.r, Ft;- cJell a� to�zx your facilities and woul.� ap;�.reciat�� hearir� fr�m yoa re:�at,--� to `►�1^. 'ae realize ycur c-��c��•n for [?r,nfi�iertiality ar� � would respect tniG fer SU�f1 ��n�eting. The A�ivi�ory CnmmltteP ��Gc�ass�ri witn Mr. Fri�t2ke a letter he received from Nr. Kr,P,!'t�Jt�'@l! of ,your CPrter rela*iti•e to recefvin� a letter a � t� t�;e u�e n:� ,y�,zr prosrrams �y the Court ServicP� office and st��'f at thP r�re�er.t ti*ne ard it rvas the feelin� of thf� Committef� tr:��t ��ich F� letter from Nr. FTitzke should relate or�y tc y���zr nr�:,�rxrr,: �e�atir.� te fami�,y counse2lr,r and ,joh oppor':ur �� ..F�s ir w'r� :c��� v:e unders�and � h�vP been nroceedir.g alor.�- �iiite ke�,. We will be look`ra forw<�r�' to h�t�r1�;� from yo�� �fter yaur receipt of thiG � letter, L�ra, ard Are hr,.pir:a that our mutual qoals and reed� miaht re �net. • Yours er,y t.�uly. �� '� `! y.� Robert L. � ckley. �h rmar , Court Services AdviGO .y CommittPe RLB;1 . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �a' � l_J � � ' Fxidley City Council �'idley, Minnesota 5�1t32 f�en�lerrien : 221 Rice Creek Terrace N.�. Fridley, Minnesata �51�32 May 21, 1973 Re: Nucleus Clinic Just 1,a.st Mor-day evening I was at Nucleus Clinic. A very handsome but ' immatur�e boy of l� year�s o�' age came in, accompanied by a yoi:ng man who t►�ax hav�e been three or �'our vears his senior. This 16 yF�r d1d boy rad A de�'�.rt�.t,e and clear cut case of gonorrhea. It was diagnosed stid the lad ' was t�'E�ated in a manner which ��e know will result in � cure� His digni'ty �r�ci ariar�ymity werP pres�erved. ' ' ' ' ' i� He �am�� partly, a].though bashfully, on the assurance that k►is parents wrauld x�ver ber�;ow, �his was impor�tant to him. hTe �11 do oux best to raise our children in the best �ray we know how b�at i.n the ys�uthful years the blood ru:is r.ot F-ith sexz:�.:. �xcitem�nt s.nd a strcr.� �sxua]. drive in an opportune enviro:unent know-s no evnsc�tence, thereiore the�e i�aive young �eople take advantage of the situation without thpugnt. c�f '�he co�.aequences and some contract venereaJ, disemse, No doubt this �►`our� [nan wa�s 1ed on by a more e�perienced persone Nt�,c1�u:3 and Qther such '�free" clinics serve a real purpose. In my opinion, ; the �i�z �.8 �vt in cont�^a�ting the di,sease but in keeping it hidc3en and ' spx ead:lr� it . � ,, Som�o�t�� has to be the confidant of these young �'olks and help ihem--aure th�m--c�0unsel tk�errt--educat� them and be someone they can txust, ' � T�y ;3can or �y daughters were similarly momentarily indiscreet, I hope 4�e� o� rny colleagues would help my child out and be di5creet--not evPn tell me. . ' I,et �h�e young person keep face and family favor. He ar she will learn by the experience but, lose no family respect or jeprodize his or her futi�e. I,ea1^'t�ing by Pxperience can be expensive, F�cperience is the `Lesson, the ' cpsta 'however paid for, is the tuition. Let�'s let the kids learn but not 1�t an uriiortunate experience mark their whc+le lives. No on� is pex•i'ect. ' � q. D. is present in Anoka C ounty and in all c�.i.n�.cs� which youngsters can feel free to important. Let's keep them going. '� ' qutlying areas as ��ell. These come to in all con; idence az�e II 2F TI 2G 2-�Fridley City Gouncil, May 21, 1973 �'m r�,ot pa�.d to put in �y assi.gned tirre at Nucleus Cl.inic, but it wil�. a1.1 �ome back to me in ways more im}�ortant than dollars, kncwir�g that I hava h�lped those who nee� hP1p in a very inti.mat� matter. Nucleus Clinic �ea�wes a purgose in a very real an3 meanirigful way. �'hexefore T recomznend that the Fridley City Council allot funds far Nucleus Clirli� to help meet a real need that may be more impartant than ma:�y� pther matt�.�'s. People matter! Things dc,n't! Sincerely yours, �� � , � �j,� � r, � "`. , � - ---. _ H. C. Winge, M. D. Diplomate American Board Qf Family Prac�ice . . , � . �TQR�'H �liBURB:�N YOUTH S�RVICE CENTER STAFF �or� We�schei.der P�� Bres].in Jahn Car�.strom Pa�ricia Rygg PEAC�E LINE IS... �n anonymous hotla�ne -zhere anyone ean cal'� needing in�c>��nat�or�, who is lone].y, who has �amily or personal gro��lems . �ours: Sundag through Friday 8pm to midnight. Saturday noon to midni�ht. 75?-2127. NTJCT��EU� CLTNIC IS. . , . Couns�ling and medical help: VD testing and treatment, ar�c� prsgnancy testing. F'or more information call 7��-5300. HrauT�� : 6: 30 to 9: OOpm an Mondays and Th2zrsd�:ys , J,(�.�. (Job Opportunity Bureau) IS.... � job �efer�al service designed specifically tqr you�h..,a�es 1.2-19. Call ?�5-5300 �'+�m�,7.y Counseling by appointment. I�aru�; Education designed for elem,entary lavel junior high school 1ev�1 senior high school 1.ave1 � juni�r coll.ege 1eve1 � Wo�k;�shap� in Chemical ��pe�denc�r f'or para-prafesaiontal$ ar�d pxta,�aasiowa�.� ( e� po].�.ce, achool counselora. ..) �rug; �,den�Gi�'icat�.an Sm�11 grou� �.eadera wo.rkshopa: f or discuasian groups �'q� growth groupa Smal�. group; di�cuasic�n or gr�:: �`� group f or young adults . � II 2H � � ' ' ' ' v R H SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER I�f Q T 103�3 H�NS�N BLVp. �� _ � - COON RAPIDS, MINNESOTA 55433 � �� i� -� � �- ;r� � �' ;� t_�h`� - �: � t.E(.�c; ;�'�, _:.>3u:� �KS`�t.�(' .i (.) 8 75`, 5;3i:. �� � 2� t•:a� �1, 1�73 To; lia�r�r �c C�ty C�uncil � City of =�'rid1�=Y Fr�m: J��,1 K�empt-�:�en - Direct �r of `?�uth :�er�-ices , City oi C��n �?apids Re: [�1�rth Subur��n Youth aer�t•iae Cer�ter �,,�s p�aject th�t �b�ut 10;0 0� �ur �e��-ices y�ill be �iirected � �l 72-73• `�Je c�uld handls �t �'r�i,)ley resic���+-:= t��r�u ;h �'i�c� the cit :;o c�ntracted. up t�� 20;0 �f �ur clier�t�� fr�m .:'ridley if Y ��11.acai n„ are approximate statistics �f use by c�mp�ne.nt and � � i- i � n : - ----_ .. .:. . � c _...__�_ ___. _____ ___. ____,_.____�..�_.-......�-- , _,_--.--1-• T�ucleus �l inic iK��� 2. Jab G;;p�rtunity Lure�u _ �ndl� idual, farnily, ��'�up) 3, C�unseling (' I (, i�ru� Educati�n, spe�kin�; eng�gem;;nts, -� literature, ete. �. P�;ace Line (H�t 1'� ne arisis �.ntar��en�? __ , � ' .An�ka : 1 . �0 o 2. 10�� , 3, 2� o 4. 15%'° � , �. 5 0 ' ' Bla ine : 1. 7.� o' 2 � 10'a ' � 3, 20� ��. 5:� -- 5 . � o a ' Columb�s Hai�hta 1. ��� 2. ' �• 4• � ���� � p:; �� �� 21, 1 "-:� 7 � t��.��, P`''_'� ^ T"1 ' V �,• �; �r p z� �, l; 'L t� � � �;. n e` 1. - r; �i E; i. C.o�n `���pi�3s 1 �' . ��:,� 2. 6� � 3 • ��� � !� . � �"o . �• 3�%' ���� �.,idley � . 7-�J'� �. � � � � t� . � 5%; � • 5 -� Her�n. Caunt;� (Ch�mpl�n, F'.rk. 1'k. r��p1s. ) �.. 15°f . 2. 3. L} . 5. �5:� II 2J Ram. C�. 7., �� � R ,� s 4• , �. 10ip C�ther Area.� ir� An�ka Cau��ty 1 * 3i �. �.�i 3. 2�;� 4. ��� �, i�o Aaaa.+�3.�:�a1 cact�rs; � . �,� A��era�� �er alient c�at, = �7.2.a0 +.r A1�era�;e �baut fa:)� aervice units per month broken down a� f�1.l�ws t Peace i,�.ne - 2�J0 Nucleus C1i-ni-c - 1SQ , J.a.R. - 5� . C �unsa�. �-n6 � 75 Other c�nta�ts - 125 P�,�,�sn�. �,ats ;; �,a. treinin�; sesai�ns srr�a11 �;r�upa c�ntacts at acha�ls ( srr�fl 17, �r�u�s �C �.�diric�uel i st;reet w�rk ' - .a � ... 1 � L �% � J P�1�@ t �1T'�(' r T , . •��ft:� �� vit}� ~i�)..:�1���1. -��';.�.j 1�� � ' lai3 w:�u�,d �xpeci- t�es� �'i-=ure; t� hald true until sec�nd �f iscal. ye:ar ( 9/1�7.� ta �?/�1/7��. ' Fi.sca 1 yer r� F3ud�a� �.s a s.f al l�ws (N�+a—i+edera�. Curlds perldin�) Fe��t�ra 1 ; ti .3�: ���0 � �� , C�.ty af c��n �'�ar�i.��s: �35��'� r�.� Ottler: �,�O,�JQ0.0�� a�or�,,ximF�te �t � ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' I ' , ' Rau��,1y; ��laries a�tu fri��� L�uil+.�in� S::p�?1,i es ( ir�clud�-ng medical� N'�ai�t, o�sts �'ra� el '� C�nference� �ndirect- ��er�3±it�� c�sts ifi�scF�l acc�ur�t�n� etc. ) Eqa ipme;�t pth�r � �--��I'I1 V�lrt :II�L a 50;0 7. O;o 1Q Q 5� A D 5�p 10`l1 5I I� 2 I� C�ty oi C��r�.�apids Mana�e ent Board r�'1SCa �, � i i, C�. R? 1. `11 S T, � t 1� C1 iJ�e�, K�empt� n) r���ram Admir�is�-rati�rl (Dan ti�l��;sc�,eide�) � Y �' C • • . j'Q�u fioera �...� Pa id Staff _ y,, , � P o am ��y ��„ 1�73 �e�;Q f�»� 1�9�y�r '� C:t� C�uncz-1 ..'�'t icjle:� Rs�sarl f�r t!�is M�et � n�: �—.-------- �'�i.m�x�ilY► in�'pr'r�ati�anal. aec�nr.'�arily, as�{in� y�ur help. r�;��li ze that bur:,-,etin�� tim:; f�r n�xt yeer is car�' n� up yJa � t: n�� :� ��;r help f or W�,thi.rl the r��-xt few marit:is, '��de are rt;c�ue.� the 7,€:�t thlrc3 oi 1 9 7 4• �'hi.� ta�ll ?i.je yau time t.� in�.astio�:te what we are doing and de�e;�mine �ur i_n���1�-emant with }�ridley reside�� �. ,� Federal funds caill be L�rthcom�-n� �'or our secand H�P�� lly, 1 �',ae w�uld. h�pe t� go :,n rnunicip��. �^���al ,year e�din�; ri/31/7 � ,��d �.pcal furtds 1'r�m that point �n. � p��jecti_n:; c��ts i'�r Fr�dley Z'eSldetltS �n ��zis formula: � 10� �f Pro�xam x $1�JO,OOO�p�r y�ear�xf��d1 � 1/3 �f yuar �ae arri��e at 3�35 third �f 1974 • , t�1e are askino tk�is minimal supc»rt. f�risfied,rl �e �auld' then 7�a:� a pilot �x'�ject. If ;��;: �re sa�t � , x'ec�uE�st ?ull year f uridir.�, at a r�te a£ l0io to �0';� (bas'�d � �an u,se ) ��r 1-i75 aPPr�ximat ely' ��-�.� � Q�4 t � �21-1 ��00. A written c�ntract er�d complete. bud�et wi11 be f�r���rded t� y�u up�n requ�st. ' ' JK f�m� b � , ' gsspect�"u1.ly submitteda II 2L � �'�--,. �� _-\, .�/__. � � �-�_���� � � ��.z�? . �..';.._..__�' � �� � � � Joe7. Koempt�en Ci.ty o�' Ca�nRapids � � � 1 �; �� � �:. �.,:�:�� 4��. 1 �,�:� V-�� _...�. :� NORTH St18UR8AN YQUTH SERVICE CENT�R 1Q3�3 HANSON E�LVD. CC,�ON RAPIDS, MlNNES(JTA 55433 P ,.. : I T ; ;. 2 M �.�.� ;�'�` �,,;w�' - ��,� �;�.s;. � ��"� � d `' } � . f .F�' � � �3 � ��.,:r :: P'�A�E L1N� `� � 7ti72i?1 ;`,�.�'ecEUS ,�:,�� �>3�x; � �` 'ORKSHOP J O 3 76��5300 , ' � P �,�, MAI�CH �� F':�;F:-�UARY ..._.�.�.-�---- ,T�`� vUARY .---�-�---�-- �' ,�"t�1':;i�_�,Y �,Ir' ;' , i:`�;; 1L .?_�' 3r-:� t,�,� nart series wi±h ..,;r i �,..� . , ... --c �urse �n d�'u�s . .. C��ur�sel z` � l. n� c- statistics � ' n�t yet °azTra+lable . 2 fe..,iliea - noF; i-n e�unsel�n� a; J�b Op���'t�inity �ureau „ ;;;;�rra en,�rlt w�th �mpl�yee �p'�1.icati�ns � ��-�%'� TotemgTawn w�th �un r;mpl�ayer apclic�tions 2 (20;0) people #'pom Anoka C�, Yauth �mpl a�'ed 1 � �%�� .; ;;Nu�leus . , , 8 patier�ts ;; 7, �'amily counsel.' ��, - xridley ::• c�i-nic - �3 patients .,;-emr�loyee apnlicati�ns ,� youth hi�red 2 emp`��ysx' ap 1'_c�t�onS 2,� :: vis�.t wit�h �Uo �rne t �sJ 0 B emplt�yee in� itati �n t� b� �n �ur E�a��rd. empl�yer .z ��ir�ic - no patient.s youth, h3.xQd � �;- meetin�, w�,th rr,a,y�rs and ci�y mana�;ers of au:^x�undin� municipaliti�s. r inf'ormat�.on i:studer�ts fr�m Fr�.dley :�r. High, - druE-, ::• Cl�n�.� � 6 patients 0 C J' � � < , ��' < 1�,`�1 �.; ��,� „� ��:- . �1 ' qIC11AH{) L FRITjKL P�tcc�P� • 4EQN H W���RAYF ' �VE1CfV�50� �i[Rn1.R P. PET[RSUN i Family Cpurt Coun4Clor � ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' � ' � 0 , ' ANVt`�-� C.(.)u�� I r C,C)Ui�c i 5CKV1��� ' r ��'►'r,1 �� f i e �� Court HOUSe ElVilaing Moka. Mi�nesota 55)QJ Te. 4Y1�4)60 M�y 16, 1�73. JEROMI 50M,n ROGE.k SWANSpN pANikl J. CkYNQW� OONAI,(? �. P�Rf2V Ct,AUp1A MUI,LIN 6EV�R�,Y HOLT Prot!etipn plliec�5 Mx. Aon ��ie�SChaider, Px�ogr�n Da.rector N�x�th S��bvrban Yovth Sexvice Center �.Q;�(?3 -� Har�so� �lvd. Cac�n Ra�a3.ds, A'�nnesota �5k3.� � i A���r Mr. tdegsehoider; I Th,E� �o1low�ng has been the wQxl:�.ng proced„xe that Coiart Servicea has �, had �,�, re�ex'ri,n� �ases �o� �ataiJ.y cot�nseling and job plac�ment w�.th th�; North Svbvrbaz� Yo�,th Service Center in Coon Ii,apa.ds. �.. Pho�e �ti11 fxom the ageney to the Center, 2. ,A �.ettex �'rom tha agency with some general 'baekgrot�nd� vsually in the fbrm of a statement of the �roble�. 3. '�he famiJ,y ox individt�a.� ca11 tha Centeac to ma}ce an, 'I appointm�n�. ; ,�. The Center mmkes �.ts own contract with the fa�.1y or ind�,vidt�al which is lxsval.ly a s�ecif3.c m�mber of sessions. �. N:o�thl,y .�eedback J.etters from the Center to the agency � deai�ed by yovx Management Board. � hava �ane r�v�r th� proced�are with the staff o� Cot,rt Servi.ces �l �av� been �r�f'ormed that the worl�:in� agrsement we have w�.th IJa���� S�,�bl�rban Yo1�th Serv�.ae Center has been very sati,sfaatary. W�a �.c�ok �'Qrward ta cantinve worl:in� with ya�� �a 3�mprove serviaes o�f.'e�ed tp �esident� af Anoka County. S3naexely yoUrs, , � � ��X � . 7 ;��� J"'"' "` . Richard �,. k�it�ke RL�P�pa Director of Covrt 5ervicas � II � I� � C�NA,Pi1.�5 R. WEAVER H�Rni,aN L.l'ALL� YIRG I� (_., M 1=RR iC N Rp��RT M�Jn�f.13 �JAr.nES D. GiEjEj�, W�L�tAM K. G�OODR�CH THpMA�$ A.C�rEDDE J? F C FR E Y P, M I C K E N l L J�: .. r �. .. .: WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK Ju1y 10, 1973 3'E. FGSI �.�GIN -TREET ANOKq, MINNE$�;Tq 55303 42!-`�1i] . G2��. �.�.J!VEFS'.?. �'.:FNUE N.E. FR�.7LEY. MINNES:JTA 55432 560-38�0 ��:'e5' =TqiE FetiK BUI�D�NG COON RAPIDS,MINN,55A33 � S 5-� 3 3 O M.L'. �a�i81CI Davzs � City Manager City oP Fridiey 64 31 Ur i t•_ . . . • . �r:._, �' ., Frid_tey, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed please find the ori;�nai and vae cop� ot the lease whieh I have drafted between Independent .:;�1;001 Distr�ct No. 14 and the city pursuant to your request, VCFI/ j1h �'n c1o:s u.re Sincere.Zy, Vi rgil C. Herrick II � � � �' ` �`I.��:�� ��C�£MtUCe, Mcule tiiis........ ......................................................................oT�y of..............................................., 19..,"1..3..., byand betu�een.........Inde��nd�nt...Sa.t�.I...1?.i.�txzc�..N�a.....Z.� ....................................................................................................... 1 I 3A PartU oj'thes �rst part, Lessor......, and....C.z��...af...Fxidlez�.,...a..m.uxia.ci�aZ...co��o�:a�ion ......................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................parEy of t1u aeoond part, Leasce......, �th[e��etfj. 2'hat t1u aaid parGy of the itrat part, in oonaid,eration of tiaa rents and oo•vereanta, hareiraafter mentioned, do��. iureby Demise, Leaaa and Let unto°the 8ctid partb of the seoond part, ani� tTe.e said pcarty ckf the second part daes. herebb hire and take f rom the aaid pariy o f the flrat part, the f ollow- ing dascri,�a�a� premiaca, 8ituaied in tlu County of............Annka ............................................................................, and State or M.innesota • � ..:.....................,.... . ........................................................................, v�z: - The No�th 210'of the South 430' of the easterly 108' of Lot 1, Melolands Gardens Additi�on, a1Z Iocated in Section 24, Township 30, Range 24, TOGE2HF�I� 4�ith the right of access over and across a b.Zacktop walkwa� presentZy Iocated to the ea:�t of the Zeased premises. �".a �abt ana ta ,. � a�a rented premisea ura� flaas a� �assee.....�ts...successaxs.� and } ��, for c�nd durirtg ���� �erna�, o f.......Q,rt�...I..ZJ.....�.���...._.�_ ....................................................... f rom and a f ter tlu ; , ..e� of ............................... ...o, �9.��. , .It..,,i,� fu�t,hex...agr,eed...tha.t...this ; ...........................................................w.. ...................... ,__.. ... ,Zea�.�...wi1.�...ac�tomati�'��._a�n.ew.,for..four...L4).....a�.�ii�i����_.�e�;?ns...Qf..Qr�.�...f,�1....yea�;..ea.�h...unless ; ..'ke:ra�na��,d'...k�...ei�Z�..�i� _u�xz..nin�t y...l.�.QJ....da.�s...r�ri ��:�r...nat:i.ce. .................. � .......................................... .�nr� t4ii.a aai,d Lesaee...... a���_ � and, with the said Lesaor...... io �acey �s rcta� far the above mantioned prem- : . � i iaea E�e rum, �� f... �n e.. Do�T �_._L.��.- a42;�,.. a�?.c�....4. th�.�' ..g.�od...a.rzt�..arr.�.uabJ.�....aansi.derati on.,......��J�kR$ � the .�eceip�t of whicFr �� �.�:t� acknowledged. i The gurpose� of this .�eas� a,� t��r park and pZaygrau�a�i purgoses, szzbject to the folZowing 1 condstions:r (1) Tlza� ��e� .��� wi11 develop the �e�ed property for park and p3ayground purgacc�ses in the mann�.z° ��'ro�� �.� exhibit which is attached hereto and made a part of thi� Zease., (2) That t.h� ��.�.�� further agrees tlxat aZ1 equipment to be instaZZed must be ap�roved in advanc� ka� the �s�� Engineer and the School Facilities PZanning Director of the Staf:e Board o� �c��zcat�c��. (3) That the Zessee has a right to post a sign on the Zeased pren�ises indica�ing �°hat tlr� property is used for park purposes. (4j That the � lessee will. periodica�ly ins,,,,a�.•. �7 � �,.,,� ..,.,,,..�- .,�a ��-�...� , __L_ � � _�_ � �s .� ,. � .�� 3 �z_ __ Zessor harmless from any c' playground facilities. � � the basic term of this � f have r.i ght of first r � e.vent that the part� � offer that the lec . ...............................................; � .qnd it i�r fur* � to make the abo� � 1 to ful�lb c�n�° � Leasor...... to # i such re-r � } L888P.0 � i � � i � � F � ! II - 3 �3 �tate of.....,�.��v.�sc�� ............................................ . coun o . � iJ f ...... AIVOICA ....................................................... /da. . .............................. .................................................................... .1 .___ Onthis ........................................................................da� o f................... .. ...................................... .., .q. D. 19....7.3..., be f ore rna, a ....:........Notary.,Public ....��rithin and for said G'ounty, peraonally ccppeared .... ........................................... ............................... .............................................................................................................�?a............................................................ ................................................................._ who..... b�1.�5....�c?G:k�..�?.�...X�t�....du.Z.t�...st�t�.x'x1...����t...did...�a�...that...t.t�y...axe....��spe.c.t�..v.�.�y...��te...Cl�aa.xman a�nd CZe�rk of �'n$ep��dent Schoo�D�,�tri�t No 14� and 1, o me nown o e person.�.. cn ecL an and w axecuted tiu �„regoin� instrument, and acknowledged that ..�.Jze...y. executed th.e same aa.......their .................fres aot and deed. .. ..................................... Notary Public � C'ounty of ...............................................................�......................__......... ��li� 6'om�,iss�am r,�ires........................._.4w...... .......................w_., Z9............ Staie of...........................................................».............. STATE OrF' �fl�'I�,�,�pJ�'e�J ,� �S'. GOUNTY fdF" �� � 0� �s d�� af , 1973, before me, a Notary Public within and for saia ����, pe�sa���Zy. a�pearec� I`rank Liebl and Marvin Brunsell, to me personally known, r�i�cta �e��a� �ac� by .�e ��:y sr��.rn they did say that t.hey are respectively the Mayor ana� �e �"���I� a� �h� C'.�� of Fradle�, the municipal corporation named in the foregoir�r.p ��,s�rtsa�ae.rr�� �.rxd th�� �he ���d. �ffixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of �aid zrr�ie��.g�� �.��r��ia��t, ar�d said Frank LiebZ and Marvin Brunsell acknowledged said irrs�rur�n� �o � the �'aee �ct �ae3 deed of said mianicipal corporation. � �d ���� , � � i .. . _ ._ .. - Notary PubZic GQNSTAERATION OF APPRAISALS FOR DRAINA�E AND STORM SEWER EASEMENT ACQUISITIQN FQR AREA NORTH OF RIC� CR�EK, OUT�ET FQR BRIARDALE The City is using Curt Larson � Harvey Peterson to prepare the appraisals, They will have the appraisals ready for the Meeiing Monday night. 0 II � i ' , , '' i `• •., � . ,,� /�:l � � ?�"� ...;.. � '�� � � �... � �...Jt I I � �A . �,�,� , ; : , 1 � � ___._� =--- --- .._ -- � � �' -� .�.�q�a� �o �li� �o �lirv�� � .,_ :� �.��.��-- V�' E�' cE ; � o ; .R � > 'e Y .,,, ; °�l,y ;�. ,. ,, , `�` M o.. w �.�..� ���. �. `� ' ' 41 'r� i � � ' �� m v � � � ,°� � �'*Si '. �; _ ,� '`4 � ''� � - � � � k' �' ,' -- • - , , � �` - - � � , :,Y, :.� �' '"" ,�" o _.. �w� ____._ _� ' �' -� --- ,�r '� ;;' � I r ��. � � ti►� (°se3',tP _ k,'• ,r �� ti � ,, � �— ntr-- -�. �� ; � � \ �1 � �` ' � ^� � � ' . ;` C, * : ' � � - — � ! � -_--= � . 1 � ' % � �`\` , �Ifi- "���:.�� .~, I. � � i � � � � �• ; O G�G� � � ,� -� P. ' • NR ` . `, � i r ( � � � � .� , �\ Q � � ; .r> �, +_. , / I A ♦ I M ., f ^-w. � ,4... -x('I�A. L 1 � g �i � � � ' i �. � , Q *9 '� � �"` �� ' ° I t� � � � � ,�,� ! � )' , �' � � � � � `'� ' �i � va . . � � ' Q � i � � I � � 4� ", � •;x�,s y, ' . 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( � HsF ��� ,rP� ��, � .... . ��...: �� o a u il o0 oa awp� _va �c ac oUb �; . , ,`�- ,y�� 1 � � � � � � ('� � H ��- `= �".�,-_.---- _._ � ,, � +i � ? , \ � ' � �, �° �. � '� � � �r�,�N _ ��, � � .�.�. '°�w ,'`^ � _._ _..._ --- � V��a I � + ' r ' � -, $ � " �' °' W _ a q. ". � ; : � ,T, � � "� � n� v �' T. ° ;1 �... � _____.