RES 1979-143 - 00006842246 RESOLUTION NO. 143 - 1979 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND AND THE PUBLIC UTILITY FUND TO THE GARAGE CONSTRUCTION FUND WHEREAS the City Council has previously awarded bids for and authorized the construction of an addition to the City Garage, and WHEREAS this addition is now complete, and WHEREAS this addition is now complete, and _ WHEREAS THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE General Fund and the Public Utility Fund are necessary to finance the Garage Addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a transfer of $26,700 from the General Fund to the Garage Construction Fund is hereby authorized, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a permanent transfer of $17,540 from the Public Utility Fund to the Garage Construction Fund is hereby authorized, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a transfer of $41,313 from the Public Utility Fund to the Garage Construction Fund is hereby authorized. Such transfer shall be in the form of a loan which will be repaid over a three -year period according to the following schedule: Year Principal Interest Total 1980 $12,725 $3,305 $16,030 1981 13,743 2,287 16,030 1982 14,845 1,188 16,033 $41,313 $6,780 $48,093 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 1979. Gv - __n WILLIAM J. NEE YOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL 1