01/19/1976 - 54370 HELEN FAGIN SECRETARY TO THE COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING dANUARI� 1 g, 1 �'J6 ' , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADORESS ANQ ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: ,<iyG-- NAME � '-__ _ _________________ _===-=ADDRESS_== __ __ _________ ==-ITEM_NUMBER s-- =ac=sc a�= as= =aa =a=sa=eo =�a =a= � t / �/ � ► "' ��7�� �iori ✓1 ri v� I �i � i � - % � i � . --� - - � ��ti C'�dh � , ��'A � v����� y��� v`�r��G � iU�' �,��,�� �s v 3r � �'��-e �✓S � %PV'S v �SS � � �^� ��z� /�%4,. Go-. ° ��/�,D CP�� c7. /�� S� L � n{ ;Tf-1NVi c u 0 !1 �6 o P��oT q�� �v,C� � Z1� ♦ 0 �" �� �-r r� 7-7� � _ G c� � iQL L �� � ri, f . P�IEMO Ta: DEPARTME�T HEADS Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have answers in City Manager's office by '��ednesday Noon, Jan�aary 28, 1976. Thank you. FR�IiL�Y CITY COUi�CIL — REuULA� COUi�CIL i�IEET�iVG -- JAI�UARY 1�, 1�76 PLEDGE OF AL�EGIA{�CE: �:�0 P.r�. ROLL C�LL: APPROVAL OF MIPaUTES: A11 Present REGULAR r�EETING, �ANUARY S, 1976 Councilwoman Kukowski made a chan�e on pane 5, paragraph 3, second line: chan�e the words "a year" to "years". Minutes anproved as amended. PllBLI C{iEAR I NG �EET I NG, �ANUARY 12, 1976 Approved as submitted. ADOPTI��� GF 1�GEUDA: Councilwoman Kukowski reauested a discussion on the Island �f Peace to be added to ihe a�enda. Anenda adoote� with the addition. OPEN FORUNI, ViSITORS: �CO(�S.DERAiION OF ITEMS i�OT ON AGE�lDt� °�.S P�IINUTES) tlar�e ��AY : ��� . , REGULAR M�ETIPdG, JANUARY 19, 1976 1 � NEW BUSI��ESS; .. . . PAGE 2 ORDINR�dCE #608 CONSIDERATTON OF FIRST R�EADING OF AN ORDINANCE �OR , � � , REZONING REQUEST, ZONIN� ORDINANCE AMENDMENT LOA #%S-O6, � � BY UNION OIL COMPANY; �695 NACKMANN AYENUE N� E� TO ' REZO��lE FROM C-1S To C-2. , , , , . , , , , , , , � , . , , � 1 - 1 A Motion to waive the read�ng and adopt Ordinance �608 at the first reading. � INEERING ACTIOW NEEDED: Put ordinance back on ac�enda when all appropriate easements � and a letter of understanding have been completed. I F , G RECEIVING THE MINtJTES OF TH.. PLANfvING COMMISSION MEETIN ' oF JANUaRY 7� 1976 , , . , , � , , , , , , , , , , . � , . , 2 — 2 L 1� CONSIDCRATION �F APPEALS CQMMIS�ION P��ETING P'�INUTES , • oF D���h�B�R�30; _ I�75 � , . � � � � � � � , � � , � � 2�-2� A� DEALERS MGF � CQ �, S�.�O �'�A I N STREET � METAL � ' COLD STORAGE BU I LD I t`G o , � � � � � � � � , � , � 2A-ZC � PP�ALS COMMISSiON R�COMMENDATION: APPROVAL OF • VARIANCE _ , _ . �tJ��C I L��TI ON REC��J I RED : CONS IDERAT I ON OF ' RECOMMENDATION MOTION was made to concur with the Planning Comn�ission recommendation and approve sideyard setbacl: fr�m 20' to 8' for the Dea2ers h9fn. Co. ��1o�+or� carried unanimously. I�t�NEERING�ACTION NEEDED: Inform Dealers Mfg. of Council approval. li ' --CONSI.DERATION pF REQUEST FOi2 EXTENSION OF RES�RVATION QF Ltc�uoR LrcENSE � �OL�ERT SCNROER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II ' Motion to extend the reservation of li uor license for Robe�-t Schroer fer 9 one year. Motion carried unanimousl,y. �fiI ��CE ACTION PrLEDED: Notify- P�4r.- Schroer that his ] icense r�servation has be�n� extenued � � one ea�^. ' . Y ' I I � 1 ,; :� REGULAR PIEETI�dG, JA�IUARY 19,. I9�'6 _� fdE�J BUSI�JESS CCorvzT�vu�D) ... .. . PAGE 3 ICONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION OF �IVIC CENTER SPACE LEASE WITH ANOKA COUNTY� � � � � � + . � � • � � � � � • � � � � � ' 4 ', P1otion to aoprove the lease agreement between the City of Fridley and Anoka County for rental of the County Courtroom and Probation Office until the end of the 1976 fiscal year. �Y ��{ANAGE2 AC7ION PdEEDED: Forward agreement to Anoka Co�nty for their confirmation. �J� ' F ANCE ' , : ' F ANr,F i ' �I L_ RESOLUTION ,# 10-i 976 CONSIDERATION 0� A RESOLUTION AUTHOR�ZING THE CHANGING OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FtJND� ���.���� 5— 5 G Resolution �10=1976 approved authorizin� the chan�ina of buu�c�et appro�riations within the general fund. hlotion unanimous on rcll call vote. ACTION NEEDED: Procee�i as authorized RESOLUTION #?1-1°76 CQi�SIDERA�'IQN OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THF C1iANGI�lG OF THE �.�IS �'ULG�T APPROPRiATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND ���� 6-- F r� Resclution #11-�976 apnroved authorizing chanaina of the 197C budqet appronriutiur�s within c�eneral fund. Ptc�tion uranimous on roll call vote. ACTION iVEED�D: Proceed as authorized � �' REGULAR MEETIidG, JAf�UARY 19, 1�7� _ . ... _� PAGE 4 �1EI"1 BUSIPvESS �C�NTINUED) ! RESOLU�TION #,12-1976 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION FF�OVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF �1,550,000 SPECIaL ASSESSMENT FUND BONDS, � ,.,,7-7C Resolution #,12-1976 approved authorizing provisions for the issudnce and sale of $1,550,000 special assessment fund bonds. Roll call vote v��as unanimous. � AC7ION NEEUED: Proceed as auihorized RES�LUTION #13-;976 CGNSIDERATiON OF A RESOLUTION RETAINI�lG THE SERVICES OF EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC „ FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, . _ FQR TH� SPECIAL ASSE55MENT FUND BOND PROJECT OF THE CITY� �!�$ Resolutir�n #]3-1976 approved to retain Ehlers and Asso. as Financial Consultants. P��tion was unanimous. - ACTION NEEJED: Pro�.eed as authorized RtSOLUTION #1�-1976 CUNS I DER/��' I ON OF A RESOLUT I ON APPLY I NG FOR A f�00�Y l S INVESTORS SERVICE BOND RAT:NG FOR A$T,S��,OOO SP�CIAL ASSESSN��NT FUND BQI�lD ISSUE FOR THE CITY � � � . � . . . . . � 9 . Resolut�on #1�-1976 approved to ap�ly fier a^1o�dy's Investors Service Bond Ratin�. Motion unanimous. ACTIQN NEEDED: Praceed as authorized � 1 REGI�LAR MEETING, JANUARY I9, 1976 _ . . . PAGE 5 I (�EW BUSIi�ESS CCONTINUED) �� � - �LA I MS � � � . � � . � � , � . � � � � . � � � � � � � � � ld i � No. 13095 - 13305 apprc�ved as submitted, FI. iVCE -ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims as approved � ' ' • EST I MATES � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . 11 - ll B ' Aoproved as subrritt,ed. > FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Pay es�imates as approved � ' � _ , _ LIC,ENSES� . , , , � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 12 ' ' Appr�ved as subrnitted. rI NCE ACTIUN NEEDED: Issue licenses as approved . � a���i�Rf�i : S:i 5 P.M. . � � � ' . � - , ' � '' � 1 . 1 ' 1 ' ' • � ' � i � ' � � � � i ' i � '' ' ' ' ' ,. �, THE F1INUTES OF TIIE REGULAR MEETING U(' THE FRIOLEY !:ITY �OUtdCIL OF JANUARY 5, 1976 The Regular Meeting of 'the Fridley City Council of Januar•y 5, 197o was called to orc�er at 7:32 P.P1. by Playor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor tJee weicomed those present and invited them to join the Council in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. � j ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESEidT: Councilman Starwalt> Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Kuko�•rski, hiayoi� Nee, Councilman Breider and Co�ncilman Hamernik M[MBERS ABSENT: None PRESEP�TATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPREf,IATION: �: ?.� 3 � I -. � Robert Erickson, Environmental Jualitv Ccmmissien 6iar t��urtin, Environ;nental Qual� Ccmmissic . Thomas Myhra, Cable Television Ccmmission Wilbur Whitmare, Police Civil Service Commission Mayor t�ee presented the certificates of appreciation to VJilbur Vlhit�nore und to �•lary Martin. Robert Erickson and Thomas .'�lyhra �vere not present. P4ayor (de� cormiented that Fjilbur �Jhitmore had been instrumental in getting firiances for tne present City Nall building, and this particular ceri:ificate is in recognitia;� of his services to the Police C�vil Service Commissiorr, 1°7? through 1975. Ma,yor ���e also commented that Mary Nartir., �•,ho 4�as serveC on the Environmental �� QU3�I'If.,y (,O��:till$S10i1 flitS �1L'�Il dil dfi;li;'�Ilt�i:F? CCtiS�,lc:',":C;c^ 1"G^ t1i�.' r"cGj)+i.� dt1C� `L�ldt t�1:5 � awarci recognizes her ser�vices d,'I(: tE:I�S OUt' �flal'eC'lal:l0ll. AFPROVAL OF P+!IfdUTES: • PUQLIC tIEARIhG MEETING, DECf_P13[R 8, 1t+75 REGUL�',n P^EETIidG, CECEi°16ER 15, 197� MOTIO� by Councilman areider to approve i:he minGtes of the Publi4 Hearinq Mec:ting af Cecember 8, 1975. Seconded by Counc�i l�,voman f��!kcm�ski . Upon a��oi ce vote, all voiing aye, Mayor Nee declared the r��oi:ion carried ui�animously. MOTIUt� by Councilman Starvralt to approve the min�*es of the Regul�r Meeting of DPceml;er 15, 1975. Seconded by Counc�ilt•roman f:uko;1�'r.i. Upcn a veice ti�ote, al� voting aye, t4ay�r Nee declared the motion carried u��airimc+�s�y. • ADMIiJISTRATION OF OIITI{ OF QFFiCE T� �LECT[C OFF?f,:A..S: EDWARD HAP1ERPlI„ COUNCIL�'AN tv',r+RQ 1 CDWARD J. FITZPi�,T(t1fK, CQUC!CIL(�iAf�d t;(1fiC ��1 Cuuncilman Hamernik ��as administered the Oat'r; e! GfTic�. t,••• i''^. City C.lerk. Courcil- �.,� man Namernik signed the Oath of Offir.e, and �.:a; ��t� ,� ;�� �:.���t2iicate of Election. Mayor Ue2 congraculated Cnuncilm:�n i'.an�ernik. s�c:u� �: •!•nil: said he was honored �ra io �e elected, and hopes he car mect thc cl�alic;�; ::'�is n,f�ce presents. H� also comnented tliat Councilman areider did an excc>i �e;�:, ,;,:r�, Caunci lman Fitzpatrick �•ias adininistered th� Oat'� i: ice �:�; thc> City Clerk, and signed the Oath of Office, and presented a �ert;;i �� nf ��:3�:ctiu;:. Councilman Fitzpatrick said he hopes he can d� t:he office c;.:c�'.::. �a�sEt�-r���rtori or r,tdn�zu: cc�t�c��r�n�a T;rt s�zctct� i�ayor Nee presentEd Councilman f3reider a Cert:�S'i�:��.�� c.f 11n�rcciatlon as a momento of his services to the Office. Councilman Brei:';,. .;.i,i i:e wuul:l 1i�ce to mF�:itien 0 4 ,;. � I i � e ; ; � �•, 3 � � .._?4� �. � � i i f r � � \.-_. REGULAR COUNCIL MFETING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 � � � PRGE 2 ` ' ; . � , that he could not have accomplished what he did withaut the help of�other people. He thanked the people who.helped on his two previous campaigns, and the peopie in � Administration for their cooperation, and he said he would also like to thank his � . family for their support and cooperation. �• . ADOPTION OF AGENDA: � �. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt ±he Agenda as submitted. Seconded by "'C � Council��roman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared I ' the motion carried unanimously. �,J i OPLN FORUM, VISITORS: Mr. Allen Imsdahl, representing the American Bazaar and Flea Market addressed the Council and requested permission for a"��Jalking Auction" of items from various exhibitor booihs. He explained the auctioneer ivill ��alk from booth to booth to sell the items. Ne said they were trying to stimulate people to come ta the Bazaar, as the attendance is low. He commented they would have a bonded and licensed auctioneer and they inter,.: to adhere to the r�ules and regulatior:; peri:aininq to auctio�s. Mayor Nee commented that he felt this request shoa'd-go through the normal �procedures rather than being requested at this pori.ion of the CoWncil 1�leeting. The Public Works Director explained that the American Bazaar had encountered some discussion and comment conflicLs regarding the Flea Market at the Industrial site. There was an agreement to allo��l them to provide activities if confined to certain areas, or,come to the Council for the requested activity. They came io the staff _ regarding an auctioneer license, and ���e indicated that due i;o controversy of the: activity, they should not proceed with this type of activity. They called again today, and we felt at 1:he staff level there was not really any problem as long as � the automobiles were taken out. Easica3ly, this is an extension of i;hpii° initial _ request. _ 3 Mr. Imsdahl stated that they paid �l?_0 for which ihey have not been able to have � any auction at a}l. He said they have gone through the channels and were told to check again after the first of the year. Councilman Starvralt said he could understand why he was told to core to the Council, based on past history. Procedurally, the staff coulcl have taken i:he application subject to approval. M��. Imsdahl asl:ed if he should appl;; again. The Public Works Director explained ihat it was th�e intent of the staff to bring . this before the Council to get an idea of how the Council feit concerning this. He said they would proceed through the no�°mal charneis. Mayor P�ee asked P1r. Imsdahl if this would cause him any big problems, and said that he could be granted this reqi�est within a week if the staff does noi find any pro- blems. Mr. :msdahl said he would proceed in that direction. ' OLD 6USINESS: ORDINANCE �'60f � CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANC.E ESTl�3L3S1IING CNAPTER E OF THE FRIDLEY ii�c vi �i��r_ rv�.���i��a. i_iv��,i��r�� ��.� -i.��A�� ���:�, .-� �:� nr�r�r_r�ii�.;ir �vru•it��ivir� ROP�h�EI�TAL QU11L1i1' COhI�'ISSIOfl, t1U.��.AN I'tESOURCES Ct�„��tiSSJO��, IIPPfALS COi�ii•1ISSION AP�D UNl1Y DLVEI_01'i�iF�dT C0�'ui1SS10fd: /lfdl) hEF'[ALIt,G C!fl��,ER:i N0. 101,121, 201, 122, and SFCTION 205.�8. — ----l—� —` The City Manager"explained that basicallv this �s tc give some po�ver to the Board of Ap�eals to approve variances fer residential prc;.erty under certain restricted: conditions. 610TION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to atiopt Ordij�anc� "606, waive the second reading and order pu�lication. Seconded by Coi�ncil��roman K�,;'<ae�rsl;i, Upcn a roll call vote,. all voting aye, �fayor Nee declared tne motion cari°i���! unr:niiiiously. � �.J i � . + � � � , �' Y �, � . + � { ; 1 a � �� � : � • ' . �. ' ; . '. j ' ( �I fF � �4 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 ORDINANCE N607 ZONING ONSIDER�TION Of SECOND READING OF AN ORDINAPlCE FOR REZONING REQUEST; ___ _., �:-.,......_ -,,., ,,,--,,, ����;,T ni �,cTrnn Tn o[7nnIC Go(1M ('_1 C T(1 R- i� . `I,�I J PAGE 3 ` � _ � ANn _ COPJSIDERA'fION OF LOT SPLIT RFQUEST; L.S. n75-08, QY ROBERT OLMSTEAD; SPLIi 70 PROVIDE FOR TfIREE QUILDING SITES. The Public Works Director explained that this property is located at Fireside Drive and Central Avenue. Ne said this is the second reading to rezone from C1S to R-2. It should be pointed out that there has been a public hearing and the first reading was adopted, with the stipulation that the old piano store located on Parcel 920 be rernoved before the second reading. This structure has been removed. � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance #607. Seconded by Council�•loman Kukowski. Upon a roll call vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman. Star�•�alt to approve the Lot Split Request to provide for three building sites. Seconded by Council��ioman Kukr,;�ski. Upon a voice vote, all votiny a,ye, hlayor Nee declared the motion carried unarimously. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION N1-1976 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIG�vATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR THE CITY OF fRIDLFY AND OFFICIAL D[POSITORIES. The Finance Director explained that this Resolution #1-1976 would name the Fridley State Bank as the official depository for all funds for the City, and authorizes the City to use any bank or savings and loan as depository for in- vestment pui°poses. It also sets forth the names of the persons aut�iorized and required to sign checks of the City as the Clerk/Treasurer and the City Manager. MOTIOP! by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution �1-1976. Seconded by Councilman Starti•�alt. Upon a voice voie, all voting aye, J^ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. RESOLUTION ,42�197E •�v�iuttctiliuiv ur N xtSOLUTI�fV DESIGh;4TINU TIf•1E AND NL'MQER OF COUNGIL MEETINGS: Councilman Hamernik suggested that the location of the Council P4eetings also be designated in the Resolution. He asked why they do not specify the fourth meeting of the month. The City Manager explained that the fourth meeting was a conference meeting and there is no official action taken at this meeting. Also, these are listed in the City calendar mailed to all dwelling units and businesses along with being posted on the meetings sch�duled on the two civic center entrances. Mayor Nee asked Lhe City Attorney if he had any comments concerning 1:lie fourth meeting being added Lo the Resolution: The City Attoi°ney sa�id that he certainly can see no harm in ha•ring it included if ihe Council desires, It t��ould be pre- ferable to have it in the Resolut;on. Mayor h�ee said we would have difficulty getting the language into the Resolution for adoption tonight. He said h�s feeliny is that every fourth Plonday that is available, �ve should have 4 meeting. - � Councilman Starwalt said that t:here were times when it just was not convenient t;. for everyone, but they still made the effort to attend the meetings. He said �i,t there has been more consistency in having the meetings than not having them. The City Attorney said that if they are going to be renularly scheduled meetings, it would be better if thcy wcre inclur7ed in I:he Resolution, but if they wcre going to meet on occasions when the work ioad demanded, it would not have to be in the Resolution. � � i � .. t; �. t; t � �, :� ) ; I/ ?4 (i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 _ �_� I i PAGE 4 � M0T10N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution N2-1976 designating time and number of Counci] Meetings. Mayor Nee requested that the locatiun of the Council P7eetings be added to the Resolution. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DES;C?dATING A LEGAL NE4JSPAPER: RESOLU7ION 1'3-1976 T�ie 7nance i"rec % r explaired that the Northeast Suburban Sun Pdewspaper has submitted a request for their ne�vspaper te be the official newspaper for the year 1976. They will charge the same rates as all otl�er government agencies and the same charged in 1975. He 'fui°tiier explained that there rrere no other choices available to the Council except the daily paper. MOTION by Councilman fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution ;i3-1976, designating the Sun Neti•rspaper as our official newspaper for the year 1976. Seconded by Council- woman Kukorrski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 14ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COPIS;DE.^;TIO,'. OF ?H� M?PlU7ES OF ?�!E °! ANNING COMM?S�TON N�EE?ING OF DECFMBER 17, 19?5 1, APPEALS COMMISSION M[ETIfr'G OF DECEM(3ER 9� 1975 A. SHOREWOOD SHOPPIf�G C[PdT[R SIGNS; 6225 HIGHWAY #65 N.E. ,'� ! The !'ublic Works Director explained this request is from Mr. Max Saliterman, through his attorney for variances for signs. This would allow both rcof and free standing signs at the Sharel�ioad Shop�in9 Center. The signs presently existing are tvro free- standing signs and that the King Chalet pylon and the Payless Shoe roof signs are a non-conforming use. He further stated that the staff point�d out that with the removal of tlie pylon sign, a variance request �,�oul�i not be necessary. They also pointeci out ihat the King Chalei sign snows no usefui purpose and that the o�vnPr � i�as been c��-,tacted and an agreement rea�t��d wherz`y the sign �vc�!]c! �e remaved. � T��e Board of tappeals did aoprove the variance�fo, construciion of t}�ree roof signs. ; �! Counc�ilman Fitzpatr�ck asked in �,�hat way were these signs non-conforming, and the ': �Pu�lic 4lorks Director explained that the Ordinance states two free stanciing signs per structure, and that is what they have now. �Cou�cilman Fitzpatrick asked if the . free standing signs were not there, could each business have a roof sign. The PuUlic l�'�i°6s Director said that there would be one for each business in the total � constrt!ction. Perhaps seven or eight could have roof signs. Courci�man Hamernik asi:ed if they were reqaesting to have three signs at the present t�ime. The Fublic Works Directar said that three signs Hrould take care of the businesses that need S1jIlS at this time. uther portions are not ready for uccupancy. Courcilman Stai'W3�t said that r�ithout a doubt there wili be other signs fc�r which application wili be made. Some are va��nt because of the wind stcrm. He stated he believed it was good that the Appeais Commission removed the blanket request, and he ���ould move to approve ±he request. MOTION by Councilman Starwal± to concur with the re�ommendation of the Appeals � Coinmiss�ior ar�d approve an� gr•an� varia�ices for three r,e:�r roof signs at the Shor•e- wood 5hoppinq Center. Secoi�ded by Councilman Fitzp��.rici:. Upon a vo�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motien carried uranimously. 2. rl! I.00AiION OF �500 FOR I�Jf ORMAT?OPl AND RFFFRRP�L SERVICE t�r. [iill Scott opened the discussion exp�aining thaf t;his request by SACA,. (S�uthern 1lnoka County I�ssist.�.nce) is ror a fuli-ranye informat.ion and referraT service, �ncludin9 Fridlcy, Spring Lake Fark and f,ol+imbia kieiyhts. They are asking fridley to pick up a portion of the costs, which would amo;mt to �500., , t�il�ich ��ould be directly related to our comn�unity. At }%7,esent, he said, tl�e County does not t;ave a referral servic2. �(iie only one i;; exisiance is run by the United Fund. I � .; � � I i � e � t ; �- n '. ,-' , ' �' C ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 ��17 PAGE 5 � ` Mr. Scott further explained that they will also ►•equest Spring Lake Park and Columbia Heights to contribute �500. each for their portion of the service. The information and Referral Service will be set up to c�ive emeryency service - to people in our comnunity in need of help by referring them to the proper source. The President ofi SACA, t�ts. Joan Staupe further explained that SACA is a practical set-up to provide information and referral service to citizens of the southern part of the County. They have a location in which to operate at St. Matthews Church in Columbia fieights. The telephone service will cost approximately $1,500. a year for a couple of lines and 24 hour answering service, which will take care of late night . ' and weekend emergencies. Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she did not think anyone could feel the need for this service like she does. She has been listening to teiephones ring for a year, . and Fridley definite1y needs this service. She said she str�ngly feels the $500. should come out of the City this year. She felt sure they vrill be getting grants and loans in the future. Ms. Staupe said that during the Christmas Holidays, they received calls from about 700 people, and provided food and toys for aboui, 160 fami�Vies. Calls are coming in every day and presently it is ve:��� difficult br.aus� *hey have ±he telephones at one location and they are operatirg at another .ocation. She explained that they are only asking for help to get the project started. ' i• Mayor Nee questioned the possibility of this service being duplicated. �ir. Scott said there are none in i;he County. It is their feeling an information and referral � service in the community can do a much better job. There is no way the County can ; maintain adequate files with reasonable costs. ' � �I ' ' ' :, � ' CJ ' I''� � 'Councilman Starwalt said he had concerns as to whether these funds should come from � private sources or from the City, and whether they could really do the job they should do. He asked to what extent they are having difficulty in getting te?ephone ;�- numbers and what are the results of the call. ��__,,, Mr. Scott said that people who do not qualify r'or public vaelfare and do not have ' money to pay for anything, will be able to obtain listings on all of the agencies in the community that will provide social services to them. Councilwoman Kukowski said that they have calls from people viho have to make trips to the hospital and the refer�°al service can provide them with a transportaiion agency that could provide this service. Mr. Scott said another example is a child with a learning problem. They can put him in touch �vith someone vaho couTd help him in this respect. Mayor Nee asked how the people w�ill know what the number is to call, and would they publicize this service. Mr. Scott said they would ask the neHrspaper to publicize this for them. Ms. Staupe said ttiey have requested support in varying amounts from other organizations within the City for the referral service. Mr. Scott said the schools said they would try and participate. Councilman Starwalt said that he felt the $500. could be reduced if other people were asked_to help. Ms. Staupe said the schools are wiliing to provide them with desks, chairs and otfice equipment to furnish the office. 4°�; MOTION by Council�voman Kukovrski to transfer funds and donat;e $500. to SACA for S� tiie Information and Referral Service. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon � a ro11 call vote, Councilman Starwalt noted Nay, Councilman Fitzpatrick voted Aye, Mayor Nee vo ted Aye, Councilwoman Kukowski voted Rye and Councilman Hamernik yoted Aye. 7he motion carried. RECEIVING THC �4IP�UTES OF TIIE C.ABLE COMPIISSION MEETING 0!� DECEh1QER 3 AND DECEhtQER 11, h1QTI0N by Councilwomin Kukowski to receive the ��tinutes of the Cat>le TV Conm�ission MeeLin�;s of Decen�tier 3 and 11, 1975. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ny ayc, D1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i' � , 1 � � J4� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 197G . _ . . _i � flAGE 6 Mayor Nee asked if anyone could shed some liyht on the Joint Powers discussion in the Minutes. _ The Public 4Jorks Director explained that apparent.ly Coon Rapids and Anoka are setting up a Joint Povrers for Cable TV, and it involved us in that the franchise Ordinance inter-connects with tnis section. Depending on how we proceed, we could get more information. tie said that GTV has indicated that many of the municipalities have not been interested in expanding. 7he City Attorney said that two or more units of government have aui:hority to hat�e a Joint Powers Agreement. Apparently, that is what they are taiking about. COP�SIDERATIOP� OF APPROVAL OF INTERCEPTOR MFlINTEPd�1NCE AGREEP1ENT tv0. 67 WITH Mt1ROPOLITAtd I�ASTE CONTROL COi•:��tIS5I0N FOR 197G. The Public 4lorks Director explaine� tiiat this is an annual agreement with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for maintaining a certain interceptor. Qasically, it is located in the So�.ath part of the City as noted on page 8C. The Agreenient provides that v�e are paid for actual expenses incurred far interceptor inaintenunce, irr,�olving actual reGair to lir,es or For cleaning. There has been no problem w�iih t,:s type of Agreement in the past and vre feel we should proceed with exec0�ion. � MOTION by CourciiHroman Y.ukowski to approve Agreement No. 67 with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for i9;5. Seconded by Counc_ilman Stariaalt. Upon a voice vote,. all voting aye, �'ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOIv OF RESOLUTIO��. �4-1976 AGPRCUIf�G DRIIFT FIVE.YEAR CAPITAL 1MPROVEP1ENT ���Gft���1U I�LQUISI?I�N 1�ND DE4Et�Pi�lElr`f�F�'A�RKS � UP[PJ SPACE IN THE I7Y F �TDLEY. — � ,. I ; �� , Cauncilman Fitz�atrick asked ti�:here the f?�-e year improvement plan came fl�om. � �. 7he Public ldorks Director expla�ined that this is a draft proposal which Parks � and Recreation have reviewed. The State requested we submit them a draft five- ,�; year plan. �9e tried �xplicitly to point cut that this is only a draft and that changes will be mad� through the °arks a,�d Recreation and the Council in 1976. He said it should be ocinted out that the Parl:s and Recreation is aware of these activities and AdminisCration does use i.his capital improvement proyram in the budget uror_edure. Councilman Eitzpatrick said that he is reluctant to vote on what seems to him to be a comnitrrenc, and there is a l�rge area left out of �it. 7he Public t�orks Director said wc are ati:�are of the shoi,tcomings. We exp7ained this to the state, that if�is is j��st a draft we ar•e sGbrnittirag, and it wiil be changed. The City P1anaaer explained that when �,�e subn:it�ed the original proposai it was a draft. type of proposal; and this one has had more revie�v than that one. It has gone Lefore the Parks ard kecreation Com;riission. Still, rre hope ir: the r�ear future, we ;-rill be able to adcpt a comprei;ensive Parks and Recreation plan. There is no sense applying for grar,ts they l-ro!iid no`. honor because of priority on the housing problem. We hope to have it comple'�ed.this ye�tr. The Planning Commission and Counc-il a��ll have fui°ti�er input into it. A �lan +,�hich is adopted �,riil have more re��ie��r and ��ill be up-dated. Mayor hee said that it su9gesis that somebody has a plan ihat has not been told to us. He �n��ntioned co�lcerns of dev�lopment in Innsbrook amountiny to approximately �. $G3,6�J0. k Tlie City htar:.gc�r s�id �erha�s it lcal:s �hat 3�iay. Originaily, rre worked with i:he �eveloper ��r2 that area and certain cummitments were made which cost as much. 7his cloes not mean th� City lrill pay this. The faciliCics needed wi;l be funded from otlier• s�urces. The City dces net hc;��e that kind of money. Coi�nci?man Star�ti�alt said there is a�o;lqh draft of a capital improvc�neni: nrogram fot' Park; a���l ���cre�itian ;��hich has not been pr•esented ic� .is and no Cfiy sanction of ap;,roval.._In the kesolution why is (�c�rth i'ark spe37r�J out to the exclusion of oi.i�ers. i � � , ! , . I ' ' . i i ' . � . �_.. �' , I i I. i I � i ! ; I � ' � f � ' ' 1 � ' �{ . i . I ' i � - � ,; � � 1.�., I '1 i i , � ' L�l � , ' ...-_ I ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1975 [a `i :J PAGE 7 7he Public Works Director explained that this is ber.ause we are requesting funds and making specific applicat�on f�r North Park. It is similar to the Island of Peace acquisition. In this case, we specify money for PJorth Park. He further explained that vre need a Capital Improvement for Parks and Recreation for Fridley. The Resolution on page 9 oF the agenda basically indicated Fridley does have a Gapital Improvement �rogram. Councilman Fitzpairick asked if the Resolution was simply to authorize Jerry Boardman to proceed o-�ith application, a��d the Public 4Jorks Director said it ailows t��r. Boardman to file a draft copy of the Capita] Improvement as part of the total application. Co�ncilman Star��alt asked if it tivould invalidate the application if the North Park area was not included in the improvement program. The Pub7ic Works Director said there is no mention of North Park. This is a draft of a Capital Improvement Program which will include North Park. �Je have requested $54,�00. ir ,tLer areas of the application. 4!e are outlining where these monies are g�ing .to be used. MOTICN by Councilwoman Kukov�ski to adopt Resolu�ion ;i4-1976 as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ptayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. IDFRATION OF RESOLUTIQN n5-1976 /1UTHORIZII�G THE 11DMINISTRATION TO APPLY Councilman Star�valt brought to tti� att2ntion of the Ceuncil the last paragraph of this Resolution. 