--� � � ' : � a, � I � ,�,,, ..� � ,� �,,,, �,h � � � i ... • � _,,; �.. .�. .fi�.x L Y\ ` I . . u N `_ � � � � �� � r �` 0 ' �, '- --• - • c�1 � '� 4� �� � �' +�.. I �I '�p � �� ��� � - _ - — -i � . � $ � � -� . i� : � N � e � �, � :� � Q �, ' �" , � � �-��.�-�. t- — -- � -.`'r'i; ��; '`. �. � , � � �� 'J � 0 1C► ' � � I � ,. �;U.,. . - � F � � ��'°+► � � N � ` $ t�! � � Q � � �... .�, ! �. '•�..w � � � '"r, _ _ I �" . — �� �� + ' i .. • ; , + ' .' �,. i r^*. r"' �+e� . �, • � ' a �1 "" � ' ' � � ��, ��ir'' `,� g � �V � , 4 h , � �( � � � . ., a Q �e . �i y, � . �, f{ . iW \ ro � Fa�� `4 � f 1" dA i HARVEY P E� E����T COMPANY c/IPPRf1ISALS ' t5t 61�n Cn�k Road • Minneapolis, Minnesote 55432 C0!�?PUTATiON _nF DP.�"�.GES I have cor.cluded that there Uras no damaae to any hor:e due to encroach�rent of this takin�, consequently I arrived at a formula based on r�arket value of compara.ble land . These values to apply to each and�all in a fair and equ•itable manner. °arcel "A" 5 Acres at �3500.00 per Acre Parcel "B" - Drainae-e Ditch (�;art in nipe) Loss of Utility Parcel "C" RES �4-8425 ! �•� � - �18,500.00 1,200.00 500.00 Open Draina�e Ditch 900.00 Loss of LTtility 300•QO Total �ama�;e $21,400.00 � . � HARVEY I� E��E 1� �� 1�T COMPANY c�IPPRflISfILS (51 61�n Cnek Roed • Mirtneapolis, Minnesota 55432 C0'`�!P�!T?A.BLES ; 1. Sale o�' 1�t.5 Pcres by Gonsior @�3,104.00 per acre. . �45,'000.00 - October 1972 2. Sale of�Ten acres by Gardner ��5,000.00 per acre. $50,000.00 - October 1972 3. Sale of 7.45 A.cres, Lot 9, l�uditor's .: Sub. #22 � $4,300.00 �er acre. �32,000.00 - r?arch 1973 u R E3. 7Q4y6423 J=,�• � IV � �...._ ___ _ �` � � ' � ' ' �J ' � ' �J ' ' ' Gent1 emen: CURTIS A. LARSON • lndependent Fee Appraiser RICE CREEK BtJILDiNG � 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 � (612) 560-3857 duly 16, 1973 I- submit herewith m�r Maxket Value Appraisal Report of the Earnest and Katherine Gardner and Theodore K, and Willa M. Gonsior property located at between Rice Creek .RoacL and riississippi Street, lying easterly of Arthur gtreet N. E. in Fridley� Anoka County� I�i.nnesota. The purpose oP �y appraisal a.s to estimate damages at the current Marke� Value in Pee sim�ple of the property ior the i�nction of drainage and ponding easements. Market Value has been defined as the highest probable price that a real property wi11 command in the open market place having been ext�osed For sale for a reasonable length of t,ime� ti�at this sale is consumaied between willing informed b�rers and sellers and that neither the b�yers nor sellers are forced to bu� or sell. In mQr opinion the Market Value of dam.ages of subject property is the sum of: Z�renty-three thousand no hundred dollara ($23,004.00). This opinion of value is based u�on a�r personal inspection of the land and its improve�nents as of the date Ju�y 11, 1973• Respectft�tl�y submitted, . i /:. ' �- �,,�� - � � �"Q Curtis A, Larson . ' Independerit Fee Appraiser IFAS #581 � , . �� �� � Y � �::: � � � CURTIS A. LARSON • lndependent Fee Appraiser RICE CREEK BUILDING � 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 � (612) 560-3857 MARKET VALUE ANALYSIS /� �� � � The method of estimating value by market data comparison is a valuation technique where sales oP similar improved properties are compared with subject property. Ample market data is generally readi�y available. � The sales selected consider the following value factors: 1. Time (recent sa.les) , 2. Sima.lax locations and neighborhoais 3. Similarity as to age and size of improvements, lot sizes and � Peatures that contribute (or detract from) to value 4., Conditions of the sales � � � ' , I , ' . SALES OF S�IILAR �RO�ER�ES Sale 5ales Date of Area: Value: Nos Address of Com�arable Price Sale Acres Acres or Square Foot 1 Gonsior Property $k5�000 10/72 1k.5 A �3,104 Acre 2 Gardner Property 50,000 10/72 10 A 5,000 Acre 3 �t 9, Auditors Subdivision #22, Anoka County 32,� 3/73 7.45 A 4,295 Acre After careFul consideration and weighing all the factors that affect ma,rket value� it is n� opinion that the value of damages to subject property by market data c�pari son i s the sum of :� $23, 000, 00. i 1 1 � , CURTIS A. LARSON • lndependent Fee Appraiser RICE CREEK BUILDING � 6279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 � (612) 560-3857 MARKET VAiUE DEFINED � Market Valtze has been defined as the highest probable price that a real property will camm,and in the open market place, having been exposed for sale for a reasonable length of time, that this sale is conswnated be- � tween willing informed b�ers and sellers and that neither the buyers aor sellers are forced to buy or sell. CCIRRELATTON � i ,�- � The value estimates developed by three valuation appraoches are as follaws: Estimate of Value by Cost Analysis Estimate of Value by Inoome Analysis Estimate of Value by Canpa,rison ATot Applicable Not Applicable $23,000.00 Ordinari�y the cost approach sets the upper limit of value� since, by the principal of substitution, a b�yer would not pay more for a propertp than the cost of reproducing the structures plus the market value of similar land. Loss in value due to depreciation and obsolescence is difficult to measure. Because it is difficult to place a rental value upon amenities, the income method of esti.mating market value is not as reliable an indica- tion of value as the market data or comparison analysis. Since current sales are readily available, the market data approach is considered the most reliable indication of value. � Correlating the above Estimates of Value measured by the �ost, Inc ane and Market Data Ana],yses� the most probable i.ndication of damages by Market Value is the amount �23,000.00. �� ' ' FINItL ESTIM.aTE OF DAMAGES: �i � $23,000.00 TOs FROMa MARVIN C, BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR MERUIN J. HERRMANN, CITY ASSESSpR ,Jut y 6, 1973 SUBJECT: SIDE-YARO ASS_SSMENTS SPREAD AMONG BENEFZTT�NG PROP�RTI£S ACROSS "T" STREETS The�sa properties across st�eets are considered not to raceive othQr side-yard assessm4nts. , Me have a few sucfi instancas, but only one which has been assessed recently. This ane is 69th Way betw�en Ea�t River Road and Hickory Orive. The propertiQS on Hickory D�ive on tFt� northwest side af said st�eet received a side-yard +�asess�aent, whereas those across Hickory Drive did not. Athe� examples of such streets are: '' FourLh Street -- "T'ed" to Rice Creek Ta�race Sixth Street -- "T�ed'+ to Rice Creek Terrace Hickory Street •- "T�ed" to Ri�e Cr�ek Way Hickpry Ptace -� "T'ed" to Mickory Orive , Ri ckard Road -, "'T' ed'� to A1 den Way ' Theese ar� ail simitar, but do not alway� have the �ide yard. on tha streeL that is worked on. At �o time was the �ssessment ca��ied across the street. ' ;' , � Tha fotlowing are simitar, but the streets were put in by the dovelopa�: � , � � ' Abie� Street at Rice Creek Terrace Stonaybraok at Alde� Way Craigbrook at Alden Way In past years when entire a�eas were done at one time, the total cps� was dividad by the total front footage of tots on the project and one-third of the sides yards on the project, and the baiance of the side yards we�e not considered in abutting footage. The��- fo�e� the rate was slightty highar far all assessed footage which, 9n essence�, was tho same as cha�ging a side-yard rate to a11 prope�ties in the project. This is fair o�ty whe� an enti�e addixion or area ia in a project. II T_--�- � M£MO TOs GERALD R. DAVIS, CIT1f MANAGEk, AND CITY COUNCIL FROMt MARVIN C. BRUNSE�L, FINANC£ DIRECTOR SUBJ�CTa ALTERNAT£ ASSES�MENT RO�LS FQR THf SIDE-STRfET AS�ESSM�NT OF 7TH STREET ..- STREET IMPRQUEM £NT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2 (AOQENaJM N0. 2 ) Qn the attached pages ar� shown three preiiminary rolta for the sida-s#reet assesament of 68th Avenue, Rice Creek Terrace to 7th Street; 7th Stre�t, 67th Avenue to 6Qth Avenue; and 7th Street, Mississippi Street to 67th Avenua. In each �ase, only the side-yard asscssment changes. The front faot rate of $11.29 pe� faot wr�uid remain the same. ROI.L N0. 1-• COPY OF RSS£SSMEMT RQLI AS O�IGINALLY MApE UP The f.rc�At foot rate for this ro11 is $�1.29. The side-yard rate is $1.96 par fawt. x� p�epa�ing the ro11 for the sidQ-yard as�essment, the lots within a half btock of tho improved st�eret were included. ALT'ERNATE ROl.1. N0. 1 The front fopt ratQ for thia �oll is again $11.29. The side-yard rate is 51.49 pe� foat. In pr,�paring this roti the side-yard aasessment included alt lots between ath Strcet and Univ�rsity Avenus on Mississippi, 66th Avnnue, a�d 67th Avenue. All of thesa property ownera were notified of the original pubtic hea�ing he�ld on May 14, 1913. If the Cauncil is of tha opinion that the propertr ov+ners located in the west � h�if of th�ase biocks will never be asaessad fo� any ather side-yard assessn�nt� they may feal this is thc mo�t appropriata proc�du�e to use. ' � � , ' I� , ALTERNATF ROII N0, 2 The frant foot *atc fnr this rQli is again $11.29. The side-ya�d rate is $1.21 per foot. �n pr�parfng this ro11, the side-yard assessrnant included a11 lots between j�th Street and Universifiy Avenue an Miaslasippi, 66th Avenue, and 67th Av�nue a� irt Ait�rrtate Ro11 No. 1. in addition, the aide-yard assessment for 7th Straet has k�een axtended to a11 lots on the north side of Rice Creek Terrac� fr�vm lJnit►arsi#y Avenue to micMay in the block betwean b8ih Avenue and Madison St�e�rt. 'This method of asaessn�ent is contrary to p�evious assessing practices. The Gouncii shoutd bear in mind that the propo�ty ownors on Rice Creek Terraca Ne►r4 rwt ►�otified of this public hsarinq. If �he Council chose to sdapt this *Q11, A�wthar pubtic hearing on this po�tion of the strest improvement would havQ to b�► he1d. II ____� 5A ,, 57.._,t.9' �-_� AN� ST. 1913-2 (�Jf)�N�U1� ati0. _? � I I _ _-.... _ .� _..,_ ,..._ _—� ____ ASSESSh1ENT ROLL AS O�IGINALIY MADE UP � J� , .�..._._____ _.._. � w_ _...._._ . . ,, .a N//� COR�yER l�if. »�� 5£C. /t s, ,�, , � w. , � r, i i° �a ; ; 69'fM AVE. N.E. * ' / ��,,� �� z , _ , . , . ... �„ .` � : .n` `\ t; � ,� 3 � � =3 � c , y o ., ` 3 • � f •" ,. _' 1 � <" 5 4 ,,,,� , ,,.,«,.� t � - �.r ' � \_ � \� 1R. t ' d �• " � -.�.�r �' % '2 .;r'` . . .. .. -.-<i„a' Q ' ' t�_ — . �v+ -- t: / 2 • � t.r� 9 . � +' , � `� J � � Q � � ,+ , `• i'` , (� _ > w � � � , . . � •t r (}� F i* �` ', 1� I y�4 � ^ f._y_�—_�t � 1'• � � .! ' �' V �r� »j`��• - , .. � � ? i 3, /� , '—� a} •L Q ) :� � '� ' ,� ;, �= � ,3 il P � I �.�z.�- ' �„t, t ,� � � �h ' � • :� "� � � 6 �L ; � r��.� ¢�s,� �t . 3 ,, � , � ' � .' » a \t�y, •7�=n fl}yr�fl/IA 'A +�� (y� ,, � . � :t ",,El � .S� •�i '� �IlT�1f . 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" A��° o�� �,�,�.NDp�.., a:,k:.�,,� �.. .,,. ...� , , , , � � � .. . � � ,�E'Rf�AG,� �' 4 � ~ � � E � ��: �- � �K�4� p�E s� ; .; * ,v i » '� �" � o L�i� �.- ,i � � RIC��REEK .�__;�,__-,----.�, I � � A. .� a �r �+ I I . � �' _ i � � �.,..' .,, � 7ER Pl ..2 ___''�..."_...__�.._ ,. - � ' !f• ♦ .s�P, 'f ♦. i�i ,na , ,.e ...,� I ow .t • � � � �I � �i ; .�..?.,., . � ... � .1:� �� �,� � � , �� � ° G�' � � , � CRE'E/C � � � '� � ���� ��RRAC�F' � �a s�.��,�� ., p A�"� �l + � �. ia �. a- ,. ,< S a i�Q�> ., � /,.f r• fw..� � �..o� CF.� + . .. ,.. .. ,.. . .e �. ���!�T� e.�T�!�� �Q H�GNW ,Y 4. � �,,• / — ��,vr�A_—�,_____-- . �l�S��PI 1'�3F���' -- - ,.. A ,A N � Mis ��.,�,_., �,; r ' ASSESSMEMT RJLI � AS ORIGINALLY MADc UP ' CIT'° CF fKt:)LEY PREI.IMINF+ni� :��5; :;iP+FN� rc'.��i zI � G �� STRE�T IMPROVEMENT �Rq,�ECi�� Si. 1973�; hh', ST. 1`yt j-2 (�(�C?� �iC�1M� N0��2 � � f�BTH AVEI�l1E: RICE CRE�K i`ERRACE TO J'iH SIF�EE? 7TH STREET: 6%TH AVE.Nt1E T� 68TH AVEt�;E 1 7T►i STREETs MISSISSIPFI �'1`REET TJ 611M RNEN�JE (MSAS) IEGAL DESCRIPTIOM FF�Q�T ST. F�ONT S�. SIQE ST. Si�tE S7. TOTAL ESTIMATEO ' �OuiAG� ASSf� S►�ENT FOOTAGE R5�E�SwsENi CUST ,��� IN .�._._... �... _..�. � .� � arce oo t5o s z94.�o S� 294.00 RICE CREEK T�RRACE PLN7 1 ADUItION L0 BIOCK __ __,�.�..._.,,�......�.�.._, '--a 1 -- - 1 1 S t 9 1 �a � (�%3 s) too 1 2 (1/3 S) 100 2 2 3 � P�eQf � 2 (P.270% Rt,pf 4 2 (E.75') S 2 6 2 RICE CREEK TiRRACE PLAT 2 ADDITION �_-____y.�._ � � i b 1 (1f3 S) SQ 1 2 (i/3 S) SO 23►Mt. pf � 2 ( P.100 ) Pt.of � s 4 2 (P.13o) Pt.c�f 4 b� 2( P.160 ) 1�.at S 2 ( P.180 ) Pt�of�b6 2 (P.210) 7 b �t•of 8 2(P.240) Px •of� 8 2 ( P.260 ) Pt.of � 6 9 z (r,z9o) � 3 (�f3 s) So z � 3 & �R •e�f k � ( P.5�0 ) Pt.of 4 b S 3(P.SiO) l�t,af � d► b 3 (P.SYo) l�.a� b# 7 � t P.S90 ) 1►�.a�' 7� 8 3( P.600 ) N.iS� 01� 8 3 (P.610) [-� 1 S t ,129.ac� 1..12 9.00 S 6�+. So 564.50 Sb�+.So 1 �JU i00 t0o ��� 100 1 G?0 100 100 z5 75 �oo t0o 83 83 83 75 80 110 80 S 140 100 to 4� {Pt.) 75 75 105 15 7S 100 8p 1S 196.40 396.�0 196.�0 19b,�)o 196.�� 196.�0 196.00 196.00 49.00 147 .00 196.00 196,Oo 162 . b8 162.68 162.68 147.00 156.80 21 S, 60 tSb.8o 9.80 196.04 196.�0 19.60 78e4o 147.00 �4�.00 205.80 147.OQ 147.00 196.00 156.80 z9.40 t96.�0 196.O�J 196.�0 196.00 i,3�S.00 1 , 325.Op 196.00 196.00 49.n0 147.40 19b.�0 i9b.00 162, b8 162.68 �z�.fs 711.50 1�6.$0 215.b0 1�6.80 9.80 19b.00 196.00 19.60 78.40 71t.50 � 4�,00 205,$0 141.00 141.00 19f�.aQ 156.$0 �9.40 � ' ASSfSSMENT ROLI �-�, qe a AS ORIGINALLY J MAD£ UP • CITY OF fRIOIEY � II , ' PRELIMINARY ASSESSHENT RO�t S D STREfT IMPROV£MENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 ANO ST. 1973-2 (ADOENDUM N0. 2) I68TH AVENUEs RICE CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET: 67TN AVENUE TO 68TH AVEMIE � I7TN STREETs MISSISSIPPI StREET TO 67TH AVENUE (MSAS) � ' , ' ' � , , r , ' , �� ' I ' LEGAL OESCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE ST. SI� ST. TOTAL ESTIMATEO LOT BtOCK FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE ASSESSKENT COST RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 2 ADDITION Continued) 83 $ 162.68 $ 162.68 S 4 .83 162.68 162.68 6 4(1/3 s) So S 56�+.50 83 � 162.68 727.18 z �P. 40) 3 CP• �) Pt •of 4( P. 7S j Pt.of 4 S S( P. 90 ) 6 CP. t2o) RIC� CREEK TERRACE PLAT 3 AD4ITION 1 1 3 S S 2 4 3 4 , 8 .,S<, 9 S 10 5 ii 5 12 5 13 S 14 5 , 15 S (1/3 S) 45 RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 4 AOaITION i � 2 � 4 � S � 6 - 3 ti/3 5) 45 7 3 (1/3 S) 45 8 ;� - 9 3 l0 3 1 � (FSt/3 s) i34 2 fr SS 3 S . 75 4 � S 75 • y 3 75 1 , 508.05 508.05 508.05 508.05 1,512.86 959.65 84b.7� 846.75 846.75 80 80 77 83. 80 90 80 40( Pt. ) 48tpt.) 15 75 7S 75 80 80 80 75 �'S 75 7S 7S 7� 100 lOQ too loo 89 8� 15 7S ZS 156.80 156080 150,92 162.68 156.84 176.40 156.80 78.40 94.08 147.00 ! 47.00 147.00 147.00 156.80 156.80 156080 147.00 147.00 147.oA 147.00 147.00 ib7.00 196.00 196.00 196.00 t96.00 114.44 166.60 147.00 14�.00 147.oq T2 156.80 i5b.80 150.92 162.68 156,80 684.45 156.80 78040 94.08 147.00 14T.00 147.00 147.00 156,80 156.80 6b4.85 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 655.05 704.0>' 196.00 196,00 196.00 1, �7.30 1,12b.25 993.75 993.75 993.75 � I � ASSESSMENT ROLL AS ORIGINALLY MADE UP CITY OF FRIOLEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL . STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SF. 1973-1 AND STo 1973•2 (ADOENDUM N0. 2� 68TH AVENt1E: RICE CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH S7REET 7TH STREET: 67TH AVENUE TO 68TM AVENUE 7TN STREETs MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TH AVENIIE (MSAS) tEGAI QESCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT STo SI4E SY. LOT BLOCK FOOTAGE ASSESSM�NT FOOTAGE RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT ADDITION Continued) S 15 8k6.7S 75 8 � 75 84b.75 .53tPt.) 9 S . 100 11 S{i/3 s) 45 508.05 too 6 7 8 9 - t0 Outtot i 3 4 S �6 7 8 9 to 11 6 6 6 (1/3 s)., 6 6 �� ,� � 7 � 7 7 � � 7, 7 (1/3 s) 45 So8 o0S 1S 846.75 75 846.75 369 4,16b.q1 . �, 45 508.Q5 RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 7 ADDITION � to 3 11 3 12 3 13 � 14 � 15 16 3 17 3 � �� o, 3 .t 75 75 15 �92(Pt.) 43(Pt.) 75 75 75 75 _ 1S 75 75 15 28(Pt.) 90 90 94 � 75 41(Pt.) 7, 7 fta ���e �� II 5E SIDE ST. TOTAL ESTIMATEO ASSESSMENT COST $ 147.00 147.00 � 103088 196.00 19b.00 196.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 376.32 84.28 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.Ob 147.00 147,00 S 993.75 993.75 io3.88 196.00 196.00 704.05 147.00 147.00 655.05 84b.75 846.T5 4,542.33 84.28 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.00 147.po 6S5.o5 54.88 54.88 ti6.40 176.40 176.40 i76.40 t76.40 176.40 ' 176.40 176.40 147.00 147.00 147.00 t47.00 1 ,98903� �35,5�7�� Estimated Costs $35,52201+0 � 3,149 feet =�$11029 per f�ont foot 1,828 front feet x$11029 per foot =$20,638.12 � 1,32i feet x$1to29 per foot =$14,914.09 S14,q14,09 � i,bi7 feeL (footaga side yards are spraad over) _ Si.9� psr foot � � , � � � __ . _ _ -- -- - . ._... _. .. . _._._ .. _. _ _ - �_� sr. 1313-t ara> >�'. 1973-2 (='+�ozv�ut� N�. 2) �� _ . ._._�a �. _ . . _ � ALTERNATE �OLI N0. i-- Ext��ndi �g sidt� yc3r� assessment fror� 7th Sireet to � - Uni versi t�► � - � ._..._. ._.__.,._..___ __ ......� _ . _._ � ._,_._. _._._._..._,_ ,, _,,..,_._„_ _ ._._._._ _ __._,�, .._.�._._ , . . i N//I CORNER »�r. ,�� ;. SEC. /� . .� ... �.• . ,� ,. .� _ ; E9TM AVE;' N.�. % ,;,,, � ; • ,. ... �� .., ,_ �, ,,. .� � r., � � s ; � ; z � � ` 3 1 .- , so '. � � f, � .' Ii ' .,�.,..• i ; , �. - ��� ��- = z . � �'.,• < � ... , ^ 1i;/'— Q 1t� ._ ...:qn . �, i . 2 � •�ii '•�y� � � � , ' .' r . a L' ..� _ � .. "'� . . , � G Q s :� I �_ �\�, �, r '�� � � `L � �,:1 � , Q ,' � �' �q ' "� y s r 3 � z � I � yso , n�i . 1 � •,t,!!� 'V •- : r' � � 6 ,-� w �r_�1� 3 � f,i � � ��� «�r � .. b��r.I�� �1 � • ..s✓-,ti_ s `� `..i1 �� �: • •�, C' _n `.'�j� �r J ���, . ��rir� ��� � � W�, �' // ,~ °' �/ 9 �. _ i � � : `1 2 "'}.i a —��r:f't 4 . �ti , (/�1� • � 22 F���� , ' �R1 � �f� -G1, / �* �� ' �(�S� ^! �• v, I / �II'• s • . Q` � . , ..yl � �.,/� � .. � � ��� ' !w v`}O �� �G '�' iz�'' � 5 !', �,,.i_`� ., ��'' � =,'',,,�N . 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O I^^ , . ,i = �^'' 'o, . �'•• ,4 t : �, � V ^T y + : � �' � /I� N ��,• "�r * ,;�+ � '�T 4�� �P a:.. fi 1 I . .� ?i'!' ' # � 4 ,YI � e• _ ' `� / A �,• .]1 4 � � ♦ iQ • O ♦ /o' Ia zie i• � iM O Mw IH� � �._.�..a , i � a . w, �� . � , et � � > f� �d ; � : F�-' � � 4a� 2 �,� � B� �� � s ? '��#,, 3 �O� p a � � � �, S` �F � �y„� � : � i i .t•� fo %'�. •+. }c , � �0 '.! �"a I �;s. � � s� �. s.- . .. - ,. M . � " . , � ' 67 AVE. N.e. ' 3 i • a1 � . .i � .i � •r . . •i ao . d : � •. �. . . " . ^� ,-� . � i v � I •- ��. t a I ,./•' � � -•i� s� �� �a��p �c� �, iz� �,a� �Q,;,r` ,;��j iv� 9`,,9� �� s�s ; ¢�.���fi' � - i.S� a��.�� � � . � , :.-,. � i ; e �. ., ' ; , ' � �,,: .�. � � � � _ ! � , >� �s ,• . . � .. : ., ' � ,. „ , . . , ; . �- „ ` ,. „ .» . , .,,, �.,,, .,,.,, �. � i i � "� ; ; R�AR, a F RY h - �''r / � �' , - � � � ' , � �CREEKZ � � h � � 6 ; 5 ; ¢ � �Q�s �-z-3 . 1A r 1 . � l, io � F��P 6 � �,� � „ � ., . � - .,y .,r I .,» (�U ��� 66 TN AV�. N. E. � "`�° &'�' � .i./.P�o�,•a};�::"o°/'oN�.H/•vr ,,.0 .,,. .,.. . oT Y�S �NQ : � �G �!T!"� �G'; ,a �' r 5 3? � " s � �M �3 G : � � �� 6 �, '��' '` RICE`�'REEK A �, -i'± ;___----- M �R '+ ,1 �z � �� � � � e ' � ` ' � x .,, .,•, .. 7ER �PLA7.2 ---p�-�• --- --.. ,' ..: ' ,. ..a ., ,.. ,F ... -- -- o .. .. . -• � ' :� • .; , .. ' _1 , .. i I N .� I s � � , I � � .. , J , � I � M ' i .�f.w/ ".�/�.s.� w , � u . � � � 1, , fr ,� , c E �i .3 � z ; � � ,o %,�- � � �, � la� �i �' � � R �E � �' I R� � � � � � �# 1 _ � �� " L;.� .. p�m �Q 1 1 ! l% i � � 'a' �'P4J . i/ � /� « f �: � .r✓ �vn/ ./ � un: � P% � i�"�+4'-�• , t i i � � �'.."' f" h fi 4"-(. . � . .... . a� ... . :i .ca.�...� . . ^ .r , . I ; _ rc�li'P 7R +Mr� �.wr•• .,,r„. �+ p -- 5 IJv �.� � + T. ..I HWAYNO. 6 »>,r �1, S � t'+S ��' }. . Y^ Mi "T A� -� !� 4 . , cEn+ — �� � � . _�. � �+� � �r ,�� �F�, � � ,� � � � �-:�-- � , , — --•- . . , n .... _-,-' � . : . F�i �:... . . . . . . ALTERNATE ROLL N0. 1 (£xtending side-yard assessment fran 7th Street to U�iversity) CITY OF FRIOIEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLI STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 19J3-1 ANO ST. 1973-2 (ADOfN a1M N0. 2) 68TH AVENUE: RICE CREEK TfRRACE T0 7TM STREET 7TH STREET: b7TH AVENUE TO fiBTM AVENUE 7TH STREETs MISSISSIPPI STREE7 TO 6�7H A9IENUE.,(MSAS) lEGAL DESCRI P'TI ON FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SI 0£ ST. SI OE ST. FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT SECTION i � Parcel 1500 150 � 223.50 RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 1 ADOITION LOT BLOCK � 1 100 7 1 100 8 1 t00 9 1 . 