11/15/1976 - 5729JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1976 �� � �� �� � � _ , � � ' � • � ' � ' 196 TNE P1INUTES OF THE REGULAR P1EETI�IG OF IHE fRIDLEY CITY COUf!CIL OF tIOVE'iBER 15, 1976 ' The Re�ular P1eetin� of the Fridley Cit�i Council of Piovember 15, 1976 was called to , order at 7:35 p.m. by P1ayor �lee. PLED�E OF ALLEGIAfJCE: ! P1ayor fdee led the Council and the audience in sa_yinn the �Pledne of Alleniance to the Flan. ROLL CALL: f1EP1BERS PRESEP�T: Mayor �lee, Councilr.ian Namernik, Council��!oi�an kukouisl:i, Councilman Starwalt and Councilman Fitznatrick. �1EP1gERS ABSENT: Pdone APPROVAL OF �1If�UTES: PUaLIC I{EI�RI,lG PiEETIfIr- OF OCTOBFR lff, 197G: h10TI0tl by Councileian h;amerni!: to annrove the minutes of tl�e Public Hearina �•1eetin� i of the Fridley Citv Council of October 1S, 1�76, as subr�itted. Seconded by Council- womar !:u!:owski. Unon a voice vote, all votin� �ve, .'1a�ior• P!ee declared the motion carried unanimouslv. RE!,L'LP,R PiEEIIflG OF OCf03E!? ?5, 1°76: f10TI�i! b�� Councilman Star+r!ali. to an�rove the rinutes of t{�,e Re�ular fieetirq of the Fridle�� Cit�� Council of Octo�er 25, 19?6, as subriitted. Seconded b;,� Counc:linan F!amernik. Unon a voice vote, all votinn ave, hlayor P!ee declared the motion carried unanir�ousl �i. REGUI_A,P. PILETIfl; OF fJOU�'1E3ER 1, 1976: f10TI0'1 by Councilv!or�an Kukov!ski to apnrove the minut.es of the Re�ular !'1eetin� of the Fridlev Cit�i Council of flovei�iber l, 197G, as sube�itted. Seconded b�i Councilman Hamernik. Unen a voice vo�e, all votinn a��ey flavor �lee declared th� r�otion carried unanimously. IIDOPTIOfI OF AGEPlDA: f1ayor ;iee advised that there ��iould be an item added to tl;e a�enda {ollo��:ir.� Item !�8. This ��!ill be "Consideration of a Resolution /luthorizinn �xecution of �',nreer�ent �Jo. 58�15 � ���hich �rovides foi° the Installation c` Railroad �rade Crossin�� Sinnals at 77th l'a,y �l.E." ' �10TIOf' b�� Council���oman I:u!:o�•tski to adon#� ihe anenda as ar�ended. Seconded bv Cour.cilman � Star�-ialt. Upon a voice �rote, all votinn ave, �ta�ror P;e� declared 1;he eiotion carried unanie�ously. OPEP! FORL'�1, VISITQRS: Councilr.ian Fitznatrick corim�nted briefl�� that there v!as a r�atter for discussion re�ardinq fencir.� bet�•�een Altura Park and '1r. Rober* 6ishoo's rn°ooertv at 5�17 Altura Road. fle said that �here has been r�aterial �re�-iouslv in the a�enda renardina this tooic. t�r. Gob Bishoi� i�ias present to state his cas� and ansi�!er anv �uestior,s. Councilman � Fitz�atrick also sLated that there is a letter sinned b,y the forrier Director of Parf:s a�hereby he aave !1r. Gishon an o�tion on the t�me of {encinn that included a red��ood fence, and itr. Bishon would lil:e to have the fence nut in. P1r. Bob 6ishop, 5n17 l�ltura Road, stated that he has a nroblem !��ith the nicket fence that is up at the nresent tir�e in that the sno�•1 in t!�e ;�intertir.�e nresents a nroblem because there is no border and the 3' to 4' of snot�r �oes into the drive��ia��. Also, the ; accumulaiion of �arba�e that blovis throu�h t'ie rark, rrom the kids nla�iinn�there, and the unnecessary weeds is a nrobler�. fie futher mentioned that he had sooken to � i - 1 i . _ _ _ . . _ . _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _�.. - --- _ .- � 7.97 , � REGULAR COUNCIL P1EETING OF NOVEh1QER 15, 1976 PAGE 2 Mr. Paul Brown on several occasions regarding a fence bein� put in and a lot of promises ,� were made, but no fence. h1r. Bishop stated that he was Yiillin� to split half the cost with the City and wo'uld like to have a fence put up from the fence that he has in the backyard towards the street, and he v�as hopin� the City Council would approve such a fence in order to preserve the beauty of the park. Counciiman Fitzpatrick stated that he would be in favor of erectina a fence and nay • half the cost and as far as maintenance aoes, P1r. Bishon has a�reed to assume the � maintenance. He further pointed out that the only objection of the Park De�artment with this request is that they do not �iant to maintain a redvaood fence. Councilman Fitzpatrick also stated that one of his chief reasons for sun�ortinn the re�uest a!as � that Mr, Bishop has beeri in nossession of a letter for ouite some time believinn that he has had the option for the past twao or three vears. Councilman Fitzpatrick, therefore, believed the Council 4rou7d be justified in grantin� the rec?uest for the aforen�entioned reasons. � Councilman Starwalt stated that although he realizes this is a pi°oblern, it is a matter � of going beyo�d what the City has done for different homeoi•mers under similar circumstances and the City's policy �as.been to stick with the chain link fence. The chain link fence ' being more durable and earier to maintain, he believed this to be a pretty good compromise. , Councilman Fitzpatrick's recollection was that bids vrere taken on three optional fences so there certainly was somethina in the works, hov�ever he u!as not sure why it �!as held up for so long. ` Mayor Nee asked if there �;�ould be a problem ��aith the fence beina built on P1r. Bishop's property and Mr. Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, responcled that he did not think so as long as the Council inakes a finding that the fence is being built for the benefit of the Park. ; Councilman Hamei°nik asked P1r. Bishop to clarify tvhat he meant by maintaininc� the fence. Mr. 6isr:op responded that if a wood slat came out, there ti-�ould be no problem in p�rtting another slat in. ; Councilman Starwalt questioned,the action(s), if any, by the ParL Goard regarding the matter and �9r. Nasim Qureshi, City flanaqer, stated tl-�at the Parl: 8oar°d Nfas a4ainst it ' Councilman Starwalt then stated t'�at they anparently never reacted to the letter nor the securing of bids. Councilman Fitzpatrick s�ated that it was his impression that they forvaarded it to the Council for some action. ' Councilman Namernik rai=ed the quesj:ion of should f1r. Qishop sell his home, �vhat position does t;iat leave the City in. P1r. Bishop responded that he suspects f�is home is ��rorth anywhere from �45,000 to 553,00, and one would assume tl�at anyone who could qualify fur a loan to buy his Iiome ��iould have son�e pride in maintainirn such a home. P�r. Herrick stated thzt he b2li�eved it 4�ould be looke_d at�. as jusi: another priv�i:e djnUYtE(1311GE Wl��il c3 IICi' ��6i1:'E'. F�OlrltVi_'Y's �/Oil 111i;1��C1 ii3VF? �0 i21y` GIl f;�12 II�Vi OV�;GP.'"S j:0 R1dllltdlll lt tV1��llYl d 1'Cc.S�a!,dtJ73 �'�iSf110I��. Pi0TI0:� by Cou^ci lman �; t;.p��tri�c�: to ap{�rove the re{ ��s�t �nd ereci_ tf�e fence and �he Ci �ty pay P�,a�1fi the cost for si�cn fence.� Seconded by Coune�iit��orian Kuko�,vsl<i. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Nee votinc a�,�e, Councilwoman Kuket�rski vot�in� aye, Councilman Fitzpai;r�ick voti ng a;�e, Counci lman Hain2rni k voti nq aye and Cow�ci lman Starti��alt �voti nq nay, PM1ayor Nee declared the motion carried four ayes and one nay. ' Mr. Qureshi stated that some kind of document would be drawn up and signed with P1r. Bishop regarding this. .. NEII 6USINESS: CONSIDERATIOP! OF FIRST READINf•. OF tlf! ORDINAPlCF ON RF70�!Ifl(; REQUEST, ZOhlIN(; ORDIfdANCE AMENDh"E�l` IOA �`76-��, GG�Z'i0fl--ASPE�ISOfI, TO RE?OfIE FROt+ R-1 TO R-3; 65�0 2ND STREET N.E.: MO7I.ON by Councilman Hamernik to vlaive the reading and adopt the ordinance on the first reading. Seconded by Council�-�roman Kuko��!ski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4 C �� _ i � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOt�EP1BER 15, 1976 CONSIDERATIOfd OF FIRST READItd� QF Afd ORDINANCE OPl REZONIP!G AMENDMENT ZOA �!76-03, 6Y EVERT Sb)APiSOiJ, TO RE70h1E FROP1 C-1 PAGE 3 UEST, ZONIt4G ORDI R-1 TO R-3; IfdTER P1r. Virgil Herrick stated that at the last r�eeting he indicated that he would have a proposed agreement that would limit the use of the prooerty. A draft has been prepared, however, he has not had an opportunity to discuss this with the applicant. Mr. Herrick sugc�ested to the City Council that they n�ay pass it on the first reading and hold the second reading until an agreement has been reached and signed by the applicant. P1ayor Plee, for the benefit of the audience, ex�lained that there is a side agreement that could be enacted as a condition of the rezoning that spells out the many concerns of the people in the neighborhood ��lith regard to such thin�s as the fencing 9oing in first, that it be o���ner occupied with no rentals, and it really addresses a number of the questions that the people have. Player �Jee asked if there ��:as anyone in the audience other than the petitioner who was concerned and there was no response. Councilman Star���alt stated that he believed there were going to be people present un the subject. P1ayor Nee proceeded to give the ��etitioner a copy of the proposed agreement. MOTIOiV by Councilman Starwalt to �,!aive the reading and adopt the ordinance on the first reading. Seconded by Councilvaoman Kul:owski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the motion carried unanirilousiy. RECEIVIMG THE MINUTES OF THE PLAP!f�lIf��. CQh1�^ISSIOP! f1EETI�I�, OF r�pt�ErqgER 3, 1976: � REAL ESTATE 10 RD�ITION, P.S. �'76-11: MOTIOP! by Councilwornan I:ul:o�,rski to set a public hearing for December 13, 1976. Seconded b�r Council�l,an Fii:zc,atrick. Upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, Piayor Plee decl�red the riotion carried unaniinously. T. SKIBA, L.S. �'76-10: Mr. Dick Sobiecl�, Public t�!orks Directer, stated tl�at this is a request by petitioner for a lot split in Y.he general vicinit�d ot Qacon and Onor�dac�a Streets. The Planring Cei�snission did have a heai°ing on f!ov�inber 3, 1976 and did recommend aooroval of the lot split. He ;�oirited out that ther�e i�,�as some concern rec+ar-ding a parcel of pro(�erty that appeared not to he included in Lot 11, but after checkinq �-rith Anoka County, that parcel is included in Lot Il; and the description as it reads in the Planning Commission minutes is correct. f1r. Oureshi questioned �•rhetf�er there were any additiona? v�ater and sewer assessments and-P1r. Sobier_h i°es�onded th�,t they were in and assumes the�� have been assessed. Hov�ever, the i;etitioner v�ould assume any oF the assessi�ien±s for �ne develonment of the uroperty. P1r. Tom SI<iba, ��010 C�unker Lake Road, saas in at±encf��nce and s1:=ted that he �,�as the iiadividua�l reo�iesting �Y�e lot sp7 �i ani� he was awar�� of the assessments and had no questiors at i.he pi°esent tirne. � P10TIOP! by Councilman Starw,ali: to apnrove the lot split on the recor�rrendation of the Planning Co�iTmission. Seconded b�� Counciliiian i�ar�ernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor P�ee declared the inotion carried unanii��ously. APFE�ILS COMMISSIOf! f1INUTES-OF QCTOBER 26, 1976: VID PROPERTIES, 4300 P9AIN STREET Pl.E.: Mr, Sobiech stated that this is a re�uest b.y the nro�ert,y owner in an industrially zoned property at the corner of �l3rd and Piain for a variance on the lot coverage ' as it presently exists. He further nointed out that the oamer nroposes to make an addition to their present facility which would be nenerally to the west of the buildino and the rear of the buildinn. The pronosed addition would be constructed on an existina retainino vaall. Previously, there was a sloned portion of landscapinc� and basically this was to ensure that the fo�m dation in this nart of the buildina � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF PlOVEP1BER 15, 1976 ��� PAGE 4 would not freeze. h1r. Sobiech also noted that the basic buildinn covers approximately 50 - 51 % and with the additional proposal, they would be in the nei�hborhood of about 55 - 56% lot coverage. The l�ppeals Cormiission did, however, recommend approval. He also pointed out that the construction of the initial structure was in the early fifties prior to the requirements that oresentl,y exist and he thought perhaps sonie additional stipulations with the buildinn perr�it could be made in that they would work with the Staff to acquir•e a joint parkina aoreement with Qurlin9ton Northern. There is a concentrated parkin� problem in the area; however> to the south there is a lot that is basicall�� empty all of the time. Councilman Fitzpatrick questioned the reasons for the areativ increased on-street parking and Mr. Arvid R. Hansen, �300 P1ain Street N.E., resnonded it was due to the fact that there are all kind.s of salesmen cominn and aoina to �urlinaton Northern. Mr. Hansen proceeded to mention that the avera�e call of a salesman is 15 minutes and 6urlington Northern probably qet 100 salesmen, and they net apnroximately 10 a day. _.... _ �. Mr. Qureshi stated t.hat a stipulaticn could be made ���herein authorization be niven the administration i:e work with the property o�-�ners to study a plan that would be an appropriate arranneinent on the parkinn problem. P10TIOfJ by Council!nan Fitzpatrick to apnrove the recon��nendation of the Appeals Cominission for a variance to increase the lot coverane, and that the petitioner work with the Citv Administration to try to alleviate part of the parkinn problem that exists both along on-street parkin� and on propert,y. Seconded by Council- woman Kuko���ski. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, t�1ayor Nee declared the motion curried unanimously. P10TION by Council�•;oman f:ukowski to receive the ininutes of the Planning Commission Seconded by Counciln,an Star�vali:. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOfJ N0. 112-197F� - ORDtRiP1G I"1PROVEf1EIVT APJD FIP�:!�+L PLf�.�iS AND SPECIFICATIOPIS AP;C --- - -- — -- - -- --- - -- -- - --- ---- --------- -- 'ESTIi1�,TES OP COSTS 1HENE0'-: STR.tL�I� I��1f'kOVEI�IENi f'RC)JE(:l� Sl. 1977-1 NP�ID ST. 1977-2 (MSAS): Mayor P�ee stated that it ���ould be in order to an�end the resolution with reference to 1917-]-:.-��layor �Jee stated thai> after tl�e plans and speciiicaiions and cost estimates have beer� prepared, the i te;n r�i l l cos,ie back once more for action by tl�e City Council at which tin�e a deletion could be made if in the judcnnent of the Council, such a deletion should be made. Regardii�g Channel Roacl, �ia,yor fdee stated that the �-esol�rtion deletes that nart of Channel Road north of 68th Avenue. He then asked if there tva> a motion to iiiodify the Channel Road proposal. Councilman Star�����alt stated tha±�he had a proposal for niodification and it takes into consider�at.ion viev�{ioints of soine of the people renarding the sanitary sewer. He further state� that he would like to include t:he ennineerina-all the w�y to the end; including the rossibility of a cul-de-•sac. Mr. Soh:�r.-� _t�ted t��at: ?r duri�g �the CoEai•��il's i;ru����ls thrcunh the nei�;hborhood, tl;rr�e ai�e a�r ci�e �c,�s, th ��,; c,.� . add �Lt�� n bac!: ir. riu��<:v�r�, the resolution r,ould order the flllii� ��Id,41S c31G� S'�C� 1�!C�.?'.IiIS �OY' 'Cii1S. 7�iP,�� Cclll �): Ut'2�r_tl"C:i� dil� t.�lE`�! Cdll L�P. C�P�Et�.P<1 dj: d �c_tP.l" L1���,E.. �f'}Ey C(�,,tv� k�OY'4�. 4.'lt�l i.i!@ C�:�J.C�F't'1+ nCOU�°'�:.�/ �WiIC'YS Gtl t.f1C_ 58C11�;dY"}� sc.we:° nr�,i�le��n. As it no, cxis�s, f��oiyever, i � is «;�i_nci to f�� very exprr�i:�r�. Nn�. Sobiecn si.:ai:co t�,�a_�i he be.lieved i�(: would be oE;ay at this tiime tc �r�ier the iinc�rove�n�nt and r�thing i=rr;ald be lost if it 4:�as deleted at the n�xt resoliit;iori. � Councilman Starwali stated that although he realize� i:he ner.t hearinn would not be a public hearing, he questioned whether there could be a letter notification from the City to the affiected properl:y o4^�ners so that they are made aware of the meetin�. Mr. Qureshi stated that it may be more appropriate if the Administration contact these people personally and c��ve them all of the backnround information. If they have a change, they can contact one of the councilmembers. MOTION by Councilman Star�•aalt to add north on 68th to Channel Road through the cul-de-sac Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she was goin� to second it just so they can have the plans drawn up, revie��r them, and be in contact with those concerned before a final move is made on �he matter. She later ��iithdrew her second and Mayor Nee si:ated that the motion failed for lack of a second. � ��� .� � � I � � LJ � � � � � �I 1 , 1 _ I � 2�0 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEP1QER 15, 1976 PAGE 5 Mayor Nee asked about the sevaer probl�n. P1r. Sobiech stated that the problem, if it is a problem, is that the elevation of the lateral in the street is above two to three homes. The people who have the seiaer comina in the middle wall of the basement obviousiy feel it is a probleir�; however, when it was initially desianed and constr���ted, a sanitar,y sewer project must take into acco�lnt the economics involved. If the sanitary sewer is lowered another 4 or 5' from the ver,y top of the oroject, the entire lateral system would have to be lo�-aered �•�hich can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In summary, P1r. SoLiech stated what could be done there �,!ould be a lift station con- structed by the City with the force main out to the lateral in the sti�eet from the lift station, antl the new sanitar�� services ���ould be run back to serve tfie nearest oroperties. He further stated t,hat when the City qets involved with an improvement of this nature, it is assessed against the properties and all they ���ould be involved in from the City's standpoint is the construction of the lift station, the force main from the lift station to the later�l and perhaps the stubs for the services out of the lift station. Therefore, ���hat has to be determined is ���hether or not the property owrers want to qet involved in the kind of e>:pense of a lift station. The Cit,y would maintain the lift station and the force main. The other alternative would be ejector pumps t�ahich are considerably.cheaper and more or less have the same affect. There are several throunhout the City that 4-aork very ��:�ell. He further poit�ted out that they .��ould have to qo into the individual homes and see exactly wha� is not beinc; used. Mayor Nee then asl;ed P1r. Sobiech about Channel Road, the part that �oes east and west, ���hether or not ther�e is a nroble�� ��rith t}�e se�;rei� and can it Ue fixed. f1r. Sobiech resoonded that the pi°oblein is roots and se��ei°al pieces of pine ���hich have se�tled. They vdould have to yo do��n and relay those pieces of nipe. Hov�ever, the sewe�° is rather,_deep there and in order to�maii�tain that�section, they would remove the � �- approoriate sections to make the r�;�air. He furthei° si:ated that what f.hey plan to do is to restor� the area after the relayin� of the sanii;ar�� s��•rer lateral to the improved section. Th�re has been some �•<�ork doi�e on that se�;�er line and i•ihat has been done is of a temporaiy nature. Councilman Has��erni� stai;ed that that would Fe an ir•inro�r^n:en±� from 6£;ih Avenue to i�1ississippi Street on Cha�nne7 Road. Playor f�lee stated that v�as correct. Mayor Nee then pi,oceeded to c�o or to Lucia Lane. Councilman Starwa1t stated ��f�iat. h� had no ar.ie, ri��� �r;ts ���ith r2�1ai°d to Luc-ia Lane. Mr. Dennis Schn�i�ei° stated that I�e had a questi�n on Lucia Lane. He cominented that ttie improvei»ent st��ps just in �Front of the r�parto�ents anc! after talkinc� to 1�1r. Sohiech this da�e, the concr�ete c,urbinn is no�! in by �the anartn,eni:s; and aonarently this �a�as because of the z�rob1ems of tl�ie dr�ina❑e nroblc;>> �1�hicYr V:,,.�dc to be i�esol���d once the area is develnped �ust to tl�e east. �1r. Sch��eicier l�e�:�i�:✓�d that �there is a potential for seuicr assessr.�ei�t goi�,ci bac'r, do���n Luc�ia l_ane if the im�?rovet?ient ccm°s in. Additionally, there is a con�':�rr fro�n sor�e of tl�e resid�o�ts he spoYe Wiith reaardina the iraffic fl�v�. P�1r. Schneider's su���estion v�as that �;�hen ch�� ce�nes bacb: to the City Council for final a��proval, hor�eFUl;y the t��a�fic flo�� study iA�ill bc cione �y i.h�n and if there are inotlifica.tio�i� at that time, that the�/ bc imi�r„���etl or ��dor�l:ed on so thai: the drainac?e nroble,n� can be «ns���red at thzt !�oii�t in time �anci th� ti��aff-ic �roblen�s add;�essed. P1nyor fdee i;hunkEd Mr. Schne�ider a.nd .��F�n p� ��:eeded to r,o or, te �6ti; Avenue—Central iiVellUP tu !�l Cc �l^i'.f+: E I CIT'IP1'1'LdY"v SC(i00 i. f;i' ' UY1:f1E'Y' uG��cC; !;i?d�. L4i? �'I �V �OJIICI � IIdG received a r.:�ti,:ior� on ti�is. � h1r. L. Dav�id t�4e.h, 1315 E6tl�� Rvenue f1.E. st�i.rd tl�a� a��oll has becr take�� since the � last meeting of the residents of the block to see hov� man�,- were in favor ai�d how mariy t•.�ere opposeci (which netition he acknovtlecinaci �!as befoi°e tlle Council toniaf�i:). He further stated that fro;n the netition, it sho�red about a five to one ratio of those opposed to those in favor. Th� last three si��natures are fror.� the peonle who reside II � near the corner on 66th and Central and althou�h he did not l;no��� if thev should be included in the poll or not, the�� t•ianted to sinn the �etition a�ainst the project. However, there are twelve si�natures from the 1300 blocl: on 66th tnat are opposed and three in favor. The twelve si�natures aaainst include tvto sinn�tures that are the same but people who own t���o different houses on the block. f1r. t1ech further stated � that he and members of tl,� block do not consider their street substandard and they do not want the improvements. Also, the person �•rho lives on the south corner of 66th Avenue is aninst the improveeient; hoviever, he did not sin,n the poll, ' � � � - --- _ . - - - _ ,, 2n� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF P�OVEMaER 15, 197F PAGE 6 Councilman Hamernik stated that he just vaanted to point out that althouah he is in fau.or of deletinn 66th Avenue, the petitioners should understand that this will be coninc� up again next year and the information as far as eiaintenance assessments, vrill also be available and ti�ey will have to consider this a�ain in the street improvement program. Councilman Star�-�alt stated that it was his renret that most of the people on the list did not come to the heai°ing. They did not have a chance to hear the lonn ranne problems and the possible solutions at this point. Hundreds of people over the years have enjoyed tltie street improve�rents programs that Viave made the City of Fridley an overall better place to live. Councilman Star���alt asked �1r. Cl�arles E. Cai°lson, 1399 EStii Avenue fl.E., who is in favol° of tf��e impt°ovement, if he car°ed to sneak on the subject. hir. Carlson stated that he and his neighhoi� across the str�et have heen in favor of a ne��� street with curbs and guttzr•s from the very beqinnin;i. P1r. Carlsor; further stated that reciardina the cul-de-sac, he believed it should be put on the schcol property. He staied that �^rhen he bouqht the prope?��t��, tr�ere vras; an casec;ent in the Deed that said there wa� � the rial;t to put the stre�t to the west sii,e of the ya��d which affec�ted his lot. He had his attorr�ey at the 1:ime lock into this and he coi�tact G�er�rude SI<inne,° vrith t��e Anoka Count_y f?egister� of Deeds and this vaas cleared un. The ease���ent wa� not on his property but: he assumed that it was pirobahl�� to the east of him which �,�ould put it on the school oroperty. This, in esscnce, is ��rhere the stree': v;ould c�o i` it would r�m north and south if there ��,as a street�that ra-n north and�south. He further r,ointed out that ��dith this easen�en� of 50', tl�e cu1-de-sac could b� nut or tha� 50' because the easer�ent is there anr ir; effect: unt�il 1934- which ai ti�at time, ca.n be renpi:�ed ��or anoi;he�° ten yea-rs--unless the neople affected ��ianted t��� take care of it and delcte it at that time. Therefor��,, it was Mr. Carlson's cor,iention that if there is to be a cul-de-sae at the end of tl�,e block, it. siiould Le or thr school nroncrty because of this ease��irnt. � Nir. Cai°lson coritinued iha�t if the cul-�de-sac is rut on his !�ro?�ertv or �iis neiohbci°s �c;°oss tre stree�, tl�ie h�;drant ��o,�ld i�ave to �e inovcd ��,h�ic��i is�an added exnense; t���e fence that the school has �rec�.ed alonn the edne of the ;c{�ool ��ard ar�d their ��ards, would have to be moved. If tl�e cul-�de-sac is nut wher�e 1�7r. Car,lson su�nests, neither, of ths>se r�ould have tc bA m�ved ar.d he doE� noti�. see Saf�y guoc.f money sh�;uld be spent tearin�; things do���ri �h:�t they cJnn't havc:. Mr. Qureshi stated that if the Cit�.r Council order the i�n�rovement, cer�ainly the nrob7em of the cul -de-sac t�roul d have t:e be 1°eso i ved. Thc school � has not been a,��r�roached so he doesn't_ kno�,� what they ciesir�. f�10TI0P! by Council�����nan Kukowski tc air�nd tfie reselut�ion. deletinn 661.h Aven�ie. Second�d by C�� ���.ei�lr��ar,� W:�.e,-„ik. Uo��n a ��oll c��ll ve�:��, P1.zyo�, f�!ee voti��:�� aye, � Councilwo�ran '�:u��:��r;�ki vr�± ���.0 aye, Co«ncilman I i. �;��atr��c�r ,. �,inn a��e, Cc-�,ci1man Han:err.ik VOtlll�� dVC �n(1 CQl1pC1�ii1::!" C-tdY�^la�I \/O�rl!i^ IIdV �.-��'i)Y ���_,.'t l. I��Y'°� i,ll:.' f'i ..li)fl C7Y'1"lE;i iG:lY' �,�'ci JY;u Gil:' l7d}'. P � i _ ,' ! � � C�. � _ � ,,,. . � _ _ , .. 'Lr. . .s a � �i� . � . . ?: ' � . �'_ _ . „ , > , < ; p!; , � ..�n �� �,� � . r � . �.' , _ � . �� .,, �, ��. __ ,sc; �. . �i ,. i � , Ci _'�1 (;. .,... i , �. � ..-..1 C.�� '. .. ... , � J_;.�. . . . . C� ;i?�. � ��ic'1�. �iri i.` � i �j,r ; . . (.r � �1x1 i!t„ .t _ ,z. � �' �. 'f` ;. . "'(2 �,i.n„ i��}�' � .. '�=:�''j iidS f)('cii _Ci Ec E`i 1 L�` .1 il �'` � I�«"i 1` �� f ' �)���'.C41F �,. „ IS �'...� .i"t.�i� I�;J ...CI l`-- CU�`i�i"lit tL::!:�� �� h�i��;%1 I'1d�I�1�i:El':=iI,C^ 1 L "e'."�L Mr. Mahurin, 637£3 Dell��;ood Drive, stated that in his opi��ion, there Iias riot been actual maintenarce in terms of actual field t��ori:. There has, ho��levc:r, heen much work on the sev�et�. As far as the patchvaork goes on the sti,eet, there has been no patch that t�rould stand up as a unit of use. He fiar-ther stated that he ha� since Tearred that there are more people on Dell��rood Drive who� cannol; undertal;e the expense of�the imnrovement. He also learned that both on Dellwood Drive and Pierce Street, there is a nreat deal of housing that is subject to floodinn. Mr. ��1ahurin bel�ieved that r�ore time was needed to see if the cost evaluation that has been made is valid. Also,.th� system of repavin� � C� � � � � � � �� � � � � � REGULI�R COUNCIL MEETING OF PJOV[P1fiER 15, 1976 PAGE 7 al,nd th'e affect it H�ill have on the block �,iill add 5?.,000 to the value of the house which, of course, the assessors will catch the next vear. Councilman Star���alt thanked Mr. �tahurinstatino that he moved that this be deleted ard it was renretful that the majority of the oeoole did not benefit from the public hearinn that was held nor from the discussion this evenin�. flayor Nee then cominented that he was c?uite surprised at the retition f1r. Mahurin � presented. He had walked the str°e�at on Saturday and tall:ed with several peonle and f1ayor Nee stated, no��� in seeinn the petition sim�ed b,y those onnosed, they are the same people arho talked 4��ith him and expressed their approval. Mt°. John Carland, 6n16 Dell�-rood Drive, stated that the netition ��ras brouqht around bet��reen Wednesday and Thursday. � f�iayor Plee stated that he viould qo alonn to delete at this tir.ie. Noti�aever, there were a num�er of people who are concerned as to <<ihethei° oi° not the se�ver would be fixed and if the improvement aoes throunh, it �•�ill be fixed. Fle also stated that he shared Councilman Starwalt's view--that it is a mistake. ��layot° Nee then moved on to Pierce Street - 63rd Avenue to "1ississippi Street. He � asked if there �•�as any attemnt at nresent to alleviate the �uestion renardin� the Ski Shop antl Mr. Sobiech responded, not at the momeni. However, they have in the nast had discussions reciardina laridscapina and they do not anticioate havinc� any proble�ns with thein. � � � L� � � �' I � � � � � Mayor Nee then moved on to Talmadc�e Lane - Talmadoe l�!ay to Oshorne l�lay. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that at the �ublic hearing, there lvas no one in opposition. Mayer f!ee then ref�rred to Iron�.on Street - liucio Street to Ashton Flvenue. P�ir. Sobiech statnd i;fiat tl�ere i�ias a concern here i�enardinc� the industrial t�°affic and for ti�ie trees ori that r�oad�,�a�� and an alternai;ive ���as attemnted i:o perha�s solve these ;.iroblems. f'o�<;ever, ceriain thi;i�s have to be I<ent in r.iind vaherein access has to be provicied certain ��acant !�roperties on the soutlnvest corner of Nshton, northwcst ar�d northeast. Mr. Sobiecfi stated that i�e felt that this o-�ould be a continuatio�� of the existinn scction bettveen ti;e exis�tinn strc�is. He further poir�ted oui that vahat has�now been su�gested is f�irst of all, increase the pr�orization of stopping the industrial traffic and still r;rovide access to the adjacen� nro�erties. A one-way street has been ��reposed ���hich tvould a11oUr traffic to the east on Ironton and this would be a favorable pos�ition to save �he trees. l�lith this particular proposal, there is no additional riaht-of-�va;� that. is req�aired. Councilman Fitzpai:rick then questioned hew far tl�e on.-��!ay vto�ald no and Pir. Sobiech resnonded Ni�ith a on�-way bet���een Huno and Ash�ton in an e:aster�ly direction. This t�aould also p�°ovide access for ei��er°qenc,y vei,ic?es. It also nrovides a continuous situation i'or° potential r�ainten:�r,,;e i,�., str•eet sr�e�r�inci�, plo�dii���, etc. f1r. Sobiech furi:l��er st?l:ed �f .t i!��ere Uiere ±rucl. �.:�af7=� ;�iu��i; r�o;�tei alonu �rh,� roadl�;aY ard t!�ie C'f;101 i - �ii�'.II _ -' I .. � _. .�l:)lt� (� F'9'�,/.: ;;p ;.`.f .j)ilca.� t , _, �� OL�"lE't" i)C'0;?( _:: i 'I S d Cl� i -C;L'-S�t�. a�i ,��:�it"1 . ,_. �?i� 'tCl. I :�rt� . , I�r u ._. c I,��.,._ �. .C;Ol,�Y2 �, ic: 1'l„bii:-�01-,d`y� ,._, ��F��> `�it!�t ..,C �O,IIL'1" C'� )t'Ct, ..:1 cil�' li'.; . ., , _ ,i�,. ,i. tl'1'-', Il l, JI. (.' -��li Y ,� � �o�� h � � c�; �en� a��.iori _r- ��:. � ��. �.ii' c i' J� :.t 6- •,._ - , �� : _ �,cl � il� � � � , : I . �� �; �� ;� , i I.!A'_ i (;t'� ;:itlPlil. dCj�_ "I115± lilfi(.tC±l_.I;:( t.r...i�f�'.��., . Cou � ��:����� Fi�t���i�':r~ici: s�.ated t.l��at ali4„�,i�,'i {r,c� �?i�`,lic reur��ir��� �is closecf, there ��rei�e pec;�le r>resent �o discus� the subject. P�s. LeeA.nn S�orre, 301 Ironton St�°eet Pl.E., asl:ed t'�e Cit�� Council �vhat theii° nrooesal was for nettinn ci�izen revie��� oi� the �lan. She believed tha� if what has taken olace so far is it, then it is inadenuate. Ms. Si�ori°e stated that she received three conies of the p�-oc�osed vlan froin f1ayor tlee last ni�ht and it just did not �ive her and the residents much i:ime to review ii:. She further stated tha± there are about 40 neople who have said that they consider it their decisior and those are the ones N!ho sinned the petition. f1s. S��orre suanested that since the neic�hbers refuse to come do�m to the Cit�� Hall and sta�i until 2:00 a.m., that P1s. Snori,c ��aould be r�illinn to host a meeting vaith the Council and the neinhbors to discuss these nlans. ` , � ,_ _ � 0 t I ?.t13 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI�IG OF PdOVEMBER 15, 197G PAC,E 8 t�layor Nee suq�ested that the Council could order the olans and it would be aooronriate to interact with the desiqners to �et sorne sense and rather than havina four or five options, for Ms. Snorre to work with them to net two options. Mayor Nee then proceeded to Able Street - 73rd Avenue to Locke Park Parkina Lot. There was no comment on this. The next item was Hickor,y Street - 7£3th Avenue to 79th Avenue. P1r. Sobiech si:ated that it �vas recommended that this be �ut in, ho4��ever, apnrovin� the final plans and orderiria the bids be cortin�ent on receivinn the develooment nlan from the develoner. He apparently has chan�ed his mind from his initial idea. Ashton Avenue - Ironton Street to [ly Street - no discussion. Osborne !�Jay - East River Road to 75th l�!ay. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked if there vaas an entrance from the north. P1r. Sobiech responded that there was and at the nresent time the�� can move in and out of 75th - enter from the north and exit to the south. Ms. Beatrice Sorsoleil, l�7 75th Play, auestioned if thev are noin� to ���iden the street and P1r. Sobiech resnonded they are. He nointed out that that nortion of Alden l-lay and 75th is a desi�nated state aid street. f1s. Sorsoleil stated that a state aid street does not benefit her°, it benefits the City. P1i°. Sobiech stated that it benefits in that the street in front of her roaci4��ay is improved to ,neet certain state standards and the assessments over and above the no rn�al streets are picl<ed un bv state aid funds. Final assessment rolls for the nroject would indicate costs assessed for actual benefit received. P�ayor hee, at this point, stated that the status of the resolution was to delete 66th and Dellwood. Councilman Hamernik stated that he had conversations �vith �eor�le earlier reaardin� Channel Road and was wordei�inn if anyone had not exnressed t.hemselves. � Mr. Roy Qonne, 656n Channel Road, auestioned v�hether therc ��iere rnonies set aside for Channel koad. P1r. Qureshi stated that there vrei°e none, ho�-tever, there r�i�i�t be for 66th Aver�ue and there is a road in bet�,�een the olat. P1i°. Qoone stated that the nec�le who built their home told them the opposite, hcwever, i;e had no docwnentation to sunoort this. �•1r. Boone also raised the noint abcut the narl:in� ni�obler� on Channel Road and if some off-street parkina could be nrovided iri the stt�eet iinnrover.ient nroarain. P9r. Sobiech then stated that ���ithout havinn rnade a d�tailed investination, the ans�-ver is yes--the nossibilitv does exist ir� the area of the ar�artment buildin�s. A setbacic of the cu�°binq could be orovided to allo�•i parl:inn off the traveled nortion of the road. Mr. [3oone surr�med un 1:he discussioi� by statin� ;f anythin� could be done at any time to pursuade the i�ent-ers to u�e the parl:in� that is rn�ovided for the off-str°eet, the problem l�!ould not exist. A visitor statec; that at the north end of Channel Roari there are auite a nurnher of � people not in favor of the street improvement pro m�ar.�. He commented that with � inflatian continuinn, ti�e n�iast ston snendino. Plavor Plce stateci that it aoes on tar.es ! for collection and it is the same if the school board made a dec�ision to raise the taxes. Councilman Star��ialt stated that the cost of yezrl,y hi�h r�aintenances comes out or everybodies pocket. He further nointed out that with:a ne�-,� street of a �roner design — a twenty to thirty year street--the averaae mair�tenance �,rou)d be much less per year than �•�hat is involved in the present street. Mr. John Urista, 6599 Chaiinel Road, stated tha± he would lil:e the narkina situation at the apartments to be looked into and r�a�be tr�r to ir�nrove the nropertv. P1ayor Plee stated that they vdill do their best, hovrever, there were no �uarantees. ; Mr. Georoe Maas, 6880 Channel Road, stated that he did no all the way up to 66th and i the majorit,y of the neos�le were on�osed to �uttinn in curbs but were not on��osed to ! fixinn the street. He believed that there should be e�ore innut b_y the neonle in the � particular areas of what the,y reall,y do viant. Some do not want curbs, some do not iwant the cul-de-sac, sor��e do not t�rant the street fixed, and soeie do not even care. However, most of the ��eople ���ant the searer fixed before they do an��thin�. , i - -- - _ I �. � � � � ��}� REGULAR COUfdCIL P1EETIf!(; OF NOVEPIBER 15, 1�76 PAC,E 9 f1ayor.Nee stated the reason for outtinn in curbinn is it washes and unravels on the edges if they don't. The mat that they put dou;n will last five ��ears. In eight years or so, it starts to oet undercut and that is whv t!�eV do not ���ant to make an investment of the residents' money in a piece of construction that is not �oing to last. P1ayor Nee further st.ated that if f1r, f1aas v�ould tell the residents that the sewer will be fixed before an,ythina else and the cui°binn is there to nrotect thei�• investment and thP m�t, hopefully the1� v�ill be more undei°standinr, of the situation. f9r. Maas res�onded t�hat there �-ras a nossibilitv that this could be done; however, he was onposed and did noC think he could nush an oo�osite ooint of vietiv than �vhat he maintains. � t1r. Ur-ista, F5�9 Channel P.oad, stated that he and others did.take a petition up for the street imrrovement ar�d the c,urbs. He and others did take a netition un for the street improvement and the curLs, and he �•�ent dovn-� about three blocks south; and there is over 51°0 on the net�tion. � � � f10TI0P1 by Councilman Star�-!alt to adopt Resolution flo. 11?_-1�7E �•;ith the deletion of G6th Avenue and Dellrrood Drive. Secondec! by Councilv�oinan Y.uke�•.ski. Uoon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried uranimously. RECESS: ��layor t�lee called a recess at 10:35 p.m. RECOPdVEfJED: f1ayor fJee reconvened the meetina at 10:��G n.m. P,ESOLfiTIOf�� P�f?. 113-1S76 - REVOKIPJG A�dD REDESI�i�!FITING �1UfJICIPA.L STATE AID SIRE[T �332-Q10: NiJTIO�' by Cour�cilman Fi�z;�ai.rick to adopt Resol�!ticn P!o. 113-�1°76. Seconded b,y Councilvaoman Kukowsl:i. U;�on a voice vote, all votinn �;re, �"a��or �,ee declared the r.iotion carried unanimousl��. � RESOLUTTOfd f'0 11 � 1 ��� �F�UES � If'C Tfi' P,f!0' � COIiP i Y GC'�1'�ISS� "'' �S Ir! �OOPLR �TI�N 4;ITH �IiE SfAI� HIGH� 1 i (� ����i�SSiCi� i�� Rr!)UC 11 C �Pu i LI��I( Oi': EFS� '?TV�P R.(,'riD Ff',U9 I E94 NvRif 10 Ti,l �lO.�7f `i,�y� GIT( 1 1P�;ITS i� 3J �1'li: - — — ------ -- --- � �1r. Sobiech stated i;hat in their eliscussiori v�ii:h the East f?iver Roac! Project Committee it �•�as er.�phas�ized ti;1t the Cit!� has �hrourhout the years, emnha,ized_the i°eduction of traffic �nd safet_Y in access on Easi; f;iver Roa�. f1r. Sobiech further state:� that pc�rhans a re-en�ol�asis to P,nol;a Coun�ty that tl�e City of �rid1e�� �till e�aintains this � nosition. I�o�r�ver reqaid�n�� the resol�itio?;, t�iereshoul�i be om� ar�endments. Back in 1971 the spe2d t�.as reduced from �5 ri,�h to �0 mph, ���hich ha �ei �d b�i�a�een I.694 and Osborne itoad. At preseii�, hetveen Osbori��� Road to the nor�h t�e�e ::;l�l exists a 45 mph speed 1ir�it. It N�as f4r. Sobi�ch's �°ecorr�,���e��idation f:i�at fiii°st o�f a71 in the title; � the last sen�Ccnce si�oul:i be am�r,d�.d to rcad, "to thc nor�hern Citv Li;nits to 30 mph." � � 1� otnPt words. t°<cl �re th E��ist�i�c� su��c' lir� � tio 30 i�ph Ir ( ir� fo,sr �li UI'��RFAS, the ti rst sEnt:cnce snoi�� �i re� 1 i��rc _ c� urat I v , i i.r�a t'���ie sr, �,� 1;� i t� s �st3b1 i shed at �(� r.�o'� and ���� r�ph. , Ii7 i' �. i�,st n�,�aq �� i; �b�-�ii n;n,� �,�th� f.0.1, ;���ERF�OF:E, �-r�� third line frorn the bntt.c���� si��clud rea,ra, "Cit.,}� Li�miis of t.h�� Ci�tV of Fl°id1F�� �0 30 mrh." � � � f10TIQi' hy Co��ncilrsar�i �itzpa�trick %o aJoC��� R��solution t�o. 11��-1�7� ti,iiih am�ndrents as recur����eiu��^d. Seccnd��� by Ccuraci lma�� t�arncrni L. Councilwei;�ai� �:ul:o�,�rsl<i , at thi s poin�, v��anted to commend the Sta � f foi° their �vonderful proposal. ' Councilman Starwalt stated tha� he would have to s�eak ac�ainst this as this was just one of several stens to shift traffic from East River Road to wherever else it can be shifted. UPOP� A ROLL CALL VOTE, P1a,yor Piee votina a��e, Councilwon�an Y.uko�•,ski votin� aye, Council- man FitzuatricF; votin� aye, Councilman tiezmer�nik votin� a��e, and Councilman Starwalt votina nay, Playor PJee declared the motion carried four a,yes and one nay. ��� � ' REGULAR COUNCIL P1EETING OF NOVEMf�EP. 15, 1976 PAGE 10 � RESOLUTION N0. 115-1976 - AUTHORIZIPdG AND DIRECTIP;G THE SPLITTIfdG Of SPECIAL ASSESSPI[NTS ON LOT 3, BLOCY. l, FPOID'S ADDITIO��i ---`--"— --- MOTION by Councilwon�an Yukowski to adopt Resolution flo. 115-1976. Seconded by Council- man Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, P1ayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOPJ N0. NO 116•-1976 - CAI1('FLf IfJ(; SPCCiAL ASSESS�"ElJT P/1YMf NTS DUE IN 1974, � --- --- 1975,_Af�D 1976 ON IGTS_4b, 45,—n6 _ 50 APlD 51, AUDITOR'S SU[3 -92. MOTION by Councilrnan Star�valt to adont P,esolution P!o. 116-1976. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Pia��or fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Starwalt asked if this will help assure clear *itle to the City, and P1r. Sobiech stated it ���ould and this is ivhat the,y have becn v�aitina foi°. RES01 UTIOid ���.� 117 197E - AUCHORIZIPJC C?;FfUTIOid C1F PGREEi�itPlT P10. 5_,415 l�1HICH PROVIDES -- -- -- -.-� --- -- --- --- _-- --- - -- - - ----- ---- FOR TH� iNSTALLATION Or_�ZAILROAD (,RADF CROSS1f,�__SIL^lA.LS AT 77TH 11AY ��.L.: Mayor "�ee stated that a resolution considerin� crossinn of the railroad tracks at 77th was the next item to con?e before the City Council. Mr. Qureshi stated that the,y have been trying to get a safe crossinn at 77th ��!a±�, and last y.ear an applicatioz� ��:�as inade for �rant i��onie_s froin the Federal oover�nment. Mr. Qureshi ��tas happy �to report that there is an actree���ent ��;hich a.as before the Mayor which basically says th��.t 90;', of the cost t-�ill br paid by other aciencies. "fhe City has inoney appropr�iated �to oay the reinaininq 10%S. � MOTIOfJ by Councili���n Fitcnairi�b, tc adopt Rc�oluti��r� r':. 117-1976 authuri�irir� the City to enter in1:o an aq�P����e�,� bet��reen �the Siate no��er,����cni: ai�d Fcderal povet°ni?�ent �to propose a contrcl crossinq o!� :.he rai�lroad the 77th. ,eco,ided by �ouncil�vo;;ian Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, al�l ��otiri� aye, f�1a�,or� ^Jer; declai°er� th° inotion carried ur,animoiisly. � P�layor Nee stated t�a�t i.f�e total es�iinated cost is $69,1�)7; and of that amoui�t,� the City will pay 10°�. Mr. SoLieci� stated thaY. this was corre�-i. CONSIUERATIOfJ OF COf'TI�,!UU��'; �:lI1H S7�REET I"1PRO��P^Ei�;7 fi:JJECT ST. 1975-3 (EAST RIVEP. _ - -- - ---------- ROA[) } : - -- ---- — - - --------- --------- --- �•1r. Sobiech stated that this v�as befor�e �:he Council anpr•oxiinai+��ly thirty da��s aao, at �vhich �tiine it was iiidicat:ed that the City Council sho�_ild have a thirty day moratorium on �thE curi�n����.ion of this iiroject i:n further study t!�e input beinr, provided �?Y tf��e Project Co�� ��t,.en -srd th� I�•ridlr_y f_rv>>�c;n�,�rr�t,al C�uali�ty Co��niission. It �ras note� at t:hat meet�inq �hai; the imprr„vement �ro�i°ct calls fcr tlie �iinnrovement on Fast Ri�ver Road t� �n P1�issis�;r;�i �;:Li�F�t ��� f:'r�e soutl�, h":�. Sohii-cfi i�ur�.i��^��� stai:ed �th«t ti'C.'Y`P 1�35 SO .�r CO! C 1. i fl �- "� �;E'F U'd 1"( C �ri� -�.� �;,1���:1�1_V� -..I-;(j ����,�i'Ct �,Oi;liill i;��.E'C_ t�ld L �E.�"h<� �,c.d� �l i� � ��i k; 01'd`c'r� ��:i�� � ��t i ��; r,C t^:t 1�1��G1Vr�Cl LO 1 i ^ ( „ t . 1'r� 1 ! , ��'(_ , , _ 111 ,. , ; ' � ,� i i.. �� ,i,t;a j� j . ilu , i )..` !� �C(C � . . . . , . �.i f 1 � +- , a .. � . . .- ',IP �_� t,�. _ _.. I �._;Vt , c,i�� ����r �jC.'.�.E'i li . 4<�-�c�{, t}I['. � ...� - 5{� ..1 �i r.s... . . . .. ' t t . - i � � �i". _�.� �� il l< ����, j� ��: � Cil � 1.._ F ��"-I�B � .�l � C t.. �.J 1_(. u iC . Cf'. . tfl�' C 11�t;'1;5 ��f-y > ��.":l <.�i;Cl >> ... i'�Si: �� ,.�i, +�:�'C'L ,a., c'. C S�'!'r ,t L4� ���d�i��lliq � LSc:i::.�lC���.0.I1li,S. �1j��`Y' Ci 'Ch:i1�1:t ::1"i;(1 j.l-o.rl'C C.1_I_I';ti71��:5, lt: l.'dS U'1SCO�.C'i"�Ci f.{ldl`, �.. � inapprcp�°i�te data 4��as us<<; anci tha 9,000 fic�ur°�� ;v�,::, ircoi�re,i;. They Itc��e sir,ce up-dat.ed � their �,ecords and they are, in eF�fect, in excess of ��he 9,000 fic�ure. Mr. Sobiech � stated to further q�t a��� idea, if the traffic counts and ot,ojectiors were accurZ�te, a lot of data���!as received fr-oni the State of Minnesota. F�aps ti;�ere i°eceived; indicatinn the various traffic counts pi°epared hy thein. In 197n, i:he,y projected anproximately 1H,000 vehicles south of�Mississippi Street ard approxi��iateiy 11,000 vehic1es north of �� Mississippi Street and Fast Rive�° Roacl. In order to verify this, P1r. Sobiech stated that they took some actual count� themselves and i:he counts roatched ��rith what tiie projections were from the State ofi P1innesota; and he is very confident that the counts that they are using and are bein� �rojected are "i�; the ballnark". LJ � � � � � � � � � � �� _.___ _ ' I � ��n L� �� � C� � , � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF fJOVEPIQER 15, 1976 PAGE 11 At this point in time, Mr. Sobiech stated that the °,000 finure is inaccurate. He also pointed out that assuming the ficrure was correct, how many lanes of traffic would be required to handle that volume? After checkino �•�ith the P1innesota Highway Depart- ment, various district state aid ennineers, F11U peo��le, etc., they received ranaes of a cut-off from a t�.to t.o a foui° lane highway fi°oni 5,000 a11 the «ay up to 8 to 9,000. After talking to the FAU people +�iho stressed the safety annle, they we�°e goin9 to insin�e four lanes of traffic if traffic is in excess of 5,000. /�nothei° item discussed was the time schedule foi° the FAU fundin� prograin. 41ith federal funding, tLe�°e are certain procedures �hat have to he follo��red to insure that everyti-�ing is in proper orcler i.e., certain opportur�ities for public hearings IilUSt be provided, etc. f�1r. Sobiech stated that at this time, delavinca the project would not n!n�+e ii. alonq tr insure the fe�ieral participation. Fi°oei thc� rnee'inn, all the City and P7�oject Comm-ittee �•�ei�e tryii�� to �7�t at was to be as honest with each other as possible and ��r�ovide �;�I�atcvei� information was available. �1r. Sobiech further sta+ed that aft:er the meetira, it was recommended that they ��iere to proceed with the FAU funding i°equi�°ements �vith proper notic� beinq �iven to ti��e affected parties. h1r. Mike Paripovich, 8200� E«st River Road; procecded to thank. the �1a1�or and the City � Council foi° the i��orutoi°ium statinn�it was very useful. He further stated that new data has been received since the last discu�.sion. A renort ��ias received from the f•1inne;eta Po11�,�tion Coi-�trol A�ency ��t��ich ��as conducied studyin7 the noise level on the road. He also commentEd that he h�,tl conies for the Council. 4e stated that what was � beinq discussed i�� � was i°elative to t��ideninn tle road 35 to �40'; ho�,�ever, it will not n �i�zse the nu��,!» r o� lanes. The seccnd ce�ament he had anticipated wou1d be that t���y are alrc� 1�, cemnlyina to net the ��eed li;�it lo�>tered. hoti��ever, there is no � yuarant��e that they� are �gina to oet �he sE�eec{ limi4: lowered. � � � � � Another po> >t '1r. I�r-�i N�v�� ch mad � a-s trat i n c�eal � n7 w�i tn the I AU f��nc!s, thi s must be done very c�ire�tli�✓. He also ro,i;�,rted i.h�.t it. �vn� nis opin�ion chat the City Staff v�e�°e truly corc��rr��_c ��rith i�his pri.�ject an�i I;ad �he intcre�t oi the people at iiL'dl"i. �''�Y". ��dl"1?"i:.V'�.�1 ct,LE`(7 rii3;; 1i i,i��2 IJt";?.1P�:f, i� `LC! 1�'iOCC'C't� 'Il i)IlV P!d.ye Siid�JC' Ci!" �)'."i;.� +I��r,�r ii,LlSt il�:'c: C��tdliF.Ci G�l"d°:;lll�� . h1r. SoLie;:h siat���d th��i a�t tf��is tir��it he believed tt��t ':��.�y shculd pr�o�eed tl�i°ougfi the pr�ocess. ��1r. P<�,rii�,����ic�i stzted th;;1�� i�� bPl�eves 1�P,c Si.arfi� ;ti�uld no ahead t�ith the FP�U pr�c��dur�e I c���r�,�ier, he 4:�a���tc��, to reserve �t:he i°iaht to ce ��� Lack if the E�lan is an ot;���io��s failu��°e. P1ayor Ple�c asked P1r�. Sobiech if this ;�r�ocess �vould be for the Council to exoress to the County th�ir desire to be �inr_ludeu! ir a�la.n fUr applic�zion fcr federal funds. [�1i,. 5.,�>>� � �ute�1 �� �_� � hou�ht ��i u�,�+ �+, ih�s t�ire, corr-es�oi��f<i ��e �hculd be . . dire�tc � L< <� Cc,��� ir�ii;atin� ��at t������� �s a �oncE���n Por �this troiccl;, ur�le then; to pr o. rF�a �, , t,r, tf�A r��>det ,.l f�nd r� o��_d�! e a��,d Lo i nsui e ihat r�r o��er puLl ic heari nc,s are h�1G i�cqat,darq che iinorovemeni. r�fi'. �ci"11�}p�.'1t'�1 Si.�-��: Ci�ii'it il^ ildr� S�D�I�<;�il 'LQ pf'(17�i3 IiOf O1l�V ill t{l�' �c:$t f21VE'1'. DC�SC� Z' ..A LUl; 11 t�11 0'�;�1 . L�vT'';.S G1� �'1 i'?� �U dYl(I lf1C � C�t I�I I 1 i.cj,-% c�l)DY'C7�,". G� IuC�'l l"iq �fl� ��d115. � l,c>�:� .�l .��:n� '�� �.�pa � icF: � i.i.ed ihat he �,�ard soine c�� �r,rr��; �in fa�L a<<,nod deal rPqa� dina �l:i��e s�, �Ei:y i,,s�.ie I�lr. Pa��i�;ev��li s;.-��E.d t:�at t�E�ee�. �,�s a c.efiriitc c:�-c�i�n f�r safiety. fit? fU 1,�:�_'i° C� t-lf� C? � : S?� 1 f LfIC ��2( � l � Y"�i.C�„CP(� s l�i1t'1"C' l S n0 Iir'.fLC7 i'C?^ C�l�I1nE'� 1 Zdt:lOti i�eC�U C' �'Ol+ !�0 1101, �iu�E; i�lc I"Od!"�it�. "l:li�iY�iC. �� Cowici lTi�ar�� Fi tz_rai,�,-�ick asl;ed P1r. So1;i ech vrhat �th2 ch�.nces uvere for havi na the speed � �� rcciuc2d and hit°. Sc!:iecf� stai.ed that it: ��JasverY,'�ery diff�icult. Hc pointed out �tli��t when ihe;� correspon,i to i;no4:a Ccunt�i on tf?e resolution, the,y G��ould reo,uest that they notify the City wher� i:h2 test 4��as noin� to be planned and the,y �voulcl encourage very ' strict enforcemPnt. Mayor flee qu��stioned vri�ctl�ei° the�! consider the noise level. Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick stated that as far as continuinn. pu�tina in the imi�rovenent, it seeined to hiin they would ha��e to consider the noise level. P1r. Qureshi stated that he and others are goin� to push for the City's interest to make East River Roacl safe for the local residents to net on and off, and to make livinq by East River Road more bearable. The County's interest is tryin� to move thru traffic � � ,. . __.. ._ _ _ __ ---�-- — _ - -- — --- .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ � � ()7 ' � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMSER 15, 1976 PAGE 12 � on East River Road. Mr. Qureshi further stated that if they proceed for FAU funding, there is a definite requireinent for ooportunit,y for a public hearing. The public hearinn is a requirement of FAU, and no one can bypass that requirement. He also pointed out that there was no question that East River Road is ten times more danaerous than any other road in the City. �1r. Qureshi stated that the City and the County have basically the same interests and he believed that there needs to be some b�n•den shared by the County. He stated that they wil] do everythina possible to keep pressing hard on the governmental authorities to lower the speed. All the �ertinent documentation will be supplied. Mr. Qureshi stated to P1r. Paripovich that maybe heshould make his point known to them and that perhaps the Cit,y needs some help from people like him. P4r. Paripovich- responded that they will certainly �vork with the County. Councilman Starwalt statcd that he certainly admired P4r. Paripovich's thorouo,hness and asked Mr. Paripovicli if he urrtlerstood that in Councilman Starwalt's opinion, he was workinq as a special interest. He �roceeded to ask "1r. Paripovich if perhaps instead of workin� in just one area, he raou7d expand his scope to other areas of the City. h1r. Paripovich s±ated that they were set up a� a Project Committee to study East River Road, ho�,�ever, at the next Ei�vironr�ental Commission meeting he would address this. Mayor Nee stated that as he could recall froin seeinn some minutes, there was discussion of some desicination of [ast River Road as a parkwa,y. Mr. Paripovich stated that there was a motion that ��Jas unanimously passed that stated ihat East River Road should be considered a park�vay. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that the basic proposal came to the Environmental Conunission f�°om the East River Road subcommittee. The parkway idea �ti�as a motion in the Environmental Comr.�ission and it came before the Council in two parts. The subcommittee's �roposal ���as one nart and that was another. Mayor Nee questioned if the County should be asked to build a four lane road and a parkvday. Mr. Paripovicl� stated that he would rather have the parkway idea and that it would be a beautiful thing. He believed that the Count:y could net together some nlans to enable hiin and others to see what they are talking about. Mr. Herrick stated thai: first of all, nothing can be done �-aithout the concuri•ence of the County. It is rot �oinn to be transfe�°red to a cit,y parkway withou± their approval. Secondly, I�c ashed what �1as the definition of a narks�iay--are �•re assumina a: that a park���ay is a two lane road. Fiowever, if it is not a two lane road and if it is a four lane road, then he was not sure ihat this was not a matter of semantics. Mayor Nee stated that he could see considerable pctential for the County Staff to i�odify their plan in such a way that makes it more attractive;but to ask them to abandon their r°oad as it goes tt,irou�h the City, he could not see. P1r. (lureshi stai;ed that it is a coui,ty state aid road ar,d there is already state and federal monies snent. MOTlON by Cot.ncilmar Hamei�nik that Staf'f sViould direct correspondence to �:he County indicatiny tha�t there is co�3ce�°n for thi� pro�ect in its en��ironmen�al imE��ct on the adjace�nt neighbo�°i��o�d especially in tne areas of r;o-ise, hinfi����ay landscapino and ger�eral a.esthetics; and.: that th� Go��r�ty shouid pr�ceed 4�i��ti�� the fede�ra�l f�andin� prece��,i,re and insui°e �ih�:t prop��� C;ub1ic h���ai i:��as arc� I�rl<; rec�ardinq�the imPro�E;;cnt. Secos�=_!ed by Councilv:.nr�an i'uko,�asl:i. Upon a voice vote, al l vot�inq aye, Mayor Nee declai��ed t.f�e n�oi:ion c�rrie�i unan�imously. RECFTVING FETITIOM N0. ?_7_-�1976 IP; FAVOR. OF CHANNFL R�A.D STRFf7 If1f�0'JEliFNT �RLGARDII�lG --- ---- — - ---- — -- ---- --- _ ------ -- -------------- ----�-- STRECT IiviPROVEI�1ENT P�zUJe� I ST�. 1977-1 : MOTIOPJ by Councilinan Starvaalt to receive Petition Pdo.' 22-1976. Secondetl by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor hlee declared the motion carri�d unanimously. RECEIVING PETITIOiV N0. Z3-1976 FROP1 RESIDEPlTS OF DFL�l�J00D DRIVE REf,ARDING STREET IMPROVEi�1[NT PROJECT ST. 1977-1: P10TION b,y Councilman Star���alt to receive Petition ho. 23-197.6 from those people in favor and against, includinc� Dell�-,iood Drive, the Street Improvement Project St. 1977-1. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee i declared the motion carried unanamously. � ; I � . _ _ _ .. __ _ __ __ ., , . ��� I � ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1976 PAGE 13 Counciirnan Starwalt made a comment recrar•ding the �ella�ood brive netition stating that he believed there has been an injustice done to quite a few people who are not aware of what has been done. He further stated that people i:hink they just sign a petition and it is all taken care of. Unfortunately, they have not had the advantage of the input into this and have left themselves out of an education. RECEIVE PETITION N0. 2�-1976 FRO"1 RESIDENTS OF 1300 PLOCK OF 66TH AV[fIUE�RECARDING STREET I"if'ROVE}1ENT S I. 1977-1----�-----^----- ----- P-10TIOf�! L:y Councilman Starwalt to receive Petition No. 24-1976 frori those people in favor and against, includinq the 1300 block of 66th Avenue, the Street Improvement ProJect St. 1977-1. Seconded by Councilv.�oman Kuko�vski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Iiayor P�ee declared the motion carried unaniinously. RECEIVING RESIGfV,ATION FROP9 f�AP�CY LAI•i�'ERT - NU�1AN RESOURCFS C0�1f1ISSI0N: f40T�I0�� by Council�voman Kuko�:�ski to receive the resiqnation frotn Plancy Lambert. Secor�Ged by Counciliiian Starwalt. Upor� a voice vote, a]1 votinq aye, t1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanir;cusly. Councilrnan Fitzr�atrick stated that he just wanted to bi°inq to the Council's attention that there v�as a request at. one time from Jirn Kordiak to serve on a commission, however, he was net nominating him at this point. ESTIPiATFS: Smitf?, Juster, Feikenia, Cl;artered Suite 1250 Builders Exchanr,e E3uildinc? P�1inneapolis, P1innesota 55�02 � For 1e7a1 services r°endered as Prosecutor by Ca�l Net-;cuisC for October, 1976 �1,756.?_5 Weaver, Ta)le & H�rricl< 316 E�ast Main Sti°eet Anaka, P1�innesota 55303 For Services Rende.red as City /lttorney for October, 197f $1,77?_.70 MOTIOF! by Cot�ricalman Fitz�atrici< to apr�rove the estimates as submitted. Seconded by Council�voinan h:uko�vski. U��ori a voice votc, all voting aye, 1�layot° Nee declared the motion cal°ried unar�imousl,y. LICEPtSES: MOlIOh' by CcuncTiman Startirai�t to approve tlie liceP�;es as sub��i�itted and as on file in the License Cle;°L's off�ice. Secor�decl k�y Cou�icil�von!an N.ukowski. Unon a voice vote, all voiing aye, hlayor h�ee declarEzd t:he motion carried unanimously. f��ayor� I�:'=.�� st.ated t:hat �tf��er�e i�ras a consid^ration i'or a license finr� Chi°istr,ias tree sales at 76�0 Un�i��ei�sity Avenue P!.E., Fra��k's hiurs�ry. ��10TIOfd by Ceur�cilrnan Fitzpatrick to a�?pi°c!ve the licerise for Christmas tree sales at 767_0 University Avenue N.E., Fran1:'s Piurser,y. Secoi�ded by Counciliv�onian Yukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, h1ayor I�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLA IP1S : MOTION by Courcilman Starwalt to pay Claim Ido's. 17571 - 17921. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Flayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI(JG OF NOVFMQER 15, 1976 �o� � PAG[ 14 � ' ADJOURNMENT: I MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adjourn tV�e meetinq. Seconded by Councilman � Starwalt. Upon a. voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridle,y City Council of November 15, 197G � , adjourned at 12:00 rnidnight. � � Respectfully submitted, , I Dorothy C. Green lJilliam J. Nee Secretary to tF�e Gity Council Mayor Npproved: f i MEMO TO:. Department Heads � ,� Fo11owing are the "1�CTIONS NEEDED". Please have your answers in the City ��ianager's office by Wednesday Noen, PJovember 24, 1976. Thank you. Ff�IDLEY C�TY .COIfi�C�L r REGiSLAR (`1EETING —� fJOVEf�BER 15A 1976 � 7;3� P. �I. PLED�E OF ALL:EGIANCE,� ROLL CALL: A� 1 Qresent APPROV�iL QF MINUTES: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, OCTGBER �.$,�1�%� Approved REGULAR ME�TING, OCTOBER ��, 19I� Approved i�EGULI�R MELT I NG, �t�OVEM�ER 11 1�.�7F� Approved �L�PT I ��� OF AGEi`�DA : Adopted with additian of Item 8 A="Consideration of Resolution Authoriziny . Execution of Agreemer�t �58415 Which Provides for the Installation of Railroad Grade Crossing Signals at 77�th Way N. E. OPEN FOZtl�1, VISITQRS; iCONSI�EfZATION qF �TGMS NOT QN AGE[vDA -- �.5 �`�INUiES) Mr. Bob Gish�ap, 5417 Altura Park, regarding redwood fence between him and park. Council approved fence PRRKS S: REC FICTION yL-EDED: Work with Mr. Sishop and make arrangements to have the fence ` inst.�iled �s approved. Pr�ovide snow fencinq tem�orarily and get the fence installed on his property next sprii�g. Have an agreement signed by the prc�perty owner which inc:ludes: (1) The fence W1�� be on his property; (2} He will maintain tlie fence (3} {�e will inforni any future buyei�s of his property of this agreement wi th the Ci ty; (4) Or�ce the fence i s i r�stal 1 ed, the Ci ty wi 11 I�ave no furthe►° ok�ligation in regard to fencing hetv;een tt�ese two properties. . . � � REGULAR �1EETIiVG, fdQVE1'1BER 15,� 1�%6 . � _ NEW BUSTf�ESS; PAGE 2 i CONSTDERATTON OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDTNANCE �i� � REZON TNG iEQUE=ST, �C�I� I NG QRD I NANCE AMEN�JMEN ; ��A �76--44, . GORDON ASPENSC?N, TO REZ4NE FROM R-�. T4 R-3; 6�Q� ZND STR E ET I� �. � ,. ,. , t. .'. , ,. .,, ' �. , , t , , � � � � � � � , , , 1 — 1 A � . Ordinance approved on first reading ENGINFERI«G ACTION �JEEDED: Put ordinance back on next regular meeting agenda for second , r, reading. � � � � COhSIDERA7I0N OF FIRST R�ADIi�G OF AN �RDINANC� ON �EZOf� I NG REQt1ESTl Z0�' I NG ORD I NIa(��CE i�MENDMENT �d� �t��J-��, ��Y Fv��T Sti�r�:s�sa�v, �o RFzo�vE FRQM �-i �T�n R-1 To R-3; INTERSECIION OF %�RD AVENUE A1�D CENTRAL AVENU�, ,����� 2- Z a Ordinance app^«ved on first reading ENGINEERING ACTIUtv NEED�D: Put ordinance bacic for second read�ng on future Council 1 Meeting when appro�riate agreemert has been executed by the property owner and when all ather considerations regard�ng t�ie finalization of this action are ready to be brought back to tl�e Council for action. RECEIVING TI-iE T�If�JTES CtF THE pLr�,���!IIVG �C7P�l�iSyiGi� i�`��ETING ' �F NOVEMBEP, �j �J/ �e e i i � � e � � � � o � � i i � � � � ,�— 3�A 1, , ENGINEERIN� � 1 � REAL ESTATE �.O �DI) I T I ON,, P � S , �%�i-�..I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3C P�J ANI�LING CC� M� R�CQiM�N�AT 1 �N ; �iPPROVE & 3fd - 30 C Uf C I L AGT�N R-Q�l I f3��: SET HEAR I NG FOR DECEMBER 15, �.�%� Public Hearing set for December 13, 1976 ACTION NEEDED: Make necessary arrangements for public hearing r , REGULAR �EETING, NOVEf�BER 15, 1976 � r NEI�f BUSINESS CCQidTINUED) �FLANN I NG COt�iM I SS I ON P'�1 NUTES CONT I NUED) PAGE 3 2� T� SKTBA, �.,�� �%6-��.n.�F. .,.. ..,.., .. . ....... 3C - 3E . ... ... ...... .. ... _ _ . . .. _ & 3P - 3Q P ANN TNG C� M� R GO �1�M .�p�_1 QN : APPROVE : _ ,_ , • COUNGIL A�TIO�CJI�IRED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENUATION rLot Split was approved ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDI=D: Inform Mr. Skiba of Council approval of request '� �� APPEALS �OhiMISSION I�>INUTFS OF �GTOBER %�, 1�76 ••• 3R - 3 AA A� VID PRa�'ER7'i`S1 ��31�a ��AIii �'TP.EET I���, ........ 3X - 3Y i'PE�1l S GJ��,_R�l;;)�:�F[�?��T I O�� e APPfZOVE ou�c��. Ac^r�o�R�Qla�.f� : �ONSIDERATION OF RECO��iMEND/�TION Council apprave� wit.h stipulation that they worl: with the City staff an the parking problem ENGINEEP,ING ACTION NEED�G: Infor��� VI[� Propert�+es a� the Council approval, and work wi th the�n oi� �he parki ng probl em ' CONSID�RATIQI`! GF A RESOLUTIOI� �R?�ERING IMPROVEMENT � AND FINAL �'LA�S /�ND �PECI.FICATIUiJS AND EST1M/'-�TES QF �OS7S TI-�ERCOF; ,�iTREET �h?[�ROV�fr1ENT PROJECT �T, 19i7--1 a�vP ST , I977� 2 ( MSAS � , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , . 4 - 4 A � Resolution iJc. 11�-1976 adopi;ed with two deletions: 66th Averiue and Cellwood Drive I�, � ENGINEERING I�CTIGN NEED�I�: Proceed as authorized wii:h two deletions. '�b rk out details of Ironton �t�•cet and P.shton Avenue pians 4v�ith the affected property owners. � I ' it 1 � REGULAR MEETI�VG, NOVEMBER 15, 1�76 PAGE 4 NEW BUST�dE�S C�ONTTNUED} COrdSIDERATION OF A 4�ES4LUTION REVOKItdG AND REDESIGNATING , iti�UNICIPAL STATE AIi� STREET �>jZ-010 �SEE PLANNING �OMMISSION ��If�UTES, PAGES 3K — 3L) � � � � � � � � � � � � , 5 — 5 B Resolution IVo. 113-1576 ENGIiJEERIf�G ACTIO�� f�EEOE:D: Proceed as authorized � � , CONSIDERATION �F A RESOLUTION REQUESTING T{-4E ANOKA COUNTY � �OMMISSIONERS Ih �OOPEI�Ai'ION WITH THE ST�LTE HIGE-l4�tAY COMf�iISSION T0 REDUCE TNE SPEED LIMI�i" 0(� EAST RIVER RO�iD , FROM I�6�G ��ORTH TO THF I�ORTHERN CITY LIMITS FROM 40 i�;PH To 3t� MFF{ , � , , , � , , � , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6 Resolution fdo. 114-1976 approved with amendments four votes to one ENGINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Forward request to Anoka Coun�y � �� ' � FINANCE � I � CONSiD�RATTQN OF A RESOLl11"IOf� ��lJ1'�iORIZII�IG At��J DIREGTING TN� SPLI:TTING (�F �PCCI�L ASS�SSP�EP�i� C�f�l LtJT �, BLQCK 1, FRQID�� ADDITi.��Jt , � `. ` ; f ` ' '. � !. ' � ' ,. , '. '. � ' ' Resolution No.. 115-197G ACTION NEFDEU: Proceed as authorized 7-7A 0 � I i � � � FINANCE REGULAR MEETI►VG, NOVEI�IBER 15� 1976 NEW BUSINESS CCO(VTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTIO{V CANCELLING SPECIAL ASSESSP�{ENT PAYMENTS DuE IN 1974, 1975, aNV 1976 orv LoTS 40, 45, 46, 50 AND 51, AUD I TOR � S SUB � i�92 � , . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Resolution No. 116-1976 ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized PAGE 5 . � . � CONSIDERATION OF A RESO�.UTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT N0. 58415 i�HICH PROVIDES F4R THE INSTALLA7ION OF RAILRGAD GRADE CROSSING SIGNALS AT 77TH WAY fV.E.: Resolution No. 117-1976 � ENGINEERING AC7ION NEEDED: Proceed with executi,on of agreement as approved CONSIDERATION OF CONTINUING I�diiH STREET IMPROVEMENT F o.�E T ST 1��75-3 CEas�r RIVER ROAD� ��.,,,.,,9 - 9 G � R � � . . � � � � - Continuation approved ENGINEERIPlG ACTION NEEDED: Continue with Street Project ST. 1975-3 and advise Anoka Cauf�ty Highway Departn�er�t by a letter to proceed 4vith the funding , i of the project under FAU alony vdith emphasising certain concerns like noi se envi ronment that were brougf�t out a�t the Co�u�ci 1 Nleeti ng . , RECEIVING iETITION �`�0, 22-1976 IN FAVOR OF �HANf�EL .i�0/�D STRCETIMRPOVEMEr1�, � e � , , . � , � , G � � . . � , , � . �10 - 10 B , � Petitiar� No. 22-1�76 received; also peti�:ion regarding ��llwood Drive and a p�t.ition of those people far ai�ii against improvement of the 1300 biock or 66t� flven«e N.