03/08/1976 - 5443JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING MARCH 8, 1976 ' FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG ' PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDitESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:��� �'� I, NAME==='_ �= _ _ �- ADDRESS q=-}_"_! w-==+�__! ^_= T7EM NUMBER =Q= =���aaa.:aas��s= =sxo-=s=-=3�-- =�sa=-� :���r. ..��= =�030�� =aaa=�=x==• . � �� d � �� .1 U � �� _ � 5 G a.� . � � v_ i �.. .�. � n . � �� � ` - " --':a„ .� � �-- ,l ! .�.. � . '��_..s. � .� �_�.. .. fr. _��...���► a.�; ..., �il, _ ..' `,.,-:l�� . r�,,�r� .�`�� ��' � � dd�I7I�:. � , ,, , ._ i�� �■.� . �r.v��,a►��:'%�.��I.✓1ii71 � � �� / � � . � � La � ' !`�1� ,�� • = �����..�� .._ ..._ !i. � r I � . �� //�� � �• � / ' ���l��! � � ��� � ��'a- 'T{' MEMO T0: UEPARTMENT fIEADS ' Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have answers in City Manager's office by Wednesday Noon, March 17, 1976. Thank you. CI� �� � ' 1 � FRIDLEY CITY COUidCIL — PUBLIC NEARIi�G (�iFETI�'��� — f'�ARCH �, 1976 — 7:50 PIYI PLEDGE QF ALLEGIAfdCE: Given ROLL CALL: Al1 Present ADOPT I Oid OF AG�i��D� � , Added two items regarding: Awarding Contract for Repair of Well No. 8 Receiving the Minutes of the Housing Authority Meeting of March 4, 1976 ' ' PUB.LIC HEARIidGS: , PUBL I C NEAR I NG ON t�EZON I NG REC1U EST . LON I�iG ORD I NANCE . AMENDMENT ZOA #75-07, BY LEROY T� HALUPTZOK TO I�EZONE ' FROM C-1S To f�1-1, 1240 73 2 AVENUE �� , E , , , , , , , , . . 1 — 1 F Public Hearing was closed GINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Put Ordinance for rezoning on agenda of March 15, 1976. I�ork out the appropriate stipulations for building, screening and other outside development. ' ' �GINEERING ' � ' PUBLIC HEARING ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PREAPPLICATION� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 — 1 �°� Public Hearing closed. Public Works to check on the volume of paper work required. ACTION NEEDED: Review volume of work required � . � 1 ' �GINEERING ' ENGINEERII�G �— ' . �GINEERING ' ' . ' 1 �NANCE � � � ' PI.��LT�C �F�EI�R I�!G MEET �NG,� f��'� 1CH 3, 1�76 i�EI�J �US I f�JESS : PAGE 2 _ CONSIDERATIQN QF A i�ESOLUTTON AND EXECUTION OF �GREEMENT CONTRACT I NG W I Tf-i i���TROPOL I T��N COUNC I L HOUS I NG AND REDEVELQPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING SECTION 2� FUNDING IN THE CITY OF FRTDLEY, ��,���,, 3— 3 �d Resolution #23-1976 adopted with amendment for a contract on annual basis AGTION NEEDED: aring agreement back when required by the Metro Council. Agreement to be the one emphasising staff participation. � Receiving the Minutes of the Housing Authority Meeting of March 4, 1976 ACTION NEEDED: File for future reference. CONSTDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMMUNITY DEVCLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PREAPPLICATION� � � � � � � � � � 4 Resolution #24-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed with preapplication CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIR ECTING PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE ST, 1975-1 AND ST, 1�75-Z STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS� ��.� Resolution #25-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized „ , 5 — 5 A PU�LI;C �fERRIf�� ��EETIidu�,� i�'IA�GN� $�, �1�7G �� �� tVE�'J �'US��'1ESS CCONTINUED) _ PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIOfJ DIRECTING PU�iLICATION OF HEARING �N PRQPOSED FINAL ASS�SSP1EP�T ROLL FOR ST,� 1975-1 AND ST, 1�%�-2 STREET Ih1PROVEMENT PROJECTS� � � 6— 6�3 Resolution #2G-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDEU: Proceed.as authorized _. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIQN DIRECTING PREPARATION OF TNE FINAL ASSESSMENT r�OLL FOR l�IATER, SANITAP.Y SEWER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT I�O, 117� Resolution #27-1976 adopted ACTION IVEEDEd: Proceed as authorized ,,,7-7A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NEARING ON PROPOSED FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER, SANITARY SEWER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT f�o , 117 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , a - � A Resolution #28-1976 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized AWARDING CONTRACT FOR REPAIR OF WELL N0. 8 Bid was awarded to low bidder, Bergerson-Caswell Inc. NGINERRING ACTION NEEDED: Inform Company of award of bid ' ESTIMATE� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Approved as submitted FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Pay estimate � t�,�Q�I� 0 FRIDLEY CITY COU�ICIL — PUBLIC FIEa�I1�G (�IEETI�`dG —(hARCH �, 1976 — 7:3U PI�I PLEDGE OF ALLEG�Af�CE: ROLL CALL: A1JCIFT I Oi� OF AGEf�llA ; PUBLIC HEARIidGS: t�UBL I C fiEAR I NG ON i�EZQN I NG RE�UEST : �O�i I NG �RD I fvANCE AMENDMEN7 ZOA 3��5-0%� BY L.EROY T� HALUPTZOK TO �EZONE FRaM C-1S To �1--1, 1240 73� AVENUE �'d , E, , . , , , , , , , . 1 — 1 F PUBLIC HEARING ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PREAPPLICATIOt�I� � , � � � � � � � � . , � � . � . � � . � Z - 2 �°l PU�LTC HEAR T;�lG MEET TNG�,� N�,'�RCH �, 1�76 ... .. .... PAGE 2 i�EC� �US T (dESS : _ _... . CONSTDE�ATION OF A RESOLUTTON AND EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT CONTRACTTNG wTTH P��ETROPOLITAN COUNCIL HCUSING RND . REDEVEL�PMEfdT AUTHORI�Y FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING SECTIJN 2� FUNDING IN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� ����.�.,.3 — 3 1� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMMUNITY DC�'�LOPMEfdT BLOC� GR�iNT PREAPPLICATIONp � � • � � � � � � 4 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ASSES�h1ENT RQLL FOR THE ST, 1975-1 AND ST, 1�75—Z STREET IMPROVEMENT PRO.JECT�� ��.� � �. 5— 5 A � � � I � �, • �� . ... _. PURL�;C �lEARI(d� �1EETTi�G�,� i'�'iARCH 8r 1976 idEi�� Bl1ST�'�ESS CCONTINUED) � PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTTOPd DIRECTING PUSLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CTS� �� C� 6}� S T� 1 9 7 5— 1 AND S T� 1 9 ��� 2 S T R E E T I M P R O V E M C N T P R O J E COI�SIDERATION OF A t�.ESOLUTION UIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE FINAL AS�ESSMENT t�OLL FOR �r�ATER, SANITARY1 ', _ 7 A �EWER, AND �TORh1 SEWE�t IMPROVEl��EIvT PROJECT I�0 ��.�.% �� � . CONSTDERATIOV OF A RESOLUTIO�J DIRECTING PUBLICaTiC�N � OSED FINAL ASSESSMEN7 ROLL FOR Q� i{EAR I NG ON FROP WAT�:, SANITFlRY SE4�ER� AND STURM SE4�JER IP1PROVEMENT � �ROJ ECT NO , 117 � � � � � � � � • ' ' ' ' ' ' ` � � • • � � �� ESTIMATE� � � � . � � • � � � � � � • • � � � � � � � � a-�N y � , ���Q� -- ,,,�� � i ' ' CITY OF FI2IDLEY HOUSING AUTFiORITY ME�TING OF MARCH 4, 1976 MEMBERS PRES�NT: Russel Houck, Lar.ry Commers, Carolyn Svendsen, Pastor Arnold Stone MEMBERS ABS�NT; None OTHERS PFtES�NT: Jerrold Boai�dman, City Planner The me�eting was called to order by Mr. Boardman at 8:12 P.M. PIIr. Boardrnan explained that the purpose of the meet?ng was to discuss the � Section 8 rental subsidy program available through the office of Housing and Urban D�velopment and submit a recommendation to the Fridley City Council who will be considering a proposal for the implementation of the program at their ' Pdarch 8, 1976 meeting. One of the requirements of receiving Section 8 fu.nding is that the local housing authority review and make a recommendation to the City Coun�il. . � ' 1 ' , LJ u � 1 �i ' ' ' ' Mr. Boardman e�plained the program in detail. as to its workings and the roles of the community and that of the r4etro Council Housing Authority. f�'!r. Commers asked iL the locai housing autho��i.ty couldii't operate the progra�« without involving the D4etro Council. Mr. Boardman explained that th.e ri.etro Council would be involved with its A-95 r�view powers in any case. Noweve� the Fridley Housing Authority could operate its own program if it so chose. Tl�ere are some major advantages in contracting w.ith the Metro Council foY� program operation; 1. The adrninistration time spent i n f illing out applications and. 41i _� acco��an �ing �rogram would cut into �i.�ne on otiier City functions, and could be riai:dled by the Pdetro Council. �ait,h m�weh greater_�fiiciency.. _ . __... 2. With the Metro Council making the total applicati_on to HUD for many coruro�nities, there is a much gr�ater ctiance of rer.eiving fundirig l.ir.d�r the Section 8 p�o•�r�T�. P�Iost cammunit_ies r.on�racting with the bletro Counc.il HRF request that Metro HR�1 handle the ai:pl_ication and the administ�rir.g of the funds. The coma�nunities in this case would -then sc�-een tlie applica�lts and the at�artr::ent owner� and han.dle the unit ins��ection. In this �,�ay the comn�unity has more control on dispersion of. funds. Ms. Svendsen said tl�at she �aished to compl_iment the P]_annir�g staff in pa-eparing the t;ompr.ehensive Housing Plan. She said she thought it was an excellent document and a step foYt,-�rd ior the rommurii�ty. Tl^.ere was a brief c�iscussion oii i.l�e Housing Plan and its iniplementation r. ecommendatio.i . Mr. Houc;c stated that he hoped that tia.is meet:irig wouldn't be just a one time shot and.that he felt that it could be a starting poi.nt for further review of housing r.�eds wittiin the cor;ununity. Pasto.r. St�r,e said that he thought the Secti�n 8 Proc�ram was a beneficia]. progra.m for tlie City. MOTIOI� by Mr. �Iiouck, seconded by Pastor Ston�, to r.ecommcnd to �Lhe City Council . that the City apply f.or Section f3 funds through thr_ h�letzopclitan CounciZ Housing Au i:.ho r i,t y. Mr. Cotnmers offerc�d an amendmenr to the motion to add that the City contract �►' �� Ci� of Fridley Housing �uthority Meeting of March 4, 1976 Paqe 2 � with the M�tro Council Housing Authority in accordance with the Planning Commission recommendation which would allow the Metro Council Housing Authority ' to make application for funds and handle a11 accountiilg of the program for the City of Fridl.ey. The City's responsibility would be to screen the applicants and provide inspection of the living units. ` Mr. Houck said that he would accept the amendment to his motion and Pastor Stone said he would also accept the amendment on his second. ' A VOTE UPOi1 THE MOTION, all voting ayc, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Commers called for a motion to adjourn the mee�ing, all voting aye, the ' meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. RespectfulZy submitted, . 1 � �,.�� ;��/ .p�.�� �,!� � � �A�r��"'�''Y� ��.A"<�L.:� ,�� . _ ,eo•�"^' ' ___` � _ 6 ��xlZO`LD BOriRlll�lf�N City Planner , � � � � � �� , � � I ' MEMO T0: MEP10 FROM: DATE: SUGJECT: Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager R.fd. Sobiech, Public Works Director March 8, 1976 Bid Ope�ing for Repair of Well No. 8 Attached please find the results of the referenced bid opening held Friday, March 5, 197G. Bergerson-Caswell, Inc. is the total cost low bidder. Al1 requirements have been met by the low bidder who has previously performed satisfactory work for the City of Fridley. It is recommended that the City Council consider awarding the contract for repair of We11 Number 8 to Qergerson- Caswell Inc. at the Council Meeting of March 8, 1976. RPJS/jm Attachment i' r � , "`.' r� 'r• � ,., c.i •,'— :-_ w t. � � � :^"�r P.' h1 p? 6� H r. -�l n �'' ; � � p �-+ �i •r� � T �'\ . [i tD h'• t� C� Ci p� `G N p N OQ CJ Cj 1' � � (D �f� I � O A� p J� Rj 1 fD O.�i C7 O � . � F' O Vl N M� N!� � W• a � �-f U:C � ��� o' .� o �� �'r"� �.�' ] �� , r . .• : � = �'=:.i:_. .. � (D � 'J �' � � ►J W N � - • i � • . �z~. . .. i� ''r'' �'. U "` VI O [J .'l� N� .t7 - W n ttJ �� � E t7 (� ' � ('u . H UI :G p �i ct N cn�C �i �' � :y � pq f•. '..y. N ln Ul /•• Y �"' y N. � cf 1-+ '.��. ��'- W UI 1—� Cn '!, W F� � � � � UIF� �%. H �: (PO µ (JI�N . � �... K O � v� ►.. � Ui C� . . . _�;;�P � � a.�.y �' � �+ o� �v_aa w a H � ,- ,. ~ � W 0� j � � � ' hi � � .- , .._.. `�` — �� � ``� R_ C.� �� ��.�. �-`� �_ ` ^,' � � , . ' • i� , (�`i � .f ` � `S` ;! Cy .%: �1�� \• �`� � O cn � - ` �j � , .;\�: �� C\ � �L �"}' � � �~ �.\ � ` :\� ��t� d C �, �� _ � ' � � � �'' . . � C�: v ;v • ; � ,\�' �.- - a � �.,� .. � r`- ; ,:� �� � � y . �' L � ` � '..`: : ��',e' � ,� . _ �•.., � � ,< , , . ' . '1 J, �C .``y;, cti `�� `�� .,�:� ' . ' _� �� � q ' • � ' ' . . . . �._.. _ . H .'�r� . • � h � � . ' � n � � � `� • !� � ' ' - ' 1.1 h t'. '_+ �.l C� �� � <'� � . � \ l�i ' �'O `O _ . { w� - ( \$ \� \ `� . � � , -. �:�:� = : ' � � �� � a: o �,._ �, w � � - _ . ---. _ : =. � � � t� '' �� ' ::� .� � � y`� �\ �� <ti;:r o H . ��.`,' , v � �'` � •�� �� � H H ' .� : : � e`` ` J _ \c � � \e � ��� � � � � � � o — . _ _ __ - -.- '. . -- � . ---j ,� \ �` . � . � H � c � � : : � Q, { r;'_ � `� : \<• ��- � � C ; r . 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' . _ ,\ ._ . r; , \ • _� J� ;���'�d . � �,'�i O : � � [r] kj ��1 _, '� � j �� � : � ' :� . ►: , � ty., �,a� � , � ; � ; N : a .,��.�; �; ��: �t - � � - . . � � . .�� � �� , . . �� �� � � . . . . . .. � . �. , ` _ __._.�. _ � ; �► . . . ...� —r-- � . ��� � � . - � � . . � � � � � � � '. 0 � � � or-�zc1a�_ rrorlcE CITY 0� FRIDLEY f'UQLIC HCAl�ING REFORE 7HE CITI' COUNCIL TO WHOM IT h1AY CONCERN: � t�o�ice is hereby given that there wiil be a Pubiic liearinq of the City Council of 1;he City of Fridley in thP City Hall at 6431 University A��enue Northeast on Mon�ay, t�arch 8, 1976 in the Council ChGmber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezori�g req�!�st, ZOA #75-07, by !eroy T. Haluptzok, ±o rezone Lo� 18, Block 2, Central Vie�� Manor i�ddition, except the East 125 fieet thereof, from C-1S (local shopping areas) to M-1 (ligiil: industrial areas), all lying in the North Half of Section i2, T-30, R-24, City cf Fridley, County o� Anoka, ��iinnesota General7y '(oca'r.ed at i24U 73�7/2 Avenue N.E. Anyone desiriny ta be heard with referer.ce to the above mat�Ler m�y be i�eard at this time. Publ�isf�: Feb►°uary 1£3, 1976 February 255 197G WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR 1 . � Planrtiny Comrnission i�ieeting - January 21, 1976 Page 5 �� if this a�ould require any st�oring? Mr. E3oardman said it wouldn't require � any mare shoring t}��an th�y al►,��ady i�ave. P�Ir. H�rris asked about the drainage in this area. ��Ir. Loardznar� said it would be the same as they have now. He � said they had u��dergroundsystems for the drain-off now. �� • � Mr. Langenfeld asl;ed if we always accepted the findings of the Rice Creek 4latershed on developments such as this? Mr. Boardman said that anyone in the Watershed Cistrict did have tc get a permit from them, but they did not have the final decision. The City could intervene if they disagreed with � � their findinys. � � � ihe Planniny Commission fiad some question as to 4rhether there was an appeal section in the rulES and regulations of the Rice Creek Watershed District. They asked P�1r. Loardman to obtain copies of these rules and �°egulations �nd also fo�, a map of the 4��tersh2d District. Mr. Boardman said he ►��ou�d do this. UPOIV A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY�, the motion carried 1. PUQL�C HEARING: CON LEROY T. I-1ALUP�fZ01C: Addition, except i:f�e are�s) to M-1 (liyht Avenue N.F. ID�.RATIO�� OF A REZOidItdG To rezone Lot 18, Block East 725 feet thereof, industrial areas), '�the RE unanimousl y�__ � �� _ 1 UEST;�ZOA #75-07, BY �, Central Uiew 1�1anor from C-1S (localJshopping same being� 1240 73 1/2,,� �,._.., _ ,._,.,., Mr. ��ohn G. k3ei', attorney �°epresenting h1r. Haluptzok, was pres2nt. � MGT.TCAT by Scott, secanded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission opea � the Public iiearin_q on rezoi�ing request, ZOA #75-07, by Leroy T. Haluptzok. Upon a voice vote, alZ vot.ir_g aye, Cha.irman Harris opened ihe Public Heariny at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Boardman said the yereral area where this property is located also had Ceni;ral �1uta Parts und Fridley �ut� Parts. Zhis was an existing resi�ent�ial st�°ucture tha� they prapose to use for the sale of parts for antique aui;os. ;��ey would bc sell�ng a co!nbination of used parts and new parts that are made �or untique and classic autasnobiles. He said this property was pre�ently zoned C-1S, and in or�ler to opera�e what we have to classify as a junk yard, � it has be to rezoned to M-1. This wiil also need a Special Use Permit. . There ���as �ne problEm fiha� 4vas noted after this request was made, and that was that Lot 17, Block 2, Central Vie��r f�lanor, ���ill still be zoned C-1S. This lai sho«ld l�e rezoned tc M-1 alsc� ai�d t{��en the er►tire black would have M-1 zon ; n� �>:cept the east 1?_5 ��eet oi" Lot ? 