12/13/1976 - 5732JANET KONZAK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1976 � ' ' , � ' � ' I1 � ' ?22 THE.�9INUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETIPlC OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 The Public Hearin� Meeting of the Fridley City Council of December 13, 1976 was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLED6E OF ALLEC,IANCE: • Mayor Nee led the Council and the audience in sayin� the Pled�e of Alle�iance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: P1ayor Nee, Councilman Hamernik, Councilwoman Kukowski, Councilman Starwalt and Councilman Fitzpatrick. MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Nee stated that he wished to add to the aaenda, correspondence from Ms. Pat ' Ranstrom renardin� "Council Support of Ms. Pat Ranstrom for Apoointment to Metro Council Park and Open Space Comnission,"at the end of the meetinn. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt the anenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � Mr. Bailey Tiller, 1535 Cardena Avenue N.E., stated he had some matter to discuss with �" the City Council. Councilman Starwalt told Mr. Tiller that he believed the public hearinn would not run very lona and if he wanted to wait around, the Council would be receptive to hearinn what he wanted to say. P1r. Tiller stated that he would be happy ; to wait. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. �76-09, DELEIER ADDITION, BY DONALD LEIER, GEPIERALLY LOCATED IN THE 1500 BLOCK BETWEEN 73RD AVEPIUE AP1D OP�OPdDA(;A STREET N.E.: ' . MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readin� of the Public Hearin� notice and open the Public Hearinq. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votir� aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:36 p.m. ' C ' ' , ' �. Mr. Dick Sobiech, Public Works Director, stated that this 4�as a consideration of a final plat from residential R-1 and multiple dwellina R-3 property �enerally located between 73rd and Onondana at about Lakeside Drive. The pronosed nlat consists of three residential lots and four parcels that will be zoned R-3. The more southerlv �ortion, that abuttin� 73rd Avenue, is zoned R-3; that abuttinn Onondaaa Street is zoned R-3. Mr. Sobiech further pointed out that the intent of the developer at this time is to develop all seven lots into sinale family residential as has been done to the west with the completion of the Jim Lund Estates. However, it should be noted that with the combination of lots, a multiple dwellina compiex could be nossible.The Planninq Commission did recommend anproval of the plat with the stipulation that certain easements be obtained in order to complete the road pattern in the area toaether with the stipulation that if, in fact, the R-3 property was develooed multi�le, nrovisions be made to direct the traffic out to 73rd Avenue away from the residential area. He also stated that the lots in the southerly half are only 72.25 ft. in width of lot frontaqe. The code calls for 75 ft. but in this particular case in order to utilize the propert.y to his best advanta�e, the developer is proposinn four 72 ft. oarcels of prorerty. He further stated that even thouqh there are only 72 ft. fronta�es, the lot area is well in excess of the 9,000 sq. ft. ' I _ _ _._ _.____ _ _ _ __ --- - ----- - — — -- — - -- — : r � 4 i 1.13 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 2 Mr. Sobiech added that this pr000sed plat relates to the lot split request last Plonday evening where the property just to the west of the proposed nlat requested a lot split. At that time, the stipulation of a lot split request was the acouisition and dedication of certain roadway easements. In this particular case, if the lot split was approved together with the plat, they would ask the developer to proceed witF� ne�otiations for the remaining minor acquisition for the proposed roadway. Mr. Sobiech stated that he believed Mr. Don Leier was present. He also stated that at the present time, they have one-half of the needed right-of-way. Mayor Nee then asked the Council if anyone had any questions and Councilman Starwalt stated that althouc�h he did not have any questions as the development of the area seemed logical and straiqht-forward, he did not reco�nize anyone in the audience and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to comment on the subject. There was no response. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinq on the consideration of the final plat. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl,y and the Public Hearin� closed at 7:43 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. #76-07, ROTTLUPlD OAKS, BY ROTTLUND COPIPANY, NC., GENERALLY L CATED BETWEEN RUTH S REET AND EAST RIVER ROAD, NORTH OF LIBERTY STREET N.E.: � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readinp of the Public Hearin� notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Unon a voice vote, a1T votinc� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq opened � at 7:45 p.m. � Mr. Sobiech stated that this was a proposed plat near East River Road and nenerally in alignment with Ely Street. The attempt is to replat some existina lots and the purpose is to provide better use of the existing property. The terrain in the area with Spring Brook Creek going through there, does have an impact on the adjacent aroperties. The petitioner has requested from the City a replat of the area in order to better utilize the property. Mr. Sobiech pointed out that the property is, in fact, zoned P.D.; but there is a trend in the area for residential construction and as a matter of fact, the construction would be residential in nature. This would be consistent with the property that has been developed to the north of the proposed plat. There was, however, some discussion at the Planning Commission meetin� reqardinq setbacks and front footaqes. The petitioner initially developed a pronosed nlat which had ten lots on it. There was some �roblem in that the majorit,y of the lots did not have the minimum 75 ft. lot covera�e at the buildinq setback. The petitioner then redrew it, eliminatinn one lot and came up with a proposal that the Plannin� Commission did recommend for ar�nroval. However, the proposal before the Council at nresent, consists of nine lots; and the majority of the properties now meet the 75 ft. frontaae at the buildinn setback. Mr. Sobiech further stated tha± in order to obtain the minimum front footaae, the petitioner did have to set back the buildirr�s n5 ft. from the nronertv line and that is 10 ft. in excess of the requirement of�a minimum 35 ft. setback. There are, however, two prooerties--one 65 ft. and the other 70 ft. where the minimum setback is not maintained. Mr. Sobiech stated that the netitioner has been workina with the property owners. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that most of the questions durinn the discussion before the Planninq Con�nission had to do with the lot width and the buildinn setback, and that seemed to have been taken care of by reducina the total nlat bv one lot. Mayor Nee then asked if there were any �uestions from the audience and there was no response. He further proceeded to connratulate whoever put it tonether. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearin� on the consideration of the final plat. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uoon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinn closed at 7:53 p.m. � ' ' , 0 , � LJ ' �J � J! ' �� � � , I i ' � I ' I ._____ _ � : � _: � _ _ _- _i 224 i ( PUBLIC HEARIN(; MEETING Of DECEPI6ER 13, 1976 PAGE 3 !� Mn. Sobiech then stated that the next item, Item No. 4 on the Anenda, is in conjunction with the aforementioned item and more than likely the vacation of the street should ! be brou�ht to�ether with the replattino as they are tied to�ether. He further stated j that what he was lookina for was a January 3rd apnroval of plat and second readin� of ' the vacation ordinance. Everythin� would be on the Januar,y 3rd A�enda. f PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET AND ALLEY VACATIOh! RE(1UEST SAV ,#76-06, BY ROTTLUtdD COMPANY INC. TO VACATE ELY CIRCLE, GENERALLY LOCATED BET!•!EEP� RUTH STREET AWD EAST RIVER ROA .� , MOTION by Councilman Fitznatrick to waive the reading of.the Public Hearinn notice and ' open the Public Hearinn. Seconded by Cauncilwoman Kukowski. Unon a voice vote, all � votin❑ a,ye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearin� j oaened at 7:5n p.m. Mr. Sobiech stated that this was a formality with the oronosed plat in that it is a replat of the existina properties and the utilization of the roadway ri�ht-of-way into ; the proposed plattinq. He further stated that one of the thin�s that must be done is to vacate the present.street rinht-of-way. At the present time, there is no existinn sewer, water, storm sewer, nower, aas, etc. Mayor Nee then asked if there were any comments fror! the Council or the audience, and there were none. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the Public Hearin� on the vacation request. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Uoon a voice vote, all votin� a,ye, P•1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinn closed at 7:55 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING OPJ FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P. S. ;','76-11, REAL ESTATE 10 ADDITIO�J, BY FRANCIS J. GIRDLER, GEP�ERALLY LOCATED IN THE PlE �UADRA�IT OF I.F�4 APlD HIGHWAY 65 N.E.: .5 � F10TION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readina of the Public Hearing notice and open the Public Hearinn. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. U�on a voice vote, all i votinn aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing opened at 7:56 p.m. Mr. Sobiech stated that this is a pro�osal to olat a narcel of pronerty located on Hillwind Road. The proposed plat was before the City a couple of years ano when there was an intent by the developer to construct a real estate office buildinn. The proposal will be a clarification of le�al descriotion for a oarcel of nroperty, instead of havina to deal with the metes and bounds descrintion throunhout the histor,y of the oarcel with the construction. It has been su�aested that it be �latted in order to qet by with the Lot 1, Block 1 addition type leaal descrintion. Mr. Sobiech then continued to state that one of the stipulations to the previous recommendation for a plat approval was the dedication of an easement in order to serve this parcel of pro�erty with sanitary sewer from the sewer in Polk Street. He further stated that at present they have the sewer easement dedication. It was dedicated in conjunction with the recently approved plat--just to the north of the uroposed plat. Therefore, at this time, they do have the necessary easement that is needed and what is presently before the Cit,y Council is the plattinn of this parcel of property for the clarification of leqal description with the understandinn that the proposed developr�ent in th? area is for a real estate office. P1r. Sobiech also �ointed out that althouqh the properties to the north and to the south are zoned R-3 multiple dwellin9; the property under consideration is zoned CR-1, which does permit the office building proposal. Playor Nee then proceeded to ask if anyone had any questions. Councilman Starwalt stated that he did not; however, he stated that in view of the Plannina Cortmission's Minutes, there was considerable discussion and he believed that the persons that had questions were well satisfied at the time. He further stated that the aforementioned is moving toward the development of the area and it apnears logical and straight-forward MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to close the Public Hearina on the final plat. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, P1ayour Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearin� closed at 8:�1 o,m. ( I� . � _----- - - _ — _ _.._ _ _ _ --- _— -- -- ---- - ---- i PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 225 PAGE 4 Mr. Bailey Tiller, 1535 Gardena Avenue N.E., spoke to the City Council re�ardinq Senior Citizens and the cost of water. The cost of water bein� $50 or more for citizens that have a �arden and elm trees which they water. The citizens are char�ed for water that does not qo into the sewer system. P1r. Tiller then asked that the Council consider a cheaper rate for sewer and water. Mayor Nee then asked Mr. Tiller how would he describe a particular household. Everyone in the household over 65? Mr. Tiller stated that the CounciT will have to include those people whether they are Senior Citizens or not as they deserve a consideration also, a�ain, requestina that a plan be worked out so tha� the people are not char�ed for.water that is not �oina down into the sewer. Mayor Nee stated that this has come up for discussion in the past. However, thev are not sure how to improve it in a practical way. He further stated that this would again be discussed at the Council's conference meetinn. Councilman Starwalt then asked P1r. Tiller if he had appeared before the Human Development Commission, and he responded that he had not. Mr. Tiller stated that the Councilmembers are the number one people in the City,.and he believed that the Council would not turn him down. Councilman Starwalt then stated that there is a lona standina policy of not bypassing the citizens committees, the commissions, etc., as the,y play.a very important role in the government of the City. Mr. Tiller commented that sneakinn honestly, he had no faith in the different comnissions. Mr. Tiller then stated that he would like to see some action taken for Senior Citizens low cost housing. He stated that nova was the time to do somethinn. There is land laying idle that has not been used for years. Lastl,y, Mr. Tiller stated that December 18th and 19th is "Food for Friends Day" and if the Councilmembers would �et in touch with other councilmembers in Anoka County to do somethin� to spread the word. He asked the Council to get in touch with Pat Brennan, ohone 571-8035, so they can have a successful "Food for Friends Day." Mayor Nee then proceeded to thank Mr. Tiller for comina down to talk to the City Council. BLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISIOP� P.S. �76-10, INNSBRUCK VILLACES SECOND ADDITION MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readin� of the Public Hearina notice and open the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearin� opened at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Sobiech stated that the Innsbruck Villa�e Second Addition is an extension of an existing plat called Innsbruck Villa�e. Several months aao, the plat Innsbruck Village was approved initially which consisted of approximately 25 structures of four units each. He further stated that upon anproval of the final plat, the developer proceeded with some final drawings and en�ineering calculations tryin4 to better utilize the property. He came up with a utilization of the propertv with the development of 22 units. Everythinn to the west of the property line which is the qeneral property line of the apartment complex, is the then re-approved plat with the 22 townhouse structures of four units each. The petitioner is proposin4 to utilize a portion of the anartment buildin� property together with an outlot of the ori�inal Innsbruck plat to develop two additional structures for a total development of 24 structures. To ensure that the property is maintained, the parcel of property which was desinnated an outlot in the Innsbruck Village plat would be transferred to the apartment buildin� and the apartment complex would in turn be added to the total townhouse complex. He stated that what was before the Council this evenina.was the process necessary to approve a plattinn of townhouse structures into two blocks of four lots each. There will be some transf�r of property to ensure that certain area requireinents still are maintained for the existina apartment and the proposed townhouse development. Mr. Sobiech stated that P1r. Jim London was present to answer any questions. I _-- – __ __ _____ _ _ _ _— _ _ _ _ _ _ .