�. ! ENGINEERING ACTIQfe NEE�Ei�: Recc�i�cf pet it�ot�s for refr4�•ence i ! ' . . REGULAR ��EETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1976 __. ' NEW BUSINESS (CO(�dTI1lUED) I RECEIVING RES GN ON F 0 — I ATI R M NANCY LAMBERT HUMAN RESOURCES CONM I SS I ON � � , � , � , � � � , , � � , � � , , � Resignation received CITY MANAGER ACTION NEEDED: Put item on next r�gular agenda for appointment to Human Resources Commission � � � ESTIMATES � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � Approved FINANCE ACTION NEEDFD: Pay estimates as approved � � , LICENSES � , � � � � � � � � . � � , , � � � , � � . � � � Approved FINANCE ACTION NEEDED: Issu� licenses as approved , — , , • CLATM� F � , � � � , e < < � �, k , � < < � t F � � � � � � !ay claims as apprcved , FINRNCE ACTIOPd IdECDFD: Pay claims � � ADJOURf� : ; � 12:00 Midnight � � PAGE 6 11 12-12� 13-13� 14 � FRIDLEY CI7 COUNCIL EETIN . Y. M G P�EASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS ANQ ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: � � ,N�E ADDRESS __ EM NUMBER ;___ _ _ ___ __ _______________________________________�_��_��___�______________= IT=====___= � ` S'�cf � � , - ��6 �. AU ,�� y c��� -� � � e�� c - � � � � ' � -'� � � l.���e� ; C �''�'> l'�u���-P.�/�� �t��..� C`�, u-!� � >--� � �,c�{ ; , ,_ :. � - �i � � } _-�' � % ' 1IJ.'F:�i'�G'�% �T���.1 �' ' � '� _ � �%. � , �,� .. �� . ��q '.���a , � ' G� � ) L'�-�"-� . ,"�j �c � '�� m� � (r3 S/ 7�. u� c�; a L._,� 11�` E � � � i -- - - --- - _- - ; , ; � ls� � , � � THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OCTOBER 18, 1976' The Public Hearing Meetinq of the Fridley City Councit of October 18, 1976, was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Mayor Nee. � 1 PIEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and the audience in sayinq the Pledqe of Allegiance to the ' Flag. � ROLL CALL: ; MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councitman Namernik, Councilwomart Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt, and Councilman Fitzpatrick. MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: � MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the agenda with the additions of the consideration of a request by Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace, for reward sians to be posted at � ' the Islands of Peace, and consideration of the first reading of �n ordinance for a vacation i request by Assura�ce Manufacturinc�. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice ; vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. " r1 PUBLIC HEARIN6S: . �. . PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGE: . ; . ; MOTIQN by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading�of the Public Hearing notice and ((( open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all � voting aye, Mayor Nee deelared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:44 p.m. � . j Mayor Nee stated that th�ere was additionaT new la�nuage to the Charter reqarding the � requirements of the City Cierk insofar as determinina the vaiidity of signatures on , petitions and Voter Registration Cards and the reas�nable effort made to contact the person(s) in question who signed such petitions. P1ayor Nee then proceeded to quote the added language which is in Section 5.03 of the Charter as follows: "The city clerk shall be responsible for determining the validit,y of signatures. If it is obvious the signature on the petition is the sianature of the person on the Voter Reqistration Card with which the signature is compared, the sic�nature shall be counted as a valid signature, � notwithstanding the fact that the person may have signed the petition in a different � matter when they signed the Voter Registration Card. Before discardina a signature, a reasonable effort shall be made to contact the person(s) in question to determine if, in fact, they did sign the petition.° � Mayor Nee then asked if there was anyone who wished to comment on the proposed added language and there was no response except from Councilman Starwalt who for the benefit of the audience, stated that the proposal had been reviewed extensively by the Council and the Charter Comnission and all were in agreement that the added language was very reasonable and straight-forward. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votincl aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 7:47 p.m. PUBLIC HEaRING Ofl STREET AND ALLEY VACATION SAV #76-05 BY ASSURAPICE MANUFACTURING COMP N, 7753 BEECH STREET, VACATI F UTILITY AND D AIN GE ASEM T: MOTION by Councihnan Hamernik to waive the readin4 of the Public Hearinq notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hear�ng opened at 7:48 p.m. _ � i i , � � I i ' . 1 , 1 I � i � 1 164 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER.18, 7976 PAGE 2 Mr. Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director, proceeded to discuss the matter st8ting that � this was a request to vacate a certain portion of drainage and utility easement in a vacated . alley located between Elm and Beech Streets. The vacation is requested to allow the adjacent property owners, Assurance Planufacturinq Company, to expand their faciiity and, in fact, their manufacturing operation. Mr. Sobiech further stated that the Planning Commission held a Public Hearinq on the matter and based on such hearing, did recommend to Council approval of the yacation request with the stipulation tfiat certain drainage easements be_provided south of. the existing property to allow for any drainage to the adjacent streets. 7he utility companies were also notified:and they advised that they had no objections to the requested vacation. � � . � , Mr. Dallas Anderson, representative from Assurance Manufacturing was present and stated that they would like to get started. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearinq. Seconded by Councilwoman � Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ' unanimously and the Public Hearing closed at 7:56 p.m. Mayor P�ee then stated that the approval for the adoption of the first reading of the ordinance for the vacation request wouid be added later in the agenda and that it was not necessary for Mr. Anderson to be present and thanked him for attending the hearing. ' OLD BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION DF A REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE NORTH SUBURBAN FAMILY SERVICE C N ER TABLED 0/4/76 : Mayor tJee made reference to a letter received fram Mayor George J. White, Gity of C o o n R api d s, w h e r e by h e s t a t e d t h a t t h e t o t a l a n t i c ip a t e d d e f i c i t for 19 7 7 would be $3,300, as a result of the usage by the residents of Fridley at the North Suburban Family Service Center. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that according to the letter, the feeling is that the City owes $1,400 in one service and $900 for the Nucleus Clinic which he felt very stronaly about contributing to. Councilman Fitzpatrick also stated that he believed the Nucleus Clinic was not a duplicated servfce in any sense and apparently the people wha use such services do not have another source to use. He further commented that the other services deserve support too, however, the total amount avaiiable #or such privileges was not very qreat. . Council�yoman K.ukowski stated that she had attended the open house on October lOth and was very impressed with the work the Genter has been doinq; however, she wouid like to see.the contribution of $1,000 donated without any specific designation. Counciiman Starwalt stated that he had some qualms about the Cit,y becominq involved in public health fields,• He further made reference to a paragraph in the letter which asks the City of Fridley to cover the anticipated deficit in 1977 and any future years. Councilman Starwalt sta.ted that he would like to have it a4reed that this be for 1977 and the City of Coon Rapids stand on their own thereafter as he would not want this to be a continuinq canmitment. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that he believed the request will contine as long as the citizens of Fridley continue to use the services. Gouncilman Hamernik then commented that he discussed the situation with several people in the comnunity and the reaction he received was somewhat along the lines of Councilman Fitzpatrick -- that the Nucleus CTinic provides a service that the City of Fridley does not provide and recommended that this service be available for people who want or need the service and he had no objection to the contribution of $1,000. k107I0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to contribute $1,000 without designation to the North Suburban Fami]y Service Center. Seconded by Councilwor,ian Kukowski. Unon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MR. ED WILMES: REWARD SIGNS FOR POSTING AT ISLANDS OF PEACE: Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace, addressed the Council reqardinq his proposal for reward signs for the Islands of Peace. Mr. WiJmes stated that with all the time, funds and efforts that have gone into the Islands of Peace, he proposed signs be posted offering a reward for any information leading to the arrest or conviction of anyone destroying property of the Islands of Peace in a approximate amount of $100.. If, however, the City could not undertake the entire amount, Mr. Wilmes stated that there would be an organization which would undertake this if the City would be willing to match the reward. ! ' ' , , . ' :i � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1976 �s� PAGE 3 He further pointed out that he believed the entrance to the Islands of Peace should be well lighted, and it was time to ask the public to cooperate in any way possible to prevent the threat of vandalism from happeninq. Councilman Starwalt stated that he understood Mr. Wi]mes' viewpoint� however, whether a reward would be the best type of inethod to achieve this, he could not fulTy agree. He further pointed out that there were p2ople reviewing the sign ordinance. There is some , sign psychology and sometimes signs turrr certain individuals to destruction. Council- __,_ man Starwalt stated that he would like to encouraqe this be given to Staff and perhaps �- for the Parks and Recreation Department to review the matter and be brought back to the City Council at the earliest opportunity with something that everyone could agree on. Mayor Nee stated that if it is feasible, it might be worthwhile in all of the parks. He further commented that the matter would be discussed again when the City Council has received some feedback from Mr. Chuck Boudreau, Parks and Recreation Director. F p � � � � I I � i NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF FIRST REAOING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY FRIDLEY: Mayor Nee indicated he thought they had already had the first reading of this ordinance. Mr. Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, said that the consideration of the ordinance previously included everything except the item the Public Hearina was held on this evening. Mayor Nee said that maybe this item can be added onto the previous consideration of the ordinance as an amendment and we can hold the secortd reading of the ordinance as ame�ded. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, said that we checked with the City Attorney's office and the thought was that, even though it was not too substantive a change in the Charter, it might be better to consider it as a first reading, inciuding ail changes, and hold the second reading next Monday at the next Council meeting, so as to avoid the raising of any questions of improper adoption of the Charter amendments. Mayor Nee said there was a section on resolving in the case of an inconsistency between two initiated ordinances, and fram his point of view, he withdrew his objection to it. He said it is still the same problem -- his probTem with it hasn't changed, but his view of whether or not it is serious has chanqed. He said he could not convince members of the Charter Coimnission of his point of view. He said that at least for his part of it, he agreed to vote for the ianguage as suggested by the Charter Commfssion. N�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the first readinq and adopt the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Unon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVIN6 THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1976: INNSBRUCK NORTH REPLAT 3RD ADD., P.S. #76-05: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set a public hearing for December i3, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � INNSBRUCK VILLAGES SECOND ADDITION, P.S. #76-10: � MOTION b CounciTman Starwalt to set a y public hearing for December 23, 1976, ' Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' DELIER ADDITION, P.S. #76-09: � � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to set a public hearin� for December 13, 1976. , Seconded by Co�ncilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimousi,y. ' -- , ' I , � � � i � � I ` ,_._ .._. . __.____ _._._. --- .— —.._ _ _..� � .;_..,_....,.- 166 � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1976 ` ... .. .. � � ( KENNETH GASPER LOT SPLIT REOUEST, L.S. #76-08, 5�1 RICE CREEK BOULEVARD: PAGE 4 j Mr. Sobiech proceeded to discuss the matter statina that this was a request for a lot split to split off certain parcels of proper±,y adjacent to the subject property I located at 501 Rice Creek Boulevard. The request is beinq madc by the petitioner ! in order to make greater use of the adjacent proaerty. Nrs. Kenneth Gasper was present and Mayor Nee asked Council if anyone nad any �uestions, and there'were none. Nowever, Mr. Virciil �Herrick, City Attorney, asked Mrs. Gasper if there was � going to be an exchange of deeds and she responded that there was. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to approve the lot split as requested. Seconded I by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, ali votin� aye, �layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i r rl I BENEDICT NOVAK LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #76-09, 145 71� �IAY N:E.: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the lot split as requested. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. STR�ET IMPt�OVEMENT PRO�?ECT ST. 1?75-3 (EAST•RIUER ROAD): Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone present to discuss the matter and Mr. �1ike Paripovich, Member of the Fridley Environmental Quality Commiss�on, 8200 East River Road, addressed the City Council. Ne stated that the purpose of asking for a moratorium was simply that there was not enou�h inforr�ation at this point to even agree on what is heing ar�i�ed. Also, more information is needed from some federal agencies requiring noise levels and air pollution levels surrounding residential dwellinns and the purpose of the moratorium is to enable Mr. Paripovich to net this information toaether. Two years ago, the County Engineers had no plan to show him and now they are ready to go ahead with a four or five hundred thousand dollar project,and there is a good deal of resentment on the nart of the peopie who live in the subjeci area. He further pointed out that until his Committee can �et a �ood plan toqether, one that ca� test against federal standards and state and county highway standards as they exist, and until several studies can be made; he and his Committee do not feel the City should go ahead and spend four or five hundred thousand dollars. Councilman Starwalt then proceeded to ask Mr. Paripovich in regard to his concern over the noise levels and pollution levels alon� East River R.oad, why wasn't he concerned about Highway 65 and University for the same reasons. Mr. Paripovich stated thzt he was concerned and that this was a matter that could be discussed � in future projects. Hcweve►-, his Project Committee was set up t� study East River Road. Councilman Starwalt asked, assumino the noise and pollution fumes are more than the people desire, what Mr. Paripovich Fr000sed to do�about the whole three areas and all the traffic thet enters there. i � { Mr. Paripovich then referred to the East River Road Project Committee report and as pointed out, the Minnesota Hinhway Department study showed that there will �e approximately 9,000 cars per day on East River Road. This study is based on the completion of the Georgetown area. He further stated that he believed it would be in order for the City of Fridley to seek some relief from the traffic pressures the City has. Councilman Starwalt stated that it was his position that, as nice as it wAUld be for East River Road, he 6elieved the burden wouid be put etsewhere and he feZt that this is simply a problem that all weuld have to live with. Mr. Paripovich responded that the people who live between Ptississippi and C,eor�etown recognize. this fact and were simpl,y askinv that their share of the problem not be increased. Mr. Sobiech Qointed out that althou�h an improvement should be made, basically the only problem the Project Committee and the County and City'Staff differ on is the Committee's proposal for a two lane roadway with medians and shoulders as opposed to the City and County's pr000sal for a four lane roadway with medians and shoulders. The medians and shoulders are proposed to provide safe access for the adjacent neighborhood to aet on and off East River Road. MOT�ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the moratorium with a thirty day time limit. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uaon a voice vo.te, Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Kukowski and Mayor Wee votina aye, Councilmembers Starwalt and Hamernik votinn nay, �layor Nee declared the motion carried three to two. ' _ _ _. , ; � , i 1 , ' �� � ' ' ' ' � , � ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETINC OF OCTOBER 18, 1976 � 167 PAGE 5 Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager, then proceeded to reiterate for the purpose of clarification and to give some back.ground and reasoning on the East River Road project. He further stated that East River Road has been a four lane road for over twenty years, thereby being a four lane road before a number of the houses were built in Fridley. Basically, the interest of the City has been to try to control the traffic on East River Road and make it easier for local traffic to qet on and off the roadway safely. He further pointed out that presently, the plan has been approved to be funded by a federal grant and if the City is ever qoinq to do any improvement on East River Road, this would be the right time as the Cit,y could use federal funds to do the project rather than the local taxpayers having to pay for the project. He � further stated that the chance of losina the federal grant could happen if the project is delayed. Also, if there are any leqal requirements to be met, such as environ- mental impact study, it should be done. APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES FOR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1976: R. TOMCZAK, 999 OVERTON DRIVE N.E.: • ' Mr. Sobiech stated that'this was a request b,y the petitioner a�t 999 Overton Drive ; for a variance; first, to allow reducing the front yard, and second, to allow a i variation from the 4' fence requirement in the front yard to a 6' fence as required ; by the Swimming Pool Ordinance. He also stated that the Appeals Comnission did � deny the request by a 3 to l vote. Mr. and Mrs. Tomczak v�ere present and Mr. Sobiech � asked them if they had reached any aqreement with the surrounding property owners. ( Mr. Tomczak replied that they had aqreed at the Appeals Commission meeting to go � along with their request for a swimming pool. , 1 ' ' Councilman Hamernik stated that he spoke with several of Mr. Tomczak's neighbors and although they did not•object per se, they were, however, concerned about the safety aspects of putting sompthinq that close to the boulevard. He further pointed out that the Appeals Cotnmission did have a similar type request which �they did pass without Council input, a rni there have been some problems with that; and the encroachment on the boulevard was not to the extent as that beinq discussed now. Counciiman Hamernik further added that he talked to Mr. Ault and that Mr. Aul� indicated to him that he did not want to be the one to block this request, however, he felt there was a concern which was the City's responsibility; that being the site situation of puttinq somethinq which is essentially in a front yard along the street. Councilman Hamernik expressed his concern about allowing something like this because there is a considerable deviation from the plan of the area since the requirement on something like this is 35'. Mrs. Tomczak responded that she felt this was very unfair and that this was the only place they could put in a pool. - Councilman Hamerrik stated that he wouid not be in favor of approving the request at this time, but he would be open to tabling the matter for further discussion. , ; Councitwoman Kukowski stated that she believed this is something that is going i to come up again and again and suggested that Council get together for discussion on November 22nd. � � � � i MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to table the matter in order to formulate and discuss a policy with the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PACO, INC., 7760 BEECH STREET: Mayor Nee stated that the Appeals Commission recommended granting one variance, but not the other variance. Mr. Sobiech stated that this was a request b,y Paco Masonry for a variance from building setback and property line setback in order to be allowed to construct a speculative warehause: He further stated that tfie petitioner was notified but was not in atteFldance and he did not know why he was not present. There also appeared to be some confusion regarding which plan the Appeals Cormnission was to look at. The petitioner had brou�ht in one plan for his application, and at � • � � � IM d 1 i I � 1 i I � � � ; I � �: PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1976 PAGE 6 anOther tihie he'd brought in a revised one. fortunately the variance request was the same -- setback from a lot line and setback from a building line. The • anly problem is that at the meeting, the Appeals Commission did not know which plan they were really looking at, and so they approved one variance and passed on the other without recommendation. The Appeals Co�rmission did recon¢nend approval of a variance request to use the parkin4 lot setback from 5' to 3' and they failed to make recommendation regarding the 5' setback from the property Tine. Mr. Sob.iech.further commented that i.t was Staff's contention that the 5' setback requirement to the property lot line be maintained based on the concern they have for the future development of the block. He also believed that in order to continue the development of an industrial nature, there will have to be side yard setbacks for this reason. ATso, at this point in time, he would not want to get involved in the situation where there is a black top parkinq lot abutting proposed future buildings. In order to maintain this flexibility, it was requested that the 5' be maintained and that a reduction in the buildin� actually take place. Mr. Sobiech also stated that the petitioner mentioned at the Appeals Commission meeting that it would be a hardship in that he would not maintain his 40% lot coverage. MOTION by Gouncilman Hamernik to concur witfi the Appeals Corronission to allow off-5treet parking within 3' of the main building and deny the request for reduction in setback for a parking lot from a property line. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 110-1976 - RECEIVING THE PRELIP1INARY REPORT AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING A MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 110-1976. Secor�ed by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilwanan Kukowski to pay the Claim No's. 17189 - 17407. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST,READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR STREET AND ALLEY VACATION, ASSURANCE NU U ING 0., 775 BEE S EE : MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading and adopt the first reading of an ordinance to grant the drainage and utility easement vacation requ�st SAV #76-05 for Assurance Manufacturing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. AOJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Paee declared the motion carried unanimously a�d the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 18, }976 adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, borathy C. Green Secretary to the City Council Approved: William J. Nee Mayor , � , � I i � � � � i ,� � TNE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ��1[ETING OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY COUPlCIL OF OCTOBER 25. 1976 16Q � � � I � The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 25, 1976 was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Ma,yor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: �1ayo.r Nee led the Council and ttie audience in sayin9 the Pledne of Alleqiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS I'RESENT: Councilinan Fitzpatrick, Councilman Starwalt, Councilwoman Kukowski , Counci leian Hamerni k, and P1ayor Plee. MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MIPdUTES: PUBLIC HE:ARING MEETING OF SE^TEMBER 20, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to ap�rove the minutes of the Public Hearin� P7eetin� of the Friciley City Council as submitted. Seconded b,y Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIN6 OF SEPTEP9BER 27, ]976: Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she would like to amend the minutes; page five, second and thirc' paragraphs should be reversed to read as follows: MOTION by Councilvaoman Kukowski to receive Petition No. 15-1976 for street light, not a traffic sign; and P10TION by Councilman tlamernik to receive Petition No. 16-197E requesting stop signs. MOTION by C:ouncilman Hamernik to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Councilwoinan Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma,yor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIPdG OF OCTOBER 4, 1976: MOTION by Councilwoman Yukowski to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votina a,ve, h1avor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the a�enda as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Uuon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniinously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: Mayor Nee then asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak to the City Council with the exception of P1r. Ed 4Jilmes, and there was no response. Mayor Nee made reference to a citizen of Fridley, whose naine and address he did not have, whe approached the Mayor and expressed his annoyance as to the way he received a notice from the City. The notice was somethincl to the effect of "pay for the meter in five days or else." Mr. Brunsell, Finance Director, stated that there is a standard form that is sent out and his office would look into the matter. Mayor Nee stated that perhaps the gentleman needs the notice explained to him, as it had not been explained to him and this 4ras the qentleman's complaint. Mr. Ed Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace, then s�oke renardina the requisition he had for reward signs at the Islands of Peace. He stated that he believed ttie Police and the Parks and Recreation Departments were doing all they can, but he felt it still was not enough. � Mayor Nee stated that he received sua�estions that it would be desirous for the � i i ; I`I O i i REGULAR CQUNCIL PIEETItJ6 OF OCTOBER 25, 1976 PAGE 2 i i � matter to be routed to the Parks and Recreatian Commission. Councilwoman Kukowski then j stated that it was her feelina that one sic�n for now could be �osted at the Islands { of Peace and that the Parks and Recreation Commission should have somethinn to do J with this. Councilwoman Kukowski also mentioned that since Mr, l�Jilmes feels very Istron�ly about this, that nerhans the one sian could be �osted now and see what ha�oens. Councilman Fitz�atrick stated that he anreed t��ith Councilwoman Kukowski and if this is a nood idea for the Islands of Peace, it minht be a �ood idea for other areas and it should then be referred to the Parks Department. However, he i believed that a sign for tl��e tir�e beina v�ould not hurt since so many are concerned i about the vandalism at the Islands of Peace. u _ i i Councilman Starwalt then raised the question of whose sian -- a City sign with the City responsible, or a Foundation sign Nrith the Foundation resnonsibie? P1r. Wilmes responded that the City has eiade an a�reement for fire nrotection, police protection and so forth for the Islands of Peace. The Foundation is payina insurance on the land and he sooke to the insurance peo�le this date and vaas advised that they were in total ac�reement. That Nlhatever is done, they were willin� to try it. tlayor Pdee then asked P1r. Idilmes if the insurance comnany had any information on how these things work and P1r. l•!ilmes replied that they would have the information available tomorrow as to how the nolicy should read. P1r. Nasim Qureshi, City 11ana�e•r, then s�ated that a reviard si�n would be posted offerin� a$100 reward for inforriation leadina to the arrest or conviction of anyone who commits destruction or vandalism on the Islands of Peace. He further stated that the sinn would be tried on t��is basis and reviewed from time to time. There would also be a telenhone number ciiven to call, which P1r. l�lilries aqree N�ould be his number. f1r. blilmes then asked �dhich entrarce would the sinn be posted at, and P1r. Oureshi stated at the Stevenson School area entrance. P1r. Nlilmes then commented that this would be agreeable and thanked the Ci±y Council for tl�eir considerations in this regartl. P1r. Qureshi also stated to Mr. 4Jilmes and the Council that there would be $lII0 paid to Mr, tninder for interest owed him, usinn $81.26 which is available in the Islands of Fear_e Funds; and there will be less than �9Q deficit in that Fund, which the City hope that the Islands of Peace Foundation ���ill renlace in the near future. Mr. Qureshi also stated that his reasoninq for mentionin� this was just to make the Council aware of the situation and a motion was probabl,y not necessar,y. ORDIfdANCE PdO. 623 - STREET AND ALLEY VACATIOfI SAV �!76-05 fY ASSURAPICE P1ANUFACTURIPJG COP1PAfdY, 7753 QEECH STREET, VACATIOP! OF UTILITY A"1D DRAINAGE EIISEP1EPJT: P9QTIOf� by Councilnzan Hamernak to waive the second readinc� of Ordinance PJo. 623 and adopt it on the second readinn, and nublish. Seconded b,y Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votin!� aye, f1ayor P�ee declared the r�otion carried unanimously. ORDIfdANCE N0. 62� - ADOTIPlG THE QUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977: h10TI0N by Councilman Starwalt to uiaive ihe readina of Ordinance No. 624 and adopt it on the second reading, and publish. Seconded by Councilman Fitzhatrick. Uoon a voice vote, all votinn ave, P1avor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. ORDTNP,NCE P�O. 625 - A�1EPaDIflG THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: P10TIJ�! by Counciiman Harnernik to waive tf�e reading ef Ordinance No. 625 and adopt it on the second readin�, and nublish. Secor�ded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, P1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously. N['vl BUSIPdESS: CCPJSIDER.ATION OF UFW POST �363 REOUEST TG USE BIP�GO rUfd�S FOR THEIR BUILDINC FROGRAM It��TEAD Of FOR COf"PIUNITY PROJECTS;— ~� f1ayor flee asked the audience if there was an,yone �resent to discuss the matter and there was no res�onse, Cour,cilman Starwalt then raised the questions of how REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOQER 25, 1976 PAGE 3 171 this would apply to the future aspirations of the American Leaion Club and how would ottier non-prcfit bingo operators fit into this. Councilman Starwalt stated that he needed to knew the answers to these �uestions before he could make a decision on the subject. Councilv�oman Kukowski stated that she as well as the Cit,y Council were all in agreenient as to where the Legion's monies are snent, etc., and similar problems will undoubtEdly develop with other �roups. MOTION by Cooncilwoman Kukowski to table the UFId Post #363 request. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVIPJG THE P1I�lUTES OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COP1�1ISSIOfJ �1EETIP7G OF OCTOBER 6, 1976: t�10TI0N by Courcilman Fitzpatrick to receive the iniiiutes of the Civil Service Commission Meeting of October 6, 1976. Seconded bv Councilwoman Kuko�w�ski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 111-1976 - AUTHORIZING APlD DIRECTING THE SPLITTIfJG OF SPECIAL ASSESSf9EF1TS ON OUTLOT H, NNSaRUCK NORTH ADDITION, AMD APPORTIONIPJG INTO IN�lSQRUCK NORTFI TOWNHOUSE 4TH ADDITION:'� � P1r. Marvin 6runsell, Finance Director, briefly stated renardin� this that assessments were being talien on a given piece of property and dividinci it upon that same property using the sane formula as the ori�inal assessment roll. MOTION by Councilman Starvaalt to adopt Resolution No. 111-1976. Seconded by Council- wuman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanin�ously. APPOINTMENT - CITY EMPLOYEE: NAMF POSITION SALARY EFFECTIVE DATE P,EPLACES Raymond M. Leek Plannina Aide 5�71 October 12, Howard P1attson 3942 Russel Aveii;+e No. ` per 1976 Mpls., P4n. 55412 Month MOTION by Councii�nan Starwalt to approve the annointment of Raymond Lee!:. Seconded by Councilman��Ila�liernik. Upon a voice ��ote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimc,usly. LICENSES: MOTION by Couilcilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the Licens� Clerk's office. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voti'nn aye, �1ayor Nee declared the rnotion carried unaniinously. ESTID1ATES: N.D.H. Asphali; Co., Inc. 5400 fJ.�J. Industry Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 FINAL Estimate No. 4 for Street Ir�provemerit Project ST. 1976-1 and $24,952.59 PQunicipal', State Aid Street Ieiprovement Project ST. 1976-2 Weaver, Talle',& Herrick 316 East MainlStreet Anoka, Minnesq'ta 55303 For Servi�Ices Rendered as City Attorney for Sentember, 1976 $ 1,�53.25 ' — -- - - - - ---- i � � I 1 rl L REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOGER 25, 1976 PAGE 4 Smith, Juster, Fei4:ema, Chartered 1250 Quilders Exchan�e Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 for Services Rendered as Prosecutor for September, 1976 $ 2�122•�5 MOTION by Councilman Hamernil; to approve the estimates as submitted. Seconded by Councilwoinan Kukov+ski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, t1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanin:ously. ADJOURP�PIENT: P90TION by Councilman Nan�ernik to adjourn the n;eetinn. Seconded b�� Councilwoman Kukovaski. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Ira,yor P;ee declared the motion carried unanimously and the ReQUlar Meetin� of the Fridley City Council of October 25, 1976 adjourned at 8:15 p.!n. Respectfully submitted, Dorothy C. Green William J. fdee Secretary to the City Council �1a,yor Approved: � i i i - ' �� ' � � , i � , �� , � � , , ' � ' • ' � � � ; I ' - - 273 THE �1INUTES qf THE REGULAR MEETINC OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUPlCIL OF NOVEt16ER l, 1976 The Regular Mleeting of the Fridley City Council of November 1, 1976 was called to order at 7:3� p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF AL�EGII�NCE: Mayor Nee ied the Council and the audience in sayin� the Pledcte of Alle�iance to the Flag. ', ROLL CALL: ' MEMQERS PR.ESENT: �1ayor Nee, Councilman Hamernik, Councilwoman Kukowski, ' Councilman Starwalt, and Councilman Fitzpatrick. MEMBERS AB$ENT: PJone ADOPTION OF I�GENDA: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the aaenda as submitted. Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. OLD BUSINESS} CONSIDERATIOfV OF VFW POST �363 REOUEST TO USE [3ING0 FUNDS FOR THEIR BUILDING PROGRAPI Mayor Nee st;�ted that this matter was tabled by the Council at the last meeting, October 25, 1976, in order to allow more time in which to be supplied more extensive information., Mayor Nee then proceeded to ask if anyone was present to represent the VFW and tNr. Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, stated that he believe P1r. Dan Sjodir., Commander, V;F.W. Post No. 363, would be a]ona a little later in the evenin4. Councilman Starwalt also commented that he had been in contact with persons from the American Legion and they, too, were expected to attend the meetinc�. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to table the rnatter until later in the meetina. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinn aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS`. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLAPlNING COMMISSION h1EETIPlG OF OCTOBER 2�, 1976: ROTTW ND OAKS, P.S. #76-07: . Mayoi� Nee stated that the Planninq Commission recommended aoproval of the proposed plat with stipulations and the item �,�ould be to consider a public hearina for the 13th of December, 1976. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the matter of the plat and vacation for public hearing on December 13, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor P�ee declared the motion carried unanimously. REZONING Pl�p DISTRICT, 8100 aLOCK OF EAST RIVER ROAD: Mr. Richarp' Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated that this matter was broughtup as a sugge!stion by the Staff in that the previous item that was just set for public hearing injDecer�;ber, Rottluiid Oaks, P.S. �76-07, is a replat of a portion of existing P.D. distr'ict and the replat is rouahly in line with Ely Street adjacent to East River Road'. He further stated that at the time for consideration of the replat, it was dis;cussed that the entire area was zoned P.D. However, the P.D. requirements were not a''�ctually being adhered to accordinn to the ordinace. A1r. Sobiech also stated tha,t the development in the northerly half has been proceedin� alonq in a I j -- ,I ._ _.��.---- ----- --- - � �_ ; z��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEhiBER l, 1976 PAC,E 2 single family residential development manner, and this was provided for by a motion by City Council in 19i3 wherein they intlicated that they would allow the R-1 requirements to be the overall P.D. plan a•nd allowed the developers to proceed with single family developments specifically around Fairmont Circle. As that proceeded, the request then came from single family developers in the southerly �irea. P.D. is a Planned Developinent district which allows for any tyne of development from R-1 through C-25, so it is an area that allows the developer flexibility in development of certain parcels of property. However, in this particular case, i�: appears to be proceedina in an orderly manner for R-1 and all sin9le family, especially for the request for replat in the southerly portion. He further statE�d that at this point and time, Staff sugQested that to e1iminate the confusion, as it presently exists due to the P.D. requirements as the propert;y is developing single family, perhaps it should be rezoned. The property owner at the present 1:ime has no problem zoning it R-1 if a certair, portion of it remains R-3 and he is receptive to go along with the P.D. rezonin�. However, he is willing to proceed with the rezoning with the understandinn that certain lots, specifically Lots 11. 12, and 13 be rezoned for R-3. Mr. Sobiech further stated that the Planninn Commission did discuss this matter et two meetings and did recominend to the Council that the City initiate rezoning for R-1 and R-3. He also sunnested that it G��ould be in order for the Council to concur with the recommendation of the Planninn Commission to benin the processing of the rezoning request. � . Mayor Plee then asked Mr. Sobiech what it was before it went to P.D. Mr. Sobiech replied he believed it was R-1. Mr. Sobiech then proceeded to show the Council the plat being prepared by Mr. Rotter. P1r. Sobiech also commented that Mr. Rotter was notified about the meeting, however, he was not present. Mr. Sobiech stated that the property otvners were all advised that they were in a P.D. zone and Staff is of the opinion that all of the owners realize this and as far as financiny mortgages, titles, etc., that is all fine. Counciiinan Starwalt suggested that rather than initiatinn any action at the present time, a letter be sent to the people askinn them for their thoughts on the matter. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that he thought this would be acceptable and it Nrould not hold up the petitioner. He further stated that in the meantime, the people who already live and own the property to the north could be advised of this and if they tvanted to request a rezonirn, we could proceed with it at that tiine. In tiie meantime, the nresent plat could be handled. Mr. Sobiech aqreed with this and stated that the property owner at this time woul� j�ast as soon leave it alone. He further coe�mented that Staff could inake up a forin �etter with appi°opriate return response from them and it will not hold up the plat and a better understa.ndinn from the property owners to the north could be receive�. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to direct the Administration to contact the prop��rty owners to the north to receive an indication whether they are interested in the rezoning and to continue the itPm untii the response from the residents is receiv�ed. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. UPon a voice vote, all votinn aye, h1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. GARAGE REQUIREP1LM�S fOR SINGLE fAhtIL1' HOh1ES: hir. Sobiech, Public 4Jorks Director, led the discussion statinq that this request was initiated at one of the sub-coi>>missions of the Plannin� Commission for revieva as to whether a single garage requiremert should be mandatory for all s;ngle fumi�'y dwellinq units. He f�rther stated that ihe Appeals Commission had discussed this, but did not come up with a recomrnendation. Ho���ever, the Community Development Commission came up with a positive recoe�mendation to the Planninn Commission which indicated fivc: reasons why all sinqle famil,y dwellinn,s in the City of Fridley should have a single farnily qaraae. The Plannina Commission did discuss this in consideration with the Human Resources Commission minutes which indicated that they felt was not in line with exisi:in� City codes, ihe Human Resources Commission felt that single ' , -- _ -- _ . I ____ ___ _ _ _ ._ _ _._- - -- �� ! REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINr,, OF NOVEMBER l, 1976 j �%� PAf,E 3 `� family garages should not be required. However, the Plannin� Commission did pass on to the Coui�cil the recormnendation of the Community Development Commission recommending that the zoning code be chanaed to make a requirement for all single � family dwellings to have a single family �ara9e. � Mr. Sobiech also stated that it should be noted that fro�i� the minutes it was a unanimous decision; however, there were only three meinbers or the Planning Commission present. The'Human Resources and Parks and Recreation Commissions did not have representative,s at that meeting. He stated that the planning people did provide input also, anld it was their feeling that there was a very serious conflict with the recently a��dopted housing pronram which indicated that they would try to proceed in a manner vrfijich would allow moderate income families to acquire a diverse type housinG. Councilman Ham,ernik then commented that he tvould be willinq to consider chanqinq the ordinance ,requiring a garage if we could limit the property owner from putting up the small stora4e sheds. Councilwoman K'ukc���ski stated that she aqreed with the way it is right now; that ! as they can af!ford to put a garage on, they could put it on later and that she , did not belie��'z there was that much of a problem. : Mr. Nasim Qure!,shi, City Manager, su�c!ested that perhaps this matter could be further discussed at the Conference Meetina. Councilman Fit'zpatrick stai:ed that it was his opinion that they are not prepared at this point to request the administration to prepare an ordinance. . MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer the item to the Plannin� Commission for consideration of the entire zoninn ordinance, buildin4 code and the maintenance code. Seconderf by Councilrnan Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina ave, P1ayor Nee declared the inotion carried unanimously. APPEALS COMMTSSION EXCERPT FROM MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 1976: PACO, INC. 7751 ELM ST., REAR 1'ARD SFT6ACK AND SIDE YARD SETBACK: Mr. Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated tnat this tivas a request by Paco h1asonry to vary from the code in two areas--the parcel of propert,y on Elm Street roughly between 7700 and 7800 Elm Street. He further pointed out that the request by Paco was to vary the code frorn 20' to 0' on the side yard and from the 25' requirement to the 7.5' requirement on the rear yard. As noted in the discussion of the Appea1s Commission, the rear yard seiback request did not aopear to be out of line in that the same reyuest was granted to the north, and it is consistent with the development taking place in the block. However, there was some discussion for the request for the zero lot line setback in that it would conflict with the parking lot,,particularly with the traffic th«t ini�iit hit the building. The recommendat'�on, however, from the Appeals Commission was to approve reduction of the rear yard setback, but to only approve reduction of side yard setback from 20' to 5'. The five fee1: is to be i��ade u�� hy reduction of the buildinn or by another var-'�nce request. Mr. Sobiech fui�ther stated that after discussions with the contraci.ar I�ir. Paschke, (who was, by the way, nresent in the audience) he has reduced the size of his building to permiC the 0 to 5' setback. Mr. Sobiech �tated that with the concession to reduce the building and the recemmendat�bn to a�;prove the rear yard setback, the development coutd proceed. As a furtherlpoint of information, P1r. Sobierh stated that the developer did contact the �roperty owner on the north in an attempt to acquire some additional property to �rovide a developinent similar to what is happeninq to other parts of the area. Also, even thouqh the development �vill consist of approximately three lots, or 12(l!', there are other 120' develop+nents in the area; so it is not an inconsistenc,� of what is going on there. Mr. Qureshi �hen asked Mr. Sobiech if anyone was objectin� to this, and he responded no� that he was a��are of and there was no indication from the Appeals Commission. ''The only objection Mr. Sobiech could comment on was a �entleman to the north w<<$ unwillin� to help with a total plan for the remaininct area. P1r. Qureshi then questioned if he was sent a notice, and P1r. Sobiech stated he was. MOTION by Cou�ncilman Hamernik to concur with the Appeals Commission recommendations and approve �he variance request to reduce the rear ,yard setback from 25' to 7.5' — --- ---__ --- --- � - ---- --. ., . _ —_ — — ---- ---- --- — � I m 176 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVENiBER 1, 1976 PAGE 4 and reduce the side yard setLack from 20' io 5'. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTIO�d by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive the minutes of the Planninq Commission of October 20, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Starivalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF UFIJ POST #363 R[QUEST TO USE Q?�lGO FU�lDS FOR THEIR 6UTLDING PROGRAM INSTEAD OF FOR L'OMMUNITY PROJECTS TA6LED 10/25/76 j: � Mr. Dan Sjodin, Command�r, UF4! Post 363 discussed the desire of the Post to use some of their bingo funtls to complete necessary projects, such as landscaping, flag pole base, re-surfacing the parking lot, etc. Councilwoman Kukowski asked Mr. Sjodin if the organization could work with 10% of the profits for this year, and he replied it was a variable thing. He did not know if 10% would be adequate or not. Mayer Nee then expressed the concern of the Council as to how they should respond to other groups, American Leqion, etc, that may be entitled to the sam2 consideration, and said the Council �^�ished to develop some kind of guildeline that would be available to everyone. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked Fir. Sjodin if this would just be a one time occurrence to complete thp projects the Post has and not an annual occurrence, and he replied it was. Councilwoman Kukowski stated that perhaps the Council could allow 10% now and then review it and see how it �ti�as workinq. Mr. Marvin Brunsel7, Finance Director, asked Mr. Sjodin if he had a do]]ar figure he could give on this, antl he could not qive a fixed amount. P1r. Sjodin could only coinment on a$5,000 figure co repair the parkinq lot. Mr. Virgil Heri°ick, City Atto���iey, stated that he thouc�ht perhaps ti-�e Council and Administration should be thinking of nettinq soi�e type of report from the organization, maybe on a quarterly basis, that �vtl1 show ivhat the nross income and expenditiares are in operatinq the bingo operation,and then ti�e Council and the organization would know what their net profits are for the quarter. He also stated that, at present, he believed the organization did rot know what their proposed expenses are. Mr. Herrick proceeded to ask P1r. Sjodin if he was keepinn a separate account of operating expenses, and Mr. Sjodin replied the were and �vere expected to by law. P1r. Flerrick then stated ihat as far as he and PTr. Brunseli were concerned, they have never seen any �ndication of sahat has been taken into the account or what has been expended froin the account. MOTION by Councilroan Harnernik 1;o approve, en a one time basis, $10,Q00 from the 1976-1977 income for the specific purpose of improvin� the er.terior of the buildinq. Seconded by Councilwoman Kuko�,��ki. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unani�rously. RECE;VING THE PIINUTFS 0� THF CriTU P1FETING OF OCTOBER 2�, 1976: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Commission. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P�1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQU�ST FOR FUNDS FCR SOU7�iERN ANOKA COMP�1UNITY ASSISTAPdCE: Ms. Pat Grennen stat:ed that her orqanization, SACI�, is a non-pi°ofit organization serving the southern part of Anoka County operatinci as an informational and referral service. She further stated.that her organization delivers food and clothing as it is needed. They also refer people to the type of help they seem to need. P1rs. Helen Treuenfels is the Executive Director. Ms. arennen stated that $500 again this year as a donation would be fine. Mayor Piee then asked Mr. Qureshi to recapitul�te the status of the budyet. P1r. Qureshi then proceeded to mention t.hat there was $3,000 in the community development budget; $1,000 designated for North S��burban Family Service Center, and �Z,f100 to be used for general social service needs. ' ' � � � � ' � � , � ' ' I� � � ' � � .._ � _ _ __ ----- _ __ _. ___ ._._ _..� . .. _. _ . _ _. __ _ _ _ - ---__ .___ , _ _ ___ _I _ ----- --- - -- --------_ ._ _ __ _._ ___. __ _ _, , , 177 ' 1 , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEh16ER 1, 1976 PAGE 5 j � i MOTION by Coumcilwoman Kukowski to approve a$500 donation to the Southern Anoka Community Assistance organization. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a�l voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS: _ MOTION by Coumcilman Hamernik to pay Claim ho's. 17408 - 17570. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' LICENSES: MOTION by Cou�cilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the Licens� Clerk's office. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukou�ski. Upon a voice vote, all voi:jny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNPIENT: ' MOTION by Cou�hcilwoman Y,ukowski to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. !Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirjiously and the Regular 6leeting of the Fridley City Council of November l, 1976 adjourne� at 9:17 p.m. Respectfully $ubmitted, Dorothy C. Gr�en William J. Nee Secretary to the City Council Mayor Approved: i 1 ORDTNANCE N0. !, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE ', CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A ' CHANGE IN ZOIIING DISTRICTS The Counci:l of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: SECTION l.' Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is ' amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2., The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Lots 10 and 11,Block 4, Lowell Addition to ' Fridley Park, all lying in the North Half of , Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County ' of Anoka, Minnesota, Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District ' known as R-3 (General Multiple Dwelling Area). SECTION 3.' That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District R-1 (Single Farriily llwelling Area) to R-3 (General Multiple ', Dwelling Area). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1976. MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE � ATTEST: CITY CLERi< - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL Public Hea�ing: November 8, 1976 First Reading: Second Rea�ling: Publish.. ',••• � � i � ORDINANCE N0. ,AN ORDINAPJCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF 'THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING ' A CHf1NGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: SECTION l. 'Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is 'amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTIOTd 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley presently zoned ; C-I (General Office and Limited Business Area), and described as: '', Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof, and . '�, except the West 17 feet taken for highway purposes, ' Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, all in the North ', Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, ' County of Anoka, Minnesota, ' Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as R-3 (General Multiple Family Dwelling Area). SECTION 3.�! The tract or.area within.the County of Anoka and ' the City of Fridley presently zoned R-1 (Single Family Dwelling A_rea) and described as: The West 147.74 feet of Lot 1$, Auditor's Sub- division No. 129, all lying in the North Half of ' Secti.on 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County ' of Anoka, Minnesota, Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as R-3 (General rlultiple Family Dwelling Area). SECTION 4.' That the Zoning Administrator is directed to � change the official zoning map to indicate the abov� zoning changes. � I � �� PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �AY OF , 1976. � MAYOR - WILLIAM J. NEE ATTEST: CITY CLERK:I - MA Public Hea�ing: First Rea.�ling: Second Rea.�iing: Publish.. ..... N C. BRUNSELL November 8, 1976 OISTNICT N0. t3 1 . ` ��+� ' =� _" ` _'7 �I _.�/ I `— ' f� 04, H7S. NOOI w"s� P'3 � l'1. ISTRICT NO. � ' 13 I . ^;x ZOA #76-03 Evert wa s � ', SPRIN � 3 , W � i � � � " W � � � .a �,m.,. , � AK E , � � , � �,� � > ^ . f Zon�e � 7on C� 2o��d lommnt�0� N�� , i��rOM"Y: I � � ' �\ •.l � � � � � � � �., t'em��c.o� �:� � 1 ' t: �� {� .° ' ��cf�'%S..N _'_"_ L� �.._l_f�. II 1'_L�, ,. . " J -- .��7--1-.i- '�' ST PA::f �� ti h � 6 q'µ ", r � "4 � B �- -(16tl0 w��..� . . -�PV�( ��jr�� ------ —_ _ CIT T IMti� � � � _i ���, � // /' .'r►'t.. _T_..-. li�%�/✓// +� y .., ��: . � � � I �'Ay' 1? .��if)' - /� ' i �wOODCRCST .� � .`�L.: \ 1 r�,,�'� Ir ; Y�yr�L�i � - �7 � j . �1e .. � � �•�9�sf�vE,v � �3� L 'E�EMENIARl�� �� - � ..�. i . 1 ', �'�' _, �uvr-.,. l:u� �or .�o � � . ',� ScnoO� � _y;.� � ���.�`n .j � �� �.° . 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'�� ` � �.� y ,>����; � no H' ,� ..�.( i 1015T i Op, �, (: I� ��.� ti '�e"��� F�EMCNinr�v 'j � �.Il .j�.'.' � .,L _.f �I '� ��� � ��Ne ��� �` � �i 'go a .. � .. f' C�+oo� t nisT i•a��t w ��i �� 11 �' � . =�� � � � _ � �. � 1 � � �.J � � ' � ;. _._�_ + j�� .� _ _� . __�._ ._._ 1 Couri� « • .. �,�•.' '•..��.�r_ a. s�niri' . -. f M _ _ _.T .` � � • � 1 �.� • . . . ..._ ,f .' _... _ iLf?_ii. # - ., , - .�• r� r7TT-Ii,�1�1 � ��_��i����'������ ! I� i:d''�'�� .� � ��,�.l.l� 1_� f,, 1 .l,: ;�r�.�- • . ... ...... T � ■ � � � CITX OF FRID�EY PLA.'dNING COh��.�SSION MEETIPJG - NOVEi•1B� 3, 1976 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDE?t Chairperson H�rris called the meetin� to order at 7:36 P.2�L ROLL CALL: ' M�mbers Preser�t: Harris, Bergman, Langenfeld, Peterson, Schnabel, Sh�a Members Absen�: Others Presen�.• None Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPi�OVE PLAPIVI�`NJ COi�1rIISSI�N MINUTrS : OCTOBE.R 20, 1976 rLrs. Shea state�? that she would like to rebut P•s. Boardman's statem,nt on page 19 under Hu�n�n Developmeilt Goals and Objectives. She explained that the reason for delay �ras not that this had been sent to human Resources as it had come right back from her Commission, but it wa� just the lateness of the hour tnat had caused it to be tabled so many times. Chairperson Harris said it was so noted. �' ' MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Pe�erson, that the Planning Cotnmission mirnstes of October 20, 1976 be approved as written. Upon a voice vote� all voting a,ye, the motion carried unanimously. � u � MOTION by LanUenfeld, seconded by Bergmar_, to add the Cha�ge in riinnesota ` State Aid Des:ignaiion item to the agenda. Upon a voice vote, all voting a,ye� � the motion carri.ed unanimously. � Chairperson H�rris stated they would make the Ch�.n�e In t•1�.nnesota State Aid Designation It;em 8 on the agenda. ' � `� � PU�LIC Hi 10 AllDI1'7: that part of the ou thereof 1, said I,ot to a poin from the being 951 RII�G: PROPOS�D FRELi �1IrIARY PLAT P.S. ;%76--11 REAL F•STATE i'1, BY FRANCIS J. GIctllL�;i�.: Beirig a replat of Lot , except thereof lying 4lest of the Northeasterly right of way line �r drive of Stat� Trunk ilighway ��65, and except that part in� East of a line drawn from a point in the North line of. , distant 1,>05.96 ieet West from the N.E. corner thereof in the South line of said Loi 5, ciistant 1,393.62 feet Ldest .E. corner thereof, Auditor's Subdivision NQ. 2�, the same -Iillwind Road N.E. 3 � �� � � �� � � � � � � ' � Plannin� Commission 14eeting - November 3, I976 Page 2 N1r. Francis Girdler was present, along with Councilman WaJ t Starwalt; Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. McKinley, 1010 Lynde Drive; and Mrs. Jerome Johnson, 1000 Lynde Drive. � MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing an the Proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. ��76-11� Real Estate 10 Addition, by'Francis J. Girdler. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 7:l�0. Mr. Boardman ex.�lained to the Planning Commission that they had seen this item before; it'had gone past the ti.me lim�t on it so it had to be brought back again for a plat. He stated they were talking about parcel 1300 along Hillwind Road, which was being served with sanitary setaer that was coming in from Polk Stree't. He said that the City did have easement for that sanitarv sewer to parcel$ Z300 and 1130, and water was being provided to'this proger:;� from Hillwind Road. r1r. Boardman added that the development of the property would be for oi�'ice use, and it was zoned CR-1, which Vras office zoning. Mr. Girdler sta'ted that the reason this hadn't gone through before was that the owner of th� property to the North and behind didn't warit to provide the easement to them, but apparently wanted them to buy the lot to the Plorth. He explained thiey hadn't purchased it but another party had, and the new neighbors to thie North joined in putting the easement all the way through. Mrs. Schnabel a�sked if the praperty to �he North was.zoned R-ly and Mr. Boardman said z;t was R-3, and there was R-3 all the way around. rRr. Girdler explained that the one house that was in there (two lots away) was also zoned R-3. Mr. Bergman asked if ne understood that administration had looked at this � in regard to pr�posed water service and sewer, and �;here was no additional concern for other utility easement for electrical, telephone, drainage, or gas. rir. Boardman said those were all in Hillwind Road. P�lr. Langenfeld asked if 'there shouldn't have been an Administrative Report on this, and N1r. Boardman replied that was not required.� , Got�ricilman Star�walt stated that he was present at the request of a constituent, and had a couple of questions regarding this. He asked if there was any constr►zctlon underta..ken at the present time on this property, and 1•ir. Boardm3n replied there w,'as not any that he was aware of. rir. Girdler added that to the North therei, was, but not on this property, and said this was not a rezoning. Cauncilman Sta�.�'walt asked when this property had beer. rezened, and Mr. Boardman replied it had ;�Ueen rezoned to CR-3 about two years ago by an ordina.nce ��1t9�t. Mr. McKinley stlated that he was a bit concerned as he didn't re�l.ly understand what the plans ,�ere �'or that propert,y. He said he understood t: :�re would be a real estate ai'fice in that area, but �there was already construction started on a buildin� a��nd he just wanted to find out t•rnat was going on. Chairperson Harris said th�t if he remembered correctl,y, NIr.�Girdler was completing a request by the City for replatting this from the time of the rezoning. I�Ir. Boardman agreec, and said that was one of t.he stipulations on the rezoning. � � ' � � � , � � � � � . � � � �_ f � � Planning Commi�sion Z�Ieeting - November 3, 1976 Page 3 Mr. Boardr�an ex�lained that because of the lot description they had requested a replat inste�d of a lot split. He said the actual legal description would have been too long and lengthy on this, so they had�requ�ted it be replatted instead. He f�rther explained that the building that was being constructed was not on thi� property in question, but on the property just tlorth of this. Mr. McKinley a�ked if there would be a real estate office there, and Mr. Boardma.n said Y�e believed that was the intention and it was zon :��;. properly for that. NIr. I�1cKinley asked.ii there would be approximately ��' of frontir�, and Mr. Boardman sazd that was correct. Mr. McKinley asked wn.; ;,he depth would be, and Mr. Boardman referred him to page 27 of the agen;z�w ahich showed the layout of wrhere the building would be located, He explaineci there would be a minimum o� a 35� setbacky and a double row of parking in front of the building would,put it back about 80'. Mr. McKinley asked if there would just be the real es�,ate offi.:.; or if anything further to the East was planned. Mr. Boardman said just the one building would be allo��ed on the property. Councilman Starwalt sta�ed that a pre-fab home had b�en mentioned, and explained that as he recalled when it was bef.ore Council nothir:g was said about pre-fab and he just un�erstood the residence that was going in was a sing�.e-family residence. Chairperson Harris said that a single-family residence was a2lowed under this zoni;ng, and Air. Girdler said they were referring to a L�lausaw home. rirs. Schnabel �.sked if the home that was bein,g constructed to the North w*as being built by Mr. Gilydler, and he replied it was not. i•irs. Schnabel noted that on the form rir.' Girdler had filled out for this request it stated a real estate office building, and asked if there wo�ald be other offices. r1r. Girdler replied there �aould not be; just their ot.m facility. . Mrs. McKinley asked if this construction would leave the way open for multiple dwellings in this area. She explained the apartment building in back of the. property in question was charging their tenants extra rent fbr allowing them to have pets. rirs. McKinley said they had gon� through the expense of putting up a Cyclone f�nce to keep their dog in because of the leash law, and the apartment dwellers exercised their animals freely out there. She explained they would like to keep other multiple dwellings out of there because there was never enou.