08/06/1973 MINUTES - 5504, ' , , i� � � ' ' ' PATRICIA ELLIS COUNCIL 5ECRETARY MINUTES FOR APPROVAL AT THE REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 6, 1973 �' ' ' � , � ' ' u , �� ' ' TF?� �1�.NtiTES UF THE PUB�.IC HEARING riEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 Th� Publ.ic Hearing meeting of the F�i.�ley City Council was called to ozder at 7:4Q p.m., Jucl� �1� 1473, by Mayor Zieb�. P�.,EDGE QF ALI�EGTANCE : iKaypx �,ieb 1 led the Gou�;ci 1 and the audi�nc� in �;aying the Pl.edge of Allegianee to the Fl.�g. RC1LI. GALL : M�MBERS PRESENT �MBERS A�SENT: AAQPTION ��F Ac,FNDA : Nee, Breider, Liebl, Utter. Starwalt. M�yo1r �i�b� said the l��ll��wiu�, i�t�m: .,��_�ie �o be ad�ied to the agenda; Tntroduction of new emplovees bv Mr. James Hill, Publi.c Safety Dlrectc�r. I,e�tez c�{ resignation u� �!r-. Gerald K. Davis, Ci�y Manager, effective August 1Q, �973, M0�'IQN �?y Counciiman Nee to adopt tt-� agenda as amended. Seconded by Gouncilman Bxeide7C. Upan a vci.ce voCe, a11 voti_ng aye, rlayur Liebl declared the mo[ion carri.ed unac�i�►�us�y. �NTRODUCTION OF Ni:ld POLICE (?l� F ICERS �3 .' THE PtII3LIC S gFEfiY D LREC 1'OR : Th� k�ub�ic Safety Di�ecto� addreased the Council and the audience and asked the two n�w F�a13��e D�ficers to stand for the introduction. �ie �.nt�odu�ed Mr. David L. younkin, 162'L Carl St., St. Paul, and said he had ata�ted �'7ciday�, M��ch 26, 1973 and had immedidtely gone into Police Recruit training an kh� 2�th of l�arch, �k�� $ubli.� Safety Director introduced Mr. Lawrence A. Chubb, 12S - 7th.A!�nenue S,E., Q$s,�o� and said he had jained the force on ,7une 2, 1973, He said Mr. Chubb ia married an�d haa one �hild. I"��yQr,�,ieb�. welcomPd the �ew police department smployees to the Gity of Fxidley, ' PUET,iC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST SAV ��73-08, DENNIS RANSTftOM, TO VACATE 20 � ��LITX A1�D I�,RAINAGE LINE BETWEEN LOTS l0 & 11, BLOCK 1, RICE CREEK SCHO�L ADDIT�,QNi '�Q„�,,,I.LaG1 T� �ONSTRUCTION OF A HOME UN 'IWO LOTS � � �I, I�I .' ' ThE� City �n�i.neez said the Public Hearing notice had been published May 3Q, 1973, and ,Tua� 6 s 1973 , Maj�Px' T.i�bl. x�ad aloud the Pub11c Hearing Notice. �Q�'�Qld t�y Councilman Breider to open the public Hearing on vacation requeat SAy �k73-Q�. S��oz�c3�d by �QUncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�].�xed th� mo�fcan carried, M�yor �,ieb� asked if Mx'. Aennis Ranstrom was in the audience. Mr. RanaCrom reapond�d. PUBLIC I�EARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAC;E 2 ' The �ity �n��,n�er sai.d the property involved in the requesk is at the nor�h end of Ax'thu�' StreeC on the culdusac, The Cfty Engineer said there had 6een placls to ���Call a�Corm sewer in [he area, south of Tiississippi Street which will xun th�QU$h th�.s a�ea to Rice Creek. H� said if Che Council would grant approval o� khe i�quc�BC+ th� pipe would be plaeed east and west rather than north and south. He s�id th�x4 Could be a trade of utilitg easements on the property. He said he did have �74m� xe8�xvakions about the construction of a house on the property, but they wers ortly di�cuesing Che easement at the present time. He said the vacation wauld fit into th� plans submiCted to thc city � ' � ' MA�TON by Couneil�nan Ne� to receive the letters from Mr. Foslien, dared May 4, 1973, Mx'. Metc�lf, mddr�ssed to Mr. Ranstrom, dated May 5, 1973, and Mr, Brown, da'ted ' �1�y 17, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ail voting �ye, ��yqx �,���� declared the motion carried. �caunCilman Utter questioned the City Engineer if he felt he would get proper d�ainage fxom �hQ'ax�ea with a bend in the pipe? The City Fngineer said this would properly dxa�.n th� area . Th� �ity Engineer placed a map in the overhead projector and said that the colored porCion of the map represented the City's original plan for acquisition of property fc�r �ax�k uae. He 5aid the property concerned is within ths bounds of this futux'e plan. He said some porCions of the pr�perty are at road level. The City Engineer s�ated �hat i.f ttie Gouncil wi.shed to approve the request for rhe vacation of the �asemen.k, he would recommend requirinf; the owner to dedicate somc of the low portion Q� the praperty to the Gity, , , � ' CAUncilman 1Jtter :is�ed if there was an easement for 67th Avenue? The City Engin�er said na, theze was t�nly one on An�Qka anu Stinson. He said the presently discussed ' easetnent is between the two locs. CounCilman Nec asked if ct�e land had beer tax �orfc:it? The City Engineer said he ' dfd t�Ot know and question�d rir. KansCrum on the point. Mr. Ranstrom said not that he kn�w of, Gouncilcnan Nee asked tfie City Engineer if there was a roadway easement for 67th A,venue? ' Ths �ifiy Eng,.in�er said no. '�he Cfty En$inec�r said if the Coun�i.l did the 1ot unbuilciab�e. t{e referred t� page Q� the �ou�cil would like ta know wha� he poe�d �can�struction plan. not vacate the easement, this would m�ke , 1-G of the agenda, saying if the members was Galking about, this indicated the pro- Cpunc�lmac� Uttex asked what the distance of the proposed fence would be from the houe�? '�he City Engineer said this would be eleven feet. He said the petitioner hed alsc� applied for a dariance, and the Board of Appeals had recommended approval c�f the vari�nce contingent upon the vacation of the easement. Tha City Engineer said Cha xecsammended variance for Che set back is from 35 to 11 feet. Coun�c�.lman tT'�ter asked if there is anything in tk�e area now. The City �ngineer 8�i.d th9 C9.ty has a storm sewer pipe on the south line of lot 11. He said the propos�d pi,pa would be 25 to 30 feet deep and the sct�ool had given the City an eaeeR m�nt for thie pur�ose. � I L ' ' � ' ' PU��IC I�EARING MEETING OF JUNB 11, 1973 PAGE 3 ' �h� City En�ineer s.�id thc proper�y is difficult to t�uild ��n. He said khere is ' also problems wtth the kicl•; i.n the arez. ilc� ;e�erreci to a recent incident when �om�o�,e fiad turcied �n th�: t. re h_ydr;�nt . ile :>aid he wuuld l.ike some assurance the hc+use wauld noC be washed duwn the hiii. , , � ' ' ' �ounc�lman Nee quesl�ion��ci the ;neaning of the statement made by the Director of Paxka and R�creation, stating, it would seem he opposed the granting of the reques�, lay the st���ment in the memorandum numbered 5, "Suggest we leave the lots as they �rr," �he Ci.ty El1gineer sai.l this meant that they should be Ieft as they are. �ounc�.lman Nee said f�e �„ cc�ncerned ho��� on� would get access Irom the south 1�eighbor- hood. He asked if this w�_�uld close tht public access from the south. The City Engineer s�id it would not, as the School pr��per�y which was adjaeent to the property being diacussed would a�low aecess. He said ttie hill un the naxt s[reet is very steep. H� pointed out the various routes of the aecess on the map on the overhead px'ojectox. Coun�i�man N.ee asked if the creek could be made accessable from the sauth. He questipned thE City l�:ngineer if steps could be constructed on a drainage and utility eaaement. The City Engine�r sai.d this ccuid i�e done, bur i�e w�>uld question doing th�s cnere�y for �he purpose of public assess. The City Engineer said at the end o€ F7:idley Street there is a culdusac and ri.�ht of way to 67th. He said the area is v�ry sCee�. 'The �ity ACCorney said if 67th Street is vacated, as far as being a roadway, on the ' �nd af FxidlQy Street, the City could keep or give back right of way for an entr�nce �ar fo�ak �acaf f ic , M�yca� �,i�bl asked the City Engineer, if the Council approved the vacation of the 20 ' �4c�� �asem�nt and would be granted the six foot easement, could the City live with th�s? The City Engineer said yes, this could be done on the school praperty. H� saic� th��cs would be no problems. , ' f�, � , '�h� �i�y $n�;ifl�er said ff the house is built on the property, he would li�ke some �Vid��tce �hat f.t is built on stable ground. He said he would l.ike to acquire a pQrtion caf th� lower prpperty for public use. �ay0x I,iebl suggested a lettex of agreement for these items. The City Attorney �aid it was h�.s understanding that Mr. Ranstrom would furnish soil test� on the p�cQ��rty. �ayor L�eb1 said i£ Mr. Ranstrom would agree to the exchange of easements, the �caun�il ct�uld do something about the vacation request. 1�Ix, Ranatxom sai,d if the City would require him to dedicare the lower portion pf his p�'operCy for public use, there would not be any living area on the en�ire ' piec� pf prcaperty except the top poxtion which will be completely occupied by gkie �p�s��'uck�.on of the home. He added, nothing else is usable because of the eta�pnesa af the terrain. He said if the west portion of the property abutt�ng ' th� ere�k was to be taken for public use, there would not be any use far the land �tt �L1. He said he would not build a home, if this were a condition. ' ' PUBLTC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 4 , MayOr I,��bl said he would like Mr. Raustrom to come forward and poin[ aut this �re1 on the ma,>. Mayor Liebl asked :�lr. Ranstrom to point out the area caf con�erzl me�lkieaned by khe architeet in his letter. ,1r. Ranstrom said Mr. Metcalf, the architect, was concerned about Che swale i��� the west portion of the property. Ths C�.ty Mana�er sai.d the easement cuts the buildable portion �f the praperzy in �wo pi,eces. Councilman Nee asked abot�t the f.l��ud �,lain zoninK and its implications on the g7roparty. He said these imPlicat�ons may be subsr.un�ial.Th� City Engineer said the Flood �l�ic� may invc�lv� the lower �ortion of the property but the constructipn Wpuld be at s�r�et Ic+ve1. Mx. Ranstram addressed Councilman Nee refering the statement in the memo x�ceived by Mx'. Paul Brawn had bee❑ clarified by Mr. Darrel Clark, Commun�ty Development Administ�at�r, at the May 2�, 1973, Planning Commission Meeting. Mr. Clark, had said sa�d Chi�s wo41d mean to leave the property in private ownership, not that th� px�aperty shauld remain un�ouched, Mr, Ranstrom said, Councilman Nee said this wot�l.d mean withour public ownership. M�3yor T,iebl read the six points in the memorandum submitted by the Di.rector of Pa�:ka at�d R�creati.on a].oud ta the Council and audience. Cou�ailmar� N�� asked Mr. Ranstrom if he was saying that he would not coogerat�, in th� dedieati.on of land to Che City? Mr, Ranstrom said he would not build if th� land had to be dedicated to the City. Mr4s. Barbaxa Hugh�s, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, asked if the lots go into the middle oE the cr�ek? The City Engineer said yes, and painted out the area on the map, Couac�lman N�� said the Public is making quite an investment and k�e though[ ths Ci�y should watch this, Councilman �reider asked how �uch property was being talked about for the walkway �asea�eA�'� The City Engineer said all he was saying is that this propert� had bes�► i,n the p�an, He added the top area is a good buildable site, I�e said if the Ci.Cy wanCed tca connect the eouth side o� the property, they should have same •�88A18A� . Counc�,lman Br�ider s�id iG was his apini,on that the publ�.c does have a�ce��. He added, the peo�►le can go throu�h thexe by canoe, xhe City Attorn�y agreed say�.ng, th� water auxface is public and G�nnot be regulated b�r the proper�ty qwner. The City Attorney �aid there would have ta b� an easement at the bott�am Qf the lot, or they �ould not get there. Mayor Liebl eaid the persons usi.ag Ghe creek would aot ba sb�.e tc� atop off an the private property. Cotu�ci].maan ���xder asked Mr. Ranst�om if he would dedicat� land for trails an the prQp�rt� �,� �.G ia needed in th� future fo� the overall pa�'k plan, , � ' � , II ' C ' ' ll , , II ' , � u ' PUBL�� HEARING MEE'I I"J G OF ,TUNE 11, 197 3 PAGE 5 ' M,x', Ranstrom s�id if there were a trail to cross the creek and enter on some ' porkiq[� of �h� property, th�: trail would have to be direeted immediately back ac�^o��s th� creek, as ttiere is no place to continue a path on the steep terrain. I�2 �dded, if the City thinks it would be a good thing to install patha on the , pXQp�x'�}� �ome time in the future, I wi11 agree and dedicate the easement at �hat �ime. � ' ' ' � �� �� , ' Cc�tan�i�.man Breider said if Mr. Ranstrom would not agree to grant the eas�meqt fc�i' the path, and the City were in trouble some time in the fukure, th� City wauld h�iv� to cond�mn the land, He said he would like assurance that if this i.� n��ded �tt a futuxe �iate, that thay wil� not have to fight about it, 1��. RaASCram ask�d how mueh of an easement they were talking about. Councilman $x�1d�:x �ai.d th�re is no firm handl� on the size. The City Er►gineer suggested 2- fe�at along �he back portiar► af the property. He said the people would come anyway, H� said he had wanted al�, the lots in the open area. He added, there has beec� �e+quea�s for bird waCChing enthusiasts to use the area. He said it is a nice site for a house. Mrs. �ughes s��id this secci��n i, in�luded in ttie �naka and HenneE�in (;ounty Lr�,�.I sysCem. She said ttii_� is a joint <��r�e;��.���nc. She acl�led, she would ❑ot like to cc �� up �h� Gxeek and see a�andscapad back yard, She said she would like the prope-ty to r�mai.n in a natura]. state. She said she thought this may be a point take� by �k�e p�op�rCy awners of the area. iriay�x Liebl ssked Mr. Ranstrom if �.n the future he would give the City walking �nd �ana� �rails? He questioned Mr. Ranstrom if he would give the City a little bit of the property. He said he would recommend that Mr. Ranstrom agree ko the six ioot utility and drainage easement on the southly line of lot 11, so thi.s �ou1d be made a matter of record. He said he could go along with requests by M7". Rara.strom if these agreements were made. He said he would not want the City to be i�able if the hous� shifts. Mayor Liebl said the house plan �aas beautiful and �setn�d to be quite a large house, ' CounCi�.man B�eider saici it �;ouid be difficult to do ).ands�aping because ii the land is d�,+�turb�:d, or the vegetatiuci is destroyed, there would be ali sorts of trouble. I-1� �aid he dic� not know Fiow the property could be s�dded other tt�an nailing the sad : c�wA . ' ' ' , ' � Mr, Rat�atrom sa1.d he hoped to keep everything as natural as possible. Th� City ACtorney suggested preparing a tentative proposal for action the next week. �Ie said khere should be some determination made as to the size of the easement �ar th�a possible walkway. Mr, Liebl said Mr. Ranstrom said he cannot give up the whole back yard. Mayor Li,ebl aaked Mr, Ranskrom how deep the lowAr p�rtion was? Mr. Ranstrom said the po�tion �n th� wesk is 45 to 50 feet de�p. M��►o� �,iebl �aid it was the oxi�inal intention of the City to develop nature t�ail.i�$, Hs eaid same of thQ northerly por�ion of the area had been deeded fox th�e purpose. He added, he would not wan�: to put a aCop gap in the area i� �k�i,� pt�rtian is needed to complete the pl s in the future. PU�LIC HEARING MEETING OF J1TNE 11, 1973 PAGE 6 �ounciltnan Nee said he h�d some doubt this wot�ld be satistactory tc� Mr. Ranstrom. �ouncilman Nee asked Mr, R�+nstrc�m i.f i�c: w_+nced to sell the land? He asked Mr• Rans�rom h<,w much i�e wante�l tor tl.� lots% 1ir. Ranstrom did nc�t respond. Councilman Nee s�1d he would n<�t want te> act on ; r�� ma�ter that ��vening, but like Mr. kanstrom to give tt,i � som� �!:oi,��ht. M�'• Ranstroa4 said if the City would take the bottom portion, he wuuld not build thez�. �ou[iCi.lma[� Nee t�aid he doubt.�d whet.l�t�r tf,� re shouLd be a homr� built i.n thaC �rta. H8 said therQ are a number uf problcros. �oun�ilma� N�e ssid he u�idc:rstu�d wliy Mr. Kanstrom wanted to build. Councilman Nee S�id t�e w�s on thc site, and it is beautiful. Mr, R�nstrom said thc City's plans Yor the ar�a and the map that was being offered Co ths Cpuncil by the City G�i�ineer had not ��een braL�ght to his attention when he had appli.ed for the v��ation or ttie v�ariance. He said tie had a considerable investment in rhe E�r�>jecl it tf�ic pres�n� ri.�ne. rlayor Lieb l askt. d,�ir . Kans � rom i f he �>w�i<��i b � h t ot.:; . Mr . Kans t rom said he did . Mayo� �,iebl asked if there were any more questians by th� Council? He asked if there were any more questions by the audience. There was no response. MQTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Ne�. Ugon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried u�.ac�imously and the Public Hearing closed at: 8:20 p.m. M,ayor �i�bl said the Council usually takes action on such matters at the meeting fol.lawing Che Public Hearing. Mayor Liebl said he would like some assurance that l�ir. Ratn�txom would agree to canoe trails and trails as such, some time i.n the future if thQy ars ne�ded. Mayor Li.ebl said Chey would have to acquire Land in the area, HE; e��.d the City does have some land in the area now that has been either bou�h� pr donated. He said there are pros and cons to the issue. He said he would 1i14e aom� agreement that the City would no� be held liable for the construction �hat i,s bui1C there. He said there is accessability on the south side. He would al.sc� 1i1ce a[1 a�reemenk to the granting of the utility easement on the south side. rlaypr I�iebl a�sked the City Attorney to give an opinion on the requests. The CiCy ACtorney sa�.d it would be 1�ga1 if it is in the best interest of the City. Re said the Council would have to make the decision, He said such an agreement could l�� pu� ir� the file and be part of the records of the County. M$ypx L1� b�. asked if the City would have to receive the concurrance of othe� people, He a+�k�ed i� the Rics Creek Water Shed District had been contacted. He said he had been �old that tl��:y recently opposed the construction of a structure and had refused to allc�w �.ts construction. '�h�e City A��az'ney said he questianed what authority they had. The City Engineer s�i,d thie could be offered for their review, but he did not know beyond this wha� cQUld be done by th�m. Mayor Liebl asked if this wouid have to be reviewed ����� ��,�� �xeek Water Sh�d Dietrict, Thg Cit� �,t�orney said he did not know � �` x�i���� a�� re�u�ations": '", ' PUBI.�G t��RING MEETING Ok :7UNE 11, 1973 PAGE 7 ' M��'px' Li�b� said he would like khe City rianager ta draw up an agreement with ' ��ep�et to i�lr, Ranstrom's request5. The Gity Managc:r said he would do this. jyj�yQ� I,�.ebl t��id the Ward CouRCilman was not present that evening, he was vacationi.ng , �.�. Mt�c►t��t�,. Hr &aid the Council would make a decision on the matter the following w��k wh�►� �h� Councilman of the Ward, Starwalt was present. , C�unci,lman Bxeider di.rected the City Manager to .�ave an agreement drawn up. The Ci.ty �,ttpx�,�y said Ghe plans should nok be subn�i:ted to the Ri��: Creek Water Shed ��.s�r�G� until after the Council tak�s a�tian. ' Th� C�t� A���rn�y directed �he City Manager t�� find out wtien and where the Ri�e �xe�:� Wa�er Shed District would be meeting. , Th� ���y En�ineer said their review is onl� a farmality and would be necessary �p�' a�az'�Q structure on1y. Qtherwise, they ;�ould not be concerned, but they ca� b� �ivQC� a chance to r�view �he pl�ans. , , F'�B�IC I3�ARING ON VACATION REQUE$T SAV �k73-05, GILBERT MENKVEI..� TO VACATE PTJBLIC �A�EMENT ON b7th AVENUE BEZWEEN ANOKA. STREET AND FRIDLEY �TREET TO ADD 30' TO 'THE N(]RTH/S�UTH DIMENSION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OAK GROVE ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PARK, �'iAK�N� G I�' A BUILDABLE SIT�: rjQ��pN by �puncilman Breider tQ waive the reading of the Public Hearing �Votice, ' S��t�nd�d by CQUncilman Uttsr. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�����'�d the mokion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 8:21 p.m. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �I ' Mi, Jim N�.�:�son� addressed the Council and stated he was representing Mr. Gilbert M��kv� 1d , Mr, Ni+�l.son said the addition was platted in 1880 and one of the oldest addit�.ons �,�t �he ���y of Fridle�, He said the street which the vacation request was submitted for is 34 ie�t in wid�h and had been vacated in the adjaeent addition which is Che �,�,c�.�r�:ek SehQOI Addition� Mr. Nielson said Lot 1, Block 2, of the Oak Grove Add�.�ion �.a 40 feet in width and by vacating 67th Street, �ir. Menkveld will be ahls tp create a 7Q £oot lat. He said 67th Street has nev�:r been opened. He sa�,d th+� el�yatiQn of the proposed street is from 90`L to $63 in elevation, which would m��Ce �.0 �.mp�ss�.ble to construct a,street except by the installation of a bridge, rix� I�;�el&An s�id it we�uld be to the benefit of the City to vacate the street �� �he p�ople may aomeday request this bridge and it would be a considerable ��tgensa to th� City, Mr, NiQlsan said the property owner is willing to give the lower portion of the land Co thQ Ci.ty for park purposes. Mx, Ni.elapn said Mx. Menkveld is selling the property to his partner for th� purpaa�s o� him �on�tructing h1a home an this lot. He said he feels the house will be a cocn�llm�o�t tc� the neighborhood, He said the property discussed has been tax d��,inquec�t zw�.�s 1n the past. �Ga�rox Li�bl said he had questiana about the in�ormation an page 2-A. Ths Gity �t►gi.ct��l� �aid the gaxage would be oz� the eouth aide af the lat. He said f�e wauld 1i1�� to poii�t ouC there had be�t� �p�os�,ti�� to the vacation by the peopl�: o£ ihs ���,����p�h�pcad, The �ity Engineer eaid the lettera �r�m the opposing neighbara �a�ra n '�iie"Agen�a. , � .�� „_..e�� ,._, �.... ..,...._ . PUELXC H�ARING MEETitiC UF JUNE 11, 1G73 AG 8 , P E Mayo� I�iebl said ch� uppositicn letters are self explanator}�. He said �here are a1sQ letters from Mr. Darrel Clark, the Community Development Administrator and al$p the City Att;,rney which offer explainations to the acquisitioll c�f park land by vacation of a public easement. Mayor Liebl read a portion of the letter from tha City A�tarz�ey. Mayo� �i�bl que8tioned if it would be an unbuildable site without this vacatian? Th� City �Agineer said the property pwner y,�ould have to receive some variances i�' h� waa�sd to bui],d on a 70 foot lot. Mayor Lieht asked how close the properCy Woald tas to the park land. The CiCy Engineer referred to the pla� an page 2-A oi Che� ��enda and ssid the park woul.d be 15 feet from the property owners line, Coun��ltnan ��e�.der asked if there would be a home on the two lots. The Gity Engineer 8�id yre, Ccaunc�lman Breider asked i� the dwelling could be closer tu the street Cha�1 the other homes in the neighborhood. The City Engineer said �t would be farther back b�caus� of the culdusac, Mayor Liebl questioned if the set back required a vaxi�t►ce. Ths City Attorney said this house is farther back than the house to the soutb. Caune�,lman Breider said this house would not line up with the other homes o'n the s�rr�et. The City Attorney said there is a problem with the el.evation. He sa�d the�e are some steep banks. CQUnc�.lman Uz�e�: asked if there is any proposal to put the street in th� easement in ths futur�. The City Engineer said he did not think the Council would like to loca8� pubJ.ic property, that is being used at the present time. Mayvr I,iebl asked the applicant which portion of the property would be used for bu�.l$�.ng purpases. Mr. Nielson said there would only be one foot of the proposed home in the tight of way area. He said the deed of Fridley Street had been given to the Cit� fox a roadway into the creek. This had been done by Carl Sorenson, Mr. �1i��.�son said. He added, the property north of the culdusac is under the control oF the Ci.ty� Maypr Lisb� said the Council had concurred with the ability to gain access to the Cxeek. He said there is ��ccessibility, but once the right to buiJ�d is given, the Ci�y would li�ose �ac,•�-„sibi ; i ty. ' u , u !l ' ' � � , ' ' Mr. Ni�lson said the creek is some 200 to 300 feet from the presently being discussed proper�y. He said if the access to the park is questioned, Fridley and Anoka Streets , have access to the creek. He said the only question at hand is if they should vacaCe 6ith Avenue. GQUnc�.lman Nee said tYie only factor in favor of the City vacating the easement would b� the atnount of taxes to be obtained by the construction of the home. MOTIQN by Councilman Breider to close the Public Hearing. k��►r�x �iebl said there people present who would like to be heard on the matter. Mx. Gaz� Svdahl} 6689 Anoka Street N.E., said the street easement is used by many tp �x�.X and enter the park and creek area. He said the animals also come up from kh� �ark �.nd cresk in that area. He said the txees come 7right up to the tog of th� bank. He said he thought the matter would deserve very careful eonsideratian. Mr. SQdahl etated that a two story house wauld stick up above the othex' homes in the are� �c�d d�sCro� Ch� ru�StiG manner of the �rea. L� ' � L_J , , ' ' ' � Pi7$LZC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE J.1, 1973 PAGE 9 Ma�qr I.iebl asked if the street is vacted and the home built, how would this destroy �he area? klr, Sodahl said t,e believed the construction would be too close to the park. Maypr I.iebl asked if Mr. So�iahl would Iike the praperty to be tax forfiet or would h� �.ike it as proposed at the present ti�ie. He said everyone dumps their garbage in the a�ea. M�. Sqd�Ml said the porti�n of the easement above the bank area, is a nice area and is 'bein$ used like a neighborhaod playgx-ound. He said there are a number of childr�n ' �.� Ch� area.He said if the structure was put in, this would eliminate the use Qf it b� Ch�e neighbarhood chi.ldren. � ' Mapor �,ieb1 �aid he was trying to work something out where the property could be develpped and the tax. doll ar could be obtained for the developmenk of that land. He eaid �.t seemed .to hi.M that the people of the area were not opposed to the general con- ' �a�ructipt� on the land but opposed to r_he kind of construction proposed. He said they woul.d t�ot �.ike it to be distra.cting to the neighborhvod. ' M�, �od�h7. �aid the property owners had resigned themselves that the structure wou�.d be �canst�'u�t�d there, as the Planning Commission had recommended approval of �he request. 'He said �hey would like something compatible to the area built there. He said he felt it wtauJ.�l be bettex� if the property were to be left as it is at the present xirae, ' �tnd�:v�lpp�d. �ir. Sodahl said the proposed home would be a large fla[ house and this woul� b� dt��erent than all the other homes in the area. ' � Mr. J�. GR Atevni�k� b684 Fridley Street N.E., addressed the Council stating he owned a�nd l�ved can Ghe� pxopexty to the south of the„gr,qposed construction. He said he had b��n mair���ining the grass. He said tbere are many children that use the area for such a�t�v��ies as picnics. He said this is a wildlife area. He said he thought xhe ma��.�nus� ��e should be obtained from the 1and, and that is leaving the land undevelap�d. Ma�yp'r I,i�sbl said he would like some clarification on the type of ' M�. Cr��.,g Wiiley, contract pur�haser of the property, addressed he had �aza� d�rawings af the propos�d dwelling. Mr. Willey went dx'aw��ngs to the Counc.il. �J � L� ' ' ' ' ' construction proposed. the Council staCing forward to show the lrl�'. Wi�.ley said the home would have a mansord roof to resemble the other property 3xt �'he axea, He aaid beca�tse of the nature of �Y�e property. in order to obtain enougt� aiea �Qx his �amily to 11ve, a two story structure was necessary. He said in the bes� int�x��et of �he area property owners he had incorporated the mansord roof and ktoz�.�o�ta�. �iding, He said this would bring the structure closer to the appear�nce of the r��ighbor�ng structures. H8 said he would be using a ZO foot garage door, not a 26 foot. He said if the Council's d�cieion would rest on the eize of the garage door, he would make them smaller, Iie said the gar�ge is attached and in line with the structure tothe sou�h. He said this wauld b� a double attached garage. Mr. Willey said he had tried to cxeate a hom� to f�.t �.t�to Che size af the neighborhood by using the mansoXd roof. M�.yo�' �i.�b�. said all of the land below the 902 elevation would be deeded back to t}�e Cit�, Mr. Willey said this was cqrrect. Mayor Liebl asked if the width of th�.� s�x'+e8 wou�.d be 200 feet. Councilman Breider said this woul.d only be 1S feet. FvB�IC HEAA�NG M���ING Ok' JtJN� 11� 1973 Mayar �iebi sug�ested they obxain answers for the follawing questio��; Ti th� �o� a �ulldable eiteZ PAGE 10 I Wp��Q th�e b� �n the overall interest of the neighborhood? �� �0 �e�� �naugh �ccess ta the park land? 'I't1Q Cit� Attor��� �aid as he looked at hia certificate of aurvey Che 60 �e�t i� riot Wh�� th�y ��� askin$ to be vacated. He said this 60 feet is the w�d�h 1� fro�� at�d w'hat is Ch� ae�ess to the park. The City Attorney said th� access Co Che area ha� ta �s �� ��ot, M�ty�r �i��� said ta make this a buildable site, the Council would hav� to Y���te th� �t���G �ae����. 'T'11� C��y A�tQ��ey sa�d th� property owner can requeat a 6uilding pexmlt o� � 4� toot �G�• �� �a�d �� 1on� as zhe area has been platted before the City had requirad tha min�um ��Q��ag� to be 7S �eet. He said the applicant could build on tho 1ot� H4 a�1d t�i� �ou1d �Qt b� th� �ase if he were requesting a special uae permit. He said th� 1a�d �wr��� h�� a xight to use his �and in some fashion. He said �t would be withi� hi� ���ht �� �pp�y �or a building permit. He said he did not knaw �� �h� �ity 1�ou�4 gr��t � build�n$ permit or not. Me�yox ���b� �a�d th� alternatives had to be weighed. Would the� b� encroa�hing on th� c���� ���a �nd how many peaple in the ares would want the same thin�? The C��y �ngine�� sa�d this is the only lot available, there is no other tha� ie tax �a�fi�t �� th� area. He aaid �t �s only 40 feet and the only one n�� built on. Ma�px ��eb� aaked �� tha Council did not make this a buildable aite wpuld th�a b� �A unbu�ldab�� �ot? Th� City Engineer said the City has not allowed �ny eonatzuation on 40 teo� �ata, MO�I�� b� �ouncllman Hr�ider to cloae the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilma� U���r� �p�� a v��c� vote, all vqting aye, Mayor Lieb� declared the motion c�xxii:$ t�rt�A�tnou�l� �nd �he Publi� Hearing cloaed at 9:10 p.m. , M�t�+�r �i�b], �tdYised the applicant that the Couacil would tak� action on the requeat th� lollowi.n$ me��ing �of tt�e Cauacil� He said �he me�bera of th�; Council wauld vis�t tha ar�a and they would make a determination when the Ward Councilman Starwa�.t xas praaoat. �ONTI�QtJED YUBLIC HEARTNG ON T'HE MUNICIPAL COMPREHENSIVE DEVELQPMENT pLAN (CONTI�14�t}�D� MAY �l� 1973�: .��.. � '1'��4N by Counc�.lman B�eidex tc� reopen the public Hearin$ on the Comp�cehensive Ylan� 8econded by Cou�,cilman Nee, Upon a voice vote, all �oting aye. Mayor Liebl deClaxed th� mOti�Qt� �axried unanimously. �ov,a��,lmar� 8re�.der said he would like to discusa the area in hie W$rd which i�nCluded ax�a• 1, �s �.nd �art o� 3, ' , � ' ' � ' ' , ' � ! _J , IJ ' ' �t� �G�.ty �ngia�er said the E�ginee�it�g D�partment i�ad pre}��red a 2Q miau�e pxea���atiqp t�hi.ck� had ba�er� preeented to area organizations. ' ' ' PUBL�C �F�AFtING M�ETING QF .TiTN� 11, 1973 PAGE 11 ' ' � � � �i� � ' � � I� �� �6?ua�G#,3an�etrt �re�d�r qu�eetioned the inclu�ion of the zoning changes 1� the Compr�hensive �'jap,: �� a�i.d 'how are the type of zecommendatfQne xegulated? Tha S��t�' �a�ic�eer said the Gompreheneive Plan ia only a guide; this ia a par� o� tl�� r�conrmsnd�tiaa, not a�oning o�divanee. He stressed that this wcauld be a basia plan� �IA A�td th� �md�.vidual propexty would heve to still stand on its own scrutiny, $� p�.id th� l�m� gxocedure wouJ,d hav�e to be followed for the zoning cha�ges, Plaanit�� Go�mtesian� Publi� �lear�ng and it would be up to the Council. 't'�1� Gity �ngi�te�r sa�d if some people would come in and want to develop eoma mulipl� ty'p� oi st�'uctt�rea� �he staf#' could point out the best planned areas for thia�typ� CQrtetx'uetiot�, �Ie �a1d ther� are different types of land beat for speci.fic uses, and t11� �i,�y �ould adviaQ the proepective buyer or developer which ia best su�ted �Qr eaeh i���nded ue�, 'iia,�e Gity En��,�e�x sa�d in area number one, there are outlined impacts which �ontx�.but� Xv '�he� ��t±�bliehing r�f the North Town Shopping Center. He said ther� is a large+ pp�t�.o�t q� pxopexty tha� is for public use which is North Park� or to be uaed fox a riatura c�nCex ar golf eourse. H� �aid there are also large parcels that Wil� be ua�d i`s�� i�►dustt'y. He Said if the plan for the area fs followed, there wi21 be 8�.��'g� t�x°e4 �`�� �cnp�pyRne�t and good recreational facilities. He esid there are some drainag,e pr�b�.�ms it� Che area. The City Engir.eer said t�is type of planning would elim�ta tha A��d �o wQrk �n Fd ina and live in Fridley. He said this will be a total �oncep� ��.�A. He� �9+�id th2Xe wil� be a place to Iive, a place to pla�� and a plac� to ivazk. it+� l�s��d he would like CQ create a plan allowin� for the most pos�ible oppaxtuniti�e �'or th� p�4ple. �T�.QN by Cvuncilman Cttter to table the discuasion on the Compz'ehensive Yl&n un�i.l alte� � t� p����nt�tic�n of Mayor �ruce Nawrocki, Columbia Heights, on �he EleC�7:'i4:8� �'x`a11CY1181�e 8�e��ad�d by �c�ut�cilman Br�ider. Upan a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor �,i�:b�, d�+�1a���1 C�e mot�.on car�ied unanimpusly. ' �RE$� E�JTATT�N BY MAYOR BRUCE NAWROCKI�COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, ELECTRICAL FRANCHISE: M��'�t� i�i�b1. �xplained to the Council and audience that Mayor Nawrocki had exeueed ' h�e��.! tro� hie City's Gouncil. meeting to make the presentation tca the Fridley �ity C�uA���, He sa�:d the item was later on the agenda but would appreciate 1f the G+�uA�il would ��.low ttim the time at the present titne, enabling him to return tG the ' tiaQs�t�t�g o�' tbe �ounci�, in Columbia Heighta. Mayor Liebl said Mayor �TSFI�OCUC� would b� 8.b1A to ansWer the Council's questions as this franchise was drawn up b� th� 6omaa�tt�e� h� �1�aired, , MAyo� $ru�� Nawrocki addressed the Council saying he appreciated the courteay �h�t tho Cs�tl�t�il '�ad given him in addressing them at the present time. ' iie paid the documet�ta that the City was reviewing in reference to the establiahing p�" � un�t�rm electrical franchise in the metropolitan area represented moxe than l�Y� �Ta�tra �rork by th� c�ittee and the League of Minnesota Munlcipalitiea, ' ' ' ��ra� �1�ar�cki �aid iy was the original thought to eatablieh a S�ate wids authori�y�e �,4 tt►i! h�d l�gea eent down the drain by the Bt�ze Legislature. He said eotna o� the� M�p,A,�,�ipCB q�ti�iale trled a different tact after thia t�me. Ha e�aid thiy sat ou� to ¢stab��l� di��C� negotiationa with Narthern States Power Company to submlt a ovsrall �c��+p �x;ucture, Ks said the resulte of the work w�p� �}�e p���;���Iy being px�eatnt�tl do��n�t�� �'o� ��� a,�tubllat�ing a metro rate aut'hority and �ganc�,ise with Narth Stalss ��wsr ��na�a��►. � � � _-. 'I� � � PC�BL�� H�ARII�G Mk��,['t.NG OF .T1JNE 11, 1973 PA�� �2 � ' M��►�r Nawro�ki aaid the group ubtained the eervices of Mx, Gearge I�Iess and a113Q o$ Clayton� I�eF�vere, CiCy Attorney� Richfield� He said both of the�� men have �+pe�6l Very ac�ive in the Suburban Rate Authority, which regulates th� gae rat�e ��r xhi� �rea, 1"!aj►c�x NaWx'S►ck1 said �hat Mx. Hess is a consumer arientated consultant withou� s��t��Cion� M�ypx Nawra�ki said if this is puk inta effect� it cn�xst r�presen� p��sage af bQ% of the electrical customers af the area. Gcauc�oilman Nee �ai,d he wae not gping to offer the proposed amendmente, 'MA�►px 1��Wtc�ck�, said the amendment in question had been taken care �� and cnuet �p�+ 1�� ���SSn ���'� p� throu�h the court system if collection is soug,ht, H� 6�3.d th�y w�ul�l alsra be establishing a prompt payment discount. He sai.d thexe i.a Curi'�tntly �Q�hing for reduction for prompt payment in the rate strucCute �xc�pt at �ho ��p �las�ificatipn. �yp� �T�W�p�j�� $aid th� qusstlon of rate discrimination is also b+eing di�+�ussed �rtd r���#���h,�d, �Ie a�id �h�.s is also a vrery involved sub ject and a� �h� �re�ec�t t�.mo dp�� d�.���'��nii�ate again�t certain classes of cusGomers. Mayor iVawrackf s�id �hey yp@�p �opir��, �p� sr�me modification of the existing rate structure in this a��a al,ao, p��rg�x j�aW�Q�ki said he would H� add�d� ther� has been alot p��'��C� � b4�C �.t is so�ne thi�g �t gavd bBm�� �o stare from, like the Council Co favorably consider Ch�a fr�n�hi��m of wprk put intv the proposed f�anchise, it i,o t►Qt Chat can be set. He said he thought th� p�'Qpc��a�1 MAyo�" �,�.�bl aaked Maypr Nawrocki who Mr, Hess was and wha[ his back�round c(��ia��.eCe'd o�� • �jayQx I�a.w�+��ki sai.d Mr, Hess is a eonsumer ori�ntated rate eonsultant, �le p�id the�� are y�B��► f�w ca� Chem, �i�: said Mr. Hess has served in this capacity in Wash�,��,ko� atid �� p1�ny 4Gh�x` p$rts 9f the Ratio�. Mayo�c Nawrocki said ther� is no oCh�er p�r�c�l it� th+� M�ot�c�poli�an area who is capable of this type af wprk� k�e said i.� would have 'b�@c� In�adle�� tc� adver[iee �or auch s person. K� aa�.d Mr� H��� h�d been working for the praposed authority on a fee �asi�, Ma�ro� N��lrpQki �8id h� �ai.sca warka for the Suburban Rate Authority. H� woxks only ot� th�s cs�A�umer �id� oi' the ;.saue, When he was shown the amaunt of dallara that wotild ba Fmi.d �l�e �c�naultant, Mayar Nawrocki safd he was heaitant to go alcang wi�b tk�e ;g��� ����.d now� he �.e very certain this was the proper peraon and Che cox'x�Ct �,p�,k�pd, I�� s�id Ghere are �irme available foar this type of work, but th�y �xe �'�,xtp; �h�t �'�present both eides c�f the fence. Mayor Nawro�ki sai.d Mr. HeeB has �POTkod o� � N�w Xork housing authority, in Washington, p, C„ and alsa it� Texabe Ke ovnt�riu�d� he �a i.a dem+and 365 days a year, and is uery dedicated tQ th� coneua�e� �.�1���41I � o �Q����,�tn�r� ��� eaici h� 3,� �till concerned with rate discrminati.on, bu[ would wan� t�,q �;�ur�q��, Gq �dr�pt �he ordinance. �Yp� ��,p�,� th,��,jc�c� 1+�a�rar Naw�o�ki fa� attendin� tk�e �rid�ey Cpurteil Meeting �p Ru�ka ��� p����o�,ing, pro�entationE He eai.d he knew h� had contributed hundreds o� hou'�. �p �,�0 1���4y a�d �or�alization af the franchfsq documenta tp �xc�t�Ct the� c0c��9ume}", ��r�� �,�,�'��. thank�d 'bi�yor Nawracki fo�c bis a�pearance, , � L� ' , 11 � ' , � ' ' � ' , ' , LJ � , , ' � PtJBL�C I�AR�'iG �1��TING OF NiV� 11, 1973 PAG� 13 M�yp� Nawx�ocki �ccept�d Che �thanks! not fs�r himself, but for the aQmmi.��.e�, � �Q►anCilman $reider qu�stioned the other members �Q t�k� a�ti.o�n �an ttle item at the preaent time? wo�ild be th� se�ond reading �� the ordinance. of the Council i� they would 1�.ics The City Attorney said thi,s Mt�'�pl� lay C�unei.lman Breider to adopt the second reading o� the electrical �rat�chiae ' Q�di�ac��+e Ne�, S42 and authorize the administration to ex�cut� �he �greemen�. a�c�a�ded by Gouncilman Utker, Upon a r411 call, Vote, Uttera Nee� $x�3.d��s �nd �,�+�b�- voC�a,� ay�, Ma�or Liebl declared the mation earred. ' LJ ���I�N,G TA��„E �ROM PUBLIC HEARING �N THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ; I��IQ� b� ��un�i.imaz� Br�ider to x��move the table on the Public Hearing o� �he ��ip��h�n��,y� pev�loptn�nt plan„ Seconded by Councilman U�ter. Upp� a vai�� yQGA� �►1� YQtitig a�*e� I�ayo� I,i.Qb�. declared the mati4c� carried unanimoulsy, ' '�ha �i.ty �n�inee� �eferred te� atudy area number onq and stat�d �t wou�d be �iaaila� �g t�t� �ct���►pats ar�a with fri�ge areas of theaters aud office buildings, �I� s�i.d +W�th �h� Fax'k� hous�.ng fa��,liCies whieh include apartments, town,houses, �t�d �hpppi[t� , �s�ts�C� th�.s Wou1Q allow fo� planned opportunitie� of the entire arsa. H� Qa�,d tha w�i1 �andit�.�ans have �an ess�n�ial bearin� on �k�� Cyp� af d��r��opment ca� th� ar��. '�et s�id th� k�igh�r uses wouZd xequire much �nore stable soi]. cond�C�ions thar6 individu�tl p�ap��r�i�e�, kI� s�f.d they covex a much larger area, He said it �s �Lsc� th�i� int�nt � �sr prC►Y�$�? tnan� pQading axeas which would no� only �erve a purpoae c►f �&tablieh#.n� d���.n�ge� bt�� also enhan�e the area with beauty in developmentR � '�e,y�pr �,j,+�1a1 sa�d he had heard Che presentatian and he questioned �f Ch� �an�p�t m�td th� fi�a�ei.ng of such a plart make it feasible. He sa�.d he sii.d �oz kr►ow whe�� th� �;f.�y wA�ld p,�t Che mo�ney ��a� this type of development, �Iayor I,ieb�. ���d he Clltaug�� th� �it� ahould try ta wo�k th:e plan �.n with the development oi 1thr� ar��. ' }T� ��4�d l�� �i,d Ch�.nk ir� soate of th� area, khe City would not be able to �xecute th�s plan bs�aus� pf e�onom�cal �actors. , r� � � � �h�t ��.�� Et�gic�ee� said th�rQ wo�ld have to be a plan. He said he would �ug�esr �hat th�s�: hQping to deye��p the area �onform to the plan a� the present �im�, �� �a�,d i.� a�cc�x�din� tQ the sCudy and ta the plan, the City feels on� area shauld '�e �laid�r�tia��, �he d�velopex should be advised which areas would be best sui.�sd ipx thi# ty��a pf siev��opmenk. He said th� City could not force develop�ra to ��a11Q4� thQ �ecancept of the p1an, but it could be poi.nted out, t-Ie said k�e was euxe thi� p1�n �ould be madified, but they would have guidelines ta �ollow in �uturs d�Y�LC�gA���tt �f Che City. M�►yo� T�iebl again stressed the economical factor in implementing a plan such ae pr8- ' B�Rt�d by ths City Engineer. He said the total impact of the City Wi.thin th� l��t �ert y�ars shuuld he taken into consideration. He said there are persons who do gW� j��op�Tty and wuul�i be upposed to the plan. ' ' , '��}� ���,�r �ngi�ee� said tie would like to �lazify a po�.n�., th�.s is not his �l,�n, �� �.+� �t pla� Chat Che Planning Comm�ssion had b�en Working on, and the sta�'� ha� bA!�� ��7�ki�� with them for the completion of khe over �11 plac�, tie said the pian h,a�d be+�a z+avi.ewed by the Metxopolitan Council. He said before they r�view the p�,art +����i�, �hi� A���t be reviewed and approved by tk�e Council. He s$id he waa awaxo �h�� C�� �$�R ��� �� �„Qdifisd to conrorm to �1�� �rea, p�ople and dev�lopmeaC, PUBI.IC HEARING M�ETING OF JUNE 11, 1973 PAGE 14 Mayc�r ��i.ebl 5aid he w�>..1<1 not all��w spot zonin�, He said if som�one comes��n to pl1��k1HSB pC��; .• r c y, t l�r: p�,:in cuu' ,i b� rev i��we�i . He said he knew part of the �TpG�duZEl would be t� 5;�i�mi� the �lan to �hc Metru Council. He said he wa� concerned with th� G�,ty as a wtivle, ��nd wtiat the plan may do to the envirunment, traffic and QYex81� ��.tu�tion, kle ��id i�c� fe 1 t there should he some m�dification o� �he plan. The C�,[y �ng,i�neer said the plan cuuld be r��viewed from time to time and upd�t8d. MtiXpx �,ieb� ask�d if the plan called for ultimat� building and popula[io[� d�n�ity? �ie �pAtictued sayi.ng, this could be ��ccomplished by 1985 or 20p0. He said tbe o�E�x�1]. City plan would c�311 for a sec number of parks, and this should be faGtor �Q kB�p i.� m�.nd, Th� C1�y Er►gineer said yes, tiie population figures for 1980 would be abouC 39,QQQ, M�y�r �,iet�� sai.d i� the Cauncil would do some radical rezoning, this would �ff��t th� maxi.�uum d�:nsity of the overall area. He said the land could be rezon�d far Ch� hi.gk� price tax dallar, but if the M-2 land is rezoned to R-� th� p�Pu18C�.AR 1�.gur�s would be ou� of li.ne wi.tti expected population of the commun�Cy. '�hQ Ci�ty �ng�cteer said there has to be some consideration given to the ecology 8tni bas�.c n�eds of the communiCy. He said this is only a plan, He said i.t would xt�c{ui�`e con�tant revi�w. He said if someone would like a development in a ar�a wh�.ch hae rtca oPen azea the plan could be ehanged to provide the apen ar�a, COU�1Ci.ltnan ����der said he questioned whether creating the facili�ies in a�Q�u��,�y wpuld �o�,+t� '�hes� prablems, He stated he works in Edina �nd only three af th� 400 pepgl� h� wprks with there live in the apartment eomplex in the vi��n���r Qf �h� bll��.REi$S • Th� �iCy ��t$�.neer sa�.d there wc�uld have to be shopping facilities provided �1so, C�ut����,�ta� B��ide� �aid there are shopping facilities in the area with Sauthdal�, M�,�Ch�C4x sai.d h� knew of one Gompany thaC would hav� moved away from Fr�.dl�y, #ia &�i.d the�x pe�ple l�v� in Fridley and �hey did not want to move away, H� aaid tha p�ac1 had some $trong points. He safd personatly, he would not want to wark i� �"��dl�y ��sl l�.ve ou� of Frtdley, MaXa'� I,��bl �aid the plan could be adopted in concept, but in some casss there wq�tld h�y� to be �ome bargaining done. Mx,9Ck�xo�x �ai.d the purpose of the input would be for atudy and xevi.ew. He BCated tha +�itX ws�uld have ta have a goal an� dir�ction. '�h� �i�y Enga�r�esr said he wauld lilce to disc�ss study area number four, Th�'Cigy '����n�er said the plan ca11s for what the Cit� would like to achieye i.n tho ���e�. H� ���d there is some high use, he mentioned Designware. He said the land �b�t�ti.r�� tk�� ere�k is all residential at this time. He said there �r� area� whicl� laG� '�r������.on from induatry to r�sidential, He said there should be same kind q$ bYt���� �uch as parkland ox medium den�ity hpusing. He said the remai�.d�T p� tl}! 4x��, �.� x��iden�ia], and park. The City Eagineer referred to the area which hae � , , i� � �� J � � � � , , ' ' ' i � � 1 , FUBL�C t:1�Ak��i� ME�TING QF �T[TN� 11, 1973 ' ' � � � ' � ' ' � r-- � �� � r � � � � , � ;� PAGE 15 �t���t ��c�n�ly di.�euss�d for Gh� purpose oi the construction oi the t�Chao1 �iu� �ax8g�'. Ha ��i�d �he area is aoned light industry and this was not :� use which woul.d bq 1,n�tenQ�d �dj��6n� �ca th� cr�ek. He said he did thir.k the d�velaper t���d some rlght�. �e said th+�x'� sk►Q�ld �s same r�szrietions on the property, such as planting and xe&tr�,okione An Ch� bsnks of the creek, The City Engineer said the Gouncil wauld havf: ko �x�rCiB� �h�i� sights. �pu�i�ilmaz� �r�i�de� questi�ned [he City Engin�-er asking if he thought [he developmBnt p�yQ��� �� �c��ethi�g other than cammerc�,al. He asked the City Eilgi.ne�r how ha prapsreed tp ha�Ad�c� tt�� pi�blem, and what were the recommendations of his staff? Th�'��.