05/20/1974 - 5486PATRICIA RANSTROM COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEE7ING MAY 20, 7974 I � � FKI�LEY C�TY COUiVCIL — REGULAR MEETING — MAY 20, 1974 — 7c30 P, M, I 1 . , 7:29 � . ; ' PLEli6E OF ALLEGIANCE: Given _ ' I i�VOCAT I OiV : by Mayor Li ebl ' ROLL CALL; All present. . � APPROVAL 0� i�1 I ��UTES : �EGULAR �OUNCIL �EETING OF �iPRIL 15, 1974 Adopted as presented. PROCLAMAT I OiV : � PROCLAIMING THE MONTH OF .JUNE AS "TOASTMASTER MONTH" .�.� 1 Adopted AllUPTIOiV OF AGEI��A: Ueleted it�m #9 - /{ntennea Consideration. Added consideration of dumping station for campet^s and mobi7e homes. V�SITORS: t-Ir. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, several questions - He said he would wait until later in the meeting. Mr, 8urt Elli�s, 115 Talmadge Way -(�equest for adoption of Fridley Flag, approved as requested. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ������������� 2 AMENDING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADIIING CHAPTER SiO ENTITLED TREE PRESERVATION WHICH PROHIBITS THE DESTRUC- TION OF TREES ON CITY OWNED PUBLIC LANDS IN TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY EXCEPT UNDER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. � Ordinance #559 adopted on Second reading and pub7ication ordered. __ ... � ' ' 1� ' C'� � , Rr:GULAR (�IEETIidG, MAY 20, 1974 OL� BUSI��ESS (CO�vTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF BASEBALL FENCE AT FRIDLEY COMMONS PARK#1�.��.�..���..���.�.������.�����������.���.��.�.�. Council approved placement of fencing, s�cipulating that the f ence be six feet and that a ten foot walkway area be left between the two ball diamonds. i�EW �US I fVESS : 0 PAGE 2 3-3B ' t�ECEIVING TNE �IINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION I��EETING OF r�IAY g. 1974��.,�.�..��������.�.�.�„ �����..�� 4- 4$ i. Rezoning request by Berkeley Pump Company, Lot 1 and 2, Block 13, Spring Brook Park Addition from R-1 to M-1. Public Hearing set for June 10, i974 2. Armory Proposal: City Manager instructed to bring back a fact sheet for the Council, co be brougnt back for a Pub7ic Hearing the second meeting in July. (July 8) 3, Preliminary Plat P. S. #74-02, Grace High Schoo7 Addition by Jerome N. Julius: !'ublic Hearing set for June 10, 1974. 4. itequest for s�ecial use permit, SP #74-06, by Gerald L. Bloms, accessory building: Council concurred with rec�mmendation of Planning Commission and granted the special use permit.. 5. Lot split request, L. S. �74-01, Wallace K. Dahl, to split westerly 10 feet � � of Lot 29, and add it to Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block J, Riverview Heights: Concurred with Planning Commission and approved the request. 6. 7. 8. Wo action necessary• No action necessary: No action necessary: No action necessary: Amending Chapter 2Q5, Section 205.051, Para. 2, A, Environmental Qual9ty Commission Membership review. Vote by Chairman.� Letter from Harold Belgum, Human Relations Commission. FRIDLEY CITY C.OUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 7974 PAGEy2-A �ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS — �ESIGN �ONTROL �EETING OF �AY g, 1974������������.�.�.��. 5- 5 D 1. Request to construct a building for sa7t storage, by i�1innesota Highway Department, located o n the east of the Mississippi River and south of I-694, Higi���ay �2ight-of-Way: City ilanager suggested information � concerning this usage should be sent to State Poiiution Agency. Item sent back to Building Standards-Design Control Committee f.or possible alternative 7ocations with the suggestion that this area be used for picnecs, etc, as is done across ihe river. � 2. Request to allow refac�ng of exterior and roof by Pasco Marketing, for 6290 Highway 65, Sinclair Station: Concurred with recommendation �f Subcommittee and approved the request with the six suggested stipu�a�:ior�s. ' 3. Request to construct a garage building for the apartment c�omplex, by R. J. Bauman, for 105-58th Avenue N. E.: Council tab�ed until the next reguiar meeting (June 3, 7974) stressing ihat the garage � shauld be built for the 7 units. , , � . � � MINUTES RECEIVE� � � 1 1 REGULAR I�I�ETI(VG, MAY 20, 1974 NEW �iUS I i�ESS (CO�VT I ��UED ) PAGE 3 t�ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS � ' _ _ _ _ I'�EETING QF ��IAY 14, 1974,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6- 6 P ' l. Request for a variance in setback from a side street, for an accessory bui]ding by Daryl Wolf, G446 Arthur St.: Approved inc7uding the stipulation concerning the hard surface driveway when the street is completed. , ' �i , ' 1 ' � � ' - � �� ' 2. Request for several variances to allow the construction of a second story onto an existing dwelling, 4544 2nd Street N. E, by�Mr. Joe Powers: Concurred with recommendation of Board and approved variances. 3. Request to reduce the required setback for a garage existing onto an alley, 4:i48 2nd Street N. E., by Roger Frakie: Approved request with statement that the stipulation concerning the automatic garage door opener is not considered a part of the motion. 4. Request to increase the square footage for a wa7l sign from the allowed 135 square feet to 200 square feet, 7620 Univers�ty Avenue N. E., by Robert Schroer: Concurred with Board and approved request with three stipulations suggested. MIfJUTES RECEIVED. i�ECE I VI NG THE M I NUTES OF THE CHARTER COP1M I_SS I ON _ _ �EETING OF APRIL 16, 1974,����...�.��.�.������.�....����� %— � B Minutes received. •Question on time table raised, and Counci] was assured the Charter Commission had been notifizd. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN REI.ATIONS ' �OM��IITTEE ��EETING OF APRIL Ig, 1974�..������.���.,��.�.�. $— g E ' Mi.nutes received and Counci7 concurred with recommendation of Human Relations Committee that the $87 fee shou7d be paid and that the Fridley Numan Relations Committee join the League of Minnesota Human Relations Commissions. , 1 i�EGULAR MEET I iVG ��j�l�►y �� 1 I�EW BUSII�ESS �CONTINUED) PAGE 4 , CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL �'OR CONSTRUCTION OF A TOWER FOR 1�NTENNA PURPOSES BY MIDWESTERN RELAY COMPANY FOR GENERAL TELEVISION, ING.������.���.��..��...- 9 I , (�Q�.: INFORMATION FROM GENERAL TELEVISION IS UNDER SEPARATE COVER) , . DEL�TED FROM AGENDA: ' CONSIDERATION OF ALICE WALL PLAT PAFtK DEDICATION.e�.���� IO — 1� B Council approVed proposal that the apartment 7ot be deducted from the total plat acreage because of providing recreational reas for that part of the plat, that tennis courts be provided for the apartment residents and that the fee for the park be $8,050.0�: t�ECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT $T� 1�74—IO �SEALGOATING)�����.�����..��.� 11 Bids rejected and authorized to be rebid. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANITARY �� SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #115,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 Bids received and contract awarded to B& B�xcavating in the amount of.$34,896.50. ' R����tq►R f�IEET I fdG, MAY 20, 1974 I�EW I��SII�ESS ��ONTINIlED) m PAG E 5 . RECEIVING REPORT ON POSSIBLE COMMUNITY�SCHOOL . PROGRAM IN �OMMUNITY��������_������,,,',.,.'.,11��.���������� 13 - 13 A Council concurred with the recommendation of the City Manager to set . up Community School program with, Paul Brown, Peter Her7ofsky, Dan Huff and Nasim Qureshi forming the City membership. This is to be forwarded to administration at School Distr�ct #l4. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF PARK COMP�E;-iENSIVE PLAN ����� 14 - 14 A Aci:ion to hold in abeyance until results of studies and surveys (six to seven months) and after this time priorities should be determined and Federal funding sought. 111SCUSSION REGARDING THE SECOND STAGE OF THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONCEPT...�������..�.�.���������.��.. 15 - 15 B Action to put in abeyance unt�l studies and surveys are completed. , CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL �VO, 49, AFL-CIO (PuB�ic WORKS AND PARKS) AND aPPROVAL OF BENEFIT ADJUSTMENT FOR ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES .�iesolution #55-1974 adopted. A]1 non-union employees to receive $5 per month for dependent hospitalization. 16-16Z � � � . , I t�EGULAR MEETING, MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING TEE�TAAHIGHWAYTDEPARTM�ENTMENT 17 OF T. N. #65 IN COOPERATION WITH THE MINN S 8esolution #56-1974 adopted. �ONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-1 AND t�ECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM SMITH, �USTER, FEIKEMA, . HASKVITZ AND CASSERLY � AND CONSIDERATION OF A.RESOLUTiON CONFIRMrNG ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT $T, 1973-2�����.���..���� 1g ' lc� � R-PSnI_u_tion #57-1974 adopted confirming assessment roll for Street improvement Project St. 1973-1. Resolution #58-1974 adopted confirming assessment roll for _ Street Improvement roject St. ]973-2. Council directed administration to report back to Council on complaints concerning quality of construction. Credit to be given on 78th bringing the assessment from $i5,06 to �12.43. �LAIMS��.����.���.�.��..�.����.�.,��.�.�.�����.��� „ ���� I9 Approved with the addition of five police cars. LICENSES AND • APPROVAL OF FIVE SWIMMING POOL LICENSES�.�..������������ 20 - 2O H Licenses and five swimming pool licenses approved. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR HOUSE TRAILER PERMIT BY TOTINO�S FINfR FOODS, INC...���..���.�..�..��. 21 Tabled until next meeting. Original permit was to be temporary. Administration to determine if this usage will terminate Aug. 1 as originally �. � ' � i�EGULAR f�1EET I idG, MAY 20, 1974 , �_J � �� PAGE 7 ��EW BUSII�ESS ��ONTINUED) tSTIMATES��������������������������������������.������.� ZZ - 22 A l�pproved . COi�CEitr� EXPRESSED BY MR. RICHARD HARRIS CONCERNING BURLINGTON NORTHERN GROSSING AT P�IISSISSIPPI STREET: Counci7man Nee suggested hiring temporary help to monator crossing for period of approximately two weeks. Administration to send communication to Burlington Northern stating the crossing at Mississippi Street is frequently blocked for long periods of time, �chat the signals and the barriers at Mississippi. street often become stuck and that the roadbed at Osborne Road is is need of attention. , QUESTION ON FILL IN ALLEY BETWEEN 78TH AND 79TH BY MR. RICHARD HARRIS: P1r. Harris raised the question of how owns the fill p�aced in this area which is a high quality compacted material. The City Manager said if ' the City is not in need of the material Mr. Narris would be able to .u5e it. ' �J , � � , ' ' ' CONCERN ABOUT M-1 AidD F�1-2 ZONING ORDINANCES BEING INADEQUATE EXPRESSED BY MR. RICHARD HARRIS: �1r. Harris directed to compile his suggestions in writing to be reviewed by the City. a �o��iihu �� 1 caT r o��s :� WYMAN SMITH:� PROPOSED APPLICATION OF MAX SALITERMAN FQR A �IQUOR �ICENSE — KING'S �HALET.�������.���.����.�� 23 ' 23 A P,ecei ved. I � � r , �_J � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 8 COMMUNICATIONS CONTINUED: LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES: MAYOR BEING ON PANELAT ANNUAL CONVENTION���.������������������.��" "" 24 Received and concurred in the attendance of Mayor Liebl to make a presentation on June 12, 1974. � �PTINIIST CLUB OF I��E� MINNEAPOLIS: BICYCLE INSPECTION��� 25 Received and granted the use of the parking lot on the 26th of May, 1974. , ' , ' , ' ' � • ' ' ISLANDS OF PEACE; PROJECTS����.������.���.��������� ""' 26 Communication recei �ed and C ounci7 concurred with proposed schedu7e with the original four stipulations of agreemeni being noted. Administration requested to contact Governor Anderson requesting his attandance at Silver Jubi7ee and also that he dedicate Ed Wilmes Park at this time. CUIJCERN EXPRESS�D BY MR. RICHARD HARRIS ABOUT SHOOTING OF GUNS ON ISLANDS OF PEACE: enin in Locke City A�torney advised the Council that this is also happ � Park. Council Secretary notes this is also in Rice Creek Park. Public Safety Director asked to look into this situation. . COfJSIDERA7I0iJ OF ESTABLISHING LOCATION FQR DUMPING FOR CAMPERS AND MOBILE HOMES: � Administration to set up a facility and report back to Council. ' ADJOURN: 10:56 P.M. � � � � ' � ' , ' i ' � _ __------ � 21� � i ___ __ _ ---_ � ; THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MAY 20, 1974 ; � � i The Re.gular Meeting of the Fridley City Counci7 of May 20, 1974 was called to order at 7:29 P.t�l. by Mayor Liebl. PLECGE Of ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: •The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: . h9�P18ERS PRESENT: � i9ayor Lieb1, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Counciiman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt, MEMBERS ABSENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular P4eeting of the Fridley City Council of April 15, 1974 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�iayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION; PROCLAMING THE MONTH OF JUNE AS "TOASTMASTER MONTH": f�layor Lieb1 read the Proclamation to the Council and audience. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the Proclamation designating the month of June as "Toastmaster Nianth". Seconded by Counciiman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: �i0TI0N by Councilman Breider 1� adopt the agenda as amended by the addition of the consideration of establishing dumping facilities for campers, trailsrs and motor homes and a.lso with the deletion of the consideration of the antennea for General Teievision. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, �tayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: MR. BURT ELLIS, 115 TALMADGE WAY, FRIDLEY LIONS CLUB• REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF FRIDLEY CITY FLAG: • Mr. �Tlis addressed the Councilmen and said he represented the Fridley Lions Club in thFir request for appro��al of a Fridley City flaq which would be reproduced by the Lions C1ub. He said there was a suitable flag which had been hanging in the City Manager's office. He further explained that this flag would be created and presented to the City free of charge and replaced vahen needed in the future. He said this vtould serve as the City Flag during the upcoming Silver Jubilee of the City and it was one of the small things the Lions Club was able to do • for the City. h10TI0N by Councilman Utter to approve the proposed Flag as the Fridley City Flag and authorize the Fridley Lions Giub to have this Flag reproduced. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �iayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. _ __ __ _ f ? i t i s , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 MR. RICHARD HARRIS, 6200 RIVERVIEW TERRACE: PAGE 2 2I5 Plr. Harris addressed the Council and said he would like to make some comments to the Council concerning some deficiencies in the City Code, but his comments would be lengthy so he would wait to do this until the end of the current meeting. Mayor Liebl said this would be taken care of before the Communications section of the agenda. OLD BUSINESS: ORDIfVANCE #559 - AMEiVDIhG THE FRIDLEY CODE BY ADDIN6 CHAPTER 510 EP�TITLED TREE oorcrn��nrrnni �n�,��� ��n��r„r,-� T���--���T.,���-r.n.� �� ,���� n.� �.T" .,,����� ���„� ,n � �.�� . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the second reading of the Ordinance, and ' adopt the Ordinance #559 on second reading and order publication. Seconded by Council- man Nee. �pon a roll call vote, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Council- ; man Breider, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, ilayor Liebl declared the motion � carried unanimously and ordered publication of the ordinance. �i. i � . CONSIDERATION OF A BASEBALL fENCE AT FRIDLEY COP1MONS PARK #1: Councilman Utter recalled at the last meeting of the Council, this item had • been voted down. He �aalked to the map on the screen and pointed out the area to be fenced. Fle said he had talked to the members of the Park and Recreation Commission who had indicated they knew the mc�ney was budgeted for the installation of the fencing. He said the members of the Commission seemed to have the same reservations about this installation as he had expressed at the previous meeting of the Council. Councilman Utter continued the proposed fence would run along 67st, 7th and then continue around the ball diamond. He said part of the proposal would be the installation of some gates. He questioned if the gates would be locked when the park is not in use. He said the fencing would stop some balls from going into 7th Street. Councilman Utter questioned it if would be possible to cut down on the size of the right rield and allow for some space between the fences between the taro diamonds to allo�a for a walkway. Ne said this would also allow for space for people to stand to watch the ball games. He said the first proposal to use the one fence for both diamonds would be a reduction in cost, but he felt this proposa1 to all the space in between would allow some access to the area. He pointed out that there is no sidewalk in this area. He also pointed out it would be possible to delete the plan for the fence along 61st and only install the fence along 7th Street. h1r. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, addressed the Council and pointed out that the activities at the Comrnons Park are always the number one teams. He said this is why this area was proposed for this fen�ing. He said he believed Councilman Utter's suggestion to be a good comproroise. He stated, it would allow those wanting to watch the game to stand along the fence. He also mentioned that the gates of the fence would not be locked during the day. }ie explained that this field would be used primarily for the Babe Ruth teams and the morning teams.. He said it would be possible to use the six foot fencing throughout the area, and this would make up for the difference in cost which would be increased by the installation of the two fences ta create the walkway area. f1r. Brown pointed out that the eight foot and six foot fencing would be safer than the four foot fencing because at four feet, the players would run into the metal bars of the four foot fencing. He said there would be a need for the installation of a gate for •the access of equipment for maintenance of the area. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the proposal with the stipulation that there be a ten foot walka�ay between the two ball diamonds and that the fence be six feet in height. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said the bid�would be brought for Council approval. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNIP7G COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 8, 1974: RE7,�t�ING P,EQUEST. ZOA #74-02, 6Ei21<ELY PUP1P COPJiPANY: TO RE"LONE LOT 1 AND 2, (SLOCK 13, SPRIPJG BROOK PI1RK ADDITION, FROM R-1 (SINGLE Fl1MILY D4JELLING AREAS) _ _ __ __ . _ . _ _ _ __. __ _ __ __ ' ' � , , �. � r-, il� LJ �J � � 1 I�� � � II � � ' � � - ---- -- --- __ _ --.. i 2�1G I� ' REGULAR COUNCI� MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 ', PAGE 3 TO M-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREAS) TO MAKE ZONING CONSISTANT WITN THE PROPERTY LINES AT 181 ELY STREET N. E.: h10TI0N by Councilman Nee to set a Public Hearing on the rezoning reqaest by Berkely Pump Company ZOA #74-02, for the second meeting in June, June 10, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ARMORY PROPOSAL fOR FRIDLEY: The City Manager recalled that the Council had sent this matter back to the Planning Commission and the Planning Conxnission recommendation was that the Council should look favorab1y on this request. He pointed out that Nastings had built such an Armory. fie said that this would be a matter in which money would be involved and it would take from $9,000 to $10,000 City money per year to finance this for a 20 year periad. The City Manager said it would be poss.ible for the Administration to bring back a complete report to the Counci7 with additional facts and data. �fe said it would also be possible to contact Gener�:l Cheeseman and request his attendance at a Council meeting to explain the concept. Councilman Breider stated he believed the planned approach by the City Manager would be a good one. He said much of the talk about the Armory is in a questionable sense. He pointed out that this would not only be a monetary commiiment, but a7so a donation of three acres of land on the part of the City. Counci7man Breider said he would like to see some factual information on the projected usage of this area. Ne questioned if there wouid be a need in the future for more garage space, or the need for additional storage far the City. He asked what uses the Clty could possibly make of this portion of property. He also questioned the need for this construction when there are other bui7dings within the City which would provide the same facilities. The many schools and the arena were eicamples of this type of facility. 1"he City Planager_said the City has another piece of property in the vicinity of Central Avenue and Rice Creek Road which could be used for Armory purposes. He said there would be advantages and disadvantages with each of the sites. I�tOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the City Manager to prepare a fact sheet on the proposal for the Armory in the City of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous1y. COfdSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P. S. #74-02, GRACE HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION BY ST The Cit��.Manager explained this properi:y to be west of Matterhorn Drive and owned by the Archdiocese of St. Paul. I�lOTIOPd by Councilman areider to set a Pub7ic Hearing on the proposed Pre7iminary Plat, P. S. #74-02, Grace High School Addition, by Jerome N. Ju1ius for June 10, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Uiier. Uporr a voice voie, all voting aye, i+iayor Liebl cleclared �he motion carried unanimously. P•layor Liebl pointed out that the Planning Commission reconr�ended approval of the Special Use Permit. hlayor LTeb�l asked if Mr. alom was present at the meeting and also if he would like to address the Council. Mr. �lom indicated he was present, but had no adciitional information. Councilman Starwalt said this request was in the vicinity of his home and he could not see any reason for objection to this request. MOTIOt� by Councilman Starwat to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Conm�ission and grant the Special Use Permit as requested by Mr. Gerald Blom for 5IIR5 Hackmann Avenue N. E. Seconded by Counciiman Utter.. Upon a voice vote all voting aye, hlayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i � I i� ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2Q, 1974 ,� , . `G i f � PAGE 4 : L. S. #74-01. BY WALLACE K. DAHL: SPLIT OF THE WEST 10 f�10TI0N by Councilman Nee to concur with the reconmendation of the Planning Commission and grant the lot split as requested by Mr, tdailace K. Qahl, L. S. #74-01: Seconded by.Councilman Utter. � Counctlman Utter questioned the proposed split saying it was difficult to understand the intent. �ouncilman Nee explained in this area there is a very steep hill and this split would create two large and buiidable lots. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voti,ng aye, Mayor Liebl declared ihe motion carried . unanimously. The City Manager explained that the remainder of the items would not require any Council action. • P10TION by Counci7man Breider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of May 8, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�layor Liebi dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING THE MINUTES OF TNE QUILDING STRNDARDS-DtSIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Of MAY 9, 1974: • CONSIDERATIOt� OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING FOR SALT STORAGE: LOCATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF MISSISSIPPI FTVF.R AND SOU7H OF I-6�4, HIGHWAY_ RIGHT-Of-4J The City Manager said this plan is being redrawn, and he suggested that the item be sent back to the Bui]ding Standards-Design Control Subcommitiee for further review. MOTION by Councilman Breider that this matter concerning the request by the Minnesota Highway Departmeni be sent back to the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee for further review. Seconded by Counciiman Utter. Mayor Liebi asked Mr. Richard Narris, P7anning Corrmission member if he could add any information for this item. i�r. Harris addressed the Gouncil and said the Planr�ing Comnission had some discussion concerning the usage and its relation to the river. He felt the matter should be looked at by the Pollution Control Agency. i=1r. Harris suggested tha Council take som2 action to send the the information to the Pollution Controi Agency. He also pointed out that this proposed site is in the Flood Plain. lJPON A VOTCE V07E, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TQ ALLOlJ REFACING OF THE FRONT EXTERIOR AND ROOF: � i nrnTFn nN niiri nr T_ �I ��CV �_ rrlllllRF I_AKF HYLAf�t3S 4TH ADDITION: THE SAME 0 , P�layor Liebl said this was the Sinc7air station on Highway #65. He read the � stipulations recommended by the Subcommittee. P�tOTION by Councilman Starwalt io approve the request with the stipulatians � suggested and noting the deadline for the landscaping and curbing of June l, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Utter questioned the practice of the Council which would approve the various requests with stipuiations, allc,tiding a certain length of time for the completion of the work, li� asked if this creates a situation where the staff is being forced to poliee the installation of the im��rovements and costing the City a great deal af money. He recalled in some instances, the Ci�y staff was forced to police such improvements for the period of years. Ne said he wouid rather see the work done at the present time, not in a year or six months. Mayor Liebl said this time period is al7owed because of a matter of economics. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _—_�- __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _.. _ � _ _.^ _ � 21E � ' ! ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PA6E 5 ; ' � � Mayor Liebl explained the basic improvement is often very expensive and the i stipulations would be an added expense to the applicants. He said the time � period would enable the people to complete the work at a 1ater date and ' without added immediate expense. Mayor Liebl �lso explained the immediate expense of construction to be a substantial investment, and noted the people would have to be in business for a while to make money to complete the ; � stipulated improvements. � , ' ' ' , C� ' !J � , ' � , II �J ' LJ UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, i�layor Lfebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the request for remodeling approved with the six stipulations recommended by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee. TION OF A REQUEST TO CON BUILDING nnnlTTnn�. Mayor Liebl advised the CAUncil that the 8uilding Standards-Design Control Subcommittee had recommended approval of the request with two stipulations. i�layor Liebl asked if there was anyone present to explain the request and there was no response. The Assistant Engineer placed the site plan on the easel and pointed out the location of the garage in relation to the building. Councilman Nee questioned if the construction should be the total seven unit garage. The �ity Manager said he would like to see this also. He said this request could be approved subject to further review by the Engineering Department. He said he had hoped someone would be present to present the information. MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the consideration for the request to construct a garage at 105 58th Avenue N. E. by R. J. Bauman until the next Regular Meeting of the Council, June 3, 1974 arrd stressing the thought that there should be seven garage units. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, F�iayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of May 9, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter, U�on a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TNE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MAY 14, 1974: A VARIANCE OF SECTIOP! 205.053, 48,_5A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE ' Mayor Liebl said the building would be on a corner lot and the motion by the Board of A;,peals notes recommendativn of approval. Councilman Starwalt said he had visited the site, and�he was prepared to recommend approval of the request. he said he would point out if the lots area split east and west between Mississippi S�treet and 64th Avenue, this garage would interfer with the setback. 7he City Manager said when ihe road improvements are installed in.this area, he would like the understanding of the property owner that he would not oppose the construction of the roadway. hir. Wold said he is in favor of the roadway. Mayor Liebl asked the applicant if he is in favor of the roadway and Mr. Wolf said he favored the construction of the roadway. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Wolf if he was in agreement that the hard surface driveway would be installed when the construction af Arthur is completed. Mr. Wolf indicated he agreed with this stipulation. NtOSION by Councilman Starwalt to concur with the stipulatian of the Board of Appeals and approve the request including the stipulation that the hard surface driveway be installed at the time that the Arthur Street improvement R�GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 6 219 is completed. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concar with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the variances as requested by Joe Powers for 4544 2nd Street N. E. Saconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a_voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. REOJEST FOR A VARIANCE 053. 4B CITY CODE. TO REDUCE MOTIQN by Councilman Nee to concur wzth the recommendation cf the Board of Appeals and approve the variances. Seconded by Councilman Breid�r for discussion. Councilman Breider said he had or�e question concerning the approval of the variance. His questior� concerned the recommended stipulation that a garage door opener be insta]led. He quesiioned what would be the point in requiring this insta]lation at the present time, what assurances would the Council have that it wou]d be used or what would happen if it was broken. Councilman Nee said he did not consider this stipulation a part of his motion and he did not feel strongly that this should be installed. He said he would iike to make it possible for the applicant to build the garage. He pointed out this is a very narrow lot and is difficult to work with. t1e added, if the applicant wants to put in the door opener, fine, but he did not consider this a part of the motion. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 214.053, 1, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE, TQ 4'�T� cc Tuc cniie�r rnn�nr_F c R o.,!4rl CTf,N FR ^A TNF Ai ((iWF� 135 SOitAR��ET T� Mayor Liebl read the stipulations recommended by the Board of Appeals. Councilman Utter asked if Mr. Schroer planned to take down the wagon and what he intended to put up after this. Mr. Sch�oer said the smaller lettering wouid be taken fromthe sign and larger lettering would read "The Ranch".• He said this would be'the sign that faces University Avenue. MOTION by Councilrian Breider to approve the reo,iiest for the variances as requested by Mr. Robert Schroer with the three stipulations reconunended by the Baard of Appeals. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. , MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of f;he Board of Appeals Subcommittee meeting of May 14, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Bre�ider. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF T4[ CHRRTER COe1MISSION h1EEi'ING OF APRIL 16 1974: MOTION by Councilrnan Breider to receive the minutes of the Charter Carr�nission Meetirtg of April 16, 1974. Seconded by CounciTman Utter. ' ' ' C � , , ' r�---------..__.--------------.._� _ _.. �. �. .+ j REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 i 1 ' � I I ' I , ' � � ' r � 1 I ;- i ' 1 ; � � , � PAGE 7 Councilman Breider brought to the Council's attention that he had asked the Administration to prepare some kind of time table for the Charter Commission for submission of the suggested changes. t1ayor Lieb1 said the Charter Commission had been notified by the City Manager and they had received instructions in this respect. He said the Charter Comnission is aware that they must have their recommendations ready by Augu"st. Mayor liebl assured Councilman Breider that this had been done. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIQNS CON�IITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1974 t��OTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Human Relations Conanittee Meeting of April 78, 1974. Seconded by Councilman U�tter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked if this action would include the approval of paying the fees for the membership of the Fridley Human Re1ations Committee to the League of Minnesota Human Reldtions Commissions. "(he Administrative Assistant, Peter Herlofsky, said the receiving of the minutes wou7d approve the membership. ' CONSIDERATION Of PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TOWER FOR ANTENNEA PURPOSES BY MIDWESTERN RELAY GQMPANY FOR GENEP,AL TELEVISION, li1C.: This item was deleted from the agenda. CONSIDERATION OF THE ALICE WALL PLAT PARK DEDICATION: The City Manager said there had been a meeting with the representative� of the Wall Corporation and there is some question concerning the park fee, He said according to the ordinance which establishes this amount, the payment should be $20,000. He said the,Administration has suggested two alternatives for a solution of this problem. He said if Wa11 Corporation was to donate land to the park system, the density of the apartment complex would have to be decreased because this land had been figured in the total density of the apartment complex. He said if the Wall Corporation is required to pay fees for only the residential. portion of the property, this would be a total of approximately $8,OOU. He said if this is done, he would suggest stipulating that some recreational facilities such as tennis courts be included in the apartment complex recreational area. He explained the park fee would be waived for.the apartment area, and only acquired for the residential lots. Mayor Liebl said he would like to see tennis courts installed as a part of the apartment complex. . Councilroan Sreider said if the fees were waived for the apartment area, and required for the residential lots, this would be fair in his mind. Councilman Utter recalled there had been extensive discussion concerning keeping the park like area for the use of the apartment complex. He said if this area were dedicated to the City and open to all of the City, there would have to be some accessability for maintenance equipment. He said he would also agree with the proposai of waiving the fees for the apartment area and would like the tennis courts installed. . Mayor Liebl again stressed his strong feeling that the Wall Corporation should furnish tennis courts for the people in the apartment complex. The City Manager said he felt this to be a reasonable compromise that the fees be waived for the apartment area and then the Wall Corporation would an7y pay $8,000 ir�}�ark fees for the residential area. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to waive the fees for the area of the apartment complex and only require park fees for the residential area with the stipulation that tennis courts be provided for the apartment complex within the recreational area for the complex. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�iayor Liebl declared the motion car,ried unanimously, RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1974-10 SEALCOATING�: The �ity Manager explained that two bids had been received and there was a problem in that the iow bidder did not sign his bid. He saicl in light of this problem, he felt the bids should be rejected and readvertised. He stated, this contract shauld be rebid. ! � f � �j � 3; Y : � t � � , � 2?1 . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 8 MOTION by Councilman Utter to reject all bids and authorize the Administration to advertise for new bids. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Couricilman Nee asked if the bidder couTd just be asked to sign the bid. The City Manager said when the bids were opened, it had to be determined if the bids were valid, and tFiis bid was not signed. He said this should be done property to eliminate any questions. RECEIVING THE BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER l4ATER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #115: The City Manager said he wou)d reeonxnend the Council receive the bids and award the contract to the low bidder, B& B Excavating, Walbon Excavating Co. $ 63,070.00 Highway No. 8 ' Minnetonka, Minnesota .55343 - Kamar Inc. $ 54,705.00 Territorial Road N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55434 B & 8 Excavating $ 34,896.00 11843 West River Road Champlin, Minnesota 55316 MO7ION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids and award the contract for Sanitary Sewer and 4later Improvement Project #115 to B& B Excavating in the amount of $34,896.00. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �layor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. ? RECEIVING REPORT ON POSSIBLE COMMUNITY/SCHOOL PROGRAM IN COMMUNITY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to proceed with the Community/School program and authorize the setiing up of a committee consisting of Peter Herlofsky, Administrative Assistant, Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Dan Huff, Naturalist Resource Coordinator, coorclinator to work with School District #14. Seconded by Councilman Utter. The City Manager explained through this type of cooperatior and this type of program it would be possible to obtain state and federal funding. He said at this time, he wouid recommend that the Council take action to set up consideration of such a program and if there is a proposed program, this could be brought back for Councii ' consideration. Councilman Utter said he hoped those on the C9ty staff do not go to the School District with a nature interpretive program and expect the School to adopt this. He said the officiais at the Schooi got the feeling that the naturalist wouid come ap with a program and the School was to accept this program. Tlie City Manager said this is the reason there is to be equal members from both areas. . Councilman Nee said he was empathically in favor of this program, uut he questioned if Woodcrest School wou7d be a part of the program. The City Manager responded, this would only include those Schools in District #14 at this time, and this had been selected because it was compietely contained in the community. He said this cooperation would be extended to the other school districts which would be within the Fridley City limits, if it is determined that this type of program could be successful. He said the Coon Rapids area schoo7s are aiready involved in a Comnunity/Schoo] program. Councilman Nee saia many of his canstituents live in the Columbia Heights School District area and he would not want to tell these people that the program had been stopped because it did not work out with School Oistrict #14. Councilman Utter questioned if the program is worked out with Schoo] District #)4, would it be possib7e for other areas to use the nal:uralist. The City Manager __ _ _ � � ��G , � ' ' � , � � ' , � ' �II � � ' � ' ' � r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 7974 PAGE 9 said this program is not for the use of the naturalist, it is for the cooperation of the City and Schools in all types of programs. • Councilman Breider�questioned if the concept was to be approved at this time. Councilman Utter said if the program is approved, this would provide for possible funding of some activities. Councilman Nee said this type of community/school program or joint recreation commission was used years ago, but this fell apart because of tax payer suits. He explained if the uses of the program were not available to the children of the entire City area while the entire City was being taxed, this brought about suits, and the program fell apart. He said he would like to see some arrangement where all of the people within the City from the other School Districts would be able to take advantage of the program. The City Manager said at the present time, the City was not asking for any commitment, _ they would come back for Council approval for this. He said the program could be extended to include Districts 11, 16, and 13. UPON A VOIGE VOTE, all voting aye Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF PARK COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mayor Liebl said he would like to see some recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission on the Park Comprehensive plan. He said he would also like to see some priority areas pointed out. The City Manager said the Plan had been reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission and they recommended approval of the plan. He said the Plan had been submitted to the Council a couple of weeks previously. He said the Council should review the Plan piece by piece. . ' Councilman Breider.asked what was being talked about when a bikeway or walkway was indicated. He questioned if this would be a dirt trail or an asphalt path. Mr. Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant, addressed the Council and said there would be three or four alternative types of bikeways and walkways. He said this could be from an asphalt bike path to a line incorporated in the City streets. He said some areas provide paths which are stripped and separated from the car traffic and pedestrian traffic. He said a third type would be just a designated bike route which would merely point out the route and caution cars for bikes on the street. He said the plan points out the possible routes for these proposals, but this is not set to the specific areas noted in the plan, Hnother method would be to separate the bike and walking traffic by placing these areas on the opposite sides of the street. He said there could also be a physical separation by the use of curbing. ��r. Boardman pointed out the various possibilities of types of walkways and bikeways from a booklet in which the Denver . plan is illustrated. The City Manager elaborated on the reason for this being brought to the Council at the present time. He listed the first reason to be the energy crisis, and said the bike is being used as another mode of transportation. He said, secondly, the City has a very fine park system which can be connected for access by the creation of these routes. He said this would be a safety measure for the children of the City and protection for them. The Gity Manager pointed out another important reason for adopting this type of plan would be for the possible acquisition of State and Federal Funding.. He said there is an increasing promotion on the State and Federa•1 levels for this type of plan. The City Manager informed the Council that some of the other communities had started working on plans such as this after Fridley had begun their plan, and some of the plans have been started. Fie said the other areas have surpassed the City of fridley with progress in this area. lie said he would suggest that the plan be approved in concept on a City wide basis. Gouncilman Breider said he was having a problem understanding the physica7 implications of the plan. He recalled Jackson Street as an example, but said any street could be used. He said when the proposal for the sidewalk was suggested, the plan for the sidewalk would go right through the trees that had been planted in•this area. He 223 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 10 pointed out the question of the creation of a walkway or bikeway on Ballet Street and said it is barely wide enough for two cars to pass each other. Ne questioned how a bikeway would be put in this area. He said he would like to see or find out the answers �to the'phjrsical problems. � � Mr. Boardman said this was a general plan and the Parks and Recreation Commission i had indicated priorities of the plan to be acquisition of land and also execution of the plan for the basic safety of the bicycle traffic. ��Ir. Boardman said he would suggest the local citizens be talked to about the bike and walkways in their � own area. He said the people in an area would have the best idea of where this type of thing would be needed and if it is needed. He said it would also be i determined how much it a�ould be used. He explained to the Council that there are I plans.underway for a group of students to complete a survey of the park usage in �; the City by actually spending time in the parks and determining how and when they are used. He said it would also determine how many people are using the parks. He said he would also like to find out from the people how they would like to use the parks. . ,i � � � I L__ Mr. Boardman pointed out that the plan should be gone through street by street and step by step. He again mentioned the plan that had been proposed would make all of the neighborhoods accessable to all of the City. He stated, this would make the City safer for pedestrians��nd also bikers. The City Manager stated he believed Cr,uncilman Breider's concerns to be pertinent and he would come back with phys�ca7 examples of the plan. T.he City Manager said he believed this plan would probably seem an asset to the City by some and take away the rights of others. He said there urould be strong feelings on both sides of this proposal. He said all of the information should be researched thoroughly before the people are brought in for public input on the plan. He said if this is not done, it would create unnecessary and heated problems. Mayor Liebl agreed that the Council should be made aware of all aspects of the plan before the public input is sought. He suggested a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Council to establish priorities and goals. He said it would be important to know all of the aspects of the plan. He added, if someone is told there would be a bikeway in the back of his home, it would be apparent how he would react. f�layor Liebl said he had heard that there was some objection from the park people about the priorities of the plan. He said if the Council and the Commission could come to some agreement, this would stimulate the whole area. Mr. Boardman said there are no definite priorities in the plan. He indicated that the majority of the bike traffic in the City is on the heavily traveled roads such as Mississippi Street and 7th Street. He said if priorities are d2termined, these should be top priority, but the recommendations are flexible. Counciman Breider said the creation of the best possible routes such as in Riverview Heights and Jackson Street just create traffic problems. He said some of these areas are just speedways. Councilman Breider said he thought it would be a lot more • difficult to set up bikeways than sidewalks. Councilman Breider said if there is a.problem in a traffic area, and it would bebest for the neighborhood to install some improvement, when ti�e people are contacted, there are many different opinions because all of the people would not be effected in the same manner and not all of them have the same opinion, • Mr. Boardman said the information that will be obtained in the survey and the studies which will be made would provide detailed information for a complete recommendation. fie said not studies of any type have been donP on the park usage or how many people use the various facilities in the Gity parks. Ne said this would be important information for the formulation of the park plan. Councilman Breider said he would like to table the Comprehensive Park Plan until after the completion of the survey and studies of the varioUs neigtiborhoods. He said after this is done and the priorities have been established the plan could be adopted and the Ciiy could apply for funding. Mr. Qoardman explained the survey would be done by someone locating in the park for ! the entire day and recording the number of people using the park and in what way. ; He said they woulcf also ask the people Gvhat type of usage they would want in the ; park areas. He said he would alsQ like to conduct a door to duor survey. He said ! the City could sent out survey forms to be returned to the City, buc only 20 to 25i � of the forms are generally returned. He said this t.ype of survey could be done with , • � _.__ __' _._.._._ ___- ___._— _.____ _._-- ---! �; '� �; �'i � i , � � ' '� , � � 4 ' � �� { l ' i � i' p ; ' i f : ; ' t �,. � � rt k"' ', i; � �' � �: `` s ;'; i� i I ' ' ' , � � CJ � ' ' �J ' � i , � ' ' ' 2�.4 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 11 a nominal amount of money by the Urban Corp people. �ir. Boardman said he would like to see a citizens' committee set up with members representing the various neighborhoods. He said the committee could to the field work and find out where the people of the City would like the trails located�. Councilman Breider asked what kind of time frame would be involved in the survey and studies proposed. Mr. Qoardman said this would be completed in from six months to a year. He said this would depend on the detail of the information obtained and sought. Counci1man Breider asked if the Comprehensive Park Plan was to be submitted to any group, or if it was an internal documental plan. Mr. Boardman said this was a City plan which would be required for the federal funding. He said there would be plenty of time before this funding would be sought and this would be June 1, 197fi. ------� i { � hlOTION by Councilman Breider to hold.the Comprehensive Park Plan in abeyance until the results of the surveys and studies have been obtained, about six to seven months, and after this, determine priorities and go after the federal funding. Seconded by Councilman Utter. � The City Manager cautioned the Council to bring this proposal to the people in a careful way. He said this would also apply to those who would �e handling the survey or people could get the wrong idea. He said if the citizens' committ�e wou7d be formed, they could keep the people informed on the proposal. He aid if this would not be handled in a careful manner, it could turn into a critical and emotional social issue. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. UISCUSSION REGARDIIVG THE SECOND STAGE OF TNE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONCEPT: Mayor Llebl displayed the map that had been prepared by the Er�gineering Department for members of the Council indicating the various types of sidewalk improvement throughout the entire City.. Mayor Liebl read the various codes and proposals for use aloud to the Council and audience. H� said the only requests thai have come to the Ciiy for the instal7ation of sidewalks had come from the various school districts, and sometimes it is impossible to comply with these requests because the people of the area oppose the improvement. H� s;:id he only knew of one area where the people may want a sidewalk at the present time. He asked Councilman Breider if there should be a public hearing set for the sidewalk proposal in the Jackson Street area. Councilman Breider said not at the present i:ime. Councilman Breider explained he had first proposed the instal1ation of the sidewalk from Osborne Road to tyric Lane and the people thought this was from 73rd to Qsborne Road. He said now there is trouble. Mayor Liebl asked the members of the Council if any of them had any requests for public hearings for the installation of sidewalks within the City. Councilman Breider said there would be no request at this time in Ward I. Councilman Starwalt said the only area in Ward II which is in iiranediate need of the installation of sidewalks is currently included in the Street improvement project on Mississippi Street from Old Central to Stinson Boulevard. Councilman t�ee questioned the portion of Mississippi Street which was indicated - on the map.and asked if this ���ould be included in the improvement of the underpass. Councilman Nee said if there is money available, he would like some sidewalks on East River Road. tle said this would be if the peopie are not assessed for the improvement. Mayor LIebl asked if this would be in the area of the school. Councilman Nee said this would be his only priority area. He said he could not determine if there would be any objection to this improvement. Fle said the only request he had received in this area had been from the school. He said this would be in the a.rea from Rice Creek to Glen Creek. Councilman Nee said he would like to receive the results of the survey before this is done. � I :� � � ,... : . � . l.uJ. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 12 WlOTION by Councilman Utter to put the concept of the City sidewalk proposal in abeyance until after the completion of the surveys and studies which were explained � in the previous item on the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all v�ting aye, t�layor Liebl dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. � RESOLUTION #55-1974 - AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS. AtdD APPROVAL OF BEN�FIT ADJUSTMENT FOR ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES: Mayor Liebl said the Administration recommendation would be to adopt the resolution which would authorize the City Manager and Mayor to sign the agreement, MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur .with the recommendation of the Administration and adopt Resoluiion #55-1974, authorizing signing an agreement estabiishing working condations, wages and hours for certain employees t^epresented by Loca7 No, 49, AF!-CIO (Public blorks and Parks) and also to approve the benefit adjustment for all non-union employees in the amount of $5 per month for �ependent health coverage. