10/21/1974 - 5766PATRICIA RANSTROM COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OC70BER 2], 1974 . Ft�IllLEY CITY COUNCIL — REGULAR MEETING — OCTOBER 21, 1974 — 7:30 P,M, 7:33 PLE�GE OF �1LLEGI�ldCE; Given I ��VOCAT I OiV : KOLL CALL: Silent Prayer Al1 present �PPROVAL OF I� I fJUTES : REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 Adopted as presented. N�OPT I Oi� OF AGEf��IA : Additions: Rates for Hockey participation Estimate submitted by Weaver, Talle, ar?d Herrick Bids for Cold Storage Building. VISITORS: �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — 15 MINUTES) Mr. �Jennis Schneider, 6190 Stinson Blvd., request for legal opinion from City Attorney concerning joint meeting of Planning Commission and Council, City Attorney submitted a letter of answer and read. 0 FRIDLEY R�GULAR MECTIiVG, OCTOBER 21, I974 PUBLIC NEAl�IIVGS: PUBLIC HtARING ON FINAL P[_AT, RICE CRCEK ESTATES, SECO(�D ADDITIJN, P�S� ���--OS BY PINETREE BUILDERS. ...� No objections to propc�sed plat. PUBL I C iiEAR I NG ON I MPROVEt�ENT : i�ATE�, SAN I TARY SEWER AND S70RM SEi�dER IMF'RCt1�EMEN7' PROJECT �II6, f�DDENDUh1 �1_ � . . � . � � � . � � � � , � , , , ' . . . � � Question of a�hether Char�es Rice property should be assesse�l for this improvement raised. PAGE 2 1-1F 2-2B PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET �MPRC111EMENT PROJECT ST, 1975-1 AND ST, 1975-2 �MSAS), , , , , . , . . , 3 - 3 D �i r -i97 � Council received petii:ion opposing improvement of Capital Street. Some opposition to improvement of Qaker t�venue, Taylor, t�ble Street, 57th Street. J ' . �' FRIDLEY REGULAR MFETI��G, OCTOBER ?_1, 1974 OLI� BUSIiVESS: _ _ _ PAGE 3 REQUESTED APPEARANCE BEFORE CITY COUNCIL BY MRS� HELEN , TRUENFELS REGARDING ELECTION JUI�GE� � � . � � � � � � � � �� ' Councilman Nee made mot9on to reinstate Mrs. Truenfels as Chief Judge, and this motion died for lack of a second. , CONSIDERATI�N OF SECONU READIf�G OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTII�G THE BUDGET FQR FISCAL YEAR 1975� �.���.�� Ordinance #574 adopted and publication ordered. i�E��l BU S I idESS : RECEIVING TNE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS — llESIGN �ONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE �EETING QF �CTOBER 10, 1974� � 1. NEW BU I LD I NG RE.QUEST, M�D I CAL �LI (v I C. I�ORTH SUBURBAN HOSPITA� DISTRICT Approved v,�i th 14 sti pul ati ons �f S��bcommi ttee. 2� I�OBILE HOME SALES SITE: I�ICHAEL B� ROTTER AIVD SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #?4-14 M�cFia�� B� ROTTER (TABL.ED OCTOBER �, 1974) 5-5A • � ' Approved ailowance of usage and Special Use Permit with additicnal stipulation that a performance bond be provided at time of,beginning �� of lease, also with stipulat�ons as recannnended by Su�committee. ' °,�.„ FRI�LtY i�EGULAR f�EETI(`dG, OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 4 I�EW ��SII�ESS ��ONTINUED) RECEIVII�G THE I�IINUTES OF THE BOARD QF �iPPEALS MEETING OF QCTOBER 25, 1974. . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � '" 7 S 1� VARIANCE: BETTY ANN MECH Approved. Z� VARI/'�NCES: GRAHAM TESTERS, INC� Approved. 3� VARIANCE: NORTH METRO CONSTRU�TION, IiVC� Tabled. 4� VARIANCE: I�URTN METRO COPJSTRUCTION, INC� Tabled. %� VARIANCE: NORTH METRO CONSTRUCTIO�J, INC� Tabled. MINUTES RECEIVED. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY �OMMISSION I'�EETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1974� � � � � . � . � Minutes Received. • • �1 . FRIIILEY REGULAR MEETIf�G, OCTOBER 21, 1974 I�EW ��SII�ESS i�ONTINUED) RECEIVING THE �'�INUTES OF 7f-IE �ITIZEN BIK�WAY _ �OMMITTEE �EETING OF �CTOBER 2, �.974� � . � . � . � � � � Minutes Received. LONSIDERATTON OF A REQUEST FOR IMP�OVEMENT OF A LEGAL 11ION—CONFORMING iJSE AT 21S �%TH PLACE N� E� .�.� Request Received. PAGE 5 � � � �� �ONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYING AUDITOR FOR YEAR 1974, .... 11 - 11 A Approved: George M. Hansen Company. FRIDLEY REGULAR MEETiNG, OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 6 f��W l��s I��S$ ��ONT I N UED ) I�ISCUSSION OF WHETHER THE CITY SHOULD REQUIRE Y�IDS — TOWING CONTRACT. , � � � � � � � � � . . � . . � � 12 City Manager authorized to negotiate for rate increases with Shorty's Towing. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CLOSING OUT PERA FUND AND POLICE PENSION FUND AND TRANSFERRING TO _ �iENERAL FUND � � � . . � � . . . � � � � � � � � � � � � , 13 .- 13 B Resolution #120-]974 adopted. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REIMBURSE— MENT OF MAINTENANCE COSTS TO METROPOLITAN SEWER BO/�RD� �� 14 Resolution #121-1974 adopted. J FRIiILEY REGULAR MEETIi�G, OC�OBER 2I, 1974 PAGE 7 i�EW BUS I fVESS (CoNT i�u�D) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLl.1TI0N Of2DERING I�9PROVEMENT; FINAL PLANS AND SPECTFICATIONS AND ESTIM�ITES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: WATER, SANITARY SEWER A��D STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PRO�ECr #116, ADDENDUM �l� � . � � � � Resolution #722-1974 adopted. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING COTdTRACT FOR COLD STORAGE BUILDING: Bids Received and contract awarded t� Lester Engineering Bu�lding Systems in the amount oi $12,680.00. APPOINTMENT: CITIZEN BIKEWAYIWALKWAY COMMITTEE� . . � � Appointed Janet Thomas, 1463 75th �ivenue, 784-6591. 15 16-16A I APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE. . . , . , � . � . . . . . � 17 Appointed Arlene Smith, Clef°k-Typist, Eng. Division, Public Works Department, effective October 22, 7974. �LAIMS� � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � . . � � . � � � � . Approved. ' A � FRI�LEY REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1974 t��W B�S I I��SS ��ONT I �UED) ESTIMATES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � . � � � � Approved with the addition of Estimate from Weaver, Talle and Nerrick in the amount of $1,462.00, . �I CENSES � � � . � . � � � � � � . � � � � � . � . � � � Approved. CONSIDERA7ION OF A REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY HOUSE TRAILER �ICENSE TO BE �OCATED AT ISO MISSISSIPPI WAY iV� E� �REQUCST' BY FRIDLEY BEAUTIFICATIQN �1SSOCIATION) � � � � , � � � � � � � . � � � � � , � . � � Approved wa�ving the fee. .� . 19 20-20G I 21 — 21 B I DISCUSSIO N CONCERNING RA7ES FOR HOCKEY PARTICIPATION: Paul Brown to check into this and Adm9nis�ration urged to promote donations from private enterprises in the City. COf�l�Ui� I CAT I Oi��� : IMMACULATE �ONCEPTION SCHOOL: �CTOBER 26, 1974 as ���ARATHON �AY � � . � � � � � . � � � . � � � � � � � � � . ZZ — ZZ A Approved permit and waived fees, AllJOUR�d: >>:54 �.M. THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 21, 1974 was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Liebl. . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: � Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION: Mayor Liebl asked that there be a period of silent prayer for those missing in action in Vietnam. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, and Councilman Nee. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974: MOTI�JN by Councilman Starwalt to adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 9, 1974 as presented if there were no additions or corrections by the .other members of the Council. Seconded by Gouncilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: • Councilman Breider said he would like to add some discussion on the high cost of the participation of the young people � the Hockey Association Traveling Teams, and suggested this be taken care of after the hearings. Councilman Utter said he would like to add an estimate from Weaver, Talle, and Herrick, for their retainer for legal services for September and aiso the receiving and awarding of bids for the cold Storage Bulding which were opened October 16, 1974. MOTION by Councilman Utter to ad�t the agenda as amended with the aforementioned additions. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: DENNIS SCHNEIDER, 6190 STINSON BLV EGAL OPIN NCIL: FROM CITY ATTORN Mr. Schneider addressed the Council and reiterated that he and three other citizens of the City of Fridlsy had submitted a letter to the City Attorney questioning the joint meeting of the Planning Commission and Counci7 which had bene held at George Is In Fridley and how this would relate to the Open Meeting Law. He further stated that Mayor Liebl had indicated•at the previous Council meeting that the City Attorney would be presenting an opinion on this topic at the current meeting. The City Attorney said he had prepared a letter addressed to the City Council and he read this letter, "Re: Requirements of Open Meeting Law", dated October 27, 1974 to the Council and audience. Mayor Liebl stated the opinion had been requested of the County Attorney and asked if this answered Mr. Schneider's questions. Mr. Schneider said it did not answer his questions, but he realized that Mr. Herrick was trying to be fair. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT RICE CREEK ESTATES, SECOND ADDITION P. S. #74-05 P F REE BUILDERS: Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to waive the reading of the notice and open the hearing. � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 2 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice and open the Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. The Public Works Director, Mr. Richard Sobiech, exp7ained that this Public Hearing was on a Final Plat which was Rice Creek Estates Second Addition, which was a replat of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22. He explained this area to be bounded by Rice Creek Road, 61st Avenue and west of Benjamin Street and said this area contained 22 residential lots. Mr. Sobiech said this was the second stage of a two stage develop- ment of this area. He referred the Council's attention to the minutes of the Planning Corr�nission minutes in the agenda which stated the Planning Commission recor�nended approval of the Final Plat by the Council. He read the recommended stipulations to the Council and audience. . Mr. Sobiech said the developer of the Plat had called him and said he had a conflicting commitment that evening and was unable to attend the current hearing. He added, the developer had indicated he agreed with the suggested stipulations. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak for or against this plan. _ Mrs. Gloria Are1, 1521 Ferndale said she was concerned about 61st. The Public Works Director said 61st would not be extended this far. Mayor Liebl asked if this answered Mrs. Arel's question and she said yes. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone on the Council who wished to comment on this area. Councilman Starwait recalled when this area was originally reviewed for platting, there had been some questions and concerns voiced by the area property owners, but these problems had been solved satisfactorily at the present time. He said he had no objection ta the plat and he had not received calls from anyone who objected. Mr. Thielman said he was concerned about the road. Mr. Sobiech explained this had not been taken care of at the present time because the deve7oper wanted fina] approval on the plat before negotiating for this parce7. . Councilman Starwait questioned Mr. Thielman ask�ng if he was satisfied with the proposed plat and Mr. Thielman said he was satisfied. . MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing c�osed at 7:47 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 6, DDENDU MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice and open the Hearing. Seconded by Counci]man Breider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:48 P.M. The Public W'orks Director said this project would provide water, sanitary sewer, mains and laterals, and service connections to Rice Creek Estates, f3rst and second Additions. He further stated these improvements had been requested. Mayor Liebl asked if there was any questions from the audience and there was no response. He asked if any member of the Counci] had any questions. Counci7man Utter questioned the amounts in the agenda as compared to those in the assessment hearing booklet, and said the figures are different. Mr. Sobiech explained that the figures in the agenda included some storm sewer that was not necessary and the figures which are correct are those in the Public Hearing booklet. Mr. Dennis Schneider asked if this included any portion of Briardale and Mr. Sobiech said this would not include anything in this area at the present time. Councilman Utter asked if the people on 61st had been notified. Mr. Sobiech said yes and referred the question to Mr. Mervin Herrmann, Assessor. Mr. Herrmann referred ta page five of the hearing booklet where those notified were listed. ' ' ' ' , ' ' , �I ' ' ' ' ' ' , il �� ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 3 Mayor Liebl asked the Ward Councilman, Mr. Starwalt if he had any questions on the improvement. . . Councilman Starwalt mentioned the installation of the storm sewer in this area and concurred with the feelings of Mr. Sobiech that no elaborate storm sewer system would be needed in this area because of the nature of the elevations and composition of the gravel and sandy conditions of the area. He also pointed out when the swrrounding area was developed, this allowed for future drainage of these additions. He thought the area would be drained adequately because of the construction of the proper slopes. Mrs. Arel again addressed the Council and asked if this improvement wou7d affect her property and Mr. Sobiech said he did not be7ieve so, but asked Mr. Herrmann to confirm this statement. Mr. Herrmann stated that the Arel property would not be affected. • Councilman Utter referred the Council's attention to the list of those being affected by the improvement and asked why Charles Rice was on the list. He recalled that those in his area were all opposed to the extension of 61st in this area. Councilman Utter stated, Mr. Rice did not want to split his property and he did not see how Charles Rice could be aff ected by this, and explained he had a number of ineetings and had spent many hours out there and those people were opposed. Counci7man Utter said he believed the benefit was being received by the people four lots to the north of the Rice property. He said this did not make any sense to him that Mr. Rice was ]isted on the assessment roll. The City Manager said t�ie current hearing is an improvement hearing and there would be an assessment hearing when the improvements had been completed and matters such as, who should be assessed, and who would benefit, would be appropriate at that time. He said if the property owner would not benefit, the City could not assess him. He continued to explain at the current hearing, it was to be discussed if whether or not the improvements should be installed, and this other matter could be taken up at another time. He said he thought the point made by Councilman Utter was we71 taken and should have some special consideration at the time of the assessment hearing. Mr. Thielman said he saw on the map on the projector that there was a red line on his property. He questioned if there was to be any improvements on his property and said he had been told that there wouid not be at this time. ThP Public Works Director said eventually there would be improvements on this portion of property. The City manager further explained that this current'process would clear this area legally for the installation process. He pointed out that there would be no need to hold a hearing on this process. He pointed out that there would be no need to hold a hearing on this parcel at the time the improvements are requested. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 8:02 P.f�i. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET IMPROVEMEN7 PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 MSAS : ' AND RECEIVING PETITION N0. 19-1974 - OPPOSING THE INSTALLATION OF CURBING ON CAPITAL STREET: The Public Works Director co�mnented on the street improvement policy and said those listed under this project are those who are proposed for improvement in 1975. He continued to point out that the street improvement in the City began in 1969 and this was for several reasons such as the reduction of street maintenance and to get rid of the swale back type of street which are being patched all summer. Mr. Sobiech explained that of the 100 miles of roadway in the City of Fridley, only nine miles of these roadways are not completed at the present time. He further commented that this was a ten year improvement project and is to be completed by 1978. These improvements consist of curFri ng and asphalt mat. Mr. Sobiech said all of the City streets at the onset of the program, were scheduled for improvement at a set time or year,� but there had been sor�e changes in this schedule. Specifically, he noted that there are some streets within this project that had been scheduled for improvement in 1970 and 1971. He further pointed out because of the inflationary spiral, in 1970, 70th Way was proposed for improvement at $13.30 per foot and in 1975 this cost is estimated at $17.16 per front foot. Another street had previously ti,,,.,, ., �„�oa ��N imnrnvmm�nf a+ �ia_9n and now would also be $17.16 Mr. Sobiech � , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 4 said they were trying to stay within the schedule and keep the cost of this type of improvement as low as possible. Mr. Sobiech explained that those streets listed in the group ST. 1975-1 would be 36 feet wide and those in the grouping of ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) would be state aid streets which would obtain aid and have specifications set by the Minnesota High- way Department. He further explained in these cases, the roadway would be wider and have an inereased capacity for tonage, there would be no additional cost to the residents of the areas, they would pay the same as those living on the resident- ial streets in the other grouping. � ST. 1975-1: BENNETT DRIVE• 7TH STREET TO QUINCY STREET: The Public Works Director said this improvement had not been officially petitioned for, but he had received calls requesting that this be done at this time. Mr. Sobiech informed the Council and udience that the cost for the front foot assessment would be $17.16 per foot and the side yard assessment would be $3.82 per foot. Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present from this area that wanted to make any cotmnents . . Mr. Fred Olson, 6390 Monroe, addressed the Council and asked the method of assessment on his property and said he favored the improvement. . Mr. Marvin Trehus, 6380 Quincy, questioned the method of assessment on his lot on Bennett Drive with an address on Quincy. � Mr. Herrmann said he would be assessed for an average amount of front footage computed by the average lot size of the area, and the additional footage would be divided E- into thirds and he would only be assessed for one third of the remainder of the front at the side yard rate or, $3.82 per foot. Mr. Trehus said he had 155 feet of f ront yard on the curve. Mr. lierrmann said he would be assessed a front foot assessment for approximately 80 feet with the balance divided as mentioned previous]y leaving an approximate amount of 25 feet to be assessed on the side yard. Mr. Herrmann said the additional 50 feet would be assessed to those down the street to the half block mark at the side yard rate. Mayor Liebl asked the Assessor if it would be possib7e to send the gentleman a letter informing him of what the amount of his assessments would be. Mr. Trehus said he would call the Assessor the following day to obtain this information. WASHINGTON STREET: 63RD AVENUE TO BENNETT DRIVE: Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions, pro or con concerning th-is section of proposed improvement and there was no response. . JEFFERSON STREET: 63RD TO BENNETT DRIVE: Mayor Liebl said the cost would be the same in this area. ; , �. : � t r � ; Mr. Frank Barnard, 6301 Jefferson questioned the method of assessment on his property. � i � The Finance Director said the assessment policy should be read to the people present. i Mayor Liebl read this policy to the Council and audience. i � A resident of the area questioned what would flappen to the trees in the area. The Public Works Director pointed out the trees which may be affected by this improvement unless the grade would prevent this. He stated this may be a total of four trees. Again, he explained that this would depend on the final elevations and they may not have to take the trees. . , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 5 MADISON STREET: 63RD AVENUE TO BEfVNETT DRIVE: Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions on this portion and there was no response. gUINCY STREET: 63RD TO BENNETT DRIVE: . There was no respanse when Mayor Liebl asked if anyone wanted to comment on this area. � 63RD AVENUE: MONROE STREET TO QUINCY STREET: Mayor Liebl commented that this was just a short stretch of roadway and there were no questions concerning it. 64TH AVENUE: VAN BUREN STREET TO ABLE STREET: There were no questions about this area. VAN BUREN: CAROL DRIVE TO MISSISSIPPI STREET: Mr. D. E. Saba, 6325 Van Buren questioned how much his assessments would be and the Assessor gave him approximate amounts on this, according to his footage of front and side yards. Mr. Saba asked how soon these assessments would be applied. Mayor Lieb7 explained that this would be about nine months after the improvements had been completed. The Finance Director briefly explained the City's assessment policy for the payment of such assessments on improvements. The City Manager said the point should be made that the City does try to obtain the bids for such improvements during the winter months when the contractors are anxious for work, rather than in the spring and surraner months when the rates would be higher. He said he hoped that this project would be bid in the winter. Mr. Barnard, 6301 Van Buren asked if it would be necessary to tear the old street out and asked if this would be used for the base. ,! The Public Works Director said this would depend on the final grade and if there 4 would be proper drainage �ith the existing street�sed as a base, this would be i done. � u ' �� ' Mayor Liebl asked if there was anyone present who was opposed to the improvement of Van Buren and there was no response. CAROL DRIUE: WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE TO ABLE STREET: Mayor Liebl asked if there were any comments about this section and there was no response. CAROL CIRCLE: OFF CAROL DRIVE: There were no questions concerning this area. BAKER AVENUE: WEST MOORE LAKE DRIUE TO MISSISSIPPI STREET: Mr. Francis vanDan, 6342 Baker said he had no questions but he is opposed to the installation of the improvement. He added, his neighbors share his feelings. Mr. vanDan said this area is platted as Moore Lake Highlands and as the name indicates, it does consist of highlands and drains well. He said in 1965 both the Mayor at that time, Mr. Nee, and the City Engineer agreed that there was no problems in the drainage of the area. Mr. vanDan continued to state that he had lived in Minneapolis before moving to i Fridley and there were curbs there, he said he did not think there was a need for ' I cement and stone, he would rather nave grass. He pointed out if the street were � hot patched rather than cold patched, and the grade polished so there are no REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1974 PAGE 6 Mr. Ron Bardal, 6220 Baker Avenue, agreed with the points made by Mr. vanDan an said he would like the street hot patched and would not want curbing. Another resident of the area addressed the Council and expressed the feeling th.w� he thought the street was in bad repair and would favor the improvement. Mayor Liebl called for a show of hands of those for and against the improvement and stated that the two sides were evenly matched according to the show of hands. TAYLOR: 64TH AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI STREET: Mayor Liebl explained that this again, would be the same price with the same assessments and asked if there were any questions. Mrs. Yvette Miskowic, 6401 Taylor Street, said she lived on the corner of 64th and Taylor and asked how she would be assessed for the improvement. A resident of the area asked the cost of the improvement without the curb and only the blacktop. He said he objected to the curbing and said he did not think it necessary if there is no sidewalk. Mayor Lieb7 said if there is no curbing, there would be no improvement of the street. He called on the Public Works Director to explain this process. Mr. Sobiech explained that without the curbing; the water would eventually get under the . edges of the street and wash it away. I Another resident of the area asked if this would be a gradual or sharp curb. The ! Public Works Director explained this would be according to the State Highway � Department specifications B-618, and would be a sharper type except in the drive- i way cut out areas. The resident asked why some areas have the gradual sloping curbs. ; Mr. Sobiech said this is in the areas where the street and curb was installed before ;� the placement of the driveway has been established. He added, this is done to � i eliminate the need to cut out the driveway opening in the future. I i � Mr. Donald L. Menke addressed the Counci7 stating he resided at 701 Bennett Drive , � and in 1961 when they blew out the sewer system, the City replaced the portion ; ' of his driveway which was cement with asphalt. Mr. Menke said he had not pushed , ' that at the time because when the water was put in th9s could be rep7aced in cement as it originally was. The Public Works Director said he wou]d check into this and see what had to be done. � 64TH AVENUE: BAKER AVENUE TO HIGHWAY #65 SERVICE DRIVE: ' Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions on this portion and there was no response. NIGHWAY #65 SERVICE ROAD: WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE TO 64TH AVENUE: The Assessor said this area would be higher in price or $28.76 a front foot and $4.07 for the side yard assessments. Mayor Lieb] said this is because only one side of the street can be assessed. MADISON STREET: 57TH AVENUE TO HELENE PLACE: There were no questions concerning this portion of the improvement. - CAPITAL STREET: HUGHES AVENUE TO MAIN STREET: Mayor Liebl said this had been deleted at one time from another project. The Public Works Director said this assessment would be the same as the residential streets, or $17.16 for the front foot and $3.82 for the side yard assessments. Mr. Oliver Olson, 5237 Capital Street, addressed the Council and questioned the price of the improvements and asked how they came up with the price of $17 per foot, and said he thought this was way out of line. He explained that this type of improvement is being done in the area of $600 for the amount of feet in this case and questioned where the $1,100, or additional $500 would come from. The Public Works Director explained that the estimates were based on the 1974 prices and to make sure they would be correct, they had added 10% to 15% to the existing construction costs because of the infiatian spiral. He said there are also charges ..i ..,�-�.. .,f thn imfiNnVPR1Pf1t ' ' , � C � ' ' ' � , , ' � ' ' �J ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 7 pro3ect. Mr. Sobiech said the project'would be let to the low bidder. Mr. Olson said he had a petition to present to the Council in opposition to the improvement of Capital Street. Mayor Liebl said it would be in order to receive the petition. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive Petition #19-7974 in opposition to the installation of curbing on Capital Street. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl said the people would not want the improvements installed if the sanitary sewer is not functioning properly. He also stated there are some prob]ems with the storm sewer. . The City Manager said he would appreciate it if the people would ca71 City Ha11 when they encounter prob7ems. He explained that it was last year that he first heard there were any problems in this area. He said the next time there is a problem, the people should place a call. Mrs. Olson said the drainage is always slow, they would not call for this. She explained her husband had purchased the equipment to do the cleaning of the drains and this had just been done the previous Monday. She further added, the water is not backing up into the house, it is just draining slowly. Mayor Liebl said if there is not adequate service in the area the Council w�uld not take action to install the street. Mr. Nick Garaffa, 6549 Anoka Street N. E., addressed the Council and said with the high cost of materials such as fc�od, why can't the Council postpone the improvement of streets for one year to get a clear picture of the facts concerning the economy. He questioned with the current state of the economy if the people could handle the additional cost of living and assessments, this may drive the people from their homes. _ Councilman Breider said he would like to answer Mr. Olson's questions. He said the Council had previously made the decision that they would not install the street improvements until the sewer problems in the area are taken care of. He stated the people indicate that the sewer has not been fixed to this point. He further stated he could not see the Council taking any action to complete the improvement unti7 this problem is corrected. He said he for one would not favor the improvement. The City Manager said the Administration would come up with the appropriate solution and said he h�ped that the problems could be taken care of. He said after this, the people would be willing to put in the proper improvements. 70TH WAY: EAST RIVER ROAD TO HICKORY DRIVE: The Public Works Director said this would be the same amount as the previously • mentioned residential streets. Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions concerning this area and there was no response. QUINCY STREET: 57TH AVENUE TO HELENE PLACE: ' Mr. Edward Griffith, 5675 Quincy Street, asked how much his assessment would be and his question was answered. 6TN STREET: 53RD AVENUE TO 54TH AVENUE: Mrs. Patricia Ramsey, 5336 6th Street, said she lived next to the church and asked wh� paid the church's portion of the assessments. Mayor Lieb] said they are assessed the same as any private party wou7d be, there is not an exception in this case. F H FROM EAST RIVER ROAD SERVICE DRIVE TO OUTLOT C(GREAT NORTHERN INDU Mayor Liebl said this portion of the improvement had been petitioned. The Public Works Director said yes, this had been done by Burlington Northern, the owners of the property. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-2 (MSAS): 63RD AVENUE: 7TH STREET TO MONROE STREET: Mr. Norlan Lee, 644 63rd Avenue said he opposed the improvement. � The Public Works Director said this portion of the project would be that which is called State Aid which would mean that the streets would be constructed to meet certain standards which would make the roadway handle 9 tons of axe7 weight and � be from 40 to 44 feet wide. He said there would be more base material than in the normal residential streets. He continued to explain this is done in areas that may at some time have more traffic, but this does not mean that the streets would eventually become a thoroughfare, or a trunk highway. He said it just means that these streets could handle more traffic, but not necessarily would. Mrs. Miskowic asked if the telephone poles had to be moved, what would their placement be. The Pub7ic Works Director said they would be set back if this is the case. He said he doubted if any would have to be moved back more than three to five feet. He said he did not think that this would be necessary on any of the residential streets. MONROE: 63RD AVENUE TO MISSISSIPPI STREET: Mayor Liebl asked if there were any questions and there was no response. ABLE STREET: WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE TO MISSISSIPPI STREET: Mayor Liebl said the assessments in this area would be the same, $17.16 for front yard and $3.82 for the side yard. Mr. John Foster, 6285 Able Street, addressed the Counci7 and said he felt the same way about the improvements as expressed earlier by Mr. vanDan, the water has no trouble draining from the area and the street could be repaired by the use of hot patches. 57TH AVENUE: 7TH STREET TO QUINCY STREET: Mr. Jerome Cichosz, 505 57th Avenue, said he had negative feelings about the improvement and he had talked to 15 other fami7ies and they also had negative feelings. � Mr. Kirk Herman, 610 57th Avenue said he favored the improvement. Mr. Amos Abbott, 675 57th Avenue said he favored the improvement. Mr. Myllin Miswia, 535 57th Avenue said he favored the project. Mr. Steve Engstrom, said he was about to move into a house that would be a�ithin the project and he is for it. Mr. William Porter, 515 57th Avenue said he favored the improvement and asked what would happen to the old street in the back portion (small alley type roadway). The City Manager said the portion that is right of way is already paved to provide needed access. He said there is no proposal to da anything with the secti�n at the present time. He said only one half of the right of way has been obtained and this is m ore like an alley than a roadway. Mr. Carl Paulson asked why 57th Place had been sidetracked. Mayor Liebl explained that everyone on the block with the exception of Mr. Paulson had come to the meeting at that time and opposed the improvement. He said the people were all at the meeting and objected. Mayor Liebl asked how many people favored the improvement and six people answered. gUINCY STREET: 57TH AVENUE TO CARRIE LANE: A resident of the area questioned the cost and this question was answered. 1 i I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 9 , � ' �� � � � ' , , ' ' ' , ' ' L_J � , ' , CARRIE LANE: QUINCY STREET TO JACKSON STREET: There were no questions concerning this area. JACKSON STREET: CARRIE LANE TO 58TH AVENUE: No questions were raised concerning this portion of the improvement. Mayor Liebl asked those present who favored and who opposed the improvements and it was his judgement that two to one favored the project. Mr. Saba asked if there would be another hearing on this before the contract for the �: work was let. The City Manager said the work would be done the next year. He � continued to explain this would be assessed after that time when all of the work j is done and this may be the next spring. Ne said at the time when the final assess- ment roll is compiled, there would be another hearing and the people would have the . same chance to be heard on this as they have at the present meeting. � Mayor Liebl further stated that when the project is bid, the Council would have the right to determine whether or not the project would be done that year. MOTION by Councilman Breider t� close the hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Mayor Liebl asked if the estimates for such a project are usually lower or higher. The City Manager said they are usually 10% to 15% higher than the actual costs. He continued to explain, nobody knows the financial situation for the next six months. He mentioned it would be possible that the bids would come in lower, and this has happened in the past. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 9:40 P.M, RE� QUESTED rinr_r. APPEARANCE BEFORE CITY COUNCIL BY MRS. HECEN TREUENFELS REGARDING ELECTION Mrs. Helen Treuenfels addressed the Counci] and asked that she be reconsidered for the position of Chief Election Judge in Ward 3, Precinct 3. A 7enghty discussion ensued and the following motion was made: MOTION by Councilman Nee to reinstate Mrs. Helen Treuenfels as Chief Election Judge in Ward 3, Precinct 3. Mayor Liebl declared the motion DEAD FOR LACK OF A SECOND. ORDINANCE #574- ADOPTING TNE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1975: Counci7man Breider questioned the Finance Director on the Hansen Proposal and this was followed by discussion on the proposal. Counci7man Breider said he would lake this considered in the coming year's budget. MOTION by Councilman Nee to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance #574, adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Counci7man Utter and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. RECESS: Mayor Liebl called a ten minute recess at 10:29 P.M, RECONVENED: Mayor Liebl reconvened the meeting at 10:44 P.M. NEW BUSINESS: RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS�DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING � ,.,.�,.., �„ , , .,, � _ ! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 1974 PAGE 10 Mayor Lieb] said there are 13 stipulation in the minutes of the Subco►mnittee. The City Manager said these are the Council's stipulations that had been approved with the issuance of the special use permit. He said the Administration would be negotiating with the Hospital for the lease of some property on the southeast corner of the property. Mayor Liebl said the City is not buying the land, but only leasing it. The City Attorney said there are restrictions against selling the land, it must be leased by the City. Councilman Breider questioned the City Manager asking if it was his intent to hold up the building permit until some agreement is reached on the lease of the property. He said he would want it understood that this was not to be done. The City Manager said he had talked to Mr. Haines from the Hospital that day and he had said he felt this could be worked out. Councilman Breider said he felt this construction was very good for the City and would work out very well. He sa9d he did not want the building permit to be held up because of the agreement on the park. He asked if this was understood. Mayor Liebl said he aareed with Councilman Breider's remarks. MOTION by Councilman to concur in the request with the 14 stipulations. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, a17 v�ting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , IDERATION OF A REQUEST TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MOBILE HOME C�CTTC. inraTGn nni ruF uIFCTFRIY 399_3 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUART The Public Works Director said he had reviewed this matter and the stipulations with the staff. He said it was their opinion with the amount of landscaping and blacktop that had been done, it would be their recommendation that a performance bond be provided by the applicant for this work. He said if this work is not done after a certain amount of time, the City would be able to complete the work and charge it to the bond. • Mayor Liebl asked if this could be done with a written agreement rather than the performance bond. He asked Mr. Michael Rotter if it would be feasible with him. Mr. Rotter commented he would furnish an agreement in writting. Counci7man Starwalt asked Mr. Sobiech if he recommended a two year period of time and Mr. Sobiech said he would like this time to be concurrent with the time allotment in the stipulations. Mr. Rotter explained that he would like some action to enable him to begin prepar- ation for the final agreement on the property. He said this had not been leased at the present time because he was waiting for approval of the Special Use Permit. He said he would not begin this winter, he would plan to do this work in the spring months. Mayor Liebl expressed the feeling that the Special Use Permit is only effective for three years and with the stipu7ations, this would be a great expenditure for this short period of time. ' MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the Special Use Permit with the 13 stipu- lations as recommended by the Planning Commission and that a signed agreement be furnished for the completion of the landscaping and blacktopping of the area. i The City Manager said everyone else in the CIty has been required to furnish a performance bond, this is a requirement of the City's ordinances. He said it ! would be the Council's prerogative t� waive this requirement in this case. SECONDED by Councilman Utter. Councilman Breider asked when the starting date of the usage of the Special Use Permit would be. He stated if the business would not be operational until next spring, this would be some wasted time if the permit were granted at the present �s__ � , ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 11 Mr. Rotter answered he would ask for the Special Use Permit to start upon signing of the lease, he asked if this would be feasible. The City Manager again expressed the view that the performance bond is required by ordinance within the City Code zoning requirements. ' The City Attorney said the Council should stipu7ate the amount of the bond. The City Attorney said this should be in the amount of the blacktopping work. The Public Works Director said this would be approximately $1,000 to $1,500. The City Attorney said this would cost the applicant approximately $100 to $150. � , ' , i ' ' ! ' ' ' � � �� ' ' � ' ' MOTION by Counci7man Starwalt to amend the original motion and stipulate that Mr. Michael Rotter provide a performance bond for the blacktopping. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, Counci7man Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, and Mayor Liebl abstaining, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried four in favor and one abstention. UPON A VOICE VOTE, on the original motion, Councilman Breider voting aye, Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Councilman Utter voting aye, Councilman Nee voting aye, and Mayor Liebl abstaining, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four ayes and one abstaining. MOTION by Councilman Utter to allow the establishment of a Mobile Homes Sales Operation. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Minutes of the Bui7ding Standards- Design Control Subcommittee Meeting of October 10, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF AP?EALS MEETING OF OCTOBER 15. 1974: EST FOR A VARIANC"t OF SECTION 205.053. 4. B4, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE e R The Public Works Director said the Board of Appeals had recommended approval of the variance, which was to reduce the side yard setback from 5 feet to 3 feet. He explained the applicant wanted to install a greenhouse in this area. Councilman Starwalt said he had talked to the neighbors and they did not object to this. MOTION by Counci7man Starwalt to approve the request for the side yard variance from five feet to three feet to allow the installation of a greenhouse as requested by Mrs. Betty Mech. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. REQUEST FOR UARIANCES OF: SECTION 205.135, 1, E1, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE E SETBAC4. FOR OFF-STREE�' PARKING, FROP1 2 FEE� FROM THE FRONT LOY LI E TO ZERO FEE7, T LOW PAVING UP T THE SID L T INE, AND, SECTION 205.136, 1, TO ALL . E.,�N 0 !�F MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the variance as requested by Michael Bizal for 7880 Ranchers Road N. E. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. RE UEST FOR A VRRIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 16, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MI IMUM 0 RE REQUI ED, - , � -0N LOTS ��15 AND 16 BLOCK I RTUERVIEW HEIGHTS THE SAME BEING 531 FAIRMON7 STREET ORTH- i ' � REGULAK GUUNGII MttllNy ur U��v�tK c�� ryT�• EAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (RE UEST BY NORTH METRO CONSTRUCTION, INC., 5203 CENTRAL � . .�. PO S; I Councilman Nee said he had looked at this area and the group of sites, and all of them have problems. He said he was not prepared at the current meeting to recomnend any action. He further pointed out that all of the sites had some objections from the neighbors, and some of the objections were valid ones. He sited as an example that on one of the lots the applicant would be able to purchase another lot and build without a variance. He also pointed out that the lots had been in a position where the adjoining property owners had wanted to buy them to increase their own yards. Councilman Nee said he would like to see the property owner try to sell the lots to the adjacent property owners and come back after this time. He said he thought some of the people were interested in this. � Mr. Bill Erickson, 650 Ely Street, said at the�ime when his home was buiTt, it had been determined that it was o nly possible o build on a lot 75 feet in width and his bui7der had to plan accordingly. He voiced opposition to the grant- , ing of the variances at this time to allow building on a 50 foot lot. f Mr. Dennis Barker, representative of North�D1etro Construction, said the people had a chance to buy the lots for years. He thought they had used these lots as part of their yards for years, free of charge. : Mrs. Edward Bishop, 121 Ely Streei N. E., said she had called Mr. Barker last year and asked if it was possible to purchase the lots and was told no. The Public Works Director asked if this item is tabled, would this mean that all five of the requests are tabled. Councilman Nee said he would like the matter resolved within the neighborhood, He added, if the neighb�rs would not object, they would be sympathetic to the effort. Councilman Nee asked if the applicant planned to build this year. Mr. Barker said they had planned on bui7ding this year. Councilman Nee suggested this item be brought back in a month or so when the plans may be resolved. He stated they would talk about this one month from the present time. . MOTION by Councilman Nee to tabie any action on the request until a month from the present time. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous]y. ST FQR A VARIANCE GF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE T E �� �9 MOTION by Councilman Nee to table any consideration on the variance request for one month. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. EST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 16, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE "Y" 31, BLOCK 7, SPRING BROOK . E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. AllENUE N. E., MINPdESOTA. This item was tabled at the subcommittee level. ST FOR A VARIAPJCE OF SECTION 205.053 � RE FEET, TO ALL RVIE4! NEIGHTS P RE UEST QY S. MINNESOTA. : FRIDLEY CITY CODE, 70 REDUCE THE i � ; �� ! i r w �� , � � � , ' ' r ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' , ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 13 MOTION by Councilman Nee to table this matter for a period of one month to allow the applicant and the home owners of the area to come to some agreement. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimausly. FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE � �� I MOTION by Councilman Nee to table the request for the variance for the period of one month. Seconded by Counci1man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl de�lared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of October 15, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL U�ALITY COP1MISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1974. MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minutes of the Environmental Quality Commission hteeting of September 24, 1974. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl decTared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN BIKEUlAY COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the Minutes of the Citizen Bikeway Cottmtittee of October 2, 1974. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUES7 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LEGAL NON-CONFORMING USE AT 218 57TH PLACE N. E.: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from Mr. Norton Neff regarding the refurbishing of the dwelling at 218 57th Avenue N. E., dated October 17, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. The Public Works Director said this was located in Hyde Park. He pointed out that the structure is in dissrepair and the applicant would like to bring it up to code to enable him to rent it. The City Manager reca7led that the applicant had requested that this �ructure be used as an office building and this had been denied. Now, the applicant would like to rent it. The City Attorney said there would not be any Council action necessary to allow the applicant to refurbish the building and rent it, receiving the request at this time would be sufficient. CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYING AUDITOR FOR YEAR 1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to employ George M. Hanson Company for the Audit for year 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Councilman Breider questioned the amount of this type of audit. The Finance Director listed the various costs for the past several years as: $6,100 in 1963, $6,650 in 1972, and $5,500 in 1973. He explained that the lower price was due to the fact that the City staff had done a great deal of the preparatory work for the audit. Mayor Liebl said this Company has done a good job. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF WHETHER THE CITY SHOULD REQUIRE BIDS = TOWING CONTRACT• A representative of Shorty's Towing said they did not wish to cancel the contract, they , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE l4 would just like a rate increase. The City Attorney addressed the Council and said he had been asked for an opinion from Mr. Brunsell on whether or not the CIty was required to obtain bids for this contract and as far as he sees this matter, he thought this had only been a matter of policy that bids be received, not a legal requirement. He said he still believed ihis to be a matter of a poiicy declsion. He said it would be possib)e to negotiate with a party or receive the bids. Mayor Liebl asked if it would be possible to negotiate without going out for bids. He asked if anyone would have an objectian to this. Councilman Breider expressed the feeling that the bids received are often from firms across town that would not be able to car�y on this work. He said he would not object to the negotiations with Shorty's Towing, MOTION by Councilman Breider to authorize the Administration to negotiate with , Shorty's Towing for a revised towing co-ntract with increased rates. The City Atiorney suggested that some of the language in the contract be modified at this time also. � SECONDED BY Councilman Utter. The City Attorney said the Council could accept or deny the contract as negotiated. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #120-1974 - CLOSING OUT PERA FUND AND POLICE PENSION FUND AND TRANSFERRING RA FllND: ' MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #120-1974 closing out the PERA Fund and Police Pension Fund and transferring to the General Fund. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #121-1974 - AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT OF MAINTENANCE COST TO METROPOCITAN ER BOARD: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #121-1974 authorizing reimbursement of maintenance cost to Metropolitan Sewer Board. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice voie, a1i voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried �nanimously. RESOLUTION #122-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND � .-..r...n-r�r nr -r��r nnrrr �-�irnrnr_ � �.�11Trn c �ITTfli]�/ � CC1.�[i] � 11A1h � CTl1DM � CCI.ICD � TMDDfIIiCMC MOTION by Counci7man Utter to adopt Resolution #122-1974, ordering improvement, final plans and specifications and estimates of the costs thereof: Water Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 116, Addendum #1. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR COLD STORAGE BUILDING: BIDDER NAME BONDING COMPANY Lester Engineering Certified Ck. Building System 5% of bid Lester Praire, Mn. $634.00 Metro Metal Inc. Minneapolis, Mn. Bid of Bond of %5 United Pacific Insurance Co. BLDG.STiZE 36' X 60' 32' X 62'8" ' (This bid does not meet specifications) COST OF BLDG. $12,680.00 $13,955.00 COMPLETION DATE OF CONSTRUCTION 1-30-75 90 days MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the bids as listed above and award the contract to Lester Engineering in the amount of $12,680. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Counciiman Breider asked if the proposed construction would inciude a concrete floor. � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE ]5 UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT: CITIZEN BIKEWAY/WALKWAY COMMITTEE: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to appoint Ms. Janet Thomas, 1463 75th Avenue, 784-6591, to the Citizen Bikway/Walkway Committee. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Leibl declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE: NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTFVE DATE REPLACES Ariene Smith Clerk Typist $475 October 22, 1974 Pau7a 18 115th Ave. N. E. Eng. Division per Long Blaine, Minn. P. W. Department month MOTION by Councilman Breider to appoint Mrs. Arlene Smith as Clerk-Typist Engineering Division in the Public Works Department effective October 22, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motian carried unanimously. CLAIMS: . GENERAL 37434 - 37582 . LIQUOR 9241 - 9300 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the Claims, Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebi deciared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: H & S Asphalt Company 5400 Industry Avenue N. W. Anoka, Minn. 55303 PAR7IAL ESTIMATE #4 for work completed and material on hand - ST. 1974-1 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #4 for work completed and material on hand - ST. 1974-2 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1440 County Road "J° Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 For furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for staking out of the following construction work: Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project #115 from September 2.through September 27, 7974 Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project #115 from September 2 through September 27, 1974 Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 from September 2 through Sept. 27, 1974 $39,683.53 13,238.99 845.33 251.97 222.86 Peter Lametii Construction 615 Drake Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #1 for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 113 (Central Avenue Relief Sewer) 40,856.40 MOTION by Councilman Utter• to approve the listed estimates with the addition of the Estimate from Weaver, Talle, and Herrick for their September retainer and services rendered in the amount of $1,462. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. 3 � i , , a � � � � ; � � � � � s i i � i REGULAR COUNCIt= MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 LICENSES: CIGARETfE Edina Oil Company 6101 University Avenue Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Club 47 6061 University Avenue Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue Shaddrick-Labeau Legion 1315 Rice Creek Road OFF SALE BEER Fridley Food Market 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue SERVICE STATION Edina Oi1 Company 6101 University Avenue SOLICI70R Grarariums Fisher canned nuts ' EXCAVA7ING ' Webster Company, Inc. 845 Edgerton Street � St. Paul, Minn. 55101 � � � GAS SERVICES � ; '; Controlled Air Corporation 3008 Bryant Avenue South I Minneapolis, Minn. 55408 I � Quality Heating & Air Conditioning Co. 3035 Lyndale Avenue So. , Minneapolis, Minn. 55408 BY Edina Oil Company Paul Beecroft Peter J. Arkins Alyce Simonson Paul Beecroft Peter J. Arkins Leonard Hoffman Paul Beecroft Peter J. Arkins Edina Oi] Company One World Crusade Unification Church Jerarne Childress Cub Scout Pack 714 Kenneth Hall Elem. Sch. Spring Lake Park Wayne Erickson (Cubmaster) BY A. N. Webster Gerald Christie Walter Buchman APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Health Inspector Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Building Inspector Deputy Fire Chief PAGE 16 FEE $12.00 12.00 12.00 16.72 Pro-rated 14.63 Pro-rated 14.63 Pro-rated 25.00 15.00 15.00 c� �� Lieutenant Howard Rick Non-profit Lieutenant Howard Rick Non-profit APPROVED BY C. Belisle W. Sandin W. Sandin �I 0 �' I ' I� , II ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 17 LICENSES continued: GENERAL CONTRACTOR BY APPROVED BY Crandall Bros. Construction James H. Crandall C. Belisle 3933 Douglas Drive Crystal, Minn. 55422 Osborne Construction Warren Osborne C. Belisle 7565 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Royal Aiuminum Products Inc. Max Ostrow C. Belisle 526 6th Avenue North Minneapolis, Minn. 55411 Russ Scott Construction Russell Scott C. Belisle 1055 93rd Avenue N. W. Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 HEATING Allied Metalcraft Company James McCarthy C. Belisle 1750 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, Minn. � Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. A. H. Pavlick W. Sandin 785 Curfew St. Paul, Minn. Hokanson Plumbing Inc. Roger Hokanson W. Sandin 13146 Taylor Street N. E. Blaine, Minn. 55434 Nielsen Sheet Metal William Nielsen W. Sandin 395 27th Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Palen/Kimball Company G. Richard Palen W. Sandin 2505 University Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55114 I I MUL7IPLE DWELLING � APPROVED � � OWNER ADDRESS " UNITS FEE BY . Douglas Investments 5980 2nd St. N. �. 4 $'15.00 R. D. Aldrich . Douglas K. Jones Fire Prev. 2505 Silver Lane N. E. . �:� Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 � 9 Pe ter J. Ne u r u r e r 3 9 0 5 7 t h P l a c e N. E. 4 ]5.00 R. D. Aldrich ; 7125 Jersey Avenue N. Fire Prev. : Minneapolis, Minn. '55428 } � , Elbert Staples 327 79th Way N. E. 4 15.00 R. D. Aldrich 1716 E. 58th Street Fire ,; Minneapolis, Minn. 55417 Prev. _:, ; � HEATING BY APPROVED BY,, f_.� Quality Neating & Walter Buchman W. Sandin � Air Conditioning Co. � 3035 Lyndale Avenue So. R Minneapolis, Minn. 55408 � � Councilman Breider asked if there was a time limit on solititation in the City. The ;� 1 d' 4 City Attorney said he would check into this. Councilman Bre�der asked if ency ope ia �� salesmen have to be licensed and Councilman Utter said yes. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon �, J__1_.�_J 41.,. „+;,.., eNNI�l� ��nanimnuclv_ REGULAR COUNCIL MFETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 PAGE 18 I �� , � CONSIQERATION OF TEMPORARY HOUSE TRAILER LICENSE TO BE LOCATED AT 180 MISSISSIPPI W Y N. E. REQUEST BY FRIDLEY BEAU IFIC I SSO IATION : The City Manager pointed out that the request was also to have the fees waived. MOTION by Councilman Nee to grant the permit for the temporary location of a trailer � at 180 Mississippi Way N. E. as requested by the Fridley Beautification Association , waiving the fees. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION CONCERMING RATES FOR HOCKEY AS50CIATION PARTICIPATION: A representative of the Hockey Association addressed the Council and explained that a rumor got started at the last year's banquet that the traveling team members would have to pay $100 per person for participation in the program this year. He proceeded to list the various mounting costs including tha� of the indoor ice time which was determined to be the utmost in the rate increase. He concluded his remarks stating, now, the estimate has been reduced to $85, but this is still a sizeable sum. Councilman Breider brought up the fact that some of the boys had attended hockey camp in the summer at additional expense. He questioned how much this had been. Councilman Utter said it had cost his son $125 to attend the hockey camp. Councilman Breider remarked that some families have two or three boys who want to participate and at this price, it is impossible. He suggested the Council make an effort to obtain contributions from the private enterprises in the area. The representative said if a family cannot afford to send the boys to participate, and if the boy is showing promise and can make the traveling team, the Association will assist in the financial burden. He said they wouid not put a boy out because of finances. He said the B teams have a much lesser expense which would be in the $10 range. Councilman Utter asked if the selling of subscriptions to Cable TV would reduce the cost. The representative said this had been one of the considerations in the estimated $85. MOTIQN by Counci]man Breider to check the costs of participation with the D9rector of Parks and Recreation, Paul Brown, and authorize the Administration to use means to promote donations to the Hockey Association. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: TMMACULATE CON�EPTION SCHOOL: OCTOBER 26, 1974 AS MARATHON DAY: MOTION by Councilman Utter to rece�ve the communication concerning Marathon Day and approve the request waiving the fees. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimous7y. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 2l, 1974 adjourned at ll:b4 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �.r� !� Pat Ranstrom Secretary to the City Councii ate pprove Frank G. Liebl Mayor � ' FRIOLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING � PLEASE S:[GN NAMC ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INl'ERESTED IN DATE: _`- C'� ���� ' �� /?2� , NAP�1E ADDRESS �C/ � ITEM NUMBER ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------�--------�-- --- -------------------------------- -----------� � , ..� �� ��' -�-�� .� �� . s.7' ��s C c G (�,� 7� � s ,-. � �9 ,s- % � � �'� - 2- �G�. � ��otMc?4 � � t� S — S� % i�c� �� � S �"�/ �'i 7S� � �'s2�%z-�.i � d 1�.� ��e,�f �-2' �' � (��i��� V ,e "��'-r'"��,,-- 5 � � 'j � �� �� �/l7�—%-0/ . �___ ,' �� � �� G� P l' �� ��-� � �� ��A � lp s�� �: �, s i9 S- ' ` r r� �1 � Sl � _ r�z� .