02/02/1976 - 5439HELEN FAGIN SECRETARY TO THE CITY COUNCIL RECULAR COUNCIL P1EETIRlG FEBRUARY 2, 1976 � ME!�10 70: DE('ARTMENT tlEADS - Foll�win� are the "ACTIONS t�EEDED" by the Administration. Answers should be back in i:he Cit,y Manager's offi.ce by Wednesda,y�, February 11, 1976 � � � ^ _ I FRIDLtY CITY COI.►N(;IL REGUL�R MCETIiVG FFBRUARti' 2, 1976 7:50 P,(�I, PLEDCE OF ALLEGI�i'��i, �:30 �.M. ROLL CALL: A� 7 Present � AP�R�VAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, �AivUARY I9, 1976 Approved as submitted. ADOFT I ON OF AGEI'�DA : Public GJorlcs Director requested addition af discussion on Roof Sians for the ' Shorewood Shop�ing Center. I` Agencia adopted as am�nded. . �PEiV FGRUi1, VISI�OR,S: I' , �COf`1SIDERATiOi� OF ITEMS NOT QN AGENDA — iS MINUTES) Ed Dunn of i;ize F•riciley's 49'ers Bicentenn�ai Committee, invited the staff and Council to a mee�ting Sat.Feb.7, 1976 at 9:00 a.m. at the Fridley Jr. High. He I� � presented Council tickets and brochures relatinq to tne Town Meetinn. Jim Lar�nenfela �resei��ed t�oi�orar•y certificates to �i�e Council and City ,Attorney, Vigil f�errick ard Dari Nuff, for t�eir donation to tne Is'ands of Peace. Pat arennan of' the Leanue of Women Voter's renuested the Council consider a '' Pracla�7iation of Susan f's. Anthony's Uav as Februa►��� 15, 1976. This day is the 156th ariniv��sary of the birth of Susan B. Anti�or,y, the famous suffra�ist. It also mar�:s the 56ti� anniversary of their orcranization. She submitted a Resolution "Pr�clamation of Siasan �. A��thony's Day". F1otion was made b,y Counc�l �o accept � the R4s�lution. .1.ITY M�NAGrN AC��ION 7AKEN� A capy of the Proclamat�ion h�s Geer� given to the Fridley Sun. I � - . � i'. 1 ' , , GINEERING i � ' ENGI(VEERING � I ' , REGt�LAR �Y�EETIi��, FEBRIiAt�Y �, 1976 NEW �USTiVESS: _ .. . PAGE 2 REC�.IVING THE MTNUTE� OF TNE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIf�G oF .JANUARY �l, ].976, , , . , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 - 1 ss GIPy�Fi�iNG i� CONSIDERATIOiV OF APPEAL.S CONiMISSI0IV I'"iINUTES �DF �ANUARY 21� 1976, , ., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i� - �F A� ROTTLUND CO � I NC „ 16�� CAMELOT LANE N, E� �� 1A - 1 B& l F APPEAL�COM�f �SSION R�COMMENI?ATIO�: APPROVAL �-OIiNGIL ACi"IO(� REQUTRED; CONSI�ERI�TION.-OF � RECOMMENDATION Motion rraas made to approve the variance for a side yard setback from 5' to 4', to allow construction of a house and aaraqe, as recommen�ed by A�peals Cor�mission. ACTION NEEDED: Ir�form applicant of approval � Z� LEROY HALUPTZOK: ZONING ORDINAPdCE AMENDMENT �ZOA #75-07, 124� 732 AVENUE i�,E, , , , , , , , , , 1K - 1(V PLANNING COMMISSION kECOMMEND�.�"ION; APPROVAL . WITH STIPULATIOIV COU C I ACTION REQUIRED: SET PI.B LIC HEARING t�{otion was made to set a Public Nearing for P�arch 8, 1976. ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public t�earing 3� LEROY HALUPTZOK: SPECIAL USE �ERi�IT SP ���-ZJ, 1�40 73� AVENUE �� , E � , � , , , , . , . ` . , , , - � N - lo ��.�NG C�MMIS�ION RECQ(�'1�t pl�.LIOl�I� APPROVAL �,�!}.[�CIL_�CTIOiV RE�t�TR.E.12: TAB�.E Ufi1TIL REZONING C�Jh1PLETED Tabi ed unti 1 the rezoni na � s compl ete;! at the P•larch � Publ ic Hea.ri n�, ACTION NEEDED: aring back to City Council yvhen rezoning completed. I���< ,-,� � � , E INEERING ' � ' _ -IPiEERING CITY MANP,GtR ' � � � Ft JANCE , FINAhCE� I�� � � i � P,EGULAR �(E�TI�VG, FEBRUAR�' 2, 1976 i���a BUS I fJESS (CoNT z Nu�D) . .. PAGE 4 CONSIDERATTO�! OF APPCITNTMCNTS 7b THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND OTHER ADV I SORY BOD I ES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' 4 - 4 D Motion was made to table this item until the meeting of Feb. 23, 1976. It was sugqested by r1ayar Nee that the City advertise �hru news r�edia's that we are tal<ing applications for these vacancies. ACTION NEEDED: Adveriise opportunities available to interested citizens to be on C�ity Commissions. Advertise in°Fridley Sun (Paul Gustafson has said he will do,a story on it); Cable TV and Radio (as many times as possible before th� meeting of the 23rd; and on the bulletin board. RECEIVING RESIGNATION - COMMISSI�N �`�EMBER� � . � � � � � � � 5 Motion was made to receive the letter of r�siqr�ation. ACTION NE.EDEU: Add tiiis vacancy to the list of appointments to be made. ACTION NEEDEB; Prepare Certificate of Appreciation. �LAIMS � � � � � � o � � � � � � e � � � � � � � � � � � � . 6 Approved as submitted: 13307-134�36 ACTION i�EEDEC: Pay claims as approved ��c��s�s, , � , . , , . . , . , , . � , � , � , , � . . , , , 7 - 7 A Approved as subn�� tted . ACTIOPd NEEDED: Issue licenses as approved I ,. � 1 /1 . ' FINANCE , , �� , ' ' ' ENGINEERING � ' REGULAR MEETIN�, FEBRUARY 2, 1976 COI�NiJC� I CAT I OftiS ; .. .. .. ... PAGE 5 TO CITti' COUNCIL FROM FIN�NCE DIRECTOR RE: TYPEWRITER FOR S,A, C.f�, Motion was made to rece�ve the memo and a�iprove the ioan of the typeu�riter to S.A.C.A. ACT10N NEEDED: Inform S.A.C.A. of Council`s decision �. ROOF SI�NS FOR SHOREWOOD SHOPPING CENTER: P10TIOPd by Councilman Starwalt to a17ow roof sinns to be inst�lled at the Shorewcod 5hopping Cen�er as per the City Ordinanc�. In effect, to remove tha� �reviously established 7imit and conform ta the City Code. Secor,c;ed by Councilman Hamernik. ACTTON NEEDcD: Inform Mr. Saliterman of Council action AD��RN: 9:40 P.M. R�ECONUENED: 9:45 P.M. DISCUSSION ON PURCHASING FLO�JERS FOR FOR�1ER C�UNCTZ�%iEri6ERS: MOTION was made by Councilman F-itzpatrick, seconded by Councilman Hamernik � authorizinQ thp purchase of flowers for the former Courcilman, Glen Thompson in behalf of the Ciiy Council. Aiso, to establish a policy whereby flowers are automatically sent to former counc�lpersons in behalf af the City Cou��cil. ___ Y MP,NAGER ACTION NEEDED: Make note of policy established by City Council � ' � ' ADJOURNtD: 9:55 P.P�i. � - - � - - � - � � � �� ���v un a�ncc■� �.o., .n . ..... , . .... . �. . 7 r �� ` � jt' ,�..a-! � �� �:..�°`� .' .I.L , 7f': . �!v _ ��`,�.t„e. . �� .. � `,l... ' . �. 4 �'' rit�u�''1�1 - � �� � �� The League of �Yamen Voters of the United States ' � � ' Il � � I_� , ' �II� � , This is NOT goin� on DPti January 7, 197G � T0: StaCe and Local League Presidents 0 �'ROM: Carol Toussaint, Public Relations Chairman RE: Susan B. Anthony`s Birthday and the continued fight for ERA February ]:5, 1976 marks the 156th anniversary of the birth cf Susan B. Anthor_j,, the famous suffragist. As you know, it will also mark our 56th anniversary as an or�anization. . In li�;ht o.f these events and the continued fight to gain ratification of ERA, we have sent a letter to President �ord asking him to proclaim February 15, national Susan B. Anthony Day. We believe that this might also be an opportune time for the Statie League to issue a statement requesting the Governor to do the same, reminding him that the f i�ht for equality is still going on. In some axeas, the League or other organiza- tions have asked their legislators to issue such a proclamation in the past. But few have requested the Governor to take such action. To help you in your PR efforts, we are providing you with a sample press release and a sample proclamation which you may want to modify to suit your needs. Please feel free to issue your press release whenever you wish. Loca1 Leagues may also want to take action in this matter by makin�; the same request of their Mayor or City Council and by issuing a press release as �aell. We are hopeful that President Ford �aill respond to our request by issuing such a proclamation, Certainly it �aould strengthen our efforts if we are able to enlist the support of Governors, Mayors and City Councilmen around the country and to have them acknowledge Chat not only was Susan B. Anthony and her worlc vital to American life, but that equality for all is a principle which the3r supporC and others should too. # �� �� �I � ��- ^ . . � � . ���` � Lea ue of Women Voters of the U.S. � � � 1730 M Street, N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20Q36 � i � � � � ' � � , � � PROCLAMATION OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY DAY WHEREAS, February 15 is the anniversary of the birth of Susan�B. Anthony; and, WHEREAS, Susan Anthony served as a leader of�the woman suffrage movement for 55 years; and, WfdEREAS, the American ideals of equal rights were manif ested in the woman suffrage movement; and, WHEREAS, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution was necessary to guarantee to all American ��omen the privileges of suffrage which had been fought �or and won in some states but had not been extended to a7.1; and, . WHER�AS, the 19th Amendment, from its first introduction in 1878 to its final rati,fication in 1420 �aas lcnown as "the Anthor.y Amendment;"•and, WHEREAS, the commemoratiori of outstanding men and women in our history is an important part of our bicentennial celebration; THEREFORE: I, (Governer , Mayor , etc.), do hereby procZaim that February 15, 1976 shall be honored as Susan B. Anthony Day, in remembrance of the pre-eminent leader of the �ooman suffrage movement. r .,� � , f��DLCY C� �Y �Q�;f�CI� �- �EGi1L�iR MEETIi�G -- ��BRUARY 2, 1976 � 7:30 P,�f�ia I ��_���E Q�- ��_��G��►���: � N ROLL CALL: � -- 1 APPROVAL OF i� I i� UTES : 1 .__ ___.��.�. ' �'�GtiLAR MEET I I�G, vANUAP.Y i�, �..��a%�i ' . ' a��JPT l ��ti Qi= ������?Pr � ' �_._�- 1 1 � GPE� �OR�l�1, V I S I TCR� : , �_._..._.__ rCa�vsr���tlTZGa��� a� ITCMS �oT U� ,�G�r�D� - 15 P1i�vurES) � 1 - � � 1 � � f�EGULA� M�ETIfJG, FEBR�iA�Y 2,� 1976 (�ELJ BUS I yESS : . . _ Pa�E z REC�IVING THE MINGT�S OF THE PLANPJIf�G COh�P�ISSION MEETING a � OF .�ANUARY Zl. 1�/� � � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � . � � . � 1 I. �� ' � � I � 1� CQNSIDERATION OF APPEALS COMMISSION I'�IIVUTES OF �AVUARY 21, 1�76, , ,. , � , , � , , , �, . , , , . A � ROTTLtJND �0 � 1 �C � , 16��. �AMEL.OT �ANE N , E � � � �PP�ALS COMMISS'0 R COMM��D_,�.,._T.�_0�: AF'PRQVAL �OUNCYL At:-fI0 R�.CUIRED: COi�iSIDtRaTIGN Gr RECOMMEND�iION lA — 1 F lA-1B&1F 2s L�RoY N/�LUPTZOf:: ZCNING GRDINANCE �1MENDMENT L�� �r��—Q�� 124a 73 z �VENUE i'J � � � o � � � � � , , � 1K — 1N P{�.Af�aNII�� COMt�1TSSI0N RE�'�1'�T_�a�1: APPRQ�'AL WITH STTF�UL�TION COUNC I L�C7I O� �EQU T RED o SEi" PUBLI C HEAR I NG 3, �EROY {�AL,t1i�'17aiC: SPECIAL �SE PERh1IT SP #%5°Z9, a.��a �3 � p`���;�� r� r �. . . a , , ; . . , , � s . , _ _ _ _ �I�'r=`�i i .��?^�jj�ij�S_$�CN p.�('�M���ENDATIG'�: APPROVAI.. �i������_j�.�i��.; TABL.E JNT I L R�ZGN I NG Ct�MPi�ETEU 1N — iU � ,.�,�,,� .s _. REGULAR MEE i TidG, FEBRUARY 2, 19; G : . PAG� 3 �E�( BuS � �`�ESS CCONT T NUED) _ _ __.. P�a►vNING i3Oi�1MISSI0IV C`�1NUJJ..�S �COPJTIf�UED) �i� REED BECKLER; SP�CIAL USE PERMIT SP #75-30, 2�O �%TH �VENUE ��� E,� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � 1�0-- 1X PLANNING �OMMISSION �ECQMMENDATION: A�PROVE WITy STIPULATIONS COUNC I�. ACTI �N REQiJ I REl� : CONS TD�RATI ON OF RECOh1f�tEND— ATION RECEiVING THE MiNUTES OF TH� CHARTER COh1M.SSI�N M�ETING OF ��OVEMBER IS, 1�%� � � . . . < < , � . 1. ' '. � e � f � . . R Z — � C RECEIVING �IDS AND AWARDIi�G C�f�TRACT ��R �UBLIC Q'��"— D�Or2 %r��tRNttVG SIREN ANU iiVSTALLAI�ION CB�DS OPENED .�ANUARY Z3, 1976) , , , , . ,. e , , e , � . � . , . . , e , � 3 — 3 A . � RE6llLAR MEET I►VG, f=EBRUARY 2.; 1976 i�Et� BUS I f�ESS (CaNY i NuE�) . . : . . . , . . . . . PAG E 4 COf�SIDERATTON OF APPOTNTMENTS iQ THE PLANNING C�Mt�1ISSI0N AND OTHER RDV I SORY BOD I ES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' 4 �' � D RECEIVING RESIGNATION — �OMNIISSION ��lEMBER� � � . � � � � � � 5 0 CLAIMS, , � � e � � � , , � � , � � , � � � � � , . � � � . 6 , _ �. LI CCNSES , , . , e , � , , , , � . , ! , . . . , . . . . . , . 7 — 7 A � REGULAR f�EET�iVG. FEL'fZ�J/�i�Y 2,� 1.97b .. .. .. ....: .... .... ... PAGC 5 COMN'iU�d I CAT I OiVS ; � TO �ITY �OI;NCIL FROi�f FI1��tdCE �IRECTOR RE: TYPEl�dRITER FOR S,A,C.A� ,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,�,,,�,,,�,�.,,., „ ,,.,,,,,,,. 8 R�J�Uf�N . � ) '� 0 2G1 THE MINUTES QF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JANUARY 19, 1976 � 7he Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of �anuary 19, 19)6 was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Nee. �' ; ' E OF ALLEGIANCF: Ma or Nee welcomed those resent and invited them �o oin PLEDG y p � � i the Counci] in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ' , � : L: 0 i � i�,,�,, � i , � r� ( � ' � ' I �J � ROLL CALL: • MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Mayor Nee, Councilman Hamernik and Councilwoman Kukowski. MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUT[S: REGULAR MEETINU, JANUARY 5. 1976 Councilwoman Kukowski reouested a change in the minutes of January 5, 1976. . Page 5, paragraph 3, second line, change "a year" to "years". MOiION by Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the Minut:� of the Regular Meeting of January 5, 1975, as amended. Seconded by Councilman Starwali. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PU[iLIC HEARING t�1EETIPlG, JANUARY 12, 1976 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing . hteeting of January 12, 1976, as submitted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUt�1, VISITORS: Mayor �ee asked if there was anyone who wished to add�ess the Council during the Visitor's Section. 'fhere was no response. NEW BUSINESS: QRDINANCE #�608 - CONSIDERATION OF FIRS7 READING OF AN ORDINAPdCE �6Q8 FOR REZONING REQUEST, Z.ONI?dG ORDIPJ,qtdCE Af�1ENuP1ENT ZOA n75-06, BY UNION OIL COMPANY; 5695 HACKf1A The Public Works Director explained that this is a reauest to rezene a portion of the property� at 5695 Hackmann Avenue from the existing C1-S (local shoppir,g areas) to C-2 (general business areasj. This would make the zoning consistent witr the present ase which is a service statiorr. The service station was zoned properly at one time, and the zoning was changed. The present zoning does nat allotia for improvements to be made on the property, and they would not be able to rebuild. Mayor �dee asked if there are any questions pertaining to this request f�r re2oning, and there was no response. M'JTIOf� by Councilman Starwalt to ►vaive tne reading and adopt the first reading of Ordinance ;608.• Seconded by Councilman Hamerrik. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Hamernik voted aye, Councilv:oman Kukowski voted aye, Councilman Star«alt voted aye, Councilmar. Fi±�patrick vo±ed aye anc+ htayor Nee voted ay�. The mution carried unanimously. RECEIVI��6 TtiE DIINUTES_OF THE_PLANNING COMMISSIOtd h'�ETIP�G OF JANUARY 7, 1976 1. CQNSIDERATION OF APPEALS COMMISSION MEETIP�G M!NUT[S Of DECF.MBER 30, 1975 11. i�EAL�RS MFG. CO.. , 5130 M/1IN ST�2EFT. tdETAL COLD STOR{1GE E3UILU:i9G ! ' The Public a!orks Director explained that this is a rec�uest fron Jealers Dtanufacturing Con,pan_y, 5130 P9ain Street, to reduce the side yard setback fr�m 20 feet to 8 ieet to a�7orr for the canstruction ef a cold �torage building. � 0 i� •i } )_ `_. _ _ _ .._._._ ... . ,. ; . � 2f �, , , . � . : � � , �, ! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 1976 PAGE 2 � • ; t west of the existing structure. It should be noted that the main intent is � ' for storage of materials presently being stored outside. The existing structure is approximately five feet off the property line. The building was constructed prior to the zoning requirement which require twenty feet side yard be maintained. The Board of Appeals minutes stated that there were no objections by Reserve . Supply Company and Fullerton Metals to the variance request. �� ; � • The Public Works Director further stated that Mr. Goodwin was present to answer .� •� any questions we might have concerning the request, and that the Board of � Appeals did recommend approval. He said it should also be pointed out that the ' question was raised at the Qoard of App�als meeting as to whether or not this � cold storage building ►vould be visible from Main street, and the answer was that � it would not be visible because of its location. i The Public Works Director presented pictures of the property to the Council � and pointed out that it would be.very difficult for the pr�p�sed building ; to be seen from �4ain Street. t Mayor Nee asked Administration when they have a question such as this, do they talk with the Fire Department. . . The public Works Oirector said that the plans are reviewed and they do check with them. In this particular case they did not indicate there were any problems with access to the building as there is plenty of room on the sou�h side. .7he City Manager stated that the side yard requirement has been increased since , the construction of the existing building. He also said that the plans are re- viewed by the Fire Department, and if there are any problems, there definitely is a process whereby, if there are any problems, they would have to be corrected before they approve the plans. Mayor Nee said that unless there were any further questions, a motion would be `� , in order to concur with the Appeals Commission's recommendation. •; :MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and grant the variance request. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive the minutes of the planning commission meeting of' January 7, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �' •. Councilman Starwalt said that he does have a question on page 2J of the pianning , conmission minutes. He asked if he does not agree with a portion r;entioned in .the motion, would it be coming to the Council eventually for discussion. He further commented that he seems to think that a few people are pushing for what � he would consider lessor standards than he feels as a community we should consider . He said th<.t his thoughts pertaining to the wording for Goal �;2 would be "Provide �� � for and maintain, without discrimination, suitable conventional family orientated housing and living environments within the community". Mayor Nee suggested that this be brou9ht up at the conference meeting next week for the Council to discuss and be prepared on the whole spectrum. He told � Councilman Starwalt that it might be appropriate if he would address this at an �, early stage to speak to the planning conNiission, bearing in mind that it would ; come to the Councij for formal discussion eventually. j .; Mayor Nee further st�ted that the council could either start to express their- � selves at the commission level as a citizen and get a dialogue there, or save it for when it comes to the Council. He said he a�ould like to see the Council � members speak to the planning commissio� and get a playback there. He asked if ! anyone had any feelings on this subject. ( Councilman fttzpatrick said he believes it should be discussed at the conference meetiny. 1� `,.�.. ��� ,� . '"- � �' J � • � � _. , � ' ' LJ ' ' C�' ' �', ' � � � ' �� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIIVG dF JANUARY 19, 1976 --- -- _(� 2G3 I i PA6E 3 Mayor Nee stated that he aras impressed with the process, and that.he thought it was quite meaningful. He said he do2s feel that if we have a concern,it might be well to discuss it at the cornmission level first, and that this could be discussed in detail at the meeting next week and try to get all of our con- cerns on the table, whatever they may be. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF RESERV/1TION OF LIQUOR LICENSE - ROB[RT SCHROER: The City Manager explained that the City received a letter dated January 5, 1976 pertaining to this request and he was under the impressiQn that someone would be present tonight representing this request. Ne further commented that there are two choices, one to extend the reservation of a liquor license. There have been similar reauests which were extended. Or, if the Council would like some input from Mr. Schroer, it could be held over and we could request some representation at the next meeting. Mayor Nee said tha* his personal feeling is to extend the reservation of a liquor license. He said he realizes�that it is hard to raise capital. Councilman Starwalt said that it was not in his area, but that he felt that thn�: request was presented straight forward and the plans are very definitive, and that he would have no quarrel �vith the extension being granted. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked if it had to be approved before a ce�°tain time. The City Manager said that it was approved last year in January, and the request is just keeping F��ithin the one year. He pointed out that the request is merely to give an intent �o reserve a license, and not to grant a license. � M4TION by Councilman Hamernik to extend the time limit for one year for the reservation of a liquor license for Robert Schroer. Seconded by Council�,�oman "� Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion . , carried unanimously. CONSTDERATION OF E>tTEhlSION OF CIVIC CENTER SPACE LEASE 4JITH ANO'�:A COUNTY: The City Manager explained ±hat the City has an er.isting lease agreement that was signed a little over a year ago. He said that administration feels that.it is a reasonable cooperaiive agreement, and that the City can still make the space available to P,noka Coun*y at a remunerative fiyure in the agreement, so we are , recomrnending approval of this agreenent. � MOTIOI� by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the lease agreement between the � City of Fridley and Anoka CounLy ior rental of the County Courtroom and the � Probation Office until the end of .the 1976 fiscal year. Seconded by Councilman j Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. , Mayor Nee explained to the public that this is a consideration of an agreement tuith A.noka Co�nty thr�ugh WI17CIi they cempensate th� City for use of the Counci] Foom as a co�irt roo�� ar�d another room as a probation uffice. k'� are compensated at the rate af 55.00 per square foot, which comes to the City for rental from tlie County in the amount of b8,068.00 per year. � . COtVSIDERATI�t1 OF R[SO�UTION �'10-1976 AUTtiORIZItvG THE CtfAMGIt�G OF BUD6ET ,� A�PROP�t2�tATIONS W1TtIIN THE GENERAL FUidD: The finance Director explained that this Resolution would put a11 of the departments into line budgeta�ise. 4e said he be�ieved the significant factor is tihat r•evenue for• the year 1975 did extend expenditures by $40,000. This ' pariicular Resolution would take certain amounts of money out of reserve and allocate i� to departments. As a who]e, he said, the year 1975 did operate in ihe black., �layor fVee commen ted that this Resolution reduces the allocatior,s from some departir.ents where it was not used, and added them to other departments. i { i �� i i ..� � , �: . � .; .� a i' ,� r` i �3 �� �F � ---- , ..._ %� � 2.(i4 . � � , �. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY l9, 1976 � PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt Resolution �10-197G authorizing the changing of budget appropriations within'the general fund. Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Starwalt voted aye, Councilman Fitzpatrick voted aye, Mayor Nee voted aye, Councilman Hamernik voted aye, and Councilwoman.Kukowski voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. , . CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION �11-1976 AUTHORIZING THE CfiANGIN6 OF THE 1976 BUDGET PPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GEtJERA1 FUND� � ' The City �4anager explained that basically for 1976 the items have tentatively been approved to be expended. Fle said that administration was bringing this . Resolution in to keep 4t more current. This is the reason it is before the Council now. Mayor Nee said that he did not understand the beach stickers, and the City Manager explained that this is part of the appropriations for the bicentennial activities. This is the City's contribution to that activity. MOTION by Cour,,:itman Fitzpatrick to approve Resolution #i1-1976 authorizing the changing bf the 1976 budget appropriations within the general fund. 5econded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Hamernik voted aye, Counci]woman Kukowski voted aye, Counciiman Starwalt voted aye, Counciiman Fitz- patrick voted aye and Mayor Nee voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION #12-1976 - CONSIDERNTIOP! OF A RES�LUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF 1,550,000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND BONDS: The Finance Director explained that this Resolution would authorize the selling of permanent bonds io replace temporary 3 year special assessment bonds that the City has issued in prior years and has purchased itself, rather than being sold on the open market. One of the bond issues has run out and we will have more of the 3 year bonds ex- piring in 1976. The remainder expire in 1977. The $1,550,000 issue would finance the bulk of the financing needed for nine improvement projects. The original costs was $2,263,000. The difference between this �1,550,000 and $2,263,000 represents prepayments made on assessment projects. Part of the project was paid out of the City's current operatinq budget, if there was some so�atl amounts. Some of the actual installments have been made on these improve- ment projects. Some of these assessment roles were adopted one to three years ago. These roles were originally for ten year periods in the case of street assessments and ts��enty years for water and storm sewers. ?his represents no increase in assessments in any way, or in taxes. Financing has been provided in prior years for the projects that we are discussing now. This would merely re- place temporary bonds with permanent bonds. , Councilman Starwalt asked, in regard to the temporary bonds we issued, would it be right to call it a convenience to the City to have issued temporary bonds in that we have used our funds at some tax savings. The Finance Director.explained that this is part of it, the other part is that � if we had issued permanent bonds initially we may h�ve issued in the neighbor- hood o� some �2,OQ0,000 in permanent bonds, not knowing the immediate prepay- ' � ments of costs we would have had. By delaying it, we will issue a smaller � amount of permanent long term bonds. Councilman fitzpatrick asked if there was going to be a rating before the bonds dre issued, and the Finance Director explained that this is another item before the Council tonight, to authorize get;;ing the bond ratiny for this issue. ; Mr. Qob Ehlers, of Ehlers and Associates, Inc., addressed the C,ouncil. He spoke � af the problems in New York, and of the problems closer to home in St. Paul, # where the school �o4rd �vas attempCing to sell short term tax anticipation certi- ficates, and their rating was suspended on these bonds and also their rating of AA on their ionq term bonds. He explained that it is true, more often than not, the yields on tax �xem�± bonds are doti•rn in the first quarter of tl�e year, and it � seems to be following the pattern this year, We would like to have the bond � sale at the earliest possible time whi1e we have a favorable market. \.- Councilman Ilamernik asked, re�ardinn the redemption featurc, if �ve do receive some prcpayments from assessments, does the ten year period where we say we ! cannot redeem these until 19�6 have any effect. I . i , � . . �t _.J \. I s. :.� ! .-��. I � \. I ' .. , ' , � � � ,. . � �.� ' I , ; � : , ' I ' i . i ' � � ' , i i � ' � . , ; ' �� I ' � . i i ' ! � .� i � ' ; ' ' I 1� REGULkR COUNCIL MEET1�lG OF NOVENiBER i9, 1976 .__---------..._..'� i\ 1 � ": � 2G � � . � PAGE5 . .i. Mr. Ehlers explained that if we have too early a call, this would cause the interest rates to be higher. Under the Minnesota law and the Federal Arbitrars regulations this �vould mean that if interest rates improve eyen further, if you had waited, you may have been able to get a better rate. We may advance refund bonds before the maturity date as far ahead of tha± date as ten years. The City Attorney asked if this rating had ta be done each time the City has a bond issue as compared to a standing rate. Mr. Ehlers explained that each time a community issues bonds, it must reapply for a new rating. They ��rant to look at the new figures with the ne�a debt and make another judgment. Once having a rating and then selling the bonds and not gettinq the rating, they will simply derate all the bonds. Al1 of the Fridley bonds �vould be non-rated rrhich is a real disservice to those who have 9nvested in your bonds, because the value of theii° bonds is impaired by havinq it non-rated. However, if in a twelve month period, you again sell bonds, there ts some reduction in fees. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Ehlers if he raould tell the Council the effect of the rating as far as its broadening the market for bonds and its impact. Mr. Ehlers explained that when he first began working for the City in 1960 or 1961, the rating was BA - belov,� investment grade. Since then this rating has been raised in steps frorr� BA to BAA, which gets you into the lowest investment quality, to BAP.-1, A ane� more recently, A-1. This has a material effect on the bond saies and the interest costs that you pay. Roughly speaking, he said, the difference bet��reen a GAA (lowest investment grade) and a 6A (belovr investment grade), is 1/2% today. For each step up from that it reduces your interest costs at 10/100 to 15/100 of a percent. When ;�ou think in terms of millions of dollars of bor.d sales, that amounts to a lot of mon�y. �� MOTION by Councilaroman Kukowski to adopt Resolution #12-1976 providing for the � issuance and sale of $1,550,000 special assessment fund bonds. Seconded by , Counciiman Starwalt. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Fitzpatrick voted aye, Mayor Nee voted aye, Councilman Hamernik voted aye, Counciltvoman Kukotvski voted aye, and Councilman Starwalt voted aye. The motion carr?ed unanimously, RESOLUTION �13-1976 - CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RETAINING THE SERVICES OF �� J MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve Resolution �13-1976 to retain the services of Ehlers and Associates, Inc., as financial consultants for the special assessment fund bond project of the City. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice v�te, all voting aye, t�1ayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt said that he had a question. Ii� the accompanying packet from Ehlers and Associates, on page 3, 2nd paragraph from the bottom, where it indicates revenue bonds shall be increased by 200, my question is, when we say revenue bonds . would this be like industrial developmen� bonds. Mr. Ehlers replied that they would not, this would comprehend bonds issued for such things as the hospital �•�here the bonds are expected to be paid from hospital revenue or electric utilities, or gas works or water works. Industrial revenue bonds are a breed by themselves. They are s�ld on a different basis than mun:cipal bonds, whicFi go to competit�ve sales. Industrial revenue bonds almost always end up as a negotiated sale. Councilmar.. Starwalt asked Mr. Ehlers if he wou'd descr�ibe what he means when he talks about a hospital which a portion of the revenues would be tax derived. Mr. Ehlers explained that it could be a pure revenue hond where you issue bonds and you make a case that the hospital operations arid fees paid by paiients �aiil derive s�aff?cient cash flo~•r to pay pr�ncipal and interest an the bonds. This gets intu a much closer plannirg pi•ocess tfldll is involved in issuing a bond like ��e are talking about tonight. � � �—�— .� �' �iC J . � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEFTIN6 OF NOVEMQER 19, 1976 - ---- � Mayor Nee asked if this was still with a tax guarantee, and Mr. Ehlers said yes, however, to give an example, what we call a double barrel revenue bonds is to issue revenue bonds and say they will be paid from revenues and we will prove a case for that. Also, in some cases, we will place the full faith and credit of the municipality to the bonds. Al1 in all, he continued, it involves a much more complicated issue than a straight general obligation revenue bond. On a bor,d issue where are have the facts readily at hand, as your Firiance Director is able to furnish us, we. do not have to start digging oursel'ves, and this reduces our costs and ex- penses. RESOLUTION �14-1976 - COP�SIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIOtd APPLYING FOR A MOODY'S MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve Resolution '�14-1976 to �pply for a Moody's Investors Service Bond Rating for �1,550,OO1� special assessment fund bond issue for the City. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Flayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: No. 13095 - 13306 - General and Liquor PAGE 6 ; MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the claims as submitted. Seconded by Council�voman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de- clared the motion carried unanimously. ESTIMATES: Smith, Juster, Feikema, Haskvitz and Casserly . Builders Exchange Buiiding . Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for December, 1975 -$1,546.25 Weaver, Talle & Herrick • �. 316 East Main Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 For legal services rendered as City Attorney tor December, 1975 -$1,259.60 MOTION by Councilman Star�aalt to approve the estimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilvioman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • LICENSES: MOTION by Councilwonian Kukowski to approve licenses as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor �ee declared the motion carried unanimously. . . ' ISLANDS OF PEACE DISCUSSION: . Councilwoman Kukowski said that last Wednesday morning the members of the ' ] Board of Directors of the Islands of Peace and severaT members of tlie City Council went over to the Go�•enor's Office and presented him with a certificate of honorary ownership of one square inch of land from the Islands of Peace foundation. . � ; 1 ► � t. �� „ , , -� i I i i •� i �� REGULAR CQUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMQER 19, 1976 _—�:�. �� ZG7 PAGE 7 � ' Councilwoman Kukowski said that she would like to encourage, and make a motion, if possible, for the council members, in their own way, purchase one square inch uf land from the Island of Peace foundation. She explained that this would help them start on their long j�urney to pay off all debts. She said she feeis the City Council should get behind them and encourage the citizens with our contributipn and participation. This will definitely be a fantastic pro- ject in the end. Th� mfnimum �urchase price of land is �10.00, and they ivill accept any amount of money. She said she would like to make the mation that fhe City Council members purchase an honorary square inch of land from the lslands of Peace Foundation. . Mayor Nee said that the Council understands the sense in what Councilwoman Kukowski is saying, and that a motion would not be in order. ADJOURt�MENT : MOTION by Councilwoman Y.ukowski to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Co�mcilman Hamerrik. Upon a voice voi:e, all votiny aye, 1�1a;•�r idee deciarea the motion carried unanimously, and the Regular C�ity Cuuncii Meeting of January �9, 1976 adjourned at 8:15 P.P1. Respectfully submitted, �.��� ���� v He7en Fagin Secretary to the Councit Date Approved: William J. Nee Mayor !` �� � REGEIVII3� THE MINUTES OF THE PLAIvTN��NG CflI�1ISSI0N MEETING OI� JANUARY 21, 1976 Council Action Required: Appeals Commission MinuLes of JarLuary 13, 1976 � ' CTT1' OF�FRIDLFY TiiE MINiJT�S OF TIIE AL'PE11LS CODU4ISSION SUBCOMI�IITT�:� MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 1976 The meeting was called to order by �rairman Dr.igans at 7:40 P.D4. MEMB�RS PRESENT: Drigans, Gabel, I4ahlberq , MEMBERS ABS�NT: Y.er��er, Pler,iel O'PHERS PRESFNT: Howard Mattson, Planning Assistant, Ron Holden, Building ' Inspection Officer � � ' , MOTIOPd by Wahiberg, seconded by Gabel, to approve the minutes of the December 30, 1375 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Chairman Drigans explained tl:at the Council approved the changes in the variance procedure allowing the Board to have final action on the R-1 variance requests but that this pr.ocedur_e would not be legal until 15 days after publication of the ordinance which would be January 29th. He stated this next request would still follow ti*.e regular procedure of going to the Ci�y Council through the Planning Commission, and the applicant has been informed of this. ' 1. A REQUEST FCR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4, B4, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TIiF. SYDF YARD ADJOIN:LNG AN ATTACHED GARAGE FROM THE RE(1UIRED 5 FEET TO 4 FEET, TO AI�LOb9 THE CONSTRUCTION TO COYJTILIUE l�F A HOUSB AND GARAG�, LOCATED ON LOT 22, BLOCIC 2, HARRIS LAY.E ESTATES, THE SAME BEING 1651 CAMELOT LANE N.E. � FRIDLEY', MINN�SOTA. (REQUEST BY ROTTLUND CO.,.INC., P.O. BOY 320E32, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432.) � , MOTION by Ga';el, seconded by Wahlbcrg, to o�er. th� public hearing. Upon a voice �ote, all voting a.ye, the moti�n car•rie�. , Mr. David Rotter, Vice Presiden*� of Rottlund Coznpany, was present to present the requzst. A verifying survey of the fouridation was shown to the Board. t+Ir. Rotter explained the reason they need the variance is simply because they made a mistake which was discovered when the verifying survey was made. He � stateci that on ihis lot, they had run into bad soil that had to be excavated out and �.ushed. off ta the sicie . Iie said the bad soil is usually piled and then used t� backfill around the foundation. He explained that k�ecause of the piled � dirt, the concre�e rz4n took: the measurement �or th� placement of the house off fr_om the west property line which ended up with the garage l foot too close to the east �?roperry line and also the structure was cocked on the lot. Mrs. Wahlberg askea what th� side yarc� ^��easurement �.as on th2 west side and Mr. Rotter � said that from the �rorl�. of the str_uctu.re it was 17..75 feet and 12.52 feet on the back. • , Chaix7r,an Drigans asked i� the sail. c�nditior�s iz� this arez will warrant a lot of excavating a�id iilli.ng . h'ir. ttotter said in this pazticular area � t is hard to tell until you si.ar� digg�ng. He a dded that c.n this lot they ran into peat � and organic material and they had to excavate out approximately 14 feet deep and 4G feet wid.e.. �J ' �_ � Mr. N.attsori st.:itecl that under these circumstar.ces, t,ze staff feTL- it was quite feasible t_hat a mistaice ai a foot could. be made. . i 1 r� ; � � , � � i , � Page 2 The Minutes of the Ap�eals Carnmission Subcommittee Meeting of January 13, 1976 Chairrnan Drigans asked if th�re isn't some way that the City can control this type o� problem occurring as this has happened twice in the Ia,t month. Mr. riattsor. said if the variance was of a greater magnitude the Board coulc� have. the contractor move the structure to b� in compliance with the Code. Mr. Tom Turgeon, 1650 Camelot Lane, stated he lives across the street from this house, and he was worried that the houses would be getting too close ' togeth�.r which would block his view of th� lake. N`,rs. Wahlberg ask2d if the lot to the east is built on and Mr. Rotter said it was vacant. Mr. Turgeon said the way the lot line is stake� aut, it looks to him like the garage i� right on the line. He said if the lot tc the east was built on with the garage next to this lot line, the structures would only be 9 feet apart. Mrs. Wahlberg stated that for fire pur.poses, the City does not allow structures to be built too close together. Mrs..Gabel added that if the property owner of t'�e lot to the east wanted to build closer to the lot line than the Code required, he would have to ask for a variance and the surrounding property owners would be notifi�d. M07'ION i�y Wahlberg, seconaed by Gabel, to close zl-ie public he�ring. Up�n�a v�ice vote, there being no nays, �the motion carriec�. Chairman Brigans said the hardship is that the foundation is in, but he added this is only a minor variance and the Board has approved other varia:�ces of this type. He added that what cancerns him is that this is happening in this area. He felt the adr.iinistration should w�tch this area and to stress the i?np�:rtance of correct measurements. , , ' Mrs. Wahlberg said she felt that the administration sl^.ould check th� staking for tne footings, as if this is correct,, everything else will fall into place. Mr. Mattson said it is up to the co.ntractor ta check the measur�ments to make � su-re they mee-t the Code. He added th�t certain contr�cto.rs are watched�cleser than others but he added �hat t.h.e Rottlund Coml�an.