8 ��;hi ch wi 11 have to keep the C-1 S zoning bec�use ihcre ti��as a service station on this property. This rzzoning req�!est should be contingert �{.�on Lot 17 being rezoned to M-1 also. Chairman Ha►�ris as�:ed how b�g Lot 17 was. Mr. Qoardman said it was 60' by 194'. P�1r. Harris said it ��rouldn`t meet the reyuirements for an h1-1 zone �ither. Mr. Qoardman said that if it was the same zoning as the balance of tl�e bl ock, i 1: coul d �e cor7b�i ned w; th ot��er property. Mr. �erg�ran as4:ed the z�ning of the other property in this area. Mr. 8oardman said the property to �;he South was zoned h1-1. Kitty corner from. this property �t was zone:d i�1-2, arid the property across the street on CentraT Hvenue �vas zoiiec� C�-� 5. � i � � � � � � � � ' � Planning Com mssion M�eting - January 21, 1976 ��9e 6 � 1 B Chairman Harris as ke d P�r. Be ll if he knew who owned Lot 17. Mr. aell said i�e didn't. «r. Boardman said it was owned by Jim Nalupzok. Mr. Harris said they fel� �t wauld be �ood planning to request the owner of Lot 17 to rezone this lot from C-1S �o M-1 also, to make the zoning consistent ��ith the balar�ce of the biock. Mr. Qell said he didn't know the present use of this property, but he ��rouTd check this out with his client. Mr. Harris asked if there would�be any dismantling of automobiles on this property. Mr. Qell said no. He said there would be parts of dismantled auto- mobiles stored on this ��roperty, but they would be dismantled before they were brought to this property. He said the small parts would all be inside but there would be some outside storage of the large parts. Mr. Langenfel d asked �,ihy thi s request ��►as for M-1 zoni ng? Mr. Boardman said that the natare of this business, t�rhich has to be termed a junk yard was only allowed in this zoning. He said it would be ailowed in h1-2 also, but M-1 zoning was more compatible with the residential character ofi- areas cl ose to ;�ii s property . M�°. Langenfeld asked Mr. Qell ��rhat he thought of the terminology of calling ihis business a junk yard. P1r. Bell said that his client �vas ready �io meet a11 the requirements of the zoning code and the spec�a7 use permit, and v�lhile this would not be a junk ya.rd, what vdas in a name? �ir. Qergm�n asked Mr. �ell how he �rould describe the activities �that would be carried on on �;his property? would you describe it strictly as sa1es or �vould there be dismantliilg, or assemblir�r or restoration o� autom��il�s. k�oulc� there be rnetal machine r�iork goiny o,�? P9r. Bel1 said there would nc�t be dismantling, �here would not be rest�ra�iar�, there would be no i;orc;�es eut cui:ting up parts5 it vrould be strictly sales. Na said the par�ts would be d:sn;antled before they were brought to the properi;y. Mr. �ergman said that anything that was brought to this property wo«ld 5e , in a sal�able conditian tr�en. htr. Qe?1 said yes. Mr. Bergman then as{<ed Mr. E3oardir�an if our Cade excluded ihis type of sales from a commer•cial use. I�r. E3oardman said i� did because it had to be called a junk yard9 because of the outs�ide stoi°age of auto parts. Mr. f3ergman said tt�ere were other commercial operations that had autside storage, so ���e wer� making a particular distir:ction because this tivas the o�,�tside storage of auto parts. l�lr. 6oar�man said i��e didn't see any other way of doi;:g this because a junE: yard was no1: al ic�4•J�d in �-1S zoning, only in M-1 and hi-2 zoning. Mr. Langenfeld said he didn't agree with the junk yai°d terminology. Ne asked �ir: Qell what spar: of years these antique auto parts would cover? P1r. 3�i1 said i;hat tiiese would be for antique and c3assic automobiles. He said he wouid like Lo have ii stated that tt�ese ��rere parts fcr antique an�+ classic cars beca�ise all of the �arts wou;d not be antique. Some of them were new parts for antiyue arid classic cars. He said because the parts �vere for clussic cars aiso, he really couldn't state «hat wouTd be the nev�est year they would h��ve parts for. Th�se ti•;ou1d c�enerally be pre-�dorla War II cars. Ne said there mi c�ht be so;�le fr•orn ri giit ai'ter tlf� war i i ke an Edsel , Ne sa i d that he personally had h�zd a �5 StudebaE:er, and h�s so�i dei'ined i:hat as � classic. .�,.� �,� . . �.,� � _. . .' � � � � � � � J � Planninq Cemmission Meeting - Janu� 21, 1976 Page _7 1 � Mr. Qoardman said that in response to Mr. Langenfeld'�s question on the terminoloyy of this business as a jun�; yard, under• cor�unercial use, such as a service station, it does s�ate t;hat serv;ce stations are not allowed to store on their property any wrecked, abandoned, or junked automobiies, or the sal� or dispTay for sale of useci ca.rs. I1� said that the Code defines junk yarefs as any placc �rhere t�vo or more motor vehicles not in runnii�g condition, or parts tt�ereof, are st;ored'in the oper and are not being restored to operation, or any land, buil�ing or structure used for wrecking or storing or such motor vehicl�s or parts thereof; and including any `arm vehicles or farm machinery, or parts thereof, stored in the open and not being resiored to operating condition; and including the commercial salvaging and scavenging o� any other good, articles or merchandise. Mr. Langenfeld ai:d t�1r. Qergman said that made it quite clear that this oE�eration t�aould have to be classified as a jurk yard. Chairni�� Harris said this should probably have been discussed vrMen we were considering the Speciai Use Permit. He said that if the Planning Commission shouid rec�mn�end approval of the rez�ning and special use request, they �rcGld have to be careful so that this operation stayed the same as they ��ere stating ai this meeting, oN we could end up with another junk yai°d operation in tr�e fullest sense. This could be handled vrith stipulations on the Special Use Permit. � Chair��ian Harris asked if the existing house would be torn down. Mr. Bell said no, there G•rould be shelving put in, bu� it will be used pretty much as it was. t�1r. 6oardman said he had a couple ofi ques�;ions. He said this house �����ul�i have �;o rer��odeled to the extent to make it accessible to the hand?capped. It ��fill h��ve �o nieet the S�at:e Qi�i ►ding Code, Chapter 55, fo�° �he the-handicaFrped. i�e said they wouldn't have to put in restroom facilities for the handicapped, but �:hey ��ould have to put ir a ramp, 1" in 20 +t., and the daors �vill hav� to b� 3'1" wide. NP said that the type of storage they would have in th-is house migh�t he too heavy�a load for the floor st►°ucture of a resiGentiai bui �dirlg. P�r. Gell sa�d tf�ai; t�hatever t�1r. Haluptzok had to do �o meet the Codes ;�ould he done. He said there tk�ould be a solid wood 8' fence. h1r, 6c�ard►�an said the storage of material could be no greater than 6'. . h1r. f�arris said there was a parking lot to be put in in the f ront. Mr. ` Qoardmar� said they w�,�ld b�� alloi•red to g� ��dith five parking stalls at this '�1111�� with roo�i� for five i��ore if they should be needed. ' � � �, � i � MOTTOId b� Pcf:erson, sc:conded by Bergma�i, that the PZanning Commission c.Zose the Pub_iic Ilc,.�r..in� on r.ezc�nii�g request, ZOA #175-07, by Leroy T. Haluptzok. Upoi? a voice i�oi�c, �II voti��g aye, Cl�aii�rl�a1� Harris declared t1�e Public Hearinq closed at 9:00 P.t�T. h10TTON by 1'c�terson, seconded by ScoLt, Lhat the Planning Comm.i.ssion recommend to Coiir�c.i1 ��l>Prov��l ot the rezoni.ng request, ZOA �/75-07, by Leroy T. llaluptzok, to rczor�e L� t.IB, 131ock 2� CP_I)tl.'.7I vicw Manor Addition, except the Last 125 fr���t theZ'cof, 1"i•n.m C-.IS (1.oca1 shoppin� areas) ta h1-1 (light industrial arcas) , tlie same be�l�y 12�t0 73 1/2 Ave�ue N.E. ioith the stipulation that appli.cntior� be m��de to r�°: on� %ot: 1� , It.luci: 2, C.crntr�l Vi��w hl,:�nor, frvm C-1S Lo M-1 �r3so. UPON a voice voL'�, ��11 vc�ting ��e, tlta mo�ion c.2rz'icd unanim�usl�. � �r,- �ic�rca��ian s��ici that he {�ad n� abjection to this property bei��►g rezoned but he sti 1� fel t a�•r�;;r��r�d because i:he C01{llllCl��i�l operation th�t ��ras descri:�c��l .,_ _,., �.:�:� �. Plann�ng Commission Mc�eti�n y, Januar� 21 , 197G �.- . P.-�e 8..— 1 D � . . � �! � � LJ � � � � 1 couldn't be in a commerc�al zone. Mr. Harris said he believed this was a quirk in our zoning ordinance. Mr. Peterson said t�e agreed with Mr. �er!�man but t,re can't hold up the netii;icner while �•ae chunge the Code. He said i;he pctitioner see�ned happy to operate under the existing Ccde. . 2. PU6LIC HEI1RIPdG: RCQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #75-29, QY LEROY T. H�iLUPT7UK: P`r Fridley City Code, Section 205.131, 3, A;f3 to allo��r the sa1e of parts for antique autos in h1-1 Zoning (light industrial areas) located on Lot 1�, B1ock 2, Central A��enue Addition, except the East 125 feet thereof, the san�e beir�g 1240 73 1/2 Avenue N.E. MOTION by Petersan, second�d by 13ergman; that the Planning Comn�ission open tlie Public 1?earing on the request for a Special Use Permi.t, SP �175-29, by I�eroy T. lialuptzol�. Upon a voice v�t�, a11 vot.ing aye, Chairman I�arris declared the Public Hear.i_r.g open at 9:03 P.1�,. Mr. 6t:i1 said �the f'lanning Co,nmiss��.�n ha�i alr•eady discuss�d some of the modificai;ions that would have to be made be�=ore ti;is house could b2 us�d for the sale of rarts for antique and classic ai�t� parts. Chair+nan Harris �;old t�1r. 6e11 tha�t a��y sign they t�ranted for �his business woul d be a se�?arate perr�i t and ��roul d have to meet the requ ; re�»ents c�f tf�e sign ordinance. hi�°. Har��is said that sometimes there ��Jas confusion wi��en s�meone reques�ed a Specia? Use P°r°m�t and a b�!i7�+ing permit tl,at the s-igr permit ti�Jas separate also. "1r. Pc �er�on sa� d fhat Chai rma;� Fiarri s had n,enf:i oi��c� ea►��1 i ef� crat care should be taken in aprroving �the S�ec�ial Use Pe��mii, and he �.�auld iilce P9r. Ha.rri s to sta.te hi s though'cs on th�i s ma�l;ter. Mr. Harri s sai d he �:hought there si��ul d �e sti pul at�ions �hc t there be no di smant�l i ng or stri ppinq of auta��ob-i 1 es an �:he premi ses. �Th��re Sh�u1 d also be no baling allovfed. I�tr. Bo�irdman sai� �chat the��e sl�ould b2 no junk yard operation, just the storagr� of parts to be sold. (�1r. Harr�is said there should noi: ue storage of o1d cars or any restaration do;ie on the p7�emises. '(hese �-�ere al l sti pul a.tions that �e wo!al d i i ke �o see on thi s pe�°mi t. t�ir. 3e11 said ti�at from wl�at T9r. consi stei�t ��,�i i:h tvhat f�e pl aniied to do a:�y objection to tf�ese si.ipulai,ions. Naluptzol: told him, this t���ul�a b� oi� this propprty> s� there t�;ot!1un't be MOT.IOIJ by Peter.son. seconded b� Lan�enield, t.hat the Pu11�ic HcaJ-ing be � closed oi1 the ?�equcst, fo.r� a Spec.i��.l Use Perm. i.t, SP ;175-7.9, b� Leroy T. Ilulupczoi:. U�.>on a vo.ice vote, a11 voting. ay�, Chairmar� Ilarr.is d�clared i�l�c Public Ilea::ing closed at 9:i0 P.M. �° h70'lION bl� P�.tc�r�.on t:hat the Planning CorrLnission i�c�commerid ��pproval� of the request for a Spc�cia_1 Jse P��rrni t, SP ;, � �-� 9, by Lcro_y T. ll�-� � upz�k c�✓i th the sti��ulations th3t liat•e _bc�en mcntion�?d �:id an� other sL-i.��ulatiorzs that �he 5{:d�f t%]OL1�J)It shouZ�1 �bc �.1lCitld�C� af. ter fu:•thcr. res��arc1�. Mr. Qo<1��clinai� as};ed if thc� Plai��ning Con�,nission thvugh� it � i:� si:a�:e "ivc; on1Y alloti��" i��stcad of ,i;��n�-ic���ir��7 a�l the thinc,r� al l ow, suc!� as d7 i Cir tf�e s tor�ca� antl snl c� � o{ di smantl ed �ai'ts � Vrould be beti.er t}�cy r�c�ul dn' � for �jnti �ue and �, ,_ ._ , . _ _ . __ _ : �' �' , - ,:_ .�._ � _ __ r��o�� � �¢�sv t � iJ�i//v/J G. O�rirn ei/� i�f�!>G000� �y 6`4 ZOA �75-07 and SP #75-29 LEROY T. HALUPTZOr: Rezope from - � -- —...__ 2�1-1 to aliow the sale of _ , •, --.._-......_...._ r : ..: - . ....._._� f�i�'t�iqiie--P,ut�..Parts,,o.rt,--C�1'8,._.I3'Y� : � ----�-..r..:�"? ` � �ei��r . � � I� i ' _; � . Pf• fe. A .�.�•o� I / . .. ^ ��1�50) ;} �465rC� i � � Zti:.�iL'G �� ✓�:�diYG. i � ' � . I ��:=-� � �� . r-�__ •'- � 'I ---�-,,..__.._. _ ._zB8_-- - --.._. ,._----� G - ; j ���, �.. . i r. i �y�,�,, "�;� !3 1 E Ry�� ; ` �aUDIT�R'S W � . �;} � � ... ,o, . go,` r,�'—�__� I , . ,. i .��.• - ' � � " (9to1 i91fJ �9301 � ,+�. ✓ein.: ^ ; = . 1 \ � � I �t:�c3,', a �.. � - --:+� . �. • .e7 • P.n � ' ;:�.r-►����t�� -=:�� � . � � �;,. . � ' „r: .,o .,- � � �,rrcy4• , � � � : .� � , , I: � � � ... zzs.ss �. ; ', e Ii � ^• . E .e F ,� � "� ^ i''�1 �� AT.,��'+ f �e , . `� ����� �� i �- r✓� �s �i� 1:ri 6 V�� h , i' �. w Y l j � � � �� . %/O)Ol � �b9'o1}6' ..'-�i �, / 2^31 �,,, � rta .id� . . t� .L �y P 6.L � • _"'_ ,_- _�_.._ �I ` ' aT — -- --- - :�:_p i , � �•."! 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[ !P. /. 2-i 6 -� : .: .Z !, D'aS' �r; Y�. i+'' ���'r'�� �� ;�o Z(3� #75-07 & SP r�75-29 � :�'S'!� i!i /S'l9�2C��?�__6.� IY Leroy Haluptzok to �� i I��h '-� allow the s�le of antique- _ �,�;�� .�_»_: ,'�.": ;,�. ,.:..I_:'.��' -.�.�L � �' 8 ".� .�,: auto parts on Lot 18, al 2 �� ���F� � ( .. .:~� ��r.�-�'�;�.,�= �`���;_..�_= �' Central View Manor, exc. - ��-���Pr.<as�s,.,,;s�n g'z �' the Fasterly 125' thereof . zira�. . ' • �` I`��I � (7no,� � �. /l9�/ilrE.rof„� �iidi�Sj :•i� 1 V �� • h i�id � ica. ;/irr.•�� i/.ltnsr � �'� ° � ^�a � �' o0 ' � ��:� I �--s�a ---- - _.. _�.�--_.��....��. __ --- -..__..._.___.__.-�---- -_.._.._.._.__._�.,. ��.3 � •.7.1�.�. .�. • _ .�67...._.,.._..._ �. . i�" . sJI' -•------�.-�._.....`...._...__e._.�.....___ (s/�l ..__S' •W '•'t..$) / • ,•'- I � f;.. . � Ge�•.�: l r'/��rb �./, %✓. /.:,. _.•.�.y r•C �1 r �_ _�_._..�_ � �� J��t \=til.� .. , � � l.n!/-r"c. y�•-- --- . . -. -- - A-� '- : .i ��,• t . � F, E � �` A � I 'y,i' `��� — + '�,L .�,,�_'�\.`�c�e�.'�`'�c�:�'�c:�"`'°t�'i�..�'�.`�.k�."��- ti�'`� 4.......Z.�,�'A-r , .°!�_ . � +'�„ � _m � �,-�rY ���ur.-� ,;�:.�M,.,�a..•:;_� 'y .7 b J N �� . .�.:� „�.•-.�:�aa��F����w�� .. ..�� 1 � .: ,, � ,, � �, , lo- _' .� .y '' `' '' `' ° - �'� t �' �_ 7_OA �75-07 , LEROY HALUPTZOK � a � "' a ������� ���',�'",,� Rezone from C-1S to P1-1, Lot 1£3 ''y .. „ a �.�p �o�' � z - � � '' _ ° � ;� �^� ;. ,��� B1 2, Central V ��hw P�lanor ex. 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I � �. `I Vt . �� � �'� ; � `, � �y a ��it ; � .�� i't�! ��'�In1�T '� � •I�` ol r1 � '�v .•� .^ • 1:. ` c,,: _.! -.�.r...L.,.._ �� ;.; -..r.,.�2�! �- ' �r. � �.. r• ��' 't �� � 1�� � �,;� �1� � s � � • w r : .� w� t � � b �. • k� ,Z� �' H n n �. t• � .� •> ' . � ' • FORM APPROVEO OM8 NO. 63— 2� � �J.S. DEPARTMEP�T OF HOUSING AND URE3AN OEVELOPMENT 1• State Cleoringhouss Idsntl(iar PREAPPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE �ART I 2• Applicont's Application Noo 3. Federol Grantor Agency 4, Applicant Nome C,� t�/ of Fri dl ey Area Office Communit.v Development Organizmional Unit Department Division Department of Housing & Urban Developnent 6431 Universit_v Aven�ae N.E. Administrative Office Strec�t Address — P.O. Box 1821 �niversity Avenue Fridley Anoka $ireet Address — P.O. Box City County St. Paul, Minnpsota 55104 Minnesota 55432 City S:ate Zip Code State Zip Cude S. Descri�tive Nome oi the Project Frid1ey im�rovemer,t Program (Fridley Housir.g � itecreation Impruvemei�t) b. Federal Cotaiog No. 7. Federol Funding Needed $ 50,000 R. Grantee 7ype $tatc, Co�nty, �City, � Other ($pecify) 9. Type of Assistance _.�Grant, Loon, Othar (Spacifyl 1�� Pooulation Directly Beneiiting from the Project � 12. Length of Projact 3,057 5 Years 11. Congressionol District 13. Beginning Dote a 5 June 1, 1976 b, 14. Datv of Applicarion 5 15. The opplica�s certiFies that to the best of his knowledge and bolief, the data in this preapplication are tn�e and correct, and t'ie (iling of the preapplication has been d�ly authorized by the governing body o{ t�ie applicont. Typed noma Title Telephone Number JERROLD L. BOARDMP,N CITY PU-INNER AREA CODE NUMBER exT. $ignaturo �/ ovfho�ized representotiva � 612 571-3450 171 For Federal Usa Oniy �,___—° _ HUD-4007 (1-75) Pags 1 of 2 poges ��"�' ,P ? r, ___ Form l` ----.. _ � • , oMS r 2 A • '• � PREAPPLI�ATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANGE PART I! � iNDICATE ANSWGR BY PLAClMG"X" !N PROPER COLUMN YES NO 1. Does this assistance rec1uest require State� iocal1 r�ir?n�i or otf�Pr Prio� rating? 2. Does this assistance re uire state or local adviso�t educationai or health clearance? 3. Does this assistance request require Clearinghause review? X 4. Does this assistance reGuest require State, locai, regional or other pianning approvai? 5. !s 1he propose� proj�ct covered by an approved comprehensive plan? G. PJili the assistance requested serve a Federal installa!ion? 1• PJill the assistar�ce requested be on � edera� land or installation? 8. Will the assistance re uested have an effect on the enviroment? 