�1. � ° S' � 11 • 1� � C'� � �� / � f �(� - / -�^^-'L � �'c � S` 7 �c G-c�-� /�G--' T 1475-ZCNtSk ) � ' � r , � �� �� � �- -� � % � J � f !i �'G�— � �— 1 � � �a� .� " _�` � 3 � � ��-U- �, . •�y� . � �p �s - � ,�-cc� � Uz��>--�-_---� � �� ��=�'C-�z�.�' � � - �� � � ..�G-a� �% � � �-�►����- 13 � � d-! �,P..P ��.t 1�vv . 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' I THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEE7ING OF THE FRIDCEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' � ' ' ' i i.'i I I I ' I I I ' I i , I THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Councilman Breider, acting chairman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilman Breider led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL� Present: Gouncilmen Starwalt, Utter, Nee, Breider. Absent: Mayor Liebl CERTIFICA7E OF APPRECIATION: PAT CARIOLANO, BUILDING STANDARDS DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE: � Mrs. Cariolano was not able to be present at the meeting. Councilman Breider asked that the administration mail the Certificate of Appreciation to Mrs. Cariolano. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1974: MOTIOfV by Councilman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of August 19, 1974, as submitted if there are no additions or corrections Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. Ht70PTI0N OF AGENDA: Councilman Utter said he would like to add the estimate that had been submitted to the members of the Counci] from the City Atiorney for Progressive Contractars, Inc. in settlement of a claim. Councilman Nee said he would iike to discuss possibTe legal options or action against the railroad for blocking traffic at the Mississippi Street crossing. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda with the aforementioned additions. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider dec7ared the motion carried. VISITORS: Councilman Brefder asked if anyone wished to a�dress the Council during the visitor's section and there was no response. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PU3LIC HEARING ON A VACATION REQUEST, SAV #74-03, BY JAMES LUND, OF AN EASEMENT GENERALLY LOCATED IfJ THE 1500 BiOCK CsL�WEEN 73RD AVENUE AND ONONDAGA STREET`N.E: MOTION by Councilman Utter to waive the reading of the public hearing notica and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously, and the public hearing opened at 7:42 P.M. The Public lJ�rks Director pointed out the area in question to the members of the Council on the map on the screen. He explained that the original plan for the plat called for the easement for street improvement, but the plan that had been adopted with another street plan which would be equal or better than the original plan. He said he did not � believe there would be any problems in the vacation of the easement. Councilman Breider asked if there was any opposition to the vacation of the 50 foot easement and there was no response. MOTION by Councilman Nee to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried, and the Public Hearing closed at 8:44 P. M. B ; REGULAR COUt�CI,� MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING FRIDLEY'S CITY CHARTER: AND - RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 29, i974: The City Manager, Nasim Qureshi, addressed the Council and explained that the Charter Commission had been organized about a year ago to study the City Charter and come up with any suggested changes in the City Charter. He said at the present time the recommendations had been made and if the Council would agree to the changes, they would be incorporated in the Charter by ordinance. Councilman Breider asked the City Manager to go over the highlights of the recommended changes in the City Charter. The City Manager briefly explained the various recommenda- tions to the Council and audience. Councilman Nee questioned the recommended wording in Section 11. Ghapter 5. Section 5.19, which is to read as follows if amended: "Section 5.19. CIRCULATION OF PETITIONS. Any person circulating a petition for the initiation of an ordinance, the initiation of charter amendments, for a referendum or the recall of an elected official, who falsely attests to any signature on the petition shall be guilty of an offense and shall be fined not less that $50." He asked who would be responsible for this type of prose- cution at ihe present time, Would this be the County Attorney? The City Attorney advised Councilman Nee that this would be a misdemeanor which would be enforced by the City Prosecutor in the County Court. He added, in general it was currently no offense to falsify any affidavit, there were currently no provisions in the City Ordinances. He said now, the offender would be prosecuted under the State Laws Councilman Nee questioned Section 1Q. Chapter 5. Section 5.08. INITIAT.IVE BALLOTS, which wou1d amend this section with the addition, "having at least 55% of the votes cast on the question shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency." He stated if either of the ordinances put to the voter did not have the 55% of the votes cast, neither would pass. The City Attorney said this is his interpretation of the section. ! Mr. Dennis Schneider, 6190 Stinson Boulevard, asked the Council how the 55% of votes cast on a conflicting ballot ordinance would help the City. Councilman Breider said a 55� vote would have to be cast for the ordinance which would pass if there were two conflicting ordinances presented to the people. Councilman Breider added he could not envision what the two conflicting ordinances might be. The City Attorney said he did not think the City has or has had any two confla.cting ordinances to his knowledge. Mrs. Helen Truenfels, 5248 Horizon Drive, addressed the Council and questioned if the people present at the public hearing feel there are changes needed in the Charter or recommendations, would this have any bearing on the recommendations from the Charter Commission. She specificaily questioned if the Charter Commission recommendations could change. Councilman Breider explained that the Charter Commission had made recommendations to the Council and if the Council would concur with the recorrenendations, the ordinance would be adopted.without going to the voters. He said if there is a conflict, the changes would be submitted to the voters. The City Attorney advised the audience that the only way the changes could be approved would be if they were recommended by the Charter Corrrnission and concurred with by the Council. He said there would be two alternatives, the section in conflict could be deleted and the remainder of the recommendations passed. He said the second alternative would be to send the recommendations back to the Charter Commission and see if they agree with the suggestions. He advised the Council that both bodies would have to agree to:pass the ordinance without going�ito the voters. Mrs. Truenfels asked if the people wanted a change, could that change go back to the Charter Commission. Councilman Utter said if there was something the people could not accept, this could be done. Mrs. Truenfels said now that this had been answered, she would make her recommendations for changes in the recommendations. She explained she would suggest a change in the portion of the Charter which dealt with the filling of vacancies on the Council. She commented that she had asked many people in the City of Fridley about their opinion on the current method of appointment in the case of vacancies. She added that she had talked to 200 to 300 people concerning this question. She pointed out that only two people concurred with the current method of Council ' � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 3 I j appointment to the vacancies. With the current situation with the appointed President � and Vice President, people feel a strong need to appoint their officials themselves ' i through the elective process. She said the people feel that there should be a special � election, and she had pointed out to those she had talked to that the cost to the City for such a special election could range from $3,000 to $10,000. Mrs. Truenfels went on to the second recori�nendation for change stating this item was a bit more personal. She referred to the section which prohibits a person who � circulates or signs a petition from serving as an election judge. She said there are G some problems with this type of action. Continuing, she explained that those people ' who are active in party work are those involved and the party asks them to serve as � election judges at the polls. She said if the Charter would read that no one who -: circulates or signs a petition would not be allowed to serve, this would cut out a great number of the people in the City of Fridley. Councilman Breide►° commented that the change in the Charter would be directed to the Committee who sponsored the petition, not the circulators or signers of the petitions. Mrs. Shirley Caldwell, 5874 Hackmann Avenue, said she thought there was some confusion. She felt if there were more restractions on election judges the City would lose many competent election judges. She said at the present time the restrictions are that they cannot be related to a eandidate or another election judge in the precinct. She said she would not want this to be any-more complicated. Mr. Ole Bjerkesett, 100 N. E. 632 Way, Co-Chairman of the Charter Commission addressed the Council and said he was sure that he was speaking for the Charter Commission and understood protecting representative government. He said the Charter Commission had done what was necessary and had made it as clear as possible. He said it was not the intention of the Charter Commission to restrict anything or anybody. He stated that adequate publication was made concerning the meetings of the Charter Commission and also the appointment of the possible members of the Charter Commission. He said notification of the meetings was made and anyone who wanted to appear and voice their opinion was given the opportunity to do so. He said there was a specific night where the Commission had met with the Council and another when they had met with the admini- stration. He said there was also an evening where anyone who wanted to see a change could have appeared. He stated the Cor�nission had done many hours of work on the recommendations and all of the members had done their homework. He further explained that they had reviewed what the City had before and developed what they felt was the best they could. He commented they had done their job to the best of their ability. Councilman Nee questioned Mr. Bjerkesett concerning the 55% of the votes to pass conflicting ordinances. Mr. Bjerkesett said this would be if there were two conflicting ordinances on the books at the same time. He used as an example that if one read the speed limit should be 15 miles per hour and another read that it should be 20 miles per hour. He said if there was a conflict in a major provision, the Charter Commission felt that the ordinance that should prevail should be passed by a 55% simple majority. He said in this case there would be no confusion between the two. He said in most cases there would not be a conflict nor.would they be this close, but in one out of ten, there may be a conflict. Councilman Nee asked if the present Charter would allow the one that just received the larger number of votes to prevail and Mr. Bjerkesett said yes. Mr. Bjerkesett said there could also be the case where there is more than two ordinances presented and the highest number of votes could be in the area of 35% and at present this ordinance would pass. Now, he repeated, the higher percentage would pass. He corrmented the Charter Commission felt that this should be a higher majority and this was the consensus of the majority of the members of the Charter Commission. He said he personally felt this made sense. Mr. Kenneth Sporre, 301 Ironton Street, addressed the Council and recalled the question of the appointment of a councilman when there is a vacancy in the office. He made the following suggestion for a recommended amendment: "A Special Election should be held not less than 45 days nor more than 60 days from the time such vacancy is declared. The winner of said ele¢tion shall be qualified to take office immediately upon certifi- cation of the Board of Canvass to fill the unexpired term." Mr. Sporre said he would rather the Charter read in this manner than the recommendation made by the Charter Commission. Mr. Sporre asked if there was some way the Charter Commission can take action on this recommendation to the Council, or otherwise, there are ways this action is going to be taken to get the provision changed. � � F � i ',, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 4 Councilman Breider said there are two alternatives, one, to send the recommendation back to the Charter Gommission for their reconsideration, and secondly, if there is disagreement, place the question on the ballot. The City Attorney said there is also a third alternative, to leave the Charter the way it is. Although, this is unlikely, he added. Mr. Sporre asked what does it take to get this on the ballot, act or petition? The City Attorney said he did not fully understand the question. Mr. Sporre responded, if the Charter Commission does not take action on the recommendation, could the Council take action. The City Attorney said the changes would not be incorporated in the Charter by ordinance without a recommendation from the Charter Commission and Council approval. He further advised that the Council cannot take action without the recorranendation; the Council cannot do this unilaterally. � Mr. Sporre said if the Charter Comnission feels they do not approve of this recommendation and do not take action to recommend this to the Council, could the petition be submitted to the Council and appear on the ballot in November. The F'.nance Uirector responded that as a practical matter this would be very difficult because of the time limit involved. He questioned if the necessary time limits would allow the time needed for the printing to be done, etc. He said if done expediently, this could be done, if needed. The City Manager said the schedule had been prepared to allow the Council to take action on the recommendation next Monday, September 16, 1974. He said this would allow the matter to be put on the ballot if there is not agreement. Mr. Schnei'.der asked how many of the members of the Council would have to agree with the recommendations. The City Attorney said this must be a unanimous vote on the part of the Council favoring the proposed recommendations. Mr. Sporre said the petition that is being circulated proposing this suggested Charter change would be submitted the coming Friday, September 13, 1974, and this is why he had brought this up at the present meeting. He said the City would be forced to act on this by requirements of the Charter. He asked if the recommendations could be forwarded to the Charter Commission. Councilman Breider commented that he did not know how the Council would react to this question. He said there would be no action taken on this matter at the aurrent meeting as the policy of the Council has been to hold the public hearing and h�ve some time to digest the input at the public hearing. He said the action would be taken the following Monday evening. The City Attorney said it would be possible for the Charter Commission to have a special meeting. He further advised that if the majority of the Charter Commission members agree on the recommendation, they could submit the recommendation to the Council, as some of the recommendati�ns had been submitted at the present time. The City Manager asked if additional amendments are recommended, would there be a need for an additional public hearing and publication of new notices to the public. 1'he City Attorney said he did not feel this would be necessary, the public hearing could be continued until the next meeting. The City Manager again asked if there would have to be another publication in the paper with the required number of days natice. The City Attorney said no, he did not think so, not when there h�d been publication of the hearing and the hearing would be continued. Councilman Utter read from the minutes of the Charter Commission that their last yearly meeting would be on November 19, he asked if there would have to be some formal noti- fication to the Commission concerning the requested special meeting. Councilman Breider said as a practicai matter, some of the members are present and they are being notified. Councilman Breider suggested the administration send the minutes of the current public hearing to the Chairman and members of the Charter Commission for their reviews. Councilman Nee directed the Council's attention to the portion of the recommendations which changes the name of public utilities to franchisee. He said he did not feel this change is necessary and wanted to know if there was some problem in this current wording. A Charter Commission member addressed the Council and explained in some cases there is more than one company that could provide the same service to the City. He said more than just Northern States Power Company may provide electric service to the City and more than one company may provide Cable Television. Councilman Nee said he thought that Franchisee was a different kind of word, and this could mean a franchised chicken shop. The City Attorney said some may not be a public utility and some may not be a franchisee. He stated he had no quarrel with the wording public utility and he had no i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTfM BER 9, 1974 PAG E 5 quarrel with the word franchisee, as long as the definition was in the scope of what they are talking about. Councilman Starwalt questioned why this information had not been brought to the attention of the Charter Commission at an earlier date than the last minute. Mr. Sporre explained that he is often out af town and had not know what the recommendations were until they were printed in the public notices. ' Mr. Dean Caldwetl, 5874 Nackmann Avenue, asked if it is too late to submit a recommenda- � tion. He questioned the purpose of the pub1ic hearing and said he would like to have - this squared away. Council:man Breider said the Council was there ta hear what people had to say. He said this has brought about more dilemma because of what had been suggested at the public hearing by the people. Councilman Breider said the Council had submitted suggestions to the Charter Commission and they had not implemented all of his suggestions. He said he would be surprised if they would implement all of the people's suqqestions either. Ne stated, the Public Hearing does mean something. Mr. Caldwell voiced concern over the statement in the recommendations that the fine would be $50 if someone falsely testified to a signature. He s�id this type of statement would make people think twice about circulating a petition. The City Attorney advTSed the Council that the circulator is only attesting to the fact that the person had signed the petition in their presence. Mrs. Caldwell asked the purpose of the new law. She asked if there was a law on the State books, why would this be necessary. 7he City Attorney answered that the laws are not identical to his recollection. He said he did not know if this would be a misdemeanor or a gross misdemeanor. He said the fine would not be mare than $300 and nQt more than 90 days. He said the recommendation 5ays this would not be more than $50, and the wording is somewhat different. Mrs. Caldwell asked why it would be good for the welfare of the City of Fridley. Council- man Breider answer he thought it would be much easier to determine his responsibilities in circulating a petition in one document than researching the State Statutes. He said it would be clearer to find the 1Tabilities as a circulator of a petition. Mr. Bjerkesett recalled when the Cable Television petition had been circulated, some of ' the signatures solicited had been falsely sworn to as signatures. He said if people are ignorant of the law, this does not make them innocent of violating the law. He said in this case it would make the people aware of the law and this is the purpose of this provision and this would be lower than a misdemeanor. He said this would insure that the people who are circulating the petition would be informed of the law. Mr. Dennis Schneider asked what falsely attested meant. He asked what would be the situation Tf someone would see a person sign a name and the name was false. The City Attorney said he would have to do a little research to answer the question. Mr. Sporre further questioned what if the signer said he is a registered voter and he is not. The City Attorney said the City Clerk would have to do a little research to answer the question. Mr. Sporre further questioned what if the signer said he is a registered voter and he is not. The City Attorney said the City Clerk would have to check the signatures and if he is not registered the signature would not count. Councilman Utter asked how this would work if a husband would sign �For a wife. The City Attarney said under the present charter if a man named Joe Doe signed a petition and his name was really John Smith, there would be no violation. He stated the circulator is not attesting to the fact that this is the genuine signature of the person; he is attesting to what he proports to be. Councilman Nee said he had a certain amount of experience with these things, and after four or five, the sponsoring committee does instruct the people circulating so they do not go astray. He recalled he had obtained a spouse's signature at one time.that he felt would be a valid signature. Ne went on to explain the man was suffering from afithritis and was not able to sign the form and asked his wife in Councilman Nee's � presence to sign the form for him. He said there was also a case where a husband and wife circulated a petition together and this would not be valid. Mr. Bjerkesett said the City should prepare an instruction sheet which should be given to each circulator of petitions. He said the instruction could be drawn up according to the Charter by the City Attorney. MOTION by Councilman Nee to continue the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously and continued the public hearing at 9:18 �.M. REGULAR �OUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 6 MOTION by CounciTman Utter to receive the minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting of August 29, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Utter asked the City Manager to contact the members of the Charter Co►rmission so they may look into the items discussed at the Public Hearing. He asked if this matter could be taken care of by the following Monday evening. Councilman 8reider directed the City Manager to send the minates of the current Public Hearing to the members of the Charter Commission and suggest that they be called back to order for a special meeting on the recomnendations. PUBLIC HEARING ON BUDGET FOR ]975: Councilman Breider called on the City Manager to make a presentatiorr concerning the budget proposal. The Cit,y Manager outlined the proposal saying -it is $200,000 below the maximum a]lowable mill levy limitaiion. The proposed budget versus the budget with the programs in operation in 1974 is 9,8% higher than 1974. He continued, with the additiona� programs one of which is the tree disease program and the nature interpretive program the budget is 12.3q higher ihan 1974. He added, there are no additional personnel provided. The City Manager explained that there had been a number of ineetings w9th the various department heads and after mutally reducing the request this amounted to a reduction of $372,466. He said the original requesi within the general fund was $3,256,414 and had been reduced to $2,833,948. The City Manager advised the Counci] that the mill levy requirements had to be submitted to the County by Ociober 9, and this would be four weeks. Councilman Breider suggested the Council have a meeting on a Saturday which would be an open meeting to discuss the budget. Councilman Breider suggested Saturday, September 21. in the afternoon. Councilman Utter suggested they set up three tentative times. Councilman Nee said the people should be notified about the meeting and he questioned if the date could be set at the current tneeting. Councilman Utter said with the absence of Mayor Lieb1, the other members of the Council would not be able to speak for him an this proposed meeting date. The Finance Director advised the Council that the Public Nearing shou]d be continued rather than closed. The City Manager suggested the Public Hearing be continued untii the coming Monday evening when the full Council would be present to set the meeting date. MOTION by Councilman Utter to continue the Public Hearing on the budget for 1975 until Monday, September 16, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing was continued and concluded at 9:31 P.M. Councilman Nee advised those present who would like to attend the Public Hearing on the budget at the special meeting to call City Hall on t�e following Tuesday, September 17th to obtain notification concerning the meeting, OLD BUSINESS: ORUINANCE #569- AMENDING CHAPTER 104 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED TREE DISEASES: The City Manager pointed out that at the previous meeting of the Council, there were three concerns expressed about the proposed ordinance on first reading. He mentioned those concerns to be the section on boulevard trees which had been added an page 4-C. The City Manager read the portion which would be amended at this meeting if the Council concurred with the amendment. He stated the second Council concern to be that the funding of the payment of the assessmenis would have had to have been paid iri the period of one year and this portion had been amended to make it possib7e io pay ihe assessment over a five year period. The City Manager continue� to list the thircl concern which dealt with the administrative charge to the property owners. He stated th�s had been discussed in light of ihe possible difference in payment in percentagA of th� effected trees and had been amended by the administration ta state a flat fee of $25. He also stated the section had given the Forester broad powers had been deleted. , ; � � i � �I �{ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, ]974 i PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the Ordinance as amended, v�aiving the second reading and ordering publication of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: ` CONSIDERATION OF OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE OF REZONING RE UEST, ZOA #74-03 BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, 70 REZONE CHASE ISLAND FROM CPR-2 FLOOD PLAIN TO CPR-1 FLOOD WAY : Councilman Breider explained that this ordinance was requested as a correctional measure by the State. , MOTION by Councilman Nee �o waive the first reading of the ordinance and adopt the first reading. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll ca71 vote, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Counci�man Starwalt, and Councilman Utter voting aye, Counci7man Breider declared the motion carried. . RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1974: EST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L. 5. #74-15, RUBY M. ANDERSON: SPLIT LY Councilman Breider called on the Public Works Director to exp]ain the matter to the Council. The Public Works Director, Mr. Richard Sobiech, said the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the requesi noting there shouid be a 20 foot utility easement provided either on the west or east portion of the lots to furnish the lots with utilities from 69th Avenue. He said the property owner had requested that this easement be on the east side to avoid the trees on the west side of the property. Councilman Starwalt asked the Public Works Director if there was any preference to the lcoation of the easement fram the engineering standpoint. The Pub7ic Works Director said there is no preference. The City Manager recalled that sometime in the past the City had studied this area and the plan at that time was to provide right of way on the sQUth side of the properties in this area for access to the back of the lots. He further explained that all of the lots in this area are of double size and could be split in the future and there would be a need for access to the southerly lots if they are split. Mr. Blaine Edmundson addressed the Council and said he represented the applicant Mrs. Ruby M. Anderson. Mr. Edmundson said from the discussion of previous years, concerning the splitting of the proper�y on 69th Avenue, it had been determined that this would not be feasible because the present homes are set back so far. He further commented that the concensus of the area people is that they wou]d never want to split the lots. Mr. Edmundson said the applicant would rather see the easement for the utilities on the east side of the lots because there is an existing utility pole in this area and there are many mature trees on the west side. Councilman Starwa1t asked if there was a hope of developing the property soon. Mr. Edmundson said the property owner had had a purchase agreement with the buyer since June and would like to have this matter settled. He said he did not be7ieve if the lots were split that the property would be developed unti7 the spring. Councilman Breider said he believed that this would be a bad place to gain access to Central Avenue because of the traffic in the area. Councilman Starwalt said he thought the people of the area may change their minds concerning the splitting of the lots in the area and he would not like to take action that would box these people in in this case. The City Attorney asked if it would be feasible to gain ac�ess to the southerly p�rtion of these lots, He asked if the access could be from the east side where there is a street rather than anto Old Central. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 8 Councilman Utter said this would be from Sievert Lane, The City Manager said his recommendation would be that the Counci7 go ahead and approve the lot sp]it unless Councilman Starwa7t would want additional information. Coancilman Starwalt asked if it would be possible to installa cul-de-sac on the easterly portion of these lots and gain access from Sievert Lane. The Public Works Director said access from Sievert �ane wou)d allow for the installation of a cul-de- sac in this area rather than directing the street to Old Central where the traffic is difficult. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the lot split with the stipulation that a uti7ity easement 20 feet in width be provided on the east side of the 7ots and stipuiating that a turn around be provided for these�properties when developed so there would not be any backing onto 01d Central by the future property owners. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Gouncilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. VACATION REQUEST, SAV #74-03, BY JAMES LUND: VACATE THE WESTERLY 50 FEET FOR PUBLIC ET 7he Public Works Director explained that this easement would have been necessary for the original plan for the permanent streets in the area, but this was no longer required because there was a new street plari which is a better plan. He stated this easement would not be needed. The City Manager said there would be no action needed on this matter at the present meeting since the Council had the public hearing at this meeting and the action would be taken the following Monday evening. Counciiman Nee referred to the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting r,eferring to some action on kennels in the City. He explained that there should be some definition in the Code. Ne stated current7y the code defines a kennel and they ignore it. He said there is a situation in his ward where dogs are being raised and the yard is fuli of them and there should be sflme provisions for the neighbors of this property. The City Manager said this feeling should be passed onto the Planning Commission. The City Manager referred the Council's attention to item number five where a suggestion is made for a joint meeting af the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Council discussed various iimes and meeting dates that would make it possible for everyone to be in attendance. Councilman Utter finally suggested the meeting be set for Tuesday, September 17, and the Council concensus was to ask the Planning Commission if this would be feasible. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Cor�nission meeting of August 21, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. � RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 1974: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR RELANDSCAPING AND FENCF WORK: LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, EAST RANCH ESTATES 1ST ADQITION, PARCEL 10; THE SAME BEING 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NOR7NEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA REQUEST BY FRANK`S NURSERY, 7940 PENN AVENUE SOUTH, BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431 : The Public Works Director advised the Council that this item had been tabled by the Subcommittee until the September 12th meeting. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minut�s of the Building Standards- Qesign Gontrol Subco�rnnittee of August 22, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. l i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF AUGUST 27 7974: A REQUEST FOR VAR . �. PAGE 9 OF: SECTION 214.053, 2, FRIDLEY SIGN ORDINANGE TO IN �E STANDIPaG SIGN IN A C-2s zoNTrar niSTRrrT FRnM inn cn ---, .,. The Public Works Director explained that tl-ie Board of Appeals was concerned about the message center portion of the sign and the blinking type of lights. He added, this may cause a traffic problem in this area. Mr. Sobiech said the Board had recommended denial of the request to increase the square footage of the sign from 100 square feet to 200 square feet based on the rnessage center, but recommended approval of the portion of the request for the increase in height of the sign from 25 feet to 40 feet. Mr. Sobiech said this wou7d be an additional four feet over the sign that is currently standing. Mr, Leon Ryan, Attorney from St. Paul, addressed ihe Council and said he was representing Menard's Lumber. Mr, Ryan presented a colored drawing of the proposed sign to the Council and stated he be7ieved the proposed sign to be more attractive than the sign from the previous business on the premisis. He explained that the Spartan store had been empty for some years and they planned to occupy this area. Mr. Ryan continued to explain that the Menards's Lumber people planned to begin business at the location on November 1, 1974. He further ex plained th� the sign had been contracted to be instafiled on September 15th. Mr. Ryan pointed out td the Counci7 that the proposed sign is not a blinking sign, it is a changing sign. He said the applicant had gone before the Board of Appeals with three requests and the first,allowing the height from 25 feet to 40 feet, did not seem to be a problem. He said this proposed sign would use the same standards as the old S�artan sign. He said another request was that the sign be increased � from 100 square feet to 200 square feet and this had been recommended to be denied because of the concern about the illuminated sign. He said the reason this had been brought before the Counci7 was because when the current ordinance was taken from ihe State ordinances, this type of sign was nat developed and therefore would not apply to the ordinunces. He continued with the background information and � history of this type of sign. Mr. Ralph Carpenter, District Sales Manager for American Sign Indicator Corporation, addressed the Counci] and said the size requirement had been changed to 35.6 feet or the same height as the existing sign. He passed out samples of the type of message that would be placed on the prapased sign and gave examples of this type of inessage on a console display. Mr. Carpenter proceeded to show a film presentation to the Council. Councilman Utter said there are traffic prabltms in this area and especia7ly around 4:00 P.M, and 5:00 P.M., there is a considerable amount of traffic in this area. Mr. Ryan said the same type of sign is being used on Highway #494 by North Central Airlines, He added this would be by Thunderbird Motel north of the highway. Councilman Utter said there are no stop signs in this area on the south side of town. He indicated it would be possible for the people on Central Avenue to be looking at the message center and have the stop sign change and cause an accident. Councilman Utter asked how the Highway Department felt about this proposal. CounciTman Starwalt asked the representatives present how they would feel about approval of the sign if the message would not be changed more than one time a day. Ne asked what their clients position would be in this case. Mr. Ryan said he did not believe Menards's would buy the sign if this was to be stipulated. The City Manager said if the Council would like to further consider this matter, this would be possible, this should not be done lightly. He said in traveling through the area suburbs, there are no signs visible from the highway going through Brooklyn Center and Fridley has a substantial amount of signs, He said he would not object to a message if this message would stay the same and not change, He said this would have a great impact and t4�is should be studied. 9, 1974 PAGE 10 7he City Manager said there should be more study on this matter before a decision is made. He said it would be possib]e to approve the top portion of the sign and not the message center portion af the sign. He stated 80,000 vehic7es go through this area. Mr. Ryan asked if it would be meaningful for the Gouncil to receive letters from the various communities statiny the signs such as ihis have not caused any hazards in their areas. Councilman Utter said he did not think any other area could compare with this in that this area has severe traffic probiems. Mr. Ryan said the Company has picked this parcel of property because of the amount of traffic in_the area. Councilman Starwalt said if the sign would not chanye, he could live with the sign. Ne corranented that if the app7icani would feel that the whole sign be approved including the message center, he would have to disapprove. h1r. Ryan said this product was not on �he market when the ordinance was drawn. The City Manager said this iype of sign was in existance when Fridiey adopted their ordinance. Councilman Utter asked if the top portion of the sign would be within the City Code. Ne asked if the height would be the only problem. The Public Works Director said the onTy problem would be in the height of the sign, it is over the 25 feet maximum height. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the sign for 36 feet or the requested 35 feet eight inches, but �vith no flaslmg message center, the message would be solid and not change more than once a day and that the square footage of the sign be approved from 100 square fEet to 147 square feet. Seconded by Council- man Utter. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. M�TION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting August 27, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt, Uoon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Councilrnan Breider declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRRCT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #113 BIDS OPENED SEPTEMBER 6, 1974 : NAME Peter Lametti Const. Co. Northern Contracting Co. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Dawson Const., Inc. C. S. McCrossan, ?nc. Nodland Associates, Inc. Kamar Inc. BASE BID $ .195,671.15 196,111.55 202,332.70 223,013.00 234,644,40 275,798.00 3$3,384.00 ALTERNATE BID $ 197,671.15 ]98,311,55 ]97,730.70 228,013.00 229,644.40 270,798.00 403,384.00 MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the aforernentioned bids. Seconded by Cauncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. The Public �lorks Director advised tl�e Counci] that the 3ow bid was received by Peter Lametti in the base bid amount of $195,671.15 and with the addition of the lift station with an alternate bic! of $197,67].15. He said he would recommend that the alternate bid in the amount of $197,671.15 be approved by the Council. He explained that this ]if� station, the Smith and Love7ess, is an additional $2,000, but he believed that the City would save maney in the longrun on maintenance, Councilman Breider asked wha�t the �stimai:e for the project from the Engineering Departrnent i�ad been. The Public Works Directar said $225,000.00 � �: � t' i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 11 MOTION by Councilman Utter to award the contract for Storm Sewer Improvement Project #113 to Peter Lametti in the base bid amount of $197,671.15 which would include the Smith and Loveless Lift Station. Seconded by Counci7man Nee, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. RECESS: , . Councilman Breider declared a five minute recess at 11:15 P.M. RECONVENED: Councilman Breider reconvened the meeting at 11:23 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO S70RE TWELVE MOBILE HOMES�UNTIL JUNE, ]975 0 PROPERTY BEHIND VIKING CHEVRO E. REQUEST BY GERALD TOBERMAN, OWNER OF PROPERTY: The Public Works Director pointed out on page 10-C of the agenda the request by Mr. Toberman. He said this would be a temporary situation and would be until June, 1975. He said at this time, there are no serious objections to the proposal, but he would caution the Council to approve the request subject to the area being kept neat and orderly, and that the ground be leveled, and after this temporary use, that the area be cleaned up. . . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the request to temporarily store twelve mobile homes on the Viking Chevrolet property until June 1975 with the stipulations that the area be kept clean and orderly and free of debris, and that the ground be 7eveled in this area, and also that c7ean up �ake place after this time period. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. IDERATION OF APPRQVAL OF SUPPLIMENTAL AGREEMENT #1, AGREEMENT N0. 57642,BETWEEN Councilman Breider questioned why this work was not done at the present time. The Pub]ic Works Director said this had been delayed because of government red tape and he hoped that the bids would be opening in November. The City Manager pointed out that this agreement called for a$35,000 reduction of cost to the City. He recalled the original agreement had been signed in Apri1 of last year. , MOTION by Councilman Utter to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to sign the Supplemental Agreement #1, Agreement No. 57642, between Minnesota Highway Department and the City of Fridley for the traffic control signal at the intersection of T. H. ,#65 and 73rd Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Starwa1t, Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried unanimously. . RESOLUTION #89-1974 - REVOKING A PORTION OF STATE AID HIGHWAY #2 (43RD AVENUE): MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #89-1974 revoking a portion of State aid Hfghway #2 or 43rd Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION #90-1974 - ALTERING THE DESIGNA7ION OF STATE AID HIGHWAY #2 (43RD AVENUE): MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #90-1974, altering the designation of State Aid Highway #2 or 43rd Avenue. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried, RESOLUTTON #91-]974 - RENAMING A PORTION OF MCKINLEY STREET N. E.: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #91-1974 renaming a portion of McKinley Street N. E. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. f 1 REGULAP, COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMB�R 9, ]975 PAGE 12 RESOLUTION #92-1974 - ORDERING PERLIP1INARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST: 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 MSAS : MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #92-1975 ordering preliminary plans, specifications and estimates of the costs thereof: Street Improvement Project ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) with the addition of the Burlington Northern Street (unnamed at the current meeting}, Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Counci7man Breider dec7ared the motion carried unanimous7y. RESOLUTION #93-1974 - TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM PUBLIC UTILITY FUND TO VARIOUS WATER D SEWER 8 N FUNDS: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #93-1974 transferring funds from the Public Utility Fund to various water and sewer bond funds. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider dec7ared the motion carried unanimous]y. APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE: . - NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACES Thomas A. Colbert Assistant $i6,000 Sept. 9, 1974 Richard 13050 Harriet Ave. S. Engineer per Sobiech Apt. #145 year Burnsville, Mn. 55337 MOTION by Councilman Nee to appoint h1r. Thomas Colbert, Assistant Engineer, effective September 9, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Si:arwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. CLAIMS: GENERAL 36857 - 37Q51 . . � � LIQUOR 9140 - 9189 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Coancilman Breider dec7ared the motion carried. LICENSES: CIGARETTE BY Club 47 Alyce Simonson 6061 University Avenue Fridley Doc's Fridley Food. Gary C. Soliday Market 8154 East River Rd. East River Road Spur Dan Thrall 6485 East River Rd. EMPLOYEE DISPENSING Gregory M. Tjosvold 719 50th Avenue N. E. Minneapolis, Mn. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT East River Road Spur 6485 East River Rd. OFF SALE BEER Club 47 6061 University Ave. East River Road Spur �nR� C��+ U,..,.N oa Ground Round Gary C. Soliday Alyce Simonson Dan Thrall APPROVED BY Public Safety Dir. Pubiic Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir.. Public Safety Dir. Public Safety Dir FEE $12.00 12.00 12.00 4 11 16.72 Pro-rated 15.00 15.00 �: t� � �'. i 3 R` r � 3 � � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 LICENSES continued: ON SALE BEER BY APPROVED BY Club 47 Alyce Simonson Public Safety Dir. 6061 University Avenue PUBLIC DRINKING PLACE PAGE 13 FEE $120.00 C1ub 47 Alyce Simonson Public Safety pir. 100.00 6061 University Avenue . SERVICE STATION ' , East River Road Spur Dan Thrall Building Inspector 6485 East River Rd. Deputy Fire Chief 'Sinc7air' Pasco Retail B. D. Peterson Building Inspector Outlet Deputy Fire Chief 6290 Highway 65 TAVERN Club 47 Alyce Simonsan Public Safety Dir. 6061 University Avenue VENDING MACHINE Columbia lce Arena The Moore Way Health Inspector 7011 University Avenue Fridley Auctions � 7500 University Avenue Gold Medal Beverage Co. Health Inspector Hudson Oi1 Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Midwest Health Inspector 7315 Highway 65 Inc. INTINERANT FOOD PERMIT - BAKE SALE Skywood Mall Mardelle 6. Pearson Health Inspector 5251 Central Avenue BLACKTOPPING Gustafson Blacktop Co. 3ames Gustafson C. Belisle 516 4th Street S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Biosvert B:�ilders, Inc. Ives Boisvert C. Belisle � 8027 Quincy Street N. E. Spring Lake Park, Minn. Swanson Construction Dean Swanson C. Belisle 466 83rd Avenue N. E. �•� Minneapolis, Minn. � Douglas Kiel Construction Douglas Kie1 C. Belisle • 8430 Laddie Road Spring Lake Park, Minn. - HOUSE MOVING � • Ernst Machinery & Housemoving Corp. , 9400 85th Avenue N. Kenneth Ernst C. Belisle Osseo, Minn. 55369 30.00 30.00 12.00 . , 105.00 ]5.00 15.00 Non-Profit 100.00 � � J REGULAR COUN QL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 LICENSES continued: EXCAVATING Enock T. Olsen 3055 174th Avenue N. W. Anoka, Minn. 55303 GENERAL CONTRACTOR DaVerne Corporation 1953 Serendipity G New Brighton, Minn. 55112 MASONRY Don Zebro Cement Co. 4017 Penrod Lane Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 MULTIPLE DWELLING R. J. Bauman 6046 2 2 St. N. E. Walter & Mary Sinner 4427 Monroe N. E. Mpl s, Mi nn. 55�421 Darold D. & Ruth E. Johnson 4216 7th St. N. E. Mpls., Minn. 55421 Albin Johnson 6824 Ewing N. Mpls., Minn. 55429 Albin Johnson See above address Paul K. LaPointe 1528 McAfee St. St. Paul, Minn. 55106 Hromadki/Ulrick Investors 1540 Quebec N. Golden Valley, Minn. 55427 Floyd C. Bradley 5861 W. Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Minn. 55432 John H. Ouellette 5901 2 2 St. N. E. � Fridley, Minn. 55432 Floyd C. Bradley 5861 W. Moore Lake Drive Fridley, h1inn. 55432 Floyd C. Bradley See above address Dale F. Knott 3945 Reservoir Blvd. Ninneapolis, Minn. 55421 R. J. Bauman 6046 2� St. N. E. BY Knock Olsen David E. Ficek Don Aebro APPROVED BY C. Belisle C. Belisle � C. Belisle ADDRESS UNITS 6061 2nd St. N. E. 4 6511 2nd St. N. E, 4 6541 2nd St. N. E. 5 5800 22 St. N. E. 4 5810 2 2 St. N. E. 4 5820 2 Z St. N. E. 4 5846 2 2 St. N. E. 6 PAGE 14 FEE APPROVED BY $15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire vrev. `15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev.. 5900 22 St. N. E. 7 15.00 R. Aldrich . P 5901 22 St. N. E. 4 5908 22 St. N. E. 7 5916 2 2 St. N. E. 7 5980 2 2 St. N. E. 7 6060 22 St. N. E. 4 Fire rev. 15.00 R. D. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. ]5.00 R. Aldrich Fire Frev. �, c � ; i � € I �. �� � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEM$ER 9, 7974 LICENSES continued: MULTIPLE DWELLING ADDRESS John F. Mezzenga 4901 3rd St, N. E. 3516 Skycorft Drive Minneapolis, t�inn. 55418 Dua�ne Roepke 5035 3rd St. N. E. 4533 Lakeland Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn, 55422 David C. Nelson 5930 3rd St. N. E. 20186 Connie Drive Anoka, Minn. 55303 Richard N. & Cheryl Jo Veth 6071 3rd St. N. E. Ronald E. & Pear] L. Waller 290 61st Avenue N. E. 6071 3rd St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Charles A. Lund 5320 4th St. N. E. 5320 4th St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55421 Terrance H. Mickley 5419 4th St. N. E. 7075 Hickory Drive Frid7ey, Minn. 55432 � Gordon U. Jorgenson 5644 4th St. N. E. 2225 Chalet Drive Minneapolis, Minn. 55421 LaVerne M. Bauer 5800 4th St. N. E. 2217 40th Ave. N. E. UNITS FEE 7 15.00 7 15.Q0 4 15. 00 3 15.00 4 15.00 4 ]5.00 7 15.00 4 15.00 Minneapol�s, Minn. 55421 � Douglas K. Johnston/ 1050 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 ' William Bergstedt b507 Camden Ave. N. Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 Douglas K. Johnston/ 1090 52nd Ave. N. E. T6 William Bergstedt See above address Douglas K. Johnston/ 1120 52nd Ave. N. E. ,16 William Bergstedt � See above Address Douglas K. Johnston/ 1170 52nd Ave. N. E. 16 William Bergstedt ' See above Address Wayne Siewert 251 57th Place N. E. 7 3320 48th Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55406 Irving S. Efron 262 57th Piace N. E. 8 3025 Salem Ave. � Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 R. J. Bauman 105 58th Ave. N. E, 6046 2 2 St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Otto G. Westenfield, Jr. 110 61st Ave. N. E. 5830 5th St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 � 7 21.00 21.00 21.00 2i.00 15.00 15. 00 �s.oa 15.Q0 PAGE 15 APPROVED BY R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R, Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. Aldrich Fire Prev. t s ; { � f` I k � p; l e E , (` REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 LICENSES continued: MUTIPLE DWELLING ADDRESS UNITS M. A. Biddle 211 79th Way N. E. 8 4800 Cedar Lake Rd. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 Donald C. & Evelyn A. Anderson 3319 Belden Drive N. E. 5960 80 Anna St. N. E. 33 Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 M. Filister 5640 East River Road 42 5750 East River Road � Fridley, Minnesota 55432 M. Filister 5660 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5720 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5740 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5760 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5780 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5800 East River Road 42 See above address M, filister 5820 East River Road 42 See above address M. Filister 5840 East River Road 42 See above address � M. Filister 5850 East River Road 42 See above address Vernon S. Hoium 5940 East River Road 12 925 Dain Tower Minneapolis, Minn.55402 Victor L. Lohmann 5950 East River Road 12 3515 lOth Ave. 5. Minneapolis, Minn. 55407 John H. Ouellette 6551 East River Road 11 5901 2 Z St. N. E. Fridley, Minn. 55432 Leonard Jacobson 6379 Nighway 65 N. E. 8 1408 Frankson Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55108 � Alex Levitan 1200 Highway 100 Pd. E. 18 2051 tong Lake Rd. New Brighton, Minn. 55112 Alex Levitan 1230 Nighway 100 N. E. 18 See above address Alex Levitan 1260 Highway 100 N. E. 18 See above address � Alex Levitan �2g0 Highway 100 N. E. 18 Saa aknva at3flracc FEE 15.00 PAGE 16 APPROVED BY R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 38.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich � Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich ' Fire Prev. 47.00 � R. Aldrich � " � Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich ' Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aidrich Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich � Fire Prev. 47.00 R. �ldrich ' Fire Prev. 47.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 17.00 � R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 17.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. i6.00 � R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 15.00 R. Aldrich ' Fire Prev. 23.00 R. Aldrich � Fire Prev. 23.00 R. Aldrich ' ' Fire Prev. 23.00 R. Aldrich Fire Prev. 23.00 R. Aldrich C ' r�a Dv+.nv � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 17 LICENSES CONTINUED: MULTIPLE DWELLING ADDRESS UNITS FEE APPROVED BY lucia Lane Apartments 6670 Lucia Lane N. E. 16 21.00 R, Aldrich 633 South Concord St. �'ire Prev. So. St. Paul, Minn. 55075 Lucia Lane Apartments 6680 Lucia Lane N. E. 16 21.00 . R. Aldrich See above address Fire Prev. Lucia Lane Apartments 6690 Lucia Lane N. E. 16 21.00 R. Aldrich, See above address Fire Prev. , Lynde Investment Co. 910 Lynde Drive N. E. 11 16.00 R. Aldrich 9801 Oak Ridge Trail . Fire Prev. Hopkins, Minn. 55343 Lynde Investment Co. 950 Lynde Drive N. E. 11 16.00 R. Aldrich See above address Fire Prev. Lynde Investment Co. 990 Lunde Drive N. E. 11 16.00 R. Aldrich See above address Fire Prev. William A. Shaw, Jr. 7400 Lyric Lane N.E. 8 15.00 R. Aldrich 5368 Matterhorn Drive. N. E. Fire Prev. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Kenneth F. Peterson & 6017 Main St. N. E. 4 15.00 R. Aldrich Hubert M. Nelson Fire Prev. 2441 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. 55405 . Kenneth F, Peterson & 6019 Main St. N. E. 4 15.00 R. Aldrich Hubert M. Ne7son Fire Prev. See above address � Ronald W. Shelton 140 Mississippi Place 4 15.00 R. Aldrich 8706 Grospoint Ave. S. , Fire Prev. Cottage Grove, Minn. 55016 Innsbruck North Associates 160] North Innsbruck 358 263.00 R. Aldrich Darrel A. Farr Development Fire Prev. 2810 County Road 10 Minneapolis, Minn. 55430 A. T. Gearman � 5650 Polk St. N. E. 32 37.00 R. Aldrich 6225 University Ave. N. E. Fire Prev. Fridley, Minn. 55432 . Gordon J. Aspenson 6489 Riverview Terrace 4 15.00 R. Aldrich 17 Rice Creek Way Fire Prev. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � � Donald E. Keefe 201 Satellite Lane N. E. 11 16.00 R. Aldrich 2425 Brookridge Ave. Fire Prev. Minneapolis, Minn. 55422 Wlater Miskiw 221 Satellite Lane N. E. 11 16.00 R. Aldr9ch 221 Satellite Lane N.E, Fire Prev. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Michael C. Gresser 61]1 Star Lane N. E. 18 23.00 R. Aldrich 209 Krestwood Drive Fire Prev. Burnsville, Minn. 55337 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the previously listed licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. 7 t 3 j : a s i � � � i � > � � s � � � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 ESTIMATES: Bituminous Construction Company 5232 Hanson Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 FINAL Estimate No. 2 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-10 (Sealcoat) Progressive Contractors, Inc. Box 368 Osseo, Minnesota 55369 FINAL Estimate No. 13 and 14 for Street Improvement Project ST, 1972-1 and ST, i972-2 (MSAS) ST, 1972-1 FINAL ESTIMATE #14 ST. 1972-2 FINAL ESTIMATE #13 A J. Chromy Construction Company 5051 West 215th Street Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 and Western Casualty & Surety Compsny PARTIAL Estimate No. 9 for Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 114 PAGE 18 $ 1,271.11 $ 7,500,00 $ 2,500.07 $ 39.253,51 The City Attorney addressed the Council with an additional Estimate as mentioned in the adoption of the agenda. He explained that the claim from Progressive Contractors had been reduced to $13,000 and it was his feeling that the claim was justifiable. He mentioned if this matter had gone to court, he felt they would have received much more and would have involved a lengthy trial. He said it tvould be his recommendation that the matter be settled for the $73,000 amount. MOTION by Councilman Utter to pay the Estimates as listed in the agenda under item #20 and also the claim from Progressive Contractors Inc. in the amount of $13,000 for the settlement of Street Improvement Project 1972-1 and 1972-2. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Councilman Breider declared the motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: NORTH SUBURBAN YOUTH SERVICE CENTER: OPEN HOUSE: MOTION by Counciman Nee to receive the communication from the North Suburban Youth Service Center concerning their open house and dated September 3, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, Counci7man Breider declared the motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF LEGAL OPTI STREET T RAICROAD CROSSING ION AGAINST RAILROAD FOR BLOCKING MISSIS Councilman Nee said the situation at the Mississippi Street crossing had again become incredibly bad. He recalled that the cars were on occasion lined up 100 feet back from the crossing and when the gate did not open after the exit of the train, the people were circumventing the gate. Another occasion he realled was when the people had waited for ten minutes ta'get across the section and before they had done this, another train blocked the roadway again. Councilman Nee sa�d he thought it was time that the City get the facts on this type of activity in this area, and find some low priced help to monitor the crossing. The City Manager said if the Council so desired, he would have the crossing monitored and take this informatian to the proper agency for action. Councilman Breider questioned if this type of monitoring would be a problem. The City hlanager said this type of activity takes money, but it could be done if this is the consensus of the Counci7. The City Attorney suggested that the City Manager and himself ineet with Carl Newquist Prosecutor, concerning this matter. He pointed out that Mr. Newquist had worked on � ' �. , I � ,I r► ,� ' O REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1974 PAGE 19 a case against the railroad on a simi7ar matter. He also suggested going to the Public Service Commission, putting some pressure on them. The City Attorney questioned when the underpass would be completed. The City Manager said this is coming, but he felt it would take two years to complete. The City Manager continued to state that the situation would be getting worse before it gets any better because of the coming improvement. REAFFIRMATION OF ACTION ON HAYES RIVER LOTS: , The Finance Director said the natter had been brought back for Council attention because of the question on the assessments. MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the payment of funds as laid out in Attachment #1, dated September 6, 1974, stating the amounts to be paid to Minder, Lametti, Specials, and the Fridley State Bank. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, aii voting aye, Councilman Breider decTared the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwa]t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, C�uncilman Breider declared the� motion carried and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Counci7 of September 9, 1974 adjourned at 11:47 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � ^ �� Patricia Ranstrom Frank,G. Liebl Secretary to the City Counci7 Mayor _ Date Approved 1 �l � J i � ' . CHARLES R.WEAVER HERMAN L.TALLE VIRGIL C.MERRICK ROBERT MUNNS JAhtES D. GIBBS , WILl1AM K. GOODRICH THOMAS A.GEDDE JEFFREY P, HICKEN ' ' ' � - V, � ����..v�' ,C�z� U� LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE &. HERRICK . . 316 .EAST MAIN STFtEET ANOKA, M�NNESOTA SS3O3 � � 42�-5a13 . October 21, 1974 Fridley City Council Fridley Ci�y Nall 6431 University Avenue Fridley, MN 55432 Re: Requirements of Open Meeting Law Gentlemen: 6279 UNIVERSI7V A�FENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 5B0-3950 FIRST STATE BAItlK BUILDIN6 COON RAPIDS,MIN#J.55433 755-1330 As you know, I have received a letter dated September 25, 1974, from ' four citizens of the City of Fridley requesting an op�nion as to the legality of a joint meeting between the City Council, and Planning Comm7ssion held September 18, 1974. These citizens raised the questian as ta whether this ' meeting violated the provision of Minnesota Statute� Ch. 471, regarding "Open Meetings." ' Following the receipt of this letter, I also rece�ved a copy of a letter dated October 15, 1974 from the same four citizens addressed to the Anoka County Attorney. In this letter, they questioned the legality af the above referred to meeting. I believe, that their request ta the County Attorney is ' reasonabie and would hope ihat he will make a thoroughly and impartial invest- igation of the complaint, ' 1 In view of the fact, that this matter has been referred to the Caunty Attorney, I believe that it would be premature and inappropriate for me to render a legal opinion on this question at this time. I say this because I sincerely doubt that the citizens requesting the opinion would be satisfied that the opinion of the City Attorney is impartial, and disinterested. ' 1 - VCH/rmh ' ' 1 Si ncerel y.,r` , ,f - -, / � �` �/� . -, �� , ,; .f. �"�`�'�:r �<_�,c.