11/08/1976 - 5728' ' ,� � � �' �J ' � � JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1976 ' ' ' ' ' ' � � , ' ' ' ' ' � �� � ' �THE MINttTES OF TNE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COlJNCIL OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 ' � � ' � ��I ' , � �' !�I � �J ' � � �� � � . _.___ .__ ._ _ . __ . � T - _ T _ _ . _ � . -, � 178 � . THE D4IMUTES OF THE PUB�IC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDlEY CITY COUPlCIL OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 The Pub7ic Hearing Meetinq of the Fridley City Council of November 8, 1976, was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee 7ed the Counci] and the audience in saying the Pled�e of Alle4iance to the Flan. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Counci]rran Fitzpatrick, Councilman Starwalt, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Hamernik, and Playor Nee. P1EMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTIOP! OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the a�enda as submitted. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voic:e vote, al1 votinn aye, �layor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON REZOPJING F;E�UEST, ZONIPIG ORDI SWANSON, TO REZONE FROM C-1 AND R-1 TO R-3; INT H!YU RECEIVINC PETITION #17-1976 IN FAVOR OF REZOPdIPJG TO ZEZONING REQUEST Ah1ENDMEPJT 70A #76-03, BY EVERT IOPJ OF 73Rn �VEN!JE AP7D CENTRAL A EST Af�ID PETITION #i18-1976 OPPOSE PUBLTC HEARIPJG ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. #76-08, CENTRAL TO;�1PdH0USE ADDTTION, BY , EVER7 SI�I�PlSON AND ^ COfdSIDERATION OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPP�ENT PLA,tJS, T 76-03, BY EVERY S�n�F11VSON: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt io waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Council�voman Kukot�rski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearina o�ened at 7:34 p.m. � Playor PJee stated that this matter is be`ore the Council with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and there are two petitions, numbers 17-1976 and 18-1976. Petition #17-1976 is in favor and Petition �`18-1976 is onnosed. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to Receive Petition #17-1976 in favor of the rezoning. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uoon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition �E18-1976 in o�r�osition to the rezoning. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Unon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Dick 5obiech, Public 4lorks Director, ied the discussion stating that this is a request for rezoninc� a parcel of pro�erty aenerall�� located on the northeast corner of Central Avenue and 73rd. The existinn parcel consists of a certain amount of C-1 zoned property and a portion of R-1 zoned nropert,y. The request is to rezone all to R-3 which would allow for a to��mhouse type development. Mr. Sobiech continued statinc� that to the north is nresentl,y zoned C-1 and C-1 up to Onondana; to the east is cienerall,y sinale family zonina; across the street is the existin� P1-1 and again, commercial at the intersection of 73rd. The Planning Commission did recomnend approval at the Commission's meetina and there were two petitions received--one in favor with quite a number of si�natures and the other in opposition which had two signatues. The general lavout of the proposed development incorporates � , f � `._. _ .____ — — — - ._ _ __ _____ _ _ � � � 1 ; PUBIIC NEARING MEETING OF NOVEP16ER 8, 1976 ' PAGE 2 179 the existing C-1 zoned property off Central Avenue, to4ether with the R-1 property y approximately 300 ft. oFf Central Avenue. He further stated that it is the intent of the developer to construct six structures which would allow for thirty-six units of •' townhouse development. It should be pointed out, however, that there is a recommendation from the Board of Appeals with a request for varying the existing townhouse area requirement from five acres to three acres. There is a recommendation for approval. The actual recommendation from the Board of Appeals, however, will come before the Council in disposition of the rezoning; but for the present public hearinq purposes, there is a pending hearings request. Mr. Sobiech further stated that at the administration level, they felt that the variance request is legitimate in that one of the requirements of the townhouse development is to comply with certain density requirements. For the R-3 density requirements for R-3 zoning, the townhouse density requirements would be 3,000 sq. ft. per unit; and with that they are complyinc� with the density requireinent for a R-3 zoned area. Mr. Sobiech also pointed out that at the Plannin� Commission meetincz, another matter came up for discussion involving setback requirements from existinn R-1 properties. � One of the stipulations �vas that the petition for the rezoninq indicated that certain minimum setbacks would be incorporated. Also as noted in the Minutes, the peiitioner ; did resolve with the property owners that this plan would be adopted. They initially _ wanted 35 ft. from all residential pi°operties and the existinc� plan is 26 ft. to the east and 30 ft. on the west and south, minimum. There is an aqreement with the petitioner that he vrill shift the location of the two easterly structures in order to , provide the 40 ft. setbacks north and south. Therefore, as far as the setback require- , ments are concerned, they are in conformity. In regard to the parking requirements, they do have an adequate nuinber of stalls in excess of what is required. P1r. Sobiech then mentioned that Mr. Evert Swanson was in s attendance for questioninq on the matter. Mr. Al Hoffmier, architect on the pr:ject, then cor..imented that this is not a large ; project wherein a lot of financing to put the project across will be needed. The ; project is going to be done in a very simple manner. Mr. Hoffmier further stated ' that there are no amenities with a project of this size because they are anticipating that the owners of the to4�mhouses will be usin� the facilities that Fridley already i has. Insofar as the project not being successful in terms of financing, Mr. Hoffmier stated that it is easier to finance a simple project rather than a larqer more ! complicated project. P1r. Sobiech along �vith P1r. Hoffmier, then approached the Cauncil to look over the architect's pians. P1r. Hofflnier stated to the City Council , that they were trying to make the most flexible type house that people can afford. Mayor Nee then coiranented to the audience that there were people present on this matter ' and asked those concerned to come up for discussion. Mr. Hoffmier stated that as the different stages progressed, they would put up fencinq. Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she was concerned about the neiqhbors. P1r. Hoffmier commented that he was concerned, too, as they do not want people coining throua,h their property. A visitor asked Mr. Hoffmier if the area is rezoned R-3, what is �oing to keep h�im from putting apartment buildings in. P1r. Hoffinier responded that they are making a committnient. Mr. Hoffmier further stated that if they cannot sell 36 respectable townhouses, they would not ask for the rezoning. Councilman Starvaalt stated that the concern of some of the neiqhbors was if the portion rrhich is now R-1 is zoned R-3 and if the project does not go, nothing would preclude there ultimately beinc� aoartments there; and this was something that the neighbors did not want. Mr. Hoffmier stat�d that once the townhouses are su9qested and zoned R-3, with the setback requirements and everything else, it would be impossible to get apartment buildin�s in there. Councilman Starwalt then stated that in the past there have been chanqes on the part ; of the developers, and he would like to avoid telling people one thing and then a � year or two later something else happens. Councilman Starwalt further stated that , perhaps if there was a sti�ulation on t{ie rezoninc� which could be continqent upon the �, total concept being built, this would possibly be a way to no. Mr. Noffmier commented ; that either the wF�ole thin� should be rezoned R-3 or forqet it. ; __ s � i � � � , I - .. - --._ �.._ r--- --�:� �_ _.._ _ _-___;__, . , 180 � � i � i f t r„i PlJBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 :' ; r �_ , J�A6E 3 MPr. Qt�reshi, City Manager, stated that there were three choices: (1) It can remain R-T, (2) Rezone to R-2, and (3) If rezoned R-3, there could be some kind of a covenant fited against Lhem to restrict them. Mr. tfirqil Herrick, City Attorney, stated that the cavenant wau�d have to be filed by the owner--not the City. He further stated that there was one other possibility, aithough sanewhat untried, in that there is. a kind of emerning series of cases in mn�ng that would permit contractual zoning wherein the developer of the City enters into e contract prior to rezoning a piece of property. This is, however, quite new and has not been tested. Mayor Nee asked if it wou7d automaticaily refer to R-l. Mr. Nerrick responded that it could pos;ibly be made .part of the contract and if the development doss not take place as described in the contract, within a certain period of time, the rezoning would revert back to what it was previous to the request. Mr. Herrick suggested that a draft proposal could be drawn up which would incorporate what the deveiopers are taikinq about artd an agreement between the owner and the City. - Courtcfiwoman Kukowski stated that the matter was not ctoing to be voted on by the Council at this time.' Hayor Nee stated that this wauld cq!ie up aqain for discussion next Monday at which time it would be the first reading of an ordinance, but they would have an indicatiom at that time. Mayor Nee then commented that Councilman Starwalt would want to have a draft of a cuntract at that time. Mr. Herrick stated that he Mould have one drawn up. • MUTION by Counciiman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Heari»g on the rezoning request. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy and the Public Hearirp closert at 8:31 p.m. NpTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Pubific Hearing on the consideration of the final plat. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a.voice xote, all voting _ aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Pubiic Hearing closed at 8:31 p.m. PUBLIC HEiiRING ON R6ZONIN6 RE UEST, ZONING OROINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA #T6-04, GORDON A-SPE �N �� RE� NE R M�-1 TO -3; 6 0 2— ND � R�Efi N. E. : N�TION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the Pub1ic Hearing notice and open the Putrlic Nearing. Seco�ded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 8:32 p.m. Nh^. Oick Sobiech, Public Works Director, then proceeded to state that this is a reqaest for rezoning from R-1 to R-3. The Planning Commissio� did fiave a public hearing on September 8, 1976, and did recomnend to Council approval of the request. Mr. Sobiech asked if Mr. Gordon Aspenson was present, and he was. Mr. Sobiech further stated that.the rezoninu would be to allow for the`construction of townhouse style triplex, which he and his staff believe would fit quite we21 and are extremely attractive buildinos. Mr. Sobiech then referred to the aest side of town, Riverview Terrace and Mississippi Street, where there is one in existence. There were rro objectioris rated at the:P_lannin� Goenission meeting after the plans were reviewed by the adjacent property owners. Mayor Nee then proceeded to ask the Councilmembers if :tfiey had any questions, and there were none. He then asked the audience if there were any questions or canments, and there was no response. � I�TION by Councilman Hamernik to ctose the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman • Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ! unanimous]y and the Public Hearing closed at 8:36 p.m. ; a , � . • �t , � ; . ' . , z ; � ' � ! �------- ----- _ __._..�� �__._•_ E � 1g1 ` � � �� . �� PUBLIC NEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 . �::BAGE 4 � . � _ _ ___. . ___ ; � _... _._ � � ' i t ��- PUBLIC HEARiNG ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET IMPROVENtENT PROJECT ST. 197i-1 AN� 19T7-2 ` i N RE E�IING PE72TION #19,1976 AGAIHST THE STREET INPROVENENT FOR CHANNEL ROAq AND � ' � . RECEIVING PETITION #20-1976 IN fAVOR OF THE TtiPROVEM NT OF CHAP�P� L R AD, AND � _ N E TION #- 9 6 REQUESTI! BURL"IN N NOR HERN RAILRO D ROSSIN AT 79TH AVENUF:� � MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to waive the readina of the Public Hearing notice and , � ' �� open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, � all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried nnanimously and the Pubiic �, t Hearing opened at 8:37 p.m. . _ , 1 • � Mr. Sobiech, PubTic Works•Director, discussed the project stating that street improve- � � ; ment projects are proposed in ane of two ways: they are either inciuded as part of a � ' designated street improvement proqram or they have been requested for i�rovement'by' ; adjacent property owners. He further stated that the majority of the,people whp are � � present at the meeting this evening are in the initial group where their streets were initiaily programed into the ten year street improvement proaram: At this i point in time, it is�however, proposed that they continue on`witfi the improve�nt � ' proqram. � - j Mr. Sobiech noted that it shvuld be pointed out that tfie initial proctram was started� � in 1969, in which the CitY of Fridiey had roughly 75 to 80 miles of streets and- i approximately a tfiird, or 25 miles, were substandard. At this point in time, they ' have averaged approximately two and three mi•les per year to improve the substandard ' � j design--eliminating the swaleback section or improving the dirt section. He further � j stated that 1977 will be the �inth year, and they have approximately four to five i � miles of street remaining and about two miles scheduled for 1977. The basic standard that the staff has been followinn since 1969 is a 36' wide street � � *� that haS concrete curb and autter and has bituminous mat. He then referred to a �,, map statjng that those noted in red have been improved. Some of the earlier streets ; were installed with the bituminou� type of curbinn and it was determined that that + � I� type of curbinq construction has a high maintenance and results in very hi�h mairtte- �� nance costs. The concrete curbin�, however, is more effective and can put u� with the abuSe that the �odern City maintenance equipment has to put up,with in maintaining � the streei i.e., snow plowing and street sweepinu. , � Mr. Sobiech stated that the majority of the City is done to what the consider a { Y � standard design. There is, however, a portion remaininq to the soutfi-center of the � City and a few sporadic streets that have been eliminated at certain time periods throughout the ten year improvement pronram. Tfie initial ten year improvement � program was set up so that certain streets were pro�ramned for certain years. During � �, , the ten year process, there have been requests wherein certain residents have wanted their streets improved a tittle sooner and therefore, the City would then compensate ' for that and try to improve them as the people wanted them. The majority, however, ' , � were put in acwrding to the proqram and they are approximately 90 to 95% dorte with � � ' the program. � ' Mr. Sobiech continued that w�th the standard design section, they first try to i i�prove the drainage situation. On several of the atreets that are proposed for � � i firi�rovein�nt, there is standing water and this hopefully will be taken care of with � ,:the eliminatian of the winciback desiqn. As iroted, Mr, Sobiech stated that the majority a€ the streets proposed have numerous patchings om tfiem in an attemp��to maintain � �° ; them the best Nay possible untit they aot to the point of the proposed improvement � � " � for the specific area. Together with tryina to eliminate any drainage problems i� th+�`area by the instailation of the concrete curb and the`more uniform cross section i� to correct the water to the curbing and then out to the existina starm sewer structures, ! ? � they do install various catch basins, and upgrade the various castings in order to � ; ensure that the drainaqe is iaken care of. ; � , Mr. Sobiech further stated that another ir�portant item to note is that the improvement `' will result in a reduction of maintenance costs by eTiminatin� the substandard design ` section. He also co�renented that tfie aesthetics of the neighborhoods hrve improved ; � substantially and by proceeding with �vhaL has been a very successful proaram, the � } quality of life can be maintained with the residents that do exist in Fridley. 1 , ± _ . . � �E. � � _ ,. - .�� � t:f: � ► �� ; � : ___ �.__ _ _ ___��� ___..��_ .�__�� _� ._.. � _ -- ---_ r---- �- i � 182 . PU81IC HEARING MEETING OF I�VEMBER 8, 1976 _ _ __—:._ ._..__� - �' PA6E 5 f At tfie present time, the administra'tion, based on what has been observed in the past, recomnends that the program as proposed be continued to an upqradin� of the remaining streets. He further pointed out that the present meet9ng is an improvement hear9rtg and what is decided is whether the irt�rovement should proceed and in an attempt to get as much input from the pubiic as possibie, improvement costs are prepared. The improvement costs, however, are estimates based on all previous improvement projects completed in i976 toqether with data received from the Minnesota Niqhway Department or adjacent communities who have just recerrtly let improvement projects of a similar nature. Therefore, P1r. Sobiech stated that the costs q{ven at this poi�t will give a rough idea of what the improve►nent wi)7 cost. He admitted, however, that the figures are a bit high but hopefully can come under the estimated figures. Mayor Nee car�nented that the reason this matter is on at th9s point is that the City has tried to qet the project defined early in the winter so they can go for 6ids. He tfien asked Mr. Sobiech if he would �ive soMe indication of tfie buiiding costs. Mr. Sobiech stated that in going back approximately five years, everything was pretty stab]e until the oil crunch. In ]973, the pre]iminary estimates at that time were•in the $l7 range as opposed to the cost in 1972 in the 515 range. There was quite a jump ln cost after the enercry crisfs that deveioped. At the present time, #mm about 1972 to 1973, the preliminary ennineerina costs were rouqhly $15 to $16 • and the actual construction costs came in around $13 per foot. Id 1976, they were approximately $14.50. However, fie further noted that the present preliminary estimate before the Council is approximately $18.98 oer lineal foot. The fact being that inflation has cauqht up with the street construction arid`all other utility public works type construction to increase th� costs over the various years. ! Mr. Sob�ech believed that because of this the improvement should be continued in order to take advantaae-of the costs as they presently exist so as to not get invotved in further increases in the future. ` Mr. Sobiech stated that Mr. Plarvin Brunsell, Finance Director, had the transparancies *,�� and would be available to answer any questions reaardin� the preparation of tF�e ' i assessment roll. � Mr. S.obiech then proceeded to discuss the project, startinn with Channel Road, + Lucia Lane and 66th Avenue. He stated that in this particuiar case, these are , existing swaleback tyne streets that are part of the ten year street improvement prngram and he w�id!recomment they be improved in the 1977 street improvement pro3ect. There is a front foot preliminary assessment rate of $18.98 per #aot tonether with a side street rate of $2,78 per foot. Ma or t�ee t d th i I � y comnen e at �f the people are ever qoinq to want the street paved well, it would be a aood idea to do it now irtstead of five years from now He then k d . as e the audience if there were any comments. A visitor asked if this included a storm sewer. Mr. Sobiech responded that it dTd and if there is any anticipated drainage probiems, they would hope to either raise the street to existing structures or put fin appropriate structures'that woutd eliminate any drainage oroblem. It is not, however, a storm sewew assessment per se since it is a street �r��rovement project with minor storm sewEr• cansiderations He .further stated that the majority of the area has tfie storm sewer already in existence. Another visitor asked about the end of the street and on 63th. He stated that there �►as a problem there. 