�y Et��i.neer said with the high use the developer could ?et his mon�y ou� of th& pTO�exty� H� 8�id �he City would either have to let him buil� car acquire the prAp+��t�. CQU���1tnaTt �r��der asked if he built the bus barn, the construction would nQt b� �CGUrs�it�� �o Ch� p;.Rt� of the area? Th� ��ty ��$ineer ,said yes. He said this comprehensive plan would �al.l for aom�e Qthsr td�d�-uaTt s�st��+i�y facility. He eai,d 1t is in the eenter of the City and khs cen,ter p� �h� �a���al Distxic[. He said there would be a traffic problem. Th� C�.ty Engin��� &��.d th�t'e $x�@ problem�, but if he wants tc� use the pr�perty for a bu� ��rage, he S� Afl • Ma�v� I�iebl. said the basic consideration is the zoning. H� sai�i �he City cauld a�s1� �p� 80t�e T���'�ic��.prts, �Ie said he believed Mr. Christenson should build a�ubstanCial ���u�tttr�� n4� a�in shed, He said the City's consideratian has zo come fram �h� ke��L aspee��, ��; ca�tinued �f any alternatives ta the plan are decided upon, kh� C�,ty woul�l have to g�;z �orne mQn�yfram someplace. Mayor Liebl �aid he belieVed �he p�acapl,+� haci s point aad there i� a trafii� ��Qblem. CpttnCilma�n �Tee sa�.d it is the original zoning that is creating a burden for the p���arit �c�ta�.Cil. kle said at the time the property was zca�ted, a property awn�t coul.d �es�v�aC � c�rtai�� zQn�.n�, far hi� property, whether that property be a acr� ar an �0 �vOt 1caC, He sa�.d Chia was a totally non rational process. He said now� the ��ty '��e m�k�ng an attempt to provide rational zoning, whi�h �aould removs cas�s oi Che h�lt�ar sk�lte� to the rational. He said this process would be better Ch�a wha� w�� dona �.n 19SS and 1956. �r�, Aarbarr� Hu$hee' atating she was a represen�tative o� the i,eague of Womsn Vote�e, �si.� Cha Flt�nning Gommia$ion had teatlfied at i�ngth about their eoncerne abaut ��ce�n�it aad open apace, water pollut�.on and water tegec�eration. Ha said the plans Of the �ompx�honsive Plan were rQviewed by ths I.eague, and they thought they m�t tb� criC�r�.a Very wsll, She said she would lik� ta bring one othex thing ta Che ,���en�ion of �he Council. Mrs. Hughes Sa�d there is a newly est�ablished Nati.an$1 '�d ��� p�1�Giee a�y have some future bearing An t�e decision� of enviranmental eoc���xi��Y, $h� s�i.d th� Comprehen�ive Plac� triee to do this . Sh� mentioned the po�s�.b�,1ty of the �aolution of the stream, She hoped the ppliey o� granting �el�oniag �c�d tJariances would conform to the national establish�d policy, and they i�c�uld ��re�pl],�► Gansider the manner in W�ich property owners cen use theix L�nd. ��C�+1 by Coune�.man Breider to con�inu� Gh� Public Hearin� on the Comprehensive �'��� �yiBCi� x�ex� ia a full Co�C��� ���QF��e� b� Gouncilman Ut�er. P[J�LI� H�ARIN� rtEE'I'T:�C� UF .ItTNL 11, 1473 PAGE lE� I°jr, Jim Langenfeld, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission, said h� hated �o stop prc��,ress, but soon it would be necessary to come up to th� CounCi� for parm�,ssipn r.o build a teepee. He asked if it would be Possi.ble i.n some+ manner to $Xar►t the man a tax credit if he conforms to the conditions uf the �iky and $�,��► the n�ighborho�d. 'MayQ� I,�.ebl sa�,d this would not be possible, but he would like to try to p�t ha.m to caafpxm w�.�h the restrictions by 1aw. He said khere are two alternakives, �sad h� did not believe khe Council was ready ko make a decisian on the tnatter, He �s►id he hc�gad the n��sssaxy machinery would be se� in moCion for the sat;ts�ac�o�y �p1.uCi.Q�t tsa th� d�l�mma. Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. Langenfeld for his input. M�, �,Sn�enfeld said if the structurs could be Constructed to meek the stand4rd� p� th� ne�.�hk�orhood, this can be don�. He suggested the Council consider the pQink a� th� pol].uGian af Ric� Creek and also Locke Lake in the final deci�ion making, t3pQN � yOIC� VOT�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxled and t�he puk�l.i.� t�e�ri�ng an the Comprehensive Plan was continued until June 18, 1973.• �pO�,T ON R�Ql7EST TQ CONSTRUCT A SCHOOL BUS GARAGE ON LOT 1� AND THE NORTH 2S' 2, BI�OCK 6, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITION� SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS QF RE REQIT�ST BY Rf1DGER GHRIS'TENSON FRIDLEY BUS COMPANY INC (TABLED ,JUI�T� 4,�, 1973'! , ANA ;�i,EC�IVING PETITIONS OPPOSING VARIANCES; MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the report by the City Manager dafied .�une $� 1�►73 a�nd the petitions submitted by the area property owners, Secvnd,ed by Counci�man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, Mayor Liebl deelaxed tl� matipn �arried unanimously, r � ' �J ' � � , ' ' ' �i � _, Coun�ilmaA Breider asked if the County and Designware could be contacted about pu�tit�g ��Qad in th� area'1 The City Engineer said he thought they could be giv�n permissi.An ' t� dp �om�thing, Councilman f3reider said he would also like to see some c4laxed pl�tulre� �� the upgraded plan of the construction. Mx. Chr�.stenson said he had already attended five meetings and he would have to moVe h�.s buQ �ac� lity soon. Cou[1c�.lman I3reider t��icl Mr. Christenson that he would have his a�swer by the �;Qth, Ma�yflr 'I.,iebl �aid the City would have to work un something that is acceptable by the p�opie, He said th�ir only other alternative would be ti> exchange the land. '��te Ci�y F:ngin�r�:r +s�.�<i the �..��.�::� i I i f t I,ey wanted to vacate the raadway? HQ said �.� w�� ��s ppini��n t'��,,t tni� sho�.id be lrrc upc:n. He said more and more peopl� BT� �21k�.[7g �o bikin5 .;nd walking. �c�ttc�Ciltn�t� axeid�r asked if the easement could be use¢ Eor a parking lvk, Th� �ity ,ptCoxnsy sai.d yee. Cuuncilman }�reider asked how large this easement was. ihe C��y $n�inser �a�,d it is 30 feet, Councilman Bzeider said 30 feet is no� r►�eded��Q� � ����'�l�t� P�K�+ �� � , , r ' PUS�.�C 1�A,RING M��T��IG pF JUNE 11, 1973 ���� �� ' �h� Gi�y �ngine�r said [his is the �nly link between tne north and south: ar�a, G�ur�C�.lm�tn 13r�ider �.a. � he was concerned about the environment if the sasement � Cpuld RoC k�� us�d fc>r a parkin� loC, the. pr��perty owner would h�;ve to t�ke Qut th�: C7��es. He said he did not believe this w��uld make sease i.f they could come Co �Q�ne a�reement. Th� C��� ����.c���� said when you are ypeaking about environment�l aspects, one has tc? b� wei�he� aga�.nst �he o�her. He said the City would have to decide if they 5���it � jaa�'ki�g ��t or if it would be practical t�� eliminate it. �c�ti��ilman, Breider said if thc� path were conducive to bicycle traffic ik wi11 �lsa ���W mini bikes, Cc>ua�ilm�ii tireider questioned how the path coulcl be direct�d ��r�s� private px�o��xty, '�hE9 C�.ty �ngi.neer said it is nok private, it is a public easement. CounG��.man Bx`�id�� ��f.d 6Qme o� tk�� proposed easement is Qn private property. The �i.ty �,ngi,nee� �,�#.d ��j,�r Qt�� pQ�'tion, and that is next to the railroad tracks. He sa�.d Cher� ia atlt�ca �t� ��di.kiQnal 30 foot easement and a 60 foot area for sewer easement, �hs �i�� En�ineer s�i,d perhaps there could be some sort of compromiss. M�y9r I,�r�bl sai�, �� they do not gain khe coopex�ation of the County and D�sig�.ware, th�x� w�uld be a bf,g$er problem in the area, 'I'�l� Cit� ��tg�c����' �a�.d he wi11 be able to occupy the eurre�t fae%lity unti.l p���mbqT, Mr, Christ�rist�n s�i�l he t�ad started warking on this matter four monGhs ago. MayQr T,,i�bl ���.c1 he had aus� heaxd s�f �.t two months a�o, CONSIAEFtATTON OF A REQUES'� TO BUILD A NEW STRUCTURE F�R THE PURPOSE QF A STORE TO � �CAT�D A� 1315 RICE GREEK ROAD FRIDLEY RE UEST BY R.G.E. CORPORATION ST. � L ��TN, I'�{, DZCI� �FiN�T, 2841 JOHNSON ST. '3. E. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN, WHO IS REPRESENTAT}',,,VE ,� CQRPQRATION Tf�IIIS STORE I£ KNOWN AS A 7-11 STORI: (TABLED JUNE 4, 1973)� , , , , � M�tyox T.iebl sa�d the present reques�, �s oniy for the c4n�truetion ca� the 7-11 stQre, Th�i �it� �n��,nee�r said Che property is zoned properl�, but there are aome draia$g� pr�bl�m� �.t� the area. �Ie said this area does not hav� the atorm sewer i,nstalled. i�ie! 9�id th���t� are d�.tches to Moore Lake. He said theze are two stages to the p�op�e8d Cpn�tr�t���.Qn� of th� azea. He sai.d first they plan to castruc� the 7-1�1. Store and e��ondly oth�r �tructuxes will be planned for th� east of this structure, He eaid cur�re�t�.y aa far as the store is cancerned the property i.s zoned corre�tly. He sa�.d �h4y WQUl.d 1:Lks a 15 foot easement on the south side. He said they would also yaal�t a 20 �oot easement on $ice Creek Road. He said if the 7-11 Store plac� ie appxpVed� h� WOUId like �heae stipulations included. Tki� City ��$it�e�x said the future plans wpuld ha�e to be worked out with the �ngineer�,ng ' j)s�e��'ttn�at, I�e ssid there is a problem with the access being koa close �.o the �.nter- , 6EiC��oA, � i� �outi�ilmari Utter said he would like to seQ something doae about Gh� dra�,nage. Her s�tid Ck��aC� �i e4 mu�h fill in the area that the culvert had �een covered up, �� YU�L�G iI�AR�NG I�ETING OF .NN� 11 � 1973 PAGE 1$ r , �'Ipx�0i+1 by Gounci lme.n Utt�r to approve the plans and reques[ for tha ca�ls�ructio�n pf �h� %-11 Store as requested by P.,C,�. Corporation Inc., although he d�d nQt want ' t0 see a congtructi,on be put there concurring with the recommendation of the �uild�n� Stancards pesign Contral Subcommittee and their five stipulation$ and alsta th� ��Cpcnmendat�.ana of the Gity Enbfneer that a 15 foot easement be granted c�A the na�th a�nd a 2Q �oa� easement on the east for a drainage and roadway easement, SecQnd�d ' by �oun�ilrnan Breide�. �ayp� Liei�l asked rhe represen�ativ�. Mr. Ernst if there would be further dev�lo�me�l� ' Of �h� ��°ea. Mr. I:rnst said yea. The City Engineer said if there is any mQre deve�opm�nt th�y sh�uld work out the plans with the Building Department, �JFQN /� V(���E VOT�, a1.1 voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carried un,animout�lya' RECE�VING � NpRTH PARK FEASIBILITY STUDY PREPARED BY BRAUER & ASSOCIAT�S. TNC.; � MQT�QN by f;aunc�.lman Utter to receive the report. Seconded by Coun�ilman Breider. �pupC�.j�at� �xeider said he assumed they would just be receiving �he report mt ih� �ux�'�� cae��i.n$, �le said the firm would give a formal presentation of the �rQport an�time �h� �raut��i1 w�nt�s� �o hear the pxesentation. Ae asked the memb�rs of th�: Cc�uncil wher! �hi� wc�t�j,d �e �easable. He said in the eontract Mr. Brauer had mad� ar�'angemen�e to ' �gk�a �h� pxe���tati�n to the comnnittee and the Council, pJktyQr �,�.�bl �aid Mr. �hlers was to make a presentations also. He said h� wcauld lik� , tt��m t�a r��ke th� presentation to the �ommittee first. �s�un��.lma�a P�ei�d�r said they would be making the same presentation to bozh $roups. He +�sk+ed tha �+auncil if thsy wanted to wait until the Committee had mad� a�ecs�mmend�� � tiQn Co �he Council or would they favor hearing the pres�ntatioTt before thi.& time. CQUtlGilmatn Ne� ask�d if he thought the committee would be going over tt��; �acts be�ore xeat�ktin� a decision. , �pt�tt�i�.mac� �3reider said he was made aware of ineeting the following Monday �veni�►g ap�naor�d by Th+� League of Women Voters, to be at 7;00 p.m. in the Comm;un3�lty Raatn, pta�, i].mar� $re�dex' s�id he �loubted if there wauld be a decision reached at Gh� tae��.ic��' C � pl�nned �a� �he following evening, Tune 12, 1973, Cptu'�ciltaan Ne� suggeated calling a special meeting pn the fourth Mc►nday of tha taonth � �o'� th� pu�pQ�e Q�' hear�ng the presentations on Narth Park, He said he wotild want Ch� �omcai��ee to reach a decision befare the presenCations are made, , M�yox Lis'bl sa�d he did not want to hear anyth�ng on the item until the cvmmit��o�o xe8ched � d�cist,c�n. Councilman Breider questioned giving the committe� a time p+eri,Qd, Caur��ilman Nee said he thought the Council wo�ld be aware if they are making any � he�dw�� ir� �wQ weeke. Mayor �,iebl said this should be done aro�►nd the firet of �,ugu6�. Couc►c�lman Br�idar said there may be some p�'a��ica1 p?�pb�.em with Brauer and �h1�r , b�e�.�� h�1.d �av+�r <+�aunci�man Breider said t�� WQulc� caot like t4 pay �he �nCi�r+� pS►x�;ic+r� o�' '�h� tnpn�y due the firma until th� �o��letior� o£ Che pre�en�ation� �o both g�aupl�� �i� $�id �h� Ci.ty would �ot knpw until the presentation o� the report if the atudy �,� what waa asked �o� b� ��1� ��tY+ „.;:� � � u � �� �J � ' PUB�.ZC �AR�NG MEETING QF �]UNE 11, 1973 PAG� 19 ' x�ia G���' �'latiage� �aid he had received a partial estimate from Brauer wh��h wc�uld b� �ppHe�i�n� qn �he followi.ng agenda. He aaid he would like to know if thi� �hould b� h�1d unt�l Ehe presentation of the report. � M�ypr �,ieb1 paid f�e d�.d nvt think the Council should influene� th� cQmmiC�e�, Cotut�ilmart Ar��,der eai.d h� thought the City had an abligation to Brauer and Ehlere. 'He� A��d th�y wcauld 1i.ke ta know when they are to make their presentationa. He� a�id ', h@ ���'��d witkt Couacilman Nee that a special meeting would be fe�a�.ble fqr th� pr��+ent+ at�Qr►�. �1� aaid Ch�x� is a great deal of information to be prssented. M�yQx �i�bl �u�$est�d ae�ting the meeting for June 25, 197� at 7:3Q p.m. Gauncilcnar� N�e �aid Chi� would a�so be done on the fourth Monday in July, �4�Tl�ilman I��e s�id he was quite disturbed that the repc�rt from Brzu�r did not giv� the �,c��'�xmation that was requested. He said he had J.00ked at khe contra�t, and thi.� is whaC h� said, He �aid he never thought the iirm would present a xeport as had be�n submitted, He yaid thev had taken Locke Park and presen�ed thaC as their alt�x'n�- t1Yfl. He sai� he d�.d s��t ex�ect an an�wF�r, only possible altexnati�ves. �le 8�j,d th� ���tdy �a�� �o aCudy North Pax4c not �,oc;k� Park, �ie said but this is what had b�en ��.g�n�d, a�►d he could nor ss� wh�t the c;ity cc�uld da, He said he did no� want, to ��v� �h+�m �h� ppt�pn to study two of tfie (;ity's parks. �'j�}rpz' L�sh�l �aid he thought the presentati�;I1 should be given on ,Tune 25. MI"�, Hu$he& said this w��uld not b� �� g<,od da�e for her to attend as she Wczuld b� pu� s�i �Qwn, �OU,Tl�flman UtC�r said he would no� be �ble to attend either, Counc�ima� �Jse asked if the Stone and Fondrick report would be available to thQSe Who wiah�d a copy? He said he khougl�� Brauer had avery right to except it, buk he would 1�Ik+� to ses �.t• Councilman IVee said �here were sume incon5istencies from Che �ime they w�re at �he Gouncil meeti.ng. He questioned if there was a chance to get tkie repoz't? Th� C1ty I`��nager said he had not talked to Brauer about releasing the repart to ather gxGUge: Mayox I,i.ebl said ther� is nothing to hide about the report. � �CQU�C�.1maz� Ne� sa�d h� thought it should be understood that this was nat $rauex�e th�n�,aad ha Qnly has the responsibili�y to evaluate ttie report, Ccauncilman Nee Said h� wQUl.d like �vezything available that may lead to C�e deeision mak�ng. Th� City �anager asked if this report should be made available to th� public. Councilmen N�►� e�id h� would juat as soon make it available. He said he did not think i.t had �p b�: bx�adcast that i.t is available. ���V by Councilman Nee to set the meeting for the purpose of h�aring the preaen�atipn• �i'ot� Brauer �nd AsaoGiates und Ehler and AasQ�iates at 7:30 p.m., June 2S, 1973. ' 19¢cac�sl�d by �ouacilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox T,isbl t�+�+��.�axed th� m4tion �arried unanimously. � � � i UPON � �QIC� VOTE �T THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO RECEIVE THE REPORT, a11 voting aye� M:l,�'Q�C �,i+�bl d�clared the motion carried unanimously. � I P1JBI,IC I�I�ARING M�,�T71vG QF JUNE 11 , 1973 �QN��DERATION OF� t1PY0Iti1'�ir;N'T: CTTY EMPOLYEE: AADRESS POSITION SALARY EFFF:CTIVE DATE ��q�.d �. I.i.ndquist Operations & $805 per 6�37 Humb4it NoXth Mainten�nce M�i�1 month $xoQkl.yt� C�t�etr, Miz�riesota Park & Recreation D t t June 25, 1973 PAGE 20 � � �k'�PLAC , Aichard Cam��o�t ' epar men MQ"!�'IC1N by GQUnciTman Utter to approve the appointment of David G. �,indquist as Qp�ra���+� and M�11��l����e Man fo� tho �ark and R�creation Depe�tment effec�ivq Jun� 25� 197�. $��Qnd�d tay �ouncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox I,i�b� de�lare� ��� tAqt�.pil ����'1ed u�ani mous ly . Ct�19�:A��TT(� OF ESTIMATE PATCH & ERICKSON: � g���F� �����C�o�. �adisor� & Hanson �nc. A��hite�ta �c�d p'lanne�s 2$Q1 W�yz��.� ��ulevard M:��►np�ps�lis� Minnesota 554Q5 May �n�p�c�ion $50.00 i , �� � MQ'1'�C�N h� Caunci.�man Nee to approve the estimate. Seconded by CounGi,j.�nan jltter. Ups�� a Y��G� v�t�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian car�'ied unac�ima�t8ly� ��DERAT�,(?N OF T,ICENSES REQUESTED BY FRIDLEY JAYCEES FOR CARN�VALt MQ'l'�t�N �y CQU�t�� lman Ltter Go approve the license request by the Fridley ,7apGeea, wa�vi�� th� fees and stipulating that there will be somebody from the Polic� 'p�partmen �.c� ��tQndanc�• Se�anded by Councilman Nee. iJpon a vaice vate, a11 vot�.rt� a��, MayQ�' �,idb� d��larec� the motion carried unanimously. , T�+� �b1�,4 �afety Director said �he officer has already been scheduLed fox the �sxniVal. C CAT fJN�,S : � �,TROPOL�TA�T LEAGUE OF MUNIGIPALITIES: 1973 ANNUAL MEETING: ��QN by Counc�.lman Nee to receive the commnuication from the Metropolitat� Lea�ue of Municipali�ie9 dated June 4, 1973, regarding the annual meeting Qf the �eague, �eeonded by Counei.lman Uttex. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor I,�.ebl d�clated thQ motion carried uc�animously. � w �„ETTER Q� RES�GNATION FROM CITY MANAGER. GERALD R. DAVIS� EFF$C�IVE AUGUST 1Q, 19�3; A Mp��f�N by Counc�lman B�eider to receive the letter pf resignation from Ch� City �y,a�iage � Gerald �� Aav�.s, dated .Tune 12, 1973 and effecz�v� ,Q,ugust 10, 1973. Se�onded by Caunc:ilm�a 1J�k�ir Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L�.ebl declaxed th� moti.on ' �a�cr�.�� un&t�i.mous ly . � , � PU�3T�IC kI�ART�TG ME�T�NG OF Jtm1E 11, 1�� 3 PAGE 21 '� 1 �J 'j+�J,�,yp� j,�eb� addresSG�u �'�Ir. Gerald R. Davis, City Mana�er, sayiitg he ti:ated to ss� him �r�� but �h� Ciky of Fz�d�ey could not pay the mon,ey iie wouLd be receiving at his t�ew app��n�m�c��R MaYor Lieb� asked 1�1�. Davis far help in the futur� if ever they weZ� �t1 c��ed v�' i��. The City Manager said this would be possible. Mayox I,iebl� said he h�p�d Mr� T?avis would remember Fridley with a wazm hearC. MQTIUN by Counci.lman Nse to advertise for a City Manager in ICMA on a nation�l basi�. SeConded by Gouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, Mayor Li.�bl d�G1�7C�d, �kl� motion carri�d unanimously. 1+�1j►a7r I.iebl said th� fallow�.ng meeting of the Council would be get for selec�ing the ��ting �i,�y �ianager. 'I�� !i�l�! � T'�(a'T'�(jN by �vunci.lman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utt+�x', UpA� � voi�C� trote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried u�animatte�y and th� i'ubl�-c Hearin� Meeting of ,Tune 11, 1973 adjourned at 11:40 p.m. R��p�e��tful�.y �ubmi,t��d, ' _ -, � ' �� � �,r-�; � . � pat���ia ��.�.�� Fxank G. Liebl., Mayor S�cr��ary Cs� th� City �ouncil 1 I ' ' � ' i ' ' ' TI� MTNUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF 'i t� 1'RIDI.I�:Y CITY COUNCIL, JUNE 18, 1973 The Regular Meeting of tht� Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:43 p.m., June 18, 1973, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGfANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the Audtence in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mr. Gerald K. Davis, City Alanager. ' ROLL CALL: ' , �� 1 ' � MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Breider, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter, Nee. None. Mayor Liebl said the following items were to be added to t:�e agenda; Discussion on Project 103, Innsbruck; Purchase of Lots 2 and 3, Viet's Addition, for Park Purposes; Receiving North Park Committee Meeting minutes of June 12, 1973; Communication from Fridey Youth Football Association; Approving Chapter 594, Fridley Fire Relief Association Retirement Plan Tabled. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � VISITORS: MR. BERNARD ROTTER: 1 � � I� �� ' I � Mr. Rotter addressed the Council stating he was representing a group of people who want to construct a motei which would be located in the vicinity of Interstate �k694 and T. H. ��65� Mr. Rotter said the property is zoned partially for motel use. He asked if it would be possible for the City to give them a letter stating a liquor license would be issued if the construction of the facility would meet the required specifica- tions. Mr. Rotter continued, the structure would contain approximately 120 units. and be a six story structure, and be a franchise of Travel Lodge. Councilman Breider asked Mr. Rotter is there any formal plan for the structure or the development? Mr. Rotter said this structure would be a copy of the other motel• built by Travel Lodge. He said there are no formal plans to present to the Engineer at the present time. Mr. Rotter said he had talked with the City Engineer about the proposal. Mr. Rotter said it would be necessary to have assurance that the facility would be issued a Iiquor license before they would go ahead with formal plans on the eite. Mayor Liebl assured Mr. Rotter that the City was not in oppoe�tion to the plan, but they could not guarantee the issuance of a liquor license to the establishment �t the �r�sent time. He said the City would like to see what he is proposing. REGULAR COUNCIL i�E?'INt> OH JUNE 1£i, 1913 PAGE 2 ' Councilman Starwalt agreed, saying ttiey would like to have a formal request accompanied by plans :�nd Cotal cost figures. ' L� Mr. Rotter asked if th�5� plans ;:�ncl information should be directed to the City Manager. Mayor Liebl said the m�tter shou.ld be a proper agenda item, and the proposal � should be in black and white and considered itl the proper form,. Mr. Rotter asked if the traffic situation would be reviewed by the City Council or the City Planner. Mayor Liebl said in making his decision, he would like to evaluate what the people of the area say about the proposal. He said he thought this would be a beautiful ho[el, and he mentiuned getting assurance from the Highway Department that there would be access from I. �kb94. He said access in matters such as this are very important. The City Manager asked Mr. Rotter to bring in a plan and [ry ta work out a road pattern. The City Manager continued, the City staff would recommend either action on or modification of the plans. He recommended Mr. Rottier work with the Engineering Department. Mr. Rotter said he would present the City with the suggested plans and information and a letter of request for the liqu�r license. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CQNT INUED PUBLIC HtiAKING ON COMPREi�tiSIVE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY (CONTINIJED FROM JUNE 11, 1973): Mayor Liebl said some of the study areas of the plan had been discussed, but the Council had not yet discussed area number two. The City Engineer said there are a number oi drainage problems i.n the area which are caused by the absence of a storm sewer system. He said it was the plan of the City to make drainage ponds an asset rather than a deterrent of the area. He pointed out the area north of 69th and �aid w�rk had been started on tiie development of that area. He added, south of bytt� :��.d along the creek, it was the City's plan to aquire the pr��perty and leav� this .��ea in its natural form. He said this would allow an area for future �,enerations t�} view in a natural form. He said this may include plans for pon�fi.ng areas which would be an overall asseC to the drainage system. He sai_d �l�is �>lan tur pondin� �nd drainage would lend to the drainage solution and als�� enh:ince ti��e beautv of the area. The City Engineet said the area from C�Iltral co Moore Lake would be residential � and also allow for higtier density i�� �ther areas. He said this area is west of Central. The City Engineer pointed out areas with.in th�� boundaries which would serve as ' locations for shopping centers and said thc� park Fnd beach un Moore Lake provided an excellent recreational facility. � Mayor Liebl said there are storm sewer problems in the area and these would have to be solyed as the area is developed. He said the City would install the mains first � and then the laterals. The City Engineer said he would like to preserve the ponding areas and use them instead of. closing thern. He said this type of drainage would also keep the assessment � costs lower, and retai.� the natural beauty of the area. ' � ' ' ' , ' ' i ,I� � 1 � �'I J LJ � � ,� ' REGULAR COITNCIL MEETLNG OF JUNL: 18, 1973 PAGE 3 Councilman Srarw�,lt :a-�, ,! if ti�is area was the� section ,et recently in which the people makinc; apE�i i�, � i�;r. �,�r :�uiisin�, permits would be required to put $800 for each buildablc� I��t in? � e�� �-„w i.�r tl,� sc�,rn� sewer system? The City Engineer said yes, the whole ar�:a. i:uunciim�+n Stark°���1r a5ked if any new peoplE� coming into the area would hav�� t�� �ut tiu:� amount into escr�w? The City F.ngineer said yes. Mayor Liebl mentioneci �i;� mem��r�udum fr��n� Mr. Jei-ry Boardman �+ddressed to the City Manager which commente.d on the thoughts :,i the Metro Council. He asked the members of the Council if they had any questions concerning the memorandum. There were no questions. Mayor Liebl said thev wc,uld continue their di�;cu>sion of the Comprehensive Plan and study area number iive. �ic said this was <� ievel area which was by F.M.C., and parts of the area had not been developed at a11. He said t_'�i� portion is close to the river. Mayor Liebl asked what the present zoning ��n tl,is E���perty was? The City Engineer said it is currently R-1, but there are restraint� .,e the area. He said it is ciose to the river and he felr the river bank area should be preserved. He said the second consideration on the area is that it is close to F.M.C. and other industry. He said the 1"act that the high traf£ic ��f East River Road makes this area less desirable for single family dwellings. He said the high density uses would be a deterrent to single family constructions. The City Engineer said the Comprehensive Plan called for a use such as high rise apartments, which would allow only portions of the land to be used and the rest left natural. He said this could also inclucle the installation of oifice buildings, which would be more suitable to the freeway, industry, East River Road and the River. Mayor Liebl questioned the City Engineer askin� if �e believed this to be more suitable than R-1 development of the area? The City Engineer said yes. The City Engineer said the area could be used for office space and some multipie structures. Mayor Liebl asked if the City had faciliti_es to comply with this type of development of the area? The City Engineer said the sewer was available, but the wtaer is not all the way down. Mayor Liebl said the people had been assessed quite a bit I�>r the water main. He asked if this would be big enough to handle a high rise and also the commercial property of the area? He asked if the Engineer was talking abo�it an inter-community complex? The City Engineer said there is a twelve inch pipe up to a certain point and it would have to be extended. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he had any questions because this area was in his Ward. Councilman Nee said he had no questions. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Nee if he would object to high rise buildings i_n this area? Councilman Nee said no. Councilman Nee said he believed this to be a more interesting utilization than the construction of R-1 in this area. MOTION by Councilman Nee to close the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Development Plan, Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the Public Hearing closed at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Liebl said the Plan would be considered for adoption on July 2, 1973. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETiNG OF J[INE 18, �973 YAGE 4 ' � CONSIDERATION FOR A VACAT10ti Itk•.QUES'I' �AV �k73-Un, ��;:[�P�1IS A. 1Z�'ti`�S_I']lutt, TO VACATE 20' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE LINE Br:'1ti�E:EN L(YI5 10 ANL' 1 l, !,LC)C;h_ 11 RIC�:!'-REEI: SCHOOL ADDITION, ' TO ALL(7W CONSTRUCTIOt� pF A}i�m�1: ON 1�;�o LOTS �a�D A1��t:OVAL o? ,a�.,�r������Nr: The City Manager sai�l :��_ a�id the Cicy �;ngineer had mct �.i.c', Mr RanS�rom that day ' and an agreecnent cc�n�� r<<ing the pro���rty �l�,d been drawn uE . lui City Mana�er said he did not know ii ��r. l:aiistr�.�r� i�au :, cl;.ance to r�view tF►at a�Leement. Mr. Kanstrom Said he had seen i.t. The City Manager said there had been some stipulatiuns wor�:c�d ��ut in this agreement. ' The City Engineer passed copies of the pr;����>sed aKreement �.� ct�e member�> of che Council. Mayor Liebl read aluud thc: five stipulations in ttie :+greemect :�nd referred to the map in the agenda. Mayor Liebl referred tu the first item sGipulated and asked ir the gr.irting of the six foot easement on the south side of lot 11 would be enaugl, f.>r the planned use. The City Engineer said the City �,�ould have to g�t more t:asem� nc 1r,,�n [he school property, but this would be enougti frum the applicants }.r�perry. The City Engineer said the City would ��biain th� cuntrol u* the i.anh� of the Creek and if the City installs a walkway, which had noc been determined at the present time, this would be feasible on tl�e property being discussed. Mayor Liebl said they would have guaranteed accessabilitv for the public. The City Engineer said yes, they would have the access to the banks. Councilman Starwalt questioned the stipulation relating to [he future ponding of the area. He asked if this would be related to the plans for tt�e future storm sewer system and questioned if there was a state law relating to this? Tt�e City Engineer said this would al1 ow for creating an area such as Locke Lake in the future i.f the City chooses to develop a lake on the bottom area. The City Engineer continued by saying this does not mean that the City is going ta do this, it means that the City would be able to do this some time in the future, if it is necessary or desired. ' ' i � ' � � Councilman Starwalt said that in this event, the walkway would be washed out by the pond. The City Engineer said yes. He added, this would create a larger body of water. � He said that the City Manager had thought that the walkway woul� have to be where it is, or it would be too close to the actual living area. Councilman Starwalt said at one time tfiis may have been considered an undesirable building site. The City Engineer said he did not know if it is now. Councilman Starwalt said ttiere are lots fc�r sale t�� the east of ttie property being discussed. He asked if there was some method of informing the fut�,re possible owners of the circumstances of the area? He said it would save somE: anguish and agony. He mentioned the information on the elevations that the City was planning to acquire, and asked if some information could be made availavle to the future purchasers of those lot5. He said this rnay save some time in the future. The City Engineer said the plans are available in City Hall, and the eZevation information and guideli.nes had been set by the flood plain study. He said the noted elevation of 856 feet is flood level in this area. I�e said he felt the information could be supplied. ' , � � � LJ ' ' 1 � , , II �I , lJ � � REGULAR COUNCZI. ME:E'TING OF Jt?I�L•' 18, 1973 PAGE 5 Councilman Starwalt questioned if there was an efficient method for these potential purchasers? The City Engineer said this would be difficult unless someone would call City Hall. He said it would be very hard to do this. Councilman Starwalt asked if the same conditions would prevail on the other lots? He asked if the elev.�tion level would change for the vrher properties'? The City Engineer said the flood level would remain the same. ' The City Engineer said the other marking on the map indicated the walking easement the City will acquire. Councilman Starwalt asked if this would run to the crest of the hill. The City En�ineer said no. He said the other property owner on the agenda is willing to give the Ci.ty everything, this oae is reluctant to give anything. Mayor Liebl r�terred tu the swale on Lot 11 and said he would like proper piling in the area so the t�ous� would not be washed down. He said this would be a s�ahstantial investment, but would have to be done to utilize the land in the effected area. He said Mr. Ranstrom had given the City what they had asked for. He added, he had seen the si.te and the view was very nice. He s�id there is a handicap in that drainage may cause pr.ablems. He said he thought the a}��lica.�t could develop the land with the Councii's blessing. llr: said he did not �Nant tf�� �'ity t.o be held responsible if some time in the Future the house is sold .�:�u rhe new owner would come in with a drai.nage problem and ask wtiy rhe City had issued a �uilding permit. The City Engineer said if the Council feels this could be approved with the stipula- tions, the property owner is aiixious �c� get started, and he wo�ld recommend the Council authorize the appr��val of the agreement, approve tl_e variance, execute the agreement and approve the first reading of th�� ordinance. He said they could approve the first reading .�t t4�is time. MOTION by Cour,ci.lm<�n Str;rwalt �_<� <,pprove tht� aKreemeiir witi� t.,� iive puints stipulated, authorize th� esecuti��t� ��Y thE� _3�,L��r��ut, a�prove the. varianc� and adopt the first reading of �he ��rdi�nan;�e� on L���s i0 cznd ll, Block L, Rice Creek Sc(�.00l Addition, as requested by Mr. Kaustrom, waiving tli�� reading. Seconded by Councilman Utter. ' Councilman Nee askrd if the sewer was c�� dr;�iu the �wamp down the street? The City Engineer sai.d Che City wc�uld need a 100 ����-�r easement for �he project. He said with the cvnstrucrio�i ,,t rh�� hume, r.he E�ip� would be bent. The t;ity Engineer said there is agreemtnt �.�itl� � h� schc�,�i i��r the l00 foot easement o�� the school pr��perty ' adjacent to Arthur 5�r�et. Cuuncilman :;ee :isked whicti w:�s the better route h}'draulically? The City Engineer said rfley are i,uth ec.�al. 'Ie said thi5 w���lld n,�t change the price any. He said cl:c� �?r..a � zi ls s� Yr�r>t , i� w��;:icl �� into �l�e ci:eek to this level. ' The City En�in�� r sai�i the Ci .; did h.�.e .�n �:asement along �he school property, and this would be un tiiE nortkl s i�lc oi t he schc�ol and he hc;,�ad [hey could work out some agreement. ' ' ' � I'�J Councilman Nee asked how f.ar ahove the n�rmaL levei of the creek is the 856 contour? The City Engineer said the normal level is probably about 850 or 851. He added, it would indicate about a five foot rise of the area. Councilman Nee pointed out an area on the map where the 856 elevation appeared to go into the creek. He asked if there would be enough room for a walkway tEiere. The City Engineer said they had tried to define contours of 856, and this was most easily defined by a straight line. He said it was his basic intent to have the walk- way as close to the water as possible and preserve the banks. The City Engineer said it is very remote that a walkway would be constructed in this area, this would be 'one on the north side of the creek. He said they would like to have control of the bs, -s on bot!: sides �f the crz::k. REGULAR C011NCiL �t��E`TI'�G OF JUN}�, 18, iyli PAGE 6 ' Councilm��n L'ttc•r �:sEc���i it Clii� w��s ttt� .�niv ����rtion ��� pr,�i�a�r-�y that was not owned by the City. Thc ;�i ��� t�:n�ii�eei� puinttd ou: ;� s�cti,�i� ui� � i�e uorCti side of the creek that is �ax i urreit c�nu ir. c��ntre�. ut :li� �ta�� ��i �ii�lnesota. He pointed out a pieCe propt rt� d i rec t l y [ o tl;�• i�ortl� �1 tt �s propert �; uein� dis�ussed, stating it is in pri.v:it� ��wn�,; 5hi} anu wi 11 i� �i� �ii� ,�ed t�� tt,� Cit , when tk�e d�veloper Cfla[1�C5 zonink I�?r th��. i�ur therly i���r' ��n v; Ci�e ,�iece. iie }�uiriLtd out the pOitloCl t0 the e.1'l� b�7li[f1��3�.i �!t:.l CI�iTC'.•l.l:i� , j�..Vt :_:i� tfl1:> LJ�35 ilSV LL1 Cf1E owner5tiip Of the individual wt�o intecic;-, :.� d�v�l. �• :h�_ nortl�erl}' pc�rtio�l. Counc ilman Starwalt asked if lot two t,n thc northerl�� porti��n ��f the area was tax forfeit? The City F.ngint:ur said yes. L , � ' Councilman Breider a�kc:c! w't,�re �h� {:i��r and m<in I�, ]c are :in rE l::t.ion to the lots t being discussed. 'I'tte City Engi:..er s<,id tLiS waa uu ct�e south si.de of this property. Councilman Breider asked the pa5 i t ic�ci ��f t lic- nian t�:��i� 3nd t.l-�c Cic.y Engineer said ' the pipe is routed fr�m the ca�cti ba�in t�� the ❑�a�:��� hole an,:� uro;,ped d��wu to the culvert which empties int� the rre�k. C��unciiman t;rtidur ��sk�d it storm sewer system was on the south line at Ch� present time, t'ouncilm.�n .;tarwalt said he believed this to be adjac.eut to :+nd uff the property. Tt�e City t?nk;iu�er said this is on the � school property, rlie City En�ineer said tf,is a sl�alluw 5ysc�m, the other will be 30 feet deep. He �aid the City would n�ed a large _irea to pl�cr ti�i.s system and they would acquire this from the Schc�,�l. ' Councilman Breider asked the City Enginc�er what efiect tkiis woui�i have on the house when the ditch for the pipe is cut? He said if tlte house is eleven feet from the property line, what efiects would this tiave on the structurE'? The City Engineez said the pipe would be moved far enough to the south s� it will not nurt the area. He said they had required 100 feet for this purpose on Arttiur Stree�. Councilman Breider said he woulci n�>C 1J:3L1� �iie City t.o go up �liere and take the house along with it. Councilman Nee said the interest of the i.,ity co vacate the easement had not been demonstrated to him. He said if it was vacated, they may come back and ask us what we are doing. He said he thought ttiis was a very tenuous case at best, and he believed there wE;re some reasons not to do this. Mayor Liebl said at t.he Public Hearing they had a��thoriz�.cl recei.ving recommendations of the staff and requested that the applicant not hold the City responsible. He said they had received five. stipulatiuns, hr: asked the City Engineer if the City could live with the five stipulations. The City T."n�ineer said yes. He 5aid it would be in the benefit oi tfYe City as ttiey had received some � isemenks tliat they did not have at the preaent time. He said th�� futtire sturm :;��wer c��nstr�iction w�uld not be a problem. � � � � , Councilman Utter asked if the City �1id have easement on the pr�,��ert�� now. He questioned ' by giving this up if they had enough. The City Engineer said they had obtained some other easemenrs for the walkway. � Councilman Utter said he did not think there was enough room to get a 100 foot easement in down to the fence. He asked if the fence woul�i have to he taken down. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTr:, Starwalt, Liebl, Utter voting aye, Nee and Breider voting , nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried, �� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING �F JUNE 1$, 1973 ' ' ' CI ' ' � � � � � � ' � ' � ' ' PAGE 7 Mayor Liebl directed Mr. Ranstrom to have the documents ic�r points 1, 2, and 3 ready for the secr�nd reading, and to work with the City sr.ai_f. Councilman Nee questioned if a three �o two vot:e was sufficecit to vacate a drainage and utility easement, The Ci.ty Attcrney said in s��me other occassions a four vote� is needed, but in this instanc�, he bel{eved i.t sh:�uld be a R<<.jority vote. GONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF VACATION REQiTEST SAV ��73-OS, c;ILBERT MENKVELD, TO VACATE PUBLIC EASEMENT ON 67th AVENIT� RETWEEN ANO1�A STREET AND FI;LDI.EY S`iREET TO ADD 30' TO TE� NORTH/SOUTH DIME'NSION OF LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OAK GROVE ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PARK, MAKING IT A BUILDABI.E; SITE; Mayor Liebl said at tt�e May 9, 1973, meeting of the Planaing Coaunission, they had recommended approval of the request. The City �ngineer said he would like to point out the area being discussed and referred to the map in the agenda. He said there iS one 40 foot lot. Mayor Liebl said according to the building code, they could not build a house on this lot. He said they wotild have to go through this vacation. The City Er.gineer said he cannot build. Mayor Liebl said so, in order to allow the constructior., the Council would have to approve the vacatian of the easement. The City Engineer said there is a 75 foot frontage minimum requirement also, and this lot would only be 70 feet in front. He said the applicant would need a variance to build on the lot with the vacated easement. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. Craig Wi11ey, contract purchaser, and said he had promised at the Public Hearing that he would make his house plans compatible to the area. He asked Mr. Willey what he intended to do. Mr. Willey addressed the Council and said he had planned a home which woul.d blend in with the general character of the neighborhood and the emhankment. He said he had intended to incorPorare a mansord roof over the second story, allowing the second story to look like the roof. He said the home would resemble a one story home. Councilman Breider said if the building plan is changed to be feasible with the neighborhood, he would still not favor the proposal of vacating the easement. He said the City would need the access on the high ground. Councilman Breider said he thought the City should retain the right of way and roadway. Councilman Breider said he doubted if anyone would want a trail through their front yard. He said the access could not be restricted to the line. He said he could see nothing but problems, and he added, he for one, had made up his mind and would like to retain the easement. Councilman Nee said it was his view to retain the easement also. Councilman Breider sai.d he would not want the man to go through all of this work, so he would like him to know that he would �ot change his mind. The City Attorney said I�e had found che ruling on the vacation and it would require a four vote in favor of vacating ti�e easement in order to vacate a street, alley or highway. He said there is no mention ot a utility easement, so he would not shed any light on Chis. He said there is no question how many votes it would take to vacate 67th Street. }le said he had no information to this effect on the previous item. He said he had noc found anything to the contrary, he assumed the motion could be carried with the three to two, maj�rity vote. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1973 PAGE 8 ' Mayor Liebl said the Attorney could advise the Council at the time of the second reading of the Ordinance. He added, he did not want to waste the applicants time. Mr, Willey �sked the Council if they would go atiead with the vote at the present time. Mayor Liebl said siiice they wuuld require a four v�te tu vacate the street he thought they should vot� at the pre5ent time. MOTION by Councilm.�n Starwalt to ado}-t the first reading of tfie c�rdinance, waive the reading, and apE�rov�- the vacatiun of the er3sement fur 67th Str�et between Fridley and Anoka Street� ;�. E., as rry�,�steci by :�ir. Menkveld on Lot 1 and 2, Oak Grove Addition. Seconde� by C�uncilm�n Breider. i�pun a ru11 call vot�, Breider voting nay, Starwalt voting aye, I.i�bl votiiig aye, lJtter voting aye, s:id Nee voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion failed hecause it lacked the f_�ur votes in favor as required by the Charter. CONSIDERATION OF A RI��, UF.S'1' Tc� CONS'TRUCT' A�c.N<�OL BUS GARAGE 0[� LOT 1, AND THE NORTH -- 25' OF LOT 2, BLOCK _6� RICE CREEK PLA'LA SOl' TH ADI)_ITION SUBJECr T'0 ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. REQUEST BY RODGER CI�ISTFNSON FRIDLr:Y BUS SERVICE INC. (TABLED JUNE 11, 1973) . The City Engineer said this property is and has been zoned by the original zoning map of the City of F'ridley. He said the property to the south is industrial and the property to the east is resid�ntial. Mayor Liebl asked the City At�orney if there was a legal standpoint or if there was a time limiL requirc:d for the r,uiidinh. The City �ttorney said the property is properly zoned and if ail of tfie code r�:quirements are met, the City is under no obligation to grant a buiiding {?Lrmit. He said he knew of nc� �:�xception to this. He said if there is an exceptiun he did Lz�t know ot it. He said if the matter would go to the district court, the City would have to i5sue tt�r buildin� permit. Mayor Liebl said this is the decision that would be upheld? The City Attorney said yes. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Christenson is meeting all requirements of the building code. He said all of the coaununity is concerned, but the City could make some demands to comply with their wishes and solve the problem. Mayor Liebl said the City is concerned about the creek and would not want to see oils and other pollutions washed into the Creek. He nientioned the traffic problems of the area and said that they had received a report from the City staff, which could comply with the requests of the neighbors. Mayor Liebl said there were many residents from the area present at the meeting. , The City Manager said his staff had met with Mr. Newquist, Attorney for Mr. Christenson. The City Manager read from ttie list of 13 stipulations prepared at the meeting. � Mayor Liebl asked how many of the items are for screening on the north and east and generally related to the environmental matters. He asked the City Manager if he � would say that at least one half of the stipulations were? The City Manager agreed, saying they plan for trees, drainage and refacing the building. LJ , IREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1��73 , PAGE 9 ' Mayor Liebl asked thc �pplicant it he was goin� t� live up �o the agreement with the stipulations? Mr. Newquist sai�J the City ,taff had hcen rai_r and tough minded, and they had beeti in pains caking nf��c�ciatio<<� witli th�.m. Mr. tiewquist said Mr. Christenson is prepaz•ed t:u agree witt� the st_ipulations when they are reduced t�> legal � form. Mayor Liebl saici he would agree to the stipulations set forth in the meeting with staff un June 15, 1973. Mr. Newquist said this has been discussed, and they were ready to commit themselves. � � a , � J � � � !- I , � i ' ' Mayor Liebl said they had had hearin�s at both the Plannin� c;��mmission and Council levels, and he appreciated the fact tt�at Mr. Cttristenson t�ad agreed to cooperate with all of thc� proposed methods of modiiication. He sai.d he did appreciate the concern of the pe�>ple of ttie area, but when ttiey purchased their property, the Christenson property was zoned iu the present manner and Designware was there. He said they had solved the traffic problems, there would be no traffic on Rice Creek Terrace and Main Street. He said the screening ot the area would be good,and they. had agreed to put up an attractive facility. He said that these are the facts that have to be weighed. He said he would like to hear what tt�e people have to say, he added there are people in attendance fr�m all of the surrounding areas. Mr. Michael Simon, Attorney, 1821 University Avenue, St. Paul, addressed the Council. Mr. Simon said he was representing Mrs. Pearson, 171 Rice Creek Terrace. He said he thought the area along the creek should be preserv�d for its natural beauty. He said he was asking the City to prevent Mr. Christenson from using the proposed area for his construction. He said in this area, there should be a top notched construction and the applicant was proposing a metal structure, with six big doors, tweZve feet high and only one foot in between them. He said this portion of the building would be faci.ng homes which are valued at from $40,000 to $50,000 on Main Street. He said he felt this to be a substantial type of huilding site, and he would prefer the high densitv housin�. He said the applicant wuuld still be putting up a big metal building with a little brick and the bu�es would still be traveling the area and be stored on tt�e property, Mr. Simon said in the winter months there would be no buffer in the area. He said he thought the property only Rice Creek ahould be preserved for a park use as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Simon said he did not know what was to b� done <�bout ttic: storage of gas tanks. He said it would only take one explosion to destroy the entire resici�ncial area. He said he asked the Council to deny the request by Mr. Christenson, Mr. Simon said he would like the property to be rezoned or zoned down. He said he would not Zike to leave Mr. Christenson in the lurch. He would also like the Council to allow the people of the area to consider the special assessment district proposal. He said he would like to know if they would favor this. Mayor Liebl said he knew what the people want and if the City were to comply with their wishes, this would be a step backward. He said the Council would have to look ahead, and be responsible for every action. He said they would have to determine not only the effect on the neighborhood but the effect on the entire City. He said he would have to consider the recommendations of the City Staff, and he thought they could live with the stipulations. REGULAR COUNCIL 1"I�.E`1ING OF JUNE 18, 1973 PAGE 10 Mr. Bud Hamilton addressed the Cuuncil :,nci said ior one, the existing zoning is improper for the area and tw�, this land use would des±roy the beauty of the area. He said he question�,d the present zoning regulatiims and tlie Board of Appeals had second thoughts a��d ttie Planning Commission alsu, had secou�i �ho:�ghts. Mr. Hamilton quoted from the Comprehen,ive Plan a statemenC which referred to the thoughts of the Environmental Qua]iCy Cummission. He said he believed the citizens should have some input in ttie matter. He mentioned d number of persons who were opposed to the construction and signed petitions stating this. Mr. Howard Grivina, 261 hice l:reek Terrace, addressed the Council and said he mixed thoughCs about the pr«posed conctruction as he was a good friend of the Christenson's and also did reside in the area. He said he had bought his home when the area was sandunes and was told at the time that the land was zoned light industrial. had ' � , ' in 1958 ' Mr. Bruce Lundberg, 230 Rice Creek Terrace, said the first he knew of the proposed ' construction was when he got a note from Mr. Hamilton. He said he wuuld like to raise a few questions. If Mr. Chriscenson is allowed to build the garage and the construction does meet the code, what if he ex�ands? He questioned if this would conform with ' the standards of the polluti�n ,unLrol agencies. He asked if they wouid go along with the gasses from the buses? He said the proposed buffer zone would just be a line of trees and in the winter months there would be no leaves and no screening. ' He said this would be the time when the buses are in use. He asked the possibility of stipulating Mr. Christenson put in some full grown evcrgreens, and this would screen in both summer and winter. Mr. Lundberg said he just recently moved to the area and was ciot rnade aware of the proposal when he purchased the home. He said he felt the metal building wa� objectionable. He said if the traffic could be cut down, and the noise and odors kept away, he would have no objections. Mr. Frank Nebel, 6961 Hickory Circle, representing the Locke Lake Horne Owners Association said the group was concerned about any possible pollution from the creek into Locke Lake. He asked if the applicant had received any review by the Rice Creek Water Shed District? Mr. Christenson said they would be in atte�idance in a meeting of the Water Shed District the next evening. Mr. Nebel said he had heard that materials would be put into a culvert by the rail- road tracks, tir said he wuuld not lik� to see thi�. ' L� � � � The City Enginrer said this would be �he same material that is boin� into the culvert � at the present time and it would be their id�a to control this once the area is paved. Mr. Andrew Kohlan, 236 Rice Creek Blvd., said he lived on the north side of the creek. He said he did nut inten�l co 5peak on the currently being discussed aratter, but there was a point that he wuuld Likc: to make the Council aware of. He said the direction that the wind is blowing has alot to do with the pollution of the area from the motorized activity of the park. He said the noise, vibration and odors from that area drift to the people on the east. � � � ' ' ' ' � , � ' REGU�,AR CQUNi;I�, MEE`TII�C OF JUNE 18, 1973 FAGE 11 ��, C�rl 2.uk, 281 RiceCreek Terrace, said sume consideration should be given �Q the tra�fic of tt�e area. 1-te s�iid there is now just a few people using Second SC�eeC and it is hard enuugh to ge� access. Mr. Zuk asked if there would be a t�raffic li.ght? Th►e Cit�• Engiiteer said this would be installed. The City Engineer aaid the �lans Gall T�>r add�.tional starage and stack�ing room �or easy entrance, M�. �uk �sked how the bus would be able ta make a"U" turn. Councilman B�r�ider ask�d �.� t�e home 4� the hi11 wc�uld tae removed. The City Engineer said yes. M�1yor I;iel�l �aid ther� wauld be no traffic from �he buses in Mr. Zuk's area. Mr. Zuk said his �k��.lslr�r� hs`�d been walki_ilg tc� school foz� years. Ccaun.eilman IVee said the m�tter was a real dilemma. He said the Staff had worked w�.�h M�r, t;hri�stenson tu set up the necessary framework and he belieued they had r�nt�� a g;oad job, He said he is always in favor of purchasing land �oz publ�c land wh�� �.t is or� the creek. Councilman Nee said he thought all were in agre�ment, �ha'� �he law would have to bs ot�eyed, and this would not give the City alpt of room for mov�men�. � I$pTIQN by Councilman Rreider to grant Mr. Christenson approval oE his request �o ConatrucC a School bus Garage with the thirteen stipulations agreed upon, �p�arpvi.n� the vax'iances and also stipulating that brick should be used as facing 1 on �he ea�t sid� of the building, not only by the doors, but a11 portions, and th�C ever&r�ens be planced for screening on the east side. Seconded by Cpuncl.ltR3n �.1C��I . JI � � � ' , , [Ji'(�T ��OLI, CALL VOTF., Breider, Starwalt, Lieb1, L'ttex', Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl c�R�G��7C�*d tl�� [noZion car�i�d un�nimOus 1y. ��' D�(ayc��' I,iahl called a[en minutc- rectss at 11:20 p.m, ,i,j�E�QNVENED ^ M�yqx Liabl r��onven�d t<«� me��ti.ng at 11:43 p.m. CpNSIpERf�,TION OF A 1t�:Q1TFST BY JOSEPH RICHTER, 165 STONYBKOOK FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRU('��QN !�N �tEE� R�:TAIt�ING WALL: Cr�un�ilman Nee saicl ki� hac! reyue�ted tiii_5 item be placed on the abcnda. He said Mr. R7t�hter re�idt,.i nortl�, �f �tr. L'-;; piiey. H� said the retaining wall ends just �ho�t of h�6 prc..}�� � t�� and ii� wou <<: i i k�• ��.�u r.iore stacks uf railx'oad ties tp complBtB �k�e wa11. He saiei he llad advised Mr. Kichter that he was �1ot sure �hat this could b� done. The �i�y �ti�ineer :;ai�d this would invc>lve $S00 to $600 in expenses and he was leary a�s t[a �ah�r� th�s would �top if it was staz'ted. � �pu��iltnan Stazcwalt sa�.d he was also aware of this request for Mr. Kenz�eth Korin, bQ�l Ber��jamf.n St, N,E „ and he had requested them to repair damage don� by the �ity �,t� �saad con�tructian wher� the roots of trees had been left exposed. ' . r R�GULAR COUNCZL i�iLETiN(; UF J.�I� i8, 1973 PAGE 12 ' �he City �,ngi�,�.°��r 5a;�i ti;c� ; ies i�ad bL��n ui ��i_tied by the Cit > with no Charge up �o th� pres�n� cirne, a::.�' he quesciocied it *hi5 wouL�i :�t dui:�: in the Tuture. MOT�CI�( by Cpuncilman Nee to auttiori�e the c;ity Engineer to spend $600 for Che x��n#orcement c�E ti�e retaini,ng wa( I f��r Mr. ltichter and ��lso tor ties for Mr. �gnneth Koxi�l, 605t ;3enjc�min St. '�. E., ror che purpo�e ot a retaining wa�j. to �pver expqsed tree roots. Secun�ied by �oucicilman t't �er, lipun a voiCe vote, �A�,�, vot�.ng aye, Mayoz I,iebl deciared ch�� mo�ion e��rried uanaimously. SC S ON ON PRO.TEC'"(' 103 - INNSBKUCt: ANll RE:CEIVING KF.PORT OF' ME�,TING OF JUNE 13, 1973 �� A,SS�STANT F.NGINEFk� RLCHAKD SUBIEC�1- Th,� C�ty �rtgi�eer said Chis was a water, sewer and atorm sewer project whj�ch is behind time in cumpletion. He added: the last few months there l�as been an �ttecapt �sde to g�t �he ContXact�?r to complete the work, but there are a number of problet4s r��.a��.ng �o woxlcmanship in the trenches, and p�pe lines. The CiCy Engxneer sai,d �h��e �,s coneern over whether the pipe trenches would settle, He said th� Dunkl.sy Sux'£�cing �ompany, ttie contract�r �or the job, had xequested that Suburban Engineeriln� had �o b�a relieved from the 3.nspeGtion, � 'I �� C� , l_ � ' ' Th� ��t� �ngine�r said the City Attorney could elaborate on what he has don�; w�th Ch� $ot�di��� Camp�ny. He added, the residents ar� concerned about the roads and � the acceas. Th� City Attorney sa�.d he had been in contact with the Bonding Gompany, �ie added, th�s ie nq� the type of itsm that can be piil pointed for cost, it is a repair item �nd �t�e exacC �maun� cannot be determined unti l tEze contractor is i,nvolved �.n the xepair. MQ�IQN by �oun�iln�an $reider to receive the report �>n the meeting prepared by R�chtird S�pl�:l�eh, �a�is�ant F;ngi,neer, dated ,iune 13, 1973, and authorize zepair wo�k by fox�c� �c�ounC ccai��r�Ctor, Seconded by Councilman litter. Upon a voice voke, a11 votin� �}►�# 'M�ycar �iabl declared the mot�.on carried unanimously. �QQ�T3�DER�ATT��N OF APPROVAL OF TSLAND OF PEACE LEASE AGREEMENT: Tk�s C�.ty ,At�arney said there were additional items which should be j.ncludQd �n the le�e�� agr���et�t. He said he would like some definition on the maintenanc� c�f �he �sla�d artd �lsa adequate insurance £or liability. He said he would like the Cf�y ta ��msalr� ha�mles� to any claims. He added, he would like some agreemen� that th�re would be na imprc>vemenCs made until the plans for such improve.ments are rsviewed fpr �at����st by the City, He said he felt the lease was proper as a short term 1Aasa and �he lease cauld b� changed to a long term lease atter the cUCnpl�tion a� th� �mp�ovemen�s. Mx', A�td�'�w Koh�,an, A,ttorne� for the Islands of Peace, addressed ths Counc�.1. an,cl �a�$ the R'►s�i+���nance should be done by those do�,ng the improvements far the pre�enz t�a►,�, H� �dded, it would be difficult for the City to determine what ie wanted dy��t1� Ch� ��nat�uct�.on time. Mr. Kohlan said there is an agreemenC be�.ng wriCCe� �,� �h� �a�tac o� public liability. Mayor Liebl said the City �ttorney wan�.� �p k��r �� �h.ere ia �ro[ection. , '��� ��,t� �,��prney asked Mz, Kohlan what amount the ��,�µranc�e wa�? 1�ir. K�hi�n �a�,d ��Q�QQ�? �o $lOp,00Q for each persan, The Gity Atto�ney said ha woulcl l�.k� this amou�t to be i,erge�, Mr. Kohlan said thia could be taken �ars of. �f..: 'A M N. 4 ��.. ,aY. +'.I' ... ......... . ' � � � ' , ' i , LJ � R�GUL�.It COUNC�L P�ETIN� OF ,�UNE 18, 1973 p��� �� ' ' i � � , � ' �J ��yp� T���1�1 a�k�d Mr. Kohlan if he had any objectiona to tfae stipula[ic�ns b�ought up by tk�� ���y t�ttprr�ey? Mr. Kohaln said not on his part. P�r* Kok�lan sa�.d th�re are �;ome trails t�> be construct�d on the praperty anci �hE plans and 5p��ificaCions have taeen shc�wn to and discu&sed with the �ity. He add�d, �h� Navy S��kaees are ec�ming into the area tlie next week. Eie said he did aot �gpxove of i.tem numt�er tk�ree. He wou.ld iike the area po�ted as off limits durirlg the time o.� construction, iie said he would not want any interference when khe work i� b�#.t�$ dQne. H� said this wc�uld c�use an extra hazard. He stressed, he would 1�ke t�� ���� closed during the �onstruction period. �'k�� G�ty Attorney asked the City Manager if he had received plan$ of the location �� t�'��.16 a�d �,� �hey had provided satisfactory infox'mation to the City. �he Ci�y M��a�er s��cj yes, they had and wi11 receive any plans of fulure construction of �x'�i,�&t He said ��e A�ministzation had se�n the plans. The City Attoxney said it can b� put in that the trails will be approved by khe City ��d �ny future constructian wil� be reviewed and approved by the City. Mr. Kohlan ��i�l fi�a� cu�.verts would have to be extended to allow the machinery access to the p�o.p� �c �y . 'Mx'r Wilmea &aid the instal.lation of trails would disturb the area as slightly as psaa�ilale. �I� added, the wnrk had been donated by many people, T�17C. �.o�1�n sai.d the ground breaking would be the �oming Saturday and the trails 'wQU�d b� i.nstalled exa�tiy as planned. He said he would take care af the mattex �af �h�a J.#��bi�i�ty policy. 1 MCt��Cl�t by Gouncil�ar� utter to approve the lease sub ject to the stipulationa rec�►tnmec�ded by' tk��a G3.�y' Atto�ney Chat the amount of liability be increased, that the policy �� ma�rt��r�en�e be established, that th�: City be held harmless of any claims, tha� thex'�: b@ n�a f��uxs �ons�ruction until the City approves the plans. Seconded by Councilmart � Bxa�.d��. Upon a voice yote,.a1� voting aye, Mayo� I,iehl declared �he motion car�i�d ur���nou� 1}►. � ��i I , , , ' � ��IY�NG R�VENUE SHARING PI.ANNED USE REPORT; Tl�� �ity TrT�nage�r $aid tk�� Deaprtment of Treasury ��;+�uir�s that Planned Uae �t�pa�r�� bl� ���a�1��ec� �or r�venue sharing funds for the third enti.tlement p�riod pr�.ca� �p Juct� �Q� �.$�3 �o� �he period January 1 to ,Tune 3Q, 1973, The ��.ty Man�gex st�id h�+� ��c�mms�d�d that the payment of the balance of the new fire true�, $�6Q,QpQ, �h� p�ym�t�t of �he balance of Peter Pirsch fir� �ruck, $5,835, and $8,7p1 �c�x the� p���h�.s� o� paxk land. MU�ZC�1."�� �s�un�ilman utter to concur with the�ecommendations of �he Ci�y Mar�ager &�d ��Fxo'�� ��� planned us� report and direct the administration to prepare n�������y amend�ent, to tha 1973 budge[ fur consideration and action, �aecotlded }�y f��a�n��,lma�t S�erwalt, Upon a voice vo[e, all voting aye, May��r- I,iebl d��lared �h� lm����r� �ax��ed unanimously. R�GUT�AR COUNC�L rrEE�rY:1vc oF Jt,m�E 18, 1973 PAG� 14 � OR �AT ON FOR AC UIRING EASEr1F.NT BYRON B. DAVIS .TR. STEVENSON WALKWAY) : �n� C��y Managez said Mr. Davis is planning on selling his home, and kherefore, r�t�uaated the City proceed with tlie easement plans. He aclded, the payment was c1osQ Lo th� pay�nent of �he other persons invol�.�ed. MQ�'Ipl� by Coiincilman Ne� to concur with the recommendation of the City �laz��ger and purchase the easement for the walkway fror� Mx, �ud D��t�,�, S�conded by C�uiicilman Starwalt. Upon a voiCe vote, all yp�i�� �y�, Ntayor Liebl decla7•ed the motion carried unanimou5�y. , CQNS�J��RATION OF ITEMS REGARDIi�(� NORTH PARK: MQTIQN by Gouncilman Breider to receive the report on the financing q� the NQ�'th Park Develo�ment by �hlers and Assaciates. Seconded by� �oun�ilman Utter. Gt�t�ncilman tiee ���id �'��:�t �li�turh�, h.in; was that the report was r�ot �1��Wt� pn the I�a� i� t� tl�c� �3rau� ; re��ort . rie said he h�d not atitic�- ��'Ged they would not incl�ide the reJ,ort on turnin� Lock� �ark intp a r�atur� ��r�ter. I�e 5aid the report had included infQrmatzc�n for t�h� ����a�latior� of � golf course in North Park and the es��bli.s�h- m�nt of the naturc� renter in Locke Park and the Ehlers xeport had n�� dQr�� thi� , T�.@ G�ty Nlanager >aid this would lust be a matter of running a�om� ���p� r�� qrl this. Councilman Nee said he would want this to b� �,q�p, �'�� City hlanager aske� if tliere were any more questions. C�u��i�man BrQi��r said the Brauer report had included and then �x��,����. item� for a differen�ial ixi cost figures. He said an example wQU�d t�� the facilit}F would cast "x'" number of dollars with, bla�k ts�p �nd if this were excluded it would cost this much less. T�l� C�ty Manager said some of the facilities could be added J.a�er and �tQt a� tk�E time of the Qriginal construction. GouA��.lman Nee said he had the feeling that the gentlemen had p�annad � v�ry l�vish naturs center for $200,OOQ. He added, he did nQt kno�v t1�e imp�i�ations raf this. He said he would like to see a 1ittle mor� mpdest eost on the development of the nature center, M�,ypx L�e�l asked Councilman Nee if he wpuld like the area £eflced a�d le�t? GQUncilman Nee said he could xaise a�uestion of th� �a�th ms�ving �osts of $50,000. He added, he did not know hQw �h� �TA� �ould b� le£t natural with $80,000 ir� eaxth movin exp�ns�s. Ho alsc� au���.ioned the amQUnt set aside fQr tree gxubb�ng. �� said h@ �l�.�i nc�� k�ow who favored this except Brauer. up�N A YQT�� VOT�, a11 voting aye' Mayox Liebl declared th� m���o� car��t�� tat�ani�nou�ly. ' , �� CJ � ' ' , , � � � � , , ' ' � ' R��ULAR �OUNCIL �ti�IE�;TING OF JUNI: l�, 1973 FAGE 15 ' � RE U�ST FROM If ����;11] ��[ 1;�iMI'� V�)T'Ek5 {�h.�'UF:S`II�� : T1'�1I: ON aGENDA FQR MR, A MAHL, L1TRF ('�I �R �?} UPFRITI��S CJF I1;�� NATURaI. �t I ENCF FOR Y0 T�'� _ _ _ _. ___ __ __. __ —__.__ ___ � A�'T�ON: � Mrs. Ba�'b�ra liu��,i�e,;, adcir� ;_-ed t��c Co�mcil and said ,�lt�. Mahl was nA 1Q�g�x irt aGteii.lan� �� . S}ic sai d l,e ha�l mac.le a sI�o � t: over vi.ew of the fund���� and ilas son,e questions iil the area of spending $200,pp0, �Ir�, �It�gh�s saicl �1Ir. ;�iahl had ieft a sampl� budget with Paul Brown ' az�d th� G�ty �9ana;;er. Mrs. Hughes said Mr. Mah1 would submit a ������° w�th valuabl� informa�ion the next week. ' M�?TIQI� by Councilmaii Nee to receive the letter. Secondecl by Council- m�.� ��'�ica�r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ;�layor l�iebl dec�ax�ed th+� mQtiQr� carr��d urianimou�ly. ' � � �c�u���.�man Nee asked Mrs. Hughes to encourage Mr. Mahl to get xhe l��t�x' �o the Cot.incil before the hear.in�. Mx� .�ughes said an uns igned letter �ti�auld be com ins� f rom him fol�.ow�d by a sigrled letteY . R�C� I VI I�1G COMi�1l_1i�i I C�"T I O�ti FR�NI DUANE �. PRAZFtIE VOT ING ON NORTH PARK : MQT�C�N by Gcauncilman Nee to receive the letter from Duane E. Px'air�.�, , dat��. ,Tu�� 1�, 1973. Seconcied hy Councilman Breider. Upon a voic� ypt,�, ��.�. vq�in� aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motian carriecl uT��T�imou�ly . 1 REC�IVING COMi�ftlNTCATION �?Ri)M DOUGLAS A. �'ETI�RSON VOTING ON NORTH PARK: �1QT�QN by C�uncilman Utter to receive the letter £�om Mr. Dou�las A, ' P�rt�x�Q�R da�ed June 13, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Bxeid��. �J�on a yc��.c� vot�, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl dec].ared the motior� ��.xx��d una�imously. r ' , ' ' ' , R�CEIVII�G THE MINIITES OP THE NORTH PARK MEETING QF MAY 22, 1973: MQ'��PN by Gouncilman I3reider to receive the minutes of the Nor�h Paxl� Meet�n� o� May 22, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vo�.ce vs��e, a11 voting aye, �layox Liebl declared the �notion carried unan�� �t�a�y: R�f�U�ST QF GITY I�IANAGER TO TAKE VACATION LEAVE JULY 1- 18, 1973: AND APPQINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER; j�Q�"�C��1 by ��uncilman Nee to approve the reques� bx the Ca.ty Man�gex �p t��.� Y��ation from July 1� ta July 18, 1.973. Seconded by Coun�i.d�^ j� �y, �3������;� Upo�, �} v�oa`ce vate, all vating a}�e, Mayox I.��bl de���xed t�� ��'G#�Qn �axxied unanimously �.., _ REGU�.AR CQIi�� C 1 L I�9E:I: �� i:��: � J F,7UN1_' 1 8, 19 7 3 PAGE 16 � MQT�.C1N by CauJ�c: ilria�i Breider to a����oint �^1r. James I�i 11, Assistant ��.ty Msnager/Public Safety Director, as �ictin,; (',i ty i��Ian�ger fox the two we�k p�ri�U oi` the City 1�lanager's vacation. 5ecande�l by Council- m�r� N�e fpr discussion. (:tau�cf.lman Brei.der sai�l he k�as talking about a period of two weeks and th�xe a7�e twQ Assistant C:ity Managers. He said he was thinking abo�ut �h�: efliciency of having mare than on� man able to hand�e the dut�e�s a� the aclministration. He said if they ��rould rotate, this wQUld b� gpQd for the City. M�yor L��ebl �aid the City Engineer and the Administrat�.ve Assistant cauld als� �e considered i�n the rotation. , ' ' ' , [1PQ1V�A VaTCE VQTE� �tarwalt, Liebl, Nee, and Breidex v4ting ay�, U�t�x �ia��tain�ng, Mayox Liebl dec��red the nlotion caxri�d. � REC$IVTNG TH� M�NUTES�QF THE PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETII�G QF JUAJ� �it 1�73; RE(�II��T FOR I.QT SPL IT L. S. # 7 3- OS BEKNARD JULKOWSICI , ��L�P QFF �'ART UF I.OT 6 AND 7, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVTS QN N0. Th�' �ity �z�gineer said thaz there is a parking pxoblem in �h� a.r�a. H� said the Administra�ion has tri�d to wc�rk qut �Gh� pro�ile7n with Mr. �ulkowski and the apartment Qwner ta make i.t a part Q£ the a�artment area. He said negotiations ha�l gon� on and no pxcagress had been made. Th� City Attorney suggested tavling the item unt�l Mx. ,Tulkowski was in attenda�zce at a meeting. MCITI�N l�y Gauncilman Starwalt to tab�e the re�{uest for the �.c�t sp l i t by I�Ir . Bernard Jul kowska.. Seconded by Council- man Breic�er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor %�i�bl declaxed the motion carried unanimously. I,OT SPI,JT RE UEST: L, S. #; 3-07, DA�'ID S. MYCRA: SPLTT F Hf: ti'E�TF:RI:�' 10 I�FET' OIl LOT 32 REVISED AUDITOR�S ^ SUBDIVI�SION N0. 7_7�� 0 RI; PURCHASED BY THE OWNER OF LOT 31: M0�'�QN by Councilman Uttex to concur with the Planning �ommission and approve the lot split requested by i�7x. Dav�d S. My�ka. 5�canded by Councilman Nee, Upon a voice vote, �,11 v�tin� aye� Mayar L�ebl dec�ared the motion carried L1I1 an i;��o ii s 1�� . The �:it� I.n�ineer said the i�emaining items did not requixe �Q►,1I1�� 1 �I�tJUII. �p�'��1N b� Councilman Breider to xeceive the minutes of the ��.annir�� �r��m�����Qn meetiri� of June b, 1973. Seconded by Councilmar� Utte]r. �1�ic�x� a vQi�e vate, all voting aye, Nlayor Liebl declared the mQtio� ����ied unanlmau�ly, �x.., ,.. .. . . .. � ' , � � ' ' � , � ' ' rRE�UI,�R COUNCIL :`�1�ETING OF JUNE 18, 1�73 ' f� � ' ' u � PAGE 17 R���IVING TH�: MI�UI'}'� +�F 'I'HI; BIJILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL �J .�O�TTT��; I�4EETI'�. ,)1 .TtJN� 7�, 1973 : � 1�E U}�ST "1'� CO`dSTI�Ut�:"[- �1 S[� ��'� L C�ARAGE FOR TfIF PURPOSE OF �RI'vC� �C QOL I3i.ISS'�S�C:.AT�.� OIV L0�' � BLOCK 6, AND THE t� � Z; FE��`"l :)f� I,�'I' 2, rl.i)c:,K 6, RIC CR EK PI.AZA SOUTH Alll?ITIO\ �Ht S��ti°, li�;I\G 6?50 Mr�IN STREET N.F., FRTDLEY, M�N�I��SOfi, �,�'.I.�iJFS'(� Rl`" Ri7 �LR t'HRISTENSON, 6473� UNIVERSITY - ----' ' - ENU�: � I., } R i,ll. i�, •' I:��F'� SOT_�� The Citv E:n�ineer sa_id tt�is iten� had been taken care of. ��hSIDERATION OF A R�QU�ST TO CONSTRUCT 15a TOWNHOUSE --- --- N�' , L�C:�TFD �)N T�iF EAST H11LF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER F � SG�J'I�I�WI`S"I' QUARTER OF SECTION 1, T-30, R-24, EXCEPT H� OUTH 185,0 FF.ET T�IEREOF AND EXCEPT PARCELS A AND B, T�-I� S�ME BEI'�G I30RDERE� ��' 63RD AVENUE ON TH� SOUTH, T_SSISSIPPT �TREET �N THE NOR1'H, 7TFI STREET ON THE EAST AND ,.�... , �,,. ('f:D�R A�"; 'J INNE:r\POLIS, °tINNESOTA) : Th.e City Engineer said this item was peziding before the � P�a?1�ing Commiss�on. I�e added, �he administration had as�ed �Qr plans and �hey had. not submitted.them. �-Ie said they should be submitted befare July 1., 1973, because of the ' �,�d���onal SAC charges, The Gity Eng�neer said they �ad b�en n�tified sev�ral �imes. C�?NS�DERATZON QF A REQUEST TO CON�TRUGT A DIESEI, FUEL STORAG '�'ANK, LOCATED ON L�TS 27 AI�D 28, �pV'T LOT N0. 1, D TQR'S SUBDIVI ION N0. 39 THE SAME BBING 44TH AVENUE A EA�T RIVE ROAD. REQUEST BY BURLINGTON NORTHERN ROAD�I 7 EAST FIFTH STREET, ST. PAUL, I��IINNESOTA 55101: �he �ity Engineex said this had been discusse�. MQ��C?�1 by Gouncilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Buildi.ng S'��ndaxds Desigr� Contxol Suncommittee Meeting of June 7, 1973. ��:�Q�d�d by Counciln�an Utter. 11pon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, M�.yt��' I,�.+�b1 declared the moti�an carried unanimously. RE��TV�NG THE MINUTF.S UF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JUNE 12 �. REQU�ST FOR A VARIANC� OF SECTION 45.102 2A, FRIDLEY CITY AL H P RK NG OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE 3 V . ., E .� - , �� � 1973: R�GUI,AR COUNCIL 1�1I:ET'ING� QF JUNE 18, 1973 P��� � $ r Th� Ci.ty I;n�;.ineer said the request was for parking of �Ammerc:zal vehicles on the premises and the Bc�ar�d of .Appe�ls had recommended der�ial of the request. MQTI�N by Coun,cilman Ne� to concur with the recommendations of the Board of Appeals and deny the request by i�1r. Castonguay to park commercial ��ehicles on the premises a� �a33� Un�verszty Avenue N.E. Seconded by Councilma� Bx'�ic�er. NIr. Paul Castonguay addre5sed the Council and stat�d the r�Quest had come because it was �i time of cxisis and he �hc�ught th�y siio�ild pull together in that crisis. He said if the product was available this rec�uest would not have been made. He said he had improved the property and done whatever the City had asked. He said he also cawned property on East River Road and had i.mproved this property con,iderably. � Mx. Castonguay said he thought he had been an the up and up with the Cauncil, and now he was reQuesting a little br��thing room, Mx. Castonguay said the people had referxed to the large xuts in the area, and they were there when he puxchased h�.s bus�ness. He said he would like some help for about s i�e months . � MayQr Li.ebl said he had represented this area and when Me�kxo "5Q0" came into the area, they liad experienced a 1ot of prob]ems. He said he had camplai.nts from the n�ighborl�ood on the way the property was handled. He s��d the c�m�laints were up ta his ears. He saa,d �.t is �.�n � re�ider�t�al area and it is right along T. N. #47 and i� looks bad. He said he did not know about the x�st af the Cauncil, he thought Mr, Castonguay couTd have done a 1itt1� house keeping. Mayor Lieb1 said h� �CZ�ew what he was up agains�C, but the people wanted h�.m to be a little neater. Mr, �astonguay said he had never received a letter oar t�Qti�e that thexe were any problems there. He said he d.id not know how this would be a determining fac�or. Ma�yo� L�.�bl asked if he was operating the business. Mr. Caston�uay sa�d this was not by his choice. Mr� Castcan� ,�ua�r said he though� �he present treatment was a lit�l.e ha�'sh an,d left �he mee�in$. U�'(�N A VO�CE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor I.iebl dec�.ax�d tF�e moti.Qr� carried unanimously. MQTTI�N �ay� Counc�lman Ne� ta receive �h� minutes of the Board of ,ApgE�als M��ti�g o�' June �2, 1973. S���nded by Councilman Bx�id+�x'. ilpor� � vc��.�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl decl��ed the mcati.on �ar�ie� ur�animouSiy, L� � � ' , � � � � L� �J � ' ' � ' L� , r ' ���u�„��, cov�vczL n1�,r-.�rri�c� o� JuNE �s, 1973 ' ' � PAGE ].9 R��EIVTNG TH� h�I�1UTES OF THk F�NVIRONMENTAI, QUALITX GONiMZSSTON � F MAY 'Ly, 1�� �; MQ�'��?N by �ouncilrnan Utter to receive the minutes of the Env�.xon� m�nt�� Quality Commission Meeting of AZay 29, 1973, �econded by Coun�ilman N�e, Upon a voice vote, a1�, �oting aye, Mayor Liebl si���.��'�d th� mo�ion carried unanimously. � RE��TVZNG THE i�iINUT�S OF THE ENVIRONMENTAI, UALITY COMMISSTQN Q NE , MQT�C�N by Councilman Nee tQ receive the minutes of the �nvironmer�ta7. ' �ua.1�.�y Gommission Meeti.ng af June 12, 1973. Secoanded by Council- m�.� Ut�tex. Upon a voice vote, all vatin� aye, Mayor Lieb� declared �he �c�tic�n carried unan�mously, ' ' ' � � � � � � �� � ' �_J R�CE�VING TE{E MINUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 7, �,97�: M!Q�"I0�1 b}T Councilman Breider to receiv� the minutes of the Cable T���vision Com���ission Meetzng of May 7, 1973. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voi.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared th.e mot�on cai�ried unanimously, �ou�.�ilman vee =aid he had an item for the c:onsideration by the �ounc�]., but be�cause of the lateness of the hour, he would like �v eontinue the discussion on the matter uniil the next meeting Q� tY�e Gounc i 1. Councilm4in tic�e sai_d lie would like to know the juri�dictiorl o#� the ��:C. Ce���icilmari Nee said his questions �ar�c�rn�d two point� }�e wcul:� .l ike to rai�e at the �'ublic Hearing. MaTI�N by C:oun�,il���a,l Utter to receive the communication from �ounei lman '��ec re�a rci ir�g ques t i ons to be subntitted to the Federal �ommunicatiuns C:om��iis�ion. �e�onded by Councilman Starwalt. llpon � YOice vote, all votiiib aye, Nlayor Liehl declaxed the motion carx�ied unanimously. Ge�uncilman Nee asked if the item could be discusse�. on the next week's agend�. :�4ayor Liebl said yes. Couz�cilman Nee said he thought the letter should suomitted as �{u�sticaned by the City, not by the franchise holder. Mx�, Barbara Hughes asked if it would be possible to continu� the P�tb�i� H�ari�g? Mrs. Hughes listed the point in question brqught u�a by �he membexs of the Cab1e Television Commissian at their x��ent �e�t�ng and said they would be meeting again before the Pub��.� H�aring, Mrs. Hughes said the Commissian would be making a x���mmendat�.on ta the Council. R.�GiILAR �OUNCIL ;�IEE"I�tNG 0�= JUNE 18, 1973 PAGE 20 I G Tlll: ?ll ti'l'I�1:S ��F THE ('II�iR'I'I��:R �:OhIMISSION MFBTI�iG OF MAY la 1973t� R� CE T V� N ----, _ _ � MQ'��ON lay Councilmail �ee to rec:�ive the minutes o:� the Chaxt�r , �vmmissic�n Meetin� of T1ay 15, �973. Secoiided by Councilmaa Starwal�. Upo� a vQi�e vote, alJ. voti.ng aye, T9ayor L�ebl declared th� ma�ion caxri�d unan�motzsly. ' APPRQVAI. QF I�EA�� AGRE�MENT WITH LITTLE LEAG�JE OF FRIDLEY, IN�. � �k A E D I . 1�C�TTQN by Gouncilman Utter to ap��rove the lease agreement w��h �Che L�tt7� I�ea�ue a£ Fridley. Seconded hy Councilman Breid�r. Upan a voi�� vote, all voting aye, ?�Sa�rar Liebl declared the motio� �axxi�d unaanimca�sly. R�CE�VING SI_IMMOitiS WITH REFERENGE TO KARY BENNET, INDTVTDUALLY AND TRUS'�"�E FOR THE HEIRS AND NEXT' OF KIN OF KIRK KOLSKI DECEDENT DQN�JA BA1tRETT AND CITY OF FRIDLEY (DROWNING OF KTRK KOLSKI QN 9 n �z . Mayar ���bl asked if the City Attorney should be directed to hand�e th� ma�t�r. Th� �a.ty At,'�Gorney said he would be happy to, but he thought th�s may b� a dupl�eation of effort if he were working in th�,s directian whil� �h� .A.t�oxneys for tfie insurance company were doing the sam� thin�. Th� City Attorney continued saying he wc�uld coop�rate with th� i�tsu�ance company attorney if he should call on him, if no�, he �l�ou��� �h� entire mattex could be handled by them. MC?T�QN by Councilman Utter to turn the matter over to the �ompany. Secanded by Coun�ilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, ay�� Mayo�r �.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ansuxance a11 vo�ing CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHAPTER 594 MINNE50TA LAWS - P V 0 HA GES N THE FRIDL Y FIRE RELIE A 0 ATI N MEN PLA : MayQr �i�hl �aid this item would be Cabled until the July 2, 1973 me�ting o� the Council. REStJLUTION #75-1973 - DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT RQLL FOR R EWER, WATER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT �ROJEC'' NC?. 1Q�: MOTIQN by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #75-1973 dire�t%ng ar�d prepaxin.g of �lssessment roll for Sanitary Sewera Watex, and Stcarm �e�ex Improvement Project No. i02, Seconded by Councilman N�e�e, iJpcan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�iebl declarecl th� mqtiQn ca.z�ried unanimouslye � ' �FGUI,AR ��UNCIL M�I:TING QF JUNE 18, 1973 � Ii u PAGE 21 R�SQLU'�I(?N �76-1973 - D�RECTING �'UBLICATION OF HL�IRING QN PROP4SED 5S E ROLI, FOR .��N�TARY SF.WER, W�TER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROV�- , �'.P��CT N J�._ 10 2 :. � - MQ'�'ION by Counciln�an Utter to adopt Resolution �?6-�973 dixecting publi�a�ion of hcaring ncat�.ce on proposed assessrt�ent ro11 for s��.it�ry se��er, ��vater, and stor�n sewer improvement pxaj�ct No. 102. S�eoz�d.�d by Councilman Breider. Upon a voj�c� vote, a11 voting �y�, N1ayr�r Liebl declared the mation carried unanimously. R�aQI,UTION #77-1973 - AUT�iORIZING AND DIRECTING TI�E SPLITTING OF P G�AI� SESST�FNTS O�v' QT 13, PARCEL 900 AUDITOR' SUBDIVTS N ,�9. ANI) REPLATTING NTO JTM LUND ACRES ADDI'I"ION: �1QTIQN by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution �77-1973, authoriz�.ng a�d d�.rec�ing the s�l�tting o£ special assessments an Lot 13, Parcel �00� Audi�c�r's 5ubdivis�on No, 12�, and replatting inio Jim Lund ���e� Additiar�, Seconded by Councilman Utt�x, Upon a voice �tote, a�,� vQting ay-e, Nlayox Liebl declared �hs motion caxried unanimously. �LA��iS : ��N�RAI� 3Z17Q - �2298 ��4��TOF� 7847 - 79QS MC��'�I(�N iay Ccauncilman �reider �o ap�rove the claims. Second�d by �ctun�i��na� �Ve�. Upon a voice vote, �1�. voting aye, Mayc,r L�.�bl d���.�r�d �h� motion �axx�ied unanimously. �,ICEN���; TX�'� QF T,IC�NS� C1N SAI,� ��ER ,7iinbc�'s Pizza �4� Miss�.�sippi St. ��r�.dley �QOD �ST.A�LISHMENT : James Schooley ' GQ�.d��a 'V - Bonbay Hause 5$6S Un.iversity :�ve. �xir�l�y Chander Mehta ' PUBLIC DRINKING PLACE_ ' Frc���i.ex Club 7�6� �ld Cer�txal F��d��y. i ' ' Hc� w�. � � ��Q Mi�S����.�p� St. Farid�.ey �laxlene Fovlitzk3 �Qwaxd Nelso�} APPROVED BX FEE Public Safety Diz�. 1,20. QO Comm. Dev. Adm, Anoka Cnty Healtk� 25,Q0 �ublic Safety Di:r, Public Safety I��r. 10Q,Q 7.QQ:00 R�GULAR COUNCI� MEETING QF JUNE 18, 1973 TYPE QF �T�ENSE BY �OTT�� CLUB KT�igh�S 4f Co: uml�,us b8��. �wy. ti5 APPROVED BY PAGE 22 Fx'idl�y Narth .air ilames Assn. Pub1iG Safety Dix. �zcaR��T� � GQ1de� V - Borilbay Hpuse 5$65 Universi�y Ave. �r�.dl�y (:h<+r�cie r� �ie h t ;� �LAGKTOPPING $, F� L, Tz-ucl�in� Co. , Inc. 7�1�i59 FlintwAOd Stareet N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 13y: I�onald Berg Gu�tafso�n l�lacktop �;o. 516 - ��h 5t. �.I:. Mir�nee.p��lis, MN By: James Gustafson ��N�R.AL CQNTR.A(;TOR D. W. Gons�rucxipr� Inc. �$0� I�exi.ngton Ave, N�w �r�.ghxon, MN By; Donald Wehlas� Hause C1i.nic Store 39�.8 W�st 4�1/2 St. Mpls, MinnesQta By: Rol£ Kirkegaard HEA�' I NG �,00ser� znc . SSQ No. Willow Dr. �,Qng I,a,k.�R MN By: Robert Atkins IVoxthtown Plumbing Co, Inc, �toute 1, Box 1Q1 �lk R.iv�x, MN By: Thomas W. Veit Public Safety Air. AP�ROVED 8Y C. Belisle C. 13elisle C. Be�isle C, Bel�sle W, �andi,n W. Sandin Subuxban ��at�ng, Inc. �O�Q Wha.te Beax Ave. S�, Pau�., ��.nnesota By; Ernest A. Johnson W. Sandin � ' � , ' , R�GIJ�AR CDUNCIL MEETING OF JU��: 18, 1973 PAGE 23 N�UL�'Z��.E T�WELI,Ii�IG LICE�iS�S _-- ____— S��tember 1, 1 972 Sep'�, �., 1�7� I�am� :�ddresti Units 1�ee Approv�d hy A�.bex� Jo�n��n 137 i�liss . 4 3. 35 �21J. �t�.v�rview T�rr, Pro-xate F�.x� Fxev. �ur�au Fri.c�l�y 55432 5-1-73 Ro�ert D. Aldr��h Paul ]3uxkho�,der (Ro�e Rea�. Estate) �229 University Fridl�y 554.32 �e� Above � �h�:xyl � Ri chard V��h P��arl � Rcalaz�d Waller � 6�71�i�-�xd St.N.E. Un�.��d �teaJ.ty � 79�J ��. Cl.�yeland ���, P�ul �5116 , S�e �bQV� 7673 East 4 River Rci. 106-77th �'ay 4 5.00 (6 mo. ownership) 5.00 (6 mo. ownership) 6071-73-:srd St. 3 2.50 29Q-61st Ave. (3 mo. ownership) S7Q1 Central 57p0 Po1k 32 �3.25 (Pra�-rated) Fire Prev. Aur�eau Robert A, A7.drich Fire Prev. �ureau Robert D. Aldrie� Fire Prev. Bureau Robert D. Aldrich Fire Pxev. 8ur�� Robert D. Aldaczc 32 23.25 Fire Prev. Bt�xe�au (Pxo-rated) Robext D. A1dr1Gh � �Q�'I0�1 by Caur�cilman Br�ider to ap�rove the License�, Secanded by �oun�llman U�ter. U�Qn a voice vote, all vo�.�.ng ay�, Mayor Liebl ci��lared th� matic�n c�xxied unanimously. ' � � � �STIMA°��� : �ouncilnnan Ne� sa�.d h� thou�ht the estimat� submitted by �rauer �hould h� held un�i1 after the presentatipn and Pui�li.c Hearing on t�.� I��xth Park matt�r. '�he Gity Manag�r said this would not �om- g.�+�t� t�e paym�nt tv �rauer and Assvciates, �rau�x �i Associa�es, Inc, �440 F1y�.ng C�.QUd Drive �den Praixi�, Minnesota 55343 G�1� C�uxs� and Nature Center Feasibility Study Ma� 2S� 1973 billing Hall+ �m�th, Ju�ter, Peikema, F� Haskvi.tz ].050 �ui].d�rs Exchange Building M�nne��oli�� �IN 55402 S�xvi��� r�ndered bY PrO�gc��ox a.n �repr�s�ntation of ���� �� ���.��.��� Mat�ers. Dated June 5, ��73 ., ...�.. .4.pY�,,. $ �,500,00 �,l.pQ.00 REGULAR COUNGIL ti1�ETING OF JUNE 18, 1973 Dyco� G�rparation Ro�t� NQ. � Monti���lo, Minnesota 55362 FINAL ��t�mate �3, Sanitaxy Sewer and Water ImprQye- ment Pxoject No. 105-1 Camstoc� � Davis, Inc. 1446 �County RQad "J" MinneapQli�, M�nneSOta 55432 FINAL ��timate �2, Sanitary Sewer � Water Improve� meni Pxa,ject No. lOS-1 Buxy � Carl�an, Inc, 6Q0� Wayzata Bivd. Minn�a�Qlis, MN 55416 F�r�ia.� �stimate #3, Street Improvement Project ST. 1�7�-1 Parti�l. E�stimat� #3, Street Improvement Project ST, ��7��2 North,daJ�e �onstruction Company $2A� I�raxthwQOd Parkway Minneap�l�.s, Mir�nesota 5542; P�rti��.l �stimate �1, Sanitary az�d Starm Sewer and Wat�r Tmprovement Project �712 �omstQ�.k €, Dav�_s, Inc. �4�6 �pun�y Road ��.1'� Minn�apo�is, Minnesota 55432 P�rtia]. �stir�ate #3, Street Iiilprovement Project IVQ. 19i3-1 f� 2 frQm Apxi1 30 through May 25, 1973 F�rt,ial l:;stimat� #�, Sanitary Sewer �, Water Improvement Prta,���t No. 112 £x•cam I�4ay 21 through May 2S, 1973 PAG� 24 � $ 3�77b,22 329.59 fi7,9�4.01 27,,702.OQ ��,�as,7a �,062.97 �34.Oz P�r�ial ��timate #17, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewex �, Watex Impxovem�nt Pxoaect #1Q2 from April 30 through May 2S, 1.97� 59.38 Pax"���.�. Estim,ate �3, Water Improveme�,t Project No. 1Q�-A �xQm A�ril 30 through May 25, 1973 Far�.���- �st�.mate #4, Water Improvement Prpject lflll �ram April �0 thxo�gh May 25, 1973 W��.ver, Ta11e, � Herrick 3�6 ���t Main Stree� Anok�# Mir�nesota 55303 .M�� bi���n� ��� �g�yi��s xendered a.as. �� 592 . �,3 1,69a.QQ �' r-, i ij � ' , ' u �J �J ' ' u � I��GUI,AR COI.itiC1l, i�1EL7��I'���; OF JU;�k: 1��'., 19?3 PA�GE 2 5 N�C�TIfJN by C;ouncilman �ee to a�>,�rove t.he estimates. Seconded by ��un��lma� tIt rer , �!pon a vo icc� v��te, all voting aye ,�layor Liebl ����.�.x�d �he �;�rtiorl carrie�l i�inari.i+rtously. �ON�IpERA'I'IOI� OF �II)E Yr�IZD ASSESSI��IENT POLICX: T��: Pi.t�ance Direc�ar said thi: matter went back to tl�e discussion r�g�arding the assessment of s i clf� yaxds an 67th Avenue and }Zic� �x�p� Terrace and 7th Street. IIe saici it had been the policy of th� ��ty to neve�� cx'oss the street with tllis type o£ assessment. "Th� ��.nanCe llirector said in this instance if the street wauld neve� k�e pt�t �.r� next to Red Ow1 , t]i�y cou] d go farther up the stre�t. Maycax LiebJ, saia �his would be a different direction �or t�,e sid� y�a�'d ���essm�nt pc�licy, �'h� �inanc� D�rectox° said he was saying if the str�e� is n�v��r gc�in� t�a be ��ut in, they cc�uld gQ up the block wi�h the assessments. M�y�x I,iebl said the people as�e�sed would have to receive som� '��z1��1'ts. H� as�ed if the City could �egaJ.ly spr�;ad the 7th street a�����ments t� 67th Avenue? Th� Cit �ttorney sai.d if the City feels they want �c� do this th�xr �h�►u�d �� sQm� �usti�i�at�on from the staff and a reason fQr th�s px+�par�d zn repQrt form. Hs said the reasons for doing this and ths r�astan it would b� di�£eren� from the previous policy should be �ta��;d, I�e saa.d thex� should be some indication Qf the in�on- ��.���n�y ca�' policy, He �aid if the property on th� block is b�ne� �fted by this, th�s would deviat� from the normal sa.tuation. N�a�'or L��b1 a�ked �f thx� would be setting a bad pxeceden,t? He s��.d i� �l�e improvements are made would these people recelve the b�n�f�.�� , ' Th� �ity A��orney said this would depend on what poliGy the �ity wan�s uz�d�r ��is sst of facts, Does the City feel the improve� m���� ax� going to benefit the entire biock, �e questioned. He , ���+� thex� should t�e a statement i.n the reco o uphold this c�ec�.�i�an in the case that someone wants t� repea the dec�sion, , Maycar L,iebl asked the Finance Directbr if he would pre�are a x'eport stating why this situation,woulci be different and why the �eQpl� wQU7.d benefit. ' � ' � Gc�t�n���.man Breicier asked if the assessments would ir��lude Rice �xeek Terrace to the end of the Street. He added, tl�e peop].s hav� �c� ��t �z��o �Che area �rom somewhere . He asked how these �eopls h�.d la�cn assessed, there is no road in there. Goun�i�mar� Utter said there was a road there at one time, R�GU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF J�NE 18, 1973 PAGE 26 � Coun�ilma� Nee said the assessments wer� never spr�ad on ths n�xt� �i��, He sa�d the claim is that everyone o� Rice Cxeek Terra�� wa��d �� using 7th Street. H� said they would be using it on the n�x�h s�d� and they had never been assessed. He said they had n�v�r pa�d a s�de yard assessment. Mayax Li�bl said to the Finance Director that he sh�uld draw up a r�por� stating the reasons why the City should asses� th�se people i� a dif£er�nt manner than the original side yard assessment poli�y, �aunGi�man Breider said he would like to see a re�ort on h�w ��r the �s��s�ments wauld be spread up the street and what the cos� fi�uxe� would be £or this assessment. The F����ce ��xectpr said if the assessments would go acros� �he Str�et, �he C�ty wQUld have to hold an assessment h�ar�ng �n t�� mat�e� �gain, I�e Said the�e people were not no�ified at th� pr�- vaous h�aring, Coun��lman Br�idex said he wauld like some dollar figuxes pr�s�nted. MQTIpN by �ouncilman Breidex to authorize the Finance Dire�tqr �a prepar� a r.epo�t stating w�y this situation deviates from t�a nQrmal po�i�y and pr�sen� actual assessment figures and areas �ff����d, S��and�d �� Cauncilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, a11 votin� �ys, May�x L�eb1 decl,ared the mQtion carried unanimouslya RESQLUT��N #78-1973 � AUTHORI�ING MULTI- EMFLOYER APPR�AC� WTTH A � IC, pEPART NT BARGAINING FOR THE 19 � AND FUTUR� RA E �tS ; .�.:�' MQTZQN by Coun�i�.man Breidex to adopt Resolution #78�1973 authQrizin� a mu�����mployex' approach with re�ard to Palic� Department bargain- i.�t� �or �ha 1�74 and future contract ye�rs. Seconded by �oun��].ma� N��. Ups�z� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declax�d the ma�i�n ��a�xi.ed un�nimausly. PRES�NTATION BY FARK COMMISSION CHAIRMAN ON PURCHASE OF I.OTS 2 AND �, T ' ADDITTON: Mayor �i.eb1 said this item should be cQntinued until the Chairman of th� F'a,xk� and �tecreation C�ammission was present ta discuss the item. Coun�ilr�an U�ter sai,d he thought this was a good pric�, H� added, it is th� �khcaught of the Park Board that the area young peaple eQUld us� t�e sehool property far recreation after the completion af the walkway, MQ'�IpN by c.oun�:�lrnan Uttez� to table th� matt�x until the Chairman ca£ �he Par�CS and Recreatian Commissian was present. S�conded k�y �c�une��.man �rei.der. Upon a voice vcate � all vot�ng aye, Ma�+v� ���61 de�lared the m�tion c�arriec3 unan�mously, � . R�GU�AR CQUNCII� M��T�NG QF JUNE �.8, 1973 P.A,G� 27 � R���IVI1�G THE MINUTES C�F THE NORTH PARK COMMITT�E MEETTNG �F JUNE � �, �QT�QI� by C�unc�.lman Breider �o receive the minutes o� �he �ltaxth ' �'�rk ��mmit��e Meeting of Jun.e 12, 1973. Seconded 6y ��un�ilman ��a�rwa�.t: �Ipon a voice v4te, a11 voting aye, Mayar I�ieb1 declared ih� mo�is�n �arri�d unanimausly, ' ' ' � ' � � � � �� � �J ' i COI�UN I CAT I C�N �: RI�HART1 FU�ALI, FIVE SANDS: FENCING OAI 79TH WAY: M�?T�(��I by Courl� i lman Breid�r� to receive the communicatipn fxom Ri�h�rd Fudali, �ated June 8, 1973, regarding �encin� on 7��h Way. S��Qnded by �auncilmar� Utter. U�on a voice vc�t�, all vating ay�, MayQx I��ebl d�clared the motivn carried unanimousl.y. RE��IVTNG C�MNIIINTCA`I'ION FR01�1 FRIDLEY YOUTH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION: Mt�TI0�1 by (�oun�i tmar� t�reicler� to receive the letter anci waive the �ees . ��conded Z�y Gouricilman aVee , Upon a voice vote, all voting aye# �t�yor Liebl cler.lared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOIJRNM�NT : MOTT�N by Councilman Breider ta adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ccaun�.ilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Li.ebl d�elmred tk�e Re�ular Meeting �£ �he C�ty Fridley Counc�]. o£ Jurt� 18� 1973, adjourned at 1;10 a.m, R.e�p���fully submitted, r �� �-t..