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, i�layor Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #56-1974 - APPROVING PLANS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF T. H. �65 IN COOPERATION WITH HE MINNESOTA HIGHtJAY QEPARTME 7: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #56-1974 approving the plans for the improvement of T. H. #65 in cooperation with the Minr�esota Highway Department. Seconded by Councilman StarwaTt. Upon a voice vote, a7i voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unaimously. hESOLUTION #57-1974 - CQfdFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJEC7 ST. 1973-1 AND RECEIVING COf4MUNICATION FROM SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEf�tA, HASKVITZ AidD CASSERLY: AND� ' RESOLUTION #58-1974 - COP�FIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1973-2: Councilman Breider said there were a number of questions the previous meeting of the Council or pubiic hearing, he asked if these matters had been resolved, He asked if the question of the assessments on Main Street which were to have been higher north of 79th had been settled, The City Manager explained the current assessment to be $16.97 per foot for Main Street under this project and the previous assessment to have been $13.60 per foot. I�ir. Richard Narris addressed the Council and said he owed the Council an apology on this matter. The Ciiy Manager said there wouTd be a credit on 78th Street and this would revise the assessments in this area from $15.06 per foot to $12.43 per foot. MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #57-1974, confirming the assessment for Street Improvement Project ST. 1973-1 and also recieve ihe communication from Smith, Juster,Fe9kema, llaskvitz and Casser7y regarding the assessments of the Fridley Bus Company, dated May 15, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice voi:e, all voting aye, i�layor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Counciman Breider to adopt Resolution #58-]974, confirming the assessment roll for Street Improvement Project S1'. 1973-2. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, (,tayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider said there were a number of peop7e complaining about the quality of the installation of the improvements. He requested the Administration to report back to the Councii on these matters. CLAIMS: GEiVERAL 35518 - 35794 LIQUOR 8875 - 8924 ___ _ _ __ _. _ __ _ - __ -. _ _ _ _ Zu� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 13 The Finance Director, �ir. fqarvin Brunsell, said there is an additional claim for five police cars which had been delivered, f�r. Brunsell said the Police Department had approved the claim. F(e also pointed out that the cars had been obtained through the Hennepin County bidding procedure. Councilman Utter said the cars had been painted incorrectly, but had been"repainted adn this was taken care of. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the payment of the claims including the five police cars. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: � TYPE OF LICENSES - RENEWALS BY APPROVED BY FEE CIGARETTE Ground Round Ground Round Public Safety $12.00 5277 Central Avenue Director Fridley Hudson Oil Company Koch Marketing Public Safety 12.00 7315 Highway 65 Company Direcior Moon P1aza Restaurant Bijan Nikrad Public Safety 72.00 6215 University Avenue Director Shaddrick - Labeau Legion Public Safety ]2.00 Post 303 Director 1315 Rice Creek Road UFW Post 363 Fred Bennett Pub7ic Safety 24.00 1040 Osborne Road Direcior FOOD ESTASLTSNMENT: � Fridley A& W Donald P. Tarasar Health Inspector 25.00 7429 East River Road • Frontier Club Marlene A. Povlitzke Health Inspector 25.00 7365 Central Avenue Ground Round Ground Round Health'Inspector 25.00 5277 Central Avenue Jimbo's Pizza James W. Schooley Health Inspector 25.00 248 Mississippi Street • Moon Plaza Restaurant Bijan Nikrad Health Inspector 25.00 •6215 University Avenue VFW Post 363 Fred Sennett Health Inspector 25,00 1040 Osb�rne Road VENDING MAGHINE: Fridley A& W Donald P. Tarasar Health Inspector 5.00 7429 East River Road . Skywood Cleaners Frank Casale Health Inspector 15.00 5251 Central Avenue ' _� i' 1 VFW Post 363 Fred Benneti Health Inspector 30.00 . 1040 Osborne Road � ° . VENDING TRUCK - NEW P�iister Softee George A. Hanson Health Inspector 30.00 ' � 1476 Onondago Street i ; A ; � J � ; , � i ' REGULAR COUNCIL P�IEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 EP1PLOYEE DISPENSING: BY Judy I. Clark Ground Round 2517 Quincy Street He1e� M. Yeats 5712 Bryant Avenue North Ground Round LIVESTOCK: George 07son 672 Lafayette PUBLIC DRINKING PLACE: Fireside Rice Bo4�1 Glenn Wong 7440 Central Avenue Howies Robert E. Gorrell 240 Mississippi St. � f4aple Lanes Mary J. Savelkoul 6310 Highway 65 Pollies Francis L. flager 6225 Highway 65 Frontier Club Marlene A. Pobliizki 7365 Central Avenue Club 47 Robert E. Snyder 605i University Avenue SAUNA: Body Shoppe Sauna & Barber Kemo Andereck 6379 University Avenue SERVICE S7ATION: Central Speedy Car Wash Stuart Pihlstrom 5201 Centrat Avenue Holiday Service Station Central Service Co. 5807 University Avenue Hudson Oi] Company Koch Marketing Co. 5315 Highway 65 TAVERN: K. C. Hail Chester Machurski 6831 Highway 65 Pollies Francis L. Mager 6225 Nighway 65 Maple Lanes Mary Savelkoul 63i0 Highway 65 Frontier Club Marlene Povlitzki 7365 Central Avenue Howies Robert E. GorrelT 240 Mississippi St. Club 47 Robert E. Snyder 6061 University Avenue Fireside Rice Qowl Glenn F. Wong 7440�Central Avenue PAGE 14 APPROVED BY FEE Public Safety $ 5.00 Director Public Safety 5.Q0 Director Health Inspector 70.00 Public Safety Dir. Deputy Fire Chief 100,00 Public Safety Dir. Deputy Fire Chief 100.00 Public Safety Dir. Deputy fire Chief 100.00 Public Safety Dir. Deputy Fire Chief 100.00 Public Safety Dir. Deputy Fire Chief 100.00 Public Safety Dir. �eputy Fire Chief 100.00 Health Inspector 25.00 Bui7ding Inspector 30.00 Qeputy Fire Chief Building Inspector 3Q.00 Deputy Fire Chief Building Inspector 30.00 Deput,y Fire Chief Pub7ic Safety Dir. ]2.00 Deputy Fire Chief Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Deputy Fire Chief Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Deputy Fire Chief Pub7ic Safety Dir. 72.00 Deputy Fire Ch�ef . Pubiic Safety Dir. 12.00 Depuiy Fire Chief Public Safety Dir. 12.00 Deputy Fire Chief Pub7ic Safety Dir. 12.00 Deputy Fire Chief ��i 0 ` 3 t �r ; t� 4+ ;: � t + i .��,� �,_.� , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Of MAY 20, 1974 BUT7LE CLUB: BY K. C. Flall Chester Machurski 6831 Highway 65 TAXICAB: Co1umbia Heights Taxi John E. LaMont 903 40th Avenue Fridley Cab Service Frank M. Gabrilcik 5740 University Avenue SUNDAY ON SALE LIQl10R: Fridley V, F, ��1, Post 363 1040 Osborne.Road Lester G. Orton Ground Round Noward Johnson Co. 5277 Central Avenue CARNIVAL - �dEW: Gold Eagle Amusements Holiday Village North 250 57th Avenue BLAGKTOPPI�dG: BY S& M Slacktop Company Maynard Hanson P. 0, Box 22526 Robbinsdaie, Minnesota 55422 GAS SERIVCES: � Standard Neating « Bob Ulhela Air Conditioning 410 4Jest Lake St. Minneapolis, Minn. 5:i408 GEfVERAt CONTRACTOR: Sparta Brook Construction Thomas Daly 347 12th Avenue South South St. Paul, Minn. 55075 Springfield Homes Inc. Lee Kupcho 3713 Foss Road N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. HEAT�ING: Standard Heating & Bob Ulhela Air Conditioning 410 West Lake St. Minneapolis, i�1innesota 55408 ROOFING: Leslie Tranby Roofing & Leslie Tranby Siding Co. 6917 Valley Place Crysta1, Minnesota 55427 PAGE 15 APPROVED BY FEE Public Safety Dir. $200.00 Deputy Fire Chief " Public Safety Dir. Building Inspector Public Safety Dir, Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. APPROVED BY C. Belisle W. Sandin C. Beltsle C. Selisle W. Sandin C. Belisle 30.00 ]00.00 200.00 . 20�.00 225.00 . SWIMMING POOLS: POOL SIZE BY APPROVED BY FEE Tnnsbruck North Townhouse 0-5000 � �oljnd Krueger Environmental $25.U0 Home Owners Assoc. Officer Innsbruck North Townhouse 30;i)O1 - Rolind Krueger Environmental 70.00 Nome Owners Assoc. 50,000 � Officer —__ _--� i � I i I, ; � 9 � : ; ' � '� � :,f � � .� � '; , ; :� 2 . 2��. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 16 SWIPIMING POOLS CONT.: POOL SIZE BY APPROVED BY FEE Black Forest Apts. 30,001 - Joanne Heraly Environmental $70.00 Darrel Farr Developments 50,000 Officer 160�1 N. Innsbruck Drive Udell Larson 15,001 - Udeli Larson Environmental 60.00 6848 Kno11 St. 30,000 Officer Minneapolis, t�linnesota 55427 {5460 7th Street} River Road East Apts. 30,001 - Bill Sledy Environmental 70.00 The Griffin Companies, Inc. 50,000 Officer 8200 Humboldt Avenue S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55431 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the licenses and a]so the swimming pool licenses. Counci]man.Utter seconded the motion for some additinnal information. Councilman Utter said the fees for the swimming poo]s differed with the size of the pool, and the City Manager said this is correct. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF RE�UEST fOR HOUSE TRAILEP. PERMIT BY TOTINO'S FINER FOODS. IIdG.: 7he City Manager said this request was for a renewal of a trailer permit. The Assistant Engineer explained this a pplication had been reviewed by the Community Oevelopment Department, and they noted that this permit had originally been applied for and granted on a temporary basis. He said this temporary use was to expire on August 1, 1974. He suggested this question be resolved before the permit is granted. MOTION by Councilman Breider to table the consideration of the House Trailer Permit by 7otino's Finer Foods, Inc., untTi the next regular meeting of the Council. Seconded by by Counciman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, �layor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimous]y. ESTIMATES: Progressive Contractors, Inc. Box 368 Osseo, i+linnesota 55369 . PARTIAL Estimate #71 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-Z (MSAP) $19,712.10 . PARTIAl. Estimate #l2 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-1 13,540.15 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County Road "J° Minneapolis, i�iinnesota 55432 ' PARTIA! Estimate #15 for Water Improvement Project No. 111 from April l, through April 27, 1974 178.20 PAR7IAL Estimate #4 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvemeni; No. 114 from , April 1 through Apri] 27, 1974 4,425,04 A. J. Chromy Construction Company � 5051 West 215 Street Lake ville, Minnesota 55044 and Western Cauualty & Surety PARTIAL Estimate #5 for Sanitary Sewer, Water � Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. i14, Fridley, h1inn. 28,643.32 0 � � ' l_ 1 � ' � �I _J , � L.J i r ' � ' � � �!� I� � 2� C► REGULAR C4UNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 ESTIPN�TES CONTINUED: Weaver, i'alle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Ptinnesota 55303 April Bil7ing for Services Rendered PAGE 17 $ 1,100.00 MOTION by Councilman Nee ta pay the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. BllRLI�dGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CROSSING AT MISSISSIPPI STREET, CONCERN EXPRESSED BY MR. RICHARD HARRIS: (�lr. Richard Harris addressed the Council and said he had been told that recently a train had held up traffic on Mississippi Street for the period of 45 minutes. +ir. Harris said this is an intolerable situation for the iraffic and also for the emergency vehicles. Fle said this makes the area west of the railroad tracks cut off by the railroad tracks. Mr. Harris asked the City Attorney what the City could do about this problem. The City Attorney said it is a violation of the State Law to tie up the traffic for more than ten minutes. Ffe recalled Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Newquist had been involved in a case where one of the railroad employees was charged with this type of vioiation. He said he did not recall the.details of the case at the present time, bui he would check and report back to the Council. He said he did not know if this would be a feasible route for the City until he checked the outcome of the case. He said it would be possible to write the railroad concerning the problem, but this has not seemed to do much good in the past. P,1ayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if he would provide ihis information by the next meeting of the Counci7, and in the interim, the Administration could get in contact with the railroad concerning tying up the tracks. The City Manager said in the last couple of weeks, the City had received assurances that the schedules would be adjusted and the trains wou1d be parked beyond llth. He said if the trains area blocking the roadway again, the Administration would talk to them. He said there is not much that can be done unless someone would file a complaint. Mr. Harris also advised the Counci7 that the signal at this crossing is not functioning properly. Councilman Nee suggested that the CIty hire some inexpens�ve part-time help to monitor the operation from 6 A.M. until 10 P.��1. each day for the period of about two w2eks. He said he was at the crossing three times last week when the signal bars did not raise after the train had passed. He said 'ne falt the problem was serious enough to� monitor. He said after the monitored time period is completed, the City should take this information to the Railroad and Warehouse Commissian. Councilman Nee said this situation is intolerable and dangerous. He explained ihe people circumvent the barrier and this is dangerous, iie �xplained ihat he had v�aited for ten minutes receni1y for ten feet of train to clear the tracks. . Mayor Liebl asked if a member of the Engineering staff could take care af this type of monitoring. Councilman Nee said he had not�thought this would need to be done by someone at such a great expense to the City. Councilman Utter stated he thought the report should be made first. H� questioned waiting the period of two weeks and asked what if something serious happened durinq this time. Councilman Nee said he thought it wou7d be a better case if�the records of the two weeks were presented with the report. The City Attorney said he thought the suggestion presented by Counci7man Nee to be a good one. He pointed out that the solution through the courts would not be a speedy one. The City Attorney said the Administration has advised the railroad about this type of problem many times in the past. MOTION 6y Councilman Utter to co�nunicate with Qurlington-fVorthern concerning the tracks being blocked by trains at Mississippi for long periods of time, the ' faulty signal operation, and the roadbed condition at Osborne Road, Seconded by _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _._ ._ _ __ 231. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 18 Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, (�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. QUESTION OF OWNERSHTP OF FILL AVAILA6LE IN ALLfY EASEMENT BETWEEN 78TH AND 79TH AVENUES, BY RICNARD hARRIS: � — ^ " Mr. Harris pointed out that there is a large amount of fill available in this area. He questioned if this is a public area under public domain. He said the City is in need of fill in many areas and he Guestioned if this fill could be stocked pi7ed for future use rather than just allowing it to drift away. He advised the Councii that the fili is highly com�acted and quite valuable. The City Manager said the City does save all material possibTe for other pro�ects, and the only time the fili is disposed of is when the City does not need it. The City Manager told Mr. Harris if he wanted the fili and the City did not need it, Mr. Harris could have it. Mr.'Harris thanked the City P1anager. ZONING ORDINANCE, M-1 AND M-2, INDUSTRIAI SECTION, QUESTIQN OF ADEQUACY EXPRESSED BY MR. RICNARD HARRIS: Mr. Harris said he believed the whole M-i and M-2 industrial section to be totally inadequate. He pointed out an example to be that only one parking sta11 is required for 1,000 square feet and this parking is to be a block away from the faGiTity. . � Mr. Harris further pointed out that there are definitions of the required setbacks ; for front and back yards, but there is nothing on side y�rds. He said he thought this ; entire section should be looked at. Ha said he thought that in some areas, the po7icing ' power of.the staff goes beyond this. He sa9d the building board does.not do the �• screening of the applicants, the staff does this. � � The City Attorney said the City had revised the building code before Mr. Harris was 1 seated on the Planning Commission. Ne said if there are deficiencies in the Code, � Mr. Harris should make this known to the Planning Commission who would make recommendations � for change to the Council. COMMUNICATIONS: WYM11AN SMITH: PROPOSED APPLICATION OF MAX SALITERMAN FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE - KING'S CHALET: MOTION by Counciiman Utter to receive the communicat9on from Wyman Smith concerning the proposed application of h1ax Saliterman for a iiquor iicense for the King's Cha]et, dated May ]3, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ali ��oting aye, P4ayor L9eb1 declared the motion carried unanimous7y. LEAGUE OF h1INNESOTA NUNICIPALITIES: MAYOR BEING ON PAPJEL AT ANhUAL CONVENTION: P�OTION by Councilman Breider to receive and concur in the communication from the League of Minnesota Municipalities concerning Mayor Liebl's participatiorr on the panei at the annual convention and dated May 14, 1974. Seconded by Counci7man Utter, Councilman Starwalt asked if the motion should include that the Mayor's expenses would be paid by the City. The City Manager said the City has budgeted money for this type of Councii participation. UPOIV A VOICE VOTE, ail voting aye, fiayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, QPITMIST CLUB OF N. E, f1INNEAPOLIS: BICYCLE INSPECTION: ; MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive and'concur in the request made by the Optimist • Club of N. E, i�inneapolis in their ]etter �ated May 76, ]974. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried ; unanin�ously. i � ISLANDS OF PEAGE: PROJECTS: i � Mayor Liebl read the letter from the Islands of Peace foundation. � i _ _ __ __ _ _. _ _ __ _ __ � 1 ' ' r II � ' ' �� J � � ., � ' I � ����,� r.� Rl i� REGUTAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 19 f�107I0N by Councilman Breider to receive the letter listing the projects scheduled by the Islands of Peace Foundation and dated May 17, 1974, ai�d noting the original four stipulations of aqreement are to be follawed. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Nir., Ed Wilmes addressed the Council and listed the various projects mentioned in the letter and indicated the persons vrho would be responsible for planning and supervising the construGtion of the various items, h;r. Wilmes also read two letters to the Council that had been received 'oy area school children after attending field trips to the Islands of Peace. ' Councilman Utter explained that Mr. U!ilmes had done many things for the Islands of Peace development. He further explained that there had recently been a park named after Mr. Wilmes. F{e asked if it �r�ou7d be possible for the City Manager to ' write a letter inviting Governor Anderson to the Jubilee and at the same time, ask ' � the Governor to dedicate Ed YJilmes Park. He cor�nented that the Governor is aware . of all that Mr.. 4lilmes has done for the handicapped and this would be an excellent way for the park to be dedicated. , The.City Manager said he believed the construction plans for the Islands of Peace to be very worthavhiie, but there is something �hat should be kept in mind, and this is that the property is City owned 7and and is being leased by the Islands of Peace Foundation. He said there should be mention that all constructed improvements will be built and maintained by the Islands of Peace Foundation. He said this planned improvement wi]1 require continual ma9ntanance and it should be emphasized that this will be the respon�ibility of �he Islands of Feace se there is no misunderstanding. • The City Manager read the four stipulations as liste�in the original agreement and again stressed, ne didnot want any misunderstanding concerning these points. Mayor Liebl said everytime they want to do sometning, they wou7d have to come in and ask the City. He said the proposed improvements are listed in the 7etter. The Gity Manager said he would recommend the request for the instal7ation of the listed stipulations be approved at this time, but that the stipulations in the agree- ment be noted so there is no misunderstanding in the future. The City Manager said there is no legal document at the present time, and he would recoromend approval with'the four stipulations. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl directed the Administration to write a letter to the Governor inviting him to attend the Jubilee and dedicate Ed Wilmes Park. The Ci±y Manager said Mr. Dave Harris was present at the meeting and he had heard the discussion concerning this request. r�1r. Harris indicated this was understood. The City Manager said this could be worked through the Jubilee Con�niitee and the City would cooperate with the Committee on i:his request. CONSIDERATION OF FSTABLISHING LOCA7ION FOR DUMPING FOR CAMPERS�AND MOBILE HOMES: Councilman Breider said he had received calls concerning the establishment of a dumping facility for campers and mobile homes. He exp7ained this had been done by a DX Station, but this station had closed and at tlie present tinie, there is no place to dump. He mentioned there is an activi�y planned for Campers and Trailers during the Jubilee, and this facility shoulc# be provided. Fle commented it would be better to provide a location for dump3ng than to have the people dumping in the ditches throughout the City. MOTION by Counci]man 6reider to au�horize the City Administration to set up a dumping facility for campers, trailers, and motor homes. Seconded by Councilman Utter, Upon a voice vote, ai7 voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manaqer said he wou]d report back to the Council on this faci7ity. ADJOURNMENT: P40TION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Nee. r �_ _ _ _ __ � � � , � { � � � s REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 20 Upon a voice vote, al7 voting aye, f•1ayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of May 20, ]974 adjourned at 10:56 P.M. _ Respectfully submitted, ���,���/ �c�s�.a�it,e-,.,�.� Patricia Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council Date Approved � ; I : , . I I I ' I � Frank G. Liebl Mayor 0 c � ' N EET NG FRIDLEY CITY COU CIL M I LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:�,���� C� /%'�� � ��� � /�� c— � , AME ADDRESS � � ITEP� NUMBER ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 1 -- , ,, � �l� ��� ��� I y / / �, �/! _� .. _/�� �- // �,G/ � �------------ � � , �. � 0 0 �_ � �� ���� LI r'�L i r� �' '� � S ib`. �. �.� --�� , , .� F�I�LEY CITY COUiVCIL - REGULAR MEETING - MAY 20, 1974 - 7,30 P, M. PLEl�GE OF ALLEGIANCE: I iVVOCAT I Ui� : ROLL CALL: APPROVAL DF M I f�UTES : REGULAR �OUNCIL �iEETIN6 OF APRIL 15, 1974 PROC LAP1AT I OiV : PROCLA I MI NG TFiE MONTH OF .JUNE AS "TOASTMASTER MONTH�� �.�� 1 0 AllOPT I Oi� OF AGEiVi�A : V�SITORS: CONS I DERAT I OfV Of I TEMS fVOT ON AGENDA OL� �USINESS: CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDIfVANCE ������������� 2� AMENDING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 5IO ENTITLED TREE PRESERYATIOI� WHICH PROHIBITS THE DESTRUC- TION OF TREES ON CITY OWNED PUBLIC LANDS IN THE CITY OF - FRIDLEY EXCEPT UNDER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS� - PAGE: 2 RtGULAR f�IEETIidG, MAY 20, 197� _ OL� BUSII�ESS (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF BASEBALL FENCE AT FRIDLEY COMMONS PARK#1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ �,.�,,. 3 — 3 B i�EW BUSI��ESS: t�ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION I��EETING OF ��AY g, 1974�.�������..�r�������•�•��•�••�•��• 4— 4 S �►ECEIVING THE MINUTE5 OF THE B�IILDING STANDARDS - 1lESIGN �ONTRO� MEETING OF MAY 9, 1974��.�����.��������•�. 5-� 5 D ■ REGULAR I�EETI(�G, MAY 20, 1974 PAGE 3 NEW $US I �dESS (COiVT I I�UED ) t�ECEIVING THE MINUTES 0� THE BOARD OF APPEALS _ _ _ __ _ I`�EETING OF P�IAY 14, 1974,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-- 6 P . I�ECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION _ �EETING OF APRIL_16, 1974����..�.�����.���.��.��.��.�..�� %-- 7 B RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS �OM(�IITTEE ��EETI NG OF APRI L Ig, 1974 � � . � � . � . . � . . � � � . . . . � . g -- g E 0 rtEGULAR I�EETIi�G, MAY 20, 1974 PAC�E 4 I�EW BUSII.��SS -�CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF A PROPQSAL fOR CONSTRI�CTION flF A TOWER FOR aNTENNA PURPOSES BY MIDWESTERN RE�.AY _ _ COMPANY FOR GENERAL TELEVISION� INC�����.�.������..�.���- 9 CL`�QIE.� INFORMATTON FROM GENERt�L TELEVISION IS UNDER SEPARATE COVER) CONSIDERATION OF ALICE WALL PLAT PARK DEDICATION�������. IO - 10 B t�ECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT S�� I.9%4-ZO CSEALCOATING)��..�.���..��..�. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #115 „ �.,.,.,,.,.�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 12 t�EGULAR i�IEETIPdG, MAY 20, 1974 I��W 1��S11�E$$ ��ONTINUED) PAGE 5 RECEIVING REPORT ON POSSIBLE COMMUNITY�SCHOOL � _ . _ . _ PROGRAM IN �OMMUNITY�������...���������.���..�,..��.���� 13 — 13 A . �ONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF pARK �OMPRE6-IENSIVE PLAN ����� 14 — 14 A 0 iJISGUSSION REGARDING THE SECOND STAGE OF TNE SIDEWALK _ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM �ONCEPT���..����..�.�.�..��.������., 15 —. 15 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN aGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENfiED BY LOCAL IVO, 49, AFL—CIO (PuB�ic WORKS AND PARKS) AND . . 16 - 16 Z �PPROVAL OF BENEFIT ADJUSTMENT FOR ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES J�EGllLAR MEETING, MAY 20, 1974 IVEW B�SI��ESS (�ONTINUED) PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1973-1 AND t�ECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM SMITH, �USTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVITZ AND CASSERLY , AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMTNG ASSESSMENT � FOR $TREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1973-2���������.����� 18 - 18 � �LAIMS��....�.���.��.�..�,���..�..�.�.��..��..��.��.��.� 19 LICENSES AND APPROVAL OF FIVE SWIMMING POOL LICENSES������������.���� ZO� - ZO H ' . CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR NOUSE TRAILER � . ' PERMIT BY TOTINO�S FINER FOODS, INC�������������.����F�� Z�'. ' , . . �EGULAR f�1EETIiJG, MAY 20, 1974 ��EW B�SII�ESS ��ONTINUEDj PAGE 7 tSTIMATES������„ �.�����.��.�.����..���..,�������������� ZZ -� 2Z A Ci�I�IIhU �d I C�1T I Oi�S : WYMAN SMITH: PROPOSED APPLICATION OF MAX SALITERMAN FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE - KING�S CHALET��������.����������' 23 23 A LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES: MAYOR BEING ON PANEL AT ANNUAL CONVENTION�.�.��.��.��.��������'•" "' " 2� �PTIMIST CLUB OF I�I.E.� MINNEAPOLIS: BICYCLE INSPECTION��� 25 ISLANDS OF PEACE: PROJECTS�.�..��.�.��.����F���•������� 26' .i: � . . �I � . � . � � � . { . I � � ; ,I ' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 I� �, , �� . , . � � , '� I � , I , . . . il I . �! � . � !^ j . • . � .• i i � �I�I , �I . 'i I . ' . � , � � `� � . r �� . .. . , � . _ . � � . �,� � .. . . . � _ ��, � _ . . ���, � � . ��� : . ,{ . ���� � f . ,�� � � ��� ��� . , � � _ 1 , . . , . . 1 .� t . , , � �li , � ' , � , , � . ' � � � 1�? THE MINUTES OF-THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF APRIL 15, 1974 The Regular f�M1eeting of the Fridley City Council of April 15, 1974 was called to order at 7:32 P. M. PLEOGE Of ALLEGIANCE: t+tayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: Mayor Liebl offered the Invocation. ROI.� CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwait, Mayor Liebl, and Councilman Utter. MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974: MOTIQPy by Counciiman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 18, 1974 if no member of the Council had any additions or corrections. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 18,.1974 adopted as presented. ADOPTION OF AGENOA: � MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PROCLAhIATION: NaTIU{VAL DAY OF HUMILIATION, FASTING AND PRAYER: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the Proclamation for the "National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer", to be April 30, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: MR. DONALD BACON, 1336 HILLCREST DRIVE N. E., FRIDLEY: Mr. Bacon addressed the Council and reguested he be granted permission to paint the house numbers af the residents of Fridley on the curbing in front of their homes. He said this was a pro,ject,he would like to undertake to work his way through college. The City Attorney said this is not a licensed activity. He said he understood the proposal to be painting the numbers on the curbing and then, asking�the homeowner for a donation for this service. + i Mayor Liebl said there is no formal application procedure for this type of activity. Mr. Bacon thanked the Councii for their consideration of his request. ' RECETVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING CaMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1974: REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP. ,#74-03, KENNETH LEHR: PER FRIDLEY CITY The City Manager, Nasim Qureshi, explained the applicant was requesting approval to build another garage.' • �- �_I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 2 The City Manager said the Planning Commission had recormnended approval of the requesi and if the Council concurs, it would be possibte to issue the building permit. 143 , I MOTION by Councilman l7tter to approve the special use permit as requested by ! Kenneth Lehr for 168 Talmadge Way N. E., to allow the construction of a second , accessory building. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting ' aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' �J , ' �J �,. � r , � �' • ,�,; - •� � . I! I� ' ' ' ' �. L. SET PUl3LIC HEARING FOR ARMORY PROPOSAL: Mayar Liebl said he would recommend that the American Legion and also the Veterans of Foreign Wars be notified about this public hearing. Ne said all of the other civic organizations in the City should also be notified. The City Manager said it was the intent of the Administration to notify the various special interest groups and also the civic organizations. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur in the date of May 8, 1974 for the Public Hearing for the armory proposal at the Planning Commission level and that the various organizations in the City be notified about this Public Nearing. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL ON TREE ORDINANCE (PETITION #4-1974)s Mayor Liebl asked if any of the members of the Council had any questions on the proposal at the present time. Councilman Starwalt said the Planning Commission had recommended the amended proposed ordinance be forwarded to the committee that had supported the original petition. He asked if the only action of the Council at this time would be to receive the amended proposed ordinance. Mayor Liebl said the proposed ordinance should be submitted to the five member , sponsoring committee, allowing them time for review and asking for a reply to Council. He said after the Council receives� the reply, they can take the necessary steps. Councilman Starwalt referred to the enclosed schedule for the events leading to the deadline. He asked if the proposed action of receiving the amended praposed ordinance would be in line with the time schedule. The City Manager said if the response of the Sponsoring Committee is received before the May 6, 1974 meeting of the Council, it could be acted upon at this : " date. He said the action necessary would have to be taken care of by May 8, 1974. He said this is the extent of the 65 day limit. Mayor Liebl agreed that the Council couid take action on the matter on the 6th of May. • , MO1'ION by Councilman Starwalt to direct the Administration to send the minutes � .of the Subcommittee meetings, the recommendations of the Parks a�d Recreation , Department, Parks and Recreations Commission, and copies of the amended proposed ordinance to the five members af the Sponsoring Committee, and that the Admini- , stration indicate the reply will be due in the City Manager's Office on the First - of May, and that the materials be sent by registered mail. Seconded by Couneil- � man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion i carried unanimously. MOTIOW by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, •• all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. : RECEIVING iHE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1974: CONSIOERATION Of A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ON TO THE PRESENT BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND 7RUCK DOCK: LOCATED ON PART OF Mayor Liebl commented that the Building Standards-Design Controi Subcomnittee has recommended apprDVal of the request with three stipulations. He read the stipulations aloud to the Gouncil. � � i i i i V ' I � � � � � • ��� . . . i � i � ' I ' , ' ' ' � ' r ; �; , � � � � � ' � � r I44 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PA6E 3 MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recommendations of the Building ' Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the requesf by Safetra� i Systems, Corporation to construct an addition on to the present building for the storage of materials at 4650 Main Street with the three stipulations of the subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried undnimously. ION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ON TO T e Mayor Liebl explained the Board of Appeals had recommended approval of the request with four stipulations. He read the stipulations aloud to the Council and audience. The City Manager asked if there is a representative from Woodcrest Baptist Church present and there was no response. He said there are some questions concerning this request. He explained this was to be a large expansion to the present building and there would be a drainage problem. He said,there has been and could be a problem with the banks washing out. He said the second concern is the dedication of a walkway-bikeway easement. He said he would recommend approval of the request with the Administration working out the aforementioned problems with the applicant. Mayor Liebl asked if the questions presented in the statement by the City Manager would be presented in the form of stipulations number five and six. The City Manager recommended this be done. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the request for the construction of an addition to the existing structure at 6875 University Avenue N. E., by Woodcrest Baptist Church with the fourt stipulations recommended by the subcammittee and adding the following stipuiations: . 5. That a drainage plan be submitted to the City. 6. That an easement for a walkway-bikeway be granted to the City. �. That protective measures be taken so that no terrain is washed into the creek during the construction period. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote; ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. SIDERATION Of A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING FOR 7HE US . , . � Y � Mayor Liebl said the subcommittee had recommended approval of ihe request with five stipulations. He said this request had been unanimously approved by the subcommittee. I The City Manager said the City did have some plans of the proposed construction and asked the Assistant Engineer to point out the landscaping plan to the Council. The Assistant Engineer said the construction wou�d be in East Ranch Estates. He pointed out the landscaping plan indicating this included some berming. Councilman Breider asked how much area the construction would occupy. The City Manager said this would be one lot. Mayor Liebl asked if all of the requirements for building and zoning were being met and the City Manager said they were. Councilman Breider asked if this constructiofl would be in a platted area, and the City Manager said yes. MUTION by Councilman Breid'er to concur with the recommendations of the Suilding Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and grant approval af the construction as requested by Graham Testers, to be at 7880 Ranchers Road with the five stipula- tions as recommended by the Subcommittee. Seconded by Covncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ; i � ' ' ' , � - � IY ' ' ' ' ' '�'; ��: �� , ' � • ' �. , RE6ULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PA6E 4 C= i �.. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Building Standards- Oesign Control Subcommittee Meeting of April 4, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 9, 1974: A REQUES7 FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.103, 4, B1, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO t�ECREASE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED SIDE YARU WHICH INCLUDES A DRIVEWAY. FROM Y I''ll[VIVtJU tH) : ', The City Manager explained this request to be for the construction of a ' covered walkway area to allow the customers at the Riverside Carwash to have protection from the weather. I The City Manager said the Board of Appeals had recommended approval of the ! request and the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee had also recommended approval. He said if the Council concurs, the building permit could be issued. i. . �.; MUTIUN by Councilman Nee to approve the request to construct the protective walkway as requested by Riverside Carwash, 652� East River Road N. E., and that the building permit be issued. Seconded'by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053,18, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE and 46, BLOCK I, RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, THE SAME BEING 548 GLENCOE. ., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY MR. GORDON R. DRAKE, 7226 RIVER- EST FOR A VARIANCE OF DLEY i CODE, TO REDUCE BEFORE DECEMBER,29, . LLING TO BE LOCATED , 538 GLENCOE . RAKE, 722 :RIVER- ' � ° � ' .� . The City Manager explained the request to be to reduce the minimum lot require- ment from 7,500 square feet to 5,500 square feet to allow the construction of dwellings on three locations. He said the plans cal'1 for one house with a garage and tvro without garages. He s�aid he hoped the contractor would consider the'addition of garages to the other two planned home constructions. He explained each of the three houses would be built on two 25 foot lots. He further explained there are no requirements that a garage be built with the construction of the homes, but the recommendation of the City administration would be that this is done at the present time. Mr. Gordon R. Orake, 7226 Riverdale Road, applicant, addressed the Cauncil and explained that the three homes would be about the same in price, even though one did have a garage. He said the other two homes would be slightly larger. He pointed out there would be enough area remaining to construet a detached garage on the parcels for these two homes. Gouncilman Utter asked if the placement af the houses would be so that if at a later date the home owner would desire a garage, would it be possible to construt one. Mr. Drake explained this provision had been taken care of by the requirements in the Code. He said it is require� to allow space for the � ( ' - I � ' J ' ' ' � ' ' u ' '`,: . , . ,,� : . � , ' 1 ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Of APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 5 driveway and garage and this had been done. He said the homes would be approximately 1,000 square feet and the plans would allow the construction of a.one and a half size garage also. Councilman Nee asked if it would be possible to build a double garage at these two locations. Mr. Drake answered it could be buiit, but it would be almost impossible with the limited radius to gain access to both stalls of the garage. He explained with this size lot a smaller size would be more feasible and'would provide for one car and adequate storage area. The Gity Manager said the Code does require off-street parking area on a hard surface driveway. He explained the variance would allow the construction on a smaller area than required in the City. He further explained with the total parcel of land planned for the development of three structures, it is the normal circumstance to provide two homes. He commented, maybe, the Cauncil should request the contractor to add the garages on all three locations.' ' � at �:;; ? Mayor Liebl said this yrould provide a greater density than in other residential . areas, but would conform to the constructions in this area. He said he wou}d recommend the request be approved because the construction of the $29,000 homes would be an asset to this area. He added, he would encourage the applicant to install a garage on all three parcels. Mr. Drake said the plans for construction are not firm plans; they could be changed. It would be possible to construct smaller homes with the addition of the garages. He said as planned at the present time, all of the homes would have hard surface drives and some would have garages. Mr. Drake stated two of the lots are 50 feet wide and one is 622 feet wide. Mayor Liebl asked the Ward Councilman, Councilman Nee, how he felt about the request. Councilman Nee said he agreed with the suggestions of the City Manager in that garages should be added, but he would recommend installation of double garages. Mr. Drake again stated it would be physically possible to install the double garages, but it would be very difficult to get into them. Councilman Nee asked what amount of additional money would have to be put into the house price if the garages were added. Mr. Drake replied this would be from $2,500 to $3,000. MOTION by Councilman Wee to concur with the reeommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the variances as requested by Mr. Gordon Drake, for 548 Glencoe Street, N.E., 546 Glencoe Street N. E., and 538 Glencoe Street N. E., to reduce the minimum lot requirement from 7,500 square feet to 5,500 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Utter for discussion purposes. Councilman Utter asked if it wouid ba possible to relocate the plans far the homes using the plan for abutting driveways, this way allowing more usable space and area for a larger garage. He said both of the drives would be together and not located next to the other's bedroam windows. ♦ � Mr. Drake said the plans he was presenting at the present meeting were just plans dnd they were not concrete. He said the plan for placement could be changed. Ne said it wouid be difficult to put in attached garages, but he would try to install the single detached garages wherever possible. Councilman Starwalt asked if a hard surface driveway would be installed. The City Manager said this would have to be done and this has been provided for by ordinance. Ti.e City �Q�nager said he would like the plans to ca17 for the best possible type of construction and he would work with the applicant for the change in plans for the most feasible positioning of the proposed const- � ruction. � �• �_ ' :,,,. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all vating aye, ;tayor Liebl declared the motion �arried unanimously. ST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 214.�J55, 3, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANCE. TO MOTION by Couneilman Utter to concur with the recommendatian of the Board of TO ' ' ' , t �• ••. ' �...:.. :..� . . , � i , �_ . t � �i , ' �.: 1 ! i � , ' I ' . ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 6 147 : Ap�eals with their suggested stipulation that no additional sign be placed on the building at 7362 University, and approve the variance for the maximum area of an area identification sian from 36 square feet to 68 square feet as requested by Signcrafters. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VARIANCE OF SECTION CITY CODE. TO REDUCE MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the request for a variance to reduce the off-street parking setback next to a lot line, from 5 feet to 4.5 feet to allow off-street parking in the rear yard, as requested by Paco Inc., for 7839 Main Street N. E. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals M�eting of March 25, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Utter asked the Chairman if it would be possible to go on to item number 24 on the agenda, because there were many people present who would like to hear the action without waitin.g through the entire meeting. Mayor Liebl said this would be possible. COIJSIUERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR RICE CREEK ESTATES PLAT GOQDCO, INC. ANU AUTHORIZATION OF APPROVAL OF FIRST PHASE OF THE PLAT: Mayor Leibl asked if there wereany objection to moving this item up on the agenda. There was no response. The City Manager said it would not be possible to take care of the westerly portion of the plat because a problem in obtaining clear title to the property had occurred, but it would be possible to approve the Phase I portion of the plat as indicated in the agenda. The City Manager explained that the representatives of Gaodco, Inc. and the Gity had met and came to an agreement which was submitted to the Council in their agenda folders. The Assistant Engineer pointed out the portions of the plat which would be platted at the present time. He saici this would nnly include thase lots on Benjamin and 61st. f4e stated the City would obtain a temporary easement from the developer at the end of 61st Str.eet for the maintenance of the area and the turning of the maintenance equipment. Ne said there would be no additional development of improvements at this time, this would only be done on the existing roadways. The City Manager continued to explain that the Park and Recreation Commission had � requested that additional property be a quired for park in this area. He explained that within the agreement, there had been some provisions for the acquisition of additional area for park purposes and this would be at an estimated cost of $8,756. _ He said this would be at 35¢ per square foot. He explained the City would take care of all area and frontage asses�ments for the walkway beiween the park and 8rrarwood Road. He said the City would provide utilities to the plat when completed and the benefited property awners would be assessed. The City Manager further exptained that all of the affected property owners had been notified as provided for at the previous Council meeting. He pointed out that the Thielmann section of the plat would be left until the problems in this area had been solved. Ne commented the development of the area wou1d be staged to follow a three stage plan. hiayor Liebl asked if the Phase I development would be implemented immediately with the remainder of the development being done in the future. The City Manager said yes. . � . Mayor Liebl questioned if the letter of notice that the Council would be taking some action on the plat had been sent to all the affected property owners and the City Manager said yes. � � �I ' ' , � � ' r-, i� IJ ' , r � , CJ ' ' .• REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 7 Mayor Lieb] asked if the property owners present were aware of what was happening. ihe City Manager said they had been informed. Mayor Liebl asked if the Councilmen who had met with the property owners were aware of the situation. The City Manager said he had kept Counci7man Starwalt advised and Councilman Utter had worked closely through the settlement of the agreement, Mayor Liebl asked if the plan being proposed was different than the one the Council had previously approved. The City Manager said this was the same plan. He explained the utilities would not be installed at the_present ti.me, this would be done when the second phase of the plat is approved and developed. t4ayor Liebl asked the City P1anager if this plan would be feasible engineerin�wise, and also, if it would be the City Manager's recommendation that this portion�be approved. The City Manager said yes. Councilman.Starwalt asked if the plat included walkways. The City Manager said yes. He pointed out the location of the wa�:way between the lots and said there would be a walkway from the Park to Briardale Road. He said there is a 15 fo�t walkway ease- ment on Benjamin, He said there are also provisions for a bikeway. Ne said this plat would be acceptable if the Councii desires to approve it. Councilman Starwalt said he had tried to reach Mr. 7hielmann several times, but was unable to. He asked if the proposal was acceptable and workable for Mr. Thielmann. Mr. Theilmann adressed the Counci7 and said there was no problems with the plat as it was being proposed. Mr. Thielmann asked if this would still leave the 20 feet on the side of the property. The City Manager said yes. Mr. Thielmann questioned a portion of the plat. The City Manayer answered that this section was to be a utility easement and this is where the power lines would be installed. A representative of Goodco, Inc. addressed the Council and said there had been one other item in question during the discussions, and this was the installation of fencing around the park area. The City Manager said there had been some discussion about the fencing and because of the ]ocation, there would be a need for the fencing. He said this would be done when the park is developed. He said the necessary funds would have to be allocated for this installation. , Councilman Breider said he believed the fencing should be put in at the same time as the development of the lots, He thought there could be a big problem if the fencing were installed at a later date. The City Manager said the developer should tell the people coming into the area that there will be a fence installed on the property line of the park. The representative of Goodco, Inc, said the people would be informed of this fact. Councilman Starwalt asked if this would be the standard four foot chain link fencing. Councilman Utter said they had discussed the installation of a four foot chain link fence. The City Attorney said the walkway areas should aiso be fenced and made a part of this plan. He said the City would have to fence these areas too, or the kids would be running through the whole area. Councilman Utter said there should be a fence on the east side between Lots 7 and 8, The City Attorney said when the walkways are developed, this area.should be fenced. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agreement between Goodco, Inc., Pine Tree Builders and the City of Fridley and that Phase I of the proposed p3at be approved at this time. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl and Councilman Utter voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 21 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Human Relations Comnittee Meeting of March 21, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVIPJG THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 78, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting �! �� ' � ' � ' � 1�� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 of March 19, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. PAGE 8 Mayor Liebl asked if the intent of the motion was to receive and concur in the recommendation of the Charter Commission which was attached to the minutes. Councilman Breider said he would rather review all of the changes at one time. He asked the City Attorney if this would be the procedure to follow. The City Attorney said this was not a requirement, they could submit the items in a group or singly. Mayor Liebl said he thought the suggested changes whould be received by the Council at one time. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed to this. Mayor Liebl said the action would be to receive the minutes and the recomnended changes with no concurrance with the recommendations at the present time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF GIVING CITY ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE . .__..._�...�..... .... ...�...�., ..�....,.....�.. .-.... �..n..� n....r..•rnr,inr nn� nnnirrr rnn� icl�llnlllC'(�C . . NtH�t� iri�.. Mayor Liebl read through the various materia7s in the agenda and stated the completed application form was ready to be sent. The City Manager said it was possible to obtain some financial assistance for the � � trail system which had been installed. He said the City had been working with the Islands of Peace Foundation and it is agreed that the Foundation would be responsible for the building, maintenance and upkeep on the improvements to the property. , . �; _ � >: � • , �� .. � � ' , � � r � �I' Mayor Liebl questioned if there would be motorized traffic on the trails. The C�ty Manager said the trail assistance was applied for in form of installation of wheel chair and cross country skiing trails. The City Manager said there'would �� be no motorcycles or bikeways. He said it would be possible to provide some funding to the existing faci7ity. The City Manager suggested the Council authorize .