�._ _ _ I � . ' L� , � ' � � � 226 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PA6E 5 Mr. Jim London, Darrel A. Farr Development Corp., stated that thev had a technical problem when working on the final plat and they had the preliminar,y approval for Outlot B, Innsbruck North. The publication did not sav anythin� about Outlot A, the Black Forest property, and after talkin� with Staff; it was sun�ested that they take their chances and come back with the second addition plat. Mr. Sobiech proceeded to show the City Council a sketch. Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Mana�er, then asked Mr. Sobiech to o0 over what recreation facilities are being provided. P1r. Sobiech stated that there will be a tot lot ' installed together with the construction of two tennis courts. Mayor Nee asked if there were any comments, and there were none. Mr. Bailey Tiller asked if perhaps some of the land could be held back and made into a"winter wonderland" i.e., skiina, toboqnaninq, etc. . Councilman Starwalt stated that they �ave us a biq piece of land to the north, a total"of 22�acres, which came out of these nenotiations. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinn on the final plat. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, tlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearin� closed at 8:46 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P.S. ,','-76-05, INNSBRUCK NORTH REPLAT 3RD AD ITION, BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP.,.(;ENERALLY LOCATED OP! THE WEST SIDE OF EAST BAVARIAN PASS AND SOUTH OF MEIS7ER ROAD N.E.: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the readin4 of the Public Hearina notice and ' open the Public Hearinn. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. UPon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rr�tion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq �� � .,� opened at 8:47 p.m. � ; Mr. Sobiech stated that this was a proposal to replat part of the existina townhouse area Third Addition, an area that was oriainally set uo for sin�le car varaqes. � The proposal is to provide the replattina that would allow construction of double car garages. There were some comments at the Plann�n� Commission meetinq where the Town- house Association had some difficulty with their Architectural Control Committee of 1 what was being proposed in the area--double car gara�es for a certain number of units. What it amounts to is that in place of the previously approved four sinale car garages, there will now be two doubles and two singles for each of the blocks of which there are six. ' , � , , , ' . � ' � One of fihe other stipulations from the Architectural Control Committee is that the units have garage door openers and that the units be placed five feet further back from the street than the original buildings; all six aarane buildinas be positioned in front of their respective housinc� units, and that additional parkina be provided in the Fifth Addition with the construction of additional townhouses to the south. The Planning Comm.ission did recommend approval to the City Council. Mayor Nee stated that in lookina on the map, he cannot tell how they relate to anything else. Mr. Sobiech stated that the developer thou4ht it more economically feasible to market the already proposed units with double car aaraoes than sinale car c�araqes, and this was the problem with the Townhouse Association in that they believed there would be a problem with the market values of the existin� townhouse development. Mr. Steve Kessel, 5525 East Bavarian Pass, stated that when he purchased the property two years ago, he was told that everythin� would continue the same--the aaraqes would be single. However,since that time, they have qone to double nara�es. Mr. Kessel feels that the double garages will decrease the property value, plus the fact that it is a very narrow road. I � l :�.7 ; PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 6 Councilman Starwalt stated that if Mr. Kessel is talkinp about a two aarane unit and a single garage unit at the same monetary value with certain other fixtures and so forth, he could see a difference; but there surely will be a reasonable dollar difference between the units. Mr. Kessel stated there will be a definite increase in the price, however, he realizes as a single homeowner after buying a home two or three years ano, it is bound to go up in price. Councilman Starwalt asked where the tennis courts were �oinq to be built. Mr. Jim London stated that one of the stipulations is that the tennis courts be built after the completion of five structures or twenty units. Mr. London then proceeded to show the City Council a drawinq. Mayor Nee then asked if anyone was interested to come up and take a look at the drawina. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Kessel if he had a chance to be heard by the Association. Mr. Kessel stated that he had not, and that he is on the Architectural Control Committee. He missed the particular meeting that the Association had. Mr. Terry M. Wiley, 5571 East Bavarian Pass, stated some of the concerns of the residents, reiterating what Mr. Kessel talked about, addin� the reduction of qreen space between the units and the overlap concern. The point beinn that if someone is selling a unit with a double car garage, someone with a sinale car �araqe is at a definite disadvantage in that most families have two cars. Also, the removal of the additional area from the parking pool is of further concern, in that ,you are takina a space that can be used by any of the residents, by their cluests, and by non-residents directly away from the parkinq area that is outside. Also, there is concern for the children passing between the garages. � Mr. Jack Lindstrom, President of the Innsbruck North Townhouse Association, stated that the Executive Committee did not turn down this proposal. Ne also stated there are four members on the Committee and the vote was three to one to accept the proposal. He further stated that he is noi workina for the developer but it is his intention to always work for the best interest of everyone in the development. Mr. Gary Odegaard, 5519 East Bavarian Pass, stated that he was not in favor of the proposal. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, the Council's concern renardina the � matter. Mr. Herrick stated that he frankly did not knoav; ho�^�ever, he believed that � certain documents will have to be reviewed i.e., by-laws of the Association. This is not really the City's responsibility to enforce. Ne further stated that he would like a chance to give some thought as to what the City's role would be on this prior to the Council taking an,y final action. The stand ma,y well be a personal matter as opposed to a Council matter, and probably the only role that the Council has would i be if there is a modificatio» of the original plan that was approved by the City Council Mayor Nee then asked if the Council had,ever approved a detailed plan. Mr. Sobiech stated they have and it is on file. Mr. Herrick stated that he believed there are two broad considerations: (1)that the Council should make in the sense of lookinq at the area physically and determining whether the proposed chanc�e is good or bad, and (2)Mr. Herrick stated that he could work with Mr. Sobiech between now and the next meetinq, and also review the document and the proposed plat change, and will �ive the Council a memorandum that will spell out what responsibility the Council has, and also he will make some comments as to what obligations the developer has to the present unit owners. Mr. Lorin E. Woods, 5542 East Bavarian Pass, stated that everyone out there did receive notice from the City that the replat was under consideration. Mayor Nee asked if there were any comments or questions and there were none. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to close the Public Hearinn on the final plat. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the PubTic Hearing closed at 9:44 p.m. 1 � __._ � _ _ _�. _ __ _ ._ -- - --- - -- ` _ . _.._�. � _ ._ l , 228 � �l � � ' ' � ' 1 • � r � ( � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1976 � PAGE 7 � COP�SIDERATION OF COUNCIL SUPPORT OF MS. PAT RANSTROM FOR APPOINTMENT TO METRO COUNCIL PAR16 AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION: � Mayor Nee stated there was a request to support Ms. Pat Ranstrom for an opening in the Parks and Open Space Commission of the Metropolitan Council. He further stated he had I received a letter from Ms. Ranstrom which was self-explanatory. The Metropolitan Council has published a request for people to serve on this Committee. Ms. Ranstrom took the initiative to contact members of the City Council and seek support for herself. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to adopt a"letter of support" for Ms. Pat Ranstrom. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, h1ayor Nee ' declared the motion carried unanimously. SNOW REMOVAL: , Mayor fJee stated that a man called him reparding the snow removal flier that was recently circulated and questioned the way the ordinance reads as it is too vaque, and when will it be enforced? The qentlemen also stated that he has parked on the street , many tirnes at his own risk and that this is too broad. He further asked that language such as "within 3 days after a 1" snowfall," or somethin� else be used. Mr. Herrick stated that he believed past Councils have gone throuqh a variety of � approaches to this problem. He further stated that it is difficult to say precisely when one may be towed away. On the other hand, Mr. Herrick believed it was drawn broad enough so as to put one on notice that he may be towed away at any time. i Mayor Nee stated that people park there so they can visit. Is that a violation? ! Mr. Herrick responded that it is a violation when it interferes with the removal of snow. He also stated that he would do some checking as to what the lanquage of the model ordinances are. Also, it is possible to ti�hten up the lanquaae, but that makes it less flexible and would probably end up makin� it more restrictive on the individual homeowners than it is at the present time. Mr. Herrick further stated that in the past, the Council adopted it with two thoughts in mind: (1) of having an ordinance that would permit a removal of cars when it interfered with the cleaning of the streets and, (2) with the hope of not being overally restrictive as far as parking; and when you take these two objectives, you end up with having something that is not too predictable. He stated that he was sure that it could be made more precise but perhaps lose some flexibility and would prabably, of necessity, make it more restrictive as far as parkinq goes. Councilman Starwalt stated that if the vast majority of the people can cope with the little problem, the qentleman should be able to. Mayor Nee stated that he wanted a legal ordinance. Mr. Herrick stated that he would write it--just give him the substance. ' Mr. Qureshi stated that it would be reviewed. ; ADJOURNMENT: � i , � � �_ MOTION by Councilman fitzpatrick to adjourn the meetin�. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearinq meeting of the Fridley City Council of December 13, 1976 adjourned at 10:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dorothy C. Green Secretary to the City Council Approved: William J. Nee Mayor I � � N��10 T0: ' DEPARTMENT HEADS - Following are the "ACTIONS NEEDED". Please have your answers in the City Manager's office by Wednesday f�oon, December 22, 1976. Thank you. �FRIDLEY CITY COUiVCIL - PUBLIC HEARING �'�EETIiVG - DECEMBER 13, 1976 - 7:30 P�M� PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: All Present I ADOPTION OF AGENDA; � Correspondence added from Pat Ranstrom. asking for support for�her application for appointment to the Metro Council Parks and Open Space Commission. CITY MANAGER P ACTTON NEEDED:GSPrepare letter of Support for Ms. Ranstrom to Commission. � . � PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT �UBDIVISION P�$. #76-09, , DELEIER ADDITION, BY DONALD LEIER, GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE 1500 BLOCK BETWEEPd %3RD AVENUE AND ONONDAGA � rSTREET �V � E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � � � � � . � 1 — 1 E Public Hearing closed GINEERING ACTION NEEDED: Put finai p7at back on agenda of December 20, 1976 for consideration � �� � , NGINEERING � r � PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P�$� #76-07, ROTTLUND OAKS, BY ROTTLUND COMPANY, INC „ GENERALLY LQCATED BETWEEN RUTH STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD, NORTH OF LIBERTY STREET N � E. . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . � . � 2 — 2 � Public Hearing closed ACTION NEEDED: Put final plat back on agenda at later date when appropriate. consideration , � � . ENGINEERING ' � • � ' ENGINEERING � M 1 . � GINEERING ' � ' PUBLIC NEARIfVG P7EETIi�G, DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS tCONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET AND ALLEY VACATION REQUEST SAV #76-06, BY ROTTLUND COMPANY, INC� TO VACATE ELY CIRCLE, GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN RIITH STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD, NORTH OF LIBERTY STREET�N� E� ��� Public Hearing closed ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on agenda of December 20, .,..3 1976 for consideration PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT $UBDIVISION P� $� #7b-11, REAL ESTATE IG ADDITION, BY FRANCIS �� GIRDLER, GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE NE QUADRANT OF I�694 ANn iiI GHWAY 65 � � E � publ i'c Ne�ring'clbs�d ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ACTION NEEDED: Put final plat back on agenda of December 20, consideration . , 4-4F 1976 for PUBLIC iiEARING ON FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION P�S. �%6-10, INNSBRUCK VILLAGES SECOND ADDITION, BY DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT CORP�, GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF iVORTH INNSBRUCK DRIVE AND WEST OF THE BLACK FOREST APARTMENTS� �. 5- 5 E Public Hearing closed ACTION NEEDED: Put final plat back on agenda of December 20, 1976 for consideration. Work out the details regarding the walkway access for citizens outside the development. � ' 1 1 , �GINEERING ' � . � 1 1 1 1 � � ' � 1 � 1 1 PUBLIC NEARI(�G MEETING, DECEMBER 13, 1976 PAGE 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTIiVUED) PUBLIC fiEARING ON FINAL PLAT $UBDIVISION P.S� #76-05, INNSBRUCK NORTH REPLAT 3RD ADDITION, BY DARREL A� FARR DEVE�OPMENT CORP�, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EAST BAVARIAN PASS AND SOUTH OF �`�EISTER ROAD IV�E� ���� 6— 6 G Public Hearing closed ACTION NEEDED: Put final plat back on agenda of December 20, 1976 for consideration ADJOURN: � , FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING � P�EASE SIGN NAME ADDR�SS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: December 13, 1976 NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER 1=_________________�_--_________________--__-_____-_ __ __ _ _--_ _____-_ _�_ =�=s==o: =ac3a= n�na�cc= =a= �� - � i �1 � _�z ��_�, �� 1 � �-�' :�� �� .