9. Plill the assis!ance requested cause the displacement of individuals, families, businesses, or farms? 10. !s there other related assistance for this proiect previous pendinQ, �r anticipated? 11. Flood Hazard Insurance Requirements - ' a. The project ❑ is ` is not located in an arez designated by HUD as an area having special flood hazards under the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-23�) b. The area in which the project is located ❑ has � has not been identified by HUD as one in which sale of Flood � Insurance has been made available under the National Floed Insurance Act of 1968(42 U.S.C. 4001). � PART li! - PROJEC7 BU�GET TYPE OF FEDERAL CATP.LOG FIRST BUOGET BALANCE OF TOTAL NUMBER �+SSISTANCE pER�IOD PROJEC'i' LOAN, GRANT, ETC. ce? ib) (c) (�) ie) 1. 2. 3. � 4. 5. Secticn 8 & 6. Tota� Fede�al Contribution $ 50, 000 Ti tl e I 7. State Contribution 3Q,,,,,,, ,,,,,r� �u��r 0 0 dY' 8. ApplicantContributian lrl kind services value) 9. Other Contribut�ons � 0 10. Totais $ �0,000 PART IV - PROGRAM NAkRA71YE STATtMENT jAttach Perinstructions) nuu-aw/ (1.75) Page 2 of 2 pages � 2� PROGRAPi NARRATI4E STAT�NIENT 0 Community Develogment Needs and Objectives 1. Need - Provide affordable housing in good condition to city residents in the low and moderate income ranges. Objective - Develop and implement a 3-year Housing Assist- ance Plan that will insure the provision of approximately 248 subsidized housing units for low and moderate income and elderly people in the City. 2. Need - Rid the City of substandard housing. Ob�ective - The City proposes to enforce a housing struc- tural and exterior maintenance code with emphasis of ihe program in the City's 3 primary focus areas identified in Fridley's Comprehensive Housing Plan. 0_�ective - Institute a housing rehabilitation loan program , that would provide low interest loans (3%-6%) to homeowners in the City who might not ordinariZy be able to afford the cost of home improvements. � The goal of this program would be to provi�'e iunds for rehabilitation of approximately 20 • properties yearly. ' � Objective - Set up a resource center for homeowners in Fridley where information about area contractors, housing agencies a.nd other persons with expertise or_ housing would be kept. Ob;�ective - Organize home repair workshops in the community ' ` in cooperation with civic organizations, using the City building inspector as a resource person. 3. Need � Improve trar:sportation within the City in order to , improve movemei:t between neighborhoods and to major community activities such as shopping areas, industrial facilities, parks, etc. r Objective - Continu� construction of the bikeway-walkway � system over the next four years. This system connects major elements of the City's park system and provides access to all neighborhoods witiiin tne communiLy. 1• Ob�_ective - Study tlie feasibility of using some form of "demand actuated" transit service in the City tc provide transporLation between major com- � munity activities. Such a system would hel� the City belter serve its residents, particularly its elderly. � 2� C Community Deve].opment Needs and Objectives (cont.) Page 2 Objective - Develop and initiate a:� information and referral service that would serve Fridley residents. Objective - Ensure the provision of. tiousing for the elderly in areas of the City where neighbnr- hood amenities are readily accessible. Method of Accomplishmeni. 1. Fridley �aill be applying for HUD Section 8 funds through the Metropolitan Council HRA. Under the Metropoliran Council'a Allocation Plan for Subsidized Housing, Fridley is assured of receiving.2.07i of Section 8 subsidies. The City is guaranteed further cansideration as a first priority area in the Minneapolis - St. Paul SMSA. 2. The City has allocated funds for the development of a housing maintenance code. 3. Other possible sources of funding might be: Minnesota Housing Finance A�ency loan funds, tax-increment financing, ether state or federal grant programs. Description of Project 1. The City is requesti.ng $14,000 in HUD funds for the program, City funds have been used thus far in developing the code. , . , . _.,. . . , _,. __ . _. - - - - - - �- � - . . The City proposes �o establish a housing structural anci exterior maintenance code. The first phase of implemen�- tation will place emphasis cn enforcement of the code in the City's 3 prirnary focus areas. T�tLese f�cus areas are neighborhoods in whzch the process of natural housing deterioration has be�un. The code enforcement program would be used in conjunct�_on with'a low-interest rehabili- , tatiun loan program to ena?�le low and moderate income homeowners in these areas to improve their homes. 2. In conjunction with its code enforcement program, the City proposes a housing rehabilitati.on loan program. Plans call for loans to be made at 3% - 6% interest to homeowners who could not afford a conventional home improvemant loan. The City hopes in the long run to malce enough loans ta i� rehabilitate approximately 20 units yearly over a 5-year period. The City is requesting $21,000 in HUD�funds for this program. I ' ' 3. T%e City proposes to establish a home r.epair counseling program for its residents. Up-to=date files would be kept of firms or individuals in the area who engags in housing rellabilitaL-ion and repair. Infc�rmation would also be available Co resider.ts on how i:c go abou� repairinti or j 2D Description o£ Pro1ect (cont.) Page 3 ' The primary files would be kept in the City's administrative ' office with copies to the Fridley Anoka County Library. The City is asking for $4,000 in HUD funds to administer this information center. , �J � , , � � , LJ � , � L� ' ' 4. The City wants to �tuay the feasibility of using some form of demand-actuated transit within its boundaries to 1� malce shopping, medical, and other facilities more easily accessible, especially to tt�e City�s e]_derly population. The City is asking $11,000 to carry out this study. Location of the Pro'�ect 1. The attached map shows 3 primary focus areas where enforce- ment of the City's housing structural and exterior maintenance code wotild be emphasized. These 3 areas contain concentrations o£ deteriorating housing in the City and concentrations of low-to-moderate income households. 2. The housing rehabilitation loan program would be open to any homeowner in Fridley who qualified. The program would be handled through a local lending institution. 3. The proposed housing repair counseling center would be located in the existing Civic Center at 6431 University Avenue N.E., with copies of materials at the Fridley Library� • Any �iJ_es would be maintained by the City�s Inspection and/or Planning Depa-rtment. Expected Benef.its 1. The pro�ects describe� will 'nelp tr�mendausly to improve the quality of life �.n Fridley. Enforcenient of housing maintenance code areas, in concert wi.th a housing rehaUilitation loan program, would help reduce the amount of substandard housing in the City. A reductian in substandard hausing would move us toward attainment oi ttie objective of "Assure(ing) safe and healthful conditions in all housing and encourage(ing) consideration of the qualities of privacy, comfort, and other amenities. Public impr.ovements to the 3 primary focus areas and up- grading of housing in these same areas will improve the community�� appearance. Relationsh.ip of Proposed Activi.ties to Needs l. The recer�tly adopted Subsi�dized Housing Allocation Plan for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area recommends that Fridley needs approximately 248 subsidized units to accomodate low and modeYate 3_ncor.ie families. This estimate is verified by the City`s own survey of population and housing. There are approximately 1,504 households in the City within the low an� moderate while there are only 1,078 housing units tl-� Cit i tford ble to these income groups ln i� y n ranges a a • �.. 1 � ' ' 0 2E Relationstiip of Propose3 Activities to rleeds (cont.) Page 4 The City hopes to obtain. Section 8 funds through the Metrogolitan Council°s HRA. Metro HRA estimates that Fr.idley could obtain about 50 subsidies for 1976. That would move the City a long way toward its objective of providing affordable housing in good condition to its low and moderate income residents, both families and elderly. The use oi Section 8 subsidies will give us a means of provi�ding housing for the City's elderly. Residents and members of the CityTS Planning Cor�m.ission identified housing for its elderly residents as one of the community's primaxy needs at a public hearing held January 21, 1976. 2. The proposed housing rehabilitation loan program would , hel� in ridding tiie City of substandaru housing by provid- ino .Low-interest lzome improvement loans that would make it more attractive to homeowners to upgrade their properties. Of 227 deteriorating housing units in the City, 138 are in the City's primary focus areas. In addition these 3 areas contain large concentrations of low and moderate incor.ze • residents of th.ese 3 primary focus areas. Primary Beneficiaries l. An analysis of I970 population statistzcs for �rid�.ey show ' that 16.2i' of the City's households have incomes below 50� of tt?e Metropolitan area median income. Most of the City's low to moderate income families Iive in the 3 primary focus areas. The survey of housing that was made in 1975 indicates that most of the City's deteriorating housing is also in these 3 areas. Al1 of the stated needs are of concern to the City's low and moderate inc�me residezlts. Of these needs, probably the most important are the provisions of affordable housing in good conditicn and the eliminatiorL of substandard housing in Fridley. The expected use of NUD Section $ funds will move the City in the direction of providinp uffordable to low and moderate �.ncome groups in adequate �umbers. The letting oS low interest rehabilitation loans and the development of a housing repair r.esource center will make it r,ossible for homeowners in the I.OW and moderate income gr.oups to make repairs to their homes whose cost would ordinar�ly be prohibitive to rhem. 1 Planninq Commission Me�tinq - Februar 18, 1�76 � Paqe 18 �2 � already, but now that it has starte�, she thought the City should support something • � li�,e thise ' Mr. Lanyenfe7d said thaf ti��e had studied in the Compreh�nsive Housing Plan �� ' that Fr�.i�ley v�as a maturing commur�tiyo He thought a more mature community was ready to take o� something like this. ,. Mr. Harris said he thought that Fv°idley had the finest Public Wor�:s Departm�nt in the State� He mentioned some of i:he equipment thai: f�ad been baugl�t 'in i;he last year and f:he amount af money that had been spen on such equipment. Ne said � • V�e cou�d al�•�ay°s find money for things li{:e that, �ut n�ai ior programs ,for. peaple. He said his ne�ghbors couldn't relate to neti�r sno��r piorrs or ne4•r warehouses to. iccep them in, but we seem to find money for these things. t�;hen �he inoney aras �°ec�uested for ' something that ��rould relate r�ght bac!�: to the Gi�Cizenrys t:hen was ►�rhen we had . trouble finding the mcneya Mr� Starv;alt said the point r��as v��ll taken, but there tvere n�anY �h'ings ia'r.ei� , ou � of the b�d;et that k�as re�,uested by vari o�; 3 depart�,�eni;s o�F the C'i ty S so the City did ti��atch ho��r they spent the moneye , Nir. Start,��al t sai d i t a�as a matter of tax dol l ars . Everyone of these requests �ses tax dollars. Ne sa�id that if he �ould jus�: think of �he inciividua1 . reqa�ests and not the to��al tax bi 11, he ti��oul d vote for a11 �hese reques 4s . I�e '_ said he had to ask hirrself that if �.his ��ras put to a vr�te hy �he people �•ahen 1:hey kn��.�t it arould r°ais� Lheir.taxes, v�oulu they vote for it. � Mr. Harris asiced if the people ti-:ou1d vote -For a n�w dui�;; tr��ck? Pir� Star!;;al�; said pro�,ably not, ur�til t;he sno:•� v:�asn`t taken arf the si:r�ets. Mr. l'a�ris said � it tJas a:��attef� o� priorities. � h1r. Langenfeld suid he felt ti-�e Fine Ar-�s Comnittee .".ad to star� san:e�:ime. Ne said !�e fully unders�acd �,r. S�ar,�alt's concer�i in tr;�ing to save tax�ayers . - dollars. All these requests do total up. He said tha� in regard Lo this particu�ar ' item, he �vas V,'1��111�j �.0 contribute I�is 6 or 7 cents from 30,000 people as a taxpayer in �rid�ey. ,h1r. B°rgr,�an said that he ����as in agreeme��± 4�:ith this request as soi7ett�inc� o��' . value and ����rti�y of CO�1S1CiP_ration �•rithir. the priorii;es o�� the City Cou,�cil UPON A V�ICE VOTE, �11 votitlg aye, �-he ��otioi� c�r.ried unai�i.moztsl�. Ch�i��nian Harris th�nk�d Mr. Sta7,ti�ralt for his can�nents and said he understood only toe ��r�l l a� l abo��t �axes . . 6.�r NUc��iC FI���:iF�G: FIUD CO'i:`���Ii�ITY DEb'E�OP�±�P�;T 6LOC!: �R�,P�T .^,PPLICATIOh IIO2'1'C1'1 l�y i�'ah?b<.rcJ, sc�onde�a b:� Z,a��renfc�Zd that. �he Planniny Co�rurtissian open il�e Pi�i;i�.t- :1�_�a�•it�y ol� i:l��� III;U Co:a::�a�lit_; Derclop,^^nt �Ioc;; Cr��nt Appl.i.cat.io�t. L'p:�n a vo�.�•c� vui.��, a11 v�Cir�g <i�e, C.haix�aari llarris dc•cZ�red r_h� I?ublic !le.�r.i.n.7 open ��L- 1.1. .�. •Z I' , t•1. t�1r. Go�arclm:�n s�id tl�is �•ras a preapplicatiot� for a Cor�::��eenity De��elo{��.t4n� ['�lacK I' i;r��t�t: ��rnici; •r�� ��«vc� sub+i�i�ted t:o 1�1�tro Counci7 for the 95 i°eview precess. 1J� d:d ru� ' �' � ' ' Planning Commission Meeting - February iP, 1976 Page 19 Z � in*o a time problem ti•�ith this preapplicaL-ion so �re did appear before the City Council and got approval to submit this preapplication before it had been approved bY the Council. If there were chanyes in the preapplication , we can suhmit the changes to the Metro Council. The deadline for submitting a preapplication i'or revie�� by the 1�1etro Council �-�as february 17, 1976, so at this time the Planning Commission ���as lool;ing at a preapp7ication that the Metro Councii �•�as also looking at. Any changes that ��1ere made in this preapplication ca.n be made in the applica- tion to HUD. • Mr. Baardman said the status of �he Comprehensive li�usinc� Plan and it's ' impiementation 4•�as. i:hat the Planning Commission had recom�nended a�proval o� the Housing P]an to the Council. The City Co�mcil ��rould be holding a Put�l�ic N th lan Februar� 23 1976 41e articipate thai: tne City Council will ear�ng on e p ,� , be adopting the Con;prehensive Housing Plan on h1arch 1st. tde have scheduled a Puu1ic Hearing on the preapplication for a Community Develo�ment i3loek Grani; for I•i�rch 8th by the City Councile The Section � housing praposal ti��ill be before the Council at that same �r�eeting. Mr. Boardman suid a preapplication for Communii;y Developr;ent. Q7�ocF Gr°ants requires two P�blic Hearings. The Planning Co��,mission �•ras having the first Pub1ic Nearing at this meetino, and they t-.ould still have time to continue this item, if they so desired, to their next meeting on P�larcf� 3, 1976. 4!e siill have some lee<<�ay and still not miss out on r�aF;ing application for funding this year. P�r Leek sa i d ti�at the preappl i cati on tha�t may or m��� not qo to I�ud i n � t�1arch, isists of four parts. Three of those rarts consis�s o�f forms. Tk:� most i>>>;. rta►�t par� �ias �f�e Prog��am Plarrative St��.te�����nt. �{�e first pori�io;� oF , the Prcg, am F;arrat ;�•e Stu�te; :et�t was d S �dt�fl'c�i"i. G i co„r,,.u��i-iy nceds ti��f�i ch l-rere deterr�;inE�d by the SL4�f ��OITI �`ii�at had gon° on at the P1anr:ing Co��nission znd tf;e Ci tY Counci 1 1 evel , and sta �e�i�ents of objecti ves rel at�� �!e to tho �e needs . The second p�:ri af t�,e P��oyrarn P?arrati��e S�at°��ent �v�s the fundin� ���ars ti•rh�ereby �he City� hop��s td accc,�i;�li�h so�»� of th4se projeci.s. The third part �•ras th� �iscripti�n of the pi'Ujects �hat t•�e �-aere makirg application for fund�ing to FIUD. '�he ner,t part�ian �•ras a di �,cri pti on or the 1 oca�:�i on o�' the pro j ecLS . The next secti on �•.:�s very i�nportan�: t•�hich a,�as tf�e er,p� cted benefi �s tvt��ch ;•��ouid accr°ue ��ran thr_s� proj.�cts, the rela�;ionsh�p of the pro�os�G act�iv�icies io the proposed need�. Tf�� last sectio!> >�as a stat�ment of v:t�o the prin�ar;� bene� iciaries of t�ies� �r�ojects t�teulcl be. Chairinan riarris said the statmert in this Prog�°ar� P�arra�tive Sk�1te�r�nt �:haf: bothered hin S•�as nu,��t�er 4 und�r Descriptic>>: af Pro,;ect. `this sta�es "ihc C� ty proposes to acq�i��e ap�?r�xii,i�tely 4.5 aci°es of lai�d adj�cc�nt t.o the cxist:i;�� . administrative offices.. ... Tf�is proper�ty is e,:pect�d to cosi: �l?5,00 to acc,�i�t•e, Th� tOf,;u� CUS1: f01" dCC;il1S1L1011, 1"e�OC�1�;1011 dt1Ci CICi+r1i1C Oi �:�tr.�. ld(li� 1S C:t;)f'CLE`t� �� to �e a�;pro?; �n�ately �l ?