• the agreement be signed, and authorize execution of the proper application for submission to the proper agency. - � Mayor Liebl asked the total amount of money that the Foundation would be receiving from this agency. The City Manager said the total would be �2,000. He said the money had already been earmarked for this project. MOTION by Councilman Utter to authorize the signing of the Agreement and also ! to authorize the sending of the proper application which would state that there would b�e no motorized or power vehicles, but the trails would be open to wheel cnairs and cross country skiing, and that there would be no bicycle traffic. Seconded by ; Councilman Starwalt for the purposes of discussion. , i Councilman Starwalt questioned the material in the agenda which indicated there ! would be a possibility of obtaining 65% of the funding for a project such as this, ' and� said the project had cost $27,500. He questioned why a greater amount of ' funding was not being obtained. The City Manager explained that the application was being made at the tail end of I the available grants. He stated there is no other money available. Councilman Starrralt asked if the City of Fridley was being sought for any funding of the project at the present time. The City Manager said the City is not providing any funding at the Foundation project. I He further explained that the CIty was only a vehiele to obtain the State and Federal ' grants. The Islands of Peace Foundation is building and maintaining the facilities at the site. The City Manager said there had been a meeting on the previous Tuesday � with the Islands of Peace Foundation Directors, and this point had been concurred with. He stated.he too would like the 65� funding, but only $2,000 was available at the present time. . ,' UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, itayor Liebl declared the motion car�ied unanimously. � ' ' � � L� � � � � � � � � II �� � , � � ��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 9 CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM BURLINGTON NORTHERN TO USE MAIN STREET, 43RD TO_ 49TH, AS DIRECT ACCESS FOR TRUCK TRAILER �RAFFIC: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communication from Burlington Northern dated March 25, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The Assistant Engineer pointed out the current access to the property and said this was on the Burlington Northern property. He explained this would be a temporary situation and the Burlington Northern access wou7d be changed after completion of the overpass. Councilman Utter said there were three proposals in the agenda, he asked if one had been preferred or if all three would be used. A representative of Burlington Northern addressed the Council and listed the possible routes to the TOFC area. He said the current request would be to allow access to 47th Avenue from Main Street rather than 42rd Avenue. Councilman Utter asked if it would be possible for Burlington Northern to run a road from 49th to the TOFC area. The representative said this had been discussed and determined to be unfeasible because this would be too close to the park. Councitman Utter said this is a residential area and the trucks would have to travel four blocks through the residential area on 49th Avenue. The representative said it would have been closer to gain access on 48th Avenue rather than 49th, but they were striving to get away from the park. The Burlington Northern representative continued explaining the overpass is schedu)ed for completion on the 15th of June, and then the trucks would be using this route into the TOFC area. He explained this would only be temporary or for the period of two to three months. (4ayor Liebl asked:the representative if the traffic cou7d be routed to other streets so all of the trucks would not be traveling only on 49th Avenue. He added, this would drive the people out of their homes, He also mentioned the proper type of street must also be used for this type of heavy truck traffic. Mayor Liebl asked if at the time the TOFC facilities in the Northtown area are comp7eted, would this operation be transferred to this location, He asked if there wou7d be an increase in truck traffic or if the only factor differing would be the access. Councilman Utter asked the count of the truck trailers coming into the area at the present time. The representative said this is about 300. MOTION by Councilman Utter that the temporary access be approved for the period of months, with the stipulation that not all of the trucks would be using the same street or access. Seconded 6y Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager addressed the representative of Burlington Northern and stressed the importance of a speedy completion of the new TOFC area at Northtown. Ne said the existing use of the present facility is not conforming to the City ordinances. He said he hoped this area would be completed in August and the ordinances would then be complied with. � The representative said the facility would not be completed untii the end of the year, but wouldbe moved as soon as this is completed in the Northtown area. The City Manager said the operation in this area in the southerly end of the City would stop at the end of the year. CONSIQERATION OF A RESOLUTION REC0�4MENDING APPOINTMENTS TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ND THE METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION: MOTION by Councilman Breider to� table the act9on of consderation of the resoTution to recommend appointments to the Metropolitan Council.and the Metropo7itan Waste Control Commission until the first meeting in May (May 6th). Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #44-1974 - TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution N44-1974 to advertise for bids for , : �� � � ' � � � , � � CJ � � ' � IJ � � � I � ! i�i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 10 playground equipment. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. RESOCUTION #45-1974 - DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE ITN ZAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Reso_lution #45-1974, directing the issuance of temporary improvement bonds in accordance with 7aws of 1957, Chapter 385. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f4ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #46-1974 - DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS I ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #46-1974, direeting the sale and purchase of temporary improvement bonds in accordance with laws of 1957, Chapter 385. Seconded by Councilman Utter. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. - RESOLUTION #47-1974 - DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL fOR STREET IMPROVEMENT P OJECT ST. 1973- AND ST, 1973-2: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Reso7ution #47-1974, directing preparation of assessment roll for Street Improvement Project St. 1973-1 and S7. 1973-2. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a17 votirrg aye, ��ayor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #48-T974 - DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL F R STREET IMPROVEME T PROJE ST, 973- S. 9 3-2: MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #48-1974, directing pubiication of hearing on proposed assessment roll for Street Improvement Project St. 1973-1 and ST. 1973-2.. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f�ayor _ Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF ATTENDANCE AT MINNESOTA LEAGUE OF MINICIPALITIES CONVENTION IN DULUTH ON JUNE 12-14, 1974: Mayor Lieb7 asked if any of the members of the Council would like to attend the convention in Duluth. He indicated he and Councilman Utter had attended the previous year. He said he would recommend that sameone from the Council,would attend. the convention. He expla�ned the Convention to be very informative and interesting in the form that the City representative would be able ta compare the various cities of the same and varying sizes and determine differences in comparison to the City of Fridley. He said tnis attendance had made him rea7ize how efficient and progressive the City of fridley really is. CounciTman Utter said if it wouid be possible for them to attend, he be7ieved it would be worthwhile. He exptained how much he had enjoyed the con:vention and said it was very informative. MOTION by Councilman Nee to designate Councilman Utter and Councilman Starwa7t as representatives of the Fridley City Council at the Minnesota League of Municipalities Convention in Duluth from June 12th to June 14th, 1974 and that the mileage, lodging, food and gratuities, and incidental expenses be paid by the City. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' CLAIMS: GENERAL 35271 - 35422 LIQUOR 8786 - a831 MOTION by Councilman 8reider to approve the claims for payment, Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 152 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 75, 1974 j LICENSES: � BLACKTOPPING: BY '� AsphaTt Driveway Company Kenneth G. Smith 1211 East Highway #36 St. Paul, Minnesota 55109 C. & S. Blacktopping Michael A. Stanton 8832 West Broadway Minneapolis, h1inn. 55445 Minnesota Roadways Company John C. Mueller 4620 West 77th Street Minneapolis, ��inn. 55435 United Asphalt Company, Inc. . 331 Caon Rapids Boulevard Gary Anderson Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55433 EXCAVATING: Berghorst Plumbing & Htg. Kenneth Berghorst 1u732 Hanson B)vd. Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 Carl Bolander & Sons Co. Ralph Erickson 2933 Pleasant Ave. I�linneapolis, 1�1inn. 55408 J '�� Brighton Excavating Co. George Indykiewicx � 1920 Highway #96 New Brighton, Minn. 55112 • Frank's Excavating Frank W. Gaulke 3924 Douglas Drive Crystal, Minn. 55422 Houser Corporation Edgar Houser 55 77th Way N, k. Fridley, i�linn. 55432 Jarson's Service Co. Lloyd M. Jarson ��9180 Xylite Street N. E. Minneapolis, i�linn. 55434 � Julian M. Johnson Const. Julian M. Johnson Corporation 7229 Osborne Road Mihneapolis, minn. 55432 Kadlec Excavating Incorporated 724 Main Street N. W. Donald A. Kadlec Anoka, Minn. 55303 Modern Road�ays Co. E. R. Smith 1620 Winnetka Ave. N. Minne«polis, Minn. 55427 Ted Renollett Ted Renollett 927 Andover Bivd. I�. E. Anoka, �linnesota 55303 United Water & Sewer Co. Wallace Owczarzak 5200 Eden Circie Edina, Minn, 55436 Weleski & Son George Weleski 9316 Jamestown N. E. Blaine, t�tinn. 55434 PAGE 11 APPROVED BY C, Belisle Renewat C, Beiisle Renewal C. Belisle C. Belisle Renewal Renewal C. Belisle Renewal C. Belisle Renewal C. Belisle C, Be7isle C. Belisle Renewal New Renewal C. Belis]e Renewal C. Belisle �':Ren,ewal ;� C. Balisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal , j REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 � i GAS SERVICE BY , _ i ' � Air Comfort Inc. Donal Ruden !� 3300 Gorham Ave. , Minneapo7is, Minn. 55426 i ', Backdahl & Olson Plumbing Clarence Olson & Heating Co. inc. 3157 �hicago Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. 55�07 Berghorst Plumbing & Kenneth Berghorst , Heating 10732 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 � Blue Flame Contractors Thomas M. Willis �• 5418 Cambridge St. ( �St. Louis Park, Minn. 55426 Cronstroms Heating & Lowe71 Anderson Air Cond. Inc. 4470 Excelsior Blvd. j Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 I Custom Heating � Joe Gazda � 2524 29th Ave. N. E. Minneapolis, Niinn. 55418 Louis DeGidio Oil & Gas Louis DeGidio Services ' 6501 Cedar Ave. S. i Minneapolis, Minn. 55423 Egan & Sons Co. A1 Smith 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 Frank's Heating & Sheet frank Vogt Metal Company 2531 Marshall Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Gas Supply, Inc. S. R. Navickas 2238 Edgewood Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55426 Ideal Heating & Air Cond. A. W. Vasenius Incorporated 3116 Fremont Ave. i�. . Minneapolis, ��1inn. 55411 Kleve Heating & Air Cond. Co. i3075 Pioneer Traii Herbert J. Kleve Eden Prairie, Minn. 55343 LP-Gas Equipment, Inc. William Huestis � , 539 N. Cleveland Ave. k,, St. Paul, Minn. 55114 Larson Mac Robert Larson 7811 Golden Valley Road Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 Minneapolis Gas Company Donald L. Brown 733 Marquette Ave. Minneapoiis, Minn. 55402. Pioneer Power, Inc. Allan Anderson 570 Hatch Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55117 • ����- PAGE 12 APPROVED BY W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewai W. Sandin . Renewal . W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewa] Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal IJ� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 GAS SERVICES CONTINUED: BY Royalton Heating & Cooling William R. Stewart Company - 4120 85th Avenue I�J. Brooklyn Park, Minn. 55443 St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc, Louis St, f4arie 7940 Spring Lake Park Road Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Stanley Snyder Air Conditioning Co. 1001 Zenia Ave. S. Golden Valley, Minn. 55416 Suburban Air Conditioning Co. K. W. Chinander 8419 Center Drive Minneapolis, l�iinn. 55432 Superior Contractors Inc. Donald 0. Hoglund 6121 42nd Avenue N. Minneapalis, Minn. 55422 Texgas Corporation . Charles Link 1430 Old Highway #8 New Brighton, Minnesota 55172 Fred Vogt & Company John Barnf 3260 Gorham Ave. S. St. Louis Park, Minn. 55416 HEATING: � Air Comfort Inc. Donal Ruden 3300 Gorham Avenue Minneapolis, Mirin. 55426 All Season Comfort Richard A. Larson 1417 18th Street N. W. New Brighton, Minn. 55112 Backdahl & Olson Plumbing Clarence Olson & Heating Company, Inc. 3157 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. 55407 Berghorst Plumbing & Heating Kenneth Berghorst 10732 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, Minn, 55433 A. Binder & Sons Inc. Richard Binder 120 East Butler W. St. Paul, Minn, 05118 Boulevard Sheet Metal & Alfred Steiner Heating Company . 11409 County Road #3 Hopkins, (4inn. 55343 C. O. Carlson Air Conditioning • Company John C. Jenkins 709 Bradfor Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55411 Gentral Air Conditioning R. B. Winston, Jr. & Heating 1971 Seneca Road St. Paul, Minn. 55122 PAGE 13 APPROVED BY W. Sandin Renewal W, Sandin Renewal W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sand.in W. Sandin W. Sandin W, Sandin W. Sandin Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal ; � ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF APRIL 15, 7974 HEATING CONTINUED: BY �� Cronstroms Heating & Air Lowe71 C. Anderson Conditioning, Inc. 4470 Excelsior Boulevard Minneapo7is, �-1inn. 55476 ' Custom Heating Joe Gazda 2524 29th Ave. N. E, f•linneapolis, Minn. :;5418 ', Dalco Roofing & Sheet Metal, Oavid J. Dalbec � Incorporated 3836 Minnehaha Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55406� � Egan & Sons Co. W. J. Egan 7100 Medicine Lake Rd. � Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 I Eng7und Heating Richard Englund Route #1 Isanti, Minn. 55040 � Frank's Heating & Sheet Frank Vogt Metal Company � 2531 Marshall St. N. E. ` Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 j Lloyds Sheet Metal Lloyd Graczyk 4911 4th Street N. E. Columbia Heights, i�iinn. 55421 Hoglund Mechanical Contractors Incorporated James Parson I 7420 West Lake St. Minneapolis, ilinn. 55426 Home-Air Trane Floyd Thompson 610 13th Ave. N. Hopkins, Minn. 55343 iHorwitz Mechanical, Inc. Sanford Gruenberg � 1411 ETeventh Ave. S. i Minneapolis, Minn, 55404 �� Ideal Heating & Air Conditioning ' �Incorporated A. W. Vasenius 3116 Fremont Ave. N. Minneapolis, minn. 55411 � J. McClure Kelly Co. J. Leroy Kelly j 5325 West 74th St. � Edina, Minn: 55435 i Key Plumbing & Heating, David L. Farr � �� , � Incarporaied � j 7217 77th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, Minn. 55428 { Larson Mac Richard Carson i 7811 Golden Valley Road I Minneapolis, Minn, 55427 � � Loosen Incorporated James Loosen j 550 Nor.th Willow �rive { Long Lake, Minn. 55356 � Northeast Sheet Metal Inc. D. L. Anderson 544 Sumnit St. N. E. Columbis Heights, �1inn. 55421 � 155 PAGE 14 APPROVED BY W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin Renewal Renewat Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal 156 REGULAR.COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 HEATING CONTINUED: BY Northwestern Service, Inc. Celcil H: Lenz 2296 Territorial Road St. Paul, Minn. 55114 0'Brien Sheet Metal Douglas J. Hayes 1010 Currie Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 Pioneer Power, Inc. Allan Anderson 570 Hatch Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55117 Richmond & Sons Sigurd Follese Jr. 5182 West Broadway Crystal, Minn. 55429 Royalton Heating & William R. Steward Cooling Company 4120 85th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, Minn. 55443 Geo. Sedgwick Heating & Stanley Snyder Air Gonditioning Co. 7001 Zenia Ave. S. Golden Valley, Minn. 55416 St. Marie Sheet Metal Inc. Louis St. Marie 7940 Spring Lake Park Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Suburban Air Conditioning K. W. Chinander Company � 8419 Center Drive Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 Superior Contractors, Inc. Donald Hoglund 6121 42nd Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55422 Thomas Air Conditioning Co. Jay Skarttes 815 14th Ave. S. E. Minneapolis, i�iinn. 55414 Fred Vogt & Company John Barnf 3260 Gorham Ave. S. St. Lauis Park, i•linn. 55426 Ray N. Welter Heating Co. Ray N. Welter 4637 Chicago Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55407 Yale, Incorporated C. A. Ferguson 3012 Clinton Ave. S. � ilinneapolis, Minn. 55408 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Adolfsin & Peterson, Inc. Gordon Peterson 6701 23rd St. W. Minneapolis, Minn. 55426 M. J. Arndt Const. Co. Marlan J. Arndt 2808 Sherwood Road Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 Balco Building Systems, Robert M. Balch Incorporated 2809 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minn. 55404 PA�E 15 APPROVED BY W. Sandin Renewal W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W.. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin Renewal Renewal Renewal R�newal Renewa] Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewa7 C. Selisle Renewal C. Belisle Renewal C. Belisle Renewal I i ! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 75, 1974 i GENERAL CONTRATOR: BY APPROVED BY — ; Rodney Billman, Inc. Rodney W. Billman � C. Belisle , � 151 Si•lver Lake Road New Brighton, P�inn. 55112 Bryant-Franklin Corp. Richard L. Brama C. Belisle ' 900 West County Road D � � New Brighton, Glinn, 55112 C. J. Corporation C1em Johnson C. Belisle ' 701 Columbia Boulevard N. �. ' Minneapolis, i�inn. 55418 Capp Homes, Uiv. of Evans Harold Gramstad C. Be7isle , Products Company 3355 Hiawatha Ave. �� Minneapolis, Nkinn. 55406 � Qalberg Builders Inc. Samuel C. Dalberg C. Belisle I 1121 80th Ave. N. E. ( Minneapolis, Minn, 55432 Drake Designs Incorporated Gordon R, Drake C. Beiisle 722& Riverdale Rd. . Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 Erco Inc. 0. R. Erickson C. Belisle 3231 Central Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 � Erickson Brothers Jean Robertson C. Belisie ' 4567 W. 78th Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55437 Darre] A. Farr Development James E. London C. Belisle Corporation 2810 County Road 10 Brooklyn Center, Minn. 55430 Flynn Canstruction Thomas Flynn C. Belisle I 1909 6th Ave. S. i Minneapolis, Minn. 55303 Andrew P. Gawel Contractors, i Incorporated Andrew P. Gawei C. Betis]e 2407 Washington St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 � Gorco Construction Sheldon Caplin C. Belisle 3384 Brownlow Avenue St. Louis Park, Minn. 55426 � C. F. Haglin and Sons Co. Ro6ert A. Roberts C. Belisle � 4Q05 West 65th Street Edina, iAinn. 55435 � Lyell C. Halverson Co. M. E. Krafve . C. Belisle ; �• 2801 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, friinn. 55404 Harris Erection Company Harold W. Narris • C. Be7lsle � 6210 Riverview Terrace N. E. � Fridley, P1innesota 55432 • ; D. W. Harstad Company Inc. Alton R. Johnson C. Be7isle ; 7101 Highway #65 N. E. �� Fridiey, Minn. 55432 • � Harstad-Todd Diane Harstad C. Belisie � 2525 Harding N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 I � . i�7 .. - PAGE 16 Renewal Renewal . Renewal . Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal � Renewal Renewal , Renewal Renewal Renewal . Renewal Renewal � � Renewal Renewal i' , � . . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 GEPdERAL CONTRACTOR CONTINUED: BY Leif Henriksen Builder Leif Nenriksen 6434 Riverview Terrace Minneapoiis, i•linn. 55432 W. H. Nenrickson Home W. H, Nenrickson Builders 1601 West 75th St. Apt. 1-C Richfield, Minn. 55423 Hutton & Rowe, Inc. Jim Hutton 3958 lOth Lane Anoka, Minn. 55303 Chris Jensen & Son Co. Chris Jensen 1400 Selby Ave. � St. Paul, �linn. 55104 Milton L. Johnson Roofing & Milton L. Johnson Sheet Metai Company 2513 Central Ave. ;�. E. Mir►neapo7is, Minn. 55418 Lyle J. Kaufenberg General Lyle J. Kaufenberg Contractor 76 N. Western Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. 55702 Kraus-Anderson of Minneapolis, Roger J. Syverson Incorporated 501 South 8th St. Minneapolis, Minn. 55404 Andrew Krutzig Bui7der Andrew Krutzig 4262 Twin Oak Lane North Robbinsdaie, Minn. 55422 LP-Gas Equipment, Inc. Wi7liam Huestis 539 Cleveland Ave. N. St. Paul, Minn. 5:i114 Robert Laugen Homes Inc. Robert taugen 6866 East Fish Lake Rd. Osseo, I�1inn. 55369 Lund Martin Company George M. Kelly 3023 Randolph St. N, E. Minneapolis, ;tinn. 55418 . Mel's Remodeting M, t. Wynkoop 2265 Cape Cod Place Minnetonka, Minn, 55343 Richard Miller Homes Richard Miller 1600 Rice Creek Road Fridley, Minn. 55432 . Naugle-Leck, Inc, Mark J. Dougall Suite 5l5 - 730 2nd Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 North Central Builders E. J. Patterson 7401 42nd Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55427 North Metro Const. Inc. Dennis L. Barket 5203 Central Ave. N. E. Minneapo]is, Minn. 55427 PAGE 17 APPROVED BY C. Belisle Renewal C, Be]isle Renewal C. Belisle Renewal C, Belisle Renewal C, Belisle Renewal C. Belis7e Renewal C, Be]isle Renewa] -.x ,. C. Belisie Renewal C. Belisle Renewal C. Belisle C, Belisle C, Beiisle C. Be7isle C. Belisle C, Belisle C. Belisle Renewal Renewal �� Renewa] � I Renewal Renewal i � Renewa] i i i � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 GENERA� COiJTRACTORS CONTINUED: BY Paco, Inc. Gerald W. Paschke 5920 Kirkwood Lane Minneapolis, hlinn. 55442 � Pine Tree Builders, Inc. Edwin A. Dropps 8415 Center Drive � _ Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 Renco Builders Roger Nelson 817 West 50th , Minneapolis, Minn. 55419 The Rottlund Co., Inc. Roy Lund :. 4220 Central Ave. N. E. � Columbia Neights, Minn, 55418 `� Rutledge Construction Co. Tom Rutledge � 1409 S. 7th St. I Hopkins, Minn. 55343 ; The SusseT Co. Stanley Barenbaum j 1850 Como Ave. � I� St. Pau1, Minn. 55108 Tri-Co Builders Inc. Myron P. Ho7um 7555 Van Buren St. N. E. , Fridley, ,linn. 55432 Ulmer Const. Inc. Allan Ulmer 103 E, Golden Lake Lane � Circle Pines; ��1inn. 55014 Western Const. Co. Milton Chazin 6950 Wayzata Blvd. i Minneapolis, Minn. 55426 � Wieman & Slechta Ind. Wil7iam Weiman � Bui]ders Inc. ; 8930 J Street i Omaha, Nebraska 68127 I � ! A. L. Williams Const. A, L. Williams 947 86th Ave. N. W. Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 Fred S. Yesnes, Inc. Ervin S. Yesnes 4071 Lakeland Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55422; . MASONRY: j � Russell T. Berg Masonry Russel T. Berg ; 13446 Jefferson St. N. E. ; � Anoka, Minn. 55303 Carroll F. Bussell Brick & Carroll F. Buzzell , 22001 Lake George Blvd. N. W. , Anoka, Minn. 55303 ' Circle Cement Co. Thomas R. Deiiey 8532 County Road #18 ' Osseo, Minnesota 55369 i ; L. T. Ernst Inc. Lloyd Ernst � 166} 127 Ave. N. W. � Rnoka, Minn. 55303 . APPROVED 8Y C. Beliste C. Belisle C. Belisle C.. Belisle C. Belisle C. BeTisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Be)is7e C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle 159 PAGE 18 Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal . Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewa] Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewai 160 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 ►�IASONRY CONTI�JUED: BY Mario Frasson-Cement Co. Joseph R. Frasson 2400 E. 26th St. Minneapolis, ��linn. 55406 D. w'. Harstad Co. Inc. Alton R. aohnson 7101 Highway #65 N. E. Fridley, i•tinn. 55432 Jesco Incorporated Roy Falness 7101 W. 78 � St. Bloomington, Minn. 55420 Myrdal & Pearson Const, Co. Ronald E. Pearson 741 Kenneston Drive Fridley, Minn. 55432 Rite-Way Waterproffing Inc. John Fraley 2654 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 5540� Leo Sanders Concrete Contracting Company Leo Sanders 7813 Jackson St. N. E. Spring Lake Park, i�inn. 55432 Stone Masonry Inc. Jerome Stone 15002 University Ave. Anoka, Minn. 55303 MOVING AND WftECKING: Carl Bolander & Sons Co. Roger Erickson 2933 Pleasant Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 OIL HEATING: Air Comfort Inc. Donal Ruden 330Q Gorham Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 55426 Berghorst Plumbing & Kenneth Berghorst Heating 10732 Hanson Blvd. Coon Rapids, t�tinn. 55433 Cronstroms Heating & r"-�ir Lowell C. Aiiderson Conditioning Inc. 4110 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, Minn. 55476 Louis DeGidio Oil & Gas Louis DeGidio Services 6501 Cedar Ave. . Minneapolis, Minn. 55423 Frank's Heating a Sheet Frank Vogt Metal Co. 2531 ,iarshal7 St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 5541� . APPROVED BY C. Belis)e C, Be7isie C, Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C. Belisle C, Belis7e W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin W. Sandin PAGE 19 Renewal Renewai Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal W. Sandin Renewal i i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 i� PLASTERING: BY Brisson Stucco & Plastering Edward Brisson ' � Company 10701 Morgan Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55431 I Joe Nelson Stucco, Inc. Marvin J. �+elson ,! 1150 98th Lane N. W. � Coon Rapids, ilinn. 55433 Peterson & Hede Co. Arnotd N. Hede 3l4 17th Ave, N. Hopkins, Minn. 55343 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: • � Elder-Jones Inc. � Raymond W. Jones 720 94th St. W. i Bloomington, I1inn. 55420 � ( MASONRY: 1 Gjerstad Masonry Luverne Gjerstad 6331 Brooklyn Drive Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 CIGARETTE: ' I I Country By Station Store Henry E. Lemm 1301 Mississippi St. � ; fridley ( . . . . ��� -� PAGE 20 APPROVED BY C. Belisle New C. Belisle C. Belisle Renewal Renewai C. Belisle New C. Belisle New Public Safety Dir. �12.00 � George Is In Fridley Gearge D. Nicklow Public Safety Dir. 24.00 3720 East River Road Dick's �Jorth Star Richard D. Hennessey Public Safety Dir. 12.00 4040 Marshall St. idorthtown Standard Robert Rabe Public Safety Dir. 12.00 7609 University Ave. Onan Corp. Servomation Twin Public Safety Dir. 120.00 1400 73rd Ave. Cities 100 Twin Drive-In Outdoor Theafire Public Safety Dir. 24.00 5600 Central Ave. Caterers, Inc. Red Owl Food Store Red Owl Stores, Inc. PubTic Safety Dir. i2.00 6525 University Ave. Sandee's Cafe William F. Weiss Public Safety Dir. 12.00 6490 Central 7-eleven Store DanieT F, Coe Pubiic Safety Dir. 12.00 1315 Rice Creek Road �, . � Shar's Snack Bar Sharlene L. Clochie Public Safety Dir. 12.00 �- 5207 Central Shorewood Inn, Irc. Wiiliam A. Nicklow Public Safety Dir. 24.00 6161 Nighway 65 Skywood Cleaners Pioneer Distributing Co. Public Safety Dir. 12.00 5251 Central Ave. Strite - Anderson Mfg. Servomation Twin Cities Pubiic Safety Dir. 12.00 7585 Viron Road Target Stores, Inc. Richard P. Arf . Public Safety Dir. 36.00 755 53rd Ave. . ��? 0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 CIGARETT CONTINUED: BY Target Stores, Inc. Vendmark, Inc. 755 53rd Ave. Wickes Furniture Unterstate United 5353 East River Rd. Corp. of Minn. PUSLIC DANCE: Shorewood Inn, Inc. William A. fdicklow 616i Highway 65 EMPLOYEE DISPENSING: Anthony G. +Jick7ow George Is In Fridley 4234 46th Ave. i�. Minneapolis George D. iJicklow George Is In Fridley 4644 Aldrich S. Linda L. Albrecht George Is In Fridley 4044 Fremont Ave. iJ. Loretta Ames George fs In Fridley 3301 N. County Rd. 18 Marilyn N. Bender George Is In Fridley 3732 Girard N. Ardith A. Goleianni George Is In Fridley 6540 East River Rd. George H. Dounis George Is In Fridley 4058 Lyndale Ave. N. Rosanna M. fllison George Is In Fridley 2425 W. County Rd. C2 Barbara A. Goetz George Is In Fridley 2113 2nd Ave. S. Spring Lake Park Londra A. Ilaug George Is In Fridley 4951 Miss. i:ts. Minneapolis Patricia M. Joachim George Is In Fridley PAGE 2i APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir FEE 24.00 12.A0 Public Safety Dir. 25.00 Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir, Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Di1^. Public Safety Dir. Pubiic Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir Public Safety Dir. 129 Ventura Ave. ' Fridley , Nance M. Lavell George Is Irr Fridley Public Safety Dir. 1648 68th Ave. +�. E. Thomas N. Lund George Is In Fridley Pubiic Safety Dir. 2112 Brookview Dr. Barbara J. Pappas George Is In Fridley Public Safety Dir. 120 113th Lane Blaine George Is In Fridley George Is In Fridley Sandee's 9242 5th St. Marylouise T. Pisansky 4105 P4adison St. Joyce F. Shern 518 Janesville Debra J. Garpenter Public Safety Dir. Pu61ic Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5•.00 5.00 5.00 5.40 5.Q0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 i 1 � i I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 EMPLOYEES DISPENSING CONTINUED: Kathryn J. Carpenter 4024 Central_ Ave. Mary E. Jevne 1314 153rd Lane , Laurie L. Johnson - 10380 Uplander St. Sharyn F, Marr 7501 Greenfield Ave. #208 Gary A. Oseth 382 N. Cleveland Joan I. Reitan 11533 Wren St. Charles B. Stauffacher 26 115th Ave. ON SALE BEER: Big B's Pizza 321 Osborne Rd. Club 47 6061 University Ave. Fireside Rice Bowl 7440 Centra•1 Avenue Frontier Club 7365 Central Ave. Howies 240 Mississippi St. Jimbo's Pizza 248 (�lississipp� St. K. C. Flall 6831 Highway 65 Maple Lanes 6310 Highway 65 Pollies b225 Highway 65 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT: Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Road � Ta�get 755 53rd Ave. 7-eleven Store 1315 Rice Creek Rd. � Red Owl Food Store � 6525 University Ave. Brook's Superette #i5 1042 Osborne Rd. Country Club Market 6275 Highway 65 PAGE 22 BY APPROVED BY FEE Sandee's � Pubiic Safety Dir. 5.Q0 Sandee's Public Safety Dir. 5.00 Sandee's Public Safety Dir. 5.00 Sandee's Pubiic Safety Dir. 5.Q0 Sandee's Public Safety Dir. 5.00 Sandee's Public Safety Dir. 5,00 Sandee's Public Safety Dir. 5,00 Robert L. Johnson Robert Snyder Glenn Wong Marlene Povlitzki Robert Gorrell James W. Schooley Edward G. Huttener �ridley Recreation & Service Co. Francis L. Mager 163 Public Safety Dir. 120.00 Pubiic Safety Dir. 120.00 Public Safety Dir. 120.00 Public Safety Dir. 120.00 Public Safety Dir. 120.00 Public Safety Dir. 120.OU Publie Safety Dir. 120.00 Public Safety Dir. � 720.00 Public Safety Dir. 120.00 John A Rieck Health Inspector McGlynn Bakeries, Inc. Health Inspector Daniel F. Coe . Health Inspector Red Owl Stores, Inc. Health Inspector Brooks Nauser Health Inspector Country Club Markets Health Inspector 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 � � IG4 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT CONTINUED: BY Holiday Service Station Central Service Co. 5807 University Ave. Country Boy Station Store Henry E. Lemm 1301 Mississippi St. CUB Jack Hooley 250 Osborne Rd. Bob's Produce Ranch Robert Schroer 7620 Univers�ty Ave. PDQ Food Store • James D. Shelton 620 Osborne Rd. . Larry's Champlin Supperette Larry L. Ludford 7298 Highway 65 Rapid Shop Superette Robert S. Hansen 6530 East River Road Tom Thumb Food Market Nerbert Koch 315 Osborne Road Russ's Superette Russell Paone 6253 University Ave. Western Station Western Stores 7600 University Ave. . Target food Store �onathan Stores, Inc. 755 53rd Ave. Green Giant Nome & Garden Center 7620 University Ave. Unity Hospital Unity Hospital 550 Osborne Road VENDING MACHING: PAGE 23 APPROVED BY HeaTth Inspector Wealth Inspector Nealth Inspector Health Inspector Healfih Inspector Health Inspecior Health Inspector Nealth Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Champion Auto Go7d Meda7 Beverage Co. Health Inspectar 6471 University Ave. Karate Center Gold Medal Beverage Co. Health Inspector 6475 University Ave. NorthEast Cycle Gold Medal Beverage Co. Health Inspector 7830 Beech St. Ceni:ral Rental Gold Medal Beverage Co. Heaith Inspector 1199 Osborne�Road Fridley Hardware Gold Medal Beverage Co. Health Inspector 214 Mississippi St. Deaiers Manufacturing SirVend, Inc. Hea7th Inspector 5130 Main St. Wickes Furniture Interstate United Corp. Health Inspector 5353 East River Road of Minnesota White Knight. Kenneth L. Durdin Health Inspector 7300 Univers�ty Ave. Strite-Anderson MFG Servomation Twin Cities Health Inspector 8585 Viron Rd. � FEE 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,00 25.00 25.00 ZS.00 25�.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 TS.OD 15.U0 15.00 105,00 75.00 15.00 150.00 � _.__�_J � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 VENUING MACHINE CONTINUED: BY APPROVED BY ; Skywood Nallway Curtis.Bostrom Health Inspector � 5251 Central Ave. � - Red Owl Food Store Gold Meda] Beverage Co. Health Inspector 6525 University Ave. Skywood Cleaners frank Gill Health Inspector ' 5251 Central Ave. Riverside Car Wash Robert Sch7eeter Health Inspector 6520 East River Road i�� .. PAGE 24 FEE i � 15.00 � ` 15.00 f I lO.OJ 15.00 • Onan Corporation Servomatian Twin Cities Hea7th Inspector ],005.00 ' 1400 73rd Ave. � I• Northtown Standard Robert Rabe kealth Inspector 7609 University Ave. � Medtronics Unterstate United Corp. Health Inspector 6970 Central of Minnesota Fullerton Metal Co. Frank Gill Health Inspector 517Q Main St. 1 Fullerton Metal Co. Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Health Tnspector I 5170 Main St. � Kurt Manufacturing SirVend, Inc. Health Inspector 5280 Main St, Central Speedy Car Wash Stuart Pihlstrom Health Inspector 5201 Central Ave. Automatic Engineering & Mfg. - 7191 Highway 65 Arnold Geroux Health inspector Midland Co-op Pioneer Distributing Co. Health Inspector � Highway 694 and Main St. . ( LaMaur, Inc. Pioneer Distributing Co. Health Inspector 5601 East River Road i Target Stores Headquarters Vendmark, Inc. Health Inspector ',: 1080 73rd Ave. Bob's Produce Ranch ��letropolitan Vending Corp. Nealth Inspector i 7620 University Ave. Buzz's Barber Shop 8uzz Rrndt Health Inspector 6247 University Ave. � Dave's 'icxaco Dave Haugen Heaith Inspector 6301 Highway 65 ;� Electro Cote C& R Vending Service Health Inspector � 5220 Main St. Fridley State Bank Fridley State Bank Health Inspector � 6315 University Ave. , ; ! Fridley Senior High School Coca Cola Midwest Nealth Inspector 6000 West Moore Lake Or. • Fridley Terrace Gerald E. Toberman • Health Inspector 7400 Highway 65 . .I i Holiday Village N, Canteen Co, of Minn. Health Inspector � 250 57th Ave. j Jackie Ann Hair Stylists He.�alth Inspector � 6574 University Ave. 60.00 145.00 15.00 15.00 45,00 ]5.00 i5,00 ]00.00 105.00 225.00 7 5. 00 15.00 5.00 ]5.Q0 20.00 30.00 15.00 100.00 15.00 I ' � 1GG REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 7974 VENDIWG f4ACHINE CONTINUED: BY Larsen Manufacturing Co. Coca Cola Midwest 7421 Commerce Lane Magic Swirl Beauty Salon, Incorporated 6369 University Ave. Map1e Lanes Moore Way b3iQ Highway 65 Minco Products Canteen Co. of Minn, 7300 Commerce Lane Moore Lake Union 76 Lee R. i�augen 5695 Hackmann Ave. Phillips 66 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. 5667 University Ave. Phillips 66 Pepsi-Co7a Bott7ing Co. 6500 University Ave. Penny's Super Market t�arion Levine 6540 University Ave. Phillips 66 Pioneer Distributing Co. 6500 �niversity Avenue Plywood Minnesota Coca Cola Midwest 5401 East River Road Powdour Pouf Beauty Salon 6251 University Avenue Railroad Access. Co. Robert T. Steiner �650 Main St. Reserve Supply Co. SirVend, Inc, 5110 Main St. Ron's Standard Oil Coca Cola Midwest 6490 University Ave. Sears Roebuck Go. Pioneer Distributing Co, 6T99 f(ighway 65 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT: PAGE 25 APPROVED BY Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Nealth Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Hea7th Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Hea]th Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Hea7th Inspector Heaith Inspector Health Inspector Pollies Francis L. fdager Nealth Inspector 6225 Highway 65 100 Twin Drive-In Outdoor Theatre Caterers, Health Inspector 5600 CentraT Ave. Incorporated Target Stores, Inc. Richard P. Arf Nealth Inspector 755 53rd Ave • • Shorewood Inn, Inc. William A. fJicklow Health Inspector 6161 Highway 65 Shar's Snack Bar Sharlene L. Clochie Health Inspector 5207 Central Ave. Sandee's Cafe William F. Weiss Hea7th Inspector 6490 Central Ave. George Is In Fridley George D. fiicklow Health Inspector 3720 East River Road FEE ]5.00 15,00 80.00 180.00 40.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 65.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 75.00 25,00 25,00 25,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 � i. i REGULAR COUNCIL MEE7ING OF APRIL 15, 1974 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT CONTINUED: BY _ �' � McDonald's McDonald's of Fridley 5831 University Ave. APPROVED BY Health Inspector I Kentucky Fried Chicken Carl Beaudey Health Inspector � 7510 University Ave. Mr, Steak Robert W. Schachischneider HeaTth Inspector ; 5895 University Ave. Zapata's Tapata Restaurant 5905 University Ave. � Dairy Queen • Ernest L. Fitch 280 Mississippi St. i Burger King #231 Burger King Corp. I 6310 University Ave. � Big B's Pizza � 321 Osborne Road Robert L. Johnson i iCentral Embers, Inc. Centrai Embers, Inc. ; 5400 Central Ave. Chanticlear Pizza Richard Kempe I6304 Highway 65 , Cauntry Kitchen Nicholas A. funaro � 280 57th Place . Fireside Rice Bowl Glenn F. Wong ' 7440 Central Ave. Frostop Drive-In Sherman Hanson 7694 Viron Rd. � HoTiday Viliage North Erickson Brothers 250 57th Ave. � Howies Robert E. Gorrell � 240 Mississippi St. i � Maple Lanes Mary J. Savelkowl I 6310 Highway 65 Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector . 1�7 PAGE 26 FEE 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Health Inspector 25.00 Nealth Inspector 25.QQ Health Inspector Health Inspector 25.00 25.00 Health Inspector 25.00 Health Inspector Health Inspector 25.00 25.00 Health Inspector 25.00 Health Inspector Phoenix Chow Mein Lyn You Woo Health Inspector , 242 Mississippi St. Snyder's Drug Store Synder's Drug Store, Inc. Health Inspector 6582 University Ave. Town Crier Pancake House Craig J. Vargo hlealth Inspector 7730 Universi'ty Ave. OFF SALE BEER• ' � , ' Country Boy Station Store Henry E. Lemm ' 1301 Mississippi St. ' Red Owl Food Stores Red Owl Stores, Inc. 6525 University Ave. 7-eleven Store Daniel F. Coe 1315 Rice Creek Road Health Inspector Public Safety Dir. Health Inspector Public Safety Dir. Health Inspector Public Safety Dir. 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 � �� ' ' r , � , � � � ' I ' � 168 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 27 DRIVE-Iid THEATRE: BY APPP,OVED BY FEE 100 Twin Drive-In Outdoor Theatre Caterers, Inc. Neaith Fnspector 300.�0 5600 Central Ave. Public Safety Dir. ON SALE LIQUOR: George Is In Fridley George D. Nicklow Health Inspector 4,500.00 3720 East River Road Public Safety Dir. Sandee's Cafe William E. Weiss Health Inspector 4,500.00 6490 Central Ave. Public Safety Dir. Shorewood Inn, Inc. William A. idicklow Health Inspector 4,500.00 6i61 Highway 65 public Safety Dir. e Ground Round Edward Hansen Health Inspector 4,500.00 5277 Central Ave. Public Safety Rir. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT: NEW: Pan-O-Gold Bakery Thrift Store 7365 East River Road� Harvey Zimmerman Health Inspector 25.00 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as listed on pages 18 through l8-S of the agenda (previously listed). Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayat° Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Utter asked if there were any questions concerning any of the licenses. Mayor Liebl said all of the licenses had been checked by the Administration. ESTIMATES: � � Weaver, Tal]e & Herrick 316 East Main St. Anoka, i�tinnesota March Retainer for services rendered as City Attorney $ l,l]3.00 Hydro Engineering, Inc. 6ox 98 Young America, Minnesota 55397 FIFlAL Estimat #3, for work compieted fo r the construction of Water Improvement Project No. J11 71,465.73 Comstock & Qavfs, Inc. Consult9ng Engineers 1446 County Road "J° ' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 ' PARTIAL Estimate #14 for Water Improvement Project No. lll from March 4 through March 30, 1974 �78,gp AARTIAL Estimate #3 for Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm � Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 from March 4 through March • , , 30, 1974 5,925.57 MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the estimates as previously listed. Seconded by Councilman Utter. L'pon a vaice vote, alt voting aye, �iayor Liebi deciared the motion carried unanimously. _ CONSIDERATION OF A RE UEST TO BlJI�D A RESIDENTIAL GARAGE AT 5805 3RD STREET N. E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, PFESEP�TLY ZONED C-2 COMMERCIAL AREA , REQUEST BY DALE R 6 KKE• ' (�ayor Liebl asked if the petitioner was present. Mr. Bakke responded. Mayor Liebl said there had been a policy established by the City on this procedure for the allowance of construction of non conforming use. He asked tfie City Attorney to explain the procdure to the app7icant. � ' I' . � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL ]5, 1974 PAGE 28 1V� 7he City Attorney said if the property is improved and later sold for commercial I use, it may not be possible to receive adequate funds to equal the investment. He said it must be understood that the property owner may not receive his money back for the installation. I,r. 6akke said he understood this point. , ' � � ' u ' � r �_� � ' � , , � �i � f. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Bakke if he had any questions on this procedure, and Mr. Bakke said he did not. MOTI�N by Councilman Nee to grant the building permit for the residential garage on property zoned C-2 as requested for 5808 3rd Street N. E., by ��r. Dale Bakke with the understanding that he may not receive his money for the installation of the garage at the time the property is sold, because this is a non conforming use. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a7] voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS ON LIQUOR STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT (BIDS OPENED APRIL 12, .1974): The City Manager said at this time, it was the recommendation of the Administration that the bids be received, rebid and the contract be awarded after the staff investigates the possibility of making more money on this sale. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the following bids: Terry Ciaggert 158 Collen St. Wyoming Minn. 55092 Don's Liquor 2201 University Ave. N. E Minneapolis, Minn. Cash was received of• $207.0�. Cash receipt was issued. #70656 Cashier Check Rec'd in the amount of $212.50 Bid price $4,125.00 �id price $4,150.00 Andy Shuste.r Bid not comply, Check Sawmill Liquors issued by The Sawmi7l Inc. Bid price $4,001.00 Box 395 not certified in the amount (main interest is the Virginia, :linn. of $200.00, received .05 Cash cooler, willing to pass up sheiving) Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REMODELING OF THE COURT FACILITY AND THE �EASE WITH ANOKA COUNTY: The City Manager explained the various types of improvements that would be made to the portion of the Civic Center which is leased to the County for the Municipal Court functions. He said the improvements must be approved by the City and the recommendation of the Administration would be to not require the County to restore the area to �ts previous condition. He said the Administration recommendations would be to: 1. approve the improvements of remodeiing the court facilities, that the City would pay for the improvements at the termination of the lease, and the County not be required to restore the area to its original condition. . 2. That the lease that was agreed to in 1969 be updated and negotiated with the County for an increase in rental funds. He said ihe average cost for rental of facilities of this type would be in the range of $5 per square foot, and he believed this rental �should be increased to�this amount. The City Manager said he had talked to the people in the A�dministrative . offices at the County and also to the County Commission Chairman, P1r. A1 Kordiak, and they seemed to be in agreement with the amount. N� mentioned, this area is being rented to'a public body and the City should try tp be fair. " 4Sayor Liebl asked how much tMe office space was being rented for currently. The t;ity Manager said this would�^ange from $4 per square foot to $6 per square foot. �ro said he felt the rented portion was fairly nice and his recommendation wou7d be that this rent for $5. Councilman Utter said 25� of each of the County tax dollars comes from Fridley. • He agreed that the rent should be raised to the $5 per square foot. Councilman Utter stated the planned remodeling will not be visible from the exterior of the office area and would include mostly painting and-redecorating. r � i � � I_� � ' � ' � � , ' LJ LJ � ' , 170 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 29 , MOTIOt� by Councilman Utter to concur with the recorrrmendations of the City Manager ' and approve the requested remodeling and that a new lease agreement be negotiated ', for in the amount of $5 per square foot for rental. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. ; L'pon a voice vote, a+l voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' �OidSIDERATION OF SUBMISSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY_ OUNC� IL REGARDING NORTH PARK PROJECT BY THE CITY: The City Manager said the report which would be submitted to the Environmental Quality Council had been given to the members of the Fridley Council the previous week. He said if ti�e Council would have any suggestions for modifications, those modifications could be made, if not, this statement could be submitted to the Environm_ntal Quality Council. He said this would be considered by the Environmental (�uaiity Council at their May meeting, Mayor Liebl asked if there wouid be any suggested changes or if any of the members of the Council had any.questions on the suggested statement: There were no questions. i��ayor Liebl asked when this had to be submitted. The City Manager said it shou]d be submitted at the present time so it can be submitted and reviewed by the Environmenta'I QuaTity Council. Councilman Starwalt said the submission of any additionai maieriai would be very costly. Ne thought the proposed statement was quite complete. He said he thought the statement to be acceptable if they are working very diligently and allow proper consiieration �,o the materia7. The City Manager said the Environmenta] Quality Council had supplied a iist of items that was to be supp]ied to them by the Gity and the City had furnished this information. Ne added, the City staff has made a sincere effort to comply with the outline of the Environmental Quality Counci7. He said ff more information is needed, this would be provided. If added, and also if this information would require any additional spending of funds, this consideration would be brought back to the Council. MOTION by Councilman Breider to forward the proposed material to the EnvironmentaT Quality Coancil for consideration at their May meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motian carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR RICE CREEK ESTATES PLAT GQODCO, Ii�C. AiJD allTHORIZATION OF APPROVAL OF FIRST PHASE OF THE PLAT: This item was taken care of earlier in the meeting. COt�IUNICATIONS �ADDED TO AGENDA): . . RECEIVING THE COMMUNICATION FROM THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF FRIDLEY: CLEAN UP OF N R N PARK: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from the League of Women Voters regarding the clean up of North Park, dated Apri7 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REGEIVING TNE COMMUNICATION FROM PAUL BROWN, DIRECiOR OF PARKS AND RECRERTION: REPLY 7 REQUEST TO CLEAN UP NORTH PARK BY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS: MOTION by Councilman Utter ta receive the letter from Pau1 Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation dated April 12, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,iNayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING 7HE COMMUNICATION FROM MR. ROBERT ALDRICH DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF: FIRST AID TRAINING: Ni0TI0N by Councilman Starwait to receive the comnunication from Mr. Robert Rldrich, Ueputy Fire Chief regarding the completion of the First Aid Classes dated April 4, 1974•. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Manager said this class had been completed by many of the City Administrative staff in addition to the Firemen. He stressed the importance of the City sta€f receiv�ng this training and said it would make them safety conscieus.. � � + � ' � I � i � � , � ' ' , I � � ' ' I ( , + I t ' ' I 17�1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1974 PAGE 30 RECEI�VING THE COMMUNICATION FROM MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR/ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: POLICE PENSION FUNDING: h10TI0N by Councilman Breider to receive the communication from' Mr. Marvin C. Brunsell, Finance Director/Assistant City Manager regarding the Fridiey Police Pension Funding dated April 12, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwali. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�tayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. RECEIVING COMMUNICATION FROM MR, OLIVER ERICKSON: PU&LICATION OF COMMEMORATIVE GAZINE: f�1ayor Liebl said the letter from Mr. Erickson had been addressed to the City Manager, Nasim M. Qureshi and dated April 11, 1974. Discussion followed with the resulting concensus to cooperate in every way in making the pubtication a success. The City Manager said this publication would be like the magazine put together for Roseville. STATUS REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ON TRIP TO WASHINGtON BY COUNCILMAN NEE AND �� COUNCILMAN BREIDER TO APPEAR BEFORE F.C.C. MEMBERS: The City Manager said he would like to know if ihere were any further questions �.. - from the Council on the CATV trip to ldashington, or the materiai which was to be � �, presented to the F. C. C. He said the figures were available at the present time . for review by the Council. f' � � COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY COUNCILMAN NEE CONCERNING SAND IN WATER: Al.TURA ROAD: � Councilman Nee explained to the Ciiy Manager that he had received a complaint about sand being in the water heater and water softner of a resident on Altura Road. 7he City Manager said he would investigate this complaint and report back to Councilman Nee. ADJOURNMENT: h10TI0N by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, i�iayor Liebi deciared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular meeting of the Fridley City Council of April 15, 1974 adjourned at 9:43 P.M. Respectfuily submitted, C�:��� �i�/ /( u.�aG� Patricia Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council ate pproved Frank G. liebl, Mayor ('���J lJ`�J I�JU � 0 UG � (�''�J l_/ U � L ~ `� �---�"---� � t "" `I � � o� � C� Q � � I�i■� �� `�� � � �� 'W I� O Li7 °�' � � � Gt� � ._._. � ,-- c� v �� � � � � � � � ���o �:.�' .��: .�. ' ��■ NvM! � �� �:. � �� �--- � � � �� � � � :� � :; � � �C :�. F-� �� �' �...t .� � � � 6rY � �� lr/i! � �.�.i � �`� � �� w � o� � �� � �..� c� P R 0 C.L A M A T I 0 N PROCLAIMrIt�G JUNE as "TOASTMASTERS t�ONTH" TO TNE CITIZENS OF FRIGLEY, GRE�TIt�GS: WHEf�ERS, tha abili�ies �.e speak effectiveiy, listen care•- fu11y, and ihink cr�itically arF amang the mast va�lc�able talents a person can develop; and �WN ER EA S, ihe deve7 ap�nen�C af 1 ead�i�sh� p abi i i ti es i n men i s of great val u� to aur democrati c soc� ety and the �f'ree errterpri sF system; and � WN�REAS, Toastmasters In�ernational, a nan-profit, non-- sectarian educational associa�ian, is dedicated to�providing tF�e apportunity for developing these taients; and WHEREAS, the Toastmasters Club 4J1�h1C1 th� C�ity of Frid7�y has provided the opportunity for developn�ent of these.c�ornmun�c<�tion and leadership skills to the peaple of our community; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frank G. Liebl, Mayor of Fridley, do hereby praclaim th� montt� o�� Jun� as Toastmaster� tRonth in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Toastmasters International. ' A.��,�o?` � � ;� � .� ;� `� h� �- � ' ' �F�� FRANK G. LIEBL, MAYOR � � ` y ��� d! � � . . ' . . . . . �. . . � . � - . . �� � �� . ��:. � � � . . . .�r � �. . ,;�► s � : t K ' ��. '$ � �] 4 t"� � . L� f )i '�( � n "��� . . . �� �. .� �f , . . 1. �r� + , ;, ;.� E.,� �,, `� �� , ' ` �� ° �. �� �� � { : . - ;::� ti��.� ��'''��' �' ��`•it� 1� � ��� � ' ORDINANCE N0. AN�ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDING 1 CHAPTER 510 ENTITLED TREE PRESERVATION WHICH PROHIBITS THE DESTRUCTION OF TREE� ON CITY OWNED PUBLIC LAND IN TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY EXCEPT UNDER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS � ' THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 501.01. No person or corporation, public or private, including but not ' limited to the City of Fridley, its officers, employees or agents, . shall order or cause the injury or destruction of any living tree on City owned land except under the foliowing conditior�s: � ' '�J IJ , � ' 1. For control of verified cases of Oak Wilt or Dutch Elm disease as provided in CH. 104 of the Fridley City Code. 2. For purposes of woodland management, the removal of up to three (3) trees per acre per year may be permitted, but only after a management plan justifying such removals has been approved by the Fridley Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, the �ridley Planning Commission and the Fridley City Council. No tree removaT shall be allowed under. the provisions of this Paragraph which is not defined in the plan. . 3. For purposes of necessary public utility construction, but only after the preparation of a detailed plan and approval by the authorities named in Paragraph "2° above. No such plan shall be approved wh�ch does not provide for reforesta- tion and the restoration of the land to its original conditiori. 501.02. Trees measuring less than 3 inches in diameter at a point 4 feet above ground are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. 501.03. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the routine trimming of trees in street right of way. '� 501.Q4. Any person who violates this oi°dinance shall be quilty of a misdemeanor. The injury or destruction of each protected tree , � shal1 be a separate violation. ' ' ' ' ' ADOPTED SY TNE CITY C4UNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1974. A7TEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL First Heading: May 6, 1974 Second Reading: Publish: MAYOR, FRANK G. LIEBL , DAY OF 2 ' 0 F �r 9 1 �' � �� � � � � � �:�� �r ��� � �� �� � r � ��� � � �� �� 4-; �s�+ ��;;,7 � � � ��� k.i `4`i:� �k � 1 � � , ' , � 1 � M�MORANDIIi`�� TQ; City I•Ianager a'.l�,liCT; Bas�ball Fen rz _a-� Comm�ns #�1 �I7Y OF FRIDLEY 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 pAUL I3R0�:�'N, D-�hec�ajc Phane; 56Q-�450 X64 DAT� � May 15, 197�t .. FRO��►; p�ul Bro�m' 1}.irect�r Fi wv�a.�r, Dear City i�anager� I sro�ld appreciate th� Fencing o.f Commons ;�l Baseball Field be placecl back � on the next agenc.a. � _ I have attached a drawing sho�•r.z.ng the follozrir�g cYzanUes and proposed rev�.sians to tha first proposal that iras �rithdra:,�n by the Ci:ty Couticil. 1. Show all existin.� iences �rithin tlie boundary of th� park. 2. Show t�mporar� snow ience that is only up durino �he ball sLason. 3. Show proposed chaitt link fence for Cominons i#1 Base�all Field, idots: I�n proposang t•�ra predestrian gates to be inst�.lZe� in order for participants in the par� ta move through the area �rhen not used for Baseball. practice ox schedu�.ed games. These gates would nat be 1ock�d in orde.r to give ev�ryo�a access to free movement within �the p�rk. Tha.s t,rould give those tha� want to move from north to south and visa versa a chanc� aas �hrough th� par.k. � � Respectf 11y submitted, , G.�,�" PB � ' •, UL BRO:�TN, Director � � `: . � ' - � ' �. � � � 9 � . ��' �����..���° � ����!�������� � ' . , 3A � � �� ������ � � . . 1 � . � . . Pedestrian 26t' Gate . � � ' � � -� . . � . '�� . ° - � � �,' .. ��4, � � . - t . 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' . . • ,. • •_ . . . _ .. .. .; I�`� J��r� ` l `J , CTTY OF FRIDLEY � � � �� � � .