1n the last fe4a words. "from other funds available to it", he said he is interoreting this is from provided money and not from tax money. The Public 4for�:s Dii°ector said ihat. in paragraph 2, Nrhere it states "through agreements N!ith the Spring Lrook Nature (=oundal:ior", indicates ti�re have made arrangements to provide funding for deve1opment of ;lorth Park thruugh sources other than the City's General Fund. 7he Pubi9c 4forks Director said that thzre was a similar aareement used for the Isiand of Peace. The City I�ianager said there is no problem that there may not be eneu�h dollars. MOTION by Council+.��oman Kukowski to adopt Resolution #t5-1976 authorizinq Adminis- tration to apply for funds for the development for "(Jorth Park" park propei°ty under the provision of f:he Staie fJat;urai Resource Fund. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, !tayor Nee declared 1;he motion carried u�animous�y. CONSIDERATION OF RESOL.U7IOy �E-197E CHANGIPlG THE PROJECT NUP1BER OF TNE 1974-3 STREET I��IPROVr��1EiJ? PR��)EC� "i6-YFIE: 197F-3 �iR'_E��T1�'f20VFf�it �1�� P(���F(°1 ;-A��l�-`f(2AN�- -- - — --- ----- - - ---- -- ------- - - ---- --- — --- -- — — FFRRTN� ('(1CTC 11Nf1 FkG�P;CF"C Fn(?t�1 TFIF' 1Q7l1_'2 CTRFf�T 1hlPt?nVFtAFt�t�� PRn.1F('T T�NF 1976-3 STREET I(li'ftOl��11ENT PROJECT The Finance Q�rector explair�ed .*,hat no changes I;a��e been made except the project number. It is not expectcd to be completed until 1476 or 1977. f`'^ MQTION by Councilnaan St:ar�,�alt to f�dopt Resolution ;6-1976. Seconded by Council- S. woman Kukowski. L'pon a voice voie, all voting aye, Me.yor Mee declared the motion i...,� ` carried unanimously. . CONSID�RI1Ti0�; OF RESOLUTIOPJ !�7-197fi P,PPROVING Pl_AMS AfJD SPFCIFICATIOtdS SETTING THE ---- - — -- -- --- ---- --- ---- --- - ---- - ---- - - ---- LETTING DAT� FOR C.O;�1PLETIOid Of� AIR 1•lA(2iJING SiF:f_N ;YSTFbi: Councilr.ian Siar��ralt askcd ii' this is an additional one. The City t4anager said this Ss ti?2 one we have Uude�eted for. It is complete coverage for the entire City. It toak us this long to acc�uirc matching funds from thc State. MOTION Vy roUS��7l�,.���� �itzpatrick te adopt Re;o'ution 67-i976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kuko�vski. Upon a voic�� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �.iu,�nir�ously. , - � � %.�in . _ . J ;1� . . ,- `�`\ � � � .� ! t i I REGULAR COU"lCIL ME[TING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 . PAGE 8 CONSIDERA?ION OF REQUFST FROM COUP,CJLMAN STARWALT REGARDING EXPENSES fOR NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITI[S%CUP�sEREPdLE OF P1AYO�;S ENVOY TO U�SSR ?P� FEaRL'ARY, 97 , Councilman Starwalt presented a statement requesting �a200.00 reimbursement for expenses for the National League of Cities/Conference of Mayors Envoy to USSR in February, 1976. Pi0TI0N by Councilwoman Kukowski to aporove request of Councilr.ian Starwalt for $200.Od, for extra expenses accrued.on his trip to the USSR. Seconded by Councilman Fitz��atrick. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CON5IDERATIOPd OF COUNCTL MEP4E3�R Af'POIN7MENTS TO DIFFERENT BODIES: t�AYOR PRO TEM MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to appoint Counci?:�iaman Ku�cowski 1976 MA1'OR PRU TEM. Seconded by Council'man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, ail voti.�g aye, P�layor Pdee declareci the motion carried unanimousiy, ANOKA COUNTI' LAtd ENFORCEMENT CCUNCIL (] Representative and 1 alternate) MOTTON by �ouncilman Starwalt to nominate Councilman Hamernik as representative for Ancl:a County Lativ Enfo�°cement Council. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. MO?IOPd i;y Councilman StarN�alt to r�ominate Councilman Fitzp�trick as alternate. Upon a i�oice vote, a11 voting aye, t�layor Nee declared the rnotion carried �!nanimously. SUBUR3AN RATE AUTHOri7Y (1 Mernber) I+1QTI0?Y by Counc�luroman Kuko�rski to no�ninate Councilman Starwalt as Representative for� th� Suturban R:�te a,uth�rity. SPa��nded by Counciln.ian Fitzpatrick. Upor, a voice vote, a71 \�Otll1^y a,e, t�1ayor Ne� declared the rr�etion carried unanimously. NORTN SiJBUR�,4W SEWER SER�lICE BOARD RE�'P,ESENTATIVE (1 Representative) MOTIOf4 5y Councilman �itzpatrick i,o nominate Counc9lman Star�valt as representative for i.he h;orth Suburban Sewer Service fioard. Seconded by Council��loman Kukowski. P10TI�N t>,� Ceunc�lman Starwalt to nor�inate Counci7v�oman Kukows':i as alternate. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declurecl the motion carried unanimously. CQl1NCIL REPRES[��iATFVE TO .�SSOCTATIOfJ Of METROPOLITAN t1JNICIPALI?IFS ; MOiIOi� by Council.ti�omar Kul:v���sl�i to 7on;inate Coun;ilman Fitzpatrick as representa- tive for the Council RepresenY.ative *o Association of P�1etropolitan �iunicipalities. � Seconded by Councilmar, Star�aa]t. t10T1C'rd by Ccuncilwomaii Y,uko�vski ta nominate � Councilm�n Starwalt as ali:ernate. Seconued by Councilman Pitzpai;rick, Upon a ' voice vote, al� �,�c4ing aye, i4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �FPOIP�TP1[�T: C0�1�iUNITI' DEVELOP��?[N7 CO�P1ISSIOM: � � � � � M f , � The City i"ar.�.�e,° suggest�d t,l-,at. t'�e (;ouncil be preserted a list of all o� the t'acancies �:f diffe,�2n',: bodics of �h� Cc,i,�missions. ile saicl if the Council so de- sired, �his item could be tabled until the 3rd t4eetin�� in Januar��. ihis will -� be early enr,uRh for anpoint2es �-;ho take up office on �^,pril ist; and give the peaple appointec! enou�h tin�e to hecome rami]iar �,�ith the activities of their i respective commissions. . .>.� Councii;vor��a�� Kukoaesb;� a�i;ed if th;5 meant thc Ceuncil 4��ould be able Lo see resiu��e's of the a�pl�c�nts. She sai� i:hat this ,�rocess ���orked so well atith the �r;vircnmen�a7 Qua1ity Co�r.mission. '{he City Manager said that E•re could use this process ii' tlre Council so desired. I �-- � I / { � � � j '.� ! , ' � , i ;. � � �.. � REGULAR CQUMCII. MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1976 PAGE 9 .��.�--�� ���.11 2a1 f ; ; ,. _ + E MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to table item I115, Appointment: Community � Development Commission, until the next meetinp. Seconded by Councilman �. Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, hiayor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimous]y. ESTIt�NTES: Smith, Juster, feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange Quilding Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 , � For legal services for Glover Suit $2,52II.73 MOTION by Counc�lman Starwa]t to approve estimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: � 12832 - 13094 �, MOTION by Councilti•loman Kukowski to approve Claims as submitted. Second2d by �. Counci7man Starvra�t. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the ; motion carried unanimously. I LICENSESr MOTTCN by Co�mcilwoman Kukowski to approve licenses as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor (vee declared the � motion carried ununimously. � �`4 AD�)0l1R1�1�",EIVT: ; �'"' MOTION by Cauncilman Starwalt to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwc,man � Kuko:•rsl:i. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayer Nee declared the motion i ' carried unanimousl��, and the Reguiar City Cauncii t�ieeting of Junuary 5, i976 � 'adjourned at 9:58 P.M, � Respectfully submitteci, � • i �7� C'l�e�y/ .'�.��.c ,Z ' Helen Fagin killiam J. Nee Secretary to the Cour�ci] Mayer � � Date Approved: �;,.,� ►�., � � !- , � � j � ,�,r_ � . t_ � i . r ; I� � . .. � � ' . I I - - --- � �. J ZJJ � TNE MINUTES QF TfIE PUB�I� HEARING MEETING OF TF�E FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JANUARY 12, 1976 The Public Hearing Meeting of tFie Fridiey City Councii of January 12, 1476 was called to order at 7:33 P.P1. bjr h!ayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIIINCE: Mayor ��ee wetcomed those present and invited them to join the Council in'saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: � I _ . �• � t4EtQaERS PRESENT: Councilman Star��ralt, Councilman fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Kukorrski, h1ayor Nee and Councilman Hamernik. , MEMQERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION.OF AGENDA: NOTION by Councilwoman f:uko�•�ski io adopt the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, i�layor Flee declared the motion carried unanimously. FU[iLIC H[P,RItdGS: PU[3LiC HEARi � ON REZONIfr'G REQUEST, ZO(dING ORDINANCE A'1EfJDi�1EPlT ZOF1 ;75-06, QY 11NIOfd QIL CO;�1P11PJY; 5695 HACK;;AI�7N AVEl4UE F;.E. TO RElOidE FROP1 C-1S TO C-2. htOTION by Cour,cilman Fitzpatrick to �•raive the reading and open the Pub7ic Hearing. Seconded by Councilti��oman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee. declared the motion carried unanimausiy, and the Public Hearing opened at 7:34 P.M. The Public Works Director expiained �hat this item is a request for rezoning ' . in the southeast quadrant of the intersect�ion of Old Central, Hacl;mann Avenue �. and tiigliway �65, from C-1S (local shopping areas) to C-2 (general bi�siness areas), � in order to make the zoning consisient.vrit;h the present use, the present use being i� a ser�ice station. The Planning Commission ha� a publir heariiig Dece�nuer 3, 1975 � L W and they did recommend to Cauncil approval of the reioninq r•equest, as note�i on � page 1D of the agencia. I The Public Works Director further expla�ned that together with this request is a 'consideration for a Special Use Perinit for this service station. Basically, he said, he eaould like to point out that Union Oil Con�pany initially made this request a;�E�rox�mately t�vo years ago. Rt that time, thei°e was some concerr about the traffic problenis in the area. ?oday, the request encon,passes only the service station, and it is the i��tent of Union Oi1 to rebuild and improve the existing perimeter. The final plans as,e being drawn up Ly the State Nighway Department for safety imprc,ve- ments at this intersection as sho��Jn on page iG in the agenda. The pians are to re- aliyn and update r_urbing and islands for the existina traffic flow in the area, which will direct ihe traffic flow a little inore srroothly and safely through thP intet�section. The State High�vay Departr�ent is scheduled to let the pla^s for 1I11S � construction in February of 1976. Mr, Glenn Hubb�rd of the Uni�n Oil Compan;r is present to answer any questions we may have. Ne also pointed out that a couple of the residants of the area were present at the Planning Com;oission I�t�eting indicat?i�g the�r concern of possible results of the rezonii;9. 1 � r i L'..i ' ' � ' � Mayor Nee stated i;hat another COnf,P.!"1) that siiould he undersccred is that at cne time the land was properly zoned and the City char,n��d trie zoninr; r.ode i�i 1'_?64. Union Oil Cornpany Itas not beerl able to u�grade this property since tnat time. Councilman St3Y'Yld�t asl:ed Mr. Hubbard ir he ti�;ould c�re to coni�nent on the possfbi�ity of the removal of the existing structure at this location. Mr. Nubbard explained that thcy were not aule to make plans for rebuilding in ±he budget ior this year, but they fully expect that :•rith tFe s�ezoning, they arill re- build at this ]ocation the following year. The f'ublic Wnrks D;rcctor commented that there 4�i11 be some easer�ent acquisitions that �rill have to be acqaired from Union Oil Company on the North property line, and 11r. tlubbard has indicated tha± this would not be a p;-oblem. Councilman Starwalt aske� if this acquisition of <<�sements has been worked out in the sti{�ulations. 7he Public 4Jorks Director saicl that this was part of the Planning Conartission's rec<r;;,��endation to Council, as shos��n o�; �age 1D of the a�enda in their motion to ap�rove Lhe rez�ning request. i� a: �' � � f t r ; � �� ��1 : . . ! '� . . . ___ . _ .. _ _. . _ _ . . . .. . . . . _ _ . ___ _ _._ ___. . ,; r _�, f � �;�� . . a .� PUaLIC HEARING MEETING OF JAhUARY 12, 1976 PAGE 2 Mayor Nee asked if any other me�rUer of ti�e Council or anyone in the audience had any quest:ons or concerns in this. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hedlund, property ovrners of property adjacent to the service stati�n i�rere present, and Mr. Nedlund said they oppose the rezaning. He ex- plained that they felt that this could open up opportunities for quite a variety of business enterprises that could go into th�s ?ocai:ior: if the service station moved. ihese businesses we would not ;,�ant to have next aoor to our home. At the time the service station went iritu business it was properly zoned, but it did not include the other businesses. He said they feel like they are being rail- roaded intu a zoning change that the;,� do rot like. Cuuncilman Stararalt sa?d that he ceuld understand their viei�Jpoint and asked how long do�rrn the road do they `eel the City should hold up the rezoning For that sart of thing. Mr. liedlund said that he could not ans���er that quesiion. Mayer Nee said the question that n�eds fo be answered is can Union Oil accomplish their plans for rebuilding tivith.out changing the zening. The Public 4lorks Director explained i:hat 4�ith the present zoning la�•rs if the si;ructure was damaged more th�n 50� by winci or fire, tFey �ouid not rebuild. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Nedlund if he tivould like to see a new �uilding a.t this location. Mr. Hed]und replied if we are asking ifi it would be worth it to hirrc to have the rezoning, r,o it isn't. Councilmzn Fitzpatrick stated Lhai; it is zoned the way it is n�w to avoid these other uses. Ne said this ►veni through the P7anning Ccm�nission at some lengths a ccuple of years ago. . ! .� Councilmar. Hamernik said that only restt-icted businesses could ya into that property. The Public l�orks Director said this is correct, With the parking requirements, and -, the amount of property hnir, r•eznned, it vrould be restricted. � � Mr. Hedlund said that he ciid not think this was entirely accurate. He said that _ the physical size ot the property �hat arculd be rezoned for the service station would be lfmi�ed. Hovaever, there is a vrhole otner vacant lot that is not asked to be rezoned, but thai: ii cou?d b� used for a parking �ot, which �•�ou�d al?ow any type of busine�s tu go in. Co��nciimar� Hamernik asi;�d if this lot ��as on ihe � south side of the property, and i�r�. Nedlund replied that it is. Counci�man St��ri�ralt commented that �the r,verall layout of ihe traffic flow, the signali2a.iion, tne attempt i:o make tni� a better intersection (and there has been a history of accidents with addi'r,iena? housing and ac:ditional traffic), this con- cept wou i d see the Ci t,�r ; hrough rrom noti,� on. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Nu�hard �i' the st:ipuiations pointed out at the Planning Commissior Meeting were acceptable, ar;d hir. Nuubard sa;d that i1�ey tvere. MOTIOP� b}� Cotmcilman Starwalt ta close tf�:e Public Flearing, Seconded by Council:�,�o�nan Kuka•rsk�i. Upon a voic� vote, ail votir,c� aye, Ptayor Nee declared the motion �arried unanimously, arid the Public Hearin� c'ose.d at 7:55 P.M,. INFORMAL PUBIIC HFARING TO Cii"iSTDER DFTAtit.D PLAh7S PRE�P�RED Q� THE P1IyPdESC1'A Hi�Ntv�UEi'%it�l���y� iJr2 CUi�jS`fiillCl'i )�V�iir ly(i1S�: l�f;i�'iE��1f:f�1 SII�i���IIiREST4N� t71IVDSCAPING _..