� � 7� � �/ I �'r� /l�.�2�i-v j5- �l0 73 �.Z,. „� / � � C��,A G r IJJO � � �. � # �_.. ; , ,.� . �, , � �.G- � � � ,.� - � �� . ; � � � �,� ,S w �- �z-t t � � . �� � - — C� ` ��� � � � .�/ � _. , � � _. ,-- 5s , e " .� ���,� - C�9� � � L - ,�c1 � S � , �l �� .� � �l �, a�z �' , _,_�. _ .. . � <- -�-���:� = � /`'�. / «•� � t - � r �-� �- �' �� �'.s-s� S".� ,� 5 ,E � y�--�.� ��-� %r r r � a".� / c�,�-�iu-�-.�- 1 ! _ � � � �� � ' s �' r u,C� - - ��'S�l ���,�i✓� ��r," �% ��'CLF' � � � , r f - >> ,� f " � .�J,�,. ",p� �' , , _ `� -. . .. _, � _ - ii� � /�%/�? G� �: ,� , c; � � � , � � 1 ' r. � ' ��� �� . ' �� OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - Noti'ce is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on P�londay, December 13, 1976 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-09, Deleier Addition, by Donald M. Leier, being a replat of Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, to allow the devel- opment ofi 3 R-1 Lots (single family dwelling areas) and 4 R-3 Lots (general multiple family units), as presently zoned, all in the North Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located in the 1500 Block between 73rd Avenue N.E. and Onondaga Street N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will 6e heard at this meeting. Publish: November 24, 1976 December 1, 1976 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR l e�•"u,,.' �''NV . ._ -.. �.,� �. . c� �� ' : `..---====�, � , � � 0 � � ..._. � "�� . � 1� � i� � �' DELIER AllllITION, P.S. 4�76-09 � , � � • _ ° ( ,,,. .�J ' �9 (o , ,� •. ^v�•. ..�. r'� sr _ y _� �_._._ ... ..... _._ . . _----__---- wr.L._.� � _...__....... F..%. +' �7a _O A. 1 ,..� ._ _.._._ ♦ • ' �� • , � � • � n c. ' � .?"Ie c `% ... . /e i . : � /° � �� O % � I � , •�� ����i A..f� W �/ n � v /.� �C � r' � � I.GG�l�� . � .� _—� 7_ y.��1 � '` � f '._.�. �� _. _. �'� ��� _._ � 19! �4 ` . , :.f.'� . �!(,.,,�,°°.:�td''.a' /',//� .2 `.�.�_ ���......�� �o — -C(' _- V �; --�—'�-..__ - •1jj . _•!%�t ; n �!4 . . ��. ti 1� • • .'�_ � . ? y __' _ ,� ^ . . � , ��i. ,J' �•� ,y � � / �'� �. � n r � ` 1 � • ��J" ,n�. � I7I „�� le., � �d..! �? � ��'�'�i :.f�// `�' /+</.•� � � ' SM;• 7,�111 jv . -� ��in. 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J."', � �.y r,%f k'T':.d;rYar..�.�. ���j..,....�....r,..:�.....•!•,,'}:.......::,.w.....�....,..:F � " ^�; . . _ , ., � , . . . _ ,.•, •r� . rrr � . ,.. ,,..� �•�. .� _-•-�-----.._. __ .. .._._.�_..._..-----._ _. . . . . _... , .... ,.. .. ..__ ...__i 15+f -��.-��.,*.. I � .:i � �-- _---�.AV E- .___ - �,; . �=----------- - r, .,� : ��. : . ..�. . , . , - �i ��� cc�f . _ �?�'G�. /c'� � � � �. . � Pls�nnnin� Car.vni.ssion rt�;eting - October 6, 1976 Page 12 , ~ ' � 1B . I� Mr. Peterson stated his first inclination would be to vote °or lir. ?otter�s requesi;, but as the ciiscussion went along he felt it rras unfair to t:ze Planninfi Comriission to vote without knoi�ring if i_1; rras one, t�ro, or t'�ree lot� thzt ►•�auld be workin�; a hards�ip on I�Ir. Rotter, and that wa.s the reason for hi� :�otion. I� � J�Ir. Langenfe].d added �;hat what it boiled do�m to was i;hat t�ey �rere just asking ; that the Planned Unit Develop:nent procedure be follok�ed to the letter. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanir:ously. Mr. Roiter said he �rishe� to point out that the original de;•elo�:-�en:. �l�n o'' i , this proper�y was for a 108 unit apartment buildin�, whic'r. �ould havQ be�n a � disaster in that area. He said he didn't i�rani; 1;o compl�tel;; go thr���b� the � Planned Development procedure because of the Iength of tir�� it r;oul� �a:e, , but he r�as trying to better the property oth�r than the pre�:iously �,r.nned monster that was goi.ng to go there, and 'ne wished the Com�i�sior: t,�o�.;�.� conszd�r �;hat in their deter:aination. ,• 6. TABL,D: CQi1SSD�RATIC�� OF �EZO?IIl`;G THE P� DISTRICT (PL:.:::��;D �E"��CP:�=�`:T) IN THE �11�� ��LCC� CF ��i�;' Fi'�:�:� R��D, Tu i�-1 SI::;:L:-, .' �-"_L�' :�:._,___.... r�:�r:. � � ' � ' , � � � � ' Tabled at September 8, 1976 Planning Comri�ssion meeting. NIr, Boardma.n expl.ained that this item had to do with ite!� 5, th? �ro�;csed plat ,`?y the Rottlur.d CoMpany, and suggested that this be contin�;ed �.n ���o Vreeks also. }�IOTION by Lan�enie'd, seconded by Peterson, that the Plar.nirg Co-����_cn continue �n �two :,ee'.;s tYie consideraiion o£ rezoning the P� �istr=ct �r. t_:� 8110 block o� East River Road to F-l. Upon a voice �*ote, a_1 co�ing a�-e, the motion carried unani,��ously. l�ir. Rottex� said that iten 6 taas an item brou�ht to the Corlr:?�ssio*.1 b;;* Sta_'�, and explained he was not requesf.,in� rezonin� on that pr�;er�y. 7. PUBLIC HEARIi�7s: CC"iSI�DF=�:;TTOi? OM A PR;L�;IP:aRY PLAT • . -�'�• ' T � � . '� :.: _ - 1 DELIE`rt :1�.)zi�C:� �i .�.t�h!..� i'i. Lr.�u�. =ezi�� c� rE�i�a� Oi frOL��j""'�-i;i.�.i.�OT' S Subdivision ':0 1�9, ;.o. a11ow �he develep;�eni of 3 R-1 lots (sin�_e ��:ilz� dwelling area) and i� R-3 Iots, (�eneral multiple fa.,i2y units), �en?rall}- located in the 150J 31ock bet;aeen 73rd avenue Pd.E. �1d Onondaga Street i;.�. NIr. Donald Leier was present. rI0TI0N by Peterson, seconded by Sergman, that the Planning Commissicn open the Pubiic 'riearing on cvnsideration of a prelir�inary plat, °.S. ;t76-�9, �e?eier Additien, b;T Dunald ri. Lcier. Upon a voice vote, all vctin� aye, Chairaerson Harris declared tii� Public Hearing open at �:��i P.rI. rlr. Board�ma.n directed t;:e Corunission to tu: n t� page 72 of their ager:da and pointed out the gen�ral locat.io�i of the arca. }ic said t:�ere were pla.ns taat Plunning Commi�sion r;eeti.nf; - October 6, 1976 Aa�e 11 � -- - --_____---_ , + �1 � : the locsstions of all the buildings would have to be presented on a plan, showing ,� contours and the r;hole layout betore the plan wa� approved. ?•lr. Board���an added that aci;ually the Plannin� Comriission could not waive any of tne codes� but could make a recommendation to the City Council.� � i � � � r , � � � ' ' Chairperson E�arris said that h9r. Rotter cculd dra;•: the houses on the plat to see if the setbark require;�ents t:ould de,troy the tress or i:: they wouldn�t. He added that the Commission should find out if P•:r. Rotter felt �7at the requirements would :rork a hardship before tney recomr:ended a. pra-�al of the plat. Mr. Boardr�an su;ge�ted a motion that �rould say r�r. Rotter iaoald atte::�t to maintain t:�e 75'- 1ot width a� the build.i.n� site location, .ar:� c�cs?d requ�.re a variance to this if that building location �aas any less t;an 77'. ::e sai� that way the Ap�eals Corunission could loo'r, at i-L-, and he thought t:�a� in r�ost cases it �:ouldn't take the l�j' to �et the 75' width. � tir. I�otter stated he �;anted to utilize the propert�T as best : e could, and there were 60' lots in the area i,�?:ere homes had been built. He said t^a�. if }-�e had to push the hones back to 50 or 60 feet, it might meet the lettcr of the lats but it mig':it not be presen�able as such. Chairperson Harris said t:�z;, uer:�aps he shauld determir.e kThere tne ?5' lines �;ere and sketch in a rcu�h c1;�ll�ng size and see .hot�r exactly the5 tirould fit in on the lot. :ir. Rotter sa_u he :�:oz:?d - consider that, t�ut he had already done the rdorth section of L�e �rea ��;it::out folloti•ring this forrnat. :�tr. riarris said t7at apparently scmeon� '_n the p�� � had,decided not to follow tne ordina.nce. l�ir. Peterson asked 2•ir. Rotter vrhat his plar_s t�;ere in terms o�" t�^:e, �r:d ,'�ir. Rotter replied he would like to start construction on lots 7, 1:nd 7 in a very shori time. NOTIOAT by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, to continue in t:�:o ��Tee�cs ti'�e Fablic Hearin� on consideraticn of�a proposed plat, P.S. ;r76-07, Rot•tIu^: Oa'�s, by the Rottlund Compa�y, and as'c the developer to brir,g in a sketch sno:�ing �he locai;ion of the buildings re�arding the 75' �,aidth and se�bac; re::uirerzer.ts. Mr. Peterson explained that they really had nothin� ta go oi: �� t':is t�r;e, and the sketch ���ould let then know if they were causir.g i•�r, Rott�?' a hardship or r.ot. P�ir. Bergman stated he thou�ht they here overburdening �:is thing. ;�e said he ��as sure that evenivally i•ir. Rotter tiTould have to do ;,n2t hac been su�gested, but he was not sure ttilat what would be dor.e to sho:a ti:e buildirg setbacks and 75� lot �Tidth at the building location �,�ould be tha� firm or val�d at this point as it would be at the tir�e I�ir. Retter ti•Tould se: iou�ly construct something. He stated that he was impresse� that er.e of the �:ubl�c benef�is of establishing continuity was not really that aoplicable around a cul-de-sac as in a straight-line block. rir. Berg;nan said he �as recogn�zir.g that this particular piece of land was causing some developi��ent probler�s, snd �Tas consid- erin� t}iat the 7>' width i,�as really not that unifornly adhered to. Chairperson Harris stated that in all netir plats it r�as. Mr. Ber�man said that it may be adhered to on ne�1 plats, but not in building construction on presentl�� platted property. iie said he cras quesi;ioning that that requiz•eraent �:as legally applzcable in a Planned Unit Developr�ent. I•1r. Harris said it �:as. Plannin� CommiJJi.on rfeetin� - October 6� 1976 � PagE 13 ..� 1 D � 73� would �o thrau�h that property and connect up to Onondaga Street. He explained that this was an existin� plat 1'rom AuciS.tor's Sub, and what �ras . bein� requested rras a replat of that Auditor's Sub. 'r1e stated that pa�;e 73 shoVred what ��as involved, and said at this time t•Ir. Leier was planning on goin� with single f.arni_ly horaes in the R-3. r•ir. Boardrlan said that if an apartment unit was allo:��ed in there as it was a.ccordin� to thc zonin�, he wouid suggest that a stipulation be made allo���ing no access 1;0 73'-� St. He brou�ht to the Cammission's attention a memo from 'PoM Colbert dated October 5, 1976 concern�ng i,he ��atermain, s�itary, and easernents in the Deleier Addition. Mr. Leier said he.bou�ht the property not knoti•rin� of the platting, and found out Lakeside Road was supposed to er.tend i�o t!�e cul-de-sac: He said ne aad invested in this and ;aould have to go ahead ti�rith ,it. I�1r. Leier said thc: lots were not 75� �ride, but 72.25' :ride, and it t•�as a tough situa�.ion. He added that this was an area v:here large hornes y�ould not be built, and� the sc�uare footage on the sr�allest lots were 9,97� feet and and the largest was 11,000 square feet. Chairperson Harris asked if the area�designated as R-3 r�as all one parcel now, and was told it was. He asked if T•ir. Leier proposed to split that into ?'OU-' _ sections, and T�.r. Leier replied 'ne did in order to have a h�ider range of �possibilities for it. P�ir. Harris asked ho;�r large the total �.-3 pa: cel ti:as, and 2•1r. Boaxd:nan said it :aas get�ing close to Lt0,000 square feet. T:r. Harris asl sd how ma�y uni+..s th�.t �•rould hold, 2r.d r;r. Boardman replie� about 16. . Mr. Harris asked if i�ere ;rere any proble:ns t:ith any of tne lots in the R-1 area, and I'•ir. Boardr.lan said there laere not. NIr. Peterson asked if he understood correctly that Staff had no proble:ns tti•itY: the petitioner's request with existing codes, otner than the stipulaiio:� £or the e�ress onto 73'2. Mr. Boardrnan said that t•;as correct, and he di'c.r.'t have a big problem 1•rith that area going either �t-1 or R-3. He said if it :•ren� F?-3 he would suggest all traffic be connected to ?3rd. He added it was even possible for half of that to go to R-1 and half go to R-3. Karen E�gert, 7351 Pinetree Lane, r�.E., asked if the pla.n called for 73 < to go through or if it would stop right there. i•Ir. Board�an explair�ed t::e road V:ould •connect, and suggested that should be a stipulation. iie added that he had contact i-rith the ot�mer of 2180, and his intent over the phor.e t,ras to go for a 1ot split North and South� and he would be coming in to apr15T for t?iat so:ne time next �aeek. However, he said, he still felt the sti.pulation for ease::ient should be connected to t.his plat in case he didn't apply for the lot split. Mr. Sobiech interjected t!iat in order to achieve i:he integrity of the future development that ilas planr�ed t�ere, it was the City's intent to nake that connection, and in order to make that connection they r►ust main�:ain t:�at easement. Chairperson Harris asked if the City would require these people to acquire the easement, and 2�x. Sobiech replied tha�t was their intention. He explained that to this date they had had the der-elopers acquire the easements, t�nd it was not unusual. ' John Eg�;ert, ?35� Pinetree to the neighbors around the R-1. , ' Lane, N.�., stated he lived on lot �/3, and in talking area they agrced they would like to see the area go Plannin� Commisci�on Meetinf; - Ocl:ober 6, 19?6 Pa�e 1!� - � '1 E Mr. I.eier said it was his intenti�n for �;he City to do this work and assess him £or it. ]fe �aid he al�o contacted the o��m�r of the apartment adjacent on the 3sastern side, and that person also o�n�ned the prop�rty where 73�, tiro�ald go stra��ht I,ast, ti�d he was interested in dain�; sometning there, too. 1•lr. Lei_er asked if, for ex��nple, the City would take over thc curbs, street, set�rrr, et;., if 1;hey would couple that bid with others in the area. I•Ir. Scbeich reF;lied that they tried to incorporate street �rojects with the annual ci��y �tre�•t improvemen�s, and would hop��fully get the lowest possible bid for constru�ti.on. }ie added that sanitary �e:�re: and *,•rater �-�ould be a.no�:her bid, but 1;hey'.tried to combine as much as possiole to get �;tie loiaest possible price. MOTIC:�I b;� Bergma.n, sec�nded by Shea, that tne Planning Com�ais�ion close t?�ie Pui:�lic �iearing on considcration of a preli:�inary p.lai;, D.S. �'7�-09, Deleier kdd3.tion, by Donald i;. L�ier. •Upon a voice vote, a11 votin� aye, C'riairperson Harris declared the Public i�earing closed at 10:05 °.A4. . 1�^rs. Schnabel asked if the;� were approving a replatting into four separate lots of t:�at R-3 section fcr tr:e parpose of ihose parcels eventuall;� bei:�g buili on as R-1 propert�T. Pir. Board.�an said ne v�as sure thut j,ras w'r,at .�;:. Leier � s inten �ion :�:as. ?•irs . Schnabel tnen asked wny tney would not rezor�e at the sa�e time they replat, and :�s. Eoard.�an ansT�rered beca;xse R-1 could be built on R-3 property. . �1rs. Schnabel stated trat the lot size bothered her. She said i'�at she had , soi�e aroblems gcin; along 1•;ith replattinb �rith lots of that s_ze sir;ce t.rEj� were tryin� to b� co��s� stent in the C3.t�f to r�a�nta�r: 75' •�Tici�^C. ;^�r. �ortrar:;ar. p�intcd out that it �,rou�d be difficult to do it, ar?y d� f_°erentiy. h"_rs. , Schnabel said she didn't have the :�agic ans�:�er, bu� fea.t it H:ou1d reouire a vax��.an;.e Gt the time it tiras built upon. Iir. Sobiech state� tnat a variance Vaou1� riot be necessary if the plat k�as approved as such. ' � LJ � , � � � ' MOT'IOI� by �ergman, secor,ded by Peterson, that the Planning Co:�;nission recorunend to Council approval of preliminary plat� P.S. ;f76-09, �2leier Addition, by Dcnald ;�I. Leier: �eing a replat of Lot 33, Auditor's sub- division I�o 129, to allow tne de�eloprient of 3 R-1 lots (sinole family d;,�eliii?g area) and !� R-3 lots, (general multiple family units), generall�r Ioca�ed i.r. the 1.