12/06/1976 - 00014649, �, � THE PIINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIN� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUPlCIL OF DECEPIBER 6, 1976 The Rec�ular Meet�na of th� Fridley CitV Council of �ecember 6, 1976 was called to order at 7�40 p.m by Mavor PJee PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pia�or Plee led the Council and th� audience in sayinn the Pledqe of Alleqiance to the Fl aq ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESEPlT P1Et16ERS ABSENT APPRO�IAL OF P1IfJUTES: Counc�lman Fitzpatrick,Councilman Starwalt, Councilman Hamernik, Council���oman Kukowski, and r1ayor fJee. flone PUBLIC HEARING MEETIPlG OF P�OVEP�IBER 8, 1976 P10TIOP! by Councilwoman Kukowsk� to aoprove the m�nutes of the Public Hearrn� P1eetina of the Fridley City Council of November 8, 1976, as submitted Seconded by Council- man Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Plee deciared the motion carried unammousl y REGL'LAR f1EETIPJG OF NOVEMBER 15. 1976: � P40TIOP1 by Councilwan Starwalt to aporove the minutes of the Renular �^eeting of the � Fr�dley C�ty Counc�l of Plovember 15, 1976, as submitted Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Playor Plee declared the motion carr�ed unan�mously. ADOPTIOf9 OF AGEPIDA MOTIOf! by Councilman Namerntl< to adopt the aqenda as submitted Seconded by Counctlman Starvaalt Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declarzd the motion carried unanimousl�i OL� BUSINESS COfJSIDERATION OF A REOUEST FOP, VARIFlfICES TO ALLONI A FP,ONT YARD 56�1IP1MIPiG POOL BY nnocoT 7nnnr�nv nnn nvroTnni nnn�r ni r rnoi rn ini�onc P10TIOPJ by Councilman Hamer ml< to deny the reo,uest for the variance as recommended by the *Appeals Commission Seconded 6y Counciiv�oman Kul<owsl<i. Lpon a voice vote, ali voting aye, f1ayor fdee declared the motion carried unanimously. DRDIfJ�IfJCE PJO G26 - P,EZONING REOUEST, ZONTPIG ORDINA�JCE A^1ENDPIEPJT ZOA #�76-04, GORDON ASPEflSOPv, TO REZOPIE FROP1 R-1 TO R-3: 6500 2A1D STREET P1,F.: P101IOf1 by Councilman Hamernik to waive the second reading of Ordinance flo. 626 and adopt �t on the second reading, and publish. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all votmn aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously � OPDIfJAh�CE f10 627 - REZOP!IPlG REQUEST, ZOf1IF1(; ORDIMANCE APqEND�tE�1T ZOA #76-l13 BY EVER,T S4�Af�SOD1, TO REZOPJE FROP1 C-1 AP1D R-1 TO R-3, IPIIEP,SECTIOPJ OF 73P.D AVEPIUE AMD CENTRAL AVENUE IDERATION OF APPROUAL OF AGP,EEMENT BETUIEEf! THE CITY OF FRIDLEY APJD E�ERT SWAP�SON CONSIDERATIOPJ OF APPROVAL OF FIPIAL PLAT SUBDI1fISI0fl P.S ADDITION, BY EVERT SWAPdSON 76-08, CEfJTRAL TOWNHOUSE COfdSIDERATIOPJ OF T06JPdH0USE DEVELO°MEPII PLANS, T',�76-03. BY EVERT SWAPdSON *as amended 12/20/76 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIPI(; OF DECEPIBER 6, 1976 PAGE 2 COMSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AN AREA VARIANCE TO ALLOLI A TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPP1E�1T ON 3 ACRES OF LAN� INSTEAD OF 5 ACRES Mr. Dick Sobtech, Public Works Directar, proceeded to qo throu�h the items in the Agreement. Also, at the last meetinn wherein the first readinc� of the ordinance for rezom ng was adopted, the Administration had prepared a rezoninq developmental agree- meni outlintng certain requ�rements of the developer At that time, the developer �had not received the aqreement, however, in the past few weeks they have been able to qet toqether and review the aqreement. The items in the developmental agreement were put toqether from comments received at the public hearing before the Plamm �a Commtssion and the City Council. Mr. Sobiech then beqan with Item #1 of the Aqreement which item indicated that the developer feels that the townhouse development is feas�ble for a thirty-s�x (36) untt development. This ts tn reqards to the variance request which was recommended for approval bV the Appeals Commission. The variance recommended minimum area for town- house development from five acres down to three acres The main intent of that require- ment is the feasibility of a homeowners association in con,7unctton with the townhouse proposal. Item #2 of the Aqreement is regardrnq the rezoninq wherein there is concern from the abuttinq �roperty owners in that once the property ts rezoned to R-3, that perhaps an apartment buidinq or o�her uses could be developed instead of the intended townhouse development However, in the Agreeraent it is specified that the developer is restr�cted to developing a thirty-six unit townhouse development and that multtple dwellinqs and multiple dwelling complexes, hotels, apartment hotels, motels, lodqinq and boarding houses, will not be permitted on the property unless the developer comes before the City Council and explains a change in his plans Item #3 of the Agreement provtdes for the intention of the owner to develoo the town- houses to be owner-occuoied 9n conformance wi�h the Homeowners Assoc�ation by-laws 'Item #4 of the Agreement is a requirement of the City Platina Ordinance. Im tially the developer was requested to pay a certain amount of the land for park dedicatton and some recreational facilittes that are normally associated with townhouse development In lieu of this, the developer has proposed to construct some recreat�onal facilities tn the area of a swimminq pool, and he has indicated that the swimmina pool wtll be �n lieu of the land dedicatton and will be to the value of