7hey have no drainage sysiem whatsoever and if this goes in, do the peopie on Lucia Lane have tv pay more? Nlr. Sobiecfi responded that as mentioned before just to uparade the sLreet down to tfie portion that has a standard type of cross section and at the moment the roadwa would be araded to this point, and at the present time there is art>existing drainage ditcfi that connects 68th to the Hiahway 65 ditch. He furtfier rointed out that they are aware of problems there, and severaT years aoo an attempt was made to rework the existing ditch toqether with the Highway Department to eliminate that problem. A visitqr asked if within the next couple of ,years, a drainage system were put in, � who wou]d pay for that -the apartments or the nroperty owners. ' � � Mr�. Sabiech stated that the drainaae district wouid De assessed. I Anotfier visitor asked if the owners of each home would be assessed the same anaunt ' p7us thp apartments, for example each apartmen± is assessed for �100 although there , are ten families livinrt there� he questioned whether each house wou.)d be assessed 5100 ; � or,►dould it be broken down to actual family size. ; , � �. � . i 1 i i ! ; � i E � � � � - 18� � � PIf�IC FfEA(�IN� MfEiINC QF f�UVEMBER 8, 197is PACE 6 _ �Mr. Sotrferh resportded that at the presertt tTare, ttre City af Fridley has a store� sewer assessing pnlicy base� on area. .. . ' ' Mr. Don (+arstad owner of Lots, 3, 4, and 5 stated that he did not believe he could � ever build on the land; and if he could, it would be quite difficult and he was opposed to an assessment. Also, the County is very interested in tfie property alo�g Rice Creek and Mr. Harstad has been talking to them in terms of their purchasing the �lartd. However, he just recently spoke to them and they advised him that they are � nat really interested_ in a cul-de-sac in the area. A vfsftor �skect th� diameter of the cuT-de-sac_ Mr. SohfECh'respanded 43' is the rrormal Standard radius. , The v:fsfitor eTsa askect how a side street is derived at for one side of the street and not the'ather. Mr. Brunsell responded that the assessment policy for corner lots is that t,Frey rrot pay for th�ir reguiar front foot assessments. He then made reference to the corner of Channel Road north up to 58tfi. That particu7ar lot iine fronts on the east sfde of Channel Road going nnrth. The policy for the assessment`of that.side yard is to assess the property for one-third of its side, the other two-thirds of the cost is spread down the block. This is a City-wide policy of many ye�rs standing. The object fs that eventuaTiy when all the streets are in or if a11 of the streets in the area are`repaved, everyone would have a proportianately corrter lot'assessment'plus a front foot assessment. A v4sftor asked how the assessment is to tre paid over a period of years and what the interest rate wf1T be. Mr. 8runsell resporrded that the assessment will be spread over a ten year�perfod. The first payment witt be on the taxes the year after the improvement Kas made. The interest xate at the present time is 7�� on the unpaid batance. Mr. Rnbert 8urrtick, }3T6 66th Avenue N.E., stated<that he did not know of anyone-on his , street who was frt favor of the improvement. He belie�ed th� street r�as satisfactory � �Or use by,a11 the residents. There is no drainage problem. He further commented that �� ; he canrrot see spending mone�� and using up resources when we are in an energy crunch. Nir. L. Davict Mech, T315 66th Avecrue N.E., stated that he, too, was opposed to the street improvement. Mr. CharTes E. Carlsun, 1349 66th Avertue N.E., stated that he lived an the end, righ� next door to Rice Creek School. He questioned whether the street would end right there at the school prnperty or are there any plans for pntting in.a cul-de-sac. .If so, he beiieved it should go on the schooi preperty. plrr. Sobfech resRonded that the cuT-de-sac wo�l� be put in and his;staff would work with the school to get as much property as passible. ,. Mr. CarTsart, when asked if he w�s appased at this tfrt� by Meyor Nee, stated he could : nat say at the pr�ent time. 1�. Be���tech, i3T5 �6th i�rrenu� N.E_, sta�ted tMat�her s���et wi11, e►e�r�r hav��the aa�ount � of' traf c�at atFreF`stre�ts haue arrd f�lt` it was in goo repair, and that the'money - spent far t�fi� caulQ sur�ly tre usecE fvr ather• �re rteede� �cses: May�or !I� .�r agked,.fif tt�er°� �:� a�oeee fr. e�r 66th R�wer�e ��e favor of .the project: Mr. �e�orr tlstTurr�', T4Q0 66tPr Avenue K.E., statt� that ih�re �ras a problem w3th the ; stre�t at ttse �rd wherg it cannects ta Certtral Av�e. There is always a big wa#er �pud�i� because Lhe street Ts too iow. Rlso, he added a nate about the sanitary sewer fin that when his.laterel was put Tn to.h�s house from the center of the street,:he has had protrlems with roots lyiriq there. He had Roto Rooter come out and the problem is M qirt at the cannection to the street. _ Mr. Sotrfech stated thet prtor to the actual street Tmprovement, they do review the utifftfes fn the area to ensure that they are in good condition so they do not have to come Tn sever�al years later and dfg up the street again. A visttar stated that there was a problem with snow renoval on Lfie street i� that..the� City Eagineers ha�ve not dropped the piow down to the street level. I� j: � - � � . 1�4 _ _ � � � � � � � I � i � � ` � � �� � � . � �� � �' � ' � � � �. PUBLIC �IEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 - PA� � f9r. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager, stated that the money used for maintenance comes from a different fund. The snowplowing does, however, create 'a problem on maintenance. iie further pointed out that b6Lh Avenue is probab]y one of the better swale streets in tfie City and if the City is ever going to improve it, it should be now. Mr. Kenneth � Bjork, 5845 Channel Road, then gave the City Council a petition from the residents on Channe] Road. i . j MOTION by Courtcilman Starwalt to receive Petition #19-1976 against the street � improvement for Channel Road and Petition #20-1976 in favor of the improvement of Channel Road. Seconded by Counciiwoman Kukowski. Uport a vo9ce vote, all voting aye, - Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. j lAs. Juyce Den�fy, )388 66th Avenue N.E., stated that she believed the street was not in need of repair. � � Councilman Starwalt stated that before leaving the 66th Avenue sLreet improvement � project, fie believed that the determination of �the possible cul-de-sac on the east end should be established. _. Mr. Clarence Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane N.E., stated that he believed, if possib]e, an equitable tax should be charged on the apartment there since the property owners get the brunt of all the traffic and they are taking care of ali tfie garbage, treer cans, etc., from the apartments. He further stated•that he did not oppose the street imprbvement � but all the people shoutd pay their fair share. Mr. Darrel Goerdt, 6610 Lucia Lane, stated that his lot is the only one on the entire block that goes downhill and at present the way the iroad is designed, a11 the water seems to run right by his drivewa�y. He questioned if they come in with c�nent curbs with the fl at street, will the water go down his driveway. Mr. Sobiech responded that it wauld not, as Mr. Goerdt has a raised portion of the _ driveway; however, it would be maintained to ensure that there would r�ot be water cflming in from the street onto his property. Mr. Dean Thomas, 6550 Luc9a Lane, questioned if the project is defeated, will the property owners be billed for street improvements_in Lhe future. Nlayor Nee responded not in the immediate future. It may, however, come to that in a few years. I�r. Jack R, Young, 6549 Lucia lane, questioned if everyorte on Lucia Lane decides they are in favor of the project but on 66th Avenae they are opposed; did that mean that Lucia Lane could not be improved. Mayor Nee responded that they were a11 separat2. They could be dropped out of the project without affecting the others. Mr. George Maas, 6880 Channel Road, stated that he was asked to be a spokesman for _ some of the peopie. .Ne further stated that they do not have a drainage problem basically on Channel Road. However, further south there is a sewer problem in that - water backs up. He stated that most of the people on Channel Road are opposec� to curbs rat to general maintenance on the street, which has been lacking. He further stated that what he and the others would like to see is the street resurfaced from Mississippi Street down to the first bend9 as that is the oniy portion of the street that is in bad shape. � Mr. Roy Soone, 6564 Channel Road, stated that if the petition (�19-19T6) is examined, you'lj find no more than one-signature from the entire first black that is opposed to the street. Also, everyune as Mr, Maas stated, is not opposed to tAe curbing. , I Mr. Boone commented on this just to set things in a proper light. � 'l tAr. Mark 6lader, 6810 Channel Road, stated that he was in favor of a storm sewer, ' however, was not in favor of the street improvement_ � . ' �. � : __ _ _ _ _ � � _ .� __�___._ _ _ , � �g � 1 � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMSER 8, 1976 � °" PAGE 8 �. . , __.. _.. � i : _ � � + Mr. Charles Joh'nson, 6580 Channel Road, stated that he was in favor of the improvement. ! He also stated tfiat if the people at the other end do not want curbing, that is � . tfieir business-�where he is, they want it. � Mayor Nee asked if it were feasible to just do a portion of a street. Mr. Sobiech � � responded it could be done, but is not practical. , ( Mr. John Urista, 6599 Channel Road, stated that the road is in bad shape from Mississippi � � � 1 Street on down. He further stated that when he first moved in, the street was in good � t� condition. It is now lookinu pretty shabby and a neighbor of his who was not present, i is also in favor of the street beino improved. ! Mayor Nee asked Mr. Urista if his neighbor signed the petition in favor, and Mr. � � ; Urista rePlied that he had. . j: � f �:' � A visitor stated that he Was in favor of havin� it all done. �`K' � Ftr. Warren Spalth, 6516 Channel Road, stated that tfie street is in very bad shape and ! � in great need. of improvement. � Mr. William Wharton, 6887 Channel Road, stated that he opposed the improvemeat, especially , � i that portion north of 68th Avenue. . , I Mr. Robert Wadsten, 6899 Channel Road, stated that the proposed cul-de-sac would affect � his front yard and he believes it is unnecessary and unwanted. � � � Ms. Kathryn Glader, 6810 Channel Road, stated that she was opposed to the curb and i i gutter. ' Ms. Joan WadSten, 6899 Channel Road, stated that the one feature she liked about her � ; street was the width. Also there is a beauty shop across the street and there are a ' lot of cars parked on the street; and if the street is narrowed, the people will have ' . a`difficult #ime getting out of their driveways. She stated that she definitely did ! 1 not want a cul-de-sac. She also stated that everybody likes the street the way it is. �� . � Mr. Kenneth Bjork, 6845 Channel Road, stated that he was opposed to the project. �' Ms. Judy Bjork, 6845 Channel Road, stated that from the first corner on down, that � � street was totally resurfaced and it is in beautiful shape; and she believed the � . people on`that end can see no reason for a street improvement at this time. i ` Mr. Sobiech had stated to the City Council that he would check and see just what kind � � uf resurfacing was done. i � Councilman Starwa]t stated that he just wanted to mention that he is in favor of the , � irt�provement with the possibTe exception of that north of 68th street.' However, he i � and others will be out walking. � � � , A visitor questioned how the decision is reached. 1 , hPayor Nee.stated that it would probably come next Monday. ' � ! ,�,. � Mr. Sobiech then stated that Dellwood, Pierce, and 63rd Avenue are' art of the i , p �rove=,,...�.. ment program although they ha�e n4t r�ceived specific;•petitions for the imprnvement. ; ; Mr. Mahurin, 6378 Deliwood Drive, asked about the soil and stability._ He aiso stated_ that a sewer was put in without inspection and sufficient enc�ineering. He further � ! �comnenied that the peopie who live there do not want the improvement. They do not ! want to spend the money. � Mr. Qureshi stated that there is a special law which permits the City to delay the � � putting of assessments on people who are senior citizens and not put a special' burden ! on them. Tfie assessment comes on the property once the property owner sells the ' property. , ` Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mahurin if that would make a difference, and Mr. Mahurin rep}ied ` � � it would. � . r. } < ., �' , � ! . I � � _ ____._ - �. __ _ r.. ___ ___.�__ � i __ �. _ �, _ _ �_ � _ - �: �. I �, 1 . � � . � � : � . � � i � � � � � �� � � � _ __-- -- ---- ___ _--_____ ._ __ _� - '- -- - � ., _ _ ___ _ __ ... --- �. . . _ . _ _� . ,. _ __ �----- 186 � I .� , � � : � . � , � i � i 1 PUBLIC NEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 �'<' PAGE 9 Councilman Starwait commented that a percentage of the persons he spoke with were not in favor of the improvement. - Mayor Nee then asked about Pierce Street. - Ms.. Larry Nelson, 6366 Pierce Street, stated that she and others were not exact]y in favor of the improvement but would rather pay for it now than to pay double in a few years. Mr. Scott Holmer, owns the Ski Shop on 63rd and the service road on Highway 65, stated that he was not against curbing; however, at this particular point in time he wo�ild lose most of his parking if curbinq is put in. ; � i , Mr. Sob�ech asked Mr. Holmer how he would feel about the�r tryina to work something � out so that there would be su�fi'cient parkin� and Mr. Holmer was receptive to this. Mr. Nonnan Schuldheisz, 6341 University Avenue N.E „ asked Mr. Sobiech when the work was noing to be done and Mr. Sobiech responded that if the improvement is adopted, � the enqineering drawings wiil be started and be ready for bids in approximately March and then construction will beqin. Mr. Sobiech then moved on to 75th Way, Alden Way and Osborne�Road and stated that they are tied together in that basically they are on a state aid street. This means that certain standards that the Minnesota Hiqhway Department has set up for construction of a state aid street must be canplied with. They have certain widths and certain capacity designs that the street must be built to in order to receive-certain state monies that the City receives in the State Aid Fund. He furtfier pointed out that the objective at the present time is to brinn the streets into compliance with the state aid requirements in ord�r to receive certain #unding. Mr. Philip_Li�d, 7501 A1den Way, stated that his street was in very 9ood shape. He further stated that the street is perfectly flat and is quite wide and cannot see any reason why it should be torn up. Mr. Thure Erickson, 7515 Alden Way, stated that he was in favor of the curb and gutter only, as the street is in perfect shape and already built to City standards. ��Is. Beatrice Sorsoleil, i47 75th Way, stated that she was a widor► and receiving disability and the improvement cost would be a hardship. Mr. Qureshi suggested that perhaps Ms. Sorsoleil could qualify on the delayed assessment ar�d this might be an avenue to explore. Mr. Sob3ech then rrroved on to Ironton Street and Ashton Avenue statinq that this is a proposed improvement for Ashton Avenue from Ironton Street to the south to the existing standard section and this does abutt industrial property. -This is also a state aid street and must comply with state aid standards. A1so, Qn state aid streets, the industrial properties pick up the actual cost of the street. A visitor commented that he was in favor of the improvement. Regarding Hickory Street, Mr. Allan Zeis stated that he anticipated buildirtg smalier buildin�s as it would be more suitable for the area. He also stated that he anticipated building on Beech Street. Mr. Qureshi asked if he would provide a sketcfi. Mr. Sobiech then made reference to Able Street and the Railroad Crnssing stating tfiat the Able Street construction is to upnrade the existina roadway as it presently exists which is in urgent need of repair. � Mr. John Jensen, Minnesota Transfer made reference to the Notice wherein senitary sewer and water is�put in and questioned that it is not a plan that presently exists. Mr. Sobiech stated that it was not and that the Notice covers the possibility that certain items have to be constructed irt addition to the street i�provement project. , As far as the crossing at 79tfi Avenue is concerned, Mr. Sobiecfi stated that the ra�ilroad crossing has been under discussion for quite�a number of years. Ne further stated that it was Staff's contention that the fmprovement of 79th crossing proposal� • I � �+-.+._... . ....+r..s�. _ __ ._ . .��.. I i i � 1 � , _ I I _. �..�. . . t--___ _ _ � �_, ! �.$7 ' { � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETIN6 OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 ' :PA6E 10 �' __ ; ` � I 1 � would in fact improve the traffic pattern in the area. A vi�itor stated that this ' � would help tremendously. Mr. Allan Zeis also aqreed with this as it would benefit � his property by allowing industrial traffic off 79th to East River Road. ' Mr. Chuck Floer, 161 79th Way N.E., stated that he and some of the neighbors were opposed to this as they do not want to see tindustrial traffic in a residential neighborhood; � � :! Mr. Dick Costello with Barry Blower, stated that he and others were opposed to the ! L railroad crossing on 7�7th Way in that the traffic would be a great problem as they ! , have 200 employees. � � Mr. Sobiecfi stated that there would have to be necrotiations with the Burlington � Northern Railroad. . � � � Ms. Mary Martin, 133 Stonybrook N.E., stated that the property owners should not � i have to put up with industrial traffic. , MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition #21-1976 request for a Burlington Northern Railroad crossing at 79th Avenue. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski: llpon � � a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. , i ' :, MOTIOl�'by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion t � carried unanimously and the Public Hearino closed at 1:15 a.m. ! � i RECESS• : t I Mayor Nee called a recess at 1:16 a.m. s � RECONVENED: � ��t Mayor Nee reconvened the meetina at 7:24 a.m. ! � ) � I ` NEW BUSINESS: � � RECEIVING STATEMENT OF CANVASS OF ELECTION FOR NOVEMBER 2, 1976 GENERAL ELECTION: I �. i STATEMENT OF CANVASS i GENERAL ELECTION ; � NOVEMBER 2, 1976 ` � � DECLARATION OF RESULTS THEREOF ' ; In accordance with Section 4.08 of the Charter of the Gity o�.FridTey, the ' ; � ; City Council declares tfie results of the 1976 General Election to be-as fo"tlows: � A. The total number of ballots cast was: 14,290 � � � Ward 1- Precinct 1 1 396 � Ward 1- Precinct 2 l�- ; i Id�rd 1 - Precinct`3 �' ; Ward 2- Precinct 1 �, 6�� � � Ward 2- Precinct 2 1,�93 �� � � Ward 2- Precinct 3 � Z,�7— � � � Mlard 3 - Precinct°1 2,083 • I � Ward 3- Precinct 2 i,221 � i � Idard 3- Precinct 3 —T1�ST— , � � TOTAL: 14,290 n � � � . ' � 'r _� � � ,. � _ �, i_ __ ... ! 189 � � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF PJOVEP1QER 8, 1976 PAGE 12 � � PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF U.S. (CONTINUED) I � i , W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL Hubert H. � , Humphre,y 1 TOTAL • 1,396 1>692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,290 � � *Write-in votes **Write-in votes � � W-3 P-1 . W-3 P-?. � Ronald Regan 2 H. Humnhrey & Mondale 1 � ' Ralph Nader & Eugene P1cCdrthy 1 Eleanor P1cCormack 1 , Ryne Pentz 1 Geor�e Wallace Y� H. H��mphrey 1 Pau? Swantek & P1arv Swantek 1 Fred Harris 1 � � . , .�,�.,.,�„. Nelson Rocl:efeller 1 _. .-... Ronald Renan 1 _ . ; � UMITED STIITES SEPJATOR IP! CONGRESS � Jerry Brekke ; � Ind. Rep. � 284 355 187 253 245 652 446 192 142 2,756 Hubert H. Humphrey � , DfL 982 1,U9 - 961_ -1 ,063 l,106 1,620 1,n06 895 916 10,128 Bill I Peterson � ; � Socialist - ; Workers ' Party 3_ 4 �4 6 £3 5 3 5 2 40 � � Robin E. -} Mi11er LiberLar- � � ian Party 9 6 1 6 3_ 16 ___ n 5 7 57 i � — — ---- ; � Matt Savola � Comunist Party 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 5 � Paul Helm American Party 103 135 101 l24 117 1F7 1f35 105 110 1,147 Not Voted & ' � � Defecti ve 15 13 21 8___ 1 �__ 1 E 37 _ 19 _ 14 __ 157 , 4lrite-In ' Vot es 0 0 � -- � � -- � ---- n - =-- � --- � ---- � - � � TOTAL 1 ,.;Su --1 ,692 —1'2!6 -- 1 ,n61 1 ,493 2,477 _ 2,OB3 1 ,221 __ 1 ,191 1� ,290 ! REPR[SEP;7ATIVF Ift C"wG�ESS 5TH DIS7P,l:CT � Richard N. � Erdall Ind. Rep. 342 479 ?59 334 _ 316 __ 8?_2 _ 541 255 __ tII8 3,536 . � , Donald M. � Fraser . � DFL 874 973 817 _ 948 �9n 1,376 1,200 Q'�n. 855 8,841 � Chris Frank � Socialist Workers ' ' Party 13 8 11 13 6 10 22 7_ 7 g7 i � ' Franklin H. Haws � ; Libertar- — — � ; ian Party 4 6 4 11 Z 1F3 4 9 6 64 � . I � ' _ _ _ � .�_ _� ____ _ _ _ �_�_ _ �__ _ � ___ �._�_ .� � __ ! � i � ------- - -.-_�_ _ __. ___ __ _. ._ _ __--- i �S� � ; � PUBLIC NEARINC MEETING OF NOVEP1QER £3 1976 PAGE 13 � , , REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 5TH DISTRICT (CONTINUED) W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 41-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 ���-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL � Jean T. i' (3rust Workens Party 3 3 1 � 0 2 3 3 3 2 20 i Jack 0. � Kirkham i American Party 46 113 72 82 68 64 93 45 46 629 ; Not Voted & Defective 114 110 112 73 105 184 22� 98 87 1,1Q3 Write-In Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,n61 l,�'9; 2,n.77 2,n�;3 1,221 1,191 14,290 SENATOR IN LE�ISLATURE n6TH DISTRICT , Ben Ho Ind. Rep. 520 806 426 548 495 1,103 9�7 391 342 5,628 � David D. Schaaf DFL 829 II40 789 879 951 1,?77 993 764 _ £301 8,123 Nof; 'Joted & Defective 47 46 61 34 47 97 93 _ 66 4� 538 4lrite-In Don Frank I Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0_` 0 0 1 1 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2>083 1,221 1,191 14,290 RESPRFSEhT/iTIVE IN LEGISLATURE n6A DISTRICT Bar Haake Ind. Rep. 50B 706 529 ____ 775 2,518 Paul P1cCarron DFL � 824 913 `i 895 _ 1,160 _ ' Nat Voted & Qefective 64 73 69 1�48 ! Write-In ; Votes I TOTFlL 1,396 1,692 1,493 2,Q83 _ REPRESFNTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE 4FB DISTRICT R. Wayne `; Provart Ind. Rep. _ � Wayne Simoneau DFL ; � Dale Hemminn Libertarian ' Party _ Not Voted & Defective i -' 243 408 874 947 33 126 25 81 902 1,241 116 218 3,792 35n 0 6,664 244 203 2,005 717 851 4,630 99 36 309 156 101 682 � 191 � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 PAGE 14 ! REPRESENTATIVE IN LE.f,ISLATURE 468 DISTRICT (CON7IP�UED) ! � W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W.