�h room for the children and there taas also the pet problem. • She stated she iaas wondering if the replat �aou].d in any �ray possibly a11ow a rezoning. C}�airperson Harris said that this had nothing to do Vrith rezoning, and explained this was already zoned coirunercial. He said that to rezone would take anotl�er Pu,blic Hearing by the Planning Commission9 a Public Hearing by the City Counc.il and final action by the City Council. N;r. Ha:ris askea if the problem reglarding the dogs was that they were running loose. 1•irs. ?•IcKinley said that most';ran loose, and only one appeared to be on a leash. She stated there was a large Siberian Husky, a water spaniel, and a couple of German Shepherds. Ch��;irperson Harris said that Fridley did have a leash law and a dog patrol, and'', if the animals were unleashed perhaps the City Staf£ cou]_d look into it. �1rs. Stiea commented that the dog patrol was. only available in the r�ornings, s�r�iich was quite disconcerting. Mr. Harris said that perhaps the situation s�ould be examined and remedied. j � I ' 3C Pl�nnir.� Comm'�ssion i4ee�ing - November 3, 19?6 Page � MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Com.mission close the Public Hearing on the Yroposcd Preliminary Plat, P.S. ��%6-11,.Rea1 Estate 10 Addition, by Francis J. Girdler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion caxried unanimously. Mrs.Schnabel �aid that she was a little disturbed that they had one little section of lar�d that was commercial; that bothered her more th�� the replatting process, but �he�said it was beyond their scope at this point. She added that she didnit understand how one lot in the middle of all the R-3 got a commercial zoMing on it, as that entire area was strictly either R-1 or R-3 with the exception of the corner where the fill.ing sta�ion was. Chairperson Harris commen�ed that he didn�t �mow hoT�r it happened as it occurred before he was on the P1.anning Commission. rirs. Schnabel stated that it was going to seem a lit�,le strange when that area got filled in, and Mr. Harris agreed but.said ther� was nothing they could do ak�out it now. MOTION by Ber�man, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Comr�ission recommend to k''ouncil approv�l of the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #76-11, Real Estate ld Addition, by Francis J. Girdler: Being a rep'=�t of Lot 5 except that p.�rt thereof lying titiTest of the Northeasterly ri�:: �, of way line of the outer r�rive of State Trunk Highway #65, and except tha� part thereof lying East of ''a line drawn fro:n a point in the North line of said Lot 5, - distant 1,505.II96 feet West from the N.E. corner thereof to a point in the South line of 'said Lot 5, distant 1,393.62 feet �lest from the S,E. corner thereof, Audit;or�s Subdivision No. 25, the sarr,e being 951 Hillwind Road N.E. Mr. I,angenfeld'', stated that he agreed with I��irs. Schnabel in regard to the spot zoning, b'�-t felt they had no recourse but to grant the preliminary plat under the conditions. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all vating aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. IAT SPLIT REQUESI: L.S. #76-10, BY THO�-IAS SKIBA: Split Lot 11� Auditor's Subc�ivision No. 129, into three parcels as follows; Tract A: All of the Wes� 165 feet of Lot 11, A.S. ,�129, lying Northerly of the South 1l�7 feet thereof: Sarne as 1li65 Onondaga. N.E. (already built upon), Tract B: The East 75 feet of the West 16� feet of the South II�7 feet of Lot 11, A.S. �129, same being 1J�67 Onondaga N.E. (uacant)s and Tract C: The West 90 feet of the South �1�7 feet of Lot 11, AeS. '�129, the same being 7l�20 Bacon Drive N.E. (vacant). Mr. Thomas Skiba was present. Mr, Boardm�n e: to divide t �� � and two 75�. f Mr. Skiba stat; Onondaga Streei plained that this was a simgle 1ot split, and Air. Skiba wanted roperty that was located on Lot 11 into three parcels; one 90' e said there was a house pre:EIlt1.y existing on the 90' parcel. d that Bacon Drive was in and went all the way through from to 75th. �� � 3D Planning C�rrimission 1�Ieeting - R'ovemb�r 3, 19?6 Page 5 Chairperson fiarris asked how far the house on Tract C was off of the proposed center Iot 1S.ne between C and B, and P�Ir. Skiba replied approximately 32'. r1r. Harris asked if there was some reason rir. Skiba was mairitaining 90' on the lot that the house was already on, and Mr. Skiba explained he had purchased the balance of tk�e property which resulted in A and B from the owner of the original pra�erty, and this was what the original o�er wanted. He explained he did not otian Tract C. Chairperson �arris asked if draina.ge and utility easernents were provided, and rlr. Boardman replied that none were needed on the property. He explained that had takgn 20' for the sireet and all utilities were in,the street. Mr. Boardman sai�� that as far as he was aware, they didn�t have any problem as fax as easemrynts. — Chairperson H'arris noted that there appeared to be an alley or access easement � that ran dowri the side of the property to Lot 5. He said it was just to the V�est of the p�operty and appeared to be about 20' wide.- that this was a iece of p y Mr< Skiba explained he had traded'the 20' thatrwasrusedhforrBacon1D�iverfordthis 20'tasofit�was� , part of the p�rcele � Councilman Star�aalt explained that the strip in question at one time did belong � to rlr. Flanne�y, but was traded for street access. to early days',of su rvey when things didn't quite lineeuptasewell.We?►r.bStarwalt explained tha�, originally it was not P-ir. Flannery�sy but he ended up acquiring it simply because nothi.ng else could be don e with it• ori �i a part of this property, but did became a par�;. He expl ainedlit wasWan a�ree- ment between 1-ir. Flannery a.nd the Cit g 20� was part af the praperty noir, and Mr.CStarpalt�said thatswas correcten Hee � said that it was his impression that the property now looked at as A, B and C did include the 20', but two years ago it didr.'ta Mr� Peterson asked if he. was correct in,saying that the 90' that was presently shown as Trac-t C included � the 20' they were discussing, and Mr. Star�,,a1t said that was correct. 1�1r. � Boardman stated that then the dark line on page 30 should include the 20' strip. _ . Chairperson Ha.rris said he was woi�derin� about the legal description on A& C; and if it shouldn�t.somehew include that 20'. He said that I,ot 11 wou]_d have , been replatted �frhen this other parcel was acquired to include the property; Councilman Starwalt said that to his �mc�wiedge it was replatted approximately � t��o years ago. j r-1rs. Schnabel asked what the date of the survey was, and I�Ir. �oardman repli�d it was done on October 21, 1976. Chairperson Harris suQ;-;sted ', � they check to �ee that Lot 11 was repiatted to make sure that the 20' was included. T1r.IBoardman said they would check that out in time for the Council meeting. He aslked the Commission if �;hey wante� this to go on to Council, or '� if they t. -�uld �a�,refer to have it come back to the Planning Conunission. Chair- person. H�;•ris slaid it was up to the members. tir. Peterson asked rlr. Skiba if timing was o'�f importance to him so he k�ould appreciate it being handled at ,. this meeting, �.�d Mr, Skiba replied it was. � , i � � � ' � � � � � ;, � Planning Comr►i�sion P4eeting - November 3, 1976 Pa�e 6 Mr. Bergman sa�.d he was a bit confused about the street pattern and right c`' way. He stated that looking at Bacon Drive on page 30 of the agenda, there appeared to be'�,a 30' dedication off of Hitzeman Addition. Mr. Boardman explained the City did have a 50' right of way off Bacon Arive; the 30' off Hitzeman and the 20' to the west. He explained that the 20' was the same 20' that appeared on page 29 marked "taken for. street'�, and was an existing right of.way. MOTTON by Pete�son, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission recommend to Gpuncil approval of Loi Split Request L.S. ��76-10, by ThoMas Skiba: Spli.t I.pt 11, Audi.tor's Subdivision No. 129, into three parcels as follows: 7'�ract A: All of the ir+est lE� feet of Lot 11, A.S. -;-129, lying Northerl.j� of the South 1I�7...feet thereof: Same as 1465 Onor.aa�a N.E. (already built,'upon), Tract B: The East 75 feet of the Trlest 165 feet of the South 11�7 feet'of Lot 11, A.S. #129, same being 11�67 Onondaga N.E. (vacant), and Tract C: �'he West 90 feet of the South 147 feet of Lot 11, A.S. �#129, the same being 71�20 Bacon Drive N.E. (vacant)� with the stipulation that the replat is �.s the Pianni.n� Comrnission understands it (the 20' noted on page 30 is ind.eed included in the 16�� as shoFm on page 29) �a r:�. Boardman is to have that assurance before it goes to City Council. Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' CONTINUID :', REVIE6d OF PROPJSF�J P�IAINTE�dAPJCE COD�; MOTION l�y Ber�man, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission hold this discussion on the proposed maintenance code to � hour maximtun. Upoii a voice v�te, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bergman stated that he had gone through initial parts of the maintenance � code and found a lot of personal-disagreernent Yrith ��hat he had gone through. He s aid he would be gl�.d to briefly run through what he was talking about �or other members to comment. � � LJ � �J i 1 3E Mrs. Schnabel �aid that before he�proceeded, she was wondering if anything had been done �oncerning breaking up the maintenance code into various sections as discussed at the last Planning Comrnission meeting. 2�r. Boardman said that there were four sections in the proposed maintenance code: residential, exterior maintEnar�ce f�r residential, comrzercial and industrial, and exterior maintenance for commercial and industrial. Airs. Schnabel noted that they had also talked abc�ut breaking out apartments and mobile homes frari R-1, and P�Ir. Boardman said �,hey could easily be broken out because they ��ere in separate sections of th� code. He said that it was his understanciing that the intent for tabling wa� to give directl.��n to the subcommi�sions. 1•sr. Boardman expla.ined this would be �ent do��n to the meriber commissions and at that time the Planning Commission sho�ld give them some direction as to iahat to l.00l: at. He said he was wondering `4�:aw this would fit in as far as breaki.n� down the code and that type of discu_ .'',� '.;,i1. Chairperson Hai•ris suggested sending tl�e membsr commissions one section a;. '::t �time. ■ , 3F Planning Camm�ssion P•leetin� - November 3, 1976 Page 7 P�Ir. PetF.-son stated that although he hadn't been at the October 20th meetino, he had tried to sense the direction of the discussion in the minutes and it seemed tv himl,that one of the things everyone was cancerned about was the invasion oi h�Zman privacy. He statec� that in light of what i�Ir. Boardman was saying, !;e thbught that the Planning Commission should ask the Human Resources Commiss.':;n to look at this from the standpoint of invasion of privacy. Mr. Peterson added that it also seemed to him that the F�vironmental Quality Commission should look at it from the standpoin�; of what it does to the total comrnunity. He s�tated that was what he thaught they �u�ere looking at in their actiqn at this meeting in terms of sending it to other mernber com.missions, �nd suggested asking the member cornmissions to look at the specific areas :rnere they had concerns rather than the members of the Planning Commission spending tir,ie discussing the specific concerns tonight. Mr. Bergman cc�mment,ed that he felt there was a I.ot more to do with it than that. He sai� he read through section 220.22 and had come up with a lot of questions. H� said he didn't want to sound derogatory on this, but asked what they wer� trying to do. Chairperson Harris asked if he could interrupt, and suggested that perhaps they could iron out the procedural end of this first and then discuss rir. Bergman's concerns with it at that time. }ie staied he was in hop�s of giving the member commissions the direction they had talked about �rom the Human Resources aspect and Environrnental aspect, and suggested that perhaps they s�ould first carve it up into the pieces they wanted to send to them. rir. Bergman stated that he did not agree they should send them this proposed code. He saic� that he got the impression that somebody did a lot of�library work and pull�d together a lot of dialogue from different sources and put down whatever appeared relative. He said that this seemed to result in some- w•hat overbearing dialogue, such as in the Preamble, 220.02. He stated that 220e03 was prirr:arily directed at construction codes other than maintenance,. and he though�' it was a duplication of construction code reference. I�Ir. Bergman said he didn�t think they had to take everything out of the Health Inspector's Codes, building codes, Safety Inspector's Codes or all trades codes and put thern together in something like this. He said he thought they should adopt them by reference r�lative to co�struction and cut this down by 60% or mare and address this as a�mainter.ance code, which is what the title is. He added that in the Scope, 220a03, vrhat he was talkin� about becarle fairly obvious. i•ir. Bergm��.n stated there i,rere a lot• of duplications in the proposed maint�nance corte, and even the Health Inspecr.�� ��ras brought in there an�i he didn't know wh�y the Health Inspector should .. inCl�aded in the maintenance code. rir. Ber�man read one of the objective:,�.:nder 220.0� to the Commission; "To correct ar�k� prevent conditions that adverscly affect or are likel.v to adversely a.f'fE:ct the liie, s,:��ety, general welf'are, and health, incl� '_r.g the physical, meni;al, and social :.11 being of persons using non-reside� :1 facilities wit;(�in Fridl.ey��. ife said he dicin't lmow why they were d. ; all that as an obj�ctive.. - rir. Ber�man st.�ted that another objective, to provide minimum heatin�, sanit�ry equip:nent, li�hting, and ventilation and safety, wa� another duplication of other codes. i�e standards for necessary to health said that providing � Planning Comrrtiission I�teetin� - November 3, 1976 3G Page 8 � minimum standards usually applied to a construction cod� rather than a mainten- ance code, and he thought; a lot of this would be difficult to enforce. He � added that al�o, there was no definition of maintenance in the proposed code, and he thought it was way overdone in general. Mr. Bergman said he also thought this was discriminating against low and rnoderate income people, as � the City could go into their homes and tell them the have to etc., because,'their house doesn�t come up to this standard. Put in windows, � � � , � � L� � ' ' Mr. $ergman s�id he felt there was a sizable rework of this code before sending it down to member commissions, and repeated that he felt it was overburdening and way overdone. He stated that if the �urpose of the code was what he t�ought it was, it should be more inclined to treat exterior aesthetics� F�e added that he didn't see why they izad to tell someone that everything mu�t be water-tight fro:� a maintenance view, as the home owner should be con�+erned with that. Ne stated he was not sure that was an area where the Cit� had to get involved. Mr. Boardman replied that in some cases, such as renta7; properties, they should get involved. He explained that if the maintenan;e on the property went z•aay down, the Iivability could be detri- mental to the Ihealth, safei;y and tiaell bein� of the people ��ho lived there� Nlr. Peters�n stated that basically what i�ir. Boardman was saying was that they were putt'ing together a residential, and non-residential rnaintenance code so the City could qualify to get rent subsidies ihrough HUD. ?�ir. Board-. man said that �•ras not true, and that the,y didn � t need the housing maintenance code ta get rent subsidies. He stated that one of the stipulations that the Planning Commission placed on going to the Section �i program ��as that a housin� maintenance code be develok ed. P•ir. Boardr�an said they had pulled ordinar;ces iogether that other corL-nunities �rera usinUs a.rzd also referred to a standardized housing maintenance ordiriance. He explainPd they had been in contact with St. Louis Park, Blooming�on, Richfield, Brooklyn Center, New Brighton, and Moundsview, and right no�a ;,rere ga.thering information on how those conu-�unities maintain them, what type of personnel they use, and the cost of the �rogram to them. He said that it seemed to him that St. I,ouis Park was probably the Czty in the metro area tha�t was doing the most with the program as Far as �oing out and requiring ti�ork to be done at the time af change of oirnerships and tni.s �ype of thin�. Mr. Boardman further explained that in most cases the codes t�rere set up strictly on a complaint basis, and most of them dea�,t strzctly with apartments and did not go into residential. Mr. Boardman s�.id tr�at they had put to�ettier something that May be a little overburdening �nd may be hard to enforce, but suggest.ed that �t.he-Commission work on it and'cut it dow-n, and at some point make a good code that was enforceable anc� would serve its purpose. �Mr. Langenfeld � it looked like stated he felt although they c , discrirninatory. aspects, it see � ' said that he agreed with 1;r. Bergman; and added that he felt ma,ybe some of the interns just threw this code to�.. ;.?�er. He that this taas a violation of the ori�inal hotising pl•�:n� and id want a maintenance code he felt this pariicular one was very Tir. Langenfeld said that in respect to the LZiviron�ental ned to him that most of the code applied to al.ready existing 1 I' � Planning Corn�mission I�leeting - November 3, 1976 Page 9 3u dwellings. He said he felt that the major part of the environmental impact had already t�aken place. He su�gested that perhaps this proposed code could be used as a,guideline in order to obtain Fridley's mainteriance code. t��r. Langenfeld said that with regard to Mr. Bergrnan's statement, he fel.t th�� when you spoke in terms of maintenance, underneath that there would be various �orr�s of construction. He explained that in order to maintain �iything there had to be .forms of construction. r�Ir. Peterson asked what is was they really wanted to accomplish with this ': code. He sta�ed that when the Comprehensive Housing Plan was adopted there was a plank ijn it that said something about maintenance, but he didn't recall any specific objective tnat they hoped to cover under that plank of maintenance. ' AIr. Peterson said he recalled the Chairmarz said at that time it made hirn nervous and t�ought it would be a rather exp]_osive issue. He added that he still didn't lrnow what they were trying to accomplish, and when they started 'i � writing a coc.� without lmowing what they really wanted to accomplish they wandered and inothing really happened. Chairperson Harris suggested that perhaps they �hould define maintenance. , ,' � II� , 2;r. Bergma.n s�id he had thought that they would be addressing aesthetics; neighborhood preservation, c��hich is primarily an appearance factor, and control of de�radation, which is primarily an appearance factor. He stated he had thought it was prima.rily an aesthetic concerne Mr, Beaz•dman cxplained that a housing maintenar�ce code was not set up necessarily fc�r the outside maintenance of the house, but also for the structur•al maintenance of that house. He said that if there was structural damage to the house �hich made that house a hazard to live in or at least detrirnental to the health, safety and welfare of that person, there should be some code to require the repair of that structure. rSr. Bergman asked if they didn't hdve that now, and if a Building Inspector cou�.dn't go to �:hat house and say',the structure was detrimental to the health,. safety and � h°elfare of the occupants. Mr. Boardman said they did not. Mrs. Shea asked if there hadn't been a complain,t recently concerning an apartment in the City heing unsa.fe, and under what rule the C�.ty could act on thato Mr. BoardMan replied that they rnight go out and talk to the apart-. ment owner abou�L it, but they had no authority to enforce any repair or maintenarice oi that structure. Chairperson Harris stated that brought up another point,, and asked for what reason they were licensing ap2rtments. Mr. Boardman s'aid that the Fire ASarshal did inspect the apartr�ents, but only those public a,reas such as entrances, exits and that type of thing. P;r. Harris noted i;�ere was a fee for the licensing procedure, and asked what the City did fpr tnat fee. P1r. Boardman replied that as far as he knew, it was for the fi�re inspection. I�trs. ScYinabel }stated that she thou�ht WY1GI1 the code talked about minimum standards and �aid there must be a table or counter for food preperation, it was gettin�',beyond the scope of what they meant by maintenznce. She said she thought tr:�re were a number of things they should get at in a mainten<:nce I � � �J � CJ ' � L �11 , � � �J i , ' ' � Plannfng Com�ission 1�Ieel;ing - Nover�ber 3, 19?6 3I Page 1Q code: 1) F,�terior maintenance of the properiy throughout the City in regard to private residential, rental properties and businesses, and 2) Sometnin� that would dda]_ with interior minirnum structural design which would be beneficial fa',r the health and safety of the persons in these structures, but most speGifically in regards to rental property as well as publzc places. Mrs. SchnabeZ suggested they might have some type o� mainte:�ance code built around those two specific concepts (intErior and exterior), with a view towards detex�ioration, partzcular�y in ren tal property� as opposed to getting into such minute detail as there appeared to be in the document they had now. Mr. Peterson ,stated that he had two quest9.ons: 1) In many households th�re was a shortag�e of cash with quite regular frequenc�, and i#' a Building Inspector told one of t�ese homeowners that he had to do certain repairs to his dwelling and it was be�rond that person's means at that time, were they going to kick him out?� ar�d' 2) Is �the licensing of the apartment a yearly thing? P�tr� Boardman repl'ied it was. I�1r. Peterson said that then he felt the licensing should be strengthened to take care of what they were looking far as far as protecting th� renter. He stated that if the tenant and the apartment oh-ner got in a displute over the color of paint, this was beyond what the City government was meant to do. Mrs. Schnabel'� said that there t,rere certain mznirrcwns which rental property must maintain'�, such as heat, lighting, proper saf�ty exits� etc. r1r. Bergman said he didn't think the City should get into the heating question. He staied that t�e $uilding Codes required adequate systems, and what the person s�t the thermo.�tat on should be bet�•;een the occupant and �he manager. t�Irs. Schnabel pointed out that the City of i�Iinneapolis did have a regulation which s�ated that a minimum of 68�F, must be maintained in a rental structure� and she didn't think that was unfair. Mr. Peterson corairented ihat he could see where stairways and lighting sr�ould be maintai.ned so the structures wouldn't becorne death traps. Chairperson H�rris stated that their time limit was almost up, and suggesied that the Comrnission members take this under consic�eration and go home and think �bout it. He said that then at the next meeting they should put forth some ideas on w.at they �hought shauld be zn the maintenance code and give direction to 5taff. MOTION by Peterson, seconded �y Bergman, that the Planning Com-nission consider the proposed maintenance code and be prepared to contribute ideas on what they thought �hould be in the code at the next meeting, and at that time give directior� to Staff. Upon a voice vote; a11 voting aye, the rnotion carrisd unanimou.sly. � CONTINUED: I?'"';n`' �:�,VELOPr�ENT GO?.I�S AND OBJECTIVES Mr. Boardman �aid tha�t at this time he was Iookin� for direction on fiuman Aevelopment Gc�als D200 and D300. He said they had response back from the Human RESOUrc�s Commission, and his meaning in the Planning Cornmission minutes ,� �_J �J , � P].�nning Commiwsion Z�Seeting - November 3, ].97b �age Z1 of the last mec;ting was not to say that the Hurnan IZesources Commission was being slow, bu$ felt that the member comrnissions should have a chanc� +�o review the tot�l package. He explained tha�: S.nstead of separating t::u gaal s�atement� and sending them down every time t}-iere was a ney� one, i::. thought they.sMould wait until the whole packa�e ��as put together and sen,�l the whole thing< Mr, $aarclr,ian said tha�; he thought �;he Goal Statements i;_a.d be�n approved in the wh�le H�zman Development areas and now the Program Objectives had to be approved. Mr. $ergman sa�d he had looked it all over and thou�ht it looked great with one except;ion, and that �vas Prograrn Objective D310. F?e stated thai impl f ed hiring soneone to be �that "cTearin�-.house oi inf'or;nation ", a.nd he didn t agree w:i;ttz that, Mz•. Boardman sa3_d they i,rouldn 1 t be hiri.ng any more people, and exr�la�ined what he meant was the City oi' l�ridley ti•lculd have suc;h an�ttitude th�;t the citizens co�ald call for infornzation� 1�r. Beroman as_:�d if he would be,willing ta change "position" to "posture", and Mr. Boardman said that ��ould be fineo ' r1rs. Sc�.n�bel not�cz that A300p D310 and D330 �.r�re all dca?-_in� W].�;�1 p��.bl.ic; in�'oi;r,a;,io�-► and, :.rondered if. A:r. �oardma.:� x•eally s�r��ted thrce separaie delirieations of' what appeared to be three very similar�-ty��e operations 4 ' 2-,r� Bcardman replied he did, and explained that A300 was a general. Goal Statq,,:'�;,, He said l�e fe�t the:e t�ei•e f.our• �.reas :�zi w'nzch thcy cou2d bre_:;: t�is dc;ca;i; 1) �iecome an in°orma-tion storehc>use .foz° tne re.�ide:�ts, ?) �`i�,�,-i.�'..� adeyua�e x•edr�ss and reasonable access to �the arfairs of loc�.l F;over•.�m�:n1;F ' 3} b'�.iild ar� e�.f,�ciency into the disseMi.na�ta.on of infoz�m��.i�n,. anc� �,). px•;,,,�,�±,,� coop<�rat.io� and' n��l tual understan�in� o ri0TI0P; by T,�n�,rc�nfeld, secon;zed �y Peterson f that the i'1a�-iriin� Commission concu,• with t�e Goal. St3temPn-;s an� Pro�ra� Objer.t,:it�es on pa.ges 3X and 3?_ of -th�� a��nda (Goal Stateraents D200 a.�d Da00). U��un a s�oi.ce votes a_#.1 vot.i��� �ye, the mation. carried L�TI`d.ri�I�!C:UJiye Chairperson Harris declared a recess at 9;10 PoI�1a and xeconv�ned the meetin� at 9:20 P.r10 ' . � RECFIVE T�,��� FRO.-i JERRt�LD BOARDMAN, CITY PZAN,1}�Rp OIv `rHE P�Z�:PARATT()iv 0�' AGE'i�I;A' S', ����J'rt AJ�L CO,�L'�IISSIONS � - �" � ' � � ' r�OTI0P3 b;y- r��;�lge�.f'eZci, secon�?ed by Bergman' i;lxat ths Y:i_t.uln:ii�� '.ss'�an recei.ve t}.� :�;�T.y� to �'.?1 Cna:irp��:sc�ns oi Cit;y Co:nm:i:s:si.ons fr�:, :�1d Eoard�n�.n dat�,1 �cto���r 29, 1q76 z��::z��sd:ir.z; �?�;;:rad��s .f'ar rlc�eti�. ,aon a voice vote, a�.l;��ati:�g aye, �t,l�e ?;:�.ion carr:i.ed ii��az�imously. t•Ir. I3U2x�dr��Yt st�t�d t:h�i, thLy i•�c�: �;;oin� t,o ��rint. ti��i.t}� t.he calE;::�:;ai• for 1 nex � ye���r, and �h�� dates not.E>d or� ;> :�;e 33 ef the a��c�nda wer� th:: dates b�a.n� se l; !'or t!�a varaous Canu�r;.:�:�ions. He said th��t. he �•rould l:uce so;�e )ci?�;'. ,I 3J 3 !t Ylannin� Commission T�;eetin� - November 3, 1.976 Page 12 of concurrence with these dates. Chairpersc►n Haz�ris noted that the calendar schedule/was basically what they were doing nowa and ::�ked if this was agreeable to all the Cornmission members. The Commissioners ag,•eed it was. Mr. Boardman said he also wanted to mention that if the Chairperson from one of the member commissions could not attend the Planning Commission meeting, it was up io that person io contact his Vice Chairperson. Mr. Peterson said that at the time of the last Plani�ing Cornmission meeting he had been out of to�rn and his Vice Cnairperson had also been out of town, and asked what the procec�ure was at this point. P•iro Boardman said that if they rrere both going to t�e gone, t.�zre would be an ernpty seat at the Planning Corunission meeting. He ac�ded he just wanted each Chairperson to understand it was his responsibility',to contact the Vice Chairperson and get the information to him. 1IRONA�Ir.�VTAL O,UALITY COrS24ISSI0N yIIP1UTES : OCTOBER 19 � 1�'� Mr. Langerafeld I stated he would like the first sentence on page 1t of �::�e: Fridley F�a.virar�mental Commission minutes to be corrected to read that his motiora to �ecommend the moratoriur� to the City Council died for lack of a second. MOTION by I,ang�nfeld, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission , receive tne E�virorli�nental �iu.ality Comrnission minutes of October 19, 197�. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � � RECEIVE AP�'EALS COi��TISSIOld N,IAIUTES : OCTOBER 26� ly'�6 Chairperson Ha�rris noted tha� as usual, the Appeals Corvnisszon was working very hard and diligently. ' , . MOTION by Schnabel, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission receive the Appeal.s Commission minutes of October 26, 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay�s th�; motlon c2I'7'1ed unanlmously. � ' ' u � ' CHANG� TN S�IINNESOlA STATE AID DESIGi`IATIO�d Mr. Boardinan e�Cplained that this was something that came yearly to the Planning Comrrtission; ev�ry year -�,hey suiTU;�arized the recomr�ended State Aid designat.ions and +�ie e�imin�tion of certain designations. He stated that this item tryas th:i..` year's re�ommendations, anc� that the Leigh Terrace plat was approved by the P1�.nnin� Cor�mission. He further explained t,hat they present�y had a State Axd de�ign�ttion on 75th j�7ay out to East River Ttoad, ancl ti•rere suggesting that State Aid designation be chan�ed to that portion of Osborne Way N.E. which tied up �o Osborne, as per E�chibit A. �J ' ' ' ' �J , ' L�J ' ' � ' I� ' ' � ' ' 3L Plannin�; Commi�sion t•feeting - Novernber 3, 197d Page 13 P4r. $ergman asked if the original extension of 75th Tilay would be vacated, and 1�Ir. Bqardm�n replied they would delete that from State Aid designation but it would s�,ill be a street as there had to be a street there to serve th� properties'',that were off of that. Chair.person Has^ris said it seemed tnose tVro zntersections were quite close together, and P�1r..Boardman replied they were, but that was the way it had been apprnved by the City and County. ri0TI0N by Petez�son, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission recommend to Cduncil the change in Tlinnesota State Aid designaiions to allovr rnodiiications to the intersection of Osborne Road an d East River Road as folloVr� : A. : UPOIJ A Deletejthe M.S.A. designation of 75th Y7ay and add Osborne klay N.E. as per Ibchzbit A. Rescind easement on East side of Talmadge Lane and acquire easement or� tiJest; side of Talriadge Lane as per F.xhibit B. VOxCE VaTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSTNESS: Mrs. Schn�bel stated that she woulc3 �ike to point out to the members oi the Commission the'City Council minutes of their October 18th meeting and the discussion conc'eining the l�ppeals Commission minutes on the request by I�ir. and P�Lrs. Robert Tomczak of 999 Overton Drive N.E. She said this dea3t with the matter of a7.lowing the construction of a swirlming pool in the front yard, and explained the Appeals Commission and denied the request . on a vote of 3- I and it �-rent to the City Council. I�irs. Schnabel explained the reason she was bringing this to their attention was that the City Council tabled that request and decided it would appear as another subject for their meeting o�' November 22nd when the� would discuss substandard lots. She said t'hat s�nce they were all in�rited to attend that meeting, she wanted tY:em to be aware that this would be another item that would be on the agenda. Chairperson Harris said that he had noticed a public notice in the newspaper concerning an zmprovemen� to put in a railroad crossing at 79th Street, and thought that be,fore that happened it should come to the Planning Corlimission. rsr. Board.