100 to t(t/3 s) too S t,t29.00 �oo i 2 3 Pt.of�4 Pt.of 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 2 ti/3 S) too 2 2 2 (P.270) 2 (E.15') 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,129.00 100 100 100 2S 75 loo 100 100 t oo , t o0 100 100 9$ RICE CREEK TERRAGE PLAT 2 ADDITION , 8� 5 1 83 6 1(1/3 S) SO 564.50 83 �_ � � �� , ' i 2 (1/3 S) SO 2bPt.of 3 2 (P.100) Pt.of 3 6 4 2(P.130) Pt.of 4 S S 2 iP.160) Pt.of 5 2 (P.i80) Pt.of S S 6 2(p.210) 7 S Pt.of 8 2(p.240) Pt.of 8 2 (P.260j Pt.of 8 F� 9 2(P.290) E.SS' of 9 2(Bat. of P.2g0) a.2o� of 9 2 10 2 fi 2 12 2 • 13 2 14 2 �S 2 � t6 2 56ko50 75 80 110 8� . 100 100 10 40 (Pt.) 55 (Pt.) 20 75 75 15 75 75 75 19 14g.00 14g.ao 149.00 14g.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 37.25 111.75 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 146.02 123.67 1a3.67 123.67 111.75 119020 163.90 119.20 7.45 149.00 149.00 14.go 59.60 81.95 2s.8o 111.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 ���s%S 111.75 117.71 Page 1 II 5G TOTAL ESTIMATED COST S Z23.5o f 49.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 1,278.00 1,278.00 149.00 149.00 37.�5 111.75 149.00 149.Od 14g.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 �46.02 123.67 123.67 688.17 676.25 119.20 163.90 119�2� 7.45 149.00 149.00 14.90 59.60 81.95 29.80 11 f .75 111.15 111.75 111.75 ����%�! 111.75 117.1� � AL7ERNATE ROLL N0. 1 (Extending side-yard � assessment from 7th Street to University) CITY OF FRIQIEY ` PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 ANO ST. 1973-2 (AODENa1M NOo 2) 68TH AUENUE: RICE CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH STRE£T 7TH STREET: 67TH AVENUE TO 68TH AVENUE 7TH STREETs MISSISSIPPI STREET TO (�7TH AVEIWUU£ (MSAS) LEGAL OfSCRI PTI ON FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SI DE ST. LOT BLOCK FOOiAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE RICE CREEK TERRACf PLA�AQDI�TION Conti nued) S 50 .....'_..�.� SwbT`i.50 75 2 3 75 38Pt.of 4 3 (P.530) 105 Pt.of 4 S 5 3(P.55o) 75 Pt.of 5� 6 3(P.570) 75 Pt.of 6 S 1 3(P.59o) 100 Pt.of 7 b 8 3(P.600) 80 W.15� of 8 3(P.610) 15 9 3 75 t0 3 75 i 1 3 7S 12 3 75 13 . 3 7S 14 3 i5 15 3 75 16 3 � , 78 4 4 83 5 4 83 6 4(1/3 S) SO 564050 83 � REARRANGEM�NT OF LOTS 1-; 1 P. 20 2 (P. 40) 3 (P. 60) Pt.of 4 (P. 75) Pt.of 4 b 5 (P•90) 6 (P. 120} SI Q£ ST. ASSESSMENT $ 111.15 111.75 .156•�+S 111.75 111.75 149.00 t19.20 22.35 111.75 111.75 111.75 • 111.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 116.22 123.67 l23.67 123.67 Page 2 Ii 5H TOTRL ESTiMaTED COST S 676.25 111.75 156.45 111.75 111.75 149.00 119.20 22.35 l i 1.75 I1l.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 116.22 123.67 123.67 688.17 OCK� ANO LOTS 1•3, BLOCK 4, RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 2 - - - - - n � �., nn .... n.. 80 80 77 83 80 RItE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 3 ADDITION S 508.05 9� 2 4 80 3 4 40(Pt.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pt. of 8 Pt. of 8 5 S S 5 S S S 5 S 0 0 91 80 80 80 75 75 75 27(Pt.) 48(Pt.) 119.20 119.20 114.73 123.67 119.20 134.10 119.20 59.60 144.53 119.20 119.20 119.20 111.75 111.75 111.75 40.23 71.52 119.20 1 f 9.20 114.73 123.67 119.20 642.15 119.20 59.60 144.53 119.2� 119.20 119.20 111.75 111.75 111.75 40.23 1i .52 � �- - � �i CI1'Y OF FRIOLEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMEMT ROLL ALTERNATE ROLL N0. 1 (Eztending side-yard assessment from 7th Street to University) , STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2 (ADDEN Q1M N0. 2) 68TH AVEhUE: RICE CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET: 67TH AVENUE TO 68TH AVE MJE � 7� STREET: MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TN AVENUE (MSAS) LEGAL OfSCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE ST. SIOE ST. � LOT BLOCK FQOTAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 3 ADDITION Continued) 9 S 15 $ 111.15 ' 10 S 7S 111.75 11 5 7S � 111.75 12 5 75 111.75 , 13 5 8a 119.20 14 5 80 119.20 15 5(1/3 S) 45. $ 508.05 80 119.20 RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 4 ADDITION 3 Z 3 3 3 4 . 3 S' 3 6 3 (1/3 s) 45 7 3 (1/3 s) 45 . $ 3 9 3 10 3 i 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 ! 6 7 � 9 10 Outiot 1 � 3 4 � S ' 5(Fbi/3 S)134 S 85 5 75 5 75 S 75 5 75 5 75 S S 5 5 (1/3 S) 45 6 � 6 6 (1/3 S) 45 6 75 6 75 6 369 7 7 7 508.05 508.05 1,512.86 959.65 846.75 846.75 846.75 846.75 846.75 508.05 508.0� 846.75 846.75 4,166.oi 75 75 75 75 75 75 100 i00 t00 100 . 89 85 75 75 75 75 7S S3(Pt.) 100 100 l00 75 75 75 192(Pt.) 43(Pt.) 1S 75 0 111.75 111.15 111.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 149.00 149.00 149.00 149.00 132.61 126.65 111.75 1j1.75 111.75 111.75 111.75 78.97 149.00 149.00 149.00 ttt.75 111.75 111.75 286.08 64.07 111.15 111.75 . Page 3 , II � 5I � TOTAL ESTIMATEO COST $ 111.75 111.75 ���e�S 111.15 119.20 119.20 627.25 111.75 111.75 111.7S 111.75 111.75 619.80 657.05 149.00 149.00 149.00 1, 6�+5 .47 1, 086.30 958 .50 958.So 958.50 958.50 958.50 78.97 149.00 149.00 b57.05 111.75 111.75 619.80 846.75 846.75 4,452.09 64.07 111.75 ltto75 � a��tKnAit Kv�� nu. � - (Extending side-yard Page 4 assessment from 7th I I street to university) 5 � CI Tl( OF FRI Dl EY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1973-2 (ADOfNOUM N0. 2) � 68TH AVENUE: RICE CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREETz 67TH AVENUE TO 68TH AVENUE 7Tti STREET: MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TH AVENUE (MSAS) LEGAL DfSCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE STo I,OT BLOCK FOOTAGE ASSfSSMENT FOOT.AG� RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT +�ADDITION Conti nued) 7 75 7 7 7S 8 7 75 9 7 ' 75 10 7 7S il 7(1/3 S) 45 $ 508.OS 75 RICE CREEK TERRAC£ PLAT 7 AODITION t0 3 11 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 � 3 16 3 17 3 28(Pt.j 90 90 90 90 7S 7S 41 Pt.) SIDE ST. TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSM�NT COST $ 111.75 $ 111.75 111.75 111.75 �111.75 111.75 111.75 111.7� 111.75 111.75 111.75 619.80 41.72 134.10 134•10 13�•10 134.10 111.75 111.75 61.09 41.72 134.1� 13�+.10 134.10 134.10 111.75 111.7S 6T .09 1,823 ft. $20,638.12 10,011 ft. $14,916.39 S35,S54.St ` Estimated Cost: $35,522.44 ♦ 3,149 feet =$i1.29 pei- front foot 1,828 front feet x$11.29 per foot =$20,638.12 1,321 feet x$11.29 per foot = 514,91�+.09 � $14,914.09 t 10,011 feet (footage side yards are spread over) _ $1049 per foot � I � � � ' � � +� ST, ��?3-1 AND S7, i"�'�-,' (1�:��3�:Nik..:r�',.Nt). �! 5 �� �� _. _._.__.._�.__ __. �. ... _ ._ _ _._ _..._, _._....__ r_ _ _ . _ _ � AI.TERNATE ROL� N��. ?-- Ext�ndi n� .>> ����-yard ass�5�rnent �r�n� 7*f� Str��=t to Uni ver- ; �ity and also on '�orth side of Ric� �reek Road fr�m tinivc-sity to middle of block .� between 6t3th Avenue and Madi san St�e�. '�i "�` __..__._._...�__�� ..._. �._._-�__,_ . __.. t. __ - •. -- .__.__ _._--____.__.u_�.____._.__�_.---.—.�.r-....�___. N!/I CORh'ER l��f J��. SE.C. /� . � . .v ,s, � -. . , M -�! �o s, . :` , ��TM AVE_ N.E. r ,�,�' _ ,, = � � ,. ,. . - , ,,a' �., � 'r 3 `_ . r ,� z,� � , , . . _ . . .. .. :_ . � � s , r. -. . - � , � . < < - � � . �� .. - - : .� - . �„ , � c• r . . .. r`' r,! ' _�rS-d _ _ Q . Ll a1- _t f L•. .... M'. � . •..i� . % ' � ` � - __ ,� . 'j � � ! A . �x � G . � . � � � . ' �' r �\� . � . • . �. i ^ � � ` ~:c , . .. r c + � { * r,,.� , i � , . � • _...+. ' __ j r.Yi _ 1 ""1 Q /� q � � ' . ,. 1 ? Z c i i � z> �� . N � - � '�."'!- �+ �` C �` y 1 �':.6 �� — ,r �_. .•r i. - F �� !t'1' � , v `' — ry _ . . , �ErI� !�� ' / 4W —f�-, . _V `. _ � `' � • . U 9,• r �a ��ii �'" � � . � ---���,,, .1 ' <' 'e' �1 t i� Mf� ,�. 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A i j ?l ;- � l�'��',�' A � � � � � CR�'El� 3 = , T' �,.� ' ,' F C i � � '� �� B y S � 4 i oo) „�_ ,,�......c,...�..,,..,�.je....�., ..�.,..,.,.:<..,F.,.� . ,. j_,._ ,.».a � .. ._.... :,.s y�s.,, y: �..,i oi„�- � .� • . � .� : . � ., . .,. �.. ,.- . � ,. ._ , . �� . �T T� ' , , , , i�',�'p��i�S� I,.� A1D j11GHW �YHO Ef �� CENTEA MISSlS��PP�•�.SY ��Y� � , ,, , , � R R�s � p � � --� ------ - ------ - 0 CI TY OF FRI DL EY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLI ALTERNATE ROLL N0. 2 Page 1 �Extending side-yard assessment from 7th St. to Univ. b also on N. side o° Rice Cr. Rd. from Univ. to middle of block between 68th Ave. 6 Madison St. ; II 5L STR£ET IMPROUEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND ST. 1913-2 (ADDENDUM N0. 2) 68TH AVENUE: RIC£ CREEK TERRAC� TO 7�H STREET 7TH STREET: 67TH AV£NU E TO 68TH AVENUE 7TH STREET: MISSISSIPPI S7REET TO 67TH AVENUE (MSASj LEGAti DESCRIPTION SECTi ON 1 Parce 1500 FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE ST. FOOTAGE� ASSESSM£NT FOOTAG � 150 RICE CREEK TERRAC£ PLAT 1 AODITION L0� BLOCK � � 1 100 7 1 100 8 1 100 9 1 t00 to t(t/3 s)too S t,t29.00 �oo 1 2 3 ,� Pt.of 4 Pt oaf 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 (t/3 s)too 2 2 2(P.270) 2(E•75') 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 2 2 1,129.00 100 100 100 2S 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 RICE CREEK TERRAC£ PIAT 2 ADOITION � 83 6 1(1/3 s) So 564.50 83 1 2bPt.of 3 Pt.of 3�4 Pt.of 45.5 Pt.of 5 Pt.of 5�b 1SPt.of 8 Ptoof 8 Pt.of 8�9 E.SS' of 9 W.20' of 9 10 2 (1!3 S) 50 2 (P.100). 2 (P.130) 2 iP.160) 2 (P.t8o) 2 (Po21o) 2 (P.240) 2 (P.260) 2 (P,290) 2 (Bat.of P.290) 2 2 u 564,50 75 80 110 so . S 100 100 10 40(Pt.) SStPt.} 20 75 SI DE ST. ASSESSMENT S 181.50 121.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 12t .00 121.00 121.00 121.00 30.25 90.15 12i.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 121000 121.00 118.58 100.43 t 00.43 i00.43 90.75 96.80 133.10 96.80 6.OS 12i.00 121.00 12,10 48.40 66.55 24.20 9o.1S TOTAL ESTYMATEO COST S 181.50 121.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 t,25o.00 1,250.00 121.00 121.00 30.2� 90.75 121.00 121.00 121.00 121.Q0 121.00 121.00 121.00 118.58 100.43 100.43 �+093 655.25 96.80 133.t0 96.8A 6.05 121.00 121.00 12.10 48.40 6b.55 24.20 90.75 � CI7Y Of fRIDLEY PREIIMINARY ASSESSMENT R4LL ALTERNATE ROLI N0. 2 Page 2� (Extending side-yard assessment f�om 7th St. to U�iv. S atso on N. side of Rice Cr.�Rd. from Univ. to middl� of block between 68th Ave, b Madi- son St.) STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-, 1 ANO 5T. 1973-2 (AODENOUM N0. 2) 68TH AVENUE: RIC£ CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH STREET 7TH STitEETs 67TH AVENU£ TO 68TH AVENUE � 7TH STREET: MISSISSIPPI ST�£ET TO 67iH AVENUE (MSAS) II 5M LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE ST. SIDE ST. TOTAL ESTIMRTED LOT BLOCK FOOTAG� ASSESSMENT FOOTAGf ASSESSM�ENT COST RIC� CREEK TERRAC� Pl.A�00ITi0N` Continued) 75 $ 90.75 $ 90.75 12 2 75 90.75 9o.7S 13 2 7S � 90.75 90.75 14 2 ' 75 90.75 90.75 i5 2 �5 90.75 90.75 16 2 79 9S.59 95.59 1 3(1/3 S) So S S6�.So 75 90.75 b5S.2S 2 3 7S 9o.7S 90.75 36Pt.of 4 3(P•530) 105 127.os 127.05 Pt.of�4&5 3(P.550) 75 90.15 90.75 Pt.of 5�6 3(P.51o) 7S 90.75 90.75 Pt.of. 6�i 3 iP.590) 100 121.00 121.00 Pt.of 7E�8 3(P.600) 80 96.80 96.80 W.1S' of 8 3(P.610) 1S 18.15 18.15 9 3 . 75 90.75 90.75 10 3 ?S 90.75 90.75 11 3 75 90.15 90.75 12 3 75 9�.75 90.75 13 3 75 90.75 90.75 14 3 75 90•75 90.75 1S 3 75 90.75 90.75 16 3 78 94.38 9r+.38 4 4� 83 ioo.43 100.43 S 4 83 100.43 100.43 6 4(1/3 S) 50 56�►.SO $3 100.43 bb4.93 REARRANG�MiENT OF LOTS 1-3, BLOCK i, AND LOTS 1-3, BLOCK 4� RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 2 � ______ 1(P. 20) 80 96.80 96.80 2(P. 40) 80 � 96.80 96.80 3(P. 60) 80 96.80 96.80 Pt.of 4(P. 75) 71 � 93.17 93.17 Pt.of 4�y (P. 90) 83 100.43 100.43 6( P. 120 ) � 80 96.80 96.80 RICE CREEK T£RRACE PLAT 3 AdDITION ' 2 1 3 1 4 . 1 � � S 1 . ' 130 112 too 100 100 157.30 135.52 121.00 121.00 121.00 157.30 135.52 a2t.00 121.00 121.00 � ' � CITY OF FRIDLEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMfNT ROLL ALT£RNATE ROL4 N0. 2 Page 3 (Extending side-yard assessment fror 7th St. to Univo 8 atso on N. side of Ri ce Cr. R�a� from Uni v, to middte of biock between 68th Ave. � Madison St.) '' STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 ANQ ST. 1973-2 (aDDENDIlM N0, 2} I 68TH AVENU£: RICE CREEK T£RRACE TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET: 67TH AVENUE TO 58TH AVENU£ ', 7TH STREETs MISSISSIPPI STREET TO b7TH AVENUE (MSAS) IEGAL OESCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SIDE ST. SIDE ST. i, ' lOT BLOCK FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT RICE CREfK T£RRACE PLA�3 ADDItION� � 100 $ 121.00 $ i , 96 .116.16 �, ' , 98 118.58 9 1 100 121.00 , t0 1 98 ii8.58 ' tt t too tzt.oa 12 1 97 117.37 , ' ' , ' ' i 3 2 � 3 S 6 7 Pt.of 8 Pt.of 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 4 (1/3 s) 45 4 15 S (1/3 S) 4S RIC� CREEK T£RRACE PLAT 4 ADOITION 2 3 3 3 4 3 S 3 � 6 3 tt/3 s) 4S 7 3 (1/3 s) 45 8 3 9 3 to 3 $ 508.oS 508.05 90 80 4o(Pt.) 80 �o 80 75 75 27(Pt.l 48(Pt.) 1S 7S 7S 75 80 80 80 75 75 75 75 75 S08.OS 15 So8.o5 too 100 100 too 108.90 96.80 48.40 111.37 96.80 96.80 96.80 90.75 90.75 90.7S 32.67 58.08 90.75 90.75 90•75 90.75 96.80 96.80 96.80 90.TS 90.75 90 .75 90.75 90.75 90.75 121.00 �2t.00 121.00 121.00 II 5N TOTAI. ESTIMATED COST $ 121.00 116.16 118.58 121.00 118.5$ t2t.00 1 t 7•37 616.95 96.80 48.40 117.37 96.80 96.80 96.80 9o.7S 90.75 90.75 32.67 58.08 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 96.80 96.80 604.85 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.15 59$.80 629.05 tz�.00 t2t.00 tzt.00 � II 1 , CIiY OF FRIDLEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL �LTERhA7� R��L N�. 1 �age � ' (Extending side-yard assessment fran 7th St. to Univo & also on N. side of Ri ce Cr.' Rd, from Uni v. to middle of btock between 68th Ave. S Madi so� St. ) STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 ANO ST. 1973-2 (ADDEN a1M N0. 2) 68TN AVEMIE: RICE CREEK 7ERRAC£ TO 7TH SiREET ]TN STREETs 67TH AVENUE TO 6$TH AUENU E � TTH STRE£T; MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TN AVENUE (MSAS) LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST, SIDE ST. LOT BLOCK FOOTaGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAG£ RI� E CREEK TERRACE PlA � A DITION Cont�nued 105 2 4 104 3 4 too 4 4 � too S 4 100 6 4 100 7 4 too 8 4 _ 9S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 5(F�.1/3 S)134 � 5 85 S 75 S 75 5 75 S 75 S - 75 S 5 5 S t1/3 s) 45 6 6 7 6 8 6 �i/3 S) 45 9 6 75 10 b 75 Outlot 1 6 369 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 7 7 7 7 7 1. 7 7 7 (1I3 S) 4S RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 7 ADOITION 0 2 il 2 Pt.of 12 2 (P. 950) . 13 2 • S 1,512.86 959.65 846.7S 846.75 846.75 846.75 846.75 508.05 , So8.o5 846.75 846.75 4,166.ot S08.05 89 85 75 75 7S 75 TS 53(Pto) t0o 100 100 75 7S 75 19z(Pto) 43(Pt.) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 85 85 SI D£ ST. ASSf SSMENT $ 127.05 121.00 � t2t.00 t21.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 > >�.ss 107.69 102.85 90.75 90.75 90,7S 90•75 90.15 64.13 121.00 121.00 121.00 90.75 90.75 90.75 232.32 52.03 90.75 90.75 9a.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 90.75 121.00 121.00 102.85 to2.85 II 5-0 70TAL ESTIMATEO COST S 127.05 121.00 t2t.00 t2t.ao 121.00 121.00 121.00 114.95 1,620.55 1,Ob2.50 931•50 937.50 937.So 937.50 937.50 64013 121.00 121.Q0 b29.05 90.75 90.75 598.80 846.75 846.75 4,398.33 52.03 90.75 90.75 90.75 90075 90075 90.75 90.75 598.80 121.00 t2�.00 102.85 to2.8S � CITY Of FRIOLEY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL ALTERNATE ROII N0. 2 Page"5 (Extending side•yard assessment from 7th St. to Univ. S atso on N. side of Rice Cr: Rd. from Univ. to middl of block between 68th Ave. S Madis� St.) STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND STo 1973-2 (ADDENDUM N0. 2) 68TH AVENUE: RICf CREEK TERRACE TO 7TH SfREET 7TH STREET: 67TH AVENUE TO 68TH AVENUE 71'N STREET: MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 67TH AVENUE (MSAS) LE6Al, DESCRI PTION FRONT ST. FRONT ST. SI DE ST. LOT BLOCK FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT FOOTAGE RIC£ CREEK TERRACE P�AT AODITION Continued} 0 3 28(Pt.) 11 3 90 12 3 �90 l3 3 ' 90 14 3 90 15 3 75 16 3 75 � 1? 3 41(Pto " 1,�2$�ft. 20, 3.� 12 12, 12 fto II 5P SIDE S7. TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT COST $ 33•88 5 33.88 i08.90 108.90 � 108.90 108.90 106090 108.90 108.90 108.90 90o7S 9�075 90075 90075 4g.61 49.61 15,01 .52 35, 5 • Estimated Cost: $35s522.40 r 3,149 feet =$ito29 per front foot 1,828 front feet x$11.29 per foot =$20,638.12 . 1s321 feet x$11.29 per foot =$14,914.09 $14,g14.09 ti 12,412 feet (footage side yards are $1.21 spread over) _ per foot �- , ' ' . � TQ. FRQM: CITY OF �RIDLEY M� M 0 R A N D U M � E R A L D R. p A V I S, C I T Y M A N A G E R, A N D C I T Y C Q U N C I L MARUIN C. BRUNSEL�., ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIREGTOR ISU��J��T; F'INA�. ASSESSMENT ROLL - SEWER, WATER AND $TORM SEWER IMPROV�M�NT ' PROJ�CT N0. 1Q2 , RAT�: J�1l.Y 12, 1973 �eW�1^, Wat�r and Storm Sewer Project No, 102 involves the installation of ��nit�ry's�wer latera1s�, water laterals and storm sewer in the area lying g�ner�lly north Of Qsborn� Rodd and between East River Road and University Av�n��, Th� +a�se��ment hearing f�r this project is scheduled for August 13. There a►^� soma decis�iQns that will have ta be made by th� City Council before we C�,n cOmplete the assessment rQll for this pro�ect. The July 16 meeting i� the l�st meet�ng that wi11 be held in July, so the decision will have �o b� mede a� tha� mee�ting. '���_.1 I�. , 1 As f�r as we know, there are no special prpblems relating to the sanitary s�w�r ar water ldt�ral� for which we need special dirsction from t�he �ity Gounci1 at �hi� time, The ��4rm ��w�r for the north area presents no special problem except to t�ks not� ofl the f�ct that $483,QQ0 in additional work will h�ve tQ be dan� in ths �ut�r�, (See let�er from Comstock and Uavis dated June 22� 1973.) ihe total area ta�nefi�ted by thi� por�lan �of the improvement is 3,674,400 square feet. The �stimat�d cos� �t �h1s time is $54,462.30� which gives an assessment rat� of $1.�4 per 10Q square feet. RROBI.EM AREAS� The prQb1em �r�as for which we need direction are as follows: �. Should the �rea a1ong Stonybrook Creek, lying west of East River Road� ba lnciud�d 1n the assessment district, and if so, how much af the area? b. Is it tMe Gaunci1's wish to add ta the cost of th� project, and assess ' dt� t�hi� �ime, future work to be done in the vicinity of Alden Way end St�4n,ybrook Creek in the approximate amount of $26,Q00? � ' ' �. pQeS th� Council concur with the idea of adjuSting the rate of properti�s �ssess�d now for taterals and in�erceptors so that when future storm sew�r worl� in the approximate amaunt of $80,Q00 is done for a specific area� the overail ra�e will be equalized at that time, the diff�rent rateS being dssess�d a�t �his time. The alternative wauld be to assess everyane equally now, �nd wh�� ��� f���r� work is done, everyone would have to be �ssessed �gajn. �. ........ . ' 1 �Qr SUBa�GT: I�AT�� ���� � � ' ' � ' LJ ' � ' GERAI�D R, pAVIS, FINAL ASSESSMENT RRQJ�CT NQ. 1Q2 au�Y �2, �s�3 STQNYBROOK CREEK AREA: CITY MANAGER, AND CITY CQUNCIL RQLL - SEWER, WATER AND STQRM SEWER IMPROV�MENT Th� question is whether to include this area in the storm sewer assessment. �ee the attached map for the area involved. See the Council minuie� of August 2�, 1972 and September 11, 1972 for previous Council discussion on this subj�ct. The Stonybrook Creek area west of East River Road will not be included in the starm sewer lateral assessment in any event, only the main interceptor 1 i n+� , pne alt�rnative would be to include only the lots abutting on the cre�k. This would reduc� Lhe a�sessment on the other areas by between $.05 and $.1p per 100 squ�re �Feet. The secpnd alternative would be to include the larger area west of East River RQ�d. Thi� would reduce the overal1 interceptor assessment rate by abaut 12%. IN FUTUR� W�RK AT STONYBROOK L DEN WAY BE ADO�Q Tp TH S�ct�ion 429.Q61. Minnesata Statutes reads in part, "Assessment PrQCedurs, '�ub�division 1. Calcu1atiQn, notice. At any time after a contract is let or �he wOrk ordered by day la6or, the expense incurred ar to be incurred in its mmking sha11 b� caleu1ated under th� direction of the cauncil. The couneil �h�ll th�n determin� by resolution the amount of th� total expen�e the municlpa1i�y wi11 pay, o�her �than the amount, if any, which it will pay as +a proper�y owner, and the amount to be assessed. Thereuppn the �1erk� with '�he a�si&�an�e p� �he en�inesr or other qualified person selected by ihe �ouncl1, shall calculat� the proper amount to be specially assessed for th� improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of 1and� withaut `r�gdrd �Q �ash valuation, in �ccordance with the provisions of sectian 492.Q51." ' A� o� gen�r�l rule, one cannot assess worl� not under contract. However, the s;mount inva�lv�d i� qu1t� sma11 in re1a�ion to the ov�rall projec�, and could pos�ibly be co�psidersd �n insignificant amount, ' CQUNCIL CQNCURRENCE WITN SPLIT ASSESSMENT RATE F�R THIS HEARING: The purpo�� of having a split rat� for this hearing would be so that when the ' �$Q�QQ(? pf O�ddltipnd;l work is done in the future for a specific area, the �ntlre area wou1d nat have ta be assessed again. 