�.-t!_ t c,�_.. ; -4 <'` �. t. , Patri�i� E�1�.s S�c�etary �tc� the City Council Frank G. Lieb1, Mayox �� M�N�JTES QF TH� SPECIAL PUBLIC H�EARING ��1T�ETING OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL, JUNE 25, 197 ' ' � ' , ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' 1 , ` ' � Mays�r �,i�bl. �alled the� Spe,w�.al Yublic Hearing Meeting of the Fridley Gity' �QUncil to order at 7:35 �.m., June 25, 1973. PL�p�� QF ALI.EGIaNCE: Maycax �iebl led thc: Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of All�,�ian,ee to the t�lag, �NVCI�.ATIQN : The �ity Mana�er! Mr. Gerald R, pavis, offered t}�e invocation. �tQI,L CALL : ��M�ERS PRESEN'I�: Starwalt, Liebl} Nee, Breicler. �1E�IB�RS ABS�NT : Ut ter . ADOPTIQN OF AGENDA: Mayor �.�ebl said there would be an addition to the agenda as item r�umtae�' thx�e and this would be receiving a letter from Schaol Districi Number �,4 ���arding IVorth Park. MQTION �y Goun+cilman Brei.der to adopt the agenda as amended. Secondod k�y C�aun��lman Starwal�, U�on a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayar �,i.�b], �.e��,ared tt�e motion carxied unanimously. APPROVAL OF COMMUNICATTON TO FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION, IN N D.C.: Gc�u�ci�.ma� A1ee said he �Qped this would be sent before the Publi.c H�a�i�� on tk�e CATV matter. He said he would like a clear statement. �� a�.�.�d h� c�uld submit the questions as an individual, but h�e thc���ht �t would be better if they were submitted by the Cvuncil. �QUn�i�.t�a� �ee �aid this would resolve the questions he had in his ��,11C� s Mayor I.i�la1 x�ad the deviations in the �CC xules as stated by �our����.anan Nee in his letter addressed to Mr. Sol Schildhause o£ the � A,� 4 e 1, That the Franchise provides for the payment of So ins�ead c�i 3�, without justification being provided in the applica- tion. Z. That FCC rules (Section 76.31b) requires that any fee ch�rged the CATV operator by the municipality sha11 be ap�lied only to the subscriber revenue base, not to the gross revenue base. Ccaun��.lma� �iee said tfie prvposed letter comme�ted on the two questi4ns . He s��.d he wauld like to know if the FCC has in fact denied "Certi�i- cat��n" fa�^ this £ranchise, or does this imply that the franch�se wil� b� ���ied, �ouncilman Nee said i� the Franchise is in jeopardy, he �4u1� ���Q tQ �4now. SFECIAL PU��IC H�ARING M�ETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 P�G� z I . ' Mayc►x� L�ab� asked Gounc�,lman Nee if he was proposing going to �ourt on th� m��ter. CQUncilman Nee said no. M��ox L�.�b� asked if he was c{uestioning the regulati,Ans o;f th�'F�C? Caur��ilr�a�. Nee said he wanted the answers to the questions in his m�nd, M�yox �,���1 s�.�d this would help the Council to get some �nswer�� �xaan th� �ed�ex�l C�mmunication� CommiSSiori. MOTIO� by Counci�mar� Nee that the City Council or Mayor send this I.e�te� p� �ame versian nf this letter to the Fedexal CommunicaC�,ons �omm�.�si��,, 5econded by Councilman Breider for point of amendment. Counei�.m�n �reider said he would like it a matter of recpxd that any matt�r wh�ch is discussed between the City and the FCC wcauld not a.ffe�� G�r�eral Te].evision. He said he would not like to see the 7,iG�ns� help up. .AMENT�M�NT to the motion by Cour�cilman Breider that the matter be �oz�si�exed Uetween tlie FCC and the City only and would not in;volv� ox ho�d up the �icense af General 7'elevisian, Seconded by Coun�ilman N�e. �1PQN A VQIC� VOZ'�;' Ok� 'I'H� AMENDMENT, all voting aye, Mayox• I.iebl dec].arecl the moti4n carried uiianimously. UPQ�1 A VQI�� VOTE OF TKE ORIGINAL ��1QTION, all voting aye, Mayox �i�b� de��ax�d the motion carri.ed unanimously. Nlayor I,ieb� askea the City ��Ianager to prepaxe such a letter for the x�view c�f th.e Counc i 1. . CounCil�ar� N�e asked when the hearing would be, saxd the heaxin�; would be July 2, 1973. NfJRTH PARI� DTSCUS5IpN; ' � , i� ' � i_I n' � The Ci.ty Manager � Nlayor 1��eta1 said the purpose of the discussion would be far the C�uACi1 �.o hea.r the presentations by Brauer and �ssociates a�d also �hle;r,� and Assvciat�s, He said tY�e Council may have some auestions �C►� t�h�a x�pr�sen�tatives of the firms. Mayor Liebl said the mee�ing ws�u�.� be r�pet� �o thos� people wishing to comment on the matter. Mayc►r I,��bl sa�d he w�aud like to make a statement tc� the Council, memb��°� ca� ^�h� staffR audience, and representatives from the various f�xms a�d �z��an;�zations that wexe present at the meeting: � ' ' ' � , ' IS���TA� P�BLIC HEARING ME�TING OF ,IUNE 25a 1973 pAGE 3 ' I___I ' ' � ' � ' ' ' 1 � ' Il ' ' LJ ' ST�T�M�NT BY MAYOR FRaNK G. L�EBL: �'h,e d�c.�sion on the proper use o£ the area known as North Park is one ca�' �h� moxe im��ortartt decision� �acing the City Counci l. Baek in �970 �hxough 19i2, this land was acquired thxough a land and wate� �o�s�ryat�on �;j°ant, with the City payirtg one Quarter of the cost, �r�� �h� S�.ate and Federal Government paying the other three-quarters. T� tl�e g�'ant ap�lication, it was staied that the land would be u�ili�sc� for a recreational use and park use of the public. There w�.s a1.�� mention made that one possibility for the use of th� land wQUld b� fQr a golf �ourse, which is an allowable use undex LAWCO�i �xan� �.pplications. In fact� 111 the 1968 plan of the State, thexe w�� ar� �lemsnt i.n it which showed a defiGiency of gol£ courses in t}�� '�win Gity area. In cheeking with the State Planning Agency tl��t a�proved th� grant application for Fridley, this is one of the �Ceaso�.s pux gxant was appxoved and given high priority. Also, i.n t�� B��esu of Outdoor Re�reation, which is a federal agency, the ��q,u�����.on, of land for utilization as a golf course is a perfectly 1,���1 an�d justifiable usc pf land that is acauired with federal and ���te fur�ds. This is not ta say that the land could not also be uti�.ized fox a nature eentex. Certainzy nature centers are a new ancl vea�y woxthwhile utilization of spaces by ci�ies and cou��ties. Th� di�.emma that the City Council faced, back in January of this year, w�s wh��t �o da with North Park. It had suggestions f��m the L�ague o�' Wc�men V�a�ers that indicated that they would like to see the area tuxned �.r�tca a na�ure center, In the same token, the Chambex of Cs�mm�x�e �ndicated they would like to s�e �.he Council develop this ���� a� � go�.� �ourse. The League did �cat, have too many speci�ics on ex���].y wha� �hey meant by a natuxe center, "Nature Center," pf cc►ur�� m�a�s differen� thir�gs to diff�xent peaple. It could range �1�. �he way frcam leav�z�g an axea just as i� �.s and not developing it �.t �11 ��.c� a high�y dev�loped area such as the Woodlal�e Natur� C�r�t�x i�, R�chf�eld, in which some $800,pOQ was s��ent to �todi£y th� 1�r��ds�a�e for development as a natuxe center. So there is a wide d�,f��ren�� o£ opinion of exactly what constitutes a nature center. �� s��med �ike a logical approach to try to get some profess�ona� ���ex��.s� Qn this ma�.tex, No one on our City staff had �vex don.e �he p���nn�.n� or d�s�.g� of eithex a�ature center of a gol,f course. 7°k�i� �.� � xather specialzzed function which it was fe�t that consul.- t���� w�o k�ad actually worked and designed both nature centers and gQJ,� �ouxses was needed for prc�fessional assistance. The C�ty Council '�he� d�.d two things which will help them arrive at a decision on North Par1�, Fi.rst they app�inted a ten member citizens committee ta study N�x�h �"ark az�d its uses. Councilman Tim Breider has sexved as mc�dex°��k�ax cai the North Park Committee. Secondly, after considerable x�va��w b� the staff, the firm of Brauer and Associates was emp�.oyed �� d� � cQmprehensive study of the area and cpme in with some recom- m�ndat�.Qns to �ssist thi.s Counc�l in maka.ng its decisi.on. SF���A� YUB��C HEARING �i�ETI�G OF JUN� 25, 1973 PAGE 4 Why w�s �h� £ixm of Brauer and Associates chosen ta do this Study? (�) T�e� wers an independent consultant, outside the cvmmuni�y, who ��d ��t h�ve any particular activity (either a golf course o� a�axux� �s�t�x� �Qr which they wexe pressing. (2) The firm has dpne feas�- b��ity studi�s f�r a number of other cities, and they have rece�ved very gQOd �epoxts on their objectivity and the qual�ty of the studi�s �h�y hav� pex�ormed. In addition to per£orming feasibility �tud�es, �h�y hav� don� work o� a number of nature centers. ��mong these �re th� Weod��k� Nature Center, Richfield, for which they did th� �Qm� ����� ��a�ib�lity, planning and design construction of th� cent�x; th� H����and �ark �ature Center in Bloomington; the Carver N��ur� ��n�er i� �axvex �ark, Victoxia, �linnesota; the Palmer Lake Nature �en��r, �xooklyn Center, feasibility study and preliminary develop- �ent plan and a number of other projects related to nature ce�ter develQ�nte�t. �n addition, this same firm has done feasib�lity �tudies and desigr�ed a number of golf courses across �he country and �� ��� �win �ity ar�a, Among these include Braymar Golf Course in �dina, ��je��ie Uaks Couniry C1ub in Anoka County and a third ni�e hol� C�uTSe fQr Highland �ark Golf Course in St. Paul. It appeared to the City Council that this £irm then would be eminently qualified to con�ider beth nature centers and golf courses, as these were the two most su�ge�tc�ti usss for theNorth Park. The firm was commission�d �o do tJ�� study ancl �o work with the Committee �n the developmen� of i�s x�commendation to the Council. ThQ �i�m has dane a rather exhaustive job in studying North Park and �as pr�:sen�ed u� with theix study, including theix conclusior�s and xeco�ms�d�tic�ns. The prim.ary xecommendation is, "Golf shauld have ths �a�x��� ���,ority on the use of North Park site." Th� second x��ommendation �s, "F�idley should begin immediately to d�velop a +�ompxel���sive pxogr�.m of nature interpretation and putdoox education iri c�Q�a�r�t�on w�.th all the sehool districts, Anoka and Ramsey Gpunty." �'h� r�p�x� ga�s into great det�il an why a golf course a.s needed m�s� why NQrth Fark �s the only feasible site fox the location �f that �c��.� �+aur�+a. In �he same token, they are nat dawngrading th� natur�e a,�t�xpret�iv� pxogram whatsoever. The reFart is simply say�ng that Fx�.d��y` s�cauld �ake the lead �r� utilizing a numbex of resaurces thax �xi�� bc��h �n t�e City and in the �orth end of the Tw�n City area w�th o�h�r munieipalities and �ounties Go develop the most �ompre- honsiv� na�tux� �nterpretive program passible. The other resources �.n��,t�d� �.oc�� Par��Rice Cxeek Park-MedtrQnic Park comp].ex-Islands o� p��+��-�tunker ��aixie Park in Anoka Caunty-Bush Lake-Chain of I��ks���r�d �arlos Avery. �'hey are also suggesting that a resource fs�r �, ��.tur� �.nterpretive cente� exists at Locke Park and this shou�d b� dev�lc�ped. 'Z'hese consultants worked independently and without di�r+e�fi�QZ� as tca what conclusions . they would come up with from either �he ��tX staff �r the City Gouncil. A citi.zens committee of ten m+�mta�r� was appointed to advise the consultants and provide inp�#. in�Q �h� �tudy, Un�ortunately the study d�d not change the opinion c�� t�i� �aec�ple advoca�ing a nature center as tfie use of Narth Park. �'a� °���.s, T am rather disappointed in some member� of tfi�e Nc�r�h Park C�amm�.'���� , ' ' LJ ' � ' �I � � , ' � ! � r-� L1 � �� � ' Sp�C�AL �'1j$I�IG HEARING MEETING �F JUNE 25, 1973 PAGE 5 Th� �ecc�n� i.mpoxtant aspect that this City Couneil, must ct�nsidex is �h�� c�f hcaw to fin�z�ce a facility, be it a golf course or a natuxe ������, It was fox thi� xeason that the City Council hired caux xe��].��' ���n�nci�l consultants, the firm of Ehlers and Associates, to 1041� �t both of these passibilities, and to repoxt to use on. how �hes� ��u�.d be financed. They have told us that a golf couxce could b� ��-r�anced �hrough gross xevenue bond�, which would be financed and x'�p�.id £rom �reet� fees and other revenues of a golf cQurse. The Gity �caunc�.l does have the authority to issue these bonds ti,�ithout ��. e1��tic��. Assuming a golf course became operational in 1975, tha �'�venu�s fram tY�e cours� would be sufficient to pay off the bonds c�v�x � 40 y�ar perzod successfully. The �inancing on a natuxe cen.��x would be €or about $555,000, and thiS would t'equire a vote qf �he people ior general obligation bonds. There have been some q�z�stions raised as to whether �,��e need a$555,000 nature cenier. ThzS �.gain. gets to the point of just exactly- what az•e vou talking about �n the form p.E a nature center. �ne of the thing�s that Brauer wa� �.t�stxucted to look at in item 1G of his agreer��ent with the City, was to do a constxuction cost analysis for both a�;olf caurse ax�d a natuxe interpretive facility. His obli_gation was as follows: 'aA r�n�� o� costs will be pxovided, togethex with a general descrip- tian of the faGili.ty quality, a�sociated with an optimum ($400',000 £or a�.ature center and $750,�00 for a go�� eourse) figures for e�ch clevelopment possibility." He was also instructed to: "Present an operation, projection and cash flow analysi.s for both facilities," It is, Qf course, �ossible to build a nature center for less than he kza.s sugg��ted. But what kind of nature center are we talking about? One o€ the reasons we hired Brauer and �lssociates was to suggest wha� type of nature center would be feasible and adequate £or this axea. I�� had done that . Th�re ma� be �ossibilites for other forms of financing, but we have �.ot ��d tQ� much encouragement frotn the contacts with the S�ate and ��d�ra� Gov�rnment, As you know, there is presently an impoundment '�po� f�dex�l funds for a11 types of grants. This includes sewer at�d w��t�r �rants in addition to land acquisition grants. On Januaxy ].6, I�7�, Qur C�ty Manager met with Bob Nethercut and �'ete Jacobson, Park Fla���r for the �Ietro�olitan Council, tp discuss what the statuS c►f gr��t applications were and what the availability of federal anc� s'�a��.mc�ney w�.s fvr deve�opme�t purposes, The Metropolitan Cpuncil, as �ou may know', has to approve all grants t�at have any regional si�ni£i�an�e �rior to the �edexal or state agencies considexing them, Th�e purpose of this meeting, which was attended by Mx. Paul BT+�w� a�d M�', �d Wilmes as well, was to check the availability of fuz�d� ft�r th� development of su�h things as the Island of Pea�e and Na��h Par�C, At that time, Mr, JaCobson stated that the State of M1nn�so�a had received many hundreds of thousands of dollars more in �p�1i�a��ons �requests �or LAi11CON grants than tr.ey were able to fu�d with e�ist�n,� resources. He also stated the LAWCON'� view at that t�.m� wa� �Q put zhe emphasis on land acquisita.on grants rather xhan ��ve�.o�men� gxants, on the tfieory that it i� mvre impoxtant tc� acc�u�:x� tFie land be£ore it escalates in price and be�omes unavailable. SP�CTAI, PUBLIC �IE��RING MEETING QF JUNE 25, 1973 P�G� 6 As you xe�a11, w� directed the staff to submit an applica�ian far a d�v�lQpmen� grant �or the Islands of Peace. This was xejected 6y 'kl�� S��t�, basxcally because of the emphasis on land aequisitian gx�ant� a�d seconda�ily because the proposed buildings on Ghase's �s�az�d were going to be in a flood plain. As you knotiv, we have now 'turz�ed th�; management of the Islands of Peace over ta the Islands qf Pe�c� Fqundation and they are proceeding with the development th�ough th� use� of private foundation funds. You may ask wh� wpuld r�4� p�rivat+� foundation £unds be available for the dev�lopment of � �atur� ��nter a� No�th Park. The answer �s that corporat�ons and �ouz�dat�ons such as the Ford Foundation and ottiers will make their dQrtat�Qr�s to agencies such as non-profit foundations far which t�ey ��,n '�hez� ge�. � d�duction £or inca,.le tax purposes. A donation tc� a mu�a�cipal]ty would not qualify for a legal deduction for incom� �ax purposes, This is c�ne of the �rimary reasons why the Islan,ds �:� Pea�e grou� decided to incoxporate as a£oundation, so these �inanc�.ng vehi�les tivoulci thez� be available. I do not believe that t�h�� C�ty, at this point, can do that. We are talking in t�rms o£ the C�ty cieyeloping North Park as either a nature c�nter Qr golf cc�urs�a �nd therefore wi11 have t� use the financing vehicles availab�� to us, I think the decisian boils down to three or four key pcaints: (].� ShAUId we follow the consultants adv�ce for which we paid $1],,OOU, and h� had spenfi a great amount of time and effort in prepa�'ing this v��y comprehens�ve study for us. �Z, Should we consider building a nature center on North Paxk at a �ost of $555,OOQ for a£i.rst class £acility which wi.11 then be u't�.li�ed by �ot only Fridley residents, but residents from all oyer th� Tw�.n City area. This then would have the effect of Fridley supp],��r�g a facility fox the benefit of all of the Twin Cities. Car� we af�a�'d t}iis luxury, and wi11 the taxpayers of Fridley stand fQx su�h a thing? �3a S�QUId we i�stead consider the development of golf �ourse on Nox�.h �'ark �ha� wi11 �ay for itself and eventually add a revenue source to �h� City �car t}�� suppor� Qf Qther activities such as a nature inter- �ar���.v� prQgram, a recreation program, and acti.vites fox all, I� has be�� arguecl that a nature �enter would benefit more citizens Q� Fx�dl��, Tf it will have that great an. appeal to the citi.zens Q� Fri.c�l��'� I am sure that� �tt will also appeal to the citizens Qf BJ.�a.n�, A�.c�ka, Coon Rapids, and other communities in close pxoximity tc� Fx��i�e�, �t is also questionable whether the City cauld res�rict th� use o�' North Park to residents, because the land was acqui.red � thxt�ugh ��d�ral and state funds. So far, nature centers in the Twin City' axea h�v� basically been free of charge operations, and we wou��. be b�'�ak�ng the tr nd if we were to impose a charge on it, Car�v�r���y�, gc�lf cours�s, of couxse, °are paid� for by the people Wj1p ut�liz� tk�� facility. Indeed everyone dae� nat play galf, jus�, as �Y�xy'c�n� �.aes no� p1.ay hockey, or sof� ball ax go to a nature ��r�t��, � b,�7,�ev� a gol£ caur�e w�ill �a.ve ���dley a bala�c�d re+�xe�t��na�. program, and T would ti�erefore agr�e with, the conclusion� �af ��,� B�auer report . i L� � ' � ' � ' �� ' ' � � � ' , � �J ' , � L� � ' ' ' � � , ' S��CI�� �'UBLIC HEAKING M�ETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PAGE 5 �'h�B ��:cc��� im�aoxtant aspect that this City Council must cons�dex is �that Qf h�w to fin�nce a facility, l�e it a golf course ar a nat�xe ������, Zt was for thi� reason that the City Council hired our x����.�r ���anci�l consultants, the firm of Ehlers and Associates, to 1c�p1� �.t botk� Qf these possibilities, and to re�ori to use on how thes� c�U.�+� be �'inanced. They have t�ld us that a golf couxce could b� f���nced �hrough gross xevenue bonds, which would be financed and x��a�d fram greet� fees and Qther revenues af a golf cc�urse. The �i.ty �oun�a.l does have ��e authority to issue these bonds �,�ithout an el���tic��.. Assuming a,�o1f course became operational in 1975, ��.e xevenu�es fxpm the cours� would be sufficient to pay off the bonds Qv�r a. 2Q y�ar period suceessfully. The �inancing on a natuxe c�r�ter would be for about �555,000, anc� this would r�equire a vote ca� the p�ople fo�� genexal obligation bonds. TherF have been some qu�s�ions xaised as to whether we need a$555,000 nature center. ThiS �.gain gets to the point af� just exactly what are vou talking abcaut in the form p.E a nature center. One of the thin�;� that Brauer w�� i�s�xucted to look at in item 1G of his a�;reer��ent with �khe �ity, was to do a construction cost analysis for both a golf caurse and a n�.tuxe interpretive facility. His obligation was as follows: "A xang� of costs ti�i11 be provided, togethex with a general descrip- t�vn c�f the �acility c{uality, associated with an optimum ($400Y000 fox a T�ature center and $750,000 for a golf eourse) figures for a�ch clevelopment possibility." He was also instructed to: "Present an op�ration, projection and cash flow analysis for both facilities," T�. is� pf �ours�, �ossible to build a nature center for less than he }�as sug��sted. But what kind of nature eenter are we talking about? pr�e c�f the reasons we hired Brauer and Assaciates was to suggest what �yp�; of �nature cen�er would be feasible and adequate for this area. �� h�d done that. T�exe ma�y be possibilites for other forms of financing, but we have � �ot h�.d t4o rnuch encouragement from the contacts w�th the State and �'edera� Gov�rnment, As you know, there is presently an im�oundment upon ��dexr�l funds for a11 types of grants. This �ncludes sewer and water �xants in addition to land acquisition grants, On January � �.6, 19'73, Qur City Manager met with Bob Nethercut and �ete Jacobson, P�rk Fl�nrc�r for the Metropolitan Council, tp discuss what the status c�f gra?nt a�ap�.ications were and what the availability of federal and ' ��a��.mc�ney was for development purposes. The Metropolitan Cauncil, a� y�QU may know', has to approve all gxants that have any regional s��r�i�i�ance prior to the £edexal or state agencies conside�ing , them. `I'he purpose of this meeting, which was attended by Mx, Paul Bx�wn and Mx. Ed Wilmes as well, was to check the avai�ability of fund� �s�x tha development of such things as the Island of Peace and No��h Paxk, At that time, Mr. JaGobson stated that the State of ' Minnesota had received many hundreds of thousands o� dollars more in �pplf�s�ians �'equests fox LAWCON grants than tr,ey were able t4 fur�d w�.�h exista,ng resources. He also stated the LAWCON'� view at that ' t�.me wa� �o put the emphasis on land acquisition grants rathex than d�y��.c�pm�nt gxants, on the tfieory that it is mare importan�G ta acc�u2�r� tTie land be:fore i.t escalates in price and beGOmes unavailable. , � I.I' SP�CTAI� PUBLIC HL;,{RING MEETING QF .1UNE 25, 197 7 PAGE 6 ,As you re�a�.1, we directed the staff to submit an appl�ca�ion £pr a d�v�lapm�rlt grant far the Islands o£ Peace. This was x'ejectecl by tt�s St��te! basic�lly because of the emphasis on land a�quisitior� ���n�s a�� seconda�ily because the proposed buildings on Chase's Ts�.�nci were going to be i.n a flood plain. As you knotiv, we have now turned th� mana�ement of the Islands of Peace over to t.he Is�ands �f Pe�ce Fpundation and they are proceeding with the development thxau�}� the use o� private foundation funds. You may ask why would �c?� pxiY�te faundation funds be available for the d�velopment Qf a zta�u�'� ��n�er at North Parlc. The answer is that coxpoxat�ons and �ouxldat�ons such as the Ford Foundation and ottiers will make th�ir d�r�a��c�ns to agencies such as non-profit foundations fpr which tk�ey can �h�rt ge� a deduction for inco�ne tax purposes, A donation to a mut��cipal.ity would not qualify f�or a legal deductior� for in�om�; t�x purpQS�;s. This is one of the l�rimary reasons why the Islan,ds o� P�ac� grpup decided to incoxporate as a foundation, so th�se f�.�an�in� vehi�les tivould then be available, I do not beli�ve t�at t�h� ��.ty, at this point, �an do that. We are talking in t�rms of tk�e Gity eieyeloping North Pa�k as either a nature center c�r �c►1f �QUxs�, and therefore wi11 have to use the financing vehicl�s avai].ala�.e tc� us , I�hink the de��.siQn boils down to three or four key points: (1.� Should w� �ollow the cansultants advice for which we paid $1].,OOQ, and h� had spent a great amount of Gime and effort in prepax�ng this v�xy com�rehensive study for us. �Z) Should we consider buiJ.ding a nature center on North Paxk a� a �qst c�f $555,000 �or a£ir�t class facility which wi.11 then 'be u�tilized by not only Fridley residents, but residents from a11 oyer the Tw�n �i�y area. This then would have the effect of Frid�.ey su�aplyin� a£acility for the benefit of a11 of the Twin Citi�s. Can w� affQrd this luxury, and will the taxpayers of Fridley stand fcax su�h a thing? �3� Should w� i�nstead consider the development of golf couxse on Nor�.h Paxk �l�a� wi11 �ay for itself and eventually add a revenue sQUrGe to tk�s City ��ar th� support of �ather activities such as a nature inter- �ar�tive �rcagram, a recreation program, and activites fox a11, It ��s be�n argued that a nature �enter would benefit rnore citiz�ns of Fridl�y, Tf it will have that great an appeal to the cit�.zens r�� Fr�d1��', I am sure that it will also appeal to the citizens of B�,ai�� A�.oka, Gaon Rapids, and other communities in close pxoximity tca Fri�ley, it is also questionable whether the City could �e,��xict the u�a of Nortfi 1?ark to residents, because the land was acc�uired � t1��'�ugh fed�ral and state funds. So far, �nature centers in the Twin Gity' axe�a hav�: basiGally been free of charge operations, and we �QU�d be b�'ea�C�ng the tr nd if we were to impose a chaxge on it, CQr�v�r���y, golf courses, of couxse,'axe paid for by the peop�e whv utiliz� the facili.ty. Indeed evexyone dae� nQt play go�.f� just a� ��r�xyan� �oes ncat� play hockey, or sof�. ball ax go tQ a natux,e �sr�t��, T beJ.�.ev� a gol£ course rri.11 ga,ve �x�dley a balanGed x����e,ation�l �rQgxam, and T would t�ierefore agr�e with, the canclusis�ns ��' th� B�au�x report, � ' , ' ' 1 � � ' ' , � � � � ' ' � � S�'�C�AI� P�J�LIC 1iI:ARING A4F:ETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PAG� 7 I Wqu�.ti �.�,�C� �o }iear �Jhat the citizens of Fridley� liave to say about t��-s �nQw ���� we basically have botli the Brauer re��ort in and the �Qxxesp�nc�ing fznancial data. You know, wantin� something and b�ing abl� tQ �ay fox it is sometimes two different t}-iings. �ve all want �h� be;t for �veryone, but uniortunately we are not able to af�ord +�vexyt}��.nQ we want. I, therefore, am going to consider this �r►atter Yexy ��re#'u�lly� consider the points I have stated to you tonigh�, be�Qr� I���Ce � final decision on this very impoxtant matter faGing u�. Mayvr Li�bl caZled on Mr. Brauer from Brauer and Associates to preser�t hi� r�gort. Mr, Bxauer e��.�he� go .��atem�nt said he would like through the entire in the repart. to make a summary statement rather thar� report or again repeat the summary Mx, Brauex said �he area is void of a nature center and also void of � gol� cQUrse. He listed the other possible sites for nature centexs in '�h� ��ty �£ �ri.dley which include Cam� Lockslea, Locke Park, and N�c�Qr� I,�ke , Iie added only one area is not suitable and that would be �he I��.ar�ds of Peace, Mr. Bruaer said the establishment of a n,a�u�'� �nt�rpretive center should begin with education and this would i.z���uc�� a�raftsma� and tools, I-Ie said this is the only are� where ��� fixm had been working which did have alternative sites for such a z�a�u�e center. ��Ie said at the present time the establishment o� ���atux� ir�te�pret�ve eenter is not a first pxiori�y item in the NQ�th Paxk area. He said there would need to be some �eriod of aw��'�n�ss whi�h would start with an educational proce�s and this couid b� dor�� %r� �v�.k� Park or one of the other axeas . Mx�z ��'�ue� askec� if the members �o� the Counci� had any auestions• on wh� � was iz� �he xeport, Mayor Liebl asked how he had reached �his d��i ��or� � �� Mx, ��'aue� sai.d he had employed the services of Mr. Norm Stone. Land M�z�agement S�ecialist, ar�d also �1r, Don �ondri,ck, Naturalist Specialist� he �a�d p�xt�ons o� their reports had been deleted because he dxd �ot f�e1 �}��y wex'e well c�ualified to make this type of recommendatis�n. .;�, I�e car���.�u�, t}�i� was the f�.xst report of this type and study dane by ea�� of th� men. He said he felt the experience of his firm was mQ�'e �u�ted, and the� did the study of the area. i`� � M�yo�' Li��l asked how much of the natural life and setting would be p�o�.ec�ed through the next 20 years considering the encroachment °� af indu�txy that surrounds the area? Mr. Bruaer said this life would be xes�rz�ted to the site itself because of the Urban development all . ��ound the area. He said there would be Urban run off into the area ar�d �v�n �f this were to be treated and controlled, the long term �1 w�ate� �ou�ce w�uld not be natural. He said large mammals could not ba kept there. ,�ir, Brauer sai.d they could be kept in a managery typ� o�' S��ua��on. He said in the Rice Creek area drainage way, animals � �ou�.d �tay for many �eaxs more than in North Park. � SP�C�A� FU�LIC HFARING MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PA�� � MayAx ����� asked what would be detrimenta� ta the envixanmen� ' by ��e ���s�xu�t�on of a golf caurs�. He asked �f this would b� � ha��rd or �hrea� to the environm�nt? Mr. Brauer said �his wou1� not b� a��xeat. rir, Bxauer said this would be no more � threat xha� �h� urba� davelopment p£ the area. Mr. �rauer sa�d it wauld ba Sam� g��i�£ �rom the shopping cen�ers and this type o� develo�- m�nt of th� ar�a, �{e said it would reduce the wild life that �s ' th�x� �nd ��exe cauld be no natur� 3ntexpretive cenxex �� ther� was a gQ�� �ours�. Maypr �i�b� �sked Mr. Brauer what the deciding faetor was i� reac�n th� d���si�n tha� the are� should be developed as a gol£ course. Ho s��d w�at wou�d happen to the area in the next ten to twenty ye�xs was a factor. Mr, Brauer said there would be a change �n tl� ax�a and �t wauld systematically be diminished in many ways. He sa�d �h�•�ity is under pressure, but a nature cente� �s nat a �rio�ity�i�em. He said there is only one other nature ceriter �n � City of �ess than 50,000 people. He said the nature c�nter in Rich�ie�d was established with the cooperation Qf all group5 and int�rest� o� that City, He mentianed that there are state mana�e� and �1so p�iyateiy managed centers, but they could not be compare as o��y �ub��c faci].�ties could be used in this case, Mx. Brauer said t�� �nstallation of xhe natur� center in Richfi��d was not a� th� expense of having no golf course in the area. ,;; COUnc�lma� Breider questioned �ir. Brauer of his study of both a gQ�f �ou�se and nature cenfier would involve eart� mauing and watert �o�t�al measures. Mr, Brauer said in either case, there would be a ne�d �o impound some of the water. He said the�•e would be na way of not doing this, and.leaving it in xunning streams as it is ' now. He sa�d•there would have to be a holding area. He said in time, the rapidly running water from the urban development of the axea wauld blast out the beaver dam. He said this water would be easi�r to control in a golf course installation. � Coun��lman $reider asked if some type of structure could be used to en�orce the beaver dam. Mr. Brauer said the area would eventua�.� be ��1 pavement and roofs, and there would not be a way to do this w�t� the run off water, He added, there would be no method af Co��rolling the flow to the beaver pond and dam. Councilman Breid�� ��ke� �� this would be on or off the site. bfr, Brauer said on the s�te� . �ouncilman 8reider asked if some o� the areas such as the prairie � would �� i�ft untouched if the nature center would be installed. H� a���d how the ponding areas would be created. Mr. Brauer said the ,topography of the area lends itself to such ponding. He said ' �here axe small pot holes that could be filled and drained out slawly, Ne said this would take work and careful selection so not to d�s�ray the prairie, ' Counc���a� Starw�alt asked Mr. �rauer i� he Fiad studied the late�t ��poxt f�om �filers and Assoc��t�s. Mr. Brauex said hQ fiad. ' � J ' ' � ' ' � ' ' !J ' � � ' ' ' ' � ' � ��'��IA�, �'U�LIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 2S, 197� PAGE 9' ��un���r�ar� axaxwalt asked if h� would have any quaxxel with �h.� data �.hat t�� Qp�ration and maintenance cast would be $91,000 without p�'�.ncip�e and interest and �.Iiis total wou�.d came up to $120,DOQ, H� �a�.d this amount would have ta be paid annually after the compl�tion of the Qbllgat�.Qn of the bond liad been satisfied if a nature c�nter w�x� used. Mr. I3rauex sa3d this information was taken from the Wood- ��1�e s�udy and would depend on the amount of personnel and the �axogram c��sir�d,. ��auncilm�n Starwalt said then, this would be a debatab�.e fi�ur� d�ep�nsia.ng on the number of activities. Mx, �xau�r said in ih� MPIRG Repoxt, they left out� at least half of t�� �.�e�s th�t h� fe1°� would be necessary to establish a natur� �en��r, H� ��a.d �� f�l.� a fence wvuld be necessary, a floating walkw�,y would b� �ss�nti�1 to st�zdy the marsh, and off site would have to be con�r�l.l�d, I�e �aid a�om���:te job would have to be dane or the area woulci disapp�ax �.n� �h�.� type of urban development . Th+a �it� M�.r�ager said he had visited Woodlake and would like tca know how 't�hi.s �x�a would compare to the North Park area, facility w�se? Mr. �i?��uex s�aid the structure in this centex in Richfield was also de-° �a����d fc��' �Qmmunity use, and would be much lar�ex than what was esti- mafi,�d �ta� No�th Park. He said the remainder ot the development wou�d campa��, k�� added, the �rails would nat go into the marsl� and there wcau�.d r�4� be a need for the amount of dredging done at Wo�dlake to make �hc� axsa manageable. H� said the dredging tha� would hav� t+� be don� �,n Nax��h Park wa��d be fcar the purpose af creating oper� water, �nd �+�rttrpll�n.g the of� site water. He said they would wan� �o have a f1c��,�,�.n� walk tha� would talc e people into the mar�h, Mr. �x'�u�:� �aid the bui.ldin� would be three Quar�exs o� th� siz+� of th� t�n�; a� Woc�dlake, He added, a feeding facility wQUld be pxov�ded and th�y had nsat p�anned a we�.l. He said the plan would be to utila.ze th� wa°��x� �.� �h� ar�a rathex than providing this a�tifi�ially. M�yc�7� �a.�}al ca�l�d on M�, �hlers to make a presentation can the e£fect saf ��.�h Q� 'tt�� prc�posa�.s would have on the City, N�r, �h�.e�� ��.id �he presentation would be made 'by Mx. Seegax Swanson� J��. � � �c�n�u�.�.ant in th� firm. . M��, Sw�z�s�a� �ddxessed t�e Coun�a.l and said they� had submitted �k��ee s'�p�r���e l�tters can th� �Vorth Park Financial matters . �e sa�d the ��r�t �gp��� �c�m�?a�red th� £i�ures for the golf eourse and nature ��ntex us� o� Ns���h �axk usir�g the highex cost figures for either ox� bQth. H�e said �,r� th� x'�pc�rt of June 8, 1973, it was pointed aut th.at the �olf course evuld b� financed with gross revenue bonds and the City �as the powe�' °�o u�e �he�e without going to an election. He said the rev�nue could b� x�tixed wi.thaut using any other funds. He said the revenue would be x���x+�d w�t�in 20 yeaxs and the additional capital could be used for ad�i,tion,al. i�nprovements on North �ark. I�r. S�ranson said a.n the oihsx �,x'�a� �� �"n tFie event a natur� center �s �onstructed, tfiis would x�c����°� a, gsneral �filigation bond tfiat� would require an election, H� �et3d �a�h, 5tudies were scheduled for retirement in 1994. SP�C�A� PUBLZC HEARING M�ETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PqGE �0 ' Mr, Sw�nsa� s��d after the bonds are paid fox �n the case of a n�tuxe �e�t�x� ther� w�u�d be a�ast to the average ho�e ownex af $15.�6 p�x y�a� �or th� op�rations and maintenance of the nature center, H� sa�d this would �e 1.3 mil�s. Mr. Swanson said same or a11 of this co�� may b� tak�n care of by Federal revenue bonds. �r, Swanson sa�d the second study supp�ied the figures for the lesse� am�unts in th� Brauer Re�ox�, He said it also showed the impa�t an taxes of �h� lesser projects and also a study on th� propose� use of L��k� Paxk as a nature cent�r. Mr. Swanson said the LQCke Park site as a natux� canter would come to $14.64 per average home owner �n Fx�dl�y per y�ar, He said these figures were computed th� sam� as th�y had been in the North Park study of the nature center. He said ��gux�n� the less�r amount for the nature center in Narth Park would �ome t� �15.25 p�r home owner. �x. ��an�on said the total amount of revenue for fundin� availa��e is $400,pQ0, �� said he did not know the amount of Stat� funds �v�ilab��. H� add�d, these figures are not available. He said �ncluded in th� study ar� figures assumin� 50� of the funding wou�d come �ram Fed�ral �und� and 25$ from State �unds, using the same information as �n th� ��h�� xuns. Mr, Swanson said this would reduce the annua� 1,3 mill� to 1.1 ox 1 mi11. Fie said the $15.86 figures wauld be reduce� xo $13.4� and the $15.25 fi&ure would be rsduced to $12.20. He �aid this would �� a difierenee of $3.66 per year between the most and ��ast �o��ly oi pro�osals. He said if �he State and Federal fundin� �s �QU���, �he pxaject wQUld be subjec� to r�view by th� �ounty �oard Qnd al�� �he Me�ropolitan Council. He said if the pattern o� th� pas� �ep��t� �ts��f Qn reimbursement, it would take twa to thr�e yaaxs ta get �i�al F�deral approva�, He said this would tie up the �it�.s r��QU����. H� said no one can guara�t�� the program woul� be £unded� Mayor �i�bl asked �f the ��gure of $4QO,OQp for funding was the amount t� b� �ra���d £or the entire state? Mr, Swanson said fvr all of th� �ta�� �nd f�x a�l of the park purposes. MayoT �i�b� asked if anyone from the Council had any questions, Coun���man Ne� asked if there was any evidence the golf course would be run a� a pro£it rathex than a loss? Mr. Swanson asked i£ h� meant Wha� wou1� �e the recourse if the case was that the course d�d nQt ge�a��t� �nough funds to meet the costs of the gross revenue bon�s? CQU��ilm�n Nee mentioned several courses that are operating in a ma�n�x that would not allow a profit, He said there are also o�her ��urs�s in the �uadrant. Mx. �h���s said he and Counc�lman Nee had discussed this point �efore th� m����n$. �e said this study £vr the City of Fridley and the c4n- ��xu���Qn Q� the course would nat requixe revenue bonds. He said a�l �f t�e £igures £ox the establzshment o� a golf cQUrse �n the No�th P�xT� a�°�a t���t a ane to on� ��y�ent . FIe sa�d tlie C�t�� alxeady awr�s t�i� l�ncl �nd the revenue hrould n.ot have to �ay �or th�,s . � , � C' � � ' ' ' � � LJ ' , ' , , , I, � , ' , ' SF�C�AI. �U�I,IC I�EARING �EE'TING OI� JUNE 25, 1973 PAGE 11 Courl�i.lman Nee aske�i i f there �tiere any iri Minnesot<:i making a profit? Mx� �3xa.uex sx�id one of� the idic�����?�rasies of munici�al accounting is �1��� �c�u ca� ;nake it come out any �vay you warit. He said the Fridley �tudy dq�s not show a profit for ten y�ars. �-le said what is called a profit would not in��lude the ccst of the land. He said public and private businesse� are not fi�ure�': the same. 1:�. ref-erred to the golf cPUrsa in E�iina stati.r�g they oniti n;ade �8,000 and paid up all o£ their costs. Mr. �xauer saia there rnay he one factor that would make this deter- minat�on di££er, and in two cases that }ie knew of the courses that w�re too ola to accc�r,adate enough plav to make them ��ay. Caun�ilmati �ee r•eti��! r�_=c': to the lic�ua: store ��peration an:l said they are mak,ing a prof i t ��i t er pay ing f��r all 01� the e�penses , he asked Mr, Brauer �� th� City could expect this frorl the �olf course. Mr. �r�uer said yes, he t�ad projected a figure. ' �ounci�man Nee said }ie would lil:e to hear w}iat the people in atten- dance at t�e meet�n� had tq say. ;�lr. �3rauer said fie can get the public figures but not the privat�. � , ' � 1 , , ' � , LJ Mayar L,iebl said Senator Schaaf, Air. L;d ti�'ilmes, Nlr. Elmer Olson, a.nd xhe Minnesota Public Interest Research Group had rec�uested �kime tQ address the Council. Mr. Wi�.�iam Kirberger said he is an area bizsinessman and had been in t�e area �vi.th the company fox �ive years. 1�e said he would like to r�comm�nd the City follow the Brauer Report, and at the same time as anar�agemen�t in t1�e Company, he wou�d fa�-or both. I�9r. Kirbergex Sai.d �}�e iz�dustry }ias nad a spiral increase in taxes while the State s�id th,ere wauld iae a reduction because the use of the 4a sales tax. H� ��.�� t��x'e h,as been an increase of 10 o in the land and building p�'c�p�xty �.axes, He sai.d thexe had been incxease af 7% in the last tW� y���c� . Mr, �i�'b�r'���' said he could only reintera�� that he would be in �avor Q� a p�'og�'am that would he self supporting and also pay fvr some p�h�x t}�ings �n F�'ra.c�ley. M�, Q7�i.yer ����kson, 6qS6 Waody I.ane N.F.., said he has been a resident Q� Fx��il�y for fifteen year�, a member of the Plani�in�; Commission for se�r�n yeaxs and he favored a�olf cours�. itiir. Li,ickson said the City �an al�o have a nature center, He said he recalled w•Y�en the XMCA was progosed ��ar the area by Nloore Lake. He said this had heen a long c�.mp�igr�. He �aid there ar� other areas for the nature cente�'� like I.s�Ck� P�x1�. H� said 'ne �lid not like being told how to think one wa� Q�' ano�h�r by a neighbarhood conunittee. M�^, �x�.��CSQn said a great deal o£ money was spent on the xeport and �.e had hcap�d �.he Cvuncil would listen to the recammendat�.on. iP�GIAL Pt1BLIC ilEt'�il1.�G �ti1�iE'I'ING OI� JUNE 25, 1973 RAG� 12 ' M�'. Rc�ber� ��rnette, 541 Rice Greek Boulevard, said he is a resid�n� �� �h� C;�ty af Fridl.ey and tivould like to go on record in support o£ a�c�lf �t�ursq. He saic� j�e fclt there could be both, but thi� land wa� maxq suited to tl�e golf couxse, He said he would like Somethin g tha� wqul.d p�y fQr itself and other things, Mr,,Haxxy Crowder, 146 63rc� Way N.E., said he is a residenz Qf Fr�.dley �.nd a tax payer. :�1r. Crowder said tl�ose present at the last meet3.ng on th� is�u� had heard his views against a nature center. He sai�i wh�� �l�i.s i�sue �ame up, he felt there was the possibility of be�.ng in the m�.dd�� of the road, not all wrong or all right. He said he be�.�,eved the issue could be compromised. He said when they had the h�ar�n�� l�y th� �amr�iittee only one s ide was ready and i.he committ�e had v�'Ced and reached a deadlock. I�1r. Crowder said he thought the �ol� �ourse �ould finance the nature center, butthis nature c�nt�r w�auld hav� tp be on aiiother site because this would be the only �ite �v�ilabl� for the golf course. r�r. Crowder said he hoped that the �ity o£ Fx�idley would provide both, Mx, Robert Olmst�ad, 6850 7th St. N.�., addressed the Council and sta�ec� he had been a resident in the City of Fridley for fift�en ye��'s and was also , a tax payer. He said he woulcl simpl.y want it to go on record as wanting to make money.rathex than raising the taxes. H� said �llen the City could go to plans for the natuxe �enter, He sa�d }�e plays golf once a year if he is forced to. Mx, L�on Madsen, 561 Rice Creek Terrace, said he had been a resi�len� pf Fr�dley for 18 years and after reading the Brauer Report, he be�ame v�xy in�erested in nature centers. He said he was not awa�e of th� qu�stion of quality in the constructian of such a facility. Ne said if the City could go along with Anoka County and plan a very �omp�ehensive center, this is where the City should put its support. Mr. Darwin Dahl, �45 Stonybrook Way, said he was a businessman anc� also � tax �ayer, He said he was in favor of a golf cours�. He add�d, he curre�tly spends from $200 to $400 on golf a season and thi.s is ou��a.d� Qf FridJ.ey. He �aid the City of Coon Rapids is prop� that � Cit� of �QA000 can support a golf course. He mentioned �he cities Qf Al�any �nci Greenhaven and how they make an imprPssion when dr�.ving thacou�h them because of the golf course, He said he thought the Gi�� ��a�1y needed a golf course and the funds could be allocat�d to �i�p n�tu�e c�nter af�er this. Mx'. Ra� Sh�ridaz�, 1301 Hillwind Road, - said he hacl been a reside�.� of �xidl�y fcax c�uite some time and he had been a member of the Coun�il, Mx. Sh�x�id�n said he would support a xevenue providing use o� Noxth P�.rk. He s��d he concuxred with the opinion of Mr. Leon�Madsen, ar�c� w�u1d hope f�r County participation in such a project, He ��%d �� £��� the �ou�ty could support the project better than the�City ec�t�ld, �� added, the Ci.ty of ,�ridley contxibutes 30% af �he County $a�c d�11�.x� �nci ti�e remainder a� tFie cities of tfie area shou�.d +�Qr�� �rt'6ut� �he��° share for sucI� a program that would be used by �he er����°� a�ea, Mr, Sheridan said he wquld urge t�e Cour�cil to support '�h� util,iza��,on of North Park as a golf course. �>, � , , ' , ' , , � LJ LJ , � ' , , � � , ' ' ' , � , II � , , � ' ' J , ' ' , ' ' SPf:CI�L PIJBLiC I;_:.-{I:1?�G `�1ELTI'�C� 0.F ,.1"L1tii� 'S, 19�:: PA"t:,'; 13 Mr. l�yrle }Zice, 442 Ri�e Creek Boulevard., saici he ��as a xesident of �'r�.�l�y and �s 100o for a golf course in North I'ark. Mr, i.,��-�n Glatzmaier, said he is a businessman in Fridley and is very mu�h �� favor of a golf course, Mx. R�d Torrey, said he thoufi}lt the City would need both a nature cen��x ��c� �,�olf course. He added, he thoizght the advice of the consultant � wh.s� was a� ex��ert , shoulcl be £ollowed as the advise of the doctor and �Ctp�'T1�y a�'e followed. He said the consultant had been asked for �i� gx��fessiQn�l advice. Mr. Torrey said the tax experise should be '���C�'n ���o consideration and com�ared to the expenditure. 1�1r. Tprrey �aid h� was i� �avor of a golf course. , �Ir, Dc�#� �I�rstad, said he had been in business �a a�d�d, he plays golf two times a year, and it is accidenta�. Iie said h.e scores 118 and �r�d w�ter, Mr, Har�tad said }ie would favor a ���,e� �Gh� �e��lstruction of the golf course, th ��tr�ul� ,�et h�hind tlie I.adies of the League an c�f thp �t�ture center. in Fridley for 24 y�ars. when he is in the fairway is usually in the woods golf course. He added, e bu�iness:�en in the area d support the construction I�r, Ri�hax�d Llittes, 6�91 Riverview Terrace, said he had been a residen,t q£ F�'idley for twelve years. He said he thou�ht Fridley k�as the Edina pf t�.