� has not had this happen before. Mr. Molden stat�d tha-L- a hc�use can Y�e staked out 3 diff:erent times on a lot where soil conditions are found to be bad, and it would be almost � impossible for the staff to c�o out everytime to chec3� this plus gaing back for the footing ins�ection. L_ I , , , i ,� � MOTION by t,�ahlberg, seconded by Gabel, ta reccmmend approval of the variance -- for a side yard setback from 5 feet to 4 fnet, Lo allow t:he constr.uction of a house and aarage. Upon a voire vo�e, tliere being nc.� nays, the mot.ior. carried. 2. DISCUSSION ON OR.DIN�'�i7CT nC 06 Chairraan Drigans aslced if �he Colincil r.a� changed anythinq concerning the Appeal.s Comr.^,is:;ion ��rocedur.e oL:�er than action on Fc-1 variances. Mr. Ndattson said they had no� changed anything, they just added p�ragraph 2 under section 6.147 for cla.rification. .��s. 6daYitberg asked. wi:at was r,'�eant by sunparagr.aph A unde�- this p��ra.yraph w'zich r_ead "A. '.t'he pu�.lic: policy ti�na_:.h is ser.ved by ttie reqtairement," �-ir. Ma'�t<<on said t.hY.� i:7 �rh<�t the st.aff woulrl taor.k ou+�. Fie saic? it �>oula ��c ar: expianat.iai: of the re�:�uir�m�ni� o� tl:e Code and why th� City is r�qtai�irig it, for. exanple �.he 35 fnot setl;ack ar.d 4�hy the City requires 35 feet i.nstead of al.lowing tl�� no>>st�s t� i;e s`aggered. Fie said in cases where i.t can be s�:ecifi::a.l.ly deii.l.ed, tiie �taff will d�,al witY: i� as best as thny ca;�. Ghairman Drig=��is statac? tl�e Cuu;ici�. auded tliS.s sE.ction ta the ordina:fr.:.� but ti�ey never se��t thi_, adc3iti��r� back ta *-.he Cam.mis�1.0I1 to explain their intent :�•e�or.e �hey ap��roved the ordinance. i�c� ac�ded tt�at h:, felt this subparagraph is askir,g; 1.� ' � . ' , r � � �� The Minutes of the Appeal.s Commission Subcommittee Meeting of January 13, 1976 why is thn Code correct? Mrs. Wahl�erg 5aid maybe it means they want the Code defined as it pertains to each insta.nce. , Mrs. Wahlberg asked if under section 6.148 "Action of the Council", if that refers to anytime other than when thPre is a unanimous action by the Board: Chairman Drigans said Council action is only required on variances in .zonings other than R-1 or if there is a decision that is not unanimous. P9rs. tiaahlherg questioned if it would be considered an objection from a neighbor, if he simply did not like the variance, but did not have any valid reasons for disliking it. Mrs. Gabel said in_ that instance the Board would have to ask him if he wanted to go on record as objecting to it, and if he did, then the variance would have to go on to the Councii. 3. REVIEG4 OF THE PROPOSED FiOUSIPIG PLAN : Chairman Drigans said the Planning Commission has asked that its subcommittees review the proposed housing plan and submi.t their comments and recommendations back to them. Mr. �lattson said if the Board had any questions on the housing pl�n they saoul.d just have t.o put them in the min!.�tes as he d.idn't feel he knew. enough about the plan to answer them. ' ,Mrs. Wahlbex'g questioned, on page one, where it says, "A popula�tion growth rate of about 1,200 persons per Xear was anticipai�ed in 1975. This did not materialize due to several factors; 1- some major land use changes that were 1 expected have not come about." She asked what tnese chanqes were and will they still come about? a. c Chairman Drigans questianed, on pa.ge two, where it says,"---the proportion of �• resident�; 65 years old or more has rema�red r.elatively constant --. This fact runs contiary to expected changes in the population. zt may be due to several factors: a lack of convenient. low-cost housing for the elderly in Fridley;" � x'eadily avai�able medical and outpatient facilities; and convenient transportation." He said this is a very speculat9_ve statement as he felt the outpatient facilities at Unity was increa5ing with their new addition. Mrs. W�.hlberg said maybe the , statement meant specialized care f�r senior citizens was decreasing and she added that in the Metro area they do have specialized care centers that are generally located f�r the elderly. , � , ' . ' � , Chairman Drigans questioned, on page three, where it says, "Assuming a 7% increase per year over 1970 income ]_evels --." He asked where the labor stati�tic of 7o was got�e.z from. Mr. Mattson said by the footnote, this increase is suggested by the Metropolitan Council's staff. Mrs. 64ah�b�.rg stated �he Metro Council could have access to the wage increases frcm the federal level or� down from 1970 and they can Zook at the cost of living and wage increases and come up with an overall increase. Mr. Mattson said it would probably be an educated guess. Chairman Drigans noted that on page three it also points out that 250 households hav� incomes below the federally defined poverty levels with only 13 of these households in Z970 receiving some form of public assistance. Mrs. Gabel asked why tlie City doesn't inform them about programs to get help from. .Mrs. t^lahlbery saicl it �lso states tliat maybe they need to b� better informed. She said maybe tliey are infonned but just don't want help. She said she didn't know if it would be the City's responsibility to go to eacii nouse and tell them or not. Mrs. Gabel asked who is responsibie then, the City can't ignore them, they do exist. Mrs. �+lahlberg said she felt it would be the Count�y's responsibility as tltat is w?�cr.e they�would g�t the help from: Mr., Mattson said one oL- the .r.easoiis for {�he reorganization and renazning of the ccmntissions was to qei: more citi�.ens I4��>:_„r a. �J ' ' ' r ' ' , ' i_.] � - _ Page 4 The Minutes of the Appeals Co,�unission Subcommittee Meetinq of January 13, 19�6 1 D informed of and. involved with the problems in the City. Chairman Drigans stated that as he reads the housing plan, he nas to go half way through it before there is any mention of housing. He said the population is supplementary material to the plan but the information on housing should be in the froni�, tylrs. Wahlbery said, on pag� four, it states, "Housing is the largest �ingle use of land in Fridl.ey with 9, 418 dwellinq units . Approximately 34 0 of tlie City' s total land area is devoted to residential land uses with o�er 850 of this area now fully developed." She questioned what the total residential land use was in the City. •She said P.-1 zoning versus other zonings must be more than 34%. She also questioned Y:ow Fr.idley, as a City, has kept in line with other cities as far as what per.cent of land is used for residential and what percent is used for commercial & industrial. Mrs. Gabel qu�stioned if the 34o figure siated for residential land inc?udes the land zoned commercial but u.^ed as residential. Ghairman Dri_gans stated the Planning Commission is still reviewing ihis p.`:an but they started out vaith reviewing the Housing Goals and Objectives starting on page ].3. He said the Planning �'ommission felt the Goals and Objectives should precede the whole plan, and hc added a lot of the goals will be conciensed. Mrs. Wahlberg said sl�e found it interesting that the Metro Council wouZd place Fridley in a first priority area where 350 or less of the land is undeveloped wlien in effect they are saying this land has to be rezoned for low-cost housing. She also noted that on �age 8 two figures are missinq. Chairman Drigans asked i� the Metro Caunril is sa��ing that because i-h�s land is undevelaged, that that is where y�u have ta put ',�he low-ccst housing. Mrs. Wahlberg said it was a strange statemPnt to make because they don`t take into consideration whether th� community has an}r low-cost housing or not. Srxe said tlze two don't correlate. Chairman Drigans aske�' Yiow this plan was developed. Mr. Mattson said the City has 4 or 5 planning i_nterns that have warked on it. Chairman Drigans asked if they are sitting down and writi.ng ii: all or are they takinq all Lhe infor.nation fxom documents. Mr. M.attson said there has been a lot of reference material used. Mrs. Gabe1 said it seems lake the explanations have been left out for the statements that have been made. Chairnian Drigans said he =elt ir. 6 m�nths this will be an ontdated housing� plan ' because of all. the st�atistics interwoven into this r_eport. He said statistics are ni.ce if kept by �hemselves to be referred to but they d� nat m�ke � workable housing plan. , ' LJ ' � hlr.s. �Iahlberg ques�ioned how a street ir.iprovement project can cr�ate a whole neca attitude in a neighborhood that is sliding c�ownhil:l. Mrs. Gabel said she do�sn't teel that it woul_d help the at.ti�.ude in an oicler neighborhood and stated for an example the eiyde Pari� area wher_e �l-.here are houses but the land is zoned commerciaZ. Sne said i.he people do not kt?ew what is going to happen to the neighborhood and they don't want to invest their money in something they are not sure of. Mr. :-Iolder. stated he nas pe.rsonally see�z where property cwners have up�7racied their property af ter � new s�reet kias been pet in. F:n a�ded though that in tne Hyde Park area ther.e are a number c�f absentee landlords and it is post war coristruction and there is also a large concentration of children which mic�ht , ' Page 5 The Minut�s of the Appeals �ommission Subcommittee Meeting of January 13, 1976 �� all contxi.bute to the unkept a.ppear.ance of the neighborhaod. Mrs. Wahlberg said she couldn't see any concrete s�igg�stions in this plan besides building 200 - 300 subsidized hcusing units. She said fihere are no:suqgestions ,' , about how we do it or where we ao a.t, ancl then the question arises about should , we do it and in what manner. ' ' ' , ' Mrs. Gabel questioned whether the City is cheating our elderly as badly as this plan suqgests. Mrs. Wahlberg said she has long thought that the City should have a plan for senior citizen housing. She said she ieels there is a real need for it and she would rather see the GiLy address itself to that problem first. Nlrs. Gabel said if the figures are correct in the plan, it shows that the senior citizens should be thought of first. � Nlrs. Gabel asked if the Board can continue this housir.g ��1an or does a rec�mmendation have to be made at thi.s meetinq. Chairman Drigans said there has been some pressure to get the comments back to the Planning Commission because of the time sr.hedule for applying foi funding. He added that he ff�1t the pl�n needs more work on where we go and also it needs prioriti�s like the e��.3erly v�rsus ioc� income housing. : Mrs. Wahlberg said the Board can't neglect the idea that some parts of the City are deteriorating and �•�e neecl some kind of plan deveZcped to aid those people if they want it. She said we can't put all the eriphasis on one area and forget the others. Chairman Drigans stated the E3oard can review this'plan iurther and if there are additional questions or commer.ts to make, they, can be discussed at the next meeting. ADJOURD?MENT : The meetirg was adjour.ned by Chairman DriGans at 9:.30 P.M. Respectfu]_Iy submitted, ' � a ' -r _ MARY HII�'� Secr.etary ' ' IL� � a ' 0 tand alanning �pnd Svrvnyint� Sofis Tosting Civil Enginearing M�nicipaP fngineering Mortgage Si( f��-P/��/�� 6875 Highway No.65 N.E. V ( � • • � , ( Minneopotis, �"����i��l�i���i�l��j • ���• Minn. 55432 �� Telephcne 784-6066 �ngineers & SL11'V@y0i5 Areu Code b12 La�,n Survey i�r �-`� ..�.� ��_ ���f i �__���_ 0 � � l� �� 75.0 (�}� �3 � .u� � �,A�1Ei_�� (._Ah1r �. � , t � y��� I 1� � � , �L�-�' 2�, ��� �, . ����t� L��� ��-�� ��� . �na�sQ �ounty ; ihis is a tr�e ond correcP rsp.�se�tution of a survcy o( tF�c bounuaries of the land above described nnd of tfic lowtion o( oll buildings� iF ony� thercon� and oll visible rncrur.chmanfs, if c:ny, from or o� said land. This s�r�ey is made only in tonncction with a moNgoqe loan now being plt�crd on !hc �7rpF)l•rt�r and no liability is nssumed exc4pr Oo t6e holde. of such mort�aye or crny oahur interast acq�ired by the rr.oson ol svch mortgoge. !t is _ �ndorsto�! and o9�end no .mo.v�a**cv.rs !.• r. been plocsd 4or tF:c p�;rpo5e o( ettablishing lot lines or boundary curn�rs. Datad t�,i,�doy ofiii��}�__MA.0. 19� SUT3UR�Af� E�:C�Of�EEQt9�VG, INC, (� ' u ^ � � ..,..._ t/�c110T(L''s QYlll1?C1ff� � U�t/lfy PA`.�lT�f2/llS inbtn�p,� � tl ���x .52�.. JCA2' ��''i'b �. /1( i i Yt���.__._,4l U•-_* , IG PLI�NNING COf-1��1ISSIdN (�IEETING CALL TU URD�f't: �iTY OF FRID�EY JRNUARY 21, 1976 Chairman Narris ca;led the n�eet�ng to orc�er at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: PAGE 1 P1embers Preser�±: Srott= Qergman, Harris, 9'etersons Langenfeld Members f�bsent: Qrigan5 Others Present: �err�ld ��ardman, Ci�y P�anner Gauncilman t�Ja7t Stara�alt AGE,�DA MOTTOId bzi £,angenf_e1d, seconded by P��erson, te adopt an amended agenda whir.h deJ.et�s the Adminis�-rat�vc- Staff Repor�t for Burl.ington lJorthern because the petitioner_ t�ished to have this postponed, ard add an Administraiive Staff RepvrL- for hledtronic, Inc. and r.:�znutes of Lhe Parks & Recreation Commission. L�pon a voice vote, a�Z1 votina aye, tl�e am,endcd agEnda was adopted. Ai'PROI�E PL�1N���dG CQf��1ISSI0f� MIR�UTES: JAl�Uf1f�Y 7, 1976 h�OTIUN ��� Scoti, seconded by Berg�nan, that thE Planning Commission minutes of tl�e Jznuart� 7, 1976 ��eet.ing J�e approved as wrzi:ten. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot.zng ���e, ±:he rrioi.�nn carr�ed ununimo:is�Z��, RECEIVF APPEALS �OP1��ITSST01v MIr1UTES: JAf�<��1'?Y i35 1976 MOTIOiJ by Bergm�n, secor.ded by 1'eierson, that tt�e P.Zannir.g Conmission r�ccive the minutes of' r1�e Appeals Coinn7 ssion tr.eeting of . January 13, 1976. Chuirmari Harr-is said the Co�nprehensive ,iousing Pian had been discussed at this meeting, bu� there d�dn't seem tc� be any action taken. f��lr. Bc�ardn�an said ti�ei�e �r�as � schec!u1ed meefing o� the A�+peals Commiss�an on January 21, 1975, bu1: s� far the� e vaeren't any o�:her• ite���, for th is meetinq, so he didn't know i�f tliis Coir�missior� ��rouid meet again cn t�i� p;an. As ^1�°. Driyans �vasn''� �resent at this rneeting, he CGUldi7't ask him. If ti�ey did �neet a��ci make ar�y recomme��dutic�ns, tve wo�r � d try t:o have a r��gn �i:~aft vf t�at r��com,n�nc'a ��ior• � or �Che January 28th 4'lar,ninc Comn?issior� me��:ing. .• UYO�v A?�U�CF' VOTE, a1Z cYot:ir�a ar�e,. �he m�tio:i carrJ.ed unanimous.ii?. RECE?VE Cfl^�i�IUNITY CE1��(�LCPh1E�1T C�hi�IISSIOiV i�1I�dUi"ES: Jt^.NUARY 6� 197Ci h1r. Csergman sai�.+. the se;:orid ii;ei7t si��uld U� "Co►�tinued Discussion oi 3.2. i3eer G�°dir��zr:ce. 1�i01'rG;�� bci l�erqr�an, seco»dcd by Sr.ott , ti�at �he Plar.ning Ca:ri�:i�.JJ.LC�Y% r.eccive th� Corr�nU��a,t-y P.c�vc�lej�mc�nt mil�utcs �Y Lhe J�tnuary 6, 1976 meet�inq �is c�n,�:•n�7ed. _ f�ir. Sc�tt' said l.k�e N�m�a�� Resaurc��. �c�n»�;ission t�;,s still t��or�ir<<� o,i: tl�� ti.�orctiE�c� of �;lic �.2 l�eer Ord i;;aitice. iie t�sl;ea P9r. i�oard�nan t�,i.en tti i s a�us su��,�c�sed to co�nc� b��ck to ti�e P7arnin,y Cc��.�ri ,sion. Mr. t3aa��dman said tl�cre �-�a� iio s�� f � lH - P]anninc� Coi��mision Meeting - January 21, 1976 _ � Page 2 � ' ' ' . � tim� limit on this, as the Comprehensive Ffousing Plan was top priority at this time. . Chairman Harris sa.id he noted that the Comriunity Developn2ent Commission was going i:o set up a project committee for the sign ordinance. Mr� Qergn,an said this had been discussed at this meeting but they hav� since changed� their mind, The motion that �vas made at the January 20th meeting was that they recommend to the Pl�ni�ing �omm�ssion that i�ne -City /�dminis�:ration be asked to prepare a re�rritten sign ordinance, cov�ring the problems as they see them. Our reasoning for this vras tFiat the City Administration does not sit in with sub-comm�ttees, and sti�e 7��1t. ti�at a sub-committee would definitely need that type of guidance to even de�:ermine what the apparent proble!ns wouid seem to be. He said this would be in the minutes that the Planning Commission would receive at their nexi; meeting. Mr. Harris said then there wou�d be same action iaken on the sign ordinance. � Mr. Bergn�an said their reconmzendatian to the Pla miing Commission was what he had prev;ously stated. ' � � Mr. Langenfe1d said he thought it should be on record that the Planni��g Commission was not against signs as a group. The reason the billboards were handled the �•Yay they were was because they were trying to enforce the ordinance. 