11/04/1974 - 5767PATRICIA RANSTROM COUNCIL SECRETARY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 1974 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL — REGULAR h1EETING —��OVEMBER �, 1974 — 7:30 P,f�l, 7:29 P.f�1. PL�DGE OF ALLEGIAVCE: �iven INVOCATION: ROLL CA! L : By Mayor Liebl All present APPROVAL OF MINUTES: PUBLI C iiEAR I PdG �IEET I NG, SEPTEMBER �.6, 1974 Adopted as presented REGULAR COUhdC I L ��EETI NG, SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 Adopted as presented SPECIAL COIJNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER Zg, 1974 Adopted as presented REGULAR �OUNCIL MEETING, �CTOBER �, 1974 Adopted as presented ADOPTIOfd OF AGENDA: Adopted a� presented 'JISITORS: CO�iSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA — 15 MINUTES ' Mr. N7cholas Garaffa, 6549 Anoka Street: request for some action concerning vandalism of eleczion signs. ' Mr. Dean Caldwell, 5874 flackmann, concern about campaign rumors ' I� REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1974 PAGE 2 PROCLAP1AT I ON : "iiELf' YOUNG AMER I CA `"1�EK�� — I�OVEM3ER 17-23, 1974 �� �.� 1 Adopted. NE�! BUS I NESS : REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION REGARDING DEVELOPMEf�T IN BURLINGTON NORTHERN PROPERTY, 43RD AND EAST RIYER ROAD �REQUEST BY HENRY ZIMMER)� � � � � � . � � � Z — Z A Property owners to submit claims to Railroad with copies being given to City. Landscaping p�an and lighting to be worked on with ne�ghborhood. ' CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY TRI—CO BtJILDERS, INC� ' TO REDUCE THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS i AND Z, B�acK 5, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION � � � � � � � � � . 3 — 3 D t Council action was to recommend the County waive the taxes and penalties, but special assessn�ents were to rema�n the same. CONSIDERATION OF EXTERTOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN, ' REQUEST BY FRANK� S NURSERY � . � � � � � � . � � � � � 4 Plan approved, but landscaping plan to be reviewed by Building Standards � Design Control Subcommittee. i ' � � �.. �� ' ' REGULAR NitETI�1G, PJOVE.hiBER �, 197� NEW BUSIi�ESS (CO�vTINU��) RECE I VI RG THE �`�lI nUiCS OF �`HE PLAN�1 I NG ��MM I SS 1 ON �1EE-rir�c o� Oc-r��F�, 2�� 1974e , e E , . . . . . , , . , 1. Vaca-���on! Rcc�u�s-r, S�i� #74—�4, JERRY GUIMONT Approved. Minutes Received. PAGE 3 5-5G RECEIVING THE MINUTES C7F THE BUIL�ING STANDARDS — DESI GN �.ONTF�OL MEETI NG �F OCTOBER Z�, 1974 � � � � < < � 6 ' i � 1� NEW BUtLDING: GTE SYLVANIA, INC� Approved de?eting st�pulatior #1 as recommended by Bui7ding Star�dards Design Contro� Subcommittee. R�CEIVING TNE MINUTES OF THE �iUMAN RELATIONS �iEETING OF QCTOB�R 1%, 1974 A�lD RECEIti�iNG P�TIiION REQUESTING ThiE STATE MAf�POWER SERVICES Ti� FRTDLEY BE EXPAf�DED TO INCLliPt AN FMPLUYMrNT �QUNSELING SERVICE FOR �Of�{EN � � � � � � � � % ' 7 K Minu�es Receive�i. Petition #21 -1974 received. Adrninistration directed to research a���d ��aork w�th Human Relations Committee �o set up machinery on who would wor�< for who, determine the methods and training invo�ved in the counseling, deterr�ine the needs of� a phy�ical facility and report back to the Council in December, .�,�,.�. ,� � I ' , REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1974 NEW BU�IIVESS (CO��TI�dUED) PAGE 4 RECE I YI N� TNE MI fNllT�S OF ThE PARKS A�tD RECREAT I ON �OMMISSION �'�EETING OF �CTOBER 29, 1974 � � � � ��� � � � $ Minutes Received. , RECEIVING Tt-�E MINl7TES OF THE CITIZEN BIKEWAY COMM I TTEE MEET I NG OF OCl'OBER �.6, �.g7� ���..�.�� 9- g B Minutes Received. ' � , �CONSIDERATIOi� OF APPROVAL OF STOP SIGN INSTALLATION ON STH STREET AT 6�RD AVENUE � � � � � � � � � � � . � IO � , Approved with continuing study for possible alterations. CONSIDERATI�DN OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COS7S THEREOF: STftEET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST, 1975-1 AND ST, 1975-2 (��SAS), , , , , . , , , . , 11 — 11 A Resolution ivo. 123-1974 adopted. Petition ;�23-1974 received favoring the improvement of Baker Street. Petition #22-1974 received, opposing the improvement of 70th Way from Eas�; River Road to Hickory. Capital Street and 7pth Way deleted from improve�nent at this time. �.. _� i ' � REGULAR MEETING, NOUEf�BER 4, 1974 PAGE 5 ' ' i�EW BUSINESS (CONTINU�D) , CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTI0�1 DELETING CERTAIN STREETS FROM THE PROPOSED �.9%5 STREET IMPROVEMENT ' PROJECT ST� I9%S-1 AND ORDERING THESE STREETS TO BE IMPROVED I N THE Y�aR 1978 � � . � � � . ► . . . � � 12 ' Resolution #124-1974 adopted deleting Capi�;al Street and 70th Way from East River Road to Hickory Drive. 1 � � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND �RDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SS&SW #116 ����, 13 - 13 A ' Resolution #125-1974 adopted. , r � r�LAIMS ...................... .�4 � Approved. � LICENSES� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � IS ' Approved. ' - � I � �� __ ----- --- __ � ___ _ __ . REGULAR MEETING, NQVEPIBER 4, 197� NEW BUS I PdESS (COPJTI f��ED) EST I MATES � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � . � � � � � Approved. PAGE 6 16-16E CQNSIDEPATTON 0� SETTING A McETING L�ATE FOR THE NOVEMBER �, I9%4 GENERAL ELEC,TION STA?"EMENT OF Ca�vvASS,,.,,,,.,,,�,,..,,,,�,,, 17 0 Meeting date set for Thursday, Navember 7, 6:00 P,M, DISCUSSION REGARDING FINDINGS OF FAGT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER, KJELLBERG VS CITY OF FRIDLEY� �..� 1� Council action u�us to pay claim. DISCUSSION REGARDING SETTLEMENT OF OFF—SALE LIQUOR STORE L�as�, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � . . , . , � , 19 — 19 B Approved as recommended by Administration, R�GUL.AR M�ETING, �JOVEMBER 4, 1974 COMMUNICATIONS: PAGE 7 ST� PAUL CITY ATTCRiVEY: NSP P�o�osFD INCREASE� �� �. 2O — 2O A Received. ADJOURN: �0:02 P.r�. � �.�, � 154 . THE MINU7ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of November 4, 1974 was called to order at 7:29 P.M. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: � , Mayor Liebl led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCA7ION: Mayor Liebl offered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT:. Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, and Councilman Breider. � MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MTNUTES: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Counol of September 16, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1974: MOTION by Counciman Starwalt to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council as presented. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1974: ' MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the minutes of the SpeciaT Meeting of the Frid]ey City Cauncil of September 28, 1974 as pre sented. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Liebl.declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7,_1974: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 7, 1974 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl mentioned that two petitions had been presented for the Council to receive at the present meeting, but being these concerned the Street Improvement Projects that did appear on the agenda, they would be received at that time without adding an agenda item. • MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousiy. VISITORS: MR. NICHOLAS GARAFFA, 6549 ANOKA STREET: CONCERN ABOUT CAMPAIGN VANDALISM: Mr. Garaffa addressed the Council and expressed his concern about the vandalism to campaign signs in the City. Councilman Breider questioned the City Attorney on this point as a legal question. Councilman Breider mentioned during campaigns, he had always placed his signs out and kept at least 50� of the amount in reserve because of such activity. , i �I i ; � I ;s i` .� ; � i i i � 0 I�� 15.5 . REGULAR COUNCIL Mff?ING OF NOVEhIBER 4, 1974 PA6E 2 I � The City Attorney said this is destruction of private property and this should be '; dealt with by the Poli Department or Prosecutor. He stated this would be ; trespass and destruction of private property. ( Mrs. Pat Brennen, 6717 7th St., said whe had written a letter to the Sun. She , recalled that she had hearb sane men talking below her bedroom window at 2:00 A.M. and then saw them drive off. She said this had not allowed hertn sleep well since this time and she felt that this was a matter of sheer terror and fear. PROCLAMATION: "HELP YOUNG AME(�A WEEK" - NOVEMBER 17 - 23, 1974: Mayor Liebl called on Councilman Utter to read the Proclamation. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the Proclamation, "Help Young America Week", November 17 through November 23, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice , vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RE UEST FOR DISCUSSION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT IN BURLINGTQN NORTHERN PROPERTY, 43RD D EAST RIVER ROAD RE UEST BY NENRY ZIMMER : Mayor Liebl explained he had talked to Mr. Henry Zimner and had directed Mr. Zimmer to prepare a letter to the City Council concerning this so he wouid not supersede the Ward Councilman. � Mayor Liebl read the letter as submitted by Mr. Ziimner with the four listed areas of concern. Mayor Lieb1 referred to the first area of concern, liability for the damage to the Zimmer property caused by blasting. He asked Mr. Zimmer if he had submitted any claims, or had his neighbors submitted any claims. Mr. Zimmer said he had not submitted a claim, but there were cracks in the plaster and stucco. Ne said he had ' talked to a representative of the railroad who had indicated the damage had been done by settling of the house. The City Attorney advised the resident that he should initially talk to the railroad and submit this claim. He further advised him that after this, the matter should be referred to the railroad's insurance company. He said if there is no action after this, the individual could file a claim n conciliation court or municipal court. Mr. Zimmer indicated that this may be from $500 to $600. The City Attorney said if the amount were $500 or under, this could be settled in conciliation court, and if more, this would have to be taken care of in municipal court. The City Attorney advised Mr. Zimmer to check with the Clerk of Municipal Court during the working hours. He further explained that each side would present their evidence and the judge would make a decision. Mayor Liebl questioned the Attorney's fees in such a case for a$500 claim. The City Attorney said this would not be true if this were conciliation court, there is only a$2 filing fee. Mayor Liebl asked if there are any others who would have such claims for damage done by the blasting. Mr. Anthony Pikus, 4036 Main Street, addressed the Council and said he lives in the same area as Mr. Zimmer and he also has damage. Mr. Pikus said he did not know the dollar amount of this damage, he could not say. Councilman Sreider questioned if there had been meetings with the people of the area and the railroad. He recalled that this had been the case and asked if the minutes could be researched to determine this. He recalled that the people of the area had come in and voiced concerns abaut the blasting and they were assured by the railroad that any claims would be taken care of. The representative of the Railroad, Mr. Donald E. 0'Leary, 176 5th, St. Paul, said the insurance company for the blasting contractor would handle such claims. He stated that it had been some time since the qmpletion of this work, and if this insurance is not in effect, the railroad insurance would take care of this. _ �. 0 I , I _�, � � � � � 1 �15f ' �j I ' � ; � , Ii I i _ � • a � I i CJ , , � ' _ CJ , ' � i� �� � ' ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 PAGE 3 Councilman Breider suggested having the Administration work with the people of the area in obtaining the estimates, and if there is no action from the railroad, they could go to court action after this. , MOTION by Councilman Breider to direct the people of the area to work with the Administration to formulate the plan for submitting the claims with copies of these claims being retained at City Hall to keep track of the action taken. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the ' motion carried unanimous]y. - ; t+layor Liebl mentioned the lighting of the area.and-asked-if it would be possible to regulate and control this so it does not shine in the homes of the area people. Mr. Pikus said when it is dark and no lights are on, he is able to walk around his house because it is lighted by the railroad lights. Mayor Liebl asked if the berm had been installed and Mr. Zimmer said it had, but the lights are higher than this and shine over it. Mayor Liebi asked if the fencing had been installed. Mr. Zimner said yes, but they would like:to have the strips installed in the fence. The City Manager said the railroad had.talked.about_sane-fencing and_strips for the fence and also some planting for this area.-_He mentioned that the landscape pTan had not been approved by the railroad at the present time, but would be done in the near future. He said ihey would be working on this pian in the spring. The Representative of the railroad assured the area residents that the landscaping would be carried through this area. He also mentioned that the flood lights are still in the construction stage and perhaps are not focused and directed properi.y at the present time. : Mayor Liebl asked Mr. 0'Leary if it would be possibl'e to have a meeting with Mr. Zimmer to enable them to reach a satisfactory conclusion to the lighting problems. Mr. 0'Leary said he would do this. i Mayor Liebl said he hoped the landscaping plan would call for the planting of trees on the berm to reduce the amount of light and noise. Mr. 0'Leary said the land- scaping plan would be brought to the City fior approval before the work is done. Mayor Liebl asked if Mr. 0'Leary would furnish a copy of the plan to the area property owners for their approval. Mr. 0'Leary said this could be done. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY TRI-CO BUILDERS, INC. CONCERNING LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 5, SPRING BROOK PARK ADDITION: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the letter from Tri-Co Bui7ders, Inc., James E. George, Treasurer dated October 30, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl questioned the Assessor on this type of action and whether or not it would conform to policy. The Assessor answered he would recommend that the special assessments not be reduced or the residents of the whole City would be able to bring up the same request. A representative of Tri-Co Builders said the letter of request had stated that the Company would pay all of the special assessments, but in the letter they had asked that the back taxes and penalties be waived. The representative said the property would be a buildable site without the additional 30 feet which is being referred to at the present time. The Assessor said this would have to be done at the County level with approval by the State. The City Attorney said there is no guarantee that this could be done by the County. He suggested the Assessor work with the County for this type of action. The Assessor . said he owuld help in anyway he could to get the taxes waived at the County level. � � �. t � 7 57 t,.. i � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 PAGE 4 Councilman Breider said he is aware that the City cannot waive the taxes, but he felt the City Council could recoirmiend that this be done by the County. He said if this is not done, there is the possibility of creating a 30 foot strip of land that would be isolated and could go tax forfeit. He thought if this is the case, the City may not obtain the monies due for the special assessments. MOTION by Councilman Nee to agree in principle to support the application to the County to waive the payment of the back taxes and penalties on the lot described, but not waive the special assessment5. Seconded by Councilman Bredier. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF EXTERIOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN, REQUEST BY FRANK'S NURSERY: The Public Works Director explained how this consideration had been tabled because the landscaping plan was not prepared at the previous consideration by the Subcortonittee. He said they withdrew the request with the understainding that they would come back at a later date when the plans were canplete. He further pointed out that they had prepared an exterior development plan and would l�ke to begin work before the winter � months. He pointed out the area in quest�on on the map on the screen and sald al7 of the plan is according to the code and the width of the parking stalls are correct. A representative of Frank's Nursery said there would be no more merchandise out in the ; fronf of the building. This woutd be removed. He quesiioned the stipulation of installation of the fencing ard said he believed that it would be more attractive to look at rows of evergreen trees than a wooden fence. The representative of Frank's Nursery said the work is to be done by the 15th or 18th of November. Councilman Breider said this matter would have to go back to the Building Standards- Design Control Subcormnittee. He said he would not want to bypass the Subcommittee, but he did understand the situation with the winter freeze coming. MOTIOt! by Councilman Breider to approve the parking plan, but direct the applicant �. to go back to the Building Standards-Design Control Subcorronittee for the final approval on the landscaping plan. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declare d the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVTNG THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING CONI�1ISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 23, 1974: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P. S. #74-06, ZANDER'S 1ST ADDITION gY nAr�EV HnMES. INC.: A REPLAT OF LOT 3. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 92, EXCEPT 1 K The Pub]ic Works Director said this had been tabled and will be considered at a later time. CONSIDERATION OF A SAV #74-04. BY JERRY GUIMONT: TO VACATE iht Swnt �tiNU 655i �NU SiKtti N. t.: The Public Works Director said the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the vacation. He also pointed out that there were no objections on the administravite level and the City had received a letter from the utility company stating they had no objections to the vacation. The Public Works Director said it would be in order to set a Public Hearing. MOTION by Councilman Breider to set a Public Hearing for November 18, 1974. Seconded by CounciTman Nee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Planning Commiss.ion Meeting of October 23, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUING THE MINUTES OF THE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING BER , i I i , 158 ' � � , ' , , , �� I�� I��� ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 Pac� s The Public Works Director said tf�e Planning Commission had recommended approval of the request with three stipulations. He read the stipulations. Mr. Sobiech pointed out the proposed construction on the plans on the easel and explained the elevation drawings. Mayor Liebl asked the amount of the tota7 cost of the p]anned construction and a representative of the applicant said $1,000,000. He explained there would be 14,000 square feet of office space and 48,000 square feet of warehouse. He stated that the facility would employ approximately 45 people. The representative said there would be no problems with any of the stipulations. MOTION by Councilman Nee to approve the request for the construction by GTE Sylvania Inc., with stipuiations two and three as recommended by the Subcommittee, but deleting the first recommended stipulation. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman Nee said he would like the company to have the option of this first stipulation and he had confidence in the Company and their taste. He thought the Company should be able to work this out on their own. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl-declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee of October 24, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING 7HE MINUTES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1974: AND RECEIVING PETITION #21-1974 - REQUESTING THE STATE MANPOWER SERVICES IN FRIDLEY BE EXPANDED TO INCLUDE AN EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLI�dC SERVICE FOR WOMEN: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the Human Relations Committee Meeting of October 17, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Councilman Starwalt referred to the portion of the minutes concerning the employment conselling service for women and asked �f this would involve any financial obligation on the part of the City. He said he would like additional information on the ramifications and asked where the $19,000 would come from. Mrs. Grace Lynch, 580 54th Avenue, member of the Human Relations Committee, addressed the Council and said she had a statement to make concerning this item. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl read the proposed resolution submitted by the petitioners. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive Petition #21-1974, requesting the State Man- power Services in Fridiey to be expanded to include an employment counselling service for women. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Lieb] declared the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Grace Lynch read a statement of explanation to the Council and explained that the petitioners were seeking endorsement of the proposal by the City Council. She a7so explained that they would like to have space made available for this project. She explained that there is a total of $315,000 available in the five county area and they were making a request for $19,000. Mrs. Lynch said they would have to apply for the funds. She said they may not receive anything, bufi if they did not apply they would not have any chance of receiving anything. � , REGULAR COl7NCIt MEEfING OF NOVEMS�R 4, 1974 159� PAGE 6 Mrs. Lynch explained that the funds would be applied for through CETA (Comprehensive Employment Training Act). She pointed out that they had already put in their bid for the funds, this could be done by the Co�anittee or Board. Mrs. Lynch further explained that there is no other service established like this in the State of . Minnesota. Councilman Breider questioned the type of screening there would be for the counselors. Mrs. Lynch said there would be trained volunteers that would be trained and tested. She said they would be geared to this type of training. Councilman Breider expressed his concern for research on this type of training and control of the counselli�g. He said he would like some assurance that the right advice and training would be given. � Mrs. Lynch said the only paid personnel in the service would be the coordinator. She said this would involve helping point out the number and variety of jobs in the community and advise the person on what type of skills and training would be needed along with providing information on how to develop self confidence. Councilman 6reider said he believed that this should be set up properly before the City went into this. He said he would be in favor of asking the Administration to work with the Human Relations Canmittee to set up the machinery to account for the $19,000 expenditure for this counsei7ing service. He said he would like ta know who would be working for who, and who is in charge of what. He said he would also want to know on what type of things the people would be counselled on. MOTION by Councilman Breider to instruct the Administration to work with the Human � Relations Committee to set up the machinery to accomplish a WOW program and report back to the Council with that machinery in order, showing the accounting for the money, and also accounting for the counselors and counselling, and also provide information on furnishing of a physical facility. � Mrs. Lunch pointed out that the service would not train, they would only suggest forms of training and correlation of studies on what women need. She said they would deter- I i mine what type of women are coming in and what they are looking for in light of the job market. She continued saying they would determine what the women has and what she would need. She said they would advise them on where to go for the proper training. � Mrs. Lynch explained the City would not have anything to do with kind of service, ; the City funds would not be involved, they would just like some help in setting j up the service. - � SECONDED BY Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Breider asked the City Manager if it would be possible to prepare the ncessary information by the first of December. The City Manager said that this money would have ta be obtained through the County. He said he was not familiar with the processes necessary for this type of function, but hoped they would be able to prepare this material and facts by this time. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS AND RECREA7ION COMMISSION MEETING OF QC70BER 29, 1974: MOTION by Counci7man Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of October 29, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utier. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN BIKEWAY COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the minutes of the Citizen Bikeway Committee of October 16, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF STOP SIGN INSTALLATION ON 5TH AT 63RD AVENUE: The Public Works Director made a statement explaining the need for the placement of the stop signs based on an engineering survey and placement of traffic counters in the area. Mayor Liebl questioned the need for this sign and indicated he believed by ta1king i to the people of the area that the stop sign should be placed opposite this siqn. � Mayor Liebl asked if the Administration had been in contact with the people living �� � in the area. I , �l � i f i i� ' � �� � ' ' ' � ' ' ' �I 160 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF N�VEMBER 4, 1974 PAGE 7 The Public Works Director said their decision had been based on the traffic count. The City Manager suggested the Council receive the report at this time and approve the existing sign and the Administration would continue to study the area and if additional controls or mpdification of the controls are needed, this would be taken care of. MOTION by Councilman Brieder to concur with the placement of the stop sign on 5th Street at 63rd Avenue. Seconded by Counciiman Utter. Upon a voice vote, Coancilma» Nee, Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Utter, and Councilman Breider voting aye, and Mayor Liebl voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried four to one. RESOLUTION #123-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICA7IONS AND G�TTMATFC !1G TFIF !'(1CT� T4JGRF(1F• CTRKFT TMRP(1UFMFNT PRCI.7ECT ST_ 975-1 S. 9 5- �IJI HJ ) • MOTION by CounciTman Starwalt to receive Petition #23-1974, favoring the improvement of Baker Street. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Michael Manuel, 6315 Baker Street, addressed the Council and questioned if it would be possible to install such things as speed bumps to get the speed reduced on Baker Street. He stated there is a speeding problem in the area. Mayor Lieb1 said they could do a survey of the traffic of the area and determine i.f a stop sign would be warranted. He explained that the speed bumps could not be used because of the liability problems. Councilman Starwalt asked if the stop signs should be installed at the present time, or perhaps they should wait until the completion of the improvement project to determine the proper placement. He explained that often after such an improvement, the speeding will be increased because of the improved road surface. Councilman Utter agreed with the suggestion of placing a counter in the area, but said if there is a stop sign installed this should be on Baker Street rather than 64th. The Csty Managen said this would be no problem, and he would check into this. Mrs. Manuel said she did not know if the use of the counter would do much good, it was not the amount of traffic, but the way that the people drive in this area. Mr. Sobiech said this type of study is done by looking at the count and also the speeding situation. He assured the people that both.aspects would be looked into. He stated, the stop signs should not be installed to solve a speeding problem. MOTION by Councilman Nee to receive the petition in opposition to the assessments and improvement on 70th Way from East River Road to Hickory Drive, Petition #22-1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Liebl listed the streets that wou]d be included in the ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) street improvement projects.. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Reso7ution #123-1974 deleting 70th Way from East River Road to Hickory Drive, ordering improv�nent and final plans and specifications and estimates of the costs thereof: Street Improvement Project ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 (MSAS). Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #124-1974 - DELETING CERTAIN STREETS FROM THE PROPOSED 1975 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 5- E Y R . MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt Resolution #124-1974 deleting certain streets from the proposed 1975 Street Improvement Project 1975-i with the addition of 70th Way from East River Road to Hickory Drive, and ordering these streets to be improved in the year 1978. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Councilman N� questioned if this would mean that they were presently ordering the � I . ;I �`. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 a �� � � PAGE 8 � improvement of Capital Street for 1978. The City Manager painted out that there would have to be re-notification of the property owners and another public hearing at that time. The City Attorney said this is true, there would have to be another public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #125-1974 - APPROVIN6 PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SS&SW #116: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution #125-1974 approving plans ordering advertisement for bids, SS&SW #176. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: 6ENERAL 37583 - 37728 LIQUOR 9301 - 9326 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the claims. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: GENERAL CONTRACTORS BY APFROVED BY Aymar Construction Ira Aymar C. Belisle 2422 Howard Street N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Briar Construction Company Rick Carlson C. Belisle 10134 Central Avenue Blaine, Minn. 55434 EigenY�eer Builders Robert Eigenheer C. Belisle 2828 Highway #10 N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 Mr. Siding Incorporated Terry Shorblom C. Belisle 1080Q Xavis Street N. W. Coon Rapids, Minn. 55433 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the aforementioned licenses. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: H. & S. Asphalt Company 5400 Industry Avenue N. E. Anoka, Minnesota 55303 FINAL Estimate #3 for Street Improvement Project ST. 1974-4� $16,852.97 Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 PARTIAL EStimate #2 for the furnishing of Professionsl Engineering Services for planning Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project #l13 $ 7,116.17 MOTION by Councilman Utter to approve the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A MEETING DATE FOR THE NOVEMBER 5 1974 GENERAL ELECTION ST TEMENT OF CANVASS: MOTION by Councilman Breider to set the meeting date for November 5, 1974 General I ' � ' � � ' ' , fJ ' � � � � ' � � 162 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 PAGE 9 flection Statement of Canvass for Thursday, November 7, 1974 at 6:00 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 dec]ared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER, KJELLBERG VS. CITY OF FRIDLEY: � The City Attorney explained that this was a case where the City of Fridley had been charged with sex discrimination. He explained that this had been filed some time ago and the Federal Court had made a decision in favor of the City, but the State decided against the City. He said the City had been ordered to pay a claim of $350 which would be the diFference between the wages from the position not obtained at the City and the one that was obtained. The City Attorney said the Park Oepartment feels very strongly that this person was Rot hired because of performance standards. He continued to explain that this case could be appealed, but he felt there was less than a 50% chance of having a change in the award and there would be additional cosi to tMe Gity. Mr. Herrick pointed out that the Park Department feels very strongly that this decision is wrong and that they had a valid reason for not rehiring the person. � Councilman Starwa7t said he fe7t if the person had not obtained the job because of performance and used sex an an excuse, he felt this should be heard. He suggested considering appealing the case. The City Manager said there are po9nts to'be-considered on both sides of this matter. He said the beach area is comprised of 50/50 employment by men and women. He further commented he was surprised at the decision since the Federal decision was in favor of the City. He said he felt the person was not hired because of performance. Councilman Breider asked if this matter of performance was noted in the person's personnel file before this decision to not rehire was made. He further questioned if this decision had been discussed with the Personnel Director. He noted with the continua]ly increasing of this type of concern, it is essential that the personnel files and activities be watched very careful7y. Councilman lJtter said he be7ieved this decision and matter was handled strictly by the Park and Recreation Department. He exp7ained this was a temporary summer position. MOTION by Counci7man Breider to pay the claim in the amount of $350 to Constance Kjellberg. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING SETTLEMENT Of OFF-SALE LIQUOR STORE LEASE: The City Attorney explained that there is a$7,000 lease figure. He said Mr. Nicklow wants to use the space and improve the operation. He said the $7,000 would be applied to the purchase price of the adjoining property. He said in the future if the City wants to build an off-sale store, they will sell the property back to the City. He said this had been presented to the City Manager and Staff and the Administration recommended approval of the settlement of the situation. He further stated that the term of the contract would be five years, and this would allow enough time for the City to determine if they wanted the property. At this time, if it is determined that the property is not wanted by the City a warranty deed could be presented. The City Manager said it would be in order to concur with the staff recommendation and authorize the settlement. He pointed out that this would also put the property back on the tax rolls. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the recomnendation of the Administration and instruct the Administration to prepare the necessary documents. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Lieb7 and Councilman Utter voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. COMMllNICATIONS: ST. PAUL ATTORNEY: NSP PROPOSED I�dCREASE: MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive the communication from the St. PaQI Attorney � i �, 15;3- � �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, -1914 PAGE 10 ' ; .,... . � i � ' concerning the NSP proposed increase dated October 22, 1974. Seconded by Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ,; , . ADJOURNMENT: i MOTION by Councilman Breider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Utter. � � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridle,� City Council of November 4, 1974 adjourned at 10:02 P.M. j Respectfully submitted, Q�z ��-Q-��- Pat Ranstran Frank G. liebl Secretary to the City Council M�yor ! Date pproved ,I � � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG pLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: %�� ��% /��% � ' , NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------ --_--___ ----------`-------------- — ����� � ���__ �' �� C'���_�.