07/16/1973 - 00016342�(� THE MINUT�S OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TH� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 16, 1973 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at� 7:35 p.m., July 16, 1973 by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGL OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag. ROLL CALL: MEA4BERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT ADOPTION OF AG�NDA: Starwalt, Liebl, Nee Utter, Breider Mayor Liebl said the following items should be added to the agenda: Estimate from Weaver, Talle, and Herrick Estimate from Wyman Smith MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanlmously. PR�S�NTATION OF AWARDS: WAYNE EK. FkIDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION DONALD FROOM, FRIDL�Y FIRE DEPARTMENT, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: , BONNIE 4'DELL, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Liebl called on those who were to receive awards at the meeting and they were not present. He directed the administration to forward the awards to the recipients. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGUL�IR COUNCIL ME�TING OF MAY 21, 1973: Councilman Nee called the Council's attention to page 8 of the May Z1 minutes and said he believed the statement made by himself that R-1 is always marketable on East River Road should be included in the minutes. MOTION by Councilman Nee to add to his comments on page 8 of the May 21 meeting of the Council that R-1 construction has taken place within four blocks of the property and that it is obviously market- able as R-1. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously � � � � REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TING OF JULY 16, 1973 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 4. 1973: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes as by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: 2"r �i PAGE 2 presented. Seconded voting aye, Mayor SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY ANOKA COUNTY OFFICIALS ON THE PROPOSED LIBRARY: AND RESOLUTION #85-1973 - AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF ANOKA TO PROC�ED WITH ITS PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A BRANCH LIBRARY BY THE ANOKA COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: Mayor Liebl called on Mr. Jerry Young, Director of the Anoka County Library Board. Mr. Young said the Board had been in the process of determining a location for a larger branch facility in the City of Fridley. I-Ie said the Board had come to the conclusion that the facilrty should be constructed on the corner of Mississippi and Sth Street. He said he felt this was an excellent location and would be an asset to the community of Fridley. He said it would be easily accessable. Mr. Young said the facility would be 9,000 to 11,000 square feet and would house 15,OD0 to 20,000 books. He added, this would be a one story facility. He said it would be an expanded facilrty as compared to the facility now in the basement of the City flall. Mr. Young said he hoped the Council would approve the preliminary con- cept of the Library plan. He said this would not include any approval on the building plans or specifications at this time. He added, the architect would be working on the plans and the Board would prescnt them to the City upon completion for approval. He asked the members of the Council if they would approve the Resolution of the concept of the proposed Library. Mayor Liebl asked the amount of the planned investment for the Library. Mr. Young said the investment would be $350,000 to $400,000 including the land. Mayor Liebl said Mrs. Barbara Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace has kept the Council informed on the plans of the Library Board, and he knew that they had looked for the site for a long time. He said he thought the facili�y would be an excellent addition to the City. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #85-1973 authorizing the Anoka County Library Board to proceed with their plans to construct a Branch Library in the City of Fridley on Mississippi and Sth Street. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 2 � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAG� 3 OLD BUSINESS' , RECONSIDERATION OF LOCATING A NATION GUARD ARMORY IN THE CITY OF Mayor Liebl referred to the memorandum submitted by Acting City Manager, Mr. James Hill, stating there are two alternatives. The Council could re-affirm their decision to not locate an armory in Fridley, or ask the Planning Commission to reevaluate and reconsider the new developments. Mayor Liebl said there are recommendations from the Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Paul Brown, stating the Commission was favorable to the consideration of the armory in Fridley. Mayor Liebl said the Director of Civil Defense, Robert D. Aldrich, also favors the construction of the Armory in Fridley. He added, according to Mr. Aldrich, the armory would enhance the Civil Defense forces in Fridley. Mayor Liebl said the City of Fridley would only be responsible for 25o or 300 of the financing of the construction. He continued, this would be a gold business venture for the City. Mayor Liebl suggested the matter be sent back to the Planning Commission for their consideration of the plan and its feasibility. He said he hoped the other members of the Council would have a chance to look at the proposals. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to send the matter back to the Planning , Commission because of the change of circumstances. Seconded by Councilman Nee Councilman Nee said he would like the matter referred to the Plan- ning Commission with the idea that the Council is not urging they approve the concept of the armory. Conncilman Starwalt agreed, saying they should reconsider the change in information not to consider this as the Council asking for approval. Councilman Nee said he would hate the Planning Commission to review the matter and approve the plan �ust because the Council is asking for another recommendation. UPON A VOIC� VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING MEMORANDUM FROM THE ACTING CITY MANAGER ON THE NORTH SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICES CENTER: Councilman Nee said he thought the matter should be tabled until the next meeting of Council when the other Council members would be present. Mayor Liebl said he thought this would be appropriate action to take. He said he thought this to be a moral decision. He said he � had talked to the welfare department and there are people in need of this type of service. He said there are many young people that are scared and afraid to go to their parents for help. He said not obtaining this assistnace could cause serious mental and health problems. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 �a� t PAGE 4 � He said he feels people are more important than money. He said he did not feel the present standing of the service could be deter�ined by a dollar value. He said he had also talked to people who are volunteering their time at the center, and these were people of Fridley. He said he had determined they are really helping those who are in need of help. He said he would like the City of Fridley to make a commitment in order to take care of the less fortunate young people. He said they would not be singled out by society and would have a helping hand. Mayor Liebl said he would support the recommendation that the County take a closer look atthis for funding at a L'ouncy level for 1975. Councilman Nee said he had been present at the meeting when a presenta- tion was made by the directors of the youth center. He said at that time he was under the impression that the members of the Council and the City were in support of the programs of the Center. He added, if the City is changing its position, they should make this decision known to the organization. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt recommendation number three as sub- mitted by the Acting City Manager and budget $1,OOD for 1974 and recommend to the County Commissioners that the service be financed by the County Board in 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt for dis- � cussion purposes. Councilman Starwalt said he thought the matter should be considered by a full Council. He said the City would be setting a precedent with the amount of controversy on the matter, he would like to have additional information on the aspects of the organization. He said he would like some more answers and would not want to take action on the thought the City should be willing to pay their way, but he did not want to vote on the matter at the present time. He stressed the point that this would set a precedent and he thought it should be voted on by a full Council. Mayor Liebl said he was aware of the concerns by Councilman Starwalt, but felt the people mean more than the $1,000 being discussed. Mayor Liebl said the City of Fridley is a young community and there are people who need help. He said if the City would put aside the $1,DD0, this would be a good gesture. He said he would like to indicate to the County that the City thinks this is a good thing, and that they should look into funding it. Mayor Liebl said he would hope the matter could be a unanimous one, or this would not look good He said this is not a politically orientated or partisan matter. He said it is a matter which would enable young people to have a chance in life. He said he is very sensitive in this matter, and he thought every young per- son should have a chance to be a good and productive citizen. � COUNCILMAN NEE WITHDREW his motion and Councilman Starwalt withdrew his second. �I� RL'-GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 5 MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the matter until it can be � considered by a full Ceuncil. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSID�RATION OF APPROVAL OF LEASE FOR GARDENA SCHOOL PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES• Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if the lease is acceptable. The City Attorney said it is in substance what had been previously discussed and approved by the Council in memo form. He said if it is acceptable to the Council, he thought it should be presented tothe School Board for their approval. He said it was his under- standing that the Director of Parks and Recreation had worked with the School Board on the matter. MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the lease and authorize the Mayor to execute the lease. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPRAISALS FOR DRAINAGE AND STORM SEWER EASEMENT nCQUISITION POR AREA NORTH OF RICE CREEK ROAD, OUTLET FOR BRIARDALE MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the appraisals from Harvey � Peterson Company and Curtls A. Larson, Independent Fee Appraiser, dated July 16, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the total amount as appraised by Harvey Peterson would be $21,400 and the total from Curtis Larson would be $23,000. The City Engineer said the action to be taken should be to authorize the easement for ponding of water on the property. He said there are a number of complaints about the present temporary ponding in Briardale area. He said the storm sewer system cannot be used without an outlet. The City Engineer said this is a part of the whole Rice Creek area planned storm sewer program. He said he would recommend the Council authorize the City Attorney to negotiate for the acqui- sition of the ponding easement. He added, this is the same area in which the $800 is required ta be escrowed for storm sewer construc- tion per building site. Mayor Liebl commented to the Ward Councilman Starwalt and said this would be a part of the overall storm sewer system in his ward and he would suggest the action be taken speedily. Councilman Starwalt said he was sure this was something that had to be done at this time. , MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to authorize the City Administration and the City Attorney to enter into negotiations for the easement of the ponding area for the area not to exceed $23,000. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. I I �_..I � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 DISCUSSION REGARDING SIDE STREET AS PAGE 6 7TH STREET (ORIGINA z�� MOTTON by Councilman Nee to table the discussion regarding the side street assessment for 7th Street until there is a full Council p�esent. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Lzebl sazd this should be put on the agenda on the £irst meeting of August or on the 6tn. The Finance Director said he would like some indication from the Council as to how they feel about the assessment. Mayor Liebl said he thought the procedure should be maintained as it had been previously and not changed. He said he knew that the Ward Councilman was also against changing the policy The Finance Director said Councilman Breider had indicated he felt this way to him also. Councilman Nee said he thought that Councilman Breider should be present as this was in his Ward. Mayor Lzebl asked the Finance ➢irector if there was some rush on the matter? The Finance Director said it could be placed on the next agenda if the Cauncil wished. Mayor Liebl said the Ward Councilman was not present nor was the Councilman At Large. Mayor Liebl stressed his thought that the assess- ment policy should not be changed. The Finance Director said if the policy was changed the City would have to call the other people in for a Public Hearing. Mayor Liebl instructed the Finance Director to place the item on the next agenda. DISCUSSION OF AREA TO BE ASSESSED FOR COST OF PROJECT N0. 102 Mayor Liebl read the memo from the Finance llirector to the City Manager aloud to the Council. Mayor Liebl said the people had been in and had also been assessed for the overall assessments of the area. He said the question would be to put in the improvements and assess the people for the improvements or gzve them consideration for thezr completed system. The City Engineer said there is a possibility of breaking down the assessments. He said it may be possible to not assess those who reside west of BasL River Road. He said there is opposition to the assessment by these people for the improvements. The City Engineer said it would be a matter of Council prerogative. He said Engineering wise, he could present a case. �SO REGULAR COUNCIL ME�TING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 7 Mayor Liebl said he thought the storm sewer assessment of this area � should have been £inal. He said the City did make a commitment to the people. The City Engineer said the Council would have to make the daterminat3on xegard�ng the benefit to the people west of the East River Road. He added, Mr. Harris had made a strong statement concerning the down stream improvements. Mayor Liebl