-2 P-2 4l-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL , . , 4,�ite-In Yotes 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,276 1,461 2,477 1,221 1,191 7,626 � ' CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Robert , � Sheran 1,105 1,379 1,010 1,202 1,163 1,974 1,512 926 932 11,203 Not Voted & Defective 291 313 266 259 330 503 571 294 259 3,0�6 ; Yo�i � Write-In Sear Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 1 0 1 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,n61 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,290 - ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT Walter F. Rogosheske 1,C07 1,264 951 1,123 1,023 1,843 1,343 854 873 10,281 � - - -- - -- Not Voted & Defective 389 428 325 338 470 634 740 366 318 4,00� . Yogi IJrite-In' - Qear Votes 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,n93 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,290 COPlSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT - HIGHWAY BOP4DS APJD THE USE OF MOTOR FU[L TAXES YES � 536 673 ` 481 _ 5II0 575 1,028 _ 782 49n ��433 5,582 NO 779 930 702 800 II32 1,299 1,114 629 691 7,776 Not Voted & Defective 81 89 93 81 86 150 lII7 98 67 932 TOTAL 1,396 1,6�2 l,?_76 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,290 JUDGE OF COUNTY C�URT Stanley J. - Ttiori,p 1,150 1,413 1,050 1,237 1,t14 2,�09 1,560 9h9 968 11,550 Not Veted & Defec�ive 2�6 ?_79 22C _ 224 27U - 46f3 �22 270 223 2,737 - -- - -- Yoni __-�_ �._ � Judne �ear 1 Write-In �reen Donald Dicksan Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Q 3 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,n77 ?_,083 1,221 1,191 1n,290 SUPERVISOR SOIL ATdD WATER COP�SERVATIQPI DISTRICT PJO. 5 4Jrite-In All write-in votes must be ca�ivassed by the Anoka Count,y.Auditor's office Votes for the Supervisor Soil and Water Conservation District No. 5 as the , write-in vote for this office is only good if the person voted for lives in the district. � I ._ � __ _. � 192 a I PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 i PAGE 15 � W-.1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL �� Dennis Schneider W. R. ' (Walt) Starwalt Not Voted & Defective Write-In , Votes ; TOTAL COUNCILMEMBER SECOND N1ARD 735 812 1,116 669 589 1,211 57 92 149 Louis Miskowic 0 0 1 1,461 1,493 2,n77 C. The following officer was declared elected: COUNCILMEMQER WARD II - Dennis Schneider D. The following is a true copy of the ballot used for Ward II. OFFtC1AL ��+� :y � � ;� � � �'n �3 '�a' (^�;. � Ya f�' � L�s �:� � � L� �� � `cf.4 � ��9 } � b`�����,�� �+ �� C.f�Y �F �'[ E�'J'� �' G��G�iz`'' `"�-' '� City Clerk ARiQKA COUIVTY, MifdPvESOTA 7UESD/aY, NOVENIi=EE� 2, 1976 COUNC(LMAN — WARD 2 Vote for One. Term Three (3) Years W. R. (WAIT) STARWALT DENNIS SCHNE�DER 2,663 2,4E9 298 1 5,A31 i i PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVE�16ER 8, 1976 E. The names of the judges of the election are as follows: WARD 1 PRECINCT 1 WARD 1 PRECINCT 2 Marilyn Beck - Joyce 41cClellan Nancy Londroche Dorothy Houck Marie Hughes Shirley Kohlan Betty Baldwin Marlys Johnson Doris Tallaksen Pat Holmes Carolyn Holmen Mary Melnren Barb Tangren Edna 6araffa Betty Forster Mary Sullivan ' Evey Podesvwa Alice Anderson Karen Evans Mary E. Storley Clifford Ness Evelyn Selenski Carol Schneider � Gloria Wellan Lois Hines Bev 6erry WARD 1 PRECINCT 3 WARQ 2 PRECIPICT 1 Velma Pinks Jenny Locker Ardella Buss • Betty Brezney Alice Mol Alice Peterson Plargaret Poti-rel 1 Carol i ne Svendsen Charleen S���anson Theodora Sasek Gloria lvers Violet Qurton Rosella Amar Gerri Enqdahl Sharon Hippen Muriel Little,john Vi Lind Muriel Pomeroy Mathilda Rose Johnson Eunice Urier Laverne t3razil Kay Beihoffer Rosalie Naling Doris Reinei°s WARD 2 PRECINCT 2 WARD 2 PRECINCT 3 Helen Shaffer Bev Kinsman Alice Turner Jean ldagar Marian Smith Joan Ber��man Chris Flasland Carolynn Blandinq Nancy Nevaport Marlene Sonstegard Gladys Luhman-- , Georgine Henkel Elizabeih LaVigne Judy En�ebretson Y.aren �jorgo Maureen Kunshier Pat Anderson Marlys Lisowski Phyllis f?ies Marsha Gunville Paulette f•1icha1ski Adeline Swanson [3onnie 4laldo�°f Margu�rite Glalinski t��ARD 3 PRFCINCT 1 41A.!:D 3 PRECIi;C7 2 Yvonne Sp1•unr,man Pat Ditte�s Naida Kruqer Alene Jot�nsor Betty Qonine Joai�n Roetering Jo E. Caron Fvelyn Norn Elaine N�elson Darlere b'allin Myrtl e Morphe��r Sabi na 1�1ostrom F7o Haley Barb Gohinan Agnes Shaw Delores Christenson Connie SaniueTson Mildred Buck Joan Palroquist Bobbie Johnson Evelyn Holtze Bea Ellis Jordis Mittlestadt Velma Farr Ni na P1aeser Marjorie Cahlander • ��� PAGE 16 i � I i __ ____. __ _ � � 194 PUBLIC HEARING P1EETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976 WARD 3 PRECINCT 3 Jean Johnson Veronica Olstead Betty Nelson Germaine Wohsfeld Ginnie Velin Grace Szegda Mrs. Laverne Roseth Bev P1i 11 er Sharon Reemsta Jean Mills Linda Tatley Gladys Syverson MAYOR - WILLIAf1 J. NEE COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEP16ER COUNCILf�EP1QER _ . ___ . . � i PAGE 17 COUNCILI�1Ef1[3ER � MOTION by Cou�icilman Starwalt to receive th� Statement of Canvass. Seconded by Councilwoman Y,ukoG��ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ^1a,yor flee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF A.WARDIPJG GEPIERAL LIFlQILITY A�JD PROPERTY DA�IAGF IPlSURANCE �IDS FOR THE YEARS 19i'7, 1978 Af`!D 1979: -- - �----- — P1r. Dale Hadtrath, Transcon±inental Brokers, stated that the City only received two bids. Their bid was $13,000. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Hadti°ath if this is the polic,y whereirr they have coverage for backed-up se��ders and so for�:h and Mr. Nadtrath replied it �-das. Mr. Qureshi siated that it vias sent to all local insurance anencies and others who have bid on it in the past. Mr. Brunsell commented that the former consultant was called and it certainly would be safer to qo for the three million dollars coverage, hovdever, the City has been carrying one million dollars coverage for the last three years plus the basic coverage. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the low bid and award the contract to Transcontinental Brokers. Seconded by Councilwoman Kuko���ski. Unon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOPd OF SETTING CITY COUNCII. h1[ETING SCHECULE AfdD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR 1977: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the schedule for 1�77 with the chanoe qiving a holiday on the 23rd of December rather than the 30th of December. Seconded by Council- man Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � � � ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING Of NOVEMBER II, 1976 ly5 PAGE 18 ADJOURNMENT: � ' MOTION by Councilvroman Kukowski to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing meeting of the Fridley City Council of November 8, 1976 adjourned at 1:45 p.m. i i � ; Respectfully submitted, Dorothy C. Green j Secretary to the City Council , Approved: I William J. Nee Playor 1' 1 ` MEMO T0: � DEPARTP�ENT HCADS Followi.ng are the "ACTIONS NEEDED"., Please have your answer back in the City Mana,yer's office by Wednesday Noon, November 17, 1976. Thank you. FRIDLEY CI:?Y CQUNG�L �� PUBLIC NEARI:i�G ��EETIfdG � i�OVE�'1BER 8,� �1976 — 7:30 P,h1, � ENGINEERING � :� PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAiVCE; ROLL CALL: ADOPT I Oi'd OF AGEfyLA : Adopted PUBLIC HEAKI�dGS: PlJBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQllEST, LONING ORDINANCE AMENDMEi�T �OA ��76-03, BY EVERT SWAiVSOtd, TO REZONE FROM C-1 AND R-1 TO R-3; INTERSECTION QF %�RD AVENUE AND CENTRAL AVENUE AND � ZECE?VING PETITIDN #17-1.976 IN FAVOR OF REZONING REQUEST AND PETITION �l0-1�%6 OPPOSED TO ��EZONING REau�sr � r� � � PUBLIC HEARING ON FIhAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P�S, #t%�—��, CENTRAL TOWNHOUSE �IDDITION, BY EVERT SWANSON AND CONSIDERATION OF TOWNFiOUSE DEVtLOPMENT PLAfvS, T 76-03, $Y EVERT SWANSOfd . , ,. , ,. . . ,. , , . , , . , , , 1 — 1 X Public Hearing Closed. Petition #17 and Petition #18 received. ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance and final plat on next agenda for consideration. � y � i 1 � NGINEERING � �NGINEERING � , 1 � � ' FINANCE � ' � � � PUBLI C NEAR I i�G MEETI I�G, �JOVEf�BE2 8, 197b PUBLIC HEARIi�GS (CoNTiNUED) PkGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, LONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT LOA #76-Q4, GORDON ASPENSON TO REZONE FROM �-1 TO �-3; 6500 2ND STREET N � E � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � 2 — 2 � Public Hearing closed ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next regular agenda for consideration PUBLIG HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENI' PROJ ECT ST , 1977-1. ar�D 1977-2 tP�SAS ) , , , , . , , , , , , , 3 - 3 C Pub7ic Hearing closed . Petitions received ACTION NEEDED: Put Resolution on next regular agenda for consideration i�EW BUSI�ESS: RECEIUIN� STATEMCr�T OF CANVASS OF E�ECTION FOR E�I�VEMBEP, Z, �.�%� GE�V�RAL ELECTION � � � � � , � � , � � � , , 4 ' � I Canvass app,•o��ed ACTION fVEEDED: Filc for record , PUBLI:C HEAR�NG 1`�EET�NG, fJQVE1��ER a, 1976. � �� �� PAGE 3 rVEW BUS TNESS CCONT INU�D� CONSIDERATIQN OF AWARDING GENERAL LTABI�LTTY AND PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANC� �IDS FOR THE.YEARS 1977, 1�%S AND 1979 , , , , �, , , , , , .,. , . , , , , . , , , 5 — 5 L Awarded to Transcontinental Brokers ACTION NEEDED: Inform Transcontinental Brokers of award CONSIDERATION OF SETTING CTTY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE AND i�OLIDaY SCHEDULE FOR 1977� � � � � � � � � � � 6 — 6 B Holidays approved with one change: December 23rd will be a holiday rather than December 30, 1977. ADJOURf'd : � :45 A.r�. � , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG PLEASE SIGN NAME ADpRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: �'U .��_� �� %(� 1 NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER I, , �c==,:s�acaco=c-c==s�c==eo=o=coos=xc==oc-:a==s==c:aooaao=caosooe:n==aaaaeaaa=a==C=ac-a=s=-o==sc= %�:� `f , 2/ � ' � �.S'� --� ������-� � � � � r ' � ! ��' �� ���ULt �� � � � , �� J � � �_��- � � � : -� � � � �.�� <<� - � � ��ti � - , � � � � i� `_ �SS� n , ,. ;, -o 0 �� ����— � � �- �i-- /.il n � ...1 ....- �� � < <�` ..�- ,, , ;.� ,�___ . , � � /�--i' I � � �, �, �� �� ���� ;� ��_.�,,-v`_ [1l/ 4l �� �i7 !�� �./ r �. .�C�..�..).,/7- ,. LL" / � , � � �� �-� _ :� ,. 1 LC/�J � W V�.' `�� � �y � < ��y_� �s- g � ��� � /� , ,� G �� � f . � s � � � � �_; � � .� /�-�-£ lvS / '7 t � � �-...� /% � / � � y �.t2'n. 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CG cC c� � .�Lf��C.lt. ��. � � � • � - c %� 2 � � �,_. c� > /1-2�1/1-C�" � i � . s l�. � ,- 3 1 � �_ ���— � �v i 3 , ' S6� � �f �_� �.�� - � , _� � _Sl -- �� . a �5 � � ,u � ���_.�� � ' �� ' � (Iz '� -�� ��"� ' j�,�. ��>�., z -t ���; ��- 7���. 1ti��u ' �' �.-. , � � rn c�.�� J c�,.��� � 3 , �� � fi � w � � ✓� � .3 .� �„� � � < -��-�.-- ' l� - �% � "— G'�1� y /��� � � ' /� �'v� i .� i�� �/� � n., .r / 5c. e,�.v�--r � � �' 7 �' /f � �v i� � /� L- .3 ��.� ��,��.«.�..� �� ` � :a� � '. ��.�_ ,�a- �� � r�/ � . �E ,, . �-�-.f �_ �...c��ti. �,t.c: � � ' � � t3 l ' �� 'C'_ ' ' � j n ` ,, Z- � Z �/ 1�7�'��i.� �J i'G�'� , � �l % � � — i�� �._ � ��� /`?/� /: � � G � � 5= ���> �i . ;. 0 — �9 7� �10 — i �ir � r= � ,�„� ��:� � �:_ �,�z �1 �` �� � ��� /�' �; �� �'� � � � � �!i 3 � � 3 .,4' �„ ) I . , : J . � . J • . � � . - _ . � ": OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hail at 643i Urtiversity Ayenue Northeast on Nlonday, November 8, 1976, in the Council Chamber at 1:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #76-Q3, by Evert R. Swanson, to rezone Lot i9, except the East 190 feet thereof, and except the d�est 17 feet taker+ for Highway purposes, from C-1 (genera7 office and Timited bus�ness), and the West 747.74 feet of Lot 1$ from R-i (single famiiy dwelling areas), all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to R-3 (general mu]ti�le ., family dwellings) to allow a townhouse development, ' located in the North Half of Section 72, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley9 County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally locaied at the intersection of 73rd Avenue N.E. and Central Avenue N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: October 20, 1976 October 27, 1976 � 1� 'Ca.. MTS• � w.a, r�, _. i . 'lA � ZOA #76-03 fvert wag/ g ; C � SpRIN � W � ! � ' MI p � � ( 1 � .�; �pKE > t � I:' • r �. Iw1 i . ZrW tes�wrc.• i� i�M c...y.w . ��. � ��. i ,�' � r � � cwre.�i ' � . � �� . . a• c`�^Y-`Y . "1��, �. �1�, .. 4 s' n�r.i ..�r► s — - — � _.� _ .�; .-�c�a+.e�_ --ro.�-� L . i CIT1' •�M� � . •� . '- � t :I �% /' .j .. � . . .' --F� ... ., �'��'r E�s{�rty . . . .. .r(j� -> > � R� ? � ' �L �� ywati`f�uc, z::wa� r� ' n �' � � '�%��� v ° ' EIENQNT�RT LuY � I ` �' � • YT �Oi t�0 i . 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' . n 'I �' • � Q �m , e . �i M `� � Q i \ , : , .. � 'f ) • . : : � � V� CN y1 � 1 � r . . � f� . . r�I •'+ i: , ./.� � � �.MI � �+� % •�° t T ,� r�; —j , AUO/TO�i'S SUB � � _ �,�� `--�� f� � sz,.� � j`. .. t. � _ ' `� • N • � ; . .{, 'Rif '�fat(R . . . � ,-� r— E .0 - � � TM� � ' d .' �T � : tcf[ .*" ..c( ;e �. ' . 4'. • '� . 4 r !, J� s � �__. � � � � � � Y _ : � • � � _ . � #� e 6 � i , � • ''il., .. . .��.. '1• ��t� �tlCi - . t' ,�. '� � �` � �� ' � c�tt � � . • , ... .., . . .. . � � . � �i . � jJ�l�JM1E�£1 . • �-p ♦ �. � M` . � c' , , : . . ., + ELE `' 1 p0 . .. _ . � f J� ,. _� � .% ,� � ' � , � : iw �sw. � _ . ' '� ' •~ �� 4i - , s � � , � �a �,. wi��i.i�*i ��i � I � •� � �N � _ 'DtET li{ �'-^ � (.� � � . � N��ES� . 1 ` _ � � �' 1 a. . � � � `• f�fYENi4ki� ' j � � - J � � � - �r. u , . • �.. . .. , _ ' r .. .R i: _ . . � . . �J' � $GMOM 1M5� H1 ' �jq{� a • ��� ' ' _' _ s�ar: r t r �• � i�� a a � �, s � + �,,.�C.i.T wr ! I' , � ' /• ` � . . � ���� . I. Q ,. . �f! .�...� ,.. f �. � � •� « � ... � � .. � . � ta �' i : sr/�!W-!� . __-.11 � . M. ` g, :� i � � .. - . .�. _� . CITY OF FftInLEY PLANNING COt�IISSION i4EETING SEPTII�IBER 22, 1976 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Harris called the meeting to order at ?:37 P.i�i. ' ROLL CALL: , Members Present: Harris, Bergman, Langenfeld, Schnabel, Shea Members Absent: Peterson Others Present: Ray Leek, Planning Aide APPROVE PLANIJIP•dG COi-�iISSION MI?�nJT�S : SEPTE.113�. 8, 1976 � Mrs. Schnabel stated she *�rould like to affirm on page 2I�, item 13, the daLe set Sor i:lie joint meeting �,�ith the Gii;y Council on lt0' lots. �he said she w�:s `sc.�ry she hadn't been able to set up the meeting e�rlier, and Tyovember 22nd would be fine t,rith her. She added she appreciated it being set up and woLld get in touch with the app:opriate peogle. I�i0TI0N by Langenfeld, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission m�_nutes � of September 8, 1976 be approved as written. Upon a voice vote� all vo�ing aye, the motion caxried unanim�uslyo 1, COI3TII�UED: PUBLIC HEAHIR�: FEZOI�I?dG R��;•i?ESi, •ZOA �7o-03�BY u'T��T �. S4�UsNSCN: Rezone Lot 1�, excepi t�e �as*. 1;=G feet--��.:.eo�-; a.�d eacep� t?�,s West 17 feet taken for hight:ay� purposes, fro� C-7. (ger.eral office and limited businesses), and the t:est 11�7.7� £eet of Lot 18, from :t-1 (si:�gle iamily dwelling areas), all in Auditor's Su�-division No 129� io ?�-3 (general multiple family dwellings), to alloc�� a condonini�-iy�e deve2op- ment, the sa�e being located at the intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. , Public Hearing closede Mr. Evert R. Swanson, property owner, and h1r. A. R. Olson9 architect, were present. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Zangenfeld, that the Planning Commission reopen the Public tiearing on a rezoning request, ZOA #?6-03, by Evert R. Swanson. i.Tpon a vo3ce vote, all voting �ye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public �iearing open at 7:t�3 P.M. 1B ' Mr. Leek stated there was no flirttier input from Staff other than what was discassed at the last meeting. ChAirperson Harris asked if the Fire riarshal had looked at� the plans, �nd Mr. Leek replied he had and there was no problem with it. ' , _ , . �,, � � i ��: I: �� I' I "' . Planning Commission hieeting - September 22, 1976 page 2 f. . . . . . . . . . Mr. Swanson stated he now had some elevations to show' and invited the interested paxties to view them' which they did. Mr. $ergman asked if Mr. Swansan �aould be in agreement with the stipulation that if this was approned� these tov,mhouses would be owner-occupied. 14r. Swanson answered he would tae. Mrs. Shea asked if anythin� had been done to move those condominiuns back, as one had been only 20' from the residential property line. Mr. Olson stated the plan he had before him shotired a 26' setback and a 30' setback, and pointed out on the plans �rhere thase setbacks were. . 1�!!r, James Hinrichs, 7355 Hayes St. N.E., asked what the term "condominium" r�eant� and if it was any different than a townhouse, and if one was more desirable than the other. Mr. Swanson said that although the notice did read this was a condorr.inium-type development� erhich was owner-occupied apartments, this project was acivally a to*anhouse develoFnnent. He said the occupan�s would own the land that tneir particular part o� the building was on, and would have their ot,m yards and gatios. Mr. Leek commented that there �ras no definition for the term "condomi.nium" as such in the City Code, but it did define to�mnouses and the development in ouestion fit that definition. iir. Hinrichs stated they were trying to �eep the value of the neighbcrhood up, and he wouldn�t object to a townhouse developMent. Mr. ?,arry 'rlcCabe, 7328 Hayes St., N.E., stated that he had two petitions to p�esent. He explained that one w:.s in disagreement �rith the rezoning and was signed,by two neighbors, the other was in favor of the rezoning with stipulations and had 18 signatures. Chairperson Harris read the first petition, which stated: 1� C We the undersigned group, heretofore t� be �rnown as "neighbors"� hereby agree to the reaaning of the property known as Lot 19, except the F,ast 19� feei thereof, and except the �,rest 17 feet taken for highway purposes, from Gl (general office and limited businesses) and the ZTest Ilt7.7� feet of Lot 1$ from R-1 (single fami.ly dFrel.ling areas), alI in Auditor's Sub.�iivision No. 129� to R-3, subject tQ the following stipuZations concerning the construction, occupatian, and mainienance of said property: 1. No structure shail be constructed any closer than currently indicated on the plans dated 9/g/?6 and retained by the "neighbors't. 2e All structures exceeding 1(one) story in height, shall be con- structed at a mi.nimum dist�ce of 35 feet from the bordering.property line of the nearest "neighbor". 3. The "neighbors" shall not be burdened with any assessments, levies, or taxes of any ki.nd, now planned, or planned in the future, as 8 result of the construction, occupation, or maintenance of the 8bove described property� as the result of good or poor planning _ on the part of the developer or the City of Fridley, for a period of up to 5(five) years followin�; the completion of said construction. The costs of all assessments, levies, or taxes shal.l be borne by the developer, and/or the City of Fridley for this period. � Also, if any_assessments are-now planned, the "neighbors" wonld iike to be informed of them at this.time (9/22/7b). Planning Comt:►i�::ion 24eetir�g - Septembcr 22� 1976 Page 3 Chairpervan Harris noted that petition had 18 signatures. He then read the following petition: We the undersigned group, heretofore to be rno��n as "neighbo:s", �ereby di,sagree to the rezonin� of the propsrty kr:o�•m as Lot 19, er.cept �he East �90 feet thereof, and excent the :7est 17 feet taken fo: highNay purposes, from G1 (general office and limited businesses), 2nd t�e irJest 1lt7.7� feet of Lot 18 fron R-1 (single far►ily d��rell�ng aeas) all in Auditor� Suqdivision J�o 129, to �-3• Mr. Harris noted that patition had two signatures. �. D ' MOTIOt� by Schnabel, seconded,by Bergman, that the Planning C��rimisszon rec�_ve the two petitions. Upon a voice vote, a�.l voting aye, t'_:e r:�tior. car�ied unanimously. ' Chairperson Harris asked Mr. Swanson if he had a�y cor.cerns a�ou� �he sti�ula�ions, and he answered that the only one would be �he second stipul�:.iio:: rec�iri:,� a two-sto:y struc�ure to be a minimu.*n distance of 35 fe�t iro:,t the bord�ri:?F. , property line af the nearest neighbor. Air. Olson as1e3 :i i� tras thQ �.ntert of the neighbors to question the 25' setback which 'r.e �.r,d� ca:.ed or. th� nl�ns. Mr. McCabe stated that at the time the petzti,on was aut tog�:.ner �S' :�,as 8I'b� �T'T,.."�+'� ct.'7G�. �r.8 �82".eral 1 VLZ].T2� �3t �:13't �1T1C SISS S1T'iCe 't :�� �'_ : ii�i H:i8 � i � 'a�.y �o:a of the exi,eriar of the ouildi:��s �i-�e;� did not t•rant ;;sst a ��r�e stra:.�ht � wa11 any closer tnan 3> � to their p: o�er�y 3�nes. :ie exp��ir:ed `.�e;� :�.d asked . .-, a week ago for 2n idea of the exterior or �Ot2I YlP.1g','t1� o� th� to:::z :ou�es, �,zt hacin't gotten any help at that time. i•'_r. Olsaa stateci taat ��e ��ia1 com��ex, . includir.g iloor plans witn dptails and elevaiior.s h2d '�een d�ayfn sp a�cording � to the Citf's reaui�ements f��r setbacks. :�e added that t:�e ^easu: �mer.ts en the pZans we.: e actua.11y a little in excess of the riiniz�nu~is i:hi.ch r:ere re�uire�. Mr. SVra�son asked if the neighbors would have th� sa^�e co:�pla'_r�t �.f i � taas a two-story single-far�.ly dttielling that t:as b�i.n� constr•acted. tir. i:cC��e sain they intended to briag this in as a matter oi �.rbitratio:^., a= �roL�:: 3�' w�s in a�;reement among t'rae neighbors. Air. Hinric:�s ccr�.^�ented tney ;;ust dic?.n't :�a.^t z.z IDS Tot�er next to their back doors. ,•s. Swanson sta�ed :�e ur.