�_��. __��_____`�_.�����'�.�_.�����������`������ � '_���' � _������'.� ✓ C�:��IIA� , D �'C/�' � ��-- � 7`� �S� �.�t,C. � � . �u.. � G�U � .G � � �v � o � � S� � � 5� ,�� �°� ,� ,��-� . � J �-G�`'�,w�,�-�-� lo �� � �=�;c�' � uP � �/ � � �C L 4� /� .*�-l�. �-�'= �/ o��, �� ,�� > � � � � �� �� �� " � � ` � ' ;� � „� � -:�� � � �(, � � � `� � . r/ � , �-�� �� � - � _ � c nIA ��� � �o � 5 b' S / .S T /U�C '7 _ `� ' � � %I % , �s A.�' _ � . � yC'.�-t�.n,� C o2 � `� . � / l �% � l l � / / 0 ' �_� 0 C." � L - Yf i � �� ��� l i�� �� �- - /33 � j,/.�Gt','�- /�,�.. _ �3� o �i./r��c % ?� ��O '�/ � � %�" � -3 �'D �� �. �. � .��� .v� � ��a..� . a� �. , , ,. �. << <( � i . _ e !/ �/1 � � /% /i n .,�,,, a ....�� J Ai� �/. n � �■ � � a, ; THE MINUTES Of THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of September 16, 1974 was calTed � to order at 7:34 P. M. by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman Breider, and Councilman Starwalt. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Liebl said he would like to add the letter sent by the American Legion Post #303 concerning the Armory proposal in Frid7ey, and also the communication from Mr. LuBratt concerning the construction at Woodcresi Baptiist Church. I MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the agenda as amended with the above mentioned additions. Seconded by Counci7man Stai^walt, Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, i Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT OF CANVASS: i STATEMENT OF CANVASS . PRIMARY ELECTION ' . SEPTE�48ER 10, 1974 DECLARATIO:`: OF P,ESUlTS THEREOF In accordance with Section 4.08 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of the 1974 Primary E]ection to be as foliows: A. The total number of ballots cast was:' ��» Ward 1 - Precinct 1 � • Ward 1- Precinct 2 1%4 ' Ward 7- Precinct 3 116 Ward 2- Precinct 1 �32 92 • ' Ward 2 - Precinct 2 � Ward 2- Precinct 3 157 4Jard 3- Precinct 1 164 , �itard 3 - Precinct 2 64 Ward 3- Precinct 3 92 TOTAL 1077 B. Tfie votes for each candidate, number of defective, spoiled and not voted are as follows: " REPRESENTATIVE IN COhiGRESS 5TH DISTP.ICT 'rJ-1 P-1 'd-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 41-2 P-3 l•!-3 V-1 41-3 P-2 :J-3 P-3 70TAL DFL TICKET .Donald tt. e4 82 57 83 105 4� 55 637 Fraser 50 96 GOP TICKET � Phil • -•' Ratte 17 38 24 26 11 46 29 9 T6 216 _ Spoiled, Oefective or Not Yoted 19 40 28 24 24 28 30 i0 21 2Z4 TOTAL: 86 17A 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 � . � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 , .95 , PAGE 2 . � STli7EME�dT �r CkPlVASS PRI�MRY ELECTIOP! SEPTEi1dER 10, 19i4 REPRFS[NT�TIUE IN LEGISLATURE DISTRICT 4oA W-1 P-1 W-i P-2 W-1 r'-3 ';1-2 P-1 W�2 P-2 'rl-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 4l-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTA4 OFL TICKET � Paul t4cCarron 54 _. 98 57 104 313 �OP 7ICKET . � Jack 0. Ktrkham 11 28 8 14 61 Spoiled, Defective � or Not � Yoted 21 48 ^�— ?7 T q6 142 T�TAL: 86 174 92 164 516 RFPRESENTATIVE IN LE6ISLATURE DISTRIST 466 DFL TICKET Wayne J 5imoneau 60P TICKET fred ' . Syrdal Spoiled, Defective or Not Vated TOTAL: 61 80 78 44 58 321 27 25 51 � 10 15 _ 128 28 27 � 28 10 19 ]12 116 132 157 64 92 561 GOVERVOR AMD LIEUTEilA�T GOVEF„!OR 'rf-1 P-1 '�J-1 P-2 W-1 °-3 W-2 P-1 4l-2 P-2 41-2 P-3 4J-3 P-1 41-3 P-2 �d-3 P-3 70TAL DFL TTCKET qnderson & Perpich S3 f37 55 75 49 71 87 39 � 47 553 �9c0ona7d & . • Eakman 10 13 4 9 5 12 � 13 3 7 76 I GOP TICKET � ' i Johnson & � Hoberg U :2 30 26 15 50 _ 31 10 t4 235 ! Spoiled, ( Defec ti ve or Not I Voted 16 32 27 22 23 24 33 12 2q p73 . i TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 9p �p77 ! , � ; �i � ' �� � .� r � i ! f ' � 3: I 'j t i� � � � t.' �. f r � �;, ��� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, ,1974 STA7EPIENT OF CANVASS SECRETAkY OF STAIE PAGE 3 PRIMARY ELECTI01� SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 OFL TICKET Joan A. ' Growe 25 56 24 34 35 57 54 25 27 342 Richard J. Noonan 30 48 33 46 21 26 44 18 33 299 GOP TICKET Arlen Erdahl 17 43 29_ 26 13 53 31 �10 14 236 i Spoiled, . � Defective i or Not Voted �4 _ 27 25 26 23 � 21 �35 11 18 ZpQ TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92w 157 164 64 °2 1077 - ; . + STATE AUUI7U�: I W-7 P-7 W-1 P-2 W-7 P-3 W=2 P-1 ld�2 P�2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 �1-3 P-3 70TA1. � DFL TICKET . i i Rlcuin . Loehr . 18 2b 19 37 24 21 25 19 21 . 2D4 Robert lJ. Mattson 33 77 43 47 3U 54 69 23 38 414 � GOP TICKET . - . Rolland FD � , Hatfield _ 17 41 30 26 ^ 13 51� 32 lU 14 234 Spoiled, Defective. or Not '� Voted 18 30 24 28 25 31 38 12 19 225 TOT.4L: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 �. � i � STATE 7REASURER , ' DFL TICK'cT i :ilim Lord 43 100 63 81 55 79 98 45 58 627 i GOP TICKET � J. Robert � Stassen 17 43 31 26 14 53 32 10 14 240 � � Spoiled, ^ � Defective or Not � Voted 21 31 22 _25 23 25 34 •9 20 210 I 70TAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 54 92 1077 I �. � � '� � 1 97 ' ! PUQLIC HEARING P+IEETING OF SEP'tEMBFR 16, 1974 PAGE q ' STATEt9EtdT OF CAPIVASS PRIPIARY ELECT[O�V !� ^ � SEP7Et�t6ER 1�, Y974 I A?TORPd'cY GENERAL W-1 P-I !�!-1 P-2 'd-1 P-3 !J-2 P-1 W-2 P-'L !J-2 P-3, 4l-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL , DFL TICKET � Warren � Spannaus 5Z 103 64 82 58 82 102 48 59 650 i ' GOP TICKET Dean A. . Nyquist 16 42 30 25 13 51 31 10 14 232 � Spoiled, Defective ' ' • or Not 18 29 22 25 21 24 31 6 19 195 ' � Voted ITOTAL: 80 ]74 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 ]077 I COUNTY AUDITOR 'Harley Harnden �� _2? 15 8 � 4� l2 4 4 5 78 . Charles R. Lefebvre 4� g9 45 67 47 81 75 34 54 533 La�ren W. • Turnquist 16 16 18 13 11 24 26 9 7 140 Spoiied, Qefective or t�ot � Yoted 25 47 38 44 30 40 59 17 26 326 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 2077 C. The names of tfie judges of election are as follotias: WARD 1 FRECIfiCT 1 �lARD 1 PRECINCT 2 Marilyn Beck Joyce McClellar. 6eraldine Sherve Dorothy Houck Nancy Londroche Shirley Kohlan Bette forster Carol Leuders Anita Hitzeman Pat Register Qorothe htarleau t4ary Sutlivan WARD 1 PRECIN7 3 Velma Pinks Al i ce 1101 3arbara Chrissie kosella Amar Sharon Flippen Dorothy Heule WARD 2 - PRECIPlCT 1 Virginia Locker Betty erezney Caroline Svendsen Gerri Engdahl 4irginia Steinmetz Doris Reiners i �_ _ _ _ _ . . _ __ _ •i j � ll ll _PUBLIC HEARIWG MEETI�JG OF SEPTEi�I6ER 16, 1974 PAGE 5 . � � _ _ ; � i i STATEMENT OF CAN�lASS PRIFIARY ELECTIOPi T SEP7E(48ER l0; 1974 _ � C. 7he names of the judges of election are as follows: (Continued; WARD 2- PRECTNCT 2 WARD 2- PRECINCT 3 � Jeanette Micholski Beverly Kinsman � - Edna Garaffa Jean Wagar ; Catherine Scott Edna Erickson Kathryn Follmuth Adaline Swanson Alice Turner Judy Engelbretson Marlys Lisowski : � I i WARD 3- PREC N CT 1 WARD 3- PRECIMCT 2 - `� .�.. ; Itrly Flaherty Pat Dittes - , � Glaudia K, t'escio Qarlene Vallin . '� Connie Sam�elson Barbara Gohman � � � � ' 3anet Crego Dolores Christ�nson ( [velyrt Holtze Barbara Heenan � WARD 3- PP.ECItlCT 3 - ABSENTEE PRECIhCT � . --- . _ i . i Helen Treuenfels ' Mary Elten Storley Jean 3ohnson Sonja Erickson � Alice �lake JoArsn Nolm = ! Sharon Reemsta �, � Jean Jackson � Linda Tatiey : � . � . , . , � � ; ' f%C;� -� ,� i � � � MAYOR - fRAN;L G Lic L � i � _�y���� ' � COUNCIt1�tArd TIM BREIDER � �� �< , Cr���� � couNCt�r�a�i W, R, STARWAL CS�!'�1-!%24�1/ . C�����'�-='L Cour�Ctu•iar� EVERETT F. UTTER t/ v L�ti�'�'.�t ` Y � OUC�CILh1Ail WIL AM J. NEE 0 . i � . I � � ` ' � � t _ __ _ -..� ---� � � _ - __ . - - .__ _ _ _ _ .____. , _ - I �` � PUBLIC HEARI!VG MEETING OF SEFTEMBER 16, 1974 PAGE 6 gg MOTION by Councilmari Utter to adopt the Statement of Canvass, Primary Election of September 10, i974. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEr1RINGS: PUBLIC HE�'�RING ON A REQUEST BY GENERAL TELEVISION, INC. FUR RATE INCREASE: Mayo�~ Liebl read the public hearing notice. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously and ttie Public Hearing opened at 7:37 P.M. Mayor Li�bl called on the �epresertatives of General Television to make a presentation. Mr. Robert Hinkley addressed the Counci7 and referred to his letter to the City dated August 14, 1974 in which this request for the rate increase was proposed. He explained the request to be for the primary connection rate which had been set at $5.50 per month and was being reques�ed to be increased to $8.00 per month. Mr, hinkley pointed out that in 1971, the Company had projected an expen�+iture of one million dollars for the physical installation within the City which would include the construction of the buildirg and i:he cable throughout the City. Mr. Hinkley continued to point cut that the t�tal expenditure had mounted to 1.6 million dollars rather than the projected millicn. Mr. Hinkley continued stating the leaei of inflation and the increase in the cost of money, from 6% in 1971 to 12% at the present time, made it mandatory for the company to request this increase. Mr. Hinkley said the requesteci amount, $8, would not be put into effect at the present time. He said they had planned ta increase the a�i�unt to $7.50 at the present time and if needed, gu to the $8.00 in the future. He suggested the Counci7 approve the $8 amount as a ceiling. Mayor Liebl questioned if the cable had been strung, if the studio is completed and the system operable. Mr. Hinkely said yes. Mayor Liebl asked if the question of the placement of the antenna had been solved. Mr. Hinkley explained that thare would be no further concern by the City of Friclley about the placement of the antenna. Ne ponted out that the Company had made arrangements to instal7 this on the IDS building to receive the signal from Chicago. He said a receiver wouid be constructed ai the present General Television facility. Mayor Liebl said the people have a choice whether or not to purchase the system, but it wauld be the Council's responsibility to make sure that the rates wi71 not be changed in a short time. He said he would like to be sure and see s�me assurances that the trorking people can buy this product. He said he felt $8 wou]d be too high, since other companies are averaging $6.95 to $7.00. Mr. Hinkley stated that some company's raps are over $9 he said he knew of one company charging $8.75 and recal7ed this was in the Rapid City South Dakota area, He said there is a wave of increases in all of the systems in the country. Fie said they have begun to realize they cannot operate any longer at the present rate, He firmly stated there is a new cycle of rate increuse because they cannot operate at $6 or $6.50, he further explained it would not ae this way 9n six months to a year fram this tiire. Nir. Hinkley s�ated the Cit���nay be granting a higher rate at the present tir�e, but the other companies would be catching up. Mr. Hinkley cantinued to explain that he t!TOUght that he was asking for a fair and honest rate and thcught if the company would beg�in operation asking for the $5.5U, -che people would be discouraged if the rate inceased ir, a few morths. Mayor Liebl said he would like the Company's assurance that they would not be coming in in two years and saying they n�eded $2.00 more. Mr. Ninkley said he could give the City this assurance because he could not se71 the prociuct at this price. Councilman Starwalt asked when the target date far the turn on of the system was scheduled. 'Mr. Hink1ey said he was plannirg very seriously on a turn on time of about November 1, 197�1. He said this was currently hinging on the delivery of the chicago signal. He continued that tljis could have been turned on a month ago, but the Con,pany felt they should Geliver the comp]ete system including the distant sional at the time of 1;urn on. ' � ' II ' ' � , , ' 1 ' � � ' CJ ' �J , 1 �On PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 PAGE 7 Mr. Tom Myhra, member of the CabTe Television Commission addressed the Council and said he was the spokesman for the Commission at the presen� meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Cammission. Mr. Myhra explained that the consensus of the Commission was that the $8 suggestion would be a fair amount if the entire sum was not used at the present time but, the additional 50� would not be instituted for one and a half years from the beginning of the system. He continued the Commission felt after listening to the Company that the added cost and patterns in the zconomy were justified in the request for the interest. He said this �rould be a quality system in Fridley, not only the plant but also the programs. He ex,plained up until this time, the Commission had concerned themselves with the fun aspects of the system and now they had been forced to get down to the knitty gritty and they had been told to make a decisfon of recommendation to the Council. Mr. Myhra said the Commission felt the $7.50 was a justifiable amount, eventhough this is a sizeable amount of money. Mayor Liebl asked how many of the members of the Commission were present at this meeting. Mr. Myhra said Father Ed was absent at the first meeting and Mr. Haines was absent at the second meet�ng. He said at both meetings, there was a unanimous vote. Mr. Myhra indicated he did not know how Mr. haines would have voted. Mr. Zeglen said he had talked to Mr. Naines and he favored the current proposal. Mayor Liebl asked if there would be an open house. Mr. Hinkley said he did not think there would be a formal open house planned before the system was to be turned on. He pointed out that there had been some programing done out of the Fridley studio and people are v�elcome at the studio facilities. A member of the audience said, "We don't have to take it, or pay for it?" and Mayor Liebl said no. It vaould be the people's privilege to hook up to the system, and if they did not want to, they did not have to. He said if the people choose to hook up they would be paying $7.50 per month. Mr. Hinkley said it seemed to be the feeling of the audience that if the Company failed, the City would take over. He continued, this is not true. He said the Company would be allowed so many days to remove the cables from the City. Mr. Richard Harris, 6200 River View Terrace, asked if it would be possible for a customer to reject the service after beginning to take it. Mr. Hinkley said the customer could reject the service at any time and at any day, there is no service contract involved. �Councilman Breider said one thing the Council had put into this was that there would be no disconnection fee. Mr. Harris continued saying the City does have the option to pick up the business if the Company fails. Mayor LIebl said this wou7d be if the City had the money and wanted to get into the Cable Television business. Mr. Myhra said he was on the Comiiiittee and had looked at this ordinance before it was passed, He said at this time the Committee felt the City should have the first right to purchase. Mr. Hinkley read this portion of the ordinance which said the City could condemn, purchase or drive the Company out of the City. Mr. Hinkley said there would be a deposit wh-+ch would not be for the Cable service but for the converter which is used because there would be more channels than on a normal television. He said this would be 16 channels and this converter makes the average set accept more than 12 channels. Mr. Hinkley further exp7ained that this converter cost the Company $35. He said just like the City who is not allowed to charge a monthly charge on the use of the gear, and also unable to receive the money from the customer without paying interest on the money for. deposit, at the end of the use of the equipment by the customer, the customer would get ihe money back plus interest that had accumulated over the period of time of the usage. Mr. Hinkley further explained that the Company is in the process of formulating a policy for allowing the customers to pay partial payments for the use of the converter rather than making a lump sum payment. He explained the Company would have to require the deposit, explaining that the converter is so much fun, that the people will want to take them with them for use on their regular televisions to change channels. A member of the audience asked if the service is disconnected, would the customer be returned the deposit. Mr. Hinkley said yes, the customer would get the money back and the Company would get the gadget back. � � _.___._._� � � $ � �� ___ _._.__ _ _ _ . __ 1�1 PUBLIC NEARING M[ETING OF SEPTF.MBER 16, 1974 PAGE 8 Nayor Liebl asked what would happe�i if the converter did not work. Mr. Hinkley said the converter would be replacec+. Mr. Hink7ey said t��e Company wants the converter to work properly. Commissioner McDonald, State Cab7e Television Co;nmission introduced himsElf. Councilman Nee questioned Commissioner ifcDonald concerning the court regulations on utilities and their aperation for a profit. The Acting City Attorney, James Gibbs, said this question was before the Supr.eme Court at the present time. Commissioner McDonald said the Cable Television operation is not a public utility, and this is excluded fror� regulatory rates. He said the Commission did receive the rate information and this is all privileged infcrmati�n and cannot be revealed. He said the State Commission would have no jurisdiction �-ahatsoever, P9r. McDonald said to this point he would commend the City and the Company for i:aking the proper steps. M�TION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing, Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb] dec7ared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing on the rate increase by General Te7evision c7osed at 8:35 P.M, P10TION by Councilrnan Utter to adopt the first reading of the ordinance, waiving the reading, as set forth in the Auyust 14, letter to hiayor Lieb7 fran General Television concerning Section 405.222 as on page 2-C of the agenda. Seconded by Counci7man Starwalt, Mayor Liebl said witn this motion the rate would be $7.50 for the next one and a half years. Mr. Hinkley said this ati�ould be correct and the Company would submit a memo of understanding. The City Manager said this could be submitted before the second reading of the ordinance. . UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Councilman [ireider, Counci7man Starwalt, Mayor Liebl, Councilman Utter and Councilman Nee voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried u��animously and the ordinance adopted on first reading. The City Manager said this would be effective about October 10, if this were passed on the second reading i:he following week. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMEfdI" ROLL FOR STREET It�1PRCVEMFNT PROJECT ST, 1973-3: MOTION by Councilman Breider to +aaive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the pub?ic hearing. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unar�imous7y and the public hearing opened at 9:02 P.P�. The Public Work Director pointed out that this was o-�ork involvirrg the improvement of East River Road from 63rd Way south to Rice Creek and a�as under ST. 7973-3. He further explained that this �vas basically an Anoka County Project. He continued to explain that the price for the curb and gutter in comparison to the normal cost of the improvement of this type ($11.30 per foot). Mr. Sobiech said the curb and gutter in this project would be �2.37 per front foot and the side yard assessment would be 46¢ per foot. Mr. Mervin lierrmann, Assessor, pointed out the area to be a.ssessed on the map on the scr�een. The Finance Director, Marvin Fsrunsell, said this is consistant with the policy adopted by the City in 1961. Mr. Donovan Schultz, 15 Rice Creek Way, addressed the Council and asked why this was being done. Mr. Herrmann continued to explain the side yard assessment policy as •it related to P1r. Schult:,'s property. Mr. Silverstein, 6675 East River Road addressed the Council and questioned the method of assessment used on his propert.y. He further stated that the home on this property faces East River Road and qucstioned why this sl�ould be a side yard assessment. The Finance Director said the policy of the City µrould be to assess the shortest distance of the property as the side street section. He said this would be done by going according to the platting of the property. Mr. Herrmann continued to explain that if th� property were platted to the font, it oniy should be assessed to P1r. Silverstein. Now there is a 46¢ per foot on eac:h foot for the side yard. � ' � i�� � `� s __ _ _.._ r`----___ __ ___ _ . __ ___ __ lU� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 PAGE 9 � There was additional discussion on the method of assessment when the narrow portion � was again pointed out to the front portion of the property by both Mr. Herrmann and Mr, arunsell. Mayor Lieb7 stated there atould be law suits by peop7e if the policy � were changed at this time. He stai:ed, this had been followed for i:he past 20 years. Mrs. Leslie Wilbert, 110 6312 Way, addressed the Council and said she had suftered structural damage from the improvement. She said she had forfeited 15 feet of her property. She said she k�as not contacted, and she felt that the County had taken her land. Mrs. Wilbert said she had called the County and they had instructed her to obtain a survey of the pr•operty. She explained at the rate of $125, which was quoted to the people across the street whan they obtained a similar survey. The City Manager said the County said they had stayed within their right of way. He explained that peop]e often times fee7 that they own more property than they do because of the amount of boulevard, etc. The City Manager said the City would be ab7e to aid in this type of survey. Mayor Liebl asked the Finance Director if it would be possible for future Councils to assess the property on Rice Creek Way for a side yard assessment. Mr. Brunsell said this would not be possible. Mayor Liebl said before the hearing is closed, he would like to direct the Administration to check out the ownership of Lot number 21, as questionzd by Mr. Silverstein. The Finance Director said the only change in the assessments ;n this area that would be brought about by the change in ownership would be a change on the corner lot, all of the remainder woulcl be the same. Mr. Brunsell further explained taht the people of the area would have 30 days from tne date of the hearing to pay the assessments without the addition of interest. He said after this point, the balance will be placed on the tax statement and charged to the home owners with the taxes over a ten year period of time at the interest rate of 7'2,0, MOTION by Councilman Utter to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Counci7man Nee. Upon a voice vote, a]l voting aye, Mayer Liebl declared the mot�on carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 10:04 P.M. REQUEST BY MR ALUIN SCHhOBRICH, 5649 5TH STREET N. E., TO STOP VANDALISM Iy 7HIS AREA: Mr. Schnobrich, 5649 5th Street N. E., addressed the Council and said he was tnld that he would be able to address the Council during the Visitor's section of the agenda, but he had noted that there was no such section on the agenda this meeting and being in poor health, he would like to do this ai ihe present time. Mr. Schnobrich said he had ca77ed the inspection department at City Hall and was told that he could not put up a snow fence in the area whet°e he would like to stop the vandalism. He continued to explain the many types of problems in his area caused by the drive in theatre being close. Mayor Liebl said P1r. Schnobrich had called him a couple of weeks ago and indicated some problems with the curfew not being enforced in this area. He said he had talked to Councilman Starwalt and also the Engineering department about these complaints. Mr. Schnobrich also suggested that the policing of the area be done at unscheduled or unexpected times during the day so the young people would not know when they are coming. P1ayor Liebl said the Public Safety Director should noie this suggestion. (Note: Qecause of the number of people present for the consideratio�i of the continuation of the Public Hearing on the Charter Amendments, Mayor Liebl deciared that this item would be taken care of next on the �genda.) CONINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON COtJSIDERATIO�Iff THF FIRST READING OF AN ORDIfJANCE AMENDING FRIDLE—Y�S'CITY CEIARTER AND RECEIVUJG COPI'�UI�I ATI S F'ROM THE CHARTER C M IS N ND [ GUE F WOh EN V(E S P iiN ED i�l SE � R 9, 4: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to reopen the Public Hearing on the Charter Amendments.. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing reopened at 10:10 P.M. Mr. Ray Sheridan, Chairman of Lhe Charter Commission addressed the Council and said he � � -_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._..- -_ _ --, i ��3 �I � PUBLIC HEARING P4[ETING OF SFP'fEMBEP. 16, 1974 PAGE 10 ' placed a call to C?t,y Ha11 and dictated a letter to the Cit,y Cauncil. He indicated he had rece�ved the minutes of the public hearing section of the meeting of September 9, �1974 in which this tapic ��as disaassed. Mr. Sheridan read the letter which was within the agenda a1cud to the Councii and audience. Mr. Sheridan said he �vas in attendance at the meeting ta answar ar�y questions about the proposed Charter Amerdments. Mayor Liebl said he concurred in everything that the Charter Corrnnission had recommended as they appear on page 6-A through 5-J of the agenda and were adopted unanimously by ' the Charter Commission. He said the am°ndments would have to be adopted unanimously by the Council ta pass in ordinance form cr they wou7d be submitted to the people of the City at an election. The City Attorney said ±he Council would iiave the alternative to approve a portion of the i proposed amendments and leave the rest up to the people. Mr. Sheridan said the schedule had been set so that if the p�,oposed amendments were not adopted by the Council in wf�ole, they could be put on the bal7ot in November. Mayor Liebl asked if the recommendation could be submitted to the Council for further study the next year. Mr. Sheridan said this k�ould be possible. Ma�ror Liebl asked if there was anyone on the Council tha1: did not agree with the proposed recorrnr,endatians as submitted by the Charter Co�unission. Mayor Liebl said he cancurred with the recommendation of the Charter Commission. Councilman Utter said he had made this clear last time, he saidi�e nembers of the Charter Commissi�n ha:i been picked by a judge and this was no political endeavor. Ne mentioned the amount of time and study that had been put into the recommendations and said the amount of work vJOUId deserve credit and he added, he �-rould have to go along with the Charter Commission recomniendation. Councilman Breider said at the Public Hearing, the last two iteins had been discussed extensively, this was the fillit�g of vacancies in the Council and the Special E.lectian wii;hin b0 days io fill the unexpired term. Mr. Sherician �id th° C,harter Commission felt twat this should be left as it is and that th� Council could appoint until the next election. He said they were more ccncerned � about the total expense to the City under the current procedure. Mr. Sheridan said this proposal could be studied for the 1975 session and the Commission could make suggestions for- or again�t this proposal. He said the Commission had not made a recorr�nendation to change the p•roposal. Councilman Sreider said he would like some flexibility in +.he Ordinance,he questioned if the term vro�!ld run out in October an� the person would have to run again in Nove�nber. Mr. �ay �heridan said the special election vaould be for the unexpired term in this case. Cotmcilman Breider said the only other part where there vras much question was that portion pertaining to the circulation of petitions. Ne said according ta the praposed language, it would be the committee's i°esponsibility 1:o infarm the circulator of petit�ons of the lawful procedures to follad and this wou'd make the entire group cognizant of the proper way to orientate them. He said this would provide guidance in this area. Couniclman Breider said he felt. this should Le done administrativeiy and he said he would concur with the recon�endations of the Charter Commissicn. i Mayor Liebl said if addii:ianal information is submitted on these quetions, this should be submitted to the Charter Coinn?ssion for addil:ianal study of the matter. Councilman Starwalt said he agreed with the full recor�nendaiion of the Charter Corr�nission. Councilman Nee said there is only one p�iece ot' the recammendation that he disagreed with and this would refer to i:he 55% criteria for initiative petitions. He said this power should be granted by thn public and he fielt the public should vote on this. He said he would vote agaT�st 1:he entire reco�imendation because he felt this should be, in many cases, izandied by the public vot:e, but he would disagree with this particular one if submitted as a« isldividual ballot ii;em. kie said if submitted in a ballot, he would vote yes on all but the one on the 55% ;:riteria. Mayor Liebl referred to the statern�n�; made by i,he people attending the previous public hearing meeting of the Council. He said he wo;�ld 1-ike to listen to the tape of this Charter Commission ser_tion of the meeting and the discussion. �+layor Liebl said maybe, we should have thn?� typed up. Mayor Liebl said he would like a detailed copy of these n�inutes. He contin�ed stating he did not think ihe mir,utes ref�ected what had been said at the meeting. �� JQ5 PUQLIC NEARIhJG MEETING OF SEPTEM6ER 16, 1574 ppG� }2 PUBLIC HE�IRING ON TMPROVLMEM�: SEWER, tti�ATER ARU STORM SEWER I:MPROVEMEMT PROJFCT N0. 116: MOTION by Coe:ncimlan L'tter to waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and op2n th� Pi�blic �ear�ing. Sece�ded bv Councilmar P;ee. �pon a vcice vote, all voting aye, "layor Li2b7 declared the motion carried unanimous1y and the Fublic Hearing opened at 11:17 P.M. 7he Fublic Works Director said the sanitary sewer la.tEral v�i'il be in the area of $19.32 per foo�i, the �-eaier iaieral is �'Ll.i5 per rtoot and the sturm sev�er is $6.52 100 per square feet. He furzner explained tha.t ihe Froject lVo. 116 is the remainder of this area and entirely un Greai Ncri;hern Inausirial p��t siie. Nlayor Liebl asked if iFiere were any questions fram ttie Burlington fVorthern people. t� represeni:aiive or' Burlington fVortherr said ihey had petiticned for the improvement, i;hey ir.�anc te have the wo�~E� do�e> but they did not ti�,ant i:he iaork to be done ai I at one time. Mr. Dave Olson, Ind�sti°ial Development Division, questioned if the lines as shoevn for the developnient would put the sewer lii�es on the Railroad tracks. The Pub'iic Works Directcr said this was the boundary `ar the storm sewer. �?noLi�er represE�i�a;.ive af th� Cc�npa;�y said they woufd like i.he work to ue done when tfiey need it done. Mayor Liebl said it Faould be necessary �o obtain ti�e specifications for the project. The City Planager said they had held the hearinq on the eniire improvement so they couid work �aith E�urlington Northern and the Company wou'id not have to come back to the Courcil for a hearing at every step of the development. If the l�terals are to be put in in tne future, this �•rill be the owners decision. Councilman Utter questioned i:he estimated cost for the whole p�°oject and asked if in two ,�ears �herr would ha��e ±o be a nei.� price. The City Manager said the estimates are high enough ta reflect the additio7 to the ccst i�� the futu��e. He said he 5oped this improvement would not be s±retched over the next ten to twenty years. He said if the difrerence is too fiar out of line, they would notify the Comoany and the assess- ment w�uld have to be changed. lne represeriiative said he had 'peen �ieased about the way the other project had gone. He addr�d with �:he coepera±ian of the City> ihe deve�opment is coming along. The representative of Burlington No•rthern said if ihe Ciiy would have trouble with the bids, wauld they natify 6urlington P�ortY:ern about this: The City Manager said tiiis wauld be done. hiuTIu(1 uy Counci�iman Utter to close the Public Hear9ng. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upen a voice voie, all vating nye; P1dyG1^ 41Eb1 declared ihe motion carried and the Public Hearing closed at 11:28 P.M. CONTI�UED PUBLIC HEARING ON BL'DGET FOR �975 CONTINUED fROM SEC'TEM�ER 9, 1974): Mayor Lieol suggested Saturday, Septem5er ?.� h for the budget mee�in�. Councilman B►°eider said hE wou��d be out c�t town at this date. The City Manager said the mill levy would have to be submitted to the County by the lOth of Gctober. He haoed that this cc;uld be done earlier bec�se t"is t•�ou1d reouire some paper wcrr afier zhe meeting with the Councii � prder �o subr,�it the documentation. Mayor Liebl said he would �ike two to three vreeks to go throuqh th� budget. Mayor liebl continued to explain th�t the City h;anager had cui: a great deal from the individual departments at the present tiire. ��ayor I 7Ebl said tE-�e reir�bers of the Counci i would have to do their home��ror°k and he would like i:o make tiiis a Saturday ratlier than an eveniny meei;ing wnich would most lik��y So into the early morning hours. The City i�ianager sa.id tnis would have to be sub�nitt�d by the lQth to the County and the City Council would have zo adopt ihis by ihe 7th. ' Councilman Breider said he vrould submit nis wr•ii;ten cam7ents before this time. idayor Liebl said the meeting would be Saturday morning a.t 8 A.M. MOTION by Councilman Utter� to close the Public Hea.ring •��?d tha.t it be continued to Saturday, SeptemUer 28. Seconded by Councilman f3reider. I�ppr� a voice vote, all voting Y ' }. '� �. 3 '' � ,' i , � � , 's � ' , I ' � �I � � ' , ' . ' � , � ' ___.'_ . __ ._... f ��� � i ; PUaLIC HEARIP�G MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 PAGE 13 aye, hiayor Liebl declared the mo�ion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing on the budget continued until SaturUay, September 28, 8 A.M. ORDI�ANCE N0. 569 - REZGf�IIdG REOUEST 7QA #74-02, BY BERKELY PUMP COMPANY, TO REZO�VE FR0��9 R-1, i0 P1-7. LOTS 1 AfdD 2. BL�CK 13. SPRIt�!G 6RQOK PARK ADDITION: 181 ELY STREET N. E.: The Public Works Directo r said Iie wou7d recommend the second reading af tre Ordinance at this meeting. He said the appropriate agreement has been submitted. He also said he wou]d recornmended that the ordinance be adopted. ��1QTION by Councilman Nee to adopt the Ordi��ance on second reading, waive the reading and order publication of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman areider. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt, Mayor Liebi, Counci7man Utter, Councilman Nee, and Councilman areider voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Nee to concur with the agreement and authorize the Mayor and City (�;anager to sign the agreement. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb! declared the motior� carried unanimously. NEW BUSIfVFSS: CO�SIDERATTON CF FInST REAUING OF AN �RDIf4A,NCF FOR VACRTTON REOUEST, SAV #74-03 , M07ION by Councilman Breider to vaaive the readina of the ordinance and adopt the � Ordinance on the first reading. Seconded by Counci7man Utter. Upon a roll call vote, P1a.yor Liebl, Councilnian Utter, Councilman Nee, Councilman areider, and ' Councilman Siar�valt voi;ing aye, hia�or Liebl deciared the the Ordinance adopted on the first reading. RECEIVING TNF MINUTES OF TFlE PARKS At;�D RECREATION MEETING OP AUGUS7 26, 1974: MOTION by Counciman Breider to receive the minutes for dtscussion purposes. Seconded by Councilinan Starwalt. Councilman �reider questioned the installation of the score board. Councilman Utter said he had talked to Mr. Brovm, Director of Parks and Recreation, �nd the Ciiy Manager concerning this instal7ation ti�e previaus Friday, and this tvill ue installed with a temporary hookup fior the time being. The City P1anager said this is being taken care of this �,reek. Mayor Liebl called the Council's attention to the memo from the Planning Assistant, Jerry Boardman, and read it to the members of the Council and audience. Councilman Nee said he agreed with the content of the memo. Councilman Uti:er said he also agreed. � ' ; MOTION by Councilman Nee ta concur with the memo from the Planning Assistant, Mr. ; Boardman concerning the fencing of parks and the City's poliry. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried I � unanimously. , ' UFOt•; A VOICE VOTE, on i:he motion by Councilman areider to receive the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission, seconded by Counczlman Starwalt, all voting aye Mayor Liebl deciarcd the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING REPC�RT ON ARMORY PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF FRIGLEY: The Public Works Director said at the July 15th meeting of the Council he was instructed to investigate the possibility of the construction of an Flrmory in the City of Fridley. He continued his presentation stating he had broken this study into three areas; loca- tion, cost and municipal and civic uses of such an Armory. Mr. S�biech said the site requiremenis are 350 feet by 350 feet or a total of 2.8 acres. He mentioned a possible site in the 200 foot Cit,y owned strip of property between the Columoia Arena and the Ciay Garage. It would be possible that the nursery area could be extended and said that he had talked to Anoka County ubout the sharing of the garage facilities. He mentioned rather than take the area with many � t i t i � t t i � i f ; ',� _ __ ; 10% PUBLIC HEAI2IPlG MEETING OF SEPT[M6ER 16, 1974 PAGE 14 ! trees fior parkii�g; the j�int use could be invesLiyated. idr. 5obiech referred tc Page 11-F af i.��e ager�da and E,ointed out the layout of the Armory in Hastings as visited by members of the City of fridley staff. He said the drill P,<:11 is 7,GU0 square 're��. in area and has a kitchen area which could be useo for wedciinys, sho�s and Uanruets, he sa�iu t.hei�e is also a r_lassroom which could be useu -For mun-icipal and civic furict�ions. ihe Pu51ic luorks Director said ihere wculd be some duplicaiior� oi ihe school raciiities, but ai,the scf�oo7s th.re will be no beer allovaed cr the playing of binao, etc. The Public Works Uirector callec! the Co�mcil's atteni�ion io ra.�e 11-C of the agenda on which tl�e various cc:st ��actors were listed for ihe Armoi°y. He pointed out that he had used the figui°e of 9i per year as the amouni for the in�=iatiori figures. He said this would t,;�ing the total cest in 197? to ;6t'�:3,156.21 with the Gity's share of this total to be '�91,:i7:i.�3 or a �oc�l or �7,7Sn p�r year. P4ayor Liebl saicl the Governor had asked hirn ta try to get a medical unit in the City oi F=ridiey. He cor�i;inued, the Govei°nor had siateo thaL any unit would be gccu for �che City oi Fr�i�iley. The City Manager said there +�rould also t�e a com:nitment f�r the pt°ice of the land and fir+ancia� t,eip. The Gity Fttorney added tP�ut i:his would iake a simp'ie majority vote to pass this type of resolution. �iayor Liebi scated he is ir7 favor of the Ar•morv. Councilman Utter ment9oned that the County hac; made scme plar-,s to �:xpan� the Ice At°ena, ariu he qu2siioncd which way this constructiori�;�ould run in this area. The Public 4;ork3 Director said that this would have no effect on tlie construction. Mr. Clement F. Wall> 6860 7th Street N. E., addressed the Council and said that ha had been a. rner,bEr of tre f;a�cion� Gu�rd for tf�e past iS years arid had aisa been �. resident oY the C•i�,� c.t' Fridley,Ne suid he had beer� wiped oui •in trie ��1ay 6th zarnado of i965. Mr. Wall said he had read in tr�e Sun tY�at tf�e Arn�ory proposal would be discussed at the present meetir,g. He also indicated he ha.d read some of the other comments made at the previcus ���eecings of the Ccuncil. Mr. 4lal'i sa�d �f�e ca!i�munity wouid be ahie i� us� th� ?!rsio�y six or s2v2n night� a week. He said the Guard only uses the Armory ore tim2 a�ieek. He said Armories tiave been used as temporary ch��rches, they have housed pecple in time of disasters, and mentioned that therE ar�e co�s and blankets in i:he �acilities and also niedicai suppfies. He saic! he I�ad read in �he Su�� that iherz is the storage or quns in the Armory. He said that he was a�pear?ng at. th�is n�eet;�iy un tiis own as a private citizen and not a represent- ative of the Gua.rd. He also pointeo out znat the fiirir�g pins are taken from the equip- ment and stored in a bank vault or in the poliee departr.�ent, etc. He said this is sealEd ir� cenLainers a!id k;as a�4 hour• tivatch. !-!� sai� ha t�aught fertilizers and gasolire that is siored in garages is more da�g�rcus. Mr. tJali �:ent on to iist s�veral of the ot�ier activities he is invoived in throunh the ii�stallatio�i c;f �t�e Guard, sucti as ihe cionat:ion of blood, entertaininent of disadvantaged chi7dren, vis-iis tc ch�ildrens hospitals, etc. i•1r. Wa17 said the tents from the Guard are donated f�r ihe area functions. 4ir. �da"ti asked �v}�y f�e should have to d�,iv° to !�!esf: St. °aul to �!rill, he said h2 would ratner have thc�y Guard unit ir his o:�an cor�mun�ty. Mr. 4:aii aiso p�inteu out that this wou7d bring $1,000 to the City far each specia1ist four�,h class and with 65 in the uverage ui�;t, this would be a total of `;65,000 per year coming into mostly ��'r,e cc���muni ty. Mr. Wail said he h3d a s�n and he iioped hsvt�ou;d nev�r h�ve to w�ar a uniform, but until everytf�i r.g i n the cor���uni ty i s sett � ed, ti�e pc}1 i ce er tre Nati onal F=:uard would be needad. Mr. Ed Wilmes> addressed the Council and said he is in agreement with the staff and the yentlE�nat} who iust spoke. Ne vrent c,r. the e;c�,7ain the type ef hel� th«t had been ohtained ttn�ough tl?e vdrious miiiLary oraanizatio�s for tl�e Is�lancis of Peace. Ne said the Nationa.i Guaro is concerned about sav?r�g ii�'�a and proteci;ing pro�erty. Mayor Liebl read the letter submitted to the Council fro�n Mr. Casper M. Callas, American Legien Post 113U3. � � ' � - - __ ' 108 ; � _ _. _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - --- __. _ _ ._ -, PUBLIC HEARING h1EETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 PAGE 15 MOTION by Councimlan Utter to receive the letter firom Mr. Casper M. Gallus> Post Com- mander, �erican Legion Post No. 303, with no clate. Secnnded by Councilman areider. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried urianimously. Mayor Liebl asked when this �aould be on the agenda for consideration of th e construction. � . I, T he City Mat-�ager said this could be brought back in the form of the appropr�ate resolut�ion for action. M�ayor Lirbl stated this k�as to be done by October. Mayor Liebl suggested thzs 6e done at the first meeting in October or the 7th of Qctober. � MOTION by Councilman Utte�° to make it a part of the minutes that the resolution of intent be braugfit back to the Cn�.�ncil at the October 7, 1974 meeting of the Council. Seconded by Counciln�an Star��lalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayo; Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. , � � � ' � CONSIb[RI',TION CF REQUEST fOR SLATS IN FE�lCE ON l4ALK4,'AY, REQUEST QY BERT SLATER, 128 RIV[RSEDG� 4lNY: MOTIOhd by Councilman t�ee to receive the letter from Mr. Slater requesting slats in the fenc�ing, dated Augusi �_'H, 1974. Seco;�ded by Coui�ciiman Uiter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declar�ed the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman �reicler to concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Director. Seconded by Counci`Ima.n Nee. Mr. Siater asked �f his nei�7hbor had been notified concerning this proposal. Mayor Liehl said no, the i�drlinistration �vanted to find out af this proposal u�as okay with Mr. Slater first. Mr. S]ater said he would like to have soinething to say about the color of the slats. The Pub;ic VQorks Director said the othef° pa.rty ti�oulc! be contacted to see what she wants. Ne said ifi tf�e other propert}� o�;ner does �iot ��ant this type of installation, the Administrat�ion vaould work this out v�ith Mr. Slater. UPOiv A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, f�layor Liebi declared f:he mation carried unanimously. RESGLUTIQN 1�C�. 94-1974 - CONFII',(�iIP�� ASSESSf^�ENT FOR ST. 1973-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT Pt:OJ�CT: — -- ' MOTIQN by Councilr?an Nee to adopt R�solut�on #r94-1974, confirming the Rssessment: �Fpr ST. 1973 Street lmnrovemc�nt Project. Seconded by Councilman areider._ Upon a � voice vote, all voting aye, t�layor Liebl dec1ared the motion carried unanimoualy and ; ResoluLion ido. 94-19?4 ado};ted. ' RESOLUTION N0. 95-i974 - TRRNSFERRIN6 CERTAIfV CQS'fS FR0�1TiE �T. ?973-3 STREET �R�VEMENT PROJECT TO TNE $T. 197y-3 STR[�T I��1f'P(.'V6"4ENT PROJECT: MOTIOh by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution No. 95-1974, transferring certain costs , , from the St. 1973-3 Street Improvement Project ta the ST. 1975-3 Street Improvement Project. Seconded by Counciln�an Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' � � RESOLUTION N0. 96-19�4 - CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR 1974 WAT[R AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS AND SE41ER CUP�(JEC�IONS: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution P�o. 96-1974 confirming assessments for 1974 water and sewer mains, laterals and sewer connections. Seconded by Coun�ilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor !iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 97-1974 - ORDERING IMPROVFMENT, FINHL PL11NS, SPECIEICATIONS AND ESTIM�tTES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: SE!d[R, I�JATER AND STORM SFWER IMPROVE�TErdT FROJECT N0. 116: MGTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution No. 97-1974, ordering improvement, final plans, s�ecifications of the Costs thereof: Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 116. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor Liebl declar�ed the itiotion carried unani�iously. APPOIPITPIENT: FRIDLEY ENVIRONf�1ENTAL QUALITY COf4f�1ISSTON: The City Manager stated the minutes of the meeting had indicated that there was a vacancy and this had been brought to the attention of the Ward Co�ancilman. 9 ___ � � � �� PUBLIC HEARING Ni�ETING 0� SEPTE�'iBER 16, 1974 PAGE 16 Councilman Starwait said Mr. James Langen�`eld, Chairm�n of the Environmental Quality Commission, had called him concerning this matter. MOTION by C�u;��ilrian Starwalt to appoint I�ir. Le Roy Oquist, 1011 Hackmann Circle, 788-2229, to th-a Etrvironmental Qu�lity Commission. Seconcled by Councilr�an Utter. Upon a voice vc�tes all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the moti�n carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Carl J. New quist, Prosecutor Smith, Juster> F�ikema, Haskvits & C.asserly Suite 125Q Quilders Excnange (3uilding Minneapolis, minn. 55402 �ugust, 1974 �illing fior Prosecution work M07ION by Counr.irnan Utter to aprrove the Estimat;�. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the n�ot;on carried unanimously. RECEIVINC� CITY OF FRIDLEY FIi�IA;�C,IAL STATEf�M1r=.idT AS �F DECF.�1BL-R 31, 1973, FRO�� � UEQ{tGE� P1. FIANSEIr� C0I�1PAP�Y: � �� � MOTIOP; by Councilman areider ta receive f:Il° Financial Statement as of December 31, 1974 from George M. Iiansen Company. Seconded by Councilmun Utter. l�pon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mation carried unan9mously. RECEIVING TNE COMi1UiJICATIUi`d FftCi� P1R. PAUL M. LUBRATT, 42� RICE CREEK BOI;Lf_VARD: Mayor Liebl read the letter te the Council and audience. MOTI(lId by Cou;�cil�an Utter to receive the letter fron; Paul ?1. LuQr•att, 424 Rice Creek E3oulevard ciated Septe�ber 6, 1974. Seconded by Ceuncilman Pd�e. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the mot�ion carried unarimously. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL JOINT DIEETIIVG OF PL<tf�NihlG COM��1ISSlON AND COUNCIL QY MR. RICHARO ;i�RRIS: -� Mr. Harris asked if tne meeting had been set uo for ihe cemirg v;eek. Th� �ity t'�anager said th� Council had �een given two possible dates f�r this tyNe of r,eeting. Cou�icilman Utter seiid the Cou�icil had talked about a uinrer meet�ng. Mayor Liebl indicated that there were concerns such as signs that should be taken care of at thc suggested n�eeting. He suggested a dinner meeting. Councilman Ereider suygestnd this start a* 6:00 at George Is in Fridley Restaurant. He indicated he wouid have to be someplace at 7:30 th�t evening. The City Mana^yer said the adm;nistrai,ion woul�l notify the members of the Planning ' Comrni ssion. Councilman Nee said he would rather the n�eeting be held at City Ha71. Mayor Liebl said the Council would not be adopting anythiny, th�re would bA no actior, taken. ADJOURM�iENT: P40TION by Counciiman Utte�� tc ad.journ th,� i„eetin I U on a�ioice vote, all :� „ �", 9• �econded by Councilmar, 5tar�valt. P otiny a_��, Mayor L•ie�l declared the motion carried un��nimously and the Public 4earing meeting of the Fridley City Counci7 ef September 16, 1974 acljourned at 1'Z:44 P.��I. , Respectfully subniitted, C�,.� �`�.�°�.,.�.. � ' Pat Ranstrom Frank G. Liebl ! Secreta,•y to the City Council Mayor � Date Approved: � � 0 � :� � ' ' ,� f t�� . ' � N f ' f ` � ,� � �� ' � E , � , � .� �� � ' , 1.1(1 i ' I , TNE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIt�G CF TNE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 1 ' '� ' ; i ' � I � ' I � i t , i � ' � I , • I I ' � i � ' � �� i I ' I ' ' j ' j � ' The Regular meeting of the Fridley City Council of September 23, 1974 was called to order at i:38 P.M. by hiayor• Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ' Mayor Liebl led the Council and tfz� a�idience ii7 saying the Pledge of Allegiance to C the Flag. i INVOCATION: Mayar Liebl offered the Invocation. ROLL CALL: MEMBEP.S PR[SLP�T: Councilman Utter, Counc�ilman Nee, Councilman Breider, Councilman Star��ralt, and P9ayor Liebl MEM6E�S ABSEI�;7: I�one ADO°TIO�� OF AGENDA: h10TI01V by Councilman Starwalt to adapt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilrnan Uttcr. Upon a voice vote, all votirg aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimcusly. VISITORS: MR. RICHARD SILVtRST[IN, b675 EAST RIUER R011D fd.E., REGARQING ASSESSMENT: Councilman Nee said P�Ir. Silverstein is present on a problem. Mr. Silverstein said he was concerred about the Street Irnprovement Project ST. 1973-3. He said no one has called him since the previous meeting of the Council. Mr. Silverstein sai� he 4ras the oam er of Lots 17, 1�3, ar�d 19, but vJOndered what happened to 20 and 21. Mayor Liebl asked the Finance Director if he had checked with the County on this. The finance Directot� said Lot 20 is a very narrow strip of land. He pointed out that the hGlf section map tP�at was used in the original figures was not correct and Lat 21 ti^�as being maintained as right of way by the Ccunty. Mayor Liebl said the Finance Director has irdicated the a5sessments �,�ould not change if the Lot 21 was a County parcel. Mr. Silverstein asked if the Count,y improveci their osvn property, would he still be assessed. The i-inance Director said this section is rigi�t-of way and would not be developed by the County. Mr. Silverstein asked why everyone on Rice Creek Way vaas not being assessed. His question concerned those on both sides of the street. The Finance Director said this is not tf�e City policy. He said some of the lots are plated to face other streets. The City Manager said the F-inance Director could meet with Mr. Silverstein and they could come back to tne meeting if they were not able to resolve this question. �1R. DONOVAN SCNUL7Z, 15 RICE CREr_K IdAY, REGARDING ASSESSMENT: Mr. Schultz addressed the Ccuncil and said he believed this assessment to be grossly unfair and whether or not this is policy, it should be rewritten in this case. Mr. Schultz said he had contacted iwo attorneys to ��epresent him in this matter and one of thern had bowed out in this case because of principle. Mr. Schultz continued to comiient that the City was assessing three blocks or more and only on one side of the street. He said if the n�ap had shovm both sides and only ✓ half way up the block, but this way he did not believe this to be consistant with the policy. i�ayor Liebl thanked Mr. Schultz for his con�ments. � � � �� I i � � i _ . __ . _ _ _. _ . _ _ _ _ __ _ -------- � . ].lI REGULAR COUNCIL MEFTJi�G OF SEPTEMBER ?_3, 1974 PAGE 2 ORDIIJAfVCE �570 - FOR VACATION RE�UEST, SAV n74;03, JAMES LUND, OF AN EASEMENT, GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE 1500 BLOCt� B�T4,EEN 73RD AVEfvUE AtdD OfVONDAGA STREE7 N.E.: ' MOTION by Councilman f3reider to waive the second reading of the ordinance and adopt the ordinance vn second readii�g and order pubaication of Ordinance �570. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Liebl voting aye, Councilman Utter votiny aye, Counciir,an Nee vuting aye, Councilman Breider voting aye, and Councilman Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication of the ordinance. ORDINANCE #571 - FOR R�ZONING REQUEST ZOA n74-D3, SY THF CITY OF FRIDLEY, TD REZONE CHASE ISLA�di? FR0,�1 CPR-2 (FLOOD PLAIN_TO CPR-1 FLOOD WAYj-- MOTION by Councilman areider tnat because of the request of the State Department, he would move to waive the second reading of the ordinar�ce, adopt the ordinance on seeond reading and order publication of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Uttet°. Upon a roll call vote, Counci�man Utter, Councilman Nee, Counci]rnan Breider, and Councilman Starwalt, and Mayor Liebl voting aye, P�1ayor Liebl declared the ' motion carried unanimously and the Ordinanc2 �571 adopted on second reading and , publication ordered. ORDI�ANC[ #572 -� AMFNDTNG CNAPTER 405 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED CABLE T ���..-,n.i �_� nnrr�r�ror. nnrr rn�rncncr. RECEIVING LETTER OF UPdDERSTNNDIP;G FROM 6ENERAL TELFVISION, INC.: MOTIOfV by Councilman Qreider to receive the letter of understanding from General Television stating there vrould not be a rate increase for at least 18 months. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, al1 vating aye, Ptayor Lieb7 declat°ed the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman 6reider *o waive the reading and adopt the ordinance on second readiny amer�ding Chapter 405 of the Fridley City Code entitled Cable Television Franchise: Rate Increase. Seconded bS� Councilman Utter. Up'on a roll call vote, Councilman Nee voting aye, Counciiman Breider voting aye, Councilman ' Starwalt voting aye, Mayor Liebl voting aye, and Ceuncilman Utter voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously and ordered publication. NEW 6USIhESS: CONSIDERATIOfd OF FIRST READING 0� AN ORDI�FiPlCE AMtNDING SECTION 3.03 OF CNAPTER 3, FRIDLEY CITY CODE EfliITLED PERSOtvNEL: The City Manager suggested that the ordinance be adopted on first reading and the ordtnance could be changed after additional input on the second reading. Mayor Liebl asked the City Manager if he anticipated any problems and the City Manager said no. MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the orclinance on first readina, that the reading be waived. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a ro11 call vote, Councilman 6reider voting aye, Councilman Star+-ralt voting aye, h1ayor Liebl voting aye, Council- man Utter voting a,y�, and Counciln�an Nee voting aye> �layor Liebl deciared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF TNE ENVIRO�dMENTAI_ QUALITl' COM"r1SSI0N P4EETING OF AUGUST 27, 1974 MOTION by Councilinan areider to 1'EC�1VL' the minutes o# the [nvironmental Quality Commission Meeting of August 27, 1974 for discussion. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Councilman L'reider mentioned the portion of the minutes dealing with the possib1e leaf composting pronram. He said he thought there was an indication that there would be money al?oced in the 1975 budget fior this type of program. He said in reviewing the parks budget for 1975, �vhich is $70,G00 pius, only $12,000 of this was for the purpose ofi neighborhood advancem�nt. He said he did not think that. this could Ue justified to the taxpayers. ' � ' �� ' ' �� ' , 1 _ � ' ' ' 1 ' 1 � I 1__." _-___ _. ... ...__. . i i 112 � � REGUiAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEM BER 23, 1974 PAGE 3 Mayor Liebl asked it Cauncilman l3reicler concurred with leaf composti��g program. ' Councilman Breider said he could if tiiere would be other n;orey going to i:he neighborhood parks. He added that it is h�rd to justify this type of activity when the pevple do not see any climber°s in their par°k. UPON A VOICE b'OTE, all votiny a.ye, Mayor Liek�l dec7ared the motion carried unanimously. RECEI�'ING TNE h1INUTES OF THE CITI7_EN L3T.KE;�!AY COMMITTEE "",EETING OF SFPTcMBER 4, 1974; MOTIOt� by Councilman Br�ider te receiae the mini�ies of the Citizen Bike���ay Committee Meeting of Septe:nber 4, 1974. Seconded by Co�mcilman Utter. Upon a voice voce, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declarc:d the motien carried unanimousiy. RECEI4'1NG THE IfIi�lUTES OF THE f3UIl_DING STA'dDARDS - DESIGN COPJT�OL SUBCOPIMITTEE h1EEtI�iu OF SEPTC�9E3ER 12, 1974: i--- — " — CUfVSIDFRA7I0P; OF A REQUEST FOR LFINDSCAPIN6 AND FENCE kOkK: t_OCATE� ON LOT 1, BLOCK l, EAST {�AP,CH ES(ATES 1ST �DDITIGiv, P(i{2CEL 10; THE SAhiE BEING 7620 — --- -- ---- - — - UIJI�'ERS?TY AVENUE ��ORFl�fAST, FRID� EY, MINNESOTA. RE�QUEST BY FRP,NK'S NURSERY _, 79A0 P�(�IJ /1ULNUE SOUTIi,_dL00i�lIP�G�COU, h�TNIJFS07A 55431 : The Pub7ic 4�orks Director informed thp Couricil that this request had been withdrawn. CUNSIDERG1TIOtd OF A HOUSE RkLOCATION DUE TO A REZONIt�u RE�U[ST FRO"1 M-1 TO R-1: --- --� ---...__ �_..._�.. ....,, ..,.. ,..._. REE:T F,^,'u A�HTON F�VEP,UE 11ND TIiE RP,ILRUAD TRACK�UES . P�;t1HIC;H, i005 LI ' The Pubiic k�orks Direcior said there «oiald be no actian ntcessary ut�tii the decision on the rezoning has been madc. CO�SIDERP,TION OF A Rt JEST TO COi��ST;?UC( FF'ASE II UF THF PRESE^!T STRi1CTURE -------- TO BE USEll �1S �1N ICE Ff'r'iVA: LOCI`,1E17 ON PARCEL 6610, SOUTN fiiaL� OF SECTION 11, i CIT'Y OF FRI)l EY_ COU(VT� 0, AhOKFl, S7ATE OF f1INNr�OT/1: THF SAh1E [iEING 7011 UNIVE.RSITY F�VEitUE (v�RTHENST. FPT(11 �v.-:.�rr!r��-rfin�r��aFn;iFCT av rnrinr-rv nc nnrnvn sz� tHSI MAii�i �1Kt_�l, RNi)KA, MINiVESO�tA 5'�303): 7he Public Works Dir�c±or said this t,�ould be the second pF�ase in the development of the Anoka Couni:y Ice Arena, the City f�lanager cal7ed Mr. Uuvid Torki]dson forward to make the presentation for the County. Mr. David Torkildson, Anoka County Parks and P.ecreation Cepartmer�t came forward and presented a plan for the pro{��sed addition to the members of the CounCil. �eneral discussion concerning certain specifications in the plans continued at the Council tab�e. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. �(orkildson if he ���as in agreemert with the stipulations as suggested by the �ui7ding Standards-Design Control Subcorz�r�ittee and Mr. Torkildson said yes, he agreed. MOTIOfJ by Counciiman Breider to approve thc request to const��uct an addition to 'cne present �ice arena fac�lities with tfie five stipulat;o�is as i°econ�nended by the Building Standards - Uesign Control Subcommittee. Secoiided Uy Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vate> all voting aye, Mayor Liebi declared the rnotion carried unani- mously. CONSIDEP,ATIO(J OF R RFQJEST TO COflSTRUCT i� tvEtJ 6UILDING TO BE USED AS A M[DICAL CLINIC: LOCATED Ofv ��N EL�VEP� ACft[ 7it`aCT PP.RCEL 2400 iH.A"f IS LOC.4TED SOUTH OF �—�_�-----� .------- 76TH AVEIJUE NORTIIEAST, 5TH STREET NORTHEAST, P!ORTH Ot= 7!�TH AVENUE NORTHEAST {1ND WEST OF Ufd7TY HOSNII!\L _T({� S/��ii (3EI�lG 500 OSC�O?idF F'�lR� fJ0�2THE�,ST, FRIDLEY, MIIVNESOIA. kEQU[ST 6Y TFIE N4RTEI SU3U42BAf�d HOSPI7AL UiSTRICT, 550 OS60RIVE ROAD �------ --� -- ---- -- ----- — -�,.— hORTNEAST, FRIU�EY, MI(UVESU7f1 5543'L�}: � The Pub�ic Idorks Director addressed tt�e Council and poir��eu� out the proposed � 1 i 6 I � _. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. ____ _ _ _ __ REGULAR COUNCT� P�EETING OF SEPTEMBEP, 23, 1974 _-.--________�. �.� �3 PAGE 4 construction on the plan on ti�e easel. He said this was recc�nnended for approval by the Subcommittee for the location onl��. He read the three stipulations suggested by *,h�� Suucoitu�iittee. The City h1anager explained that when the Council had approved the plans for this concept, this was tne concei�n of the neigh5orhood. Councilman Breider asked if there was an entrance on Lyric Lane and the Public Works Director said no, they would ali be oiti Osborne Road. Mayor Liebl pointed out that when the plan was approved, there was certain cr�iteria set and the ou mbers oi the Council would l�ke to be sure that this criteria is being followed. The City Manager sa�id they want to clear tne land at the present time. MOTION by Councilman areider to approve the plan for the location with the six stipulations recommended by the Building S*ar-�dards - Design Control Subcommittee and vrith the additional or seventh stipulation as follows: 7. That dust abate- ment pTans ar.d nor°ma1 cleanup take place and that this be pointed out to the coniractor. Seconded by Councilman lltter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ' Mayor Lie61 declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTI�N by CounciL;ian Utter to receive the minutes of the Quilding Standards - Desigt� Control Subcommittee ��leeting of SeptemE��r 12, 1974. Seconded by Council- man Star�=�alt. Upon e� voice vote, all voting uye5 t�ayor Liebl tlec�ared the motion carried unaniniously. RECEIVIIVG TI�iE P1INUTES OF THE �OARL� OF APPEALS SUBCOPI��IITTEE P1EE7ING OF SEPTEMBER 1 G , 197 n : _— _ --- - - - A REQUEST FOR VA;:I;�iJCES OF: SECT�QN 205.054, 7_B, 7iiE f�1IiJtl�ill(�1 f=IRST f�L00R .4� E�1, FRU(�i 768 SQUf�RE FEEi SECI ):Ci3 205.(?5', 1, 70 P�QUGE THE i�il"lI�iUM SQUARE F P,FTER 1°55 f`R0�+1 9,000 SC��f1RE�^FEE7 TO �{c20 5[;iUP,RE F OF A DIdELI l��u At�,U GNRP,GE t0 GE L(?CATF!i Oi� LOT 1, E's TNk SItih�1E B[iirG 1b41 f�iCl:IfJLEI' l�ilf� iiV:r;JF�STF:EET -�- --- -- �REQUEST [3Y hiR. HEf��Y D. PGL(aSNI, 14?2 - 27TH A!!Ef1 EY CITY CODE, TO REDUCF 76 SQUl�R[ FEET, At�D � The Public l�Jorks Direct.or pointed out i;hat the request was to reduce the first floor square footage and alsa rec±uce the square foc�tage of the lot. TON �B He further pointed out tl�at the Subcommittee recommended approval of the request with a two to one n�argin. Mayor Liebl asked ii` there was any opposition to the request and there uJas no response. Mayor Liebl asked th�t this be. made a�art of the record. Mayor Liebl asked i{ tfFere was any opposition to the request und there was no response. Mayor Liebl askeci that tt�iis br made a part of ihe record. Mayor Liebl ask�d when they wouid �like to start construction ard the P�h1ic Works Ci�irector said this year. � Councilman Starwalt saiG thpr�e wa.s a question raised at «hethe,� this is « valid or perhaps not a de�irable builc;ing site. I'e said many 1;ax fiorfeit lots are beiny used and are very suitable. I�e said he belie�.+�d t�-�e proposed constructior� vrould fit into the uvc�rall rieighborhood. i�tOTION by Council�iian Starwalt to concur w�ith the rec�mrnendation o¢ the Quilding Standards Design Confa�ol Suhcori;mittee anci a}>prove the i°equest to reduce the square footage of the first floor and also reduce t:hn square fo�tage of a lot. Seconded by Cou��cilnian 6reider. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye> Mayor Liebl declared the moticn carried �ts�ani�nously. I �-°� � , ' , ' � , , ' , - ' , 1 ' , �._._._ ____ .._. � 1�� � REGULAR COUfdCIL MEETIIVG OF SEPTEh13ER 23, 1974 PAGE 5 -- ---- -- — - -- _ — _ =— — -- SP,fiL BEIPE�a 1620 UfdI��ERS]�Y AVE�!UE N C FRTDLEY, i��IPlRESOTA�REQUEST BY FRA(JK' S NURS;-RY, 752U_ !livlV[fZSI.TY_ �tVti�UE N. E. , FRIDLEY, P�iINNCSOTA�-- A representative of f�rank's Nursery ac�dressed the Council and said they had requested 132 square feet rot ?O�J us appears in the heading of the item. Ne said the c�nly reason ihey �ti�ere asked to go to the suhcvmmittee was because there Hras a notation in the past minutes of tne Council tiiat there vrould be no additional signs in this area in the future. tie fur-ther point�d out that the company v,�ould be aliow�d a sign 240 square feet on this �rail. He said this would be placed ovc�r the entrance to the buildiny. Mayor Liebl asked if thcy were planning construction in this area this year and the representative said yes. Mayor Liebl asked if tl�is vras the second business at tl�is locatior� and the representative said yes. Councilman Breider said he raould have no objection to cl�anying the request from 100 to 132 feet. MOi'IOfV by Counci�mr�n F3reider to approve the reques� for th� construction of the wall sign to he 132 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Utier. Upon a voice vote, all votiE�g aye, Mayos° Liebl dec�iared the motion carried unanimously. A REQUEST FOR A ��/�RIP,NCF OF SEC7ION 7_C5.053, 4C, fRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TNE RCAR YPF�I) SI1l��CH; FrQUi�?F(�EIVT F�k����i 25 Ff:ET TG 13 f�EET 7U ALLOW iHE CCN- STRUCTICi;� (,r AP� AD�)I7I0� Oiv�U ilf! EXISIIP�G STRUGTURE LOC(�T�D ON THE S['a Of TFIE 6620 RND SU�[�J N.E.�, FRIDLEY EXC�i'T TfiF NURT r��i i qi_r�h!G l HL !,.' t S/\;�E BEI��u ?Ol NUE 51KtEl, J�PdUf:i1, P�IIN(�k50T�, - CO�Ui�18I!1 ICE_ARENN): The Publ�ic t4o�°ks D;rector� saicl the ��eqi?est uoas to reauce ti�e rear yard setback i from 15 feet to '13.09 feet. He said i:his request ��;as madc �y �noka County for the construction of ti�e addii;ien tu the Ice Arena. MOTIO(V Ly Councilrnan Utter to concur wif;h the recommeiiciation �f the Board of j Appeals and �nprove the variance. Sec�nded by Councilmari S�ar�h�a7t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIOfV by Gounc�iiman Uiter to receive th� minutes of the 2oard of Arpeals � Subcommittee f�eeting of Snptember 10, 1974. Seronded by Cpun�ilman Starwalt. Upon a voi�e votz, all voting aye, Maycr Liebl declar°ed tt�e rnotion carried unanimously. '� t�EC[IVIivG THE ��'sINUTES OF THE PL61NNIhG CC�MMISSION �1E�TIPIG� OF SEPTEi�"8ER 11, 1974: ' - -- — -- --- ---- — - _ ., __ , r.. ; �N�IuL'! IOI�, UF A PPi.LIht7PiAkl PI.P�T P S '�74 Q�� RICE CRELK ESTATES SECO�'7D . AD�ITIOiV, �Y LDtJ i� (, D�� �f'PS, L�J[�/AJ PI���-TF�E� CUILDERS: A REPLAT OF LOT 10, EXCEPT THE 1201;TN 260 FLET THEREOF; AUDIIOR'S SUEDil�1SI0rJ F;O. 22, GENERALLY LLCHTED N�RTI! �F 6157 (aVEP�UI tJ.E Al�D.!�,'ESi` OF BE��Jtit�;Iiv Sik'c[T: , i--- ----- --- ---------- The Public Worl:s Directoi° said the action would be to se� a public hearing. He further expiained the deveiuper would like this Gublic hea��ing at the sarne time as tne public heai°ing on the installation of the publ�ic utilities and the exact � date of this is not knowi� at. the present ±ir,�e. MOTIQid by C�uncilrnan 6reider tc �ei the public f�earing as arranged by the builder ' and developer of the Rice Creek [states. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Liebl decla�-ed the motion carrietl unanimousl�. j. PUr3lIC HE�RINr,: C�l�SI�[RI�TIUfJ nF A REZO�Ifv�G R�CrUi�ST: ZOA r74-04, BY HEt4RY F. h1UHICN: TQ REZOi�E I.OTS 11-21, N�eD LO1S �3-37, l',LOCf� 4> SP•,?1PlG BROOK PNRY. j auJT�ION, FRCii�l f��1-1 LIC�l1T 1!4DUS�ZI�aL ARCAS TO R-1 SiP;LE FAMILY t�WELLING _ ____-----_— -- --- _----- - —� --- � — — — -- — AREAS�TO },LI_O;J THE f10VIfvu Iir CF Fl SIfvt;LE FFJ+IILY DIaLLLI�yG ON LOl$ 31 AND 32, K 4, SPl;INC�GR�JOK PARK A,DOITICfV, UENERALLY LOCATE[i GrTL;E[�J 79TH WI�Y N.E. The Public �Jorks Direr.,tor said this vaas continued to give the applicant some time and there is no action necessary at the present time. 0 t IF KE6ULAR COUNCIL ME[TIf�G OF SEP7EMBER 23, 1974 1]_5 '� PAGE � MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the minui�sof the Planning Commission Meeting of Septemuer 11, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starv;alt. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declare;l 1;he motion carried unanirnously. R[CEIVIhG THE MII�U7ES UF THE GATI' COf�?��1JSSION_�EETIFiG 0� SEPTEP16ER 13, 1974: MOTIOiV Uy Councilman Utter to receive the minutes of the CATV Commission Meeting of Septen�ber 13, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Starwali:. Upon a voice vote, Al1 voi:ing aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motiun carried unanimously. RESOLUTION Plo. Gt3-1974 - RECEII�I'�'G PkELI��1IPdARY REPORT P,P�D CP,LLING A PUBLIC HEARIPIG U�� THt iiATTtR OF COP�Sti�UC7T0�� 6( CFR1AlN Ihf�RCVEMENfS: STF;Ef=T TMPROVE- --- ------------------- ---- ------- --- — — -- MENT PROJECC ST. i915-1 RPtD Si. 1975-2 �"�iSAS): MOTION Uy Counci?man Uttei° to adopt °esolution fdo. 84-1974 Receiving Preliminary Repoi°t and Cail�inq a Pubiic Ffearing on the matter of construction of certain improvements: Street Imprc}�,+enent Project ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 (N�S}�S). Seconded by Cour;cilman Starwalt. Upoi� a voice v�t:e, all voting aye9 Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, and said the public hearing is set for October 21, 1974. RESOL.UTIQN N0. 99-•1974 - P,PPROVItdG PRELI�QIiJARY PLNN> FOR THE IMPROVEi��ENT OF ---_ -------- ----------- ------------- IM ERSECTION OF= T.Ii. �'65 P,T CSAIi �!35 A(�U NaCP:"4A�9N /�,VENUE: MOTION by Councilr�an Starwalt to adopt Resolution fdo. 99-1974 Approvin5 Preliminary Plaru for the Improve�nent, of Interseci:�ion T.H. #65 at GSAH #�35 and Hackmann favenue. Secontled by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma.yor Liebl declared the motion ca�°ried unanimou�ly. RFSOI.UTION fJO. 100-197G APPROV?NG PR� LIh�II�!,4RY PL".tdS FOR i la�_ IfV�i ERSECT3:C1iJ hiODI- FJCNi TCNS OfV T.N. �r47 FROi�i I.L94 70 OSf3GR�1E i�Oi:D: MOTION hy Gouricilmar� Breider to appro��e the Rlans f�r the ir.tersection modifica- tians on T".N. #47 �rom I.694 to Osborr;e Road. Seconded by Councilm�n Utter. ' Upon a voice vote, all vctinq aye, t✓�ayor Liebl declared the mction carried unanimously. � RESOLliTION N0, 10�-1974 - CCf;TI�YIPJG CERTAIN DELIPlQUEIdT WATER RND SCGr'ER CNARGES TO 7if� COUf�TY f�UL iTO� �UR COI.�F�l IU'� t!1 i H 7h� 1�975 TFXGS: � MOTiON by Councilman Utter ta adopt Resclution h1o. 101-1R74, Certifying Certain Delinqucnt 4later• and Se+.�.er� Charges ta the Couri:y �luditor for Collectio�� vrith the 1975 Taxes. Seconded by Cuuncilman Star��tali. Councilma.n Starwalt asked ii this resolution and certifying incorporated the last resolutiur on the penalty. 7he City ��larager explained t!�at this is still under the old policy. He i�oped 4vii.h the nEw policy, this t,ould not be necessary the coming year. Councilman Stararalt asked what the laryer amounts vdere and i,he City Manager said they were aparti�ents. ; UPOtJ A VOICE VOT�, all voti��g aye, Mayor Liebl cleclared ihe motic�n carried ! unanimously. APPOIIVTMENTS: C?7Y EMF'LOYEES: POLICE OF�ICL-R5: NAMF � ' Wayne A. Pfuhi Robert G. Friis Michael G. ll�anchef�' POLICE TECHNIC1:Ai'd David �1. Kediiig ` f ti-� I EFFGCTIVE DF;i� Septeinber 30, i974 Seytember 30, 1974 Septemhev� 30, �1974 September 3G, 1R74 SAL.ARY REPLACES �950 K. 4;ilkinson who filied L. F�°itz Sgt. Position $950 Ncw $950 New $63£3 K. Mulroor�ey ' � ' - __ _ _ _._ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ . , ; 1147 �� REGUI_AR COUt�CIL f1EETIi�G OF SEPTEt�1{3[R 23, 1974 PAGE 7 Mayor t_ief�l referred to tl�� memo suLmitted in the agenda Cy ti�e Public Safety ' L1? r�c�or, f�7r. JamES P. Hi 11 , G4�i�i ch ��;:�r.enimended Y.he appoi ��tment of three po1 i ce i offic�rs and one police tcchr��ciun. f1ayor Liebl asked the City htanager if this was his recorrm�ndatior7 and �he City [�ianagc�r agree� Hiith �he r�commendation of ihe Public Sa�f��,y Director°. i�i0TI0N t:y Cou.