_�,O�u. The Ci ty i s requesi:i r�g .' � JU,OCO for ti� i s 4�r��,} �•c t. kle �sl:ed �1r. 6oard,��;�n ��.hat land they t•�c�°e tal!:in�t ab�i�t. t•i�°. I_e:�k said tt��, l.�nd th�y were talking about a:as the land that t���s ac+i�cent �:� tt�e Cii;y fial i!.c� the P�arth. 7hey money ��:c �•re�°e asi:ing i'or t�rus to cc����r the cost of ��cqi�isiL�ic�.i, �+nd tl�e COSt Of Cl�di'1►7CJ f;�IOSC 7d1iC�S. 1�1t'. Hdl"t"1S Scl�iti jlJS�: SU{?n�Sn tj;;��; l�l1L :.:','� tl�i5 1•id5 a goocl idea and �•�e �ot tl�e $1�0,000. t•lot:ld tl�i� money i�av� t�� l,� us�cf f;i:- tiz:;t pur��c�se. �ir. Leek saicl ti�at if ��;e received fur�ds t•re co:alci usc� �i�r��i for �irs! of t:iie propose:l proJects, but tll1D ���o��ld revie�a to s�e I►���v �ii�se fiuncls iiacl l�et�n ir.;��cl. P•1��. Nar�,is s�id thaC ���hcr�vise ti�is requcst ��:ould �el�i ine that i:he Ci!:y i���c4 t�� c��;:��� u,, t��it!� ��no*h�r $100,0(l0. I�ir. Le�E: Sc11CI tllc7f: IIuJ tlid fu,�d or� an c►n. �,oinci ha�.i�., .inci t•�e wei•i� sayiric� tl?at this t�:,�s a 5 yea�° {�rocl►'a�n. Iiny f`�ii:ure api�l ic:�:•Cius� iur i1111) fi1.►;ciit��� would bc considei°ed oii thzt b�sis. The�� a�ouldn'� taE:e a project i�r,r ����c' y�����•. f�;�i:i it, anc� then aay th�y �vouldi�'t continue to fund it. t•Ir. [iaardu�a�� �a�d tf�`' S��`-'•����U r- LJ ' plannin4 Corrnnission Meetir7� - February 18, 1976 Page 20 figure was a type error and it slinuld read $25,C00. 2N ` Mr.�lanqenfeld asked how much the tota1 request fior funding from Hl1D amounted r to. Mr. Leek said the total amount was �335,000. f�rs. L�Jahlberg said she added it up and it came to $495,000. P�Ir. Leek said that was the i;otal but i.here ti��ere funds forthcoming potentially from other sources. These poi:entia� funds �•�eresub�;racted � from the amount vre arere requsting from HUD. Sectior 8 funding �vauld take care of a large portion of the difference in the tvro totals. � � Mre Harri� said that if HUD said they wouldn't gi��e u� the eni:ire �335y000 and they gave us $200,000. 4dould �-re have to apportian 1;hat amount to cach project? Mr. Leek said no. it1r. Langenfeld said then ha��� would you establish a priority as � to which pro,ject you would use the �Eunding ioro Mr. Leek said this preapplicafion vrould go to F1UD. They would decide it ��e were go�ng ir. tf�� right direction. Then they invite us to maE:e tire f�ina� &(��7�1C��1Gli. � That was 4vl�er� 4�re woul d set up o�.�r 5 year program. � � � � � � � Chairm3n Narris said he questioned if even a cauE�1e of items st�ou�ld be irclucled irj the preapplication. One �las item 6, about ti�e property in f:ivervie��r Eleigh-�s. P�1r. t3oard��.an said this ite�� ca►re up at a City Council meezing about six months ago< Tt�ey discussed purci�asing th�ese proper�ies because of the hazard of -Flooding. Anoth�r reason for purchasing this propert.s� :�ras for a river access property. !�!e fe�� i:ha* thi s pro j eci; coui d rel ate to a Co�r�muni ty D�vel opm�nt �1 ocl: Grarit. t�Je have to r�T � ce any projecf that ��e rec;��esc fartc;s for to a specific section oi` the City. This alsc� cvas one o�� tne three priti�,a.i�y �o;.��s areas of the housiizg plan. If �iie City Council � ►ti�as sti 11 i n �°Y'P_St�� � n al l evi a�;i ng the probl e�� of f 1 ood dan�aged homes ar�d i n acqu�risi, seme par�E:las�d in �he a;�ea, �,�e thou,r�ht it shoul� be in tris Conu;iunity Bloc�: Grant applica�ior. h�r. Leek said that u�:��er ite:n 3, the �Figure should be $4,Q00 ir�stead of �14,4��Q. Mr. Bzrgmun said ±f�at as long as they ��ere chec�:ing figures, he e•londered about the figure in the 2nd iten;. He asked if you could rei�ab:litate 20 hor��s for $12,�00? f�i7°. Leek said ihGt �12,Oe70 �•r���lct bc �.rsed to p��ov�de 7v�. i��terest r�;tes for honie improvEments, so �hat fig�ire vras correct. P�tr. Gergran sai� then this ►•ras $12,000 in�e��est subsidy. P�r. Lee� said that iraas right. Mr. Langenfeid said he �-;ou?d not want to see all t',�ese projects starte� on a five yei�r pl �n, arc! a� ter we �•��er� L�acl l in�o �he�n al l, have HUD fur�ding ston. Then the Cit�� ��roii1d be in �:h:� positior� of having to come up �•,ith the maney to i`inish all th� proje��,. He fe7t �;i�a� one E�roject shoi�ld be con�pleted at a tia�e._ F1��. G'o�rdman sa ic! most o� ti�� money from fiUD t•�ould u� to initiate p��o�;r��:�is and if tf�e f'uncls sh�uld ston, ;hc (>roc�ram �•�oulc� sto�?. The City v+ould not be re��pon��ible to co►�ti����e i:hose E�ro��i�ar.,s. (�1i•. Goat'dman s�i�l it ti�rould depend upc;►! t•;liat: pr�ori Lies t•:e� � gi��cn t:o the ��rojeci:s by t:h;� Ci t:y as to f�orr ����ny (�roi�cts ►•:ould be �tartec�. lle said Lf�c,� dev��lc��:,�;cnt and i►;���l��nier�i:atioi� of a i��aini;eriance code i1ii�i��i: bc a»c th�ing that �•�c�ulcl cc�ntin«e if federal iim,iinc� �•ras sto��p��d. I��� saici th�1t �rc�viding lat•r ir�teresL rai�r�s fc�r ho�n:� i�;�F,rc�vcn;e»ts t�ro�rid be one proc���a�u t11at a�ould st:op ��:hr.i� fiundincl ;•:as no lai►c���r t:��,�il,�l�le. ffc� s��id tht,t. as far as ar� �cquisit�o�� ���o�ram, r�c �•�aulci h<«-�� i:o `. ttct��:it�c .�11 tls�� ;�roper�y ir; one year. � � f�tr. Lealc saicl i:hat: r;hen Iil!U said Up a Goinmuni�;y Development I31ock Gr-�nl, they 2I Planninq Commission t�eeting -�ebruar 18, 197G Pa�e 21 combine� many different tynes of funding into one program and tt�ey made a commitrnent that these tunds 4rould be av�iilable for at least 5 years, so �s not to leave corr�nunit�ies just hang�ing. T}iis a�as the informatiQn that he had receive� from our area office in St. Paul. Mr. aoardman fe1t that for every year thatFrid�ey gat funding, 1:hey v�ould Ue ahead of the game. tdr. Boardman said he thought every effort should be made in applying for these fiunds to 1�elp the residents of Fridley. � h1r. Bergman said he had sorne problems. �vith bo�;h numbers � and 6 of �this proposal for fundi�g. He asked if the 4.5 acres of land discussed in number 4 actually fcr sale? t�ir. QoUrd�nan said it ���asn't. 1�1r. �ergmai� sa�d it puzzled him hcti•r vre �could be so specific that 4•�e were go�ng �to buy 'ii. h1r. t3oarciman said this vaas an estin�ated market value offer� h1r. Bergman said he read �his as a positive staternent. P�ir. Ber�man said ti�a� on proposal 6 i�ahe�°e ihey ��ant to acquire 10 properti es , 4�rere these �i n the fl ood pl ai n? Thi s�,;as the area i;hai: ��roul d l�e most directly affected by the threat of a flood. . h1r. Scott said the I�uman Resources Commission ctitou1d be involved in reviev�ing the N�Q Cornmuni�y Block Gr�nt applic�tion at some po�infi.. Ne said that �here were many projects tha� v:ould �be re��ie�•Jed by �t�'�e Humar� Resources Corr?missian. Mr. Sco�4t� sa+� that the more these projects ���ere related to human ne�ds, the much bett�r chance they had of being �und�d, P�9r. Scott said thcre ti��as a great movement in our country to reallocate the eco�;o^�ic ti-realth in tlzis Cou;��ry. He said tha.t social fraliPirort; plan�iing was in i.he near fu�ure, and n:ore ai,d mot�e the hu�r�an elen�ent �rras be;ng considey°e� and he t�ouyht p�o�?e shouid be alerted to this. P1rs. t�lahlberg asked �vhere the idea s�:as conceived to acc;uire the 4,5 acres en th� �io; th side of City iiall"? Pire Boardn�an said it ;-;:,�s an a���tinis�rat�iv� ide�. Ne sa i d i t vras sort of a pi e i i� the sky i dea , but i f funds shoul cI becc�me avi i? �bl e for tnis type of �rajec�, it coul.d bc done. He said a civic center �rith an indoot, sti•,in�;,�inc� pool and other facilities has been discussed quite-of�:en. He saic� it ti��as also �;j�at this pi°oject v.oul� be tossed out during th�is pu�al ic heai°ing p�°ocess. N�rs. t�lahlherg sa�d tnat she had r�evcr heard of this proposal be�o�,e, and <<�r. Narris said that h° i1dG�l't either. � - h1rs. Idahlber�g sald she ha� no quarr�l l�;ith projects that t�ad been discussed under the hous�r�g plan, but a couple o�F these projects �:aere for�ign �:o the Plan��inq (:or��;�lis�s ion. 7hese �dere items �� and 6. lir. Qoarci�>>an s;ici that i�oth th��e p�'ojects �+ere based on needs that had been mentio��ed at a m;n�ber Com�t�ission u�cetin�i o�� by tt�e Ci i:y Counci 1, bilt they cou � dn't ma{:e ��ppl icatio�� for any fundi ng �hat ;•::�sn't recc�,�,r,�ended by the Planrlinc{ Co�,�;��iss�on ar�il tl�e City Co��r�ci;. �;rs. t�J���lbe►•g �sked wha� i��for�'c���tion the City had to back up t.l7e requests fot� a�ivic centcr and �or� acq:i i ri ►�y the pro��erty i n Ri verv � e�•� Hei ghts? tirs, l�lahlhc�i•g siid she thou�ht $�,000 �,ras a lot of money to ask T�f• a fe�;si��ilit_y � study c�r3 tran:it. Chairman Ilarris said hc didn't i;hink i�: ►•�as er�oL�gh. f•1r. f3ercm�n - concc�rrcd. . . � t�ir, tiuri�is s�,�ci h� thouc�ht tt�e peoiile ��lho c�t�rncd the �4.5 �c.res on �:I�r_ P;s�rt:l� Si�fn of City ilai 1�houicl ��e a{�P►��.�ach:�c( before a pro��osa? for a pt-oject ti•���s �;�n1; �n f�r funding, hir'. Rc�ar�dman s�iiu th��t may�e th� Pltiiininc� Commissiort t�loulcl d��cide tl��t; ' t�>is pt•oject ���as not needecl, anci thcy cc���ld reconimend that this project t�i� �l�ii:�ir�a�cd f►•onr tl�� �ppli�:ation. � Planning Comr.�ission Meetii� - February 18, 1976 , __ Pa�e 22 �2 � � � � � � LJ � � � � � � Chairman Harris said he ti�ought it was a matter or prio.rities and he ihought the City needed other things b�fore it �eeded �� civic center. Nlr. Bergman said that in C011Sld�t^7CiQ tI11S preapplication for 1 Community Uevelopment Block Gr�nt, he thought ttiat ihe projects mentioned applied to the goals and abjectives set up in the housing plan except for items 4 and 6. Ne said they v�ere both a surprise 1:o t�ims ar.d he thought �Iiai: in both these il:ems we had the cart out in frort of �he horse. . Mr. Qoardman said that P4r. Bergman aras probably right, and i;hey should oniy request fundir�g that related to the goals and objectives of the housing pi«n. �Mr. Sco�tt said he had some problems ��i��i this p►~eat.p'I•ication. !le said that what this document tvas for ���as to s�iroulate the interesi. of HUq. }le didn'1; thinl: there was much in this docun�ent t� do that. [�r. Qoardman said he t��as open to any sugg�stio»s that N�r. Scott d��ould l�k� to rnaE:e Ne said that tt�7s �v�s r�o� a sta-Ff exercise, it was an attempt i:o get funding, a�;.� if the Plunning Cammissian had any ideas on ho��r this application cculd be improvPds he ��rou1d be very happy to use those idease Mr. Scott said there cou1d bP a stai;emeni; �:haL these projects t��ould eliminate, reduce or preve�;t ghettoizat.aon.. He said it could say that they ti-lanted to sustGir� f�u�7ian d�ve�opr�ent �•.ith a good 7i ;c so our com�nunity cou�d continue ta gre�.� and be a v���:ble com,nunity. He said thP second need, which ��ras io rid th� City af suLstar�ard housing, f�e thoug►��t ���as an im��ossible tf�ing to do� t�ir. Boardman said thac t•rhen ��Ir . Sco�t ��ad tir�e to go througr� i,his document, he should .�.�rite do:-m some of h�s recomn�enda.tions and give them to the Planniny Departrr�nt. _ Mr. Starraalt �said that ���;�at he was going �o say t��as for hirrse7f, an� r,�t as a representaiive of th` Ci�y Council. He said inat to �f�e best of f�is kna�vledge, the �ity had never provid�d housirg �or anyo��e in the Ci�y, ever. All housing, w all d�,-elcp���nt, ali actiVitics that have taf:en p1�ce in �i�e City, other than G;�y items, ha��c been do,i� ��,�ith ii�dividual initiati���. He said �ih1s ti�;as ail done ��ritl�in ihe Trame!•;ork of City ordinances, and he thought thi, had ti��or{:ed o�t pretty ►•rel 1. He said it �•rould b, hard ror h�im to �:��11 the pcople hn re7resente�+ ii�at the Ciiy ►�las consid�riny eriga;;;�g in a rental subsidy prog�~a,n for some indivi�«als at �ax- paye��s' exp�r�se, he c!zd not G•rant to tell i;he peeple that tf�e City ti�as considerir�g pushi n� fo►, subdi �i z�c1 i�ousi ng fc�r soi��� i rdi vi dual s at tax�. yer's erpe;�se. He di � r,ot t:an t to do �hat. He di d no� �r;ant to have to say tha t t1�e Ci ty ���as undertaki ng housi►�q. foi^ the elderly or housing foi� the unci�t�privileclge�. Iie said he tfiought all these r:atte�°s t-�ere ii�cfividu� i initiative anci, tivithii� ti�� fl,ame4rork o� �ity cacles ar�d or�c;in:ances, can be prov�dnd on �z►� 1t1G1V1CIUc�� or coop�rative basis. tie safd he �����9��� ��hat tf�is �r�s tf�e way to go. He ciidn't waf�t i;o te1 � peo�le that the Ci ty ►•ras coi;;i�:�r�ii�c� doi�,g �;�y cliffcrent fror; that. He said that in this regard, there were itcin; in the ne:�t�pap�r sayir�g the L'ity tilas doiny this, and he ho,�ed the City planning staff ���asr�'t d�°e�3���inc� uE� projccts, o�° ic!eas, a�f��ich he honestl,y belietled �•aould not I�c consistent �•rith the desir�es of th^ people hc rept,ese��ted. - �. Mr. l.an�enteld sa�id }�c had asked tt�e question m��y tiires, a7d t!�at �r�s if tf�is r,�aney 1�li15 il�l'c'i1C�1' SP.t �iside for i.IIeSC �t"OnP'c�"IS, �; ' , ,,,,, ��. '�or i:his fur�dinq or rio;., tl�e �Laxpa��er•s dollai,s vrould�still,l,,����nc��;h�� F�dley ���.���i�iecl F;�idl�y h����c� contr•ib��tc�c� �;� tt�is funcl throuc�h thcii, taxcs, ai�d Pfnt e dohnotcap�,ly�rc�r� tl�4se f�ln;.1�;, then anof:h;r City ti�rt►;.�id get thcni. F;e said th�t ;f t•t4 did not ap�,ly for t��ns�� funds ��nd neigl���o:•I�oods bc�caiue run dc�t•�ri in F�•icl�ley, tf�err ti��Zt c;efiniL::1y tvould f�^ a�� expens� �o tlie Fridley t;ax��ayers. He saicl that ��rhen the fact t•ras {criot•!n that 'iiiis Inonc:y I;ad a�2•eady bec�� ;�t aside by i:he fecJeral governn�cnt, he uidn't tltink Mr. � Pl�nninq Co�nission Meeting - February 18, 1976 � Page 23 Star►•ralt should have any problem in explaining this to the citizenry. 2 � �� f�Ir. Starwalt said the Council idas in favor c�f the hous�ng main�enance code. I�yHe said that he was interested �in��a�a�ing Tow-interest loans available for home � improvements. He said that these would not be administrated by the City but by � savings and �oan associations and banks. He said the aspect o-F having a resource cenier availabl� to provide ideas and exper�ise for people ti-�ho wan� to do�it-yourself, so to speak, he thought vras good. . h1r. Starwalt sa�d that back on the mone s you are saying i;hai: money was � Y available. tie said that the last informa�ion he had was �hat �;he f=ederal Governmen�; was.going to be in the red a� ad�itional 45 billi�n.dollars this year. That's tax , money, being borro:ved to make these programs ava�i1able. He said there u�rere 1:wo . theories ab�ut money. One ti-ras' the spend yourself ini:o prosperity, v��hich he had - never subscribzd to, and the other was pay as you ao. I�le said to sa.y ttz�t othe� � co�rmunities ��rould get this money, 7f we don't, was in a certain sense true. He said but ��ho are �•�e kidd�ng ti�ahen every year the federa1 yovernment goes furl;her in debt, and he felt this �•�as breakin� this countl~y doG�rn, and he didn't t��ant to see � if�ai ha�pen, and ph�ilosoph�ically, he 4vas just �tr�ying i;o point aut that a�i ih� things t�re see and hear and read about avai7able money just doesn't stacF up wh�n you look at i�: in the long stretch. P�lr. Harr�s said that he thought we were back to bu�ing dump trucks at the federal level. He said that 45 billian dallars was an astronomical amcunt of m�ney. O�r total budg�t was an astromonical amount o�` maney, of ti•:hich 108 billion dollars were �`or defense, and on and on c1t1d c��. He said �;hat it �•ras u� to th4 po7iticiat?s, inclading you and me, to sit dovrn and start figuring out som� priorities in this coun#.ry. !�Jha � i s impor �ant? Are th� peopl e i n thi s co��ntry �•ri th thei r neeCS impc?°tar+t, or v:as buying dur�p tr�ucks. N� saiu he did�,'-c care if ii, ��;as the City of f=ridley, �F,� State of P•tinnesota, or the Federal gover;nm?nt, he though� the priorities in this counri;y were all mixed ��p. He sa�d ti�ie need people to si 4 c!o�,vn and thin!c about 4�ri�at really cou�ts. Ne said tner� �•rerc ola people in th'is c�untry t•:ho t•rere eating dog fiood. Bu� we aren't sup;�osed to help thc�;� ueople, no, we`ve got to dra�v the line. ��1r. Harris said he didn't buy Mr. Sta:: ��'s argument. t�1r. Star��aal t sa�id he agrEe��� ; th Mro Harri s up to 3 poi nt, but �•�e di dn't have a hold on the federal goverr;�r�t. :_: said that he couldn't go beyond the City's activities. Iie said the City Cou.�cil could take care os local items. He €elt that if r:e didn't try i:o takc care o� ourselves, no o►je else can da it for us. H� said he ti:a� not against ti�e elderl�� or agair�st people ti��}�o had tei��porary a�versity, and need help. He said �ie ti�;as not in favur of ��r��at app�ars to be a continuing e�fCrt by a fc���t peopl �%or a fl�ee 'ri de ut the ex.