4ie said that he had heard ��umors that the Planning Cornrnission ���as totally against billboards and signs, and i:hat G,�as not true. iIPON A VOTCE VOTE, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried unanimossly. �tECEII�'E NUt�SAN RESJURC�S COP�i�iISSIOPd P�iINUTES: JAlVUARY 8, 1970 ' MOTION by Scott� seconded by �etersarl, that the Planning Co�-nmiss?on receive •the 73uman T<esources Conuni,sion minu�es of the January 8, I976 meetin�7. � hire Scott said he would like the Planning Commission to note the date af the meeting and the moi:ion made on Page 3 of these minutes, ��rhere we establisl�ed zhree awards to be aivard�cJ annuall;y to an ind�iv�dual in Frid?ey, � an organizat�on in Fridley, and a business insti�ution in Fridley. Ne said , �hat subsequently �I�e Coiumbia Heights Human Rights Commission passed a simiiar matio►�, at�d they got the pul�l �city. . , UPOIJ A voice vv�e, all votinq a�e, the motion carric�d unanzmously. . RCCETVE ENI�IRON1�1��1T�,L QU,�LITY COMMTSSION SPECTAL MEETING P�IINUTES: JANU/1RY 13, 197�� ' I ' , �i A1GT.Z�UN 1�� Z,�ncenze.l.cr, sec�nded by Scott�, th�t t�he Pl��nning Commission rece.i.ve tl�e M..11]U�:C?S of the Envi,��o�anental Quality Corruni.ssi.on's sp�cial meeting on Januar.y 13, 1976. t�1r. Scoti; sa�id �:�at on i;he first page of these miriates-on th� cli�cu�;ic�n - • on tf�e Co���p,�ellcn�ive 9icusir�g ('lan, the second paragraph, he would 'li�;e to ex.;�i�ess th� di smay of the Nu�nan Resaurces Comm�i ssi on at the �pparent sterotypi nn c? � l o�•� tncome �eople ��itf� cri�,�in�1 activities. This ��as cert.ainly noi� l�fll;illTl �i;I1E' ,�oais of -devclo;�ing hu�nan dicJnii;y. f�ir. I_ar,genfelc� saici tizis ��ras from the Fluman Resources poin+� of vic�4�r. h1r. 5cQi:t sa;d this w�s fi°om tl�e humar� point of vi�w. Mr. LangenTeld said lie res��ected �, . . � i� ' -:. . � � ' � J ' ' ��annin Commission Meetin��- January 21, 1975 Pac�e 3 Mr. Scott's comn�ents, �ui: everyone c:ioesn't #:hink like Mr. Scott. lI Mr. Harris asked 1,1r. Scott ifi he i:ad noted the motion made on page :� of these n�inutes. P1r. 5cc�tt said he had, but he thought he had already �:�aae his point. Mr. Narris told Mr. LangFnfeid ihat �:here seemed to be s ane paradoxes in the motions �assed at i.his mee�:ing. He said tl�at ma,yb� he could explain some of them ta him. F{e said tk�a4 on pag� 3, the motian regar�d;ng Section 8 housing seems to be in conflict with the mo�ion an page 4, w��ere they accept the first housiny goal. � Mr. Langenfeld sai� the first motian was more an emphasis or� a strong mainienance cocie and tne last motion was just an agreemen� to the primary housing goal. � ' �r. Langenfeld said that he did th�nk Mr. Scott for his camments, because �i tivould m�;;:e peaple a��are that. they were mak��g pre� udicial statements, which was probably nat the7r ��tenfi when �:he stat�ment �fras made. �I UPON a voice voi:e, a13 voting aye, th� motion r.arried unanimously. RECEIVF PARY.S & R�CRFATION COf�1��iISSI�f� MINU�ES: C�C£h1QER 22, 1975 1d0•lION by Peterson, secanded by Bergman, that the 1�lanning Comtnission receive the minutes of the Decer�aer 22, 1975 mneting of the Parks & kecreation Commission. t�lr. �ete�°son sa : d E�e woul u,�ust 1 i k� �o c�17 � � tc; the attenti c�n of the P?annin, Commiss:or� i:hat the Parks & Recreai-ion Commission has beei� attra�ting, iarge cie�egatiors to th��r mee�ings �ately. Nfr. Scaj:t said 'n� t,fau�� like to'co��rnend Mx°. t�enry Peterson's statement on a bandst.and. He t"ougnt th�s was a super idea. He sa�id the Fine Arts Comiz�ittee was in ti�e procc�ss ofi assen�;blint� some tv-�e o� orchestrai �roup, and t�1r. Peterson m�y wan� t;o con�act tE�em tu ���1� in a fund raising effort. ' P�r. Petersan sai�+ that P1r. {ienry F'eters�n toak ihis p�opasal to the 4-9'er gt°oup, after meet�ing with the Par{;s & Recre�tion Con�mission, ar,d the 49'er's have adopt�d thi s as one a�� �:he�i r�r�ej�cts tt� rai se f�ar�ds . Ne sai d he woul d � t�ll i�lr. Pe1:c1rsan about. E��ir. S�at�c's suggestic�n, k-Ie said that t:he proposal �that Mr. Petersor7 had brouyi��: to -'tl��: Com���iss�;on ��as a very nice structure and would be a m�!1Li-p�.rposn ouil�iiz�n vrt��ich could be used for other things other than band concerts. h1r. Lanc����-�fel� asl;ed if this was aoing ta be located in the natui�al sanu du��^ ;�rea. P•5�~. P�at�rsc�n sa.i�i ���s �ti�as cne of �he sites ioof:e� at, bu�t staff favor� �� sii:e �an i;he �a�t side of ��icore l_ak�, Ncri.f� af tr�e beec�i area. Th�iS 4•JOU�t� tet�d to be for i.he b�:n�fi� o�-• those usirc� tf�e t�e��ch, bu� �ar enough awav Fz'om the road i:o get ai����,�� fr�,,� th� nc�ise situatian. The��e e��ere park benck�es and picnic tables and ti�e 4�'er's in cor�junction witf� �;he Lio;i's �,ro;�ld probdhl�r � want to make� 3 � e•rcn more af a fs�m�ly p�cnic area for band con;:erts, or plays, or tvhat ha��� ��cu. t�tr. f_angenfield sa�id the reason he ��ked 1;his question was because there E,ras alre<�d3� beir.� opp�;itior� fcr•i��ed �s to t!�e use o�` i;he sar�d dunc ar•ea fo►� this p��rp�o�:c�. ^1r. P��t:ers;�i�� sa?d t,h� Con;iri�s�;or �iad talked a�out tiie noi�e levei of' � t:P�r� cc;n���ri: i+s��lf, sr� irra�c p;c{��i, caulc� enjoy the hai�� concert or outcl�Q�� t�u�a��•e, or what�ver� c��s bei ;g E,reserlted, lhey were alsa concerned abaut ' � .' Plannin Commission Meetin�_ Januar 21, Z976 Pa�e 4 - J J. • having adequa�e parking and that there were the proper amount of ingresses and egresses.so it wouldn't cause a �rafific nrobiem. It was due to aii these cons�iderations ttlat staff felt the Moore Lake site was i;he best ciioice �t �his point in t�ime. � Mr. Scott said he would li�ce to see this uscd tor an annual orator's contest. t�ir. Peterson said he vlould like to m�k? one more ccmment. He said that the � � � Parks & Recre�tion Co�,un�ssion felt very bad�y when it has to turn down a committee sucri as had appeared before i�s asking for improvement in �;heir park. Somehow the � � stark reality of economic accounting and i:he_wishes and warts of the people do not alNrays come out to the same formula. This was the problem that �his Cornm;ssion � •' � was a7ways struggling with.• UPON a voice vot�, all.voting aye, the motion carriec7 unar.imot�sly. R.E�EIVE ADf�IINiSTRATi\�E S�iAFF REPORT: 6970 CE�dTRAL A1��ENUE N.E.,_I�1ETROPdIC, INC. IdOTIO�V :T�y Sco�t, secondea' by PeLcrsvn, that the PZanning Commission r�ceive , the Admznistraf�_ive Staff Report .fo.r I1�tronic, Inc, , 6970 Cc�ntral Avenue iJ.�.� . � ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REf'ORT 6y: P1e�tronic, Inc., b�7Q Central Avenue N.E. _ GENER/`,L DESCRIPTION� � - . 0 �. - This pe7,mit is �For ar add�tion on t?�e Sau�:h sicie ofi the t�;edtronic building to enc7o�e an opcn sp�ce area� This addi�tio7 4vi11 inc�°eas� their manufac�iuring area. 1'he aud�it�i��n ���i11 haVe a tir�icl; �x��eriar t��hici� w�ll match the existing building. � _ � ENGINEERIP�G: . - No �ngirec�ing prob?en,s are antic7pated. . . �NVIRO(vhiENTt1L: The Rice Creelc rdatershed �isi:�ict has r�evi���red the p1;{ns and h�ave r�o�ed r�a :i�gati��e �r���aci i'�(�om t.Fiis pr�oje��� Gansfiruct'ic��� ��;i11 t�f:c placc this tA:in�i�� a��d i}��� fro�er� gr�c��n� �c�r�cf�t;?�r� �d�i11 pi�ever�� the cre�f: ba,�ks i'rom collapsing, vrh�ici� ccu�lu hap��en au�rt7n;� sprii�� avidsun�»er consi:ruc�;�on. CtJ�LDI[ti� PERMIT STTPI�l�AT�OiVS: ; � � ��t�e. h . _ � 1�ir. Harris askPd wher� th7s additior; would be. Mr, L��oardr�un said it would be in tf�e back of the �uildiny on the Creek. He said �hey ha�. already gotten ihe a;provai of the Rice Crc�ek 4lat�rshe�. � � � Mr. Langenfeld said that under environmental, it states t:ha�L the constructiori would i;a►;e placc� this ��inter to prevc,ni; ii�L creek Uanks froin C01�1�15711c�. t,!liat wou��i S�apper� .if h},e c�round �,�as not froz�n? (�1r. Bo��rc+.n7an sa �d tl�c pui°po;e oi� ` ha��inq �l�e F�E�!�n�it issu�d at this tin�e. F!e sa�ici thi.y ��lill I��lade otf t:l�� snc��; sc� tl�e n;:�z,�;d �ti�r�11 5� frozen l��rd so thc�� can �;sc hc���y cquin^�^nt, anci th� er�tire pi,oject �vill t�e dc�nz �viTile the yr�;«r�d w�s froz:.�n. Mr. Langen���ald a�tied � .�,x,�.A,-.qy.w.i.� �� I 4� �..,,1.` . r �i � Plannin Co��nnission Mceting - January 21, 1976 � __Page 5_ i►� if this �a.nuld require any shorir��? Mr. Qoardman said it wouldn't require any� �r�or,e shor�ng t}�an they alreaciv have. Mr. Harris asked about the r�rainage in this are�. Mr. Qoardman said it would be the same as they have noa�. He ' said they hav u�nderyraund s�stem� for the clr�ain-ofi� now. . , ' Mr. L�nyenfeid asked if we always ac�epted tiae Findings of the Rice Creek Wai:ershed on developments such as ihis? f�1r. Baardman said that anyone ir� t�,e 4latershed District did r�ave to get a p�rmit from �:hem, but tney 'did � . n�t have the fi��al decision. The City could intervene if they disagreed wi�h the�r findings. � The Planning Commission had some question as to whether there was an appeal section in the rules and regulations of th� R�ce Creek Watershed District. They asked hir. Boardman to obl:ain r.opies of these rules and , : regulations and also far a map uf the YJutel�shed Cistrict. t�1r. �oardman said rie �iould do this. � � � � � . � , � UPOI� A VOIC'E VOTE,. AI�L V.02'I.NG AYE, the motion carraed unanimousl�. PU�LIC NEAl�Itv;: C�JNSI�ErATI�N OF A REZCNiN� REQUEST, ZOA �75-07, BY LERQY T. HALUPTZOY:� To rezane Lot i8, �locic,�, Central Vie�r I�ianor Addition, exc�pt th� East 125 feet thereof, from C-1S (local shopping �areas) to M-1 (lir,ht indus�rial areas), '�the sar�e be�ng 1240 73 1/2 - Avenue �l.E. - � Mr. John G. Bell, attorney representir�g Pfir. Haluptzok, was present. A.4C)`l'.TCN b� Sc�tt, second�d by Ber.gman, tna� �he P.Ianning Commissinn open the Puh?ic Hearir,y on rezoning regu�st, ZO.�1 r975-L�7, by T�roy T. Haluptzok. Upvn a vozce vote, all vciing aye, Chairmar, Harris capened �he Public Hearir.g at 8:30 P.N�. � N{r. Boardmai� sai d the gere-ral area wl�ere thi s property i � located al so had Cer,�ra1 /�uto Parts a�d i�ridley Auto Par�cs, This was an existing residpntia7 struciure �hdt �h�}� pr�pose to use for tne saie of �arts for antique a;�ios. Th°S� vrcuid t�e s�lli�tg a comUin��tion of usryd parts a�d �ew parts that are m�de for an��c{ue and ;,1ass�c a�tomobiles. �He said this property was presently zone� C-1S, and ir� c�rder �to operate v�hat we t�ave to classify as a �unk yard, �t has bc to rezoned to t�t-1. ) This 4vili ��iso need a Speciai Use Permit. � Th?r�e t��as ane probl�m that was noted af�er this request was made, and that was th�t Loi: l-i, filoc{. 2, Central Vie��y t�1anor, .��ill still be ��ned C-1S. T}i=is lot s��ould bc rezoned to ��i-1 also and ther? the entire block wouid have M-1 zot�inc� except the ��ast 125 feet af' Lot 1� ��i�ich will have to keep ti�e C-1S zon;ng � ec�use �.here �,ra�, a z�rvice siatior� on this property. This rezoninct � req�es� shoulci br, cr�-,tir�y°rii; u�on t_ot 17 bei��g r�zoned tc� M-1 aiso. Chair}i�an 6�arri� as�;ed i7ow big Lot i? was. Mr. Boardman said it was 50' by 19�4`. h1r:. Harris s�id �it wo«lcin't meet i.l�� reguirements for �n P1-1 zone ei �hc�r. Mr. k3aa ��d����� s�� i d that i f i t was the sa�ne zoni ng as ihe bal ar�ce of �►�e Liack, it cUUZc� fae co,nbined w�tl� otl�er p�°o�eriy, fdr. t3er;ir,.an as4:eci the zoning of the cf:her property in th�s area. h1r. . �Searclrna,� s«i:i the j:���o�;�rty to the South was zcneci M-1. Kitty corner frnni� th•i s�>, ,.�?er �y �t was zoned +'�1-2, and i:he pr�p�rty acr�oss the stree � on Cc.ntra � ;�vea�ue v�<�s zc�ncc? C�-2�. , � ` ; , ,� , ���� .; .. - I�i � � ���r � � � � � � �� � � � �J L_� � Plannin�Com mssion Meeting _ Januar 21 , 197G Paq� � ��- .Chairman Harris asked Mr. Qe11 if he knew wl�a owr�ed Lot 17. Mr. Be11 said he didn't. Mr. Qoardn�an said it was owned by.Jim Nalup2ok. P�r. Harris said �hey felt it a�ouici be good planning to request i;he owner of Lo� 17 to rezcre this iot froi� C-1S to M-� also, to make the zoning consistent; witj� i.he balance o�' the bloc{:. h1r. �el i said he didr't know the present use of tl�is property, but he would check this out witn his client. tir. Harris asked if there vrould be any disman�lir�g af automobiles on this properl;y. Mr. Seli said no. FIe said there 4ro�id be parts of dismani;led auto- mob�les stored on this prcperty, but they Urould be dismantled before they were bro�!ght �o this property. He said �:he smail parts wou1d all be inside but there would be some ou�s�dP storage of the large parts. i�1r. Langenfel d asked arhy thi s request was for �1-1 zoni ng? Mr. Qoardman said i.hat the nature of this business, which has io be termed a junk yard was only allo���ed in this zoning. He said zt would i�e allowed in M-2 also, but M-1 zoning vras more compatible w�th the residen�iai character of areas close to this prcperty. , M��. Langenfel�' asE;ed Mr. Bell what; he thought of. thP terminology of caliing this business a junk yard. Mr. Beil said that his client was ready to meet all the requirements of the zoning code and the special use permit, and while this would no� be a ji�nk yard, what was in a name? Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Bell how he wo�ld describe the aciivities that would be carried on on this property? Wouid you describe �t strictly as sal�s or would there be dismantling, or assembling or res�orafiion of automobiles. Wou�d there be metal machinQ work going on: Mr. Qell said there wou�d not be c�ismant�ing, there t�rould not be rzstoration, there woul d be no torches out cutti ng up p�rts , i t v��c�i�l d be sir � ctiy sal es . Ne said the parts would be dismantled berore they were brough� zo the property. Mr. Bergn�an s�id that anything that was brought ��o this praperty i-vo��ld bn in a sa�eabl� condition ti�en. Mr. Bell sai�.yes. Mr. Bergman then asked Mr. t3cardman if our Codc �x.c'uded this �ype aT sales frc:n a con��nerc�a � use. Mr. f3oardman said it did because ii had to be ca7led a junk yard, because of the outside stora�e of ��u-co p�rts. f�ir. 3ergman said i.here t�ere other commer~cial c��er��:i�ns th�t had outsid� ,�orage, so we t•aere making a partir..ular distitic�;ion �ec:a�;se tl�is was the oGts�de storage of au�� parts. Nir.-Q�ar•dman sai� he did�i'i see any ot}�er �vay o�= doing this because a ji�nk yar^d was r�o�; a7loweci in C-1S zonir��, �nly in M-1 and t�l-? zoni��g. ��1r. Langenfc�id said he c�idn't agtsee aritt� ����e j:�r�k Yar�i terminolo�y. He as(;ed f�Sr. [3ell wf�at span of years th�se ant�iqui .cuto parts 4roulei cover? h1r. Qell said that these would be for ant;que arid c�.��ssic auto,;,ol�iles.. Ne said he would iike to rave it sta�;�ci that i:hese wer� �arts for antique and ciassic cars becaus� all of ti��e �arts ��ou1d r�ot be ��r�i;irue. Son�n o� the,�� ,�rer� new narts for ����tiquc� and classie cars. Ne sa�ci becai�se tFe pa��ts �•rere for� classic car•s alao, h� really couldn't state �vhat would be tiie net�est yeaf, t.,°�cry ti���ld have n��rta f�o►°. Tiiese woulcJ gene��a71y L�e pre-iJcrlcl idar I� cars. ;t` �:;;�id tt�t�re m� c���t t�e so��;e i�rom ri yhi: ,�fter tl��� ��rar• 1 i ke an ccise i. kic �ai;� t.f��:c t�:. pei-sonally had f�ad a 55 Si;udf�uakei°, arid �iis sor� cle���n�� t�jai; a� a�.lacsryc. � �� . � . ,� .-�,.';�.v� . s ' � . ' F, � r `�v� .. � � Plannin� Commission Meetinq - January 21, 1976 � Page .7 ��'� � Mr. Boardman said that in response to Mr. Langenfeld's question on the terrninology af this business a� a junk yard, und�r cornmercial use, such as � service station; it does state that service stations are not allowed to siore on their property any uarecked, abandoned, �r junked autamobiles, or the sal�e or dzsplay for sa?e of used cars. Ne said that the Code defines junk yards as any plac� vaF�ere �wo or more moto�^ vehicles not �n running � condii;ion, or parts thereof, are stot°nd �n the c�en and are no� bei��g restored to operation, or any land, 1��i7ding or structure �.�sed for wrc-cking or storirrg or such motor vericles or p�rts thereof; anci �nclud�ng any rarm .� uehicles or farrn machinery, or parts �hereof, stored in the open and not beiny restored to operating condition; and including the comn:erciai saivaging and . scavenging of �any other go�d, articles o�° merchandise. Mr. Langenfeld and P�r. Qergn7an said th�t made it quite clear that this operatian s�JO��d have to be classified as a junk yard. Chairrr�an f(arris said this should pt�oUably have been discussed when we � . w°re considering the Special Usc� Permit. Ha said that if the Planni��g ComEn�iss�ion should �~c� mmend approva� of th� rezon��?, an� snAcial usP rPquest, tney wou�d � have to be ca;�e�i�i so that this opei�ati�n stayed the same as they wzre statir.g at this meeiing, or we could end up with another junk yard opera��on in the � fu1lest sense. This could b� f�andled with s�ipulations on the �peciai Use Permit. �' , Chairman Narris asked if the existing house wou�d be torn down. Mr. . Be71 said no, there would be shelving put �n, but ?t t�rill be used pretiy muci� as it was. Mr. 8oardman said r�e had �::Gaple of ques�ions. He said th�s �house ����ul�i have tn remoaeled i;o th� extent �o make it access�ible to the - : han�i capped . It wi 7 7 have �o m�et t;l�e State �ui l di ng Code, Cha�i;er• 55, far iF�e the handicapped. He said they would�7`� f�ave to }�ut in resiroom faciiities for the handicapped, but they weuid have to pu.t in a ranp, 7" �n 20 ft., � and the doors wil�l have �o be 3'1" wide. H? said tna�� the typ� of stor�ge tF►ey would have in this house rniglrt �e t�o heavy�a load for the floor struc�:��r�e � of a residential buil�ir;g. Mr. �e�l s�;id tha� whatever Mr. Haiunt;ok had to do to meet the �odes would be done. Ne.said there would be a soiicl ��rood t3' . fence. Mr. Boardman sa�d the sto��age of material co«1d be no great�r than 6'. t�fr. Harris said there was a�ar4:;��� lot to f�e put in in Boardman sai d they wou? d be al � c��1ec� zo c�o w � tr fi ve parki ng time, wi�h roo��� for fiv� niore �ii� �h�y s{io�.�ld �e needed. the front. h�r, stal l � a-t thi s MOT10N b� Peterson, se.r_onded �7i,1 B�1'�man, iha� the Planr-�ing Commiss.z.on r..tose the Public iiear.ing an rezoni,��j s•egi2esi:, 70A ;i75-07, by Lercry T. tla.7.uptzok, lip,>.n a voice vote, all vot_ing a?�e; Cha�:rn�az� I�az�r:is declared tlze I�ublic Heari.nq clos�d at 9:OU �.Me MOT1"ON by Petcr.sor7, secor�ded Ly Sco��t, t11at the PlanniJig Carruni.ssion r_ecc:�r2men� to Counci.� a�proval of t:ie r��zc�n�_xiy rcc,uest�, ZOA ��7 �--07, by Lexoy '1'. Ha1.up�zok, to rezone Lot 18, ?31ock ?., CF�1��x'a1 Va���c✓ t�i3770.Z' I1dC�1.t]_Gl�� excc�pt� tl�e E��st .t2a feet: f:]�e�:•�of, fr.°orn C'--I5 (1ocal sh��,l�zr:q al�_�<:V�, i.�� M-.i (1.iqht industr.ial �rr.�.�r) ,�h�^ same bcing 1240 73 1/7. Aver.uc> N.1�;. �+rit1� t:he st.i.�u.l.atian th�t: aj��?Zication br� m:*cie � ta x'eronc� .Loi 1.7, 13ZC�c3: 2, C.'enf:a.��.t t%:i.r_�c,% 1�1�nc�T. , fr.c�rn C-lS to DS•-1. a?so. UF'GIV �� voice vot�, a.i1 v�tin� ai�e, t?�e nroi:i�ir� r.uz�_r.r.c�d zznar�imou� 11). Mr. �iergn;an s�a�i�i �fza� h��� ���t,i r,c �h,j�{:3,�nr� to tFiis pro��erty I>��in���; ;���r.�7r��:; �� bui F�e s�:i1� fe1�i: aa�rlcw��r�d Lecaus� ��.��,e cr?i���,crrc�irz-1�� ����eration that �va_� �it�s��r~�i:_3��•�i _ _ _��_...�.. ; � --.