� nor�h and should have a golf course, He said the p�,ople who are i�t f�var of nature centers could spend a few dollar� and cr�eate a �ature �enter in their own back yards. He said he had sper�t some money fo� �loyvers and seeds and has � very n�.�e nature center in his own v��d. H� said he sees every species a£ bixc� in his own yard. Mr. Dittes said a r�ature centel� co?ald be �stabl i shed in other areac in I�ridley and 'they would not have to be as extrava�a�lt as the Richfield or Carver centers, but �vould probal�ly be L�eyond what. the p7�oiE:ctrd ex��ense is because oE inflationary pre�szires. ��. Robert Vv'anzong said h� �.s a resident of Fridl��y anc� al.so a business- m�� with a manufacturing company in F�i�iclley. He said L}l� husiness had stood on the c;rou�ld<; that they wotild b��k up tlie �.t.�zdy- and they would �avor a golf coza�r•sc �it�. this �time. Mr. Roger Larso;� said he had been a z�esident oi� 1�ri�licv f�r nine vears and is � nature l�;ver. He said he w�ould support the construction of a golf course in ?vorth Park. Mr, Donalci Weeding, 247 57th Place N.E., said he is a realtor and had been a home owner iil Fridley for ten yeaz-s. He sai.d t.he County is gQ�ng to do a study on the feasibility of a nature center and }ie did not se� that }�ridley s}�ould go ahead and independently support a pro- ��c� suCh as this. i{e said the tax payers of Fridley would have to ui�d and maintain the �iature center and he could not see this. Mr. We�dit�� continued by saying the people are concerned about their taxes a�� if �hey- continue to rise, they,will move to oth�r area�. He said tfi� �n��allation of the golf course t�ould raise funcls for the City. M?�, W�ed�r�g said he had been in the real estate business for folzr yGax's �r�d he has transferred many people who wanted to reside close to � go�� course. �fe said he had neyer been ask�d if there is a nature ce�n�ec close to the proppsed �uture homesite. I-Ie said he would favor � �+�1f cour�.e, „ ..... SPECIAt� PUBLIC HE:AI:ING i�IEETTNG OF JI1iVE 25, 1973 PAGE 14 Mr. Rpb�rt S�hroer, 490 Ri.ce Creek Blvd:, addressed the Cpuncil, Staff, and hi� yalued �ustomers, saying he had been in bus�ness ir� Fridley �nd a t�x payex for Eifteen years. He said he believed the gol.f �qux�e wou�d be an asset to the community and a nature center cQUld be �stablished in another axea of the City, He. said he would like to gQ on record in suppprt of a golf course. Mr, E. R, O�so�l, 536] Iiorizon Drive, said two thirds of the CQUnty taX do�lax' is contributed by Fridley and he felt that the County Gou�d d�v�l�p a rtat�zre center which would allow for a return on the tax�s �.nd a��o pr�avide a community development, He said the nature center would l�o�� its effect with the development around it. , Mr. Du��1e Prairie, 489 Rice Creek Terrace, said he was a member of th� North, Park Committee and agreed with the findings of Mr. Brauer �.n h�.� report. He said the firm had arrived at the deciSion unbiasedly. Mr, �a w�����, 6350 Riverview Terrace, and Chairrnan of the Isla�ds of P��ce, s�id h� would like to square away some facts concerning the �s�.ands af Peace. He said this facilit�� is not only for the hand�- �apped, k�ut also for the puUlic. Mr. Wilmes listed ttie many persans a.n� o�ganizations �resently donating their time to the facil�,ty. He s��.d the area had been studied by the United States Forest 5ervice, the Gor���rvation Department, and also the Department of Intericax who had det�rmined this would be a nature studv area. He stresSed the faG��ity was for the use of the public and�also the handicapped. �enator �av� Schaaf, said he had been a resident of the area si�c� �.957, � representative on the North Suburban Sanitary Sewex Ui�txic�# ��d a x�parter for Sun Newspapers. He said he thought the best use �or ��e ar�a would be a nature center. He said he thought the study shou�d have included some input by the people. He added, the MFIRG study bxnught outthis point. He said being in the Legislature,,he is awaxe o� the demand for this type of land use a£ �he resour�es in the MetxQ area, He stressed the importance of protecting the environ- m�n'k. Se�at�ar Schaaf said the best physical use of the land would b� £ox a natur� center. He said he would not advocate the use Qf �.oeke Park for a nature center. He said the fundamental question w�uld l�� Qf the �unding of the nature center. He said the r�poxts by �hl�rs and Bxauer had advocated that the golf eourse would pay ix� C►Wr� way, He stated some of the other factars in xeaching the da�arminaX�Qr� tt�at a golf course would best sui� the aar�a, ile a�lded� �her� are other �caurces of funding for such a project. He mer�tior�ed '�he camtiination of efforts of the surrounding communities b� makin� this a County project. Senator Schaaf said there could be sp�ci��, taxes on items such as cigarettes for funding such a pr+oje�t. �e said he would also like to authorize a bill for this purpo�� �n �he Legislature. He said there are always i.tems up for voxe �� o�her I,egislative areas and he would favor this actian in his a�'��, Senatox Schaaf said tfiere are thou,�ands of dollars �r�extt �r� other ax�a� and he �roul.d 1i.ke to have something to ask �°cax �.n his ar�a. He stres�ed tfie need tfie conservation of the natural re��ux�e� �.nd said a nanpro£it organization may have to be formed t4 �i�anc.e such a project. He said if this was done, the foundation �ould �eek �unding from private organizations. He said this area ���u�d �ae e�:plQred. He said al�o, �j�� gQlf caurse wpuld have to bc� d��T��c�p+�� in �he area utilizing the entire a"rea at one time, but �he , &P��IA� PUBLIC HLARING ME�TING 0�" JUN� 25, 1y73 PAGE 15 ' , , n�tu�� �en�ex could be developed as the funds are available. He added, th� Gity woulc� �ot have to spend a half a mil]ion dollars at the pre- �sr�t time. S�n�ts�r �chaaf said the ►nairitenance costs would also have to be cons�d�red. He menti.c�ned the YMCA had offered to assist in the maintenance o� the �atur� ��nter, Sena�e�r ���aaf ' �c► p�avi�e some �e�tex GQU�d be many z+oo� . , , , said the School Districts could be contacted and �sked financia� support to the project. He said the nature maintained by the charge of admission such is done in �er�mtor Schaaf said another possible method of fuilding would be to draw b�aur�dri�s and create a subordinate service district for the facil�ty. He �a�d hs l�n�w o� other areas where this had been done and he thQught thz� cou7.d be done for North Park. He listed the area c�mmunities w1�4 �AUId be wzthin the boundries and said this would be a nominal burcien ts� each of them. �ena�or Schaaf referred �o the in wh�,�h it is st�ted �that the ' 1�4� the case, I-Ie stressed the xes+�ur�.��. He said according 1�nd u�e the peo�le want. He , Fxa.d�ey would h�ue to finance Aa,��ve�. advertisement in the local ne���spaper park land is a loss. He said this is importance of conserving the natural to metro pqlls, this is the ty�e of said he did not t�ink the tax payexs af the project, there are many qthex alter- � S+�natc�r ��.haaf sa�d there are Qther areas suited for a golf course �z�+� h� wou�d favox ihe utilization of the nature center in North Par�. � M�yo� �i�l?� sa�d he would like to make one statement in answer tp th� x�m.�x�� i�y ���a.�.o� Schaaf, He added, the current tax structure in Fridley ha� �c�me about th,rqugh eight years of work on his paxt and �a'�h���° t�e�nk���s o� the Couneil. He said he hoped Senator Schaaf did not � �pene� ih� Fxidley tax payers money as freely as he was indicatin� at th� p�'e$�n� �ime. ' M�.yc►� I��.eb� called on the chairman of the Nature Center Boosters �ommitt�e, N�x, Adolph Kukowski to make a comment. A member of the ��diez��e said he would not be in attendance until later in the meeting, , M�'. I�e��nard Samuelson, 7800 East River Road listed some of the question� c�f the�area such as the availability of the area, young people to u�� th� na,�ux� center without bussing and the buffering of the area from ' the abut�ing industry, He said he would look at the economics of th� matt�r a.nd would favor a golf course. ' M�, �ha���s Sheridan, said he is a resident of Fridley, a busines�man �,� tI�� �xea �nd �fie �'re�iden� of the Chamber of Commerce. He �aid he h�d stud��d the matter of th� golf course and nature center in Fridley ��x som� time. He said he had thought it would be bes� i£ both could ' b� p��vid�d, He said they had agreed to support the results v£ ihe s�udy � He said th� Cli��}b�� l�ad �ls� �avored a method of funding th� �t�udy �a th.e City would not have_.ha�i tQ pay for it. He said he was in ' �avpr o£ £pllowing the`results of the £indings ot Brauer �nd Associates. � . ,�, a �, �� � � �� SP�CIA� PUaLIC t�$ARING ME�TING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PAG� �6 � Mx� Aave Haxris� 470 Rice Cxeek Blvd., said he has been a resident 'Af Pxidl�y fo� fourteen years, had served on the City Counc�l and �a� a1sQ s�rved on various subcommittees and also has besn a m�mber Q� th� committee wh�n it was formed that they would su�port the s�udy and wh�t wa� in the best interest of the City. He sa�d at the last m��t�ng qf t�e committee he was in favor of delaying the foxmulation Q£ a x�commendation to the Council to allow fox the gatherin� of mare i��Qrm��iQ� and also more study. Mx. ��rxis �aid they should keep in mind the nun�ber of repox�s that have b��n prepared by the Federal Gavernment on funding and also t�e snv�rQnm�nt, He referred to a Washington Newsletter which pointed �u� thar ther� is �120,000,000 available for golf course funding. Mx, Harxis concluded stating 1ie definitely supported the utilization of NorCh Park ��ith the construction of a golf course. Mayor �iebl asked if the other mernbers of the committee would like t0 Gomme�t. Mxs. ��� Ann S1�orre, 301 Ironton Street, said the League of Women Vo�ers had s�udi�d natur� centers for about two years, Mxs, Sgoxre sa�d sha was a n�ember of the ad hoc North Park Committee and a m�mber of t�e F.rivironmental Quality Commission. She said the L�ague an�i �h�e Er�viro,ir�eiital Quality Commission favored the sup��rt of the nature +�en�ex, She said accorclin� to the report done by �rauer and Assoc�ates, any green area can be utilized as a nature cente�. She s�id th� choice of terrain shoulci be considered for its natural ur�dis�uxb�d natuY-e. She aclded, North Park would come the closest in this x�sp�ct. She said once �he golf course is instal�ed, there is r�Q turning b�ck, but with the nature center, it could be changed any t�m�. She n�entioned.the area could be used as a nature center at any point in the develQpment, but the golf course would Yaave to b� compl�t�d before any use could be made of the land, Mrs. Spo�-re said all persons could use the area as a nature cer�ter and �anly � ye�y �ew could use it as a golf course, , M�'s, S�oxr� introduced Mr. Dennis Asmussen of the Research Staff of �h� Minne�ota Fubli� Interest Researeh Group, and said he wauJ.c1 be spe�king �� a staff inemb�r, Ma�p� I,i,�b�. �eferred to the title of the report done by MPIRG, '�T�ax�d U�� %n Fxidley� ; The Politices of Birdies", stating he did not � b�li�v� �his tQ be humerous, He said he was speaking for the citizens t�;f Fr�dl�y and this was a very critical remark, He saidR he would ��.lce Mr. Brau�r �o have a chance ta expound on the remarks in the report as th+� �rc�up had commented on the Brauer report. �'tx, ,A,smu�sen s�a�.d ha.s group had been inv�ted to revie�r the �rauex R��oxt� He said he I�ad al�o tfiough� this was a serxous m��ter and �h,cas� w�,Q F�ad been involved �n the support of either utilizatic�n h�d sl�o thc�ught it was a ser3aus matter. He said much time and aifQx� had gone into the report. LJ � ' , , � � ' � ' , � L_J � ' , ' ' ' ' � , , , ' , ' , I�� SPECIAI. PUi3LI(: ii�;ARI�IG �'�t�:ETING i�F JUNE 2S, �973 PAGl 17 �x. Asmu�ser� said he would like to begin his presentation with an �pcal��� fQx th� erarors iii the report. He pointed otit the various �t�ms to be cpxrected. He sai_d the estimate for the utilization for a natu�e center haci been an oi'f the cuff estimate that had beer� obtained by t�1.�phQn�: in Uecember of 1972 and thas was a lower amount ihat was t�s�;d by �rauer. He ,�aid h� cQUld r�ot agree with the Brauer report in the demand need iS�t�+�. H� st�id he also believed some sort of c{uestionnaire shpu].d have bee� <?f�er�d th� �eople of the axea for their input. He mentioned thH p�t�.t�.Qr� whi�ch riad been signed by over 3, 000 people and favox�d th� �uppt�x�� of the nature center, He said he had not seen any other doGUm�nt�� Lut there were a number of different ways to determine the �ie�nand o:f the area. ;�ir. Asmussen said the riunlber of courses within the tent m�l� radius cannot be used accurately to c:an�ider the demand factor. �e siteci examples of th�s factor, Mr. Asmuss�n referred tp the physical standpoa.nt of the North Park ��'�� and sai.d they were able to obtain copies of the original con- �ultaz�ts �repc�xt�, done by Mr, Stone and D1r. F�ondrick and said they h�d re�ommended a nature center for the area. �ie said h1r. Brauer had c��ly used �tatements by each of the men, not their entire report. Mr, As�u�sc;n quoted ��ortions pf the Stone report in vahich a natuxe center was r�ecammended and said this liad not been indicated in the Brauex repoxt, He read partions of the Fondrick report that supported the t�tili�atior� �s a nature center. Mr, Asmusse� said Senatox Schaaf had handled the matter of the economics v� the ma�ter quite well. He said the nature center could attract many fundi.�� �aurce�� Mr. Asmussen 5aid the Woodlake nature center does �^��e�v� don�tions of money and equipment. Mx. A��usse� stressed his feeling that the Brauer report did not � �d�quately assess th� d�mand factQr and that there had not been any �urv�y �nad€� pn tl�e use. He said this would be a rare opportunity for a n,atur� c�nter, on land that i.s most suited ta this use. He referred � tQ th� area in which Woodlake is situated. He added, this area was th� c�r�ly ar��. remaining for such a use and it was developed for a nata�� �e?�ter, �.nd Fridley has a jump on this factor. � � LJ � ' ' , �oun���maz� Brezder referred to page 23 of the report and questiAned the �cst �stimate used, He said the water control facilities and fencing had �n4� been added to the estimate. IIe said if these features were �.z��lud�d in the estimate, it would brzng the two figures in line. He �sa�.d this would bring ihe �99,000 up to the $300,000 figu�e used by Mrf B�aue�, He said tl�ey had tried to reciuce the costs, but ,;.the sewer �yst�m could n4�k be eliminated, �;. Ths !��,�.y l�anagex said he would like to comment on the matter of po�iling £ax pt�b�.i� opi�a.on. fie said dif£exent �nswers are obtained by askin� �u�st��ns �uc�i as tfiis . He sai.d you wc�uld get a d3.fferent answer if �ou a,�� "wQUld you like a nature center in Fr�dley", and "would �ou li�Ce � natur� eenter that cost "x" number of dollars for each proper�.y owner wi'kh �. $35�,000 homein Fridley." He said he felt the people shauld be mor� in;�orm�c� oxa th� matter before any survey cQuld be ta�en. He add�d, to ���� ����� ���re was �pt �z�ou�h i�fa�m��ion and perhaps th�re in not now. C � s� r�ow, fie said�, the ma �er coul be defined. They would have to �ip ��?�.� tQ ex����ss some di.rection pn cost. 1? �' , *� : r � r ;� SP�CIAL PU�LIC }ik� 1tiING MEL;TI `;i� OF JtJ�vE 25, 197 � PAGE 18 Mx. Braue� said he had talked to Mr. Asmussen �jrevious to the p�'es�nt m��ting, He said one thing does botl�er him and cvas the Islands of P�ac� cpu�.d not be used as a nature center. ��e expla�ned that the St�temsr�ts madc� by Dr. I3reckenridge were difficult to make a decisiQn c�n �s Dx. Breckenridge sees something good as a nature center in �v�ry site.. Mx. �rauex said the mention of Metro funds had been made. He added, th�re are 77 sites that are being considered for those funds and I�oxth Park was nQt one of them. He said the MPIRG report did not s+�y that NQrth Park was not one �f the alternative sites for this it�r�dxn�, Mr, Brauer said one of the best possible sites for �}�e n�t�r�e ��:nter would be the property of the arsenal, and this wauld �x'��t�: ten North Parks put tvgether. He added, this would be a �a �t�stic piece of land, and the MPIRG report had not mentioned this. �Is que�ti.oned i£ Noxth Park would stand on its own merits as a ��.tux� ��nter if the other areas develop a nature center. Mx. �ai�ey Ti11er, 1535 Gardena N.E., said he had beer� a reside�x in th� Ci�y o£ Fx�idiey for 33 years. He said he did not think the Coun�il had aAy busin�ss being involved in a matter such as this. He said he wc�ul.d fa.vox a�;o1f couxse, and the reason for this is that when the pepple pay tax�s, they should get some benefits. Mr. Ti11er mentioned �.h� axea laetw�en Gardena and �#694 and said the animals were being �ost iz� �h�� axea and 30 years from now, the area would be a slum. He said th,� spending of thousands of dollars is fine for Nixon, but � i�ardship to the City. He suggested getting some Federal monies tQ preserve the wildlife in the area. He said he thought those who �o�ld afford to play bolf could drive to Columbia'Park or Anoka. Mr. �d�ard Fi�zpatrick, 5273 Horizon Drive, said the proponents of the golf course say the area should have both a nature center and a �olf Cvurs�, He said he would agree with this. He said he could not S�e I�ca�ke Fark as a nature center. Mr. Fitzpatrick said this area a�.xeady has a use . Mx'. Mark Marcucci , 7441 Lyric Larie, said according to tlie Brauer r�por�, a nature center could be aln�ost anything and wotild run up to $400,p00. Mr Marcucci questioned Nir, Brauer on the point that the �slands of Peace could not be used as a nature center. �Ir. Brauer se,id a good nat2iral ist would use thi s�resource for expla'ining the iJ.00d plain. }�e said the City has already ar; area in which such things can be studied and would not need two. He �aid �he areas are just a few miles apart. Mr. Marcucci a�ked �tayor Liebl if people from a11 areas would be using the golf �ourse. '�layor Liebl sai:l all people woul�l be using each c�f the propo�ecl uses . ,tilr. ti1aY•cucci said the co�t factor should be con- ��aE��a, lt would not cost the public anythingto walk thxough the n�.turQ Genter. Mayor Lieblsaid the nature center would not be £ree, a,�l Qf ttle tax payers would 6e paying for the development, mainten- a�ce and �taff. �iayor Liebl �aid they would have to research othe�r finan��al means to support such a project. Mr. Marcucci said, then, a�l the peo�le would be paying for the project. , S���IA� �UBLIC HEARI�G MF.ETING OF JUN� 25, 1973 ' , , � ' , , � , � 7 � , , , l__J PAGE 19 M�', Maxcu�Gi said he had ]ived by 1.ocke Park all ot t}iis life and this h�� b��om� surrounded by zndustry and railroacls. He said this could not be u��d as a factor against the North Park area as a natur� centex i� th� rec+�mmendafiion is fQr Loeke Paz•k and this has already been �urrounded by the�a things. I�e questa.aned w}iat woulcl happen to a11 of the picni�ckers, N� �aid h� thpubht tl�e majority of �he people slioulcl decide. M�', D�an Caidweli, 5874 Hackmann f�venue, said two representatives fxom �ha I,e���ae o£ Womeri Voters had made a presentation to the Fridley DFI� oz� th� use of a nature cer�ter in North Park. He added, after the pr�- sentation, a vate was taken and Z5 members favored a nature center and r�or�e Q�pqs��i the nature cent,er. He said one abstained from voiing. He said a unanin�ous vote is unusual for. the DFL. He said he would like to support a natur� center. He acldecl} IlOt because he does not want a �;olf cqurse, but because ihere is an incxeasing deterrent whi.ch includes ihe ai�x we bxeathe. He said the City should preserve its natural resaurces fo�r p��terity, Mx. Galdwell stated he thought there was a tru� natuxal �.x�a in Nbr�h Paxk. � s�udent frorri Anoka Kamsey Jr. College said she had an interest in th� u'�ilf��tion of �he area because of the sllort distal�ce from �he campus. ah� s�id she was concerned about the short com.izigs of the Brauer report ir� that �here was no complete attitude study. She said the demands t�f the are� had not b�en sought. She continued saying the natuxe centex' �ot�ld b� es�ablished with a lesser cost than was indicated in '�he rep4rt by Brau�r, She said the galf course would cre�te revenue, bu� this would b+� a eomp7.e�ely irrevers�bl� decision. She said, tragica�ly, [i�ies �.xe made for profit no� for people. �x, Roland Anderspn, a biology teacher who has been in Fx�dley six years sa.id. he supported North Park as a nature center, He said this would �,rpvi.de use by all ages and physical uses. He c�uestiQned if fihe bes� �hi.ngs �n life are free when the City would pay such a high price for �].�an a�.� and wat�x. He said at this time he thought the mat�er a �{ue�tiQ� �t values with the dollar being the prime consideration. He �ai.d �� the natu�re center would be cleveloped, he would be happy to �c�n�x�.bute k�is shaxe af the costs and he was sure athexs would feel the s�me. Mx. �.�� Pa�ker, lOS6 South Circle, said he has been a resident, of Fri�dl�y ��r t�:r� y�a�'s and was in the middle vf the funnel when it went across °�he �r�ek. He said all of this land could be used as a nature centex' iau�� �� tY��re was ta be a golf course he wQUld favar an 18 hole course, He a�ked i.f the course planned would be an 18 or 9 ho:e course, H� s��.d h� £�vored a nature center. Mx�, �3�'a�e� said it would be an 18 hole couxse. �I�. Pa�rke�' �aid the nature center would provide a place �or the adults ' and s�h4o�. students tQ go to study the natural resources. He sai_d he �rot��� pay the ;1S or $20 a y�ar �'or this installaticn. fIe sai:d there axe a�.pt o£ �eopl� tfiat play golf, but tTiey could play in othex areas. � �e sa�d bsfQre a decision is made, he would ask the Council to find ou� wilat the people want. CJ SF�CIAL PU��IC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1973 PAGE 20 � Mx�, Carolyn Gross said her husband is a tax payer, She said she and h�� �hildren had passed out the circulars in support v� t�e na�ure ��ntex. Sh� said she thought this is what the government is all about, the ability to voice ones opinion. �r��h�x Thamas Sullivan, Grace High School, addressed the Co�ncil sta���� the other School Districts in the area had been consulted Gon��r»i�g the utilization of the North Park area, but Grace H�gh School had �ot been contacted. Brother Sullivan said he was a bia- logy t�acher in �he school with an enrollment of 950 students. He sa�d th� Noxth Park area is the best suited parcel of �and fox the nature �ent�r and he hoped the City Council would consider the need fo� th� Gxac� �igh School stud�nts. He said the students had come to this dec�sion on their Qwn and he felt his duty as a teacher was nat to manipulate the minds of the students, only to present the facis �o �h�m and make them aware of the consequences. B�other Sull�van �aid he made the students aware of the financial fac�s c��c�rning the golf course and the nature center and they favored th� �onstxu�tion cf the nature center for the North Park area. He ���d h� wouZd agree with the statement by the City hlanagex concerning the gQl�x�� of the public on the matter� He said the �acts had to b� brou�ht to �he surface before the people could take a stand� He sa�d i� the peQ�1e of Fridley are allowed to make tl�e decisiQn, they wi�l live w�th the consequences. �x, Gar� �e�gar, 324 Ironton St. N.E., said he is not a tax payex, b�� he �s ���t��en, He asked the members of the Council i� they h�d �Ver vis�te� �he North Park site after a rain? He asked �hem bef�x� ���y dec�ded, he hoped they would go out to the area an� laak at it v��� cax�fully. He added, he knew the area better than any- Qn�a a�d h� favored a nature center. He expressed concern �� �e�tin� �x�uex te11 th� CQUncil what th.e area was all about. He again a�ked th�m to vis�t th� area, he said they would like it. Mayor �ie�l sa�d the members of xhe Cou�ciZ had a11 visited the area. M�, Myr�� H�ellming, 8351 Terrace Rd. N,E., said she is a tax payex a�d a stud�nt, although she is not a r�sident of Fridley. She �aid �h� 1� a member Qf the Board af MPIRG at Anoka Ramsey and she uses Nort� P��k �or a�t�v�t�es such as picnics. She said the res�de�ts q£ Sp�ing ��k� Par� had nat been mentioned in the study and sh� was surs �h�y wou�d �e willing to participate in the matter. Shs added: ��� w�u�� like to see that axea remain as beautiful as it �s a� the �r�se�� �ime. M�. K�nne�� Sporx�, 301 Tronton St. �.E., addr�ssed the Council statin� he had �e�n a r�sident of the City for ten years, He said up unti� th�� ��m� he had not expressed his own personal feelings on the NorGh Fax� ut���xa�ion. He continued, saying the reason he had pux�hase� ��s h�m� �n t�� axea where it �s, �s that he h�d h_eard there wo�l� b� ����� �Q��se �n the axea, ��e sa�d he �anted �0 live by i�e Countx� C�ub 5��1� g�l� course so he could play golf more often, Hs �aid �� has �h���ed his m�nd by watching his children interests. He said his �Q� know� more about nature than he daes from vis�ting North Paxk. , � , � ' ' ' ' ' , � , ' ' ' � � � L�' C� ' � 'I� � SFEG�,l�L �IIBI,IC HLARTNG MEETING O:F JUN� 25, 1973 PAGE 21 .�� ����.�er, he added, he would like to see a nature centex in the �x�aR 1�r. ���rr� said he is �ired of he�rin� the amQUnt �h� ins�al.1�� ��c�� �� the �natu�e center would cost, when to take his fam�.ly golfiz�g �� wc���.+� �o�t �1� fQr only one time on the course. He s�,id he would ��.k� '�+� �ee �ome wise speriding and �ave the area saved fox a nature ���n���', �� said h� is willing to drive to another a�ea for gal�ing, Mr. $��n,ard �ashi�gl�auer, 11Q Suzanne Ct. , St. Paul, �i.rect��r o€ th� , W�.x��r i�a�u�xe Cente�°, addressed the Council. He said he eame in good w�,�1 �ko of�ex �uggestions to the Council as his eommun�.ty had gQne °�hx'�t�gh th� sam� procedux� eight years ago. He said this was �Gk�e f�r�� natt�x+� ���t�� in the State o£ Minnesota, He said t�iere area schpol ' �'�t�z���,�� ��at txavel 7Q miles round trip to visit the center. He add�d� �hi� �s c{uite an expense. He said the demand far the natux� ��r1t�� �s ur�believable. He said they are open every day and hav� , pe�a�a1� c��n �he wai.`�ing list. I�r. Fashingbauer invited �he Counc�.l to v��it �h� natur� centex and thanked them for their time. � � , �J i � , � C� � , ii i�� � May�x� ��.�lal asked how large the area ai the nature center is, M�', Fashin�b�.u�x said it is� �5Q acres. He added, they buy every acre �h�y car�, He continued saying �they wi11 buy overgrazed pastures fox $8Q0 �a�x ��x�. Mr. Fashingbau�r said they rec�ive volunteer help frQm hQUS+�wives who donate a day a week to the cen�er. He said there a�� akarau� 7� l�dies and they do a first class job. Mr. Fashingbauer �ai� k�� f�l� the center is doing a first class job. M�, L�.sa Txeuen,fels, 5248 Horizon Drive, said after a reeent rain she ��unr� a c�esr track in North Park and made a plaster cast ai it, She �aid the beavex in the area are not botherad by �assing trains. Miss �'�eu����ls S�a.d the area is pretty. MrA E� �'a.ersak, b25 Faixrnont N,E., said he has lived on this si.de of �h� ra.vex ��1 of �i� life and remembers when a11 0� �rid�ey was a natuz'� �aa�'��r. H� said he �.� opposed to the government always spendin� his m�r�+�y �car recr�ation. H� said he has only played one gam� o� gQlf in h%� �.�.��, He added, if people want t.o study nature, they can d7rive� out t�� ��T�,+�� Avery Game Farm, He questieaned if a natur� centex is ne�cied t�h��t there �.� alxeady one clos�, Mr. Piersak said he questioned i.f �ach �Qmmunit�r should clevelop such a center creating six tp ten in tY�e axea, H� �a�c� that Senator Schaaf has mentioned the money cQUld be abtained frt�m the �ounty and State, bux, the citizens also contribute to tha ��un�� �nd Stat�. Mr, F�ersak said he did not want a�olf course and he would like to se� ��du���y car �ammereial development i.n the area to raise money for the Ca.ty, H� said if there has to be a choice of either a nature center �x a�o�f course, the golf course would be closest to industxy and a r�vea��ze pr�ducing activity, so he would support this over a nature �er�t+�x, Mr. Piersak said his taxes had increased $100 the last year, H� sa�� he did not think the community of �ridley was big enough to �u�pQx�� ihe 14Q acre natuxe center, but the golf course �rould be ss7,f su�pox��ng. SPfi�IAL PUBI:IC HF.:1Rl:VG MEETTNG OF JtiN� 2S, 1973 PAGE 22 Mx. p�v�d Maier, 6802 Hickary St., said the needs of twenty years ��pm �Qday shotald bethought of. He said the future generation.s will b�r�ef�t from t�x� creation of the large North Park area as a nature �enter, He 5��►a lle cauld understand the £eelings of �h� businessm�n, a�� theix xespc�fi►sibility is to prosperity. He said the Council shauld s��.�o �Qnsider ►.ith the fuel shortage, it will not be as easy to drive tc� the Carlo� :avery �rea for nature studies. He said North Park would 1�� used as � nature center. He said if it would come down to the d�].lars and c�nts factor and a revenue sharing use, this would not l�� b�st. H� saiu if it is the concern of the City to develop a r�Ver�u�* produci��; axea , they should make the area commercial, or inc�u�txa.al, He su�gesteci the area be divided in half, c�ne hal,£ for � na�ur+a Genter ana the other half lor a golf course. Mr� Maxk Nobel, 7310 Lyric �ane, said he had made aii independer�t stt�dy of th� Noxth Park area. Mr. Nobel read a letter which was addressed to himself and written by Professor ponald B. LawrenGe, Ur,a.v�xsi.�y 4f Minnesota, dateri May 23, 1973. The letter is a s�iart x�por� Qf �'�Q�essor Lawrence's three hour examinatipn of the Nox�fil� P�.�'k area.. Mr. Nvbel continued his presentation by sayf.ng the City s�ou�d look fox soms already cleared land for a golf course. He sa�,�l th� �����ment by Mr. Pau1 Fjare of Brauer and Associates that the�r� �.s a lack of birds in the area is not true and he r�ferred tQ ��tatements in the MPIRG report and other reports which disp�tt� tk�i� fact. He said the stuciies which he has quoted would indicate �.ha'� �. r�atuxe cen�er would bring enj ayment to all . NIr. �3�auex' c�uest�.oned the complete support of one utilization over anc��her t�y ss�m� of the xeferences made by the nature center support�xs, H8 men�ion�d ihe xeference letter from the Siexra Club saying since �h�s ��cl been listed as catagory B in their priorities, he said �ha.s re�pmm�:ndat�on would be debatable. He also questioned the cast estimaies of the MPIRG xeport listed as 8aird's Estimate for na�ure �Qnt�rs and s�uestioned if these estimates were correct and alsca if Mr, Baird gave his support. Mx. Js�h� J��sen, 6070 6th St. N.E., said he has been a resident the Gi�.y o� Fridley for sixteen years and would like to aslc Mr. 8rausr �.� he would construct the golf course or nature center? asked if ih� �irm could make a bid? , ' � ' ' ' r �J � ' ' ' of ' He Th@ �ity Man.ager said this had been discussec� at the outset of �he s�udy s�n N�axth Park and the firm of Brauer and Associates had not b�en disc{ua1i�'�.ed from making a bid an the project. Mx. Brauer said he� is Ac�t a�ontractor, he is a designer. Mr. Jensen asked if �here wQUld iZ� mQZ�ey involved. Mx. Brauer said he hoped so. Mr. Mi.ke �h�.�s, addressed the Council and said his father was a mem� ber of �he Ch�amber of Commerce and.a builder in the City, He said th� Ch�mb�x has gone on record in su�paxt pf tF�e gol� couxse, H� �a,�,d �rith tfi� back�round o� bu��ness �n h3.s �am�.lr and h_a`s �n��r�st �n adt�in��tratz4n, he fias not known wrFiat tca do with hi.s o�vn. £u�uxe, Ne said h,e is nat against a golf course� but there are many consid�rx� �.'��.o�t� w�.t1� the rapidly growing interes� in outdoor activities su�h as '��.��r�l�ng, � ' ' LJ � i ' SP�GZ�� PU��I� H�AI��NG N�EETING OF JUNE 2S, 1973 PAGE 23 � M��, �a� �eegax•, 324 Ironton St. N.B., said she was a member o� �he �� h�� N�x�� Par� committee. Mrs. Seegar introduced Mr. Don Fo��xi�k, � �a�ur����t, � , � �� �� Mx, ��nd���k addre�sed the Couneil and stated the inv�lvem�nt �f the ax�� s�hQ�l students should be a concern in this matter. He said money £�x ��� natur� cent�r would be donated bY private conce�ns. He add�d.� i� t�e ar�a did not �rQVe tQ be feasible as a nature center, it cou�d b� �han�e� to a golf caurse some time in the future, Mxs� Sh�x��y Galdwell, 5$74 Hackmann Ave. N.E, �sked if the Wo�d�ak� �atux� �e���r emplQys profes�ional people? Mr, F4ndrick said the�e �r� p��p�e w�th professional training, and many volunte�rs. He �aid �h�y �mp1Qy pn� natura�ist, one secretary and one half time natuxalist. �� �a�d th� center has b�en visited by 18,000 people this year a�d th�s ���uxe ��u�� ��t �e broken down by age groups. He said there i� a gx�wing number of �eople a11 �he time. He added, the center was aided �n �t� fu�ding by Hennepin County with a contribution of $200,OOQ fax th� �x��ect. He said at this time the centex agreed that the facility w�u�d �� u��d hy the public. He said three days have been set asid� fox thQSe �� Richfield and two days for those outside the area, He ��d�d, w�ekend� are fox general public use. Mr. Fondxick said the studeni� f��m Fridley are bein� bussed to the center at the presen� t�ms, ' Mr, Ch�x�e� Sher�dan said it would not be an accurate count by a numbsr �£ students who at�e�d the center fram school, he added many of the �tude��s a�so attend seaut�ng tours to the area also. � � � �h� �i�y Managex suggest�d the school districts in the area be cont��t�d fp� �h��r �up��xt in an area nature center. Mr. Fondxick said the schopl ���t���t �n �h� area has no� c�ntributed any financ�al support� but t��y ��� xe�eiuing the assistanee from the teacher� �nd a mo�etQ�y ys�u� ������ b� plac�d �� �hi� �ype of assistance. The City Manager ask�d M�� �Q�d�ic� if he b�lieved the school districis shQU�d assist in t�� ���d�n� o� the �atux� center? Mr. Fondrick said y�s, h� had conta�t�d t�e scho�l d�st�ict and asked them for theix suppoxt. Ha s��� �h� ���ary o� a naturalist would come to about $1Q,OQ0 a y�ar, ' Mre Darv�n Aah� said he disagr��d with the statemen� that a goi� cours� wou�d �n1� b� fa� a selec� few, He added, many youn� people are _ inv����d in �a1f. � � , �_ J i Mr. �en�e�h Spoxre said he disagreed with this as the beginner �annot and �h�u�d not play on the gol� course, He said thexe are 11 p�xsan� on ��� s�hool g41� t�am out oi thousands of students. He said the b�ginn�r and learner should play on the driving range. He added, �he U�iv��s��y a� Minnesota refuses to allow those who are beg�nners on �h�ir �QUx�e. He said the proper grip and swing should not be learned o� t�� ��urse. Ne said after the £undamentals are achieved, then ��d ��1y �he� ��ould someone plar gQl� on the couxse. ,A, �����l�nt ��id there are only twenty-one boys and nineteen gir�� ou� �f ��OQQ on the golf team. SF�CIA� �U�LIG H�ARING M�ETING OF JUNE 25, �973 PAGE 24 � Mr. Darv�n Dahl� said the Brauer report dealt with th� the gol£ cQUrse or nature center, He said those whq da �sx ��n �eel they shauld not be taxed for highways. He ax� many w�o hav� no use for a nature center. He asked u�ing th� Wovdlaka facility? su�t�bility a� not �xiv@ a said there how m�ny axe � �I ' A lady �� the audi�nc� said it takes two years to get int� Wood��k�, � Mr, Aah� ask�d how man �aY� a lqw�r �ax base? w�r� w��k and ��ere is HB a�ded, ha c�u1d not a �ature c�riter ance a Brau�r and Associat�s do��Q� �r a�torney, it �ar th� �atur� �enter go�� Gourse reve�ue, a ��thin� a� a11. y of the other cammunities with �olf c�urses He said many people are down ta a fo�r day a greater demand for recreational activ�ties,. believe that there are those who could yisit week. He said he thought the �tudy dona by is camparable to asking the opini�n af vne's shoul� be followed. He said af�ex the need is established and it could be funded by �he second �lass center would be be�ter �han Mr. A�h1 sa�d the nature center would employ only two peQple, but the �Qlf �c�urs� wauld employ many and be self supporti.ng. He saa�d �his wQUld nat be taking anything away from the people. He said �f th.e pec�p�.� have to vote an this there may be nothing at all. Mayor I,ieb�. said h� had talked to thousands of people and he knows wha� �h� wa�king man wants. He said the people on pension �annot a��Qrd �,� iz�cr�as� in taxation, He said the people of all incQme lev�l.s hav� to be thought about and represented, He said i� they 11aV� fi.o �sk the pea�le, they will, He said first of all, they have to hav� �4od solid ground with a great deal of infarma�ion. H� �aid °Gh� Ga�ty is gaining the necessary information, and �he Council was nc�t �oir�g to rush into anything. M+ayQr 1�i.���. said he wauld like to take some time ta i�vesti�at� th@ pos�ib��i,�y o� receiving financial aid from the County, 5tate, and �ederal GQ�r�xnments befare any decision is reached. He said th�re a,xe thos�� i� �ridley that will suppoxt projects such as thes� and some� �k�at dq not care, al� they care about is that their taxes axe no� r�i��d, H� said he knows of many people that txust him to watch ou� for such increases fox them. He said he will never dis- appQ�.z�� thQSe people. He said ihe Council will consider th� mattex �n ��s��1 and calm basis with all the necessary inputs. He commended the members �£ the audience on their mannerly presentation pf idea� ta th� �c►un�i,l , I�x, Kann��� Spaxre questioned if the facility were created by the ut�.l�zata.�� �£ �AWCON funding, would the restrictions of their regu- I�t��n� Qnl� �rovid� for a cons�ruction of fvur walls and a ceiling? Ha �dd+�c�� t e�e is also a statement in the report that said there �s a�ao�s�bi�ity of acquisit3.on of adda�ta,onal land fox the gol� Cou��� e i�� sa.id a club I�ous� cauld not be bui:lt with tfie x�gulaT 'kic��i� ��.a�ed C►r� construc�ian under LAW'�ON fu�d�ng. He said i� ih.� a�equ�,sition of moxe land i.s ne�essary, wauld t�e City seek thi� ��pe Q£ funding? � , � l_J ' u � ' 'I �J � � , ' ' � C ' ' � � i � � ' , SPE�IAL PLJ$LZC I��r1RING MEETING OF JU�JE 25„ 1973 PAG� 25 �i�. �x�ue� �a�.d i� is �he use of HUA funds that places tl�e�e re�tric�ipns c�a� t�� �ypc: Qf 1nstallation. He said there are not many restr��tiQns w��h ��� use �f I�AWCON funds, He sa:id the only restriction would b� th�� '��� nic�ne� is� used for recreational purposes, M�. Spcax�x�e questioned if sqme green fees would be used to provide im�xqvements an� the fac:ility on �he physical land. Mayor Liebl said the m�m4 r���iv�d by the members of the Council and himself that evening �x�1�.in�d �here ar� few r�strictions on �u.nds from LAWCON gxants and �h,��� �unds �ould be used for the establishment of a golf couxs�. Cc�un�i,lmar� Ne� said there are very few places in the Brauer report wh�x� #�h�r�e i� information available that can be checked for accuxacy. He �'����x�d �c� page 79 and said the amaunt listed for assistants salary S�1QUld b� $1�,QQ0 rathex than $7,QQ0. He asked what the de�ermining ���t�xs w�r� �n quotin� a building size and price? Mr. Brauer said he h�d �a�gur�d $2� to $30 per square foot. He added, this wou�d incl�zde �uxn�.:�h�.ng t�e 1ab, administration, exhibits, Zavatory, etc, He said h� w�,� 'G�1k�.�g about a building �f about 4,OOQ squar� feat, �c�ur���lm�n �e� asked �ow many people would be emp2oyed by ihe program and what ihe hour bas�s would be, Mr, Brauer said this may be ten haurs g�x c�.�y, �our�cilman Ne� ques�ioned if this would mean 7Q per week? Mr. �arauex' said th3s woula depend on the effectiveness of the peop�.� em�a�,pyeci, He said he had �one by the figures of the Woodlake nature +�er�t�r. He sa�.d what is gained by this amount would d��end on the �f�'s.��.���y �� the staf�, Mx', �'Q�dr�.ck said at the natur� center he managss, it is open ].18 haur� ' p�r w�ek, Caur�cilman Nee asked if thzs would also relate to the numb�r Q� hfluxs the s�aff �juts in? Mr. Fondrick said there are two ways oi �oz�sid�xing t�e houxs factor, He added, the center is o�en more hou�� ' than the bu�ldin�, 1�4r, Fond.riek said the center is open accoxding to t�� sun li�h�. He said tha nature centex is op�ned early �n the mcaxni.ng by �.�� maintenan�e man, ' � , � ' , � �nuz�c�lt�an I�ee asked what was the nature o� the proposed golf buildin�. �Ix. �rau�� said th�.s would be a public facility, not a country Glub, �c�ur�c��ma� IV�e �azd $lOQ,OQQ is a loi of �non�y to Spend for a sna�k shQp. �I�. ��'�.uer sa�d he was only spea�Cing �af a public building and �hi� �QUId ��t be com�ared �o a cQUntry club. �t�un�il,man Nee said he did no� feel the school board's had made any statemer��s in the m�tter of the utilization, Mr.Brauer said the boaxd'� wcru�.d ncat make a statement. Brother Sullivan said he should not £eel �e�:x out as �he other school board's had not had any input on the ma�t�x. �x. 8����r safd he felt that the City had hired him to maka an impartial de�%��Qn and the decision was not a political judgement. He sai.d thi� w�.� �is +�p'�.nican �af what was b�st for the City of Fridley. He said he �s �_�r�d a� an e�c�eri, He said he was not able to �et the �nput �xcam t�.� �efioa�. distxic�s. He said he has contacted many indiv�.du�1s and h.�ct ca�l� frQm many people to get the public input. He stressed, th�xe� �.�.s be�r� no �ack af ir���� � SP��IA� PUB�IG H�AR�NG M��TING OF JUNE 25, �973 PA�� �6 � Co�ncilman Ne� said Mx, B�auer must have made his decisian on or b��ar� A�ril �8, 197�. Mr, Brauer said h� �ad no acty�l �ate zhat ho h�d x�ach�d a d�c�s�o�. He said the City af Fridley n��ds a natuxal�s� and pr4 ram of support for such study and infoxmatio� and thia should be �or�ed out. � Coun���man Ne� said �ccording ta the matrix study� a natuxs c�nter i� th� b�st us�, He said the consultants had said th�� was �lso trua, H� added, the sGhool districtS say a nature ce�t�x w�uld b� b�s�. H� s�i� there are a number of factors �eading in this d�rection� Mr� �ra��� said �he matrix study is highly subjecti�e. H� said a� the axea a� �h� Woodlake nature center ther� was a strug�l� to get the �.and na�.ural, He said this property wa9 less dens� �han th� Noxth P�xk ax@a. Ha said his firm had tried to be as �Qm�reh�nsiv� �� p�ssible. He said they h�d suggested the �ocke Par1c for a na�ure ��ntor b�caus� it was not suited £or a golf cour��, ��:said the� h�d wo�k�d wi.thi� the requiremen�ts the City had �ive� th�m, H� �a#�d ho h�as ���.�1 th�,s r�any times' the North Park a�ea is tha onl.y ar��a in th� City �h�� �s sui.ted to a gali course. He said �h� �to�l� fo�r th� natur� �e�.'t�r establlshmenx are very iz�pqrtant. '�1��r� should bs vdu�atior� in 'ih�.s area for that purpose first, He said i� bra�h ca��not b� ��tab].ished, ha thought tk�e City shouid hav� what i� t�e�t+ar. Cc�uneilm��, N�� said he had a hypoth�tical questinn, �e �aid M�°f ���au�r h�d su�g@�sted Lpck� Paxk be used £pr a�ature c�r�te�°, but ana�hox us� �� committed to it. CQUncil�a� �lee conti���d by sa�r�ng wha� if �.hi� c�ption did not exist, what wou�d Mr, Brauer hav� sugg�$ted? Mx. 8a°�ue�° �a�d h� would hav� said th� same thing t�ecaus� thex�� ax� fiYa t�a ��.x �th�� sit�s that� Gould be used fox a natu�� �e����°, �ounc�lm�rt N�� �aid this i� Fls��a, H� �aid h� want�d a land� CQUnca�lm�an N�� �aid ��pt $al�' �oux�� and a nature i7ra%iQx e � ' ' � ,i , L_J , r � �.ike sayi�ng go1£ car� be played a� Mo�n clear statemerat o� the b�s�. �as� caf the ' ihe statem�nt that the �ity �an hav� bot� �e�tex is a"cop put" on th� par� vf Mx. Sraue�° s�id his intez�tian would b� xo get � fine natur� �duca- �io� progxam �tarted in the City� He said the City needs a naturall�t and som� Q� th� City Parks would be utilized �s nature centexs, Mr. Brp.u�T �aid �Ghi.s is tha first community he �as worked fox w�.�xe �hare i� m�hQic�, H� said this is also the first itme ther� wer� so �nany peop 1p wi�.h opposing views on utilization. �Ir. 8rauer said wh�� w�rk�n� iz� other communities, all persons with varied �nteres�s g�t bshind th� �iesirable utilization and produce a fi,rm support. He said th� ��n��ructio� o� the golf couxse in North Park w�uld p�ovida tl�� r���e���ry funding for a complete nature study progxam and also pxovi�lQ fQx a�irst class nature center. He said he would ].ik� to �ea �ome un�fied support. He said he did not believe there is a demand �Ax a na�.ur� center �,n the axea or the School Boards �rou�d be �.r� �t��apAx�t o� a nature center, He sa�.d tfi�re �.s ju�t a� �ew v�r� d�c3��at�d people in favor of a natur� ce�ter, �� � C� � L_ 1 � � I�PE��AL PU��IG H�ARING ME�TING OF JUN� ZS, �973 PAG� 27 i J � ' �J � � �1 J ' , ' ' � � � ' � .' � � C����il�an ��� �a�d he i� aware of the question of dem��d� �� h�s wa�ks� �hr���h�t�� �i�y in six campaigns and �as nevex had anyo�e ask h�m �Qx ����� ��u���. �e added� nq �ne has aske� him for a na�uxe �����r aith�r. Ma��� ���bl �aid sorne people �xe happy with th� xepqr� and s�me ax� no�, �i� �aid fihe C�ty s��uld sit down wit� the County to look at �h@ pro o��lsa �� ���d ��e st�te s��ouid also b� asked to parti�ipate. He said he �as talk�d �o many �ea�7e and Bxauex and Associates has the bes� pQ��ib1e ��p������� as ail expert planning consultant� �ie said the Ci�y w�uld �1s4 h�V� �� ��t the i� ut from the schaol d�szricts on the�r po�sibl� supgp��, M�y�� �i��� �aid ��� City o� Coon Rapids has had some $u�poxt �xom �h� �QU�t� �� �?ie com�l�tion Qf their Kolf Gourse. He said �he Ramsey �caun�y area i� consicl<�rirl� thc �cc��,isition of 30U,OQ0 acres £ox a n�t�tx� ���i���' p�'oj�ct < lle tiaic� i f t�,� i;our�cil is unable to make a de��.s�oz�, i� wQ�t�� hav� tQ be let�t to the voters next fa11, �e said he p�xsQn�l.ly ����� a�91f cvurse would. not be a deterent to the env��anment, H� �aid �h+�y hav� �o he responsible for the financial aspect. H� sa�.c3 the �ca�n�il w���, also be responsbile far finding out what the p�o�l� axe� W����.r�� tca pay for. IIe said they- have to decide if the� want a�adillae c�� a wx��kecl Fs�xd. �I� said ii thc �lf��is.ion is £or� a natuxe c�nter, h� ws�t��.