1 ' 1 �rT 1A T0; GERALD R. DAVIS> CITY MANAGER, �ND CITY CQUNCIL SUBJ�GT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - SEWER, '�IATER AND STORM SEWER i'•"PR��'JtME�JT PROJECT N0. 102 pATE: JULY 12, 1973 PAGE � GQSfi �STIMATES: A. Area Interceptor: Present work - area interceptor $236,754.29 Future work at Alden Way 26,000.00 TOTAL. �262,754.29 Entir� are� east of East River Road = 9,499,627 square feet Ar�a yrith future work = 2,254,040 square feet ($64,500.00) A�s�s�ment rate (Split assessment rate): $3.45 on 7,245,587 square feet $.58 on 2,254,040 square feet As���sment rate (Even rate): $2.76 on 9,499,627 square feet Alterndte No, 1- Stonybrook $3.38 on 7,443,512 squar� feet $.al on 2,254,040 square feet A1��rnat� N�. � T Stonybraok $3.08 on 8,375,077 square feet $.21 on 2l254,Q40 square fee� ' B. atorm Sewer Lateral; Pr���nt�Work $225,753.5� ' �p11t rats: ; ' �� �ven rat�: ' � 1 ' ' $2.95 an 5,963,336 square feet $2.26 on 2,254,040 square feet $2,76 on 8,217,376 square feet lil � i� el �. r,. ,.� � ., � � � 'Q 1 J • I> � � 0 0 � � � ' � . �� � � €' � �`3 � 3_ �,� �, � t� � ��� �� 3 � � �� � � �� �• � ��� �3 � �3�:� � ,� ,�,y -�. � �3 . '? � - � � �� �� C�'ij ,�. � ���a � �j � � � �� y •� � ::. '� �- .•'� � �� ' i � .. � ' � '� � � �. Ct�MSTOCK & DAVI f _ INC. ' 1� couNrv rto�o «��� M�NNG(►POL19 , tdINNR80TA anas8 T�L.t BUnort �.�b no t CONSU�.TING ENGt�VE�RS June 22, 1973 I�inanGe A�rector c/o Gity Engineer ��cp pf Fri.dley G43]. Uni.versity Avenue, N.�. Mi,ntte�tpsr�is, Minnesota 55432 � .. , t 1` � u �- \� � �, �` . Ge�tleu�e�: � Ia ��aponse to your letter dated June 18, 1973, reques�ing cost breakdown iufp�nation an Fridley Projects No. 101 and 102, we offer the follow�ng �n�oxaaaCian.Although the final �stimate for the abave project has not been prep�red, th� actual final costs are predictable at this time. The Ptoject 1Q� Const�ruction casts are indicated in the follvwing table. , �aat o� Wate� Lateral Cos� o£ W�te� Servi�es Cost af Sewer Latera7. Cpst �f Sewer Services Co�t of Storm 5ewer (North Area) Cas� pf 5tarm Sewer (5outh Area) �t1��. Cotsstr�#ction Cost Pro� . No. 102 • $140,845.49 Q � $216, �2b�.8Q -4 � 42,775.00 34 5�� $745,9S0.7S � ' Th� �cope vf �h� aetual, �102 Pro,�ect did not include all the construction l��i��.�nally p��posed unde� Che Publ�c Impxove�ent Hearings. '�hus �hera ze�nains ia.n►� ��a�.sC�uction ariginall.y proposed at Ch� hearing which sti11 �emaius Co b� ' �CQntpl�ted# T'he foliawing Cable i.ndicates �he amounta of the eoasCZUGtion ` �CQmu�aC►iag. � W�termaln $1tt�itar�r Sewex $torw Sew�� ;:.orth Area) S�oxm SeWer (South Area - East of Rail- I�' , t�oad plus $26,000 for Stoaybrook Cre�k � Alden Way Relief Culvert) ' � ' � � $122,000,00 Remains 0 R�ma�.as � $483,OQ0.00 Remaias � $106,000.00 Remaias Thl� pTOposed �ost remaining for south area storm sewer above will esseatial.lX �Gqtag�sC� tha stoxm sewer for that south area east of tbe railroad. 6 � �TT 1D 0 � , � ' � , . ', Pinat�c� Di.r��tor , C�ty o� Fr�.d�ey �e�o�ec�� r�4. a.o� & �02 1 . _z, June 22, 1973 � � '11�� d�Cai��d maps £or the dzainage areas as requested in your �,etter at'� a�tach�d � �'l�x��Q • 8�au�.d yQU �equire any additional information on the above project, pr have anj► ' que�t�.ott� on �he above informati,qn, please feel free to eontact the wzite�t. Very truly yours, 1 COMSTOCK & DAVIS, INC. ' ' � F81►%n�j 8 ' ���'.i�,C�1 • , �. . ' f . ' ' ` ' ' . ' ' , � i sy �'_� ., / `s �'/'--- -:. -� � - f� ��-�-°'�-� Paul E. Vanderlinde � � 0 � �!I � � iiz 1F �Ei� MINUT�S OF TH� SPECIAL PUBLIC H�qRING MrETING OF AU6UST 28, 1�72 Th� Speci�l Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was convened �t 7:35 �.M., August 28, 1972. P�E�G� OF ALLEGIANCE: M�ya� �ieb1 led the Counci� arid the audience in saying the Pledge of �llegiance tQ th� �lag. , RQLL CA��: M�M��RS PRESENT: Mittelstadt, Breider, Liebl, Utter M�M��R� ABSENT: No�e �lDt��TTQN'QF AG�NDA: � M�yq� Liebl said thexe was one item to add at the end of the Meeting, which was: Cqr���d�rata.on o� a Trailer #'e�mit for Concession Stand for ths Fridley Footbal� �,ss4c�at i+an . M4TapN bX Counc�lman Mit�elstadt to adopt the Agenda as amended. Se�onded by Cqut��ilmaA Brezde�. Upo� a voice vote all ayes� Mayar Liebl dec�,ar�d the motion q�r#�i.+ad unar�a.mous.ly. TNG ON WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AUM #2: M�T�A�t by Cquncilman Mitt�lsta�t to waive the reading of the Notice o� kleaxing. S4��a�ded by Couneilman Utter. �]pon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayox �iebi dec.�ared '�h� mot�ot� �arri�d, unanimousJ.y = . Tt►a City �n�ir�eex shc,w�d �the dx�ai.nage distxi.ct an the ov�rhead proj�G�tor �sz�d �?cp�.a►�.r��d that the district �.ncludes both the east and west sides of� East R�v�r ROad� howev�a�, o�a the east aide� o� �ast Rivex Road the improvsmer�ts are unde� pt�agr��a npw. H� sa�d he haa been hesitant to sugg�st �his complet� stax�m �o�t�t' �y�'��m becauSe o� the hi�h aos� of the system and the pending lawsuit �gmiriilt Spz+in� Lake Pa�k. Fxidley has taken Sprin� I,aks Parl� to Dist�ict Court, ��� th� �ud�e ru1�d that the cour�e the water takes fs a natural. flowaga and hQ$ exi��in� many many ye�rs. His ruling was no� .in Fridley's fa�or sa ths Cdse i�9 b�in$ apgea.led tc� the �upxeme Gourt. Th� proP4sa1 now is to insta7.1 additiQnal g�p� tq tak+e car� Q1� th� �rQbl.sms downstream on the. west side caf East F.iver Road. �"�1�i*� �re many a.�fiex�ate� px^opased by the Gar,su�.ting Engineers, but whatever GpWc's�► i8� �hos��n, ther� must be relief at the East River Road snd ths Alden Way Cti�.v�rts, Tha Assessm�nt Aepartmsnt has prepared their estimates based o� the cam�l�te �Anduit sys�tem, MR�yoz' L��b�, said that many l�tte�s w�r� se�t qut z�otifying people o�' this h�aring �� t�i�t t�e �roposa�.s woµld range fx�czm between 580�000 to S�25,OOQ. He asked �►p�ir �rta�x ,�fs Spr.it�g Lalce Park contributes into the City of Fr�dley. Th� City �ngii�qe�'�aid tha� abou'� 36$ of the area of the watershed lies in Fridley and � . � ' SP�CIAI� PUHI�IG HEHR�NG MEETTNG OF AUGUST 26, 1972 ' ��� � ' ,! ' � � �' � � III P��� 2 �, G th� Qthe�^ 6�►°6 ir� Spring Lak� Park, therefore, the contention all along that they �h�uld he�.p bear *_hr> cqst of this improvement. It would ,�e a very exp�nsive bux^clen to k�ear for only the Fridley residents. He said the�e is about 175 cfs �om�I�g from Spring Lake Park under University Avenue and 37� cFS is neaded as c�pac�.ty tp be provided under Alden Way and at present it is about '� that arnount, M�yp�^ Li�b� s�id thi5 drainage district represents commerc.ial, industr�al and �8�.d�nt�a1 p�'apert�.es. The City Engir.e-_er explair�ed that A, B, C� D are a�tuall.y �u�atlistr3.cts, an� in A, $� C there has already been some t•�ork done toward a �ts?x`m sewer system, so they wou�d receive a cxedit. Mayor Lieb� asked ths �ost �.f th� auerall px�oject is selected. ' Th� �'inan�e pixector said the estimated cost pf the project is 5225,OQp. This i� 3.r# �ddition to the 5475,OQ0 under SS #102 and $2�+4,000 under SS #101, for � tp'�a], cos� of $944,000. This work, minus the credits for wc,xk done in A,E ���mounts �o an assess.ment of $8.80 per 100 square feet. Area A would have an e�'��mat�d as�essment of $6.42; Ar�ea B, $2.25 and Area C, $5.89. Mayor I,i�:bl as�ked �� 'kh�s formu�a is cansistent with other sto�m sewer assessments and the F'inanGe D�.T��to� said yes� it is the same formula, and the same City polxcy. M�pp� �,ieb� said that the Ccaunc.i,l ;�as received a preliminary report ��rom CamstQGk �� Dc�vis Qut�.ining the variou� proposals and asked the City Engineer tca explain th�m �ko �h� audienc�. The City �ngineer explained each a.lternate and said that th�! p7.�ri al.�owing fQr $ relief pip� for the overflow water i� Craigbrook Way wquld �ake cars o� th� groblem; the trouble is, it is a1sQ the most exp�n�ive t�n�l withQUt s contribution by Spx�ing Lake Park he did not feel the properfiy owners �QLt7�d b�atr the high rate. The most immediate need i� for shoring up the banks �r�m £a�� �iv�:r Ro�d to A�.den Way to retard �urther erasion at a cost of 522�400 3�' �:�,ty la�ica� is used; and a relief pipe at A1den Way at a cos� QP �2p,QQ�. The p�:�� st Ea�t �iver RQad would cos� 515,000 if open cutti�g is 3�lowad or �a++Q,OQO �,� it has to b� jaaked, �f tk�is method is used, ther� would b� a continual ma3r�'�er��t���a grc��alem and wcauld require regular attention tca see that �ths banks d�� nc►�k ers�de� further. ' Tha City �ng�ne�r cor�t�.r�ued tl��t if the flume method �s used at creek ��ve1, th+ero wQU.�d be �oncret� side� and a metal pipe en th� bottom of '�he arsak. This Nc�uld t�ake Gar� a� th� dx^a�na�e bu� it would destroy the natural. beauty of the ' c�e��ek � Th�re i� ana�h�x* prob��m with thi� method �.nd the c1.o�ed pip� in the �x�►ek e th+� cu�vex�t undex� Aldez� Way is at 812' �.evel � and during 'Che hi�h water t�ye xiv�sr �.�vsl ris�s °ka 822' � 823' � so in the spring Che water would bac�C up �,r�to th� �re�k, To �l�minate this problem the pipe should be it�stal.led at a ' 'h�ghsr 1ev�1., and this would cos� $225,000, so with tha-t cost, it would b� be�tter �p j�ut i.n a elosed pips in Craigbrook Way, wha.ch would :;ave th� creak. � M�yor j,i��l a�ked th� City �ngineer what he would recommend. The City �nginser �a�d that ha must recommend th� closed pipe in Craigbrook Way as the solut�on t� ths d�ttir��ge p�^ob�ems, plus some shoring up ot the banks to preserve the ' ��atura�,� be��uty of the creek. The only problem is the cosC, and th�t iS a C4unc�1 praro�ative, , ' � �q�}���,�m�� Mlttelstadt said he believed he could speak for �ve�ey maa and woman ,"� 17e�'e �p��gh� in sayin� that they don't wan� any part of a storm s�wer as�essment, �+'� : I�t this ��.tuati�� �1�� �tat� �� {���r�esota has a�.�9Wed S�ring Lake Park. tq brin� �.� th�i�' w&ter� and dump �.t 1n Fz�idley � but they do i�o � a? low for a way Xs� h�ndlc� `�.t, }�e di� not �elieve at this time it was in Ol�der t:; r�ring in � nroposal for r �� � .r,xe�rn:fl? x .' II �� ' � . , i , , � c_ , f; , � ' ' � ' � � ��� I ' ' . SF�GIA�r PUBI,IC H�ARiI�il� N3i�TIN ; C`F f�UGU;�T' 26, i97F PAGi_; 3 �3n im�rov�menrt for a quarter of a milli�n dollars when the Supreme Court case �� st�.11 pendin�. H� sdid the Ac�ministration should sea�ch all other St�te � �ede�al apencies for ways to obtain funcis and a major system of �his sort should rt4t b� �r�derta?�en until all oth�r avenues a:e explored. As to the Stor�ybr0ok C�^�ek groia�er�, the Ci.ty can ?�e1p these people, there has already been $S,QOQ a1lp�atecl to try tra �emedy the ercasion, and he was sura additional funds could �'b� a�px�pved ta sav� them frcm the spring run-off. He said he was not dt this time x�eady to propose �n assessment until everything else has been t�ied fo� ; �ta�a�e �eppie in Wax�d Thx�ee . (Applause 1 � �Iz 1 u Ccaur��ilm�r, BrEider said that talking of 350 cfs potential at East River Road, and w.�th ��5 coming �n from �p�ing L,ake Park, how long under normal rates of �jevelop- mer�t ur���l that 350 cfs is reached? The City Er.gineer said it is more a ma�te� pf th� �u�d±ion the pipe runs full, with th� iricrease in development, the du��t.lon th� p1�e �ur�s full would increase. �ouncilman breider asked if the shoxing of t�� bd�kS were to continue� woulcj that be enough to pratect them in a nor�m�1 �p�i�� i�uA-off? The Gity £ngineer said that the �2�?5,U00 project �s �eededa �s� 'G��� le: s mon�y th�� i� spent �khe greater the risks , Ra�.nf�11 is �qmething th�t c�r��c�t always be predicted, there �r�ay be a 50 - 100 year rain �nd with that, °khe wk�o�e thing would w�sh out , Under normal condi�ions ,yes , it s,iould }ae all ���h`� � M�°� ��r�. �iermann, 783q Alden Way, asked what was the eost Qf ths open �oradui�? Tk��a C#.�y �t�,g.ineer repli�d S75,OOt�. Mr. Biermann sai.d he wauld a$ree with �ot��ilma.n Mittelstadt, le�s apply for Pederal and State aid. Ne said, �.00k �t AU�.�t�h +�d qu��tiarted i� we have to wa�t until everyth�ng a.� gone be�ore l�re ��'� h�lg? Ma�or I�iebl asked �f Fridl�y would b� eligible, The City Manag�r �4�i� �t��►� hqWever� h� must o��sr this caution; the �'ederal, Governmer�t wp�ks '�h�'OU�� th� Hous�n� �nd �Irb�� Aevelopment offices and they plaee certain prio�ia ���� �r� ¢�'��ts. Curx�ntlY. grant� ;Eor sanitary sewer and wa�te�^ �ro�e�ts ��t � h�.�gh�i� p�'i�rity than �torm ��w�� � mainly beca�s� of the em�aha�i� p�.acQd an �al�.u��.c�t� �c�r��krol in the las�' f�:w �ears � Counc.ilman Mittels kadt commer�t�d tha� �h�s�x+ ��'t�tud+� may change bec��e af all the flc�oding thi� year. Th� Ca�ty M#,r+a�e�t� agx��ed and �a�.d tt��t they could only turn Fridley dow�n� if w� were ta �AP��� �� nothir�g wcauld �� �os�t, If tha gossib�.lity af losing some pro�er�y cc�ulr� �� demons�krated, i� m�y add mare emphasi�, Mi', F`x'�rtl� ScheeJ., 1.15 Craig Way �,E. R c�sked whe�e al1 the water was �oming �romT ���in��.�.m��� A�^�ide� said thi� is a large axea and �.ncludes the ,Land �ast o� �ast R�.w�x� RQas� also. Ths�r hav� a�ready beera a�sessed� but would lae inc.�uded iq this c�it�t�i�t, and �verycane in �he district would pay ths same rat�, m.�nus any cred�.ts. Gotu��i$.'mar� M�tt�lstadt ask�d Councilma� Breider if the people in his ward that wp111� b� ��se�sed wer� .ir1 f�vpr of th.is• assessment? Councilman B�eider sa�d that ��in� pf his w�rd has had mat�e thar� theix� share of troubles, Elm and �e�ch S�reet� i��vs w�she� Qut, and the maltatanance �eople have had to go out and dig ths �ts�ets back out afte� �v�ry z^aia. This is water coming from aprin$ Lake i'ark, Th��+� �s st�.11 d ditch between �ain Street and University Avenue, and erQsio� �s �'�u�t �� b�d, �� this ditGh �s in Stonybrook, He said he wouid tiave to agr�c: Wi�h Cqur��i�r�,aq Ni.ttelstadt and say "no" to th�s proposal. The pgople should nr�t h,��re ta pay for Spr.ing I�ake Park's waCer p�pcessing probl�ms, and t�e woulc� '�4y �9 gQ �1Qng W�.th �1�s 4��� ditGh :�c� �hat area �or as lon� aY �cs�ible, . ���h�� h�t 1N �lmost as bad as in the cr�ek area, ':s tt,.:3t area F�ts d�ve�a�_ �;�, �,: he r�i not see 'r�ow we cculd wait muci, ;��rk,�_r. ",; t: t`;� i�nmed:�:t. r;�^o:;l:rm ��ir;h ��aT��/�lI'C)Q}C� i�P_ T,�1�,Ltai.i. �tl':' dt,�lT]�.CI.ISt2'ciL.iGi� :;i�C�U�.i �)@ ti`a}C'":°.t CU C;,;; �J.�tr i.�iE' �t_'P'l��Cl"��'J � � � � . �_ � � � I�� � , SPE�IAI� PU�I�IC HEARING MEETING OF AUGUST 28, 1972 ' r , i ' � ' ' � ' ' ' 1 � , � ' ' II� � PAGE �+ '� � i woi�k ta stabilize the banks and a�so to start work to try to get some aid with 'kh� �torm �ewer project• ihere is a Legislative session coming up, that sh�uld be �onside�^ed and Federal funding shoulu be looked into. He also felt Fridley �hould wait until t�ce Supreme Court �ecision. M�. �d Hi.nden, 195 Craigbr�ok Way N.E., said that Areas A � B do not ente� tha �rsek, what i� talked about here is wat�r from tiie industrial area and Spring I�ake Pc�z�k. CounciZman Mittelstadt sai� this is true, and has been all along. Ax'�as A� C were put in by the developer and Area b was assessed unde� 5� #52, Mr. Hinden said that it seemed that there could be some help from the County, S�ate, F�der�1R Spring Lake Park, or general revenue funds. Councilman Mittelstadt sa�d ye�� tM�t is his intentiora and he would like to wait unti.l afte� the court ruling. Thar� could be greater than 5q$ of the total project i�f Fridley was successful. Cou�cilma� Breider said there was a new State law that restriGts municipali�ies a�d schoo�. boards from raising their total budget more that 6� and asked what ef�eot '�his would have on this storm sewer proposal. The Ci�y Nlanager r�plied thdt i.f th� �xpenditure cames from general revenue funds it must fall within ths E�$� t�esti�ictipn. If it is a matter of matching Federal gran� funds then z� wpuld l�e► e►xemg� . M�*. Hayn� Sether, 764� East River Road, said that it has bsen statsd that the ��fiu��tion will g�t wox�seR and asked to see the map on the screen a��in. Caun�il.-� man Breic��ar comme�ted tha�t when the City �ngiflesr talked about pqtent�.al capacity m� T�st Rive�' Road, that would come from the develo�ment o� the industxial ,�� �,t�d �ro� Spr�ng Lake Park, Mr. Sether said that the eonstructiQn in ths �.r�du�t�ia.� �xea i� for profi� � that a sys�em would �ive h�:m �er�a bene�it, and tha�� �,t �.s �h� ir�dus�x�i.al property owners that wi7.1 bene�it � sa th�y should hav� t� pay �ar i�. Mayor I�iebl said that �ndustr�.al developm�r�t beneii�s th� who�.e ��,t�r thrcau,�h the taxas they pay. Mr. Sether sa�.d that the z.ndustria.l shauld have `�q �my tt�aa�� f�ir s�har� instead caf him being charged the same as th�y are, iA��lauS�) Mayc�r Lieb.� said that th� industrial property �ets as��ssed �i�a �am� �q�tm�e �cac�tags �cast as a�e�iden�ial prcaperty owner� Mr�. �ether a�ked i� :tt tr� pot 'tru� tha�t the 1ar�d was not dev�lcaped because of the water problems and tha City ��►g,i,n�ex^ said yes, w3th proper draina�� the ].�ve1 Qf d�v�lopment wauld it�c.�a��, Mr, Sethex� said that .�n th�� case their� land v�lue wouJ�d incr�as� � bu�t h�s would not. � �I�. 8ob Aueh�lm, ��9 Cr�.igbroak Way N.�., asked if Stonybrook G�esk is shpz�ed up �rt�1 ma�t�tained, wi.11. i� b@ assessed? Councilman Mittelstadt said that th� ��i13r�� �alked about �.s S22�Q00 �a come fram gene�al funds. Ther� has alx�eady beaon � little Qver $3,000 spent. �f the rest af the Counci.l a�rees, thera wouJ.d ��t �ca mss�:a�m�n�. Mx. Duehalm asked if that amount of money �s put into Ch� Creek, '�h+�n tha �uFxema Ccaurt rule�9 in Fx'idley's favor, is that money last? The City 11��ag�t� s��d not �nti.�ely� beaause even if the flow is put dowr� �raigbrook Way it1 ��1os�d �y�tem� �he Creek would atzll be maintained fo� ses�hetic purposes, �o 'the shoriA� would bs �dded insurance. Mr, Dueholm said that with 'thQ �'ain tha othar nightw tha water was 7' - 10' deep going down ths creek, He th,ou�h� that th�� wou�d be so much eshoring µp ta do that �.t would end up bc�ing a wast� of mo�qy to �hc�se the cheaper rout�. Mayor Lieb]. asked him if he was saying that he �tould pz^��`e� the permanex�t solut�on and Mr. pueholm said yes, nobody h�s the right to dx•a�n water off to ths det'riment of other people. �� t � ' �'' '�� ' ' �P��.'IAl'� PIJk3�IC HEARIIv'G M��TING OI' AUGU: 1:.'S �..'_+ i� PAGE S Mr. �'�d Anderson, 139 R�ckard Rd, N.E., said he did nok feel that tie should be as�sssad k�ecaus�; those people need help to protect their land. They chose tp ��v� �her�� and he was oppQSed to spending r�oney to protect their aesth�tic v��ue� A�esidez�t i� the area said tha� h� di:� not kriow dbout this trouble ten X��z�s a�ta, then it was �ust a nice little cresk, M7r, Jahn I?unphy, 155 StA�ybX�ock Way, said that when he bought his house about � �0 ye�rs �3go, he cou;_d jumJ� across the crec:k, now it i� 15' across. The creek u�ed tca b� �.bout 25' iror� his house, now it is about 12' - 15' from ;,is tlpuse. He qua�tioned i� flood insuranee would be an answer. 1'�;e City Manager said that ti3s Gpvncil has set a publz� hearing in Octuber to discuss flood insuranG�. The � t��.tt�a� of where the fl.opc� ��ain .lines are drawn is determined by the Corps of �3��.�t�e��s, There is �nformation on fiie at City Hall on this Federal prc.�gram. It i� � v��ry complicated procedure to ga throuL,h and there are difficult �equire, ' Tn�i�ts tQ �omply wlth to i�ecom� eligible, that have been set out by the F�de�a1 G�ive�nment. The public hearing is only the first of many requirements. ' �J � ' ' , ' ' ' � � Mr� Hen�'ich Kep�R 146 Craig W3x N.�., asked who would deri�e the benef�.t and how a��+� �h�; district 1z�es d�termiz�ed? Mayo� Liebl asked the City �ngineex� ta display th� et43'm sewer district map and said that most districts are already assessed �Ti Fr�.dley. The City �n�ineex� explained how the districts are derived and that ult�.ma��ly �veryone in th� City of Fridley would have � starm sewex assessment, ar�d Mayp� �,iebl explained the assessment pr�ocedure and the policy usecT by the �Qunci]� s�nce 1961., The C�.ty Manager sai d that in this case 6u� of the drainags �omes �rqm another municj.pal�ty. Si�ce 1966 Spring Lake xarle has been saya.ng th�& i� Fr.