- � � � � , � i � r � i: Plannin Commission Meeiin� - January 21, 1976 . '� ' P��9e�8� couidn'i: be in a commercial zone: 1 ��1 hlr. Narris said f�e believed this was a c?uirk in our zoning ordinance. Mr. Pei:erson sai� he agr�ed wi�:h Mr. Qergman but ��e can't hold up the petiticner while we change the Code. He said the petil;ioner seemed happy to operate under the existing Code. , PU�LIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECII�L USE FERMIT, SP #75-29, BY L�EROY T. HALUPTZOK: Per �ridley City Code, Sectiori 205.1s1, 3, A,8 to allow the sale of parts for antique autos in M-1 Z�ning (light industrial areas) located on L�t 18, Block 2, Central Avenue Addition, except the East 125 feei thereof, the same being 1240 73 1/2 Avenue N.E. 1�fOTION b� Peterson, seconded by Bergm��n, t.�at the Planning Commission open the .Public liear.ing on the request for a 5peciaZ Use Permit, SP �75-29, by �eroy T. Ilaluptzok. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Flarris d�clared t'rie Public Hearing open af: 9:03 P.D9. htr. Beil said �;he Plannirg Commissic;n ha.d already discussed some of the modif'icatfcirs that would have t� be made before this house could be ;sed for �he sale of parts for antique and classic auto parts. Cha�rrnan Harris told �lr. Qell that any siyn the,y wanted rar this business wauld be a separate permi� and would have to meet the requirEmerts of tne sign ordinance. M1^e Ha.rris said that sometimes there !�Jas confusicn when someone requested a Special Lse Permi�; and a building permit i:hat the sign permit was separate also. Mr. Peterson said th�t Chairman �larris had men�:ioned ea?°l�er that care shou�cl be ta[cen in approvi�g ihe Speciai Use Pern���t an� he c�tot�ld i�ke Mr. �arris tu state his thoughts on this mat�;er. . � t�ir. Harris said h� though� tEiere should be stipula��:ons that thpre be no dismantling or strippir�y of automobiles on the premises. Ther� should also be no baling allo�ved. Mr, Boardman sa;d that there should be no junk yard aperation, jusi: the storage of parts to be so1d. Mr. Ftarr'is said ihere si�ould r�ot be storage of old cars or any resfioration don� on the premises. Thes� tivere a11 sti pul atioris that he woul d i i ke to see oi� thi s peri��i t. Mr. �ell said tl,at from :�rhat Mr. Haluptzok told him, this �•ao:.�ld be con �i steni. wi th wh�i�; hu pl anned to �o on thi s property, so ttier� wo�1? d!;' 1; be �oZy o5,�ectior to ;:hese� s�ipul�tio�s. � MOTION b� Peierson. secor.ded by Langenf�Id, tl�at tne Puli�ic Flearing be � clos�ci or� the reqi�e�t �or � Speciai Use Yermit, SP ; 75-29, b� Te_-�c�c) T. Haluptzok. Upor� u volce voie, a11 votiny aye, Chairman I�arr�s �?e�lared tlie Pu::.iic li�ar.i:i; c.iosed.at 9:1U P.M. , �?OTI.0�3 b� ?'e.�:e�son tha�� the Planning Commission reconunenrl ap�:rov:�l.. o� the r.equest .t'or a Spccial Use Pcrrnit� SP �(75-29, by L.�roy �. tl�.lupzat: wit-h fihe .stipul.atia�is t.'r:aL have been rre;it.i_c�ned and an� oti�er sL-iyu?ai��?ns ttiat tlie � staff. tiiouc�hi shculd �bc� i1�clJd�d aftc.r further researcl�. h1r. i�oardn�ar� asi:e�i if' tfse i'lanrine* Com��iissio!� tt,oug!it it ��oulc� b� i�ettcr� � t:a stat� "t.c� oi�ly alloti•�" instead af ��ientic�ninc� ali �l�� t;l�ings �i�ey a•1o�.�lcln'�: , . adloti��, such as a11o��� the si;�;��•ag4 an� saies of ui�►��ra;��lcd parts for ar.tique a.nd � � . .,P,,,,....,�r . Plannin�c Commission Meetina - Januar,y 21, 1976 �a�.� classic cars. asr. Yeterson cazTxvr��w his rrarro�v. 1. 0 MpTTON by Lanc�enfe7d, seconded by �'etcrson, tl�at the Planning Commission recommend approval to the Cit� C�uncil of the request for a Special Use Perm.i�, �P #i75-29, by Ler.ay Z'. Haluptzvk, as indic�zted by Fridley C.ity Code 5ection 205.L;1 3, (11,8) to �311ow fhe storage and sa].c, of parts for antique cars on Lot 1i3, B1ock ?., Cer�i:r.al. Vi.ew Manor Addition, except t.he East 125 feet t�iereof, the same being 124U 73 1/2 Avnnue P�.E. with the stipulation that we make certain that the pr.imary use be adhered to, with no dismantling being allawed on the premises, Mr. Qell said ihe question had come up previously on what was an antique car. He said that thi5 would inclucle c�assic cars. .�Ir. Langenfeld sa%d he would amend the motion to include cJ.assic cars, secon��ed by Nr. Peterson. �I�. B�ardman said the primary use ��nder the Sec�tion oi' tP�e Coue stai:�d �ays junk yard, anci that vras th` operation we didn`t ►�rant to ailo4�r. Mr. Langenfeld said the ��oru primary was used in the motion just to denoi;e that the primary use ofi' the special use permit ��rauld be �;I�e storaoe and sales of antique ard c�assic auto parts, not �:he primary use under this section of the Code, but he didn't like the word "only". Mr. Bergman said maybe they could use "li�i�ited to" and then exclude the other uses. Mr. Boardman sa.id they coul� exclude dismantliny operations, restoration and baling. r7r. Langenfe.Zd �ITHDRE�� his MO�'ION, with th� concurrence of Mr. Petersoi�, who had seconded the motio�n. MOTIOV by .Langer_feld, second�:d b�,� Peterscn, that the Plarning Cor.unissio.;i recorr�merid to Council approva� of the requ�s� lor a Specia.Z Use Peimit, SP #r'75-"29, by Iero� T. Nalupzok, per Fridle� Cit� Code, Sectio�� 205.131,.3, (A,8) in • M-•1 zoning (Iig:�t �-��c�ustrial areas) Iocated on I�t� 18, B1ock 2, Centra? Vicr•r Manor. Add1:t�.on, excc-��t th? F,ast 12_S feet i:h�rec�f, t1�e same being 1?40 73 1/2 Avenue N.F.. This SpeciaJ Use Permit 1imi.ted tc the stor_age and sales of dism�3nt3ed parts for an�Lique arld classic cars, exclud>>ng an� dismant�ing operatic�n, restor�t:c�,� or balin� on the prGmises. Upon a vc�ice vote, a1I votiJ?g a�e, t3�e :r.oU_iori carrie:i unanimousl.y. PU[3l_IC NEARIN��: REQUEST FCf� A SPFCT(':L USE FERMIT, Si' �75-30, �3Y R�ED_ «EC��� �=R: Per FE��ca i �y Ci �;y Ccde Scct icn ?�5�. l Ul , 3, Pd, to al l o�,,r mobi l e I10111(' sales �in C•-�S zcynin� �clEn�.,al ::"opp:ny a��eas) �:o be located in tfre vicin�ity oi' the Soui:hwesl: cor►�er oi= ;;f,e parkirtc� lot at Holiday Village ' rdorl;ia, cn part of Loi; 13, Au:!itor's Sul�division No. 155, the same being 250 57th A��et�ue N.'r". � Mr. Reed Lec�:e�" W�S pr��sent. h10TION ��� i'ett>z�son, second��d by Lanqc�nfeld, that the Planning Cnmmis�icn oPe:� i:l�e I�crb.Z_ic IJe��z'i�ic� vn �i r.r_�que_,t for �� :�p,�c.ia1 Use Permit, SP 1175-30. Ly R��ed 13ec1:'��z•,, tlpon cl �%OIC:' vote, rall vo� ir..; ��c, CJ1cZ12I11d11 Hdrri.^ decl�red t�he Pub.Iir 11�a�wr�c} op�n at 9:1f> �.A�. � � . . _.,;•�n;- �(,.} �lanning Commission Meetinc� - Januar 21, 1976 Paq� �� 1 i� .Mr. Qoardman said the Special Use Permit request was to a11�w the set-up �nd operatioi; of a m�bi�e i�ome sa1ec lot or area within the area of flol�day Vill�y� �orth parking 1ot. The location of the area would be in �he South parking 1c�t behir�d Fioliday Village North abutting I.694. They would be utilizing ap��roximateiy 120' by 3GG' of space for this type af sales operation. He said thGt the City adminisi:ration had a meeting on this request this afternoon and we are having some trouble with this type of an operation� He said they discussed wV�at �tli7s request ti���s� for; and arha� type of lease operation� could be handled �ander a Spec�a.l Use Perm�it. I� a Special Use Permit was granted on a lease operatioai such as this, what was to stop Naliday VillaSe Nor�;h from as'r.ing for other 5pecial Use Perrnits fer other lease operations on this 1ot. Nfr. Langenfeld asked fio��r many units tivould be involved�in this operation. P1r. Qoardman said th�y v�ere talking about 10 units plus an o�fice. Mr. Langenfeld said it se�rned like they �ad just talked to Holiday Village North about cleaning up their parking lot, and this �r�as notl�ing against the petitioner, �ut it se^rned lik� they were going right back into cluttering this parking 1ot. Mr. Boardman said the stuff had a,.roblem in c�etermining how much o�� a parking lot coulef be used for this type of�l�ase operation. Mr. Harris asked v:hat this would do to the total number o�= parking spaces ne�ded �or Ffoliday Village t�o� th i�;sz�f. Mr. Boa��dman said this 4NOUldn't hurt their parking requirements. Nfr, P�terson a:_.i:ed if he understood corre�tly that this was not to be a part of Holida�� Villa�e North's operat�on, but ��as to b� a separate lease ap�r•u'.;i�n. Nir. Boai��mar� said this ��tculd be a separa�e operaiion run by Mr. 8�ckl er. , � Mr. Bergman asked i�F i� v��as ncrmal procedure far a�essee to reques'c a SPecial Use Permii;, ra�;her than the propet�ty awner. Nir. Boardman sa-id tlie property o�,rner had sign�d t�1P_ request �lso, pu� Mr. Beck1er Y��as i;he petitloner•. ' � , �� � � � Mr. �oardman �aid thai if this Specia? Use Permit was g•ranted, the staff f21� there were severa.l thinys that shou�d be done. They fe1t that the Special Use f'ermit should be grant�d to Hol�day Village, not to the iease �peration. The reasons for zhi s���as because ���e �Frant Hol i cia,y Vi 1'i age to be respons i bl e for this lease a�eration. li= said tha,; the �ffice f�r �:his sales lot would have to bn I�ookc�ci �p to sewer �nd watcr. He s� i� thi s o�=fi ce vroui d have to mee t Chapter� 5:°, ot= �f�e State Guilding Codc �:o zneet �he handicappFd requiremeni;s. t�'e also ��t�e1 iha.�: iio1id�y V�i�llage tvorth sf�ould have n� other autsi�e Special Use oF�e•ratir�n�. tJ� feel that. ti�is operat�on should have a perrra�en�; set-up, so tI?dl` �± i:-r�:� a�°�� v�'�s used for some o�.h�r �ease o�zration at a later �ime, �Chere ���ould b�, a p��rn�anent ar�ea for tn�is type o� us�. 6y tl�is we mean pern-.anent iandsca�>�i i�g, pe��menen � curbir.,� and thi s type of �;h ; ng. We «oul d 1 i E;e tu �ce thzs �e at one loc�tion, so that no n��atter what type of lease �peration came an thi� p►�operty, �ii: would all�rays be in t.he same location. , 1�1r. �:ec!cl er sai d 1;h�t he h�d approa.ched Hol i day Vi 11 age severa? months ago and �.iiis �•��:s �vl�y tl�cre ���as a rezonin� of i:he property. F1e said that Iloliday wou?d t�e doi:�g ext��iisivc lanciscaping because .of tl�is rezoning. �He said ti-�at whe,i P�e a��pl�ied i�ar the Special Use Perniit, he ��las under° the impression th��;: he si�:iti�d he :�i�p.ly�i;�,y pei�;onU�liy, as opposed i.o ifoliclay, fle saic: �:hat in jus�: 1;f�e l�st ci��y or ��JO i:i:�>> (��:iu c�n�e ia tt�� c�riclusiort that Iloliday sn���� �e �r���y;�� .ro. ;�_� , ��v � � - � , � � � , � � � ' � J ' � ' � � _ _ _ _ __ Flann�n Commiss�on Meeting - January 21, 1976 Page : �(� --.---�----- for i:he Permit. Mr. �rad Steinman, who works with real estate for floliday was unable to comc �;o this meetinc�. h1r, t3eckler said he has talked i;o Mr. Sieinn�an and he said that if the Special Use'Permit was issued to Holiday,_they would be satisfied t�aitt� that. Mr. Beckler said he had some plans wi�h him showing how the ten units and the office v�ould be laid oui on this prop�rty. He said that if the office had to be hooked up to sewer and vrater, they may change this on the plan so there wasn't so far t0 90. He said that.all the units would be 10' apart Mr. Narris asked if this sales lot would be next to the existing building. Mr. Qecl;ler said it wou3d be about 130' aw�y from the building. He said the area wher�e they propased to have the mobile home sales 4�ias now full of snow. Mr. f3eckler said that they proposed to have around their office some astro turf, green grass type, and also seme reci��rood chips and some iarge planters. He said this area was all blacktopped and he didn't thin{: Holiday wanted to tear �t up and landscape it. Mr. Langenfeld asked what t�ype o�` adve�rt�sing signs they planned to use. Mr. BeckTer said he was open to any suggestions the Planning Commission miaht want to make. He said they �lanned to set the sales lot up'to make �t r�ice and shou:y. t�ir. Lanqenfeld asked Mr. Beckler about the lease. t�1r. �eckler said they had been ta i ki ►ig about a year to year 1 ease because he thoug{it thi s v�oul a be wha� ��culd be stipulated on the Specia? Use Permit, bu-� they would like a three year lease. Mr. �eterson asked Mr. Qeckler if he rJas noti� in the Mobile Home busin�ss. Mr. �ecki�r said he ►��?s. He said he ��rorl:ed in St. Paui in the 5 Star Mobile Home Sales lot. Mr. fieckler said the operat�i�n here would technically be a sales lot, but it v�rouid not be like other sales lots in the area. The majcrity of our business G�ras �elling mobile i�omes where they s�it. Ele s«id they would � i{:P �.���'i r sal es 1 ot to i �o� as muck� 1 i ke raabi i e homes al ready pl aced on perman- ent lats as much as possible. HE saici i.his ���ouldn't be �a case of high-turnover where we wo�id bc mov�ng these units ir as�d out. He said a lot of their hoines were� airead,y set up ir, rnobile ho�ne parl:s, and were sold there. . Mr. Scott asked h]r. Qeckler if he was a��va�^P that this area had been used for the ��ari:ing of er�i�loyee's cars. Mr. Qecl:ler said he ��ras, but it wasn't used exiensively. I�ir. Scott said i�e ��s co��cerned wi.th vandalism in this area, beca�,se there had ►�een instances a� tr�eft and vandalism to the employee cars when they were pari:Ld in this area, but probably Mr. Beckler intended t� have mc�re ligf�ting in th�is area. Mr. Lanc�erfeld ashed if they were going ta tak:e any pr�cau�ioris against vardal isi7�. hir•. Beckler said �hey wauld be setting up u secu��ity system. �-I�� said various �ecurity guards would be patrolling ii; •_.�t night, ar:d af ceurce some or.e ;NOUld al��rays k.ie there during the day: He said i 1; woul ci bc i n thei r ccnt:raci ti�r�i th I-lo1 i day that ti��y ass�tme responsi bi 1 i ty for tk�e 1 i ght;s i n th'i s area , ai�d i�f�e 1 i ghts v�oul d be on a 11 n i ght. Mr. �.�+.ngenfeld asked if this would be a distraciion to the homes in the arE�a.. Nlr. l3eckler said the homes wouid have their 'c,acks �?:o the higf��,�ay, and peepl e���oul d noti ce that �here ��as sometl�i ng di fferent i n thi s seci:ion of tl�e parkin� lo�, but he didn'1; �;hink it ��ould be a�istraction. ` ��•r�. i;ecE:)er said they have �va��i:ed a loc:aticn in this part of the City. He s�a�ic� ;,i�:�Y could service the parks in t.h�i� area. He �aid that one of �he � � _�,,..�, � � . ��_. � �J � � � , � � � Plunnin�,�Commission Meeti�^ J�nuary 21, 1�37& Pag� 12 problems with mobil� hom�s. Peo`ple will sell them a mobile home, but no one was willing to sell it for tt�en�. We fecl we can be of great assistance to ther�. We also heip with the sa�e �� rcp�ssess�ions- We feel that this section , of the parking lat was jus� emni;y now, and if we can make i�t nice, it w�ill help our business and make t,h�s part of the parking iot ��icer for Holiday llillage t�orth a1su. Mr. Lanc�enfeld said the Planning Corri�ission had been concerned about the area of tf�e park?ng lo� where the garden center used to be, and we didn't want; a reoccurence �f ti�is, but he said he could see fro��� the plans and from Mr. Beckler's conversation that this praposal �,�ould enhance this area. Mr. 3eckler said he i�ad talked to Mr. Steinma� of Noliday, and he was agreeable that there be no other lease operatioli on this lot. Mir. Peterson ask�d if the ten units of t;his proposal would all be ne�� mobile homes. M►�. Seckler said there wauld be ne��r and used units on the lot, but the ol�er i�nits vrould �11 be recanditioned and wou1d look nice. Mr. Scott said tnat he jiast N�anted to had know�ledge that they �vanted to have th;s af the parki ng 1 ot, and yet t�rf��en they �Nere during the public I�ea.���ing an r�zoning, th�s vo�ice his concern that Holiday lease ope:ra�ion in this section ouestioned abou�; the parking lot was not mentioned. , � ' Mr. Narris said that ab��ut / er 8 years ago N�liday had in this area what was called � s�ipper;r seal s�ide, and it did not w�rk out very well. He said he was not tryinc t� dc?��ngra�e Mr. Beckl�r, but we heard many of ' the same things he had said, vrhen this slide �vas ��roposed. He saia he was not s��re oi= a� 7 thc probl ems, and th � ngs he hUd Izeard a5o�t ��tere tiea.rsay. � � He said tha± from �ast exper?e��ce, he was a hpsitant; about°this proposal. � , �4r. Langeri i el d sai d'ne �fel t that there was a i ack of contr�l on the slippery sl ide proposal tlia�? �;k�ere v�ouid be o�� th�s operation. M�°. Langenfeld said th�r� c�uld b� stipula�ions place�i on this Specia1 Use Permi�, including an annual revie�,r, so i�� felt �h�s operation cou�d be cantrolle� better thar� the sli�e pro��osal. . � .. i�4r. �arr�is as�ed h1r. Beckler�f he kne.v the nEVf locatier� of �:he garden center? Mr. Geckler said hc� did��'t. hsr. �aarris �aid he thought Mr. Steinman said that � this �ou�1d be maved furhth�r fo,ath on th� lo± from the previous lac�tion. ' � Mr. �?o�rdman sai d(;liat � f��hi s Spe�c� a1 lise P�rm � t was approved, he woul d 1 i ke t� see some per�r:ariF���t i;��pe 1 an�scapi ng i i� thi s area . Ne ti�jolal d want thi s i� be a per���anenf. i�y;�n ioca�it�r, so �}ia� ;fi� i;l�� mabi'le ho�ne sa�es shou?d leave ' this lecati���, �n� f'olida« ��;�=.�tn�! �nat�7er iease operation ari ��ie7r pro�erty, it would al���ays be a� tl��s 7oc<x��=on. Fie said hn would 1il:e to see i,he office i=or � this sales lot �noved «p i���o a more �andscaped area anu change t}�e lay o�it of ' � the lo�. hir. f3eckler said ti�at if i:i�e,Y ��J�re operating or� a �ne year lease, he didn't ti�ink they would ti�ant to be �;earing �ap blackton ta havA more pern,anent type or lundscapin�. Ne said t�e coulci seu Pi►�. Boara�nan's point al�ot!t �e��rnan�nt , type landscap�n�, bui� he di�jn't knoti� how I�e wanted them to ap;�roac,J� t1�is. h1r. fioard�nan said t��at t:1�is �,ra� in ti�e corie;:t that �F�is �c a permanent laca��vn for a lLase operit.ion. �;e s�.�;� tiiat �•d�hat he �v<ss t��inking �L�out ►�:as iearinc; E�p >ome o� the hl acktcl�? i]i'Cil ,�):�t;,�.? 7Cj � t n cer�cret;e CUrt)111� � �lllCi d� � 0�'! i i1CJ i U!" ����ZCs-_' iiC1C� � di so �1 i o4vi n� for• �re«s wt�PY•E� i:he��e wou 1 d i�e aan�sra;�i i�y. 6ie sai u he �r:ar not necessarz1y tuiki;�c, ;;I��u�. I�;r. Geck1er'� opet�ation, he said he was talE:i�,�� =►uout ' I. .:r„�.,.,,,,�,- � - . Planninc Commission Meeting - Jarivary ?.l, i976 Pac�e 13 � S , — ' � . .� '. ' , � ' ' � �� , � an operation that Iloliday Village would have to make a committment to. Mr. �ergman asked h1r. Qoardman to re-read the ��cs-�t of stip;�lations suggesi;ed by adm�nistration. He said he wou7d like to get Mr. l3eckler's reactions to them. Mr. Langenfeld said he felt that Mr. i3oardman was asking for stability and didn't,want a hit and miss 1;ype of operation. He said that Mr. Qeckler had stat;ed that tilere wasn't �;oo much traffic behin� Holiday, and he wonde},ed how he ti-�as goin� to get the people to this back 1ot. Mr. Qeckler said they were hoping that peop7e driving by would notic� the location and they would be advertising. He said thei.� concept would be differen�: say than from Certified Mobile Homes over on Hiyhvray.#65. He said they would.be trying to show people vrhen then drive by that i�here vras a location thF�re. Ne said he di�n't feel this was a convenier�i: location, but there would be a lot of visibility of the 1 o�b. . Mr. Bergman said he would iike io ��ave (�is question answered. Nir. Qoardman read the stipula�ions worl.ed out by the administration. They are as fol l o�rs : 1. �No expansion beyond the 10 uniLS plus the office. F1r. Beckl er sai d they w�ul d r;:,��°e no probi em wi tl� thi s as 1 ong as they had enouqh space �o move the units in and out. 2. The offict be hooked up to City sewer and water. Mr. �ecKler said they wouid agree to �I�is but �riiey ��rould want to move the loca�ion o-F the oi�fice to have it closer to the sewer and water lines. 