� lik� �he center tp he mQr� than put�i�g a txailer Qn th� prvp�r�� ar�� ��?���.r�$ �.�, H� sa�.d if this is done � Fridley would be �he laugh�,n�� s�o�� �� ths M�tr� area, May�a� �,�ebl said t}�ey would alsa have to justify the installa��,on o� t�.� �+�1� �ours�, H� added, he has three girls and three boys and theY a�.l �,�v� na�ure, �nd he did not think they would be playa.ng go7,�, Ha ���d �� i� �'espons�,bl.e £or the thoughts af the senio� ei�izens and th� woxkfn,� �naz� ar�d �he mar� whca Qwns a cottage. i�e said the nature cents7r �vc�u].+� hav� �� }�e a�proved, by the peapl� in a vote if other financin� �s n�+�G ot?�a�a��;d fox it, He said he realize� �he �ity has to fight thQ S��t� ���c �very t�a��ic light they ge�.. Mayar Liebl said there ar� marty g�c��a�� wh� ar� cc�nce�nea with the tax dollax. M��'�QN la� ��unc�lrt�an Star�ral� to receiv� the 1et�er f�rom Schpo7� Dis�rict #�4 �.n `��$aaed to �he Ncarth Park utilizatior�. Seconded by Counc�iman Ne�. Up�a� a Yc�ice vate, a�l vating aye, Mayar Liebl. declared thQ m��ion ca�cri�� unan�mously. MQT�QN b� Gouncilman Breider to adjouxn the Special Meeting of �he Pxidl�y ���y �au��i.� on Ncarth Park. Secandecl by Cou�cilman S�arwalt, tTpon a vsai.�� Y�te, all voting ay�, Mayor I�iebl declar�d the motion caxri�d un�nim�u��y an�. the Special M�eting o� the Fridley City on the mattex� of ��,� ���.1,�.�a`�iQZ� of North Park adjourned at 12:3Q a.m. �t+��g���£��.ly submitted, _.. ��.� - -�-.� i �,,�i',1,..�..�a...c-A-� c. � �- �'a�x�ci:a �l�is �4�x�t�,x�r �c� th.� City Councii �rank G, L�ebl,� Mayor T�� MTN�TES QF TH� REGllLAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCI� OF JU�Y 2, 1973 T�� R��ular M��ting of the Fridley City Cou�cil was called to order at 1��� �.meR Ju�y 2, �973, by Mayor Liebl. F�$�G� QF AL�LGIANCE: Mayqr ��ebl �ed the Council and the audience in saying the Pledg� of A��e�i�nce to the Flag. iNV�CATION: May�r �i�bl asked for a few minutes of silence fax personal invpcatio� �y �h� ��uncil and the audience. RQLL CALL: M�MBERS PRESE�T: MEMBERS ABSEN"I' : AFFRQVAL OF 41T til l`I E�� Lieb1, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt. None. REGULAR COUNCIL ���1E�:TI �:� , ,�tl�Y 7 , �1973 : MO'�ION by Councilr�an Starwalt to a�lc�pt tl�e minutes of the Regular Counc�� Mee�in� oi May 7, 1973 as presented. Secondecl by Councilm�n Breid��, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, blayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MAY 14, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Me�ting of I�9ay 14, 1973 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Star- walt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo�ion �arxied unanimously. BOARD OF �QUTLIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31, 1973: �Q�'IQN by Coun�ilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the Board of Equil- �.�a�ien Meeting of May 31, 1973, as presented. Seconded by Council- man �x��.der, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed ,th� mQ�ion �arried unanimously. , � CONTTNUED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF E UILIZATION MEETING OF MAY 31 1973', JU E 19, 1973: MQTI�JN by Coun�ilman Breidex to adopt the minutes of the continued �neeti�g of the �oard of Equilization Meeting held June 19, 197�, S��onded by Counc�lman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M��p�' L�ebl declared the mation carried unanimously. REGU�AR COUNCIL MEETING qF JULY 2, 1973 VISITORS: � MR. LEST�R ORTON, FRTDLEY V.F.W.: PAGE 2 , Mr. Les��r Orton presented the plan for the placement of a monument in �isenhower Square tq the membexs of the Council. He said this plan had been discussed previous to this time, but now they had the available ��nancing and wEre ready to go ahead with the projecx. M�TIQN by Cauncilman Breider to approve the concept Qf the proposed p�ans �or th� plaGement of a manument in Eisenhowex �quaxe by the Fxidley V.P.W., a�d that the plans be reviewed by the Paxk Cammission and the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, w�th final approval to be given by the Park Commission. Seconded by Councilman Staxwalt. �I LJ ' ' � Mr. Or�an presented the Mayor with the plans for the monument and ask�d ' h�m t� forward the plans to the Parks and Recreation Department as soon as possible. U�QN A VOT�E VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor declared the motion carried ' �nanimously. MAYOR LIEBL'S COMMENTS CONCERNING THE CONDITIONS OF LOCKE LAKE �XPRESSED ' M . DO OVA HUL � Mayor I,i.�b�. said he had talked with Mr. Schultz who had received a�sux- ance fxom the P.C.A, that something could be done an the Riee Creek matter. He said a11 the axea communities would be involved in this. Mayox Liebl asked if the Council would be willing to send a letter to the k�.C,A. He said this would force all other communities to comply with the ruling. He said this would have some merit to stop the p411utian pf Rice Creek. ' ' MOTTON hy Counci].man Nee to instruct the City Attorney to wri�e a lettex � af disposition in regard to the position of the P.C.A. and the pxablems of Ri�� �xeek and Locke Lake. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a � yoiCe yat�, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mo�ion carri.ed +�r�animously, YOR I.I�BL QUESTIONED WHETHER OR NOT THE WEEDS ON DOVER STREET HAD 9 Mayvr L,iebl said he thought this mattex may b� H� said h� had received a call £rom.:a x�sident weQds on a vacant lot on Daver Street be cut. the� Administrat�on to get the weeds cut. ADOPTT!RN (?F AGENDA: ' an administrative problem � who had requested the Mayox Lieb1 dir�ct�d , ' 1�aYox I�i�b1 sa3.d tI�e follow��ng items xere t4 be added to th.e a�enda; ' I+t�ttax from Dx, Ex�ckson+ itetn 9-C ��. �eW busir�ess Appc�intment o£ clerk-typist as a r�placement in the Fixe De�artme�t. ' MOTIQ�i by Councilman Starw�lt t� �d��t �hp ��enda as amended, ,S�ecanded �Y ����,�,�.�,�r� u�tpx� Upon a voice vo�e, a11 votin$ aye, Mayor Lieb7. d�� ��ed ���: Ina��o�t carried unanimpusl�. ' '^ �;� , i .d� ,�� � .i%2t' fi _ x � .er..,. . . . . �. � � � ., .... . - . .. �. .. ... c,. .+� ar ,y .., ..� � ' REGU�AR COUN�I� MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAGE 3 ' �U�LI� HEAR�NGS: ' FU$�I� HEARING �N PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE �522 � CA$LE I� D ANC�: MQTIQN by �vunc�lman Utter to waive the reading of the Pub�ic Hearing ' �ot�G�, and open the Public Hearing, Seconded by Councilman Nee. U�on � vo�ce vote, all voting aye, �ayor Liebl declared the mot�on ��r�i�� u�animousl� and the Public Hearing opened at 7:55 p.m. , ' May4� L��b1 read.the points listed in the letter £ram the City �t��r�ey, Mr. Virgil Herrick, aloud to the Council and the audi�nce. M�ya� �iebl asked if �her� were any members of the CATV Commissian �xes�nt to mak� recommendations to the Couneil. - ' M�s. �axbaxa Hughes, 548 Rice Cxeek Texrace, member af the Commission addx��sed �he Council, She said the Commission was to have another m���ing bafore the Public Hearing, but she and other members had been ' out of town �rev�ous to the meeting. She said she thought a telep�one po11 of three members of the Cammission had been taken and the results which had been submitted to the Council by the City Attorney. Mrs, Hughes s�id this is not what had been discussed at the meeting o� th� ' Commiss�an when she had be�n present. She added, she did not know the r�ason for the change in tactics. � �xs. Hug�es asked if there was someone present who could explain the r�cammended approach? ' Mayar Liebl said the Council would be sendxng a letter to the �edexal Communications Commission, which had been dxafted by Councilman Nee a�ki�� the Commission for some clarification. 1 � ' ' ' ' ' , �ouncilman Nes said ther� had been one change in the l�tter and ��f�r��d to the stateme�t in the letter t�at it was not ihe intenti�n to s�a1� th� issuan�e �£ the license to General Television. M�yox �ieb� xead the paxagraph in question. Mrs.Hughes exp�essed concexn over spend��g xevenue funds for xegula- tian. S�e suggested submitti�g a petition of waiver and asking for som� other way tQ use the funds which would finance the Cable TV Bur�au. She said this would allaw the praject to h�ve something to fa11 back an, Coun�ilman �reider asked �he Attorney for General Television, Mx. Ca�p �nter, if there had been any communication with the people in Wa�h��gtvn. He asked if this matter could be taken care of between th� �GC and zhe City and not the FCC and General Television. He �sk�d �� the license would be approved before the City makes the modi��cation in the ordinance. Mr. Caxpenter said there has been a�o d��'�ct cammunication. �Ie said tFiere sfiould be �ometR�;ng b�sid�s ��.e mat�er of gro�� sub�cxiber revenues. He said tfie matter of th� �� ctr S$ would be a matter of the FCC's discretion. R�GU�HR �OUNCIL M�EIING 0� JULY a, 1973 PAGE � , C�uncilman Bre�dex said the City did no� want to ho�d up the Company , by somexhing they were doing with the FCC. He asked �f money cauld ba escrowed in �his Gase. He asked if this would speed up the application. , Mr. Garpent�x said they would have to have the Certif�cate of Compliance,, and the FCC would not allow the Company to proc�ed without this. He said if this would be done ��nilatarally, the Company would be violating ' the ru��s. T�� qcti�g City Attoxney, Mr. James Gibbs, said he thought the concern was wh�ther additional applications would be necessary. He said it is alsp a concern if it would be in the best interest �o ask for 5$ and if this would delay the �rocess. Mayor Liebl said as suggested • by �he City Attorney, this would be acceptable by the FCC. Mr. Gibbs, said it could be legally used, and General Television could live with it and it may be a possibility that the FCC will approve it. Council- man Nee asked i� the certificate could be approved with the proposed change recommended by the City Attorney. N1r. Gibbs said there is some agreement �hat this could be passed. Cou�cilman Breider asked if the nioney could go into the general fund rather than into the system. Mr. Gibbs said this would theoretical�y be taxation without representation. Councilman Breider aS�ed i� F�deral Funds can pay for television, why can't local funds? CAUncil- man Nee said they would have trouble programming on property taxes. M�yor Lieb�said it would be necessary for the system to get off the ground. d Maypr �iebl asked the City Attorney, Mr. Virgil Herrick, his recpmmendations on the matter. Mr. Herrick said he had met with Mr. Dean Galdwell and he had said the majority of the Commission had agreed with the recommendations. He said after the recommendations had been approved, he and the City Manager liad proceeded to make the proposed change, He said this decision had been made by the Commission and he did not feel he could be the spokesman for their group. � , ' � � � ' l Councilman Nee said ths propased provisions would be a part of the � fxanchise. The City Attorney said he had tried to provide a percentaga that the F�C would approve. Mrs, Hughes said the recommendation are npt what she had thought the ' minute� pf the meeting of May 31, and June 15, had called for. The C�ty Attorney said the Commission was to prepare a sample of wha� �hey want�d and the fQrma� amendment was to be drawn from the xecommenda-' tion. He added, when the amendment was ready for drafting, Mrs. Hughes was out of town, and the chairman of the Commission was also out af town. The City Attorn�y said Mr. Caldwell had told him what the ' x�commendations were. He said the recommenda�ions were approved by two pther mem�e�s. ' ' , , REGULAR CUUN�Ii_ �'iEE�'I,`�G �li= .�UI:Y �, 1�„3 ' LJ ' ' �� ' Pt\CF: 5 CC►uncilman Breider said the F'CC has not told the City they would not appxove the licen�e, this is on�y hearsay that rhe�� are not going to approve t�he licer:se , He said he ��ould like to r.c:� ve a formal answer before �he orainance i� changed. Mayor Liebl ���i:± th�� is why they were sending the letter. Counc;:man Breider �aid th� letter �,ould hav� to be scnt first. � The City Att�rney sai4'the I�rope-r� procedure wouid he to �o�ltinue the Pub1iC Hearing. Iie sa�d he would not reco�nmend the Council close the h�a��ng and take any act-ion. He saicl there should be no delay between �he FGC and the Company. fie saia they had not received a written T�commendation from the Commission. Cqu�c�.lman �reider said he would like to Y�ave money escrotitied and the l�cen,se approved if this would be possible. He said he thi,ught this wpu],d be a positive direction for the Company and the City and he would �ik� to t�y it. Coun�ilman Nee said thi� would open communication. Mayor Liebl said ' if this is the intent o£ the City the Company should be told. He added, the City wanted 50, now the FCC is telling us wliat it must be. ' Cquncilman Breider 5aid at the time, there were a lot af calls about �aub�.ic programniing. He thought this may have been a selling point of the ordinance. Eie said the City wauld haVe to communicate with the FCC to answer the Questions and then they may have to change the ' ardin�nce. Councilman Bredier said the Council should wait to hear fxom the FCC hefore taking any action. , � � II , � ' ' ' Mayox Liebl. said he was told someone from the CATV Commission would be pxesent at the meeting. He said Father Ed is vacationirg in Poland. He said he t}�ought they should send `Iie lett:er to the FCC and delay any action until a statement is obtained from them. Counci.lman Breider said there would be no reason to change the ordinance if they had not asked the City to do so. Mayor Liebl said the letter states that the City has no intention of holding up the al�plicata.on processing. �e said the Cotmcil would have to know the xulinh of the I�CC, Councilman S�ar�,�al_t sai�i }le �ttlought the Council shoulcl stick with the prssent orclinance until ti�ey �r� f�o�;_�ed to change it. i�OTION by Councilman '�;ee to contir�ue the Publ.ic {icarin� oii the amend- ment to the Cable T'.V". ordinance with no intentian to stall or not vote to approve t}ie amen:iment, u�itil after the �it} 1�.ears fT�C�ITI the FCC and a forma; reasonable ans�ti�er is obtained. Seconded by Council- man Breider. Councilman Nee saicl there will be a great deal of pressure by the State o� Minnesota and the peo��le of the industrv sa�� this is reasonable. U�'QN A VOICE �`OTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tfie motion Carried unanimously and the Public Hearing wa� continued �antil some answex from the FCC would be obtained. REGULAR COUNi.;IL MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAG� b ' PUBLIC H�ARING �N SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST SP #73-06, BY BARRY ! �\M+#�• / � ♦iA ��1�♦ y\ � L � {1!\L yVl Ni(�TION by Cauncilman Utter to waive Noti�e and open the publie hearing. a. vpic� vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor unanim�usly �nd the public hearing W�R i the reading of the Public Hearing Second�d by Councilman Nee. Upan Liebl declax�d the motion carried opened at 8:51 p.m. Th,e Gity Eng�neer said the firm was anxious to know if they can stay �.1� �xidley, vr they must find another location. Mayor Liebl asked wha�k the reGammendation of the City Engineer would be. The City �;ngine�r said this could be a�proved if there was an agreement to pxov�d� pxopex screening such as a six faot redwood £ence. He said vin�Q� �quld be planted on the fencing to allow it to be more pleasing. Ei� said the Company �ias show�n a desire to ga along with providing the screenir�g to allow the installation to fit into the area� He said t}�� request would be for a Special Use Permit, a variance in the zoning rec{uirements and a request for a building permit on the� addition. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone pre5ent who may want to speak on the matter? A member of the audi.ence asked if the fence would be right on the property� line or would it be set back to allow maintenance o;f the fence. He asked whq would be responsi.ble for taking care of the fex�ce. The City Engineer said basically, the fence would be right c�n the line, and the responsibility of the maintenance would be by the people who put up the fence. The xesident s�aid he had been told the fence would be cedar. He said he would ask £or clarification on this point and also they would prefer a seven foot fence. Mx, Wayne Sether, 7649 East River Road, addressed the Council and said �he would also like the fence to be seven feet. He said he was also . conc�rned about the noise from the night crew. He said he would also l�ke the parking adjacent to the building restricted. He said his bedraam windows are just 50 feet from the back area. He mentioned that th+e matox bikes have a field day in the area. '�he �ity Bngineer said the property is properly zoned and the City �ou�d wpr�k with the man and come up with something. Councilman Nee questioned whexe the drainage of the parking lot would be. The City Engineex said he would have to look at the plan. He said the drainage p1.an cauld be checked when the final plans are submitted, He said the �ence wauld give good protection. Mr. Gibbs said he had talked with the applicant and he felt th� �even fQOt �'+�nce would be fine, and they would put some rock under the f�nce. �ayox 1��eb�. x��ad the sti,pulations xecvm.men�ded by the Board of Appeals . A x+�QxG�e�tat�ve fx4m Barxy B1Q�rer said t�.ey I�ad made a second pffe� �Qx xl�c� outl�t along the creek and tfi�y were sti11 wqrk�ng vr� acq,ui.xing �fio pro�erty. He said tfie ow�ers hav� nQ use at all far the pxaperty a�� ��`� ��'��! J � � LJ ' � ' � C � � ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' ' � R�GU�AR COUNCI� NiEETING OF JULY 2, �973 PA,GE 7 Mayox T�iebl s�id the f�rm had been a long time residen� a£ Fridley. Ccauncilman �ie� �aid they had always beez� good cit�izens. Mayor �.ieb1 said th�y ha�d paid a� ].qt �f taxes and k�ave pxovi.ded j obs £or th� ��op�.e, N� �said th�s value can not be forgotten. Th� Pre�iden�k of the �arry Blower �c�mpany addx�essed th� �oun�il, and �ai.d �hey did a�ree with xhe seven foot fence �nd would also change the�x lans �or the portion o£ the building alor�� the cr�ek. He' ��,�.d t�e� wpuld b� lc�osin� 1,4Q0 squaxe feet of space Y�y this chan$s ir� the �la.n� . Counc��man �reider asked the xepresentative of the Company how many �mploy�es wcaxked on the ffrst shift. The xepresentativs said 95. I�� said th�re were 48 working on the evening shift. Counci�man AIa� asked a.f they would be adding 20 peaple to the staff, Th� x�pr�senta�ive said h� had been working on that figur� that day and this may b� �0. He sai�, if they favor the parkin� a�, the t�acks s�.d� �n th� �veni,ng s}�if� this would be fine. He added, theX can par� on �th� �lant side. N�QiTQN k�� Councilman Utter to close the Public Heaxing. Seconded by' Gcaunci�.man Nee. Uppn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L�.�bl d�c].�x�d �he mat�on carried una�imously and the Public �Ieaxing �losed �t 9s07 p.m, ' MQTTQN by Councilman Nee to take action an the matter at the �uxren� meetin� and grant the special use permit with. the stipula'tion �ec�amm�nded a�d that a seven foot fence be construc�ed out of eedax and ma�.ntained by the Compa�.y and that a drainage piar� be presented � and ihafi� night paxking be limited to south of 77th along the raii- xQad trac�ks, Se�onded by Councilman Utter, ' Cs�unc�.�man Ne� said he was not sure the stipulation should be sa ls�aded d�wn, The City Engineer said if another Company wouid come �.ntc� the area, they would hav� to abide by them also, ' ' � � ' ' ' U�UN A VUIGE VQTE, all voting aye, Mayor LIebl declared the motion �axx��d unan�.mously and the special use permit granied. �'he Cit� �ngineer asked if it would be possible ta gQ on to th� por- tiA� o� �he Boaxd of Appeals meeting that the applicant was involv�d �.� Q�d�r �o take all necessary aczior� at one time. Th� ��ty �ngineer said there had beez� three requests for variances. Qn�, �a x'��{uest for a variance of the b�ck yard set bac�C from 40 to 25 ;��e�; secondly, a request for a paxki�� vr�ra.ance fxom 2Q0 �o �5Q and a Ya.riance of the 1ot coverage requirement fr4m 40 ta 45&. �i� add�d, tl�e Board had recommended the back yard se� ha,ck be granxpd, Ha ��id the �3oard had reco�namended a wall be placed away ;from the e+x��ti�,� �ank to avo�.d erosion. He �aid a�ny� ervsi.an cQuld ex�o�e x�t.�+ �ou�lsia��on c�� tfi,e Fiuild�,�g. He said he wpuld sugge�t a requix�- �n�nt co���x�nin� t�ie park%ng { and recommend tfiey cont�nue to a�t�mpt to gux�h�s� th� outicat and also moxe coverage, � 0 R�GU�AR COUN�I� MEETING OF JU�X 2, 1973 PAG� 8 , u Caunc�lman B�eid�r questioned the portion of the Board of AppealS minut�$ whexe they r��ommend the applicant seed the bank, The City �ngineer sa�d h� would re�ammend they da not disturb the bank of the creek, CAUncilman Bx�ider asked if they should require some kind of bank stabili� n� Y�$etat�pn. Th� representative of the Company said they would not disturb the ban� at al� with ths modified plans. � MOTxQN by G�un�ilman Nee to eoncur with the recommendations Q� t�� Board o£ Appeals and grant the variance, deleting the poxt�on Qf the stipu- ' lation r�la�in� to the planting of seed. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upp� a voics vote� all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion caxried unan�mou�ly. � R8C8IVING THE MINUT�S OF THE BQARD OF APFEALS MEETING OF JUN� 26 1973: ' MQTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Boaxd of Appeals M��ting a£ June 26, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a vo�ce vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian carried unanimously, , The ��ty Eng�neer asked the members of the Council to go on to S�ction II�, Item �umber three and take actian an the request for a building p�xm�t fax �h� �arxy Blower Campany an their proposed addition. MQT�QN by �ouncilman Nee to grant the building permit deleting stipu- lat�Qn numb�r six, and concur with the recommendation of the Suildin$ Standard� �esign Gontrol Subcommittee, stipulating they use a sey�n fo�t cedax fence, adding numbex nine that they provide £or l�ga1 Ga�� sol�dation of �arking areas, so that building cannot: be svld separate than �he parking area south of 77th Way, with the understanding �hat the bank alan� the creek not be disturbed, Seconded by Councilman U�ter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�on �ax��ed unanimously and declared the building permit be appraved, APpROVAL OF GOMMUNICATION TO FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSTON WASH� .C. ABL MOTIQN by ��uncilman Utter to approve th� letter being sent. Seconded by CQUn��lman Nee. �oun�ilman� Counc�lman I�i�bl. sa�d Mayax, Nee saa�d the letter should have more than his signature. Breider said Mayor Liebl should sign the letter. Mayox� th� letter should be unanimously decided and si�r�ed by the Gouncilman �tarwalt repeated his concern o� changing the ordinance to read st�b�cr�.ber revenues rather than gross aperating revenues. He ask�d i£ th.� Ci.iy would be telling the FCC that they had changed their mind, Ha sa�i.d h� had no quarrel with the letter or sending it, but he thou�ht th� lan�uag� should remain the same in the axdinance, it shaul.d be �e►nsi��tan�, GQUn�ilm�.n Nee said he did not think the�subscriber revenues would �und th�: activites of the Cammission, 1 , � , , � ' I � ' , ' � I���ULA� C�UNGZL MEETING OF JULX 2, 1973 PAGE'9 � j,l �J �� _I ' ' , ' 1 r ' , � � , ' ' ' ' ' UP4N A V�I�� VQT�, all voting ay�# Mayar �ieb� declaxed t�e m4tia� caxx��d'un�nimo�s�y and said the �etter should b� �enx with his � i,�n.atux� , CQNS�A�R,ATTON OP LOTS 2 AND 3 IN PROPQSED VIET'S ADDITION FQR PARK n. .n e n r . n T rr �tr i A t n R . . . Mayox �a.et�� read the letter subm�.tted to the Council by th� Chairman o� the �"ar�CS and Recxeation Commi�sion, Dcanald Blair, stating th�re wa� sam� Qbje�tion to th.e purchase of tfie property for parlc pur�a�es. �i�yo�' �.iabl said �Ix, Blair had said it would be possible to lease �om� area f�om Stevensan School for park purposes. Coun���.man IJ�ter said he hac� been on the Council for one and a hal.f ��axs and �.n that time there had been only one park provided in the Gity, Ruth Park. He said the Commission does not considex this a high p�'ie�rity ar�a, the only priority area they have is the area by �ice C�eel� Road. He said there is not one ehild within six blocks ra£ thE proposed park land by Rice Creek Road. He said �t is unb��ievable the number of homes being buzlt in the Ros� Addition, Counci.lman i]�ter said there is a need for a park in the area af the propr�sed Viet's Plat. �c�uncilman Utter nc��hin$ 1�£t for park. said if the area is developed, there would be park land. He said the people of the area want a C9u�,��.lman Nee said he tried to identify with the peopl.e of the area �nd �hi.nk hqw he would feel if he resided there, He added, he tried ta se� Y�ims�l� as a paxent in the area, and he wQUld not want his ��ildxen to have to walk to the school to have someplace to p1ay, �t�un�i,lmaz� Uttex said he has a three year o1d, he could not see his �hi�.d wa3�ing t�a StevensQn School. He added, ev�n with the �lease at Gardsna �choal, only �he small children wi�hin the block would r�ot b�; abl� �� us� the area, MOTI��1 by Cauncilman Utter to table the discussion on the proposed �.and a�qt�i��tion in �he Vie�'s Addition. Seconded by Councilman &�arw�lt. Ma�yr�x L�eb1 said he would like some member of the Parks Commissian to app�ar az tl�s next C4uncil meeting and state why they do not th.�.z�l� �h�.s �.s a p�ioxity area, UPQN A VQI�� 'VOTE� a11 voting aye, Mayox Liel�l declared the motion earr��s� unar�im�usly r T�� �.�t�.ng ���y Manager, MrA James Hill, said he was told that the �i�a��Q� ca� �'arles and Recreati�on �rauld be present at the m�eting� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAGE 10 ' ADDTTIONA� DISCUSSION IN REGI,RD TO APPROVAI, OF TANK TO BB CONSTRUCTED BY R LQ R C MFANY: The ��ty Engineer said there was an additional item to be discussed �oncerning the construction by Bar•ry Blower. �le sai� they had requested appxoval of the �pnstruction of a storage tank in frontof the building. He said as thzs is not a normal situation, he thought: the Council should take some artion on the request, Th� City �ngin�ex said the tank wauld have to be 50 feet fxom any buildin� �nd the a�plicant planned heavy berming from the street sids, Couneilman Breider said he was concerned over approving the ins�allatian oi a�other big tank. He asked how large the berming area would be. Th� �ity E��ineer said it would be a 30 foot area and the berm would be e��ht f��t. ' ' C! , ' ' MO�ION by CQUnc��man Nee to approve the request mad� by Barry �lower ta install a storag� tank. Seeonded by Couneilman Utt�r. uppn a voic� voto� a�l voting aye, Mayor Liebl �eclared th� motion caxxied unanimously.� SOLUT�ON ��79-1973 - aPPROVING CHAPTER 594, MINNESOTA LAWS OF 1973, A,�ROVAL OF CHANGES IN THE FRIDLEY FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT PLAN AND ADOPTING ' AMENDMENT3 TO RELIEF ASSOCIATION BYLAWS (TABLED JUNE 18, 1973): -._...__...� M�yor I,i�bl sa�.d the necessary information is listed in the agenda. ' Councilman Br�ider asked if there was enough money 1n the fund? The Finsnce Director said Che emc,unt needed is less than was origirkally estimated for this use, Mr. Robert Hughe�, Fi.re Chief, said he concurred with the recommendation and the memhers of the �'ire ' Da�ar�ment had approved iC also. MQ'�ION by Gouncilman Breider to adopt Resolution �k79-1973, adopting amendments to Relief , A�epciaCi.on �ylaws, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye! Mayot' T.iebl declared the motion carried unanimously, Th� Financ� pireGtor said the Counci.l should take separate action on the change in bylaw8, MQTTQN by GounG�lman Breidez to appxave the change in the bylaws as submitted to Ch� Coun�1. SeaOnded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed kh moCior� c�rxied unanimously. , � Counc�lmaa Utt�x eaid a few comoauniti,es had oppoaed the proposed dues increase at the rec�t ant�ual me�e+�in� of the j,,eague. He said the greater majority overruled those opposition, H� sa�Cd iC w�s ths people �rom ths small communities that were opposed to the increase�. Hs �ai.d tho�+� who opposed could nat find anything bad abouk the League. He sai,d th�a CiCy a� Fx'i.dlay A��Q�'��y a�Q many others on the staf£ eontact the League frequently for adviGe ' Cc�un��.l.aaan �Ttter said he though� the Council ahould approve the proposed increase, iC �oould be a worthwhil.e investment. � ' ' REGUTAR CQUNCII. MEE�TNG OF JULY �, 1973 PAG� 11 ' , ' ' ' ' ' , M�ypr �,�,�bl. said �t the annual me�ting in Alexandria, he had learned a great deal. He 9aid he t���.�.�v�d it �saential that the �ity maintain its membership in the Minnesota �a�ue q� �Iunicipalities. H� said he would encourage the o'ther elecked �fficf,als �L�t the �i�� to attend th� annua�l, meeting next year. Mayo'� I,ieb� said the membership in the League would be saving each citizen of Fridley money. �'iayQr T.ibel exp�.ained how the dues increase had to come about after the Un4;versity af Mf.nnesota had dropped out of the League. He said the League had been forced to go tp a�e1� &uppQrting dues structure. Mayor Liebl said he hoped th� neatt year, more �ould a��eAd the annual meeting. Councilman Litte� said he hoped more of the City staff could attend the annual meeting the n�xt ys�r* �ie said he would urge Che Council to cantiaue the membexship. He said one persvn fax �a�h department including the City Manager and the City Engineer st�ould at�end zhe t�eet�,ng, H� said he also hoped the Director of Parks and Recreation could be in att�ndan��. MOTI�JN by CQUn�ilman Breider to approve the membership in the Minnesota League of Mun,ieipali.ties �or 1�74 and that the amount be budgeted for this purpose. Seconded t�y �puACi�man ilCter. UPQN A VQIC� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motioa carried unanimously. CE�„IVIN6 PROGRES3 REPORT ON NEW FRIDLEY LIQUOR STORE: Mayo� T���bl. a�ked i� there is any language in the conzract which would hold Che ' contxac�o� xesponeible for a�ompletfon date. The C�ty Attorney said theace is laaguage �or l.iquidated dama$ea, He added, the Council cauld authorize a claim be assexted, ' I�a�►or T,iebl �a�.d before the overall plan of the Municipal Liquor Stor� was approv�d, th�+x'e was con,�ern expressed about tliis paint and the Gauncil went along with �he Liquor Sto�e �taaa�er. C�aunci.lmaa Utter agreed. � MapQX T,iebl said he would like the new store to open by the 15th of J�ly, MQT�QN by �c�unaf].maa� Breider to receiv� the repor� Qn the �rogres$ vf the Liquor Store. ' 8ecaad�+d by Couneilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Liebl declared �h� taaCi�aa caxacied unanimousiy. � 18, 1973); FOR 7TH � CA��c#.1man �reider said this is in his Ward. He eaid he would like some �xamples F�tae�� th��e �.ines have been follawed in other instances. He said he would li�Ce to know Ept�a��icAl1X whe�'e this policy has been followed, � , i � �he Finan�e Dirsctar said he could point this out on the map. Cpu�tl��.iman Bra�dsr said he wauld like a statement fro� the City Attorney on whether o� no� �he Cauncil could deviate from the established palicy in side�ard asseasmene. R�GUTAR COUNCIL MEE�ING OF JtJLY 2, 1973 PAGE 12 ' ' MU'TIQN by �o�ncilman Brei.der to table the matter until the information from the City A't�or- n�y and �he C�.ty Finance Airector is obtained. Seconded by Councilman UCter, Upon ' a vpic� voCe, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FIi�ST READTNG OF AMENDED BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1973 � AMENDING ORDINANCE , 521: MA'�IOPT by Councilman $reider to waive the reading of the o�-dinance and adopt the fixat read�,l�g a� th� o�dinanc� to gmend the Budge� Ordinance for the Fiacal year 1973, , .Seconded by CAUncilman ��ter. Upod a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayrr Liebl decl$rec� tha matioa aarried unanitnou�l.y, }�,C���j�,�,NC� �,�,,,MIyN11TE3 OF THE PLANNING C01�4fIS3I0N MEETING OF JUN� 20�1973: � � �+IELLING A'R�AS Tq R-3 iGENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS) LOTS 3�10-14-20. BLOCK �ND �.OTS 3-7,� 19-24,� BLOCK 19, ALL IN FRIDLEY PARK ADDITION, TO ALLOW CONSTRIICT�,ON �F A b4 j,TNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX: Th� City Engineer said the Planning Commisaion had recoaunended the request br den�ed, , ' , MQTIpN by Cauncilman Nee to concur with the recommendation o� the Planni.ng Commission ' and deny the requesC for rezoning by Michael Seledic, Jr. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. UpQ� a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VAG1tTTON RE UEST SAV ��73-09 MICHAEL SELEDIC JR.: VACATE 61ST WAY BETWEEN EAST , RIVER ROAD AND BURLINGTON NORTHERN PROPERTY: VACATE ALLEY BEWTEEN LOTS -L�AND—IS-20, BI,OCK 20; VACATE 61 WAY BEWTEEN LOTS 19-23, BLOCK ;9, AND LOTS 3-7, BLOCK , ' V��A'1� ALLS'Y HEZWEEN LOTS 3-7 AND 20-24, BLOCK 19, ALL IN FRIDLEY PARK� ADDITION, �Q A�L()W CONSTRUCTION OF AN APARTMENT CQ"M�LEX : i MOTION b� Counci.lman Breidex to concur with the planning Commission and deny the vaca�ion request by Mict�ael Sel�dic, Jr. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a Voice vote, a11 voitng aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FINAL PIAN APPROVAL: WALL CORPORATION; THE AREAS GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 5TH STREET AND 7TH STREET N. E. FROM MISSISSIPPI STREET TO 63RD AVENUE N. E.: The City Engineer said this should be the preliminary plan and the Council could approve the prelimi.nary plan with the nine stipulations on page 2-H of ths agenda as x'�co�nded by the Planning Cocrnnission. Mayox T,i�bl aaid he was concerned ahout point num,ber nine, The City Engineer said Che Mod�l Asaoc�.ation wauld hav� [o be reviewed before they are so1d. Mayor I,iebl said he believed po�.nt number aix, (brick being used on the exteriar of the c�amp�ex) wQUld up grade th� project. � , , LJ ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recpmmendations af the Planning Commission' and apprQVe th� �areliminary plan by the Wall Cvxporation with th� nine atipulations r�commended by the Planning �ommiasion. �econded by Councilman Starwalt. Up�n a vo�.ee vot�, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moiton carried unanimously. � ' ' R�GUTAR CQUNCIL ME�TING OF ,JULY 2, 1.973 PAGE 13 � }t�F„QI�EST FOR SP°ECIAT, iISE £ERMIT� SP 4k73-05, BY KE�TH S. SW�:NSON AND DENNIS D. ' ,�A„�KT�AHTI (TEXACO SERVICE STATTON) : TO CO�IITINUE A SERVICE STATION AND PERMTT � ADDITION OF RENTAL OF LOCAL AND ONE-WAY TRUCik AND TRAILERS AS PER CITX CODE SECTION 45 101 ' Mayor �.�.ebl said the Planning Commission had recommended the approval of the special �tae permit with six stipulations. He read tRe stipulations aloud. ' ' ' ' �I � ' Cpt,t�ciltnan $��i.der said he was concerned if other people woul.d receive thQ same con- s�.dera�i.c�n and approval for such a permit. He added, if other people want this type pf serv�,ce they should also be approved. He said he thought the Council was setting a �ar�cid�nt . MOTTON by Gouncilman Breider to approve the special use permit as requested by Keith S. Swe[�son and Dennis D. Sarkilahti witti the six stipulations as recommended by the P1$nning C a�mi�sion, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayox I,iebl said he questioned the number of such rentals needed in Fridley. He said he Wou1.d not want to iesue a permit for every service station in Fridley, iie said. �hi� would npt be in the best interest of the environment, The CizY At�orney said each applicant would have to proceed in the same onannex and go thr�ugh the prpper app�ication process. He said each case would be judged on the si�� �nd serviee of the station. He said each application would be taken �are of aceo�'di�ng ta �.ts cawn merits, UPQN A VQICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebide cl ared the motian carried unanicnpus�y. ' CONSTDERATION OF A REZONING RE,(,�UEST, 20A ��73-07, COLtJ�IBIA METAL FABRICATION, INC, i; REZONE LOTS 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION ��39, EXC�P'� TIiE WESTERLY HI�LF, FROM R^1 (3ING�.�E FAMILY DWELZING AREAS) STO M-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL'AREAS), TO RELOCATE: � � ' , , �I ' ��� '�he Cit� Engineer aaid the k'lanning �ommiesion had recocnmended the rezoning requeat b� denied. He asked ii khere was anyone presenX from the firm? There was no retspana�. 1�C�1'�'IpN b� Councilman Nee to cQncur with the recotcunendations of the Planning Gommiesion and d�ny �he �equest for xezo�iing by Columbia Metal Fabrication, Inc. Seconded by �QU��ila�an Skarwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl decl8red th� tao��or4 carried unanimously. MpT�pN by Councilman Tltter to r�:ceive the minutes of the Planning Co�nisaion mepting �f Jun� 2Q� 197�. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upan a voice vote� al� vo�ing aye� P�a�►ar I,iebl decl�arsd the motion carried unanimously. MAT�O�T by Counailman Utter to receive petition number 8-1973. Seconded by Caun�ilman S�arwalt, Upon a vaiG� vote, all voting aye, M�yor Lieb1 declared tha mation �a,rried unaaimoue�.y, MQT�f�N by Councilman Utter to receive petition� n�unber 9-1973. Seconded b�► Couneilman 8�a�ctaa].�. tJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion �s��cried una�imou�e 1 y�t REGULAR COUNCIL ME$TING OF ,NLY 2, 1973 PAGE 14 , , It�C$��T,'�jG �HE MINUTES OF T1iE BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMhIITTEE MEETTNG AF ,JUNE 21 L 1973 • , � �(�;d���,���N 0,� A REQLTEST TQ CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION FOR MANUFACTURING AND WAREHOUSE PUR,�'USES �,OCAT�D ON I.OT 6, AUDITOR�S SUBDIVISION N0,77, THE SAME BEING 99 - 77TH WAY ' Nj, ,�,�,,,�„FRIDIEX , MITNESOTA (REQUEST BY BARRY BLOW�R 99 - 77TH WAX N. E. FRIDLEX L I�,NNESQTA 5�432) Th� City �ngine�r eaid he re,commended approval. He added� th� applicant haa gone , aloctg with the five stipulatione. MOT�T by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the rte aaraeadation� of rhe Building , Staadard$ A�aign Control Subcammittes and approve the request to conseruct an additian wixh th� fiv� stipulationa recommended by ths Subcoauai.ttee. Seconded by Cotutcilcnan Llt�er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian , caxried uaanimously. ,,��ONSTDER,,,�T,�,ON OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION FOR AADITIfX�1AL STORE RENTAL USE �,OCATED Qd LOT 19, BLOCK 2. SPRING VALLEY ADDITION. THE SAME BEING 1315 RICE CREEK � ERNST HAS ALREADY BEEN TO BUILDING STANDARDS FOR A 7-ELEVEN STORE LOACTED AT 'TI� �SAM� SITEs AT THAT TIME ONLY STIPUTATIONS FOR THE 7-ELEVEN STQRE WERE DECIDED ON; ' MO'.fION by Councilman Nee to eoncur with the Building Standards Design Contral Sub�omcni.tt�e and approve the request for the construction of an addition a� j,315 RiC� Cresk Road' by R.C,�, Corporation with the five stipulations of the Subcommittee. Seconded by Cauncilman IItter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' CONSIDERATI013 OF A REQUEST TO REMODEL TIiE NORTH STAR GAS STATION LOCA'TED ON LOT$ 1-5, , ,�LOC,� 7, j, BERLIN ADDITION , THE SAME BEING 4040 MARSHALL AVENUE . FRIDLEY . MINNESOTA. �REQUE,�� BY NORTH STAR OIL COMPANY, 4040 MARSHALL AVENUE, FRIDLEY i MINNESOTA); ' Mayor Li.�bl read the four stipulations recommended by the Subcoaunittee aloud to the CCll1RG 1 �. . �.t�IQ�i by Couneilman Nee to appxove Che request for the remodeling of the North Star , aa Station I,oca�ed at 4040 M,arehall Avenue, with the four stipulationa recommended ' by th� Building S�andarda Dea�.gn Contral Subcommittee. Seconded by Coun�ilman Utter. iJpon a vaiGe vate� al.l voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motioa carri.ed unanimau8ly. ' Counal.lwan $re�ider queation�d the uae af wood to cpves the chimn�ey block. Th� City Engi�eer said that fire blocks would allow the placement of thie t�pe of a�tex�,al o� tba outeide of the blocks. ' , r ' , rREGUiAR COUNCIL MEETING QF JULY 2, 1973 PAGE 15 ' CJ C� ' �J � �IO',TZQN by Cvunci.lman Utter Co approve Ch� request �or a build�n� permit as recommended by Cbe� �u�.1d�.n,� atandards Aeaign Control Subcommittes and with �heir recommended six e�ipula�ions and 9111Li��Ct to review of the final plana. Seconded by Councilman St�rwal�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �,ieb1 declared Che mation cafiried unanfmously. , k�Q''�ION b� Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Commiasion M�eeti.n� o� Jun� �1 , 1973. �econded by Couneilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all �o��.ng ayp, Mayax Li�bl d�alared the motion carried unanimously. �iF�EIV]�T� TH� MINUTES OF TE� BQARD OF APPEALS MEET7NG OF JUNE 26i, 1973: Tk�s Ci�y �ngineer said this item had been taken care of and received earliex in �h�; meeting. CON3TDERATIQN OF APPROVAL OF LEASE - GARDENA SCHQOL SITE AS TOT-LOT PLA.YGROUND: Th� City �ittoXney said he was to have prepared a lease for approval and was unable to cotnplete the task. The Airectar of Parks and Recreation directed the Council's attention to the lettexs , in the Counc�l agenda on Pages 5 through 5-5G and said Mr. Habel, Elementary Coordinator, i�tdica��ed that the City's proposal.was feasibl�e, He added, Mr. Habel, the City Managex and himself felt this to be a feasible agreement. ' � ' �� , ' ' ' ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the preliminary Lease Agreement. Seconded by Counci�man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared tt�e motican carx�ed unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER ��G-5 - NEW FRIDLEY LI(2UQR STORE: MQTION by Councilman Starwalt ta concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and approvs the Change Order to deduct $150 for the commission of the xeinfar�a.�g b�rs i�n �he �urbs. Seconded by Cauncilman Utter, Cqunc�.lman Utter questianed if the City should make the contractor take up the �urbing, at�d in�tall the bars without charge to the City. UE�1`1 A VQICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimou�ly. �ON3TDERATIQN OF REQUEST FOR 90 DAY EXTENSION OF BUILDING PERMITS ^ RICHARD N. MILLER: MQ��QN by Cauncilman Utter to grant the extensi,on of the building permiks on the bµi�.d�b].� sites� Seconded by Cauncilman Stax�walt, Upon a voice voCe, a11 voting �Xe� Mayar I,iebl declared the motion carried unaniu►ously. REGULAR COUN(;LL r�:$TING OF' .JULY 2, 1�73 I'.",GE 16 CONSID�R�ATION t) :1 `>U DE11' '.� '�,�SiU` �)1 s..JL.i)iNc I'I:RMITS - WL1Li, i;OPORf1TI0�v: The C1ty At t��rney said ti:� r� are �3 nu!ubCr ot c ownhouse permits and apartment permits i8sued �nd Chere may be a sewer prui�leiu with t rying l.� cc�nv�rt tt�e permits to all townhouSes• He said it is l�is ieeling the permits sho�,l�l be revised and issued fo� thB all town��ause �?t�vei�}�men[ .,nd ��n the same basis per per;nit. He said theze is � difPerenee in the iris;-tction ch;�i �es oL an apar.tmeitt anci �, t ownlic>>_ise in Che Gity. He Said he r_hc>ught chey st:ould make appl.ication i>>r new pe��i:ts. Coutt�cilman 6reidcr questioned tkie dixrer�:nce �.�i SA� cf�arges th��t ttiis action may �r�ate. He questioned if ChiS could be done. ' ' ' �i ��� ' The CiCy Attorney said the permits were issueci with the ce?nsid��ration that the constXuc- ' tion would be dorie in a proper and re��oE�able time. He said he f�iad som� question i� Ct11s would be proper with the Metro Sew�r Board. Councilman Breider'said if this brought them to a higher lt:vei, he did not think theXe , would be any quali:is about it. MO�ION by Councilman Utter ta approve tt�c extension of the building permits for the , W��.1 Corpoxati,on. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. llpon a vui.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor LiebJ, declared the motion carried unanimously. N RE RDING BACK YARD DItAINAGE PROBLEM IN Tl-� BEN.!AMIN STREE'T/60TH AVENLTE AREA:' ATSCUSSZO GA M�TION by Councilman Nee tc� rece.ive the communicatioi� from llr. ltobert L. Erickson, 5950 8enjamin St., dated .Tune 29, 1.973. Seconded by Councilm��n ;;tarwalt. Upon a vaice vo�e, all vocing aye, !`iayor Liehl declared thE� ul�ti0�1 carriec-1 u11aA1r110US1.y. The City Engineer said there are two routes thaC could be taken, but he felt Gouncilman SCarwalt Gould get the feeling of the area peuple and con�ider ii a put,lic hearing on the mattex is necessary at this time. He said he had not. E�lanned to complete the syatem for awhile. Councilman Lltter rc:ferred to the meeting of a year ago and asked why this had not been Caken care qf at rhis time. Councilman Breider said the street is draining on the property. Councilman Utter asked if Benjamin Street was built up more when the street was installed? The �ity Engineer said this was the only pratical solution. He added, the people are no� ready ta develop their back lots. He said this would destr�.