����se of a 1 urge majori ty of �he p°opl e i�� repi�esent,�d. h',t°. Harris saio I�� ►vasn't ang�y ►-fith �tr. StarM.ralt, he 4��as angry �•lith himself, bu� he iound tf�is matt�r of pricrities very frustra�ing. h9�,. Scott said that for the City r��t to take advani:age of these progi'ams he felt �:as a step back�•,ard instead of foti����ard. Ne thought it tvould be a disservice to the peoplc in Fr�d�ey if �ve didn't have these programs. Mrs. 4lalhherg slid s1�e Hras displeased wiih item nun»er 4, because after �ve ret the n;or�ey t� acqt� i re and cl ear th i s i and , then ��e ��ou 1 d have to bui 1 d a c i v i c ce»ter, and ive, as taxp��yers, ��ro��1d have to pay fur, so st�e c��as not ii� favor• of }7��vinc,� i:liis proj�ct ;r�clucic�c] �n �tn� C�n�;,nunity O�velop�r,ent Rlock urant. %IC17'JC%i% �y fti',►F�Ihc�r.•c7, SCG`011(�C'd L� LanJ�rifcl.d, that tl�e PJ..�ru�in,7 Comn:ision cAorc th�� pe1Ll.ic hc•arir�> an L-he IIIID C�mmc�nity Deael.oE�ment �Blvck Cr.,�nt npl�lic��tior�. UFrc,n � � � �� � �_� � � � � ' Plannir.. Commission t�feetin -�'ebruar 18, 1976 Pa e 24 � ' e Chairman HGzxri.s decl�red the Public Hearing cZosed 2�" voice vote, a11 voting ay , at 12:29 A.Me Mr. Boardman rer��inded the Planning �ommission �:hat this document had already been submitted to the M�tro�olitar, CQUncil bu� i� couid still be t�rithdrawn or changed� N{re Leek said th�is ��~e�p}�l :cation would be going �hrough variaus stages of reviev� utitil it w�s heard by the fuii hln�ropolitan Council on h1arch 12, 1376. We will be getting �'eports and comments a11 �hrough �:ha� review. 1��e �vill have 3 or A� days af�er March 12th to act on any ci�arges that might be recoirnnended at that tine. Chairman Harris asked that if �they were going 'co se��d an addendum t� this origiral p•reapplication, if the Pla�ning Commission could get a copy of that. Mr. Boardman said the� urould get s!ach a copy. Iie said i:hat any chai��es that we send to the ht�tropoli�an Gounci�l woul�f be as a c�irect resiilt of this hearing. Ne said �hey also v�ould get copies of any�:hing t.hat ►�ras suggested by the t�letr�poi�tan Council. � Mro Boardman said they anticipated re-working part of f:f�is document. He said he agreed ti�;ith the Planning Ccmmission that our pra�ects should be related more to the housing and implemen±ation programs. MOTION by .8ergman, seconded by Langer.feld, Lhat �he City Administratian be reqves�ed io consider the recommerldations and constructive crzticisrns made of t1?is document made at this p.i.blic hearing, and to modify tl�e dace2ment, and to incl��de a future revie�:� b� the the P_ianrinq Comr.:ission of the rewritten proposal. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot�n� aye, th° motion carried unanim,ously. P�r D 6oardrran sai d tnat i f the P1 anni ng Con��mi ss�i on , in re-�°eadi ng thi s � pi^opasai ,�iad any��ditional coirn?ents to mak�, �neY 4���ren't i;o i.esitate �n cal l i n� Li ther i�iin�sel -� or Ray L� ek. b!e 4-;oul d 1 i ke io have a more enl i gh�;�ned docu��.eni by the tim� th�s ca�re back to tf�e Planning Commissior�. hire Star�•ralt said that r�e thoLagt�t ti�at the �1ann?ny st�ff had done a trerrendous job on all of this, ard i:h2y have b�en very straigt�tforti•rard. He said hf� kne�v they had been doing al1 tf�is durinr a lim-ited tim�, and he thouyht it rras a job ��r�71 done. Hz sai� t}ie fact; t'►iat he didn't agree �V1tI1 it aTl, t�ras besid� fi.i�? qtiestioii. 7. RE�01"���E'�lDATIO(�l 0�! SECTION ��IOUSIivG RESOLi17ICf� ttr. Bourdman sa�id 4hey needed aresol�tion for Sectiorl £i Hausinc� ard also a dec��ion on :vhi:h of t:•�o o�t�ons the City �•:anted to a��erGte under. E�e s�id that o��e opi:ian t���s ti�:h�tlier t�� CitY ��t��n��'� to go along 4��:�;h the P!etra Coui�cil tio:isinq AuLhorit}� an��! le�� them do the enti�°e project r�ith stricl;ly oiily the ins��ection pT�ocess at i:he Ci ty ? evel , or do �•re �,;ant hietro Coimc i 1 to d�� a�(1 the di r•ty �•��r�: and �,� �•�ill, t!;roug}f our st�ff> ancl t•�ith reinforced personnel from i�l��t;ro Cour�cil handie the sci���eri�i��; cf a��plica�7i;s, screening oi' apa��tn;ent coii�plexes, and the ins�rction. 7hesc t•rer�� ��i��� ��•ro options. �E � f�1r. ScUtt said 1ie i'clt �there was dancet• in boCh o{�tions, ind wc h� ve to �i:�.rt i:t+lE:i���� �l�out � local liou�in� ��nd n��velop�n��r�t 1�u(�rii;��ty�t�lhat 1,;eL����r'ie'��l�c��i i�d tl��� ;; Fr i�il Ly t�rt��t 1 d ��ot need at� Fift� tn operatc ti1 �i s p, o� � � ��:�;� t=c,;ltY'<jCLir1�J �•,ii:h i:k�e ��eiro Cauncii HRII to ���c�r��te the proflr-��m. 7hcy are doinq all fec;er�] �ip�:;icatia;�s �.I�ro�fyh i,hc�ii° proc�rain. Ilc�i•�evi�r, if �•�e do havc ��n activt' � � Exerpt from Planning Commissi�n lyieeting of March 3, 1976 � CONTII�ILJED: � TtEVIEW OF PR�APPLICAT).'ON FOR OOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT � � � � � ' �� � i � � II � ' L�! � 2�M ' M�. Boardman saa.d the pr�appl.ication for a Community Development }31ock Grarit� f:hat was in the agenda� was the rev� sed prea�,�plication that was reqL?�sted b_y the �s_az�ning Comzni�sion af: th�ir meeti.ng c��' February ].a , 1976 . rie said t}�aAi: 1r�e had hanaed them a copy of t.he Me�ra Council A�S'S review of i�ri�.s ���:�appl.i.cata.on. This r.eview was on �he revisecl �,�reap�l�,cata.c�r.� �hat th� Pianning Commission now h��d< Mro Boarciman said �.h�y �ac� dx�appec� the �r.opo�als �or obi:ainina, fihe pr�a�yerty Norf-ii o� �:a.�� �«�.:1. is�r• a.Civa.c� Center. and �ox� the acqux.sition of 10 1��� :ixx �i�.� Rivc�r�ri��w Nei.ght_s a7:ca. I�e said he hac� t:��].ked. �c� �'�okatE I:��i fr��res t;�� �feti�politan CaunciJ. wh� said i:r�ai� FridY�y hdd � rE��a�� Faett�x� chance �o� �unding w�.thoui: these t.wo proposals a�.so� Fie sa�.d fih�t a1,1. �-:��.e �undi.�g reques�s now perta�.r�E�d to the hoiis i ng plan � � M�o �oaidn�ari sai.c� he �iac� al.�c� ��en in �.�uch with AZa�°c5.a Benr�etic �rc�rn the �Ke�.?:apol�.tan Ce,�a��cil and �he said that Fi�idley �+ras nc�cwy �ar�I��d sixth �or ��inaiz3� e:on:�ide�a�ioil ai�d sl�e thought Fridle� hac� a�ooa chance c�f ge��,:s.nc� �.hi� funding. He saict the fundi��.c� �ec��e�� vaa� for �506GQ0� l�ir. Petersor� as�ed ���i�j th� h�.��rv�.err Height� propcsa�. Yiaci l�eei� c�ro�ped. II�r-� �oar�a��4z� sai� �:1-ba�. �.t- c�ic�n't ii�� �r� i�o�� vael.�. wi.�h �the h�u�i.ng plari, e.�u� tfiat a��e� � Parks & Recreation Compze-- heris�,ve P1.an ancl �. C;ri�:��a3. �re� � laxa haci k,ee�� develope�, they coul.d probabiy a���Iy fo� �ur�dinc� at �ha� �ime � 1�OTION by Petersort, secondEd by' �ergrnan, thai: the P3.anning Conrm.zssion recoinm�nd�ci to C.ounr.�1 a�prova3 of the prea��plica�io�, for a::Gomzrunity 17evelo�t�neai� Ft.Zc�ck Grarit. U�on a voace vote, al1 voting aye, the motion �arxied t�.nanimousZya � RI:SOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION AUTHORI'l.ING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL TO APPLY P'OR HOUSITv'G A..�'iSISTAiv'CE FIJ�IDS FOR IM°LEMLNTATION WITHIN THE CTTY OF FRIDLEY WH�REAS, the Metropolitan Council has been duly or�anized pursuant to T1i.nnesota Statutes 473.06, Subd.3 and Minnesota Laws 1975, Chapter 13, Section 5, Subd. 3; Section 21, Subd. l; and Section 24, and has aZl of the pow�rs and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority pursuant to Laws 1975, Chap- ter 13, Section 24 undi�r the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, PZinr,.esota Statutes Section 462.411 to 462.711, and acts amendatory thereof; and WH�REAS, the City of Fridley and the Metropolitan Council desire to assist lower income families and elderly to ob- tain adequate housing in the City of Fri.dle.y at a price they can aifor.d, and to accemplish this p�rpos� desire to apply for federal funds to undertake a program of subsidizing rent payments to laridlords who provide adequate hous�xLg to such individuals and families. NOW, T'rlEi.�F'ORE, BE IT REfiGLVED by the City of Fridley that th� Metr.opolita.r. Council is hereby authorized to include the City af Fridley in its application for federal funds to implement a pxogram of rental assistance to lower income families and elderly, and that upon feder.al approval of such appli- cation, the City of Fr.idley and the M�i.ropolitan Council will enter into an agreement for operating the Pr�gram within the City. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUiVCIL OF 1HL CITY OF rRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATtEST: , 1976. CITY CLERh - MARVIN C. BRUNSLLL MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE 3 � � � !J I] p�y�--- �� . (�UfJ'I'It/1�;'I' N�).---__._. .�._ i 3 .q r.-f i, •r t; �> >� c:> > . t �r n .,i c.� O t ► N (, i � , � ;iui',� :ii��� J�i��U��, Sc�u�irr• I�iiil�iii�t), �.�iilt 1'�iiil, i'l�liiin�r:;�;l�� 5;;II�t ;SL'(;7'lO^� ,� i[Ol)Sliv;; �;5[,�'I1',�',;c�;l:; l'�1'[��if;��'l'S f'itOC:,i:l1��1 V(UNZ'R�C'1' 1/�'I'iiI IvtUNICI!'�1L,I'1'Y � � � 'l'IffS 11C;1tl;I.;N?I:iJ'1', ,���I:,�r�:cl intc> �as c�f I:his cl��}�, klic� ____.___..-----.-cl�a�- o[ __----------__._._. , �.`�.'�W(;l".`Il �:�li?'jV�L�-1'O�ic")].I�:ilil �iUlIl1C�11 ��lCl'i:lllil��(!i' l�(?�l"'.l�f�?(� rC) uS tilC: (iC)1J17(']��� t117(�.C�7(� (;iCy� r�l.....___ ._ �_, �l���r��in��ft�;r rc[c:r�'eci 'to ��:� ll�c� C�ilyj. � �n,_rr��LSSr,rti_: . ' V`1111;fZL'l1�, ll�c: C%oui���il i.nC��n�ls to u�icicrt�l►:r: � l-�r��c�rai>> oC st.iUsiciiiing rent E�ayn�cnls �.i)C �OWC':l� lilGU!lll: �clllll�]t':i c_l]l(1 �:.)C �I1�-' �'�:ji'L"��' �O iISS?;i� �11�?Ill 111 O�?Ct]11111K( t1(j�^_CjU�1�C • 11UUS11�O � .':1itl � � � � � i � �. � LJ r V`v�lll,��t:.%�5, i�l(' ��UU11('l� �li3:i l-Ct�C].VCCI �lll)CI117C� f1�Qi11 �)l��' j:i111�C.:�( s��]ti :i i.�C?��vi't1llCt1"]G Of lic�usin�� �:ncl 1�rl.��r, l?�:v��loi�ment (1-i[J])) uncic�r � 11Ull Sccli.�n �3 i(ousiuc� �lssi:;t�.,ncc P���inenla t'roc�r�m N1usl���r llnnu�l Contrik�uCions Conlr�c:t (iL;a,;ter GoiiCr�ct) c.lated -------------------------.--- to ��cl �s �3 Pt.�l.�lic IIousi»c1 �lgency to ini�,lc:���•�c�nt tlli.s ��rc�c�r.3m, �:tic! 'v'.'i�F;I�L'115, thc. Ci!y li�s l�y r�sol.uti.on i.nciict�tocl i��, c?��sir!� to p��rlic:i���l:: �.n this (?1OCjfcl.11l �311C't �O iiSSISi SUCIl 11l(I.iVl(�Ui]1S �31�C� l�]I111i1CS �U J})�i]li) (�E;CCIIi:� S�IIi: i3I�C� Si1117C�1t"'y 1lOUS1.11Cj 111 C}1C? i�lty i]t j:�l"l.CC5 Liln}' C�lil c1t�01"cl, �]i�(1 �1�1�l:}t};l1S, tltr� (�c,u11<�i1 cicsires Lo purci�usc.: c���rlt�i:� nec:c�:;s��r�;� �:elii�i;�islrtitivc. :���r�-ices �CUIII ��lC L.1�`f lil CC�Illll":Ci:)G11 VJ1�11 U�]I-t-}'lll(, i�Ll� ��l(` }.)COCJYillil illl(�, �'�T���.�Z�,l15, (}li: LOURCII l5 �3l.iL}l0?'1Z��C� �t7 C',:<CClll�� illl caC�Jl'i���n;cilt for �11C j.)U1-C.:li3S(3 Of �,�C�i:,)I'�3i11 St`t'V1CCS �]IlC� i:0 �i.l}:C �]11 c�3Ctli)il S[)�CJ�]C(.� C)C CC>11tC;lllj:>1<ltC:{ �1�:1�C)il jJU'C5Uilllt Cc> I.��yv:, 1�) 7; , C:1���?tc�!- 1`3 , S�c,lio�i (� , SuL•cl . 3; Sc:c:tiv» Z 1, Sui:��_I , l; t>>zci Scc�tion .�'=i � i111c.I Jlc]S �3�1 C)F i�'1C j70WCCS illlCi C�U�Ii�:; O� �l �lOU.`i1111J i111C� CC�t�'VI:iU(1111C11� ilU�IlU1'1CV F)lil:>l.lilll� �:O �,i1bV�; 1J%�� � Ci�lil�)��3C 1.3 � S��Ct1C'�11 Jt� 1111:1C?1' i:fl(? j)1"O'.%1:i1Ull:i Of ��1:'' �`IlJ;IlC.'l�)il� EJ��llcilll(J ill1L� 1Zi`.(�C�-i'�O�)illClll %�Ct� ��lllll('3U�i] �i�i1�U�C':i �)i:C�]U11 •�l)c�. �.� �J �t�.''. � i�l �< <111(� iIC�E� C111?(�11���1ft�I�)' t�1t2C(?t.)�; NU�tij, '1'lll.:l�l:l'O(;}�, ii� cun5i�.:i'.tc.ill(�11 Of Llli: IIIUCl1i:lJ covi:n�nts ti>>�7 �,:c.�ii�ises co�ll�i�led �1C;ff�ltl � ��lC ���II"�)(':: il(JCC'l.` i3:3 fO� �UW;i: 1. 1'ur�_l���sc_of_Scrvice. 'i'hc Council �cJracs to ��urci��ase �ancl the Gily ��c�rc�s to �UCIIISIl .I:III` Eollc�•�vin�� scrvlCl�S: . . ��} 1����,li.ctaCi�.n pi�c�cr.ssinc�, 1:)�•",: 1ns���.�c:tio:� ��f }►ousiny units, C�� �)11—�.�U111(J �)1'O�jl-c1!ll �JIC��.QCIJIlI�� rlll�.� CC—Uf11��1�1�.'�l�ll�ll� c!) Itr,_�n:;+x�r.�liun t�f hou�:iiuf unil�, ��11 ��s n�or�� sE,��cific:,�lly �;��1 �:>ut it� Sec[ion 4 l�clow. a w � . . ' _� . � �� L_J � ' � � � , , � i� � � , � e � 2. ��i'lcc�_��.r S�:rvires_I'i�rch��sc��-i. Thc� Cvuncil ��grees to rna}:c l}�e following �»y�nrnts f�r Chc�^s�:�rvicc:s CCI1Clereci l.�y thr� City: a) St��rt u.� ;�a���7�c�n�s. 'I'hc Council ��rrces to ��i for casts �iiic� .. __. L�.---- .-----�---- � I Y �ncl �ervi�.c.s o( the CiCy i.ncurr��ci in cc>>>rii:ctic,n willi lhe orc�t�iiiz��ti.oi� ��nci c:onirnence�nenl: uF c��ntr��cG services �vhJch �rr: ri�in�l�tu����l��lc tu ti�c Council L�y th�, Dc�p�rtmenl c�f. I�ousi»q ��nci U��h�.�n D��vcl����n�ant �ind ��c,r�:os l:o p��y [;a mc>rc� th�n $�'l,2BQ 1���r th��s� st�rt up cosCs ��nd ;crvices. Va!itl�in tl�i.s maxz�nz�m, thi: CuLmcil shall y�nr.r�lly J_�� ablc lc� pay no moi-e th��rl $G;�O �per month Ior the organization ancl cotn�ncncernenC �f applicalion �)I'(�CCSS].ilCi .`il:T'V].CCS � V'J�11C;�1 CC'.1"�J1CC'.S IllC1;' Il�3Vi: }l��C,'I� unclerlil}�C?11 priur !c� l.hc. ��f:f.ective d�,t.e c�f. Cl�i�; ayrcen���nl a��cl sh��ll cc�t:cJuile Vd�1C'.Il :il.l�lSt�lll�lc7��;i c)ll Oi ��lC.' lillClill j)1"OC�I"�lill. li'i:tE�t�;i }�i3'JC ��CC:11 c�l"1-ull�_t('!1. ���so witi�iil thi� �u��;;irnt�ni, thc: Co�.ulcil. sh��ll hc c�cncrally �}.�1�� t�� �»� rio �norc: th�ii $5UU tar lh�� E�urc:h�se oI tion- ex����:nc_i�hle cc�ui�irient [or usc in tt�c proc�r�m. t�) Iiiilial ir,spc_r.tion, In aclditioi� lo Llle sl��rC-up ni�a>:in�um set out al����ve, the Council s1��311 p�y �he Cily an inspection [ee o[ up lo ti:?�l p�r uni t for uni.t5 i.ns�c�cLecl clurinc� lhc ti»>e cluring which i:�ICJ �.)1'Cir�l'i3111 2S }�(3111t] Ol"C�i1]11IC,C� u11C1 CO11]I11C:11CCC�. c) Coi�tin��incL�>t_c��rcttn_I»ynietil.s_. 'i'lle Cottncil agrecs tu pciy the C:ity (lUi'IIICJ`•���i? CC.I'JIl Of I.111 i v(�1'(:C'.Itl�l"it t01.lOV��11lCJ i:�1C.' 1I11iiU1 I�C?I")t—Lij) Of cach �unit �� fc�c ot si:; d�lJ�rs (>6.00) }���r unil per monCh fo�' re- cerlif.ic:�Lions reciuir��d in l:he p�rf.orn��nce of Lhis contr��ct ancl a f.CG U( C��'U C1p�.laCS �;?Z . U�} j�Ci- Utllt pc31' rllUlll�l 1Qt' CC-1I75j:�CCI:lUII rc���uirc�ci in r,onncction �vi.11l the p�rlorrn�ncc oE lliis co��tr�r,l. � 3. '!'c:rni of 11c�rc�ei��ent. The servicc,s to i�t� }���u'ch�sed �It"lCI ILIt'111511�(� uncler this ac�rc��ment 5h��ll. c_�c�i�:i;;enc:�:� on July 1, 1�17;, �Zncl sh,311 continue thrc.�ugh Uc�ceml�er 31, �19��0, 'I'll)5 �c;rc�ur����nt n:ay J�e tc�rmin�t���_l i��,� the C;<�uiZCil upon t11i;-Cy (3U) cit�ys' ��vriLtc�:� notic;c� in li�c ,�vcnl (ar�cn-a�n luncli�lc� is not ��rovicied or is t�r�ninated i�}� IIUD. in uciciiti��;l, lh�� Cotinci.l �r�cl the l:i.ty sh��Jl Lc�l:h h�v�� Ciic right to tcr�uinttCc th.i;; i3CJl��'C:il1i:11L t�C ,�i�;.� lin�:� i�or catrsc l.;y sul�iuillin�� �•rril.l��ii >>c�l:i.c�� ��f. the i�itc��lio�i Lo cle� :;o ti> ;l�r: c_�tl�r.r ��<<rly ��t lr.�ist i�iuely (Jf11, cl�}�s �:,ric>r Co lhe s��.�c:i(i��ci eI[c�ct�i��c: d�te c>f such ri:i'tttliii?i:lUlt. C<>»<�e.11��tion o�- �cr��;i»��Cior� ol this �circcinant ]�•y ciChc,r lhe Cc�uncil c;r tl�c C�il.�r� si��<�ll nr,t a(tect thc ri�hts of r»rricii��tin�� fa�ni]ies within lhe Cily cl�_�ri�l�� tlic lr.rins uf. lh��ir lc.<�scs. I�a �i<lclitic�i�, thc City will 1-�e ���icl [or sc�rvices pe►�Iormecl u�� l:o Lhe cl�te of CIZC: conlr��r_l l�.r�r�inution on [Ile {���sis set fc,rth i» Section 'L �bovc. � � � � . I� 1 � � ' � , 1 � i. , r , � -,��- 3C �1. I'ruc�r��n�_OV__�.Iir�.��ti��t�s_ r�f Ci_ry_. '1'he scrvi.ces to bc perfor�z�od t�y the C�ty u�1iJ.:►' lhis ��roc�r��in sl�all. l�e �s Iol.lows: ��) nl_���]i_c�rtic�n__z.>>_c?cessii�g_shal] inclucle, but not be lirnite�d to, U�:;istitxJ �����:��ic:��«rs l:v cr�rn��lctc fc�rTi�s, cl�ec}:i.nc� ��ncl vc�ri.fyiricJ t���i�lic;c3��t's i.i�r.omc to dcCerrnine cl.ic�il>ilily far }�t�rlii;i��i:ion in tl�c:: l�rc�c�r�.�n�, c:lr:t��rmir�i»rl �}?E.>r��l.�ri�Le rlr,vc,lli.»c� si.��-�, cJross rr���l t�nd ��russ f��n�i.ly cor�lril�uli.oi; i:� thc� rctzt��l. i���ymcnLs, c;:(,It�ir�in� Ch�� ric�hts <�i�cl rc�sC�onsibilii.i��s iri thc� proc�r�in l�� sttcc.:ssful . I�,l��il.i.c�s �vhv h�ve been issuec.l ccrtifir.ates �nd u�on requr�st of a. j)i.11"L'L�,l.�j)�3C111C� l��mi.ly, assist in l�c�iti.�Ig suiC�}.�le uriiCs in th� Cily, exc�minincJ lc��ses and forwardi.►�g leases and l-iousiilc7 �ssist�nce P�31'I11Cfli:S Coi�tr�3c:� CC) 0�1'll�.'1'.�'� fC?1� �',;':CCU�].i�ll. ���Il(:'. (�LCV STI�I�.j l!C ��l"]J11<ll�l�\' l'�'.S�)01151�)Il'. �l)l' �Ii�' F]CC;lli"iiC;;! Oj 1C11.C)Clilil�).U11 rel�liti�.� �O c311 i]})})1]G�1�l:�S })t'C)C)I'�:I11 C?11�j1L1'll�y' i:lTll'l V�?1"1j.iC��Lic�nC i'l11!_l ilj?j)Il�;d— li.�n sht�ll }x� �n�icl�� c�n f.orms E�rovicJ�,cl l�y l]IC Cr�u»c;i.l, 5�m�.�ic::, of w}�ich �re ��tl��hecl he�eto� b) It�spc�cCi.c�n �>»ci re_ irlsLccl:ic�n of units shall inclucle �3n on-sight ins}.�ecti.on �.�nd oe;rtification oE lhc: sui t�hility of c�ch hous.ing unit }�ri.��r t� ini.