�er� �cod tha�, Gnd the buildings �rouldn't be any higher than ��y oiher tGro-stor;; d��:zllin� Y.cu? d�e. Mr. Hinrichs pointed out that ihere presently i�eren't an�r t:•ro-sto:y ci,vellin�s in their area. Mro Olscn stated he wanted to goint out that the eniire project kould be r�«ticu- lously landscaped, and it Y�as possible to bring a tall build�ng do��n in height by the planting ai tress a�d so forth. He added they should also bear in :��ind that this wauldr.'t be a siraig:�t wall going up zs there w�ulri be areas on t;�e second floor th:�t would come out two to four feet, there woul� be wincows t%�at Would project out, and so forth. Pir. Hinrichs stated that the buildin� on the Southeast corner �ia not fallow their stipulations, anci asked that the architect reconsider and move the %uilding over five feet and in nine feet. Mrs. Schnabel noted that rtr. Olson had mentioned there would be eretrusions of two to four feet on the second floor eleyation, ai�d asked if thosz extrusions would extend over i,he 26 foot setback. rfr. Olson rep2ied they would not, and said the ground line of the building might possiDly have more than a 2b' setback. Manning Commission Meetin� - September 22, 1976 . Page !� • Chairperson Harris stated it would be a good idea to number the docczments, ana identified the petition in .favor of the rezonin� with siipulaLions as bchibit A� the peiition 3n opposition as F.ychibit B, the color-coded l.ayout p?an as F�chibit C, and the floor plans as F�chibit D. Mr. Langenfeld stated he would Zike to paint out that when a husband and wife signed a petition, it zaas cour_ied as one signaiure and not two, and Chairperson H�rris said that was correct. I�Ir. P�cCabe explained they �rere just aiming for a representative as a property oVmer� whether it was one or both. � Mr. Hinrichs stated that in their petition, they a.greed to the plan dated 9/8/76 with stipulations, and noted that there *�*as a discreYancy bet�reen tnose plans and the plans i�ir. Scaanson had k*ith him. fi:r. Swanson comrr�ented that the � plans �had been revised, and the one dated 9/3/76 �ras obsolete. 2f�*�. Hinrichs said he tiTould like the petition to be chan�ed to read "tre plans as shown in exhibit C"9 and Chairperson Harris said it t•rould be so noted. Chairperson Harris said he wished to speak to siipulation ,�r3, and cor.z�nentsd that he hoped it tirould be gaod planning. He said ihat concerning a guarantee that there would be no assessments or Ievies against that propertZ•, he wasn't quite sure �tiThat the neighbors t.*ere driving at. ?ir. ticCabe explained they were talking about assessments or levies that would be a direct resuli of thaz project. I�ir. Langenfeld said 'ne also felt they meant if there t.=ere majar street improvements within that are� as a result of this construction, the *neighi�ors did not wished to be assessed because �f that. i:r. McCabe said that was correct. Chairperson Harris asked if there i�as any proposed construction or assessments for this area, and �Ir. Leek replied not to his knowledge. Air. Harris asked if the storm sewers were in, and 1�1r. S�ransan sa:;.d he beliejre3 thef ��ere. I�,r. Harris asked if there T�rere storm sewer assessTM�ents now, and was told that there were on Hayes. r,r. 2lcCabe stated that they felt ti:at the assessn�ents that were in now were paid for by the ne�ghbors, and if new ones arose they didn't want to split the difference iaith the ne�:* people and let theM get a free ride. NIr. Langenfeld commented that cne of the functions of the P1t�nning Commission was not to become an assessor, but the possibility could exist . where this might be beneficial to the tax situation and be a reverse situation. Chairperson Harris stated the reason he brought this point up was because the Planning Commission could not make any agreements or comnitMents for the Cit�T; that was up to the City Council. He added that from his past experiences with the Council, he thou�ht it would.be dzfficult to gei the City to agree to that Iast stipu].ation, Mr. MeCabe stated ihat the i�*ord "City" could be eliminated from the petition. rir. Harris said that would have to be an�agreement between Mr. Swanson and the City, if he would consider r►aking such an agreement. rir. Sw&nson commenied that to his knowled�e there �rere no assessments against this property at the present ti.-ne. rir. Harris explained the neighbors didn't want 8dditional expenses because of the development for street improvements or modifications in the street to facilitate traffic or excess drainage of storM waters, and things like that. . lE w r�---- � �� �� `� . �� I` �� Mr. Langenfeld said hc; noted that one individua2 was concerned about a Zar�e 1� Wall adjacent to his home, and pointed out that the request they were considering was chan�in� this area from C-1 zon'ing, and with that type of zonin� somethin� could be constructed that would be much more unfavorable. Mr. Hinrichs asked if this property could be used as renial at a iater date if the project goi half completed and the money ran out or the units didn't se21 for some reason. He was �concernec! that construction co�ts would be cut to get the costs of the building down to be used f'or rental. Mr. Swanson said that anybody who o�rned a piece of pro�erty had the :ight to rent it out; but that was not his aim. He added that if they couldnft be sold and had to - be ren#,eci out� it ��ould be better than havin�; ther� sta.nd emp�y. t:r. I,eel: Commenied ihat there was nothin� in the ordinance that prohioited rental. Mr. Lan�;enfeld stated this brougnt concern to h�m when it had cor�e u� pre•azous?y, because he didn't see how it could be stipulated that it be only b*n:1er-oc��apied. Mr. Hinrichs said i.n that case he w�ould Iike his n�^�e taken off tze �etii�an in agreement �rith the totimhouses and be put on the opposition one, anci noi �isk Mr. Swanson missing his target. M: s. Shea sai� that at the last ,:,eeting '�r. Hoffineyer had stated that they yroul3 build one building io sell, and woul6n'ti start on another until 80� of it was sold. i•ir. Swanson said that was correct, and he couldn't afford to rent them any�ray. ■ Mr. McCabe said he thought they tirere worried about the intent, an� at wh2t point Nr. S*aanson would say is a turning point and decide they couldn'� be so13 and just thro�r sor�etning up to rent. 2ir. Narris explain�d tnat cnce ine townhouse development plans �rere approved, they were tied by �uil�ing perr�it to a spec:ific type oi construction and could not deviate in m€.jor �•rays fro:^ 'tt?�.t�� ��pe o£ construction. ��'.r. iicCabe said the,y were concerned because t'r:e townhouses-were going �to be two s�ories hi�h, and in spite o� the red�ood fer_ce the occupants would be able to see the t�ro junk yards� trailer court, autc dealers, etc. �.n the �:rea, and wera �ronderir:g t�='r.at was goinb to sell t:�ese units for $l��,GO� to j60,000 s�nce thare �ras noth�no on �he order af a s*,a:.�;:ir.�; pool or �ther luxuries planned. He said t%.at seemed 2ike a s+eep �riee for whai they were gettir.g. rlrs, Sch.�abel stated that she had re�d a copy cf ��e report that came out recently by a study gro�p formed by the A:etropolitan Cau.�cil concerning housing i.n .the metropolitan area. She i��ormed �ne Gor4-nission an� tne citizens that the current siivation in housing t,ras v�ry cr�tica2 in tre netro area, anct a single-f�r:ni�y home zaas a. r2.re fin� ihese davs. S:�e said iz�►. ii they could compare what you got for �l��,000 in a single-�arnilv ho::e to�ay w•iih what you got for the same price ir� t'�e laie 1950's, they would �e �.�a�ed at the difference in the quality of housing that is available. �he �dded t'r:2� th�re is a market for housin� and a verat S I�rOAb demand for it. rlrs. Sc�.n�bei said that there were many people who reached the point where they didn'� i�isa to have a great deal of maintenance in a private dwelling of t!�eir otiTn. She said she thought that basicallv the main concern right now was whether or not to gr�nt a rezoning on this propert�•. She stated that their concerns as neighbors �ere we11 justified, but she thought they had to let hir. Swanson ti*orrv about hoa th�s would be marketed and who would buy it. According to the stndies, she sai�, �: there is a great demand for this type of housing; single family houses are so expensive and the amount you are getting is so little in conparison to k*hat it xas that.there is a great dsmand for the townhouse concept. She added ti:at there probably was a market that many of them didn't realize, but if they c�ecked uith other builders or realters they raould find there was a definite market. � II � . l i� �= � , �� ' ' �}' �, � Planning Commission Meeting - September 22, I976 .,. - - page 6 . Mr. Eergman asked �rhat the code requirement was for setback of a to�rnhouse structure from R-1 property, and Mr. Leek said it was 2�' with appropriate screening. rlr. Olson pointed out that they were 26� from the property Zine on the East side and 30' on the other side, so they were in excess of the code by quite a bit. Chairperson Harris zsked Mr. Swanson if he �ould be agreeable to moving that building from 30' to 35' from the R-1, and i,'Ir. Swanson said that shauld be discussed with �he architect. ZSr. Olson said that would decrease the distance between buildings 1.t and 5 by 1t', and there would also be £our feet Iess green. area. P�Ir. Olson asked if it tiras the Planning Commission's suggestion that the architect restudy duilain�s 5 and 6 according to 35' instead o£ what the present codes required. i�ir. Ha.rris said he coulc?n't speak for the wnole Commi�sion, but in his own opinion he thought it would enhance the property if they had a little more space on those particular sides. He said there would then be jl' between the buildings, and it would mean shifting 5 and 6 to the North. Tlrs. Schnabel asked what that would do to building #6 on tne jdes�E property Iine, and Mr. Olson stated that would be reduced by roughly 9'. I�ir. Olson said he iVould like to poi.r�t out that across Central Avenue to the West was sone unenv'ronr.�ental property� and if he lived in the neighborhood he would welcome the propossd develo�►ent on the suggested site rather tnan thinking what could be developed on the site in Iieu of the townhouses. t•Sr. Swanson stated that if it went commercial the neighbors �rould 'nave the back yards of stores iac:.ng tnem, with tnose la.rge garoage coniainers and a iot oi de�ris. Personally, ne said, he couldn't see i�hy �yone �rould object to it. Mr. John Young� ?3�3 I�aYes Street'. N.E.� stated tnat he didn�t think they tirere against the developr::en�. He said they were agreeable to it in their petiiion, but wanted ta make sure it was a good developrient and aesthetically pleasing. Mr. St,ranson said that question had come up before and he had done a11 he could �o assu:e the neighbors cn that pointe plr. Olson gointed out that once the pl�s i�ere accepted, that is what �ad to be developed. He said that these plans also carried an architectural siamp ti,rith a state registration nu,�nber, so the architect tYould not be t�rilling to jeopardize his o-an profession and would see that the plans were carried out as proposed. Mr. McCabe said he was bzsically reassured about stipulations one and two, but j,rould like a little further reaction from lir. Swanson on the assessment end of it. He added that he couldn't see any benefit to the neighbors from any assessment• that had any�hi.ng to do with the development. Ghairperson Harris said he was wonderir.g if there j•ras an area assessment for storm sewers, and that got to be a raiher tecYrnical question as to wheiher it benefits the total srea or hhat area it beneiits. He said that was why storm sewers kTere taken on a general area assess:�ent. He added that if the storm se�rers were in, and the streets, sewers and water were in, he cou3dn't see anv fl�ture improvem�nts. Mr. �wanson said thai he didn't l�ow if one person could be individuaiiy taxed and not the commuziity. He added that no matter what weni in on that property, the same thing would apply, whether it was commercial or'residential. I�ir. McCabe �sked if A1r. S:ranson would or would not be willing to pick up the tab : for any #liture developrnents that were related fi.o the project, and Mr. Swanson replied by asking how an individual could commit himself to paying for improve- ments that would benefit tho whole area. He added he didn't foresee any coming up. Air. Hinrichs said that Mr. Swanson couldn't foresee any, but asked what �ouZd happen if the sewers weren�t big enaugh to handle all the water from these vnitse 1 � . . . • Planning Commission ?4eeting - September 22, 1976 Page 7 . .-- : . 1H Mr. Swanson said that if the area was commercial they might have the same problem. Chairperson Harris uug�ested clearing up the matier of what coiild be constructed in a commercial district, and i�ir. Leek read the perr�itied uses For C-1 districts. Mr. Langenfeld asked if Staff had prepared an administ,rative report on this, and 2�Ir. Leek replied they had not. Mr. Langenfeld asked if i'_ley had found any probleM ��ith drainage, 2xid i�ir. Leek said no such situation had been mentioned to him. Chairperson Harris said he had talked to 1�.r. Boa.rdman earlier in t=.e evenin� and asked if the adrainistrative departr�ents had looked at this, ar.d 2rJr. Boardman said tney had. r;r. Harris said he had asked if t}:ere �ere any comments or documentation, and apparently there �rasn't any. Mr. Michael Virnig, 1365 ?3rd Avenue N.E., asked ho:a far bac;c the screening would be off the property line. PIr. Leek said the code didn'� stipulzte taat, but just stated 15' with the landscaping located on the R-3 propert�r. ;Ir. Virnig said that he had a �ence on his property a� the present i_:�e, and �,:a� wonder� ng if there taould be i;wo fences j�zst 6" apa� t Yrith no *:iaintenance in between. He said he was also �,�onderi.ng ::o�� far the fence woulc� eytend� bec2use if it extended tao far he caould have a p: obler� �oing in and out oi his drive�r�. I�Ir. Harris said the fence could not extenci 7' in heignt aIl the .•ra3T to the street. I��r. yeek read from the City Code cinich statied nothing V:��ald be aylowed �o �� pede vision, and *3r. Langenfeld co.�runented that St2.�f trouZd ma:�e certain that the fence would not be a visual batirrier. Chairperson Harris �aid that with re�arcl to th� is�o fences �ogetr,er, he ho� ed that the twc a,i�oining neighbcrs cou�d work that out. Mr. Virriig asksd if tnere could be some stipulation on cor�plet�on of the �'ence efter ini�iation of t:�e proj�ct, and �ir. S�•.anson said i:hat tY:ey L:ouls do t'.�e laridscaping on each build�r.g ai'ter it w�s aansiz^uc+ed. Alrs. Sc'�nGt�ei aske� if he z�as talking about t.he landscaping su:rouiiding the build�ng �tsel�, and Mr. Swanson said ye�. IL^s. Schnabel asiced about �he landscapir�b of the exterior p�rtion of the property running around the property l+.ne itself. 1.?;. Sw2nson replied they �:ould do all tne la�dscaping for a particulax building out to �he lot line for each building. 2�1rs. Schnabel said th�� one of tre neighb�rs zras concerned because he t•ras surrounded b�* U�aildings nu.�:ber 1 and 5, and aske� if the lanciscaping i:ould be done arounci building nuriaer 1 upon its eompletion, �.*�d finish �he lar,dscaping arour_d building nu.mber 5 �:hen it �:as comp].eted. ALr. Swanson sai.d t:7at �ras ri�ht, �d added inat up until that ti.^:e his back yard itilould have the sa�ne view it had right n�w. :'ir. L2nger,fel� ccr�ented that particular pir.e ef propert�- k*ould remain in its natural state until constr�zction cor��enced. Mrs. Schnabel siated she �ras still quite concerned about stipulation number 2 in the petition ��ree�t,riih the rezonin�. She said she didn'� think they had answered that to �t.he �aiisfactien of the petitioners or the builder or tns &rchi.tect, and shc fe�t tiley �.�ere ].eaving something �ianging in nid air if they didn't address themselv�es specifically to tne problem of the 35' setback the petitioners t�e.: e r�!tuestin�. rir. Olson sai.d that the plans, 1.-nown as exhibit �, met all setb:�ck rec�uircinents, and as};ed if it was now also part of the requirs- ments to r�cet stzpulation nun'c�cr 2 of exhibit A. r1r. Youn�, speaking for the ,: � �� � I � i' ' � ' ' ' ' '' j: ' ilY ,� i< Plr�nning Comm�ssion Meetin� - September 22� 1976 Paf;e 8 1 I� neighbors, said they felt if it was within the code they wou].d strike stipulation number 2 from their petition and would go along with ii as planned. � MOTZON by Langenfeld� seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearing on the rezoning reauest, ZOA #�76-03, by Evert R. Swansen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:].!! P.Me " MOTIOPZ by Langenield that the Planning Commission recommend to Courscil approval of rezonin� reque:,t, ZOA ��76-03, by Evert R. Swanson: Rezone Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof, and except the ;Jest 17 feet taken for hig�way purposes, from C-1 (general office and limited businesses), and ti�e T�lest 1l�7.71�, feet of Lot 18, from R-1 (single fami.ly dzrelling areas), a�.l in Auditor's Subdivision No 129, to P-3 (general multip3e family d�rellings), to a7.loi1 a condomir.ium-type develogMent, the sa^�e being located at the intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue Td.F,. with the folloV.^.a��; stipulations: 1) Lvery effort be made to maintain the setbacks as sho;�rn in exhibit C, and 2) All the necessar3 studies be made on behalf of the assess-. ment procedure. 1►irs. Schnahel said she thought that perhaps the stipulations ttiere premaiure. She said this hearir.g was strictly on the rezoning request, a�d thoughv cons�deration of the stipulations might fall under consideration of the pxe� i.minarv plat or the totm.�:o�zse deveZop:r.ent plans. ':•:r. Langenfeld a.greed. T�ir. �ngenfeld Ai�IEI�;DED the ti0TI0N to reco�nend approval- of the rezoning reques-t ZOti �76-03 by Evert R. Swanson without ihe stipulations. Seconded by Bergman. �irs. Schnabel said she thought it would be �rise to point out t�at the majority of the adjacent neighbors did concur c,rith the rezoning request as :ndzca+..ec3 by their petition. UPON A VOTCE VOTE, a31 voting aye, the motion carried unanimous].y. . , PURLIC HEARItdG: CONSID�.itTIC�N QF '� PF?OPOS'.�,'J P�ELIAiS�'AR`_' °LnT .��=?�i-08 � i � r i t j l r �• r.•� i� ' • a� ZO�:�i�r0�5E ALDITIU;< �i ..J. _�T �. S::itl�iS��i�; �? re _„ o� I.at ln . except � s.Eas:t 190 �eet thereoi, la.�:d excen� th� '�` 17 z'eei tarer. ior highw�y pu y es, and the I��+�si Ilt7.7L. ieet t 18, �11 in huditor's Subdivision R'o. g, io allo��r the deve meni of a 3b unit toc�nihouse sit�� the same bein ocated at intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. Mr. Evert 8. Swanson, present. ,, Air. A. R. Olson, architect� were r10TI0N by Sc el, seconded by Langenfeld, that lanning Commis�ion open the Publ' iearing on consideration of a proposed prelir' - pla1:, P.S. �7b-08, Centr Toc•mhouse Addition, by Evert R. Sw�nson. U�on a voic ie, all vo�ing. � Chairperson Harris declarsd the Public Hearin� open at 9:20 P. . � � i� � � � � __ CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET Petition.No. � 7_1'976 Date Received SPntP� mhAr �q� �q]6 object Petition in favor of rezoning reyuest, ZOA #76-03, by Evert R. Swanson to rezone from C-1 and R-1 to R-3 for the property pene rall_v located at 7325 Central Avenue Northeast. Petition Checked By Date , Percent Signing Referred to City Council Dfsposition � 1J ,� �'x .�► • We the undersigned group, here-to-for to be known as "neighbors", hereby agree to the re�oning of the property known as Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof, and except the i�Test 17 feet taken for highway purposes, lrom C-1 (general office and limited businesses), and the West 14�.74 feet of Lot 18 from R-1 (single family dwel3ing areas), all in Auditor's Sub- division No. 129, to R-3, su'ojeet to the following stipulations concerning the construction, occuga.tion, and maintenance of said �roperty. 1. No structures shall be constructed any closer than currently indicated. on the plans dated 9/8/76 and retained by the "neighbors". Cex►r�a�r ••�•.� 2o All structures exceeding 1(one) story in height. shall be constructed at a minimum distance of 3� feet from the bordering property Iine of the nearest."neighbor". 3. The "neighbors" sha.11 not be burdened with any assessments, 3evies, or taxes of any kind, now planned, or planned in the future, as a result of the construction, occupation, or maintenance of the above described �roperty, as the result of good or poor planning on the part of the developer or the City of Fridley, for a period of up ta 5(five) years following the completion of said construction. The costs of all assess;nents, Ievies, or taxes, shall be borne by the developer, and/or the City of Fridley for this period. Also� if any assessnents are now planned, the "neighbors" would like to be informed of them at this i�.me (9-?2-76)• �� NAME SIGrJATLIRE, -���a�tce �P�r.el� �1cPa�� �ttu����t�'tt��L �y�� �. �;�.�,e. , ��1� £ (�b � �c�; C,ra��fi ��>>c� -�1�`��� � 9� � �� � ��� ���ti� ���� ADDRESS ?3Z � f�a�r � - �'-�. 7�� �,ti%�, �`�° '7314 � s �� � � � . _ � �„� � �,,,�� �`,' ��� � � r d/(wfc,,(' ,,���t�;,� ;' • Mi e�a.e� % aC. _ KJC' Cd- ` - / A� G� , � ���i'-�"'�� � ��� � ��.���� , � � � 1K_ , � � 1 : � �' .� 4�"��. !J `I �-y,�.y, c.� /3�'� �'�-�--��j-- ..�_ �� . �� /� /C�;►��d �%'� _ p�- �icC� % � � G+ � �3��`� ��� � �'� � � �� � � d� . ��/� I•lt� f�'/�l� � � �%i �si+w �a/ , 1� a�.�T{t � `�./'N `f �� . r . �� f ` � � � ' �� Mt�,� R � �►��c� . . , Sa �Y� r Ni � ���� ' ' `�,� �u.c �;�� . � � � � ,9.�c v ����� �..��1 ����.� .� � /4�S dh�.,�(�ja s�• r�� - �� ,�_�� �� � / 3GS 73 �i�' w� ��y� .��''.. ��� 73ss' �/��'.,v° e '� ,/,v//` �( //� f�v`I, L //��� � � � • ' � �; � //u /� �/�/ / � ' ■ � � . .. / (I/V � � '.�. � '� �• _ /!