08/05/1974 - 5762PATRICIA RANSTROM COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR CO�NCTL MEETING AUGUST 5, 7974 � � , ' � ' ' 1 � � I ,� � �� � � � � �1 � ' ' ' � � �' 4 ( � C F�IiILEY CITY COUNCIL — REGULAR NiEETI1lG - AUGl1ST 5, 1974 7:38 . PLt�GE OF ALLEGIANCE: Given IiaVOCATIOid: R�LL C�iLL: By Mayor Liebl Councilman Breider absent PR�s���rA�r�or�: PRESENTATiON OF CHECK TO CITY �F FRIDLEY BY I�1R. WILLIAM ATKINS, DIRECTOR OF MINNESOTA PARK AND RECREATION�GRANT SECTION fOR ISLANDS OF PEacE` Presented. APPRO��L OF �ili�iUTESc REGUt�AR MEETING OF .JULY I., 1974 � Adopted. PUBLIC NEARING MEETING, �ULY $, 1�%4 Adopted, REGULAR MEETING OF .�ULY 15, �g%4 Adopted. ADOPT I Qi� OF AGE�dDA : Amended with the addition of license applicatfon by Ke�in Crawfot^d. � i1 . r 1 � �, � -, � .' � � , l 1 � 1 � ' I , � � ' REGULAR f�EETIiVG, AUGUST 5, 1974 � PAGE 2 VISITORS: CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 Mt�uTEs Mr. Gary Stimmler, 7841 Alden Way, representing Craig Park girls Softball Team, winners of State Girls Softball Tournament, request for City aid in funding trip ta National Tournament in F7orida. City agreed to pay a percentage of travel expenses with an advance from City on entire travel expenses with money to be reimbursed to the City after the tournament. OW �USIIVtSS; CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN �RDINANCE FOR THE VACATION REQUEST, SAV #74–OZ� BY ROBERT STIXRUD, TO VACATE THE EAST AND WEST IO� OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IN �LOCKS 1 a�vn 2j LYNDALE BUiLDER�S �TH ADDITION; GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN SSTH AND S�TH AVENUES AND �ETWEEN %TH STREET AND �EFFERSON $TREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . , . 1 - I. A Ordinance No. 562 Adopted and publication ordered. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND i�EADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACATION OF REQUEST SAV #%�–01, BY FLORENCE SWANSON; TO VACATE THAT PART Q� HUGO STREET I�EDICATED IN THE PLAT 0� SWANSON`S TERRACE, LYING EASTERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSiON OF THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 1` AND 3, SWANSON' S TERRACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 – 2 A Ordinance No. 563 adopted and publicat�on ordered. — REGtfL�iR i�1EETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 3 OLiI �USIiVESS (COidTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF SECDND READING OF AN ORDINANCE CLARIFYING ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS . �CHAPTER ZOS, SEC. ZO5,051, PARAGRAPH Z�A). . . . . . • �• 3 Ordinance No. 564 adopted and publication ordered. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE - AMENDING SECTION 4OZ.OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CONCERNING METER READING AND PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND DISCONTINUA7ION OF SERVICE. SAID AMENDMENTS WILL ADD A PE{VALTY FOR NONPAYMENT OF BILLS AND AMENDS THE CHARGE FOR RESTORATION OE SERVICE. ...... 4- 4 A ` Ordinance Na. 565 adopted and publication ordered. CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMEND.ING SECTICIN 4OZ OF TME FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATING TO WATER �`�ETER DEPOSITS, SAID AMENDMENT ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT THAT CUSTOMERS BE REQUIRED TO MAKE A METER DEPOSIT. . . . � . . . . . . . . 5 Ordinance No. 566 adopted and publication ordered. � __ : �s ,-1 REGULr�R MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 � PAGE 4 OLD bUSI►3ESS (COiVTIyUED) , CONSIDERATION OF SHADE TREE l�ISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM �TABLED 7-15-74) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - � 6 G Preliminary budget approved and administration to prepare Resolution for transfer of funds for 1974 proposa] for next regular meeting. RECONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE OF A GARAGE FROM 2' T0 .1' SIDEYARD SETBACK. REQUEST BY ROWLAND .JACOBSON,,,,.......,........,,,�,,, �_�B Variance to .1' �abled with the stipulation that a mutual agreement' be signed by Jacobsons and Jorgensons, and brought back ta Counci7 when this is done. NEW �USIi�ESS: CONSIDERATION OF AN EMERGENCY �RDINANCE FOR THE REPAI R OF WELL IVO. 5 � . . . . . . . . � . . � . . . . . . H — S B Ordinance No. 567 adopted and publication ordered. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF .JULY 1%, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 E �. REZONING REQUEST — CITY OF FRIDLEY Public Nearing set. REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 5 i�EW BUSIiVESS (COfVTINUED) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT — GORCO CONSTRUCTION C0. Approved w9th recommendation of Planning Commission. Councilmen and Planning Commission members to be poied for agreement on time and date of joint meeting. Minutes Received. R M ECEIVING THE INUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS- } 1�ESIGN CONTROL I�EETING OF .�ULY IS, 19�4. �..,.,. 1� — 1� �� _ � 1. SPECULATIVE WAREHOUSE — RON SMITH AND PACO �IASONRY . ; Approved with ten recommended stipulations and also with the � addition of the ]ast statement in the motion of the Subcommittee 4 as stipulation number 11. � Z. I��ACHINE SHOP �UILDING — TOP TOOL COMPANY Concurred with recammendation of Subcommittee and their three stipulations. 3.. APARTMENT BUILDING — MR. KUTZIK Approved with stipulations of Subcommittee. 4. APARTMENT I�UILDING — �IR. KUTZIK Approved with stipulations of Subcommittee, �� � _ _ . � . . REGULAR `�EETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 � PAGE 6 ■ � . � i�EW BUSIiVESS tCONTINUED) � _ BUILDING STANDARDS—DESIGN CONTROL MINUTES ! j. K� W�.MURRAY COMPANY REQUEST — TABLE� Tabled by Subcommittee, no action needed. ; � I � 0 6. REFACE BUILDING - MILLER CONSTRUCTI N ■ A roved with sti u7ations of Subcommittee. pP P f �, �. �UILDING ADDITION — LARSEN �'�FG. ' A roved with stipu7ations of Subcommittee. PP � . . iMinutes received. � I � � RECEIVING TNE P�IINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS , . � �EETING OF .�ULY �3, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Il — Il E � 1. VARIANCE — MR. DONALD WINTERS , Approved with stipu]ation that firewall be installed. � Z� VARIANCE — MR. ROBERT RIESE � Approved with stipulation that firewa77 beinsta77ed. � � . Minutes received. � � � REGULkK MEETIf�G, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 7 � ' NtW BUSIi�ESS (i,�idTIi�UED) . � �: RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PA�K AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF .JULY Z2, 1974 . . � . . . . � . • • ' Received. . � � � RECEIYING THE �IINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL , �UALITY�COMMISSION MEETIN6 OP �ULY 9, 19%4. . . � . . . . Received. i . � �. RECEIVING THE MINUTES DE THE NUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETI NG OF .i�U_.Y 18, -1974 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Received. � :� : � CEIVING THE CHARTER CQMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF R� Ju�Y 8, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Received. � RECEIVING RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO CHARTER FROM CHARTER �OMMI SS I ON � . � . . . . . . f . . . . . � . . . . . . . . � �NOTE: CHANGES IN AGENDA ENVELOPE) Received. It was noted that a quorum was not present at the meeting. � 12-12D 13-13A I 14-14B 15-15C 16-16B I �I � � �. � � � � � � � � � REGULr�R MEETI�JG, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 8 i�EW BUS I iuESS (COi�T I NUED) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT L.S.#74-14, BY COIVSOLIDaTED CO(�TAINER CORPORATION; TO SPLIT PARCEL 31�0 INTO TW0 PARCELS AS SRLIT BY MAIN $T.. .... 1� - 17 B Approved. 0 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR 11EDIGATION OF COMMUNITY PARK LAND FROM DARREL A. FARR �EVELOPMENT CORPORATION. . � . . . � . � . • • . � • 18 - 1$ F Six month extension granted w�th the fa7lowing stipu7ations: 1. That as much iand as possible be deeded to the City at this time. 2. That a written extension of the contract between Viewcon and Billman be obtained. 3. That the City be provided with sufficient co7lateral, or performance bond, REVIEW OF PURCHASE PRIGE OF SWANSON LOTS FOR RUTH CIRCLE PARK PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ON N�AY 6, I9%�f, .....,. I9 — 19 � Council withdrew the proposal that the property owner pay the $2,154.68 in pending special assessments by determining upon recommendation : of the City Attorney that these are not legally pending a5sessments at this time. 'I - , , REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 � PAGE 9 � � . i�tW BUSINESS tCOiyTIyUE�) :� CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF TIME ON SANITARY � SEWER AND �ATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT P�O� 115� . . � . . . . ZO � � Extension granted. ' � � � CONSIDERATION OF APPROYAL OF COURT RDOM SPACE �EASE AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZI — ZI E � Agreement approved and Mayor authorized to sign agreement. � . 1 . , � ,, CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE . NECESSITY FOR AN ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY IN ADDITION , TO THE IO I�ILL LIMITATION PRQVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER SPECIFYING THE PURPOSES AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HfARING ON SAME AND ALSO CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON � EXPENDITURES TO BE (�ADE FROM REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. ... ZZ � Resolution No. 76-1974 adopted. r � � . �. REGULAR �IEETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 10 CVEW �USIiuESS (COiVTI(�IUED) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, I�PPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT_ PROJ EGT I�0 . 113 � . � . . . � . . , . . � . . � . . Resolution No. 77-1974 adopted. ....23-23CI CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH Laws oF i957, CHAPTER 355. .......• Resolution No. 78-1974 adopted. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEi�ENT BONDS IN ACCORDANGE WITH �AWS OF 195%, CHAPTER 3H5. ........ Resolution No. 79-1974 adopted. 24-24AI 25 - 25 E I CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND IiIRECTING THE SPLITTING 4F SPECiAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL I$OO, AUDITORIS SUBDIVISION N0. g8. ...... 26 � Resolution No. 80-1974 adopted. � � _.�'��` REGULAR f�EETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 11-� IVEW BUSINESS (COi�TINUED) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLiNG PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTIOPJ JUDGES FOR TH� SEPTEMBER 1�, 1974 PRir�RY ELECTION. . . . . . . . � . . . 2� — 2� � Resolution No. 87-1974 adopted. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVE— MENT PROJECT ST. 1973—�. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZH — 2$ A Resolution No. 83-1974 adopted. CONSiDERATION OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION fJF ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR STREET IMPROYEMENT PROJECT ST, 1973-3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reso7ution No. 82-7974 adopted. 29 APPOINTMENTS: CITY EMPLOYEES. . . � . . . . . . . . . . . 3O Appointed: Mr. Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director, effe ctive Aug. 5, 1974 Mrs. Judith A. Wyatt, Secretary Parks and Recreation Department, effective July 24, 1974. " _�'"'�'"R"�� ,� REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 12 E�EW �USIi�ESS (COiVTINUEi�) �LAI MS � � . . . . . . . � e . . . . . . . � . � . . . . . 31 _ � Approved. LI CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 — 32 E Approved with addition of license requested by Kevin J. Crawford. ESTIMATES. , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 — 33 D Approved. CO(�MUi�� I CA1'IO�dS ROBERT MINTON, COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: TNANK YOU TO CITY COUNCIL AND INFORMATION ON NEW $R. �ITIZEN �LINIC . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . Received. ALEXANDER COMPANY: CONGRATULATIONS ON STAFF. �...,,� 35 Received. � � � REGULAR ME�TING, AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 13 1 COMMUfdICATIONS tCONTINUED) � LEAGUE OF MINN. MUNICIPALITIES: MAYOR SERVIfVG ON ' - IVATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES COMMI�TTEE. . . . , . . , , . . . 36 Received and concurred with. - � � r � SENATOR HUMPHREY: _. IN SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT. . 37 � Received. ' � � LOGAN PARK AIVNUAL PiCNIC COMMITTEE: PERMISSION FOR � PARTY IN LOGAN PARK. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . � . . 3H Received. 1 r � aNOKA COUNTY LLBRARY: USE OF COMMUNITY ROOM ON . $ATURDAY, $EPTEMBER %, 1974. , . . . , � . . � . . . , , , 39 ' Received. � � ��� 11:15 ' � ' �! THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUST 5, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of August 5, 1974 was cailed to order at 7:38 P. M. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Starwalt; and Mayor Liebl MEMBERS ABSEt�T: Councilman Breider PRESENTATION: PRESENTATION OF CHECK TO CITY OF FRIDLEY BY MR. WILLIAM ATKINS, DIRECTOR OF N PARK AND RECREATION GRANT SECTION FOR ISLANDS OF PEACE: Mayor Liebl called upon Mr. W911iam Atkins, Director of Minnesota Park and Recreation Grant Section for his presentation. " Mr. Atkins addressed the Mayor and other members of the Council and introduced himself, Mr. Atkins stated his belief that the Islands of Peace Park is a unique area with a unique purpose in serving the handicapped and the only facility for this purpose within the Metro area. He listed some of the possible financial resources for the project and stated that much of the success of the project can be contributed to its supporter, Mr. Ed Wilmes, Founder. He commended Mr. Wilmes on his dedicat�on and unrelenting efforts toward the satisfaction of his goals with this project. Mr. Atkins continued to comment that his department had received a request for financial assistance in the project approximately two years ago and at this time they were unable to aid in the project because of some technical difficulty in the application. He further explained that the application had been submitted again at the present time with a changed form and was rankzd as a high priority. Mr. Atkins said the State of Minnesota, Governor's Office, regreted that they were not able to provide representation at the meeting, but sent their best wishes. At this time Mr. Atkins presented the check in the amount of $35,000 to Mayor Liebl on behalf of the Minnesota State Planning Agency, and said that this contribution was intended for the conti»uation of acquis�tion:.of_land for tAe.Is]and of Peace. Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. Atkins and asked him to convey the City's thanks to the Governor and the Minnesota Park and Recreation Grant Section of the Minnesota Planning Agency on behalf of the Council and citizens of Fridley. Mayor Liebl said he had received a statement from Mr. Elmer L. Ghildress, Comnissioner of Veterans Affairs, State of Minnesota. He read the statement as follows: "I wish to personally say thanks to the people of Fridley for their fine contribution to the Islands of Peace. This reflects a great stride in the right direction for the Minnesota contribution of funds for a very worthwhile cause in behalf of the handicapped citizens of the State. I am also very impressed with the chosen site for the Islands of PQace, and Ed Wilmes deserves to receive all the support of the entire State in his desire to assist in providing a place for those who are not physicaliy strong, nor are heard politically as representatives of a strong political group.° 42 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, T974 PAGE 3 Mr. Stimmier said he would hope to get some assistance from the businessmen in the City of Fridley. He said he would not guarantee that this would be paid back, but he promised to try to obtain the financial support from the civic organizations and businesses. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation and contribute 10% of the total cost or $550 to the Craig Park Girls Softball Team and also contribute $1,950 in the form of a loan for the girl's transportation expenses which are to be reimbursed after the return of the team from the National Tournament in Satellite Beach, Florida. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. N0. 562 - AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACATION REQUEST, SAV #74-02. BY ROBERT BUILDER'S MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the second reading of the ordinance and adopt the Ordinance No. 562'on second reading and order publication of the Ordinance on Vacation Request, SAV #74-02, by Robert Stixrud, to vacate the east and west 10 feet of a drainage and utility easement in Blocks 1 and 2, Lyndale Builder's 7th Addition. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Utter, Mayor Liebl and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. N0. 563 - fOR THE VACATION REQUEST SAV #74-01, BY FLORENCE SWANSON: 70 L Councilman Nee said the item numbered 19 on the agenda should be handled con- currently with this proposed ordinance: AND REVIEW OF PURCHASE PRICE OF SWANSON LOTS FQR RUTFI CIRCLE PARK PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ON MAY 6, 1974: Mayor Liebl read from the memo submitted to the Council in the agenda which stated the various figures that were to be taken from the $6,700 purchase price of the property. He commented after the taxes and special assessments and pending assessments are taken from the total price of the two lots, the seller vrould receive a total of $3,716.5T. The City Attorney, Virgil Herrick, said there seemed to be some confusion, at least in his mind. He said he had tried to draw the contract and had asked for the necessary figures from the Finance Department and also the Park Department. He again stated the various figures concerned and said the motion of the Council when this was considered was to concur with the recommendation of the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission. He added, their recommendation would be to have the seller pay the 1974 taxes, existing special assessments and pending assessments. He noted he had talked to Mr. Kenneth Sporre concerning this matter and the item listed as number "C" in the memo was not reflected in the minutes. He explained this amount,, $2,154, would be a lateral charge if the property is developed. He said this would be a pending assessment in the future if the property would be developed. The Finance Director referred to the pending assessments and said they are not really legally pending assessments. Fie further explained that this was one of those cases where the property had not been assessed for laterals because there was no connection. He said there is no project as such and the lost had not been built on and may never be. He said if the lots are not built on, there would be no cha rge. The City Attorney advised the Council that this amount would not comply with the strict statutes as a pending assessment. The Finance Director said he did not believe this amount would be a legal pending assessment and the City Attorney said this would be his opinion also. , s. . _`�-'\ �: `i � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilman Nee to decrease_the amount to be paid by Mrs. Florence Swanson by the pendirig assessment or $2,154.68, as it has been determined as the Council has been advised that this is not a pending assessment. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 553 for the Vacation Request SAV #74-01, by florence Swanson, to vacate that part of Hugo Street dedicated in the plat of Swanson's Terrace, lying easterly of the southerly extension of the west line of Lots 1 and 3, Swanson's Terrace, and that the publication of the ordinance be ordered. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl> Gouncilman Utter, and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. ORDINANCE N0. 564 - AN ORDINANCE CLARIFYING ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS CHAPTER 205, SECTION 205.051, PARAGRAPH 2, A: The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Dick Sobiech, sa;d everything was in order on the proposed ordinance and the staff reco�ended adoption. MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 564, an Ordinance clarifying accessory building regulations, Chapter 205, Section 205.051, Paragraph 2, A, and that publication of the Ordinance be ordered. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter and Councilma� Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and ordered publication of the Ordinance. � MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinanc� No. 565 ; amending Section 402 of the fridley City Code concerning meter reading and p�yment (' for services and discontinuation of service which would add a penalty for nonpayment of bills and amends the Charge for restoration of service, and that publicaiion be ordered. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Starwalt and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and.ordered publication. ORDINANCE N0. 566 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 402 OF iNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the second reading af the ordinance and adopt the ordinance on second reading amending Section r42 of tFie Fridl2y City Code;. aa relating to water meter deposits, said amendment eliminating the requirement that customers be required to make a meter deposit, and that Ordinance No. 566 be published. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman f�ee, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motiori carried and ordered publication af the ordinance. CONSIDERATIOhd OF SHADE TREE DISEASE COfdTROL PROGRAhi (TABLED 7-15�74): Mayor Liebl referred to the memo supplied to the Council from the Naturalist/ Resouree Coordinator, Mr. Dan Huff, and read portions which would explain the cost factors and amount of dead and diseased trees. Mayor Liebl indicated this action is now required by the Si:ate Legislature by recent action. He said he felt Mr. Huff had been very busy doing a good job. Mayor Liebi noted that the first resident of the City to receive notice from the City concerning dead and diseased trees was the Chairman of the Fridley Environmental Quality Commission. Mayor Liebl said the current question would be if the City should establish a program or hire a contractor to take care of this as is done with the weed control prgoram. He mentioned the proposed amount in the budget for the program is $12,000 for the remainder of the year 1974. ° Mayor Liebl asked if the proposed $12,000 would do an adequate job from the public standpoint. He said would this cover the cost of removal on public property. Mr. Huff said this would be adequate for minimal work and the necessary work could ' f � 44 � ; i ' i � ' � ' � i � i ; , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PA6E 5 not be done by the end of December. He pointed out that the City would have to try to remove the trees before the growing season of the following year. He said the 1975 budget would suppliment this program. Councilman Starwalt said a large majority of the trees being removed are dead. He questioned the purpose of this. Mr. Huff said the trees have died from causes unknown and the disease will not show up after a tree has been dead for several months. He said in these laboratory analysis will not help. He said the dead trees may harbor the beetles that carry.the fungus, >,He painted out that by State Statutes, all diseased or dead trees have to be removed. Councilman Starwalt said this costs a lot of money and what are the chances of stopping the problem and not having more problems in the future. ' ; Mr. Huff said this would have to be weighed on how much the individual tree is worth. He stated the minimal value would be the cost for removal. He stated the epidemic rate is established by an increase in the percentage of the disease from � one year to tt�e next. He said the normal infestation, if this would not be increased, ; could siill be expected. He said he believed the reduction could be from 3� to 5J. ' He said if the percentage is normally 3% of the healthy elms, and the current rate is from 10% to 20�, this is a growing epidemic. ' ' , '�� � ' , ' ' , ' Councilman Starwalt said eventually, there would be growth of more trees. Mr. Huff agreed and said there would also be loss of trees by old age. He said a control program would reduce the spread of the disease from one tree to the next. Mayor Liebl suggested the Council adopt the proposed budget or give some indication to Mr. Huff. The City Manager agreed and stated the serious problems would begin in August and there should be something done before this period. Mr. Huff said this critical time would be in the middle of August for Oak Wilt, when the fungus would begin to sporulate. He said this is the time when the disease spreads rapidly and this will not be seen until the nex� growing season. He said in these trees, a root barrier should be put in now. Mr. Huff said there should be some funding designated immediately. The City Manager said the item could be tabled until the whole Council was present. The City Manager said he would like some kind of indication from the Council �o enable the staff to proceed on a reasonable basis and appraise the problem.. He said he would also like approval of the burlget whether this be tf115 week or next, which would be followed by a Resolution �o transfer the funds�and arrange for the program. He again said the private property would be handled by a contractor and the public property handled by the staff if possible and if not, the staff would bring in the contractors to handle the items which cannot be handled by City staff and equipment. MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the budget for the shade tree disease program as submitted by Mr. Dan Nuff> Naturalist/Resource Coordinator for the remainder of 1974 in the amount of $12,000 and also to authorize the administration to draft a resolution to this effect for the transfer of the funds for consideration of the Council at the next regular meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor LIebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE OF A GARAGE fROM 2' TO .l' SIDEYARD SETBACK, REQUEST BY ROWLAND JACOBSEN: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voir.e vote> all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, and the Public Hearing opened at 9:04 P.M. Mayor Liebl referred to the memo submitted to the Council by Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant, which listed the various conversations and meetings on this item since the last Council consideration. The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Sobiech, addressed the Council and explained that on ' July II, 1974 the Council had granted Mr. Jacobson a variance from 5 feet to 2 feet ' ' for the sideyard varfance, but the construction had begun and the variance was j actually .1 foot. He further explained the property owners have come up with an r; �r REGULAR COUi�CIL (�1EETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 6 agreement that is unsigned at this time. He also stated there was one item that had not been resotved at the present time and this was the private covenant on the plat which states no garage could be built within five feet from the property line. Mayor Liebl asked the City Attorney if this would leave the City open for a lawsuit from anyone in the plat if the City would grant the variance. He asked if anyone in the plat could do this. The City Attorney advised the Council that the City , could not enforce the private covenant and they cannot authorize the waiving of such a covenant. Councilman f�ee questioned if this mean to waive the requirement, it would require tf�e signature of everyone in the p1at. The City Attorney said he had done this at ' one time and it is an involved process. He added, it would not only take the , signature of every property owner, but also every mortgage company involved in the plat. He said this covenant is in effect for another 11 years becausQ its term is 30 years and it was made up in 1955. Mayor Liebl said the wall is already built. He referred to the agreement furnished : to the Council in their agenda folders and asked why the agreement is not signed. , Ne asked the two gentiemen concerned if they were prepared to sign the agreement. Mr. Jacobsen addressed the Council arid explained that the agreement had been drawn up at 7:00 P.M. on the previous Friday evening and he had not had the opportunii:y to contact the contractors to find out the labor costs and pi°ices that would be required to concur with the stipulations laid out in the proposed agreement. Mr. Jorgenson addressed the Counci] and said he was not happy when he found out about the error in the distance from the lot line, but he would not want Mr. Jacobson to have to remove the construction. He said he had and viould attempt to come to some agreement and would like this to be a legal and binding document on file. He said if the agreement is made, he would not want any loopholes this time. He said he did not agree with the copy of the agreement as it is presented at i:he current meeting. He said this copy would not be agreeable, but he would continue to work toward an agreement that would be. The City Manager referred to the memo from Mr. Boardman which listed the number of meetings which had been held with the City staff, and indicated that the Administra- tion had tried very hard to get some agreement reached. He said the Administration recommendation would be that the Council approve the variance based on the stipula- tions in the agreement, and if this is not agreeable, this could be brought back to Council or have tlae construction go back to the two feet. Mr. Jorgenson said he would suggest the Council approve the variance on the signing of some mutual agreement and not necessarily the one presented at the present time. Mayor Liebl said he would iike Mr. Jacobsen to work with the contractor to comply with the agreement if Mr. Jorgenson agrees. MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing on the variance r•equest from 2 feet to .l feet for the sideyard setback. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:40 P.M. (Note: Gouncilman Nee left the meeting for a brief period). MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to table any action on the reconsideration of the variance request by Mr. Rowland Jacobson until a mutual siyned agreement is furnished by Mr. Jacobson and Mr. Jorgenson allowing this consideration to be done very quickly at this time without the attendance of all the parties concerned. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: EMERGENCY ORDINANCE N0. 567 - AN ORDINANCE FOR TNE REPAIR OF WELL N0. 5: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the ordinance and adopt the emergency Ordinance No. 567 for the repair of Well No. 5. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, Mayor Liebl,, Councilman Utter and Councilman Starwalt Voting aye, Mayor liebl dec�ared the motion carried. • (Note: Councilman Nee returned to the meeting) ---� j � , _ r ' � ��i. '� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 7 ' i RECEIVING THE MIIVUTES OF 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 17, 1974: REZONING REQUEST, 7_OA #74-03 CITY OF FRIDLEY: REZONE CHASES ISLAND I LOCATED ON GOVERNMENT LOT 5, fROM CRP-2 FLOOD PLAIN TO CRP-1 LOODWAY : '� MOTION by Councilman Nee to set a public hearing orr the rezoning request ZOA #74-03, i City of Fridley: Rezone Chases Island located on Government Lot 5, from CRP-2 � to CRP-1. Seconded by Counciiman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � � ���� I ' I � REQUEST FQR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP EI BY LOTS 21 AND 22, BLOCK T, RIV � MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the special use permit as requested by Gorco Construction Company to allow the construction of a garage in CRP-2 zoning the same being 675 Fairmont Street N. E. Councilman Nee asked if it would be possible to prepare a report on Gorco Construction Company. He questioned the status of the company when they would proceed to build without a building permit. The City Manager said the City staff had found this situation and stopped work on the garage until the building permit and special use permit were obtained. THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. BILLBOARDS: BILL WEISS SIGN: The City Manager pointed out that the Planning Commission wanted to meet'. with the members of the Council concerning the billboard. He suggested the following Monday evening. Councilman UtL-er said he would not be able to attend the n�eeting the folTowing Monday evening, he would be working with the under-priviledge children, and he would not be at the meeting. The City Manager said there is substantial pressure for some determination on this matter because there is a number of non-conforming billboards. He said the City would have to establish some policy. Mayor Liebl said the Council and the Planning Commission should be polled by the Admir�istration and a meeting set. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 17, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the mation carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDItdG STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 18, 1974: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A SPECULATIUE WAREHOUSE LOCATED ON Mayor Liebl read the ten stipulations recommended by the Subcommittee. He said the Ward Councilman, Councilman areider, was not present at the meeting. MOTION by Councilman Utter to �oncur with the recommendation of the Building Standards Design Control Subcorrmittee and approve the request with the ten stipulations plus an eleventh stipulation which would be the remark after the list of stipulations within the minutes on Page 10-A of the agenda which concerned the agreement for joint parking. The City Manager said it would be difficult to understand all the aspects in this case without all the facts. He suggested that this be approved so the construction could begin and aliowing the administration to work out the details. He also mentioned that Councilritan Breider is very aware of this area and has been trying to clean it up. He said this would be brought back to the Council if the Administration could not handle the matter. r � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 8 THE MOTION was seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING TO QE USED AS A BA T, fRIDL[Y, MINNESOTA. � 1 . The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Sobiech, said the City had prepared a new design for the proposed building. He pointed out the different facings.proposed for the building to the Council. - Mayor Liebl asked which street the front of the building would face. The Assistant Engineer said Baker Street. Mayor Liebl asked if all of the necessary City requirements are met in the proposal. Mr. Sobiech said yes. He continued he has not seen their drainage plans at the present time. The Assistant Engineer pointed out the design for the facing of the building which had been prepared by Mr. Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant. Mr. Erickson said he would concur in the design by Mr. Boardman. Mayor Lieble read the other stipulations to the applicant and Mr. Erickson said he concurred with all three stipulations. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recor��endation of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee and approve the request for the construction of the machine shop as requested by Top Tool Company with the three stipulations recommended. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING TO BE USED AS AN . AD�G7MGNl' RIITI f1TN� i ncnTFn nN i nT i3_ Al1�TTQR'S Sl1BDIVISION N0. £39: TIiE N and CUiVSIi1tRATI N. FRIDL ST. EST TO COfdSTRUCT A NEId BUILDING TO {3 l� 13, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 89:_ EST 6Y K The Assistant Engineer said there would be �:wo 18 unit buildings on Norton Ilvenue. Mayor LieUl asked the numbnr of square feet per ur�it. The representative of the applicant, Mr. Robert Weber, 14-14th Avenue South, New Brighton, sa.id t'riere would be 804 square feet per unit and this did not include the hallways, balcony or entryways. The City Manager explained that the applicant had followed all of the requirementS of the Code and any additional parking would be a cushion. The City Planager said , the landscapiny plans should blend in with tl�e work done by t4edtronics. The City Manager also pointed out that there should be some kind of recreational activity in the complex. i� , .--�. � Mr. Weber explained that he planned to work this out with the administration. He explained he did not plan the installation of a swimming pool, but had planned on installing some type of recreational equipment such as playground equipment or picnic tables. Mr. Weber continued he had planned to work out these details in accordance with the wisties.of the Administration. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the construction of the two 18 unit apartment buildings with the nine recommended stipulations of the Building Standards Design Control Subcomnittee on page 10-E of the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. � CONSIDERATIQN OF A RE UEST TO CONSTRUCT T4f0 NEW BUILDTNGS TO [iE USED AS � SPEGULATIVE WAREHOUSES LOCATED ON BLOCK 10, P.ULITOR'S SU6DIVISION N0. 7II, THE SAME BEING 5951 AND 6051 EAST RIVER ROAD, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA RE UEST ', BY R. W. MURRAY COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, 999 EAS7 TAUHY, DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS : ' Mr. Sobiech,said this item had been tabled at the subcommitiee level. ' r A 0 1 .• j REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 � CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO REFACE TNE PRESENT BUILDING L.00A � LOTS 9 AND 11 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 94: THE SAME BEING 53 AVEIVUE N.E., FRIDL[1', MINNESOTA REQUEST BY MILLER COfdSTRUCTIO PAGE 9 HIGHWAY 15 SOU7H, S7. CLOUD, MINNESOTA F0� D1ENAKU LUMtStKJ: Mayor Liebl asked if the sprinkler system in the building had been brought up to date and Mr. Sobiech said yes. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the request to reface the present building loca±ed at 5351 Central Avenue N. E. as requesl:ed by Miller Construction, with the stipulation recommended by the Subcoinmittee. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye> hiayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COtdSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO 71IE PRESENT BUILDIN6 FQR WAREHOUSE USE, LOCATED ON LOT 24, BLOCK 2, C0�1�1ERCE PAI�K> 1�HE SAME 7421 COMMEhCE LANE, FRIDLEY, M11VNt5UIH): �fayor tiebl read the three recomrnended stipulations to the Council and audience. MOTION by Councilnian Utter to approve the request to construct an addition to the present building for warehouse use at 7421 Corr�nerce Lane as requested by Larsen Manufacturing with the three stipulations of the subcommittee. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOW by Councilman Utter to recei��e the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee t�ieeting of July 18, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TI1E MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOhM1MITTEE MEETING OF JULY 23, 1974: A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4 Q4, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO UOPdf<AY' S LFlI:EV I Lt�l MIINUR 5724 JACKSON STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINtVtSUIH): Mayor Liebl said the request was to reduce the sideyard setback from five feet to three feet to allow the construction of a second accessory building. Mayor Liebi noted i:hat there was no objections from the neighborhood expressed in the minutes c,f the Board ofi Ap�eals minutes. Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to the neighbor and he had no objections. t�10TI0iV by Councilman Starwalt to approve the variance request by Donald Winters, 5724 Jackson Street N. E. fo�° the reductian of the sideyard setback from five feet to three feet to allow the construction of an attached garage. 5econded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. A REf�UFST FOR �1 VARIANCF OF SECTION ?_05. 4, B4, TO REDUCE THE SlUEYARD n��nrnirnir_ n�i nrTnrucn r..annr.F FR(1M � FFFT Tfl � FFFI TO ALL�W THE CONSTRUCTI6N ; SAt�IE QEIivG 6031 57H STRGET N.E., FRIDLC-Y, MINNESUTA. �Kr.t�ut5t �r f�K. KUtStKI r+. ; RIESE, 6031 5TH STREET fd.E., FRIULEY, MINNESOTA� I MOTIOV by Councilman Utter to concur in the recoinmendation of the Board of Appeals ' and approve the request with the stipulation that a fire wall be constructed on � the south wall of the garage at being constructed by Robert A. Riese, at 6031 5th Street N. E. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, : Mayor Liebl declared the moti�n carried unanimously. 1 � E � �. i - ` � . �" � � , £:' � �: < �: � � > � :� ' x y A , ;' n ;� ; �; ,� ' �;. � � '`--�. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 10 ��.. FROM 40 PERCENT TO 43.7 PERCEPdT, TO tiLLOW TliE GUNSTRUCTION OF TWO WARC-HOUSE BUILDINGS, TO E�E LOCA7ED ON LOTS 9 AND 10, AND PARCEL 2500, AUDITOR'S BEING f�PPROXIMATELY 120 FLET WEST OF THE L;�ST LIP�L OF 7fiE {3URLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAO RIGHT OF 14AY, TO THE EAST LINE OF EAST RIVFR R0,4D; SOUiH TO THE NORTH LIfVE OF SEC7ION 22, T-30. R-74. TO APPROXTD1ATELY 1560 FEET SOUTH OF SAID NORTH Mayor Liebl said this had been tabled by the Subcommittee. MOTIOIV by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of July 23, 1�974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION P1EETING �F JULY 22, 1974: MOTIOfV by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting of July 22, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TNE MIIVUTES Of THE FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING OF U 9, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the minutes of the Fridley Environmental Quality Commission Meeting of July 9, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMb1TTTFE MEETING OF JULY lII, 1974: i�i0TI0fV by Councilman Utter to receive the Minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Committee Meeting of July 18, 1974. Seconded by Counc�]man �ee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING�TNE MINUTES OF THF CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974: The City Attorney said he is doing some research s� the amendments would not conflict with any of the State Statutes. He said he woulci have this research completed by the following t�ionday evening. The City Attorney said there should not be any action taken on the matter until there was a full counci7 present. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting of July 8, 1974. Seconded by Councilman tJee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous?y, RECEIVING RECOMMENDED CFiAN�ES TO TNE CHARTER FRO(�1 THE CHARTER C0�1MISSION: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the proposed changes from the Charter Corianission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Councilman Nee noted that there was not a quorum present at the meeting when the proposed changes were adopted by the Charter Commission, seven were present and eight absent. The City Flttorney said he would recommend to the Commission that the individual me�ribers sign the proposed changes. UPO(V A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAi_ OF LOT SPLIT L.S. #74-1�, BY CONSOLIDATED CONTAINER CORPORATIQN: TO SPLIT PARCEL 31II0 INTO TWO PARCELS AS SPLIT �3Y MAIN STREET: MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the lot split request L.S. #74-14 by Consolidated Container Corporation to split Parcel 3180 into two parcels as split by Main Street. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. v ! �� , � I 1 � � ' � i I ' ' � i ! ' I � i ' i ' i � ' i I I � I i I � � i i ' i � � ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 11 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF 1"IME FOR DEDICATION OF COMMUNITY PARK LAND FROM DAfiREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: Mayor Liebl referred to the agenda material and the letter received by the City by t4r. James London, Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation. Mayor L.iebl asked the City Attorney if this is copacetic. The City Attorne}� said he would like this matter tabled for the period of one week. He explained he did not get a chance to read the material thoroughly and would like to make a determination. The City Manager questioned tabling the matter for a longer period of time. He said the dedication of the propei°ty was to have. been in December of 1972 and now it is August of 1974, and they are still asking for an extension. Mr. James London, Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, addressed the Council and said this extension had been requested because of the situation of the hous,ing market and the buildiny industry. He explained that the area has not deveiop�d as they had hoped it would. He further stated they hac7 thought the,y would have all of the area developed by this tiirie. He said the second apar�ment area has not been develope�l because of the cost of construction and the cost o� money. He stated the project is not feasible at this time. He said the seconci apartinent area has not been developed because of the cost of cons�:ruction and the cost of money. He stated the project is not feasible at this time. He said they would not be developing anyth�ing on the land next to the pa�°k the currerit year. The City Attorney said he looked at the contract and he thought Viewcon was delinquent in the contract to Dillman, this should have been taken care of in March of 1974. Ne stated the final payment is due. Mr. London agreed and said the final payment was due in March of 1974. The City Attorney said the City should ask for a new contract or notice in writing from Rodney Billman for the extension of the contract. He said this cnntract is subject to be cancelled. Nlr. London said this extension had �een worked out between Uiewcon and Qillman, but there was nothing in writing on this. The City Attorney said he felt this is what the City would need at this time. He said there would have ta,be an�amendeci contract or something in writing that Rodney Billman has agreed with. The City Manager said he would like some kind of guarantee ti�at the land would be paid for when the title came to tfie City. The City Attorney said ther•e is already a guarantee and this had been part of the plat. The City t�ttor•ney said he was not suggestiny the approval or clenial of the request, he vdas advising the Council on the act�ion that should follow ap�roval if this is the Council's determination. i The City Attoi�ney also noted in the documents that Mr. 6;llm�n had ac�reed to � receive the portions of payment and deed protions of the land at the time the intallments on the contract: were pa�id. He said he would like some property deeded to Viewcon and then to the City if this would be passible. ' Another suggestion made by the City Attorney would be that sorne documentation of communications be made �•rith Mr. Billinan reyuesting that he notify the City of cancellation of the contract if this would be the case. ' � Councilman Utter asked if the A frame building is on the property that had already been deeded to the City or was this on the property in yuestion. The City Manager said most of it is on the property owned 6y the City and a small portion is on the property under contract betvreen Viewcon and Qillman. ' ' �� � I I i Mr. London asked if he understood th� three suggested requirements for the approval of the exi:ension at the present tirne and listed them as follows: 1. That as much �property as possible be deeded to the City at this time. 2. That he obtain a written extension of time from Mr. Billman on the contract for the property. 3. That the City be notified by t�lr. Billman if for any reason the contract is cancelled. -i I I i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Of AU6UST 5, 1974 �� � PAGE 12 The City Attorney agreed that these are the stipulations suggested. He said , he would also like the Park Department to be involved in the determination of what land would be released at this time. He said they may want to make some suggestions. ' Mr. London said he would work with the administration in this. , MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve i:he extension for the dedication of the ' park land from Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation for the period of six months with the following stipulations: 1. That as much property as possible be deeded to the City at this time. 2. That Viewcon furnish the Gity w�ith a copy of a written extension of the contract for deed or an amended form of the contract for deed for the property. 3. That rvlr. Billmari notify the City if for any reason the contract is cancelled. Seconded by Councilman Utter. (Note: See amendment to motion) Councilman Nee said he `relt tiie City would need more colla�eral than this. He asked if the Corporation cbuld furnish an unsold townhouse for collateral. Mr. Londorti said he was not in a position to answer this question. Councilman Nee stressed the importa.nce of obtaining samething real for collateral. The City Attorney suggested getting a performance bond. Councilrnan Nee questioned the possibility of i:his suggestion. Co«ncilman Utter said this vrould have to be left up to the City �lttorney and the City P4anager. The City Manager said he believed Coun�ilman Nee's suggestion to be very good. MOTION by Councilman Nee to amend the motion to add that sufficient collateral be provided, or a performance bond to protect the City in tire interim. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, P�iayor Liebl declar�d the motion carried ' unanimously and the original motion amended. UPON A VOICE VOTE upon the original motion with the added amendment, all voted aye, and Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried as am�nded. REVIEW Of PURCH?�SE PRICE OF SWANSON LOTS FOR RUifi CIRCLE PARK PREVIOUSLY APPROVED OIV MAY 6, 1974 -- This item was taken care of earlier in the meeting when the Council action was to eliminate the necessity of the seller to �ay the pending special water° and sewer lateral charge as it was determined that they �,rere not legally pending assessments. CONSIDERNTION OF EXTENS?OiV Of TIMF ON SANITARY SF��JER AND WATER IMPROVFMENT ; PROJ ECl Id0 . 115 : i—�— ---- � v" MOTION by Councilman Utter to granl: the extension of time on Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 115. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared i:he motion carried unanimously. COIVSIDERATION OF APPROV/�L UF COURT ROOM SPACF LEASL- /iGREE7�iENT: Mayor Liebl said he would like to commend the adininistration for t�orking out the proposed agreement with the County. The City Manager said the amount would be 25% more than they had been receiving, and would amount to $7,125 per year. MOTION by Councilman Utter to authorize the Mayor to sign tl�e Lease Agreement for Court Room Space with Anoka Caunty. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. SOLUTION 9176-197� - DECL.ARING TNE NECESSITY FOR AN AUDITIONAL TAX LFVY IN UITION 70 THE 10 MILL LIMITATION PRGVIDED LY THE CITY CHARTER SPFCIFYING RPOSES Ai�D CALLING H PUE;LIC HEARING ON SANir A(tD ALSO CALLIP�G A PUBLIC HEA MOTIO{� by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution No. 76-1974 declaring the necessity for an additional tax levy in addition to the 10 mill lirnitation provided in the ��.-�-� I ; �2 i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PA6E 13 City Charter specifying the purposes and calling for a public hearing on same � and also calling a p«blic hearing on expenditures to be made from revenue sharing funds. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ied unariimously. RESOLUTION #77-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEME:Ptf, APPROVAL OF PLA�dS A[�D ORDERING � MOTIOTJ by Councilrnan Utter to adopt Resolution No. %7-197�4 ordering improvement ' and ap��roval of plans and ordering advertisement fo; bids for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 113. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , RESOLUTION #78-1974 - Di��ECTIf�G TH[ SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMEfJT BO�VDS lIV ACCOkDA�dCE bJITH LAtdS OF 1957, CHAPTER 3£35: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #78-1974 directing the sale and purchase of temporary improvement bonds in accordance wi�h laws of 1957, Cha�>ter 385. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moticn carried unanimously. � RESO! UTION ;�79-1974 - DIRECTING THE ISSU?,NCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEME��T BOfdDS IN ACCORDP;f�CE 4�ITH LI�WS OF 1957> CHAPTER 385: MOTIOfV by Councilman Utter to;adopt Resolution #!79-1�374 directir,y the issuance of temporary improvement bonds in accordance vrith laaus of 1957, Chapter 385. Seconded by Counr,ilman Nee. U�on a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor LieUl declared the moi:ion carried unanimous1y. RESOLUTIO(d #80-1974 - AUTHORI7_ING AP1D DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASS[SSt�ENTS ON PARCEL 1800, AUDITOR'S SUL'DIVISION N0. £30: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #80-1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, P1ayor Liebl declar•ed Y.he motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOf� N0. #81-1974 - D[SIaNATI(�G POLLIfVG PLACES AND APPOINI-ING ELECTION JUDGE-S FCR TH[ SGPTEM[iER 10, 1974 PRIP�IARY kLEC7I0v: � � MOTIOI� oy Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution No. 81-.1974 designating polling places and appointing election judges for the Sept:efnber 10, 19/4 primary eleci:ion. RPPOII�TMENTS: position Sala� Effective Replaces Dick Sobiech Public Works $19,500 per Aug. 5, 1974 Nasim Qureshi 4219 14th Ave. So. Director year Minneapolis 554U7 �Iudith A. Wyatt Secretary (Gr.9} $578 per July 24, 197G Ca�liy Stordahl 219f3 Lakebrook Drive Parks & Recreatiori month New Brighton, Mn. Department Councilman Utter asked if Mr. Sobiech was a certified engineer notv. Mr. Sobiech said yes. The City f•tanager said Mr. Sobiech is a registei°ed Enyineer. He said Mr. Sobiech is qualified and for this reason he is recom�nending his appointmeni:. The City Manager further commented that Ptr. Sohiech is working quite well with his fellow employees and also the public, this is why hr_ is being recommended for the position. Mayor Liebl said the people are very impressed with Mr. Sobiech's sincerity. MOTION by Councilinan Utter to approve the appointments of Mr. Qick Sobiech as Public Works Director, effective August 5, 1974, and also the appointment of Ms. �)udith A. Wyatt, Secretary, Farks and Recreatian Department, effective July 24, 1974. Secorded by Co�m cilinan Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanirnously. � I i RE6ULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF AUGUST 5, 1974 i `3 PAGE 14 CLAIMS: MOTION BY Councilman Utter to approve General Claims No. 36502 through No. 36655, and Liquor Claims No. 9058 through No. 9090. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the following licenses, including the request for a solicitor's license by Kevin Cranford, which n�as added to the agenda under the "Adoption of the Agenda". The motion was seconded by Councilman Nee, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. TYPE OF LICENSES - NEW BY APPROVED BY FEE CIGARETTE "Q" Petroleum Dennis NeuQauer Public Safety Director $12.00 5300 Central Ave. Fridiey EMPLOYEE DISPENSING Terrence L. Zehrer Ground Round Public Safety Director 5.00 4243 46th Avenue No. Robbinsdale FOOD ESTABLISHMENT "Q" Petro�eum Dennis NeuBauer Health Inspector 25.00 5300 Central Avenue OFF SALE BEER "Q" Petroleum Dennis NeuBauer Public Safety Director 15.00 5300 Central Avenue SERVICE STATION ' Metro 500> Incorporated Richard D. Johnson Planning Assistant 30.00 5701 University Avenue Building Inspector River Road K.O. C. J. Peterson Planning Assistant 30.00 7451 East River Road Building Inspector "Q" Petroleum Dennis NeuBauer Planniny Assistant 30.00 5300 Central Avenue Building Inspector RENEWALS CIGARETTE Holiday Village North Pioneer Dist; Go. Public Safety Director 12.00 250 57th Ave. ' Les's Standard Oil � Les Schaffran Public Safety Director 12.00 7680 Highway 1165 Standard Oil D.K. Carter Co. Public Safety Director 12.00 5311 University Ave. Totino's Finer Foods,.inc. Pioneer Qistr. Co. Public Safety Director 12.00 7350 Commerce Lane EMPLOYEE UISPENSING Edward A. Hanson Ground Round Public Safety Director 5.00 i735 Marion Street #16 St. Paul, Mn. I '...-� � _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ --- ` � 5� � _ � � , . ; REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 15 �� , TYPE OF LICEIVSES - RENEWALS BY APPROVED BY FEE FOOD ESTABLJSHMEN7 ' fridley Youth Football Assoc. Byron Butters Health Jnspector Non-Profit 260 67th Avenue Gene's Flavor House Gene A. Eckstein Health Inspector $20.90 � , 624 Osborne Road (pro-rated) SERVICE STRTION , Chuck's Guif Charles D. Jordan Planning I',ssistant 30.00 � 7250 Central Avenue Country Boy Station Store Henry E. Lenun Planning Assistant 30.00 1301 Mississippi Street � ; Dave's Texaco David fiaugen Planning Assistant 30.00 6301 Highway 65 � Dick's TJorth Star Larry Hopkins Planning Assistant 30.00 4040 Marshall St��eet Fridley Texaco Service Dennis Sarkilahti Planning Assistant 30.00 1 6071 University Ave. Grant's Shell Station Duane Gr�ni Planning /�ssistant 30.00 7610 U m vers7ty Avenue . ' I, Larry's Champlin Superel:te Larry L. ludfoi°d Planning Assistant 30.00 7298 Highway #65 ; Les's Standard Oil Les Schaffran Planning Assistant 30.00 ' 7680 Highway ;�65 � Moore Lake Union 76 Lee R. Haugen Planr� ng Assistant 30.00 5695 Hackmann Avenue � � lyorthtown Standai°d Robert Rabe Planning Assistant 30.00 7609 University A�'enue � Phillips 66 K. E. Waterbury Planning Asistant 30.00 1 I 5667 University Avenue ` , Phillips 66 K. E. Waterbury Planning Assist:ant 30.00 650Q Univcrsity A��enue � ' Riverside Car Wash Robert Schleeter Planning Assist:ant 30.�0 6520 East River Road : SERVICF STATIOiV � 2on's Standard Oil Raland Cox Planning Assist.ant 30.00 6490 University Avenue � Standard Oil Robert F. Rich Planning Assistant 30.00 5311 University A�enue Steiger and Gertzen Garage Ernest Gertzen Planning Assistant 30.00 ' 6519 Central Avenue , Target Stores, Inc. Richard P. Arf Planning kssistant 30.00 755 53rd Avenue � Western 5tation J.L. Kauppita Planning Assistani 30.00 760Q Uriiversity A�enue White Knight Kenneth Durdin Planning Assistant 30.00 7300 Univei°sity Avenue ' I � ; � ; 0 i ? � �`. `.' r; s ,� 1 ,"� REGULAR COUiVCTL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 TYPE OF LICENSES .- RENFWALS BY APPROVED BY STREET VEfdDING B. Glommen Sno-Cones Barbara Gl.ommen Nealth Inspector 1048 87th Avenue � Blaine USED CAR LOT National Auto Salvage Auctfon James Dowds Deputy Fire Chief 51 37th Ave. Building Inspector Smitts Motor Company Wallace Schmedeke Deputy Fire Chief 5649 University AVe. Building Inspector Viking Chevrolet, Inc. Mr. Isaacson Qeputy Fire Chief ?501 Highway #65 Building Inspector VENDING MACHItdE � � Assurance Planufacturing Dallas Anderson tiealth Inspector 7753 Qeech Street Les's Standard Oii Les Schaffran liealth Inspector 7680 Hiyhway �665 Steiger & Gertzen Garage Ernest Gertzen Health Inspector 6519 Central Avenue 7otino's Finer Foods,Inc. Pioneer D�istr. Co. Health Inspector 7350 Commerce Lane Hoiiday Viliaye North Pioneer Distr. Co. Nealth Inspector 250 57th Avenue SOLICITING Webster's Dictionary & Student John R. Duryin Public Safety Director Handbook 3116 W. Owasso Blvd. Roseviil� 551i2 Wehster's Uict�ionary & Kevin Cranfo�°d Pub]ic Safety Director Student Nandbook 3116 W. Owasso Blvd. (added to agenda) Roseville 55112 Gandy (3 Kinds) Cub Scout Pacl: �{212 Public Safety Director Adams SCf1GU7 Clifford Lee (Ciubmaster) CONTRACTOR LICENSLS TO BE APPROVED GENERAL CONTRACTORS Bruce Hulbert liomes aruce Hulbert C. Belisle Route 1, Qox 290 A Wyoming, Mn. 55092 Jim W. Miller Constr.Inc. Merlyn Jerzak C. Belisle Box 1228 St. Cloud, Mn. 56301 HFJaTING General Sheet Meta1 Corp. Raymond J. Kraus W. Sandin 2330 Louisiana Ave. No. Minneapolis 55427 KVA Heating William Kvals�en W. Sandin __ -- __ _. i � �5 � . � i PAGE 16 ! FEE I $20.00 i ,I � � i 100.QQ 100.00 I i 100.00 � � 'i� i 15.00 35.00 li � 15.00 � 115.00 I �i 85.00 � , , 25.00 I1 I , 25.00 ; Non-Profit ' i i� � I 2597 Lydiard Circle i Navarre, Mn. 553°2 I _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ . _.__..._.! � �' I �_ __ _..._._ ___ , � ,56� �, I I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 PAGE 17 ; _ , CONTRACTOR LICENSES (CONTINUED i,, MASONRY � Collins & Main f✓�asonry Qy: �Lawrence Main C. Belisle ' 2127 North Ferry Street Anoka, Mn. 55303 SIGN ERECTORS Schubert Outdoor Adv. Co. Qy: Lawrence Schubert C. Belisle 2508 East 25th Street Minneapolis 55400 MULTIFLE DWELLIiJG LICEPdSES "qd�ress Units Fee Approved By Five Sands Development 7805 East River Road 59 Units $64.00 R. D. Aldrich 7100 1Jayzata i31vd. Mpls. Mn. 55426 ESTIMATES: MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the following estimates for payment. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Ux�on a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�ion cart°ied unanimously. Smith Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange f3uilding Minneapolis, Mn. 55402 For Legal Services rendered as Prosecutor for $ 1,380.00 City by Car1 fJev��quist dated July 31, 1974 Pregressive Contractors, Inc. Qox 3�i8 Osseo, Minnesota 55369 PARTIAL ESTIMf1TE N0. 13 for Street Improvement $ 9,737.13 Project ST. 1972-1 PARTIAL ESTIMATE N0. 12 for Street Improvement $ 14,085.59 Project ST. 1972-2 (MSAP) Pai:ch Erickson Pladson & Hanson, Inc. 2II01 Wayzata 6oulevard Minneapolis, P1n. 55406 ESTIf�iATF �llU - far work on Fridley Liquor Store $ 823.97 Anoka Courty Department of Hiyhways Anoka Minnesota 55303 City of Fridley Portion of Corstruction Project $ 14>169.63 S. P.02•�601-16, concrete curb and guti;cr Bituminous Construction Company 5232 Hanson Court Minneapolis, h1innesota 55429 PARTIAL Estimate �1 for Street Improvement $ 10,173.81 Project ST. 1974-10 (Seal Coat) A.J. Chromy Construction Company 5051 West 215th Streei Lakeville, bin. 55044 and Western Casualty & Suret,y Compai�y PARTIAL Estimate #8 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & $ 9,284.09 Storm Sewer lmprove���ient Project #114 0 � _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ._ _ _____ __ ___ __ . ___ ! � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) B & B Excavating, Inc. 11843 Wesfi River Road Champiin, Mn. 55316 PARTIAL Estimate No. 2 for Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Pi�oject �o. i15 �� PAGE 78 $ 4,064.18 COMh1UI�ICAT IOPJS: ROf3ERT MIf�TON, COUNCIL OF FCONOP1IC OPPORTUNITY: THANK YOU TO CITY COUNCIL A�D INFORP"u�TION ON IVEi� SENIOR CITIZEN CLINIC: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Mr. Robert Minton, Council of Economic Opportunity, concerning thai�k you to City Council �nd also information on the new Senior Citizen Clinic dated July 19, 1974. Seconded ba� Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ALEXANDER COMPANY: CONGRATULATTONS ON STAFF: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Alexander Company regarding ttie proficienc,y of Gordon Middag, Purchasing Agent, dated July 17, 1974. Seconcled by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES: MAYOR SERVING ON NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES C0��1C�iITTEE: MOTIOid by Councilman Utte�° to receive and coi�cur in the appointment of Mayor Liebl to the Co,7unittee on Effective Government at the National League of Cities Congress of Cities, December 1 through 5, 1974, Nouston, Texas. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a vcice vote, Mayor Liebl abstaining, hiayor Liebl declared the motion carried three ayes, one abstention. SENATOR HUMPHREY: IN SUPPORT OF COM1�lUNITY SERVICES ACT: MOTFOtV by Councilman Utt:er to receive the con�wnication from Hubert N. Humprhey , regarding the City's suppor•t of the Community Services Act, dated July 22, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nce. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl ' declared the motion carried unanimously. LOGRN PARK ANNUAL PICNIC COMMITTEE: PERMISSIOP! FOR PARTY IN LQGAI� PFIRK: MOTIOid by Councilman I'Jee that the comrnunicatio�i frem the Logan Park Annual Picnic Conunittee regarding permission for party in Logan Park dated Ju1y 25, 1974 be received and the request be approved with the understanding that the partici�ation will be orderly. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motiun carried unanimously. AN�KA COUNTY LI6RARY: USE OF COMMUNITY ROOM ON S(�,TURDAY, SEPTLMaFR 7, 1974: M�TFON by Councilman Utter to rec�ive and concur with the communication from the Anoka County Library concerning their request for usE of the Community Room on Saturday, September 7, 197� and that the fee should be waived. Seconded by Councilman Starvialt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye> Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. AI3JOtlRNMENT: MOTION by Councilrnan Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meetiny of the Fridley City Council of August 5, 1974, adjaurned at 11:15 P.P4. Respectfuliy submitted, ' � Patricia Ranstrom Frank G. Liebl �`,,.._., Secretary, to the City Council Mayor , ' Qate Ap�roved: August 19, 1974 � ' FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING LEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: t r �% 7 � AME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER ________ _____ _ � __ _________-_________� � � _________ �______ � ___-____-_-_________ - �� , � .�r,�.,- _��_ . c� _ �� � ._ � �� � �� �� ��t0 � �Gv a-w � E::�-�--� �c7� �2i�f�'' / G � ,� �" � � " � , , � ���ti�. , i' �wc..��,.� �Q/ i l ���� �� � �% - � ' � � ���i'�a's-'C.A .� .. 4 / ) a � %�t►_�•�-����Y ����I�� � � � / � / / ' ' �1 , � ,, / � � � � / II� .�r i y � �ri ����� _J ��` ���i /� ��_ --i ��� ��� �i � _ ..� .� � � .� �- . �� � / � . �� �'�. 7 53%s ��Zc�iL .�--L-���� � . � �J 2� �oi� I �d _ .7n � �l ./J� G � � 2^� J ._!dx- ( / >� �� � s�,4c..�- � ��i.s ,i ! 