�,�c.� .,%; ` �-•� Virgi1�C. Herr�ck � OFFICIAL NOTICE GITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THy � CITY COUNCIL 0 TO WHOM IT M1�Y CONCERN : , Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeas� on Monday, October 21, 1974 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P::M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Final P7_at, P.S. #74-05, Rice Creek Estates Second Addition, by Edwin A. Dropps, Pine Tree Builders, �aeing a replat of Lot 10, ex- cept the North 260 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdi- vision No. 22, lying in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Coun-ty of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located between Rice Creek Road and 61st Avenue N.E. and West of Benjamin Street N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. FRANK G. LIEBL MAYOR Publish: October 2, 1974 October 9, 1974 �� lA Planninq Corrullissi_on Meeting - September 11, 1974 Page 2 r.OTION by Harris, seconded by Li,-�dblad, that the P].anning_ Commis- sion receive the mir�utes of the Pa�ks & 12ecreatian Commission Sub- committee meetinq of Rc�gilst: 2G, 1974, requesCi�lg cZarification of the Ic�se aqrec�Trer�t tdii:h the Targct Store on the use of the park 1a1�d• Upon a voice vote, a11 voting <�ye, the motion car_ried unanim��� 1. LIC IIEIIRING : CONSID�?P.T�"'ION _OF A PF.�LIMINARY I'L13 �J 1Z�.Cli �ilt'�L.�� I'.,J���l��l�l'�S .J�CO1\!./ �1���.1�1�-l.Ul�i � LSY li1J4��_1V �.. aiiiv.. ., !- i�"P/El I�II�I,`I'F:i�i 33UILllrF:S: 11 r_eplat of l�oi� lU, except the Nortli 2G0 fcet thei:c�o�; ��uditor' s�u���ivision No. 22, generally lo�atcd No�'i�h of Glst Avenue N.r. and Gti�est of Benjamin Street. Mr: Eciwin Dropps was present. . MOTIOIJ by Linc�blad, seconded 1�y Har.rzs, that the P1ar2ning Commiss.7-072 waive the �_ead_ing af the Publ._ic Hearing notice on the request� for. a preJ_iminari3 p.Zat, P.S. N74-O5, by Edwin Dropps. Upon a voice vote, a1Z vot.ing aye, the 2notion carried unanimous.i�. Mr. Clark said that whc�n tne Planning Commission reviewed th< � prelimin.aa�y pla3:. for_ P.ice Creek. Estates, this portion kno�an as Rice ; Creek �s�C.ates Seco.zd �dclition, was all one plat. He said he beli�ved E D4r. Dropns had som� problems closing on the portion tha� was Chic�s i property, so lze c3ecided to just develop Phase I of the plat at that ; tintc, and woulc3. com� bacJc with the second Phase at a later date, and that i.s «hat he is presenting tonight. Mr. Clar}: continued, that there a.re jv.st a couple of differEnces � on this plat fr_om the first time i�L was presented. On the first pla�, the cuJ.-de-sac on Gls� e�i�ended �urther to the West, and the lots thai� sould have been served by th:is are nc.w se.rvc:d by a cul-de-sac � at thc� end o� Rice Crc�k Drive. '1'lie balance o� the plat loolcs �reti:�• mucli the san�e. rir_ . Drapps said that at tl�ie Plats & Subdiv�_sions-Streets & Uti? ities � Sl1I�C:OI?L'ill�t�C' meeting th�y rcque�ted a de�ailed top�g ef zh� grades on the lots i�li�t ai-� sel°v�d by the cul-de-sac at the end of Rice Creek Driv�, and �aith that cul-de-sac a1_so. They �a�re concerned that ��e �� could bui_ld housrs on thes� lots because o� t.i�e elevations and grace chanqes. rir. C1ark said i�lle gr�.de on the cul--de-sac is stil.l a little high ancl �ae would warlt: to st.ipulatc tllai� the maximum slope would have � to be thr.eE to one. This woulc� mean L-hat there wauld be 13 vertica7. feet wliere theJ-e wou].d liave to be som� time of retaining wall. ' � h�r. I-Iarri� aslced if the tor� soi_1 could be hc�ld on a three to onc� pitch. Mr. C].arl: said t�hcrc� w�s anoi�her house in this area �aith the same soi_1 coi�ditioT�s that llas hcld at tlzat slope. This house is aUout five year_s old, and there haven't I.zeen any problems. Tir. Fitzp��ti-ic)c said t�hat just Nori:h of Lot l, Block �, there is an �xpp�rent continu�Zi:ior� oi a st.re�t. Mr. C].ark said this �treet wi_ll coni:inuc o�1to wl�at �•��.11 l��come 1Ic�athcr lIills 3rd 1ldditiori. Mr. C.lark said i�hzt Niiko U' l3an>>ot� has seen i:his Pl�it before, and has ap��roved t.h�.tt locai�ion of: the streei for access to nis property. � rr�-�,. -. I �� � � � � �� �� Planninq Commission Meetinq - September 11, J_974 Page 3 Dsr. O'13annon, who was in the audience, said he•was not satisfied with ihe location of this road. It seems to have been moved North. IIe said lie woul.d lose a lot from his p? at �aith the road in L-his locati_on. It would leave him �aith a lot of about: 18, OOO . s.quare feet, whictl would have to be one lot, because he couid not get the minimum width of 75 ��et for the two lots even though they would meet the square footage requirements for two lo�s. M.r. Dro��ps slid this road was supposed to fit into an a11-over plan for this area. D4r.. IIarris said that was his understanding of the placement of this x'oad also. Mr. O' Iiana�on saici �tha�. if this road could be swung South a little bit, �he could get hi_s two 1ots. I-1e sha�l-ed the Commission a copy of his pr_opos�cl Heathc�r IIzl.ls Thi.rd Addii�ion so t11ey could see the probl�m h� would Izave if this road stayed as its present location. I�Zr. fiarris said the ro�zd and hir. O' F�annor�.` s plat �aere off about 20 feet. Mr. O'F3annon said h� would end up �ai�h a lot, 130' x 140' which would be too narrow to malc� into t��o lots. � Mr. Clark said that if ��r. Drapps would bend the street sev�n feet towards the back of Lot l, Block 4r and Mr. O'Bannon �•�ould bend the street: about seven feet on his pla�, this would give then both their � lots, that woul.d still meet the �rant foatage requirements. Both paLties agreed. I�,S.r. Harris said that could be made one of the stipu- lations of_ the approval of this plat. � � � I � � Chairman 1 ii:zpatri_c}: said -L-h�t most of the people in the audicnce for i:his plat seemed to be the people from Fe.rndale �-Tho wer� concerned about 61st Avenue. Those people were sho�vn a copy of the plat, and wer_e satisfied th�t 61�t Pvenu.e t-aas not� gaing to ue. extended. Mr. Ha.rris askecl t�7r. nr_opps if th�re had been any negotiations between the TI�Eitmann s and IZ11�lS('_Lf S1210E'. the las� meeting? Mr. Uropps said he hadn`t tal.ked to the T}ieilmanns at a11 since the last meeti_ng. H� said 2li.s thoug,zt , were that lle get all i�he other proUlems workeci out on thi.s plaf� first. �t �Ll�e last meei�ii�g t�here was discussian Uy hir<<se]_L ab:�ut corning to an aqreement an �Lhe sc�uar_e �oatage valuation of the proPerty aizd tllat, hc� would work wit}z tlie T1�eilmann's o�z that basis. IIe thought that ���hat the City had uscd for_ a squar.e footage valuation on �he propc�ri�y tl;ey purchzsed j=or the adc�itional parY land would be a good iigizre t.o start iiegotia�ioris witli. He said i�hey J_Gft a 15 foot stri� th� 'I'heilm�nii' s n�ed to plat their property, and he necds tlze corner of_ I3riardale Road, and once the squ�.�re foot�age valuation had becil w�or):ed out, hc di.dri' i� think tilis should be too dii�icult to nego- tiat�. Mr. tiarris as)ced what 1:i.nd of retaining walls they would be US1l1C� to mainta�.n this three to one slope. Mr. Dropps saic� he couldn't say becZUSC t.}1C to��ography map with thc elevations was c�e3:ivered to tizc Cit}� 3T��11 aiid thi:� wa � t}�� firsi� time he l���zd seen it. Mr. Clark s��id there wcrel3 verti.caJ. � Lect io ma}:c up, and tliis could be worlccd out wii.h a comb:inai.ion af t.erraces and retaining walls. Mr. Dropps said thc e�lqinc�er h�.�d pi:cked tlle �aorCt SPO�: 011 the p1�iL- to work on. A1r. Cl��r} said i:his was correct. Mr. llropps said the ma�;imum wou].d be 13 �eet �-� � l� � •�- • - r 1.1 1974 Pa e 4 Planninq Cammzs..�ion Meetinq Se}?temUe , � and thi� would ta�er down to 6 feet. Mr. Dropps said that what.ever was neccss��r_ y to do on tr�ese lots, }le would do, as far �s the retaining tialls wc�r_e concE�rned. Iic thought the probZ�m was most ly oi� Lo� Ls 3 an d � 4, Block 4, and hG thought tliat both aestheti.cally and for safety it would probably be better to have so;ne teriacing on these lots instead o£ all retaininc� walls. � � �� Mr. C7_ark sai.d there are some i�r.ees on �.his plat, on both the West and South bc�undar��, that �aill have to come out to develop this plat. There �ti=on' t i�e any trees le.ft. He said he thought the memb��i-s � af the ConL�lission and the people in the audience should be awar� of i:his . � 'Mr. I1arr9_s asked P•�r. Dropps if he was sti11 planning on having underqround utilities G��ith this $2 a moritlz ch�r.ge for life. I�ir. DropPs sai_c?. he did, a�zd he thouc;lzt he liad r�eeived a letter from thc , . po�,Jer company sayirig tl��y were no longer making this charge. It would be a ane time charge to the devel.aper, but he �-�ould ch�ck an this again. � � � A107'IOIJ by Lind�lad, seco��ded by Harris, that the Planning Commissia�; close thc Public I�eari.i�g on the reguest for a preliminary pZat, P.S. �17�-05, Rice Creek Estat_es Second Addit_ion, b� Edsain Dropps. Upon a voice votc, a11 voting aye, the mo�ion carr.ied unanimously. Mr. 3:Jarris asked aUout the utilities do�an that street that goes to Heattici: IIil7_s. Mr. Clarlc said this hud been checked by our Engineer- ing Dej�artment and Comstock & Davis, and th�se grades will worY. The se�aer_ and water_ �,=ill be stubbed in at the �nd of th�s street. All trie si�reets �_r� this p7_ai Vai]_1 dxain toward Benjamin and that's th� same di.rection the sewer will flow. Mr. Harris asked w.ho was going to c�o �:he const�s�uction on the utilities. A�r. Dropp� said the City will put them i.n. � MOT.£Ori' b� Ilarris, seconded by Li11dbZ�id, that the Planning Cor?i^:issio. r.eco�nrnc�nd to Cauncil apprav��l of the preliminary p1at, P.S. l;74-05, Xice Cr.eek E_st�tcs Second Addit-ion, by Edwin C. Dropps, d/b/a Pinetree Bui.tdcr.s, a replat- of Zlot: 10, exccpt the Plor_tri 2C0 feet thereof; I�udi.- , tor's Sul�divi�.�or� t�'n. 22, get�eral..Zy 1ocaL-c�d Nor_th of 61st Avenue A�.F. and West of 73enjamin Si:reet, wit1� ti1� following st�ipulations: � '1 . ! � .-- 2. I � ` � 3. �; �' 5. � \', 6. ��� � � ', 7. � � � � ff . � � `� �1 � �� \ '�. 9. Petitioner. shoulcl endc>avor to neqotiate for str.eet righ�-of-wa,r from the TheilrnaTi��'s for th� catension of. Briardale Road. Sub_ject L-o ncgoi..i��tion with tl�e City for addiiional park 1and. 1'rov.ide iindergr.ound utiliti�.�.s. One trce p1�nLed �>er. 1ot, 2" minimum diarnet-cr. Gr�3des L-o be worked out with the Cit� Engilleering Departmc��t. Lc�ts L-hat h��ve c�rade d_iff.icult�l.es with a three to one sl.ope �fter t:he qr.adc� �s est�blished, be sodded within on� �e��r of C0111jJICt1.01� and ret�inin� walls be worked out with the C.ity. Wood^idc Court 3�e L�m�?orarily dead-ended on the East and [�cst sidc� of thc 1'heilmann Pr.opert� Iine. Jill Lvt:s mi�sL meet nia.nimum lot size and have minimum. front foot�-+gc �nc1 depCl�. I'he str.ert that crives �3ccess to l;r_��thcr ilills 3rd 1ldditioi� bc si+�un<r >r.vc�12 Ic.et South bet.ween Lot l, I31ock 4, and Lot 12, U.Lock 1. � � � . � � 1�� Plannin Cammission Meetinq - September 11, 1974 Page 5 UPON a voice vote, a11 votinq aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. ?.. PU}37aIC iiEARING: CONSID�F.IITTON OF A REZONING 1�£QU�ST: ZOA � r`74-0'4, I3Y i1i::NR�' T'. P�:UIiICfI: 'I'o r_econe Lots 11-21, and Lots 2�-37, IIlocb: �1, Sprinc� Iir_ook Fark dldciition, from M-1 {light industrial areas) to R-1 (singl.e family d�•.=elling areas) to allo�a the moving in of a sinylc family dwelling on Lot.s 31 and 32, }3locic �, Spri�ng Brook Park Addition� general,ly locatcd between 79th t��ay N.E. and Long- fello�a Street; and 1lsllton Avenue and th� rail.road tracks. Mr. IIank Muizicl�i was present. 110TI01� by Lindb.lad, seconded by Fiarr.is, thai the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Publir. Hear.zng notice on rezoning request, ZO1� #79-04, bt) Hc:nr� Mvliici�• Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motioi� c�x��ied un��nimous.l.�. . T7r. C1ark said that about half o� 331ock 4 is zoned R-1 and � R-3. On the port.ion of tlzis block thai: �.s zo,led M-1, there are single f_amily homcs on �he occupicd lots. Mr. Muhich said he in this b]_oc}c, and with Langfellow Street, �h�y zoned to R-1. hacl contacted all the owners oi the property the exc�ptio.z of P�ir . Leonard Benson, 154 ���re a11 in favor of thQir property being r�- Mr. Benson said the reason he objected �a this rezoning was becat�se he has �l:o l�ak at in�ustrial c�evelogment across the street so �ic didn't mind havi�zg industrial de��elo�ment next door. As hi.s qa.rac�� was �.n the M--1 zoiiing, arid as he was in the const.ruction business, he tlzought tlzat at some tim�, hc �aould �ike to ha.ve a cabinet shop i:, his c�arage, which h� coulc�n` i� do if hi.s property was rezoned to P.-1. Mr_ . Hari i.s said. that h� knew I�ir_-. I�iuhich had don� a lot of work on t:hi. � request, but as this involvc:d a lot af_ property owners, he woulcl li):e to see a petiLion f�:om thes� otiler own�rs asking for this zal�ir�g chanqe, be�ore the Planning Commissi_on made any reconu�nendatici� on t11is rec�u�st. Chai7:man I'if_zpatrick said it had usuala_y been tYie policy of the Planninc� Ccmrnisaion not to make a decisi�on on a rezoning requ�st wnen they �acrc� iwo mcntbers sh�ri, as they were at this ineeting. Mr. Muhich sa�.d he was certain he coul_d get everyone's signature on a peti_l.i_on favaring this request wittl ille exceptiori of Mr. F3en�o�i. M�:. I3enson askecl a.f l�e could get; up a petition against this rezonin��? Chairman I'i t•r.pa�r. ic}: said that anyone can bring in a pctition on any proposal, for ar againsi:. Mr.. IIarris saic� the reason }zc woul.d like to see a petition from tli� af ��c�cd }��'opert=y o�ancrs was so that a� some future dai:e, onc of �Lhes� own�rs r.uulcln` t say tliai. their ��_operty had bees� iezoned wit,�out tlzcir. kriowledc�e or coiis�iit. Mr. l3cnson as}ked i.f hc was xighi� in assuming that as his prol:�� y was prescn �.ly zoilc�d M-1 t11at lie coulcl ha�� _ a cabinet shop in 11is c�� .:,;c' � , , ., ' iJ � s � �' �. � � : .' _ fi12r ; :,� . . v � � � f i lt�� � ; /. �,� 1 �� `.� s.� ' .. �'��� _:i 15�1 � �< Ts4`a��+ . ,r.,�� .,.� i�;i,a ,r, �6a»:o. Gon.•:_�� . .�` • � ��. . Q� � �, � �n� , _ ; f�c� f�� � lf `;�.,..•�-r.; ! r•~'� . - _.---- _ - �--. : .�- rr� �•-;- ,�' � r i1'r j. .. �.._ � ;;�.: � —, . -.,; .�.. .�, :i�.):-� �Y:'. l�'oU•i7 �-� ----._... -.- � � � •. . , . ---r—•-�' .. •a .. ,, .,,. _, '. • ` . •• .. � , r. ' j°' � K: i21GEiCRc_X RC. : ' � ��"%'%' �� � ! 5ZU ��.fra z . � :--� . -_.._. �� 3 0 j �'` � �, ' z � +r�'f '%��:% � �': .• � :; � �. ,'' �p• ., ' �'"' - . - �j- . '-. _ :, ,:'�:j . `�',, I ,-':' : :' � � .' !L .c�'. F. 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T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PRELIMZNARY ASSESSMENT ROLL--SEWER ANA WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 116, ADDENDiJM N0. 1 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1974 Attached herewith is the preliminary estimate of assessmenCs for Sewer and Water Improvement Project No. 116, Addendum No. 1. The assessment estimates are based on cost estimates furnished to our office by the City Engineer. The figures shown are not guarantees of what the maximum cost of the projecC will be, but are the best estimates available at this time as eo what the improvements will actually cost. This project primarily serves the new plats of Rice Creek Estates Addition and Rice Creek Estates 2nd Addition, plus a few adjacent lots. The assessment is made on a front-foot basis, The front-foot rate is $38.33 per foot. ___._:� An equal assessment of $2,970.50 per lot is estimated for each lot in Rice Creek Estates Addition and Rice Creek Estaties 2nd Addition for water and sewer laterals if the lot has not been previously assessed under another project. MCB �1� I� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF 1�EARING 0� I%•1PROV�NiENTS �� SE�VER F� WATER Ih1PROVEb1ENT PROJECT #116,� ADDENDU�t #1 ' {11I-iEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, A�innesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence per�Caining to the irrrprovements I , hereinafter described. , NOti�I, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI-iAT on the 21st day of '� Oc.tober , 197 4 at 7:30 G� CI�C�: P.N1, the City Council will meet at the City HaI� in said City, and �aill at said time and place hear all parties interested in said imprnvements in whole or in part. � � � � � � The general nature of the irrprovements is the cans�ruction (in the Iands and streeis noted be7.otia) o� the following impxavements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTIOi� ITEM tiVater, Sanitary Sewer, Mains and Later�.ls and Service Connections, Storm Sewer and Drainage Facilities and Rel.ated Appurtenances; to serve the follotiving properties: Rice Creek Estates and Rice Greek Estates Znd Addition, bounded by Rice Creek Road, 61st Avenue N.E. and that portion west o£ Benjamin 'Street N.E. � ESTIhiaTED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 147, 200. 00 THAT Tf� �1REA PR�POSED TO BE ASSES5ED FOR SAZD IhfPROVEM�NTS IS AS FOLLOtiVS: Fox Constructiori Item at�ove ----------------------_____...__________�..__. All of th e land abutting upan said streets named above and alI lands wa.thi.n, ad; acent and abutting thereto. Ali of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the be�e£its received by su;h improvement. That should the Council proceed with said impxovements they will consider . each separate improvements, except as hereafter othertiaise provided by th�e Council a11 under the follotving autharity, to-�ait: blinnesota Statutes 1961, Chaptex 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity coith the City Charter. DATED TEiIS ��h DAY OF October Publish: October 9, 1974 October 16, 1974 , 197 `� , BY ORDER OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL. bil1Y0R - FRANK G. LIEBL ��i 0 CITY OF FP.IDLEY SUrL�iARY OF ASSF.SSMENT POLICX STREET SURFACING, CUP�B AND GQTTER: � THE COS'T OF CURB, GUT�ER A:dD STP.EET SURFACING IS S,PRE_AD AGAINST BENEFITEI� PROP£RTY OI3 A FRONT FOOT BASIS. . ONE THIR.D (1/3) THE COST OF THE "SIDE YARD" IS ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERIY, WITH THE �AL�NCE GF THE COST SPREAD DOWN THE STTtEET (1I2 WAY TO TFIE NEXT SIDE STREET�. . ALL STREETS WHICH HAVE SIMILAR TYPE IriPROVEME�iTS ARE GROUI'ED TOG�THEK TO ARRIV� AT A UNYFQRM ASSESSMENT RATEe ._ - THE ASSESSIIENT IS IdOFI�1LLY SPREAD OVEFt A 10 YI�t1R PERIOD. � WATER AND SEt�TER LATE�ALS (II�CLUDING SERVICES): T�3E COST OF WATER AND SEtidER I�A'TERALS IS SPREAD AGAINST BENEFITED . PRflPERTY Oi� A F'RO�iT FOdT BASZS. TkiERE IS NO STDE X1�2D ASSESSMENT ON TYPICAL PLA.TTEL1 YROPFRTY. THE GOST Ok' THE SERVICE5 IS SPREAI) ON A�,ITMP SUM BASIS AGAINST THE BENEFZTED PROPERTY. THE �15SESSMENT FOR WAxER �'�D SE�7ER LATE�.ALS IS NOR��fALLY SPR�AD O�IER A 20 YEAR PERIOD. STOR��i SEj�TER TkiE COST OF A STORi�i SEWER I�1PKO��E2•fE�IT IS SPREAD AGAIIv'ST BENEFITEA PRaPERTY Ov A SQU�IRE FOOT BASIS. AI.L PROPERTY LYING tJITfIIN T�IE �OUND�RII:S OF A . DREIINAGE DISTRICT IS AS5iJ��1ED TO EE�iEFIT EQUALLX, AhD TfiE ASSESSri�:�i2 T.S TIIEhEi'OfZE SPFEAD ON AN EQUAL BASiS. AI�: IriPRUVE�LENT P1AY INVOLV� A�I F.NTIRE DKLIINAGE DISTRtCT, OK A�1 ISOL�TED SUf3 DISTRICT. I�OPu�t<�L ASSESS.•1EIvT SPREAD IS 20 YI:t1RS. � � . -i � I � CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D U M October 16, 1974 � T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL � FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR � SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL--STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-Z (MSAS) � On the attached pages are the estimated assessments for the ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 Street Improvement Projects. These estimates are not guarantees of what the assessments will run or absolute limits of what the assessments will be, but are rather the best estimate of what the actual cost for the work will be, based on the present estimated cost as provided by the City Engineering Department. BENNETT DRIVE, WASHINGTON STREET, JEFFERSON STREET, MADISON STREET, QUINCY STREET, 63RD AVENUE, 64TH AVENUE, VAN BUREN STREET, CAROL DRIVE, CAROL CIRCLE, BAKER AVENUE, TAYLOR STREET, CAPITOL STREET, 70TH WAY, 6TH STREET These are all normal residential streets. The estimated front foot rate is $17.16 per foot. The estimated side-yard rate is $3.82 per foot. HIGHWAY N0. 65 WEST SERVICE DRIVE This street fronts on mostly commercial property and can be assessed to only one side of the street, so the rates are higher. The estimated front foot rate is $28.76 per foot. The estimated side-yard rate is $4.07 per foot. 63RD AVENUE, MONROE STREET, ABLE STREET, 57TH AVENiJE, QUINCY STREET, CARRIE LANE, JACKSON STREET These are state aid streets, but they will be assessed only what a normal residential street would be assessed. The estimated front foot rate is $17.16 per foot. The estimated side-yard rate is $3.52 per foot. � E i � Page 2 MEMORANDUM STREETS IN GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER PLAT These streets front on industrial property. � The estimated front foot rate is $20.29 per foot. The estimated side-yard rate is $1.67 per foot. MCB October 16, 1974 3A OFFICIAL PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY (EXHIBIT A) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IhiPROVE1�tENTS � ' 3B STREET IMPROVEbiENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 F� ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley; Anoka County, Minnesota, has deer�ed it e�edient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI-LAT on the 21st day of October , 197 4 at 7:30 o'clock P.D1, the City Council will meet at the City Hail in said City, and will at said time and place hear all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general nature of the improvements is the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the follo��*ing improvements, to-wit: CONSTRUCTION ITEM Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-m.ix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services and other facilities located as folloies: A. Streets Under Proiect St. 1975-1 1. Bennett Drive 2. {Vashington Street 3. Jefferson Street 4. b4adison Street 5. Quincy Street 6. 63rd Avenue 7. 64th Avenue 8. Van �uren Street 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Carol Drive Carol Circle Baker Avenue Taylor Street 64th Avenue Hwy. #65 tiY. Serv. Rd. hfadison Street Capitol Street 70th jVay Quincy Street 6th Strcet 20. Outlot F-H 7th St. to Quincy Street 63rd Avenue to Bennett Drive 63r�� A��ent.e to Bennett Drive 63rd Avenue to Bennett Drive 63rd Avenue to 13ennett Drive A�onroe Street to Quincy Street Van Buren Street to Able Street Carol Drive to 1�Iississippi 5treet iNest Moore Lake Drive to Able Street Off Carol Dxive iVest Moore Lake Drive to A4ississippi St. 64th Avenue to Nlississippi Street Baker Avenue to High�vay #65 Service Dr. �Vest Moore Lake Drive to ti4th Avenue 57th Avenue to Helene Place Hughes Avenue to Main Street East River Road to Hickory Drive 57th Avenue to Flelene Place 53rd Avenue to 5�ltti Avenue Prom East River Road Servi.ce Drive to Uutlot C(Grewt Northexn Industrial Ccntcr) Notice of Hearing St. 1975-1 � 2 -a- B. Streets Under Project St. 1975-2 (biSAS) 1. 63rd Avenue 7th Street to P�4onroe Street 2. A4onroe Street 63rd Avenize to b9ississippi Street 3. Able Street �Vest Nioore Lake Drive to biississippi St. 4. 57th Avenue 7th Street to Quincy Street 5. Quincy Street 57th Avenue to Carrie Lane 6. Carrie Lane Quincy Street to Jackson Street 7. Jackson Street Carrie Lane to 58th Avenue ' ESTIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . $ 810,545.00 THAT THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED FOR SAID IMPROVEr7ENTS IS AS FOLLOti9S: For Construction Item above ---------------------------------------" All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All nf said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvement. That should th e Council proceed with said improvements they will consider each separate ir*provements, except as nereaftex otherwise provided by the Council all under the folloiaing authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 197 4,$Y ORDER OF THE CITY COI�ICIL. MAYOR - FRANK . L EBL Publish: October 2, 1974 October 9, 1974 3C � 0 3D cxz� or ��zDr�EY SUi•1��t�'1RY OF ASSESSM�.�fT POLICY. STREET SURFACIIvG, CUP.B A�ID GUTTER: . THE COSi OF CURB, GUTTER A23B STREET SIIRFACII�G IS SPREAD AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY ON A FFONT FOOT B�SIS. ONE TfIIRD (1/3) THE COST OF THE "SIDE YARD" IS ASSESSED AGAINST THE � ABUTTING 1'ROPERTY, �JI��i TiIE �ALANCE GF T�IE COST SPREAD llOt�N THE STREET (I(2 T��l�Y T� TH� NF,Xx SIDE STIZEET) . ALL STREETS WHICH HAVE SIriZLAR TYPE Ir�ROVEMENTS ARE GROUPEp TOG�THEK TO ARRTVE AT A UNIFORM ASSES52-iFNT RA�E. THE ASSESSr1ENT I5 NQRM�'iLLY SPREAD OVER A 10 YEAR PERIOD. WATER AND SEt•IER L.ATERAT S(INCI,UDING SEP.VICES} : THE COST OF WATER E1NA SEWER LATER.ALS IS SPREAD AGAINST BENFPTTED. PROPERTY ON A FRO�iT POOT BASIS e T�iEP.E IS NQ SIDB YARD ASSESS`�SENT ON � TYPICAL PLATTED PROPERTY. ' THE COST OF THE SERVICES IS SPREAD ON A LUMP StTM BASZS AGAINST THE BENEFT.TED PROPERTX. . � THE ASSESS�iENT FOR WATER �'�D SEidER L.ATEF.ALS I5 NOF.��IALLY SPR�1D QVER A 20 YEAR PERIOD. STORl'�1 SFS�TER THE COST OF A STORri SE[JEf. IhiPRQVEi•IEVT IS SPP.EAD AGAINST BENEFTTED PROPERTY ON A S�UARE FOOT BASIS. ALL PROPERTY LYING i�JZTHIN TFTE EOUNDART�5 OF A . pRAI�IAGE DISTE'.ICT IS ASSU:iEn TO BFVEFI� EQUALLY, AND T4IE ASSESSiiL�IT I.S TIIEREFO�E SPP.EAD ON AN EQUAL }3ASIS. AI�: IMPROVE��iENT ifAY INVOLV� !�v F.�iTIRE DRIIINAGE DISTRICT, OF. AN ISOLATFD SUf3 DISTF.ICT. I�OFu�I�1L ASSESS:�i�;NT SPREt� IS 2.0 YEARS. � 0 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET Petition No. 19-1974 Date Received Octofier 21, 1974 Object I;n opposition to curbing installation on Canital Sr,-PPr Petition Checked By Percent Signing Referred to City Cauncil Disposition � Date n � I 1 ' �� e.•_-.-- . . _._ __'_-r.�-__.+._' _ _�.r.....�_._.. . '__.� _.'�.,_r-�_ 'r�._�� Date � � ° �� J / � / � To: � �.:��s'C� GUl'L�Cx�1l' d a � /I �,.� � I� � 1 � '� � • I I / � �/ ./ L� �1 � b� � � ,I / � � ��� a.�.� ��� �� �'� a � ��� .���� � � �- ���-' � � a `��� ��,,��..,,,� 1 � .,� � � � � �� ��a.�cPi�a��� � .� � �- � w � �?�� �' ����� � ��� � , �,�:c� �. G ' � L�-J � �L��-� ' � I ���� � � > � ��' �v` , � � " -� �� i• ` _, `���..� /� ,� � � � �� ��s ...� ��e .�s� �.E/� � • �• �`� � � �� �- �'��`� �` `.�' � ` �z �-.� � �' �-. . s�? �t� �. 2C. f- � a � � � " i - �.,�t -`ti1. � . �� ,� ( � `5 " l? .�_ r�'' � ;'��',.��C .�''� • C - � � �� �'` � L ," G i�� �C,J//'� �( ° � �.� v �L� �� `� �� � �� �' ��. .5' � � i - � b .�- `�- � �'�.�.. / — c� ..�G�, �'C� �, � '� _� ' To: Date � i� �,.,, �l� — /� �� : �y ' '�� � �l � / 7f� L -S'7� - N, �, S �� �� � � � ��� `�o�,�,�- s� � � %' ���� ..� �� �- � . _ 1 �� ���� � ���- . �,��� �� � �, . �� � � ��� C�o � � o..�._ � a �� � . � � � � 1 1 1 1 . 1 � r REQUESTED APPEARANCE BEFORE CITY COUNCIL BY MRS. HELEN TRUENFELS REGARDING ELECTION JUDGE � � �i AH ORDI NA�lCE P,DOPT I r!c � CITY OF FRIDLEY ORDr�INS: SECTION 1: ' a� approved by ' major divisions � . That the annual budqet of tt�e City of Fri.d1ey �or the fiscal year aeyinning January.l, 1975 ivhich has beer+ submitted by the City Manager and modified the City Council is hereby adopted; the iotal of the said budget and the thereof being as follows: ESTIMATE OF REVEf�UE -p eral Property Tax enses ontractors Qusiness thers rmits Fines and Forfeitures �Iof h1oney & Property nierest Earned Rent .�ared Taxes Sal es Tax Grants Revenue Sharing rvice Charges ate Aid ��aintenance N�quor Store Transfers Revenue Receipts APPROPRIAT I OPdS GENERAL FUND � 1,�86.8�9 City Council City P�lanager's office 6,475 �inance (El'ections, Clerk- 35�240 Treasurer, Assessar, 5,450 Auditing) 64,620 LegaT 33,000 Boards and Commissions Building and Grounds 45,000 Pclice 6,500 Fire ; Civi1 Defense 550.891 Engineering, Planning 2 000 & 8uilding Inspection 196x776 Public Works (Street, Snow & 56,550 Ice Removal, Signs, & Signals, 23�220 Shop, Street Lights, & Storm Sewer) �_ 7� �pp Sanitation & Nealth Parks, Recreation & Band� 1'ransfer fr St Aid Rev Acc 21.0�0 Naturalist 7ransfer fr St Aid Surplus� 3.��7 Reserve � 10ther � �.050 Transfer from Surplus �3 330 -._-_ T,AL : P.E.R.A. �Other GENERAL FUfVD Fu nd F' emen's Relief Func+ �Insurance Refund S�te Ai d Fund D t Service: Civic C�nte�° - Taxes , - 7 AL: OT�HER FUt�DS T AL: ALL FUNDS � � I � 2,g77,278 TOTAL:.:__�aEf�ERAL FUPr`.D OTf1ER FllIVDS Q.�.R.A. Fund $ 4,8Q2 Fire Relief Fund State Aid � � Qebt Service ' 26,�00 Civic Center Bonds 200,000 37,632 $ 268,434 $ 3,145,712 TOT�iL : OTHER FU�DS T07AL: ALL FUNDS � $ 64 , 564 98,499 206,G99 �:i ,�i r .���_ �33 , 645 735 ,869 -� 177,�71 16,527 214,443 524 ,599 38,71� �r 477 41 ri 47 ,230 ^ 76,811 2�a��.2�a 4,802 'L6 , 00� 200 ,000 37;632 $ 208,434 I $ 3,1�5,712 5A ORDINANCE N0. (Continued) SECTION 2: That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting entries to be made in the books of the City, PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � � � DAY OF , 1974 MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLE K- MARVIN C. BRUNSELL Public Hearing: September 9, September 16, September 28, 1974 First Reading: �october 7, 1974 Second Reading: Publish: BUILllING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROI. SUSCOi��tITTEE i�1EETII�G OF OCTOtiER 10 1974 The meeti.ng ivas called to order by Chaixman Lindblad at 8:00 P.M. h1EMBERS PRESENT: LincIblad, Tonco MEDIBERS ABSENT: Nelson, Simoneau, Treuenfels OTHEKS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Planning Assistant No approval of minutes, because a quorum could not be established. Chairman Lindblad stated since there were only!two members present all items would be revieiaed ancl sent on to council ior approval. Chairman Lindblad received a Ietter from Ms. Treuenfels, whereby she has submitted her resignation. I�lr. Lindblad then made a xecommend- ation to Council to appoint a replacement as soon as possible. 