//�/� . . ' 1L � � o�►N �Nd �c,o.�i�Y iv� R• � - � 3 `� 3 �4ca.�O.. S� � � �t • �', � � � ��� � � � ,� , ` � . � � � � 7 3 L� 1�,� �� . � `� . . _� ,�/ � � � 7� �,� 1/4 °� �i� O� V ti � � �� titd�` ��" , � ' � '' � � � � ' � . � , , , ` ' , � i . : 1 - 1 � 1 1 1 :1 _ �1 . � � � � . 1 , _ .: � � ,� I� �� �� ��. _ � � � :� ' CITY OF FRIDLEY PETTTIUN GdYER SHEET Petition No. 18-1976 �ate Received �epte�er 29. 1976 , Ob ject Peti ti on aqai nst the rez�i na rec�est . ZOA 3]�-03 . b� Eve R. ' Sw�son to ,�_�nne from G-j and R-1 t� -3 for ,�F�g. oro�erty �pn ral lv 1 o a Pd a_ 7�95 CPntr�l Av _n �e N rtheast '' *P,�tition Checked By Date _ _ _ _ - ' , Percent Signing , Referred to Cf ty Councf 2 , Disposition � 1 1 �, 1 � � .:1 '� � �:1 ^1 � � i. _..._.._....�.��.._.._��.� _�......�� r � 1M _.: 1 �"X.4. � � We the undersigned group, here-to-for to be known as "neighbors"� hereby disagree to the reZOning of thg pro�erty known as Lot 19, exce�t the East f� 190 feet thereof, and exceFt the yJQSt 17 feet taken for hi�hway l.urposes, from C-1 (oeneral office and limited businesses), and thP ti�'est 14�7•74 feet of Lot18 from R-1 (single family dwellin� areas), all. in y.iditar's �ut�- � I� division No. 129� to R-3. ; I�� AIA� SIGPdaTUF.�. �' � w �. -(� � -�J _"-�� �� � '� • � � ' .' ' * �� -' ' ' , ' ' , , , i ` , . i; ���:� � � � � � � 1M �DRF�S p_3 � a.�i4.� -� �' � �ii� �� . 13gS p.vo iv aCct�a S7. i° '�� . �� � � �. OFFICIRL NOTICE CTTY OF FRIQLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFDRE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there wiil be a Public Hearing of the City Councii of tt�e City of Fridley in the City Na71 at 643] University Avenue Northeast on Monday, November 8, 1976, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Finai Plat, �.S. #76-08, C�ntrai Townhause Ad@ition, 6y Evert Swanson, being a replat of Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof; and except the West 17 feet taken for highway purposes, and the West 147.74 of Lot 18, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to aliow the development of a 36 unit Townhouse si�te, located in the North Nalf of Section �2, 7-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at the intersection of 73rd Avenue N.E. and Central Avenue N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: October 20, 1976 October 27, 1976 ■ io . . ....: .. . -- . ..,.. . ��. . '. . ; . _ - ,�� : l p � , . � , - � . � � � � t . ; . . . - . � _ ��.,; K .� 4. . . , ; �� ��� : -, . , . �� ,. . � , . . - i . ' '' • ' + , ' • , , ' " �� 'y! � IA71t�•:. .. �� . -. � . , _ . _ o-�;-..-,.-� ---.-:. --,�-1 . . ;'.�•�� k�� ' ' ��! �'- } � . . , , . � . " � . • ' • - . . . / �'�'' `,--:' � . �' _�_, , t r . r -�"•\ - � I ' �. `, � . . , r . � : . ' - . .� ' -,, . � �� �► . ` , �. ' . . . . ., � � . ' . ' . . ` • ' '� , `� ' • ? . . �: , �' I . i�o s: 33 ?q 5 • ' . • . ' , • � • ��,2� 4 � 92 0" ��•...� . ' - . . - -. . . --T - . ; .._��_. _._ __.� .a��_-- 7� . � . . . . . . � . . , . _. . " ` � / . � r` • . .. ' � _ .. �. 1 � . ' � . . O �._ `��_._.��. -. _ •... _ _._ � �•�t .. 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( ,- , ' ' - . • P�`•�.5 t' ` . ` o ' ''*.�/ ' ��+ .' • --� � • . , � : �' `w'� �l�� �./ 30 •.. � %�� -� � i • ' i ����,.�-,` �— � • "`r`�' - _ ` ' � ��-. � � : �.�_ v �../ . � �._./ _ . _ ' - � • ' — r . � . � ' � ' F02 � P_.yWANSJN u01.��Nl,� G4. - .. � _ . _. .. . 'y3 �r AV�:. N�. . � — ' � G�NTp�lI, SCIUAP_E TO`NN-NDM��� Na�t�� • . T r ' ', �.' ���� , . ��G�#1, �.C��> >>G� � ', . ._ . i'. • 40'• � ' `.tJ _ �s�.Gr� E���; Ll��-t : � : _.:'fN 1t��E. Ap�'!.'� ',1ii•�;�,:;r.,11�t ' I . � .. : b 9.4 �o_o�aEEF i1�iL'i:�.: :7�•.�i�J , ��~ �rfo�M �EwEV_ . i '. . , ; . � - _ • • . , •� ' � : � , � ; � � �, � ,� � . . . . . � ' , � . . � . . � � . .. . i. . . . - . . . . . . . . . . �. � . - . . � � . . . . . . . . . � . . ' . . . t . ' '• � } l �! • �• :') •� � y�. . � � �. � .. . .. . . . � . � . . . . : .. � � � .' � . ��. !t • : o' �• • ✓ • $- �''� � �. . . • f. �/. Eiit�f✓e/! � - ��.. _ ;, � . _. . ' . � a�• ��;< '" 1 � ; �t��% :,�--_ E.R. SWANSON; ZOA #76-03, _ - - - �i'navi Raa�rr, ��c. ,�•s �?- P.S. 76-08, T 76-03 � Variance i � , . " . , �1� N/antutJ �al�[R��.e/�' �i`� ��� i � 6'�':'%� � "� � �v:r � � V� }V�u�-� \ `:�. s " . '�r�'i''� '. . . ' - � . r `� ��, �Y3�"��� . Q,Is6• � �,� �' C �h J . ` �"� � .2 '�,qi : 64 •!- p • .4 h. , '�� � 7 � � �,s� B vi, •/� � —� � �y �J - - r.. "l ` II � -. ��,� -� h .-�Y ♦ `7 "'c. .�_ f• ���! '��.�'n �'� ��N• � . y�� . t a: " ., 4 L � �� 1 � ti 3 � '` ` I � . �� �z a v ;, 12 l .=Q •� .,�- �+' �% �` ,, _ ''�a° "` � . * �� _. I x .+•!� h /6 e � ��` �'�" �- ' ,tj�'� �'-mr � so dis 6 �., .. � �,��� , }' : �� I f . . _ � e.7 4 �'� n j `., ..� � �. *i A h � ; /.�L7'D% � � �5 *''•�'`r �,� !3 � �� � E�o 5 ^�. �' � � : s ;�� .,� " , �; �' E,,,, .. l�. ^ a ~� � ! �,'� �.'•�o•� +�r ry.. SG �.�fS:J�. �` '� ;''�M�' .i0 pyr�! I t'< . �i *.h r� .Ir _ nie _ k a s ' : � ,. . .�r�,r_ f- -� _����T'�AS��iT� _B� .35 _. _ -1.:_��rA3+3f3l�i�s' .f= �.. jE'�' �/� ��b M r. �f t r•tr ZOA, # 76-03 Evert �Swanson �� .«= t . t . . �� �� r:f . .:� �� , � : i R T�J. !� n •` .,ii �:'+ �, .�` �+f+. ` fo � �V1� r ` i;"'' / o.p I° � ) � . •� � �� i = +t ���y �%�, � � 1 0 ` kF'3o) (f�ov� Z��• ' '��ct . [�i y''y`, �< h ,Mi/�e'�Oe�nefr�i /H•06vvd � R •. 3 : �; 4� � S � �.�+���o , �:a - ,� 9 ��y!� � .� 2 `�` K �,, � t� . a e ,. 2 :t , ' 7 '• ;E:v �A±9'w. � � � v � t2 � � ie-< < ...o� - sa `20� •.,.. -9 "° ' . � y (�Eof • . �� i � � .'Z' . 23:�' � ' � � v (9iEA► (llfi �9J0/ � 19�D� �i � /.�''4% � o ,3 � �° �r t (aZo} � . . t � f.7's" ` ...s� .v+ . . ,;,� : � - � . . rx'�sr: . rsr,•� ' �;' ♦ +2e�ci t�s N � .: . ..� ..... do _..�P'�.�.. ,... ..... ..` �J� . s titi ,c4 � �co tfEei }� tl • t• ~ � hFtRE��rE f ,. e_Fy i.i�� t' �: r' vr.' �F t ..'+c*\ l� �V .. �. � rJ�ti /ek!/ ILO 7f �117 t( � a� _ � ( �7�7t14• 1 �'`.�f. 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'. �. � t .f3J i ' ' � � . 30� ° , -� �::r. . t'23Fa`� • -==='� ' !�'l.�.'r;`�s:�!e�vra +. . .. . o z iG 3 �yC � i (/Z2 0) �'e/►7`gr '3 � (�wr.a1 fi � . �1l �� � . 1 �C . 7 . � � � . � y?�J— _ _ � .� �... _ . .. . � t � ` . � f � � . � {Jiic) � '.' 74iy' . � 1�J�.,,.. 1 �3. 4 � o �'..^ � �,�„d.,,00 er� � /3 /4 r' /3 �'6 /T � /8 ► ' i9F • _ sc � � �l�ir.i�►i�►�► ��" :.w.t:!.F�/ •:'S�is�/iick f,, `Ri1bAN. ,► Jiws�llwa► _ !o z7� � 4 lO.SfIPil�i�'1L/!Y'OA' �,L4.?C/C � ,�',/fi�t%£��.J � i Lesrio� Fcst r/•F7oJ �._ � � , N• 3aJ Q /a.�y!/i.r (190f;! � ,'iK�eT = Nbibridye ,�1� • . 71. !ZS ► iet � � : � � � •. , , 3 ( �Jo/I`/�O/' � � � • � If30) ClS00) ��`�j�%'�L. � I . ' ° � 6� i , � a 1 0 :: ,r:�ir�foA �� � .3U �_ aA) i 6= �3 �� �� �F �% � � �� �00} � � L ! ✓ttS✓j' ��'' � � �3 � � �,/rsMti'��w�r � � .fn) 3t► I�i*!����i�.i/ _ ._ � = is_ � z s ---_� =:: ��`-"--E$E�'�T-%s��f-�t�i' -t��' , �ivrER i ; . SfC. /2 ' � ' . . � � � � � � � �a �i� . . : Ia ' � + � � �' , �1 , p � .� , . � � Flanning Commission Meetin� - Septemi�er 22, 297b . p�� $ .. I � , 1. (� ` ,� . � nei t�ors, said they felt if ii was xithin the code th w t ey oulci stril:e st' lation Aumbe 2 from th�ir petition and would go along with it as planned. � � �. • � . � HOTIOi�i by genfeld, seconded by Shea, ttiat the Plannin� Cor�anissi close � the Public F ing on the rezoning reauest, ZOA #7b-03, b�r:Evert . SwansQn. ;' Upon. a voice v�, aiI voting �yre, Chairperson liaTl'i3 dec2ared ne Public i Hear�.ng closed a :1lt P.34. • ,- # - � I+�TIOt� by La.ngeni cld at the Planning Commission reco:nme ta Council approval of rezoning reque� y, 20 ��76-03, by Evert It. Swanson : zone I.ot 19, e:ccept the East 190 feet thereof�, and except the ;lest 17 fee, iaken fbr :�ig'rs�a3► ', purposes, from C-1 (gerieral ffice and 'Zimited busir�esses), and t�.e West 1lt7.?�t, feet of Lot 18, from R- ( single family dcas :Lling areas ), a�.Z �.ti - Auditor's Subdivision PJo 129, to -3 (general m�3tip3e fa�ti2y dwellings), . to a27.ow a condomi.nium-type develo �ent, the� �^�e being iocated at the �� intersection of Central AvEnue and 7 Av+e�rkfe pd.F. r�ith the follo�^:.n � stipu2ations: 1) Every effart be mad t�maintain the setbacks as sho:m in e�chibit C, and 2) AI2 the necessary;st 'es be made on behalf of the assess-. ' . ment pracedure. iirs. Schnabel said she though� th perhaps ihe � tiTr,�latians -t:ere prematur�. ' She said this hearing was strict�:y on the rezonin reQuest, a^.d thought cons=deration of the stipulat�dns might fall "under nsideration of tI:e pre� iminaz rr plat or the to�ho�ase develo�:ent plans. `6 . I,an�er,feld , agreed. � ; � }flcr. L�ngenfeld A��TII�:DID e FIOTION to reconmiend approval o�i!e rezonirig request Z0�► ��76-03 by ert R. Swanson �rithout; the stipulat�. s, Secandeci by �' Bergm�n. � lrirs. Schnabel sa,a�he thought it would be �rise to }aoint out that� e na'or_i J Y '= of the adjace neighbors'did concur with the rezoning request as in 'cated by their pe 'tion, UPON A V CE VQTF', aZl v+ating aye, the motion carried unanimously. . - I 2. PUBLIC Ii�T?�sG: COPdSTD ;?.�iTION OF A P�?OF'OS� P�ELIi�I,�A.�v °IL,% P.S. ;�'?�--OS, ' Cr.Ir1'cZ�1I� Z'O:�,nO�JSE A�DITIO;�, �� �'vi.�T �. 5:�,'�i�'S�i:: � re�1.�t of' L�t 1�, .. . excepi t;he F:ast 19t? ieei thereoi, 2nd cxceni the ;:est �.7 feei tanen '�'^r .. : highw�,Y purposes� and the t•lest 2�7.??�`feet of �oi 2$,, �.1.1 i� Kudii.or's Slibdivision Mo. 129, ta a2].o*r the deve�.op�nent of a 36 unit ` toimhouse . ' site, the same being ].ocated at the intersection af Cen�ra3 Avenue and 73r3 Avenue ?�.E. � Mr. Evert R. Swanson, property owner and Mr. A. R. Olson architect, xere a s _ presente - ; : - � ZIOTION by Sciznabel, seconded by ?,an�enfeld, thai the Plan�in� Co�nissio:� open the Public Hearin� on cor.�ideration of a progosed prel'ininar� p1at, P.S. ;=7b-0$, ' Central To�mhouse Add�tion, by Evert R. Sw�nson. U�.*on a voice vote, all voti.ng .,: aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public'Hearin�:open at 9;20 P.h. s �' � ' , �� � {' . f�. „ _ _� . -_: I, � �� i°� � ,: plennin� Cormni�sion 2•ieeting - September 22, 1976 � � � • ��� !. ' 1S �teairper�on Narris stated that this xould entail a new le�al description, and Mr. Swanson asked if that meant putting it into simp7.cr lan�ua�e. rir. Harris replied yes, they would just be cleaning up ttie le�a�l de�cription. � '' �hairperson Harris asked Mr. 5•�•anson if he had a replat plan, and he replied ' � he had no other documents other than what had alreadf bc�n discus:>ed, t�ir'. }{arris asked if he was replatin�;, and Z�r. S�:anson replied not tt:a�• he lrnew of. ' Mr. iangenfeld pointed out �he Planning and Zoning For::, cn pa�e 27 of the�a�en3a� g�.gned by Iir. ST�ranson, t�ir. Harris noted he Y�ad a�I.so p�=�? �h� r'�=• I•:='- H�3rri.s � asid � he was wondering �rhy a replat was needcd, and as'� ed if sori� rcc:y at Stai f level had requested a replat. 2•ir. Swanson said he dic'.n' � Imorr. 'r. Lsek said � }ie had no other information othcr than what kas in the �benda. �hairperson Harris said he thou�ht they would be brin�;in� the le��I description '` into one lot because the�,� had parcels of tti� differer.t ? ots, and �:!:� legal �escription tras very un�•ieldy �he way it re2d now. , MOTION by Langenfeld, secon�ed by Eer�.^.an, that �he Pla:z.^_�ng Cc�: �'-:'_ssicn close the Public �Hearing on considera�tian of a proposed prci i..�n4.z�,; �1 :v, p,S, ii7�-08, Central Toy�nhouse Addi�ion, by Evert t�. S:•ranson. iJpcn z voice v:: ;,Q, a].1 votir,g .� gye� Chairperson Harris declared t:�e Fublic : ear:ng c?os�d at 9:a� P.i�. . -:'' �$r, isngenfel.d said it was his opinion that since ihe;- s•:e; e lack_-�g t'r,e specifics 8s fPr as the replat dzscription, they could not n2ke 2 cecisior,. G^airperson Narri.s said he thoug:�t it wauld be proper at this ti, � �o ^ece.:: •� :� approval or the prelininary pZat, if that Vras the Cor.L;�ssion's �:ish, a*��' r�i'pr to exhibii C. F�TION by Langenfeld, seconded b�* Shea, that the Pla�n_inb Co:n.�lissi�n reco:�imend to Council approva]. of a proposed preliMi.��.ry p? a�, F.S. ;,-•76-0�, �:.�:� �ral Townhouse Addition, by Evert �. Sr:anson, as in�icaied �r� ex.hibit C: x re�?at o� Lot ].9, excepi the East 190 feet thereof, and except i►�e tlesi 17 �eet ta:K�.n for highiray purposes, and the :;est 11�?.?�t feet or Lot ��, all in .=ud=��r'� Subdivision No 129, to al2o�s* the developrnent of a 36 u�:+ V tot-nha.z� �.=te, t�e same bea.ng located at the intersec�ion of Central Avenue axid 73r� �venue �i,.E. N'.rs. Schnabel stated that she ::as a little upset that S�Gff hac? no kr.owle�ge o� what was going on at this goint, and th4i the C:�air^.:.-� o� the Cc:�•r..:ssion did aot have any information on this either. She sai.d she f�I� St�ii s:�uld have •�.nSormed the Chairnan since the person who nc�rMally ser:-ices 1�11C �JOi^�i�ISJ1.O:I eouldn't be present. She added t;zat she feli th�y i:�re shovtin�; in �:-�e dark, and didn't really know for sure.�rhat was intended. She said she cou3d not rote �.n favor of the notion b�cause of that. Iir. Leek said i:� apgrec�.lted l�irs. �ehnabel's concern, and said t'�at nart of the fault �.�as he had i�.:.led to ask fi.�e appropriate questions du:ir.g his briefing. :ie stuted his m:derstanding s�as that the situation h•as understood� i�ut appareni3y it e;asn � t: Plr. Harris erommented that it hadn't occurrad to him to delve into it further. �t. I,angenfeld said he was certainly in agreement with F:r�. Sc�nat��l, bttt sincc t.:iiis would be a simplification ot a legal descrigtion he didn f t te�in'.� it should �re somethin� that should hold back anythin� they had alraady started moving �orward. rlrs. Schnabel stated that was just an asstun��iun as ta �'.i1t this ttras about; it appeared that nobody icnew For sure what i.he request was really for. , . . . . � � . . � .. . � ' � . ' � �. .. . � . - � , ;l . . .���� vcgvcr�nwa �.�. � si 1 `� �a �.. � ., � .. ' . . � . . Chairperson Harris 3aid he agreed with l�ir. Langenfeld, and as lon� as the recar�stendation wou2d be tied to exhibit C, he dicln�t see wherc thcre was any �' problem because that located the 2�uildings, the landscaping and everything on �: , the property. t,rs. Schnabcl said that was really rclevant to item 3 on the. - ag�nda� and Mr. Harris stated that t.hey could all be tied to�ether. _ °� Mr. Eergman stated he thou�ht there was more involved irr the preliminarv plat • than what they were discussing. For example, he said, he would Iike some _ . 8dditional confirr;ation on utilities, any easement requirements and draina�e 't uould be ro r to , problems. He stated that with that in mind he felt i p� defer action on this item until they got a prelimin2xy plat with those t'r.ings checked out by ad.:linistration. rir. Langenfeld stated he �ished they �rould , h8ve a Staff Report avai.lable y:hen they took on projects such as this. Mt'. LBngeilfeld �t1ITHDR,EitJ THE i:OTION. I�TION by Ber�an, seconded by 5chnabel, that�t�e Planning Co�.ission table the considsration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �'?6-08, Central Tor�- house Addi�ion, by u`vert R. S�anson, subject to receipt of a preliminar�,; plat inc2uding Staff in�ui ��.th regard to drainage, utilitzes,� and also reviec�r of assessr.►ent-type iteras including stree �s, curbs, se*�rer, and ti:ater : elative to 73rd St. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, the motion carried una.ni..ous�y. . Chairperson Harris stated that this item �rou2d be tabled unti?. October 6t,h, and'i::for�ed 2�irr. Swanson this action �rould probably not delay him because the ,GYty Council would have to set a hearing for the rezoning. 0 30 ' T-#?6-03, T0T11�F:?OUSy D':VEL�OP;'�EPIT PI�tS, BY ��T_ R._ 5:�:41vS0>:: 36 Unit Townii�use Ueveiopmeni ier Cen�ra3 Tot.zziiouse Adu�.tzon. 1�OTE: See Appsals Comr�ission minutes Qf Septerzber 1�, 197b, �ith the recommendation to Counci3 through the Plan.ning Commission of appreval of the variance from 5 acres to 3 acres far this to�Tinouse develot�men�. Mr. Evert i�. Swansoni property owner9 and rir. Aa Re Olson, architect, were present. L 1T Chairperson Harris asked what size, initially, ths trees in the landscaping xould be. ?fir. Olson repl.ied ihe landscap::.ng �,*ould be a�ambination o'_' ber*n, . fence, and trees; the�. asua7. �ype of planting. He �tated the trees k•ould be reconmended by a nursery, the evergreens neing�ahout four to six feet. A':r. Olson added that the ot:�er types of deciduous trees :�rould vary in size accorcing to species. Rirs. Shea noted there were trees on thst property now� and as?:ed iS a�ny effort �;ou].d be ntac3e to try t,o save them. rir. Olson replied ihat every etfort would be made to try to maintain as mariy as possible. f�sirperson Harris asked what'the exterior finish on the buildin�s would be, and Ftr. Olson rep2zed they intendeci to use textured one-eleven, which r�as a Cominerciat wood sidin�. He acided that the buil3in�s �ould be stained, khich vould w�ather better than paint, an� the roofs ti,rould be re�uiar asphalt :hin�ies. 1'�lr. Swanson added ther� woulci possibly be some brick facing on the lower p�rt Of the buildin�s� and anything other than xi�utt was shQ�n on the plans would just De an improvement in appearance. . �' -, pl,oauiin� CommiJSion I�ieetin� - Septemi�r 22, 197G .,. ' '' Page 11 . , , . 1U Chairper�on Harris a,ked in what direcLion the gara�es W°re going to face, and - Mr. Olson rep3ied that would v��ry according to wr,at particular buildix:g he vas refcrcncin�. tre showed the Commission on the plans the ciifTe:ent Yra�ys the gara�;es were situated� thereby not havin6 a long ro�r oS gara€e frants on t.he streEt. Mr. Ber�nan stated he frould like to lrnow yrhat the �20,�(YJ di °�'erence :ras between 8$�t0,0�� 4nd ^�60,OQ0 townhou�e, and particularly i.f there ::•�•: e �ny �:ans to use dif�erent con�truction r�aterials bet•«een that range of j,rice. He was xonderino if this was including or excluding fi�ctures an3 ap�lia.��es, ar if the difSerence hacl to do r:ith the size of the unzts� and so r,n. ::r. Clscn. aaid that a leecray of �20,0�0 sras establi�'�Ed becau�e t:ey r.a% no con�:'8C`.1�5 estir:.ates as to wnat it would cost to build a t�uilding, and ::-�th inf2a�ion prices for building costs �rare cnanging trer�endously. iie sa_d t:is k�s more or less a figurs to tirork w:i.th. Hir. Olson added thai a�u0,G�0 2:o�ise ,::i�: t hare no brick, one bedroom a�3 one bath, �rhereas a•v60,0�� ho*re ni�,ht z�ve bric:�, t�ro bathrooms, thres bedroor�s, etc. I�.r. Swanson added thzt ��!e �.*�ten-.ion ��as not to cheapen any of the construction. . Mrs. �chZZbel asked if the guest garking �rould be an ths cer.��: �re�s �et::een the gara6e areas, and ;'.r. Qlson replied it would, and aZso a�rcn�+�:erj^provided in front of tiie garages for additional p�r�cing. tirs. Scilna��1 no+.ed �:.at these ilere single car stalis, and asked �;here an o�cunant z�o::�d p2.rk : is sece:�d ' car if he h� one. 2•ir. Olson sai3 he �rould have to park it �n f:ont :,r his .f�.rst �:;ar's parkin�; st�ll. 2irs. SchnaQel said her concern ��°�= =� f='��''• t:�e fact tha� if an ot�ner had t::o cars and ona ?��d to �it a'a�, �=-3 i_° the� or someone e? se had guests aver, there ccnld be a prob? er► �-ith � cc,n�estic_. ci car� in that a.rez. She adciad that ther� �'.igh� be a safety h�z�.r.�'. �s ==-r <� jzr� trucks 8nd anbu?z.�ces getting in a,-�d out. i�;r. Olson said ti�e:2 :•*oulc �e a..tle roon an the street r�:r.ers ca.rs could also pa.rk, but he didn't ?�o� if ine Townhouse Association ;�rould allo:� parking there. Chairperson �iarris noted on pa�e 3� Qz �he ag°nda the pZans statE3 3� si^gie gar��es, 10$ sin�Ie �prcns, 2nd a total. of 31.� par:�?n� :�ace�. :e as;e:: :•'s. Olson if they were proposing ].ltic �arkinb spaces zrithin tne c�vell�•�I�iV� �� Zir. Olson staied tnat accorcing to his pian zhat :��2�s correct. I•:: s. S.:nri��ei asked i.f ne could ideniify ;:here tizose lOS aprons ::ere, anc ::r. Olson s�d 'r.e t�ould hatie to plead i�norance. Chairpersan Ha.rri� sLated t�:�:t i: t?�is 4*as . recoru:►ended ta Cou��cil �or appr�va7., it �:ould be in order te sti�ulate. that 8 raore detailed parking and plat plan l��:out be provide3 tha.� �rr.at t��ey ha3 now as ��hibit C. . � � 1�lr. Ber ., an said he iaould like to pay so�:e recognition �,nd c�:�pli:nen� to s!r. �� : 3t�ranson and rlr. Olson because they had put a lot of tho�s�ht in�o t:�e plar:s, snd the plans repr�sented good and pro�essional efforts in r-ost cases. he _ added that they had obviously spent a great deal ot tisae on ther� and :�ad 3oae a good job. • � _ !lOTI01� by Her�man, seconded by Sci�.nabel, that the Plannin� Co:n.�nission recomn:end t,o Council approv�il of T-�76-03, To�►�riiiouse Develop:�ent Plan�, �by Evert R. Swttnson: 3� Unit Tocmhouse Developa�ent for Central To.-nhouse Addition, referencing exhibits C& D, �nd with the understundinn that this is townbouse construction 3ut,ended for owner occupancy, with t�ro stipulationss . . ..�. y . N. � . . .. I ry 0 � , , ' ' 1 r� �- -s-------- "�7 � _ _ , s q�� ic . . . i. �. �� ,. �. TEiat as thc property is:developed from building 1 throu�5 subscqi:ent bui2dings, the Iandsca�ing, including fencin�, be compl�ted as construction stagcs are comp].eted. � 2. That priar to Council view the parking pronosal be clarified with regard to identifyin� the total parking a� indicated on exhibit C. Upon a"voice vote, all voting aye, the notion carried nnanilousl�. - PUDI,IC HEARI1�FGs REZO�dIiIG RE.^,.UEST: 7,OA �r`7b-05Z �Y ?:�!�tF � TI"'�; Rezoae : the Easterlf �O�J ieet oi Lot 13� exce�t the ::or�he.?y 3�• ieEt thsrco:; also the Easterly 50 feet thereof, Auditor's Skbdivision i�:o. 89, fro:: �-3 eneral multiple family d�aellings), to Gl (local �ssin�ss areas), or � (general busi.ness areas), to allo�: the cons�ruction of a spec�slative bui ing to be used for offices and assemblies, ger�erally Iocated an �he South ide of P+orton Avenus I1.E. �rhere it intersects wi �h � Central Aveaue N.E. Hr. ieroy B.