27U THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY ], 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of July 1, 1974 was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of A17egiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: � The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Breider Councilman Star lt M L' bl � wa , ayor ie , Councilman Utter, and Councilman Nee, MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PRESENTATTON OF AWARD: CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - DEAN CALDWELL, CABLE TELEVISION CO�tMISSION: Mayor Liebl called Mr. Caldwell forward to receive the award. Mr. Caldwell came forward and P1ayor Liebl read the Certificate of Appreciation. Mayor Lieb1 presented . the award on behaif of the entire Council and thanked Mr. Caldwell for his services and wished F►im luck in the future. Mr. Caldwell thanked the members of the Council and said it had been a pleasure serving on the CATV Cortonission. APPROVAL OF MIfvUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 19Z4: Mayor Liebl indicated there was an error in the copy of the minutes for the May 20 meeting in his agenda. He pointed out that he had received pages 7 and 8 from June i0, 1974 in place of the May 20, 1974 pages 7 and 8. MOT.ION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes with the correction to be made in the Mayor's copy of the minutes. Seconded by Councilman Nee, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried una•nimously. REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes as presented unless there were any additions or corrections from the other members of the Council. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Liebl pointed out that in the third paragraph from the bottom of page 9, there was a typographical error in the word screening which is spelled "reeening". _ Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1974: M�TION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of June 10, 1974 as presented. Seconded by Couneilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said he would like to add a letter that Councilman Starwalt had received from some residents of his ward. Councilman Starwalt said he would like.the letter received and directed to the Admin- _ istration for the proper review and recommendations. _ . �i i i � 0 i i _J I �� ; i � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 __ G1 1 • ' � .' PAGE 2 � i MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as amended with the addition of the letter received by Councilman Starwa7t concerning the traffic, lighting and signs in the area of John Erickson Park. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice I vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion�carried unanimously. � VISITORS: MR MICHAEL ROBACK, 5465 ALTURA AVENUE: VARIANCE REQUEST: Mr. Michael Roback addressed the Council and explained he had been on the agenda of the Board of Appeals Meetang of June 25, 1974, but was not notified and the Board of Appeals had not taken any action on the request because he was not present at the meeting. Mayor Liebl pointed out that this had been tabled by the Board of Appeals, it had not been turned down by zhem. Mayor Lieb7 asked the applicant if he was in a hurry to begin construction. Mr. Roback said he would like to get started as soon as possible. � Mayor Liebl advised Mr. Roback that this would be taken care of during the disc�ssion � on the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting. OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR FENCING �lT COMMONS PARK #1 (TABIfD 6-10-74): MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the City Manager and Director of Purks and Recreation and award t4- contract. for the fencing of Commons Park #1 to Viking Fence in the amount of $6,2£35.00 wit:i the stipulation that no gates be installed and that there be free open walkways. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unaniroously. HUMAN RELATIONS f'OMMITTEE AND ENVIRONMENiAL QUALITY Mayor Liebl read the memorandum submitted to the Council from the City Attarney, Virgil tterrick. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communication from the City Attarney concerning the appointments of Police Officers to Commissions �r;d Committees dated July 1, 1974. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a v�ice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deelared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to rc .�ive the c� :�unicatian frc�n� thc Public Safety Director, Mr. James Hill, concerning the City employees servinc; or� Council appointed Boards and Comnissions, dated June 21, 1974. Seconded by Cau�cilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. Mayor Liebl read the information concerning the appointment of a replacement to the Human Relations Committee to the Council and audience. He indicated this would be an appointment to replace Ms. Joyce Benson, and the term_wou'�j �xpire in April of 1976. Mayor Liebl recommen�ied the appointment of Mr. Walter LizakowSki, 14Q2 Meado��tmoor, 788-4303, to the Human Relations Committee. MOTiON by Councilman Breider to appoint Mr. Walter Lizakowski, 1402, Meadowmoor to the Human Relations Committee with a term to expire on April 1, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starti�alt. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl explained this appointment would replace Ms. Shirley Kennedy for the _ remainder of a one year term to expire on April 1, 1975. Mayor Liebl recommended the appointment of Mr. Russel Houck, 750 Overton Drive, 560-3249, to the Environmental Quality Gommission. Mayor Liebl introduced Mr. Nouck to the Council and corr�nenied that Mr. Houck is a long time resident of Fridley and a community minded citizen who is willing to serve: MOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint Mr. Russell Houck, 750 Overton Drive as a ; I i ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 3 � � � ' � � ' � _I ' member of the Environmental Quality Commission with a term to expire on April 1, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Councilman Nae asked if Mr. Houck was still a member of the Housing Authority. Mr. Houck addressed the Council and said he is a member of the Housing Authority, but this group had not had any meetings. Councilman Nee stated he believed Mr. Houck should resign from one of the Committees. He said he did not think one person should serve on more than one committee at one time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Utter, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, and Councilman Nee voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF JOIPJT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA COUNTY REGARDING REIP1BURSEMENT FOR JUNKED AUTOS TABCED 6-3-74 : Mayor Liebl asked the Public Safety Director if he had talked to Mr. Schurr of Shorty's Tow�ng and also if he agreed with the approval of the agreements as presented in the agenda. Mr. Hill said he agreed with the agreements and Mr. Schurr also approved. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the agreement with Anoka County for Reimburse- ment for Junked Autos for further discussion. Seconded by Councilman Utter. (Note: This motion was amended later in the discussion.) Councilman Breider referred to page 3-D of the agenda and inquired what the b7anks would contain in the completed agreement. He said this was under Section D of the agreement. The Public Safety Director said this agreement is recommended by the Director of Environmental Health and this amount is set by the State. He said the current rate is only $10 and the County is negotiating with the State for a higher rate. He said the State reimburses the County and the County reimburses thP Ciiy. Mr. Hill commented that the City is trying to get some kind of reimbursement and the County and State had come up with the agreement within the agenda. He said he did not favor the sroaller amount, but he added, this is a provision which the City did not have at the present time and would be better than what is in effect at the present time. He interpreted the intent to allow the City to pick up abandonded vehicles over seven years old with missing parts. He said even with the reimbursement, the City would loose money with the storage fees. � Councilman Breider questioned if the Council was to approve the agreement as it is ' j with the figures missing with the understanding that they would be added when they � � are available. Mr. Hill advised the Council that he could see no problems in this � proceedure because the figures would have to be used after the agreement between , the County and State are agreed upon. Councilman Starwalt suggested the figures be obtained and the agreement bruught back for Council approval at that time. • The Public Safety Director said the addendum had been provided for an estimate in the costs v�hich would be negotiated between the County and State. He said there was no provisions in the agreement which would indicate the rates. The City Manager advised the Council that the request for approval would be for the Agreement of the Addendum. . Mayor Liebl said he thought $20 would ba a practical amount. Mr. Hill agreed stating the Towing Company would not know how far away the car would be. The City Attorney said he assumed that the rates being negatiated between the County and State would be established statewide and would be uniform. Councilman Breider said he would see no problems with the first agreement and thought the $15 and $20 amounts would be more than adequate. He questioned the approval of the second proposal without figures. , The City Attorney advised the CDUncil that the agreement could be approved in principle and there would be no problems. The City Manager explained that the fee would be.established within the agreement through negotiations with the County and State and the City is not taking part in the negotiations. � �,� �, . ,�. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY l, 1974 PAGE 4 Mr. Hill comnented he did not know if the Tower's contract would have an influence on the negotiations between the County and Stat�. Mayor Liebl stated he would not sign the agreement until the amounts have been included in the blanks. MOTION by Counciiman Breider to amend the motion to agree in principle with the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with Anoka County rega�°ding the Reimbursement for Junked Autos until the figures are available, and approve the Addendum Towing Agreement ' with Mr. Schurr. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i i I . � � �._____. _ RECEIVIP�G COMMUNICATION FR0�1 WYPIAPJ SMITH CHAIRMAN OF JUBILEE CONIMITTEE REGARDING SILVER JUBILEE CC:"1MITTEE AND POSSIIiILI Y OF COi�fi�1ITTEE HOLDING TEEN DANCE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Wyman Smith concerning the Silver Jubilee Committee and concur in the proposal that the Committee hold a teen dance. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF LETTER FROM CITY COUNCIL TO CITIZEtdS OF FRIDLEY REGARDING JUBILEE CELEBRATION: Councilman Breider suggested the letter be sent to the residents of the City. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the letter from the City Council to the Citizens of Fridley regarding the Jubilee Ce7ebration. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEARANCE BEFORE COUNCIL BY REPRtSENTATIVE OF fdORTHERN STAIES POWER COMPANY CONCERNING PR06LEMS IN FRIDLEY AREA AFTER RECENI' STCRM: MOTION by Counci1man Utter to receive the communication fror�� Mr. John H. Mertz, Manager Nerth Division, Northern States Power Company, concerning the restoration of service after the windstorm of Thursday, June 20, 1974 and dated June 26, 1974. Seconded by Gouncilman Breider. Mayor Liebl read the letter to the Council and audience. The City,Manager said this item appeared on the agenda because of the complaints received from the citizens of the area. He said there had been a report provided to the members of the Council in their agenda folders. He said the Administration had been in cantact with NSP and had requested that a representative of the company be present at the current rneeting to explain why the company had not provided rapid restoration of service to the community. Mayor Liebl read frorr, the reports submitted by the Administration. He indicated the length of time a lift statian was without power which was si:.ated in a memo from hir. Ralph Volkman, Superintendent of Public Works. He also pointed out there was a memo from the Pubiic Safety Director and Deputy Fire Chief which ir.dicated that in all cases where there were wires dovrn, measures were taken so that no one was hurt by the wires. Mayor Liebl said 1,Q00 people worked around the clock on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with some working over 24 hour periods without rest. Mayor Liebl stated he belieued NSP had done an outstanding job in restoring service to the Fridley area. He asked the members of the Council who was without lights after the windstorm. The City Manager said Logan Park and Marion Hills were without power after the storm. Mayor Liebl called on Mr. John Ranck, representative from NSP, Mr. John Ranck addressed the Council and stated a11 of the communities were treated equally after this storm which came through the entire metro area. He said the damage was equal in the south, north and metro areas. He said the Company was not able to bring the crews from one area in from another because there was equal wide- spread damage and each area's crew had their own problems to take care of. Mr. Ranck continued to exp7ain tnat the men worked better than 30 hours and they ususlly only work for 16 hour shifts and rotate in this kind of emergency, F!e said the men choose to work the extended time. He pointed oui: that there had to be a matter o� priorities set and followed and the main feeders had t� be repaired first. He explained the method of restoring the power stating the main feeders wou]d have to be fixed before the limbs which had taken out the individual residents � I i ; 274 __ _ __ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 5 __.._ _ _ _� ; to provide power to those residents. He also explained that the City utilities would ' have to be restored with power first and the hospitals would also be a high priority. He said these priorities have to be set and when work is done on the higher priority. ; levels, the crews will move on to the next catagory. He further explained that all of these types of emergency calls are directed to the Trouble Department which dispatches the crews. He said that NSP has a board on which all feeders are ; indicated and the Company would know when a feeder is out ►vithout receiving calls ', from the area. Mr. Ranck pointed out to the Council that before the storm hit ', the western area of the metro area, there were crews out because of the storm � forecasts. I ' Mr. Ranck said he would like to echo the comments made by Mr. Mertz in his letter to the City of Fridley. Mr: Ranck thanked the Fridley staff for their cooperation. He explained that many people were without power and there were many hardships caused because of this. He explained there were many large oaks broken and down from the storm and that the wet conditions preceeding the storm made the conditions worse. Counciman Nee questioned Mr. Ranck on how the information was obtained by NSP that the power was out in the Marion Hills area. Mr. Ranck answered if the feeder was out, this would show up on the board. He said if this is not the case, it would be through calls from the customers. Councilman Nee said when he had called, he had gotten a recording. Mr. Ranck said if this happens, the caller is receiving the signal that all of the lines are busy and he should try again. He explained his own wife had to wait until the ]ines were not busy to put a call through. Hr further commented, all 125,000 people wou]d be trying i:o call at one time. Councilman Nee pointed out that a lift station was out for 10 hours and he asked if this was because no one was able to report this. Mr. Ranck said they were all aware of this and it was back in operation as soon as possible. Mr. Ranck said he goes out on calls such as this, and it is often just a matter of time and could be be something downstream. He explained there is only a certain amount of people able to work on this and it cannot be done at the same tir�e. He pointed out that all of the service was restored within 48 hours and with the 125,000 people out of service, this would average out to be 6,000 restored per hour. He stated he did not know how anyone could expect more from a cornpany after this type of extensive storm. He further explained that after each storm, the company has a meeting to discuss their shortcomings and solve all problems that may exist. Councilman Nee again questioned why the phone is not �nswered. Mr. Ranck said when the recording is played, the 50 available lines in the Trouble Department are busy. He further exp}ained there are four lines in the north division and the Manager has his own line. He said the City Managers have access to this line and can get through to him. He repeated, the recording would be off when the 50 lines are not busy. t�1r. Ranck explained the Company has total information on the feeders that are out. Mayor Liebl said the relay would indicate the feeders that are out. Mr. Ranck thanked the Council and the City Manager for the opportunii:y to come before them. Councilman Starwalt asked what advise would be offered to the people in case of a similar situation in the future. He asked if the people were to get the recording, should they just keep trying until they get their message through? Mr. Ranck said the Company has to rely on individuals to relay the message to the company for outages of individual service. He advised the Council that onee the Company has the information, there is not any need to call again, not everyone in the block has to call. He said he had worked with the crews in this area and most of the people were very considerate and understandiny. UPON A VOICE VO1�E, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the communication received. FIP.ST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 501.01 OF TF{E FRIDLEY CITY CODE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE CERTAIN PROUISIO PRIVATE ROADS AND OTFfER PIZOP[ ES S[CTIOM 169 F1S THEY APPLY TO The City Manager said this action was requested by Mr. Carl Newquist, City Prosecuting Attorney, and he had worked with the City Attorney to come up with this proposal to better enforce some of the existing laws in the City. i i _' ; , f � i _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _. _ �ri�.. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 6 The City Manager recommended that the Council waive the reading and adopt the First Reading of the Ordinance. . MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading and adopt the first reading of the Ordinance to amend Section 501.01 of the Fridley City Code adopting by reference certain provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 169 as they apply to private roads and other property throughout the City of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. The City Attorney explained that there is some language in Section 169 of the motor vehicle code that o-�ould apply to private roads and parking areas. He further explained this would cover certain offenses in these areas which Mr. Newquist has ' had problems in enforcing. He said there had been some trouble in the Shopping Center lot. UPON A ROLL CALI_ VOTE, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Stanvalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Playor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the first reading adopted. FIRST READING OF AN O�DINANrE REPEALING ORDINANCE N0. 54?_ CODIFIED AS SEC7ION 406 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CO�E RELATING TO ELECTRIC SERVICE FRP,NCHISE l`,fvD'RECEI�'ING i �� MOTION by Councilman Utter to Yaaive the reading and adopt the First Reading of the Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 542 Codified as Section 406 of the Fridley City Code relating to Electric Service Franchise and to also receive the communication from NSP, Mr. John Mertz, P1anager, North Division,concerning the Minnesota Public Utilities Act, Chapter 429, Laws 1974 and dated June 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST REGIDI��G OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONIN6 RE�UEST ZOA #74-02., Bl: BERKELI' PUMP COMPANY, .T--r—� �--� �..—��--� <,---�sg r �--n-xr� �- orn� v�� c o � r ni r_ ❑ o nn "v�"� v r---It i ni`�r nnl'�sz 1 MOTION by Counciiman Nee to waive the reading and adopt the first reading of an Ordinance for Rezoning Request ZOA #74-02, by Berkely Pump Company to rezone from R-1 to h1-T, Lots 1 and 2, Block.l3, Spi°ing arook Park Addition, 181 Ely Street N. E. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll ca]1 vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously and the first reading adopted. RECEIVTNG THE MINUTFS OF 7HE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1974: A REQUEST FOR A VARI,4P�CE OF SECTION 205.053, 4A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACl: FROifi 35 FrET TO 22.7 FEET TO ALL04! TIIE CONS�iRUCTION OF A DWELLIN6 0[3E LOCATED ON LUTS 25, 26, 27, 2II� ,�?idD TiIE 4JEST 10 rEET OF LOT 'L9; BLOCK� RTVFRVTFW I-IFTf,HTS A(',�TTT�AJ_ THF SAM� BEING 590 FAIN�JONT STREEl t�. E._; FRIULEY, MI r�t�v�vt�utH�: The City Manager advised the Counci7 that they had taken actioi� to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals at their last meeting: MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recoirenendation of the Board of Appeals and grant the Variance to Norman Taylor to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to allow the construction of a dvaell-ing at 590 Fairinont Street N. E. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor LiebT declared the motion carried unanimously. � FOR VARIANCES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS_FOLLdIJS:_SFCTION 205,134, 4C � � THE SAME 6EIN6�;�801 CLM STREET N. E., FRIULEY, MINNESC]TA. (REQUEST EY PACO, I�lGORP�RATED, 20 KIi2KW OD APlE, MiNN--lE�QLIS, F�IP�lES T 55 2. : MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve the variances requested by Paco, Incorporated for 7801 Elm Street N. E., � � _.._.._. . ___.._____.J . _ _.._ .. � � � . � � � ' � i '. ._. . .. ..._... . .. . . . _ _.. .. .. _... .... ... .._...._ _. .. . __.. _ _..... . ......_._ ..... _ .. .___ .� � +� ; I � �7� E � ' I ; ' E ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 7 with the exception of the request to reduce the side yard setback variance abutting a side street of a corner lot from 35 feet to 25 feet. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the r�totion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of June 11, 1974, Seconded by Couricilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTFS OF THE PLANNING COh1f�M1ISSION MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1974: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP. #74-11, BY CURTIS BARSNESS: PER FRIDLEY rrrv rnn� c�rT�nni �nG n�i : i o rn ai i r�d TNF cn�JSTRIIf.TT(iN (1F A SFCO�l�ORY Mayor Lieb7 said the recommendation of the Planning Commission was to approve the request with tvao stipulations. MOTION by Councilman Star�valt to apnrove the Request for a Special Use Permit for a second accessory building at 6581 Central Avenue N. E, by Curtis Qarsness with the two stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upc�n a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIP1IPdFlRY PLAT, P. S. #74-04, INNSBRUCK P�ORTH TOL�;NHOUSES REPLAT SECOtv�D AUDITIOPJ. BY D�1P.REL A. FARR DE FLOPh1ENT CORP�RATION: A REP— L-TlT' The City I�ianager said the Council action should be to set a public hearing for July 8, 1974. � MOTION by Councilman Breider to set a Public Hearing for July 8, 1974 on the Preliminary Plat, P. S. #74-04, Innsbruck North Townhouses Replat Second Addition, by Darrel A. Farr DeveTopment Corporation located at 5533 to 5539 East 8avarian Pass N. E. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VACATIOtJ Rf:OUEST: SAV #74-02, ROBERT STIY,RUD: VAC(1T[ TfiF EASTERLY AND IdESTERLY The City Manager advised the Council that their action would be to set a public. hearing for July 8, 1974. MOTION by CounciTman Breider to set a Public Neariny fot° July 8, 1974 for the ' Vacation Rpquest SAV �174-02, as requested by Rnbert Stixrud for an existing 30 foot drainage and uti7ity easernent on Block 1 and 2, Lyndale 6uilders 7th Rddii:ion. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried �nanimausly. GENERAL DISCUSSIOiV: Mayor Liebl asked the meinbers of the Council if ti�ey would like to set a jo9nt meeting between the Counc-il and the Planning Cotnmission. He asked 4vhat the Planning Cornnission wanted to discuss. Councilman Breider said the only question would be on the tiyde Park area development, He said he could not see any reason for a joint meeting for the other two issues. � Councilman Nee said he had just received the study material concerning Hyde Park and would like to ha��e some time to review the information. - Councilman areider said this matter should be tabled uni;il that tiine. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of i:he Planning Commission meeting of June 19, 1974. Seconded by Courci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � i__ _. _ _ _ ,� �`�—� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 RECEIVING THF MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF JUNE 25 1974: A R ' TO ' 104 Grr IA��:CES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CO 27 � . I PAGE 8 � I F MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the variances as requested by Strite- Anderson for the cons�ruction of an addition onto the existing building located on Parcel 2750, North E{alf of Section 12, the same being 7585 Viron Road N. E., with the stipulation that buin;ers or posts be ii�stalled along the building. S2conded by Councilman Utter. Councilman are�ider recalled the question of the parking area within the minutes ', of the Subcommittee and asked if this would be a problem. He asked with the addition o� this area would this meet code requirements. He stated this would be a 19,000 square foot adaition. The City Manager said this had been broughi; to the Administration's attention. Councilman Starwalt stated the parking would be three stalls short, but the firm has three shifts wor king, and this would be no problem. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present from Strite-Anderson. A representative of Strite-Anderson addressed the Council and exp7ained there are three shifts, five days a week. He said they would be three stalls short: the required ariount is 171, and there ��JOUId be 168 provided, He said with the type of operation, they vdould not come close to using this amount of space. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] deelared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl sai�+ the Board of Appea7s had recommended approval of the request with the exception of the height of the sigr� which would be limited to 25 feet. Mayor Liebl asked_if there was a representative of the sign co,npany present and Mr. Charles Pe�iyh, Signcs°afters, 13 77th Way N. E., addrassed the Council. Mayor : Liebl asked if it would be to any advantage to have the sign over the 25 feet in ' height. Mr. Peugh answei°ed the 25 feet ��rould be adequate. Mayor Liebl asked i the value of the sign proposed and Mr. Peugh sa.id $2,50U. Playor Liebl asked if this sign would be specifically for frank's tvUrsery and Mr< Peugh said this was correct. i Mayor Liebl asked if the sign presently on fiighway �47 a�rould remain the same and , Mr. Peugh safd yes. � MOTION by Councilman I3reider to concur in the reconunendation of the Board of Rppeals and approve i:he request to construct the second pylon sign and io increase ' the sign area from 50 square feet to 72 square feet, with the maximum height to con- � form to the requirement of 25 feet. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice jvote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion car•ried unanimously. 0 � i _ _ _. 27$ � l � � I 1 �, � � � , �� � � � � � , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 _ _ __ . PAGE 9 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053: 4A. FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUC �, , Mayor Liebl asked if there was a drainage problem in the area. The City Manager said the building permit would not be issued until the drainage problems in the area had been taken care of. . ! Mayor Liebl said he had received calls from some concerned people who had indicated_ ! there was a problem in the area. He said he would like to know what the problem is and what they are faced with. He said he would like to see more details and the ', recommendation of the Administration. He said he would like to see what could i be done to solve the problem. The City Manager said he v�ould be able to give the Mayor more information. Ne explained that there is a large size catch basin in this area. The City Manager asked the Mayor who he had received calls from, they may see something the Administratian does not see and this vaould be a method of solving the problenis. He commented, a double catch basin may improve the capacity. He said this item would be brought back to the Council. Mayor Liebl said some people in the area are concerned about the present problems and do not feel they should add to these problems. He stated this matter would have ta be handled between the Ward Counci7man and the Engineering Department, and they should come up vaith something for a s�lution. Councilman Starwalt said the catch basin is in the circle and the problems are not due i:o the catch basin. Counci7man Starwalt referred to the agenda information on page 12-I. He said the lower 'left area is v��here the problems are and the concern is that 1;he drainage of the area will be d�sturbed. He explained this area to be the Johnson and Holland properties. Councilman Utter questioned if this was south of the area in question and Councilman Starwalt said the Johnsons live on Central. The City Manager said the Administration would contact these property owners and corne up with a solution to the problems. Mayar Lieb] said the three abutting property owners would like to have this problem solved. The City Manager asked if the applicant, Mr. G. Craig lJilley was present and Mr. Wi17ey responded. Mr. Willey said tl�e main concern in the area is for a solution to the storm water problems. Mr. lailley commented that he is aware of a solution and he had discussed this with the Board, and they had recominended he review this plan with the Engineering Staff. lie said this plan would eliminate the problems with the storm water for these people. Councilman Utter said the area has a c]ay surface and when it rains, the water runs off of the surface to the cul-de-sac and into the peoples' back yards. He thought with some terracing, this problem would be taken care of. Mr. Willey said he had provided a topographical survey and he aras aware of the problems. He said with ti�e proposed plan, the water would be brought into the dedicated easement area and would fall down to Central Avenue. He said some of the water on Woody Lane should be traveling on the lawns. The City Manager asked Mr. Willey ifi he owned the land being discussed and Mr. Willey said.he owned the land. � Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to Mr. ►�olland and he was in agreement as to what should be done and this was in agreement with the proposal by Mr. Willey. Mr. Willey said Mrs. Holland was present at the meeting and she had a good under- standing of what should be done. ;I MOTION by Councilman Utter ta table the consideratinn of the variance request by i Mr. G. Craig Willey for 5928 Woody Lane N. E, until the next Monday evening, Monday, i July S, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, � Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i �---- - _ ___ _ . ---_ ___ __--- - _ __ _ -- - � l i ;�-� � _ _ ------ _ _ __. _._ _.. __ __ _ _. _ ___ __ ____- . ---_--. 1 <:r::� � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY l, 1974 PAGE 10 i I i A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE .. .�.�,���. ��,,.�T ,.�.,., ,..-,-��,.,. �..,... ,._ ____ _° _ _ � .E Mayor Liebl pointed out to the Council the drawing of the proposed construction of the garage on page 12-J of the agenda. Councilman Nee said he would have no objection to the variance, but would like an explanation of �tihat is being proposed. Mr. Roback addressed the Council and explained that a cons•iderable amount of back fill would be needed if the variance was not granted and he would not be aE�le to move the garage forl��ard. Councilman Nee asked if the garage would be in front of everyone else. Mr. Roback said yes, 10 feet. Councilman Nee asked P1r. Roback if he would be agreeable to a delay of this action for a period of one tveek which vdould enab7e Councilman t�ee to visit the area and look at the property. The City Manager said he would send notices to the area property owners to determine if there are any opposed to the variance being requested. Counciiman 6reider questioned if it was nor�nal procedure io have a Public Hearing on such a matter at the Council level. - MOTION by Councilmaii Nee to table any act9en until July �, 1974, at the next meeting of the Council in regard to the variance request by P1r. Michael Roback. : Seconded by Councilman Qreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl �' declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOPJ by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Bo��.rd of �ippeals Meetirg of July 25, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Starvaalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i� RECEIVING THE MINUTES Of" THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTRQL SUaCOMMITTEF MFETING OF JUNE 25, 1974: ��- COf�SIDERATIOPt OF A RtQUEST TO CQNSTRUCT IIN ADUITION TO 1HF PRESENT (�UILDI�G TO BE ---_ _ _ _. _.� �� USED AS A STORAGf!';"� i!A�E:HUUSE ARFA l(�� ��� Oi� 7NC 4.'t � ��� �ES G� I FfE tdORl'H�` 310 FEET OF TFiL SQ�' /0 FEL7 OF �H� ., `C I E�l�, ('; i>(' I IOi� 12, GIT1' OF FRIDt.[Y, i �N '�HE S;�P1E E1 �''IROfd i2U, ;+t�l ( Y, � E:SOTR. ^ _ � _ _.--- - _ — RE(�UEST BY OUR {'C' �� i!'APJY, 7535 1' i. , f RTULEY, ..;: ,_SCIN. „� SAf�iE __. ____ . QEING S RITE-APJUE{: �, 5 ��'P�(VY,�j�� Mayor Liebi read the recommendation af the `���'-t.ommittee ai�� the stipulations to the Council and the audience. The City ISanugei° cornmented that there would be no problem with the review oF the drainage plun, this is routine in this type of �construction. The Gity ��-:nager recorvnended the Counci] appi°ove the request and authorire the Administ; �on to issue the permit �Nith the rive stipulations. MOTIOCJ t}y< i;ouncilman Starwalt to approve the issuance of the building per°mit as reque:st.ed by Strite-Anderson Company for 7585 Viron Road, with the five stip- ' ulatiors suggestzd by tne Subcommittee. Secr>nded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. CONSIUERATION OF A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION T0 THE PRESEP�T GARAGE STRUCTURE TO LF USED AS A GAkACGr: LOCATED ON LOT 6, BL�CK 5, RIC.F CREEK °LAZA SOiJTFI kDDITION THE SAME BE1NG 250-67iH AVEiVUC NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, f�iIPiPiESOTA� R[QUEST [�Y 7HOMAS Mayor Liebl stated the Subcommittee had recommended approval of the request. Councilman Starwalt said he had not personally looked at the site and he wou7d apologize for this. i' ,___ ___ _.___ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _. _. I i ' � �(i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 11 Mayor Liebl said if there were any objections, the minutes of the Bui7ding Standards- Design Control Subcommittee meeting would state this. He said the only stipulation suggested would be that the garage be fire proof. MOTION by Counci7man Starwalt to concur with the recommendation of the Building Standards-Design Contral Subcommittee and approve the request to build an addition to the present garage. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. (Note: This motion was withdrawn later in the discussion.) Councilman Utter questioned if this would be some type of business. The City Manager said the man is in the painting business and would store paint in the addition. He advised the Council that this addition would create a garage larger than the man's house. Mayor Liebl said this t�ould be a 24 foot by 24 foot addition. Councilman Utter asked, even if the garage is fire proof, would it stand this type of addition in an explosion. Mayor Liebl said this would be constructed in a nice residential area. 7he City Manager suggested the Council table this item until more information is received. . MOTION WITHDRRWN by Councilman and the Second withdrawn by Councilman Utter. MOTION by Counci7man Starwalt to table any action on the request to construct an addition to the existing garage by Thomas Eilers, 250 67th �venue N. E. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Liebl declared the motion carrieci unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Building Standards- pesign Control Subcommii:tee of June 25, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECETVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COP1MISSION f�tEETING OF MAY 20, 1974: Mayor Liebl said it wuuld be in order to concur tvith the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission on the following items: 1. Leasing of Cheri Lane Park area property from Target stores to create a]arger Park. 2. Installation of the four foot fence between the property located at 6530 2nd Street N. E, and Jay Park. 3. Registration of Tiny Tots age requirements to cut off at September lst, ' to coincide with the date used by the School Districts. MOTION by Councilman Utter to concur in the previously mentioned items and receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of May 20, 1974. Mayor Liebl said he had received �wo complaint calls concerning the Jay Park area. Councilman Breider said it seems the people of ihe area would be very happy with the four foot fence and if this solves the problems, it would be better than the install- ation of an eight foot fence. Councilman Utter explained there is a big backstop at the park, but the young people do not use it because it is in the sun, they qo.to the other end of the park and play ball. He added, if they would be playing ball in the riyht place, there would be no problems. SECONDED BY Councilman Breider. Mayor Liebl pointed out that a resident of the area will put up the fence with the City only paying for one half of the costs of the fence. UPON A UOICE VOTE, a17 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ; J � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 c)i�� � e.., �L)1. PAGE 12 RECEIVING THE t4INUTES Of THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1974: MQTIQN by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of June 24, 1974. Seconded by Councilinan Starvaalt. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt questioned on the previous set of minutes of May 20 where the fence would be placed and if this would involve the taking of some trees, The City Manager said this fence would be shifted to not take out the trees. He said it would be moved into the City property three to four feet so the trees would be saved. RECEIVING THE MIP�UTES OF TFIE CATV COMMISSION MEf_TING OE MAY 17, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the CATV Commission Meet�ng of P1ay 17, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to receive the reports from Mr. Dean Caldwell. MOTION by CounciTman Utter to receive and concur in the letter from Mr. Dean Caldwel7, CATV Commission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSTpE�ATTON OF DELAY OF PAY��IENT FOR PARK FEE FOR ALICE �,ALL ADDITION PLAT BY WALI CORPORATION: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the 6Ja11 Corporation concerning the request for delay in payment for the park fees for the Alice Wall Plat. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice �rote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion earried unanimously. Mayor Lieb7 asked the reason for this request. Mr. Rudolph Dante, Wall Carporation addressed the Council and said I�is letter covered what had been discussed by the Council and himself at the previcus meeting concern:ng this item. Mr. Dante explained that at the previous meeting, Councilman hee had talked to P�tr. Dante and asked if it would be a help if the park fee were put dorJn stream. He explained it ��rould help if the fee v;ere applied to the development cf the R-1 area as it is developed, and this would either be by the tdall Corporation or someor�e else. He sugr,ested a delay until this development occurs or until a time period of 18 months has lapsed, whichever comes first. Counciiman Nee asked if this fee 9s usual7y coliected whei� the plat is filed. The City Manager said yes. Mr. Dante requesteci the Wall Corporation be allo��ed to enter into a covenant which would be transferred to the developer of this pori9on of the R-7 property. He said this alould be legal and binding. Mayor Liebl aske� the City Attorney for his counsel on this statemer�t and if he would be able to draft such a covenant. The City Attorney said it would be legal. and.he could draft such a document if the Council �,�an�ed this done. Councilman Starwalt asl:ed if it is standard proceedure to p�y the fees �t the time of the filing of the P�ai;, why should Wall Corporation become an exception ta the polisy. Mayor Liebl said this would be because Wall Corporation wanted to pay this when the R-1 area is deve]oped. Mr. Dante stated 41a11 Corporation was not awa�°e of this type of fee being required on the filing of ihe plat. He said they had been encumbered with this and it would be a help to the Wall Corporation with the situation of the money market of today. Mr. Danie , said he would appreciate the Council giving this request some consideration and drafting a covenant with the City which would be a legal instrument which would require Wall Corporation, or the deve7oper of the R-1 area to pay the �ee ��rhen the area is developed, or at the end of an 18 month period, whicheve�^ came first. Ma��or Liebl asked if it was i�lr. Dante's intention to save interest on this $3,000 for a period of 18 months. Mr. Dant� said ii was not only this factor that prompted the request, but the matter af the prime rate of today being ver�y hiyh. He exp7ained there is the addition of tw� to thrPe points over thi� prime rate charged. He said this wouid be a considerable amount �f money, and would be an interest rate of 15% to 1G�. He said this interest on the $8,OQ0 at this rate in the overall package would be detrimental to the development at this time. I _--- -_ _._.._ _-------- . _ ___.- - -------- _ __ _ ____ ____ ___ __ � ___--._ _--._._- - -_____ __...__ -- ___ __ ; 2�2, � I � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 13 , . , ; Councilrnan Starwalt asked when the 4Ja11 Corporation would be breaking ground. Mr. , Dante said he could not determi��e an exact date at the present time. He again explained 1 that the City has the drawings, but they are communicatang on a daily basis correcting and adhering to what had to be done. Mr. �ante said Wall Corporation was trying to fill the City requirements. He commented , Wall Corporation had wanted to begin construction the previous month. He said they � hoped to get started the current month. ; Counci7man Starwalt asked the City P1anager if this type of procedure had been follo�ved in other areas such as Innsbruck. Mayor Lieb7 explained this to be a , ; different situation, Innsbruck had donated land in exchange for the plat. 7he City Manager agreed and said tliis had been 12 acres and the land around the lake. Councilman Starwalt said unless there is some good reason for deviating from the policy, the past policy should be followed. f-{e said he believed the payment of the money at this time would be good for the ulall Corporation as well as the City. He continued, he would not support a motion to change this policy at this time. Mayor Liebl called on Councilman Nee to exnla9n the intent of this type of suggestion. Councilman Nee said he had made this suggestion when the proposal for the donation to the park fund taould have been $20,�00 with the construction of t�•�o tennis courts and his suggestion would have been to extend the time period for the installation of the tennis courts. He said he had discussed an arrangement tha�t would de7ay the construction of i;he tennis courts for two years. He explained the conditions had been scaled dovm some since this was the proposal. He said he believed the approval of this request would set a precedent that would be very difficult to live with. Councilman fJee said he understood the applicant's problem, but if this was approved at this time, it would have to be done for everyone in the future. He asked how it would be possible to enforce this type of policy in the coming years. The City ��fana�er said he believed Counci7man Nee's co!nments were pertinent to the question at hand. He said this had never been considered before and it vrould set a precedent. He pointed out that other deve7opers in the City had paid the same high interest rate. Fie com;nented the others would expect the same type of requests to be approved. Councilr„an Breider said he concurred with the comments of Councilman Starwalt and Counci7man Nee. MOTION by Councilman Breider to deny the request of Wall Corporation concerning Lhe delay n payment of the $8,000 park fee. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hlayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Dante said there u�as another tnatter that would have ta be settled at the present meeting. He mentioned the installatian of the structure in the dedicated easements. The City P�anager said there is some ponding necessary ar�d there vaere two levels in elevations for this ponding. He said this area in o,uestion concet°ned the normal range and also a 50 year range frequency. }ie explained this �vould indicate an auerage of every 50 years, this area may be flooded. Ne further explained the current concern was that the garages were planned for installation ���ithin the 50 year frequency range, in the drainage area. He said at ti�nes, there may be water around the garages. He said there would be no serious problem in this, but if this is appraved, ldall Corporation should bear the liability. He suggested this be stipulated that 41a11 Corporation or future owners or developers of the area be liable for any drainage problems. MOTION by Counciman Breider to approve the installation of the garages in the dedicated area with the stipulation that any liability for the drainage damage or problems be born by the 41a11 Corporation, future owners or deve7opers. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a uoice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REAPPROVAL_ OF VARIANCE R�UEST TO BUIt_D AN ATTACHED GIIRAGE 2 FEET FRO(�M1 LOT LINE AND �T� fONSTRUCT A GARAG[ 2 FEE—T f3[L-OW IE GR UE �F THE STREET - �35 W[S Rt MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice and open the Public Nearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous]y and the Public Hearing on the matter of the reapproval of a variance request to build an attached garage 2 feet from the lot line opened at 9:43 P•M•_ i >� �� y Lk.)J - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY l, 1974 � PAGE 14 The City Manager said i:his request was before the Counci7 and approved a few years ago. He explained the property would drain to the Moore Lake area. He further explained at the time of the first request and approval, the City had received a letter of approval from the adjoining property owner. He said the two people at that time vrere in agreement with the request. MOTION by Councilman Star���alt to receive the letter from P1rs. Holan with the notation that this property owner is no longer effected by this variance because they no longer reside adjacent to the applicant. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a17 voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carried unanimously. , Councilman Starwalt explained that he had tall:ed to the Jacobsuns and also ather ' property owners in the area. He noted that this action had taken place four years ago, but the requested structure had not been constructed at that time. He said he would like to address scme questions to the City Manager. He continued asking if there could be a drainage problem in this area and if it would be possible to hold the City harinless if any pi°oblems occur. He s�id Nir. Jacobson's ali;ernatives would be to either bu�i1d the garage five feet above the roadway and create a tuck ' under garage or go Ly the present proposal to buiid it two feet under the elevation of the roadway. He said in the later case the water would run toward the garage and in a heavy raifall, �he vaater would be directed through the garage and drain to Moore Lake. Mr. Jacobsen addressed the Council and explained there would be dead man's tile installed in the back of the garage within the ground to drain the garage. He commented if the v,�ater was up �o this elevation, ever��one in the area would have a problem, not just himse7f,. Mr. Jacobsen stated he believed the drainage problem had been solved in the plan. The City Manager explained that this drainage system cou]d become plugged and create some prablems in the garage. He said the app7icant should take the responsibility for any drainage problen�s if the neighbors do not object to this construction. Mayor Liebi asked �ir. Jacobsen if h� would c aicur with the agreement which had been ; signed the last time the variance had been applieG for. Mr. JacoUsen said he would _'� agree with this signed agreement, he ��tould like reapproval of the ayreement. , The City Manager stated the garage floor would be lower than the curb and 1:he ; drainage would go toward the garage. Mr. Roger Jorgenson, 5841 West Moore Lake Drive, addresse� the Council and stated he is the present abutting property owner and this variance would allow construction ; two feet from his property line. He corn3nented there ��;ould be some problems if conditions created by this installation were not properly inaintained. He said the garage roof line �•�ould create a patio which would be 1'L feet from his bedroom windows, ° Mr. Jacobsen answered, ihis area could not be used as a�atio, he had already built a beautiful patio in his yard and he wou7d not use the tap of the garage f�r another patio. Mr. Roge� Papke, 5801 blest PM1oore Lake Drive, said he vaould not have any faith in the insi;allatian of retaining walls. lie explained there are some in the area which had been installed and are crumbling. Mr. 6ernard Altermatt, 5II31 West Moore Lake Drive, said he �aould.like some assurance that this time the arork wouid be done. He explained, 7ast tir�e ihis was consiclered, there was a mound of dirt hauled to the area and it is still sitting there, Mr. Jacobsen explained this ti,rould have to be done 4vhen a person is in proper health and has the financial means to support the project. He said i;he construciion would come up to from $a,000 to $7,000. Councilman Utter asked Mr. Jacobsen the reason for installing the tuck under garage rather than one level with the ground . Mr. Jacobsen in turn asked Councilman U�:ter if he had been up to the site. Mr. Jacobsen con�inued stating this would create a situation with th� level installation that would not a17ow access to the baek yard. Ne explained there a;ould be the possibi7ity of constructing a tcn foot fami.ly rooin on the top portion of the garage in the future. Ne said this would allow for the construction of a bigger house. i . ; Another resident of the area said he agreed with the feelings of Mr. Jorgenson and was i �--_— --- --. ------ ----_. __ --__ _ - ! ��� � � ' � l , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 15 concerned about what would be done with the top of the garage. Ne continued this wouid be close to the Jorgenson bedrooms and if there is a family room constructed, this would be disturbing. Mayor Liebl said there would be 15 feet in between the garage. He continued stating this is a normal distance for a separation between homes, Councilman Nee questiored how Mr. Jacobsen proposed to protect his neighbor, did he plan to fill in the area. Councilman Utter asked if he planned to install retaining walls. Mr. Jacobsen said he would instal7 retaining walls, he wou7d have to protect himself at the same time with this installation. He informed the Council that many people up the street have retaining walls. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Jacobson if he was prepared to accept the responsibility for the construction of the proposed retaining walls, Mr. Jacobson said he had already done this and this construction was in the plans. Councilman Nee asked if the proposed incline wou7d be about six to one. Councilman Starwalt asked P1r. Jacobson how he planned to get cut of his driveway. Mr. Jaeobsen said he had talked to some peoF�le with the same elevation difference and they had indicated this to be no problem. He said if this is constructed proper7y and the snow is removed, there would be no problern at all. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearing on the matter of the variance requesi: by Mr. Ro�vland Jacobson. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, P1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing colsed a1; 10:12 P.M. Mayor Liebl stated the applicant is willing to spend the money and constru�t an acceptable wa11 �for Mr. Jorgenson. MOTION by Councilrnan Starwalt that the action on the variance be tab7ed until the follot��ing �4onday evening, Ju7y 8, 1974, to enable him to discuss the proposal with the area property owners. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Starwalt asked if there were any plans froar the contractor which could be rev�iewed. Mr. Jacabson said these plans are beiny drawn up at the present time and they include the drainage plans, driveway and retai�iing walls. Mayor Liebl said it vaould not be considerate of the City to insist on the submission of detailed plans before approval of the construction because of the cost of such plans. � UPO�V A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�9on carried unanimously. R[CEIVING PETITIO�t ,',-10-1974 - R[QUES7I�G CONSTRUCTION OF $IKEWAY ALONG EAST RIVER ROAU FROP�1 h1ISSI �SIFPI STREET TO OSQORNE ROAD N;vD P,LO��G MISSISSIPPI STREET TO OSBORNE MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive Petition #10-1974 requesting the construction of bike�vays along East River Road from Mississippi Street to Osborne Road and along Mississippi Street from East River Road to University Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�iayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDLRATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO CITIZEN COMMITTEE FOR THE QUESTION OF BICYCLE/b,ALKWAY S C.f�1: � � ( Mayor Liebl said he had recorrnnendations for tf�e appointment of two persons to the conunittee. He suygested Mr. 13ob Lee, 144 Satellite Lane, 560-1092 and said he would ' be from the third area. He also sugyested the appointment of I�1r. 6ob A. Riese, 6031 , '; 5th Street N. E., 560-6699, from the seventh area. � � Councilman Utter said he had cantacted four people, but he had not obtained any response to this request at the present time. He said he was not ready to rnake any recommendations at tl�ie pre$ent meeting. ` Mayor Liebl said he had talked to the people he had recommended and they indicated they would like to serve on the committee. j REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 16 Councilman Breider suggested the appointment of Mr. Wiliiam Gerads, 7545 Jackson Street as the representative of area number five. . Councilman Starwalt said he would recommend Mr. Dennis L. Schneide.r, 6190 Stinson Boulevard N. E., 7�6-7059, as the representative of neighborhood number nine. He suggested Mr. Dale Hagen, 7�84 Hayes Avenue N, L', as the representative of area number eight. C�uncilman 6reider said this mari is residing in neighborhood number five. ��J •Councilmari Nee recommended the appointment of Mr. Vern Moen, 7154 Riverview Terrace stating he is interested in the system and is working on this for the Rotary. Councilman Nee also suygested Mr. Joe Schomr.��er 5n3 Janesville Avenue as the represen- tative of neighborhuod number one. He said ha had no proposal at the present time for area number fiour. Counciiman Nee asked if the appointment of Mr. �oe htartin, 144 Rivers Edge way would be feasible as a representative of area number four,. indicating he resided in area number three, Councilrnan t��ee indicatcd he w�ould 4•,�ithdraw the recommendation to appoi��t Mr. Martin. ile sta�ed he would rath�r find representation in area four than take someone out of the third neighbori�ocd. Councilman Starwalt mentioned an other possibility for appointment, but said he would like to receive confirmatien from the man first. Mayor Liei�l indicated there wou7d have tu be semeone fram th� area designated as number six, there was more than 500 homes in thi� area. The City Manager said this item would be brou��l�t bac4: to the Council for future recommendations. Mayor Liebl said the names of the current recamrnendations should be kept as a ', par•t of the record. CONSIDERRTION OF A Rf_QUEST T� /�PPP,OVE CORRECTIOTd TO THE P1.A7 UF ItJNSBRUCK NOR7H 2ND ADDITION: ' �� h10TI0N by Councilman Starwalt t� accept the cc�rt9ficate of survey for the correction of the Plat of Innsbruck North 2nd Addition. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon , a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousTy. ', The Assistani; Enqineer explained this error to have been made because one lot ', was not numbered on tf�e �riginal plat. CC�UNCIL A('PROVAL OF BALLOT fOR ON-SALF. L�_R LICENSF.S: Councilmai�i 6reider asked if the vrording of the Lallo� could be changed. He believed the information in the titi�orking to be misleading because it arould state the City would be issuing m�re licen5es than ailot�ed by 7aw. The City Attorney said this is the language that is required by law. He believed some information being placed in the City ne��rspaper would aid in alleviating this misunderstanding. Councilman Starwalt asked if it would be possible to challeng� the wording, indicating this was also his cancei�n. Councilman Starwa1t further questionetl how the Council was to e;:pect the voter to understand something thc Council did not understand. The City Ai;i:orr�ey said the s�rording could n�t be che;r.ged, but there �ax?uld be so�ne value in the City gettinq some for•m of news release to the local papers fior this explanation. He expressed concern that if the language were changed, the vote could be challenged. Mayor Liebl stated if there was no objection, tr�e rnatter V!ould appear on the ballot as presented to the Council. . COUNC.IL IIPPROVAL OF Cs�LLOT QUESTION ON NORTFI PARK: Councilman Utter asked if the nature cer,i:er is passec� i;his �you7d require a special b�nd iss�e and would require a general election 7ater. ' Mayor Liebl said the City should explain tf�e financi�l abligation to the people and this should be added to the ballot. He said the obligations of the City for i:he '� �\ installation of the golf cnurse and the nature center should be explained. ( ! � � ____ __ _. �. _ __ _. _ _ . ----- --__. ___ _ _ __._ __. ; I i ' � , , � u � � , ' �� , ' L , 286 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 17 Mr. Ken Sporre, 301 Ironton, asked if it would appear on the ballot that a non-profit foundation will build and maintain the nature center. Councilman Breider said he would see one problem with puttinq this information on the ballot, where would this stop, and where would this start. He said he felt this would leave the City open for court action after the election. He questioned what level of go7f course would be represented and wliat level of nature center. He said the people know about this conflict and they have formulated a barrage of questions. The City Attorney said there wou7d be some legal difficulty in this proposal unless there H�ere specific concrete proposals before the Council. MOTION b,y Councilman Utter to authorize the Administration to present both ballots to the elec�orate as they were presen�ed to the Council for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDER�TION OF CANCELLI�lG 6& E PATRQL, INC. SERVICE APJD �UTHORIZING SIGNiNG CONTRACT � �WITN TNE f�ETROPOLITI�N�Rt�II�1AL PATROL�Sl:RVICES, IfJC.: Councilman Utter asked how long a time the City had contracted with B& E Patro7. The City Manager said the City would h3ve to give the firm one month's notice. MOTION by Councilman Ui:te�° to concur vaith the recom�endations of the Public Safety Director, P1r. James Hill, ard cancell tne animal control service with B& E Patrol znd authorize signing th, ccntract with the Metropolitan Animal Patrol Services, Inc. Seconded by Council�ran Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ai°ed tlie motion carried unaniinous7y. APPOIN7P�iEPdT: CATU COifMISSIOPl: Mayor Liebl recommended the appointment of Mr. Georye Zeglen, 841 Rice Creek Tet^race, 560-5046, ta the CATV Commission. NOTION by Councilman Utter to appoint D1r. George Zeglen, 841 Rice Creek Terrace to the CATV Comroission. Seconded by Councilrran Starutait. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATI01d OF CHANGIPdG THE P�LICY REGARDTNG WA7CR ME7ERS: P1ayor Liebl said the City is not able to follow the past policy. He indicated this �sould not have to charge the procedure within a week's time, this did not have to be done until tfie lst of Oct�ber. The City Nanager said the reason for this appearing on the agenda was to l�r;ng the alternatives to the Council's attention. {le said on� suggestion would be to have the people buy the meter and it would go �a�ith the house within the sale of the home. Fie said with the present system, it has enabled the City to c7ean up any old water bi11s svhen a person sells hisJher home. He said the original meter deposit was $25, and now it is $40. He said the City wou7d give the people a choice of using the existing meter, or obtaining a new one for the price of $60. Mayor Liebl said he has talked to other mayors and it would be his recommendation ihat the Council should table any action on this matter until some recommendation is received from the League. , j The Finance Director, t�1r. Marvin Brunsell, said he had talked to those at the League who haci indicated they would send copies of any o�°dinances that other cities � had passed to the City of Fridley. He said to this time, he had not received any � information. � ' MOTTON by Councilman Utter to table the matter on changing the policy regarding � water meters until so�ne information is received from the League of Minnesota Municipa7ities. Seconded by Councilman Starivalt, Upon a voice vote, all voting i aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ! CONSIDFRATION 01= MID-Y[AR R[�UEST.FOR ADDITIONAL POLICF OFFICERS: � � Mayor Liebl asked the Public Safety Director, Mr. James Hill, what his recommendation � i - ` i ��. _ _ _ -- — : : . � ��'7 - � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 18 to the Council would be. b1r, Hill said he would recommend hiring the additional police officers. Mayor Liebl said there are additional people in the Innsbr�ack and Meadow Run areas that would need police protection. He also referred to the new three zone policy of the Police Department and intensified police surveillance of th,e residential dl"�d5. The City Mananer referred to the report in the agenda and said there is a cost attached to such service. I;e pointed out that it ��rould be a cost commitiment of about $400,000 for one man for a period of 20 years, and approximately �17,000 cost for the next year. Ne said the limitation for raising taxes is set at 6% each year and there has been a 12;;: cost of living ir�crease. He said they may be ample justification, but there �,�ould be a 6% levy limi;;ation. Mayor Liebl said he feli th�re �,�as a need for additional security and protection against burg7ary in the residentia.l areas, industrial, and commercial }�roperties. He said one of these days, they would be testeu, and this is the reason he had asked that the Police f�rce be reevaluai:ed. Mr. Nill said his recommendatiun had been based on the 1972 statistics and if this were updated for th� conring year, there wauld be a nee<i for five additional men, Councilman f3reider questioned P��r. Hill as an Administrator and asked him what he would do if he needed more men and was afraid i;o spend the mon�}y. Mr. Hill referred to other areas of attent�ion in the City and said would these areas of study continue if there was not enough funds available. Councilman 6reider asked if �here was some understanding at the 21� funding. The Finance Director said there iti�as a letter pf understanding. Councilman f3reider ; asked how much weighi sucil a letter had. Thc C�ity Attorney saicl not too much, ' this is a letter of understanding by tne offic.ers. He said it had been presented ", to the entire body and the Police Officers had stated they were not opposed. ' Couricilman Breider asked if the new people are hired, co�ald they be placed on PERA, or would they go on the Police pension p1an. The City Attorney said the Stai;e Legislature had said the h1unicipalities oJill properly fund the pensiozi, and there cannot be a.n agreement made bel:ween the officers and the Derartn��nt to du less than the State Legislai;ure requires the Municipalities to c�o. It wouid not make any diffe•rence ifi there �aa.s an agreement to pay only 12%. . Councilman Breider ask�� if they ��;ould be alale to put the :ie�,d pec���le on PERA. The City Attorney said this is tf?e question of a curreni la��� suit in Columbia Heights. He explained that P[RA vrill not accept funds fro�n those who have an independent fund. Coucnilan 6reider stated there has to be a way out. The City F�ttorney said the only way out would he if tlie Legislature reconsidered. Co�.�ncilman Starwalt commen+ed he believed Pridle,; has an e>:cellent Police Department. He asked Mr. Hill if he would turn do��n one police officer if this was the amount authorized. Mr. Nill said he would not turn det�rn anytl-�ing. He said he fe7t the justification is there for the two additional pa7ice ofi=icers, and this matter would be up i:o the Council. Councilman Star�valt sugyested one man be hired at th� present time and one n�an in six months from this time. Mayor Liebl said there would be a time 1imit involved to allow the men to attend training school. D1r. Ni11 said they would only be gaining one i��an, one seryeant and one man in the field area, He explained with this addition, they would only be gettinc� one in the fieid. F(e said he would like to attract some qualified ufificers who would not have to attend the training school. He indicated some of tha me;i interested in th� positions in Fridley ha:l had outside training and iiad acquired necessary skills. MOTION by Councilman Utter to authorize the Administration to hire t�-ro additional police officers, effective August 1. 