� � PLA,NNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 8, 1974 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:03 P.M: ROLL CALL: 4 Members Present: Harris, Lindblad, Fitzpatrick, Drigans(8:30) Members Absent: Blair � Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator James Langenfeld, Chairman: Environmental Quality Commission W. H. Cheeseman, Deputy Adjutant General Minnesot� A.R.N.G. � APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION �`'IINUTES: APRTL 17, 1974 MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Haxris, to approve the minutes , of the Planning Commission meeting of Ap.ri1 17, 1974,�as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1 � , , , , ' 1 � � �r RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: APRIL 23, 1974 MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindbla$ to receive the minut:es of.the Board of Appeals 5u.bcommittee meetzng of Apri1 23, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, �he motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MI�7UTES: APRIL 25, 1974 . Mr. Harris asked Mr. Lindblad what had been decided about �the driveways of the library site and the Wall Corporation development.. Mr. Lindblad said it was left that the Wall Corporation take ca:re of the retaining wall because the library was not altering the.land. Mr. Harris asked if the Council gave final appraval for the lib:rary or if they wex-e going to wait for zhe development of the��Wall property. Mr. Lindblad said they gave approval of the concept, but there ��as a question on how the two proposals would blend with each other. MOT�ON by LindbZad, seconded br� Harris, to receive the min�tes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommi�tee meeting of Apri1 25, 1974.: Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�ing aye, the motion carried unani- mously. RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMTTTEE M[INUTES: MAY 1. 1974 MOTION the PZa ts & May 1, Z974. unanimously. by Harris, seconded by Lindb3ad, to receive the rnin�utes of Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities S�bcommittee meeti.ng of Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye,-:the motion cax•ried � 0 �� �. 4A Planning Cornmission Meeting - May 8, 1974 �� Page 2 _ �2ECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: APRIL 9, 1974 • MOTION by Harris, seconc3ed by Lindblad, to receive the minufies of the Environmental Quality Comrnission meeting of April 9, 1974 Upon'a voice vote a1I voting aye, the motzon carried unanimously. Mr. Harris said he had a couple of questions. He said a mot.ion had been made at this meeting that the Metropolitan Recycling Cent:er be contacted. He asked Mr. Langenfeld what information he had rec:eived. � Mr. Langenfeld said he had talked to a Mr. Tim McDonald and he � had said that they were presently�..nvolv�d in an expansion program so .he could not appear before the Council until late June, but he did give him the following infoxmation. The recycling center had to l�e on Cit.y owned property and be accessible to a t�uck. The site must have toilet facilities and provide shelter. A man must be on the premises, preferably a handicapped man from this area. The income derived from the recycling center would provide the income to pay this man and any excess income would go ta the Metropolitan Recycling Center. This center cannot be set up on a voluntary basis, it must h�ave permanent� help. It would be under the complete control of the Metropo�itan Recycling Center but they would discuss any problems with the City. He said that if the City can find a spot for this and there is interest, Mr. McDonald wouZd give the compleie details to the Council. Mr. Harris asked ii they would be looking for a site with a� building on the site. Mr. Langenfeld said ihe City just has to i:ind the ar�a for this center and a small shed could be put on the sit:e and as far as toi�et facilities, they could use the type they usE: at the ba11 games. . Mr. Harris asked what the Council's react��on was to this p��oposal. Mr. Langenfeld said that the� Mayor said they would look into the possibility of finding a location. Mr. Lindblad asked what type of things would be handled by this � , center. Mr: Langenfe�:d said it would be such things as glass, t,in cans,� corregated cardboard, etc. � RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: APRTL 22, 1974 MOT,IDN by Lindblad, seconded by Narris, that the Planning Commission receive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes of , the Apri1 22, .Z974�meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � 1. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #74-d2, BERKELEY PUMP COMPANY: To rezane Lot 1 and 2, Block 13, ��pring Brook Park Addition, from R-1 (single family dwelling are�s) to � M-2 (light industrial areas) to make zoning consistent wit:h the _ property lines at l81 Ely Street N.E. � � Mr. Leland Snead was present to represent the petitioner. Public Hearing open. � �� � � ' ' _ � � Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 3+ 4� Mr. Clark said that the Berkeley Pump Company owns property at the corner of Ashton and Ely. At the present time, half of the � property is.zoned industrial and the balance is zoned R-1. At the original Public Hearing on this request there were two things discussed. One was if the petitioner would go along with a special use on the R-1 property rather �han rezoning, and the second was that he ��ppear before the Building S�andards-Design Control Subcommittee with his plans for fencing and landscaping. He said that Mr. Snead did appear before this Subcommittee, and they recommended approval of his plan. Since the first Public Hearing, the petitioner has indicated triat Berkeley Pump would like to have a loading dock and a storage a.rea on the property presently zoned R-l. While everything else they � want to do to improve this site could be done with a Special Use Permit, the property would have to be rezoned to M-1 to have the loading dock in this area. Mr. Clark continued that the staff thought Mr.�Snead has presented a reasonable plot plan. The�t w�ll be replacing the�fence, adding some curbing and shrubbery which will, make a great improvement to this site. Mr. Clark said tha� even if this praperty was rezoned, it could not be used to expand the building, without a variance, because of the setback requirements. � Mr. Snead presente� a sui-vey of this property. He said Lot.s 1 and 2 were zoned R-1 and Lo�s 3, 4 and 5 were zoned M-l. He said they were presently using 24 per cent of the land area of this groperty. He said �hat according to the zoning requirement on M-1 property� they could -use 40 per cent of the total area of the property, but be�cause of the �setback requirements because of the &-1 property across Ash�on and 3 lots across�Ely that were zoned R-l. The balance of the:property on E1�. is zoned M=1 and the property East and T�est of. the property is zoned M-1. " ^ � . Mr. Snead presented the final plat plan. He said the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee had requested that he talk to some nursery people and came up with a good plan for landscaping and � developmFnt. This plan shows the type of plantings, the fence li.ne and the parking area which exceed the parking requirement. We are required to have 8 parking stalls and we have 10. , 1 , � � � Chairman Fitzpatrick asked if the loading dock was already e�xisting. Mr. Snead said it wasn't. Mr. Clark said that loading docks are a l�egal encroachment on the side yard in M-1 zoning,.but it wouldn't _ be allowed if this property remained R-1. ;Mr. Snead said this loading • dock would be shielded by scxeening and trees. Mr:. Snead said that had strived for the maximum amount of design and appearance with ease of maintenance and this was the most maintenance free plan they could come up with. .' Mr. Harris asked if the planting areas were within the prope�rty lines of if they extended into the boulevard? Mr. Snead said there � was only about a 2 foot boulevard in this area. Mr. Clark said that . nbrmally the boulevard should be five feet, unless this could have happened when they widened �his street. Mr. Clark said the curbirig wauld have to be 20 feet from the property line. Mr. Snead said t;hey could adjust the curb to make it 20 feet. � , , � �_� , , ' � r , r ' i , L' J � � ' Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 19Z4 .. Page 4 4 � Mr. Harris told Mr. Snead to be sure that the trunks of the: trees being planted were inside the property line. MOTION by LindbZad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning C'ommissio� close the Public Hearing on rezoning request, ZOA #74-02, by Ber•keley Pump�Company. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.' ' • Mr. Clark said that in addition to the laading dock, they would be placinq a small structure on the property for L.P. tanks. Mx-. Snead said this wouldn't be on the loading dock. It would be iri the storage area, inside the fence. .' Mr. Fitzpatrick said that when this petition was first brotxght before the Planning Commi.ssion, there were neighbors present who objected to this_property being r�zoned, but were not opposed to the granting of a Special Use Permit. � . . Mr. Clark zoning expandecl ments tnat were .� �also concerned and this would park, said that the neighbors felt they didn't want industrial in this area, but they were ii. favor of the imp.rove- going to be made. Mr. Snead said the neighbors �aere that we might eYpand our building out toward Ash�ton cause additional traffic for the children going -to the Mr. Fitzpatrick said the original proposal handZed with a Special Use Permit, but with the ta include a loading dock, it would now require con�text, the plan has been changed. could have been plan being expa:nded rezoning so, in this Mr. Clark said this loading is going to be inside a screening fence. At the present time, the loading dock is in front of the building. This new plan is a better plan even if it does involve rezoning. Mr. Snead said this was the only thing in their proposal that couldn't be handled by a Special Use Permit. Mr. Clark said that because Berkeley Pump wants to move th.e loading dock away from the frorut of the building, and for •resale. reasons, this is why they have decided to continue their request �for rezoning instead of.going along with a 5pecial Use Permit. . Mr. Fitzpatrick asked about the building for the L.P. tank:s. Mr. Clark said this would be such a small building, it prc.bably' wouldn't even reguire a building permit. MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, to table the reque�st for rezoning, ZOA #74-02, by Berkeley Pump Company until the 4t:h member to be present �rrived at the meeting. Upon.a voice vote,, a11 voting aye, the motion carried. ' � "(Mr. Drigans arrived at 8:30 and at the conclusion of the Public �Hearing on the Armory proposal for Fridley, this item was returned to.) Mr. Clark explained the discussion on this item to Mr. Dr:i.gan�s. Mr. Drigans said the only question he had was if there were going to be variances needed on this request. Mr. Clark said no, not on what a Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 '� Page 5 4 � � ' ' , � � ' , ' � � ' .' ' , II � ' " ' ' ' the petitioner was asking for at this time. MOTION.by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning C��mmission recommend to Council approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #74-D2, by Berkeley Pump Company, to rezone Lots 1 and 2, B1ock 13, Spring Brook Park �Addition, from R-1 (single famiZy dwelling a-reas) to M-1 (light industrial areas) to make zoning consistent with the property Iines at 181 Ely Street N.F.. with the stipulation that the rezoned property be developed as shown on Exhibit A, except that the curbing be moved in 20 feet from the property line. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimously. �• 2. PUBLIC HEARING: ARMORY PROPOSAL FOR FRIDLEY General Cheeseman was present. Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Plan�ing Commission iaas apprc>acY�ed a year ago in March, along with other Planning Commissions of the North and West suburbs, by the Niinnesota National Guard and ask�d to take under consideration the possibility of having an armory lc�cated in Fridley, at some future tim�. At that time, the request �,�ias for � a commitment'-. that 5�acres be set aside for this purpose, which has since r�een reduced to less acreage. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the members of the Planning Commission felt at that time that no action should be taken because they did not want to commit 5 acres of land for a period of up to ten years without any assurance that we would be chose:n as a site for an armory. Since that time, 4 of the 5 members of the Planning Commission have changed, and there has been renewed interest in this proposal by some members of the City staff and the City Council. We were asked by Council to reconsider this proposal and that is the reason for this Public Hearing. General Cheeseman said the proposal by the Department of M�ilitary Affairs, which is an agency of the State of Minnesota, is to establish a City of Fridley National Guard unit and the building o� an armory to house it. This not only calls for a commitment� by the City� of Fridley, but also by the State of Minnesota. It calls for a civic committment to support the guard unit� and also the donation of land by the City which has to be between :?.8 and 3 �acres . General Cheeseman continued th�at he was at this time, ablE� to give a firm commitment in regard to a programmed �Y��ar for the first armory�to be bui�lt in the Minneapolis suburbs. We would like �to proceed with the City of Fridley, with construction in the fis�al year of 1977. The Federal government pays 75s of the cast of this constructian. The remainder of the cost, 25$, is divided bet�ween the State and the City on a 40� to 60o basis. We have ta guarantee the Federal government that the primary use of this building is military We can build, in this basic�armory, other features which the City of Fridley might desire. This can be additional rooms or additional features. The use of the armory for civic uses is free. The State of Minnesota picks up the cost of the utilities�and custodial services.. After the building is paid for, it becomes the property of the State o£ Minnesota. The armory will be built by the Minnesota State: Rrmory . . . . � �� E. � Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 6 _ Commission arid they float the bands. This is all covered by Stat:e , . statute. With a 100 man guard unit, there would be 1 full time c�uty man and one.janitor. If this armory was rented by an organization � that was going to make a profit on this use, there would be a miriimal ' fee.� For a dance, for instance, the rental fee would be somewhere around $75.00. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts., and yo�th groups are usually not charged any rental. He said that in one City, a youth group l.zas � three rooms on a year-round basis and uses the armory for a danc�e every Friday- night, and the yearly iee for this is $2,000. A sm�all group that used the armory on a weekly basis could be charged a minimal '' � charge. Mr. Fitzpatrick said they seemed to have a policy on charging a fee to those who could afford to pay the fee. General Cheeseman said . these rental fees aren't to make a prof�.t, �ust to cover the d�fference between what the State pays and what the additiona� costs are fo�r extra ,� use.of the building. That's why the charges were minimal. 0 Mr. Clark said the City staff had gone over the City maps a.nd probably the most likely place for an armory location would be k>etween the Ice Arer.a and the City Garage. This is open land owned by t:.he City. It is not park property and the City would not be losing a tax �base. . � Mr. LindbZad asked if based on today's rates, how much wou:ld an armory cost right now. General Cheeseman y,aid they are cost:ing between $450,000 to $500,000. Of this the Federal Government p,ays 75% which would leave about $135,000 to $I.50,000 to be picked up by the.City and the �State. The City's share of this would be between $75,000 to $90,�00. He said the bond issue they have for a new armory in Hastings, Minnesota runs 60. The�, paymerit will be $I4,000 a year for 18 years. Tne State af Minnesota pays $5,000 a year, which leaves the City of Hastings with a$9,000 a year payment. Mr. Lindblad asked how big this armory was. Mr. Cheeseman said it was 18,040 square feet. Mr. Peter Treuenfels; 5460 7th Street N.E. , asked �eneral7.. Cheeseinan to explain what he meant by a civic commitment. J• General Cheeseman said this is tied in very closely ta what the National Guard is. The National Guard is the only military orqanization that is mentioned by name in the articles of the Constitution :six times. In our form of government, the citizens form the largest porti��n of our military defense force. It is our way, in this country, t�� have a military force.at the cheapest expense to the taxpayer, by h�aving �a military reserve to the regular army. With every National Guard unit in the State of Minnesota, there is also formed within the community a citizen's committee. This is the bridge between the military organization and the citizens and governing body of t.he City. A National Guard unit requires your support. This is a patriotic . organization that is completely an avocat�on- of civilians, ra.ther 'than a vocation. We cannot sell the National Guard to the you�ng men of Fridley without this support. � ' , � � _ . � . , . , Planning Commission M�eting - May 8, 1974 Page 7 �� F � Mr. Drigans said we have received a communication from the '. Governor's office some time ago, saying a 204th Medical Unit would i like to Iocate in Fridley. Is this unit we would get? General Cheeseman said this is the unit that wouZd come to Fridley, but if you are familiar ' with the army, they are always in the process of reorganization, th�t which they call progress, and the type of unit could change. He said vaithin� � 5 years, 90 0 of this unit would be from the Fridley are�a and ' the officers would be from the Fridley area. This would be the F'ridley armory. It would be the home of the Fridley rTational Guard unit. It would be used for the military one week-end a month. The balancs of � the month, it can be used for any civic function or used on a rerital- basis. Mr. Frank Novak, 6241 5th Street N.E., said there was an arrnory , in.Anoka, and he couldn't see why they would want to.locate anotlner armory i�n Fridley. There wa.s also a large armory in Minneapolis. , J ' � ' ' , � � , � � ' General Cheeseman said the armory in downtown Minneapolis was built in 1934 and it is just a huge bare buil.ding. The raoms are ver y small. We don't have any parking room and it does not lend itsel� to training. We want.to decentralize the units of this armory and relocate �hese units�in five suburbs of the Twin Cities. He said he had presented this proposal to New Brighton, Brooklyn Park, Plym�outh, Bloomington, Minnetonka, and others. The days of going downtowr.� to join a National Guard unit are over. The reason we want to havE an armory�in Anoka and Fridley is because there.are several thousarid peopl.e living between the two areas. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there would ever be the possibility that we could hav� an armory and not have a unit for this armory. GE�neral Cheeseman said that in the history of the National Guard in Minnesota, only one armory has been closed. That was in Crosby, Minnesota and there the National Guard didn't Ieave, the City l.ef t. General Cheeseman said that at the present time they have a program where they are asking businessmen to sign a pledge that they will have no objection to any of �heir employees taking time off for training and other duties in the National Guard. Mr. Harris said he � thought this was covered }ay State statute. General Cheeseman said it_was, but.this couldn't stop an employer from taking other action against the employee. He said some people are scheduled to wor�k on Saturday or Sunday, and they have to take time off to train onE: week- end a month. If the empl.oyer has signed a voluntary statement that h� agrees�to an employee switching his hours-�:around to accommodate�this training, it makes it a lot easier to belong to the National Guard. Chairman Fizpatrick read a memo �'rom James Hill, Public S<�fety Director, to the City Manager, dated June 8, 1973, ir. which Mr. Hi11 gave his opinion on haw an armory could'be used by the Police Department of the City. We have also had, before this Com mission, Paul B:rown, �arks �& Recreation Director,�who stated. the recreational use t:hat could be made of an armory, and we have a memo from Robert Aldrich, Director of Civil Defense, to the City Manager, dated June I2, 1973, i.n which he states his reasons for being in favor of an armory in Fridley. Mr. Langenfeld asked if this property would be fenced. General � `� � . , � � Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974- • Page 8 4 � Cheeseman said the only part that would be fenced�wcald be the are:a '� where the vehicle hard stand was in the rear of the building. He said this would be a nice looking building, one that the City coul.d be proud of, and it would be nicely landscaped. He said they only ' keep 1,0 to 15 vehicles at the armory location. They have a place in New Brighton where most of the vehicles are stored. � , ' , � � ' C� � ' � � � . , , � Mr. Drigans asked General Cheeseman what type of action is required of the City if they want an armory located in Fridley. General Cheeseman said they need a resolution of inient from the City Council and a pledge of support of the National Guard unit. We will. hold the location of the armory that is to be built in 1977 until we hear from Fridley. . Mr, Fitzpatrick said he was disappointed in that of all the eivic�organizations contacted zn regard to this Public Hearing that we have only received a written response from three. He said these organizations were all favorable to having an armory Iocated in �"ridley although they didn't state any specific use they could make of suc:h a facility. Mr. John Caldwell, 5874 Hackmann Avenue N.E., asked if therE: would be a long column of vehicles going through Fridley when the Guard unit was going to camp. General Cheeseman said one o£ the requiremeni's of the armory proposal was that it had to have access to a good road system, so he was sure they wouldn't be on Fridley roads that muc�h. .Mr. Earl El�enwood, from the Fridley Senior Citizens group, wanted to know if this group would have to pay rental on the use of the armory. General Cheeseman said this would be determined by whether this was on a regular schedule or not. Mr. Drigans said that when General Cheeseman was here before, he stated that if the City would want �o add to the facilities of the armory, such as a larger kitchen, that we would have to pay the additional expense. G��eral Cheeseman said that anything the Gu.ard can share the use of, the State of Nlinnesota would share the cos�t. Chairman Fitzpatrick asked General Cheeseman how many year�� the City could have to pay f�r an armory. General Cheeseman said it: would be up to the City. Some want 10 years, 12 years, l8 years, 25 years or more, or else they paid it aIl at once. He said thE,y went 40 years on one armory, but they would never do this again. Mr. Harris asked what the interest rate would be on the unj�aid balarlce. General Cheeseman said what ever we can get it far. Tl.�is would k�e determined bY the interest rate an the bonds. We take the best rate we can get. � ' Mr. Lindblad asked that if the City did not choose to alter the plans for the armory at the time it was built, and then later decided they wanted expanded facilities, would the Federal government share in this cost? General Cheeseman said they would not. d � ' ' �I � ' ' i � ' Planning Comn�ssion Meeting - May 8, 1974 "' paqe g''4 H MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by �arris, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the Armory proposal for Frid�ey. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.� Mr. Drigans said there is land available for this armory that: is not being used. It looks like our cost is going to be betweera $6,Q00 to $12,000 a year. There does seem to be a recreational use for this armory. The organizational imput we have gotten on this request is not very much in relationship to the number of organizations that were contacted, but what we have rE:ceived has been favorable to this request. He said this wouZd be.a nice facilit� for our City. He said he was in favor of asking the Council to proceed in securing an armory for Fridley. ��Mr.�Haxris said he had some question in his mind about the $90,000 tax burden for th� citizens of Fridley. Someho��, we are going to have to justi�y that. He said he didn't know if this money was going to come out of the general revenue or if there would be a mill levy on the real estate taxes. This will cost $3.00 per head for every man, woman, and child in Fridley. �We might.find some money in the Parks and Recreation fund, as they will benefit quite a bit from this armory. He felt there were advantages to having a National Guard armary in the City of Fridley. He said he agreed with Mr. Drigans that we would nat be taking any land off of the tax rolls, and the land is probably not going to be used for anything else, so this is no detriment. Mr. Harris said he thought the National Guard has gotten a kind of bad image at �this time, which they are trying to improve. Gen�ral Cheesem�an asked him i€ he was referring to the Minnesota National Guard? Mr. Harris said he just meant in general, especially as far as �:ent State is concerned. General Cheeseman said the National Guard has been in existence for over 30Q years ana he didn't think the MirinesotG. National Guard should be judged by this incident. Mr. Harris said he was not against the National Guard. He said he had belonged to the National Guard for seven years. He said that one of the things that disturb�d him was that we could start oui: with a medical unit and wind up with something else. He said that a:; 90% nf.this unit would be fram Fridley, we would like some guarantee �hat the unit we start with would be around for a few years. Mr. Ha:rris said it seemed as if they have to reorgani�e every three or fou:r year. GQ�eral Cheeseman said the Iast time was in 1968. Mr. Lindblad said he agreed have said with the exception that input we did get, they didn't say this armory even though they were in general with what the other members the little bit of organizational how th�ir organizations could use in favor of this proposal. Mr. Lindblad said that in our previaus discussions, we have been '� , talking about sharing the cost based on today's costs. By the time • this armory is built the cost will be more, in addition to what. we • may want to add to this armory. He said he thought we should ��e � .�- thinking about the City's cast being $130,000 to $1S0,000 before we are through. He said that if this cost was spread over 20 y�ears, r---, �� ' ' � �J � � ' ,�� ' � .' , � CI �,' �J ' , LJ � , � � � Planning Commissian Meeting - May 8, I974 � Page 10 the cost is still not that excessive. We woul.d be getting a building that cost over $500.000. Chairman Fitzpatrick said he has.heard a].ot of figures being used.,and he said_his figures were that on a$500,OOQ building with the Federal governmen� picking up 750 of the cost and the remaining 25o being picked up by the State and City, that the City's cost should be $?S,OOQ. He asked General Cheeseman how much the State and City portion of the cost for an armory had been amounting to. General Cheeseman said it was between $135,000 to $150,000. The more the City wants to add to an armory, the more it is going to cost the .. State and the City.. The Federal government's cost will. stay the s��me. The cost to the City would depend upan how long it was amortized. General Cheeseman said State law says how this has to be paid. It has to be a mill tax against�property. Chairman Fitzpatrick said we will have to det�rmine on what basis we are going to base our decision to recommend approval or denial of the request. We have had inpu� from �arious�epartments of the City stating what their use would be of this armory. We have had very few statements from any organization or citizens of the cammunity. Mr. Drigans said if we were going ta make a recommendation �n favor of this proposal, he would like to see some cast figures go along with the recomminendation sa the Council could evaluate how much this was going to cost each indivi.dual in Fridley, or each home in Fridley in regard to property taxes. '�Mr. Clark said the City Assessor could help prepare a statE�ment on how much this wauld cost each homeowner. Mr. Haxris said if the cost was $1Q,000 a year, zt would add $1 a year to the property tax. Mr. Clark said that cammercial and industrial property would pick up part af the cost, so it might not cost each homeowner that much. Mr. Lindblad said he kn�w they would have to mal�e a deczsion, but in hzs opinion, he wasn't really in favor of this proposal. I�. didn't seem,to him that anyone in the City was really pushing far thi� armory. He didn't think there were that many h�nefits in having an armory. Mr. Drigans said he felt that there were no facilitzes ir� the City that could accommodate a large group. He said there were no f�cilities for dances, banquets, or awar�. ceremonies for youths invo].ved in sparts. He said there were 500 youths invo�.ved in some of these progxams and they had to be broken up inta small groups to present awards He said he has been associated with several organizations, yauth groups ar�d the Jayce�'s and unless it is a.group of under 25 people, there aren't any facilities available for large groups. Mr. Drigans said he didn't think the Minrzesota National Guard has ever had a problem with their reputation. He said they were a great help ta Fr:idley in 1965. In 1968, the Jaycees had a project where they helped Hazelhurst, Missis$ippi; who had-a tornado_�disaster similar to the one in Fridley. The National Gcaard tlew a�l the materials, £oodstuffs and cl.othing we had collected to Hazelhurst at no cost. . Mr. Fitzpatrick said these services were available whe�.her there was an armory lacated in Fridley��or not. ... .. ' � � �lanning Commission Meeting - May 8, 197-4 �• Page 1_1 � ' �• Chairman Fitzpatrick said that when the Council asked us to� reconszder this proposal they did ask specifically for cost formulas • � . and a date for construction. �,MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Narris,.that the Planning Commission ' recammend that the Council act favorably in c,rorking with ihe State of Minnesota in establishing a National Guard Unit a�d Armory in �1�e City of Fridley, on public property located between the Ice Arena and the ' City Garage, and along with L-his recommendation, direct the City Administration to provide Council with suffi�cient f.inancial information . . so they can determin� whether such action would be financially :Eeasible , for the citizens of the community, as we do have a def.inite dat�° of �the year 1977 for the cons�ruction of an armory. Mr. Harris said a de'termination '. establishing of a National Guard unit be an asset to the City of Fridley. � ' � �I �I ' � would have to be made if the as we11 as the.building will Mr. Drigans said this will be another f acility we will have for indoor recreational activity. � Mr. Lindblad sai.d you can always show a need for somethinc�. He .said he knew the armory would have its uses, but this was the argument given for adding an audit�rium ta the high school. He said he felt we were not using what we have now. - Mr. Drigans said he might want to amend.his motion that i� the City Council does take favorable action on this proposal and fc�rms a committee to stizdy any additional uses they would like to ha��e in this facility, that the Planning Commission be asked to take p��rt in these discussions. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, to amend the oxiginal motion by requesting Council to recammend an advisory group to work with the architect on any additional needs of the City in expanding the facility. Mr. Lindblad said if the armory proposal is approved, whe:re do , they stop with these additions. Right now its set at 18,000 �quare � feet at X amount of dollars. All of a sudden they may want f�cili.ties for a�ennis tournament, a basketball tournament and facilitiE�s to feed , a thousand people. Now we are not talking $90,000, we're going way beyond that figure. . � . Ch�irman Fi�tzpatrick said that is the point of the amendrnent. It was felt that there should be a committee to negatiate this. , LJ ' 1 UPON A VDICE VOTE ON THE AMENDED MOTTON, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . • Mr. Drigans said he thought the Planning Director, Finance • �irector, the Parks & Recreation Director and other members of the City staff should be part of this advisory committee to determine what the City's needs and costs would be. Mr. Harris said this is going to provide some, but not a.11, of the � r�-� Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 12 __ recreation needs the City has. It's a case of getting what you pay ' .� for. if we just want a basic armory, it is not going to provide the things that various members of the City staff said they would like to have in this armory. �� ' , ' ... . Mr. Fitzpa�rick said his feeling was that if- this armory proposal goes thrcugh, people would have the illusion that we were solvin�g our indoor recreation ��9blems., and he didn't think we were. �:�e said 10 years from naw when Fridley mighi be looking for a builcling for indoor recreation, he didn't want people to say they thought: this was why we had an armory. � Mr. Lindblad said he agrees with Mr. Fitzpatrick. He said the people he has talked to are thinking of an armory as some sort of civic center, and no matt�r what you tell them on what the armoxy will provide, the.y will.still think they are getting something E,1se. , � Mr. Harris asked Mr. Lindblad if he felt we wern't getting our dollar vGlue out of this building? Mr. Lindblad said he felt wE� were getting our dollar value, but he still telt people have a misconception on what facilities could be provided by an armory without the cost ! �b�ing much higher that what we have been talking a�out at this meeting. �� 1 � � r Mr. Harris asked�if anyone thought the people would be wiZ:ling ta pay for what they want. Mr. Lindblad said no. Chairman Fitzpatrick said that if they were, we would already have an indoor facilit:y for recreational purposes. ' UPON A F,OLL CALL VOTE ON THE ORIGTNAL MOTION, HARRIS, AYE, LINDBLAD, NAY, DRlGANS, AYE, FTTZPATRTCK, ABSTAINING, THE MOTTON CARRIED. . Chairman Fitzpatrick said he abstained because he was not convinced that this will provide what we taant it to provide, Until negotiations continue, until there is a Public Hearing by the Council, and after we know in mare detail what this will be, he f elt he was not ready to recommend that Council take favorab�e action,. To recommend to Council they they consider it and pursue it', he had no objection � to that. He said he thought the Planning Commission has done w�hat the Council asked them to do. We have made a recommend��ion, a.long with the time sch�dule and cost. 3. UBLIC HEARING: CONSIDE�'.ATION'OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #74-02, GRACE HIGH SCIi00L ADDITION BY JEF.OME N. JULIUS: Being a replat , . of`the'Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, � and that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Qc�arter � of Sectian 24, except that part already platted as ParkviE�w Manor � and Parkview Heights Addition, generally kno�n as the GracE. High School property, South of Gardena A�venue. r � Mr. Jerome Julius was present. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the PZannin�g Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice on t.he preliminary p1at, P.S. #74-02, Grace High School Addition, by Jerome N. Julius. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimously. � , � I � � � Planninc� Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 13 �-L Mr. Clark said this item was before the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee on May 1, 1974. Along with th.e approval of this reques�, there were �ive stipulations. The fi�th stipulation is abou� an easement for a bike-way and walkway. Z'he present bikeway-walkway plan that is being considered by the Cc�uncil in the Comprehensive Park Plan, the bike-way is not in this loc�ation at all. It goes up Arthur Street past the A-frame building in the park. As we probably canforesee sidewalks in this ar�a, in thE� future, this shauld be changed to a sidewalk easement on the East side of Matterhorn Drive, the South side of Gardena and the West side of Arthur Stxeet. � � Mr. Clark said the Archdiocese of St. Paul is platting a1�L the �. land they own. Block 1 is wher� Grace High School and their rE.creation facilities are located. Across from Matterhorn Drive, they arE� platting 14 R-]. lots. Matterhorn does bend, so the degth of ttZese � lots vary from 143 feet deep on the North to 330 feet deep on i�he 5outh. These lots back up tY:e lots that face Tennison. C� � � � � � � ; ' � Chairman Fitzpztrick asked why there was no requirement far park dedication? Mr. Clark said that at the present time, the City is using recreational facilities of Grace High School, such as th�� hockey rink, track field, and tennis court. It was felt that ]�ecause of this situation, the park dedication shoul.d be waived. Mr. :E'itz- patrick asked about the developer of the R-1 lots. Mr. Clark said this was owned by the Archdio�ese of St. Paul also. ��Mr. Clark went through the five stipulations of the Pla ts & Sub- divisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if there was any problem of any of these lots being unbuildable as far as elevations. Mr. Clark said the plat was a little higher in the South and some of this could be brought up to the North portion af the plat, otherwise the lots were quite flat. Chairman Fitzpatrick asked if Grace High School used all the property East of Matterhorn. Mr. Clark said they did. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if Matterhorn Drive was completed. Mr. Clark said it was and that c��as part of the• reason for this pla�t, because of the special assessments, so they could sell this pc>rtion of the property. Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark to explain about the utilitiE:s and drainage again. ' Mr. Clark said they have asked for�an Engineering profile� on this plat, so it could be determined if the drainage from this plat could be surface drainage to� the street, or if there was a nee:d for a storm sewer. He said that Mr. Julius stated at the meeting of May lst that Northwestern Bell had already contacted him about ch<�nging the utilities on this plat� and as the telephone and electric lines are usually on the same pole, �his should mean that all the utili�ties would be underground. . � �1.�-�'V � Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 14 _ � Mr. Drigans asked if this meant that all the utilities wou:Ld be underground in this area. Mr. Clark said that the utilities are already underground in Innsbruck. In a new development, there i:s no cost for underground utilities, but if the existing facilities ' are converted to underground, then there is a cost. There is n�� problem of going from overhead to underground uti�.i.ties from on�e � area to another. � � � � � lJ � � � Mr. Frank Caputa, 5841 Tennisan Drive, said there will be no access to his back yard with the development of this plat. Mr. Clark said that was correct, that there were not very many places in Fridley where there is back yard access. Mr. Gary Johns, 5832 Tennison Drive, asked if these lots were going to be us�d for one family dwellings or if they:would be rezoned. � Mr."Clark said this is being platted a R-1 lots and there has been no request for rezoning. ° Mr. Julius said they had no intention of rezoning this prc�perty. There were just int�rest�d in selling it, but this was difficul.t to do without it being platted. �� Mr. Drigans asked Mx. Julius if this would be sold to one developer, Mr. Julius said this was the preference. Mr-s. Joanne Elwell, 5866 Hackmann Avenue N.E., asked how n:►uch in the �.uture these sidewalks would be put in. 5he said she has c,hildren who walk to school in this area, and c�ould like to see the sidE�walks put in. Mr. Clark said that as far. as this plat is concerned, aII we are asking for is dedication of the right of way for sidewaiks so they would have the right o�' way when they want to put sidewalks in. . MOTION by Harris, seconed by Lindblad, that the Planning �'ommission close the Public Hearing on the request for a prelimary p1at, .P.S. #74-0� Grace Hi9h School Addition, by Jerome Julius. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr�ed unanimousZy. Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if this plat met all the requirements?-- Mr. Clark said we haven't gatten the Engineering profile yet or obtained the sidewalk easement, but the lots do meet the size require- ments and water and sewer, and the streets were in. Mr. Drigans said these are quite �arge lots. Mr. Fitzpat.rick � said the lots South of thzs plat are quite large also. Mr. Ju.lius said he thouglit this area cou].d be compared with Innsbruck and. they wanted the lats to be this large. � ' '� � 8 MOTION by Xarris, seconded by Lindblad., that the Planning� Commissiol recommend-to Council'approval of the preliminary p1at, F.S. #7'4-02, Grace Nigh School Addit.ion, by Jerome N. Julius, a replat.of t:he Sou�h- t,�est Quarter of the Northwes�t Quarter of Section 24, and that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, except that part already platted as Parkview Manor and Parkview Keights Addition, generally known as the Grace Hiqh School property, �3outh oi Gardena Avenue, with the following stipulations: • . �� - I� � Planning Commission Meeting - Ma� 8, 1974 . Page 15 � ., .t. � 2. � ' � 3. � � 4. ' � � � j � � �. .� � � � � � � Provide underground utilities. Work with the Enqineering Department on drainage and e.I eva ti ons . ' Developer�of property �vZant one tree on each 1ot, 1� tc� 2 inche in diameter. Negotiate wi�h Caty on use of existing recreational far.i3ities of Grace Nigh School, in lieu of park dedication. . 5. Negotiate with City tor a five foot sidewalk easement h^ast of Matterhorn Drive, South side of Gardena Avenue, and the West side of Art•hur Street. UPON a voice vate, a11 voting az�e, the motion caxried unanimously, 4. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #74-06, BY GERALD L. BLO�IS: Per Fridley City Cc�de, Section 205.Q51, 2, �, to al�ow construction of a second accessory building an Lot 5, Block 3, Parkview Manor, the same being 5845 Hackmann Avenue N.E. Mr. Gerald Bloms was present. MOTION by Drigans, seconded b� Harris, that the Planning C'ommission wa.ive the reading of the Pu1�l.zc Hearing notice on the request f`or a Speci,al Use Perrni �, SP #74-06 , by Gerald L. Bloms . Upon a vozc�e vote, a31��voting az�e, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bloms said he wanted to build a detached 22 ft. x 24 �tt. garage in his back yard. He has a single attached garage and •this is too small. He has a car, pick-up truck, boat, 2 snowmob�:le:s and other things to store, and he needs this garage for storage of these items. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how much room he has on the si,�de of his house for a driveway for this garage. Mr. Bloms said he thought he had 14 feet. Mr. Clark said the survey shows he has 12 feet, but this was enough room for a single driveway. Mr. Bloms said the garage would have the same exterior as his house. Mr. George Rapaich, 5858 Hackmann Avenue N.E., said his question was whether this second garage was going to be used for storaqe, or if it was going to be used f�r mechanical work. He said he wc�uldn't want to see cars sitting in the street ob mechanical work going on late at night. Mr. Bloms said he works on his own car when i�t was necessary, but he has no intention of working on other people's cars. Mr. Harri.s asked the petitioner why he was placing this garage so far back on the lo�, Mr. Sloms said he had some trees he wanted to save and it wouldn't take so much of his back yard at this location. Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Bloms if he was..the original owner of the � � Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page I6 � , house. Mr. Bloms the front setback i. 35 feet. � � � � �- o said he wasn't. Mr. Drigans said he noted that was only 30 feet and the setback requirement is 'Mr. Harris asked Mr. Bloms if he would be pu-tting any utilities in this garage. Mr. Bloms said only electrzcity. � MOTIDN by Dr�gans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Pexmit, SP #74-06, by Gerald L. Bloms. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion.carried unanimously. ' • MOTION by Drigans,. s�conded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the request for a Special Use�Permit, SP #74-06, �by G�ra1d L. B1oms, per Fridley City Code, Sectior� 205.051, 2, A, to d.Z.ZOW construction of a second accessor� buiZding on Lot 5, B1ock 3, Parkview rianor, the same being 5845 Hackmann Avenue N.E., with the stipuZation that� it not be used for a home occupation. Upon a voice voie, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried . unanimously., . . 5. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �74-01, WALLACE K. DE�HL: Split off the � West 10 feet of Lot 29, and add it to��,Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, Block J, Riverview Heights, to make e� building site. (590 Fairmont Street N.E.) , � � � LJ � � � �J � Mr. Wallace Dahl was present. Mr. Clark said this request did not come in in tim� to go to the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee mee�ing, � but after studying the request, it seemed like such a routine Iot split that there didn't seem any reason to object to this request. fle said this request was made . is partly on Lot 29, and with this the sideyard setback requirement. this lot split will be 9Q feet for Fairmont Street. because the garage for 59Q Fairmont lot split, the gar.age will meet The two building sites created by 580 Fairmont and 120 feet for 590 MOTION BY NARRIS, s�conded by Lindbl:ad, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval o'f the request far a Iot split, L.S. #74-01, by Wallace K. Dah1, to split off the West 10 feet of Lot 29, and add it to Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, B1ock J, River- view Neights, to•make one building site, 590 Fairmont Street N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aue, the motion carried unanimously. 6. SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE: To amend,Chapter 205, Section 205.051, Paragraph 2, A. Accessory Uses, o� the City Code of the City of Frid ley . . Mr. Clark said t1-.e Planning Commission has waited some time to eonsider changing this part of the code to elimi.nate being inundated with requests �or the small storage shed under a Special Use Permi�. This amended version would still require a building permit and require that they be affixed to a permanent foundation. � Planning Commission Meetinq - May 8, 1974 _Page 17 , � � L�- � Mr. Clark said that any change to the zoning po��ion of our code requires a Public Hearing. MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission set the Public Hearing date�of June 5, 1974 to consider amending Chapter �205, S�ction 205.051, Paraqraph 2, A, Accessor� Uses, of the City Code of the City of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimovsly. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP RFVIEW � Chairman Fitzpatrick said we have posiponed a decision on whether the Environmental Quality Commission should become a sub- committee of the Planning Commission and to have that Chairman as � a voting member of this Commission, until we got some information from the City Attorney. � � � Mr. Clark said the staff has discussed this and see no objection to having a six man Planning Commission. Mr. Fitzpatrick said there was also some problem because this was a seven member Comrrzission when all the other subcommittee's have five. He said he didn't mean to make any negative comments on this request, because he personally feels this is the direction we should go, or at least make a beginning. ' Mr. Clark said that as the d�cisions of the Planning Commission , � are only recomme�ndations to the Council, there was no reason tr�ere couldn't be a tie vote. � Mr. Clark said that there had been a motion made by someone on the Environmental Quality Commission that the Chairman of the Human Relations Committee become a member of the Planning Commission also. � Chairman Fitzpatrick said we are not considering this at the present time. Mr. Langenfeld said the reason this motion was made was that if the Planni:ng Commiss'ionfel� a six man board was unworkable, � then by adding another member, it would make the Planning Commission have an uneven number of inembers again. � � , . � � � Chairman Fitzpatxick said he did not wish to comment on the merit of this second motion, but on the merit of the motion that the Chairman . of the Environmental Quality Commission become a member of the Planning Commission. He said he thought the Environmental Quality Commission was goi:ng�to be asked more and more frequently to consider matters, and in his estimation, u�.timately this will come througil the Planning Commission on the way to Council. The way things are set up now, there are two things that happen. Things that probably should be referred to the Environmental Quality Commission sometimes get referred elsewhere, and secondly', when there is'actian taken this bypasses the Planning Commission and goes directly to Council. Mr. Drigans said he didn't think it was our pasition to determine how the advisory organizational structure should be developec� or laid out. He said he thought this should be Council action and unless Council directs us to take such a step, he didn't feel this should be � ' , � � � � , � � � � � l� � � � 4��2 Planning Commission Meeting - May $, 197�4 ' Page 18 _ done. He said he thought the Environmental Quality Commission should take their request to the Council. Mr. Clark said that when the Envircnmental Qual.ity Commission was set�up about three years ago, there was discussion at the Council level that this Commission should possibly be part of the Planning Commission, and thc Planning Comr.iission was asked for a recommendation. They determined at that time to wait and�see how this Commissian developed before a decision was made. Mr. Clark said he thought the reason r1�. Langenfeld has been coming to the Planning Commission was �o determine whether they feel at this time that they would want the Environmental Quality Commission as a member o� the Planning Commission, and it would depend upon how the Planning Commission felt, in determining his decision to ask the Council to reconsider making the Environmental Quality Commission part of the Planning Commission. He said that this was a Council decision, but if the Council knows how the Environmental Quality Commission and the Planning Commission felt, it wauld help them in making this decision. Mr. Drigans said he was perfectly willing to have additional members or� the Planning ComTnission, but there were many other advisory. commiss�:oris and committees to the Council who could ask to become members of the Planning Commission. He thought that until they �,rere set up to receive citizen input on petitiQns and have routine referrals made to them the same as the present subcommittees of the Planning Commission, that this was the criteria that should be used in adding members to the Planning Commission. Mr. Langenfeld said he disagreed with Mr. Drigans somewhat, because he said a lot of desisi�ons that are made by the Planning Corunis- sion are the birth of environmental problems for the City. He said the Environmental Quality Commission would like to know when these problems were starting and not six month later, af ter the fact.. Mr. Drigans said he didn't understand what the purpose or the intent of the Environmental Commission was. He said he knew they were an advisory group to the Council, but he didn't know what issues they advised the Council on. He asked Mx'. Langenfeld how they got the items for their agenda. He said that when there were routine referrals to this Com�mission, that's the time.he thought they should become a member of the Planning Commission. Chaixman Fitzpatrick said this request was directed to the Planning Commission and he did not think it was impraper for the Planning Commis- sion to make a recommendation. He said that on the point of which Committees should become members of,the Planning Commission, he thouctht it should depend on the kind of thing they deal with. He said that he thought the kind of things the Environmental Quality Commission deals with are not incompatible with what the Planning Commission deals ,with. He said maybe there should be a formal request by the Environment� al Quality Commission on the things that they deal with and how it wauld fit into the Planning Commission. He said the State has passed a lot of legislation on the environment and he has read a.lot of things that have come from the Metropolitan Council tha� seem to be leading up to a request on environmerital impact statements on streets, on parks, on I � _ � , � Li�� Plannin� Commission Meeting - May 8, 1974 Page 19 plats, on buildings and many other things that we do discuss at the Planning Commission. Mr. Langenteld said the Environmental Quality Commission had b�en set up by Ordinance No. 520. - � Mr. Drigans said he didn't think they should make any recommenda- tion on this request until they know what type of things the Environ- mental Quality Commission takes action on. � Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Lang�nteld when their next meeting was � scheduled. Mr. Langenfeld said it was May 14th. MOTZ'ON by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the members of the of the PZanninq Commission attend the Ma� 14, Z�74 meeting of the Environmental Quality Commission before further action is taken on � theix request to become members of the Planning Commission. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carriea' unanimous.Zy. � � 8. VOTE BY CHAIRMI�N � Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the City Attorney had made any staternent on the Chairman voting. _ Mr. Clark said he knew that it was sometimes the practice of a Chairman nat to vote, but in the case of the Planning Commission, they were an advisory board and he thought Council wanted to get five opinions, whether this resulted in a tie vote or not. .; � 9. LETTER FROM HAROLD BELGUM: CHATRM�N OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMiTTEE � Mr. Fitzpat�ick said this letter had come to him personally but �; he would read it, to the other members o�.the Planning Comrnission. He then read the fol.l.owing letter : 1 w. � � May 7, 1974 s Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick 5273 Horizon Drive Fridley, r1N 55432 Deax Mr. Fitzpatrick: � P It has been suggested that it would be useful foz the Planning Commission to Iiave some of the information abaut social issues and human problems being assembled by the Human RelaCions Committee. I would be glad Co represent our Conunittee. We'xe having good�attendance with some citizen observers dropping in off and on a�. our meeti.ngs. � � 0 Planning Commission Meeting - May 8, 1994 • Page 20 CurrentZy we are analyzing the social characteristics as described by the census. There is a good deal of interest in et�nic minorities today. The census lists as "foreign stock" all persons who have one or two parents born in another country. 