�rii.th� property ow�ner� and 2ir. �Tyman S.�ith, attorney, w�ere present. MQTION by Schnabe seconded by Shea, that the P2an:Zing Co;r�iss'_on open the Rtblic Hearing on a ezoning reguest, ZOA �E76-05, bv Z�y^an S:rtith. Up�n a voice vote, all votin aye, Chairperson Harris declared ihe tub�ic Hearing apen at IO:DS. ,. • 14r. I.�ek stated that there re a cou�le of concerns th �t Staff �ad re�arriing this, and. was so:�ewhat zncert ' about hor* they feel it shoLld g�. ?�e sa� si that rir. Boardman and �ir. Clar feli that ideally ti�e area � qLestion should be itldustrial sirice it is surrow 'ed �y industrial {he referred the Cor:�;ssion $o the m2ps on pages 1�0 and l�7. of• eir �gendas); hoti�*e4er, i�ere :aere presently single-fat7ily d���e].lings in tf:e area. ?�r. Leek said the ieel�n� z�d been exgressed that if there was•an ideal 1 ation for �r_ auartment s�ruct�zre in the city� that would be it. He added th there vr�s no one reco-cnend2ticn regardzn� the property as far a.s Staff k•as oncerned. l�r. ZJyman Smith stated thai I�ir, ieroy 5r�ith ha ot•�ned ;his lot for more tnan fifteen years� and the taxes and assessments Vrer now $��0 a ye�.r. He said �that in spite of Staff's sugPestien that this Frou1 be ideal for apartments, the property has been for sale for an apartment sit for Is years and�no one had put together a package rrhere it could be deveZor.e far'aaart�ents. He � � said that something had -to be done with it, and i�ir. Le S:r:ith �hought taere �tas a need for sc►me retai? sho�s to ssrve the public th�t 's in that area. Mr. YJyman Snith stated there �•ras a very definite narkei in ridl�y for an assembly roor� that weddin� pariies could rent and p�ablic ass bl:es convene, He said the assembly room t•rould be on the second fZaor, and th couZd a].so �e �dified into offices if there was a need. He stated that pr ably this trould �ie an offic building, as Air. Leroy Smith was talking about f d�ng a place for accountants and that tyge of thing. He presented the Co sion with a rou�h sketch of the f'loor plan of the building. Mr. Lan�enfeld stated this request conflised him a bit. �e said there was :' �rron� wit�i a rezonin� request �rom R-3 to C-1 OR C-2 (a�e or the other}� ' ' . I �' • ., �' . ,. ._.. ..._. .._.._.._ _____............,.-_�_..�.,.�-�.._..,_...._..�.__.,..�.�.__---.._.._..._...._._..r., . �� -- '-.-^�■�r� _ :_�...o...._..r.._._._._.._..___._.`... .� ._......_.:....._.__ .. .._...__.__ ... . _ _ 1� .. __ ..��.� _..__.,.,..� _ __.. ..__..._ _ �_._ .. _. ...._. ....w__. _._ _. �_ _ . __.__�... . � _._ . _ . . _. �, � ' CITY OF FRIDLL'1' _ I � PL!►NNIt1G COt•4•1ISSION tiEETIPJG OCTOBER b, �197b PAGE 1 . I' , • : • .� .�____.__ - -- -- � � CALL TO C:tJER : " � � Chairperson Harris called the meeting to order at 7s38 P.rL ROLL CALL: , • . . Members Present: Harris, Bergman, Langenfeld, Petersor. (arrived 8:00), Schnabe]., Shea � Members Absent: None ' Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner IF`�.ck Sobiech, Public Works Director , APPRAVE PLA�'�1NINC CGi�:�SISSIOr? AiIR�tJTES: SEI'T��IB� 22, 197b MOTIOPd by Schnabel, seconded by Shea, that the Plar,ning Co:r�cnission mir.utes of September 22, 1976 be appraved as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting _�' aye9 the motion carriec3 unani.mously. . , 1. CONTINUED: PIIBLIC i-i�'ARTI`aGs COI:�SIDr:':�ATION QF A PPOPC�S�,r �'�rLI';iI;1As�`_' FLk" P.S. �t7 -0�, C�.:y �`:��L T4 ,�-?t�1;5� �J�IiIC_�, oV E,-t � •" S^�' e�ng a repiaL �v ..� . _ .. : i rii y �.. : :� of Lot 39, ex�ept �ne East 19� ieet 1:nere^f , and e>:cept t'r.e :°3est 1? �'eet , taken for nighway purpos�s, and the �dest 1�t7.7� _°eet of Loi I�, zlJ. in Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to aZlow the developr�:eni of a 3b uni� townhouse siie, the same being locaLed at the intersection o� Central � Avenue and 73rd Avenue N.E. . PubZic Hearing c�.ased. � ' Mr. Evert R. Swanson, property owner, and Mr. A1 Hoffinei4r, architect, were present. ' Mr. 3oardman explai.ned that this was a preliminary plat an the. townhouses to locate the buildings on the site and also clean up the legal description, and it was a typical townhouse type plat. � . , Chairpersan Harris stateci there had been a question at the last ineeting : concerning parki.n� stall locations, and rir. 9oardman snowed the Cor.L�nission a plan �3epicting parking stalls. �ie said that althou�h these plasis did not '; ' ahow it, rlr. Hoff:meier had guaranteed he would also shift the buildings. Mrs. Schnabel said that they should note that the nwnber of parking spaces had changed from the plan presented at the last meeting. rir. Hoff.meier said i '' ' _ _. _ . R� . �, I -- Planning Crnnrnission Mcetine - October 6, 1976 Page 2• 1 X �.,. he had m,3de a mistake in his mathematics on the first one. He stated thut the requirem��nt was for ninety parking stalls, and they had 99. Chairperson Harris marked the plan�shok�ing the parking stalls as exhibit D.� MOTTOPl b;y Bergmart� seconded by Shea,� that the Planning Commission recommend to Counci7� approval of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �/76-08, Cer.tral Townhouse Addition, b;� Evert S�ransons Being a replat of Lat 19, except�the East 190 feet thereof, and except the ;,1est 17 feet taken fcr highk�ay purpcses, and the 'r7est 11�7.71t ieet of Lot 18, all in Auditor � s SubGivision i`io. 129, to allow the developm�nt of a 36 unit totanhouse site, tne same being Iocated at the intersection of Central Avenue and 73rd Avenue 2d.E. trlrs. Sc�nabel said tr.at in Iooking back in the minutes from the las+., meetir.g, one of their concerns aas the review of ine assess�;�ent type items reZative tc 73rd Street, ts. Boardman stat�d that ihe sewer ��:d �raLer ana sto� sewers that were in the streets were desi med to carr^,� capaciiy loads for developr�ent in that area. He added that this develop:�ent would not overburden that la�d. UPON•A V'QICE VOTL, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2 C01�7'ItuUID: P(?��I� ?i:.�iRIiIG: REZOPJIPtG R�^U^ST, Z0� 1i76-�1�, ?Y WYi�iA.r' S:tITH: �ane the Easterly 2U� feet of Lot lj, excepL z�;� I�iort::sri� 3� feet ther • also tre Easter�� 50 feet thpreoi, Auditcr's Su�divis}_on 1?0. 89, front R- general :nultiple family d*,�ellin�s;, to C-1 (local business areas), or C-2, (� .ral Qssines.s areas), to a'_low tne cor.struction oi a speculGt.ire bui].ding to �. L�ed for o�fices and assemblies, �enerally ioca�ed on fi�r;� Soui;h side of :�o +on Avenue PI.E. �-here it intersects wii.". Ceniral �►venae N.E„ Pub7�ic Hearing cinsede MOTIOivT ��y Langenxeld, secondeci b� the leti.er dated October 5, iq76 1 withdrai:�ing �his request. Lipon a unanimously. n, ihat the PlanTing Co:�,m:ssian receive City of' Fridley fror� Lsro��r 5:nit:; vote, all uotin� aye, the :noiion c�r: isc? � 'Mr. r.ar:L Dunbar, 121�K I�orton Avenue N.L., sta d he had- a petiticn �rhich he would l:�ke put in tat i'iles for future referei�c Chairper5on Harr�s read the pet:ition, dated OctoUer !t, 197b, aioud: We� the unders:�;ned, as concerned residents of Nor n dvenue Aortheast, Cit;� of Frid2ey, wisY: to r�ake the follo:�ing statemen of our wishes and desires cc�nc�rnir.� the proposed rezonin� request, 76-C�, to rez��ne the E�ste2•ly 2�0 . feet of lot 13, e;cc�pt the North l.y 3G feet_ the:reof ar_d al5o tne Easterly 5i? feet thereof� auditors su 'ivision No. 89, from it-3 t.o C-1 or C-2. It ;is our desire that the above request be cienied, and that any aimi2ar request be likewise denied; zn short, t:iat the property mentioned, as we12 as all w�occupie� property on NarLon Avenue i rem�ain R-3. t, � �, : � � �-. . . . „ ~ � OFFICIAL NOTICE '� � ' CITY OF FRIDLEY f PUBLIC HEARING . I , BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIl . `� . � ' TO WI-IQM IT tAAY CONCERN: ,� Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Co�ncil of the City of Fridley in the City HaIT at 643i University Aven�ue Northeast on Monday, November 8, 1976, irr the Counci] Chamber at , 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: � '� Consideration af a rezon�ng request, ZOA #76-04, by Gordon J.. Aspenson, to rezone Lots 10 and 11, � � BTock 4, Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, from .� ' . R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general muitiple d,ye1 i ing areas) to al lo►-r, the construction of a tri-plex, all in the North Nalf of Section ' � 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, . Minnesota. Generally located at 6500 2nd� Strzet N.E.. . � , ' Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be h�eard at �his time. r WILLIAA9 J. NEE MAYOR . , : Publ i sh : October 20, 7 976 October 27, 7975 ., � ' . � � � _ i . . I3 � I :' . ¢ . . � � � �, ' t � — _ __ _ I � ZOA #76-a4 � Gordon Aspenson , �Rezone from R-1 to ,'R-3, Lots 10 and 1 Block 4 Lowe11 Ad i ' ' I '. w '� . W .'► ' '� � � '.2. < , �� . � 1 " . •' ^ • \ � , i� .. . / � .. � � ' � � � ' J I ' C ,�'r � i . ' � �� � I ,«... .+ , � _. � . ". 5�.�$'" �� f.. �.= f'� M1►oseN, j . =•w�a��: � J� c„ ' J _ ,� 2A_ � ., .-..^ ; : ., � , si i , .. � � _.� __,r. . .. . �. .^ y, �, r.._ ;� :.'.: �' . � ... i �, . -• , • • LOCIIE' I^ ,�,' � � �.-.rJ `' •. ' f I . �ICE .��- CITY`ti C � . }ARENA �'" GARAiG� � . ,�I r � � �' �,_t',y ' (, , 1 \\l . �(.' • ' � � l E✓ ,r 4�N _� Iz �' _ � �`�, W:.,., ; �t+l AY �� RP . : ' .... � a . � y �s s � ...��� : S. , a ;is, �.� ��.Z � • � �° �.AflD�S . $ . ;� '" ' Y � _ .� �b ; II �' �ty � � �'�w 4 1 '.�. e? �.d � V �• \ �t ' �`., ., ,..� f F +n ' �; � �-•~.. f Q • I N r �� � � � � _�.` M ? � . �r. _ . _" , . a, - c�r€ �x " . .1 � .°M 1�F.i rcn�r 1 �� � �i !� . . _ �� : � .1+ �,l��.ibe. � MU � ae� G�M Tw F0� � � + �rER�A7�. ..: . . �� �� : - . � HAYES� �' -� ELEMEN7AR11 . IR?CE, ,C,I�EfX TERRA PGtT/ � S�HOOe c o�sT u►i ws-.ss,... . f+�. �i _ ...__,--�- i j� �� ;��, � .� .. I , ` , .. a74...i.+. -.+ _J � ��e _ ��• � .�,�� � �. .�.� CEc C+C �►� �� c+` C c � � r: : �. . c��� Ct ��' '" ' c�� � p�. `� � �{. - �E c �" �-' � �• .F. .i . ,T-, V�I1�K, �� �`� e t'_ f� i� hii : .. . �� t `,...� .'. �_ �Mf AIM[r t 0 yilb <I �� ^ , �I" � 1 " GOMMW/S � -� t: �U ' r ' , ,} .. �., . - � PYIRVIE�II , ` �'' - �/g�f� �.r. � ICN00�� � . �lN � �M�t N� '� � ,J .� ��i •� � . � + ^ ;a • �.,��.i �:?� '...\i .`�� _ ,,) ,'� y ? '� '� :'3 �='- .�+� j J � � � ) 'yi � �ti �'� ;J -, :3 +, ,_ �J� M�:�� �+� .� y��� �, �2 - , �n _ 'tc _ ' �r - _ �{ • f • ' - *--- - - " .. . �D • � ��'� ��'� ��"' � � � � ' ' Planning Commission Meetin� - September 8, 1976 p�g ? ._..�--- 2 � Chairpers��n Harris stated that this would come before the P1 � Commission agai.n on ;3eptember 22nd. Mr. Langenfeld said he wis o 2et ihose people p r e s e n t k:� ow that the y could come back again iat date. I�Ir. Bergman brought up anoth�r mailing to the public� but oardman stated he didn't see where ano�:her mail.ing would be a�pro . He said i:hcy had mailed out the notice of the variance requcst, . ning and thc, prel.imi»ar.y plat,and ihe dates for `i'wnlis;c�..1'icvel. � at were noted as September 22nd. rir. La.n�;enfeld noted that those e present could also pass the word to their nei�hbors, znd 2grs. Ga . suggested that if they c2me to any conr,lusions defore the Bor�rd of Ap s r:�eeting, they should come to the Appe�.ls r►eetin�; and voice them. 2. PUBL7:C HEA:tI;vG: REZOi':Ii�`G p�C;UrST�ZOA ,'r76-Q�t-; EY GOPT�O?�I ASYE;;SCri: Rezone Lats 10 and 11, �].ock 4, Lc;�ell �?a't�it��orc'to r'rldley Park f.•om n-1 (singi.e fami:�y d�re�ling areas) t. R-3 �(�eneral rnzltipTe dt:ellin� areas) to allcw the ronstruction cf a tri-plex, the sa^:e being 6500 2nd Stre�t PY.�. Mr. Gord��n Aspenson was at the meeting to present ris request. MOTIOP� b;y Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Plannin� Co!nmission open t;he Public Iiearlilo on rezoning request� ZO:�. ,�70_�4, by Gor�on �`�spenson. upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Chairperson tinrris declared the Pub�ic Hear_ng open at 8:50 P•i1• �3gr� i3c;ardm�i e:cp� ained that this property :�ras �cc��-ed on the loop back off of t•he se.r�ri ce drive alang Mississippi Street. He directed thE Cc*nmissio::ers to look at the r!ao on page 37, �d Pxpl�ined it ti,*o�a].d be on the corner oi �: a� servyce drive ar�d 2n� Stre�t. He sta�ed tkut on `.�� p:'ope: ty d�rectyy P3c: i�? of t•his there :.as presently a 1t-plex, ar�d the pro��erti°s acro�s �ne street were al.>o aasrtment buildings. ?ir. Boardman said ttiat I��r. Aspenson r.ad bziildir.�s on Riva�°vi��r Terrace �a rs�ssissippi i�tay, anci he z�ras proposing inree uni�s exactly� like tY�e f�ur he presentl�r h2.d. :ie said -that ihQ buil3ings �rere the toVmhou;�e type �uilu on two levnls, �:hey w��r� very attractive and he said he wished �L�iey had more in tne City. i1e sLated that there YI�'�."E t:ao resider.tial properties direct�y to the S��es� of this groperty, and tne. Ci�y Staif felt this rezening i,�ould be i.n context w�th the plan of the City. r1r. Aspenson said he was proposing what he thcught was an efficient and attractive building. He staied he intencled to keep i.t in his possession and mainta�n it•, and he tiicught i� would iit in very r.icely �ai+,h this particul�r area. Nlx�. L2.r�genfel.d asked 2�ir. Boardnan if there i��as a.re: ��zing si�n cn t•'�i� pi•:�pE'z•t!%� and he replied there was. Chairperson fiarris 3siced i.� ��r.e;� the underpass was open ttiat,little leg that swings back to MZJJZS�1��41 Street w�uld remain open or be closed. 2•u . Boaz�3man replied that k�oulc� all be closed. P;r. Harris asked if theri there �aould be access oft from �i�.ssissippi Street on 1:o Second Street and to t.he servic•� drive. rir. Boardman rep�ied th��re :��ould be. He explained the t�u:i.ldin�; kculd sit i•i�ht on the carner� and access to the garages would be off th�a servi�e drive. He said the uni.ts woul� be .t'acinQ Second Street, and entz�ance to the units would be on the '�n`est side. � Gha�rperson ]Iarris asked wh�t the size of that parcel was, and rir. Aspenson ' replied 90 ft. by 136 ft. t;e �dded that it was a couple of thousand feet lar�er t.IlEli1 WII3 necesssrf for a tri-uni.t. Mr. H�irris asked what the mi.nimum � f' . Planning irommission Meetine - September 8� 1976 Pa�e 8 ________ . lot size �was on R-3, and Mr. Boardman answered it was 10,000 sq. ft. for a three-fam�ly dwellin�. He stated that Mr. Aspenson's �ras close to 12,000. Mr. Boardman said that it haci been nip and tuck :or �hile an the handicapped eodes, but they had finally gotten some clarification froin the state on that. He explained that as long as the entrance to the unit was to the outside, the three-unit buildings were not required to %iave handicapped fzcilities, but a rrrultiple unit would be required to have them. Mr. Lynn D. Hansen, 210 67th Ave..N.E., stated that he oYrned the !t-plex that t�tas on the property adjoining i•s. Aspenson's, and asked if he could see the p2ans foz� the proposed buildin�. I�ir. Aspenson sho�red him the plans� and i•:r. Hansen a�;reed it was a nice-looking and attractive building. rlr. Donald F. Cable� 6��30 Second St. N.E., stated he was the caretaker for 14r. Hansere'� buildi.ng,, and he a].so thought the proposed structure would be beneficial. Mr, Bergrian said he would again like a shok� of hands of those people in the audience who ti*ere concerned �rith this item, and two people (2�Sr. Hansen and Mr. Cablcs) ra�sed their hands. I�ir. Bergman as:Keci if 1•ir. Boardr!an could fill him in on the zoning surrou�di.ng the lots in ouestion, rir. 3oardman directed the Camrn:Lssioners to turn to the ma� on page 36 of the agenda, and explaine�. the property directly i�.orth was R-3 (It-plex), tl^.e property across the street was R-3 �;apartment buildings), North of the !t-plex was City park property, ana 6,25 r�r� St, and the property just South of that ��ere zoned R-1. rir. Bergrnan �zoted that there seemed to be some land lef-t ��er the service drive �aent �trr��ugh, South of lot 11 �nd �he �ne to the jdest of it, ai,d asked if there i�;e�re any plans for that property. �ir. Boardman said t:nat was count�r right-of�-wa�. MOTION by Peterson, secon3ed by Shea, that the Plat��ing Co:��ission close t:�e Public Hearing on the rezoning request, ZOA ;#76-�l�, b;� Gordon Aspenson. L'pon a voice vote, al1 voting aye, Chairpersan Harris declare� the Public Hearing closed at 5►:05 P.ri. MOTION by Peierson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning CorLmissi�n reco:nmer_d to City Council approval of rezon�g request Z04 ;�76-Oa, by* Gordon Aspenson: Rezone Lots l0 and 11, Block 1�, Lowell Addition to %'ridley Park from P.-7. (single family : d.wei Iin; as�eas } to R-3 (gez�era3. mu�tzp? e��;elling areas ) to allow the construc.tion of a tri-plex, the sarie being 65�0 2r.d Street :1.r.. Upon a voice vote, a].1 voting a,,ve, the motion carried unanimously. C HEARTATU: ��;Litii!C�i�:•��*' r t yU1eJ � con:struction of a s . to be located on I,ot 1, �87U 6th Street I�.E. ' I :, :' pir. and Mrs. Kenneth T�OR �i SP�.CIAL �JS� FER?•IIT, SP /E76-I3, BY KE��PiEi:` Ci:•� Code, Section �0�.��>l, �, t�, ta a11oW tr.e accessory build�.ng, a 20' x 26' detached garage, Bloc Bennett Palmer Addition, the sam� being at the mee�g�to present their request. MOTION ]�y Gabel nded by Peterson, thAt the Plarining Coman 'on open the Public l�e � on a request for a Speeial Use Fermit, SP �}?6-13, b nneth Belk n. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Harris declare e lic ]�earing open at 9:4? P.rf. 2� 1 �� j' I �� � . '� OTrICIAL PUllLICATION CITY Of FRIllLL:Y (EXl1IBIT A) !�'07'ICT: OP ItI:ARING OY I�iPROVL•�t(iNTS S7RiiET IhiPROVBMENT PROJECT ST. 1977-1 T� ST.. 1977-2 (F1SAS) WFIERT:AS� the City Council of tho City of Fridley, Anoka County, �linncsota, • has deemed it expcdicnt to reccivic evidencc pertaiuing to tlie improvencnts hcreinafter described. u NOW, THEREFORF, NOTTCG IS HL•RE[iY Gll�[�I TII.AT on the 8th day of _�Joys..mb�.x , 1976 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. the City Council ���ill mect at the City Hail iri said City, and will at said time and placc hear all partics interested in said improvements in wholc or in pzrt. The general naturc of thc irtprovements is the construction (in thc lands ar�d .streets notcd below) of Uie follo:eing improvrn�ents, to-�cit: OCiAISTRUCTIOY ITEDt Street improvements, including grading, staUilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb F, gutter, storm sewer system, �aater $ sanitary sewer services F, other facilities located as follows: STREETS UNDFR PROJECT ST. 1977-1 Channel Road Mississippi Street to 200 Ft. I�orth of 68t1i Ave. Lucia Lane Mississippi Strcet to 200' S. of GSth Place 66th Avenue Central Avenue to Rice Creek Elem. School Dellwood Drive 63rd Avenue to A1i.ssissippi Street Picrce Street 63rd Avenuc ta Mississippi St�•eet 63rd Avenue TII 65 E. Service Uri>>e to Rice Creek Road 7Ii 65 G. Service Rd. 63rd Avenue to 750' North 7'almadge Lane Talr�adge iVay to Osborne {Vay lx•onton Street Hugo Strcet to Ashicn :\��enue p,ble Street 73rd Avenue to Locke Park Parking Lot �lickory Street 78th Avenue to 79t11 Avenue :�TREETS UNUER PROJECT ST, 1977-� (DiSaS) /�shton Rvenue Ironton Street to Ely 5trcet Usborne iVay East River Road to 75t1� tti'ay Alden t1'ay 75th iVay to approx. :100' \orth '►5t}� N'ay Talmadge Lane to Alden i�'ay ]tailroad Crossing At 79th Avenue E�STIMATED COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 589.26?.UO Tf�AT TF� AREA P"OPOS�D TO 6E ASSESSED FOR SAID I�IPROVGAfE:�TS IS AS FOLLOiv'S: fior Construction Item above ----------------------------------------- A21 of the l�nd aUutting upon said streets Tiamed above and all lands within, acijaccnt and abutting thcreto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the beaefits received by such improvement. 7hat shoald the Council proceed Hith sr.id iirpro��enents they �.ill consider each separate improvements, exccpt as hereaftcr othcrwise provided by the i;ouncil all under the folloc.in� auLiiority� to-tici.: Atinncsota Statutes 19G1, «►apter 429 and lahs amendatory thereof, and in conformity t.ith the City Charter. bATLD TtlIS l�ti� ppY Or DctoUer , 1g76 , BY ORDGR OP 711E CITY COU�CI�. 1'ublish: Octobcr 27, 1976 Novcwber 3, I97G MAYOR - W1LLl/V�! J. IrL� � 3 i 0 a � I �' 11 August 26, 1976 Att�ention of the Frid7ey City Council I would like to request that the vacation of Hickory Street be rescinded. The legal description reads: All that part of Hickory Street lying between Block 3 and Block 4, Onaway Addition and bounded on the North by the Westerly extension of the North line of Biock 3, Onaway Addition and bounded on the South by the Westerly extension of the South line of Block 3, Onaway Addition. The purpose of this request is because I feel that small buildings will fit the area better. � I wouid appreciate your consideration of this matter as soon as �pos,sible. Also, to make the project feasible according to my development pl��ns, I would also like to request the continuation of 79th Avenue across � th�� railroad tracks. � .' � � � ' � � � � �� A an Zeis Al1an Zeis Construction Company 225 94th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55433 784-4948 3A � � � � . ,� � ', � ' I "" � � � . � � . � Ct�i i , . ,.,'; _._ . _ � � • , ` �t . e' . _ ., . . . � .-, t. . r� k��.,s:�; F`i �� J.�;S f' , , d; , . i . `t � D .. ' . i:. . �s �` �' 1.,. ..� September 13, 1976 We wou]d ]ike to request a Burlington Northern Railroad crossing at 79th Avenue to continue the roadway from East River Road to the industrial properties in Onaway Addition. � .� ^ � , .� r � .% _ ' � "U . ;R , D �� � � � � � � — id c� �V�.C�nro SEfPNLY ca, C� C�L►. � i � �� 1R �� / �v; � �P,1 S�>� %� �%�� �'S ��i +1 .�� c `•; � � � � ,_� d �� a � ,C i (' ���:! 5�4� nF ""� � i.•U{J Vi ).. Ji�y ���i� � � rr�! �j� 6�;.;N� � "�; , � ' z W � �o r+.s. �t s�. . ��idi��' ��� � � N MPt.B.. Mt111�. i� , 'o m —i �t�i'!'t�1sO :`r%$8� �.