1974. Seconded by Councilman Br�ider. Upon i � --J .r , ' � ! Zb� � 1 � � ' ' � , I � � �� i ' I , I I � ! ��� ' ! , ' � � I ,I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 19 a voice vote, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Counci7man Nee, and Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. CQNSIDERATION OF AUTNORIZING COLD S70RAGE BUILDING IN THE MUNICIPAL GARAGE ARE�: t�r. Ralph Volkman, Superintendent of Public Works, passed out pictures of the proposed construction to the Council. Mr. Uolkman explained the principle reason for the request was for safety measures. He said many pieces of equipment are stored outside, such as the street sweeping brushes, that should be stored inside to protect the parts from rusting. Mayor Liebl asked if this ��as preventative maintenance and h1r. Volkman said yes. He said many of the things outside can take the cold weather, ar�d others had to be stored a4��ay from the elements. Councilman Utter asked if Mr. Volkman would b� in charge of the building and Mr. Volkn�an responded say�ing yes. Mr. Volk�na�i continued to explain, many things can take the cold �,�e ther and they are presently being s�;ored � the ;araae, because they could not take the moisture. He said the fertilizei° 4��ould be an exa�nple of this. Fle also sta.ted the grass seed would have to be taken off the second balcony because someor.e could drop this. He referred to the OSHA requirements and said these safety precautions would have to be tal:en. He also pointed oui, that some of the smaller power tcols and summer equipment cou7<1 be stored in the cold storage area buildino. He said some of the equipment woula not have to be stared in the garage. Councilman Breider asked if there a!auld be sorie shelving needed in the building. He said this had not been budneted f�r. Mr. Volkman said this should be in the 1975 budgei: and could probably be taken from the rnaintenance buc(get. Councilman 6reider questioned if the floor of the building woulcl be concrete. He asked the cost of this concrete floor. Mr. Volkman said this was no�t 6eing p}anned and would cost quite a bit. He estiirated a2,100. The City P�anager said it would be in the range of �2,G00 more. Mr. Uolkman said it would have to be considered if there �vould be proper drainage with the concrete floo�°. Counci7man Breider questioncd if there would be a problein vaith rodents vaith the grass seed and the dirt floo�°. Mr. Volkman said not any more than with the cc�ncrete. He said i;he old park garage did not have a floor. Councilman Breider asked how many Uuildings tha Council had authorized in the last five years without a concrete f7oor. The City Manager said zero. Councilman areider said the City would have to abi�le by thc: same rules as ihe othei° person. Councilman Star��alt said he c�uld see the justification in this reyuest. MOTIOt4 by Councilman Breider to approve the cold storage bui7ding with the addition of the concrete floor. Secondecf by Councilma7 Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declat~ed the motion carried unanirnously. CONSIDERl�TION OF RPPRQVING TFIE OBJECTIVES FOR NATURAIIST-RESOURCE COORL�INATION PRUURAM FOR CITY Q� FRIDLEY AIVD GUDGET PROI�USf�L Fu: JULY 1, 1974 - DFCE�°1BFR 31, 1974: The City Manager said Mr. Dan Huff, Naturalist-Resource Coordinator, was present at the meeting to answer any of i:he Council's questians. The City Manager said he had already cut the budget proposal by $7,000. Mayor Liebl said he would recominend the Council authorize the proposed budg�t as outlined by the Administraiion. He said he was very imr�ressed with the projection; and he thought this w�uld make fridley one of the leading cities in the Metro area. Mayor Liebl said he thouyht the budyet proposal vaas modest, progressive and something to Uuild on for years to come. - Councilman Utter asked the Ci�ty Manager if this would also �e his reconanendation and the City Manager said it would. ' � The City Manager said when the position of the naturalist vras 6eing considered for the City of Fridley, this is the range that was proposed at. that time. He ; recalled i;he Council wanted the Naturalist to lay out his ovrn budget. He said if the Council wants the program, this is the program they vrould get. He pointed out � I �� __- - . ___� I 2��;� ��� i REGULAR COUNCI.L�MEETING Of JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 20 that there is already some cooperation established between the schools and the Couni:y . Counci}man Breider questic,ned the construction costs r,f $3,000. The City Manager said this W'1�� be for the installation of files, chairs, storage and also displays. Councilman 6reider asked where Nr. Huff wou7d be working from. The City Manager said he is located at City Hall at the present time. He said in the future, he would be able to work where the programs are being set up such as Innsbruck North. He ' indicated there is a building that could be used in this area. Councilman Starwalt a�dressed Mr. Huff and said he had talked againsl: bringing him on board tivhile he was in the audience. He said he had talked to the voters in the area. � MOTIOfJ by Councilman Starwalt to approve the budget as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vc�e, Counci7rnan Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting nay, Councilman Breider ��oting aye, Cour,cilman Starv�alt voi:'in.g aye, and Meyor Liel�l votin� aye, biayor Liebl dec'lared i.he motion carried four to one. RESULU(IQPd #72-1974 - F�';?HORIZING 7RP,NSFFR OF FUPlUS 1-R0�' RESERb'E CQNT1f�GFNCIES FL'f�D ______ _..—_.,----.,____���__.,__.__---- --.___.__---_____.__.__._ _..._------- TO POLICE, �FUBLIC �WOR!CS, Af�D fdA'�tUi��1Li:Si AND R[�50URSE CCCRCI;�ATIOfV UEPARTP�lEN7S: The City Mar,ager said th� police fund an�ount ���ould be $9,000. Mr. �ames Hill, Public Safety Director, said he had figu;ed $10,516. }ie explaine;l he woul�l ]ike to hire men with some experience �°ather than buying the training time, He a7so explained that the uniiorm allo4�rance would noi: be split, this would remain the same at $516. The City P�1anager said thr amount to be used f�r the Public 6dorks fund would be $12,848, and the tdaturalist fund �vould be $27,7?.9, for a�otal of $45,OQ3. Councilman Breider asl:ed ho:v much vrould be still left in t:he reserve contingencies fund and the City ?fanager said about �50,000. �O7ION by Councilman Uttei° to adopt Resolution ,=72-7974 as modified with the atnoUnts listed previous]y. Seconded by C�uncilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declarF,d the moti�n carried ununimously. RESOLUTXOy �'71-197� - CLOSING OUT TIiE PARK BOND FU��Q AND TI2A�dSFERRING SURPLUS CtISH �0 1`tlE G[RERAL FUldi): ^ � � , Councilman C�reider asked the amount of this fund and the City Manager said $30,000. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution '=71-7974 closinq aut the Park Bond Fund and transferrin� sur�]us cash �i.o the Ger�eral f�und. 5econded by Councilman I3re�der. Upon a voice vote, all ��ating aye, hiuy�r Liebl dnclared the motion carried unanimausly. � CLAIMS: � GEP!ERAL 35997 - 36336 LIQUOR &959 - 9013 MOTION by Councilrnan Utter to approve the claims for payi»erit. Secor7ded by Councilman Breider. Upon a �roice vote, all voting aye, f4a��or Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICEI�SES: EXCIII,'AT I hdG Homer`s Sewer Service 2350 Jacksor. Street St. Paui, M�inn. 55117 (iY Homer Deslauries _. _ APPR�t�FU BY C. Belis7e i _ _J i ��(�1�1 �� u REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 21 GAS SERVICE BY APPROVED BY Don's Air Conditioning, Donald L. Dickison W. Sandin Heating & Refrigeration Inc. 3953 Centra1 Avenue Columbia Heights, Minn. 55421 GENERAL COiVTR/�CTOR Acton Construction Richard Erickson C, f3elisle 12805 Highway #�55, Suite 206 Minneapolis, htinn. 55101 Heritage Builders Frank DaughEnbaugh C. [�elisle 409 Maple Avenue N. E. Spring Lake Park, Minn. 55432 Bud Johnson Construction Co. Warren M. Johnson C. Qelis1e 4517 Belvidere Lane Edina, Minn. 55435 Harold E. Jul�ien Building Harold E. Julien C. Belisle Contractor 2526 Bunker Lake Qoulevard Anoka, Minnesota 55303 North��testern Quilders Gerlad J. h1iddleton C. Eelisle 8053 Bloornington Freeway Bloomington, ��finn. 554'LU Olson Concrete Cliff Maas/Ed��ard Anderson C.. Belisle 5010 Hillsboro Avenue tdori:h Minneapolis, frfinn. 55428 Preneer Systems Inc. Kurt DeBo�°de C. Belisle 5851 Duluth Street Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 • South To.�rne Realty Peter Keprios C. Belisle 151 Silver Lake Road New arighton, htinn. 55112 HEATING Midwest Sheet hietal Works Michae] J. Elnicky W. Sandin 340 Taft Street N.E. . Minneapolis, Minn. 55413 PUC3LIC Sb;It�f�tIfdG POOL LOCATIOP! Fridley Ind. School Dist. �14 6000 4J. t�loore Lake Dr. S. Olson 6000 bJ. f•1oore Lake Drive N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Georgeto4�,n Court Apartments 5750 East River Road S. Olson 5750 East River Road 58Z0 Fast River Road (2) Fridley, P1inn. 55432 5680 East River Road , Meadow ftun Apartments 7855 East P.iver Road S. Olson 7845 East Riwer Road N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 hi0TI0N by Councilman Utter to approve the licenses as lisied previously. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upc�n a voice vote, all voting aye, f�ayor l.iebl declared the motion carried unaniroously. ESTIMFiTES: . Berghorst Plumging and Fleating 10732 lianson Qoulevard j Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 � I I : � � :� REGULAR COUNCIL PIEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 For Sewer Service Repair at 7860 Main Street Line damaged with construction of sanitary sewer, and water Improvement project #93 by D. M. Noyes Construction Con�pany. Labor and Sewer Machine A. J. Chromy Construction Company Box 128 New Prague, Minnesota 56071 For Machine hired for repair work at 7860 Main Street (Project #93) City of Fridley Public 6Jorks Departntent Crew Time & Ea,uipment (Projecl: #93) A. J. Chrnmy Construction Company 5051 West 215th Street Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 and Western Casualty & Surety Company PARTI{1L Estiir�ate ;i7 ior Sanitary Sewer Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 2�1 ; � PAGE 22 ! � i $ 420.00 '� $ 472.5Q $ 646. �40 $ 26,640.3£3 MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve tha Estimatcs. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye, P�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. COPii+IUN I CG1TIOiJS: ENVIROl�i�7ElVTAL QUFlLITY COUPdCIL: T1i�1E EXTENSIOfJ FOR FdORTH PARK IMPACT STATEh1ENT: MOTIOtJ by Councilman Greider to receive the con-munication from the Environmental - Quality Con�riission regarding the t�ime extension fc�r �Vortll-Park Impact Statem�nt and dated Ju�ie 12, 1974. Seconded by Councilma,n Pdee, Upon a voice vote, all _ voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unan�mously. METRO SEWER BOARD: INTENTION$ O� NEW CHAIRMAN: MOTION by Counc�`iman Utter to receive the communicatior� from tNe ffetro Sewer BoaE~d regarding the intEntions o-� the ne�� chairman and dated June 14, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vo1:e, all voting aye, ��layor Liebl dec7ared the motion carried unanimo�Es7y. BURLINGTON AJORTHERIJ: I�tISSISSTPPI STRE[? CROSSit,G; [1IFFICULTY 4lITH SIGPJALS: MOTIOid by �,ouncilman Utter to rece-ive the communiration from E3url�ingtor. Northern concerning the D1ississippi Street cros;inn and the difficulty v,�i�h the signals . , dated June 14, 191�. Seconded b,y Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor° Liebi declared the rnotien cat�ried unaniroously. LETTER TQ hIAYORS OF STUTTG�RT, GFP.hiFkNY; LAPFl7., 60LIVIA; POIT[RS, FRANCE: MOTIOiJ by Councilman E3i°eider to receive the letters to the Mayors of Stuttga.rt, Germany; LaPaz, �olivia; and Poiters, France. Seconded by CounciTman Utter. Upen a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the rnotion carried unanimously. BURLIPJGTON P�ORTHERI�: DISCONTItduaTTGN 0� TEM?ORkRY USE OP i�IAIN STREET: MOTION by Council�nan Utter to receive the communication from Qurlington Northern concerniny the discontinuation of the temporary use of Main Streei: for truck traftic dated June 28, 1974, Secoi�deu by Councilman areider. Upon a voice vote, ' d ' d ] ' � � ' � 1 � i ' i ; ,i � i ; � ' ' , � , a11 vottng aye, h1ayor L�ebl dec�are the I110C1CI1 carrie unanimous y. VIKC,IL G. MISK/�, JAh.�S k2dDrdITSKI, AfJD UCLBER7 (�1CC.AIN: _7RAFFIC, SPEED L.IMIi, AND , � �IGIITZNG IN AREA Of J��HN ��RICKSGIV PARK: �� MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from Mr. Miska, Mr. Rodtlit5lC9' ' and Mr. Mcl.ain concernir.g the traffic, speed ;imit, a�id liyhting in the area of ' ��� John E�•ickson Park and dai:ed June 20, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Leibi declared the motion carried unanimously. . . _ _ _. _ � < � __ — _ � 'III � ''�.� Ce a.� /-. � � �. �. ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1974 PAGE 23 ' ' ADJOURNMENT: � MOTION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. SecAnded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousTy and the Regular Meeting of the fridley City Council of June 1, 1974 adjourned at : 12:25 A.P1. � Respectfully submitted, ' `� ,,�'�J � ��-� �--� Patricia Ranstrom Frank G. Lieb7 Secretary to the City Council Mayor � ' ' Date approved � i .. . � 1 . � � 1 _! 1 � . � 1 1 � . 1 1 . �1 � �1 � � � . � � � _1 ; , � 1 ' THE MINUTES OF THE PUBUC HEARING MEE7ING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 8, 1974 ' ' ! � ; The Public Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council of JuTy 8, 1974 was called to order at 7:35 P.M, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF AtLEGIANCE: � Mayor Lieb1 1ed the Council and the audience in saying tfie Piedge of Allegiance io i i , � �. the F1ag. ROLL CALL• �' MEMBERS PRESENT: Counci7man Starwait, Mayor Lieh1, Councilsna� Utter,- � Councilman Nee, and Counciiman 8reider. � � MEMBERS ABSENT: None. ADOPTiON �F AGENOA: °' ` , , , � ; CounciTman Breider said #f it fs agreeable wTth the other members of the Cou�cii, � ' he woutd like to add discussion of farmulatiag a poricy state�nent in respeet to , i the Cfty issuing Industrial Revenue Bonds. � i . � Caunciiman Breider said he would iike La add a,camiunlcation received by Maiself � � from Mayor Thanas Bradley, i.os Angeles, Caiifornia, President of the t�atlonal League , of Cfties concernfng the appoi�rtment of himseif to a canmittee. Mayar Ciebi: said � � be had also received a 1etter uf appointment #rnm Mayor Bradiey and wou1d 1ike to ' ;, add this ta the agenda Conmunications se�tiarr. , j � ; l�TiON by GounciTman Breider fio adopt the agenda es amerated with tFte`afor�mentfoned ! additions. Seconded by Councitman Utter. Upon a voice vote,.all va�ting aye� Mayer ; ;� Ltebfi dec3ared the aaotion carried unanimousiy, y � � � PUBLIC HEARIIYGS• � .� i f PUBIIC tiEAFtIPK� OF REASSESSMEKT FOR STORM SEIiIER PORTIO�t"OF"IMPROVEt�IEAtT �t�JECT NU. ]02: � � NIOTION by CounciTman StarwaTt to wafve the reading of the Pablfc:H�a�zng Natfee. ; ,� Seconded by Councilman �eider. Upon a voice vate, all vot�rtg aye, Mayor L3�'! � i declared the motion carried unanimously and declared the Rub}ic Hearing opened � � ' at T:39 P.M., I � ' , 1 Mayor Liebi caTled on the Assessor�, Mr, Mervin Herrmann, ta "e3cp7airr the Measan far the reassessment hearing. Mr. Nerrmanrt explained it is. requfred that the ; hearirtg take ptace because �f an error in reading,tt►e f�iqures for one property last ' year. He`pointed out vn the map projected on the screen har tl�re error was �de � by reading a figure of 799,9� square feet af area for a goi�P driving,range rather � than the correct figure ofi 299,900 square fest. He saTd this error saused �.redueed rate per fdot and everyone's assess�ent wa� laver than it shauld have been. ; � , Councflmarr Breider asked if the first.year's assessment had been sent out aeu{ wfien i the corrected amount would De respread, Mr. Herrmann said this would be spread � over the next 19 years arnt the arig�nat assessment was spread over 20 years, , ` Mr. Richerd Harris, &Z00 Riverview Terrace, asked what the addi'tional assessments � � would be. Nlayor Liela� said this wou1d be an additionai $.29 per 1� square feet ' for properties in the area for the sLorm sewer ma�n and a total of $3.59, artd for the storm sewer 7ateral the additianal cost wili be $.23 per 100 sqaare feet for ' a total of $3.18, He eontinued, far properties in bath areas, ii would add a � ; total ofi $.52 per 7Q(3 square feet or bring the total for the two costs up to #6.77 as compared to $6.25 per I00 square feet. . R i Mr. Nerrmann pointed aut an exception in the areas eovered by both assessn�nts � � explaining this portion of the improvement had not 6een canpleted at the present � time and wauld be assessed at an equal rate upon canpleiion. f _ ; Mr. Richard Harris asked when this would be done. The City fRanager said by the , � ; middle of September and the Caronunity Deve7opment Administrator, Mr. Darrei Clark, . ! said the completion date is Sept�nber 15. The Gity Manager said there had been � sane difficulty in this area and the City is working with the Bonding Canpany ; i j . 0 � Z. PUBLIC NEARING MEETING OF JUIY 8, 1974 PAGE 2 ta be sure the money is going to the cnntractors doing the work in Frid]ey. ! I , f Mr. Harris said some of the material being used in this project is defective« j He mentioned that ihe valves were chipped on the conduit and they had not been � repaired. He continued stating when they are paying $3,000 per acre, the peopte I should be getting a first class project, and not settle for cracked and chipped � valves. He stated Nith his past experience with Comstock and Dayfs, tireir inspect- � ion has not been up to the City's expectations. He used the 78th and 79th and � Mai►t Street area as an example of this, and said tfiere was a broken connector I in the stop box, and a break in the line where the storm sewer was running inta I the sanitary sewer which cost the Gity of Fridley money which had to he paid ta � the Metra Sewer Oistrfct. - j� Mayor lieb7 asked if tMe City Manager would<prepare a report on this for the CounciT. Ne added the City pays good money for this inspection and should get an outstanding � job. Mayor Lieb1 asked if there were any other pro�ie+ns cnncerrrfnq thfs pro,ject. The City Mtanager said he had aclviser! the Caurrci7 wlren. there was any trouble with the contractor. Maynr Liebl asked if there were any problems from the engineer'ing � standpaint. '�he City Manager said not to his knowledge. , i Mayor Liebl asked if anyone 'rn the audience or any member ot the Ccuncil had arty � more questians. Ne comnented he could see from the illustration af the Assessor, that this was possible to misread. He said he would tike to apoTogize to the people for this err�or. Mayor L9ebt asked if everything was correct in the assess- ' ment of this praject and Mr. Herrn�ann said yes. Mr. James Bernstein, 763 N. 3rd 5treet, Minneapolis, addressed the Ccuncil and said' � he is the avner of some property on Qsborne Road and asked if this was part of this � project and the Assessor said yes. Mr.� 8ernstein expressed the beiief that he 'is, � paying real estate taxes for more property than he has. kle asked if this would affect this assessment. Mr. Herrmann said the area had been measured by the i , Engineerfng Department. . ' ; � Mr. 8ernstein explafned that sane #ithe ago, tite City had acquired som� property � I in this area and thfs is still on the tax rolls. Mayor Leibl said he would t�Qt _-! be assessed for the portioa that the Gity owns. Mr. Herrmann satG he wouid not I be assessed far the roadway area. Mr; Bernstein asked if this couid be eorrectest � and Mr. Herrmann said yes. , � . h Mayor Liebfi asked if this could be cTarified in.a tetter.:to Mr. Bernsteia €rom thg , � Assessor and Fir. Herrmann said yes, he would check wfth the County Auditor. Coa►tcfi- man $reider asked Mr. Herrmann if he co�tid go thraugh the calcutatior+ of th�e � i assessment'fn this ietter also. � N�TIQN by Cauncilman Breider to close the Publfc Nearing on Pro��ct �TOZ reassessment. i Seconded by Gouncitman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a7i voting aye, Ma�or liebi declared ( the �tion carried urtanimausly and the Public Nearing ciosed at 7:52 P.M. . ; . j PUBLIC HEl#RIMG ON PR4POSAL THAT NATIONA[. 6UARD ARt�iRY BE lOCATED IN T}f� GITY DF FRIDLEI`: � �_ Mayor Liebi read the Public Nearirtg Motice and declared the Public Nearing`cpened , at T:54 P.M.' i iMayor Lieb1 paged through the materfal furnished in the agenda and referred to the � minutes of the Pub3ic Hearing Meeting of the Planning Car�nissior� of May 8, 1974, and said they co»tained many cwmnents by the members of the Pianning Goamission, , jindividuat citizens, and representatives of the various organi2ations in the City � of Fridley. He also pointed out there was a report from Mr. Robert Aidrich, Deputy !; Fire Chief, Mr. 0arrel Ciark, Gorrununity Deveiapment Adm�nistrator, Mr. Paul Brnwr�, �Director of Parks and Recreation, and Mr. Mervin Herrmann, Assessur.concerni�g their � trip to the Hastings facility. Mayflr Liebl said the Council was.furnished with pictures of the Hastings Armory and cost_figures that Were included in the repart of this trip which was taken JuTy 3, 1474. , ' , j Mayor Liebl called on Chester J. Moeglein, The Adjutant 6eneral, PAinneso.ta.Natfanal ' Guard, Mr. Moeglein addressed the Council and explained there would have to b� some lead time allowed for the Federal 6overnment to provide the funds for th9s type ' of praject and he said this would be a period of five to six years, He explained 1 his proposal as a communfty Armory, not simpty a structure, but a social unit wltich would become a part of the structure of the comnunity. �, � � � � . i G _i � � Pl16LIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 3� P/[GE 3 Mr. Moeglein stated that the Administrat�on had provided some facts and figures and sizes which were based on the Federal, State, and City participation in a bond of indebtedness. � . Mayor Liebl asked what kind of a unit this would be and how many people would be in the unit. Mr. Moeglein explained that the Federal Government would indicate what types of units are needed, and then there is a selection made from this list. He explained this would presenily be only in the planning stages. Mr. Moeglein said the National 6uard would like to place the armories where the people are a�! this is currently in the suburbs. Currently there is only one in the Minneapolis area and this is downtown Minneapo7is. He further pointed out that there is almost every kind of mititary unit in the state. Mayor Liebl asked how many men would be in the unit. Mr. Moeglein said this could range from 65 to i45, depending on the type of unit. He said if the carmunity is small, it would be possible to split the units, half fran one community and half from another. He said he d�d not think this would be desirable for the City of ` Fridley. . � i Mayor ltebl a�.ked tt►e total cost of the facility and what share woutd be taken i care of by the various governmentai groups. Mr. Moeglein said they had been ; trying to determine this amount. He expTained that the most economicai method : of satisfying the debt on the buildin9 would be within a period of from 20 � to 24 years, which would be considered the normal:life of the bui'lding before ihere would be extensive maintenance cnsts. He further painted out that there is a limit on the band of indebtedness at $200,000. Mayor LfiebT referred to the reports submitted to ihe Council and said thfs facility couid be used for' Civic functions, recreat�onal. activities, meetings and banquets,� and emergency purposes. He asked how many people could be served at the proposed facility, Mr. Moeg7ein said they could seat about 800 peQpte, but would need add- i•ttonal kitehen facilities for this type of capacity. Mr. Moeglein advised the Counclt ; that anything that is added on to the basic proposal would be at the cost of the � City. He said tt�e federal funding would not be in effect after a set nwnber af � i square feet. Mayor tiebl asked if ihe facility was planned to accomodate 200 people and if the � Cfty would desire additional capacity, this wouJd be an added investment far the City, Mr. Moeg�eiR said this was correct and added, also if there is additional ': equipment added, this wouid 6e the City''s responsibility. � Maycr Lieb] asked if the City`s finaneial cannittnent woutd;be for the period of 30 years, Mr.. Moegiein said they would aike to work this out.for 24.years. ! � l4ayor liebl said he had received a letter from fovernor Andersan in �lovember of 1973, who requested that the Mayor and Council of the City. of Fridley seriously look at this Armory proposal. Mayar Liebl said Governor Andersoa had indicated that a medical unit would like to locate in this area. � ; Mayor 4ieb1 asked if there was State and Federat,money for the instaliati�an of the necessary improvements of the area such as water and streeis. He further questioned if the City cou]d count on some help, or did the Federai money oniy cover the cost of the building. i i Mr. Moeglein answered this would only cover the building and the cost af ruaning tfie utilities from the bui7ding to the curb, seldon to exceed 200 feet far the � Federal share. ! Councilman Breider questioned the possibiTity of the construction of an Armory with an addition to the facility such as expansion of the County Ice Arena. He further questioned if the Armory could. contain another facility. Mr. Moeglein said he would encourage this type of cooperation between groups. Ne continued, he wa�l� encourage the piacement of the building by another public facility so the parking facilities could be shared. Councilman Breider asked if the buiiding could house additional space for the ice arena. Mr. Moeglein said he did not know if this had been tooked into in the past. Councilman Breider said if this were done, the peripheral space could be used by both groups and he used the locker area as an example. He continued stating he looked at the capital outlay for one building, and if tax dollars could by used together this would be a savinga for the tax payer. Mr. Moeglein said this had been done in the town of Tracy, they '� ; � F ! �i i . �. � � � `� 4 PUBLIC HEARING MEEiING OF JULY 8, 7974 PA6E 4 had added an auditorium, but the Federal funds just took care of the basic proposal in square footage. He again said if there are any additions to the proposal, this would have to be fumied by the City. Councilman Starwalt recalled Mr. Moeglein had said there would be from 65 to 195 people in the unit. He asked if there were any figures on the number of peop7e in units from Fridley that are going into other units at the present time. Mr. Moeglein stated he would not have a figure on this. He said any figures available would be constantly changing, He pointed out some peopie would like to belortg to a certain unit no matter how much travel is involved. � Counciiman StarwaTt pointed out that Fridley.is a tawn of approximately 33,000"peopTe and asked if there would by any clue to how many persons a town of this size would have in their unit. He asked if this would be in the area of 120. Mr. Moeglein said ' Fridley wou]d easily support a unit. He said St, Cloud is supportir�g Lhree units and this i's all in one building. Mr. Henry R. Sweet, Civil Air Patrol representative 588 W. Moore Lake Drive addressed the Gouncil and said he was very much in favor of the construction of an Armory in Fridley. He said this would provide a place for his unit to have their meetings. He also pointed out that the building would be available to Gir1 Scouts, Boy Scouts and similar non-profit organizations. He stated this would be an asset ta the City. He.said this wouid bring more mDney to the merchants of the City. He also }�ointed out that the CiviT Air Patrol could receive training from the 6uaMsm�n. He said the City would have an emergency un9t tn ca11 on. Mayor Liebl asked if it would be possible for the Boy Scouts and Gir1 Scouts to � meet in the proposed building. Mr, Moegiein said this would be possi6le if there was rto confiict with the usage scheduie. He potnted out that the space would nut be . pravided free of charge for all activities. He said the usage.withoui cfiargc wouid be for co�nity meetings where there is no profit made and no cost to the Armary. - He pointed out far dances and shows, they wouid have to charge a renta7 to defray the . cost of the operation of the buiidi'ng. He said this would cover the cast af the janitor being an duty and the lights, etc. He added, this all costs �ney. He pointed out that tfiere wouid be cooperation and.many youtfi activities such as qun safety programs could be conducted at ihe Armory. Mr: Nick"Garaffa�, 6549 Airoka St. N. E., stated there is constant talk of the oppertunities • of this type of proposal. He expressed concern over the continuing upr3sing fn financiai responsibilities of the tax payers af Fridley. Ne mentfoned the usage of the proposal is said to be that of a medical unit, and the people a;e.to7d that there would not 6e any guns. He pointed out that there �tas an incident in Los Angeies where the Armary, was broken inta arrd hand grenades were taken. He stated he wou7d not want this to iiappen in this area. Ne alsa mentioned the possit+ility of the use of the buildi�g for alcaholic parties and said he thouqht there were enough of Lfiis type af facility in the corro�wnity already. He continued statiag the buf7ding cauld �e :sed for so�ia7 dctivities. He questfioned if a gym where fifty people march around could be usecf far any type of social activity such as �. banquet. Ne thought the money could-be better spent for a yauth center. He stated, this wouid pranote the kind of comr�unit,y the • peopie wante Mr, R. Dean Caidweli, 5874 Nackmann Avenue N. E., Fridtey QFL Chafrn►an, addressed ; the Council and said at the last roeeting of the Fridley DFL, the mert�ership had received a report fram their emissary from the Pianning Commission meeting, and they had passed several resoiutians that had been sent to the Council and received by the Fridley City Council. . Mr. Caidweli continued t6ey were concerned about tf�e eventuai cost of the Gity of Fridiey and aC the meeting their representative had attended, there was a great deal of question on this point. He stated, this figure should be determined before any positive action is taken on the proposal. He further stated that the Fridley DfL feels that the City of Fridley is a peaceful comnunity and they would like to keep it peaceful. He said there is a possibility that the placement of thfs'type of equipment may be detrimental to the conanunity. Mr. Caldwell commented, he did rtot know when the City had its last civil disorder. He stated, frankly, he did not believe this belonged in the City. ; , Mayor Liebl said at.the present time, there is no civil d�sorder, but he thought in case of a f]ood or in the case of another t�r»ado such as the 1965 tornada, the National Guard would be needed. He said in 1965 the Gity was fortunate to have Mr. Bill Wong, Fireside Rice Bowl, open his facility for use. He believed tbi5 Armary would be good for the community irt case of this type of disaster. f � , � � . i ' � � � ' ' i ' , ' � ' ' :.' � i PUBLIC HEARIN6 MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 5 Mr. Richard Young 5695 Quincy Street N:`E,, said the facility could be used for the firearm safety program. He added, currently they are transporting the young people to Anoka for this. . Mr. Moeglein said a part of this faci7ity, the garage, could be used for such a program. He added, the faci7ity may only handle 22 caliber guns. Mr. Young asked if the facility would have any benefit to the Police Department. Mr. Darrel C7ark, Cor+gnunity Development Administrator, said in the information receiveci from Col. John W. Hohncke, Military Architect and Engineer, the specifications had been changed and would withstand a high powered caliber. Mr. Dennis Schneider, 6190 Stinson Blvd. N. E., addressed the Council and asked the Council how a facility like this would be available to the City. Mr. Moeglein answered that the guard training would involve one weekend per manth, the balance of the time, the facility would be available for general use. Counciiman Utter presented Mr. Schneider a proposed schedule of rental fees for the propased Armory. Mr. Schneider said the rental wouid range from $15 to $9� depending on the type of use. He asked if the actua] building costs would be paid by the City of Fridley. Mr. Moeglein said this total amount had not been pinpointed, but the Nastings Armory could be used as an example of the percentages of payment. He said the State and local City funding in this case tota7ed $731,000. He exp7ained the building would be built by the Armory Building Commission who would float the bonds. He further explained that he as Adjutant General would lease the huilding for or►e weekend a month which would pot exceed $5,000. ° Mr. William Scott, 1632 69th Avenue N. E., addressed the Council stating he was a retired soldier and indicated he spoke against the Armory. Mr. Scott said he believed this would be a threat against the cortanunfty and a m�litary encroactxnent. He also stated he thought this would be a target for radical elements in aur cortnnunity whether there was storage of military equipment or not. He said he ' believed in 1965 the Police from ihe local comnunity responded much faster than any other element in the comnunity and they were suppiimented by the Guard at a 7ater � time. He pointed out at the time of the 1965 tornado, the Coiumbia arena was not available for use, it was not there. Mr.. Scott further commented, he was scared of the military and this is why he had gat aut, and he did not want it back. : Councilman Utter said he had received a ca11 from Anoka County Caimissianer, Mr. Mike 0'Bannon, who indicated he thought the Armory would be an asset to the cammunity. lie indicated if there is ever a need for this land to be defended, the people should not always depend on those in another area to do it. He said when the time Comes to protec� the citizens, Fridley should not depend on a unit from Minneapolis to come out and help them. Councilman Utter said he th�ght the Armory could be useful to the City and also an advantage to the City. . . ; Mr. Ed Wilmes, 5350 Riverview Terrace, stated at the recent Flag dedication ceremony, the Mayor was present. He indicated the only way to get something done would be by getting involved and participating. Mr. Kenneth Sporre, 301 Ironton St. N. E., questioned the cost factor at Hastings. He asked if the State and City responsibility would be $131,000 and asked if this ; would be a 50/50 split. Mr. G1ark, Corronunity Development Administrator said this had been 60/40 in Nastings. Mr. Sporre further questioned who provided the land. � Mr. Moeg7ein stated the community would donate the land. Mr. Sporre said then, this f eouid be added to the cost factor of the City. • Mr. Sporre asked how many communities in the seven county metro area had been approached with this type of proposal for an Armory, and how many favor the proposal, Mr. Moeglein said Bloomington is very interested in the proposal, he added, two communities did not have the land available, and could not construct one. Mr. Sporre asked if any other sites than the one by the ice Arena had been discussed. Mr. Clark said there are two other alternative sites, one on Rice Creek Road east of Old Central next to the 7-11 Store where there are three tax forfeit lots the City has acquired. He explained these lots are large lots or about 375 by 300 feet each. � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 6 Mrs. Shirley Caldwell asked if the Rice Creek site were used, where would the parking be. Mr. Clark said it�rould be difficult to determine the amount of people that would be using the building, he did not believe the area would take 800 cars. Mrs. Caldwell asked if the area in the Locke Park area would be an encroachment on the park property. Mr. Clark said the area would be between the Columbia Arena and the City garage and not in any part of Locke Park. Mrs. Caldwell questioned if Mr. Moeglein's office would change managers, would there 5e a procedural change. She further questioned if the point of the City ownership be changed, or would there be sorrre change in the City having any say about this charge. Mr. Moeglein said the rental charges in all of the Armorys in the State are the same. Mrs. lee Ann Sporre questioned how the Council would make the dec�sion. She asked if the Environmental Quality Commission would have any input on where this Armory wouid be. She added, to this point in time, they had not been asked. Mr. Dennis Schneider asked what interest, if any, 9s�there by New Brighton on the proposa} that an Armory be located in that City. Mr. Moeglein said he had not made contact with the people at New Brighton, so he was not able to say. He said at this time, the Armory representative had anly met with the P}anning Commission and he did not know the outcame of the meeting. Mr. Peter Truenfels, 5248 Horizon Drive, said he was glad that the Counci7 was having the Public Hearing in which the costs could be discussed. He questioned the arrangement of payment of the Hastings Armory for the payment oF the $131,D00. Mr. Moeglein stated the $131,000 was paid by the Cmm�unity and the State over a per9od of eight years. He a7so pointed eut that the City was abye to se7l the old building in the amount of $b0,000 which contributed to the price of the n�v construction Mr. TruenfeTs said this did not teti the people much atraut what it wou7ct cost the peop}e of the City of Fridley. Mr. Moeglein said it would be dfffieult to naii down•a figure. � Mr. Truenfels asked if any other community had bui7t an Armory that did not have a building to seil, perhaps this wauld be a better indication of the cost. Mayor Liebl stated he thought it would cost $9,OOU a year for the periocf of 30 years. Mr. TruenfeTs asked if the total wauTd be $270,000. Mr. Clark explained the only change that would take place in liastings is that they sotd the bui�ding, they were only under an eight year mortgage rather than ' a 30 year mortgage. He said there wou7d be some addition for inflation. Mayor Liebt said they would not want to put an Armory in a residential area. He further stated there would have to be adequate parking facilities. Mr. Moeglein said the State contributfon would not only be the $S,OOO, the cost of maintenance per year would be in the area of from $12,000 to $14,000. Ms. Joan McLaughlin, 728 63rd Avenue N. E, thought there was more to being patriotic than the construction of a mi7itary Armory. She added this would be just as effective to estab7ish a natural area or a teen center. Counc9ltnan Nee questioned the geographic draw of such an Armory if it was 9ocated in Fridley. He asked if this would involve young peop7e from Coon Rapids and Blaine. Mr. Moeglein said yes and also New Brighton. Counciiman Nee asked what the contribution to the Community would be. Mr. Moeglein said it would provided ma�y social activities. He said this would be an active part of the comnunity with additional income being spert in the City. He pointed out that the Guardsmen draw more income at the present time and there are aiso more peop7e going on to higher education through their plan. Ne said it would also provide facilities far safe gun handling. He said this could be used as a community center and be an active instailation. � � ( _ ; ' � , , � , � � , ' ' ' � � ' � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PA6E I 7 Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Moeglein w�en he would like to have an answer on this proposal. Mr. htoeglein said he would hesitate to put a d�adline on the decision. He said unless he had the information by the last quarter of this year, they would not be able to get any of the information for the planning process. He explained their construction list wculd have to be established for priorities and submitted to the Fe�eral Government. Mayor Liebl asked if they would like to have a decision by October. Mr. Moeglein said yes. MOTION by Councijman Utter to close the Public Hearing on the Armory Proposal. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:21 P.M. ; MOTION by Councilman �reider to wa9ve the reading of the Public Hearing Notice. Seconded by Gouncilman lttter. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, htay�r Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 9:22 R.M. Mr. Darrel Clerk, Co�nunity Development Administrator, pointed out the area in question on the map on the screen. He explained this to be an unusually wide drainage and utility easement stating they are iQ feet wide in most cases. He further explained the man had come to get a building permit and was told that this couTd not be done until the easement had been vacated. He said Mr. Stixrud requested to build a garage five feet from the lot line. Mr. Clark said the Adminisiration recommendation would be to reduce the width of the easetnent from the 30 feet ►ahich would would create a 1Q faot easen�ent and allow the construction of the garage closer to the iot line. Mayor Liebl said the City had received a letter from NSP and also from North- western Beli Telephone Company stating thay had no objections to the vacation or reduction of the portion of the easement. The Ward Councilman, Mr. Starwalt, �id he had no objections to the vacation of the portion of the easement. He said the wide easement hac! been for the earlier alley concept, but had been done away with. MOTION by Counciiman Utter to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mqtion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing on Vacation Request #74-02, closed at 9:25 P.M. Mr. Clark requested that the Councii take action to issue a building permit to the applicant. Ne said if th�e legal amountcf time is aTlowed for the first and second readings of the ordinance and publication of the ordinance,.this would take up to five weeks to complete the process. He explained if this action authorized at the present time, the man could begin construction. M07ION by Councilman St�rwalt to adopt the First Readirg_of the ordinance for the vacation request by Mr. Robert Stixrud to vacate the east and west 10 feet of a drainage and utility easement between 58th and 54th Avenues and between 7th Street and �efferson Street. Secon�ed by Councilman Utter. Uaon a voice vote, all voting,aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motiort carried unanimously and the easement vacated as specified. MOTION by Councilman Utter to grant the building permit to Mr. Robert Stixrud for the construction of the garage. Seconded by Councilman Starwa]t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ; Mr. Clark said there would be no recommended stipulations for this request. ' � Councilman Starwalt asked if this is the only building permit that is requested � at this time. Mr. Clark said this is the only request. ' j i +�__ _ . _ __ ___ ON A FIiyAL PLAT, P. S. "74-03, 3IM H LOTS 30 AND 31, AUDITOR' � : PUBLIC HEARIN6 MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 8 M07ION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the reading of the Public Hearin9 Notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec]ared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq opened at 9:29 P.M. Mr. Clark explained that this fina) p]at was being filed by Mr. Jim Lund between 73rd and Onondaga. He said the matter had been before the Plats and S�bdivisions committee and also the Planning Correnission. Mayor Liebl read the five stipulations recommended by the Rlanninq Commission. Mr. C7ark referred to the portion of the propsed p]at which wou]d be constructed as 73a Avenue. He said he felt the City should outline to the applicant the cost of acquiring the portion of property to construct the street straight at the present time as oppased to the construction some time in the future. Mayor liebl asked if it would require additional costs to put the street in as shown on the proposed plat. Mr. Clark said it would be less costly to put the street in straight now rather then some time in the future. Coucilman Starwalt questioned the setbacks in this area and asked if the praposed ' constractions shoald be set back an equa7 distance. Mr. C]ark sa9d the structures are setback quite a way and the constructions should be set to align with the other properties, this is covered by another ordinance and Mr. Lund is aware of this ' ordinance and how it reads. Mr. Clark outlined the cost of the construction of the utilities in the area and stated there would be additionai cost if the street were created or installed on a temporary basis at the present time and aligned some time in the future. CounciTman Utter expressed the feeling that the adjacent property owner should be talked to at the present time for acquisition of the property rather than some time in the future. Mr. Clark said before the City would order the improvement or if Mr. Lund sho�ld install such improvements, this property should be acquired. Mr. Lund agreed saying he thou9ht he shouTd try to acquire the little section of land in the corner to enable him to construct a straight roadway at the preserrt time. Mayor Liebl explained it is not a policy of the Council to act on a proposal at the time of the Public Hearing. Mr. Lund said he had talked to the property owner two to three times and he did not want to dedicate the area because he has a garden in this area. He thought it wouid be better to acquire the little piece of property and dedicate it with the piat. Councilman Starwalt said Mr. lund had been very unsuccessful in acquiring the srr+all piece of land, but he was willing to try again. Mr. Lund agreed. Councilman Stara�att said he thought Mr. Lattd shou�d try again and if he is not successful, he could come to the City for help. Mr. Clark said it would be possibTe ta add the stipulation that if this is not acquired by Mr. Lund, tMe City would take action to acquire the property through condemnation. Mayor Liebl said he would like Mr. Lund to attempt to acquire the land before this means is used. Mr.Lund questioned the installation of the underground wiring as a s tipulation on the acceptance of the plat. Ne further explained from the people he had talked to, about half of them favor this type of installation and half are opposed. Mayor Liebl asked how many houses would be constructed in the plat and Mr. Lund replied there would be 20. Mayor Liebi asked the price range of the proposed homes to be constructed in the plat and Mr. Lund said from $35,000 to $40,000. Mayar Lieb] expressed the belief that this should be done with the installation of the underground utilities. Mr. Lund asked if it,would be possible to ]eave this tonsideration up to him aiier he had talked to the prospective buyers of the property. Mayor Liebl again expressed the thought that this would be an asset to the area and there would not have to be the instal}ation of util�ty poles in the yards of the future home owners. Mayor Liebl further poinLed out that the City of Minneapolis is trying to eliminate as many poles as possible in the new construction. � f � _�_._.J ' � ' � � Il � L__I ' � , � � , � �r � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY �, 1914 pAGE 9 Councilman Breider recalled ►�hen he first looked at the property in light of development and it had taken many hours to keep the property residential. Ne questioned if the Gouncil should get hung up over the underground wiring. Mr. Clark recalled it had been George Nelson who had asked the property be rezoned. Mr. Lund said the installation of the underground electrical service would cost the property owners $2 per month for the remainder of the time they reside at the property. He said some people felt this was quite high. Mayor Liebl said the developer should be interested in the building of a good community. Mr. Clark questioned if there had been a policy change in this procedure where there is an installation charge and no monthly charge. Mayor Lqebl agreed with this statement. Councilman 8reider asked if there was less expensive maintenance in the underground utilities rather than tne overhead. Mr. Clark said he had asked this question of Mr.Benson of Northern States Power Company and he had indicated that it is rs�ore expensive to maintain the service underground than overhead. He continued to explein if the overhead wire is damaged, it is possible to see where, and with the underground, this takes some work to.determine the area of the problem. He aiso pointed out that anyone could cut the wires when installing poles for such things as bird feeders ' , or fencing. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with the remarks of Councilman Breider that the Councit should not get hung up on the instaTlaiion of the underground utiiities. Gouncilmdn Starwalt suggested deleting the second stipulation that the underground wiring should be provided. Mayor Liebl said the stipulation should read.that the underground wiring should be provided unless there is suffic;ent reason not ta. Mayar Liebl said he would be able to sign the plat the following week after the Council approval if it would be possible for Mr. Lund to acquire the additional right of way in the meantime. Mr. Lund said if this is done, he may make the two lots in this area a little larger. � MOTiON by Councilman Starwlat to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayQr Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARI(�6 Uiy ORt7INANCE AMENDMENT CLARIFYTN6 ACCESSORY BUILDING RE6ULATIONS CHAPTER 205 SECTIO�V 205.051, PARAGRAPH 2 A: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice. Seconded by Councilman Starwait. tlpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ciebl declared the motion carriQd unanimously and the Fublic Hearing opened at 9:55 P.M. 4 Mayor Liebl referred to the letter to the City Manager form the Canmunity Oevetopment • Adminisirator, Darrel Clark. He read the letter to the memDers of the Council and sudience. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. C1ark if he thought this would be a workable solutian . and.example to the community. Mr. Clark answered yes, he thought it would. MOTION b� Gouncilman Utter to close the Public Mearing. Seconded by Cauncilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:56 P.M. THAT . . - -- - - ' �! ��JV�• J ILf�Rf14C. � ' � MOTION by Gouncilman Nee to waive the reading of the Fublic Hearing Notice. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all uoting aye, Mayro Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 9:57 P.M. Mr. Clark pointed the area out on the map on page 6-D of the Councii agenda. Mr. Clark explained that the City is about to purchase lots four and five and the petitioner would own Lots l, 2, and 3. He s� d the proposed action would straighten the lnt line of lot 3. He further pointed out that this would create a 80 foot by 159.99 foot lot. The Planning Corrmisston had recortenended approval of the request and this would atlow the lot lines on Lot 3 to be parallel. Mr. Clark further recalled that the Council had authorized the City Attorney to draw up a purchase agreement with a portion of the payment paid at the present time and the remainder of the monies due to the applicant on the first of January 1975. :I . j � � 1 O PUBLIC HEARING MEETING AF JULY 8, 1974 � PAGE 10 Councilman Utter asked who would write the legal description for this property. The City Attorney said he and Mr. C1ark had discussed this and the description was being formulated. He said the pa�ers are drawn and they were waiting for Council approval of the vacation of the easemer�t. Mr. Clark asked the Council if in this instance the fees would be waived as reco�n- ended by the Planning Commission. Mayor Lieb] suggested the area be laid out as indicated on page 6-E of the Council agenda. He indicated he was pleased with this plan. Mr. Clark explained if there were to be homes built irr the area, it would be necessary to tay out the lots as they originally are at an angle. He said now the ]ots would be 80 feet wide. Ne further explained there is about a ten foot exchange of property from the front to the back to make the property parallel and rectangular shaped. MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing on the vacation request by , Florence Swanson. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�e, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 10:�0 P.M. (NOTE: The followi�g item appeared iater on the agenda, but was moved up because af the number of people present for this consideration.) #12-i974, REQUESTING AN �FFECTIVE SYSTEM FQR MOTION by Caunciiman Starwlat to receive Petit7an #�Z_19y4, requesting an effective system for speed control of vehicular traffic on streets of North Ennsbruck estabtished at the earliest possible time. Seconded by Councilman �tter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i . i i � i Mayor Liebl referred to the map of the area in the agenda and said this map indicated the additioncf five 30 mile per hour signs to be installed. He said this proposal was drafted by the Engineering Staff. Mayor Liebl asked Mr.Ctark if �e felt this would be effective in slowing down the traffic. Mr.Clark said he had not discussed ' ' this petition with the staff. He pointed out that Mr. Sobiech had been working on this matter and talked to the City Manager on the proposals. I Councilman Starwalt said in tie last memo the traffic count of the area, it said this additional signing was not warranted. Councilman Starwalt said he felt the proposal af the Engineering Staff is appropriate at this time. He said there is a big problem on Matterhorn �rive. He recalTed a year ago it was not possibie to get a schooi bus in the area because there was no improvements, naw there is a severe traffic problem in the area. Fle mentioned with future construction of homes in the area, the problems witl be increasing. Councilman Starwalt safd where the 30 mi7e per hour signs have been installed, this has helped to some degree. Gouncilman Starwait commented if the traffic were to be stopped on Matterhorn Orive, a three way stop would be needed. He did not believe a stop sign on the bridge would be the answer. The City Manager explained he woWld ]�ke the stop s9gRS to be a deterrant, not same- thing that wou]d make the traffic conditions worse. The City Manager continued stating he would discourage a stop sign next to the bridge, because of the clearance problem. He said he would recommend the installation of the proposed three way stop sign and after this the situation could be watched and if more signs are needed they couid be installed when warranted. He stated the three way would certainly help the traffic situation on Matterhorn Drive. He stated the police protection would be increased and .if more signs are needed in the future, they wouid be provided. Councilman Utter asked the possibility of putting a four way stop at Danube Road in the area of the Park. He stated there are many children walking and riding bikes in the area. Councilman Starwalt agreed saying this area is susceptible to zooming traffic in ail directions. Mayor liebl said ;f the stop signs are installed, this wouid give the Police something to go by. He added, there has to be something there to enforce the law. Ne said if the proposed signs do not eliminate the prob]ems, there would be more added. I� i � i : � 11- PUBLIC HEARIN6 MEETIN6 OF JULY 8, 197� PAGE 11 Councilman Starwalt said the people are obeying the signs on the lateral streets. He continued it is the motorcycles in the area tfiat cause the majority of the prob1ems. . Counciiman Starwalt again proposed that the three way stop be installed on Innsbruck North Drive and Matterhorn Drive with the addition of the proposed 30 mile �er hour signs. The City Manager said the installation of the signs on East Danube Drive and North Irtnsbruck Drive cauld be within the second phase of the plan if this is needed. He said this would only allow the people to go one half a block. . A resident of the area pointed out that North innsbruck Drive goes straight to Silver Lake Road. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to supoort the recommendation af the Administration with the additional 30 mile per hour signs, and the increased emphasis on Police enforcement of the area., and that three w�y stop signs be installed on North Innsbruck Orive and Mattertiorn Drive and that a four way stop be created on Fast Danube Road and Innsbruck North, and also that all crossings be painted if necessary. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. (Note: At this time the Council returned to the agenda at item number seven, where they had left off.) PUBLIC FiEARING ON FIN�L PLAT P. S. �74-04, INNSBRUGK �JOR7H TOVtNNOUSES REPLAT SECOND Hnu 55sy r.µ�t tiHVHK1HiV NA�S N. t.: MOTION by Counci]man Utter to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanirr�usly, and the Public Hearing opened at 10:35 P.M. The Gity Manager said this requested action is what the Planning Comnission had recomnended 6e approved. He expiained that the applicant had originally requested lot splits, and the City had suggested tha� this area be repiatted and they had concurred with this request. Ne explained this action wauld just adjust sane lot lines. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present opposed to the proposed replat and there was no response. MOTION by Councilma:n Starwalt to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declare d the motion carried unanimousiy and the Public Hearing closed at 1�:36 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUES7 FOR A FRONT YARD SET[iACK VARIANCE FROM 35 FEET TO ALLOW H The City Manager advised the Council that it was the Administration recommendation that a ditch and some banks be created in the� sautheast area of the property to curtail the flnw of water. He explained the Administration had been in contact with Mr.l�liley and he agreed to these conditions which would be on the building permit when it is issued. Mayor Liebl asked if something could be worked out to take care of the drainage problems in this area. Mr. Clark said this could be done. Councilman Starwalt said before any decision on the matter is made he would like some understanding on the type of ditch that was being talked about in this case. He asked if they were talking about a ditch with flowing water, or would this be a gentle swale. Mr. Clark explained that this terminology should read a gentle swale. Mr. G. Craig Willey addressed the Council and said he had talked to Mr. Clyde Moravetz, Senior Engineering Aide, and also Mr. Qureshi, the City Manager, and the terms agreed upon by the City and himself ineet with the requests of Mr. Johnson, abutting property owner. Caunci]man Starwait said with the understanding that there will be cooperation between � i i � __. � i 4 1 # , �,.-,.. I2 PUBLIC HEARIN6 MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PA�E �2 Mr. Willey and the other property owners in the area he would favor granting the variance. M07ION by Councilman Starwait to grant the variance for the front yard setback from 35 feet to 19 feet as requested by Mr. G. Craig Willey, 5928 Woody Lane N. �., with the stipulation that a swale and some banks by installed to protect the abutting property owners from drainage problems. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carried unanimously. ERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A IANCE FROM 35 FEET TO 18 FEET MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the reading of the P�blic Hearing Notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motfon carried unanimausly and the Pubtic Nearin9 opened at 9:20 P.M. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present who opp�sed the variance and there was no response. NtOTION by Councilman Nee to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 deciared the mo�ion carried unaniroously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:21 P.M. Councilman Nee said he had visited the area and talked to the other property owners and felt they had no real opposition to the approual of the variance, but he would determine that they may not have wanted to express this type of feeting. Councilman Nee indicated he felt it would be more satisfactory with the adjoining property awners if the garage were pulled back a little. He suggested the variance be granted for 20 feet rather than the l8 feet requested by the applicant. He asked if Mr. Roback his feelings on this proposal. ; Mr. Robaek addressed the Council and said he would rather leave the plans for .. I canstruction at the 18 foot setback line, but if he had to move the garage back he would. Councilman Nee explained he felt that this construction would be better received � I by the neighbors this way. He said he felt the people did not want to say no to the ; plan, but he thought they would oppose the larger variance. MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the variance request by Mr. Michael Roback at 5465 Altura Road for a front yard setback of 20 feet rather than the l8 feet as requested. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebt declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A RE UEST TO CQNSTRIiCT A 24' BY 24' ADDITION TO A PRE5ENT GARA6E AT 250 67TH AVENUE N E., BY THOM{1S EILERS TABLED JULY 1, 1974 : - The City Manager reiterated that there was some concern about the construction of this large of an addition which wouid be used for the purposes of paint storage. He further explained that the request had been tabled for the gathering of additional infarmation. Mr. Glark said he had been in contact with the applicant who had indicated the paint he planned to store would be latex paint and this would not create the hazarc! as enamel would. Councilman Utter said this kind of statement coutd be made today and later the property owner would store the ail base paints. He said there would have to be storage of some solvents. Mr. Clark said the petitioner had talked to Mr. Aldrich, Deputy Fire Chief, who had advised the applicant on what preventative measures would have to be taken to make this storage safe. Mr. Clark further expiained that the construction , would have to contain some fire wa11s and if Mr. Aldrich wauld feel that the fire walls are needed all the way around the construction, this wauld have to be done. Ne added, if lacquer is being stared, there wouid have to be the installation of a paint cabinet. , . � � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 13 Councilman Utter asked if there had been some notice sent to the area property ' owners. Mr. Clark said the notice had been sent. Ne explained the reason this had been brought before the Council was because the addition.wo�id create a garage which would be bigger than the house of the applicant. He said this would not be a home occupation, just storage. Mr. Clark said the applicant is currently storing paint in the existing garage and leaving his truck outside. The plans would allow for the use of the garage for truck storage and also the storage of the paint. Councilman Breider said he agreed with the comments made by Mr. Clark in that water base paint is the thing of the day. He said there is not much oil base paint available. Councilman Breider said when his company has ordered oil base paint, they could not get delivery on it. Mayor liebl asked if the approval of this request would set a precedent. � �� The City Attorney said the approval would have a substantial effect of the garage. He said if none of the neighbors object, tbere would be no reason for the Council to der�y the request. Councilman Breider asked the amount of paint the applicant planned on storing in the garage. Mr. Clark said he could not answer this question the applicant had talked to Mr. Aldrich. Mr. Clark said he would assume he planned to store a targe amount of paint. The City Attorney stated.there are regulations in the State Building Code which would control the regulations of such storage. Mr. Clark said these regulations would be covered in the National Fire Prevention Code and there are some saggested stipulations which would comply with this fire Prevention Code. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the request to construct the 24 foat by 24 foot addition to the existing garage at 250 67th Avenue N. E. by Mr. Thomas Eilers, with the stipulation that the regulations of the Fire Prevention Code be followed and indicating that this will not set a precedent. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. . CONSIQERATIOiV OF REAPPROVAL OF VARIANCES TO ALLOW THE CaNSTRUCTION OF A SEMI- MOTION by Councilman Utter to take the matter of the reapproval of the variances to allow the construction of a semi-underground garage at 5851 West Moore Lake Drive by Rowland Jacobsen from table. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor �iebl said he had visited the area and had taken Commissioner Cisar with him on the visit. He recalled the variance had been granted in 1970 wi�� Mr. Jack Kirkham was Mayor, and he was a merober of the Council. He said in his judgement, if Mr. Jacobsen does what he says, which would cost thousands of do7lars to put up a proper retaining wall and this is a part of the stipulation, the City could issue the building permit. Mayor Liebl recalled that the adjacent property owner at the time of the first approval was Mrs. Holan and she had no objections to granting *he variance, and the minutes of the Council meeting will verify this statement. Mayor Liebl addressed the applicant and said he would have to comply with the requir�nents of the City if this variance request were to be approved. Mr. Jacobsen addressed the Council and said he would like to comply with the stipulations of the Council. He said if there were some new stipulations, they would go along with the City. Mr. Roger Jorgenson, 5841 West Moore Lake Drive addressed the Council and said he had moved to the area in July of 1971, and was not aware of the variance for the garage on the adjacent property at the time of the sale of the home. He added, he had found this out at a much later date. Mr. Jorgenson indicated he knew there may be a garage built, but he did not know there was a variance in the building of the garage. Mayor Lieb1 again recalled that the variance had been granted previously and had been approved by the Council, He said at the time because of personal circumstances, it was impossible for the property owner to build the garage at that time. He added, � ' 0 �—__ � 14 PUBLIC HEARIN6 MEETING GF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 14 now the property owner wants to hire a contractor and spend $7,000 on this construction ta comdy with the building code and the 5tipulations of the City of Fridley. Mayor Leibl said the property owner would waive the City's responsibility for the drainage problems in the area. Mayor Liebl said he could not see why the Council couid deny the request. ' The City Attorney advised the Council that the waiver of setback is like the building permit in that it would have to be acted on in a certain amount of time. He used - the example that if a property owner was granted approval of some waiver ten years � ago and wanted to go ahead with the plans at this time, it would be appropriate for the Councii to reconsider the request. He said it would be the Council's prerogative ; to approve or deny the request. - Mayor Liebl said when the property was for sale by Mrs. Holan, she told the reaitor there would be a garage built and the realtor told Mr. Jorgenson. Mayor Liebl said he was told, but not before the sale of the property. Mr. Jorqenson said this statement was correct. Councilman Starwalt asked Mr. Jorgenson when he became aware that there was some variance consideration for the garage construction on the property adjacent to his hoem. Mr. Jorgenson said a couple of months after he moved into the home. Councilman Starwalt further questioned if there was anything to this e�fect in the ' purrhase agreement of the house. Mr. Jorgenson replied, definitely not. Mr. Jorgenson said he recalled Mrs. Holan said there would be a garage, but he did not reca7l there was anything about a variance being granted. Mr. Clark, Community Development Administrator, informed the Council that they are considerinQ two variances, not just the one they had been ialking about, He advised them that they were also talking about a variance in the front yard setback. Councilman Starwalt mentioned the request for the front yard variance which wauld allow the construction to project closer to the street than any other house in the area. Mr. Jacobsen said the protrusion wou7d not be so much that everyone wi77 notice. He said it would only be seen by one neighbor, Mr. Jorgenson. He said the houses facing his home would not be able to tel7 that it is closer. He questioned if anyane eould drive down the street and notice the three foot variance. Councilman Breider said one matter that would concern him is that if the home were advertised as having future expansion space, there would be problems with the future praperty owners believing that the entire garage top area could be used. He said they could not see adding without adding all the way out to the end of the present construction. He said this situation is something that would have to be explained ta the future owner of the property. He said it would iimit any expansion to from ten feet from the property line. Gouncilman Breider said normally, the Council wouid not grant any varianee that would infringe on the bedroom area of an adjacent home owner. Cnuncilman Breider again expressed concern about the canstruction of expansion on the top of the garage.. He questioned if a person would construct an addition on the area without consulting the City, would the City tell him to tear it down? Mr. Jaeobsen said he was not planning on selling the property soon. He said he planned to make a$7,000 investment to impr�ve the property. He said he could not understand the feeling of the Council that they would not want a citizen to improve his property because his neighbor objects. He stated if the neighbor did not like his proposed addition, he could close off his windaw. Counci)man Utter said he was in the area and looked at the site in respect to the � proposal. He said he did not think this would look bad. Ne mentioned he had not ! talked to the applicant when he visited the area. , Councilman Starwalt said he had felt there would be no problem until he had found ; out that the letter of agreement had been signed by a former property owner. Ne i said there are no other buildings projecting this far toward the street. He said ' he is not against progress, he was only laoking for some kind of harmany. i � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt that reapproval of the request for the variance to construct a. garage by Rowiand Jacobson be denied. �, MAYOR LIEBL DECLAREQ THE MOTION DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. i i 0 _. _ -------_ ___ _--- - — _-------� . _--- ---__----__ . ___---_____.------- _.____--- 4 l5 ' ' , � PUBLIC NEARIN6 MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 15 Councilman Utter referred to the variance in the front yard setback and asked if this would be 32 feet from the front lot line. Mr. Clark said yes, there would be an additional five or six feet from the curbing for right�of way. Councilman Utter asked if it would be possi5le to build some sort of stoop so this would not infringe on the neighbor. Mr. Jacobsen gave a brief explanation of the construction which would use spancrete. Councilman Utter further questioned if there could be some sort of overhang rather than allowing the variance for the front yard setback to take care of the steps in front. Mr. Jacobsen explained that this would not be possible. Councilman Utter said there would be a great deal of cost involved in the construction of retaining walls. Councilman Nee asked if it would be possible to add some iron to the construction to eliminate the double wall construction. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 RivervieYa Terrace, addressed the Council and said it would be possible to install a coupie of steel beams for support, this had been done hundreds of times. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the variance as requested by Mr. Rowland Jacobsen to allow the construction of a semi-underground garage at 5851 West Moore Lake Drive ' with the following stipulations: 1. Thet a proper retaining wall be �onstructed to protect this property and also the property of the abutting property owner. 2. That some type of rail or fencing be installed.at the top of the retaining wall: 3. That an agreement be signed by Mr, Jacobsen stating that he wilt not hold the City liable for any drainage problems in the area. 4. That future property owners would be informed about the setback requirements for any future expansion of the dwelling on top of the garage construction. 5. 7irat some type of rail or fencing be installed on top of the garage. Seconded by Councilman 8reider. Councilman Starwalt stated he is not opposed to the applicant improving his property, he believed this to be a problem of adding too large an addition in this area where there is objection. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Councilman Breider, Counci7man Utter, Mayor Lieb7, Councilman Nee voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. , CONSTOERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO CITIZEN GOMMITTEE FOR THE UESTION Of BICYCLE WALKWAY S1'STEM TABLED JULY l, 1974 : Mayor Liebl recalled at the previous meeting of the Council there had been several recommendations made for this committee. Gouncilman Breider said he had a recommendation for area number 6, which did not have a representative at the previous meeting, and this wauld be Mr. Lee Houck, 75Q Overton Drive. Councilman Nee recommended that appointment of Mrs. Randy Johnson, 5224 Horizon Drive, 560-6267. MOTION by Councilman tltter to concur in the appointments of the recomnendations of the Council the previous meeting and the current meeting which would be the following: Mr. Joe Schommer, 543 Janesville Avenue Mr. Vern Moen, 7154 Riverview Terrace Mr. Bob l.ee, 144 Satellite Lane Mrs. Randy Johnson, 5224 Horizon Drive Mr. William Gerads, 7545 Jackson Street Mr. Lee Houck, 750 Overton Urive Mr. Bob A. Riese, 6031 5th Street N. E. Mr. Dale Hagen, 7484 Hayes Avenue �V. E. Mr. Dennis Schneider, 6190 Stinson Blvd. Neighborhood #1 Neighborhood #2 Neighborhood #3 Neighborhood #4 Neighborhood #5 Neighborhood #6 Neighborhood #7 Neighborhood #8 Neighborhood #9 ; ___ _ . --- ----� 16 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 � PAGE 16 Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 560 - TO AMEND SECTION 501.07 AF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ADOPTING BY REF MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the Second Reading and adopt Ordinance #560 to amend Section 501.01 of the Fridley C9ty Code adopting by reference certain provisfons of Minnesota State Statutes Section 169 as they apply to private raads and other property throughout the City of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication. ORDINANCE #561 - REPEALING ORDINANCE N0. 542 CODIFIED AS SECTION 406 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATTNG TO EtECTRIC SERVICE FRANC ISE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive ihe second reading and adopt Ordinance #567 repealing Ordinance No. 542, codified as Section 406 of the FridTey City Code reiating to etectric service franchise. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor lieb7, Counci7man Utter, Councilman Nee and Counci7man Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF 1974 SUPERVISORY COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR PUBLIC.WORKS A'ND PARKS REMEN: Mayor Liebl referred to the material furnished the Council in their agenda books. He referred to the memorandum by the Administrative Assistant Peter J. Herlofsky, which indicated that three Foremen would be starting at the top of this rate schedu7e at the 32 year level of service and the other, the Park Forman would be at this level after compietion of his six month triai period. The City Manager explained because of the long period of service with the comnunity, the Park Foreman would also be put at the top of the schedule. Ne continued with this minor modification, all of the men would be put on the same level in the coming year. Mayor Ciebl asked if the longevity was to be eliminated. The City Manager explained the men wau7d he getting the l�ngevity within the amounts of their increase. He added, this would be figured in and be the same as the credit for longevity. Mayor Liebl said the men were taken from the union because the City requesied ihey be put on a supervisory level. He questioned if they were entitled to overtime, The City Manager stated in the new agreement, there would be no overtime. Mayor Lieb7 stated if the men wark over 40 hours, they would not be reimbursed for this work. The City Manager said the City would like to bring the men to the supervisory level, all other supervisors work on these terms. The City Manager recormnended the men be on the supervisory ]evel anc! work under the cond�tions that al] others in this catagory work under, He further explained these men were not getting the average 6.5% increase as a11 of the other Administrative personnel had received, they would be getting 9.2% for three men and 12.8% for the one man. He said this amaant of increase is justified because they would be going into the supervisory level. Mayar Liebl asked if the overtime and longevity is taken away, would tbe men be making tnarc �r less. The City Manager said overtime is noi a priviledge, tMe men work for it. The �,ty Manager continued, the Foremen should train the men under them ta take care of the ; basie needs of the De}�artment and they would not have to work overtime. He further conm�ented, he was trying to provide service to the City at a Tower rate. When the men reach'the supervisary level, this is a different set of conditions. The City Martager pointed out the various members of the Administration present who are nat , receiving any compensation for attending the current meeting. , Mayor LiebT said the situation was a 1ittle different with these men. When they were hired, these men were presented with the conditions of employment and these were agreed to. With the Foremen, he continued, the Union had been cmitted, and now they are handed an offer and conditions of employment. The City Manager referred to the contract the foremen were working under in 1969 stating at this time, the foremen were making only $23 a month more than the heavy equipment operatar. Ne continued, the City Administration had g�yen the men a 7arger increase i� , ' � ' � � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE �7 �7 at that time, and they maintained that 1eve1. He said when they had gotten out of the Union last year, the City gave them $16 a month extra and then they were $89 over the heavy equipment operators. He said at the present time, under the proposed agreement, they would be making $100 to $200 over the heavy equipment operators. The City Manager said the only recommendation he could make is that the Council compare the proposal with the other communities or municipalities in the �ea. Ne stated, this is a higher level than any other community of this size and also $177 more than the Union had negotiated. 4 Councilman Breider said the people had been taken from the Union structure and been treated as if they were identical with this agreement and procedure. He questioned if they had been talked to like individuals for their individual merits. Ne questioned if the management level criteria had been followed for the man's training and capabilities. He expressed concern at the negotiations with these men in that they were treated as all people are equal. He said some people have shortcomings and some deal better with people, etc. Coun�ilman Breider continued, the package had been negotiated with these fiour people and the Personnel Director, who is least capable �of stating the men's individual qualifications. He said this should be asked of a man's immediate supervisor who should be asked what the man is worth. He said this would be the supervisars duty to determine. Councilman Breider continued to state he did not believe one could negotiate with professional men and negotiate four people at one time. He said there would have to be a tool to determine each man`s worth. He asked if the personnel evaluation policy is followed between the individual and his supervisor. The City Manager said Councilman Breider was referring to the policy of the private � sector and working on the public leve] is quite different, The City Manager explained if ihe man does his job praperly and adequately, he can look forward to a certain level of progress. He said this would h� to be compared to other corr�nunities. Councilman Breider suggested a program where public works would cut their maintenance � costs by 10�. He said the man who saves the money would be allowed the compensation increase for meeting this goal. He repeated he did not believe the one man is worth exactly the same as another. � The City Manager said this would be difficult at this level and he could give 100 different reasons why this would not apply. He said t{ie man knows if he is doing a satisfactory job he will get a set amount of increase. Ne said there would have to be the policy of setting goals, if this is not done, there would be many problems. � � � t � � � Councilman Breider used the example of the City Manager's position to state if he looked at five comnunities and their City Manag'er was getting $20,000, this would mean this is the rate whether or not the man had exceptional capahilities. The City Manager said there are three.levels currently in the City personnel rates other than union personnel. He said there is the graded, mid-mana�ement and management. He further explained at the management ievel, one can and would have to judge on this 6asis. He said the same thing had been done in the Police Department. He repeated the City was trying to create the three levels and this seemed to work out the best. � Councilman Breicler asked if the Department Heads conduct employee reviews which would be discussions on job performance and deficiencies. He said in this way, the empioyee would know in whicti ways he could improve. The City Manager said this is done to a certain extent, they are trying to build accountability and self evaluation. - Councilman Breider said he thought it would be the Public Works Superintendent's duty to sit down and discuss ihe individual situation with the men, but the Personnel Director had negotiated the salaries. Councilman Breider said this is just as if the Union had negotiated, here were four men and a set of salaries and benefits. , The City Manager said the City was taking different approaches for different levels. He said this was working with mid-management, not management. Councilman Breider said this method is confusing to him with different individuals. � They were presented a set of agreements. Mayor Liebl said he was not ready to accept the agreement at the present meeting. He said he had asked that this item be plaeed on the agenda to get the feelings of � ,. I I� _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ._.__ _____ __----_ _ _. . ._ __..__ � ,�►--. � 18 PllBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 18 the others on the Council. Mayor LiebT asked Councilman Nee if it would be pos for him to check out what a man with the same responsibility in similar positic would make per year. . Councilman Nee expressed the feeling that this wou7d not be comparable, all wou face the open market. Mayor Liebl said he would like the comparison to include benefits, He stated, these men receive no pension plan. Councilman Nee said he did not receive a pension plan either. Mayar Liebl said he would like a report on the comparison of the type of manpov men are providing. Councilman Nee said with his experience, this co�]d not be compared ta the Cit� operations. He said he evaluates employees by the amount of money they are ma) for you. Ne said this would be a salary of what it takes to get the employee 1 da the job for you and this is not the same kind of test that cou7d be app]ied to the City employee. He said as an example, he would pay a man $30,000 if he had a spark of genius, when other could be making $7,000. Cauncilman Nee said this type of comparison would be like a can of worms.Ne stressed, the open markat does not function the same �ithin the private business as in the ' public business. , Councilman Breider said they could determine by how the streets are plowed and if , they are swept properly and on time. " Councilman Utter expressed concern over the remark that the Foreman has men under , him that could d� the work. He pointed out in case of an emergency, the Foreman is the first one out and the last one to 7eave. He said he would have to figure , a method af operations, which way to go to solve the problems. Councilman Utter ' said if the men are placedon salary, there would be no end to the amount of haurs they put in. , Councilman Nee said he thought this type of reporting should be done by the Administration, this is the reason for the City Manager system. ! The City Manager said there are certain approaches to be followed under different conditions. He said the City Engineer would not have to look at all of the matters fn the City, at times, he designates this to someone below him. He continued saying , sometimes the City Engineer will have to be called, but in most cases, the City would try ta solve the problem with the lowest manpower cost. • The City Manager recalled the Council had, indicated the level of manpower on the Administration to be top heavy. He said if a man is paid at this higher level., his services would be changed in relation to his salary. 7he City Manager further pointed out that there were weeks when'he had attended five evening meetings in a week and put in more than 60 hours, and he had never come back and asked for over- time for this work. He stated, this is a_part of the job. He said if the Foremen are not going to train the people below them to do the work, why would the City need people below them. He said this would follow the basic theory of management. He pointed out that the office girls are answering as many calls as possible and this is a manpower saver rather than referring all calls to Department Neads or Inspectors, etc. He said he was trying to deliver the best service for the dollars Council has ; given the Administration. Mayor Liebl said he would like to have Councilman Breider and Cauncilman Nee givs the Councii some information from the outside keeping in mind what the benefits are. � i i 1 Mayor Liebl said he thought it.would be unwise for the Council to be penny pinching when a good job is being done, He said they shou7d continued to provide leadership in the mid-management levels. He said he thought it would be important to put a smile on the faces of these men. Mayor Liebl continued there men should receive a decent salary for the kind of service they are providing and the kind �f service the City can be proud of. He said he felt the City Manager and the other department heads dedicate themselves to the community with their services, and he would not want to get in the position where the mid-management is fit with the unian. He said this should be a defiqite rank 6uilding system in proportion to the responsibilities, performance, and service to round out the system. He said if these men would not perform properly, top management would not be able to perform. Mayor Liebl said the __ __. ___ PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 ._ _ _ _ -- _ ---- . ------ __--r-J 1� � - � � PAGE 19 Foremen have tenuous and tedious jobs. He mentioned the men appreciated being placed in the mid-management catagory. Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Breider and Councilman Nee to provide information on how the free competitive enterprises provide benefits for people providing the same services. Mayor Liebl addressed the City Manager and said the proposal is a gaod start and he indicated pride for the manner in which the City Manager stuck to his guns. He added, he would like some other input to enable some approval of the package. The City Manager said all of the City employees receive as much compensation as the City can afford for the services obtained. He said the only way for the City to determine a pay rate would be to look at other areas and the rates that their employees are receiving. The City Manager said the council was currently reviewing the benefits and salaries for only four people and there are 118 other employees. He said there would have to be some justification for these men receiving additional compensation and the remainder of the 118 not receiving this. He said they would also have to justify this package to all of the City of Fridley. Mayar Liebl said the amount of service given to the City of Fridley by the men wauld have to be considered. He said there wou�d have to be some measuring stick. Councilman Nee said he was not sure that the business process is applicable. He stated he would apply different tests than those used by the City. Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace, addressed the Council and said he had been before the council many times and he could not believe the way the Gouncil was talking about putting men in catagories. He referred to the amount of pro'gress made by these men and their crews. He said they come out in all kinds of wea ther and at any hour, they are the ones who get the work done. Mr. Wilmes said many times he had tried to reach many offices in the City of fridley and these are the people that will get the work done. Mr. Wilmes said the only way there would be a job done is by recognizing these men. MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the consideration of the Supervisory Campensation Package for the Foremen until the next meeting of.the Council. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF ACGEPTING FRSFMENTS WITH CONDITIONS FROM FLANERY AND CONRAD FOR CON DRIVE RiGHT OF WAY _ 51 �";'',:74-1 2: FSayor Liet�', asked if thei�e � e any questior:, concerning t!�z acc_,,tance of the easements with the �-�n�itiflr; set forth in tt�e deeds. t�e uommented he thought the a�aterial was self z. ��lanatory. • Councilman Starwalt asked wh;t the amount of $,:.+L�� vras for in the deed from th�• Canrads. The City Manager said this was for the '!i4 feet of street right of way. The City Manager explained that this was a little higher 7eve1 af p.;ment, but instead of going to condemnation and paying the required fees, the people were paid a little extra. He said he believed this policy of working with the people would be a responsible method of handling such acquisitions. The City Manager advised the Council that their action in this matter would be to approve the acceptance of the easements with the conditions listed, and also authorize payment. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the acceptance of the easements with the conditions set forth on the deeds and also authorize payment to the individuals. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING PETITION #11-1974 - REQUESTING INSTALLATION OF FENGE BETWEEN 67TH AVENUE . � .rr rnrrv rrnnrTr[. MOTION by Councilman Sreider to receive petition #11-1974 requesting the� installation of fence between 67th and Rice Creek Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon � a � oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ; MOTION by Councilman Breider to table the item until a recorrnnendation can be obtained from the Engineering Department on how to remedy the situation and put the matter � � � � F ; , � ; � ; � � � `�-� 2U PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF aULY 8, 1974 PAGE 20 on the agenda for consideration on July 75, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAl� OF REQUEST BY ISLANDS OF PEACE TO SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR L WC N FUNDING FOR 1975: — MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from R. 0, Jacobson, Treasurer, Foundation for Islands of Peace dated June 21, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wilmes addressed the Council and outlined the proeedures available far the provision of articles to the Islands of Peace. Mr. Wiimes also expiained there had been some i�ems taken from the IsTands and he had been assured full police protection from the Public Safety Director. Mr. Hill agreed with this po9nt. Mr. Wilmes said he would ask the City to provide security to this area until the Foundation is able to hire a man to provide security. He said there is a possibitity of the foundation receiving grants from different foundations. He stressed this security would have to be kept at a high level or all that had been accomplishetl on the Islands would be down the drain. MOTION by Couniclman Utter to authorize the Administration to make the request for LAWCON funds for 1975 for the Foundation of the Islands of Peace. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, aJl voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, addressed the Council and asked what procedure should be followed when there is shooting on the Is7ands. The Public Safety Director said he was not aware that there was a request for him to establish procedure. He said if the Police Department is notified, they wouTd do anything possible to stop the shooting as soon as possible. Couneilman Breider asked if there was some way the City of Fridley cou)d obtain the cooperation of the City of Brooklyn Center and arrest the persons when they exit from the is}ands in either direction. 7he Public Safety Director said they would have to proceed to get a boat to the islands. Mr, Harris said the last time this had happened was jusi appraximateTy around the Memorial Day weekend. He said he thaught the shots were being fired from a 22 caliber yun. He said he thought this is a dangerous situatian. Ne offered the use of his boat to get to the island. Mr. Wilmes addressed the Council and in�ormed them that he had just received a boat which was donated to the Foundation for the Islands of Peace. He advised the Council that the boat would hold ten people and is equipped with spot lights, ship to shore radio and fire extinguishers. He further exp7�ined that Northern States Power was planning to install power on the island and there will also be a teiephone instalied. Mr. Wilmes confirmed the statement that there is some shooting on the Islands. Ne said with the cooperation of the three communities adjacent to the Islands, this problem could be solved. Councilman Utter asked Mr. Wilmes if it would be possible to have a key made for the boat so in the case it is needed, the Police Department would not have to locate Mr. Wilmes for its use. Mr. Wilmes said this wauld be possible. He also stated�that if any emergency comes up he would contact the Police Department immediately so there is no hesitation. He pointed out that the boat had been donated for emergency use. Mayor Liebl said he would like to have a procedure established. The Public Safety Director said if the Department receives calls that there are fire arms being used, nine cases out of ten, this is not firearms, most often it �S fire crackers. He further explained the proper procedure for establishing this �� � � � ; �� s _ � I� � � � � � � !�� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 21 type of plan would be in filing a police report, not reporting this to the Council. He said if this had been done through the Police Department, there would have been police procedure established with surveillance. � Mr. Narris said he thought the people firing the guns are hunting on the Islands. He questioned if it would be to the City's advantage to alert the Conservation Officer. The Pubiic Safety Director questioned if this would be within Fridley's jurisdiction. The City Attorney said this would be with the joint jurisdiction area and he would not be too concerned about this factor. ' Mr. Hill said he is concerned about the added amount of manpower. The Gity Attorney said he felt Mr. Harris' suggestion to get the Game Warden involved in this procedure was a good one. Councilman Utter asked if the County should he involved. The Public Safety Director said the County on ly had one or two cars on the road at one time and they are responsible for the protection of the unincorporated areas, not the incorporated cities. Mr. Harris said no one had been hit up to this time, he hoped it would not take : someone getting hurt to get sanething done. RECEI1fING iHE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 25, ]974: ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Charter Co�nnissian Meeting ; of June 25, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moiion carried unanimously. - DESIGNATIPdG ASSISTANT CITY IC SAFETY DIRECTOR MOTION by Councilman Utter to adogt Resolutiorc #73-1974, desiqnating the Assistant City Manager/Public Safety Director as the afficial applicant signator for funds for refunding requests for the Minnesota Police Officers Training Program. Seconded by Counciman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #74-1974 - CONFIRMING REASSESSMENT OF STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. )02: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution N7 � 1974 confirmzng reassessment of storm sewer Improvement Project No. 102. Secendea by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the motion carried unanimous7y. CONP1UNICATIONS: FRIDLEY JAYCEES, RICHARD YOUN6, TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN: FIINNESOTA STATE SOFTBALL OURNAMENT: MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the letter from Mr. Richard Young, fridley Jaycees, Tournament Chairman concerning the Minnesota State Softbail Tournament dated June 27, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl asked if the Jaycees had provided the proper insurance for personal liabi7ity and also the liquor liability. The City Attorney said he recommended approval of the request. Mr. Richard Young addressed the Counci] and said this woutd be scheduled for Saturday and Sunday unless it rains. Mayor Liebl said some of the memb�rs of the Council got complaints about the language being used in such tournaments. Mayor Liebl co�nended Mr. Young for doing such a good job in cleaning up the area after the tournament. Mayor Lie61 asked Mr. Young if he was also seeking approval of a request to sell '� I I i i � � � 22 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PA6E 22 food at the tournaments. Mr. Young said this was correct, he explained that the Jaycees would not be able to sell.food at the other locations, this would be done by another group. . The Gity Attorney said there would be no problems with this type of assistance in serving the food. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to grant approval of the licenses for the Minnesota State Softball Tournament subject to the production of the insurance for personal liability and also for liquor liability for this three day period to be extended oniy if there is rain on the days the tournament is scheduled, and waiving fees. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ---_ __ ___ i � NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES: LETTERS REQUESTING APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR LIEBL AND COUNCILMAN BREIDER TO COf9MITTEES. • MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the communications from the National League of Cities, Mayor Tom Bradley, President, addressed to Councilman Breider and also Mayor Liebl appointing Councilman Breider to the Commifitee on Pub7ic Safety of the National League of Cities and appointing Mayor Liebl t� the Committee on Effective Government of the National League of Cities with both communications dated July 2, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimous]y. CONSIDERATION OF PREPARING POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVfNUE S: Councilman Breider said he had received a call from a man who was interested in the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds in the City of Fridley. He said he represented a firm with multi million dollars sales and this may represent a large business in the City of Fridley. He said in discussion5 with the City Manager, the man was toid there was a recent request, but it had been turned down. Councilman Breicler said he would like Councii discussion on whether the CounciT would grant approval for-the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds to reputable firms. Ne said if so, he would like to set up some sort of policy statement_ Councilman Utter said he did not know if they could approve one firm just after they had turned one down. Councilman Utter asked if the firm is a mu7ti,m$ilion dollar firm, why da they need Industrial Revenue Bonds for financing. Council►nan 8reider said other areas are starting to use this type of funding as a tool to be used for competing with other areas. He said if some company would come in under the present conditions and the City Manager and Council gets done with putting restrictions on them, they may decide not to build in the City. He said if the Industrial Revenue bonds were used, this would be an aid to the City for future building. Mayor Liebl said the decision of the Council was that each request would be discussed on its own mer�ts. He said one proposai may not be the best to buiid on and anather may be. He thought if a firm wanted to locate in the City, they wou�d build there anyway, Councilman Breider said there is a great deal of industrial property in his Ward and he would be asked to answer this question. He said he-would not want to tell ; the people to go through all the trouble and have the proposal fail. He asked if there would be some criteria foilowed in the approval or denial of the requests. Mayor Liebl"indicated he thought the people of the City should be asked for their input on this particular matter. • Councilman Breider said he had directed this question to many people and the cotrnnents he received were, why didn't the Council establish some policy statement. He said he would like some indication if the Council would be against formulating such a policy statement. He said he thought this would have significant influence with the interest rates as high as they are-at the present time. He expressed the fear that the other areas would start receiving the industrial development and Fridley would not. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JULY 8, 1974 PAGE 23 _ __ _--_ __—� z� � � I i � Mayor Liebl said the State Legislature had established this policy for those who I were in need of this type of attraction. He said it was not established for.a community like Fridiey. He said the intent was to help severely economically depressed areas. CounciJman Starwalt said he believed it would be a good point to get the policy statement from the Council. He said this would bs difficult to draw up. He said there would be different concerns at what is good for the City of Fridley. Council- man Starwalt said if the Administration would draft such a statement, it would be to the City's advantage. Mayor Liebl again recalled that this funding was estab7ished to help needy communities and some people were reluctant to vote for this because they thought some communities would abuse the policy. The City Manager said he had received an inquiry from a company that was interested in funding through the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds. Mr, Richard Harris, 6200 Riverview Terrace, pointed out to the Council that the interest rates are currenity running from 12% to 18% and people would not bother to investigate the possibility of the bonds if they couid get financing. The Finance Director said the rate of interest for the Industrial Revenue Bonds would be what ever the market could bear and he estimated this to be in the area of 63-� at the present time. The City Attorney said this would be about 1% higher than general revenue bonds. Mr. Richard Harris cautioned the Counci7 against taking action that would make the existing industry in the City loose faith. He stated, they are paying this high interest rate, and this would not be a fair situation for them. Mayor Liebl said such a statement would have to be prepared by the Administration, Councilman Breider said the Councii would have to review the statement and approve it. Councilr�an Starwalt suggested the City Manager compile some ideas for the proposal of a policy statement. He said there should be some official position established by the Council at th.is time. Councilman Utter said the current policy is no. ADJOURNMENT: NfOTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridiey City Council of July 8, 1974 adjourned at 1:29 A.M. • Respectfully submitted, .. � Patricia Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council ate pprove . � Frank G. Liebl Mayor � ; # t � ; � - � � • f ,, � �, � � � � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING Of THE FRIDLEY GITY COUNCIL 4F JULY l5, '�J74 - , �� � � � � �� � � � � . '. � _ � � � - � �. ..� �' � � �' I � � . I � � � . � , � ,----- - f 4 24 � � I � THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRYDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 15, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Counci] of July 15, 1974 was called to order at 7:33 P.M, by Mayor liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Liebl led the Council and audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: The Invocation was offered by Mayor Liebl. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayar Liebl, Councilman Utter, Counctilman Nee, Councilman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PRESENTATION: TWO CITY FLAGS FOR MOORE LAKE BEACH FLAGPOLE PRESEMTED BY MAYNARD NIELSEN IDLEY CIONS CCUB: Mayor Liebl ca}led Mr. Maynard Nielsen forward to present the F1ag5. Nr. Nielsen presented the Flags to the Mayor and other members of the Council and also presented a check. for the Parks in Fridley in the amount of $178. - Mayor Liebl thanked Mr. Nielsen fur the Flags and also the the check and said he was happy to accept the check on behalf of the City of Fridley Parks and Recreation Co�nission. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: MAYOR OF OOTRUSHI, JAPAN: Mayar Liebl asked if Miss Tamara Davis was present to receive the certificate which woutd be presented by her on her trip to Ootrust�i, Japan. Two persons identifying themselves as representatives of Miss Tamara Davis came forward to accept tt�e certificate. Mayor Liebl read the certificate aloud and also presented a package of irtformative materials about Fridiey for presentation to the Mayor of 0otroshi, Japan. RECESS: � MOTION by Councilman Breider to cal7 a recess for the purpose of picture taking. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and called a short recess at 7:38 P.M. � RECONVENED• , MOTION by Councilman Breider to reconvene the meeting. Seconded by Councilman ; Utter. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously�and reconvened the meeting at 7:42 ' P.M. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: • , Mayor Liebl listed the foilowing items to be added to the agenda: 1. Authorization of sending the letter to Senator Mondale in support of House File 14449 concerning the continuation of the OEO. 2. Receiving the memo from Deputy Fire Chief Aldrich. 3. Receiving the co►nmunicatior► from the Metro Sewer Soard. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as amended with the previously listed additions. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. i � I � : i � �. REGULAR COUNCiL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 VISITORS: MR. KENNETH SPORRE, 301 IRONTON STREET, REQUEST FOR ;? � ; i PAGE 2 i ; AT NORTH PARK AND Mr. Kenneth Sporre addressed the Council and stated that two weeks previously he had talked to Mr. Dan Huff, Naturalist/Resource Coordinator and asked if Mr. Huff could . take some people to North Park for instruction or ecology classes. Mr. Sporre said Mr. Huff had indicated he had been told not to take anyone out to North Park. Mr. Sporre said after this, he called the City Manager and the City Manager verif9ed ' this point. He said the City Manager suggested Mrs. Sporre write a letter which would state such a request, and this had been done. He continued the request was to allow this area to be used for this type of classes in the interim before the election. He pointed out that the schoois would want to use the area after school starts. Mayor Liebl questioned the City Manager on what should be done concerning ihe request to use the North Park area for a Nature Interpretive center. The City P1anager said the request would be to conduct forma.lized tours in North Park under the direction of the City Naturalist. Mayor Liebl said if this is done, the same thing woutd have to be done for the go�.f course supporters artd this cou7d not be done. Mayor Lieb7 said he couTd not give the nature center people any special privileges and this is what this would be if this was to be done. Mr. Sporre`said in the Brauer report, it'was suggested that the Naturalist use all of the natural areas in the City. Mr. Sporre cont�nued saying he had beEn told that Mr. Hufif could take people to a11 of the other natural areas in the City. He stated this would be censorship if the people could not be taken to North Park. He stated if this area cannot be used in between now and the election, the people of the City would miss out on a lot of learning. Ne said he wou7d personal7y like to learn more about this area. He said the natura7ist does know about these things and he should be available when the various groups such as Boy and Girl Scouts wouid like to tour the area. He said the area is a City park and should not be censored. ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to authorize the City Naturalist/Resource Coordinator to conduct educational tours of North Park. Seconded by Councijman Starwalt who ' stated this would be for discussion purposes. Councilman Starwalt asked if thfs should he a formal request which is presented in writing. Mr. Sporre replied that the letter had been sent because the City Manager had said this wauld be the proper way to handle the request. He indicated there were �ight people who wanted to visit the area and have classes conducted. Co�tneiiman Starwalt eommented, it seemed the City had received a letter. Councilman Starwalt said it was his understanding when Mr. Huff was hired he was not ta conduct tours of North Park or any other park. Councilman Starwait said he was surprised that this is being done. Mr. Sporre said Mr. Huff had not been doing this to thi_ �aint. He corr�ented, �4r. t4uff would be able to teli the people what is going on in nature. - Gcsuncilman 5tarwait continued to question tne activity and said he was to be formulating a long term program for the City of Fridley and fie would not have time far individual activities at the present time.. Mr. Sporre asked that the language "long term' be clarified. Councilman Starwalt expressed the feeling ihat if action were taken on this �ratter, 4t shou7d be handled as a formal agenda item and not during the yi5itors section of the agenda. He cont9nued, there would have to be some staff recommendations. Mayor Liebl stated if the Council would approve the proposed tours with the instruction of the Naturalist, the golf peopie would 7ike to da the same thing ta get their point across. Mayor Liebl expressed the feeling that both sides of this proposal should not use the area until after the fall election. Mr. Sporre asked if the same would apply to the other open areas. He continued this man has been trained in ecology for years. ° ; � � # � i �. s t s �� 26 � � � LJ � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY ]5, 1974 PAGE 3 Mayor Liebl stated he knew what the man's job was and the man also knew what his job was to be. Mayor Liebl indicated at the present time, he has many things to do to formulate the entire City program. He again suggested this area be ]eft alone until after the election and also that the Council remain neutral on the point until after this time. . Councilman Breider said he would like to answer Mr. Sporre's last question concerning the other areas in the Gity of Fridley. He said Mr. Huff would be very happy to receive the input of the area people concerning the other locations in the City. Ne said he agreed with thepoints of the Mayor on this proposal for North Park. He continued if Mr. Huff would begin conducting tours and discussing North Park, this could be called indoctrination sessions. He said there are many areas where he would be happy to help the people. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Councilman Sreider voting nay, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl voting nay, Councilman Utter voting nay, and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion FAILED FOUR TO ONE. OLD BUSINESS: ' RECEIVING A REPORT ON "NO PARKING" SIGNS ON CHANNEL ROAD FROM MISSISSIPPI STREET TO U E. ; The Assistant Engineer said members of the Engineering Department and himself had ; been reviewing the area for the past three to four weeks. He said during the day � ' hours when this had been checked, the method was working well. He added, there were no cars parking on the residential side of the street. He said if there were any cars parked in the area at all, this was mostly one or two or in a few instances three or four. Mr. Sobiech said the Engineering Staff had talked to the residents � , of the area and they had indicated the situation had improved, but continued to i request that the "no parking" signs be instailed on the residential side of the street. � Mr. Sobiech said the staff recommendation would be to not install the "no parking" signs in tt�e area and if there is cooperation, the situation will remain reasonable. Mayor Liebl said he would agree with one point in the written recommendation from ; the Assistant Engineer, that the non-passenger vehicles be discouraged from parking , in this area because of the hazards created. Ne indicated the manager of the buiding has talked to the tenants of the apartment buildings and the conditions have improved. Councilman Starwalt mentioned the extreme hazard created by the parking of the van type vehicles in the street and cited as an example that recently a child was almost hit when coming around one of the vans. He continued, the people are parking in the front because there is not enough parking in the back of the building. He further explained this building was bui7t under different specifications which were up to City Code at that time. Councilman Starwalt said he feit the apartment owners should acquire more land to comply with the needs of the tenants of the buildings and furnish additional off street parking. He said he realized the City could not force the owners to do this, but they wou7d have a problem until this type of installation is added. He said he would agree that "no parking" signs not be installed at this time. He suggested some sort of a continuing survey of the area and stated this could be brought back in a period of 60 days. He Shcd if this does not work out, the City cou7d make some additional suggestions. Ne again stressed the importance of reducing the number of corr�nercial vehicles being parked in the front of the buildings in the street. Mr: Charles Johnson, 6580 Channel Road, addressed the Council and said on July 4, 1974, a car had parked in the area for eight hours and nothing was done about this. He also brought to the Council's attention an incident that evening where a child had run between two parked cars and was almost hit. He requested that the no parking signs be installed in the front of those people's homes who had requested this. He pointed out this would be in the frcnt of the Urista, Boone, Palmer, and Johnson homes. Ne repeated the four of them r•eally wanted the no parking signs in front of their homes. He thought that in the winter months this would be relaxed in enforcement and the tenants would continue to park on the residential sides. Ne stated if four property owners really want the signs installed, he thought the City should provide the.signs. He stated, those people mentioned would like to protect their own children, lives, and property. ; 4.___._ i � ___ --- - ----i 27.. '. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 4 Councilman Starwa7t said the people would be depriving themselves of the privilege of parking in front of their homes. Me said if the "no parkinq" area could be � limited to this, he could live with this. He stated if this would include the whole street, there would be a problem. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to install the "no parking" signs in front of the Johnson, Boone, Palmer, and Urista properties. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Councilman Starwalt said this should be on the four properties only and adjacent to the residential property. Councilman Starwalt commended the Apartment Manager for the diligent effart and said she had done a good job. The Apartment Manager indicated she agreed with this plan. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF THE RE UEST FOR INSTAI.LATION OF A FENCE BETWEEN 67TH AVENUE AND ICE CREEK TERRACE REQUEST t3Y PETITIO(V #1i=1974 TABLEU 7=8-74 • Councilman Breider indicated he agreed with the recommendation of the City Manager. He said the installation of the barricade as shown on the map would allow access, but stop the through traffic. He said the letter outlined what is to be done. Ne said if this action was not sufficient, this could be brought back for further con'sideration. MOTION by Councilman Breider to concur with the Assistant Engineer's recommendation and install a barricade and dead end sign on the service road section of 67th Avenue and Rice Creek Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF 1974 SUPERllISORY COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR PUBLIC �D PARKS FOREMEN TAB D =8- The City Manager explained as he had pointed out at the previous meeting of the Council that the City had been trying to bring the Foremen up io the Supervisory level and had started this in 1969. The City Manager further commented that this package as proposed would be the same as worked out for the Police Department. The City Manager said there would be a 9.2� increase for the Public Works Forertlen and the Parks Foreman would receive 12.8%, which would include a step increase because he is within the bationary period for this position. Mayor Liebl referred to the memo from the Administrative Assistant, Peter J. Herlofsky, which was furnished for the Council in their agenda books. He pointed out the 13 items that would be included in the package and asked if these were a part of the suggested package, and the City Manager said yes. Mayor Liebl referred to ih� three items which dealt with the overt9me, backpay, and the stipulation concerning the Park Foreman and asked if these would also be stipulated in the agreement for the Foremen and the City manager said yes. Mayor Liebl said if he understood this correctly (Page 3-C) this wouid be retroactive from the first of January. The City Manager agreed. The Ciiy Manager said except in the case of the Park Foreman who would also receive a step increase. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager if it was his recormnendation that the Councfl ratify this policy. The City Manager said he recommended the Council approve the package. He pointed out that this had been done similar to this by other departments ; and the Gity was trying to create definite classifications and this would fall into the classifications they were trying to create. Mayor Liebl repeated the City Manager recomnended the Council approve the package and the City Manager said yes. The City Manager said the reason far this being higher is that these men are being brought into the mid-management supervisory level. ! Mayor Leibl said he had asked two Councilman to check into how much the men on the comparible levels would make. He asked Councilman Nee if he had found out anything. Counci7man Nee said he had no chance to talk to anyone with a c�mparable interest. He said he had read the memo from the Foremen and savr that there is conflict. Counci]man Nee said he did not beiieve the Council cuuld undertake direct negotiations with the employees. this would circumvent the requirements of the City Charter. He � . _ . __. .___._— --_._ -__-------� ;� t t ��i � ,� � f � , i �� i i z a t i�� � �� � � � . .,' ! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 �PAGE 5 � said he had read what the Foremen had said very carefully. '; Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Breider if he had a chance to talk to anyone in the private sector with equal responsibilities. Councilman Breider said he did not have any direct contact with any individuals that 4rould relate to these foremen. He said the salary package is somewhat higher, but u�hen their basic responsibi7ities are looked at this is probably justifiable. He said he thought the recommendatian of the City Manager would be agreeable. He said he thought there was a need for a stronqer position with all people in the Administration. He said he thought this , type of supervisory idea should be pursued in years to come across the board. Mayor Liebl said he had had some conversation with members of the League in the Metro area. He said h e had been a member of the Board of Directors of the League. Ne said they could provide a list of the salaries in the various municipalities. Mayor tiebl said he had also talked to some unions and negotiators and they felt this was a fair proposai. Mayor Liebl said if the Councii adopts the package and the men did not agree with the proposal, they could take the necessary steps.to join the Union. The City of Fridley is in the top 5q salarywise, and also operations wise. He asked if these men if these men join the management level,could this be ; handled on the step basis and merit system in the future. He said he felt this was , a reasonable package and he could not get Union or Management to say that it is not. He stated the Foremen in private industry are geiting much lower than the ; Foremen had been offered. Mayor Liebl said he hoped the foremen would.accept the proposal. He said the 9.2� and 12.8% increases would be hard to justify to the other employees of the City of Fridley. He said if there were additional benefits ; allowed, this would open a Pandora's box, Mayor Liebl cantinued to com�nent, after he had checked with the other people, he found this proposal to be fair and he ' hoped there could be agreement reached. He said Councilman Breider had brought out some points that should be explored for next year. He said he only could listen , to the staff and could not eva]uate the work of the individuals on staff. Mayor Liebl said in order to be fair and above board, he had talked to Mr. Smythe and he had indicated the proposal to be fair. He said he thought it would be good for the Foremen to go into the first line management. Mayor Liebl said if the Foremen did not think the City has been fair in this offer, they could join the Union. Mr. Art Qlson, Public Works Foreman, addressed the Council and said he was speaking ; for the group of four Foremen. He stated because of the way the neqotiations were conducted and the hassle, the Faremen would go back into the Union. MOT10N by Councilman Breider to_approve the recormnendation of the Administration , and approve the 1974 Supervisory Compensation Package for Public Works and Park Faremen for the fiscal year. Seconded by Courrcilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Liebl votinc� aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting aye, Councilman Breid : �oting aye, and Gouncilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl ' • decTared the mot7un carried unaninaously. Councilman �tarwalt said he had le-�ked at the propased salaries and contracts and believed what the Foremen had been offered was very gaod. He said he thought the proposa} to be fair and proper. ' Mayor Liebl asked if the Foremerr had seen the proposal as it had been provided tu the Couneil. He indicated he thaught they would be making a mistake if they turned it down. The City Manager said this information would be provided to the Foremen. Mr. Curtis Dahlberg said they had not received the 13 point package, nor had.they received notification that this would be considered as an agenda item. He said they had found out by accident that this would be discussed by.the Counci7. Councilman Nee asked what would be the procedure until the Foremen secure represent- ation, would there be a unilateral agreement. , Councilman Breider said it is his interpretation that they would have to agree first. He said the reason for the increase would be to have a spread over the heavy equipment operator for the supervisory type person, He stated if they do not agree, there is the other alternative, the City could not give one thing when they do not agree on the basis that this is given. Councilman Nee asked thP City Manager_what his idea of this procedure would be. � The CIty Manager said the job is established and this would be the salary for this ! � i :; , � t J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 6 position. He said if the men want to work at this, this wouid be okay, but if not the Council has established this classification. He said if the men do not want to work as supervisors or foremen, they can work with the rank and fi7e. Mayor Liebl said the whole seven county area should be compared to see if this is a fair proposal. The City Manager explained the salary levels had been researched, but there is not detailed information on this type of classification. He pointed out that the City had tried to be overly fair and made sure the City paid them as fairTy as possible. He said in the past, some of the Council members had felt that the Foremen were being paid too much. Mayor Liebl said the proposal had been unanimously approved by the Council with the stipulations listed in the agenda. NEW BUSINESS: RECEIVING REPORT ON SITES AND PROPOSALS FOR CABLE TELEUISION T041ER RE UEST BY MIDWESTERN RELAY COt�PANY AND GENERAL 7ELEVISION : Mayor Liebi said the letier which is in the agenda requesting the CounciT take action, should be disregarded. He explained the Columbia Heights Council had given preliminary approval of construction within that City the previous Monday night ' and this item was again before ihai CounciT at the present time. MOTION by Councilman Utter to table any action on the consideration for the construction of the Television Tower by Midwestern Relay and GeneraT Television. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Counciiman Starwalt asked if t�ere was anyone pr•esent in the audience that had not been contacted by himself. A resident of the area said she had received a ietter at.5:30 ihat evening, but ; the letter was sa much like the other letter that she wanted to be sure of what was happening. The resident of the area said her concern was the shortness of notice and she wauld appreciate more advance notice for all of the meetings. She said the notice had been received Friday night for aitendance the foTlowing Monday evening. FIRST READING QF AN__0_RDINANCE FOR THE VACATION REQUFST, SAV #74-02. BY ROBERT L ION; GENERALLY LUCATED B MOTION by Councilman Breider to waive the first reading of the Ordinance and adopt the ordinance for the Vacation Request, SAV �74-02, by Robert Stixrud to vacate the East and 4lesi 10' of a drainage and utiiiiy easement in Biocks 1 and 2, Lyndale Builder's 7th Addition. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a ro11 call vate, Counci7man Utter. Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE CLARIFYIt�G ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS CHAPTER 2 5 SECTION 205.051, pARAGRAPH 2, A: MOTION by Counciiman Utter to waive the reading of the ordinance and adopt the first reading which would clarify accessory building regulations (Chapter 205, Section 205.051, Paragraph 2, A. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll cail vote, Counciiman Utter� Councilman Nee, CounciTman areider, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. •� FIRST READING OF AN ORDTPJANCE FOR THE VACA7ION REQUEST_ SAV #74-01, $Y FLORENCE MOTIQN by Councilman Nee io waive the first reading of the Ordinance and adopt the ordinance on the first reading for the vacation request SAV #74-01, by Florence Swanson to vacate that part of Hugo Street dedicated in the plat of ?� f �- --_ --__ __ _----._ _ _ _ _ _,. � ' 30 � � � r REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, ]974 PAGE 7 Swanson's Terrace lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lots 1 and 3, Swanson's Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upona roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ING OF I SECTION 402 OF THE FRTDLEY CITY E ' Mayor Liebl read the recommendation from the Finance Director to the Council and audience. MOTTON by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the ordinance and adopt the ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Councilman Nee, (PJ�te: This ordinance was amended later in the discussion.) — Mayor Liebl asked if this ordinance would require a Public Hearing. He pointed out that the matter had been discussed the previous week. The City Attorney said this was concerning different information. The Finance Director said he was not aware of anything in the City Code which would require a Public Hearing on this matter. Mayor Liebl said this would be more in the line of policy than a legal requirement. The Finance Director said discussion is desirable. Councilman Nee corrmented he thought the Finance Director had provided a very good case for the proposed action. The City Manager explained that the Public Utility Fund is running as a se]f sustaining fund and has to be run very business like. He pointed out that this fund is a little different than those the City would be able to control the functions of and set the policy and rules for public safety and welfare. Councilman Breider said he would disagree with one section of the proposed ordinance and this would concern the basic ground rule for the 109a penalty charge. Councilman Breider continued to quote the section in question saying the payment of the penalty wouid be assessed after the last day of the month. He said he did not care for this wording and suggested perhaps a number of days should be established rather than the last day of the month. He said this n�ay create some problems with the utility bills being sent at different times in the month. He said a period of 30 days would be more feasible especially to those on social security who pay the bills at one time within the month when their check is received. He aiso pointed out that some businesses also have set times for payment procedures within the period of a month. The Finance Director commented he believed this to be a good suggestion and this'would work better in the systein. He said a specific number of days shou7d be allowed rather. than stating the end of the montF�. Mayor Liebl said he agreed with the Finance Director. He said according to the survey of surrounding communities, Fridley had the least incentive of all of the surrounding ! communities. He pointed out that others have a flat incentive of $1, $2, or 10% of the total bill, He said this incentive should be stressed and work to the best j advantage of the City of Fridley. � Councilman Breider said he had another question. He asked if there was a problem with the industrial customers paying within the allatted time. He asked if there � was a problem with these bi71s running 60 to 90 days. The finance Director said there had not been any more problems in this respect percentagewise and the average pay more promptly than the residential customer. � � He said this would be a very small percentage. He said there had been some problems wiih the people in apartment buildings. � Councilman areider said Me was interested in the fact that some industries may pay ' those commitments which would create higher paymeni:s because of the high interest � ; rates and leave those with the least incentive for some time. � The City Attorney asked what percentage of the people send back the meter reading cards. The Finance Director said this was.by far better results than if the CIty • would send a meter reader who would not find the people at home. � � � i i ; , i f 0 '� �1 ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEE?ING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 8 The City Attorney questioned if the ordinance should read that the penalty should be charged in the period of 30 days after the date on the bill if payment is not made. The Finance Director said yes. He stated this would not be 30 days after the due date, but 30 days after the date of the bill. MOTION by Counci7man Breider to amend the ordinance to read "Payments not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the bill will be assessed a ten (10) percent penaliy". Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the proposed ordinance amended. UPON A VOICE VOTE, on the original motion to adopt the first reading of the ordinance with the amendment, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried and the First Reading adopted as amended. FIRST READING OF AN ORDI�lANCE AMENDING SECTION 402. OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COOE RELAT 0 The Finance Director explained there had been a situation where the City was not able to continue the practice of requiring the meter deposit or it would have to pay interest on the deposit to the customers. He pointed out that Brooklyn Center has passed an almost identicai ordinance. He said his recommendations and proposal wouid be that the City no longer require meter deposits, but instead, have people purchase the meters. He further commented that the Ciiy would buy back the meter when the people move from the area. Councilman Utter asked if the customer bought the meter and moved from the City, would the meter be removed• The Finance Director said it would be more practical to turn off the water in the street. He said he did not think there would be any more problems in this type of procedure than there is with the meter deposits. Mayor Liebl said this action would comply with the State Statutes and would allow the City to operate the utility department and enforce the policy in the easiest possible method. He said Drooklyn Center had adopted this policy and this woutd be feasible to him. Cpuncilman Starwalt said he would have a serious concern on whether the City should sell the meters to the people. He felt the ownership of the meter should be heid by the City. He questioned if the sale of the use of the meter would be feasible rather than selling the meter. Councilman Starwalt further questioned i� the City would continue to take care of the maintenance of the meters. The Finance Director arswered that the people would buy the meter and the City wouid maintain control of it. Fie further explained that the �ity wouTd keep the meters in operating order unless there was a major break, at which time the property owner would have to be responsible for some costs. He said this charge would be assessed if there is a case of abuse of the equipment. He said this would include any freeze up, etc. He said this would operate in the same manner as it is presently. The City Attorney said there is a provision in the City Code which would prohibit tampering with the water meter. The Finance Director agreed. The City Attorney advised the Council that under this provision, the person who would tamper with the meter would be in violation of. the Code. He continued under this conditian the granting ' of ownership of the meter to the home owner would be proper. , MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the First Reading of the Ordinance and adopt the Ordinance on First Reading to amend Section 402 of the Fridley City Code relating to water meter deposits, said amendment eliminating the requirement that customers be required to make a meter deposit. Seconded by Councilman areider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting nay, Mayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter aye, and Counrilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT, P. S. �t74-03, JIM LUND, OF LUTS 30 AtdD 31; AUDITOR'S The Assistant Engineer, Mr. Richard Sobiech, recalled that there had been one suggestion pointed out at the Public Hearing the previous vreek, and this was for the confi9uration of the plat as shown on the map (with the permanent roadway rather i i � , r___ __ . , � j 32 � � ; � l__J � , �� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEE7ING OF JULY 15, 1974 __----- —___- ---__.._ _ ___ � i i PAG E 9 � than the temporary curved roadway to avoid the Ewer property}, The Assistant , Engineer explained that Mr. Lund was to negotiate for the.acquisition of the additional right of way to create the permanent improvements in the area at the ; present time. . , Mr. Jim Lund addressed the Council and said he and Mr. Chester Ewer, 1565 Fridley had reached an agreement for the transfer of the property. He indicated he had , asked Mr. Ewer to be present at the meeting for a thorough understanding of the proposed dedication. Mr. Lund continued Mr. Ewer would ]ike to be assured that he will not be assessed in the future for this improvement. Mr. Lund said he , would pay the necessary assessment costs, and on these terms, Mr. Ewer had agreed ' to transfer the right of way. Mr. Ewer addressed the Council the Council and said he feared that in another two to three years the City would levy assessments against this portion of property. He said if a roadway was installed to the east, would he be assessed for this. Councilman Breider stated if Mr. Lund will pay the assessments on the property, there will be no problem. He further stated Mr. Lund would take care of Mr. Ewer's assessments for the development and this amount would be assessed back to the development. Mr. Lund said he would be installing the improvements and there would be no City assessment on these. Mr. Lund said he woald give Mr. Ewer a guarantee which would � ; be a part of the minutes of the current meeting, and he would agree that there will � be no assessments to Mr. Ewer for this development and improvements of the property. ; He again stated, Mr. Ewer would not be assessed. � � The City Attorney said he did not know if the Council could say that he wiil not be assessed for any future assessments, or future work. He said it would be possible to say that he would not be assessed for this work. Mr, Ewer asked what if the area would be torn up in the future, wouTd he have assessments at this time. P1r. Lund said he would Ue installing concrete curb and gutter, and this would be permanent and not torn up. - ' Mr. Ewer said he had.been told that this would be blacktop curb and gutter. , The Assistant Engineer said there would be concrete curb and gutter in the areas of ! permanent construction. He also pointed out in the cul-de-sac area, there may ' be asphalt berm, but all of the remainder of the areas would be concrete. Mr. Sobiech said an additional stipulation might be to have Mr. Lund escrow the money '' for the construction of the improvements in the area where there is temporary asphalt berming. r � '� � , � Mayor Liebl said Mr. Ewer would be assessed for 21 feet. Mr, Ewer said he under- stood this. Mr. Ewer said he had bought the property because there was no one around him. He added, he kneGV he could nat stop progress, but asked if there could be some kind of fencing installed on the west and north sides of his lot. He further explained that he has four children and feared the construction in the area wou7d be dangerous. Mr. Lund stated the land in this area is placed at a high value and he wou7d pay the $3,000 for the improvements in return for the land. Ne said there is a garden not being disturbed for the remainder of the growning season. He said there would be no immediate need to take this out. He said he would offer to install a temporary fence in this area, if Mr. Ewer needed this. Mayor LiebT explained the applicant would buy the land and fence it. He stated, Mr. Lund would have to have this property to complete his plat and install the permanent improvements. Mr. Ewer said this could be worked out between the two parties. The Assistant Engineer asked if money should be escrowed for the permanent improvements in the area where there would be the temporary bituminous. He estirnated the cost of the installation of the permanent curbing in the future to be approximately $875. He said this cauld be assessed to the effected property by the developer and the permanent ; curb�ng could be installed 7n the future. i Mr. Lund questioned what would be done with the assessments on the corners of Pine I�i � Tree Lane and Onondaga. He asked if the people who had been assessed would be reimbursed. I i ; i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 10 The Finance Director said this would be divided between the two lots and assessed to the properties remaining. Mayor Lieb7 said this policy would always prevail. The Assistant Engir►eer said the plan for the improvements including the proposa] for the storm sewer system would have to be reviewed by the Engineering Department. Mr. Lund addressed the Council and said he was told by the Administration that he could get two building permits until the plat is filed because he originally had two parcets of land. He questioned if it would be possible to get five building permits at this time and explained this was because of the complicated procedure that would have to be followed with the State. He said he would like three extra permits at this time. The City Attorney advised the Counci7 that if the building permits are issued at this time, the eertificate of occupancy could be held until the plat is filed. Mr. Lund explained when the people would occupy the property, the property would be cleared and filed. --- — __-, , �i The City Attorney said this vaould be an administrative policy question. He suggested if the Gouncil approved of this procedure, they should stipulate that the certificate of accupancy would not be issued until tha plat is filed. MOTION by Couniclman lJtter to approve the Fina7 Plat P. S. #74-03, Jim Lund, of Lots 30 and 31, Auditor's Subdivision #l29 general7y located in the 1500 Block between 73rd and Onondaga St��eet, with the stipulations that the plat be completed with the road- way extending straight in the area of the Chester Ewer property and that this portion of property be acquired and included in the plat as right of way and that the assess- ments and costs for improvements in this area be paid by the developer, and that the developer escrow $875 for the future permanent installation of the concrete curb and gutter in the cul-de-sac area, (asphalt curb and gutter to be installed at the present time), that a temporary fence be installed along the Ewer property and the garden be retained for the remainder of this season, and that five building permits be issued at this time with tfie stipulation that the dwellings not be occupied until the plat is filed, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Counci7man Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, and Councilman Breider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR DEDICATION OF COMMUNITY PARK LAND FROM DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPisEN I C�RPORATIO��: MOTION by Couniclman Utter to receive the communication from the Darrel A. Farr Corp. regarding their request for an extension of time for the dedic �;on of community park land and dated July 11, 1974. Seconded by Counci1man Starwalt:. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanir,�•,u�ly. Councilman Utter recalled t'riat the Council had a similar request a few weeks previous to this because of the interest rates being so high. At that time, the developer was told that he had an obligation to the City of Fridley. • Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Starwalt what had been told to the representative of the Wall Corporation on their request. Councilman Sta1°walt said their request was similar with a few differences. Councilmarr Starwalt said fi e had talked to a represerrtative of the Darrel Farr Corporation who had indicated that ihe iand has been tied up through an option. Fle said there was a problem and this is why they are asking for the delay, he had not paid the final amount for the land. He added, he thought it may be to the City's advantage to delay i:his as the City would collect the taxes if it were not dedicated, He said he had thought of the possibility of default by the Company, but he did noi: think this is likely because of the sizable investment they had in the area. He said this would be a matter of giving them six months. Mayor Liebl said he thought it would be t� the advantage of the City to grant the request. The City Attorney said he had drafted a quit claim deed as requested by the Engineering Department and VddS under the impression that this property ha�i been deeded to the Gity. The City Attorney said befare the City agrees to the request, he would ]ike the Darrel Farr Corporatior, to furnish copies of the options or contract for deed to see what provisions are involved. He said if something would go wrong, Darrel farr may have the option and the City would not have the park. I i � � � r �_� � � _ ______ _ _____ __ _ , 34 REGULAR COUNCIL MEE7ING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 11 Councilman Starwalt said there are two parcels of property, one had been deeded to the City and the other had not been paid for at the present time. The City Attorney said he would like to also find out how much the remaining amount to be paid on the land is. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to ask the Darrel A. Farr Corporation to provide sufficient documents to indicate the provisions of the contract for deed or option on the property and also an indication of the balance of the revenues to be paid for the property and the provisions for their payment with this being brought back for Council consideration at the next Council meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT P. S. #74-04, INtdSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUS[S RFPLAT SECOND � Mayor Liebl referred to the information on page 12-A of the agenda and asked if this action would be appropriate, The Assistant Engineer explained that the applicant had originally requested lot splits to hand7e the matter, but the City had asked for a replat because of the legal descriptions that would be created with the lot splits. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the replats as specified in number ]2 of the Council agenda. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE 60ARD QF APP[ALS MEETIN� OF JULY 9, 1974: A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4C, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REAR Y RD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROf� 25 FFFT TO 18.5 F[ET, 70 ALLOUI THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING AND GA(t��E TD �F i nr.ATFn nN I nT �n Ri n�v � r�rn corrvcnni or�iro nnnnini - -- -- -- n. �. i niv��� � 1•tt�vlvcJVlnl: MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recorr�iendation of the Board of Appeals and grant the variance as requested by Mr. A. C, i�lattson, 6320 Riverview Terrace. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al7 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the Minutes of the Qoard of Appeals Meeting , . of JuTy 9, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING TFIE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY HUMAN RELATIONS COP�1MITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1974• MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Fridley Human Relations Committee Meeting of June 20, 1974, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVItJG THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL (ZUALITY COMMISSION MEETIPJG OF JUNE 4, 974: � MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Fridley Environmental Quality Commission Meeting of June 4, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL THAT A NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY QE LOCATED IN THE CI7Y OF FRIDLEY: � Mayor Liebl said the Council had had a Public Hearing on the proposa] of the Armory � the previous Monday eveniny. Fle said if the Council feels they want a more detailec.� financial analysis on a specific site, it wouid be in order to authorize that this be drawn up. He pointed out that the four staff inernbers had gone to Hasiings to ; review their structure. He said the Council would have to know how much it would cost the City before they would pass a resolution. He said the would have to have ' the figures before them and authorize the action according to aydollar a�nount. � ! The City Manager said the que� i the proposal any further, and I I �_ _ __ _ __ _ _ � on would be if the council is inclinded to consider ' �uld they like the Administration to go into a more � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 _. . _ .. ---� - - . _ _ _ _.. - --- --� �5 �' PAGE 12 detadled analysis of the actual cost. He said he was not asking the Council to make a final determination at the present meeting, only indicate to the Administration if they are interested in further study of the proposal. He said the amount of $10,000 per year had been discussed and if the Council would like a more detailed layout, they could direct the Administration to provide this. Mayor Liebl said he would encourage Council approval for the authorization for the Administration to prepare financial and site reports based on all financial aspects, He said he would encourage the gathering of this type of information if this proposal was to be accepted by the community. _ Councilman Breider said he agreed that more information would be needed. He said there were many valid points brought out at the Public Hearing and many questions came up. He said he thought the City Administration should compile the information and data that would have to be considered, He said the County should be contacted to see if some mutual interest type of activity could be provided. MOTION by Counciiman Utter ihat the City Manager be authorized and directed to investigate the cost plan and figures for the construction of an armory on the site between the City garage and the County Ice Arena and that the County be contacted for their possible mutua7 interest in such a facility and that the report be completed for Council consideration by the firsi of September. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Jaan McLaughlin, 728 63rd Avenue N. E., questioned if the community would have any input in the question. She recalled at the previous meeting of the Council, the Council had indicated a straw vote would not be representative of the feeling of the majority of the people in the City. She asked if there would be some referendum or•v�ould onTy the Council be making the decision. Councilman Breider said before the people can be presented with any p�roposal there would be a need for more information. He stated, this would have to be lo�ked at very closely. He said the Council would have to decide if this is somei:h^r;g they could sell to the cormnunity, and it may be that th9s is something that ca�-,not be presented to the community. He said they had not reached i:hat point a� GP�e present time, this would be sometime in Septtmber and there wuuld be anott��r� hearing with notice to the people. He pointr�cf out that the Ar�F:ry a�ould ti:a�?t community participation and he cou7d not im�;<:ine the Cauncil r::,{ ing a deci::;;+n to the contrary. Mayor Liebl said the Council woirld hava to h;�••:-c� all of the facts t;rfoi°e ti,t:;� could decide to use $10,000 ye�r�, Ne sairt it�ey would have to dciermine k;r�;� an Armory would do for the City vfi' rridley, ;;� �vould have to be evaluate� «� decided upon for the pros and cor;::, i� the rF, ,��t they were proposing the Adn,�r .�-r�atiofl, � compile. He said this would be t�:::,, �o thc i=cc:nci7 in six weeks. �` � , ' ";; : Fts. McLaughlin asked what a re�res��:� '��ivc:� �,, r.,�;; of the people would be, Ma��f:?� i_i�bl explained that the Council is r,,t;. i t,�,,; v t;hree years and elected t�r ,r;:;,I� fe�r the people they represent. He sv� i t.f�€� ��ecisions they make are not '��:�;1, ti�e,y� v,�ould be voted out of office, thi: ;s reprr�s�:;�tative government. ' Th=� City P�anager said he wuuld like ta get one tir��:�� clear, did ihe Councit �°;sh � hi�n to contact Anoka County on a joint use. Caun.. .�,a.n Breider said this i: �; paet of the motion. The City Manager asked if the Council would like ic� ask the County if they would like to expand their ice arena, or interested in a joini construction. Counciiman Uiier said both possibilities should be discussed and presented. ING A STATEMENT FROM 7HE PARKS APlD RECREATION CO��iMISSION CONCERtVING RES �_. FR T F� TD��� oCC r � ��,., ....r� i MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the ietter from the Parks and Recreation � Commission. Seconded by Courcilman Utter. � Mayor Lieb2 noted that he wouid like this ietter pubtished if it met with Councii , approval. He pointed out that the points were unanimously approved. � UPON A VOICE VOT6, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. t.-� � � , __ _._ __..___ i � I --� � � � , �� � � ' � ' , �� � � __ � __ _ ` 36 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 13 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ME7ROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION ROUTING SERVICE ON MISSISSIPPI STREET: Councilman Breider said he was dissatisfied with both routings and he would not condone routing bus traffic in heavy residential-areas. He said he would like to suggest that the Administration work with the MTC for an alternative proposal. MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to work with the MTC for alternative proposals for routing bus traffic outside of residential areas and come back to the Council for consideration of the proposals. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upor a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTING TREE INSPECTORS AND RECEIVING REPORT ON SHADE TREE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM: MOTION by Couneilman Breider to concur with the recommendation of the Administration and appoint Mr. Dan Huff, Mr. Curtis Dahlberg, and Mr. David Lindquist as City of FridTey Tree Inspectors. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a17 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Utter suggested that the report on the tree diseases and the preliminary budget be received and laoked at later on. Mayor Liebl said there would have to be some�discussion with the City Manager on this proposal. Councilman Breider indicated he had rediewed the proposed budget and asked if the City had some kind of disease control ordinance at the present time. He asked if this could possibly be duplicating the budget. Mayor Liebl said he would like to wait on this item and talk about this when Mr. Huff, Naturalist/Resource Coordinator is present. He said Mr, liuff had worked hard on this material and he should be present for this discussion MOTION by Councilman Breider to tab7e the cansideration of the report on the Shade Tree disease control program and the preliminary budget. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl directed the City Manager to put this on the agenda at the next regular Coucil meeting and instruct Mr. Huff to be present. The City Manager said he would like to respond to the question by Councilman Breider. He explained that the State had recently passed a law which would rec{uire the City to have such a �rogram. RESOLUTION �75-1974 - AMENDING RESOLUiIOfd N0. 1-1974, A f2ESOLUTION DISIGNA7ING AUTHORIZED SIGCdATURES FOR TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY BANK DEPOSIT: Mayor Liebl pointed out that the memo from the Finance Director recommended this action because it would be an advantageous to the City. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #75-1974 amending Resolution No. 1-1974, Resolution designating authorized signatures for the City of Fridley bank deposit. Secorded by Counciln�an Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: ; GENEREIL 36337 - LIQUOR 9013 - 36501 9057 MOTION by Councilman Utter to pay the claims. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: � . Schun�ann aros., Inc. ; Box 8599 � St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 j t___ _ __ _ — --- __ , ;'; , ; k { . i ; _'� ` � �; � � __ ___ __ __ ._. __� �7 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1974 ' PAGE 14 FINAL ESTIMATE #3, for work completed on 4later Improvement project No. 109-B, Painting of Elevated Water Tank $ 7,550.00 B & E. Excavating, Inc. 11843 West River Road Champlin, Minnesota 55.316 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #1 for Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project No, 115 $ ]9,768.27 H & S Asphalt Company 5400 Industry Avenue N. W. Rnoka, Minnesota 55303 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-4 $ 100,557.00 PARTIAL ESTIfMTE #2 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-1 $ 26,557.37 PARTIAL ES7IMATE �12 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-2 $ 3,159.18 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County Road "J° Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #,1 for Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project No. 115 from June 3 through June 29, 1974 $ 1,468.28 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #] for Street Improvement Project No. 1974-1 from June 3 through June 29, 1974 $ 1,442.67 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #6 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Praject No. 1i4 from June 3 through June 29, 1974 $ 2,636.50 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #6 for Water Improvement Project No. 109-B from May 27 through June 29, 1974 . $ 705.39 Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 June Billing for Services Rendered $ 1,173.00 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange 13uilding Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 June Bil`ling for Services Rendered as Prosecutor $ 2,600.00 South Side Plumbing & Heating Company 509 lst Avenue N. E, Minneapolis, Minnesota FINAL ESTIMA7E #2 Mechanical Work an Fridley L9quor Store $ 2,401.70 MUTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the estimates for payment. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: GAS SERVICE: BY APPROVED BY D& D Anderson Heating and Plbg. Inc. Darius Anderson W. Sandin Route #2, Box 754 Cambridge, Minn. 55008 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ._ _ __ 1 1 _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ . _ _ __ _-- _..: _.w _._..___ _ �-- . _ __ � . _ __ _ — _ _. _ _ _ . _ _ i 38 � i � � ' , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 7974 PAGE 15 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BY APPROVED BY Brickner Builder's, Inc. Thomas Brickner C. Belisle . 6245 Ben More Drive N. E. . Fridley, Minnesota 55432 James Lund Construction, Inc. Jim Lund C. Belisle 2417 148th Avenue N. E. Anoka, Minnesota 55303 HEATING: Carter Day Company Roy E. Gorgen W, Sandin 655 19th Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 . D& D Anderson Heating & Plumbing Inc. Route �2, Box 754 Darius Anderson W. Sandin Cambridge, Minnesota 55008 MASONRY: Crete-Wood Construction Fred Rehbein C. Belisle 1851 Raddison Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 PUBLIC POOL: LOCATION: Midwest Management 7845 East River Road S. Olson 7100 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: NORTH EAST REALTYi R[QUEST FOR STORt-0 SEWER: MOTIO�I by Councilman Breider to receive the communication from North East Realty regarding the request for storm sewer dated July 7Q, 1974 and direct the Administration to look into the request and report back to the Council. Seconded by Coun cilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LEITER TO SENATOR MONDALE: SUPPORT OF HOUSE FILE 14449, OEO: Mayor Liebl read the letter to Ue sent to Senator Mondale in suppoNt of House Fi7e 14449 regarding programs of Anoka County OEO aloud to the Council and audience. Mayor Liebl said Mr. Qob htinton N�as present at the meeting and he had talked to him in detail concerning the justification for the continuance of the programs at the Anoka County OEO. Counei7man Nee questioned the wording in the letter which indicated that Senator Kennedy and Senator Javits have sponsored the Bill in the House of Representatives. MOTION by Councilman Nee to correct the letter and authorize the Mayor signing the letter and send it to Senator Mondale. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF ALORICH: RECENT FIRES: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the cormnunication from Deputy Fire Chief Aldrich regarding recent fires and dated July 15, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. METRO SEWER QOARD: SAC CHARGES: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the Metro Sewer Board ' � regarding the SAC charges and dated July 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. � { . __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _. __ --- _ _ -, 39 REGULAR COUNCIL MEE7ING OF JULY 15, 1974 PAGE 16 Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of July 15, 1974 adjourned at 10:18 P.M. Respectfully subm9tted, �G��n�,�,Lc.ce/�C�,��c���-,�J Patricia Ranstrom Frank G. Liebl Secretary to the City Council Mayor Date Approved � i � � � �� � ��� � � �� ' � � ' , ' ' �I ' � :l .r . � � � � ME�IORANDUM �.. d_��,�_,�....� T0: City Council �IIY OF FRIDLEY 4431 Universi,ty Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 PAttL BROwN, D-ih.ec.�an Phane: 560-3450 X64 DATE: Aug �, 197�t Slk3�ECT: I�ational Championships in Florida �Rt�'9: Paul BroFm� Dir. +► � � � � * * +r � +� * * � � �► �r �► � � � �► � a � a� �t �r * * � * �r * � �r �r +► * * � � Gentlemen, Craig Park Girls have won the State Tournament and ha�re qualified ta represent the Stai•e of Minnesota and be�ter yet the city of Fridley �n the National Girls Sr, Division Softball Championships in Satellite Beach, Florida. Chuck Kasick and Gary Stiirnaler have requested financial help from the City. This is a City sponsored event and obviously a huge success. It also costs money to send a group of 30 peopl.e to the tournament. Here are the casts: 1.. �us (Greyhound) 2. Housing 3. Fooa $2�540.00 528.aa 2 l�ao. o0 . 1 .QO Here are my recommendations: 1. Contribute $55Q•00 from the City. 2. Loan. tY�e tear,i:�1�950.00 to defray the cost of the bus trip. Note: This maney wauld be paid back to tr�e city after their return. � What a.bout the other expenses? This wauld be born als„� by the team and the.. indivi.dual members that partica.pate. They would have to seek additional contribu�ti.ans fron other civic groups with�n the City. i I have attached a copy of the r,ote that Chuck Kasick and Crary Stir�ler have already taken out at the bank. ct lv submitted, BR��iN, �irector i � � � � August 5, 1975 THE FOLLOWIfVG ADDRESS WAS RECEIVED OVER THE TELEPHONE FROM COMMISSIONER OF VETERANS AFFAIRS FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, TO BE RERD AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT THE TIt�IE OF THE Pt�ESENTATION OF THE CHECK TO THE CITY FOR THE ISLAIYD OF PEACE. ', I wish to personal]y sa� thanks to_ the people of Fridley for their fine contribution to the Islands of Peace. This reflects a great stride in the ' right direction for the Minnesota contribution of funds for a very worthv�hile cause in behalf of the handicapped citizens of the State. � I am also very impressed with the chosen site for the Islands of Peace, and Ed Wilmes deserves to receive a11 the support of the entire State in his desire to assist in providing a place for those who are not physically strong �� nor are heard politically as representatives_of a strong political group. � ' � �I � ' � � Elmer L. Childress Commissioner af Veterans Affairs State of Minnesota � I� ' ' , .� ORDINANCE NO. i `� AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTTON 1. For the vacation of an easement described as follaws: The Easterly and Westerly 1Q feet of an existing 30 foat drainage and utility easement in Blocks 1 and 2, Lyndale Builders 7th Addition, All lying in the North Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka. Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The said Vacation has been made in conformance ' with Minnesota Statui�es and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. � ' PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ��,� DAY OF (` ;� ;� .�G , 19 7 4 . . MAYOR - �rank G. Liebl � ATTESTe CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell Pub.lic Hearing: July 8, 1974 ,, rirst Reading: Ju�.y 15, 1974 Second Reading: Publish;....... ' ' 1� yn (/" <'j �', . j q y � a!(� ,� /? � � � � � fi �' ' !�: � �, �_ Lk i SAV #74-02, ROBERT STIXRUD .,I l�;11: f � _ . - dA �� i � (CSOV ( /7 i, ;` _ - f.• U r�1.rl ` �,� 4_ �_ t `�; � Slacate the East and West 10 feet � .� .��.... _..._..r__......� �. ... �,_.__;:�„_,_ :_...���� ���� of a 30 foot drainage and utilit� �y ;,� +, s; LL � � ;� ;�:,. �- easement on Block� 1 and 2, � � �-- -�---� --V-- J !o ---� � -,---� ,; �� _ Lyndale Builders 7th Addition � � , ; {: . � � � ,� � .{� ` �} � ; ; '� : . f ��f � . .� � ' � i - ., � ! � ._. `� , ( y. -. . f � � � ; ; � � 4 . : � . � _ i i , � . � � E -__— . , , - , �3 f72.1 ; , . :, i _ � _ �_ i _ , � 1 _ ` __� __ `,. _ : _ ., , j � �F � r j � ,-�%��, � � , . � � �: i � , # . .� � � _ , ; � � ' � { � � � , ':6 _ . i i �(�f r,: , .i `; � S� � i ;�� �, ' ,l . a� _ l R ` . 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' � ; �, � �a; � Y� i i � � .'r � n i c '' � E '' �1 �'� r :i f /,, , , _ �,, _ ..� r; l � . , ! . . . .... � { ,�.�i1 f> ;A -�t -� ORDINANCE NO. �,1 L �-3 AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l� For the vacation of a street described as follows: That part of Hugo Street dedicated in the P1at of Swanson's Terrace lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lots 1 and 3, Block 1, Swanson's Terrace, Al1 lying in the North Half af Section 3, T-30, R-?_4, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The said Vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota 5tatutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amerided. P,ASSED T�Y THE CI�I'Y CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , j� DAY OF �-t C u� �- , 19 7 4. �...^_._�,�___.__ MAYOR ° Frank G. Liebl ATTEST: CITY CL�RK - Marvin C. Brunsell Public Hearing: July 8, 1974 Fzrst I:eading:-Tiz-Iy , Second Re��ding:� Publish..... .�'_ E � . -- ---_._.____._ _ ' r , 1 • . . �. � ' . _ � . , - -- � � � /V�5'r�-' �.�.�' ;�.:,-„�.- .. . � ��_i.�, : ~ . �,,, � . - � G� !:� . UO �' = ''-- �j c,`- �_'; �f.:�,�,J �_� ,, ._ ._.... c,,i ��`� _. ____ tj0 0� �"'-�; -_.-�---- ----------- ,� ( �; , ;, 'z? :o h � , � , �� I � � ` � � 1t. . J t � � t i � ��. � `r ' � j � `�^ � • - (�� `{ �!. �-+ C> I VI \) � fr`' �` ' � ' Y �� • �� � � ,�.1�. \� � \ � (. f� � - .� � � . � , . , , ,,. � ., . � � � ,-� � % �_11 --- - — - �r; ; �;� - _ _a . . ..._ _.... .-- �� 7 � - -- - - i J � � �.; � �. � `� 2A -- ---- - . ;� � � � � i a � � I �� i � �r , --------=--= - - ---- -----' -----_--=-----� � . �. . -- - : ,.. . ,_ . ._� _. - - ; ��- - ; _. � . . . . , --_ ._---- .. . ---- ---- _--- .,.. .. .. ,, �� 4c� �F _�7- t.� I .r � . ,� �� � �,,� � 4�� s � . � � ,� ' . . ;. � 1 �� ' f�to 3 ' � ? ; �{ � � C, L ' �' j _ � . . t� , 1 � � �,�3' � � �� � � � , U � '4 ::�; :,n� ��; 3�? .y C, � � . � �; ' x': c. :� :3 � `� o i.\ ! ` �� ; � �_ -_ -. o I i `', �.. � ��� C« �` i ; � � - C,�. �� `1 , • ' �. _ -... "'_ '� ") � j ��f � _ t , • �� \ \1 ' - ', � �� \j � (` —� � i ! i ; - �. ..: . ..r.-.�... .,,.._.�.,:.�„ � ..,..-...,-.,. '� ' ..,M�=' �,....\�.+w.6 ` f . � . . ._. _ . 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' ` > _�_ � ; �.. r,i/�J !�` `� '" . -"/ _ �'� � ,� - "� -� . . �`' �� � ° / :f' .� � ' �-�/ � " ..� :� : .: � .:: __. :_- . �:r _. .,\ . . `� . � `�` ,:�' ��, :ti- ; � �� : `=-�- �.� ,' . . �, , SAV #74-Q1 Florence Swanson • L.S..#'�4-11 Florence Swanson ' .' ; ;; :. . • ^' �-� y ..��' : ,:, �`` ' `y ; ,.. . , � � ._. s _ . . __ ._ . . ;�. a ORllINANC� N0. � � � AIV ORDINANCL TO 1�AZEND CIIl�i'TLR 205, SECTION 205.051 , PAP.I�GRAPII 2, A, ACCLSSORY USrS, OF THL CITY CODE OI' TI�L CTTY OP TRIDLEY The City Couiicil of th� City of Fridl�y do�s ordain as folloias: Chapter 205, Secti.on 205.051, Paragr_agh 2, A, is hereby amended to read as follov�s: 2. Rcc�ssory Uses A. )?r:ivate g�iragcs c�r atrer accessory bt�ildings. Or�ly cnG accessory b�zi? dinq irz e�:ceCs o� 240 squai•e feet is allow�d per sit�, pne adc�it.ion.al accessory Uuil di_nc�r is Gllo�aed provided it does not e�ceed ?.40 square feet. �ny accessory �uildi.ng i.n e��ccs � of the above rc�quiremei�.�s (square footag� or numbers oi l..�uildings) requizes a speci�l use per_mi�, � All accessory bui_ldings must k�e permaneaztly attached to a foundation and may izot be used ior ho�e ocr.upa{�.i.on. Al� garages , wh.� �l�.er at �aciied to ,-tucked under , or detached � f.rozn the mai.n dwelting, �.a�e r.onsider_ed to be an accessory bu3_1�.�_ng. � / PASSJ�D Eii' TH1� CITY COUI�CIL Ol 7'II� CI���Y OT' I'RrllI,I�'S_' THIS �� DA�.' OF , 19 7 4. � . � . N1�YOn - F1ZE�N1: G. LT3�Bi:, � � , � A�I".i'}� S T : CITY CL�I�K - i�'��1ZV:[N C. �RLINBELZ. I'ir.�st rl�ading: July 15, 1974 Second R��idiz��g : � . PLxbl a.cation . . . : � � 3 � �: �,. _ <� � � , ORDINANCE N0. �� � AN ORDINANCE Ah1ENDING SEC7ION 402 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CONCERNING METER READING AND PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE, SAID AMENDMENTS WILL ADD A PEhALTY FOR NONPAYMENT OF BILLS AND AMENDS THE CHARGE FOR RESTORATION OF SERVICE. � � � i � � � 1 ' , C� � ' � The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTIONS 402.07, 402.071 AND 402.072 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sectian 402.07 Meter Reading and Payrnent for Services The City may provide a system of a�ater meter reading by post card, meterman or any other method deemed suitab1e to the purpose by the Council. The City may also establish billing areas or districts and provide for the readings of ineters and billing of charges by calendar quarters or monthly quarters> or such periadic intervals as the Council shall deiermine suitable and necessary from time to time to the needs of the City. In the case af a post-card meter reading, each consumer shall mail or return the meter card on or before the last day of the billing period. Each consumer shall be assessed a fifty (50) cent penal-Gy for any card not returned on the due date. Such penalty and any use charc�es (based on an estimate of the water consumed) may be included on the next billing and ther�af.ter until paid. The water rat� charges shall be cor�sidered ��ess net charges and shall be the charges payable a��e� before: the last day of the month �r billing period in which the billings are sent out. 4 Payments not paid �e�e�e within ��E-�as�-�ay-e�-�be-�e��k�-s�-��}}���-�er�ed tnirty �30� da�s f rom the date of the bill �a�-be-pa�d-e�-��-ie-�e�-E�a��e-bas�s-wb�Eb-s�a��-�e-�be ��ess-eba��e-�ess-€����50�ep�s will be assessed a ten (10) erp eent enalt . Section 402.071 Discontinuance of Service The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer�af the water and sewer system without notice vr}ien necessary for repairs, additional connection or reconnection or for non-payment of charges or bills or for disregard of any rules or regulations in connection ���ith the use or operation of said system. Whenever any service has been discontinued for non-payment of charges or bills or for disregard of any rules or regulations, it shall not be resumed, except upon payment of the charges or biils accrued togeth�r with ���e�es� �be�eep �� �be a�ea�� e€ s�� ��a �e�=set�� �e� a�r�ar�, s�= compliance with the rules or regulations previously violated and payment ta the City of a restoration fee of the sum of $5.Q0 (be�ore 4:30 p.n�. weekdays) ar�d $10.00 at all other times. Section 402.072 Lien In the event a water or sewer bill is unpaid at the end of the calendar quarter or the billing period under wl�ich the billing is sent out, the bill shall be considered delinquent and the service may be discontinued as provided in 402.071 above and the City Council may cause the charges noted in such billing to become a lien against the property served by certifying to the County the amount of said � ORDINANCE N0. `';�%�_�' delinquent bill in accordance with Sections 442.15 and 443.16 of the Statutes of the State of Minnesota. A enalt of ten 10 • ercent will be assessed to all amounts certified to the Count for collection: Ref. 113) ��� PASSED AND DOPTED BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �" DAY OF ��� �=r'�,:� 1974. U ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRtJNSELL First Reading: Second Reading: Published: � MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL "iil r � � � � ORDINANCE N0. � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 402 OF 1'HE FRIDLEY CITY CODE RELATIIVG TO WAi'ER � METER DEPOSITS, SAID AMENDMENT ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT THAT CUSTOMERS BE REQUIRED TO MAKE A METER DEPOSIT. L� � � J � The Cauncil of the City of Fridley do ardain as follows: SECTIONS 402.023 and 402.024 of the Fridley Crty Code are hereby amended to read as follcws: Section 402.023 Water Nieter Before any N�ater conveyed through the municipal water system shall be used or utilized or� the land or premises of any person, firm or corparation, there shall first be insialled a water meter that will accurately measure the water consumed on the premises, except and unless such installation shall be exempted by the City. The applicant for water service shall de�es�� p� to the City Treasury af; the time af his application for permit as set forth above, an amount determined by the City to be sufficient to cover the cost of said meter. ��eH �e�ey �e��s}�e� a���� k�e ase� �y �be 6��y �e �wee�we sae� r�e�ew a�� �be 6��yr �ay pe�a�� �be de�es�� �e ��e e�rr�e�= e€ �be ��er��ses �be�ea€�e� �� aeEe�=�apEe �}�k� �be �e��!�a�}s�s I�e�e��a€�e� s�t �a��b. Section 402.02� Meter Refund All existin�custom�rs of the sys�em will be required to �urchase a meter. At such time as there is a change of customer or ownership for an account or at termination of service, if all bills are paid in full, at the request of the custorner°, the Ci �:y Nti l l refund the purchase price of the rneter to the customer> whereu on the new custamer must purctiase a meter. � PASSED AND ADOPTED BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 5 DAY OF ���.. =t:�� 1974. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. aRUNSELL � First Reading: Secc�nd Reading: � Published: July 15, 1974 MAYOR - FRANK G. tIEBL I� Recommended Ordinance G �� � J � M�Mp TO: Nasim Qureshi FROM: Dan Huff DATE: August 1, 1974 RE: Shade Tree Disease Control Program Report and Proposal An intensified shade tree disease control program under the direction , of myself has been undexway in Fridley since July 10. Since that time one-half of the private property in the city has been inspected and: � ' � � � � � 1. 133 notices have been sent to property oumers regarclinq removal of dead or dying trees and 60 more are awaiting� pro- cessing. 2. 125 notices regard e7ms; 8 refer to diseased oaks. 3. °Niunber of trees per notice range frcan 1 to 90. 4. We have confismed 8 cases of Dutch Elm Disease and 3 cases of OaJc Wilt with 9 laboratozy samples pending anaiysis.. 5. The first wave of notices issued July 11 was followed. up on July 29. Of the 37 cases involved, �5 prop�rty owners had ccxnplied ccar.pletely, 8 had partially complied, and 14 had made no effort to co�nply with the prescribecl treatment. 6. Tk�ree pex'sons hav� requested city r�noval due to in- ability to pay for the services or caxry out the prace- dures themselves. It is expec-�ed that a minimtun of 500 trees will be marked for removal frc�n private property within the city by the end of August and of those, at Ieast 50 will be diseased. � tentativ� survey of_ ci_ty-c�wned proper- ty has turned up approximately 200 dead and diseasecl trees which must be contracte�3 for remaval since neither the Public Works nor the Parks and Recreation Departrn�nts haVe the necess�ry equipment ta remc�v�, root barrier � and dispose o:E these large trees . A minimi.un estimate for re- moval and treatrnent of diseased trees on city proper-Ly would be $20,000! � A survey af the tree disease control programs in surrounding comnunities shows a wide variety of expenditures and services: Minneapolis, with a tree maintenance budget of $1.4 million in I974, remo�res diseased boulevard trees without direct costs to the owner of th� abutting prop- , P�'y � ' Brooklyn Park is spending $8,000 this year for inspection alane and � also removes di.seascd boulevat:d trees. 3Q� dead and diseased trees have been taggecl so far. PubZic Works absorbs costs for the latter. The cit� has a program budget of $3�l,000 approved for 1975. � � �� � �port and Proposal 6 A page 2 ' '� Brooklyn Center has identified 140 dead and dying trees. Public Works absorbs costs of r�noval of diseased b�ulevard trees if the property owner fells and cuts the tree into transportable-sized�pieces. The � tree prograrn has no separate budget. The Coltunbia Heights program is funded at $5,000 which covers costs of inspectian only. 43 dead and dying trees have been tagg�.- New Brighton contracts their inspection program to the University of Minneso-t�a. Cost for inspection only was $4,200 for 1974. Other costs w€�xe absorbed by various departments. Spring La}ce Park has not yet be-c�.ui an operational tree inspection program as this is still in the forznative s-tages at the present. Coon R�pids has a part-tzme tree inspector and provides only checks of telephone referrals. In reference to the described tree disease problems in our area and in the city,I, therefore, resu}��it to you my budget proposals for 1974 and 1975. Additional sexvices may be considered such as: 1. City hauling of diseased trees frcan private propez�ty, 2. City disposal site, 3. City rc�noval ot dis�ased boulevard trees, 4. City removal and disposal of all dead and diseased trees in the city. � Each of these alternatives could be provided in a number of ways and . cost figures should k� investiga�l-.� once the level of services to be � providecl is de-tei�nined. Dar�. E . Huf f � 1 .�, � ' �� � � � L_J � PRELIN9INARY PROPOSAL FOR AM�NDING ORDINANCE N0. 481 IN ACCORDANCE 1VITH MINNLSOTA DEP�RTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RULES AND REGULATIdNS, CHAPT. 4: AGR 101-120 THE CITY COUNCIL OF T}lE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAI•N AS FOLLOWS: Chapter 28 of the Fridley City Code is hereby amended to rea� as follows: 28.01 The City Council of Fridley has determined that the health of the trees within the municipal limits is threatened by fatal tree diseases. It is further determined that the loss of txees growing upon public and private property would substan- tially depreciate the value of property withi.n the Cif.y and impair the safety, good order, general �velfare and convenience of the public. It is declared to be the intention of the Cotm cil to control and prevent the spread of tree diseases and this ordznance is enacted for that purposes. 28.02 Subd, 1 The powers and duties of the City Forestex as set forth in this ordinance are hereby conferred upon the Naturalist/Rescurce Coordinator and one or more Tree I:nspectors so certified by the Ntinnesota Commissioner of Agricultuxe. I Sub d. 2 It is the duty of the Forester to coordinate under the direction and control o£ the Council, all activities o£ th e municipality relating to the control and prevention of tree diseases. He shall recommend to the Cauncil the details of a pro- , gram for the control of tree diseases, ancl perform the duties incident to such a program adopted by the Council � 28.03 It is the i.ntention of the Council of Fridley to conduct a progxarn of plant pest control pursuant to the authority granted by Mi_nnesota Statutes 1969, Section 18.023. This program is � directed specifically at the control and elimination of tree diseases, and is undertaken in accordance with Chapt. 4: AGR 101- I20 of the Rules and Regulations of the b4innesota Department of Agriculture. The City Forester sh all act as coordinatox between � � the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Council in the conduct of this pro€;ram. � � 28.04 Subd. 1 The following tlzings are public nuisances whenever they may be found within the City of Fridley. (a) Any living or standing Elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Uutch Elm disease fungus Cera- tocystis ul�ni (Buisman) Moreau or which harbors any of the elm ar� eet.les Scolytus rrn.�lti_striatus (Eichh.) or Hylurgopinus rufi �es (b4arch� . (b) Any dead Elm tree or part thereof, including logs, � branches, stumps, fire�aood or otlier Elm material from which the bark has not been removed and burned or sprayed with an effective Elm ba.rk beetle insecticide. . � � • � DECLARATiON OF POLICY FORESTER AND TREE INSPECTOR POSITIOi�15 CREATED DUTI�S PROGRAM NUISANCES DECLARED PROPOSED REVISION OF ORDINANCE N0. 481 CONTINUED , (c} Any living or standi.�lg Oak tree or part thereof ' infected to any degree with the Oak Wilt disease fungus Cera- tocystis fagacearum, �J ' i L� (d) Any dead Oak tree or part thereof including logs, branches, stumps, firewood, or other Oalc material which has been infected with Oak Wilt disease and which has not been sprayed with an effective Oak 1Uilt insecticide. (e) Any other living or standing tree or part thereof infected to any degree iaith tree disease as determined by the City Forester. (f) Any disease infected dead tree or part thereof including logs, branches, stumps, firewood, or other wooden material �vhich has not been sprayed with an effective insecticide as determined by the City Forester. � Subd. pub li c nuisance mises owned or ' Such nuisances Ordinance. PAGE 2 2 It is unla��,ful for any person to permit any ABATEMENT as defined in Subdivision 1 to remain on any pre- controlled by him wit}iin the City of Fridley. may be aUated in the manner prescribed by this 1 28.05 Subd. 1 Annual Inspection. The Forester or Inspector shall inspect all premises and places within the City as often as practicable to determine whether any condition <lescribed in 28.04 of this Ordiliance exists thereon. He shall inspect all Elm trees , at least twice during th e growing season. tie shall make City wide inventory of shade trees by species a.ccording to Minn. AGR 106. He shall investigate all r.eported incidents of diseased trees. L _J � ' J , ' ' , � 6C INVENTORY, INSPECTION tW D INVESTIGATION Subd. 2 The Forester or Inspector may enter upon ENTRY ON PRIVATE private premises at any xeasonable time for the purpose of carrying PREMISES out an.y of the dutzes assigT�ed him under this Ordinance. Si,ibd. 3 The Forester or Inspector sha21 make field DIAGNOSIS diagnoses according to AGR 106 and Iaboratory confirmati.on shall. only be necessary cvhen those definiti.ve symptoms are not present. 28.06 In abating the nuisances defined in 28.04, the Forester ABATEMENT OF TREE or Inspector sha11 prescribe the infected tree or wood to be sprayed, DISEASE NUISANCES raot baxriered, removed, burned, or other4aise effectively treated so as to destxoy the causati.ve organism and prevent, as fully as possible, the spr.ead of tree diseases. Sucli abatement procedures shall be carried out in accordance with existing rules and regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and t]Ze ll.S. Cnvironmental Pro- tection Agency and with AGR 106 of the Minnesota Depar-tment of Agriculture. 28.07 Whenever the Forester or Inspector finds with reasonable PROCEDURES FOR certainty that the infestation defined in 28.04 exists in any tree RF.P90VAL OF INF�CTEB or wood in any public or pr.ivate place i.n the City, he shall proceed TREES AND WOOD as follo►as accarding to the recomrneridations of the Minnesota Depar.tment of Agriculture: PROPOSED REVISION OF ORDINANCE N0. 481 CONTINUED PAGE"3 6 D r � - � ' � , � � i ' ' , ' � L� , ' (a) If the infected tree(s) is located on private property, the Forester shall send a written notification and prescription to the owner of said property. It shall be the obligation of the property owner to carry out the prescrib ed abatement procedure(s) within ten (lt�) days from the date of receipt of the notification unless a written variance is granted by the Forester because of unforeseen physical limi- tations resulting from excessive numbers of diseased trees occurring within the City. If the otianer fails to follow the prescription tvithin the designated time period. the Forester shall notify tlle pxoperty owner by mail that the Forester or Inspector will contract for the abatement of the public nuisance, namely the diseased or dead tree(s} i.n auestion. The Forester or Inspector shall then proceed to contract for the prescribed abatement procedures as soon as possible and shall report to the City Clerk all charges re- sulting from the abat.ement procedures carried out on su.ch private property. The City Clerk shall list- all such. charges along with an addition of 20o for Ci.ty administra- tive costs against each separate lot or parcel by SeptemUer 1 of each year, as special assessments to be collected the following year with current taxes. (b) If the infected tree(s) is located on public land, the Forester shall transmit a similar rYOtification including prescription to the City, County or School Admini- stration responsible for grounds maintenance of said property. Such infestations on public property shall be abated by the respective agent according to the prescription and regulation AGR 106 of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture within twenty (20) days of notification. � (c) The Forester sha12 keep accurate records of the Shade Tree Disease Control. Program and submit the necessary reports to the Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture all as describ ed in Regulation AGR 106. 28.08. Suhd.. 1 Whenever th e Forester determ�.nes th at any tree or wood within t.he City is infected wit.h disease, he may spray all nearby high value trees, with an effective disease destroyin� concentrate. Sprayin� activities authorizecl by this Section shall be conducted in accordance with technical and expert opinions and plans of the Commissiar�er of Agriculture and under the �zpervision of the Cormnissiorier and his agents whenever possible. 28.09 It is unlawful for any person to transport ��*ithin the City any diseased wooct without having obtained a permi.t from the , Forester. The Forester shall grant such permits only �yhen the purpose of this Ordinance will be served thereby. ' L� , 28.10 It is unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or interfere �aith the Porester or his agents �v}iile they are engaged in the performance of duties imposed by t}iis Ordinance. 28.11 Any person, firm or coiporation �,�ho violates 28.09 and 28.10 of this Urdi.nance is guilty of a misdemeanor and may PRIVATE PROPEP.TZ' PUBLIC PROPERTY PROGRAM RECORDS SPRAYiNG TREES TRANSPORTING Lti�00D PROHIBITED INTERFERENCE PROHIBIT�D PENALTY PROPOSED REVISION OF ORDINANCE N0. 481 CONTINUED be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.00 or imprisonment for 90 days. 28.12 Should any section, subdivision, clause or other pro- vision of this Ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall�not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole nor any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. PAGE 4 6E J l� PERSONNEL: SHADE TRE� DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM Recommended Budget for 1974 Supervisor (Naturalist/Res. Coord.) Already budgeted "Tree Inspectors" 2 Univ. students for 480 hrs./ea. @ $3.50/hr. + 12% employees fringe benefits TRANSPORTATION: Vehicle mileage costs CLERICAL: Printing & copying Mailing File cabinet for records UNIFORMS FOR TNSPECTORS: $75 allowance each EQLTIPMENT : Pole pruners - 2 @ $75 EDP: Programaning for record-lceeping Cumputer time Materials CONTINGENCY FQR CITY-CONTRACTED P.EMOVAL (Private Pro eF rtY) ANll �'REATI�ILNT%� : 10 trees @ $200/each TREATTIENT, RFMOVAL, DISPOSAL AND f2.FPLl�NTINGS ON PUSLIC LANI)S . $ 3,410 340 200 400 100 150 150 150 50 50 2,000 Contracts and/ar Parks or Public Works crews (estimated)?�%; 5,004 TOTAL I974 $12,000 �'� To be reimbursed through special assessments to property owners. �'�� Dependent on numbers of diseased trees discovered. ' , CHARLES R. WE�IVER ' HERMAN L.TALLE VIRGIL C.HERRIGK RO�ERT MUNNS JAMES D. GIBBS � WILLIAM K. GOODRICH TH�MAS A.GEDDE JEFFREY P, HICKEN � LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK July 31, 1974 , Mr. Nasim Quershi, City P�anager ' Fridley City Hall b431 University Ave. Fridley, MN 55432 , Dear Nas1m: �� 316 EAST MAIN STREET ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 421-5413 62Y9 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 560-3850 FIRST STATE BANK BUILhING COON RAP�DS,MINN.55433 755-1330 This letter is a response to your telephone inquiry where you asked � me: Whether the cost of removing diseased trees located on the Citys boulevards pursuant to Section 104 of the Fridley Code is the obligation of the City or chargeable to the adjacent property owners? � ��i � ,--, J � , I � � �; �' � � �� � ' In checking Minnesota Statutes 1974 Session Laws, chapter 355, I find th� following: " In accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner, and reasonable notice of inspection having been gi uen to the oR�mer of tiie real property, di seased shade trees shall be removed or treated by the owner of the real property on which such diseas�d shade trees are locat�d within a period of time as may be established by the commissioner. In the case of the expense of removing or treating diseased shade trees located on street terraces or boulevards, not more �.han 50 qercent of such expense may be assessed to the abutting pro��erties by the municipality which expenses shall become a lien on the proaerty. Trees which are not removed or treated shall be declared a pui�lic nuisance and removed by the municipality which may assess the total expense or any part thereof to the property which expense shall become a lien on the praperty." (emphasis added) It would appear from the above State �Statute that the legislature anticipated that the cost of removing trees off the boulevards be shared equally by the property owners and the city. I believe, that this would be a good recommendation to make to the council. ,-� i Sincerely � � U��� Virgil C. errick VCN/rms ,►�1� 7 �FFTCIAL NOTICE CI.TY OE' FRIDLEY PUBLIC iiEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; NUTICE iS IIEREBY GIVEN THI�T the City Council of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Monday� August 5, 1974 to consider the following matter: . A request for appr_oval of a variance of Section 205.053, 4, B4, Fridley City Code, to reduce the side yard setback, adjoiriing an attached garage, from ttie approved 2 feet to .l foot, to allow the construction of a semi-underground garaqe on Lot 6, B1ock 1, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, the same being 5851 West Moore Lake Drive N.E,, i'ridley, Minnesota. (Request ' by Mr. Rowland Jacabsen, 5851 West Moore Lake Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesata,) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the abave matter will be heard at this meeting. . � FRANK G. LIEBL Mayor , _ 7A MUTUAL AGREEMENT ' ' ' ' LJ , ' ' BETWEEN Mr. Rowland Jacobson AND Mr. Roger Jorgenson (5851 West Moore Lake Drive) (58�11 West Moore Lake Drive) WHEREAS; Mr. Jacobson has been granted a permit by the City of Fridley to build a semi-buried garage within two (2) feet of Mr. Jorgenson's property line {granted on July 8, 1974 City Council Meeting), and WIiEREAS; the actual construction that has taken place so far has been built within .1 foot of Mr. Jorgenson's property instead of the required two (2) feet, and WHEREAS; the construction that is affected by the variance is the south wall of the garage that is almost compZeted, NC?W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mr. Roger Jorgenson will not oppose a variance ior the continuation of the construction of the semi-buried�ga.rage by Mr. Jacobson within .1 foot of his property i.f the fallowing conditions are met by Mr. Rowland Jacobson. 1. That a w�od screening fence be constructed on the r�taining wall and on top of the patio/garage roof for the purpose of provid�ng the necessary visual protection and safety of the Jorgenson's property. 2. This fence will be constructed to meet the approval , , of Mr. Jorgenson, wzthin reasonable limits, and will provide screening at the follawing locations: 1 a. The fence will be 62 feet high an top of the patio/ garage roof and will taper down to 4 feet of the front yazd and then extend to a point on the retai.n- ' � ing wall wher� the height of the retaining wall is no more than 30 inches. _ , , b. The fer�ce will continue along the rear yard retaining wall to such point as to match up with Mr. 3orgenson'� chain link fence. ' 3. A rear yard retain.inc� wa11 be� provided as required by the City of Fridley for adequate protectian of Mr. Jorgenson' property. � ' ' � ' 4. That Mr. Jacobson will be r�spansible for any damage �o Mr. Jorgenson's property due to the canstruction of the garage ai�d these damac�es be repaired to a like condition before the construction started. c ; 7� 5. There will be no drainage off of the garage roof onto th� Jorgenson property and.that there will be in no way any overhang or encroachment on the Jorgenson property. � 6. That a bond is set for the protection of Mr. Jorgenson's property in a sum that is equal to that amount necessary to repair any damage to Mr. Jorgenson`s property and cove� the cost of the fence. . 7. That Mr. Jacobson agrees to a11ow Mr. Jorgenson ox' any subsequent. property owners the right of trespass on--his property bet�•�een the fence and Mr. Jorgenson's property for the purpose of maintenance. FURTHER; that Mr. Jacobson agrees to all the above conditians of this mutual agreement and will carry it out in gaod faith. Witness Witness Witness Witness 0 -2- Rowland Jacobson Kathryn Jacobson Roger Jorgenson Jane Jorgenson - , i MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Mr. Rowland Jacobson AND Mr. Roger Jorgenson (5851 West Moare Lake Dri.ve) (5841 West Moore Lake Drive} WHEREAS; Mr. Jacobson has been granted a permit by the Ci.ty af , Fridley to build a semi--buried garage within twa (2) feet of Mr. Jorgenson's property line (granted on July 8, 1974 City Council Meeting ), and ' ' ' , WHEREAS; the actual constxuction that has taken place so far has been built within .1 foot of Mr. Jorgenson's property instead of the required tw�o (2) feet, and WHEREAS; the construction that is affected by the variance.is the south wall of the garage that is almost completed, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Mr. Roger Jorgenson wi.11 not oppose a variance for the con�tinuation of the construction of the semi-buried garage by Mr. Jacobson within .1 foot of his property if the foll.owing conditions are �r►et by Mr. Rowland Jacobson. ' ✓ ' � 0 � ' ' ' . 1. That a wood screening fence be constructed on the property line for the purpose of providing the necessary visual protection an sa ety or t e Jorqenson s. 2. This fence will be constructed to meet the app�oval of Mr. Jorgenson, within reasona}ale limits, ancl will provide screening at the following locations: � a. The fence F�ill be 7 teet hi h alon that portion of and alon the rear r�acent to the qarage structure the ro erty l�.ne ad — --- - c� etaining wall to a oint where the Jorgenson's chain link fence starts. - �-- �- - _, b. The fence wi11 continue.alon the pro erty line the front of the qarage whe�re it will. taper down 4 feet and continue to a point where the re�aini wall is 30 inches hiqh. 3. A rear yard retaining wall be provided as required by the City of Fridley for adequate protection of Mr. Jorgenson's property. 4. That Mr. Jacobson will be responsible for any damage to ' Mr. Jorgenson's property due to the construction of the garage and these damages be repaired ta a like condition before the construction started. ' J i � 0 5. There will be no drainage off of the garage roof onto the Jorgenson property and that there will be in no way any overhang or encroachment on the Jorgenson property. 6. That a bond is set far the protection ot Mr. Jorgenson's property in a sum that is equal to that amount necessary � to repai.r any damage to Mr. Jorgenson's property and cover the cost of the fence. 7. That Mr. Jacobson agrees to allow Mr. Jorgenson or any subsequent property owner the right o� trespass on his property between the fence and Mr. Jorgensan's property for the purpose of maintenance. • FURTHER, that Mr. Jacobsan agrees to all the above conditions of this mutual agreement and wil7. carry it out in good faith. Witness Witness Witness Witness ,• Rowland Jacobson Kathryn Jacobson . Roger Jorgenson Jane Jorge�son `' MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager MEMO FROM: Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant MEMO DATE: August 5, 1974 RE: Agreement Between Mr. & Mrs. Jacobson and Mr. & Mrs. Jorgenson '� I have met with both parties in��olved_in the dispute and I have Iistened to both sides and their concerns. I have drafted a mutural agreement that should satisfy these conGerns. I am ' listing the number of contact5 made in order to set up this agree- ment. ' July 19, 1.974 - 4:30 P.M. I met with Darrel Clark and Mr. & Mrs. Jacobson to discuss the problem of the garage being too close to the lot line and what would need to be done. July 22, 1974 - 10:30 A.M. i went to the site to look at the problem. I•calked to Mrs. Jacobson and discussed the situation. I went next door and talked to Mrs. �genson to determine their feelings about the garage and to set up a meeting between the Jacobsons and the Jorgensons. She wanted to talk to her husband. July- 22, 1974 - 4:30 P.M. I.had a phone call from Mrs. Jacobson to find out if a meeting date had been set. July 23, 1974 - lj).;,00 A.M. I had a call from Nir. Jorgenson about ' meeting with the �cobsons. Before he sets the date he wants to talk to his attorney to find out what he should do.. July 23, 1974 - 4:30 P.M. I called�r�acobson �o inform� ' that I would let her know when the meeting would be. She was s.omewhat apprehensive abaut the Jorgensons bringing in a lawyer. � � � ' � LI ' I , July 24, 1974 - Mr. Jorgenson called to say tha�t he would 3:ike to have a meeting on Monday, July 29, 1974 at hi,s attorney's office at 3:00 P.M. July 24, 19i4 - I called Mrs. Jacobson about the meeting date. She felt it was a bad time because both she and her husband worked and her hus�iand just couldn't take any more time off. July 24, 1974 - I called Mrs. Jorgenson and asked if it would be possible to meet on Thursday, July 25, 1974 or Fridley, July 26, 1974 without any legal counsel and just keep it on a neighbor � basis and try to work ou� an agreement. July 25, 1974 - Mr. Jorgenson ca3.led and said he would prefer to have his attorney at any meetir�g with the Jacobsons. I suggested that I would meet with him and his at�orney and the Jacobsons separately and try to work up an agreement from these separate meetings. Mr. Jorgenson agreed �nd said he would contact his attorney. ' � ' I ' 0 Memo to Nasim Qureshi From Jerrold Boardman August 5, 1974 Page 2 Jacobson & Jorgenson Agreement July 25, 1974 - Mr. Gordon Jenson called to set up a meeting on July 26, 1974 at 3:00 P.M. July 25, 1974 - 3:00 P.M. I met with the Jorgensons and Mr. Jenson to discuss their concerns and what could be dane to solve this problem. July 25, 1974 - 5:30 P.M. I met with. Mrs. Jacobson to inform them of the meeting with Jorgensons and relayed theis concerns and that they should try to resolve the problem with an agreement. July 26, 1974 - 12:30 P.M. Mr. Jacobson called and said he wouldn't build a fence on Jorgenson's property and give hi.m ownership of it. However, he would'build a fence on top of his retaining wall to Mr. Jorgenson's specif ications. � Ju1� 29, 1974 - I drafted a mutual.agreement for both the Jacob�on's and Jorgenson's to sign and delivered the agreement to both parties. (Enc.: Copy of Agreement). July 30, 1974 - Mr. Jenson called and voiced his concern about the fence being on Jacobsons property instead of Jorgensons. He said he would talk to Mr. Jorgenson concerning this issue and get back to me. : August l, 197� - 2:30 P.M. Mrs. Jacobson called about Council- man Starwalt's proposal for setting up a meeting and wanted to know what they should do, since the agreement was acceptable as is. I told her that it wou].d still be a good idea to follow the Couneilman's suggestion for a meeting so that both parties cou?d discuss any disagreements on the mutual agreement that was set�up. August 1, 1974 - 3:45 P.M. Gordon Jensen called to inform me that they wou�d agree to a fence straight down the property line but not to a fence on the retaining_wa11 due to the problem of ownership of maintained areas. - August 1, 1974 - 4:10 P.M. Gordon Jensan called concerning protective covenants on the Phat, Doc. 19637 of Donnay's Lake- view Manon Addition, states that no garage shall be built wi�hin 5 feet of the property line. Mr. Jenson said that this covenant is automatically renewable unless a majority of the property owners vote �he covenants out. He said that their position on this situation would probably be that if the fence would be put in on the property line and all the other agreements were met, they wauld agree to the location of the garage. However, this puts the Jacobsons in a bad position with the covenants. � -- _ __. � __ , _T _- = e - _--- - t �. _ .