3,630 such pexsons were listed in the 1970 census. 1,171 of them are not ideiitifzed as to origins. 623 - Sweden 527 - Spanish 491 - Germany 29•'+ - Yoland 380 - Canada (French?) 13I � Austria � �Sm��.lier number.s are listed for Czechoslovakia, Hungary, USSR, IL-aly, Tiexico, and South Americao � It is a fact that �ae do have a nucnUer of American Indians, several Blacics, Lebonese, Japsnese, Phillipii�es, Chinese, and Afghanzsrons. It 9.s cr.y �eeling tt:at L-he City, durino its 25th Anniversar}=, might �ae11 show those folks that we in Fra.dley, are glad they are here and that we are proud of our diversity. I have suggested this to Wyman Smith. Sincerely yours, � ��C� ' � . . � ���(�z��� �'�✓�-�,� _ �� Harold Belgum Chairman, Human Relations Committee HG:sm Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 12:55 A.M. Respect,fful.ly submitted, Dorothy Even�f�n; Secretary y-S � u � � � ,r � � � 5 BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOI�'�TITTEE MEETING OF MAY 9, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lindblad, Tonco, Treuenfels, Simoneau MEMBERS ABSENT: Carialano QTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant MOTION by Treuenfels, seconded by Tonco to approve the minutes of the April 25, 1.974.meeting as written. UPON A VOICE VQTE, all voting aye, the motion �arried unanimously. 1. . CONSIDFRATION OF A REQUE5T TO CO;vSTRIJCT A BUILDT��'G FQR SALT STOR:1Gi�: 1_,GCrtTLll CV T:-lE �;�ST SID'"' OF 1'IIE ttISSISSIPPI RIVER t1Nll �OUTi; Or I-694, I�iIGHi�'tlY RIGi!T-Ot�-;'r'��Y. (REQULST BY A2TNN��SO'I'.4 f3IGtIl`;,�\Y DEPtlRTi�.1i;�,`T DISTi;ICT 5, 2055 �t0i'.TH LILAC DRIVE, GOLD�� V��LLEY, i,'IINNESOT�) . Mr. Joel Katz was present for the request. t�1r. Katz explained that the building will be located on state highway right-of-way and will be used to cover the salt used by the department during the winter, � T1rs. Treuenfels asked if it was true that they �ad cut down on the a- , mount of salt used on the highways. Mr. Katz said use had been cut by 50%. He went on to say that the reason that they wanted to get �he building built now was that the Pollution Control Board would be requesting this ' sooner or later �nd they wanted to get a head start. P1r. Katz sazd the pro- blem with storing the salt as it presently is; tarp protection only, is that during a storm the salt gets �aet, melts and drains off into the river. Dir. Lindblad asked what the Pollution Control thinks of that situation. Mr. Katz said this is 1 of 20 stations in the state and he doesn't think the Pollution Control Board knows about it. Mr. Katz went over the design of the building. He said it is a modular desian made of a wood frame with heavy asphalt shingles on the outside. Roll roofing will come a21 the way down to the ground for further �rotection. There will be only one door and a low concrete.wall to keep the salt directly off of the interior of the building. It will be located about 100 feet south of the two gara�es already at this Iocation. Mrs. Treuenfels asked why this certain design. P�Ix. Katz said it creates a post free interior and is not as costly as other designs. r1r. Lindblad asked how the sa2t affects the interior. Mr. Katz said the timber is treated and the inner concre�e wall will keep the salf off the walls. He said the building specifications called for materials that are salt immune. Mr. Tonco asked if they would consider some type of a roll up door, to close the entrance off. He said this would be more protection for the material stored in here and also keep the salt brine in the building, and the weather out. Mr. Katz said he thought that would be a good idea, but wanted to check with his building designer. tir. Tonco asked that he notify them prior to picking up his building permit about the door. Mr. Katz agreed to this. , _ . . � 5A , � � , � � � � � CJ � � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 9, 1974-PG. 2 A1r. Lindblad asked if there will be any utilities for the building. P•1r. Katz said no, possibly only a light over the doox for nightime use. . Mr. Lindblad also asked what type of floor there. would be. Mr. Katz said i�t will be blacktopped. Air. Boardman asked if the two present buildings would stay. P1r. Katz said yes, ho�aever, they could store the tractor inside the salt building. Mr. Boardman said he would like to see the salt building moved closer to I-694. He said the City is working with other municipalities in setting up a River Protection Plan. This would allow recreational use along the river. He thought if the building �aas closer to I-694 and had some planting around the site, the area would be much more enjoyable to recreational users. . Mx. Tonco asked if.they could put some planting around the building, and if the salt brine would create a problein for the plants perhaps some type of artificial planting could be used. Mr. Katz said he did not think fihere would be a problem as there is an asphalt berm which will stop all brine run -off, the brine can be left to dry and then swept up again. Mr. Boardman said planting directly by the building would not be needed. Iie thought there should be some between the building and the river, and also between the site and East River Road. Ptr. Boardman also asked if the build- ing could not be moved further east as wel� as north. P�1r. Katz said this could be done. The Board said all planting must be maintuined at all iimes. A10TION by Simoneau, seconded by Treuenfels to recommend to Council approval of the building with the following stipulations: 1. Planting be done between the river and ihe building, and maintained. 2. Planting be done between the building and East River Road, and maintained. 3. Some type of permanent enclosure door be provided. , 4. The building site be moved fur.ther north and east, with final location shown to the City Staff (hopefully before the May 20, 1974 Council meeting). i i , � � UPON A VOIGE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2, CONSIDERATION QF t1 RE(7UEST TO ALLQ{V REFACINt� OF THE FRONT EXTERIOR �1\i�iD IZOOi� ; LCC�1'I'�D OV OUTI.OT 1, �LOCK 2, �;OORE � LAKE HYL�IIVDS �l`l'i� AllDI`fION; TI�iE Sr���1E BEING G290 HIG[�:�'�rlY 65 FRIULI:1', htI\NESO'Cf\. (REQUES`I' : Y P.4SC0 [�L�,RKE'I'I�G, INC. , DENVL-'R, COLO1:All0). T'HIS IS T11E SIVCLAIR STATION �I Tf�E HIGtIlJAY. � Mr. Don Lunde was present for the request. Mr. Lunde said they will be closing oif some windows, framing in the overhead doors and building a redwood planter in front. The excess areas 5B BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCO�'�IITTEE MEETING OF 1�AY 9, 1974-PG.3 in the building �aill be used as an office area and storage area. He said there will be no parking of cars and the only service done here will be the pumping of gasoline. He said he had met with Jerry Boardman, who suggested green areas with rock mulch on both ends of the entrances. The entrances would be the max- imum of 32 feet and the rest green area. Mr. Boardman also asked £or poured concrete curbing around the entire perimeter, green area along the north side with three trees planted, rock mulch treatment along the west side, green area along the south side with one tree planted. A redwood fence will be placed between the building F� the soutl: �ide green area. The southwest portion of the lot will be filled and seeded. At present the entire lot is blacktopped. � i4r. Lunde said they could not live with the 32 foot driveway entrances.. They would have to be much wider to allow room for the in and out traffic. Mr. Boardman said the code states 32 f°et maximum and anything larger would have to be approved by the zoning administrator. A1r. Boardman said this Board could recommend approval of a wider driveway. Mr. Lindblad asked if the could live with a 9 foot green ar�a on the south corner, a 16 foot green area on the north corner a;�d two 42 foot drive- way entrances. P.1r. Lunde said this would be much better. Mr. Lindblad asked how much they planned to curb now. Mr. Lunde said only around the two front green areas. Dir. Lindblad said since the Board cut down the green area in front, curbing will be reduced here. The money planned for this curbing could be used to curb the south side up to the front face elevation and place the redwood fence at this time. Also they should go up 20 feet on the north side with the curbing at this time. The Board agreed to this plan. The Board gave a year's time to complete all curbing and landscaping. Landscaping will include the green area on the north side with 3 trees planted (comparable to seedless green ash), one tree planted on the south side green area, seeding in the sourhwest corner and rock mulch along the west side. Mrs. Treuenfels said she thought it would be better to develop.some type of traffic �lan, before they allowed everyone to drive through as they wished. MOTION by Tonco, seconded by Treuenfels to recommend to Council approval of the refacing of the building and to recommend the size of the driveway entrances to be approved by Council with the following stipulations: 1. Green areas in front are 9 feet on the south and 16 feet on � the north if Council approves the 42 foot driyeway entrances. 2. Complete curbing on south side.and place redwood fence. 3. Extend curbing on the north side by 20 feet. 4. Remaining landscaping and curbing be completed by June 1, 1975. Mr. Lindblad also added the following to the motion: S. Drainage be worked out with the Engineering Department. 6. All refuse to 1�e stored inside. 5C BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOb�tITTEE MEETING OF MAY 9, 1974-PG. 4 UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A REOUEST TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE Bi3ILDING ' FOFZ TIIE /�I'AI:"I;�Ii:NT COi�1PL�X: LOCA�["L'D OV LOT 18, i�LOC}: 2�, I�IYDE PAI'.K f1l)UI'fIO:�; Tt1E SA:'�lE 6cI��G 105-5b_'H A��ENUL: N.L. , FRIDLEY, �1I_v:�ESO'1'A. �REQticS`I' GY R.J. :.A[�1r�N, 60�6-2 z S'T12EL"I', FRli1I:LY, PIINiV'FSO'fA) . Mr. Bauman was present for the request. r4r. Bauman said he knows that this Board tries to bring up to code any requests that comes before them. iie said he is planning to build a garage (5 or 7 unit) for this apartment. However, he said he cannot financially afford to build.the garage and to put in poured concrete curbing as the City wou2d want. Mr. Bauman said he just purchased the tax forfeit land to the rear of his property and presently parking is done to some degree on this land. P1r. Bauman's main question was if the Board would waive the poured concrete curbing, so he can afford to build his garage. He sa.id he will be fixing up the asphalt parking lot, �atching were it needs it. Mr. Tonco asked if a time limit of one to two years would help on the curbing. Mr. Bauman said no, Mr. Boardman said the City staff feels, considering the area, curliing at present would only be a hinderance. There is no curbing in the area and no street improvements are planned for the immediate future. Also, „,cubring could cause on site drainage problems that presently do not exist. He said the Board could recommend to Council approval of the building and to waive the curbing as the building will be more of an improvemerit for the area and the addition of curbing would make construction impossible. The Board asked if he would be putting some type of curbing in fr�nt of the building. Mr. Bauman said yes, as the tenants are parking too close to the building. '� Mrs�. Treuenfels asked if the garage material would match the apartment exterior. Mr. Bauman said no, the apartment is stucco and it would be too expensive to stucco the garage. The Board said it should match the apartment � as much as possible. Mr. Boardman said.elevations should be brought in for Council approval. �_� , � A40TION by Tonco, seconded by Treuenfels to recommend to Council approval of the garage and to recommend waiving of the concrete curbing with the following stipulations: 1. Exterior of the garag� be made to match the apartment exterior as much as possible. 2. Side elevations of the building be brou�ht in for Council approval. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. , r-, J r BUILDING 5TANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCONII�IITTEE b4EETTNG OF MAY 9, 1974-PG. 5 CURBSTONE (Alterriate curbing) r� r� � Mr. Boardman went over this curbing very briefly. He said no decision had to be made tonight. Pir. Boardman said this curbing is a semi-permanent curbing, which could be used also permanently but has not been tested enough for this type of use. He said the staff feels any new construction coming � through should used poured concrete curbing. However, an existing structure should be upgraded, especially the curbing and they are not sure what they should tell these people to use for curbing. � ' Mr, Tonco said this Curbstone is a little more expensive then precast curb�ing and if it does not work out at the site the developer woulel have to � to poured concrete curbing. The developer would have spent more money then needed. A1r. Tonco felt they should stick with the precast and poured concrete curbing. � Mr. Boardman said this curbing was brought up to be used as another alternative for existing developments upgrading. He said the staff would be looking into this more. ' HOLIDAY AUTO STORE � T1r. Lirdblad wanted Mr. Boardman to check into the fence around Holiday � Auto Store. It is falling apart and should be fixed. Mr. Boaxdman said he wg�ld }iave the staff check into this problem. ' � ' � � � � , LJ POLLIE'S PLACE Mr. Tonco wanted know who owned Pollie's Place (formerly Casino Royal). Mr. Boardman said Mr. Saliterman owned this building. r4r. Tonco said there is no paving in the rear of the shopping center and big trucks are driving through here. Also there is cardboard boxes and debris all over the back of the shopping center and should be picked up. Mr. Boardman said he would have the City staff check on this complaint also. Chairman Lindblad adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Res�ectfully submitted, �� -��--� "�z ��f i Paula R. Long, Secr�t �/� ' � � IJ � � i � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SIIBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 14, 1.974 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drigans at 7:35 $.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Drigans, Gabel, Plemel MEMBERS ABSENT: Crowder, Wahlberg OTHERS PRESENT: Howard Mattson - Engineering Aide 0 MOTIQN by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to approve the minutes of the April 23, 1974 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 1. A REQUEST FOR A VARZANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4B, 5A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SE`I'T3ACK FF0��1 A SIDE STtwET� FOR AN ACCESSORY BUILDING ON A CORNER LOT, i RO`�1 30 FEET TO 11 FEEZ', TO ALLOt�7 THE COIQSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE TO BE LOCATED ON THE SOUTfi 10�i I'EET OF LOT 1� BLOCK 1� SPRIiIG VALLFY ADDITION � THE ST�41E BEIIIG 64' 46 ARTHUR STREET N,F., FRIllLEY, i�11NNESOZ.A. (REQUEST BY MR. DARYL WOLF, 6446 ARTHUR , STREET N.E., FRIDI.EY, NIINNESOTA.) Mr. Daryl Wolf was present to present his request. MOTiON by Gabe1, seconded by Plemel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Wolf stated his house faces Arthur Street and he wants to build a garage on �. •.the southwest corner of his lot; 3 feet from the back lot line and ll feet from the side lot line. He said he needs the variance as there is a street easemen� running along the south lat line, which is not improved, that the garage is to ' be set back 30 feet from according to Code. He said if he had to set the garage back the 30 feet, he wouldn't be able to get into his garage from Arthur Street as it woul.d be behind the house and there wouldn't be room to make the turn. � ill � � �I, ' , � , , � � � _ Chairman Drigans stated these lots in the area are all 30� feet deep and the street will be put in if the property owners petition to split their lots. He stated that when the street is put in, Mr. Wolf will have the access to the ._ garage from this side street. Mr. Wolf said as far as the driveway is concerned, he is sure he will have to put in the driveway when Arthur Street is finished but the street easement is higher than his lot and he wouldn't want a driveway sloping toward his garage. Chairman Drigans asked if Mr, 6r7olf couldn't drive on the easement for the time being? Mr..Wolf answered that it is approximately 4 feet higher than where the garage will be. Mr. Natzke, 1464 Mississippi Street, property owner to the west, stated he doesn't intend to split his lot in the near future. Chairman Drigans asked if he realized that if he did split his lot, and sold the south half, this garage would be si�tting in that side yard and ahead of that house. Mr. Natzke said he will be selling.his whole lot in about two years, because of retirement, so h� doesn't have any objectians to the variance. Chairman Drigan.s said that the first thing people will see is that they will be having a garage ahead of the house if �hey buy Mr. Natzke's lot and intend to split it into two building sites. Mr. Plemel asked if it would pay to put in a hard surface driveway now off the easement. Mr. Wolf said he wouldn't put the driveway in there because the garage door will. be toward Arthur Street. He s�id if he did turn the garage, then he wouldn't put in a hard surface driveway as the street may not go in for 20 years and the grade isn't set for the street, and he said he wants a permanent driveway. � � � ' The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meetinq of May 14, 1974 . Page 2 Mr. Mattson stated there is no idea yet of what the elevation for the street 6 A ' will be as there are considerably more lot it will go in. no drawings on it at all. He said there will have to be split requests and then a petition for the street before , Mr. Wolf stated that if there was a ehance it would be put in soon, he would consider changing the position of the garage. _ . ' Chairman Drigans stated another problem is that we would have a 35 foot setback for a house and this garage would be sitting out in someones front yard. Mr. Wolf said as far as blocking visibility, there would be no problem because it �� - would be far enough from the corner. Chairman Drigans said the Boards concern would be in looking down the line of sight and seeing the garage 20 feet ahead of all the houses. i• Mr. Wolf said there is no other sensible way to set the garage and have access from'Arthur Street: Otherwise, to put it back behind the house, at the required setback, would mean using the street easement, but he couldn't se� maintaining � the easement himself. He said if the City could blacktop the easement so he could use it it would be fine. ' � Chairman Drigans said that there are 3 lots already split out of this block and � with the Harris Lake Estates plat being developed across the street, he didn't forsee it being that long before the street would be put in. Mr. Mattson stated that maybe Mr. Wolf could possibly buy some of the land to the north of his lot to have the garage on the north side of his house. Chairman prigans asked if he had considered buying some land to the narth. Mr. Wolf said he had considered it�but the entrances to the house are on the south side and if"the garage was on the north, it would mean having to walk all the way around. He said the bedrooms are on that side of the house so it would prevent an attached garage. He said putting the garage on the north side of the lot could be done but it would be an awful inconvenience. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearingo Upon a voice v�te, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. P1eme1 said he would be inclined to qrant the variance because pf the type of housing in the area, and the type of area, and he can't forsee tne street being put in. He. asked Mr. Wolf if he felt it feasible that these people would petition to get that street put in and pay all of those assessments for developing the area. b1r. Wolf said he didn't think the people would develope it. He said he was told that he would need 51 percent of the �eople to petition for the street and he knew the peap�e wouldn't go along with it. He said he wishes the street was there. Chairman Drigans stated that if those lots are buildable when split, and it looks like they are, then the street will be going in. He said he could•see granting a variance to line up with the house, but he can't see granting it to 11 feet. He said he is just concerned about the future development of the area and this garage would stick out. He said he would like to see Mr. Wolf consider the •passibility of setting the garage farther back, keeping it in line with the house, or study the possibility of putting it on ,the other side of his lot. Mr. Wolf said he has been thinking of this since 1970 and he just doesn't know of any other way that it would work. ' 1974 Page 3 The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of May 14, .MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to recommend to Council, approval of the ' variance, with the stipulation that the hard surface driveway be installed when Arthur Street is completed. Upon a voice vote, Drigans voting nay, the motion carried. � , ' ' ' 2. A RE �EST FOR VARIANCES OF: SECTION 205.052, 4B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TH� SIDE Y11RD SETBelCK FROf�I 10 FEET TO 3.55 FEET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE DWELLING AND FROt•1 ]_0 FEET TO 6.45 FEET ON TFIF SOUTH SIDE OF THE DWELLING, AND SECTION 205.052, 4A, TO F2EDliCF THE FRONT YAt2D SETBACK FF.O�i 35 FEET TO 2a.6 FEET, AND SECTION 205.Q53, 2, B3, TO iZEDUCE THE AREA BETS�EEN ADJ�CENT LIVING A�tEAS FROM 20 FEET TO 13.5 FEET ON `�iIE SOUTiI SIDE OF THE LOT AND I'RO�I 20 FiET TO 10 FEET � 4 INCHES ON THE NORTF? ST_DF OL' THE LOT, ALL TO �LI,OW TH� CONSTRUCTION OF A � � SECOND Si'ORY 0_�TO �1�I E:�ISTING D�ti'ELI,Ii�G LGCA�rED ON LOT 4, BLOCK 13, PLYNIOUTH • ADDITION, TFIE SAi,t.y BEING 4544 - GND STRi.ET N.E., FRIDLFY, P�iINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY D1R. JOE PO:°�ERS, 45�4 - 2ND STF.EET N.E. , FRIDLEY, P�IINNESOTA. ) Mr..3oe Powers was present to present his request. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. • � ' .� �Mr. powers stated he wants to add another story onto his house,.for more room, and the existing roof will be removed. He said he was told that the existing house hasn't had any variances approved on it and to put a 50 percent improvemen� ' into the structure, the variances need to be requested so no one can come back and say its illegal. ' Mrs. Gabel asked then if al.l of the variances requested are already existing. Mr,,Powers answered that the house is existing, and a].1 of the variances are to make it legal, so he can add on a second story. 1 ' ' , I .� ' . 1 ' ' . Chairman Drigans asked who lives on either side of this property. Mr. Powers answered Mr. Jacobson lives to the south and NSr. Frakie lives to the north. Chairman Drigans asked if he had any plans on the addition. Mr. Powers said he did not as he was given to understand that this meeting was jctst to consider.the variances. Chairman Drigans said the Board does like to see the plans, because on �his request, the window placement could be such as to invade the neighbors privacy. � � Mrs. Gabel asked if there were any other two story structures in the area. Mr. Pawers answered there are some double bungalows behind liim that are two story. Chairman Drigans asked if there were any objections fzom the neighbors. Mr. Powers saicl he had talked to them and there were none. Mr. Frakie was in the audience and stated, he had no abjections. Chairman Drigans asked if he had received any estimates for the work involved. Mr. Powers stated the work will run between $8,000 and $10,000. He said he did have a firm committment on the total outside work which includes new siding and a brick front. � Mr. Mat�tson stated he had talked to the Fire Prevention Chief about the distances between the structures and if there would be any fire problems created with a two story but in his opinion they would not be creating any additional problems. The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of May 14, 1974 Page 4 ' � � �� 6C Mr. Powers said the windows in the second story should not cause any problems � • because they would look out onto the roofs of the adjacent houses. He said the addition will only be about 4 feet higher than it is now. . MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice , vote� there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Plemel stated he wouid be inclined to go along with the variances as the ' home is already there and with the different style it will be an improvement to the area. He said it is a small lot and to build up seems the way to go. Mrs. Gabel agreed with Mr. Plemel. ' �� � J ' ' , MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to Counczl� approval of the � variances. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. 3. A REQLJEST FOR A V1�RIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4B, 5B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TiiE I2EQUIRED SET�:ICK I'OR A"Gr?RAGE EXISTIiv'G ONTO AN ALLr,Y, FRO:'I 25 F�ET TO 16 r E;T; TO ALLOW THE CONSTi UCTIO:Q OF A G�'�?'�GE TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 3, BLOCK 13, PLY.90U'�'H ADDITIOi;, TIIE SAI�IF BE?:NG 4548 -2i1D STREET N.r,. , FRIDLr.Y, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. ROGER F'�'.AKIE, 454II - 2ND STREET N.E., FRIDLE�', MINNESOTA.) Mr. Frakie was present to present the request. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to waive the public hearing notice reading. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Frakie stated he wants to build a garage off the alley and have it line up with Mr. Powers garage which is 16 feet off the alley.. He added the alley only goes to Mr. Powers property and then deadends. Chairman Drigans stated 16 feet is not wide enough to park a car withaut being � in the alley. Mr. Frakie said he could leave a space to park along side of the garage if need be but he said he now parks in the front yard and he would like a garage to park the car in. . .' �� ' , Chairman Drigans asked if he would agree to install an automatic door opener on the garage as that would encourage parking in the garage. Mr. Frakie said that that sounded reasonable. • MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mrs. Gabel stated she could see no probl�m, if the car would be parked in the garage, as it wi21 conform to the adjoining property and there were no objections from the neighbors. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to recommend to the Council; approval of 1 �he variance, with the stipulation that an automatic garage door opener be installed when the garage door is installed. Upon a voice-vate, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' � � 4. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 214.053, 1, FRIDLEX SIGN ORDINANCE, TO INCREASE TfIE S�UARL: FOOTIIGE FOR A WALL SIGN I'ROM THE ALL06J�D 135 SQUAR.P FEET (15% OF TIII: WeILL ARE71) 1'O 200 SQUIIRF I'EET, TO 71LLOW TftF. E'I�'CTION OF A 50 FOOT BY 4 FOOT 6JALL SIGN ON LOT 1, I3LOCK 1, EAST FJ1NCfi ESTATE5 1ST ADDITION, THE S�1r1E BEING 7620 UNIVEfiSITY 11VE:NUE N.E. � FF�IDLI:Y, N;INNFSOTA. (F�QUEST BY MR. ROBFRT ' SCHROER, 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., I'RIDLEY, MINI�IE50TA.) � ' r ' ' ' , ' ' The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meetinq of Ma� 14, 1974 •Page 5 Mr.`Robert Schroer was present to present his request. i � MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Drigans stated that before the Board hears this xequest, he would like to read the mi.nutes-of the Board of Appeals meeting of March 28, 1972 and the Council minutes of April 3, 1972 concerning the pylon sign that was erected: at this location. The minutes showed that the pylon variance was approved caith the stipulation that the signs on the buildzng for Bob's Produce and Green Giant be taken off the walls of the building. Chairman Drigans stated the request being asked for now is a complete reversal of the action taken on the pylon request. Mr. Schraer stated the purpose of this request is to eliminate the two names on the existing pylon (Bob`s Produce and Frank's Nursery). He.said where the pylon has both names, it should read "The Ranch". He said he wants to get the identificat-ivn on the building and make the pylon a shopping center area identification sign like Holly Shopping Center where they have th� center sign plus the building signs for each business. We are suggesting the whole building be called "The Ranch" with separate stores at The Ranch. Mr. Plemel asked if the special advertisings would stilZ be on the pylon. Mr. Schroer said it would be.for another 2� years ar�.yway.becaus.e thats the length. of�their lease. Mrs. Gabel stated the colors of the sign (brown and orange letters on a gold background) are rather loud and Mr. Plemel added it doesn't blend in with the . building. Mr. Schroer answered when you drive in, this area is rather dead, ' because of the gas station closing sa early and the whole area is dark. He said, this sign will be illuminated with g�oseneck lighting. M.rs. Gabel said if Frank's Nursery will be putting up a sign also, and they put up a red and purple one, it could really look bad. Mr. Schroer said they will more than likely be ' coming in for a sign. Mrs, Gabel asked if the pylon is the only existing sign, Mr. Schroer answered that it is. He added that at �he time the pylon request was made, the whole building was Green Giant. He said now it is two separate � stores and they are trying to separate the identification. Chairman Drigans asked if he would mind waiting until Frank's Nursery comes in with their request so the Board can see the total concept. Mr. Schroer answered that he would mind � waiting as he said he n�eds the identification now. He said in the.consumer reports, the people say they don't know where his business is located. He said Frank's Nursery sign is none of his concern and �e didn`t think the Board shouid '., -.be.concerned with it at this time. He said the Code says he is allowed 15 gercent of the wall area in sign area and he is asking for 18 or 19 percent and that is the variance that should be considered. ' �I I �� � --I I� ,, ' Chairman Dr�gans said that when the pylon variance was granted,it Eaas stipulated that all wall signs be removed and you agreed. He said now you are back asking to put tiie wall sign back up again and the•Bnard would like to see what the whole buildinq will look like. Mr. Schroer said he disagreed with some of those minutes at the time. He said now he wants to put up si�ns, according to the Code, for a shopping center. He said he does hold the lease for the dial-a-sign and his �ame would come down from the pylon if he gets the wall signo He said he was Sure Frank's Nursery would take their name off the pylon also when they get approval for another sign. • � � 1 ' � , , � � � � ' j � i , ' bt The Minutes of the Board of ���eals Subcommittee Meeting of May 14, 1974 Page 6 Mr. Plemel stated Mr. Schroer gave away the right to have siqns on the building when the pylon was approved and he agreed to the stipulation. Mr. Schroer agreed that he did but at- that time it was one whole building. He said there was no divisians between the stores at that time. He said it is a shopping center no�v and hope£ully when the other building goes in, to the north, the total complex wil� be known as "The Ranch Shopping Center" and the occupant of the new store wi�l ask for their own identification sign on their part of the building. Mrs. Gabel stated the trouble with allowing an oversized sign on a shopping center is that then everyone else wants a larger sign too. Mr. Plemel said the existing changeable sign is not really a shopping center sign but an advertising sign. Chairman Drigans stated he is concerned with what Frank's Nursery will come in with. He said they might come in with a wall sign plus a pylon. He said they might say the pylon.and wall sign both apply to Bob's Produce and they want the same advertising. Mr. Plemel asked where Mr. Schroer thought Frank's Nursery would put their sign and Mr. Schroer answered probably facinq the gas station. Chairman Drigans said he would like to see a recommendatiori to Council with a stipulation that the final action on the request is not taken until after we see what Frank's Nursery proposes. Mr. Plemel asked if the Board stipulated that the existing pylon be changed to an area identification sign when the lease is up, could they also restrict Frank's Nursery on a pylon. Mr. Schroer stated he thouqht they.legally can have two pylons on a corner lot. Mr. Schroer said his variance request is pinpointed to Bob's Produce`Ranch anly, thats why he didn't want to bring up Frank`s Nursery sign. He said their request should be handled the same as his. He said their part of the building is separate from his and their advertising should be separate from his. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to close the public hearinq. Upon a voice vote,,there being no nays, the motion carried. ,� Chairman Drigans stated his feeling is that if a shopping center and business sign is needed, the Board stipulate that the two names be removed from the pylon leaving only the name of The Ranch, and make Council aware that Frank's Nursery has no identification and the Board assumes they will be coming in with a request and that there may be some problems granting this request and having Frank's Nursery ask for a similar request. Mr. Plemel stated he felt when the lease for the dial-a-sign runs out, that it could be changed. He added the name of'The Ranch won't be very easy to read as it is and Mr. Schroer stated the letters will be changed to be larger. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to Council, approval of the ' .•variance, with the following stipulations: 1. Advertisng sign, when the lease expires, will be replaced by another pylon sign, the design to be by the owner, that will be an area identification sign. 2. Within 30 days the two names be � removed from the pylon. 3. That the Council give consideration to the £act_:that Frank's Nursery will probably be in with their sign requests. Upon a voice vote, . there bein� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. ' � 6� The Minutes of the Board of Ap�eals Subcommittee Meeting of May l�l, 1974 �..y.. , 5. 5PECIAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE CONSIDERATION CRITERIA FOR ADVERTISS23G SIGNS (BILLB011hDS ) Chairman Drigans informed the Board that since the joint meeting of the Planning Commission-and the Board of Appeals, he had come up with a criteria to consider for handling the Special Use Permit and Variances that will be coming in for the advertising signs. He said the order in which the items are listed are not necessarily the order they have to be taken in, but he felt these are the items to be considered. They are as followsz � 1. Welfare, Safety of Public 2. Invironmental Impact - Visual Pollution - 3. Financial - a. Loss to Owner • . b. Loss to Leasee. c. Loss to City ' 4, Misceilaneous - a. Lacation b. Length of Time Sign Has Been Erected c. Condition/Maintenance Sign Has Received ' d. Other . ' . MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, �to add the criteria to the minutes. Upon a voice vote, �.here being no nays, the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: � The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Drigans at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �/0 .�z. e�� ' �l(��"`'-C �. � MARY HIN`�� Secretary :- � � � 125 . : , � _ BOARD OF APPEALS � � _._._ ____. ____ ..�. � ___._ ._.._ .� _.... .____ _ I TEM # 1 ` . 5' Uri�.�ry ���Gr��Nr �� � � . ; ,� B ; 1 � � � . � I , ,.-- ►z5 �� � F. � � �. p ��� � : � � ' . . � '{ ' � , � � r� � _ �� � . � �;�,__.________. � ± ` � I / \ � ') �.� ✓ � �. , � � � �`C ' i `' � a'� �--- � ~` � r� , , ;;� � ;�j E � �: �. � �, 7`F �~� � � � ►�l t�` � � ! c�1 . , ;� � � — .� 1 �. ;�, �=.--- — — ____________...�...�.� _ �. _ � - � o r�� Y� �.. �� � �. m �. N �' � 6G �� d- . � . M ti` � . � �-= � Cf � r' c� t �� � _ s, j .f;.,) r �,� � � _'� � , .�..+.r.,.w�. e _.. ....�er..�+--.. ' . . / ,, ._ r. ..,.-.....�... . ....... -....... 3 4, G, � s�r- f i � � � . �. . �.�� . �' � � _�._ , �� ��- t.`.� � i � -, �\.. � 5C , BOARD OF APPEALS � � ITEM � � 6 N 6446 Arthur Street N.E. . , . � , . . 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Also the varianc:c ue approved wi�h the stipulation that the plan be used that was shown to the Board. Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voic� vote, there being no �ays, the motion carried unanimously. 4. A�;.E UFST T'OR A VA�ZTAII�CE 0�' SFGTI(?N 56.05 3B TO INCREASE THE MAXIMtT�'I SIZE OF A FRT'E S?'t'��vDING SIGN F"i:%"':'1 100 SQU'�I'.F' FEET TO llt4 SQLTAI',� F�ET AND TO IN�RFyASE ��i�,' Ti.QdXP''ti:� �I`�IG'riT Oi A z�:'t:=T ST.(1?Qi3:�i�;� SiGI�I F�'.�'��1 25 F�ET �0 30 FEET TQ AI.LOW T�T ; AT�'� �:;C"? Of� I� 4.4 � G1�3T F>Y 10 � C1{JT P���FI� TO 'i%� TC3P �� TIi� EXISTIiIG PYLON ,- ,z7 Pt, , ��r'� '�'I'E5 �4T ADDITI�N. �.� Sf1.t� BEING LOCAT�'D OI< 7�T 1„ �; � ?�PaS t It.��.�vA r S�s 762.0 C� :3ZV,`�.� �T`_? "� J_��. I� �� , I' �`�U+,;�'Y, M?I�:��°:'Si���'� (P.EQUEST BY BOB' S PF.�DUC�'� ' � .. , R.r�e�C�i-Y, 7�i2Q UIv�CV�RSTii' �V�i1tI� N.E., F�TDLEY, 2�i���'•VESOTA. )�. --�r.-" ' Mr. �ob Schroer was present to present the request. Pictures of tk�e existi�g pylon sign and a sketch of the proposed sign acidition were shown to the Board. Mx. Schroer stated he is a�king for an extens�on onto the existing sign. The , e�:tension will be a 4.4 foot by 10 foot si�;n to go on top of the existing sign. It wi�? be tha newest type of sig�z as iC is a remo�e control sign that �.s contralled from insid� of the store. Th�r� are 4 lines of 12 modules each. Each module has the letters of the alphabet on it. The sign is double faced but will. not rotate. The sign is leased from the company and not purchased. Mr. Schroer added rhey also need a�eight variance as the gas statian sign on the corner hides there existing sign somawhat. The�Board asked if the signs on the building would come down if this aign was approved. Mr. Schroex said ther� are 2 separate cau� anies at this location; Bob's Produce Ranch and Green Giant. Both companies might be using the exi.sti�g pylon. He said he cauld not speat� for Green Giant bu� he thought the signs a�tached to the wall would come down. Chairman Minish stated that as he understood the code, all signs th?t ��e non-confor�ing would have to come down after 1974. � Mr. Belisle said he didn"t think this sign would be considered non-con�o�m�r►g if Council approved the request. Mr. Schroer said if it had to conform in 1974 then part of the aign would b� taken dowx�. M.x. Crowder asked if the new sign would have 2 poles as tha exist�.ng sigri has. , Mr. Schroer said the poles from the existin$ sign would be extended fox ths new sign. The sign plus the poles will have the western moti�. 7.'he sign wi11 be stxictly a message sign and will run from 6:00 A.M, to �.2:00 F.M. � � � ,. �': , The Board asked how large each module was and what was Ghe d�stance �xom which the sign could be read. :� � � � '. ' ' BOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #G � The� Minutes of the Board of A eals Meetin of March 28 1972 _ ____ Mr. Schroex answered the modules were 9 inches high and ablockhawahe SHenaddedbChat read from about 2 blocks away and during the day about '� Y'• this sign would helg their business with the shopping center going in to the north of them. Mr. Harju asked what the hardship was for this sign. Mr. Schroex said it was the gas station sign that hides the existing sign. MOTION by Crowder to close the public heaxing. Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a vQice vote, there being no nays, the motion carxied unanimously. Mx. Harju.said he could see why they have a problem in Chat they axe attracting people from University Avenue and they are not on University. 4 Mr. Crowder said this is quite a uni.que sign and will be an eye catcher. Mx. Sondhe.imer asked how ma.ny no:�-conforming signs are nQw along Uni.versity Avez�ue. Mx. Belisle sai.d he thougk�t �hat all the billboards are ovarsized. �'IV MOTION by Harju to recommend to Council approval of the request due to the hardsl��.� ' caused by the location off from University and the gas �tation sign that pa�'tially hides the existing sign. We stipulate that Bob's Produconsideration�tonthe�possib��ity , the building and we recommend that Council give stzong that if the existing sign�is modified to include both Gxeen Giant and Bob's Produce Ranch tha� the Gzeen Giant signs also be taken off the building; 'Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, tha motion cax�'ied unanimously. �; ' �. � ' � ADJOURNPfENT • Z'he meeting was adjouxned by Chairman Minish at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �� r.� -�-c.. , � MARY HIN Z '�� Secretary �- L��+icli ur AYY�HLJ ITEM #4 �- � I� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETSt1G OF APRiL 3, 1972 i , � � � , , � � � �JI � � 4. A RE�UEST FOR A VARIl�NCE OF SECTIQN 56.05, 3B, � INCRFASE THE MAXiMUM SIZE OF A FREE 5T?`�NDi2dG SIGN FI�M 100 SOUARE FEET TO 144 SQUP,RE FEET AND TQ IP�C:FtF.IiSE '�HE P'�KI:�IiJM HEIGfiT OF A FREE STA,'JDING SIGN FFSJM 'l5 E'EET TQ 3Cj FEET T`O ALLOW TfZE A�DITIOiT OF' A 4:4 I'COT BY 10 k'OOT PF�NEL TO THE TOp OF THE EY.ISTING PYTaC3xI IACI'�TED 0�1 LOT 1, BTA�K 1� �AST _I'�.��di ESTA�S 15T 11ADITION, TT%� SFLii�; BEiNG 7o2d UNIiT�FLSiTY Z3STENLIE Ai.F'. , I's"�ZDLEY, MINNESOTA. (RE�II�ST IiY �OFs' S PFtOT�CE RAI�CH, 7620 LTI�tIVERSITY AV�iVTTE N.E. ,�'RIDLE'.�,, PiINN�SOTA) s . ., _ l�' The Engineexing Assistant reported t�is vaxiarace would enablQ an ac�dition to an existing sign to be inJtalled. T2ais sign v�ould be szmi�.�r ta a"�ains-O-Gram", the r�ssage would be controll�d from ir.si�e the bui�ding. It is recommended that t.Yae �e�sac�e not be ch?,nged oftene� �han oncs a day. The reason for the request is that the Sh�ll Gas Si:ation sign on the corner screens the Bob's Produce �nc:� sign. The Bo�rd stig�ulateci that �ab'S Produce Ranch signs shauld be taken oif the builrling, �.nd tiie�e has been an ag�eement reached whereby Green Giant �ill al�o take down �eir signs. N.��'TCsN by Cauncilman I�reider to co�cur with the recorr¢�end�tion of the Board of A�peals and apprca�e �;'�e vari�ce rec�uest�d by Bob's &�a�o�`t�ce Ranch, �ubject to t:he aign�a an �.he buil�rs� ��x Bob`� �a� Gx��n Giant bein� �aken ofg �he wa�l� of the builciing. S�cond�� b� Councilm�n 2li�tel��cit. U�n a voice vote, atl�. ayes, Mayor Li�bl declared the motion carried unanizr�ously. NOTE: An excerpt o� �is portion of the una�proved rough draft was sent ta Council on April ].Oth for a clarification �s to the intent of the motion, specifically in rec�a�d �o the message. 5ee Riinutes of Apxil 10� 1972. MOTION by Go�aci..L� k9i�teistsdt to receive the Minutes of �he Board af Appeals Meetirag ,og P�3��ch 2S, �.972. S�conc3ed by Councilman Utter. Upan a voice vote, all voting �ye, I�ayor i,iebl declar�d the m4'cian carried unaniu�ously. RECEIVING �IDS FOlt SS&SW PRg►7ECT #106: , Bid Base anhold�r D��posit ' Bid lbon Excav�ting Coxp. American 42 Highway 8 CasuaZty nneapolis, Minn. 55418 5� s.�. • erican Contractiaag Goxp.E�lo�er� 40 Yellowbrick R�d Cc���cia3 Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 Union Co. ' . 5�3 B.B. Orfei & Sons Seaboard �56�HOmer 5treet Surety . Paul, Minn. 55116 5� H.B. $109,941.50 (BiBs Opened 11:30 A.M., Alternate Alternate t�� . 1 No . 2 Ac%d Add $ 8,204.Q0 $10,240.00 April 3r 197�) Completion Date 120 Calenda.r Days $ 97,735.03 $ 6,8�2.00 $ 800.00 120 Calendax �7ays _ PVC Deduc� ��27.60 $ 98,045.21 $ 7,606.55 $ 6,640.Q0 185 Calendar Days PVC Deduct $1,102.20 pa Construction Arqonaiut , S125,OOO.OQ $13,900.00 $10,0�0.00 120 Calendar AaXs 4 Sotith lst Street E. Insurance rora, Minn. 55705 5� B.B. �ley Surfacing Ca.inc. Capitol $103,830.34 $ y,892.18 $.5,600.00 120 Cal,endar Aay� 56 Grand Street N.E. Indemnitx Minneapolfs, Minn. S54Z1 5$ H.B. . , . BOARD OF APPEALS SPECTAL PUBLIC 1�ARING MEETING OF APftIL 10, 1972 ITEM #4 ' � � __ .� � � . � '( , � (,- P RCQIJ�ST� FaR CIIIRIFICI�TION OF SIGN �:RMIT FOR A SIGN !�T BOf3�S PROAUCE RANCH � j APiROVED AT Ti1E CQllNCIL t:x �TIrdG CF' ?.PktTL 3, 1972: a./° -.._..._....__w__ -�"'-" The City Maraager explAined, at the requesk of l�yor I,iebl, that aC Ghe �.a�C Counci'1 MQeting, a iE(�ll�5C was c�,.�nde, �and �ran�ed, for a varit�nce for ��, �ddi��.t?� to �heir sign. !'hexe �.�a� some discusaion th�t the mQSt��gs on the sign st�QU�,d; �o� be ch:�n��d more tkaein orice a d.�y, although that w�s not part of the motio� � H� hae had oor�e discu�sioz� �ith tta� s�Leacaan froqn Americ�n Si�n and indicatox Co��a��� tion, who iraciicr�ted �►�at the �shole concept of th� aign �1�s th�t iti couLd be e(��c�;ed moxe o�ten than once a day. He said t�� had rDsked Bab Schxoer to be prese�� t�� the meeting and noticad hf.m i.n the audience. " ', . Pi�. Schroer s�id thir� ei;� Evauld not b� a tazrn�.n,;, ch�ns��aab].e si�n such �s �t�� � "aic� �nri TernA" si�ns lt�E�f� CIOWflt04Jt1. E�ch l.etteg wa�ild b� �ut i.� �nd th� t�orc� �pellec3 o�at �lo�; c�ith tih� price, tand th� �^;A����� cauld be char��ed fr�t �.r�sid� the bui,ldir�� c�henr�Y�r th�y �ou1d s�� fit. ,�n iCem ��ti�l the prxc� could b� �t�� s�1�� ' the bo�rd � cert�in sa�au$at o� ti�n�, then ch�nged when they ��nted to, �i� �e�.� the si�a� c��s v�ry r�ice agad wauld d�uss up t%� �r���. '� ' � ' ' ' ' � ' ' �, ' ' Mayor �,�ebl s�tid th�t the Council w�a not ze�I1y �saare a¢ c3h�t type of sf.3� k�e was t�tl4ci�� c�bout �� thc� 1� ,4: mes�ta.n�. li� r�id he notE�d th�t Holly St�op��..n; Cen��r is aiso cons���ri�U thi� ty�>e of 3i��. I-is 3�ici h� ��.d not b�I.iev� �h:i s type o$ a��� would x.��ex��r� ��ith anyon�� Counciln�n �reider asked if Mz'. Sc��v�r was looking for � d�l�tion of th� senter►ce xeferrin� to only ctz�a��in� the c�es���� once a d�y sand Pqr, Schxaer s�id y��s, �.nd expl�znQd th�t if Ghey h�act � speci�tl s�le, h�d rhr si ;n u�, tn�n rar� out o� th�t commodity, th�ey could not C;��aB� ��z� si�n ta �,qmethin� else. M�yor Liebl read the motion fro�n t[ze excergt �of �he ��«�,� drAf� �nd said th�t it do2s noC s�y ths m�ss��e cannot be changecl. Counc�.�m�� Mitt�l�t�dt sr�id that it ss�ys tl�e Council con�urs raith the i3oard qf App�a�.s �3hi�;� cauld be interpreted t� inclu�� tl��t s�ipul�ttio�►. Councila��n Ifiittelst�+Vd� s��d � that last Monday ni�ht there was some diacussi.on axbout the signs o£ bott� $ob!� and the Gre�n Giant t�t�vi�� ta b� taicen dc�n, but ho� can the Counci�. �ta.�u��a,t� � that Green Giant h�s ta �ake their signs do�n? tfs. Schro�r explttin�d t��t !�e has tal.l�ed to Gre�n Gi�nt �snd they wish to use the sign also, so h<�ve �����d to ta4t� their w311 ���n� da��an. A10TION by Councilm�.n Breici�r to ��end the Council unapproved rough draft� p� the Council Min4ites of April 3, 1972 to delete tine sex�t�nc�e: "It is recocnmen���s th�t the raase�a�� not be ch��a�ed aftener than once � d�y." The cnation was seconded and upon tt voice vo�e, r�ll votin�. Aye, Mayor Liebl d�cl€�red the �notiq�t carried unanimously. . REPORT FRO�i CITX AT�O;?..�Y Oid SKE�..T�Y OIL STATIC�i AT 79�'Fl G�7_�,X I�PID F.•AST RIVER t20AlJ t FALIwN$T�JCPi VS CITX�OF F'Ry�I.::Y„��{T3S�led Apxdl.,3, 19l� � The City Attorney reporLe�. thaL the court hearing was sch�duled to be vexy soor�e howevez, Mr. Falk�nstein t�as requested t� continu�nce until May 5. In tAlki�g with Mr. Fudali, he understood that he and Mr. Fmlkenatei.n tire negot�,A�ing to���c� an A�reement on the use of Che land, He snid he did not beli.eve the�e wo�tic� �a snything caming up betwe�n no�a and May Sth, And that he would bring �h�s �.tem back when ther� was uny action Co repart. Mayor Liebl told Mr. Fudali Chst the Council tabled this item last week beGause he had been iq Europe. t;e t�:aid he would raoet strongly urg� coming to an agre�°� tqent out of court., and t�e �elt �E}�t pe�ople would wo��C with t�im Go x�ac� a so�q��o� ' , , r CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING April 16, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Edythe Collins, Ray Sheridan, Ole Bjerkesett, Harry Crowder, Jackie Johnson, Roy McPherson, Elaine Knoff, and Jerry Ratcliffe MEMBERS ABSENT: Peg McChesney, Robert 0'Neill, Donald Wegler, Francis Casey, Herbert Bacon, Jack Kirkham, and Clifford Ash ,Mr. Sheridan opened the meeting for discussion from the League oi Women Voters at 8:00 p,mo Phyllis Whitmore and Jean Schel.l were pre.sent at the meeting representing the League of Women Voters with their concerns in amending the City Charter. Section 2,05 Vacancies in the Council , Mrs, Whitmore reported on the League's viewpoint on vacancies in the Councilo The League members felt that an elected official is preferable to an appointed one. They doubted that a change in this section would , make a significant change as far as the City government is concerned. They felt that a member of the City Council should not be required to . resign when he files for public office o�her than Counczl; however, they supported the strengCh,ening of this section to pzovide for the ' filling of any vacancy within 30 days or an election shall be called, unless a regular scheduled election is scheduled witha.n 90 days. ' Section 2.07 The Ma�or The League had discussed Mr. Breider's suggestion to delete the wards, "He shall study the operations of the City government and shall report � to the Council any neglect, dereiictian of duty, or waste on the part of any officer or department of the City." The League recommended that these words not be deleted. ' ' r ' 1 �� ' ' Section 5.02 Expenditures by�petitioners Mrs. Whitmore said thaC the League of Municipalities Model Charter for 1974 has no section on expenditures. They seem to feel that there is na need to limiC expenses to petitioners. Deleting this section would put the Charter in harmony wiCh the idea that .a Charter should be as fundamental as possible. Some of the other suggestions were for raising the limit rather,than eleminating this section. The League concurred with this idea and urged the Commission fio r aise the amount high enough. They supported raising the $SO limit on peCitioners; not to exceed $200. Section 5.10 The Referendum Mrs. Whitmore said that people circulating referendum pefiitin�s have been confronted with the fact that the Fridley City Charter does not seem to give petitioners any recourse�to correct any insufficiencies or to obtain additional names if necessary. In the new 1974 Mode1 Charter the opportinity is given to petitioners, referxing to both initiaCive petitioners and referendum petitioners. II v ' p�ge 2 7 A �li Applying to the referendum, Mrsa Whitmore referred to Sections 5.04 & 5.05. She said perhaps the simplest way to correct this oversight is to include Section 5.06 also as applied to the referendum with the deleti.on of the ].ast lineo They supported the strengthening of this referendum section.. �, � Section 6.02b Powers and Duties of the City Man3ager� The League felt that the words "with tha consent and approval of the Council" should not be deleted. They fel� that the Manager would probably � continue to consult with the Council on any appointments. Theq questioned whether deletion of this line would bring about any significant change. Section 6.04 Subordinate Officers of the City , The League had recsntly studied this section at theix maeting and also a •year before, studying the question of appo:;nting a City Attorney by the Manager or the Counc?1. Their conclusion was that.-the position o� the �. .City Attorney should not be a poli�ical one. They supportsd �he appointment of tihe City Attorney b� the City Manager with the app�ova� of the Council. Further discussions w�re held between members of the Commission and the League concerning the League's c�raments on the Charter. Section 5.10 was referred to by 01e Bjerkesetto He asked if they had any recommendations in the procedure itself, concerning the re£erendum. Mrs. Whitmore stated that some petition signers ar� not professionals. They sometimes give a legal signature without realizing it, Mra Bjerkesett said he was looking for some suggestion to correct this. He questioned whether this could be done by Ordinanc.e. They discussed the appointment of the City Attorney, Mr. Sheridan thanked the Lea,gue of Wom�n Voters for their cooperation and work involved with reviewing the Char�er. Mrs. Whitmore thanked the Chairman and msm�ers of the Chart�r Commission for inviting the League to atCend the meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Sheridan opened the meeting for official business at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Sheridan asked if the City Administration could ob�ain the 1974 Model Charter�from the League of Minnesota Municipalities fox a11 members of the Charter Commission. MOTION MA7E BY OLE BJERKCSETT T!3AT THE MARCH 19 MINUTES BE ACCEPfiED AS CORRECT�D. Seconded by Jackie Johnson. The to�Zowing statements will be added to the minutes: "Mr. Utter said Chat the present size of the Council ne.ed not be changed.". "Mr. Nee favored consideration of a seven man Council." "Mr. Breider st�pported the appointtnent of the City_A�torney by the City ManBger with veto power ra�ained by the Council." Mr. Sheridan sa�.d t�e Charter Commission wouid like to be informed by the .. Administration when the public heara.ng on ttre prrmary al�ctinn.s wall take place , so they will have repre,sentatives at.the heari�.g. , � 3ackie Johnson asked if there was a specific date in which all the recommendations , E�d to be made? She asked Mr. Sheridan how much i.nitial time they have left. Mr. Sheridan indicated that i� shauld rightfully be in the hands of the Council by August or September. It would go to the next general election Page 3 in the fallo Mr. Bjerkesett asked how far in advance they had to have it ready for the ballot? Mr. Sheridan said if everything was completed in June, they could ca11 it in August. MOTION WAS MADE BY OLE BJERKESETT TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Seconded by Roy McPherson, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. The next meeting is on �zesday, May 21, T�ie City Manager and Administration are scheduled to be present. Respectfully submitted, � �...1� �f �L-�'�_ . She11e .Morrison Recording Secretary � 7� ' / , V �1 HUMAN RELATIO�S COMMISSION April 1.8, 1974 — _ . ,� MEMBFRS P1tESENT: Katherine rSoss, Rena Vizenar, Carolyn Rouse, Karen Packer, Dan Fish, Ina Preiditis, Harold Belgum, Al1an Rudolph, Leonard Lind, Joyce Benson, and Gxace Lynch 1 ' i � � � � � , � • � � riEriBERS ABSENT: Barbara Shea, Richard M�ngelkoch, Arvid Hansen, and Nicole Nee OTIiERS Pt2ESENT: Mro Cenobbie, Midge Sargent, Jo Ba.gelow, Mr. Moss, • , Denise Lynch, and Winston Worden . Cha�rman Belgum opened the meeting at 7:45 p.m. on April 18. MOTION by Ina Preiditis to accept tne Plarch 2I minuteso Motion. was ;seconded by Caro3.yn Rouse. U�on a voice vote, the motion carried unaflimously. �Mro Belgum passed a letter a�oti�nd to the members from the League o� Minnesota Human Rights Commission urging the Fridley Human Relations Committee to become members by:�jo�ining this Commission wi.th membership dues amounti.ng, to $$7. Mr. Belgum also passect around a Human Rights Newsletter, indicating the Coaunission would receive this regularly if they joined the Commission. b10TTON BY GRACE LYNCH THAT Tf1E HUMAN RELATIONS CO�ITTEE JOTV THE I�EAGUE OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS CO:�fitiIISSION AND P�Y T�iE FEE. Seconded by Rena Vizenaro Upon a voice vote, the motion carxied unanimouslqo This amount wi11 be taken out of the Fri:dley Human Relations budget for 1974. Grace Lylch reported on the W(7W prooram (�dashingzon ppportunitp for Women) Her understanding from a booklet she reeeived was �hat it dea�.t with w�men in Washington only. This �s a program sponsoring counseling for wo�en going back �.o work. She said she was given a couple of addresses to•�arite•.