�: �tt ${'� O t a� LNZ�� . yC ��,%' ` .. � = c ,Fridleg;" ITi�N'� 55432 '' � � `� � Pnone�57t=1_944` . � ' 0 � � ,.mm.� z AC-('t(7N �'A�`�LF'�� �`�`�, r�,�'" - - � ? p t . . . J � ._ 77I4' BFECti S7REcT N. �, J ` � %`�' ' �� , �•� • w ..,. S4��JNNEAE����s rfiNrv, �� . .� f� � n, m � 7;, � � � 5��� /}�% `, ±' � t� � � 1� `; t : n , ^ , "' '"/'/ ''C, � '� r� � !\. � ! � '. V. r' ,� ' .�'Jrb4 /�i L � .r 7 r ! c �(.�': 1✓ ,/,��.� � • Z•L` �f � . � t �. � .�.�. , /�y� ��!.�. i 1,�'1'i J�. . � �� / `��� X/t�i��7'' j,r��r--' � �+ _ . � . ! � � , -< _ �'RlDLEY �, �h���.. 55432 , �,;,��� �� / . _ : : . .�7�8a•7f�^+0 �f . 7( • �--��i�---�.� a�va�,�FO ,� �}" HE;�TING & AIR CONDITIONfNG, fKC, ,� r � � O�� ��� 1805 BEECH STRE�T N.E. ��G ��2��� � � MlNNEAPOLIS, MiNNESOTA 55.43� ��;G�1tEERING, If�C. 78 -4�1 � ���i ��� ���,. 78�1 ELM ST. N. E. 4 FF21GlEY, Miv. 55432 (612)•571•9240 1 z ��� �j�� '� . ;� � .�=LGe�s��'�C..�/�`�S�e%C�+cc..� r�- �-- G '" s �`" `�—` "�� '►1 V �� ,a00��' � � 4 / � � $ � < 7�l�ACHiNE CO. �t�ut,v,�; �'��cv'�z �rr- � �� �q� �w. �. 1 i , . �� � � �wa�6r�»eo a��� �(/� o � � y_� ��% � at '` � / � � � � 2 �`' Q % �'� A `0 \ J •�/ / S -,-� � N � �. � 1 S L � � � , �� , � ' � , z . � . , � _ , � , : ' Petition Page 2 .I 14SV CORPOR .� �S�c�,��"-�`' .�eas -' sr. ATi4N i�-,��"f'� � �� �;�e�+ N E. �� y, , �1 LiS, MI�tN:.a'�5432 .`,� ` _ �� � ' i t��� � � � , �� / /// � 1 r �` t�•' � ��,� � _ . . , . � • I l �O • ` � ATIC CARAGE Dd� � � A�OM .--� T. t�i. E• � � �� 7901 Ecu�H S ��32 `��� y ' hA1NNhRPO�tS, t:Fii��� 1. 5� ,`-� � � r- �- � � � .� —� ' � .� -. ' 810 DATA,IN�. '�; . ,` � � ���0 Eeech Straet v ` Jv;i,�n�a lis, 1��1'snnesota 55432 � • -�-K-... - . � ,. <� '`�. � t � �,�,N � C—rN� �- l�J �r�� � 7 0 ��G �l �? E � "'i' � ..�� ' . �' _ ` ' �� �i�ilt j'�r.i , , 7'�cS� n , �'�i$1i�)�' _ �r;d � ` ' ..h S�re� ��R���1l�CG� ; '� �c ;119lf; �- ., '-�w ' , � �" ' �� � � � � ` ° � � � i `� ' . , s . � v � , _ - � � �� iy, . _ _ .� i�� S'S' �f,s''C , / . David Business Products Corporation 7847 Elm Street N.E. Nlinneapalis� MAinnesota �5432 Phone 571� 700 , � . �i'�"�-�� a'�,'f ��r+.���.+�� �M�I�.G�`�''� ,��• �_� .�.r� �x::., ��:t ks�r�sa =.�4..�e w.o:�•t�`�`••-!tte'� ,"5�i-A"N�4 .. 3 � ____ • _ . . , ._ :. �„r ...� . _.� : .._ . � .:.. . .. ......... ... ... . . ... .:... .. . : . . i � /� ��'�`�,.r/�.�"'�""� �)c •.��� ' - • , � � y� A. E. MOLOENHAU�R� �yCt 7$80 BEECH STREET' Iy;E, MtNNEAPQLiS, h1N 5543� P�{ON.� j612� 7_SG•�418 ' � �� ��=������� i. �! Z'�1fi`� Rt�d.� t� :G►:i i�t :.�+.'� Q?t t�.►tA l��i�'%'�'r' ` , ' i t • . � .. � r..) �� � � � ' '� r '. :� . ' :� • • �� � i� t: .- ,..� ��: .. :a. :I _� , r � 'I , I ' ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ' PETITIUN COVER SHEET � Petition No. 1�-1976 ' e 8 1976 Date Received Novemb r , ' t for Channel Road ST. 1977-1 and objcct A�ainst the street imNr�vemen � ST. 1977-Z Street Improvement Proiect) � Petition Checked By Date � , Percent Signing � Referred to City Council _.� ' Disposition ' • . ' . , . � . � ' ' ' i . � � _ � � �; �� � dJ�t �/2� 2� G�Z�G`�' �� ,p��i-t�'Cllt���/C � ' 9 ry �_ �`'� , ` �'')� � � (�ti "� � ' � `� . ? � ''I�t�L- L� GCr7/L�-�l/ G'�1� � � � � ' � n�, 1' - ��-��G�� __-----._ _ __ __ _ ._- -__ _C�2��2z�' _._:__ _ _. ____ -.--_ ,� , � . . ,. . / ��'�� , ' e '�'t'��i �' J�'�L� �G,Gii�2���� � . ��, � � i '� �j' ��� `%K �; l�J 7 _ /�'< <G o _ _ ---- _ _ _. _ _ C��J C � C� �'TC�G ?�t/'�.t% �' �%t _ ; _ - -. , � ,. , . � ,;� � ,f ' � l C��`C' : �. ��..�.���- Z- _ � _ `7�' C� l�- ��t.-j �� c�,.��� ;.; , _ � . __. , " '' � ' / , . J, a ,,/, ._,/ _ ,.—�7 , ; , A'�� ✓I � J.�%`, 4� L"�^ __ __. l.._ t' j� � . :�/ , ' ' � , , , �- : . . F`l � � � . � _ . _ _ �, ' ,' „ - . '!/ c J-� . f i l � � .� /!. C, Z. J% � l� J� c v� (? .�, �/L�t--__ _ � _ � �� ��/��-%���. � �'r�. .�i �' r , � �� ___ _ _ �.�.� �u� _��__ /����_ _--- _ � ��� _ C��.�.��f, ��� . �� � . , : ��{ . / �, _... �i.Lt,!,ti.' W ';. t'�I -- " �ls 7 l� ��iyyLL��- �ut . 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U' '�' ✓ � " 'i L�-�� � . . , ��/� , - ������` `� "'^� � � �� _ �/%�/���L �� ��, _ . , � . . n �.�� ,- }� J C�'� ^Z.L� ". s��lij�(� � � ; v � �/G L�-/f2-j'Le� / �, > �., ,; _ , . �� c � �,:c-, �, , . _ __._ ._._.. . _ , � '� -��-�.�} �� �� � %.z.� C�.�s� ��' i�-- ____ _ . _._ �w __.--- -.__ _ __ _, _. _ __ .� ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ i"' � , ____._... .,_._ _. ____. _ _ _ .__ ___ __ _ ._ _ . _ __ _ __ _ _ ._.__ I � ______ _ _ . _,.____..__._�_ ,.__ . . _ _. ..__ _ _ _._ _ .. � i� T�Y � _. —_._ - ' � �� , ?V'e f, r i .. �� CITY OF FRLDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET petition No. 20-1976 Date Received No ember 8. 1976 t object In favor of the improvement of Channel Road (ST. 1977-1 and ST. 1977-2 Street Improvement Project) Petition Checked By Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition Date _ _ __- • � , 4 ' � •� � � ��z�"� �`����z��,��� .���,�P. �� � , � � �:� . 'i ���� � � � � � \ r -�'�� � ���� � �� �% -� � � �� .�� .�%�� � '� - � �n-�..� �5�� � � 1 ; �; , . s n� 'l�'��1ti�v�G'� �'P 5��� �� � �� �� _ 1 - . -�-�-= ,/ >ri . � Z /.Ac,,,�� � s l � `�..l��.x: ��i iZG(_' � _ � � _ __ _. __.__ _ � ' �:; _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ � _ : ' __ ___ _ � _ . . __ -- ' _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ __ _ . _ _ -- __ _ _ ' � _ _ _ _ _ _ __ � _ _ __ _ _ _ � __ _ _ � _ _ _ , Date Received CITY OF FRTDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET November 8, 1976 Petition N��. Z1-1975 object Request for a Burlington Northern Railroad crossing at 79th Avenue to continue the roadway f rom East River Road to the industrial properti es in Onaway Addi ti on . �PPtition Checked By � Percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition Date 0 � . ' , � � ' September 13, i976 y�i,, .'i i1f4����i t .i. _ ..>. �-� �� � . _t 3B F• t . �> . . 's �� �! 1.., ._ We wou1d like to request a Burlington Northern Railroad crossing at 79th Avenue to continue the roadway from East River Road to the industrial pz�operties in Onaway Addition. � � l _� � y� /! � C_ O� � i 1� � �.�To� / �u �' � C� P��' ����� ���� �LJJ`�� _...=C �- � Sy < � , � � G �S �a j �. � �` ^ � y � ; �_� . 't. �r� � � � ' .� --- _ _ . `� ; _ �'r�� ,.�: D � Ls� ,M� ;� v � z o c� 'V�F�t.�:��a SI..F�" '; a r� �,� L � O '13I��Y��ik�1< �:� . frt � �., �i r..� � �iifi.`�a„+ ��r �.. a ,;;;�. v � 7 —'+ ���i'�Y�. +�s�'::xz •..� � � � C � �,%Z�t.'�C � `�'"%�'�_.�____ � � cn n � �� � /� ���.���.• :- -� --r ��o ni t f''t � C�jj _� � v:; a � +, - o ��-"� . � .� �.��._ � ,�.� � ` r � w � � ,�. I� � . � �, .�' � � 1=1! :.1 I� v. �� . � - �! $�:i� 'I� i���:`„I''� `7:. G. ['- C)1 ( L � � �rlll�trl,.�,� r+ri'-'�vi`�. J.rl�r�;.�+� � . - ���a ,�„y:3- i :;�- � �. `��� ,� , 6/ ' � . ��'°�'. P °'�'4� � o �� k,> ���°. �; . �:, , , L' ; �;u � �� s� ; ��'�4�� �`,,�` . ,� °f'� �►+ti'�� G ., : i �S'� ^� �! f j �, ` �`'t� � �1' �'! . df � e.:;�'vl � ��.�; ,,;� �����'.� ��� . ,�g�d �1�i �it'E1 537 ,Fr�dl�g�' �tN `� 55�43� . Pi��ze3 571=t 944 ` ; ,�'l:.i [ i V Iv 1'" ti� 1 Lf q�f ��'a�,'� i__ .�' ,4�?� ��. ,, �+" , �/Z�r �.i :��.U''{ 5����I �� �e � . �_�y+t` _�.+�'• � r. ' .. � ��• d. �� . �Visi�!i�� F}! ���,.i� � , r����vN. �.���� /y�% � � ����,,� � ; �,�-�' �' �— g � `�'i/ .Ci Z�s ' . L�Lf%LtC='7—� � �ti.,Cz--r-' 1-r7..---' <i � � �� �:'�,�-�. aD�A�;��ED � H�AT���G � A!R COiV�DITIONING, I(4C, �,I��,, ,, �� � 7805 BEECH STREET f�.E. ���%���j��,�j're� � ��INr���Raus, Mi►vN�sor�� 5�a�� ENGINEERING, i(�C. � 7�Z -4:r"81 �� (� t. , L4„-` �� 2���0. ���� 7891 ELM ST. N. E. Ki�Q..'y��Y/(�Lw�.. �� � _ . . , � K a„ �, 7 �, t. �° , � � .-� ' �'�"� f � � M ��/�/��.�..�� � r` y ../�'' c �$ ! �" Q �� "t� � - a. �r���'+.�'ENE CU. � ��" � � ,�, 1 � �y � �: i��7' �t. �. �'`' � y � �+,� �i� ;. ' �� �1 Svw3'3 � y� �a����s ar�-�,s� !, �4: � n �/ � � � Q �� ��,'-��� � :� �'%�b`ti S`".��� '� � '.:� o \ ��� � � � f �� � � � ..it '�� �•�J \ �y //.� ' � �/j a � � N� /,/ � j�.���//iZ� _ . ' t��. � � t (•(/ ' % C� � FRiGLEY, M�V. 5�432 (612)-571•�240 �' �^� --z-�-�'�` -��� FG--i--'�'' /���c,z,c�, � ' �- �. ,��u� �U� ���. S `�S ►�+oL _..�.� �. � ���� , . �ASV CORPORATiQN �,�-�,�"" ]645 B�W ST. N. �. �MIN ?`� ��" Petition Page 2 �''�'�s��-a,�,>� ..� � i� �'-� �� 0l.iS, MINN.,�5432 �' / ��� �,,,%'% /�J � ��� 5� � �.�f..� I , -� �Ii /�� �� ��� � � � �' ' �; �� / �` , ,; ,� . � � �," ,� � =�� � ATIC GARI�G� DO�R C0. . � � �o� � , � a 7501 B�t_� 4-{�::T.lI`, �v432 ` C� — �� i L�� i• `\j� �I1NNkF,PG � ;�, � �� � � �� �, , -�. ,-. � �`�, ^� � �!O DAl'A, IN.,. .� . � aS:sO ��ech St� aa� \� )v; ,7�a� lis, E�•linnesota 55432 �-' , ��� � �. � � � � f r � �; � �I N Cj �. IV y L. ` " `_ �,% � 12� � `� 7 �D �E-�c ri T %-� �, �f' ""--�-~--,.�-� , _ � .. . �J� . , I� , � �:i�?�J/ ��rn YAt- y"1 r � r����if.3ni -�-1TCi � ' � `L..).'� P t•� �r�d�c� E �```� Sb�.�4� C� �5�,1� y ' fl il: ;'r7 t` � .y .,.,,�� •. � I � 4 W��W=`!1 ` �, � / �� , % �. i � , � ' . ' • • � ' ' ,� � � �� . � Gavid Qusiness Products Corporation 7841 Elm Street N.E. �linneapohs� t�7innesots 55.432 Phone 571•7700 /�� �� �i�i��L�� GG� � .�.. �:rt`'i'? a�++ �;'�: �� r�� �'M �.� +�'+� /�.'Xa,���'� yt~i�1:'..�i4 ."•.a� 1'ti�:i3T - �F+4'-rtL �.}�fiF�4i i%r7H�i� :� r �#.r�; k,�c t� �arc°� 3C . . _ . , _. _ . . —_ _ , . _ `� �,�`'�:��.��'r,.��` '��.' � . ► J/ l � � � . � �� A. E. MQLDENWAU�R� IN�, 7�F�0 BE�CH STR��'F N,�, MfNNEAPaLlS, hiN, 55�43� P_FI�N� j612j �S� :64.28 : •..� � : 5�����&�:���"Y� . � s'! `t'�` a� i'� �`,f �•'°.� S'�' ;'..M:,; a.4;�t ,�.�+�;,� , li�<l`Y{Gt l�•���7�� ` y . .; �-, ,. �, . i" p'�1 1` . } ,'y : ' i} � � STATEt�IENT OF CANVASS GENERAL ELECTION NOUE��IBER 2, 1976 DECLARATION OF RESULTS THEREOF In accordance with Section 4.03 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of the 1976 General Election to be as follows: Ae The total number of ballots cast was: 14,290 Ward 1- Precinct 1 1,396 Ward 1 - Precinct 2 ,692 Ward 1 - Precinct 3 —�,27G Ward 2 - Precinct 1 ,461 t�lard 2- Preci nct 2 1,493 Ward 2- Precinct 3 2,477 Ward 3- Precinct 1 2,033 Ward 3- Precinct 2 1,221 Ward 3 - Precinct 3 ,191 i _ _. �4 ' TOTAL: 14,2�� B. The votes for each candidate, number of defective and not voted and write-in votes are as folla�s: � PRESIDENT AND 11ICE PRESIDENT OF U.S. -:, 4l-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL Fot^d & �ole nd. Rep.� 531 749 422 535 536 i,180 83� 409 �J1 5,49� N • a, ter & ondale Ft 80� 373 amejo�& ..id Sbcialist orke rs rty . 11 7 .�cBride & �rglund ibertar- ' n Party 2 2 11 & T ner mmunist a rty � a -� '' 8�0 86� 9�8 1,213 1,120 746 326 8,15E 3 8 6 : 3 31 �4 4 82 0 8 2 5 3 7 4 3? 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 E AGE 2 , PRESIQENT AN D VICE PRESIOENT OF U.Se (CONTINUED) GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 1976 4A � W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL Levi n & omen dustri al '-Gav't Part� 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0______.,2 � 1 �derson & . ackelford . ri can rty 3 10 4 9 4 10 17 �� _,� 67. Mc Ca rt hy & �ein 21 25 20 14 15 33 43 _� �,� 222 LaRouche & �ans i te rn a- � tional Devel- ment Bank. 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 iddler & ' isben - cialist � rty 0 � 0 � 0 1 J � 0 0 1 �ght & - ock Peoples rty 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ot Vated & Qfecti ve 23 24 � Ron a TT Je rry Regan Qr�•rn 1 'rite-In Ronald tes 1 4e ag n 1 �TAL 1,396 1,692 24 18 16 19 32 14 29 199 �orjald Regan & uold- Jerry Lest2r 2egan water 1 Bro�vn 1 t9adox Ronald iiuuert H. �J 3 Re ag n 1 Hum �� re 1 6* 5** 2 24 Hubert N. Nu�no:�rey 1 1,276 1,4b1 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,2�3 *�Jri te-in votes � W-3 P-1 Ronald Regan 2 Ralph F�ader � Eugene McCarthy 1 Ryne Pen tz 1 Paul Swa�tek � .F•lary S��antek 1 � .' iJ� i .. son R�ckefel ier 1 i , **1Jrite-in votes �J-3 P-2 .I�Hu .t�p h rey 3� ::�on d a l e 1 Eleanor P9cCor�nack 1 George t•lal l ac? & H. ��uin�hrey 1 Fred Harris 1 Ronald Z�gan 1 0 �AGE 3 , UNITED STATES SENATOR IP1 CONGRESS GENERAL ELECT: ((�1 NOVEMBER 2 , 1 �76 '4B � W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 1J-3 P-3 TOTAL Jerry Brek!<e d. Rep. 284 3�5 187 253 245 652 446 192 142 2,756 ubert H. ��:�►nrey 620 1,406 395 9] 6 10,128 L 932 1,179 961 1,063 1,106 1, Bi 11 � �te rs on ci alist !do rke rs � �rty 3 4, 4 6 3 5 3 5 2 40 Robi n E. 'ller bertar- an Party 9 6 1 6 3 16 4 5 7 57 �itt S avol a tbmmunisi Party 0 � 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 � _ �ul Nelm Ameri can rty 103 135 101 124 117 167 185 10� 11� 1,147 ot Voted & fective 15 13 2T 8 14 15 37 la 14• 1�7 � � !,Irite-In �tes . 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 �l i �TAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,4G1 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1,191 14,29J ' ,'i chard M. II trdal l d. Rep . 342 nal d t•1. Fraser �,, �� 874 , ' REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 5TH DISTRICT 479 259 334 316 822 �41 255 183 3,536 973 817 948 994 1,376 1,200 304 85� 8,841 4 V� REP.RESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 5TH DISTRICT (CONTINUED) GENERAL ELECTIOi� NOVEMaER 2, 1976 '4C W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL �hris Frank Socialist orkers arty � 13 8 11 13 6 10 22 7 7 97 �rankl i n - . Haws Libertar- ' an Party 4 6 4 11 2 18 4 9 6_� ean T. rust rke rs rty 3 3 1 0 2 3 3 3 2„� �ck 0. rkham Rmerican �rty 46 113 72 82 Not Voted & � ` i;�fecti ve 114 110 112 73 'te-In tes 0 � 0 0 68 64 93 45 46 629 105 184 220 98 �7 �,1 •103 0 0 0 0 0 0 �T�L 1,396 1,692 1,275 1,46T 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,2Z1 1,197 _ 14�290 S�NATOR IN LEGISLATURE 46TN DISTRICT n Ho nd. Rep. 520 8�6 426 548 495 1,103 997 391 342 5•628 vi d D. �haaf . L 829 340 789 �79 951 1,277 993 764 801 8.123 t V� te d & Defective 47 4fi G1 34 47 97 93 66 47 538 , � Don Frank Nri te- I n �tes fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0�]._ _1 TAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,221 1�l 91 �..4,ZgJ � ' , �' ,�AGE 5 GENERAL ELECTION 4 D NOVEMBE R 2 , 1976 '� REPRESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE 46A OISTRICT - W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-] P-3 W-2 P-1 tJ-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 iJ-3 P-3 TOTAL �arb Haake ' Ind. Rep. 508 706 529 77� 2,518 , �� �aul -McCarron FL 824 = 913 895 1,1bJ 3,792 . ot Voted & fective 64 73 69 148 354 � rite-In tes J �TAL 1,396 l,f92 1,493 2,083 6,664 REP RESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE 46B DISTRICT : �Wayne rovart * d. �p, 243 yne Simoneau 408 942 249 203 2,��5 �� 874 947 1,241 717 8�1 4,63J Dale Hemni ng �bertarian ,rty 33 25 116 99 3b 30� �t Voted & fective 126 31 218 156 1�1 682 � te=In , �tes • 0 0 0 0 0 0 �TAL 1,276 1,4G1 2,477 1,221 l,lal 7,b26 CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREP•1� COURT ' �obert . eran ];105 1,379 ],010 1,202 _ 1,163 1,974 1,�12 926 932 � 11,203 : t Voted & � Defective 291 313 266 259 330 503 571 294 259 3,036 ' . � . Yogi , Wri te- In , Bear tes � 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 1 0 1 , � ',I' `�1GE 6 � �TAL GENERAL ELECTIav 4 E NOVEMQER 2, 1976 CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREt�1E COURT (CONTINUED) W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 vJ-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,083 1,�.?1 1�LL 14,,pq� ASSOCIATE JUSTICE �F TNE Sl1PREME COURT alter F. � . gosheske 1,007 1,264 951 1,123 1,023 1 843 1,343 854 t Vo te d & : i s Defective 389 428 325 333 470 634 740 366 31g a,aoa � . Yogi Write-In Bear �tes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0�� ��. _..._].. �TAL 1,396 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,033 1.221 1.]�1 14,290 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT - NIGHWAY SONDS AND TNE USE OF MOTOR FUEL TAXES �S 536 673 481 530 575 1,�28 782 494 433 �.,5g2 �0 . 779 930 702 8�0 $32 1,299 1�114 629 691 7•776 - �t Voted & Defeetive 81 89 93 81 86 150 187 _____�� 57 _�2 OTAL 1,396 1,592 1,276 1�461 1,493 2.477 2.�33 _l,?.,2L _L191_ 1� ' JUDGE OF COUNTY COURT � tanley J. orup 1,150 1,413 1,05� Z,237 1,214 2,�09 1•560 949 �� 11..,�.5� �Yot Voted & �fective 246 279 226 224 279 463 522 27Q 223 2,737 Yogi ' . Judge oear 1 �ite-In Green Do�lald �ickso:� tes � 0 0 0 J 0 1 1 � 3 �TAL 1,395 1,692 1,276 1,461 1,493 2,477 2,�83 1,221 1,191 14,2�� I �•ite-In Votes ' �, , SUPERVISOR SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT N0. 5 All write-in votes must b� canvassed by the Anoka County Auditor's office � for t}�e Supervisor Soil and :Jater Conszrvation District Vo. 5 as the ��rrite-in vote for this office is only good i f tMe person voted for li ves i� th� distri ct. _ - --- -- --- AGE 7 GENERAL ELECTION 4 F NOVE1�13Eit 2 , 1976 , ' � W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 4J-1 P-3 !J-2 P-1 �il-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 4J-3 P-1 �•J-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL _� ' ' ' � Dennis �chne� der W. R. �Walt) tarw alt �ot Voted a efQcti ve �ri te- I n OtQS * '�'OTRL ' ' � ' .� , i 1 1 COUNCILMEMBER SECOPJO WARD 735 312 1,116 669 589 1 ,211 57 92 149 Loui s Mi s kowi c 0 0 1 . 1 ,�61 1,493 2,477 C: The foilawing officer �vas declared elected: COUNCILMEt1BER WARD II - Qennis Schnei der 2 •66; 2 .46� 29; ,� 5 .43' GENERAL ELECTIOi•� NOVEi�6ER 2, 1976 D. The following is a true copy of the ballot used for Ward II. r � o�Ficia� � � � �� i� �. � �,.� � �� � 5� #� �, � �I� .. �•;� � . � � C1iY �F F�iDL�Y � � City Clerk � ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA TU�SDAY� NQVEMBER 2, 1976 COUNCILMAN - iNARD 2 Vote for One. Term Three �3j Years W. R. (WALT) STARWALT - DENNIS SCHNEIDER 4G I >�E 9 .' '', � ;' ' E. Th� names of ttie judges of the election are as follows: tJARD 1 PRECINCT 1 �1a ri 1yn Be ck Nancy Londroche Marie Hughes Betty Baldwin Doris Tallaksen Carolyn Nolmen Barb Tangren Betty Forster Evey Podesw�a Karen Evans Clifford Ness Carol Schneider iJARD 1 PRECI�VCT 3 Velma Pinks Arde�la Buss Alice Mol Margaret Poa�ell Charleen Swanson Gloria lvers Rosella Amar Sharon Hippen Vi Lind Mathiida Rose Johnson Laverne Brazi 1 Rosalie Haling �r1ARD 2 PRECYNCT 2 Helen Shaffer A1 i ce Turne r ' Marian Smith Chris Aasland Nancy �' �=,ort Gl adys �.�t�man Elizabeth LaVigne Karen Bj orgo Pat Ande rson Phyllis Ries Paulette iMichalski Bonnie Waidorf t�ARD 1 PRECI�tCT 2 Joyce McClellan Dorothy Houck Shi rl ey Kohl an Marlys Johnson Pat Holmes l9ary t9e 1 gren Edna Garaffa Mary Su] 1 � van Ali ce Anderson P�1ary E. Storley Evelyn Selenski Gl o ri u 41e 11 an Lois Hines Bev Berry !�JARD 2 PRECItJCT 1 Jenny Locker Betty Brezney A1 i ce Pe te rs on Ca roline S vendsen 7heodora Sasek Violet Burton Gerri Engdhal Muri�l Littlejohn Muriel PomerQy Eun� �e Grier Kay Beihoffer Doris Reiners WARD 2 PRECIfdCT 3 a�v Kinsman Jean 4Jagar Jo an Be rgman Carolynn Blanding Marlene Sonstegard Georgine Henkel Judy En geb rets on Maureen Kunshier Mariys tisowski Marsha Gunville ' Adeline Swanson Margueri r�� Wal inski GENERAL ELECTIO�J nIOVEi�tacR 2, 1976 0 �4 H �GE 10 �� !rlARO 3 PRECI`�C7 1 Yvonne Sprungman Naida Kruger Betty Bonine Jo E. Caron Elaine Nielson Myrtle Morphew Flo Haley Agnes Sh aw Connie Sarnuelson Joan Palmquist Evelyn Holtze Jordis Mittles tadt Nina t�laeser Marjorie Cahlander tJARD 3 P RE C I P� CT 3 ! Jean Jahnson Veroni ca Olstead Betty Nelson � Germaine Wohlsfeld Ginnie Velin Grace Szegda _' Mrs. Laverne Roseth ' Bev Miiier Sharon Reemsta � Jean Mi lls Linda Tatley Gl adys Sy v� rs on 1 . ' 0 ' ' CILP-tEP�6ER �1ARD 3 PRECINCT 2 Pat Dittes Alene Johnson Joann Roetering Evelyn Norn Darlene Vallin Sabina Mostrom Barb Gohman Del ores Chri stenson Mildred Buck Bobbie Johnson Be a El l i s Velma Farr COUtdCI LP•1EM3 ER ' COU�VCIL�1Li43�R GENERAL ELECTIO�V iJOVEM3ER 2 , 1976 ��IAYOR - t�JILLIAi�1 J. fJEE �4I ' ,1 � CIT1( OF FRIOLEY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM t�l. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER,'i�AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL, ASST. CITY I�GR./FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: AWARDING OF GENERAL LIABILITY A�ID PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE BIDS FOR THE YEARS 19�7, 1978 AND 1979 DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 1976 ' � Attached are the bids for general liabili�y and property damage insurance for the years 1977, 1978 and 1979. A surr�nary of the bids received is attached. Two bidders m�et all specifications, ' . Transcontinental Brokers and Green Tree A�ency. Ri ce Creek Agency � bid on a portion of the insurance, but di' not bid on the complete � r Package. ' The City Purchasing Agent and myself are still in the process of analyzing the bids. We are hopeful this �,task will be completed by ; . Monday ni ght, and we can make a recommendlation to the Ci ty Counci 1 on awardi ng the bi ds. ,I� MCB:sh At tachrr� n ts � � ' 5 I Y � � F ' � , . � � � II !' � a �a = V � � N d � Y Q X ¢ Q u 7` ac w q • d �- OD �- W � N f� O� . �L GC1 Z' G/ C.� Z �-�. N ►- N !! st ti1 C! �N� V iff OO L •.- d' 7 A ta. �: W > f� H a N r- . . � 0.- 0 v 1 � �+ i� � 1 QI t7 �+ � �s; � W iN C� 4 p � Of i o s. o+ c ►- O +- o a� 3 0 o�i � ���� . 4J V . OC 4 2 � � J O a • �¢ .~. � t7 � d xo � L . � � O q �+ �C A C wSCi L~�..C-. r a� +� � p +++ c z i a�'i °v p p'� N w wN i L t� C �n t� �-- c . O � . tFt YJ. ' i an p.e�� nw. � � WO� y �� C� L! . LJ W~ W W X CO � � d Q4�iQ Q��-p OC ac oc cC cr z r- W 47 W�+ tt1 W Q C' C � OC � G.' CC L1� 1 a"'-^ m n n�m mc°�� oo, o 0 000 ooF- N r- F- F-- F- Z F- i- � N Q� F- �-f� �O�i O n�C�O ��efb� H� GO O �cf rn c'1 r� N 1"� Of Q� r��D 1!� N � L"'f N � r- N r� �f t JOC M Q�i• �� H W f�N'1 N � b...i � r � M► � N N �� tL o Q LL' �-- W �a� v �ov . c�rc Y f� C' 4i � t0 ►r J RJ �`'? ul 01 SY F'- � tC LL C.� � r F- �'� ^ C I�r++Z Nt/fd 1") M> W W~ = W � y } � � 3 Z w Y O�O �t' LJ a�DO U �O Q o a+ e� ►- r• w Z c:i v� Z r- e- N � v�i a~ z4 ¢ �� N W ef V' 4� � � N t1'f � }n � � � O tDOU � �►r).