� � ' Memo to Nasim Qureshi From Jerrold Boardman August 5, 1974 Page 3 , Jacobson & Jorgenson Agreement • August 1, 1974 - 4:30 P.M. I calle Mrs, Jorgenson to set ' up a meeting between the two parti at 5:15 on Fridley a�t � the Jorgensons. Meeting time was .K. with them. ' . August l, 1974 - 4:45 P.M. I talked to Mrs. Jacobson in order to set up the meeting. She said that she thought it was all right, but wanted to discuss it with her l�usband. I also discussed the question of the fence with her, teliing her that � the Jorgenson's were willing to allow a fence to go along the propety line. � August 2, 1974 - 2:30 P.M. I talked to Rowland Jacobson. He couldn't meet at 5:15 and wanted to make it later. Time wa�s set for 6:45 P.M. ' August 2, 1974 - Mutual agreement was modified to satisfy bot� parties. , August 2, 1974 - 7:00 P.M. Met with both parties and discussed agreement. Both parties did not sign the agreement although both were in agreement with the stipulations. ' ' . ' Jerrold Boardman ' . Planning Assistant � JLB/de. Enct . . ' , _ :��,,�"=" _ ' . ' ' . , � , _ _ . ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. _ _ _ _ _ � , r.sw ossiasa BARNA, C�IIZY. HYNhS, G}IANCOLA � JENS�N. LTD. PETER BARNA . soasax s, 6IIZY ROBEHT O. SYN�9 CiA8RIE1. D. 6IANOOLA caoanox r.. asxesx Tso�se surrw��a aoax e. ae�rz �nwaxn e. soas, as. August 2, 1974 788'i644 e.s�w aans ei9 3700 d�NTRAi. AVENUE N. �. �xx�Aror.zs, nnx�v�soT� ss��i City Hall City of Fridley Fridley, Minnesota 55432 AttenCion: Jerry Soardman � Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find photocopies of Protective Covenants for your review. Thank you. Sincerely, 'G7C�c-7?�. "/�'-�L� � �� Gordon L. Jensen G3ikh Enc . . � � 0 0 P:;;�L�„':�:'I':IO;. C:�' Y:iO'i'��:C'i'I?r.,, CC�'.-.'":!`::'1'S h This decl�.r�t�_cr. r:�a.dc tll:is ��7 da�• o{' _ ��1 � , 1%;:, by COI�'Ji::t-;IA S,'CU:ili'Ii�S �� I?�Vt�,S�i.�i';"1' CO., a t;inncsot� cor•���r4tion, hvx•:��n- afte� xefE�rred i;o as ��llccl.zi•ant,tt; 1r'1ITI'd'�SS �TrI, That ; . i COLU'�u7.� 5:��:;�tI`I'1r:� �� I?dV�,S'1'A �,��i' C�. is tr.e a�vn�:r �oi' the real /4 r: a E-cz property situate:i in the County of' ��, S�;ate of P:ii� ►nesot�, platted as "� �onnay � s Lakevieti�r r;ianor �,ddi_tion��, and here'�y imposes upon and s�abject� all of th� lots in said Addition with the except ou of Lot k ive (5 ), $lock r ive (5 ); Lot Tvn:nty-two ( 22. ), Flock TYn 10); :znd Uutlot One (1) which are specifically e�cluded i'rom these est.ricti�n�, to the follovain� cunciitions, restrictioiis, reservations an covennnt� for the bene!'it of said property Fina its pre,,r�nti and fucure o��rt rs� anci ar z'ee that as Declarant COIIV2VS [??C}] � nt._ f.}tn rnrivr�tiannn cho7l .�. -a-.�.��---=-- thereto.. 1. ' buildir an�v � 1 1 ' , � ,� � ' � ' � ' ' ' � 0 p:!r:ced er alte,°c:c, �n n.�iy 1oi; n�ar•er �,o ��r.�� si,rer,t th�:ri ii�c� ru�.rlil�,�:t;. bui:�ciin�=, setb�:ck line uilless sicnilar:L�r �;�r.r�o�•c�d. 3. \o d��eZlin� shall be t�er•�n-itl.ed or. �u�y ].ut unless the �rour.d floor area oi t'r_e m.ain str�;cture, exclus�.ve ot" anF�-:,tor�� u�crz �;orciic;s <-�rid ;az•ag��s, corit�_ins at le��si 800 s�ua1•e i'e�t. Lt• No bui.l�i�n�; sh�.11. Ue Iocated c�n any l�t nearer than_ t��:enty- five (25) �eet to the front lot line nor neax•er than ten (10) ie�t to t}ie side street line. No nuildinf; sh��l be located r.eaz•er than teii (10) feet to an interior lot line except for a det�ched or attached garage, which shall not be l�cat�ed nea.rer than five (5) fec;t to an interior l�t lire. No d��rellinU sh� 11 be loca�;ed on any interior lot nearer th�r ten �10) feet to the rear 1�t line. Far the p!Lrpose oi' tris covenanf�, eaves, steps, i , and �pen porches shall not be considered as a part oi a bui'ld?ng, provide�, . ; - ' hor.ever, that this sh�ll not, be consLi•ued to peruut ar�,y por'�cior, of a � building on a lot to encroach upon another lot. 1 5• No dwellinF7 shall be erected or laced on an r 1ot� havin� a � P 3 � � width of less t' nor sha11 a �ess tr .�� :�:1 a.�.�c��-:r.�e ar �:uis�:nce. � � 8. i�0 Si.T'll: ture Of� 2 f:el':DOS'� T'}' CYl<'1T'F!C�E;I'� tT'<:zler, b�.SECj6i11'�� ten�., s�ac1:, �;ara�;e, barn or oti:;�r outbtl�lo.itli; shall be used on �r.�� l.ot a � ar� ti!:i� �.s a resider:ce eit,L:er {;e�;;:�arai•il.y or rercriar��nt1��. 9• There shall bc an architectural. control cornc�i�tee co�nnosed of : ` John Donnay 5932 E11i.ot Avenu.e SuutY:, 2�Tinheapolis, t�,':it�neso�a; �,ouise ,�,. Donnay 5932 E�.�.1�� A1enue South, 1:!in��e�polis, �!iz�nesotu; I3yrne H. Aenson 61ltb Shcz•id�:n ��venuc Suu.ih, ::i�nnea;�ol�_s, i�:lr.nesota. A majority of the co�n�-�ittee may desirn��e a representat've to act far it. In the event of deaLh or r�es�.�nation af any mei��ber of t e corli-�iittee, th=: remair.in� meir�ers shall ha�;e full aut.:o: ity to desi� nat a successar. Neither the members oi ihe com�niti�ee, nor its desi�;na�o representative srall be enti�led to ar�y coil..ensation far services perf' rned pursuant to this co�-enant. At any time, the then record a���mers of majori�y oi t:^.e lots shall h;ve the potiver t hrou� h a dt!ly rec on��d VrT'1t.�Ii n ir.s�rument to chanpe the mem��ership uf tne committee or to withdra�r f or� the com�nittee . . - - - - _ _ — --_ _-- or resiore to � l� C Ot'@r .- i J 0 ' �__ J i �� � ' ' � � i , � i , __ i 0 c �'���� Z:'s::i'S I:'l�;ii t�f:E'. Q<:�(.'. i.i'e'.:�E; Cl)Vt.:`:; Itl,:� ' 7'U 2't.'.COItI:':2� Filt.E.'2' '�`i�11G�i t.1:�:2 s�ia cc>��:��:nt,s st:�.li be r:uto:�a��c-_lly ��::f��,r.r',e:i f'or �ucces.,i�e n�rioc:s of ter� (10) ye�1•;. unl.e�s an i,lsi;i•U�ae;:i, si� ,it�ci i�y a.:���urity c:f' i.:�e cvrn�rs cf l:riC' .�Ot,S f!c::� �'.'•?1 Z't',CU'_i�t:f±� ��.�;iE'.i.'.�Il�° t:U Ct'::'I1�;C ::'1-il CGVE'2"t.';�iT.;S lIl ii�lOit'. ��'_' an p?r-t. ]_2. iI72�UI'CE.'GiE'rii. S�2c.11 �J0 t�� DT'UCE-'t;l?lil�'S c:�. ZfiYr Oi' lri GQL:1.Ti�' uU�:l2^.9ji. �1I7� z:�erson Ul' �X'SOi1.4 V1013i:1I] � O� �.i,{.,F�it1�J�].R;; tU violate ur�� coven�,nt Eit�"tE.'T' t,0 TC:itrnir? tne So7.0 V101c^.t10i1 OI' 'i.0 T'E:COVEY' CI�-Ti1<<,E'•S. 13. Inva.lidation of any one �£ ttiese cove�nants atid restrictions by jud� ment or co�lrt orde�• s!:�.11 i.n no tivise � f'.f'ect any of �he ot}ier pro�-isior.s which shall ren�ain in f ull i orce ana ef'fect . � I:d TES'�'Ix�',U,�iY ;'1'.{Ei?�.'OF, Dec1�:r�:nt tlas ��.i;:>ecl tt��sc ��rc�scr�ts �o be exF�ct�t,ed in its corporate name �nd its cal�porate seal to be herc?Lnt� ; a►'?'ixeu the day and. year first above ti^mit'1,e:n. � Si�,ned, Seal.ed and Deli_ver�d ' n Presnn^e o;'i � .� ' ��'-�' /c/Cc�.�-[--�"`'L i�U sTa l�, r . , �. �., �OT ', .� . �� •..� F, , ;. r � � �j ' ' ' ti.. ,; ' ::7� ,. '�'�`,. ` t. .t. CULL�':T�?I � S� �??i,.:CTI;�S �c , � .� .�` �3' �,<-/� • 1 S� �I:�S'TF�:tiT CG. �� I � ; -:,. f.,:,� ��.. �._,- I rasi�PnL, � r_a. B�► J I � yi � o �d 0 � � 7 I O � b � �' � a y I V: � O ''�d � r� � � � I � �' fi i,Z � �,.`�y � { 7 � N � C7 � �' � Q7 � � � � -�._. . �� � ,�� � a , �,, �i� I � v � ,� � { � ; , - -� ,.�� � j' "�'� � .. ; _ -�, �„ I ;� � ; �z .,: i � ,.� �� . .� f : � i , . •, ; ., _, � I � ��� '� > .i �; ., i ;� :l� , ; r � i y i i � � � � \ l'' " f � � 1 ; ;, ;,�, = _ :, _: �: �1 �� 5{ 1 -_ �— f �' ` � :. 1' . ; ! ,, ;� ; � _ - y !� � .`� e . � ' ��� �? `I �; � f� ;O � � � I � � �'+ ' > n � <_� i i � ��� a -�� � t ' —i �;i� ^ � �� �Ai � A � !i i..� i � _� � •: ' _i ( f . � �C ' � �� f" i1 ; ; A Y �.� �( y � �'.l , 1 � s ! '', � � -� ( �; i i i .. : � � Fa c� �� � o �� [ i ry � � Cn : c� �;; �•� !73 c-; �=> `�' �--�� c=: F-i ^��; �= �� �� r �i � C,� � "v] '-1 � :. C) � F' . fU I-� r "-r---. __ _ _ _. . .. . 'L: \l ��.1-1 ' �- ' c�) y 1 ±. _ �-7 cu j U. .'. � �7 �+ �'' � -3 ! � , H � _ . (�' R _ ._ . _1-. . _,\ `� �. � l`� �� vT •V ' I lY � o � 2; _ U y� T � � Q n G � � � F � •� j�j � � - ti1 ..T. s ��.� _.�L_ . _. t� u ` Al � �_ � � 1 . MED90 T0: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager ' hfEMO rROM: Richard N. Sobiech, Assistant Engineer ' ' � DATE; 5UBJECT: July 31, 1974 Emer.gency Ordinance for Repair of Well No. 5 Attached for your consideration is an Emergency Ordinance which will allow for the repair of Well No. 5. The well was struck by liglitning on July 17, 1974, �ahich resulted in a burned out pump motor. An emergency situation exists due to the fallowing: 1. A period of high water consumption as witnessed during , the first two weeks of July still remains a real possibility and use of i1�e11 No. 5 is required to provide adec{uate ser- vice to residents of Fridley. ' 2. At the present time, all other �vells are functioning properly, ?:owever, repair of tiaell No. 5 will provide the required water flo�v in the event failure of another well ' takes place (two wells out of service in a high consump- tion period could possibly result in an inadequate supply of watex) . ' � 3. Conversation with local we11 companies indicate a 12 to 15 mon�h waiting periad if a new pump motor would have to be ordered from a pump manufacturer (Layne Minnesota has indicated that they have a pump motor with the required specifications in stiock). , Attached, also find a memo indicating a11 costs required to place Well No. 5 bacic in operation. Layne Minnesnta was called in to review the damaged well and prepa.xe an estimate of all costs because they were ' ' the well company to perform initial construction in 196I and subsequent maintenance i_n 1972. Discussion with other well companies regarding the cost indicates the estimate is competitive. ' ' The City insurance comnany has stated that the damage to Well No. S caused by ligYitning is not covered due to the fact that the well is sub- mersible wtih no structures involved while insurance coverage is basically for structure damage and related equipment housed inside a structure. In view of the above, the F..ngineering Department recommends that the , �mergency Ordinance be adopted to a21ow Layne D4innesota to repair the well as noted. The well could be in operation �aithin 3 to 5 days after adoption of the ordinance. ' , � E:3 DEPARTTZENT OF PUBLIC tJQRKS CITY OF FRIDL�Y riEMO T0: Richard SoUiech, Assistant City Engineer MEMO FROM: Ralph Volkman, Superintendent of Public �dorks MEr10 DATE: July 31, 1974 SUBJECT: Estimate on k7e11 ��S from Layne Minnesota by Chuck Albert Item I Cut and thread 8" pipe $20.00 per thread. TOTAL- $160.00 And estimate time of 3 hours at $31.85 per hr., total of $95.55, for pick up and delivery of the pipe to be threaded and delivered back to the well site. If extra pipe is needed $16.50 per ft. af 8" threads and caupling black pipe, passible 20 ft. TOTAL- $330.00 Item II Item III 1-8 inch Check Valve Estimated cose $2�0.00 1-125 horse power motor Cost- $7,898.00 Freighted in cost estimate $100.00 Item N To pull out the pump using equipment and three n�en for 12 hrs, at $62.OQ per hr. TOTAL- $744.00 Item V Shop Time For disassembly and reassembly of the motor to the pump at $15.50 per hr., iar 10 hours. TOTAL- $150.00 Item VI Reinstall pump antl test into the system using equipment and 3 cnen for 12 hours at $62.00 per hr. TUTAL- $744.OQ The total estimate to put Well 7�5 back in service as a result of being struck by li.ghtening. TOTAL- $10,326.40 ��- ����..�.._._._ Rf1LPH V OLICMAN Superintendent of public Works • � • � 1 .�I 1 ORDINANCE N0. �:� AN Eb1ERGENCY ORDINANCE FOR 'I'HE CONTRACTING AND EXPENDITUFZE OF FUNDS FOR THE REPAIR OF WELL �5 IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain: Section 1. That the Council finds that it is necessary to repair Well #5 in the City of Fridley in order to iurnish an adequate and safe supply of water to water consumers and to safeguard the present investment in said We11 #5; that accordingly, an emergency does ex- ist within the pravisions of 5ection 6.06 of the City Chartex. Section 2. That ifi is deemed°necessary that the City of Friciley contract and expend funds for labor and materials for the xepair of Well #5 on a negotiated basis without advertising for bids. Adopted this Sth day of August, 197Q, by the City Council of the City of Fridl.ey. CITY OF FRIDLEY By: FKANK G. LIEBL, Mayor ATTEST: Marvin C. Brunsell, Ci�y Clerk Fublish: ♦ � � CTTY OF FRTDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 17, 1974 CALL TO ORDEft: PAGE 1 9 Vice-Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. ROLL CALL: . Members Present: HarYis, Linc3blad, Blair Members Abseni: Fitzpatr.ick, Drigans - Others Present: Da�rel C1ark, Community Development Administrator APPROVE PLANNTNG COMMISSTON MINUTES: JUNE 19, 1974 MOT.ION b� Lindblad, seconded by B.Zair, that the minutes of the Ju�4e l9, 1974 meei�.ng af the PZannir�g Commissior� be approved as raritten�. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot.ing aye, t11e motzon carried unanirnously. �CEIVr BUTLDING ST�iNDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUk�COMMITT�E I�4INUTES: JUNE 25, 1974 MOT.Z'ON b� BZa.ix, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Cornm.�:ssion receiv� �he rainutes of the Building StaMdaras-Design Control Subcom- mit�ee meeting of June 25, I974. Upon a voice vote, a11 votinc/ aye, the mation carried unanimously. RECEIVr BOARD OF 11PPEALS SUBCOMMITTF� MINUTI�S: JUNE 25, 1974 MOTTON by Lindbl�d, seconded b� B1air, L-hat the Planning Commiss.iorr ' receive the rninvtes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee meeting vf June 25, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a11 vo�ing aye, the mot.zon carried unanimousl�. I2�CEIVE T30ARD Or %1'PrALS SUL'C�Z�IM1TTl� MTNUTES : JULY 9, 1.974 MOTI(�N by BJ_air, secol�ded by Iindb.Zad, that the Planning Coinm.issiol� •�• receive i-he m_inutes o.f the Ltoard of Appeals Subcommii�tee meei;ing of Ju1y 9, .Z�74. Upon a vo.i.ce vote, al.Z votiny aye, thc motion c��rried unanimousZy. , � ' , REC�IVT 1?1�RKS & P.??CRLATT�PS COMMISS:CON SUBC0��1?�1I'i'TEE MINUTES : MAY 20 , 1974 T M01'1'ON by Blair, seco��de.d by Iindb�ad, tha� the Planning Cor,tmissior: receive th� minaf_es of tlte Parks & Recreati:on Commiss.ian Subcomrn.if:tee meetiny of May 20, 1974. Upon a voi.ce vote, al1 voting a�e, the motion carricd unanimously. R�CL1V� PARICS & IZFCI2EATION COMMTSSION SUBCOr4N1TTTFE MINU`i'ES: JUNP 25, 1.974 M.OTIO1� by I_i.nc7b1ar3, seconded hy Blair, ihat the P1f3nning Contm.i_ss.ior� reCeivc� the minttfies of the Parks & Recreat.iorz Commission Subcomm.i�tee .� I , , , ' , ' � ' Planninc�Commission rleeting - July 17 , 1974 page 2 9 A mceting of June 25, 1974. Upon a vo.ice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carr.ied unanimously. 1. PUBLIC fiEARING: REZONII�'G R�QUEST, ZOA #74-03, CITY OF FRIDLEY: Rezone Chases Island located on Government Lot 5, from CRP-2 (flood plain) to CRP-1 (floodway) �. . r10TIOTT by B1aix, seconded by..Lindblad, that the Planning Commission waive the rcad.inq of the Pub.Zic Hearing notice on the request for rezvning by the Cii:y of Fridl.ey, ZDA #{74-03. Upon a vo.ice vote, a11 votii�g at1e, the motion carried unanimously. - • Mr. Clark said -�l��i.s zoning cl�ange was recommended by the Depart- ment of Naf�ural Resources. Tt is actually a condition of their appr_oval oi our fl:>oca plain ordinance. IIe said that as this is all C�_ty owned. �;roperty <.tncl this change wouldn't affect what would be built on t.}zis prop� z�y, the C.ity adminis�Lration recommends approval of this requesi. . Nir. Lir�c'.i�lad asl:ed if this zoning change would prevent any building on this p.r_oper-ty? T•1r:( Clark said it �ti=ould permit structures that. haye . a:Lo�,= f 100� damacre po tential e Mr. Harr�_s saic{ this' will be changing the property from the 1Q0 ' year floo��i I.evel. to t11e 50 year flood level. Mr. Clark said that what the Department of A7a�i:ural Resources is saying is that they want this property to be in a iuore restxictive district. ' .' ' ' ' ' I ' ' u Mr. Lincl�lad asl;ed v,hat �.�as the purpose of this zoning change? Mr_.. Clar}� said he thought. the Depar.tment of Natural Resou.rces was right i_» rcquesting this change. In a CRP-2 district, houses and garages can be be bui?t ��>>_th a special use permit being granted. IIe said tl�a t he dic�r� ` t think they knew when they requested this change that this �,:��s City o�,rned land and that there is no intention to build anything on i�.-iis isl�nd except slielters. Mr. Clark then read the uses allov�ed in �� CI�P-1 districi�. (1) Any use having a law flood c�ama.ge potential i;�c7_udir�c; :ii�creatiolzal use, parking �lots, residential yards, loading arcas, stora.��c yarcls, ��ater control structures and other open space use. (2) Sf.ructures accessory to the above uses may be permittec� if : a) St.���iictures �:r� not for human habi-L-ation. b) Struc-tures have a 10�,� flooc3. damage po(�ential.. c) Structures are firmly anchored ta pr.eventfloat.ation. c.) �ccessory buildinqs are not more than 150 square �e:et. (3 ) �lI si.r�zct;�zres are permiti�ed in this s�ction with the e�ception ai publir. u�es requi.r.e a Special Use I>ermit. (4) Any r.emaval of existing -trees over_ 3 inches in diameter shall require City approval. (c) Pt�}:�l.ic Facilities Public utility facilities, railroad t:racks and k�ridgcs � �,iitliin the prc�servation District shall be desic�ned to minimizc ii�crea,cs in flocd elevation and must be reviewed by all gavr_rnmental_ uodic�> li<iving jurisdiction, but in a11 eases the City of L'ri.dley �r�.17. makc� �lie final determinaLion. Mr. Clark said i.his do�st�1't affect the use of the property as far;:as the City is concerned. Mr. 33ert Slater, 128 River Fdge Way N.�., said the reason he was at thr. meetiilcJ was bec��usc he �•�otil.d like i�o know wliat was being proposed -��--. � . Planning Comm�.ssion Meeting - Jul.y 17, 3974 � Page�3 9� for Chases Island. Mr. Clark said the purpose of this meeting was to change the zoning of this island from flood plain to f lood way. About a year ago, the St�te of Minnesota passed legislation to iorce municipalities to have flood plain zones. In order to do thi�, the City hac� to set up these zenes and Fridley decided to call th�se CRP-1 and C]'.P-2. The City s�nt tneir Ordinance and map of these dist.ricts �o tlic Dc:partr�ent of Natural Resourc�s. They, in turn, sent :i.t i:o tlz� I�rmy Corp. of �ngineers and they studied it and recom?n�nded ;.1�_.�- �ae ch�rlge the zoning of Chase Island. This is not a praposal to build �ny particular structure on this island. Mr. S1a ;:<_�V asked a_f the Planning Commission was aware of what was being �>��oi>rs,s�d for the Islands of Peace. Mr. Clark said he caasn't dirE�ci�ly iz���r: 1�%��c? witlz this proje�ct but he had heard they were inten�':�ng i�> �,c:��vT� a shc��ter jus-� so people could ge�;. out of the weat.her, a7�c:� s^rne TllOtP_ pa�.hways. �Je thought they were working on a doc}�. P��r. C1�_x7-l: said thcre is an Island a� Peace Faundation which Jerro3 c� Bozl::�f':n�_��i of: thc� City staff was working with, and he told Mr. S1at�r h� co;�.ld ca]_1 him if he had any questions on this project. Mr. S1�:�t.r-:1. asked if the Planniizq Commission was aware of the bic_yr_1.� ro�t:-c� iaroposa�_ and the questionnaires on this proposal. Mr. C7_ark said �=tz�.-l: aboui� _l, 000 residences were getting these questionna? res on a rando,�7 ����ais. Fle said he thought it would be some time in August before the,i.;.l:.ormation had been gathered from these questionnaires. He said th��t: c�zze of the member_s of the Planning Commission would be aslce�z to sii_ o:z the Coz�ulli_i�tee far this bicycle route so they cauld bring inforr,«_�cion back to the Planning Commission at that time. P�irs. Irc�:.� i��a�r-tens, 144 I2iver Edge VJay N.E. , said that all sr.e knew aboui, i i��� deveZoprnent of the Islands oL Peace is what she had lear_tic�c�i at t'.�.,_:� State f'air. She �ti�ondered i� this rezoning would a�fect. h�r I;:��:.}a,�rty bcc�usE� i_t was so clos� to Chase Island. Mr. Clar_): said t':-�1. _; requc�:�t �;las just rezoning Chases Island. • Mr. Sla i-:�:�:�- aslted if in time � there would be walkways on the Nor. t:3: end oi C'��.a.s� :Cs]_�na. I-Ie said thcr_e was a walkway ta the school on }� i;� p�-�p�:�l� :, �r . 11t th� time thi s wa.5 put in, it was said that this wou7_c� r�.�vc.r. ;�;c a bicycle path, but it is. He said this was put in ior trze sai-c�f,y of children and he would question how safe this walfiway was ac thi.s t:�.l�i�. His cozzc�rn wa.s that th� traffic on this walkway raoulci be inc��-e<�sc�a due ta �uture development of Chase Island. 2�Ir. Cl�..,�'c �>aici there was just a narro�a strip for the City ta get their� vehic.:�_es to Cha�e Island for mai_ntenance, but there would be r�o pu1�J_:i_r. vchic.�.c access i�o the Is7_and. Mr. Harris said there was no wa�� t:iley co�,�:lci get from the Norih end of Chases Island to public right� ot caay. Mr. C1�-�r1: said the North end of Chases Island was a lo-l-. 1oti7c�i- tl��.an the South end. Mr_s. D'taertens asked if they could add fill. �iiid m�il:c it hig).zer. Mr. Har.ris said that before that could be done, �ex�m.is��ion would lzave to bc gotten from the Department of Natural I:csc�Ezcea, and he didn't think they would permit that. Mrs. N��ca-teiis �a_i.d it has also been m�ntioned that this zoning woixlcliz't a:l_1ow trees �o be cut down. Mr. Clark said i:hat was right, but t.he Cii�y '�'lc�e Oi:dinance would pr.ohibit this anyway. ' . �... _� ., � 1 P1anT�:inq Commission Meeting - Ju1y 17, 1974 Page 4 � MOTIDN by BZair, seconded by Lindblad, that �he Planning Corrtrriission c3ose th� PubZic liearing on the rezoning request, ZOA #74-03, by the City of Fridl�y. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye, tlze motion carried � unanimously. MOTIOIV by Lindb.Zad, secondeci by Blair, that the P.�anning Commission recommend to Council approval af tne rezoning request, ZOA #74-03, b� , the Czf�y of Fridley �o•rezonc Chases Island, �ocaied on Govexnment Lot 5, trom CRP.-2 (fload plain) to CRP-Z (floodway). � r �� , � r � � L� r �J Mr. Harris sa3_d he would like the Isl�nds of Peace Faundation to either present their plans to the Parks & Recreatian Commission or �he Planning Commissian so thc� members woul.d have some idea of what was planned for ihi.s area. Mr. Slair said they haa been .to the Parks and �.ecreation Commission abou�. a year aqo but he believed they wen-L- azrectty to Counci_1 at the present time. Mr. Haa�ris said he thougr�t '��1�Y'� sliould be some way for the Planning Commission to know what they plan fc.�x -L-h:is projecL aJ.so. . UPON 7� V�TCE VOTE, a11 votinq aye, the mo��on carried unanimous.ty. 2. PUI3LTC HLARI:PIG : r.EQUEST FOR A SPECIAL L3SE FERMIT, S� #�74-12 , BY GOkCO CC}I�STF2U(:TION COMI't�NY: Per_ Fridley City Code, Section 205.157, 5, U, to al.law the constzuction of a garage in CRP-2 z-oninc� (flaod plain) on Lots 21 and 22, Block T, Riverview Heic�hts, the sa.me being 675 Fairmont. S-�reei� N.E. A7��'.ZORl by Lindblad, seconded by BZ�ix, that tlie PZanning Comr.t.zss_ion waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice on the request for a 5per_ia.Z Use Perrnit, SP #74-.22, by Gorco Construction Company. Upon a voice vo�e, a11 voting a�e, tlze mo��o.n carried unanimously. Mr. C�ark sai.d thc� Gorco Construction Company was building a aetached garage far Robert Wo•I.mutt at 675 Fairmont Street N.E. He '. s�id tha.t this garage �,,�as uridc�r construction bc�iore the inspection d�partnient knew it was being built. We Xed tagged the construction• and t�ol.d thein th�y h�d to go thr�ugh thia process befare th�y coulcl c��t a buil_ding }�ermit. The garage aci�ually me�t5 all the building code�. This w�_7.l b� lacated on the edge of the CRP-2 zone. The adm:ir�istration has na obj�c�.ian to this garagc being buil�. As lonct as it a:s not for. ht�man habita�ion, the r�stri.ctions on this cans-tx�tac�Lioz are not that gr_�at. We have sent the required notice to the Depari�m�nt of N�tur�l 12esourccs and they haven't responded, sa it could be assuiiled that they ha�e no objectian. r9�-. tiarris ask�d if they have met tlxe o�her requests that werc� in ' the le�ter in th� agenda. Mr. Clark said there was no lett�r froin N.S.l?. ' , Mr. �d Girard, G£�0 G].encoe Street N.�., sai_d he had two questions. k�ho was supposcd i;.o ge�. the building permit, the builder or the home ownel°, and i� the City dic�n't hav� to take some responsi.bility �or �his c�arz�je bei.nc� started wa.thou�. a building pc�rmi� or the requirc�d spec:ial u�� p�rit�it. Mr. Cla�k saic� �hai: as sc�on as thcy found out a garag� t���s unde� constructian, the Cit�y stopped the conatruction unti2 , Planning Commission Meeting - July 17, i974 • Page 5 a special use permit and a building permit cou�d be obtained. As � �ar as who g�ts the building perini�, this is an agreEment b�tween the builder and the home owner. Sometimes, th� owner agrees to get �he permit, an� doesn't get around to it, and all of a sudden the masonry man is �here to put in the s1ab. We can double fee anyone ' wha starts construction without a building p�rmit. It is sometimes difficult to determine if this was something delik�erate or not. • � � Mrs. Girard said she didn't think this garage was ].ocated 3 fect fram the side property line. Mx. Clark said �ae have a new suy-vey of this pxoperty a�ter the slab was in �or the garaqe and this sur_vey � shows the garac�e is three feet from the line. He said that 3. f_=eet was not very much. , � � � Mr. Gixaxd asked why the- petit�.oner need�d a special use pe.r_�nit 3.f this garage meet� all the codes? Mr. Clark said it was bec�:�use it was in the flood plain (CP.P-2). Mr. Girard said tlieir ho��c and garac�e was just bu3_]_t a year ago anc� they �aerc eloser to the i�ivei th��{: this garage wa� and they didn' t have to c�et a speci.al use per_tr.i. L- . Mx . Clark said they wauld if tha.t house was being huilt now, but tl�ia-t t�hi�_ ordi�zance wasn`t in effect a year aga. MOTiON by Lindblad, seconded by Blair, that the PZanning Com�?i.zss:�.:.. . close the Public Flearing on the rec�i�est for a Specia.l Use Permit:, SP #7�-I2, by Gorco Constructzon Compan�. Upon a voice vote, a]I votin,� aye, the IROt1021 carr_ied unan.imously. MOTiON by Blair, seconded b� Lir�dbZad, that� the PZann.ing Co.'�11?1.1SSZv_: � recotrrmend �o Cour�r,�..1 approval of �he �request far a Sp�ci.�3 Use Perzna.t; SP �(74-I2, by Gorco Constructian Comp�rt�y , per Fridley City Code, Sect.zorz 205.Z57, 5, D, io allow t1�e coilstruction of a ga�age _in Cr??-2 � zoning (�Zood p�a�_n) on Lots Zl and 22, B1ock T, River_view Fleigl�ts, the .same being G75 Fa.i.rmoizt Si:reet N,E. with tr2e stipulation that thc petit.i.oner ob�ain a lei'ter from Nor. �her_n States Power Comp.�l�tt ' yr�3nting him perrn_ission to build clos�r than 5 feet to L-he re�.r .Zot 1ine. Upon a voicc vot�, all votinc� aye, tlie motion carried ur<an.irnou:�.: .� l__f � �� � i � 3: }3rT�LBOARDS DISCtISSIOI�d: BILL taEISS SIGN Mr. CJ.ark said the reasoi� fhis was put an the agenda vaas because a cou��le of ineetings ago yc�u requested a joznt meeting with t?�c City Counr.il anc� �_ t.a ted you eti�ould l.i_ke to talk about �Lhe H��de P�.� k Study, the armory �ind bil.lbvards. The armory is si�ill �ending, Bi1I Nee is looking izxt:o the IIyde Park issue aild c��i.11 report back �i�o i:hc Council, and �Lhey wil� decide if they want the Planning Comriissa.ot�. involved in �his or not. The City Manager asked Peter Her1ol��i�y �to find ouf what the Planning Commission wanted to discuss as faz �s ba.11boards arE concerried. , Mr. C�ark �aid the r_eason Bill ti�eiss `s nanle is included in t:his paxt of i�he ac�end�� w�is b�cause h� wanted to tell the l�lanning CUTIlI?11SS1 c? that tliis sign blew down. Tie said he told 1�1r. tiVeiss that in ord�r t:r_� put this sigix up again, he wc�uld h�zv� to have the pr.oZ�erty� rezoilcd, apply for threc vari�znces, and abtain a Special Use Permit. Mr. Clat-i; said h� told M.r. Weiss }ie didn` t t.liirlk hc cauld jum�? al_1 thosc� hiir�les to gei: Ilis sign put up again. H� s�zid Yie �is3:ed liim i�o wait and �ec: rPlanning Commission P�Ieeting - Ju��� 17, 1974 Page 6 if his business suffered becau�e he didn't have this sign, or if ' ,� p�opl.e had trouble finding his Iocation. Then it it was creating a problem, he could consider this again. ' Mr. Lindblad asked if the State ti7ould have to approve this sign. Mr. C1arl: said ii: was not in hic�hway right-of-way. � � � Mr. Iiarris said �thc.y would 1i1�e to discuss the policy th� City Cauncil woul_d 7_ike to have th� Planning Co_mmission follow in considering Spccial Use I�ezmits Lor billb�ards. A�r. Lindblad said we should know if the City Couricil is going t.o support us or not. Iie said there was no use in the Planaiing Cc�;.1,R1.SSlO�i l�a�slii�.g over these billboards if Cot�ricil is goinc� to a�-prove al._t the reqtzes�s. � • t1r. Cla.r]: said you could fa.nd out what they important cri L-.eria to tz�e; t}��c� intersec-i._� on, the The Planninc� Ccn�missic�n shoulc� l_noca iL t�hey are ' the �cime for �hese billl�oards or if they are in them. �I �1 � ' � ' , i:hinlc is zaning, i_n favor favar of the most or the R- ]_ . of extending eliminating Mr. Linabl.ad saici he thouc,h� �Lhe P1.anning Comrn�ssion should have some input fr_cni Counc�i_1 before ��:c� have ��o handle these requests. N.�r. Ha.rris said �: c should iind ou-L- if_ Couricil i.s concerned abaut ballboax'ds at:. all. Mr. Cla.rk. a�ked iT the PJ_�=r�ning C�nuii �sion had a pref�r.ence on whc�n this j�:�nt meetit�, slzould �e helc�. AZr. Harris sa�_d he thought an orf Wediic�sc�ay wou.l_��.' be a qc:,a:� nig�ht for the Planning Commission. Mr. C1ark s�Aid he w�:� i d a ind oi!i� the �ou�lci_.l'.s fce7_ings, and the Planning Cornmissi.on rn:=�rabers could be cali.ed. 9. I3ICYCLL I?I-�TIIS COi�:al`1'TEE Mr_, C1ar_k: asked P�:��:'. Blai�- i� he wo�i?.c� s�rve as an �x-offic.io mc�muer of th�t Bicycl_c- 1'��tlz Cc:>>1�mitt.c�e. Ai�_. Blair said he would. A�r. Clark said i:f: tYiere ��rc>re any :ninutes ��:r th.ese mc�etings, he should malce sure -�Y�� PZann�.r�:� Commi::�.�ion sec� tli�m. They wouldn' �L h�ave to receive them at �Lhe�_1' m°; �tii�c;, bu�t th���1� ��rould kzzow �,ihat �aas going on. 11D�70P,NP•�L,NT a MOt.I017 L�� Lindx�l���1, secol:r'�c��t by � adjourn tl�ei.z' meetin� ��t 9:35 I'.1�1. the motian carxied tin�:cnimous.7.y. ' . ,� � :c��i Fc�.�pectful.l� submitl , ,� �' ' ' 1•�C':�r ;�-���% �- c��� �1a _� ...._.--- - Aa�:othy l�vc�!l:;on, Scer���t.a�y B_7.air, that tl�e Planning Commission Upvn�a voice vote, a12 voting aye, :�� � �'' � BUILDING ST�NDAI:DS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCO?•t,iITTEE h1EETING OF JULY 18, 1974 The meeting was called to order by Chaixman Lindblad at 8:OO.p.m. � A1EAIB�I'.S PRESENT: Lindb lad, Simoneau, Cari��lano, Tonco biED1BL•]t5 AI3SI�NT: 'i reuenfe ls OTHEP.S PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant ' ' , T�OTIOV by Cariolano, seconded by Simoneau to approve the minutes of the June 6, 1974 and June 25, 1�74 meetings as written. 1. UP01i A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CO�SIDERATIO\ OF A LOCA'I'ED 0:� I,UT: 77�10-80 BEI:C;ii : S'T TO CONS1'I�UCT A SPL'CULATI�/E {VAFEI-tOU�E � �- 7, �sI,OC�: 6, 0,�;:1t'?1�' ADDITIC�,v; 1IIE SAI�11:. LEl�G RECT NOIZ'J'!;i�:1ST, FR1:1)LEY, :��IN\J�SO'ft�. (REQUEST B R0�1 STiI1'H r�,\ D PfiCO btASU;ti RY" }, A1r. Ron Smith �vas present for the request. Air. Smith said he had been before ihis Board last winter (llecember 6, ' 1973) a.nd this I�oard approved his building plans, different from those pre- sented tonight, but tlle City ��rould not grant him a permit. The Board asked why and b�r. Smith sa.id he di.d not knova. Mr. 13oardman presented copies of � the December meeti.ng. They stated that before a building permit could be given, various a�reements betti��cen Ron Smith and the affected property owners must be presented to the City in r.egards to joint parking and also � Ron Smi.th �vas to l�ring in agreement plans for improvement of his properties in this area. 1�1r. t3oardman said P�tr. Smith was aware of these agreements, but had not brou�ht them in. bir. Tonco as}:ed �1r. Smith if this building was the plan he ��anted since hi.s pxevious building �aas alxeady approved. Ntr. Smith and I�tr. Boardman said t}lis iaas a better plan, as the old pla.n . had o��e main entrance with a side yard .loading door and the back yard was tuldeveloped. r1r. Boaxdman said the same agreements (except paxking and vacation of Gunn��ood Street ���hich }ias been completecl) would be required for this building � plan also. Ile said that since Gumwoocl St.reet was vacated, one-ha2f of the right-of-���ay lae�it to ]Zon S�nith ��nd t31is i+iill be usecl to handle the truck traffic to the rear. of the building. h1r. Lindblad pointed out �hat a 25 f.00t driveway with 10 foot radius. wou�cI Ue rec�uired �lIl(I that poured concrete curb �ai l l be used around al l parking areas. l3uilding setbacks werc according to code. bir. Smith said the building will be painted split face concrete block witti a Urick on thc front. A1r. l3oardn�an said ]le would prefer to see a break-off biock i.n front as apposed to the split face. This �ives a larger webbin€ c3esign for more conLrast. btr. l�aardman sai.d he would also like to see t}�i.s treatment extended du��n the si.dcs. 10 � . ' U ' ' � ' !� iJ ' ' � ' � � � � � BUILDING S1'ANDARDS-DPSIGN CONTRQL SUBC0�1�1ITTF:E M�ETING OF JULY 18, 1974 - Pg. 2 A4r. Smith agreed with tlie change on the front and south �t�alls but not the north �aall as future expansion �vould be done .on this side. The landscapinS plan as sho�vn tiaill be used. All �storage will be inside. hSr. Lindblad said in essance, theri the Board can approve this plan but must rec{uire the same agreements as sti��ulated at the December 6, 1973 meeting. MOTION by Tonco, seconded by Simol�eau to recommend to Ct�uncil approval:.�., of the plails (clated June G, 1974) for tlle building with the follo�ving stipula- tions: 1. Driti�e�aay be 25 feet wide. 2. 10 foot r.adius at entrance. 3. Concrete Curb (6" x 18") around Ulacktop area. 4. Use landscaping plan as sho�an oi1 6-10-74 plans. 5. All storafie of material a��d ec{uipment must be inside. 6. �rainage plan be worked out wi.th the Engineering Department. 7. � Any outside storage of waste material must be screened, properly. �ny outside roof equipment must be properly screened. 9. Loading area on Lhe north side of the existing building will not Ue used any longer, and alI ].oading and unloading will be inside of the neia buildi�lg. 1. Yrovic:e easernents for the westerl.y 10 feet of Lots 16 and 17, � Block 7, Ona�aay a.ddition. The IIoard stron��ly recoui�nends that the City Council not issue a building permit for 7740-8U Geech Street unti? the City receives a signed written agreemeni. st3ting that an agrcement ;•.as rcached for ��rova.ding joint parking bet�ti�ecn Assurance P�ifa. and Sperco `I'c�ol, the City llttorney to act as mediator. Also th�3t. an agreement for landscaping be provided to the City ior 7795 Beech Strect. UPON A VOICE \'OTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. C(�\SIDI:R��TIO�I OP /1 l:I'QUI:S`I' 1'0 CONS'I'I:LICT A NI:IV PUILDING TO BE USED AS A h1f1Cli1\G Sflt)1' I,OC�"11i1) 0\ LO'1' 7, Rl.00I� 1, ��Gl:l.'S l�'OOUi.r'WllS; 1'llli SAI�f}i BF:I.NG 7G1S I3;1}:liR S'I'l:i:I:"1' N01:'I'lll::\S'1', i�(:IIlI.1:Y, �1I\;�LSU'1'!1. (I:IiQUI:S"1' BY 'fUP 'lOOL CO�tE'j�NY, 1S4s Lr\S`I' L,.�t:L' S'1'Rlili'1'; �lINNl:�\PULIS, Pi].NNESO'I't1) . D1r. ROIl DeVricndt (co-o�aner) aiid h1r. 011ie Erickson (general contrac�or) were pr.esent for the requcst. � � i� � � , � � , � � � � C� � � � r L�J � � BUILDING ST�ND�RDS-DESIGN CON`I'ROL SUBC0�1�fITTL� MEL•TING OF JULY 18, 1974 - Pg. 3 Mr. Erickson said the building ��ould be constructed of scoxed block on three side with break-off block in front,�all painted. bir. Boardman presezlted a sketcli for the front �,�hich he felt would create a more balanced lookin�; front. Hc clianged the ivindows fron 2 on each side of the door to 2 on the north sidc and none on the soutl� side. Hotiti�ever a glass panel would be next to the door for enterior lighting and balance. hir. �rickso�� and hir. DeVriencit liked the change but said mortgage money �s set up already and if this new plan would cost more they would not be ablc to do it. 'I'he glass �anel next to the door, I�4r. Lrickson noted, would be c{uite expensi_ve not only for the cost of the glass but by ne�a building codes it WOl11CI }11VC to safety glass and wired for vandalism reasons. The 13oard stipulated tha� they would leave the decision of iahich design they ��iould use after investiga�ing tlie cost for t}ie new design, but this shouZd Ue decided before going to Council. All parties agreed to this. T'Ile Board asked if they �aotald be pai.nting the front. They felt a natura� biock would ].00k better, especially on the netia design. T1r. DeVriendt said if tliey use Air. Erickson's plan it definitely woul.d be painted. The Board left this as an option, again depending on what design �aould be used. Mr. Lindblad said the shrubbery plan as presented was okay. Tix. Tonco asked about dr.ainage. I�ir. Erickson said he did not think there would Ue a proUle�n. 'I'he Boar.cl suggested they work ivith the Engineering Depaxt- ment if tl�ere is a problem. It ►��as pointed out thaL- all outside dtimpsters must be screened; all roaf eauipment, if ariy, Ue screened; enoug}1 parking stalls provided; and poured concrete curbing (6" x 18") must ve used arowid the parking lot (except on the east. side as future expansion will be on this side and precast curbi�lg ca.n be used liere) . 'l'lic Board iiotcd �here �vas no security li�hts . They suggested light-s on • the cor�rers to �loed the east, south and �Jest sides and possibl.e decorative lights over the doors and �ai�ldoivs. TI�e I3oard said this sould�be ready for Cou�1ci 1. DiQ'CIQ;v by Toz�co, secanded liy Caric�la.na to recorimend to Council �,tprava.l "� o£ thc buildi.ng with the follotaing stipulations: 1. Check i�ito financial feasibility of using netia design. 2. IVork wi.th I:n�ineerin� Department 'on drainage plan. 3. Security light plan be brought in for Council approval. U!'ON A VOICI; V07'E, all �oting aye, the motion carri,ed, unanimously. i' . � � 10 C BUILDING S'I'l1NDARllS-llESIGN CONTROL SllBC0,L�IITT�E DtEETTNG OF JULY 18, 1974 - Pg. 4 3. � � 4. � � , � � � � CONSIDERATIOiV Or A RFQUEST TO CONSTP.UCT A NEIV BUILDING TO CE USFD AS AN APAR'I'��fE�]'I' LOCA"i'Ell ON LO'T 13, :IUDT'1'OR'S SU13D1VISION N0. 89; TIiE CO\SJDERATION Ol� /A RL'QUIiST TO CONS':P.UCT A NE1V BEJ"ILI?II�6� TQ B� USED AS AN APART��1L\'1' LOC:\`I'ED G\ L01' 1>, AUllI'I'OR'S Sllli�_�I��ISIO� N0. S9; THE SAI�1E BEItiG ].7.�0 ��01'.'1'ON :1�:1'N[l� �;032'I'lll::lST, FRl�ILEY, I��IINi1�SOTn. (REQUEST B�' I�2R. KUTZIK; 209 \OIt`1`ll SI�NLLitiG �11�I:i�UE, ST. PAi1L, P'.INI�E:S01'A. ) A4x. 19eber and A4r. Brangstrom (axchitecr) were present for the requests . Tqr, 13ranLstram said they t,�ill Ue constxucting ?, complexes, 2 stories with 1S uni.ts ea.ch. The exte�ior �ail1 be constructed of bxick aT1C� cedar. 'I'he cedar tvill be uscd arau�id the windows and for the balconys. At present they do iiot plan any gaxages. The Board asked �ahat «ould be located in the storage building in the parking lot. t�Ir. Bran�rstrom said lawn equipment, di�mpsters, etc. They plan on havi.ng a central garbage pickup inside the Uuilding and then transfex i� to this area for pickui> by a gaxba-�e service. . Mx. Tonco asked what type of shingb:s would Ue used. A�tr. Brangstrom said pexhaps a slate-ty}�e, depending on the dollars available. T1r. iVeber explained they do not kno�ti� hai,= many i�ivestors will be going i�i on this building so they do not have final�plans or dollars available at the present ti�ne. _ Mr. Tonco asked about the construction of the pa.rty taalls and was partic- ularly interested in L-he wall 4��here the joint plumbing would be located. Iie felt ��oi.se would be carried Uac}: and farth Uetween apartmeiits . r-ir. Brangstrom sa.id tlii_s construction ��ras not finaled yet. Mr. Board�nan said thi.s Boaxd had no jurisdiction ove�' the inner constr.uction,, but that Cit�� staff �tiiould mal:e sure it met coc3e. Mr. Lindblad asked if thexe would be parking facilities for recreations equipment. A1r. tVebcr said no, as this created an area of a�ided expense and vanda l.ism. h-Ir. Lindblac.l <isked D3r. I3oardman about the changes i�i red in regards to � the paxking lot. ��(r. 13oarctman said t.]iey had 9' x 2U' parkiilg stalls and in order to get the 3G stalls per complex needed at 10' x 20' he xelocated the one entrancc and p�rking stalls as needccl. Uther���ise all setbacks, poured � eoncY•ete curbin�;, G" x 18" around ttie b lackr.op, driveway widtils of 25' and 10' radius �aas follo��lecl. � rir. Lindbl.3d su��ested perhaps thcy could worlc with D4cdtronics on shaxi.»g parking (for recreatioilal vehicles and guest parking) if needed. � �l �� � .� � lOD BUILDING ST��ID�IRDS-DI;SIGN CONTROL SUBCODi�fITTEE A9EETING OF JULY 18, 1974 - Pg. S hir. Tonco asked about the floor construction of the balconys. I�ir. Brangstrom said tliey are cedar ���ith an open floor. hir. Tonco was• cancerned that debris from the top balcony �aould filter dow�� t� the one below and also a lady's privacy could possibly be hindered. A-ir. Brangstrom sai.d the reasor� for the open floor is to allow for proper. draznage. Ile said in orcler to construct a closed f_loor whic}i iaill allow proper drainage, it ►ti�ould have to Uc built on the order of a roof plus a surface placed on top that is good lookin€; and easy to walk an. He said this gets to ' be c{uite eYpensive ancl did agree that a closed flc�or ��rould be better. b4r. Lindblad fe3;t due to the reasons sited by A4r. Tonco they should look into the feasiUility o£ a closed floor vcrsus an open floor. � Airs. Caxiola.no asked about the green ar.ea between the two b�zildings designated on the plans as "play area". I3ath Mr. Br.an�strom and Air, tti'ebex said t}i�:s area is undecided, clue to money. I�Ir. tVeber said it would be a good area � for a s�ai�mni:�g pool, but this �vas j.ust an idea. P.fr. Brangstrom said it should be more accura�ely referred to as a landscaped area. Mr. Boardman said he t+rould like to see son�e barbecue facilities i.n this area. Mr. Lindbalci as};ed about the landscaping plan on the plans. b1r. Boardman said he liad shown soire ideas as to what the City would like to see. The Board said a plan showing landscapin� should b e brought in fox staff approval. Mx. Lindblad askeci if a fence would be placed between their land and A4ecitroriic�' parking lot. Mr. I�ra�lgstrom �aanteci to kna;a if there is an ordinace stating one �,rould be neecied here. D1r. I3oardman said no, but perhaps they could iaork �aith I�ledtronics to plan some extensive landsca}�ing on this 10 faot strip (each o��iner. lias 5 feet o� green) . He said t�tedtronics has alread}� been reauzrecl to Iandscape this area. � hir. Lindblad a.sked if the w�od on t}le ba.lconys tivould be painted. hir. Brangstrom said no, they�i�lould be kept natural cedar looking. Mr. I3aarciman said the dxainage plan should be ��Torked out�with the Engineering Depart�rien t . b4rs, Cariolano asked about lighting. P1r. IVeUer said there will be ligliting hy the entrar��es. Ttr. Lindblad said tllere should be ligllting on all sides and a plazl should Ue brought in fox Council approval. Mr. l;oa.rdman askcd �Yhat t��pe of tin�c table they would be �ti�orking with, especially ti��hen ���oulcl thcy kno�.� how nioney wotild Ue available. Mr. ��'eber said he was �t�t sure at ttiis tim� biit �clt it would not create a problem. I�10'1'ION by Simoncau, secondecl by Cari.ola�lo to xecommend to Council -��p�ova� of thc t�vv buildinss �aitli the folloti��ing st_a��ulatioiis: • � � � � r � 0 10 E BUILDING ST'!�,\I)1112DS-DLSTGN CONTROL Si)P�C��t��SITTEE A1I'ETING OF JUIY 18, 1974 - P�. 6 � 5. � � � � �. Use par.king lot layout as changed by staff to allow for 10' x?.0' stalls, 36 stalls per building. 2. 25' �lri�veiti�ay widths. 3. 10' radius at entrances. � 4. Loal: into the I�ossibility of joint parking t�i_th hledtronics fox guest parking facilities. 5. Look 111t0 the £easiU:ility of close floor vs. open floor for the balcony floors. b. Landscape plan brought in for scaff approval. 7. Loolc into feasibiliiy of wor.king �aith T4edtronics on land- scaping the 10' area betati�een the parl:i_ng 1oLs. 8. 1'Vork out drainage pla�l with Engi_neerin,� Department. 9. Bring in secur.ity l.igl�tE.plan for Council a.pproval. UPON A VOICL VOTE, a11 votin� aye, the motion c�rried unanimously. C01�SIDER�7'ION OF A Rt;QUEST TO GONS'1'RiICT T�1�Q N��Y' BUTLDLNG�' TO 13E USED �lS �>i'LC[�LA'I'IVI� 11`l1hE11G1)SE5 I,OCf�'�'IiD ON i3LOC:K 10, AtIDI'TOR`S SUBf)IV]:SlO:V �\'U. IF>; THI� S���113 i31:I`:G SJal lU\D 6(l51 EAS'I' P.IVLR ROAD FRIllL1:Y, ���iINNESO'I.A. (RE'.�;iUI15T 13Y R.GY. � i�111R12AY_COMPt-1NY OT ILLIi�OIS Mx. flank Tigue �tilas ��rese�it fox the request. D1x. Tigue and P,Sr. C>vardn�an explai.ned that s�:ne problems have co�ne up �eith tllis site. 'I'lley had il�e'� iaitll tl�iol:a Cowlty Ili.ghG,�ay Department that afternoon ai�d l.ea��ned tl:at t)iey ±��'oka County) i��ould be takin� an additioital 22 feet for street i.ml�rovement r.igi�i--of-��ay. "lhis will affect their layout somewhat. �Ar. t3oaxclman said the}� �•ril7 be losing the area desi.�nated for screening the bui.ldit��s frcr.n East P.i.ver Road. This is of particular. cancern for this Board. fle a.]so said they are goin� to the 13oard of 11��peals for a 1ot coverage variance, loading f:aci_Iit.ies in front variance ancl 5' to 0' setback for parking variance. Aix. Tigue saicl the la.yout concept Faould remain tlie same, they onl.y tvould xecl�ice it to the 3�ew lot siz.c, aftcr al] right-of-way has beett decided on. }ie exp].zi�ied tiiat liis comp<i�1y liui]ds thcse build:ings for inventory i<<arehousing only, ��nd t.hat he ca�u7ot: know ho:a many cu_>tomers would be using it. 'lhis is one rcason ior. so many loaclin� docl:s, to help rent the bui.lding. Pfx. Tigue said }iis compr:uiy ��i.11 rent tlie lat:d frorn 1�Lirlin�;to�1 Northcrn and rent out tlle t�uilcling space. 'l'hey never sell, so thcy are very interested in a good appearaz�ce. T1r. Sin�oncau fclt tt�ey silould go tlir.oti�;it aJ.l tlie legal lizssel lvith l3oard of /lppezls, Rurl:i_ngton ivoxthcrn ancl hnnl:a Cc:�unty bcfore coming to this 13oarcl. A1r. 13oazdman said it. �aotilcl hcive bc�cn doi�e th��t way tiad they kno�an o£ tlie 22' easement. � ` � � � � � � � ` � L.� 10 F BUILDING S`I'�,�iDARDS-D3;SIGN CON'I'1201, SUBCOA1AiI'TTEE b1EETING OF JULY 18, 1974 - Pg. 7 A4r. Lindblzd said he objected to this building for ttiao r�easons: 11 it is being Uui.ldiiig across t}ie street from Robert� Louis Stevenson School, and 2) the loading clocks facing East 12iver Road. TtOTION by Simoneau, seconcled by Cariolano to `Cable this item until further notice, after goin� to the I3oard of Appeals and clearing the various legal problems ���ith I3w-lington Northern and Anoka County. . tIPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion caxried unanimously. 6. CONSID1:P.f�'I'IO\' 03� :1 REQUTiS'I' 70 REFACE THE F�RESEN'C BUILDING LOCATED ON LO'I'S 9 M+D 11, .�UDIT01:'S SUUI�IVISlON N0. 9��1; T1�iE Sf\I��IE BEI�IG 5351 CEI�iTRAL AVE'�UE NOR'I'Hf�AS'I', t�RII)I�,�Y, D1IN�il:SOTI?. (RI;QUI�S'1' BY MILL�R CQ�l5TRU:C'T.I(�; BOX 12� s, ttlG![i4'nY 15 SOU'I71, ST. CI,OUD, i�1iNVLSO'1'A I�0}: �11:t:nftD LUi�II3ER� ._ A9r. Dar►ain tIut of Aliller Ccnstruction �aas present for the request. Mr. Hut said Menard's Lumber Company is basically like Ply►vood Minnesota, but t}iey also will sell fux•niture. He said they are taking the old Sparian- Atlantic Stores and reiacing them, and doing interior �.ork on them as needed. 'I'his nne ivill retaijl the front entrance doors, existing �titindows tvill be blocked up, and the existillg planters will be used. The overhang will be comprised o� Kaiser AlL1D11I1UI11 Shakes painted gol.d. The center portion bearing the name will be chocolate bro��m �zitli 6' higil orange letters.. The end front wa11 will he a tan aggregate panel. A1r. lfut said t3ic �.nterior is being changed to allo�v for a display balcony. At �resent the spr�.nkler systein and paxking lot is being brought up to code and the rear fencing of the �roperty is ca�i���leted (see I3uilding Standards- Desi_gn Control meeting of I�1ay 28, 1974) . - The I�oard asked if_ a cax ioill Ue able to drive up and pick up material. � h4x. t-iut said yes, a car pick up urea will be located in the northeast cornex � of thc st.ructure. � � � � �� � 'f'he Board said a21 outside refuse areas must be screened. h10'I'IO�: by Tonco, secoi�ded by Simoneau ta recommcnd to Council ,�.'�_,, �� of tlie aliexations �oith the follo�;�i�l� stipulation: 7. 1. Outside refuse area must be screened. UPON A VOIC}? VO`I'L, all voti.ng aye, the motion carried unanimously. CONSIl�I:12ATI0�v' (11� A RF:QllI:ST TO CONS'f'RtIC'I' AN AT3DITION TO Tl�E PR�SI;NT 131)ILlll\G I�O1: h`t\i:Lili0ilSG U51:, LOC:1'I'}:I) OV L07' 2�1, I3LOCK 2, COP1�11iCtC1: PAt�K: 7'Hli S:1A1[i 131iI�\G 7•1�1 COAI��fi:RC►i L:1�VE, 1�R1OI,GY, f1i;;iv1i50TA. ([ZIiQUIiST BY � L�ltSliiV hi1�G. , 7�t Z 1 COtil�iCil:(:i, i.t'��; i: , F!Z i 1) LI:Y' ,� i1f��I:50'1',1, j A1r. 13i.11 Fuclf;c (oG��ner) and t�1r. Fudge (son, and president of company) �,�ere presc�it for the �cclucst. � �. . � �� � � � BUII,pING STEII�U�AR1lS-llESIGN C0�'I'ROL SU13CO;.�tTTTI:E TtEI:TIt�G OF Jl)LY 18, 1974, P�;. 8 hir, Fud�e said �hey will. be adding on a 6,000 sc�uare foot addition. Exterior material 311CI pF3.1T1� �aill match tlie existx.ng buildin�. All dumpsters wi11 be located inside the structure a3id if they are outside they will be pxoperly screened. It ��as pointed out that 30 paxking stalls ar.e need, and their plans shatia only 2�. Tlr. 13oardman asked tlie l�oarcl to stipul.ate a].etter to the City fxom t�fr.. Fudge stati.ng if additional parking is nceded, it tvill Ue provided on the adjacent lot o���ned by I�ix. Fudgc. �ir. Tonco said it should also read tl�at ii Tfr. Fudge sells the lot, the pa.rking lot �-�ill. be completed so as to provide �dequatc parking. P,1r. Fudge a�re;ecl as he said he t,�ould not ever se11 t3�is lot. h1r, Boardman said all precast curing ivill have to be chanaed to poured � concreie curUing, 6" x 18", axound the front. area. �'�1X concrete curbing along the south �,�all �;�ill be omitted as this a1-ea zs nee<:ied for parl:in� and truck maneuverabi?ity. , � � lOG MOT10N by Cari.o�7alo, seconded by 5imo�leau to recommend ta Cauncil �ual�. of the addition ti�•ith the follawing stipulations: 1. If any outsi.de refuse is done, it must be screened properly. 2. Leti.er ta the City irom A4r. Plidge stating i.f. additional � parking is need.ed, � t svi 11 be pravided on tl�e adj acent lot owned by A�ir. Fudge. Ii fihis ].ot is ever sold, the par�;ing lot eaill_ be �inisiled to pxovide adequate ��arking. � I�) � � � � � 3. Precast cirrbing chailged to pouxed concrete curbing, 6" x 18", except on south and east io allo�s �or future expansi_on. UPON A VOICL Vd'I'E, all voting aye, tlie-motion,/,�arried unanitnously. Ci�ai.rman Lindblad adjou-cn�d the �neei��_n�; a� ]0:3(1 p.m. Kest�ectfully suUmitted, �����r• ���� Patila R. Lo�ig � S ecretZry ■ �- TTIi;' PIINUTI'S OI' TI�L F30?�IZD OP AL'1��'.T�LS SUT_3COi9h1I'I'TL� MI,LTING OF :7ULY 23, 1974 � Z'he meeting was called to or.dr�r ?�}� Chairman Drigans at 7:34 P.M. � MF:b1t3EI2S PItLSF;NT: Driqa�,�, Crowcl�:�r, Gabel, Plemel Id�P9BI'.IZS A1�SFN`P: Wahlberg OTIi�ItS P121;S}�NT: Howard i�iattson - Engineering Aide � r°�OTIaI� by Gabel., seconcled by Crok�dcr_, to approve the minutes af the July 9, 1974 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays; the motion carried. �. n I�L;OU�ST 1�'OTt 11 V71P.I��T�,7CI� _Or SLCTIO\T 7_05.053, �� B4, I'RIDL�Y CITY CODL, TO 12rDUCT TiiE STDE YARll ADJOIi�;1:i.�� Z�I1 T�Z'T7�CfIEI1 G�1FZ71GE I'I�O'�i 5 1'EE'i' TO 3 F'I,�T, TO 71]:�LOV7 T17ri CUi�lS'J'R[IC7'IC3?J Ur �?� ATTACfjrf� Gl��CL•'�`i0 FT' J.�Ut_7�`I:F�I� O.�d LG7.' _f?, �3liOCY 6., Dvi�I��lY `S 4 � L711:I Vil�t•J 1�" ):2 t'�7DITtC� �� 71I1 � Si�t�i% 3�� _.C1�r' S72 h l/ C`�aC1J Slr1'E`I`TN.E � I'}2'.Ul_T;Y� MIIQi�. (} ryC)LjF .�,'T 31 '.iP.. DC)NALD t�11QfiERS� � 5 J1�i ,7��CK50�T `��'P�r'i�T I�T L. � I'RIDLFY, MIP:I�LSUTI�. }� � � � t-�OTIOIQ by Cr.o�oclez, secondc�d by Ple�nel.� to waive reading the public hearinq. UjJJYl a voice vote, tlicre be�_ng no nays, i�tie motion carried. Mr. Winterc was present Lo present hi� requesi.. Mr. Winters explain�d Y?e wants to build tliis garage i.n fiont of an eristing single garage that will rcmain. Iie said the pl:or>o ;ed g�rage_ �,�ill. be attached to boi�li the house and the existing garage and the stoop on the sicle of the house will be removed, He said his ini:ention is to build a? car qai:age as he oems 3 cars. rir. Cro�ader stated iL- looks like �:n engineerir.g feat tyinc� all of the x'oofs 1-.c>ge�lzer. A"s. 4ai,nter.s ..aid thc f_ro�1t of the e�:i.sting c3ar.aye is flush with the bac}� � of i:he hous� �nd the proposed gar��ge ��il.l be �lush with the front of the house, He said the garage roof rti�i11 look exa_ctly like the exist�ing house roof. h1r. Crowder askcd if tlle eyi_sting qarage is heated or insulated and if it is to be tur�zed inL-o living area. Mr. G�7�.nters saicx a_t will be used as yarage area and tliat ii� i.s n�t heated or i.nsulated. Chairman llrigans asked how far the adjoining .;tr�icture is f:rom the 1ot line. A;r. Fvi.iiters said t.hat the str_ucturc� i_s approxi.mately 5 f_eet froin the lot line and his e}.isti.ng gar.age is 5 fect £rom tlie 1ine. Mr_ , Crowder asl;e� if tl�e adjoiizing house has i ts bedr.�om:� on that si.de 3nd Mr. F;inters sa:i_d it did, k�ut. that- l�e h�is �alked to Pnr.. Kru.ire about the variance and he had no ok�jections. �irs. Gabel a�):ed P-7x. Gvintel-s if: lie reaiized he had to install a fi.rewall on the nutside w�z1.:L of liis ga3-age. Mr, [4:i.iiters said hc did know avout thi_s. r1r. Crowder si_ated a fil:ewall w.i.il also be rec�ui_red between the house and garage thai wil]_ e;�tend throuc�lz the cciling. Nr. Winters said Yze realized this also. Cliairrnan llr.igans as):cd .•�ir. Winte�-s what he wil_t do with t:he existi.ng cement, Mr. t4i�iters s��i.d that the ccment wi7.l st�ay, cxcep� wliere i:lic �aotings wi11 be and tY�9_s will have t.o be dug up, . Chairman nri.�7�lns aske<3 r7r. Winter:� �vhat he �aill. do with thc� window� on this side of tiie housc. Mr. Wi��t�r:; sai.c� h�� �aould lil:t> to put in a 3 foot wal.kway betwce.�i tlrr �101]SC �ir�d q<zrage ru�c� tihi.s way he could �a��e the wir�dc�w�. Mr. Plcmel asked if tihat wou�cln' c: defeat tl�c� ClOL11J�.0 q��.i<�qe. P•tr, t�li.nter:a �aic� liis neie�llk�or has dane ii: k�ut he srti_d hc� wou:Ld clleck �aii.h the builcli.ng insi�ector- on tl�is. �1 � I ,�.�...:, �I � n u � 7'he h1i_t�u�es of t.he Poard of ��peal> Subcolnmittee Meeting oi July 23, 1974 � Page z Mr. Croc•rder said ari alternative wc�uld be to remove the existi_ng garage and build a double garage in i�lie back y��rd. Mr. SVintez�s said he would not wani: to do that. Mr. Cra���de�- asked NIr. Asati�son if there was any maximum footage for a resa.dential garage. I�e thoughi: lie had hea.rd it was 1000 feet. Mr_. Mai:tson said the only res�riction he knew of was under lot coveraqe where all bui].dings cannot cover over 25 perr.c�rit o£ the l:ot. MO'�'ION }�y Crowder, seconded by Gabel, i:o close the public hear_inq. Upon a voice vote, there }JL'1I1C3 no nays, the mot.ion car.ried. Chairr,�an Drigans >tated the h�rdship secros to be a sinc�le car garage and more cars than space. He ��dd.ed t.here are no objectians from t.he neighbors. �'�:� Mr. Plemel and r4r�:. Gab�l stat�ed they had na objections. Mr. Crowder stated he had � no ob.jc��tions exce;�t L-o stipulate the firewal]_ be iTistalled on the south c��a11 of the garage and he did question the area maxirnum of 1000 feet on a, garage but these garages would bc under that, � _ MOTIO�T by Crowder_, seconded by Plcmel, to recammend approva2 to the City Council of the side yard variuncc from 5�'eet. to 3�eet because of the probZems already stated, � and with trte stipuZation that a firewal:L be installed an th� south wall of tr�e garage. Llpon � voice vot�, there beinq no nays, the motion carzied. � 2. �� � � � � � fl � � �J � A R�?!3T;S'.0 FOR F� VARIF�rJCE OF SRCTION 2p5, U53, 4, B�, TO IZEDLTCT TIIE_���A$�:�JOINING AN A'PTt�CIIF:D GART�� i 1 F20hi 5}� � 1,'1' 'CO 3 F�I,`f' 7'O AI�LOW TiI�, CONSTKUC a']:ON OF Al3 �,�1�3 '� ! GAR111GIs' 'PO 33T LOC7� �°;1� Ui: LOZ 7, BI,OCK 2., BnI1NX ADDi'PION, 7'HE 571�.L BEING 603:I. - STIi STP.EI:7' IJ.P. , FR1DL?�,1', i�llNtd}:SO`PA. (REQUE;�T f�Y MR. I2dBERT A. F2IE5'�', 6031 - 5'I`Ii S2'RI�ET N.E. , FItI}�LEY, P�;IT?i�i1SU']'r�. ) � ~ MQTION by P2eme1, secoiided by Crowderr to waive reading the publ.ic hearing notice. Upon � v��_ce vote, there being j�o nays, the motion c�rried. Mr. Robert Riese was preseni to present his requesi. Mr. Riese eaplained he has only ?..3 feet bet�•;ec�n his house. and the 7.ot line, He said he taants a 2U £oot ga'rage for a douhle ga.r_ac;� thai: wi]_). be 24 feet deep, He stated the building inspector had be�en out to chr_c3: t.he deck. kie is buildi.ng , so he asl�ed him about th�: pro�osed garage. TI1G' bu:i_lding �rispc�ctor saic3. he cot�ldn`i: go any deepryr with the gar.aqe because of the hipp iaof and lie augc�c:s�e3 ttie gaa_age �zs proposed. _ Chairmzil Drigans asl;ed V�hat tl�e condi.tic>n of the house was after the tornado. Nir. Riese said it �•Tac compJ,ciely destrayed, Chairman Dri.gans que>�ioned him no� building a c�arage at tha� t.i.�ue. Mr. Riese said i_hey needecl an extra room at that time and he dicl not have enouc�l� money to bua.la botii the room aticl the garage. He added he needs the c�arac;e now. Chairm�n Drigans asked i� he had considered puti�ing the garage in the back yard, Mr. Ftiese :�aid hc h�_id not as hi.s driveway would be ta long. Chairman Drigans asked ho�a far the adjoining :structur.e was away fram the lot lirie. Mr. R:i.ese said the adjoininc� house i� over c�uii.c a way aild thc det�achcd c�arage z.s set back �arther than he proposes to bui:l.d his and ak,�out 4 to 5 teet troin the lot .linc. Mr. Cr.o�adcr askcd if thc cemcnt that is existing is the sar�e size �s the proposed c�arac�c. t�1r. lti.e:;e said tt�e cc�ncrete is larger, but L-hey will have to �our more on toy of �t and i�hen cii.g thc f�otings down. Tlie Mi.nutes of �he iioai�c�of F�>>e��Zs Subcammittee Meetinq oi Jul� l3, 1yi4 • i�ac7� . 1 Chairmari Drigans askcd �ahat the overhang will be on thc A2r. Riese .�aid it wi11 L�e 24 inches to match i�he house, concerned �ai�h the drai»7ge ofi this siae of the garage. � will draii� t:oward the bac}: of the l.ot so there sliould be added that the n�:ighbox miyht ask i.h�1t a rain gutter be on his lawn. E� i � � ��o � � � , �_ J � � � � � � � garage next to the lot line. Ctiainnan Dr.igans was rir. Riese added the run-off rio problem. Mr. Crowder. installed to prevent drainage t�:OTION by G��be1, seconded by Crowder, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there beinc� no nays, the motion carried. Cliai.rman Driyans stated� i�he hardsliip is havin_q no qarage. Mr. Cro�ti�der added one problem seems to be the wi_ndow on the side of the house. Mr. Mattson added the fire�•:a.11s on bol-.h th� ii-,sid� and outsi�te walls caill have to be installed. t•10TIO:d b� Ylernel, seconc3c:�c1 by Gabcl.r to recornmend appr.oval:to the City Council of the sicle yarc� v=;:r_i�.nce fr.orn 5 feet to ? feet with i�hc stipulation that tl�e fz�+ ` be instal].ed on i:h� south wall of �hc garage. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the rnotion c:a.r.ried. llBI 11 I-'.T?�UJ:S`P 1� Ol: V�'11tI�1�IC7�5 OF_'P1IE FR? i%I�I?:�.' CITY COD??yAS FOL_LO����S : SFCTIG� 205.13 5� 1� G2 � TU �'.I:�JU19 1',01�D1,TG I'AGIT�1`IlEB IN THT I:R�JtdT 1'A�2D, T.r:ll, SI��CTIUiv 205.135, l, E�, TO RED:JC� 13i1. SE']i$ACK I� Or'. 03: I'' ST2ZL.:''i' PAILKII3G FROi � T:IF MAI:i; PUILUZPvG I�'F�O�'1 5 FEF�'I` TO 7,LI:0 FI:T';T � 11Nll, S};C^I�;d ')_05..i_34, 31�, TO TNCI,EF�SI; �.'fI� LO'I' GOVERAG� �`l;OM 90 PERC�TJT '1'O 43.7 FkKC!-;ivT, T�) ALI;pr^] TiI'r�; Ct:7�lS`i'F�.UC7'Zp;,I Or' 1'[^70 t�7ARI�HOLTSE 1�IlII�1:)"�T,�'.;5, `CO BP•, LOC�1`I'ED OIQ LOTS 9 ANI� 10, ..._.____.________, ___.__ ____.____._______._________._�_---.__..__ ._______ _._�_� Aldi) k'?k�lCEL ?_`:00, AUDIT0�2'::_SiI;iDIV.-f��>]:O°I T�78, 73NI) PAJ:T nP P71?:CEI�S ].0 T:Nll 12G0� S�CTIO:�I ?.: � `PF3I� S7.I�1E BIsI_`3:� .T,P�'RO%Ii,�`..� r,T.Y ]_7.0 k}�,�?7.' 6:}�:ST OP '!.':,:E tdEST LI:T.JE OF TIiE l3URT Ir7GT0%J NO��:'Pt'��F<':�3 - R7�Tl.t:C�11D RIGIi'i OP 6�?1�Y, 'I`O '1'i;I, TAS�' T,T_I�?�: OF E:71S7' �;IVER R01aD; SOTJTI-I TO TIIL NOF'I'Fi L-�t�]r OI' S}�C``t']:ON 2?_, T�?0, R-2�'t, 'PO APPI:OX:C?�1��7.7;�Y 1560 P1,'E1' SOU'1'fi OI� S��ZD I�TQRTFI LTNF;, "13E7P�G� ___._ GL•'1�i:R!�LLY LOCA`.I'.l�D 71T `i9`_il AFdill 605� I_AST RIV]�F; RC1:D N.�:, r F_RTDLLX� I�1=CNi�;T:SUTA_ (Ri�;O�I::S'1' BY Y.. W. MURRF�Y COifil'APJX Oi�' ILLINOIS. 999`�AS`i' TOUIiI'. DL'S PLTil"NES, ILf,Ii30IS.) � '.Chere was no one present to presen� the request, . r9r, riattson explained the a��licani: asY_ed that this be tabled until i�he next meeting as �.l��y have some prok�lcrns to work out. , A,OTION by Gab�l, seconded by P1�mel, io table this item unt:il the next �neetinc�. Opon a voice vote, there being no nays, tlle motian carried. hlr.. t��ntiz, �tritl� In�u�tra_a]. veve].opmezii: of Bur�.inqton Northein and Mr. Brok2�of, with thr� Land Dep�?.rtn�ent o� tlie Railroad, �•�ere ��res^r�L. hlr. Wentz expJ_ained they came to thc meeting mainly as spectators to see what the situation is but since the applicant z.� not: preseni., these is not a great deal they could say tonight. They stated �hcy �•rere concerned wit:n the 1and that t17e County i.s asking to b� dedicated and they can scc� no re�iso;: for i.t so thcy woul.cl like to fin3 aut why they are as)�ing for so much. They statec�i the Cou�ity i-�ants 22 f.ect along �:ast River Road and 60 f_eet f.or 61st 7lvcrltic. � Ch�ir_man DrS.u,ans asked A9i_. Nattson to get th� 17ackground xnformati.on on the dedications atid to report back ai: the i�ext meet.ing. AD;fOU F2NAil�t3T : 7.92cs meeting w�is adjow-ric�ci by C2�ai.rmatl Drigans at 8:25 Y.r1. llC::I�ectSu)_l.y :�ul�mittCC1� r1ARY IiINT7 Secz�etary ' I � , � � � � .� � � � � Y.. ,_ .. I i � ! e � _ . . _ . F,. � ". 4` I � � . . . .. .. ._. _ . ...__ .. .. _ . .. _. . . - _.1:�+��C11 ' !.T�'�==_.�`_,�'11!1����_'-`� $UARa 0� APP�ALS #1 ��' ll � t �� +jJ,r� THE E. B. McDONC fE 5.bu.. i 1D53 UNIVERSITY AVE. SAINT PAUL • TELGMHON[S�MI. 6.6858 I � '3 fi 6CAl(� ( IHCN �O FECT 408 NATtONAI BUtIDItiG. MtNhIEAPQl14 2 MI. Y•'3072 i! �l��� �i� � �! ��.�La� ' I; • �� r—t i/ l'r/ /, � xl: ��.'.''� 5724= �rivSll/1 v�1�/�%!C , �� OF PROPERTY OFLl����- ������ � '! � . ' ` �' ��t.�1��� 6 L�onr�al � - � .����i�oo i� � ; OESCRIBEO AC F011OWS •' '; _.�r�l �_0.2, �!z�2•�fi f'� ' - ` , u '; F! '� CEKTIFICATE OF LOCATIOA' Ok' T3UILDtNG CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY �, T herrby ccrtify that on -�=—� ��9 �� ' I hcreby certify Lhat o^ —19 , S made a su��vcy of thc loc�tion of the huildiu�*(s) on tho I 8urveyed the property described above nnd that the nlwve atxrve descriLed property and thut the Iocation of eaid Dlat is a correct r¢p-esentation of ssid survey. � LuiWin6�e} is correcUy ehowq,pn thc nUovo ylat. i, _ ,,. . i _ . . -- - - - ,. i E. B. McDONOUGH. F2�GlSTERED SUftYEYOR. No. 1990 { DONALD O. WEBER, ° ° No. 668 '� PAUL J. CRANE, " No. 4449 {, . JOHN .!. RYAN. •. ' N0.4489 '-___ _ ---'--'— _ Form No. 133 2N 10-66 The I.celia SohulJt Co. �B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENOINEfiR AND SURVEYOR 3829 -26TH AVENUE SOU7H � MINNi/tt'OLIB.r M_�NNE60TA l5400 724-2189 I .. �' � • J vi"v.� cf 'rt' e't ���ii ,� ti�°'! /�� �/�'S� h� � .;� J � t°`' �� �� �' ♦ r � ,�� 6' �4 {� � ...�,......,......»..�..�-...»..�....,...�....---..,--.-�'"��' � . i� � ; � � ; , � � � �"._.�....-..�._.�...�........�...1..._..�y,.,.�,.' .. i .4; S y s ;,,. i � i t . � � { �� t�l �t: � �� ` � ��t � t� .,� �:'}�C'�t..�� � T i: �ia t" F i� �s:�f-fFt" �^' � r- � � .� F'T� t-C' �<� � �:f°�""f �` � �� ttr;" � �i7r;; a.� c'.� ���F1` c`c'% f"'E�yl-�;'r�:"e3 f��i"�t=t? . -� L-t :.r ci �°` �:� t� w c'� ,7r.. �. 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I � � ' f .. i . � -- � : . . . � �� , �.._...._ ---- t I ! . : � �;, : �, ; . = �� , , ..... -.y-.-�. , � 1 � j � • . � � . ( 1 �_'..... ` A.rJ � � � ' � � 1 � � . � � . � % �, . , � � � ,�'. � ` ' % • .. .� `. •�,� � , . ... i , � :. . ',_ . �r , < � �' . Y•� , ' � � � ' • •� , i � � , 1 � �� ��1 �� `• � � � ' .. _._..... ' � � f i �• ' /`� `� � _j ; t '� 1 ,. �.�'vn�1' � ' i �; , 't� i •, � � � � ; , � '�,`i�� J{ I �')� ! :<< , ��i ' �/� � � . ; � : ; . � . , ; �.; . �. _..._.._� _ _._..-:-.---- --...,..�. �� ----, . -: :�; <i i • . ' f i ;�; ' • . , , l ; . • , a..� � i , _ � . � �� A l��.i�) � �� �� . • . ( � t%.�! .�'12�1' CO C'. C�t'Al. �' . `�l f__._.r __.._.....___�.�__ ;:-•-;�; .; ,�;•c; ;,- -- � � • ` � � • U) .__. _ . , Y "' . I � LJ � � � , � MINUTFS Ot= THF REGIlL/1R PARKS /1�?D RECRE�ITION C0�1MISSIOt� M�'ETIh�, .1ULY Meeting was cal�.c�d to order at 7:50 p.m., by Chairn�n Blair. MF2�II3�ItS YRLST'NT: I3l_air, Cald�r.e11, Wagar. T�fi3ERS F.XCLiSLD: Petc�rson, IIarris. OTH��S PI:I�SL%]'I': Zane Kai�er, 751 Overton Drive N.F. , 55432, 5G6-2865, k��.�l� G7.ub. Feitli C�mut:�ns, 7729 1<nol.l�aood Drive, Moundsview, 55432, 784-183Q, I'iidley Lions Cluh, 2nd Vice Pre�ident. Jim Snow, 4534 Dup�nt.