�_or information on tha.s program, but has received no information as �o a program on this even existing in Minnesota. She stated there were some counselors at the Fridley Er:ploym�nt office. Mr. Belgum said there was'a con£erence to be he�.d on women issues. He felt�.�here should be a representative to attend this meeting from the Commission to report on this at the ne�t meetingo Grace Lynch volunteered to call and s�e i.f iG:caas'sfi�l pdssible :fbr�-he� �a _attend th�. con�ezence on April 26 and 27. MGTION BY KAREN Pt1CKER THAT T�fII2S. GRACE Li,'i�CH ATTEND THE HU11AN RIGHTS _ CONFERENCE AND THE $6 F�E BE TAKEN OUT 0� THE 1974 BUDGET. Seconde8 by Ina Preiditi.so Upon a voi.ce uote, the motion carried unanimously. Mro Belgum read aloud an .article on Tndians pr�nted in tt-te r�iinneapolis Star. Several books on Indians were distributed so members could exchange thei.r books. � � Page 2 Midge Sargent and �o Bigelow caere present at the meeting from the Anoka County In�er-Tribal Council. They answered questions from the , Commission pertaining to the Indian heri�age in which they were brought up. PSidge Sargent told about her life as a child on a Indian reservation. � She was sent a�aay from home to go to school at the age of 9. The Indians were treated to live in a�white society. Their religion was a very important part oi their life. r � � _J ' Mr. Cenobbie sho�aed some of his clothing and various Indian articles. iie cvas a Sioux I�dian and had been brought up with the Indian herirage, Mr. Belgum presented copies to fihe Committe� of an article by Chief Seattle, a Ieader of the Suquamish tribe in the Washington territory. Karen Packer asked Jo Bigelota to voice her opinion on the Wounded Knee txial. rlrs. Bigelow said she had mainly fo11o�.�ed it in the newspapers. She had recently gone down and sat in on the trial. Miclge Sargent felt in this case, all Indians are on trial. Karen Paaker said �hat during the opening days of the trial Dennis Banks and Russel Means were t d h � quo e t at it was the Go�rernment that was on trial. She asked Ja Bige�.ow whether she thought they would go to jail. Mrs. Bigelow did not thinlc they would, she felt confident that the charges would be dropped. , � � The discussion of an incident wi.th an Indian girl and a teacher. in B1.aine was held. A condemning statement was said by the teacher in regards to Indians, �ahile one particular Indian girl was present in class. This caused some controversy and the subject was later discussed by the Coon Rapids Human Relations Comrnittee. One of the alterna�ives the school said they could offer was the possibility of tal:ing the child out of school and the schaol district �oould have to provide a tutor: for her. 1 MOTION BY DAN FISfi T�1AT TFiE HUMA�N RELATI�NS CON�IIT'.CEE WRT�`E A I�T�R OF INQUIFY SO T�� HU�IEI,N RIGHTS COtiT.1ISSI0N LEAGUE CAN GET �IORE INFOP.itifA.TION AS TO W�L�.T THEY CE1N DO ABOUT TIIE PROBLErI IN BLATNE. THEY SHOULD ALSO ' INQUIRE TO S�E IF THERE �TAVE BEEN ANY PR�BLErfS IN ANOKA COUNTX, Seconded by Katherine I�Ioss. Upon a voice vote, the matian carried unanimously. i � The suggestion was made that they get a general review of the minority si�uation in Fri.dley, so they could have a concensus at the I1@Xt meeting. Dan Fish, Katherine rioss, and tJinston tiJorden volunteered to form a subcoRUnittee before the next meeting so further plans could bet cna.de in the preparation for the next meeting. . � . � Karea Packer next meeting, to look into �l � L� suggested they try to get the tape of Paul Boe for the if possible. Joyce Benson and Karen Packer volunteered this. • � Page 3 • � Dan Fish sai.d he �oould like the topic of a Human Relaeions news Iettex to be put on the agenda for the next meeting. He had recently spoken with someone who would be �,�i11inQ to help him formulate their first issue. - . � . , . _ : � " � Mr. Belgum thanked the ladies from the Anoka County Inter-Tribal Council for thei.r i.nformation and input at the ineeting. M�TIO�I to adjourn the._mQeting by hatherine Moss. Seconded by Dan Fish and the meeting adjourned at I,0;00 p.m. The next meeting will be Thursday, r�y 6. Respectfully subinitted, � � , � ` ...�-{'�� .LZ�C�i1 ,1� . \ . ", �`` � i� �--u_��,L� Shelley Mofrison _---_'�. �I � , �� ' � � ' , � � � ' � ' ' � ' �'ACT SHE£T . LEAGUE OF hfINtii SOTA HU,�!Ai1 RIGEf'tS COtS'•IISSIONS QUESTIOid : h'hat is the Lea,a,ue of Minnesota Fiuman Rights Commisszons? ANS��FR: LNHRC is a non-pro�it corporation made up of iacal iiuman Ri�hts Corr.missions k�hich nave been �stablis�ed in more than 60 municioali�ies throu�hout the state. It was created in Jurip, 1971, to assist Co:emissions in carryin� cut their mandate to inprove soci�l va_lues ar.d protect individual rihrrts in their resgective communities. QUESTIO�i : `�+hy �as it established? - - � A�1S4tER: Let's be frank. In the five years since most locai Commissicns were established, there has been littl� r:�easurabl.e orogress toward t:.�ir objectives. Lackin� professio;�al assistance avail.able to atner loca? C1�1'L�II Com�nissionS �Dldllilli�i; bcards � tL'd�f1C COR'�1SS10i,S, hOUSlri� authori�ties etc. ) the Hu�a� :�iE,nts Con„�issions have stru?gled ta deternine tneir role, and w�-:ys to acco�plisn their ab��ctives. 'iher° has been little co�n^unicat�on between anci amon�; local. Co^^�issio�s, resui�in�; in duplica�ion of er�cris and lack of reinforc�me!it. Tnere has not heen a. su��iciently ��rFanizecl ci�.�t�orn �or exoression o� hu•.:•.3T.'+ rights vi.ewpoints on a r�uni>cipal or state level. Locai Commissions, with few exceptioas, 5i?nol�� h,ven't had �he tools to uo their jo� as well as `tneir m°rnbers would li;ce. L�! :RC was establishee zo �rovide sane of the necessary tools. -. QU�STTC7�v: In particular, wh�t tcols? Ai1S+tiER: Tcie ability to co,.��unicate, for anQ.. L?•in�C nublishes a newsletter bi-monthly, �etail�n� activities of local i>o�:�issions aad discussina i�ertir.ent and ��:��l,t hu^�1n rz�hts-r°lated issa�s, usuall,r Wltii SU^�;'r'St7.GL1S fOT' SlluSi.?.i:AVe D�'CS�Y'dT`1S. i'�� T'?SEc'?:'C�': WlIl� iSCil.l!"c:tCS the e?�C(t�ui�ffP p� 1i7:01"f.lc3 �:i0.^. dT.'.� t�'?e clissemir.atian O� Q:ii.3 Q17 f1US^i3I1 righ�S P�O�.Z°TS. r�P.Ot�:P..C' �C:G� l� ll;llt�i . %�illl.� �dc4:1 lacal Ccm;�iss`.0:1 �laS �tS O:dil DC� ;OLl�ii-CV c i1Q �. �S ^:J:1 d7:^� Gc�C�i tU SO�,V:.I2f; SrJClc7? I�T'aD? =^5 � ���;�it'Z�.' f?:1D[1dS17.^S �O �ile .Lc�-'�;�..- CG!'C15iCT'.-,.,�:�{�Tl� CC�1'.^,,,;ill. Cy th� co:rt^:�CI 1:1�C2'OS�5 of hti��zn r'1rr1.S 8r�^_:1C:F.."a. The field Oi :IEI'^�il X'J�i1tS� ,�1v='� c"1 SeI1Sc �f vi11tV � W111 �,� Dnl �e:' <9l`�°_ �O S�'CLIT'u lE=?.'_SI.c7t1VC T`CB;�onse to human ri�hts deficiEZlcies oTi a loca.l and state level.. QU£STI.O;J; �ti'h3t are some ci- L�I��:C's programs? -_ Fi!�tSS�lER: 2':entionnd earlier %�as puclication of a newsletter, distri��*e�' to r�ore than 2,00� inci�ri�u�l� ever'y tuo ;•^.cnt��s.� Ttirou�h its F�searc:: Co�r�'�itt�e LKiiRG ori�;�I]3L:'..� ?.ci; di�se�„izates new hur�an r.it;:�ts-rela*_�e� data to it.s *�cr-�b•�rs a.��i *}ie iar����r con•:;^�:nit;; ,��n�� r�aintai.ns an inven:c^Y O� research eCI'OT`?"S Ot" IOCcil. COi;�'??3S10i1S dild Other�a�enc,.?S. �T:1@ ��SGdT'Ch CO;�li�llCtCE3 �]IiCI S�C�3Li rl�.i0 T'�:;GU71� LO 1T1iGT'i'?c"itLGTl T`E:��ll@S�S Ser-rin�, c��l f�.VC 1€�;l�1dt.1Ye CO;"T„2tr2�S OT o.F indivi.�tual Ccr..�rissicns. ' t:le L.E'.ap,t1C O: �'�l;tt7e30td i!utll�lp,?�1t2.e.S, me.;�cers })F1� Y'2Sc'�..ciL`C�i �Znd advocUte hu�an ri�t:ts-r�:�ated issu��s. � i.:ti�R� p.ovi:3es li:�iso:� and �eecanical assistance 1�ctween Co�.��i�vions and reiated a;eneies sucn as the ;4inn?�ota Denartments of fiuman Ri�nt>; i:ducatio�:; and C�rrectien:�; and li. S. � � � � , � DepartM°-nts of flousin; and Ur�an Development; Justice; and Health, Educatioz and ���eifare .. L��1Fir^.0 is a oarty to the Emplo_ym�nt Coal.ition, a pilot p���rGn in suilurban C�inneaoolis seekin� to ir;�prove oDportunities for minorities and others with employm�nt handicaps. Workshops and seminars are cenducted several times annually to upgrade skills and intor�r:ation ot Co���ission members. QUESTI0:1: What is Lt•;HP.C's relationship to the rlinnesota Department of 1 Human Rights? � ' � . � � I i � S � ' � ' � � � • ' AP�SEER: Thcu�n supportive o� the State Department of Human Rights and the 1e;;islation that created it , Li�ifi�C is comoletely independent from the Depar�r�ent and has no neeessary policy ties. L:?HRC was . conceived witn the intent of co�^olementing the work of "th° Stata - Departm�nt of Human Rlghts; its by-laws, in fact, specify as a major purpose that Lt:Hr.0 is to cooperate with the State D?partment to er"fectuat° the gurooses of the i�tinnesota Act tlhainst Discrimination. Li�SH�C membersnip has desi�nated its Board o~ Directors as the CcMmunity Advisory Co��ittee to tne State De�artment o� Human P.ights. Aside from this consuitativ� relationshi�, there is little overlappin¢ of activities between tne two a�encies, since their purposes are dirferent. Qnlike the State t��oartment or Human Rights, far instance, L�;HRC does not engage in enforcement or co-�pliance activity. L2�iHt�C derives its support and author�.ty zrom municipalities and their Co�^.missions; the State Department of Human Rignts is a subdivision of the State.of itinneso�ta. � QULSTI0,1: " How does L?�IciRC di�fer from other hunan rights organizations? AvSi•�ER: It provides its services to subdivisions of which in turn have legal authority to work on b�half local citizens. The �rim�ry function af Lhi'riRC is no� an improved 'nu�an riahts clima�e; but ratner, to hel, to do'their jobs better• . QUESTION : Who is the LI�iHRG? local govern�ent, of the.rights of directly to promoZe o local Cor�missions AN$'rTER• Obviously, LP�rI.°.0 is, first and foremost, member Cor,r,tissions from throu�hout riinnesota. It is, collectively, the hum�n :ig�ts wi�g of tos�nsiiip, villa�n ano city �overnrr.ent t:�rou��out �-Sinnesota. i�lany of its pol.icy-�akin�: dsties are delega�ed by the m�.r.bership and the by-laws to a nine-r.�mber �eard of Directors; each Director is a membe: of a local Cornission. Lt•SfiRC oolicies are impler�ented by a fi.ve-r'�°riber staff, all of whom are volun�eers devotiri� 15-30 hours a week to agency activities. L2-?:?RC is an afTiliate of the Leagu� �� t�iinnesota tiunicipalities, a 58-y�ar-old orp,anization of tewnships, villages and cities from throughout t•iinnesota. t1 part-ti�e office is maintained in t;te L�ague of Minnes�ta t�unicipalities headauarters. Q�IESTIO"i : How is the L�dHF.0 funded? - ANSWF.R: � Com-nissions which are votinQ mer'�ers pdy tnode�t annual du�s, based on a forr�ula which varies directly with cor.:munity pooul�tion. Reco�nizing most local Conmissions are inadequately funded compared to tbeir counterparts in local government,_the dues were set at a sufficiently low level to prevent "pricin� out" pro�pective menbers. .. �,_ _, h,,,���r ��nsists of grants -- both cash and . r i , V � � " • , in-kind -� fror� car�orations and foundations, and individual contributions, all of wnich are tax-deductible. Adlitionally, so�ne programs of the L�;HRC may qualify for tundin�; through various departments of the Federal ' government. � � . QUESTION : SJhy should I.support Lt �HRC? � '� APiSWER: L:•SHRC of{ers high potential to i�prove the huran rights climate . . througnaut r!innesota. Tnis is because, given financial and manpower � � resources, it is canable of �ignificantly increasing the effectiveness of local Cc^missions established by scores of munici�alities throughou� the state. Cor��munities und individuals i•ri11 prozit when local Human Rights Co;�missions can do a better job. , r . .. . ._ �. �. �� . � � . :�� � r- .t � - � � ��� � � . � < k , i � � , . ' ' ' r � ' , � ' , � , , ' ' ' � ' CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A TOWER FOR ANTENNA PURPOSES BY MIDWESTERN RELAY COMPAPdY FOR GENERAL TELEVISION (Information is in the agenda fo7der� . � ,� . , � � �' .� _�,� � . :J %,� �,, . (� � �. �� , t ; e. i , . � - � .', � i !-t ,�����.-2�. � �� zo, i y�� y � MEMO T0: City Manager � City Council MEMO FROM: Assistant Engineer Richard Sobiech DATE: May 17, 1974 SUI3JECT: Request for Tower for Cable Television Purposes General Television, Inc. met Friday afternoon to consider all the alternative pro- posals and sites to implement their plans for placing a tower in the City of Fridley. They have informed me that they cannot be prepared to make a presentation at the Council Meeting of May 20th, so the attached letter is being sent out to all the neighbor- hood residents. RNS/jm ' � sbo-sa�o �l'� C� �''l�le � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNESOT,3, �54s� May 15, 1974 TO �VHOM T T MAY CONCERN : The proposed construction of a tower for cable television antenna. purposes to be located at the :i.5 million gallon reservoir site on 53rd Avenue west of Matterhorn Drive was initially considered by the City Council of the City oi Fridley at the Regular Council Meeting of May 6, 1974. No final decision was reached at ihat time and the item was tabled with instructions to investigate alternative tower sites for further consideration at the Regular Council Meeting of May 20, 1974. Please be advised that due to the different alternatives being pursued, additional time will be rec{uired to make the proper investigation of. each proposed site. Therefare, further consi.deration of this item by the City Council has been posiponed to the Council Meeting of June 3, 1974. If you are aware of anyone else who might be interested in this item, we would appreciate it if you would 1et them know of the change in dates. RNS/jm City of Fridley Engineering Department ' ... .. IMEMO T0: � ' MEMO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard N. Sobiech, Assistant Engineer May 2, 1974 Reauest for Approval of Free Standing Tower for Cable Television Purposes ' The Fridley City Engineering Department has received the attached proposal from I�lidwestern Relay Company and General Television Inc. reauesting approval for installation of a free standing tower for cable television purposes on the 1.5 Niillion ' Gallon Reservoir site on 53rd Avenue west of Matterhorn Drive. , � � � � � , As you are aware this is the same site on which approval has been granted for installation of antennae for the Anoka County Gommunications Center (ACCC) and the North Area Repeater Association (NARA). A meeting with representatives o� �the Midwestern Relay Co., General Television Inc., ACCC and NAR.A indicated that there would be no problem with operation of the various antennae by the different agencies on the same site. The proposal by ACCC and NARA to install their antennae on the reservoir itself has been reviewed by the Engineering Department and appropriate agreements are�being drafted for final execution tow.ard com- pletion of the installation. This initial reQuest should pro- ceed as authorized and be kept separate from the current pi�o- posal. Tn a previous memo certain items were noted which resulted in the recommendation that no further antennae installations, particularily those of a commerciaZ nature, be allowed in this area. We have not changed our position, however, the attached reports from Mr. R,L. Renaud, of Midwestern Relay Company and Mr. Rabert Hinkley of General Television, Inc. give reasons for the rec{uest, which should be considered. ' It is therefore reauested that the City Council review the proposal and instruct the City Administration the course of action to follow. Since the reservoir site is located within 1 a residential area, informal notices have been sent to nearby residents informing them of the tower proposal reQuest which should be considered at the Regular Council Meeting of May 6, ' 1974. This should provide the proper public input in order ` to give further indication of the feasibility o£ the tower request. . 1 �S/�m Atta�hments ' � 1 ' ' � I 1 � , - ' , � . 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Fridley, Minnesota, 55432 ' Dear Mr. Becker: ' � , ' TME JOURNAI GOMPANY MILWAUKEE W�SCONSIN OPERATiNG PARTNERS April 30, 1974 AMER�GAtv n��Ci+OWAVE & CO'.NMUNICATION 1NC IRUN MOUNTAtIV MiCHIGAN As you know from recent discussions, we.hav� studied various a�- ternatives to interconnect our op�rating center in Arden Hills with General Televisions Studio in Fridley. The following is a brief des- cription of each alternative. Via Foshay Tower MRC has a distribution facility atop Fashay To�aer frora whieh interconn- ec�iion could be made, however only one frequency can be coordinat�d between Arden Hills and Foshay Tower, thereby Iimiting service to Fridley to a single television channeZ. Additionally, a 4Q ft. tower would be required atop th� General Television building to obtain line of sight clearance over n�arby -tr�es. Arden Hills to General TV Studio To provide adequate clearance ov�r tha ridge East of Fridley, a 150 ft. � tow�r would be required adjac�nt to the studio Duiiding. Due to the nature of the land in this ar��', �e b�lieve this to b� undesiruble for :reasons of zoning and cost. r � � , r Via Matterhorn Watzr tank site By construction of � SO' to��r adjacvnt to th� s�at�r ta�k it is poss- ible -to giv� unlimited �er��ice �o GPn�ral TP3�vision by usP of t��ro IO foat parabolic ant�nnas oraenta�ted toward Arden Hil�s and -'th� studio site. Since this system �ill. b� entirely passive, equipment room or power will not be requir�d. ' pP�RATIONS DEPARTf.1ENT WISC0451M DISTRICT IGRJ�NT ROAD S�lcST O� GOUNTY "F'" i2UH1CON. WISCONSIN 53079 T� L�.! t n�-.�.7 "s-6 ! QO , ; � ,� t - . =:, -..,,13 OPERATIONSDEPARTMENT MINNESOTA D157RICT 125,6 WESY COUNTY "F" ARDEN MIL.LS MIN�ESOTA 55112 TEL 612 5i+ t''00 TWY 910 56j�37�� ENGINEERING O�PARTMENT !05 KENT STREET IRON MOUNT/�IN. MICHIGJ�N 4.�901 T E L � 715-251 -.',.°90 7WX� 810-278-;�-10 � ' 1 . - ' . . ' Recommendation _ Tn view of the multiple channe? requirements far the Fridley Cable , syste:n, aesthetic and other considerations we recommend use of the water tank site as the preferred alternative. ',Please advise on the final determination in this matter so we can expedzte FCC Filings and equipment orders. ' � . � , , Yours truly, . � � � ��, ;,�- C �- , �i- ��.: _ � �---- _ . �-_.___ _:._. _ , R. L. Rena ud � � - � r � � � k:rns.� ' . � ' � ' � ' . ' , � 1 ! _ �� -: � ' ,�' .`.: ` i7'ehsw�����. ���.�aa -'�7 ����� a � � `�r - . .,. _ . - { Y ' I � . I �. ,. . ,�. " ° Suite '115 Hennepin Square, 2021 East Hennepin Av�nue j ����� � Minneapolis, Minnesota 554'13 . . [6'12) 331-J2'10 �� ' , IJ� , ' ' � r 1 , '. � April 29, 1974 _ Mayor Frank Liebl - :. City of Fridley ' 6431 Universi.ty Avenue Ne E. _ Fridley, Minnesota 55432 - ; - Dear Mayor Liebl: _ � _ - ._ _ . . . In order to receivE WGN-TV, Crxicago, at a.ts headend site, - - General Televisian fi.nds it necessary.to construct a small tower in the Ci �y of F-r. idl.ey. While a r�umb�r of poten�.iaJ. -- _, sites are available, engineering studies indicate the most � suitable location to be an C�.ty property next to the water tank just South of I-694 and East of Central Avenue. �. The company praposes to lease space on this enclosed site upon which to construct a 50-ioot tower with an approximately 13-foot base. The tower would not nouse active electronics : but, rather, would hald passive r�flecto� dishes known as . "beam benders". The microwave signal would be received from Midwestern Relay Company's Arden Hills tower and reflected to General Television's permanent Fridley facility at 350 - 63rd Avenue N. E., Ilidley, Minnesota. This request comes to the City Council at this time because it had previously been assumed microwave signals from distant cities would be delivered to a downtown Minneapolis terminal such as �he IDS Building or the Foshay Tower and redistributed to cable systems around the metropolitan area. Because th�re has not developed a significant number of cable systems in the immediate metropolitan area, it has not proved economically feasible or necessarV from an engineering standpoint, to have a central-ci�y distribution point. Thus, Midwestern Relay, the commonc�rrier planning to bring t�TGN-TV from Chicago ta the Twin Cities area, now plans to deliver the.signal to its Arden Hi].ls location rather than to a downtown Minneapolis location. ' ' ' � ' ' � LJ , ' �� � _ � ; ; .�R....: _ . _ April 29, 1974 . Page 2 - . While General Television�could have received a di.rect � line-oi-site signal from either the IDS Building or t'ne Foshay Tower to its Fridley buildi.ng, this is not _- possible from the Midwestern Relay tower in Arden Hills _ because ot the high bluff on the East side of Fridley. - � Because the direct line signal is blocked, it becomes necessary to find an alternate method of bringing the - � - signal to the compan�r's headend. As s�ated earlier, - . - engineering studies show the safest and least incon- � �� venient method to be the praposed small tower located ,_ on the a7move-mention�d city groper�y. General Television respectfully requests permissi.on to • construct and maintain a facility on�the city property - adjacent to the water tank. . ,, _ .. ... - - ,. . _ . Thank you . ' r . ; , -:. : . :. .. _. _ Sincerely yours, . ; �, _ � f ��,,�� ���� . � �tobert B. Hinkley � � �Assistant to the Pres dent RBH/pa � I � CJ ' City of Fridley , 6431 University Avenue Fridley, P�n 55421 ' ATTENTION: City �Ianager Dear Sir: 1 ' 5272 Matterhorn Drive P�iinn�apolis, Mn 55�21 This letter is in reply to the notice that i� received fror,t the City of Fridley Engineering Depar�ment regarding a proposed tower at the reservoir site located near 53rc�. Avenue and P�Iatterhorn Drive. Since I ' Council meeting on press my thoughts borhooa. ' , ' � ' will be out of the city �.nd unable to attend the Monday evening, I am usi,ng this vehicle to ex- on a commercial proposal for a residential neigh- Ten years ago when I contemplated purchase of my hozne, which is�located directly east of the reservoir, we gave serious thought to the quality of nea.ghbor that w� woulcl have in the Ci.ty of Fridley. Wi-th minor exceptions we have been happy with the mair_- tenance and upkee� of the land and the structures on the reservoir site. However, a free-standing c�indmill type tower in my judgment would cons�itute an eyesore that would de�reciate the values of all of the property surrounding the si�e. I have discussed this� proposal wi�h Mr. Starwalt, our Councilman, and suggested that there must be additional alternative sites that would be a lesser pro;�lem to any resic7ential areas nearby. I asked him to assure himself that there wa?-e no better alternatives and that this on.e would not be selected m.ereiy because it is t'r_e least expensive. One alternative that comes to rmy mind is the to�aer site- belon�inc� to th� Ci i y of Columbia Fieignts on S�inson Eoulevard near the tiiinneapolis City seservoir. This location already has at least two cortmercial installations attaciied to it. � .�'d appreciate a very thorough investigation by the City of Fridley and the Council be=ore any action is ta?c�n regarding tne construction of tnis to;�er. Thank you. . ' � ' , Xour 3. J. CC: 4�I. R. Starc��alt Robert Maxton, President Innsbruck Homeowners' Association s truly, G✓ r '� �" -- ST?'t]. t�l a ' � ' � , � � � ' , � h332 ��^tterho�n t���e Minneanoxis 21, MinnASata Anril �, '►�E�.2 �ar�ni�� Go�i�sfon CiLy o�' Frid7.�► Gentl��en: I s�oul� 19.�:� t�o t��e t�i� oppartus�i �y Lo e�apes� �r vi e�r� cor���r�— i�� �H� s��oa�i�� oi a Lo�� tnre� i� 1 Bloc� ��� (1� �Qri�d� ������s �� f��zr �4 ) ��433�!•arn J����� �a ���o �'�;�� �n� P��^. P{,�ore a�� ����:��tira� the ��v� 3'@�Q�`i�P� for �G�a�ix ?�►:�ii�� I�r� r�a�:��t���z a:5** $n�:�r��¢s b� �rotc�c��, aa $nn�m� ox•�inancea �.m�ly, b� ro� �lia�r�.c�� arr� resoa��r� fn thf� area. l�t t�� r:��tir�s� of A�:�c� 2�� �g�2$ �'�. �;���e r�i�e�cl $ a����ion as ta th� �:ancit�w�er� n�r�h��3n� �Y:�ir �rC�en� cs�e����°iv �� ��a tcw�.r h�� els°c�:��s� ��en ��,Z�lt. I.� �p �:;��� �s I n���;o���.l� c�n�uc�� �, �ur��� ai' tba a.r�a� p�i�: ta ^.�csc�ec?inry �,•iti� �P:� rt���h=�s� tsx' rrv p��ar.art�r, 1 i`eal a t���� fn �.�is rxrea ��o�tld ces��i�1� ha.vs he��n e ca�si:er�tiosn. I�°. A�.QO�e� �lc� ��4� �caar�t of th� E���ha��c c�.1Qae af o�sr �arc�er�y na� ��in� rr�r� �d �� t�@ tew�r. Fier� �:a �;��� s�o� oae, but s�veraT noin�t� to �enn�idert � 1. 4dould not th� ��€�theti e eralt�a of the �tzrrv�!r�1i �� �ropertv �dd more�ta �i� 1�� f�fl� to�r�r ��!d n�������. ��9n tr�n }hQ to�rer �rot�l.cl �dd to the �urror.��in� pr�ar�rty. � � � � � � � � 2. Th� �tater tat�c hs.s tye�n th� �n�iQCt o� much dlscu��ion. It wa� �s°ou�*hfi, c��t th�t �re alr��dv r�ne the t�n3r sa �hv not the to�a�r. Thi� f� 23�� �����r, �I h�:�e one rrnken �'ingera Wt�g+ �c�i i�.�ve tzra — �nd �og�ibly r�r�.' I a�r�se wi�h [��°. R'�.aor�; t�e wAi�r ta�k j� not th� cs��t desfrs'�le �e��itjoc� to 4;ho l�n���3��. �c��;e�e�r, �r�.t.h the tank� I h�vo r���o� io f�c�l tr�E3 an���rance wlll bo ke�t i� such a atant�er �o �.e to �ake 3t as c3es�s�biA �s F��sibls wiih euch a struc�s;a��, It ia publiely a�ned. Ao�e owr�r� ars c��stantl�* encoeiatering the rrablem oi df,��,r.ui�9nn or blendjn� into t.r.e3r lar•d�caoin� sueh ��c�����* items ae �tr�et e����, sto� �i�rss f�re nl�a��, ��s e�tere, etc. Thege ito� are use.�lly concesled or die�racted froTM b�v the us� or s:^.rubs, i�ed�es, or oih�r attrPctians. �t 4s hard fcar me to via�ur�Iixe row P�. ?�oorQ intr�rx3a to d�a�ufse or d�trs�ct atte�ntion fro�c an un�ightlg tow�r tryy the usa tif �hru�a end hedgee. Cert�z�r�l.y� e hed�e c�p�b1Q of p^rfort:►i�g the ftu�ctiott < .. �� iaents us ta btilicvs� it w��-'?d, �rr,ul.d be quite� a. f;�a.r�s� attr���lon. �. i��►cre'e cla�r� �� �'F;�c� ����.r� t',�,n na� �e .f�r hi� ��� ��dia �z�am�c�.st� � �u-'t f �.� Li� i� �'c+o� !�� €. ?�. _�?�: �?s. 3. A3.tht���b I r��slf am a��t dsr���lv assoc9n+e3 wi�t�; %�i r°.�fo bro�d���tin�, S�'EO3 I k��::�r� t�uf�'f�4�n� ����?r.�°z°�t...�c� S.n �;h� el�e�.z^��ic� in3y,;��s� �c� ��,!�s �x�°��t��e� ±o tl:� �s��:��,z�rc� I�`,r. t����c� n�°��€�� �� a� �o ��u�.��'? �s—ir�� rt��33 o a��3 ��1.c�.rf � 9.on re�en�ic�n ��4�h �s� ��;��r ir� ���atic�� 'I�:�r� a�� �^�u�h 3n�tsnce� css� r�c�r�i �i�k� r'������1 Cr�;=�����et�.�3a� �ar.�^ �e�5csrs to w�arr°�r�t cl��:�i#'�it�p �h� �.res a�o�e ±o a tx����c����irz� �c�pr a nuls�r.�� �z��:p.. In �;� s��ir�e�z?, th� ��:�� ,��n #�,n n��ve�at ��:3� ��°��: �'r�� ���;,min� Pa u��i�htl� n�� �a�;�,� wc�n�,ci !�c� ����.:1 i��:�� R.'3 �cn' �� a!'�! i�t� :`�. a'`�,�r� �uilci ii�s to��rex fn P mc�re �u���b2c� ���. • Tt:e �r��A l��.�: ���n, fnc� �.s �::a�n� ��;��l.o�en� A� :�n €�t�:r�c*.,�ves r�si�enL���. r�re�. F't���e c��v�]on�v�nv �l.ea�� ��:e�� ���e 1���� c:�n �n��; rFsu3.� ir�r� tt,a P�.�,►:ni�� G���•i��ic�t� u�in� it€� �c�c;� ��;t3� �:�� �a�� derr;p�a�g a�n� �°c���t�iA� in ti:i� a.�°�. � , ����tc�fullv, R�� ert :� . OuI i ek3,Y 0 � Date �Received CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET Mav 6. 1974 Petition No. ' �-1974_ Object Oppose�. to the reQuest by Midwest Relay Co. and General Television Inc. to construct, operate, and maintain a free-standing tower for cable television purposes atthe 1.5 million gallon reservoir located W of Matt�rhorn ilr. on 53rd Avenue Petition.Checked By Date Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition � . -�,..,,� _ � � . •-.....:� . Ee it resolved that we, the undersigned, are opposed to the request by MidWest Relaq Company�and General Television Inc. to construct, operate, and maintain a fr��-standing tower for cable television purposes at the 1.5 million gallon reservoir loca�ed West of Matterhorn Drive on 53rd. � Avenue. The reasons are as folloWS: 1. �We are opposed to the use af public land for private enterprise. 2. We are opposed to the appearance of such a toWer fn a residential area. 3. We are opposed because of Rossible interference to onr present television reception. � � 4. We are opposed to the increase in local traffic cansed by.the construction, operation, and maintenance of this tower. , 5. We are opposed to the potential danger it would present to our children. 6. We are opposed to the possibility of additional equipment being inatalled on or near the proposed tow�r, and question what restrictions will be placed on further expan�ion. 7. �Fe are opposed to the subject action due to probable creation of sudible noises dae to wind and vibration of the tover. 8. fie qneation the fairness of limited resident notification of this hearfng and fnrther question if noraial zoning procednre� are being circamvented by placing this tower on pnblic psoperty. . 9. We ask for an eaplanation of why our residential area Was sel@cted as a location and not a more appropriate coa�ercial area. 10. In conclnsion ve would ask what alternativea the Conncil has considered before arriving at this prese�at position. n ' I 'NAP� ADDRESS _ �_ __ _ � �, Z �-� -yJ - _ �' � �' = ti�� _ - -- _ --- ---- ---- �'`- - - � —t� � � /�- -- --- --- � ` ,�/ . � .. � e? �ji-�.��---� ��,� ;�_ [.� _ _ __ . _ ---- � � ��_ - - _ __ _ __ _ _ � �---- _ , -- _ _. _ --r_ _ _.�_ _ . _ _-- _ _ ___ - �� , n . �- -� . !:.?-���-� �;,�,'-'�'�-% -�� n _ __ � . ° _ � — , , : ��.�� � �z�, . � __ — , i'2���-�°ZP;,� � - �=-lii�' � �-�--�? �%� �-., � � �--�� _ . ._ � . _ __ S _._Z_� _/ _o�� , �_--- �--�� __�. _ _ _ _ , �. �� -,J y�r �--- - _ --- %?�____ __ __ _�Z ��__. ������ _ <f7�_ _ _�_� L:..----_ � �..5�"D ._ _ �'��.. � . �'.e�� _ ��-y� _ � _ _ _ ___. � _�_____ _- _ _ I_ ��;. --- ,�!. �._ _ _ . �-�..�---� .__ _�z- � _ _ ---� -_ �' � �. / �.�r_ �_ � ,S 3-Lt d � ; k � a� �,. / T., h�/[�_ _�.___ - -- � .s-+--e _ �,_ . �;/�' �%�'2� ----- ----------_ _ ---- -_ __ _ _ _, __- --. n , � _- -__ _ .�: �o _ �-�-���.��A�/r _ ___ ��l V 1 1,.� � � 1��.--`�� _ _ ----- --- ----- ,�� ) lJ oC i vt-_ C 2� % � _ _ ��3'� " - �". � � - -- _ � " � , � � � -.� ---y. !. 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P - �.�z �,�' . ,y. -��� �J _ _ �� � �� �ti�� - ��•--Y�-�_ � . ------ -� -------- -- - � ��- _ `� ����� _ _ ��.� 1 _� � ( � � , �_ � _ _-- -- - - -_ ___ �� _ /� � _ . �� ��� � �- � � . C� -�-c�c�- - -� _� � _ /_ _ � ' � �. �. ����, __ __ __-- ---- - _ fy � . � : _ ,� , , � - �-�--�. ---- ---5- a-� -1---- G.�� _ -: __! t --�, ---------- - - --_ __ _ � � �� /.3� �_ -_�^ � � �� - � � � { . � _ __ - -_ _ _ �_ _- _ _— _. _ . � � � _ �'' /% ��' - `J�"�' �-`l �i`�>--- _- --- -- � � 1' �. _ -- ���L���^�lCp�- i� . - - ---. ------ - r - _L - . _--1-_____ _ _ _ ___ 1 __ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ ______ _ _ __ __ _ 1 __ _-�-_ ____ __ _ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ �___I_- __�___ ___- _ _� _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __. _ _ _ _ 1 � 10 MEMO T0: City Manager MEMQ FROM: Darrel Clark MEMO DATE: May 16, 1974 RE: Alice Wall Plat Park Fee Attached please find cover letter to the Wall Corporation on the park fee for their plat. The $20,436 is based on 10% of _ the entire plat. They verbally have stated some reluctance to pay that amount. We used 35G per square foot. They question the rate mentioned, they say they paid closer to 30� per square foot, however, that may include the street right of way. If some sort of compromise is to be sought, I would recommend the following; 1. We should not accept the recreation area they have planned for the apartment complex unless they are willing to decrease the number of units� because this area was used � to compute their unit density. 2. Deduct the apartment lot from the total plat acreage because they are providing recreation areas for that part of the plat, however, if we do this, I feel they should provide the tennis courts on this land that we have been always seeking. With this deduction, the park fee computed on 23 residential lots at 10,000 per lot would be $8,050.00. � � / =� , .� � DARREL G. CLARK Community Development Adm. DGC/mh � , � , and harmonlous development of Fridiey which �,r;iil, in accor�iar�c� v:lth uxtstinc� and futurt� needs, best promote ttio public hoalth, safety, ordar, convanience and thc� genaral �vetfara and efficioncy and econorny in tha proce,s of devQfopmant. ' 21t.031. Variance,s in any case where the Planning Commission shrzli find that any of iha d�si�n standards estabiished herein are 'not applicable to a proposed subdfvfslon of land and to the hardship or cause practical dlfficulty not intended by those requlrements, it may p�rmit variances fherefrom as provlded hereln. LJ �he following design standards are h2reby establi;hed for land subdivlsions: �11.062. Layout General layout, street pattern, street widths, proGosed privata and public areas, 'racilities and uses, shall �conform to these regulations and other applica6le law, and to the land use plan, and major thoroughfare plan, °he officia! map, the zoninc� code arid �othor pians and rec�ulations. � ' , ' � iJ 211.063. PubUc Arsas Required areas pfann2d for pub((c land uses, incfudinc� schools, parks, playgrounds and other public purposes shall be offered for tledicatlon or shall be reserved for futuro public acquisltlon. Should such pia�ned pub!!c aroas�be more than 10 percent of the gross area ol th� land to be subdivid�d, 10 per cent of the area subdivided shatf be offered for dedication and the remainder reservad for a periad of two years durinc� which time the City or �ther pub►ic body may buy such land. Should planned public araas bo less than 1 d per cent ol the gross area En the proposed subdivision, a cash payment equ�valent to tha ditterence in I�nd value shall be paid into th� Par'� �und. 211.054. Streat Pattsrn Street patterns should follow,ubsiantially the pattorn� shown on tho land uss plan or shall be at least the equa! of the pfanned patt3rns in these respects; 7hey shali adtquately sorve piatted lots when develaped; they shall Intersect existing or planned frunk hiphways and ma)or thorofares at intrequsni (ntarvafs onty: they shall not obstruct the roasonable and desfrable development of adjoining, unsubdividod lands in conformity with any applicable plans anp with these des�gn stanciards, they st�ail be sucn as to tliscourafle thraugh traffic frorn us�ng minor streefs In !he subdivislon; and ihey shall be suited to the topography of the tand, but with their orlentation Influenced by walking ciirectfon and distanca to and from oxlsting and plannod parks, playgrounds and schools. �211.0&5. Access ` 7he street pattern shall relate to rai�roads, trunk highways and all limited-access major thorofares. so that access points and crossing are sati3factorily limited. Required deslgn shali be the provis(on of Iccal service ,streets along the right-of-way, ot �ny such lACNity or iho rearing of lots upon the right-of-way, with intersections Ilmfted as necessary. 21�,OS6. Public Stre�ts , All propo�eci streeis shall bo oftered for dedlcAtion as publlc streats, wtth no prlvate streets shown. 211.057. Rtqht Angie intorsect(on � Streets shall intersect or Intercept each othor At r(ght angles with varlations oi not more nthan 20 degrees permitted when considered necessary. , �o a 2,,.ose ; � , � { VAriancss t,ayout PubliG Areas �treet Patterr Access �ublic Streats Righf Angle Int�rsectlon � � 211.,068. Grades Grades Street grades of 8 percent shall bo con�fdorod a dosirablo maximum to bo exceedod only when required by 'topography or othor controlling and physlr,al condiilon. Grades ot A!I sireQis, aileys, waiks, curbs and gutters � shall be as approved by the Gty Enginoer. � , 217 -�: `\-�J�7 l�'--J �� c�—� .o �� � �J I.=JU � � L _ _U �_---:� l___/ U l�J �� � co.� � C_� `--J � �� W � � ■ � � � �' � � G� C�----' LLr-�_r �� � �� �� � ' [�'-� � �� ��:; � � �r� �� �a c� �� � May 9, 1974 I�J B �; c'� � � � The Wa1.1 Corporation . � . �� 8200 Normandale Plvd. � � � Bloomington, rIn 55437 . _ .. �� �� Re: Mutual Agreemerzt . -� �.t., `�ti--`° Gentlemen : ` . . ,.� . � � Please find enclosed an agreement farm that must be . � executed pxiar to the City signing the final. plat. To � meet stipulation Number 2, yo�a must show on the plat the . �:� drainage pond easement ar�d show 25 �oot radii on all inter- � �.�,.. sections. � To meet stipulatian Number 10, you must make a.cash � deposit of �20,�36 for park fee which is based on 10 per �,� cent of 13.40 acres valued at $l5,?_46 per acre. � . � You must si.gii the enclosed petition for water and � sewer services and sidecaalk on the R-�. lats. � You will also find enclosed an easement torm fo� f ive . �� foot sidE:walk easements along the perimeter af your entire � � plat. . . �;�' -�,,� Upan the City receiving the abov� material, it will sign � your f inal p1at. . �-- �'" I� you have any questions please feel f�ree .to. call us t-� at 560-3450. � t,�.� . � . � . .,� ,� �:� � . .' ' � erel�, c � l� 1 l/ � ,: .��� � � �.�--- . ��.� �� .� �,��.�. �--==,j- �" : i.v:_ �"' JLB/de � �.�! �'� Enc . . L:C � �.. � � � r J�F�20LD L:'BOARDl1AN Planning Assistant RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT �OR STREE7 IMPROVEMENT ST, 1974-10 (SEALCOATING) (Information will 6e available Monday eveni�g) �.1. . � ' Bid Ope�ii�ig: y 10, 1974 :30 A.!�4, PL�INI�OLDER r'�llied Blacktop Company 3601-48th Avenue North nneapolis, hlinn. 55429 8-0738 Set #b �tuminous Roadways S25 Cedar Aveiiue �nneapolis, �-Sinn, 55407 6-7�23 Set #7 � rthern Asphalt� Company 064 N.E. Raddison Road Blaine, I�1inn. 55�34 �4--1505 Se� #8 �L. Sheely Company Ol Nor�h Snelling Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55108 �ten: Mr. John Palda 6-8601 Set #9 �eets Held, A Corporation 08 Braebum Cir. cle Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 �ten: A1r. He].d 9-0748 Set #10 � � � / � �..-� // / 1 � �/ G % �� STRF�;T IMPROVEhIENT PROJEC� ST. 1974-10 (SEAL CO�TING) BID DEPOSIT I�G/'� G� ..�-� S V,�'/�ivG �_ .�ivo� � iv i •rY �:,rr����A ��b r2�� �� � ��� �,� / v p ���' �O � �-� '�� Tv�� ��-�a�s C'o,�,sr,�v� na,� �' 6t'� i z� STr3 i"r � � � � � �r'�,2� Sa� �a���' � �`I ii�. L j ry ��iUr_� ��/, S, �lirv��, C'``-t,��t�'r��rf" C�'a,�` i°/ �5�i����9 i� i �� �' �� BASE BID ��l ��, � O /`, flJ � 7 � � ? �� v - - �- /,f��"��/�/ iQ� � 9�_-?y-- ..,._ _ .__ _- �___! � �< i /� V oG %r `� CS _____� �_ /�,� �—_� � :�'�1, �:5� �7 : REr4ARKS '`j`.0 T�,�,�v� 7'-� RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORh1 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �115 (Information wiTl be available on Monday evening) 0 � � 1 1 � 1 1 1 connsrocK & �AV�s, iNC. 144$ COUNTY ROAD "J•' MINNEAPOtIS, MINNESOTA 55432 TEL.: 184-8346 CONSULTIfdG EINGIi�l�ERS May 20, 1974 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o rir. Nasim Qureshi, C3ty Ma.nager 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Minneapolis, riinnesota 55432 Re�: Sartitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project No. 215 ' Gentlemen: t ' 1 1 We have reviewed the tabulation of bids received on May 20, 1974 at I1:30 A.M. for the above referenced project. The lowest bid was submitted by B& B Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $34,896.50, the second lowest bid was submitted by Kamar, Inc. in the amount of $54,705.00, and the third lowest bid was submitted by Walbon Excavating Cmnpany in the amount of $63,070.Q0. An error existed in th� extension of the unit bid for 8" sanitary secaer on the bid proposal of B& B�xcavating, Inc. The corrected tota2 af the extended unit prices for B� B Excavating, Inc. is $35,644.OJ. We recom:nend the cantract be awarded to B&�3 Excavating,Inc., the lowest bid, in the amount of $35,644.Q0. ' 1 ' EVC/mjg ' ' ' ' Respectfuliy submitted, COMSTOCK & DAVIS, INC. � By ;r"'� �„a '•�' E. V. Comstock, P. E. ' . ' - G/ � � �' � G: St�l�°.i�,�i' Si:��R ��7 i�TA;'i.�t �,��3?v��r�z�2;`� �'.-_{ :..� �i!`l�l` �'R��i,i:"i'� i��'ia.•3,�v"�3i� B�D Os.�F��r�G - ri��' 20, I974 - Rlzat� �a�io 1'Lt°�i+TilOI.DcR F�.���d �'�x��b3.n� � �l�a�in; ccso i2810 2��Cn�a���nk� B1a�d. n�; onkt� � T�x�.a�rx o 55�43 - ��_,... C�7t�3.b�r. L;�:y��w �.ii�� C� , z �x � �;�7�r�� ��;:� . s _ne�g��'� _��, itti�rer�����r� �5�:�.� � .��, �n �. � � ����:�`���ir��. �.��� g Yd o �:. A nx��;zt���,Yis, t-3��-a�e�es�E� �.fi�3� ' o �`?k'.`�,�'�3bd:iiC1 y �P`g". o �� ��� ��3°�.fl' 1i�.51t1-t�.'u€�a.�°� rJ���� D �Y �7' �':K��@��L'�£i"� �8�°A 3�'�:�..'�3 �� X Ct°� a I{.s'3:pid ,,li�x, t�in�ze�€��a 55316 ?��e�en'vu��� ���i���t��t•��� �I� A����au� ���Pie�r, i��nno 55�:� 2 �ti��sle �•d€�wa� & ���r�� � 2�� �i;�n�nd�3.e, ri�nne 55302 � ' ' � ' � B�� �������� [ �����. ��� i r���t��s � ' `'�d ��� G���2.��� �` � e / ���_ L � � �< __.. ___._ � . � /1 �%I11 � ,� � �l%C1 v � � � //A j� -�r ��/ % �tf � v �' ��-r� �l�(/�llr , � ' � � , � � � , � � MEMO T0: Fl20M : SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA May 15, 1974 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CI7Y COUNCIL CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY/SCHOOL PROGRAM � Over the last year the City staff has bhesemmeetings1havehbeenhveryDpositive#14 staff on a quarter�y basis. The result o� efforts toward communication and cooponaha�e ranged fromrcooperatmveyusemofnbase- facilities. These areas of cooperat round equipment ball diamonds, school fas�continuedneffort ofecooperataon hasfypelded many benefits on schaol property. Th to citizens of our community, andonuo�m�he pr�posaleby1the�Cityythat theeCity further doors with the introduct and School look into a community/school program. In order to give the Council some bac�u9r0ase�betweenutheyCity andPSchool is nothing more than a formal agreement, in District #14. The purpose of this agreement is to prov�ou shwithineathencommunity cational, and social services for citizens of all age g p on a cooperative basis, with the biggestth�rounhaState and Federalfagencie��aanding a possibie access to additional funding 9 also a program which will be able to meetrohosede�thatf the1City and7theSSchoolr community. kt the meeting of May 14, I p P �istrict sit down and look into the possibilities of a communiiy/school program for the following reasons: 1. A community/school program, if pr�perly administered, will enhance the good cooperation which is now obviously present between the schools and the City. A community/school program would help insure that this cooperatian will be the adopted policy of both governments and solidified by agreement to help insure this cooperation in the future. Since the City and the School District are both limited in the amount of monies they can raise in providing services to the community, the possibiiity of additional funding through State, Federal, and other sources would be a definite advantage to both units of government in providin� bett�r service to the citizens. 2. ' � 3. , � � � This proposal was favorably receifudthertexplopationtin�this�areaebecmade District, with the comments made that on a committee basis with representatives from the City and the School Qistrict designated by their a�propriate governing bodies. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL -2- MAY 15, 1974 Therefore, the course of action I recommend is as follows: 1. The City of Fridley concur with my recommendation that the City look into the possibility of se�ting up a community/school program between the City of Fridley and School District #14 to benefit all the people of the community. 2. A committee be formed to look into this program,and the representatives from the City of Fridley would be Mr. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation; Mr. Peter Herlofsky, Admini- � strative Assistant to the City Manager; Mr. Dan Huff, Naiuralist- Resource Coordinator. 3. I be authorized to forward these recommendations to the Schoo] District #14 Baard and its administrators. (VMQ/ms CC: �r. John Nanson Mr. Paul Brown Mr. Dan Huff Mr. Peter Herlofsky 0 �N � ' P�IEMO TO: Nasi.m Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant rMEMO DATE : Nlay � 1, 197 4 � � ' RE: Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Pl,an The Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan was foz-mulated to assist future decisions about providing recreation ior the people of Fridley. In the Goals section, the Plan autlines the role that recreation plays. Tn the Objectives section, it sum- max�izes how the Plan assists in i.mpleznentzng the Goals af recre-� ation. • � 14 The P1an inclu3�s specitic st�.ndards ar guic�el�r�es obtained �, from national and state recreation authoxities ta evaluate present and guide future recreation ne.eds. � � � � � � � � � In order to glan recreation servi.ce�, the existing conditions affecting recreation us� are inventor�.ed; a prajec�ion of f.uture conditions is made, and th� result� are analyzed and planning implications are made. The Plan is concerned w�_th the amount and location of parks, th� access to xecxeat�.on ar_eas and the provision of facilities in these areas. The population characteristics, natural cha.racteristics, traffic circulation and the recrea-�ional facilities and p:�ograms are all studi�d and analyzed to aid decision making. . Suggestions were made rega�-c'ing acqui,si�ion, accessability and development of recreation areas. A recommendation was made that to most effectively plan tY:e development of each site, a�tudy of usage and effec�iveness of each site, c�ith the recreation desires of a cross section o� all po-�entzal park users shouJ,d be obtained. Then, aoupled with the in�ormatian alrEady included iri t.he Plan, the development recammen�ations can be made. Tn the ina.tial�stages of the Plan, it was felt that this study could b� do�Ze at a later date when funds and manpower were available and could be added as an addendum to this Plan. Outline of Plan FormuZation Schedule (or History) Throuyhout the summer of 1973 the first draft of.the Plan was �aorked an. Three me�tings ��ere held with staff and Parks & Recr�ation Cammissi.on memb�rs to discuss progress on �he Plan. One public �orum was held.to solicit public suggestions but was poorly attended. On S�ptemb�r24, 1973 the Plan draf t was submitted to the Pax}:s & Recreation Commission. The Commissioners felt the Flan described the voids in the present park and recreation system and told cahat the I1�2C�S were in the various areas of the City and sugg�sted that the bik��route and ��alkway progosal be placed secondary to other recreation. The Plan was acc�pted and referred �.o the Planning Commission for review and comment. - t� , ' riemo ta Nasim Qureshi from Jerrold Boarciman � Re: Parks & R�creation Comprehensive P],an rTay 1, 19 74 Page 2 14A ' � The Planning Commission reviewed the P1an on October 3, 1973. ThE Commission me.mbers felt that the Plan adequately discussed park areas but needed more information on recreation pragrams and faci.iities and I suggested that the implications of a bike route walkway system through- out �the City. be reconsidered. �� r � � �� � November 29, 1973 �he Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the Plan and di.scussed changes. To be included wauZd be maps of the recreations at par}cs and school grounds shoEaing existing facilities, an inventory of the programs offered in the last ten yeazs, expaz�ded discussion of each nei.ghborhood describing the population, cnaracter- istics and existing recreation service, and projeeted changes zn the neighborhood.charact�ristics. From this infarmation it was determined where there was a shortage of reczeation areas and what the capabilitie for development �are and what the implicat�.ons of the future charact-- istics are for planning recreation opportunities. On April 22, 1974, the fi.nal dxaf� was presented to the Parks & Recreation Co<-nmiss�.on and wasapproved with the following suggestioris: l. The C�mmi.ssion rECOnmends an add?ndum ioyl.aw the plan to include recommendations for development of facilities in the par}cs and suggested priority of expenditures,� as the pertinent informatian becomes available. To Pr.ovide this information, the parks & Recr�ati.on Commission � recommends a survey of park and recreat�.an usage. This survey cauld determine how often parks are used, �,�rhat they are used far, and who, uses them. Also imporrant to deterr�line future recreation s�rvice, �he � survey wiZl soZicit suggestions from Fridley residen�s as to what recreational service they would like to have that i.s not now off:�red, 1 � 2.� The Comznission recomr.�ends that the itemization of suggested expenditure far the Five-Year Capital Impravement Plan be ��..eliminated, retaining the major headings; Acquisition, - Development, Zandscaping and Lig�ting and suggested expendi- tures. This itemized planrzed expenditure infarmation wi1J_ fallow pending the survey referred to in Point 1, abov�. � � , � � � JLB/de � . � � MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager ltichard N. Sobiech, Assistant Engineer May 2, 1974 Preliminary Report Regarding the Second Stage Sidewalk Program Concept Attached for your consideration is the concept plan for the Second Stage Sidewalk Program for the City of Fridley. This program concept is a preliminary report indicating a proposed direction to proceed with the City of Fridley's sidewalk program. The location of the routes noted oti the ma.p ar.e not final locations, but proposed routes established for discussion purposes. The Engineering Department has worked with the Parks Department through their Comprehensive Parks Plan and the City School Districts in developing the S.idewalk Program Concept. After a review of the map and proposed locations for the bikeways and walkways, it will become apparent that this pre- liminary report is a liberal view of the next phase of the sidewalk program. Final routes will be selected on the basis of the desires of the public, available funding, feasibility of construction and acceptibility of future maintenance. - , The 5idewalk Program Concept basically consists of bike- ways and pedestrian walkways incorporated into the Comprehen- sive Parks P1an; sidewalk routes selected by the School Dis- tricts to provide protected areas for transfer of students , from home to school; and sidewalk routes recommended by the Engineering Department to provide protected areas for transfer of residents from residential areas to commercial areas, � residential areas to parle areas, and commercial areas to com- mercial areas. � � � � � � � The bikeways and pedestrian walkways of the Parks Depart- ment are anticipated to consist of paved.trailways for both bike and pedestrians, to link City residents to all recre- ational facilities within the City. The School Dis�rict and Engin�ering Department proposals are anticipated to provide sidewalks mainly for pedestrian use. By cooperating with the Parks Department and the School Districts, it is felt that we now have�an ultimate sidewalk proposal which will provide protected areas linking various , parts of the City to all Fridley residents. �� , Memo to City Alanager ]j A Re: Sidewalk Program May 2, 1974 Page 2 � It is recommended that the Sidewalk Program Concept be I reviewed by the City Council so that direction can be given to the City Administration for a future course of action in the implementation of a sidewalk program of this nature. � � RNS/jm 1 Attachment . � . � � � � � � � � J 1 . � . 1 � . j � l � � . 1 � 1 , _ . . ,, . . � . � � I r� i � , j A��t � � AL�: F � � � j � , i �.�------- -� .� � _� �y =_ — - _ S�T� Of FRIDLEY ' �f�' ' '�•;' ��i��`_ a�u�au� u��r.o.. � I R� � �� 6 ��' � _. .» r � R�... �, A � �." _-- �� "" �—. L :. ; -1 E—� 1C T� ' �' JI I ...,.e�..�. _ \ ! t a 1 �j I��i = ,,,., � 3 � �. _ �� �� -p- �`r �kqL .. ' '�.��' = i = �I rf � " ' • \\ ,� �_�i _`: t ' ��f� �` = — � ° ' v e � �� ;, �' �L L�L;� �_ : �,G-- \ /-- � r � ' " S �.Kd: . � , . \ •. `1 . .,,,i= ! I- �:���e�"��''"�ti� I `s �* � , �_ � �_°- �R, � ''' ii _ f �` � � � �7�6\ �. � s � �.. �r ___ 1� 2 �;�� ' .i ���w = � "^ s I � ' . :L c:i a�� fi �� - _ ��. � �. 1 � ': �.w"s.; � , � � �s.s � � ! t � � i -''' E E �1 �. 1 i ' , i•` � � �. _ � �, � � � - N _ _ � ., � t.:, � :� "� "a_r i � ; '-'� .� 1 � _� "a -J � i �a: _ / I 1�J f � �'_ �,_--� ' _ ��� .� �-_ �, w�' _� E � _ � � `�%, , = _ _�� 1� � �, ° � �-- � ��_�. � ��,6 � — -_-- ----�L �� = I .,Q ��_ � �F - r' �J,Y ..�._... _ . ��:,V � . I s�+►�e ,�+!+� _ ;' `"",V ` � , ' sq,,0 1#i _ '-1 �- i;�.... 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T�y � ' I � ` � � f �.�� �` / £ �?,����„�'3es'Na'. �'� � - 9 ' - ! M I �i I. � , �_. � , .-� i�% �'���6`�8�°� ��t � , ,�� �` ,�' � � � �,�.8�� �a������" ���.�� ��� � _a �" _,�€ � r - � � � ''�.��;.r.�� �,�...� � l � - < . -- - I � � R _�� � - ,�� � ..� __� i � tI 1 i r � �. ! _/� -;��� --- � , `� �- s � (�` _ �° R B - _, t - . - _ _ �, T-�� �.m � 1 �.��; ,��� � ' �` -=a i '�i� � -��T71� �` � � — � _ _ � . I x � r ` ,. _ � //' � t�\ ,__ — _ I- : w � ��, i i � � r \ � -i � ' � ., 1 � - �� I �: � � IF�`— — � ` dC-- , �—�; . / JI f -�_� f �", � , �1��� � ��'��'c � " �� ��� /i�,: � � I ��j..�l ,�I II � i L•µE �L. � =.�L L_,r ' T.S- I� �. � � ..._� ,��_ �'�— . . ._........'.�—^—� . � ' � ;,1 � � ; �� � � - . ; E ;,�, - • ► ' . � � �r ; \�� --- ; :+ �, -., , _- � � � . ,o , .. .. ' ��'`� -----! ;� ``�' �� . --- ��� Existing Side�valks '� `" . L � � ��`�� � � ` �- — � � �' 1 ,� ' - �� �, �� � � — �� � _ Proposecl Bike�aays ancl IValk�a�ys � �� � 0 �'� �, �_.-�� ��� -" ew� rs Proposed Sidewallcs by �ngineerino Dept. � �'� (not included Uy the 1Valk�aay Program) � � 1 f _,�, K `� Q � 1::�i � -�. � i �, �� ; �L� Sic3cwalks Requested by School Dis�ricts 4 , x� � : � �. _ i �w��.:.�:.� . ` �.�j= ��_. -� . � � � �. . ��.���, -.� � � . . , ,_ • I wu � I ..._:,_ r � I CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AiVD CITY COU�ICIL FROM: MARVIN C, BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: CONTRACT FOR TF� PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS EMPLOYEES FOR TF-iE YEARS 19 7 4 AND 19 7 5 DATE: MAY 15, 1974 b , The attached resolution authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to sign the contract with Local No. 49 for the years 1974 and 1975. The base wage rate was negotiated on an area wide basis as was the hospitaliza�ion benefits and holiday schedule. The con�ract calls �or a wage increase of seven percent for Heavy Equipment Jperators and 7.6 percent for Light Equipment Operatars. The contract also calls for the City to pay $10.00 towards dependent hospital-medical coverage starting with July l, 1974 and an additional $5.00 on January l, 1975. The contract also pxovides for ten holidays per year, starting with the year 1975. The contract provides for the nine holidays in the previous contract, plus an additional holiday to be designated by the City Cotmcil zn 1975. In past y�ars, the Council has always designated at least the equivalent of one extra holiday pex year so this would be no significant change. It is my recommendation that the City Council approve the contract. � ' 16 � � S' RESOLUTION N0.