__.__ __.___._.__.__._--__._.�.-------.__� --- --- ALOiJG PORTIOf! Of I. G)4. The Public 4Jorks Direc�or explained that Fridley wiil be receiving sonje funding for the noise abatement censtructicn ;nc landscaping. The i��innesota Hi9hway Department has prepared s�me preliri9nary ;?la��s and �1r. Gary Orlich of the Minnesota llighway Department is U�esei�i. t� answcr ai,y q�iestions anyone n,ay have. Mr. Or1ir.L said that thcy have deve?oped snme detailed plans and this project is set for a Spring lettiny. lonic;;�i:, we are �iavinq a public hearing so that people will have an op�ortunity T.o see these c(erai;ed pla±rs arid s�� that we can obtain th . . , . , . _ n� .:;.� e�r tinput bcfore �he fi��,l pians ar� ;f�a�an up. Fc�ilo�•;�nq ti��s proced«re, �he final plans wili be sut3mitted to Lhe i;`fi.y foi� tt�eir a�pr�val. Hc s{3id h�� wo!�ld also lik� t� n�ention t;ha?: in l�ckinq at the l�irc'�c���;'nq �,t,!ns, !re otouid lil:e to - re�nind tl�e p�ople tFat tf�=e cc�niractor is qUing �to be r�rs�,on;ible for any pluntiric�s � hy or beside the structure fG�' Ut7e yc�a�' ��ft.�r ti�� plantini�. Then the �°esponsibility � . � � % � '� . � � PUBLIC NEARING MEE7ING OF JANUARY 12, 1976 PAGE 3 for watering and cutting tlie grass on the residents side of the �•�all, will be the residents. Ne indicated that it wauld probably not be any more than eight to ten feet, and in some.cases less. He explained that the Highway Department ' does not have the funcing or the accessibility to yet hehind the wall and this was a problem pointed out to him by their maintenance people. •• �... J � � , ' , ' � ' . �_� ' ', RECESS: At this point, Mayor Nee called a recess at 8:00 P.hi. so that tt�e residents could view the plans and drawings for this project. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened i:he meeting at 8:20 P.M. Mayor Nee asked if anyone wanted to speak on any part of this project, and there was no response. The City Manager commented that by the silence of �t;e public he assumed that the oenera.l consenses s-�as that: they agreed �-;ith th2 pl�, s. He e>:p]�ined that this was the time to rnake any comments before the plans are fi'inalized. I� Councilman Hamernik said he had a couple o% comments. He reminded the �eople that �. they svill be looking at this wal] years from no�v, so r,ov� is the j�ime to bring up any concerns they may have. Councilman Hamernik asked tne High��lay Departr��ent �f ; they have completed enough of this type of construction to have an idea o� what the costs tvill run. �R �_. Mr. Orlich said that at the present time he does not have an idea af the costs, but they wili have this information IYilP.il the final plans are subm�f:ted. Mayor Nee nointed out tha± basicall_v this is the result of some years of �-:ork in the legisl�ture and by conyress, and the Highi�ray Uepa.r tment iias ;•csponded to ifris. He further commente� t'r�at as the City 6lanager poiiited out, tLere are some drawbacks with t{�e limitation of ±he. vie�•a, etr. , and that the Hiyh�vay Department makes a consid�rable effort to make the ���all as attractive as possible through landscapiny, He said his understanding of the neign�orhood is tnit alrnost everyone ���ants this projeci and are prepared to take the adverse impact, whatever that may be. Councilman Starti:alt said he had a question concerning barriers that have been pui up already in the south part of town, and asked if there were any figures available indicatiny the effect these walls have on the values of the propert'ies adjacent to them. Mr. Or7ich replied that the only method they have of keeping tracE; of this is each time a i�ome is sold in the area, they have their rig�tt--of-way people g� out and price the home� in the area that are not located behind a wall and no� behind a freeway. He explained that there has not been enough built to deter,r,ine this. H� said they have had some calls from peop.ie considering buyinc; homes in Fridley and _ New arighton, and they seemed to feel good that the Ci;;y has sho�•rn �rtei°est �and concern in this situation. NEW E3USIfJESS: I '�--, CONSID�F./iTION OI" ll RESI�LUiION d�8 197G lIPPROVING /�PJD i�Uif{Ohl7�i�l6 SICPiI�!� 1ii� AGREIIiENT ES7A6LISH7T+G l�d�{'KI11G COhDITIO('S t�1liGCS F11�lD IfOUR� OF�(t��Fl(11`�ES 0(� 1�iiE �,;a CITY Of=�FR1DLEY FIRE~QLPAR(��1ENT FOIt liiE YEAf" 1976 Ah'D 19i7--------�-----� � � �I iJ , The C.ity Manager said that there are only mi��or adjustments in tni: cenl:ract fyc,m the �revious one. 41e feel it is a good contract and ��;e recommend to adopt the Resolution. Councilwoman Kukowski asked why the lasi: parag�°aph was deleted or� page 4(: of the P,genda. � i I `• i � 7 � �' � i i � � t � ?,5� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JA�UARY 12, 1976 PAGE 4 The City Manager replied that whenever an officer takes a job he takes his pledge any��ay, and also a�e are trying to standardize the numerous labor contracts we have so they will have the same language. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution n8-1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. GONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION '�9-1976 DESIGNATIMG DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE IRECTOR TO SUQURBAN PATE AUTHORITY AND RECEIVING LIST OF MEMBERS 41HOSE TERP�iS WILL QE EXPIRING APRIL 1, 1976 ON BOARDS AND COMMtSSIONS: The City Manager explained that at the last meeting Councilman Star�•:alt was appointed Director to the Suburban Rate Authority, hut the Suburban Rate Authority req�;ires an aiternate to this appointment a.lso. Councilvroman Y.ukowski said that she ���ould make a motion to nominate Councilman Hamernik as alternai:e, if this was agreeable with him. Councilman HamerniK said that he would accept the nomination. ---�:; � ., i _.� t• . ; MOTION by Cuuncilwoman Kuko�vski to.nominate Councilman Hamernik as alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority, and adopt Resolution r9-1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, al] vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDEREITION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO PROVIDE CATV SE{2VICE 7C 1�1EI�16ERS OF THE CABLE 1'ELEVISIOV CO��iN1ISSI0i•1: Mayor Nee said that he has asked for this cons�ideration basically on the premise '� that it is part of the commission rrember's job and that if they were r,ot on the _, j commission, several of the�n would not spend the money to have the cable TV in , their home. He asked if anyone had any reaction to this consideration. Councilman Hamernik said thathis reaction would be that we are probably moving toward setting a precedent of making payments to commissions. He said it might bring some ramifications. ' Mayor Nee commented that the Ordinance set up does provide fcr reimbursement of expenses, and he is suggesting that this is a reimbursement. k{e explained that none of the commission members have requested this, but he does not feel they can perform their responsibilities on the Cable Commission if they canr,ot watch the programs. • Councilman Starwalt said he is not sure he agrees with this. He said he dops agree with Councilmai� Namernik that we could be settin, up a precedent. He said he is not sure a person �•�ould have to watch the prograros on a regular schedule to perform their responsibilities. He further stated th��t he looked upon TV as an entertain- ment rather than a chore, and by believing that he does not feel that he should consider this. Councilwoman Kuko�aski said tiiat it seems to her that it would be a terrible burden on a conunission metnber not to have the cable. She explained that there are so many things they have 1:o be careful of and watch �or. It ar��uid be difficult for ""� a Cable commissioner i:o make ,;uclgment on hearsay if they do not have the facilities � availab7e to them. The�� should be able to make a decisian wiLh as much going for :.,.3 them as �ossible. She suggested that perhaps we consitier this on a yearly basis, and approve it for this year. Councilman fitzpatrick said he agrees with Council«oman t;ukowski. He commented t.hat he hesitated for a moment as t� whether or not i:hey needed the premium also, but ��e is inclined to think that they do. � � � t.: � -r . . � i � i � -�.�., � = � ' . ! . , - i �. . , � . G i ):� , PUBLIC H�ARING MEETING OF JP.NUARY ]2, 1976 PAGE 5 Mayor Nee stated that the Resolution required four votes, and asked if there was any other discussion. Counciiman Hamernik said his only con�nent would be paying for the premium service. There again, he said, it is a privilege, or it is a choice, as to whether one wants to buy i:his as a citizen, and he questions whether w� should pay fo�, this service for ttiese people. He felt they haa�e to ha�de input from the public, andthe public should probat>ly give them the feedback th°y need. Councilman Starwalt said that he i�as discussed this with a fevi peopie, and he received some violent reactions, both pro and con. If these•people are provided this service, would this enable them to enccurage people to sign up for this prerri um. Mayor Nee said tnat their jab does not include getting custor��ers for the Cable TV. Goimcilrnan Starwalt s�aced that he agreed, but th�� is one of the comments he heard. He fui°ther stated that he did not believe the members needed Lhis service in orciei� to ire valuable memoers o�� Lhe commiss�ior�. - Counci?man Fitzpatrick said he would like to reii:erate one poin±. If all five of the members ali°eady had the cabie, he would not be in a hurry to pay the bill, but i* would bother him if people �-rere acting or a cominission who did not have the cable aizd did not �vatch it. Councilman Hamernik. said he would like to reiterat2 the ��amifications if this service were provided. He questianed the position o� the Parks and Recreation, as they are "watchdogs° also, and should they hav° one m�mber of the family participate �r every activity, and in return receive free athletic fees, etc. `� Mayor tiee suqyested possibly eliminating the premium service, and considering the � -� ftesolution witi7out this service. ,�. �.,.< i: � ' � ' �.. MOTION by Councilman F;tzpa.trick to adopt the Resoluiicn as subniitzcd, There was no second to th�s moiion. MOTIuN by Councilvrem�,n I:ui;owski to adopt the Resolut.ion tvit`�oGt; the p�°emiun� service Seconded �y Counci�man Fitzpatric�. Upon a roll call vote, P�iayor Nee voted aye, Councilt•toman Kuko���ski vot�d aye, Councilman Namernik ��oted na;/, Councilman S1:arti�alt voted r.a�� Gnd Councilman Fitzpai:rick vot.ed aye. h�otion failed. LICEt�SES: ' MOTION by Councilweman Kuko��rski to approve the license -For the Auctioneer for the F�merican Bazaa•r and Market. Seconded by Coun�.ilmar Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayur Nee declared the motian carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt asked if this license would permit automobi'es to be auctioned The Publ�ic ldorks Director said it ��rould not. The applicatir,n fo;� the sale of a��Lornobiles was not ac�uaily applied for. AtlJOURNPIENT: MOTiON 5y Co�m cilwoman Kuko4•:ski to adjourn the Public Hearing Pieeting. Seco�ded by Councilman Star«a]t. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye, �iayor PJee declared the niotion car-ried u�animously, and the Public Heai�ing (�teeting of the fridley City C.ouncil of January 12, 1976 ciosed at 8:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �✓,���.Zt. -� �J.c�-�. Neler� fagin Secretary to tre Councii Date ^,pp� oved : k'illiam J. :�ee Mayoti� i- �� � � ' ' . e � I , � �+�:. - ' -> � I ' , � ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND �HE CITY CODES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, BY MAKING A C�IANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as �ollows: SECTION 1. Appendix D of th� City Cade of Fridley is amended as hereinafter � indicated. SECTIO�d 2. The tract or area within +�he County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: 1 That par� of Lot 1, tiuditor's Subdivision No. 25, described as follows: Commencing at thP West Qua•rter corner of Section 24, Township 30, Range 24; thence North 89° 29' East, (assumed bearing) along the North line of said Lot 1, Auditor`s Subdivision No. 25, a distance of 26i.42 feet to the Northwesterly line of Parkview Manor Secand Addition; thence South 46° 08` West, a1on� said Northwesteriy line of Parkview Manor Second Addition, a distance of 0.4 feet to the Sauth line of Hackmann Avenue a.s r�atted in said Parkview Manor Second Addition, said point being the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be described, thence P�orth 89° 43' East, along said South line of Hackmann Avenue, a distance of 111.04 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 120 feet Westerly, as measured at right angles from the West line of Sexter Addition; thence Sauth 3° ?_2' 43" West, along said parallel line, a distance of 285.5 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 160 feet North of the most Sou�herly line of said Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25; thence South 89° 40' 35" bJest, along last sa�d parallel line, a distance of 242.79 feet, to an intersection �ith the Easterly right of way line of State Tru��k Highway No. 55; thence North�asterly along the Easterly right of 4vay line of State Trunk High�vay No. 65 and the Easterly right o�i �vay line of Old Czr.��al Avenue Northeast (Courity Highway No. 35) to the poi�t of beginning, �xcept the Seuth 125' tliereof, all lying in the South Half of Sectian 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridiey, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby des-ignated to be in the Zoned District known as C-2 (general business areas). SECTIO�! 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said t��act or area to be rezoned from:Zoned D�strict C-1S (loca] shopping areas} to C-2 (general business areas). PHSSED BY THF CTTY COUNCI� 0� THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , 1976. ATT�ST: CI'1'Y CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsell � Public Hearing: January 12, i976 First Reading: __ S°cond�Reading: IPublish....... _ C� � i�1F�Y0R - WTL'LIRN J. NEE DAIi OF ✓ � � I'!� �� � ' .'� '„ ` f�';:3 /'".'� �.. � t� ��,`' i.+ "'1 1 E: t��i ��� k � p ; ' � j �y: , � � �$ � � ,� � � � o ( � � i�''� ;� , � ,� '� � � � � � � '�'� " �':� ` � "�� �� i ` ..2 �� `-�... . �, . . . ... . . � � . .. , -.� 1 I �� � � " � � �j � � f t,'.! , � � '� � 4 � � � �.'.s I f � .� "1 "�� � � "' ^; � � F i�.� UNI.ON OIL CU. ZOA ��75-06 ��'c. ' - — � � �: +:�-��� e��• ` ` C•-1S to C--2 To continue � �i� - � �' � �' service station & have a . ipS,�rt.. � 59 T rl hVr / ; �.,. � � � � .. , f'-.. i_\�1�'. F "�j � convenience store. 1 ° :il�1' � � '�� / �; �-� �: �Y � � � .,� a. I ..� , / .� , �,j' : ,t _ io� 1 � � _� i �' �.`'!� T�r . ,r / . �"'_'` J p� G c / � f_�s,�� ._ W r�C.�-'f:;�' � �tz�� = ��� /V /� , ._�. .� •. - T � � . .. � � . � � � � . �- � � ,� �ry.._�-°j � �,t � ; , � `8 � F�- 4 �� . / � ; i�� l�� °A � �- = I L�; .__.__��� � '� / :� - _ � � _ �, ,_ , .,;,:� , � �?`-� F-`'� `'� t j ; ` � ; . I ; � ��„��t.f� i � , � - � y'' , ,�:� � !'r � ' `� � �n ��} � '� � p� 1 `�. � In i , •r � � � 'f' j � � �� c �`t_.�. �j f�;�_��}� �I�.