�cilr:ian Ui:tz;~ .to coricur tviti� the rec��„mentla�ion of th2 City 6lanager «nd t.he Public Safety Directar rinci up{.oint the afore.meni;ion2d threc police officers and o:�e po1. icc: te.chnician. Seconde� by Coi,nciirr�an Breicler. Upon a voice vote, all vo�t;ng �.ye, P�1ayc�r Liebl <lecla�°e� t;he inotion carried un�nimaus1��. GLA1f•4S: GE�d[RRRL 37�52 - 3??.8E� LIQUGR 9190 - 9229 � �i0TI0i�! by Councilinan U�ter to a�aF�r-ove t.h� claims. Sec,onded lay Couneilma_n StarN:alt. Upori a voice vote, all vocing a.ye, I�ia.yor Liebi declared the motion carried unanimously. ' LIC[NSES: MULTiPL� D4JELt._I.NG � Owner � � �!c�c��ass Un�i ts Fee f�oproved By: Paul tf. Johnsor� 6525 - 2nd St. t�. E. 7 i $15.00 R.D. Aldrich, ' 3975 Shamraci< Qt°. Fire Prev. htpls. f4n. 55�?21 Elliot V. f3enin�u�sa G05T-G3-b5 - 3rd St.N.E. 3 15.00 R.D. Aldrich, 6U63 -� 3rd St. N.��. Fire Prev. i Fridley, Mr. 55r'�3'1. � Jarr�es Fi. Johnsoi� 330 - 5ith Flace N.E. 4 15.00 R.D.Aldrich, ' G21 E3enriett pr. Fire Prev. , Frid1F_�y, Pii�. 55432 Jahn M. Hans�n 150 5?'z l�;ay� t�. E. 12 17.00 R.D.Aldrich, 751II Stinso�i P>lvd. Fire Prev. , Fridley, Mn. 55�432 ', Five Se�r�Js Dev%lc;p�;���n'c 7&05 East Ri��er Roacf 53 64.00 R. D. Aldrich, 7100 Wayzata B';vci. Fire Prev. Five Sa��ds Qat�elopr�2nt 7II25 [asl; River RoaJ 59 64.00 R.D. Aldrich � 5ce abJve acfdre�s � Fire Prev. Five Sarc�s Deve�lopr�n�„ 7545 East l7iver {'�oz�s:� 5° 6�.Oe R.D. A,ldrich ' See ab:,ve addres� Fire PrEV. � Five Sands Uevelopm�nt 7�'75 East f<�ver Road 59 64.00 R. D. Aldrich See above ad;'ress Fire Prey. Five Sands Development 7895 East Fiver Roa.d 59 64.OG R. D. Aldricn Se� above address Fire Prev. GAS SEi?V IC ES ' Thomas Air Cor:d;tioning Co. 315 - 14ih Avenue S. E. IYtpls., Mn. 5541�1 By: Vince A�de�°sen t:�. Sandin GEfJER�L COiJ7Rr'1CTOR I f�merican t;uilciers Inc. � 120i West [3roadway hip7s., frn. Gy: David Qstru��r C. Belisle � Roger Sneehy Company � 7091 !;ighti�iay �65 fd.E. i Fridley, �;n. 55�'32 6y: John Palr:icGisi; C. [3elisle � i __ , 0 _ _ , __-__---, . _ _ __ _ - i ; 117 ' REGULAR COU(�CIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 PAGE 8 HEATING Approved By Controlled Air Corporation 3008 Bryant Averiue South Minneapolis, Mn. Gy: Hai°old Christie W. Sandin MOTIOtJ by Councilman Utter to aporove i:he licenses. Seconded by Cauncilman Nee. Upon a voice vote> all voting aye, i�ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Weaver, Talle & Herrick 316 Last Main Streec Anoka, Minnesota 55303 August Retainer for services as City Attorney Comstock & Davis, Inc. 1446 Ccurtty Road "J" Minneapolis, Mn. 55432 PARTIAL Estiinate No. 3, Sanitury Sewer & Water Improvement Project �do. 155 from August 5 through August 31, 1974 PARTIAL Est.imate No. 8 for Sanitary Sewer, Wate�� & Storm Sewer Improvement Project P�o. 114 fro�n August 5 through Augus� 31, 1974 �1:,345.00 11.79 $1,,286.60 MOTI�N by Councilraan Nee to pay the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanirnously. COI�1MUNICATIONS: TWIfV CITIES P.REI=, f�iETROPOLITAN TRANSIT CUi�1MISSION: ANOKA COUfdTY TRANSIT STUDY: MOTION by Councilman Breider to receive the com�r�unication. Seconded by Council- man lltter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST QY COUNCII_h1AN UTTER TO HAVE CL`.�i'�1UNICATION OF THANKS SENT TO INDNIDU/1L MEM6E{tS OF THE JUSILEE COi��MITTEE: Councilman Utter asked the City P4anager if the staff cou1d prepare a letter to be sent to the individ��al mernUers of the Jubilee Comrnittee from the Council expressing the Council's thanks for their efforts tovaard the Jubilee celebration in the City. MOTION by Councilrnan Utter to send a thank you letter to each of the members of the Jubilee Commit�ee. Seconded by Coun:::ilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye> Mayor Liebl declarecl the motion c.arried im animously. Mayor Liebl questioned Councilman Nee on his throught of n�aking this type of celebratiorl an anrival one and Councilrr,an Nee agreed. Mayor Liebl said h e thought the teer dance should be rescheduled and suggested that if this be done during the winter mnnths this be ��one at the K-C flall. h1ayor Liebl said tliey had issued in the area of 200 to 300 tickets. Councilman Utter said he believed this would be more in the area n� 1,000. f�1ayor Liebl said he would like to honor the co�rmittment of the Jubilee Committee. Councilrnan Utter said if this is to be done it could t�e done at the Wickes parking loi: in the spring. REQUEST 8K COIR� Tif�iA[! STAR��'ALT f-CR IN�Ok���,TI(�iV ON 7NE STAI�US QF TFIE WAI_L CORPORATION _ _ --- _ _ .. — APyD DNRf2El_ FARR C��,PCIRAT�O�V COMP�c1IOiv C�i COiiMIllr;c��1S: Counciiman Star�val� questioned if the Wall Corporutia�-� would begin building their complex in'the near future. The City irlanag�r said the company was waiting for \.--_ � ' ' ' , ' �____._ . _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _.__. i � ��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIr;� OF SEPTEMBER 7_3, �i97� PAGE 9 federal assistanre before beginning tf�e �roject. The Ci�y Manager continued tnat; this would L� in the ari:a o`r tliree to fi��e mor�Chs. Councilmai� Starwalt questioned the progress of the Darrel Farr Corpoi°ai.ien in presenting the land to the City fior pai°k pu;�pcses. The Ciiy I��arager said he . weuld have to cliecl; into ihis a��d furnish tfie inforirzation to Ceuncilm�n Starwa?t. AD'OUPf�'ME`!T • � —�� .�_ hiUTIOlV by Coun�ilmas� f?reider to adjourri the me.etirig. Ser_ondec� by Councilman Utier. , Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, Dia;;�or Liebl cieclare:� tha mot:ion carried � unanimously and the reyular cou?�icil m�eting of Septzrcii�er 23, }9;4 adjourm�d at ' 8:51 P.P�. ' Respectf�7ly su.�mitted, ; G �A�.� � nm� F ,y'�,:wm��..- -R<.�'�^"- ; Patricia Ranstrom Fi°anl: G. Liebi Sec�-etary to t1�e Ciiy Council P�layor � , Date Appro��ed: I , � - _ —, _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ � . 1I�) ' THE MINUTE� �F THE SPf.CI,'1L COl1NCIL ME�TING, Ff2TDLEY C.tTY COUNCTL, SFPTFi�1BER 28, 19Z4 ' , , ' 1 � ' , ' � ' ' ' � , ' � � � hluyo�° Liebl caller the m•�ei.i:;g t� ordcr at II:50 A.P�. ROLL CALL: I�IE(ri6ERS PRE:SEIV7: P1ayor L�eb�l, Co:�nciii��an Uiter, Courc�ilman Starwalt, Council- man Nee MEt•1BCRS ABS[frl-: Cauncilr��an Breider CONTINUED PUBLI.0 HE�iRI�G Ctl4 1975 5U[lGE7: : Nayor Liebl s�ate� thai. i.ne r�urpose of i;r�e meccsng ��ras t��� continued Public Nearing or the 19?5 Budc,�et. Mayor Liet�? reac! a},r�epared s��.kement an tlie !�udget. Mayor !_iebl sf.ated the purpose of the meet;ng �va.s co exchange id�,us f�e�ti•aeen four,cilmen and be�tGaeen the Cou�icil and the Adminis�tre�tion o�� il���e L'��dg��t. The I�iayor oui;lined the major sources of revenue for the b��c;ge� ar��d also high"I�iyFlts ar�d propos�d chanyes in the 1975 Budnet as compared to t'r�� 1974 Bu�c;et, 'ihe (•1ayor stated Vie had campared Administrative salaries w�ith att�er cit�es or 1i�e si�e ao�d 6-ridlcy is not at ihe top or not at the bo*tom. The Counc�l the;7 reviesdeu each of tt�e F,dministrative salar'ies propased by the Acmir.i�tration. The Cnunc�il stui;ed tliut ti�ey would a.cceoi: the recommendation of the City ihanayer �^.�ith re�ard te� the Adn�in�isi:rative �alaries ancl n�ace no chanc�es. PARK QEFARl'�4� IdT: The first depari:ment reviev:,ad by the Cit,y Caunc9l G��as the Par{: Depat�tmcnt Qudget. 7he Counc�il discussed capit.al outlay in sor�ie detail. Counci1man Uttter suggested aufihorizing the ex;�ena�iture out of this year's contingei�cy rund in the amount of $6,670 for the ���rpase af' putt�ir:�a l i��hts, heckey boa:°ds ar�d if possible some type o' a shelter aL 1:1�e R�ice Ci•eeE: S�hool 'lacation, v�ith i:he understandi�,g that the 19%5 6udget would be ci�t as fol1ows: �5,OOu� vroulci be cuc fer compost pile, $870 vrauld be cut for one bank of bleaci�ers ac �i�� Ccmmcns Fat°k; ard �8d0 for park benches wou�ld l�e cui:; �ar a total af $u,67U. Th4 Coi�ncil revie;��ed other par�s of the Park Department Budget and the� sl;ated �f�ie budget vaas accepiable as amended. The Co�ancil c;ien r��vic���aeci eaci� of �c4�e ciher departm°��t Bud�?t.s in dei�.il. CITY COuli`�CIL: The Cauncil stated th:,t fi2,1�0 cor.t�ingcr�c�J in the G3ty Cc�u;;c:l's Budgei shoulc� be cut. The Cit:y Mana�er's Ei��dc;et �,�us a�pr�ur;o as presenteci. The Finance Dc;�ar�meri: Ludget ��as reciucad �a16. The Legal �u�lyet ���os a;�proved as pres��nted. • The Bu�ildin� and �;rounds Qud,et was appraved as preser!..e�. �fhe Cotmcil instructed the Manager to proceed v,ith caut�ion er� t!-,e accent pai7tiny. The Police C�epartment`s budget ti,as approved as present��d. The Fire Gepartme:�t's Budget Buclget ���as app�°oved as presentc.-d. �(he H°alth and 5an�itation`s Budget Gvas apnroved as p'r�esented. The Engineering Depari:;r:e;,t's B:adget t:as a;>proveci as presc,n�ed. idATURFILIST CEI}AF',TI�iENT: There v;as considerable discussion on tfie f�aturalist's �ucige�, and the direction the progran�s should ta;:e in the ce�ning year. ��he C.o!�~ici i i��structed the i�ianager to cut �11,000 in te;�ipora�°y h�.1p for tf�e Rature i��i.rearei;a�icn ard i,�'�e Disease program� for 197�. This !'!0!lICJ �edVP a total of �11;000 in tempor�ry nelp ir ttie Na�ure Inti°Enret;;tioii and �iree Uisease F?i�o�ram= For t�a,r�p�rary help. Tl�e Council also instructed i:11e Fianager to cut y5,000 fro�.rr ot;t�er ex},er.scs fior Ciature Interprc�taticn program an� �3,i75 from thr och�r �>xne�ses for ch� Trce Dtisease procram. The CQUIICI� ap;�roved t!!e budget as air�c��deci. � ___ ____ --_____ .__,_ _ __ _ _ . : _ _. . . _ ._--- ( ! 120 � � � SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETIt�G OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 PAGE 2 The Council approved the Public Works Department's Budget as presented. The Council instructed the 1�1anager to add the amount cut frem the Naturalist Budget to the Emergency Reser��e, leaving the millrate as presenteci. The Council reviewed the Budgets for other funds and approved this as presented. ADJOURNMENT: MOTIOlV by Counci�man Nee to c1osQ the PuUlic Hearing en the Budget. Seconded by Councilman Utter. U}3on a voice vote, all voting aye, P4a,ynr Liebl dec3ared the motion carried and tt,e meeting of September 28, 1974 v!as acijoury7ed at appraximately 3:OQ P.�1. Respectfully submittea, Marvir C. Brunse7l Acting Secretary , Date Approved � � Frank G. Lieb7 Mayor . ._. _ .._.._____ .._._..._._ 0 _ _ _ __. ___ _ __ ____ _ _. _ _ _ _ r_-- � . _ 121. THE MINUTES OF TH= REGl1LAR MEETING OF TNE FRIQLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OCTOBER 7, )97G The Regular hleeting of the Fridley City Counci7 of October 7, 1974 was called to order at 7:32 R.M, by Mayor Liebl. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: . ' Mayor Liebl ]ed the Coanci7 and the audience in saying the P7edge of A77egiance to the Flag. INUOCA7IUN: The Invocation was offered by h9ayor Lieb1. ROLL CALL: MEMQERS PRESENT: Councilman Nee, Councilman areider, Councilman Starwalt, • Mayor Liebl and Councilman Utter. MEMBERS ABSEN7: None. ADOPTION OF AGEPdDA: MOTION by Councilman Utter to adopt the Agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h1ayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. VISITORS: REQUEST FOR CLEANUP OF 61ST AUENUE AND STARLITE $OULEUARD: A member of the audience addressed the Counci7 and stated he wou� like to direct his remarks to Councilman areider and said he a�ould like the area of 61st Avenue and Starlite Bou7evard cieaned up. He said the street contractors in the City have been dumping chuncks of diri: and material in this area and this is a hazard to the small children in the area. Councilman areider said he agreed with the resident of ihe area and said this is something they had been working at, but have had some trouble in correcting. Ne said the request to move the material was given by the realtor of the property and the property oamer is not aware of this. MOTIO�; by Councilman Breider to notify the owner of th� property and allow him two weeks to have the area leveled and cleaned up or the City Administration will use their crews to c7ean up the area and assess the property owner, Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. MR. ALVIN SCHPJOBRICH, 5649 5TN STREET N. E.: Mr. Schnobrich addressed Mayor Liebl and thanked him for taking care of his problem , that was voiced at the recent meeting. MRS. LEE ANN SPORRf_, 301 IRONTON, REQUEST FOR INFORMATION COD;CERNING HOTEL CHAIN: Mrs. Sporre addressed the Council and sa�d that she had asked twc members of the Council if there had been any action or dacision or proposal that any large hotei or moteT chain iocate in the City of Fridley. Mr. Alvin Schr�obrich said he vrould iike Mr, areider to answer this question for hi+n since he is his bJard Councilman, Counciiman areider said he did not know of any h�te7 chain proposing to ]ocate in the City of Fridley. Mayor Liebl said he had talked �o at least three of them. Mrs. Sporre asked the Mayor to please give the audience the names of these people. Mayor Liebl in�icated he wouTd not make this information knokm. Mrs. Sporre said she tftought the peop]e had the right to know this information. Mayor Lieb7 said he wou7d not give the names of tf�e peop]e he had talked to. Ne stated, he wanted i�,he people to make a decision on what they wanted. Mayor Liebl stated that 0 �,.�, _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __, 1.22 � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1R74 PAGE 2 in order to get a hotei in the City of fridley, the City of Fridley w�uld need a golf course, and he aaded, he could be quoted on .this statement. MR. FRED LONTX, AMtRICAId 5IGN INDICATOR, REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR ' . -e�verR—�T—r'�i�iti �'�TiT.-ri es� c i f_ �— . . Mr. Lontz introduced himse]f to the Council and said he w.ould 7ike to amend the variance that had been granted for the square footage for the Menard's Lumber Company from 147 to 180 feet. He pointed out in a drawing of the i:wo proposed signs that the new one is a liiile longer than the first one proposed. Mayor Liebl asked if there �aere any problems concerning this variance. The City Manager said when the people were before the Council �reviously, they were talking about an electronic control for the sign. Ne said it would be up to the Counci7 if they wanted to hear the people a little later that evening on this request. He said if the Council would want to, they could hear this matter at a later date. Mr. Lontz indicated that the store would be opening soon and they would like to take care of this matter as soon as possible. Mayor Liebl indicated that this item ��aau]d be discussed later in the meeting. MR. DENNIS SCHtJEID�R, 6190 S7i.PJSON BOULEVARD LETTER SUBP9I1'TED TO CI1'Y � ��rv�rTiairroniTnir_ nurn.l-�,5� FTT—�Nf; IT1G�1[ Mr. Schneider addressed the Council and said he had noted that the letter that had been sent to the City Attorney was not l�sted as an agenda item under the communications sectian of the Agenda. He said this letter had been sent to Mr. Vergil Herrick, City Rttorney, an September 25, 1974, with carbon copies to the members of the Council and Planning Commission. Mayor Liebl indicated that the City Attorney would give the Council an opinion on this letter at the Council meeting two weeks from i;he prese7t meeting. MR. JIM LUND, REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL BUILQING PERMITS: Mr. Lund addressed the Council and inclicatied that he had originally asked fer five building permits when his plat had been approved. He fiurther explained that there had been a delay in the filing of the plat due to the State owning the property. He requesi.ed that the Council approve the issuance of five additional building permits at this time because of i;he latcness of the seasono Mr. Lund said he had taken care of all of i:he necessary requirements such as the bond and park requirements. Ne again agreed that no one vaould occupy the homes until the p7at is filed. , The Public llorks Director indicated tfiat there viould be no problems �•rith the issuance of the five additional building permits if i,he houses are not occupied. Mr. Sobiech felt it wouid be appropt°iate to issue the additional five building permits. Mayor Liebl said this is in the Second Ward and called on 11r. 5tarwalt to present his views. Councilman Starwalt asked why there had been � delay in the filing of the plat and Mr. Lund explained there was a delay because of the ownership by i,he State. MOTION by Counci}5;�an S�:e,rwait that �r�ith this explanatian; he wou7d authorize the approval of tl�e issuanc ��f �� five additional building permits with the stipuiation that the houses not be occup�ied as per the previous agrYeemer,t. Seconded Uy Councilman Utier. Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carr�ied unanimausly. OLD 6USINESS: COPdSIDERATION OF I?OSSI�L.ITY OF ESTA&t_ISNIfdG A PtaTIOt�l1L GUARD ARMOkY IN THE CITY OF RI LEY: W� � Mayor Liebl said the ageru.ia did su(:p1y infc�rmution an the Arr�ory proposa7 to date. He furt'�er si;ated that a]1 Civic and Service or�yanizations had been sent a letter ard asked to submit ".l��ir feelings to the Gouncil on this proposal. Mayor Liebl said he feli; the proposal Hrnuid fail ifi it �ae�°e voted on a1: the present mee±ing. He indicatecf he did nat �now if Councilman areider 4�ould vote for this •;� � � `; ' � ' ' ' �� _ _ _ _ _ .___ __ ___ __ _ __ _ .__..---1 z1�3� �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1974 PAGE 3 ' proposal at this time and he did not know about Councilman Starwalt. Mayor Liebl said he had asked the Adrninistr•ation to te71 him �•�hat the Armory would and would not do for the City of Fridley. He said this could be positive or negative; he indicated he felt this would be pasitive. He also mentioned that this may give the ' City of Fridley a youth center. He said the drill area could be used as a gymnasium. Mayor Liebl pointed out if approved, this would not be built until 1976. Mayor Liebl said he would be asking the people of the City of �rid7ey on a door to door basis what their fee7ings are concerning such an Armory. He said he would see nothing v;rong �dith the Armory if it a�ere used in a proper organized manner. He said he thought there is more than one issue, and he would like the input of the members of the Council ancf their ideas or, the �ros and cons of the Armory. He again mentioned if voted on at the current meeting, that this 4aould be defeated because some of the members of the Cauncil were w�decided at the present time. Mayor Lieb1 again stressed that it wou7d be proper at this time to gain the input of the various Civic organ�izations in the City. Mayor Liebl asked Counci7man Utter to express his thouyht an this and said they would have to make some decision before the end of the year and notify the National Guard of this Gecision. Councilman Utter said he v�ould hate to live in this caantry if everyone opposed the installation of an Rrmory in their City, there ti�ould not be too much defense. Counciman Utter said he felt the Armory wguld be an asset to the City of Fridley. Councilman Utter further stated that he had talked to the people in the area and they felt this would devalue their homes. He said he would oppose this location at this time. . Mr. Schnobrich addressed the Council and said he was a member of a cornr.iittee at the United Methodist Church in Fridley, and rather than see an Armory begin constructed in this area he would like io see the construction of a citizen's home, Mayor Liebl again mentioned if the Council is not ready to make a decision at the pr�sent time, �here v,�ould be additional hearings fcr more input on this matter. Councilman ¢reider said he had receivcd a number of calls on the sut�ject and many people had raised good points. He said one point i�tas that the people of the cornmunity would hate to be paying the assessm�nt f�r anotY�er buildi��g. He said they are paying for County buildinos, Schoo7 buildings, etc. Councilman Breider listed another reason of concern being the area of the proposed site being near Locke Park. He said there is some additianal censtruction in the area and the traffic problems wou1d be bound to be getting more severe vaith the installatian of additional industi°ial deve7opment on the adjacent pro��erties. Counc9�man 6reider said he thoE�ght Edina had looked at a proposal such as this at�d rejected it. Counci]man Breider again mentioned the amount of public buildings in the area and the amount of traffic in this specific area. He questioned the possibility of establishing the Armory in a more northerly suburb where thet�e is not much development at this time, Councilman Starwalt said he had received many cal�s and statements from peaple cencern- ing this item arid has heard many pros and cons. He said f�e was turned off by a certain amount of pcople who oppose the military anywhere. Councilman Starwalt said there are Armorys in many parts of the State and he has not run across any that were a detriment to the City that it is housed in. He said the Arriory 1S a credit to the community it is located in . Councilman Starwalt said the Nationai Guard has not specifica]ly choosen Fridley for its location, it would like to locate in a northerly suburb and this could be Coon Rapids or Spriny Lake Park. He said they would like to locate in a community that they can be a welcome part of. He mentioned that some people think the people of the City of Fridley would be the sole supporter of the Armory, but this is not true, the Federal and State wouid support this construction. He said if the construction were in alaine or another surrounding community, the people of Fridley would iikewise be supporting the Armory with the Federa] and State tax dollars. Councilman Star�aalt said he believed that the amount of the $8,000, although being a sizeable sum of money, is not that great an amount in comparison to the amount spent on the parks budget for the coming year which would be approximateiy one half a million dollars. Councilman Starti�alt said they ��iere asking a yearly sum of $8,000 to __ _" �. . i �.. r_.._.__J a.L.. fl.�......... � 124 i'\..-, R[GULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1374 PAGE 4 Mayor Liebl asked Councilman Starwalt if he agreed that the Council should obtain some input fro;n th� organizations in the community. Councilman Starwalt agreed with this. He said the City should try again to obtain some feed back. }le recalled that in the past it t��as mentioned that the Armory would need five to seven acres of lai�d, but this had been modified to make a smaller amount of land feasible. Councilman Nee said he agreed ;.�itn Courcilman Dreid�r abaut the location. He also mentioned, the K,�innts of Colu,nbus should ae cor�tactcd concerning the traffic of hall rental. �noti��r factor he mentioned i� ti��at he did noi feel i:he ccminunity supported the �lrmcry and if they did suppGrt this, it may be different. Counci7man Nee said he �,�ould not object to the input of more dialogue. He said he felt a few people were opposed because of the area because is in their neighborhood, but he felt more people were just opposed, Mayor Lieb1 asked Councilman Nce if he agreed with the Chairman in that the Service organ-izations shou'id be contac�ed for thei�� input and that more hearings on the construction should be n��a, r�iayor Liebl saiu after t1�is, � decision on the Armory proposal could be given to the Pdaticnal Guard. Councilman Nee said if anyt-hing should develop, they should k�e not�ified. He said there should E�e extensive study conc2rning the traffic of the proposed areas, etc. Councilinan U±ter said he had talked io the people in the area and some of them felt that if an Ar�nory r�ere built in the area, this �vould be one way of obtaining a stop signal. He said this may be one �,�ay to get the stop 7ight in there, but most of the people felt that this would Qecrease the value of the�r properi:y. Cou�cilman Utter said he agreed with the people. Mayor Liebl po�ni;ed �ut he had received a;etter from ti�e Governor, approximately a year� ago, and the Governor a.nd the re�ple representing the Governor said it H�ould be a great asset t.o have a medical unit 7ecate in the City of Fridley. Mayor Liebl said he was to sell the Counc�i7 and the people of the City of Fridlcy on the idea of the construction of an Armory. He said he fe7t someday the Cit,�� atould need it ar,d not have it. He said he fElt a very strc,�g medical ur,ii �vouid b� an asset to the community. Mayor I_iebl said he knevJ he was making mar-�y enetnies in taking this stand, but he is acting the vray God gave him the right to see this matter. Mr. Henry Peterson, G312 Pierc. St. N. E., addressed tt;e Council ar�d said h� thought there'is a need for ihe home guard. He re:;alled at the time of the 1965 tc�rnado, tha Guard vras called in to aid the local Police ard Fi��e Departrients. Mr. Petersen said the peop�e in i:he Trailer Courts in the City would need some shel±er in case of another disaster. He felt the Armory ��aouid be an asset to the City. ��1r. Peterson asked far a sho��r of hands of those opaosii�g thn siie versus i:hose opposiny i:ne construction in the Gity. (Ncte: Observation was no� possible to determine the number favor�ing and opposing due to the scattered response and the size of the aud�ience.) Mr. Gerald Sado�r�ski, 401 Rice Creek Blvd „ addressed i;f�e Council and said he was the only one in Fr�idley that can see the proposed lo;,ation from h�is hoine. He said he is very much of a nature buff �nd favors tP�e protection of Locke Park. Mr. Sadowski continued sayin� as long as he has lived there, he has looked at thE City garage, but he rea1ly likes th� clump of hardwoads adjacet�t tu the garage. He said he is in favor of the Armory, but not the location. A resident of the City addressed th� Cou��cil and s�id he favored the construction of an Ar�nory in thc City of Fr�idley. He relt if ttie Council contacted mare people this would be a better ind�cation of the feelinqs of tne corr�munity. He fe7t the building of the Armory would be no problem �in the Cit.y of Fti°idley. Ne mantioned waiting fGr the trains on f4issis>ippi Street and said the City has many problems to solve, but he did not feel this uaouid be a nroblem. He d�id not feel the Council should base their vote on the feelings ofi the people preseni;. He mentioned if they would like to see people in fiavor of the Armory he wouid bi°ing in rinre people than at the present rneeting. Mr. [d W11(llesy 6350 Rlverview 1'errace, F�under of f;h�. Is1ai�ds a� P�ace Foundatinn, addressed the Courscil a�id said he 4��ould like to express his feelinqs concern;ng the military through fiis �•rork with the Islancls of Pcace. N� saici in tl�e past, the ��avy, Army, and hiarines have aided in the iristallation of the facilii:ies of the Islands of Peace which is heing used by many handicapped persoris. f�^r. 4lilmes stated he thought the people should lo�k for the positive in this �,�roposal and not seek out the negative. Ne asked the Council to giv� the matter much thought be;ore reaching n decision. J 1 ' ' � ' ' �. , ' _ __ _ _ . _. __ _ REGULI�R COUNCIL MEETING OF OC70BER 7, )974 PAGE 5 a?,i Mr� Fienry Nawrocki, 5�30Q West Mo�re Lake D�^ive, addressed the Council and said whether or not the ��:Y has an Armory, this decision shauld he left up to the people of the City of Fridley. ffe said he did nat feel the Council ��rould evei° decide on it. He felt that the Council wo:�ld have to have r;;ore hearings. Mr. Nawrocki said the only one who seems to fa��or an Ar'�110iy is Councilrna.n Starwalt and he is his Ward Councilman. He said he persor7aliy c�:as waN�ring bet�veen tf7e decision to be for or against the proposai, and dio not I:no�,a! i� Fridley needed orie at the present time. Mr. Nawrocki asked if this money could be used to construct ad<7itioral bus shelters for the peop7e u�ho must use the busses. He fe7t the yearly $8,UQ0 for this pericd oi time would buiid a few structures in tP�n City of Fridley. Pir. fvawrocki concluded his ren�arks stating he felt the Council had a hot potato and aske�� why they did not let the people decide. Mr. Nick Garaffa, 6549 Anoka Si. N. E., said P1ayoi° L�iehl had mentioned receiving a 7etter fran� the Governor, He statc�d New I�righton and Edina and all other areas considering this type of prop�sal received th� same type of letier. He stated this was not just received by Frid7ey, the Guard sen�s the,ll o�.�t to all areas. Mr. Garaffa ' said he did not feel tria-� the 200 or 30U pe�ple associated with the various organizat- "ions in the Ciiy vaou1d be �°epresent.at-ive of the people of the City of Fridley. Mr. Garaffa said he felt the City s��ould establish a youth center with facilities that would be open to young ��opie all year around. He mentioned as an example the swinmir.g pool in Brooklyn Center. Mr. Bi71 Scott, 1632 69ih Avenue N. E., said he apposed the Armory, He continued statirg that no one had done any st��dy on those reasons v�hy there should not be an Armory in the City of Fridley. He further stated he 7s i�ot against the Natinnal Guard or the military, but expressed concern over whether the City needed another ' building. He said in discussion with the Nati�nal Guard, he �uas told that the reason that they needed an Armory alould be to take apart trucks. He said this cannot be done in Minneapolis because sorr�e members of the Guard steal. Mr. Scott said in case of a hurricane, the F,rmory ��c�uld not be su�itable for use, it would also be destroyed. Mr. Scott continued his stateirient saying t.here is a problem getting people into the National Guard and this is i�ot b�cause there is � shortage of buildings, this is because the men fee7 like they are be9r�g treat�d 7ii:e animals in ti�e Guard. He stated people do not �-vant to stay in the service. Ne said if they would like to make this seem attractive, they shauld not provide a building, they should make the service something the people trrould ]ike to join. HQ stated at ti�e present time, people 7eave the mi7i�:ary to go back home. He s�id he thought the peUple should vot_ on the bond issue for this ccnstruction. Mr. Gerald Sa.dot,�ski said he is a citizen of the City of �ridley and had been in the Michiyan Natior�al Guard. He also stated he was a tnenber of an Armory deve7opment , committee, hir, Sadovaski suid it E�as upset�ng tp see the fact ihat the peop]e are � insecure ��iLh tLe idea of the Ai°mory itself. He said perhaps the facts are so clear ; to him because he ��,�as so deeply involved. Mr. Sado�r�ski said the National Guard ' program is de-mi7itarization, not increased militarization. fSr. Sadoovski reca]led over ihe last 20 years, life has gone suburban, and it has become the responsibility of the suburbs to pick up iheir share and v:elcome tl�ie Guard. I�e said the home ' , organization is armed and weli equiped. Mr. Sadowski went on t� state that the uuard would not cause any traffic problems as they meet in mass only one tir�e per month. He added, the buildirlg would have a few full time einployees. Mayor Liebl asked Mr. Sado��rski to address himself to the si;atement that the Nationa7 Guard treats people like animals. Mr. Sacioti�rski ex.plained some of the aspects wl�ich would make the service in the Guard different than in the past, one of which ��;ould be that today there is a total voTunteer unit, and that it �vould take a11 the people to try to make i:he unit work, and this would take super leadership. h1s, Joan McLaughlin, 728 63rd Avenue N. E., addre�sed the Councii and said if the City of Fridley �-rants rnoney from�q�r- people, the peuple ��ould have the right to vote on this. hts. McLaughlin said she called �or a vcte on this issue at the current meeting. Mr. francis vanDan, 6342. L'aker Avenue, said he is a native of hlungary and recalled i some recent events of ihat country and the vialence tfiat steirnned from this. He said _ � : i I � � i :�.. _ __ i__ _ _._ _ _ _ , � 1.2G I � I REGULAR GOUNCIL P1EcTIIVu OF GC1'06��R 7, 1974 PAGE 6 there would be storagc� of machine guns and mace in th;s larmory. He referred to the Bill of Rights, and said he G�ras r��t bc�rn in this count�°y, he had chose it. He said i:he City of Fridl2y does not nee�l an Armory ��ith i1-iG rifies c�r mace. Mr. Tom Reed, 6130 Stinson alvd., acidrpssed �he Council and questioned the estab1ishment of a medical unit in the Cit,y of Fridley. He said he is a resident of the City of Fridley and meets at Fort Snelling. }{e saic� wh2n their ui�it is calleci in for a drill it is lucky if this �is dcne in ��ur �r five hours. He said if the Armory is esta.blished in the City of Fridley, the mernuers of the units 4aould r�ot all be from the City uf Fi°id1E�y. �ie said he a�oul� cp�osi the Arrnory after seeing the v�ay the tax dollars are sp�nt �,t ti�e reser�ve cente�°, i t makes him �•,ant to cry. He mentioned a few of the activities �:�hich he ��ad seen an� said this is not only done by the enlisted men, but also the officer•s. Hi, said in �the peried of six yeurs there was on�y o,�e occasion Gri�en they did �n,t.i�lnn civ�ic minded and this 4�rUs one tin�� when they picked up gar��}ag2 at Fort Snell�in,^y Park. Mr. Reed said he did not believe this �a�as good and he did not tiJant it in the City of Fi°idley. A mer�ih�r of the audi,ence addressed the Council and said he is a member of the Natio��al Guard and had been for ZO �ears. Ne sa�id he ti;as a.lso an officer. He said he had joi���e� zP�e Gunrd when he a,+as 17 years old in northern P1inr�esota, and this ��as because this lvas a ccmmunity th�irg arhich compared to a civic or social org��nization. He sairi th�s unit was nat too aood m�i7itari'y, but they couid be compat�e;1 to the Jaycees because of tneir s2rvice projects, He suggesced if that property is not used fe,� tl;e installatinn of the Arr?ory, r�e felt that it 4�rould eventually hecame a parking lot. Ne recalled that afi;er the 19�5 tornado, it was the �1n�ka Uni� that �ti�as cal]ed tu Ft~idiGy i.o aid the people. The resident cor�tii;ued ta state tha;; the establishment of an ;�rmory would bring appro:;imatel,y �1GC,G0�? in payroll �to the Cit,y ef Fr�dley. He said it wou7d not just be anot�ieti^ bui1uing; it v,roulcf be used by i;he citizens of the Ci�y of rri�lley. Mayor Liebl suy��sted �hat the mat:ter Le tabled until a. G��riti:en letter had been submitted to a17 0� t;he civic arid ser�,�ice orcianizations �r tP�e Cit:Y or' Fridley and a reply fi°e:n t;�em is received. He a7so sugorsted that the Courcil have ta:o more , hearings it� `vove�nb�r and December an� aTter t.his trie Cour�ci i car make a final v c{eci s i or. ; MO7IOfd by Councilman Starwalt to tab7e the corsideration of an Armary located in ' the City of Fridle,7� uni;il the Ci�.�ic and Service organizations have some input on the matter and until two mc,�°e puulic hearings are held in P�ovember and Dece�nber. Seconded by Counci7r:�an Utier, Counciln;an Qreider as�c�.d a.hen �P�e Administr�tiur, �rr-ites a letter i:o tile Civic oroaniz«tioris and i;he �crv-ic�� 0!"SdYllZd'�10115 ii` it would be feasible to a7sa wri�e i:o the ar4�a m�anicipalities such as Blaine and Spring �al:e Park and ask their opinion ' o�i a joini;. po��ers and joint build�ng effinr°t in tizis a�•ea. He said tl��is could 5e proposed on snr�� i��eu�ral greund, and this t�lould be better �han one City supplying t'�e entire fundiny c�st. Geur,:iir�an 2reider rointed out t:hat this type of agreement , and program hzd wor�ed out in tk�e law en�orcc�naent area and the data processing area. Councilman 6reider s�rici one site that came ±o his mir;cl is the MA� Airport s7te or Janes �ield, wl�icl�? is ce��tral�y lecated in �he no�r�h suburbs. Mayor LieUl said he agr:�ed with the concepfi, of contac�ing the other area mur.inalities. Counciln�an Breidcr said hc h?d no i��ilita�°y h,,.nr, ups, ��i�d f�e thought this should be lookerJ at in a dif�� erei�t rrame. Councilman Nee said he ���o�;ld like the rsfere��dum p�ssihili�Ly cansidered. He asked if this c�uld be a part of t{ie metion. Mayor Lie41 said this a:ouid be too late for tl�is f�il's ele�tion. He further corr!mented if they aJere to build t;��i ; bu�ilding, it e•JOUIu i:ake t.�n �ears,. lie said son�e feel that this wuuld be an asset ��nd some are oppascd �a tr�� Armory. Uf'OfV A RGi.(_ CALL VOf�" i�iavor Liz'�1> Councilri�-n Ut�er, Councilmon Ne2, Ccu�c9lman Ereider, and Cc�uncito;a�i Star�:�a1',: votir,g e�yc:, Mayor Liebl declared the motio;� carried ul�arrimously. i+iayei° Liebl uirect:ed il�e I;uminist"'a;:1GP. io dr��fi; a�ieCter (:o aii of tkie Civic and ' , � � ' ' ' ' ' , ' 7Z7 REGULRR COUNCIL MEEETItdG OF OCT06ER 7, 1974 PAGE 7 Service �rgani�ations in the City and also to cont;act all the local communities on ihe proposal for tf�e joint agrecrr�ent on this Armory proposal. . RECESS: f+layor l.iebl called a ten minute recess at 8:45 P.M. RECONVFfVED : Mayor L�ieb7 recoriver,ed tl�e n�4eting at 8:55 P.M. ORDIPdANC� :�,73 - ORDat��A!CE P,P�?ENDTPlCa SFCTI�R 3.