3. Meet the requiremen�t of Chapter 55 of the Staie :Building Coc!e vrhich was tf�e requirements for the handic«pped. � Mr. �eckler said they would have no trouble in prc��iding �he ramp. Fi� didn't l;now about tf�e widening of the daor. He said �hey hacin't kiad to meet that rec�uirement at ti7eir otf-�er Toca�ior�s. f�ir. Ci�"1ui"�Cinia" told Mr. Beck�er to check wi th tf�e Sta.tc to fi nd out ���hat hancii cap requ� remc�n �s they 4�rc;i�l d liave to me2t. Mr. �3eckier said he wou1d do this, ar�d ���oulc meet a11 trie reguirements of the Code that a�:�p1 i ed to theni. 4. No oti�er outside operations be all�tiv`d which require a Special Use Per!ni �L _ Mr. 6oardman said they shoulc! bear ii� m�nci tftat Ho'Iiday� would need a S�ecial Use Peri»i � for i:hei r garde►� center. Mr. Eeckl er asked Mr. C�oardmai; i f �;hey �aere ask�ng iioliday to choas� between th�is proposai and t;heir g��}�den center? Mr. Qoai°dman sai� the st:af�f was concerned al�eu� how ma►�,y Spec�ial Use Permits riigh� be r°eques��ed foi° the parking 1ot of Nolida;� Vil�fage for sa�es operation. Mr. 6eckler said they ��rould be agreeable tl��at t;here only be one lease operai:iaii a?lo�,red. 4 5. The ��rcas siio�.11d be desi_r,rlated vr�i�re c>peratir�r.s needincr a S�eciai , Use hcrmii�. ti•�ou2d be IOCd�nd, and tl�ese areas shoulci have per.�iunent fiacil�tir�s on tl-�e�», sucl7 as pern���nent exterior 1ands�apincl. ' �,., , f ,, .�..r� Plann9n� Cornmission Meetin�c - Janua� ?1, 1976 Page 14 � r ' — � ' �� ' Mr. �oardman said he wasn't saying where this area had to be, but if the mobile }�ome.sales lot ���as goinc in at the proposed location, then that should f�e a permanenl: type location. He said that Holiday was a retail typ� oneration with � large parking lot, and th�y wouldn't want them �o lease out stnall parcels of this lo� in a series of lease operations: �; Mr. 6eckler said that if Holiday made this a permanent location and the lease operation d;dn't work out, they would have an area with all these permanent things such as landsca�ing and concrete curbs, then what would they da wi th i t. Mr. Qergii�an sa i d thi s ivas what• they were sayi ng. Nol i day shoul d consider the risks before they make a committment for this proposal. Mr. Beckler asked Mr. Soardman if they should draw up the proposal or i�f Holiday should drav� it up, or if Mr. l3oardman was going to draw it up. Mr. E3oardman said it a�ould depend upon the Planning Commission on how many• Special Use Permits they were going to a�low en this property. If they were going to allow the garden center and one lease operation, then he would want Holiday.tc, dra�-,� up plar.s for permanent locations for these_two operations. This «oulu include grassy areas, trE^s and lanscaping, and �oncrete curbirg. Mr. Beckler said thai; Holiday and himself had agreed on vahat they had ' already discusseds but he ha� no signed agreen;ent Gvith Holiday. He wanted to wai� until he had approva� of the Special�Use Permit. ' � � � ' ' ' MOTI�N by Scott, ser.ond.ed by Bergman, that the Planning Cammission close the Pub1�c Hearing on the reguest for a Specia.Z Use Permit, SP #75-30, by Reed Beckler. Upon a voice vot�=, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Flearing closed at iO:Du P.M. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by .Peterson for discussion, that the Planning Commission recomm�nd to Cou.ncil approval of th� request for a Special Use Permit, SP #75-30, by Rc-ed Beckler, per Fridtey City Code, Section 205.10.Z, 3. N, to a11ow �hobi�Ze hame sales in C-2S zoning (genera.Z shopping areas) to be located in an area 120' x 300` in the vicinity of the 5outhwest corner of t11e parking 2ot at Holiday Village North, on part cf I,o� 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, �, t1�e same being 250 57th Avenue N.E. with the following stipulations: �. This Special Use Permit, SP #`75-30 be gr.an�:ed to ���ndale Terminal c:ompany (Ho1�.da� Village Narth) instead o.� the petit-ioner, 2. 1�7� expansion beyor�d t.he 10 n,obile homes g.Zus the office. 3. The office_be hooked up to City sewer ar.d water. � 9. This operation mer�t a.tl the StaL-� Codes including Chapter 55 which include tlie I�andicap i•equirc ��cnLs. 5,' No other outside apc3�aL-ions be allowed whir.h requir� a SpeciaZ Use Pernri t . � 6. The� rnust desiqnate L-h�-� area.s wl.ere operations needing a Special ' Use Pcrmit wilJ. b� ioc��ted, and these areas must have p�rm�zi�ent ` facilities on them, su�h as pexm�incnt Fxtcr.ior l�r.dsca�iny. Tha�e • per.manetit 1oca�:i��ns m,u:,t b�� wvrked out wzti� t:�c� City of Fr.i.dl.e�. � �' � 7. This .Sper.ic�1 Ilse Pc�l�mit: b�� su�jc�rt to a��nua1 revicw. ._ _,...�,;....,�,.,, a �♦�- '. ' � ' _ � ' � � ' ' ' lU Planning Commission Meeting= Janua� 21, 197G Page 15 8. That thc advertising for this opera�.ion meet the requiren�ents of the siqn ordinance. , 9. No majox al.t-er.ations to �lle hlacktop�ing except'fo� landscapirig. This .Zandscaping be done by properL-� owner, and not the pei�itioner. I0. No used mobile homes be p.Zaced on this 1ot that would be an e�esore to the public. Mr. Bergman said he was having trouble with some of the stipulations and he would like to suggest they be restated. Mr. Scott said he didn't like the stipulation about used�homes being an eyesore. Mr. Boardman�asked them how old the used mobile homes wouid be. Mr. Beckler said they wouldn't be older than 197C. � Mr. Langenfeld, with the concurrence of Mr. Peterson who had seconded the motion, WITI�DREW HIS A10TION. h90TION by B�rgman, seconded by Bcott for di.scussior�, that the P_ snning Commission rec�mmend to Council approval of the r.equest for a Special Use Permit, SP #�75-30, by Reed Beckler, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.10.Z, 3, N, te al.Zow mobile home sale in C-2S zoning (generally shopping areas) to be located in an area J_20` x 300' in the vicinity of the Southwest corner of the parking lot at Holiday Village R'orth, on part of Lot .Z3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, th� same beir.g 250 57th Avenue N.E., raith ihe follotaing stipulations: 1. This .Special Use Permit, SP #75-30, be granted to L�nda�e Terminal Company (Holiday Vi1.Za�e North} instead of the petitioner. 2. No exPansion beyond the 10 mobile home; uMits plus the office. s". This office be hooked up to Cit� sevrer and water. 4. ldo otlier �u�sidc l�ase opc.rations be a].1o:aed which reqzi.ire a S�ecwal Use Permit.on this property: •, 5. A1.Z fauilities stipulated : must be insLalled-in a permanent f�shion. G. Permancnt landscaping and a�stheLir plans be deve.Ioped with Cit� , Adm�a�.istrat.i.on. . 7. Tl�.i..s Spec.za.i Use Permit be�� subject to annuGl review• i�ir. l.anyenfel d sai d I,e tl;ougl�t i t shoul d be a�t � pul ati o►� thut thi s a�eration ment all tf�e sic;n req:air°ments of the Code. Mr. Lieryman sai� he fel t thai; ever,yt{�in� to do �•ri �h �chi s operati on woul d have to fal 1 wi thi n the Code. P1r. Pca,:erson said he haci n� prol>lem s�ith i:l�is moi.ion except stipula�:ion r.umber 1. H� said the proble»> wiih tnis �t��i����iat�ic�n ��ras that he r��in�self :�as _ a busines�irar., and ��ahen lie si:arted sometrirc� he didn't knaw if'he ��aould be , makiny money the first year. He sa:c1 �:hat Uy in�king this �.ubject to annual reviear it u��ight be U form of City harti°assme�:t, ��rh�ic4� i�e �vas very muci� aga7nst. fie tl?ounf�t tl�:� operator sho�ild Le yi��t�n ti^i4 to get �his bus�i���ess goirlg .E��' said n;� c,ne tvc�iild b� ���illii�g i;o sperid �n�acfi n�aney c�i� a project i� i.hey c�u'iu be put out of business in a year. ., � � ' ^�~v,� ' .-� ' r- ' �. , � �� ' .' P�Ianni r,� Com7ii ssi on Me�ti� � January 21 ,_ 1976 � Page 16 � Chairman Iiarris asked Mr. Peterson ��rhat limii; he wouid put on �;his operatian as far as revin�ti of the Special iJse Permit. Mr. Peterson said he didn't see how you could give thclii less �;han three years. • Mr. Langenfeld said he ci�c+n't see th�is as a harrassmeni, it was just to make sure they were cemplying �-�ith the stipu3at�ions of the S�ecial Use Permi�. Mr. Rete►~san said that complianc� �•ras assuined for a Sperial Use PErmit, an� if there ��asn't compliance, the Sp�cial Use Permit could be revoked. Mr. Qoardmar� said r�e hasn'� always agreed to t�ime limits on Special Use Pei�mits because once �hcYy have been approved, it would be hard to revoke ihem, Ne said you would have to prove that this was detrimentai to the health, safety and welfare of the community. 1v Mr. Qergman said the reason he added this stipulation was because everyone on the Commission seemed ta have some concerns about �his req;�est. He said the petitioner did n�ent�ion �hat i?e would have a year to year lease, although he would prefer a three. year lease. Mr. Peterson said he believed the petitioner said the time of �the lease depended upon �;t�e terms under which he was given S�ecial Use F'ermi� �:pprova�. Mr. �c�ar;;r,�:r► said if�e f'�an��ing Commiss-�on shoul� remember that this Specia� Use Permit was not being approved for Mr. Beckler but for the properi.y oti��ner. � � h1r. Ber_�man Al1ENDED the MOTION to delete Stipulation 7; th�t the Special Use Pewmit be subject to ar.ntral rev.�.ew. aeconded by Scott. .. Chairnian Harris said he was gaing to vote against the mation bccause in his opii�ion this Yvould be setting a. bad preceder�c2, by doing this. Ne didr�'t thin'r, mobile home sales. or rent-a-car, or sl�ippery seal slides, or--whatever, vras part of the normal aperatian o�F Holiday_Viilage North, or Taz�get_St�res, or Flol ly Shoppi ng Center, cr bienards , or Sky�rood Mal i, etc. He sai d he fe� t these o�her properties would L�e within their r�ghts to request other ancillary uses of their parking lots,' He sa�d he couldri'i, thinfc of one of �hem tiho didn't have a corner of their parki�ig l�t that cauldn't 5e put to some other use. He said he didn't feel �his w�s a proper use to go along wit�i the �resent use of the proper�y. UPON a ro11 ca11 vote, Bergmar, Petersorl, Langenfela' voting aue, Harr_zs and Scoi.t voting nay, t.he motion carried. Chairman F{arris declared a recess of the Planning C�mmission neeting ' at �C:35 P.t�: and reconvened tlae meeting of January 21st at 10:55 P.I�I. MO?.'ION b� 13ergm,an, seconded by Peterson, to alter. t�ie order af i:he ' amended ��genc?.� to a11ow Counci.Zman [�;.�J.t Starwalt to speak. Upon a voice voL-e, aI1 voting aye; t-he m�tien carr.ied una_r.imousl.c�. � ' ' r— �I P�9�,. Siarwalt said he �vas here speaking as a cit�izer� and nat as a represent- at�ve of the City Council. He said that as a citizen there ti-rere a couple oi th�ngs that ��rere a little d:stur:��ing to him. He said they would t�e discussing thi s ai: �:hc Cou��ci l Confereiicc i��eeti ng or� Januai°Y 2f , 1976. � h1r. Sta���ralt said that in the meeting of January '7th of the Planni�q� Coirunissic�n ir�c� {�hrase '�iverse life stylQS' had been dist�rUii;g to i�im. Vl�c� said he pc'r,oi,��ll�' relt there we1,E� a �ew life styles that w� could da ttithc>�t. !;� suicl thai; if iiie,y v,�erc c�ciny :o opc�� up Fridley �:o al� iife s�yles, i;c ,,;�;s �.;�ainst it. I�� cn;pt�asizeu 1:hat t1�is ��ra� {�is apinioi� �rid noi that of tnc� Czt:y �,� , �: . 1 ' �� � � � � ��i Plannin�Conimiss �on Meeting - January 21 , 197� Page 17 CoU�n�.il. He said that on page 7 of these same minutes the Planning Commission approved of Goal �i2 which read "Provicie for and maini;ain, without discri�»ination, a c�i versi i;y of sui tabl e housi ng and 1 i vi ny envi ronments a�i thi n the co�timuni ty. "- , Mr. Starwalt said he �aas not sure what thc� Planning Commission meant by that goal, and he ha� toyed �•�ith some tivordiria, and he was not sugges�ing that; the Planning Comrnission latch on to this wording, bu�; he t��as just expressing his viewpoint, and a viewpoint vrh�ch he thought ti�as held by a lot of people in.his ai°ea. Ne said he would ci�ange this goal to read "Provide for and m�intain. without discrimination as ta race, creed, or colo.r, suitable, conventional, fami]y oriented housing and living within the community." He felt that if �•�e got away from the family unit as the c+ominent force in society, the further he felt that �ve were breaking do��m society. He said he may be old-fashioned and out of tune �vith everyone, but he really didn't think so, so he had offered these thoughts fior tF�e Planning Cammission's de1iberations on anything it might apply to. . Mr. Scott said that the statement that P1r. Starwalt made was almost 1 . the same �> a goal that had been recommended to the Planning Commission fro►n one of the mernber Comn�issions. We took it out because we feii we wou7d i�a���e to mention ather things also, like religion. He said without relig�on, it could be in�cerpreted that t��e didn't want Jews in our community. He said that ' � when you talk about tradi-tional family units, he said that he knew that ou�� ' soci ety 4�ras becoir,�:�g perr,�i ssi ve , but there were wi dows and wi do����ers tha� mai ntai n family units, which would not be considered a�conv�ntional family" unit. Wf�at ' �• are you going to do with them, throw them out? � � ' � , r � Mr. Langenfeld said Mr. S�arwalt was just trying to say that the famiiy uniz aaas the basic un�it o� saeiety. t�r. Scott said he would agree with i��at. Mr. Starvaal�: said the fact that•there w�re people who were widows and widowers maini;ain a fami'ly life ��vas just a part of life. He jus�L felt th�t the statement "without discriminati�n" �vas ioo broad, and there were some peopie they should d;scrimir7at� against. Mr. Scoi;t said the prob�lem with that tvas t�:ho �v�re the� going io di scriri:a r�ate agai �st. It �,roul d have to be spelied out just �:ho you ��ranted �o disc�riminate against. He said we were ; deal i nq wi th tf7e �1i n►�esoi:a Human F�ic�hts Act al so. M►°. Siar�ti�alt said that h� ihou�ht the tradii�ional.family unit was very important �to scciety and he t;houaht tl��ere nad been laws �assed that were not good for soc�e�;y, evei� if 1:f�ey t�ere an the books and we had to��-�here to them. Mr. Star����t said the other �tem he ��rai�ted to discuss was in the Environmental Comm�ssion mi�i��tes of �ecembe; 18, 1975 , where they had " d�scussed h�w th� C11;y C�U�G c�Ate�m�in� ti��i�o was of goo� moral character. ii� �Uz� that �f�is ief�t h�,m tivit�� ±}�� ����ing that ii ��,�oiaid be rerommended that t.his statement �e taken out of the 3.2 Seer License r�equirement;. It said ti�at it woUld be hard to prove that someone was not of good moral character. fie said he was opposed to having tnis ��equirement taken out of the beer or 1 i quor 1 i cense rec��c � rements . H� rel fi ���at tt�i s shou 1 d stay i n the crdi r�a��ces , Und tr�� to. up.�o i d hi c�h rnor : i character even i f i � was a,tr�uyi� requirement to det�r�nine.� Ptr. Eoas°dman said t�e had discussed �;his ��riih Dick Sobiech ana he had indica`tec� ti�at ti�e attori�ey had t�ecommended tha�; this statement slioulcf be iaken out.. tir. Starwali said �f�at at a Council meel;ing the Mayor- hac� aske��i �:h� �ity 11i�tcriiey 7fi i;��is taasn't �tandard Phraseolac}y in thes� ty{�es of or�i����rct^� a��d hc's�id t!;�� it t�r�s. Ne ��id he didn't care how many attor'neys sai;i i�: shcu�d be i:ahen out, he stili fe�t`this sl�uuld L-e in tP,e ardinances anc! Planninc� Commission Meetin� - January 21, 1976 Paqe 18_ � X , — - � -� � � w� should try to unhold go�d moral character. Mr. Star�,ral t said he had one r�iore thing to di scuss ��nd thi s was a concensus of the Counc:l, and this had to do with signs: He said the Planning Commission had labored hard and tediously with the billboard ordinance, and you realize that we changed some of your recommen�ations which were maybe to your disn�ay. The consensus of the Council was that it had not and wi11 not outlaw signs. The Council does uphold �nd respect the need for reasor�able signs. it appears to us that the original ordinance was an attempt to virtually outla�r certain types of signs. He said he knew this wouldn't solve their problem, but they wanted the Plannino Commission to keep doing the job, and the Council thought they were doin� a tremendous job. Mr. Langenfeld said that he had mentioned a�; the beyinning of the meeting � � th�t it was not the Planning Commissien's in�:ention to be anti-billboard or anti-signs. t�Je were just 'crying to enforce the existing ordinance. � � � 1� . I I �J Mr. �tar�aalt said the Co�ncil recognized their dilemma-and are in sympathy w � �h you w�i th tf��e ;�robl ems ; n 1;hi s area Chairman Nar•ris said it was the intent o� th� Planning Commission, at a future date, to make some r°ecammendations to amend the sign ordinance, but you understand thai �ve have i�zen a�it on the busy side, and it was a matter of priorities. . - Cha�irn�an Narri� said �;ha� M►�. Starwalt t�vas ��relcome to stay fc,r as much of the meeting as he 1,�ouid care to stay. It woi��d probably be late. CONTINUED: PROPOSED ?-iOUS::�!� GUALS AN[� GBJCCTIVFS r�oTroN b� Z,angenfelc?, seconded ,b� .T'etersvn, to receive the sta�f summary of th2 proposed housing go�1.s and objeci:ives. Upon a voice vQt�, a1Z voting aye, t1�e metio:� cai•ried unsnirnou�ly. � h1r. Beryman said �:hat from the motion he made at th� lasi: me�ting, he ha� experted a staff suiz�inary of all goa� ar��as made by tlie me�nber Cmm��-ission,, , h1r. �eardman said i�� wcu�ld be preparing �hos� for other goals, bu�t the pi�iority � � �t this time was to ayree on the l�ousinc� goals anci obiectives before tl�e {'uolic Hearing on the �omprel�ensie�e Nausing °ian. � � � Mr. aoarciman said they F��c1 alrea�y estab�ished their 1-�ousing goal whicl� 4��as to "i'rovi de fcr ar,d mai ntai n i n tnG c.�ommuni ty, t�ti thou t d�i �crimi nati on , a div�rsii;,y of suitable housing ancl living envirorzmen�s for ali per�sons." f�e said he had com� up �vit�� six ��ousing cbjer,�:ives fi�om ihE recommendations of 1:I�P member Commissions, He !�aci alsos�}��u�� how i:hese objectives could be impiemented, but that ��as oniy for reference, and -'ti;ese did not have to have any reccmrnend�tions made on them a�,:�t��i� meeting. They should concern �hems�lves Y�(1tll jt,ISL appi°oving the obje;,tives. Mr. l3oardman said the firsi; oi�jr�ctive was ta "Assure safe and healthful � conditions in ail housing anu encourage consideration of the qualities oi �rivacy, camfort and otlier ameniL�ie,." � 1�1C�T.iUr�T 1�y Petcrson, secn;:d��d b�.� Scn_i:t, t1�.at the Pl�nning Commiss,i.on �c�(�r.ovc� o.0 i:he'firs� vL.jeci-.i���� wl�lr..t� �c�.:icit; �1.; follows: Assurc� s�i�� ar,d hcal.i:Iifu1 cond.it_r.orls in a11 l;ous.irag �.nu c�r�c;ou:•�.�y�; �vr�r�idcra�ion of the yualztics of � LJ � � � �� � � , � Plann�ng Commissiorr Meetinq - January 21, 1976 �age J9 1 Y priv��cy, comfort and other amen_ities. U,von a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mvtion carried trnan�mot�sl y. � � Mr.'Harris said �he second pronosed objective was " Assure that housing will be provTded at a cost each i�ndividual� and h�usehold can afford without � com�romising essential needs.