� � � .i .f�,;� • y�`4�_� � �. - ' �j' ` _ _.1_��1__.. j � l �` ,,: s----{--� ,{ � E � �Ni . �E r't <<� I w .. - LL � � + � f �; z �j-- ' , - �-- y � / �,, a _, , . � J , : �^��� . �: / v� � I - s �� � v �_��--� � 1- -�-��--'-. . `.. � . � ��� r j ! � � �. i� v . 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MEMBERS PRESENT: Wahlberg, Gabel, Kemper, Plemel MEMBERS ABSENT: Drigans OTHERS PRESLNT: Howard Mattson - Planning Assistant APPROVAL OF APPEALS COMMiSSIOtd D4INL'TES: December 9, 1975 MOTION by Kemper, seconded by Plemel, to approve the minutes of the December 9, 1975 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. l. A 12EQU�ST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.134, 4B, FRIDLEY CITY COD�, TO REDUC� TiiE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM THE REC�UIFtED 20 FE�T TO F3 FEET, TO ALL0�9 THE CONSTRUCTION OF A P�TAL COLD STORAGE BUILDTNG TO BE LOCATED drd PAFT OP' LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #79, TH� SPS'IE BEING 5130 D4AIN STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY DEAL�RS MANUFACTURING CO.. 5130 MAIi1 STR.EET Pd.F., FRIDLEY, MTNN�SOTA.) MOZ'ION by Gabel, seconded by Y.emper, to open the public h�aring. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �the motion carried. Mr. Dave Goodwin, general manager, was present to present the request. He explained the proposed metal building is being planned to accomodate the material that is presently being stored outside 'their existing building. He said if_ they had to meet the side yard setback with this building, they tiTould be left with 12 feet of unuseable space and it would also present problems with restricting the movement of t?�eir trucics �nd fork lifts coming in and out of their existing building. Mr. Goadwin exglained that his company xemanufactures parts for vehicles and the scrap iron is placed outside until the scrap truck can pick it up. He said that they also have one 18,000 gallon and five 1,000 gallor. chemical tanks that they now have in a tin shed that they would like to get into a more permanent structure. � Mr. Plemel asked how big the pr_oposed building would be and also if it would be vzsiule from Main Street. Mr. Goodwin stat�d tr.at they are not totally committed on ttie size of t�ie building yet but they are lookinq at a 40 foot by 100 foot building that is constracted so it can be added onto ai� a later date if the need � arises. He added that tlie peak of the building would be higher than their existing bui�ding but b�cause of its location it would not be visible from Main Street. � � LJ Chairwoman Wahlberg noted the Board had received a letter from Reserve Supply Co, 5110 Main Street, indicating they could not appear at this meeting but that they wanted the Board to know that they had no objections to the variance request. MC3TION by Plemel, seconded by Kemper, to receive the letter from Reserve Supply Co. Upon a voice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion carried. Mx'. Goodwin stated they haa talked to both Full.erton Metals, property owner to the north, and Reserve 5upply Co. and there were no oLjections from either business on the variance. bir. k�lemel r,oted that the existing buildings f_or both Dealers Manufacturing and Ful:ier.ton Metals were closer to th� lot line thar. the prcposed building would be. Mr. Goodwi.n said these'bui_ldi.ng mtist nave been �uilt before the Code required a 20 faot side yard sethack. � � The Minutes of the Appeals Commission Subcommittee Meeting of Dec. 30, 1975 Pa 2� Chaa.rwoman Wahlberg asked when coristruction would start on this building. Mr. Goodwin �� said they had hoped to start on it two weeks ago but because of the needed variance they will probably miss building this winter corn��letely and start next spring. � � ' Mr. Kemper asked if the har_dship was more efficient use of the land. Mr. Goodwin said the hardship is the problems that will be created by setting the building farther in from the lot line as their existir�g building has doors on the back that taould be restricted. MOTiON by Plemel, seconded by Kerr�per, to closn th� publ.ic hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mrs. Gabel said she was in favor of inside storage as there is too much outside storage by businesses. Mr. Plemel said the variance to allow the building would improve their housekeepi.ng, and the existing building is closer to the lot line than the proposed building would be, and the entire back yard is screened. MUTION by Gabel, s�conded by K�nper, to approve the variance request for a side yard setback f�om t0 feet to 8 feet. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. � 2. RECEIVE MEMO E'RQM MAYOR L3EE REGARDING VARIANCE PROCEDURES -- DATED DECF�iBER 11, 1975 � ' , � NOTiON by Kemper, seconded by Plemei.d to receive the memo from Mayor Nee. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carriecl. Mr. Plemel. questioned if the intent of this memo meant that the Board now had f�nal action on sorie varian.c2 requests. Chairwoman Wah]_berg said the Board had as;ced to have final action on resideirtial. rec�uests whe.re there were no objections from the adjoining property owners or the City statf and the applicant agreed with the Board's decision and any stipulations. She not�ed that the Board had not been infornted as yet whether this change h�;d been'made officially ?n the Code or not. NL. Kertper stated he appreciated the fact that I�ayar Nee took the time to write this memo. He felt Mayor Nee had same saqe thoughts and. he felt that as he reads over the memo , that it wi11 help him do l�a.s job better as a member of the Board. Mrs. Gabel stated that she felt that just because there are no objections, that � doesn't make tne variance right and she fe7_t that at times the Board should take a better laok at the requests. � ' ' Chairwor.lan Wal��lberg dgreed that they should I.GGk at the variances total impact �n tr�e City instead of just the surraunding neighborhood. She said the Board would �.ike to thank the Mayor for taking the tirne L-o write the memo and also for the tYiought that went into it. 11D:IOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. by Actinq Chairwoman 4�ahlberg. Respectfully submitted, ,�� /�� � � �/ '� / ! � ' 1' --�it - r'"1 ( -, . ; .r D'I71RY IiIN`i7/ `�:� � Secretary � � . �ti f ; � � ' ' I + I. � ' ' ! � 1 j ! a� � i 1 � ' � ' � ! b � � � � , � 0w i ± ' 6 � ! � � ' ' � � j � r ` � . � V j � ( � 8 . � � � • � � f f� n 1 C �� } � � ' � � '� I �' 1 � ' � i t f t � 1 � M1DtAND CO-OP[RATIVC'! � � 0 ip C � � � c I !� !� !i 1 I � ��� iCtJlfTi' IGFb. C6. PRSCi�tQPA �� gi4�t"7.kEYfo�,. GQ, ��u �.:�z.,.:=K fI.EC�'fis`.i C£)YC G�. 6i:L�,�,'RY61G K€7eli�,S G6t. �re��€crir� su���� " e e� s=rrc�v A�TUAA` PARK P�� � � tit�z�P .�'y _ d O G`a��,� wonaa� �.--,_ n�.-��.i,IL 1 1� �..���..� �:�� . —_�. .,_�. � ._- .-�..�.,- ,-., , � � CA!'VFi� �� E" �._ , SUkF'S' � gGC�4�l ��I� � £ `� � . ��`t�.��� `%•s �', _ �` �' � �. �.r ! � r. 4'; jl � � � 5 �� � � �; � , � k: �� , � _ ����� , �sEts��y ;; �`�����:, t:;� .� _ _ _ Q. --��-�. ,, � � � ������- `�� �; a N . i s K} l $t) (. � '�^, . . k 4.`F:1 f i lF R�' ' }.�,.�, _.��,........�-..-e m PA6:l�.�i F"iL01" AYEKUE � '� ti�, ` -- �- " ,` � G-..� � _ x: ' !G2 ,..�-.�.�..-�-. � '%a Q� � �} 4�J Y� A1rEHUE ►- F r 1- lal ti yy W W�L. �T � W W OC p� OL � �_S. AR F ►- h a� + ,� rn w �L.� . /i °� `d 48 TP4� AkL�11UE 1 V a � �� M � � v. � � w � � q N .+.�.+vs::.� � I �t�t ;t 6 Pt k 1; , ; ��` Tc �; - ir . m [ YYi �� • --,. E., _ _- kl en,.:. . . m:r-_�.:.-�,. °&�M y t' ' . ��; �: �� .:-�_. 3� -. � - � � ��, :? R6. !:f G , �t -�- �� . �' � ff'r� `. � 1 �, �'1 � - � i� � _. �� i . . :. 5t SF: k1j�. � _�, ��?� 1 . � ! f� �`I %( ��.l�` � I k' � - �� . - _ �, �.1� � . . ' � �^��� `',t'Ft kN�'.� �{ . w-�... A '� � 1`j' � f��. � : �E{ � �, �� ��. �� 4i �.?. 6 fik�� 43TM .hkE. i 1u •- Z Y �� .� T E 4dYK AVC. �� � � c� I � � �7TK A�'¢. � �i � ...___--�- ....�e... � �� CITY Or FRIDLEY 2 D '_ ,� I i � , � � , � L� ', . ' pLANPdNING COMMISSIUN F1EETING CALL TO ORDER: JANUARY 7, 1976 Chairrnan F�arris called the meeting �o order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: PAGE i Members Present: Langen�fcld, Drigans, Peterson, Scott, Harris, Bergman Others Present: JerrQld �ourdman, City Planner Liliian f�feyer, 7868 /�lden Way N.E. representing League of t��omcn Voters APPROVE PLAt�NING COT�MISSIO(� MINUTES: DECEP•9�3rR 17, 1975 Mc�TION by Drigans, seconded by Peter�on, that the Planning Commission approve the minutes of the Decemb�r 17, 1975 meeting as amended. Mr. Scofit said he would like to ciarify some th�ings about S.A.C.A. that were �rought out at this meetiny. He said there was a recommendation that thzs be a County� projec�, but the County didn't want i;o get involved in an area-wide informationand referral service. 7he information ��id referral service proposed by S.A.C.A. ��ould be more local than area-wide, and would provide tl��e service for local residents. He said the City Council did allorate the �500 to S.A.C.A. and they hav� since ��en to the Columbia F{eights Hum�n Riahts Commiss;on, where_they �vere v,�el1 received, with no fii�aT decision on ihe ailocat�on of funds. He said that the CET/� employe� that was working for t�ie Human Resources Commission said that her first finding was th�zt an informat�on and refcrral service was needed in Fr�idley. Mr. Drigans said that he felt this service was going to be utilized by the citizens oi Anoka County. Mr. Scott said this service ����ould oniy be n�ade known �in ihe cit�es in Southern Anoka County, Snrir�g La4;e Park, Columbia f;eigf-�i,s and Fridley. Mr. Driga»s said he felt that this was openir.g Pandora's Box because this organization had addifiional ideas, and so fa��, we were the orly City who was part�cipating in �:his funaing, and he iiiought they ��iould b� back for addii:ional funding. He felt that aii the no�-prefit org��niza�tiot�s in Fri!dley would fee; that they had the same right �:o get fund�ng �=ron� th� City .for their r��. �!^OjE'Ct ana he thougf��t tt�er� should be a line drawn someplace. Ne said he thoughi: it was a go�d idea and it was ��eeded, but was this wha�t our tax dollar was supC�osed to 54 going �or? He thought there could ha°�e been some otycr �yp� of fund ra;sing tried beiore they came �:0 1:V�e C�ity. Mr. Narris said he feT�: that how the City spent tf�eir money was a ma�te►° of priorities. ° � . Mr. 8ergman said that on page 11 under nev� appointn�ents to member conui�;ssions, � he said he wanted the firs�: sentence ameizded to say that one member had or►ly attended a few m4etings. _ . � �� UPON A voice vot�, �11 vntirn; �t��c�, the ntci�.i�l� carried ununimousl�. � Y• ����`` ' � l_J � � ' Plar�ninc! Cor►u�li�sion Meetinc� - Jar7uar� 7, 1976 � Page 2 2[ � RCCEIVE EPJVIRO��PhENT/lL QU/1LITY COh1��iISSTUN MINUTCS: DECEMaER 1i3, 1975 . h;OZ'ION by I,�lnyenfeld, secorided by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receivc the Er�v_ironm�ntal Quality Cvrrunission �ninutes of the December 18, 197.5 meci:ing. Mr. Qoardman sai d the recornmt�ndati ons of the Envi ron �mntal �ual i ty � Commission on the ?.2 heer ordinance should be referred to at the time the Flar�n�ir;g Commissien revie��s this ordinance. This would be after they got input from some of the ol;her Commissions. UPON a voice vote, aI1 vot�ng aye, ths motion carried i2nanimousZ�. RECEIVE APPEALS COM��IISSIO« MTNUTES: DECEM['sER 30, 1975� h90T.TCN by Driyans, ser.onded by I,angenteld, that the Planning Commission recieve t.he l±ppea�s C�.�nzssion miiiutes of the meeting of December 30, 1975. Mr� Drigans said tne Appeals Commission had received the authority to act on vari�nces on residen�tia? property (R-1) and would have such an item on their agenda for their first meeting in January. UPON a voice vote, a.Z1 voting aye, the motion ear.ried unanimously. RECEIVE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF RFl�ORi DESCRI��TIfl�d 7�!�0 E�M STFtEET N.E., BY PACO MASONRY ' Thi s parmi t i s f�,� the constru�,���ion o�' a 4varehouse buil di ng at 7840 Elm Streei; f�.E. The bui;�i�r�� is �;o be cons�ru:;te� of masonry and brick and �ai11 have a total floor area af 8,400 square feet (70 f�et by 120 feet). The building ' design is similar to ��her Paco buildings in the areu. There is ample parking s��ace wi th 8 stai 7 s nee,ieci a.nd 10 stal l s prov i ded. Add i ti onai park � ng space ean be obtained or the property t;n the south throur,h a joint agreement t�ahen needed. �fhe landscap�ng is simi?ar ta othe�~ buildings in i;he area, however, ,. adciitionai landscaping ir� the �ront of the building would accent the property. ' ' FNGIidEEf�INu: Poured conc7°ete curhing shou�ci be pr�v�ide� in the parking lot area. ENV1R0«MENT: The proposed pro��c� �,ri?i f�it in we�� with the other buildings in this are� . S7�PULt�TIO�iS: P;�r�e 1•;GT'I'ON bi� Langcnfeid, seconded by Driyans, tl�at the Planning Commission � � recei.ve tl�e �tcirnini.straLiv� staff� reF?ort on 7840 L'Im Street N.L., by Paco rlasonr�+. Upcn a voice votc�, aJl voting aye, tlie rnot.ion c�rricd unanimo��s1�. ' ��9r, t3�ardma�i saiu tiiere would be no v�zri�:r�ces r�ecessary for this bu �]d�+ng. , . .�,�.,M�., .,, � �;: �,,'' I� � ' � � ' Planni•ng Co►nmi.ssion Meeting - January 7, 1976 � Page 3 DEVEL�JP��IFNT OF PLII^�hING CCMh1ISS i0N_' S GOALS AND OCJECTIVES 2F Mr. Roardman said he would like to c�xplain i:ne direction he would like to se� the goals and objectives take so they would fit in with program budgeting. Minneapolis has a policy guide type program that he would like to use as a format in helping to set up the Planning Commission goals and objeciives. It has sei; up a certa�in goal ��ith the objectives, and from that they have set up their principle policies on it, and with these princip�e policies, they set up their program policies and also illustrative targets and performance criteria. They then sho4v hova they vrili fit into program budgeting. He said that in this way we can be sure that i;he goals and objectives that are set up are related to the budget as they should be. Mr. Qoardman said that when the Planning C�mmission goals and objectives have been determined they vaould -rit very nicely into this type o% system, because by setting up i;h�se goals and objectives, and then breaking them down into policy and implementation programs, you would already have programs that they were wor{:ing on. It ��vill give a good aid in es�ablisf�ing aur priorities. !r!e know how much money ���e will have in the cominq uears, and we can brea{: it aown into priorities that we have listed ur�der our goals and objectives. He thought this t�vas a good directian to thinl< about. Mr. Peterson asked if the praposed h�using plan would be part of the Planning Commission's goals and objectives? Mr. [3oardman said this was the next thing he wanted to discuss, He said th� Planning Con�mission should take some kind of a s�and on the goals and objectives in th� housing plan befo�°e this plan goes to the City Council. . MOTION b� Drigans, ssconded by Scott, that the Planning Comr�ission receive the rought draft or ihe Comprehensive Housing P1an. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslu• h1r. Boardmai� said the Planning Commission would not be discussing this plan unti7 they had input from the member Comm�ssions. Mr. Lan�enfeld asked if the way the goals and objectives 4vere incorporated inta the housing plan 4vas the way other gaals and objectives would be worked into other plans. Nlr. aourdman said that when the goals ancl objectives �-�ere establisheu by i;he Planning Cemmission and the City Council, then these goals a>>d objectives would be the goals and object�ives of the City. With comprehensive planning, we t�ould plug those goals and objectives into that plan. Mr. Dr�igans askea �9r. E3oardman �:o explaiii to Lillian Meyer, representative . oi' the League �f 4don;en `:�oters, ���rhat had �een done on �;he goals and objectives b���the member Commissions and where they were in this wl�ole prograin. Mr. Peterson said �ha�; Ms. n1eyer had been present at i;he Par�:s & Recreal;ion Commissian meeting when they had i�rorked on their goals and objecti��es. Mr. Qonrdman said that up to ti�is {�oint, the City had never establishc�d v�iable goals and objectives i:o determir�e a,�h�t direction they should �;ake in i:he future. He said the thought behind the i�e�rganizai.�on of the Planning Cominission ��as that they become more ii�volved in the �olicy ciecisions and recommendations to the City Council. As they are thc main plt�nr�ing Lady, they shouid be �involved in future plar�niny. It , tv�s cieter��;ineu that t��e first, thing they ���ould r�eed w�uld be goals ai�d objectives. Th��se go�l s and object�ives ;�rc�uld set the pace ancl ��ol icies t,o be establ ished for the next 10 to 15 years, He said that each member Commission madc t-heir r, . � ' _,.i a,.-�s � ' Planning Comn�ission t�lecting - Januar 7, 1976 Page 4 2 � ' i ' - , ' ' � �� , , � u ' ' � � , ' recommendaiions to the P'lann7ng Commission on the goals and objectives for their particular area of interc�s�t, which were reviewed by the Planning Conm�ission. Now it was up to i:he PlanninQ Cornmission to start putting.these things together to detennine some viable goals and objec�;ives. These will then go to the City Council. � Mr. Peterson asked t�rhat format th�y wer� yoing to use to establish their goals anc� objectives? P1r. Boardman said thzy would follow the format that he had mentioned before as a policy guide he had received from Minneapolis. He said he had copies of this guide ior each member of the Commission which they could si;udy to see hoiv this appTied to what they were trying to do. He said the goal areas could be environ�l�ent, parl;s & recreation, human resources, health, housing, etc. The first thing they would i�ave to establish were the goal areas. He said these could cover broad areas or specific areas. Mr. Scott said he liked this iorr�at. There was discussion by tl�e members o� the Planning Commission that the goals and objecti��es that h��d been es�:�blished '�y member Commissions be cambined and used as,a beginning by �he Planning Commission in establishing their goals and objectives. " Mr. Qergman said he would like to take all the comments made and combine them in a rrotion. He said he didn't see why they should try to do something as a group that administration could do in one tenth of the time and in very good •fash�on. 190TION by Beryman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commiss2on request of. t17e ad;ninisLration i:hat Lhe yoals un� c:i�Jectives as develop�d b� ,-nember Commis- sions be grouped or subjectized as identzfzed b� tl�ese goals and objectives, and bring them back to the Planning Commission in an org-anized, consolidated fashion, eJ_iminating duplications, for P.Iann.ing Com�rnission review. Mr. Peterson said tr7a�: tne P�anning Commissiara would still have the ind�ividual packets of th� original goals and objectives of each Commission so that if they felt that something the�r particular Commission i�e�lt strongly about �vasn`t included in this c�nsolidaiion, that Cominission m2mber could bring it up at �he time of the review. i�ir. Langenfeid said he wouldn't war�i ih� ?f�tent o� same of the memher Cammission's goals and objectives conlpletely changed or lost in this consolidation, b�t he thought �his 4vas zhe best wav to sLart. P1r. Scott said he 4vould speak against tf�is motion, because he thought that �y asking sta�f to e,tabl�ish the yoals we would be iosing the citizen inp�t from th� plannir,c� proc.ess ��rhich he fei�; shou1d be a conc?rn of the Planning Commission. He said that if the Planr�ing Co���i��issior 4vould estahlisl� th� goal areGs, the s�;atements that would foiloi� tho5e goals could be sortcd out �later. He said he thought they should get staff guidanre an the goal areasy rat;her than i�ave ihe staff gu�de us. He didn't �;hink it woui� be a �ur�ensome tasl� for this Commission Lo detern�ine it's broad c�oaZ at°eas. Ne said the goai statements coulc� be so�°i:ed out later. Mr. Be�,gman said he ��ias not asking aciminis�ration to determine the goal a�°�as becau�e i�e though� tney wer� already spelled ou� in the member Commission's gcals and o�jectives. hie ��a�,s just asl:ii�g the st:aff to organize the objectives ur�d�r the goals aZready es��ablish:.�d so tiiere wou�d�;'t be cl�lplicai.;ion. He said t�e t�lanted ih� goa�s and or�jectives conibined �rLo a for�n��t tha1; thc Planninc� Commission could cieal aritf;.- h1r. Lar�q�n%e]d said he ui��n`t ieel tha� in anyway ti�is mi�l;ion aaas elitnia�af:ing t.he c7tizen input. � � � ,.�-����.�: , . �' �J Planning Commission Meetinq - January 7, 1976 Paqe 5 - ? �� Mr. Peterson said he had seconded the motion because he felt the member Commissions had already given the direction i:hey wanted to go, and he felt the member Commissions had more citizen participation in formulating their goals and objectives than the Planning Commission. � Chai rman Fiarri s asE:ed Mr. Qoardman i f they vrere goi ng to di scuss t��e goal s and objectives of the proposed housing plan at this meeting. P•1r. E3oardman said he though�; they would. Mr. Peterson said hc thought this question was out of order because he didn't think they should be discussing anything in the proposed comprehensive housing plan until they got input from the member Commissions. Mr. Eioardman said that it could be possible that the Planning Commission would have more goals ihan were brought out by the member Commissions because they ►Ni11 cover a broader area. He sdid he would like to have the housing goals discussed at this meeting, because we a1ready know that will be one of the goal areas of the Planning Commission. The Comprehensive Housing Plan is now in the process of being reviewed, and the yoals and objectives for hausing have already been approved by the member Commissions. He said the Planning Commisssion already had input from the member Commissions on housing, and he thought they should get into these goals and objectives before i;hey have the publi�: hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Housing Pla�,. , � Mr. Qergman said he would like to clari�y his motion. It was merely to � request that the City administration do some grouping under subjects already quite broad in scope. He said there were a 7ot of duplications, and he thougnt staff could do this much faster than ��re coula at this meeting, without losing the � context of the total gcaals and objec�ives, a.nd asking the staff to present this back to us. This would give the �lanning Com,>>ission the opportunity to check it a_gains� what our own Commission had recommended. He didn't see hot�r they could �� lose anything with that checkina oapot°t�nity. He said �wha�t Mr. Beardman had dor,e ' with the goals ai�:d objectives ii� tf�e p� oposed housing plan i�vas what he ��anted don� with a11 the goals and obj�cti�aes. He said tha�L at �;he Community Development � Commission meetii�g, they haci checked the goals and objectives in ihe housing plan, , and felt that none cf the context of their Com»>ission had been 1ost. He thought this would save the Planning Commission a 1ot c� time. Mr. Scott said he thought he had misunderstood the mot�on. .__. � ' ' ' Mr. Drigans said he thought one of the things that had been overlooked �,n�as the timing. He said that when f;he member goals and objectives were reviewed by the Planning Commission, there t�rere suggested changes and additions made, and he had never found in any of the member Commission minutes that these changes or additians have ever been address�d by the n�em�er Commissions, so he didn`t see how a�ministratian could take the original goals and objectives and t�aork from them, Re thought it was important that thE Plan��ng Commission had speni; mar�y hours reviewing the goals and objective�, bu�; he hadn't seen any revisions as yet. Mr: �s�ardrnan said he didn't tl�ink �1iis was supposed to be a question and answer type thing where the Commission vlould serd up tf��eir recommendations for goals and objectives and the Planning Commision would send them back for reconm�enda- tions for changes, so that each Commission ����ould send up goals and objectives that were pl�asing to the Planning Conrnission. This was just meant to be input from tt�e member Convnissions, and if the Planning Commission ��;ants� to make changes on that input, the P1anninc� Commissicn can make the chanyes. Mr. Drigans said he felt that the Planning Camn�ission had not seen the fruit of their work on i:hese goals anci objective�. N1r. Boardman said t,�is was because �:I�e Planning Commission still had a lot of work t� dc on tl��ese g�als and o��jectives. Mr. Langenfeld >ai�i tha� a11 tl7e time the goals arid �bjectivLS ;��re ueinc� reviewed, it was stres,�d that t���,e were only r�ecommenc�Ui;ions and ti��ere not binding as hard and fast rules. ' � , � . • � .. . x��.�..e:nr..r .,. V Y�`~���a '. � ' � � , � ' Plannin Commission Meeting - Januar 7, 1976 Pa e 6_. -- 2 I Mr. Qoardman said that uncicr the reorganiza�.ion, the Planning Commission was gi ven the sol e responsi bi 1 i i;y fo�r rect�m�nei;di ng pol i cy deci si ons to �hc Ci ty Council. Member Commissions may be asi;ed by the Planning Commission for,their recommendations on po1icy dec�isions, but the primary function of the member Cor��issions a�as the impleinentation of policy decisions. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Cbairman Harris said he thought they should talk about housing goals. Nir. Dt�igans asked if t��e housinc� goals in the com�rel�ensive housing plan were taken from the original recommendations, or if the changes recommended by the Planning Commission had been it�corporated into them. Mr. goardman said they : had been tal:en fl�om the origina1 goals and objec.tiv�s as proposed by the member Commissions. Mr. �ergman said his Com mission had revie��red the housing plan at; their las± meeting and had paid particular attention to the housing goals and objectives. Ne said they had recommended that some changes be made. We also suggusted that they drop.the Commission titles. He said the Cammunity Development Co►nrnission �aas satisfied with the goals and objectives in this housing code, and he thought each Commissioner could revievr �it i:he same way wP�en th� goals and objectives come back in groupings fl�om the adminisiration. ��1r. BoardiTian said the Commission headings wou1d be dropped, but in the rough draft they felt they had to have something to re1ate to. Chair�nan Harris asked wl��en they wanted to get off the subjec� of procedure and get on with the housing goals and objectives. �f�lr. Bergman said he thought the housing goals and objectives should be included ti��ith the other groupings they were asking the a.dn�inistration to prepare. ' Mr. La�g�nfeld said he thought they might have to drop their a�her goais ;ust foi� the �resent and get going on the housing yoals and objectives. Mr. Scott said he aqre�d ti,�ith this s�ggestion. h1r. Bergman said that the Community Development Commission would s-ti11 be reviewing the Cornprehensive Housing Plan, with these goals and objecti��es, at their next meeting, and it seemed out of context for the Plani�i►�g Commission to be reviewing them at this meeting. Mr. Boardn�an said the hausing gcals and object�ves were recornmended by the member Commissions to the Plannina Commission, and the °lanning Commission had revievred those recominendai;ior��s, so he qidn't feel i�L was out of context for the Planning Commiss�ion to revie��r the goals and objectives oi the comprehensive plan at this meeting. He s�id i;he only reason these goals and objectives wer� used in the plan t�vas because the Planning Cornmission ha�n't se� up any goals and objectives on housing. Ii= we czon't ao this at this »>eeting, i�JE iNl�� only r�ave the January 21st mEetin� �o review the entire comprehensive plan before the public heariny on Januar.y 28tri. Mr. Qergman asked Mr. Qoardman if he feli; all the duplicai:�ons had been eliminated. Mr. Soardman said he couldn't say that all the duplicatior� I�a�l bee�; e�imina;.ed, but pretty much sa. He said ±here ��ere fo��r goals from t��e Communii;y Developme;7t Commission, and one goal from Human Resources, and tYie yoals didn't have to be -�pproved as they were �laid out. He said he wanted the Planning Commiss�or to look at the c�ntents of each goal and see if that �rras the direc�tion they w�nted to go. Mr. Feterson said tha� goal �13 sta-tes "Develop, maintain and enforce a planned, ���11 balanced land use system". Ne felt that with 1;his goal you would have to be ia�king a�: open space at�d park areas, because housing without parE:s or park5 without i��ousing, �•.as rot consisi;ent, yet in the Parks & Recreation Commiss?o�i goals a��d cb,;ectives, we have a goal of providiny people _orienl;ed ' .' � ,. , .. ,r .•:� . ' �'lanning Commissior Meeting - Januat�y 7, 1976 Page 7 2 J � ��J � ' � ' u �� , ' ' , , � parics and yet there was nothing said about that type of land use under goal ;�3. Fie sai�j �:hat he �greed ��tith Mr. Qerg�ian tf�at until the grouping was done on al1 the c�oals and objectives, h� thought the Planning Con�r�ission would be wasting their time. � MD'ION by Peterson', seconded by Iangenfeld, that the Planning Comrni,ssion ✓ take a 5 minute breaJ�, and t1.e.� come back and from 10:00 to 11:00 P.M. discuss the hou ing goals to give st,�f�' somc� direc:tion. ' Mr� Boardman said the housing goals are of primar,y importance in putting the Com rehensive Housing Plan.together. h1r Harris said the survey tells us pretty much G�Jhere ave were. We need to ask urse1ves G�;�hat ti��e are �;rying to accomplish anci where v�e want to go from here. UPON a t�o.ice vote, a11 vo�.irzg aye, ihe motiorz carried unanimously. � Ch it°man Harris ueclared a recess at 9:45 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 10:0 P.M. P�r Boardman sai d he woul d rather �ee son;ethi r�� i n the goal s 1 i ke .t�rhat was i n the I�in eapolis policy guide ►��hich states "Assure individuals and families, •t�vithaut discriminat�on, a choic� of ���ell-desi�ned types of housing in varied, � distinc ive and satisf,ying living environments at costs whicr� do not compromise other essenti 1 needs and wants". l•SD ION by Scott, seconded by Beryman, that the Planning Corrtmissian approve Goa.Z #2 t•rit1� the addition of. "without disc��m,ination". This goal svould th��.