(J3 0� CHAPTER 3 OF TN[ FRIDLEY CIT1` �___.__._.�_�..�__� ._._�__ _ .�.. _. ___.—�. �G�E, 'ti�iTi i ��G P`it�Cl;�Ii;EL: MOTION by Counci�man Nce t:a v�aive the read.in� and adopt Ordinance �573 amending Sectior, 3.U3 of Cl�apt4r 3 of the Fridley City Code, Eni;itled Personnel. Secortded by Courrcilrnln Uttcr. Upon a roll call v�te, Councilman Breidnr, Councilman Starwa7t, Mayor Liebi, Caun�ilman U�ier, and Councii;��an fv�ee votiny aye, P7ayor Liebl declared the morion carried unanimously and arderecl publication of ttic Ordinance. NEIJ BIiSIP�ESS: RE UESTF� 7'IME f�OR DISCUSSIQ'V QG F��ICI.EY�GPl�1IRUtvP�Ef�TAL UP,LITY�C0�IMISSIOrd BY CHAIRMAN, ._Q�._ ________.__ _.�.�_ �?____.._ JAP9�S L.EI�;�GLiv'r'FL�: MOTIOI� by Councilman Utter ta receive ti�p coi��munice:tiari from P�ir. James Langenfeld, Chairmari o� the Fnviron�;.ental Quaiicy Co�imission. S�conded by Counci7man Starr.�a7t. Upon a voir.c voce, al1 vo�ing uye, f��ayt;r L�eUI deciared ih�: rna�:iosi carried unanimousiy. Mr. Langenfieid ad;iressed che Cour�cil and thanKeci the Council for the allotted time on the agen,�la. Mr. Lan,enfeld said tt�e members or the Co;nmission would like to discuss how th� Ei�vironi��eni,a.l Quality Con�!,�issicn cciald ba more effective vrithout enfringing on other subcoi�,i��ittees �triti�in the City. Rir. Langenfeld ree.cl Qrdinance #520 establishing the Envircn�ne��tal Qua�ii�;y Cnr;?nission. Nr. Lann�,nfeld expr�ssed the vie•��1 ihat all items that af-fect the em�iroi�r��er�t in the City cf Fricil�y should be revie�rJed by the Environmental Qua7�ity Cornmission. He said i�� this is noi r��ade ar, effective group, they r�ere atasting everyone's time, He said they had tri2d � f°ti^r ways of ferre�ing oui informai.ion concerning ti��e itE�i�s -tF��y should reviEt�� on the�ir own. h1r. Thcmas Sullivan, mem.�a�r of the C��nmission, aadre,sed the Ccuncil and said he wauld li!:e to speal< �'or h�mself as a man�ber of the Environn;ental Quality Cornmission. He said he is all r'or the Enviro,in�er�tal Quali+y Con��.nission and fe7t that tnis could be an asset to ii;e l;izy ci Fridley. lie said, but there are tin�es ��then he felt that their Cemmission has Ucen left cut. He said most of the timc.the decision is m�de and then the Com_�ii�sion rinds out about it. 1�1r. Suliivan saitt the C�;nmiss�ion has no input t�� advise on r�at�e�°s. He s�atecl their adv�ice in not sought and he wondered if the time is well spe�t on the Commission. Mr. Rober•t Erickson, anoti�er member of the Envircnmental Quality Commission, addressed the Council and said he wo��ld like to reiterate 4Vildt the other members of the Commission had sa�iu. Mr, Erickson suid they could oiily advice on those matters on which their advise has been sought on and most of the time, by the time they find out about a matter, the decision has been made. He thoughi: it was fl°ustrating to sit on the commission vrhen there is not v;ork to be done by it. Mayor Liebl recalled the,t the Coaimission had been in existence for the past two years. He asked the me���bers of the Con�mission if they �aould like to have some input when decisions on develo��!neni or buildings would be pending, He asked if they would lihe some input and be allowed to advise or. this type of matter. ��ir. Erickson said the Cominission would l�i{:es�me input an environmental aspects. Mayor Liebl asked for a legal opinion from the City Attorney concerning the directio� to take in this request, t?ayer Liebl said the first input should be from the Commiss- ion and the second step v+ould be action by i;he Councii, hiaycr Liebl asked if tije Cornmission would like additional po��;er and input to the C�uncil. He thought tha1: if more r�,aney would be allocated, this may Le possible. ' The City Attorney said he thought the mernbers of the Er�vii°onmental Quality Commission as well as the members of the Cour�cil are aware that if there is any advance information, z ; ;� ; i ; s g ! � ` i i I r_ _.. .. _ _' _ . . I � 1.�� � REGULAR CCUNCIL P�1EETING OF OCTOBL-R 7, 7974 _ . . . . . _ .._ ...... . .. . ... .. _ .... ._._...... t PAGE 8 this would have to be obtained from the Administration. He thought �if this is done, the Planning Department should forward ihese items to the C�mmission i'or an Environmental Impact Statemeni. He said the Council is r.oi a��rare af what is beir,g done until after it has been revies-Jed b;; the Subcommit*ees. Mrs. Lee Ann Sp�rre, 301 Ironton, a.dd;e;sed the Council and sa-id she is a member o'r the Environn�ental Quality Coi�rnissior: and w�uld like to reinforce whai: the other members of the Cominiss�ion had said, She said the Council receives the minutes of the Commission before i:i�ey are apF�t��.ed by the Cam�nission. Mrs, Sporre auestioned why items are sent to the Envirenrnctrcal Quality Commiss�on after� the decision o n the matter f�as been re�:ched. Mrs. Sperre sii:e�i as an example t-he c!evelopment of Harris Lake .F.staics and said the C�ity may have been in violation af State Law. Mrs. Sporr.e said f:he rnembers of tl';e Coran��i,sion have n�Ude a sincere effort to protect the environment and they should revics�r relai;ed rnati:ers before the Council revie�,rs them. She said those n�atiers which I7ave a roajor in�pact on �he enviror�ment, �he Commission should review and sub:rit an �impact statement on. Mrs. 5porre asked if the Environmental Quality Commission would have more power under the currerit orciirance or having the-ir Chai;°rnan a voting member of the Plann9ng Conunission. The City Attorney said he did not uelieve this would make ary di-�ference in terms of pori�r. F�e said in both cases, tl-�e Counci7 v!ould be advised by the gro��ps and take the action a� th�y see ti�e matt2r: The City Attbrney sai� he thought the language of pnv;er shau7d r�ot be used, but rather a tc.rm such as ePficier�cy. He said he thought this �,ras a problerr i;i cc:arnunic��tion. The Ciiy Attorney said he thought those U;�ho knew of a��oposeci project f�irst �,rould be the staff at City Hall, and he suqgested -that the SuLcomrr�it�ees receive i:he averali details before the Counc�], Mayor L�ebl pointed out that if �lie manner is foilo�a�e� where tiie Environmenta] Qua7ity ••Commission v,7ouid revic>� each matt.er alo�,; t-rith the cther Subcommittees, this would take a long pei°iod or time to obtain a building peri�iit an:? r:ould be additional bureaucracy. He said �his would nive the P1ann;rg Commiss�ion ar�d Gounc97 some envircr�meritai input. k;e said he tnought ihe idtas were 4!e�l taken. Me said the Council �rould have to d�cide anc asi;ed �ir they wanted a member to be seated on the Plannir�y Con:m�ission. The City l�ttorney said he was nat sur� of S�;hich method they wantecl to pursue at th�s time. Ne said he vrould like to adciw�ess this c;uestion to ��Ir. L�r�genfie7d. Mrs. Sporre said the ent�ire member�snip ��= t�,e Environ,nenta.7 Quality Commission �Pelt that the Gouncil and ti��e Corr��issii�n �hou;d meet togetl��er and discuss the�e i�ems. Mrs. Sporre said she felt th� Environil�entai Quality Coi,unission siiou7d be equal ta the Planniny Coinmission . Councilrnan arei�er said he be7i�ved �he envirnn;renta� impact state;;�ef?t should �o,ne before the matter is di;cuss�d by t;he Plar�r��in� Co�r.mission, they shou]a make thc?i- reco�n�i�endation in ligP�t of �his type of re���ie���. He said before ;:h� bu:iding pr:,;��it is issued, the Environrnental Qua7ity Coinr�i�ission sl-,ould stuciy this impaci;. Counc�ilman Breider asi<ed .the En��iron�nenta7 Qua� ;ty Cer�imission rnei��bers if t17ey �7ad done any work on the area o� the Coon Rupic;� t,rater being drait�eci �nto the idortf? Park site. Mrs. Sporre said the State Law t°ec;uires i:l�at t.��e ti�ater cannot l�eccme ��aorse than it it. She furt;her sta�ted tl�iat Ehis �uould Ue i�as�d ori quali�t;� n�t quantity. She explained that they h�d taken it i�pon thernse,ves not by rcccrnmdat�ion of the Council, but by tf�eir avrn initiativ�. Co�ncilman S'�ar�,�ait asked if the method of be�ng a non-voting me�nber ��' the Plar.ning Commission was heipinn some. N1r. Langcnfeld said so�:�cr peeple felt �hat th�s is not vrorking because the (:r-�virc,nmental Qualit�� Cam!,�i:.sian did not have the cititen's innu'..' like tl�ie P1anning Com���ission uoes. h4ayor Liebl suyoested calling a session 4f t�ie Counc�l, Er�v�iror.mental Quality Con:mission and Plannir�ct CO"lf'1151S711 for� discussin;, of th�sQ pos�ibili�ies, hiuyar Liebl said this meeting v,�ould be r�eld in City I1a11, RECEIVING THE tiiIf,UTLS QF`TI_;E. PLf;tVP;TNG CJi'�iMIS;TU.J IffETJP�G OF SEPTEMBER 25, ]974: ' ' REGUL�R COUNCIL �tE�TItdG OF OC?OQER 1, 1974 PAGE 9 Z. � � CONSIf)ffiATION Of A REZOi'!?f�G RE�UEST, Z0� r74-�4, F3Y Hf:iVnY F. l�UHICH: TO REZONE t(�i'.`'i�1�-21, �l�,`�vD LOTS �c .51; 1 ���: K' �1, SPRJf�+ `n:«'�� 1'"Rr �`.l�DII ION�FF<Ca�l h%- LIGHT __^_ . _ .._. _�_,__ __ INLiUSTRIf1L Af�F�,t� 10 �-!�(�I( ial' €"r����Il !'�� ���i_LI1 �,�i��;��Tb AL�Cti�J 1�1 � r�10`Ji��G IN OF A SINGLE �;,P1�1LY L,ELI �;�G Ct;� I.CI(t, .;1 Ai.� S=, �LOC; 4,��rRS��:a L'�:GOK PARK I`,DDITIOfd, --- — - ----. - GEPdFf:AL� /!. �:;�1 F,D �'s'_l ,:cc,",' �97)! tiT'f r,'�.+� I'�.�E.��i�)T�;JGt"FLiO!�! S1 REE 1, ANU �;S)1TON AVENUE AhdD THE i;AILRvAD �tFtACKS: �^�� ' The Public Works Director said it would b� in arder at this time to set a Public Hearing. MOTIOt� by Counc7lman Utter to set a Public. Nearing for� the Rezoning Request ZOA 4t74-G"f, by F�enry i=. ��iuh�ich �or Na�dember 18, 1974, �ecor�ded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vate, all voting ay2, Maycr Liebl declared the moiion carried unaniinous iy. CONSIDERA7IOId 0� A RE�UEST FOR � SPECSAI. USE PFRP"IT, SP. n�7G-14, BY MICFiAEL B. ROT7Ef:: PE-R i i'Ii � E1' CItY C0(i� �S�G7I�)' 2��:�i'U''.a. 3LiJ�`i(?_Pct rIT Pi081i�E }lGi�tE � SALES IrJ A C-2C CrSI'I'1C1, 1�0 �3E�Lt t�1 ��.7 Of�� f1i� l't�("�F:�.Y �?.�,.i"F�EET OF PA�i OF THE SOUTHEAST QiIraRTEk Or'^i �ic WURl l;t!tST QUAkTE� U� SECTIO;� 12�'E�nCEL 4780 , �. .--- --___ _�_._._._...M._.-------- — ��THE SAi�iE $EI�6 7355 I-IIGFII�dAY �`65 N, E.: The Public Works Director said this matter would be before t}-.e Quilding Standards- Desiyn Con�roi Subcomrnitiee on Octob�:r i5, a7id he t�r�uld recom�nend that the Councii not take action until their recomY�iendat�ians are made. Mayor Liebl said the r°emainder of the meeting concer��ed gen�ral discussion and would not require any Counri7 action. P10TION by Councilr,�an Utter to r�eceive the �dinutes of ihe Planning Commission hieeting of Sepi;embcr 25, 197�4. Seconcied by Counc�7man Star!va7t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor L�iebl de�lareci the motidn carried unar7im�usiy. CONSIDFR�ITION OF A RE UEST TC� ItdCRFASE SQIrARE FrOTAGE ON �iL-P;AFL�S'S CASHIdAY t_UMEER .._.._�. �__._ _______ .. __�_ �t_�--_____.--__. _ --�_.__�,__ _.�._ C0�'�PANY STGPd, �P.EQ�ESi BY AP�!ERICA�� STG(� INDICA70R: P1r. Fred Lontz, A,merica.n �-�igr Ind;cator, �ddr2ssed the Co�anci7 and said the represent- ative ha�i a�peared befc�r�e th�� Ca��+nci l at a recen� meet�ing and the request was origina7ly for a me�sage center instnllatio�; i;hat would have chang;ng messages. He exFlained that the original sign tvas 147 feet which t-JOUId be highcr and narr•ow�r than the onY they are notv proposing. He er.plained that the sinn was not sold to the Cr.mpany at the time of tiie �i°e�fiaus appearance befc�re �he Council a�d ihe owner wanted the sign on i:he pylens te match ih� ��rali sign. He explained that this would call for si.retching �uL the ideni:ifi�a�ion ppr;,ion of the sign sligntly. He indicai:ed this would be pla.ce�? on the ex.istin� �y7ons. Councilman Starv!alt saic he ha.ci no abjection�, but I��e �!ou1d 1 �ke to ask a few quc�stior�s. He usked i F th::re avou]u be c:r,ough cime tn s«�;n;t this ii:em before the Board of f;�peals. I!e eV��ia.ir��d by the�ir approval at t{ie present time, he felt they would be circuinventing the Baard cf Appea;s. The Public tti�orks Director said tiiey would be opening the busiress in a couple of weeks. Coianci?man Star�ralt expressed concern over approving this type of item without previous rer,ommen�ation of the 6oard af Appea?s. Mr. Carpeni:er said �vhen they had appeared before �he Board of Appeals, they had asked for 200 square fe�t ��ith the installation of the larger m�ssage cenzer. He said the Board haca arproved the 200 sqGare reet but f�ad indicai:ed i,hat this would be without the message center. f�iayor Liebl said he vtoulcl like to be sure that ±hey would not be installinq a flashing sigr. h1ayor Lieb7 said he bc�lieved the currently beii�g proposed sign was nicer iooking than the one previously pi°oposed. He said he thought th� members of the 6oard of Appeals v,�ould also like t{iis sign better. MOTIGtd by Councilman Sta�°��ralt to amend the variance and approve the sign for Menard's Cashway Lumber for lII0 square feet rather than the previously app��oved 147 square feet on the identificat�on portion of the sign. Seconded by Counciliran Utter. Upon a voice vote, ull voi;irg ayE, t°tayar Lie�l declared tiie motion carr�ied unanimously. � i 0 f i 3 I ,,�. �--- _____ __ __. _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ � 1 �f� � I REGULAR COU�CIL MEETING OF OCTOQEk 7, 1974 PAGE 10 RECf_IVING 1'NE MIfdUTFS Or THE NUP";1Id P,FLATIOhS CONh1ITTEE OF SEPTEf�tEER 19, 1974: P�OTION by Councilman Utter to receive the hiin�rtes of the Human Relations Committee meeting of Septemt>er 19, 1474. Seconded by Councilman Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl dec7ared the metion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE P1I�'UTES OF THE PARF:S RND RECREA7IdN COMi�1ISSI0i� MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1974: � P10TION by Councilman �ee to receive the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of Septen;be� 25, 1974. Seconded by Cou�ci7man Star:•aalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Lieb1 declal•ed the motioi� carried unanimously. RECEIVING TFiE MINUTES OF 7F1F CHARTER COMihiISSION ��1EETING 0�= SEPTEMQER 24, 1974: MOTION by Councilman Nee to t�eceive the minutes of tl�e Charter Commission meeting of September ?_4, 1�74. Seconded b;y Counc ilman Uti:er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl d�clared the m�tion carried unanimously. RECETVING T11E MINUTES OF THE CITIZEi�i BIKE4JAY CO"4i•tITTEE MFETIIuG OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1974: MOTIOPJ by Councilman IVee to rece�iv4 the minutes of the Citizen Bikeway Committee of Sepi:,err�ber 25, i974. Seconded by Counci7man S�ta�°walt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declareci the iTU.�tien carried unanirnously. CONSIDERATIGN C�F NE�J P1FTROPOLITF.fV COJ(�CIL IMPLEP7FN'(ATION GUIDFLIfdES FOR HQUSING PO! ICY 31: MOTION by Councilma.n Nee to authorize the htayor to sign the letter of support. Seconded by Cour.cilman Utter, Upon a voice vo�e, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried un«nimously. RESOWTIGN #102-i974 - ORDEP�ING PPELT"1Tf�!r,RY PLAI�S SPECI�ICATIONS AND ES7IMATES OF THE COSIS T�H�REOF: SE6'�LR a 6di1TCR lri� nOl'EilEiv'T f'�'O�ECC��116, ADDEi�DUN�iil: MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resc�lut-ion ,',`102-1974, ordering preliminary plans specifications and es�in�ates of the cos�s i:hei°eof: Se�rer and Water Im�rovement Projec�t #llo, Adderdu:n #�l. Secor�deci by Councilman Starraalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor LieLl declared i.he motion carried unanimous7y. ION �103-1974 - RECFIVIPdG THE PRE!TUiPi,�RY REPORT AP4D CALLIUG A PUBLIC NEARIN6 —_A...._...__ �_..�__.,_.__. _..�____�_-------- i�iFiT��Ek �iF C01�SfRUCtIOV OF�CER�f�iPi_1i�1P�;01�Ei�i�F;TSt � Stih1ER�&-1^!%;;;EFt� Iir�G'ROVEP"�E�1T �� MOTIOh! by Councilman Utter to adopi: Resolucion ;103-1974, receiving the preliminary report and calling a public Iiearing on the r;atter of the construction of certain improven�enis, Sev,�er and N!ater Imp�rov�n�er�i. P�•oject #116, Add�nd�rnt ��7. Seconded by Counc97man Star�vali.. Upon a. voice va�e, all voting aye, P1ayor LieUl declared the motion carried unGr,i�nously, RESOLUTIOid #1C4--197n - DIRFCTTP2G THE ISSUFlNrf_ OF TFh;^ORARY IP�1PR��'[P-S[NT QONDS IN ACCCt?i)r�,i'�CE WITH Ltit;'S OI=--�957, Cf;i�PTER ��s5; � �— ��� MOTIOPJ b,y Councilman Utter to adopt Resolution �1'10�+-1974, directing the issuance af Tem�orary Imprevemer�t. F3or�ds in accordar�ce s�tith la��s of 1957, Chapter 3�5. Seconded by Counci�man areider. Upon a t�cicE vote, all vetino aye, P1ayor Lieb7 declared the motion carried u:ianimously. RESOLUTIQN ��05-197/1 - DIRECI�TNG T1�E SAl_E �`ti(�i� �'URCIi�ASE OF TEMPORARY IM°RQVEMENT �OP�US IN ACCOR`ii;�NCE 6^iI7fi LAW�i OF I°57, C11?if'1�_,F? 3t35:^ � MOTION by Councilman Nee to adopt Resolution #1Q5-197� dir°eci:ing the sale and purchase of temporary improvement bonds in a4cordance �v�ith lal•rs of 1957, Chapter 385. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upor a vaice ��cte, a11 voting aye, Mayor Lieb7 declarcd the �riotion carriEd ui�ar.imoitsly. RESOLUTIQ"� #�106-1974 - DESIGPlATIi;C POiJ_TfIU PLRCf�S @,Nf� APPOTNTI(vG ELECTION JUD6ES F�R 7Fi� I�QUE��1f,! VZ 5, �97� G��vE.(2(at.� rl�-� l'I0 ��,y. __ __� Mayor Liebl said the list had b�En subm�tted by the reyistrar. Mr. Brunsei7 said the lists had been submitted L�y the two po(itical parties. ' : ' � t - , , ' � ' , , �;i�. REGUI.AR COUNCTL M[ETING OF OCTOf3ER 7, 1974 PAGE 11 Mayor Liebl said he would likn to m�ke a chanc�e. He �°eferred to page 14-8 of the ager�da book, W�rd 3, Precinct 3, and sa�id he would like I�rs, Ct�arlotte Fitzpatrick to be the Chief Election Judge insteacl af �✓�rs. Hr_len Treuenfels. Counrilman Nee coir:mented he vao��ld t�ave no objection to a chang�. He asked if this would mean she 4,�ould be a judge, but net Chicf Judge and tl�yor L�ieh1 agreed. MOTIOty by� Ceunci1man Nee to adopt the errc�ire lis� of Eiection Judges with the amendment on page 14-8, that Mrs, C��arlot�;e Fitz�r_��icl; be Chief Election Judge in 41ard 3, Precinct 3. Seconded by Counciln�an Stat��dalt. Upan a vcice vote, t1ayor Lieb1 votirg aye, Council- man Utter voting aye., Caunciin?an tJee voting aye9 Counc-i7man Staro�ait voting aye, and Councilman Breider abstaining, ��lay�r Li�bi declared the r��otian ca.ei°ied, four ayes and one abstaintion, Councilman Bneicler se�id he ti-rould lik� to make it a matter of record that he had abs�ain�d an this vote since there wn.s no objec�ion to the list;ng of Judgas in War�! l, he d�id not be1�iere he sfiau7d ue invalved in tJard 3. Mayor Liebl thai�i:ed the m�,nbers of ti�e Counc�l for the�ir° underatai�ding of ��is feelings on this change. RESOL[�1"ION 1`107-1�7 � SETT1�� ��1' F( FCTTR^? �02 i��.l`('!?; CG Jiv�C1! E�;� 4T-LF,RGE (COU�CIL- _..._ _�_ � ,.. _ ..., _ ___ ._ .._______ AT�L�11;G�� �k(�l)�(��r���t��i��S v���,�D�>>�T�lUi�:L�fl�v<<,��I�iCI_ia.�tS�i�,aJ fVUStI!'��Pi5,t2K: MOTIOf� by Gouncili;;ar: Utte.r to adopt Resalufion ,';1G7-1974, setting an elecf�ion for hiayor, Co�nicilr��ai;-at !_arge, and questions c,n additior;a1 liquor licenses and �dorth Park. Sec�nded i�y Co��r�cil�n�.i� Starti�a�lt, Pirs. Carrol � Kul:oo-,�ski, 6�i37 5tf� Street f4. E„ addressecf the Cauncil and said she had disc�!ssec? this rnacter t�lith someone at Ci�y Hall and she believed that rather than Councilman-at•aLarge, she I�e1-ie4�ed t'r:� t�itle should be Ccuncil-at-Large. May�r Liebl said he �:ould have na objecciars to t4�is charige anci fie asked Councilr,tan Utter ii he ol;jecied� Cvunciln�ai� Ui.�er in;�icated tte did not disapnri���e (this was done Uy us� c�-F a pi�ysical yest�:r�). U?ON A VQTCE VOTF., all voiing aye, r7ayar Liebl cieclarecf th� motion c�rried unanimously. RESC1LUi7CiJ �?0�-1974 - C�RTIFYIF,':= Cfi..n.I'6ES !'0 1'HE C�U;"ti'1'Y F,L1f�:�-fCR Tb t?E l_EVTED AGAIhST _.^ ___ _ __ �,__ ___ ____. _._. CER7�/' i��! 1-'�'G' ��� � T' S`F )� C�� ��-C � i ���, � l�ll �' ��r'�'� T� 7,�5 �ts�t�ts!.E ii� � 1915 l-� (=[)S : _ �...____..e�__.________._a____.____...___��_�.�.___ �_ �_._ MOTIOf� by Council�na.n S�tar:•ralt t� adopt �;esolution �r1Q8-1974 certifying charges ta the Coun�y :�i!dit:a,° to b� levie�� against ceri.ain �rroperties for callection t^�ith the taxes payab?e in 1975 (vaeeds). Secorded by Counc�ilm«ri Utter. Upan a voice �rote, all vot7ng ay:.�, P�'a��or Liebl Geclared the i��otion cars°ied unanimously. RESOLUTI�IF, ,',�109-1974 - IIUTPlORIZf}^JG APlD DIREC7I(tiG TNE SPLIT7'Ii��G �n'D CQi�1I3I1�lTPlG OF SPECIA!y (a;SFSSi if_P;TS 0�� ;';�,;:CEL 721 U AiJ'D /220;'SFC'TiGid 3: MOTION by Councilnian areider to adopt Rese�iution r109-1974, a�!thorizing and dii~ecting the spiitting and co�»bini,ig of Special Assessrnent� on Parcel 7210 and 7220, Seciion 3. Seconded by Counciiman Star���alt. Upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, Mayor Liebl declared the i,iotion carried unanimous7y. RESOLUIIQt� ;`110-1�7•'� - F,UT;I!1RIZIP�G Aiv� DIRECTIi4% TNE SPLITTI�vG OF SPFCIAL ASSESSMENTS OfV Ph,fZC�L 2o�U, SFCiICi; 12i�' h10TI0tJ by Cou��cil���an are9der to adopt Reso7ution 1E110-1�74, authorizing and directing the splitting of special assessmeni:s on I'ar�cel 2650, Section 12. ��conded by Councilman Starvralt. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, f�fayor Liebl declared the motien carried unanimous1y. RESOLUTIOfV klll-1974 - AUTf'ORI7_Ii�G AhID DIRFCTIP;G THE SPLITTI(dG OF SPFCIAL ASSESSMFNTS ��""LU,r 39; Nn�i;�_� T;eb; ; u��trui<TS sui5�� isioTi��2: NQTION by Councilman 6reider_to adopt Reselution 'illl, aut��orizing and directing the splitting of special assessments on Loi: 39, Parcel 1760, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92. Seconded by Counsilmar, Sta�°���alt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimousty. 0 � r_._._ _ _ � �,�,`J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIidU OF OCTGBER 7, 1974 PAGE 12 RESOLUTIQN 4#172-19;�4 - AUTI�ORTZIP;G A�lD DIRFC7If,G THE CO'?RiP�I�;G OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS �NN-C�i-1�-0 711�vb����`(: I�LOCY. 1-. 41C� �C1;1=El:- S�1'bi�� DJT`�'I�id: �� MOTION by Councilman C:reider to aciopt Resolution �'112-1974, authorizing and directing the combining of Sp�cial Assessmer*s on Lot �0 and Lot 11, Biock l, Rice Greek School Addition. S�conded hy Courcilman St�rwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vai:ing aye, Mayor Liebl declared �he r,�otien carried �;nanimously. RESOLUTION #113-19?4 - l'�LTNORIZIPlG 11"'D DTRECTIRf TNE CO'�;3Ih�ING Oi=�SPECIAL ASSESSM[NTS ON L iS 39, 4U,�AivU 41, ELOCK �!, �;11'E.R l�Itl�; IiIGF�iS ADDI?10iJ: � MOTION by Councilman �reider tn ac!opt f�esolution #113-1974, autho�°izing and directing the co;nbining of special assessme�its an Lots 39, 40, and 41, Block U, River View Heights Addition. Seconded by Counci7man S!�ar��alt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl deciared the motion carried una.nimously. RESOLUTION '�114-1974 - FlUTHORIZIP�IS AN� DIRECIING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIRL ASSESSi�tENTS OI�A�:CL-L �:7&0, SLC�fAOid 12: ______....._.� MOTION by Councilman B��eider to ad��� Resolution fi114-197�r, auT.harizing and direciing the splitting of s�:=r..ia1 assessi�,et;ts an t'arcel 4780, Section �2o Seconded by Council- man Star���dalt. Upoi� a voice vote, ali voiing aye; ��iayur Liebl declared tlie motion carried uranin;ously. RESOLUTION #116-1974 - AUTH{3RI7.Ii; � Ai�l�? DIRECI�IN�� TH� C�"�1�3INIflG OF SPECTAL ASSESSi�1ENTS �ITC.�T4 2. 3, 7�(�i) 4dEST 216 r[E7 Ur L�1 4: ��;!:Li.LS JiJ�y7�i0, �15Q Ar�D 155, fv'AGGL`S !nIOCjDLAND � I � IOiJ: '-.—_—�`-`__ ._._._____.__.._._ _. ._.. _ ______ MOTIOtd by Councilrlan Ereider to adopt Resalution �115-'.9i4, authorizing and directing the cc,mbining of srecial asse5sments ar !_ots 2, 3, and 4Jest 216 feet of l_nt �, Parceis 50, 100, 150 and 155, Nagel's 61oou7and �uditir;n, S4conrled by Councilrnan Starvralt. Upan a voice vn�e, all voting ay�, i�1ayor Liebl dec�at�ed the i�iocion cari°ied unan�m�usiy. RESOLUTIC'V #llb-1�'74 - AUTIiOR�?If�}G A;':D D?RECI°IN:� THE SPLITTiNG 0� SPECIAL ASSESSIuIEi�TS -� _._.�_��_� __ _.M_____ ��P�,P.CEi. 16C�0 F�uC��IC�R'S SU� � 1U'IS�J�V (����� CL, �AfvD };EnLE`1 I?�,� iFd�tO�PICC CR�rK ES �HTES A[)D I7I ON�� _�_ _�. . � _._ _ _ - - hi0TI0i� by Councilman �reider to adopt Resolu'.ion #?lE-'97�1, authorizing and direct�ng the splitting of special assessments on Parcel 1600, �,uditor's Subciivis•un No. 22, and rep1at�:iny in�o Rice Creek Estates Add�ition. �econded by Ceurci7man 5tarrtalt. Upor� a voice vote, a?i voting aye, Mayor LieU� d2clGred the motion carried unanimously. RESQI_UTIOh #117-]974� - AUTHORI?ifxG APdD D?R�.C7IN, T�44 SPL?TTI(�!G OF SPECIAL ASSESSF4ENTS �v--L�TS 4�=�?; t�Lo?;r: ,, s�iiz� �, i;;v�,' G�.��K t;����.;..,�i �:Y:_ _____.__ � NiJTIOf� by Councilman Breider t�� a.dopt Resolution ;11;-1974y authorizing and directing the splitting of spec�ial assessi�cnts or tois 41-44, Block 5, S�riry Brook Park Add�tion. Seconded t:�� Councilman Starwalt, Upen a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayer Liebl declared th2 motion carri�d unanimoi!sly. RFSOL.UTIOi1 �11&-1974 - DFTER,f�1TP;II@G THE P;Ei�ti�;SITY OF h�.NJ PROVIDING � FOR A 7P,X LEVI' IN ��.SS��' � -- - _ _�.__._��._ � - c-- ���.17T L`T�("Y _;;H,,R(t:i?�`fHX�I�'��T S: MOTIUN Uv Counci1m:�,n Ft°eider to adopt Reso1.�.�tian ,'171�-15�7�+, cietermin�ing the necessity of and praviding r'or a tax levy in excess oi norn.al City Cha1^ter lirr�i;s. Seconded by Councilman Star�val*. Upon a e�oice vate, al�I voting aye= Ma}ror Liebl c:eclared the i7iotion carried unanimousl��. FIRST READTNG Or AIV GI�;1aVA�tiCE F�DOPTTNG 1'NF f31JpGEi f�0" TI�E �'1SCAL YEI�R 1975: Mayor• Liebl said he ���a�ild 1 ike to COITI��Ii(I(:f1f: �Il(? City hianager and Admini�tration for presenting a fiscal1y res�?onsit>le u���g;�t. h;e said i,he bud�et prc�vides for everything that is necessar,}� ii� 1J75 1nd alsc pravides $7Q,OOO 1I1 ernergency funds, or as M:°. L?runsel 1 ca-i 1 s i t, the con ti nge�ic;,� i'ur°�ca. Councilman [3i°eider said he ;�:ould ?ik� ta t!i«nk the Co�:nc-il for revie��ing and consicle�°��9 his cor��rents e,pecial�y in the park secvio�.< Ne said he tf�cught this was very considerate ofi the Cour�cil anu he apologized fer not being �.ble to attend the budyet session. � , REGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOQER 7, 1974 733 PAGE 13 MOTIOiV by Councilman Stat��Fralt to �vaive the readir�g af ihe ordinance and adopt the first readina of the Ordii�ance for the f;.td!�et r"or the Fiscal Year• 1975. Seconded by Co��ncilr,an iJee, l�pon a roll call vote, �riayor Li�bl voti�ic� aye, Councilman Uti:er votin�z aye, Ca��ncilm:in Ide�=_ voting aye, C�uncilman Breider voting aye, and Council�ran Star�,�.alt voting aye, P%�ayor LieL7 decl�,r~ed �:he motion carr�icd unat�imous7y and the first reading adopted. RESOLUTlON #;11°-1974 - CER'�TFYSP;G TiS,X LEl'Y REQUIRFPIENI�S rOR 1975 TO THE COUP;TY OF Af,OY.A tQR CULLECiIOid: --_____ _..____,_�. ._.__ ___.__ P?OTIt�iy by Counc�lm�n Utter to aciapt ResUlution #1i9-i9?r? certifying tax levy requirements for 19?5 to tt�e County for colicc�-ion. Secanded by Cou�;cilrnan Nce. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nayor Liebl declarecl i;i1e mo��iun carried unanimausly. CLAiMS: GEIVERFlL 372i37 - 3i433 LIQUOR 9230 - 924C MOTIO"! Uy C�unc�l.r,�ar� Utter to approv� i:he arorc�nentionec! claiins. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Up:.�n a voice vote, a71 vGting aye, Mayar Liebl declared the motion carried ur�atiimously. APPOII�TME�dT: CITY E:PIPLOYEE: NAME POSTTIOP, S!�LA,RY EFFECTIVE DnTF REPLACES Randy Furry Account�+ng $941 per October 75, 797� Fred Prom 2783 Pd. Oxfo���d Officer Maith Roseville, P1-inn. 55113 Mayor L.iebl asl:ed th� City Manager if it was his i^ecom!r.endation i:hat ��r. Furi^y be appoin�ed to this rosi�ion a��.i ti�e Ci�.y t4a;7ag�:r said yeso h40TIGi4 by Councilman Utt�r to a.r,p;°ave th� appaini.�rc,nt of t�1r. Rancly Furry, Accounting Officer eife:ct�ve Octob��° 15, 1914. Secor�ded by Councilman Breider. Upon a vcice vote, all votirig aye, (+la,yar LieGl declare:� �ii� rnoi:icn ca�°ricd unar�in;ously. APPOIP'TMI:PlT:�_[3T:.;E;�!P,Y/;:!^.�Y,',.,i�,Y CiTIZ�N'S COP1�"ITTEE�riv�ryRMATIJi� FitC"�1 CQUN�ILhi4N uP.EIDER): Counciin�an Sreider er.r7air�ed that a n��mber of �the com�nittt:e }�ad called him and� indicated he could r�ot serve ar� cfie ca���m�i ti,se. F!e sa �d hr_ had no suggested replacement at the presee�c �ti+n�. C�uncilman Starrralt said he had loc�ked at the area ir. �,�hich the app�int �aas to be made and he fe1t this �,�as also i•;ithin ihe bc�unds oP Lis t�lard. I�e said }�e had a suggestic�n fo�� appoini:n�eni at the present time. MOTIOIV by Councilin�n Scarv,�alt to appoir�t h?s. Gette Papke, 5801 6�!e,t f�loore Lake Driv�, 566-5£��07, to the Citiz�n 6ike�kvay Committee. Sec�nded by Counci�inan [3reider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�1ayor Liebl d�clart=d tiie mo±�ion carrieri unanimausly. LICENSES: GAS SERVIC.[S BY APPROVE[? QY Nielsen Gas Neat Stanley t�ielsen W. Sandin 5340 44th Avenue South t�linneapolis, (�1inn. 55417 �ENERFaL CQPlTRACTOR Ettel & Franz Co��pany Vernon Lar�on C. BElisle 842 Var�dal ia St. Paul, Minn. 55114 S. J. ConsY.ruction, Inc. John R. Doy7e C. Bel�isle [305 East River Road fd. E. Fridley, Minn. �5432 0 __ _ i ! 13 �� , � REr,ULP,R COUNCIL MEE.TING 0� OCT06L-R 7, 7974 � LICE�dSES continued: HEAT I!t a BY Olson Shee� Metal Robert C, 07son 315 Lincoln Street P1. E. Minneapolis, P�inn: 554i3 MUL7IPLE DWELLIf�G NAME OF 0'v1NFR ADDRESS Kent E. 4lelter 5370 5th St, tv. E. 5704 56th Ave. N. Minneapolis, hiinn. 55429 Fit-Qar 157 5°'-Z 4,ay Pd. E. 4500 Lyndale Avenue h. Minnea�olis, Minn. 55412 Duane Ofteli� 6503 East River RQa.d 4511 Gettysbu�°q Avenue N, Minneapolis, Minn. 554 28 N. C. & Beverly J. 120 Mississippi P7. Mattson 6320 Riv�rview Tg�rrace Fridley, Minnesota 55432 APPP,OVED EY 4v'. Sandin UNiTS �F[� 3 $15.00 72 17.00 5 15.00 4 15.OU _ __ _ . __ PAGE 74 APPROVED BY R. D, Aldrich Fire Prev. R. D. Alcirich Fire Prev. R. D. Aldrich Fire Prev. R. D. Aldrich Fi�°e Prev. A. C. & Bevcrly 137 h1ississippi P1. 4 15,00 R. U. Aloricn Matt�on Fire Prev. see above adciress R. C. & B�verly 157 Mississippi P]. 4 75.t1�J R. D. Aldrich M�ttso�� Fire Prev. see above address Peri cd Se;,te;iiber 1, 1 Q73 t� Septer:ber 1, 1974 Bryant-Franklin CGrpora.ticn 900 t�lest County Road U 5451 5th Si:. N. E. 32 37.�0 R. D. A7drich Ncw Erinhton, Minn. ��112 Fire Prev. MOTFO�d by Ceuncilman U�1:�1" t0 aNr}�ove the licer;ses. SFCOnded uy Councilman P�ee. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, i•iayor !_iebl d2ciared the metion carried unanimously. FSTTMATcS: Comstocl: & Davis, Tnc. 144G County F.oad "J° Minneapolis, Mir�n�sa�a 55432 For the �"urnishii�y oP prcfessiona'i enyine4rinq ser�,�;c�s; PF,RTIAL ESTTI�/1iE -`? ior S�nitary Sewer, bJater & Storni Sewer Improve�nent Project No, 114 $ 2,9�4�.G0 PARTI/1L ESTIPI�7E ;ri for 5anitary Sewer & W��.�er Improvement Pro��ct No. 115 $ 1,710.97 Carl J. Newquisi, °rosec;l,i�.�r Smith, Ju;ter, Feikcria, liaskvi�;z & Gasserly Gui7ders Exchanye t3u�ldi��iF� Minneapoli�, Minriesota 55402 L�qal Servic•es renci�red as ^rosecu:;or for ��pt;ember $ 1,555.00 � ' ' ' I ' ' � ' ' 1 `� 5 REGULAR COUPdCIL MEETING OF OCTOGER 7, 1974 PAGE 75 MOTION Uy Councilman Nee to �pprove the estimates. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVIPdG PETITION � V-1974 - REGARD?Nu REQUESTED STOP SIC:NS AT aC-NJAMIN AND ��l�R�i=,�E , D : MOTION by Councilman Utter to receive Petition �17-1974 regarding the requested stop signs at �enjamin aiid Qr�ardale Road. Seconded by Councilr,�an Si:ar��,alt. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, t�iayor Leibl declared the 1170t1G11 carr�ied unanimously. The Public b�o7^ks Director said he had revievaed the area and had de�ermined that all of the roads that open on to renjamin in this area need additional control. He further ex�lai��ed that I3enjamin is a l�rgely traveled road between Gld Central and New �riqhton. He said it is the recommendation of the Engineering Uepartment that Benjamin be r�ade a thoroughfare at this t��r,e and tl�at all other intersecting roadvrays have stop signs installed to protect this area and prov�ide traffic control. Councilman S�arwalt agreed and said this traffic is noticeably building up in this area. Councilinan Ut;;er questioned if tl�ere shoul� be additional stop signs on Benjamin at i:his time. Fae sug,ested this be installed -in th� area of the hi11, and said there is a real proUlem in this area. 1le further explained that the I;ids are using this area for a racinc� area, and use this hill far a jumping �:rccess. He said they come fron� the south a.r�d go aveT the h�ili ai�ci dcvela� a goo� deal of speed on Benjamin. Councilman Starwalt asked if this area could be reviewed separate from the current action. The Public t�dorks Director said he could t�ro�°k with the Police Depar�tment on a study in this area. Mayor Liebl �a.icf he would lil:e 'to take actiQn on the current recc�rrnendai.ion of the place!��ent o-F the stc�p signs, act�d upon r�iow. He. asked I�tr. Sobiech to censider this , adaitional area keepir�g in mind il�e pol;cy of �Lhe City, He said if there is a problem, the Cout�r_il should looi< at this, but they v,��uld noi want i:o tnake more probl e���s , ', The PubTic Wori<s Director sa�id he ��o�.ild tvork with ir�e Pi�Elic Safety Depa�°tment I to min�irnize the traffic r:roblems �is� tPie area. MOTIOfV by Counc:ilman Startv�alt to approve th� installatic�n of the stop signs at the intersections ui Benjamin and the fo17oL-,ing roadways: ldoodside Court, Griardale Caurt, 61st Avenue, ��rndale A��enue, an� 60th Avenue. Seconded F,y Councilman Utter. Upon a voice voi;e, all voting aye, I�'ayor Liebl deciared the m�tion carried unanimously. �iDJOUkP;,�";ENT: P�IOTIO,d by Councilman Utier to acijourn the meetin�. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ali votinq aye, i�layor LieGi deciared the motion carried unanimousiy and the �teyular 1leeting of ihe Fridley City Council of October 7, 1974 adjourned at 10:02 P.��q. Resp°ctfully submitted, �ia.� �G�r���-�►p-„�C.� Pat Ranstrom Secretary to the City Council Da� te�lpproved Frank G. Liebl Mayor I � �� � o —> �� LJ C�� � C°_�� �---7 �� O C=� �----___� C��� o �r� I_--� � 7 �_�? � �`�`� -� � � �� �`-7 O �� ❑ � �� �� ��� �� �� �`CJ t�J�i V� C-�'_� �jJ � �--_� � � _ _] � -��� � � �_- � --ZV _ � _�. _ 1 � �,�;`� ��- �s E �� �.,� �: �Y� • {i+am. ���� 4��� � �� F� ka E:.� � ��� 4...'zo .cy �:'..rce „„ d r:;; s €,��� f._:..a �,.� �.. ��� �,:- �':-.� , :::� x. ���.� �._.� c °=:a 4 :.. _3 n;� o= E� �, E 9 a �.,_..�`_ : r` `� E _ ', �«� E�<, �:� �m vt.,.�. � P R Q C L A���i A T I 0�! II "HELP YOUNG ANfERICA GJEEK W��EREAS, tP-►e Cc�l��te-Palrnolive Company and youth organizations thro«ghout thP Ui�ited States are proud to holci their third annual H�1 p Young �m� r-i ca prograr�s ; ancl b�HE�E��S, l 3 mi 11 i on y��±ti�s ��ai �i 1 joi n i n rai si ng funds for the purpose o-� u�agrading the educationa1 and recreational values of youth o��gan�zations throughoui our Cif.y, Stai;e and Nation; and WN EREAS , i t i s f i tti ng �far ti-�e ci ti zens a�P the Ci ty of Fri dl ey to recagnize the efforts of the Coogat�-�'almolive Company in supp�rLing arganizat�o►�s such as the Soy Scc�uts9 Girl Scouts, �lati or�al 4-F�, f3oys C1 ubs , Gi rl s Cl ubs , and Camp Fi re Gi rl s: NaI�J, TNFREFORE, I, Frank G. Liebl, Mayor af the City of Fridley, da hereb�� designate November 17-23, 1974, as HELP YOUNG AifERICA b��EEK in the City �f Friclley, and urge all ci�izens to support their favorite youth organization. ; � ;. � I� a���.�rra�sS 4;11-iEREO�, I have t�ereunto subscribed tny r�ame and c7us�d t:he Seal of �the City of Fri�il�y t� be affixed this 4th Day of No�embPri 1974. Frank G. Liebl, Mayor � � � .� ' ' 2 1 - . 1 _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ � c� 1 � -- --t �-( _ _ r- � � `� r _ `1� � C� l L,+� '{ r�L�..`rv`� (� l�_`_�'� •> _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ' '� \ r, ' � _ _. — , . , . - , -. �,�-; .c�. �� ,-�-z ._ C � .� �. k�t l .� c _ _ Y��, . �/�,i_,.