-nan said he knew nothing about that, but would check on it. Mr. Boardman sa�id he wanted to mention that the City Council had discassed g3rage requirem�nts at their last meeting, and would be sending it back to the Planning Co:�nmission to act on accordingly when the c�ty �za a rezoning change. H� sa��i in other words, they .felt the present code was sufficient now to handle t�e situation, and if the Planning Comriission wanted to make changes it shou�d be done at the time of recodification. 1�Irs. Schnabe� asked if the Council �greed or disagreed tiaith the philosophy behind the Motion, and i 1 ' ' � ' � ' � � � � L� I� ' � � , � C , 3M Planning Comrnis�ion Meetin� -�ovember 3, 1976 Page l� NSr. Boardman re�lied they didn't say. He stated that he wished he would have handled this a�it differently, and thought that from no�w on instead of sending things on to th.� City Council aslcing Urhat they thought t'hey should start setting them up'as Public Hearings before the Planning C��mmission and send it on as a reso�ution. I�1r. Boardman said then the decision would be made a-c this level and Council would have to vote it up or down. 1�ir. Peterson sa.�.d that although the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Comrnission meet�ng of October 26th were noi yet available, they did contain a discussion on'the Fridley Youth Center. He stated that each of the mer�ber cammissions hao.l,,been asked to look at the Artic'�s of Incorporation, and the Paxks and F��creation Comriission had studiec� them and decided they didn't want to �et invblved in telling the kids they had to change the articles. He said that P�rks and Recreation did decide they wanted to handle this like any other �on-profit organization operating within the City of Fridley that had its oi,� Articles of Incorporation. 2�,r. Peterso:n explained the agreement would.l then be har�.rnered _out between the Parks and Recreation and that organizati.bn concerning the rules and terms on the �c�ray they could use the property, etc. He said tYiat for instance, the Hockey Association could use the rinks, put in order to use the rinks they had to agree to certain stipulations vri.th the City. Mr. Peterson explaix�ed that if Parks and Recreation was going to be!charged with the responsibility for the Fridley Youth Center, they �rould allod�r the youths to have their own organization but wanted to work with them conce�ning the agreement on how they could use the property. He further explain�d that while the kids should have the opportunity to run their own organizatior�, Parks and Recreation felt very uneasy about people using City property �rithout any type of agree.�en�t on ruZes and regulations . He said that this way they would be consistent with every other non-profit organization. AD JOURIV��3T r•IOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the meeting be a vaice votes all voting aye, Chairpersbn Haxris declared the Comriission meetxng of November 3� I97� adjourned at 9:1�0 P.iI. Respectfully sulb;nitted, � S?�erri 0'Donnelll Recording Secre�tary � adjourned. Upon Planning by unanimous vote. � r ;��� -0 ,_;,,•�.,P- 7r+:- - �. ^t �� - ---- R�A.I, ESTATE 10 ADDN. P�� 76—� 1 �` '' j:�� I OQ4 I / ��Y.� ,I . . 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Q� n� �4 ��7:'� - l i;� �y �0 :1 D � �_ z Z �t o � � � �' ` � I� � �o � LEC�A� DESCRtf'?IU'r'S: TiiACI� A: All �f ;ne ;,esl: '65 fec�t of la; :i. ;u'L'1Tt�it'ti SU�J;V]S1Q'� `�0. '129, Anoka County� "linnesa*a lyli;o I;i�rtil��rlY of th.e Sc.ut;; i•i7 °c+�: t Lhureof , TRA�1 u: ine G�st ?�i` icet c�' !he ,:c��t i��5 feF>t of t���� S�uth :47 feet af lot 11. ��UDIT01{ S- St!fiU:V�S::a�l t! . i7'l. ,.ncKa �o::ntv, hlinn��tota. TRt�Ct C: The ;,est ��'J fee� oi r.n�� South ly; feet ��i l�t ll, AUi;I7CR'S SL�GDIVISiG�t 110, ]29, /�f101:d CG:�r,ty', �1"1t1r�i0td. . I hcr��by certdy il�xt ttns aurvc�y. plan, a teGw�tt wati �pr��p:ite�A by u�r ir uhde� my dtri�cl supt,�- vi.ii�ai :i�id �h:�i 1 am a duly Rr�;�ste•red l.aud tiu���•qcx undrr thr I�ws i�( t u� Statc of M�nn- ,..,,,:,. � � i �� 1)_. � � , , MEMBERS PRESEiVTt ME��B�S ABSENT: ; OTH�S Pt�ESENT: ! F�iIDLEY APPEALS COP'�SISSION PqEETING OCTOBER 26, 1976 Schnabel, Barna, Gabel, Kemper, Plemel IJone Yon Holden, Building Inspection Officer The meeting was''called to arder by Chairperson Schnab�l ��t 7:35 P.P�I. ' ', APPROVE APPEALS', COi•��RISSION r1IP•1UTES: OCTOBER 12, 1976 MOTION by Barn�y seconded by Plemel9 to approve the minut;es of the October 12, 197b Appeal.� Commission meeting as written. Upan a��oice vote, all voting aye, the;,motion carried unanimously. ' 1. CGNTIhUEJ E,�' PETITIOIVER' S REQUi.ST: REG�UEST FOR A VI�iIANCE OF SECTIOI�I 2a5. �53, 4, ' A, FRIDL�Y CITY COUEs TO RF:�DUCE TH�, RE�U_�RED FftONT YARD SETF3ACK �RO�: 35 FEET TO 20 FEr,T, TO QLLO�rJ TIIE CO?�'STRIJCTION OF A D�u�TELLING AIdD GARAGES', Loc��rn on �,oT 6, BTACIC 1, HEATH�.R HILLS ADDITION, THE SAM� BETNG 6250 $Ea'V MORE DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (Request by P�Ir. Thomas Brickner, 62J�5 B�n I�1ore Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 551.�32). MOTION by Kempt��, seconded by Gabel, ta open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all_'voting aye, the motion carried unanimous:ly. ' A.DMINISTRATTVE STAFF R�PORT A. PUBLIC PURI'pSE SERVED BY REQtIIREI�iENT: Section 20�',.053, 1�� A, requiring a frant yard setbacic of 35 feet. Public pur�: encroachin€� to reduce 1: front yard. B. STATED HARI; Lot narrows quite fast. narrow in f se served is to allow for of�'-stre�t parlcing without �n public right of way. Also for aesthe•tic consideration e"building line of sight" encroachment :into the neighbor's IP: quite fast toward the back of lot and lo�t also drops off 1rJithout front yard setback variance, thE� house becomes too ^ont. � �i 1 ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � ' � ' Fridley Appeals'Commission Meeting - October 26, 1976 Page 2 C. ADMIIVISTKAT$VE STAFF REVIELdt The lot in �uestion drops off excessively in the rear. The;problem can be reso�ved only by using unusual construction, excessive amounts of fill, or'a reduced front yard setback. A lesser f'ront yard setback yrould not e�croach into the front yard of the house at 6258 Ben P�Iore Drivn. Sho�ld �he cul-de-sac easements be vacated arid the street go through� tr�� house would be more than 35 feet from the front property line. Staff has no objection.to this variance xe�uest. Mr. and 1��rs. TYipmas Brickner were present, along with Mr„ and rSrs. Lyle Carpenter, the �'i�adjacent property owners. Mr. Brickner g���e each Comrnissioner a copy of a print showing the elevations and setoacks of, the proposed house and the house to the :East. He said that what they were lattempting to do was the most feasible use of the property. He explained tl�;at with this setback they would still not be any closer to the street thai�; the house to the East, and there was not'.ning to the West. He further exp:L!ained that with the variance they could still build an aesthetically-�le�.sing house on that Iot, but the contour of the land dropped so fast that as, they got further back the lot �o so narrow they could not get a nice-loo_�ing home on there. He stated that the proposed home was 1782 square fe�t, and it was just no� feasible to put a house back 35' on that 1ot. r1r.�i�Brickner said that this was a ternporary cul-de-sac and the road cot�ld be �xtended some da,y� and if that was the case the driveway would even be longer.i Mr. Bricl:ner s�id they were proposing a 20' �,Tide garage, but Vrould like to go to poss�hly'�22' or 21.�', and he thaugnt that would be possible with this variance. He �xplai��ed they had dra�•m up this plan so they were at a minimum of �' and 10' , I but when tr�e,y �Look t��ie .final survey they felt it taould check out to give th�rn a little more �zidth (�ossibly twa to fc�ur fee-t). IIe said they would mair�tain the 5'. Mr. Bri.ckner stated he lived across the street from this lot �nd he wanted to look at a nice house. He� added that they had a tiao-story st�ucture proposed and a. plan that toolt advantage of the grade. He said that aCtually, from the road t.he house wnuldn't look that high from the front. , 3S Ms. Holden ask�d if he was going to have sewer of� the f'ront, and Mr. Briclrner , said he would, and the sewer was 10' deep. Mr. Kemper �isked if this was a speculative hc= e� and rir. Brickner replied it was. � ' ' ' Mr. P1eme1 ask would open up and said the 1 very rapidly a know how they appear there w was possible f' sewer. d if there weren't lots to the West of this cul-de-sac that o the cul-de-sac, and Mr. Brickner said i:hey didn't �.now that, nd to the 4�iest was questionable. He exp:Lained it dropped off the end of that street, and if anybody developed it he didn't ould be able to run the sewer. Mr. HoldE�n said that it didn't re any lots that were platted off the cu:L-de-sac. He said it r that land to be developed, but one problem would be the � Fridley l�ppeals 'Commission Meeting - October 26, 1976 Page 3 3 i� � was set�:. back, and Mr. Mr. Kemper aske� Mr. Brickner what the house he lived ln Briclmer replied 35'. He said there weren't any variances around the cul-de-sac, � but there were several variances on Kerry Circle. Mr. Kemper asked if the curbs were i.n nc�w, and Mr. Briclmer said that they were, and they followed the easement. ' 1 Mr. Carpenter, f�258 Ben More Drive, said he didn't want to see the house built any further bac� th� Mr. Brickner had. it, but the plan 2�s he h�a it now was fine. He said l�e kTould prefer that this request be granted. � Mr. Holden aske�i i.f there would be any problem with elevation between the y ards. Mr. Bri�kner said they would probably be pretty much the same, and � would drop dor�-n'on the. West side. He explained it would be about the same grade that the �arpenter's tapered do�m on the West side„ ' � � u ' ' ' ' ' i � ' ' MOTION by Pleme,,1, seconded by Barna, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, alll,voting aye, the motion carried unanimous:l.y. Mr. Barna said !that h:is main concern would be the neighbc�r's feelings� and since Mr. Carpe�ter was in favor of the variance he woulc�n't have any objections. MOTIOTI by Plemell, seconded by Barna, that the request fo:r variance be granted. Upon la voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. C0�ITINUED:' (Original variance withdrati.�n) REQUEST FOR VARIANCES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLI,Oti7S : SECTION 205.13�., �, C, TO RIDUCE THE REAR Yli�iD SETBAQK FROI�1 THE REG�UIRED 25 F��T TO 7• 5 FEET� AND SECTION 205.13�, B, TO RIDUCE TiiE STDE YARD SET�SAGK F'ROM 2G' FEET TO 0 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTI�N OF A SPECULATIVE BUILDING Oi� LOTS 23, 24 arrD 25, $LOCK 8, ONAk7A1` ADD�TION, THE SAi� BETNG 775�- ��1 STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, AiINNESOTA. (Request b� Paco, Incorporated, 592U Kirkwood Larie, PZinneapolis, Minn- esoia, 55l�1�2 } . MOTION Uy Gabe�, seconded by Barna, to open the Public �[earing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. ADMI�'ISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY t�EQUIRENIENT: Section 20 .131�, 1�, C, required rear yaxd setback oj' 21� feet. Public pur ose served by the requirement is to prov'Lde adequate open space arot�d commercial structures for aesthetic and fire fighting purposes. ii Section 2Q�.13lt, 1�, Ba requiring a 20 foot side yard setback in a M-2 District. ', Public pu I ose served by the requirement is to prov:ide adequate fire protection�and aesthetically-pleasing open areas to industrial structures. I i ,�I - � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � ' � i � ' , Fridley Appeals'iCommission Meeting - October 26, 1976 B. STATED HARU�HIP: Land cannotibe built on to meet Code. C. ADMINISTRATxVE STAI�'F REVIEW: Page � 3U Staff has been in favor of rear yard setbacks in �the Onaway area due to the shortness of the lots� and feel that this reques-t is justified in light of pa,�t variances granted in this block. Section 205,.13I�, 4, B, subsection 3, all.oti�s for the exception to 0 i'eet where 'a conunon wall is constructed bettaeen two l�uildings, which. meets the y�ire safety standards. A common owner of two adjoining properties ,'can easily builcl on one property at the z��ro seiback poznt in anticip��tion of coristructin�; a similar structure •with a zero setback on the adj�cent property. In lieu of common ownership, a joint agreement with the ac�'jacent property owner is in order, however, the adjacent property in this ca:�e (Signcrafters to the South) is developed in such a way that no cor�mon tiaiall is possible. In other �aords this would be a single building with a zerr� clearance to the lot line. Staff does take objection to this variance rqquest in that fire protection clearance and green areas are not providad. Mr. Holden sai� that Sta�f would also like to recommend a 5' reduction in the d.imension of ia�e buildzng in order ta allovr for maintenance of the building and any possibl�e problem of the Uuilding being hi�, by trucks, etc. Mr. G. h�'. Pasctike of Paco, Ine., t-ras present. Chairperson Sc�nabel statea that -this request had come through the Planning Commission la.s� week because Mr. Paschke had a potential occupant for the building at�d h� wanted to have this proceed along as quickly as possible. She exp7.ained the Planning Commission took a look at it and had no specific suggestions to make, however, they ti�rere iriterested in re:viewing the 0 lot line approach.' She saic� that one concern that cam� about was building on the 0 1ct line'when there was not an adjacent building �t�o be built up to. Nlrs. Sch.nabel �aid that this was different from most, if' not all� of the requests they had in the past; she didn't recall any 0 lot line construction �ahen it was not the intent to buzld anothex building to the line adjacent to it. She sa�d � rr�ry l� cases wher� they grU.n�,ed 0 lot line and the adjacent ownex� didnit build, and ex�lained this was diff.'erent because there was no way anypne cauld build. �Srs. Schnabel stated that the Planning Commission had passed a mption that the Appeals Commission could send this directly to the City Co�ncil. rSr. Paschke sa�.d that originally Mr. Haxris and he had agreed to the 0 lot line� but then'��hir. Harris realized there might be legal problems if someone ran into the b�Zilding and thougl�t that perhaps �,' would solve the prob�em. He said he had', gone over this with Mr. Soba.ecll and Mr. I3oardman, and they felt the build�.ng should be set back 5�. , I� , . I � Fridle,y Ap�aet�,ls', Commission Meeting - October 26� 197� Page 5 3v . I' � Mr. Holden said' that the oth er su estion acce table to the Plannin De art- gg P g P ment was to shi,ft the parking area on the North to 0`wit,"� a fence constructed. 'I ' He said the irit;erit would be to shift the building over 5', but the 68' width of the buildinglvrould still be maintained. Chairpez•son Scl�nabel pointed out that shifting the parkin� would require ,� another varianGe on the North side, and it would require another public hearing. Mr. Plemel not�d tnat this request was tabled once alrea��y. Mrs. Schnabel said that at tl�e time it �ras first tabled I�1r. Paschke di,�n't think he would ' start construc��ion until next spring, and he was over. the 1�0% lot coverage. She said they had recommended at that t5_me that t�ir. Pasc:hke sit down with ' Staff and come ;up taith a better idea, and in the rneantime he had found sor�e- � body to occupy',the building so h� was anxious to build. Chairperson Schnabel said -tha.t possilbly they could act on tihe request on just the building part so Mr. Paschke'could staxt c�nstruction, and then haridle the separate request � for gozng ta t)�e �ot ].ine on the North at a later time. Mr. Pleme]_ noted that if the va:rliance for the parking area wasn't granted, it would cut down the size of -th� building. � Chai.rperson Sc:�nabel said that the 7 2' rear yard setback was consistent in the area, arid ��Ir. Holden agreed. Mr. Holden asked if there would be loading docks in the b�.ck of this building, and �ir. Paschke said there wouldnit be. ' Mr. Kemper sta�,ed that Staff made a strong objection to the 0'setback, and asked T��r. HoJ_d�n ��rhat t�is posi.tion taas on a 5' clearar.ce. Mr. Holden replied � that Staff fel�, t,hat kTith 5` and proper iir� protect�cn according to code there wou?_d. be'adequate means to fight fire a11 around the building and the 5' taould also �lla��a room to maintain the building. 2�irs. Schnabel said that at the Plannin� Commission meeting I�ir. Ha.rris had been concerned from a legal � stand.po:�nt about the O�lot line because large.trucks could back into the building and damage it, but the 5' would take care of that. � � Mr. �Iolden sho�7�d the over-a11 p1an for the Onaway area to the Board and pointed ou�t th� various buildings and set,backs. � . Mr. Kemper ask�d for a review on space allowed for parking, and I�Ir. Holden replied that basi.caZly a parking sta11 should be 20' x 10'. He said t,hat in certG,in cases in other areas they l�zad reduced it to 18'. �Sr. Holden said that the drivir�� aisle shou�d be 25', bu� in this case the Zoning Aclmznistrator � was willing to ' go to 21�� � and it vras pcssib? e in some is�stances to go with Iess dependzng,on the area. He adc�ed trza� the Code said. 5' was requzred from i�he edge of a parking sta11 to the building. rirs. Gabel pointed out that � with a specula�ive bui�ding they almost had to go saith 25' because they didn't know what was goi.ng in there. P�rs. Schnabel noted that Mr. Paschke was 2' short on parkirDg space and 1� short on driveway. � ' ' ' Mr. Kemper as replied 63�. of 0; and he what size Mr. Paschke wanted to malce th.e building, and he Kemper asked 'if he would agree to the 5� clearan.ce instead ied he would. ,� 3 4�! � FridlEy I�ppeals'Commission Meeting - October 26, 1976 Page 6 ' 'zabel said that the re uest beiore the A�eals Commission Chairperson Schi q P1. basically had to do with the building structure, but the building was tied to � the parking are,�., also. She said they still had a probl�m with the elimination of the 5' stripi,on the North side. Nirs. Schnabel asked 1�4r. Paschke if he should acquire ;the property to the North ii he would take down the t'ence and � make it a joint,, parking lot. Mr. Paschke replied he wou:Ld, but he didn't see that in the fut,ure. � , ' P�rs. Schnabel said that they could grant the variances t�� shorten tne drivetray and the parkin�, but the final question that remained was the �' setback on the North prop!�rt,y line. 1rr. Paschl:e aslced if the Board would have any objections to t;hat variance, and I�1r. Plemel explained that. another request and Public Hearing �ras a forrnality. Mr. Holden sug�ested it would be poss�ble to grant the variance to the 5' setback on the South side with the knowledge that a variance would be required on th� Idorth and with the understanding th�t if there was some objection to that, the building would nave to be reduced in size. N1r. Paschke said that would be impossible because if he started construction all the outsid� t,ra.11s would be up by the time this came up for another variance. , Chairperson Scl�inabel said tha.t essentially the two requests before them at this meeting d�alt witri the building� and she suggested that to facilitate Mr. Paschke th�y should act �n those ttro requests and have �he Staff work � ou� the parkin� situtation t�ith him. She said that if i.t was decided that a�' variance wa.s still needed for a parking lot then NIs�. Paschke would have to come back with a request far variance. Mr. Paschke said he didn't have time to come b&ck for another varianceJ so he would havE� to make the building ' 63'. r1r. Kemp�r said that under those conditions he wouldn't have any obj ec-tion. � MOTTQN by Kemper, seconded by Barna, tq close the �'ublir. Hearing. Upon a voice vote, al�. voting aye, the motzon carried unanimously. � , Chairpexson Schnabel asked if basically Staff recommendE�d a 5' reduction in the size of the building, and PLr..Holden said that it was Staff's recommendation not to reduce �the �uilding by 5' but to shift the �uald:ing 5' to the North. rlrs. Schnabel said that i�' the variance was approved Z�Ti�th the 5' instead of 0' � setback� she �JOUld guess the Staff' and A�r. Paschke �rould have to get together immediately and figure ou� the pa.rking area, and if they found it would still require the 5"�, then Mr. Paschke would have to reduce the building by 5�. ' I Mr. Barna saic� he had no objection, and he thought the ;speculative bui.ldings in that area 1looked better than some of the residences. �'J� � � 1 MOTION by Kem to Council ap setback from setback from should be siz if the buildi variance requ motion carrie er, seconded by Gabel� that the Appeals Commission recommend roval of the request for variar.ce to reduce the rear yard he required 25 feet to 7.5 feet, and reduce the side yard 0 feet to 5 feet, with the stipulation that the building d such that the paxking to the North side meets Code and g size is such that parking does not meet� Code, an additional st must be submitted. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the unanimously. , � ' ' , �J LJ , � � � ' � , � � � � ' ey App�.als Commissinn ,�Ieetin ` � - October 26, 197E, Page 7 _--------. 3. REQUEST',F'OR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.13 INCREAS� `T'I��; M(�gIMUI�I PI��RCENT OF TiiE ARE,Q�OF3A j�,' :FR�L� CITY CODE, �0 MAIN BUT',T,llINCr AND AI,L ACCESSORy FtIILDI"p�GS F'ROM �p oT� BE COVERED By THE THE CON��TIZIJCTION OF A 2p FOOT BY 60 FOOT CE;•-1ENg��B1A K ENCLOS r0 COI,D STO��AGE r ' �'�W �300 ��I� r,� OA LOT 7, AUDITOR'� SUF�DIVISION I�p. UR� FOR .�TREET N.E.' FRTDLEY� �•tIPdI�TF;SOTA. � 39� THE SAME BEIPIG (Arvid Rj FIansor)� 1}300 i�iain Street ��`'q�`E'st by VID Properties, ; N.E., Fridley, I�tinnesota I�i0TI0N by Ba�na, seconded b 55�t21). vozce vote y Ke�`Per� to open the Public Hearing. Upon a , a�II voting aye, the motion carried unanimo��sly. I, ADP��ITJISTRATIVE S1AFF �ppFT A• PUBLIC PL`���� S��D �Ir RE�UIP�-iENT: Section 2�5.�3�� 3� A� Iirnitin in an M-1',Zone to � let coverage for a single sto 40�. r'y building Public pu.rlpose served b for adequ�, Y this section of the City C��de is to �te park�ng, open zandscaped ar�as provide °f CO��r��'�-al a.nd industrial areas. '�d to limit congest�on B• STATED HAF:�SHIP; IJot able t� be used fo outside stcirage _ m�re C improvement oi c,utside spa.ce. Used only fol ef�ic�ent use .for cold storage.. • ADT�IIi�JIS'I'itAT'ri,T;; SiAi'F REVI,r�,iN; VID I�1eta1 p�cducts t�ras issued a ret;aining i•ra.1� f�r an ou-��idE S.��r���t �n 197� to construct a is to enclase this area for cold stor�aee�� ThP�_� pl'esent request coverage �i�rti-�s � g a.nd exceed t;he 1�p� lot Review of this request uncotiered the fa.ct that an ex' been removed and not re Iaced lt stairtoa P fter co;�,,tructin the retainin y had This should be replaced if t a � � requ�red. `Phe form�r 1 is ���termined that the �exit waygiSall� use af�the s�or�g� area was a d:irt slope necessary for protectipn o.f` the bz�ilding 1'our�dat;ion at that point. Theref the new st�orage platform and ret�,9.nin T �'orm�r s10 e' � � ti�al_ls essentia�'_ly replacearthe �' °�'�� a�'acent areas are apparently used for temporary storage and ,Malzdling of goods. Tn as much a� there a area, Staff ppe �'s to be no other use for this �as no ob,jection to t.his variance re uest p`�ticular adequate exi ing is maintained arid the remairideraof theprovided Iandscaped pr�operly, building is Mr. Arvid Hanson �f VIll 1�ietal, and r1r, Rex Fasching, Vice I'res • J�1eta1, were prese�ht� ident of VID Mr. Hanson stated that the vari any more of the 1 t '�Ce they were requesting would not take up , and they would be covering an area that was ur�usable 3 Frid].ey �ppeal$ Commission Meeting - October 26, 1976 Page 8 right now. He'exp�ained that they wGUld not be using a larger percentage of the land, but �ust wanted to come up on the wall so they� could have storage room. ' Mr. Holden said that VID had com� in in 197� with a reqciest to put up a retaining wall� and the wall was designed adequately that it could maintain a building. H� said the lot was 208' x 208', minus 33' for right of way. He stated that',if the proposed addition was granted, almost 56J would be covered. �� Mr. Plemel ask�d if they would be losing any more green area� and I�Sr. Hanson replied they �Tou1d not. Chairp�xson Schnab�l said that although it wasn't necessarily gErmane to the addition, she tiaas �*ondering if there was any problem with p�.rking the cars so close to the entrance and hindering the line of sight. Mr. Holden explained that Burlington Northerri to the North was starting an addition, and in conjunction with that they would be reviewing the whole bloc� area and could review that question at i;hat time. Chairperson Sc:hnabel asked if this addition that was proposed would just be used for storage, and PZr. Hanson replied that. Vras correct. She asked if there was a ne�d for an exit out of that end of the bui:Lding, and rir. Holden said they wou7_d have to review that as it might be necessary to put in a stairway. I�tr.', Holden explained to I�Zr. Hanson that therE: might have to be an e�ress for 'a person to leave the buildir_g at that po:int, and the Code was trying to �.veid someone getting killed. He added that without full pla.ns of the i��zilding he could not evaluate if it was necessary or not. P�Zr. Hanson said he'would go along with putting it in if it i�aas thought necessaxy. I�OTION by P�ernel, seconded b3� K�mper, to close the Publ:ic Hearing. Upon a voice vote, al� votin�; a�Te, the motion carried unanirnoucsly. 3Y Mr. Plemel suggested that the variance tie changed to read from 40% to 6I.5% 0� area covered by the �main. building and a11 accessory buildings over 40%. Mr. Barna suggested it be changed to an additioi7al 1200 square feet, and the Commission agreed. ', MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Barna, that the Appeals Commission recom~nend to Council th�;t the variance be f;ran-ted to increase the size of the building by 1200 squaro feet. Upon a voicc vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. !�. REQUEST F WIDTH ON Iy�2 FEET, BLOCK 1_, N.E.� FRI N.E., Spr R A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 5, a, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YAKD STREET SIDE OF A COH�dER LOT FROI�1 THE REQUIRED 17� FEET TO TO ALLOW 1'HE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING AND GARAGE ON LOT 6, ANDER'S FIRST ADDITION� THE SAt�iE BEING 606l� NSCKINLEY STREET LEY, MINNESOTA. (Request by Dailey Homes, 8510 Central Avenue ng Lake, Park, Minnesota 551.t32 )• r20TI0N by Bar�a, seconded by Plemel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a 1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , , , ' �I � � � ' 3Z Fridley Appeal�,'Commission Meeting - October 26, 197b Page 9 { , ADMINISTRATIVE STA�F R�PORT , A. PUF�LIC PURPbS� SERVF.� BY RE(�UIREM�NT: Section 20;1.0�3, 1�, B(5A) Corner lot side yard setb,3ck of I7.5 feet for living !a.rea oi structure. Publzc purtaose served by this section of the code is to maintain a higher degree of traffic visibilizy and reduce the line of sight encroachmen;i into the neighbor's front yard, B. STATID HAR]7�HIP: Because of roac� dedicatior. given to without a �ariance. C. ADP�IiNI51RA�'IV� STAFF REVIh��J: , � Ii is poss�.ble, by turning the house bui.ld a st�ucture on this lot within the Ciiy, setback is impossible and shifting th.e garage back, to the code. Although a',side yard of less than 172.fee+ is being requested, the excessive boule�rard of over 22 feet does not appear to create any undue visual haz�.rds cn the corner, Staff has �o objection to this varianct request. A�r. Howard C. '�horson, of DaiJ_ey Homes was present. Mr. Thorson stated that there would be at least 38' frora the curbline to the house becaus� of the easement. Chairperson Schnabe-L asked if he wouzd be maintainin�',the regular 3s� setback in front� and r�r„ Thorson replied he would. ' Mr. Holden asked a.f the faxnil.y room was to be deleted, .and Mr. Thorson said it was nat. Chairperson SchnabEl noted that t.iere was only s' between the structure',and the property line on the South side, and explained there had to be l0� on that side of the house, rTrs Thorsan said that when he went zn to g°� tlze perm:i.t the onl_y quest_ion at that time was the side yard setback on th� street sideo NIr. F�olden said �ie had been lead to believe that the fami�y raom was 1�ein�T deleted. i�irs. Schnabel asked if there was a buyer for tl�e house, and i��r. Thorson replied t;here z�ras and they dic3n't want to cut ar�ything out of it. r:r. Kemper asked what the proposed schedule was �n this, and I��r. Tllorson said the buyers wan�ed to have it started a mon�h ago. Mr. Kemper sa�d he could only s�e two alternatives: 1) Table the reqnest and wait for other,request with the additional side yard variance and the official otice, or 2) Act on the rec�uest as presented with the recogni- tion that the couldn't build the house as it was presently proposed. �� Fridley Appeal� Commission P��eeting - October 26, 1976 �� ' � � � ' ' Page 10 3 aA Mr. Thorson sa�d that he hadn't been aware that there ha.d to be a minimum of 10� between th� living area of a house and the property line, and he was afraid the buy r would have a stroke if this was delayed. any further. Chair- person Schnabe explained that they were bound b,y codes. i-1r. Thorson said he realized th Board�s posiLion, but if he had been awa.re of it he could have added tha� to his requ�st. Chairperson Scl'knabel stated she felt they should act on the variance before them with the �ndexstanding there would be anottier request. r1r. Holden added that the'',fee for the second request would be waived. I�ZOTIOPI by Kemp�r, secondeci by Plemel, to close the Publi.c Hearing. Upon a voice vote, al� voting aye, the motion carried un animau�,ly. Mr. Plemel ask�d if turning the hou.se on the lot would be a probTem, and P�r. Thorson sa�.d that woulcl create a minimum rear yard, and the buyers wanted it the ta�ay it was proposed. T�IOTION by Gabel, seconded by Barna, that the Appeals Corrunission grant the request f� var�ance with the stipu�_ation that when the buZlder came in for the second var�anc� request the fee be waived. Upon a ��oice vote, all voting aye, th� motion carried unanirr.ously. . REVIL�t�' OF �RTICLES OF ITdCORPORATIGTI OF FRTDLrY YOU^1F[ CI�NTER .���.._.....,�...._..._w�,_______._._.. .� Chairperson Schnabel stated that at the last P12nning Commission meeting it appeared tl��.t tnere was a rcal tirae factor on gettin�; the I.rticles of lncorparatzon .f'ina�ized and ge-iting -'them into better lariguage t}ian they presently ti�rere; 5he said that it was hoped by the peopl.e taho hel.ped t��rite them tllat the�� could �et some legal help to shorten and ret��rite them, so the Planning Cqrv��i.ssion decided to pass �i;his on directl�� to Council and ask fb r their �ssistance and legal assistance. Chairpez•son Schnabel said it tras then re�ommended th�t the suL-cor�issions Tano had not had an o�portunity to look at the',artic�_es yet could do so and offer sug��.�tions, and the suggestions wci�ld be passed on. She e�pla.ined this was merely for their re�,�iew, and if' t,here were an.y recommendatior�s th�y could be made either to herself or Dir,��c I�arris. ' l�ir. Kemp�r stat;ed that his only corruner.t was, r'is a1.1 th5.s really necessary?" Chair�person Scl{uiabel said she thou�;iit that was their f�E�ling, too. She said they didn�t w t to be bogged doi�n with such an unwieldy document such as this, so they�ere ax�xious to move it to City Council. ADJOURP�ZENT : Chairperson Sc�hnabel adjourned the October 26, 1976 Appe�als Commission rneeting at 9:3o P.rs. � � ftespectf�.illy s�ibm�tted� . i ,,., + Sherri 0' Donne 1 ��' Recordin� Secr t�r,y � � �J RESOLUTION N0. RL•SOLUTION ORDIi,'RING IMPROVEML'NT �ND T'INnL PLANS AND SPrCIFI- CA7'IUNS l�'VD EST'I1�lATF.S aP COSTS Ttf�REOF: 5TiZ��T IAIPROVEnIFsNT PROJECT ST. 1977-1 AND �'T. 1977-2 (A1SAS) WtiEREAS, Resolultion No. 110-197G adopted on the 18th day of October, 1976 ' by the City Council,'� set the date for hearing on the proposed improvements, as specifically note,d in the Notice of liearing attached hereto for reference as Exhibit "A", and � WHERI:AS, all of the property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of t;!hese improvements (as noted in said Notice) were given ten ' (10) days notice by,'mail and published notice of the Council Iiearing through two (2) weekly publ:ilcations of the required notice, and the h.earing kas held and the pr.operty owiyers heard thereon at the hearing as noted. in the said notice. ' NO1V, THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minne�ota as follows: . � ' 1. Tltat the fqllotiving improvements proposed by Colzncil Resolution No. 86-1976 �re hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonalily possi.ble,to wit: ' Streefi improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous imat, concrete curb �� d�_itter, S'�pZ'111 sewer system, water F ' sanitary sqwer services F� ot}ier facilities located as follows: STREF..TS Ur't�f:R PROJECT ST. 1977-1 --� II � � II �J � ' � � u ' ' Channel Ro�d Mississippi St, to 68th Avenue Lucia Lane, Mississippi St. to 295 ±' South of 68tI1 Place 6Gth Avenuc� Central Avenue to Rice Creek Eleni. School Dell�aood D�ive 63rd Avenue to Mississippi Street Pierce Str et 63rd Avenue to h4ississippi Street. 