� read "P avi�ie for and maintai.n, wztl�icuf: discrimination, a diversity of suitable housing and living environments within the community". Mr. Langenfeld asked if this would be the primary housing goal. Mr. Scott s id they might come up v�jith another goal statement later an. A VOICE V(�'la:;, a.Zl vo� ing aye� t.he motian carried unanimously. Cf7airman Harri� asE:ed if th�y ��ranted to discuss objectives un�er this goal. Mr. Scott said he a��uld lil:e to se� something incluc!e� abou�t the neig�iaorhood concep� idea and about housing m�intenance. I-{° woulci also like to see somet}}ir�g about tl�e promoti�n of �i��cier�r°ound u�;ilit7es �ue �;o inc1em�n�. <<reather conditions. Mr. Langenfeld said that thiS C�Il1pY�ehensive 4�ous �ng Plan ►�ertions �Nha�t has ha�pened in ^1ir��iea7olis and C�lumb�a f;eights and h� �•:culd 1il:e tc.s�e SOIP.?tli�t�n in the goals� whicl� ��rculd prevent that; happening in l=ridlcy. h1r. Fe�:erson said he �NOUld 1 i ke i,o see ai 1 si x goal s adopted because �i:h�y ail relate to housiny. tie sai� that if they could reach all ti�ese goals, tl��i� woul d al i eviati� the probl ei�� tha�i: Mr. Langei�''el d re�erred to. Mr. Langenfc i u sai d he thought tl�ese proble.��s should be meni;ioned as ti�e reason we are having these �articular yc>al s and object�ives. Mr. L��f,yman said he thouc�E�t �Jhat Mr. Lar�gcr�i'eld ti��ould like wouid be a ' suu��rary ef trend's or pral�lems ;:I11CIl ��;� are cor,L�rn�d aboui:, ��rhich ti�JOUld be inset�t;ed ju��; i�ci�o��e tt�e goals a�id object�ves. � . � _ -���.t ,,-.r. ; � Piannil� Comrr�ission Mee�ing - January 7, 1976 Page 8 2 K � Mr. Peterson said he though� the goal was still primai�y, and this statement could be put in before i:he objec�ives. Mr. Qergman r.elt that the objectives - were not identifications of problems. � 'Mr. E3oardman sai� the goal shouTd be the primary siatemeni. Our objectives . should state where ti�re G•rant to go, 4Je have to provide housing at costs which do nat comprorn;ise other essentia7 wants or needs. We've got to take a look � at low and moderai.e income housing. He have to look at quality living environment. � No4v do you ach=ieve this? i'he Planning Con�nission t,ro«1d also have to look at preservation and the updating of exis�ing neighborhoods. . Mr. Fet�rson said tha1; when you talk about lova and moderate income housing, then ,you have i,o also talk about distribution. Mr. fiarris said he liked the first objectives under Goal �2 which says they should provide a wide range of adequate housing opportunities for people of all income l�vels, ag� grou�s, and e�;hnic backgrounds. Mr.�Drigar�s said that when you talk about the distribution of low and moderate income housing, �he first thing that peopl� thinl: about is sub-standard housing. May�e we should add quality built low and moderate income housing. Mr. Bergman said that if the Planning Commission ��ras goinq t� address this point, it !�ould be r;ard to state it so that no one would take exception to it. Mr. Boardman saici Fridley was developed so far already, we cas�'t talk about distribution of low and moderate income housing units, we have to be talking about the distributian oi �eople. Mr. Bergman said they were m�ssing one of the points in distribution and that v:�as t+� avoid the occuranc� ef a ghetto, and that is housing. Mr. Langen- feld said it.could state somewhere that these goals and objectives �Nere peopie oriented. Mr. Scott said maybe we shouid come right out and say ghetto, i�f this was what the l��w and moderate income statement was about. Mr. Peterson said that "people" could probably be worked into our goal rather than just in some of the ohjectives. Mr. Bergman said that Goal �2 coa?d read "Provide for and maii�tain, urithout discr;m�ination, a suitable housing and living environment for a11 peaple within the community." P-1r. Boardman said tfiat saying "within our communi�Cy" see�}�zd restricting, beca�ise these housing goals should apply to anyone wanting to n»ve into F�idley, and did not follow the metra�olitan concept idea. � Amended MOTT.ON b� Scott, seconded b� Berqman, t-hat Goa1 i#2.read � and iraintain in the conununity, witl�out discrimination, a diversit� of housirrg and 1.iving environme��ts for a11 p�rsons". Upon a voice vote, � amended motion, a11 voting aye, the motion car.ried unanimously. � ' r � "Provzde �or suitabl�� on the Mr. Goardman said he liked the goal as changed by Mr. Scott. He said we were talkirg about households, not just housing. f�ir. Drigans sa �d there vaas one area in ti•�e objectives that hasn't been discussed, an� that �•ras to e��courage the development of advanced technology in our building industry for the purpose of conserving resources and energy. He also felt that: the.first objective under Goal #2 was not redundant with the change in tne c7oal itself. Mr. Boardman said i,�is could be replaced with tlie staten�ent tc providc: housing at cos��s whicf� do not compromise other essentiai wants or need�, . r r � Jan�aar 1976 � Page 9 �YY�'`�, plannin� Con�iniss�or in9 y 7, 2 L MOTIOT� by Drigans to del�te tlie first objective undex Goa1 #2 because it � was redt�ndant. . Chairman Flarri� askeci if he would wiihdra�v his motion and let the staff , work on these ohjectives because if aJas now 11:05 P.M. and they had a previous motion that �he d1SCUSS1011 or►ly be continued until 11:00 P.M. � Mr: Drigans WITHURL•'W his motion. ADJOt1RNMENT: . MOTIO�T by Peierson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Ilarris declared the PZanninq Commission meeL.ing of January 7, 1976 adjourned at 11:07 P.M. Respec,�t- ly sv.-�mi,ft�i�, o� ` r�?�� a�� � / f �! r��;:: :, €� � > ,� , /', ,� !, j� ` > �y� R� .', F t��s {', ff. t .y - .. t . �" `d ;� _G_'_.%'s 1�f6 L {_`� '� ry , :... ...'ai-37–_ �,�rrold,�. 4Bo��rdmar, `�� 'City Planner � � � � �- ,� � � � � �I �� �I � ,� � � I , � C��y Hall Counc i 1 r�emb�r s 6431 University Ave> N� Fridl.�yr M1T111. 5�432 n�a .r. S i.r : � , _,,�� Robert H. Scliroer Western Ranch � 7620 Un�_v. Ave. NT� Fr.idley, Minn. 55��� January 5, 1976 in Dec�,-nber of_ 1974, a re�uest far an f.n Sale Li�uor License was presented to you. A�t^x c.aref_ul examir�ation by the necnssa�-y c��par.tm�nts �.nd �ecomm�nda�ions ?�y *-h^m, vou peo�le unanim��lsly approved a license fc�r me in Januaryo uf �.975. Since �hat tine I have been �ili�;�n�ly tr�ing tG secux� praper financing for a First C�.ass re ���.ul��n-t anc� tau�ge that we cauld a1�. �� proud c�f. Eut �ue tc� L�le COltTltX �^s eeonontic�� crtir�cY�, plus a very 1im�.�tec1 amount of_ lenc�e.rs fvr this type of operationE T: have r..ot }�c�c�r. Gh.l.e to sec�are the nroper finar_cir� a V7ith th� pu��l�c k:nowledc�^ o� my haveir.� acr_e4 s tc? this license, I have benn �.pp;.-�arhed on �e��e�a �;�ccas��ann ��.� inte��stec3 pt�r�ties but I have f_oun:� no anc tl�;�� x �•�ata?.d fe<�_t con�.for� Mak�? e�ai�r� as a b�asiness associ� te. �aifih a�� t�"1? C7'.fJS�3C.ry�.G�S i� Yl-d"'',: cTlCO'.?1��E'.�C`C?r � 11c1VC.'. x104 r�l�`E��P� my tt�inkirzg an � r'ix� � C' ���s xesrazzrant L��.i f�h b�rzquE:� fac.z�iti�� for our � �. L j� . ?�t this �a.m�, I�.=ou�.d 1�_;ce to ,-�r��c��� �"Yc;�m i�h� Ci±:y af Fr_ic�lev �� e:.tc:nsion �� my t.iqt�oz li.r...c�n��n �tr�zntc�c.? t.o mce I�n exten�ion ot on� ��ear shou?d be .��,�ffi.czc�nt f�e f�tzlf_i'.1. my r_�cdsa Howc�ver, i.f the counr_i�. fe�:1s they ;�hc�;3J_d nc�t crr�ri�. ar� exter���ion ox �.f tr.�re is ar�o'�r;��r inter�s�e:d g�trty �ay t"ri� 1.ice�-���u, � would no� i.n �r.y ��7a�� �,��ar_� tc in�",�zfc�r ti�ith the nc��u of tYii� �ypc of c��?eration :Eor our Citv. �r?:ar, ;-you f-or �'UUr �i.me and a�e ioc�king tor�:*ard in hearing £rom yau. I2IIS/l�.i 5incere].y,,, ,� ; � ,i /� �,; , i - J� _._.._�_ __ R. H, Schrorr "" WESTI:RN RANCI� ' � 1 , � ��t � ���1� . � � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE Anaka County �oard of Commissioners � Anoka County Court House East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 ' Gentlemen: ANOKA COUNTY FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 4 The.previous lease agreements between the City af Fridley and Anoka County for the , renta1 of the County Courtroom and the County Probation Office expired on June 30, i975 and August 31, 1975 respectively. The City of Frid�ey would ]ike to ext�nd the terms of these contracts until the end of the 1976 fiscal year: December 31, 1976. , �J The lease agreement for the County Court Courtraom and Judge's Chamber is for an area of 2,469 square feet. The lessee pays to the lessor $5 per square foot based on the percentage us� of the facilities, tatalir�g a ccst of $7,128 per annum. The lease agreemerit for the Anoka County Probation Office is fi�or an area of 188 square feet. The iessee pays to the lessot° $5 per square foot totaling a cost of $940 per annum. If you desire to extend the terms of these agreements until December 31, 1976, we would � appreciate a written expression to extend tl�e agreement or the return of this letter with a signed endorsement and witness. Thank you for your attentian to this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF FRIDLEY Witnesses: Wil�iam J. Nee, Mayor �iasir►2 M.� Qureshi, City Manager COUNTY OF ANOKA Ghairman of C�unty Board N�1Q/ms CC: R�lph McGinley, Exec. Secretary to Anoka County Qoard � , 1 . TO � ' � � ' � � r , 1 � , � � I FROf1: CITY OF FRTDLEY P� E ��P 0 R A td G U t�l NASIf1 P�1. QURES!-II, CITY P�IRNAGER, ANG CiTY COUNCIL P�ARVI"d C. 3RUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SU3JECT: FIf�AL BUDGET ADJUSTMEPITS FOR T}iE YEAR 1975 DATE: JANUARY 15, 1976 A brief summary of seme of the reasons budget adjustments are necessary are as follows: LEGISI_ATIVE; IPlCLUDIP�G CITY COUNCIL AND PLAi��ING COMMISSIOTJ : This departn�ent has a budget overaye which will be transferred to other depar�ments. . LEGAL: One of the reasons fo�^ lega� n2edi ng $3,200 addi t�i onal funds is the $2 ,530 billing for the Glover Lawsuit. ?r addition, regular legal ci�arges {�ave rui� som�what over budget, FT RE : The Fi re Depa►�tmen�t i s over tnei �, budget in the personal servi ces area. Tiiis is principally re�ated ta fire calls. R�gu?ur salaries are �7,622 av°r the budget. Thi s i s rel ated to Ci ty eir�pl �yees who are al so Fi remen , c��a rgi ng ti me t� the Fire Qepartment while they were on fire ca11s. This has been �harged to ten�porary salar7es in the past, h�wev�r, anas�riucf7 a� t��ey are per�nanent C�ty employees i�G gce5 in tiie per•manent ei.�;�loyee categar,y. Tnis would make na aifference in their total budget, exc�pt that this year �heir fire calls are over budget even �vitho�i charging the City ei;�ployees ±ime to tne temporary nelp cateyory where ti�e baiance of the fi��e cal7s ar�e charged. The amount for emp�oyee re7ated insurance (wor�men's compensation and hospitalization; v�as under budgeted for the year 1975 and is over budgzt. Alsa, the amount charged aaainst the clepartment for pensicns is over b�dget. These two categot�ies are c�ver in part because of the fact that otiier departments time is charged to the Fire Depar�:m�nt an� nc consideration was taken of the associated fringe benefi� costs. In the other expense category, commun � cati ens are over by almost $5,f30Q. I understand part of tnis cost re�lates fo the iie in at Anoka County. Ot��er expenses taken as a�vhole are over budget by �2Q9. More detai � on th�is cat� t�e obtai i�ed from the �'i re Chief. 5 v C�' ` I� ,J ' � i J � T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CI7Y MANAGER, AiVD CITY COUNCIL SUSJ�CT: FIPlAL QUDGET ADJUSTP•1EPJTS FOR THE YEAR 1975 DATE: JAPJUARY 15, 1976 PAGE 2 NATURALIST; . It is neces�ary to increase the Naturalist Department by $12,200. Of this ' amount, $9,391 is for contractual services that will be charged to property owners and reimbursed to the City over t{�e next five jrears. , i�ine hundred and seventy-four dollars is necessary to cover unemployment costs charged to this department. This expense was not budgeted. � ?hE 5alance of the $1,835 is necessary in the «rea of uti�ities and suppiie=:. No money was budgeted for utilities. Non office type supplies ran considerably over the budget. � ' � � � � The !Vaturalist can provide further details on why these items are over. PARK DEPARTP�1ENT: The Pa rk Department needs a budget increase of $23,300, Of this amount $8,535 is for unemployment costs. The combined Park and Recreation Depart►nent is also over in the area of overtime and temporary salaries. Regular salar�es in total are under the budget. Overtime in �he combined Parks an� Recreation Department is over budget by $1,500. Salaries of temporary employees for the combined Park and Recreation Depar�tment is over budget by about $1,bSS. Permanent and regula r salaries are under budge� by $1,995. In addition tc the above items, Parks and RAcreation has given me the following projects on w�iich they spent money in 1975, which they say were not budgeted. The Parks and Recreation Director will give you furthe r details on this as needed. ' MCB:sh Attachmer�t ' � , � 1 Addi�ional projects and items �Lhat w�r�� nat incl.ud�d zr; t}a� 1q75 Budg�st. Electrical work Bacon Elec�z°ic 2�7ea� $igns All par� (Tenn�.s Cour.�s� 1.91��6 ' . • . � `� 6 l.Jl! . � . Bu�-t�ed out Sate1.7�.i..te Sg].v�r� Hi1Z� �?SsOCf Plvmbing Moore �ak� B�ach � 569eQ(} . � ouxttait� Repair� Mooi � La � Beacii 3a�to 7� � 78oaa �o�.l. Bar for Tractor 0.�6H�Ao 280�OQ � � .. 'ine Tr�e Bldrs Paxk Proper��r . !�s 80��C)C1 slanket ior Erosior� . �.�.3.CJ� �torm Darnage Rega�=r� � � �.� o �.;.� - � a0C�.6a : 3ac�Fog - ivil Defenst; Tx°u�k 20�lQ� 1s �t�c7-o �C� �nior Citizez� Progz°�n . �QOe�� :nees 2s 999 .0� � :ase af Truck (Ice Main�er�t�G�) 1 O�Q.Ot� s To�al FS��ra� $ �.�t� �8}� � 70 � c `�i � . � � RESOLUf IO�J N0, 1976 ,. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ.ING CHANGING TNE 1975 BUDGET RPPROPRIATIONS' WITNIiV TIiE GFf�ERAL FUND , � � e di ures �JHEREAS Th C't C 1 has rev�ousl author�zed certain exp n t beyond , e i y ounci p ,� the amounts allocated in the 1975 Budget. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Fridley meeting . at a regular meeting on January 19, 1976 that the budgets of the following divisions shal l be i ncreased ( decreased) as f ol l ows : ' ouncil 5 500 . Ci t C $ , Y Boards and Corr�ni ssi ons (10,000) Natural i st $12 ,200 �' , Department Total 4,500) �epartment Total 12,200 Legal $ 3,200 Par�ks & Recreation $23,300 1 Department Total 3,'L00 G� part���ent 3otal 23,30G Fire $ 18,100 Reserve $'(52,300) � � Department Total 1.8,100 TOTAL -a- BE IT FURTFIER RESOLUED, Triat the budge� 0'� tr1P. General Fund be increased in � total ar�d allocated as follaws: Said increase is possible 6ecause of revenue coming to the Cit,y for the CETA Program. ' � City Ma.nag�r � 5,931 Fi nance 2 ,� �2 Pol i ce �,ug4 � Community Development 3,181 Public �lorks 1 y131 Naturalis� 17,827 Parks 5 ,?_ 15 Civic Center 22$ � 40 , 879 P.ASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCI� OF TH� CI7Y OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1976. A7T EST� : CITY CLERK - P�1ARVIN C. QRUNSELL M,?YOR - U�ILLIAM J. {�EE G CITY OF FRIDLEY ME M0 RAPd DU M T0: NASIi�i P4. QURESHI , CITY MFiNAuER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROP�: f�tARVIf� C. BRUNSELL, ASS�f. CITY P4GR./FIN. DIR. SU�JECT: RES�LUTIOf'd AUfHORIZING THE CHANGiPdG OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 1JITHIN TNE GEiVERAL FUiVD DATE: • JNNUARY 13, 197G The attached resolution would authorize ceriain changes in the 1976 3udget a�propriations. These changes have al1 been given tentative approval by the C�ty Council, however, they have not been approved in resoluti �n form. M��:sh � � �� ' ' �� ' ' � � � � �r RESOLUTION NQ. 1976 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI7_ING THE C!i(�NGING OF THE 197b BUDGET APPROPRIATIOi�S - WITHIN 7HF GENERAL FUPJD WHEREAS, 7he C�ity Counci 1 has previausly authorized certain expenditures beyond the amounts aliocated in the 1976 8udget, �iJHEREAS , Tentati ve appraval was gi ven for expendi ture of $500 for the Information Referral Service, SACA; $4,500 was tentatively approved for tf�e 8i centenni al ;$500 was tentati vely� approved for the services of the Columb�a Hei�hts Band; and $500 was ten tatively approved for addi ti onal Qi centenni al i nformati on on the Beach Sti ckers , yOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, By the Counc�i 1 �f the Ci ty of Fridley me�ting at a regular meeting on January 19, 1976 that th� budget of the following department shall be incr�.ased as follows: Ci ty hlanagement $6 ,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the budget of the following department be decreased as foll�w�: Emergency ReservP $6,000 PASSED AND APPR�VED BY �fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS ATTEST : DAY OF CITY CLERK - MARVIN C, aRUNSELL , 1976. MAYOR - WILLIAM J. ��EE ,r � . 