sa�d the City was trying to get the water across East River Road and into the river. The City Engineer said the water would drain into the creek which is in Lhis area. He said the Council would have to decide if this new improvement would be a benefit to the people west of East River Road. The City Attorney explained the difference in the water tables of the area stating in the area now being developed, there is a high water taUle and the property is being developed as commercial and industrial. He added, it could not have been developed if it was not drained. He said if the improvements had not been put in, Stonybrook would have taken care of the area naturally. Mayor Liebl said the City had pushed the water thraugh there and caused the pxoblem. Councilman Nee agreed. Mayor Liebl said they had planned a system that was practical and feasible. The City �ngineer said they had saved $200,000 on the ' pro�ect over the estimates of the time because of the sand fill from Burlington Northern. D4ayor Liebl said he tivould Iike to see the people west of East River Road not assessed for this improvement. Councilman Nee asked the City Attorney if he had prepared the proposed Iegislation in regard to the request by the Council on the recent law suit. The City Attorney said this would take some weeks to pre- pare. Councilman Nee said it would cost the City some money, but it would be worLh it. MOT10N by Councilman Nee to authorize the Finance Department to pre- pare the final assessment rolls, confining the assessments to the persons in the assessment district east o£ East River Road. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Mayor Liebl asked if this area would drain into Stonybrook Creek. The City Engineer said yes. The City Engineer said the system would cost another 1/4 of a million dollars lf the creek was not used. Mayor Liebl asked if the more expensive system were planned, the City could assess the people. The City Attorney said this should be faced when the City got to it. He said at the time of the Public Hearing the people were told they would not be assessed. He said if this does not work, something else would have to be done. He saj,d if so � tfiey Would have to ca11 another hearing. Mayor Lieb1 said tTiey had told the people they would not assess them again. He added, the other Councilmen should be polled on the matter. The Finance Dir- ector said this had not been done yet, but he would do it. Council- man Starwalt said he wished the other members were present, if he voted no, he would want to know if this would hurt the system. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 � The City Attorney advxsed Councilman Starwalt that a on the matter would be sufficient to approve the item was only in tF�e form of stating some direction to the not be establishing any legal positxon. ��� PAG� 8 ttivo to one vote . He said this staff and would dTPON A VOICE VOTE, Liebl and Nee voting aye, Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried two to one, The Finance Director asked what would be done about areas B and C of his memorandum. The City Engineer said the City had hoped to get some money from Spring Lake Park for this system, but the door had been closed. The City Engineer said he would recommend another pipe be put in Alden Way in case there is a block in the pipe or a back up by the river. He said this way either outlet would be available. He said he would like a pipe at a little higher level. The City �ngineer said this is what the money is for. The City Engineer said he did not think there would be a problem with equal assessments of the whole area for this improvement He added, the project was $200,000 less than the people had been told. The City Attorney said before the assessment hearing, the Council should � go on record authorizzng the proposed plan for the expenditures. He said the Council would have ordered the work. He said if the members of the Council would agree with the recommendatzons of the City Engineer, this is what should be done. Mayor Liebl said the C9ty Engineer said the area had already saved $200,000 for the people of the East River Road area. He said the people would be saving on the proposal put to them a year ago. He said he did not want to make it hard on the home owner. He said he did not think the people should be assessed. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendations of the Finance Director on points b and c of his memorandum to the City Manager on July 12, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl directed the Fznance Director to inform Councilmen Bredier and Utter what the Council's feeling on the matter was and why. He said he should also refer to the commitment to the people. Th� Finance Director said he would do this. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING THE TIME LIMIT ON TRUCK PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL The Actj,ng City Manager said he had brought this to their attention tc � g�t the�r �eelj,ng on the matter. He said it would take some legal reseaxch to cFiange the limitation. He said hxs intention would be to reduce the numBex o£ hours a commerczal vehicle v,rould Ue able to park. � � �� �{ REGULAR COUNCIL b1EETING OP JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 9 Mr. Hill said there is a problem with the 24 hour limitatzon. He ' added, this would xnvolve three sh�fts of police officers who are sub�ect to day changes also. He said the present situation is very difficult to keep up with the necessary records. He said if some- time within the 24 hours the wheels of the vehicle are moved, the police could do nothang about the parking. He said he thought this type of parking gave an unsightly appearance to the residential areas. The Acting City Manager said he would like some indication of the Council's feeling on the proposed change of limitation. He said if the Council feels the time limit should be reduced, he would ask them to authorize the City Attorney to look into the possit�ility. Mayor Liebl said the Councilman At LaFge had brought. this matter to his attention recently. He said there are semi-trucks parked in residential areas for two days at a time. The City Manager said this is right. If the vehicle was moved up the street and back, they could park for another 24 hours. He said it is very difficult for the police to keep track o£ whether or not the vehicle is moved or not. Mayor Lieb asked the City Attorney if he would look into the matter. The City Attorney said this had been discussed at the Department Head � meeting thut day and he had a question in regard to the type of vehicle to be allowed within the catagory of commercial vehicles. He said what about non residential areas? He also questioned the meaning of commercial vehicles stating a lot of people have pick up trucks. He said what about the the off and on street parking, would there be a difference in thinking on the two? He asked what type of vehicles would be ban? Mayor Liebl said he had received complaints about big semi-trucks being park<d in residential areas with heavy loads. He said he did not think this would;be good for the street and he also thought it is a hazard. He said he knew of five different occassions of this type of parking. He said he would like the City Attorney to come up with something that can be enforced and would hold up in the courts. He said he would have no ob�ection to those who owned pick up trucks parking or those who visited in pick up trucks parking there. He said he does not like the parking of the large loaded trucks over Saturday and Sunday. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed. He said he would not want someone to take the truck from one street and park it on another for another 24 hour period. He said there should be a definition on these poinfs. Mayor Liebl said he had received calls fxom the £irst Ward and people who think there should ba more sTxict regulations. He sa�d he knew � of an accident which �as caused by a large truck parking on tfie street. REGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING 0� TULY 16, 1973 PAGE 10 z���� � Mayor Liebl said he would instruct the City Attorney to amend the ordinance and reduce the limitatzon of parking time in residential areas. Councilman Nee agreed asking the City Attorney to prepare an amendment for consideration at the next meeting. Mayor Liebl said he did not think a motion on the action would be necessary. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OF MAY 21, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of May 21, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Councilman Nee questioned if the minutes are running this far behind in reaching the Council's attention for approval? He said he had been questioned by people concerning the Moore Lake study and had advised these people there was no such study. He said now it appears there is a study and has been underway for some time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, �fayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � The Director of Parks and Recreation was asked by Mayor Liebl why the minutes had been so late. Mr. Brown said this was an administrative problem and the policy had been changed so that the minutes would be out within five days of the meeting from now on. He said he hoped this would answer their questions. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Brown if the statement that there was no contract was correct? The Director of Parks and Recreation said this was true, there is a task force study groupvarking on Moore Lake. He said a member of the Parks Commission and Mrs. Lee Ann Sporre were in the process of gathering information concerning the history of the lake and what the problems would come to. He said they are �ust accumulating information. Mayor Liebl said he was aware that Mrs. Sporre had called the County and asked for information. Mr. Brown said information is also being gathered from studies made of Crooked Lake and Lake Calhoun. His refurbishing ideas are coming forth. He said the study is focussad on how to bring back the oxygen in the lake. Councilman Nee said he had been asked why the City had ordered a con- sultant and he had told them the City had not. Mr. Brown said this is only a task force and there is no contract with � any consultant. He said Brother Sullivan from Grace High School and 7�r. Don Savekoul wexe also T�elping in the project. He said the County Health Board is also t��orking on the pro�ect. He said he thought the studies had been made the previous week. � � �i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 11 RECEIVING TH� MIIQUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION �fEETING OF JUNE 28, 1973: P40TION by Councilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Commission meeting of June 28, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Councilman Starwalt called the Council's attention to the last item on the minutes which proposed the change in the requirement for a quorum from ten members to six members. He said he did not feel any quorum should be 6/15 of the membership. He said if there is no quorum present, the members could make a recommendation for Council approval. He said all items should receive equal consideration whether or not there is a quorum present. He said the members of the Commission should encourage the members to attend the meetings. He said they had also talked about proxy votes, and even with this type of voting, he did not feel the number required for a quorum should be reduced from ten to six. Mayor Liebl said he agreed with this. He said it should be at least nine. He said he did not feel that six would constitute a quorum. Mayor Liebl said it may be they have to write a letter everytime there is a meeting to alert the membership. He said he did not think it was a good idea to have the meeting in someone's home. He said it would he appropriate to have public meetings in City Hall. I-Ie said he thought the Commission could be critized for this type of ineeting. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with this point. Councilman Nee said he also agreed. The City Attorney said he had been questioned by the Chairman of the Commission and he had advised him that some bodies have less than this for a quorum. He said the Chairman is concerned because there are not any people coming to the meetings. He said he had knowledge of groups with a lesser number constituting a quorum. The City Attorney said this is one alternative, the other would be to allow them to have a small number of people appointed to the Commission. Councilman Nee said he thought it should be at least half of the membership or eight members. Mayor Liebl said there should be nine to have a quorum. He reminded Councilman Nee of the new appointment as recommended by the High School that brought the membership up. Councilman Starwalt said the Commission should strive for better attendance at the meetings. He said he thought the proxy vote may be appropriate with the quorum remaining about nine or ten. He said he would recommend they maintain the number ten. The City Attorney saxd he thought eight would be su�£ic�ent £or tI�e quorum. He sa�d xt has taeen difficult �or tham to get a quorum pre- sent at their meetings. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, and the minutes received. ' ' , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 12 2��� RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER CONII�4ISSION MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1973: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission meeting of June 19, 1973. Seconded by Councilntan Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: GENERAL 32486 - 32519 LIQUOR 7946 - 7963 MOTION by Councalman Nee to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. E�TIMATES. Pierre Thibault (1472) Ltd. Pierre, Quebec Thibault 100 ft. Aerial ladder mounted on Custom chassis Thibault model ALW 8176, dated May 30, 1973 � Ehlers and Associates, Inc. Financial Consultants 507 Marquette Ave. Mpls. MN 55402 ' For all services under Part I- Planning, dated June 30, 1973. Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz $ Casserly Carl J. Newquist, Fridley Prosecutor 6441 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Services rendered by Prosecutor 1n representation of City in Criminal �Iatters. Dated July 2, 1973. Patch Erickson Madson $ Hanson, Inc. Architects and Planners 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Mpls. MN 55405 June inspection of Fridley Liquor SCore, dated June 29, 1973 Lee Electxic 3775 Highway 52 A'fp1s. MN Electrical work for k'ridley Li.quor 5tore, dated June 26, 1973 $ 66,160.00 1,500.00 1,155.00 50.00 3,330.00 `��+fi REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 �STIAIATES: (CONTINUED)� Progressive Contractors, Inc. Partial �stimate �8 - Street Improvement Project St. 1972-1 Partial Estimate #7 - Street Improvement