��-- , , b , _ _ __ _ _ CjE_ �'l"�5�,��r �:`.�� � t f ,� :\.� � `�..r C L,��t. �s..�'t,t.-v��-�, �� ✓ � _ l. �� �;� -�c-�� c✓��: �� ��� --r- f��.���L�� �,-��� �� � � � �-� � ��ti � � ` � ° � � `_ �c� �.�,..t_�.c_iL.�� `��--�c�a__C l._��-�.�e.>J `o _ _ . 1�9 ,_ t ( (���� . --1-„ ! �i`L CC, ��. t . � i. �y4. ��:�.�rY� � ... `t _ �:. CC�iZ� �; �--�. `,..ti'�-(.�?-=J..�-C.-'n- _ � (� , �) � � � �— _ , � r _ .. - -- c'C - � ; (�_ � � ,La-'�l ��t� �, , '_ � . �. C'_ '.F_.:� � lw \.(, wL . t... �Y � �_�'"L�_ � C"��"� _ _ _ . _ _ i� , �� � 1 � _ � � � . � � -_ ._, . � ._ `_:. . �j, ..��.� `��`�ti; \:. ���r'Ll. � rJ �' � i_� UY\,.: � `Q _�vii�-.�. � �' � j' -- ' (,, � ` ' - _ '�1 � �. �� ,,.�-�- �. �-� ,... " " ��._L� Cs--v �c; c�1.�,-t:�_yJ �' r� � �-. �fi� ��;� r� i > � � ��� ��P � �- . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ' . 1 ' l � `. �� . _f..; "Yli"L 1 ° ^ Vlv L�?v1_� '�. . __ � � _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ - _ _ . ' _ _ _..___ --_ ' _ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ � __... __. ' _ __ _ _ _.. � ' _ . _ _ , . ' _ _ _ ' 1 �� M E.t�O T 0 . ��1 E:I�10 F ROM : �ATE: SUaJECT: i�ichard N. Sobiech, Public Works Girector Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant October 31, 1974 Landscaping for Qurlington Northern I talked to f�lr. Mark Stehly at Burlington Northern who is responsible for developing a landscaping plan for the total developii�ent. Ne said that ti�e plan has not yet been com- pleted, no��rever, they are workiny on it and anticipate the landscaping work to begin early Spring of 1975. Mr. Stehly also stated that Burlington fJorthern had developed several differenfi schemes for landscaping the berm, �ovdever tne management of Burlington Northern has not made a final decision on what is to be done with the berm. Mr. Stehly said that they tvill have someone at the Council i�leeting of (davember 4, 1974 to answer any questions tnat ti�e Council i7�ay have concerning landscape development of tne yards. J [3/ j rn 2A , ,s.., �_. `'�'; « GII �, � �p . ' r j cr�i .;� ��;,• ' � 1 , �J � ' , � , J 1 ' ' TRI-CC�. BUILDERS, IRlC. 7561 VAP9 BUREPI Id.E. FRl�LEY, E�tl�i+dES07A SS432 PFlOP�lE (612) b33-2i27 Uctober j0, 1Q7� The Ci ��r Coi;s�cil 6�{-�Z_ Lt11Vt`'.Y'S1l%�j% t;VE;e Iioi�e Fridley, i'Iinriesota, j5Q32 D�ar si� 5 � �•Je otiarl Loi 1 and 2, �1oc�� 5, S�r�_rig :�rooh :t'arlc l�idai�ion, and tieoul�i. like to cor�si:ruct a houti� on �'�iis �-rop�::.rtyo ';:'hen t�r2 applied ior u_le buildin� r�eri�it, the 3uilcii��� Itispector a,clvis�-�c� us tha,t tiae tr�y to utili;e the adjoinillg Lot 3, Block 5, It is our ccxlterzticn ���.t the adued cost c�' the Lot 3, ��31eck 5, ��lus trie a.s�ess_ �ents, ba.ck ta�:es, a.iid penal-ties .�,oulc� r_���..ke it pronii�itive ta u�i.li�e �his pro+�erT�e ?io�a:;v�r, �ae feel th� t i�C �:� p�.ici �;�e assessr,l2nts C�.U@ tilE' 1:1t�`yT Oi: l�'r1G_�.vjT� tYl:i.''l, c^�ZZ �d.G=i tc7•!l?S c11C�. 'ry")2�1w1f.12S could b� w�:.iv:,�d.� `iTiis lot ��ez�i�2ps cou� d be utilized alon� ZJ1-G�I �%i1E3 J� I'UOl; �U11CtlY1� S1 �T,'� j:�?''i, Ttir� YlO;�i i12.V8. Zri C101.21�"; '�=?1� ti1�' SQ l�.E'�G Oi.' 1,0 i`, � COi,?=t+.� J2 d,�c!,i.I2 OTl c"� i;a}.�.ble ba.sis ��nd no lotz��er be con-�;i�ier•;,�d a r�u�_s�1.r_ce lot, but rat�ier beco_ne ��.n a:;; � t to t �e ar�ea. If I can l�e of �n�,r assist���lce i-r_ t'.�is ::1�,��er, ple�.se cont=�ct r.�e at 78q.-�u���, or 4.21-57�40 • Since�rel�, iTI-CO Bi1ZLD���,�, Ii�C. riV`..r-t./� � �� Ci,�-�' /�i � Ja:nes �. Geor�;e Treasurer 0 � 3a MEMO T0: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Manager and City Council City Assessor Waiving of 5pecial Assessment payments on Lot 3, Block 5, Spring Brook Park Qctober 31, 1974 In reply to letter dated October 30, 1974 frnm Tri-Co Builders, Inc. The total iax and specia1 assessments plus pena�ties at the Coun�y, if paid by November 15, 1974,is $918.38. Of this amount the special� amount to $501.90 p7us penalties (pro-rated) $109.35 for a tota7 of $611.25. Taxes are $252.18 plus penalties of $54.95 for a total of $307.13. There are still $369.58 unpaid specials in the City books to be paid over the ensuing years. This over all total is $1,287.96. Mr< George is asking to have the taxes at the County waived. If this is possibl� it would have to be done by the County Board and approved by the State, but the Finance Director's recommendation on �he specials is the same as he stated at the Counci1 Meeting OctobEr 2, 1972. This would mean �hat Tri-Co Builders, Inc. would have to pay the specials up to date. They could leave the balance over the normal annual installments. ' �.e�,� . y,a. i y7 �� �� i%' '/ '--•' ,,,t•., T�1-C�3. F3�l1LC3�rri°�'a� 1IVC. ��'� ��,�� . .� � . ' � �=2� � �� �.�.} , 77}5't pp��y/}�tp� '9 �vs �'�Y�.�� y �'• �1 4�li19 U��Ii�1V IM.E. V�/ t•';^ '/ 4�1 ' a � r �.� .� . FRIDLEY, Mi� 1�1�aOTA 55432 ��ara� t�s�� �a3-�-,�,� �bel ' ' . , � J Sep�emb�x 26' 1972 The City Council 61�31 LTniversity Aveo Ti.Ed F`ridley, :�`inne 55��3� Dear Sirs: 11e recently pusc:�ased Lc>t 1 ancl 2, Bloc� 5, Spring Brool� Park Additi.on, with thz intention of es�ctin� a single �'amiiy �walling. ' Whsn we applied f'or �. bua..lding pereritp �re were j.nforr.��d by tne Building Inspectcr tha.t tha ci��y �rould �refer that we try to utilize th� ad.jainin� I�ot 3, W2 find that as of Octob�r 31, 1972 , I,ot 3 hss w186�33 in a9sess�uents, back -taxos axid penal�ies levied ao inst it. it is our contentian th?t if �his a�o�u.nt oi noney :is goin� to be ' t�.dded Lo �he cos� of cons�ruc�ionq �.t would no lon�r be feasiUle xor ug to u�ilize �hzs prapert��a Hor�ever� we do "eel t?�at �ae could absorb one half of t�is ea��'nsQ and th� cit� �:ncl cour_t;� the re�a.in- ;' ing half, �he prop�ri;y could t�?en �oa7.n be on a ta.l;ab1 � basis, no lon�ar be cor�si�tered a nuisance lo� 9 and enn�nce the �.mr�edia �e are . , `l�'he �+ixty feet (Lot 1 a..�d 2} is lar� enau� for t3. building site' but as has been ind�catad to us� if th� �.bove can be wcco�plished' this would bQ one �.ess pxoblea for the (;i �ya If I c�s� be of a�;,T assi.stance in tnis matterg pleass contaet me at 633-46�1. Sincerely' J � I v �� j'1' � t7i` .i�--z f��yron P e Hn lum, Secretary T��F'H; fh .� . . �- � � . � , 1 ' REQULAR COUPICIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1J72 C�MMUNICATIONS: �AG� 12 MINNESOTA POLLUTTON CONTROL AGENCY TC DESIGNWA�tE IPdDL'STRIES: PERMIT FOP. IN�USTP,IAL WASTE PR�:-TP.EATi�1EP3T SYSTEM: �MOTION by Couneilman Breider to receive the communication from the Minnesota � Pollutian Control A�ency dated Septen�er 14, 1972. Secanded by Councilman Mittelstadt. [3pon a voice vate, all ayes, r9ayor Liebl declaxed the motion � . ' � ' ' carried unanimously. GRACE HIGH SCHOOL: REQUEST FOR PARA�E FOR HOMECOMING ON OCTOBER 6, 1972: MOTION by Gouncilman Mittelstadt ta receive the communic�tion from Grace High Schoal dated Septerriber 28, 1972, and concur with their request and waive the �e�. Seconded. by Cauncilman Breider. Up�n a voice vote, all �yes, Mayor Lieb1 declared the motion carried unanimously. JO}iN R. RAGAAI� M._D. � FwQUESi' FOR_RESIDEPdTIAL SPEEll LTMITS AND CHILDREIti PLAYING SIGNS IN TiELODY i�;ANOR: MOTIUN by Councilman Breider to receive fihe communicatian dated September 26, 1972, with the com�ent tha� he has been�working on this problem and wauld like to bring it back befare the Cou�cil at the app�opriate time. Seconded by Councilman t4ittelstadt. Upon a voi.ce vote, all ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motio;� carri�d unanimausly. TRI-CO BUILDEitS, INC.: REQU£ST FOR itEDUCTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 1& 2, i�LOCK 5, SPRING BP.00K PAi2K ADDITION :_ , MQTZOIr' by Councilman f�3ittelstad.t ta receive �Ghe communication from Tri-Co Builders, Inc. dated September 26, 1�72. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vqte, all ayes, Mayar Liebl declared the motion cax�ried unanimously. , � � ' ' ' The Finanee Airector said that tYze paint taken in the letter is a good point, it wou2c� be prefe+�able for the builder to pick up that extra 30 feet and add to his bu�ld.�.ng site, ox it will probably go t� forfeit and }�e a weed nuisance to thz City,however, �his would be setting a precedent if this request is granted tQ forgive any of. those assessmeraiso The aame request could be made for nany oi°�er lots in the Ci�y. It is not tax forfeit at this time, but he understood that it was tax de.linquento T;�e City Attorney said that the.best solution would be for �'ri-Ca Euilders to pick up the iots when �hey �ecome tax forfeit, but that wou],d ba a few years delaV• The Finance Director agreed, it would be desirable to get rid of the sTnall lot, but he did not think the �ity could st�..rt reducing the assessments. MOTION by Cpuncilman Mittelstadt'to receive the communication fram Tri-Co ' Buildexs, Inc. dated Se�item�er 26, 1972 and concux �aith the recommendation of the �'i�ance Director not to grant the reduction �n assessments. Seconded by - Counc.�-1.�:an $�eider. UQon a voice vote, al� ayes, A�ayor Liebl declared the motion Caxx'ied unanimously. 3C � � ! . J' �. /`.1,; // V � : `.�N �._� �1 ...._..--_`� MINNEAPC�LIB IICCN6E0 � sa I, ,�� � � � � i � .� � i� � � �jd 1 °R ( w� � � V �q�� P� K� �� � w�' � � . � � � DON��D ;-i. DEUTSCH LAND Sl.1�V�YQR / / C„-s��e Z3.3 i� �. v.. �... �.°� � , � -c�c,-_ ��� '.�� . !•� 3d � ='o �'� e� '%2�° �`'-� J � PH�NE: � �'� ° 3D ��?.55 — 21.i �,h Avenu� S auth ._. _.. ,_�- ,...-_,.u.,- ._, --,__.� MINNEAPpL15, MINNESDTA 55406 ___ i�o --- �-' % � C? i°"iL�'a t �= C.-L� V �/ -~�a./ ► • `�Y • � — a- �,+�r - - - �' C1 __,�L � ,( -- S«a�� t"=3o' i�NOTes .l.�ca MorS �'�� / / / 6 Y ii�i @'J�r C6i 'i.:.2 �j1 "��';<':i. 'i:7� �7if:,v �3i GGYl '1� �+. {;?"lIC �Y1Cl CO�['�?C'G i'fiiJi £58T1�Q��011 G:' £: £ill='V��7 Gi v::J iJOi;:.1::t.::iG:. Oi �OV4 i tlilti �y �iGL'iC 5� p����1X'i� B1°OG� PAY`Ii� li.iO:S�^. �`iOl::a'G�,ly i,ii::iie��� Y�S Sli:Vv��t� u� :iic3 �;lO %'�i1 C1�f t'if' i:�i'l�.i Y969e c �� .__�.� ��� � �-,,_ t�_) �z� �'�� '�- � -��:��� - '�i II� ' � � �n (�IEMU T0: Richard PJ. Sobiech, Public 4Jorks Director (�iEi�10 Fr�Oh1: Jerrold Boardman, Planning Assistant DATE: SUBJECT: October 31, 1974 Exterior Qevelopment for Frank's Nursery Frank`s tJursery has requested an a�pearance before the City Council on November 4, 1974 for approval of tr�eir exterior development plan so they can begin �vork as soon as }�ossible so they can provide add�itional parking faci- lities before the Christmas season. Th�y said that tirie is of the gr�eatesi irnportance because of tf7e weaiher and if they go through the normal procedure they would have to waii until i�overnber 18, 1974 before they could r�ceive Council approval. They had previous1y appeared before tl�e Quilding ' Standards - DesignCrntrol Subcommittee an August 22, 1974 at �vnich time �1�e committee a�proved of the parking lot layout but tabled approval un�til a 1andscaping plan was brought in. On Septen�ber 5, 1974 we received a letter from Frank's idursery 4vithdrawing tneir request to a later date until a landscape plan could be developed and other prohl�ms involving the lease agreement with the 1andlord could be warked out. The plan they will be presenting before Council meets all of the Code requirements and conforms to the plan changes made by Building Standards on August 22, 1974. However, the 7anciscaping of the project should sti11 go back to 6uilding Standarcis on November 7, 1974 for their final approval. JB/jm 1 ' ' ' czTY or rRZnL� �r PL111�NING COI�1P71SSIOIJ M��TIIJG OC`iObrR 23, 1974 C1�LL TO QP.D'.�3;: PAGE 1 Chairman �'itzpatri.c}c ca]_led the meetznc� to order at 8:10 P.A4. ROLI� CALL : AZcmbers 1're�en�: Fitzpatrick, J.�J�mbcrs ISl�s�n.t: L:i_ndblad Others P�°esent< Da:rr�el_ Clark, .APPitOV� PL71?::i�?ING COh7P�1I.SST_U�1 I�iIT?L7',� Js5 : Harris, Ulair, Drigans 5 Commu��ity Uevelopment Admini.s�rato�: I SEPT]���iI�ER 2_ 5. 197 4 MOT.TON bc� Harris, seconded 1_>1� Drigans, i=hat t12e Planning Comr�iss_io1? approv� tl�e in.i_nut:es of i-1:e Septer�rb�r 25, 1974 meeting as ��ritten. Upon a voice voie, a11 voting aye, the rnotiorl carried unal�imous.Zy. APPP.OVE PLIai�Ir�11P�?G COi����ISSTOI�� I�:LI�TUT�� : OCT0�3FR 9, 1974 ' MOT.IOP; �� Drig�ans, sc�condcd hi) Elair, that the Planning Cvmmi.ss�on_ approve t:he m.i:nL�tcs vf tl�e October 9, .1974 mc�et.i_ng as written. Upor a voice vote, a11 �rotirc� at�e, the mot.ivn ca_rr_ied unanimousl?�. ' lZF'C�:TLrE PF�RKS & REC?�r'Ai`_CG:rT CQ''.g'•�I �aS?�GN .�;tIBr;O:����TTTTL�� NINUTES : SF?�TI�:�:�_=`=2 23 � --`L°7�� _, ' ' ' ' MUTIUN bu B.1<3ir_ , secoi�ded by Drigans, tha � t.he Plannina Comrni s�iol� receive tl�� ininutes of the Par.I:s & X2erreat-ion� Commission Subccr:rymii-t�•� meeting af Se:ptember 23, 1974. Upon a voire vote, a11 vot_i�ig a�e, tne moLion car.rz.eci unanimou�;J_ y. - RI;CF7VT, RiTT]=�D7I�?G S`i'A�?D�>�RDS-Dl?CIGN CO2� �'�:OL SI�BCGi�x„�iITTI;� M_T..At1TES: OC`J'Oh:�I: 10, 197�:� I'��Ol.IC)IiT by Harris, secoJ�ded by 231a.i.r, L-haf: tl�e Plann�.ng Ca��miss :o:� TGCC'].1rL thc m.ir�uf�s af t1�e Buildiny Stand�x'ds-Design ControZ Subco,r�:;� 4te n,eetil�q of Octo?�er 10, 1974. r�r. Har_ris asked P,1r. Clar}c if si�ipt�lation 9 for the Medicsl ' Clinic wl�ich rea�is " �.l'lzc :�i�dir.a:l uuildirics c��a_11 be limit,�d-to occup���ion and u:;c�s as stu�ed :in a let'ce.r_ fi:om the Lini.ty RZedi_cal Cent.er of_ Septeml�cr G, 1973 t,�hich �Latcs that thi_s Uui.lcling shall be limited to ,' heal_t_Yi �?r.of-essi.onalr cal�i_ch ���i,1I inclu�_e, but not li.mited to, physicians, deni.ist.s, oral starc�eon��, cli.riical p�ycl�.oloc�ists, psychiatric soci.al. wor_;;ers and allz.ec� ir�enta7_ 11ca7_t.l�� persanne_l. Anci]_lary uses oti�cx� t.}�an I' o�fic� space sh�ll be ]_imited to th�:, c commercial enterprises deai.;r:�d to serve the doc �.ors ��ncl. c�cn �ist:s an.ci tl�eir per:;onnel and patients. Such �nca_1)_ary uscs �aoi.ild �..�cl.ud� thinq � such a� professianal pharr„acy, an opi:i.cal compaiz�r, possibly a cazd and flo�-aer_ ;;hop, and noss:i�;ly �zt ' a later d.ste, a coi.f_ee sl7op, cotrld b� enforced. A2r. Cl�zr_)c said c11e rc��son tlz� peti-L-�.oncr ��,a,�ted i�l�is worded tlzi� way �•aas because therc might be nc��. hc��i]_-L-h fielcls irx sub �c�qucnL ycar_ s, and they might want= ' to bc in tlii.s Lu:i_ld=i.iic�. i•Zr. IIarris said i_hai� i� they had tr_ot�b1_c .r�ni:.inc� tha.s bui_ldinc�, tl�c� mighL be able to u.s� thi.s sl=ipul.at�_on to ' �iPlanninq Commissi_on Me�tinq - October_ 23t 1974 ' Pag� z� 5 A r ' � rent aut to some typ� o� bu.sinc�ss that wasn't compatible with the pri_mary usc� o� this buildiiic�. Mr. Dz-igans said this c�ras one of the st�ipulat_ioz�s the Planning Commission. had on the Speci.al Usc� Permi�:. Chairrnan r<itzpat�ick said th.e statem�nt says that it is l.imitcd �o health �>rofe�;s i_ona7..s. but= they aidzz' -L- v�ant tc limit �ahat type of healt7l proiessions i1���1* could r_ent the btiildir�g to. I�r� DL�_�a��s said he i.hinJcs the:ir ou-L- is tha.t the ancill��x•y us�s other than a:C�ice spG.ce sYa.a.t.l l�e li_n�i�ed to �hose commercial ent�erpris�s desiqx�ec3 to serve t.he doctors alid den�ists. and thcir per. sonnel and pat�_ents . T�e s�3:i_d this could i_nclude law�lers, insur.:nc� ofiices, auc�itc�r`s etc. C).�.airm�z� Fit zpzta�i_c}: sa.%d t}�e pctitio��c��' s ihcroselves are det�x- miz7ec� to 1_imit t?7is buil.d�_ng to rcal:tl�a 1�io�Ce:>s?on�ls �o he didn't think tlii:, G,�o�.�ld b� a p.r_obl_em> P��: e C�lar}� saici as he unders'cands it F�-.the uuilriirig �is already �30 � reri�.ed • UPOld .�� VO_rCls VOZ'Is', a.Z1 vot�.iilg aye, thc motion carr_ied unanimousl�. RFCLIVr FOAI:1� OF AI�P�'I�LS SI7T;COI���1I:"'�I'EF x�i.IT.�L1`.P�r: OC'I'OI3i�R 15, 1979 hIOTIGAT b� Dr2�a_ns, seconded 3�� UZ�ix, ti�at the Plann.ing Comm.issior� receive the 1�a�r.d o.f TiPpcal.s Sizbcomrn.ztte� r:�_ir.utes af t3?C2Z' October 15, 1974 rneeiing. rZr, llric;ans said the CoL��1ci1.. tabJ_ec� -rhe v��riances ior_ Utzi.lding on 50 ioot 1ot.s . I�Sr � ClarlL ;°��i�i t'_�at �cl�esc� co�i �d co:ne be�ore th�� Planning Co�r�mi �sian �_�_ trlc retit.ivner dec_i_czes to build -�h�se hor,ies because th�y are in tlic � l.cod plain and �<.=i11 r.eqaire Special Use Pe.r.:n� ::� Mr. Fla.r��is �aid lie ��;as int-eres�ted i_n the dec� sioi.z and the ce��i_::�nf�:. made on t�he a�.>proval. for G�-aYiam Testers e Iii_ . Drigans said he sair'�. {�h� �oa.:rd fi�r_lt th_is ��,�«s �� c�ri�l_��1n��tion o:(= the petiL-ioner and aumini.struT _on ir,. tha�L- tllis �•fa, allc;��:ec� in th�� f�.r�i� p7.ace. Nir. C1ar}ti saia th� beti-ttione�_ was i�old t}�.at a_f he diu t:his,- l�ie �-�as doing it at Y:is ��-��. risk of it being a.i�proved. Dir. Dri.c!ans sai.d t-ha-l� as t.his was dif:icYc�n'c_ �rom the p1.�n oriqinally approvcd, ll^ �.houc�ht: -L-his project SilUUlCt have bcen red i.agqedP and z:o or�e sermed Lo knc�-� �ahcr_e the appr_ova.l cazne� frc:�� to let tlie,n cut the grecn ar�a t.o suclz a small u.mount by putting « drivew��y through this area. UPOn' A VOICL•' VOZ'E, T�LL votirlg aye, tlzc motion c�rr.ied ui�animously. RLCrTVr >>r_,�T>�rs & sUr3�>r_vzsTOr� ;-sT.r.}:,r��rs � vT_C.LT�rirs sUr,con��±,ITTr7; rszr�r�,�T,r �: oc'P013I3 �z i-r ,-1 � � � --- � — h�OT]:ON bi) Ilzrris, .sec:vnded by B1air, tha� Lhe Pl�nning Comm�ssion receive ili� minut:es of thc� P1ai�s & SuLdiv�.sions-,Streets & Utiliti��s Silbcotjtrniitee rrieetir�y o1'� Uctobe�: 1.G, 197•�. Upo.� a voice vote, a1l voiing a��, the motio�i carri.ed ur2��iimousl1�, RI�C1sIVi:, T�i;f•10 1'P.Ot��1 DN.1 1IU1?J', NZITUT'.71LIS`:I'�Ri.rOURCT: COORD:LT�A�l'OR 5B Plannine� Commissi.on_I�7eetin.g - October_ 23, 1974 ' Page 3� MOTT.ON by ttar.ris, secancled by 73Jair, that tl�e Planning Commission receive the rnemo from Dan tluff, Naturalist/P.esource Coordinator, of_ Septelrlber 27, 1974. Ur>on a vvice vote, a.�l voting aye, the mo�ion carried unanirnous�Z�. l. PUT3LIC HEAI:II�G : CONSID�R11TT0i1 OT' l� P1�OPQSI?D PRELII�4INARY PLI�T, P.S. 1;74-OCF TI�T�'D]'�?:'S 7,ST T3.1);.�I`I'J:Oi�T, F3Y D11.ILI�Y IIOI•i.ES, IA7Ce: I1 rej?]_at oi�Lo� 3, l-�uditc�7�` s SuUc�ivisio�z No. 92, except the North 169 feeL- of the t�+est 164 f�eet f�l��:reof, generally located Sou��z af 6]_st 7�veaxue N.E. , bef�vaeen Benjamir� S�L-reet & Mc ICinley Street N.�e Mr. Iioward N�rstrom was present to represcnt the pei.ition�r. 1gOTION by Harr.is, seconded by Blair, that the Planni.ng Cemmis- s.ion waive thc reading of tl�e Pub1_ic Flearirg notice for the consider- ation of a prelzminar.y pZat, P.S. �l'14--06, Zander's .Zst Addition, by Daile� Ilomes, Inca U�on a vv.zcc vote, a.ZI voting aye, the motion carr_ied u�7,�n.imously. Mr. CJ_ark said tl-zat at the P1at.s & Subs meetizzg of October 16, 197�i Mr. Korin, who ov,ns t.h� praperty -t.hat is the eYCeption i:o thi_s plat, said i�l-�ere was a t�aa ta four foot discrepancy in the East-lv�st line of his Saut.l�i property linc�. D�r� Dai1_ey` s�urveyor made a ca1:i to me and exp]_ain.ed thai� thc loL irons in �Lhe field �•iere not in th�= location ���here A'1i r Kori_n tho�uc�ht= they �-rere. I�ir. C1ar.Y said he haci not bee�� ou-t= ir�. the Lield to chec}� the �e iroris , so t�ae sti11 have this s��vey discrep�n�y. Mr. C1ark said tha� otl�.er items ��yhich ��,�ere di�cussed at thi� mee-t:iJ.�g was th� pr.o:>1em a� dr�.iz�.age a1.or�g the East line of i•ir. Kar�n` s prop�rty� �:�hich c��as g�ilzq A�c� be tal>en r.are o� by a s�,��ale a� ang Lot 6 of this p�_a�:. b�r. �:�.rin. st.a-tcd t�1a-�. h.e woula aUree to the encroac,iillEr�t. on his �?a�ol�e�-i_y for t,zis sw�1e, ;o tl�a� in czsc tlie storm se��rer along nis Sauth property line plizac;cd L�p, the excess water cou�d drain t_o:aarc� 61s-L- Avc-�n.ue, l�xcept .for i�l.zc� �ur�Tey c�iiscre}��ncy, all the stipulat? ons .p�t o�z .1.�y the P�ats & Stibciivi_sions�-S �-reet-.s & Utilities Subcam^.lit �:�e have bcrn ac�reed to by the ci��r�loper. Th�se stipu�atior�s are to �wovi�i�, az� e�senlent foi� i:he storm sc�v,er as sY�ov:�z on the plat, pzovide an ease- me1��� a7_ong �l�e .r�ar :i_ot lines for oLl�.�r utilit:ies, solve the draa..nac�e prob].ems w'i_th �3�:. I:or_a_n, provicie one tree per_ 1at, 2" in diamei�er, redtz�� the strc�ct decii.cai:i.on for 61st Aven.ue from ?_5 �eet to 20 fc�•�t, so Lot 6 wi.11 have the requ:ired 80' f��ont faotaqe arid provid� iln�ier- grour�d ut=ilities. Th�re is an eaisti7�g house oi� thi_s plat whicll ���i]_1 be moved ta I,ot 1. Thc-� en-Lire plat v�ill have to b� r�graded ana th�rc will bc a lot of e�:ce�s fi]_].. ' Mr. Drigans a�ked how th� elevations Clark said �.l�ie d�:ish lin�s are the existing l�_nes are the propos�d el.evations. �aere sho��m on the plat . r11 . elevations and the solid � D7r, rlmars Pricdit_is, G031 Penjamin S�rect N.�., said his Prope.r_ty was Soui.h. of this plat. H� said tl�ai: in l.oa)cing at the praposect plat, there wou7_d be ar� 8 f_oct drop ii�. f.ive feet� and h� eronder�d iL this mct ' the codc� requiren-�ents . Mr. Clar�lc sa:i.d t11e gi-ade �,rc�uld Y�ave to bc t}aree to one, that �aas code. LJ 1 Plaizninc� Commission I�i�eti_nq - Octobe..r. ?_3,__197�= Pacxt� 4 5C � �r. Nystrom said he tl�ouc�ht therc� was quii�c- a drop at that location at thc pr_esent tim.e. rir. Pxied�_Li.s said it was about a four foot d�op in 10 f�et r�o�•a, t�Tr. C)..a.rk said thi_s will_ Y�.�ve to be chanqed to a thr_ee to onc sl�pe. I�ir_ o Nystr_o:ri said h� knew this ��as cod�, and he didn't , kno�a why the enginee.r hadn't drawn the clevations according to the codc. � ' � ' r�r. Kor:in, 6051 Benja.ma_n ;�tr_eei. N.E., asl;.ed i�ir. Clar_k if he h�.d checl;cc� out ��ize c1_eva-�:i�ons zc�r' �the S"�Ol:itl sewei along the South line of_ his propc� L-y. He saic� he �-,rzs tol.d at tl�.e tirne this was installca t]Zat i.t u:oialdrz` �t L� lovT eno.i.e�h to c3�:a.in his yard and he wondered ii th�_s �aas true oi no�_� r�r.. Clat•]: sai_d �L-l�iis �ti-otild be checl�ed ou�, biz� aecc>rc:ing to t�l�c c�ra�,; i_ric� an -f;l�.e pl_at, i-L- should be lo<<� enougn �o handl_e th.e clraiizag� _ I�i: e C1Gr_k saicx i-t caas at the ti.me that this �aas stu1->:�ed ini�o ti-�e street �h.at t��r. Korin c-ras told i� �-aould nat be 1o�r enough, r�r. I'i.tzp�t��=i..ck �s}�e� I�7ra ICori.n i.f l.�e had en.ougli room on his lot to ti�pJ_it ofi hal_� of i_t-. :Car a 1�u:i..ldii�c� site� Mi'. Korin said this �-:�:s deba.-�ab:leo I�e i��ls ��1��:�i� hc 1-ias �.nc�t ��yeryor�e else lzas told hira he c�acs�z't, so far t}�e time U�ing, �c�ae're riot diseussing thac. Mr� Fi���-- pai�ric}: sai_d that �a-r. K�rin diczn' i� havc: an�r curreni. plans for his pa�op�.r i y then. AZr. I:orin .�aic� tl�ta-t thc� discrep�ncy ,�_ri tl�e survey �aas that the � cuxk� shc�t�.l_d hc tl�:.ree i �et :� ror.� h�_5 proper-ty 7_ine, and ��ith the nev� SUI VE'V r Lhe curb is on rny pr_ope�-i_y i7oGa. He saic? that wl��en the Cit_y sua_ve�red fcL -L-l�ie stte�t, theiL survelr agreec� �<r�th his. ' Mr. Pri.�c�i-L-is asr�ed if �h�_� pla-� cc�uld be approved without t.ha three to one. slope not b�in j sho��n. I�1� � iia�°ris sa:�d this vaas only the prelimii�ary p1.a�G f and �.h i s�,7ould be o�Ze o� tlie stipula�ions fo-r the fina_l pJ_�-L-. Mr. Ha:r_ris a_s}.c�d who �aauld. be responsible for maintaining the 20 ��et �f st.reeL c���di_r.a�i_ozi adjacen��. -i�o Lot 6. N�r. Clark said th� prc�}�ei �ty a��; nei° of. L� �- 6. Mr . liar�: is s� id he thought-. this should �e spel'�ec3 ot�� as a s-�ipulation. T•Sr. Clar)c said this wa� eovered in �.he zor�ing code e J�Zr. ICar_i.n said. th�t at the Pla�Ls s: Subs meetinc�, A'Ir. Thorson nad stated that the-re were no p.lai�s i:or addinq a ga.r_age �.o the house th�t �,Tas ucinq moved i�a Lot l. IIe said hc 1-iad tall:cd to i�t�.e 7ariders, a?zd th�y �;aid ti���= dic3 pJ_an to have a c�zrage ai�� a_t G•�ras in their contr��c t. Mr_ . Harri.s said thr� rcasan he hac� urouc�i�t this up a-L- t�h<�t �neeting ��,�ts l�ecause of the gracle on tliis lot o It seemea that i L would alraost r�:�v� to be a tucicc undcr garac��. i�r_. I:orin said he thouc�ht that was wh�j� it would be. Mr. I'iLZ}��atric}: asked if thi.s hoinc belonged to the sell.�:�s o� t.he gropert}r� rlr. I:orin said yes, it belanged to the Lander_ `s. MOTION ��y Blaiz, seconded by H�tr.ris, that the Planning Commis::ion clase ihe Public Hearing ot� thr� cor�sideration of a prel.im.itzax� p1at, P.S. �i74-OG, Zander's Zst_ ndcliLio��, Z�� DaiZe� Ilomes, Inc. Upo21 a vo.ice votc�, a11 vot�inq aye, thc mot�ol� carried iinanimousl�. , �-> - , I � � � � � � � � i �� � � , � � � ���.��.nni_ng Commissi.on M.ee�tine� - Octob�r 23, 1974 Page 5 5 D Nr. Fitzpatrick said �he surv�y discrepanr.y shouJ_d be worked out Ue£o�-e thir plat goes to Cotzllcil. Mr. Clark said it would certain�.y have to be resolv�d bc�or� t.he hard shells c,�ere made. Mr. Fii=zpatrick asl�ed �-aha �caoul.ci hav� tc� r_esolve tlze conflict in the survcy. I���°. Cla�-k s�id he tYlouqht i�he pet�_tioner should revise his �re:Liminary p7_at to show how the drainagc� probl.em woul.d be �aor}:ed out. �long Lot 5, �.l�e grade chang� along thc� South property line, and the s�reet dedicati.on c11�nc�ed frorn 25 feet to 20 feet. The I'lanni��.g Com:riis��ion �tiTi11 h�A��� anoth����_ m��i�irig b�for_e this goes to Council, an� h� t,�ouq}�t t]Zey �;hau�_d c;et ana�h���r :l_oo}� at t_i-a�.s p.lat, with th� revised gr�zcie, be� ore th2 , qocs to Cou;lci7_. He told Nr. Nystrom to sho,a th.e recoml.n��ndc�d chanc;es and get th� prcl_�_rni_nar._y pJ_a�c as close to the final p7_at wi.i::l�o��i� c:Arav:inq up h.arcl shc�ll.s. I�ir. Clarlc said he thought th� Council cou7.d set t:he Pttbli� IIcai__ing date -L-or th� final plat as 1or�g as the P:1��zlninc; Coxn�rission �aauld 37� able to see tlie preliminary pl�:t aga:in . T�r. Dr_ igan�; s�i_ci he dicln ` t },no��, 1.1o�-a the Couiicil cauld set a publi.c h�aring date v�lleri i,here �aas a survey disrr�pancy. I-io�a many sur�rey�� ���. re there? 1���-e Clt;l.)� said tha� on this particular piece of p�°o�?er_ ty � t��.� re wer. e tcti-o su�_•veys F T�ir ,. I:orin ` s sur_vey and llailey Honi�'s su�=vc�y� Ije saici thc�re �ac�_e othc�r sL�rve:ys =in tY�c are�. Briar_da?.�.; Pine `1�t-ee �3uilc;ers r Z�nc�y Go�:��l `:=> � lut az�zd i�he excepi�ion to the Zander pr_oI?c�r_ �y� The.�e should all meet. �n t.he cn�=ner_ of 61st and B�njami::�. NTr. Drig��ns sz�id this sr�oul.c� be reU°olved ray �ur neyt meeting th�n. r�1r. Clar�k s�a.:id i.i i���.'t c���1.y �x Cit:y ma-ttcr �.o rc.so?_vee T�ro Drigans asl�ed �•._._ wa� zesPorisib:i.e fo:� rE:sc>lvirig t_liis tl�cn. N�i. Cl�k_rk said tiiat both st.�r�rc�jc�,r� have cc:r�t�_fied th��t their survey is cor�`ert, so he �-�oul_c� assum<, �l�is �aould bc a Iec;aL n;aL-tGro He s�ic� he would have to cl-�ec}: w:itl� tl�e City l�tta�:ney on �L1�is. T111_S ��=as �vl7.y he �e]_t 'che City Cou�_c,il could � c.t a heaz: i.ng date and i.h�_s }�>?-c�b)_eAn �.�ou1d have to be resol�Ted a.t ilic� Counci_7_ ]_eve7_� Nl_r. Drig�zns �;aici h� i�l�ouc�i�t it was v.�� -co t?Z�� P�.anxi_Lng Comrois� �ion to resolve any pxouJ_em,; beiore it wer�t to Cour�c;_�.. Mr. Ctar_k said t}.�ere ��,as no way th� P1ar���:i_n.c3 Cammissi_on cot?1d resvlve a surv�y eri°or., I�7r. ICor_�_r: Caid thut �;t�. tl��� t_irr�e ta1_d hin �L-he 7-et�aini.ilg �.�all was ricY��1� curb <<ra� tl:�.i�ee leet i�rom h-�s prv�?eri�y threc� ta �our foc>t d�_f_fei��rzcc iri i.l�c� t.hr. s�rc�et �a;as qoing in, the C:i_ty o�� hi..� Prop^.rty li��e an.d tl���. J_ine < IAe felt �Lhexe ���as a sur_ vey:� ,� I50TIOR' by II�?rris, sercnded b� Dr.zqans, that �11e Planning Comm.iss.in;: co2lt.inue tzni:il ldovel;�ber 5, 1974, thc: collsidcrat.ion of a pre.7iniinart7 p.Zc�� P..Sa 1�74-OG, 7,ar�der's 1 st Addi t_ioi�, Da_i1�y llamc�s, T.1ic. , a rep_Zat of Ioi: 3, Avdiior's St�bditris.ion No. 9?, excep� tt�e Nori:h 169 f_eei of t1�e West 1G � fect t?�er_eof, genera.l_lv lvcated SouL-1� of 61st Ilver�uc N. r.,• b��t��ec�n 1�enjamiri Stre��t e hIc f:inlet) Si�r�et *J.E. , to determine t1�e di.ffercncc> >n i.he t�,=o survnt�s anci gei: t1�e other chanres tn�de on thc� pl ��i, sucl� as t1�e street n'edic<zt-.ion fo1- Glst Ilvenue I�eing changed 1_-z•om 25 fc�et: to 20 fcet, show tl,e swrrle in bz!cic oif Lvt C, and cl�ange thc. s.Zope to three to one on i;h� South 1�roperLi� l.ine. U��on a voice vvLe, a11 vvting r�y�, thc motion carr.ied unan.i.rnously. I�Ir. Clark ask�d P�Sr. h'ystrorn �;}�eri h� wan�_cd to start gruding. Mr. Nyst�a'oin sai.d they w<�z-ited to gr<ide thi� ��ro,�Grty this fal.l.. �� , I, Plann.ing Camm:i_ssi.on r7eei�i.ng - October. 23,� 1974 Mr. I�:orin said that bc-�f_a�-e an�r gzading is don� �' Sou�.11 0�:� hi_s �rop�l-ty ir £i11�d up, they lietter put and ca�ch b�sii�, in, or h� would have water prok�lerns ' ' Mr. Prieda_ti.s approvcci, he r•�ou1c1 proper_ty line alsa. � � � � � paae 6 . 5 E and the hole the storm sevaer_ in th� spring. said ;� t)Z:is c�ras gr.ad�d befox�e 'ch� plat was c,rant them ta ue sure o� th� slope on i�he South A4r. Pi'czpatri..c}� said t.h� plat ��:ould no-L- ue approved if the grzdir�g w��s doric differezzt�.y iro�rt ��,�h���l. �va� s�t�pulatecz. 2. CONSIL)ER��`,TIC1Ti Oi�' A VI�CI�`�'.TG;�Y F.TC`LT�ST, S7�V ;�74-04, TiY J�P.RY G[JII�'�iY`.C: ._._----___�____..---- ---_______---- ---� __.._._- - -__ ��acate ir�a� L�ac �:ior� oi: a:L5 foot� ui.ility easement nec�d�d for_ a 30` x.?.4' addition tc� un e}:isi-�ng ga�-ag�, lor_a�tec? on Lot l?., ]31.�c}c �, Ri_ce Cieek I?la.,a So�-� li Additian, the same being 6551 2nd S�a�ce�t N.�'. tir. H��:�ri_s sai.ci th�re wc�re leiz�rs �Crom the f_our ui�i�ity companies st.at.i_ng that t.he�� l�izd no ob-}cci�ion to that porLi.on of the l5 foot ea�;emen � 1-�einq v��ca cion. ���=h��:z:�e tJic� ��ct:itioner. �aants to have his garag� addition enc._roac}� an �L-_l�is easc�l�en.'�. I•1r. Har.ris said tize entire eas�-- tn�iit is 25 �eet, �o thi� is a ��ride easeri�nt�� � I��r. Clar}> said t�LGy h��d. rece�_ved the. po� �i_o3.z tl�iat n�e�c> t�o be vaca�ed. fro�n tl�e qu�_�.e lar.c; . I�e said t�l.e pe-�i_�Lioner coulc�z easei;����-c �aitiz the approv��7_ of �}:c, i-f.�1.it.y � the p�tit.iorier ta havc� it �faca Ueci sa 'clzat wou]_c7n`-L be ariy pr_o;�ler�Z.�, st��ciz as ge-�tinq � � � �� , legal descr_iption of that_ �urvcyor today, and it �_s have encroached on this ccr�lpax�iies, bui he hac3. au�r?_�� c� :�.0 years down the line, therr-_ a ��nort.gage cornmitment. I�irt C1a�-k s�i_u. i.h� pef�.it:.ionel- has a 2 car garage now for a sevcn unit �xpurt-mc'nt htzildiriq. Tliis 3G foot adc�i_i.ion ��,i1.1 give riinl three more s���ce" to m��}�e tl�is a. 5 car_ gar��gea To do t.his, th.e front co=?ier of �he g«rage �.�iJ 1�ncroach abo:� t seven iee � on. the easement and t�n� back coz'ner ���il._!_ en�.l�o��c:Z abaut 3; i�ect. �l'he normal wa-y we vacat��> an easemcn.t .is� u�ua_1.1y t�i�e ent_ia�e s-L-ri.p f but. tr�er� is a telephonc r�ole 711St 011C'. �O:�t �x0:.11 t�iE? I1i:'."vJ C��3Zc.C�C �^Ia.1_�_. 7'�115 11�iIJjJE37'1S i=0 hE c1 CO1:'I1E?', post, cah.ich is t:�secl }�y t;zc: telc?phoi�e corn��an�T, �he po�>>er comparL�-, a�.c� Gencra]. Te_levisioii. T-l-_ �•;ould cos-L- tri exc�ss oi $2,OU0 �o mo�.Te thi_s pole. Th� uti'.ity corlpanic:� do riot v.�n�� to move {:�"1]_S po7_e,, ar�d ha���e given �e��I:�lissi_on f_or tlzis ga�-ac�e to ;�e one ioot from the pole. Mr. Drie�ans asked if this coulc� be z s��.fety hazard. Cou1d someone c7..imb on t�l�e gar��ge azzd i:l�en cl.imb �he polc? Mr_ . Cla�-Y said tlle pole has no L�egs on it.. so this shauldn't be a probl�m. r10Z'TUN by Dr.igan, secondecI I�y T1air, t}iat the PZan�ling Comrnis.;�.on , recommc-.rad t-o Coui�ci.l approv�l of the Y�acation requ�st, Si1V i1�4-04, 1��7 Jerry Gu.zmont, to vacatc ��1� iz�regular sLr_i.p of Iand ly.ing wii:hin a]5 foot utilitt) e�2sc:menl, at tl�e r.ear. of Lot 12, Blocic 5, Rice Creek Pla;�a I Sotitli Ilddition, Rno1;<:t Countcl, the sarrtc heia�_q G551 2i�d 5treet= N.�. , lyir�g Soutll of tl�c Nor.t1� Izne o1- said ToL- 12, and adjoa.niny tl�e [�Jesi:eT'.l.c� Z.i.nc of sr�id I5 foai uizlit� ease�rtcnt d�:scr.il�ed �zs fo_11ows: Cnnu�renc_ir7y �zt thc Nor.th��ist: cor.ner of :;aid I,ot I2; tlience Wes� alvng the Nor.i_h ' line vl� s�iid T,oi 12, a distancc r�f 1J_.SO feet; thenc� South ai�d par�l.le-Z , � � r SF Planninq Commi�sion rieeting � Oct�!�er. 23, 1974 �'age 7 witl� i.he E��est .Zine of ..said Lot- 12, a distance of f3.40 fee'� to t11e poillt of begil�niny; thc�nce cnn�inti_zriq along said p�ra11e1 line a distanc� ot' 24.70 £�et; the�2ce [ti'est �I�d parallel with t1�e A�orth line of s�id Lnt 12, ta thG P,'es�er]y .Zir1e af .said 15 i"oot utilii�� caseme�n�; tl�ence IJ_nrtheasi�erly a_ionq ti�e faestez�l� linc� of sa.id 15 foot utilitta ease�r,ent to � po_iilt 8.40 f�et Sc_�tith of the lTorth line of said Lot 12, thence F.ast and parallel w_it1� thc Nor.th linc� of said Lot 12, to the poi��t vf .beginnir.g, to a1.lo�,� the construc�ion vf a 30 foot x 24 foot additian to an ex�sting �ar.aye. Upon a voice votc, a.Zl voting a�e, tl.e i;totioi� carried unar�imc�us.l.u. 3 e OPI;T�? I;�ET�'PING L?l�y I�OTION h� Har.ris, seconded by Blaix, that tl�e Planning Cornma.ss.ior. r.ecc�ive t-h�� Ieit.er_ sent to the Arzol�a Count� Attorney by four cit_ize.�s of T'r?.d1etJ, and the lett-er f.r.om iJe�aver, Ta11e & Herric�, sent tv tla.e City Counc�I, dai:ed October 21, 1974. Ilpan a voice vote, a1.2 Vatin� aye, the rnoiion carr._ied unanimoi7s.7_y. Ttir� Drigun� saic� he lzc�pec� tha� -Ll:c�s°c� fa�ir citizens �a�re gei�ui_lzely int�rested ir? tl�a� en.�orcemc:n'c a� ��h� operi mc�e-�ing law and not pursuinq this �nattc��- tor polit.��ca]_ reasan.>o H� saic? he �vas op�osed �o the Planni-r�g Coirr_�tisti;ion being usc�ci for_ p�:litical pux'poses. Cha�_rmar� r i�,zpatricl� sa.ic� t1_-iis is �_n t.he hands o� the Coun.ty 7��t�Lori�ey na�a � �r . S�TTING� lll�Tis �OR T^�'07.KSHOP i�::F�'L'I`=LP�G T7r. Dr_ig�n� said �h.e I>lanning Commi�sion had sct aside one ni.c;ili a mont.h, the sarne nigh-� as the Public IIear_ing iticeting o� the City Caunci l, �or l�avizag tlic�i.r �:orks%�op ri��.e �i_r�gs . Tll�y hadn' t had one in Oci=obc�r, and he -t�h�u:�ht they shaul.ci request one for Novembcr_ . DZr. Cl«r}: sai_c� he tl�aught Nove�i�ber 18-c1.1 ��rc�u.ld be -4hL Public rIczr_i�7� n�c,ht f_or t:i� Catancil� bec:aure Noveml�er_ 11t.h �ti=as u l�gal holi_day. I�ir_. CZar_3c said hc� thouc�Y�t: hc� should check with Vir_qi_? Iierricl:, the Ci�L-y �.t_torn�.���, to see if th�se mceti_rzgs were in �c7ioJ_atior� of �l_� open n�:�e'�ing la�a. `I'her� may have to be some rioC.ice giv�en for these m�e�ings� 5. R]3SI?OT� ��? TO I�iR. IIL1r'I?' S P•TEr'�O l�ir. IIt�rr_is said h� tlzoughi� P�'I.r. IIufi sl��ou:Ld be invited to make his preseritaLion at ttze ne>>�� Plannir.e� Cormni.ssion meetin�. MOTI�ON hiJ F!<.rris, seconded I�� D.r.iq�.�r�s, i�l�at lir. )iuff ;n�ke llis presentatiot? to t:he Planni.ny COIt11R.lssion c%n November b, I974. Upon a voice vvt:e, a1.1. vat.inq a�e, tt�� �itotion carriecl unan.imousJ.y. 6. RTVTI2V:Ci�,P�' ITLIGI�TS P,ir. Iiarris sa:i_d he had aiz occ�zCion f_o.r v:isiting i.n the Ri.vervi��•a Iie7.glit:s ��a-ca reccritly. IT�� s�id L-hat. c:iui:inq t1-�e flooding in 1965, hc� had felt tliat Lhis was a disaclvantagcd ar�rz, znd wa:, p]_easeni�l.y sui�-° . I 1 1 P1_anning Comntis�i.on M�et.ing - Oc_to?�er ?_3, 1974 Page 8: prisec� to :Cind wh�zt a nice arca this has b�comn. Iie said it had a small ta�ti�n atmasr�he�°e �,ith ver�� li_c�ht traffic. He sai_d he was impl-essed with -L-he nc�ighbor� ii�css shown, aiid a lot of people wcre just atit wa7_);ing. 5G Mr. Clark said '�his ar�a had ceme a lonq way in �he last fe�-a years. r1r. liaxris said the lightinc�� in the ar_ea was ver_y wel7_ done. 7. N e S e P � U;�Di;RGR0Ui:1� iJ'1'.T� LITY 1Zp �CES i�1r_. ClarJt said. thcr_e w?s �o i��uch ccn�usion on ho��� N.S.Po charged for unde�-c�roun�;� tztili. ci es, and �.is ttie P1anz�inc Corrmission usually r�quesi�ed underg �-ou��d utilit�.es o�z new pl.ats n c� thought a repre �ent�-- at�.ve of N.S>P. �;l.�ioul.d br� asked �.0 2 Pl.di"lI1]_T7� Commission meei:ing Lo exp_Lain ch.c}ir pol.�..cyo Mr. Fi.tzpa.�L-.r_Lck s�id P��. Cla��]c s}.�oula ma):e. tl�.ese ar_rangements and ii the rep��c t,cncu i�ive could r�me �o their next meeting an Novc�ml�er G, 1�7�i, tlzis COU�C% be adcicd to -the agendae Chairman T'it�zpa-�-ricic adjo�rned �he mec�ting at 9:50 P.M. Respecti�ul,)_y �u.bmi-c�.ed, �� � }� � `c _ :� l <.�'�""•?%`7� . ( .. _�r' � - _�:�— ____ ___ vOTOL�`,�J`�,JE,-`21SO1?F- SE'C]�l?��i.�.