�y the iiature and beauty of ths area at this time. I� � � ' ' ' ' �ouncilman SCarwalt said the property owner had purchased the property without knowledge of wbaC wau].d happenwhen there was a rain. He saYd he did noc know he would have two � or three feet of water in the low area. He questioned if the problem could be taken cax� Af �� this kime. The City Engineer said the installation would have to go through the hi'�� and �tte area people are not ready to go in and tear up the area unt�.l i� ia � d�vel.oped, Ccauncilman Starwalt said there are two people in the area who have mon�y escrawed. Hs said he had visited the site that morning and there was no waCer in Che sre�, iie added, it soaks in rapidly. He said he felt there would be soA'le pxOblBms �.n th� futur� in that area, � CounGi,lman Starwa�t� ���d t�� ����� nvt favo� � publi,c hea���g on the matter at thi� time, ' ��iU�iR Cpi,1�ICIL MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAG� 17 MQT�pN by Coun�#,1man SCarwalG that there is no actian needed oCher than recsive the l�t��x'� at �his C�.tne. Seconded by Gounila�an Utter. Upon a v�ice vote, a1� yot�,ng ay�� �yo�; �,�ebl declared the motion carried unanimously. �TCUSSI�V REGARDING ACQUISITION OF AN E[�SEMENT FOR PROVIDING AN OUTLET TNTO THE AREA NORTH OF RIC� CREEK ROAD: "--�_,�—�.._„ ._�,. �hs �i�y �ngineer said he thought the City should acquire an easement for th� Stpxm 9etwex �aufilet in Ch� ar�a, The Gfty Engineer said the property owner has tried Co sal.l �h,e prap�rty Co developers and the sale has fallen through. He said there is sQa� f�vodi.n� pf khe area. He said the people of the area have been calling and �e�quee��,ng �omething b� done about it. The Ci�� En$ineer said the City is at the point where they should go out and ge[ the Ai� a appr�i��d. kIe suggested making two appraisals of the area for the aequisi�ion pf the area fQr a drainage easemenx. M�yc�i' �.�t�bl r+�ad from the Council Meeting minutes of �'ebruary 28, 1972, where it is stated by mo�ion that the Ci�� Engineer should acquire easements for the drainage o£ �he ar�a, The Ci��r Engine�r said all th� �ouncil would be authorizin$ ia thae the appraisals �car �he� ac�uisitian Qf the easement could be made. Mayo� Li.�bl �ugge�ted that �,acal appraisors be employsd. MQTION by Cauncilman Utter to authorize two appraisals� of the atea for a ponding �asemen�. Seaonded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vate, a11. voting aye, Mayor T��.ebl, deciared th� motion ca�ried unanimously. Th�a Citp Engineer said thi$ would be a part of the tQtal d�velopment of the Storm Se�►er de�ve�.opment of th� area. UPON �, VOIC� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motioa carried wnanimouslp. �OPTSID�RATION OF A JOINT PqWERS AGREEMENT FQR DATA PRQCESSING SLIQUOR SAZES ANA I�'Nj/ENTORY SYSTEM) BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND THE CITY OF ANOKA: �. �tE9Qi�UTT0�1 ��8Q-1973 - AUTHORIZLNG THE SIGNING OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR DATA � 9.'RQCESSIN6 �I.IQUOR STORE AND INVENTQRY SYSTEM) : ` MQTION by Couneilman Breider to authorize the administration to negotiate a joint � power$ agreement of Aata �rocessing and also to adopt Resolution �k80-1973. Seconde� ,, by Counailman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al voting aye� Mayor Liebl declared the motion ca�ried unanimously. r-- L� ' �J REGUTAR COUNCII, MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 Pac� �a � , RESOT�,jIT�',,ON �81-1973 �- AUTHOR?ZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPEC7AL ASSES3MENT3 QN„j,�(�1', 2,�, BLOCK 4, PARCEL 1800, COMMERCE PARK ADDITION: ' MC1'��pI� by Gouncilman Nee to adopt Resolution ��'81-1973 authoriziag and direcCing the epllCting p� specia], assessments on Lot 2, Block 4, Parcel 1$00, Coa�erce Park � Additi.on. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay�, Mayor Liebl de�lared the motion carried unanimously. �SOJ�I,,IT,�,ON �6$2-1973 � APPROVING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PI.AN FOR THE CITY UF FR�DI.�Xt� MOTIQN by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution �k82-1973, appraving th� Cat�preheasive Laad Uee Plan for the City of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman uttex. LTpon a voice Yote� all vo�i.ng aye, Mayor Liebl dealared the motion carried unanimous�.y. '�E,SO�.UTIQN �k$3-1973 - AUTHORIZING NO PARKING SIGNS ON STARLITE BOULEVARD FROM 61ST AVENUE TO SY�YAN IANE, � ' CounGilman arei.der asked what had brought up thia action? The City Engineer said � th�ls i.s a State Aid roadway, He said the normal State Aid Standard would add to the width o� the rvad. He said his recommendation would be to approve the installation o� th� na parking sign and it be in;talled if there is need �or it. Mayor Liebl said they would not want the road to become a race track. Councilman Br�i,de` said he agrsed• The City Engineer said the road would be only 36' wide with no paxking signg on on� side. MOTION b Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #83-1973 suthorizing no parking si ne � Y & on� St�rJ.ite Boulevard from 61st Avenue to Sylvan Lane. Seconded by �ouncilman Utter. Upon a voi�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the m�tion carried unanimously. ' CONSIDERATI�N OF CHANGE ORDER #2 PROJECT #111 FOR HYDRO ENGINE�RING� ,.' HE REFATR 0 P �OR W LL 3: The City En�ineex said this could not be determined until the pump had been tak�n caut. He said the original amount in the cantract had been $8,00�. He added, the additional work would be approximately $4,OOQ. MOT�QN by �ouncilman U�ter to approve Change Order #2, Project, #111, far Hydro �ngineering, Inc, for repair of pump far Well #,3. Seconded by �ouncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Liebl declared xhe motion carried unanimously. REQUEST TO INVITE ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS TO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 9� ��73. D S SS HE STATU OF THE COUNTY PARK PROG . MOTTON by Councilman Breider to apprave the invitation of the Anaka Cour��y Officials to the July 9, 1973 Council Meeting. Seconded by Coun�i.lman Utter. Upczn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1. d���ared th� motion carried unanimously. ' ' , ' ' ' , LJ � � REGU�AR COUNCIL MEI;TING OF JU�Y 2, 19i� PAGE 19 ' AP�O�NTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEB: ' Name � � �� Posit:on SalarY Re�laees JameS Saefke Operations �i $805 New �7A 67th Ave. N.f:. mairitenance per Fxidley, MN man, water r�►onth section, Eng. � Public Works Department Jan�.c� Sunberg ' A�023 1�ake Dr. RQbbir�sdal� � MN , 1 � � ' � , � ' �� ' Clerk-Typist �450 Elinor Civil Defense- per Thoennes Fire Dept, month Effective Date Ju�y 3, 1973 Jt;t1y 3� 19 i 3 MOTTCIN by Councilman Utter to approve the appointments of Janis Suri- b�rg, �lexk �ypist in the Fire Aepartment and also James Sae�ke, Q�erations and Maintenance Man, Water Section, Engineering and Public Works Department. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all votirtg aye, Mayor 1.iebl declared the motion carried unanimausly. RECEIVING RESIGNATION OF MRS. BONNIE 0'DELL, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSI�N: MQ'�TQN by Councilman Breider to receive the resignation of Bonnie Q'Del�. �r�m the Human Relations Commission. Seconded by Councilman Utt�r, U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 deelared th.e motiQn carxied unanrnously. Mayor Li.ebl said he would make a recommendation to the Commissi.4n th� fQ1loWing Gouncil meeting. RECBIVING PET�TION #7-1973 RE T AND �— M(�T�ON by �ouncilman Br�ider to receive �.he petition #7-1973, xequest�3.ng xeduction in speed limit and traffic flow on Fairmont Street l�etween East Rivex Road and Mississippi Rzver. Seconded by Cc�unc�il�an Uttex. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dsCiax�d the motion carried unanimously. Mayor L�.�bl. referred to the recommendations of the City Engineer. MOTTON by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendat�ions of the Pngin�erin� Report to not request an investigation fxom the state. SecQnded by Cauncilman Nee. �Counc�.lman Nee asked if it would be possible for the Engineexing Depaxtme�t to wxite a letter stati.ng the posi,ti.on o� the City and �a1.sc� ths xe�ulations concerning t�iis according to the Stata S�ka'�ute�, �ouncilman ilee said he �rauld like some sort of form 1�ttar sQ in other cases such as this it could be sent. The City �n�in���' �a�d this could be done. � r � REGULAR GOUNCIL MEF.TING OF JULY Z; 1973 P:�GE 20 , ---- _ CLAIMS; , G�NE�tAi, 23399 - 32485 ' LIQUOR 7906 7945 MOTION lay Councilman Brei.der to approve the claifns. Seconded by Council- ' man Uttax. U�an a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian carried unanimously. ' i,IC�NSES ; ' BLACKTOPFING APPROVEp $Y Fair£ax Aspha�t ' Sp�O Centaral Ave. N,�. ' Minneapal.is, MN By: John Pfaff C. Belisle R�NEWAL � MASONRY D. L. Jacksc�n Concrete Construction Inc. ' 1.44Q - BSth Ave. N.E. Minneapc►13.�, MN By: Duane Jackson C. Belisle NEW Mikadonald Cement Company � �830 - 7�h �treet N.E. M�.nneapol�.s, MN By: Donald Siegel C. $elisle NE�' � GENERAL CONTRACTOR Antler �Qr�Qra��.on ' 2954 R�cs Street St. Pau�, M�.nnesota C. Belisl.e RENEWAL Rog�x E. Bxenny F� Sons � RauxQ �43 Pol�y, Minnesota By: Roger E. Brenny C. Belisle RENEWAL ' iNalter Maciaszek 2727 Ri.�e Cxeek Terxace New Arighton, MN By: Walter Maciaszak C. Belisle RENEWAL ' . C. R�ab�rtson �nc. t 8a4 • 134tk� Ave. N.E. � �m 1�ak�, MN �y: John Robertson C. Belisle NEW ik e Sons Inc, ' �� Earl W� 1 � , � 251a � 24�h Ave. So. i Mj.nnea Qli�, MN B�: Earl Weikle� C, Belisle RENEWAI� P W�ste�rt I�emodelers ' 2529 N�collet Avenue Mi:nn�apo�.3.s, M�I By: S. Goldman C. Belisle N�W ' , R�GU�AR GQUNCI� MEETTNG QF JU�Y 2, 1973 L�C�NSES �Q�'T): HEATING Assoc�atad Plumbing Inc. 1�Sb2 Nighway 6S N.E. Anoka, MN �ormost Ssrvices Inc. 7�23 Nico���t Ave. So, �'lac�m�r��ton, P�iN �u�LZC D�rrc� St, W�l.��.ams Church 6i20 - 5th St, Fxidley By: Lloyd Clark PAGE 21 APPROVEA BY C. Belisle NEW By: DeWayne Mullin C. Belis�e NEW By: Rev. Richard pub. Safety Dix, fe� Podvin waived �UBI�IC DRINKING PLACE Glub 47 6Q61 Univexsity Ave. ��'idley By: Robert Syder Pub. Safety Air. 100.�0 O�F SALE �EER Stav`s Superette 64$3 Univ�rs�ty Ave. 6�19 Hwy, 65 15.00 �ra.el].ey By: Robert Stavanau Pub. Sa�ety Dix. 1�.QQ �QQD � aTAB�, � SHNIENT Stav's Sup�xe�Gte 6a8a Ur��.v�rsity Ave. �i319 Hwy. �� 25.UQ �ra.dlay By: Robert Sta�ranau Comm. Dev, .Adm. 2S,QQ PU�I.IC ARINKING PLACE ��ir�s�.d� Riee Bow� s '74�4Q ��ntral Ave . � Prid].ey By: Glenn Wang Pub. Safety Dix. l.�bQ,OQ MQT�ON by Counci.lman Utter to approve the licenses. Seconded by C4unci].- man Nee, U�ian a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared �he motion �arr�ed unanlmously. R�GUI�AR COUNCI I, MEET ING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAGE 22 , AFPROVAL OF APPLTCATION FOR ��UBLTr_, DANCE IN CONJi1NCT1oN WITH ANNUAL P NI T LOCKE PARK - LOCAL U. A. W.: Maycrac I,iebl said it would be in order to receive the application and gran� the lic+ense. Couz�ci�.man Utter asked if other people come to City Hall and apply for licenSes su�h as this. The Parks and Recreation Dire��or said others fa�l the picn�c permit is sufficient. He added, this �.s just what athers do butt thi.� group has been honest and applied for the permit. He said th�s would be the same scale. Counci�man Utter asked if the parking lat is roped off, would i� inter- for with the public use af the park by others? He asked if there would be ample parking space in the lot. The Director of Paxks and Recreation said th�re is space enought t� park 200 cars in the lot. He add�d, there is ample parking spaGe. Counc�lman Starwalt asked if th� dance would be open ta the �aubl�c? Tha Air�ctox of Paxks and Recreation said this is why he had �haught thi� matter sh4uld came before the Council. He added, this i5 only the second request of this type received. Mr. Brown said the g�nt,�em�n � was �b�ing above UOard about the reQuest. MOTION by Gauneilman Utter to approve the license for the dance �n the parking ].pt at Locke Park as rec�uested by the U. A. W., Local 683, waiving the fees and providing the group employ a police officex for the duration of the dance. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. AgFR�VAL OF AUCTTON PERMIT - MICHAEL SERVETUS UNITARIAN SOCIETY: � �,' � � � � � ' � � � MOTIQN by �ouncilman Breider to approve the auction pexmi.t as rec{usst�d by Mich�e� Servetus Uni.tarian Church and that the fee be waived. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice yote, all voting aye�, Mayor Liebl decl�red the mation carried unanimously. � DISCUSSION ON SALES VEHICLE OPERATING ON STREEi'S IN FRIDLEY: Goun�ilman Utter said he had been made awaxe of a sale� vehicle vending r a11 oVex the City of Fxidley, The Public Safety Directar and ,Acting City l�anager said he had �al�CSd ta the gentlemar� two weeks a$o and had told him the Gity had an oxdin�nce which prahib�.ts such vending. Mr. Ha.11 said the vendor had stopped direGtly in �ront of his home. The City� At�oxney said the vendor called him on the telephone and had st�ted he had a State license �a Q�erate t�e vending vehicle. He also t�'a,� �t�ld 6y� ��ie vendQr that �ie did not need a City license, Tfie City At�.ox��y� �a�d he fiad received some corresponde�ce from the gentlema� tha� day�, bu� had not had a chance to review it, � � � , ' , R�GU�AR C4UNCIL M�ETING OF JULY 2, 1973 ' ' ' PAG� 23 �AUn�i�ma� N�e questioned whether thxs man could be al�owed ta come �nta th� �ity �s h� �s wh�n ather are prohibited. The �ity Att�rn�y sa�d the State had taken a position on such d�aling� a�d i� has been determined if the vendor has a license from the Stat� Board o�' Hsa�.th, they may not need a k'ridley Lic�nse. He added, this �s wha� h� thinks the vendor is txying to tell him. He said h� wou�d make th� �auncil aware o� any infcarma�ion that h� oi�tains. ' �STIMATES: ' ' �x�a��r � Associatss, Inc. 6aA0 Flyi�n,� C�.oud Dr�.ve �den Prair��, Minn�$ata 55343 Ga1� Cours� and Nature Center Fe�si.bility Study a� c�� ,�ur�a 10, 1973 D�,splay Fixtux�sa Tnc, � 1966 ��nson Av�. ��. Paul, Minnesota 55116 � I � 7��_p�yment on work done to date an Fri.dley I.iquor S�ore. Estimate dated June 27, 1973 Keyway ��ilders, � Z S� I�ighway S S Ham�l, Minnesota �nc. 5534Q � PAR'TTAL �stimate #5 - Fridley Liquor Store from May 1, 1973 to .Tune 23, 1973 $ 500.00 14,296.91 14,972.34 , i�QTI(�N by Councilman Nee to approve the estimates. Seeonded by �oun��,lman U�t�r, Upon a vo�ce vote, all vQting aye, �Ia�ar I.isbl de��ax�d the motior� car�i�d unanimously. i ' � �J APFRf�VAL QF MEMB�RSHIP DUES - METROPOLITAN LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES R I I G RE RT TO MEM ERSHIF': MayQr Li.ebi said the City ot !�riclley could not afford to be without t�e memlaexship of the Minnesota I.eague ot i�unicipalities. � ; �'ounc�l.m�n Utter said he was impressed with the open spa�e and park program. He said there would be an increase o£ dues aver the l.ast yaar, Mayor La.eb1 said the League would be loosing th� facilities Q� th� University af Minnesota. He said they wc►uld supply the Ci.ty wi:th. many ��rvices and important information. � �(�TI01� by Councilman Utter to retain the City of Fridl�y's membership , with the Minnesota League of Municipalities and receive the report and mem,bexship. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a�,l vot.�r�$ aye, Mayor L�.eb2 declared the motion carried unanimausly, , � REGUI.AR COUNCIL Mi:E'I'INi� 01= JULY� �, 1:� %� PAGE 24 ,qFPROVAI� OF PARTICIPATION [ti LEAGUE LA}3(1R RELA�CIONS CONSULTING SERVICE s The Finance Uirectvr said t.his would he an aid in mediation and fact finding, Mayor Liebl ask�d what was the approximate cost far these services pxeviouslv. The Finance Director said they were comparable. Mayflr l..iebl said he had been advi.sed at the annual meeting of the I,eague that i,t is very important that no pei•son interfer with the negotiatian� o£ any employees. tle said thei�e ha�� i,een examples given where pub��c o�ficials had interferY•ed in other cities and a great deal af problems w�re caused. H� sai.d the members of tlie Council should remembex to stay c�ur of th� matter until it is settled. MOTION by Councilman Utter ta a�prove t,he partieipation in th� I.�eagu� Labor Relat�ons �Qnsulting Service, Seconded by Councilman Nee, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �fayor i.iebl deGlared the mation carri�d unanimously, COMMUNICATIONS: , ' '� � r-, � ' � i PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - LANDSCA�ING: � MOTIQN by Councilman Utter to receive the communications from Paxk Construc�.ion Company concerning the landscaping of theix new facili.ty ' at 79QQ Beech Street N.E., dated June 20, 1973, Seconded by Cauncilman Starwalt. Cpun�ilman Breider said he had seen the area and hoped the tank be bQrmed. He said he wished the tank had been placed in the back of the bui,�.di.�g. The City Engineer said extensive berming and landscaping of the ar�a is planned. UPQN A VQ�G� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimc�usly. WYMAN SMITH: SUPREME COURT APPEAL - FRIDLEY VERSUS SPRING LAKE RARK: MOTI�� by CQUncilman Starwalt ta receive the cammunication £ram Wyman Smith regarding the Supreme Court Appeal, City of Fridlsy vs. Sprin& Lak� �ark, dated June 2, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon�a voi�� vo�e, ala voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxied unaz��.mou� �.y , CounGilm�n I�ee asked if it would be possible to prepare legislation for th� next session to put in legislation to hold them responsible. '�he City Attoxney said the �.aw is old fashioned, and this wQUld be the anly way tc� get legislation. He said he did not feel the laws were su££icient, He said this may be an area where the Metro League could be invo���d. � � , � � u ' Cpun.ca�7.�nan Nee asked the City Attorney how much hi5 fee would bes �.a pxe- par� st�G� a pxoposal? The City A�torney said he should use the establis�h4 xa�e. Counc�;lman Nee said he did not believe this to be a narmal law a�.d �t� had always been the case . , �, � � I � � RBGi�J�AA COUNCIL MEETING OF JUi�Y �, 1973 PAGE 25 J ' , L1 � ll l_� � � ' The �i.��' A�t4rney said he would prepare such a proposal for the ��uncil's reva.ew. Couz���lman Breider said he believed there is a communicatian problem in the� Metro area. MayQx Liebl asked who wauld sponsor such a bill? Councilman Nee sai.d if the City puts �th� proposal together, the P.C.A, or any numbex of p�r�oz�s ox or�anizations could sponsor it, He said someone would hav� �o think the �raposal through. Ma�yor I.�.�bl. said it would be oppased by Spring Lake Park. The Ci.ty Attorney said if the proposal is properly written,, it would nvt b� opposed. GHARTER CQMMISSIQN: REQUEST FQR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ON CHARTER. Mayax T.i�bl said he b�lieved the Charter should be worded in such a way �hat th� people get proper representation from the elec�ed o£fa.c�.als, He said it would no� be changed to enable the Ca.ty Man���x tQ become a dietatar, �ounGa.lman Utter said the �lected officials shpuld stay ou� of the administ�ration and concentrate on the legislative activities o� the Ga.ty. Ho said the members of the Council should communicate with �he City Manager for various requests and he will take care Qf the r�c�uest. �e added, the Council and Mayor should not tell any other persons in �he administration what to do. �ounc�lman Breider said one of the prqposals of the Chartex Commissi,oa wQu1d b� that any elected official that ir�tends to rur� for election fox a hi.gher Office should resign his present position at the t�me af fil�,n�. . � CounGil.man Utter said if this is appraved, a member af the Council would hav� ta resign befare running fpr �ay9r. Councilman Breider s�i,d h� did not believe this was intended, h.e thcaught it meant if � m�mbex of the Council should run fQr State office� he should resign ' £ro� th+� �auncil. Councilman Uttex said a Senator is a�.lowed to run for Fxe�ident without resigning. Councilman Breider said he thou$ht this would apply if a Di.strict or State post was being saught , by the Council member. He said there would be very little t,ime for t�he �ity duties during this time. ' Mayor Li.eb1 said he thought if a man wants to run for another of�ice, thi.s wc�uld be fine, he could resign if he is elected. Councilman Ut�ex agreed, saying what if the man looses the election and has xesign�d his elected post? Councilman Breider said hs thought they ' �hould think of anather i.nteresting position, �that i� the person �ra� x�znn�.ng �or the same post? �� i� J �� � REGU��R GQUNCIL ME�TING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAGE 26 M�yax Li�b� said hs thought the Commission s u1d consi er mak�ng �he �lected of�icials responsible to tha ele tora�. e�said the Cornmission had besn set up� for the review of the Ghar x and is �ervi�� th�s purpose. M�yor Liebl continued, if any ember f th� Cauncil has any proposal or suggestians fox the Charter, e ould be forwarded t0 the CammiS�ion. � Mayax L�eb� said he did not believe a person shauld be £orced to r�sign � po��tian becaus� he is runnin� for another affice. He sa�d he �hough� this would �1leviate the competition. He said he did not care if any of �he members of the Council wanted to xun against him and wexe sti11 s�at�d on the Council. GQUncilman Utter said this was brought up as an exampl�, and he could not sse this prpposal when it applied to the mEmb�xs o� the �ouncil and Mayor. Mayox �i�bl asked the members of the Council what they thought the �ob as Mayor would be worth? He questioned if the salary for such a pas�- tion wou�d �v�r camp�nsate £or th� time involved�. �Ie said he earns every twenty five cents an houx he makes. He added, there are many very compe�ent people in Fridley that would not serve on the Council becaus� they think they would not get anything out of it. �oun�ilman �reider said he did notthink the City could pay an in�ividual enou�h tv serve on the Council. He said the person would hav� to want to sexve �n the public office. He said there would be so many ways t4 make mpre money in the same amount o� time. Councilman Breider Said xhe pxesent wording in �he Charter is to the effect that the e�ected officials be allowed reasonable campensation far their time. Mayor Li�b� said the Council could set the pay for the next year in advance and $tat� that it would stay the same for a set numbex of years, H� sai� th�s way the man running for office would know what he is ge�ting. Councilman Breidex said this would restrict the future Coun�il�. He said the factor of inflation would have to be considered, H� said th� man on the Council in the future would end up in warse shaps than what tha Cauncil is at the present time. ,' Mayor �iebl Said he would like to see better relations betw�en the staf� ' and �he City Manager. He said in some cases, it takes a centur� to ge� �omething done. He said perhaps the Charter can be changed so the Ci�y Ma�ager couldobtain same help in executing services. H� said ha wauld like the Charter to satisfy the reauirements of the Counei� and make them mare responsible ta the p�eople Counc�lman Nee said he did not think the question is in the Charter. He stres��d he did not feel there was anything wrong with the Charter. He added, it is a model Charter which had been obtained from the League, H� sa�d itdoes define relat�onsh�ps, and if the City �s nat living '��t��n t�� �ef�n3�fon, this �s tfi� trauble. �OTTQN 6y Couneilman Utter ta receive the communication from th� Cha�ter Comm�s�ion x�auesti�g suggested Charter changes be submitted from the ����� � o£ th� Council dated, June �3� ��7�� ����nded by Councilm�n ��i���,"'°Up�n a voice votc, all voting"aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mqtaon carri�d unanimously. i:. . I ? ( ! r �d ! I. a r,�z t � � � ,.,� :.,� � � „� ,,� � + � � , , �J �J � R�G�LAR �QUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 2, 1973 PAGB 27 r--, c � ' � 1 C ' ' � ' ' ' 1 � �ounc�i�.m�.n Sta�walt GQUnciJ� b�fQ��� they m�a,r� �x�i,der sai.d the o� �he Cou�cil, nat asked if the suggestions sk�ould be xeviewed by ths are submitted to the Charter Commissian. Gaunc�.l� suggestians would be �ram the indf,vidual membexs submitted by the Council as a body, SR,AUER AND ASSpCIATBS INC: RESPONSE TO LETTER FROM LEAGUE OF WOMEN .T . . T T.11 A7 T iiT1L` TAT A(`L' TA • MQTI(?N b� Counc�l.man Utter t4 receive the letters from Brauer and A�spcia�e� �.n answer to the lett�r by the League Qf Women VQter�, date�l� June 25� 1973 mnd alsa the communication from the Lea�ue o� W+�me+r� Vp'�er�, Signed by Baxbara Hughes and Jean Sch�11, with no date. S�GQnd�d by �ouncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a11� vating a�ea M�yc►x Liet�l d�clar�d the motion carried unanimously, T,AWCQN; C�I��K FOR NQRTH PARK - PHASE II PROJECT (LW27-00476) : MQ'�ION by Ccaun�ilman Uttex ta receive the commun�cation and check fxom t�ha Q���,�� of I�o�al and Uxban Affairs, signed by James J, Selem, Di�.re��or+ dated� June Z7, 1973, Seconded by Cauncilman Nee. Ugon a vo�.c� v�a��, all vo�in,�_:aye, Mayox �.ieb�. declared the motion carxied unan�mcau� ly . MINN�S(�TA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: FRIDLEY'S REQUEST FOR SIGNALIZATION ,� 5 ; t M9�'�QN by �ouncilman Breider to rece�ve the communication� from the Mir�ne�o�� Highway Uepartment �n regard ta the a�equest o� the C�ty �ngi�.e�r �c�r �. txaffic signal vn 73rd and T. H. �65, signed by W. M. �raw�c�rd� A�t�.ng Aistric� �ngineer, dated June 18,1973. Secanded by �oun�ilma� Utter. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb� de���ax�d th� motian caxried unanimously, The C�.'�y' �,�tt��ney said it, takes ti�ne �ia.�hw�.y �?�paxtmex�t. Mayor I.ieb� said lea�� £iv� �imes. MayorLiebl said it �o obta�.n the b�aut�fa�cation project �1DJ'C?UR,AIMENT ; to obtain anyth�z�g fxom the they would have to be asked at taok the same x�peared acti.on on T. H. #47. MQT�QN by Counca.lman Breider to adjaurn the meeting. Seconded by �c�uncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl. d��lared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Council Meeti.ng a£ Ju1y Z, 1973, adjvurned a� 12:00 midnight. Resp��t�u7,1.y submitted � , / . � . /.r� / C. ...� .�_� �'l/ �/ �"l.:-� - L(.�. � � � � � ' �'a�tx��i� Elli,s �e�r��a.xy ta the � i City Counc�l Frank_ G. Lieial, May�cax ' ; 'TH� MIN�IT�S ' ' OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 9, 1973 i}�e Public �Iearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was Called to order at 7:�5 p.m. July 9, �.973, hy Mayor Liebl. ' FLE1?GE (�F ALI.EGIANCE : Mayor I,i�bl led the Cauncil and the audience in saying the Pledge of ' A11eg%ance to the Fl�g. � � RQI�L CALL : MEMBERS PRESENT: Liebl, Utter, Nee, Breider, Starwalt �EMBERS ABSENT: None ADOFTION QF AGENDA: ' �IOTIQN by Councilman Breider to adopt the agenda as presented. Secondsd by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed the motion carried unanirnously. ' ' ' � � � � ' ' � ' � S�'ECIAL PRESENTATTQN FROM ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS_ON THEIR PARK SYSTEM: Mayo� Liekal said this item wauld be delayed until later in the meeting when the ofiicials fxom AnQka Gounty would be present. ORDIN.ANC� #543 - AMEND�D BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1973 - .AMENDTNG ORDIN CE 521: Th� F�.nan�e Da.xector, Mr, Marvin Brunsell, said this amendment would allpw fox the puxchase pf a Fire Truck and additional �,ark acquisition. �e said i� would be utilizing the Revenue Sharing Funds for 1973. N1QTT�N by Councilman �reidex to waive the second reading and adopt Qxd�.�ance #a43, amending b�udget ordinance fax the Fiscal year 1973, am�nd�ng �xd�nance �1521. Secanded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vot�, a],1 vpting aye, Mayor I.iebl declared the motion �arrzed unani- mc�u�ly and ordered the publication of the Ordinance. RESQLUTION #84-1973 - TRANSFERRING CERTAIN COSTS FROM STORM SEWER MPRQV�MENT PROJECT N0. 101 TO STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 102: The City Engineer said ihese pxajects would be combined for ease in xe�ord l�eepi�g. He added, project 101 is the intercepter storm sewer north o£ Qsborne Road and the othex project was started in the area, He said thi� R�solution would cambine the two projects. He said the Resc�luxion would transfer the money from project 101 to project 102. Counea.lman Starwalt ask�d if thexe were no other funds available in proj�ct 1Q1, wauld it be declared closed? The City Engineer said yeS. The Fi.nance Director said the project was let under project 102, and '�h.e public heaxi.ng �ras held and put down undex 102 when the other wor�C �eg�n. He sa�d th.is would keep all of the expenses in the same place,' �U���C HEARING MBETING OF JULX 9, 1973 Mayox Li�b1 said the Resolution would be self explanatory. the Reso�ution aloud to the Council and audience. PAGE 2 He read MQT�O� by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #84-1973, �or trans- fexx�n� ��xtain costs from storm sew�r impxovement project No. 101 �� S�axm Sewer Im�xovements Prvject No. 102. Seconded by Council- man �reid�r. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L�eb1 deelared �he mo�ion carried unanimously. REPQRT FROM PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ON VIET'S ADDITION: � ' ' C Mayox Liebl read th� letter from the Chairman of the Parks and � Recreatian Commission, Mr. Donald Blair, aloud to the Council and audi��ce. Mr. B��ir addxessed the Council and said the Commission felt that becaus� o�=the access to Stevenson School, this area is not a�igh pxi.ority ax'ea, He said the area children would be able to use the fa�ilities at the school. Mr. Blair said the area with the higr.�st prioxi�y was established as the Rice Creek Road area, and in five ox six yearS, th�s area would be completely developed with no park at all. Mx. Blaix said he received a letter from the Director of Parks and Recr�ation stating their area problems with ball parks in the area oi homes in othex pprti0ns o� the City. He said there axe window gxoblems when the one or two lot parks are used for baseball. He sa�id i� �.s now necessary to fence one one of the small parks with cycl4ne fenci�.g. He said the c�xiginal praposal was �hat the City pay'�Qr one half o£ the fencing, but they would probably end up paying for al.l af the fencing. � Mx. ��.ai� �epea�ed his recommendation from the Commissian to the Counc�.� that the �ommis�ian would prefer the City to xeach som� agxee� ment for use af school pxoperty for a park. He said if thexe �can b� nv agx�emen� with the school, then, they would recommend th� C�.�y buy the lots in the proposed Viet's Addition. IJ � ' , �J � � Mayor I��,�b�. asked the other m�mbers of the Parks and Recreation ' Comm�.ss�o� i� they concuxred with the recommendation of the Chair- � man, Thei.ae response was yes. . Counc�.lman Utter asked if the Compxehensive Park Plan had been pxe- ��n�ed to th� Parks and Recreation Commission? The City 8n�ineer safd there would be a meeting with the Commission the next week. ' GQU���].man Uttex said according to the Comprehensiv� Park �lan, thi� axea Wa� cc�n�a.d�red void of a facility. �ie added, he felt some kiz�d of agx��ment should be r�ached to provide a facility for the sm�ller chi7�d�er�. He �aid the only area o� cvncern wauld b� the creata.on Q£ a Ga,sebal� d�.amond. . Mr. ��a�x wou�,� urge t� �� ��� ' � said if the City was p�annin,g �.o acc�uire the pro��rt�, he � them to obtain lots 3 and 4 as �� l���ieved lats 2 and � �L-���� I 1 ' PU�LIG H�A€itlip' MEETIiVG OF JUI,Y 9� 1973 ' ' � ' ' , ' � , ' �� �I � � ' PAGE 3 Counei��nari Utter said the Director of Parks and Recreation had some idea� whieh favored the acquisition of lots 2 and 3. He said perhaps the Ai.rectc��' had not advised the Commission of his thinking on these recQmme�.dation�. Councilman Utter said the school board may al].ow the Ci.ty to use a portion o� their property for one year and deny use �he n,ext, he questioned what would happen this following year? Mr. }3�a�.r ��9.d this would have to be a long term lease af the pxoperty. �caun��.l�an Utter said when h� had reque�ted such a lease from Gardena S�haol, h� was pxomptly cut o�f. Mr. �lair said the school property a�s public pro�erty whether the Superintendent likes it or not. Mr. �d Wi1m�s, 6350 Riverview Terrace, said he had be�n sitting and 1�.s�aning to the conversati�ns taking place, and there are a lot oi i,f's, H� said the children of the area do not have a place to play. Ht� said the children are not allowed to go to Stevenson School because of the distane�, Mx. Gaxy Stimmler, 7$41 Alden Way N.E., a member of the Parks ar�d Recreation Gommission, said in February o� 1971, a number of people petitioned for a park in the Mississippi, Rice Creek School, and Ar�Ghur area, He said the Commission requested that funds be provided fox such a paxk. Commissioner Stimmler said the Cauncil deleted the request as subm�,tt+�d in February of 1972. He said the Parks and Recreation Commiss�.on met with the CounGil, and the two groups e�tablished priox- i�i�s �Qr park land at this time. He said the priorities were estab- 1i.shed as one, Nortk� Park, twa, Ruth Circle, Hyde Park, and Rice Creele Road. H� said there wer� a�so other areas established as high priorities fcax� p,ark acquisition. He said this area had never been mentioned as a pr�cax�.t�, He said the City had obtained, North Paxk, Ruth Circle, and Hyde �ark. The next step was the acquisition of �ark land in the ax'ea vf Rice Creek �oad. He stressed, the �rea of the pxoposed Viet's Add��iaz� was not listed as a high priority. Mr. Stimmler said the �omma.ssiQn would like to acquire as much land as it can get for park pur �se�� but they had better fulfill the needs of the people in the h�g�e�r priority areas. MayQr Li,�bl, asked if th� p1ax� would be jeop�xdized if the proposal of the acquisition of propexty in the Rice !Greek area would be abandoned? Mx. �t�.mmler said the Council and the !Comnnission had �stablished pxiaxi�.ies and the Commission knows there is a need. He added, the people in th� Rice Creek School axea have been waiting for the park sin+�e 1971, Mr. Stimmler said there are alternatives in the Viet's ax'ea, but the park is needed in the Rice Creek Road area now. Mayor Li�bl said there are no parks in the area of'the Miller property 1 and thers are a number of children in the area. He added, as more of the lan.d is being developed, land can be put aside £or parks. He sai.d thQre wi11 be a great demand. Mayor Lieb� saici he is aware of the ' petiti.on submitted by the People in the Rice Creek Road and Missis'sigpi. axea, He �aid the CounGil had �ot acted oR the petition. He said th� money' �ad been set aside in 1�72 fpx this purpose. ' � PU��IC H�ARING MEETING OF JULY 9, 1973 PAGE 4 I Mr, Stimm�ex said the pr�or�ties had been established, and he wou�d �i�e to get down to the priorities. He sa�d the Coun�zlman in the Ward of the pro�osed acauis�tion has some enthusiasm for a park and the Caunc�lman of the Ward in the Rice Creek axea is not pushing his area as a prioxity. He said when the City does not provide �h� park, the Ward Councilman and the Council would have to tell th� ��ople why it is not being provided. He said this is the way �� �S. He said the Ward Councilman would havs to show some e�thu- �iasm for parks before there would be any in this area. Councilman Breider said he did not interfer with matters out of his Ward, Councilman Utter said he had �alked to Mr. Brown, the Director of �arks and Recreation about the Rice Creek area, He said thexe are �xoblems in purchasing land in the Rice Creek area. He said the pro�osed site would force the youngsters to cut through peoples back yaxds to get to the park. He said other land is being looked at �or the puxposes of park acquisition in that area. He said there is also a need for a skating rink in the area and he was dQing the best he could to not sell the people short. He said �e is £ortunate to h�ve a big yard and someplace for his ch�ldren to play, He add�d, he is a resident of this area. MOTION by C�uncilman Nee to concur with the City Manager and authorize t�e purchase of lots 2 and 3 of the proposed Viet's Se�ond Addition. C�unci�man Nee said he felt he should apologize to the members af the Paxks and �tecreation Commission about his oppasing view on the mattex o� �he acquisition of the property, but he felt quite s�rpn�ly about his view. H� said he felt there is a definite need �or a park �n this area, and he wouTd identify with the parents o£ �he �xe�, and cauld not see the sma11 childxen using S�evenson S�hoQl. N�r, Bxuns�ll sa�d the total amount of the property woiald be $l0,SQ9,07. ' �oun��.�man Starwalt said the need should be considered vs. �h� ability to �ay, �e added, no one is against parks and certainly he was no� against �l��is. Hs said the park would provide a safe p�a�e fo� the childxe� �c� play and he thought they should consider the purchase o:E xhe entir� area, He said this would be a�oqd solutior� if the peopl� cr�ulci �fford ihe increase in taxation. Councilman Starwalt said �.h�s may tak� a�losex laok ar�d he suggested tabling the matter ior this add�.�fon�l input an the puxchase of the entire proposal. He sug���ted th� Parks and Recreation work on the matter and come up with anQthe� recommendation. Mayox Liebi �aid they had ]aad six we�ks to cons�.dex the proposal. He sa�.d �h�y had evaluated the implications. He sai.d they would �,�ve �axob��ms �r3,thout a st��ula�k�on because t�.ere was no� enough a,�re� �Go �a1a� Baseball. CI' � ' � ' ' � � I__I ' � � � u u ' PUBI�IG HEARING ME�TING QF JULY 9, 1973 PAG� 5 ' ' � � ' � , ' � , � , � S�CONJ�ET� �Y CQUNCILMAN Uttex. Upon a voice vote, all voti.ng ay�, M�yor �i�b1 d�Clared the motion carried unanimously. M�yr�r L��.eb1 sa�d he and the City Manager had been authorized to abta�,r� t�he prQp�x�y fox park �urposes. MQT�QI� by GAUncilman Nee to authorize the Department of Parks and Recr��tion to install the equipment on the plan in Section I�, page 3-B a:E tk�s agenda as fundi.ng becomes availabl� and that no baseball diamand ba in��all�d. Second�d by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all vQti�t� aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. N�W �USIN�SS: APk'QTNTMENT TO HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION: M�,yo�' I�i�bl said his xecommendation for the appoint�nent to the Human ��la��.ons Cvmmissior� is Mr. Gene Gustafson, 740 Pandora Drive, to r��1�c� the Ward One resignation on the Commission. He said the new �►�apcaintees telephane nu�nber is 560-SG85. �QTTON by Gquncilman Br�ider to appoint Mx. Gene Gustafson as the new m@mber oi the I�uman Relatipns Commissian. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon<:� voa.ce vote, al�. voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion caxr�ed unanimously. M�yox I,ieb1 instructed the City Manager tv send a letter to the new memb�x notifying him of his appointment, CQMMU�I I CAT I ONS : WEST�RN �ASUAL'�Y AND SURETY COMPANY: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF QN ,A,ND C MPLAINT IN AN ACTION BY KARY BENi�iETT NEXT OF KIN OF K I, S � : N��1TI�N by Counci.lman Breide� ta receive the communication from the Wsst��n Casualty and Surety Company in acknowledgement of receipt a£ tha summons and �omplaint in an action by �Cary Bennett, next of k�n of K�.r�C Kca�.�k�.a daied July 2, 1973 and to authorize the Gity Attorney to �Qr��+a�� the attaxney of th� insurance company and also authorize th� �i�y �ttorney to �it in on the txial. Seconded by Councilman Nee. ��un�i�.man Bxeider questioned the Finance pirectar asking i�f tl�e ppliCy ' wh�.�h� allows coverage up to $5Q,000 would be adequate coverage and safe $�'aund, The City A�tarney said he thought it would be adequste �or '�his �c�se. He suggested xaising the amount when the policy is rewr�.ttan, � � I�� , Th�� Ci�� Attorney said he would write to the attorney who would be hand�ing '�h.e case for the insurance company and he wauld also sit in an t�,a �ase, �ipQ�' q"�IQ��E �IOT�, all v4ting aye, Mayor Li�bl declared the mation �ax�r�:�d unanimou�ly. 1 PUBLTC HEARING MEkTING UP JULY 9, 1�73 PAGE 6 , SPE�TAL PRE��NTATZON FROM ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON T�EIR PARK SYSTEM r .� '+r. �e • n' TTrf T�Li TiTt!- LdL'L''TT'1�T/'� • � Mayox Liebl r�ad the letter of invitation to Mr. 8ernard Steffan, £xpm �hs City �anager, dated June 27, 1973 aloud to the Council and audienc�. Mr. Mike Q'�annQn, Anoka �ounty Comma.sSioner, addressed the Council and �a�.d h� was �n attendanGe at t�e reque�t of xhe Cquncil. Mr. Q'Bannon intxoduced Mr. A1 Kordiak, Anoka Caunty Commissioner and saa.d ht� i� �amiliar with th� activities of the Anoka County Parl� Ho�.rd. H� added, Mr. Kordiak had been on the Anoka County Board �'ox 20 ysaxs a�,d had been appointed by the Metro Council ta serve on '�hai�' Par�C Bo�rd, Mr. 0'Bannon introduced Mr. David Torki.ldsan, �,naka County P�.xk pepartment, and said he had been with the Depart� me�t for 1� yeaxs and there are 12 employees in the department who t�ke car� Qf the Anoka County Parks. Mr. 0'Bannon nex� introduced Mx, ��rnaxd ate£fan, Anoka County Administrator. Mr. A1 Koxdiak� addressed the Council and pxesented a map of the County"s overall park plan. He said the County was not authorized to go �.ntr� parks until 1960. He added, the land value in the County is so�ring and this was a late start. He referred to some , of th� axeas being sought by the County stressing they plan to acauire pxoperti�s adjacent to lakes and streams and also large parcels. He sa�.d this would move into the Metro level of suburban park devel- opmen�. He said the paxcels would be 2,000 to 3,Q00 acres in size i.n mar�y cases. He explained the recent plan proposed had failed in th� last legislative session. ' Commi��ioner Kordiak continued his presentation by poin�ing out the various a�eas which would be considered for acqui.sition by �he County, and State oi Minnesota. Mr. Kordiak said the chain of lakes area was being sought by the �ou�.ty �or park acquisiti.on and the State has verbally approved a11ow�.�ng $900,000 £or the County to acquire property in this area, He said �here is funding available through the Department of Natura7. Resoux�es from cigarette taxes. , C' i � , � ' � � �� � Coun��.lr�an �rei.der asked Mx. Kordiak what kind o£ development was ' �alan�ned �n the chain of lakes area. Mr. Kordiak said �his would d�pdnd. Qn t�ie plans subm�.tted to the County. � Mr, '�orki�dson said the original study of the area as done by the �Istxo Council in 1969 stated the area was best suited for a nature c�nter. He said the 6,700 acre area is referred to as a natuxe esn�.�x., He said this area is still intact, He added, 80� of �hi.� area, wou].d be used £or wildlife and w�t lands, etc. He sai,d th� ide� wc�uld be to cxeate a preserve of publ.ic propex�.y to�a�ing S,QQ4 acxes � � ' � �: PUBI,ZC H�ARING MEETING OF JULY 9, 1973 PAG� 7 � � � � , , � � � �J � , ' j � � ' , �auntcil.ma.r� Breider asked Nlr. Kc�rdiak if there would be funding from Str�te a�,d F�deral sources for development of North Park as a nature �ent�x Qx goJ.f course. Mr, Kordiak said most of the County's funding i� dixected to l.and a�quisition. He said all counties are interested in ],ar�d. acc�uisizion xather than development at this time. He' `mention�d th� Met�'c� Park Plan had the support of all the �riunicipali�ies and iX was d�fea��ed. Mr. Kordiak said he did not know what the resul�s would be i� they w�r� to ask for development funds. He said the areas ��.ct���t to th� �Ietro axea are the prioxity areas. �ounci�man Br�ider asked i� the bonding i.ssue had been put to the p�op�.e. Mr� Ste�'�an said yes i.n 1973. He said the $3,000,000 would not be com- �a1�te1Y usable at this time. Only about $1,800,000 would be available �ft�x' th� 1�.m�.�a�ions. He said the $1,800,000 is using todays valuation, Caunc%lman Breider questioned the possibility of providing the City w�'�h ai�i in funding in the North Park area. He asked if S% of the $�O,OQQ was u�ed for this, what would tlie County loase. I�r, KArdiak said this would detract fxom the planned acquisition anc� �l�n�nin� development, He said the County considexs development pf a�'eas a� secandary. He said the stage of development could be dane at az�y ta.me, but the acqui�ition time may be limited. Mr. Kord�ak ��id i� �he money were used by the districts involved equally, this woulcl detract from any fac�lity pravided. He sited the ice arena a� a�. �xample s�ating it would be more feasible ta provide one adequate ar�na than it wauld be to pxovide a smaller, inadequat� facility for each distxict. Mr. Kordiak said each member of the Board represents his awn distriet as first priority, He said if the matter of the develT opment of a nature center was considered, the County wo.uld like to have s�me su�port in backing up the cost. He said he would personally supps�rt a nature center, but he feels th� area needs a good one. He sa��. i.t would be a question of who is going to build the center and wh�r� it i� going ta be. Gouncilman Br�ider sa�d if evexyone asked fox 50, this plan would prob- ably not work out. Mr. Kordiak said that Fridley contributes 33� c�f th� t�x base, and ends up paying out more than it gets back. Mr. KQ�rdi.ak added, many other municipalities in Anoka County are disap- ps�inted abaut the location of the arena in Fridley. He �aid the Coun�y B�ard had to make a decision that would enable the arena to pay ior i�self and locate it close to a freeway and also accessable to public t�xansportation. Mr. Kordiak said the area in Fridley provided water, sewer, and pxoper soil for the construction. Mayo� �.iebl asked if the money had to be used for a County project, or could the County give the City money? Mr. Kordiak said he would see nQ r�as�n why the County could not aid in the funding, but he reminded th� m�mbers of the Council that they would have to g�t the necessax'y vr�te� from the Board far approval. Maypr I,i�eb1 asked if thexe would be a nature center in the County �hat wauld b+�nef�t the citiz,ens of Fridley? Mr. Kordiak said the Baard has never had a serious discussion concerning a nature center, He Said he could nat say if there would be any plans for a nature center a�n the fut�,�xe . PUBLIC H�ARING MEETING OF JUi,Y 9, 1973 PAGE $ Couz�cilman Utter asked if the large nature area in the Lin q Lake ar�a. wou►ld b� d�v�lvped. Mr. Torkildson said they had been warking with the env�ranmer►t and the County's plans had shown uses and boundaries, Ne said the plan had not been accepted by the Lino Lakes area. �qun�ilman Nee askedwhat the time schedule on the development of the Chain of I.akes axea would be. Mr. Tarkildson said this would depend can the passage of the bill and how much of the $3,000,000 could b� obtained �or development of the area. He said there is no time tab1.