Project St. 1972-2 (MSAP) Bury $ Carlson, Inc. 6008 Wayzata Boulevard Mpls, MN 55416 Partial Estimate #4 - Street Improvement Project St. 1973-1 Partial Estimate #4 - Street Improvement Project St. 1973-2 Northdale Construction Company, Inc. 8208 Northwood Parkway Mpls. MN 55427 Partial Estimate #Z - Sanitary F� Storm Sewer $ Water Improvement Pro7ect No. 112 Allied Blacktop Company 3601 48th Avenue North Mpls. MN 55429 Partial Estimate #1 - Street Improvement Project St. 1973-10 (Seal Coat) Rysgaard-Master Company, Inc. 1253 West Connelly Street St. Paul, MN 55112 FINAL ESTIMAT� - Water Improvement Project No. 110, Painting of 1.5 M.G. Ground Storage Reservoir, Fridley, MN Nodland Associates, Inc. Alexandria, MN 56308 FINAL ESTIMATE - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Watermain Improvement Project No. 102 (Estimate No. 10) Weaver, Talle F� Herrick 316 E. Main Street Anoka, P4N 55303 June Retainer plus additional services and secre- tarial services PAGE 13 $ 5,895.59 5,031.28 61,523.42 31,920.75 41,463.63 14,348.82 29,800.00 7,500.00 1,212.50 � 1 r REGULAR C�UNCIL MEETING OP JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 14 .� > � ,� c � ,ESTIMATES: CONTINUED: Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange Bui,ldxng Mpls. MN 55402 Additional legal services to June 22, 1973: Police Pension F, Glover Suit 1,570.00 �IOTTON by Councilman Nee to approve the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl �eclared the motion carried unanimously. � � LICENSES: 1YPE OF LICENSE BY STREET VENDOR Barbara Glommen 1048 87th Ave. Blaine Barbara Giommen MULTIPLE DWELLING Darrel Farr Dev. Co. 5901 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Center 1601 N. Innsbruck PUBLIC DRINKING PLACE Casino Royale 6219 Hwy. 65 Fridley Casino Royale SOLICITOR Boy's of the City 2510 E. 24th St. Minneapolis SERVICE STATION Sinclair Station 6290 Hwy. 65 Fridley Arnold Midtaune BLACKTOPPING Northern Asphalt Construction, Inc. 17.Qfi4 �addxson Road N.E. �1a,ine, MN By: Gerhard Larson APPROVED BY Pub. Safety Dir Fire Insp Pub. Safety Dir Pub. Safety Dir Comm. Dev. Adm. Fire Insp. C. Belzsle FEE 20.00 26.00 ioo.00 175.00 30.00 RL�NHWAL ��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 LICENSES EXCAVATING CONTINUED Lloyd's Excavating 8065 Groveland Road Mpls. MN GENERAL CONTRACTING Hutton F� Rowe, Inc 3958 lOth Lane Anoka, MN By Lloyd Remmers By: James Hutton White Oak Buzlders, Inc. 7070 Silver Lake Road Mpls. MN By: Edwin Dropps Paul Aurand 1741 �ast County Road C St. Paul, MN By: Paul Aurand HEATING A F� K Hea�ing F, Air Conditioning 18936 Xebec Street Wyoming, AZN By. Arvin Kuhn MASONRY Sarco Construction 2112 25th Ave. N. Mp 1 s . NIN By. Tony Sarich C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle PAGE 15 � NEW RENEWAL NEW NEW NEW , NEW Don Zebro Cememt Company 4017 Penrod Lane Mpls. MN By. Don Zebro C. Belisle NEW MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried �ananimously. MAYOR LIEBL'S COMMENTS ON THE BUILDING PERMIT REPORT: n4ayor Lieb� said he would like to coramend the administration for all of the hard work in 1972. He said he would like to extend his compli- ments to the staff and especially the Tnspection Department. He said Fridley is the leader in Building Permits in Anoka County. Mayor Liebl listed the amount of permits issued in 1972. Mayor Liebl said that he thought he should commend the City Bngineer for the development o£ a solid community. The City Engineer thanked the Mayor and said this is nice to hear once in a while. ' uC�.� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1973 PAGE 16 � MAYOR LIEBL'S QUESTIONS CONCERNING 61ST: Mayor Lzebl asked if the problems on 61st had been taken care of? Councilman Nee saxd he had not taken care of this yet. COUNCILMAN NEE SAZD HE HAD AN ADMINISTR6ITIVE PROBLEM WHICH NEEDED ATTENTION• Councilman Nee said he had the name of a person who had been threatening persons and he had recexved complaints from people he had been threat- ening to shoot. He gave the name of the person to the Acting City 1�lanager/Public Safety Director, and asked to be notified concerning the results if this was feasible. The Rcting City Manager said he would take care of the problem. COUNCILMAN STARWALT'S OUESTIONS CONCERNING THE OPERATIONS AT CASINO ROYALE. Councilman Starwalt asked if the Casino Royale was operating with or without problems at the present time. Mayor Liebl said the ownership of the establishment had changed and there were no longer problems. He said he had not heard of any complaints. Council�nan Starwalt asked if there had been any problems at the Pub. Mayor Liebl said there no longer were any problems. ' ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Nee to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, D4ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of July 16, 1973, adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,��� �� ���� � Patricia Ellis Frank G. Lie 1, ayor Secretary to the City Council '