�00 Biock betz•reen 73rd Avenue A.E. and Ononda�a Street V.E. Nrith the follo!,�in`a, understandings: 1) That street easeinents to co�nplete 73=� S:.rcet a;:� i�;s znt�rsectior. of La'_Keside Road tiaill be comple �ed, and 2) T'r,at if the R-3 property is actually developed ior r�ultiple f�nily, that access not be ofi 73� Street. Upon a voice vote, all vo�:ing aye, the mot.ion carried unani;.iously. 8. LOT SPLIT RE �Uc?ST: L.S. �=7G-08 BY ".& i�;RS. KENP��:i?i GASPi,?: The :�urpose af i,he lot s�:lit request was to s it of't 5•>" iee� oi' 1'roni., footage of Lot 8, Block 1, !ioliday Hills Seco Addition, and make it a part of Lot 9, Block 2, iio?id�� Hills �ddit' n, bu� the request now includes other properties listed on their eed that l�as never �ene through the lot split procedure by the City. �e coMplete z•equest zs as fo1lo��s: That part af LOt �� BZOCK 1, Holid� Elills Second Add�tion, ciescribed as follo�rs: Begi.nning at a poin , on the Easi;erly J.ine of Loi:• 3, Flock 1, 'fioliday Elill:� Second Additioti, s�fid point being located 97 feet uouthwesterly of 1:he .� ' � � ' � � � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUaLIC HEARING QEFORE TNE CITY COUNCIL 70 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 , University Avenue Northeast on Monday, December 13, 1976 in the Council Charnber at 7:30 R.t�1. for 1;he purpose of : Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-07, Rottlund Oaks, by the Rottlund Company, Inc., being a replat of Lots, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Biock i, Spring Brook Park Second Addition, together with Lots 32 and 33, and the Wesi 30 fe�t of Lots 34 and 35, Block 10, Spring Brook Park Addition, zoned P.D. (planned development), all lying in the South Half of�Sectian 3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridiey, Caunty of - Anoka, Minnesota. *"� Generally located betwen Ruth Street N.E. and East River Road N.E., North of Liberty Street N.E. Anyone desiring ta be heard with reference to the above matter will 6e heard at this meeting. Publish: November 24, 1976 December l, 1976 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR � 2 ;� ,, � ■ _ ^ �� �' � � �' t�� ""�� � '" ��` l �;�� � .. .. �,. � �� '� � ; '�" ROTTLUND OAKS P.S. #76-07 . ,, . , , 2 A .� . . . �. t � t . , � - _ � . .. � � . �iis�� ......stG•i4.St'.. ».. �°�• ol.4J- t="jji � . i e.i,>�,rCi �'; Jo ` e '[ ^ l�' 3¢"'"' �:�'` ;:a / ' � 4" � � 15 ` : �,: � C.�� � lY� !? 3 4 S 6 7 8 9/a /! /� /3 s!6 /R rg�t �ti r.• " � `� s� : � 3' 90 �i, � � • ., �` 4 �,�n � ,��� 1� ; 1 i . /'� , � "'` t� � 2 � � " � r I � � � i ...m;,,,� ^t �7 � � _ I . ���y � o � �,ts� r ' � '�Y� �t � ... . _ . - . . � - - . 3e � � R•r � � a3r:, t � . . 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L � l � -� .�, .�.... ,. � :�.�j . a' � � �,� 1t . ��.�'.I la' � I,�j ' • � :�: G � �'- j 1 �il r�� • } t s � �; .. . ;�i i � .:,�, :, '��{►�� �--------_' - — ------ � � - -- -- - - _ - -- -_ ._._ _ -� ; �: � , -•-��,.. --�- -� ��<'�Jb � � � � i� i � 1 � � � �• i'lanning Cornrii.ssion '�Ic�etin� - Octobcr 6, 197� Pa�e 7 the land slot. Eie showed Mr. Eer�man the plat and explained what he me . ?•tr. Robert Z�irek, 5629 110. Danube Road, asked if somewhere in the Cit there was a master pl� that sYio:�red the way thing� were goin� to be. Mr. oardman saicl they h�.d an over-a11 concept, but it dic�n't S}'104J where all th buildings tirould be.. Chairperson Harris said that they �.:ould have somethin on all buil.dings i.hai; rrere unc:er construction at this �iMe. J•1r. :'urek sked if he could _�et copies of thc letters that had been discussed, and rT s told he could. lir. Bullock asked if the direction of the road in question � on any plan sho:;ing the de�ree of an�li_ng to i;he AIor�;h, rePlied that construc �ion plans ha:i not been dr��n. A:r. T3 they would be able to Imota wheri it had been dra*..n so t e;� � opinions, and 1ir. Sobeich said the ofrice coulti just ake ►�ras interested shot•r him the plans. ��d been drac:�n d ;'r. Sobeic;� ullock asked ho:•r could express their his name and if he ' �i0TI0N. by Peterson, seconded by Shea, that the P ning Cor.vnission close the Public Hearing on consideration.of a prelim� ar�,� plat, P.�. �i76-��, Innsbruck Villages Second Additicr., by Darrel . Farr Dev�lopr�ent Cor�oration. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairpers �iarris declared the Pi:n�ic , Hearing �closed at 8:1t8 P.I:. ' � 2•irs. Schnabel com*�ented that one thing maint � nance of �dorth Innsbruc�; Driz e� ti,*ere moving alonb as 2ppi oved. � O ' ' � ' � t had concerned her before :1as the she t��as now happy to see things 1•10TION by Peterson, seconded by L�enfeld, that the Planning Comr.iission re�ommend to Council approval of r�l�*�inar;r p�_at, P.S. ;=76-10, Innsor�:cl: Villages Secor.d Addition, by Dar�el A. l�arr D�velopmnnt Corporation: Ke�ng a r.eplat of the Easterr� bc;:.nda y of Innsbruck �Tillages Add� t� on, described as fbllo��rs: That part of Ou o� n, innsoruck i�orth, lying :•lest of a line dra��m from the :�ost lvor �Iler y corner o� Qutlot C, Tnnsbruc'.� Villages, to the mcst Sou�:herly corner o° �lot �, Innsbruc':: Village and said line tcere {.err�inating, the purpose of the plat to allo;•r for a more feasible distri�u- tion of the sa�.:e r.ur:Ue of units in the deveiopr:znt, ger.eral? r locaved i�orth of North Innsbruck Dr�ve Id.E. and lydest of t:�e ilack Forest Apartment. 1�1rs. Schnabel not tnat the planning and zonin�; form did not show a fee paid for the request. P•ir. London said it had been paid, and i:r. Boardman agreed it had. 2� 1�Sr. Ber�mr-�n said he 1.*ould like to suggest an additional statement to the . motion s ng "with the understandin� that a11 stipulations and agree�►ents which were pax of the previous preliminary plat recor.unendation be retained". bir. P terson �iE:�DrD the A10TION to include the staterr►ent by Pir. Bergman. Mr. ' Lan enfeld a�reed. � � ' A VOIC� VOTE� all votin� aye, the motaon carried unanimously. 5, PUBLIC IiF'1RING• C0�!STD�TION OF A PROPO.">ED PLAT _� S, il OAKS, i3Y TI�:: i?l)`i"�I,U;.1) COi•�P."v�dY : E�ein� a i•ep�at of L�t's-b; �� 6-07 ..�TTLUND '�", � 9� 1J� 1 ' , ,• ' Planning Commission 1�ectin� � October 6, 1976 Page f3 2D 11�� 15� 16 ar.d 17� Block 1, Spring Brcok Park Second Addition, to�;ether with Lots 32 and 33, �nd the West 30 feet of Lots 31� anci 35, Block 10, Spring Brook Park Adclition� zoned P.D. (Planned Developr��ent), �enerally located between Ruth 5treet P1.E. and East River Road N.E., 1�orth of Liberty Street P1.E. Mr. David H. Rotier of Rottlund Company was present. MOTION by Petcrson, seconded by La.n�enfeld, that the Plannin;, Co:�,mission open the Public :�earing on ccnsideration of a proposed plat, P.S. 1176-07, Rottlund Oars, by the Fiottlur.d Co:�pany. Upon a voice vote, all �oting aye, Chairperson Haxris declared the i'ublic Hearing open at 8:�� P.:•T. N3r. Boardman explained tnis was a proposal fcr 13 Zots off of a cul-de-sac, ' ar�d ihe lot taidt}s at the 3�' setback i•:ere shoz,m. He said that� Staff would suggest a lot be dropped to bring it up �;o �;hat the code requirer�ents �ri�rs for lot Fr�dths. and also to make the lots more salable. ' � ' ' , , ' ' , ' .wir. Peterson as�ed if all of the lots r�et tiie mi.nimum area requirer�ents in terms of squ�.re fcotage, and i�1r, Boardman said he believed t:e1• did. He explair�ed that lot 7 zras a 50' lot that had an existing houss or. it. P•�r. Boar.drnan said that they V:ere ask?ng a lot be �ropped because alt';ough the lots might meet t?le square footage requirements, in order to meet the 75' ;�ridtZ on the lot it may be requ�red to h�,sre a setback oi �.0 or �t5 f^8t.� . �1r. Rotter stated that they t�ere not trying to ircrease the nur.iber of lots over the original plan; he said that in Lhis area ���ith the origin�.i sireet patterns there trere the same number af lots. :ie er.plained -c^e re�son for platting it �his way was because of t'r�e unusua2 terrain of �ne properLg- and by pulling the cul-de-sac back up they were forced to re�uce tne lois. He �tated they ��+ould like to leave these lots as they Vrere build2ble. Chairperson Harris read the following letter to the Cit;� of Fridley Planning Conmission i'roni I�Ir. Rotter, dated October It, 1976: �de �,�ould like ta briefly explain our position in our request for preliminary approval of Rottlund Oaks. After study on our part as to the togo�raphy of the a_rea and neigilbor- ing property, we felt the majori�,y of this property nould best be suited .Cor residential construc�ion other than Lots 11, 12 a�d 13, of Spring Broo�c Park, 2nd Addition, �rizic:� we ��ould use as a irculti-fa::ily area. In the p2st, this property has been approved for a 108 unit apartment building. The high density use of this 1Gnd would not be conducive with the nei�hboring streets of Libert�* and Ruth� �rhich now i$ single family homes. In order for this property to be developed both economically and esthetically� , we are proposing the replattiriF; of the lots as indicated in eur applica- tion nnd prelim�nary plat. 'L'}ie number of lots we are requesting on the rep2at is the s�e number of l.ots on tl�e oi•iginal plat. ' � ' Pla»nin� Commis:�YOn t•feetin� - October 6, 1976 . . 2E Pa�e 9 ' MOTIOIJ by Lan�;enfcld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Cornmission receive 1;he letier frorn Mr. Itotter to the Planning Cor�mission drited October f�, 1q76. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried unaniMOUSly. , ❑ � Mr. Roi�tcr stateci that they 4rere trying to utilize the property as economically as possible� and ?aere not trying to gain �^.nythin� out of the prooerty or pic'_�c up an extra lot. He added 1;hat hopefully the purchase of the er.isting ho�e would be made by fi.he Zottlund Company. He said that they �,.ere al so the c;mers of lots 1, 2, 3�a 1� on the South portion of Liberi;y Street and rrere buildinE sin�le fa*�ily hor�,e� on this no�r. t•ir. Rotter said that a.s far as marketaoili �y went as mentioned bf Staff, he felt they ti:ere mar}cetaGle this way and wanted to hang on to all the lots they had. ' ?4r. Peterson asked �rahat I•1r. Potter's plans :vere for lot 7 if he purcnased the existing �tructure tnere. tSr. P�otter replied his ini,ention was to resell, a� there ti•:as nothing :•rrong t�ith the house. � � , I�Irs. Schnabel. asked i•rhy he F�as replatting froM the original plan to the one present.ed at this meeting. i�ir. P.otter er.p�.ained tha1; lots ll.t, 10, 9 ahd g ircre . � practically unbuilda'�le unless t!:e entire a: ea ��tas ta.11ed. ;'e said the cul-de-sac would be at the top of a svaale line that dropped about 1�3', and that by palling this back up they could leave tne majority of tl;e trees. He explained that � building on East Ri�%er Road �:ouldn't be as salable t�ith the trees gone. i�Ir.�E.;rgman said he got the impressior. that��every lot �acin� the cul-de-sac was mo?°e than 9,000 square ieet, and asked :ir. Board�lan if he ha� cnecked the sizes. :�1r. Boardman said t'.�:e lots :•�ere all in excessof 9,�00 sq�aare �'ee�, and their consideration would be that no variances be gr��ted or: these ��ts. Chairp�rson Harris asked how f�.r back the houses *,rould be set from the cu=-cie-sac, / and 3�ir. Rotter replied that. on lots 3� J�, 5�nd 6 the houses i;roul� probably ce back aUout 1�5� . �Ir. Harris as?ced hoia far bac'.�c the house on lot F3 ��ould sit, aX�d ri?�. Rotter stated that he ;;ould try to blend the houses so i � c•:ould laok � like a nei�hborhood. Chairperso.i Harris explained tnat tne �it�- nad an ardinance concern�_ng avera��e front yard setbucks t�:hic� allowed, he believeri, or.i� a 6' deviation. rir. Boardman pointed out tnat on lot � I•Ir. Rotter could deviate , the house back fron the ane en lot 7, and i:r. Rotter said he could also p�at the gar� ge toi�rard the iront to bring it closer. � � ' ' ' ' rirs. Scnnabel noted that in the original plan dated back in 1967 there ti�as s�r►e discussion about cor�rnercial developr►ent. S:1e said they ti�ere i�norin� lois 11� 12 ��nd 13, and asked if P�;r. Rotter sti7.l intended Lo put a co�:Lmercial area in. 1�ir. Rotter replied he did not, and explair�ed those lots ��*ere for multiple purpose and not tor commercial. Mr. Ho��ard Dumphy stated he �.�as representin� the ot,rners of lot 15 of block 10, Sprin� Brook Par'.�c, and lots 32 and 33 and the ::est 30' of lots 3!� and 35, Sprin� Brook Fark. Fie said these lots were bein� purchased by the applicant and they were iailling to go along ►,�ith the i•equest, but in the event the purchase was not consuMated the,y felt the i•eplatting should not be considered. 1 , ' ' Plannin�; Commis:,ion tdeetin� - Octobcr 6, 1976 1'u�;e 10 • 2F Mr. Azad ?iesrobian, 29$ Lly �treet P�.E., asked for a definii;ion of Planned Unit DevelopMent. J•Ir. Uoardma.n exnlained that required the developer to bring in a plan showing ho�r he would de•�elop thE: property, ��d �the cod.e required the deve].oper to appear before a Public Hearin� and have complete, cor►:plex drawings of r�hat was proposed. :�e explained that Ylanned Unit Development could includ� coruoerci.al, residential, etc., in a co*nbination. I�Ir. i•:esrobian asked hor: rna.ny of these planned units �rere r�ultiple d�,el�.in�s, and ?Ir. �oardrn�n repli_ed that 1�ir. Rotter was developing the lots off. of Ely Circ7e into �ingle-family hcmes. i�;r. Cnarles Sprafka, 280 Ely Street I�.E., stated he ti•rished io co,�rnend T;r. �otter ana. ��ottZund Co:�pan,y for prot csin� the move�rent of the cul-de-�ac away fror� , the si:reet to preserve the beauty of the�area. � � � ' , � � � � 1 � �' � ?�►rs. Schnabel noi�d that %ir, Boardman had recomn�en�?cd that tne petitioner give up a lot in the propo::ed alan, and asked if there was sorrie specific plar, in mind. ?-ir. Rotter exglain�d he had talk�d to Darr�I Clar:, br�efly about this. He said that he did noi ;,rish to c�rop a].ot in the area as he �:as trJinj to operate within the total number of lots originally platted• P;rs. Snea asked if lot 5 �•ras 100' wide, 2nd tilr. Rotter said that lot was 75'. Chairperson Harris asked ii the lots �.Tould meet the minirnum requirzrnents for width if they were at the 45' setback line. P:r. Eoard�r�an replied. they would in all cases except lot �'7, where the existing house tiras. I�fr. Loar�an suggesied if this proposal ti�1�3S adoptea t::3t t!':e�" T•rould maint�.in a setbt��:c at some poin� where they could build where tne lot :aidth was 75'. Chairperson Harris asked rir. Kotter if .ze ti;o»1d be �,-illzng to agree znat �h� setback ti,�ou�d be at 1��� far a 75' width. ;ir. Rotter repZied that ii; depended so much on t�ne lay oi' the land. He said he clidn't :,�ant to end up pushing the houses bac'.�c in�o the area t�.nd dnfeating the purpose of �;.he cul-de-sac. iie added that he Yrould not request a variance for any o� the lots as proposed as far as side yard setbac'.�cs. Chairperson Harris said that the problem �:as they had a platting ordinance that states that minimum �o� tiai�th be 75� dt the 37' setback line. he exp?ained that. if they app� oved t7is plat as it was, tney we-re in violation of the ox•dwnance. Mr. Rotter asked if they were suggestin� that a setback be rnaintained that vrou?d give i;hem 75' at the buil�ing ].ine, and I��ir. Harris said iha.t �,�as correct. rir. 1'eterson said they had heard neighbor� cor:unend i•;r. Rotter ior a plan to save t,ie ecolog,y of the area, and ihey on ine PZan,�in� Commission were trying to force T:r. Rotter to accept a plan that would force him to destroy trees. Chairperson Nari•is said he t•,as not su: e t;:at was r,ihat they :rere doing. He stated they required tnat the location of ti:e buildings be presented before they approved a Pla.nned Unit Development, so all t!iat work would have to be done ahead of ti�ne. i�Ir. Peterson stated he understood that, but they did bend the ordinances under certain circumstances and he thou�t:t ttiat as a Com�tissi_on they s}�ould be listenin� to ti.hat the people in the audience were telling tnem who i�ere neighbors of t�ie developer. rlr. Sprafka aske�� ii' it �ould be possible to o�tain ari Dzvironmental Impact ' Statement that would have precedence oeer the local.ordinance in this case to w�ive tr.at requirciaent, or if somet}�in� could be done at Si,ate level. Chair- person �;srris st�ted iiiey coulci handle Ltiis ns a Plar�ned Unit Development where � ' � � � ' , � � � , Pl�.