�v��ue Nort-h, Mpls, 55412., 529-9004, Fridley Lions Cltib, Pr_esident. , Ma�n�d Niels�al, 4655 2'-; �i�re`t N.E., 55432, 560-6608, Fridl.ey Lions Cl.ub, 1:�t Vice President. Joh Parker, %O%� �i11Lll1t�S�T7 I�ve��ue �ou�tlz, 55435, 9�1-144II, Guitar I�ssons. - Steve Moser, 200 �Iuc�o St.reet NL, 55932� 784--7133, Ruth Circl.e Par}:. Pau1_ F3z:o�m, Uizector af Pzu-l:� & R�crcation. . C.'urL Dalllb�r_g, Park For�m�z. Cathie Stozuahl, Sec�etary to the Cc�r�nission. Il3l_C CLUB � Mr. Zanc kaiser was pr.esent �Lo ask the Ccsr.mission's p:'1"1Tll.SalOI1 to conduct Bible Study classes for ��outh, at one o{ T�'ridl.ey's Purks. I-ie statal t1�.at� he had no s�ci.tic par_k ii� mindr but t11at he woUld like to have tlie use oF bathroc��.s, if at al1 passible. They're planning to hol.d the class�s frctin 3:30 to 5 each day with 2 or 3 pe�ple in charge. ■ Mr. Kaiser reports fhat their attendance is incr�asing c�uite rapidly in St. Pau1.. Wi_th this resp�nse in mi.nd, thcy �re ex�andin� their pro�ram and hopz to inclucle � I'r.idley. MY'. Bz'OvJI'S :EF�It �1a"f� ��1f' Clty would 1� YCGE'�{:1.V� t0 t:.�1C Pi�Q�:r'altl OIl a OI72 y�11 , , rotati.nq basis. His thought �aas that thPy wvul.d move on to anotYier municipality n�t year. `I'he Cc�um.iss�onexs aga;� with this sugg�stion. The locatzon o,� �'�� c1_asscs was di:�cussed, and i� was generall.y agreed that Locke � Park we�uld k� an _i: :t :a.l. 1c�cation ik^c:av.�� of tize �x-�sszve nat.ur� of tlie park and the fact i.l�at �aat:��-ra�:� i�::; i. Li�.i.es ca4�,E� ��vail�le during tlie day. � d�UTIDN Liy tifrcr�.�rt, Secc,;��c�ct [�� ���.CcI,,,�,E:C, �a j�t�lt�n °�;�e Ra�sev.i�',E'.e �af��i�s� Chu,�.c6i tia ev�idi�e�t 13t.E,L t' C.�a3se.� .i►2 Lach..e 1'�ifch. �norn Augu.:5.� 12.�1i �Gc-�augh Aurtu,�� 1 G.tlt, �ncrm � 3: �30 �v S: 0(J �.�, tiaa. , �.��.t.ilt �.he. .t�tctt tl�c�.t �I�.ey �u�'�(' no.ta;�e .��u.�.�l�. o�l-teh. rnu.v��,c,i,pa.��i.�.i.e� . � a�z�.tlzeh. yerx�c. The �iv�:�c��• ea��vuec{. GUI7�1R LESSO�dS� � r'Ir. J�n P��rkc�.r was in attend�.ince at thc mcet�ng to propc�se scgne Guitar Lessons for the resi�i�x;ts of Fr..ic�].Gy. I3e o�x�ned the disctlssion wit.lz sane oi his persoi�a.l backr.owzd, IIe stat_r�3 tlzat li� was a collcge c�x�aduate and has taught within �ridl�y's � El.ementai°y Schoal systc7n. � � i Mr. Parke�° exp�.ai�lc.rl 41�at his personal exjxrience� indicates tha� it's not hard to fia�d quit:ar players, but it is h��sd ta fi.�id c�uitar teachcrs and especially those who al.so have ar1 c,ducatic�n I:�ac):1-o�u��.�. Z'he presc�nt status of: his organization includc�s lc-�ssons in Sho.revi.c�ti�, I�rdcn II.i1_Is, I3locxlli.ngton, I:�i.na, I:c�sc��nsotu�t�, ��'czst S�. Patil, South SL. P�lul, I3urs��sville, ��i�:� Osseo. His instn�ctors teach the b��sic �und�ul�c��7tals o� guit,ir, and l:nc�:a hc�a t.o �1c3�:�t�t� it to t1�e classra:x�i. Just recc�ntly, his nn�nici1�:�l.ities have incluciccl St. S��:i.s P�1rk, and one of tlze Nvnneapolis Sehc�ol sysi�c�ms. � .�.� �. Mi.nutes of t11e P�rks & Recreation Cc�ission Meetin�, July 22, 1974. Page 2 ' - �IfITAft L�SSO�lS �CON`T): � � � Mr. Parker si:at�ed that� their group lesson program is for 10 weeks, and they feel that after a year, the studezit should k� eligible .for private lessons. The min�smam � age is 4th grade, and his oldest student is about'75. They 1ina.t the classes to 10 people. � � � u I t is their e.r.per_ ience that af �er the 1_0 ��seeks , ab�ut 7 ot the sttldents are interested in fur_il�urinc� tlzeir abilities. Within i1�e i�irst 10 ��,reeks, the students learn the b�sic cor.c3s and fundarr^`nt�als. The second 10 wee)c session te�:ehes th��n ihe finer points of i-he guitar �s�d how to �n�oth out th� basic cords ard make them a littl� nicer. The third 10 wee}. sess�_on Leaches the students s�ne music theary and how to read notes. So aft�r a ane year rrc}.:�ram, th�y have a vcry sow�d bac}sound on th� guitar. At that tur.e, they �l-�ou1d have c�eternlired u�heth�.r or not tlzis is the �.ype of thing f-h�y �aould li}ce to conti.nue with. Frc�n this point:., they are ready for private lessons. D�zy of the insta_�l�-L-or.s are aJail��le for pr_ivate le�sons. Private lessons enable �tie s���dent to s��•�ciali�ze i.n classical� jazz, rock-n-roll, finger-pickin' , or the vaiivL�s oLi���r styles of guit�r. It is surprising, though, that the -trend is no-L- toward rec)c-n-ro1l. I�9r.. Parker stat�_ thaf. most of his �irte now is sp��nt with the h�sing and training of , teach�xs. A lot of the teachers c�,�ne fr'a�n a i�cachi.ng bac}:xound or musical bacicround already. � t2rs. Cald�aell askc�' for the manner of payrient. Mr. Parker stated that the Recreation De�rtm�zt k�aul_d cvllec-� the fces and h� would st�ti� a a.nvoice to the Departmen�L- a�t the end o� -L-he session. �e cl�arge would b� $1.50 �or 1 w�..3c. In carnparisan to the ' amount rl�arg��:d Uy masic �tucl-ios or p�:ivate inclividt;als, this is very nc�ninal.. Ten l�ssons would co�t an inclividual. $15.00. , ' � , � I � � i Mrs. Ca1c�-re17. as}c�d hot�� nk�ny students woul,d be i.n �ar1z class? Mr. Parker stated that they try to ho�d t1�e classes �it 1.0, but if more c�a`ne, they eith�r allaw ane or ��o adclition�l stuclents ini:o the class, or if more tYian that ar� inLerested, they ��i11 div.z.de� the class so tlzai: individual atienti.on is still g:iven. r1r. t•,ac�� asked i.f �ti*e taould be as}cing for p�oblen� by offe.ring lessons when ��e havc� Brw�3cc��a's DZusic locat�d wiL-Yiin Fr.idley, �ano offc�r mu�ic�1 lesso;ZS? M.r. ParY.er stated thGt he had s�,o;:eri �aa.th P�1�-. I3n�:Zk�.: ��nd recei_ved a very favoiable respons�. Mr. Brunk�•� s�ciali.zes in band and orchesi.ra inst.n.mtint lessons, �and not a.n gu.ii.a�. � . Th� Co:�altission a�l:ed N,� . Parlcer �l�ou� tlie lacation o� i�he lessons and the typ� of_ �ari.litic�s he'd be n�edin�. T•4r. Parlcer stated that he c�rould be in need of a room 1_-irc�� enoucPu bo house ap�ro,:is;kztely 10 �tuden�ts and their guitars. He said that; h�' d}� receptive to usixig t1�� schocjl a�- ar�y plac� of this type . They discussed a ccsxtral locatioiz �uzd felt i:hat possably Hayc�s School woul.d be a good location. � The lessoils wou.ld be offcred after scliool wlzich sav�s s� txansg�rtation proble�-n� �or �he parents . . ' 2'}ie Cornmissi.on asked rir. I>�c�sm t.o confcr �aitii Mr. Brun]:a�r an re���ct to the off.eri.ng o£ tllcse ].essons, ��ld repor� b��ck to tl�csn at ihe next m�eting. RtOTIDr`J 6 f Ca�dcve,P-�., Seca�idecl b�� (�'aqcvc, ��� .�ac,(� .i�tita caondi�rza,ti_►�g �u.i�tvc �'e�.3a►ti3 cu.t:tlz .�{ie sc(�va.Y. d.ts.�uct a��d hc�autc.t`� bacf� �:o .tEze. Cart�rrw5s.ic�tt a.t .�he Act���5.t. mee,t�tig. 1�Fte p}o.t:i o�i Ca,7�c,i.ed. Mix�utcs of. th� �ar};s & R�crea�ion Cc��anission Meeting, ,7u1_y 22., 1974. Page 3 � i LI ONS CL.l1I3 DOIATION � �' Three re�resentatives of the Frialey Lions C1ub wexe present on b�half of their organizaLion, to ask ilie C�rnmission ior suggestions on possibl.e donations to the ParY.s & Pecreation D; part�n�. i✓ir. Jim Sz�a�r, Presidcnt, opened the presentation , by cypla.ining that he had invited I��aynard Nielsen and ICeith C.1un.�lens to be present with h�m in the event that a p?=oject sugc�esi�ion would invol�re more than his one yeax' in oi�ic.�. Ni�. SnoJr sta�ed that th�y �-�re p�-tial to Moore La.ke B�ach and � Park, but that th�y l�ad taken care of the picnic area and liqhting the fl.ag pole, so were ncxa open i;o su�gestions . r � LJ ' � � � � ' � Asr. Dah].l:�erg stated that since they �•aere �artial to A:oare L�..e B�ach, perhaps they ��rould b� u�.terested in b: c:c��w�c� ir.vol.ved in an aeratian system �or the lal�� . Thi: type of �U��st:a-n has b,�n used in otl��er munici.�al.�_ties, and appeals to b� doing a great deal o� ao��. Mr. Brar�n stated that tzere �aas a need for sam� dom�c? pic�zic she? ters in some of the park.s, as ��:ell as c� ��Cl'CJ.a's nest" for the ccrrtrol p��iel at the Corr�:ons Foo�?;a11 field. F�� stated that th�re ha.d }.�en sa�n� ta1i: abo�t building a stor�ge buiJ_din� for ttie footUzll, hoc'�cy, and baseball ec�uipra•��t. It �•ra5 thought that �rhups the two could bc done at. t11e �ar��e tim�, locatinq trie "cro�.a's nest" on top of the storage b�i7.dinc� . Th.e idea h�,s been tabled due to the �cessive costs involve3. M�. Bra�an also recczz�mended the West P�ioore La�:e Par1� are� as a good ar�a to considcr i�or a project. The area xesa_dents �ti=vulc� prefer to have the area remain in its n�ztural stat.e, buc Mr. �roz�m ieels t�hat it ce�a]_d be cleaned un and �rhaps same pax'x bench.es add�d, witil:;ut disturbizZg plant life and wild life . Mr. l3rov,m suc�gested that p�rhaps z ncw sign systerl, simila.r to the one located at Moore Lake, whi_ch was des�_gnc� and cans -L�_uc tcd by a couple of boy scouts, cculd be aao}�tc.,,d :Eor t1}e c�nt.�se ��ridle� Park syste�m. Another suggestion might be the port.�ble band shel_l wY�ich had buen request�t� by the Fridlcy City I',3rid. , Mrs. Caldcaell ask� if thc Lions were ince}�esi:e� in funding a Youth Center far the youih o:F tll� cal�umtxnity? i�2r. Si�o�a stat�� i��at they w��rc, but thought. that this would be t�al�en rare of wit�iz the consf:ructi.an of a Y.h�.C.�l. a_n I'ridley. The Lions Club has set $lU, 000. 0� asz.de far t-hc� X.DZ.C.1�. , l�ut 3:e has hear_d that t-heir lan3 is r:�w for sale ar:d t�ze ch�t �c�s «rc� th�tt t}-�ey �•, i.11 not be l.o..<-ztin� in l� idley . I n tYkat evcirc� t,��� money c,�ill_ la� us�i for scme other civic function. �Mr. Sno,ni went on to say that thcy ti�T not i.o have any n�oric,y remauzing �t �.he end of the year_ , because they a_re taxed. on tha.s �,ount. They do gi_ve money to grou;�s irnrolvcd with see.ing and h�r_iix� prablems� as wel.l m:_uzy oL-h�r civic or_gani zations. Ti1:. Sn��a said -th�t h� would take thes� suggestion5 b:3c}: to the Lions Club �i�d that � thc�y wou].d decide a�z a projcct. Iie' ll be �-e�rtirig back to the Cc�m1i_ssi�n as soon as f,�1e decision is ii�ade. Mr. E�a.air thatil�c� thc qentl�n�`n for coming. � , urf� c r �c�� �nr��<, .� � rir. St�vc M�ser was present �t tl�c mceti.ne� i:o ask� thc Ca�ni.ssioners i� they had mad� aizy pl�ns for. tY�e ].ot s whir_h �aere purcl:ased ac�j.�cent �:o P.ut1i Circle P�rlc and h7s pi-oJ��rty? IIe s�ateci thiii� at i-1�e tim�� he purclk���cY3 hi.s hc�ie, the adj�ccnt lois w�re zoii�.�c� as re �ic3c�ni:i_a]_ v�� lic tl;oue�l�t h�xr:cs v.�oul.d bc Uuilt oiz iliun. Now, tic finds hr� livc�s ncxt c�ek�i �Lo r_i�y parlc, and he is �aandering just what i�ype of faeil.ities are plannerl foi �l�i:, urmc�c�a.atc �rea. . I � � , ., Minut�es of the Parks & Rec.rc�ati.on Cc�_ssion Mec�ting, July 22, 1974. Page 4 � RUTH C I RC LE P�1R!< CCON � T): �. F3rown explained that ttic�re ��ras a ner�d for a park:i.zlg facility at Ruth Circle, and further p1.�ns include a hard surtace court and a tennis court. Thi.s is al1 to be built on tY�ac North end of Ruth Circle P�'k. ' � Mr. Moser. asked if tl�ere �aas a time tak�le which might �e17. him when this �•�oul.d be installe:�i? Air. 1�lair_ said th�t to his knof�l_edge, no t�me tat�]_e had been set. Mr. , Bres,,m agreed. � � � � Mr. P°��er stated t1:�t he'd x��th�r not snc t1�e area devcloped, and askc�d if he could l�e kept inforn�;_�d of the s��tu��, of devclo� ��nent. Mr. Blair said that this could be done, hut Nir. B.ro�,ti�> >-eco:��.ncnd�.� that he kc�p in conL<ct witlz tY�ie Uepart��nent, since it beco�n-�s ve�y difficul�t� to l�eep tr_�cic vf cach inc�iivicival �-��:d their particular siicuations. P�S� . Bzc�•rn taent ori to suqqesi� �hat P•�_r. l�Z�aser call -the City FIall in th� Sp.r_�.ng to ir�;uize abotzL- po�sible clev�lor�n�nt for ihe coming Swrner, and also to see �ust wh�t is b�ir:g �_ncc��-��-ated into the c��v.ng year`:� bu;�get. I3oth rir. Blair an�. bSr. t�?ac��r �;qr_eed th�::c they dot��� if th�1-e G�ill l� any develop:nent on i11� n���a property for at lea.st five years, but could not make t}za�: a fi.i.�n cc�rani-t.'�n��t. � Mr. Nloser said t1��t h.� will ch�ck in �aitli L-Yi� D� p�xim�nt as N�r. Brown has reconmi�nded . ��CR ORD I �':�idC.E , � , Mr. Blair_ ask� A4r_ . Br_o�vn for ihe status of liquor and k�er w�_thin the City Parks. � Mr. Bra�n� reportc�� tha�t accorc�i.rr� to t1;.� City Attonlcy, both li.c�zor and beEr are prohibi.-Lec1 ori City pro�.�...^-r�y. I�ir. Blair �skc� if copies of' th� O�dinance could be mailed out, for th�ir infonn�i.ion? PZr. Brown said tliat this �:�uld be done. ���u�r�s o►� Yt�^�� �uNc 24. .1974 M��.T 1 f�r , 14tOT70hl 61 GJa,gcut., See.uEticted �i� Cc�,Qclw�P_, �a anptcvve �E2e �'�i.jtiu�e� a� .�he Pcvc(z� and r�eclr.e.a��.c�E2 Carnrn.th3-i.c�s1 �4e��-i.j1g, da�ed Jut2e 2�1, 1974. rhe ��Io-�t.v;i catvr.i.�d. r11CH S7ICI«RS, � ____.__�.__.___ J. ry � CC� � 1'i ._] � - n Mr. Bla�� aske.� �.he l.Qi��TL1au1.0, �crs for tlic.lr opinion regard�nq �thc use of th�. beach s�ickers ioi ��orc� Ia:lcc I3�ael�1. i�1rs. Cald�ti�ll st�.��ted that she was op�sed � to i:7�e si �ie}:ers sit�ce th� pcc�l�_l_e �e }�ar_king on t1�G slxeets and th.e parlcii�g lot statlds v�:�cant. S�z�� said tl��L i.lic �o�le park on tl-.e side s��-e:�ts �s we11 as on CeJl�.ra]_ �r�enuc�, «ncl thuti cut through t}i�� ya.rds to get do�,m to the Beacl�. � Aftex sc�i�e genc�sa7_ di.scussi.on on the }-r.���s:i_bilities o� a better solution to the si�:uatian, I�"�. }31aiL recc�i�i�n:�cd tl�at tlZe stickers I� elimina.�cx�. ' ��t)"("TON by Ca.Fd!vc>,('1', Se.cai�c-Ic�d �ic u�� ��� t�ie (�e<icT► .�� ifrq �'lie��ci��.(.(��c.�,{tr� o� e:E':mt_Ela�,c`. � I lY F[=N�. T NG POL I CY , � � r! tUac{�tn c�tun.t.�'.5 �scune.. tcr �ceque��t .t.hr.�; �;2e '— -- a.t: �4oa%�e Lci%. l:��iic� e �uv.�LUjJ. .r� Mr. I3rc��,7n aska�i the Cc�mitis:�ion f.or thrir suggesti.ons in resper.t to fhe ]kindling o£ rccluc,�ts L'oi: i�l�e C:i.t:y ta a_n �t���ll fer7ees '�o divicle �hc�ir pro�x:tty and tlle City Par.l;. It w�xs Air.. Br.cr�:��':> �ticrgestic�il that a dcf�i3�ite }�olz.cy l�e fornlul.t�tcd, �racl th��l-. perhaps one �lr���c�st�ion c�oiild l.�e far i�lie residrr�L ta pay h:�]..L- of t1�e ea��ense, arid t1i�� Ci.i:y �� Minutes of the Par},s & Recreati.on Cormu.ssion Meeting, July 22, 1974. Page 5 ENCING �CON�7): . �' to take care of the oil�er hal.i. Mr. Blair and Mr. Wagar felt that a fifty-fifty policy would be a go� idea. LJ , r � , � Mr. Dal-ilk.��rg said that in a ca�>c wher� n�.r� than one party is involved, perhaps each p:�rty coulc� nay .for ha1..� of cost lor the portion of the fence he �,roul.d utilizc. I f t�;�o �-e �ic?ents and t1��� City were involv� with the s�me fence, a p�rcentaye would have to b: ti�rked out. Mr. Blair said thai� the Ccx���llis�ion should check into the law to see just what would be pci�nissible. � �/�P�l I �G 0� HA'�� I Ll"ON' S/' 1;D I T T C7h TO f� ��CFi/1f�1 I CSV I L_LE � �1s a rest�lt of a corltest held an tl�e Playgrovnds, tY?e Cc��missioner_s were given a list of �Lhe sugg�st:c� n:tilie� for �he prop�rty locatc�c�i �•aitliin I3:mi.ltan's Adc�ition to r7echanics��tille. r C-t_er car_e:Et�l cansi.d�raiion, r11x:s. Ca]_�:w��ll said �l-hat� sh� telt "Jubi].c�e Pa�.lc" was appropriatc for_ the Silver Aruliversa�y of rzidley. Mi. Wugar agre°d, and sazcl thac he al.sa ��i�Led the name °Hartrr!.:a.n Park." ti4�TZOtd (�y Cc�ed�ti+e,E'_.2, Se_e�,2cfed (�y fUa,ycvc, �.o aeee}�.� �lze �2a�ne a� n�'ub�i,2ee Pcvc.(�" �ah .ihe ��co}:ie�c.�r± ,i.ai I�aiii;4�trj1.`,3 /�ddi.,�,;.o;r ��a �fecha�u.c,sv.�Q.�e, a�, ,subin:�t-e�ti�� Sue S�2i.j� 5073 f-li�.c;l,e� ve��!f�� N. t�el�t"a.(,c.ar2 ccUi�r ,:e.a Th� l.�arks and R�crE�ation D�r�-a.rf�n�nt will notify Mi_ss Soderlind tha-� sh� has won the c�ntes�, arder t�ze sign for i:he I�ark, �ind ma�:e arr�ng�'n��zts for the Fridlcy Sun to ca-nn out to the Park to tai�e �� pi_cture a or thc: pa��e��. �DJQU�idffiEfdT � � � �'{OTIOt�� �a a.dJacUrn �:lie mee.t,i.�t,1 c� 9:30 p.v�. 12 D Tl1e t7�at regulaz m�� t:ing uii11 b� held an Monday, August 26, 1974, at 7: 30 p.m. ,.in the C�nunii�y l:oom of I'riciley Civic C.enter. �tesp�.^tful7y sul�nitt��:i, � / ' � ; _l� //,' � c� _ . ��� :' -i - � c:%i�<z f �� � �7'I-IIE S`I'OP�?'llIl��, Secretaz_y ta t1�c� C��unissi.on � � , ' � � ' , � I�'RIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION July 9, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Erickson, Jim Langenfeld, LeeAnn Sporre, Mary Martin, and Tom Sullivan OTHERS PRESFNT: Dicic Hoppenrath, Highway Department Representative from , . Distirict ��5 DISCUSSION WITH DICK IiOPPENRATH , Mr. Hoppenrath was present to bring before the Commission the desire of the Highway Department to build a salt stoxage building at the intersection of East River Road and 694. The building would accomoclate 500 tons of salt. The sal� would be there from approximately Novembex to April of each year. , The building would.not be built this year because of inflation. Mr. Hoppenrath was referred to aur Commission at the May 28 meeting of the Board of Appeals. � ' ' , ' � r-- '�I �.. Mrs. Sporre wondered about leaf composting on the land. Mr. Hoppenrath said there was limited access because of the way the land was deeded to the state. This shouZd be investigated further... Mr. Sullivan said he would li.l;e to have a commitment on when the bui�ding would be built. Mr. Langenfeld suggested a special use permit might be needed. The FEQC did not know i£ the building was in the flood plain and would therefore come under the new Creelc and River Presex-vation Ordinance and �aould therefore automatically have certain rules to follow. MOTION by Maxy Martin that the Commission table the discussion until the next meeting and that in the interim we find out more information about the subject. LeeAnn Sporre seconded the motion. Mr. Langenfeld voted nay and the rest of the Commission Voted aye. The motion carried. (Mr. Langenfeld wanted to resolve the issue at this meeting). The FEQC apologized to Mr. Hoppenrath because they were unab�.e to give any answers because the Commission hadn't been given ample notice of him coming. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Langenfeld informed the members that in order �o ge� the Volunte�r Magazine, they woul,d have to call and ask for it. The number is 296-6157. MOTION by Tom Sullivan to accept the minutes from the June 4 meeting. � Mr. Ericicson seconded the motion. Upoi1 a voice vote, the motion carxied unanimously. � At the last meeting the F�QC had decided to call other suburbs to see if they had EQC's and if so, what t11ey were doing. No one received much information from other cities because there was none to obtain. One suburb t�ld us that we are one of the first Co try to find specifics �f whex'e EQC's fit in. � The following citi�s have EQC's: Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, New Hope and Edina. The following do not: Minnetonka, Arden Hi11s, Roseville, Burnsville, Eden Prairie, Plymouth, White Bc:ar, Bloomington, and Richfield. Some ' of the suburbs have an organiza�ion o� some sorL- but they are not organized as the F�QC. �_J � � ' ' � Page 2 Mr. Erickson brought up the need for the FEQC having more resource ma.terial. He said we could get documents (state laws) but we have to pay for them. He also suggested '7�Iinnesota Land Use Laws,". This can be obtained:from 2001 Riverside Avenue, the Trinity Lutheran Office Building. The cost of the book is $5. Further infoxmation can be obtained at 373-5865. Mr. EXickson also stated that there is a similar book on Water Resources. Further in�orma.tion is needed to obtain this book. MOTION by Mary Martin that Mr. Erickson be authorized to spend the necessary ' amounts for these library resource ma.texials. Mr. Erickson will contact Mr. Herlofsky regarding ordering these resource materials. Seconded by Tom Sullivan. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ' The subject of leaf composting was again brought up. MOTION by Tom Sullivan that the FEQC does accept and prvmo�e the concept of leaf composting and that we appoint a committee to look into the matter further. Mary Martin ' seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, the moCJon carried unanimously. Robert Erickson and Mary Martin were appointed to the co:�r►ittee. Mr. Erickson was named chairpezson. They were asked to bring in a repoxt on the subject , as soon as possible and the report would then be sent to the City CounciZ. ' The agenda.for the ne:rt meeting will include leaf composting, Shade Tree Ordinance, and the Highway Department request. ADJOURNME1vT , MOTION by Mary Martin that the meeting be adjouxned. Seconded by Tom Sullivan. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, August I3. � ' ' � l_, � �� � � Respectfully submitted, Mary Martin Acting Recording Secretary �A �� � ' ' HUMAN RELATIONS COMNIITTEE July 18, 1974 MII��I3ERS PRESENT: Harold Belgum, Al1an Rudolph, Grace Lynch, Leonard Lind, Dan Fish, Barbara Shea, Harrz.et Hudrlik, Walt Lizakowski, and Rena Vizenor , MEMI3ERS ABSENT: Katherine Moss, Carolyn Rouse, Karen Packer, Ina Preiditis, Arvid Hansen, and Nicole Nee � ' O�HERS PRESENT: Jackie Cox, Ganid Ra;;ender, C�xl Caskey, Dennis Schneider, Cheryl Schneider, Dean Caldwell, J�an McLaughlin, Fran McLaughlin, Denise Ly�.lch, Ron I�illiankrantz, and David Cowan Chairman Belgum opened the. meeting at 7:35 p.m. MQTION by Grace Lynch to accept the minutes of June 20 as written. Seconded by Allan Rudolph. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. � RFPORT FROM MR. LILLIAl`II�RAIdTZ Mr. Lilliankrantz, President of Whzte Oalc Reali;y, was present to speak on � equal housing opportunity and asked what the City of Fridley has done or is trying to do to get mi.noxity people into the City. He expZained that ' realtor's are required by la�a to have equal housing ogportunity in all madel hom�s and on advertising signs. Mr. Lilliankrantz passed around a brochure on Equal Oppoxtunity in Housing. ' ' ' 1 ' Mr. Belgum said apparentlq, not much had been done in Fridley regarding this. Mr. Lilliankrantz said all quali�ied prospecCs can come into the seller's home regardless af color, xeligion, etc. Mr. Scii�leider xecomrnended trying to abtain the movie, "Bl.ack & White Upta.ght", wi�i r;h illustrates the more subLle aspects of discximination. � ELECTION OF VICE--CIIAIR�EILSON AND SEC�ETI�RY MOTION by Dan Iish to nominate BARBARA SHEA as ti�e new acting secretary f�r the Human Relations Commission. Seconded by Haxriet Hudrlilc. Upon a voiee �zote, the motion carried unanimously. Nomination accepted by Mxs. Shea. MOTION by Rena Vizeno7: to nominate GRACE LYNCH as the Vica-•Chaixperson. Seconded by Dan �'ish. Upon a,voice. vote, the motion carried unanimously. Nomination accepted by Mxs. Lynch. DTSCUSSION WITH AEAN C�1LDiJI:LL � Dean Caldwell and Jackie Cos were present to carry on the discussion ehat was held at the ].ast meeting. Mrs. Cox provided the Committee members with some supplemental inforniation regardin� the incident or previous incidents. ' In addition, a c�py of the letter was attached that had been publistied in the Sun newspaper. Mr. Belgum said he had ' meeting, bur ��as unab �.� see the docun�ents . I� tried to contac� Reverend Stone to appear at the �o reach him. Iie would lilce Reverend Stone to l4 � � � ' ' Page 2 l4A David Cowan, President of the Minnesota League of Human Rights Commissions, explained that this was a civil liberties issue, not a human rights issue. He doubted very much if the City Attorney would want to deal with this subjeci;. The statutes are very specific. He said they had run into similar problems in the past. Mr. Belgum asked the members to express their opinion's as to w hat the �.:o�iission ought to do. Mrs. Hudrlik said she would like to see Revexend Stone come before the Commission. Many �elt the document was incomplete, since the Commission had heard from no immediate witnesses and had heard only one side of the story. MQTION BY DAN FISH THAT THE INFORMATION PRESENTED TO THE COMMISSION RELATED � TO THIS TNCIDENT BE FIL�D AND THAT ACTNITY CEASE ON IT UNLESS WE IiAVE FURTHER INQUiRIES ON IT. Seconded by Leoi�.ard Lind. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. , � �I, � � � � � ' � � r ' ' Mr. Schneider xecomrnended the Huma.n Relaticns Committee try to do something about it. Mx. Caldwell stated he would pursue it himself, and informed the members that he woul.d not let this. ma,tter drop. ETHNIC GROUPS Mr. Belgum asked if there was any way in whi:ch Human Relations could dramatize ethnic_g�:oups in Fridley? He said the State Human Rights Commission could inquire as to how public schools are doing in inter-cultural education. Possibly a questionnaire could be sent out to see how much diversity there is on the school board. Mr. Belgum said the Fridley librarian, Phyllis Myking, has begun to develop a list �f people who are minority or want to read }�ooks on minorities. She has a list of 12 or 13 people and would appreciate if anyone could contribute names if they know of anyone interested. MOTION BY ALLAN KUDOLPH TO AUTEiORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO EXPLORE ETHNZC GROUPS BEFORE THE ME�TING IN SEPTIIKBIIt. Seconded by Da.n Fish. Upon a voice vote, tne motion carried unanimously. taOMEN' S COUNSELING SERVTCE ' Mrs. Lynch reported on her reasons for the establishment of an employment counseling sersrice in Fridley. She presented the Commission with a resolution and made a MOTION THA.T THE FRIDLLY HUI�7AN RELATIONS COMMITTEE WRITE TO MR. E[�'A�fETT CUS1ixNG (COMMISSIONIIt OF STATE II�PLOYMENT SERVICES) AND OFFICIALLY REQUEST THAT AN II��1'LOYMENT COUNSELING SERVTCE FASHIONEA AFTER TH� WOW (WASI3INGTON OPPORTUNITIES �OR WOMEN) BE START�D IN FF.IDLEY AND THAT A REPR�SENTATIVE FROrI HTS OFFICE MEET WTT�I THE HU1�1A1�T P.F.LATIONS C01�1MITTEE TO IMPLTM�NT SUCII A PROGRAM. Seconded by Barbara 5hea. Upon a voice vote, the moti�n carried unanimously. Rena Vizenor gave Grace Lynch a referral from a social worker in Anoka County who could aid Mrs. Lynch on such a program. Mrs. Lynch pxesPnted a proposed petition to the Commission on establishing a WOW program. MOTION BY B1�IL�ARA SIIEA TH1�T TIiE HUMEIN RELATIONS COMMISSION ENDORSE THE CIRCULATION OF TIiTS P�TITION AMONG Tii� CITTZ�NS OF FRIDLEY. Seconded Uy Harriet Hudrlik. Upon a voice vate, the motion carried unanimously. P1r: Belgum said Grace Lynch had the authorization to present the petition to the City Council when she had obtained enough signatures on it. � ' L_ J Page 3 l4 � Grace Lynch said she had spoken with Mrs. Menard, chairwoman of the Fridley Welcome Wagon. She said since there is a Human Relations Committee in Fridley, asked if 500 caxds could be printed up �elling what the Committee consists of, the date and time it meets, and wha� it does, so newcomers could attend. Mr. Belgum said he would take caxe of this matter. ' , FINANCIAL STATEMENT " The possibility of setting up a proposed budget was discussed. MOTION BY DAN FISH THAT A SUBCOMMITTEE QF THIZEE PERSQNS BE NAMED TO DEIIELOP A BUDGET , TO PRESENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL PRIOR TO OCTOBER l. Seconded by Grace Lynch. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried, Mr. Belgum appointed Dan Fish as chairman of this subcommittee. � r �� � � � MINNESOTA LEA.GUE OF HUM�N RZGHTS CGi��IISSIQNS Mr. Cowan, President of the Minnesota League of Human Rights Commissions, talked of lobby in the legislature. He said that Minnesota is the first state in the nation to have a compre;�ensive program. He sCressed th� irnportance of equal employ►nent and gave Mr. Be�.gum a book on equal employment. David Cowan announced that on Saturday, August 10, there �aill be a task force on the legislature at the Hanover Building in St-. Paul. MOTTON BY BARBARA SHEA THAT DAN FZSH REPRESLNT THE COMMISSION AT TIiAT MEETING. Seconded by Gxace Lynch. Upon a voice vote, the motion caxried unanimously. Mr. Caskey suggested the Committee look into cultural advisory co�nittees for the schools. He passed around a handbook that assists local boaxd of education school administrators. Members living within their districts could get information as to what the schools have. This topic would be placed on the September agenda. Mr. Caskey said that he was a member l�.f t�e Colurnbia Heights Human Relations Commission and said all members wexe welcome to attend. It meets the second Wednesday of each month. MOTI4N BY GRACE LYNCH TO INVTTE CONNTE PRICE 'TO COME TO SPEAK AT TH� NEXT MEETING. Seconcled by Harriet Hudrlik, Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. This would also be placed on the September agenda. AD.70URNN14iENT � Mr. Belgum declared the meeting acljourned at 10;45 p.m. IC was decided to cancel the Augusi: meeting, so the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19. ' Respectfully submitted, � � i ���(x^. ��-G �� �J Shel�.ey l�forrison � � ' 1 �� �I CHARTER COMMISSION July 8, 1974 � MEMBERS PRESENT: Ole Bjerkesett, Jack Kirkham, Clifford Ash, Bob 0'Neill, Jackie Johnson, Jerry Ratcliffe, and Herbert Bacon MIIKB�RS ABSENT: Ray Sheridan, Edythe Collins, Elaine Knoff, Roy McPherson, , � Peg McChesney, Francis Casey, Harry Crowder, and Donald Wegler ' r L _J � � � 'u II , � � , � u Continuation of amending the City Charter was begun by Vice-Chairman, Ole Bjerkesett. Chapter 5, Section 5.01, Powers Reserved by the People Leave section as presenCly wxitten. Section S.OZ, Expenditures by Petitioners MOTION by C1iff Ash to add to this section, "Any violation of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor, subject to a fine not less than $50, not to exceed $200." Upon a voice vote, the motian cax'ried unanimously. The following sections ar� to be left as presentl.y wriCten: Section 5.03, Further Regulations Section 5.04, Initiation of Measuxes Section 5.05, Form of Petition and of Signature Papers Section 5.06, �iling of Petitions and Action Thereon Section 5.07, Action of Council on Petition � Section 5.Q8, Znitiative Ballots The Commission decided to refex the last sentence in this section to the City Attorney for clarification, including Jack Kirkham's MOTION to change it as, "In case of inconsistency between two initiated ordii�ances approved at one election, the one appraved by the higher percent�age of eZectors and have at leas'�. 55% of the votes cast on the question shall p�evail to the extent of the inconsistency." Seconded by Cliff Ash. Motion carried. The following Section 5.09, Section 5.10, Section 5.11, Section 5.12, Section 5.13, Section 5.14, Section 5.15, Section 5.16, 5ection 5.17, Section 5.18, sections are to be left as presently written: Initiation of Charter Amendments The Referendum Referendum Petitions Referendum Ballots The Recall Recall Petitions Filing of Petition Recall Election Procedure at Recall Election Form of Recall Ballot MOTION by Cliff Ash to add a new section, Section 5.19, as "Any pexson circulating a petition for the initiation of an ordinance, the initiati.on of charter amendments, �s i , � � � Page 2 for a referendum or the recall af an elected official, shall be guilty of a misdemeanar and fined not less than $50 fox falsely attesting to any signature on the petition. Electoxs forming themselves into a committee for the purpose of circulating a petition shall provide each circulator of such petition with a copy of this section �f the Charter." Seconded by Ole Bjerkesett. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. The following sections are to be left as presently written: � Section 6.01, The City Manager Section 6.02, Powers and Duties of the City Manager Section 6.03, Departments of Administration ' � Section 6.04, Subordinate Officers MOTION had"been previously made in the May 21 minutes from Jackie Johnson to change this section to read, "The City Attorney shall be appointed by the City Manager with the approval of the Council." MOTION by Jackie Johnson to change that motion to, "The City Attorney and/or 1 the legal officer(s) shall be appointed by the City Manager with the approval of the Council." Seconded by Herb Bacon. Motion carried. � Section 6.05, Purchases and Contracts ` Section 6.06, ConCracts, Iiow Let MOTION by Herb Bacon L-o change the amount of $1000 to $5000 and 15 days to 10 days. Seconded by Jack Kirkham. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried. � � � � ' T=ie fQllowing sections are to be left as presently written: Section 6.07, Further rurchase Regulations Section 7.0];, Council to Control Finances Section 7.02, Power of Taxation MOTION by Cliff Ash to change the gresent 30 mills to 16 mills. Seconded by Jackie Johnson. Motion carried, MOTION by Jack Kirkham to delete, "and personal property." Seconded by Jarry Ratcliffe. Upon a voice vote, the m ation carried unanimously. Section 7.03i Board of �qualization ' MOTION by Iierb Bacon to change 15 days to 10 days and_for this section to be titled, Board of Review. Seconded by Cliff Ash. Upon a voice vote, the motion carxied unanimously. Section 7.04, Preparation of Annual Budget � MOTION by Jack Kirkham that the sentence read, "The estimates shall be submitted to the Council at its first regular monthly meeting in September." Seconded by HerU Bacon. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. � , � � Section 7.05, Passage of the Bu�et i�fOTION by Clift- Ash to add, "The Council shall adopt ttie budget not later than tY�.c� last Council meeting in October, by ordinance which shall set €orth the total of thc budget and the_ totals of the major divisions of the budget, according to the plan indicated in Section 7.04. Seconded by Herb Bacono t3pc�n a voice vote, the motion caxried unanimously. The follocaing secti�ns are to be left as written: Section 7.06, Enforcement of the Budget Section 7.07, Alterations in the I3udget Section 7.08, Emergency A�propriation in Rud�et 15A � � � � � � � � , � � � � , , � Page 3 Section 7.09, Levy and Collection of Taxes. MOTION by Herb Bacon to c::ange, "On or before �he first council meeting in November each year the Council sha11 levy by resolutiion the taxes necessary to meet the xequirements of the budget fox tha ensuing fiscal year. The city clerk shall transmit to the county auditor annually, not later than the lOth of November, a statement of all the taxes levied, and such taxes sh�ll be collec�ed and the payment thereof be enforced with and in like manner as state and county tas.es." Seconved by 3erry Ratcliffe. Upon a vaice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The following sections are to be left as presently written: Section 7.10, Tax Settlement with County. Section 7,11, Disbuxsements. Ho�a biade. Section 7.12, Funds to Be Kept Section 7.13, Receipts to Go to City Treasurer Section 7.14, Accounts and Reports MOTION by Herb Bacon to change the month of �ril to June and the date of April 10 to June 10. Seconded by Jackie Johnson. I3pon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The follocaing sec�ions are to be left as presently wxitten: Section 7.15, Bonded Debt and Debt Limit Section 7.16; Fonn and Repayment of Bonds Section 7.17, Debt and Tax Anticir�ation Cextificates MOTION by C1iff Ash to change, "7.`hen the Council may authorize the sale by the city treasuxer of emergency debt certificates to run nat to exceed eighteen months and to bear 3.nterest not more than allowable by State statuties." Seconded by ,iackie Johnson. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The fallowing sections are to be left as presently written: Section 7.18, Bonds Outside the Debt Limit Section 8.01, The Ci.ty Plan Sec�ioL1 8.Q2, En�orcement of �ity Plan Section 8.03, Publ.ic Tmprovements and Special Assessments Section 8.04, Lo�al Imnrovement Regulations Sectio�a 8.05, Public Works: How Performed , MOTION by Cliff Ash to change the amaunt of $1000 to $5000. Secon�ed by Jackie Johnson. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unani.mously. Chapter 9, leave as is. The following sections can be left as presently written: Section 10.01, Definitio�i of F"ranchises Section 10.02, Fxanchise Orclinances Section 20.03, Cost of Publication af Franchise Section 10.04, Power af Re�ulation Resezved. �fOTION by Cli�ford Ash to change the words, Village �f Fridley, to City of Fridley. Seconc�:d by Herb Bacon. Upon a �Toice vote, tha r:o�ion carried unanimously. �� i Section 10.05, Rates and Charges 1 Leave as presently wxitten. Page 4 Section 10.06, Provisions of Franchises � MOTION by Cliff Ash that thxoughout Chapter 1'0, wherever up blic utilit is referred to, be replaced by the word, franchisee. Also, in section 14.06b change the word ma to shall. Upon a voiee vote, the motion carried. � � , �� J � u , � � � The following Section 10.07, Section 10.08, Section 10.09, Section 11.01, Section 11.02, Section 11.03, Section 11.04, Seetion 11.05, Section 11.Ob, Section 11.07, Section 12.01, Section 12.42, Section 12.03, Section 12.04, Section 12.05, Section 12.06, sections can be left as presently written: Further Pxovisions of Franchises Renewals or Extension of Franchises Public Hearings Construction, Acquisition and Operation of Utilities Rates and Finances Purc�ase in �ulk City to Pay for Services Lease of Plant Public Utility. How Sold. Municipal Utility Organizations. Official Publications Publicity of Records Oath of Office � City Officers not to Accep� Favors or Contractis Official Bonds _ Sales of Real Property Section 12.07, Vacation of Streets MOTION by Jack Kirkham to change that section to read, "The Council shall have the exclusive power, by ordinance passed by a vote of at least four members of the Council, to vacate or discontinue highways, sCreets, easements, and alleys within the City." Seconded by Jacki�e JQhnson. Upon a voice vate, the motian carried unanimously. The following sections can be left as presently written: Section 12.Q8. Damage Suits Section 12.09, Recovery of Judgement �ur Damages Section 12.1fl, City to Succeed to Rights and Obligations of Foxmex Municipality Section 12.11, Tenure, Powex�s and Ihities of P�esent Officers , MOTION by Herb Bacon to delete Section 12.11. Seconded by Jerxy Ratcliffe. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The follnwng sections would continue in numerical order. Clifford Ash made an amendment to his previous motion under Section 10.06, � that thxoughout Chapter 10, whereever u�ic utilitY is referred to be replaced by Che word, franchisee, exce t in Section 10.02, towards the middle of the section. That should remain "public utility." � � � � AD30URNMENT C1iff Ash made a motion to adjourn the meeting.. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, l /��� ,1 � rj� �l� Shelley Morxison Seconded by Herb Bacon. and the meeting adjourned �c � � � , 1 �f i �� , � � � � � �i � o �a��e � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE Mayor Liebl�and City Council 6431 University Avenue NE. Fridley, MN 5�432 Gentlemen: ANOKA COUNTY July 26, 1974 560-34`^ 16 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 The Charter Commission for the City of Fridley has reviewed the Charter ovex the past eighteen months and in doing so, have a few recomrr�endations and changas in the present Chartex. These proposed cha.nges in the Commission's view do not change the basic structure of the Charter,but f.uxther clarify some statemc:nt of the original documents, by inclusion of additional wordage and/ox sentences to secti�ns. In some cases we recommen d the deletion of entire sections, and only becav.se ovex the years state statutes have made these sections void. Pxobably the major change that is in our xecommendations is the � appointnten� o� the City Attorney by the CiCy Manager with the apprQVal of the Counci�,.� This change puts the appointment of a11 officers subordinate to the City Manager to the rianager as staff. fihe Conunissian, through one of the cammittee's, did an extensive in-depth study on this section, held hearings with interested parties and a long deliberation before the change was adopted. � In general, we belieye the review was fruitful and gave the Adminis- txation a chance through the Coimnission, to clean up some of the sma1Z but uncaorkable inefficiencies o� the original Chaxter. �- The Chaxter Commission xecommends these changes and beli�ve Chey can all be done tllrough an Ordinance as decribed by state law, ma.king it unnecessary to be pu t o f a vo te to t he e lec to x a t e. � However, should the Council by the Commission, we request now of the November 1974 election. , �� � choose not to adopt any change reconsnended that these issues be placed on the ballot 1 � � � � Mayor Liebl and City Council Page 2 July 26, 1974 The Charter Commission target was completion of the review and it's recommendations forwarded to the Council for review and adoption of the changes by Ordinance in ample time so any part of the recommendations that ara not adopted by Ordinance could be put on this November election. The dates we used were suggested by the Administration so the Commission's objectives could be met. Youx immediate attention to the recommended changes would be in order. The Charter Commission would like to thank the civic organizatians � in the City taho made comments or suggested changes, the City Administra- tion and staff, the membars of City Council, and the number of concexned people who assisted or added io our deliberations. 1 � � � � � � � , � � � � RS/sm cc: Vixgil Herrick, City Attorney Charter Commission Sincarely yours, ' �� ( ��/'!CF_-��/L--�/ t� � ay�Sheridan, Chairman Chaxter Commission. 16A `� ■ . 0 ' , Election Day, iiov�mber 5th, 197�t Regular Counci1 P�ieetings September�l6, 1974; is the last day items�can be inc]uded in the November election, � � . • ' _. � L� ��-wq�,n^� A�,�//:; 1� �t�t.�TN �L �d.��i.i cu �: � ni,J B —:' o�rs SUV h'0!: TUF' C:ED T::U Fn{ S'�i � � � g � ��"3 �4 � ' r.asan i.M./th � � � � � ��� n� 6� .1� ��� �� �� i� �� �� � ��� �� �� �� �Lq �� �� �� �� �� �� �3 �.�w �.�a � - hn }jjj�'''���T � T'n� A � � ; -� �' q _... _..._ 'o . 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Q•-� o• SU}i R90Y TUE IYED tHU fr, SAT ����� i � s.au.� r.M.n� e.¢aw N.�a.su � �� � �� � � � , �� �� �� �� �°r �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� 2�3� �� ��9 �7 �� �:� �� MONTM ' �1/��uLs �y! ii ��.� n% �SU� (S7Q�t tU� l'lED TRU FRi SA�' �� � � � � r.in.��� GQ.L�s a.nwa r.u.xa � � �� � � � � � �� �� �� 6� ��a �� �� �� ��� �� �� �� � �� 2 3a ��4 �� ��3 � � �:� �� K�"'i M'.`I �(II.� MONTN �\�] i'� ,y t� �1�.��) �y ���y/� �E 04T �Jl�� Y k�iL��..r � 1� %L.✓ <•1.:- SU:i F'0� TU� Y�D THU � F'FJ SAT � � � � � � � � \ � / f� 1� �� �� {;2 r~� �,..� i �:�. 3� i' .�� i� �� �� �. `� ����������� ��:� ����� r. M. Le �. o. w. k.MSS.e r.o.:N ilrA � ��j��']' 'i� } i �i � �� ✓� MJAtN F•J' a�:; �f LIIa=J�.'s�f� �� �r �� Da� SU:t 1.10:1 TU'c 1YE0 tKtt F721 SAT E � � �'� � � � � � i� �� 32. �� ��'; 6� E� �� t� �� �� �� ����w���������� �_ �� �� �1 � � � i�° a. c. ��s e...�i�� r. n. a.� 0.4.:��ry I�,F #5_68 LOT SPLIT APPLICATION 17 � � DLEY � CITY OF FRI 1 � � � � �. ai p 0 '"✓a U aS � � � 3 � � m W � ° +� � � O U r+ m •�+ �� � � � O U O � � -s�i+�.� m +� �J , � � , APPLICANT: CONSCILIDATED CONTAINER CORP. ADDRESS: .763 North Third Street Mpls 55401 Street City Zip Code TELEPHON� # 338-07 53 Home Bueineee �opn�� aw�r�( s ) sAMF icant's Name Lot Split �,=5_#k74-14 Date Filed: !]yn k'FF. Fee:� Receipt 3� Council Action:I?a.te______ REMARKS : ADDRESS( FS � Street City Zip Code Street City TELEPHONE #(5� Home Business Zip Code Prop�rty Location on Street or Exact Street Address (IF ANY� Parcel 31&0 , section_ _11 Legal Description of Froperty: Reason for Lot Split: • '. :1 _� • ,• •. - � • U: � '� tal Area ty_______�_�_s q . f t . t Zoni.ng Claaeification I The undersigned hereby decl�res that �.11 the facta and representatione stated in this application �re txue axid correct. AATE: ���1j74 SIGNA`i'CTRE J.W. Bernstein BELOW FOR C ZTY USE ONS�Y (S.eQ 7rev�ree eicle for ae3.ditional inetrue�ione� I � ' � PI,ATS & ST1BS: Date oi Consi.deration - Rewarke: PLANN�NG COMMISSION: Date of Canaideration - Remasks: CITY COUNCIL: Date oi Coneideration - Reme�rks : 1 � � •• 1 . Cf3IVSOLII,I�.TED CQNTAIl\TER CORP. � , July 11, 1974 � ' Mayor Frank G. Liebl and Council Meml�ers City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. ' Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 RE: Parcel 3180 Section 11 � � Gentlemen: 17A 763 North Third Streef . Minneapolis, Minn., 55401 Since 1905 . 338-0753 It is our request tr_at the Council approve a"Lot Split" of the above Parcel 3180 Section lla 1 When the City of Fridley con�tructed Main Street, it uivided Parcel 3180 so that a portion of the acreage is east of Main Street, and the remainder is west of biain Street. � � � ' C� , , � � We asked that the Council approve the abave "Lot Split" so that the portion of Paxcel 3180 that is east of M�in Street can be combined witl� Parcel 3050, thus registEri_ng the combined acreage as one �arcel and only onE� Real Estate Tax Statement will be issued for same. Likewise, the portion of Parcel 3180 that Iies west of Main Street will be issued on a sE:parate Real Estate Tax Statement. �`hanking you kindly for your consideration and prompt a�tention We are: Sincerely, CONSOLIDATED CONTAINER CORP. �� � > -:-----/ , ;_„ �; °%' � �. �C r1 l I --`�----. - f� �.._��'� ;' J.W. Bernstein � President �� ,Qa�� nHO oQvt 0 ADDROYED yN z N.B.A.D.A. � q MEMf3FR � 4 �b ,���09GOCR���• NEW AND RECONDITIONED CONTAINERS - 5TEEl DRUMS, WOODEN AND FIBRE BARRELS � ��;%„^.� _ .� .. : � /7 � U �f : i �. . _.._.__ _-' ------- �- r --- 1 • �.. J , . , � ,; ��"�� el ; _ . ` .: � � ,fJ•. :��I . - -, � :�v; �, � / /" Can�a.P,i.dcr,ted C�v�,tcu.ne�r. Can�. L.S. #74-14 c, ? i . 8 ': �, n 1 ' i'�t� �r±r` tI:.T,`�.gf 5• f`+^ e eti? i 1 f i �e a�O��C " . `,�y I. �. sf i 'Y l. D�", c� �" .j� � ! 1 ', �4B Si `_I.^o -... I l7B _. L. ! %s '1 ��. ,� '�`"s.�'..`..0. ,� �J�;+� ��M ; _ � .. �� .. b`k �p� �� '` , : � ; ��`� � ;�. , . � �<-.,.,, � 6 . ... . . . � � �: , �, n� o :, ���'f �:1".F.i L/`�` ' ~ `�i�N . . .. � . [ , i ` j ! � '"• ���yi� .. ' �.yf 1 ,' 1� --�_ f ,�y°" t , .t�' : ��.� . � %-. . � ; � � . � ' � ...� � � � - � i � ," . ; ^ r i � . . . � ��r � �...-�r�, � / ., i ! j � . - ' � _ e . .i . . _ �...,,,.•�+"�� ''f i • : � . n • _ _ . . '.< � , t`"' i i �, f� t V � .. �r..-.�. , "". `�.'11 ' i�j� .1 .. rf � ^! � � � s � r. \�. .....� .,�., P Q p�) ♦ ' (.' . ' ' �L..- �' i' p� . }� . � . � � . , - � '.. ". ' i _ • , :. '. .r�. ..__.. .. ., - ' j • . . �' .- .� . � � . _'_�"_ .. _.. . .._.. ... . �� . . � •` _ _ Io ! r D' �� i 4 :'.i ��' � '�. 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""' ..-1 _ ._.__— . . �l.i y� � •�� q° i~ �. ~ {',: � � � .. - ---� --.,. _ t3, c. ' \ y �. /rl\ v� r�.`.i Ci � � i O i `u � !"i � `) '� 7 Ob `v ? ,�, � �:, �.��� ' �.� ` � •i� . �\ �� 1 � � .� 1�4�j . # : , . r •. „ , _ _� `_. _ � tia� .... `y 4 ._- _ ,,,, i� _ _ . _ , . !` j i '� lo � r �.C,l } m� ..�--�--•• ---- t " � � � ��� � ` l � � - ' � - -�� � �- �� ! p 1 f ..`, � � •� • � . � c _ - .- `Y=! ; � i � �. �� �.: ,,�j��p`����.,, � � ( i r�, �� 01 �` � A'�,n C_" � i � ? -,i � _�_ (�� , �}ai � . �. . �.�� _ -- � �� �� �. �, � � , ; ; �. . � , l . � �_,,,,--;; p : t�-' ! i ; �y-: � . :` � � ,� ��'a .: �: i� , � :. r�... � R. ,A i . .. ^ .... _. . ._ . .. � . � y: �t�t � . ��' �� � ' � � ..:� � .� ��,-�� ,a c �-' i �po .' � �F u, �. ._ _ , � : � . , � : .. � •1 �i ..� . . . . . jJi.�v.,."�•� _._.. M � ,��o la � . `, � � ., � ��..._ ..."r .... � �; ..: n,a ; ; � � �r � � . . . . � . __ (6J (7 1' b ,, � ' /' , i %' '-�->> �^ � . . ,��j� , � '�I•� l, : � ,a,�a � , ' . . . . � ; ,, ;�� A ,� `��� ( 'Cr(�� � ( ,� q � �� i, ;� .�n� , � "� ���� _,: , 8 ''1 �ugust 1, �.974 iir. Jerr; L. �oard�� n Planni.i� �'��sistar.t �ity of i�'ridley 5431 Univ�YJltv ��venue �1.E.. _iir.n�a��ol�.a, tiin�.��ota 55430 ''i�� T'�`„"�'�'U''° '"O�Ti� DEVLLOF��iEiv'T i�L. li`i+.��.ii_il\ l/i� 1V C�:::J'i:IT� P.li�:_: Dear Jerr ,�: Pursuant to ;�our r��uest, I nave enclosed the follo:aing: l. �� coYy of t �e co�.tract for dead bet:aeen Zodnea �illman, Inc. and Darr�l :i. r�arr �ev�lo: mint Garp. for loLs 40, 45, 46, 50, 51 aiza �F� lri r`�i1CiiLOY � S �UDC21V:iSi0i7 iv'O. g2. 111? S 1S ti72 land that .�i@ i13V: a�reed to ded�cate to t.,e City for a conu-�iunit;r park. 2. � co�v of a letter from Steven Roillik, our Controller, to Rodne�; billma�, Tr.c. �ndicating an unpa�d bal.ance of $15, 000. 00 o�i tiiis contract as of Jul; 10, 1974. 3. G dra,�,ing sizo:aing the location of t�ie above referer,ced land. I am plannino to atte!�d tne cour_cil me�ting on �;ugust 5, 1974, to answer any qu�stions tize council may have concerning this item. Sincerely, DA2REL A. FF,FcP. DE�'�LOP�:;� TT CORP. � a,,...c-a.r �- �i�4�.��/'f / �_J 3liL��.,S �. LO:ZDOi�t Vice PresidcnL � �`°� JLLtmj '•, rncl. , t ��' � ,�� � F',.� .. . .. .i � ..�.�.a � .. . j ' 1 ,�` �����p pp�^�; e��t r '�i I�`CadRtr9w �• G�f i�`ilf� k ` }� �. + �����.��F�Y S,m�l��� ��4'�.■ e ' � �t Ofi(ices !n: D3!1VJr, Colaracio • Altuquerqus, Naw Maxico �r ExecutiNn fl�iic.es !'`- � TELEPHO'�!E 612 f 560-8110 ' �` 2$10 COUiJT1` ROAD 14 hifNi3EAFOLIS, MINNESOTA 55a30 � _ . . . �' : ' i � , I ' � � ' $ 0 � J ;; . / '�� � � {._ 18A. CONTRACT FOR DE�D This Agreement made and entered into this Z day of ��� 19�, by and Uetween RODNP.Y BILL*1AN, INC., a Minnesota corporation under the latias of the State of Minnesota, party of the first part, and }pdidd�3i�86 VIEWCO;t, INC. �1�i�CX:U,X, a corporation, xxscX�l�.`�34ii:ixX�Gx�Qa{+il�x, narties of the second part; W I T N E S S E T H: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the covenants and agreements of said parties of tha second part, hereinafter contained, hereby sells and agrees to convey unto said parties of the second part, their successors, heirs and assibas, by a 4larranty Deed, accompanied by an abstract ,. of title evidencing good title in party of the first part at the date hereof, or by an owner's duplicste certificate of title, upon the prompt and full perfornance bq said parties of the second part, of their part o: this agreement, the tract of land lying and being in the Caunty of Anoka and State of tiinnesota, described as follows, to-wit: Lvts 40, 45, 46, 50, 51 and 49 exceptino thezefrom the East 180 feet of the tdest 210 feet thereof, all in Auditor�s Subdivision No. 92, according to the duly recorded plat ' thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Anoka,County, t•ti:nnesota. And said parties of the second part, in consideration of the premi.ses, hereby agrees to pay said party of the first part, at 1214 First National Bank Building, Mznneapolis, riinnesota 55402, as and for the gurchase price of said premises, tne sum of sia[y thousand dol2ars, payable in the manner and times as follows: Ten tnousand dollars paid aa of date hetaof, the receipt of which is hereby ackr.owledged, the balance of fifty thousand dollars payable in the mannar and ti�;es as follows: Sixteea thousand six hundred sixty-six dollars and sixty-six ($lb,6fi6.66) or more, together with the ' then accrued interest at the rate hereinafter set forth, one year from date hereof; sixteen thousand six hundred sixty--six dollars assd sixty-seven cents ($16,666.67) or �ore��together with the then accrued interest at the rate hezeina£ter set forth, two years from date hereof, and the renaining balance of sixteen thousand six hundred sixty-si:c dollars and sisty-seven centa ($1E,566.67), together with the then accrued interest at the rate _ �� � '�i ,; . {: .. hereinafter set forth, three years from date hereof. Interest shall accrue at the rate of seven (7%) per cent.per annum, and shall be comouted on the unpaid balance remainin¢ fro;� time to time unpaid. Saicl parties of the second part further covenant and agree as fol2ows: To pay before penalty attaches thereto, a11 taxes due and payable in the year 1971 and in subsequent years, and all special assesscaents heretofore or here- after levied. The parties of the second part shall be granted the right to physically prepare the ahove described vacant land by grading, installation of utilities and/or such other �aork as may be necessary for the buyers' ,_ orderly development thereof, provided, hocoever, that before the cosmencement of such work the buyers shall post sufficient secarity for the pay�ent of the wozk to be accomplished thereon. It being understood and agreed bX and between the partfes hereto that no building construction or anq worlc, other thau above set forth, sha12 be accomplished an said land until the fu12 principal balance shall have beea pai.d. The parties of the second part shall not suffer or permit liens to attach and any and all of said liens or the filing of intent thereof shall constitute a default of this contract. The party of the first part shall convey bp Warranty Deed, in consideration for the monies paid this date and hezetofore paid, transferring to the,parties of the second part rhe follawing descrihed tract of land consi3ting of approximately one acres: . The South 335 feet of that gart of Lot 49, described as • follows: Lot 49, except therefror.i the East 18� feet of _ the F7est 210 feet thereof, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, Anoka County, .iinnesota. The parties of the second part shall be entitled to receive a Warranty Deed for one acre of land for each eight thousand dollars-of reduction of principal balance hereinafter received by the party of the first part, provided, hqwevar, that said second pa=ties shall, as of the date of demandin; such -2- , _ - J ; � �• , � I 18 C I deed, have paid the then accrued ir.terest due as of the date of such demand and there be no ��isting default in the paynents un�er this contracC. Acre or acres of land to be deeded shall be rectangular in shape and the expense of'survey shall be borne by the second par[ies and such premises shall be so carved out of the property as to leave the rev�aining premises taith access to a public road or located on a public road. The parties of the first part shall be requi.red to furnish one abseract only. The expense of the re�ainittg abstracts or Torrens proceedings if any, shall be bbrne by the parties of the secoad part. The party of the first gart agrees to join in platting of the propzrty provided, however, that said party of the first part shall maintain. a right of veto as to the streets, parkways or parks to be dedicated in Che plat or shall, in lieu thereof, be paid in cash as of the time of the platting of such streets, parkways or parks on the basis of eight Choasand dollars per acre. The parties of the second part covenant and aaree not to coimait waste upan Che premises. Should the second parties fail ta pay any item to be paid bq said parties under the terr.�s hereof, same may be paid by first party and shall be forthwith payable with interest thereon as additional amounts due first party under this contract. Should default be made in tha payment of priacipal or interest due hereunder o= any part thereaf to be by second parties gaid, or should second parties fail to pay the ta:ces or assessments upon said Iand or to perfozm anp o£ the covenants, agreements, terms or conditions herein contained to be by said second parties kept or performed, the s3id party of the first part may, - at iCs option, by ��rzitten notice deelare this contract cencelled and terminated and all right, title and interest acquired thezeunder by said seeond parti,es shall thereupon cease and terminate and all improvements made"upon the premises and all payments t�ereuner shall belong to said party of the first part as -3- J• � 0 1 .� liquidated damages for breach of this contract by said second parties. Said notice to be in �ccordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided. IT IS I�i(TTUALLY AGP.EED by and between the parCies hereto, that the time of payraenC shall be an essential part of this contract; and that all the covenants and agreer�ants kerein contained shall run with the land and bind the heirs, executars, administra[ors, successors and assigns of the tespective parties hereto. YN TESTIiiOidY i�1Ei�REOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrusnent to be executed the day and yeax first above written. RODNEY � I��iAN, ItdC. f` �� , • �// � � In the esence o£: By-�'"L�t�s- �i' "�. /..�„�....�-.,_. � � Its President � � --.? B ��f �� ' � y Its Secretary VIEWCON, INC. ,. , � ` ay —.� � CZ� _ - �__:::.�-.,i • ` �(��^/� Its President � � By Its Secretary`'�..,`, J • `/ . f �' � �flen�:es�bcx�ac:�c .�/�' i � �. 4 � -- �'�� 18 E I��, , Julp 1Q, iy7G ' ' i.ocin�y 13i1Z�an �uil32rs • l51 Si2ver Laic� :3oad � ' �ew �ri ��on, 2iinn.esota 5S1I2 3 , Ke: Iiillnan Co�tzac� for Jeed � ' � Dear 53xa: I��� ' :3e are en�.osiu� a cizeck for $3, 5I3. 84 repr�senting a parfi3.al pa��xex3t o� the ;iarc� Z, I37� install�ent an t�� a��ave referenced cautract. This payr�eat w�s co�gu�ed as fo22o•as: ' ,� To�al un.na3�i ba2ance of can�ract . @ ��axch 2, 197�t $�7rOf?U.�� � I�L�rest cra 3.�sta3l��nt due ' kia�ch 2, �974 (3/2f73 to E 711Ct/74; 495 days) $�.7,a�v,�o � �� :� ��sl��� _ � �.,��s,�� P� atnci�al partian of t;�is pay�znt 2� QOJ. f3J _ Total paprseut 3u.2p IQ, 1�71f $ 3,�5I�.8& �ala�nce of i3arcia 2, 1974 ins�alls�eni unpai3 at 3uiy 2�J, 1974 $3.5,LC3d.'Jfl • Our apo�.ogies �ar the d�Ia� :I.0 L�i.s mat�er. Yo�rs v�zy tru3}, At�2..'2EI. 13. P�st:'�'e I?�TLI,OP'��i� CO�. � ' - � ST�� 3. R3�II.Z : � coatroll�� "� S.�it:�g • � � �/ � �1 �.nclosur� ..•� . � . ' ' . N' � . � ' • il�. i' � � � � • . - . � ���.:9 - ! lg F � ' 1H15 !SA COMPILA710N OF Rc"GOFDS AS � THEY AP�EAR I.y T11E ANOKA COUNIY ' � . OFFICfS AWECRNG JHE ARFA SHOWN. � � . .. THIS ORAW/NG IS 70 BE USFD ONIY FOR ' . � � RifERENCE PURYOS�S ANO THE COUN- � ' � . iY IS NOi RESPON573[E fO�t ANY �N- ' � � . ACCURAtIFS HERElN CONTAINED. `� � /� �/ n ����� . \ ! / o/L v /z .%E"C, .� y, T, .�� �i, Zy � i , �! � � ��G/� '�`' � o� �,.,, • N.f. CORNER . . SEC. 4 '-- ->Aie.c u.(N1ia.IR'1----' --- . �fi��r� 'M p , '� ,.. .,. {,: ---r-a j— ' 4Si '��� .. i +�: �•' , „ , ���.1 = I li:�'°�' I f ::.': _ ; ) .� � .T :� , � . n � ((��:, � 4 Lr+� � •/, �' � ..'`'a •,'��'f � 1 : ".1 �i^'' � r°I °+a 1 I� �1/ i� � ORivE��c . �,.� :•�! q"� a lai i � :—r rr`; � • � ^. ; : j . ,s' ! • � � : . � � °- :j�- ` „ ,•>;-:r�f�R�qA,; ,;:•�,{x'nu�Nii�.. ; ;,-�..,-�; - .., .. ; w�f t _".iNl. ij Y�tGr" if.. r �. �,� � �...� I�,.1..wNl � /.,.ti..N�4� ti" �;�1. � . �1' :� �ra�•' ._ _ ' , `� / Ol ` i� ` vy` `y���,,,... � b.../i..i�lii..h � r:1r5 � . � wor: �%�," �• � 1 Q�y P� • b� ..._ �} '....n. (jVp � r L .1�.1^� . .' `�b.� +f�' V ^���i%�it�a '; . "�v.,�. U' j �0�(wr�or:� I`"a-�:. . _ y+r .;\ , �t� i �o• ` ssi ,c�Is�,� iv's ;� rr '""—�r ! � Q. �. , , •., ��' ,�\� `,�4Q� rr .4';p, : i '.G D. ,r '� 9 � 1 0 2_ i•.:r.. � r. t�� •�•:•. -. .�. � � . � � " .��' .,, so rH . . av� � "+ ,.... - �.� ; �� , N �. � , ��.. ». '.`i M+ . 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'�.�i`�'�iaiva..... a..,.,.. . �t+ . •�,.r. �.,; a� a7 L. � �, , � �• -•.� •• ;� �.��� .: � � � `ai � �a_.. �i '� � �� t� .�"�'�%r,, �«��-°--°--_•--- _ __ —_ _ _' �; I -�'-_ � t� t � SI p..-� w � �'. ,,`'- � ` ` '`,% + . , ,� ,L 1 .�...r. U -_.., � `. 1 , �i�; \ (.+ro%- � .(1rsM ;;, a9 , Y 5� :� , ''� �r �•. � 52 J il � %: ,�, • � ;ti. , �+r � ;�, ,., ; ;� . �1.� � .. � ... ._-.�.,._-�_ �' E/fJ NNEiJ n...: , � . SEC. Y4 _ .I.<. rw•i J•r.:..s... .w. sl .' . r•.`YinW NI�•wl��/Y..J!'M�/ ,. . - _ " . I.�.F•i al . 1 ryi.ri./ w+..� /•r w W. � �� ♦��. � .• /Ws//1J� __ . w ` r. � �^ t�lIF�i11"ES �c Ti�i` f;EGU[�1F2 PA�2i<S /lt:D REC�2E�TION COi'�''{ISSIOid tfi��.TIt�G. �1PRIL �, 197���, � , i•I•��c;_�.r�g �a���� calletl to or.dc:r at 7:35 p.m. , by Chairman IIl�ir. � � L_J rii?.�.`�3L'��S P:'��.S�IT: Blaix, Peterson, Calcl�r:°ll, FIarx'is. I�:::`,3��.F'.:� �:��C���L�7c t�:ag�'. O`�f�:fi� �'P.�:Sr`:�vT: �:��n Sparre, 301 Irontoci StrE.ek Pd�, 55r�32, 786-r237. Jim [�;est, Plannii�g Dc�p-:zrtm�nt. Jerry �oaxc�c!an, PI<f.T1Il1I1C� I���partrn^n�. Paul Broti•m, Director o� Parks & Recreation. Cathie Stard-�hl, 5e.:,re-tary to the C« ission. I SAi E 0;= S;�iAPi50�i 7ERRACE LOTS, . - j■ I��Ir. �:er_ Spoxre �:�as again preserit at th� meEting on behaZz of 1�'Lrs. Florence E. 3245 �..-'-��ur Street I�T�., Friclley, who is the o�,�dr o�E L�ts 3, �, anc� 5, Black 1, � Tf_['z'c`IC2 A.'�.�1�.101�� located an I�-idley on th� north end of I2uth Circle Par}�. S`�e:anson, saanson Tn�re was sc�m,� general disr-ussion on the �..rnorand�n frc�n P�u1 Brc��nr datcxl A,,nril 12, �197�, regarcling th� taxes to b� paid in 1974, and the balance o.E Special. Asses�nts oFving on t�� prag�rty. It had kruen p.revio�sly detexmi.red that the Ci.ty �,ras onl�r in�exested in purcnasing lots �& 5, an:3. not lot 3. � � � In addi�tion to th� p��ch.�se price for ���••Jp t�ao lots, th-�re is an esti�nated $2,700.00 aa�,ng in Sn-�ia1. �ssnst�r:^nts, aitex th� 1.97� taxes are paid. Includ�l in this a�roun4 is �$2,154 . 63 prnlin� ��coar later�]. ass^ssment. D2r. Harris as?:ed if it c��asn't the no�rnal proeec3ure for the seller to pay th� tzues for th� cur_rc:n� year? P•�.r. Bra�ln stated that _this is n�rmal.ly true, un].ess sGecial arrang�T,�nts ar� m=zde- • . . i�ir. FIarris statecl that he c�;ould l�.}:.e to see the City purcnase th: se t�,co ],ots. � ft1�7T�,�.� 6� t{e�cn.i�, See�ittde.d br� Pe,�ehbof., �� jr.ecc�►rrne_tict f(FCt�� �6ie C��y C��usiel.,i e.�ii.�� .i.rt�c, a�t agrc.n}r.er�� �� r�cvice ;�t�s� La�is 4� 5, ��z 1, ScLYLf'USUYt ?��'vic�ce�rcr�.t�.oFt, in .t��e cJ�}c}�wsi�i ag �5, 700. 0� ta�a,� cv�s� svr� �6ze �wo -��,i�s�,- �1=-i�li �;ie �e�'X.en �c, t�cz�J ccs:J' .tax�s c.ci� S;�2.c.i.�c.Y_ , �e.��5r;r2�t�� v. tcecanci ccy�d �e;2�t�.��c , T iF Q 11iG' rLU}2 cc%u.�� V` .�..__�..._.�__��r_ r��n�s oc -rc�� r����c� 25, 191�� r„�T���; ���i"7�N by ffar,�c,�, Se.eas2ded by P:�e�7�c,:2, �o cc;���r-��ve �6�e P•t�.�2cc��s UV �:�[� ��C•JL{;la afid �Ct'il.�Q�.{-U{t C'Utli'11-CJSbd.UF2 i�{E�'P�.`Ll?Ja CiC{�2t� t�i:I�Cr2 2J� %�%74'. %iie i�U�C.C1i2 C.Qli:i�teC�. ����0 Pr U°ERTY f2�VI EL�: � `1'n� Cc�cmissio��rs asl:ed �or an u��ate a:� ih� pos�:ible dor�atic�n of_ paxl: proN�:��ty ��i�-�.,.ti?n th� Goocic:a ptat. fir.. �3:.o:�ni :�«id t;�at thv easterly �x�rtioix oi th� PIa4 h��; ���n ���j��avecl, k�a: til�� �•:estFril p��rtiori is sti:ll tie� up 1E.��ally. '.[''n<� an�rovc.�d �rL-ion do�s - .� nat incl.:z1� th� culdc�sac. �CU,' u i�� �-i_P.S I Vr PLr;�; � . ' � AJ:irii I�:e. t. c•�.:is pre�^itt o:1 �:,�1Y�1� of. tY.� P1Gtnr�in. I)��.�artrc�r�L-, to rc�vie:•� th'� CiZ:zrn ��5 whic.h .� L 3 t11V4 �}'i�Sl 3^:1 �l"' 7_Tl f.}')^ F�<tY'}:S �ITld 1:�L.�c�atiolz �.'UTII'?�."E_'ilc_'i151.V� �,��.c7T1� c�S I:E'CaU^:��Cl� j.7�7 ''�.Slc? � CCXI:i12S:;.l.UI1. 0:�� o�' ti��c rcvis:ions iEX�U:`�;t-.c.�� <<�zs i.o cic:cs-��as� tlie �n,o,ult oL cov�r��;� �,�i.thin th^ Yl�:n , far. th;� b:icyc:le tr�zit�, ��nd L-o c.•:�:u::l on t:hc ar.eas c:a��ccr.ri�.nc� tlr; �x�; a1_�rt.i.on v�r.s�s �-� iRE�GULAR COUPaCIL MEETING OF h1AY 6, 1974 � � � � l9I PAGE 18 ��r. Terry Claggert, 158 Collen Street, 1�Jyoming, t�iinnesota, said he had called the City t�lanager at 10:30 or 11:00 on tl;e day follo���ir.g the last Council meeting, and he had been told at that time tnat the bids i�ter2 to be readvertised. Fle said they had aot bid on the complete list of equipmerlt at the time of the first bid, but at ihis time an d on the second bid, they had bid o» a11 of the equipment. The City t•tanager stressed, t�;c City can sell t{iis equipment without advertising for bids. The City Attorney said, but once bids are obtafed the City 4rould be bound to these hids. The City Attorney suggested the.Council either award the first or th2 second bids or reject both tids and authorize the Administration to negotiate the sale of the equip;nent. . Fi07I0W by Councilman Utter to reject all b'ids, the first and the second, and authorize the City t•tanager to negotiate with the.t�•�o parties, or all interested parties for the ' sale of the liquor store etiuipment. Seccnded by Councilman Stareralt. Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, tiayor Lieb1 declared the mation carried unanimously. � The City Attorney said the bids had to be rejected because one of the men v�as the high bidder the first time, and should have been awarded the sa}e the firsi: tine, and the ather alas the high bidder the second tim2 and should have been awarded ; • the sa3e the second time. t1e said it would be impossible to award th2 cantract • dCCOrding to either of the bids, ihis would noi be fair to the people invc7ved. � The City Attorney further commente� that perhaps a verbal auctioii should be held to obtain a high bidder and complete the sale of the equipment. � � LJ i � � � � The Finance Director left the meeCing with the ttivo bidders to negotiate for the sale of the liquor store equipment. . (t�OTE: 7;�e Council returned to the agenda at the point where they had broken from the listed items.) " RECEIVING TNE MIl;UTES 0�" TNE PARKS AfvD RECREA7ION COi�iHISSION hSEETIP7G OF APRIL 22, 974: Councilman Utter questioned the acquisition of the Swanson property at this time stating there is not much money lefi in the budget. The City.t-lanager said there had been an agreement reached with the pro�erty owner that a portion of the maney would be paid at th� present time at�d the remainder of ihe purchase price �rould be paid the following year. (iJote: The eleventh item on the agenda concerned the purchase of the S�vanson property and the Council took action on this item since the reco.�xnendation a�as to be received within the Parks and Recreation Comnission minutes.) CONSIDERATIO;t OF APPROUAL OF PURCHASE OF StdAP�SOt9 PROPEP.TY FOR RUTH CIRCLE PAFK: . Mr. Y.en Sporre, 301 Ironton, addressed the Council and said he was representing the property arner, Mrs. Scranson, his n;�ther-in-latv. 7he City htanager pointed out that the City would pay $4,296.26 at the present time, and $2,h03.�4 next year and the taxes and assessments due and payable in 1974 L�ould he paid by the prooerty orm er. Councilman Star�•aalt asked if there was some questions or problens,with �he special assess�ients. ;�ir. Sporre said there ��ias to be a charge, but this, tiJas on]y if the property was used for construction. �iotr, this wculd no lor�yer be in effect because the City would be using the property for a park. � • P;OiIOid by Councilman Nee to concur with the recoTmendation of the Parks and Recreation Con�nission and approve the purchase of the S���anson property according to the means previously pointed out by the City ��ianayer. Seconded by Councilman areider. Upon a voice vo:e, all voting aye, !�ayor Liebl deci�red tiie motion carried unanimously. Fi0TI0N by Councilman Utter to rec�ive the minutes of thc Parks and Rec�~eation Canmiission of April 22, 1474. Secanded by Counciln,an Sta►-vralt. upon a voice vote, . all voting aye, �tayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 0 � i: r �� 19A ! `� ,� � � � ; { .� j , : : ; - ; � � MEP�10 T0: FROP4: SUBJECT: DA7E: VIRGII HERRICK, CITY ATTORP�EY MERVIN HcRR;�r�P��l, CITY �ISSESSOR S6�lA��SO�� PROPERiY TO BE ADDED TO RUTN CIRCLE PARK JULY 16, 1974 The property in question is Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Swanson 1"errace. ihe agree�ent of pur.chase price was se� at $6,700.Q0 with the seller paying all taxes due in 1974, the balance of th� special assessments and the pending assessmznts, according to tf�e minutes of 11pri7 22, 1974 Parks and Recreation Corrnnittee. Ti�is tras acted on by the Ciiy Council on fray 6, 1974 to corcur with �he recommendation of the Cammission and approve th2 purchase. The recommendation by the Commission was as folio:,►s: ! � Total Price �6700.00 A. 4wner to pay 191� tax stat?ment bill 288.04 Sub 7ota1 �6 't1:96 B. O�rner to pay balance o� assessm�nis 684.79 Sub ?otal ��"12�.'�7 C. Otivner ta pay pendin, assessements 215�Y.E� � Sub Total � 3572. ��9 � . D. Owner has paid -F�irst on� half of line A 14�.02 Ne� to 4���n2r � ��716.57� - Then Ci ty would pay off bal ance of speci al assessments , pe���Ii r�g assessments and second one half of 197� taxes. ' � c 0 19C1 ...