� at th� present time for developme�it. He said this would depend c�n what i� available. He said the state feels that roads are mor� impvr�ant. Councilman Nee said it would not be developed all at vn�e. Mx. Torkildson said none of the County parks are developed a11 at once. Cpunci.lman Nee questioned if the County had given Coon Rapids land £ox th�ir golf course, Mr. Kordiak said this was a part of the Bunker I'rairie County Park. He said Coon Rapicls approached the County and said they would develop the golf course on the property. He ssid the proJ�erty had been leased to them with an agreement on �Qnditions that all the people of Anoka County could use the facility on an equal basis. He said the County had obtained a golf course withput bui�.ding it. He said they had not used the entire amount a£ acreage they had planned at first and later requested �he cQn- s�ruction of the nine hole course on the remaining portion, Mr. Kpxdiak said tk�e same type of agreement was instituted cor�cerning this usa� He added, the majority of the Board felt the land was not nseded by �khe Ccaunty at this time. Mayar I.a�ebl said Senator Schaaf had stated the $3,000,000 would be availabl� fox acc{uisition and development af park facilities. He aSked zhe way the bill is written, what is the prime objective o� ��e bii].� acquisition ox developmen�? Mr� Kordia� said both. I�� s+�id mpst of the capital improvements are on a cash ba�is ar�cl n,ow it i� �ossible to take advantage of the tax base of future , years, �i+� Said the money can be utilized for both �cquisitican and deve�.opment, but develapment is secondaxy. Coun�i,lman Bre�der said if the County would have a nature csnter �hera would have to be some exp�rienced pexson in charge of the facility sueh as a naturalist, He said the muni�ipal�.tiss �ou�.d b� x�spona�.t�1e �ra�' the scheduling of Such a natuxalist. He added, there �s at �reat demand for a nature center and a good s�hedule. I�r. Tprkildson said according to recent studies a naturalist wauld cost a�proximately $50,000 to $100,000 for a small nature center and �ould run from $150,000 to $850,000 depending on wha� kind of �ta�fin� is desired, He saict the naturalist or guide could be pro- �id�d �Qx #he Iesser amount when the progr.am is in its infancy and would inGrease and expand contir�ually. He added� not one of those st�d�.ec? w�re over Five years olci. � � ' i � � L�' , � � � � ' u � � � , � ' PUBLIC HEAR�NG ME�TING 0� JULY 9, 1973 ' � � , , ' PAG� 9 Gpun�i�ma�t �re�der said another conSideration woulu be the size af th� nature cent�r ar�a. He said some axeas could r�,�t accomodate all �ho�� fxom the sehaol districts. He said the maintenan�� of t�� sr�a in respect to preserving it would �ave to be considered. �r`. Toxkildson said a statement by the Metro Council said that an ad�quate size is necessary to prevent the area from becoming over used. IIe added, it should be large enough so the �rails could be �han�ed, Mrs, Hughes questioned the total amount af resources needed by the Cqunty and said perhaps more than one natural area would be needed. ��. �ordiak said he would be very cautious in this type of develop- m�nt. Rather tll�n create many inferior facilities, he would like to create one first class facility. 1Ie said eitt�er the County could go ahead and build the facility and have it first elass or allow each municipality develop their own. He said he could not say this would be a bad idea. Mr. 0'�annQn said before the County would consider the possibility ' of a nature center at the County level, each of the men on the Boaxd would have to study the matter. Mr. Kordiak said when the County wa� go�ng to build the Ice Arena, they considered first of all the ' need,s�condly where any by who is the greatest need, thirdly, how many �urposes would it serve, and fourth, what type Qf staff funding would be needed. Mr. Dave Harris �uggested the memb�rs of the Boaxd , �stablish an ad hoc committee to consider the nature center proposal �ccQrding to the criterias listed by Mr. Kordiak. He said the Boa�d cau�d repprt baGk to the City. � � ' ��'� iL j , � ' , i �ouncilman Breidex said the need is already established. The City ne�ds bQth a natuxe Genter and a golf course. He said at some time the Board would have to make a study on the County level. Councilman �r��der said t�e City would still have to mak� the decision on wha� �o �o with North Park. He said he was nat going to ask the,�ounty �o� �hs answ�x. He added, this would not affect his decision, i� woul� �nly be a replay, Counci�man Bxeider said the County is on the road to making a decis�on �nd �� th� City would like any support af their decision, they had 'h��tex get going. He said the City would have to make some proposals tt� the County. He said he w�uld like to have the Cauncil pol�.ed sa t�e �ounty would have something to woxk with. Mayor Liebl said the matter of setting a time table would have tp b� det�xmined by what additional q,uestions the Council members may have ot� matters o£ discussion concerning Legislation from the State and if th�x�e would be any funding available and also whether or no�. support cc�ul� be obtained by the Metro Caunci�. : _ PU��IC H�ARING MEETING OF JU�Y 9, 1973 PAG� �0 CoUACilman �reider said he would like to find out if the SchaQl aQard would cooperate by providing their naturalist. He saa.d he wpuld al�o 1i.ke to get an indication from th� Metropolitan Airport Commi�sion to see what the status of the J�nes Field would be. H� �aid if the� would give up the property, they wauld have som�thin� �o talk about. GQUncilman Iltter said h� believed the Council would be thrc�wing the $1�,QOQ our the window by not doing what the Brauer Report recammQnd�d. He said he could not see paying the money and not u�ing th� �nformation. Gour►�ilman Starwalt asked what was the nec�:ssary step i.n the pro- �e�s� �ounCilman Utter said once the report was made, ths pecaple should have been satisfied with it. C�uncilman Starwalt said he did not belieye the Council had all of the �acis at the present time. He asked if the ad hoc comm�.ttee was st��l in; existance? Mayor Liebl said the committee had taken a� vote which was tied and there was no longer any reason fox the �ommitt��, Mayor Liebl said the City wanted an unbiased opinion on the study. He said they sought the services of a professional and had received a�om�etent unbiased study. Mayor Liebl said he agreed with C+�uztcilman Utter. Brauer had given them two priorities. He �aid all of the ifs and buts woulci have to be cleared befcare they coulci m�ke a decision or put the rnatter on a ballot. Councilman Starwalt said he had some learning to do, Mayor Liebl sa�.d he would lik� some input £rom the people of the Metro Council. He would like to see a nature center that was a Metxa fa�i.�ity�. He said he would not be interested in a Fridley Muni- cipal. �olf course in Blaine. He sug�ested contacting the Me�ro Lea�ue. „ Mrs. Sporre said she had talked to the Mayor of Blaine about th� .', m�att�x af the golf course in Blaine and there had been no laughter.: Mx�� H�xx�is said the Chamber had suppoxted a golf caurse, but th� ; me+mbers would not support such a course if it were to be in Blaine.� H� add�d, th�re would be na unanimity on this basis. Mayor Liebl s��d th�y wou�d have to see if they would be willing to go along w�th this. Councilman Breider said they should also conta�t the schc��l d�stricts. Councilman Starwalt said they should cpnta�t �.11 fc�u�, �ounci].man Breider asked if the first ms�ting in Segtember would iit intc� the proposed time table for ar� intended date ta make a deGision�' Mayor Liebl said he was npt in a l�urry. He added, he di.d �not want to miss one possible source of information. ' , , ' ' , � � � ' � ' , � ' ' ' , PU�I�IC H�AF�ING MBETING OF JULY 9, 1973 R�C��V�NG REPt�RT ON PROJECT 1.03: PAGE 11 Th�t ��.�y �rtgine�x said the Gonsulting Engineer had recammended th� �o��rac� b� issued on a three phase method with. th� tot�tl estimat�d �r�st �a b� a.l�out $22,pQ0, He said he would recommend the Caunc�l �uthcari�� tl�� Mayor and City Manager to sign the cofltract a�;reement, Mayo�� L�.ebl asked the Cit� Attorney if this agreement wQUld be leg��ly �ox�r��t, MaTTQN iay Cauneilman Utter to coneur with the reeommendatian af th� �a��y ����.n�er and ap�rove the contract and autho�ize the City Manag�r �nd Mayor tp si�n the contract agreement in the amount o� $22'AQU. Se�ondes� by �ounc�lman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, May�x �.i�l�l declared the motion carried unanimausly. . MAYQR i,IEBL'S REQUEST THAT CCfUNCILMAN NEE CHEGK INTO CONDITIaNS AT 61ST� May�� Lisbl asked Couneilman Nee if he would check into the condit�Qn� Q� th� ,junk sitting on �he property on 61st. He ask�d if he would tal�e �aac� a� �he matter because the people across the sxreet in Ward On� ar� b���ming a littl� dis�kurbed, ,AAJ(�URNMENT ; NiQT��N by Gounc�lman Breid�r to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cc�un��.�m�ra Utter. Upon� a voice vot�, a11 voting aye, Mayor I,i�b] d��lax�d the motion Garxied unanimausly and the �'ublic Hearing Me�tin,� of July 9, 1973, adjour�ed at 11:30 p.m. R�sps��ful�y submitted, � , � �; w(/Z,<� �_�r�. t., <�,� a i - Patx��i.a �l�.is S��r�tar� to the 1 City Council Fxank G. Liebl, Mayor � � . � i 1 I , � . , ' � , � r � � 1 i 1 � 1 �: s,: THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 ' , .., . . � . � � . . . . . . . ' . k. � � ' . - . . � . . . . .� . � . � : . . � . � * .. . . � .. . . , r� �: , . : .:�. �� � � � �� � t r , � ' � ' �'H� MINUTE� 0� THE REGULAR MEETING OP THB FRII�LEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 16, 1973 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to ordeT at 7;�5 p.m., July 16, 1973 by Mayor I.iebl. PL�DGE OF ALLEGlANCE: Mayor Liebl lecl the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Al�egiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI.L: I�EMBERS PRESENT: Starwalt, Liebl, Nee MEMBERS A$SENT: Utter, Breider AI�OPTION OF AGENDA: MayQr Liebl said the following items should be added to the agenda: Estimate from Weaver, Talle, and Herrick Estimate from Wyman Smith MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded � by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � � , PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: WAYNE EK, FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: DONALD FROOM, FRIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: BONNIE 0'DELL, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATI�N; Mayor Liebl called on those who were to xeceive awards at the meeting and they were not present. He directed the administration to forward the awards to the recipients. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973: Ccauncilman Nee called the Council's attention to page 8 of the May ' 21 minutes and said he believed the statement made by himself that R-1 is always marketable on East River Road should be included in �the minutes. �I , MOTION by Councilman Nee to add to his comments on page 8 of the N�a� 21 meeting of the Council that R-1 construction has taken place within four blocks of the property and that it is obviously market- � able as R-1. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 2 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OP JUNE a, 1973: ' MOT�ON by Cauncilman Nes to adopt the minutes as presented. Seconded ' by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: ' SPECIAL PRES�NTATION BY ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON THE PROPOSED LIBRARY: AND � RESO�UTIQN #g�-1973 - AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF ANOKA TO PROCEED WITH ' ITS PLANS TQ CONSTRUCT A BR NCH LIBRARY BY THE ANOKA C UNTY LIBRARY $ IN THE CITY OF RIDLEY. Mayox Liebl called on Mr. Library Board. Mr. Young determining a location for Fridley. He said the should be constructed Jerry Young, Director of the Anoka County � said the Board had been in the proeess of a larger branch facility in the City of Board had come to the conclusion that the facili on the He sa�d he f�lt t�iis was an to the community of Fridley. Mr. Xoung said the facility wou�d house 15,000 to 20,000 story facility. He said it corner of Mississippi and Sth Street. � excellent location and would be an asset He said it would be easily accessable. � would be 9,000 to 11,000 sauare feet and books. He added, this would be a one would be an expanded facility as compaxed to the facility now in the basement of the City ttall. � Mr. Young said he hoped t cept of the Library plan. on the bui.lding plans or architect would be workin them �o the City upon co�r the Ccaunc i 1 i f they would prapased Library. he Council would approve the }�reliminary con- He said this would not include any approval specifications at this time. He added, the � g on the plans and the Board would present pletion for approval. He asked the members of appxove the Resolution of the concept of the ' Mayor Lieb1 asked the amount of the planned investment for the'Library � Mr. �oung said the investment would be $350,000 to $400,OU0 including the land. Mayor Liebl said Mrs. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek T�xrac has kept the Council informed on the plans of the Library Board, and he knew that they had looked for the site for a long time. He said h� thought the facili�y would be an excellent addition to the City. , MOTIQN by Cauncilman Nee to adopt Resolution #85-1973 authoxizing the Anoka County Library Board to proceed with their plans to construc� a Bxanch Library in the City of Fridley on Mississippi and 5th Street, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimausly. ' ' , � R�GULAR COUNi;il, ML1:1'JNG (',i� JULY 16, 19?3 OL1� BUSINESS; PAGE 3 RECQNSIDERATION 0� LOCATING A NATION GUARD ARMORY IN THE CITY OF PRIDLEY: --- -- -- May�r Liebl referred to the memorandum submitted by Acting City M�.nager, Mr. James Hi11, stating there are two alternatives. The Coux�cil could re-a£firm their decision to not locate an armory in Fr�id�ey, or ask the Planning Commission to reevaluate and reconsid�x the new developments. Mayor Liebl said there are recommendations fram the Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Paul Brown, stating th� Commission was favorable to the consideration of the armory in Fridley. Mayor Liebl said the Director of Civil Defense, Robert D, Aldrich, also favors the const.ruction of the Armory in Fridley. H� added, according to Mr. Aldrich, the armory would enhance the Civil Defense forces in Fridley. M�yvr Liebl said the City of Fridley wou�d only be responsible fo�' 250 or 30% of the financing of the cvnstruction. He continued, thi� would be a gold business venture for the City. Mayox Liebl suggested the matter be sent back to the Planning Commission for their cansideration of the plan and its feasibility. He said he hoped the other members of the Council would have a chance to look at the proposals. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to send the matter back to the Planning Commission because of the change of circumstances. Seconded by �ouncilman Nee. Councilman Nee said he would like the matter referred to the Plan- nin� Commission with the idea that the Council is not urging they agprove the concept of the armory. Councilman Starwalt agreed, saying they should reconsider the change in information not to consider this as the Counci� asking for approval. Councilman Nee said he would hate the Planning Commission to review the ma�ter and appxove the plan just because the Council is asking for another r�commendation. UPQN A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carxied unanimausly. RECEIVING MEMORANDUM FROI� THE ACTING CITY MANAGER ON THE NORTH SU�URBAN YQUTH SERVI ES CENTER: Councilman Nee said �he next meeting of present. he thought the matter should be tabled until Council when the other Council members would be �layar I�iebl said he thought this would be appropriate action to tal�e. �Ie said he thought this to be a moral decision. He said he �ad �alke�, ta the welfare department and,there are people ir� need 4f �h�i� type of s�rvzce, He said ther� are many young pea�le that are s�a�red and afraid to go to their parents for help. He sa�d nat Qbtain�.r�$ this assistnace could cause serious mental and health pxc�blems, REGULAR COUNCIL MF,ETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 4 � H� said he feels people are more important than money. He said he did � no� £�el ths present standing of the service could be determined by a dollar va�ue. He said he had alsa ta2ked to people who are ' volunteexing their time at the center, and these were people of Fr�dley. I�e said he had determined they are really helping those who are �n need of help. He said he would like the City of Fridley to mak� a commitment in order to take care of the less fortunate young people. � He said they would not be singled out by society and would have a h��ping hand. Mayor Liebl said he would support the recommendati�n that the County ' take a closer look atthis for funding at a County level for 1975. Cauncilman Neebsaid he had been present at the meeting when a px�senta-, t on was made y the directors o the youth center. He said at that time he was under the impression that the members of the Counc�l and the City were in support of the programs of the Center. He added, if the City is changing its position, they should make this decision know� to the organization. MOTION by C�uncilman Nee to adopt recommendation number thxee as sub- , mittEd by the Acting City Manager and budget $1,000 for 1974 and xecommend ta the Caunty Commissioners that the service be financed by the County Board in 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt for dis- ' cussion purposes. Councilman Starwalt said he thought the matter should be considexe� ' by a full Coun�il. He said the City would be setting a precedent with th� amount of controversy on the matter, he would like to have additional information on the aspects of the organization. He said ' he would �ike some more answers and would not want to take action An the thought the City should be willing to pay their way, but.he did �ot want to vote on the matter at the present time. He stres�ed the �oin� th�t this would set a precedent and he thought it should be � voted on �y a full Council. Mayax Liebl said he was aware of the concerns by Councilman�arwalt, � but �elt the people mean more than the $1,000 being discuss Mayor �iebl said the City of Fridley is a young community and thexe are �eop1� who need hel�. He said if the City would put aside the $1,000, �his would be a good gesture. He said he would like to indicate to the Coun�� that the City thinks this is a good thing, and that they should look inta fund�ng it. Mayor Liebl said he uld hope the mattex cauld be a unanimous one, or this would no���o good. He said this is �fJ/ ' politically orientated or partisan mat er. He sai.d it is � a m�ttex which wpuld enable young people to have a chance in 1ife. �e said •he is v�ry sens�tive in this matter, and he thought every young per- ' son should have a chance to be a good and productive citizen. CQUNCILMAN NEE WITHDREW his motion and Councilman Starwalt withdr�w ' his second. �J i ` REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 � ' � PAGE S MQT�QN �y C4u�cilman Ne� to table the matter until it Can be �on�id�x�d by a full Council. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Up�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared th� mot�on car���d unanimou�ly. �QNSIDERATION OF APPRQVAL OF LEASE FOR GARDENA SCHOOL PROPERTY RP SES: , �ayQr L�ebl asked the City Attorney if the lease is acceptabl�. Th� �ity Attorney said it is in substanee what �ad been previously di�eussed and approved by the Council in mem� form. He said if it is a�ceptable ta the Council, he thought it should be pre�ented ' t�the Sch�o1 Board far their approval. He said it was his under- standing that the Director of Parks and Recreation had worked wit� the School Board on the matter. , � � � � ' � , , � I ,, � � u , M�TION by Councilman Nee to approve the lease and authorize the Mayor to execute the lease. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPRAISALS FOR DRAINAGE AND STORM SEWER EASEMENT AC�UISITION FOR AREA NORTH OF RICE CREEK ROAD, QUTLET FOR BRIARDALE: MQTION by Councilman Nee to receive the appraisals from Harvey Peterson Company and Curtis A. Larson, Independent Fee Appraiser, dated July 16, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the total amount as appraised by Harvey Peterson would be $21,400 and the total from Curtis Larson would be $23,000. Th� City Engineer said the action to be taken should be to authorize �he easement for ponding of water on the property. He said there are a number of complaints about the pxesent temporary ponding in Briardale area. He said the storm sewer system cannot be used wzthaut an outlet. 1'he City Engineex said this is a part of the whole Rice Cr�ek area planned storm sewer program. He said he would recommend th� Council authorize the City Attorney to negotiate for the acqui- sition of the ponding easement. He added, this is the same area in whiGh the $800 is required to be escrowed fox storm sewer constxuc- tion per building site. Mayor Liebl commented to the Ward Councilman Starwalt and said this would be a part of the overall storm sewer system in his waxd and he would suggest the action be taken speedily. Councilman Starwalt said he was sure this was something that had to be done at this time, M�T�QN by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the City Administration and the City Atiorney to enter into negotiations for the easement a� zh� ponding area for the area not to exceed $23,000. S�canded by Cauncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all vp���� �ye, Mayor Liebl d�c�axed the motion carried unanimously`.° R�GU�AR CQUN(.;IL �EETING OF JULX 16, 1973 ATSCUS�ION REGARDIN(; SIDE STREET ASSESSMENT FOR 7TH STREET PAG� 6 r ORIGINAL , 973 ; MOTION by Counc:ilman Nee to table the discussion regarding the side stxeet assessment for 7th Stxeet until thexe is a full Council pr�sent. SeConded by Councilman Starwal�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayox Liebl sa�d tliis should be put on the agenda on the first meeting of August or on the ftn. The Finance Uixector said he would like svme indication from the Coun�il as to how they fee� about the assessment. Mayar Liebl said he thought the procedure should be maintained as it had been pxeviously and no� changed. �ie said he knew that the Ward Councilman was also against changing the policy. The Pinance Directox said Councilman Breider had indicated he felt this way to him also. Coun�ilmax� Nee said he thought that Councilman Breider should be present as this was in his Ward. � ' L, ' ' L� Ma�vr Liebl asked the Finance Director if there was some rush on the matter? The �inance Director said it could be placed an the next agenda ' i� the Cauncil wished. Mayox �ieb7. said the Ward Councilman was nat present nor was the Councilman At Large. Mayor Liebl stressed his thought thaz the assess- ment ptali�y should not be changed. The Finance Director said if the pali was changed the City would have to call the other people in for a Public Heariz�g. ' Mayor I.i�bl instructed the �inance Director to place the item on the next a�enda. � DT�CUSSZGIIV OF AREA TO BE ASSESSED FOR COST OF PROJECT N0. 102: Mayox� Liebl xead the memo from the Finance Director to the City Manager aloud ta the Council. Mayor Li�bl said the people had been in and had also been• assessed for ths ovcrall assessments of the area. He said the question would be to put a.n the improvements and assess the peopl.e for the improvements or give them considexation fox thei.r completed system. The City Engineex said there is a possibility of breaking down the assessments. He said it may be possible to not assess those who reside west of �ast I�ivex Road. He said there is opposition to the assessment by thes� people for the improvements. The City Engineer said i.t would b� a mattex of Cpuncil prerogative. He said Engineering wise, he coul.d pxes�n�k a �ase. I�� � ' ' ' � ' I � ' ��GU��R CQUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 ' � ' i i i � , � ' � ' � ' L_� LJ ' , PAGE 7 Maypx �ieb1 said he thought the storm sewer assessment of this ar�a should have been �inal. He sa�d the C�ty did �ake a commitment to ��� p��p��. ��e City Enginee� said �he Council would have to make t�� determ�nat�on regarding the benefit to the people west of the �ast River Road. He added, Mr. Harris had made a strong statement �oncern�ng the down stream improvements. Maypr Liebl said the City was trying to get the water across East River Road and into the riv�r. The City Engineer said the wate� would dr�in into the creek which is in this ars�. He said the CQUncil wauld have to decide if this new improvement would be a benefit �o the peaple wes� of East River Road. The City Attorney explained the difference in the water tables of the area stating in the area now being developed, there is a high wa�er table and the property is being developed as commercial and industxial. He added, it could not have been developed if it was not drained. He said if the improvements had not been put in, Stanybrook would have taken care of the area naturally. Mayor Lieb1 said the City had pushed the water through there and caused the problem. Councilman Nee agreed. Mayar Liebl said they had planned a system that was practical and feasible. The City Engineex said they had saved $200,000 on the pxQject over the estimates of the time because of the sand fill from Burlington Northern. Mayor L�ebl said he would like to see the people west of East River �4ad not assessed for this improvement. Cpuncilman Nee asked the City Attorney if he had prepared the proposed l�gislation in regard to the request by the Council o� the recent 1aw suit, The �ity Attorney said this would take some weeks to pre- pare, Councilman Nee said it would cost the City som� money, but i� would be woxzh it, MOTbON by �auncilman Nee to authorize the Finance Department to pre- p�re ths final assessment rolls, confining the assessments to the p�rsons in the assessment district east of East River Road. Seeonded by Counci�man Starwalt. M&yor Liebl asked if this area would drain intp Stonybxook Creek. �he City Engineer said yes. The City Engineer said the system would cos� anothex 1/4 of a million dollars i£ the creek was not used. Mayor Liebl asked if the more expensive system were planned, the City could assess the people. The City Attorney said this should be faced when the City got to it. He said at the time of the Puhlic Hearing 'the peaple wexe told they would not be assessed. He said if this dQes not wQrk, something else would have to be done. He sa�.d if so t�ey w'ould have to call another hearing. Mayor Lieb1 said they had tald the pevple they would not assess them again. He added, the Qth�x �c�ur�cilmen should be polled on the mattex. The Finance �ir- ectox said this had not been done yet, but he would do it. Council- man Starwal.t said he wished the other members were present, if he voted no, he woul4i Wa�� to know if this would hurt the system. _ a.. R�GULAR GOUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PA�E 8 ' Th� Ci�y Attorney advised Councilman Starwalt that a two to ons vota on th� mattex would be sufficient to approve the item. He said �his was on�y in xhe foxm of stating some direction to the staf� and would na� ba �stab��shxng any legal position. U�O� � VOICE VOTE, Liebl and Nee voting aye, Starwalt voting �aya Mayqr �ieb1 dec�ared the motion carried two to one. The Finance Dire�tox asked wha� would be done about areas B and � o� �is memoxandum. Th� City �ngineer said the City had hoped to get some money ixom Spring Lak� Park for th�s system, but the daor had been closed. The City �ngineer said he would recommend another pipe be put in Alden Way in case there �s a block in the pipe or a back up by the river. He said this way either outlet would be available. He said he would like a pipe at a little higher level. The City Engineer said this is what the money is for. ' � � i i � The City Engineer said he did not think there would be a prol�lem with , equal assessments of the whole area for this improvement. H� added, the project was $200,U00 less than the people had been told. The Gity Attorney said before the assessment hearing, the Council should go on x'ecaxd authorizing the proposed plan for the expenditures. He sai�l the Council would have ordexed the work. He said if the members of th:e Council would agree with the recommendations of the City Engineer, this is wha� should be done. ' ' Mayor Liebl said the City Engineer said the area had already saved ' $ZQ0,000 for the people of the East River Road area. He said the people would be saving on the proposal put to them a year ago. He said he di�1 not want ta make it hard on the home owner. He said he did not think t�he peop�.e s}�oul.d be assessed. ' MOTTON by �ouncilman Nee to concur with the recommendations of the Fin�n�e Uirectox on points b and c of his memorandum to �khe City Managex on ' July 12, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Upon a voice vote, a11 vc�ting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, Maypr Lieb� dir�cted the Finance Director to inform Councilmen Brediex and Ux�.e�r wha� the Council's feeling on the matt�r was and why, He sai�1 he �hould also refer to the commitment to the people. The Finance Ui.rector said hs would do this. CQNSIDERATT�N OF CHANGING THE TIME LIMIT ON TRUCK PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL R A : Th.e l����,ng City Manager saa.d l�e had brought this to their attenta.or� to g�t �he�.�' �ee].i.n.g on the matt�r, He said it would take some 1ega1 r��e��r��, �o chan�e the ��ma`tation. He said h3.5 inten�ion would be tt� x�du�� t�� n.um�ae� of hours a cvmmercial vehic�.e would be able tQ pax�C, � il i! � � L� C� � �� � ' ' CJ � R,EGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 9 M�. Hil�. said there is a problem with the 24 haux limitation. He added, th�s would involve th.ree shifts of police officers who are �ubjee�, ta day ehanges also. He said the present situation is very diffi�ult tQ keep up with the necessary records. He said if some- fiime wi.thin the 24 }iours the wheels o£ the vehicle are moved. the �ol#.c� Gou1d do nothing about the par�.ing. He said he thought this type of parking gave an unsightly appearance to ihe residential areas, Thc� Acting City Managex said he would like some indication of the , Co�neil's feeling on the proposed change o£ limitati�n. He said if the Counca.l feels the time limit should b� reduced, he would ask them to �uthorize the City Attoxney to look inta the possibility. ' � � � ' , , � � � � M�yor Liebl said the Councilman At Laxge had broughr. this matter to his attention recently. He said there are semi-trucks parked in residenti�l areas for two days at a time. The City Manager said this is right. If the vehicle was moved up the street and back, they could park for another 24 hours. He said it is very difficult for the police to keep track of whethex or not the veh�.cle is moved or not . Mayor Lieb asked the City Attorney if he would look into the matter, The City Attorney said this had been discussed at the Department Head meeting thdt day and he had a c{uestion in regard to the type of vehicle to be allowed within the catagory of commercial vehicles. He said what about non residential areas? F�e also questioned the meaning of eommercial vehicles stating a lot of people have pick up trucks. He said what about the the off and on street parking, would thexs be a difference in thinking on the two? He asked what type Qf vehicles would be ban? �Iayor Lieb1 said he had received complaints about big semi-txucks being park�d in residential areas with heavy loads. He said he did no� �hink this would�be good for the street and he also thought it �.s a hazard, He said he knew of five different occassions of this typ� c�� parking, He said he would like the City Attorney to come u�r wiih something that can be enforced and would hold up in the �ourts. He said he would have no objection to those who owned p�ck up truGks parking or those who visited in pick up trucks parking the�'e, He said he does not 1•ike the �axking of the large loaded ' tru�ks over Saturday and Sunday. Gouncilman Staxwalt said he agreed. He said he would not want someone to tak� th� txuck �rom one street and park it on another for another 24 hour pexiod. He said there should be a definition on these points: � Mayox �ie1a1 sa�d, he had r�cei,ved calls fxom the first Ward and �eopl� � who th.ink there should be more six�.ct regulations, He sa�d he �Cnew of an a�c3.den� �rh�ch. t�a.s caused by a laxge �ruck park�ng on th� street. � � I _J � , REGU�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAG� lU , Ma�or Li��� sa�d he wQU1d instxuct the City Attorney to amend the oxdi�a�c� �nd xedu�� ihe limitatian of parking time in residential areas, Coun�ilman Nee agreed asking the City Attorney to prepare an amendm�nt for consideration at the next meeting. Mayor Liebl said he did not think a motion on the action would be neces�axy. RECEIVTNG THE MTNUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF MAY 21, 1 M�TION by R�creation N��. � � � Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes af the Parks and " Commission meeting of May 21, 1973, Secanded by �puncilman , �ouncilman Nee �uestioned if the minutes are running this far b�hind in reaGhing the Council's attention for approval? He �aid he had been que$tio�ed by people concerning the Moore Lake study and had advised �hese people there was no such study. He said now it appears thexe i� a study and has been underway £or some time. UFON � VOIC� VQTE, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared �he motion caxxied unanimously. The Dixector of Parks and Recreation was asked by Mayor Liebl why the minutes had been so late, Mr. Brown said this was an administrative problsm and the policy had been changed so tha� the minutes would be out wi�hin five days of the meeting from now on. He said he hoped th�s would answer their questions. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Brown if the statement that there was no contraet was cox�ect? The Director of Parks and Recreatian said this was true� �here is a task force study group�nrking on Moore Lake. He s�id a member of the Parks Commission and Mrs, Lee Ann Sporre wexe �n the process of gathering information concerning the hisr�axy of the lake and what the problems would come to. He said they are just accumulating information. , ' � � ' ' , � Mayor Liebl said he was aware that Mrs. Sporre had called the Caunty and asked �or information. Mr. Brown said information is also being g�thex�d� �x�m siudies made of Cxooked Lake and Lake Calhoun. His refurbishing l�Eag ax� coming forth. He said the study is focussed on how to bring back the oxygen in the 1ake. � Councilman Nee said he had been asked why the City had ordered a con- sultant and he had told them the City had not. Mr. Brown said this is anly a task force and thexe is no contract with any consultant, He said Brother Sullivan fram Grace High School and �r. Aon Savekoul were also helping in the project. He said the County H�alth BQard is also working on the project. He sa�d he thought the stud�es had been made the previous week. � , � � ' � � R�GUL.A.R COUNGIL MEETING QF JULY 16 ��.973 P�,G$ 11 R��E�'YTN� iHE MINUTES OF THE PRTDLEY HUMAN RELATTONS CaMMTSSTQN MQTIQN b�y Goun�i�man Nee to Humar� R��.atioans Commission � Cc�unei �m��a Sta�walt , �eceive the minutes of the Fra.d�.ey meeting of June 2$, 1973. Seconded by Cour��ilman �tarwalt called the Council's attention to the last item � o� th� minutes which �roposed the change in the requirement fc�x a quo�rum �rQm ten members to six �embers. He said he did not fee� any c�uorum shQUld be 6/15 of the membershi�, He said if there i�s no quoru� pr�sent, the members could make a recommendation fQr CQUnci], ' ap�rQVal, He said all items should receive equal consid�ration whether or �c�t the�e is a c�uorum present, He said the members of the Commis�ion should en�ourage the members to attend the meetings. He said they ' h�.d a1sQ �al�Ced about proxy votes, and even with this type of voting, he did not �eel the number required for a quarum should be xeduced trom te� to six. ' � �' J � ' Mayor I.iebl said he agreed with this. He said i� should be at ��ast nine. He said he did not feel that six would constitute a quorum. Mayor Liebl �aid it may be they have to write a letter ev'exytime there is a meeting to alert the membership. H� said he did not think it was a good idea to have the meeting in someone's home. He said it would he appropriate to have public meetings 1n City Hall. He said he thought the Commission could be critized for th?�s typ� of ineeting. Councilman Starwalt said k�e agreed with this point, Councilman Nee said l�e als� agreed. , The City Attorney said hE had been questioned by the Chairman of �he Commis��on and he had advised him ihat some bodies have less than t�h.is �+�r a c�t�oxum. He said the Chairman is concerned because there ax'� nc�t a�y people coming to the meetings, He said he had knawledge , oi g�'oups with a lesser number constituting a quarum. The City A�torriey said this is one alternative, the other would be to allow �hem �o k�ave a small numher of people appointed to the Comm�ssion. J , �oun�ilman Nee said he thought it should be at least hal� of the m�mbs�ship ox eight members. Mayor 1.,ieb1 said there should b� nine tc� h,ave a q�orum. He reminded Councilman Nee of the new appointment as xe�omm�nc�ed by the High School that brought the membership up, Cour���lman Starwalt said the Commiss�on should str�ve for better , att+anda�nce at the meetings. He said he thaught the proxy vote may be a�pxc►pxiate with the c{uorum remaining about nine or ten. He �a�.d he wou�d xecommend they maintain the number ten, , �! � Th+� ��.ty ��torney said he thought ei,ght would be su��icient for the c�uo�um, I�e saxd i.t has been dif��.cu1t for t�em to get a quQrum px�- s� n� �`� �he�x meet�ngs , UPON A VQ�CE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declaxed the motion ��,���&� �t����,�nQu�l.�� �r�d the mi�nutes r�c��xg�, -_. . _ ... ..+. vw � uL� �... .f� .: :' .^.� : . . ... r+ ,w n +in „ . .. R�GULAR CQUNCI� M�ETING OF JULY lb, 1973 PAGE 12 � RBCEiVING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNB 19, ��73; MQTION by �ouncilman Ne� ta receive the minutes af the Char��x �ommiss�an me��ing Q� June 19, 1973. Secanded by Council�an Starwalt, Upon a voic� vQ�e, al� vating aye, Mayor Liebl dec�ared the motion �arried unanimously. C�ATMS ; GEN�RAL �2486 - 325�9 LTQUDR 7946 - 7963 M�T�QN by Caunci].man Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Cauncilman St�rwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vot�.ng aye, Mayor Liebl decJ.ared th� mat�,on carried unanimously. ESTIMAT��: Fierxe Thibault (1972) I,td. Pierxe, Quebec Thibault 100 ft. Aerial ladder mounted on Custom chassis Thibault model ALW 8176, dated May 30, 1973 Eh1er$ and Associates, Inc. Fi,nancial Consultants �07 Maxc�uette Ave . Mp1s. MN 55402 For all sexvices under Part I- Planning, dated June 30, 1973. Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz �, Casserly Carl J. Newc{uist, Fridley Prosecutor 6441 Univers�ity Avenue N.E. Fr�.dley, MN 55432 Services rendered by Prosecutor in represe�tation of City in Criminal, Matters, Dated July 2, 1973. Patch Eri�kson �Iadson €, Hanson, Inc. Architects �and Planners 2801 Way�ata Boulevard Mpls, MN SS�05 June i.nspection af Fxidl�y Liquor Storer dated June 29, ��73 Lee F�.ec�xie , 3775 Highway S2 M� 1 s , �RIV ��ectr�ca�l, work for �ridley �,i.qupr Stv�e, da��d Jun� 26, 1973 $ ��,l�o,ao 1,S00.00 1,15S.Q0 SO,QQ 3,330,OQ R��U�AR G011NCI� ME�TING OF JU�Y 16, 1973 PAGE 13 �STTMATES: (CONTINUED); Px�gx���iv� Contxactors, Inc. �a�tial Estimate #8 - Street Tmpxovement Project �tt ��72�1 ����ial E�timate #� - St�eet Improvement Px�ject �t. �9��-2 (MSAR) �ury � Caxl�on, Tnc. 60Q8 Wayza�a �oulevaxd r���, M�t ��4�� � Pa�'tial Estimate #4 - Str�et Improvement Project S�G. 1�73,1 Part�.a1 Estimate #4 - Street Tmprovement Project St, 7.973-2 Noa�thd�le Cons�ruction Campany, Tnc. �2Q$ Northwood Parkway Mp1�. MN 55427 �'artial Estimate #2 - Sanitary �, Storm Sewer $ W�ter Improvement Project No. 112 A11ied Blacktop Company �601 4$th Avenue North Mpls, MN 55429 Partial Estimate #1 - Street Improvement Project St. 1973-10 (Seal Coat) Rysgaard-Master Company, Inc, 1253 W��t Connelly Street St, Paul, MN 55112 FINAI� ESTIMATE - Water Improvement Project No. 11Q, ' P�.inting of 1.5 M.G. Ground Storage Reservaix, Fx�.ciley, MN ' , ' ' � Nodl�nd Associates, Inc. Alexandria, MN 563U8 FTNAL ESTIMATE - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Watermain Improvement Project No. 102 (Estimate Na. 10) Weav�x, Ta11e � Herrick 31fi �. Main Street An.4 k a a ��'IN S 5 3 0 3 .Tune R�t�iner �lus add�.tional s�xvice� a��.d secre- t�a�cial se�vi�es $ 5,895.59 5,031.�� 61,5��,�2 31,920.75 41,463.63 14,348.$2 29,$OO.OQ 7,500,00 A � G1� e �\s � 1 REGUI.AR COUNC�L MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 ESTIN�ATES: CONT�NUED: PAGE 14 � � Sm�.�h, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly ' �u,3.1d�r� �xchange Building Mp].s. MN 55402 Additional legal services to June 22, 1973; Police ' F�nSion � Glover Suit 1,57p.QQ MO'�TON by Coiincilman tiee to approve the estimates. Seconded by Councilman ' S�arwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I,iebl declared t�he mot�.on carrz�d ur�animously. LIC�NS��: 1'YPE OF I.ICENSI: STRE�T VENDOR �arbara Glommen 1048 87xh Ave. �3laine MUL,TIPLE DWELLING Darxel Faxr D�v. Co, 5901 Brooklyn Bl.vd. Brooklyn G�nter AUBLJC DRINKING PLACE Casina R�ya�e 6219 Hwy. 65 Fra,dley SOLICITOR �ay's o� the City 2510 �, 24th St. Minn�apAlis SPRVTCE STATTON � Barbara Glommen 1601 N. Innsbruck Casino Royale Sin�lair S�at�.on 629Q Hwy, �5 Pxidley Arnold Midtaune �LACK'�QPP�NG Northern Asphalt Construction, Inc. 11Q64 'ftaddisvn Road N.E. ��,a���� MN By: Gexhard Larson APPROVED BY Pub. Safety Dir. Fire Tnsp. Pub. Safety Dir. , FEB ' ' 2Q,OQ , 26.QQ , ' 100.QQ , ' Pub. 5afety Dir. ],7S.QQ , Comm. Dev. Adm, , Fire Insp. 3Q,00 , C. Bel�.sle RFiNPWA� � � � � ' ' , R�G�LAR GOUN�I� M�ETING QF JU�Y 16, 1973 �I�BNSES: CONTINUED : �X�AVATING ����d'� �xGava��ng �06� Gr�v�land �oad �p��, M� By; Lloyd Remmers G�NP�AL �ONTRA�T�NG �Iu�traa $ Rawe, Inc. 3�a� �.Qtt� J��.�� l���k�., MI+1 By : James Hutton KTh�.t� Qa� Bu�.lders, Iz�c. ' 7Q70 ��lv�r I�ake Road M���, ��i By: Edwin Dropps ' Paul Aur�nd �.74�: ��s'G County Raad G St . �au7. , N�1 �y . Paul Aurand H�ATING � � i� �I�atiz�g €� Air Conditioning ].$9�G �r�kre� �treet WYomi��, M�t By: Arvin Kuhn MASONRY �ar�o Cs�n�tru�tion �11� ZSth Av�. N. Mp�,s , M�i By ; T�ny Sari.ch C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle c. B���S�e G. B�1i.s1� !C. Belisl� PAG� 1� N�W RENPW�L NEW ��w NEW N�W T?c�n Z�bro ��memt �ompany 4Q1,7 P�nxa� I�ane N��►�.s, NIN �y; Don Zebro C. Belisle N�W MOTIQN by Counc�.lman �Je� to appxave ths lic�n�e�. Seconded by Coun�ilma�n Staxwa�.t. Upon a vc�ice vote, a11 vQting ay�� Ma�oar Li�bl, dec�.�,red tha mation �ar�ied unanimou�l.y� MpyQR LIEBI,�S COMMENTS ON THE BUTLDING PERMIT REPORT; Mayor Lieb� said he would �ike ta commend th� administ�a�ion fQx al�. o£ °�he haxd wQr� in 1�72, H� said h� would like to ex�ea�d hi� comp�,iR men'�s tc� �he staff and especially th� InspeGtion Department. �Ie saa.d �x°idl.�y i.s th� l�ader in Building Permits in Anaka County. Mayar I�ieb]. �.isted the amount o£ permits i�ssued in 1972. 'Marc�x L�.eb1 �ai.d that h� th.ought h,e should Gqmmsnd the Ci.ty BngSne�x ��ar t%� deve�opm�n�t af a solid community. Th� City Engianeax thanl��d the May+�r and �afd this is nic� to I�ear once in a while, R�GULAR GQUNCI� M�ETING OF JULY 16, 1973 MAYQR LIBBL' U S CONCERNING 613T; PAG� 16 i ' Mayar Li�bl asked i£ the problems on 61st had been �ak�n car� of? ' C�unci�man Ne� said he had not taken care of t�is �e�. CI AN NEE SAID HE HAD AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEM WHICH NEEAED ATTE�TTO: Cou�c�lman ��� said h� had the name of a persan wha had been threatening �■ gexsons and h� had receiv�d camplaints from peQple h� had b�en thxeat- �nin� ta �hoot. He gav� the name of the pexson to the Actin� Gity ' �an�g�x/Public Safety Director, �nd asked to be nati£�ed cQnc�xning tha resu��s i� �his was feasible. Th� A�ting �ity Manager said he would take care o� the prablem. COUNC�LMAN STARWALT'S QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE OPERATIONS AT CASINO ROYAL� Coune�lman �tarwalt asked if th� Casino Royal� was opexatin� with ox withou� gx�blem� at the present time. Mayor �iebl said the ownexship a� th� �s�ablishment had chan�ed and there wexe no longer problems. H� said he had not heard of any complaints. Council�an Starwalt asked if there had been a�y problems at the Pub. Mayor Liebl said �here no longer were any proble�s. ADJOURNMEI��' � MpTIQN by �oun�ilman Nee to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman S�arwaJ.i. IJpon a voic� vote, a11. voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moticrn eaxr�.ed unanir�ously and th� Regular Me�ting of Ju1y 16, 1973, adjourn�d at 1Q:05 p.m. RespeG�ful.�,y submitted, �� �- ,!� �� �,<<.. Patrici.a ��.li� SecrQ�ary �o the City Cauncil Frank G. Liebl, Mayor �