-~. N� e^+ � ^Z� N 3 � VA d � � W 0 Vs{ m m l�-- W !�- F��- O J V C.) t.� � � 0 N ' � W W T H O O O N � ►�+ O N� W � !n V►W Z �-+ .�.. u°�� � � c u Jd � Ir-ly--� � pC � W W � W W W O ad� F_J uxi' a o°co°ez ao i9 < d C. �-+ t� CD 0 � 4 Q C�i N x z � � az N J taJ .-� O � _7 L� W , V4fC'Q Q C o>a 0 �"f W I l+J C1 ,mi� O� 1 tlf 1 ^ 8 � � 1 1 N O O c.� 4 V � ..�.. W cJ d C. N N .-� W O J d Z Q O O O O �OO OYYM aoo .-. �n o J N c'f $ oa ��►~dW-- W �'�! t/1 N � F=- O !- 3 C 4 z W d �r 4O� C� C.� 1+.. � O M � O W � W a W m � � O �N • J oC �� H O �� a � a M m H S i-�- W > W Q F'� a: E H oWc °v x cwo 1"' °z3 r ��a aoc�.� w� = N •• a .. O K �Fw-� L1 N ►�+ t� W4. ��� N Oz N �+ at S �o�H 2R�7� O N W M O M O ^ � dMi O u�'� 1� C a�"0 M �Z if N ^^ F �# � ' �Er� � O�C i.�.1 d �-�- z� `�d a w r o c i .'i+ o �i w z �a. w co z `t � �+ S ¢!-- v O { 3 t�ai w ^ z u�i t�i 4 ?� n: W O Z�.. .. MW �-xiVf � w J N • �•2-•pN �-+ O 4. W � � � 4'1 .'Z . w itJ � w�Zr �¢Q .. � YW �Z N�NC taI W {" 4. � tL Z W T6t . � ty '6.EN W�3�w�r Hm . . m �1=- �ct0 � ��.1JN� =0 4 z3 v2 4��uai F��- 4�N t�: 1�-�SOO W Af r� tt1� W � Of wr Z Z CY W �efOf c1'O O� �y�j�0 . C tSl� � 2 �� W N j� r!► A W �C a s a3eu� � v x p M p W .. a W f� N � g a� K Z � O O O • t)�:d . J z O .r «r i- O ��H Q C� Q. Q M l'7 W C' � 2: O W . h� � W > >� ►r U u. ti m0 = Z� SS NQ� t� Ll wQ-� N � W ~ 4J lY � CY . W W JW ~ �~ �' �' ON - N vf cr x W Q •D � �� q� O W }O G7 W W W W � 4. O O 0.=0 U00 �� }� vfp Z .Z' �+ .r p O 1- F- [Y. N -� Q' O O 4J �> N N O W O O 00 Jd O � t7 �.� - OG � � O O �100 JOO 'L � CY O O vl O u7 W n: •, J J W Z � �+ � a�eh W:: d¢ °o °o xoo � o°- o0 M 1A W N c'O �.� d �p . t7 r+ ►- F- et CD •; 5a e u n • . r • .a•'i � • '� � Transcoc�tincntal Brokers Plycnouth Bldb. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 � � � Phone 612-333-8191 "� � City of Fridley � 6431 University Avenue �1.E. Fridley, biinnesota 55432 RE: Insurance Quote Gentlemen: Licensed lnsurante Agents Since 1955 D01e V. Hadt�ath, President p�vid W. Seppelt, Vice Prcs(dent October 29, 1976 � ' Attached you will find our quotation�,for the City of Fridley's insurance coverage. �4'e have quoted �he City's insurance with . Western Casualty �: Fire Insurance Co pany, Crum & Forster Insurance ' Company and Hartford Steam Boiler Cor�panS�. All of these companies exceed what is required under your B�sts Rating per �:he specifi- cations, � . - �, ' , . ' , Under the Liquor Liability, �re have �uoted 300,000/500,000 Liabilitp �vhich is higher then what the specifications call for. We also received some bids that were'lower then the figures we quoted. However, trey did not comply with your specifications in as much as the� are either not a A+AA company or they are a non- admitted company in ��innesota. These three companies ��•ere the Admiral Insurance Company, Drake Insurance Co�pany and International Surplus Lines. I� we were able to u�e their quotations, our total bid would be re3uced substantially. ' The �Pestern Casualty Company has a td therefore, alI`.of th� claims could b Minneapolis Claims Office. inneapalis Claims Office and� e handled directly out of their � �� 0 City oY Fridley Page 2 SC 0 Under the Errors & Omissions coverag� that we have quoted there is no deductible. This would elimin�te the necessity on minor claims of referring same to the City Attorney for defenser Also, under our Errors & Omissions coverag�, we would provide coverage for attorneys, architects, engineers''or accountants. All other quotes that we receive �or Errors & pmissions coverage exclude coverage for same. ', Another very importan�� point is thatlthe j7estern Casualty will issue their policy on a three year i�stallment basis which guarantees your rates for General Li�.bility, Property Insurance, Crime and Errors & Omissions Insuran�e for a three year perxod. As you know, insurance rates have be�n increasing substantially each year.and this could save your C�.ty thousands of dollars over the next three years. �, . � In the nast, �Yestern Casualty Compan� has insured the City of Fr'.dley f: •r six years. I am sure th�t during that time the Citp was happy �cith the claims and engine�ring service that was provided bp this company. ', Yours very truly, �, � �•(�. !f, �y� ' Da�e V. Hadtrath ' President '' Transcontinental Brokers ' DVH/lIh � ; P. S. Also attached is our Bi :? Bond for 5 0 of the Bid. 0 0 . �• 4 , � A ' ± ' �J ' , _,' O • . w � � _ .,. . BID SHEE'x' PROPERTY - CASUALTY'INSURANCE CITY OF FR DLEY � � - _12-31-?� 0 5D The undernamed insurance company/s ag�ees to provide the insurance protection outlined herein under the iability, Proper�;y and Crime. sections. Such insurance shali be in accordance with the coverage- and limits requested unless specif ica ly referred to under "exceptions to specif icat ions" . . i NAbiE OF COMPANY U.S. Fire Insurance Company BESTS RATING & COVERAGE QUOTED �1+AAA•AA Umbrella NAb1E OF CO�LPANY �4'estern Insura ce ompany BESTS RATING & COVERAGE (�liOTED A�-AAAAA- Al1 other coverages NAbiE OF CObIPANY Hartford Steam oiler BESTS RATING & COVEHAGE QUOTED A±AAAAA Boiler & b�achinery r�uzUn�i � �' GENERAL LIABILITY AUTO�iOBI LE PROPERTY CRI bfE BOILER & MACHINERY LIf1U0R LIABILITY p.r•►i• 300/500,000 a ) �/ ����{:L°L lst year Included Included �5D5. Included 2nd & 3rd year $32,087, XXXXXXXXXX Included Included TBD (TO BE DETERbi I NED ) TBD 3 year Advance XX��XXXXXXX ' IIMBRELLA i ' a) 1,000,000 $4,563.II TBD b) 3,000,000 j alternate $?,961•'I TBD ' EXCESS OF �VHAT LIGIUOR I LIABILITY LIbIITS 300/500,000 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXJ�XXXX '' GOVERN�tENTAL E& O Included' Included , . LI11fITS QUOTED 1,00O�OOb XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXYXX . ':�TOTAL $1, OODOOOIULI3r`�;ALLA PRFbiIU� Nf�_zT TUT`: TOTALX$3XOU0,000 Ui. X P���I- �62,�5! � E�:'-.CPTIONS '1'O SPFCIFICATIONS: 1.', Our quote provides Liquor Liabiiity liraits of 300,000/500,000. 2. Ojur Errors & Omissions quote includes '� :�� ' - ' - • • ���fir� ' . • ♦ '�;' . � '�.�.�•% . 5 E r_- _ � . T�-iE WESTERN CAS�7ALTYC�.ND SURETY C�MP��IY FORT SCOTT, �CANSAS . A STOGK INfURANC� COMPANY • • �tD BOND " ICNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN75: ', BG:;DNUfdBER...... .........._,. .. � THAT. _.....:.. ot :.... MN....S S.4 Q.2 ............._...._.._....._..... as Principal� and 7he Ylestern Casualty and Sucety Campany, a Kansas corporation, as Surety, are held and firmiy� bound unto ......................_........._._.._ ......._.._............�.... es Obiigee, in the full and just sum bf la�s, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum, weil �nd truty to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, abninistr�to�,, successors and assigns, jointly and severaliy, firmiy by �hese presents. WHEREAS, the said Principal is herewith submitting its proposal Insurance , THE CONOITION OF THfS OBLIGATiOiV is such that if th�e aforesaid Principal shalt be awarded the contract the said Principal will� within the time requi�ed, enter into a formal contract and give such good and sufficient bond or bonds as may be required to se- r� tute the performance of the terms and cunditions of the contract, then this obliga#ion to be void; othenvise the Principal and Surety , ' .' Y, will pay unto the Obligee the dif(erence in money Detween the amount of ihe bid of ihe said Principa! and the amount for which the � Obtigee IegaNy contracts with another party to perform the work if the �atier amount be in excess of the former, but in ao event shall � �e Surety's liability exceed the penal sumhereof. , , Signed, sealed and delivered.,...�Iavember���l��,••��-1976 � (Datet ' � ...:.............�...............................,...................._....._.................. (SEALI J�� / n� � J�,I ................................................................................... ..�C�"........... .....�,nr-`'d..•`. �/�...�..1........(SEAL) FORM FS 5116-R3 THE WESTERN CASUAI.TY ANO SURETY COMPA�YY .... . . . .. �/���2.'`. ti ................ r�................. ... ... .... .. . K� Chri tofersen Attorney-in•tact MUI. Transcontinental Brokers Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 Phone 612•333-8191 _T , ' licensed /nsurance �lgents Since 1955 Wle V. Nadtrath, President 5{ ', pr�vid W. Seppelt, Vice Presiden. November 1, 1J76 City of Fridley ', 6'�31 University Avenue N.E, Fridley, Minnesota 55432 ' RE: Insurance Quote ,i � Gentlemen: ' In my cover letter, submitted along',with our insurance quote, I tlientioned that we had other bids �ha.t were Iower however they did not follow the specifications. Just as an example, ii I were to use the Admiral Insurance C�mpany for the City's Liquor Liability, our quote would be �4,00�.00 per year less. However, this company and �hose mentioned in'my cover letter do not follow the specifications and therefore welhave not shown their f igures. If for some reason you decide not to follow the speeiiications, please be�r in mind that we would then like to submit figures , based on companies that do not follaw your specifications. Yours very trulp, , . . � � � �.�C v. �,/,�.�1�.....�t � � � � ��� � � � � . Dale V. Hadtrath � �President I . � DVH/llh �' � 0 � I �� . � ' � � ' ' . �J -�' ' � � ' .. " �zn �irr�:T PRO}'ERTY - CASIIAL�CY INSUItANCL � � ' CITi' OF FR�xDLEY 12-31-?� . 5G The undernamed insurance companyJs a�reies to provicle the insurance protection outlineci herein uncter the LiaUility, Property and Crime sections. Such insurance shall be in �.'ccoi•dance n�ith the co�•era�e and lim�ts requested unless specifically referred ta under "exceptions to specifications". � : / I1AbiE OF CO�IP�INY BESTS RATING & COVERAGE �L'OTFD ( SEE ATTACFiED ) NAME OF C01�IPA:dY BESTS RATING & COVERAGE (�U�TED A . . P�t��iIU1I � 1;st GEPlERr1L LIABILITY ' AU'i0?�10�.� ii�E ,. PROPERTI' ($250 Deductible)• � ALTERNATE PRCfPERTY.($500 Ded) 5, CRT�SE 3. ar al Policy) Companv (Crum & Forster) (iimbrella Liability Polic� 2nd & 3rd 3 Z•ea.r year Ad�ancs ** Annuallv Rerated i�XX3�Si��i �X3iXX3�:�X ** Annually Rerated . - � ** Annually kerated _ ** Annually Rerated SOILER &: I�SACiiI:�TEftY 266 ** Annually Rerated LIQUOR LIr1BILITY . ' � � a� 300/�00,000 ?,35'9. ** Annually Rerated INLAND riARINE 2 . 3 $�5 . � . , . UAiBR�LLA ,,,_4 93�_ EXCESS OF �ti'HAT LI�UOR - ' � � . LIABILITT LIIIITS 3, 7aQ. X7�1a11Y fi�S1:1YS $200,000 in excess of $300,000 � GOV�RtiItlr\T�1L � & O 4, 5913 . ' ' �� LIbIITS QUOTED $1,000,000 X?��'1X1 1�1111� D�DUCTIBL,E � . ,��� _ � XX17�Y�?i 1?�?�l.l'1S EXCEPTI0I�S TO �PECII'ICl�TIOtiS: 1) ',No Architectural Fees coverage 2) '�All Coverages Annually Rerated � 3) 'Liquor Legal Limits @ $300,000/300,0 , � . ' ;,,,GREEN TREE AGENCY, INC. � ��y? �' �, . . INSt��.:�:��cr � r^.�;ns � ' MIDt'VEST PLAZA c�UlLDI��G • 801 NICOLLET G�ALL MINNEAf'OLIS, A�1�. 5;,-�0� ' ' ��� � � � � �� � � NAME OF COMPANY Be].lefonte Underwriters ' � Bests Ratin & Covera e uoted '�A s X g g Q (4,) Cla s II ' NAME OF COMPANY Drake Insurance ' Bests Rating & Coverage Quoted ' ' � , � � s, 1 ' ' - ' i � ' ' I �REEN TREE AGENCY IN , C. INSL'P.:���Tcr r� rc�n n� ' MID�IIEST PLAZA bUILDI�VG 801 NICOILET MAl.L i MiNNEAPOLIS, MiV. 55402 ' :5H s_s_Liquor Liabil ests will rate in 1981 (Public Official Liab 0 0 . �;� i � ' . .��..,� .� � `.N�sr♦ , . t�n � � . � �,,��;z �5 I TI�iE WESTERN CASUALTYAND SURETY C�MPAi�TY FORT SCOTT, �CANSAS . A �TOCK INiURANCIIt CpMrANY i BID 64NiD KNOW Att MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7HA7._.__,.� ..................G�tF'.Et�...TREE....AGENCX...... ..._. .._._.....� ......................... ......................:.............._... of and Surety Company, a Kansas corporation, as Surety, are held and _b�31...Uriiuers.it.y....�iuenue...I�I..E... as Obligee, in the fuil and just sum of ....Fi ..wnwr.s�ernstrrr.�.�r...� .�-��•.••.�.��� �•���• ...................... BONONUMBER ................_.................................. .. .........................__......_................................�.................................. as Principal, and The Western Casualty bound unto......�i:k.y.....Df...F.r.idley.,....... ................_ . ....Minnes.ot,a.......S.S..432---......_._.........._ ............... ars, iawtut money of the United States, for the payment af which sum, weil'�and fruly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, � I administr�tor;, successors and assigns, jointiy and severaily, firmiy by', these presents. WHEREAS, the said Principal is herewith submitting its proposal fo� Property & Casualty Insurance . TNE CONDITIQN OF 7H(S OBI.IGAT{ON is such that if the aforeSaid Principal shall be awarded the contract the said Principal will, within the time required, enter into a formal contract and give cure the performance of the terms and conditions of the contract, t will pay unto the Obligee the difference in money between the am Obligee legally contracts with another party to perform the work if j the Surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof, ' Signed. sealed and delivered.....rT.o.y..ember...1.,.,,..1976 . (Oate) 1 � � , .. .�L'�Ii� ... ........................._.... ' ' good and sufficient bond or bonds as may be required to se- this obligation to be void; atherwise the Principal and Surety of the bid of the said Principal and the amount ` which the latter amount be in excess of the former, Dut in no event shall ��....... ...�.��..��-:K-�-�:�,.-...... SEAL . ., • ( ) � ;,. � j r_� . _ ,,.T .-'''"__. /.' ••�.,,�;f............C......_.. � • ..............�.......... .(SEAL) ;� ' ', . THE WESTERN CASUA�TY AND SURETY COMPANY ; � I , � »...». � ......................... �.... . .......... .... . .. ...... ....... .... ..... , Attomey-in•fact . II' � � ,I ' � , Rz �� uss • r��e W�IUTT•MEALTN •N11GlARY • ACCIOE►R �LATE GLASS•MOUSENOLD COM►ENSATION • AUTOMOBILE � November l, City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55�+32 ��:Gentlemen: Enclosed please find our insurance items: l. Ziquor• Liabilit� 2o Public Officials Liability We have attached a 5% bid bond with �]EI�CY �1976 0 5J , i!9 RICE CAEEK TERRACE MINNEAPOUS. MINHESOTA 554n TE�ErNONE: S71•7200 �tation for the following quotation. 0 IInfortunately; our insurance markets!�were not interested in quoting the basic property and casua�.ty coverages as specified. We cou�d obtain quotations if the City would accept subs�antial deductibles on the general liabilit�; Yaur loss experience for the past three years, and the experi�nce of municipalities as a class, point out the necessity af deductibies. Our agency would normally have submitted a bid with the Home Insurance Company. This year the Home has decided to only submit a bid through the agenc�r that has wr�.tten t'�.e Citys insurance coverage for the past policy period.'�, If th� City should decide .to do so, our agency stan.ds willing ito serve as agent of record with the Home insurance Compan,y. Thank .you f or the opportuni.t9 to quo,�te the insurance . � I, VOVR,! � Iit1�Q�(t �AG ti NT �, tr,� ...{. 0 8espectfu119, ,,.—� , .� l ��'`�j � James H. Black 0 0 . ., ■�� . o d . �In :�ir:.��r rtto}�FRrY - CASI��»:i•Y IYVSUitnnci�: � CITI' .OF T'RIDui:Y �SK '' . • �.2-3� -7� ' The undernamed insurance c�mpany/s a.�recs;to providc:�the in�urance ' protection out]ined herein untic�r the Lizb}?ity, Pro��crty 1nd Crime sec�ians. Such insurance st�all bP in 1ccc�rclancc «�itti thc c�vei•a�.;a and limits rec�ues�ced unless spec�.�ic��ly ��i'erreci to under "excention�: , to specifications". I� , �. TAbiE OI�' , CO�IP 1�Y Admiral Insurance Comva�pnv � BESTS RATIVG S C�J�'E1ZriGF: nL'OTLD Li �or Liabilit . � NAll4� OF C0; iP�vl' � Drake Insurance Comp�ny . � � BESTS RATI'.�G �. CG�'rRsG� nL'OZ'ED Pu1�13c ^fficials Liability , • . .. ' . 2nd �. :ird � PRE�SIUtii . . lst t�e�r Y��r , � ' Rr�L LI�IIIILITI' I� -- . GENE . ' . . AL�O'�i0�3iLF. � � � F�nYl�l � PROPEnT� - ____.____�. �� � � �. . ' : . , . . . C:�I��iE a------t- . °------- . . �OILE i &, = t-1CFi I?� ERY _______.,-: . , �. . LIQUOR LIr1BILIT� � � ' � 5 o,%e��, r°�'� ' � . S� �d£ � � -, . � . b. $304,000. CSL �+�. 4 . c. $Soo,000. csL � o�. 3 _ � � _ : � UDtBRELLt1 � , °'''d: �'' ._, -- -�. °'"b, `� - ' _ F}�CESS 0}'' �;H1T I_IQLOc^• . . ,, • �LIABIL.IZ'T LI\!IT� I -_ �.l'1.l'1?�t ' � GOVEP.�?tIF.\TAL E C O . . 59 • _�''��593• (see attached) ' LI�IITS �;liOTEU $1s00�,00p. 111\�1Y , D�DUCT I FiLL• . 00. Xl?�?� 1�?� EICEPTIO�S TO SFI:CIFICATI�7\S: . ' � ' -• . r. rr�+�l�'�RT'pr*•�sT?"'°�'�';'" !�,'12• �'�?� � �.: . .. _ , x�c��a c~� �� t�.�: �c�EtiCl= � . � }� . u Z,a.re�ct� • ' �� � . �` M�J wr� 3A9 RICE CREEK TERRACE w.�»•j....�. MINNEAPOl15 MINN 5543' �-.•.__.... . ' :TEIEPNONE 571-7200 �r+�ir�ida.•��-'�_�'.-�.e:+..u�,�, �� 3 yea.r idvanc� .-- �;��X}�S� _____— ---- �?i�S�.l'1 $4:593 ?�?�S\11?� S.l'»`C\� ' i � . � � A eTOGK COMPANY — COT/P6L16MC� 1900 0 0 ! 0 5L 11 � �cI1�'ll � ' ' C�� '�D�� QDII�1 �' : . � � � 1� ��� MOMR OrrIC� � OF MARY It I iD IT t) KN01V ALL 1IEN BY THESE PRESEtiTS: Thac we Rice,.Creek A .. ..........._..._... .------•--• A.N � OALTIMORG � ..................._.........._..._..._..........._______........._....._........_....._..., as Pri;ncipal, (hereinafter catled the "Principal"), and L}iC FIDELlTY AND DEPOSIT CO'.►SPANY OF <tiIARYLAND, Of Ba�[it110ie. 1�•Iaryland, a corporation (�U�v OfgaltiZeC� under the laws of the State of Rlaryland, as Suret}•, (hereinaft�r called the "Surety"), are held and firml�• bouud unco_._._....the--�1�--°f _Fridley.___.._.._.__..___.._.. � -----------------------..........._.._.._..........._....._..._............... --;-- ....__._...._�........_... __........._._ _......._.....___........_.__.......1 ................................._............._..._..._...............-•-•-----.. . �,. as Obligee, (hereinafter calied the "Obtigee") in the sum of_..�.�Five .Percent _ of Amount Bid , � �����E�c- 5� --...... .� � ...... . ...... ..... .---- ---.. ...._...----.... .. .. ......__.. .__..... .._..... ...... , [or the paynient of which sum well and truh* to be made� the �aid Principal aiid the said Suret}•� bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jdintly and severall�•, hrmly by these presents. WHE' - Plroperty and Casualty RE�S; the Principal has submitted a bid for---..___,..--•-.• ...............................................................�_........... 1�IOW, THEREFORE, if the 4bligee shail accept the bid'oE the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance ��ith the terms of such bid and �ive such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents »•ith good and sufficient surety for the fa+thlul performance ot such contract and for the prompt pa}•ment of tabor and arateriai furriished in the prosecutiori thereof, or in the event oE the faiture oE the Principal to enter into such contrzct and �ive such bat�d or bonds, if the Principal shati pay to the Obligee the differe�ue not to exceed the penalt}• hereof bet�vee�z the amount specitied in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee ma�• in good faith contract with another part�� to perform the �� or� covered by said bid� then this obligation shai! be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed thi _ .. ' .�.__�=.��� ....._._..... u,�s ._ oE.__.... November _..._........._....r►.n. 19.. 76 . Rice Creek Agency .._�SEaL� .._.._..-----•--• ...................................._........ PrinciQal .,�... _ �J i�. � � �-� ,mes H. Black - Partn� FIDELITY �ND DEFIDSIT CO�iP�1i�Y OF Ai�R1'L:1ND '� . . Surely �l `� �� .: �. . /`c`� �': Bjy ....... ....::!'.��. ..................c�,,,,....:�.'.��:.... �SL' AL� ' ames $. Elack, Att�d�ney-in- '� � Fact ........._......_,;��.-�,,�-�,�q_... �_.�c�,,,...,........... ..1 WliiitSS • C.I23d—�I�t.1.T� i9i02� AODroved Dy The Ameti�•nn Inatitute of Arehiteete, A.I.A. lwcument i�u. A•.11U NebruYry IYJU k'wtitiun. .� _� , ;:, � MEMO T0: CITY MANAGER FROM: DA7E: RE: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OCTOBER 28, 1976 ' 1977 CITY HOLIDAY AND CITY ¢OUNCIL MEETING SCHEDUL� Attached is the proposed 1977 City!,IHoliday and City Council Meeting Schedule. The holiday schedule is normally composed of nine holidays designated by City ordinance, �►ith the City Council option of providing additional holidays. In the past,one or two additional holidays have been designated. This ye�r there is not a New Year's Day holiday requirement because it falls on' the weekend. Therefore, the required holidays have fallen in the pr�ceding and following years. The proposal for 1977 hoiidays includesj the standard eight holidays with the addition of the day after Than',ksgiving and the last working day in the year, which falls imnediately before the New Year's Eve weekend. �"' -' The City Council meeting schedulejfollows the standard format of: regular meetings on the first and third Monday of each month, public hearing meetings held the second Monday, and the conference meetings held the tourth Monday. This schedule!has 6een adjusted when holidays � have occured on Mondays. ' �� � ' � ' J KK/ms ,_6 _ il _ � � , � ' �. � � ' . - ' Ll , � � � ' , _ _ _ . . . . �,'1 . . � � ' PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 1977 . :4,...y�{�.�YM:/.ww�•...w--.,...+.�.t.as.:rf«•:�.awr�a�w.�+.. '"'Y'°"""'�""`N" � R � a � j . .....,uV. . . • .r��. . ..... }..,, .-.ui...:,+....�ww.�« , .. %" !1 '� , r+ � . C�t . , •�'l,� • . .: '... . - ' - J c� . .. � 1l ,,, ;, rr. ,,r . �,� - r f ,, . . . ,. y ,: r-�..�... �$ ` ,�i;r,� (/;�; ,' \'^ �# : r �/,,w,'� ,, i � • � � [�1:�y� ��• �„�,•..� � t L, � �;.. 's^ jl 1 ?. .. ' } �� . ,�'�r tid" ►' `;.i' • �.� r . i .. �'I � �. w . . �i' . . . ... . � `• �~� ♦ ��~� ., f � . . � . 1� . ! % . . � � � { '.' ��� �� a�''i ��r � Rr{ t j , i � I • :. � •l% � Fr! ' j I�` � �.�s � � �-� c �� � * i_n . ' . S,tib � �� �' r�.a _„„ . .��^ '� .. C: � .. �M � ,f�i; . . f " , �ai �t ' 1,.�^`f ,�, > `-�r;r «s33"�" f- ";,''� i .. 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