�dley's problem. Mrr. Mar�t Martin, 133 S�onybropk Way� asked if al�, these dzst�icts wex�e set up ifl ],9�61? Mayor� I,ieb,� said �kh�y were established as the improvements were made in diff�r�nt y�ars based on the tapography. TY�e City �ngineer� �xplained �hat sc�ms� 'kim,a� tk��r� �rr� s�bdistricts that function un�il t�e Qverall distxi�t gaes .�n, then i.t becc�m�:� p�rt o� the lar�er dis��ict . Tn �thc�se �ase� the p�raple tha� have be;�n �s�essed in �he subdi�tr.zct dca not get as large an assessment fo� tbe whQl� di�tri�'t sinca tt�a� 1'aave alxeady paid same t and their cx�E�iit is ba�ed e���tly san hRw much t��ey t�ave already paid. Mrs, Martin sa�d that as th� ��i�l�}�t�i�tl �rea d�velop�. in three years if Pridley fails in the Supreme Court � 'Ch��e� p�Qp�.e w11_t be back her� �Qr tl;e �ame storm sewer hearing, Mayor I��.�b� told h�r th�t i� enx.ireJ,y pc�asihla. M�, 4�x�r F�ote� 7627 �as�k R��e�r Road, said that he just m4ved into his houss in �lc�tober� �Qw t�� sees that many �eople on East River RQad ara trying ta �s.�l their homo�e H� questioned �f ths assessment could be tha reason and said that he wae oppossd t4 th� assessment becausa he would receive no benefit. Mx, L�Rqy Andar�ont 7581 Alden W'ay, said that since their own syst�m was pu� i.n, they haYe r�o� b��n contributing anymore, There iS now a water problem on Rzckard RQad �nd �a.�t R�ver Raad. The �ity �ngineer said that the County ha� overlaid E�st R�.v�r Kaad and �^aised the level, and as Rickard Road drained onto East F�1�'v�r Ro�d� nQw water ponds at that �ntersection, Mt�, Lep�,�x+d Samuelson, 7900 �ast River H�ad, said that he felt he should say sE�m�th�r�� on b�ha�f on �he citizens in Gt�aigway. Na said he was instrumental iC� ciavslca�iing Crai�way �$tate� and the sewer, wat�:r and storm sewex was approved by �h� �n��,���;;��tl� D��a�tm���. �'j�e ut�lities were bui�t py �khe dav�loper and the cQSt �� tliese utilitie� were inclyd�a in the price of tl�f� lots that wer�e sold. I i �' �.�. Z •.; �� III ]. K , 5����A1+ PU$I,IG HEARING ME�TIN� QF AUGUST 28, 1972 � � � � FAGE 6 A�^��s A� 9 do not partic�pate in, the creek drainage, C�, D dp, There have b�en ml�r�y hs�#��.ngs held on behalf of th� industrial areas east of the tracks, Ther� h�s besA nca �rovision fQr taking care of dow:�stream bank erosion in those di�- tx�i�ts, That ax�ea east of �ast R}ver Foad and over to University Ave�tu�: s�hou�d tt�de��al�+� sc�me partic.ipation fqr the protection of the banks downstream in the a�e�� w�st Q� E�st River Road, becaµse the people in Craigway Estates are part of a �e�f-sug�Qrt�ng system, M�yo�^j�i�b�. a�ked Mr• Samuelson if, at the time Craigway Estate� was platted and c��Ya�,qped� the�e was a covenant stating that the City �ecognized the syst�m as a �u�7. stQx'nn sewer �ys�em with a full assessment? Mr. Samuelson said that the Council d�,� ��pgniae it as a fu11 sslf-supporting system. Mayor Liebl asked if there was � dq�,uA�nt fio th�t effect and Mr, Samuelson answered he was not suxe, he would hllve �0 1.oQk, The discussion at that time, in 1959 � 1960, was that there would b�t r1A �u�thsr storm sewer assessment in future years� � Coup�ilman Mittelstadt said that the Council has heard many eommen�s to��ght on ' whp ��puld �as as�essec�, �he people west of East River Road say they hav�; � se].�- @ti�j�or�in$ system and he wpuld recommend that they not be assessed, This wcauld - ��C;^+e�ts6 t�e cost to �he rest o� the district on the east side of East Rive� Road, � b+�t 'this Gounci.l �.s goa.r,g tq fight for other funds, so �hase people qr� th� sast tsids c►� Ea�t River Road possibly would have very little assessmant. M�^. ��,�c HBxris �sked how much more the peaple on th� east side woul.d h�ve to ' p�1y i� #he peapl� ran the w�st side of East River Road were le�t out. Th� �'inance �?i�c;°�qt� r�plied about 1/� more raver and abov� what has been p�id on �revious pxk��o�ts. Mr. Ha�ris ask�d the City Attoraey� supposing the pepple along S�ony- ' b�ol� had � dr�ir�age easement � this went to Gourt, what wauld a court rule? Th�� �,+� a� �atural drainaga way, water ran there before, and 3.t dae� no�k mak� any d�.��`+�z�n�� how mu�h wa�er �.s put through ther�. He wonde�d i� thi� pro�ect was � o�^d��sd �n, what the ap�r�ion of the cc�urts would be s�n wheth�r the ps�ap�.e on ��ha w�a�� �a.d� shpu.�d parti�ip�te, Ths City Attorney said he cau].d nQt �ay what � th� a�u�►'� wQU�d rule, I�ut if he was Mr. Harris' attarney, he wou.ld raise the ��queat�.c�. Ma�. aamu�l�on commented that whateve� scalution is chosen, he would hops ' 3.�' t�►�tld n�t b� ove�-sn�it�eersd to th� point where the natural beau�y raf ths Gre�k i �.ti .'�t?it+ ' MQ���N by �Counc�lman Mitt�lstadt �a �losa tha pub.�ie hearing on SS�SW �1Q�, As�der�dt�p �� ► Seconded #�y Cauac�7.man Utter, Upor� a voice vote, a11 ayss ��ayor L��b� �,�c�,m�sd �h� matioz� �ar��.ed unanimously and the tzearing �lossd at 8:2� FM► , ' REC�� N�tyo�+ �,i�b1 dacl.aar�ed a recess a� 9; 23 PM and the Meeting was riaconvensd at �a45 �M. C4NSTDERATTQN OF APPROVA�, OF COST PARTICIPATION FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 37TH � AVEN E ANA EAST RIVER ROAA: t'�Q�'���' by Coun�ilma�n Mittelstad� to approve the r�cqmmendatior� Qn Pagss �2 - N�� ��!�� i�����}Gt that th� fo3*m�l +��z�eement be brought back for Counail authQxi- � ����,o� fca� �ig�in$.. �__��S�o�d�d by CounGllma� Utter. � �� � �i � LJ ' SP�CIAI, FUBLIC Fi�ARING M��TZNG Q�' AUGUST 23, .�972 PAGk� � CAI�SIA�RATION OF TRAILER PERMZT FOR CONCESSION STAND FOR FRIDI�E:Y FOOTBALL TIQN: .� � 1 !� M�^. Ga�Y 0`De1,1 said that the Fridley Football Associati<:: would like a permit � fQ� � t�aj.ler to be used as a coneession stand to sell �rfee, pop, etc. Thex�e wcluld be na liquor and the tx�ailer Would be 8' X 1�'. iie said their organizati.on ����'�ed, s�;ven years aga, is a non-profit organization, and they have supported � themselves by the boys selling various things, and they hope th.i.s will support thsm• Th�y are puttirig in an electric scoxeboard this year. , � Mt?TIQN by Cour�cilman Hreider to approve the trailer permit and th� �oncession �.iGanse contingent upon the approval of the Inspection Aepartment, Secanded by Gqtul�ilman Mitte.�stadt. Upon a voice vot e all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared th� mca�ion �axx'i�d unanimously. CON&IUERATTON OF IMMEDIAT� RELIEF FOR STONYBROOK CR.EEK RESII7LNTS: ' �qu���lm� M�t��lstadt asked the City Manager what it w4uld take to continu� work ���4�y��°�+Qk G�^eek utilizin� C�ty personnel. The City Manager answered $22,OOp �p� �t�e �hqring up the banks� not the culverts. Councilman Mittalstadt said that �tiT��� $����0 has d�.ready beer� allocated tt�ere should be anQther $17,000 provid�d, � �h� F.ir�aflee T?irec�o� said that there is about 5�+5,000 to $50,OOQ in th� una114cated ��erv� pc�z�tiQn of the budget, but that cannot all be spent beGaus� Q� the pps��k�- i.�j,ty p� a s�vers snowstorm �aefar� the �ix�st of the year, ox scam� c��hex emergency, ' A[�aths'� pc�s�iblity wquld b� to borrow from the special assessmen� xevqlving fund. �'}}�,e i� us�d tc� finance improvements until they becam� part of an actual proj�at. T'��.� t�s�n�� wvuld ther� have to be paid back at ths ti.me tha a�tua� proj�ct went in. ' Ma��rcar I,��?a�. ��id t�at whatever �.s spent on ths creek ,'the �ulvert must alsa ba ��,�s�d� qr� �t would b� was��tr�� mone�. ' ��'1�y G�i�y �ngir�ee� s�id that ir� E'r�ject #1Q� th�re i.s some mon�y �or some dc�wns�raam wq�k, �i�.s r�commendatj,can would be ta autho�ixa the Adm�.nist�ati.on to sp.Qnd up to �;�2sQQQ and ccame �rack wi,tk� �om� pJ.ans far tha financin� of the work. He �'C�+n��.y �1�1'� th�t the eulvert has to be fixed, Mayor T�iebl �sked �f � with the , $2a,AQ4 '�he Gx'eek taank� ��uld be stabi7.ized, and would it� be rnovi,n� toward a ge�anon� �Q.�utican. Th� �ity �r�8inser said it woulci be a temporary solutior�, but we ��an�cat ���°� �it and do noth�.ng. �� would be at lea�� mavi�g ir� the right direct�Qr►, ' 1�t#t �� aould not �uaz^antee it would nat wash away. The City Manager agreed and �a�u��o��d r��t �� expect miracles with railroad ties. There �ould always be ilash , ��,oAdit�g �nd you could �nd up w�.th nothing. , � � I� , �'�� ��.�y Attornay said �hat when talking in terms of bank stabili�a�ian he thaught �.� �hould be f�rom General Fund� x'dther than ass�ssed� He did not fee� there coul�i �� +� �p+��iol assess�ment for a temporary solution then in 2-� years assess again �t?i �' � �8�','iRdiiRllt SQItl��OTI e �OTIQN �y Councilman Mittel�tadt to direct the City Administration to move ahead M�.th Lhe bank stabiliaation and to r�turn on Sep�ember llth w3th a�unding plan. Alsa tG dixect that the culvert under Alden Way be improved t4 elimina�e th� f�Qpdin� ev�x^y Spring. Seconded by Councilmar� �xeider. I'� wa� pointed aut that there ex��p���� w� the mctio� � ,evs�} c��.�auss iQ�. . should be gome monet�ry ce�ling on the work tttq4}gh 'Ch� mo��� has been discussed i.n the general � �- ' .,, .. � I� t ' � � � � SPEC�AJ� PU�LIC HEARING M��T�NG QF AUGUST 28, 1972 PAG� 9 MOTIQ�j A(�ENAED by Councilman Mittelstadt to p�ace a ceiling on the rejuvenation prpje�t for•Stonybx'ook C�eek at 522,000 total. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upqn a voice vote, all ayes, M�yor Li�bl de�lared the �mendment carried un�imously . TK$ YOTE UPQN THE MOTION, being a voic� vote, a11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motipr� carried unanimously, GOMNJUNIGATIONS : ' RICHARD H. FUDALI� MEADOW RUN APARTMENTS;OBJECTION TO ASSESSMENT FOR SS#102• M�T14N by Cauncil�►an Mittelstadt to receive the communication from Mr. R�chard �' Fud�].i dated August 28, .�972. Seconded by Councilman Bx�eider. Upon a voice vote, a11 ��e$, Mayo� Lieb� declar�d the motior� carried unanimously, AAJQ�jZNM�NT ; • � MQT�ON by Cpuncilman Mittelstadt to adjourn the Meeting. Seco�ded by Council- md� �rejder. Upon a voice vote, all ay�s, Mayo� Liebl declared the motion carried un�imouSly and the Special Public Hea�ing C�.ty Council; Meeting of August 28, � 197� adjourned at 1oj30 P.M, Rea�ectfully submitted, �.__ /� �/����s�. , Jue� �. Me�per Sec�et�y to the City Counc�.l � � . r� � �.. �. ���� � .. . 'Frank G. Liebl Mayor III ___--- 1 �`� � � �; � , ' � � , , ��� � . � �� i '� ' �� � � II � � i 1Z�GU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11� 1972 ENVIRQNM�NTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: PAGE 9 lfs. Kay Metcalfe said she would like to bring up one more point concernirig the Cqmmiss�on, and that is the need for a recycling centex� in Fridley. She Said $he h�s.done $ome research on this and Columbia Heights and St• Anthony both have recyc�.ing centers. The League would like a centex� to be set up Q� a�egular bas3s with the serv�ce organizatioris alternating with the work. St�e said she has not contacted all the members on the ad hoc committee, but S�i� would Zike the Council to consider this proposal. CONSIp�RATION OF FUNDING PLAN - STONYBROOK CREEK: The City Manager said that there is a memo fr�om �t� Finance Director dated Septet�er 7, 1972 in the Council Agenda presenting the alternates for finar}cing the work that has been started on Stonybrook Creek. His suggestion, �nd that of the Finan�e Direcrtor. is that the work be funded from funds ot�ex tt�an tt�e emergency��eserve. If $22,000 were tq be taken from that fund, j,t wpuld leave a balance of only 512,173 which would run the fund c�angerously lpw� considering there cou].d be some unfo�eseen emergency before the e�d o� the year. Another consideration is that he .has just completed his reyiew of the budget and if this money is taken out, it would reduce the cax'�^y-over into 1973 if it is not used for some unfoxeseen use. It has been d�f�icult to prepa�'e the budget fihis year due to the State levy limitations. The suggestion for funding is utilizing some $44,000 that was set aside out of SS�SW #101 �#102 for dqwnstream work. This was originally planned to take care of the storm wate�+ in Stonybrook Creek. If the Council desires to �ollow�this route the �ngineering Department will have to be directed to �r�pare plans �nd specifi��tiops and call for bids for the work. When the bids are received it Cdn theA be determined whethe� it would be more ecpnomical to award �he bid to a contractor or do the work with City personnel. HQ Suggested the bids could be �eceived on Septembex� 25th, then the work Cqul�l be finished in the mor�th of October. M�. �, Gpedeking, 161 Rickard Road, asked what the areas were th�t he was talkj.ng �bout. The Fj.nance Airector showed the areas of SS�SW #101 �#102 on the map. These are the projects for east of East Rive� Road, and have $rqvided 544,000 fo� downst�eam work. The question for the Council to decida npw is whethe� the people on the west side of East River Road are to be assessed, If they dre �ot, then the total assessment will have to be borne by those on the east side of �as� River Road. . Cou�cilman Breider sa�-d tt�at at the initial hearing for those two projeCts, it was anticipated that there wou�d have to be some downstxeam work done, dT�d the cost quoted per �00 squ�re feet was with that work included. That $4►+,000 is.tq be assessed against SS�SW #101 �#�.02 and will have no effect Oil those living on the west side of East River Road. Mayor Liebl said that he didn't know if that could be done legally; the City is required to assess acGOrding to benef�ts rec�ived. M�. Bo� Aueho�m, 290 Craigb�ook Way, said he lived on the creek and asked if this money that has been provided.has already been levied. Mayor Liebl �r��wer�c� no. Mr. Aueholm�asked if this was par� of the original #101 �#102 and the City Manage� said yes. but the work was not completed• The work on ��.01 �#J.02 is in progress and when it is completed, there will be an as$essment hearing. , III 1 tJ �- ' , REGU�,AR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1972 PAGE 10 Mr. Du�holm said that there have been meetings on this since last March, ' end why is t�his the first they.have heard about these funds? The City Manager explained that until August 28th, the City Administration did not know what type of improvement the City Council was going to order in. The funds in the project would not pay for all the alternates which range from ' $250,000 down to $30,000. Mr. Dueholm said he was concerned about the slowness of this project's progress. Mayor Liebl said that the legal ' procedure for calling for bids must be gcne through and the City Attorney added that this is probably the fastest improvement in the history of rthe City. . Mr. Goedeking asked what kind of improvement is,being proposed. The City � En�ineex said the same that the City forces have been doing, but more of it. There Wzll be mc�re extensive work next to East River Road. Mr. Goedeking � asked if the improvement will take care of the 36" culvert under A1,den Way and the City Engineer answered no, but he recommended that the money be e�cumbered as a part of�the cost of the improvement project. If the Citj� ' were to get funds from some other source, and a permanent improvement could be made, ther� any money spent on the culverrt would be wasted. � �� .� �� � ' ' � i � r-� �I I' ' Mr. Leonard Samuelson, 78Q0 East River Road, said that the action taken by t�e Coupci„� coincicies with the intent of the Council in 1967 at;d 1968. He sa`d the work the Engineerj,ng Department has done is proper, and he has no qbjection, and he felt th� Cpuncil made a wise decision. MOTION by Counc�.lman Mittel.stadt that the improvement of $tonybrook Creek be made possible under the stipulations of SS�SW #102 &#101 under the .. paragraph calling for pOWNSTREAM IMPRO.VEMENTS, and to direct that bids be brought before the Council for this work on September 25th. The motion was seconded and upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried-unanimously. CA SOLUTION #107-1972 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFI- TIONS _FOR SS�SW #Z02 (STONYBROOK CREEK): MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adopt Resolution #107-1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. UpQn a yoice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously� : �. RESOLUTION #108-1972 - RECEIVING PLA2dS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORL'ERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SS&SW #102 (STONYBROOK CRE�K) MOTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to adapt Resolution #108-1972. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion.carried unanimously. APPOINTMEr1TS: FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE Mayor Liebl said that he had two names to place before the Council for appointment to the Human Relations Committee as follows: Mrsf Harold Belgum (%ferril�n) 191 Harfnan Circ�� �786-1t91 Mrs. Stephen Packer (Karen) 1088 Hackmann Circle 788-4335 I � � III 1-0 a 4 � � � ' , I T0: ' FR01�1; CITY OF FRI DLEY � M E M 0 R A N D U M GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MA!�AGER MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FIh�A*10E DIRECTOt2 SUaJECT: FI?VANCIi�:G PLAN -- STO�lY9�OAK IFIPROVEt1ENT QATE: SEPTEMSER 7, 1972 I, � �Twa types of imprevem�nts are under consideration for the Stonybrook area at this tine, They are tempo+rary bank stabilization and aading a cuivert under Alden �,Jay. It is estirnated the stabilization witi cost $?.2,000,00, I� and placing an additionat cutvert above the existing culvert on Alden ►day wilt cost an estimated $15�000.00. � C � � ' � � � ' The City Council has considered usinc� emergency reserve money from the City Generai Fund to pay th� cost ofi the bank st�?biiization. At ths present timA th� em�rgency reserve accou�t has a balance of y34,173.00. If tha $22,000.0� cost for banF stabilization is taken fram this account, �.the balance i�rill be $12,173.00. This would run the em4rgency reserve account clangerously lot�, consideri�g there co�ld be sore other type of unforeseen.e�ieroency before the end o� th� year such as abnormally hirh snowi`all in Dece�ber, floo�iing in ather areas of the City, or some otl-�er type of a specia] probtem, Another factor is the overall condi+�ion of finances in the City's G�neral Fund. It is going to be exceedingty diffi- cuit to batance revenues with expen�itures for �he year 1973 with thp new levy limitations. Using�'money from the en►ergency reser•re account further compticates the problen. There is also anoth�r factor to be considered in charging the cost of the bank sta�ilization to the City's General Fund. T,nis is the fact that there are other creeks in the City a�hich have sirnilar erosion proble��s. One of these cree!<s i s Glen Cre.e�:. Sesi dents a] ong thi s creek ;iave cor� piai ned that their creek is 4�aashing out m��ch the same as Stor,�brook Creek. $�+4,OOOo00 t�ras provided in Projects P1os, 101 and 102 for• do+vnstream improve- ment work. The Ci ty co�.�ld ch�:rge the j22,C�0o00 for tem�orary b�n!: inprove- ments and th� estim�ted �15,000.00 for cutv�rt costs to these nrojects, �rto the mon�y ��o�id be repaid by �ssessm�ntso The natter of t•:he+�F�r or no� the people living on �tonybrooK Cree� or an/ of �h� �urreu:�ding Gr�a should bz assessed for part of thes� inprovements �JOUtd not h�,ve to be rster�in�d at thi s time, b�t a Cstermi nati o:� i•�oul d have to� be r.iF�� cn thi s �,i�tter wi thi n six months of the asse�s.�.ent hearing he]d on �+ugust 2�, 1�72. ' The City Engineer recon;r�ends that the work on the culvert not be done at this timA, but that tihe money be enc�!mh�red as a��rt of the cost of the irrprovement proj°c*_. If the Cit� S�ts r.�oriey from scr.i� oth��r source, s��ch � as Spring L�i�e Park or �cd�rai noney, a more perman�nt typc of ir�prover^ent couSd be ma.ie. ?f a�ermanent�typc improv�:ment were macie, any r�ioney :pent on the culvert no�•r woutd ue wasted. ' , 0 III 1P � 0 �- R � • • ' ' , �Page 2-_Memorandum to �era�d R. Davis, City Manager ' September 7, 197z . ,'i� ' It is my recommendation, and I betieve the recommendation oF the City Engineer, that because of the pro+alems mentioned above �,�ith creeks in other sections of the City that need attention, and the fact th�t the '' bartk work should be part of the improvement � the bank irnprovc^��nt be taken out of the im rovement that the money for our recommendatioa tt�at ti�ithin six months from the d�+�e�ofCth„ It is also I hearing hetd on �tugust 28, 1972, a determination should be made�bS�theeCit , Council as to whether all or part of th� people on the vrest side of the Y , East River Zo��d should be includea in the assessnent district and charged .for part of the cost of the irnprovemeht project. ' . . , ' , ' MCB ps ' ' ' ' . . , � . ' , __ . . 