63rd Avenu� TH 65 E. Service Drive to Rice Creek Road TH 65 L. Sc�rv. Rct. 63rd Avenue to 800 Ft. North Talmadge L�ne Talmadge lVay� to Osborne I��ay Ironton St�eet Hugo Street to Ashton Aver�ue Able Stree� 73rd A�Tenue to Locke Park Parking Lot Hickory St�eet 78�h Avenue to 79th Avenue STREETS UN�)ER PROJECT ST. 1977--2 � Ashton Ave ue Ironton Street to Ely Street Osborne �Va �ast River Road to 75th Way Alden Way 75th Way to Approximately 400 Ft. North 75t1i tiVay I Talmadge Lane to Alden �9ay �{ Resolution No. � -2- 4..A St. 1977-1 � 2 ', � Ordering impxovetnent,,' final P� S 2. That work tio be performed under this project may be performed under. one or mora contracts as may be deemed advisaUle upon receipt of bicls. 3. �T}iat tlle Pu�blic ldorks Director, Ri.cllar�2 N. Sobiecll is hereby desi_gnatedias the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare fii�al plans and specifications for the making of such improvement,. I ADOPTEll� BY TH� CITY ��COUNCIL OF TH� CI�'I'1' OP PRIDLEY THIS DAY OF __, 1976. Afl�YO}Z - 11'ILLI�A1 J . \I�I: A'I'T'1:ST: CI'I'1' CLL:ItK -- A�,U:VIN'��, C.� GRUI�S]�;L1, i ' ! RESOLUTION N0. 5 ' � ' ' ' � � A RESOLUTIOPI REVOI,KING AND REDESIGNATING MUNICIPAL S`I'ATE AID STRE�T ��332-01Q j WHEREAS, it appe� the alignment of be changed; and WHEREAS, this ne< designated as Mur the Minnesota La� NOi�J, THEREPORE, l Fridley, County c IiSAS No. 332 S�g be, and hereby i.: City subject to - State of MinnesoJ BE IT RESOLVED, MSAS No. 332 Seg� s to the City Council of the City of Fridley that section of a street hereinafter <�escribed should �essitates that the section be revo:ked and re- �icipal. State Aid Street under the provisions of s of 1959, Cha�ter 500. I �E IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of �f Anoka that: , � 04 0- 75th Y�]ay; East River Road to Alden Way ( 0. 12 rni. ) � revoked as a P�unicipal State Aid Street of said �he approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the ta. :hat the 050 - Osborne Way; East River Road to 75th Way �0.08 mi.) MSAS No. 332 Seg{ 04D - 75th G�ay; Osborne Way to Alden Way (0.08 mi.) be, and her�by i� e�tablished, located �nd designated the P�unicipal State Aid Street'',of said City, subject to the appraval of the Com- missioner o� Hs.g�`���ays oi the State of Minriesota. i BE IT FURTHER RE�OLVED, that the City Clerk i.s hereby authorized apd directed to �orward two certified copies of thi.s r.esolution to the Commissioner;of Highways for his consideration. ADOPTED BY THE CSTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRIDLLY THTS DAY 0F ' ., 1976. ATTEST: - MARIVIN C.� BRUNSELL I�'i1�Y0R - WILLIAM J . NEE • • � �' � r .�-� .�.-�"., .�-- 0 . ._--..--�"'"�" y ,, • �•: � , • h' • • • ,ti .. :.= c� ; •: -, ' �� ', ��J �''�� ��� � �' � ~ � o• 1� ' ' ' � `tl .� V, � �--�---- � 'a Q M Q F"' H m _ x W � � ' \ � .' 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G94 TO THE NORTHERN CITY LIM7:TS FROM 40 MPH TO 30 MPH i � WH�REAS, the City!of Fridley has been concerned about the unsafe drivin� conditions and high accident record on East River Road through the City of Fridl�y; and WHEREAS, a consid�rable portion of East River Road :Cn Fridley has �.�esiden-tial devel,bpment along it; and WHEREAS, the cont'��iriued development of residential_, c,ommercial and industrial areas ,'zn the communities norzh of Fridley is puttin� an added traffic burlden on East River Road; and WHEREI�S, the speeld limit is established at 40 MPI-i and the road is not designed to c;arry large volume, high speed traf:Fic in the con- gested.residentiall areas from Interstate Highway 69�-� on the south to the north Cityl Limits of the City of Fridley; and WHEREAS, Trunk Hi�ghway 47 and Highway 65 are only a short distance to the east of E�st River Road and are designed to handle �arge vo�ume traffic at highe than residential district speeds, and East River Road is sub�tanda'Frd and cannot adequately carry lar,ge volume commuter traffic. � NOW, THEREFORE, �E IT RESOLVED by the City Council�of the City of Fridley that the'Anoka County Commissioners in caoperation with the State Highway Co�r�mission is hereby requested to immediately reduce the spe�ds on Ea�t River Road from Highway 694 north to the northern City Limits of tl�ie City of Fridley from 40 MPI-� to 30 MPH, in the interest of savir�g lives and reduc�_ng injuries on this extremely dangerous subst�r�dard highway. ADOPTED BY THE C7�TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ATTEST: ('TTV f'T.T�RK _ , 1976. MAYOR - WILLIAi�; J. NEE � 7 MEP�lO T0: ! NASIM QURESHI, CITY h1ANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ,'h1RRVIN BRUNSELL, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ ', FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: I RESOLUTTON SPLITTING SPECIAL ASSCSSMENTS FOR j TNE NOVEM�ER 15, 19?6 AGENDA DATE: ,' NOVEMdER 9, 1976 We are r�questing that the Council approve the resolution splittin� the special assessments on Lot 3, Block 1, Froid's Addition.l The Council has previously approved this 1ot spiit and the 5p�ii has been recorded at Anoka County. MCS ps ; [� � ' RESOLilTION N0. - 1976 A RESOLUTION AUiHQRIZING AfVD DIRECTTNG THE SPLIT7ING OF SPE:CIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 3, aLOCK 1!, rROID'S ADDITION WHEREAS, certain 'S ecial assessments have been levied with respect to certain P land and said land has subs�quently been subdivided. NOL�, THEREFORE, Q�� IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessme;lh�ts levied against the fo�low�ng describe�� parcel, to-wit: Lot 3, alock 1, Flroid's Addition, may and shall be apporti��ned and divided as follows: ' Original�Farcel I , Lot 3, Block 1, Plarcel 100, Froid's Addi;tion ' ! Fund S!�! ,#13 Regular SA SW #21 ST. 1964-1 1976 Service Conn. ' Division of Parc�l Approved Fund t � � ' ' , I ' ' Lot 3, Block 1, �xcept E. Regular SA 75.5 Ft.,Parcel j00, ST. 1964-1 Froid's Addition', SW #13 ' S�J #21 E. 75.5 Ft. of Lpt 3,_ Reguiar SA Slock 1, Parcel 110, ST. 1964-1 Froid's Addition' SW #13 ; SW #21 1976 Service Conn Original Amount $ 342.26 Paid 928.09 Paid $ 1,100.00 � 2,370.35 Original Amount Paid Paid $ 188.24 743.59 ADOPTED BY THC CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF . 1976. ATTEST: L arvin c. �runse Paid Paid $ 154.02 . 184.50 1,100.00 �?,370.35 DAY MAYOR William J. Nee 7A � MEMQ T0: NASIM Q'URESHI, CITY MANAGER, RND CITY COUfdCIL FROM: MARVIN�IC. BRUNSELL, ASST. CTTY P�GR/FIN. DIR. SUBJECT: RESOLUTION CANCELLING SPECIRL ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS OP� L07S 4q, 45, 46, 50 /�ND 51, AUDITOR'S SUB. #92 DATE: PdOVEP�Qt7R 10, 1976 The attached resqlution has as its purpose the cancellation of i special assessmerpts showing on the records of the County for Lots 40, 45, 46,'50 and 51, Auditor's Sub. #92. The assessments in question were;due in 1974, 1975 and 1976. Tnis is for the land we received from the Qarreii Farr Cor�poration for City use just north of his development in the Innsbruck North Townhouses area.' We have just rec�ived word that the tax abatement for the same years ; hav� been approv�d by the County and State. This resolution is for the purpose of c'learing the records at the County so we can file our deeds. MCS/eh ', RESOLUTIOW N0, ^ _ 1976 A RESOLUTION C�iAf��CELLING SPECIAL ASSESSP�9EIvT PAYP�ENTS DUE I AND 1976 ON L0,!TS 40, 45, 46, 50 AND 51, AUDITOR'S SUQ. ;�92 1974' �575 WHEREAS, 7he City o;f Fridley had a bonifide agreement to ownershi of mentioned lots, and; p above WHEREAS, The agreem'�nt stated that the City was res ons' special assess►7entsidue after 1973, and p �b�� f�°r payn1ents of WHEREAS, The former�ot�rner was in financial trouble and could not perform o delivery of a deed �o the above property and, n his WHEREAS, The owner algreed to allow the City to use said pro ert Ci ty ol�rned i t, and I p y as though the WHEREAS, The propert,y has now been deeded to the Cit a taxes have be2n abated for taxable year ]973 and subsequept yE,arsement and the NOW, THEREFORE, The �ity of Fridley requests the Anoka County Board of C to cancel the Specia Assessrr,ent payments due on the above mer�tioned lots f years 1974, 1975 and',ig76, ommissioners , or the I i PASSED AND ADOPT'Ep 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF F�RIDLEY THIS 0 F , --- _ DA Y ' , 1976. , ATTEST: MAYOR - I�ILLIAN( J. NEE CITY CLERK - Marvin C. Brunsel � i � �i i I � � I'.l.tir�n l r��; Corrun�.:s:; c�n 1,cc: t,:i t��; - Oc t��1�cr .G�� 1J7% 1'u�c lb {; e ��rne bc:ir�f; �.�Il� 7].�;_ 1;��.;� 1I.L. ('1'i7r. ud�irc:�s of I�;r. I•1ova.k's reszdence �a�.11 ha ; i;o he c)��:.;,I;G:ci ti�hen a bui7.ci.i.n� perrni{, i� tal:cn out i'or cc�n�truci,ion on 1:he e�a bui:lciin�;' :��.te). 1ir. 33en �i.ct P;c;tt�k rlas ��resent, and :at,atcd he ,r��;n{;ed to take off 92 fcet� no t 1O2. ' � . . J�Si,. 1?��ardrn=�n e;:n�� ined Lr:.wi; thi ; lot sp]_i.t r���,��csi, ti��as tent,��.;ivclv �r��',c�i ���� j;�:C �ili.�! �., 1lY:Q:)_ � :•��1C;7-1 7"Oi3(i'�J<ij� Cc^,:;CG�.iI")i: t�:?.:� f;l_��CJI 1]�) h��' J•�:�'. jQ0'Iu!: .:O iz�.�.C.•. develo;�:��eni, c��• :�'' Jots. He ii�;3�.c��i;�ci i;o tl�,e Cr,�::r�i._,.,_on ��„��erc t,1:e prc: c,•��, 1':ci5 lOC�'.�.E'.'� UTi 1�,�'E: )'(i`_.j7 C;Y: l�):if�Ft �1 G.{� �,�7G c?�G'I"l�3<i. 1�'iY'• LO�i.2'C�:i�1� S21(1 :.i•:'.f,`�, 1��ouJ.�. r�quc.�i; i r:<.� Z_ot; :;t�).ii; ?;c no 1.c:;s '.;,?:;n (�)' and ��iat 9' or t, :aL ::��uJc be. l'(?C;l).:L1'CCi .fo� 1'O�?:'.. ��:.�..`.,'�;:tCli�.,. Hc sr.ii.�� t:,cy 'i:0�.]�Cl 2.�SO 7'CUl�•�:ij. �}��7., i:}�C 10i: spJ_ii; be ��o c1r_;::�r t a.n ).0' to ti:e pre„cnt; sLr;�cti.re. I-:r. .;o�rak sa��? :��c Y;�:d hacl his pro �c�ri:. fI :;�.�rti� :•,c:�, a._nd i;hc lcat sp17_t �,:�ou1d be B' Sou��li oi hiw f�r.::e, and the .fencc ;�;��� over ��' 1'roi,i the e>::i.:;i;i_r��; hou:e. I � l�ir. �er�;;r,ari c,?csj��_on�d .�':a.A }3oard;;,�.n �:,:p:L� _r_�;z thev �a� add=i.t,ic.�ul 9' �;;o��'ld ;r,al;c� �t additioi.al 9� �;:ot;1_d r:a?cc i{; � pro�_�er�,,y. ' � � � i ! � ' � � I � � c�uld be :�� de out of a y' strec �_ ea�,-:��nt, •��:i ;3r. � pres�r.t, ro«d ease��ci,c.there nc�.�, .�,d „�: a stand«rd �ize. i��,:. So:�cic'�. auci^cl ',;1-,a� :-:e 1J2 h��11C}I 1'iOt27C7 �;C'. COI1:�-LS�C2"�f, :':�.�:il '...1�1E' ...i.✓c;^P71t 1'il'� }3J2.1:�.';(1'�:1'? Sc 1�� i,I1u.��: ''�::1G' v1t.jT L'O' iiC"! � c i� 01:'('. � il:il!1 OT11,`,; Ui?� ? p''.. S:J� �''.,� �:� uZ��?�":;li t:�� 10� �O i;�1C ,�.��:�Ui,:"1 bIGS �,i '�;G E'.7lCJUL;�� fcr c.7tOt;''"1C7 �'.:;i; 4�f�'.i' 't C iiOli?�L , 1 .:c 7 G C; � t. � r ' � 1 � � c` �-i,o,c� t .:.� � •. �:' • one ;ou a ce �_o�::c I� h�.d u1._ , l�ee,� � c,, he __. c:_', �11�^.�f. �:1C.'t �i l�j�"T'�,�' ZtiOl21.C1 �C? `;j�1.1�; �.�y ?. .1�!�)Z.G� ZO�; SL�.�: j. :i.l"1Si:� a�' C� 1�1?i.i. I:�;. i. 1`iQ�)'TQ:; �l�J' �iCl7iiti}ik-.-'-s SE'COi?.i...� �D;; PC?'i::2'SO'1� t�:�i.t. ta �i0'.i11C:].1 iit.)j��i''.J','J'wL Ol.' T�O�i. �iJ-_1_�i, Itii�.'�ii.CSi. �•pc• Sp7_i.t of�' the ��.����t,her]_y )2 �eet of Lot 31�-, A� ci suUject to 9 i'c�o� road e4sen',e��i, 71'; i�,�:t- ii.r , , „s �• the s<��;c; ',:���:i_rz�; l'%t� 7�'�, ;�,<.v id._,. Upcn a. vc:ice , ` c�rz�iec� t�sl��>j_r�,^ui�1��, , � w _� � � �� �� t�?:�> i'7.��.n.�� ;_r, ;�0:�:�1 �iss� c� r��c�r�-:��n� ;"76-G�, b;;> ?c:r.<:uict Zo•.:'� . .,. l'7 ;; 1/�t `;o. ?7 .l. IiQJ' t �� �U}4�iZ'\ �r.L'Jl� . ' a o cz,cai.e a ne-.: blz��:��� s:� :^, v t.e, a11 �rot;�..:�c> �;:�'e, ,.�z r�:��.�cn S7_T]C(' l'E.'yT'E'.S( Ilt,k"-`_i�i\'�i 0:1. h:1C'{� CiO1117�,\" �J:,'7'L }�Z'C,`i('.I�i; �O �`iCl1S� ��`�,S+. Ii1'�.°.1' :'.7�iC�iy Cl�iai_rpersc,n Iiar��i� suU�ested ��efc>x�riii:; 'rtem 1� tu�;t,;_1 af�`! �r Item 11 0�1 � h: a�erida. ; I�;OT70;�� by l�er�;�,,�.�, secot�.�� d?,y Pete�•son, tllat. t'��� I'l�:�zn;_n� �, ;�::�issio:: �a:•;� �.11e �•c.r.eiv�.n� e.' t,Le Cor�;�;:�:;��1 �.t;r Dc��r-1o;���;cnt, minutes as It;e:� 11- Upe:� a��oice ��ote, a�_I voti�l�Y ��-e, tl�e iaot.ion c<�rr� eci ui�snil ;ousZy. ll. RI;Cr,I;"? T�ii�l)L?�:�' i�,;�1rT'.�� `;;�1�;PdT:lI, O.i1:iLl`.rX CC?;...lIS`>IC�` 1:7`;UTi:S: S:;P�::"��;?;� ll, 1§7�� '� AI�T7�Oi� b�r L���E;e��fcld, sccon�?c=.cj U� 1•ecci �'� i,hc. 1� i•.i.�ilcy ]�iriz•onr;c:i t�:,l 21, i�.7G. C►�.�ui�, a voicc ����;e, �lI I'�i.c�r•sor;, i,l�at the 1'l;.�lnit:� Con:;,�ission ;�u�-�1i.i,y Co:�mi:�:�ion mir.,�il,es oi' Sc;�te°i�cr .�1 voti»t; �.U�e, i,lic motion, cari•icd unan�.�7oti:cly. ' ' � � ' ' � I� ' ' �I� � I �, I� � � ' ' � I'].�.tr�n�in�; Cc>c��ni.::,-io 1tr,r.tin�* � Oc:i,vbci, G, 7.)'�f� Pr►�c �1� )�OTx01'd l�y 3,u1�(;en.f�;�!�), :;c;conc)ed l�y l3crt;��an� i,li��t 1;P�c I'7.ar,n:in� Com;n:iss'i.on rcccivc. ` �hc� Eas�, i;i�vcr ��oa;� Pi���ject Corn.ni t1:ee rcl�c�rt,. . l�r. SUY».ccl� sfi.a.',c;d�� ti�ai, St�afi' ar�d reprr,:�en{,:�i,ives frorn �;}�e Coi�nl;y �;crc r,o�, prc ;eni, 1;o T'esponc. to i.l�ic ��ii_nu���, b•,a;; �o nc��'hai� a provi!lc; <�.�3di L:ional inforr�ation i,v the I'1��,r;'t;;; Co:~�rnij:: ;�.un ti�ti�; �ai-[;',i; hc:l�� i,l�E:r� t•r!�r:n cc�nsi.cicri_ng 1:he �rri.ni��:c� of �;l��e Ll�va ror,r;ien �ri). iC�;z�:�].�. t;� Co,�ra�:_,s� or� . 1`r. }3o�rc'.:�.=�r� sta�:c;d t,1:�:':, the rccor:�:nenc,'ts.:,:ion f'rar� tl�c :�:i�vironr.,ent.al. Co;�rs�i.:�.�ion � �- �,� �o� . � ' �11 -; t1,c• 1':r��ject, Ct�;;;n;.�Lt;r�e ?^ct.�ort, 2) �:i;c; t�ra� �t �z' i ci • 1 �,i�:e ��r�� �.1. oi.' � , ', �.,.� � , 1�,� thr_ ;?r�.t�l;:v Par;:�'� r�r:ci i,ccrc��t,-i.on i,o:r:°i�' ' � recor�u�acnd_a �ion of j�.c�;:i.,_::��.t:ici� , .. • � n ';�, �l e:;�r,`.�7.i�,1� contr��].:� b;� orcj�.inan�:c as f'or �:;c I .,'. Rivcz� ��r;.r as �. ,;�.t• -�r �:r� ; . , , �. �n�.`'icr��c �.nd �; tl�e I� �,J_r � c; Pa:,��.,�� �„ .,e;�� 1'�;r i. t:, sc c:�r:l nr en >; �°� >> »t 1 ��. � �j� %.�1C? T'� � Ul,?� �Git:�3.i.1 Gi] �:3�, i;?n l�� :;rlIZ11"l�; �;O tL „`� � OI; � 17�1 G:i.i;y i�OUliC7 �. 3C:i, d. ��-, � � ���� ' } ��, ?;e i,'icl;f;��{, i�hc ;n�tin i,l�in� a�L m:r��.ori�z��� on pro�ect :i 7�-�. �� adc,.cd i,:�,: . ,1 , c .: I� ��GU •l� .` tiiC'. J�:O)°2>��OT':i.l]�`. 1S`�UE; thi � ro�ci,;.r,�; i'or i�: nt �;vulci b. t 'r� Sobiecl� state� th�lt first of al7_, i.t shc,u.7.d. t�c rer�li.zr.�:i t,'��.t, �h�' i,ro;j�ci; �;_ � - r�ti� l. S G.� l.' lJ � J�i T� T �,.-, �� t. s n:��. �omet;..in th21; ia;�.s ,ju:;t :�t;�:r,;in�;, � _ as it e>�i:�ts ���o�;� li i> �, ? ��ic3 tha.1; b� ��k _?.n ).y70 �rd 1971 t'�e j�_��z�?.=:�4s Cou��je�.l .7��: alrcuci�; orc.e.�ec] in. i.e � : _ �. � ' :na,.T':"� S �..>1:1 ��;C3 7'ES0�11�,1.C>]7 ';:�^:, i":IuCG C1Y'C.C:?':,_1"1� t:�`;C _"'I;�?'UiC:.. tlZ�re i e � J ab_ic� . --�; s .'c, ��; ��.-;.t ��t that r �c� �:O T'1�1:�,=�i f�.,'� �J��:� �.�1°CC'�.. J�E3 .`�c�..Q 1;iC11t O� :..:5{. �?� ;r(�r' �!� =`_ _l'O?;i 7��.� LI ` , , � � {' 1 • 4'�1 � `:S(',;1SrtiC'fli. V��'JF. �.t`ilii"Ci\'(�i;�'•l� � t,n�. f-as th� ror-:�_,' proc�du_x�e to _07_ .o�.� fol - - �.i.t;t� � , � ' r i;;- �O CC��i'}l� � l, � �,�,. 't �t;��>c, but ,'�. �� �0 -�}��� �.rr(3 I70 i� �,UG i.Tl i-:11�, i:; l��].:.I7,� 2�. l�_7'- i � *s Lv1 n- r� 'i<^-:il°:� t)��3?�. �ii i��l ; � ���"1�^. . ]%T'C\r; 0:,.� C 1_."'C'-Ci.?.�i� r, i� E'J�1 :7� v011T1C1�. ii2". L.,_� , y �i. ;jC: d1Ci i:�lo.�, C�l��:LYIf; i.':C 1'�1. __ t�)Gi`(' .?�iS < 7'E:;�;�.�.i��'.I}_� �:?Ci, .O?l LO DE,' CO�?l) I E'Y,C� - , i1 � C �.i;t^ l-, �' ';Y• ? i� r�� i � Cl }I:) � 'c �^,_::an Q7� 'Lr.�', OilfT�p?� ��lpl`�O�£tLy i:l?C7'C ';'C'.7'C {11ic�: � �.�1.0 .iCl-, `, ,�_.. '� c11,=�:.t } - c'" , . � � � l� -� E. 5 r :� r�:5 :[1C?'i„> ''�, :�E; C?1 fy C,?n ��1�(it' U�_ .1 . t t,o rcc� 7��^�nPt.t� � � a �� t arca . , ic �`7 ,_ � l P. ::�1 C i s t''tc�I � 1i# J�. SO :�� 1�C;-`_'i� :"IC?:i.1 {' �I C3` 7 O:l,`'• i,C i.) �, r)I ] f�:! 1' i� j�i �_I� y c»C. }`! � I "''� �, il t�:(. 1�1'O ;�.C(, .1.'.`]I J'UV" C: Si C' I Z'�. 1�:35 O�':� CI' G C l OI7 t!�t`: 1?7�)U�, 1'i;\'�t:��Cl L_2;1"lS l:�:T'C'. �,1'C; �czI �..A =1 , . in. O?1�.�.i�l � . �?=ii 1711� 1� � �:11�c {i}?('re 1•; �`� SOi (' �C'C�C]'�c� � �'11'.1i�].:1� iir. So��.iech � .ed iiiat � � t] � , , -; � t�ti � �;i�,i� t?�t� !;�o,� �� � ctztion.� �� 3� �pnla.ec? fc��, ��d ,a,�;:rotic� < �'c>; th�i, seci,. c��; ` ,.,. l ' ; � ` l.c 1 i�li.c l�e<:r>>.�,s, �ne i�r���r., �en . tiaere -� �si.c,d �';id ��-: �lern�nt��d 1�a;=ed �>>� �� k � ' Sl1F,�;C could not iund tllc rc•���snd t;roject. !�e sai<? t:nat ��-ah�t de��elo;��d at �;':at t,�rnc _{; �: a:�d t':e r�eci�-,r<�_L P� c�p�.c indi.c: ted ti.ey coul�i l�;as a 5i� ;� �-�� c��:: �.r::ctio. , % t, Ri.��cl� iic:ic� r.�,: ���«tc� �_r: �a d�{'erent t�r�; r�: ;,� for �,l;e .'��nl;ro��c�,��ent, a.f' i,a:� �art.'LC _ , - , „ �:i �_ � „ 1, � •: �.70C':S C'1 :,j�C 1� `:!«;�'< 't�C t,�lC�: i.?�<i�, %1S i'� • . r,a' t.i E'.]"'�- " iissa �'��>i}�.�i S�,:�� c�, cnc� a i c. � �L1Y1C4CC� £'•]�Cl f,�lc3+•' SGi, {.��� St.2F�E; fOI' �.�1C C0.2S �•?'i.Ck,:! O:� `' <3�;C: �iS ] i. '�d� S )�O'9 tjC' added t'r�at o�ice t;i;e Tot.ics I'��c�;ject 1��<:s co�nplet.eci, t�1e1Z 1,Ile Ci,;,� �oa, pressu�,e �'i�om tt�e r�rc�p::.�t1' e•.;ne��s ta r.c>>�l�le�:e i..lic� r:e,:.t, sta,;c� at, 1_:}ie Geort;e �o�,.n are:�. l�e saic t,11eY �h�n t�roc���ded ti�;�. t,}1 tl�� tic�.t s{.:,�;c oi' t,1�4 :i.i�lp .rovc �zen� ��l;ci 1;',�e Countl' a�:d �;he ii;,� lia: to p� ovide �hc�.i• o��,zi .f'unca:i.l�n i'o�.:• �the co��pleti:�» thai, h:�d U::cn c?oi�e o�cr t.he pasi: sever��l ���onths. 1�1.1 cl;ai: remained nol�r, he s,� ici, �,�as or,e rc;���winz7;; :�ect,:�on al�oui: four to si� Ulocks 1on�;. lae s�a�;eci thr.l�, i,he City Co�:��ci1 a� i? t�ze Ceunty si:i11 taatlt,cci i;o a•�^cc:i.vc �;l�e input fror� {;he ��roject commit�;ce, Ucc.usc t.hc�- �c1t �hat an�� irlput ti�as E;o��d. 1•:r. Sol��icch cri; ha�� �ucci t.h�{, the i.:��}?rovc�rn��nt t.l�at had t,c:c�n m:�cic anc3 t,�!C: 7.1•���i-ove- ' men{.� t,i�at. t.hc� a��trn�3c�� tc� r.i:ilcc i;cre fo� :,af��t,y' i��lctor.�. }?e sa�.i.d i.heY ci.id not 121t,C'11i� to '�.ncrc:::,c� the t.i•af. i'ic 1:311C:� j r0111� lru�es oi" t.rafi'i.c tYei•e ir�:i. L� �tted in 19.`:S o1• ].i.`:t �ut�� had becn �.hat w,�y cvc:r s3ncc:. lle s t,�1Lec1 t,hey lio����d i,o ' incrc�se ;;�fei,,� for t,h�� pco�,le {:1 UVC.��.111�; ,i1c>n�; lsrz:;i: 21i.vcr Ruac� ,�nd i'or i,hc ' P1����n.ir,� CU:m�i.:,:, licctin� - Oc��Uer 6� .].97G Pa�;e lE3 � �� res:Lden1;� to €;eL o',n i;o ';a;�i, i�iver i�urad. Ife ::>�,.:i_d. Lha{; ti�i.i,l-i the S(?CL]_Gll i,hat , i� �ror�osed-, �L1��'Y I�:zt�icipri�c:d �our 1.ru�es, �houl�)er sect:i.or�;: and turr��.in�; lanes, ;�;s/ unQ t,heir r�,a.a.n ot�j'ectivc; �:��s to �et ��coZ�le an r�r;d off ti;c :road sa1'c]_;�. )ir. 5ol�:iectz :;';d t!hat i,'ii � rro�jeci, ��a;� �?end�.n�;. ?�.,c,ause o!.' t}ie fact i,h�l�:, certain ho::c� hrs.d ''been ti�Ul�.t since �t��c projec:�, i;��..� init,� rztcc.i �u�d crrt<� i_n 1�oraes had ch�:n,�c�� ,i��.nc3:>, i,nerc h.,c� bc�cn �s. J.��t of' c�crc��:� 1,�onc,Y �1�a.i, h�.d been a�:i_de 1'or t:;it; 7_rr1j7:°GV[t::.�:*ti,. �:Ie st�.Lr.�d 't,i�at t�nr,i,l�cr rca:..c,n f�r the co;^plei;ion oi' t��is projc•r.,, .:<#.; t;:�c' fei ;, t,f�ai; no�:; ;a:ii;r, �,l�c co;n;;lei;i.c,n o1' the P�;�i_;,.,i��sii:,,i undcrpa� ; �i,cr�.: ;rcau).d l;e a,'::,"initc� t,z�af'�':i.c ��r�.tt,crn es�,cz1�J.:i.shed i��herc':;;; a lot O� �'�1':LCj_LC:V I'C..:L^Ci�`t,5 �::C?-i�Cl li;��' �.r!�i.� J'Oi:rT•�.Jc'ij�. 1::, C;Y.;D)_21)i(;.� �ht;.L 1 i.1'(ij.'i�1C CUllil�, t.c3!:!'.'; Lii; �i,!7C� ii0i t7 �101ii::.(�r'j' �_?11C: lJc3:� �;�;Ul?i; �_�)y lJ� t,0 �_L��)r)� Ci)1"'S 7�CT' Qi;;f � v:l i� i,1:i° CU:I'Z � t,c'l':C:: C;� C.�2r' l.0 _T-�;1�� I'(.� (.}:!;�: ��j ��)v7. l�G .`i<;3.'1C� �,�lC��� ��C� V {;})i:I'i; T.;dS 2 CC%fl:: l t C �c;'J _�' 2::;^.'_u'1�. Oi ll;>�� ��G].I�(; i I�i::(.' }��% t.}�1;> .�CCt,1.U1� Of I;�;';�: :i1VCJ' T�03i1 ��' [;B;;E:?"�.l �i�'C:G 7'� �1CIC:, �S �•:=.1.1) ;.1� i:!1C� CJ:q;:' ;]"11.�:;� � SC )70L O:l.�y Ti('T•:' i,�':('�• f.7'�J:lllr i.C) ..,i; :_.ii]_:1%C: S'3�::i:t'� DU`i. 2.�.'O ��!�0::' d 1���";I�:, .i�Ox' U',!i.:r' fi.'��l ).'C;l.!)Ci";'LS �.O ��i, j:.�:. �-',i�;` e,_'.'C� cI�Gi1 �`.i!�'.��_� . 1?�; 5�.,;?-1.�.'i� 1lC' j[J.li. �.�iE'_ 1�7"O�)('.C�. �'iOT11';L.t.i,CJG .`�i.`?G:11Ci be co�r:,,�ncc�� cr, a�l ii,� .;er'=, �a�:,cri�:�- d t�� ar.0 co�� ��:?:Lth th�:ii� , 1��:. � a � �inU i..; 1�ir. P�.ul i;u��;, :,��ui'.:�; '�,''"?�;ine�~, 2.n:� i�ir. ?�ud Red�-,��.�nn;_i�;, �. :;i �t:nt Cour,i•r L�?�ine�r in �ro���.;�d �;h�; .se:l_ ..,s a.n� s� �;? thut; tii�;� .�e?�e �at the meeti nF� ��r;_r�car_ ly �r � � �: ; ' i n�;� '�,� �... �1:�a ,r Y ��,. S ,y;.• .r�.� i` F 1 �O c._iS';;f,'1' 1.. �'ti_ _S. j--. i.;:Cj. t,� vC..). "G�1�3t: �: i.,� �' i�."�: c3 Ji .� j�l'O r� Ol C�.C�"c''_ . � f�' �Uili�.1T]f� �O7' i.�'�v�S��O?'�2.i.�0:7 .�i'l 'l:�"lE ll�•:)i,�! $1<:�ly �'.:1A <;t�.�_ <:�`C,i"1C:�P..°'� j�l:t �)'.':iuC'Ct. T'C'.?i.CS;;S 1;i:,p l•_,G i�O��C;t' �'r'1 i.il'�'�' :ICI'(; p11.0I'7_t�_'L('Ci. i:e �..:L.^. �[.i?�?�: �,!?C' i;I'J,��,@C'� on E�ct 7� n�., ..r>>�_ '-,e��.•� � •.t� i � :'t, T �-' rl v� tl:' '- ;.,, � i��-,._ �.oc i.nc� � �.-� n �:�i0.2t. C�'�(� ;..1�VJ.Z@ �,!i�i�, )7- 07'�.t.J .) .. :iE? 2C?OC�.� `i.11c?.j, i,f.C=� `�I'Ei� 1; ]�-'. �'j:0't ,:;:5 C3.i� C:� ? rl'GIE,'C � dE'.lT: � OJ:'?el" � 1'(:tiJ?'i.3 c%T.�C1 1l. 11di1 .;G' ��,��°.li.i.:Cl ��;. �:�1C �J�cLi.0 fi1�111?�:�1' i� J�?1'L:`�F;.�!� �.<."v �•i�C�:y .Li 1dC•1�1!i �'� T. nz� �„ '� '�,;V ', ?�\� '7.;�� �' i ii n, -i ' 7.� i �i� n_ ;,;e' be re�i ;ed ; _.�; 5��. .,.i�- ,.�:y ��<.. �,. �, t �_�.� t;.,�e ed _al ;s-�h;;a�< <�c..: _�ii r�_ tic_ . Iir. �u�<c: s�id. ��?:.. ;- - , ",,. , ,,, r r „ ' „� '; :i.; .c.: °C1 O � O :�'7' j�'O�)i�,, �F,; �;'1^`" C �. 1. t. �:011� u �i��l"C`Ti�;�� i:iC1 ':Ol1�.Q i10'., I;:;��1 c;17 J�'.:11.1.1"G)iii:(:1"lv�il i'I!;!:iC� J�cil,:,::i°'i:t.. 1iP. �l�ll�l Sc31C1 v:'.c i: t',^.(.,' i3Oi:1i:-�r i'i2:1 Sf>Zr:.T'�3Z T11�[''i.-L?`1�;S b;3.f.�1 i`;a'� �"i1T'1.�O�I1Cily �..I'?C: �.:1('�% Cll(1 :1^*., _'G� � , �h4t, ,.._,., I'2iUE;c u i;�1=2i, t�::1.5 �n � t� � �-��l.,i,{��ic!;' O7' ±'.��- . 1. �„r rn e d i,`. u� o ') 7� �.r' ^��' r-- r:�! � ' � `� cl l(n T1 �' l� 1�1��. 1'ac� ��i,,, ,,; :�� ve� �� � ..:Al_ _. .;�c, ��l_�t,ilou;;'^ ;�e �,�: � � .� z_ „ i�• .:�uld be r�ice _o_ the people l�v_����_ alon� L:;e : o�d. ilc ex��1_ai.ncd it had L�en uc�ed c;uii.e c,;t,��n��. ar: �.�. r ^,' r:� i'�r �,:?^ �;.+ `� � t� .. � �'. c: � � as a� our� .:<_,, l�:ca._l__ �:,, , _. _� ur =,� dea t}iat t, e��c ;,�.� on i'�c:i�.i ;,y ._n �� ric�1�;- t:7�i�: 7.S :10`.. 175�'`.'1 ic`LS a. t.'.:O-Zc�^.t� 1�:C1.�_:_L��' t�i?t. }ti.iil 11C'�tV1Ci� 1�:'r> Ci7't?11��,1�._�.l'� �i]�J �:�1?'�i. U� C.'?:l,!1'8_ aVc;;:lle. t12 a7.C1 r1C: t.�1017'";�lt ti18�� �,,a� 'll��l Sj'.TF�2�: 1'��7:''�i.}1 ,�s cia c �� G �> r��i�� �_� �.> _ O{� Z_,8:>t, �ll'JLI' f,Jc�(� ''.iciS 3 C111. � t�I'C7�1, :i1i:Ui?t102� y c?'.:� �17C3y C�17 i'l:� � t, �lut"(? i�.11 �',.��. Fi2i5 t•0 (`O c'7�T S�2C1`'�''C 1�70I'�: Oil V.i:i�,� ?cli,�l t11C', C'XCC'j`'t,l."v71 Oi OT�C :11!1��1°O��C:f'l�lli, p� ti;C int,ersectio:l o{' Osber�?e �:oa :��zd ��'a;>t :t;_vez� i���>:l. I�:r. L211„CilrC�_C� . � r��enl,al �,'ualit�• i; ever��one o:� �l.is �a: i Iiive�• iiva�i � asj: the Chair to Co:nt'�i�;tee� I�Iilce atc.�d �;'�a�• i� defi:;i.t.��1-J' t:ias not, t,l�e int,c���ion oi' t.he ;��:vi_ron- i:i7�? SSlI"�;1 LO @:;��c12'i� :LIZ S � E:17£�j;il.`' c�.'-�i�1ll11C71�]� c.l]C� �le �3SS111'.l:?C� uti�::f. Co�r��i:: �on ':�ad read the preli���in.:x�y reco�:��nen�iations fr��.,� th� ro�ect. Cor�n�ttee. })L said t,l��it ai, thi� i,_i.,,�e hc ��ould l:tl:c to reca�;r.:i�e t!�e Ch,�irpc�rson o� t.he l;ast Rivcr Road Project i 1'1pU\' : CI:. 1•Sr. 1'cir:ipo�fich st��t.ed tlic�t }>e 1'elt �,;:e rel�ort from the Pro,jeci. Cc�mmit.t.c�e �•rent 1 ovcr the objcci,i ns anc� i:e t'.:o;i�;ht i.he Commi�t,tcc> offcred :-��m�� ar�u;nc»t., iie saiii �-hat, the f:i.1�e ST 7!�--3 '��I�t b�icl: sia or scvcn ��c��rs, ��nd i,he people taho 1 II � Plrxrin:in� Carnrr�i:;;�:i.c�� )•iceta.nE; - Octolicr �>� �)�l� LJ Pa�;c 1.9 1.�_ved :i.n ti�o::c re:��idr,•n�i.;�.l art:as �znder:;tc�od �,1�:+.t i,hc� eni.irc is�ue h�:d becn � �, dror�perJ; 1,hey hadn't rea.li.•r.ec3. i;hi.s �ras s�;i1.1. on t,he burner„ He ��aid thos�; res�.clenl;� ;•;r;: e ver�f rnueh u��, in arms aUo�; �:hi:, devc:7.op:nent �Lo d:i :ec>ve: that thi:� ���a>n't set a:�idc but is a.n on-(;oin€; I�rojer.L. }te �uid th:�t �ni:; shoiild � . be loo;-ed at bec..li:�e t:,e:>e l�co�:1c represct�i;ed a f;ood pc�: i;i.or, of thc ci.t.i zens o.f l�ri;llc;�. J�4r. i?aripov�.cia ;su�;f;csted 1,'�cy al:,o r��:,kc; a�;oo��� :;crutin�; a!' I�,:U S�UI�:iSy �.1"lCi `.ti:LC� t})G;j/ COU�_C� U:;G SO�TiG' ��C'-�-j) .fiUl'I i;�1C (;[)�;7t.j' C;'Cl i.til?�. }IL .`:�i1G � 1ie 4;ou�ld li'f�: to �'ind oul, thc>i_r �;rour;d ru.]es �nd ;ar:at t};cir fu�;ci� e:n�].rl be . appl:i_ c:d {;o . I � � � � � � � � � 9C l�,r. P«r:i.povich .^�..�d th:�.t a:� f�.r as tlie Projcct Corn;.�:i.t�e�:'s �:;la.�i 'JG:":115 �.}lr' Cc�uni,;,• pl_r.r�, �;h�:r•�: �::a:; onJ�� or,e ���ir, dif'ier�:��cc a�� ti�e:; i.��ter;;��cte�? :it. r:� ;� ; r> >raiscd, t};� Cou.nty pl n�; it ,�iou7.c'. ����,�:ro}Te t�.� sa1'cty oi' '::� r��_�, � a.'id L � ..y ; 4 � ` .r;,c;rc �:}�c�,� d:i .fi�. _ec: ro:r� i3T](� ;i�]OUZ(j.^)'.; y T�Fi��:L2u'::i :�17C�. ��lOi"f: ;i? (�7")�.'�_S i•:QI'C ]":C(,C�.G(�. � . � the �,;oun{;y �l��n, �e :.a? d, .��us t}ie,y �,•;ere as!.�.n�; �'or o�,F; 1 r:rle in:� Lc:.�.c' o: tt o �;oin� :ir, e�.ci� d�r�ec�; ot�. I�,r. Par�_;;o:�i ch }�ad a cop�,' �r a��el,c:rt �..�, �,�1rJ ,�� t:-.e �;a'ic;�: s},o�.:cd �,.�e tra� �ic proj�.c��_cn; fior , 3� r�n. ,� _ ,.�_� f� J o ; � y^ t,� , ,��.� Cit,y ]�;r��incer> ' - - . ;t ? �.ci �nd a �,*er�r d�.;;r�; :,�� �n�rcu�sc �n tr:��:i: a decline in tlie use oS :�u` : :i_ver �a � ,, , -" � . in tru tilc ?;; f,- ;:;�y 1.'l :e �_ � :,e,: �'-�; hi�;l-�t�lv�l �� ��:i t?� �� less prcno���ncec? ��icrea�e . ` ` . '.. .J for tl.at Z�ori,ion !of i;he rcact �'zey l•:GT'.^, ciiscu.ssii:€;, t'��e i?=°ojectior� tiN:,u>�'' e:�':,•' y ��7 C�:I':i �i (�dj'�i 1".7'. �Gl iJ�r)':iCi� Sf'.��C.� t.�l�?�: �;'.' 1.T.^:1:'T'O-:T_.?�:�; t.. ., � � ... c..�. � �. ,..li (� , + �)P '7ci .•+ ..•lUE' � eet s;hic'�i t.he ��cunt.y�g p)_�.��� C2.l:�e: fr,•1'zt, :;�i1: �°���- ,^ it at, t;t�e le�st �2 f , , � ` " ' ,, �f '';�IC� c9. �_��; Of' }71'C)A�!:I'�:,'}' i�E? r �SiYI 1'G':111�C�(:C� �.��c �.:�.'�li•`:� S�1C:: �;.1i : ;?C a �ar� r;e u • , . � � <- . �:�� � Co�:ni;y I�.'��]r;n('-I�s tl�at. �},e�r t:ere deal�r� :�:it�� ��eo�le ,.� �:lcu�;.�., _.. , _�; , ,� : 'vl c.:i j:{;r J .,:'+i.0'r:i: I7)c.,i,C7' 1•'uS CZOS::'��`• li�', ;�i,c`3�.E:Q t�:c� lf `v�l�lS lti�z:. (�� lC,� . n , � ' - ;� 1•:� i11. 1- ��r(; d.Ii G'' �� Ci.0 � ` r O� :1� i. :i,j L'011"�_C�OT<iliC� t,i�i'. � 1C��C CB=iC 8iJ2i�y i� ,G„ 'S Ci <. ` . '�?.� c:..O.. ",rS � ".i oi� th' s cici� of �;��e ri_z�er. � c sa�c ��;at i.r�;a�. i!:ey d_:i ::.:�.� „ .- l-- l 1 U n 1 �-;�1 � m � � !• 7r ' ���� '�l � i:'d : .7: :;;i2':, ,.i` '_°ii'• Cc:l1�CT' �C C�.�i�l s t� <°C('S fCi. i �C�j?�.B t:� 7__� i. �_1Ci t,. ��� l �,}:r: rc�.d ai, a„af� °r� c:c:. ac:i _d t'.-�.,, t!,�y -.;:, .-: ;t�:.. uT��ncu:,�'���i�c� r.c:�:i. ° ` _ :::; '; � . ,: i3O 7.0`„C'1" �.�lc, .��C',�i�'S� b'1l� Ll2'1��eI'Sf.GOCI �!:8i, [l�iC� IZ�) COr:I;� Ci.�C'1 L�?.i, i..::c. 1- Ji.J�:-.• � e �j T' r' � :,CB � .° 1)� .�, .�.:'.Cc.:�iP E'.:']]�117:i1017 C1� �.i"it', X'Oa � S�,&LC'Cl "tll<it 1{' ��CIC' 1?'t?JCCj, VC; �1� � £i t���lj'::1.Cd�. i'P,c":��'t,}'a �;�i���f 1dOi1�.C: t12.Z`C OT]° :>t7'7_C:�iV i:1�C71Ci;i:` 7'6'C,'. ].c::��:'. ;c S'r_`:1 't�IFii: 1 f j;}i��� p��,�T1C'C� '�i.�70SG cll°� FiS lip �.O �iCCO"'PIOC'?i.0 7]OT'E'. �i'<1{; 1C �,:';,,";.�:: t`�� � 11I1C�E1}�c3S:� c2ClO�SI �:�1(? 1?.ilT'OuCl �.:'2C�C�-�� t.��iE.'l�� Yd0?11�1 bE-' lli-v1�.,1.:7� t.l'�;_��_C ::7 G�::E) over. ' ,J�1r. I'ai•i��:���:ii;l� �tated t},at assur�:in�; ���e l?AL' en:i of t;�,i� could bc ,o1v�1, �:e . i,hc ,r:,;: cts b�.� 1•:�`i71� t� SL:J'P. 1.�� �}i8"L' 140ll�.(3 UE' £.'.l1 11'll�� Ct Ol� '��tilE.' i1�C<i]. <L''�;i O� 1. lt, .i�:E'1:C� �O �]:1?�!1 �,�lc.� ll t.�lC.' TO�iu :';�.�-,1� � t. (`.?;'':):iT�i�l�(`'. �<:il i i i 1��2i?v 1','a: c.::'.'t?Q•^.l" �:.}iE':'�' 1.�a;n't ter�, u��,',i�, ���ou�.d Ue a good deal less c::t,ens���e. '_�'ur�ds h�::? alr<.ady ',:�cei: set a:: ide Coz• p�rt of it, he :�e�� d, �}�d ii t,l�e I' ;l? �•:et�t a1.;.�i.� ��:ii.}: i;�� �s pl�_�z 't � ld bc� mo"'' c�cono„��cal ��id better i'oz� l�r�;zie}r, ar�:i ti:o:ild liav�� i�o ad��c_�se i , V.o,z . ,. �. _ affect �or t.he �oui�ty. Cha:ir��er::c�n 3I.�r by t:he Coinit.��, t,hat had a7 reaa ,shot,�cd i.he Co��'���: i�: ti,�as ju:�t. alio JiC SZl(� 1]C h`OUZ 1dCZ�.�(��'.r].J'li`�� i.�l is sai.d that he r�ot�ld ].i!ce to see a a.ayc�s �: of the pre:�eni, ;�l��n r�d J•;r. Rcdcpennina sliotiaed a r.lz}, to ti�e C:C�::1111ssion :�nd �xp]. i�:c�c been done and wh.��; they were nropo:�in�;. t�;r. 1'ari.�ov:: h :;sion � map of the ProjecL Corl7it.tee's }�rvpoGal, a.,d c�a�la:ncd ��.},C S�l:i](? CXCCLIt, t,tilCi'P. WF1S OI]�.1' O1�C �.cti'1C �Olil�� 111 CiiCtil d::•::ci.i_,�n• like t.0 chanZ;e t.l�c concept fro:n .a bl���ci�n�; hi�;lit���• t.o 1 UliS\�, 1'011i;�l�:.i:'E` . � 1•;r. Ruuci 5zl(� �lcl�. 1S ZIl Ll��inecr, thcre wzs no wv� he c:ould reco:�n;.cn:� Tir. P�zr9��ovich's p� o}��sal. 1�e st�ici �.t �JOUld bc c.u•cicssncs:� on his p:irt, as t2�crc , � � � LJ � 1 � � ��� i;crr; st,�,_r,c3,,�rci;, trir:t tl�c:y h��d to 1'o1J.o�,a. 1�1r. 1'�zrij���v:icl�� .,�3i.ci thtit, i,hc only ;irr��� �,1�c�y cl�ii'.ferr r� c�n ��:is {,}�c sa;c.Ly, lx;ct�i�sc tF�e Cuunty thou�;l�i, i,}�e 1'z•ojcct � Canuna.i,lc��:;';, �>rv;;c�f��,l ���c�uld c��.u:�c �aocidcni,� and hE; 1,}���uClit it; t-�oulc� prevr.n{, l,hern. iir. ;�edc:�;c:.1,r�i.nE; ;><iid. th�� Cc},•r�:ni.t,i,c��t:�. pi�c,pc�s�i.J. �:�c�til;� cause accidents };ccr�lz:;c: i.iir:;� �,�crel Lr•;/ ir,f; i,o 1'urrr,�I four ]_:�.r�c}:� of trai:'1.0 c.own Lo t;..�o, and i;r�r_i�e i��c,�.i:1�' k��;: �a p�vtil�.n��ck. C�,r.irper: �,r; ;;� .rr:i.,., a:,Lc�d l�;?;r�� t�roii7 cl ha.pper, tn i,},e �-�;oui�t, cf tr-:ffic on t.h;_r� ro:ic? :i_.i.' :;o;:��.t,';�i_r;�'� c;nz?�j_ bc �dc;r��; �;i.iii :i_o�:;er l;ni�rers_i.i�v I�vc�nuc. ?�Ir. I�uud s;.-i_c# �,i�.;.i, 'r;c ta2.:; , itz,,c 1,;..,.t, c�i.;r,our.� ,c:d a 1ot of' t��;o��]_c 1'ro-.� tz:;:in�; )t7, <<tid i;��e :�ls��C; !�;�iS t,P!l�r] �'I1u�;1] i)j (;(J�_1"lE; :l?"J�:O v::Ii{�1'8.1. �iC: �i!�C2L(� �.!l�l�. i:l�C)�..'l('i �.�"]117� �.�7�'.'l. � 1�:��1.t1(� ;;�'� �� 'ciUU.1C.'i �I:E ?,}i�t Y�7'1�;;'�' �iCi'�:�:5� )�!7I''.:)�:��0':1 n �� �i;- 1�:�).t �.�1(?1'C 'v:. � 1 _. �;�1C' 1� vYC.. . lf.;� .. �.:" rz :s�.::_�,;,-.r:.i:�.�liori �3�io�]_1,���• 1_�r:i.ce t,r� on t,h�� �;roj�:ct, ��::?. no�r.cd;; %r,c��: :ahen �i; l�:c��z1o. l, �,; .,,. l'��I. 1��_._,rit, cor�:n,.r;±c�a i,h;:�� i;:,e rcason ,,,o:�t ��co,��.c�: u��d �:st ;iver }�O,?.Cj. ���_.,, ;;�:C<iU:;C-1 '_L"� b,«S v. :: �i 2.'l�;ll � Si)U�: ?.11�0 Cl�',',I"li;Ob;31 .:'1.?71!C2,`:��_�.� . 1'.1'. LC1��'i(i,'.il ,.��1.J.:.1 ''l;Il;ti: }?G ld( $ 1.iT1�:1'(;�SG'C� '.•:1ii�l CI)f: �`l7'j: C)j� t.f:E: ^-"C�;��C{� repor� 7r1 }?F.l1''.:1CU_�.�.:�p �i.���� l.�:F1T, �i2:� �:riC: CO: ��3_.._SOI�L O:� S1V)�c:�_"178i:].On`/O�1 ,1..5'% i�l',+(3r }iU�:.�l F1S CG�""cl'"'C'i� i't,0 ji?:7_ :1C:I �li,�; ��1VCI�'.1�: 8:�1 n � l rci? :=. . :.� '�n 1; : � �,cn��r« b` ��i :e �r� d t ��?1C CC`if��)2i'.".vil .;i�. a L.'':('� `::G1"G 3i7Tp�?'�n)�t,:�� (�l;�CC;llT'�vi1;(� �„i:�'. _(; v:: O� 8S. ii '�%ioroi:�;.i�:;re, ��:ere d.;.;cour��.:;�;:E; �r�a`".f�_c ol: ii.7�.��ersi ::' :,v�r;ue, r�:.. had t'le �_('.cic>� �?i;i;.`�:1:�� O.�i ( �,v�„ .,, � "'15�. :�- � T:O:;C�, ;�!? 5��� ��:i.:� �:liciv L!lE �..1.� 'C,ui u.�;f�i:1C,-'?`l�i. fl'_7 i',:_ ��1t C'T' i. � Vi r. �- y '�,' - ,, �l ,, ,, � �� . �_ • , �. � 1�; 3 r v, ; • -. 1 , 11."O (:C �,..J:..