� � � ' 1 , � � � , ' � ' ' � � ' ' [:� BUILDING SI'A:�D�IRDS-DESIC:N CC)NTROI., SUBCO��IITTI;L'• A',1:ETING OI' OCTOl3F:R 24, 1974 The meetin� was called to order by Cha.irman Lindblad at 8: d0 P.1�1. bIETIF�ER PI'.ESEN'T: Lindblad, Simoneau, Nelson b1EP.113�RS �BS�tiT: Tonco OTH)�RS PRESENT: Jerry L'oardman, I'lanning Assistant P•10TI0�; by Simoneau, seconded by Nelson to approve the minutes of the September ].2, and October 10, 1974 r:i�e�illgs as ivritten. UPOi� e� VOICE VOTE, all votina aye, t}ie motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDEP..4'3'IO\ Or !� R}_iQJEST TO COVSTP.UCT A I�E1"d I�UILDII�:G TO BI; USED E1S E1:� Oi�. ICi; :"u�l) 1'�`11Ri:;iiOUSE: I,O;�!':TF;D O:J LO`I'S 3, 4, 5, F� 6, 13LOCK 7, OUZ'LO"i' C, SUI:LINGTO\' \Of:t'fIL:R:�I l�DUSTRIrlL I'ARK: "i'IiE SAi�I� BEIivG 5330 OUTLOT C, FRIDI;t;Y t�iIN?vF�SC71't\. QZI_:QU��ST BZ' G�I'}i S'fL���1��,`I� 1NCORPORATED, 60 BOSTON STREET, SALEM, M�SSliCii[JS�1'TS � O1 J70 � �1r. David Corcoran and I�ir. James Antell tivere present for the petitioner. Mr, Corcoran presen�ed a picture and site plans of t}ie buildzng to be acted upon. Mr. Corcor�n said the buzld�ng is to be constructed using precast materials. The Building Gvill be used as an office and �oarehouse. A4r. Corcoxan stated t}ie building will be built on a 6.97 acre lot. The Uuild�ng iaarehouse is 25 feet high and tIle affice ancl truck strip are 10 to 12 feet belo�,r ihe ware}�ouse, I�ir. Board�an showed pl�ns of i.he bui_1dinU. AIr. Corcoran said the buildiilo would be flat panel or double 7' pariel on the taalls. He stated the concrete could be plai.n or xibbed and either brushed or painted �vliite. �ir. Corcoran said, also, the outsiue of the building presen�s a sa�atooth efiect tivith tlie layin� of the concrete b lacks . P•4r. Coxcaxan showed on tlle plans the trucking docl: where ihe trucks wi_1Ldrive ribht in the building to laad and unload merchar.dise. t,tr. Nelson asl:ed about the ef£ects on air pollution. P�1r. Corcaran stated the Uuilding would be used strictly as a warehouse. P1r. 13oardi�an said the btzildirig is close to the lot line to be near t.he railxoacl for easier use when loading and unloading merchandise. A1r. Corcor�in said the landscapin� would be done by Franz Lipp-Marvin Ve}iler Partnersliip. Stiade trecs will extend to the end of the property line. Flo:veritlo trees tiai.11 also be used. T'tie landscaping tvill continue �lear the rai.l.road side also. , I , � � ' � � � � � � � , � � I ' � I3UILI)ING S'I'111�'[?:�RDS-DESIGN CO�VTF:OL SUI3CO��IITTEE 1�iCETING OCTOI3ER 24, I97� - Chairman Lindblad discusseci the amount of parkinh stalls. Mr. Corcoran stated thcre �aere 55, ti�-hich i.s four more than the required amount. � Chairman Linc�blad asked about ec�z�i.pment on the xo�f ti,�hieh �aill be vie�ved from the str.eet. Tir. Corcc�ran said there woul.d be the tops of the exhaust faris anct air condi_t:ioning units slio�aing, but tiiey would be lo��r enouga not to ha.rm thc appearance of the building. ASr. I.indblad then stated that �i1e ne�a clesign on the roof units look better than any matexial used to screen them. ' Tir. Simoneau asked the question concerning refuse materials and the disposing of them. TIx. Cor.coran stated there would be very little. The warehouse is to be a storage place for me.rchan�ise that Zlould be taken to and from the building by truck. There would, however, be a duripster on the inside of the b uilding. h4r. Simoneau as};ed ho�v many er,�loyees i�Tould be working at the office and jaarehouse. T,4r, Corcaran stated there �aould be 46 employees in all. Chairman Lindbl�d asl:ed about dra.inage problems. hir. Boardman said there i�rill be a netiY storm sewer put in this fall. Chairman Lindblad said he tvould like a color schel�le planned for the outside of the buildin;. He did not �aant the buildinU left unpainted. Alr. Boardman said they could woxk out a color scheme with the planning department if the board so chooses. btr. Simoneau as}:ed if they �aauld provide handicapped facilities. i�ir. Coreor�z stated there woulcl be facilities provided for the handi- capp c cl . Afr. Simor�eau �1ade t}ie motion the rec{uest for tlie ne;J bui2ding be sent to Council for approval cait}i the folloi,aing stipulations: 1. That an exterior building color scheme be worked out for the builclino �vitli city staff. 2. That the landscapino be continued along the street right of tiJay totiaards the Pd.E. so the project will lool: t;�ore complet� (as stiown in red on p 1 an) . 3. Laildscape screen be provicled around small storabe tank. (as shotian in red on plan) � - rlr. Nelson secoTlded tlie motion. 2 • � I�UILDING STAVI)t'1R�S-DESiGN CO:�TROL StIBCO��LI'TTEE AtErTING OF OCTOBEtt 24, 1974 - l��;. 3 Chairman Lindbl.ad ].ecl in a discussion. of the appointment of a ne�a member to tlie Buildiilg Sfiaridards-Desinn Contxol Subcommittee and tllat mention of this should be brotig�it up at the ne�t Counci l meeting. Chairman Lindblad adiourned the meetin� at 8:30 P."i. Respect-fully submifited, % j �-2� �'=�--�-- c�♦ --=% % 2_�--� �-' Arlenc I,. Smith Secretary • Py � 7 Hi3MAN RE LAT I ON S C OMMI TTEE pctober 17, 1974 MENII3�RS PRESENT: Harold Selgum, Ina Prieiditis, Dan Fish, Grace Lynch, Harriet Iiudrlik, Leonard Lind, and Barbara Shea I�M�ERS ABSENT; Katherine Moss, Rena Vizenar, Carolyn Rouse, Karen Packer, AlLan Rudolph, Arvid Hansen, and Nicole Nee � OTHERS �RESENT: Juan S�1a�, Fran McTaughlin, Phyllis Myking, Mr, & Mrs. Nicklow, Mrs. Hartm�.n, & Chris Skjervald Mr. Belgum opened the m�eting at 7:40 p.m. l�ir. Belgum said he had published a� ar�icle in the paper xnviting ethnic groups to attend the me�ting. He refexred to the U,S, census ui�.der foreign stock si�Atistics. Mr. Nicicloea, born in Greece, said there were around 4 or 5 famili.es from Greece living in Fra.dley. There �r�:_appro�ima�ely 5,000 Greeks living in the metropolitan area. Mr. SkjervoZd from the PZinn�apalis public schools was present to spenk on inter-- , cultural education, He said he was not presently familiar with whe�her or not District ;�14 otfered inl:er-cultural educatian, He explained they have a very acti��e inter-cultural educatinn_comznitte�, They develop multi-ethnic materials 1 put together in units of instruction, each grade level having its otan capacity. In research th�y have found �h�t aiany people find it difficult to accept another person's background. One af the mai.� objectives of th�.s typ� of education is to fur�her haman understand.i.ng, finding c�u�:. more about each other and oneself. 1 Mr. Slcjervold indic�ted th�y wo:rked closely wi.th d�partment studies at the University and Augsburg Co11eg�. Tir. Belgum askad if the�'e_�was any type of education in inter-ci.�ltur�.1 stuciies s��ch as an evening program established? 1 Mx'. Slcjervold sai.d he did izo� know, but presently Narth Hennepin has continuing education in ethnic groups. Extensive discussions h�ve been held on developing adult tS�pe classes of this sort. iir. Skjervold announced that their offices ' are located at i201 IJniversity Avenue N.�, and invi.ted a11 interes�ed members to contact him if they would like to come in and look at the materials they have available. Business hours are from 7:30 to 4:30. � � Phylli.s P'I}7king, librarian, said the Fridley library's interest was to try to obtain sources of infarmation on,various ethnic groups so they could have a list available when certain questions come up. They are currently in the process of developing a Hu�nan Resources file which would include Christmas customs, recipes, etc. She said they sometimes receive a letter from a foreign country and hav� a diificult tim� translating it. It w�uld be va�:uable to have this type of information identified by calling an individual that was familiar with it. ' Mrs. Lynch m�ntioned that Fr?.dley Hig[� SchooJ. is currently re-evaluating their education plan with the c�lrriculum director, Tom Myhra. Phyllis Myking said she had been appointed to that committee. Mr, Sal.as said he had inquired as to cahether or not the jurzior high school could offer soccsr. The athletic �I ' director was not interested. He had spoken with the Par}cs director and he said the youngsters could play by Columbia arena. Mr, Salas felt it would be ' . 7� � I RESOLUTfON 1 The Vdomen's Subcommittee af the Human Relations Committee ' � � �- WHERCAS many women in Fridl�y who wish to return ta the job market, r � �� ' to meet economic needs, find they have no em�3loyable skills; and � t . r WHERC�S after being out of the job market for several years,, many women � � ` find they lack the confidence and/or direction to find a satisfactory [ � _ -" .,,... job; and _ . �. � 11VHEREAS tf-se St�te and private emplaymer�t services offer job piacement � and counseling, but do nat co�jnsel: the "whole woman — help her ( „ to reconcile her home life and duties with her job outside the home; :' TNEREFORE we, as registered voters and citizer�s of Fridley, petition the � Fridley City Council to inv�stigate and aid in the establishment of an employment counseling service for women, to be modeled after the V`dashington Opportunities for Women (WOW) program of Wash— 1 ington, D.C. � , ; _. � - _.,_' _ ' . _ , .. - : - = . ' , � . � . .- , . � - ._ - . . . _ . . -�:; _. _ . �' � . . � 4� � . . ' � . ~ � � . • � ., � � ' � .. � , � � 1 •� � -. � . • _ . . .. � �. � � . � _ _ .�� , .__ . ..__ __ . . , . _ _ . . 1 . . � . � _ . : . . � . . , �. .1 �� -`�����: � . � , .,. , 1 ,,� , . .�..��. ' Date Receiveci CITY OF rRIDLEY PET I TI UN COVER SIiEET Navember 5, 1974 Petitian No. 21-1974 objec� Pet�tion the Fridl�,y City Council to investigate and aid in the establishr�ent of an employment cour.seling service for women, to be modeied after the Washinqton Opportunities for Women (W04d) program of Washington, D.C. Petition Checked By Date Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition 0 0 � - � 7C ' We, ihe undersigned, request the St�te Manpower Services in Fridley be expanded to include an Ernployn�ent Caunseling Service fo; women. ' NAME ADDRESS � � PliOhE 1 �i• � � 1�,, / �� / � � i �'7 � �" � � ,�,'i;`�%I � ---- � � "._.�-'_""'° � �s: .._.:� { : � ' Z `-V'''=�S;:S' �� � r�x''��4 , :�•;1 �f ' , �` ..-C/ ��.%,!; :, �/ � _�� ,(L- " l l.T �/ D ✓ % , � , �: 3 � � �, , � ;;= , � �% i� ���/' ^ �,��� _ �S j�� � ,�� t;,�i„�.,�,�.:�; .;L:? .�_ ,L...__...�.�:%r.� C ���� ' � ' �i� �' i . � �� �� - �/ � �.s-�� 4 z "'r"-a,�.�1L ��. ��. 4 -7.;,,�. .l t �,.�:���r-) �ii->t� � , ! � ���, �O 5 /� �1 ���G .�,_�.,,,���-., _�.�..7.�� S!�. �;�_t.�'`�.�;_ � � 7lC S//�� 9 � - _.._...�__,� . . .�.._,.._._._� _. 6 �'(�_)._.�la�`.._\ �C �� � \.�`>�\Z.�A.�'.t_.!�..�. „a,. ���+�<J \� � }'��!`_.��_c Js„�' �� C �C 4���' , `7 �'� j ' 7 %�j� `.�^/ l �� L%',/,/���i�r � U � (/� ti����4L/°�-i� //� � �� 4 ' G�G'� / ��„�'- f ' � �!' 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' NAME ADDRESS PH0t1iE �1 ,%/ ) ''.� i ` y .'>�-� ,�!'r,. ,.�:�r �:.�� �� *f 1-'c��!< fi s�:�� lc.:/'� %' _.S � Gi _, % L ! ,�% ,�(� J <�%� ^���`� ��,.�� .,�,-,,t .=�,�� ' ���J '�t /t�.��" _�"(,�—/o��" � U � � � �°--•�� �C _.-f, t..l-�. ,'.r„� �,,�..a,a� — io.. �' 3 // t' (_� �. � i • i. =�.��'i 6�,' ....� �. �j..��...:.=' " .t���r�_s" ____ . y'�� .� .� � G � � r.w.���...r. , � � �� � . 1 — • 4 f �� . j ` `-� -� , `..y. �' .�` _ S �-- �� �� _ t �, , .,<�.�� �,� � � o s �- �;P ' 5 % ';� � ,%,r ,+ = ' . �� f_�r,' � �:,� J.�.-��91<=��'?C �� _�'.,_��.....� F^ _ l� � C? — �h��. L . i- � ..__. .� : C �_ 6 i c'' G',� r7 �iti%I__ `��,o�S-� .-i_:''yr� `� "`) C� � l - (j �:L�d`✓� /- )� ` �. �j^C. 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I � NAME ADDRESS PFlOIVE � , �f��'-� �� .,--.�;- -f , ; a--� � Y� - .�- . � , . c� .�/� • ' f''��l -�`'.�__.,..� �- . � �r � _ r �- �� �- � --7 , , ,- / , �� �; , � ,� �i � / � ,.-�_ � 2 A' �, (: , � ✓7 ��C ..- <, ,, � C =� ���� C�- 7 L l a� ,�� ,. � � j � d �-- �<� ��-- � j 3 �%� (, t-� L z � ',-i �� �_.:i.L.__ _._' ��`...;�'.: ��J ' 1� / 1 � � � ^��,.!,.. � �. � _....�.�..._� ,_.. ��_ . . � � �- r�.�._-� 7F � ._ _. � s ,p�, . / ( ,/ � � 4 �l' �. �� 6 4��� . -.�.-.�" t:4.. .�� � �`��..�/ ! �. `F^�`�.� G � �''9f f' � p �C' � ���—<.,�:J' —= _.r� � . . --.�so:�" ��.s:z i5 �_ _...._._�..........,._.�... �__ _:....�._a_�....._.�. 6 � 7 ! � 8 9 , 10 � � 11 12 � 13 74 ' 15 w� ' 1G 17 ' 18 � �g — � 20 � 21 22 � �3 � � xa I Z' –�-__._�..�.d. � . � r �. 7 G We, ihe undersigned, request the State f�lan��ower Services in Fridley be expanded to include an �n�ployment Courrseling Service for won�en. RII�,ME ADDFiE�S PHONE � '_ ��s?= ' _ . �1 �- � � � � r�,.< t'��_l.(7_> _�.�t�_ �y„C?_.,,. , ��.;� :-�r_.E�<�. t./Z�_t'_,.;�. /�:c-�. 7:S :3 c�'�i , � 2 � CLti��-s. ����`t2.. 'l 1`''ll� � i � .' � ��.�v� '�,� �,� �� �, -�`� n - -�'_� n-�� ` ; � . � .,. 3 ��\ t , y ;�v � _ _ .`p� � ci. � ��,.- �� ._.�-„j�� � { �t-t' -1 S�i.. � :,� E 4 � �_�: �l\`{i�,; ,2lt:i �:cr�' �'rF,�'�:.� `'"' (-'�? ������� 7 _ _ , . � , ,, � , ,,.-. 5 `�°` ! � . g_ � : -lb' _ � -r '�-,� j, � "'` +. � `l E � s F..� f * ;3 � 4 A � •." , f �.� e� �! ��j��,k ` � � � � Re'.=-rz - s,..._.. K.�.r4 ..-�...:.ri�^'�t* :.Cfr`�i3�,� . 4+� '..�. _ .. s�. ..�.��� � - .q �� �y .. ` L. j/ �y x ('��`'' v � � !� �` F'i � �� :�� � � ��� / r'L! f i; . _L _, Cr r !:- f-> .1/_ ., , _, I �Y �. � �(�� � t . L . ... � . �„_ r _ _ 7 ;.r'.r i �\ �:i+.;::• t-�� Ct �!� � �i J, t�. � i� �t `,l l ;� .� �'�'�� �" � �' � . ` . 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NAME ADDRES� PHO(VE � y�llc; `� ��; , � �°- �7 � `�°r � t��?. �`-> f>,,�.�-'L�� ! t'��< <�C � �4'S:._C�% ->�-f, `--:� �" , • c... . .. � . . . .. ) 2 ��iY—C\�4;1(,°t � �r�:�.�. � � ��(�% 11 �� �F^t.t'i�i�i �,i 'ij1_ I �(� �—`t ,�:— l � ,� , % ,� ' � / �/ / / 3 'f � �� ! ' � � �_.�„�;�'. r �I %..�? �..c'�.�.�::. e!` f�'.:i== �'.�4.f..k' �L.!.�. �t.�G:.,...�.�.... L,('/�� ".� /' G-.`� ) �` � _ � .._ , rr � � 7 / J . � j - _ 4 .i�_ f , I. , , i � % � I , : _.�- , " , , , , , � �. # � ° .,, � ` , � , F . 1- .r� � i ...� . .; ` - � ,--� — ,�a , . ;_ ._. �"j �� � fi_ C .3t - � , � _ 1: !.,.. .:_ °._. s} i' �, d � � � /i � �( ,! -1 '�� ��...: �'..�.� � �� :._ `� ��,:.�.�..___� � � ��� � I � --` - � _. . �� _._......:�., �� /. r � l � , , � 6 ; � .,; � i . . /. .. ,. � ',;__- . `% % �/.,;�...F .li.....�. �� — � � �� , , ,, . , : r .- � � r ;'.! `, � �� .., � ` � � ' � �, s . � ., � � / 7 4 . ' ��' —� % -` � �, .. y „ �, ; ; / _ J r �..,-'� r � ...4. _ l _i J l i , � �`-'i� ��-�-C � ��T[ i. �� �f �� ',/l t1 y,�' 8 .-.� �� '�' � �r � i A : <'_. j '� (.� � l I ��` ° J.' � �' �._'� � � r {rta �� � � 7,�r� ... ( � f�" 1 � :l � � ,�.,,.�.. - � � . c` �'r _ . --." • �. �.. �„ ,-� � , �'t � � '� ��� �7 � --'� � 9 � { > 4 � � , -.�' ., , �� ( ; '� — s� 10 � 11 12 i 13 14 � 15 � 16 17 � � 8 ____._,�.. �. � 19 20 � 21 . 22 � 23 i � 24 25 � — — - �._.._�______.�.._.,� 'I � � � We, the undersigned, reyuest the State Manpower Services in r=ridley be expanded to include an Errtployrr�ent Counseling Service for �von�en. � �� � � � � %� NAME AJURESS � PHOEVE , ' -!�. , � ' ;�-- .- ✓ � / � 3 � 1 ., , . � � � �;9 , f r . � E. � t € � s% <5 �. •-, � r ' `�.t;' .! ,� i Z -` �;�1 �;��— , .c - �.�--' - ' - 1 ' 'r, ��r I ,; . , 2 {. , y ,,. �.� � � ..� ,F '; r "'�' " F jf' � °J,f �. --�/ F � .i . �.�. ` � i���. --'-� ,. �.,, �...p��.,.'r� l�� 1 r� �.'.'"s 3 � � �, . . r , � ��'�w ---- � �!'...�. ` '�'�.'_•�-=___.__'_�_._�..::"_�� � �� �'� �3 � �� *'� t- f d t a. �i •� � �.. aij (� MJ '� ';.•` ..� ! t � +s � ..,5� �1� \ b Q C , . � � . '�..c r � � } � � 7 f St } ;; m^"� (,,,-` � � �'��...t �.✓ , ,. _ . , . . �;. . :• �:, . :. �. � ._� ,. , .: .. : � � .' .. . . . . ,. , ' . ` . 4 / _ - �..e.r.Y�. n" _ -_ .�...�.yr.�......r-..,m..»..� + � F` � ! f i 4� < ' I ^, , _ ., i � � �l ,� � t . ' " mt q � �r�^ '^'� 5 ",,�','� ,f..��, t,.,. ._-�€� .•�>3 �,3 ...,,�,_ .�.-� ,� ...... ' ��`: „�,•-w t.;�0.� ` �� -��"� F�°� _ r._�_...m-_....,...�_�....�.....-.........._..t......�. _....-,.�......._.__..._..- ..._...s...�.... `� 4 �lt 6 � ? ` � -s � .'a.....,�......� �° f r? � 6 � ! � �� `� � � ,rw`°� � � �^?,�', t� C/ �; ,�_ �......_ � - � . ._ , .. �• ; � 1" ,��1. `] .t i r ir+ �� � � i � � / r �J % � '{� ,r ('�� f ,/ 7 ! � � A ., r - i ^`,o > .,t - ! l. i� ..<- :-3 . •--�.-�._.— - - - . . $ � ��� j f � � � � � j � � � � F � F �� � `� �� !�'� �+� �f \ _ i. .� ��°' ++ t`. ;� 4 .a�+wrti��.�.�r. � �•`.. /.- ! , � ! / 1 � ("�� � � ` i ... r . � '� � ��� r •' " r f ; 9 : ., ' , . , ,. , .� � , . : , , i - . , ,-; : � ` . � . � .' 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' _' .,m,,,,,..�,�r.,a. ...,..»�.....�..�,...�.. 1' ' � r ,. i6 17 Z fi 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ���� � We, the undersigned, request the State ManF�ower Services in Fridley be expanded to include an Employment Counseliny Service for won�en. '�,, � NAME � ADDRESS PHONE 1 � z t� , �' I ; . � }; f , gl G ` l .', C , � .t , f � % ,�: `°, ' r j,. / /1,�„ �.j � i, � l � li { ,.�. ` � , � � 3 � ` � f ' `� f -- '� -----.-_-- �, .._._..._.__ J `.�T; �'�..r,!� "'S -,�" , .;,, � r: r �7 cY '- / � .:? ,� ��` �ag--._ .rd 4 � ' _..�,..___.... 6 i, � �1 8 9 , 70 � 11 12 " � i3 1Q � 15 � 'i 6 17 � � 18 �� . �9 • I � 20 � 21 22 � 23 � 24 25 � ._.... i � �-� We, the unc�ersigned, request the State Man��ower Services in Fridley be expanded � to include an Employment Counselii�g Servr, e fo� women. NAPJfE ADpRESS PHQiVE � ` -�='� � ��.�.�������� � �� ����,����f���,�,� �� �`�- � � � � � �� T �; ,� ,4 �.. �, � 2 <.�,�. �. ` � � 1 �� �: � � � �� �� � ��'�.��,.. �' q� � - � � ''�' � � 3 �R..e`.�� �., � �. �:� ��-� ��� �_ _.__.__..__�.�°�s_. -�� ._� `•'' - �,.�..+� 4 ...��--��!�-�-_�__-� °`�: ,�.��..c>i.�i��,�'',� s'`'�'���� �'.����,,—��.... ?"d '� ' /�3 �+ ' � e� '�' � . �" ,�9 ,�i- ,��`�% j� `a � f� J� Q(� .� -J�°/ %s 5 �;�,.�..�.•�.�...�__,� �-� ���� �',,t�e� _ta� � ! :_r�';��r��.�%q��, �. �� tl , / U C) / J! � /p f / p , � � I � �� � 6 ��f � �„��.,�`.��w...e �,.�.. �....�.. `��...�./t'�� •�'���� � .�� � Q � (j/' J � ,r'y � �y p = ' � h � � �:.,..: I `ro�. � , ,,..�m�L.."✓ t'f� a�� '0 / 3 ' � .- h .�'"•�^f:'' � F'� � � ���'.�.x� �/.:A-s�F`�J�u.a� � / " �—G/ 66'�H 7 ��/t�� �--�� ,. ' ���.. d �.� � . a ,i`.�q � � i � _ . _ . . . � }� k m,q��.e.,.�. • . 8 ��, l� � • �.���.,�,.�..� ��,.�� ��°`.��.,.����� ,�-V ���"�f�.�'` , � s ���.�.,��.� .�..�-.��.��$� � � � �,��.�.�y �� � ��,�, �_..�� ����%��-° � �� - � �, ,o � `"�-�- � 11 � 12 13 � 1�4 15 � 1G � i7 � 't 8 � 19 � 20 21 i � 22 ` 'l3 I � za i� 25 ._,..�,.._._ . � � � i � �1INUTES OF THE REGU!,.�R PI��Rf<S��1D RECRE/�TION COif�",ISSION M�EETING, OC70�ER. Z9,. �.�%�! Meeti.ng was ca.11ed to ord�r at 7:30 p.m, by Chairman Blair and iir�medi.ately adjourned due t.o a lac): of a quonun. MII�4F3ERS PRESF�IT: Blair, Wagar ME:���.� �XC"�ISF,D: CalcY4vell, Harris, Peterson C�I`fIIB;RS P�2E�;SE^��.': I'aul Brown, Director, Parks and Recreation Department The next regtllar me�ting will be held on rpnday, November 25, 1974 at 7:30 p.m,, in the Cc�rsnunity Rcx�rn of Fridley Civic Ccnt�r. � Respectful ly su�rnittecl � �� `,� i �.,�` `�`,� . y ,p �g ��" -�;,a� � � � �� �,�ir"" ¢.<:' .a.'� t�. �' ��.° �. aul Bro�rvn, Dir_ector � � � 1 1[ i ! . R, . � �� � 1 0 • � � � CITIZEN BIKCWAY COMMITTEE October 16, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jer�y Boardman, I,ee Hotzcic, Bill Gerads, Vern Moen, Bobbi Spaeth, Dennis Schneid��-, �.nci �ette Papke , MEriI3ERS ABSENT: Joe Schommer, Bob Lee, and Dale Ht�g�:n � OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Colbert, William M�:utaissen, Geo:Ef Olson, Bud Redepenning, Don �iclZery, R. D, Sherve, and M, C, Bul1 � Vern Moen dec7_ared th� meeti�zg opened at 7:38 p.m� Mr. Boardman briefly descri.bed ttze purpos� of the Bik�caay Committee. He said � he had aslced the various representatives to attend this maeting so they could hold a round taU1n discusszon. �i.e ariticipated presentrng�.a pian t'o the Council� in �ebruary. � � DISCUSSION k?T2�3 REPTZESENT,ATTVES Mr. Sherve and rir. Bu11, representatives from Burlin�ton Northern, were present at tl�e m�et�,ng to discuss crosszng areas and how they would affect the bikeway system. Mr. Boardman presented a map of 32 miles of trail system, which the PZanning Depar�ment set up, showing certain problem areas and crossing points which ��aould affect the organizatic�ns present. Mr. Boardman said there.were four crossin.g �a.r_eas �n Fridl�y; 61.st Avenu.e, Osbo.rne, b�low North Parlc on Irontoiz, and the Rice Creek bridge. He asked what their £eelings were on_ the Gr.ossin� points �.nd what the COmmittee �,�ould have to do to protect these crossing points? Mr. Bull said m4xe researcla wi11 have to be looked into before conclusians are bresught upv He primarily discussed the Rice Creek situati.on. Mr. SF�erve safd the Railroad d�.d not want to be negative, but they discourage crossing under the bridge.bect�uwe;trains moving over the bridge sometimes cav�e fal.ling ciebris o�z cars, and exten.sive wark is being planned for the bridge by next summer. Mr. Moen asiced �f there was another alternative? Mr. Sherve su;gested the possibility of an under�ass or an overpass. Mr. Moen said in regards to cost, z�t would probably be Iess to put in a culvert than an overpass. The cost figures for an underpass would be approximately $50,000� Mr. boardman suggested a covered bridge underneath t�-•e railroad trestle'. Mr. Bull asked how wide thzs pai.n will be? Mr. Boardman indicated it was a 8 foot path. Mr. Bu11 said there had Ueen serious accidents involving snowmobiles and mini bi�ces on trails. Mr. Moen said the Co:nm�ttee had discussed this earlier. and oras aware of the possibility of snc�wmo%ilers and mini bikes abusing the trails, this would try to be prevented. NIr. Moen thought that some of the trails would be used during the winter tin�e, Jerry Boardman sAid the Rice Creek trail could possib7.y be used for cross country skiing or even walking in the winter time. A reprasentative from the League of Women Voters was concerned with invalids and the disabled and questioned whether there could be motorized vehicles such as wheelchairs allowed on the path. Mr. Boardman explained that serious accidents could occur with a bicycle and wheelchair. Mr. Muewi.ssen asked whose ].iability it would be in case of accident? Mr. Boardman said in a situation where the City is setting up and.mair�taining the system, 0 �� � i � w �. Page 2 certain agreements could pmssibly be work�d out with the property owners such as a hold-harmless clause. Mr. Sherve s�id they were trying to discoura�e a biketaay along the railroad tracks unless they had a six foat fe�ice installed between the bikeway and the tracks for safety reasons. Mr. Olson asked if Burlington Northern would be willing to share in t[�e cost of that iencing? Mr. Sherve said he could not answer that at this titne, but they would be willing to caoperate. � Jerry Boardman asked mobi'es in the p�st? the areas. � � ho��a Burli.n�ton. IvTorthern had handled the problem of snow- Mr. Sherv� saic2 they had the Police Department patrolling Mr, Boardman asked hota they felt about on-grade crossings other than their public road crossings? Mr. Sherv� said they were not prepared to answer that. Burlington Norttiern con�Ented Lo taking this into consideration as to the input for what they �aould requfrP for on-grade crossings, and in response send a lettcr to Nir . Boardman . � Don Eichery, represe�tative from the MeLropolitan Sewer Board, said the Sewer Board had issued a policy statement on L-his stating they had no objection to their embankni�nts being useci as a eaalk or bicycle path way. He explained the � Board does not own the land but they do have ea.sement. Th�.s must be agreeable to tl�e property ocaners also. Jerry �oardman asked Mr,: Eiche�ry his policy �s far as utilizing property that they oc,rn? Mr. Eichery said that would �e satisfactory. Mr. Eichery presented a copy of ttie policy state ment to Mr. Boardman, Further � questions re�;arding rigEit of way would �o through Wayn.e Sweet, Engireer. Mr. Meu�a:'ssen froFn thc: St. 1'aul Water Dep�.rtment said the Board of Water Commissioners vaoul.d not have any great ob�ections, but wauld like to be on the planna.ng discussion aiter t��e locatian has be�n set out. He mentioned liability and s�id sameY.hing def:in:i.tely stiould be establi.shed, They w�re also concerned with motorized vehicics usin� the trail system. Mr. Mo�n said it raould be . advisable to gefi a no fault �g�eeme.nt bet��een both parties, the prope�ty owner and L-he �ity, Mr. Boardmun said th�:y will check st�.te xight of way as much as gossible. Geoff Olson from the City of Coon Rapids showed an :_llustrated map of Coon Rapids and explained they had quite an extensive path to begin with, but was cut do�r�n, He said it �aas going to be strictly a signing and stripiiig system. Certain areas wi11 have �videned streets. The cost figures fox the system was $52,000, rlost o:E tlie striping was a 4 foot pUth on eacEl side. He said the system connects a11 their sctzools and parks. The system in��olves 15 miies of trails. Mr. Gerads cotrunented tt�at tt�e st.ripi.ng near the U of M seemed to be working quite well. Mr. 01son said they liad sent a letter of intent for funds for next year. Mr. Tioardm3.n asked if this had been proposed to the Council yet? Geoff Olson said the Council had seen tl�e trail system and � pproved the Ietter of in�tent for sta�e funds. Ttlere have been L�.o public hearings yet. Mr. Olson said it was a staff conunitttee that set up their trail system. Mr. Redepenning said through the rietropolitan Area Comprehensive Plan, it presently looks Iike some of the routes will be fui�.ded. Mr. 13oardman �zs'�ced_ Mr. Oison if he could forsee nny connectzon points between Coon Rapids and Fridley? rir. Olson said he did anticipate some type of connections, • � Jerry Boardman said Lhey had taken a survey in the City and came xound f?.gure of 20,000 bicyci.es in th� Ci�y. A1� tna �n�"or_mation calculated but he imagined the growth of the City wi1.1 reflect an bicyclists. Page 3 up with the is not increase in Anoka Count� representative, Bud Redepenning, said sam� of these routes may get funded. He sugge�ted to come up with a specific route connecting areas such �s a ttiorough�fare p1�n in the Lacice Lake area. He stated that all areas in the 7 county m.::txa�oli.tan ar.ca will be receiving a Iett�r in Che near f.iture asking for projects, incluc3i.ng tt�e hilc�way projec�s. Vern Mo�n asked if the 6 to 7 foat wid�h seemed sa�i.sfuctory? Mr.. Redepenning said it appeared to be. He said th�r� was the possi.bi�.ity of. stri�ing along OsUorne and Mississippi but n�fi along East Rz�v�.r Road. The City of Coon Rapids h�d talked about wanting a dollax sign fox th� cost of str.iping per mi1e. They had come up with the figure of $500 per mi2� including strip�s �n boLh sides wa.th signs. Mr. Redepenning �aid d�tec�ors da no� pzck up a bicycle. They would like to intall a sonic cletecL-or fitxat ��ril2 pick up a ba.ke, but these have ��ot been perfected as of yet. Mr. Colbert's cancern was with the intersection crossings. Perhaps thc:y could ha�re access to a push button type signal. Mr. Boardman said Tom Co7.be�t, C1yde Moravetz, and himself had a discussion wii:h the State Nighta��y D�p�.rtme��t azid thc,y wi.11 be revi sing some intersection changes at Missiusi_p�s�_ �.ni� OsbQxne and they need a11 tlie lanes in the intersection, so �.n some cases the Com�mi.ttee �n�y have to pull the bike trail off the streets. Jerry Boardm�n asked r1r. R.ec�e�enning his recacnmet�dati�n if the trail had to cut off of M9.ssissippi St�ra�t? Mr. Redepc:nzz3_ng saa.d he could only recommend tuxning the trai� off �tie st-reet a cerL°ain dis�.ance bef�re the major turn lanes. � Mr. Boardman s�id he wauld comnauziicat� i•�zth the r�presenati.ves should further questions develo�. Copies of minufies saill be sent to lceep them updated with the system. Vern Moen thanked a11 members for participatxng in the meeting. � � Jerry Boardman. introduced anci eaelcom�d a neca member to the Committee, Bette Papke, regresenting Area 7. AD �C?UPNMENT Ver.ri rloen declared the meeting adjourn�d a� 9:56 p�c�. The next meet;�ng will �e held Wedncsday, October 30. Respectfully, � �i /' �' �i1.-1���/ P.ecordii3�C, Secretary �- � � � �„ ' �; � � � ��:.�t1.an�dai��s:3aiY.z.��.wa,.+.,.,c3....L..:.h......:Yw't. �,.:...-y.w�ws.+l�e:.a.........fw.�+e.w..is+�::::..n�a:,:ww.'yk«. � ':v.:_w�r.t.aiaSi.._...yce»++�sa_.: �_ — _ _ _ `.F �O t;.,;,, � � . .. � . � � � � - � � � ro�riEi� s�ro� sz��vs . : / . � � I ■ ,,�� 12�:C�:�1'I'LY_ INSTALL�D STOP SIGNS � ` "�, . � :� . , , ,`�.�* � , �� RECI:��TL�' I"1S'I'ALLEI7 "I�RO��''TArE R01�P" SIGNS � _ . .�._.��. '. . ` �`�C'lu y';� �' � .� . .. , � �, . . . . _.....�.___�_. , s I Z , ' . . _ $Et.' !^'e .��y � ' ! 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"A� ' � < ���� q n t / ` 1 � �� l � w � 5 , ti 1 p .� � J ��� � 1� 4+�r�✓�� " 1/ Z%! I �i RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION ORDERIS�G IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIh1ATES OF COSTS TNEREO�: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 (MSAS) WHEREAS, Resolution No. 98-1974 adopted on the 23rd day of September, 1974 by the City CounczZ,set the date for hearing an the proposed improve- ments, as specifically not�d in the notice of hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and � WHEREAS, all of the property owners whose property is liable io be assessed with the making of these impravements (as nated is said notice) were given ten (10) days notice by mail and publi�hed notice of the Council hearing �hroi�gh two (2} we�kly publications of the r�quir�d notice, and � the hearing was held and �he praper�ty owr,ers heard ther�on ai; the hearing as noted in the said notice. � NOW, TH�REFO�E, BE IT RESOLiIED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as fallov�s: * 1. That the fallawing improvements proposed by Gou��cil Resalution iVo. ■ 98-1974 are hereby ordered ta be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, ta-wit: Street imprnvements, includ7ng gradir�g, stabilized base, hot-mix bitun7inous mai:, concrete curb and gutter, starm sewer system, water and sanitar�� sewer services, and other faci]ities located as follows: Streets lJnder Project St. 1975-1 B�nnett Drive 7�h Street �o Quincy Street Washington Street 63rd Avenue to 6ennett Drive Jeffersan Street 63rd Avenue to B�nnett Drive Madison Stree� Quincy Street 63rd Rvenue 64th Avenue Van Buren Street Carol Drive Carol Circle Taylar Street 64th Avenue Highway #65 W. Serv. Dr. Madison Street 70th Way i ' � 63rd Avenue to Sennett Drive 63rd Avenue to 6enr�ett Drive Monroe Street to Quincy Street Van Buren Street to Ab1e Street Carol Drive to Mississippi Street West h1oore Lake Drive to Able Street Off Carol D.rive 64th Avenue to Mississippi Street Baker Avenue to Highway #65 Service Drive West Moore Lake Drive to 64th Avenue 57th Avenue to Helene Place East River Road to Flickory Drive u Res. No. Qrd. Imp. St. 1975-1 & 2 llA Quincy Street 57th Avenue to Helene Place 6th Street 53rd Av�nue to 54th Avenue Outlot F- H From East River Rd. Serv. Dr. to Outlot C (Great �dorthern Industrial Center) Baker Avenue �est Moore Lake Drive to �issi5sippi Street Streets Under E�raject S�.. 1975-2 (h1S�S)__ 63r� Avenue 7th Street to Monroe Street Manroe Street 63rd Avenue to M�ssissippi Street Able Street West t�1oore Lake Urive to Mississippi St. 57th Avenue , 7th Street ta Quincy Street Quincy S�re�t 57th Avenue to Carrie Lane Carr��ie L�ne Quincy Stre�t to Jackson Street Jackson S�;reet Carrie Lane to 58th Avenue 2. That work to b� performed under this �aroject may be performed ur�der one or more contracts as may be deemtd advisable upon' re�eipt of bidso 3. That the Publ�c �dorks Directar, Richard N. Sobiech, is hereby designatecf as the fngineer fati° �his improvement. He shall prep�r� fin��l plans and specifications fior the making of such improv�ment. AD4PTED 3Y TNE CITY COUf�CIL 04= THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1974. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. aRUNSELL , � MAYOR - FRANK G. LIESL DAY OF / �-G� /�'/��� � CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITI�N COVER SHEET Petition No, 23-�1974 Date Received November 5, 1974 object Street imQrovement of Saker Avenue Northeast between Moore Lake Drive and Mississi�pi Street Northeast to take place in 1974. Petition Checked By Date Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposi_tion 0 � 1 ' ' � ' ' � C' ' , , �� , ' ' ' . �.� > �, _ ---- --- __ �_ _ _ _ _ _ - -_._ _ . _,/'���„�-✓ %,= �-�,}� _ ,_- � - ___ ---- i� 7 /� �% - ---- . „ __-;� / , i <'� � 4�LmC,cei l��✓ -----__ ...,_ - __ ..r.� �G iLLlZtL.C� sa.�-. !'.r!L.C�-'' ,� __. . ," � Ci - . (/ �% � ? , - ' �-� : � . :,� � .' �( --- -----..:- - '.�:-°- C �.�'-c.i �� - :^.z. nL�-.e.� ....L':'Y' rn��-f-'�-�_ u..�z-zci G 'i :.�--.F � i'v�'_"---- ^ � r � � ' i . 1 ,��� 1 //� J!., � � -'___._____. ___ �.�G''%�� �Gi40�.�-�o-���/�� .. �"�.Z-L.1^ . �' y �-_ GLe� .___ /t.-ei�.-c . _-___-__—..____ . / p //� - �� r �J � - �/ //"''�,�ti%L-�Z�7�.`..�. ��-Z,F�f`�?//�/K�`.'L-C�1�7___...:�' _'_. ._ __..__ _— -- - — � � !% --- --_. _ _ „/�..f��:�-C/ .-1--�-- . �� � � ____._ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ -- ----- ,. ----_ _ -- _ — ----- ---- -- % . -- -- _ __ _ __ __ - - -- - - - - --- _ _ _ --- - --- ------ ; � ._� � � -:,--���-c!= i %4-r.,--ru.u.-��._ -__�.__- - ------ --_ � - - --- --� - _ � _ . � -- -- � ,��,!�����.� � -- --------------------- __ _ � ---- - -- _ _ , __��Z�, %}���%ti�- � .���,���� ------ -- ----- --- -- _` _ ; ,�/. .f ' ;'� � �L�� 1�Z/c.�'�° � �' ;� �.`. `� , � — --- --- --- - _. __ ; _ . _ __ _ - - --- - - � �� ' � , . _ _ _ --- -- - r , �--� ___- ---- -- ; , � � ;�� - ------ --- ,. , , - � _ --- ----- :. ____ �. �,�� r�-C.�_ .f'; ; �` �l',-�c : Z�f --- - -__-- ��___ � - - - '- --- -- - -_ . _ � . _ _ _--- ------------- ----- - Z"� --- _ - ------ - ---- - ----,�.� ,� � _ . � � ..�.�.�..,, _ --- ---- --- --- --- __ ; - ------ j�,��--/ _ �-�1� � _ � _ __ __.� �Z��,-Lc� /�°w,-�.c�hJ_ _ -- - ---- - -- --- • _ _- --- -- ___._---- --- � � � � j - -�1" > � - �.'0 :.._; � � t,:�� . . ,� � G,,,� /„�.L, � -� -- ----- -- -- - -_� .-_ _. _ . _ _._ , .. ! ---- ------ -- _.. _ _._ . ---._ , . _ ._ __ / r. � , �...y � � �� � �; . ( :' : ,,,�. _ : ` i .. � .+ , � ., f � � �"� - -------- -_.--------- v_�.-a L I , �r � i _ � , �> G' -- - -- ----- - --- ---- ' r, s� '' 7 Z_ �/ � j�' /. t�'�� �-J _ �..� � � -- --_ _ __. � � � _ ,/ - _� _ ------- � ,�,/ . . ,�I ,�-:.� �."�-� %�' _ C��-¢---��C-'_ _ _ - --�----- -------- - -- ---- - - � � -- , ; � , �. .. �� � _ __ - I _ - _ ' c,l�ii.'�- ^ � � --s' - - --- --- — --------------- i � i �l'2�c.:.-_ --�"` <<-Ci� _____-- - - - - ----- __--- --- _ _ - - -- ----- -- ---- - ---- - , V _ i .�" � ;ts..% =:�_.-:.�.-� � �:�__�:� .� --� --- -_ -- --- -- _ __ _ ��'.�'� _ _ --------- � ` _ _ _ __- --- ---- --- - _ ___ . , . _ _ _ _ _- -- � . ,. � . . ._ . _ � _: __.._ , : --- --- _ _ __ _ __ �. .�-- --- --- ---- - ---- ---- ---- �. � �r4� �� , , . -- _ __ ''!_- _. __ L��2C;.2�i� �i� __ -- - --, _�—_---- __- -- --- --- - , � /� - ---_ — --- - ------ ____ � t�i�r � n �� , r ��-�t.:.���✓ � � --- -- ---- -- - - — — — � � � �c^ �� �� L / , ���,G� _ - -.- -___ _ -- - - -_ - _ _ _---- _ -- _-- --- , , , � � ., . , _, , ; . , , ! ; � � •v � � , , 4..� . y �l_-�c �f �.�u� �__!�: � � --- _ _ � - ; - - -{ , � , ----- --- ; ` - _ _ _ . . ,�U�c—�-� � Ci%e '���� �Z'z - � i; ` , , , . � J� . , _ __ -- -- , ., � ./ --_ __ - - - ---.. _. _ .j�.,t 14�`; �,� - i�;7 /vi✓:� _ �,�✓c.c<<�LUc-�<<�:_ ---�_ _— --- 1 � / ' _ , ���_� < ��'�-�'�.-,� _-- - __------- -- ----------- ,, � � /� ��o�----- ___ - - _. a� ����.