6� , � EHLERS AND ASSOCIA'I 7 ; FINANCIAL .CONSULTANT: FIR8T NATIONAL-800 LINE CONCOURSE 507 MARQUETTE AVE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 339-8291 tAREA CODE 812 January 19, 1976 The City Council Fridley, Minn�sota 55432 Three resolutions on the Januarl� 19 agenda are connected with a prop�sed �1s550,OD0 bond issue to provide pern�anent �inancing for sewer�, water and stree�G �xtensions already construc�ea and assessedo gn the firsi resalution the Council declares the need for and sets a boncl sa�e for F�i�t��ary y, I976. The second resolutian auihcrizes the ��'-:yor° ai�d C�ty i�tanager� io s�c,,n a caniract with Ehlers ane! Associates for consulting services and the third au�horizes the Ci�y Manac�er to sign an agreement form t�aiih P�ioody`s Invest�rs Ser�ice fat� a bat�ci ra�ing. � . February 9�s ter�t�t� vely s�� e���c� �s ��hQ b�rrci �a� �. dat� ta take adv�ntage � of th� current strong b�nd market. T�x-exemp� rat�s in the iocal rnarl:et have been coming� down,, repeating the pattern of the iast several ��ars �rhen municipal rates have been 1 oti�rer duri ng ihe fi rst two ma�ths of tt�e year�� The a►nour►t. i s i n k�epi ng wi th your fi nance di rector's ca1 c�l at�c�►�s and the matur•i tY sGhedul � rnaicr►es the projected cash flow of spe��a1 ass�ssm�nt ins�;al�ments fc�r• �he fallowing projects: Code 83 84 95 94 96 98 79 78 97 TOTAL Project n106 St. 1972-1, and 2 Ste I9?3-� a�id � ni12 T1�.4 St. x974�1 and � r115 � n113 ;`116 Hraa �� n�. $ �63,II39.13j � q�I8,052.��8�' G57,`13�.�2 ��'.�J�1.J s .�?6 359,966.G9 266,537.7� 47,I5io89 234,835.39 1.37,994. 53 �2,263,sso.39 Sale notice details are desigred to attract competitive bids in the current market and to provide futu�e advance refi.�n��nc� or refund?ng of outstanding bonds. Bidders can name as many interest; rates as there are maturi�ties and a discount not to exceed $30,000 will be al]otived. The bonds are callable at par or any �� interest payment date on or after Feuruary 1, 1986, making them advance refundabl� irrmediately. f �,,�.,, f�.' .' �cN dr.. \ - 4� p` 'k. �''t., i � f __ _ `�`-.- � The City Counci7 � . January 19, 1976 Fridley, Minnesota � page Z ', Ehlers Contract: � . . 4Je have served the city for its bond sales continuously since 1961 and under the � same contract and fee schedule. During that time the city's bond rating has been improved four grades from "Ba" to "A-1" and we have successfully conducted 15 bond sales totaling $i5,230,00Q in your behalf. In addition to the rising � c-ost of doing busin�ss, Congress recently created a board to establish rules . ,� governing the under�writing ar�d marketing of bords, includinc� more complete Securiti,es and Exchange Commission type disclosure. (Some eastern bond offerings went bidless for lack of suff�cient information�} The disclosure requirements � �. result in additional work and �°e�p�n$it�ility for aur firm. We find �ve are unable to fulfill �he added requirem�n�� vritho�t additional compensation. Inflation ,� since 1961 is alsa a fa�-�c�r. . �. � � � AttachEd is a copy o-F our thi°ee par� �an�rac�, r�art I of which is proposed at this time� We hav� beer� �sir�g th� split con�.ract �ar a n«mt�Fr �i' ycars, so a communi�y onl,� pay� �or s�rvic�s �eceive�io S�rvi�e� «nd�r ParR�s TI and III are not per���rt�nt for y�ur� sal� at �h�s ��me. �. Under Part I we will advertise a�� prc�nia�e your° sa1�, submit infarmation to Moody's rating servi�e, ��°epa; � and �?�^fr�t �n off'iGia� statement, have bonds printed, arrang� far the deli�ery �f th� securities and provid� a bon� record book as we have for° past iss��es. 4�l� wii7 p�y ihe costs of advertising, prospectus print�ngs maiiing, bond printin� and ��1 ather� travel and overhead expenses. Our fee for a$1.�550�OQ0 is�u� t�il� b� �7�Q75o - Moody's Agreeme�t Form: � . . Now that your c�ty has an "A-�1" r�atir�g it �� �mpor°tant �a hav� the new bor�cis rated. Un�af:ed baM�dS wou(ci ;��su1% �r► h�iyt��r� �r�terest raies at � cos� far b�yand the $l, I00 or 1�ss fee cha��ged by ��aad�` s� 0% caurse, we �ri 11 t�e aimi ng f�r a "AR° rating this time. Sincerely, � EHLERS S�SG IA ; . ___---. , � � � � �C % , ftq ert L. hl rs / RLE:sh Enclosures � ��C-C.�� 0 7A ' � ;-� � r 0 7B EXTRACT OF Z�II�IUTES OF ME�s IIIG OF TNE COU�ICZL OF 'T'HE CT1Y OF r^RIDL�Y AI10� COLTTZTY, STATE OF :-iZDINESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice tliereof , a' requl ar � � meeting of the Counc�;l of the City oi Fri�ley, Iiinneso�a, �ras duly . held at the Council CizamBers in sa3d city on hlonday � ,�the .�:� 19 day of� � January � , T976, at o'clock P.P�i. .�. �• �`. llie following riembers were present : ' • � - ' . - and tiie follot•�ing were al�sent e - . �� _,= ' � � � � � �� - . - � � � ��. � Cou�cilman � in�raduced gh2 following reso° �_ lutiori in wri.ti.ng and moved �:ts adoption. Sazc� xesol�-�ion was read �. .- in full as fo�.Ioc�is : RESOLUTIO]V PdO: 1976 - - . , . . Aa �2E�O�UZ�IC��� FRQ�TII).� NG I�C7� �`�3E . . � . . . . . . 1 w7 A7lJLi.AY. d�li t-al'�t �X A �'��.J_tlx . �.l F `1' 1 5 F) �) `� y Cjll 11 � . . . ' ' . � . . • SPECIAi, ASS��Sr�'F'_'aT FUND IlQNDS � � . - � j�1HEREAS, th� Ci.�.y o� �`ri.d�.e� m�in�ains � Spec%al ?�ssessriei�i: _ Fund to �inance local improveraents �h�.t are to b� p�ic� fA�, in whole - or in part, from spe�ial assess:r�ents aqains� }��*�e�itc�r� �roper�y, - pursuant to Section 7=12 (d) of th� Nc�_�z Rul.e Cnarter , ax�d - T^1HE?2EAS r the council is er�poc��ered by ma j ority vote �o issue �� � and sell bonds pledging the full faith and credi.t of the city in order.: to anticipate the col.Iection of special assessMents in such amounts ._ and znaturities as it may determine, regardl�ss o; the provisions of •. Sectian 7 .:16 , and . . • ' j�:iEREAS, the city manager has presented ta the council hi.s � certificate showing tre financial requiremznts for the issuance of �-.- bonds and requesting that the counci.l authorize the issuance of Speeial Assessm�nt Fund Bonds in the amount oL $ 1,550,000 .; � . NO�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of - Fridley, as fo1loU�s : • _ ■ � ' ,. '� , . � . ._ . � -y,.. � ��. : � 7C � l. It is 'r:ereby deterr*iined Li�a � zt .is necessary ana expediAnt to i,ssue and sell S 1,520,000 Sp�c� aZ Assnssment Fund Banas as � authorized by Sec�� o: 7.12 e� oz t�.� � o�^� Rale Charter of the city. 2. �t ' s j�t�'�r az�ex`z:�; r_°µ l.^a? L 14 is necessary to i:ssue and sell addiyiona? bonds �o r�presen�.�:e part �he higher interest � presently recuired �o ;:�.ar:te-c bands as a�.z��orized by i-Iinnesota Statutes Section c75.56. Szi� bo��s sY�al1 be i.:� �-;ou��zt of '$ 30,000 � Bidders sha? I be au�.no_ iz�d �o sub;a�. �;; �.; zor bands in total amount . o= $ 1,550,000 zL a�rsce not less �=�ar_ �$� I,520,000 and any anount receivec? by ��� city in excess oi S , I,520,000 sliall be credited to t�� s��c? a? asse;s� Ant �ur_� =or paya�nt of interest first accruing on bo�ds ?ssa�d h�reunder. . � • . - � �' � 3 0� Th� bonds s�±a? I. bear c1afi�,. ?�atu�:�ty� � and such ather ., details as � set out in �.'r�� � a�-��.Gh�d ��o �ic� o� sa].e .. .� . . � • � 4 a Th.e . ccazz��!c��, s�eT1� ne�t a�. �"�Q c�`ty %all. - on t�anday the � g day of Fe�ruary ,.1970'� �t� 8:OU a'cla�k P.��l. for� the purpose aL reG�� v_�,�g a�xci consic�„�rx��a i�ids fox� said bvnds and taking such action as may �� 7°wqu� re� t� �z�ec� �nz sale oi sa�.d bands. • The City Manage� sr..al1 �aus� ro�ice �o �a c�-,�v�. c�� such sale as required by law, w'zic� s��l�. s��tp t��� the �i=cv Mrzl_1 -`u�nish bor_as .and approvi?^.g legaZ 0�77.2110P_ Qi M@SS?°� ..�,�Fa;Tc?°8 F L��� �� ��Pc�..l"S02'Z � G1 F�3�':1.8I1 c1T1C�. Dra�az and shall reQUire a c�ac�d iai:� chec:� s:n �..: � arlour�� of 2 0 of th.e par value. . . �� ' . 5 � Thi.s �-e�a�.u��? �?� �Pial_ r �;� ��?��? ;' �`�e� �`n :�ii7.l in '�he otficia:i_ � ne�•rspaper bu� sha? I ta:s� c������. ��e �-�. ^�;��,;�ge.F . . - ."°°, Mayar . : Attest: . C�. �y Cle� { . T�.e n.o�ian Lor t'2e adop�:.i�n o_ �.-�e foregoi.ng xeso?ution tsas ' � duly second�d b Co�nci:L�-:�az Y ^, and upon vote bzing taken � � �hereon, the folloti,ri� g vot�d AY�; and the follo:ving vo�e� PiO: V�hereupon said reso?u�?on �•ras declared duly passed and adopted. � � � ' • . � . ' � � . � g - 1. . : . Member � introduced th� fol7owing resolution and I� }moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOfJ N0. 1976 . RESOLUTION RETAINING THE SERVICES GF EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC., :� , FINANCIAL CONSULTAt�TS, F�R THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FIiND BOND � �- PROJECT OF THE CITY. BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of Fridley, Minnesota as follows: � . . . The firm of Ehlers and Associates, Ince is hereby employ�d as financzal consultants for the sp�cial assessmEnt funci bonci project of the Gity� � r and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter inta a contract with said firm as outlined in the written praposal submit�ed to the Council� . _ , . . ' _ - . � - _ � The motion for the adoption af the foregaing resolution was`ciuiy secon��d ,� by Member an� upon a uot�.bein� i.aken, �he foliawing members��oted in favor th�reofo � , � . ' and the following voted agai�ns� th� same� . � whereu on said �e _ . p solution �rras cfecldred passed and ado�ted. . � . . � . - � � � : � : . � ' . „ � � . �1 � . I � ' . . � 1 �� . � � � . i. � . . . � Member �i�troduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTiON N0. 1976 � � RESOLU7Ia�! APPLYIP�G FOR R MDODY`S INV�Si"�RS SERVICE BUND RATING FOR A�1,.550,000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FfJNB BON� ISSUt OF THE CITY. �1HEREAS It is hereby found and d�termir�ed that it.is in the best interests of the city that the Council obtain a rat�ng from P400dy's Tnvestors Service on a$1,550,000 speciai assessment fund bond issue of �he cityy . PJOW THER�FORE BE IT RFSOLVED By th� �ity Council of Fridley, Minn�so�a as follows: The Ci ty of ��idl ey, P�li r-EriESat� wi �� aFp�,y �or a f�loady's Inves�ors Servi ce bar�d .ratiny �fur° i� 5$1, 550,GOG spec: �al assessn�e�� fiund t�or�c� i ssue, an�i th� � City t�lanager is h�reby uuti�orize� and dirP�-ted to ent�r into a cQntraci with said ��rrn as �utlin�d �n the <<,�ritten ac�r�en��n� forr�� submit�:ed to�the Council Q � � Th� motion �or �he adoption of ��e fore�o;ng resaiution was du7y seconded by i.�ember . � ancl� upon a vate bei ng �aken Y the fol 1 owi ng members voted irt f�vor thereof• - �nd the follow�r�g voted again�t ihe sam�o � whereu�on said resolu�ian was d�c�ia�°e� pas��c� �n� �dopted. � ESTIhiATES FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - JANUARY �.9, 1976 Smiih, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly Builders Exchange 6uilding Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for December, 1975 Weaver, Talle & Herricl< 316 East Main Street A.noka, Minnesota 55303 . For legal services rendered as City Attorney for December, 1975 $ 1,546.25 $ 1,259.60 �.l r�1Y - , 1 1 , TIt�IE tZECORD_ FOR DECE��iBER, 1975 PROSECUTIOP� WORK 1, Preparation, Travel and Time in Court for , 23 court cases, ll jury trials, and 1 pre- jury conference. ' 2. Investigation and Process of Complaints including office conferences., phone con- , �Ferences, corresnonde��ce and preparation of 25 Formal Complaints. ' 3. Court and Police Administration. , TOTAL , D 29 hours 45 minutes i2 hours 55 minute: 00 hours _00 minutes 42 hours 40 minutes , ATE � � � FORWARDED FROM LAST STA7EMENT , 1-07-76 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley. � December, 1975 Retainer. $1000.00 , . Secretarial Services 100.00 Time in excess of 30 hours 12 hours 4Q minutes 446.25 � � � C��C�.:'Ct? Ur:�"�i� ���!�;�.1�'�:,-i G��� ;U1"✓ i�it L f�?t;`. ' � ' . , � ;�Ct GUi"� c• :i � ? it-:" � � `: ��•:i ��� �i '.;l:t�. (f.'t)I i1Ci Ti .��i��'i 1. �ii:;:, ,.��CII j�i�iC: �'�� !; ' .. �'�r'Y;.k' .� _ , .._51 i ]i,l�r-�Gf L!c�;' _ (lt �' �� ' SMITH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, HASKVITZ nND CASSERLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW - �.: n, ior . L , ' � , . � 9ALANCE $1000.00 $1100.00 $1546.25 1l A - - _ _... _. :., ._._ _ ._ _ _ _ , ` . x , ( • , � Y „� ' l 1B � .. � . . � LAW OFFICES , WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK INVOICE N° 349 MARlES R. WEAVER ERMAN L. TALLE �16EASTMAINSTREET IRGIL C: HERRICK ANOKA,MINNESOTA55�0� RORERT MUNNS . . ��1541) � ' � �� IILIAM K. GOODRiCH � � � - " HOMASA:GE�DE EFFREY P. MICKEN � . � - � � . � � . Januaxy 15 , 19'76 ' � � CITY OF FRIDLEY • � . � ' December Retainer $1,OOQ.00 Cotmcil Meeting 10 hours ' Staff Meeting 3 hours Conference with administratian 7 �our� Memos and Lega.I rese�z�°ch 6�c�ur� ' Charter Cenunission 2 �.c��s 2� h.�uzs Distri.ct Court -� Answer ta Compl�,�nt 1;50 � 00 Re : Erickson �rs . I'ra�dley '. Secretarial.I:�lowan�e �.OG.00 Expense Advances: , � �Xerox copies 9.60 TOTAL . . o o . . . . . . .�125�. � IVCH ' � � . : :: .:� . : _ ._ .. .. . . ' � � � . . � . • •_ . ' � . � � � - ' ' , . . . _ . . �. . CONTRACTOR'S LIC�NS�S TO BE APPF20V�D BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1976 . � GENERAL CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY Heritage Builders 409 Maple Avenue N.E. Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55432 By: Frank Daughenbaugh Jr. Com. Dev. Adm. J. K. H. Construction Co., Inc. 707 Oakridge Road Darrel Clark Hopkins, Mn. 55343 By: Jefferson K. Holle Com. Dev. Adm. Sieco Construction • 2715 - 25th Street East Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55406 B��: U7ayne Siewert Com. Dev. Adm. HEATING Carlson Store Fixture Co. 137 East Island Avenue William Sandin Minneapolis, Mn. 55401 By; Bernard Her�mann Plbg. Htg. Insp. SIGN ERECTORS Gold Medal Beverage Company 553 North Fairview Avenue Darrel Clark St. Paul, Mn. 55104 By: Arthur Margot Com. Dev. Adm. Lawrence Signs Inc. 945 Pierce Butler Route Darrel Clark St. Paul, Mn. 55104 By: Mike Gifford Com. Dev. Adm. Leroy Signs, Inc. 6325 Welcome Avenue North Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55429 By: LeRoy Reite.r Com. Dev. Adm. Midway Sign Company, Inc. 444 North Prior Avenue Darrel Clark St. Paul, Mn. 55104 By: Arthur Kruse Com. Dev. Adm. Naegele Outdoor Adve�tising Co.. � 1700 West 78th Street Darrel Clark Minneapalis, Mn. 55423 By: H. A. Bar�olome • Com. Dev. Adm. Nordquist Sign Company, Inc. 322 West Lake Street Darrel Clark Minneapolis, Mn. 55408 By: Richard A. Nordquist Jrw Com. Dev. Adm. �. .