[:i��l lease by �� p��rkic:ipali.ng fan�ily� aaic� �lso thc�� r�- iiis��ection of c�a�h housii�c� unil ��rior. Lo �try auntt.al rc-ccrtiCir,aCion of tl�c� f�irt!iJ.y. 11i15r such insr�c<:;lic�n s!�i��ll }�e stif[ir.i.:�ritly ihvrc>iicT]I ill"]C� C"�0111}.�IC�C SU �3S �:O lilSlll-C' C�(?Cl;ll�, S�]jL i]11C� Sc7111�i1C}' 110U5),Il(] fur c��ch �.��rli.c.ipt�tinc� [an�i.ly. il.ousiaiq quc�lity slan<3�rcls sli�ll l�e �s scC �ort}1 i.0 '1'i.tl.e 2-1 � GI��F>ter VIII 1'�1-t t3f3'L . lOJ o.f ll�e il Ul) Rcc�ul��ti.r�ns �ncl 1>y a��i,]i���l�Je I:�L�ilclii�c1 cocles. Re�?orls of i.ns��eetion �1c��i r��-i.z�s�x�ct�«i1 slla).) }» rn�icii: 0�1 t:ori��s j�rc�vi.ciecl t�y Che Goua7cil; � s��mj.�le oI wilich is atl:�che�i. c) C)�Z_-c�oi:n�i.��roc�r��m �roc;c�ssi,r��_sh��ll i.nclude ani�u�l re-r.crlific�tion c�f te»�3i��ts >>-lcl the mair�tenance ot l�roc�i�ini fi)�s and recorils [or ]11011i�1I)� rc�porls, mz�i��t��i.»i>>�z co�Zl��cl 4viCh o�vners ul rent��l unils to c�nc,ot�r��ge th�-,ir particij>atic�rl in ��i1d uncicrsC��nciir�� of Lhc:� �.�roqrain cl ll(� til�l lllf:il ].i11llC� i1S �S Of i] Vc� 11�3)�]c'' 1 C�nL��1 ut�iLs , . , 1n c�rcl��r lo ftu�ni:;ll !:lic� sc:?�vicc�:; I�crci.il ��urc_�hti:,c�<i, th�; C;iCy shall ��rc�vicic ��itcqu��Ce :;�.i3�E tJill:', i]IICj U��1C(:` OC j?1'OCJ1�Cl111 Sj)ilC(? illl(� S�l�l.��. }:(.'•f'.{) �fll� S�]111C' ��Vi�l�.il})�C �U j, ����F�lic;�tll.�; cli.irinc� sc;heclulc�cl l��usinc�ss �lUL1CS �����,rovc�.l l�y thn C;otanc:il. 'I'hr: C;ily , � �if?�.1�( �1�L;C1•1)1'C)\•'I�1C` �)��i(jllc`3��:: �'l.'�ll3 �lilC� C:II'CC'i]011ill 1Tl�pi'lliil�.lGil �:U iljJOI1(:i]ll�i �111�� �>G:�.+l��.t. c7�ll)I1�:i1i1�5 SU �ilc3� f:ll(; �IiICE', c.tilC� 111�11117CC U� 111�3};111(j �3j1[)�1Ccl�1011 Ci]Tl �� easil� �sccrtainc�d. `Ihe City sh�ll };�ep on l��nd for di ,Lrihulic�n aciec�u�itc� br�ehures � . or c:�Cher inCor»>�lic�n ral���ses pre�:���ecl l�y the Cottncil i3IlC� sl��ll su���?l�menC acj1C� �)COC:Illil'JS �vi.th in[orm��lio����l ri�lc��s� s c�nr.crni»cJ loc�l cletails �s a��proprS��te. � ' � . , ` 1 , , ' , � , , L.J I] ' � 'i ,, , ' � ' . - � • . 3D 'Thc rnann��C U� IUltllshinc� tl�cse .�crvir,c,�s shc�ll bc cletcrmined by the City but th� E�,artir>s :;ht�Il frc>>n tinu� to I:IIlI('. Gonf��r conccr»inc� l�l�a cicl�ail:� c�f ll�e C%it:y's [urnisl-iinc� c>f thc s��►'vi.c'�' � �nd tho Cily a��rcr.s tc� com��l; will� r���soilt3l�lc dcmands uf lhc Counci.] Cp11CCl'11111C) tI1C: Sillll('.. !t i:� thc� i���r.nr. c>[ �hc (%��_i»cil lo ni��i»L�in c.a��i�l��lii;��:, Ic>r li��� r�;tisun��t���' 11111�OC111 Iurni:;h.ii��_< <�f: sc�rviccs by lhr., sec:c;r��l citir,s ���1fLJClj?i.1L111�1 lIl ��l(": ill"�:il—bVJ(i('. jifU�:.JI'i]I11 .`iO tili.lf t)l(�(;�ltll"�1:; Ccll'1 },�;± �:)1'lll�i'Cl ��lil(1 i1���11�I11�1�1V1? Illcll}:t'(I11(J clG�lVl�]US (.illl �?.', COI?I�UCt.C'.(i C�I1 i]Il i]ff?il—Wl(��� �:c7S1S. !�. I'ro�;i���.�ri_C�l�li;���t_ic.,i��� o( Gouncit. 't'hc �}�rti.c�s uncl�►'st�lr�c1 ti��l thc: City sh�ll nol bc rc�y�_iia-ed Lo proviclr, lhc� fc�l]owin�� j�r<���r�m s��rvices t�n�l �Cl:i•diLiE�s. S�icl t�ctivities �arc: lhe ,sol�: res��orisibili.ly of t}Ze C.:ouncil. i]� %�if ill'i;i�—'�NJc�i` c�I�ll�lliclt.l�i(: ll':.1Ct:C'tl:lCJ c](:�.]VI�;C� iLIC�I �lS jll�C`�)�.11�JC1(�Il lii �)1'l)CilLll'�'.S :]]l(i c1C�VilI�IF>]li(j� COil��.11:�lil(J �r,ci •���orl:irn:� ��vith arc��a !'0;111!II.11�J-�:)' c-jC011O:; i311(3 ICIlt�3� )?C(7E.'('.l"t}` O�'ii1�'.CS �'tll'.i lil�in�<"1C�inc�llt C�1'OLtJ)S �; »�t c;:��l�aii�i tirJ tlie proyr�� m t� lh�:n� . � b) M��};iucJ [in�l cletcrmin�:�t_ians ot }���rtici�;�ition, issuin<; ccrtilic�tc.s of [c71I11J.y p�i�Cic;ip�li.c�r1, m�):J.r�c3 Li��� huu�ii��J �issi.s(�ncc U�Jtiic�nts to 04V11C'.l�S � C�(^.�C1�111111)11C1 V''+�?r'!� I1(?f �O <IU ��lOI�1::C C'v'1C�1C�11 i� ilIl(1 �li'.i3C111(,� ��ric��;��n,-�ns �,( t�;>E�Ii��t�i��:,. ti;i 1-��; iC.'I.'1I1J11111Cj �_i'I•,'.� 'J!''t'�� �C)Y..' ]�1''('`iit"t.'. il)lC� cl��l.l'f?1i1�.'�:'��'. ill'{lUll �.11�i:�.(�r�.�.l]C(?S Clll(1 CjLl.l(li:'�lllc`.:i i1Cl' �)t'.Jll�.i �-'c.11':-i('.�� C�ll�. (.'ll illl clCi`c]-•�ncll�C: 1?i]�il:i i]ilC� ll?�iilf(;!.)i�lll:j �ll���!—`��If:C: ;lj`I`';C:11.11)17 � i01' �)�lltlUlj)�ltlOfl <]11Ci �'���.11�]II�J listC L<i;r-:t�i��� with )i:;ls ��r <��.r��il-��l;lc r�?nr:31 u».i�s i�i ��rcicr t�� cictermine �n�;- r��cc.l I��r r�:��l.lor.atiun ol- ;�royr�n� func,s. � C`) f) 'Cr��i.iiiny 1��c�:�l raro�_�r�>>�i s,.tiiT �ii�cl ��rr:�,��r�n�.J oper��Ci�;r� 'c�rc�c,l;uri:s and (�i��n s . ' t✓i��l(`,G�llliJ �1�� �lCCi3—`�`.�lC�l`. ��il�c.l iltl(� j�t-l:.'�>�il�i!ICj 11� �)OL1S111CJ i1S51Stcl110E� �?rc��Jrti ni rc i.�orts for i' C� I�. /�11 i��:lit�r iii��lCc�r�; Co»C��ii��:ci i�� tl�i� P�ir�:,l.��r C�o>>lt�a�'!.. (�. ��l`��(lli. ��Ili'. �..li.`• �i�lci�� l�Ut'llll`�`I:i I�:i �111111��1111�1 l7� :i�'1�\'ll'�.`:� l?Il �] It?1111�11�y 1)i151ti �•✓1(,�llli �C11 l��])%5 i1�CUl i:�li? G�U.`�t: �?l l:i1C�� 1:�.1�Clllli]!' Il1QIl��1. :ljl CIt��:L1il1C.'lltil�ll�11 5�1i.11� �:t? Ull �UCI11 : j)1't)Vl.f�i'(i �?V t�1C �.OL111C1� . ���lC ��OLtIIC'll I'(25c^.CVr�:i Cl1F: tl�'�IIL �i'Olfl tLfll.) tU �LIIIC'ttU iil�t`I' UC illll('.I1C� i.111 fC)Clll`i (l5 il�'GCS:ii.il'}' Iil UCC�<:;1� �O CJil1i1 li7FOCIlIi]r1U(Z rcc�uirecl k,y 11Ul) ��r uLhr..r i�iiorm�lio» i�ec,rss��ry to ti�e C:c>uncil for ils ��roc�ra�n I��� I. ) U n J,� 1� 1 l 1 l� C: J. ' . fII� . � • ,� 1 3E ' 'l. 'I'imc� r�f P��}��_nc>»t_,_ lltl I?��ym��111:5 IOC CJIi: SC'CVIC:CS hcrr.in c��n-cl��sec1 shall br� mc�cic on �a c�uc���lcrly I,,�si:� . 7'1ie City undcrsl�sicls that ti�e (�c�ttncil c:��r>>lol mak� i���yrn�.nts ur�til cincl unlcss funcls �re ��rovicic.cl 1�;� J1UD uncic�r tiie M��stcr Conlr�c,t. ' L_J t ' , I �_ � ' ' , ' ' �� � � � ' i�. • �Zt�C:OI'(�:i. ��Ili) �i(:1UIlC;)1 3�1(1]1 �IiIV(? iICC(:!S:i �O ��ll? ��li}.'�S 1'�?(:UL'�.1:� if� �'Ci]5(Ull— t' ;�1�1��' l�c�tn-:� in nr<.l��r lc� c��:��t�i:i;;c� ils rc;sE?on�il�i] il�,� to n�o>>il��r lhc: ,>c�r��ic;es t�i.irchased. /111 r�:cor�l:� sl��i�! 1,�. 1:i:�,(: hy �:otl� p�,rtics lo►- f.ivc, (5) S'c�c�i-s tor �iuciit i>ur�?o:�c�s. 9. '1'he r��zrkies �,h�ll c;on�2�ly wi.th �all rcc�ui.rc:n�cnts i.�n��osed h;� '1.'itli: 6 of the C�i.vii IZic1hts i1ct: of l�?�,4, 1'uL�l.i.c f,�iw tSf3-35�? 7i3 St�tutcs ;?,11; ttie rer�ulatiuns of th�� llcE�artn�cnt c�f,l-iousing ��nci Url�an I:)c�vcloE�i;�enl issu�u th�.rcun�ier, 2�1 C1'It Stil�CiClc n, P�rL 1, c;�::clic�n 1. L; ':Ci.i;)c �'l1I c-�t Chc �:ivil l:ic�11[s 11ct of lJuB �iul lh� I�U��'ti i�il.� li_!Cjl!1il�lUI1S 1::;5UC'C( ()LiCSLtcltli. Cil�?i'(:i:0� Z,X('.CUt1VC Qri;<�r' ! 111G:; �O i:�?C (�11C1 Clic�t, in ���c:c;r�i��ncc �vith ll�i�� /1i;1, Lh�.-; l;;:r�cutivc� (�rcicr, il�c, r�:gul��.Lions ca1�i1 liic� I-(1i{1_11.1'<<t?lit?lt�S, ilU j�Ql':Ull S11i31� f)il �IIC <J10Ut1C) U� Ci10E', C�i�QC� CI"CC`C�, C(']1CJ1(�11� T7c�1t1011c11 OI�1Cf111 OC SQY.� ��C (?,`•:U.iUC�C(1 f:-O;il O�I1-�tC1(lc�t2O11 IIl� UI� �lC? (i'i.'Ilir'Cl i�2�� �i:IlUll.�S Ci�� t�1G' ho�.isin�� ��s;ist��nce ���yrnc�Zls progr�m or be excludecl fron� f,111jJloyii�cnl or l;e olher- wi:�e stil�jcr;tcci Co cliscri�nin��tion. No person sh��ll ��uLon��Cic�lly be r..xclticic:�l from '�;�,c-lici}r1ti.�iZ iri ot� l�e <l��ni��c� the ben�lits of. llie ��ousi.izc, �ssisC��nce ���ayrn�nts �1C�:CJ1'ilill iJt- �;'C :�Ll�i)(;C�('(� �t) (il.iCl-J.1lllllil�l011 7.11 U111�)IC�}'il1C'tit 1)CCi]tlSC O� IllClll}?C'iS}11}J 111 �i clt�ss such �3s tiniu��rri��cl ���c�ll�crs, rr.ci�.�ie�nCs c�f ��ti�;lic w�:1C�a��e, eCc ,'.l'hesc �?roviszo,�s ����c: ic-��;)�:�c(<�ci ��Lirs:����C to t}�c rcc�ul��l�.�ns of lhc llci��;�ln;cnL of ltoi�sii�i� C]Il:l L�I��.`�lil ��C\%(��u�?!1;�:R� i]!]c; �11�.` 1��:Cjll]-t'Cr11CIlL:� (1� iiC�]�l �.��:'j)�]!-I:fi1011l ��U1'SL1011l I:O Sa1Cj re�jul��Ci.r,i,s; �nc.j r;�e oh]icJ�3Ci.o,zs or r►�c� c:iCy lo co�>>E�1�� rher��wiC}, i„ures ro cl�e lTi'.i]c?fl� Ut �l�C'. ��Il7.�t1i� :��:i�i�;i� LIIC Si.11C� I�C�_�i9rt1))Clll: i]T7(3 �}]Q �iUlll7C:11� i�l�j� Of Wi"11C:�7 sl���ll he c:nCitle�.l to invc�i;�� �tiy rc:inc�clies <.jv��il�}�le l�}r lu�.v to ri�clrr:ss ��ny Lrr.�ch lhc�rc�ot ar l:o con�E�c7 cc�n�}�li�ilc� th,::rewi.Ch bv C�1E? City. �.��. �il�f:'.(�JU�iLt�. C��-Cllt?III---111I�)I lll�lf.)i)11._ ���1'.' US��` l)1' (.�tSCIl�5lll�i� �J}j �111)r Oill���� OE inlo��m��Cion ��c�nc�c�r�Zi.iii� c�u ������l.i.can(. or }?art.ici����nC i.n thc l�rcx;r�ir�i in viul��tion of ��,�y rutc� of c�c�nfi.elenti<il.ily ��r for �l�y �>ur��osc� riol. �iirecfJ.y connecCec? wilh Lhe clt.�IllLlllti�)'i]�1C)11 [?� �.�lr: �?1'UC{['i]I71 )S ��rc�hil�S.lccl� (3i:C:i?�)t O1� WI-1�tC'.Il COi1S(311� Oi �:�1�� t��>��li.c�;nl� cr ���irCici.}���nt. ] 1. l�ll si:rvi;.:c,s furnisl�c�ci uiicic:r ti�is I�qr����rr�.�i1t sht�ll ;�c� will�c.�uC i;n��rcJ�r ko a�1y t�;���lic�.�nl �_�r �,�ii�C.ic:i{,��lit:�.; 1.3n;ily�� � ].:!. 11f] E�rohlc�tiis c�r clis��ul.c:s b�l:�vr:�:n ll�c �>��rl.i�; :sl���Jl I:r. suhjc:c,C lc� r��vic�w �,n�l rr�:;oluti.c;ii l�y I:l�c� 1�-1�:Crc��x�lil�3n llc�u�sirig �iucl ItccJ�r•�c�lc�{,in��nl llt.ithc,rily Ilclvis�ry l;nnt►nitCi��� or oCl�cr cx:�miuiticc su}:sc�.li�enlly �ic�sic�»�li:cl k.:,� tlic �;��utic;il. � •, ,. 1.. . � ' ' i , , , ' , ,� ' , , � 3F 1�. '1'l�c CiCy in c�r.:;��r�larir.c willi its sl��lus �s a�l i�lcle;���i7cicriC contr��cCor ac�recs [h��C it will c;onclurC i.tselE consistenl wi.th such stc�tus ancl thal it �vill ric�l li��l<.i itselt �tit. c�r c;l��in� tl��_�t iCs offi.cers �nd c�in��loyces are em�,loycc�� o� Chr� C��tiric:,il.. I,y r���.��ou l,,�rc�i�f., il �vilJ m�iF:c: no r,l�ii�i, rl��in��nd c;r ��p;.�).ic��ti�n �O OC f��r i311}' 1'1(J�l� Ol' (�1`1V1.�.CO�? ���1Oj1C;i.1�1��? �!? c]Il�' Utr)C?.::'1' 01' C111j�1U+�itc;' U� f�l:? Cc�i.ir�c;i.l., i��cluclii�cl, t��i.it iic�t lii��i.tecl to, �,vc�r�l:n��in's con�j�e�ns�tion i;ov�r�iye u��ct�ii.>)oyn��:r�t i��s�.u-<,ricc 1.,cnc:lil::�, svc;i��l security cuvci��c�c or rc�li.iome�zl mc�nbersi-�i}� or �rc�.lil. • 1�;, M��sl�ei__C�il��r�ct. 'L`h�:: City Ltnd�rsC�ncls lh��l the �roqr�ati� is sul�ject i:o the l�rrns �anc:ly�ancii.ti.�»s ;�f th� M�:js(:er CUllt1"i]C;t J)GCW�'.Ct1 tli� Counci.l ��nd lIUI� �-�nd to I]t1D's currer�l- illli:l (liCLll'C ruJc:s t�ncl regul<�lions and thr_: C-i.ty �ic;rees to abicle by th�� s�iine �;�cl t� c��c���c.rczC�� �r�ilh th;:: Cc�uncil in i.ts c:orn��li.ancc� th::r::�.vill��. i>;r, n�cu-�i�e�-, o(Ci.c�:�r c,r cin��luyee of the Cc�unci? , rio 111�IilJJCC U1 L��C CjuVC:C1l1I]Cj LOC�jj of. I:hc: ?oc:c.ilit}� (�il� ��n�_i c«�trii:�✓) in �•v1�i.cl� I.),�: j�roj�:•r:;t i:s siLi.��t;�ci, �►ixl lio c�thor puhlir. oll.ic;i�31 :�I. SIIC:}1 localil>> or loc�ali.Cies �.r✓ho c;�err.i�es �r�y f.unctions or r�s��oi�sil�iliCi�s vt�i.tl� res����ct ic� ll�� project, �luring his tenure or for one yc��r tI1C1'E'.il�I:CI", sh��.11 1��:�ve ili�'y� L�1LC,1"CSt, (�J.1CCf: O1' 11-1C11LeCf:� 11� t�l1.;i CO1l�T'caCi: UC ].T1 c�ny {�rocc�c�c;s or bci�clils arisi�zg thcrefzo»>, IN `�1j1`I'NI:SS Wl(I�RI;(�l', thc parCi.es hc:r��lo ]���v�� c:�3u:;r,ci l:his �c�reer.��c:nl to be c��xecut�d Gll f.l1C C�i.3j' tlil�l j'l:�il' f1.1�5� il�!UC'(' �+i1-1���?]1 i)\% ��1�`.11' �lU�11C)i"1�(�ll iC.'�)I�c?SC'l1tc�3t1VC'S. . n����rovcc� ��s �o lcq<�l Io�-m tS ��clec�ti�3cy ['c,ri:��;l ll� \owli,�,__"...._,_-S!��;f C�c>unsc) ' �� , ' �>>u�� , ' ' t��r�rt�oPC�r.,zr�r� ��u�vctl, , 'v_.-------- (� 1''T 1' C71, Y, ,}__ Chairn»n 1• . ' � i � ' . ,• � A p �j,,D� �' ` / ��j ,r�,� � �;,�;�� ir��''� � � 4 • SUiI�� iU0 cor�•c�:nc�r No. 3� � Nf I:'l'Rl�l'(.� LI'1'I�N C C�t1 NCI l, l��ii�tr<� Sclu�3rc� I;uilc.lit�c7, S��i>>t 1'�til, Mi.rin��s��l.a ;i;"il.11l SLC;7'IUN f3 110i1SiNc::� I�SSISTIINCI� I'11YIv1�:(V'i'S PI:UGI:I�M CON'1'1:11C`C VVI'C1I Ml1N1C1P111,J'I'Y 'I'I l ici 11C;I:L;l;1��1];TJ'C, ��nl��rcc1 i��lo ��s c�f this ��cay, th�� ----.------- clt�y of -------.___� 1_�ehv�cen lhe Melropoli.l�n Cowzcil (hcrein��ft,�r r��li�rrc�l �c� ��s tl�e Coun�il), ancl Che Ci.ly of _-----------------._.._�_____r__, �hc;r�:i n�ILei� re[ert'c:cl to ��s Lh� CiLy) . W 1'I'T� t'SSt;'1'1 i : V�!IIEIZEAS, ll�l�� C;ow�cil i.nlc�xls�to uncleriz3l.c-, a�?1-OCJI"Jlll oE suU�i.cliziny r�nl ���}�n��nts � iOl' �tl��;�J1" llli.'ll;11C'. ��l;I?1�1�':i �t;�:_I [c.�t� thC C�!�i:l'�.j' i:U ilSS1St �'�l(?ill 111 C?�Jtc�]111111Cj LICi::GL1i3CC hr�t� s i ng ,�� t��1 ' V�'11I:1Z1;115, Chc� C;c;u�i�;il I-<<,s reccivcCl �1J11C.I'll'1CJ frc>iii th�� tlni.Cr,rl Sl��lcs i),:�U��rlin�i�t oI TIuusiu�� �ncl tJ►-k�an 1=�cvelopn�ent (i:IUl_)) w��ler � III.JD Secti.on f� I�ousi.ilc� Assisl�nc� Y�yrneill:s Yroc,r�ru I��i�1Sl��l" I111[111<7.� C011LI"lI.)UCLOI�S CU11t1'c3Ct (M�ster Contr�et) clalecl ' __�__!____�______._.,__ to act �s � Puhli.c H�using 1lgcnr,y to irnpl�rnent this f iI UCjl�ll iTl , il'� i!� � C , � i � � � � Wi1L'ItI;I�S, tl�c Cilv 1��3s 1-,y rc�s��l.uli�n i.���ii.c•�31�c� it.s cl�:�si.r:: I.c� }�;�rCi.cii?��l'c� i�� Ll�is r)i�C)C;[�cJ711 �I11C� �O �IS:;IS� :iUCll i►lclividuals �i11C1 fi111111JG'S CO O�;tc`illl C�CCi:'llt� Si.ifi3 c7IlC1 s��niC�r;� ho�.isi��,c� in lhc Ci.I;T at }�rices they r,t�i� uflorci, �ncl V�'I1L1�L11S, t}�e Cc�>>nci] ac:sires to purch�se certain ncccs;��3r�� acln;ii�istr�liv;� ��rvici.; fCQ�;I �.�lC L1��' l.11 CO1111�C�1.(JIi W1�:�1 Gi_3171�1RC� OU� L�l�' j7T�OCJt';llll, �II�C� �1'11LRCIIS, lh�: Cou�lcil i.s auChorirc�d lo e�ecute a�1 �c�r��c�m,�i�t fc�r� tl�c; plil'CI1�lS:� of. ��rocJr��m ser��ices �_ii��l �.c� l:��l:e �11 uei.ioil spe:ci[ied or cor�te:��pl�tc�cl h^reiii pursuant tc� 1,�3�vs 1�' 7 i, Cl:�pt��r 13 , Sec:tion G, Suba .;;; Sc;cCio» 2l , S�_�Lcl , l.; ��i�d Sc�tion 7.-i ,�311CI Il<�;; �11 ot e1�;:- �,o�vr.rs t3r��:i ciutic:s c�i� <a liousinq �3nct rectcvcl��l.�ilic�nt ��titi�ority OUI'Eillt111� �O �.i]�NS l.`i �`:� � Ch��i>li;r 1.�3 � SCG�:lUtl .��� llll�'l:�[' ll��� p�-c:�vi.: .iui�s O� iill' 1�1uiiici�.;�i1 1ie�usi�lc� t�nci Rc;cic:v;-�lc�p�u���1t 11c1, Miilnesot� SCt3tut��s Sectiu�i =�G�.11 lo �al,'�.711, ��r�c� t�c:Cs �iu�:n�:la�:c�t'y I:}1C?CCQ�; ivi(�\h�, '1'l1L;l�t:l'�)f:t;, i.i� consi�_Ic�r�tic�n �f ll-�c rnutual c;ov��nants ��nd F�ic�mis�-:s cvnlained IlC'1'C1I1� t�ll` �)i1C%ll';i i1�ji'�,�!C �lS IO1�VbVS: 1. Purcli�i:;;� i�( Sei•vice. '1'he Coui�cil ac�rces to ��urcllase �nc� t}�e C�iCy vgrees to jlll'i1l.S�� k}l� jC)� )O�"J1.11�� S�T''J1CC?S: � a) insp�ction �f housinc� tir�i ts , h) Itc-ii�s��ec�t.i��n c�,[ housiny unils, "�ill ��:, n��rc�s(-�cci[ir.�c�l(;r s��t o��G in SCCLJ011 �1 l,��li��v. � � � ' � , � � � '1 J , ' . , i� � � ' '. � 3 !!` 2� I'ricc:_fc�r Sr�rvic,es f'i.irc:I:���secl. '1'hc: Cour,cil �c�rces to ma1:c tl�� following paymr�nts Iar tl�c; servic,��s rr;tidc�re�i by thc _CiCy: . �) Tnili��l i.usL��ction. Tl�e Counc;il ��grc�cs Lo paS� thc� City �>>Z insp��r.Ci.on fi�c cf tap lo $'L�l E�cr ur�il. Ic�r u�li.ts ins��ecic�c.l . �:iurinc� lf�o ti.rne durinc� v✓l�ich thc {�royr��ni is Uei.n�� qrg�nizc_�d ancl con�n�c�lcc�cl. � h) CGc>nlii�uin�-proc�r��i�i__l���n��anls_. 7'hc Cow�cil ur,rc�cs to I»y the Cily during- th� Cerm of lllis aqrc�em��nl followirlg the i»itial 4, rcnl-uE� c�f <,ach wzi.t � E, c� of t�n�c� clol l�rs (>?. �(1l1) per uni.l per �nonth for rc--ir�s��cction r�c{uired i.n conr�ection wiCh lhc ��r�rCorn��uc;r o[ lhis cor�l:r�cl. �{ _ ��.'(,l"ill t)� /��il-�'i�lll�'.11i.. �.���1CJ St.'1�V1.CL'S �t7 i_`C ;?Ut�Cilc3 �l:(.a <111C�. �L]1111Sj1CCi U17ci� 1" Cl�is a��recn�e;�l ��li��ll coiurnc�»c�e ot� July .l; 1975, �nc� sh��ll c�o�ltit�ue thcouc�ll U�-:cemUer 31 , 1J�0. Tl�is ��qrecTnei�C lnay be termin��ted b}� thc Council u}?on thirCy (30) �lays'� writt� n ilotic�� in Ci�c evc►1L proc�ran� i:un�_lii-�g i.s not provicl�::cl ar is t�rnii�iat�c� by I-ftJD. Ir� ac.clition, lhe Council �nd the Ci.1:y �i�al). l:�oCh h��ve the ric7hC Co t�rm�.nate lhis ac�i-e�rnc:ril ��t ail,,� tiu�e fot c�use b}T sui_�mitCing wril:tetz noti.r,c: of thc iiltc,iltion to clo se� to the other p�u-t;� al:'leac�cl- nincl;� (JO) d��ys }�ri.or to ll;c� s��ei:ifiec? ef[ective cl�aLe� of such Lern�i,���tio��, C���nccll��lion or lcrn�i.n�lioil eF Cliis �c�rc.eruent k�•?� `ilhcr the Council. or tl�c� Gily s!-���11 nut t3(Fc.cC tl�r� ric�l�ts ol }��ri:ic:i���aliuq fa�7�i.Jii;s �vi,Cliin lh� Cily clurinJ i:he tcrn�s c>f tl�ei.r le�ses. In ��ddiCi��n, Che CitS% �vill he p��ici for services i:x�rlormed u�� Co tl�e cl��lc �f the contract lu�-niir�ati.o» on Cl:�� bt3si; seC forCh �n Section 1 �hove . .!. Pro,r��?n_UI:�Ji���k_i.o>>==-ot_(;i.t��. 1'l�e,sc:rv;.ces lc� Lr �:,c:rfoi'niecl by the Ci.l;� �.in��er t:his procJra�u sl�iall l�c; �s f.ol?ows: � li���c�cCin»_��i��l_rc_ius �i�c,tioi� o[ �ii�i.Cs ,1��,11 i»clttd� an on-si.gl�t i�isper.ti.on �i�:l certific�tion of th�� suil.��i>i]il�;- o[ et�cli l�ousinr� ltllli: }?I'i.U?' f;0 llll�l.i11 �t��i:�i' ��)' i] [)i11��1C1j?�l�l!1:J iill?111}� �111C� �lISO ��1C.' 1'C').ilS})CCf.lpll (Jj �:lC;�l ��C?L1Sli7c:J L1ri1� �)1"lOt' iC> �1t1�' �>>znu��J r�-ccrtific;�lilUll U( LI1C; �i31111.�'%. 