+nr,in�; Commis�ian A;cetin�; - October b, .1976 Pa�e 11 . 2G � the locations of all t;�e Uuildings would have to be presented on a plan, showing• contours and thc Y;�ole layoui, beSore the plan was approved. 1�r. Boardrnan added {,hat actually the Planning Commission could not waive any of ttie codes� but could make a recom�-�endation to the City Council.� Chairperson Harris sa��' that P�Ir. Rotter could dratiJ the houses on the plat to see if the setbac% reouirements would destroy the tress or if they wouldn't. He added that the �cr2^�ission should find out ii' P�r. Ro-tter felt that the requiremer_ts would �or� a hardship bei'ore they recornmended approval of �;he plat. t•ir. Boardr�an suggested a motion that �rould say P4r. Rotter �aould attempt to maintain the 75���ot w'_dth at the building site location, and i•rould require a variance to this i�' that building location was an,y less than 75'. He said that �:ay the Appeals Co�,mission could look at it, and he thought that in rnost cases it y�ouldn't t2ke t:�e 1�5' to get the 75' width. , 1•ir. Rotter siated :,e Y:��ted to utilize the property as best he could, �,nd ther2 were 60' lots in t'�e area wnere homes had been built. He said that if he haci to push the hones �ac'.�: to 50 0: 50 feet, it might rneet ihe letter of the lair but it might noi; be pre�entable as such. Chairperson �Iarris said that per�aps he should determir.e wh�re the 75' Iines were and sketch in a rough dwel�in� size and see holr ex�ct�;T the;;� would fit in on the lot. �:r. Rotter said he would -� consider that, but }:e �:ad already done the P�orth section of the area zvitnout follot•ring this for�at. :��r. 'rIarris said tnat apparently someone in the past had decided not to fol' ow the oz•dinance. t�7r. Peterson asked :•,r. Rotter what his plans taere in terms of time, and Air. Rotter replied he ::ould like to start construction on lots 5, 1 and 7 in a very short time. � MOTIOi�T by Petersor., seconded by Langenield, to continue in two weeks the Pablic , Hearing on consideraticn of a proposed plat, P.S. �;7b-07, Rottlund Oaks, by the F.ottl.und ComUany, and as'.�c the developer to bring in a sketch showing the location of the b�;ildir.gs regardin� the 75' width and setback requirener.ts. , � �I � ' ' �-, I�� ' Air. Peterson expl4��ed that they really had no �hing to go on at �his tir�e, a�d the sketch �hTould let tt:e^t ]mow ii they .,Tere causin� 2•ir. Rotter a hardship or not. i�ir. Bergma.� s�ated he thought they were overburdening this thing. He said he was sure tna� eventually i•?r. Rotter kTould have to do kfiat had been suggested, but tie ;sas not sure that what would be done to sho��T the building setbacks and 75' lot kidth at the building locaiion would be that firm or valid at this point as i.t would be at the tir�e I�ir. Rotter tiaould seriously consti�uct something. He stated �hat he tiaas . impresseci ihat or;e of the public benefits of establishin� continuity i�as not really that applicable around a cul-de-sac as in a straight-line aiock. Air. Bergman said he was recogniziiig that this particular piece of land was causing some development problems, and was consid- erin� that the 75' wid�:� �aas really not thai uniforrily adhered to. Chairperson Harris stated that• in a�l new plats it w3s. Mr. Bergman said that it may be adhered to on new plats, but not in building construction on presently platted property. he said he ��ras questioning that that rec�uirement was legally t�pplicable in a Planned Unit Development. Tir. �iarris said it was. Plannin� Commi�sion T�;eeting - October 6, 197� Page 12; 2 I� I � �I . Mr. Pet;erson stated hi� first inclination rrould be to vote for 1-ir. Rotter's �' reque �t, ��ut as the discussion t•:�nt alon�; he felt it V�as unfair to the Plannin� � Comr�ission to vote isit�-,out knowi:�� if ii; i•ras one, trro, or three lots t,hat would �I be ��or�ing a hardship on P�r. Rotter, and that was the reason for hi� r�otion. ,' Mr. Langenield added that what i.t boiled do�m to was th��,t they ti�ere just a�l,ing that the P].anned Unit Jevelopment procedure be followeci to the letter. UPOid A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. r1r. Rotter said he :ais�ed �o point out that the original develop,ment plan of this property rras for a 108 unit apartmen�, b�ailding, �riiich k*oulci have been a disaster in that ar�.>a. He said he didn't ;�ran�; to com1.letely gc �;iirough the Planned �evelopment procedure becau�e of the len�;th of tirne it V;ould take,. but he r,as trying to oetter the property other than the previously p?anned monster t�at ��as going to go there, and he i,�ished the Commission :�;oiild consider that :i.n �heir determin�tion. TABL��; COP15I����:TIOI1 OF R�.ZOPtI:�aG THE Pr DISTRICT (PLA�Ti��:;D D.,`JELOP?�iL":�TT) rn'•� `T - n`;T.,J..` r I C '(' jj � i `�r �'.^' �'�, �T. O IN i:i... tS110 �. OC:� Cr' �Si :� �� .�Or�D, 1.'G R-1 ..II:,�I,. i r�� IL �Li,�:�:.7 a_���.a� Tabled t September 8, 1976 Planning Comriission meetin�. � I�Ir. Board.*�a.r�explair_ed that thi ^ item had to do with item 5, the pror.c�sed plat by t7e R23\ und C�:�pany, and suggested that this be continued in ��.o weeks also. 1�SOTIO�i by L�ngenfel�. Geconded by Pe�erson, that the P7_anning Cor�:�iss�on continue �n tWG ;aeeks���e consideration of. rezoning t?:e P� District in the 8110 block of East Riti�er�Road to F-1. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried un�7imoi�sly. i�Sr. Rotter said that item b ta� item brought to the Commission by Staff� and expla�ned he was r_,,�t request' g rezonirig on that property. 7 PURLIC HEar�IhG: CO'�:SID���T?0"� 0:' �PRELIr`:IP.4RY nL.'�T� P�.S. ;�76-09, • DFLIr, L�DITiC:�, �•�` DGi��:��D I�i. L�:Ir ���3eir.g a replat oi Lotl �?, nuditor's Subdirisicn ;Vo 12y, tio allo?�� ti:e develou`ent of 3 R-]. lots (single far7il,y dwelling area} anci !.1 R-3 lo�s, (general mu�tiple far,:ily units}, generall�- loca�;ed in the 150J Block k�et;�e�n 73rd aven�i,e N.E. and Onondaga Street 1�.E. T9r. Donald Leier was present. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by �er�man, that the P1 ng Corimission open the Public Hearin� on consideration of a preliminary pla P.S. ��76-09, Deleier Addition, by Donsld 2�1. Leier. Upon a voice vote, a11 voti � aye� Ci�airperson Harris decl•�:.red the Pu;�lic Hearing open at 9:�5 P.ri. Air. Board���zr: directed :;e Comriissior. to turn to page 72 of thei agenda and poS.nted ou t the gener�� location of i:he area. IIe said there were lans that �I! � ' J ' . C� PLANNIi1G COrP.�lISSION MTG. CITY OF FRIDLEY oCTOB�t 20, z976 • PAGE 1 CALL TO ORD�R: Chairperson }iarris called the rneeting to order at 7:32 P.M. ROLL ChLL: • Members Prese�.t; Iiarris; Bergman, Bruce Peterson (sitting in for Langenfeld), Schnabel Membexs Absent: Bob Peterson, Shea Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner A.'YROVE PLAivi3II�G COi�II•�IISSIOT; I�,IidUTLS: ocTO�� 6, �976 MOTIOIJ by Schnabel, seconded by Bergm<�.n, that i;he Planning Commission minutes of October 6, 1976 be. approved as written. Upon a. vcics vote, all voting aye, the moticn carried unanimously. �--- _ _---� 1. CONTINUFD: PUBLIC HEP.RING: CbI�dSII)ERATIOPd 0?� A PROFOS�:,D PLA P.S. �76- . ROTTLUr�D OaKS BY T:�E ilOTTZ?'•idD CG;:PF�N1': 13�ing a replat of Lc . 9� 10, 1, 1�, lb and 1'� ,�lock l, Spr�ng B: oolti. Park Second Addition, together with Lots 32 and 33, and the West 30 feet of Lots 34 and 35, Block 10, Spring Brook Park Addition, zoned P.b, (Planned Develop:�ent), generally located bet�aeen Ruth Street. N.�. and East River Road �.L., • North of Liberty Street N.E, Public Hearing open. Mr. 1?avid H. Rotter� Vice President of Rottlund Company, was present. 2I Tir. Boardman stated thai Air. Rotter had laid out the approximate building sites , on his plan as was requested by the Planning Cor�unission at the last neeting, and there was a consisient setback of 1�5' around the cul-de-sac. He explained that Mr. Rotter had dropped a lot, and the type of lot line requirement that ' was needed had been picked up. He added tl�at in most cases there was about 80' at the building line. Chairperson fiarris asked if there was any problem with the topography of the ' land on lot 7, and Air. Boardman said he didn't think there would be too much of a problem there. Mr. Rotter explained that house would have a wa].k-out. � . ' Planning Commission t•4eeting - October 20, 1976 �� Page 2 ,1 . � 2J Mr. Howard I7umphy stated that the same condition applied as he had explained ', ' at the last meeting, and that the replat was subjeci; to the purchase of the property. ' . ' ' MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Schnabel, that the Pl.anning Commission close the Public Hearing on consideration of a proposed plat, P.S. �/76-07, Rottlund Oaks, By the Rottlund Company. Upon a voice vote, all voting a;�e, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearir,g closed at 7:l�5 P.i�1. Mr. $ergman said that at the last meeting Mr. Boardman had a fair a*�ount of concerns, and was wondering how he felt about the pla�; no��. Air. �Boardman replied that the plan was now acceptable. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Plai�ning Comriission recommend to Council approval of the proposed plat, P.S. #76-07, Rottlund Oa'r.s, by the Rottlund Company; Being a replat of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ll�, 15, 15 and 17, Block l, Spring Brook Park Second Addition, together :rith Lots 32 a�d 33, and the �dest 30 feet of Lots 3!� and 35, Block 10, Spring ?3rook Par;c Addition, zoned P.D. (Planned Development), generally located bett•:een P�uth Street N.E. and East River Road N.E., North of Liberty Street N.E. Mr. Boardman suggested a stipulation be included concer•ning the �t5' setbaek for all construction. Ber�ian AI�SENDED the T;OTION to include the understanding that the development at'f the cul-de-sac would follow in general the !�5' se�back. Agreeab?e with the seconder. Chairperson Harris asked if there was any nEed for drainage and utility easements, and �ir. Boardman said that everything was ail sei. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried w�anir�ously. Chairperson Harris marked the plat F�hibit A to send on to Council. 2. CONTINUED: G�O�,TSID�RATION OF R�ZONING T���� PD DISTRICT (PLAT�:�iiD 7LVELQPP�f'�.�TT IN_ THE�110 �3LOC�r �ST riiV�..ti ::OAD� TO _'-11�SIi��GLE_ ��iIL�i D: �':,LIti� A:�;�AS). Mr. David Rotter, Vice Pre�s'r�ent of Rottlund Company, was present. Mr. Boardman stated that this ha een discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting, and the City felt the;� sho�i call a spade a spade and get the area zoned according to how it ��as develope �nstead of carrying on as a P.D. District which was a useless zone for tha �rea. He explained that most of the development in that area t�ould be an R-1 zon with probably a R-3 development on Eas�: River Road on rir. Kotter's property. r Boai-dm�in stated that as far as City Staff was concerned, they felt it would be good idea to get rid of the P.D. in the area and ca11 it what it was going t be. He explained that they were suggesting that Mr. Rotter petition for a rez ing on nis property� 0 ,_ 1 �� TO WHOM IT 1d1AY CONCERN: OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL , , � NOTICE IS HEREBY given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley In the City Hall at 6431 , University Avenue Northeast on Monday, December 13, 1976 in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.1�1. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation Request, SAV #76-06, by Rottlund Company, Inc., to vacate Ely Circle N.E. as dedicated in Spring Brook Park Second Addition; and, vacation of all utility, drainage and storm drainage easements on record and on file at Anoka County Recorders Office within Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 1, Spring Brook Park Second Addition, all lying in the South � Nalf of Section 3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located between Ruth Street N.E. and East River Road N.E., North of Liberty�Street N.Eo Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will 6e heard at this meeting. Publish: November 24, 1976 December 1, 1976 ' � WILLIANi J. NEE MAYOR 3 :1 . � OFFTCII�L NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on i�onday, December 13, 1976 in the Council Charnber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: . `� � Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-11, Real Estate 10 Addition, by Francis J. Girdler, being a replat of L'ot 5, except that part thereof lying �- � West of the Northeasterly right of way line of the outer drive of State Trunk Highway #65, and except that part ther.eof lying East of a iine drawn from - a point in the North line of said Lot 5, distant � One Thousand Five Hundred Five and Ninety Six Hundredths (1505.96) feet West from the Northwest corner thereof to a point in the South line of said � Lot 5, distant One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Three and Sixty Two Nundredths (1393.62) feet West from the Southeast corner thereof, Auditor's Sub- =� division No. 25, lying in the South Naif of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, ' Minnesota. Generally 7ocated on the Northeast quadrant of Interstate 694 and Highway �65 N.E. . ' Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will 6e heard at this meeting. Publish: November 24, 1976 December �1, 1916 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR �'� I:� - ._. . • ' . . . . . 4 � H �O ! �1 p O � v'. 0 . oy . i �y v4 2� A ♦ 2 �c � � .:% /� � ' Y \ �� �' \ iy I A , i` � � ' . I b w I �, � ''� r �� i �y � �i / "" REAL ESTATE 10 ADDN. P.S. 76—� - 60d �-.. 1 �` ' _` OO6 � r -� --� _'" 1� �� /p6 // 1 --� � '_ — — _" z°6 l�.���� `/`—/ �— -----FOa . •! I `��' 1 ' / // :�: /q} ` / � � I �� 4 ( � / / � � I � �/ � o � ///� / / r �/%/�/ / — // // j�//�/ T ' / � �// � i / / / `_ / // � /i� \� ��� // � �� � \ /� i � �,_�� � i d T � ':�� 668-'-"� I �III�i� �' .. w I I�I' .. � � ���� I � 2 ' I � ;.. � II;'� a ° :�i ' �� � . ; ��,���� i � � � ....:U � �'� �q � ' � '_ � � � /� ( ? � � ' •' / ���I (\ 1 ti �1 �" ` �l � • \ O � J' �� o � � �/ //���� � �� � ,� ,�\m o � i� �� I� ro\� J P Q"r, } P \ ���/ I .'�(r � \`�� \\ d� 1 � +�i ...'•�\ i� \ \ � / II \ � :. . � ��` � � •\ I ,h � ��1\ �j f �`` �-� . � � � �� � �II1 /// : ,%;/s i r — ' 1-� ' .... __�Q� / ��� —506 �.. �-- — -� — _ 9p6, . Q ' � \ a`�� � _ � 1� \ � ��s` o�. � � \ �Q.� � Q �4 Q. 4 � � . f ;� . 'c� 1 �4 v` i a'� � r , i o� ` � 3� ' ?� v Q I a t�\ % �i � >ti j �y4o ♦ o �1 I p5 / °i .�� / / . I �� � % / �` � ,�� �o. � i/��i�'� , i ��i \�// �� / s�6 4V /���4 ' I � I 1 � � i �a� - �/� %-;, /� I I� � I I1 oF�,q �o;���,�. \ _ `. q % ,�/ �°aoc—�-. / �I \� �•/,� I ' £v6---- � \ % .1(�/� � � � ;/ J�� // ��--� ���• , � Y*o6 � / / ��'` `'o- 0 , �,..�,� `. �' /i� `'' �C j'��/�/// E. Q c�� /�/ ATi , \ /+� / c • / � t! �1 / V � �r ��� �' \ � � �y4', '��M . � . � / d � ` II ��' /. �.