02/23/1981 - 5366OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1981 FRIDLEY CITY COUPJCIL i�tEETING _ � PLEASE SIGN NAt�{E ADDRESS AND ITEM NUi�IBER INTERESTED IN DATF: Februar,�� 23, 1981 NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMaER __________________________________________-��-3`� O S� �y' ! i .I�, � f �� ___=__--=__^-_-- 5,.°=S I�==== � M�t�v�z�� J, �2�.� o� Fri` -��-� N►� s� �t 3� �� ��°� r" r� s� . .a� nr _1 I /'.,�a'' �? � .. Jl 0 /�,� N�,�. s3 8A �v�:; �`� .�r� . f��l'.G�t__�_ `-- 5333 1,��/� r/e t� � �' �y �� `1�. £. '�� � ��� �����r� .�}%'� � !/� �- YJ i� � �� �v ,� �,� 9 ��3 ,� s s-�`/.� U�/ �a l,l�,.1� . � � �Q � L-3 �� - -I�� , � " i �-�e--�- f..� s��������� � �.� �� �� r� ���- ��� s � �� � I_!, / �, I ` /� / -/ --/` ,-,_ � ,�-� _� . r��,_�, � r��� ���� ��� �9i� C�l.��v� i L � R,EGl1LaR I�iEETI �VG - FEBRUI�RY 23, 1981 — 7; 30 P, M. ___ _� _ ___�______. .__�.____ __.._._._.� �...�..�.�..___��._�.. (�'i�P�i.) �-J�O; � J��r=��;����a�l����a-��� 1�Er��L�s � � n r �►� ���-�-�[i)1► �'L.E/aSE ��IA�!E YC�(1f:��t�;�l�Sl�d�it'S � l=o��c:�t� s�:� ����F -rr�� A�l IU��.� ��,:. :. �, l�t`�:C;: r I. Tf-{�: �ITY i"i�i�l,'�,��E�' S OF'F I CE LY "C"HF. %�E1)���SDAY E�-:rriZt T}-{c f�'.E.X-1" I�E::GULr�R CCjIiNCII.. I�IEETIt�r � THAt�i< Y'GU, /'�.7'%'l�C�li �� t, ��{��;� j� i.�i��;�.� ,. t.l�,� --r;r:.�itiuvh��� ur i'lililU I�CJ.; __.._ _ REGULA� MEE7 I �dG, Approved �EBRUARY 2, �.�g�. PUBLIC �iEARING, FEBRUARY 9, 1981 Approved RDOPTION OF �tGEP��DA: Added: Receiving Bids and Awarding Contract - Radio Pager Receivers ContinuEd Public Nearing on Plat Amendment, Innsbruck �torth T�wnhause P7at 1tI . OPE"J FORUi�, VISITORS: �CUNS II3�RAT ION 0� ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - J.� +i IlVUTES) P�o Response JLP �USI;i�S�: SECO(JD RC�DING OF= AN ORDil�1ANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE p OF THE �ITY OF FRTDL.E1°, BY MAI<It�G �1 CN�INGE IN ZONING ; � I STR I C�FS {�-� TO C�Z-�.) ZQa ���'O-°O�r, ���5 UN I VERS I TY y aav��vu�� ;�r�, J��or��E C, 5!-;��,s��.��v �cJ� � Co��s iD��,�a�r i�� 0� i%AR I ANCE REQiJE.ST Ta Rt_;�uc� SE��AeK � FOfZ ��'F`STRCE�" �/�RiizPdG ����� Ez ��i��z Rcl��c� Rc�r Y;�Rn o� �RONT �('/��:I� ��T¢:� Ck: �i n ntl_LC?t'! f,Oi�STRIii,T i(?i� OF 1� pR0- � ; FCSSIOPI;'�L �UI± D!NG1 ����� �.!�1I�,'�F:�ITY f�V�!�UG, ; TI�Z; .�r:(.�f�!r %� ��CFfURSt� IN� � , � � � � � � � � � , � o � � 1. _' � F i _ S;�c:a��=! :,ea,�ir,:, ��� t���"i�,.�r;c:e ar�:i c-t�ns�ci^rai��c��� o; variance tabled until ��i� � t'}^ t�1c� f�ilil i � C il('i31'7 P t �3i1 � iit�: i] � � E y' li ��'T'i;Vc'111C'_Il�i. � i , ���'� � i i f`i t!: �� 1't<t'. 11'l.,iri I� �iirr�l�.5 f�lv C),It! i 1 i 1 � S' � 1 � � ...tif{.L....iJ.is:S.�'.._L.�..i'il,. : .(.,�Tfl�v h,r.�l _.__.:._11x.;�.u.._��--��.����:�-�*--�nr{ CITY N�ANAGER PUBUC YdORKS �TTY MANAGER I PUBLIC 4v'ORKS ', PU�LIC WORKS REGULAR MEETI��G, FEBRUARY 2�, 198I Pac E 2 Q�D BUSII��SS (CONTINUED) SLCtiNll READING OF AN ORDINANGE REPEALING OLD SECTION 2��, �.�� I�ND ESTABL I SH I NG �E'fJ SECT I ON ZO5 ��.5� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CQDE ENTITLCD "CREEK AND RIVER PR tS EriVAT I ON D I Sl�l� I CT'� i FL.00D pLA I N �RD I NANCE )� ����� 2— 2 {( Ordinance Na.728 adopted ACTIOfJ NEEDED: Publish ordinance ACTION NEEDED: Forv�iar•d certified copy to appropriate federal agency CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO ENVIR�NMENTAL '� �UALITY �OMMISSION �TABLED Z%gl��.)� � � � � � � � � � � � � Marcia Schaaf appoin�ed ACTION NEEDED: Inform Ms. Schaaf of her appointment CONTI�VUED PUBLTC HEARING ON P�AT AMENDi�iENT, IiVNSBRUCK T;QRTN TOWf�1H0i1SE PLAT VI Continued hearing closed at 9:05 P.P�, Approval granted with four stipulations ACTION NEE�ED: Work with Farr Corporation on pertinent details. ;VENJ �U� I PdESS : REGE IV I NG CNARTER COMM I SS I ON ��1 NUTES C3F J�,►�U1�RY �i, 1981, , , � , , , , " , , , , . , , , . , � . , , , , � 4 - 4 A Minutes received ACTION NEEDECI: File minutes for future reference PUBLIC WORKS ;PUBLIC WORKS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRtlARY Z3, IgSZ f��[�� �i�J I���5� � CONT I NUED) RECEIVING pL.�,��NING `OMMISSIQN ��INUTES OF ; F�BRUARY �, �.