1. CQ`:TINU�TION OF A REQUEST TO CUNSTRUCT A NF.i9 BUILDING TO BE USED AS A hiEDICAL CLIi'�IC: LOCATED ON AN ELEVEN ACRE T2�CT (PARCEL 2400) TH.4T IS LOC:�TED SOUTH OF 76TH AVENUE NORTHE�ST �U�1D �VEST OF UNITY HOSPITAL; THE S�,titE BEI��{G 500 OSBORNE ROAD, FRIDLEY, TIINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY THE NORTH S(iBURBA�'� HOSPITAL UISTRICT, 550 OSBORNE ROAD, FRIDLEY, P-IINNE50TA. Mr._ Peter Kramer and Air. Albert Eil.ers were present for the petit•ioner. Mr, Kxamer presented a picture and a scale model of the building to be acted upon. Mr. Kramer said the building is to be construc�ed using matching brick similax ta the adjacent hospital. The building construction iaill not dis- turb wooded areas near the hospital. The building has been moved 15 feet hack as requested at the last meeting eliminating the need for special per- mi.ts . hir. Kramer said there will be four 4 inch hard maple trees in the paxk- ing lot and in front of the building, with a row of dogtivood bushes along the 20 foot street area and five foot berm covered with sumac. Mr. I:ramer said that burnished concrete will be used along the side of � the building with a canopy in front identical to that of the adjacent hospital. The design is the same as the hospita7.. � � � b1x. Lindblad asked about the haspital parking situation. PIr. Kramer stated there �vould be a joint parking lot for the hospital and the clinac. Mr. Kramer added that a new department had been added called Occupational Therapy and that there maybe a need for additional parking in the future. Room has been provided in case this happens. blr. Boardman asked a question on proper drainage of the parking lot, and if in the iuture additional piping is needed to control storm drainage they tivill take t}ie appropriate measures. PIr. Boardman proposed they work with the Engineering Department in order to set parki�lg lot grades for the proper future storm water control. bir. Boardman raised the c�uestion on disposal of refuse. P1r. Kramer pointed out on hi.s site plan the location of the refuse disposal area, and stated that it would meeti the cli.nic's disposal needs. All garbage will be stored inside the building for easy handling. lR, '1 BUILUING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUI3CO�L�]ITT�E hIEETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1974 Pg. 2 ' P 's now takin bids for refuse dis osal. He is also b1r. Eilers stat„d he i g P ,� taking bids on an incinerator to properly take care of contam�nation problems. Afr. Boardman stated next that dust and dirt must be controlled during the construction, as a consideration to the surr�unding neighborhood. h1r. Kramer said that this would be done. � Chairman Lindblad made the recommendation the building should go to Council for approval with the following stipulations: 1. An agreement be�ween the North Suburban Hospital District and the group of doctors �vho will oian the tliree a.cre tract, on the maintenance and use of the sky�valk, on the iise of the parking lots and dxiveways, be drawn. 2. If any additional water mains, sewers ox storm sewers b ecome � necessary, the entixe cost be borne by the North Sub urban Hospital District and/or the o�vners of the medica)� buildingo 3. The North Suburban E�ospital District agrees to caork with the City to establish a park in the a.rea. 4. Proper signing be provided by the North Suburban Hospital Dis�rict to direct traffic to and from Os�orne Road N.E. 5. Complete the 50 feet of buffer along 75th, Lyric, and 5th Street which shall consist of a berm and plantings to screen the parking .lots from the residential areas. 6. No tree remol�al without City approval. 7. Any future parking areas be provided with a berm or screening from the adjoining R-1 areas presently occupied by single family homes. 8. An agreement th.at the doctor's group will maintain the used portion of the three acre tract. 9. The medical building tivi11 b e limited to occupation and uses as stated in a letter from the llnity Niedical Center of September 6, 1973 which states that this bui.�ding shall be limited to health professionGls which wi11 include, but not limited to, physicians, dentists, oral surgeons, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers and allied mental health personnel. Ancillary uses other than office space shall be limited to those commercial enterprises designed to serve the doctors and dentists and their personnel and patients. Such ancill�ry uses �vould include things such as a professional pharmacy, an optical company, possible a card and flo�aer shop, and possibly at a later c:ate, a coffee shop. 10. Dust abatement procedures be taken to keep the dust do�rn during construction. , 11. Contractor be responsible for garbage and waste removal on the ' overall area durin� the construction period by providing large containers � that would be regularly emptied by pick up. � 61� '� ► �'I � BUILDING STAND�RDS-DESIGN CONIROL SUBCO�L�tITTEE NtEETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1974-Pg. 3 I� 12. Additional parking be �rovided if deemed necessary by the City. 13. All garbage be stored inside the building. 14. tVork �vith the Engineering Department in setting up a workable stoxm water runoff plan. � I, 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO ALLOi9 THE ESTABLISHb1ENT OF A 1�lOBILE }IOi�1E SALES SITE: LOC�TED Oiv THE iVESTFRLY 329.3 FEET OF THE SOUTH- EAST QUARTER OF T'HE NORTH�VEST QUARTER OF SECTIO�I 12; THE S��IE BEING 7355 HIGIa,ti`AY r65 NORTHEAST, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY �, hSICHAEL B. ROTTER, 2180 ERIN COURT, NE1V BRIGr1TOV, TIINNESOTA 55112) . Mr. Alichael Rotter was present for the requ�st. Mr. Boardman stated that the Planning Commission has approved a Specia7. Use Permit for the establishment of a mobile home sales site with �Che follewing stipulations: 1. Site development (Iandscaping and Iigh�ing) ta be appxoved by the Building Standards-Design Contxol St�bcommittee. 2. Special Use Permit be alloc�ed far a thxee year period. ' 3. Precast curbing will be allowed for the �hree �ear pexiod. � Mr. Boaxdman discussed the completion of ihe parking Iot, fio be done by October l, 1975. Landscaping, as presenied, should also be completed by October 1, 1975. ' Mx. Rotter discussed the usE of Class V hlacktop and the fact that the landscaping on the south side may be dama�ed because of the moving of the mobile homes. hir. Boarciman stated thar he would prefer the lot was not all blacktopped. � He said he �aould like to have precast curbing on the south side to prevent the �, breaking up of the blacktop. Mr. Boaxdman stated that there would b e a three year period on the precast curbing and after that time Mr. Rotter must put in poured concret-e curbi.ng. He also asked that a�vooden fence be placed on the lot one month after the trailers are placed on the lot. hlr. Rotter agreed to both of these items. btr. Boardman stated the sod can be put do�an by next fall and the tree plan could consist of a mixtur.e of maple, green ash and linden. Chairman Lindblad recommended the proposed site be sent to the City Council for approval with t}18 fO110lJ1Slg stipulations : --� _ ••�� _ I, � 1. A Special Use Permit to operate a mobile�home sales lot is given only to Michael B. Rotter as an indi.vidual and lie will be the operator of the business. If the business changes hands or he no longer is majoxity ownex and operator of the business, the permit will be null and void, and would have to be revietiaed by � the City Council before transfer. , � I� � � BUILDING STANllARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCO��IITTEE b1EETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1974-Pg. 4 ' 2. The office trailer will be blocked on concxete blocks and the base will I' be skirted �aith aluriinum. The office �aill be connected to utilities; such as water, sewer, gas and electricity. _ ' 3. Two restrooms wi12 be installed in the office for the public's use. , 4. The office trailer to be taxed as a permanent structure. � , ' II � �� 6C 5. There will be no permanent residents in the mobile homes and no repairing or storage of damaged trailers. , 6. There will be a minimum of 10 feet of space bettioeen the txailers. 7. The public and employee parking lot area i:o be blacl:topped by October 1, 1975. • 8. Provide a wood screening fence along the north property line as shown on approved site plan. T'his fence must be in place within. oiie month of the placing of the first mobile hom�. Rxecast curb wilZ be pla.ced along the entrance and along the parking area far custamers for a. period oF the Special Use Permit (3 yrs. maximum) , at which time, if use is coniinuec�, pexmanent curbing must be installed. 9. The land wil]. be kept clean and fr��e of debris, junk and unsightly materials and all green areas will be kepfi free of weeds, cut and well groomed. 10. There will be no washou�s on the pr�perty due to surface�drainage and if there are any, these will be filled and taken care of. immediately. 11. Tke landscaping be completed as shown on the approved plan by October 1, 1975. I All lighting be directed ataay from the existi_ng mobile home resiclential area. 12. All signs wi11 comply �vith th� requirements of the Sign OrdinancE. 13. This Special Use Permit be issued for a maximum of three years or to run concurrently with the iease, which ever is less. Chairman Lindblad wished to take this time io recognize.special a�preciation to Paula Long for her help as the secre-�ary for this Board. h1r. Boardman discussed the Educational Program and said that due to the fact of a limited budget, this program cannot b e started until January 1, 1975.. Chairman Lindblad adjourned tlie meeting at 9:05 p.m. 1 . Respectfully submitted, ���%x�--' `�fy�u�� Arlene Smith, Secretary ,P]_annin Commission Meetinq - September 25, 1974 Page 6 6 D Mr. Clar}; said t}iat by rezoning IIlock 4 to all R-1, it would change �he requirements on �he industrial business across the street. It ihey �aan� to do any more building, i�hey will have to maintain a 100 foot setback or acquire variances. � Mr. Drigans said this would be necessary whether they rezone a11 Block 4 to R-1, or xezone it all �xcept Mr. Bensons.. . MOTION by Lindblad, .seconded by Dr.igans, that the Planning Commission recommeild to COiI1�C11 approva.Z of the rezoning request, ZOA �'74-04, by Henry F. Muhicl�, to re2one Lots 11 - 21 and Lots 28 - 35 (this excludes Lots 36 and ,3�) B1ock 4, Spring Brook Park Addition, from 1�%-1 (.Ziqht industrial ar_eas) to R-.i (single family dwelling areas), gene.raZ1?� located between 79th Avenue N.�. and Longfellow Street, and Asht-on Avenue-and the railroad tracks. Upon a voice vote, a11 votiny aye, the motion carried unanimously. � j'. A3r. Drigans said �Ze' didn` t wani� this to be a stipulation, but he would nat v��ant to see Mr. Benson's garage enlarged for anything mor'e than such a business as a cabinet shop. . �. PUBLIC TIEARI'NG�:rc"�`GnNSIDERATION OF � REQU�ST FOR A SPECIAL USE pT�R�2IT, SP n7�~l�, BY l�iTCI-IAI�L B. P�OTTLR: Pex i'ridley City Code, Sectiom �.2C5,.1Q?,,,t,.:3, N, to pe_rmit Piobile Home Sales in a C-25 D1.Stz1C1�� t_O be located on the�Westerly 329.3 feet of part of th� Southeast Quarter of the 2lorthwest Quar�Ler of Section 12, (Parcel 4780), the same being 7355 Highway �65 N.E. Mr. b7.ichael Rotter was presen�. MOT.rON hy Harr�s, seconded by Drigans, tl?at the Planning Commission waive the reading of t1�e Public tiearing IJotice for the request for a Special Use Permit, SP �74-1�, by Michael Rotter. Upon a voice vote, a11 votang aye, the �notion carxied unanimously. Nir, p�otter said he was askina for this 5pecial Use Permit so he could h�ve a mobi.le home sales buain�ss. Mr. Clark said this will b� l�catcci in the samc «rea �ahere a special use permit had been granted i:o 1�merican Auto Lis�Linc�s la.sf� year. Mr. Fi�Lzpatrir.Y. said if thcre was an axea in �'r�_dle�� Grhei:e such k?LiS�]lE'.SSE'.S could he allawed, i�l= would k�e in �Lhis area, but all mobile homc sales requiie a Sp�cial: Use Permit. Mr. Fotter presentcd a plo.t plan to tl�e Planninc� Commission sho�;ing how �tl� tr�_i.lers would be placed on the lot and where the office would be :Located. Chair.man I'itzpat-ricic asked Mr. P,otter if he operated a mobile home sales busi�less anywheze el.se. I•�Zr. Rotter said he didn't. Mr. Fitzpat- rick asked if he �aa� workii:g foi' a campany thai did. Mr. Ro-L-ter sai_d he liad been i.n this 1_�t�siness for si�: years. At present h� was worlcinc; ior Patt.i Ilomes and }�rcvic�usly had worked for Cast].e riobile Homes. Mr. H��rris a�ked if � the o�ii_ce �,�ould be a per_manent structure. r�x• Rc�t:ter sai_ci ii: wi.11 Ue a doublc tLailc�r, sei� up on blocl:s and skirtc�d ' � ' e Planning Commission Meetin - September 25, 1974 Page � 6� as a perman�nt structure. Mr. Iiarris said he understood that sewer and water were already available on this property. Mr. Drigans asked if this office was in the same location where American Auto Listings had theirs. Mr. Rotter said no, it woul.d have to be extended over to his office location. � Mr. Rotter said he will have seven mobile lzomes on the site. He planned to have them eight feet apart, but has room to make them 10 feet a�ar_t, if necessary. He said the office �vill be 24' x 36'. Everythinq within the dotted line �ill be blacktopped. He said he would have crushed rocJc under the trailers, because they damaqe blacktop if they are stored on it. He said they have a tendency to sink, so this is why crushed rock is used. AZr. Drigans asked Mr. Rotter what kind of arrangements he had made Wlt�l�'t11@ property owner, �aould this be a lease or would he be buying the property? Nr. Rotter said he thought it would be a leaee• with option to buy, but they haven't even discussed the lease as � He wanted to wait and see if this Special Use Permii would be approved, and what stipulations would be put an it. Mr. Fitzpa�rick asked if_ this special use was approved, how long a lease would he be looking for. A�r. Rottei said he thought for about three years. He said he didn't plan to start up this business until spring, because money was tiqht, and he knew the winter months were bad months for this business, fram experience. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Rotter if he had a copy of the agreement that had been drawn up between the City and another operator of a mobile home sales. hir. Rotter said he did. This agreement for the mobil_e home sal�s lot at 7a_51 Highway '�65 was discussed by m�m}�ers of the Planning Commission and the peti-Linz�er,and from this discussion the sti.pualations for_ this special use permit were determined. Some of the member_s questioned having a yearly revie�-a of this permi-t.. rSr. C1arJc sdid that Mr. Rotter would be expected to spencl a lot of money for the blacktop area, and he woulcln't fGel like making a b=ig capitol investznent if this permi� cou7_d be re�Toked in one year. He thought tl�ie ter_m o� his leas� or three year_s would be �airer to the pctitioner. Mr. Harris said that this Special Use Permit could star_-L from thc� time the petitioner si.gns tlze lease or purchasc� agreement, ��lzich ever he has. Mr. Dri.gan� said he wanted this Special Us� Pei:mit tied to tlie lease or subject to review in three years, whirh ever was the shortest�length-of time. Mr. Rotter said he ha� no objection to this. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindb2ad, that the Planning C.ommission close tiie Yublic Nearing on the request for a 5pecial Use Perr�it, SP #74-14, b� Michael Rotter. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot.inq a�e, tl�e moLion c�ir.ried unanimously. """--,. �` I ' . � i , aPlanning Commission Meeting - Septemb�r 25, 1974 Page 8 6� MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by tlarris, that the PZanning Commission recornmend to Council, approval of tlae requcst for a Special Use Permii:, SP (i7�-14, by hlichael B. Rotter, 6er Fridley City C'ode, 5ection 205.1U2, 3, N, to permit Mobile Home Sales in a C-2S District, to be located on tl�e Wesierly 329.3 feet of part of the Soutl�east Quarter of the � Nortiiwest Quarter of Sect�on 12 (Parcel 4780), the same beinq 7355 liighway �i65 N.E., with the following st.ipulations: 1, A Special Use Permit to operate a mobile home sales Iot is given only to Michael B. Rotter as �rn individual and he wi11 be the operator of the business. If �he business changes hands or he no Zonc�er is majority owner and operator af the business, tl�e permit wi11 be nu.tl and void, and s�ould have to be reviewed by the Cit� Council before transfer. , , 2. The office trailer wi11 be blocked on concrete blocks and the base wi1l be skir.ted with aluminum. The office wi11 be con- nected to utilities; such as, k;ater, sewer, gas and electricit�. � ' 3. � 5. Two restrooms wiZ1 be installed in the office far the public's use. The office trailer to be taxed as a permanent structure. There will be no permanent residents in the rriobi.Ze homes and. no repairing or storage of damaged trailers. 6. There wiZ1 be a minimum of 10 feet of space between the trai]_ers. �. The public and employ�e parYing lot a�ea to be blacktopped by �cto�er 1, .Z975. . g, �'rovid� a scr_eening fence along the North property Iine. Precast_ curl� wi11 be put along the entrance �nd a.Zong the parking area for customezs. 9, The ]_and wi11 be kept clean and free of debris, junk anc7 , uns�_ghil.y mater_i.a1s, and a11 gr.een areas will be kept free of weeds,cut and we11 groomed. ' �10. Ther.e will be no washoui:s on the pzoperty due to sur.face dr.ainag� and if th�re.are any, these wi1.7 he fil2ed and i�aYcn care of immediateJ.�. . � J I ' ' 1.Z. _Lighting, landscaping, and pZot plan be approved by ihe Bttilding Sta��dards-Design Contra.Z Subcomm.ittee. 12. 1.3. A13 signs wi11 comply witli the requirements of the Sign Or.dinance. This Special Use Permit be issued for a maximum of thr�e years or to run concurrentl.y with the lease, c•:hich ever is .Iess. UPON a voice vot�, a11 vot.iliq aye, thc� motion carried unanim��us1 y. � � � , � ' ' � ' , , � ' , � � , 6� Planning Commission Meetinq - September 25, 1974 Page 9 Mr. Drigans asked N`r. Clark what mei�hod the City used to check OLlt. stipu7.a�ions to see that they are complied with. Mr. LimdUlad said there was uscxal�.y a performance bond requested to insure that every thiiiq tilould be done. Mr. Drigans said that answered his question. 3. DISCUSSION Mr. Driqans said he had a couple of tliings he wanted to bring up at this meeting. f One was tlzat he would like the Planning Conunission to receive a copy of the Iirmory r��ort and the letter from the 1�merican Legion that was mE,ntioned in �he Council 1�qenda. Mr. Clarlc said he would see that the Planning Commission got copies of this. The other thing r�r�.�. �Dr.igaris wanted was to check and see if the Planning Commission could have a tour of General Televisi.on. He said they had me��tioned this at a meetinq some time ago, and would like to kno�v how the Planning Commission and other governmental bodies could use this medium. Nr. Clark said he would try and arrange this tour . � ^ E' . Nr. Harris said he didn't }cnow if if had become a problem in Fridley, but he has noted in other communities, that there is a problern with some of this screening of refuse containers. He said the idea is fine, but a lot of the time there isn't room for the garbage trucks to get in and pick up the refuse, and the screening is subsequently damaged and loolis worse that what they are �rying tp screen. Mr. Clark said that ox�e of the problems they have is that the code. 5ays the refuse area has to be screened from public view. tiVhat is the public vieoV? One case in paint is the back o� of the�stores in Moon P1aza. Th�y all hav� storage at the back of thei.r bui1d1T1CiS, but the public can dri_ve back ther� i�oo. The solution u�ould be to ha�Te a sc-rcc�ning fe�-�ce al�. along the back o� the bui_lding, but they don't. �-laETc too much room bacl; there now. Mr. Fitzpatrick said. he agree� �aith Mr. Harris that h� had seen some scrc:ening that looked worse than �,�hat-thcy were trying to screen. Ni�', Harr_is said t1-zc ��ay these retuse truc�cs ���ork, you al�«vs�. nave ta leave one section oPen, so you on7_y have screening on th�'ee s �cic�s. The scct�ic�n left open would usually be on the a7_ley or street side, so he reall�� couldn't see what was being accomplished. Mr. Lindb]_ad said that i� was a pr_ablem, but he iiiought scr�ening was a bet�Ler solu�ion than leaving these areas completely open. Mr. Harris said he just wanted to bring �Lhis�to �he attention of the Planning Commission. � Mr. Jerrold I.oardman sto}�ped in at the meeting to mention thai� there was a:>em�.nar on community d�vclopmei7t that would be he].d at Norm��z�dale ColJ.ccJe, and i1e �aould appreci.ate it iL any members of the Planning Commi.ssion wisli to attend, they would 7_et ha.m know so reservatiar�s coul � � -- �w� �. � � S I i E. "�'�. ea ►y FoR .7i 5 t `r�: �-�► . E� 5 �;,:,�.�1 �. I" -� :. � � M o���....� l-�4t�.�e � 5�1L� � l..b`r' D.� ��e �Cvt� :. , h1 C� ��" �---� ��� � ;c,e��.�,.x� , ��� . � � � x$ � " � � r�j'� j L'y�'�� , .{ f�f��. ��; ; � � . �. ,`, � € . (,�� �! � , ; ;t," i.,�' /�-�' 0 I � r � �� THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOP�'�IITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1974 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drigans at 7:32 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Drigans, Crowder, Gabel, Plemel MEMBEF2S ABSENT: Wahlberg OTHERS PRESENT: Howard Mattson. Engineering Aide MOTION by Gabel, seconc?ed lay Crowder, to approve the minutes of the 5eptember 10, 1974 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried, ' � l. A REQUEST FOR A VARiANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4, B4, FRiDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MININUM SIDE YARD SETBACK ADJOINIDIG �1N ATTACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING, FROM 5 FEET TO 3 FEET (PLUS OR MIDIUS) TO ALLOL9 THE CONSTRLJCTION OF A GREENHOUSE ONTO THE SIDE OF A Dld�:LLING, LOCATED ON LOT 8, DENNl'S ADDITTON, THE SAME BEING 1315 - 66TH AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, NIINiVESOTA. (REQUE5T BY tdS. BETTY ANN MECH, 1315 - 66TH AVEI3UE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINN�SOTA.) � Ms..Mech was present to present her request. She presented a letter of "no objectian" from her neigt�ors, Mro & I��Lrso Ed�.:ard Simko, also a drawing showing the location of_ her house in reJ.ation to the lot line and also the Simko house � in relation to the lot lineE and also a slide of the greenhouse. Mr. Mattson showed th� Board a photograph he had taken showing the Mech dwelling. 1 MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Pl�nel.s to waive reac��.ng the �ubl.ic hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, �here being no r�ays, the motion carried. Ms. Mech explained this is a 10' x 10'.greenhouse that she has moved from 1 Rochester, Minnesota. Sne said it is her hobby to raise rock garden plants, that she uses as gi�ts and for herself but that she will not be selling them. ' � Mr. Crowder questioned the foundation. Nis. Mech said she will have 4 faot concrete posts and the greenhouse has 8 angle irons with it. Chairman Drigans questioned the accesso Ms. Mech stated there will be no door from the dwelling znto the greer.house. The door of the greenhause is on the end so to gain access, you have to come o�t of the dwelling� � Chairman Drigans cnzestioned the heating £acilities. Ms. Mech said it will have either electric or gas heat, and she has al_ready talked to the qas company about it. - i �i 1 Ms. Mech added that the c�reenhouse will be screened and hardly visible to her neiqhbors because ofc the existing Russian Olive and evergreens. She said she couldn't put the greenhouse onto the back of the dwelling because it needs exposure to the sun. Chairman Drigans asked if any of the other neighbors had been contacted. Ms. Mech said she talked to all of them. N3�'. Crowder questioned the lighting. Ms. Mech said it will not be lit all the time but only occasionally.. Mr. Plemel questioned the grePnhouse construction. Ms. Mech said it was all glass and she added it was old but solidly built. � � � r ' The Minutes�of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meetin� of October I5, 1974 Chairman Drigans asked Mr. Mattsan if the greenhouse must comply with the frost footing requirement in the Code. Mr. Mattson said that it would have to comply as it was being attached to the dwelling. Mr. Crowder questioned the distance between structures. It was determined that there is 29 feet now, that will be reduced to 19 feet with the addition of the qreenhouse. . MOTTON by Crowder, seconded by Plernel, to receive; 1. The scaled drawing of the lot showing the house locations in relation to the comman lot line. 2. The letter of no objection from Mr. & NL.s. Edward 5i.mko. 3. The slide of the greenhouse. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. MOTION by Ple�nel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice . vote, theze being no Mays, the motion carried. Mrs. Gabel said she had no objections as lo:�g as the neighbo�s don't object. l� � Mr. Crowder said his biggest concern would be the neiqhbors as the greenhouse will be heated and 7.it�.occasionally. He said as long as the neighbors don't object and the greenhouse must have the exposure to the sun, he had no objections. , , � � � � , � � Chairman Drigans said th.e hardship is that the greenhouse is already constructed and canno�. be reduced� � MOTION by Crowder� seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the City Council, approval, of the variance for the hardships stated. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays the motion carried. � 2. A RE4UEST FOR VARIANCES OF: SECTION 205.135, l, E1, PRIDLEY CTTY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SETBACIC F'OR OFF-STREET PAP.KING, FROM 20 FEET FROM THE FRONT LOT LINE TO ZERO FEET� TO ALLOT�`7 PAVIP3G UP TO TriE SIDE LOT LTZdE, ANBi SECTION 205.136� l� TO ALLO�•i. BLACKTOPPIIv'G, INSTEAD OF PLATQTED GROUT3D COVER, OF T�iE BOUL�VAFtD AREA ALONG `i'riE SIDE YAi2D, OI3 I�OT l, BLOCK 3, EAST Rt"1iVCH ESfiATES 2ND ADDITI0:3, THE SA14E Bi;I�IG 7880 RANCFIERS ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MIPdNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MICH�IEL BIZAL, 5000 FILL1�lOR.E STREET N.E. , MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESUI'A — G.RAiiAM TESTERS, INC. ) Mr. Michael J. Lizal, Vice Presi.dent of Graham. Testers, Inc., was present to present the request. • MOTION by Crowder, seconaed by Gabe�, to waive reading the public hearing notice. t3pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. • A plot plan for the property was shown to the Soard. Mr. Bizal said the property was developed as shown on the plan, except for the area.in question. He said this area was supposed to have an island between the loadinq area and the employee parking area. He said they wanted it�completely paved kaecause: 1. Snow removal; more room to push snow and maneuver the plow. 2. Use as holdi.ng area; sometimes there is more than one truck delivering and the island remnval would create a holding place for the second truck. 3. Better appearance; some of the trucks back in to unload and back.ing over curbing will crack it. He added it will look better to have it all b1acY.topped rather tk�an have cracked curbing. . Chairman Drigans asked if the plot plan showing the island was approved by Building Standards and Council. Mr. Mattson said this area caas approved to be all green area and then apparently during discussions with City staff, the green area was changed to be just an island. ' � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 �� Mr. Bizal stated they want plenty of room to ge� around as they have had problems ��, , in the winter at their otner location. He added that the Fridley High 5chool is doing their landscaping as a school project. � Mr. Crowder questioned the parking. Mr. Bizal said they have approximately 20 employees and they have 40 plus stalls so the parking is adequate. He added it was designed with the future in mind. Chairman Drigans asked what the hardship was in this,case. Mr. Bizal said if you have to pile snow in this area, you will be losing room and that is a hardship and they would like this area for a holding area. Chairman Drigans asked if they have done anything to this area yet. Mr. Biza� said when they had the parking area blacktopped, they had the green area blacktopped also. Chairman Drigans asked if they knew a variance was required before they were allowed to blacktop�the green area. Mr. Bizal said they were aware they needed a variance, but they thou9ht it would be more ec�nomical to blacktop it with the parking lot, on the hope that the variance would be approvedo Chairman Drigans noted that when the plot plan went through Building Standards and Council, the area in question was all green area. Then Graham Testers came back with a proposal for just an island and the rest bl�cktop. Now they are going one step fur�her to eliminate the island and blacktop the whole thing. Mr. Mattson said he dro�e by this building and they had created quite a presentable building. Mr. Crowder asked what is between the building and the paved area. Mr. Bizal said there is crushed decorative rock with curbing. Chairman Drigans asked how vaide the boulevard is, that wi11 be blacktopped. Mr. Mattson said that he didn`t know exactly, but he thought it was about an 8 foot boulevard. Chairman Drigans asked how many parking stal�s were created by blacktopping the green area and rem.oving the island. Mr, Bizal said 4 stalls were added plus one space for truck stopping. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nay:>, the motion carried. Chairman Drigans stated that he felt that even though the petitioner has already indicated the blacktopping has been completed, the Board should base their decision on the merits of the hardships stated. Mrs. Gabel said as much as she would like to see the green area retained, she would still like the trucks off the street. Mr. Plemel said he couldn't go along with the hardship for snow removal. He felt it was not the Boards�duty to coordinate this with the City staff but you can't ignore that the work is already done, i�e felt there should be some way to prevent this in the fu�ure. He felt this is a nice building, and the variance is a minor matter. Mr. Crowder said he basically agreed. He felt the petitioner is entirely at fault, deciding on his own to eliminate the green area. 7C � The r]inutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 Chairman Drigans stated he felt the snow renoval hardship was stretching it quite 1 far, He said if the request was granted strictly for the reason of snow removal, the Board would be deluged by requests to blacktop as it is so easy to mainta�n. He said the holding area is a good reason. He said the blacktopping was done by the petitioner on his own, knowing he was in violation. He said he was concerned , with this area as he didn't know how anythinq big could be maintained here. He said it does identify a division between the loading area and the employee entrance. He said a real hardship has not been established in his mind. i ' LJ LJ � , , , �� � �� , � �J ' I � , Mr. Bizal said the only reason they went ahead with this, without approval, was the economic standpoint. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Crowder, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the two requests because of the economic factor� Upon a voice vote, Gabel abstaining, the motion carried. 3. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDI�EY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUP4 LOT AREA REQUIRED, ON A PLA� RECOR.DED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955, FROM 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 5500 SQUARE FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRiICTION OF A DWELLING ON LOTS 15 AND 16, BLOCK I, RIVERVI�d HEIGHTS, THE SAME BEING ��31 FAIRbiONT STREE'1' N.E. , FRIDLEY, b1INNESOTA. (REOUEST BY NORZ'H METRO CONSTRUCTION, INC., 5203 CENTRAL AVENUE N.F.., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Dennis Barker was present to present the request. MOTION by PlemeJ_, seconded by Gabel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Barker explained they plan to build a 864 square foot split eritry dwelling on this lot. There will be no garage and it wil� meet all the setback requirements. Chairman Drigans asked if the Code didn't require a garage to be built. Mr. Mattson explained a garage is only required on lots with 9,000 square feet or more. On smaller lots, one off-street parking stall must be prQVided. Mr. Barker said they will be installing a 10 foot wide blacktop driveway. Mr. Frank SteEn, 52]. Fairmont Str.eet N.E., and Mr. John Witscher, 537 Fairmont Street N.E., were present to voice their objections to the var.iance. Mr. Crowder asked if there was a buyer for this home. Mr. Barker said they have several buyers for their homes, they just don't know where they will put them yet. Mr. Witscher stated they have split entry homes behind them that are so large ' there is no back yard. He said if the people have children, there will be no place for them to play but in the street. � . Mr. Crowder said the applicant can build as big a house as the Code will allow and the Board has no say about it. The only thing the Board can act on is the variance on lot area. Mr. Barker said this house will have a 55 foot back yard using the average front yard setback, which is as big as new developments. Mr. Steen said he felt the houses are getting too close together in this area and the Codes shou�d be complied with. Mr. VJitscher said they had tried to buy the lots, but they were outbid by Idorth Metro Construction. Pa � � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 Chairman Drigans said they have to understand the developers intent to use the lot and develop it. He said there are quite a few of these sized l.ots in Fridley that were platted before 1955 and need only 7500 square teet of lot area. Mr. Steen said they bought the land knowing that they needed to change the Code to build on it. Chairman Drigans said its not that they are changing the Code, it is letting the City control the type of construction on this size lot, He added some lots need variances to let people develop the land. J Mr. Crowder said it looks like a good housE for the area. Mr: Plemel said this lot was picked up at the County tax forfeit auction. He said both the County and the City want the�e �.ots used and bringing in revenue. MOTZON by Gabe1, secor�de� by Plemel, to clase th� public hearing. Upan a voice votep there being no nays, the motian carried.. Mr. Crowder stated he sympathized with the neighbors as it is easier to have the lot vacant, but from the Board's standpoint, this is a lot where more property can not be obtained on ei�.her. si.de. He saic� it is a buildable 10� but it does not meet Code. He said tr�e Board has gxanted othe� var_5.ances of this type in this area. Mrs. Gabel and Mr. PlemEl agreedo MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the lot area variance. Upon a voice vote, �h.ere being no nays, the motion carried. ' 4. A REQtTEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDLEY CI7'I' CODE, TO REDL'CE TFiE MINIMU�i LOT AREA REQUI�D, OIV A PI,AT RECrJRDED BEFORE DECE2�IBER 29, 1955, FK0.4 7500 SQU�RE FEET TO 5500 S9UARE FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DjVELLING ON LOTS 3? AND 38, BLOCK V, RIVERVILti� HETGF3TS, THE SE��'9E BEING 6�' 0 ELY STREFT P7.E. , c t2'"iDLEY P$INi�IESOTA. {REOUEST BY NORTH i�1ETR0 CONSTRUCTION, INC., 5203 CEI�i`i'RAI� A�IENL3E D't.E., MINi�IEAPOLIS, P�INNESOTA. ) Mr. Dennis Barker was present to present the request. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Erickson, 650 Ely S�reet, were present to voice their objectians. 1 Mr. Barker explained they plan to build the same split entry on this lot as on 531 Fairmont only narrower. He said there will be no garage and they will meet all the setback requirements. � ' Mr. Erickson said when his contractor built his home, in 1965, he had wanted to buy these lots and then make two building sites that would have been 62 feet wide, but the City wouldn`t let h un do it. No�v this man is trying to build on just 50 feet. He said he didn't think there was any difference now than then. Mr. Crowder said the Co3e is the same as it was then. He said Mr. Erickson's contractor could have asked for a variance and a lot split but now there is no other J.and available to buy. � � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 7 E Mr. Erickson stated the house that is being constructed on the corner (600 Ely Street) had to be raised up to meet the flood plain requirements. He said if this house has to be raised that high, the basement level will be even with our first story. , Chairman Drigans noted that if this house is in the flood plain, it will have to get a Special Use Permit approved before it can be built. He explained to Mr. Barker that the City recen*ly passed a flood plain ordinance that has to be , complied with. : Mr. Erickson asked if there would be another meeting to determine the eleva�ion that is necessary. Chairman Drigans said this Board can only act on the variance , and the Special Use Permit would have to be approved by the Planning Commission so there would be notices mailed out. , , Mr. Crowder asked how high the flood came on Mr. Erickson's house. Mr., Erickson said he wasn't in it then but he was told it covered about 7 blocks. , Nir. Erickson said there is only one other 50 foot building site in the area. He said he didn't think of bidding on this lot when it was put up for sale at the tax forfeit auction because he was under the impression it couldn't be built on. He said he would be willing ta buy these lots from Nir. Barker if they couldn`t ' build on them. Mr. Erickson also said this Iot is the drainage path for this area and where is the water going to go if he builds? ' � ' , ' Chairma.n Drigans said it has been the palicy of the Board to approve a lot area variance if the lot is buildable if the app].icant can meet all the other Codes and get financing and if the lot has good soil conditions. He added the Board can only act on the variance. The other items such as drainage and elevations are handled by other departments of the City. Mr. Crowder asked Mr. Barker if he would l�e willinq to sell the lots if they prove somewhat unbuildable as Mr. EricYson has indicated he might be willing to buy them. Mr. Barker said he would first have to check into the flood plain ordinance requirements. Mr. Crowder asked what the next step would be for Mr. Barker if the variance was approved. Mx. Mattson said he would have to come into City Ha11 to check on the elevation requirement and see if it is possible to meet all the other flood plain regulations. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by PlemeZ, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Chairman Drigans stated that if the variance was approved, it would Yiave to be , subject to meeting the approval of the flood plain ordinance and%or approval of a Special Use Permit. , ' I ' MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Crowder, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the variance subject to meeting the approval of the flood plain ordinance and/or approval of a Special Use Permit. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 5� I. RE UEST FOR A VARI�INCE OF SECTION 205.053 1B FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO RFDUCE TIIE MINI^lU�t T^T pnr� nT�(�Uj[�F`D QV A PL,AT RF'CORDL•'D F3EFORE DLCEhIBER 29 1955. FPO�I 750n ()I1RE FEET TO 6511,9 SOUIII�P F'EET TO 1�LLOW TIiE CONSTRUCTION OF A T�W�LLING ON IOTS 30 AND 31, BLOCY. 7� SnRING BROOK PARK ADD'ITION. TE{E S�'`[� BEIN�� �9�3 EIST � ' ' � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 �� RIVER ROAD N E, FRIDLEY, PdINNESOTA (REgUEST BY NORTH P�IETRO CONSTRUCTION, 5203 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., DIINNEAPOLIS, MINNE50TA.) Mr. Dennis Barker was present to present the request. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Plemel, to waive reading the public hearing notice.. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Richard Lundorff, 7990 East Fti.ver Road, was present to voice his objections. � Mr. Barker said this will also be a split entry house. ' Mr. Lundorff noted that this property has the only fire hydrant in the area on it. He wondered if building here would create any problem in getting to the hydrant. He also said there was a large easement on th�.s property. �� ' ��� The Board in going over the survey, noted two easemer�ts; a 20 foot easement for highway purposes along Eas.t River Road and a 20 faot drainage easement along the back of the lot. Mr. Crowder asked if East River Road would be widened here< Fie said he thought that all the widening was south of Osborne Road. Mr. Mattson said he didn't know of any widening being planned but he sai.d there might. be some planned in the futuxe. � Mr, Lundorff said he had wanted to buy these lots to build a garage on. He said he had talked to a real estate agent about thes� lots but had been told they were� unbuildable. He said he had called, �ohen it was up for sale, but the County wanted ' $2,100.00 and he couldn't see paying that when it was unbuildable� He said he would buy the land if Mr. Barker wanted to se11 it. �l ' Chairman Drigans asked if this property can be used with the easements. Mr. Barker said they can have a driveway over an easement. Mr. Crowder said he would want the clriveway off from Liberty Street instead of East River Road. Mr. Barker said he is trying to buy part of the road easement from tl�s County but he ha.s not heard back from them. Chairman Drigans noted that ta build a house on this lot may require other variances � and if it does, the Board would like to see all af the variances at once. Mr. Barker said he can put a 22� foot wide house on the lot withou� other variances. �He said he would like a 24 foot wide house though. , , ' r-, J ' � MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mrs. Gabel said she would like to see the plan of how the house will fit on the lot before acting on this variance. � Chairman Drigans said he would also like to see if there has to be other variances. He added that i� the Board granted this variance, and then the proposed structure needed other variances, the applicant could come back any say the Board granted one variance, why not the others. Mr. Crowder asked Mr. Barker if he is in a rush to build this house. Mr. Barker said it depends on if a buyer wants this location. Mr. Crowder asked if he would be willing to go along with tabling this item to show the Board tY�e house on the lot. , ' ' , ' r ' � � � � ' The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of October 15, 1974 7G Chairman Drigans said he would prefer if Mr. Barker would negotiate with a buyer to find out what type of house is to be built and see if any additional variances are needed. He added that when an item has to come back to the Board, the applicant is taking up the Board`s time twice and also asking the adjoining property owners to come back twice. Mrs. Gabel stated that if the Board were to deny this variance, the same variance could not come back to the Board for 6 months. Mr. Barker said he planned to build a 22� foot x 40 �oot dwelling that would meet all the Codes. He said it would be a tight fit on the lot but that it would fit. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to table this item until the petitioner can present a plan of the house of the lot that either does or does not need additiona]. variances. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motio�l carried. Chairman Drigans added that if the house needs other variances, tliat new notices be sent out to the adjoiriing property owners. 6. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDL�Y CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINI.4UM LOT AREA RE�UIRED, ON A PI�1T 12LCORDED BEFORr� DECEMBER 29, 1955, F�O�1 7500 SQUARE FEET TO 6600 SOUAR�' FEET, TO ALLOW �iHE CONSTRUCTTON OF A DWELLING Oid LOTS 30 AND 31� BLOCK Xr P�IVERVIEti9 HEIGHTS� THE S�ME BEING 600 CHERYL STREET N.i�.� FRIDLEY, MINNESO'1?�. (REQUEST BY NORTH METRO CONST�tUCTION, 5203 CENTRAL AVE`IUE N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, i4INNESOTA. 55421) Mr. Dennis Barker was present to present the request. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Crocade.r, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried, Mr. Clark Nason, 614 Cheryl Street, and Mr. James Anderson, 609 Cheryl Street, were present to voice their objections. Mr. Barker said he proposes a 36 foot by 24 foot dwelling on this lot. Mr. Anderson questioned the elevation of the basement floor ta the street. Mr. Barker said the elevation would be whatever the City requires. ' Mr. Mattson said this property is also in the flood plain. The present street elevation by this lot is 6 feet lo�aer �han the 100 year flood plain and the house will have to be positioned 2 feet higher than this measurement so it.will have to be raised approximately 8 feet. Mr. Anderson commented that it will be a weird '. house if it sits up that high. Mr. Mattson added that there could be some variation in the B feet if the house is waterproof.ed. � , � ' , Mr. Nason questioned the amount of fill required. He asked how Mr. Barker will be able to keep all the fill on his lot. Chairman Drigans stated that this Board only acts on the variance. He said the elevation and drainage will have to be checked by other City departments. Mr. Nason also asked about the two vacant lots (Lots 28 & 29) next to this property. Chairman Drigans asked Mr. Barker if he had tried to buy these lots. Mr. Barker said he tiad contacted Mr. Kotzer, the owner of the lots, and r7r. Kotzer had told him the lots had gone tax forfeit. Mr. Barker said he then called the County and was told the lots were tax delinquent but they were s�ill redeemable by the owner. J L The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee P�Ieeting of October 15, 1974 Chairman Drigans noted � Mr, Barker own are both combined. Pa� that Lots 28 and 29 are both 25 �oot lots and the two that 30 foot lots. This caould make ].10 feet if they were Mrs. Gabel asked Mr. Barker if he would be willing to buy the adjoining lots if he could get them. Mr. Barker said he didn't think,so because his buyers for the house do not want a garage and with that big of a lot, it is required to build a garage. Mr. Crowder asked P�Ir. Nason if he would be willing to buy the lots and then sell 10 feet to Mr. Barker ta give him the minimum lot area. Mr. Nason said he would if the price was rignt. Mr. Nason added he did not want to see this house 8 feet above his house. Mr. Barker said he thought he would go with the water- proofing requirements, if possible, rather than the high elevation. Chairman Drigans stated the Board°s policy has been to deny the variance when there is additional praperty to acquire. He said some agreement could be worked out between Mr. Barker and Mr. Nason and the owner of Lots 28 and 29. He a@ded a denial of this variance would require the applicant to wait 6 months before co�inq back to the Board with the same request. Mr. Plemel stated that it might be more feasible to see if a building permit could be issued on this lot and if Mr. Barker could comply with all the flood plain requirements before acting on the variance. Mr. Barker said he would agree with this and would prefer the Board to table the item. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to table this request until the petitioner comes bac}c with more information on the adjoining lots (Lots 28 & 29) and with , information on what has to be done to comply with the flood plain regulations. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. ' Chairnlan Drigans stated he wanted notices mailed out again on this item, when the pe�itioner is ready to come back before the Board. ' 7. A RE�LlEST FOR A VI�RIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 1B, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINIIdUPd LOT AREA REQLTIRi;D, ON A PLAT RECORDED BEFORE DECEMBER 29, 1955, FRONI 75DC S UI1E2E FEET TO 7358.4 SOUARE FEET, TO ALLO�J THE CONSTRLTCTION OF A U�'TELI�ING ON ' LOTS 25 F�ND 26, BLOCK 11, SPRING E3ROOK PAKK ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 200 ELY STREFT N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (R�QUEST BY NQRTH METRO CONSTRUCTION, INC., 5203 CENT�I� AVENUE N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.) ' , � _� ' I ' ' 7N Mr. Dennis Barker was present to present the request. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Crowder, to waive reading the public hearing notice. i3pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Crowder asked if the alley along the back lot line has been vacated, because it it was, he would have enough lot area. Mr. Mattson said the alley has not been vacated. Chairman Drigans read a letter from Mr. Edward Bishop, 212 Ely Street N.E., which stated his objections to the variance. MOTION by Crowder, se�onded by Plemel, to receive the letter from Mr. Bishop. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. "1�"°,�� Pa 7 � � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting Of October 15, 1974 Mr. Barker said he plans to build a 24 foot by 40 foot dwelling with a garage. He said he could fit the structur� on the lot without additional variances. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the variance. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. � ADJOURNP�LENT : The meeting was adjourned by Chainnan Drigans at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � _ � ..-s �1 /� _ � c. r�.. �- � MARY HINTZ�I Secretary � � � , r � BOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #1 1327 66th Ave. N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 �ctober L5, 1974 To [�'hom it may concern: ' It is satisfactory ta us thaG Mrs. Mech Locate her greenhouse three feet + or - from the lot line. � , �' �Lrc. F t��;� Z2� ��n�c,�Cz-�t C'�- ��-�-�-' e� , � ' ' t � � , ' � �� i BOARD OF APPEALS �uOUr�B.N ' ITEM #2 ' NCiiNiE6ReNQ ' a -- --- — — r��-`'�--_.�--�NC.'=_-------_.__.�,___ -- $prlAOffiu 89P6530 � j , 7101 Cliff Road � ��' ('u�il &.Nwurtpnl h.nk�ne'vru�Q �.4ud I�rs(utk i I,nnd yurr��yang � Land Pknninq Burnsnlle. M�nnesa4 55337 . ;,�� QAUE �i�RRlS Certifieate of �u�r�rey for � �9T� A�rE�uE ��O,V � � a K c K �o � ��� en � t a� 1 � :9 -.i � � I �ON � � � � � � w � � d � - 7L S�Qi�Q� 1inch;50�e¢ JUNE,1914 LoY 1 ��Oc! � EAST RANCN ESTATES 2�lD ADD lTi ON. Anol�a County I heroby certify that this is a �rue and cor�ect re{�resen�afion o( a survey of'fhe boundaries of the obov describod land, and oF the location oi all b�ildings, )hereon� and oll y�isible encronchments� if any� from or oe said lund. As surveyed by ma this day of �,�� ;–' A.p. 191,i. SUBURBAPI ENGINEERiF+JG, fNC. Engineers Surreyors i � . . L 3f _ by l i,! . , �?. -- � �., ��.� _ �. . _,w ., . �._.��.A .,� ,�,.�, _ �.. _._, 3..�<._.� .a _._,..�w,., a...« � .�..�.:`-�.w.���„��,..ww�xa.�..�.���y__. ` B. H. BRADLEY ,. ... .. ` . .. . . .. CIViL ENOINfifiR AND 5URVEYOR $�utvey �MI Q �^° �� F � I� �� •"�" � 8629-24TN AVENUE SOUTH MINN6APOL18, MINNEUOTA 55800 �2 � '3 �en7r�/ f�vel ��"I �Z<.z,es � , 5a� r ! � i Z�' ` �5 \ 1 � � � � � � , 4 O �.t �.I - ' � ` � . � � � � � . , � N � l5 0� � �s � � 50' �il�inouh �" �'% �,S'c�le f " = Zo' o De�o tes �ata perty �d�-n�t-s .. �. t, �� t BOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #3 � � � �� �. � .o � _ .o � `j � � z � �, N � a � � � � �.� � � � � � � s .� � , o ,� v � � b V�� � �� � � � s �i � � � a � s� � n � � �^� �-� �> � �. � �` v° ° �`'' a. ° . v s v a l.1, � -a z` o � i 5 � -s � � � '�„� � c� � � � . � y 0 � � "� �� � `� � ' B. H. BRADLEY C�VIL ENOINEER AND SURVEYOP 382H-24TH AVENUESOUTH � , MINNEAPOLIB. MINNESOTA 53/0{ �24_Z,88 , i 1 � �...�......�,,,..+.. .�.. a....�....r ; ' �' � i • ! M � �.. � r� � � �t ,,,j� � ? � � e x 1 �. � � � � i � � „r� i ,�� �- U � 4 f 7 � r ,������� �� � s /.� �'rf�er �' � � .��' C;'��-� ! i��'f �i�r�c•.�'. /���. � � � �z�, ��r 1 � ��. � �� r� � .__wz�, ��� _ 1 SM ! � .�c�r �e / � = �o` I��3�.'�70 1""�:•� �,�rn p c:r �"'c� G ar��� �!�-s. � , � 4� � , � �� � Y �aF ` � t� , � � :� y . � � �, � �� � � '"� �'t h � � "r z� � � -�y �L �,� � y_ V `i!: � ^�L f'V z�� � � �� � :� � � � � �J `� r� � y � �`" � � t � ,,�: � � �1 <*., R� � � � � �� ' ' � �.1.s � �#�. R v -.. 3.,- €�'i =1► � ,k �-�. ��-.? � � � � � �� �, '`� �`+�. � �� � . -�.� �. ���� .�. � � _ t'r `'� J� �.? � � �i�y�'�� � �ti.,� � h � �C ° � ^ � o �; �` .�. ���,� �Nl BOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #4 � �i � � � � +� �' ,� � � �a44 y ! y � � � �� �,'4 . . � K ��� � � h _ �'-� �� - . . . ,.. „ ;,. ,.. . .. ..; . h . .;_:.: . ,_. ... ..Y.�,:,c�:: ^�,r� . / V , B, H. BRADLEY J'� s D SURVEYOR � {.� @ �Ot ( /E,'N J7(S ��f`�ef" � I CIVIL ENO�HEER AN U/ V � (./ 3629•24TH AVENUE SOUTH �j /� �r /! w /� - �__- _ � .. 1 MINNBAPOLI6, MINNESOTA 35�0! �(. (n/ 3 C�,✓rI tf"a / �U �/ l�� � 721-2189 � . , • BOARD OF APPEALS a s ITEM #5 � •c$ � � ( � � � _- � a v�', , . � L � �b e�- 7` � S �% - ' 2D' �Se �, ea fi �a � /�u►y fx'aP°sCs _.___�__..-- �.Q � .-• � �°� i \ �� � O t i LpT 3/ -.� � � � o � �09 � � `�'� '�` ' ki -• _.-- ---• --- � � � � ti� �� � � - L�T' 3v � e? � , 1�`? � : � ''� Q , � � �° � � r : , _ � � rZ � � �' . �----- ; , .� � /��o � _ � '�f :.,� � es � fy t a�:► f d E f' * G� hYl etS ,�S''c�r �e � ,� d �' n p �' �1 � : __ - ` � f � � R � - � � _ � . � �; . . . . , . : . .. � h e�-e b y c eF7'i �� f�ia �` fih rs ts � Co t-rect" /-epre,scn7cvf/ov► , o�0 5v rvey o�' �.o t�o z���.� Gor' 3!, �ti� /3lock 7� �Ph«p �roo� P�r-�� Ci ty a� �'r��/�r��, �s Surve y�c/ u nf/e� � y isu pe�uts, ch tM� 2�ty dc� �{ o�' Ju l� 19 7�, Suh�ett to t�r �hai h�g e$� cl PJtr lrty ease�er, t Quer �e �tl�s�` 20 �t' o�'LQ fis � 3!1 �n� 3�> also Sc.bjec�' to $�r �z�se w,en t- aue+-�-h e tastcriy �o�f. �'o� ffwy �rpose5, � [ . ��%Y ��i'�� . . - f�� � �, �U �-vPyot- �a. /� S8 �� � � � B. H. BRADLEY CIVIL ENOINBER AND SURVEYOR ' 3828-2dTN AVENUESOUTH MINNSAPOL/8. MINNESOTA E°rW! 724-2189 , I � ' � � � 1 � � �� � ` � ` � Q � ! � � � � o i � � I�� 3 0 ,3 0 ` ` f � ~ , V V �J`.CJ (e I !/ � � I 1 s��n o�'�S P�o per T� CQ hN� l-� � �v �-v e y�O /`- �� h/ S ��f' ke f-- ,�"� e .� �'er�' �'�-� 1 ,�ve, �� � t" t �, t'" � ` / `� , � (7 �o r � �` _, �,... �0 1 °� � 0 � . � � i . � � � � � � 7P � �i BOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #6 ►1 � � � � � � � J � �� � �'i ,�? t� � � � � � �1,,. � 4 � � �= � v � � a �- _ J ���� � 4 v� ,, �. "� � � � � � q y � � � �� �€.. 3 .c : L'L 't- ` 1 , � � � � O � � � a � ` v � �� , .�► � � ,. � t .� �, '� � =� � ` � � � - ti � '� � �. �-. t►� �� �� � _ � � s �►. b w v 4�' ? s � J "4 �+ '� y �3' L � � v a � � � o � IB. H. BRADLEY � CIVIL ENOINHSR AND SURVEYOR 3829-24TN AVENUESOUTH I � MINNBAPOLIB. MINNESOTA SE400 724-2,49 � �-✓�' UYd eG� 'T 0 i° ��'hf-J� S�t�f' f t'°a' J'�,� �?,.� ��"6r %Pi"�c� % �yP. �4� � "' ! �S�` .- .�'!, r d.._ � `_" ,� o' �I, l �'" � � . � — � � Q d � O � � J,• V O' ,!► ' K , `"` 5f.'� �I/��� i_, Ii` J, .-- � y � � V �a� � ;``� � � �,. a � � � � ��' ',a � � � �� � �� �� � � � � � .; 1 '� � V � --F ..�; •-� - �� e� SOARD OF APPEALS ITEM #7 1 1 ,� � � � � � � � �� � � 3. `� o t� : �� s � � � "�a. � � 9 � . � � � � � s a � •� `� Y � � � a. �. '� � � � � ^ v �� o` '�. '�`' � 4� � � �t , � � � �` � �' ``� � � � � `�.�,� .. � �~ � � ``{ `�' �,. `� �► a �. �.. � v � �`� � �.. ri � �` . �r . `,��` t� H . �f.. � ° � � � � � � v � � � � o � .� � ` Qa ; � ;� ` i f�t � � � � � � � � t E. , .. gOARD OF APPEALS . ITEM #7 � . _ . r �. .�� ._ � \ _ ,. -. . -��....�. . ......,,.-� . ._.-..�. _ ,.. - r � � . .`ti - _ ����� ��� I c., ,' u i� � t,f ' `' �J �`� ;� ` < ,�; �. � �. �� ; � � � : ��.; . °\ � `, ' �\v: ��1' ,. � ;. , � `` _. , ,, `, �: � _ �` ,`�` �. . �, ti, �, ��., �� � ���. ��� ��.� � �� � I �. ` � � c� ,�� t f. `. ;` ,� - . : , �, ', , � v v � �'' �'����- � ' � ���\ C � �� V � � �i� \� \�� T.` J `;� ��\ i\ ^.. . � _ � \J �`.�� �i� � �; � V l�. . V a, ``�. �'' ` \ � \ � �' ~�� •� l 1� `�• �`, �\ �`�, �� .�. �� .^_ . � �� t . •� . 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'!\. ` ���v �\ �,. ,: • �J e \�. � '�, C �� �, ,` ^ � � �` -'�, �,` c � `� . � -�„r �,i . . ____..,.._... ...\._a. � .�.........�.__ .\�.... .` ... �� 4.. �...�_ , _ _.._. ._. _. _... _ ., �_ _ _ ..� __ _ _ � . �, �� �S ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION September 24, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Langenfeld, Robert Erickson, LeeAnn Sporre, LeRoy Oquist, Russell Houck, and Thomas Sullivan , OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Wilmes - Islands of Peace MEMBERS ABSENT: Mary Martin CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7;50 p.m. GiJ�ST SPEAKER Mr. Ed Wilmes representing the Islands of Peace project spoke to the Commission and its visitors about the project he has founded at the Islands of Peace. He stressed the need to preserve the area in its nat��ral state and that the public have access to this area, especially the physically handicapped and disabled arid aged. There are no public facilities or parks in the state.which these handicappped people can fully participate. He stressed the need to provide such facilities and asked the Commission's support. He noted that he is appearing before the Metro Council to seeic support and money for its deveZop- ment. To receive such funding from the Metro Council certain criteria have to be mpt, The draw':.ack seems to be that Fridley does not have enough low income housing facilities and as a result the Islands of Peace project might be given Iow priority. However, Mr. Wilmes stressed the fact that this project is not just ior the City of Fridley, but that it wi11 serve all the handicapped and aged of the area. Thus he is seeking to have this stipulation waived. � MOTION BY LEE�NN SPORRE THAT A LETTER OF TI�INKS BE SENT TO ED WILMES FOR HIS ATTENDANCE AT THE MEETING AND PRESENTATION OF TI� ISLANDS OF PEACE PROJECT. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously, ' ACCEPTANCE OF riINUTES MOTION BY ROB�RT ERICI� ON THAT TH� AUGUST 27 MINUTES BE ACCEPTED L�iITH MINOR CORRECT�ONS, Seconded by Itussell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. ' � � I � � � C7 LEAF COMPOSTZNG Since there was no member from the Parks and Recreation Committee present, as had been planned on the a�enda, this issue was tabled. The members of the FEQC would like to be informed as to what the present plan is for the City for composting. (Since this meeting, funds were denied Parks and Recreatian Committee for Leave Composting). SHADE TREE ORD INANCE Since the Ordinance has been adopted by the City Council the issue was tabled. NATURAL HISTORY AREA PROPOSAL, Since the proposal has been accepted by the City Council the issue was tabled. • � � � � ' ' � Page 2 NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY Discussion ce�ztered around the area which is being proposed for construction of the armory. The Commission is interested in knowing what would be the environmental impact such construcCion wo�ld have on the area. The Commission hac3 not been consulted concerning its construction. MOTION BY LEEANN SPORRE THAT THE FF,IDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONL�IISSION ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL TO P1tEPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED SITE OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY FACILITY IN FRIDLEY PR70R TO TH� COI�IITMENT AND DEDICATION OF THE SITE. Seconded by Robert Erickson. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. PURPOSE OF COMMISSION , After much discussion, the FEQC decided that it would like to appear before the City Council to clarify its purpose and function as a Commission since there have been several decisions made on issues which have environmental � impact and upon which the Council has not consulted the F.�QC. Mr. LangenfeZd, chairman, will make the necessary contact to get the Commission on the October 7 meeting of the City Council agenda. � r � 1 , MEETING DATE CHANGE MOTION BY LFEANN SPORRE THAT THE REGULEIR MEETING OF THE FI�+IDLEY ENVIRONNIENTAL QU't1LITY CC"4NIISSION BE MOVED FROM THE FOURTH TO THE THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Seconded by Thomas Sullivan. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. The new meeting date should be placed on the 1975 calendar. NEW MEMB�RS The FEQC welcomes Mr. LeRoy Oquist as newly appointed member. His term expires A�pril 1, 1976. Mr. Russell Houck was appointed July 1 and his term expires April I, 1975. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY T�lOMAS SULLIVAN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously, and the mee'ting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 15. ' Submitted by, � `�~' �-.