__. i _.... «..._. �'' ..._ . _..... ._.. � . . 1 � � � ~ N L C d + u " N 3�/ a+ V" v� C � L N L O C L Y C p�.L.r aar i z ai c r- �+ � 4 c � `�°cN�v�o �o�vLLA �.�°nao�N Y V W d ���555 O.r�� q+- O'r �L OS Ag V .- .- � �. �, ",L.. � s � �>.ro av b Nr u.+�z Nx�oNV�.,o i,�a u O L O G N• •'- � d ��+ K GI .r� °x� aA�nv N pN.1c 1u N � � L C W C j^ b � ,�'e r' 'L c.� �.o c v t L N C�- LL a` O 9 �0 �� � Y N �+r-T Y �� C O Y- Yl N�+ 4 L p y, y Uf OU L N N fJ CI a� V- O N.-� L 0! N 3 L N V ✓ N O K :�� x�n u o d> ' ° o u'e w s. a� t�n t.- �.�', aNi .'�- a � oL�t-��+:� aluv c �N d Y y'p L+� C V- 7 G L y c c u ar or a� o,,, �Yoa iJ�N ..E y C V W N V C O� V�O V- QI p C C J V r 01 O T Y- L i- �o S �O L t") C/ �+ ✓ d 1� O N N N V O� 3. C M y q p X N C�'9 N� pv- �t oV- �r.� O J O O+� b� N W O S v V .v d Y N N O Cq 00 C Ow- d+� L � O� 0 C� p C C C U N� v.-.-�cNiO C � O C q '�' q�- �U NV p VYpNV p� � ON1 p t N d N . t e a. ✓ �n .+ �+ Y C C L � 7 �=�°oYr c .� E26 � ji N�vt�.7(7 C co io ~ p O N N N � p G N� L L O Y ^ �� d (l� O� ^�'1S .`-vv N�� 6 L M M vi� r- + a.�v ►. t. v �+ � i � 0 . i4 A 0 0 T � 1 f � • ' ' ' � ' ' . ' ' � ' � � � ' � � � ' � � . czTY or �r;zn�� PLAIdNTNG C0:•ii•iISSIOPJ I•1£�I;TIf1C - lti'Q�IE��IBER 3, 197� � PAGE 1 CALL TO ORD�?R : Chairperson �iarris called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.I•i. ROI,L CAL� : P�iernbers Present; Harris, Bergman, Langenfeld, Peterson, Schnabel, :;nea I�:embers Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boaraman, City Planner APPROVF PLl!Iii�?IrtG C0i•�iISSTOPI r1II��UTES: OCTOBER 2.0, 197b rirs. Shea stated that she 1�ould like to rebut i�ir. Boardman's s �aternent en pa�e 19 under �iu:nan D�velopm�ni; Goals and Objectives. She expla_ined �,iiat the reason for d_elay la�s not that this had been sent to i�ur.;an Hesources as it had come right bacic :Crorn her. Cor�missiori, but i� w�.s just the �-�;.L'��:1�JJ of the nouz t.hat had c�used it to be taUled so nany times. Chairperson Harris said it iTas so noted. � A10TION by I,angenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Cormni.ssion minutes oi' October 20, 197G be approved as �:ra.tten. Upon a ��oice .�ote, a�.l voting aye, the motion carried unanimous].y. T10TION by Langer.feld., seconded by Bergman, to add the Chan�e in 24innesota State fl�d �esibnation iter� to the agPnda. Upon a voice vote, al1 vot.ing aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson liarris stated they would make tlie Change In hlinnesota Stai:e Aid Designation Ii:em 8 on �:he agenda. 1. PUBLTC HrRRING: PROPCSrD PRI;I,TP•f1��ARY PLAT, S. ��76-1.1, RF.AL F.ST.•"=.TL 10 ADllI'!'JON, i�Y F1�ANC15 J. GliuiL�::i: }3eiii� a re ot �, excE�pt that part thereof lying West of t.he nor�:heasterly ri�;ht of WAy 1].I1P. of 1�he outer drive of State Trunk fIighwa,y //b5, and except 1;ha1; part thereof lyin� East of a linc drawn fro�n a point in tt�e horth line of said Lot 5, distvit 1,�Oy.96 fcet ��iest fro:n tlie N.�. corner thereof to a point in the South line of said Lot >, distant 1,393.62 feet iro'est from the S.�. coi•ner thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 2�� the s�une bein� 951 liillwind Rond N.�. � � � , u � . Pltinn3n� Comrni.ssion 17eeting - PJovernber 3, 197G Pa�e 2 Mr. Francis Girdler was present, along kith� Councilman 4Jalt Starwalt; l�s. and 19rs. H<zrry C. McKinl.ey, 1010 Lynde Drive; ana r�s. Jerome Johnson� 1000 Lynde Drive. t�OTION by Ber�man, seconde� by Sriea, that the Planning Commission open the Public iieari.ng on the Yroposed Pr•eliminary PJ.at, P.S. %{76-11, Iieal Estate 10 Additi.on, by I'rancis J. Girdler. Upon a voi.ce vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the PubJ.ic �iear�ng open at 7:�0. I�Ir. Boardm3n er.pla:i.ned to the Pl�nin� Commi_ssion that they had seen this itern bef'ore; it had gcne past the time limit on it so it nad �;o be brou�ht back a�ain i'or a plat. He stated they were 1;allcing about parcel 1300 along tiillwind Hoa1, which was bein� ser�ec� with sanitary sew�r that was' co:ning in frorn Polk Street. He said that the City did have easement for that s�.nitary se�,*er to parcels 13U0 and 1130, and wate.r was bei.ng provided to this proper.ty from Iii1l�tiTind Road. 2�;r. Boardm�z added that the developmFni: of the prop�rty would be for office use, and it was zoned CR-1, which ,�ras office zoning. Mr. Girdler stated that the reason this hacin�t gone through before was that �' the o�mer of the property to the Idorth and behind didn't iaant to pro�;ide the easement to tl:em, but apparently �rarited the� � to buy the lot to the North. He explained they hadn't purchased it but another party had, and the neia , , neighbors to the t;orth joined in puttiing the easer�ienf. aII the way th: oug'r,. rlrs . Schnabe]_ � Boardr�an said explained that zoned R-3. � � . � asked if the property to the North ttiTas zoned R-l� ar:d rir. it i•:as R-3, and there v*as P-3 aII the way aroar.d. rir. Girdler the one house that �•ras in there (ttJO lots away) �.Tas also I�1r. Bergman aslced if he understood that administration had looked at this in re�ard to propased �aai;er service and sewer, axid there taas na additional cancern for other utility ease�7ent for electrical, telephone, drainage, or gas. 2��r. Boa.rdrnan said those were all in Hilliaind Road. I•;r. Langenfeld asked if there shoulc3n't have been an Adminisi;rative Report on this� and rir. Boardman replied that �:as not required. 4C Gouncilman Starc•ralt stated that he'was present at the request of a constituent, and had a couple of questions regarding this. He asked ii there was any constri2ction undert.aken at the present time on this propert,y, and I;r. Boaxdr�an replied there was not any that he was aware of. Mr. Girdler added that to the North there was, biit not on this property, and said this was not a rezoning. Councilman Starwalt asked when this propert}r}iad been rezoned, and Mr. Boardr�an replied it had been rezon�d to CR-1 about two years ago by an ordinance �/1�9J�. Mr. McI�:inley stated that he w�s a bit concerned as he didn't really understand � what the plans were for that property. He said he understood there would be a real estate ofiice iia that area, but there was nlready construction started on a building �nd he just wanted to find out iahat w�s going on. Chairperson � Harris said that if hc� remembered corrrctl,y, Mr. Gii•dler was completing a request by the City for replatting this i'rom the ti►ne of tt�e rezoning. rir. Boardm�n �zgreed, nnd said ti�at was one of the stipulations on the rezoning. � � .x, � � � � � � • � � � � � � � Plannin�; Commission 1•1c�tin� - P�ovember 3, 1976 rA�� 3 � D Mr. Boardman explained that because of ihe lot descrip�,ion they had requested a replut instead of a lot �plit. He s�id the actual le�al aescription would have Y�een too lon�; and ].en��hy on this, so thc�y had reqi�sted it bc. replatted insl.ead. He further explained thai i:he buildinE; that t•aas being constructed was not on tnis pi•operty in question, bu1; on the pro�erty just Nori;h of this. Mr. 1�1cKanley asked if there �:ould be a real estate office there, and Air. Eoardman said he believed that k•as the int�an�;ion and it �ras zoned properly for tha.t. i,r. �•tcKinl.ey as'r.ed if there would be approxi.rnately 12�' of fronting, and i�ir. Bo xrdman said that was correct. 1•1r. i�icKiniey a�ked tirhat tlie depth would be, a.nd r;r. Boardmr.;n referred him to p��e 27 of' the a�;enda rrhich shoi•:ed the layout of Y�here �:he bu�_idin� r�ould be located. He er.plained �,here would be a r2inimum of a 3S' setback, and a double roV* oi parl,ir.� in front of the building �•;oiild put it bacl: about 80' . I�Sr. I•1cRinle,y asked if there woulci ju�t be the rea� estate offa.ce or if anythin; fur.t.her to the E3st was planned, 2�1r. Boardr,:an said just the one huilding rrould be alloi-.ed on the property. Councilman Sta.rr�alt s�;ated tha.t a pre-fab home had been mentioned, and e�:plained that as 17e recalled z�rren it was before Courlcil nothing �-ras. said about pre-i'aU and he just t:riderstood the residcnce that z�*as goin� in iaas a single-far�ily residence. Chairperson Harris sazd that a sin�le-�ami1_y residence �aas allo:•red under this zoning, and 2•ir. Girdler said they z�aere referring to a?-?ausaw home. rfrs. Schnab�l asked if. the hc:�e t;hat was bein� constructeci to the P�'orth was being built by ASr. Gir3ler, and he rep:_ied it caas not. i�,rs. Schr,a.beJ. r.oted that on the form P��r. Girdler had fzll�:d out for this re�uest it stated a real estate of�ice buildin�, and askeci if there taould be other offi.ces. i•:r•. Girdler replied there would not be; just their o�m facility. A:rs. rleKia�ley asked if this constructian t�*ould leave i�h� way open for multiple dwellings in this areae Sre exp���r.e� tl�e apartraent building zn back of the property :L31 question �aas chargin�; their tenallts extra rent for allo►•r_�ng them to have pats. Airs. P�1cl�inley said they had go�1e thratzgh ttie er.pertse of puitin� up a Cyclone fence to keep t::eir dag in because of i;he leash 14w, and a.he apartn�ent dc,Tellers exerci.sed their a,�imals i'reely out there. She explained they �,�ouJ_d like to keep other multiple dwellings out oi there because there was never enough room for the chiTdren and there ��ras also the pet prabler�. She stateci she was t�onderinK if the .repla.t t�.ould in any �ray possibly allok� n rezonin� . Ch�.i:�person i�arris said tliat tbis had nothing to do t•�ith re?.onir.�, and expl�ined this ti�ras already zcned cotnriercial. He sa,id that to re�:c,ne taoul� take anot}ier YuUlic ]iearin�; by t.iie Planning Co:��ission, a Public FIe�3rin ; by the C:ity Cr.uncil and iinal action by the City Council. I�•ir. Harris as�;ed if the proble,n re�ardin� �he do�s r,�us that t�iey were running loose. A9rs. t•ScKinley said that most ra-� loose, and only one appeared to be on a leash. She stated there was a lar�;e Sibex•ian Husky, a water spa�ziel, and a couple of German Shepherds. Chairperson Iiarris said that Fridley did have a leash law and a dog pati•o1, and if the aninals �:rere unleasned perhaps the City Stai'f could look into it. Tfrs. She� cornrien�;ed that the do�; patrol was only �vailable in the mornin;s, which was quite disconcertin�. Air. Harris said that per}iaps the situation should be examined and remedied. � � � � � � � � ,_ . � � � � � Plannin� Conunission I�teeting - November 3, 1976 Page �s .-. 4E MOTIOt�I by Peterson, seconcied by Bergman, that ihe Plannin� Commission clo�e the Public Hearin� on the Propo:ed Pre7.iminary P1�3t, P.S. �/76-11, Real Estate IO Addii:ion, by Francis J. Girdler. Upor, �. voice vo�:e, a11 votir�g aye� the motion carried unanimou�ly. Mrs.Sc}�nabel said that she r�as a little disturbed that they had one little section af land that �•ras com�^;c�rcial; that bothered her more than the replatting process, but she said it was beyond thci.r scope at 1:his point. She added that she didn't urzderstand ho�.; one lot in the; middle of a1I thn 1�-3 F;ot a commercial zoning on it, as that entire area ��as strictly either k-1 or R-3 with the excep�tien of the cox�ner r�here tr:e filling station was. Cha.irperso:� Harris com.mented ti�at he didn't; kno��r hof; it happcned <�s it occurred before he r�as on thP T'lr:rinin� Com;n:ission. 1;rs. Schnabel st,ated �;ha�; i�, was goir�E; to seem a little str�n�e when i,hat area got filled in, and i1r. l�arris agree�i but said there was nothing they could do about it I�OT4. ' MOTIO:d by Bergman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Plannin� Coms:ission recom�rr;end to Council approval o;' �ne proposed prelim=inary plat, P.S. ,1/76-11, Real Estate 10 Addition, b;� I'r«ricis J. Girdler: Pei.ng a replat of Lot 5, excepi that par-t tnereoi' lying I��est of tize Ivortheasterly right of waf line of the outer drive of State Trunk Highway �6�, and ea.cept that Nar� thereof lyino Fa�t of a line drat•m 1'rom a poin�; in i,he IVorth line of said Lot �, distaY�t 1,505.96 feet Z�.est fro:r, the N.E. corner tl�,ereof to a point in the South l.ine of said Lo� 5, aista��t �,393.62 ieet lr�est f'rom t.he S.r,. corner thereof, Auditor's Subdivisio?i i�o. 25, the sa�e bein� 951 fiill.ti•;ind Road i`.is� hir. L�zgf.nfeld st?ted th�t he agreed Taitn P�1rs. S�h�Zabe1 in re��_rd tc, the spot zc.�ing, but f'elt they had no recourse but to �;rant the prel.iminar.y p],�1: under -t;he conditior.s. UPOIJ A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting a,ye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. LOT S1 I`I' R.E�'tiI;ST: L.So ',�7f�-10� BY �'I�c�;r�s SKT���: Split Lot 11� Au.1''itor'�s Sut�d_visi �20. 129, into three parc�ls as iollot,rs: Tract k: /:.1]. of tne h'es�; �65 fee of Lot 11, I�.S. ;`I29, Iying Ivortherly of the Soutt, 147 �'eei thereof: Same a.> l�6� Ono:�da�;a Iv.E. («lready bailt upon), Tract ,: Tne East 75 feet of the est 165 feet of the South 11�7 feet of Loi 11, A.S. ,;�129,. sarne being 1l�67 C:�enda Ror. (vacan�;)s and Tract Cs The tiaest 90 fee+ of the South 11�7 i'eet oi Loi; l�.S. �_129, the sarie being 71.t20 f'sacon Dr. ;.ve N.E. (vacant). Mr. Tl�omas Skiba was present. rZr. Bo��u•dman explained tiiat this �aas a simple lo split, and hir. Skiba wanted to divide the property that ��as located on Lot 11 ii o t.hree parcels: one 9Q' and tkTo 7�'. He snid there k�as a house presently exis�' g on ttie 90' parcel. 1�'1r. Skib;i stated that Aacon llrive was in and went �11 the y throu�;h from Onond�ga Street to 7�tki. L� � � ,.a � � �� .o . � � � ! < �s. ♦•"�� ♦ �.. � _ - �f �. K U � `6 Ai � REAL ESTATE 10 ADDN. PS 76-2'r' � +'� / � ' �l S ��� .�i _• r � . ; �, •. ..-a .J.i� 7p f�' j -� �R/dE!' � � t� ,/ !`�`�Jt �.,1 4�`~/ J''`: ;` "� ; � y,� ��'Q.-, �»i� E�1�ce..."i'. ��,,.. / ,� }(,� � (/t , � ' 1 "� ' L7.__. " 1 lid�/\1 y n_�•.i� � !vr��,•s�t7.; '� a : „ • ,. . ' ,, . : �_., /i --•...... . ' K �''.,, ., • �: �• /. Y � .. . � I rs3 � � � ; j /JleiJc'rco in �. \f• �: � ?�; ,� , � ...._-----� :. , ; ., � r ��� \� � �' , de.� (.i - � '—: �JJJ ' , fun• O.i L'.aoJ�.anr � ' J( ' LS - � \/'�j . �. '/ •ia � :Fff.� __..�`�!i�I. • i --- �:` 'S a I ` 1: ti,•, �. ./ tt y�h �� << i a�,,� _ ,S6o) �� j ;� � �? :: . ;���mv; : C ' `-��� :. oi ti � ;� �-- • � i J Y' l:: � .lJg pC�. i�Zil' � � �, 9i �. . �T"_ � �h 1 ��` iy , � �1 4 fiti i N! ,b k-4-?Ci.-^� F � S � f �3' � -S ) r'; :. � � �..�.� _ fi- u N.. .� c �n:.t�v., N ; � ��a:��.��4 h ....._.. !�o I�� . �� --•-•�- � 51 sz � ,i !! 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I �: go.: i i4j ' .:. .�. �'.~.'.�.' �Ari► _...+! }:�'�' p_'_.. •'��"'•.�.� .................... ..........i1f.... ............ � .,, . .; 'ri' . �. `\. � 1 �� • , •- . ' . � � �: �.+a�td L�. /1Lrial; � � � • ` . , �%• � � �i { � :. . , ra• . '• , ...', „y. � j '•. •.... � . � � , � �; , � � ' • •• , • ''� �sr ' � , - ``�� J 2 � . . . � .� �» . . . .. 1 . �'--.._ . I � ,� _ � �{,.• . �: ; M;�1-.� :`' .� � •-�-.. . . ..... { .. -~+� , � � � � -r . . "-�--- _ � • . _ . ',, �;� _. ._._ � j ��� ���� .. .. �__ � __ � .. . � , OFFICIAL NOTICE 5 CITY OF FRIDLEY � PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL T0� WNQt�1 IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing before the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 Univer- sity Avenue Northeast on Monday, December 13; 1976 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: � Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-10, Innsbruck '� Villages Second Addition, by Darrel A. Farr Development ' Corporation, Inc., located in Innsbruck Vill�ages Addition � and Outlot A., Innsbruck yorth Addition, to�allow for a more feasible distribution of the same number of units in the development, with a minor change in the � Easterly boundary of ihe plat described as foilows: That part of Outlot A. Innsbruck North, lying West • of a line drawn from the most Northerly corner of � Outlot C, Innsbruck Village, to the most Southerly corner of Outlot A, Innsbruck Village, and said line there terminating; all lying in Section 24, T-30, ,� R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located North of North Innsbruck Drive N.E. and k�est of the 67ack Forest Apartment. � Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the abave matter will be heard at this meeting. � Publish: November 24, 1976 December :l, 1976 � � , � WILLIAM J. NEE Mayor 0 � � I� .. • . ' � -..