�$l, � � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � 1. Consideratien or Rezoning Request, Z�A #80-OG to r�zanc� from M-1 to R-3, property located south o� I�lississi��i Street and east of Burling- ton P�ori:h�rn ri ght-of-way, t�l, G. �oi:y and " Gary A. l�Jel l ner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 D Planninq Comm. Recommenda�ion: Denial of request � Council Ac�ion Needed: Reguest withdrawn by �etitioner NO ACTION NEEDED 2. Consideration of Vacation Request, SAV #80-14 to vacate streets in Sylvan Ni11s Piat 3, W. G. Doty and Gary A. Wel 1 ner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 p P. C. Recommendation: Approv�l Council Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for April 13, �981 . Public Hearin� set for April 13, 1981 ACTIQN NEEDED: tYSake arrangements for hearing 3. Considerati�n of �'roposed Pre�iminary Plat, P.S. #81-01, Midwest Addition (fiepla�t�: of Block 11, Gre�t Northern Industrial Center), Louis J. Hamlin, P�i dwest Pr~i nti ng Company . . . . , . . . • . . . . 5-F =_-5G - P.C. Rec�mmendation: Appr°oval Caunci1 Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for Apri 1 13, 19�31 � ' Public Neariny set for t�pril 13, 1981 ACTION NEEDED: Make a��rangements for hearing PAr,� 3 5-5L , i � ; � , PARKS & F,EC PUBLIC WQRKS REGULAR MEETZ�JG, FEBRUARY 23, 19�1 iJE�°J �3US I PyESS � CONT I NI;ED) COiVSIDER/�TION OF AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWfE� Ti-iE CITl` OF FRIDLLY AN'�� 't'HE ��IDLEY HQUSING AND R�DEVELOP�1ENT AUTHORIiY, � � � + � � � � � � � � � � � � � Approved ACTION PJEEDED: Have agreemer,t executed between �H&Rl� and the City Pa� � 4 6-6E CQNSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF �iORDING � icv Joi�vr Po��JE�tS AGREEME�fT WITH ANOKA CGUNTY ON ISLAND OF PEACE� � � � � � � � � � � � � � • � � � � � • % Working change approved as outlined ACTION NEEDED: Ha�ie agreernent executed after wording ch�r�ge is made RECEIVING BIDS AND AW�RDING CONTRA.CT — UNIVERSITY AVENUE BIKEWAY��'�ALKWAY Pf�QJECT, , � � � � � � � , � � � g ' �i B Bids received and coniract awarcled to low bidder--Pavemaster for $13,836.75 ACTID(� NEEDED: Inform a71 bidders of Council action FUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS �UBLIC WORKS ' I TdA�Cl� �Z AR MEETING, FEBRUARY 23� 1�$1 i ►'iE�`� BU�i��ESS �CONTINUED) pAGE ? CO�dSIDERATION QF /� RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR ��ns Two 2o,a�o �,v,w, TR����, , �. . �. , , , . � , . � _ � � .. Resolution No. 17-1981 adopted ACTION hEEDED: Proceed with advertising CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PL.ANS AND SPEGIFICaT10NS AND EST:IMATE OF COSTS THEREOF: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �JO, 133� � � � � � Resol�tion N�, 78-19$1 adapted ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized , , . , , . , 1�J-10D CONSTDE�2�TION OF A RESOL.UTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY RE�'ORT Oy MaTTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: d'JATER AND SANITARY S�WER PROJECT ��0, 133 � � � � � � � , � � � � Resolution No. 19-7981 adopted F�CTIOr� NFEDED: Proceed as autho�rized ,,,„Il CONSIDERATION OF A R�SOLUTIQN �UiHORILING AND DIRECi-ING T�iE SPLI��iNG OF Sf'ECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON p�1RCEl.. 140J, SECT I JN 3(��I S f�ESOLUTION SUPLRCEDES E�ESOLU7ION ��0, �-I���� �ATED FEBRUARY 2, 1gg�.) � � � , Resolutiara tJ�. 20-1�;,1 ad�pt�c� AC7IOPd �NE�E�.1EG: Pr���f..�ec± a�s authot�izec; , 12-��l� FINANCE rTNANCE '�INANCE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 0 � 0 THE MINUTES OF TNE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY'COUPlCIL OF fE6RUARY 2, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:33 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: hiEP16ERS PRESENT: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Mayor Nee, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF h1IilUTES: REGULAR hiEETIP�G, JANUARY 19, 1981: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �1ayor Nee decl�red the notion carried unanimously. ADOPTIOPJ OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with Item £3, "Consideration of Easement Agreement Between Redeemer Lutheran Church and City of Fridley, Edgewater Gardens" to be scheduled about 9:00 p. m. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUP•t, VISITORS: SPRIfdGBR00K NATURE CENTER: Mr. Tom Flolid, 6053 Woody Lane, stated in 1972 and 1973, the big controversy was whether to have a nature center or golf course and the nature center won out because of the vigorous campaign on the fact that it wouldn't be at the Fridley taxpayers' expense. He felt the nature cer.ier was a big disappoi.ri�nerit and is a place for pot smokers to hang out and the matter of the golf course should ayain be given consideration. . Mr. Flolid stated he is against spending any more tax money on the nature center, unless there is another vote by the taxpayers. Mr. Flolid felt past promises should be honored. Mr. Everett Utter, 6084 Nloody Lane, stated approximately six years ago, members of the Council, including P1ayor f�ee, campaigned for a nature center vs. a golf course. He stated, at this time, it was stated the nature center would not cost the residents of Fridley a penny. He feels this matter is a touchy subject with a lot of Fridley residents and some of the members of the Council are going back on their V10Pd when they stated it wouldn't cost the taxpayers•any money. Mr. Chuck Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind Road, stated he was involved in this issue at the time and feels, before any expenditures are made, there should be a vote taken. He stated when this nature center was proposed, it was stated there was money available for �his state or federal program and former Senator Sehaaf stated there was money galore and this is novr falling back on the Fridley homeowners and he didn't feel it was right. Mr. Myrle Rice, 442 Rice Creek Blvd., agreed with the statements made by the others 100;. He stated no more money should be spent on the nature center unless it is put to a vote of the people. ' Mrs. Janice Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind Road, stated she remembers it was said � the nature center would cost the taxpayers no money. She stated former � Senator Schaaf assured everyone there was money available and thought this should be looked into further. --- --� � i�� ; � � 0 � ' I i i I i _ _ _ ___ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __--------------- � __ _ . _ _. . - --__._ . -- _----------, � � ` �2 REGULAR MEETING OF fEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Leonard Brandt, 190 Craigbrook Way, stated he is opposed to the nature center and it has gone nowherp ,. except for protecting the mice and gophers. He stated Fridley could have had a nice golf course to compete with other suburbs in our area. Ife feli:, if Fridley is going to be a top-notch City, :hey are going to have to show it by getting some revenue coming into the City. Councilwoman tAoses stated she wasn't on the Council six years ago, however, if you look back to that time, the costs have doubled and based on the costs and economy at that time, it wasn't going to cost the taxpayers anything. ' She stated they couldn't predict what prices would be and the inflation and the grant was adequate to cover the cost uf the building. She stated the � people were asked what tney preferred and it came out in favor of the nature � center. She stated the Springbrook Nature Foundation has worked to the end ' ; and are still trying to raise funds for i:he building. She pointed out the �; , grant was given on the basis that for 20 years this would remain a nature center. She stated it was started withthe aurpose it wouldn't cost the tax- payers any money, and they are still trying to work with these promises. i Mr. Utter stated the poeple of Fridley had no choice if this would be a golf course or nature center. He stated there were people elected to the Council saying the nature center wouldn't cost the taxpayers of Fridley a dime. He stated he kno4ls the State funded the building and that the costs were over what was estimated. He stated the City has to complete the inside of the structure from Fridley taxpayers' money. He pointed out there have been City trucks working out of that park for five years. Councilwoman P-toses stated they are working on an easement from Northern States Power and will obtain a sum of money which they will be able to put into the nature center. t4r. Utter stated that money should be put in the Ceneral Fund and not used for the nature center. He stated it was promised there would be ` no tax money spent on the nature center, regardless of where the money comes from Ftr. Sheridan asked if the lease for the Foundation was reverting back to the � City to which Mayor Nee answered in the affirmative. Mr. Sheridan stated what is ending up now is it will be the City's, and they will have to maintain it, � and he supposed it would be necessary to add more staff. t•1r. Sheridan stated he didn't think they should continue to push something that is just not working. � He stated he would like to know the number• of people using the center and the ' percentaye of City residents using it. ' Mr. Brandt stated he would support a golf course arid get Fridley back on the map. He