° t�fr. Langenfeld said he didn't see any goal that pertained to the elderly. Mr. 8oardnTan saia ti�at under this goal they ���ou1d try to �ake advantage of all the programs tha� were available. 7his would include Section 8 housing through the P1etro Council and the HUD block:gran�, and other programs would have to be researched because he wasn't a4va��e of all the -Funding that could be applied for. Mr. Langenfeld said he I;net�r they v�ere going to be asked at the Public Hearing w��ere the funds were coming from and if they wouldn't be paying fcr this funding through their income tax. Mr. 6oardman said these programs already had tf�e mrney set aside, and it would be spent, so we should try to get a fair share for Fridley. He said that he thought they were �ncluding the elderly in this objective statement. ' f�1r. E3ergman said that in his �erminology to assui°e meant to guarantee, 1 and he didn't think a�e cou�d guarantee that ever,y�one could to provided a house that would not compromise their essential nee�s. Mr. Peterson said that if we �rere enly going through this exercise to ' get fiederal monies, then he wanted no part of it. Ne said if we were develo�ing a comprehensive housing plan to make Fridley a better place to l�ve and �to . develop the kind of c�mmunity we t��ant. The other Planning Commission members agreed. h1r. Boardil�an said thnt this was not the end statement of the housing ,� �1an, de-riniteiy not. Mr. Peterson said thaj; �;hen i:his woi�ld be �:he ansvrer to the people, that ';.he ob1�:ctive of this plan was to make Fridle,y a better place to live. Chairman Narr�is said why don`t we say that. Ne didn't see � this staternent ariy place in �he plan. � �� � � � � Mr. Starwal�t said tha��; ii? agreed that the purpose o�f the comprehensive hausing plan was not to get Federa! money. l+lp also agree that if we are going to pat°ticipa±e in certain desirab�e for;ns of Federal funds, w� do have to com�7y t�ith certain thir�gs. He said this tivould not �e compromising the Council or the co?��rnunity. He said that making ff°idley a be�ter place te iive �•1as the nur�ber c�i� objective, b«t in the process �f �loing that we can alse put o�arselves in the �osition ti��herP we can p�i,ta�,e in federal matchii�g funds situations vahere they do occur, i n a manner i n wh7 ch he thou�ht they� al l caul d 1 i ve 4V1 tIl . Mr. Boardn�an said he didn't knaw hU4ti' this stai:ement should be handled. He said he didn'tnecessa.►,ily feel �I-,a�;_�Lh;s had.to bea. goal statemen�: in tb�_ii�usir�g plan. Ne said ma,yi,e t:his cou1d be a stat�mer.t of purpose for settiny up the goals and objectives. Chairn�an I�ar�~is said he thoughi; th�is wou7d clear the air on a lo�� of thin�s. Mr. Qoardman sa�id I�e a��reed with �1r. 6ergman that the word 'assure'��should p,oba�ltr i�ct be in tl�„ c�bj�ctive. 13c�i+roN �y Bci-q:n3r, sccorded by Pcterson, that the Ylanninc� Comrnission ap�rove as t_-11e seco��d objective "Tncouz�aye pro�r��nrs to prvvide housing at a cost indi�riduals �7nd famil.i_cs can afford withvui: c:�mnromising c�ssential needs. tlpor a vc�.zce vc>t:��, a1:i vo►_�ng aye, tlie mo!-ior. r:zrr..i.e�i U1��771J.InOL2�1�. � , � � � ' � � � ' � � � � ' � Plannin� Commission Meeting - January 21, 1976 Page 20 1 z Chairman Harris read the third proposed objective "Promote the preservaticn and upgrading of existing residEnt.��al neiyhborhoods." Mr. Lanyenfeld asked Mr. 6oardman to define a residential neighborhood. Mr. E3oardman said it was a group of residential housing units that utilize similar City services and are surrounded by similar barriers. I1; was made up of similar types of people. Chairmar� Harris said that was a neighborhood. Mr. f3ergman said he vranted the a�ord neighborhood replaced by housing. Mr. 6oardman said he would agree with that. MOTI'O�v by Bergman, s�conded by Langc�nfeld, that the Planning Corrrmission approve the third goal objective to read " Promote the preservation and upgrading of existing r.esidentia.Z housing." Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Ehai•rman Harris read �he fourth goal object;ve which read "Promote a sufficient variety of housing types, designs, sizes, ownership and occupancy situations; and environments �to allow all indivi�uals a choice of housing sui�;ed•'co ti.eir needs." � . Mr. Scott said he felt the 2nd an�+ fourth objective were �he same thing and one should be deleted.� Mr. Bergman said he felt the 2nd objective had to do with ecor�omics and this goa� had to do with.promoting a var�ety c,f housing. types. _ MOTION by Scott, seconded by LangenfeJd for discussion, that this goaZ objective. be approved chunging�all indiv.zduals to a.Z1 people. F1r. Langenteid said he wouid like tne other mecr�bers opinion on this goal statement readino "Promote a sufficient vari'ety of housing to allow all people a choice oi l3o�sing suitab7e to their needs." Mr. 6erg�i�an said the goal objective as originally stated he thought was wordy and redundani:. He said tha� if some ane asked us how we were going to ail this here, it would b� difficult to come up with an answer. He said design, sizes, c�wnership, etc. woul� be impossible to promote. Ne said he thought this ' was taking a�vay the builders ;�rerogatives.; Mr. Scott said he thought what th�is goal abjective �ti�as try�ng to sa�� was that there tvere more ways to build houses than crackerboxes. htr. Harris said the ne�v State requlations on the saving of ener�y �Atas going to restrict th�s goal objective. Tn his opin�on, this reg�;lation was going to ten� ta proniote th2 crackerbox house. Mr. Qergman sa,a tr;, was al? going to be relati��e �o cost. You could s�:iil get what,you want, it'v�il� :just cos� you m�re. � �. U�on a vcice vate, Sco�4t V0±.1I1� aye, balance of votes nay, the IdOTIOtl F�rL�D. h.OT1'ON }�y Berg^.nan, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission approve �i�e fourth goal obj�ctive which ;-�i.t1 read "Promote a svfficient variet� oi� housing to a11ow p�oplc� a choice o� se�l.ect.ion. Mr. Scett saic� he would spea4: against tl�is motion, because this wording was almost the s�n�� as in �;he goal sta�:ement. He i;hought the orig nal goal abjective supported the goa3 stater,er�t. �tr. Peterscn said the goal statement we ar� {�rov�idinc�, and in the �oal oLijectie�c ��!as a17���r�ng people a� �electi�n. ...�.,a�.,,.,� -< � ' ' � Planninq Commission Meetir�g - January 21, 1976 Page 2i 1 AA �IPUN a vozce voL-e, Scott voting na�, the other 4 members voting aye, the motior carried. Chairman Harris re:�d f:he next pNoposed gaal objective. "Develop and maini;ai�� the neighborhood conc�pt as a b<<sic physical planning unit for �it;izen interaction and resic(ential developi��ent." Mr. Bergman said the way this goal objective was written,it was out of context of the goal area of hou�ing. Mr. Qoardman said h� would agree. He said this would �robably be � : under an "Economic Vitd�i�,Y" yoal which would be considered at a later date. �� � MOTION by Petersen, seconded by Bergmar,, the fhe Planning Commission delete "Develop and maintain the neig'riborhood concept as a basic ph�sical planning unit for cit�ize�7 ii�teraction and rnsidential development" from. the 13ousir�g Goal Objectives. Upon a�roice vote, aIl veting aye, the. motion car_ried �.rn�-,imousl�. Chairma�� Harris r�ad the next proposed goal objective: "Promote Metro- � ' wic!e housing developm��nt frame�vork policies, ti��here possible, so as tc fulfill the C�ty's role a� a htetropoiitan neighborhoad." �- ' ' Mr. Bergman sai d he fr�l t i:he ��rords "��here possi bl e" were redundant. Mr. Qergman asked if we promoted �1etro-�vide hc�using development framework pol i ci es woul d we becon-�e a Met►�opol i tan nei ghborh�ood? Mr. Boardman sai d tve w�re a t�ictropolitan i�e�,yhborhoo�. Mr. Boardman said this would probably be a better statement if ;t started 4��ith incorpor?te rather than promote. He said that then the "whei°e poss�ble" part or tf�is goal object�ve sh�uld be left in the staternent. He said that we n?ay not �uant to promote all their frameHtork pol icies. MOTION hy ��rgman, sec�lided by Peterson, t.hat the Plannin_q Commission 'approve �he gaal object..ive ','Incorpc�rat:e l•letro-wide housing d2ve.Zopment fzamer�ork . policies, where possible, so as to fulfill the City's role as a idetropoli�an neigr�orhvod." Upon a t�o.ice vote, a11 vo�-ing aye, t1�e motion cerried unanimously. � '- 1. MOTIOIV 1�y Sc�tt, ihat the fourL-li �oal objective as originally stated b� adde�3_.as a ne�v ge�l ohj�ctive. i'h�� ��IU!'ION Dl"ED for lack of a second. Chair,�an i�arris as{<ed �f �there �tifere an�� other c;�al objectives that the Plan�zing Conn��i s�i as� f�el t shoul d bc � ncl uded. Ts�ere w�s no r~esponse. REViEiv OF PRQ} C1SED COPif�RFH�"�dSI1�; N�UStNG PLNN 1lO�'ION by 13crgrnan, sc�cor�ded by ."eterson, that the Plann.ing C.ommission table � Lhe review of tl�c Proposed Co::7prel�ensive teo�zsinq P1an until their meeting of January 28, 19?5. � , ADJOU�Nf�1�NT : !�lOTION bt� 13crgnl�n, secorded by Pet_er.son, �t:<�t thn meeting be adjouri�ed. Upo� �� voic�� ��oL-c, a1l voc.ing �.,T��, Ch.�irm�in Ilal•ris declared the Planning Co��unission ar�eetii:g o.` J.2Jaua_.r.y :�1, 1°76 ,::<1jo�iz�nc�d aL Z7.:55 �;.ld. .;�....-,.z +r € ' Planning Commission Meeting - January 21, 197G Page 22 Respe�tfully submii:ted, � � / � �''�c/'r��i �.?�� ���.� � Darothy Ev son, Secretary , � .. .. ,. C�r� s+ .. d.!y:.,,� `!�as:�.^:w,..,� .. . � `' � f ' � �.. ' �J ., CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING November 18, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Brerinen, Raymond Sheridan, John Swanson, Elaine Knoff, Ole B�erkesett, Herbert Bacon, Harry Crowder, Peg McChesney, Jackie Johnson MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Ratcliff, Robert 0'Tieill, Clifford Ash, Roy McPherson Virgil Her.ricic, City Attorney Chair.person Sheridan opened the :neeting at 7:41 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21,�1°75 CHARTER COMMISSION MEElING: MOTTON by Ole �jerkesett, seconded by Herbert Bacon, to approve ,' the minutes of the October 21, 1975 Char•ter Co,nmission meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion caz�ried unanimously. . ' REPORTS FROM OFFICERS: 2 Chairperson Sheridan explained he had written a letter to Judge , Gillespie asking that he appoint two new members to the Commis- sion. He added he had recently received a reply from Judge Gillespie indicating he haci appoin�ted Charles Langer, Attorney at Law, and � Karen Jor�nson to th,e Commission. `�'hose persons, along with Jerry Ratcliff will be sworn in a�t the next regular Charter Commis- si_on meeting. �_1 , �_ ' � , DATE FOF� NEXT CHARTER COI�MISSION MELTING: The Commission se-c the date for their next meeting at January 20, 19Z6. Due to the holidays, there will be no meeting in December. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; SECTION 5.02 - EXPENDITiJRES BY PETITIONERS Mr. Si•Tanso?� sta.t�d his com��ttee had. ag_reed ±he $50 limit on expe.zditux�es should be �_r.creased zo $200 as previously suggested by the Commission. He added there was conflict arid �.r_terminglir.g between sections S, 0?. , 5. 03 , arid 5. 19 . I-t was liis commi�ctee' s sizggestion that those r.omrni��:tees dealing with sect� ons 5. 02 and 5.19 arrange a meeting to discuss ih�. possibility of combining those sections, and also take sectior. 5,0� ��.nto consideration. tcont.) If �-�'.._ � t. r! v � ' ' ' ' ' � , � CHARTER COMMTSSTON MEETING, NOVEMBER 18, 1975 SECTTON 5,08 - INITIATIVE BALLOTS PAGE 2 Mr. Crowder stated it was di�ficult �or him to believe that two conflicting ordinances could be approved. However, this is possible." He stated the question in t11at case would be "who determines the inconsistency?!t Mr. Crowder stated his committee had thought perha}�s if there were two ordinances which conflicted and were approved, possib�y the City Council could de�ermine what the inconsistency was and correct it before it aet�aall_y became an ordinance. I�r. Crowder ask�d Mr. Hex�ri.ck �aheth.er it should be spelled out in this section as to caho would have the responsibility of resolving the inconsistency. (This would be an alternative to the 55%.) Mr. Herrick statEd he felt in the case that both ordinances had over 50% of the vote, the ordinance with the greater amount of votes should be enacted. Mr. Sheridan asked whethex the Commission should make it mandatory ' upon the Council to resolve the inconsistency taithin a certain periad of time, Mr. Herrick stated the City Council wauld he -the only body which , could do �.nythir�g about this. Zf the cor.flict was a serious one, yes, it would have to be resolved quic}cly. ' The Comn��ssion agreed it wished to (1.) remove the percentage, (2) resolv� the inconsistency by some body, and (3) set a time . limit to resolving the.inconsistency. � �J ' � , , ' SECTION 5.18 - FORM OF RECALL BALLOT Mr. Sheridan stated he would revi_ew this section and make sor�e recommendations to tize Commission regarding those voting on the office o� rccall. He stated he felt the charges should be spelled out more clear�ly. SECTIG?� 5.1�3 - PL-•I3ALTY FOR FtiLS.�LY ATTESTTN� TO ANY SIGr1ATURE ON A PETTTION�� Mr. Br�ennen stated his commi.ttee agreed Sec-tions 5..19 and 5 e 02 did overlap as Nr.. Swanson had indicated. Those committees will meet to disct.ss tl.ese sections together. Nfs. Johnson read aloud a collection of past comments taken from minutes, l�iters, etc. regarding this section of the City Ch��.rter. She stated it was the consensus of those discussions ti���t Section 5.19 should be d��let�d from the proposed ch�ndes. ! / � . � ,. ::� _. . 1 i , ' , � CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING, P10VEMBER 18, 1975 PAGE 3 Mr. Brennen stated, however, that the committee felt that the , pet�_tion�r should know his responsibilities when circulal�ing a petition. They also agreed they would like the City Charter to authorize the Finance Director to supply petitioners with written instructions for circulating a petition. This is being done now. �However, it should be mandatory. SECTION 6.04 - SUBORDINA'TE OFFICERS � — — SECTION 6.05 - PURc;�iASES AND CONTRACTS SE�TION 6.OG - CONTRACTS, HOW LET Peg McChesney indicated her committee felt that Sections 6.05 ' and 6.05 were fine as written. NIr. Herrick stated the dollar amounts should be deleted with the words " as provided by state statutes" substituted. The Comrnission agreed. 2� In regard to Sectior. 6.04, Mr. Sheridan explained to Mr. Herrick, that the Cornmission, in suggesting the City Attorney be appointed by the City Man.age.r e�.itn approval of the Coun.cil, was trying to remove this from th2 political ring. Mr. Sheridan asked for Mr. Hez-�x�ick�s gui.dance on this matter. Mr�, Herrick indicated personally, he did not really care. However, �� would probably be better to have the City Manager make the a�pointment. . Mr. Sheridan as]ced about the possibility of using the war.ds "appoint a firm " rather thar_ an individual attorney. Mr. Herrick said it would probably i�e be-�ter to suggest that an indivi�aual be appointed and t7iat he name a. replacement. This would be better because the naming of a i�irm would eliminate the sole practitioner. SECTIOI�? 7.04 �- PREPARATION OF ANNUAL BUDGET & SECTION i.05 - PASSAGE OF THE BUDGET SECTION 7.14 - ACCOUNTS AND RE�'ORTS Mr. Sherid�.n erplaii�ecl his committee recommended that the Charier Comrnission leave tr.ese sections as they are written. The Cam�nission agreed. (.cont,)_ ���' � � ' �' �J CHART�R COMMISSION N�EE�;'INU; N�`,1.��'�I�EI� 18� 19.75 SECTTON .1Q. Q5 �� RA'�E� ,AND CriARGES -- � _�.._._. SECTTON 10.06 � �'ROVISIONS OF FF.ANCNISES --�---- --- � -- SECTION 10.09 � PUBLIC NEARTNGS ��G,E 4 ' Mr. Brennen stated his committee had decided it would be better to use the words "public utiiity or franchisee" rather �han only the word "franchisee" �throu�hout alZ three sections. � � Also, in Section 10.CG, tne subdivisions a and b should be stricken �ai.th (1) and ( 2) under b becorriing ( 6? and C 7). The Commission agreed.� ' Dr'�T� FOR REPORT ON EACFi COMMITTEE' S PROPOSALS : Each subcommittee wi.l� submit a.report cn thei.r assigned sections of the City Charter betwe�n Christmas and the new year. ELECTI��T OF OFFICERS: The foll.otaing persons wer.e norninated as of.ficex�s of the Chaxter Commission: Raymond Sheridan - Chairpersen C�.ifford Ash - Vice-Chairp�rson Peg McC.i�esney - Secretary!'I'reasurer MOTIOPv by Harry Crowder that the Charter Commission cast a unanimous ballot �or rthe above listed persons and their res- pective gositior.s. Seconded by Herbert Bacon. Upon a voice vote, all voting <ayes the motion carried unanimously. ADJ'OI.1h1�;r�il�T'i : M�TIGN by O�e Bjerkeset�t, seconded by Ken Brennen, that the Charter Comrn.ission adjourn its meeting of P1ovPmber 18, 1975 at 9: 19 P. i�I . tJpon a voi.ce •�o+e , all voting aye , the motion c�r.ri.ed un.anirnousl.y. Respe<�tyu� ly Submi.t-te�a, _' �r � �;r• . ���,•:�.� ,��;��.= ,�"'Y<.. ;-;,`.�� Holly T�ansager � ' Racox��i�ig Se�retary , i , _� �.F � r i ; �,� OFFICE �F CIYIL DE�ENSE ,�1�� a� ��Gd�e� 6431 iJniverslty A�ve. N.E. Fridley, PAinn. 55421 ANOKA COUNTY DATE: January 27, 1976 76-1-2 MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, �ity Manager FRUNI: Robert D. Aldric�i Direcl:or of Civil Defense ��i�`" : \ SUBJECT: Siren Bids I ha�e reviewed the bids received on January 23, 1976 for installation of the on.e remaining outdoor tirarning siren. Three bids were received. Two of the bidders are bidding a siren furnished by F'aderal Sign and Signal, and the third bid is far a sirer. by Alerting Communicators of America. It is my recommendation that the City Council accept the bid of Lehn Electric Co., Anoka, Mn., in the amount of $2,229.00 for a riodel 58T Federal Siren. Federal matching funds have been approved fcr this projeot in the amount of 50% of the cost of the project. RDA:el � ' r. > !i rn N � . . . . . �.. W � � w . . . ' . ~ � � • • �,,� O '.'� A �' �"R • !" . ' � � � p O O p o+ A�1 , , • � pp N QO N N 1� � w w O M N N H t/>- � N' ' � i ' O ' O � ( O O O 0 � r,] . . . � N O N � U O O O N ' O � � �O �O N N � F-{ ;7� 1 �-d C�2 T-� � � H ' t/} �-, �' ' ' .� � � � n . z � i H . � ' ( O O O d 0 0 0 O n 0�0 � w O O O Q O O O J O O O O ` � N ' GO 00 N CO �fl �1 O �' U� C�l ul . vl GO M 1� ul �7 O �9 t� �7 GO O ',7-, '. a� ' G O r- 1 O o O t- 1 O O �-i N H c� Ri � n ., ., " vr �-�1 rir r-I �-1 .-� ' cH p I vr tn� v>- <n- ' � cd Ea i i f i i t 1 ! 1 P� U' h ;-�+ H H � ,W � d' P� U r-1 <C f� r-I Q' fA U� ' . A �' � � q� N N O � N O �� f�J U � � � +� t� +� H a..i y.� ra .�-i a-i � Ea � q H H H H H H H�-� p O � ' � E� e-�i :�'-. . o v � x � � .� � � a , H � ( -wri N � C) W � A � P+ a+ �� � �til . ' Z 1 a.� O •� � � � � a°� i �� i a a� Q � ��� ��i .�-� a�i . pa I v1 � �n F� vr U , � � � �. W ' • W O u Z � � , � � U M • �' H N 41 .Y' O � � � �f 41 1-�► �rl � � 1� � 1-i -'L� , A � �tn G � O �r1 � tn �n v .-i A Gv � �. � � N - i .