11ii;� :�ucl� insp��;Cic>» :;li-�ll i�c� sutfii�icntl.y ll�c.irouc�l; illl(� CUlll�)�f;�.(`. :i(.) i15 �O ].IISLICI� (�(��:(:11�.:� :iil�(.` �lll(.l �iillll�cll�)% �IUU;ill1�J �l�l''..'.il('�� �)ill'�.I�.:i�)i1�lU�� �i.illlaj\'. ��OU:�)lllf (Illil�l.�)� .`.i�.<lil(i�aC(�S :i�1t.}�l �!(: ��s sc�C f.c�rCh in `!'itic 2�'l, Cha��ler Vlll P�rt u„'L.lUJ of. the }It►D hc�i�til��Cic�ns ��r��; l�y ��E�E�lic;�l�J.��� l.tiilcli.r��� i;�ci��s. RcE�oi'ts aI i.i�spc�ction �111C� 1'C-111S}�i:Clli�ll 5�1c111 �)G' ]lIc3C�C; C11 ��OI'f11S �Jl'OVICICC� �)}' �ilC �.O1111C1� � c7 s��n�,.tc of tivllic:Ji is ��tCacliccl. � � .. I •• ' � � � � `� � -. � 3 I In c�rri��r t� [��riii.sh thc� sc;rvici�s herei�; ��urchasecl �nc] ��rovicle:cl, th� City sh�all, ��rovicic�acicclu��tc� ;t�ff. tinic� �i�el o[[i.r,� or )�roc�rarr� s����c:e t�ncl �h�ll keep the s�me av��iJ.aUle to �P1:�.lict�n��s clurinc� scheciul.ed business haurs i��provcd l�y the Cotineil. '.i'1►c: City shr,l.l �l.so �>rc�vi.cl�� �-�c]��c1u�C.^. si�.�», tu�cl cliri:ction��l in[«rmaCi.o�z to ��pl�ji- r.�iiiCs �ncl �:�c;ssil�J.c ��E�l�lic�anCs so th��t tllc E�l�ar,c ��tl�l I11�11I1�'C Oj ��n��}:i.ny �aE�(�J.icaCio�1 � i��in 1��� c�::;iJ;j �>ccrt�linr�cl. '.I'lt� Ci.C�� ;�1<])l �:C'C:J) U11 h�ailcl [or cli.stril�ution ��clequ��te �)CpC;�IUI"C5 i�l" O�IIC.'l� 111�C)1'!lli]�1O11 CC�i �15�:'.;i j)Cc?}��ll'Ctl �?� ���C'. �.i011flC'.l� iillcl `;]1c.311 SU�])��Ill(3[l(: s��i�l hrochuies wilh it�form�Ci��n�al rc�Je�ses concerniny loc�l c:le�t�ils �s ��ppr���ri�te. '1'h�� n:ani�c�r r>f iurnisl�iiic� Cii�,s� scrviccs sh�ll l�� clelernii.ncad by the Ci.ty bul the ���rLi�s sh<jJ.l from time to timc confcr concer>>i.t��c� �hc cic:t��ils uf the Cily's f.urni.:�l�inu o[ ll�c scrv.ic�5 ancl Che Ci.ly ����r�cs to col��ply v�i.Cl� re��son�blt� clemands aC tl�c C�ounci.I conc��i'rliiu� C}�C s��rlie. 1t is ff�� �r�tcnl- ��� th�� C;c�u��c:il Co m�zr�tai.n r.,uicl��lin;�s l�r tl�c_: rc�:,ai��lhly uuifor�t� ftu:ni�l��i�zc� ot scrvi.ces 1�y tl�c scvcr��l ci.l'z^s ��il�"i:iClj?cl�:Jil<J .1I1 t�?". cltc`iI—�:�1c�C �J1�CC71�7ii1 .:O ��lil� ��l'OCG��U["i::� C;illl �JP. ��l'III�E::C� �71�C� ��f.tiriu��l:ivc tn�r}_e:Ciny �cCivitics c�n bc concluctccl on ��n arr��-��vi.cic� }.�c�5i.s. 5, Pr����r��ni Ol�li�i��tic�nS_of Council.. `I'l�e p��rti.es.ui�clerst��ncl lhat.thc City s}��I1 �� not l�e rcc{uircd Lo l�rc�virlc th� f.oll.c�v✓ir�y�urogr�n; sc;•rvi.c;es �nd ��ctivilics. Said � �cliviCics ��rc �l�c so):� resl?onsiLility oI Che Council. � �� � I � 2 I � il� n].� i.li�l?�]—�V1C��=: i]��JT!?1dt.1.VC' llii]i�'t:C?�111j �3C�lVi.�1L i:iLli�il uS j)1'i���cll-�t10I1 c�I 1:�rocl�ure� �ncl adverCisi.nc�, coutacCiliq ��n�l woi'.•:iru� with �rea c.�v,?�ri�z��li.l�,° c�rozij�s ��iicl i-el�C�l pro��crty ovr:zers aiicl ►ii�nagei��ent c�rot.ips �ancl c;:pl��irii.ng ll�� }�roc�r�an� C� Cl�iem. 1�) M�):117�J jlllvl CLF'iC'Cl�ll.11�i�1G1�S of ��artici����io�l, i.sSlll.IlC� CC',I"I:lI1C�3�`.� S ol [<�,iiii:�y (?��rtir,i.E���tio», m��kinc7 ti�:: hous�ng �ssist�Ince p�yments i:0 O�NII�`t'S, C�i',�C'I�111111J.11q VJ�IL�IICC �O i3UC�lU1�1?�' F;VIU�lOiIS� ilI1C� t'1C,E]1"L11C� yr.i+�vt�nccs of. ���r��lic�nts. � � �} I�I.�I�]i.c��ti.c>>> }�roc. ssinc7 i�lcluciii�ca �ssisti.»y aNplica>>ts lo completc �C�l'll�l(.-'�� �C11(.'Ci:li1C) i]i�C� Vi;i'1�)').11(� �1t��)�i�:i.1111:�5 J.I�C(J]]1C �l� C�C?tCl'lllllll? c�1;�;il.�i.liCt� [or p�rlici{�akion ii1 the: r��i�uyr�3m, cicatcrn�ii�itic� �pl�roE�ri�te c1wc�Iiiuc� :;iic�, c3rc�ss ���rit ��n�l c�r��s:, t��n�i.l�;� ��c�ntrii::ulion tc� lhc: rc:i�l��l E>��ti•»>c�rrLs, c�:��l��ininc.a Cfic� ri��h�:, �ncl CCS})Ol'I:i)�J1I1C1(:'.S in tl�c� �tC!!CJt'illll (.(.) :itlC,:;'('.:�:i�ll� �i11111�1"ri \"✓�l(l �lilV(' �!('.(':Il ):;Slli.`({ C.:i?1�t1�1C%c]�C; �n�.l uy�on rc�c{ur�:;L of �a f>�rtic;i.E��tiny f�mily, �ssist in loc�iliiiia suil.�l,Jc: u��il� in kl�c C;iCy, c:�•:�nii�lii��i ]e�;.�s�`� al�c; Eor�v�r�li.�7y lc�ses an�l 1lousiny 1lssisl�nce I'c�y'�nen��s Conlr�r,l lo ownr.�'s �OC C:�CCU�IUil. � � '. . � � � � � � _� 3J c;} llel��rini.ninc� tl�at vc_��;� low ii�con�� ��ncl tif[irmaCivo ��ction ur,�(ereili;c�s ��nc.] c�tiicl��lines r�re l�eir�r� carriecl UIJI Utl i111 �rc�-�vicle i�;�:>is ��r:cl �ti�,nitc�i'inc� ��rc�-�vicle� ��}���)ic��lic�ns [or parti.�i���tiot� . �ai�!: �>>aiti�ig li�st•� togc�thcr �vi_kh 1.isCs oE av�7il�l�l�� rcnl�l units i.n ��rcler to cl�:�tcr���inc�: a�i;� »��r.ci for r,:��itoc�lior� c,f �:�rc>cJr��n� tun�ls. f` i�) () 7'rt�i>>in�� Ic�c��l �>rocJr�ir�i sl��i[ ancl ;>rc:}���rin�� ol?eraling l�rochures ancl fornt:s . . C�allccCin�,J �a�l ��rca-wicie d�Il�� atui j�r����c�ritly �3).1 housirn� assistance ��roc.�r�m r�c:l�ort� Ior IlUll. . ��� O11—C�i)]11CJ �I�UOY."i1111 ])1'OC(';>S111t) 11]ClU(�111CJ i;lllllllil� 1'i?—C,':�I't1�1(:�ll)c)Il OJ �i:?11i111�.ti illl�.� ��l(! 111�]].11�CI1i11lC:C: O�'il.�plJl.�f3111 tl�i?S E11�1.1 L�(?(;U:�:I'..i jOC l�lUi2�111\' YC�?QCf:S, ])1c�3].111�]].i1111CJ Ct�IICl.ICt :'J) i)1 U:VIJ�•d�:i C�� l�c'1�1.�11 U1l1�S lc� ��i�cc�ur��yC L.I1(�Jf' j)�]1'Il.i;)]?�1C1011 i�1 ��ucl unclersC�ncli.ncJ pt thc: pt-oc�r�m ai1c� �n��int�irlinc� lisCs o[ available rent�il urli�s. � . h) 111.1 oth�:r n�<3tLc;rs c;ontaineci iii Cl►�� Mt�st�r Contr��ct. G. Iteporl_, 'Thc Gi.ty shaJl doculi���»t ils f.ui-nishing of scr�ii�c�s on � n�c�nlhly �;ciS!.S �1'l�illll �C'.1l C��l}'$ i]�.�('L' i:�1;'. G�USC? O�. Ci31111 C:il��:llCli31� Il1C�i1LIl. %��� C�OCU111"i'.l"]�=i1�101� S�]i.11� f:11? (`.Il �OCI115 �1COV7C�('Ca �?)' (:j1C �iC)Ulli:).?.. �.�.��1C �.;011lit:'l� 1'i1:iCT'\%�?L� (j1C.' 1'li1Tl� rl"(:1111 i1J71C �C) rl]lIC �O �3].LC1� C)1° �1I11C?11C� i311 EOl"111fi cl: 1]i?Ci:5SJ1')� 111 Ul:��f�L" �U tj�llll lllfl'�C111E1t1Q11 r�c{i�irc�ci l�y I[liU c�r oli�cn' i��tc�rm�aCirin nr�cc�5,�t3ry Lc� tlic Counr_,i] ior its �:rogr��rn rc�spc>»sif�i.iilii�s. . /.. ,��i.l?1('. !)� 1�(ij�11�C?Ilt. �il) �)�)j�11TC:'.17i: i f01� i111"? SCI�V]Cf'.S IICC!?11Z }�UI'C�2c�Si.'Ci S�l<ll� �' 1„-: ����3cic� �il tl c��.i��rtcrly i.;�isis. 7'hc� City t�nclerst��r�cls lh<�t.tl�e� Cou»c��il. c;�nnot n�akc p���nii�nt; until ancl unlcss �ui�cls �irc prc���icic�d i.�y llU;) tinci��r Chc Tv9�sl��r C�»lr�ct. � f3. l:c?corr.ls. "Ci�c� C,c�unr..il sht�11 h�vc ��cr.ess lu lhc:� City' , r��.;:�rcls �ak r.ti� son- � ii�?J�.: �1C�111":i ]!1 �)C(li)1' l.i) ��'�'(�I.�i'1 ;c.? l�:;i 1'�'.51�O11S1�i1)1!.j/ t0 IllUlllfOi ��1C'. 5i'l�V1C:125 �?Lll-CIli3SC��. � �i�.l 1"CCOI'ilS S11i:1].1 �?C` �:i7j?�: 1?}' ��0��1 j��ll-r1i:S �OI' ll��l� ;�>i i't.'.cll'.`� il�i �uilil J�uri�US�:ti, `.1. 'i'�f,� ��cirti�.� � s1���11 c�c>>ii��ly t•vili� tal] rc�c.�tiit'�:�nc��it:; iini�c�:,c;rl hy 'I'i[Ic G of th4 , ', .� (;ivil i:ic�l��l:; �lr�t c,f .i��(�•!, i'ui�1i,� lci��� ,�;t-:;:,.' 7,i ;�I �!iil�,:; ' !l; tlt�.� r��c��:1c�Ci�t�:- of ll��; 1�)���u�r!.r��.�nl uf 1!��usi»�� �a�h( Llrl���n 1):�v��lo�>>n�;i�l issi.ic��l lh�.rc�u�i;lcr, l.�l (::I'I� i! Sul�tiCJc� 11, I'�irl 1,.S�:c_,t.i��n 1. 1; Ti.l)r: Vlli o[ ll�c: Civil l�ir�i�t.:, 11c1 of 1Ji;.3 ��ricl the ru)��:; ��nci ruy��l��lic>ns issuccl ��ursuai�t Clu�rr;to; r;:���:i�Ci.v�.r Oruc�r l l�1i;3 lo l�ll�; l:I1CI � i,�1i1�� 1l1 c3CC:U1"C1i117C:C'. W).t�t C}1C %�<;C� t.,ll? F;�ecutivc: Orcler, i:I1C 1'C�CJLI�i_iC1GI�S i]I"ICI i:1lQ CCC{U11'(�IIlC1��S � IlU �)(:?I'SC)11 S�lill] Oi'] tjl�� C�COi111C1 O� I'ilC(: � CO�.QC� creCC� �, CC'.�1c'f lUll � ili3C'1011ill � . . � � � � I � �� OI'].Cjlll OC ;U>;, �?C? (:}:C:�UC�C:C� �l'011l p�lCt1C1�1c7C1Ull 111, UC �.)C �:�t311](?C� rl1C? 17CI1(:�I�S C)f� t�l(? �' �1C)Uf;l11O i3:i:i]ti�<1I1('(` �.?ii)�lll(?11i:; �1C(?(J1'i.1111 C)l� �!C`. C::clucicd ti•oin c'.Rl�l���}�)11C:11L UC 1:)C U��1C1'— �V1SC ;illl)lC.'C:�!.:(� �l� (I1SGC)f)11.1]i]r!C)1l. I��o j?�?C:�O11 ::�li]�� i1UCC>illilf]GcI�I}' �):� ('.`:C.'�11(lt.'(� fC0111 �Jiti'�1(;J��ili).Oil ),Il OC 1)C l�(:1�)C?C� rh<' );Ctl(?f1.tS O� t11<3 �IOLiS).i1C, c2;iS1.S�.cl. 11CC �)i])�IIICt��:i (?I�UCjCillll (:)1"' �;(`. :;I_!�)J�1(;�C(� �CI (l)!:ii;Clllll.11i3�1c7i1 lll !?CIiJ')7Uy'fil(:Ili: ��l',CilLlfiC'. O� fllCllll)i:l�:iillO ]11 �1 �• i:l (.;�i]:i> :iL.1C11 �1:5 Llllilicll�l'l�:Cl Il1C:>��li:l'S � YC.'Clj)l('11�5 C%I �11.1i1� 1.C: �Vi.'.� fill C� (��C . ����1C���� ��1'i)V1:�1011:� ill'C' JIIC"�U��!1(1 �1111�:i1Ic111t �O t�1C: 1�CCJlljil�JO11:i O1. tlli� ��C:))c71��11iCllt Uf ��UUS11l�a � ;.inc! Urh�n T)r;vc:la��tnc�iil ��nci ll��c� rc�c�uar�Ymci�tcs of :���ict ll, ��t�rl!�ic�Zl {�urs�i�nt Lo s�icl _ l�;.c_�utt3lic�n:�; anil tl�c ol,lic��lioiis of. lhe Cily Lo cc>>>i��].y Lficre��✓itll iriures to CIZC� I,r�>>��lit of Cl�c� UniLc,cl St��Ci:s, C}�c 5�3id ])c��c3rtn�cnt �ncl thc Couni�il, �nr oI �vliicll � :;h�.11 l�,c, �nlitl��:l C��'i��vo):e ar�y rr:ineclics �avai.l�ihle l�y l��w lc� reclresS i.lilj/ }JI'C;i3C:I] ii1!:1�..'Cl( C)i� �C) UOfti��c?] CU1Tifl�li]ilC�t �fii'CCY\/1�}t }�; �}lf� (�li:)'. lU. S�i.[r:�la�rci_ol�_�1ici�� in[c�rni��lion. 'Tllr_ us�� r�r clisc.'�a:;ure }:,y �ny E��jrt, c�f in.f.orn���t.icin c:o��ccl�nincJ �ii� �2.���l.ic�.�»t or i��rl:.i.i:iE,�i1t in thc ):)1'pillilfll in violilLlUI1 UE ��iiy ru1�� o[ cc,nficl,:ntiati.ty or 1or ��ny l�tn-posc �:ot c3irect.ly CO1'lllE'CCCC� �vi.lh il�e a�ln�iilislral-ic�n OL t�1�', j�t'C�C)1-i])11 1S pI0}111)1L"CCI, C'.:�:GC(�l 011 \4rl'1Ll:C?]1 CC)IISI?i"1C Of L�1C: ������lic���nt or l���rLic�ip��nC. � 1 l. 11)1 sc:rvicc�s f.tii-iiisllc�ct undcr t11is Agrccn�cilC sh�lll �c withot�l c���i!�cfc� to ��ny ���plic�nl c�r ���arti.ci.����(:in�:1 t�3niily. �• �.�. %�I..�. �)LO�)��.'I;l:i O1' Ci.IS})ll�:(?S �J(�(:WC'C3Tl t�1C }�iJl-�I��> :ili��ll l�c st�l�jcct l�� C(:V1(�W ��ncl r�soluti�n hy thc M:�Lrc���<_,]il�in llousii��� �3nci Rr�cicvc::lo�>»>�.nt /�uChori.t;l I�clvisory Gc>rnini.tt��c or othcr c;c�n�mi.ltee stil�sequen�ly c.li;sic�naCecl l�y Ci�e Council� �. � 1:;. '.Ch�� (._%it�y in �icc;orcla;�ci� vJ1L}l ils st��lus ��s �in i.»cicpen�lent contrticlor ��grc:<�; t:l��C i.0 ��ti�i11 con�_l?�ct i.Csc:7f cc�nsistc,lit �viCl� sitc:i� s��it:us cli�cl Ci7�� i.< <r✓i.1J. � n��t ?i��Ic3 iC:���li out or c-1��i�i� th�at iCs o[fic,�rs t�ncl em��lu�Tccs ��rc employccs o[ lh,�: Council. 3p re�js��i� ilcreof, .il ��vill n�r�};c� no c:1��i�r�, cic:��.��ncl or o�,�,]ic�itic�n � . lo c;�• (c>r tin;� ric�hl or ��rivil��cte �anE,).ica�;)c lo �ny olf.iccr o,� i,mi�lo��c,a c�E ti��� ��C7!:IIC".11 � ).ilC�U:illl(f , }:UI' I1:�� �.11111i�_',�1 �0 � ��VC)1}:1�1'clll�;: i:(-?llljii'lli:��]tLUll C(�`•:i.'.I�1Cjl'? � t111C`ill�?10}-:U(:Il� Il1SUl'f1IlCC' 1)('11C�1�.5� SC�Cli31 :iCC;llrJi.}r CC)VCl:i�i)f: p1' T'C3�lI'CJ11�lUt � lill`I11�J(?IS}ll�) Ol' C;1�('Cll�: , 1•(. ��l,i:,c��r c.c�ii.l.rcii;k. '1'li,: (,;ity iincic�r,l��nci:: t:h��C tflc ��ri�cir�in i:; sul�jc�c�L �lJ t.i1(! i.('l�lllti �111�1 C'i�lllll:!�111:; <��. ��1�' 1��'��i:i��:.'.l� (✓Ull�.l"i3C'l. L'����\�C�:ll �{1C` �.011lll'1� Ullll �����i ��ii�'•. la I11�1)':; currc��t �ai�ri fuli.ir,.� ru1c:� �ncl ri�cJtil�lio»s �Z»cl tl�c:� c;,ity �c�rei�s to ��}�icl� I�y ll�c s��ruc:� ��n�_! l:i? c;c�o����rt�Li� �.-,�il.h L1ie Cot�rir,i.l in iCs uoii���Ji�.�ncc� C}��c��c:�✓vith. � � � 3L No mcmucr, OIliCC'.i' C�l� Cl"Ilj?lc�yi��� of. thc Council, nc> »>cn;l��.�r ot tl�� c�ovcriiing l�ody ot lhr, l.ur.��li.Cy (ci�y �i�cl r..c�i;�ly} in �vhich Cl�c prajcct is siCu���d, �ncl no olhcr pul�li.c•ol:f.i.r.i.�i ot sucli lo::alit}� or. locali.ties wl�o ��;��rcisc�s any Iunclions or rt�s��o,��i}��i.li�:i�:, s�,il.h r�.spc�cl t�� Cf�c projecl, clurin�� 1�is tc:nu.rc: or I�r i,nc, yc�r �.�1(:IC1�l��:Cl-� si���11. li�,"�_� clll)� Jfl�'l.'.1'CS�:� C�ll'C:C�: OC 11�C111-CUf:� lll �:�115 C011�.l"i]Ci: OC 111 . � i]1ly' �11"OC�`.Cf�S Ql' �)%:Il�.'fl.�::i i�C1S11'1CJ tIIG;C?�1'011l. lN V�'J')'iv1�SS'vVlll;l;l;(_)I', ll�i� F��3tti.�::; herc��:0 l:uvc; c��usccl Cl�is agr�c;>»�nt t.o be e�:eculecl Gll Li1C Clclj� �il1C� jC�3T L1.CSt �l�)UVi: Wl'1�1:L11 U`J LI1L].1' �:IUL11Q1"1GC'.(� 1'i;j�l"c3:iClltilCiVCS. � MLT1tOT'OLI1'I�N COIJIJCIL 1�,�}�roveci as to lcg�31 forn� c< acicc3t.iacy 1'orr�:sl D„ i�Jc���vli�l, �r. , Staff. �;c�i.�i�sel- ��u�� f3 y___ _ ___ CIT1' U1' t' Y-------- Ch�� icin�» Plannirig Commission Meetinq - February 18, 1976 Pa e?_4 3 M voice vote, a�1 voting aye, Chairman Harr.is declared the Public Hearing closed at 12:29 A.M. t Mr. Boardman reminded tl�� Planning Commission that this document had already beEn submitted to the Metropolitan Council but it could still be withdrawn or changed. � Mr. Leek said this preapplication wau'id be going through various stages of review until it was heard by the iull htetropolitan Council on h1arch 12, 1976. tde will be getting reports and ccm�rients a11 through that review. We �vill have 3 or 4 days after P�arch 12th to act on any change� that might be reco�nnended at that time. Chairman Harris asked i:hat if they were going to send an addendum to this original preapplication, �fi the Planning Con:mission could get a copy of that. P1r. Boardmar+ said �hey ��ouid get sucf� a copy. He said that any changes ti�at we sen d to t he t-letropolitan Council ��rou�d b� as a girect result �eS��dsby �he hearing. He said they als� �,�ould get copies of anytnin that t,►as sugg hletropo7itan Courcil� Mr. Qoardman said they� anticipated re-���forking part of this document. He said he ayreed t�rith the Plarining Commission that our projects should be related more to the housing and irnpl���ientation programs. MOTIOIJ by Bergman, secondea by Lange.rifeld, that the City xdministration be requested tc consider the recomme:rdations and constructive criticisms made of tl�is document made at thi.s �ubli� hearing, and to modify the document, and to include a future ret�i�c:� by the th� Plannir�g Cor.�mission of the rewrit�en proposal. Upon a vozce vot�, a11 coting a�e, the mot.ion carried unani��ously. h1r, � iloardr� an sa ; G that i f the P1 anni ng Cor!��i ssi on , i n re-t°eadi rg tr�i � � proposal , had anyadd�tio�al c���menLS t� make, t��:� v{eren't i;o hesitate in ca11 i ng ei ther nimsel i or Ray L�el:. b!e t;�oul d 1� F:� to have a more enl i ghtened docu�r.2n � by ihe ti me thi s can�e t�ac� i;o the P1 anr►i ng Cotr �ii ss i on . Pir. Stai°ti�ralt said that he thou���� that thc P1ar,ning staff had done a �� tremendous job on all o� this, a��d thcy have be�n verY straigt�tfor�•�ard. He � said }�� knerr t'r�ey had 'oe��� doinc� ail tl:is ciurinn a limited time, and he thouyht it ��ras a job ��,el l done. !�e said �;ne faci: ti�a�; he diun't agz°ee �vi �h it all , t,�as � be:�ide the qu^stion. � �° � � � �",.:,��.�,� � ^ ; T �r RESOL�fTICi� RECOi�':i��E.�+DATION 0� SECTION o IIUJS�1vu __ __ .� ��i . � 1�lr. Boardman said they neFded uresolution �or Sectio�i & Ho�isi:ic� znd also a decision on 4��hir.h of t�:ro options the City ti�:anted to operute under. fle said thlt one option '�r��.s ��'hct��er� the City +,Jint��d to go along v��i�;h the f�'etro Council Housin� Authc,rity anu le4 the�n do the entirc project ���ith sl:ric4:ly onl�y i:he insnection 4�racess at 1:he City level, or do t�re ti����nt �ietro Council to do all the dirty �•�ork and �ve 1•ri11, throu�!� ou•r staff, ��nci ���ith reir,fo�•ced p�rsonnel fro,n i•1,�tro Co�.�r�cil h��ndle thc scrc:eri�i��7 o-f a{�;�licai�t.s, screening of apartirent complexes, and the insacction. These V1F'1"P the �:l•r� �pt �ons. � hir. Sco�t sa�id he ��elt there w�s �anc�et• in both options, �nd ��c have to �t�.►�t �:alE;inc� about a local Nousin� ��nd D�VC�04�Ifll!fl�. AU�i.liori�y• htr•. Co�zrd�n��n said �;����L Fridle�/ �•r�uld not ►leed ai� FIil;1 i:o o�er�te this pr�lgrain. idhat �•;c �•:�'�-�' �c�iit9 ( ��:as coiitr��ctin�3 wif.h t;�e ��etro Ce!�nc:il flitr1 t� o��c�r<�t.c th� �ar•ogr�m. Tliey are dc�i:�c� \ all federal applicatio.�s thro«gh �.i�c'ir• ��ograi:►. 1{o���ever, if tive do h�ve an activ�� . � � � � Planning Commission Meetin�- February 18, 1976 Page 25' 3 r� HRA, we need an HRA recomm�ndation �o the City Council to follow this program. We do h�ve an existing NRA. They ti�ill be meeting to make a recommendation to th� Council. • MOTION EY Scott, seconded by Wa�`�.Ibex'9. �hat t-he Planning Commission recommend to Covncil that they pass a resolution autlaorizing the hletropolitan Council to apply for Section 8 housing assistance fund. U,pon a voice vate, aJ.J vo�ing at�e, L-he mol��:on carried ur�animously. , It was th� co�census c�f the Planning Commissian i:hat �;hey favored the second option for this program so that there would be mc�r�e local control. ' MOZ`ION by Lanqenfeld, seconded by F3ergman� thaL the .Plar�ning Commissivn recommend to Council tha� the City of Fridle� operate thc Sec�ion 8 progr.am under op�ion 2, where Metropolitan Cou:ic�.l wou�d hardle the ar?plications for J.-'u17�7i��g, but a1.1. the screening of applicants and apartm.ent compZexe� and inspeci�.on would be t�nder L-I�e control of the Citye Upon a voicE vote, a11 voting aye, �i�e motion carried unanimously. . 8. POLICY STFlTEi�?EN7 ON 40' At�D OTHER SUBS1,=�tJD.