-�- . i�%�/'/ CITY OF FRLDLEI' P�TITIUN COVER SHEET Peti� io�, No. 22•�1974 Dat� Received November 5, ]974 object Opposed to assessment of ST. 1Q75�1, Street Improvement Project for 70th Way, East River Road to Hickory Drive. Petition Checked By Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition Date 0 { � 1 Fridley City Council 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 PFTITIOP; RE: Street Project 1G75 - 1 �17 70th l^lay East River Road to Nickory �rive Hearing - October 21, 197�4 � lle, the undersigned, are the abutting property owners on said 70th Way. We object to the �lan to assess us for new street and curb on this project, The last assessment tidas for storm sewer i.hat has been a financial burden considered unnecessary by many of us. You have ir:dicated previously that street maintenance would be paid from general 7=unds and r�ot be sp�.cially assessed. l�Jhen this sireet was constructed it vaas assessed in full ar:d are were promised by th° City Councii and it would be maintained and resurfaced out of general funds. No resurfacing or maintenance has been clone and we admit that the road needs some repair. . We are opposed to having a rew street specially assessed against us. We see no need for curbs and suggest that this luxury be abandoned. , ' � . � , � ��: �r� ���� � . �__ ����������� ._ _ :� - . __ _ � :_ - --_ - ---- ADDRESS Ss— 7c� �� ss- �a �"'�L� � /� � - � G� ct ��� ��,----- �i_ -`�e�. ° ��,���� --- ���- _s��° ��. � �� �. t � � �7 o Y� � 7 0 �v� �� � � � a (,u� � 0 � � ' � � , t1/ %� � � _�� � � �-, � ��-v�'"�' '` -- .� �� ��-.� L2�' �, � � � �'� , ���1 ;. ��.r �,�- _�_��- �� _l /� �. � u �-�, ��--- •� � ) ,� �� , %il,� - 7 lI � /';� ) ,� ,. . , .��'�u-�.��/ �, ��lu-%-_ ��. � — ' � n ',, 9% i li��,�. �`""�°__� �_?� � ---`� � 1 1 � � ri � I� I � � 1 � � �� � � i _ �� -- �� ) C-�J..-�s-�.�____.. �' �'��.x:.�, ..�'��-r�- ___, ��`� l ���r _._ � --- , � ��" � z��= ��.���.�� _ _ �u ___._ '� =� -L��'`-'�'`� `- __ � ` u�. �� �1���� _ _�� ��r ��c,r�.� C/ �� �� �.� _ --- _ ' _-- �a _ ��-�_`� _ �'� — `�U �' �J ' —/ / y �C � �� �1 �^ ` i- % 1` J L � i � �.___ -7tj �1 �� � �. � �� a�^�.. � � �� -� �____� �� � �-�--�-- _�-� - �����G�.-� � �� � � p �Z�- �r � �1_:�� ��� E'' � 1- 70 �`� �,l�a. �%�� 7� > � ���=--� 17;�, N. �. � �o�,����� � �� _ l za - 70 ���� `�c �.. _ �0,2 �1 � �� � , n � �� � �; �+^�z, __�� � �?'' -� , . � � 3 'r - ���,-L. -0—u-�. . �; �� /� ,��� 7�3d -_— �� =�U `�� _?l� � e , , , � RESOLUTIOtd N0. A RESOLUTTON DELETIiyG CEf:�rAIN STREETS FROM THE PROPOSED 1975 STREET IMPROVEt�!ENT PROJECT ST. 1975-1 AND ORDERING THESE STREI�TS TO BE T1�1PROUEJ IN THE YEAR 0�' 1978 4�HEftEAS, Resolution ��15--1969 �dopted an January 20, � 19b9 by tr�e City Council of the City of Fridley approved the Ten Year Street Improvem�nt Program for the City of Fridley; and � WHERE�,S, Resolut�ion #98�-1974 adop�:ed on the 23rd day of Sept., 1974 cal l ed a publ i c I�eari ng for �;f�e 1975 � Street Improvement Project of the Ten Year Street Improve- ment Progran�; and WHERE/�S, the property o�,�ners on certain streets have � requested delaying the program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLI�ED by the City Council 1 of the City of Fridl�y that the follo��ir�g streets be deleted from the 1975 Street Imarovement Project: f E � ' ' I ' Capitol Street Hughes Avenue to Main Street RND 6E IT FURiI-i�R RESOLI�EQ, that these streets will be improved r�o later than the 197� construction s�ason. ADOPTED QY �f�HE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY 01= FRIDLEY THIS D�Y OF , 1974�. MAYOR - FRANI: G. LIEBL ATTES7: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. f3RUI�dSELL � r , , , � RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTIO« ORDERING IMPROVE��IENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERTNG ADVERTISEMENT FOP. E3IDS: WATER, SRNITARY SEIti�ER ANQ STORM SEWER IMPROV�MENT PROJECT #116 WNEREAS, Resolution #�3G-1974 adopted by tkie City Council on the 19th day of August set the date f�r h�aring on the improvements, as specifically noted in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A"; and I WHEREAS, all pro��rty o«ners whase praperty is l�iable to be assessed with the making of the improvements (as noted in said notice) were given ten (10) days rotice iay mail and published natice of the Council hearing through � two (2) weekly publicat�ons of the required notice, and the hearing was held and the property ov�r7ers heard thereon at the hearing, as noi,ed in said notice; and � � WHEREAS, Resolutions #97-1974 adapted by the Giiy Council of the City of Fridley ordered all oi these improvements. N0�l, THEREFORE, BE IT F2ESOLIIED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anaka County, �(innesota as folloGys: � 1. That the fo1lo�ving improvements proposed by Council Resolution #86-1974 are hereby ardered to b� effected and com- pleted as soon �s reasonably possible, to-wit: -- Water, Sanitary Sevrer, Mains and Laterals and Service Connections, Storm Sewer and Drainag� Facilities and t�elated Appurtenances; to serve the following praperties: 7he remainder of the Great Northern Industrial Park Plat located in the southPast quadrant of Interstate No. 694 and East River Road; i.e. Blocks 5 thraugh 11.. That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: ' WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORP1 SEWER IMPROVE1�iCNT PROJECT #116 2. The plans and specifications prepared �y the Public Works Director and the City's Consulting Engineers for such improvernents and each of them, pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore adopted, a copy of wh7ch plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City C�erk. � 1 Resolution No. Adv. far 6ids #116 Page 2 3. The t�ork �o be performed under WATER, SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEP�1ENT P�OJECT #116 sha11 be performe� under one contract. The Public Works C�irector shall accord7ngly prepare and cause to be inserted in the offici�l n���vspap�rR advertise��en�ts for bids upon the making of such improvements �ander such a��;roved pl�ns and sp�cif?cations. The advertisement sha71 be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days), and sha]1 specif'y the work to be don� �nd will state that bids will be op�ned �nd consi�cred at 11:30 A.M. on -the day of � 1974 in ti7e Cauncil Chan�bers of the City H�11, and tha�t no bids will be con- si dered unl ess seU 1 eci and i�i 1 ed ��i th the Puhl i c t�lorks Di rector, and accom- pan�ied by a cash deposit, f�id l�on�, ar certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5%} of the arnouni of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for I�JA�ER, SANITAP,Y SEE-dER AND STORi�I SE'vJER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #116 shall be substantially in ��orm as that noted in Exhibit "Q" attached hereto for reference and madP a part h�reof. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF ATTEST: ' n I CITY CLERK - MAr�itIN C, f3RU(�SELL , ' , , 1974. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL �� 14 C L A I M S GENERlaL 37583 - 37728 LIQUQ: 9301 - 9326 CONTitACTOR'S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT TH�IR REGULAR MEETING ON NCVL'MBER 4, 197� GENER�IL CONT�CTOR APPROVED BY Aymar Construction 2422 Howard Street N.F. i�:inneapolis, Mn. 55418 By: Ira Aymar C. Belisle Briar �onstruction Company 10134 Central Avenue Blaine, Mn. 55434 Bys Rick Carlson C. Belisle Eigenheer Builders 2828 Highway #IO N.F. Minneapolis, Mn. 55432 By: Robert Eigenheer C. Belisle I�1r. Sidinq Incorporated 10800 Xavis Street N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 By: Ter_ry Shorblom C. Belisle 0 � � �1 ' � , ' ESTIMATES FUR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER�ITION - NOVEI�P,3ER 4, 1974 H & S Asphalt Company 5400 Industxy Avenu� N. E. Anoka, Minnesota 55303 FINAL Estimate �'�3 for Stre�t Imp�ovement Project ST. 1g74--� Comstock & Davis, Inc. ' 1446 County Road "J" Minneapolis , i�n.. 55432 ' PARTIAL �stimate ��2 for the iurnishing of Professional Er�.g�_neering Ser_vices for planning SaiZitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 113 ' , ' ' ' � � $I6,852.97 $ 7,116.17 16 I � �ionorabl e r•1a or and Ci t Counci 1 Y Y 431 University Avenue N.E. ridley, f�linnesota 55432 �TTY ENGIPdEERING DEPARTf�EPaT City of Fridley, Minnesota Date Oct. 30, 1974 Re: FINAL Estimate i#3 for H& S Asphalt Company, 5400 Industry ' Avenue P1. tJ. , Anoka , f�1i nnesota 55303 Street Improvement Proj�ct St. 1974-4 �er�tlen��n: This FI(�AL estimate is submi�ted for �rork completed and the material on hand �his date, all according to the contracte 16A I ltem �do. Quanti�ties Item Un�t Pr�ce Total -1 3 Assm. Hydrant Re�ocati�n (Horiz.) $ 280.00 $ 840.00 -2 8 Unit Valve Box Ext�nsian 40.00 320.00 �-1 25 Cu.Yd.V.Pr. Drainfield Rock -for Hydrant 8.Q0 200.00 2503.511 229 Lin.Ft. 15" R.C.P. Seurer 10.40 2,381.60 �-10 6 Ea. Construct C.B., Special Design 275.00 1,650.00 19 Ea. 390 In.Dia. 140 Lin.Ft. 10,225 Cu.�'d. 2,611 Cu.Yd. 5,170 Lin.�t. 52 Cu.Yd. V.M. 177 Sq.Yd. 10 Lin.Ft. 13,280 Sq.Ft. 486 Sq.Yd. 451 Cu.Yd.V.P�. 5,950 Sq.Yd. 4 Li n. Ft. 60 MjGal. Adjust Frame & Ring Casting Clearing � Grubbing P.e�nove Conc. Curb & G!at�ter Common Eycavation Muck Excavatian Conc. Curb & Gutt�r Design 3-618 Crush�d Roct for D/��! 2" 2331 Asphalt U/4J " , Reconstruct Manhole 4" Concrete Walk 6" Concrete Pavement D/Gti' Tapsoil Borrow Sodding Sa��ring of Existir�g Conc. 4-6" Depth l�Ja ter 60.D0 3. 20 1.00 0.9Q 2.00 2,80 8.50 3.35 55.00 0. 80 11.00 3. 25 0.74 2.50 5.00 ' FINAL Estimate �t3 for Ff & S Asphalt Co�npany Street Tmprovement Project St. 1974-4 ' I 'Item No_ 2211.501 � 2357.502 I ' 2341.504 2341.508 ' 2341.510 2105.521 , 2331.514 2104.503 1 � ' ' uantities 4,730 Ton 30� Gal. 207.48 Ton 1,�64 Tc�n 1,464 Ton 2 Ea. 1,344 Ton 1,125 Sq.Ft. Item Aggregate 6ase Class V Bituminous P{1at. for Tack Coat Bi tumi nous hlater�i al for f�i xture 4learing Caurse f�lixture Binder Course Mixture Salvage 15" C.M.P. Culvert Bas� Course Mixture Remove 4" Conc. Walk �.ess. Partial Estimate #1 Less Partial Es�imate #2 Page 2 Unit Price $ 2.75 0.58 94.00 6.40 6.20 f30. 00 6.00 0.50 TOTAL: $10Q,557.00 3,061.35 Amount Due Fina7 Es�;imate #3: ' Prepared by ` �-� ^_�-ci �.�i ���.�-� �'°_' Chec�:ed by � -���°°��..� � ��,.�.�� ' CI ' :� ' , I ' � 1 � ,� Approved by ;� � � �� '� .: Total 13,007.50 J.74. 0� 19,503.12 9,359.6� 9,07o.8Q 160.00 8,064.00 562.50 $ 120,471.32� 103,618.35 $ 16,852.97 � CI-fY QF FRI�LEY ' ENGINEERIPdG CE�PARTh1ENT 6431 UNIVERSITY AVEf�UE N.E. FRIDLEY, MITJNLSOTA 55432 , ' � - �J �_J � ' ' ' � � � ' � ' � , Honarable Mayor and City Council City of Fridley c/o P1as im f�. Quresi�i , Ci ty Fiana;er 6431 University Avenue N.E. �ridley, Minnesota 55432 Gentlemen: CEtZTIFICATE OF THF ENGI�,FER October 30, �97� 16 C We here5y subrnit the Ff��AL ES77N,ATE: ;f3 for H& S Asphalt Company, 5400 Tndus try �venue Pd.t�l. , Anoka, P�linnesata, 55:�Q3 for Street Improvem°nt Project St. 1974-•4. Oriainal Contract Final Construction Cos�t St. 1974-4 Less Estimate nl $1U0,557.OQ Less Estima-i.e ��2 3,Oo1.35 $1Q3,61$.35 AMQl1NT DUE FT NAi_ ESTIt�l�TE �'3 $ 99,009.00 120,471.32 $ 16,852.97 td� have vieti,�ed the 4�c�r� under contract for the consiruction of Street Imprnvement Project St. 1974-4 and fir�d that tt�e same is substantially cor�plete in accordance �vith the contract docur��er,ts. I recommerd that finai payment be made upon acceptance of the Nrork by your Nonarable �ody, and that the one year con- tract�a7 maintenancP hond comr;ence on the uate listed. :� '�� v 1 �:_.---�-- Prepared b ���- _�, i ���,�,�'. Chec ked b��;�i�.-�'_-�a�.���7 Respectfully submitted, �-�- %� �' , �' v �j/,'�%��'',�•��,`« R�charc( N. Sobiech, P.E. Pub7 i�o' 6Jorks Di r�ctor �;�«,C, iC�, ;�-/-�-:_ �-�' Paul Ruud Anoka County Engineer Finai Estimat� �3 St. 197�-4 CER7IFICA7E OF TH� CONTP�ACfOR 16D Thi s i s ta certi fy tf�a t i ierr,� of the �;�ork sha,�n i n thi s statement of work certi�fied herein have b°en actua1ly furnished arid done for �he above men- ti oned pro jects i n accorclance aii i.n th� pl ans and speci fi cati ons heretofore ap- proved. Thz f=inal Contract Cos�t is �i20,471.32 ��na the Final Payment of �1G,�5?_.97 for S-tre�t Im��r��vement Project a�ould cover in full the contractor's claims against the C�ity oF al1 labor, materialss and other 4•�ork done by the� contractor under this project. I declare under trae penu7ties of perjury that this statement is just and correct. Date: October 30, 1974 " 4� ki & S ASPHALT COMPAP�Y J � �vU�! , ��}-n, LJ , ��Z. Contractor Signature � I ' ' ' CI ' � ' ' � ' ' , ' ' ' 16E Date October 29, 1974 T0: PUBLIC WORKS bIREC'I'OR CITY OF FRIDLEY REPORT ON FINAL INSPECT�OiV FOR STRE�T IMPROVFNI�NT PROJECT ST. 1974-4 We, the und�rsignedr have inspected the above mentionec� project arid find that the work required by the Contrac-t i_s substant�ally compl�te in conformity with the Plans and Specifica�L-ions af the project. All deficien.cies hav� b�en corr�cted by �he Con- tractor. AZso the work foz t�ri�ich the City feels that the Contractor should receivE a reduced price has been agreed upon by -the Contrac�or. So, the.refare, we recair�,�nencl to you that the City and Co�inty apprave th� attached Fin.al� Fstirnate fer th� Con-tractor and the one year main tenanc:e bond start from the day of the final inspection, that being October 30, 1974� . / i �I,fj�i�,,,��<�__��L. �� Construcfi�ion Incharge � �-'� �� � �°�� � � �'�`"�_�. °" . C rsirt,ction Inspector . �i t��� ; �; . ,��,� �t. ' �-%�, f -y'1 Contractor Representative �(�:_>�� ���,��,.;,,�-��1_,, Anoka CouTity Repr�;sentative � ' �� CITY QF FRIDLEY MEMORANDUM , T0: NASIM M. QURESI-iI, CITY MAPdAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FR0��1: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. ' SUBJECT: SETTING N�EETING DA7E FO�t STA7EMENT OF C�INVASS ' DATE: OCTOBER 30, 1974 ' Section 4.08 of the Charter far the City af Fridley requires �hat the City Council shall meet and canvass the election ' returns within five da,ys af�er any regular or special elections, 7he earliest meeting date vaould be Thursday, November 7, and � the deadline would be Sunday, November 10. ' , 1 1 �1 �1 1 � h1Er�o To : MEh10 FROM: SUQJECT: M� P� Q R�1 N D U M October 28, 1974 Nasim Qur°shi and Paul Brown Ci ty Engi ne�r Di r~ectorg Parks and Recr°eati or� � Virgil C. Herrick �.;� `-'�';'; Ci iy Attorney - � --,�i,` Kjellberg vs. City of Fridley Enclosed {�lease find a co�y af �he Findir+gs Of Fac�:, Conclusions Of Law, And Ord�r For Juciamen� in tne a�ove action. I would request that the same be p7aced an the agenda for Council consideration. Thi s matter may be appeal ed to th� Anoka D�i s �r°ict Cour�t �for a revi ew. The revi ew i s on the record, ho�.�ever, and i s not a ne�,� tri �1 . If the Ci ty ►�►i shes to appeal, th� a�peal mus� be comm�nced by idove�nber 20, 1974. I will be happy �to discuss this m�tter ��ith each ofi� you, or, if you pre-Fer, to discuss it at a staff ineetinn. ' � ��1 MEMQ T0: FR�T•1: DATE: MR. NASTM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER MR. VTRGIL HERRICK, CITY ATTORNEY OC�ro�Er� 31, i 974 I have had � dzscuss�on w:�_th George and Tony Nicklow, owners of George is in. Fridl�y restaurant. T�zey discLtssed with me a proposal whereby th�y zlould ag�ee to termina�e the City's Ziability under the present zeasc for t��e vacant aff-sal� liquor store. This proposal consists af sev�ral parts wh�ch are as fol�ows: l. The City and �he Nicklows would agree that the City would pay to the Nicl�Ioras the sum af $7,OQQ in fu11 settZement of any obligation. that the City has remai.ning on the lease of the off-sal� area. 2. That the Nicklows would tak� possession o� the above area and remodel same for the use of i�heir resta7a�ant operation. 3. That the Caty would agrec to sell to the Nicl:lows the one-half acre of land which is paesently in the Nicklow parking lot. In this rega.rd Lhe City would appoint a compeLent, disin�erested appraiser �to determine the ma�ket value of said property. If the appxaisal is sat�s£actory, the Nicklows wculd agree to pay the appraised price. The $7,000 to be paid to the Nicklows would be applied toward �he purchase of this r�a1 estate. Any baldnce remaining would be paid t� the City on a contract for deecl over an agreed upon time and at �8 percent interest. 4. The Nicklows have agrred thai: as a conclition to the sale of the real estate, that a stipulation coulcl bc included in the contract for deed �rhereby, if the City of Fridley desired, within the next five years, to build an off-sale liquor stare on the on�-half acre site, that the Nicklows would transfer said property back to the City at the same sale price plus whatever interest and real estate taxes i.hey had incurred prior to the sale to the City. VH/ms CC: Mr. George Niciclow � II ' ' , h ������ ..,-'"°� � M E M 0 T0: Mr. Marvin Brunse]_7.., �.ss�.stan�t Ci�t� Ntanager and Finance Di�rect:e� �ROM; Gorclon �iddag, �ux�chasing l�eparitme�-!: DATE, Octaber 2i�; 1974 , SUBJECT; LT�UGI� ST�I�� �'�2 �, 37� , 0 El�,ST R�VER �UAT� f�, proposal �nc� couz�ter offer was �eeeivec� from George is in I'ra,dley .fo� set�tlement �f thP lease . l, Cash settlement of $7,00O.00e 2. Extend �:h� avai_lable parkin� -to a total of f�ve C5) years i.nstead of four (4� years, 3. Ci�ty o:E Fx�iclley will release -to George is a�n �ra_dley -the lease contract received �rom %'Ix� .. Hax�olci E. Hamilton d o b. a. Micro Control Company for -tS�e pur�ose of renting the l:i.quor store at �710 East �iver Raad. 4e George's 4•aould app7�eciate Promp�tness on the praposal sU �he n�ti,r tenant may b� con�tacted and no loss �f ti.me �aill be �.n�Jalvc�d. I9A. \/ � � 1 Y r„ i��-��L�. , � �'. �,. - � �� t ��� t`" � � � �f 0 �i h�crfo To : FRQM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Manager and Finance Director City Assessor Valu° of one-halfi acre of City owned land August 15, 1974 My depar�m�nt has a value of $11 ,�4QQ on -the abov� �r�operty. This means a va�u� of $.52 per sa,uar� foot. It is my �pinion tha� the present value is betw��n �.60 and $.10 per square foot or a range of �13,000 to �15;Q00 for tfie parcel. 9� ' , ' 19 � ' ' ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE C[TY ATTORNEY R. SCOTT DAVIES ' october '? �, ? <)74 !fr• t�ciS3.T't ��1YE�S}]:L' C:itjr '�<'LT??��C.'7' � City o r �`r7.�t1c�* . . G4 �l '?i.itirers;_�y �+ven�ie �; FT1C�iE,jt '!1;t7.E:;0�<Ly 5`��i3� ' ' � ' ' CJ � � � l�ear :Ir. Cureslii: t1u yOiZ Pt�3V I�E_ c317ct7'E?� �I1F? ��pI"tllf?2'11 ��Kit'F'c} }��c.7nY' �;O];t1}S:1�T 1 i �I1L'ei2ci.11la t0 �I�{..' 1��t).�_].CZt.t.Oeli t1J_�'il �;E1C.' '' �tTL1C'.;3(7ttz i�ili)1.1.0 �CiV1CP_ �:(} 1 �.^>S1071 iOr Sll�)S�?T:i:�? �3�_ 131CTC�.SE'_S :i.:` __�> C.7_;;rr:Y:_C �l:l'� ,�� S 2'�1L`c�:> 1 t.�lE'_ E:1Y�ji Part of .7anu�.ry, 197�i. I h� v�> t��en �l_i_rect�rt l�y t�tc� Sali_r,t ^a�.�i �i�y Co�ificiJ- i:d COil`L�i�t Y�}7TE'_:3£?)1'-�i.] J(`:i O1 S+1YlO�i7:1<illt_� COi'ii.'ti2il.i.f'i.G�S Q21 tli(? c�uest:�.on Q� C?�1C'.t'.IC��' t}1t?7'E'_ Z: 2II� ?l�tC��?S'� O?? }��t_` ))^:'t O� Ct�:C't' C�_1_'� CO!i?:Ci�_c 3P,(� res�.�':c��;.Li 7_il ;�O:Lii1,72�; C,T1.%il rilr? �1��7 Or iF21.Ylt; :�<ll!Z. 171 U�)>>CJ�1tlOTl �C� �112 (?�(�G�i:.C11 1t)�7_�CF3i..1(�lTy :;1i:1.CT1 �7f' f:::j)G'C� L(7 i7t? tiiL' r"1.J:":i� ��lt�f'i(?71c�..C.�• I'�l t?1C ]=1St:tT'"� t:1C C:L�>.(�S ::ll*.� :;U�!.1Y't�1?1 ('t:'.''S,�tiT?1.i�1f'S [i1T.�. �:�i�?!? �}1P_ S3?'l(' rates in tli� �1 zo�.ze for electri.cal �ervice, <�ticl our interc�sts w?_11 be ir;erl- ticala Sa:iazt i'ai�l ����s eirJ_cl full-scaJ.e 'u:ari:�n;� i7t tiie }�-ist o�x a:�l ti?e rez�enue j_S:iL1Ci �;i�.%L �:1Zi i'i� ilOc�Y.i:i �ij% i��lt? "i1+i7.1C :�c?]"V.i_CF3 Q 1i:7_iu:i0i1• :'E.�' i11tiC? i3::':}��� Y C.U?"Ci:� (3�' �.�5�:3: �):i.�Ty ", -n �. i_a. 3C t?(I�.�i<< c�a C.L'+�:1 �itC? C:.j)E.'1"t �7? t�' It@Sut?Ei Ol i(iZ'�i.lE'_"1'TZ i��t.�',3 !�t?5?F'l �.0.?i??TI�''a 2.1C_�i1t13I2� i)Ye ±!E_'.TIY'�r i��_'1Z O� i • y � • � ` ��`�C i]_Y7.1 C)� �'O;:>i:t'1" r`371t: .�la^�iOC;i�i:i�S n �;�1SA11Ti,`:'.�C)11y �el�e� 31i�. 1�3VC.' 1 iC� � G'3::'(� �:tl?C9L1YC�' �O �;1£.' `T3.;".10t7S i:�'j7i? i O� L'.1�1'll�`i1Cn i,.:�;3� C:i:2 i?° k.'>}I�CL�C:• oUf..`'tl COl%z?1 ti1S V7�1Y"_i_��1C)1"!:+ O��" Ot)(?)^Fi�1T�:T, t'-X7>�°Tlw:f�S W',`1.1Cii i.'`_�£? CO?'�lt�c"F11V 1�11�Z ` C.yi.�17.�,i 2.1� ii?Ci. tllt`: it'z1Y CG�::li1. �:.L� �_t:i iliV:, Si:Ox"> lii Y''� �.i3_2"iG'c C.'3�.11�7^S OY LS.V'1C1C"LIC!3f t:}l:� CO3� �.t! �.C1C .i:7.0it f�2C�,_"OYS .'-1t7;; O�T�;'i� ^:j'i 1.;1 � iC::.'ViCC'Sy ��I� IlO7llJ�I�_LZ�Ii".lOIl C(U]1.S'1(lf�'I'?t1t)1?Sg �'Lf? V1f?�.tl �7'O'?l:ll �.,r_?�:t(lCi O� iijll)Y(».C�i11'i:i . i�1��' O� Yl.�ill7iq riiC! (:O'u:i��� 1'C'.�.i.11"il nii. COil�ii:.2'ilC�1()11 i+in:."i: 1`l l�YU^i"C�S� uk1C� �11C'_ t1:il"1.Ol,tS pL'12C.'1 li:C1i1S1.0123 t�i�lt �Ii'�.^. .�!�('_C� �O ��lE'. 'l1;VE,'utI'?C?ll� ��ciS? Oil <<iallCil �� T�tUY"1l 1.S YE'C�LiE'SL:F'_t�.e .��.S()� T��=E'_ SC}1CC!ll�(�:> OT Y':ItC'_ CIC'Sl;�il:i �?1(? ��nCO?11T.1':> '•"107'C'_ Fill<� ]nnT'('_ 1T'1T1h7'- ' {:S�it. t.. �`i:'li•l:1tP,1yy �IIP_�P_ (!E'Cl�id C'.T+.lf'tllE'l' litl('li1P_ ClJ_uCYJI:?11�t�3L1071 'l:i �)C'1I1� ��YACt:LCCC� 1��3'.�P.St :1C.T"i��E:1' i Of til`� S�li IE'_ 1"�1�E: Ci3:�Sl_i �_C<1L1G11 Oi �)ctcaeen Yiltt_' C���.��5(',S �<lllf� �rheth�r t'.!1G� T"1��1'� FL'.'?01.1?l.t: 02' YE?�7(?tttic� 7 � }TC?Z]T� Ot)�R111P._(� � 7f L-ttey �ir.e f-t�lly c�ivorce�l Tr.or.2 t}�c total cost picture, incluclin�; a ' retiirn on investi�-.ent as a cosL-, or.. rely or� �c proje;cted lo:z;-rt.n :.ar�;i- na1 cost ratlier �?iari ihe actual ]li .tor.ical co>t, the coi�A�rin�r r�lay �ae1l � ' , City Ha�l, Saint Pauf, Minn�sota 55102 612 298-�121 � � i � _J , Itr.. ;'�is9_z� �ure:;'.i October ?_�, 1��74- p a; e T�.,6 ei�d �in �oitli r�ore reveiitie t}��n ttle Pu?�7_.-�c �cy;°vice Co,,u:�:ission allows it. �+C.' 1T1� i7Q�7:i11^ �O }_1C Fii%Z.L' �O C(?'..�Z11.Ct :? til0)"Ot1�;11 C_:�1?:11i2:It1.011 Oi tI1C CI.eC— tY"! Ci3� 7::LCfe Si:}lE.(�.t1�.F'S �}13� <tl"C`, IIO�J :�Tl. E'_ F.rPC� 1 i \JC,l.�l_ cZ ��}"!OSC' t�l�it £1TP_ prop�se �. �f fac are ��.l�l�, ,ac� �r�v si��n.ao�- o�- parL-ici�,;�Le �n a senarate CO �t O:r .iC'.TVAC('� .��llv3' tl1%:i� ::t_C�::S Y'�.^.V(.'.i.l1F?S C�`�Cdi: t0 i=�t[' j101r1.f. �'i1C,'i"E? ��lv� ?Tf' jll"0�7C'.X? 2351C'1 f'�'_i'ii.?l.<i+�f'.�i tiltJ:�?.;i_Y f�"�SCY'7t't:!12^tl0?? E.'T1�lYF���r' T�7�lE't�'?('_Y lt 3t]l�e<YS 221 t[li? StzT41�1'.�L"--tti71i1'��PY Z'�e�t-?> O'L' O�ilE:l'C�7:LSB. � 5=111C�_'. t:i1C'. t=°.��.1;RL� 1> iC? Et�1Q1'�a T�?()ll.l.i� c^;ij�YP_(�1_:i�C'_ :L`l. 7_'� VO11 DJQ",1�.(� 8!iVI.SC Tt�� ldilf?tllf�Y i".i1L1E'_ 1S �i7i. 1T1�!'_Yi �G t3i:t ;T�UY' CC}T.li:11171:Lt:j�r5 1�37'� 1Tl ]O7.i1171� � U3• ��`,' 1:t1C' 3'!E'_�7 � 3`-'g �'7(' C)CCLlj'�j ��2C �?O.`;l.'E:L.t717, �� :"%;^:3..CiSS Ct117_t1C 1T: t�"?Q' liea�-:iri�:: in 1��75. Tn vic��a <�f tIi� f'�ct t?i.3.t ti�e '-'irn�sc�t�� Pnhlic ier— vice Car-,r.�issioi� i��rts n�ver d�f��� u�:ir:� �iortliern `�L-at, :> �'ot�r_r Cor.�pany or ' C?tI1nY �;�L&' (..T?C� CIGC�:?"1G lAI�J_�_.LL_��..�1C 1�(?i07"E'_� 1�)C�J.C'V:? t�iP_ �lYai: i1C.'�1TI.I:i S ��ri11 be r:;tre���e].,� ir,;�ori.ar? �_ o,,.es. ' '�'h�.n`c you fory ouur p:�o::;,t replym �%ery tri.�,�,-,.tr>, ' j� � �;� � � a����� W� r ��r ,�,.-j������ . �: � �''` �' �_ :�`�°�fi�� { l„�-� �S�.i_C-.t�ii} �) ��,R �n 1.1'..�) i�tl:)��_C lTi.�!�..._'_4i._j �'�.�.��.':' , i.:{i.3i�7. t. � A ,s�_stanr f;•Ar3� :1i_�ornc'Y ' 'rJ� /})?:1s ' � C 0 1 1 �� � ` . STRlNGER, D�JNNE�LLY, C[7L1RTN�.Y, COWIE & RONLEDER, Ltd. ' ATTL7Rl�iE'Y5 AT LA�b' 12U❑ NOR'fH1YE5TFF7N N��TfDNAL OANK E3L1lLDING PNILIP STRINGER � S°_i,EAST FIFTH STREE7 7F_LEPHONE Z27-77H4 AHTHUR J, OONNFLLY � . SAIN�f PALJI.� N'ilNNESU7A 551D1 AREA GOUE E,12 ViNCFN7 p, CpUR'(NEY NENFdY N.CCJW)E,JH. RICFIAR6 A. RRHLEDER CNARLES A.FLINN,JR, A.JAMF� OICKINS�N JAM[5 �.LYNOEV OWEN L SOAFNSC]N UF COt1NSEL CLAUDE FS,ALt_EN October 22, 197� Mr , Ri.chard L. Varca, Jr . Special Assistant Attorney General Department of Hur;�an Rights 200 Capitol Square Buitding St. Paul, Minnes�ta 55101 Mr. James D. Gibbs j��eaver, Tal.le & Herrick Attorneys �t LacJ '� 279 tlniversi.t�T Avenue N.E. I'ridley, I�linneso��a 55�32 Re: State of r�iinresoia, by Samuel L. Richardson, Cammissioner, Department oi Human Righ�s vs. Cit of Fridl�e . ... .. .. . .. Y Y � . .e _�. .a.� . Gentlemen: Enclosed and here�aith served upon you b� mail is F'indings of Fac�, Conclusions o� Lavr and Order in the above matter. � If you hav� any questior.s or wish to discuss the. matter, please �c n.c�t hesitate to call me. CAF:jr Lnc, � Yours very truly, STRINGER, DONN]�LLY, COURTNEY, ' COGVIE & P�OIILLDER, LTD. � _----- �y /��� _ - l,./--�"'�%� � C-- , �:� ���� ��� �J BEI'ORE THE HUi+lAN RIG[It5 DEPART?'IEPrT OF �'FIE ST71TE OI' P�IINNESOTA STATE QF P�IINNESOTA, by Samuel L. Richardson, Commissioner, Department of Human Rights, ' Complainant, vs. CITY OF FRIDL�Y, and Paul B. Brown, Director, Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Fridley, and Craig Reiners, Beach Director, Parks & R.ecreation �• Department of the City of Fridley, i'INDINGS OF FACT, CONCI,USIONS OF LAL`T AND ORDER Respondents. �he above entitled matter came on for heariny before the undersigned, the duly appointed liearing Examiner, on August 13 , 1973 and was thereafter adjourned until November 28, 1973 at which time additional testimony of witnesses ��as taken. Mr. Richard L. Vazco, Jr., Special Assistant Attorney General,.appeared on behalf af complainant, State of Minnesota; rlr. James D. Gibbs and Virgil C. Herrick appeared representing respondents herein. The Hearing,Exarniner, iiaving heard the testimony of the witnesses o�fer.ed by both parties, and haviny reviewed briefs ar8 memozanc3ums of law submitted by both parties herein makes the iollowing- FIt1DTNGS OF FACT 1. That respondent, City of Fridley, maintains a beach and bathing facility at P�Ioore Park as par.t of its Par}�s and Recreation Department and that both life guards and s�vimming i.nstructors tiaere employed thereat during Lhe sumiriers of 1969 through 1973. 2. That respondent, Paul B. I3ro�an, is the Direci:or of said Parks and P.ecreat-ion Department of the City of Fridley and respondent C.raig Reiners �vas i3each Director for said � � � � f ; i i , � f � s. ; E ; � � i , � � at hSoore Par3: beach upon the basis of her sex and was thereby guilty of an unfair employment practice within the meaning of Minnesota Statute 363.03. 2. Diiring 1972 and 1973, respondent, City of Frzc2ley, through its employee and agent, Craig Reiner.s, operated a system of hiring ].ife guards and instr.uctors at P�?oore Park beach �ahich restr.icted employment opportunities becaus� of sex in violation of Minnesota Statute 3G3.�3. ORDFR 1. That respandent, City o£ Fridley, pay to Constance Kjellberc3 the sum oL $350.00. 2. That respondents, City of. Fridley and Craig � Reiners, cease and desist from opera�ing a system of employ- ment which discra_minates upon the basis af sex. Date: October�, I974- . .k`= � �; 'l�__-_.c%% '__ /-'/.�� �- - - —_ � Fr zrtrT J�F�� c��zES . , Hearinq Examinez 0 r. � �� }�IRE UEPA}'.'1Ttl:N'1' I:I:POP.':' FO(: S1:P'I'1:i�fBER 1974 Fire A1a�:rns Januar}� tt�rou;;h Septer;t�er 30, 1974 . o.. �75 3'ire Aiaz��ns ,i��inuar�� ttirc>ugt�i ��eptember 30,� 1973 ..,. 288 Incrcase in a.l<�a-�;,s throu�;h Sr,pt. this yea.r. .... 87 Fire Alarnis fcr Sei�teml,ex 1974 .... 42 Fire Alai�ras ior Sc°��teml�er 197� .••. � 27 Incrcase i�i alarms for Sept. 1974 .... IS A1.Al:,�iS Autos F, 1'rucl;s Gas S��i l is ��al�se� Commcrcial Indust:rial �(QSl�li:tll hiulti��lc D�ti�elli_�Ihs Rcscue F� ist kid crzss Falsc Nonest bti stakc Fault�� Alarm Tra.ctor 13arn - Shed Tsomb 1'ha-eat Appli��i�ccs Pire Out Police Assist Scl.00 l bii.scellaneous keport of Exp3_osio�l 7�Oi:�1 r`�a.11111S 8 � z 0 1' 2 0 s 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 z I 42 TYI'}�S �l, aLARt�1S Gerleral Alaxms ... 28 �vcrage Response ... 23.5 Company Alarms ... 3 Average I:esponse ... 11.0 Sti]1 Alarms ... 11 Average Response ... S.0 Pzre losses fo�� the nionth of �eptember amounted to a��proxi�nat.ely � 2,0.00.00. Two of tl�e f_ire calls were ta Hilltop. Columbia lIei.gllts responded to a fire at 40th and Tfai.n Street uncier the Joint Response program. 1'h.ere were t}?r.ce txaining sessions,with an average attendance of 31. �3 �ricn. Thc re�;iilar mor�tt�ly bizsiriess meet�n� of the department w�as heid oTi T}iursday Sept . 5t}l, with 32 member. s present . 1'}iree app]icati.oris for membershi.p on the voluiiteer department �:e�° reccivcd and placec3 on fil.e. Ca�;t. Ottem reported that ore invalid horne was ma�ked this mcnth. Dc�nzty Chief Aldrieli, Assistant Chicf Peka, and Firefi�hter Goranson, attended the Noz'*h Suburhan Firc School, Sunday Scpt. 8th. F'ictures of the memUers for. new I.D. Cards, ti.�e��e taken Sept. 12th hy Officer Neil Uuncan: Fixefic;ht�r Richara Krcmcr. is on sic}: lcave. h1F.F.+'}?�C;�-A'�"1'I:L!?I:D : U»ited 1�'�y l,c��;i,slati��c Committce Ch<unbcr of Conuncrce �}uLual Aicl Ncc;�infi Staff hicctinc;s ' Respcctfu2ly Submittc�ci, 'i��Qy-� ,��.'-«; _� j'_1 � ., �,. G�- 4� Robcrt S. llu�;hus, �f.ci � I Y_ O .7 i1l � t� 6� C7 r--1 N c`'1 �i «1 -1 ;_' c+� M M (Tl � M �7 �7 �7 �7' �t �7 �,. M t•l f*1 t"1 �� ('7 f�l Cl' M C�l M� M � K W �._ Li_ (;> O� � M N � r-I 1� CY'J M u1 «1 M � N r-S N M N N N I i I� � � 1 ! t,a � G E G �; � � E� E3 � F: � :� n, �s a, �J � � a ci a a a �s n: •� �n e� .-r M r• vi rn .t� � ca �n l�J r-i N �7' N �� c'�l u'1 d ri N. �-�l r--1 V� O C �1 c)U � 7 � t`� N e--i O � N rl r-i O � O r-i r-1 r--4 N N O r. � r � � '-i ^ r-1 '�-1 ri '-1 ''� r1 r{ e--i c� .r r'{ �n �� •� •�-t •� �= .0 '� o� m .0 u j..� n � v c� c� �i � �: C7 � v N N R Cfi 6� 61 � M M M lLl I i I !1_ M 00 M CO CO a, a� rn co on N M M M M M �`� �D 1� lJ � r' f� M t� [� t� (� i� J� � M crl M � M C�l � CO � CO CO 1'` � ro� � I � t ''{ � (V I c�l � M M c'�ll M M M �� rl I N� r-� � r--1 ` CV ( N f� � E� � � � F a � cu a a. O 00 �D (� N �D �7 p � v1 M N N '-I W O �D r--i r-1 O t� r-t O r-1 N O rt .-{ � � r--i �r-1 fi3 +� a cn p v 0 U r-�I '-i .� a� � C�J 'ty � M .-i � � m po� oo r� � r� n � Cd W CO 00 CO CO 00 cn U M M M M M M c'`1 1� t� 0. y� � :.3 G � � � � � '�'� ri O ' .t] N � � a� F�� N u' � � f7 �-' � G� i-� �+ >� ''-� N � QI O� Q' j•�� R: •�-i � : S-+ ',� � i-t � 4-, � 4a x ro �iy w o � w 1J 1J S� I L ' 7, ' �J � .-t ( -r1 � . � 'J� a) � O tA �-r V1 U p. O O .� +-i V) ri tn r ''j •ri !A 1-� tA Ql 'Cf (J) ��� ��� cd � c� �n �--� .0 cn cn cn a� . N �n a a �' L1- �e tG 1+ cd � r-1 cd cU Sa cc3 3-� �-+ ri rJ � 3-+ �+ �+ �+ �D � c� �� c� c7 �� � �+ o �r �, •� •� �a � � ro cd cn cv s� ►— :. c7 c� c� c� r� w c� �n ca � c� U c� c� ' ' _' � 'T - � ��. o �n � �° [� .� �° � U i' N 1-i � d' G � , .�� U � � � �-1 O� cJ .t, y� . .,a m .o a ��,'' � � v , x ,; p, n�i H c � •r-I �2S L+ cJ :�] aJ n1 6 C� .ti W p nl .0 D, � •ri N . �-Ui c'J � :i r...{ a� t�i l � � }.�.� .`�� P� � •rl C1 � � r c: x cv �, �� . v, u o x a as .-: - :� p1 •� ?a ' Q) tn L) tll tn O • Cn W Ra �+ �) O .�] L) 'tl r-7 1r +� R :✓ v) ;3 .`L ri • U O • �.I� FYa O C� �� Vi f: •rl 't7 1-+ .r' 1�+ [: rl W C: f� CJ c� �'J a) c � S� `l. . cy t� • cn H N a.� �1 I .J U U W V �`' c`'1 . 1 a� pa f� `�, •rl tA 'L'7 V �i-� q v . p � r: � f-+ N � � �2f O � y� ;. � Q� � ..� �< <=a � Gu . � i �, � � �n o ,� .�: •.� c: b � a; o .� .-� cn � o o b F. a � .n 'b + �-' .r: r.: 1-, a. cv u � cn .--I r�� w -� �v rn %a •-� � a) •r-� c"l � ' 00 �7 F� •ri ?� �Y cV 3-+ 07 C. �O • M •rl O � :r: 7 H �'" ul �7 t/7 ;r: Ul �rl �-/ 6� r-7 H H � I` `r�'a � E3 E? F? E: E• Ei F? [? � E: E� F-? E' Ei F3 G Ei Fi � G R. ctl C�. N N cU P. p. P. a a. tU P. P. �d C3. tV a a l�_I �rl ir1 c.! M '-'� �D C'1 rn M �S �O r1 i� O f� cn �D N• M � �',�,.^� r{ N �1- N � M Ul d �-1 N r-1 r-1 M C� �t ul M N N �-1 t_ NU r-1 .-i U a U '-i e-1 rl N c�V O r-i � O r-1 N OI � �-1 �� +7 �f' � �7 �' �f �7 +Y �7 y �,7 7' �1 �t -:1' �.7' �7 �Y' �' �y t� �� n n h. t�- (� f� � I� h-. fa n � t` t� t-� 1� f� ��- � � �.� �. \ � \ � �-�. F' ^ •� � \ \ �`' \ \ \ \ � � O O O �-1 r i N Ch �11 «l `Z N M C`'1 �7 � f� f� �� (� (X) (T r� r�1 r1 r-1 r-1 r-i ri r-I r-4 [', , G .' Q, Q� O � Q', C7�i J CT Q O� � (T Ci\ O\ U� O I O O: � O: I l� 1 ll U �� 4J L> ;-, ri: l.� J vi �-� C3 �- {- i � v C1 _ N W C1_ N }-- �-t J �� M� M t �l � �``� � M f� CfJ M �tl 7 �fJ i'� C'1 e-i N r-i N � Q c*1 n't N O GO 01 � M O �7 N C t c�"1 M c�7 r-i r-1 rl N LV G E: E'. E: E� F� E� • • �: �' F.' f' � F' � �' � � F' F: � n. �v a a a �, . , • c�j a cu a r�. � a c�. �n N �� t� C7 W Ol :! O c'7 �:f M �l cV � O r-t �7 CT c'1 t4 N �7 M «l � r-i N O M O �l M �1l ul M N N � N ri OrJ Ol C�Y •• •• •• ri r-� N '-1 r-{ r-1 N � 6� G� G7 r-1 Ca Ul r-! I� M N � O rd N N C� � N � U '� � r � ^ h G � �Y � r� R1 r-I M •r! lfl Lfl Ul ri Ul r-1 C:. •rl � `ri � �� O� Gl O� `ri G� Cn U (%� : i lfi M C'1 �`�1 � '� v �% - N � N t'J N N � N 6'� O� O� O� CT� 6� ,� M M tr; M C+l �� p� I 1 I I 1 1 ('p .-�{ t� �l M CO GO M GO 00 Cl C�7 GJ .-i GJ O� 00 � 00 c0 O'. 00 cA O� � cYJ c�l .(ll c(1 c�l CO M M M �l M M c�1 r� I U f I c�l f I 1 1 I I 1 I I� f� �O � GO N�.L7 � t`� � I I-� �O f� f� �O 1� t� 1� � t� Q'1 OD 0.� cJ Cl7 G'� :77 (Xi CA pJ I� CU CA 00 UJ UJ 00 (� GO � C'-� e�l M M U rl rl M cWl M �� GC r�l M M c� c*1 M M M c�l C`l M 1J � f-i � � N O 'r{ �i �, e � •a c� u --- � c ; G �; � o � a � �.+ � •�+ �? �: c� o o w v ° �+ � �1 cd �-+ .� p�,., cn � u r-t f' � r1 3, .�: c� �L .c; � c cs 1 n� c.� a l+ �, w .� �n t: � � F; m cs �o s� ta �+-, e� �+ o .,� s� ro o 4L. •,-� +-� � �� S-+ w t� I Q) �L5 .n •ri G r3 I I � c�, � �+ O L1 }� 1 CD Q 'U 1� U � 1 C.J 1-i u� • 1 �� � c•3 v cn (n N U � � S�+ � =, �Ll � u �t7 ^7 s-� U o Ci .5� P. � tn C�. v� .0 t-1 v) N G a1 cn :. Ci_ }+ cil CJ :, �:-i 3-� cJ Ei O O F-i S� �-i F' c3 m p, N cn }.� �..� cd •- Y- •r-I r-; .i: :s a1 N �, cll Sa F� C ct} � c-J �J Y+ ttf :G 1�-� � � � %-' � 1— Ca cJ cn :. s-+ V F-+ �: w v� U C.) U F� �=i V 3 t=1 U FA F� 3 � �: :>: ci F-� � O J � 1� M-1 �_ Lt! t-f_ U m l�,, a a O :+ 1-� r-i r'i rl U •ri L? :1: [=� 1 41 I izI ;l �- i • • s U t� { f� U r-t Fi Ln :U cC �� •�i Lt �1 y J� (n CJ S: :>, .� �D •ri •r-1 iJ [. ,t; (1, L� ,r: c�S }� cll • �.� cn i� a� ;., Q; U 7, �-� O �U •'} ,.C) ,s �7� p; � •�-f ..tf :C I e-1 .C: a .0 «l ' i-� .-1 CO 1 �7' I N 7 1� �D i-� �b E`3 F� E: F' E= F-� aci. ��. �d cu ci. J (J O �t1 �D O �' C� M y' �7 ��1 N W N C� e--1 W '-i r-1 N O r-1 �-1 � � �� � � � ��. ��, f� f`�. f� f�-. �. 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Fi (3 E� G � C3 G t� a a �s a a a ro a o. ri v� c�� �-� � r+ o c� �r O M O �rl c�'1 �n ��'1 M �� Q ri O ul �r-1 I� M N �/1 C�i ( N G r-1 N r--1 O r1 '-1 �7 �.7 -:Y �7 �t 7' �'t �1 �' r� � r� r- r� n r� � r� "-. � `�.. � �_ ` � sj � t� n t� t0 O� O� CT N N cv N N N N cV �'d ..�. \ \ `� `.. `� `�� \ '�- CT Q� Q� CT O� (T Ol O� �i� r+«�,,_ „�- • . -{ i� I'� {� L r M M r_ ti1 t, � O u`1 C}'• N N G � w v t-� n_ w v� �_' H �� H Gl O n_ N ll.) a_ N �. .--� � R_ �. _-J � u_ v � �� n_ >- F-- CG � -� F_� .:� C.? O ._..) E: � �a r� o � o M .:, c*� �j N �n rn M 1 N � O � O-. %� M 1 I m p� co c� M �`� � I � � c!� tt� m M N .�'. ff ti }j bJ r, �n r � � �., y N ,-� v � c. c� o Ls+ w � � � .,-� �� c:7 cC F+ 1-+ C� P. (3. V U U *--� U c' •,� � 1+ G. 1-1 � l� r-I .3 •� •Lt T/ t: �: !-1 F3 E� e, � ns a, �y� � �r� �_ �r� c� ir� M p N lal � �l t� Y� � .�. �` �� `r C� O �-'� t� M �., \ 6\ U� � �. , ' Sum�ary af e ire Alarr��_ r Residenti.al �hoi�—:tesidential Co��merc i�)_ , Industrial , Grass & Brush lst Aid £� hescue 'Auto & �rttck 'Fa.Ise iionesL 2•iis t<<l;e 'Miscellaneous Storage 'Mutual �1id Hilltop ,Total ' I:esponse i �1)e�th & lnjur.ie:; ' Fir. er�en Civili�:ns T.v ,�e.s f:or manth af ' 'I.�ssc�� to I)atc , , Sept.. FIltE �'RE�oJ?NTION TURI:AiJ !'lii� rion�:n 1 0 2 1 8 .0 8 1 6 12 0 1 2 42 42 Al��rrns 28 Ceneral l�larms 11 St:i_11 Alt�ri.^.s 3 �oulpai�y Alar�ns Injuries 0 0 Pu ild ins;;� $ 800. 00 $].70,795.00 This Picsnth I..ast: Year t} 0 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 7 0 0 1 z� 7l� g men 660 ir�c.n 55 men 33 men Dc�attzs 0 , Cont.enr� $ 50.00 $25,272.00 September 1974 1ota1 21 1 10 6� � 78 : . 16 � � : 45 5 . 61 119 2 3 8 � 37S .23, �-�'/men call 5 /men call ii /�,���n ���.i Total for Tear 1 Autos :� Tr�cks $ 800.00 $6,380.00 0 pt}ier — 0— $�s�.00 � � ° �II�F. F'F��'��1^'AO.i "?LT2.�':1L �......._..._..�..� — I�, ' Sucr�uziry o� acCivi�ias September 1974 Ttiis Month I' � This M�nrh I,ast Year Total � - -- ' Buil.din;s Inspecre� 37 62 250 ' ' -, 435 Re-Inspectioti.5 31 35 '' Inspectio^s other ti:an Bui.ldin�s 8 17 is9 ' Buxning Pe:n�its R�quest�d 0 3 0 By Irisp�.ctor 0 0 � ' By Others 0 0 0 Special Perm.its 1 1 6 � � ' Occu anc per.mits 0 0 13 P Y ' Tota�. 7i ].15 899 � Orders Issued 2� 26 2�7 Orders Cor�pleted 16 21� 273 ' Illegal Equi�ner.t 0 0 75 Written F.'arnings 28 z6 277 � Verbal. k'arr.ings 1.6 16 142 � Complaints 3 G 32 Fi.re Tnvestigatiotis 5 4 46 � � Extra Activitics: , ' Plans £or 2�irc 1'r.evc�ntiaii prag�:,am at schools 75 t��iixltiplc Dwell.i�l� liccr.ses pz-oc�ssed Unit;� Ilaspi.t.�l. £ire ci�_n�onsrr� tio�s , ' I ire �'ievcnt:ios� week Sn::ilit�i; l�ttended A:et��c� P�id Fire C}iiefs ineeCing (Chie£ llughes on vacat�on) }?].an r. eviews � � � ' � �I , _,.. :