stated he couldn't believe the comment by Councilwoman Moses that they didn't realize prices were going to go up. He stated he would be 100% in favor of the golf course, even though he doesn't golf, and thought the Council should look into it and get something for the general'public. He felt the matter of the nature center vs. the golf course should be put to a vote of the people. P1ayor Nee felt, in regard to some of the points concerning the nature center, they should probably get into the costs for the proposed community park and recreation buiiding and investigate it in some depth. Councilman B arnette stated he has always been in favor of a golf course, however, he does support the idea for the community park, with the full understanding it will cosi, some money to run it. The difference with this, he felt, is that it is upfront and people know it will cost some money, whereas in the case of the nature center, they didn't know it would cost Fridley taxpayers. Mr. Brian Goodspeea, 731 R;ice Creek Terrace, stated he didn't come here this evening for this particular issue, however, he wanted to state the horticulture clubs at the school do brirg people up to the nature center every spring. � _-- _ --- - --- -----------i . _ _ 23 ; REGULAR h1EETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 3 i He felt 20 years down the road there wouldn't be any nature areas Teft and once '' this property is made a golf course, it is irreversible. He felt, if the matter of a nature center came to a vote, he didn't feel ii would change. ; Mr. Flodido asked what would be the objection to having a vote by the people, � as he felt they were misrepresented last time. Mrs. Sheridan asked if the City didn't hire a consulting firm to take soil I samples in this area and the report came back it was best suited for a golf � course. � ' � i, �I Mayor rlee stated whe was correct. . j Mrs. Sheridan stated she believed this study cost $10,000 and it was another i $10,000 for the referendum so the City already had $20,000 into the project. '! Mr. John Fitzpatrick stated he was home watching the meeting on cable television and wished to submit some comments. He felt the City can't let this land go � vacant and has some obligation to maintain it whether it is the nature center or golf course. ; I I Mayor Nee stated he feli the subject has been pretty we11 exp]ored, but didn't ; feel they have a ready answer to the question. NEW BUSINESS: ' ; � CONSIDERATION OF ASHTON AVENUE EASfMENT AGREEMENT, BURLINGTOfd NORTNERN, INC. ; TABLED 1/19/81 : % Mri Newrnan, representing the City Attorney's Office, stated in this agreement with Bur7ington Northern, they would convey the necessary property for the � Ashton Avenue easement and, in turn, the City would agree not to levy any i assessment for the improvement. i Mr. Newman stated they are recommending acceptance of this agreement, as Burlington Northern maintains they own the property and condemnation proceed- ings would be necessary in order for the City to prove title. He further stated Burlington Northern advises that if the City attempts to assess them � for the improvement, they would oppose it and that could involve another � legal proceeding. Councilman Fitzpa±rick stated the spirit of the agreement is that the railroad � doesn't have any need for this access. Mr. tJewman stated it is in writing that Burlington Northern feels there is no benefit to their property. ! Councilman Fitzpatrick asked the width of the paved section of the roadway and � Mr. Flora stated it was 22 feet. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked the total easement , beyond the paved roadway and Mr. Flora stated there is an additional three fest on ei.ther side. � htayor Nee asked if the City could prevent them from having access to the road and referred to the standards. Mr Ne«man felt weight restrictions could be imposed as long as there was a reaso�abie purpose. Councilwoman t�oses questioned to what standards the road would be built. � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the road was initially built for a one-way street and it was w�dened to allow lane road. He stated it is not built to the City standards for a residential street> but it does allow two- way traffic and it is narrower than a normal Gity street. , _____ __ _ _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ _--- f— � _ _ 24 REGULAR hSEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 4 Councilwoman P4oses asked if they could, in fact, say it wouldn't