�i�+�ai /� � � ��� � � 8LG � 1� � � �\ � � \ ��o ► �, ,� � - --�----.� ���' , _ _ � i ' rf�-� ('� '; `� ( �i � � �-. � � . ` ' :'� +,; --�, -� ; ; ; -j . - - � - � � _--- - J .� � �:, �-� /�\ —_ �� :i, :r j ., _� J %' ' � � � ��✓'� � i � � � � _ , ,� ,. C�� \/ h ;� � � � � � � � � � � . � � � � �, � \ / % / i� � .S LocK �� 4 � g ►g � � � � �'� � % �� i r�� � i '"-� L` "'-� _ �� . � �� � ! �j��� r�0 I � f � r--__—J L...._.__.I �� � � �� � �o,d �.t�J � � � � Q � � � � -~ �.� .,.� ���� � J � � � � �N� � � , .� � �,�.. � ►,l �-- __ ----- __..J �..._ .�� ' �..,.. � � PROI���SF� �XrsrJ�v� f�PR�rM��r' CoM P�.�X o� � � _SCAG� : I i�ui , �10 �°st .11 /0,�1� o� Jt` 0 C ,� \ � !': :. fri � /�' '. „/� � <\ �;,; /:> � - � � .:. �'� � `'�� �`�''� i:'_ i.� i � \ \ '��% , '!�I • � / �,`� r• . � �y.:,`. • f; :�' '�•.;;�'` �' ''I• .A'� ',� / '��; ,.i�,� V'�' . ��t �• V �'n��vsP,�u��: ---f��i�t�- � � �� � � . Plannin� Corn�ni: sion r���etin� - Octob�r 6, 197G Page 1� � �oing to offer a standard gara�c door operator to be sold with each �ar people would use the zndoor parl;ing more. � Chairperson Harris asked 1�4r. T.ondon if he iaas aware of the let r from � . Mr. Jerry Vd. �.nderson, Chairman of the Architectural Control Co ittee, to the Plannin�; Cc ��isszon, dateci �1uly 20, 1�16. Nr. London sa' he was, and that the;� had had i}�e:ir raeetii��;.� af'ter that. iie explained at letter lras � written the first ti:ne they had appeared bcforc this Cor��ission, and there� were three subsequerit rneetings af't.er that l�aiien this pla� l�ras worked out. F�.� � 2�?rs. Sehnabel as1ced if there 1�rou7.d be any outside �rlcing, and �ir. London replied that it v�asn't sho:,m on �.'�is plat,. �ut tr�re tiaou� d be. ?�7r. Boardr�an asked ii units 7 and � �Jere r:ov�d, and T�ir. Londoh replied they had bcen moved back from the street. lIr. Bo�, d.;nan stated t��� Staff ha;i no problen with this �' preliminary plat. � � � � ��� � 5B T•SOTIOPJ by Shea, seconded by L«n;;er.feld, that the Plannin� Con;mission close the Public Hearing on consideration of; a prelir��.n�.ry plai;, P.S. ;{76-0�, Innsbruc:c� I�orth Repla�. Tnird f ddi.tion; by Darrel A. Farr Developrrcent Corpora- tion. Lp�n a voice vote, all votin� aye, Chairperscn Harris declared ttie Public H��.ring closed at 8:0>. ;%' � 2�Jr. Bergmen stated tha#. initial��� he had some concern ab�ut the lack of a letter in wri.tiri� .from the Ar. cilitect�ural Con�;rel Co:nriittee to mate ��ith the letter on page !�� of the a�e�.da. Hot���ver, he said, the letter from that �o::�rlittee says they have a verb�l agreernen� v:it:� Jir� London, and �since ;Ir. � ondo:� notir tol:� the Comm�ssion they are :in accord, h� dicL�' � f'eel the cor�cern that a let�er t;as r.�eced for reference purgoses.,`Chairperson Harris suggested it t•rould be well to have that lel;ter for the Ci�;y Counci.l. ; i�10TI0P1 by Shea, seconded by Bcr�man, that the Planning Comriission reco:�r:iend i,o Council approval o:f preliminary plat, P.S. ,',:76-05, Inns�ruck Idortn Replat Third l:dd�tion, by Darrel A. r«rr DezTelor:��eT�t Corporation : Bein�; a replat of Lots 1 to 1� �'izclusi��e, Bloc'.:s 21 through 26, and a.].so part of Lot 1, 31oc� 28� Innsbruck l�orth 1'oi�nhouses Tnird Addition, to all�t•r cha.nges in th° size of gaxages, generally located on the tiY�st side of East Bavarian Pass c3.11G� Souih ,of rSeister �toad N.E. � Tirs. Sctinabel said �:hat the original request form said to increase the size of five pr�posed gara�es, a.r�d the request was uctually f'or six. Pir. London said that w�s just an error, ��d it should be six. Chairperson :iarris suggested that ,be cleaned up b�fore the ��equest t,rent �;o Council. A VOICr VOTE, all �oting a,y-e, the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC H'.'�.,'aRII�G : CC`�'SID�?A9'.i0;3 OF A Pi3 ��LIi��tIP;ARY PLI�T, P.5'� /�76-10.,e I`3I�Sfi:tUCK VIL•L��G':;S S�.�C(.ii�;� :,;lDl:i'_IO:�, ��1' U:�i:l?L�L A. �1.iist �FVLLOi'I;�s':'1' CCt ��"�...Oi+: �����n� & replat oi t•iic :r:a:�te�•n boi�:�eiar,y of Innsbrttcic Vi11a�;e� ;�:idition, descr�.oed as follows : Thai pa, t of Uut.lot A, Innsbruck Nortti, lying tidest of a line dra�an f: om the most Northerly corr.ei• ol Outlot C, 2nnsbruck Villa�es � �o the mast. Southerl,y corner of Outlot A, Tims��ruck Villa�e and said line there t�:rminatin�;, the purpose of the pl�t to sllow for a more feasible , Plannin� Comm:i �:�ion Mectin�; - Octobcr 6, 1976, Pa�e . 5C distribution of the s�e nuriber of units in 1:he developrnent, generally located Idarth of North Innsbruc}: Drive N.E. and West of the Black Forest Apartment. Mr. Jim London, with Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, and I�Ir. Darrel Farr � taere present. 1�OTIUtd by Lar.�;enfeld, seconcied by Peterson, tr�at the Planning Commission open the Publ �c :'.earin�; on consideration of a prelir�inar,y plat, P.S. ��76-10, Innsbruc% Villa�;es Second tiddition, b�r Darrel ��. Farr Develop�ent Corpora�� on. Upon a voice vo�.e, a�.l vo�;�no� aye, Chairperson I�iarris declared the Public Hearin� open a�.3:I0. 1�1r. Boardra��.n siaied tnis ti�as sor�Qwhat conrusin�, and directed the Comriission to turn to pa.�e 55 of t'r.eir agendas 1-:nich shotaed tahat had originall,y been proposed. }ie snot•:ed the CO.':�^115SIOriGrS the nGw plat and er.plained what c�anges had been made, and explai*�ed the land chanLe t•rould be equal. He said the;r had felt that several buildin�s :1er.e too close to �;he apartr��ent area, so they trere elir7inat:ng "B", i�re.re s��,itching "A" closer io the ctil-de-sae, �ard putting what had been "A" back into Cutlot C. �:e stated there t•�ould be the sa.r?e number oi units on t�e plat, but just in a different location. He a:ided that the square footage tsould be adjksted to be equal. I•ir. London sa�d that this had bPen approved originally for 200 units, and ihey � now had 9b, so there :aas a reduction. He stated ��iat the 7_�_r.d areas ��:�u�d be an eaual sVrap; neither t:.e B2ack Fores � or Innsbruck Villag� t,•ould .lo�e any 1and. � � � I��r. I�iilton �allock, 5671� �lrtaur St,reet, �'ridley, asked if he could see a copy oi' tne plat. ?:r. Board;�a.ri sno:ved 1�ir. 3ullock and other interested residents the proposed plat and expla?ned it to ther�. 2•9arjorie Phelan, �Satteri:orn Drive, as:�ced if an Ihvironmental Impact Study had been done in tt:is ar�a. .:r. R03:'dman replied that none ��ras done, and exalained tha�; the only �ray they ��.uuld ha��e been required to do an Environmental Irpact Study was through a petitien, and no pe�ition iaas dratan up. ils. Phelan said she knew this :�as aiter tne fact, but sne felt �ahat was bei.r.g done in ti�at area was a shame. She asked i� t�e City of Fridley didn't have any r�esponsibility to protect the environment. 1�`r. Boardr:an replied they did, and it would have been up to the City Council at the ti:�e t:�e first plats cane in. He said tne Cit,y Council tried to realize so:��e of tne envi'ronmental proUler��s on this; how- ever, it would have been dif�icult wnen this carie through to te7.l them they had to do an environmental statement i,rithout the State EQC rules �nd regulutions to back them i:p. He added it was also pretty hard i'or tiie Council to deny ;;ome- one use of his property, but they could put restrictions on that property to be as environr�entally conscious of the property as possible. � Chairperson Harris stated tilat the City had spent a lot of time ard energy, as did the devel�per, trying to work out a k�orkable plan to save as many trees and preserve the area as much as they could. He explained that they did not � have the tools at that time that ;,hey had now to reguire Dlvironmental Impact Statements. He further explained that didn't take affect until the first part � � Plannin� C�nunission rieetinE; - Octobcr 6, 197G Pnge 6 � of 197lt, and this plat h��d been in the works since 19?0. 5D 2�r. Eergrlan stated that the histor,y actually r�ent back about 9 or 10 years when the entire 130 acre si �e of Innsbruck Tlorth boi;h in Frid].ey and P�et� �3ri�nton was proposed for rezoning for multiple fanily apartments a�1d townhouses. He said the oec�ple in the neighborhood fou�ht :�uccessfully a�;ainst rezoning efforts �:hich vlould have converted the eni;ire acreage to rnultiple far�ily. The �eople i.n the nei� :bornoad �•rere in contact �r�ith city, county, and state agencies promating a11. or part of that area as park land t� try to retain its na�:ural stat.� taithout success. i�Ir. Bergman sa�d it :-1as rezo7ed about ten � years agc for ihe nurpose that the developer no� taants, so he felt that the ecology eii'ort should :ave been applied 9 or �0 year� ago prior to its rezonin� for multiple fa�nily. � r:r. Peterson said that he thought i,hey had to realize that prot�ably everybody at this ;�eetir,g t�rho o�:�ed 2 home 'r,ad probably cut down trees to buil� that house. i;e stated it 1:•as al:aays easy to say that sor�ebody else should preserve their propert;,� i_n its r_�.tural sta�e, and he tnought that the Darrel. Fa*_'r Coi•poration t;ad been very cooperative in tryi:ng to do al]: they could {,o preserve the beauty of the area. �ie added tl:at he felt it should be pointed out tn�t . people did have ceri;ai:� rig�ts to develop the property t�ey oVmed. 1�ir. Farr sta�ed that 1:�:!ey rad done as good a job as th.e�r could to r:;aintain the land. �ie said it ;:as costlti to develop, and because of that cost the homes were ;r;ore h�ghl;r priced tl�an cornparable homes in �ther areas. 'I'herefore, he contir.ued, they had to have some competitive advantage �rom a business standpoint, ar:d T„hat :.as tze tre�s �:d por.ds. He added t':at they d�d dedic�.t° a site to t�e City of : ri.dley for park purposes that Vras largEr ti�an tne site they were pr•esently de�eloping for the villa�;es. 1 l�irs. Schnabel asked if the two builclings that were being currently construct�d on north Innsbruck Dr�ve would be models. T�Ir. Farr reglied that the first t�ro buildin�s lvould be solr,. :ie explained that the first building was intended to be a r�edel, but since the decision to incorporate double garag�s ��tas r�ade � along �rit!: ather architectural changes of a rninor nature, �the models trould actually ce block 19. � 1�ir. Bullock stated 'ne had a question concerni.n� the road. He said that at tze last Cortmission meetir.� ne attended he understood the road th2t would be c�nstruc �-ed betl�reen ti�e divisions cor�ing ou�; on Arthur Street taould be single � 1.ane anc� r,ould be angl�d to the North, and asked if this was still the case. A;r. London sa�d the road tiaould be built to the ietter of the agreement with the City of Fridley. � pSr. BergMan said they had all spent a lot of time at previous meetings concer•ning the buildir.� plan, street patterns, setbacks, etc., and he was just iaonderin� hota approval of this plan l:ould affect the agreerient, stipulations, and negotiated i compromises that were r•►ade throu�h the previous process. Air. London said tt:at the agreerient stands. }ie e:cplained 1;hey ti�rere not askin� f�r any chan�;es in tl�at A�reement. 1•ir. BergMan then asked if the request could be rephrased to 1) include � a reduction in densit�• fro:� 100 units to 9�, and 2)• to 1,lerely relocate units A and B from the previous plat. Mr. Londan said the only other chanee would be � ��` � ` . � LJ � � Pl�nnin� Co:nrii�sion I�cet.in�; - October 6, ].976 Pti�e 7 the land slat. 13e showed h,r. Bergrnan the plat and expla5.ned what he meant. Mr. Robert Turek, 5�29 No. Danu'�e Road, asked if somewhere in t}ie City there was a master plan that sr,owccl the way things were �oin�; to be. Air. .F3oardrnan said they had a� over-a'll concept, but it didn't sho�•: rrhere all t'r,e buildin�s r�ould be. �hairperson llarris said that they ::ould have sor�et'r:3.n� on all buildin�;s that were under consiruction at this tir�e. I°fr. Turek a;%ed i.f he could get copies of the letters that had been discussed, and ���as told he coulci. t�lr. }3ullock asked if the direction of the road in question had b�cn dra�m on any plan sho::ing the degree of an�ling to the I�iori;h, ar�d I:r. �obeich replied that constr�iction pl�:ns hacl not b�en dra�m. r.r. 3ullock �slcr.d ho:�: they ��rould be able to knoYr r:hen it had been draih�n so �,hey c�uld el:press i;heir opinions, and T-1r. Sobeich said'the of�ice could just ta�;e his naY1e and if he was interested shc�,� hira the plans. � ri0TI0iv by Peterson, seconded by Shea, that the Plar:ning CorLmiss�en close the Publi:c I'earing on cor.sideration of a prelirr�inar;,� p1aL, P.S. -',`76--1n, Innsbrur.k Vil].ages Second Addition, by Darrel A. Fa.�r Develo�ment �orporatior:. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Pi:.blic Hearing closed at 8:1t8 P.I�i. � Mr �. Schnabel c�m^►ented that one thing �hat had concerned her '�efore �aas �l-:e " maintenance of :iorth Innsbruck Drive, anci �ne was noza h�.ppy to see things 1 t,*ere moving along as approved. � i l � � � � � t�fOTIO?1 by Peterson, seconded ny I�angenfeld, that the Pla.nnir.g Cor^�1ission ;;�7 6-10 Inn s Urtick recormnend to Council approval of prelimin�.r;r plat, P.S. , Vilia�es Second Additiori, by Darrel A. F4rr Bevelopment Corporat�.or.: Being a replat of the Eastern bcwzdary of Inr.sbruck �Tillages r.ddition, de:acribed as .follot•rs : That part of Outlot A, Innsbrucic I�dorth, lyinU �;est o�' a 3ine dracti�n from the :�ost Northerly corner of Outlot C, Innsbruc'.-; VillaE;es, to the most Southerly corner of Outlot A, InnsL�ruc?: Villa�e and sa;_d l�i:� there {;err�inating, the �urpose of tne plat ta allow for a more ieasibl� distri.bu- tion of the sarie number of units in tlie detiTelopr,ient, general��� loc:-�tc� h�rti: . of North Innsbruck Drive I1.E. and l•lest of t�e Black Forest Apartr����it. Nlrs. Schnabel noted that the planning and zoning form d�_d not sho�•� a�'ee paid for the request. P•:r. London said it had been paid, and i.r. Boardr.�a.n agreed it had. 5E Mr. Bergman said he would like to suggest an additicnal statement to the motion s�ying "with the understanding t}iat a11 stipulations and a�reertien �s �a'.�ich were part of the previous preliminary plat recommendation be reta�ned". Mr. Peterson AI�IE�DED the TIOTION to include the statement by Pir. Bergman. "ir. Langenfeld a�reed. UPON A VOICE VOT�, all votin� aye, the motion carried unanir�ousl��. 5. PUBLIC Ii�ARII`:C, • CQNSIDI� RATION OF_�.