1 ' ' , ' � � ' ' • ' 1 , .. 1 0 III 1 � �� 7 J ,J � ' � ' ' � , ' � ' ' I , I ' OFFICE OF THE CITY Nl�'{NAGEK FRIDLE;Y, MINNESOTA July 12, 1973 1�EM0 T0: THE MAYOR AND CITX COUNCIL SIJ�JECT: CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING TIME LIM1T ON TRUCK PARKING IN R�S�DENTIAL DISTRICTS New Ciqic Gode 506.04 Residential Districts, states as follows: "It it unlac�+�ul foi' any person, firm, or corporation owning, dr�ving, ox� in char�e o� an� bus, motor truck, truck, tractor, or cot�nercial vehicl.e [o cauae or permit the same to be parked or atand �.onger Chan 24 hours in any rt�eidential district." It has come to my �tten�ion, as Public Safety Director, that the 24 houra restriction on the above mentioned vehicles, is very difficult to ���ax�e by law et�forcement officers. In addition, there seems to be an incr+�asing number of �omplaints received from c_itizens in Fridley regarding trucks parked on residentiaJ, streets. I feel the forementioned problems can be resolved quite s�.���y by +chan��ng the 24 hour rest,rietion to something of considerably le5s time. PTob�bly a 2 ra�' 4 hour durat�.on should be the maximum amount of time that th� above mentianed vehicles should be permitted to park on a residen- �ial �C�'�et, unless such a vehicle is directly involved in a business func- ti.or� in, which the vehicle is being continuously utilized. For example, �t�li.zy repair vehicles, mcaving vans, and other sucfi� vehicles obviously wou�d be permit�ed to remain longer than the 2 or 4 hours if they are dix��tly involved in a business or repair situation. Perhaps Council caauld consider simply changing the numerals 24 in th� new Ordinance ta � or !� hours thereby hopefully, alleviating many �itiz�;rts complaints and hav�.ng an effective Ord�nance that can be controlled by l�w en�orcement of£3cers. JFH/Gm Very respectfully, �j� � �� �- ,Tames P. Hill Acting City Managez III � , ' SO6.Ot. Sfstw lsw Compliance �.��s v€ f��: ;� C F��;�n�rv<�� ut N•� pe�son shall dnve, opera�e rn „e n,�'.,a � ,.:rtr:': :?i :,n`; v�'��� f�i CO�trBty 10 StaP+3 law; r1c>r Shd�l dny ' �:�ner or person having Cu510�,iy 'v� CUr Ir ',> �.. n;r r p nc�vv .:):', 3�:� .ti any ofher person to drive. operate o� t,:� �n actual phys�cai cor;tro� c.! a�t:� .. _. �'�• ��: CI , ' Li 506.02. Ott Pavement No person shall stop. �eave stand��g or �ark. a veh��-!e wr'eznef ��;er,cie� or ��r�attende�!, upon the paved or �mprpved or maln traveie,d p�rtion o; a h�ghwav �•r sl� �et wher� ! �s p%ac'�: >i >o stop, park or ie:�ve such vehic�e off &UCh portipn of sa�d highw;ay or >�rc�;i. i��� rav���� su.-h e<<;nt_ .., �_i�>ar an:: �,,naUStructed width ut at �east fitteen t'eet (t5 teet)ot 8uch h�ghway or stre:;t opposite s�,c{� stand�ng ven,c�o sn;,. �:u �eft for ihe frea passage ot other vehicleS. 5Q8,03• Un�ttMdKl Vehlcl�s No ps�SOn shall stpp, park or leave a vehicle unattended upon such street or highway in the C�ty for a periqd fn eXcHSa ot 2a nours. 5Q8.04. R�Mlal Dl�trlcts It ig unlawful for �ny person, firm or corporation owning, driving, or in Charpe Of any bus, motor truck, truck, �riiClp�, or Commq►Ciel vehicle to caus9 or permit the same to be parked or stand longer than 2a hours in any rp��p�nCA d�ttrlGL ,;fO�.Ob. RRmowi � Whqnev�r It �hall bll f0und necessary to the proper direetion, control or regulation of traftic or for the removai ot ,�. ' 9nQW, iGe Or WAbta, rnalntenanee or improvement of any highway or street to remove any vehicle standinq on a highwlly 9t 4treet in the City. then any police officer is authorized to prov�de for the removal of such vehicle and have thB tams removed to 1he nearest conven�er,t garage or other place of safety. Any vehtcle stopped, parked or left Stelndinq on any highway or street in violat�on ot law and removeJ as provided hereinabove, may be removed u'ppn p�der ot a pO�iCS officer and the cost o! removal and storage of the same charged to the owner of the vehiCl!►, �S well as the peraon causing such violation. SQ6.q6. Sshools 'V►Iheneve� dny RubllC achoPl lands or EhE� lands and areas of any pub�lc governing body or authorlty customarlly qr usu��ly qpen to trpffic by the publiC ahall be posted by order of the school board or other goveming body or authorlty In control of such lands, then it shali be unlawful to drive or operate ar stop, leave standlnfl and pdrk ' any vehfGls pn Such lanc/s contrary to su;:h posting. , ' , ' �_1 ' 506.01. QMdl�nq To Marlcinga Upon thsSp street� whfch have been signed or marke�! by the City Manager for parking, no person sAall park or stand a veAicle other than at the anyle or the curb oa� edge ot the roadway or within spaces indlcated by suct► 5�gns or markings. j 5( � ' 506.0�. Stoppin9 and Slandiag Prohtbited � No person shall atop, stand or park a vehicle, exced4 when necessary t� avo�d cor!lict with other traftic or in complianCe w�th law or the d�rect�ons o� a Pol+ce Ofti�er or tratfi : control device, in any of the following plaees: 1. Qn a sidewalk; � 2 In f►ont of � publie or Private driveway or directly ros9 therc�rom in such a manner as tc Impede thA eecess to said diiveway; � Within an inter58ction; A Vv�thin 10 feet of a fire hydrant; III 2A State law Compliance Oft Pavemen+ Unatfended Vehicies Rsaldentiat Districts Removsl Schools pbedience To Marlcing;t Stopping and Standing � PrOhibited �� � MZ NtJTES OF Ti-1E REGULAR PARKS AND RECREAT I ON CONV�'� I SS I ON MEET I PdG. MAY ZI, I�Tj � M��Xzng waS calied to order at 7:30'p.m,, by Chairman Blair, MEM��RS f'R�SENT: Blair, Caldwell, Peterson, Stimmler, Wagar. ' M�MB�RS �XCUSED: Nane. 0�'t��R� PR�S�NT: Dennis Ranstxom, 372$ Foss Road N.E., Columbia Heights, 55421. Paul Brown, Director qf Parks F� Recreation. III � ,-,,,RIGc CR�EK RROPERTY� ., M�� ��nn�.s Rar�strom presented hi� proposal ior possible home construction at Lots 1Q , and �,1, Al.pck 1, Rice Creek School Adc�ition. MOT 14l� b , �)AK GRQV� PROPERTY� � ' , ' „_ , , , S-t�.mm�esc, -ia eoncwc w.i,th .the Panh�s and ReeJcec�,t',i.on cun eo�id uc�c.on a�� te cUc z t��a e ane v�2q �62e �n r�f�res��� tA Pau1 Brown's memorandum dated May 17, 1973, to the Parks and Recxeation and Plannin� Commissjons, the CQmmissioners voted ta agree that this piece pf land fits within our pverall pian to acquire as much Rice Creek land as possible. Th� Commission �'��t 'khat a limi.t pf $300.OQ should be placed on the purchase of the property. Mt?T�ON bc �S�tmm.�uc, Seeanded 6 ctn� e���.�e��. Cc, n 1T.ucec.tu�c, � c� n�p �u, e Pan w-i,t i ca�cau.e . ah., �a ec,ncwc wi.th �he necammendu.t,i.an u6 �he Pcvcfu� w,c.t e�wcc ur.a e a a , o c , a na v e w�.c 1a.ae }�.c.ce na� �a exceec��300.��. T��x."�"c.on ACATIQN QF C�TH STREET EASF.l�IEf�I" � Nlr, Bla�� updated th� Commissipn on the request o£ Graig Willey to vacate the stxeet ��,�em�nt on 67th between Fridley and Anoka Streets, In March, the Parks and Recxea�ion , �c►mmis�i.on ref��xed Mr, Will�y ta the �oard of Ap��a1s, wit}� no pbjections to th� v�catian. Mr. �lair �tated tha� �he Board of Appeals and Plann�ng Commiss�ons had na c�bje�x�.on� to the vacati.on and sent their recommendation zo the Council. �1iNUT�S QF APRIL. �. I�T3 MEETING� ' MG►T1�1N 6� S.timm.�v,�c, Seeunded by Pe,tetc.aan, �to appnove �he m�.ne�.te,� a� �he Regu,£an. Pa�ch�s a.r�d Reelcea�tian Camm.�i;ba�.an Mee,t.i,ng, dated Apn,i,.e 23, 147�. The Ma�i.an ewvr.i.ed. ORE 1�1KE BEACH & PARK, ' £ d ' I ' , M��, B�cown in orme the Commission,of the sa£ety procedures being taken at Moore I.ak� RpstGh and Paxk, before the season�opens. The Commission generally discussed the gxawi�� p7roblems �nvolved with th3 Beach. r MdTIDN by Pe.telc.av�, Se�onded by tvagan, .ta mctFze �.nqu.v�,i.e.s w.i,th Ram.eey Caun.ty a..u,ihofi,�tf,e.� �.n ��.4pec.� .�p -thQ,Y✓c. pnacedw�.e.� and pa.e,c.c.i.e�s wi.th hund.�,i.ng Beach�a. The Ma-ti.an ecvc.n.<,ed. �?N b Cct�dwe,� Se_eanded 6 Pe.te�c�san, �o mafze eve�cy e��a�t,t .�o o�en �he Be.ach a� ae a�efc dc �� tis m-c.a�se on .� e umme�c, a.s �o�.a�.� T�;�v.t,c.on ca�,n,c.ecT: Mx', Blair di�ected Mr, Broy�� ta xef�ect the ne�� �o� add�tional protection at thE ��a�Gh' in the 1974 Bu�tget"xequest:" He asked tha� this be listed as a separate item. � - .... .., e.,., ,,.».,.� . .. � � 0 , MinuteS o£ Regular Parks apd Recreation Commission Dfeetir�g, A1ay 21, 1973. Page 2 � L.�ICE B�A�M STUDY � F�aposals were subn:itted ta the Gity by three Companies, in connection w�ith a study ' of th� �anditions at ;�9oore Lake. The Commission made gcrleral comrnents on the prp�apsals and deferred further d�scussion to the June meeting. ' The �ommi.ssi.on directed which have been made on £xpm �raca Hi�h Sc}�ool. RTH P/�RK STUDY, the Parks and Recreation pirector to investigate..any studys the I.ake, and particularily the one by Brother Sullivan III 3A ,, Mr. Rlair �nformsd the Commission of a May 22nd meeting concerning North Pa.rk and �'equ�ssfisd tha�. as many of tham as possible, be present. He stated that the Commission shauld �aks an oi�icial stand on the development o£ North Park. �ARDENA �cHOOI� PRoP�Rn` LEAS I NG � Th� �Qmn�i�siar� reviewed the Council Minutes in respect to plans which have been made ' tp l�a.s�s pax^� o� school property owned by School Distxict #14. Members of the Commi��iort di.d not a�preciate the �act that they had not been informed o� the pending arx�aa��em�ents between �he City and Sehool Of£icials. The Commissionexs expressed �c►tteern �►ver the funding of �he project and point�d vut that the Council is not ' �o1�Qwin� �he �i�y �rdinance which created the Commission and its duties and powers. PARK, MdTION by Ca.�dute.�, Secanded by pe�eh�san, �o �,r��cu.c,t �he Summe�c. S.ta.{�g �a p�.�ma�� a"Name liyde. Panh," cGV►�e�� w.c:�h,i.n zl�e P�aygnaund Ynag�r.am. The Ma�i,an ca�vc,<.ed. �IaSiQN YIC� G1AIW`�AN� � � (iary Stimml�r was appointed, by aclama�ion, to serve as the 1973 ParkS and Recrea�ion �ommis�ic�n, V�ce Chairman. RR�SPaNA�I'VCE � ��� �IUT�ON by S-�mm�e�c, SeeondQ.d bc� waga�c, �o necei.ve c�.?,�. cojviceapo�.dence. Th� Mp�i.on caat�t..i.ed . �URI�IENT � L� , M�?TION ��.d�ocucn �he mee,t,f.ng a,t 9:35 p.m. The n�:x� regulax meeting will be held June 11, 1973, at 7;30 �.m., in the Commun�.ty R�om q� F�xd�ey G�vic �enter. ��pect ��y ubmit�ed, - "% C�. t t .�'� ,� � _��- L -. -�. -L_-. _..�.--- UL B tiN, AGting SecretarY to the Comrnis$ion �,cs THE MINUTES 4F THE HUMA�d RE:�ATIC'!� CGi�^"{ITTEF OF Jl1NF 2?�, 1973 The me�ting of the Hur�an Relations Committee was called to order at 7:30 p.m., June 28, 197?. Carolyn Rouse presided as temporary Chairman. ROLI. CALL : M�MQERS PRES�NT: Carolyn Rouse, Harold Belgum, Karen Packer, Joyce Benson, Nicole Nee, Rev. Douglas Henderson, Arvid Hansen, and Leonard Lind. IIT � MEMsERS ABSENT: Katherine Moss, Bonnie 0'Dell, Dan Fish, Paul Shaw, Raymond Renner, Adolph Kurkowski, Sister Paula Ripple, and Eileen Stenberg. DISCUSSION: W� w�r� unable to elec� a chairman as with eight members present and a yote by le�ter from Si�ter Paula Ripple, we were one person short of a quArum, W� dis�ussed informally ideas for improving human relations in Fridley in�luding th� ideas in the memorandum sent out to the members by Haro1d ��1gum� previous to the meeting. Hat^ojd Selgum was as�Ced by the temporary chairman to investigate ways in whi�h the Human Relations Cqmmittee might learn the questions, ideas, i aCtd feelings of the community in the area of human relations, one possibility being �hrough school P. T, A. Meetings. � � , � Cat�olyn Rouse will investigate the possibility of the Human Re1ations Cammit�ee utiltzing the newsletter which the Gity sends to the community, A11 memb�rs pres�nt r�quested a special meeting to be held for the purpose af changing the quorum as stated in the bylaws. ' ReYR pou�las Hender5�n m�de a mation that a special meeting be held July 19, 1913, �t 8 p.m. at �he home qf Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Slvd. The purpose of �his meeting shall be tp vote vn the proposed change in the quorum �s r'�quired in the bylaws. The proposed change is from the present ' t��i members required for d quorum �o six members. If any member is not able tq b� pres�nt at this meeting he is asked to return the ballot by mail b�fpre this meeting or before July 17, 1973, to Ms. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice ' �reek Blvd., Fridle,�, Minnesota 55432 -(phone 786-7132). The motion was 3econd�d by A�vid Hansen �nd unanimouSly carried. � ' The meetin� was adjourned. R�s��ctful1y su�mitt��# �Ay�� $en�on Acting Secr�tary J8/p� 0 r-, LJ ' ' NQTIC� QF SPECIAL HUMAf� RELATI4fdS COMMITTEE MEETING June 29, 1973 � All memb�rs present at the Jun� 28th, 1973, Human Relations Committee me�ting requested that a special meeting be held for the purpose of ch�nging the quorum as stated in the bylaws, ' C� IIT � r� R�v. Douglas Henderson made a motion that a special meeting be held Ju1y 19, 1973, at $:00 p.m. at the home of Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek 61vd. The pu1^ppse �f this meeting shall be to vote on the proposed change in the quorum as required in the bylaws. The proposed change is from the present ten members required fpr a quorum to six members. If any member 1s not able tp be pr��ent at this meeting he is asked to return the ballot by mai1 before July 17, 1973 to Ms. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Blvd., Fridley, Minnesota 55�32 �(phone 786-7132). The motion was seconded by Arvid Hanson and carried unanimous1y. ' If you �re not abl� to return the enclosed ballot in person at this meeting, p1ease return it in the self addressed envelope before July 17th, 1973. I� you have any questians call Ms. Rouse - 7$6-7132. ' ' ' ,; Y ' , ' ' 1 u BALLQT � Whsreas �he present quorum for the Human Relations Committee as stated in th� bylaws is now t�n, and whereas it is impossible to do official business without � quarum, I as a member of the Fridley Human Relations Committee vat� far Art��ls II � 3 af the bylaws tA read: iI ��. Quorum, Six Committee members sha11 constitute a quorum far all r�gular and special meetings of the Committee. Written proxies shall b� considsred in determining a quorum for purposes of voting upon specific mett�rs of business. NAM� CHECK ONE: j�J YES �J N4 ' , '� ' ITI � CHARTER COMMISSION M�ETING June 19, 1973 The meeting opened at 7:45 p.m. ROLL GALL: ' �IEMBERS FRESENT LJ , ' , , ' � � u � Sheridan, Bjerkesett, Knoff, 0'Neill, Bacon, MGChssney, Johnson, Collins, and McPherson. MEM��}2S ABS�NT: Ratcliff, Kixkham, Crowder, Casey, and Wegler. Mrs. Collins said that she thought Cliff Ash was appointed to th�e �a�nmi,�sion. (I checked into this with the City Manager's office, th�y said the Coun�il requested Judge Gillespie to appoint Cliff AS�, hcaw�ver, th�y have not yet heard an official woxd fxom t�he J�dge.) Mx, She�ida� said that the Commission has not heard of any comments ar suggsstians from the lega�. department, the Gouncil, or tha admin�stxa�ion, He said he met with Mr. Dava�s and they discuss�d a��� ��ia'ngs that wexe on his mind. He said he would pu� them in w��ting an�, giv� them to tlie Commission, Mr. Sher�.dan said they did xeceive something fxom the League af Wcamen Votexs, The parti�ular section they were refe�'ring to that could t�e 1oc�ked in�a was the attoxney se�tion. Mr. Shc�ridan said 1�e would �et in tc�uch with Mr. Hexrick, the City Attorney, and Mx, Newc{ua.st, the Prosecut�-ng Attox�ney. He said th� Nat�onal Model Charter Section 403 statesthat the legal ca�fi,��er Q� the Ciiy be appointed by the City Manager and the �ri.dl�y �har�er sta.tes that the CounciJ. should appaint the 1ega1 o�'£�.�ex, T1�� �eagu� studied th�s and found out that often City Manager's �►pgc�i?�� �he legal o£�ieer with the Council's approval, Whether s�1��ted, by �he mana�er or by the mana�er with the Council's a��xcava]�, the of£i�� of the City �ttarney is less poli�ical. The � ang� c�v�r �n pcawex s�ructure of the City Council can xesult in t�e �ver revolving change o£ attorney, This turnavex is costly and �an be detr�mental ta �Gh.e political process. ' Mr. S&��ridan said i� maY also be mendat�ax� �or th� Adm�.nistxat�.on pos��ba,li�y of setting up �ts own the Charter Commission's xecom- ta look seriausly into the legal department: , Mr�, I�nc�f� asked what the League meant when they said i� a.s costly to G�an,�e law firms, ' � [J � ' � ' ' CHA�tT�R �OMMISSTON M�E�'ING OF JUN� 19, 1973 PAGE 2 Mx, �hexi,dan said in any change over pexiod there are going tca be th�ngs that a present firm in office would have files }iar�ging on and woxk done on them that would have to be duplicated or turned over to the new firm. �Ix. Bjerkeset� asked if they were suggesting that these things be l,ocked �n, with the Charter? Mx. Sh��adan said they were suggesting these things be reviewed. NIr. �heridar� said he ran into the City Assessor in the hall and the As�essor gave Mr. Sheridan a memorandum that they had pxe- paxed fox the Commission. The subject was the Board of Equaliza- ��.vn meeti�g. Mx. �3j�rkesett said he had nothing to add. He said we have waited th�; time we were suppos�d to wait for suggestions to come in be- fc�re setting up the committees, and we haven't received anything. �Ix. (�'Neill said he had talked with Councilman Uttex a couple of ' r�v�ths a�o and Councilman Utter said that he and some of the other �QUnc��-m�n had some possible suggestions fox changes that the �h�.rter may want to review. Mr. Sheridan said that this could be be�aus� of the at�itude of the .Administxation. He said we could , e�ddre�� a letter to e�ch of them pexsonally to ask their input. H� �sai.d �hey should have theix comments in by Augu�t 1. ' Mr, Shex�.dan �sked if the Cammission should set out the chapter� ��.at� shauld be gxouped '�OgE�Il@�'. The members of the Commission �ha� �.xe not hexe couid select the groups th�y want, ' , ' ' Mx� McPhexsan suggested adding samet�ing oz� revenue shar�.ng to a eha�a�er, Mr,.Sheridan said that it Qou1d be worked inta �haptsx 7 c�r� Finance , ThQ �ha,pt�xs wexe gxouped the following way: 11 e �. C. J� . E, Ghaptexs ]�, 2, $ 3 - �hapters 4 �, 5 - Bjerkesett, Colla�ns Ghapters 6� 7- Johnson, McPhexsan �hapters 8, 9, � 10 - Q`Neill, 8acon, Knoff Ghaptexs 11 � 12 - ,, '�x, Shari.dan said �I�at p�rhaps Mr. �Cixkham wauld be an asset ta gr�u� �4. Mx. McPi�erson said that Mr. Crowder may have some �nter� ��t s�n Ghaptex 7. I ' ' izz SA �II �B �HART�R COMMISSION M��TING OF JUNE 19, 1�73 FAGE 3 Mr, �h�ridan said p�rhaps a11 absent members should get in touch w�th him regarding which chapter they would like to work on. Mr. Sher�dan said that if no one indicates that they prefex a ce��ain group, and some groups do not have any one on them, he �wi11 reque�t that person to work on it. GOMMUNICATION�: Th� �pmmissian receivea communications from the City Assessax and �xom �he League of tti'omeli �'oters . The n�xt meeting will be September 18, 1973. Al?JOURN : MQT�QN to adjourn the meeting at 8;40 p.m, by Mr. 0'Neill. Seconded by Mr. Bjerkesett. The motion carried unanimously. R��peGtfully submitted; ,, �. ,��' G�- �-, Reccaxd�ng Secr�taxy � i � � 0 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY � FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA fl9ay 31 , 1973 � ' � Fridley Charter Commission ' Fridley City Ha21 6431 University Ave. NE Fridley, minn. �1 i � ' ' ' � � ' � �' � ��J ' � mr. Ray Sheridar�, Chairman Dear mr. Sheridan; III 5C In as much as�the Charter Commission has indicated that city organizations wishing to do so make s�ggestions in regard to the City Charter, the Fridley League of !�Iomen Uoters u�ould like to mak� th� follouring comments. Although the LU1V has no position on the possible changes u!hich may ge desireable in the Fridley City Charter, we have studied it, especially in respect to the city attorney. Nle are concerned with th2 following areas because the L'tJV supports informed and active citizen participation in government. I In the National �iunicipal League's model Eity Charter a City Council of. seven memb�rs is suggasted. Since there has been a great increase in � population since the origonal Fridley Cn�rter was ulritten ure suggest that an increase in council sizp be l.00kad into. Perhaps smaller voter di^,tricts would result in better constituent representation. !!Jard lines should t�? drawn with this in mind. � . II In th� Frid�ey Ch�rter, �h::pter 2, section 2.05 V,ACAn?CtcS I�! TH� �UU"!CIL there is no tir^e limit set for � illin� `_ he vacancy. ''.'