be built with the intent of trucks using the road. Mr. Flora stated it wauld be built for adequate vehicular traffic and, in these terms, it is a matter of the load, length of time the road is used, and frequency of use. Mayor Nee stated the recommendation of the legal staff is that the practical solution would be to obtain the easement from the railroad and, in turn, not to assess them for the improvement. Councilwoman Ploses stated if the City were to proceed with court action and - lose, they wouldn't have this easement. Mr. Newman stated, conceivably, there � may be two lawsuits, one on the easement and another on the assessment. ,� f Councilman Fitzpatrick stated if the argument can be made by Burlington Northern that this road is no benefit, he questione� how this would differ ' for roads past other properties. Mayor iVee stated if they have no use of the land other than�ifor buffering, ! then they would have no use for the access. ! Councilman Fitzpatrick stated if they really have no use of the land, except for a buffer, then the figure thay are giving for the easement is out of proportion. He stated he has no argument with the recommendation of the legal staff that when all is said and done, this is the expedient route, and would go along with the recorr�nendation. Councilwoman hioses also had some concern, but if this matter does go to court, the City could. lose both actions, the matter of the easement and the assessment, and felt perhaps this would be the best way to proceed. Mayor fdee asked as part of this agreement, if Buriington t�orthern tvould state they wouldn't claim access. Mr. tJewman stated he didn't know as he wasn't involved in the negotiations. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table action on this agreenent for consiclerat�on on whether the City can include such language to the effect that it is not Burlington Northern's intention, or financially feasfble, that this would be developed comercialiy and if it were, then the assessment ; would be affected. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayoh Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � CONSIDERATIOPd OF TEFIPORARY TRAILER LICENSES PERt1IT FOR OFFICE SPACE USE, TARGET �JAREHOUSE TA6LED 1/19/81 : P�1r. Robb Gruman, representing Target, appeared before the Council regarding their request for permits for temporary trailer licenses. t�lr. Gruman stated the request if made to locate tU�o trailers for use as office space on the Target warehouse property for a aeriod of two years. He stated these trailers would be used for temporary office space until they are able to move into new facilities wiiich will be haadquartered in the center city project in doti�antown F1inneano1is. He stated the staff which vrill be using the trailers are all part of ttieir management computer services an� everyone at this location is support staff for the computer operation. P�ir. Gruman stated the reason the request for the trailers was for a t4Jo year period is that it coir�cides v�ith the plan to move people to the new office facilities. He stated it wasn't feasible to try and squeeze any nore people in the office space availab7e at the Target warehouse. He explained this whole building area will become warehouse facilities once the people are relocated in the new facility. �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .._ __ 25 REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 19£31 PAGE 5 MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to grant the temporary trailer licenses permit for a two year period. 5econded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Mayor Nee stated the staff is concerned about the landscaping around this facility. Mr. Gruman stated he was not sure what was done previously, but would be happy to address this question with the staff and work with the Couneil to try and accommodate them. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOUE MOTION, all voted aye, and 1iay9r Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPOTNTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS (TAQLED 1/19/81): APPEALS CODIMISSION: Councilman Schneider stated he has someone who is interested ih serving on the Commission, but didn't have a resume. � MO7ION by Councilman Schneider to table this appointment. Seconded by Councilman � Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion � carried'unanimously. , � ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: � - � MO7ION by Councilwoman Moses to table this appointment. Seconded by Councilman j Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion � carri.ed unanimously. � HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION: Councilwoman Noses stated when this Hras discussed at the January meeting, she had nominated Gwen Reber for appointment and has since talked Hlith her and she I is willing to�withdraNr, therefore, Brian Goodspeed is now the only other nominee. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to nominate Br9an Goodspeed, 73I Rice Creek Terrace, for appointment to the Human Resources Commission. Seconded by Councilwoman F�oses. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to cast a white ballot for the appointment of Brian Goodspeed to the Human Resources Gorrmission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye> Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanamous]y. PlEW BUSINESS: RECEIVING PLANNI�'VG CQMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 21, 1981.: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Corrcnission Meeting of January 21, 19f31. Seconded by Councilwoman hioses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared if�e motion carried unanimausly. CONSIDERATION OF ITEM FROM APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 27, 19£i1: TIOP1 OF RE 19/83): j Mr. Flora stated this is a request for a variance and a special use permit for operation of an emergency veterinary clinic in the Moon Plaza Shopping Center. He stated the Planning Comnission and Appeals Commission have recommended approval with certain stipulations. , � � . i i � � _ __ _ _. _-- ___. - - __- ---___-� 26 . i REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 19$1 PAGE 6 t4r. Ed Clausman, President of the Affiliated Veterinary Service, appeared before the Council to explain the concept of the emergency veterinary clinic. He explained the emergency veterinary clinic is relatively new and they presently operate one such facility now. He stated the purpose is to offer after-hour emergency veteririary care to animals that are injured or �, sick and to provide life-supporting treatment. He stated the idea is to keep the animal alive until the owner can get it to their own veterinarian. Dr. Clausman stated tney would be looking for two veterinarians to run the facility and they would split the hours which would be from 6 p, m. to I 8 a. m. tlonday through Friday and 12 noon Saturday to 8 a. m. Monday and at i any time during official holidays. .; Dr. Clausman stated this clinic is a low volume type of operation and they .� are looking at three to eight persons a night bringing their animals into the clinic. He fe1:t, because of the off-hours, it creates no park�ng problems � and there is someone at the facility all night. I Dr. C7ausman stated it is a definite advantage to the residents of Fridley because they can get emergency help for their pet. Councilman Barnette questioned if they publicize these services that are available. Dr. Clausman stated they do advertise in the yellow pages and work with the veterinarians to make peopie aware of the emergency clinic. There were about six of the local veterinarians in the audience who supported this emergency clinic. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there is a require�nent in the Zoning Code which requires a veterinarian clinic to have a concrete ceiling, however, the Planning Comnission wi11 be recommending this requirement be de7eted and, � therefore, a variance is requested on this item. � ! � I Mr. Flora stated the Planning Corronission recommended approval of the special ' use permit for operation of this emergency veterinary clinic in Moon Plaza �! Shopping Center with the following stipulations: (1) That the clinic be � used for� emergency purposes only within the hours specified--6 p, m, to 8 a. m. Monday through Friday, and 12 noon Saturday to 8 a. m. Monday, and at any..t.i.me during official holidays and (2) That the owners`be required to provide sanitation at a minimum of two times a week. , Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission added an additional stipulation that if sound and odors become a problem, the petitianer install a ventilation system and acoustical materials that would eliminate all p roblems. �•10TION by Councilwoman:t�loses to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Camnission and grant the variance to allow a veterinary emergency clinic, without the required precast concrete roof, to be located in Moon Plaza Shopping Center. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ne? declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman hioses to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Gommission and grant speciaT use permit, SP �`�0-12, to allow an emergency veterinary clinic in Moon Plaza Shopping Center, with the following stipulations: (1) That tha clinic be used for emergency purposes only within the hours specified-- 6 p, m, to 8 a, m. Monday through Friday, and 12 noon Saturday to 8 a. m. Monday, and at any time during official holidays: (2) That the owners be required to prov�de sanitation at a minimum of two times a vreek; and (3) That if sound and odors become problems,the petitioner would install a ventilation system and acoustical materials that would eliminate all problems. Seconded by Councilman Scf�neider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unacimously, � , i _ _.__ _.__ _-- __.___---.._ __ -- ._. .-------- -___ _ ___-- -_ .._____-------._______ _ �--__ .. _ , 27 ' REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 7 '. • 1 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Appeals � ; � Commission Meeting of January 27, 1981. Seconded by Councilman fitzpatrick. � � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ; unanimously. j � + I ; RECEIVING CATV COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 15, 1981: � � h10TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Cable Television � GOimiss.ion,Meeting af.=January 15, 29�1.. Seconded`by.Councilman Barnette. Upon i a voice vote, all,voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I� CONSIDERATION OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH AND CITY � �� OF FRIDLEY, EDGEWATER GARDENS: � ,� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated they have been working with Redeemer Lutheran Church for the development of a neighborhood park and bikeway in the Edgewater Gardens area adjacent to the church. He stated Redeemer Lutheran Church has offered to allow the City a bikeway easement up their drive off of Mississippi Street and through their parking lot to 65-1/2 Avenue and the sum of $4,000 for the neighborhood park playground equipment, plus paving, concrete curbing and parking lot screening to the east of the parking lot, if the City would provide them a parking lot easement of 35 to 20 feet wide along their eastern boundary. Mayor Nee questioned the wording in the agreement of the easement for parking purposes, the fourth paragraph fran the bottom, and reference to the word "forever". He asked if there wou]d be any objection to changing this to a certain number of years. Ms. Marcia Etiicher, representing Redeemer Luthern Church, stated if they would have fio come back again before the Council after a certain number of years, then they would have a problem with it. She stated, speaking for the Church Council, the wording, as submitted, was what they were comfortable with so they would have to go back to them, if it was changed. Mayor Nee stated the problem he has is that it seems they are selling a large piece of land for $4,000. Ms. Etlicher stated people are now using their parking facilities and the church does allow this so they are, in fact, doing the City a favor by allowing them to use the pa�rking.. There was concern by some members of the Council if peop7e would fee] comfortable using the parking lot of the church when they use the park facilities. Mayor Nee asked if they would obje�..t if signs were put up to indicate the parking could be used by persons visiting the park. Ms.Etlicher stated this wou]d be satisfacl:ory as long as it wasn't during their services. Counciln�an fitzpatrick felt there wasn't much of a conflict as far as hours, but wanted people to feel they were w�lcome to park in the church lot when using the park facilities. Ms. Etlicher stated people are now using th�ir parking lot in the no�°theast corner which is near the skating rink. �' Mr. Newman pointed out the time limitations of the two easements are different 'i as the one for the bike path has greater discretion for terminaiion on the � part of the church. 