the land dedication and provide the recreational factlities as has been allowed other townhouse developments Item #5 regarding the roadway easement remains the same Item �6 remains the same and will be submitted for review Item �7--there was input from the people that they would like to see a fence constructed along the existinq residential properties ad,7acent to the townhouse structure. The developer has aqreed to install a wood screen fence alona the nroperties, but rt would be constructed upon completion of the townhouse structure and at the t�me the landscapin� is 6einq placed. Item '�8 was amended to remove the s�xth line as it was redundant in that he already sic�ned an agreement. Mr. 5obiech further stated that the developer's attorney has been �n contact with the City Attorney �Counctlman Fitzpatrick commented in regard to the swimminn pool in that it did not seem to him that �t was goinq to provide for the recreational needs of the area It will provide only one need of the area and even thouqh the value would be eaual, it still does not serve the purpose intended The swimm�nq pool is not aoinq to be available to the park area but only to the property owners directly. Councilman Starwalt stated that he agreed with Councilman Fitzpatrick ard asked the arch�tect to provide some informat7on reaardinn the pool. r - ✓_i_I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DF DECEPIBER 6, 1976 PAGE 3 Mr Al Hoffineyer, Architect, stated that the pool would be 20' x 40' and that Mr Sob�ech had the plans (which he then presented to the Counc�l). Mr. Sobiech stated that the pool would be qenerally located relatively in the center of the comolex and that it could be used by the residents. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated that h�s ob,7ection had nothina to do with the details of the paol but simply that the pool is only one aspect of recreation and that it does not serve the purpose in mind--the 10� land dedication. � Councilman Starwalt then asked ^9r Swanson, owner, if perhaps the pool was an over- sight or was �t somethinq that he ma_V have come around to realize as an overall enhancement of the development Mr. Swanson responded that the pool was never mentioned until the end of all the meetings and that he never realized that anything like this would be asked. In other words, he felt this should have been told to him when he started the proceedinas. Councilman Starwalt stated that if Mr. Swanson wishes to bu�ld a pool no one would stop h�m; however, the Counc�l would require that he provide reasonable internal facilit�es as well P�Ir Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, stated that the internal facilities would be in lteu of the additional $6,000 cash which was oronosed in the oriqinal aqreement Mr. Swanson and f4r. Hoffineyer stated that this was a�reeable. Regarding the screen fence, Mayor Nee stated that he had a oroblem wtth thts in that the peop7e expect it. Councilman Starwalt then asked P1r. Hoffineyer to elaborate on th�s. f+lr. Hoffineyer responded that the fence will be installed in staqes As the buildings are completed when they do the landscapinq, the fence will be put up. If the fence is put un ahead of time, there is the possibility of heavy equipment knocking tt down. Mayor Nee suggested that he thouqht it would be a good idea to put the fence up ahead of time to protect the residents and, of course, their children. Council- man Starimalt then commented that in conversations with some of the neiqhbors, it is des�rable that tt be ult�mately fenced; hou�ever, he was of the impression that they were agreeable to it being put up �n stages. Councilman Starwalt then asked what the ' total time span would be for the total construction of the thirty-six units and Mr Hoffineyer responded that they do not anticipate it to be more than a year. A reside7tt stated that he would accept thts as lonn as he was assured there would be a fence Councilman Starwalt assured htm there would be a fence. Counc�lman Starwalt then asked P1r. Hoffineyer to aive a brief explanation of how he �nten�s to proceed Mr. Noffineyer then showed the Council a plan of the different states Mr. Denm s Schneider stated that he was quite concerned tn that tt was hts recollection from the public hear�ng that the oriq�nal suqqestton was that they start at stage 6 and work backwards, and the compromise that he understood was that the fence would qo in so the oeople directly to the north, who are presently zoned R-1, would not be burdened with the usual problems of construction or �ossible trespassinq problems P1r Mtchaei Virm �, 1365 73rd AVenue N.E., stated that in terms of stages, he would be agreeable to the fence being put in accordingly. Mr. Swanson sugqested that perhaps he could get toqether with the resident and P1r Virn�q an� d�scuss this amicably. P1r. Sob�ech then showed the Council the landscaptnn plan as discussed at the public hear�ng which plan indicated that the �aood screen fence would proceed along the extrem�t�es of the development as it abutts the s�nqle fami7y residential properties. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to amend Paranraoh IV of the Aqreement to require 34,730 � as payment under the required ordinances and that the swimminn pool or other su�ta6le internal ame m t�es as approved by the Staff, be provided. Seconded by Counctlman Fttzpatrick Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Playor Nee declared the motton carrted unanimously P1r. Nasim Quresht, City P1anager, then asked P1r. Noffineyer if he could give a f�gure of what the value of the townhouses will be and he re�lied �a0,000 to $60,000. � ;'�-,� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEPIBER 6, 1976 PAGE 4 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to waive the second readinq of Ordinance No. 627 and adopt it on the second readinq and withhold publication until the aqreements have been executed Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all vot�nq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously MOTION by Counc�lman Starwalt to approve the area variance to allow a townhouse development on 3 acres of land instead of 5 acres Seconded by Councilman Flamer m k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTTON by Counc�lman Starwa1t to approve the final plat subd�vision P.S ?�76-08. Seconded by Councilwanan Kukowski. Upon a voice vo�e, all vot�nq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee suggested that consideration of the townhouse development plans, T�'76-03 be tabled so that there would be more t�me to review the plans Mr. Sobiech stated that the ta6linq of this would not hold anyth�nq up and that this would enable them to see the plans that the building inspection people would have to review before actual construction beqins MOTTON by Councilman Starwalt to table the consideration of the townhouse development plans and bring tt 6ack when they are ready. Seconded by Counc�lman Hamerm k Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously PJEW BUSINESS RESOLl1TI0N No. 11£3-1976 - GIVIPdG PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL �EVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE DEPARTh1EPJT OF ECONOP1IC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL, AND Al1THORIZIPIG EXECUTION OF A P1EP10RANDUP1 OF AGREEP7ENT AND PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUME�dTS--SAFETRAPd SYSTEPIS CORPORATIOP! �Mr. Paul Wheeler, Corporate Vice President of Safetran Systems Corporation and Vtce President/General Manaqer of the Electrical Mechan�cal Division, was present and stated that the Board of Directors has authorized the expansion of an addit�onal 72,000 sq. ft. of the extsting facility in Fridley. With the addition of 72,000 sq. ft., it is their intent to increase the number of people who are employed there Fortunately, accordrnq to Mr. Wheeler, the business is nrowinq and thereby necessitat�nq a need to expand Mr. Wheeler then ment�oned the names of several aentlemen who were also present Mr Purol, Corporate Vice President, Finance, from Louisville, Kentucky, Mr. Dan Mills, J C. Bradford & Co., from Nashville, Tennessee; P1r Harry Mitchell, Plant Manager, Fridley, and Mr. Fred Salmon, Division Controller, Fridley. The contractor they are usinq is Magney Construction Company Mr P�erce, 2135 24th Avenue P�orth, Plymouth, was present to represent them Mr Lynn Endorf from Dorsey Owens was also present. , Mr. Dan Mi11s, J.C. Bradford & Co. then spoke about his ornanization and stated that they were qu�te honored when Safetran Systems contacted them to be the underwriters an the issuance. He further stated that his ornanization is also aware of what a sound and financially strong company Safetran Systems is At the present time, his company ts plam m �g on a mtll�on and a half dollar issue to be retired over fifteen years Mr. Mills also stated that how payment will be made has not been decided as th�s is usually dictated by the market. However, at the nresent time, he believed it would be a level debt--a level prtncipal and interest payment This will necess�tate a figure of approximately $150,000 per year. Mr. Lynn Endorf, with Dorsey Owens, was ihen asked to comment on the legal aspects of the issue. Mr. Endorf stated that he did not have much more to add, only that he wanted to emphasize that they are seekinq preliminary approval which will qive the company an indication that the Council �s lookinq wtth favor upon the pro,7ect. **Mr. Endorf then commented that Mr, Marv�n Brunse1l, Finance Director, has copies of the application to the State Department of Economic Develonment with information provided by the Company Ne proceeded to distribute th�s to the Council. P1r Brunsell made reference to Paae 2 which gives a breakdown of the estimated costs in the bond issue and also a brief de- scription of the bond issue. **As amended 12/20/1976 �' i r_ lY', REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEPIBER 6, 1976 PAGE 5 Mayor Nee then asked Mr, Mills about a balloon at the end or at least not address the princ�pal foi° the first seven years, as to that not betna the intent and Mr. Plills responded that it was not Mayor Nee stated that the Counc�l liked the idea of the mortgage insurance. Mr. P�ills stated that he would like to require that the Council not recommend mortgaqe insurance since the financtal stability of the company is sound and with the size of Safetran, he believed it was not necessary. Councilman Starwalt then made reference to the letter which he was ,7ust handed, regarding the cost items—construction about a million dollars, site tmprove- � ments -$86,000, new heating system for existinq buildinn abouti a third of a million dollars, and asked who could elaborate on th�s item � P9r. Paul Wheeler stated that, presently, they have natural qas and he was very concerned about the operation of fuel and in explorinq this, he has not received any