-� 1974 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEM�'NT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS, WAGES AND HOURS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL N0. 49, AFL-CI�J (PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS) WHEREAS, International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 49, AFL-CIO, as bargaining representative for certain Fublic Works and Park employees of the City of Fridley, has presented to the City of Fridley various requests relating to the working conditions, wages and hours of employees of the Public Works and Park Departments of the City of Fridley, and tdHEREAS, The City of Fridley has presented various requestes to the llnion reTating to working conditions, wages and hours of employees of the Public Works and Park Departments of the City of Fridl�y, and � WHEREAS, Repr�sentatives of the Union and the City have met and negotiated regarding the requests of the Union and the City, and 6dHEREAS, Agreement has now been reached between represent- atives of the two parties on the proposed changes in the existing contract between the City and the Union, NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED, By the City Counci] that ttie �Mayor and the City Manager ar� hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement (E;�hibit "A") relating to working conditions, wages and hours of employees of the City of Fridley Public Warks and Park Departments. P^SSED AND ADOPTED BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ��/ �JAY OF � , 1974. Ma`(OR - FRANK G. LIEQL AT?EST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 16 �; � 16 B � � � . . ' � LA.BOR A.GREEI�iENT BETZ'TFEN � AND INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERA.TIi�]G ENGINF.ERS � � . LOC�L NO. 49, .t�FL-CIO • . , ' ` • r1R1ICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT •. , �This' agxeement is entered into between � � : hexeinafter called EI�iPLO�'ER, and �,ocal No. 49, InternaiionaJ. Union of ' ' ,�perating Engineers, hereinafter called the UNION. The intent and purpose � o� �his �GFE�MEI�TT is to: . . 1,1 Esiablish certain hours, �,vages and other conditions of employment; �' I i�E� � � . 2 stablish procedures for the resolution of d�.sputes concerninb this �: AGREEMENT'S.in�erpretaiion and/ar application; . 1. 3 Specify the {ull and coxnplete understanding of the par�ies; ar.d . 1. 4 Place ir_ �vrit�en form the pariies� agreement upon �erms ar�d conciiiions �, • oi exnployment for ihe duration of the AGREEMENT. � The EI��PLOY.t��, a:�d the UNION, through this AGREEMENT, continue' their �dedication to the highest quality of public service. Both parties rec�;nize �his AG�:EE1�IEitIT as a plecl�e of this dedication. `A�ZTICLE II RECOGI�?TION . The EMPZ;OYER recognizes the U11ION as the exclusive representa�iv� under ��Minnesota Statui:es,� Section 179, 7�, Subd, 3 in an apprapriate bargainin; unit consisting of the following job cl� ssifications: . ,(list of those non-super��isory, non-confideiitial employees) . � � ' Chief "1echanic - Sr. Se�Ner, Sr. l�Jater, Sr. Park, Sr. Street (Heavy Equipment Operator) I ' t�echanic � Operations a Maintenance Specialist (tdater, Sewer, Park, Street & Generalj � Operations & tlaintenance D1an (Light Equipi;�ent) (ldater, Sewer, Park and Street) �, . Sanitation, tdater, Park, Street and Equipment f�faintenance Person . � • � � , ' � AFZTICLE III UNION 5ECURIT Y -2 - l6 C 0 'In recognition of the UNION as the exclusive representative, the EMPLOYER shall: 3. 1 Deduct each payroll period an amount sufficien� to provide the payment � , o£ dues established b the UNION Y �'rom the wages of all employees autlloz•izing in �vriting such deduction, and , 3. 2 Remit such cleducfion t� t}ie appropriate designated officer of the UNION. 3, 3 The UI�TION may designate certain employees from fhe baroaining unit io ' 2ct as stewards and shall inform the EMPLC?YER in �,vri�ing of such choice. 3. 4 The UNION agrees fo indernniiy and hold t�ie EMPLOYER harxnless .agai.nst �' any and all claim.s, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued againsti the city as a result of any action taken ar not f:aken by the cit1� under the provisions of this Ariicle. �`s.R 1ICLE IV EMPLO YER SECUR.IT Y � �. � , 4. 1 The UNION agrees that during �he Iife of ihis 1�,GREEM�NT� 1� ViT1I.�� 110� cause, encourabe, participate in or support any sirike, slow . down � other interruption of ar interference with the normal functions of ihe EMPLO YER . . � _� , ' , ' � 4. 2 Any employee who enbages in a sfrike xnay have his (her} appointiinen� terminafed by the EMPLO YER effective the da�e the violation fir si occurs, � Such termination shall be effective upon �vritten notice served upoia the � . emplo}rez. 4. 3 An employee �vho is absent from any por�ion of his wor�: assignnient without permission, or who absiains vcrholly or i.n part from the full,performance o£ his duiies withoui permission from his (her) EMPLOYER on the date crr dates when a strike occurs is prima facie presumed to have engaged in a s@ril;e on such date or clates, � �. 4�n emp2oyee who kno�vinbly strilces and �vhose ernployrzieni has been terminated for such action nnay, subsequeni to such vialatiion, be appointed or �•Lappointed or employed or re-empl.oyed, but the employee shall bc on probation for two years with respect to such civil service status, tenure • •of employment, or COIlti'�.C� of employment, as he (shc), may have theretofo�: e been entitlec�. ' � ' . . � � � , ' � '. -. �� , , , -3- 4. 5 No emplayee shall be entiL-led to any daily pay, wa�es or per diein � for L-he da.ys on which he (she) engaged in a sirike. ARTICLE V EMPLOYF.�Z AUTHORITY , l6D 5. 1 The EMPLOY�F xetains the full and unresiricted rigt�t to operate and manabe all manpo«,>c:r, facilities, and equipment; io estubl.ish functions and piograms; ta set and amend'budgets; to determine i�he u�ilization of technology; to esi�blish and modify the organizational strucLti?rc; to select, .� direci and c3etermine the number of personnel; to estabiis?� �vork schedules, and to perform any inherent managerial function not specifically Iimited by tihis AGREEME�;T, � � 5. 2 Any term and condi�ion of emrloyment not specifically establ`�.shed or modified by ihis �.GREF.MENT shall remain solely withzn the discreiion of the Ei�Ir''LOYER to modi£y, es�ablish, or elimi.naie. AFTICLE VI EMPLOY�E RIGHT5 - G,RIEVANCE PRUCEDURE � 6, 1 17EFIlVITION OF A GRiEVANCE � . • A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagxeement as i:o. the interpretation ox applica�ion of ihe s�ecific term s and conditions of this ta.CCREEMENT. .. 6. 2 UrII0�1 FEPRE5EN�'_ATIVES . • : C� , � C� , The ER2PLOYER �,vill recognize representatives designated by �he UNION as the gxievance representatives of the bargaining unit having L-he duiies and responsibilities established by fhis ..�`,rticl.e. The UNION shall noti.£y the EMPLOYER in wriiing of the names of such UNIOl� representaiives and of their successors when so designated. ° b. 3 PROCESSNG OF A GRIEVANCE It is recognized and accepted by t�ie UNION and the EMPLOYER i.hat the processing of orievances as hcreinafier provic�ed is limited by the j�b duiies and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEES and shall �herefore be accompl.ished during normal �vorking liours only �zjhen consistent with such EMPLOYEE c3uties anct responsibilities, The aa�rieved EMPLOYEF and the UNION REPRESENTATIVE shall be allowed a reasonaUle am,oL�nt o£ � time �r:thout loss in pay whcn a grievancc is investigai;ed and ��Lesenicc3 to the EI�ZPL4�ER during norrnal �vor}:ina hours providcd ihe EIVIPLOYEE and thc UNION RI�PI�ESENT.ATIV� have notifie- d and received the approval � • � of thc design�ted super��isor w�io has detcrmiried tha,t suclz absence is reasotiaUlc �� and would noi be d�,trimental to the; tvork prograzns of ihe �MPL01'ER, , ' ' � � ' ' ' �, � , ' ' , . , � . � , , 6. •4 PROCEDURE -4- a Grievances, as defined by Seciion 6. 1, shall be resolved in con- foxmance with the following procedure: � ' Step 1. An EIviPLOYEE claiming a violation concerning the � interpretation vr application of this AGREEMEN'z' shall, within �wen�y-one (21j calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, preseni such grievance fo the EMPLOYEE'S � supervisor as designated by the EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYER '� desi�nate.d represeniative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 gxievance tiviihin ten (1Q) calendaz- days after receipt. A gxievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in wriiing settinG forth. the nature of the g�ievance, i:he facts on �vhich it is ba.sed, the provisian or provisions of the AGREEMENT allegedly vio2ated, and the remedy requested anc�. shal]. be appea2ed to ,Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after �he EMPLOYER designated representative's final answer in Step 1� � Any grievance not appealed in writin�, to Step 2 by the UNION wiLhin ten (10) caTendar days shall be considered �vaived, . 5t_ ep 2. If appealed, the `vriiten grievance shall be presenred Uy� the UNION and discussed with the EMPLOYER designa�ed Step 2 repxesen�ative. The EMPLOYER designated representa�ive shall give the UlVION fhe EMPLOYER'S Step 2 answer in wxiiing within ten (IO} calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A gri.evance not resalved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 wi.fih�in ten (10) calendar days following the EMPLOYER designated representaiiv�'s final Step 2 ans�ver. An.y gxievance noi appealed ' in �,vxiting to Siep 3 by the UNION within ten (10) calendar days - shall. be considered �vaived. . � ' ,_ , i ' � Step� 3. If appealed, the �vritten grie��.nce shall be presented by the UIV'ION and ciscussed �vith the EIviPLOYER designated Step 3 representative. Tlic EMPLOI'E R desi�nated representative shall give the UI�IION the �MPLOYER`S answer in tvritin� �vithin fen (IO) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3�rievance. A grievance not re�olved in Si:ep 3 may be appealed to Step 4 ���ithin ten (10) calendar days follo�ving the EMPLQYER desi�;nated representaiive `s : final answcr in Step 3. Ariy gricvance not appcalcd in �vriEin� L-o � Step 4 by thc UNION �vithin tcn (10j calcndar da�ys shall be consic3crcd waived. � 16E � , !i , '. � � ' � .•� � � � � � �il -5- � S��p 4• A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed in Siep 4 shall be submitted to arbitration subj ect to the provisi.ons of .the Public Employment Labor Relations Act'.of 1971. The selection o�' an arbitrator shall be made in accoxdance �viih ihe "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as estab}.ished by the Pub2ic Employineni Relations Board, � 6. 5 ARBITRATOP,'S AUTHORITy " A. The arbi.frafar sha11 have no ribht to amend, modify, nulli£y, " . ignore, ada to, or sub�ract from the ferms and condi�ions - of fhis A�GfiEEtiiENT, The arbi�ra±ar shall consider and decicle only tne specific issue(s) submitted in wriiing by the " EMPLOYER and the UNION, and shall have no au�hority io make a decisioia on any other issue not so submi.tted, � � B. The arbitrator shall be without po«•ex to 'make c�ecisi�n s contrary to, or inconsisteni with, or modifying or varying in any «�ay the app7.icaiion of Iaws, ruZes, ox regu].a.i;ions • having the force and effecE of Iaw. The arbitrator's de- cision shall be submitted in writing �vithi.n thir�y (3(') days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the paxties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree � ta an extension. The decision shall be binding on bo�I�� the EMPLOYER and the UI�TION and sha11 be based solel:y on the arbitra�or's interpretati�n or application of the es;pxess .terms af this AGREEMENT and to the facis of �he grievance� presented, C. The fees.and e�-penses for ihe arbitzaior's services�and ' proceedin�s shall be borne equally by the EIvIPLOYER and the UNION grovided thati cach party shall be respon- sible for compensating its own representatiyes and tivitnesses. If either par�y desires a verbatim record of �he proceec3ings, it m3}r cause suc�i a record to bc made, �rovidin� it� pays for - fhe record. If bo�h parties desire a verbatiraz record of L-he proceedinas i:he cost shall. h�e sl�ared equally. . ' . ' . ' 16F � . -6- � � : � � 16 G r � . . � 6. G �V.lLIVER ' . ' ' If a gxie�Tance is not presented �vithin the time limits set forth , , abo�ve, it sha11 be cansidered "waived, " If a grievance is not .� appealed io the nex� step �vithin the specified time limi.� or any II ' agreed extension thereof, it shall be consi.dexed settled on the basis of the EMPLOZ'ER'S last ans�,ver. If the EMF'LOYER does • . . i' not answer a grievar3ceor an appeal ihereof within the sf e�ified . . � time limits, the. Ui�ION may elect �o treat the grievance as denied at �hai sie� and imm�diaiely appea�. ihe grievance to the next siep. '' Tlie fime liznit in each step may be e�endea by mtztua�. a reement � g a# the EMPLOYER and the U�1ION, � . ", ' 6. ? GHOICE OF R�ME�Y, ' . If, as a result of the �.�it-�en EMPLOYER response in Step 3, _ � � ~ � : the grievance rema�ns unresolved, and if the grievai�ce involves .. .. the suspension, de:�.otiorl, or discharge of an employee who . ' has comple�ed the req�zired probationary period, the grievance . may be appealed ei�iie.r ta Step 4 0£ ARTICLE VI or a procedure � ; -, . such as: Civil Service, Veteran's Preference, or Fair Em- � p�oyment. If appea�ed to an}* procedure othex than Siep 4 0� , �. . ART�CLE VI the grievance is not subject to ihe arbitration . a �• procedure as provided in Step 4 af ARTICLE VI. The aggrieved i � employee shall indicate in writin� �,�,rhich Procedure is io be i utilized -- Step 4 0� .Ell�TICLE VI or another appeal procedure -- 1 and shal.l sign a sta�eznent to the effect that the` chozce of any � � r _ other hearinb recl��.�des �e t^^rieved zm lo ree from maltina � .. P ab P y b . � a subsequent appea�. i�irough Step 4 of ARTICLE VI. � �i.FiTICLE VIT DE'r'INI'�'IOI�S � . � �7. 1 UNIC�N: T:-ie InternaL-ional Union of Operating Engineers, �• ' ' Local No, .49, AFL-CIO, � � � •• ?. 2 EMPLOYER: The individua? municzpa2ity designated by t2iis � AGP�EA-ZEI�IT. .. ?. 3 UNION MEMBER: �l membex of the Intcrnationa]. Unian of I� � � Opr.raiin� �n�ineers, Local No. 49. � . 7. 4 EIviPLOI EE: A, mr_mher of the exclusively recognized bargaining . � , .unit. • � ' 7. 5 1�.1SL F11I' RATE: The etnplovice's hourlv nav rate e�:clusi��e ' of lonhcvity or any othcr sp�cial nllo�vinces, �. •. 7, G SLNIORITY: Lct�gcl� of contiu��ous servicc «�ith tha �i�iPL01'ER, ' � � -�- . . � � 16 H ' 7.7 COMPENS�ITORY TIME: Time off the employee's regularly � schedule work �chedule equal in time to overtime worked. ' 7.8 SEVERANCE PAY: Payment made to an employee upon honorable_ ' termination of employment. 7.9 OVERTIME: Work performed at the express authorization of . . II ' ihe EMPLOYER in excess of either eight (8j hours urithin a ' twenty-four (24) hour period (except for shift changes) or '. more�than forty (40) hours within a seven (7} day period. � , ' 7.10 CALL BACK: Return of an empToyee to a specified work site . to perform assigned dut�es at the express authorization of ' the EMPLOYER at a time other than an assigned shift. An ' extension o-F or early report to an assigned shift is not a ca]1 back. ' 7.11 STRIKE.: Concerted a_ction in failing to report for duty, the wiilful absence from one's position, the stoppage of work, ' � slowdown, or abstinence in whole or in part from the full, , faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment ' for the purposes of inducing, influencing or coercing a Schange in the conditions or compensation or the rights, � privileges or.obiigations of.emp7oymen�. � , 7.72 S7ANDBY PAY: Compensation for standing by at the City's request, ' � or being available for work on days that are normally considered the employee's day off. � �I ' • • � , . .. �_I i ' �� : �� 'ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSF . Thi s AGREE�1Ef�T i s subj ect to the 1 aws of the Uni ted States, the 'State of t�linnesota, and the signed municipality. In the event any provision of th-is AGREEPIENT shall be held to be contrary to law by a 'court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no 'appeal has been taken ��ithin the time provided, such prov�s9on shall � be voided. All other provisions of �tnis AGREEMENT shall continue in I'� �full force and effect. The voided provision may be renegotiated a� ' the request of either party. ' 'ARTICLE �IX WORK SCHEDiJLES ' 9.1 The sole authority in work schedules is the EMPLOYER. The ' � . normai work day for an employee sha71 be eight (8) hours. The normal work week shall be forty (40) hours Monday through � Friday. 9.2 Service to the public may require the estab7ishment of regular Ishifts for some employees on a daily, weekly, seasonal, or � annual basis other than the normal 8:40-4:30 day. The Ef�IPLOYER ' wi ] 1 gi ve advar�ce nati ce to the emp7 �yees affected by the ' establishment �f work days d�ifferent from the employee's normal eight (8) hour work day. � a ' 9.3 In the event that work is required because of unusual circumstances ' ' • ' ' such as (but not limited to) fire, flood, snow, sleet, or breakdown, of municipal equipment or facilities, no advance.notice need be qiven. It is not required that an.employee working oth�r than the normal work day be scheduled to work more than eigfit (8) ho�rs; however, each empioyee has an obligation to work overtime or call backs if requested unless unusual circimstances prevent him from so working. /4 - � ' -9- - ' � r6 S� � 9.4 Service to the public may require the establishment of ,„ � regular work weeks that schedule work on Saturdays and/or � . i Sundays. ', �RRTICLE X OVERTIP�E PAY 10.1 Hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours within a ' twenty-four (24) hour pe�iod (except for shift changes) or more than forty (4U) hours within a seven (7) day period �, wi11 be com ensated for at one and one�half 1'-- times A � 2) �. the employee`s regular base pay rate. 1Q.2 Overtime will be distributed as equa7ly as practicabie. , 10.3 Overtime refus�d by employees will for record purposes � under ARTICLE �0.2 be considered as unpaid overtime worked. i0.4 �or the purpose of cQmpu�ing overtime compensat�on, , , overtime hours worked shall not be pyramided, compounded, or paid tL�ice for the same hours worked. � ARTICLE XI CALL SACK � An employee called in for work at a time other than his normal seheau�led shift av�ll be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours � pay at one and one-half (1'2) times the employee's base pay rate. ' An extension or early report to a regularly scheduled shift for duty does not qualify the employee for the two (2) hour minimum, nor does a �cali back to work if. less than one (1) hour has elapsed since the . employee's work period ended. . . ' . . .� r �� . . ' . ARTICLE XII LEGAL DEI'ENSE - - � -10- I, 12. 1 Employees involved in litibation because of negligence, � ignorance of Ia�vs, non-observance of la�vs, or as a � x.esult of cinployee judgmenial decision may not receive legal defense by the municipalitye ' 12, 2Any err�pJ,oyee �vho is charged �viih a iraffic violation, ordinance violation ax criminal offense arisir.g from 1 . acis performed �,vithin the scope of his employment, when such act is performed in good faith and under direci 1 � orciex of his supervisor, shall be reimbursed ior r ea.sonaUle ' a t t o r n e y' s f e e s a n d c o u r t- c o s� s a c f. u a l l y i ncurre d by suc h employee in defending agains� such chaxge. �RTICL� �III RIGHT OF SUBCOI�TTRACT_ . , Nothing in this AGREEME�IT shall prohibii or restrict the � : •�ight of ihe EI�IPLOY�R fx-om su':r,aontracting t��ork perforzned by employees covered by this AGREEMENT. . _ . �.RTICLE XI� DI5CIPI..�r�E • _ The EMPLOYER will discipline employees only for jus� . �aus e. : � � , . . . , � AR7'ICLE XV SENIORITY , � 5eniority will be ihe deiexmining criierion for trans.fers, ,-' promo�ions and 2ay affs_ an2y �vhen all other qualification fac�or. s • �e equa7�. _ ' RTICLE XVI PR�BATIONARY E . . P RIODS , 16. 1 All newJ.y.hired or rehired employees �vi17. serve a six (6) 'months' pxobationary period, 16.2 All employees �vill serve a six (6) moixths' proba�ionary 1 period in any job cl.assification in tvhich the em lo ee P Y � has not served a pxobationary period. 16. 3 At any time during the probationary period a ne��ly .• hired or rehired employee may be terminated at the •' sole discreiian of thi: EMPLOYER, . ' 2 G. 4 At any time during fihe probationar y period a promoted ;'. ' ' ar xcassigned einplo}�ce may be dcmoted or reassibned � to t�ie employcc's previous position ai the sole discrefion II . � of thc EM�'LO i'ER, � � . � . � � 0 /6-K 0 � � ' � � ARTICLE XVII . SAFETY 1� -i 1 The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree to jointly promote '� safe and healthful working conditions, to cooperate in sa-Fety � matters and to encourage employees to work in a safe manner. �ARTICLE XVIII JOB POSTING � �� � � � � � 18.1 The EMPLOYER and the Union agree that permanent job vacancies within the designated bargaining unit shall be filled based on the concept of promo�ion f rom within provided that applicants: 18.1] have the ne�essary qualifications to meet standards of the job vacancy; and 18.12 have �he ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the j�b vacancy. 18.2 Employees filling a higher job class based on the provisions of this ARTICLE shall be subject to the conditions of ARTICLE XVI (PROBATI01`dARY PERIODS) . � � 18.3 7he EP�PLOYER has the right of final decision in the_selection , of employees to fiil posted jobs based on qualifications, abilit�es and experience . ' 18.4 Job vacancies within the designated bargaining unit will be ' pasted for five (5) ���orking days so that members of the bargaining unit can be considered for such vacancies. , 18.5 Present qualified members of the bargaining unit wi11 not be excluded � from consideration for the positaon of Foreman. Foremem will not be • , covered b the same job posting and hiring practices as contained in Y li , .��the master contract. The City reserves the right to hire the best I�� qualified person for the posit�on, whether the employee under consideration � is a present City employee or not. • /� �'L ' ' - � . ' �_� -i2- �� -� � ARTICLE�XIX _ HOSPITAL-MEDICAL 19.i Regular full time employees shall received the same benefits as , other City employees. The City will pay for employee's Health and Hospital Insurance and ihe empioyee pays for dependent caverage, II � except as noted below. The City also proivdies iife insurance ' � . � � , 1 equal to annual salary wi�h a maximum of �10,000 for the employee. the City also provides additional AD&D insurance equal to salary, with a maximum of $10,000 for �the employee. �19.2 The EMPLOYER will pay ten (10) dollars per month toward the cost of dependent hospital-med�cal coverage beginning July 1, 1974, and an additional five (5) dollars beginning January 1, 1975 for a maximum total of fifteen.(i5) doilars for the year 1975. 79.3 A representative from the employee group shall be included on a committee � which makes recommendations on the content �f specifications for any new �� policy�. Such recommendations are subject to Counci7 approval. � ARTICL.E XX NOLIDAYS I20.1 Hol i days for the year 1974 wi 11 be as fol � o�rs : - • Nolidays include Neaa Year's Day, January 1; Washington's and Lincoln's , ' Birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Mondajr in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Christopher Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; U-eterans Day, November 11; � Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, Ju.ly 4; or Ueterans � � 1 � , Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; fa11s on Sunday.the following day shall be a holiday, an� provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day,July 4; or Veterans Day, Nnvember ll; or Christmas Day, December 25; fa11s on Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday. If additional holidays are granted by the City Council by ordinance, the employees covered by this resolution will receive th� benefit of such additiona�l holiday. -1-3— � � � . � r6-� 1 � . - � � 20.2 Holidays for the year 1975 wiil be set forth in Section 2Q.1 above, p�us one , additional holiday to be determined by the City Council for a tatal of ten (10) !,i � holidays. . ,� ARTICLE XXI VACATIONS � '� 21..1 Each employee of the City who has worked coniinuously for the City for a period of not less than six (6} successive months � is entitled to a vacation away from employment with pay. � . Vacation pay shal l be computed •at the regular rate of. pay to wh�ch such employee is entitled. An employee wha has worked a minimum Iof twelve (12) months is entitled to one (1) workday of vacation � for each month so worked. An employee who has worked eighty-four (84) consecutive months is entitled to one and one-half (12) tworkdays of vacation for each month worked beginning with the eighty-fifth (85th) month of con�ecutive employment. An employee � who has worked one hundred eighty (180) successive months is entitled to one and two-thlyds (1 2/3) �raorkdays of vacation f or each month warked beginn�ng Urith the one hundred eighty-first (181st) month of consecuiive empioyment. Except where otherwise provided by agreement between the City Manager and Employee, no more than twenty (20) days vacation may be taken in any one calendar year. 2i.2 Employees are not authorized to carry over from one year to the next more than five (5) days of vacation over what the employee had at the end of the previous year, without express approval of his Department Nead and the City Manager. 21.3 In the event a regular fu71 time employee quits.or his employment ''is severed for any reasan whatsoever, he shall receive t�is earned vacafiion pay. �� 21.4 Seniority will apply on vacations up to May lst of each�year. After May lst, vacations will be on a first come, first served basis. , • • . r -14- , ARTI.CLE XXII STANDBY PAY AND MINIh9UM CALL BACK FOR STANDBY EMPLOYEES 22.1 Employees who are designated by the City Manager to serve I' in a"standby" status on behalf of the City on a Saturday ar Sunday or other holiday of the City to perform work as may � be necessary to the public interesi on such day wi17 receive , as compensation for such service as "standby" two hours of ' � , overtime pay for each day served in such status. If on any such�day the employee in "standby" shall actually perform work for the City, he shall be entitled to compensaton for each hour or portion thereof actually worked at the overtime rate �'of pay, tivhich sha11 be in�addition to the two hours standby pay. � 22.2 An employe� wh� is on standby, and is cal7ed out to perform work, shall be paid a minimum of one (1) hour overtime for � performi ng such work..�� ARTICLE XXIII EP-1PLOYEE ED!JCATION PROGRAf�1 � � 23.1 The City will pay tuition costs for training courses relavent to � the employe�'s present or anticipated career responsibilities at City approved inst�tutions. The City will pay fifty perceni of , the cost of tuition in advance and the employee will pay the other . fifty percent... The employee�wili be required to present to his '' Department Nead a certification of sat�sfactory work when the � M � � course is completed. 23.11 Courses issuing a letter grade - a"C" or above is required. � II , 23.12 Courses issuing a numerical grade - a"70" percentile is ' ' required. ' 23.13 Courses nat issuing a grade - a certificatio.n from the instructor certifying that the student has satisfactorily � participated in the activities of the courses is required. �6-0 � . • � /�-1� 23.2 �If the employee satisfactorily completes the course, he will be 1 reimbursed for the additional fifty percent tuition. The City will not reimburse the employee for fees which are charged for instruction, associated administrative expense, books, student membership, student health coverage and other charges for which ' � the student receives sc�me item or service. � 23.3 The City will not reimburse the employee f or expenses reimbursed ,� under some other education system or program, i.e., G.I. Bii1. ARTIC�.E XXIV � NORMAL SICK �LEAVE j24.1 Any employee who is unable to work because of sickness or injury '. � may obtain sick leave upon notice io the City. Written verification of his conditiQn by a competent niedica] authority may be required. Where the condition of the employee is such that he is unable to act for himself, the UNION may apply for such leave of absence in his � �. �. behalf: �'ail�re to notify the City subjects the employee to ' appropriate discipline by the City. 24.2 Each employee of the City who has worked regularly for the City for •� a period of not less than six (6) successive months is entitled to sick leave away from employment with pay. Sick leave pay sha11 be • , computed at the regu�ar rate of pay to which such employee is entitled. ' An emoloyee who has worked a minimum of six (6) months is entitled to one (1) day of sick leave for each month worked, cumulative to , one hundred twenty (��20) days of sick leave. After one hundred twenty (120) earned and unused days of sick leave have accumulated, , one (1) day additional vacation shall be granted to an employee for � every three (3) sick leave days earned and unused. The employee may elect, after ninety (90) earned and unused days of sick leave have I� , . accumulated, �o receive one (1) day additional vacation for every � � � ' J � I�I '� ' � , -16-. ' '� �� three (3) sick leave days earned and unused. Sick ]eave days�shall not �accumulate beyond one hundred twenty (120}. Before any sick leave compensation is paid, the City may request and is entitled to receiv�e from any employee who has been absent more than three (3) days in successfon, a certificate signed by a competent physician or other medical attendant certifying to the fact that the absence 4�as in fact due to sickness and not otherwise. The City also reserves the right to have an examination made at any time �f any person claiming absence by reason of sickness; su�h examination may be made when the City deems the same reasonably necessary to verify the sickness claiined and may be made in bef�a]f of the City.any any competent person designated by the Ciiy: Sick leave is to be used normally for th� sickness of the employee only, however, two sick days per year may be used for the following specified uses: (l.) Serious il7ness of the spouse. (2) Serious illness of child. The special use days cannot be accumulated from one year t� the next and if they are not used, they are inciuded in the normal sick leave accumulation. � ARTTCL� XXV INJURY ON JOB � Any full time City empioyee ti,�ho has been employed by the City at least six (6) months, injured on his reguiar job, shall be entitled to full pay � up to a period of ninety (90) days while he is. absent f rom work by reason � of such injury and his accrued sick leave will not be charged until af ter and beginning with the ninety-first (91st) day of absence from work by ' reason of such injury, provided; however, the amount of any compensation shall be reduced by any paymeni received by the injured employee �rom workmen's � compensation insurance. An employee who claims an absence from work due to ' an injury sustained on his regular job is subject to an examination to be made in behalf of the City by a person competent to perform the same and as is designated , by the City. . 1 -17- � ���� 1 _. ARTICLE XXVI FUNERAL PAY . �! In case of death occurring in the immediate family of an employee, such an employee may be excused from work for up to three days with additional 'time off granted by the City Manager if additional time is needed. This �time off shall not subject the employee to loss of pay. For this purpose, . members of the immediate family of th� employee are considered to be the ,following: spQUSe, child (natural or adopted), parent, grandparent, brother sister, mo�her-in-law or father-in-law. � �ARTICLE XXVII JURY PAY AND t�IITNESS FEES ' An employee who has been duly summoned for jury duty in any court or who has been duly summoned as a witness in any proceeding, shall be excused ' from work for the purpose of complying with such summons, and while absent From work in accordance there�rith, such employee shall be entitled to receive , a a sum of mone e ual to the difference between what he received as . asPY Y 9 ' compensaton for such jury duty or witness fees, and his regular pay. ARTICLE XXVIII MILITARY LEAVF ' Any employee absent from work in accordance with the order of a duly 'esiablished military authority shall receive pay and compensation during b State Law. such absence as �s provided y ' � .. . ; . � _ . ' �. : , � � . . ' ' � . � � � ' ' �. � , � � , ' : � 'ARTICLE XXIX SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1974-75 The following schedule of salaries shall represent the monthly base salary, exclusive of a11 suppiementai pay, for employees under this contract for the duration of the contract. The salary for 1974 shall � be paid retroactively to January 1, 1974. 1974 MONTHLY BASE SALARY � .. 6 Month � Base Pay Trial Period Chief P�echanic $1,026.00 $975.00 Heavy Equipment Operator (Sr. Sewer, Water, Park � and�Street) $990.00 $972•d� Mechanic $990.0� $955.00 Specialist (Sewer, t�ater, Par.k, Street & Genera.l) $955.00 $937.00 Light Equ�pment (SetNer, Water, Park, Stre�t & Opr. & Maintenance Man) �920.00 �87Q.00 Sanitation, l�later, Park, Street and Equipment Maintenance Person $865.00 $825_.00 0 /%'-s 1975 MONTHLY BASE SALARY � 6 Month Base Pay srial Period $i,T01.00 $1,045.00 $1,065.00 $1,065.00 $i,027.00 $1,047.00 �1,030.00 $1,009.Q0 �._ $990.00 $940.00 '�' �� '�:•. 11 �ARTICLE XXX INCENTIVE PAY (LONGEVITY) ���� Incentive Pay wiTl be paid over and above the base rate of pay�for employees permanently hired prior to P�arch`31, 1973 according to the II , following schedule: • � After. 5 years of service - 21Z% of base salary rounded ' �, � to t�he nearest dollar amount � After i 0 years of servi ce - 5% of base sa la ry rounded to ' -the nearest dollar amount After 15 years of service - 7'2, of base salary rounded ' to the nearest dollar amount I ' � -19- � � ' . 3Q,2 The City of Fridley has agreed to pay incentive pay to employees �� hired,priar to March 31, 1973 in recognition of their prior service and contribution to the City of Fridley. Neither the City nor the � , Union will attempt to take as,ray longevity or incentive pay for those persons hired prior to March 31, 1973, in future contracts. The amount of incentive pay for eligible �mpioyees will be �. � negotiated for the affected employees. ARTICLE XXXI UNIFORMS � The City of Fridley wiil furn-ish un�forms to employees of the bargaining unit free of charge to the employee. �the type of uniforr� to be furnished. The City reserves the right to seleci The City w�ll agree to furnish rain ' equipment and special safety equipment for all employees. ARTICLE XXXII SEVERANCE PAY ' 32.7 Employees permanently hired prior to March 31, 1973 are eligible for severance pay, according to the fol7owing schedule: � 32.11 "An employee with forty-eight (48) or more consecutive months .� of employment will receive severance pay in cash based on one and one-half (12) days -For each twelve (12) consecutive months. worked, but not to exceed thirty (30) days of same." ', 32.2 Employees hired after P�larch 31, 1973 will not be eligible for severance , pay. The City recognizes its prior cor,unitment to employees permanently � hired prior to March�.31, ]973. Neither the City nor the UNION will attempt to reduce severance pay for those eligible employees in future contracts. � ' ARTICLE XXXIII If the UNION chooses to use one of the personnel from the Fridley work REPRESENTATIVE ON AREA WIDE NEGOTIATIONS ' force as a representative on the area wide bargaining unit for more than one year in�three, Locai No. 49 will pay the saiary of such employee for the second year, � t �-�" � -zo- 0 'for the time spent on area wide negotiations. The purpose is to spread the cost of such representation among the several communities involved in joint �negotiations: � � � � , . �RTICLE XXXIV Wl�I�7ER. � � . 1 Any and all prior agxeements, resolutions, practices , I� � policics, xules and rebulaf:ions re�;arding terms and conditions of .emplflyrnent, io the e�tent inconsistent �' tz�iih the provisions of this.AGREEI��ENT, are hereby superceded. � . .2 Th� paxties muhzally ac1:nowledge tha� during the ne- ' � otiaiions which resulfed in this AGF.EEMENT ach K , � had the unlim.ited ri.bh� and opportuni4y to xnake de- � - mands and proposals tivith respect to any terxn ox candit-ion of einployment nat removed by law from � bargaining. All agreemenis and unders;:andi.ngs • �arxived a� by the parties are set forih in �vriting in. � �• � $his. .AGREEI�1Ei�I`i iox'-ihe stipul�.ted duration oi this � , AGRE�MENT, The EMPLOYER and the UNIQN each . ��. vo3untarily and unqualifiedly uraives the righ� fio rneef: and negoiia�e regaxding any and a1.1 term.s and ' � ��-u 0 _ � conc�ztions of employment referred to or covered � � � in this AGREEMEITT or with xespect to any term .� or condition of employment no4 specifically referred � to or coverea by �his. �A.GREEMENT, even th�u;h such L-exrns ox cond'ztions znay not have been ��vithin the kno�,vledge � or conternplation of either or both arties at �he iime thzs P , contract was nebo�iaied or executed. � _� . , . � � � . ' ,.: ' ' ' . - . . ' -21- � . . ' _ . . l(�`V ',ARTICLF XXXV DURATION � Z'his 1�GkZEEMENT shall be effective as of January 1, 1974 and shali I remain in full force and effect until December 31, 1975. ' � � . � In tt�itness whereof, the pariies hereto have executed . � � ; 'this AGREEI�2ENT on this day of , 1974. ' - . FOR (NA.ME OF EMPLOYER ) ' i . . ; 1 . t � � . ' M.4XOR - FR4�IK ;.. LIE�3L _ - _ _ . ' FOR. INTERNATIOI�,'�.L UNION OI�' OPERATING ENGIl�TEERS, LOC�1.L N4. 49 _.` �, �`" � L- -� n / �i%,F'..->-s-�-�-�.-� it���i BUSI�IESS AGE�1'I' - JA<<�S E. BOETiER � 1 � � �� � - _ _ _ ��.�..�� STEj�ARD - D0�1LD C. CARRI' 4�'V ' �l �l� � � G��i(_L��Ca C_-r �'1�'T..✓_�'Z�'�iG2/.l-�Y 7'�✓ srEi��iiD � a-�srEx c. s���;�sov , 1 . , . �1 � ' . I recommend to the City J�1anager an� Council that the City of Fridley enter into ' the above RGREEh1ENT for ihe years 1974 and i 975. • ' ' �. �I' � , � MAR IN C. RUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIh. DIR. � • l6- W �RTICl�E I - PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 1 'RTICLE II - RECOGNITIO�I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ARTICLE III - UNION SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ,RTICLE IV - EMPLOYER SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • •- • • • • • 2 RTICLE V - Ef�PLOYER AUTHORITY .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 RTICLE VI - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 �RTICLE VII - DEFINITIONS . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ARTICLE VIII - SAVINGS CLAUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 �RTICLE IX - WORK SCHEDUI_ES . . . . . : . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • •� • • 8 RTICLE X - OVERTIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • y RTICLE XI - CALL BACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 9 �RTICLE XII - LEGAL DEFENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 10 ARTICLE XIII - RIGHT OF SUBCONTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 �RTICl.E XIV - DISPLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 �RTICLE XV - SENIORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ARTICLE XVI - PROBATIONARY PERIODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ';RTICLE XVII - SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ARTICLE XVIII - JOB POSTINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ��RTICLE XIX - HOSPITAL N'iEDICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 �RTICLE XX - HOLIDAYS. . . . . . . . . • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 ARTICLE XXI - VACATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 �►RTICLE XXII - STAND6Y PAY AND MINIf�1UM CALL SACK FOR STANDBY Ef�1PL0YEES .... 14 � RTICLE XXIII - EMPLOYEE EDUCATION PROGRAM . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 RTICLE XXIV . - NO�P1AL SICK LEAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 I �RTICLE XXV - INJURY ON JOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ARTICLE XXVT - FUNERAL PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 �RTI�LE XXVII - JURY PAY AND ;�IITNESS FEES � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 RTICLE XXVIII - MILITARY LEAVE . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . 17 � . ' -i- �INDEX � � ��`x �RTICLE'XXIX — SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1974-75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ARTICLE XXX — INCENTIVE PAY (LONuEVITY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 �ARTICLE XXXI �� UNIFORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 RTICLE XXXII — SEVERA!dCE PAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 19 � ARTICLE XXXIII — REPRESENTATIVE ON AREA WIDE NEGOTIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 19 1ARTiCLE XXXIV — 4dAIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 • ARTICLE XXV — UURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 � � . � . ' � �� . . � ' . •� � ' . � � �. ' . I ' : . � . . � , '. , � . , •—ii— � OFFICE OF TNE CITY MANAGER FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA May 15, 1974 MEMO T0: Tl1E HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FRO�i: CITY MANAG�R S�U�JECT: 3ENEFIT ADJUSTMENT FOR ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES � When the budget for 1974 was prepared and approved by the City Council, it was based on a base salary increase for all non-un�on employees at 62%. Now we hav� three unians who have settled at 7% or over with additional fringe benefit providing for a portion of the cost of their dependent's health insurance coverage. The number of City Employees covered by those contracts is a little less than half of the total permanent City Employees. Please see the attached memo�from the Finance Director giving the background. I feel that for better morale purposes and for the City to be fair to all employees, I recommend that the City provide $5 towards a11 Non-union empioyees' dependent health insurance coverage,. effective January l, 1974. i�MQ/ms l�c�— 7 CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM T0: N�SIM M. QURESI3I , CITY A4ANAGER FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SIJBJECT: CONTRACT SETTLEA�i1TS FOR 1'HE YF�R �974 DATE: MAY 15, 1974 We have now settled all union contracts for the year 1974. The wage increases as provided in the contract for th� year I97� are as follows: Local iVo. 49 is 7o and 7.60 (Public Works Union) Local No. 320 is 70 (Police Union) Local No. 1986 is 70 (Fire Fighters Union) Local No. 792 is 6% (Lic{uor Clerks Union) In addition, the first three contracts listed provide that the City pay $64.00 for the year 1974 towards d�pendent hospital-medical coverage. This concludes the contract negotiations for the year 1974. � ��� . .'�`0��c ?�.�°ib � . . ~ ' It� .. � •.'. � �.� . r"✓•j;!l ' • T, .. '��� � � ��,� ��1�• � . �� ^ � r� . � � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPAF2TMENT OF HIGHWAYS � DISTRICT NO. 5 2055 NO. LILAC DRlVE MINNEAPOLtS. MtNN. 1 � I.. _ � ' May 10, 1974 FridZey City Clerk Nasim Qureshi 6431 University Ave. N.E. Frf dl.ey, tiinnesota 55432 S.p. d207-24 (T.H. b5�) From 44th Ave. N.E. to 53rd Ave. N•E• Layout 2 Municipal Approval � . Transmittal herewith are preliminary plans on the above referenced project. Please sign and return the attachsd receipt �o this office. Afteri�asePreturnsabcertified copy anci approved by the Council, p of the executed resolution to this office. This groject i�ncludes proposed storm sewer work, concrete curb and gutter, turn lanes, surfaces shoulders and revisions to existing signal systems. it should be noted that some revisions to existing driveways will be made. We shou2d expect the municipalities to hold public meetings as they deem necessary. The Highway Department intends to ask the municipaliCies for participation in the cost of the project. This participation will be in accordance wit� the current Minnesota Highway Department Policies and Frocedures for cooperative construction prajects. Our present schedule is to let the project on•3/21/75. Tf yau have any questions on this project please feel free to contact Mr. Dick Elasky at 545-3761 Ext. 50. Ir�-1-\'` ��-�'.> � � x. A. ��BSky � � Pre Design Engineer BAE ;bn . cc: C. Weichselbaum J. Berg G. Ellis E. Green �O � 1 1 � , P9HD 2521 Rev. (9-73) �RSSOZVTZOrf - �. y �.t� 5� ' i� Atc a(re;ular) (special) nnee�ing af the �ity Council of the City o� �_ F� e duly held on the __,.,,,�„ aay of _ � 19 74 � .Y - i:he following Resol.ution was ofiered by _-----' 9 seconded by � � ; to-wit: WHEAE�S Che Commissioner of Highways-has prepared preliminary plans ror the improvement af a part of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trun1: Highway No. �6,_,,,,., 5� 4��tlin �the corporate Iimits of � f �ridley from the �o. �orp. Zimits th� c�.tiy o �� to 53rd Avenue N.E. � and . � WHEREAS said pre7.iminary p2ans are on �ite 9.n tii3e office of t:�e ' Departmen� o£ Iiighwaqs, Saine Pau2, i�innesaLa, being marked, labeaed, and La out No.. 2 S.P. 0207-14 (65=5) from 44th Avenue � identified as y N.E. to 53rd Avenue N.E. � � ' , ' , , � and WHEREAS copies of said pteliminary plans as so marlced, labeled, and identified are.also on iile in the o�fice of tche Ci�y Clerk; and WIIEREAS the term "said preli.minary pians" as hereinafter used in the body af t;iis reso3.uCion shaJ,l be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary p�.ans as in the foregoing recitals particulaxly identiiied and described; NOW, TIiEN, BE IT RESOLVE�� that said prelimi.nary p�ans for the improvement of Trunlc Highway yumber 5_ _ renumbered Trunlc Hig►zway Number 65 _� within Che limits of the City of Fridley _ be and hereby are �approved. 17A ,. � � ' � ' ' � , ' � 1 , �J � ' ' ' �J , M�ID 2523. P.ev. (9-73) Upon the call of tlle ;:oll tlle io2lowing _. � voted in favor of the �'.esolu�ion - — The foilowing vo�ed against its adoption: whereuponrche Mayor and presiding o�ficer dec�ared the Resolution adopCed. Dated , 1c 74, ___.___�.____. w T�ayor A L ��, e s t _ _. ..._._. ._._ _.� ____..--- City Clerk STATE OF P4INrIESOTA ) - COUNTX Q� Anoka ) gs, � ) Cx'�Y OF �ridley � I do hereby cert�.fy that at a regular nieetinb ta�t a special meet�ng o� whi.ch due and legal notice t,ras given) of the City Council o� Fridle � �23.nnesota, on ��ze day of _____,, 19 'r4 , at za►zich a majority oi the members of said Council eaere preser_t, the foregoin� resolution was adapted. Given under mq hand an.d seal this _„_„_,_.,_,_,,, day a� _____.________. -- 19 �4 . Ci.ty Clerk � 1 ' T0: ' , ' ' � FROM: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCII. MARVTN BRUNSELL, ASSIS'tANT CITY MANAGfR/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAI. ASSESSMENT ROI,L -- 1973-1 AND 1973-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECt DATE: MAY 16, 1974 The assessment hearing was held on the 1973-1 and 1973-2 Street Improvement Projects oh May i5, 197�+. Mr. Harris raised a coupie of questions regarding the project, and Councitman Breider also raised a question regarding the project. These questions are addressed below. Cost of Main Street Above 79th 'Way as compared ta the Cost of Main Street Below 79th WaY � Mr. Harris questioned why the cost of Main Street betow 79th Way ran so much higher than the cost of Main Street north af 79th 'Way. We :hav�e checked the record and find the fotlow9ng to be t�-us. � , The cost of Main St�eet north of 79th Way (being assessed under the 1973-2 Street Impr�vernent Pr�ject)is $t6.97 per front foot. Main Street south of 79th Way va3s assessed in i971 under the ST. i97Q-� Street Improver�snt Praject. ' The front foat assessment on that s�ction of Main Street was $13•� per front foot. The cost of Main Street south of 77th tday was $19•�1 per foot. Tiiis was atso assessed under the ST. 1970-4 Street Improvement Projeet. ' _ Cost of 78th Avenus and Possibitity of C�edit for Previous Work Error in Side-yard Footar�e in Assessment for Qeech Street ' The second question raised was or� 78th Avenue. One factor which must be kept in mind is the question of whether or not the contractor in his bid did in fact give credit for the previous work done on 78th Avenue, in that ' this amount of work represented work which he wouid not have ta do under the present contract. ' The. original rotl using the corrected side-yard footage on Beech Street (which was pointed out by Councitman Breider at the Public Nearing) allocaies the entire cost to a11 street without�credit altawed an 78th Avenue. ' The secand.method of attocating cost would be to charge a. portion of the cost to Improvement Project No. 102. We are holding a certain asnount af . funds in Improvement Project Na. 102 for u�completed work. .If part of the ' street cost on 78th Avenue is charged to Improvement Project Na. 102, the front foot rate wouid drop from $1$.06 per front foot to $12.43 per front foot for those properties assessed for 78th Avenue. ' . ' ' Page 2 Memorandum May 16, 1974 The third atternative would be to give the people on 78th Avenue credit by addi�g the cost to the balance of the streets assessed as a group in that area to pick up the $2,$60.40 credit. To put it another way, enough would be added to th� assessment rate at �his time to cover the credit being allowed for 78th Avenue. We feet the origirtal mat for 78th Avenue was of benefit to the entire area. Therefore, the cost could be absorb�d by a11 of the tots invotved. MCB ps Atts. � • � (CORRECTED ORIGINAL ROLL USING CORRECT _ ��_.: _. , SIDE-YARD ASSESSMENT) . CI TY OF FRI Di. �Y FIRAL ASSESSMENT RQLL STREET IMPROVEMEhT PROJECT ti0o 1973-1 77TH AVEf�lUE: MAI N STREET TO RANCHERS ROAO RANCHERS ROAO: 77TH AVEfvUE TO 79TH AVENUE , �_ � r, '3 �; , � � — STD� LOi BL(1C'K f=A;C�L FOCTt+GE STREET COST � FQC�TAGE SECTION 11 3050 67 S 1,009.02 � 3180 290 4,367•�a EAST RaraCH ESTaTES 2t�D .�DOTT1oN- . 5 2 3kg 5,240.88 S � 2 315 4�%�3•9� 7 2 31 S 4, 7�+3 .90 g 2 32p 4,819.20 1 3 323 4,864.38 . 2 3 315 �,743.9� 3 3 3i5 4,743•9� 315 4 3 412 6,204�72 36z 5 3 97 1,460.82 362 6 3 3iS � 3,117 ft. ,9 }2.02 1,539 ft. � 9£ECH STREET AND 81ST AVENUE SECTION 3 (W.side o�' Beechj (E.side of Beech) �S.side of , 81st} , (E.side of 8eech} 1$00 7zoo T220 7220 7230 7z5o S32 795 490) � )890 400) 772 467 3,�• $ 8,011.92 1122 ' 1i,972.70 ti21) i3,4o3.40 )�421 • 300 ) �1,62b.32 l4I �7 0.�33.02 � STSZ,047.� 3b`2,68�+ ft• e � - � -�o �1 � - P��,� . . . S� t?E TOTAL CO �T STR��7 COST � $ 1,009.02 $ 5��•9� �+�9�'$•3� 5,240.88 4,7�3.90 4,743.90 � 4,819.20 4,86�+.38 4,743.90 989.10 5,733.�0 1,136.68 7,341.40 1�13d.68 2i597•50 98g,10 9$9.10 �t"+; 2,TG` �Si , 77�`+.��" S 3,523.48 $ 11,53S�o0 _ , 11,972.70 4,461.94 17,865.3� • A42.74 12,a69.06 7 033.02 S �,�27�— o, 75.�z .a, a , I ' ' � ' � ' , � , . � , , , � � ' � � �I� �- � a ,• CI TY OF FRI DL EY � . FIhAL ASSESSMENT P.�;.L 18 C � STREET IMPROVEMEt�i' PP,OJECT A�O. 1973-) 78TH AVENUE: ALL£Y BETWEEN HICKORY STREET AND BEECH STREET TO.MAIN STREET LE:GAL Di:SCRI Pi'IOf� FROP.li FR�h'T SI b� SI D� TOTAL COSi' LtiT"�6i.uCK F��1;�CEL FC07F�t�E STRE£T COSi FOOTAGc S7RE�T COST ONAWAY ADDITION � . Pt.of 8-to i . � 104 $� 326.56 $ 326.5b� 11 1 4o t z5.6o t z5. bo 12 1(TF) 40 125.64 125.60 13&14 i � so zsi.20 251.Zo 15 . t t.�/3 s) 4S S 671•70 40 12S.6o so3.3o � Pt.of 23 1 iTF) 24 75.36 75.36 24 1 40 125.60 125,6U z5 1 40 125.60 1z5.60 26-28 1 120 376.80 37 6,80 29-30 1(1/3 S) 45 677.�� 80 251.20 928.90 Pt.of 8 � g 2 64 240.96 200.96 10 2 40 125.60 125,60 i1-15 2(1/3 S) 4S 677•70 200 628.00 1,305.70 Pt.of 23 2 24 � 75,36 75.36 24�25 2 : 80 251.20 2�i.2o 26�27 2 �� 80 25i.20 251.20 28-30 2(1/3 s) 45 677.70 120 , 37b.$o i,o54.50 Pt.of , . 8-to 3 104 326.56 326.�6 11-15 3(1/3 S) 45 �71•70 200 � 628.00 t,3o5.70 1-5 6(1/3 S} 4� 677.70 208 653.12 1,330.82 6�7 6 80 2gt.2o 251.2n Pt.oF 8 b ' 6 18.84 18.84 1 7(1/3 s) 45 671.70 48 150.72 528,42 � 2-. . 7 -� � 40 125.60 125.bo 3 7 40 12S .60 125.60 4 7 �� � 40 • 125.60 125.60 � S 7 . 40 125. bo 1 z5.60 6 7 . 40 125.60 125.60 7 7� � 40 � i 2,. 60 125. 6p . Pt.Of 8 7 . 6 . 18.84 18.84 i6�17 7(tl3 s) 45 611.70 88 276.32 sS4.02 t8�t9 7 . 80 251.20 25y.20 � 20-22 7 120' 37b.8o 376.80 Pt.of 23 7 6 18.84 18.84 •�, � ' � ,� . I - � C,3 � � • CI TY OF FRI DL �Y . 1 FINAL ASSESSMEts7 ROLL 1$ D SYREET IMPROVEP1Et�T PROJFGT N0. 1973-1 � � 78TH AVENUE: A�LfY BET'WEEN NICKORY STREET aND BEECH STREET TO MAIN Si'RE£T �� IEGAI_ OESCRI PTI ON FRO�lT FR�NT SI DE SI DE TQTA1. COST LOl' B�.uGK'�ij�,RCEl. F001'kGE STf;EET COSi' F'QOTAGE STREET COSfi � ONAWAY AODITION (CONTI(r'�EU) ' � 1-7 � . : Ptaof B. 8(1/3 s) 45 $ 677.7a 294 S 923.16 $ 1,600.86 � 1 f� 17 �(1 /3 S) 4S . 677.70 88 276.32 95�+.oz 18 . 8 40 125.60 125.b0 19 8 � � 40 125.60 125.60 � 20 8 40 125.60 125.60 21�2? 8 80 251.zo 251.z.o Pt.of 23 8 6 18.84 18.84 �. � �. � . 5+�0 �t�. ��,77i,o0 2,990 ft. 9:3 .b0" � i b; �5.�30 , 7ota1 Cost: $128,338a45 t77th, Ranchers, $1sL, Beech, and 7$th -- all 40'} $128,338.�+5 ♦ 8,5z3 feet (totat footage} =$15.06 per front foot. , �� i S00 feet foota e to be s reau x 1.06 er foot = 22 , t 9 P ) $ 5 P $ s59�.00. � ; $22,Sg0.�0 r 7,�i3 feet (footage side yards are spread over} _$3.14 per foot. ' � . � .. , . . ' , � • � • � , � . • . , � , � ' ; '�, • � (CORRECTED ROLL ALLO'�ING CREDIT FOR WORK PR�VIOUSLY ASSESSEO ON 78TH AUENUE) . Ci TY OF FRI CL �Y IFIRAI. ASSESSt1ENT ROLI S7R�ET It1PROVEMEt�T PP,OJkCf h0o i973-1 , 77TH AVEPIU�E: MAI N STREET TO RAhlGtiERS ROAp r RAPlCHERS ROAD: 77TH FIVEP;UE TQ 797N AUE��U� � : , 1. �� � 1`t7�i1`_____'�`�� ; ,�"�'i°_.�..�t �'i,�,�'i�'_ S I U � - LOi �BLUCKi'Ai;CEi. FOOTi�GE S7'P,EET COST FQOTRGE . SECTIOh! 11 ' 3oSa 67 S t,009°02 . . 31fio 290 4,3b7e4o �gs $ � � EAST RAN�H ESTl�T�S 2P�D .ADDI1'ION- . -. s z 34a 5,24o.s8 � , 5 z 315 4���36s� 7 2 315 4,1�+3.90 8 z 32a - 4,8t9.2o 1� � � 3 323 �+,85�F.38 2 3 - 315 �+,7�3�90 ,3 3 3� 5 4:7E}3 e90 315 . 4 3 �12 6�2Q�,�H72 362 5 3 97 ip46o.82 362 ' .. 6 .3 _ 31S 3,117 ft. �+�+2.02 1;539 ft. 1� : � � �. BEECH STR�ET aND 8t ST aVEr.t�� . . — - _..�. , � SECTIO�► 3 � • . . . �o I I � - ��, � 18 E SIpE T07AL COST STREET COST � $ t,00�.02 S80.90 4;g4�.3o � 5,z4o.�8 4, 7�+3.90 4�,743.90 4,819.20 4,86��.38 4,7�+3.90 9�9010 5,733��0 1r136eb8 7,341e�� 1,i35.68 2,5°7.So 98get0 �--�; 9�9.i� ��.r� � 7�s%%� � 1800 532 $ 8,oit.92 112z . $ 3,.Sz3�08 $ 1t,53SMo0 (W.side of B2ech) 7zoo 79S • 11,97z.7o :° � 1t,972o7a (E.side of , ,. Beech) 7220 �9Q) 1i21) (S.side of }890 13:�+03.