���''�-� � ���� , Bro. Thomas Sullivan Acting Recording Secretary , � ' ' � I � E CITIZEN BIKEWAY CONN�IITTEE October 2, 1974 ' MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Bobbi Spaeth, Dennis Schneider, Vern Moen, and Lee Houck ' MEMBERS ABSENT: Joe Schommer, Bob Zee, Bill Gerads,iRobert Riese, and Dale Hagen Vern rioen opened the m�eting at 7:47 p.m. MOTION BY DENNIS SCHN�IDER TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 25 ,IINUTES. Seconded by Bobbi Spaeth. Upon a vor�ce vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Moen asked Mr, Boardman to report on his discussion held with the League of Women Vorers. Mr. Boardman said he basically went over the function of the Bikeway Com-nittee, and what the bike path xaould entail. Mr. $oardman said he invited the League to come to the Bikeway Committee mpetings and suggested that they be on the mailing Iist. Vern Moen asked if anyone had been appointed or assumed the responsibilities of attending ehe meetings? Mr. Boardman said someone had been appointed. Mr. Moen said it would be a good idea ta get information out to other community organizations to see if they would like to have a m�ember present at the Com.mittee meetings. Mr. Moen said he wnuld contact som� of these organizations in the City by letter asking them if they would like to participate. ANALYSIS SECTION Jerry Boardman said the topic to be discussad at tonight!s meeting was the analyss.s section, Mr. Moen asked ho�w they should approach this? Mr, Boardman felt this should be in inform�.tion form so that when the Committe� begins the planning and route selection they wi11 have a11 this information behind them. This should be completed by October 30. Some of the inforcn3tion has already been compiled in the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Mr, Boardntan presented a msp illustrating bicycle accidents within the past two years. He said he would gather more statistics and go back a few more years so the Com�nittee could s�e the more critical areas in the City. This would help in deter.mining the areas that would have to be more develop�ad, Mr. Boardman said there had been two fatal accidents in the City which involved pedestrians a few years ago. Mr. Board�nan had a diagram of intersection changes that will take place. Some of the proposed changes were �sborne and University, 53rd & Highway 65, and University and Mississippi. Mr. Boardman said the Public Works Director had instructed any intersection modi�ications be looked at ior bikeway considerations, Mr. Boardm3n said he had notified the State to take into consideration how they can get bike flow into this area. Mr. Board;nan gave m��mbers a copy of the s?cond stage data, explaining that the survey information will come under the analysis section, Vern Moen said problems • t Page 2 wi11 involve special critical areas such as Mississippi and East River Road. Lee Houck suggested that they possibly could ask FMC for aid such as bike racks. Mr. Boardman said the Committee should get this information lined out. The Committee will take the data and analyze the neighborhoods for more extensive trails. Such data will include the use of bicycles and what prevents bikes from being used. Mr. Boardman said he would like to hear from a few representatives at several of the m�etings. They could ask someone from the Railroad, Metropolitan Sewer Board, City F,ngineering Department, and also a representative from the State Highway Department. Mr. Boardman said he would try to arrange.for something of this type by the next meeting, depending on the schedules of the representatives. Vern Moen suggested making capies of the large map indicating accidents showing specific areas �ahere railroads caould be affected so they could present this to the Railroad Company. Mr. Boardman said they should also enforce the Cityts regulations that would not a11ow motorized vehicles and mini bikes on trails, Mr. Moen asked Jerrq Boardman if he knew what some of the other cities had done? Mr. Boardman said he could check into that. Dennis Schneider asked what New Brighton was going to do now that they had put sidewalks in on Silver Lake Road? Mr. Board:nan said they will probably put caution signs up warning motor vehicles of bike crossings. Lee Houck asked what they were going to do with Mississippi Street since they are putting an overpass in? Mr. Board:nan said pedestrian flow is presently be�.ng considered. Lee HoucIc asked if the City had allowed for bike space? Jerry Boardman said they have s�t up for a sidewalk pedestrian and bikeway system. It could probably be channelized for bikes on one side, pedestrians on the other side. Dennis Schneider referred to the map of bicycle accidents and asked what percent of those bikes were licensed? Mr. Board.nan said it was prababZy about 10%. Mr. Boardman said there is a City Ordinance which requires that bikes be licensed, the fee is $1 fox the li�e of the bicycle. The license stays with the bike so if the bike is sold it belongs to the new owner. The main objective of licensing is theft. Mr. Boardman said this topic will be discussed under education, in the enforcement of existing laws. The Committee would be in fa�ror of both bik� lice:�sing and enforcemzn� of regulations. Mr. Moen asked if they had a good idea wherz these other community trails are going to enter into Fridley? Mr. Boardman said he had just received a plan from Coon Rapids and there is no extension from Coon Rapids to Fridley at this tim�. Mr. Boardman said he had recently received a letter from �ISP stating that it was alright if the City used their easements. The City must receive the property owner's approval also. Mr. Moen astced if they must receive resident agr2�nent on bikeways that are put throug(: re.si.dential areas. Mr. Boardman said this would have to be done if any bike paths were put on private property. Mr. Moen said there will probably t�e an increase in bicycle density with the encouragement of bicycling and change in the economic system. Mr. Moen asked if there were any figures yet for the bikeway system. He thought the sooner they � r I � Page 3 ' began, it would be more beneficial because of rising costs. Mr. Boardman said the most accurate figures will be the City wide total figures. Any figures they came up with, an additional 15% increase was added onto the cost per year. ' � � ' Jerry Boardman said during the analysis section, it would be a good idea for the Committee to review the state and local regulations. Mr, Moen hoped the meetings would be wa11 attended in the future. Replacements should be made if som�� of the m�mbers are not interes�ed in serving on the Gommittee. He would like to get all the information gathered so they may begin a close study of the data. AD JOURNMENT Mr, Moen declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting is Wednesday, Qctober 16. Respect�ully submitted, ' � C%�I.• /�-�i -i'l�-� -� :�,��..% � �ecord.�� g. Secretary � � � � ' ' � _J ' � I ' ' NOR:2E, INC . 7515 Wayzata Blvd. Suiee 133 St. Louis PGr, MN 55426 October 17, 1974 r City of �ridley 6431 University i�ti. Fridley, M:3 55432 i.e: 21�-57th Ave. 1�E Gentlemen:. We ask you to gzve us a buildi.ng permit tc� refurbish the above residential d�aelliri�:, at the a��ove 2isted adciress. Yesterday after a discussion with r:r. �7ervin fiermann, your tax assessor, we found that the amount of dollars that we are goin� to spend on the property at the aoove listed address was only about 42% of the value. T�Je also state that we are not aslci_n� for a certificate of occupancy until such t:im� that the house is brought to code. tde will folloco all bufldina codes. Hence, ��e are herecaith makino an application for you to issue us a bui'_di.nL nermi.t so that we can imnro��e th� nro�erty and help you knock out inconsistency in your nei`h�orhood. Very truly yours, :�o:k;�, x�ac . � . ,' �'l.J�e��`-'��, Norton ;tiefi ;;��i, a-„�,,:? � p�=t= � a�t _ � �� I..aG4�� it, E�'t � w, i� ,�'0 '�`Ft� G� ro u�,�c �, s.0 � Is �4� caov .�� � � I 1� G E O R G E M. H A N S E N C O M P A N Y Cestified Public Accounlarrts 178 SOU7N PLAZA BUILDING WAYZATA BOULEVARD A7 HIGHWAY 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 546•2566 / October 17, 1974 Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Qureshi: Under the terms of our professional liability irtsurance coverage, CPA's are now required to indicate the scope of their engagement in a letter to their client. CPA's are also required to indicate that the CPA's examination of financial statements, ordinarily for the purpose of indicating that the statements are fairly presented, will not necessarily discover fraud or defaZcation, although the application of generally accepted auditing procedures may uncover such situations. Accordingly, we are now required to send you the enclosed letter and ask that one copy be signed and returned to us. We believe it serves a good purpose in better acquainting you with the scope of the work performed by your auditors. Very truly yours, �. � � � �� ' ✓ i " J. Gregory �rphy, Partner JGM:baf Enclosure � � llA I G E D R G E M. H A N 5 E N C❑ M P A N Y Cerlified Public Accountants 17'S SOUTH PLAZA BUILDING WAYZATA BOULEVARD AT HIGHWAY 100 � MINNEAPQLIS. MtNNE50TA 55418 548•2589 l � October 17, 1974 � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E, Fridley, Minnesota 55421 _ GenLlemen: We are currentl_y planning our fali and winter work program and would appreciate an indication that we may be invited to conduct the 1974 audit of the City as we have in past years. We propose to conduct a l�mited general audit and issue our opinion on the basis of such an audit. A limited general audit is an examination which consists of a review of internal control, accounting procedures and of the details of aIl records, including subsidiary records and supporCing data as to mathemaCical ac- curacy, prapriety and completeness of all transactions on a test basis. The test examination presumes that the items selected are representative o£ all the transactions. Although a limited general audit is the one most frequently used today, it will noC necessarily discover fraud or defalcation. However, should fraud or defal- cation exist, i�t may be uncovered as �hs result of one or more of the procedures applied on a tes� basis. ' As in previous years, we plan ta da as much work before the year end as possible so that we may present our report at an early date. We have enjoyed our relationship with the City duri.ng the past years and hope that we may be allowed to conduct the 1974 audit. � Very trulq youxs, ��� �.���. ""�- JGM:gmd v' J. Gregor`��yyYMurphy, Partner Accepted by the City of Title Date i, DISCt1SSIQN OF WHETNER THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY SHOULD REQUIRE BIDS - TOWING CONTRACT (Note: It has been the City Council policy to go out for bids on the towing contract. However, the City Attorney advises this is not a legal requirement, and the City Council may or may not require bids on a towing contract. � Shorty's Tow�ng is disatisfied with the present rate and wauld like a new contract. The present contract � � expired Sepiember 15, 1974, however, the contract continues in force unless one of the parties notifies � the other they wish to cancel the contract. ' ' , � � , �J CITY OF FRIDLEY M E P�10 R A N D U M 0 T0: NASIM M. QURESNI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM; MAR1lIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT; BUDGET FOR PENSION COSTS DATE: OCTOBER 17, 1974 In order to get a better picture of what each program and department of the City costs, pension costs are being charged directly to the program and department rather than to the oension funds, when the 1974 Sudget was adopted, the budget did r�ot contemplate this and a separate budget was set up for pensions. The attached resolution would co��solidate the p�nsion fund budgets with the General �und budget. � � RESOLUTION N0. 1974 � A I , �_ � � A RESOLUTION TRA��SFERRIPdG BUDGET FROM THE P.E.R.A. FUND TO THE GENERAL FUtiD AND FROM THE POLICE PENSION FUND TO THE GEPJERAL FUND, AND AUTNORIZING THE ROUTING OF ALL REVENllES AND E�PENDITURES FOR TIiE P,E.R.A. AND POLICE RELIEF FUND THROUGI{ THE GENERF,L FUND WHEREAS, The cost of retirement benefits for the year 1974 was budgeted in the P.E.R,A. Fund and Police Pension Fund, and WHERE.AS, These expenses are now being charged to the individual departments of the General Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 6y the City Counci7 of the City of Fridley meeting at a regular session on the 21st day of October, 1974, as follows: 1. That the revenues and appropriations of the following funds be reduced as follo���s; P.E.R.A. FUND POLICE PENSION FUND ES7IMATED REIIENUE $99,777.00 $96,209.Q0 APPROPRIA7IONS $99,777.00 $96,209.00 2. That the budget of the General Fund be increase� as follows: � Taxes � Interest Transfer of Surplus Insurance Refund � � � ESTIMATED REVENUE $168,186. 00 800.00 5 ,000. 00 22,UOO.QO 195,986.00 APPROPRIATIONS City Council City Manager Finance Building and Grounds Police Fire Civil Defense Engineering, Planning and and [3uilding Inspection Public Works Sanitation and Health Parks, Recreation and Band $ 219.00 7,254.00 11,804.00 2,125.00 106,187.00 9,868.00 988.00 16,543.00 21,941.00 1,057.G0 18,000.00 195,986.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all revenues and all expenditures for retirement, exvept for Volunteer Firemen for the year 1974 shall be routed through ihe General Fund, including any receipts and disbursements to date, and RESOLUTION N0. 1974 8E IT FURTHER RESOLIIED, That the P.E.R.A. Fund and the Police Pension Fund be closed into the General Fund. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1974• P�AYOR - FRANK G. LIEQL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARViN C. BRUNSELL �e � � RESOLUTION N0. � I r A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT OF MAINTENANCE COSTS TO METRUPOLTTAN SEWER BOARD WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley has by Resolution Number 72-1973 ordered and approved final plans for the construction of Sanitary Sewer In�provement Project #11.3 for instal- lation of a relief sewer within the City; and WHEREAS, the finai plans concur with the City of �'ridley Comprehensive Sewer Plan which has been approved by the Metropolitan Sewer Board; and WHEREAS, the final plans ca]1 for the connection of the new sewer line into an existing Metropolitan Sewer Board interceptor. NO��, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley will reimburse the Metropolitan Sewer Board for any additional maintenance costs over and above the normal maintenance operation which might be occasioned by this connection into the ex�sting interceptor; the possible additional maintenance costs being defined as the labor, material and equipment required to shut down the forc� main to divert sewage flow and the removal and replacement of the inside drop pip�ng in order to perform the maintenance on the existing interceptor through the manhole where the connection takes place. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY ThE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ATTEST: DAY OF CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRl1NSELL , 1974. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL 14 � � 0 RESOLU'�'ION N0. RESOLU"TION ORDERING Ih1PROVEME?�IT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFI- � CATIONS AND ESTI;NATES OP COSTS THEI�EOF: 1VATF.R, SANITARY SEtiVER AND STORii SE�VER Ih1PROVEMENT PROJECT #116, ADDENDUM #1 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 103-1974 adopted on the �th day of Oct., 1974 by the City Council, set the date for hearing on tiie proposed improvements, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and i 1.� J ,_ WEiEREAS, a11 of the property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and publisfied notice of the Council Iiearing through two (2) tivee'�ly publications of the required notice, and the hearing was tield and the property owners heard thereon at the hearing as noted in the said notice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESDLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, blinnesota as follows: 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 103-1974 �e hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon .as reasonably possible,to wit: . Water, Sanitary Sewer, I�lains and Laterals and Service Connections, Storm Sewer and Drainage Facilities and Related Appurtenances; to serve the followxng properties: ` Rice Creek Estates and Rice Creek Estates 2nd Addition, bounded by Rice Creek Road, 61st Avenue N.E. and that portion west of Benjamin Street N.E. Z. That work to Ue performed under this project :��ay be perfoxm°d under one or more contracts as may be deemed advisabic� upon .receipt of bids. 3. That the Public bVorks Dir., Richard Sobiech � the City's Consultin� � Engineers are hereby desi�nated as tiie �ngir.eers for tnis improvem�n��_. They shall prepare final pZans and specifications for the making of such improvement. i � I � I � ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'f-IE CITY OF FKIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 197 4. MAYOR - FFtANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - r�IARVIN C. BRUNSF:LL ! r I ' '' '' hS E M 0 ' T0: Mr. Nas im Qu resh i, C i ty t�lanage r and , Fridley City Council FROM; Gordon J. Middag, Purchasing D.epartment ' DATE: October 16, 19%4 ' Sl1BJECT: Bid opening for Cold Storage Suilding ti•�.i...+�..�.�...._.�-..... . . ' . J /-S^ "'� ' The bids for the coid storage building were opened at 11;30 a.m, on October 16, 1974, tt is recommended that the City Council accept the bids as opened ar�d recommend.the awarding of the bid to �ester Engineerirtg Building Systems. ' , The bids were received as fallows; ' COST BIDDER BONDING BLDG OF ' AA�iE COMPANY S IZE � BLQG Lester Enyineering Certified Ck 36' x 60' $12,6$0.00 Building System 5% of bid ' Lester Praire, Mn $634.00 Metro Meta1 Inc Bid o�F Bond 32� x 62'$�� $13,955.00 . ,�p�s, of 5% (THtS BtD DOES Fin United Pacifi� N07 MEET SPECl�ICATiO�:S) Insurance Co ' CflhiPLET(Ot� DATE OF CONSTRUCT tON j--3o-75 90 days ' cc: Mr. Marvin Brunsell, Assistant City Manager and Finance Director ' 1 ' � ' 1 ' I � �� _ 1, , �i i:.7 i ' a , a� r_: :-. f-+ 1 U �,' U C=l ' • — � U � ri M � ,C ' C Cd � � O � � r' z o � � � U � � P C=.r G d O O ~� ¢, C� R" f G-t r ' O � � `,r G.' ,� � l�� .:� r� U E : w Fa z a a �n ' . O 'i-: E-� r� � Cry _ � . � , a � �w c� o 1� � � �:� a � o; �; :� � o � � t-i H W �! U) � Q ►-! �.�-.t �Ci r- ; F-i (a r-i f:� i�7 W � H G� p C/�� o < V ��4 � o c . U t�' p ' � U � �x n� � � w ' • O � �; �l (a O 1-t U Gi ' � U' t-i ~i U=t h-t 1-1 � � , . iy i ' . � 1. 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I� � � � APPOINTMENT FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION � � � � � � i t t ! � � � ��� ��t CITIZEN BIKEWAY/WALKWAY COMMI7TEE OCTOBER 21, 1974 , TO REPLACE Mr. DaTe Hagen 7478 Nayes Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Area 8 16 � � � . � S���r��: . � ,; . _.-. .._.. �_— � �. ----- � � �� �� _ �_,. ; ._. - „_ �,,. � ' � �.,'" ..E `` t , w ' . � - � 3 � I _ •2 �' i � � �, '"' �— k . . ., + 5 i� � �� _, ' t f —J � ii ( � � •. � ' � � f \ Y� I 1 �' , .1 3 t ���d. I I � _ � • .. � � •'`� �,.. �4L•n \ ' � � �' � �I � � � ' ' 1 I I SP'���.E' � ". "'r%. . i. _ r� i; � �d��,b ',� ,1\ - j , r � .�i � .,` � I ...-- � , _ \� _ � � � <.� " � �+�'f � Y _•'i 1 � G i ' ' ~ �l �� ( / I :y .; � "' , - - "_ -w _' , � ' � , ,� '• � N I ' i; - i/ �.� � i� i - - - i - �� � 1 � , , j- i� - I _J� i�' 1 7� � J� � .�` 1 = ��, �' a � s-- - . � � �j� - _- -. wy�/- V1F-E � J ,i� _ �- .�.=i i � - _ , "� ..� �"� 1, � ia� ' � ""�. 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'.l .4..` � - , ° ...__ :: : �.: ` . � .� I .I ---- I ._ , . _� -.k'_ ... . __ ; � i� - � , •� I ` - - STREE7 titAP-CI7Y OF : � � � • �' � � 1 i� I. �' �� � :iY �...'1'a iS _ � - �;''-._-!�..�. .. ,..� ....::.:.. ..._:_..::.- .�.. __.. . „� . _ -- . . , . _ _ _ — 1 _ _ _. -- _ _ t � ?. ti 1 S n 6 16A � APPOIyTMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL CQNSENT AND APPROVAL - OCTOBER 21, 1974 NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE REPLACES Arlene Smith Clerk-Typist $475 October 22, 1974 Fauia Long 18-115th Ave. N. E. Eng. Division aer Blaine, Minn. P. W. Dept. Month li � i � i ESTIMATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - OCTQBER 21, 1974 H & S Asphalt Company 5400 Industry Avenue N. W. Anoka, Minn. 55303 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #4 for work completed and material on hand - ST. 7974-1 PARTIAL ESTIMATE #4 for work completed and material on hand - ST. 1974-2 � Comstock & Dav�s, Inc. 1440 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 , ' � �7 � $39,683.53 13,238.99 For furnishing of resident inspection and resident supervision for staking out ofi the following ������ ,. �/ construction work: ° ..�%� �y,,�C� ! ��� Sanitary Sewer & Water Improvement Project #115 � 845.33 from September 2 through September 27, 1974 ��a� �� `��...__� ". : _ Sani tary Sewer, W a t e r a n d S t o r m S E w e r I m p r o v e m e n t—� �'l ���� P r o j e c t N o. � 1 4 f r o m S e p t e m b er 2 throu gh Se pi. 27, 1974 , 251.97 _,_ ___.d,_.._._ .,..�._,..�_ _ _. .. , Sanitary Sew�r Improvement Project No. 113 �°om -�� September 2 through September 27, 1974 �.��-��-�.t� ���" �� 222.86 � Peter Lametti Construction 615 Drake Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � �t �� �� � PARTIAL ESTIMATE #1 for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 113 (Centrai Avenue Relief Sewer) (�C,' . r G�/��� �G"�� � r �, � ��,� �;��� � � ,�s� 3 40,856.40 _ . ; , , , , �- � LAW OFFICES WEAVER, TALLE & HERR(CK ' CHARLES R, WEAVER 316EASTMAINSTREE? HERMAN L. TALLE ANOKA,MINNESOTA55303 VIRG1� C. HERRICK � � ROBERT MUNNS 427�5413 II JAMES D. G16B5 � � . i ' WtLL1AM K. GOODRICH � THOMAS A. GEDDE October � 7, 1974 � JBFFREY P. HICKEN VCH I ' � ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ' ' September Retainer: $1,000.00 I, Council Meetings 11-1/Z hours Meetings wifih Staff: 2 hours , Conferences with Staff: 6 hours Citizens Inquiries: 1 hour Legal Research and Memos: 9-1/2 hours Kjeliberg vs. Frid�ey: 4-1/2 hours , City Charter Commission: 5 hours 39-1/2 hours ' Hours in excess of 30 @$35.00 per hout^ $ 332.50 Secretarial Allowance: $ 't00,00 ' �XPENSES ADyANCED: Quiet T1tle Act�an re WZ]1 �. Hoffman et al . Cler[c of District Court $ 18.00 ' Register of Deeds 3.00 Washing(on County Sheriff 8.50 TOT,A�.: �1 ,46� .� � , � .- • ' � . ' . � .- � � � � � . ' ..� ., - •� . . , � . _ . . - � � 'e . . . .- • � - •. . . ' . , .. . � , . , LIST OF LICENSES TO BE APPROVED QY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE �1EETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1974 � TYPE OF LICEP�SE CIGARETTE Edina Oil Company 6101 University Av�nue Fridley Fridley Food P�iarket 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue FOOD ESTf�BL I SHMENT Club 47 6061 University Avenue Fri dley Food P�1arlcet 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue Shaddrick-Labeau Legion 1315 Rice Creek Road OFF SALE E3EER Fri dl ey Food Plarket 8154 East River Road Russ's Superette 6253 University Avenue SERVICE STATION Edina Oil Company 6101 University Avenue SOLICITOR Grarari unis Fishe,r canned nuts BY �dina Oil Campany Paul Beecroft Peter J. Arkins Alyce Simonson Paui Qeecroft Peter J. Arkins Leonard G. Noffmann Paul Beecroft Peter J. �rkins Edina Oil Company One 4�Jor1 d Crusade Unification Church Jerome Chiidress Cub Scout Pack 7T4 Kenneth Hall Elem. Sch. Spring Lake Park 4layne Eri ckson (Cubmaster) APPROVED SY Public Safety Director � Public Safety Director Pub7ic Safety Director Health Inspector Nealth Inspector Health Inspector Hea7th Inspector Public Safety Director Public Safety Director Building Inspector Deputy Fire Chief FEE $ 12.00 12.00 12.00 16.72 Pro-rated 14.63 Pro-rated 14.63 Pro-rated 25.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 Lieutenant Howard Rick Non-profit Lieutenant Howard Rick Non-profit ' � CONTRACTOR'S LICENSEa TO BE APPRO�TED BX COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING ON OCTO�ER 21, 1974 EXCAVATING APPROVED BY Webster Company, Inc. 845 Edgerton Street St. Paul, Minn. 55101 By: A. N. Webster C. Belisle GAS SERVICES Controlled Air Corporation 3008 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn. 55408 By: Gerald Christie W. Sandin Quality Heating & Air Conditioning Co. 3035 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn. 5540i3 By: Walter Buchman W. Sandin GENERAL CONTRACTOR Crandall Bros. Construction 3933 Douqlas Drive . Crystal, Mne 55422 By: .7ames H. Crandall C. Belisle Osborne Construction 7565 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 By: Warren Osborne C. Belisle Royal Aluminum Products Inc. • 526 - 6th Avenue North Minneapolis, Mn. 55411 By: Max Ostraw C. Belisl.e Russ Scott Construction 1055 - 93rd Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 By: Russell Scott C. Belisle HEATING Allied Nletalcraft Company 1750 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, Mn. By: James McCarthy C. Belisle Bostrom Sheet Metal Works, Inc. 785 Curfew St. Yaul, Mn. 55114 By: A. H. Pavlicek W. Sandin Hokanson Plumbing Inc. � 13146 Taylor Street N.E. Blaine, Mn. 55434 By: Roger Hokanson W. Sandin Nielsen Sheet Metal 395 - 27th �lvenue N.E. Mxnneapolis, Mn. 55418 By: William Nielsen W. Sandin Palen/Kimball Company 2505 University Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55114 By: G. Richard Palen W. Sandin Licenses For Counczl Page 2 Quality Heating & Air Conditioning Co, 3035 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn. 55408 By: Walter Buchman r W. Sandin '• � - � �I 2� C '�1 TII'LL DWELLING LICisNSES TO I�� APYROVED: � _ 1 1974 Co September 1, 1975 II � Period Sept�mbcr , . I� �k'NER AbDItESS UNITS FEL' APPROVED BY: � I�. � Douglas Investments 5980 - 2nd St. N.E. 4 $15.00 R. D. Aldzich, , Doug1as K. Jones Fire Prev. 2505 Silver Lane N.E. , , � Mpls, Mn. 55421 Peter J. Neururer 390 - 57th Place N.E. 4 15.00 R. D. Aldrich, Fire Prev. ,7125 Jersey Ave. No. Mpls, Mn. 55428 Elbert Staples 321 - 79th Way N.E. 4 15.00 R. D. Aldrich, � 1716 E. 58th St. � Fire Prev. Mp1s, Mn. 55417 , , . � � � � i �� �! '�1 . '1 �, 1 � �1 1 �113J�GT i-� ��E��` ��� ',`�'c``���� 4,� �+� AT �ki 7QP OP Tt:G 7�FING r-�- � , . � � �- -�•� � C,O�dC�:il'9IYY C%_Y�2lGyc�C;M,T GIN. � 1 ' � FROYi:f.Tlt'" �i:r;:CF1U!� C.:`r`P. � � �._.� ' CIY�Y �; :Ll. F;:t:?L�Y G��::�a F�pira�ion Date: HOUSE Tf�AILER �PPLICATION ... �. _..�� 1 � 1 4...._l�.,r ��� c!2-�;_�,:�4'�Q _,::s�i _v. D.'.5'e ._._;e G� c�ra�;ov�o.aY .�� A. � B. � (. 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Pesiod af `�i:��r i`-�s�.ie:� is �a b�� St�oa�r�ct o� C3cr.upi.�cz: T, �� /UU L%�, I 5 `� � : ' ' /� j,) s e a A. �1', i: ::1 �.:.'i: :� � w. �m ?,) tii iS_i �iL?'F �? rl w. rr.,3� i�__ �� ti��+,�,..,.,,'`. �U ,t,) Gr'Lrt u �� l:v NU n..r r S��;SZS;i�t��c� oa: f�c;;vin��i���; ?-�;.c,�:��} C�t,�i�e�°s G*'�,n�i.r_; l.pi�xovrl: �C�i.ctil0?2 6.r*'. !7`c^:��.f:� Qii }"':Or0ECt1 �'""G�CS,'��.;",�:�7 ti;.:ic:d':'i �'ZUi. a°.l.i,il of I'�op�;�y�: � �> U� fL.,_ ��..,,.L_ �� NU: S S_..._! �_..c_ .P ra � c� �J____ `'�.�,�' �` E:r.cc:r ^ �`� ^ � .� i � uo :>.^. C�Lcttni �''�_« `I�i ".4. iw : y� �.. ?�..1�i�'A.G>�1:` '`al{ t� 3�` �T �:_'€'Tl r,,J,?-t-S ,_ L i1E:'..' kc r.� TaiiI1C� i'::'7I1C.`°. . � �7 �� , , � n u- ' �: o�� 7. �. q�• i>k �- n. r- o�� � o �M r �tn t3 � rz S 2 r't�a..� ,�a l�..r;�:.� a cc., �,a�.�, . . 3, Fricil�.�i.es r'a,: 5�:.•r,�;e J):��pc.aJ.: j�l;�r.;� �.i2d. i�l�cti-icitq: !UC� i1�3 appll.c.,:S:1QT1� t�hc.i p;�cecsxi�ect. to ttac �i��y Counci.l. :linll sriow th� �ecomz-n�n<Ir��:ion af: the �,���nin� «c:�in��:i,i-c�t;ox F.xic�l/or F,uiluii;U I�;se�c�o� . p'.t:.�crc: fizzci atLt�c�:;�d cliccl; i.n tI�Q �mount o� $7.50 £ox parltit5s�, $2 �.QO �ox accujJy���F> 4. ;iou�c };x�.:ll�r. . ��' v�7""T%k' H tl b (—(�,'Tr YL l�ppt�.c���t D�ot a��^'y � � G? u c�'S i � �-� �4 � �►r� �� r , t-v � � u,r:,1�p � , � pi,p���vect liy; ��tecr.i�� �10, Liccn�� Nu, � � 9 _� ' , I � � �A `�'CZ Ac;z S ,-----� � i 1 � ;� � ' �� �.� � � a�;�, ./� �� �� � _ _ _ ___ _ _ . �. : ��� �== "��. �.� �, _ _ _ __ _ _ /�, ~�/����-�, ���-fi�,��v�- ,!-1��.��/2_ � ic-���L �, �,/ �i � , � ; �� � � � �.��.� �-�-- _ _ ���r��" � � ���t�. ,���y��3-,� X �c� � ;�� _ . 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It calls att�ntion �� �he i:rer;�.endous co;�trib��t�or, r�ade �y ti�e r,onpublic schools for the quali��� eciuca�i.i�n provi�.'�a r�any ,�u��dre{.�s o�' you�� citiz�ns in the Colum�ia 'r�ci�+i��:s ar2a. i��e funds ��rivc:' ���r���7 tf7ra :;"�„i�.ii��;j�' :�eip, i�i a sn;a17 ��:a�, to defray ti�e expe►ises associa�ec� ��+i �i� e;�r co;��i►��inn eY�rc-ise of a�rcedon of ci�oice in ���e eciucatiar� or our cl�il�fi�ef7. �'��rt{i�rr:ore� let us noi. ovcrlco`: ti�c� �p�ort.unit1� for �he .;`."F,i1;C�4E�'S tio si�at,�� i�l �a cnr�,r;,a�� e;for�-°�:aii:it��, t�iE:in4, j���gi��9 or running, t�;orkir;cr tac�c��i;��^r--a;�d ex���riec�c ���a and d�n:nn.s�ci,�iii�c� ccr,;�t�nity. ._ . 7}le :`,':?(1�!'li0� 1 i s t.o ��e fur� �:t!i: ��urp�seful ac �i v i iy cov`ri �,n 1 C r,i 1 es . T�e cor�mi ttee has selected a saf� rou�ce. �njoy yn�;rse1 � ti�i���, your farii?y anu i'rier.ds. ihe Colur�:bi,a �ieiq�li.s rout` t,c�,;ns �t �f7�;i �rcl �luincy. �:ri�,� y�ur rjlec�,e card to ��►is sf�arii:,g �oir�� ;;� `�avc it va�iJatn:l. i��e rr�u���: ;;i�4n co���3na�s up �+�J�ti� f;ve. t0 _.._ ., tii:�l ��. °__ .:[j.-i:i4 i�V�i1U2 °-- /L`�1 ,�iL. -._~.. - .�lSS7SS1�(71 $L. _.._-- __ �, ,_. . ,. lran �urer� _�_._.. � Caro�� u�''iVF •-----=,= i�C?Ot°e L�I;e Lrive --�--- 7�t;� 5t. ----° �tOth .._� _- �,ainc�. �,��c': h�ir��s a►°�: �th a�c1 �n.-i;i�: ":venuc�; ��rd an�l 7;`�i St.; :•�ississinpi ar�d��lan �3ur��n°; �3rd ancl 7�t�� Si:.; �'.�,�t4z �:�ri 7��� St.; and ?-�;t� anra (?uinc��. If you c�o IIQt Cc.Y'F'_ �0 LY'c V;?i ��'..�' E?Y?��i!"P. Y'bU�B, tUl";3 lY? ;rOUi S�l''cF�� d� t�91j� Cllc^.-.C�C }3C1t1'C c��51Cj j�OU ';:1 � � �� �1 V�ti Ct'�Gl � i C)7' Lii� S�`�:Cl �i i �Ci FlUi':JC'?" 0� �:?i � P.$. �d}"'�1 C1 �a11f:5 ii2dV r,e�i.race �ile 1"�G�C c�. Sf'CO!1C�. OY' '�Yl�l:^C; �l!;;f.'9 ii0bVE1(�'t"y �CJU. SilOU�c� .C��EC�: 1� c:�a1Cl �� 4�ii1 dnC� QU1tiC��, , t:�. � . . . . _ . ., . . �'�L� l.?1�1 �1��.� �l c!1"�iilti Q;�f�t�l�lq G?��� Y"i}il;;�p Cti��lilr C°1"QlP,Gn`.' i3t� t�14 illd`,�OY' c1F�L`1 �1�5 COlf�1C1� � ' t� :�n ,•, �,� +?�.- 3q� be��s:���� i':J�� '.. r�d 3'n0 Q. at 1;:�� A.�;. ;�� ��� i�, par�t�cin�-�ni� ��:. y c��:c�. �- ,. �i. a .� ;i. on Sa�curcay, Oui:o��r ?�:;�la. . . . � (�ll n;onies plc:c�c;nci t�rn -�o b� Lu�°7e�j ov�r Ly t��� ��ar-tici;�ai��s c';r���iy io Ir;r��culate COT1CCr}'Ci0i1 cCiiC'i,�. lilt? 5i.UC•:�'ll':,5, i"riCUl�:`J� �•�'iiil�7uS uil{; 1`�,Y;'lf'IiC�S t:el`' If.":iP,lCll�c�?'i.' Conce��tio,� Sc;�;�� �� r�= �i {�vi �t<�r� to r��rti ci na �:� .:.'� � V�o�:� �rarjy t.�U � r�ss�s ancl ; ndi v� dua� s ��!ill s;�o��sor ���is �:�uau. , , Yau ;�a�� oic,� i.�� �?lec!r��� c<<�c's �i: t}�n sc���o� o�=f�:.� cr at �t,'�e ��c,c a� c�rt+rc'rt after r��ss �OU�d�/. FC1^ ;i;OT'� 191T!?t'i�;a�7.riil C�� �i � � 7;;�. -�i� �.�i C1� 7vi�°�i)��:1. � . _. � TItC' �Y'��c �JIl7 �;L ;'�:•�lC" s+�±l;�'t,��,�� �s7+_: 1i1^S�`L c^zlC�'�'i!� J° �;Vcl���'�2 �L �'r�Cfl Cil�'C�:�OIi���. S��ci�� i",,:��f;�:�i' ;.:�,r°� �:•ill ���so trUv°1 �,;�� rnut=� ifz cas� o-i� ri�,e�ra4�,cy. r.mple parkinq space �i s a��a i i a:�� � a � t��� ci�er:!;� i�� ci�ec':�o i�n�� «-� 1;���'c�� ar�i �<<i ���y. '' Ili��1?dCU�c'L"C? �,Oiirt')"i,'i0�1 SCi100� 1S Sc'.,Vlil(j Gi1F? COf�il{�i�Glil {iC'iC',:I�S. ±::Xr)1;'�Y' �3�)`2��1i�.`iG (7�US t;�e �!!ai��cn�•,�ce n� our �c��oo.l ����iidi���� �?r��i }�rcm��;�s. Ti�is su;�� cioes .;Oi include thc tax re��at�:. If tf�e' ta;: rc�,��L^ sl�ould r� il ����e�� f:�l�_ S�ltUi:T1GS n� I��r��cula�e !lould save , t��c taxpa��r o� �Colum'�ia l!ei;fri,s a total �f arnroxi��a��7y ;50C,�;�'�,.�;10 � � � r�,� ���,1���arliCi! no�s on rerardless af tr�e �.�e���`��r conc,itior�. The i�ain Clause: If it rains, 1 r��le - 3 r.�il�s. Ex�enses f�r t:?e ;��'�•".-'1CN(�`: a;�� beir;c� 11i1UEt^ttl^�tt1��Y1 i��•� con�ril�u�cions fro� inclividu�ls anu orr�ani�ai:ior�s of �hc T�.�i�i Ci �ies. �,.- % �