encouragement as to natural qas. What will be in 1980, he did not know; and therefore, thts leads to electr�c heatinq which would be for the new addition. So instead of paying out this money for ,7ust a portion of the time beinq which is 72,OOD sq. ft as compared to the existing facility of somethrnc� over 125,000 sq. ft., now is the time to act on it, P1r Wheeler further added that he did have another consultant give him a second opinion as to the theory of the heating system and the report was favorable Counctlman Starwalt satd this pertains to only heatinq equipment, and asked if anything eise wouid be popp�nq up. Mr. Brunsell responded there was noth�ng else that he was aware of D9r. Wheeler reaff�rmed this wtth a defi m te no Mr. Wheeler also added that it will be installed in such a way that solar panels can be added to it. He further commented that he had p7ans (wh�ch he proceeded to show to the Council) of the proposed treat- ment of the frontage which he believed would be oleasing to the City as is the present facility's frontage Mayor Nee asked Paul Gustafson from the Sun Newspaper if he had any questions, and he did not Councilman Fttzpatr�ck questioned that this is almost a 50% or more increase rn area additionally, and Mr LJheeler responded that it is. Mr Quresh� stated that at present it is certainly one of the m cest maintatned butldings in the City and an expansion of the same caltber would be a aood addition to that area Mayor PJee stated that he too was enthusiastic and always thought the Company was a good company Counc�lman Fitzpatrick stated that the Council has been arepared for sometime to act favorably upon this concept of municipal bond issues. He further stated that a letter received this evening from J.0 Bradford E Co. asked the Council, at this point, to simply ind�cate a favorable reception of such a proposal and he was prepared io move that in whaiever form it would have to take. � Mr. Herrick then stated that the Council at th�s time was beinq asked to approve the preliminary aoplication which will advise the State �Jepartment of Economic Develop- ment that there has been a preliminary discussion and that the Council has approved the submission of the appl�cation to the State. Ne further stated that contalned in the Memorandum of Agreement in item four of General Provision, is a statement to the effect that if the final details of the issue are not aqreed upon within a twelve month period or such other date as the company and the City aqree upon, that the approval and the � issue shall be considered void. Mr Endorf stated that although the Council may think that there is a lot of documenta- tion simply for preliminary approval of the pro,7ect, one of their ma,7or concerns is establishinq, in effect, a benchmark for the Internal Revenue Service. Mayor Nee then summarized the resolution in order to provide a basis for the waiver of the readinq Mr Qureshi then stated that extra conies were available. Mr. Herrick also pointed out that this is not comnittinn the full faith and credit of the City as far as the bonds are concerned. They are strictly revenue bonds and rely on the revenue of the company to retire the bonds and not the tax values within the Citv of Fridley Mayor Nee further stated that there is also a provision �n this � � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ECEMBER 6, 1976 PAGE 6 � that to finance these proceedings, the company deposits to the City 45,000 to be called on for the cost of the City's work on it and the balance would be reversible Therefore, the City would be proceedinq at no cost to the public MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adoot Resolution No 118-1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all vot�nq aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIUIIVG THE MINUTES OF THE PLANfJING COMMISSION MEETINf, OF NOUEMBER U. 1976• DICK GREGOR, L.S. #76-12, LOCATED ON 73RD AND 73', AVEPIUE� Mr. Sobiech stated that this is a request for a lot split wh�ch lot split request comes at a time when next Monday eventnq, December 13, 1976, there will be a hearing on a proposed plat of Lot 32. The Planning Commission has heard the request and did recommend approval with a stipulat�on. Mr. So6iech thought P1r. Gregor was present, 6ut he was not Mr. Qureshi stated that since Lot 32 was cominq up next Monday evening, perhaps the whole thing could be considered at that time. MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to table the matter unt�l the Public Hearinq Meeting of December 13, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �lee declared the motion carried unanimously UNION 76 SP #75-28, 5695 HACKP1ANN AVENUE: Mr. So6iech stated that th�s was a rev�ew or renewal of a special use permit that was originally approved at the April 5, 1976 Council P9eetinq. One of the stipulations of the special use permit approval toqether with the rezonina at that time was that there be redevelopment of the property, and prior to the develonment of that property, the �etitioner come agatn and allow rev�ew of the special use permit. Mr. Sob�ech stated that Mr. Glenn Hubbard was present. He further pointed out that what is anticipated is a chanqe in concept to what was oringally there. The concept being a self-service attendant only type situation He further stated that the Union Oil people did take �nto account the various traff�c patterns in the area and came up with a scheme which would allow a one-way