11/10/1980 - 00013399(Note: Minutes of October 27, 1980 typed out of order They follow these minutes) r. n �, ��c � THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARIfJG MEETIidG OF THE FRIDLfY CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:42 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL: f�IEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS AQSENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Nee, Counc�lman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Counctlwoman Moses and Councilman Fitzpatrick None PUBLIC HEARING MEETING, OCTOBER 20. 1980 MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unantmously ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTIOfd by Councilman F�4zpatrick to consider the Lot Split Request, LS #80-05,t for Edward Jonak, as the first item on the agenda as Mr. Jonak has been 6efore the Counc�l on several occas�ons and his item of business has been at the end of the agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor IJee requested the followtng two items be added to the agenda: (1) Cons�d- eration of a Resolution to the 6oard of Managers of the Rice Creek Watershed Distrtct; and (2) Comments to the Attorney General Re: Boise-Cascade - Onan Litigat�on. MOTIOfJ by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above add�tions. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor IVee declared the mot�on carrted unanimously. STNTEMENT DF CANVASS: PROVING STATEMENT OF CANVASS FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION OF NOVEM6ER �4. 1980: Mayor Nee stated it was worth noting that 8�}% of the registered voters in Fridley had voted in the election. He stated, if you consider the persons who have left the City between the tnne they were registered and the day of election, tt must be close to 90% participation which was a real credit to Fridley. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, noted that on Page IJ of the agenda, under W-2, P-2, the total votes for Playor Nee and Frank Lie61 were reversed and the Council now has a corrected sheet before them. MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to approve the canvass for the General Election of November 4, 1930. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously P�L'LIC HEARINGS STERED LAND SURVEY. MI T MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to wa�ve the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hear�ng Seconded by Councilman Schneider lJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee cleclared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7 55 p. m. ' 1 ' Z� r> � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Minnesota Transfer Railway Company is requesting a replat of their parcel which lies along University Avenue and 73rd. He stated he understands Minnesota Transfer wants to sell the property, therefore, they have to get the registered land survey recorded and are applying for the replat. Mr. Flora presented a draw�ng showing Tracts A, B and C and stated there would be a bikeway along Universtty Avenue or possibly along the service drive and a � 15 foot easement is requested for Tract A along Untversity and a 15 foot easement along Tract C to provide north/south access for the bikeway. He further stated that an easement is also required along 73rd, as there are future plans to improve the intersect�on at 73rd and Um versity to f�ve lanes and , therefore, 15 foot is needed for the bikeway plus an additional 10 feet for street right-of-way. Councilman Barnette questioned, if 25 feet was taken off this parcel, what it would do to the property. Mr. Flora stated a 30,000 to 40,OOD square foot butldtng could be built within Tract A and still satisfy the setbacks and code requirements for th�s zoning. Counctlwoman Moses questioned if this would be a one-story bu�lding or �f tt would be necessary to go to two stories to obtain this footage. Mr. Flora stated the parcel would accommodate a 30,000-40,OOD square foot one-story building. Counctlwoman Moses also quest�oned �f there would be sufficient space for parking Mr. Flora stated the parking requirements would vary depending on the type of operation at this location. Mr. John Jensen, Chief Engineer for Minnesota Transfer Company, stated he was a b�t confused and knew that, in accordance with Ordinance 633, the C�ty can require three percent of the land or the equivalent in money He stated he has a letter from Mr. Flora ind�cating the option of a land ded�cat�on or cash payment is at the discretion of the City and it was the City's desire to obtain a cash payment. He stated, if you add up the bikeway easements and additional � easement for road widening, it is over the three percent. Mr. ,lensen felt they could go along with the equtvalent of three percent payment in cash, but didn't feel they can accept an add�tional 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 percent of land taktng. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated Mtnnesota Transfer is requesttng a plat and it certainly is not unusual in this community, and in most other communities, when a piece of property ts betng platted, the City has the authority of requiring what they consider to be adequate easements for traffic purposes, which would include both motor and pedistrian traffic. Mr. Herrick stated it would be his positton the Ctty has the authority to requ�re both a dQdtcat�on of easement for•vehicle purposes plus a park dedication and didn't feel one can be subst�tuted fur the other. Mr. Gordon Forbes, 480 Cedar St., St. Paul, representing Minnesota Transfer, stated he wished to re�nforce Mr. Jensen's statements. Mr. Forbes stated Mr Flora indicated a cash payment would be acceptable to wh�ch he would be �n agreement. Mr. Forbes referred to Chapter 566 of the State statute, which was passed by the 1980 Leg�slature, in which they attempted to clarify the kinds of dedications that may 6e required, and suggested a careful reading of this Chapter. He felt the original approach by the City for a cash payment may be the best way to proceed. Mayor Nee stated the Council would not take action on this item this evem ng, but only hold the public hearing and he suggested Mr. Forbes meet with the C�ty � Attorney regarding this matter. Mr. Flora stated at the Planntng Commission meeting the stipulattons for the road and bikeway were discussed. He stated on October 10, he wrote the letter to Minnesota Transfer to �denttfy the additional requirement of the park fee and to make them aware there was this requirement •rt�°� /,UL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Jeff Schmidt, representing Ch�cago Northwestern Transportation Company, stated he has reviewed the leg�slation and City ordinance and it seems quite clear the land dedicatton or cash payment is at the option of the City. He stated it was his �nterpretat�on of the ordinance that it requires one or the other, 6ut not both. Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Mana9er, stated the platting ordinance prov�des the City can require ded�cation for road right-of-ways and easements to properly serve the area and felt this requirement and the park dedication were two seperate issues. Councilwoman Moses quest�oned the plans for these properties. Mr. �ensen stated Minnesota Transfer is owned ,7ointly by nine separate railroads and the property would be d�str�buted to two railroads who would offer it for sale for developmental purposes. Mr. Herrick asked if Minnesota Transfer owned property to the East. Mr. Jensen stated Carter-Day owns 16 or 2D acres immediately to the East, however, to the East of Carter-Cay's property, the ratlroad owns additional property. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this registered land survey. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman f4oses. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8 18 p. m. Mayor Nee stated this item would come before the Council at the next meeting and in the meantime, the City Attorney will review this matter and submit his opinion. EST, SAV �80-09. PETITI 12 MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the read�ng of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at II:19 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works D�rector, stated a 100% pet�tion has been received from property owners along 2nd and 2-1/2 Streets to vacate the alley between 60th and 61st. He stated the Planning Commiss�on reviewed the request and has recommended approval with the stipulation the City maintain a utility easement through the alley. No persons in the audtence spoke regarding this vacation. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closes at 8:20 p. m. EST, SAV #80-10, TO VACATE 12 FOOT �RAIPJAGE AfJ� f+lOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the read�ng of the plubl�c h2ar�ng notTCe and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Plee declared the mot�on carried unam mously and the public hear�ng opened at 8 20 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated when the Hillcrest Addition was platted, a pond was constructed to the back of several lots and the owner of Lot 9 is now requesting vacation of one foot of this easement in order to allow construc- t�on of a home on the lot. ' 1 1 L—� � ra � ._� 4� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOyEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 4 Mr. Flora stated the staff has reviewed this request and has no ob�ection to the one faot encroachment, bui if th�s ls granted, there should be a stipulatian that the remaintng 11 feet be kept free and clear from any future plantings or abstruetions that m�ght impair access of City vehicles and, if the owner dec�des to extend the drainage culvert, it would be at the owner's expense wtth C�ty approval of the construction. Mr. Waltz, the petitioner, stated he has signed forms with the City stating he would allow them access. MOTION 6y Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to close the publ�c hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closes at F3.25 p. m. HEARING ON VACATIO LEY EASEMENTS, OAK E 6 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing not�ce and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearin9 opened at B 25 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there was a 100% petition recetved from the property owners to vacate the alley along Lots 1 through 4, Oak Grove Additton and the alley easement along Lot 12, Moore Lake Park Second Additton. D1r. Flora stated the staff has no ob,7ection to this vacation as long as a 10 foot easement can be obtained along the westerly portion of the alley right-of-way for draina9e and utilities. P�o persons in the audience spoke regarding this vacation request. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing Seconded by Coun- cilwoman Moses. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the pu6lic hearing closed at 8 27 p. m. IC —170V IU VHI.HIC LIS WATER WORKS• MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing ncrttce and open the public hearing. Seconded by Counr.ilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearin9 opened at 8:28 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, explained this request is from Minneapol;s Water Works, who owns all the property, therefore, there is 1�0� petit�on to vacate the alley. He stated staff has no problem with this vacation request No persons in the audience spoke regarding this vacation. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrtck to close the publ7c hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a votce vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing closes at 8:29 p. m. ON -13. TO VACATE ALLEY AND THREE MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing ' notice and open the publ�c hear�ng. Seconded by Counc�lwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously _ and i.he public hearing opened at 8:29 p. m. `' L% /a PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 5 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated in 1972, Burlington-Northern did request a vacation of these propert�es and a publ�c hearin9 was held, but there never was a first and second reading of the ordinances to accomplish the vacation. He stated Burlington-Northern recently submitted a request that the streets and alleys be vacated and this request was tnitiated to vacate what is now called 40-1/2 Avenue and those unnamed streets and alleys in Burlington- Northern's portion of the property Mr. Robert Brokopp, Manager, Special Real Estate Pro�ects for Burlington- Northern, stated the original petition in 1972 for the vacation never reached a final dec�sion by the Council and Burlington-Northern would appreciate a favorable cons�deration to vacate the streets and alleys as the Northtown yard operation �s a greater part of the property. MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:31 p. m. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE N0. 718 TO VACATE STREETS AN� ALLEYS. SAV #, IIO-04. PETITION �5-1980 C J MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the second readtng of Ordinance No. 718 and adopt �t on the second reading and publish. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanmiously. CE N0. 719 TO VACATE STREETS AN� ALLEYS, SAV � 80-05. PETITION #4-1980 f�lOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 719 and adopt it on the second reading and publish. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. ' Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously OR�INAfJCE N0. 720 TO VACATE STREETS AN� ALLEYS, SAU �`BO-06, PETITION # 6-1980, 5500 6LOC1: iiETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STREETS: MOTION by Councilwoman P1oses to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 720 and adopt �t on the second reading and publish. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I PETITIDN �7-1980 ��lOTION by C��ancilm�n Fitzpatr�ck to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 721 and adopt it on the second reading and publish. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. TO VACATE STREETS A�dD Pi0TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 722 and adopt it on the second readiny and publtsh. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSIPJESS CONSIDERATION REET, ED6JARD TO P1AKE NEW BUILD Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. Jonak wishes this lot split in order to establish a new buildable lot. He stated staff has no ob,7ection to L _J ��� C. �,� PUBLIC HEARIPdG MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 6 the lot split except the stipulations should be attached regarding payment of the water and sewer charges and the requirement of the park fee. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to grant Lot Split, LS #80-05, to Edward S. �onak w�th the stipulation that the assessment for water and sewer and the $1,D00 park fee be assessed at the time the building permit is issued. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Mr. �onak asked how many feet are involved in the water and sewer charges and Mr. Qureshi, Ctty Manager, stated 70 feet of frontage would be assessed UPOfV A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVING APPEALS COPIMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 14, 1980 RATIOfJ OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE GE REQUIREMEN G OF WESTLING Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property in question is located on 5th Street and consists of all of Lots 6 and 7. He stated a variance was previously granted for construction of a double bungalow on this property, however, the t�me has exp�red for the variance. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commtssion again heard this request and the developer has planned a double bungalow that will fit in with the ne�gh- borhood and is requesting a variance to reduce the square footage from the required 10,000 square feet to 7,812 square feet. He stated the Appeals Commission has recommended approval of the variance and staff has no ob,7ection to the request. MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the unan�mous recommendation of the Appeals Commission and grant this variance to reduce the square footage � requ�rement from l0,OD0 square feet to 7,812 square feet. Secorded by Council- man Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to rece�ve the minutes of the Appeals Commission Meet�ng of October 14, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. RECEIVING BIDS FOR UNIVERSITY Y/WALKWAY BRIDGE AND UNIVERSI Mr. Flora, Public Works �irector, stated there are a number of resldents present this eve m ng regarding bikeway/walkway. He stated the proposal was to construct a bikeway, financed by 75% State funding and 25i City funding, irom Mtssiss- ippi Street to 69th Avenue where it would tie in with the future Community Park. Nir. Flora stated there was a meeting with residents on October 20 and they had concerns about the number of people using th�s bikeway and possible vandalism Mr. Flora stated, during the d�scussion, it was suggested additional fencing could be constructed along wtth some landscaping and lighting. If this was done, the increased cost would be about an additional $19,200. � Mr. Quresh�, City Manager, stated the State would not participate in the cost of any fencing or landscaping and these costs would have to be borne 100i by the City. He stated, depend�ng on what alternattve Zs used, the additional costs could vary from $7,OOD to $20,000. Mr Qureshi felt there is some rattonale in providing security for these residents. z�� PUBLIC HEARING MEETIfJG OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 7 Councilman Barnette stated he met with the restdents and the concern of the property owners on 4th Street is the area beh�nd them, which is part of the street r�ght-of-way and not well l�t, and they have had some problems with vandalism. It was their feeling, if there was a bikeway in this area, it would add to the vandaltsm tn back of their properties. He stated one of the thin9s discussed was fencing in order to make a corridor or passageway and prevent persons from getting in their back yards and to possi6ly add some screen�ng. He stated he felt the restdents thought a six foot fence would be adequate. Several restdents of the area expressed their concern about the vandaltsm and no�se and wondered exactly where this bikeway would begin. Mr. Marvin Hora, 6750 4th Street, stated the only way the residents found out about this bikeway was when one of the property owners went back to the area and asked a City employee what was being done. He stated this was the only notice they had and the bids were already out and no one was notified. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated, in th�s case, the City owns all the property they need to build the bikeway on and legally there is no question on the procedure, however, the next question is public relations in working with the neighborhood and how sensitive the City can be for their concerns. Mr. Qureshi stated he would recommend the contract for the bikeway not be awarded at th�s time and staff ineet with the neighborhood. Mr. Flora stated only one bid was rece�ved for the bridge and this bidder, Continental Custom Bridge Company, ts now working with the State to sattsfy the Department of Transportatton's construction requ�rements. Mr. Fiora stated the b�dder has assured the City he can provide the bridge for the original estimate, therefore, he would recommend they award the contract for the bridge, with the stipulation that the Continental Custom Bridge Company satisfy the specificat�ons of the State �epartment of Transportation. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the bids for the asphalt work for the bikeway/walkway and, upon recommendat�on of the adm�m stratton, re�ect them. PLANHOLDER Asphalt Specialttes Co. 1900 Quant Avenue So. Lakeland, MN 55043 Ertk John Peterson N.D.H. Asphalt, Inc. 700 Industry Boulevard Anoka, MN 55303 Munn Blacktop, Inc. 3601 - 48th Avenue No. Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 537-4466 Pavemasters, Inc. 1425D Sunfish Lake Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 427-1451 A.P.M. 12924 �une Terrace Plinnetonka, MPd 55343 545-3402 (Jack Bury) BID DEPOSIT Cert. Check $640.00 5% Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. 5% Uni ted Fi re & Cas Co., Iowa 5% American Drugqist Ins. Co. 5% Am. Casualty Co of Reading, Pa. BASE BID $12,800.00 $19,250.00 $19,366.5D $19,677.00 $23,685 00 ' , , � � ' 7+� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 UNIUERSITY AVENUE BIKEWAY/WALKWAY PROJECT C0�4TINUED: PLANHOLDER Bituminous Consulting & Contracting Co., Inc. 2456 Main St. N.E. Mpls., MN 55434 755-1888 (Jim or Steve� Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 2825 Cedar Avenue South Mpls., MN 55407 721-2451 Bar6er Construction 5400 Rowland Road Minnetonka, MN 553%�3 938-9607 BID DEPOSIT 5% Capitol Indemnity Corp. 5% Firemen's Fund Ins. Co. 5% Amertcan �ruggist Ins. Co. BASE BID $23,939 00 24,149,D0 26,584.75 PAGE 8 Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Counc�lwoman Moses to receive the bid from Continental Custom Brtdge Company for fabrication and delivery of the br�dge in the amount of $20,847 and award the contract to them, conttngent upon Continental Custom Bridge Company meeting the new specifications of the State Department of Transportation. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. DISCt7SSI0fV REGI�RDING 1931 LEGISLATIyE PR6POSALS APPLICABLE TO �OLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS; Mr. Charles McKusick, President of the Firefighters Relief Assoctation, appeared before the Council regarding a proposal by the League of Minnesota Cii:ies wh�ch questions the exclusive allocation of the 2% fire and sprinkler insurance premium tax to firefighter relief associations. Mr. McKusick stated the problem with the League's proposal is the idea that firefighter relief associattons would lose the use of the 2% fire and sprinkler insurance premium tax He potnted out that Frtdley has a successful plan which has been fully funded 6y the use of this 2i tax, since 1969, and felt it would be in the best interests of the C�ty not to lose this fund�n9 mechanism. He stated, since 1969, taxpayers have not had to fund the volunteer firefighters relief assoctation. Mr. McKsu�ck requested the Council constder passing a resolutton in support of their concerns. He stated the League of Minnesota Ctt�es didn't offer any factual support fo•r their position and he felt, if the proposal was approved, it would create a lot of havoc. Mayor Nee stated he was impressed w�th the prudence 6y which the Firefighters Relief Association is managed in Fridley and felt the Association has been very responsible and there was no reason to change the system MOTION by Councilman Schnetder to adopt Resolut�on No. 114-1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �v� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 PAGE 9 REQUEST FOR THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SPECIAL USE PERP1IT, SP #73-10 FOR Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a spectal use permit was originally granted to Mr. Stahlberg tn September, 1978 with several requests for extenston to the sprtng of 1980 and then to Septem6er 1980. He stated the C�ty aga�n received another request, in September 1980 , for extension of the special use perm�t. He stated the basic reason for delay in constructton has been the ' inabil�ty of Mr. Stahlberg to obtain financing. Mr. Flora felt, if this request is to be granted, P�r. Stahlberg would probably need at least 18 months in order to obta�n financing since he has a new �ob, but must be employed continually for a year in order to qualify fior a loan. P4r. Flora mdicated he had no problems with the proposed construction, but felt this should probably be the last extension granted, and if they have another request, the special use permit should aga�n be reviewed. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to grant an extension of the special use permit, SP #78-10 to Allen Stahlberg until May, 1982. Seconded by Counctlwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the mot�on carried unan�mously. CONSI�ERATION 0� ENTERING INTO COOPEP,ATIVE PURCHASIfdG AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA Mr. Quresh�, City Manager, requested the Council constder entering into a cooperative purchas�ng agreement with Anoka County. Mr. Qureshi pointed out health �nsurance costs would be substantially lower wtth Anoka County, rather than Hennep�n County. However, Blue-Cross/Blue Sh�eld would not 6e available, therefore, some employees who have this coverage may be unhappy. He stated currently there about 29 employees who have this coverage. Councilman Schneider stated he can see the benefit, as far as cost goes, but ' could see an employee's point who had a doctor with Blue-Cross/Blue Shield and d�dn't want to change. He indicated he did have a concern if that option wasn't ava�lable. Mr. Quresh� stated the possibtlities of obtaining fee for service coverage such as Blue-Cross/61ue Sh�eld through Anoka County, haven't really been fully explored and this could be done, however, the coverage may not be available. Mr. Qureshi poii�ted out the City will have to not�fy Anoka County by th�s ldednesday, tf they want to be part of the plan. MOTIOfJ by Councilwornan Moses to approve the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement wtth Anoka County. Se�conded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 115-1980 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR 1981 IPdDUSTRIAL TYPE TRACTOR• MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 115-1980. Seconded by Councilman 6arnette. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously RESOLUTIOfV N0. 116-1980 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ANIMAL CONTROL MOTIOfJ by Counc�lman Schneider to adopt Resoution ido. 116-1980. Seconded by , Councilman Barnette. �pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. '. J � , THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1980 980 OF SPONSORSHIP TO PAGE 10 MOTION 6y Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 117-1980. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N REGULATION 0 =NDMEfJT TO THE RULES AN� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated last week he became informed that the Rice Creek Watershed District had sent out proposed amendments to their rules and regulations, however, the City didn't rece�ve a copy. He pointed out the problem with the proposed changes in the rules and regulations is the quest�on an how it is gaing to 6e lmplemented. Mr. Flora felt enactment of these amendments should be delayed until they have an opportunity to meet w�th the Watershed District, as the 6road approach could esta6l�sh a police type of power. Mr. Herrick, Ctty Attorney, stated he didn't think the Watershed District could take away the authority of the municipality. He stated, if they have a zoning scheme of their own, a developer proba6ly a�ould have to get approval from both the City and the Watershed Distr}ct. He felt, however, the C�ty should have some input. Mr. Flora stated there was a meeting of al7 Publ�c Works Directors in the Watershed District and it was their feeling, th�s approach should be tal:en. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to adopt Resolution No. 118-1980. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried una m mously. COMMENT TO ATTORNEY GENERAL RE: BOISE-CASCA�E - ONAN LITIGATION: Mr. Herrtck, City Attorney, stated he didn't feel the City should be a part in the lawsuit. He stated he would wr�te the Attorney General's Office saying the City will cooperate with them in attempt�ng to resolve the problem and be available for help in mediating the problem. Mr. Herrick stated, at the last Pollution Control Agency meeting, tt was determ�ned actton should be brought against both parties, Boise-Cascade and Onan, and let the court decide who was responsible. He stated the PCA indicated action would not start for 15 days and, �f the two companies wanted to get together and work out a solution they could do so, and if not, they would then proceed w�th the action. It was the concensus of the Council that the City Attorney advise the Attorney General's Off�ce of the C�ty's posit�on to not become a part of the lawsuit. CLAIMS: MOTION by Counc�lwoman Moses to author�ze payment of Claims PJo. 290648 through 312505. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��� %�:I THE PU6LIC HEARING MEETING OF NDVEMBER 10, 1980 ESTIMATES. PAGE 11 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, referred to his memo, �n the agenda regarding the Springbrook Nature Center estimate, where it was recommended the estimate be approved for $63,511. He suggested, on this estimate, this amount be changed to $66,514. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve the esttmates w�th the change on the Spr�ng6rook Nature Center Estimate from $63,511 to 66,514. Dawson Construction Com,�any 1803 South Ferry Street Anoka, MN 55303 FINAL Est. #2 - Sewer & Water Pro,7ect 131 Bud Johnson Construction c/o Design Consortium, Inc. 1012 Marquette Minneapolis, MN 55403 Estimate �6 for Springbrook Nature Center from September 10 to October 17, 1980 Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Assoc., Inc. 2500 American National I3ank Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55101 Est. �1 - Engineering Servtces (Aug.)-Infiltration/Inflow Analysis � 86z'9z Est. #2 - Engineering Services ��}�g06.08 (Sept.)-Infiltration/Inflow Analysis �10,001.09 $66,514.00 $5,849.00 Secondecl by Councilman Fitzpatrtck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee delcared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: ' � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of November 10, 1980 ad�ourned at 10 p. m. Respectfully submitted, .���ry-��.-��.��� Carole Haddad Secy. to the C�ty Counc�l Approved: November 17. 1980 ��'�f�� �''�� ��-� W�lliam J�ee Mayor ✓ 1