�t0 )1��21 4,461.94 i7:8bS.:t} stst} 72zo 400) 3oa> ' EE.sid� o� Beech} �23� 772 11,626.32 14i = 442.74 i2,a6�p�b 72So 467 7,o33.a2 7 033.02 � 3;r+5�. �5z,o�7.3��sb84 ft. $ �; z7�`,7'0- ��o,L475.t2 ' • ' .. . ,, � � 18F � .• CI TY OF FRI Dt, �Y ��L + a' � _ . � �-°�-a FIf�AL ASSESSMENT P,O:.L. _ STREET INiFROVEt�t�'t�T PROJEC7 FiO. i973-t � � 78TH AVEP�'UE: Al.LEY f3ETt��E�V MICKO�Y STR£ET AND BEECN STREET TO _MAIN STREET SI D� � LfG/11. D�: SCRI P�'I U�? FRO�fI' �RG�;T Si DE STR�ET TOTAL � LOi''�' �i.uCK�N:iRC�L �'COTE�Gc STRE�T COST FOOiF�GE CLSi CREDIT COST ON,�`.dAY AODITIDN � Pr.of j�8-to i _ � 104 $ 3z5.S6 $ 83.20 $ 243.3b .11 1 4p i25p60 32.00 93.b0 t2 t(r�) 40 25i.zo 64.0o t87.zo I' � � 1514 . 1 (.t/3 S) 45 $ �77�70 c�p 125.bo . 150.35 652.95 ' Pt.of 23. 1(7�= ) 2t� 75.36 19.20 56.16 � 24 � �0 125.60 �32.00 93.bo ' 25 1 t�p 125.60 32.00 93.60 26-z8 t 120 37b.�0 96.0o z80.8o 29-30 1(t/3 S) 45 677.70 80 ZS1.20� t82.3S 7�b.55 ' Pt.of $ . � . . . � 9 2 �64 200.96 51.24 I49.7b , 10 z 40 125.60 32.00 93.60 it-2� 2(�/3 s) 45 677.70 2po 628.00 278.35 1,4z7,35 Ptao¢ 23 z� 2� 75•36 19.20 56.16 _24�25 2 80 251.2o b4.o0 187.20 ' zvri�% 2 .'. ' �� 25� w2� �'+�0� ����2� �2�-30 2(1/3 s) �5 677.70 120 376.$0 214.35 840.15 ' Pt.of - 8-t0 3 10�+ 32b.56 32b.56 11-15 3(i/3 s} 45 671.70 2Qa 6z8.00 - 1,305.70 � 1-S 6 i�I3 s) 4S 677.70 2pII 653.12 -, 1,330.82 6s7 6 80 251.20 =��. 251.20 Pt.af 8 6 ' 6 18.84 - 18.84 ' 1 ! s 6 150. 2 i b. 67i.6 7(/3 i �S 77.70 4B 7 5 75 7 . 2-. .� 7 �� �� 40 i 25.60 32.00 93.60 , 3 7 , 4a 125.60 32.00 93.60 . 4 7 . . t�Q 125.60 32.00 93.60 S 7 . 40 125.60 32.00 93.60 � b 7 .. 40 ' 125.60 32.00 93.60 � 7� �p 125.60 32.00 93.60 PteOf 8 7 6 18.84 4.80 14.04 ,tC�i7 7(i/3 s} 45 677.70 88 276.32 t88.75 765.z7 iB�i9 7 80 . 2St.20 64.fl0 187.20 20-22 7 t20' 37b.80 96.00 280.80 Pt�of 23 7 � 18.84 4.80 14.04 � . ' ' . � . ' . . � - � � 18G � � . CI TY OF FRI Ci, �Y � � � � � ��r�� . FIkAL ASSESSM£tdY ROLI_ SrRCET It�SPROVEMErIi Pf�OJFCT t�t0o 1973-1 � , 8TM AVEtYU�: ALLCY P,CiWEEN HICK�P.Y STREET A�aD E3EECH STRE�T TO f�AI�iaSTREET �-- -- - -._----.---�---._..._______._-- - -_.�...._ ___ ..�..�- - - ' LFG/il D�Srf;I pTI0h1 FROt��iT FRCNT SI OC 5����T TOTAL LOi' [3i.liCK'�i'�+RC�'! f'OOi'F�G� STF;�rT COSi FQC}TAGE COST CREOI7 COST _________._ OP�A4fAY ADDITION (CQ�17'TP�U�tI} � � w� � -..�.Y____- _.._.,...____._.,... Ptaof 8 8(1%3 S) 45 $ 677.7a 294 $ 923.16 $ 353.55 $ 1,247.31 r. _ 1F.�i1 . � (t/3 $) �+5 • �77e7o SII 276.32 � 188.75 765.27 �8 8 . . 40 125.60 32.00 93.60 i9 8 4p 125.60 A32.00 93.b0 , 24 8 40 i25.60 32,00 93.60 21�22 $ so 2st.zo �+.00 t87.ao Pt.o�f 23 i3 6 16.84 4.80 14.04 .' .' . � � . 5�e � �,777.00 2,990 ft. a�`9,��� 2, . 0 13�305.20 r � _ 7ota1 Cost: �$128,33�o�S (77th, Rancher�s $ist, B�ech, anci 7$th -- atl 40tj , $i28:33$.45 � 8,523 feet (totaf faotage} _$15006 per front faot. � 1s50� feet (fe�ot.age ta bo sprea�} x$i5•Q6 per font =$2z,5J0.n0. ' $22,5����0 r 7,283 feet �fo�tage side yards are spread over) _$3.iG� p�r foot. , $2,8 60.40 to cover credit allowed would have to be transferred , I. . from other funds. • � . . . r- � � . .. . . . + � . �� � �� . � - �t - � . � . - � . � �� . ��� �� �.. � .: . � (C�RRECTED RQLL ALLOWING CREDIT ON 78TH AVEMJE • • �.S H . ANp ABSORSiNG COST Q� CREOIT IN OVERALL ROLL) • CI TY OF FRI GL �Y �3 —' � ' � � FIA'AL ASSESSMEiJT RdLL � STREET IMPROVE1dEtdT P°OJECf h0o 1973-1 � I� � 7H RVE�!l1�: MAI N STREET 70 RAPlChERS R A - 71 0 0 ' RAPl�HFRS ROAfJ: 77r►� Av�r,U� 7Q 79iH AVEt��UE � � .:,�. ���fi=� a dTT���(�,"s?i'�""` �;6;�`i" SI U� 5I D� TOTAL CO �T LUi �LuGtC P�aF;C�t �0(�'i'r1GG STREET COST FOC�iAGE ST'R�ET COST � SECTION 11 ' � o. 0 6 $ 1,�31.80 $ 593.85 $ i,o31.80 . • 3180 2g0 4,46b.00 185 �,�59.85 � EAST R�NCH ESTAi'ES 2ND .��?C�I7ION- .� � � � 5 2 3�8 5�359.20 5,359.20 S z 3l5 4,851.00 4:85f.00 7 2 3t5 4,851.00 �+,85t.00 �' . 8 z 320 4,928.00 4,928.00 1 3 323 4,974.20 4,974.20 2 3 3t y 4,851.00 4,g51.00 ,4,851.00 � 315 1,01 t.15 5,862.15 , 4 3. 412 6,3�4.80 362 t,i62.oz 7,506.82 � S 3 97 t,493.80 3b2 1,162.oz 2,655.82 6 3 � 31S �.�, 1. �0.11.15 1 o1i.15 , . • 3,�17 �t. S48,001.80 1,S39 ft. S�,9 0�+ .�9 �52,9�+1.99 ' , - e��cN sr�;EEZ arva st sr Av�r,�� ' � s�cTray 3 . -- - ' � �8ao S32 8,192.Sa 1,12z 3,6ot.62 11,79�+.42 (w.s;de of Beech} 7200 79S 12,243.00 � 12,243.00 (E.sicis of � . I� ,_ Beech) 7220 4�0) 1121� (s.side of � )890 13,7ob.00 )1421 4,561.41 18,267.41 8lst) 72zo 400) 300) • I� ' (�.side of . Beech) 7230 772 11,888.80 141 452.61 12,341.41 7250 467 7 191.80 �,.7� ,f�9�i.8o ' . 3,�+$�. 53,222'..�+0'_ z�'� �"---�-15. +� 5 �1,�j .$�+ � ' • . 1. , .. • CI TY OF FRI DL EY ' ' � fiir'AL i�SSESSt�fENr R0:.1. Si"REET �M�ftOl�Ff�;E'P:1� PROJEC7 1•.�. ]973-1 '. 78TH AVE�•"JE: AlI.�Y QET���E�J HICKO?Y STR��r F�N� QEECH STRcET i0-t�SRTf� S7RE�T � FRONT ��~��� �d�Y i..f•.G/t4_ DiSCRIPi'IU;? �RC�t�l7' STR��7 STREET � �07� +Bi.uCK�E':1ki.�t. FCOTF�G� COST FOOTAGE CQST CREDIT OP1.�'.�lAY A�J�IlIO'� � Pr.of . 104 S 333.84 $ 83.20 ' � 8-10 1 �0 128.40 32.00 .11 i t2 1(r�) 40 128.40 32.00 j3&j�, 1 80 256.80 64.00 .' 15 . i(1/3 s}. 45 $ 693.00 40 128.40 150.35 Pt.o.f 23� 1(7F) 24 77.04 19.20 24 t 40 128.40 32.00 �. z� � 40 128.40 32.00 2b-2II � 120 385.20 96.00 z9-30 1(1/3 S) �5 693.00 80 256.80 f.82.35 , Pt.of 8 � , � gt� 205.44 5t .20 � 9 2 128.40 32.00 40 , t0 2 693.00 200 2 8•35 11-15 2 t1/3 S) �5 24 677.04 t9.2o Pt.of 23 2 256.80 b4.04 2�+�25 2 . $Q 2$6.8Q 61+.Q0 ,. 2GJ27 2 . • 80 214.35 2�-30 2(1/3 s) �5 693.00 120 38S.20 Pt.�f 8-t o 3 ii•iS 3 (f/3 S) t -5 b (1 �3 s } 6&7 6 Pt.o� 8 6 1 7 tt/3 s� 2-. . % . . 3 7 4 7 S 7 . 6 7 . 7 7' � PtoOf 8 7 t6�f7 7 (1/3 s� i��i9 7 20-22 % Ptoof� 23 7 � t o4 333.g�+ �� 693.00 200 642.00 �S 693.00 208 657.b8 gp 25b.8o 6 19.26 �5 �+5 693.00 693000 48 40 4a 40 40 4a 46 88 80 i20 6 154.08 128 .40 128.40 128.40 12$.40 128.40 128 .40 19.26 282.48 25b.80 385.20 19.26 � 15d.75 32.00 32.04 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 4080 188.75 64.00 96.00 4.80 � 1� I �3 - . . �� TOTAL COST $ 250.64 96.40 9 b.4o i92.8o 671.05 �7.84 9 6.40 96.40 289.20 7�7•45 154.24 9 b.40 1,056.65 S7 .84 t92.84 192.�30 863.85 1,oz6.84 642.00 1,360.68 256.8U 19•26 69Q•33 96.44 9b.40 9 b.40 96.40 96.40 96.40 14.46 7$6,73 192.80 289.20 14.46 ' � . � • . • •. � . cz rY o� Faz c�. �Y ��t;A� �ss�ssriE��r �ta�t. S7f;CET IFSPROUE�1����' P(',�J�C7 tl0o i973-t � . . - � %$iH �VE�•,tlE: ALL�Y CEi'W�E�1 tfZCK0;;7 S7'RL�t /',PfD REECi� STFI��T 'fD 1�IAIt3 STR£�7' , — �._.____..�..�... ��_ � k b t�1r_`�.._.._._._. - — -_....._...._�� ..r-. ---� ,.... LFG/��. D�SCF:I PTIDi�i FRQi;i' STRE�i SI OE - STREET LO1' � Ei�.tiCY�N�'�f;C�L FO��f'I�GE COSi� FOOTAGE Ct1ST CREDIT OPJI',�tA� �ODiTIO�d (CO�i7I��UrC�} � � 1 w � —.�.____ �. _._.�. 7 � PtaoF �8 8(1/3 sj 45 $ 693.00 2g4 $ 943.7� $ 353o5S i��i7 - 8(1/3 S) �S 693•�0 88 282.48 188.75 1$ �, 8 . . 4o i28.40 32.00 �, t9 8 4o t28.4o 32.ao 20 8 40 128.40 32.00 28�22 8 � 80 256.8o b4.G0 ,.P�.of 23 II 6 19.26 4.80 .. . • . f5p � e :93G.t�0� 2,gg0 ft. 9,597•90 2 0. 0 1� J i�e� 3 � �'°'J _ TOTAl. COST. $ 1,283.19 786.73 96.40 96.40 96.40 192.8a 1�+.�6 i3, 7.5� Totai Cost: $131,19$.85 ($128,33$.�+5--cost of praject--pius $2,$b0.40 credit) t77th,, Ranchers, 81st, Beech, and 78th -- atl 40') $131:19$.8S s 8,523 feet (total footage) =$15.40 per front foot. 1,500 feet {footage to be sprea�� x$i5.�+0 per foot =$23,100.QQ. $�3,/00.00 r 7,2�3 feet (foot�ge side yards are spread over) = $3.21 per foot. c ' REGUI.l1R CO[3NCIL riEETING OF AUGUST 30, 1971 � !� . � ' � ' � ' � �. ' S• , ' ' ' , . 'p 18 K �.s mostly on Main Street �na nthshe Co�ncilman Breider astced�aboutdthehtree should be here in about 12 mo stumps on Mr. Harris'_ property. The City Engineer contieSeConstruction �, understood the problecn, the trees were left by D. M. Noy ' Company. Councilman Kelshaw asked Mr. Harris if he had ever contacted his Councilman. He added that he had seen Mr. HaWhishabn�tdany actior. been taken?arMr. Kelshaw has been to City Hall so often, y . commented that he had inherited many problems when he became a Councilman but thines done. He felt that if there was a real problem here he was gettin� ,, it should be taken care of. -.__� 1 y . " �ouncilmat� Breider said that he had been up in the area and discussed t e problems with i•ir. �iarris. First of all, t�ir. Harris had heen concerned about the�drainage problem which the City had taken to court.. The City Engineer ` added that we are now awaiting a court decisi.on.' Secondly, there was a -: � concern over t h e f a i r n e ss oi the assessments on 78th Avenue and the Council had grante�i rlr. Harris a credit towards future improvements. As far as t he , ��y' tree stumps and stre�t signs were concerned, he was sua� hhIIh�ahWOrkeduwithe �� �aken care of shortly.� The City Enoineer continued th �'�, Mr. Harris oft�en. The signs are on order and the tree stumps are a minor j problem which will soan be taken care of. �� ! . h t ever time he Mr. Harris said that another thing that bothered him was t a y tried to do something ie cost him a lot of moaey. He had just purchased a three acre piece o£ property from 77th to 78th on Main Street directly acrass the street from his present business. Not only was he being assessed over $13 per front foot £or both sides of the street, but, he had had to buy right�of way for the City at a cost of $2,500. He has over $16,000 into ttte street and he cannoate�raffic controlusignso�perhaps�3QnPfPHrspeed limit H felt th race Crack. e signs, should be used. rlayor Kirkham asked the Finance Director if anything different had been done in figuring the assesments on this praperty? The Finance Director�answEred that the two sectioa of Main Street had been figured separately so that the area north of.77th was not.involved in the assessments of the area south of 77th, but, standard policy had been used as far as front and side yard assessments were cancerned. M�yor Kirkham said that the property owners had asked for this improvement. The cost of the improvement was assessed back to the property owners, the City makes no profit. �"'�-• Counci.lman Liebl asked Mr. Harris if he w�s satisfied with the quality of the streeC? Mr. �iarris answered t'tiat he was nat. This was su�posed to be a 9 ton street but had only an ik" mAt. T1iis is definiteiy substandard. They had becn Cold thnt the City.would be cutting the street for Euture improvementa �and thut later on the whole thing would bc overlayed again. Everywhere else .in the�City, for driveways nnd pArking lots, a 2" aiat is required, but for a • 9 ton street they only used an 1�" mzt. tie did no� feel that the street would � hold up ur►der truck traffic. He said. that he t�ad ctiecked with other black- topping companies and ttiey �'ad e1CC[aat'1MaintSt�eet should�getastateraid00 to have made it a 2" mat. He f help or the City sho�ld M� with the assess.ment. . • �. , , ' .' 1 ' MEMO T0: GERALD.R. DAVIS, CITY h1ANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL � FROM: MARVIN C. Bi:UNSELL, FINANCE DIRECTOR � SUt3JECT: FIiV�IL ASSESSi�iENT FOR STREET I��IPROVEh1ENT PROJECT ST. 1970-4 ' DATE: At1GUST 26, 1971 � ' i ' � ' The ST. 1970-� Stre�t ?mpravenent Project involves the installation of sireet sur�i ar,i r�g , cu��b ;�r+d ��, � zer i n±�,�o areas or" the Ci ty . Ti�e fi rst at�a i s�he On��;ray �iddi �i on �;;�i ch l i es north of Osb�r�e �oad and ti�rest o� Un7v�r,� �y ;��enc��e. 7he seccnd genera7 area is a street running a�ong the ti•,�.sterly �sicp of the Tar�jet t�arehouse property and south of 73rd � A�enuc, to,J��.�,�r witn the sur�ucing of a pai��ir�g ]ot for the Park pepar�ient ir tha� general ar�ea. No t��o stre�ts in the Onu�vay Acdition were constructed exaetly alike, so tha� ;I�e cos�s h�v� b.-;�n c�mput�d separately for each stre�t. Tne assessment roll�sho;�rs thn ccmbined cest �ar eac� of ttie separa�e improvemenis, sueh as front str�et asse�sm�n*, side str�et assess�rent and curb assessment. The cost of the assessments �or each of the improvements is as fo11o1�rs: STREET SUF,; ACIP,r COSTS - 0'�A�JAY AREA Be�ch Street The assessment rate is �7.71 per foot. (Not including curb and guiter.) The side stree� assessment rate is $2.73 per foot,) Elm Str�et � . �. The assessment rate is $7.23 per foot. {Not includin curb and utter. 9 9 ) '' The side street assessment rate is $1.76 per foot. � � .� . Main Street (77tfi to 79th} � �' The assessment rate is $10.05 per foot. (Not including curb and utter. � . 9 ) The side street,assessment rate is $3.67 per foot, ' Main Street b Os orne Road �0 71th� i. . � he assessment rate is $15.86 per foot. (Not including curb and gutter.) ' � ! ' 77th Way •. �. �7he assessme�nt rate is $11.27 per foot. (Not including curb and gutter.) 18 L ' ' ' MEMO T0: GERALD R. DAVIS, CITY MAPdAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSr�iErdT FOR STREET IMPROVEhiENT PROJECT ST. 1970-4 DATE: AUGUSi' 27, 1971 Rage 2 . ' 0 ' 7�th 4la,� The assessment rate is $2.63 per foot. (Not including curb and gutter. The side stre�t assessm�nt rate is $.80 per foot. 9th_ �day ' Th� assessmen4 rate is $9.91 er fooi. Fdot ' ' P ( �ncTuding curb and gutter.) ;. The side.stre�t assessemnt rate is $2,98 per foot. CURQ �,P,D GU I TER CO�TS - OP;,^!�!f�Y AREA ' 7he assessment rate for c�rb and gutter is $3.�a.per foat '7he assessment rate i�or spr�ading curb and gutter dawn the block where applicable is $.90 p�r foot. ' ALLEY IMPROVEf�EPdT 6ET�:EE��! 7HTFf A�ID 79T4 A"d0 BEaCN AND ELi� 7he assessment rate is $.79 per foot. 'STREE7 IP�1?RO�IF.Pd�TdT COS75 - STREET RLO'dG THE 41EST SIDE OF TARGET PROPERTY S�JUTH 0� 73E=;D ) 'Three quarters of the cost is assessed to the prop�rty on th� east and one quarter of the costs is assessed to the property on the west side of the street. ' The assessment for the east side is $5,723.94. � The assessment for the west side is �],907.99. I' LOCK� PARK PARKI��G LOT � • 18 M , ;: �: . � � ' �- ;= .. , , ,� ,; �; . .� ' The total cost of the improvement is $9,588.67, � � � � The assessment will be spread over a ten year pe'riod with interest at the rate ,�of 72� per year. The assessment may be paid within thir�y days of the date of the assessment hearing with no interest. If it is paid after the thirt da � period, but before November 15, interest will be charged f rom the date of the � � 'assessment hearing. If the assessment is�not paid by November 15, at least � the firs�t payme�t must be paid with the taxes due and payable in the year i972,. . ' . . � � , . I, . � � . . � � . .� ' r . cxTx or �r ZnLe� . . � � � • ' FIN�1� ASSESS�f�C:f 34LL . � ' �STREET ii•iPP.OVr.�;ENT P:^.0.Tf:CT N0, ST, 1970-4 18 �� L�:G�L DF•.SCi',IP'I'IOi7 �TRE�T I�'G, jTR�I'sT CUP,B FTG, CUt213 DRIVE;•lAY TOT1L ' � �0'1' � BLCX:� Pl?C1idT :�ID.�'�. •��.�.11T, FRO\rI' SIDE A��iT, AP}?RO��C.tl COjT � MAIN ST�'�ET (77TI1 TO 79Tii) • �J;m, � SECTICN 2 • . ' • . � ' r.__-�----�--�- . Parcel b00b 125? - $12,b32.£35 - .. - - . $12,632.85 ; ON A'.d:1Y ��Z'tIO;I • f ' . . 1 1 48 - 4£32.40 - - - - 4£32,40 � ' .2 & 3 1 80 - ' 804,00 = = w �. w 80�,00 4 1� 40 402.00 402.00 i 5•- 7 2 I20 -. 2�2Q6,00 - - - - 2,20b.00 i . 8--�.0 Z 120 - 1� 20G, 00 - - -. - 1, 20b.00 � 11 . 1 40 � - ' 4U2, 00 - - �- 402.00 C 12 1 (Tk� ) 40 � - 4Q2, 00 - - .. � • G.02 � Q0 • 4, 13&14 I 80 - 804.00 - - ... •- 804, 00 '; � 15 1 "" 40 -- 402.00 - - - - 402,00 : � 1-IO $ 408 I14CPt. 4,5I8.�8 280 114 $I,046.60 $ 203,74 5=824R12 ' � � �. ` of 9&10) � �L.6-�0) . 11 8� 64 64 878.08 64 64 2$t►,80 175.07 1,337,95 . 32-37 8(1/3 39 143 91,6.76 - - - - �' 916.76 , ' o� Side) `, , • 2,376' 321' $25,056.£37 344' 178' $1,3F3]..40 $ 383.E1� �26,822.08 . , � . • •� . . E • TOT:1L STR'::ET COST: �25,052.74 . r � $25,052,79 j 2,493 £eet = $10,05 per foot , , � 11� feet (foota;e to be_ spread 1/2 way do�an olock) x�I0.05 per zoot -$1,175.85 , $].,175.55 = 321 Feet (foota�e side yards are spread over) _$3.67 per foot _/ TOT 1L CUP.B CO�T: � I,381.40 344 feet .(frcnt foota�e) x$3.55 per Foot =�1,221.2Q • , 178 feet (foota�e side yards are spread over) .c $,?0 per foot =$160.2Q � . r . ' .. � . , ' . , f . , , . . �. : + . � � . . CJ�- ( .`l , 4�, � ; ' ; : � �° , :- :� �' ., ' . . . ' • � \' � .. , . � % � . . . � L'� �� . . . � � , . . � , ; � / �� , ' / � � • ' • '. , ' . � � . / � . . .. � . . ' • ', ' :--, � �. . � . � �. .� ' I.��G4I, bF;SCRxPTIOY � BI.7GK 7877�i wW'3X � , , ��� , ' ,� '� �_J O�dnL,','�Y ADDI�^�;+i 0 CITY OF �r2IDlEY FIHAL Ass�ssrrr:�rr aoLL ST��I' IMPROVL�Ti1T PR4TGT Np. �T. 1970-4 STREET FOOTA�;� FR4;�'I' SX�E -.,..._.._ ,___-_, . � . � � � l� o TOTAL STREET ASSLS°„SFP�T 8 -] 0 j 11 � ' 104 $ : S�o20'` � 2 �0 ��.00-- � 1 (Tzix fior�eit) - 40 ' �3Ez14 �, 3?.oQO--" . 15 1(If� Side) 45. $0 64s�oG�O-= 2� �� 1. C�'a.^c For�eit? -- �� 1�0035-�'" Z�� 1 2`� � 19 0 2� -- 25 � �0 : 320�0- 2G-•30 1(I/� Side) t�5 �0 32a00-- r------ a �i"� 9"�-�_,. z- .___. . __-- . _ 2� . 27t3o�5 --- i0 2 5I.20-- t}� 32. 00-- �i�Za 2 (1/3 Side) �45 200 � 23 2 27F3.35-- 2ta�.25 2 '" � 24 .I9.20 --- 26S•27 a ' 80 64.00--- 28-�30 $� b�.00 -- �� _il/3 Sid��) _-- 45..__.__--.__...l20 ' �z~" J~� tl/3 Side) 45 _._.... _.._.__._ ._ ...,: 224.35 ...- 48 . 2 5G. 75 -- 3 . . � . ` 40 32.00 - k � ` 40 , 32, 00--. S 7 . - �a0 32, 00 - � 6 7 � 40 32+ 00 - 7 7 „ 4Q 32.Od - 8 7 40 3a.ao., 1fiP�19 ��1/3 Side) 45 �8 iPt,) k�80...-. ,� 1£ta.75 -- C� �p 20&21 7 � gp 64,Oa-- / ! � 22&23 7 . . " . 80 - ' ':'_ C3 �' j?'� • � `� �'�;�0�..�._-----� �� " $ 8 iI%3 Side) 45 46 (Pt�� � �J � �� 36.f3Q 16&1� � 8(I/3..Side) 45 • zg4 353.55 . 18 . g 88 laCi.75 l9 g y , �4 � � , 32,aa 20 � ' 4p • 32.00 21&22 g � '�0 32,00 23 g. ' 80 . . G4.QO . . . " 6 (Pt.) 4,8d 360 Et. 2�392 ft, 2�8GO,k0 . Tt � � � r r : ..; ; , ; � i . � � i � '. • ; i ; i • � o al Cost: �2,835,20 � , �2,835,20 t 1�a80 geet =�2,63 per i'oot • ; 724 geet (footA�,e to be"apread 1/2 way down block) x�2.63 per Foot = 1 893 � S , .60 S1*Q93�G0 � 2�392 �eet (Pootage side yards are spread over) _$�80 er foot P � � ' PUBLIC ti�ARINC MEL;TI2dG UI' !�OV:::.:3f:R 1�, 19?w 18 P • ' . . PpGE / 78th �,venue : A11 e � . - S 13eta�een :•iickor� Street and Beech Street _�� ,��in Street: � _ .�_ I The City Eng•ineer st�act�ed the l oc: c.ior► on n th.. ove rE�ead ^ro ' this ' n , 1 )ector and said that zm, rovement i� fur ce, cr: tt� curi� and gut��,r and a_;i3' p�3vesr.ec:r., ihe estint�ted cost ��er tuoe: is- S,?;.:, ) 5 k'LCJl a:� estimated side yard assessment of Y6.�%. Ry j'lE'V] Ol;_`�._�i`;i..^.C.1..L_i.C�1.J11�._.l.L__Ctier_c._is_rzny.^cost 1I1CUirC�� Wltfl Lt22 te�nperaT-v�r�ac?w�y that czn �e ;_redited to�a:zrd thi5 pel-manent impr�:vement, k'i1]. `;�: in::i�°�t.cd_____.=f_� �_l,_._.c _ . . _ .it ---, . _ , ,.. vo'!e•a e�:;: i�::�° •.: � 1 t�tr_n �;r� �• : � _. C:' C C;. t i S t. ;_ ti t; U.!« � T—'=" :----� 1 �-- _-: 1��E' . T�ie e�ti.mated J, i.:.c. l.J .. . ..,li�' d.11l't'� e:{:) i:ii.i..0 �.'� �_� .. �. - ,� , . 1•�. •xuuience th�.� 1 ridley tries to let ;.-:7e bics ciuri���- t��e wii�t�r so c:ha' }�e ., � tter prices c�n be cbtained. 1:� ehe bids cc�u�� �c lo•���.r t;;::•:, ti�ese es: i.�;�t,;:rs, ;::;�t is th^ p: ice th�- people � aJill pay, or �'r.at;_v;�r tE;e ,:.; t_;_i;�l cost of t �:: •:,;��rovement is. ( 77tf� �.VE:B'.:? i��:li� ' � ` �� - -- �_J:TI.s•�[p �,2!71Ci1E'2":, R02.c:. � . . ' . 1he City i:zgir:eer szid tiiw_ r.;�is stre�t ar.d :�<,n;.:;•�rs t;�;ad is in i;ast� � Estates SCCJRCI �(�C;i +,; • T t:unch � ior., jh:� �ost of ti:i:a stlect �=r_d R� ach�i.�; F;vad is $7I,019.10 . for � z e�t�imated front ioo� assessment oi $23.99 anc: ;. sic.� ',°=:�c+ assessment of y .: . .`� .`3 . _ . ,��r. Uick H<�rris �si;�� why ttz.�se �tF:v streets were higher� thari 7�c:: f;.vac:f�e, The C;ity Engine2r e�plained that r_�i� street taill be a little wider and aiso the soil cor.ditions a:e not as �aod, �1r, Ilarris s�id that there has alread�- been ,some fill put in and th�a City �;n�=neer replied thuL if there is a saving, it will be passEd on, rfr. (iarri�s �.�:;ed if. this is zor concrete cur and� i� it is, is it wise to ���* , b and gutter also, �_ it in t10;1, T}ZC' Ciry EZ?olI2eer said yes, cyrb und .gutter are included ut .t.:e �request of tl��e develaper. , ^ 8? st :,ven:•� �c-��ch � _ ��r.er�t�.o M�zn SL-rent; t IThc� City Engin�er ��id tt-��r t�e�s strret, alun� ��ith the past two and th e fol Iowii:� chre� a_-e al'. i:.���;s�,: _;�I ro�?ds to serve ar. industrial area. - estimated cost er a r��nt fi>;,� : �� y $ The � '• P �.s 5�3. 9$ witii the side ard 2.61 ��r foot. ReFCh Street: 7S':`- �'.�e�>�i:F__� 81st :��•enue; ,The City Engineer r���;�,i•ted ti�<;,-. �I;.e p: ice for this str�et is �he same as for the last. . . . , . ' � Alle�� .!??e':,aet�_'...��'ecii S:_�-r_:__ ���d Hickory ��`reet �_ - -- - _ —'-'__---- ------ _..._____� � 78th Avenue �.n 79th Avenue: - The �it: Gngzneer poi;;�:�c; ��ut the ioczti.on and said that the estimated cost as ��: �4 pe: fT'i�CtL' _`�;ot:. � � � . R::a.ch�:rslrot�.:1: %7GEt �,��,�-__�c� to 79th Ave�tte; . . �F�e Ci;y E;II4;IRE:C�r s::i�] thr.� t�e cost for this street i:; the same as for 7)Ch Avenue hi�:h ;�:<:; $?.:+.5`� per f.r��nt fu��. . •2C'tii_v�e�sitv :�vr_nur� West Servicc� Road; �South line of East P.ench EstaCes nd ;1c;Jition' ta 7�tii Av�n:�e• �---, . �:i�y En�inec:r x'epo�ted Ch�t tft�� estimaCed cosC qf this i.rnpi•o.ver.�:nt is $27.63 . . �ar front foot. Z� is lully �ctitic�ned fur and is art o , P f the .plat. � ' ' ' . � . . . • . 0 ' , y� � RESOLUTION N0. ✓ - 1974 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREfT IMPROUEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973•1 ' B: TT RESOLV£0 by the City Councit of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as fotlows: ' 1. The City Cterlc has with the assistar►�e of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for svch purpose, catculated the proper amounts to be speCially assessed for the [ JI � � ' � ' ' ' r ' STREET IMPi20VEM �NT PROJfCT ST. 1973-1. in said City against ev�ry assessabTe tat, piece, or parcel of land in accordance with the provisions of taw, and has prepared and fited with the Ci•ty Cieric tabulated state�ments in duplicate si�owing the praper description of each and every lot, piece, ar parce} of land to be specially �ssessed and the amount catcuiated against the same, 2. Notice has bee� duly published as requ�red by !aw that this Cauncit woe�ld meet in regutar session at this time and piace to pass on the proposed assessment. � 3. Said propased assessmenfi has at ai1 times since its filing been open to inspection and copying by aii persons interested, and an apportunity has been given to al9 interested persans ta preser,t their objections, if any, to such prnposed assessm�nt, or to any item thereof, and r�o objections have been fited, except; �� , , .. r � ., ! 4; .; . . , -, r �= o f e_ �.. , , � �` �+. S - , � , , N , , � : .. „_, : ,, , ; ,,,� , , ., � � �> r, � t � � r ..��,,�, ',' `� , .. , �,- � < , . ,,. , �, , , "� * `�:� 4. The amounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and aitered as fo�, oWS: ' S. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces, or parcels of land� enumerated in said propased assess�nent as attered and modified was and is speciaity benefited by the ' ' ' • � � , STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1.973-1 in the amout�t in said proposed assessmenL as altered and rtwdified,by the corrective roll in the amount set opposite fihe description of each such tat, piece, or parcel of tand, and that said amount so set out is heret�y tevied againsi each of the respective tots, pieces, or parcets of tand therein described. . • �� �J ' i -, 'J ' , , ' ' ' ' �� PAGE 2-- RESO�U7ION N0. �� - 1974 6. Such praposed assessments as altered, modified, and corrected a�� affirmed, adopted, and confirmed, and the sums fix�d �nd named in said proposed assessments as alte�.ed, modified, and corrected with the changes and altera- tions herein above made, are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the praper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land res- pectively. 7. Said assessm�nt so affirmed, adopted, and confirmed sha11 be certified to by the City Cterk and fiied in his office and sha11 thereupon be and constitute the speciai. asse.rsment far STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1973-1 8. The amount assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of tand shatt bear inter�st frcxn the date hereof untii the same have been paid at the rate of seven and one-half (7�) per cent per annum. 9. Such assessment shalt b� payabie in ten (tOj annuat installments payabie on the ist day of January in each ye�r, beginning in the year 1975, and conti nui ng un�i 1 ai l of sai d 1 hStd� it�'iLRtS sha7 t have been pai d, each instatiment to be coilected with taxes ca�iectible during said yea� by the County Auditoro 10. The City Cl�rk is hereby direct�d to make up and fite in the office af the Caunty Auditor of Anaka County a certified statement of the amount of all such unpaid assessments and the amount which wilt be due thereon on the lst day of January in each yearo , The rtwtion for the option vf the fmregaing resolution was duiy secondcd by -Councilman , and u�on vote being take� thereon, the foilowing voted in t=avar thereof: ' ' ' ' and the fotlowing voted against the sameo � PASSED ANO AOOPT 0 BY THE CITY COUNCIt Of THE CITY OF �RIOt.�Y 7HIS f� '"� DAY OF , 1974. ' ATTEST: ' CITY CL�RK Marvin C. Brunsell � �� r- � MAYOR Frank 6. Liebi 1S R ' ' WYMAN SMITH LEONARD T.JUSTER kENRY H. �EIKEMA � RONALD L. HASKVIT2 JAMES R. CASSERL'f CARL J. NEWqU1ST ' MqRK E. HAGGERTY ALVIN 5. MALMON IRYING JVSTER � OFCOUNSEL � LAW OFFICES SMZTH. �TUSTER, FEIgEMA., HASKVITZ Sc CASSERLY CHARTERED , Mr. Nasim Qureshi Ci ty i��anager Fridley Pfunicipal Building ' . 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 May 15, 1974 � RE: Street Improvement Project St. 1973-i Dear Mr. Qureshi: , ' ' ' I ' C -- /, 18 S SUITE 1250 . BUILDERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MfNNEAPOLIS. M7NNESOTA 55402 TFI.EPHONE 339-1481 FRIDLEY OFFICE 6441 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA 55432 TEIEPHONE560-6870 FoTTowing the Public Hearing on the assessment for the Designware Road, Fridley Bus Service, Inc. has asked me to reiteraie and emphasize its wi]lingness to amicably settle the assessment problem thraugh its offer to assume $2,500.00 of the assessment in question. As I indicated at the hearing, this offer is made with the understanding that Fridley assessmertt policy wou7d otherwise resul� in an assessr�ent of $1,387.50. I am sure that the Fridley Bus Service, Inc. offer would cover the $2,545.33 assessm�nt under the original roli or under alternatives 2 and 3. Nowever, Fridiey Bus Service, Inc. is prepared to chailenge in Court any attempt to take further advantage af its already generous offer. Thank you for your consideration. CJN:pap cc: Roger Christenson ' ' ery truly yours, car I�,...�iVe qui st Fridley Of ice 0 C.�- ' � ' RESOLU7ION N0. ;.�._ - 1974 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSM ENT FQR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STo 1913-2 BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Council af the City of F�idiey, Minnesota, as fatlowsz ' l. The City Cterk has with the assistance of the engineers heretofore seiected by this Councii for such purpase, calculated the proper amounts to be speciatiy assessed for the ' , ' '' ' � STR£ET IMPR4VEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-2 in said City against every assessable tot, piec�, or parcel of land in accordance with th� prov�sians of law, and has prepared and filed with the City Cterk tai�ulat�d stat�m�nis in dia�iicate st�wing the proper descriptson of each and every Tat, piec�, or par��1 of land to be specially assessed and the amour�t catculated agair►st the same. 2. Notice has be�re ctuly pubtished as required by ia�v that this Councii would meet in reguiar� s�ssion at this tim� and pDac� to pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Said proposed �SSpcSlt:ent has at att times since its fiting been open to in�pection anci copyin� by �11 persar�s interestec�, and an opportunity has be�n giveR to a11 intereste� persons io present th�ir objectians, if any, to such pro,�os�d ass�ssment, or ta any it�m thereof, and na objec�ions have been fiieds excep�: 0 k. The arrrounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and alter�d as follows; ' S. This Cour.cit finds that each of the tots, pieces, or parcels of iand enumerated in said proposEd assessment as aitered and modif�ed was and is speciaZly benefiteci by the STREET iMPROVEMEN7 PROJECT ST. 1973_3 in the amaunt in said proposed assessment as aTtered and modified by the corrective roit in the amount set opposite the desuiption af each such lot, piece, or parcet of tand, and that $aid amount so set�out is hereby levied against each of the resp�ctiv� iots, pieces, or parcels of land the�ein described. � I ' 18 T � � ' J ,� PAGE 2-- RESOLUTION N0. � - 1974 6. Such proposed assessments as altered, modified, and cor�ected are affirr�ed, adopted, and cahfi�m�d, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessments as altered, modified, and corrected with the changes and altera- tions herein abave made, are affirm�d, adopted and eonfirmed as the pro�er . speciat assessments for each of said lats, pieces, or parcets of land res- pectively, 7. Said assessment so affirmed, adopted, and confirmed shall be certified to � by thc City Clerk and fited in his office and shalt thereupan be and constitute the speciat assessment for � �_� ' ' STREET IMPROVEMENT PRQJECT 1973•2 8. The amount assessed again5t each tot, piece, or parcel of tand shail bear interest fresm ths� date h�reof until the same have been paid at the rate of seven and one-ha�� (72) per cent per annumo 90 Such assessment shali be payable i� ten (10) annuai i�statlments payable on the tst day o� Januar.y in each year, beginning in the year i975s and continuing untii ali of said instailm�nts sha11 have been paid, each instatimertt to be coitected with taxes coitectible during said year by the County Auditar. . 10. The City Clerk is hereby dir�cted to make up and file in the office of the ' County Auditor of Anoka County a certi�ied state��nt of the amount of alt such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on the ist day of January in each year. ' � ' ' ' t i. ' ' The motion for the ado ion of the foregoing resolution was duly sec�nded by Counciiman , and upon vote being taken th�reon, the following vated i avor thereof: and the foilowing voted against the same. � � PASSED AND ADOPT B THE CITY CQUNCIL OF 1`HE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF , 1974. ATTEST: C�'i`Y CL RK Marvi n C. Brunse� MAYOR . Frank G. Liebi 18 U C�AIMS GE.��ERAL Lli�tlOR 35618 - 3579� 8875 - 8924 � 0 n . � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY C�U"�CIL �lT THE ��FETIN� OF t1liY 20, 1�74 � TYPE OF LICENSES - RC�JEt�JALS BY APPP,O�►ED QY FEE CI(;ARETTE Ground P,ound �� �round Round Public Safetv Director $ 12.00 5277 Centrai Avenue Fri dl ev Hudson Oil Company Koch P1arketinn Compan�i Public Safetv Director 12.00 7315 Fli nhti�rav 65 � P1oon P1 aza �'estaurant Bi jan �li I:rad 6215 University Avenue Shaddr�ck - Labeau Lec�ion Post 303 � 1315 Rice Creek Road VFt�1 Post 363 Fred Bennett ]0�0 Osborne Road FOOD ESTABLISHf1ENT F� idlf�� A � l�! ?�?_9 East River Road Fridiev Frontier Club 7365 Central Avenue Ground Round 5277 Central Avenue Jimbo's Pizza 248 llississ�ppi S�reet P9oon Plaza R�staurant 6215 Universitv Avenue VFI�I Post 363 1040 Osborne !;oad VENDT�I� �9,�CHINE • Fridley P & t•! 7429 East River Road Sk,y�vood C1 eaners 525? Central Avenue VFt�I Post 363 1040 Osborne 2oad VENDINC TRUCK - NEbI tRi s�er Softee 1476 Onondac�o Street Donald P. Tarasar P1arlene A. Povlitzki �raund Round James t�t. Schooi ev Bi j an Ni krad Fred Bennett Danald P. Tarasar Frank Casale Fred l3ennett f;eor�e A. Flanson Public Sa�etv Director 12.00 Public Safety Director 12.00 Pubiic Safetv Director 24,00 ;-ieal th I nsnector Health Inspector Nealth Insnector Health Insnector Health Insnector Health Insnector Health Insnector Health Insnector Health Inspector Health Inspector 25.C� 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 S,OQ 15,00 �� �� 30.Q0 LIST OF LICEf�SES TO QE IIPPROVED BY TNE CTTY COUC�CIL AT THE t4FETIN� OF P1AY 20, 1974 � A TYPE OF LICE�lSES - RENEI�IALS EPIPLOYEE DISPENSIN� Judv I. Clark Z517 Quinc,y Street Fridley Hel en �1. Yeats 5712 ar,yant Avenue P�o. LIVESTOCK Geor�e 07son 6� 2 Lafayette PUBLIC DRIidKIN� PL/10E Fi resi de !'.i Ce Bbt��l 7440 Central Avenue Ho���i es 2�0 P�ississi-ppi Street P9ap1 e Lanes 6310 High�vay 65 Pollies , 6225 Hi gh��iay G5 Frontier Club 7365 Central Avenue C7ub �7 6067 Universitv Avenue BY �round P.ound f;round Round �l enn l�long Robert E. Gorre1l P1ary J . Savel l:oul Franci s L . �9ager P1ar1 ene !�. Pov1 i tzki Robert E. Snvder SAU^JA � Bodv Shonne Sauna & 6arber Kemo �.nc!erecf: 637�J University Avenue SERVICE ST�ITIO�a Centra� Sneedv Car l•lash 5201 Central Avenue � Holiday Service Station 5�307 Universitv tivenue Nudson Oil Co►�oanv 7315 Ni �h:��av 65 Stuart Pihlstrom Central Service Co. Koch �^arketin� Co. APP��!►ED BY FEE Public Safetv Director � 5.00 Public Safetv Direc�or 5.00 � Hea1th Insoector 10.00 � � Pu(�1 i c Sa�Fetv Di rector 100.00 Denuty Fire Chief Pub1TC Safety Director 1Q0.00 Qenutv Fire Chief Pub1TC Safetv Director lOQ.00 Qenutv Fire Chief . Pubiic Safetv Directpr 100.00 Deputa �ire Chief Public Safetv Director 100.00 Denutv �'ire Chief Public Safetv Director 100.00 Deputy Fire Chief t-(eaith Insnector Building Insoector De�utv Fire Chief B�ildinc� Insnector Denuty Fi.re Chief Buildinn Inspector Deputy Fire Chief 25.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 � LIST OF LICENSES TO QE APPR�VED QY TIIE CITY C�UNCIL AT TNE f1EE'fIN� OF P1AY 20, 1974 �� TYPE �F tICENSES - P,Ef�IEt•IALS ' TAVERN ' K. C. Hall � 6831 Hi nh:��ay 65 ! Pollies , 6225 Hi �h,•!ay 65 � � P1ao1 e Lanes b310 Hi �ht•ray 65 ' Frontier Club 7365 Central Avenue , . HoN�ies. 240 P9ississipni Street ' C1 ub 47 6061 University Avenue Fi resi d� Pi ce Bo�A�I ' 7440 Central Avenue ' BOTTLE CLUB � K. C. Hall ' 6831 Ni gh�rrav -65 ' TAXICAB Columb7a Heights Taxi 903 4Uth Avenue ' Fridlev Cab Service 5740 Uni versi tv llvenue , USED CAR LOT , Frank's Used Cars � 5740 University Avenue � � SU�VDAY ON SALE LIQUOR ' Fri d�l ey V. F. !�1. Pos t 363 1040 Osborn� Road � Ground Round 5277 Central.Avenue ' CARPJIVAL - P�Etd Gol d Fa�l e /tmusements 250 57t1i �venue BY C}�ester �1achurski Franci s L. P1aner �1arv Savelkoul Plarlene Povlitzki P,obert E. �orre17 Robert E. Snvder �lenn F. t��long Chester �1achurski John E. LaF1�nt Fran{; ��. �abri 1 ci k Frank r1. (;abri 1 ci k Lester �. Orton Howard Johnson Co. Hol i dav Vi 11 acte P�orth- APPR�VED BY FEE Public Safe�v Director $ 12.00 Deputv Fire Chief Public Safetv Director 12.00 Detiutv Fire Chief Public Safetv Director 12.00 De�utv Fire Chief , Public Safetv Director 12.00 Deputy Fi re Cl�i ef � Public Safetv Director 12.00 Dep«�,y Fire Chief Pub1ic.Safetv Director T2.00 Depu�Y.v Fi re �Chi�ef Public Safetv Director 12.00 Denutv Fire Chief Public Safety Director 200.00 Deputy F'ire Chief Public Safet�� Director 65.00 Public Safetv Director 30.00 Buildinct Inspector 100.00 Public Safet,y Director 200.00 Publi.c Safetv Director 200.OQ public Safety Director 225,00 � CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING.. �O C ON MAY 20, 1974 (ALL HAVE A$25.00 FEE) BLACKTOPPING. . APPROVED BY . S & M Blacktop Company P.O. Box 22526 RobbinsdaZe, Minnesota 55422 B�: I�Iaynard Hanson C. Belisle NEW GAS SERVICES w ' Sta.ndard Heating & Air Conditioning 410 West Lake Street Minn�apolis, Minn. 55408 By: Bob Ulhela W. Sandin RENEWAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR . Sparta Brook Construction 347 -12th Avenue South South St. Paul, Minn. 55075 By: Thomas Daly C. Belisle NEW Springfield Homes Inc. '� 3713 Foss Road N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota By: Lee Kupcho C. Belisle RENEWAL HEATING Standard Heating & Air:Conditioning 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55408 By: Bob Ulhela W. Sandin RENEWAL ROOFING Leslie Tranby Roofing & Siding Co. � 6917 Valley Place.� Crystal, Minnesota 55427 By: Leslie Tranby C. Belisle RENEWAL .. APPLICATIOy FOR LICENSE � '.' C1TY OF FRIDLEY '�� 6�13I UfdIVERSITY AVEi��UE iV, E, HONORIIBLE CITY COWi CIL Fridley, Minnesota � , �-�� ��L� � ' Aate of Application fl Gentlemen: ' c� � �'� WE .-, �, � ,� ,- �.. � t-. • � �� � �-1, *Fee, $ Z- :5 - ,1"c �� -, �, � ..'.� � ]� ��-•�T n :-.,-r ,. L G:s s .-� . New � Renewal � �— c.� -� ".� c.1 1. �'' � s. Home Phane No. S" C o- �j („ �-1 1 Bus. Phone No. .. .. � . enclose the sum of `�' ��-t ,., •-� �, �= ,' .,-� DOLLARS to the City of Fridley as required Y�y the Ordinances of said City and have complied with all the requirements of said Ordinances necessary for obtaining this license: � NOW, THEREFORE, �'� tnr c_ . CS� ��- . ' �'�, ,� C 1, r u S � � �/ e �� �-s1�, -�- < <,, ., t� �. ,,. ,, ,� ) =� •�.�., �; ,.� +,t.�, hereby make application to . . L� �l"1 G�.r c �,a � l �� . � -� ` C, v. .�'l t ' � ,�fv r i �� ' L .� � �=2r•p �a �.. . � � �- . �-�- . , for the period through C� n Y; �:; a� i� �S°subject to all conditions and provisions ot said Ordinance.°� ' • .' . Ci�y Use Only � �. t` �; � � .-, .� � � c�__, :_.�,r,-�.-Y. . Print Name . ���1� �_�-.----� ` .. . � • Signature of Applicant r . : � cal3.ons ' * Pool Size Fee 0 - 5,000 $25.00 5, 001 - 15, 0 �! 0. 0�' ' ' 15,001 - 30,000 $60.00 . • 30,001 - 5Q,000 $70.00 ' . ' 50,001 - and up $80.00 ' Same Si�e Additional Pools: 25$ of base fee , . I ' . u APPLICATI4i� FOR LICENSE � . CITY OF FRIDLEY. . � 643I U(dIVERSITY AVEidUE N,E� HONORFIBLE CITY COUNCIL Frid�ey, riinnesota Gentlemen: � � WE .1- ►-� -r s 1� v� c, 1< N o,- -} (a- -- �4�'(��I-� .' ! �� v1 i f ( J L� ri-a c o.,.i ,r� � s C� c_ c. �-- ti v� i C_�' ��. 1—� ., ��- � s . � ! � � �o E �� � Date of Application � � �-y � t'Gl *Fee, / � New ��_ Renewal Home Phone No. _ .S"'G c, ,��, 9� Bus. Phone No. enclose the sum of S c � c,,, .�- ,� - DOLLARS to the City of Fridley as required by the O�dinances of said City and have complied with all the requirements of said Ordinances necessary for obtaining this license: NOW� THEREFORE� � w e /� ! QWtiCr � `�n11c-C • �V�1h..c . ' ��-. .-, r � r � �- N o s � �, -�-d �,,, � � � 1 � hereby make appZication to 1 I J �V �' `y � v h. � e- F 'i' • C c� � C , ^r ,- � ` � S � '.� c. for the period through _��„; � 3 0., �r �'� S subj ect to all conditions and provisions of said Ordinance. . City Use Only l� � � �. .1 � \� �- .� ,� � � � Print Name � . �1��,_��_� �.��i..- - � �.,- �• � Signatu�re of Applicant • Gallons' � * Pool Size Fee o - s,aoo Sas.ao 5,001 - 15,000 $40.00 15,001 - 30,000 $60.00 30,001 - 50,000 S70.Q0 0,001 - and up $80.00 � Same Site Additional Pools: 25$ of base fee a � . f , � � 20 F CENSE � �� � APPLICATIOiV FOR LI � . CITY OF FRIDLEY �j � 643I UfJIVERSITY AVE�dUE N.E. .��� � v�� HONORABLE CITY COUPICIL Fridley, Minnesota Date of Application �.a��/l, —�� Gentlemen: • � � i I ���'�_ -, ,�- z��G����- �',��� � ....c�'r�L..�/ ✓ % � -� J iL�1�'i ��F' � c�%'ii2�,G:�Fee, $ �(i l"� _� � ���- � %�i�" --t-'�'-x.,;�,;.��'-r -�t�%/�, �ll� .i. ivew �T� Fcenewai . � � `� � � ' , �' � - � ; Home Phone No . / ! Bus. Phone No. ��C; / - �� � r% .. . , enclose the sum of-_ �'�,�-'�,-Z-��-f.� �� c�--�'-t�...�'r-'��.--�.- ---------�LLARS to the City of Fridley as required by,�he Ordinances of said City and have complied with all the requiremen�s of said Ordinances necessary for obtaining this license: NOW, THEREFORE,'I � � 0 hereby make application to .����"�'�.�-�-' `�.� �L�- , - - v �% for the. period ', /' � � .�,%--�' /�through� _ ' ' . ., `? / subj ect td a11 . conditions and provisibns of said Ordinance. • . � �/ n.,r.. �'�.„�: ���- /� .,-�c.- ' . City Use Only , � _ •, . Gallons -- * Pool Szze Fee ' 0 - 5,000 $25.00 � 5,001 - 15,000 $40.00 i � 15,001 - 30,000 $60.00 • 3Q,001 - 50,000 $70.00 . 50�001 - and up $80.b0 Same Site Additional Pools: 25� of base fee , ._` �� �i � � Print Name ' . ?�12�'1.-c'�/ � �.1-�! �`' Signature of Applicant � , , . 0 APPLICATIOiV FOR LICENSE CITY OF FRIDLEY 643I U�dIVERSITY AVEi�UE N,E, xoNO�szE czTx couNCiL Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: I . -�-- f�l cl � I/ L �_ r� o��-, (n��O �C.r��C��_� S/ . � l� L S J�YI �1 �. 5��.�?�. . -� . � ZOG Date of Application f�� L�';��� *Fee, $ !a Q � � New � � Renewal� � Home Phone No . ,s `�.�—' � � � �- Bus. Phone No. �-�--�— �--�� � _ enclose the sum of -,��� ��!�f-z� DOLLARS to the City of Fridley as requiYed��y the Ordinances ot said City and have compliea with all the requirements of said Ordinances necessary for obtaining this license: NOW, THEREFORE, I� � v,( d e�� ���. s. � h ' _ hereby make application to �,�e���s� ou� �laoY Swr ��-;�,'ka �� � �� . for the period 9--��-_�-�-- throuqh �:e��:� , subject to all conditions and p o isions of said Ordinance. y , � . ' �tdQ.// �.�rsa� City Use Only Print ras.:° : , :: � l�l�-(.��r�' ;�.,r _� .� _ '., . Signature of Applicant •� GalTons � ' . . * Pool Size Fee 0 - 5,000 $�5.00 � . � , 5,OQ1 - 15,000 $40.00 4�,�.�, � °'" 5, OOI - 30, OOQ $60. 00-r----" � g} ��� �� a � � 0,• 0 - . S70.OII� .- ' • `��00�. - and up �}�8(7. �0 . Same Site Additional. Pools: 25$ of base fee . " • ' . . �. ' . .. . 1 � � , , . � - , � , � . �. � .� , � , � � �I � . , APPLICATIOy FOR LICEPlSE � , CITY OF FRIDLEY � 643I U«IVERSITY AVE�JUE N.E. HONORABLE CITY COiTNCIL Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: . � � � �, . . 20 H . . . . �� Date of Application ��. �,aY j. ��� a WE "� \ 1\ i'_ � � (_� �_C� } ` «:.�� �r%?� � : ' . . v � b �' *Fee $ %�' � `� . �. � New � . '� Renewal � Home Phone No. $us . Phone No. � � C�` -�,� �/ y � �-� _ cry'�.� � . enclose the sum of �-�`;�;' _.�.��--�� ��,�i�!^;_� ��,�..� ` bOLLARS to. the City of F'ridley as required by the Ordinances of said City and have complied with all the requirem�nts of said Ordinances necessary for obtaining this license: N4�4, THEREFORE, I. � � _ .:,��_:_�. �;--�:� c�_� �'�� } �<<�C�. .C? � hereby make application to - � /; � '_ � �`�:,i •_Y � � � : �'i_ _� � � J . . for the period _?�i'i t-/ through I��� subject to all eonditions and provisions of said Ordinance. . . � . . . � �\v t�Q �.�� ,a � ��v.t� ����`� ' City Use _ Y � Print P1a.:�2 � �� --7 / ' . , ' �' "-` �� � � � ,���,.� �. ��-��.t .�__-� . ,�� �_. . � •• Signature of Applicant � � � . Gallons � ' ' ' . * Pool Size Fee a — s,000 S2s.00 5,001 - 1.5,000 $40.00 15,Q01 - 30,000 $60.00 30,001 - 50,000 $70.00� 50,001 - and up 580.00 Same Site Additional Pools: 25� of base fee �f-�� ��� F,� � n1 CU m(' A�v i� S -Za/C BaOQ y�lU.n7,Pb L/�T AL��.aIU � S�U , �,�L s , SS �3/ � .n' . . . . Expiration Date: � .�C� /�-1`�,� • ' ' '. � u � _____�.M____ aw�ac� ._.._— --- —.--...�--1 ��`°�� � �i�� �f � �a���;� � l r_� ` °T '►� T°� °F r"� Tw'H. HOUS� TRA I LER APPL I CAT I 0�1 . ! J � � 4'�""'� G0�4U�ITY CEv3LCvfrrNT GV. , � � t , � PNOT�CT�VI f:i7`dCT�O�i G�7T. i t �, � �l j �._.t ' CITY NSLI i•:it.^.L2Y 07�:71 �,� `..__.f�.� �.J 012'D�0'34�0 :U"�n�;Ji ':fY. OAYE � f C� Ar^�POVf 8r 9io - rs 0� 1/31/73 i 1 soo A, fiame of Applicant: Totino's Finer Foods, Inc. Address: 7�„5Q CQmme�e Lane, F�jd1.�..Y� MN 554�2 . B. Ownership v� Trailar: Space Rentals - Deat. 40, P.O. 8ox 1100 Corn��rell Heights, PA . . ,� so2o C. Descxiption of Trailer (I�:�ke arid Size): Office Trailer 10 ft. x 40 ft. ` � � � F. Nu�e of ch�nex of T,and; Rauenhorst Corporation Address ; 4444 Rauenhorst Ci rcl e, i�l�l s, i��1N 55435 Period of Ti�t� Trailex is ta b� 3tored or Qccupied:08/30/73.- 08/30/74 Use of Trailer; Office Space �• • � G. Signatures oi Adjoining Pzop�x y Owners Granting Approval; � �� � ��.� �-� -�:�I�L�.,E� �) ��'�'� � _ � . . : H: Location af Trail,er on ?raposed Property (Attach Plot Plan of Prop�rty): I: .�tJh°re Tra iler is to be �ccupia3, S?hat is : 1. Relation�hip bet�ae�n Trai.l�r Ccyner and Land Cwner: None , 2. rr�:�e� �r.:l rowe c� A�? Occug�nts: Lydia Lucas 30 Sue Tesar 20 Judy F1or.man 34 Darlene Laing 32 3. FACilities For Sewaaa p�sposal, �Jater and Electxicity: The appl±cati�n, when pxeaent2d to the City CounciZ shall show the recos.mendation af the Zoning Adzninistxa�or �nd/ox Building Inspectox. � Plensc find attachsd chack in th� amount o� $7.50 fox paxki�tg, $25.00 for occupyin� a hous� era�lar. . E2.1.�"t� . � ��,,� v�`lS'% i . � Appl.i.cant �� Date - - - ---- - — - - Approved i3)• t ; Receipt No. i �i Li.cense No. . 0 ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - REGt1LAR MEETING - MAY 20, 1974 Progressive Contractors, Inc. ' Box 368 Osseo, Minneso�a 55369 PAR'fIAL Estimate #11 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-2 (MSAP) PARTIAL Estimate #12 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-i Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 Coun�y Road "J° Minneapolis, Minnesota . PARi'IAL Estimate #15 for Water Improvement Project No. 111 fram April 1 through April 27, 1974 PARTIAL Estimate # 4 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 from April i through April 27, 1974 A. J. Chromy Construction Company 5051 West 215 Street Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 and Western Casualty & Surety Company PARTTAL Estimate #5 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114, Fridley, Minn. Weaver, Talle & Nerrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minn�sota 55303 Rpril biiling for services rendered � w $ 19,712.]0 $ 13,540.15 $ 178.20 $ 4,425.04 $ 28,643.32 $ 1,100.00 � 'CHAR�ES R. WEAVER _ HERMAN L. TAI�E VIRGIL C. HERRICK ROBERT MUNNS . � ,JAMES D. GIBBS � WILLtAM K. GOODRICH THOMAS A. GEDDE JEFFREY P. HICKEN . , ' ' City of Fridley � LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK May 16, 1974 �tpril Retainer: CounciZ Meetings Meeting wiih Department Heads Staff Meetings Memos to Staff and City Correspondence Recreational Vehicles Ordinance Meeting with Contractor - Harris Lake Estates Meeting with Department of Natural Resaurces, State of Minnesota Metro 500 vs. Fridley 9 hours 5 hours 5 hours 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 29 hours 71A 316EASTMAIN STREET ANOKA. MINNESOTA55303 A21 5413 $1,000.00 Secretarial AZlowance , 100.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,100. 00 � � � _ . � U � , WYMAN SMITH , LEpNARD T. JUSTER HENRY H. FEIKEMA RONALD L. HASKVITZ � JAMES R. CASSERLY CARL J. NEWOU�ST � MARK E. HAGGERTY AGVIN S. MALMON IRVING JUSTER OFCOUNSEL ' � ' � � ' r , ' � � , � � � � LAW OFFICES SMITH, c3USTER, FEIREMA. H�SKVITZ $c CASSERLY The Honorable Mayor and (�lembers of the City Council City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 CHARTERED May 13, 1974 IN RE: Proposed Application of Max Saliterman For A Liquor License - King's Chalet Gentlemen: SUITE 1250 BUIlDERS EXCHANGE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 TEIEPHONE 339-1481 FRIDLEY OFFICE 6441 UNIVERSITV AVENUE N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TEIEPHONE560-6870 Mr..Max Saliterman who individual1y and through a corporation owns the Shorev�aood Plaza Shopping Center has asked the writer to propose in his behalf that he be granted a liquar license for King's Chalet. As you may or may not know, the former operator of King's Chalet has vacated. This has service areas of 8,000 square feet. Max has a prospective tenant who would operate a firs� class restaurant that would be a credit to the City. Much of the present equipment and fixtures in the space can be used. The new tenant, however, expects to spend at least $50,000 for additional fixtures and equipment. . Mr. Saliterman is aware that the Council has reserved a license waiting for an app.licant who comes into the City with a first class motei com- plex. For more than one year he has explored the possibility of getting a motel complex established on the shopping center property. He now finds that such a possibility is unlikely at this tim�. There are a number of factors. Interest rates are at an all time high in order to hedge off inflation. The energy crunch and low occupancy levels of moteis generally have slowed down the expansion that national motel concerns had contemplated. Mr. Saliterman believes that the climate will be altered within the coming three years and promises to continue to seek aut a motel compiex for his property eith.er as a tenant or as a sale or as an investor with or without himself. He believes that other large property oarners that would have a suitable site for a motel complex are faced with identical ' � .. � �� ' ,--, I � � � , , r , � � r � � � �J � Page Two May 13, 1974 problems. He therefore reguests that if you would give him a license for King's Chalet presently he would covenant with the City that the license would be rescinded and ihat he wauld relinguish it to any prospective motel complex applicant. He would trust that the relin- quishment would not have to take place until the motel complex was constructed and ready to operaie. Aiso, he would hope that he would have the first suitable application for a motel complex so that the license then would be transferred from the King's Chalet to the new motel complex. He is also aware that it is likely that the referendum under the new 1aw would be approved by the voters and that the City then would have the right to issue additional licenses and that the condition or covenant involved with this license might then be erased. " Mr. Saliterman is additionally aware that there are a number of other business enterprises within the City that v��ould like liquor licenses. Apparently, anyone in the fo�d and entertair.ment industry needs liquor in order to remain competitive in the metropolitan area. His request he deems unique in that he does have space available for a motel complex and is convinced that given a few years that conditions wi11 turn around so that one can be built. I am writing this letter in behalf of Mr. Saliterman prior to having Fi�m go through the farmality of making a written application. The request does involve a change of palicy. Please give the matter yaur considera- tion and advise. WS:cb Yours truly, Wyman Smith 23 A 1 � IIII-� �1 �n� Il� ���� � Il11� 24 league of minnesota municipalities Wednesdayo June 12 2 pom> to 4 pom. ' Duluth Arena � Auditorium Public Em loyee Labor Relat�.ons I� Frank G, Lieblo Mayora Fridley, Chairman+� � William Bassett, City Managez, Mankato ' R, Scott Davieso City Attorney, St, Paul I,ox`en L. Lawo Mayor, Richfield May 140 1974 ' Since you and th� other per�ons named above have devoted yQUr time and talents over the past several manths to det;eloping a proposed League platform for the next two years, we hope you wi11 be able to participate in the next, important step. This letter is to ask you to be a member of the panel that will present the proposed � policies to members in a �rorkshop at the annual convention. The time, date and place are noted above. � � ' C ' The workshops a�e a crucial step in the policy development process. They are designed to be a forum where members can gain understanding of proposed policies and can get an insight into the ba�kgrounc� Gf your committee's work. They are also a place where members can give input into f:he paliaies, such as proposing amendments or giving feedback on priorities. We suggest that the following rather simple format can be fol.lowed. First, the ahairman aould give an overvi�w including comme�ts on the policy development process in the League and comments on the general �ackground to the policies. Second, there would be an item by item rPview, wi.th comments from panel members as you determine it is appropriate. A League staff inember will be assigned to your workshop to give general assisfance. On Friday, June 14, �e normally ask the chairmen to present the policies at the Legislative Confe�ence. Tt would be helpful if chairmen will let us know in advance if they can make this presentation. We hope you will be able to be a member of the panel. Please return the enclosed postcard as soon as possible indicating your intentions. � Sincerely, � , � Dean A. Lund Executive Director � . � 1..�.7 a,,. Constance G. Wa�.erous . Sta�f Associate mje ' 3U0 hanover building, 480 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 (E12) 222-2661 OPTIMIST CLUB OF NORTHEAST SUBIlRBAN P�INNEAPOLIS May 16, 1974 City of Fridley City Council_ Fridley City Hall Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Council A1embers; . I� is respectfully requested that the Optimist C1ub of Plortheast Suburban Minneapolis be allo�,red to use the Parking Lot a�jacent to ts�e Fridley City Nal l-For i t's Annual Bi cycle Inspecti on to be hel d bet�•�een the hours of 1:00 and �:00 P.�9. on the 26th day of May, 1974. Respectfully Submitted, ..- L� �'� ��� Mark E. Haggerty . � - Secretary-Treasurer Elect MEH/pas � � �s� a n as Recr�t�on and �ature �tudy o� P ace for �ve one e �"'e ADVISORY BOARD EUGENE DALY, C�iel Atro�neV Veterans AdministraUOn EVERETTEDODGE PrinciPal Oowling School lor Ci�pp�ed Chifdren FREDRiCK J. ORESSER Midwest Fedeial Savings and Loan Association FOSTER DUNWID�IE Vice President Amhitects o! Baniers !oi the Handicapped W(LLIAM GREGG . AdminisvatOi � VeteransHome State o(Minnetore � RICHARD JACOBSON Vice P�esident frid�eY Srate Bank fRANKJONNSON Executive Direcror Minneapolis Sociery ol the Blind ROBERT KOWALCZYK Director Fraser Schoo� for the Men[al/y HandicapOed DAVEKRUEGER Ch�e! Recreation a�d Rehabilitarion, Veterans Hospi[al, Mrnrtesota OR. JOSEPH MORIARTY Mercy Hospital " � LEON OISON Execufive Director � TrainingandEmp7oVment ol Handicapped Adults Rise, Inc. ROGERSCHMAUS Principal Robert Louis Scevenson Elementary Schoo! WILLIAMSCHOENBOLM ' Executive �ireeto� Minneapo/is Sxiety o� � CripPfed Children and AdWts DR. BROR S. TROEDSSON Chie1 Fhysicaf Med�cine ol Vetera�s Hosprtal, Minnesora ED WILMES Originaror � Chaiiman ISLANDS OF PEAGE COMMITTEE ELMER F.OISON L�NUS B. FRITZ RON F. BURTON REV. M. G. DENYES REV.E.A.CHMIELEWSKI TONY OLSON V.F.W. 363 WAYNE PET71S American Legion Post 303 DONA CEBULA American Leg�on Auxilliary Post J03 RUTH $TARK V.F.W. A�xilliery Post 363 PAULBROWN Ex-otlicro � CnY o� fridleY CARROLL KUKOWSKI sac.era,� . 1 ' � CITY OF FRtDLEY@6431 UNtVERStTY AVENUE N. E. • FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE (612) 56Q-3450 " Mayor Frank Liebl Cit� of Frid].ey Fridley, T�'inn. Dear N�ayor r�ay 1}��, 1971� P In reviewing the wbrk to be done at the Islands of Peaee� ��long w�ith Foster W. Duntiaiddie, Architect, it is agreed that the following�projects could be accomplished by the neighborhood Youth Corps. this summer l. Construction of the boat dock, 2. Tns�allation of railroad tie barriers along trails and surrounding picnic areas, _ 3. Construction of temparary toilet facilities for the handicapped� !�. Construction of a temporar�r shelter building. 5. Anchorage of pi.cn�_c tables. 6. Construction of outdoor gr�lles. 7. Installation of rip rap at North end oi Chases Island and causeway. 8. Planting of trees� shr.ubs and ].andscaping. 9. Constructing flag pole area. This proposal will be presented to the Islands of Peace Foundation Board of directors, Tuesday, h�ay 21�.197�. �✓//�'� WL""` : Sincerely' t � . _ 7 �.r--.. ����Lr "'M / // ^ / ` %� � � � �� ��,� ` �,j/ r1 �, ,;d �� Ed Wilmes � F�under, Islands of Peace `�cwvy��'ci�.�y'VK ���'u`� re peace i a way of life every hour of every day."