situation throunh self-service. There was some concern, however, about the nature of the construction of the attendant buildinq. Mr Qureshi then asked what was proposed for the property to the east and P�r Sobiech stated that tt is an all open area and it is landscaped. P1r. Qureshi stated that he believed a more sturdier type of fencinq would be necessary for this type of operat�on along the east side Mr. Sobiech asked P1r. Hubbard if he had any ob,7ection to redwood fencing. P1r Hubbard asked how far back it would go Mr Sobiech responded that it would pro6ably begin at the front lot line of the ad,7acent dwel1inq and tie into the proposed fence on the south side Mr. Qureshi suggested a chain link fence with wood strips in it. This would be something that would last and be maintenance free He then asked Mr. Hubbard about his plans for the property to the south of this He suqqested perhaps makinn �t more pleasing to look at, for example, puttinq in some seed so it would look better than it does. � MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the spec�al use permit with the stipulation that the appropriate fence can be worked out with Staff. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Plee declared the motion carried unanimously PARKS AND RECREATION COP4MISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1976. YOUTH CENTER ARTICLES QF INCORPORATION. Mr. Ned Storla stated that after reading what the lawyer had written, he did not see any sigm ficant changes, and that he would llke to see it passed r , i �1 REGULAR COUNCIL PIEETING OF �ECEMQER 6, 1976 Mayor Nee stated that he had done a great deal of work. PAGE 7 Councilwoman Kukowski then proceeded to thank Mr. Herrick for going over the by-laws. MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to receive and concur with the Flrticles of Incorporation as subm�tted by the City Attorney Seconded by Counctlman Fitzpatrick Upon a vo�ce vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion � carried unanimously i�r. Herrick stated that he looked at the Articles as drawn and made some rev�sions as far as form and some revision as far as orqanization but he did not try to chanqe the substance �n the versian that had been adopted APPEALS COMMISSION P1EETING OF NOVEMBER 9, 1976: PERKINS CAKE E STEAK, 7520 UNIVERSITY A�ENUE P4r. Sobiech stated that this ts a request to increase the area of the �roposed sign for the Perkins Cake & Steak house. A variance is needed to a17ow the oval shape in the area of 80 to 802 sq ft. as opposed to the oriqinal request for 119 sq ft. The Appeals Commission did recommend a�proval. Mr. Sobiech asked if the representative from Perkins had the photos wtth him and he responded he did not. P4r. Sobiech stated that he had an opportunity to drive by the sign in Anoka and �t is quite attract�ve. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendat�on of the Appeals Commission and approve the siqn variance Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowsk�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. COMPqUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMP1ISSIOf! MEETIfdG DF PJOVEP9BER 9, 1976: 6IKEWAY/WALKWAY PLAN: � Mr Sobiech stated that the b�keway/walkway pro,7ect heqan as a pilot program which would eventually ease into the bikeway/walkway system. In order to see if the system would work for the City of Fridley, a 6ikeway/walkway �lan was adopted designating certair bike paths, lanes and routes and Tt was then broken down into various s�aqes in order to implement ihe system Mr. Sobiech further stated that it was recommended that they proceed on the pilot bas�s for certain central routes to get a feel of the implementation program as to how far they should proceed and they would then continue to no on to the next necessary stage. He also stated that another thina that was tried was to eltcit as much funding as possible from other sources and to that end, several applicattons have been made for grants for the blke�vay/wall;way system, and they received an ind�catton they would receive approximately $5,000. f4r. Sob�ech cont�nued statinq that what was being focused on as fdr as the arants are conceriied is the area of the bike paths, being off-street areas whicf� woGld be more expensive The City was trying to provide the signing and the stripp�nq as far as its maintenance program and they will be working with the County to get started on the program. As far as the m�les of bike paths, �t was hoped that they can acquire funding which would allow this Regarding the stripping, Mr. Sobiech pointed out that zhere have been quite a few discussions with the County reqarding what they wan�ed as far as federal requirements. They have a shoulder stripping program, however, � a decision was reached in what they believed was good for the City and certain distortions of the stripprng were eliminated, and hopefully it is now to the point that �t is recog m zable as a b�keway system. The County placed the signs and the City the stencils. From tndications received, Mr. Sobiech stated that th�s has worked very well on county roads. There are some problems, however, at the intersections which they are aware of and are working on REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEPIBER F, 1Q76 PAGE 8 Mr Sobiech further stated that tnqether with the County stri�pinq and the City strippina, they have proceeded with the sianrna on the County roadways which amounted to approximately 32on