�P,D SIZE LOTS AND HOtd TNEY FTT INTQ TN� CITY PLAN � This i�em �vas referred ta the Planning Commission by the �i;��?�al� Commission at their� meeting of February 10, 1976. � . Mrs. t�Jahlberg said 4de table this first request to bui�l�d an a�0' lot.in-Fr�diey because 4�1e felt it aaas in�portant t;hat the Plan�ing Commission ana soi��e of the member Co�rmissions'take a look at the number of 40' lots there �-aere ii� Fridley, �vnich are lisred, and �ake a look at these 1ots, and deterrr�ine ho��r th�J� shoul� be used. in the future. She said that loti�� and n,ode�°ate hcusing ��as dis�ussed very much in the Com�re�ensive Ho;asing P1an. Ther°e may be a ne�essity to use some ot these lots for this housirig. Mr.�: t4ahlberg said the proper±y that they considered the variances on ���as for a f�ouse that ��ould be in tf�e $36,u00 to �37,000 bracket. She said tl�e I'���eals Commission jusi: did not feel com�ortable about opening up Pandor�'s Lox on all the 40' lots in Friu��e,�. lti�hat we ar°e reques�;iny vaas tha�L �hn Community Gevelo�meiit Cor�missio►�, the Hum1n R�sources Comnzissicn and the Envirormen�:a1 Q�.illity Con,mission study ti�is problem, and br�ii�g th�ir com��°nts ard reco�n��erdations back to tiZe Plannii�g Com��ission so the �pp�als Commission t��ould have son�e guidance and directioi�. f�rs. b!ahlber,g said there t�as an urgency on �this because the Appeals Con�mission tabled th.� petitioner's re�uest ui�t�il i:hey got these reco��;mendations. The petitioner sa�id he ►�rouldn't mind being held up for a fe��� ���eeks, but he would like to start canstrtir.tion in about �r�o months. . J�;OTIO�V hy Scott:, sccondc-,d Z>y Bergm..:in, th:at- �he Ccr.�;::un: ty Developn:ent Con:nissien, lluman Rc:>o:�r'ccs Cor�:.ission ��nd the Er.viror.t��I2ta1 Q�1�11i��1 Cvmmiss�.Un study ar�d m�'ke !- r��oo^i�::r>>�:•ft..ior�s on t1.c •1�csL usc af tl�c vac�int 40' lots i�� the City of Fridlc?�, and Y'E_'LU2'I1 i'11�:5G Z'C'�'OIi:iI1�:I1(��t:10115 �1S SOUI? �1S pJ-�'+=�j.�-�I�'. U,(a%T1 i� VO.iC:G' VUt:i?� t71..1. V0�211C� cZUC� thc mot.ion ::<<r. r.i ed UII.:�I111RO11S1 y. � hir, f;«ardi�iai� saicl not ta f'or�et thai; tlie City Cou�lcil' would have to ciei:er��;r;a th� pl�z��ninc� {?olicy on �10' lots. Ptrs. td�hlberg said tii��� �•ras t��hy she ti•r;�ntcd this handieci <�t this ��,ectin�l so t��e ����Litioner ���o,�ldn't be f�eid up any lonc�er tl���n ti•r,�s necess��ry. . � ' � � � 0 RESOLUTIOi1 N0. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PREAPPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS WIiER�AS, preapplications for Housing and Urban llevelopment Community llevelopment Block Grant funds for fiscal year 1976 are now being accepted up to March 15, 1976; and WHFREAS, the programs outlined in the Conuntinity Uevelopment Block Grant preapplication are consistent.with the City of I'ridley's com�rehensive planning; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of 1 rridJ�y has held a pubiic hearing on Che preapplication and has recommended to the Ci.ty Council the a.ppr_oval af the Community Developrnent Block Grant preappl.ication; and � WHEREAS, 1_he City Council has held a public hearing for citizen input on tlie Community Development Block Grant preapplication. NOG7, THER]'sFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of I'ridley hereby approves the Community Davelopment �l.ock Gxant- preapplication attached as Exhibit A, and authorizes the City Adrninistration to prepare a full application for a$50,000 direct gr�=nt if invited. to do so by the Housing and Urban De�Telopment_ area office. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COj3r1CIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: 1976. CITY CLERK - MEIRVIN C,. BRUNSELL � MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE i�l � � � � T0: NASIM QURESIII, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL �ROM: MARVIN BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE � �IRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSt�ENT ROLLS =- ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 � STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UATE. MARCH 3, 1976 The attached resolutions wouid order the preparation of the final assessment roll anu the publ�cation of the hearing nctice for the ST. 1975-1 and ST. 1975-2 Street Improvement Projects. �he work has been completed. The improvement covers the areas outlined in the attached Notice of Hear�ng. � MC8 ps Atts. � � 0 � � � � � � 5 � � � RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE ST. 1975-1 APdD ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BE I1' RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, IMinnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of � constr•uction with respect to the following named im- orovemen�, to-wit: � ST 19?5-1 AND ST: i975-2 STRFET TMPROVEMENT PROJECTS including all �ncide�tal expenses thereto is estimated at $ _ � 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calc�alate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said impr•ovement against ever,y 1 assessaule �ot, niece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to �a��. PA�SED RND�ADOPTECI BY THE CI�iY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1970� ATTEST: CITY CLERK , 5A. MAYOR William J. Nee Marvin �. 3runse i � � RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 A RESOLUTION DIRECTTNG PUaLICATION OF HERRING Q� PROPOSED FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. 1975�1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET TMPROVEMENT PROJ�CT� WHEREAS, �y a resolution �assed by the Council on � the City C1erk was airected to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of the following street improv?menis irciuding grad�ng, stabilized base, hot-mix bitum�ncus mat, concrete curb and gutter, storm sevfer system, water and sanitary sewer ser�ices, and ather facilities. WHEREaS, the Cl�r� has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. �iOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: � � 1. The City Council sha�l meet at the City Hail in the City of Fr;dley, Aro!:a Cour�ty, Minnesota, on the D�Y OF , 1976, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upor the proposed assessmei�t for ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET TMPRO��tMENT PROJECTS 2. The City Clerk sha11 pubiish notices of the time and place of meeting in the official n�wspaper of the Ci�y at leas� tw� (2) weel;s pr��or to such meeiing. PASSED �f�D �;DOPTED BY THF CI1"Y COU�CIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF ATTEST: 1976. CITY CLERK Marvin �. 6runsell Mf�YOR Wi l l i am J. Nee 0 • � n CI7Y OF FRIDLEY ANOKA COUN�fY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING OF I�SSFSSME(dT FOR ST. 197�-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVE��IENT PROJEC7S Idoi;ice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 12th day ofi Hpril , 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.f�t., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the propcsed assess7�ents in respect i:o i:he follo4�ring improvements, to-ti�rit: ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET IMI'ROVthiENT PRC�JECTS T!�e proposed assessment ro?1 for each of said improvemeni;s ;s now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interes�;ed, in �:ne office of the Clerk Gi� sai ci Ci ty. At said hearing the Council vrill consider writteai or oral objections to the proposed assessments for each of said improvemer�ts. The general rlature of tf�e improvemen�ts and each of them is the construction of street i�»provements including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, storm se�-,�er system, ��rater and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities located as follows: ST. 1975-1 STREET Ih1PRO1,�E��1ENT PROJEL'T Qennett Drive: 7th Street to Quincy S�reet Washington Street: 63rd Avenue to Bennet� Drive Jefferson Street: 63rd Avenue 1;o E3eni�ett Drive Madison Street: 63rd Avenue �:o Bennett Drive Quincy Street: 63rd Ae�enue to Benn�tt D��ive 63rci Avenue: h1on7�oe Street to Quincy ��reet G4th Rvenue: Van Quren Street to Ab�e Str�et 64th Avenue: Baker Avenue to Highway �lo. 65 Service Drive Van Quren Street: Carol Drive to Mississippi Street Carol Drivc: ��J�st Moore Lake Drive to Able Street Carol Circle Qaker Avenue: West Moore La�r.e Drive t� hiississipp�i Street Taylor• Street: 64th Avenue to Mississip��i Street Hightivay No. 65 ��1esi, Service Road: 41est I�loore La{:e Drive to 64th Avenu� Madison Street: 57t1, Avenue to Helene PTace Quinc,y Street: 57th Avenue to Nelene Place 6th Street: 53rd Avenue to 54th Avenue 53rd Way: Great Northern Industrial Plat Industrial Boulevard: Great Northern Industria� Plat blst Avenue: (Primari]y Rice Creek Estates and Rice Creek Estates Briardale Road: " 2nd Addition) " Woodside Court: " " Rice Crzek Drive: ° � ° Riverview Terrace and Mfssissip�i Way (hionies provided under ST. 1971-3) c � Page 2, NOTICE OF HEARING OF ASSESSMENT FQR ST. 1975-1 AND ST. 1975-2 STREET It�1PRUVEMENT PROJECTS Regis Terrace: Lincoln Street: �egis Trail: (Overlay project to be paid by encumbered monies) �� � ST. 1975-2 STREET IMPROVEh1ENT PP.OJECT (STATE AID STREETS� 63rd Avenue: 7tli Street to Monroe Street t�Vonroe Street: G3rc! Avenue to Mississippi Street Able Street: t�est �%�oore Lake Drive to Mississippi Street 57th Avenue: 7�:h SL��eet to Quincy Street Quincy Street: 57th Avenue to Carrie Lane Carr�ie Lane: Quincy Street to Jackson Street Jackson Street: Carrie Lane to 58th Avenue , The ureu propese� ;o be assessed f�►° said improvements and each of them is all thai land benefi�ed by said improve!nents or each of them and lying within the general area above noted. �� � � Said improvements ��;ill be assessed a�ainst the pr�pei°ties w�ithin the above notcd areas in ti�rhole or in �art propo,�tionately to each of the lands therein con�a�ined accordiny to �:he benefits received. R property o��mer n�ay appeal an assessment to the district court by serving noti ce of appeal upon tne Ci ty (�1ayor or C i erk UJ1 tI1111 twenty ( 20) days after auoptiori of the assessment ar�d filir,y such notice with the district court wi thi r� ten (? 0} days afi;er servi ce upon if�e P��a� or or Cl erk. IDI�TEC THIS , � � � DAY OF CITY COUf�CIL QF THE CITY GF FRIDLEY. A7TEST: CITY CLERK htai�vi n C. Brunsel 1 1976, BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR William J. Nee Pub�ish: Fridley Sun on March 24 and tf�arch 31, 1�76 , �° � � , ' � �1 i ' , T0: NASIM QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN aRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL -- WP,TER, SANITARY SEWER, AND STORM SE4JER IMPROVEME�VT PROJECi' N0. 117 DATE: MARCH 3, 197f � � The attached resolutions would ordei�• the preparation of the final � assessme: t rell and �,�e publication of the i-�ea�°ing notice for the Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 117. � The work has been completed. The improvement covers the areas ou�ilined in the attached Notic� of Hearing. MCB ps At�ts . , 7 7A RESOLUTION N0. - 1976 A RESOLUTION DIRECiING PREPARATION OF THE FINA,L ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER, SANITARY SEWER, NND STORM SEWFR IMPROVEP�EN7 PROJECT NOa 117 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named im- , provement, to-wit: WAii:_R, SNNITARY S�WER, AND STORI�1 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 117 including a11 incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 2. The City Clerk shull forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed fior said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED RND ADOPTED [il' TNE CITY COI.fNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF , 1976. ATT�.ST : CIT'Y CLERK Marvin C. 6runsell � MAYOR William J. Nee � ' ' RESOLUTION N�. - 1976 0 a R:ESOLUTION DIRECTING PUQLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED FINRL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR; WATER, SANITARY SEI,IER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 117 , WHE.REAS, by a resolution passed b.y the Council on thE� City Clerk was �irected to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of the , following improvements including water, sanitary sewer, mains and laterals and ser•vice connections, storm sewer and drainage facilities and related appurtenances. Wi1E:REAS, ti�e Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll Fias been corrpieted and f71ed in his off�ce for public inspect�on. N041, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED b,y the City Councii of th� City of Fridley, Anoka Caunty, Minnesota, as follaws: 1. The City Council sha11 meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the uay cf , 1976, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the praposed assessment for WATER, SANITARY SEWER, AND STURM SEtti'ER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 117 2. The Ci�ty C1erk sha1T pubiish notices of the time and p7ace of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior i;o such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DA`� OF 1976 MAYOR William J. Nee AT�TEST : ' CITY CLE12K Marvin C. 6runsell ' ' � L_ 0 CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKA CO�NTY, MIN�JES07A NOTICE �F HEARING OF ASSESS��ENT FOR L�/1TER, SANITARY SEWER, AND STORf�1 SEWER IIfPROVCMENT PROJECT N0. 117 • � • Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridl�y will meet at the City Nall in said City on the 12th day of April , 1976, ai 7:30 o'clocf: P.h1., to hear and pass upon all ot�jections, if any, to the pro- posed assessments in respect to the following.improvemeni;, to-t��it: t�l/�TER, SANITARY SEbJER, AND STORh1 SEtdER INP{:OVEMENT PROJECT N0. 117 The proposed assessment f°oil for each of said imnrovements is now on file and open to ��Ub�1L' �nspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. Rt sai� hearing tne Council <<rill cansider wri�:ten or ora� objections to the proposed assessments for each of sa�d im�,rovemen�ts. 7he gereral nature of the improver�,ents and cach of them is the construction of water, sanitary se4��er, mains a�id l�terals and service connectio��s, storm sewer and drainage faci�lities and relat.ed appurtenances, to serve the following properties: - ' Rice Cre�k Estates and Rice Creek Estates 2r.d �dditions, plu� a few a�jucent lots, in the area bourded by Rice Creek Road, 61si� Avenue hortheast, ana tl�at p�rti�n Gves�c of� Benjai�in Street i�ortheast ' , ' ' ' The area proposed to be assessed fof° said improve!��ents and each of them is all that. land benefited by said improveme��ts or each of them and lying within the general area above noted. Said irr!provements ���ill be assessed against �he properties wi�hin the aueve noted areas in �v�hole or in part proportionately to each of �hn lands �herein cont.ained according to the b�nefits rec�ived. A,property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by serviny noti ce of appeal upon the Ci ty h1ayor or C1 erk tti�i thi �i t�venty ( 20 ) days after ado}ation of ti�e assessment and filing such notice �vith the district court with�in ten (10) days after service upon the May�r or Clerk. D�1TED TIiIS DAl' OF , 197G, BY ORDER OF T�HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRID�EY. ' ATTE:ST: ' . MAYOR Wi�liam J. Nee ' CITY' CLEf�K Marvin C. a��unse�l ('ut�?ish: Fridlcy Sun on Ma�-ch 24 and Ma��ch 31, 1976 SM{TH, JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1260 BVILOERS EXCHANGE BLDG. MINNEAPOLI3, MINNESOTA 85002 . 33D. �qg � � 1 Ci�y of Frid]ey 6431 University AvQnue N. E. �ridley, Minnesota 55432 IAttentior: Mr. Nasim Qureshi City Manager � -C l� P�EASE HETURN TNIS PURTION W�TH YOUR PqYMENT V DATE e • � FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 3°02-76 For 1ega1 services rendered as Prosecutor ror the City of Frid7ey. February, 1976 Ret��iner. $1000.00 Secretarial Services. 100.00 Time in excess of 30 hours 245.00 ( 7 hours �5 rni nutes) . `� 1 dec'are uncier pera ! ; !�•.,ti, �-�, accnu,,� �- :n cr ;�:�,� , i���t it�is :us' ���� � rec� U�.;i : ' . ��+c�'-� ..� : id� � :.�::�;� ,�?°'�,• ��:�, � a ai����: c`r t;!�,�ir�nt TIP"E: RECGRD FOR FE_BP.UF�RY, 1916 PROSECUTIC"� Ii�CP.K l. areparation, Tr�avel and ��ime in Couri for �0 caurt cases and 6 jury trials. 2. Investigation a7d Process of Complaints , includinq office conf�r�ences, phone con- ferences, co�respondence ard preparation of 36 Farrnal Complaints. 3. Court an�i Pal i ce Adn�i ni s�:ra ti on . SUBVRBqN OFFIGES O55 E O PRIDLEV 13 hours 23 hours 00 hours TOTAL 37 hours � , J� � • BALANCE $1000.00 $1100.00 $1345.00 00 mi t�utes 50 minutes 15 minutes 05 minutes �J ■