� �.��ould like `.o uggest that ths '��..,�ien:' '�_!nicipal League's i�lodel �i'.y �!-�:,rter 5e folloured in that i~� ,�.;c rcy "must be filled u;it��in �� ;' ys �r the election author- itie� shall call a special election For this purpose." III In Fridley�s Ch�rter, section 3,01 CCUtiCIL ii_�TINGS it is stated that "all meetings of the council shall 'oe public and any person shall have access to the minutes and records thereof a� all r?asona:�le times." �ince state law ForSids executive sessions it �,vould seem tha± this section could be strengthen�d. IV The focus of our Le�gue inquiry concsrning the City Charter to date has been on the 1e7a1 officer of the city. The model charter in seci:ion 4,03 states that the "legal officer of the city be appointed 5y the city man�ger.': Fridley's charter st�tes that the councii �hall appoint the legal officer. I� our study we Tound that often city m�n�gers aPpoint the city attorney with approval of the council. '!Jhether selected by the manager or �y the manager with council approval, the office of city attorney is less political. The chan^yA in po�ti�er structure of the City Council can result in the ever revolving ch�nge of attorney. This turn-over is costly and can ba detri- ��^�al to the politica� process: ' /lflilieted with the � Leaque of Women Voters of the U.S. � Y �I �J � ' LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA III 5D U '�e would like to point out several items worthy of concideration in � Chapter 5 of the Fridley Charter INITIATIVE, REFERENDL'�I, AND RECALL. In section 5.02 there is a limit of �50 placed on the expenditur� of petitioners. In the model City Charter there is none. Lb'hy is this necessary? In the recent referendum this burden u�as placed on petitioners, but no equal re- striction in money spent was placed on those fighting the referendum. A section in the model charter describing the with�rawal of petitions is missing in Fridley's Ch�rter. Should not the petitioners be able to with- draw the petition if they should change thei�r minds? Fridley requires 10� of registered voters on petition for initiative and 15� ' on referendum with a special election to be called if the initiative petition has 15i of the voters. l��hy is a special election needed in this case? . ' A weakness of the provision for referendum petitions appears to some L!,VU members as a weakness of omission. There seems to be a need of clarification in some areas. Enclosed �A�ith this letter, is a letter from f�r. �ichard S. ' Childs, executive director of the PJational �1unicipal League, which our local • government committee members last year feli was as well stated a case for absolute clarity in the charter with regard to this most fundamental ' citizen right as any we could have written. It does not condone circulator error, but at the same time points out problems that occur when a strict interpretation of an insufficiently clear charter mandate is made. ' , ' � , , ' As our local government committee and.L:.UV members further study the City Charter, �ue anticipate th�t we u�ill have further comments to make in regard to the Fridley City Charter. Afiilieted with the leaque of Women Voters of the U.S. Very truly yours, ��� ��� mrs. Robert Schell Presiden±, Fridley League of lt�omen Vo�ers � .� � � , / ! f r � ,� _ � � L � (�: (. �!1 L '(./i i 1/✓'v�G;,✓.'._'�,�, `�rs., `t�il5ur ��hitmore Chairman Local Government Committee '' . ' 'RESIpqNT W��i�am W. Scranton Pr � �YICF PRESIOFNTS � Cwley.4en c.. J�^��4 w E,��a, se�, ie ' �oG�rt N. qqwaon. G c �a fEl�� $n09d• qkiancma C�ry Waynt �. 7�pmp114n M rneaccbs Wil~on W Wyan. 4owsv��ie Qprl N. MprFhe��e�. Jr . Tr�awror nlfnd �. D,�ecou. �hairman. , �7��YfIW (�rOmTitt4� N'tGh�rd a. Ghilqs. Mon. Gna���man. r. Ra��CUtiw Gomm�ue� IIS�iIQM�4 YIGE VRESIO&Nrs I.�ate� � 9a��s, Ca�^�r;;a. s c � d�ok H. Chpmpe�4.JacM;o"�die Jelc Qhpmblis9. G��aaa^oo9d �. .�. OavidsOn. latayette. La. (dwin p Dnd4. ?oiedo RObert (S� Dodge, Honoiolo Mqrdce N. �dward;. F�cnmcna S. $Gptt FiNeprown. Jr.. Nashv!ne ' J�Tq R- fily�mpiri8, Jr . New O��c-ans OWiQpI'h'. friie'1. Ch�,ci�o �Rithqryj 4V. Frpeman. Jr. New Or!��ns Qayard M /ne4myn, fq�t worth ��¢P�On K Galpin, New Vo�� Milion M. G�ahem, pr�.��an�x ShB�bY F Na.Frr. � , . �. � PreQA. Nz�ringtc�. lmc6,�r FrAnk A Hnhe `J:a!I;�s ^ifkinaer $ �acy. ��rm�:�;narn Mi116 Q. Lane..�� . Af'a�ta MoWd�A A I�Aereen. H2�•I�;�� Clint P3'r: C,..,,- �.;�a�; ' RithdrA H ,u .� ' . R, ss � f rno a N � . �meytP ��..^uma n.r.M� �.�.��e Jqmas A. Singer. SI ��;�•s Herpert W S!a��ck. Oayion /Ii�harQ k. Treatlway, 6o°.ICr ' H. V�Uqhqn 6Va�Mins.Jackso�. Miss ,�Oh� E WatlinqtOn. Jr . Wins�cr�Sd�em �IkInP We�Aer�ll. Rhilanei�n�a RuQie Wilhelm, �r.. Ppmand. Gre WinStOn W. Wynne. Gorai Gaci„ ' �OUNCI� G�arg� t+ dal�uv, pr��+ce�on. Gnai,man dOhn Anderpon.Jr_ Oidthe, Kan. Iqoqs.t B. Atwooa, ancho�aoe l40 Q. Babic�, 4os AnQeles . ThpodOrx M. Br�ry. Gincinnan � Thamaa W. 4�nfora. ��e�ana;.o'.�s ' F�rl �IUm9nauer. Pert'.end. Jre. Mr�. p�e4 4.. ¢r�dfutr. Beca ilalon J. b. �rownlee Fon Wortn J�.m@s W. C1tUlson, l?es Mo;n=s Alpn K. Cempbell. S��acu,sa Frqnk g. Cheytham.Jr. Sa.a�•��.an - I,*AOy C.olli�s, TallahasseN ' Don �. C�aW�o�d, paylen FI9�oIQ Vy. podds. P��nceron NOy I�. Dr�chm9n, Tucson Mt1 Mauriqn R. Lastin. Frloo Ie�enO. $ G Qaniel J. Eva�s. Olymo�a �phn F�acher. G�1d1o�G. Conn �Ob�rt V. Vdrgeralo. 8oston ' GYn�if E. Fra�k, NeW Yqrp p�rly M. CSold'�'dte�. Ph�enix y�lilliem T. Gosse�t, oet�ol� I�. A. Nenington. WOrseatnr ��Igm tlandy J....Mj6qa�pol» #w�6�Ce Howe. Ch�oago ' R. Willidm Humen. Jr_ St. Lou�9 e�n:liy Baipare JorQan. Ho�s!on John N, Ketly. M��Iw:�ukec, GhdF�ot�+ N. KOTble. New �ork Ga�roq l�d�. WaSAinq1^r. D C Jonn S l�nen. IAP��ha�� N J. ' (�"A�rlet G McCal!�„- (',:er.0 .^.: �1:: QCMMIIy P. Mcpona�d. For� wa�ne Q�0�0� �. Mt�pniq�e. Mousron , Q1Cil MP�4�n. NaW qrleans Ytfnon �". Mye��. Naw vork ��mp M. Qsbo��. Nsr� Maven , �O�f FI. OwPIOY, l.o4iaviile Willi#T i. �et��c�c, Jr , Npw �o�k G. YlOtpr RpINa II. 8u��a�a IIOb�r� p. RiV�I. Ntw YOrk M��pty C� Ausaell. New �p�� Ppry ��nlqrd. Au�h�m, N. G Mun�Y 3qa�rongooA. QmcinnA�i ' l��nk �, beb�a. K���at C�ty, ti+o. M�r0�4 8� 8heleim�n. 5eanis �/MM R. 4mNl. N¢w Vork Mn- qebt•t J. 4lwr�. SDOkanq �dw�rd G 6ai�+van. san e��on�Q Bu� iY��r. Mew vqrY ' O�ail M. ynd�nyaad� Mun�iny�q�. w Va. Q�wry �A. y�it�����. Jr . ��mw �OAn', WhMltr. Jr., N91lin� Gql�e99, Vd hYM. WiUi�m�, Ind�BnePa�q � A00��t Q� WpOQ, ��mbridge PQ4��t M. WPed, Allanta� ' Wlll�am N C��NI4. J.. ���Ou1ir� pi��clo. Willi�m ,�. 0 6ovd. �1�1�i�o� D+r�4�a. �{p�ld N NprOy. �q�i�1�n10ir�4�or Ot�l�a Ro.�m�n, R��eWive �a.ia��n� YYNII�m (i. �nq�rp�n, ,��., 8tnior Atsociat� Ja�n A �+ver Ma��r���0 Ed�jA� , N�111oi7�1 C�viq Mr�ew A����d Willouy�C Co��4��2�) F�'n.K.P qc�9�,.G9�l:4�ei A Cititens' Orgonizqtion ipr 8e�'er Go�ernmenl Founded 1894 • Incorpq�oted 1423 III ,� ����� � �.�,�.�,.,���,��� �:� ��'��� � � � f � i k�� ` .� i����' � �± E �3 '�� ;. tw�iJ Y� � i�i �...,.0 i� idt�� �,, ' 1� Y� r�i �.�..,� Ir' .� ai �� t� �II �i .ustf w.�i�i'� � t� Cari H. Pforzheimer Building, 47 East 68th Street, New York, N. Y. 10021 Telephore: (212) 535-5700 March 16, 1972 Mrs. Barbara Fiughes, President League of Wamen Voters 548 Ri�e Creek Texxace Fridley, Minnesota pear Mrs, riughes: I scan your bulletins and note in your :�iarch issue oi the Voter an item which I find interesting, namely, the invalidation of a voters' petition on the ground that it inciudes il.legitimate sig- naturc�, e���•n if it !o��� in::iucie the necessary minimum number. ",ow i °;:� 'i' `lt'CT1 i[1�17 I7 ,I:' t: i �'1 :'i �lt "101;5 1.T; l'!l� "1;..� ;:i COi.iT'T� 3i1Q 171 u1tA- versal practiee aIi ovtr the country ever sirice such petitions b�came a familiar �art of lacal governments, and you may use my testimony, zf you need it, that I have never before heaxd of a petition wt�ic}: qualified aceprding to the law as to sufficiency being ir�validated by the election authorities or the courts because it incJ.uded some si�;natur�s also that di.d not comply. Petitions have to be sCru'�in�zed to weed out the illegitimate ones, and i� must be a vsry rare peti�tion, in view of the great numbers of signatures required, which daes nat znclude a.11egitimats signatures put there paxtly by persons tvho are innocently unaware oi the legal limitatians. Neither voters nor the circulators of petitions can be expected to b� lawy�;rs w�th full knvwledge pf the details of the applicalale laws and there i.s a further hazard that, i£ illegitimate signatuxes could invalidate �etitions, the oppositior� among the voters could contxive to g�t ther� there for the very purpose of invoki.ng t}�e technicality to upset the effor�, Of course, the current decision may have �een made in hones*_y and good £aith--I do not know. But I will appreciate it if you will report with newspaper clippings or letter, any furthar installments of the story as I hav� it now in youx bulletin. The definition of valid petitians to initiats p��blic measures is a part of our �to����l Citv Charter :n� btodcl EleCtion Law� �Sroc;:�'u� e� in languag� that cQUld naiG thus be miscon,strued, I hope; and tha appearance a� even the single precedent that you are r�portin$ �.s of national interest in our field. RSG/m� �� Yours v truly, . � � � Ri ard S, Childs { ���� N�{ionat Conferenc� c�n Gove�nment � � � tiadisiR� tel, M a' a'tis` ' �R �nnR P , Ml+�n„ �lo. '�6-�3,'19T� � �.:,; � � �"� M�I�'� 1'0: FRQM; s�sa�c�; DATE ; Fridley City �harter Commission Fridley City Assessor Notice of Board of Equalization Meeting May 2, 1973 irz 5F A�taGhed hereto is a photo-copy of the Minnesota State Statutes pertaining tp Conduc� and notice of Boards of Review or Equalization. Our present charter, Gh�pt�r 7.03 provides for a public notice of such meeting, at least ]5 days priQr to meeting, The Statutes provide for 10 days. The question is: would the Commission wish to have Charter coincide with the State Statutes? There have been no problems experienced in regard to this to d�te, except that every year we have a meeting our office and the clerk must review both laws to remember which is which. It seems this could, however, 1e�d to possible questian by the general public at some time in the future. t 1 ' �._: . ' ' ' _ I e ' ' t' ' , � ,' � ' ' �� �::. , � ": . ; � � 274.01 REVIE�y OI� ASSESS.IIENTS CHAPTER 2'T4 ASSESSMENTS; REVIEW, CORRECTION, EQUALLZATION �zz �2 5 G sea sec 774.01 F•oard pt �gv�ew � 2'74.11 Taxei n lleq on property !n RxamiRe�'� tlst 27q.013 $oaM ot equallzatbq. cempen�adon � 274.1� Llutics o( audltor and aase:sors 274.03 riatic� pt fieettny I 27413 County boprQ Ot equallZatlOp 2'��.��; ns=�•ssor'a rcturn to auCitor i:'4.1a Lcn:ch of session• recoi'd 774.05 Auditor's cerUflcate; whet�t yeQ I•'�^.?.�!t Cnmt'nnsatlon ot Doard 274.07 List py person atck OC aD�t �?.+4.16 Corrccteij Ifsts, abstrarts � F']4.D9 Cornctlon of b�wks i^7a 7; Recnrd: a�s[ract to county ;udltop 274.D9 Cc,rrectloe� of falee itsW and retuctt� � 27q.18 Abstract ot tealty assessment rall to tow�n �7A.3Q Property omltted oe undeirvalued ciarks 274.01 BOAIZD OF ItF.YIER', The town board of each town, the council q� oth�r governin� body of each village, borough, and city, except in cities whose charters prqvide fpr a board of equalizaiion, shall be a boai•d of review. The county assessor shall fix a day when each of such boards and the board of �qual� i�tion of at�v aity� whqse charter pro�•ides for a board of equalization shall meet in the several assessment districts of the county, and shall on or befoTe April �rsk �f each year give written notice thereof to the clerk. Such meetings notwithstand� iMg the provisions p� any charter tu the cQntrary shall be held between May lst and Jun� 30th in each' yQar, and ct:e�lerk �shall �ive published and posted notice ot such rneetin at least ten davs rior to the date fixed. Such Uoar s a mee�'af'fh'� ufTice ot the clerk tq rev ew the assessment o proper 5� in suc i own or ts c and immediately proceed tn examine and see that all taxable property in the town Qr district has been properly placed upon the list, and duly valued hy the assessolr. Ir� case any propet-ty, real or personal shail have been omitted, the baard shall piacc it upon the list w�ith its tru� value, and corr�ct the assessment so that eaeh tracx or lot of real property, and each articie, parce�, oz� class of personal property, shall be entered on the assessment list at its full and true ti�alue; but no assess� ment of the property of an}' person shall be raised until he has been duly notifled Of the intent Cif t11E board ao to do. On application of any person feeling ag$rieved, the board sha.11 Tev1�w the assessment, and correct it as shaU appear just. A ma�• joxity of the tnembers may act at such meeting, and 'adjouxn from day to day until they finish the hearing of all cases presented. The assessor s}iall attend, with his assessment books at�d pa�exs, and take part in ttie pTOCeedings, but shsll not vote. The county assessor, or an assi$tant, delegated by him shall attend such meetings. The board shall li�t separately, on a form appended to the assessment bo9k, AI! onr�itted property added to the list by the boai'd ar�d all items of property increased pr decreased, with th� fuli and true value of each item of property, added or chan�ed by the boaTd, placed opposite such item. The county assessor ShaU. entec all cha�ges anade by t}�e board in the assessment book. The board of revi�w, at�d the board pf equalization oi any city, shall complete its work and ad jour� with�in 20 days from the t�zne o� Convening specifled in the nati�Q p1 the clerl� and np action taken suqsec�uent ta such date shall be valid. A11 compiainta in refere�ce to any assessment made after the meeting 01 Such .board, shall be heard and determined by the county baard of equalization. Any �on-resldent may, at �,ny time, befor� the meeting o# the boa�'d ot �'eview Qle wr�tten objections #q his assessment with the county assessor and i1 any suCh objections are filed they shall be presented to the board of review at ita meeting by the county ttssessor for 1ts consideration. w74.013 EO��tD �.il' EQUALIZATIO:v', COAIPENSAT�ON. The governing body oi any ctty of the iourth class operating under a home rule chaFter which provides ior a board ot equaliza,t:on but v��hich does not pxovide tor compensation to the members ot such board separate fram othQr compensation to them as city ofIIclale may, in its discretion, by resolution, determine the compensation to be paid to the nlembers pi the board ot equalization but such compensatio� �shall not exceed $6 a day nor �72 a year, • [1951 C S9 �.1� �7�.02 [Repea��d, 1949 �t 543 � 3� , 2'��.03 1� OTIC� QI�' :�IEETL'� G. The clerk shall give at least ten day�g' poste$_ notice of the time and place of the meet n a 1� oar o Tev eW; u � ul'�, o g�ve sus no �a� or o. suc mec,� n� s a r�a vi xa e anY ment, exeept ax to t�e e�cze:a ovex t�te ��11 anQ tru� value oi tl�e property. [R, �. s. ��s: ����r a. bo� a. gi /9.�5�1 . � M 3; r� '� � �S�'TMATES FQR CITY COUNCIL C4NSZAERATION � REGUI.AR MEETING, JULY 16, 1973 ' � �ie�x� Thibault C1972) Ltd. Pi��r�, Quebec ' Th�.bault 100 ft. Aerial ladder m�unted on Custom chassis Thibault mpdel ALW 8176, dated i�iav 3U, i973. ' �� ' ' �� ' 1 � Ehlers and Associat�s, Inc. Financial Gonsultants SQ7 �'ISxquette Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For all servicea under Part I- Planning, dated 3une 3Q, 1973. Smith, Juatex', Felkema, Haskvitz & Casserly �mxl J. Newquist, Fridley Prosecu�or 6447. Unive�sity Avenue N, �, F��,dl�y, Minnesota 55432 S�rv�.ce� rend�red by Prosecutor in representation of , CiC� �n Cr�.minal Matters. Dated Ju1y 2, 1973. PaC�h Eziekson Madson & Hanson, Tnc. Archit��te and P�anners 2841 Waygata �oulevard Mianeapol.�.s� Minnesota SS405 III 'I 1 $ 66,160.pp 1,500.00 1,155.Q0 Jun� inspection of Fridley Liquo� Store, dated June 29, 973 5Q.00 P�tch Er1 k d n, Hanson, Inc. �� � Arcititsct �an !�' an er �`���� �8�1 Way a;ta ,�v �d Minnaapo �s, �I1 e ta 55405 $le�tri�al woxk for Fridley Liquor Store, dated June 2.6, 1973 Progreeaive Contraetors, Tnc. P�x�1s1 �s�.tmate �i8 -� Street Improvement Project St. 1972-]. pa�ti+�i Est�-mate 4�7 - Street Improvement Project St. 1972-2 ���� �ury & Car�.aon, Inc. , b40� W�yzata Boulevard Mia�sapalis, Minnesota 55416 P��C�ia]. E�t�.ma�e ��4 - Street Impxovemen� Project St. 1973-1 Pa�tial E�timate �64 - Street Improvement Project St. 1973-2 �,33Q.QQ �,895�59 5,Q31.28 b�,�a�.�z ��., �zo, �.� �STIMAT�S �AR G�TY COUNCIL Ca�SIDERA'TION, JULY 16, I�73 Np�thd�l� 4onstXUCkion Company, Inc. $2Q8 No��hwood P�rkway Mimnsapolis, Minnes�ta SS�27 Partla� �stimate ��2 - Sanitary & Storm S�wer & Water I�provement Fro��ct Na. 112. S A11i�d �lackto� Company 36Q� b8th Avenue No�th Mi��aapolia, M�nnesota 55429 PBrCia1 �stimate ��1 - Street Improvement Praject St. 1973-10 (Seal Coat) Rya�aa�d-Master Company, Inc� 1233 Waet Cannelly Stzeet St. Paul, Mi�n�sota 55112 FIN�L �STTMAT� - Water Improvement Project No. 110, Painting o� 1.S M.G. GXound Storage Reservoir, Fridley, Minnesota N�dland Assoc�ates, Inc. Aisxandria, M�nnesota 56308 FINA� �STIMATE - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Watexmain ImpxQV�m�nt Proje�� No. 1�2 i�stimate NQ. 13) III 7� PAGE 2 41,463.63 �4,34$.82 29,800.00 7,5QQ.Q0 0 ' Fire Phone 560-1500 ' ' ' ' F�idley Fi�e Departrn�nt "c�{orru o` �nEeznati,ona.�' �Gztfo:rn. r.J�/jat�in9 of �nva�i,ci's �{omas„ 6431 University Avenue N.E. FRIDLEY, M1N N. 55421 Julq 11, 1973 F.D. 73-7-1 MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: MEMO SUBJECT: Bus. Phone 560-3450 Marvin Burnsell, Asst. City Mgr. Financ�,Dir. � 1 Robert D. Aldrich, Dep. Fire Chief. ,��� , Payment on Aerial Ladder. Due to the complexity of specif ications of the aerial ladder ar.d ;' the problems inherent with placing a new unit in service, it is our wish that the Pierre Thibault co. not be paid the full amount at this time. . ;; � Thibault has xequested a part payment on the unit. I have discussed this with Mr. Davis and we agreed that we wou].d pay 40% ar the -present time, and the balance when the Fire Dept. has completed ' ' acceptance tests. I would recommend that the City Council authorize payment of the � unit on the basis of 40% now and the balance on acceptance. This would preclude using the Councils time at a later date to authorize the full payment. ,� Thank you for your assistance. , , III 7� <s' . I �..._. III 7C "`"L .���L:.�i Ll,f✓l/�L :����w�L1 �1977J Lfee/Ltd P/EF�R�1//LLE, QUEBEC, 514/56B 3336 �anu(acturie► d'appareils et d'accessoires contre les incendies / Manufacturer of fire engines and accessories / Bureau chef / Head ofiice PierreviNe, Quebr,c ' " May 29, 1973. � AIR MAIL ' ' � Fridley Fire Department, 6431 University Avenue N.E. . �, Fririley, Minn.55421. ' , � Att: h1r. �tobert D. Aldrirh, • � ' DPputy Fire Chief. Dea'r Sir, ' .: Your aerial ladder will be driven to your town � �, in.a few days by Mr. D•. Ottem and L. Hamer, members of yaur . . department. . . � . . . �. , � �. We beliEVe that you will be proud of your new aeTial .:.� .' � � ladder as it is a very �ine piece of apparatus.. ,' It would be highl.y appreciated if we could receive ' pay�ent of 4� °� on delivery ar�d the balance upon cnmpletion �� of acceptance tests in Fridley, as per specifications. ' � � -Trusting that this is to your satisfaction, we remain, � s.' . Yours truly, d '� � � ', : PIERRE THIBAULT (1972) LTD. �� � � . � ' 3 �� . . � , � � OL�✓�^��� a r_y � . � � � \ � Marcel L�Heureux, ` � � Sales Manager. , , ' �\ . ML�N�:ae , . _ _ L9Q�i ' • � � \ , . ' . � • t ; , � .. 5 � 1 �' " n i i� ' . � � � _ , _ . , _ _ - - — - --_ __----- _ . . � : --�,. . � -�, -, -,_,.�-�,-, _ _ _. .. _. M � � ' >. ' . Notre facture no �7� � I I I Our invoice no. _.L+1=! . ' .� Date m c'l y 3 0� / L I ' � ' � 1972 �v� e"� �i - �'/ ���8%� . _ P/ERREI//LLE, QUEBEC, 5>4/668-3.�3> Manufacturier d'appareils et d'accessoires contre les incendies / Manufacturer of fire engines and accessories / Bureau chef / Head office Pierreville, Qu�bec JOG 1�Q,008 ' Notre commande ^' O `,1 Our order 1 V �J ' �endu �:/Sold tof'r i d 1 e y Fi r e D@ P$ r t Ii19 j1 t Exp�di8 �:/Shipped to: Date City of Fridley, 643i University A�e. N,E. Fridley� . ' minno 55432� ' U,5,A. Same onditions: net—un interet plus frais d'administration apr�s 30 jours. / Terms: net—an interest plus handling charges after 30 days, F.A.B. F.O.B. F�T1CJ�.B�/ Date de livraison/Delivery date Date de livraison prevue No de commande Expedi� par/Shipped by Permis prov. Permis f�deral Approx. delivery date Order no. Prov. license Federal license .... ^ �......... Quan. comm. Quan. expediee Quan. ret. Description Prix I'unit�/Unit nce Total ^ Qty. ordered Qty. shipped Back ordered P 1 1 Thibault 100 ft Aerial ladder mounted on Custom chassis Thibaul� madel ALUI �176 5erial f� 438 66�160.00 '2 instruction's boak JOB � 752 , , Engine = Waukesha gaz engine model F817G Serial •�23010? . ,, . - , Originale/Original .