County roads and 28 on the City system The total amount of monies expended was approximately $3,600 by the County and $2,200 by the City for the sinns and strinprna The st�ninq, however, on the County system is not to the extent that they would l�ke to see There is � presently signing which says, "no drivtna on the shoulders--btcycles permitted " Thts aqain was in discussion with the County where their federal fundin❑ for the stripptng would have been �eopardized if tn fact it had actually been desianated as a bikeway Mr. Sobiech stated that he believed they are proceedinn, however, quite a bit of work rema�ns to be done He pointed out that at present, they do know as far as the system itself, the stqning and strip�inq, add�tional arrows are needed to help direct They now see bicyclists on the wron❑ side of the street. Additionally, beg�nninn and endrn� sians will be needed. Therefore, in 1977 they will proceed with additional s ans to help clarify the area, toqether with additional applications for fundinq of the bicycle paths so they do not have to utllize the Fridley taxpayers money Thev also hooe to proceed in 1977 with addttional routes and lanes Mr. Sobiech then stated that one of the other concerns of the Community Develop- ment Commission was the enforcement pronram and the bikeway/walkway ordinance In early summer or late sprinq, an original b�keway/walkway ordinance was 6rought before the Council, however, the leaislature then adopted some of thelr own rules and requlations and there were some tnconsistencies between the proposed ordinance and the one leqislated by the State of P1innesota At present, it is in the Police Department and they ant�c�pate by ±he end of January, the draft will be completed and hopefully the ordinance adopted for prooer enforcement by next season. Mr Sobtech further stated that another item that was brou�ht up was the educational � program and at this point, they must have an ordinance in order to know exactly what to �nform the people. At the school aae level, they do have an extensive educational program reqardin� bicycles and bicycle use, but as far as a program for �ust a general resident, that has not come up as yet They anticipate rnforminq the qeneral public by the use of fliers, newsletters, and sem�nars at the City Hall In summary, Mr Sobiech stated that at the Staff level, he believed the pilot program has been successful and will continue to have a system to be ut�ltzed by the residents. He added that all the sinnina and stripp�nq proposed for 1977 was put into the maintenance budaet Mr Denm s Schneider then thanked Mr Sobiech for his presentation and stated that the intent in the mation in the Community Development Commission's minutes did not address so much of the physical aspects. It was primarily focused at the ordinance and at the cost of enforcement until the ordinance is written. The areas of discrepancy are primarily just on the licensin� and at worst, they �ould set as�de the license and proceed with the enforcement of educational items and at least qet in a portion of the ordinance which would indicate who has *he right-of-way in the bike lanes or direction of travel or whether kids or edults could ride six abreast or �us� two abreast, and that is his intent of his motion Mr. Sobiech stated that perhaps they could indicate to the Commission also �rhat they are doing. Mr. Qureshi stated that as everyone is aware, they are authorized for a small � amount of grant monies, however, they have been successful to net some monies. Hopefully, this ttem will be brou�ht to the Council's attention at the January conference meetina. He further stated that they will do the�r part He believed it was a matter of how much monev and how much personnel resource, and how far they want to go. Mr. Schneider works with the Community Development Commission and will be attendinq the conference meetinn, and w�ll nive some insight that certainly would be hel�ful Mr. Herrick then stated that the only comment he wanted to make that would probably be helpful tn draftin� an ordinance would be to aet some thoughts from the Commission on what they would like to see in the ordinance with the under- standinq that the City does not have complete discretion tn this area He further stated that if there are some thouqhts from the Commission as to what they would l�ke to see put into the ordinance as far as rules and enforcements, etc., it would 6e helpful to him and P1r Jim Hill to have them sometime prior to the end of January �. __ �� _ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ECEP1BER 6, 1976 PAGE 9 Mr. Sobiech stated that the Commission did nrovide necommendations in the bike- way/walkway plan Mr. Sobiech stated that the onlv aciion necessary was to receive the minutes MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to rece�ve the minutes of the Planninq Commission Meeting of November 17, 1976. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votina aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING THE REVISE� AND APPROVED SPECIAL CHARTER COMMISSIOP! MEETIfJG PIINUTES OF niir_ncT n in�c. MOTION by Councilman Starwait to recetve the minutes of the Charter Commission Meetinc� of August 4, 1976. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl,y RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CABLE TELEVISION P9EETIPlG OF NOVEMBER 18, 1976• MOTION by Councilman Namer m k to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Meetir�g of November 18, 1976 Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously CONSIDERATION OF REOUEST FOR FUNDING FROM FRIDLEY a9'ERS: Mr Ed Dunn stated that they are starting to aet some retailers involved with the fundina portion for the 49'ers. There are a number of other activittes l�sted which he believed vaill be self-sustaim na. He further pointed out that there are sometimes unexpected expenses which come up, and he has made recommendatTOns to the Finance Commrttee that they do not qet into the cup and cook600k business as the pains are still being felt from that of the Bicenten m al There are still �400 cups to be sold and approximately 350 cookbooks He did not believe these would ever be sold and would probably be used as n�ve-away items. � Mayor Nee asked Mr. Dunn how the budqet compared with last year P1r. Dunn replied � that last year he est�mated $9,4D0 had been spent. Reqardinq the parades, this year they w�ll decide on the units they have in the paratle and more or less tell them what they are qoinq to give to them After talkina to the schools in the area, they have now found out evhat thelr needs are and people do not realize that every school in the area charges to be in the parade The Fridley Hiah School, for instance, charges $150, the Junior Htqh School charges $125; and the Sprinn Lake Park Hiqh School charqes $150. He further pointed out that in 1977 they are noing to scruttm ze each unit more carefully and decide which un�t will give their best Mayor Nee asked what was put �n last year Mr Dunn stated that they did not request any money for the parade They requested $4,500 for the entire Bicentennial and part of that money went to the town meetinq which was held in February. He further mentioned that the button sales around town are extremely successful and they have �2,400 more to a�n1y toward the budqet The deficit was 51,500 and they have reduced �t to 31,000 Councilman Starwalt questioned the fact that the local school bands have to be paid to participate in the parades. Mr. Dunn stated that this is correct, and that is the policy of the schoo7s However, they p7an to talk to more bands in the out7ying areas who have proved to charqe a reasonable rate for what's �nvolved He did mention that the Fridley State Bank has sponsored the Fridley Senior Hiah Band for two years, and they aqreed to sponsor them aqain this _year. Mr Qureshi stated that if ±he Counci7 aiould be inclined to approve the request, they could perhaps nay for some of the supplies needed for the celebration up to $4,000 Mayor Nee asked Mr. Dunn if that was aareeable and he responded that it would be fine. MOTION by Councilman Ham�rm k to approve the request for fundtnp for the Fridley 49'ers up to a max�mum of $4,000 Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all votrnq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF �ECEMBER 6, 1976 PAGE 10 Mr. �unn then asked the Council about their feelinas in reqard to a publ�c forum or town meeting in 1977. He further commented that they held some meetings on th�s and some people believed it was a good idea and some belteved it was a waste of time Mr Dunn felt it was a good tdea as across the country, Fridley had the number one town meeting They had over 600 participants He thought, perhaps, the name could be changed from a town meeting to a public forum. �Councilman Fitzpatrick asked tf it had been so successful, why are those ob�ecting Mr. Dunn stated that they thought it was too much work Counctlwoman City Council. him a go sign Kukowski asked Mr. Dunn what point of involvement he expected from the Mr. Dunn stated that at present, he vras �ust look�nq for someone to gie�e Councilman Starwalt asked what the source of fund�ng was. Mr. Dunn replied that last year the fundinn for the town meetinas cost approxtmately $1,600 of which the State of M�nnesota paid a portion Mayor Nee then asked if Mr. Dunn had any plans for a clean-up Mr. Dunn stated that he does. He also stated that Mr. Jerry Boardman, City Planner, was present at their board meetinq and spent some time with the board and it was decided that Mr Mark Haggerty and Mr. Boardman would work out a program Mr. �unn stated that he plans on recog m z�ng apprnx�mately 25 businesses that have done an outstandina �06 in beautification this year. He further stated that there was discussion about developing a date somettme next Spring when they would have a community clean-up day and encouraqe not only the businesses 6ut everyone to qet out and clean up the�r yards Soroe of the ideas were that they go to the schools and see if they could have the "old earth day" where everyone gets out and the kids go around and have a clean-up during the day and have drop-off potnts �.e., P1cDonalds, etc. The kids �n turn qet free hamburgers, milk shakes, etc. He further believed there are a lot of ways to qo on this and really make it a big day. Mayor Nee asked if there was a way the Council could work with him on this. Mr. Dunn replied that he though bastcally throuqh the Staff. As stated earl�er, � Mr. Haggerty and Mr. Boardman were goinq to pursue this Mr. Qureshi stated that they would certainly work with Mr. Dunn RESOLUTION N0. 119-1976 - NAMING THAT PART OF AL�EN WAY Ih9MEDIATELY NORTH OF 71'� WAY r„ �� ��.� �.��� .- _ Mr. Sobtech stated that his request was received at the final assessment hearin� and there was some difficulty in locatinq their restdences and the post office was having problems. Mayor Nee asked if everyone has been advised and Mr. Sob�ech responded they have been MOTION by Counc�lman Councilman Hamer m k. carried una m mously. Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution fJo 119-1976 Seconded by Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion RESOLUTION N0. 120-1976 - ACCEPTING THE DEED OF EASEP9ENT AI;REEMEPJT AND Al1THORIZING THE EXCHP,NGE OF PROPERTY FOR THE IMPROVEMEPJT OF OSBORNE WAY, 75TH WAY AND ALDEN WAY� MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to adopt Resolution No. 120-1976 Seconded by Councilman Starwalt Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �CONSIDERATION QF APPROVAL DF J�JI�dT IISE P,EPdTAL-RGRF,EMENT �191 FOR 1977 WITN ";ETRCPOLITAP! WASTE CONTROL COPIPIISSIOi� P1l��CC : -- Mr. Sohiech stated that this was an interceptor agreement that they have with the Metroqolitan Waste Control Commtssion and have had since �ts institution, and it alloufs for a compensation to the City for maintaining a certain �nterceptor in the City that was not taken over by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commisston He further stated that they have reviewed their costs and the compensat�on noted in the aqreement was still adequate He a1so pointed out that �f they do gq over what �s actually patd for, they are reimbursed. MOTION by Councilman Starwal± ±o approve the aqreement with the Metropolitan Waste Control Comm�ssion. Seconded by Councilman Hamern�k. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl,y Mr. Sobiech stated that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commiss on is interested in us�ng Vy ^ i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1976 PAGE 11 a strenqth user discharne system and that perhaps is may be appropr�ate to pass on any information at the conference meetinq CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE �.inrrr rnniTnni rnnnnnlrrrnni nni.irr rnn �n�� ' WITH f4ETROPOLITAN MOTION 6y Councilwoman Kukowski to approve the agreement with Metropolitan Waste Control Comm�ss�on for 1977. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . 121-1976 - ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BI�S FOR P9ISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ro nnin nonrr�.inv nonnnnru nrrnnicTOiirTmni rnniTOnr'r. MOTION 6y Councilman Starwalt to adopt Resolution No. 121-1976 Seconded by Council- woman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unantmously. Mr Sob�ech stated that there is a considerable amount of trouble with the contractors not putt�ng in the curb property. He believed that they can provide a service in that this is an area where the potential owner of a structure must contract for curbinganyway. He was hopeful in ach�eving numerous services for the resident plus the City. RECEIVING RESIGNATION - MR. AL OSSENKOP, CATV COMMISSION: MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to receive the resianation. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS - NUMAN RESOURCES COP9MISSION AN� CATV COMMISSION• Councilman Starwalt stated that he would like to nominate Mr. Ed Dunn to the Cable TV Commission Counc�lman Hamernik nominated Mr pon Ault to the Human Resources Commission MOTION by Counc�lman S�arwalt to appoint Mr. Ed Dunn to the CATU Commission. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. PIDTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to appoint Mr Ned Storla to the Human Resources Commisslon Seconded by Councilman Fitzoatrick. Councilman Hamern�k stated that since the resignation of PJancy Lambert, he lost the only representative from his Ward He further stated that he would like to see representation in 4Jard I and there should be representation from a11 Wards. Councilman Starwalt asked Mr Ned Storla if it would be agreeable to hold back at thts time and work with the Teen Center Charter that he is working with. Councilman F�tzpatrick stated that Mr. Storla did not nomtnate himself and he believed that he did not think he should be faced with the choice Councilwoman Kukowski stated that she wou7d like to see the youth in the commum ty involved. � � Mr Storla stated that he felt that workinq for a community and aivinq time for a community was more imr�ortant than havit�g a specific ward representation Mr Qureshi stated that there will be more vacancies cominq up. Mayor Nee then stated he knew Mr Ault and would like to see him appointed to a committee in the future. UPON A VQICE VOTE, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried CLAIMS. f+lOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to pay Claim No's 17922 � 18127 Seconded by Councilman Starwa7t. Upon a voice vote, al7 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1976 LICENSES: PAGE 12 MOTION by Councilman Starwalt to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's office. Seconded by Councilwoman Kukowski Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motzon carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: �MOTION by Councilwoman Kukowski to ad�ourn the meet�nn Seconded 6y Councilman Starwalt. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Counc�l of December 6, 1976 ad�ourned at 11 05 p.m As a point of tnformation, Mayor Plee stated that they have decided not to have their conference meeting on the fourth Monday tn �ecember It will be �n January Respectfully submitted, ���� � f/���,� Dorothy C. Green Secretary to the City Council � Approved: December 2�, 1Q7fi ' ���� �� William J Nee Mayor