� 3�-� ��'. � �-1�-1 U�ri . ��� W � (:� O S: � -rl .� � r-1 � N ql '� ' ° a'_' a, ,�, �' ., W w�i r � r-`�+ � {�',n . 4)Ur-� ..r.�t p UvI�V � ,� N tn W.�-1 �' r7 N Q, Pq � W ' . . � 1 RECEIVING LIST OF �JACANCIES ON GOMMISSIONS - EFFECTIVC APRIL 1, 1976 PRESENT MEM6ERS TERM EX.PIRES � PLF�NtdI"!u COMMISSION (Or�iir��nce Ne. 606)�6 Members) ��neral Richard Harris 4-1-76 iai rman 62Q0 Ri veryi ev� Terrace NE (H.560-2491) ** Will Continue if �esired airman, Herman Bergman 4-1-7� mmunity 5503 Regis Trail ��E velopmt. (H.577-3583)(633-617�x5351) ai rman, Rc�bert Peterr: �n ��1 °%� Pks & 480 Rice'Creek Blvd. �creation (H.571-8278) Chairman Willi��.m Drigans 4-1-76 ��peals 1280 Hathaway Lane NE � mm. (H.574-1930)(B.482-2�17) airman, James Langenfeld 4-1-16 v. %9 63 2 Way NE ality (H.560-1969)(a.861-�511j �airman, Wi�liam Scott 4-1-76 iman 1632 69th AvEnue NE . Resources (H.574-1143}(6.5%4-0000) � � , �* � � APPOINTEE 4 APPOINTEE TERM FXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 4-1-77 COMMUiVITY DEI�ELOPMENT �OMNIISSION (Qrdit��nce Nn. 606)(3 Year T�rm - 5 P�lembers Herman Bergman, 5a03 Regis Tratil NE (H.571-3683)(6,33-6170x53f�1) Hubert Li ndlil ad 160 Crown Road (H.560-5148)(Q.535-i;2�x236j Wi.11 Ccznt_inue if Desire.d �Sandra S�tar,ley �C�s�gned, William Forster 7539 Ternpo Ter~��acE (H.784-8360)�6.338-7541) LeRoy Oquist 1011 Hackmann Cir�cle (N. 571-041:,; 4-1-77 �-1-76 4-�-73 4-1-78 4-i-78 4-1-79 �� VACANCIES ON COMP�lI�SIONS, APRIL 1, 19i6 t� � PAGE Z • RPPOiNTEE ' TERM PRESENT MEMBCRS EXPIRES A�POINTEE EXPIRCS 1 PF�RKS AND RECREATION COMihI�SION (Ordinance No. 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) ' Ro6ert Peterson 4-1-7G 4-�-79 480 Rice Creek Blvd. � (H.571-8278} ** Undecided Shirl�y Caldwell 4-1-76 4-1-79 .� � 5874 Hackrnann Ave. NE (H.571-0675) 1 ** '_' Davi �arr�s �+-1-77 47� Rice Creek Blvd. (H.574-9551)(B.571-7792) � Jan Seeger �r°1-78 ' 324 Ironton Street NE , (H.784-7441) Harvey Wagar 4-1-77 5940 Stinson alvd. � � (H.571-4660) APPEALS COMP�lISSION (Or•c�inance Noe 606) (� Yeat^ Terr� - 5 Members)_ William Drigans 4-1-76 1280 Hathav�ray Lane (H.574-1930)(B•482-2877) . Resigned Pati�i ci a Gabel 4-1-76 5947 2 2 Street (H.571-128i3) Wi11 Continue if Desired Fti cnara . �emper 4--1-7� 6736 7th S�reet NE (H. 571-97£�8) (a. �,�5-0381) James Plemel 4-�1-77 68G4 Chann�l Road (H.571-�026)(B.4�1-4760) Vi rgi r�-i a!�'ahl berg 4-1-78 1452 Windemere Dr. (H.571 -3318) �-1 -79 4-1-79 ', ��1ACqNCI:ES pN CONih1ISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 PAGE 3 4; , • APPOIf�; EE ' ' �� t ' �� � ' , � � �* � , � � � TERM PRESENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE EXPIRES ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 606)(3 Year Term - 5 Members) James Langenfeld 4-1-76 4-1-79 79 63 2 Way N. E. (H.560-1969)(B.861-4511) Will Continue if Desired Bruce Peterson 4-1-77 7303 Tempo Terrace (786-9898)(E3.69o-4495) Michael Paripovich 4-1-?6 4-1-79 8200 East River Road (786-29�8) Will Gontinue if Desired - Lee �n p� orre � 4-1-'18 301 Ironton Street (H.786-4237) � Thomas J. Sullivan 4�i-77 135U Gardena Av�nue (N•571-0125)��.571-911G} HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION (Ordinance No. 606��3 Year Term - 5 Members William Scatt 1632 69th Avenue NE (78�-1143)(B.574-Q000) Narold 8elgum 191 Hartman Circl� (N.571-1191) Nancy Lambert 5965 4th Street N� (H.571-2374)� Will Continue if Desired Grace Lynch 580 54th Aven�!e NE (560°9589) Barbara Shea 1456 Wi ndern�re Dri ve PJE (Fi.571-2�77)�B.571-2374) 4-1-78 � 4-1-77 4-1-76 4-1-;7 4-1-78 4-1-79 ACANCI.ES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL.1, 1975 ,f1GE 4 , . PR�SENT MEMBERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE ', ' CABI_E TELEVISION COMMISSTON (Cit:.y Code 405.281�5 Members - 3 Year Terms� Mark Scott �!- � -78 ' 7190 Rivervieur Terrace (H,786-3t�63)(B.784-1iC0) - � Kenneth Brennen �-1-78 6716 7th Street NE (H.571�-8035) � John Haines 4-1-76 275 Craigbrook UJay ( H. 784--0887 ) �** Does not Wish to Continue Bar ara 'ug es 4-1-77 548 Rice Creek Terrace ' , (H.571�6182) t�ancy Wrubel 4-1-76 � 7343 Hayes St. NE _ (H.786-3402) ** Undecided FRIDLEY �-IQUSING AND R�DEVELOPi�i��1T AU i �iOP.iTY (5 �rembErs) (5 Year Terms Jerry Orton 6--9-76 7418 Stinson Blvd (H.786-8855) Moved fr�om rri.dley Russel Hauck 6-9-77 75C Overton �ro (H.56U-32.�9} Pastor Arncld Stone 6-9-7$ 6950 Hickory Drive (N.784-9394) Larry Commers 5-9- �9 5197 Lin�oln Street NE (H.783-�925) Carolyn Svendsen 6-9-80 5741 Moore �ake Drive (H.560-606Q) � �� r �� � Af�POINTEE iCRM EXPIRES 4-1-79 4-1-79 6-9-8� ��CANGIES ON COMMISSIONS, APRIL 1, 1976 G�., 5 ' PRESENT MEMBERS � EXPIRES APPOINTEE , POLICE COMMISSION (City Code Chapter 102)(3 Year 1'erm - 3 Members)_ Dan J. Sullivan 4-1-76 ' 1161 Regis Lane .— (H.788-2294) , Jean Schell, 4-1-77 5198 St. Moritz Drive (H.788-3283} . � � �al th Officer , ��l ic I-(eal th �nitarian r , ' �J � � � � Helen Treuenfels 4-1-78 5248 Horizon Drive NE (H.560-5907) . BOARD OF HEALTH (f�ity Code Chapter 112)(3 Year Term - 3 Members)_ Dr. C. E. Turbak 4-1-76 23 Rice Creek Way NE (N.560-1470)(B.560-2820) Dr. Donald L. Wright 4-1-76 101 Logan Parkway Steve Olson 4-1-76 Fridley Environmental Officer 4D APPOIPJTEE TERM EXPIRES � 4-1-79 4-1-79 4-1-79 4-1-79 ANOKA COUN�Y LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL (1 Representative and 1 Rlternate) Councilman Hamernik, Representative Appointed January 5, 1916 12-31-76 Councilmar� Fitzpatrick, Alternate Appointed January 5, 1976 SUBURBAN RATE AUT�-IURITY (� Member and 1_Alterr�ate Councilmar: Starwalt,�Member� Appointed January 5, 1�76 , A1 ter�a�ce N0�2TH SUBURBAN SEWER SERUICE EOARD__1 Re resertativ�and 1 Alternate Councilman Starwalt, Member Appointed January 5, 1976 Council�oman Kukowski, Alternate Appointed January 5, 1976 12-31-76 12-31-76 12-31-76 12-31-76 �� � _ 5 January 27, 1976 Bill Nee, Mayor Members of City Council Dick Harris, Chairman Planning Commissian City of Fridley 643], Un:iversity Ave• N.E= Fridley, �1N 55432 Ger,tlemen, I would like to submit my resignation as a member of th,e Planning Commissian and as Chairm�n of' the Board of Appeals effective immed:iately• Aclditional work responsibilaties are causing me to travel and my absenteeism at commission meEtings have been of great concern to me• I have trie� to work my travel schedule around commission meetings, b�at find that this is t;oo difficult to continue to do until my term expires or� 1, April 1,976. I wish to e�:press my �ppr�c2ation and good wishes to the City Council, City S�aff, and ��p2cially to my fello� cemmission members on �he Plannin� Cammission �nd the Bnard of Appeals• I looi� forward to servi.ng the City of Fridley again in the future when time p�rmi�s. Sinc�rely, �. '�� �� W. A. llrigans 1280 Hathaway Lar�e Frid�ev� MN 554�� ;j c h , ' ' ' _ ' _ , , ' , � ' ' ' ' ' �., � ' ' � ' 1 � � , ":��_ ... ._.._.."--`-_.._�._..._..__._....__. ..__.._:�.._._...._._.,__ . ,_..._...__......__---- - _, ._. � � �� � : . . , .. ` JS� � . . � . . . VENDOR�S NAME M I SC. OTHE R. . M. .. M 1 SC. OTHE R. . M. .. CARL J. NEVVQU I ST NORTH AMER I CriN L! FE N SPCO. TRE�S. ST�TE: 4F MINN. P I ONEER FENCE POHLE SALES iNC. POLICE PENSION r�SSN PROJECT N0. 61 CORP. PUBLtCAiIONS MISC. OTHER..P... RO�D M%�CHINERY ROLLING REBUILDING SOUTHTOV�N REFRIG SUBUR�.�N RUBBER ST�MP M 1 SC. OTF-iER. . S. .. U H L C0. INC. UNION OIL OF C�1L XEROX CORP. XEROX Ct)RP. DISTILLERS DIST CO F�MOUS BR�NDS ' GRIGGS COOPER r�NO CU. JOHNSON BROS. MIDWEST WINE C0. OLD PE�RI� C0. ED PN ILI.I PS �ND SON6 P Rf OR W I NE C0 . P UBI,. I Cr1 T 1 0�l S � _ __,_.-__ N C 11 rmur DESCRIPTION M1D-CENi'Rr�►L FIRE .it�`t.6`6 S7ATE OF MiNN. .j���''L`o 6 QEC. ' 75 SEFtV i CE ,;A:°?'?h 6 JAN. PREMI U�A .t�.ta'z6 5 EI.EGTRIG!7Y �;,'±t5" b Q� 1b('i6 P�YROLi. �ra�tb � i PlPE .��w2t� t BE E R .�k�:26 t ��1N. TAX PORT I (�1 � ;°t25 � € Jr�Fd. RENT .�?`t tb � LE�GUE OF MUN 1 C{ P�iL�'„+'.>.5 ; PI.+�2� G�.EAN�t�S :oa;t�2�� � NO�E 8� �il'TtNG5 .�:,���� � GENE R�tTOR ��.w `t.b REP� t (i5 JA�2b NAi+t� TA(�S ,�::.�:Z6 SUBURB�N REG�EA'iION.+=,�2�> !dlQV� T41Et'w'1105Ti�T ::��t?.b O t L J�,Y25 RENT ��h'Z6 GOP{ES ` .��x26 L i i�U� R trv 2�i LI�lUOi� ��� � �s���2�,� r� l.l c�UOR .1".r�2� L V t�UOR ° "'��b YVIN� .�,�26 l. i i�UO R .;� �t tb � i i�UOR `' �"2�' WI�NE � 1�v26 �RB�N L�t�lD t NST. �K'� z� i I I PURCHASES CHECK NO• AMOUNT TO DATE 13�407 13,4 Q �3 13,4 �'3 3,3.410 13,41 1 �. 3,:� 1 2 13,rs 13 13.414 1�,415 13,�+ 2 b 13,417 13,41 9 13.47�9 k3.42 Q �. �,� a �t 13,4 2 2 13,4 2 3 13,424 13,4 2 S 13.426 13,427 13.428 13,�fZ9 13.430 13,43I 13.4 � 2 , 13.433 , 13,4 3 4 , 13,4 3 5 , �3.436 I07.75 70.Q0 1.5 4 6.25 2 5 3.1 S 4.ts 2 5.� g 4,1 y 2.2 4 3.3 3 4.b04.10 7.2 6 2.3 3 bbi.ao 12.0 0 14.50 51.50 4 0.0 0 2 �.o a 8 2.3 4 �o� o.ao 4 5.2 5 15.08 167.54 l.k k 7 •`� 7 i.b 95.07 63 2.79 2�03 b.(?8 1.7 7 9.2 9 347.30 4,5 b 1.0 0 B4Ok 2.62 563.79 9.00 CITY OF FRIDLEY DATE TREASURERS RECORD OF �• CASH DISBURSEMENTS SHEET NO. , 1. . � � , � �_�.. . . � . . � � � ' � . _.. _ ....... _. _._,,.._. .____,_... .... _ __ . . ._... _.. . ... ., ._... .... _.. _ ... , .,....-, _._.,._.._ ,,..,_., ___ .... _.�.. __ . _ . . .. i\ , ' .. .... � : � ' . . ., . ` . . �.__/�t . � .. . . . ... ��.._/" ' � � � 1 � ' ' � ' VENDOR'S NAME OISTILLERS D15T CO JOHNSON BROS. �UALITY WINE � JOHNSON BROS. MC KESSON LI�UOR C0. ED PH ILLI PS AND SONS METER PURCH�SES ; ACME RAD Ir1TOR C0. BACON ELECTRI C BROWN PHOTO CLUT�H �1ND U JO f i�T " CQNW�Y FI RE S�FETY COON IZaPiD:i CHRYSLER CRANE Pt1CK 1NC C0. ' MISC. OTHER ..�•• QETERNHN WELD ING MISC. OTHER ..D.. MiSC. OTHEft ..U.. C ITY OF ER I DLEY JOHN HENRY F05TER CO FULLWELL MOTGR CU. MI SC. OTHER . . F. . G. T. PHRTS C0. MISC. OTHER..G... HAWKINS CHEM1 C;�L 1NC. Ni t SC. OTHER. . i-i. .. . M! SC. OTH�R.. H. . . MISC. OTHER..H... JESCO 1 NDUSTR I �1L MISC. OTHER..K... M I DL�ND COOPE ftr1T I VE S MINr�R FOR�J INC � TRE�1S. CITY OF MPLS M INNEGASCO M I NhE Gt1 SCO MOB I LE LOCK �1ND KEY MOLINE PRlNTING '� . � �, '� ' ` ' r ' MC R v�o�i� -��I � CMECK NO. I AMOUNT DESCRIPTION " � L t QUO R .�d`t?.fi �t t, 0 i�Uq R ,)k`i26 i �1 t NE J�k26 t L! �UOR .�y!N"t5 1 L. I QUOR .;A'i"Zb i L 1 qU0 R s�NZG , Tt1 UE R .lx'� 25 � REpA i ft RAD i�TOR '.t; �'tb -' {�ST�tLL RECEPT�ICLE ��k`=2u ' 300 M�A LENSE .1��!�lb � t3,RESEN Ei.ENtENT .���26` RECNr�RGE5 ,_►",PiZ6 � 197� V�1L i �NT .�r�26 -� ASBESTOS P�CK1N4 .;��'Y�.b OARREL CL%�ftK a��"�U � SUPPL. 3 E S � 1�s;26 � DUV�ILLS UPNt7L5i�Rlhl���a2� pELUXE G�NSTRUCT l t�N.�s�'%_6 PET'LY C��SH .�W.wt6 5TA-Qf� t F I L7ERS .._ �;d2a SHOP SUPPI. t E S �s'��� FtANDY FURRY ��'tz� 6AT TE R i E S ��� t� LAN{ G�RTNER ,►�'a26 GNEt�II CAL. S J: �t2b NrIPPY TYME 015T. .1�;}?'t_6 RONHl.O HOL.GEN .J�s�2G �t1N HUFF J�.�2b F 1 RST �'� 1 D TAPE .1t,,�2.G KOZ�1K ORYW�+SH :���„26 DiESEI. FUEL .�.�.�+26 KEP�i { R PARTS .IS�t2n URB�N CQRP. QEr1N J',Ff tb HEAT , ,�k?t't6 N�l�IT .;4U Zfi GHANGE LOCKS JAN2E� ENVE�OPE5 ,JGN26 __ ; l ' , � ; 13,3 7 0 �3,371 13.3 7 2 13.373 �, ;,,� 7 4 13,375 13.376 13.377 13,378 1�.379 13,3 � 0 13.381 13, 3 � 2 13,383 13.384 j. 3,3 $ 5 i3.386 13,3�7 13�388 13.3�9 13.3 90 1�3�1 13.392 13.393 13,3 9 4 13,3 � � 13.3 96 13,397 13,3 9 8 13.399 13.4�0 13.4 U 1 13,4p2 13,403 13,4 0 4 13,405 13.406 GITY OF FRIDLEY DATE TREASURERS RECORD OF . �°CASH DISBURSEMENTS � t 9 99.67 5 7 4.7 7 i 98.07 1g.30 1.3 9 4.3 7 2 3.7 3 2 5.0 0 G 45 0 �t3 5 •`� b 15 �+.13 3 2.5 5 1 0.5 Q 2.9 7 5.3 0 ,t 7.8 7 13.13 7 4.6 5 9.00 -300.Q0 93.65 b 7.41 � �5 7 6.2 5 7�.$8 2 p.5 0 259.20 542.60 13.13 3 1.95 3 3.3 3 k 0.0 0 382.Sb i 1.10 3 1.3 5 1.559:J0 703.4$ 12 45 0 32A0 PURCHASES TO DATE 1.1 J 5.� 6 � 2,6 � 6.7 6 1.07ii.30 � 2,6 y 6.G b 2,�5 �.� 0 a,56 �.�> 2�7951 4 �+� Q 55.y6 kGE.38 3 1.5 5 10.50 '. �,01 �.24 17.ii 7 i 3.13 ; 74.65 I 9.00 309A0 32.45�i.(i6 67.01 � 5 3.5 7 I 0 6.2 5 151.11 � 2 0.5 0 25�3.20 : 602.b0 ; b15.73 6 4 7.6 t� 3 3.3 3 4 2.0 0 352.�i6 11.10 3 1.3 5 ' 25 4 2.4 2 3.24 5.`l G 124.50 3 2.0 0 SHEET, NO. .' .� � � .; � + .�' , . , / __ • � ` = ' ,. . VENDOR�S NAME REC. UMPI RE P�1YRO�L REC. lh"JP I RE PAYROLL RE C. UMP I RE PAY ROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMP I RE P�IYROLL REC. U�iPIRE PAY?OLL REC. UMP I RE PAYi'.OLL REC. 11vIPIRE� PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE P�YROLL REC. l�viPl RE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPiRE PAYROLL � REC. UMP I RE PAYROLL R�C. UMPiRE PAYROLL REC. I�AP I RE Pr�YROI_L REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL ftEC. I�ViP I RE PAYROLL UN I TY HOSP I T�1L UNI VERSbTY OF MINN. MISC� OTHER..V... Y�o�/> DESCRIPTION �;` � ' � '� � CHECK.NO. AMOUNT PURCHASES TO DATE .l NOW�RD J,=.#i�`3 6 13.3k 8 31E►�8" '----- 3 t3U.7� . FtOVJAR� ,►R�t 1� b 3 3.3 4 9 4 2.0 0 # 3 2.7 5`' K�1HNK .tPN19 6 13.350 �.8A0 454.75 KEPINEDY J�u"d\9 5�3.35 1 3 6.00 4�3 6.75 KOLl.M�N .ikN�9� 6 1335 2 6.30 4 93A5 KRriGNESS� J�1Nt9 b I.'�,353 lii.00 5Q3.G5 LARSQi� .���l�i t� 13.354 9.00 52 2.C5 l.EYr'I5 .!�'1�9 6 1�.355 18.00 530.GS hRrlClriZKA JAN\� 6 13.356 , 6.30 53b.35 ROSi�iD JAN19 6 13�3� 7 18.00 5� 4.35 ` 5CNM1pT .��;i19 0 23,338 15.08 569.35 i SXCUTT d�,i1� 6 13.359 �. 9.45 , 57s.�ip S�EMr�N J�M ti�3 6 13.3 6 0 9.0 0 5 8 7.is 4 I��CYN�BA�'$RE P�iYROLL,i,�°i��"b t3,3bi 12A+tJ3 .00 5�9.Fs0 ; s ;; , ;,; 5W�iEV SON JAN 19 6 Z 3�,3 6 2 2 I.Q 0 ' 6 2 0.�3 4 SYVANSO�t JA!#19 6 i.�363 26.00 64G.80 'fHC11�+W5 .i�,;#t9 6 13y364 36A0 b�2.F30 1l ! C6:E Rt,rUiN Jk?d I 9 6 13.3 6 5 2 4.0 Q 7 U 6.:• 0 YO��Eft J,'�ti9 � �3.36b 9.OQ �li�.BO FtRST Atq SUPPiIES ,±�,��1� 6 i3.367 I5:�2 15.42 F'QL.4CE ' .laat�"6 13,3b8 20Q.00 Z�g.50 ViL„ii�/�CaE 6UILG'�RS J�Pt19�6 1'�.3b9 2.�08,47 2.3G8.47 � � I I # i . � �1 • � � � ' - � � . . � � .- � � � ' � � � , , , i � , � ; � I � � i CITY O� FRIDLEY �nTe SHEET NG. TREASURERS RECORD OF 4CASH DISBURSEMENTS , � �� ;_ _ __ , _ __..� __., . _. - �,.�� � � ,y . � ' � _ � i � � ' :� ' � , � � , �. . � ' J JC , r \ _ _ _ _ . r ��. r VENDOR'S NAME METER PURCHr�SES METER PURCH�SES METER PURCHr1SES METER PURCHASES METER PUR�HASES METER PURCH�SES AL r1 SK r1N ANE RI C,-1N N�T I ON�; B�NK M ISC. OTHER� . .�. . BACKGROUND MUSIC CLUTCH TR�NSMISSION DISTILLERS DIST CO MISC. OTHER ..E.. MISC. OTHER ..E.. C ITY. OF FR IDLEY Ft4M0US BR�NDS FIDEL ITY BANK FfLTER SERVICE CO GENERAL P�RTS SUPPLY GRI,GGS COOPER ,iND C0. VIRGIL HERRICK JOHNS�I BROS. MC KESSON LI�UOR C0. MET RO �±N I M;�L PAT ROL M INNEG�ISCO M 1 SC. OTHE R. . ivl. .. N S P C0. N W NAT I ON�L B�1NK QU�1L ! TY W I NE REC. UMPIRE P�YROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. � 11MPl RE PHYROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYRQLI. REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL REC. UMPIRE PHYR��L REC. UviP i RE PAYROLL . REC. UMP 1 R� P'r1YROLL REC. UMP 1 RE Pi�YROLL REC. UMPIRE PAYROLL �_._ . .. . ___ . OESCRIPTION , � s . . `. CHECK NO. AMOUNT GROSS� I Nt� .3�N19 ISU�irl(. J&N 19 �J'iEHYA -tEFt � 9 FLETCHER snst�9 UALE3ERG .ixn! ��� PETERSON ,ssH19 FUfttwaGE REP�IR .��t�ty F w { P�Y�ttNT ,;:,!v1+� ROE3EFT nLGR I CN !�*; t'3 MUZAK FOR 1 iDEAR ,i„vi�) R�PA i R Prt�TS ��,#at�) L t QUa R .i�t� t�) BOOTS 8c SKI � EMS u0€�1� UOROTkiY EVcNSON ,t:�N1�3 PETTY Cr�SN � szti�9 L { i�UOR ' �!.N �9 P 8c I PAYMENTS .�Nrf�y CL,E�iN FIl.T4 R5 .1A.vt� REP�! R P�►RTS .la�13 I. I �tJOR J'�i �9 CiEC. 1�75 sERVtCE .;t�1� �RG'{�}GryNp7 C�-lrlFZGcS 3�Yi�! � � �VUIII .��.�,�J_ U�C. 5Ek3Vi f3r. J�'i�� ttErtT .3r�� ►� iRE�ts. S7�TE ti�' r�l�v��,��� E�ECTit1GtTY ,�;,ta�� P 8� f P�YMr:NT ,i«�i � 9 �f i P!£ Jat+ 19 �il.DR { CN ,;h�1 � � '� �HL .f"v1� r1MUNdSEN ,l�N19 f��H .J�!V i9 t COLBcRG ,l�Nt9 � DEArJ .t�,'i1`3 GOSSEL I N ,iAE� �9 H�RRI s �r.�r�3 NriRTMAtd ,fs N t �) H�IYe�NO dAN 19 tiOY�r�ft� Jdry 19 I NOY�+iRD .f��119 { , � _. ;� � . . • i�, .. ; I'� N;C.R riouv � ' ' CITY OF FRIDLt=Y . TREASURERS RECORD OF CASH DISBURSEMENTS 13,307 44.�4 13.3 0 i3 31.4 6 1�,309 58.11 1�310 40.00 13,31 � 4 0.�0 �3.312 40.00 13.31 3 5 0.00 i3.si� iiz�7o.�a 13.3 2 5 2 l.a 8 13,316 ��Z.00 13.31 7 y6.37 13,31 8 I $6A9 13,31� 226.50 13.320 �.50 �3,321 39.35 13,32 2 366.16 13,323117.17t�.77 13,324 25.00 1 3,3 2 5 7.7.0 13.326 2.000.�2 13,327 2.25�.�4 13.328 1.75 i3.329 1,465.43 13,330 964.25 1�33� 76.7� 13.33 2 �.00 13,3 3 3 �+ 3.2 0 13.33 k `�.31 5.75 23.333 2�0.2� 13.33 b 39A0 1�337 36.00 13,3 3 B I 8.0 t? 13.33 9 2 4.00 13,34 Q 6.3Q �3.34 I 9.45 13,34 2 3 0.00 13.34 3 3 6.00 �3.344 9.04 13,34 5 4 2A0 13�,34 b 2 1.00 13,34 7 36.00 i� i _ ,,, ; - � PURCHASES � TO DATE A 4.9 �+ ` 76.40 ; I34.51 � 2 % k,51 ; 214>1 ; 254:51 ' 5 0.0 0 1 129 7 0.v 0 7 1.G 6 2b2.00 9G.37 1 �b.09 226:�0 23I.GQ 3 2.3 6 5.� 1 3b6.1b 1I7,1?�.77 25.00 7.7 0 2.00 0.02 1,259.�0 zxol:j� 1.4 b 5.4 3 �64.25 952.�2 5.0 0 4 3.2 0 1.31 £;.7 � 2b0.23 87.�0 12 3.t? 0 24 1.04 i c� 5 .a o 172.30 � 8 0.7 5 21 U.75 2k b.75 2 5 5.7 5 297.75 3 I S.? 5 35 4.75 �, DATE SHEET NO. �' r *� � . � � � ��!� � -- ... - - — . ��_ � 7 � . ' LIST OF LICENSES TO EE APPR�OVED BY 1�HE CITY COUNCIL AT THE h1EETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1976 TYPE OF LICENSE BY APPROVED BY FEE , FOOD ESTAaLISNMENT ' Edina Oil Company Gerald Missler Steve Olson 8.32 6101 University Health Inspector ' Pic A�op Charles Konold Steve 0]�son 8.32 6251 Central Avenue Health Inspector ' ' S�+�i ng' s Spurette , 6485 East River Rd John Swangdorf Steve Olson , 8.32 � Health Inspector ' ICE MaCHINE Swing's Spurette John Swingd�rf Steve Olson 15.00 ;' 6485 East River Rd Health Inspector CIGAR�TTE ' Swir,g's S�urette John Swingdorf James Hill 6485 Eas± River Rd Pub�ic Safety Director 12.00 ' SERViCE STATIQN Swing's SpurP�:t� Joh� Swingdorf Robert Aldrich 30.00 � 6485 East River Rd Fire Inspector Darrel Clark , � Building Inspector AUCTIONEER ' hent°y E, Lemm Ncnry Lemm James Ni1l 10.00 7850 Qeech Street Public Sa�ety Director � GA�2E3AGE PTCK�p ''A11ied �ispo�al Service Robert Younkin Steve Olson 30.OQ 3714 Girard No. Health Inspector , ' . � , CONTRACiOR'S LIC�NSES TO BE APPROVED BY THP CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR MEETINC I� OF FEBRUARY 2, 1976 �___ GAS SL•'RVICES APPROV�D BY Lakelan� North Pli:mbing & HeaL-ing Box 413, Pine Village Plumbing & Htg. Insp. Cambridge, Mn. 55008 By: James O. Nelson W. Sandin GENERP.L CONTRACTOR Lyon EnterpY�izes Inc. 311 Sur.rise Community Dev. Adm. Champlin, Mn. 55316 By: JeYry Tollefson D. Clark HEATING Lakelar�d North Pluml�ing & Heating Box 413, Pine Village Plumbing & Htg. Insp. Cambridge, Mn. 55008 By: James O. Nelson W.-Sandin SIGN EREClOR Brede Incorporated 2211 Broadway 1V.E. Community Dev. Adm. Minneapolis, I�^.n. 55102 By: Jim Bratland ' D. Clark ` -��, �_e .. r ..� � CITY OF FRI DLEY ME P�10 RAN D UM T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: P�ARIIIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY MGR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: LOAfJ OF TYPEWRITER TO S.A.C.A. ORGAiVI7_ATION DATE : J AN UARY 30 , 19 76 �he S.A.C.A. or�anization has requested a typewriter. We wi 11 provi cie a 19i2 Royal manual typewri ter, seri al number 16-7516129 , to S.1�. C. A. Ti�i s wi 11 be on 1 oan for an indefinite period. This typewriter �orrns fram the Polic� Department. The Police type,vritPr 7s being replacec� by an electric typewriter �rom the Finance Department. MCB : s h 0