•a . . , ,� ' E:Hi,FRS AND ASSOCIATE9, IN�. FINANCIAL CQNSUI.TANTS F�RBT MATIQNAI.-SQO �.�NE GQNCOURSE 507 MAR4UETTE AVE MINNEAPO�IS, MiNNFSOTA �SAO? 339-6291 (AREQ COOE 8121 � ____.__ _. I I I ' 7� 1 ' ,lune 30, 1973 ' ' IN AGCOUNT WITH City of Fridley ' Minnesota ' ,..,,.____�_____________________________�_______-_____��__-�__ For all serviees under Part I- Planning of our contract ' with the City dated June 4� 1973, �� cannection with the proposed golf course and nature center. , Part I - Planning $1,500.00 ' w....�.........���,........�.........�........�....��.��....w....,.��....�....���..+�.�rw��w....w� Ws declare under penatties of law that the above clt�im i� ' correct and that no part ther�eof has been paid, ' EHI.�RS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. �/f ' , '/ ' 1 �Y �a.��_.L�._��-r* ,� �.t,�_�-r,� c-t-.I-� � � k►' ; J' � , � �. '4i ' t,t f �.... I ' • . _ ___. ---- � � ' ' STATEMENT • I I I � 7F ' • HALL, SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA and HASKVITZ � ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' . � - � � ; 1050 BUILDERS EXCHANGE BLDG. SVBURBAN OFFICES - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 OSSEO . � � 339• 1481 � FRIDLEV ''� � � _ . I— Cit of Fridle y y �l 6431 University Avenue N.E. ' ' Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � `� CJN ' • .. -- � � � PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUH PAYMENT . � _. _. _......._.._ '_'__"__ _.._. _..__"___ _____. .....�__'—'_—_'__" ' � '` ... —.. __ ._ .. _._ ._ __ __ _.. . . __ _" '._' '_ ___ _ . DATE � � � s BALANCE FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT ' 7/2/73 Services rendered in representation of City of Fridley in criminal matters for June, 1973. ,,� � 30 Hours-retainer $1000.00 $1000.00 � �t . 1 Secretarial services 100.00 $1100.00 � Excess hours 4.40 minus 3 hrs. credit 55.00 $1155.00 � � � � � : � . - � ;� ��� �1 declare under pen?;ti`s of :aw i�a� this L' account, cfaim or derr:�rd is ;ust a;i� cor- _ ,, rect an � i no art of it ' s t�een paid � ' � . . . � 1 j� �. Signaltur of iaimar� � , � , � � � HALL, SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA wHD HASKVITZ � - , ' ATTORNEVS AT LAW � � . . .. . . . � isi 30: .. . � . - 3j � . . . . . . . . . . - � , ��} ' _ � __—_----._.._� - � . . . � . . J✓' ." A . . . . . , " � � . ' � .. � •� " . - .. , � . . � yf . 1 . .• , . �� . . � . _ , . � . ' • . , , .. ' ,. ; . . . � .. I� � - ' � � � I' L • i . � ` � � � • � • ' _ , . . � . . .. , / . . . � - , . . • . . . , . . � . ' . � � , � . . � . . � I . � . . �. — � , � , $ . �.. . � � � � � -.. WVM/.h St-11Th{ LEOr,na�.� * JUSTER FYEN;:, .• ''! �nE^nP R� � � .. . -, r. . . . . .<!.n[ .. .a . .S � . . LI�FI. . .: W.� . ., "�.TA . � . FsE, _�1S DOVG.�,.� -,,_,, pF CO�rv:�Et ITI 7G L4W ' � •.. r .� ��(1 I�1[, .�f �; 1;1�.� �')� Ih i�1 ',., �� \til�'v�1 I�/ (ti ��:Atiti)�!ZI}" ._ �.. -.� i E i- E_ U 6Ui'E iQ50 BUi�DERS Exi-�{ANGE BU�IDING MIfvNEAVOLIS. MINNESOTA 55'4O2 TEL�PHqNE 339-14F}f F::�.DLEY OFr:�_E 6��i UNIVF:RS;TY AVE NUE N. E. July 2, 1973 ' n�E� MItiNE50TA 55432 'E�EPHONE 560-6B�Q Mr. Gerald pavis Gity Manager Fridley Municina1 Ri��ldinp 6431 Univers�ty Avenue i�. G. FridlQy, Minnesota 5�a432 Re: June Prosecutipn Work Dear Mr, pavis, � Attach�d pl�ase find my time record for prosecution work during June, 1�73. Also enclosed is my statement of fees for services rendered. I appli�d a thre� haur credit from Apri1 and May to exc�ss h4urs' in ,�une. 'Thank y�u. caN�� �nc. ,�ery tru1y yaurs, ( i' ��' ---_ � �£� '� . � � . ,=- - � ,t,t . � ,� c� �. Ca Jl ewqui s Fridley PrOSec: tur TIME RrC;)RG F�;'-�: .;une, 197":s ��R��!SEC�ITI!�i� ,;,':;R.K l. COUrt and 'ravel ?_. Offices Conferences �) Polic� Officers 3 hours 35 minutes b) City Cmployees 1 hour 15 minutes c) Citizens ' hour 30 minutes d) Attorneys 15 minute� e) Highway �atrol Officers 4� Minutes fl r,. , _ � , _ , .,,. , . i- ,�;,, .. , 3. Phone Gonferences a) Police Officers 35 Minutes b) Gity Employees 45 minutes c) Citizens 4 hours 30 minutes d Attorneys 2 hour�s 45 Minutes �� Highway Patrol Officers 10 minutes f) Court Clerks and Judges 1 Hour �. Gorr��pondence and Fprmal Complaints �a. Staff and Trainir�g Meetin�s 8 h.�!�rs 20 minutes 7 nc�;r; 40 minutes 9 hours 45 minut�s 6 hours 40 minutes 2 hours 15 minu�es 34 hours �0 minutes ?T1 % � -- —�--.-_, �_ _ —. _ � . ;,:< . . , _.. � � STATEMENT � ' - III � '� ' PATCH ERICKSON MA�SON � HANSON, INC 7 I � ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS 2807 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, MINNEApOLIS. MINNESOTA 55405 TEL. 6� 2/374-3490 I ' June 29 �s 73 , Mr. Gerald R. Davis, City Manager , City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. ' ' Fridley, MN 55421 � _ Comm: 7234 ' - Re: Fridley Liquor Store ' , Inv: 3364 ,* ' June Inspection $50.00 ' , S � , . � � ' � b �� � . � � . •: � r � • -. � � � . .,, THANK YOU ' � ' _ .,. ,. .�. . __ > . . : �� ' - , _ _____-__ ' - . ---_��_____ __ }� � . � . �: ,'+ . i� - . . �1 - .. � ' . � . � . .. . � ��2 I ,- � . � . "� . .. " __ _ .. I .. -. .. . . _ _ __. , . .- _ . _ . . .. � . - .. ..- " _ _ � . _ . _ . _ _.... .._ ' .� _ "".:- � _ :...� __.�:. .. . . -.�:.. �. ���_.. :.� � ..-: .� �, � � ' � L ' � . . • ' • , • � • � . . � , / ' � � � \ , , . , , ' . • , •. • . 1 �•� , � �,� � . . , ' Ar �'4Il.H1It,,� � ,�rt r�tr ��._iv. rvo.____;___..__-���t_._�ure .,:r.i,.���:�nnM. n� III TQ tc -:�,rieksc�r.-'-"adson�°� �:'�nson�Ir,_c..___----_ T__- -_!.- — - � ��, -- �'�i � � %�C'1 �'-�@Ct2'�.Cc 1 Work�i.,..��pn This Appliceti4rt is for___ . _.__. payment far _ -- —_ —_. __ _ �_ -___..r_�_--.----- Your It FRIDI,t:Y nT'F' ,ALi� LI ;'IJ(�?3 ;.>'�'nR?: '�T�.` �� 1973 Tune 2f� 1�73 ---------- -1-- — - ------Project from--- __ �._ —_-to` �f ' p�$GRIPTION OF PRU�t:CT WORK 1TEMS — CONTRACT COMPLETED GOMPLfTED BALANCE AMUUNI I THiS PERI00 TO DATE TO FINISH 1. Service ?3,00(�.:?n _�_ ,,'.lOQ.00 --0- ' 2. Fixtures u,900.0� 1,C�OO.UC i'�,�00.00 -0.. i ' 3, Motcars 1,400.0�� ?����.00 1,400.00 -0- 4. Branch] 3,295.00 1,000.00 3,295.Q0 -0- ' S. F1re Alarm and IntercoM 2,200.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 .�0-. fi. ParkinP' Lot Lif�.htin� 1,200.00 -�- 500�00 7oo.op ' 7. Aader-�cianr�e �rder ..-2 Paxking 1ot lightin� ' Dripinal Gontrsct Total� Add Chan s Arder� Totals Deduct Chenge Q�d�►s Totals CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT B�iad an out ob�erYations, this appli�ation for payment is cor�4ct ta ths be4t of our knowledge, and the cant►ector fs entitled to the indic , paymen ___.,,, Pruje�l Gh�cked by , / Thi� rm chack�d by `% , _ � c� �'<�- . _r `.1�� . M RR7tC1� MAI7BON 8 HAN9ql1�� �11�, AR 1t1 AANJ� P4��N�`f:�? � ,r Date� J" � -- i. , ..«....... ... . , . 3�.� r:°>� � ... . _ I - .-�. _ ___ �_ I_.. Less Retainage at 10`�+ 1 2 0 Total to be Orawn to Date j. 0 Total Previously Cartified 10 . 0 Amount Now Due 3���0 � �Q -�• e Thi� is to certify that sll work lieted above hea been completed �n accardanGa with Cantraqt dopYm�nt; and thet all lawtul charge� tor labor, In�tB�i81, ett., fO� yyjlich p�EVioUG COrtificA��6 h�W bOqf7 illiu•d. heve been paid. Gqncracto�� ELE '�� —Date_.1�� �,---- .: , ���� . , rns�r'.', ,o �. � x�� i.�.,;:.���a���X���9,.,pI�M Ctf^iS�C3� & i�l1,�I�, Ldc. Cou�t���:$.�.$ ��i��.n���a 14�6 �or,a�a�y 'E�aad ar3n r:ivaa��apo�.�, �iia�:a�o�� 55k32 Ai� f Z�., �.�23 G�.t�y �����x � C��� �c�;°�cil C�Q ��". i`i�E3s!:a �41:sE�}S�.p �+��� Y.�S3°�'��g?Y Ci�� �� �z�,��,�� , 653A �ss���x��.�A� .����s.��, I�alie Min���.g����, rt�n�r���+t�r� 55�s:�? G����,��+...�n s �t�.�TI�.��G ���t� d�7 �"r� �?�.�?�t3��sR �� tae���s� r�ub�.� �������� ��e 1, ��� ���+��. �g��.a��� �Q� ��v�..°�a�xc� Tz�s�a�g �����t� Q '�����, 125a ?�°=��s� �'.���f��.�� ����n�7$ .�e P�.;�?1, �f.��,:�°:��+�.� a���.�9 foz c���'�: cc����.����. ��a�� �t,��� f,��r ti-����� :���r�;��:�*���� ��oj�s;� :?as 7,i�, P��:ta�a� af �oS if��o ��cs��i ���s�^�� %�.��.�c�ir, �k���c:�= �2�.z�����am C:Oy`�'P�i�� ����. ��� .�`a�`f $I33 � i�a�k C�:�.��.sa���;3 �o L���� � ���� $29 a��30 o Oi? $29 ,8�0 e f}a °^'���� ���� ��✓i+0 • • p •O O O O q ! � Q O O O O O O O O 6 O • • S!�� a�61Pdi p E�lJ �I� i���� ����d ���m ���� r,���� c��;��tG�� �:��r� -��:.z:,� �'s�TM.E� G�� ��� ��s ��sa��:�sat�?a�l.�y t,.°Crs:ex��.'.,`.�;': �i: v"`�.�•,�'/�3�.'f3vt!1�i? 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S� J�C:SL tLi�C��4g'4� • ' � � F�/m� g � ce: Nodlaad Asaociates, Lr�c. �spe���ully �c�b�.i���3, C����v^� �s l��i�'i.�'s, ��i. � �� J f Y;;' ����c�4�' Ge+� $y ;���- �. P--s .� 9 � t+s bp• :i�+'Li�6.�l�.+b.� 1 6 ue III % � � CQNTRA�TQR'S LICE�SES Tp B� APPROV�D BY COUNCIL AT THEIR R�GULAR jjj M��T�NG QN JU�X 16 , 19 73 -�--- . � BLAGKTQPFING Nc�xth�rn A�phalt Constructi�n, lnc. 11064 Rada��AZ� Road N.E. B�,a�;n�, Minnesota By: Cerhard Larson EXCAVATING Lloyd's �xcavati'z�g 8065�Groveland Road M�.nneapc�lis, Minnesota �y; Lloyd Remmers �_�� �4NTR.qCTING ��,.__ Nutton $ Rowe, Inc. 3958�10th Lane Anvka, Minnesota Wh�.ie Oak 8uilders, Inc, 7Q70 Sil.ver Lake Rvad �Ia;nneapolis, Minnesota �'aul Auxand 1741 East County �,oad C St, k'au7., Niinnesota 8y: James Hutton �3y: Edwin A. Dropps By: Paul Aurand HEATING A� K H�ating F, Aix Condi�Giana.ng 18936 Xeb�c Street l���rm�`ng, Minnssota 8y: Arvin Kufin MASONRX Sarco Construction 2].12�Zath Avenue North M3.nnea�olis, Minnesota By; Tony N, Sarich 1?can �e�x+a �ement Company �Q17 F��,rod I�anE Mir�ne��Qla.s, N�innesota By: Don Zebro APPRQVED BY C, Belisle R�N�WAI� G. Bel�s1� NEW C, Belisle RENEWAI, C. Belisle N�W C. aelisl� NEW C. Belisle N�W C. Be1is1� N�W C. Beli.sle NEW LAW OFFICES .J�r%��� WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK �f � D CHARLES R. WEAVER 316EASTMAIN57REET HERMAN L. TALLE ANOKA,MINNESOTA5530J VIRGIL C. HERRICK 4Y1•5413 ' ROBERT MUNNS i (� �— I' JAMES D. GIBBS JU ( y i?� a7�3 FREDERICK W. KEISER, JR. WILLIAM K. GOODRICH THOMAS A. GEDDE i � . � r r City o-r �ridlcy � r , June ;'e��. i ncr ' :�? � OOG.00 ,"-`�'='� `; ' �n_ 0;��1=erences t,�i �n 6 ��our� Ji.c.7 i I� CCi; 1I'i�.� � �� � P.;ana�er Gnc' Jep�:r +:men � tic��c!s ;'. �i,en' Counc i! ;.iee;; i ng� i.�� ��ours '�un'; I ey vs. � i ty a:= ; r i c'I ey 11 ��ours (.lun� '•.�, ?3, qn� •?5) . : CL��� I e T'! ? �ours ' S�evenson ':!� I !:�:�uy •? hour '' ^-- t�our� � ��� _;:tr�; ,�ours 11?..50 '� �ecre �ur i�s I;';1 1 oti.�ance 100. OQ � V I �^1i � • ■ ■ t M f 1 • ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ { / ■ l 1 i rj - � ^ y f'• 1 .� r� . . � . . . .. . . . . . .. . . � . . . . ' .. __" _.._ .. . ... .....� . ..�....._ .. .._. .. � .. . . A. ._,�..; .. ...V ,_...:, .� .�.Yi ..;._. . �..Z.. _ :�. _ . ..._ . . ... . . _... ��� ' .��•. . . . . � . . .- . 1 .: . ' . . . . � � .. . , . . � �;' i _ _�_ _ - �__ � _ - . , ,. . - � . . � :� � 1 � . � � . � '� . _ . , .; : � . � . - . � �- � . _ • _�; '. � � . . � � . , . . . .. • , i f � � . . . � .. , •...4 . . , � / � ' . . . . ' . • . . . • . �,ro . ' . " � � . � , � � ..' ' � � � • , � j ♦ � ' . :y ., - • ' � a . , • . � * . r • . . .. ' . / 'i ; I� . - : � �- � . -" ..� 7. ;� , : . ; _ � � - .�� _ !I � . . . _ _ ____._ _. . ___ .. _ � _ _ _ _ _. _ ___�__ _ _ ---._ __._ . I � - i STATEMENT i . � . . • . .. . . � � ..:e . . . SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKV�TZ and CASSERLY � ATTORNEYSAT LAW �' . � 9UfLOERS EXCHANGE BIOG. SUBURBAN OFFICES . . MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 OSSEO " �� �� - , 334- 1481 FRIDLEV ' ' ' . _ '._ . . � �', � � - � � ':- City of Fridley . 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 i . �. , WS/RH L _1 � . �� '.� P�EASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITM YOUR PAYMENT ' - . � : �. . _ _ . _ "_ _. _ ._ .. _ ._ ._' _ __ ' _ _' _ _- ' . . � . . � � - .... .. . _ ' ' _ _ " . - '.. . _ _. .' _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ '- _' _ _' _ _ .' _ � DATE � • • • 9ALANCE '`;'} , � FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT �. 6/29/73 Additional legal services to June 22, ' 1973: o Police Pension: i��;#�� �~�� � F-k .�_� i S�;i' ai l egi s l ature and conferences �~� with staff $195.00 � legal research and preparation � .. � . . of inemorandum $850.00 ! ' Glover suit $525.00 $1570.Q0 ' , ` ��.'C��i't'• l:l:��'P r l�y�tt;; �l i� iil;Mr iilEii �!;ir, � ab��iii �.CtJ�t�: i� � �T�� � � ) ��-�� s ��(� .� rect d �:� ,:c , �. .,, �- :;1, ' ` S� re r�g C�x n;:nt , �. . � .- . . SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVITZ ANO CASSERLY �' .. - � ATTORNEYS AS b�AW __.-�-- " l� � - � . �_ _ • �T.. � - �� ' • . ; '►,; '� . .. - � . , � . . , . i , j . . .. . � . . . �' , �.% . . � . , . ' � . , . � � • ' . . � , , . � ' . _ I ' ; ' � . , � , � ' � . . . . .,i - ... . . . . . � , � _ , . . ' . . . . • . . , . �� . I ' � . . ' ' • � . ' ' , � t _ ' � . . . � . , , ' � . a � . Y ' . . . . . . . . . a � , � � . ' . I�I iLTST `;F I. ��EtiS �a 1ICi AP P�� ; ��ii R" '�_ '; � T . �','� �-L ''T .,' _� _ ,,. LTj � �F ',�sZY 1 _�J� i 3 � A1 '� TYP�, �r I�ICi T15� T3Y , A�'�- 1'Y'��.._ -Y r"'„ � ; �.� ' STRr.�T V r�QR:. � � Barba��a �lommen 1.Qi�� .- 87th Ave. ��3laine �arbara vor�.mAn Public Safet�� I)ir. 2norJ0 i�UULTIPLE ���rv'ET�LI^1G � I�arrel �'arr �ev. Co. ' �901 Braokl�n Blvd. $rook�.yn Center 1501 :4. In:is��r��icl: F�re Insp. 2�i.00 � PV 7.l.r,L4 ARI'�1KING PLAC:: �G as ino �.oyale 6219 Hwy. c.�5 r xidley Casino Ftoyale Pub? ic Safet�- �ir. 100.� �50LIGTT�R ��, �BOy�s of the �ity ��, 25io F. 2ut� st, Mlnneapolis :�u>>1_ic Safet,y Lir. 17�.00 ' SERVICE STATIpP1 . S3.n�e7.air Station �6290 Hwy� 6s Com:�. De�-. �dm. Fridley Arnaid'�idtaune Fi_re Snsi:. 30.00 i 1 1 i f ��� ' I ■. 1 , , � � ' � �. � ' � � ' ,, . � � � � � ��ty a�'�'r�dley AT jl� Tp► Qf TNE TWINS t }�_.,..., ca«MUN�r� a�i�.o.►.�N� av. ' I � MdiEGTtY[ IIfMECTIpN pL/7. � ,,,.. ; c„� N.�.�. r��c��v 6�R3 �*., ,� t.� E►:-��o-a.ao TYPE OF CONSTRUC�'ION 1� Res�d�,n�ial 2, �pwnhouae� 3. Multi�la Dwe�lings k. Reaidential Garages �. A�aid�sntia], Alt. /Add 6. Cotamex'ci.ai i. Industxial �. Cau�a. Ind. A1C. /Addn 9. Signa � 1Q� WxsGki,ng, Mav�.ng 11. Q�hsr� TOTAL 1973 JUNE 8 C 3Q 0 5 0 tu�recr ------ - __.._ ._, ._ _ __.....__ _ .._.�_. ___._ _.. .T PROT�CTIVE INSPECTIQN SECTION MONTNLY REPORT A. Number of Permits Issued B. Estimated Valuation a� Permits �r� � REV OATf �� Pa3E� pf �, ♦M O�V p�'�v� 910- �tl�_. .-- -Q_ 12-8-7�.! 1 2� 800 __ 1972 THxS YEA�t I,AST YFAR JUNE TQ AATE TO AATE 27 44 I 63 0 1� 0 6 �� ��] 9a `a 16 4 0 � 6� 5 � � 60 63� 212 261 Hesa��.n� 2$ 40 247 160 P lumb �.ng �lectr�.cal ��. 63 351 211 • *��,�, 100 133 738 507 i �3TTMATED VALUATIONS OF PERMITS ISSUED ' �. Ae��i.denti.al , , 7� 1, ,161 ,�+��:, 84 ��, �. Townhousea 0 0 Q 3 273 486 9. Multipla Awellinga 0 0 p , p f�. �telPidexitial Ga7cag,ea 1 1$ 610 69 64i 50 O11 S. Ae��.danti.a]. Alt./Addn 64,678 28,8p9 243,223 139,395 �TAIa RESIDFNTIAI• �'►�'�1iC3i� . . : • , � ��i� � fi. Co�►�xcial $ 0 $ 172,887 0 $ 221,569 7. ��nidue trial ' 8. Cs�arm. �r►d. Al�. tAddn. 78, 000 23,16� 291, 042 826,152 �TAI. GOTQ1, � IND. � e ��$110 �,Q, W��ekin�, Maving �.1. Qthears '�0'�AL MI S� �. ��axu xo�� v��?A�?�oNs AN , 8 000 �__1961056 _ $ 403,435 S 1,865.473 $ 1,000 $ 3,709 $ 12,28p 31.,59k f � Q I 0 j 12, 421 5;�, 6$9 ( j +` ' � -� -•- 7. 000 3; 09 � 28 7t��G b6 933 ��� 5�' �l_�o�:?�:' _ lS E; s��� ��q Y . ,� . - ... ..�L..=.:�.....� ,�Colur�c� #1 Col�.�am 4�2 Cvluam ��3. Column i�'4 �a•� , � ��;��.m .«� �_a,�.a,� .:�& �se,r � . -----°---- � � ��°�� .r : .,, .,,. . ,�., . ,, ,. � _ 1 �, .. , �� ��ty a� �� �idiey �� AT jl� Tp1 Op TNE TMINB , � }'�/""""� COMMUHfTY ORVtI.OPAKN� DIY. � I i MOrECPrry� Wf�GT�UN p�iMT. 1 ' �,.,..� ; C�rv N�i.L sRiDIL� dOqi .....�. .J �!t' i�0- ��a0 �ICENSE FEES �,'YPE B1��ktoppi.ng Exc�tva k ing Ga� Services �an�ral Cpn�ractox Heatin� Houee Moving & Wx�cki,ng Mr�s onacy Qil H�aCing Plaete�ing Rq�f in� 9ign �xsctors Mi��, . TXP� Bui�d�.�� �1�actri�+a1 �a� E in� �' lum� 1t+� a ���� � . =�JE�'_ �ROTECT I V�� I NS('ECT I 0� SEC� MONTNI_Y REf'OE�T C. Licensc: Fees t:olleCted A. Pet�it Fees C:,? lE�cted IIl1A[F � REV D�TC PAQE OF # -.�'.LQ. _ _--�.1. _ � _ _ �- �-'�2-� _� FEES Ni1MBER COLLECTED 9 225.00 12 300.00 28 700.00 76 1900.00 34 850.00 1 15 1 i .... �'QTATa �.._. ` `�._... .` .� .?7 � � �.`_,. �olumn #1 Co7.umn ��2 1973 �ERMIT NQ.'S N 12,153-12,211 $ 1,408.30 9562 - �k9637 1,890.00 5708 - �k5735 710.50 5959 T �65979 699.25 151 - 40.00 1972 $2,586.19 1,759.80 2,000.00 1,580.00 65.00 � THIS XEA,A L.AST YF.AR $ 5,847.78 11,144.70 i,712.Q0 4,L320.75 473.25 524�$07.72 5,159.$� 7�75 a.s�a.sa �. TaTA1� ��-���"=°���=�-7�-`,w'-�c�.yy i s?�_�►�R_r�R _ ►�aZ1:sr�,c.�.���_ �$lumn #� C�lumn �2 };ql�m� j�3 Co�umn ��4 Cplumn ��5 ,.., a„ � ,,�; � _..., , . .., , �.: . � Ili ' ,1 , � ' ' �� ' , , , I ' � �ity of Fridley +�T �NR rp► 9r �Nt Tw�w1 , . ��_^-�*-, GO►+MUNIT� ORVRlO�MiwT p�v. �t � M4'►[C��rR �MM'�CT�ON t1�11. �` F ,,..,.� � Clrr ►+�44 ��lD�[� 4�q2 1.__.J�...' � `.J �1=-4�0'�NO INSP�CTIQNS BU LDTNG RQugh-lna : Fap��nga; �'��tnin�s and Reinspectiona W�xk Nat Ready or Rejec�ed S�op Wc�xk Posted Vio�ati.ona Ghsck�d Cosap].a#.n�a Checked Aang�rous Buildinga $ �.�z�� Mi.ac�ll.aneous �1t►als: Reaidential �'i.x�.al#: CQCn. & �ndustrlal Tat�� Tnap�ctipn� Pexsnits ��eued j, ING & HEATTNG RQU�I���.ao s Rein�� Roc � iot�e Wark Not� Ree�c�y Qr R�aect�d De�ng��vu�� �ui�.di.�►g,� Mi��aa�la�oou� F�'���.� i Rse id�t��i.al . �'��►a��I � Com. & �ndustri.al sw�ec.T 1973 ._..... _ ._.. _ __ , ._ _ � - . �. ___.. _. . . . _ _ . , I PROT�GTtv� INSP�cTioN ��cT1oN MONTHLY R�PORT f E. MONTHLX INS�'ECTIOrS j p�V. D�TE '� aIGC f W �A v C,v ��+ —� -�t 1 _ 1 Z�JZ � �. li � 1972 THIS YEAR I.AST YF,AA + T��._..._ 39 31 168 �08 20 42 213 25�+ 200 0 3 !� 13 11 , ( 0 �0 13 I 111 3 � �I Q 0 �1 Q 6 3 3', 5 � 1. ].4 51 72 � 0 � 3 14 �. 6Q 63 1102 853 212 261 T���t� �nep+acti�r�e 12 15'� ?94 695 � � 8A�7c�qi�� �+�eu�d 49 70 38� 296 �T�. ��a�tgh-l.x�e t 7 09 17S �����p����a��� 24 22 122 180 �Ioxk �1ot ktaady or Ra jeceed Q � 39 14 � ��q 0 1 10 4 �tl�j0�'4t�� �uildings �e+7cviaa Inapect�ona 20 0 94 0 8i�nala � R���donCi.al 262 ik yitu4l� � aqm, & Znduaxziai 0 0 I4 13 �Qtal xr►apectione lOQ • �07 5 63� �'+��it+W ��aund 51 • 63 351 211 � G�l��n� ��.� �oX,um �. �� Ga��inct i�� G�OLUI.^•Il l�4 ; � ��- � .<,,d.. , . : � .� �.......r__-._..._ fj"' ...w+_ .�,-".� .. '-.,.,�,!?"' `.,.� �r-!�e^ �. � ! .,,7.�....•_-!vr� . ...�. - -....,.....�.....- ...-•-�------- , ---' . . . _ . � � ��., . ,P .. .. . . . ' . , . � ' ' �ity of Fridley �t TM[ To* oR �H[ �w�M� � , . }� ^••�++� GOMMUNtTY p(V[LOIM[MT DtY. � 1 i M07(C�IVt yf�QCTIQII (x►T. � � �„"'1 ' CITY MALL f�lpl�� ���i2 �1....,1�,�,� * �.� •�:•6�R-�No ' I IVSP�CT I QN� ' BUILDING 1 ROugh-ins ; ' Fcaotinga : ,Ft'amin$� and Reinspectiona WAxk Not �teady or Rejec�ed � Stop WoXk Pas r.�d V�.PlatiQns CheGked ��tnplain�a Checked �ngerous Buildinge '; S i�ns � �ti.sc�;llan�ous Finals : R�si,denti.al '�� Fina�a: Com. & Zndustrial ' To�al, In�peations P�rxaito T�aued �„�.u�mzNC & x��iNc ,i �ou�h�ins: � R�ainapaat�.ans Waxk Not Ready or �te,�ected ' I�tt$�rau8 Bui.ldings M�,+�Cel.�an�ous �'l.nala t Aesidenti.al , Fina�s : Gata. & xnduatr�al �oCal Tnspeati�na p+ex�ai��a Tssued iwd[GT '— ._. - _ 1973 ___ ,�_..._.,_._- . - -- t.___.._. _._.._ __...�. I PROT�CTIvE INSP�CTION SECTION MONTNLY REPORT ( E. MONTHI.Y INSP�CTIOI�S ' A[V P4TE ��oAOt 0/ A O OV G�� � -�1? �. �3� f1 z � �. � o ' � 1972 THIS YEAR I.AST YEAR � 39 31. �.68 108 20 42 213 2S4 69 22 . 2 0 __�_$0 3 4 13 11 6 0 2 0 13 ' 1�1 36 i 0 0 ^ : �10 6 � 0 3 43 45 ; 11 14 51 72 ; 0 0 3 14 ; 220 154 1],02 � 85� 60 63 212 261 �' I 69 93 299 256 22 11- 55 49 0 14 �+ 3Q 9 308 2b1 7 44 37 i . � 15� 70 0 � .• � � � ' i ��� �tou�h R ine : �tair�apa�t�o�s s Ws�xk No� Raady vr ite jected � i�r�e �mgs�'aua 8uildi.ngs 6e�xYice Inepectiona Finalei R�aidenzial ��,nal.� t Oom. & Induatrial, � �Qtu1 inapecC�ona , �4xm��� �peued 70 2p9 175 24 22 122 180 Q 0 39 14 0 1 10 4 20 0 94 0 262 7w 0 0 14 13 ti7V � 1V/ �.7+4 F1'VV 51 • 63 351 21� �lumt� �kl Golumil �2 +Col�scr.n 4t3 Column 4j�, II, -, _�._._._._....,_... . _..._.._-. �. ,�-- .-- ___ ..._,_,_,.,_ .,.. --.. -.-......�,.._... ..�. _.._....�.._ -_-------�- ,, � . , �r� •_. � _ ,,.,...�...,�...., ..,.._ A �- . u : ,, '--T'.'-` , , , . , i'�,�rr � � �