�i]. V..Eis' i�;_..� i:c.�-.--1i�, �OUL ldc S 3"C:l1C:].I7�; U1 �,.-, :.Cy c'�1:.: i.1C:?7 v.;i:�• 1':,^.E'7'C: �i;.. VO:.':T1± ��12.:�] c..�r1'F: .`..c;:?. ��)�;?i,c v�lc^� �;'i: ti':�0:� :i�'1'11.`'. St: v�L_ �,hai: �� '=� s'� ��;� t t?;��l;r � to do �;?4s ha�;ct � , �s i,^.,,;: � �fair, «,,. <u� 1_�, � ]c`i 'ri�'T'C L1' 'l17%; C.'. trl,° c, �: ���u. i.�:' u� }.e :?icr,'t '�:;1ie�v� �;hat t!;e �0�;��7_ traf��c pi_ct,�ir�� i•:as tcc>t, �'���- e C�:�<:�t;,� i�rot��e:�. �_., - )�' � r`��ln�-� » i '�.. 1 � .. -. ' �- .:�'? t.i?P'":? . �iZ� ?.� O'� _ i�c:�i. _'.7.\'C'.i :iGc:j - -i; �i._ �n�, _j�o �7 � o.z � e.re _ •; ere �:i.�,n� ,� �sS CO:" ,.i)'C':! 'i:0 J�, 1;.. S�11.C1 �,:�c i, -C'<iCf� t.111i:' iii]`ui: c`3 S 1f;1:�:� �:n� �.;i: ...-^,�.IG:�� `t.�^':'` i� t.}?C1'E? 1:,:., �: C;J?�i�-:��'_-';'-i,1O:l S•ill:?.:� a�}�i: T.1,-.���:i_C C01�.Cf':��'•'�.i,C3�: �'i, �: u'� ,'011��., .j.E; S l.c:l,C;;� l},�,��,, {i'C�:'� �. S� . ;;]i Jt.i'�'.i.�. � (:!� l,�'1C'.l�l? Y.E'.�, .- ..r��� C= �"� g n'- - - - . - .iCli y i l'. <:S i':w :c_ c 4�j U)' bj. tiC' CO:ii. 72�.. Ct +i.Ci<z�� Q?1C' Oj' t, ll.' 1'c;<`i� 01`.S �:}��.) C 1.'��:; 2�•:'ci`� iC �?L2�.1��i:�i 1d.=2S C,}?(:. I�c 1�' �:aCV:: O�� �i.1]�3 �?� c.12 .fC`.' �,.']c, I';C.'t,Y'O ?.Z'('�3 O� �!li: $ i�'.'C'�t_ lO`::T] i�C',-:?1 1'.:!i1Yi.� 7.��0�_7,_ ['.iii; ;j��,','Olij� C�O';;�'1f.0',�i":1 .c.'�:. n�?2�.� I�G S'GC�'C,:Cl "t,�'1F:�; �6'O�Zr: ,_�iQ ±O ti'°i �L)11,2';'� �ll"i(1' ;•:'tit3�• '�1;�.�' iOl1i1^ O:) t,)11S 3i%2'G�,Ct; O�' I'O�CI ;;tiS I�Ot. 1ll�;1.C;L?@ 1:] }'1"iQ�C;':'. � � � (1 � ;� , ' n � : %� r � t; y� •-, � ;.. � w `''�Q i.:�c . _�?�fE;' {;. ; --�i., ; Iic: � : ,� rii�g c� �_._c� �. � r ,ti�l a_�otl. d ,;,�. T •iT .Ci� es �� �_n� t�.�- .�. UC', i0i11.C1 O?1 C;\'�':'�l' {'CC:i'Lli�' i,[:�i{. \d«S �70121€' '11. IlE' S; 1C1 �:�li'PC I� ;:� �7:CIl u bE?�IC i � � C1CC �S'LO:; 1':<:::E3 t.:lLii, j�Ci7',v'.�.P_ }lciCl �,O �E'� CAO'r,'1"1t,0;�`�l. i T,r. I��z�•t; .,.�, ��sl:��.$� ���:'��:� ��,he co��t, :a�n�ld be t,o fiili�'.1 t'�la�; sect�o:; ^i � � � � � «11c� 1`il'. ti�itl'c'::C'.r);.�;�I�i> S�11C: :L�, FiOl:_t'.� �e ci.l)011� yi�;�Q�.7�� as?ccd� i_C i�,!:at ii;�::iticed .f;z;.d_i_1�;� li�o:�� I�e;i^z�als Cotint.�� , �J?'q��"I'j.�' .^-.: ; C':iS:�i�'.i]+•.`_;� 'cil`.(1' l':I'. iil?QC;ll:;I1I�11:� S�iIC3 tilc'?�. C/�.l.J't:J ���1�.1�(: lti:�Jl l•i��: �LJi'C�JJI�lE�I1l�J� t.0 Si �`�� �: ��. i•i ;�n:i Cit,�,� alo;�<; .;i1�ti, t��y ;.?n�znt the roa; , 1'. �`�1'E;�13': 1TUytlt,�e I�;rs, :�ch;l:,l�4� as,:cci if t1�e speed li���it wa� t.he sta�ie on I:ast T:i��ci• Hoad as i.t, t�1as on C>> �;��ci 1�'l, �i�d �aas �,old tha�. t!�e S�)E:41� .l.li1�.L�,s �tari.cd, ;�;r. T;cr�;i��<_�Z said he coul.d oill�� sce ot�e dr�:�:�:atic dii'�'crence in tl,e �,;:o p1.3ns, �v�d t!�at; ta„s t.}IC� n��:,,��er ol ln��cs. }�e ��:;1<eci i_f it, i,�,�;:n't possib�e �ti�ai, t,l�e }�r•ojc.�ct co�ru��i.�t,cc's �lan� t.o n<�rr.�1ti �iotia�i ai�d atte!��p�. to restrict the vo�u:;�e of i,raffic � 1'].�3>>r�.iri�, Corarnir,sih.c,;� )�teeLin�; - OctoUcr G, ).�7G � � � � �� r���� zZ 9 c L an (,F,:is road r;ou�lci be rnorc r:j,i�lic�.zbl.e rii't,r,r. i�he S�ressure i,Ta, reL_nved b,y �he Ilortl; to;�,n L'orri:l��r than a� 1;1�:i.s poznt � n t:i.rne ri�;hi, r,z�ior to <�dc?; �icn �l ��rc:;�,ure. 2•4r. Pr.�r�i.pov:ic•h r�c:,�l��n:�ed thr�t i,h�� pror>).c;n �,:�is once 1,��e i:;.�r�rcver7cr,�s ;,�d b��cn madc:, t,lrey v:o�zl��,'' i.�c, su.ch a I�crrnanent t,}�it�� L�,c-y �-;c�ii�t!1 Le ti�e�� f�;: a'on� time. Ch�iia,}:�,1�: an }Iarr•15.:� :�a:id ti��ai� st,ai;crnen�,:� )��-.d be�.n r��acle in th� 1)'j � nea�ir��;;:. t}�c i� j}� L� ;��%1S �i �i C, �:. tJC' :;i1:tC) 3:��,ll(1V }'1'_i�� �;(:'CI� c�C�YI�' j'J..-�^l C� il �') i:.ln ^l � �'�! � flTl(� i.ti�� �. �l�i;� �.fIG; .�(;CL7 �T1 t.i"1F;j. ..'�:'.5 j�: Oj.,�)::e'i f�Ul' 11'If�:. v�IC1':(3: ij, j :h!:]"1 .iC)C1�: ' i... : 1•lc'..S CGPIji1.r�L(::; �''.'�t, 1;0U� (� DG' CC:l"1j:11�U(:C� 1�I'Gi`f t,hG C1'C(i�: 1i.0 i.fiC'. �,J�'��; :,:its7"l �Ol':':.� C�1". 1lc cor�:�.�cr,te�; tb��t he th�tig'r��L i:}ris :•;a.s jiz:;L 5�;�:.�;c l. ;r f� � � (� ��: � � �.O 1"i'.';(, l i:�, :'7C)li� (1 � _l.0 .,J ��rr rL'Cp 1�Ir. T, :r,f, _n, eJ.d . �:�.1 i; had -:-c:r<�. . cc .~,,:r�t.r: , a : the�n ;�,; rer��:ndiri;�-, �Lt�e �er,i�,]_e:�:en .:�:�o ;�;�..,e Z�:�e��,:n�L t,��r�i, tr:�_� t�:as a c�,»;t,..;•��c:��i;'- �.�1 � �� � -� p r r �V 1� r r' ' Y� i���� -'�v^i _ i' � � C:;ii� 2?�C� T-,'Oi7�..C. 'lie 'JG1� )l?Ji�i; �U J�� �-)� ::):,,. 1::,.n (;:�C_?{�ii.. .l , c.�::Cl .._��{� __ SL Oj'J�y '�::iG C� �.1.'LCI�}:> i;�''1'E.' l�O v 2..: "c:J.'(.' O� 5 t, �"(:S i�S �.�.iC!.1:,.;FiQ j::C'i;� i�1C1���� .�.. �.:c.5 :?1:� 0�7_l't_�U;� C,�i_i� tliCl 7T"i',;CI3�lO:i O1 i;.1C- f'7'O��C;� CC:ii`l�_�'L(i� �..�5 �O C:-'ICl';, .,:1. :.I'Fi;:�1C �:O �,�tC1 ?'i:?.�j01' ��J_�.:�•:;-L�iS Si1C�l �.S b�; O).' �.j j y �:�1::. 'i.,`l :.l' :�.11' y ��_C: � 2.1 �:; �':E:1p'c', _ c ._ �' S�.1C� '1''11�C(', �)�.;�:.'?7"1:):7 ��_�'"?.'.�.^,'l.i. Silr!; Ol:':,�:J. i�.")1S ._�:F).=. 2.I1:. �L�iLC:C �,ili�'� _'._� :,}:C.` �:P_ � �v-':f� � - n �O C'iJ SO:iC'.':,�]:1.17�� �,��_i'(3 V�"?�_S �.i�G�- 1�3.`�. 1:0 :��,c'_^i, 1'1��'i� hCl'G i:.�:. Ji^v:`..,. .:I". --�i1": �:l�_G.L� SU��?n +r'.}l ��.. 7'tC�l�:C c�..1;.C1 �O�itli,'iCil 1�i171':. ;l� O�Jt,2"_I1G�� °.. }:t? i,.^..:�2;.}_� :.?:�� i:��.:_C� 1���%C bJ ;� f��ari;j)f; Ci?� i:1:C: :�^J��!)C�. .:2'. }�Ui2;1 JCw��G' ��...�'i.�:� ��?8�' �':C'=- U: -.1?G:: c�t {,})i�� j,ir;;n 41�cTi� t!)L'11' �t;Pl,l"'' i��� Z':OU�:,l i:., c3CCP�J�L(� �':^%;i• T�!?i:�l' fii.�:: ..iS I;::v � , . . . ..� .v �. K ^ . .. . • ^ `- ^.. . . :�. . � ✓ , c�C�VC.7',� ;iC'. �iC`���c i �:7a�L t.;'7C'i'F i'i,1'G tJl;.l' lcii'.°� O�^ i.i<.� �:?C 1:1 ;C: i.0";;� a �)tC\� )�.1.U. �IUS�, l<? U���I'i:C11.?�Z; `w� C'l:..S�;_I":� �c.Cl.11v�;' u�.CCi Vi� �lif� 'vJ .'':'."P :,�:�:T�. � � � � Cizai.i��,e„son i��:r�.� � a4'�ed ho�r a ;>pec:d 1 ir: i ;; .:a� �e �,< ? �:�, � � ,. ?��'_, > -� c;� Sc�..l[j 1,._tli, ;i:.' ;:Li�. �;.�..�C:iiZ �O F�CC .::12 � i1;C' C' �{:C_ _La ._.. ��Cr T�G� rl;� 2 ; u`-... .117'll l�. .:.'. Stc'? iiQ;Ci i;.7� v l•1:E', i7J5� l:�iT:Oi'�:�.�) t: U0 ��11. ., c,.,.' ? i�.:: a.. .^.;l'.3C:. .. �S �.r-� � ;i t.0 SC('. ltiil:':. t.�:G", t:Vl�l'ct c-, ST��E'.:? ii� � �. t.I:f ?,P.uS02"; ��i7��; �.;:(.'�' �dc?�Yi:ECl .:'_^ ..:,....,....: LS �,p ��101•; �.:lf?i?l 1•:;1�L GliG� �,}':OU�,.'i?, �,I'.r'. :i�cE;;� 11;ii1L S•';011�_i? �`C'. .:� 2C.:.� : �:...., t'.118 ]�llil�:l.:' O? S�:lOOLES 1�05�1i,f_LS� Q'I'1V:?.;'i�'S� E�C.S 1.'�'.'�"'2 :�SO ::'.�C.'i 2°?�� CO11S7.CEl'_.t•?07'.� , iiC' St,�i{;C'Ci Y,}l�i�, :�ci�i; _`?llri',1' :i��i.^= ;lL�:! Cl%EI';%"_:?11:" i,i:C., il:_._Cc:.E:'`. j.��E' Sl L'CCi S':Ol7�d'1 E;O �a:�'.;Ii f C'?:C�,1�`v ��7<?t, j,i:O�:��.C; �:iS:l;:' � .i17 Q:C�'i �i��; ^c�:, 4:`I :,.i;�� I O<?('�. ;ii'. ]��il�_Ll%O\%? C1� S£;1Z t�l�z�, }JC'.Cc'?SC Ol. t„E'. S� ti .�.: :.1:?1 j..�C'_ .. �...'_'i; i.'.:O E=,,,: �:;='`'y' Ot1E? 5ii7(1 �„lF'1' ll�r:; �,O ii':OVn �.I'<wJ�].1C t.::?"Oil�'�1 t0::1�� c�'::: i..•';E �t.i:8'_' LT'i)�.::7 `".C� ,,:iC'y' �1VC?Ci 'i:�lc`.I'L c.?ll�'' i,:l(: CO1121�;y � S �1.12�;S 1:T011�.C� Lt? CZC'S�:I'O�T� ;1�� {; :G? 1' ?:G� .J�:'_"::.�OC. y- � �TozcL �-o�:,r � il �rotil�r �.r � a . . , �)F'n,\' , ,y t_, ,,L, �,}JE'. ;11Qi,�02� C3z'r1Ci'1 1i1;;d.ri:LP'.JUS.L�' tQ �•�CC`��TC {��]C �!,i1S{, i��.l'(.'i' '�iO:tCi ��Z'OJ:.'i:t, l0:?ll?lli:i.:'.C' l'f-;;J:1T�.. rfOT:C�i� 1��- T,•���� e��fc:i�3, �econcie.i L�� Schnrtb�sl, t;��t t,��E: P1.�:J�ni�,;, �0:::'1�SS=QI1 1'ece:i.�'C �i7��� })�.ic:i15 �I'0111 �:!]G :�I10':�: �iOUIi�•�Y' �i22:� i:.^E) ,.:?:�t; i�:1.\'c?I' :;:?F1C� :�i'�J'i;Ct, Coi�i��iit.t.ee. Ug: 7�i voice �*ote, all votil��, a��e, t.hc �:;o�,io,� ca.�_�i.cc? t.na:�i.noe::�l�r, T107'70i� l,�- T,an���z;'e].d, t.hat t•1ie P_la.nnin� Co,;:�iss�:on r. ecor.:r�end to Counc�l t.�::�i; a mor�t�;ori.ur� be s�� on ST 7��--3. The 1'�10'�].OIl dicci for 1ar.h of a �econd. Pi1~. T,ar;;;c�t�icld � aj��?z•i�c:i<atccl <�1� l�ivcr iic�ad ��rot C011llt.�'�;S Cnl�li�1C1 � LJ :>t,ai.c�i he woulci 1i}:e i;o ;r���zc<it.e ±'or i,he reco��;: i,l�::t hc t.hc in.iorr.:ai�i_on �,hcv h.:il r�:ceived a:. i.iie resi.11; o; t�;e E� �t ]c;•�. i?c said t.:�e,y had hc;ir�i Stail''s c��in::cni,s ;.u�<� ..no}:.� ts, and he wai��.ed 1;o em�i��ct:i•r,e the izct i,hat ti�ey had esta:�li�lied � � � � , � � r 1'1r�n�Z:i_n� Corilrni:;;,:i n lir;c:1,].nt; -- Oct,ol�c;r G, ].9'l� Pa�;c 22 9F thesc corn;ri.l,L�^r:s ito �;ct c�i i,� •r,r,n i.n��tit. llc sl,atcd i;ha� thr.. T?�;�:>1: It� vc.r 12oaci �'rojeci; Co,��m.i.tt;cr i, w,:s es�,al�l.i;�l�ec] i.n r3.ccordt�r�cc s�ri.th t;l�c; C;r�n:nis:�.i.c�n':, ord�.nancc ^+� �u��d h��ci cionc a 1'i e;jol�, �,r�d he �.an',;ed �o tindc:r:�cox�e i,h� i`acL �:l�at ti,l�at i,l-►ey :.,:� liad bei'ore Lhern a� far �.;: 1.hc X�Uj)OT'j. 4:as concerr�ec� �aas thc' Cl�l'l.Clls' concern. Cl���ir. pc:rcor� ltarr�.i:� s�;..id i,t�at �•r.ii;h re�;arci �;o P1,y�aood 1•tini�esot,r., tr,yir��; to ;,ol��e �:� {;ra.ff:i.c ��z�c,;;)_c�� ��i1.h a 1�,i11bo<arcl r;�:,n't hi.s �_dca oi' (Soocl cn€;inecr:i.nE;. l;r. ;Sc>bic.ch :s::id t,'t����.i,� i;�,c !,o�a:��;� was in favor v1' cJ.o:�:in„ one :�cct;.on c>fl', biit, the mt�rcl;,;�zL �::c:rr.� oil}»°ec?. ti:�. Ri�ud st�-i,�:d i;he;,' r��uld c1c,;c t}�c Idort,i�c:rn �ccr;�� o.i'i' i1' �,?�,;,; I,�i; .,or��e er;cour.<<;?emnnt f'ro;.l 1,1ie Cii;y of' ]�ric)lc:y Lc� L:�.c;': l,'�cr� :ir� �,i� .t. 1�ir. )'oardr I� :r� acidcu t.l,a1, un t:i.7. �lle Lir•�e t�i: Ci.�,1� C r�nc�� :l. deci der3 i,��e; ti,._.r, �ed -to c:J.o;>�. �.�,;�;; ilori.}; en�i;rwncc, l,e dicln' {: t'�'Ln��: �,hc; Ca;�nt,y cot�ld c3o ar,y t,?��i.n� . C��ai�person 'ia�,rY dc;c).�.red a reces.�: <<� �.2:06 P.i`., a��d_ r�er,o:��,r�r�eci i,i-:e meet:infs . � v . at 12:30 :'.li. �%I7�1"i��'I°SC):: J��.T'T'h-S 1:0i„?u �;�18t. �:1�E7.'n :;CI'C'. ti"lr'fiG 1i;�3"?S �Fi(��f .`JC:OU.�.Cj 3C�.j7'i:�S ��"1�;�=:;��'.].Vfl:i �O llP?�.C'i '„''��_ C3`) ��i7`: o.iCi?C�::� T'E'.CC1`li.";(; t11�' 1']':i.C..LE�`� �:1"1V11'GI�;'C:;^��<`J.�_ ��112.111,�r CCi]O:i115;:?_p]� TI'illill.{..^.S O� ��B�L. r'Z� 1.�71>; �. r +1 .i „�� .� ' �, 3. }lf?CO r� Z' ;? �'J^r?;o A�1:?Ylil:ll]` v0:"I";7 .`:n10'": .:O vOl:2"1; ��. v.l���. 8 iCtJ'c: J'-tt, 11 'i� i i �- be ,>c., o��i'�,f�-� � � �� 1�ir. �'ar����.s �?��.r.���rd ou�, th,�;.� �;l�is it,e;'� had beer. !��:r.d:!.e:? ?��- ,'r. L:=.��;c►��.el�� � � �n�t'!on propo�:in�' ���e r:;oz�2to.,iurns i:�h�.i_en died �or l��c•k oi' <� :c:cond. ^'�- ��� �l. }iC'C�� t.'�3�__{.7_Q'.� C?r' C�C � L-�� ���i �L:IC ;'';_.._�_.._' ll� �.;?"� 2'.1 � '�C�C `�._�'�'7 1F,17U ._._... CO,v � �O. . .5�. �y `�' ",�<^ _ w_:.. _ �_.:_-... ,.;'`._-- ���`��_^`'^ � .V,_._. , � �_ " .._, _ .. _—___:�_._..._. ___�_:_.._ __ �._:_.__._ ` �_:. � - 1 r� c- �i � l( I b . i� +�i � -l' :i l. � ..i � i i �1 v C-1�<� 1 C�; > Et1'.1.?'(;I1'�,?C„l i,.._.. ,. ,`,';i'_ l� '7i;: � � � � r � �_ � 1? �, 7' t� 1'.'. �,�I^ '�i1Si: }��`J(;T' LJ 1,��r.C't L'O ri� � C" i?(:i:0'�� � � C . C C 7 , ; �' ; , J_ O � _._ _�.._. ` � �- .... ___. ._t �...:_.___._._.__._.___ _..... — -.. .� __.�_.._:_ w _ �____._�._-___-. L,l�`ll��;V U}" i;;i:� �; �(:CO]'?C�C.C; 1)�r 1�°��'•I'60:1y �li::��� i�"!° 1��.3)":1�1.1�; '��:):`��'.i- ;S1U1"2 SC';it] 11;C'i?,� t? c�;�C� C�.O i�)C'. vC` �?�:Y� �1' ;�(,V�'_lOj�;i�t?lli, ��O;111�LS:�.'_Ol� 3u:'1c11 ii'.:: Oli:'Ci�S CiOc"i:lS:i".OI1 i1I'_(� 1'�.I'��S �zl:.� !t(�"C1 C�l L:1 ���1 i�01?l;l:L.c.;�1.01� ,ii?T' �:iE,'11' CJe�.11:'.i1�S o t)1��)':l �l voa ce l`Ot�C J �..L1. 1'�0�,117� Ei;�'�E,y I� �i;c r:lOt,1011 C3I"i leC1 tii�<'.171?i1011:;��;r. 1`f1' �'C=i:E.').'SC]� `;^;�lC� �,}�:t�, F1�, t:l�C'. �.a i�, ��:il�Tl7.l�i; CC:'i:'::LS5101� !:'.C:C'.i.11li, �;C: �i�,t".�.l�l'Cl� �,}iGi'"t; �7�C1 l�i'^Il rl �.('.1��;�,:1\' ('L'SC�ISSIC)1� C:`I1CC2'117.2"tt; :':'OCC�?2I'C' Oi �'I'041LC�, �:U:�'�'.;�i.•t,CCS L122C� li�7C;�:�lC'T' �.�:C� ����=51- }i:LVCl' :Z01(1 Pl'O.)�:C�; CO::�I'.i.1tt�C 1I;1S O;�i']'�li,.lilt; �1S c1 I�I'O]CCi, Co:�u�lit,�tcc o�• a'' :itizc,�'s co:,l���i�,t,r.e, �;'slet.hei• i�: �;:is o��ez�:�i,;�i�; t,�it.��i:� t.'ic? 1'r��:��e- ti;ork set u�? b�� i1c ord�n�nce and :i.f it s�ras rcccivin�; dirc�ctic�n .fror:i i,he �%1V1].'O1liqE:11''.it�. ll'i�1�:\" (:O::�l:1SS1011• �',� FiC�C�Ci1 �•�:�:: �?.`.�� c�:11�11.I'ii?(L'] O�� c'1 C(�!�t:lil.�.`�.LOII �lC 1�T�?S «�.] i.�,l.(: L'�>l:Ci'7'I1C�� !i;> 'f,0 ��C��l '�.;l:l.^ h'1S �C:�I:(; hr`uZCileci cl;lC� if thc�' 1•il'1'C op��:rai;iii�; ti�;.it,h:i�� t,lic fx';u,lc��or�: t1ie�' i;��re st:p�>n���ri t.o be. i•Ir. I,:�nE;cnf'c1d !��i•c�i�licd t�li:i��, :i.t tia�s hi:> imp�•es:>iot� �zt i.lic t•:in;�> i��at }��12•i,ic�ti].ar conver:>aLi�i� to�ok ��l:i�:c, �.i�cre t.as ec�:icern tl��it• i�c�rhaps t.1�:i.:� Froject. Cc�;n:�ll'L�.CC �� � � � I 'J � � � � � � � 1 � � � , ]'].nnn i n(; Cor�:n.i.;;s i o� ?!c�etin�; —Ocl;ober ��� 1-�1G I't��,c 'l. � r�as �;a�inE; t;o �}:f rpc�:ci; a.n a11 �t�.f1'crent, c]i:ection�, anc). �,hcrc 1•:otild Ue a�;r�}ui� 01' .ix'a�,r� c:�t�Li,en� '�i .i.n ar�n:�. ifc ,;aid th,�.i; he rattc�i�clecl sevcr;:i]. c�i' �.hc racet:in�;:; tsnd !.'c>u���cl t,ti;cy Y;crc�,� vciy coni,:•o�i.�l_c�c� ar�cl cou�l�.l 1'inc� no �•:ay 1,hc Go�nr,l:ii;Lce ��a„ opc�r. a�,inE; uut �f i�i�c sco�e of i;he Cii:y 7�1r3.:,:>. 9G 1�r. ]'c� �r;,cn sa:.�3 �i;,i,�t, t��e c�,r�:r�cnt h�id been rnr;.�J.e thrzt trie ;;ast l��i-,�c;r i,or:cl PT'OJOCj. �%Oi'�:11�:tC(' "�%S (�O].11�� �O j�C; Cf)CC!:lll�; C)1"! r�'i:')]?7� 3.''i�i1..Li3U�C i+.Y�'� �111:: {• not eu: c t,}-,< , f.'r:l l i;it}:`ir; 1,���� sco7;e r,t' t: Pro,jcct; ty��c: o t,i�i.;�� ,�r, i c: :;��., r01" :� �:17J.:� l.r ��� ?,i�f, �)1';il)C1:° C1! I t;i;�'._✓l-1 j'�r t.j.(if'I 1�0 tr�l. COl'tT'il.i,'=�'C�:: �UT':S��1C'i ;_0:�1 � ' �.}?�..� � l , -:j. �i,�i�' :}iCii..i(� �!:C.ii �i�_�. i.l;C lli:�0i'�i .f.l!'.l l�;r. I ��;�;i:n.`.'cJ d c,� t� � n t,c�a � �t: t�o�,�,= �:i � � 1 . �,t, �i , � �ojcc:t,. l; . 'E tc:�:�:,,� �: � , ;, rn � i :LI�1;� l;0 �.P'1 .`� ]��.'Y' i.J. �� I ]l� }��) �� ' . i -�;}-�r�,,• C:C,U1 �1 t;c' i. �� •. . . r � '1'*" ?, f� �,�]`.i.;J02"1 Ui". a3�(: :','1'Ji E'�..:�1 1'., _ .,,uc� l � , �}!C�}' ,.'�:) .. ,;�) 1 J r'(�; C, L:iG 1 c:,lll.i 11� G • � � .. � Y'�;10'! i i:li ,. �: iCi .'1�, :'.'OU ��. ] j L,r� i3O l�Tl.` �:C,:' �,;)�i.i,. 5.�, lrl J� t LO'�7 1 � ;;;J.C17 � rlt - ;•i�' 1 ci_ ` � . _ ' t,tcrid t�:e n ti.n ,•>> f ,., d i;c „ou7 , �; £i�� Lll�, �::);'!i',1 ,! J��l ' 7�)E;:�:i ��J c c - ^ h( I L!� � � j� �� }• ��3.)'] l.)`,`] C 77 '(j i,l.� � i�)j i,�S i)�'O��i:Ci �Lo an.,.,cr �n;, .cy� � s �hc:� `r i _: .� t!,��'., .i, � � in.f.'o� . � �,�i o>7 al�^ r e«! .1.�>> re � ;rc .� . `�, ar..3 l, , ..r> , 1;he�T i��d h��c?. t.o ��,.:,:,cr .. V , . � i;��t;.�, �.n i;^„�:in� to 1':i:S )�C;CI� , °y j.') �O �:O vCllli�.j" ii0 'C',I"'7l" (r� �� ( C� .11', :�ci. (3 ( ; n , �� i� ,.�ulc 7� 1 'tie � +' �� J'or � : ��� r _;���i �•.v2.:; � >>' i �,I1C' '.�1:. � 1]IE, �)i:C,,� � v „ r�• � �.� :1:� v'i .`;t , .} , '. j ) � 1^�� �Jl �. . f,,, S�:c.r„ �l^ t'����.����J. �. 1,�;�::. .��t; J'v�.��.�.E ��.�It_v I�� � � �.li�.'� ,:1� �y� a�� 1. {,1�� L` x � �:� � . , • ., � ^ , ' ,: � � .; 121 cS.�:7..''[ ..?I�[J �:GI C)�e;C'11L' 11�'.�) 11���1 On� - S8. :�. ii8 '::i;3 l7c 1 i, U� i.:l( I r'�_,. ,. t � � rr�' r ' �P _..a:: L':,".'i�'i.`;S:nll i•.'l)ri�7�?�� O�-1 8 S'.z�l:�:):1 i j.Li.0 }iT':1 �C � T.J �,: � J' ��l.V1l'U'•�:l�.liU.,�a : -��� �r `• ' . , 111{'O].':'i=:�,:1 0:1 f�07' i� �j.:�, :?� �<:� G;1L' TlC'.VC2;"' j)?"'C �.Ci2?�_C:C� �,f) I)f; Ct];,`,%�";OC 1?O .'Ci�. E-`- �'1 `=�- � ° ' ,� _ ' "G � � .i • �' ?` �� .,_:�7 lii5;<.,il �7'��.c. J�..�;i:� ] Ji tlie C.i_�:�~ Cc>une�.J- or c:.e Pla� ,;:_nr; „o:nm��,ssio;,, <u�.� da ;;'��t. �, . � , � ; > > i� ;: c�' � T`:I'. :iG2 � t_citt �:.Sir�,C� ll' t��C i'::�..����..`:�11;� 01' i,}'C 1�T'i��CC i, � _ 6t_, _�,. -� �, > > .; 1' ����� � � .Z��,J'�Ci 17Oi ��.i t i.�ci. �I.C�i O�' )('O?i.;; 1'L'v'.1�f',c�.Op€> '�3S� �C.7' iOc�l. i� • i"c } j +� , > � , � {, � , '� � ,i;- �.�iT�� �i. t.!:l. C� . ' = �� (> � �;'I�: {iQ l"JC'.. �r C.%Cl :i,}� � i.i�1. v11"i d � l . �,C � i: . ii_ C .� ; � � . ' _:� C. F ^ t, �.:C , r'; , � � i 11C1' "::1 .IJl'4�. ���l C�' j`r �L'C.� j� 'i rl �) � t� i•1-�G €: 1 �)li'�. il� �.• 1T1' i l�.' Oi' ���; � il \��.T' i�C)c:�� s �'� �� ' . C".:� ;� ':' i. �}lr� T1C'�-1;f���0.':;r�JC S p71 C7 L �l I :� , :_ . Z.l VC C� �::..��. O�' �:�Q,' '� 3�_w]°O :C� �.1 iC':� ;i. Ti . }�:�7 z� :ii1 .� � �.� 1��' ' c� � ..'CJ» � i 1< _., � � � � a : <- 1'�ciEi �,''�l.' 1�:� �,tir G?�' 1 l.. Cl.�. �'�,' 1.� 1;C: ?.T:�>l)�, C1� Ill', , i,i: OT }lG�:a 11 ;�'J � l�' !. vll �_;?'t �_C� _l �'•� '.., .. �i 711 .�O1C :iS ��t-" �"n-' T-1'. ��c']'_>OLT��:il 1�.:D�i.°(� i. l?L C�� C.�lli'�.. ��7?i C;••. . . (' _ Cl �i��i�, :>� C. . lae i _ �. , ' i � �;J "��': 7� , l ' (it,�.�l ' i l'S�, : CY' �llt j,�,r � :i_,:1 „ ,.(.t_ c. �A , i, f__ i :�' --..,�i•.`-. ther;:, <a > >_ �,e _in ���_ ,'`� �', � _ 1`:;' l�li � ('i ..iOii 'i.> ;C'C� _.�� � �`.;'.�: t. 1' l_VE:I' �'LO"_li �) �) )' ':�, li � . , 1_L �C �:�'.�i �_�. ?�-, . � ' i, ' �. . j ' �l �;�:�i'C`,-�(a �;,� t',!li' �1111 I�IV � T'Oi� ',;]1 i1 '.�li �� 1� i' ��0.;� 11 .`•I. � c:l . 1':i'. at,po �,, �.ec� �s� . . , . iF "J\% 1.:11 I c,t�Z7.,( Cl i,,,d �` t,}lE'. i'?C'',":l`E'I,�111.� 11�'_ ; I�lr�'(,. �G�. l ?; �;7'GV(.�1 � JU i ._t. i;011� �� l?C'. � I'1'1�� ' , ' ,:I'�tiS <i?1C� �ii Ci'C�i.�;.lY,l t, � �� i :�� f i �C'. l C �:(;11 :: etc r��o�7 e�.;�� a��,d �::ai, �;� � I1C'1� it?�JI;:OO 1 I CG� .,.'�_C):� :�1'n.i�'C{, CGliu'i7.t,i.C',E,' �\';`C ti1�)it � �;�: �,1�(? � �t)'�' le�:( �� �j(.'1tLC'.��e 1 �'.� i_i.:..:?ll O.i t,'t.C: OI'C�1.11:?I1CC' i„'li}f, f:;1C'. il;i;?',:) ��:i IiC;I'�'. LO ��:? ) �)�:'i.1 � �� , nt ci�, � ' �l�r f�1C �O ,"l:. S1C�1 l�C'.rQi't,' ?i, ;�i;•�zl iP{7. i'ij'. ,`���il'C:;';:?1: l;\}%.I :1i.l�Cil i1� _L `�:Ci:l)C1 > � �i 8�.1�1 il\': .� \';l:i` Cl1C�� I�.L;" l::? i:0 �.t:C'. Cc�,t:iill:: �1-(�:l 1�: Gli E?';iC� 1 L ^0.11 ��-i i �:1(�\' `'ll`'' il �O� C�711�,T'OZ. OT' j�t7��.`VC :;C:rll?('i +})1L�. �'1T'`. �:?):(',�111'l��(l : ��1(� "i:�.il�, l;:it`ll .`:I'. }'c71'li`J\'.`..Ci �:OOi: t•j1C: i'il�,l?.1'11;;?7:>l: �.j� U; �,IiP, 1�,1�0�)CCt C.O!'ll:ll t.i,CC' llf: 1c:13 :1i; Si)�(' Ci;?1'i�C Of f•l:C' COI'.11717 t•t.CC. �'i5 :11' :i`.i �:i? 19�35 CO:lc;C'1T]C:j� t1C S;12C1� T,}l(?I'C `,d;1S 1l0 :'lill'. OT' CSt,:?Uj i`•`;�n:j ��r�y t.'�c�t. ��rojec�, co::::;�it,:.ees �,ei•e �;oin�; to i'ti�:ct.io;i. iie :>{;at.r�d t-►:r�t; �?e c3:ici��� �. ,:ilir:: tlie�.,e �:a.� � sc�t, i pr:.�ce��;i. e, � nd jiisi; Lecau: c one : o:,u �i.:,::i.�n liancjl ed it orie �,<�;� did not, r.lc�zi� i,l��at :ill C��;�nis�ion h.�d to fol.lv;�r tl�at,. .� �, �.,- � �r:•,.,,..t r.:'1, 1� �����'h 11—r� ��r;c,}:�:��}: �c���>.l+��Z���' n�;��l:r.�l,,�i.,.,,�r cc�,::,��. �T��;� ? :�l��r::>: � .� ,,�,_, . ,,. -- , � . _ .; , , CITX UF FRIDLEY PETITIUN COVER SHEET Date Received ;'November 12, 1976 o��je�c In favo�" of improvement � _ to 6300'',Channel Road (S St. 197�-2). ' P �tition Checked 'Ry Percent Signing j Referred to City Council Disposition Feti� io�, N<,. 22-1976 of Channel Road, f reet Improvement P Date I�i_ssissi pi Street ct St. 1977-1 and l0 i` � � \ �\ Y.;1�1'11.'r1 i'.., '.f_.. :� : �.. •,(' : :,`_� ....I,. :tis:1 .`�7';'.`'.:;!' .�U:'.i'.''.CTi :: Fk(].UJ T�;Y� i:li;:ii;:���'!':t l0A s . �� �__.___�_._.��� ' 1 l��'? �Y . . To tfroa City Cosncil of Fi•idley� i•:ictir�sot�: � ��� FIe� the unde�si�ned, corstitutir.� more th,~� :iii,y-one p�r c�nt (51n) o� the prop�rty oVm�r!s in I]liI*:Oc,?' and in ii�t°r�s�, i.n �he "071_o:rin;; stree{,s: � � ,c��L��Z- ��c>3n Stireet, fz'o�n )�iS.S,S�, to � Co �. _.L�__: --.--�- .� 8 </���,�,U.z �'1 , ____Street, Fre;,; ` to `� � _:____�_' Street, arem to Who ;�i].l benefit by the pronosed .�rtpro✓��;�n.+, h�reby pA4_Li�.O?Z �hat tha fol?o.�ri.r.� im- prov�n�nts be n=_deo . _ n 1' ����.13 �? /____cL,T=Tc�- — --_------� . - • 2. C-�'j ��,r,9.i-/:.� �7! 1 _ � /<_i= t- J" '---_ . , ' 3. ����'i�� 7c���,� _ ri5 _/t,��z����� �---- — -- ��e UT1C1°Z'S�?P.� t.f!?t. �!lE COji. Of 531.C� I.;r�rp-Jc, �Z{. F�11.1 b� ass�ssed a�ainst the DT'Or'°'^';'jr in ttin 2'�ove d�scz�ib�d araa �n'equal �r.s�a1.�.�aents for a p�;iod r.o��i,o excaed �p. year5 Vr�t:� inter�st pa;/able at t,nn rat�� of �� p per a��nuia o� the urpaid bal2r.ce. �' �'j@ lliyO2T'St4?";Cj Lt?3f � UI?ii.7.! �T'E�1r�1.Y13.T�' °ri� �2"��'�"•i 1.P.� car. be COr�7� e �ed, lt• 1.5 11Pi�?6551012 . ' t0 �1'rV� 2CCll2'2.i..-"'.. °S��?m?tE:S Or 5�::?3� 't.11�S� i�`:�?:COZ'�i'1�?11�5 �d1..11 COS�j bU� i:•!1?t buS�C� OTl CUSt� f1�1i7!£S fOP S?T��.�yr i•)O:�C ClO�C lII 'L!!° C.�ty3 li. 25 eS�1Ti3iE:li �hat i:�ese ?�*)iUVC7c~1�S ?c:s.� 1 � COS v •' ' • ti • • 1• � 'T /��'r j<� %�-z'c/ i`-�/� �� �.1 i ' � � 2 °_--�--.� __. ._.___�. �_�. _. . � . � . � � + --� _� � ' • . . A't�''''� -- -� .._. � _..v �DRc;S5 _ ^ - — �---- LF_:�;.1L D�CE:IYiIO2; �r -A, • .%CJ= '��,y_ � j � �. �•/ ,�� � J '� �L � , =` ��`� <<s c�'�z.� �,µ- r ------- -��-� �- - � J ?-� �?� i^-6-� �°�� � — � / / � - '�-- ! �-- � ;,., ; ; , , �/ >;- �° � l=' -.���_1_ �/<!�r �� 7j2 ,, k, tl� � �?=t�t`/� -�-- , � _�P� � r'° i�7� �� �- �y�'��x' cf.C-f`-�' ��.J ��,1� ( ���� .�,.�� -. 1 � .i: J.: � � � �<,� � ' L.J ��� _`( �/ _,!,I�1�� � '� _._..—� _. / . _��_�_ '` ` � ('� S�a � �'/:� � �.�.�� j �G%/ —" �. G�� �� c> `c'_��rr,t��//�� � �. > S�v �__�� ���� . - �_4 —_ --_�..__.� ,, ��' � � ��� „� ��� 1�� _ ' J_� tG / C�v�-� r�-�i � �-r.-�-- � �� �?j � ,- ---1�.-�t_<�__�.i_�-�.�.1��� / , i �„ , o/ � ,�/. � ��i _.�f.��J_4.�'___�"__( –�`'rZ=�%�-=� '_ �_ % D %__—���'��^`�'�__��__.. 7 t��,�•�'�:; �`�t'•.Sf,y t�,�r. ? n::-:. ;,..,!:•��l +.i��: :,1,�;�•,: r.,ti.`.GI'.�.iJ.':� t•n�? tF<<.,� dn con�t. t., . 1. 1 �.^ ;ti:�,•.-: i•��.. �`.; i;,• _.... j r•,• �: .t (`>-� �)v��� t'��' 'Tu<<r..., i.; t!� arc.a af1'ect.;u. . . � I • I � t � i \ � �� ' � � � � � � � � � , � � � , � � � IL ` l f . I < � 1 O L r� ; �� �,... ; ��] �", ',':i' .�.i!- �r!��'� �"Ji�1�:.�L�1.U�� �.;��_' �--�=t.�i� _+,-.�� .. ,. • . ---+-----��__'_._.----- pI)ilitF:;; , � '---- ---- ` __`".-�.-_�Lli�,41_1)� �GE2.IYi'IO:I Nl�f;is ____�._ _ __ __—_— - _- - ---- - -� -------- . -- � „ ,, r� � _�_�_------� -------- _____------� - Y C� . ` /L � r� � .:'L�C2�I.�.t�i" �-r:�� , �_`_� /-- , �% G' __- ___---_._,._______.____ �-------------- --------+--- - � _� __ � __.__.�_ --- --- -� --- ---_--�._._---------------_�__------�----- '--___� � �b•::�• r;��{,?.i.io ,_.•:;. 1i �. ;Il"f 10 cn� 7 licz'�.b ccrti fy �.ha I h:r;:_ �Y,: cr.ec- ih^ - � i 'o d. � �:,Ilt. Ic'1�� ��i t,li�, o:.;��:r� ir, h^ ':r�a,,f.c�tc than f'iIIfL;;-,.., r;^.r � . __-------------•--------_._-__ — I .,....r—.. ' � ' ' . ' , ' Date Received •� CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIUN CQVER SHEET ovember 16, 1976 0 Petition No. 23-i976 ' object In favor olif and against street improvement of Dellwc�od Drive (Street I 'provement Pro,iect ST. 1977-1 ) � ' � �- � Petition Checked B� � � I � � I , , Percent Signing ��� ' Reierred to City Cpuncil _ Disposition '' 1 _ ' , � ' � ' I� ' � I ' I ' � 0 Date � %� f — \ 1r ' 1 ��� , \ ` i e . 1 Referendum -- Street Improvement Dellqood Drive The undersigned, owners of long time occupancy and others of recent purchase, indicate their preference� as suggested by CounciZ Memb�ras ! D�iti ��,�.-�� ��� (" ��u..e.�,� �� i �- ,� i� ��.-� , C/= o/t w t r/d /e �,� v k..jr� j ��ri-� ?1� ��:a-x. �-� . �� � /�yn/ � i Y � \�r � ��//Q� �� . .i � �CV �, � . i � ; �� M� �_....�.�..�.� . �f ��a � � �� � �� V� �� � / �s � rt n�m �y o_ sM r?-,� �` � nP a� ��� '�n.��. �� 6��� � �o-��-°.� ,� % / /� . o`� U.�c,�_,..� ( } �2 � � "/2's /� �_��'� l o��s ed/� , �� � �?�� �� �� �- - ��� � � �� , ��� � ���� � � �- � �� r�. � �, < �� � �� � �� ������ ) r . �:.�/ ' � F y� �, � � o;�� . �, ��.-°� �� � �;��. �� ��� � ��� � ��.- �,.�- �ti � , , , , , ,, ,, % --� -.�- . •- � � � .s%' - - .. ,, , %i" , � �� � . . _ � (Y1�n l� \�i�.� ��.( �y � x . �, o �„ � �? � _. �_ _, _ _ _ _ ' ' c 1-rz �r r R IDLEY PETLTIUN COVER SEiEET Date Received I November . , Petition N��, 24-1976 object In favor�lof and against street improvement of the 1300 block of 66th Aver�ue Northeast (Street Improvement Project ST. 1977-1) Petition Checked',By Percent Signing , Referred to City'Council Disposition Date 0 � ' ' � ' � To ktc�sidents of th�...h.3J0 bloc�c of. .66th Ave. ,V. L. The City of Fri�l�;ey is pror�asind a street improvecnent �ro�;ram for thzs bZocic tha� w�juld cos� $21 oer foot of road £ronta;;e, or a�prox- i�nateLy $160� ner l.ot �(assu:ning 8J' frontage). Some residents feei thaC such im��rovement �,;is not necessarry, or is no� wortr► the cost c��e wi11 have to nay, wh�.l�e others are for the im�rovemenC �>ronram. To hel� the City Council !,dncide on whether to proceed, i� 4�ou1d be helpful to have your views. This documenC will be forwarded to the Fridley City C�unciZ. Please;si�n below as an i.ndication of yot�r present oninion. , For street i;nnr�vemen� ' l��?inst Str"eet I�►orovemeint � . � , ! ,��o�� _ ��� � ��w � � � �-�� � � l3�S 66 �Je 13 z� _ �hd�'��,� �1�, ' �� �,�- ; .� :�-�-� ��+'`.'"`-� '. ���. ��. � � � _ �g� /./(/ f 3� 6- G G'"` f� � N� �_.-�.._,�_ �,fM '� � � . . � �,.� (�, y��.,��'� I ;,r�, ���� r'' � � � ���.�- / l% ° l�t� � B"��. . i � � �, �.,��.:�- . ��' � .�� � v„� �1 � � 1� '. 1 �ndecided U �' C �� �� �'���--�'- �"�L-���� U�-,. ; r3�� ���� �.� _ � � � . � � ��� ��� �� ' j� � �.` �-�`'� '�`I �- ' �� ` . s ,�, � ��� �� r'-=" ��� ��- C� � � s���- � � � �� �? � ' �, �� �--, i . � �.G;��� _- - .� , %1 —. / s� /�i �G�: -, �`' Y� :� C � ��°� � � !3 s�o � � ty' �-��, ,�v� V � .n � }- � ��` tl�s � �--�'� � �� , � �3�- ����� C� yt� (�,,,��'^'�^� � n�v�/y �...�v�. Y�,�. , . i 3 3 �t. � � �'�, �i � � . tJ . � , . .. � � � a � � s1` ' �~—�- ` � _..�..�_._..,`` l�( ti (:t'. � C � cCr,�/ ---______ � � � •�� ::.. �- b �,�� -; � I� � (�(��, � � � 'n i � TM �. l�.i ��.�� �.. l� �-(�cL rt-�Q � . �t c�,cT�-a � � �'�- ��� '� �� r , . � z ,� ��1 � , lj._�'. � Gh7iu� C�f�TG�(,�2�'</I /; � �� --..��_ 6� Y66��?r. � i.�_ .. , __ ( ��bN ,�, 5 t�j�2� � .�..�ti'-��5.� . , C�''�,(�na CE�7� +�. ,�. , �`f a�i'� � ��'-�-��� !"�c��.� . ���� �., �<<�� � , , ��� 1��. � 5 �-C�l-�' � � Q, /%� ��/v ,. v �- - �L�.� 3 �������� F . . i. .j - . ; . , .', B 0 � 1 � i i � , � � . i �1 November 4, 1�76 i Mayor Bi7_1 Nec� City of Fridl�y 6431 Universi�:y Avenue NE Fridley, Mn 5�432 Dear Bill: I Plea�e accept�,my resignation from the Human Resaurces Commission of the city o� Fridley effective immediately. Personal responsi- bilities keepime from giving as much time as I v��ould like, as much t�.me as $�eeded, to worthwhile participatior4 in this Conunission. ; I would lzke to thank you and the Council for appointing me. It was a new �nd very re'��arding experience. I��m particularly proud of the �;fact that the Fine Arts Committee v�as founded - during my tim�e of servzce; and that it has had .�uch a successful year. I am t�ankful also that the Council has qiven it their support with �vblic fundse I look forward to thE� time when a chax'te?- ammeridm�nt makes it possibZe to have a Fine Arts Commission in; our city. Judging from the numbers of people attending eveints sponsored by the FAC this year,, there seems to be growing sup;�ort for this type of activity. Since the FAC is one o� th� major pro'ject commi�ttees of the Human RPsourGes Commission., it sPems logical to have a repre- sentative of,-the FAC on the Comniission. The Youth Pro;ect Committee is 'ar�other group tl�at should be r_epre,sented on the Huznan Resoure�s Comzni5sion. Currently, Ned Sto:rla would make a fine contr�.bution. Than7c you for� giving me the opportunity to serve xny communzty. � ,� ; i ('�� C9..�� �.XJ • cc: Barbara�Shea, Chairperson, Human Resou ces Commission 11 ESTIMATESI FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION - NOVEMQER 15, 1976 —r— Smith, Juster, Fei;�kema, Chartered Suite 1250 ' Builders Er.change Building Minneapalis, Minne'sota 55402 For 1ega1 ser,'vices rendered as Prosecutor by Carl Newquis� for October, 1976 Weaver, Taiie & N�rrick 316 East Main Str�et Anoka, Minnesota ',55303 For Services Rendered as City Attorney for October, 1976 $ 1,756.25 $ 1,772.70 12 TIP4E RECORD FOR OCT�O�ER, 1976 PROSECUTIOPJ WORK 1. Preparation, Tr�avel and Time in Court for 10 Jury Trials!and 18 Court Trials. 2. Investigation and Process of Complaints including offiiCe conferences, phone con- ferences, corr�spondence and preparation of 26 formal c4m�laints. 3. Court and Po1i�e Administration. TOTAL ?_9 hours 30 minutes , 18 h�ours 15 mi nutes 50 minutes 43 hours 45 minutes DATF. . � 0 FORWARDED FROM LAST STATEMENT 11-04-76 For� legal services rendered as Prosecutor for �he City of Fridley. Oc�ober, 1976 Retainer. $1000.00 Se�retarial Services 100.00 Tir�e in excess of 30 hours (18 hours 45 minutes) 656.25 �! { QE'.C:%)� i. U� IG�f r�°C?c.::!E', i O� �ei!�/ ''lili.i¢. ��i! i itICC..J�'�ii, C.�'rrl O; ..... .t�..... !ii�'<<��1C..'O�'� ; rtic: ur � i r� �;� c:; �: �,.,_ :i:.��.;; ;:,;: .. _. " �s�"_ . _._..�..____ ` �, 5 , ',atu e �? C ,-a: �,;a��t � SMITH. JUSTER, FEIKEMA, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AT LAW �,-��:_ n� sox • BALANCE $1000.00 $1100.00 $1756.25 l2A , , �i I �, CNARLESR.WEAVER HERMF•.t. L. TALI.E VIRGIL C. HFRRICK ROF3ERT MUNNS WILLIAM K. GOODRICH I � THOMAS A. GEDDE JEFFREY P. HICKEN DOUGLAS E. KLINT VCH � CITY OF FRIDLEY , , '�, LAW OPFICES ! WEAVER, TALLE & HERRICK '�,, 316 [AST MAIN STREGT ����, ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 421SA13 November I1, 1976 � ,October Retainer � CoLU�.ci1 Meetings 7 hours Staff 1�Teetings , 3 hou.rs Conferences with Staff ' 6 hours ,Lega1 Research ', 12 hours Citizens Inc{uiries 2-1/2 hours Springbrook Nat�me Center Meeting 1-1/2 haur � ', 3 Z----�—____ Hours in excess of 30 @$!35.00 per ho� �DISTRICT COURT: ,' Fridley vs. PERA (Meeti.n;'g t�i.th staff;attendance at Distrlct Coln t rIearing,; Revie�a of Memos Fridley vs. EricI<son ; �Secretarial Allowance EXPENSES ADVl�'v'C�D : l� Xerox Copies @$.15 pelr copy � � I ' � 12 B INVOICE N° iS45 I $1,000.00 70.00 400.00 200.00 100.00 2.70 'I'OTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �'1'�� .'�� LICENSES TO BI; APPROV�D BY THG CITY COUNCIL �T "I'E[I::IR h1EETING OF' NOVEI+t[3ER 15, 1976. 13 TYP£: OF LICF..NSE ; ', ' SERVICE STATIO�-rUMrSi City of Fridley ; b431 University Ave. �1.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55'�,432 For: Pumps � , ' � BY : Ralph Volkman � APPROVED t3Y: R. Aldrich �ire Inspector D. Clark Building Inspector FEE: {Vaived l3A LICENS�S TO B� il�PPROVED BY TfiE CITY COUNCIL AT TH�IR REG(JLAR M��TING ON NOV�I�3ER 15,,' 1976 GENERAL CONTF21�4�TOR APPROVED BY Blaine Constru tion Inc. 10152 Butternu Street N.W. Darrel Clark Coon Rapids, . 55433 By: Blaine Edmundson Com. Dev. Adm. Construction S�eel Inc. 8850 Wentworth'Avenue South Darrel Clark Bloomington, P��. 55420 By: Cecil Reiners Com. Dev. Adm. MASONRY ' Lance BartZettlInc. 9725 Humboldt �venue Soutiz Darrel Clark Minneapolis, M�h. 55431 By: Lance E. Bartlett Com. Dev. Adm. � ■ ' 13 B I' ■ � � LC�SC: ° 'i0 C /lF'PftOVED: p1UL7IPLL U�ICLLIP�G L1C � Q ' Per�iod Sept��Ttiber 1, 197i5 to Septeinber 1, 197�7 � O;,;tdER �I ADDRESS UNI1'S F[.E P,('f'ROVED 6Y: East River Way Prop. 321 - 79th way 4 $15.00 R. D. Aldrich, � 104 Wood Rid e Dr. ' Fire Prev. S I White Bear Lake, 24IJ. 551�10 ' ' M. Filister , 5640 East P.iver Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, 5750 East River Rd. ! Fire Prev. Fridley, M;�. 55432 ', � P1. Filistez ' S660 East P.iver Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above i Fire Prev. , M. Filister ' 5680 East River Rd. 42 47.QQ R. D. Aldrich, same a�dress as above Fire Prev. , M. Filister ! 5720 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above ' �� Fire Prev. � M. Filister ' S740 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above ; Fire Prev. 'M. Filister '; 5760 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. I�M. Filister ! 5780 East River Rd. 42 47,00 R. D, Aldrich, same address as above Fire Prev. M. kilister � 58d0 East River Rd. 42 47,00 R. D. Aldrich, �, same address as above ;I Fire Prev. M. Filister 5820 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, I� same address as above , Fire Prev. i M. Filister ! 5840 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D. Aldrich, �'Isame address as above ��, Fire Prev. i ' � M. Filister j 5860 East River Rd. 42 47.00 R. D, Aldrich, same address as above j . Fire Prev. �� � Duane & Rosemary Orteiiei 6503 East River Rd. 5 15.00 R. D. Aldrich, 4511 Gettysburg Ave. No. Fire Prev. New Iiope, MN. 55428 � � � , I I ' , � • . ' • ' , ' i - � - — - '