� . . . . . . . . . . . • . * •- � jMEMO T0: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager � � � � � biEMO FROM: Richard N. Sobiech, Assistant Engineer DATE: SUBJECT: August 1, 1974 Extension of Time on Sanitary Se�aer and Water Improvemeni Project No. 115 B �, B Excavating, Inc., general contractor for Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 115, has rec{uested a time exten- sion on the referenced project in order to perform contract obligations in another locality. Please be advised that the major- ity of the work under the contract (sewer lateral, watermain sewer services and water services in the area bounded by 78th Ave- nue, 79th Avenue, Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and Beech Street) is substantially completed with thirteen sewer and water services on Benjamin Street the only work remaining. Mr. �d�Droops of Pine Tree Builders, the developer for the Benjamin Street property, has indicated an extension of the contract completion time would not cause a delay in his development plans as long as the services are installed this year. Therefore, the Engineering Department recommends that the � completion date of the referenced project be extended from the original completion date of August 11, 1974 to October 1, 1974. s RNS/ 1 P � - � ' � � � . . . ..__y __ _ _.,, ...1 � j. � � . � ,:� .� 7 � 'y � i ��rC # � \�' �� ,' �r, �' i �� ; - ,.... � . � � , :; � _ . �.._ _.,�. .. _ �.�___ ... ... ..� .._ . .�_..� � �i. . ��� COUNTY O� ANOK� Office of the County Board of Commissioners COLJRT HOUSE --- 421-4760 --- A.NOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 , MEMO TO: The City of Fridley LJ � July 12, 1974 ATTENTION: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager FROM: Dale Winch, Administrative Specialist SUBJECT: Space Lease Agreement I have included a copy of a new lease agreement which differs � from the•previous lease between Anoka County and the City of Fridley only in that the dates have been changed to reflect the current lease period, and the lease cost rate has been � changed fram $4.00/sq. ft. to $5.00/sq. ft. as you previously requested. Please review the lease agreement, and if you cancur with the Iter�ns therein, return the signed copy ta my attention. - �� , � � �� � � � � � Dale F. Winch � DFW:sm Enc].osure , � � � r � L E A S E � 21A � THIS AGREEMENT made this 8th day of July, 1974, b�t and between , �he City of Fridley, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter c�alled the Lessor, and the County of Anoka, a body politic and co�_porate of the. State of DZinnesota, hereinafter called the Lessee, WITNESSETH: That the Lessor does hereby demise and let unto the Lessee the following described premises: 1. AREA AND PURPOSE: That portion of the Fridley Municipal Building as indicated in Item 4 below. The area hereb�t demised and let unto the Lessee amounts to 2469 square feet and wi:Ll be used for w` the purposes of a County Court Courtroom, Judge's Chamber, and for ' other related County Court functions. 2. TERM: The Lessee is to have and to hold the ��bove described premises for a term o� one year beginning on the lst d��y of July, 1974, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1975. It is mutually agreed that the Lessee will pay fo:r the space occupied commencing on July 1, 1974, and through June :30, 1975, an the same basis as the terms of this Lease. 3. EXTENSION OF TERM, ANNUAL RENEWAL: The origi�zal term of this Lease Agreement being for a term of one year as specif:ied above, it is understood between the parties hereto that in the even�t the Lessee desires to renew or Lessar desires not to renew this L��ase for additional one year periods, either may do so by notif;ying the other in writing thirty (30) days prior to the termination o:f this Lease Agreement of its intention to extend or not extend. S�uch written notice sha11 be by certified mail addressed to the Cit;y Clerk of the � City of Fridley, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesota if for :Lessor, and � LEASE - PAGE 2 County Board, County Court House, Anoka, Minnesota if for Lessee. m 4. RENTAL: The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the sum annually of $5.00 per square foot based on the degree of occupancy of the des- cribed premises, which is agreed to be as follows: Area Square Feet % Use Est. Cost @$5.00 Court Raom 1739 Detention Room 59 Judge's Chambers 275 Clerk's Room 396 2469 40 100 100 100 $3,478.00 295.00 1,375.00 1,980.00 $7,128.00 In no event shall the annual rent hereunder be less than $7,128. The Lessee shall pay such rent in advance annually or in monthly install- ments at the option of the Lessee and the Lessor agrees that it will file the required claim against the Lessee for the payment of such rent as provided in Minnesota Statutes 471..38. 5. AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUTPMENT: It is agreed that the Lessee caill pay to the Lessor an amount equal to the value of office furniture and equipment furnished by the Lessor on the basis of original cost of the items provided. 6. SERVICES TQ BE PROVIDED BY LESSOR: The Lessor hereby agrees to furnish, for the term of this agreement and as a part af the con- sideration for this agreement, the foll.owing: l. Al1 electric power, telephone outlets, heat, and sewer and water facilities which are required by the Lessee. 2. All custodiai services necessary to the upkeep of the demised area, including towels, light bulbs, janitorial supplies and all other necessary items. 3. Al1 maintenance and upkeep o£ the grounds, parking lot, driveways and walks adjacent to the Municipal Building. � 0 � ' , ' ' LEASE - PAGE 3 � C 4. All maintenance and repair of the building, corridors, stairs, railings, windows and al.l appurtenances to any of the afore- mentioned, except repairs occassioned or required as a result of negligence of the Lessee or its agents and employees. S. Public li�bility insurance in the amounts of $100,000.00 - $300,000.00 limits with tY-�e Lessee as a named insured or co-insured on said policy. The certificate of insurance naming the Lessee as an insured or co-insured shall be furnished to the Lessee within a reasonable time after the execution of this Agreement. 6. All off-street parking facilities now or hereafter provided in conjunction with the Municipal Building is to be available to Lessee equally with other public and private users. Any changes in services resulting in a reduced or increased �cost, or any services added or eliminated, shall be pravided by Lessor at the request of the Lessee at the expense of the Lessee, and an adjustment for increased or reduced continuing costs shall be made in the rental set forth in paragraph 4 of this Agreement. The initial expense of such change in services shall be the actual cost and the continuing expense shall be agreed upon as to amount prior to change, installation or removal. 7. JOINT USE OF FACILITIES: The. Lessor shall have the right to use the Court-Council room for generaZ meetings of various bodies with- out interference from the Lessee, except during scheduled court hours. Use of the courtroom space during other than normal court hours may be reserved by the court through the City Manager's Office. Either party may use such room or other rooms covered by Item 4 which do not provide 100� court use when such space is not scheduled for use by the other, and Lessor may assign use therefor by other persons and groups when such rooms are not scheduled for use by the Lessee. 8. DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING: It is further agreed between the Lessor and the Lessee that if during the term of this Lease the demised p�emises or the improvements thereon shall be injured or destroyed by :m�� LEASE - PAGE 4 uD fire or the elements, or through any other cause, so as to render the demised premises unfit for occupancy, or unfit for the conduct of the uses and purposes of the Lessee as hereinbefore set forth, or to such an extent that they cannot be repaired with reasonable diligence within 90 days from the happening of such.injury, then the Lessee may terminate this Lease from the date of such damage or destruction, and shall immediately surrender the demised premises and all interest therein to the Lessor and shall pay rent only to the time of such surrender. But if the demised premises can be restored within 90 days from the happening of the injury thereto, the Lessor shall immediately commence such recon- struction and repair as is necessary to restore the premises to its pre-existing condition and this Lease shall not end or terminate on account of such injury by fire or otherwise. The rent shall not run or accrue after the injury and during the process of repairs, and up to the time when the repairs shall be completed, except only that the Lessee shall during such time, pay a pro rata portion of such rent apportioned to the demised premises which are in condition for occupancy or which may be actually occupied during such repairing period. If, however, the demised premises shall be so slightly injured by any cause aforesaid, as not to be rendered unfit for occupancy, then the Lessor shall repair the same with reasonable promptness, and in that case the rent shall not cease or be abated during such repairing period. All improvements ar betterments placed by the Lessee or the Lessor on the demised premises shall, however, in any event, be repaired and replaced by the Lessee at its own expense and not at the expense of the Lessor and at the termination of this Lease all changes, improvements or alterations to the building shall become or remain the property of the Lessor at the option of the Lessor or at the termination of the lease,lessee shall remove such improvements or alterations and�restore to pre-existing condition on the option of the lessor. Ail furniture or fixtures not i 1 . ' �. i , ' LEASE - PAGE 5 21 E physically a�tached to the building which the Lessor has acquired for or sold to the Lessee and reimbursement therefor made to Lessor by Lessee, shall become the property of Lessee. 9. ALTERATIONS: Any improvements in the spaces rented hereunder thai are to become attached must be approved in advance by the City. The City agrees to pay for the value of such improvements upon termination of this lease. The County may make improvements without City approval if it is agreed that such improvements will be removed at the termination of the Lease and the building restored to its original condition at County expense. 10. TELEPHONES: The Lessee agrees to pay all installation and service charges for telephone services provided by the Lessor for the Lessee's use. This payment shall. be based on actual costs incurred by the Lessor which are in addition to the Lessor's normal telephone service costs, and will include a pro rata share of the cost of switch- board service and personnel. Computation for switchboard service shall be computed on the basis of percentage of total station and trunk line charges allocated to the County Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals , the day and year above first written. Witnesses: CITY OF FRIDLEY By Mayor City Manager COUNTY OF ANOKA By Chairman of County Board RESOLUTION N0. � � 1974 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR AN ADDITIONAL TAX LEVY IN ADDITION TO THE 10 MILL LIMITATION PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER SPECIFYING THE PURPOSES AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON SAME AND ALSO CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON EXPENDITURES TO BE MADE FROM REVENUE SHARING FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: SECTION 1. That the Couneil of the City of Fridley in the month of August 1974 received from the City Manager a proposed budget of the City of Fridley for the year 1975, which proposed budget when examined evidenced the necessity of an additional tax levy in excess of the City Char.ter limitation. SEC7ION 2. That the purposes for which such additional tax levy is required include additional sums for the General Fund, additional sums for Firemen's Relief, additional sums for Police Relief, additional sums for a debt service on Parks, additional sums for a debt service on Civic Center and additional sums for contribuiion to the Public Employees Retirement Fund. SECTION 3. That in addition the purpose of the Public Hearing is ta discuss the purpose of Revenue Sharing Funds to be budgeted in the year 1975. SECTION 4. That a public hearing be held before the City Council at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on September 9, 1974 , 1974 to consider this matter. That a copy of this Resolution be published in the official newspaper of the City on August 21, August 28 and September 4, 1974 to give notice of such Public Hearing. PASSED AND A¢OPTED ` ,�l' TH TS M� BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI7Y OF FRIDLEY f +� � DAY OF :C. �' �.& � , 1974. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL A7TES7: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL �� L r-, J � � �� RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION ORDERING IPIPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 113 WHEREAS, Resolution #41-1973 set the date for hearing on the improve- ments, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached thereto for reference as Exhibit "A"; and ' WHEREAS, all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of the improvements (as noted in said notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and published notice of the Council hearing through two (2} weekly publications of the required notice, and the hear- � ing was held and the property owners heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice; and WHEREAS, Resolution #72-1973 adopted by the City Council of the City af Fridley ordered this improvement. NO�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Alinnesota as follows: 1. That the following improvement proposed by Council Resolution #41-1973 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasoriably possible, to-wit: Sanitary Sewer Mains Outlet, Storm Sewer Outfall To serve the area baunded by Matterhorn Drive on the West; Interstate 694 on the South; Gardena Avenue on the North; and the City of Fridley Ntunicipal boundaries on the East. That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: SANITARY SE4VER AND STORM SEWER IA'[PROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 113 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and Comstock $ Davis, Consulting Engineers for such improvements and each o€ them, pursuant to the Council resolutions hereto- fore adopted, a c�py of which plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part hereof, are hereby ap�roved and shall be fi.led with the City Clerk. 3. The work to be performed under SANITARY SEVVER AND STORM SEi�ER IbfPROVEMF.NT PROJECT N0. 113 shall be performed under one or more contracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 0 Res. No. � Adv, for Bids, #113 Page 2 The City Engineer shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for tliree (3) weeks (at Ieast 21 days) , and shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 11:30 a.m., on the 6th day of September , 1974 in the Cauncil Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Engineer, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 113 shall be substantially in form as that noted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 5TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1974 FRANK G. LIEBL - P�IAYOR ATTEST: i�ARVIN C. �3RUNSELL - CITY CLERK 23 A � � .: z 1 I', , , � � � � ' . 0 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS PR03ECT #113 ,• �� WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Cnunty, Minnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. NOW, THERE�ORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 14th day of May , 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place hear all parties interested in said improvements i� whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of �he following improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Sanitary, Sewer Mains Outlet and Storm Sewer 0utfa1l To serve the area bounded by Natterhorn Drive on the west; I: 694 on the south; Gardena Avenue on the north; and the City Municipal boundaries on the east. . � ESTIMA.TED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 436, 848. 55 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR� SAID IAiFROVEt4ENTS IS AS FOLLOiVS: For Constructian Item above ----------------------------------------- All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. . All of said•land to be assessed proporCionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. , That should the Council proceed with s aid improvgments they �rill consider each separate impravements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. DATED THIS 2nd DAY OF April , 1973, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Publish: April 25, 1973 May 2, 1973 MAYflR - FRANK G. LIEBL ; i ' ' , � � � NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Frldley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Manager, on the 6th day of September, 1974, at 11:34 A.M. for the furnishing of work and materials for the inatallation of Sanitary Sewer Tmprovement Project No. 113. The project consists of the following: 4,I50 L.F. 10" D.I.P. Sewage Force Main with related appurtenances 280 L.F. 10" V.C.P. Sanitary Sewer with related appurtenances 4 Each Manhoies 1 Each Sewage Lift Station AlI in accordance with plans and specifications prepared £or the City of Fridley, Minnesota, by Comstock & Davis, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 1k46 County Road "J", Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432, Telephone 784-9346. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the City Manager, and � copies may be obtained for the Contractor's individual use by applying Co the engineers and depositing with the engineers $30.00 for each set. The deposit will be refunded to each bidder submitting a bonafide bid apon return of the � documents in good condition within ten (10) days fram the daCe of opening bids, and to non-bidders upon return of the documents in good condiCion prior to the bid opening. . � Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for the work, and aecompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsibl.e bank in the State of MinnesoCa), or a bidder's bond and made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota in an amount of noC lesa than 5� of the.total amount of the bid. The City Council reserv�s the right tio reject any and all bids and to waive anp • informalities in any bids received without explanatian. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council af the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 5th day of August, I974. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager ' , ' ' ' w..u,r�,d.m.:�.-:,.,w,�;.ww....�,+�rw.�.�..,� F � � e i a • � , � � � � � 24 RESOLUTION N0. r A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEP�IENT BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BE IT RESOL1/ED By the City Council of tne City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesata, as follows: THAT WH�REAS It has heretofore been determined by this Council to issue temporary improvement bonds in arder to provide the necessary funds for tt�e construction and payment of expenses relative to the following impravement projects to-a�it: Street Improvement Projects 1Vo's. ST.1974-1, ST.1974�2 and 5T.1974-4 as �er plans and specifications approved by the City Council: and WHEREAS It has been determined that there is at the present time an amount in excess of $42p,000.00 in the following fund, to-wit: Investment Fund whi ch sum wi 11 not be requi red for other purposes pri or to Au�us�1.,,._]9.IL IT IS THEREFQRE Determined to be in the interest of the City of Fridley that the sum of $420,000.00 of the Investment Fund _ BE INVESTED As authorized by law and in accordance therewith it is hereby determined to purchase the sum of �420�000.00 of the aforementioned Stre��.r�2y� ment Proj�cts [�o's. ST.1974-1, ST.1974�2 and ST.1974-4 ____..l�__ __ issued under date of Auqust_ 1,_ 1974 __ IfPON Their initial issuance in accordance with the prov�sions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091 , 471 .55 and 475.55, out of funds of the^In�m�l.tt_ Fund and on behalf of said fund at par and accrued interest as af the date of delivery of said bonds and campletion of such sale; it being further determined to be reasonable and advantageous t0 the Inv s-m nt Fi�nrl _ _ to invest in said temporary improverr►ent bonds and ta be reasanable and advantageous to the City to sell said temporary improvement bonds to the _Tnv t.ment Fund._._ �_ .. .�,. _._..r- - I� _ __. ....._.._�__ in accordance with provisions of this resolution. �a� � ' , - � 24 A '� . SEC. 1. The City Manager and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed � to take any and all steps necessary to effect the provisions of the aforegoing resolutions and to make such transfer of funds as may be necessary f rom time I� to time to give effect to the provisians hereof. � � , PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY � �' �_, � � ��� � � MAYOR .. FRANK C�. LIEBL � ,� CITY MANAGER .. NASI1� M. QURESHI tATTEST: � � Y CLERK - P�IARVIN C. BRUNSELL � � � � ' - � � � I � � � �� , r RESOLUTION N0. `( � _ A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCOR.DANCE WITH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTER 385 BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follc�ws : SEC, 1. The coral estimated cost of Street Improvement Prolects No's. S�s.1974-1, ST.1974-2 and ST. 1974-4 has been estimated at �420�,000 QO SEC. 2. It is now estimated that the sian of �420,000.00 is :.urrentty necessary to provide financing of the projecCs above noted, and it is hereby determined ta be necessary to borrow said amount for the payment of obLiKdti��ns now incurred and Lor expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the constructian of said improvement project. sEC. 3. There is h+-�reby created Street Improvement PrOiects��to's ST.19I4-1. ST.1974-2 drtd ST.1974-4 which shall contain a construction account as part thereof into which shall be paid all proceeds of temporary b�nds issued pursuant to this resolution and similary subsequent resolutions, and uut of which shall be paid all amaunts due and gayable as costs or expenses incident to or incurred in connection with the making of said iraprovement. SEC. 4. There is also hereby created Street Improvement Pro.iects Na'��T 1974-1, ST 1974-2 and ST 1974-4 a P& I Account, which account in said fund may and shall be termed as the P& I Fund, into which shall be paid the proceeds of all special assessments levied against benefited property hy reason of making of said improvements as well as all other monies therein to be paid as provided by law and out of which shall be paid the principal and interest on all temporary improvemenC bonds issued to finance said project. � SEC. 5. It is hereby deCermined thar the sum of ��,Q00.00 shall be borrowed to finance said Street Improvement Pro�ects No's ST 1974-1 ST 1974-2 and ST.1�4-4 with respect to cost of construction and expenses necessarily incurred relative �� � � � � �. thereto to this date, by the issuance of temporary improvement bonds of [t�e City of Fridley as authorized in Minnesota Statutes, SEC. 429.01, Subdivision 3, as amended by Laws 1957, Chapter 385. SEC. 6. Said bonds shall be payable from the P& I Fund of the following; Street Improvement Proiects No's ST 1974-1 ST 1974 2�n� ST=1974,4 but the City further recognized its duty under the law, a� provided by Sec. 429.091, and covenants and agrees with the purd�►aser and all holders fram time to time, af said temporary improvement bonds, at or prior to the maturity thereof that it will pay and retire such bonds and the interest thereon out of the pruceeds Af definitive improvement bonds which the Council shall issue and sell at or prior to the maturity of the temporary improvement bonds to the extent that the same cannot be paid our of funds available in the p& I. gund of � P Tmor vPmPn_ Projects No's. ST.1974-1, ST.1974-2 and ST.1974-4 or out oi other Municipal funds which are properly available and are approgriated by the Council for such purpose. SEC. 7. It is hereby deCermined ta levy special assessments against benefited property by reason of the making of �r��+ TMnNnv�mnnf ���;o�+� nin�c �T 1974-1 ST.1974-2 and ST.1974-4 and to levy ad valarem taxes, if necessary, to produce sums at least 5% in excess of the amounts sufficient to pay principal and interest when due on said temporary improvement bonds and on any definitive bonds to be issued as herein provided, such special assessments to be placed on the tax rc�l.lalat such time when said improvement projects have been campleted or the total cost thereof has been determined. SEC. 8. Said temporary improvement bonds in the amount of �420.000.00 shall be denrnninated Street Improvement Proiects No's ST 1974-1 ST 1974�2 and_ ST.1974-4 shall be ginhtv-.fnur (84) in number and numbered from 1 to $4 inclusive, each in the denomination of $5.(J00.00 shall bear interest at the rate of 7°� per annum, payable semi-annuaily on February and A_u�ust of each year and shall mature on Auqust 1, 1977 , ahall be subject ta redemption and pre-payment on any interest payment date, at par I �� � and accrued interest. Not less than 30 days before the date specified for redemption on said bonds, the City Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if known, said Treasurer 'shall maintain a record of the names and addresses of the holders of said bonds insofar as such information is made available to him by the holders thereof, for the purpose of mailing said notices. The principal and all inte.rest on said bonds shall be payable ' at Fridley Ciry Hall, 6431 University Avenue, N.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota � 55421. , SEC. 9. Said temporary.improvement bonds sha11 be mimeographed and when So mimeographed shall hav e attached thereco an interesc coupon which hond and coupon shall be substantially in the following iurm: � (Form �f Coupon) 1 No. $ � (Unless the bond described below is ca,lled for earlier redemption) � � � �$ on the day af , 19` , ch�• of County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at , Minnesota, .he ��un of dolLars lawful money of the Uniced States of Americ� for interest then due on its DATED � CITY MANAGER - NASIM M. QURESHI M�YDR - FRANK G. LIEBL SEC. 10. Said bonds and coupons attached shall be prepared under the dir�ctios� I� � of the City Manager and shall be executed on behalf of che City by the signatures I� of the Mayor and Manager, and the corporate seal of the City shall be affixed ,� II � � � �, � , � l � � � � � � �C thereto, and the appurtenant interest coupon shall be mimeographed and ��uthencicated. by the printed, engraved, lithographed, or facsunile si.gnatures uf said Mayur and Manager. When said bonds have been executed and authentica�ed they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, upon payment of the purchase price heretoFore agreed upon and accrued interest to date of delivery and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof. SEC. 11. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with County Auditor of Anoka County, together with �uch other information as he shall require and to obtain fram 5aid County Auditur a certificate that said bonds have been entered on this bond register. SEC. 12. The bonds issued hereunder �ha11 be payable for CtrPPt Im�ouement Projects tJo's ST 1974-1 ST 1 74- and ST.1974-4 _ which is hereby created. Thc - Treasurer shall cause all monie� received fram the proce�ds oi said bonds, all monies appropriated and transferred from other funds and all special assessments for the imprcrv ementti provided that if any payment uf principal or interest shall become due when there is not sufficienr money in said fund to pay the same, the Treasurer shall pay such principal or interest frc�m the general fund of the City and such fund shall be rein�bursed for such advance� out of monie� to be credited to said fund when said monies are collected. All proceeds for said bonds e�ccept accrued interest shall be credited to the fund and used to pay �.he cost of said improvements. SEC. 13. It is further provided that should it appear at any time that the munfes credited to said fund and provided for the payment of principal or interest on the bonds when the sums become due are not sufficient to pay the same, that then the City shall issue further definitive improvement bonds as authorized and provided in accurdance with Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 429.091, Chapter 475, and that the process of said further definitive bonds shall be first used to pay the principal and interest as is then due and to redeem the temporary bonds issued therzunder. � 1 , � � � � � , �I � b � SEC. 14. The City Council has determined that not less than twenty percent (20%) of the total cost of said improvements will be paid by special assessments to be levied against every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by the said improvements. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as they can be done, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such special assessments, and in the event that any sucr assessments be at any tiare � held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity, or in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Council or any of tihe City Officers or employees, either in the making of such assessment or in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the City and this Council will forthwith do all such further proceedings as may be required by law to make such assessments valid and binding liens against such property, and also shall take such further proceedings as may be required by law to pravide manies for the payment of principal and interest as the same fall due on the bonds issued hereunder and to provide for the redemption of Che same. SEC. 15. It is hereby determined that the collection of special assessments and the proceeds of monies appropriated and transferred from other funds is and wi11 be in an amount of at least fi.ve per cent (5%) in excess of the amount required to pay the principal o€ and the interest on said bonds when due ind that no ad valorem tax levy is accordingly required. SEC. 16. The officers of the City and the County Auditor of Anoka County are hereby authorized and directed to prepart and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and recor�s relating to said bonds and to the financial affairs of said City, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as may be required, to shoW the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the sarae appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to the, and such certificates, certified copies and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall bz deemed representations of the City as to the correctness of a11 statements contained therein. �-V1 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF , 1�tAY0R - FRANK G. LIEBL cz� r�aNAC�R - NASIM M. QURESHI ATTE ST : CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � �E � � � � � � , ' � RESOLU7ION N0. `� � - t974 A RESOW7ION AUTNORIZING ANO OIRECTING THE SPLI7TING OF SPfCIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCFI 1800, AtlDITOSi' S SUSDIUiSION N0. 88 I�MEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with resper_t to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOWf THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ as follows: TF�at the assessments tevied against the following described parcet, to-wit: Parcel 1800, Ruditor's Subdivisio� No. 88, may and shatl be apportioned and divided as faltows: Oric�inal Parcel � Parcet 1800, Part of Lots 16 and -. 17', Audi tor's Su�di vi si on No, 8$ . Di vi si on of Parcel A� roved Parcel 1500, Part of Lots lb and 17, Auditor's Subdivision Noo 88 Fund Regular SA 1966 Service Conn. ST. 1966-6 Street ST. 1966-2 Street 1970 5ervice Co�n. Fund Regular SA 196b Service Conn. ST. 19bb-6 Street S7. 196b-2 Street Originat Amount _.__._..._...._._ $ 9,658.57 2,502,40 9,912•25 22,472.70 Paid _...�.� $44,5�5•92 Original Amount $ 4,497099 t,000.96 5, 691.55 11,236.35 Parcel 1800, Part of Lots 16 and Regular SA $ 5,1�•5$ 17, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 1966 Service Conn. 1,SQ1.44 • S7. 19bb-6 St�eet 4,220.70 ST. i96�-2 Street i1,23b.35 ` 1970 Servi:,e Conn. Paid $�+�, 545•92 .-�`�ti � �AOOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIl. OF TH£ CITY OF FRI�.�Y 1'HIS %'J OAY OF . � , 1974• f1TTEST: GITY CLERK Marvin C. 8runsei MAYOR Frank G. Liebl 0 I � Re�sol uti on #� l� 1974 Con't . Pa�ge 2 � � , ' � WARD 1 PRECINCT 3 *Mrs. Velma Pinks Mrs. A1ice P•1o1 Mrs. Barbara Chrissie Rosella Amar Sharon Hippen Dorothy Heule WARD 2 PRECINCT 1 *Virginia Locker Betty Brezney Caroline Svendsen Mrs. Gerri Engdahl Mrs. Virginia Steinmetz Mrs. Doris Reiners WARD 2 PRECINCT 2 *Jeanette Micholski Nickolas Garaffa Jr. Catherine Scott Mrs. He1en Schaffer Mrs. Kathryn Follmuth Mrs. Margaret Persgard WARD 2 PRECINCT 3 *Mrs. Beverly Kinsman Mrs. Jean Wagar Mrs. Edna Erickson Adaline Swanson Judy Engelbretsan Marlys Lisoarski WARD 3 PRECINCT 1 *Arly Flaherty Lee Ann Sporre Claudia K. Vescio Mrs. Connie Samuelson Mrs. Janet Crego Mrs. Evelyn Holtze R R R D D D D D R R R 5973 5th Street 251 Sylvan Lane � 281 Sylvan Lane 6121 Sunrise Drive 464 57th Place 6281 Trinity Drive 560-3284 560-1996 566-1180 560-13i 8 560-1971 560-2528 5664 Jackson 560-7563 690 59th Avenue 560-6083 5741 W. t�loore Lake Dr. 560-6060 5897 4Jashington St. 560-3092 6340 Monroe Street 560-2078 585 Bennett Drive 560-3367 D 6665 Arthur Street D 6549 Anoka St. d 1632 69th Avenue R 6805 Channel Road R 1621 Onondago St. R 7430 Lakeside Road R 1348 Hillcrest Drive R 5940 Stinson Blvd. R 6056 Woody Lane D 5835 Central Ave. D 5216 Taylor D 5180 Lincoln St. D D D R R R 124 Rickard Road 301 Ironton St. 190 Ironton St. 7800 East River Road 7854 Alden Way 7680 Alden Way 784-9571 784-6388 786-1143 784-9676 784-2454 786-1447 788-0764 788-4660 788-6700 788-7638 788-6960 788-8331 784-1912 786-4237 786-0186 784-7980 786-3205 784-0812 vA . RE.so� uti on #�+'� 1974 Con't. u� � P��ge 3 � � WARD 3 PRECINCT 2 *Mrs. Pat Dittes Mrs. Darlene Vallin Sarbara Heenan Barbara Gohman Delores Christenson WARD 3 PRECINCT 3 *Helen Treuenfels Jean Johnson Alice Blake Mrs. Sharon Reemsta Mrs. Jean Jackson Mrs. Linda Tatley R 6291 Riverview Terrace 560-3853 R 159 6� 41ay 560-2707 D 6540 East River Road 56608605 D 151 62nd Way 560-1564 D 173 Rivers Edge Way 560-5959 � � � . 5248 Horizon Orive 136 Horizon Circle 5044 3rd St. 101 53rd Avenue 485i 2 2 Street 115 Horizon Circle 550-5407 560-5257 56Q-4096 560-6933 560-6959 560-3771 SE:CTION 5. There is hereby established a special Absentee Sallot Precinct in the City of Fridley. The,judges for �he Absentee 8a]lot Precinci are: ABSENTEE BALLOT PRECINCT *Mrs. Mary Ellen Storley R Jan R. Seeger D Joan Swenson I 414 Rice Creek Terr. 560-5429 324 Ironton Street 784-7441 6888 Channel Road 784-�'506 SECTION 6. That the following judges are appointed to act as chairmen of the Election Baard far the precincis designated and shall have the � duties set forth in Section 203.23 of Minnesota Statutes. Ward 1 Precinct 1 Mrs. htarilyn Beck Ward 1 Precinct 2 Joyce McClellan Ward 1 Precinct 3 Mrs. Velma Pinks � Ward 2 Precinct 1 Mrs. Virginia Locker Ward 2 Precinct 2 P�rs. Jeanette Micholski � Ward 2 Precinct 3 Mrs. Beverly Kinsman Ward 3 Precinct l Arly Flaherty Ward 3 Precinct 2 P1rs. Pat Dittes Ward 3 Precinct 3 P�rs. Helen Truenfels Absentee Ballot Precinct P1rs. Mary Ellen Storley SECTION 7. Compensation for said Judges will be paid at the rate of $2.00 per hour for the Regular judges and $2.50 for the chairm n of the Election Soard. � '��/ PASSEO AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS '� DAY OF ��' 1 C , 1974 V���,a AT�TEST ; ����1 1 �� � - -♦ -�r MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL r � ' �J � RESOLUTION N0. ��_ -- 1974 A RESOLUTIQN OIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARIN6 ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT R�.L FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. ]973-3 � WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on A�ust 5, 1974 , the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of street improvements including coRCrete curb and guiter, sfiorm sewer systems, water and sanitary sewer services, sidewaiks, and other facilitieso WHEREAS, the Cterk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roit has been compteted and fiied in fiis o�fiee for public inspection. NOW, TttEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TME CI7Y OF FRIDL'EY, ANOKA COUNTY, MIMNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City Councit shalt meet at the City Halt in the 1 City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesata, on the 16th day of SePtember� 1974 , at 7;30 P.M. to pass upo�► the proposed assessment for , STREET IMPROVEMENT PP,OJECT ST. 1973-3 1 2. The City Ma�age� shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the officiat newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. , , PASSED ANQ AOOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIOLEY THIS 5th OAY OF August �� , 19740 � ' atr�sY: , �CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell , , � ' MAYOR �rank G. Lieb1 � � � � CI7'Y OF FRIOLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridiey wi11 meet at , the City Nalt in said City on the 16th day of September� 1974 , at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the foltowing improvement, to-wit: � ST. 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ' The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements is now on file and open to pubiic inspection by alt persons interested, in the office of the Cterk of said City. � , � , � � � At said hearing the Council witt consider written or orat objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvements. The generat nafi�ure of the improvements and each of them is the construction of street improvements including grading, stabitized base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer systems, water and sanitary sewer services, sidewalks, and other facitities located as follaws: In the area of East River Road from 62-1/2 Way Northeast to Rice Creek The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is att that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above noted. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part propartionateiy to each of the tands therein contained according to the benefits received. A property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by servinq notice of appeal upon .the City Mayor or Clerk within twenty (20) days after adaption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (1�J) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. DATED THIS $�h DAY OF August � 1974, BY ORDER OF THE CI7Y COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY. , ATTEST: ' ' ' CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunseli MAYOR Frank G. Liebl Pubtish; Fridtey Sun on August 28 and September 4, 1974 . � �J ' , �y 1974 RESOLUTION N0. 1�% - RESOLUTIOtJ DIRECTING PREPARATIaM OF ASSESSMENT ROLL fOR STREET IMPROVEM£NT PROJECi' ST. 1973-3 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: ' 1. It is hereby determined that the assessabTe cost of construction with respect to the fotlowing named improvement, to-wit: � STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1973-3 inctuding atl incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ . 2. The City Manager with the assistance of the City Clerk shall forthwith calcutate the proper amounts to be specialty assessed for said improvemEnt against every assessable tot, piece, or parcel of tand benefited by said improvement accarding to �aw, - � � . � ', PASSED AND ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOLEY TNIS .�^, . DAY OF '�� �. ,. t r , 1974. . � MAYOR Frank G. Liebt ATTE Sl': CITY CLERK Marvin C. Brunsell '� � . i � I� ' �� APPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COUNCIL CQNSIDERATION - AUGUST 5, 1974 H��1E POSITION ,� SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACES Dick Sobiech Public Warks $19,500 August 5, 1974 Nasim Qureshi 4219 14th Ave. So. Director per M��ls. Mn. 55407 Year Judith A. Wyatt 2198 Lakebrook Drive Ne!w Brighton, Mn. Secretary (Gr.9) Parks & Recreation Department $578 July 24, 1974 Kathy Stordahl per Month �I CLAIMS GENERAL 36502 - 36655 LIQUOR 9058 - 9090 31 �1�� vr VIVCIYJCJ iu at NrrK�utu �r Int �t�r �uuiV�iL Hi Int �ttI11VG Ut HUGU�I 5, 1974 �L T'YPE QF LICENSES - NEt�J CIGARETTE °��" Petroleum 53Q0 Central Avenue Fridley EI'•1PLOYEE DISPENSING T��rrence L. Zehrer 4;243 46th Avenue No. R��bbi nsdal e : APPROVED BY FEE Dennis NeuBauer . Public Safety Director $ 12.00 Ground Round Public Safety Director 5.00 , Ft)OD ESTABLISHMENT � "(�" Petroleum Dennis NeuBauer Health Inspector 25.00 ' 5300 Central Avenue 1 01=F SALE BEER "(2" Petraleum Dennis NeuBauer Public Safety Directar 15.00 5300 Central Avenue ' SE=RVICE STATION � ' ME�tro 500, Incorporated Richard D. Johnson � Planning Assistant 30.00 5��01 University Avenue Building Inspector ' R�iver Road K.4. C. J. Peterson Planning Assistant 30.00 7451 East River Road Building Inspector ' °(2" Petroleum Dennis Neu6auer N1�anriing Assistant 30.00 5:300 Central Avenue Building Inspector � � . : RE:N E6�JAL S ' C]fGARETTE ' Hc�liday Village North Pioneer Distributing Co. Public Safety Director 12.00 2aQ 57th Avenue ' LE�s's Standard Oil Les Schaffran Public Safety Director 12.00 7Ei80 High4��ay #65 ' Si:andard Oil D. K. Carter Company Public Safety Director 12.00 5:311 Uni versi ty �lvenue ' Tc>tino's Finer Foods, Inc. Pioneer Distr. Co. Public Safety Director 12.00 7:s50 Commerce Lane ' Ct�ntinued (1) � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE PIEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 3Z A T'YPE OF LICENSES - RENEG•JALS BY E��PLOYEE DISP��ISING Edward A. Hanson 1;735 Mari on Street #16 APPROVED BY FEE Ground Round Public Safety Director $ 5.00 FqOD ESTABLISHP-1ENT F��idley Youth Football Assoc. Byron Butters 2Ei0 67th �venue Gene's Flavor House Gene A. Eckstein 624 Osborne Road SE:RVICE STATION � Chuck's Gulf 7�!50 Central Avenue Country Boy Station Store 1:i01 �4ississippi Street Da�ve' s Texaco 6301 Highway 65 Qick's Narth Star 4C140 �larshall Street Fr�i dley Texaco Servi ce 6Ci71 University Avenue Gr�ant's Shell Station 7610 University Avenue. Larry's Champlin Superette 72'98 Nighway #65 Les's Standard Oil 76E0 High��ray �65 Moore Lake Union 76 5695 Hackmann Avenue NortMtot•m Standard 7609 University Avenue Phillips 66 5667 University Avenue Phillips 66 6500 University Avenue Riverside Car Wash 6520 East River Road Cantinued Health Inspector . non-profit Health Inspector Charles D. Jordan Planning Assistant Henry E. Lemm Planning Assistant David Haugen Planning Assistant Larry Hopkins � Planning Assistant Dennis D. Sarkilahti� Planning Assistant Duane Grant Larry L. Ludfard . Les Schaffran Lee R. Haugen Robert Rabe K. E. Waterbury K. E. Waterbury Robert Schleeter f21 Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant 20.90 (pro-rated) 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.J0 30.00 30.00 30.00 � LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE P1EETING OF AUGUST 5, 1974 � ` . 32 B ' II� � ' '- � � TYPE OF LICENSES - RENE4JALS SiERVICE STATION R��n's Standard Oil 6��90 University Avenue 5�tandard Oil 5311 University Avenue Si:eiger and Gertzen Garage 6�i19 Central Avenue Target Stores, Inc. 7E;5 53rd Avenue We�stern Stati on 7E�00 University Avenue White Knight 73�0 University A�enue STREET VENDING B. Glorrmen Sno-Cones 1048 87th Avenue Blaine USIED CAR LOT National Auta Salvage Auction 51 37th Avenue Sm�i tts T4otor Company 56��9 Uni versi ty Avenue ViEcing Chevrolet, Inc. 7501 HighU�ay #65 : Roland Cox Robert F. Rich Ernest Gertzen Richard P. Arf J. L. Kauppita Kenneth Durdin Barbara Glommen James Douids Wallace G. Schmedeke Mr. Isaacson APPROVED BY Planning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistant P1anning Assistant Planning Assistant Planning Assistani Fiealth Inspector Deputy Fire Chief Bullding Inspecior Deputy Fire Chief Building Inspector Deputy Fire Chief _ Building Inspector FEE $ 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 24.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 VENDING P�ACHINE � As<_,urance f�lanufacturing Da11as Anderson Health Inspector 15.00 77.'i3 Beeci� Street � l.es,'s Standard Oil Les Schaffran Health Inspector 35.00 76F�0 Higha�ay #65 . '-� 5teiger and Gertzen Garage Ernest Gertzen Nealth Inspector 15.00 6519 Centra1 Avenue Totino's Finer Foods, Inc. Pioneer Distr. Go. Nealth Inspector 115.00 � , 7350 Commerce Lane Moliday Vil1age Norih Pianeer Distr. Co. Health Inspector 85.00 I 250 57th Avenue . ' Cnnti n��arf �3) ' LI:ST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED 6Y THE CITY COUP�CIL AT THE t1EETIP�G OF AUGUST.5, 1974 3Z � 1 ' TY'PE OF LICENSES - NEbJ � BY APPROWED SY FEE � . . SO�LICITING �, 4Jebster's Dictionary & Student John R. Durgin Public Safety Director $ 25,00 Handbook 31 i 6 6�J. Owasso B1 vd. ,. Roseville 55112 , . Candy (3 k�nds) Cub Scout Pack #212 Public Safety Director non- Adams School profit i � Cliffard Lee (Clubmaster) . (4) CON'1'Ft11CTOR` S LICI:NSLS 2'O B� 11PPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THEIR ME��.'ING ON AUGUST 5, 1974 (i:LL H71VF A; 7_5.00 FEE) CENEk11L CO'�ITF'I�CTOR APPROV�D BY Bruce HuJ.bert Y.omes RouL-e #1, Box ?_90 A Wyoming, t�;i.iin. 55U92 By: Bruce Hulbert C. Belisle Ji�n �9. PZi.11er Construction, Inc. � Box 122£3 St. Cloud, T�iii�n. 56301. By: r:erlyn Jerzak C. Belisle FiF'I�TING General Sl:cr_•t P•ietal C':�r��. � 2330 Louisi:::�a "P.vcrn��-� .Ioi t.�. t�Si.nneapclis, i,7ir.n. :i5•�27 By: Faymond J. xraus W. 5andin KVA Heatii�� 2597 Lycii4t�-d Circle Navarre, t,Sintieso�a 553�32 By: P7illi�n Kvalsten W. Sandin tdIiSOT�Ii�Y Collins & �•Rain I�Zasonry 2127 North Rerry St:r.eet Ano}ca, Minn. 553Q3 By: Lacarence Main C. Belisle 81GiJ EP.�C`1'�I'.S Schubert Out.doar kclvo Co, 2508 East ?.St.l�i Str.et�� ASinneapolis, Minn. 5�400 By: Lawrence Schubert C. Belisle 32 D I 3'2 E '� MULT'IPLE DWELLING LICENSE TO BE APPROVED Periodt September 1, 1973 to September 1, 1974 I, OWNER ADDRESS UNITS FEE APPROVED BY: ; ' Five Sands Development 7$05 East River Road 59 $64.00 R. D. Aldrich, 7100 Wayzata Blvd. Fire Prev. Mpls, Mn. 55426 , ■ � � � � � � ; , � � fi ! , '. t � , � � � . � . . �. �p Y ' f 1'. E F, 9 � �. � • . a�' R' �.. � � � , . I , ' ' I � . � . f. .. ... . . .. .. . . . . . r— - ' i � ; ' ,� �,f,, �:, ��" ,,G'�'��� � � APPLICATION FOR SOLICITOR LICENSE City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE 55432 ' � -J� NAt�1E OF 1�PPLICANT / � �v� � � �. ' � �� C �-� �� :�=i�--� ��� �� ,;t . � �, � ��s�; H01�1E I�DDRESS � l l� �,�io`�?S "7Z (.� ��--�tSS a �/L'�/, �USt'v, Il� PHONE 1�UP1�ER ���— l�C) � U.S. CITIZEN_� � AGE �� . GUS I N ESS 1`�Ah1E ��D r� � �,,,�> S' 7tt.''t-t� Co ", , �- �_�usli � f��/�, ��Pui�/. � ���� BUS I NE$S ADDRESS � ��� jv� �� Q �(�i 5 �i �vi �Q %�,v� �.-o✓ � � °," - � �--- . —T � Q�. /Kair \ BUSI(dESS PNQRC I'1UC�iQER �' T ���'` � /��i ' rvts��h ' ���= � �'� —�„c-�E,�`�', ! �J I_IS7 rdA,P9ES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL SALESP�1Ef�i �ilr %.���.� ,h dt' ��� �� ��,, � % ,.�, )� / / /,�V /li 1/ d/��ll� t�� lc�,-2. �t T j�� /r� �P�7` ��a.G�54 ����/� ��as�w; il�, � � � � . TYPE OF h1ERCHAPdDISE 1�0 BE SOLD �1�� 5�P;i S7�s�'i%,? �- �7�i ��U/�UO /� -� �'� 1 � I� �� r���,�r, � �� � � � � � -- �� -- - � , � �,cz-- fi /%e r, �.. -P , �+. AREA TO BE CANUASSED (... i��., cs � �d-�'�/I�� LICENSE FEET � , . ' ' I COP•9MENTS: �° � � 1 � ��', a o � 1License Number • �Recei pt �aumber �o2�r%/ ____--- EXPIRATTO(d DATE �� �� � � �� r � ��� � � Signature of Appl cant r ^ Q � + 1 � �.' ` `� � 1 ����coR� , �� .�r l/..c�3 � I ' �� �r , , �� � ' ' �� ESTIMATES FQR CITY COUNCI� CONSIDERATION - AUGUST 5, 1974 Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz & Casserly Builders Exchange Building Minneapolis, Mn. 55402 For Legal Services rendered as Prosecutor for City by Carl Newquist dated July 31, 1974 Progressive Contractors, Inc. Box 368 Osseo, Minnesota 55369 PA�tTIAL ESTIMATE N0. 13 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-1 PARTIAL ESTIMATE N0. 12 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1972-2 (MSAP) Patch Erickson Madsan & Hanson, Inc. 2801 Wayzata Boulevard _ Minneapolis, Mn. 55406 ESTIMATE #10 - for work on �ridley Liquor Store Anoka Counl:y Department af Highways Anoka hlinnesota 55303 City of Fridley Portion of Construction Project S.P.02-601-16, concrete curb and gutter Bituminous Construction:Company 5232 Hanson Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 PART'IAL Estimate #1 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-10 (Seal �oat) A. J. Chromy Construction Company i' 5051 West 215th Street Lakeville, Mn. 55044 and Western Casualty & Surety Company �� PAR7IAL Estimate #8 for Sanitary Sewer, Water & Storm Sewer Improvement Project #114 � 1 �1 � �. $ 1,380.00 $ 9,737.13 $ 14,0$5.59 $ 823.97 $ 14,169.63 $ 10,173.81 $ 9,284.09 , � � � ' ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION . AUGUST 5, 1974 I, , PNG E 2 ' B & B Excavating, Inc. , 11843 West River Road Champlin, Mn. 55316 ' PARTIAL Estimate N0. 2 for Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project No. 115 $ 4,064.18 ' ' _ , , � . ' . � � ' � � ' - . , ' ' - 0 STATEMENT SMITIi, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVITZ and CASSERLY ATTORNEYSAT LAW BUILDER3 EXCHANGE BLOG. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 - � ' SUBURBAN OFFICES 339• f48f . , OSSEO FRIDLEV I � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. � Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attn: Nasim Querishi, City Manager L J PLEA$E RETURN TMIg PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT DATE � � � • 9ALANCE FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT . 7-37-74 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley. July 1974 Retainer. $1,000.00 Secretarial Services 100.00 Time in excess of 30 hours (8 hours 5 minutes) 280.00 1,380.00 $1,380.00 i dec�are under pena;ties of taw that this account, or c;e�r�a is ius: a��d cor- reCt and h o f ot has oeen pa�f Sign t e o Claim t � . SMITH, JUSTER, FE�KEMA, MASKVITZ �Nn CAS&ERLY � ATTORNEYS AT LAW � . . . . ��_ ._ .. �. TIh1E RECQRDS FOR JULY, ]974 PRQSECUTION ulORK � 1. Preparation, Travel ard Time in Court for 2a Court Trials, and i5 Pre-Trial Conferences. 2. Investigation and Proc�ss of Cor�olaints including office conferences, phone conferences, correspondence and preparation of 51 Formal Complaints. 3. Police and Court Administration. TOTAL 13 hours 15 minutes 22 hours 40 minutes 2 hours 10 minutes 38 hours 5 minutes � f. �= : t � E. i '. i ' A �% � � t � 1 i �: _� STATEMENT �a� � � PATCH ERICKSON MADSON &. HANSON, INC. �� ARCHITECTS AN� PLANNERS ' � . _,. ; 2801 WAYZATA BOUIEVARD, MINNEAPOUS. MINiVESOTA 55405 TEI. 812/374-3490 � � c!�� �' i____. �,3 June 30 � g 74 City of Fridley ���'a 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Comm: 7234 Re: Fridley Liquor Store Balance Due � � s_F������i7i� $823.97 � �. �; �,; � }; :� �': � � ' ANOKA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ANOKA, MlNNESOTA 55303 ' E. J. LUNDHEIM, Hegbway Enginesr OFFICE PHONE a21-476o February 28, 1974 � Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager ' City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 �� , Dear 5ir; Re: City Portion S.P.02-601-16 J f COUNTY SHOP 421-5920 Please consider this a billing to the City of Fridley in accordance 1 with the Agreement dated September 7, 1972, and relative to the construction project as referred to above and itemized as follows: � � � ��' The city share of concrete curb and gutter excluding medians 25� final quantity conc. curb & gutter des. B618�5810 Lin. Ft. 5810 x$3.25 per foo.t =$1$,882.50 25g =$4,720.63. The following items, the city's share is 100�: Item No . 'Z503.511 2503.511 0503.624 0504.601 0504.610 0504.620 0504.622 0504.630 0504.634 2506.508 Item Unit 6" VC Pipe Sewer Extra Str. Lin.Ft. 8" VC Pipe Sewer Extra Str. Lin.Ft. 8" x 5" WYE Each 6" Water Main-Cast Iron Lin.Ft�. I" Copper Water Pipe Lin.Ft. Cast Iron Fittings Pound 6" Water Gate Valve Valve 3/4" Corporation Cock Conn. 1" Water Valve & Box Assemb. Const. Manholes Des. Spe. 1 Each Total amount of the City's share of this project I , EJL:sw ' � Unit Final Price Quantity $ 7.00 � 417 10.00 55� 95.00 � 10.00 166� 5.00. 330 .50 610 150.00 2 20.00 �''' 125.00 Q� 500.00 � l Subtotal Yours very truly, ; p ` ;. � � i � G fiy�: eL�C c�►-Y,.� E.� J. Lundheim, P.E. Anoka County Engineer 1 �D Amount $2,919.00 � ' 550.OQ 570.00 1,660.00 1,650.00 305.00 300.00 i2o.oa s�5.00 � 50d.00 � 9, 49.00 i $14,169.63 H�ai� 421-t760 (Fst. 236) � ' ANOKA COUNTY COUNC{L 4F ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 1NC. COURT MOUSE lWOIU, MiNNESO7A 55303 Mr. Frank G. Liebl � Mayor of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minrcesota 55432 � Dear Mr. Liebl: f, July 19, 1974 This is to thank you, and the other members of the Fridley City � Council, for the letter urging the continuation of anti-poverty programs. Since local elected officials are in very close com- munication with constiiuents, we feel that your expressions and � opinions wfll be of qreat va2ue to the Senate Couanittee on Labor and Public irlelfare which is now consfderinq leqislation. � � � � � � � � � � I would.also like to bring to your attention a new project which we are beginning for the benefit of senior citizens. In the nerq near futnre, we will be opening a Well Senior Citizen Clinic. This clinic will give very low cost, preventive, routine medical care for any senior in the County, age 50 and over, regardless of income. Free space has been donated for this clinic at Anora Ramsey Cora¢nunity Callege, and arrangements have been made with Unity, Mercy, and Anoka State Hospitals for reduced lab costs. Senior citi�zens will be able to receive preventive care only, such as physical examinations, and routine l�.boratory tests. We anti- cipate that the clinic wi12 be open �pproximately ten hours per week, and that the averaqe cost should be about $2.50 per visit per patient. This will be funded partially by the Governors Citizens Council on Aging, and witi► some local donations. b:e have hired a part--time co�rdinator tor the project by the n�me of Mr. Fatrick McFarland, and we are shooting for a target date of August IS, far the opening of ths ciinic. As soon as the opening date is fixmly established, we will be ad- vextfsing this as much as we possiblq can, but we will be glad to receive any referrals from you and other members of the City Council. ��.t�: jxq Yery sincerely, . �--�-,� d ;�.�.� � obert L. Minton Executive Director � �' i� ALEXANDER COMPAN,Y STATIONARY July 17, 1974 • OFFICE PRODUCTS . • SCHOOL SUPPLIES Mayor Frank G. I,iebl 222 Mercury Drive, N.E. Fridley- Minnesota 55432 Dear Mayor Liebl: Your purchasing agent, Gc�rdon Middag, recently ordered some office supplies from us. My Vice-Fresident of Finance, Al Gordon, who took the order, told me that Mr. Middag is a tough businessman who recognized a price opportunity and negotiated us down to a rock bottom price. Since I was born in Mounds View and still consider it my home-away-from-home, I wanted to take this apportunity to congra�ulate you on �he proficiency of your staff. In times like these, when government is loaked upon with so much suspicion, it is most pleasant to have the oppor- tunity to write a letter like this. Sincerely, , i � - , � ��t�-rt '�Z - 'F%�''.%G %1''t'�'�-L � � Simon A. Goodman President cc: G. Middag SAG/sm 9435 WOOD�EY AVENUE � SEPULVEDA, CALIFORNlA 91343 •(213) 892-5638 � , � , � 1 � ����� e, ��&�� �es�—�*,� a ,4 � �� �r �a�� � � �au ���i ���,� '�'i .�.�::� �9 a ' � i:a�a� � July 12, 1974 0 I�a�ue o� mir�neso�a municipaiities Mr. Frank Liebl Mayor 222 Mercury Drive NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 , Dear Mr. LiebZ: As you may recall, last March the League submitted your name for appointment to the National League of Cities policy committee on E€fective Government and you have since been officially appointed to that coa�►ittee. The initial meeting of this policy committee was held in Washington in March in conjunction with the Congressional City Conference. The committee wi11 meet again in Houston, Texas during the National Congress of Cities (December 1-5) to make amendments to the NLC policies. LJ ,If municipal officials in Minnesota are to have any significant input into the de- liberations of this committee, then each member must attend the Congress of Cities in Houston and actively participate in the cammittee deliberationa. The gurpose of this letter is to determine if you will be able to attend the Congress of Cities in � Hoc�ston and wish to continue to be a member of the NLC Effective Government co�ittee. � C_� , Several municipal officials here expressed an interest in serving on the NLC policy comm�ttees. Consequently, in the event you wi11 not be able to attend the Congress of Gities and participate in the woric of this cammittee, the League could suggest a replacement from among those who are interested in garticipating. It would be most helpful if you would complete the enclosed posteard retarn, indicating whether or not you wish to continue as a member of the NLC Effective Government Committee, by return mail. Sincerely, � �( /�, 1�-�—B--r�t-- `-'f . %� � � , , � Dean A. Lund Executive Director � DAL:mje 3Q0 hanover building, 480 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 551 01 C612] 222-2e61 � , � ' , LJ � � � NERMAN 6. TALMADfiE, OA., CNAIRMAN JAMCS O. FJ�STLAND, Mi38. CARL T. CLfRTi9. N�R. GfiO1�G6 MC GOVERN� B, DAK. 6EORGE D. AIKEN. VT. .IAMES S. ALLEN, ALA. MILTON R. YOUNG, N. pAR. MU9E11T X. XUMPHREY, MINN. qOBERT DOLE, KAN9. WALTER D. NUDDLE670N, KY. HENRY sELLMON, OKU1. DICK CLARK. IOWA JESSE HELMS, N.C. � OOIYf M. MOUBQR. CNIER CLFAK � '�Cr�if e� .�i�af e� ,�ie�rxxf.e GOMMI7TEE ON ACaRICULTURE AND FORESTRY WASHINGTON, D.C. 205T0 .July 22, 1974 The Honorable Frank G. Liebl Mayor City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mr. Mayor: Many thanks for your consideration in sending me a copy of your letter to my colleague, Senator Mondale, in support of the eommunity Services Act. As you know, the House has gassed H.R. 14449, and the bill currently is pending before the Poverty 5ubcommittee of the Senate Labor and Pubiic Welfare Committee. It is my understanding that the Subcommittee is working on a similar bill. As an early and strong supporter of cor.imunity action and anti-poverty programs which have been administered under the Equal Opportunity Act, I share your strong support for the continuation of these vital proqrams. Xou may be assured of my support for relevant legisla+ion. The Congress has passed a continuing resolution ta keep these programs in operation until final action on the pending legisl.ative proposals has been completed. . With all good wishes. Siincerely, ����� Hubert H. Humphrey 3 �,� � � , � � � � _ �s I , � A2r. :�asin �,,uresni Ci �y '.'�na�er Citj� o� � ridlay �'ridley �ity :all �4j1 Jniversi �y .�vemaa, :�.:., yridley, `'inn�so+,a, jj4;? 309 Logan Farkway, N.M. �ridley, `.'innesota, j�432 Juiy 2j, 1974 � Dear Sir; .;�;,ention; �it Council :.____�_ _ - ---___._ I would like nsr�ission to use Lo�en Fark f'or a nei�hborhood party on aun3ay, �.U�U9t. 2?� 1974 oetween , the hours oL' 3;00 F."s. and 9;00 p.:�. Perr_+i�aion is also requested to serve 3.2 beer. , In tne event that par�i�sion is granted, woald it be possi�le to 'r.ave soMe extrH +„ables s,ugpli�3 ay ths � Park Je�x.rt�ent r'or t'r-„xt da�? In ca.se o° rain, cauld ws h�ve per:�isaion to hold the picnic on '�ioniay, ti,u�ust 20, I5�74 'ro� �;00 p.r�. to 9:00 p.�.Y 3incerely, C��j �u•.� �%i' .�1�C.E� l nnas *�.�. Shaw � Voluntesr Lo�;an Park ,snn�aal Picnia Ca�it�ee I, � I ' � � �i �I� .� � ��� . � ��� � � �9 �� ��� �� 707 HIGHWAY 10, MINNERPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55434 (612) 784-1100 �� July 31, 1974 TO: City t�ianager or Fridley �' � FROM: Jerry Young, Director Anoka County Library , � Phyllis Myking, Branch Librarian Tlhe Anoka County Library is planning a formal gro�md breaking ceremony for �' � its ne�a branch library in Fridley to be held on September 7, 1974 either shortly before or shortly ar"ter noon. `' BE.cause we would like the opportunity to serve caffee or refreshments ta the people attending, we would like to reserve the community raom in the city hall for , the per.iod between 1 and 4 n.m. on that afternoon. I understand that usually there is a charge attached to the community room � and I t�►ope that it will be possible for the city to let us use the community room without charge since this event does pertain to a very important service to the � city of` Fridley. We appreciate your continued coc,peration, we iook forward to seein.g you at this gr�ound breaking ceremony and will be extending a farmal invitation to you later. , Thank you. ' 1 �1 � ; F � f � i � f ��1 � � , � • FIRE PRFVENTION ELIFF.AU I • , ,Summary of Activities ' Tl:is Month � This Month Last Year '� Buildin�;s Inspected 12 20 '' ` Re-Insp�:ctions 43 43 i , Inspecti.ons other than � Buildings 20 28 , Burning Permits Requested 0 2 '� B Ins ector 0 0 Y F � By Others 0 0 Special.Permits • 1 2 . ' Occugancy Permits 3 0 � Total . 79 93 Qrders Issued . 2s 22 ` Orders Conpleted ' 33 � 41� Illegal Equipment 0 0 , Written Warnings 25 25 � , Verbal ��arnings � 16 20 C�mplaints 6 2, , Kire Investigations 4 0 . .. - , Extra Activities: , , Plans & checks on new constructian , North Suburban Fire Marshals Assn. meeting Sil�ver Jubilee celebration - ` Pragram paper for Civil Defense � i � �� � i �- . 1 . . __ June 1974 Total � 202 329 144 0 0 0. 2 13 690 217 206 75 217 • 94 22 29 . � i .� FIRE DEPART1�iENT REPORT FOR JUNE 1974 `J I� Fire alarms through June 1974 :::., 227 Fire alarms through June 1973 . 191 Increase in alarms this year thru June. .. 36 ' ,- ' � � � � � Alarms for June 1974 ..... 44 Alarms for June 1973 .....' 36 Increase in alarms for June 1974 ..... —$' ALAR��IS Autos F Trucks Gas Spills Eiomes Mobile Homes Commercial Industrial Appliances Multiple DcreTlings lst Aid F� Rescue � Faulty Alarms Fire 0ut False-hlalicious Rekinale Tar Kettle Grass Miscelaneous Total...... 0 4 2 0 0 4 3 6 3 1 1 4 4 44 TYPES OF ALARMS General Alarms ... 31 Average Response ... 18.93 Men Company Alarms ... 6 Average Response ... 13.83 hien Still Alarms ... 7 Average Response 4.0 Men There were three alarms to Hilltop this month, a.faulty alarm at the shopping center on 45th Ave. �Yires shorting in a tree, and a Mobile Home fire. The loss on the mobile home and the contents amounted to $12,750.00. Fire losses in the City of Fridley amounted to approximately $25,500.00. $20,000.00 af this amount was incurred in the loss of a home unde� construction on East Danube. May 29th we receiu a call from a neighbor, and found some small fires set in this house that was under'construction. Time of alarm.00:06 A.DL The fire that destroye�i the property was received at 02:47 A.M. June 30th. In our opinion it was arson. The regular business meeting of the Department was held 3une 6th with 26 members in attendance. There were two department drills this month with an average attenda.nce of 26.5 men. The annual conferences of the Minnesota State Fire Chief's Association, Minriesota State Fire Department Association, and the Minnesota Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association me in Hibbing June 6,7;8th and.9th. I was the only one attending. I attended the League of Alunicipalities Canference at Duluth June 12,13th � 14th. Attended the Workshops on Labor Relations and others concerning the Fire Service. Had S Fire Units in the City Parade June 17th MEETINGS ATTENDED: � 2 Staff Meetings bl�tro Paid Chief's � United Fund Chamber of Commerce ' � � Respectfully�sub i ed � s �Li"4c.�-'f ��� Z��• Ro ert S. Hughes, �h'ef � .�' vl �O 1� d� O� O .-� N c"1 � ul �O f� 00 O '-1 N c� 00 0o W o0 00 00 qi cT Q� rn O� � rn Oi O� O O O O e--1 r-i r-I r1 �-1 .-I r-1 rl e--I ri r-1 �-i r-1 r�i r-1 N N N N T W � � 4 O �O N t� N M O M o0 rl t/1 t�1 �O �7 f� �D r-1 rl �7 M � N cV t�'1 M r-1 r-1 .-{ r-1 N r-1 N r-1 r-t N N rl N O z �' � � � � � � � � } �v a �i -�d a �u cd �U � 1� � O r�l N � P. W t� u1 O �rl irl �t N N H � � O O N O O C3 � M � z O Q N itl �.Y_ N i--' .-, � � c a Q r! � � 0 w �.. � t-- z 0 H Q U O J w �L H H & � � � � � � � � � � �a a a ai �s �v a a �v GO .7 ri 00 N c7 I� �O 00 � N M O c'�1 O .y' N �t O t'1 N N O rl M N r-I c�'1 N lV P'1 �O Ol O N N � O e-I � N O O �--1 t-1 r� � � .� � r. r-i r-�I e-� '� ''� � � � � � � � � � a� .0 a. s.► rn a a [n w c�t a� c� �-' � i � 1 Q O O N N u u u C.� 01 � � � M C'�'f � � � � � � � � c7 c*1 c+1 c+7 i i i i r �. � t� � � t� r� n t` �o � � � � � � � � � � � � � c'�1 t7 M c�1 M ch M M c`'1 C� M C�'1 � d � � .�L� 1.1 i��1 � � 1-1 a� o �a► �, �, ai �`�-+ m 'x � � a�i U cn � u � a�'i a� a�i c�o c�i s-� .a s�+ t�+ � � m s�+ � �+ cd � � � sa ri v S.+ al C.� � ' FL+ H k+ F� W U � N �.+ cd rl cd 7a �1 cq cd «S � H V c7 Fz+ W W A F*a G� _� U W � �O W � z x � � � ai o w w � � � �% � w � Z d w c�i z z b a z "' z a � �+ � r+ ro ai �, �n .�s ai � �, ai a . u � s� � � x -d � ai o > c� d > a *-+ s� �+ �s a � •.� u x � �v > N � a � ,-r �s `� �.+ � a� � "' �.� � �° a� � � � � .� `� a .� u�'i ,a+-� .�C O b0 R. r-1 i.� Cl .� t.' 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Ei x w d z � b ' � . , 7 O. •N N • N � I V P'+ � 3�+ G+ -f�. �U . � � � � U A A � J p� W a� v� N u� � �s GJ 3 W W � . � � N I i��+ � � o^i o^i ,,Q cYl 6� d' �T �t O . i �7 �O f� Ul ul W ' � � � ' � � � w �o w a �a �d a � � �n � N r� oo � F-- �Y' N O � O N O .--I r-1 p p ,.�� � � �Y' �7' �t �7' �t �7 _ n n n � n n W \ � \ \ � � F-- rn O� rn O O d � Q N N N c'7 c�t M � ra������ ' ' Su�::iary of Fire Alarms , Resid�:,tial � I�on-:tesidential � Cou.,-nercial Industrial I , Grass & Brush lst Aid & P.escue ,Auto & Truck 'False FIonest rfistake 'Miscellanaous ,Storage riutual Aid 'Hilltop Total , Response � ' 'Death & In'uries J Firer�en I �' Civilzans �osses for month of June 'I.osses to Date ' I � �f... . . _ . _ . : . ..... .• . .. FIRE PF:EVL;`;TI011 EU'1:AU This Month This Tionth Last Year 5 2 .h 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 5 3 2 ' 9 10 1 0 5 7 13 5 0 0 0 1 3 3 44 36 44 Alarms 698 �r,en 31 Ger.eral Alarr�s 587 ��n 7 Sti11 Alarms 28 men 6 (:ompany Alarms 83 men InjuriPS Deaths 1 0 0 0 Buildings ,Contents $29,438.00 $ 6,478.00 $77,488.00 $24,975.00 June 1974 Total 15 1 6 � 4� 45 10 29 3 42 63 2 2 5 227 _, 18. 9+ /�e� cal.l 4 /men call 13.8+ ���n call Total for Year 5 1 Autos � Trucics $1,485.00 $5,305.00 0 4ther $750.00 $750.00