��SED PT,AT, P. S. i€76-07 , RO i TL[' iVD OAKS. }3Y '1'H':: }tQT'1'LUNll COi•�l' `. Rein�; a replat of Loi.s b, 7, b, 9, 10, , , . � �, � � ' i � �. � � � O�fTCIIIL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUQLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO 41HOM IT MAY COI�CERN: Notice is hereby given that there wi11 be a Pubiic Hearing of the City Council Qf the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on T�onday, December 13, 1976 in the Couneil Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: � *, Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #76-05, Innsbruck North Replat 3rd Addition, by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, beirg a replat of that part of Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition, described as follows: Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 21; Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 22; Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 23; Lots i to 4 inclusive, Block 24; Lats 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 25; Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 2b• Also that part of Lot 1, Block 28 described as follows: � Beginning at the Northwest corner of said B1ock 21, thence North 9°50'48" ��est a distance of 16 feet, thence North 80°9'12° East a distance of 33 feet;�thence South 9°50'48" ' East a distance of 16 feet io the Northeast corner of said Slock 21; thence to the point of beginning; �� Aiso that part of Lot 1, Biock 28, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Block 22; thence North 2°39' ldest a distance of 10 feet; thence North 87°21` East a distance of 33 feet; thence South 2°39' East a distance of 10 feet ,� to the Northeast corner of said Block 22; thence to the point of beginning;. j� Also that part of Lot 1, Block 28, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner o�F said Q1ock 22; thence South 2°39' East a distance of 6 feet; thence South 87°21' West a '� � distance of 33 feet; thence North 2°39' West a distance of 6 feet to the Southwest corner of said Block 22, thence to the point of beginning; � � Also that part of Lat i, Block 28, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block 23; thence South 7°QO'41" East a distance of 16 feet; thence South 82°59'19" tdest d distance�of 33 feet; thence North 7°QO'41" West a distance of 1G feet to the Southwest corner of Said Block 23, thence to the point of beginning; G »� Page 2 Also that part of Lot 1, alock 2II, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Block 24; thence �'orth a distance of lb feet; thence East a distance of 33 feet; thence South a distance of 16 feet to the Northeast corner of said Block 24, thence to the point of beginning; Also that part of l.ot l, alock 28, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said alock 25; thence South 13°33'31" a distance of ]6 feet; thence North 76°26'19" West a distance of 33 feet; thence Worth 13°33'41" East a distance of l6 feet to the Southwest corner of said Block 25; thence to the point of beginning; � Also that part of Lot 1, Block 28, described as follows: Beginning�at the Southeast corner of said Block 26; thence South 11°41'71" West a distance of 16 feet; thence North 78°18'49" 4Jest a distance of 33 feet; thence P�orth 11°41'll" East a distance of 16 feet�to the Southwest corner of said Block 26; thence to the point of beginning; All lying in the South.Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota Generally located on the West side of East Bavarian:Pass and South of Meister Road N.E. � ► T I� Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter wili be hear.d at this meeting. Publish: November 24, 1976 December 1, 1976 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYQR � . I• � / 11 �1 ' IM��/ I�i•.��I.��` ���. �• " • �. • � �' ' v .�'.� . �:i � � ,_ .. _ .. . . . . . . , ��'� '� �;.,,,.,�.....�,_ - � •:,. ^;� �.,. _ - ~ � � ; .. --- � . :, T: •° ,; , G B . ( i � = ,•t �, � �'��^ ,,,,.:.s,: ' � � I , ' k �' ,v� i� � . . ( M 1 i , � :i t � . '� h � � � 0 Y 1 � � I � '� . .. � , . I � � � :, : _ � a '" ' 1 ' O .N . �� - � �'n�+w`s : : �ii � --' +�• � .. $1 0 • i� I l � c\.: ��': i�w�J IrvvimN ��i o� i�� �sw�w^'► O � 1 � ` ' - . . . ..� _ w �i w1 .. ...., s . I � � � � � • ,� p � - � - { � ' O • 1 � . iw.nJ �`�»�mM : w � . . , ��V d..; � O i ' 1 . �a • � ' i oo.: �_ 1 i � �.. j, li LO M • a , p n 1 . � ( ; ' � ... � �. �'.. � � � � �. .� � 1 ,v � � • ♦ .h � � ' � . � � � L J ' � h L� 1 _ w, � '° . . ' � . ~'� .M.r•60 �s wj � .f.;:•� �. I � _ M . w ' ' � �. . r:• � 'i : b M�d 6t� %s � .r, _ � � . 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W. wr� , ":h �� _ = i � ; , ;; ,, e o. i � 1 -' i � ;2 �: � ' v , , �' ~ � .' � ' ' : � ,� �; _ _ _ : � ? h � � � . at.9�N r� 2 I ti i � � � a� fi• � I . O � 1 1 � +�`''.� Qn ., •� . �' , � ' � � � � ,. � � d' `O'.;'� ` _I � o , ' I � _ _, ' a ]+ w, ``M .� � � . � y' _ � L � J• . a. y:•,Z'•.. . . ? `_ � � ` �� �.,y�� ? . � ' _ � _ 1 ''� 2 ,1 _ -�y�ejyi'y� � i�y' 0, ; 1 � •F '!�'.� ip 9 � �' ` . ` � , / �`� ` .`. 7 , ` ` � ' • � � � � � , . O � ( �r � � � � _ . ••'.::. �- ' > , � � � � _ .,; ' ° � � 8 � � i�r �— •.:� � ( : .s.. > '� ; � / � � ,_ � a ` r ► � . I � � •. � •l : ~l ~` ? ` � - � �„ � . .. � �l'�! `! ��� •4'e:����' .. � � � ���'1 ! �',,�� �X�� • � . � . I f . /:��. ! � �a.s° ' `:� i ,. 4; , ::. �P�_ �q I � , h :� � •.: j � • �• ` 'M..n'i.Yi.Yiw yZ:.1' � . ` I ' i �+ / • � � � o ,' 1 , 1 � . . O I i , / t � ,_ '°` ` � • , I • � ' ` ` , I � �' � � �= . . � I � . I `:C•=~. ` ( `` � � r ; ` •,..,,,�y` 'Y 1 :� �.:"'.� t„ � � � �1 � ^�r . J ti `� '..iy._`'` i . ' �•' 1 � , � � � � 'J ' . •• . \ _�_ f v ' , � ' . �� �i?•'. , `` ''�'o'�.If��•.Y ' ;��• '�� q1 •' 1 V I � • y �: �e� � , `� �= ti ,� ;r ' . � J � .�; . , . , . , �. .. . � .. _. .._... �. � '�� . �, . -- -�_ � ' •. � �`� "�'"'� ,v � � � �, � . . . .�.�-��� � -� � . r. ' � � July 20, 1976 � � Chairman , � Planning Commission City of Fridley Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: ' This letter is to formally notify you of the opposition of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of the Innsbruck North Townhouse Association to the Darrell A. Farr Development Corporation's intention to replat the third addi- , tion of the Association to accommodate additional garage parking. Please be advised that the Farx Development Corporation fulfilled its legaZ obligations to the Association on July 13th, 1976 when it requested the approval of the � Architectural Control Committee for the above replat. Approval of the replat was refused for the following reasons: I. Represents a change in architectural character from the units previously built in the third addition. 2. Presents an appearance of "garage clutter" by obstructing the view of green space. 3. Creates the potential for parking problems by reducing visitor parking. 4. Negatively affects the marketability of the current homeowners in the third addition. The ACC had the following verbal agreement with Jim London of the Darrell A. Farr Development Corporation: "Should the ACC approve the proposed replat, the Farr Development Corporation would proceed with obtaining the approval of the Fridley . City Planning Commission; however, if the proposed replat was not approved by the ACC, the Farr Development Corporation would withdraw its request for consideration of the replat from the Fridley City Planning Commission's July 14, 1976 agenda." Should a request for the withdrawal of the proposed replat not have been filed by the Farr Development Corporation, we should like this letter to be made a part of the record concerning this matter. Please notify as to the status of the above mentioned replat. Sincerely, W • Je ry Fl� Anderson Chairman: Architectural Control Committee 5576 East Bavarian Pass Fridley, Minnesota 55432 cc: Doug Van Arkel JWA/mvb � � � , , � , • , � , � i � � �J � • 1 Our primary reasons for this position are: 1. That tne proposed change� �rould lead o a decl�.ne in property values. 2. That the increased per�onal d vehicular traffi.c on the street would be disturbing to t residents. 3• That ihe increased affic will endanger the sai'ety of the children and pro ty of the homea�mers. Chairperson Harris ed that the petition had i,en signatures. t�.0iI0P� by Shea, �econded by L�n�enfe� d, th��; the Planning Commission receive the pet3.tion roM the residents of I�.ortori Aver�?ze dated October !;, 197b. Upon a voice vo , all voting aye� t�:e motion carried unanimously. ' Chair rson I�arris stai;ed that he would �ive the peition to the City Administra- tio to be put in the �ile. 3. TABL�J: PU'3LT,r'. HEA?Ir;�r: CG':�:�iD�?�'1T�Q�? Or A P�ELIl�iT1�A.�-ZY PI�.T�,_P.S. �i7f�_pr I1dIJ��:t��Cn `:v?�'�i ii:::PI��:'i `i::?:� t��=�TC%i,; ?',ti' :i:i' :� �:. �i�:Zi� ::�E•+;�LQ?'�.:;,ivi -�.^°°-'"'` CORPi �i.�I'i0:�� : ���iric a rer,laT oi Lois 1 to � � inclusive, %locKS 21 tri..rou��. 2�d also part of Lat I, Lloc:c 28, Innsbruck :�Iorth Toi•*nhouses Thirc'. Addition, to alloi•r cl:anges ;n th� size of g�rages, generally loca+ed on the ?�est side of Eas� $avarian Pass and South of Pleister Roaa h.�. Public Hearing open, tabled August 18� 1976. i•1r. Jim I,ondon iaith Darre� Farr Deve� opmeni;, an� �.r. Darrel A. Farr were present. 15r. Board.�an expla�ned that this had been tab]_ed until. Darrel Farr Corporation was read�* to go with it, and the�r t��ere noY.* ready to proceed. He said tha� tn�.s �•ras in the toynnouse area and t!;ey wG.nted to increase the size of six prop�sed singZe-car garages to double-car gara�es. • Air. London shotitiied copies of the proposed plat to the Conunission. He explained that he ai:d 1•Sr. Farr ti�a3 r�et with the Innsburc:: North Tot.��house Association Architect�;ral Control Corumittee and the Operating Committee of the Innsbruck North To��house Associa�ion, an: the�- had e•Tor'.�ced out this proposed replat of the i'hird Addition. rie said that their proposal �aas to provide 12 double garages in lieu of the 12 single garages that t,�ere on the original plat. Mr. London eaplained t�iat the,y hadn't changed the total nur.iber of paricing spaces as they had increased the inside parkin�; by 12 spaces and decreased the outside parking by 12 spaces. He said that in their a�reement ti�ith the Innsbruck Townhouse Association they �,�ere moving blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8 to the bottom of' the page five feet to bive a minimum of alMOSt 50' bet:aeen buildin�s for movement of traffic,.parkin�, and so forth. He added they had also r.toved the garages in blocks 5 and 6 so the �arabe anci house would be more in line and open up the �reen area between buildin�s. t•ir. London added that they �rere 0 0 , . �� , P].annin� Comn�ission 1-leeti.n� - October 6, 1976 Fa�e Lt going to offer a �tandard �ara�;e door operator to be sold with each �arage so peop].e would use t.he indoor parking more. Chairpe:rson Harris asked. '�r. London if he was aware of the letter from � 1�Ir. Jerry r;. Anderson, Chair::�an of the Archii;ectural Control Committee, to the Planning Com�nission, dat�d July 2G, 1976. rir. London said he �aas, and that they !�ad 'r.ad their r�eetin�s after i;hat. He explained that letter iaas written the first time they naci appcared before this Corn��nission, and there � h*ere three siib�equent rreetinos after that tiihen this plat ��as worked out. i , , • ' � , , , � � � 1•1rs. Schnabel asked if there :��ould be any outside parking, �nd ?ir. London replied t,�.at it ;•rasn't showr_ on this plat, but there iaau?d be. ?�ir. Boardman asked if units 7 and 8��rer�e moved, and Tir. London replied they had been r�o�red back from the streei. ?:r. Boardrnan stated that Staf'�' had no problern witn this prelir�iinary plat. . ?�IOTI02d by Shea, secon�ied by Lan�enzeld, that the Planning Comr;iission cl�se the Public ;iearing on considerai;ion oi a prelimin2sy plat, P.S. 7f76-0�, Innsbruc'.1 I�ort� i2eplat "hird Addition, �y Darrel A. Farr Developmeni Corpora- tion. Upon a v�ice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Ha.rris�declared the rublic Hearing closed at 8:07. GE 1�ir. Bergman stated that initially he had some concern about the lack oi' a letter in w.rii•�_»; frn� the P.rczitec�ura�_ Con�,rol Corunittee �;o mate with the letter on page 1�5 ot tne agenda. �:o:aever, he said, the letter fror, tliat Co;.Lnittee says ��:e;,� ha�e a verbal agreer��ent with Jirn Lond�n, and �since ;ir. Londcn no�T told tr�e Comnission tney are in a�co_d, he aicin' ;, feel the concern �::�t a le�te�^� ;�s needed for referen�e Nurposes. Cha�rperson uarris suggested it vr�uld �ae �e1i to have thai: le�;ter for the City Council. I•i0Ti0id by Shea, seconced by ��ergman, that the Plaxining Comrlission reco:nr�end to Council appro�Tal �f preiir�inary pla�;, P.S. ;�76-0�, Innsbrucic Plorth Replat 'Third Addi �ion, by Darrel A. �'arr Devel�pr�ent Corporation : Being a: eplat of Lot.s 1 to � inclusi�-e, ��1oc'.�s 21 throix�;h 2b, a.nd also pa.rt of Lot 1, B;.cc'.: 28� Ir�nsbruc�c :�ortn To�tinnou�es Tnird Acidition, i.o alloi�r changes in the size of garn�es, ger.erally locate:: on the 4�`est side of East Bava.rian Pass and South of A:eist�r Road id.E. Mrs. Schnabel said that the or.iginal request form said to ir.:.rease tne �ize af five proposed ;;ara�;es, and tiie request was actually for six. rir. London sai3 that was just an error, and �i snould be six. Chairperson liarris suggested that be cleaned up before the request laent to Council. UPON A VOIC� VOTE� all votind aye, the motion carried u.nanimously. �l. r ' C� PU�3LTC U�:::tI;�G: CC�i;SID�?�TION OF A PitE N1r�Y PLAT, P.S. /{76-1�, I\t�S>TiL'CK VILT�IG:;� :.�:;�C:':u AJi:I'i'1G::, :�Y ��1iili�L 'r'�^.IZi: TJi�,�Ti:I.01 �'E'•?`i CO:iPOt�l�'I'I:)��: �e�ng n rE�plat oi �.'�e 'r:aste:rn baur�dar i' Innsbruc=: Vi111�F.J �'1�ciition, desc.•i�ed as follo�s : Tnat p�•t o� Ou ot A, Innsbrucic i+ort.i, lying ;•7est of a line dra�m froan t►�e most idort'i _ y corner of Outlot C� Innsbrucic Villa�cs, to the most Southcr?.y cor � of Outlot �, Innsbrucl: Villa�;e and said line there terminatin�, t� purpose of the plat to allow for a more feasible � . n���w. � ... � � I _ GF 0 _ Innsbruck North Townhouse Association 5506 Meister Road Fridley, Minnesota November 19, 1976 � Dar.rell A. Farr Development Corporation 7286 North 72nd Lane Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 ' ' ' �J � � � Re: Proposed replat of garages in the third addition of the Innsbruck Noxth Townhouse Association Deax Darrell: This letter is to inform you that inasmuch as you and Jim London have met with our Executive Committee to consider the above replat, the Farr Cor- poration has therefore performed its legal obligation to the Association. We have approved said replat with the following stipulations: 1. Each of the six garage buildings�will contain two single-stall units and two double-stall units. 2. Each of the 24 garage units will be equipped with .automatic door openers. These openers will be included as part of the base price and not as an option. 3. Each of the garage buildings associated with buildings 7, 8, 9, and 10 (per attached sketch) ' will be placed a minimum of five feet further back from the street than the original buildings. 4. All six garage buildings will be positioned in front of their respective housing units (units 7 • through 12) as much as possible. � 5. Six additional exterior parking spaces will be � built south of the third addition-fifth addition = line. (See attached). �: . - • The above restrictions have been placed upon your request with �he intention of retaining both an "uncluttered" appearance and sufficient external parking for the residents along East Bavarian Pass. � Attachment Very truly yours, \� � ` �jC�G'��W Lorin Woods, Director Innsbruck North Townhouse Association . Nov 2 d ��7� . � ' i ' 1 ' ' � . ' � � � i � � � � � . � � ' . , , i � ; �' -- i . .__ _ ' ..1-_ a.1 � �.��.:_,__: ��� _ __.. .__ I j-�—. � . t �`' . 6 G 12 �` . � :oD��' � - . �-___ � � — � � �. ,�.._ Q� �. . - � . � . � i- • ` . �` , � I I � �- � . . � � . � � ,. . ; ,�- --� - . % - rU . . .. � . `��.-.,_. _ . , , . ' i (� • � i� U ,s.QDf �T"�3 v ��t �t � _ i . � _ _ -___._.. . � � � . 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