0 �$ � REGULAR MEETIN6 OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 8 Councilman Fitzpatrick suggested possibly a change in the language to indicate the parking easement will remain as long as the church operates at that location. Mr. Flora suggested the agreement for the easement for parking purposes, the fourth paragraph from the bottom, the last sentence of this paragraph could be changed to read: "To have and to hold the said easement unto the party of the second part so long as Evangelical lutheran Church of the Redeemer shall continue at this location." MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to accept the easement agreements for the bikeway and parking lot, with the following amend- ment on the parking lot easement, fourth paragraph from the bottom, the last line of this paragraph to read as follows: "To have and to hold the said easement unto the party of the second part so long as Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer shall continue at this location". Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF NATURE CENTER CHANGE ORDER APPROVALS AND PROJECT COSTS: P1r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Council has, to date, received ten change orders on the building at the nature center. He stated the Council originally approved the first three change orders and since the City accepted the building from the contractor as substantially complete, it would be appropriate for the Council to act on the balance of the change orders. Mr. Flora stated it is reconunended that change order No. 4 for the addditional excavation be approved. In regard to change order No. 5, it is recommended the City require the completion of the rough-in plumbing by the contractor, a credit from the architect for the two windows that were not installed, and the City accept �, one-third the cost for the shutter modifications to the windows. � Mr. Flora stated it is recommended ct�ange order No. 6 not be approved, as i this wasn't in the original plans and the City wasn't consulted. iIIn regard to change order No. 7 for extension of the completion time, it is recommended this be approved. j �� Mr. flora stated, in change orders No. 8 and 9, they are in reference to the track light and keyed tight switches and appraval is recommended of these two change orders. In regard to change order No. 10, it is recommended this not be approved as it involved the extension of time to January 19, 1981 for completion of the building. MOTION by Councilwoman ��1oses that on the contract with Bud Johnson Construction fnr the nature center building the following change orders be approved: Plo. 4 to add $3,003 (ac{ditional excavation footings); part of Plo. 5 to deduct �1,165 (core drilling and windo�,n,reil framing); No. 7(to extend time to 12/31/80); No. S to add $143 (track lite switches); No. 9 to add $64 (keyed lite switch}, And that the following Change Orders not be accepted: tdo. 6 to subtract a378 (additional drain tile not supported); No. 10 to extend time to 1/19/81), for a final contract sum of $353,399. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ---, i i �_.._._. __ ---- --- __ __ _ _ --- --- _.. ---- — ----- . ___ — ------. � G� ! � i REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 9 RESOLUTION N0. 8- 7g81 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL A'SSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 1400, SECTION 3: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to adopt Resolution No. 8- 1981. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i CLAIMS: • � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 360009 ;� through 028P03. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all � voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Barnetie to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bill Kinkel, Commander of American Legion Post 303, appeared before the Counei] regarding their request for a bingo license. Mayor Nee stated this license was approved by the Council when action was taken on the licenses. Mr. Qureshi, City Managers, stated the bingo license was previously with- held due to the Legion's failure to meet the contrib��tion requirements, how- ever, they now have met the necessary requirements. Mr. Kinkel stated they have satisfied the requirements and the contributions wi11 probably be 8% and more. COMMUNICATIONS: FRIDLEY DFL: REQUEST TO USE CONCESSION STAND IN COMh10NS PARK• MOTION by Councilwoman Mos2s to receive the communication from Robert Minton of the Fridley DFL Club regarding the use of the concession stand in Commons Park. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vot�, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous]y. Mr. Minton appeared before the Council regarding this r�quest for use of the concession stand in Commons Park during the "49er Days Celebration. Mr. Minton explained the DFL Club wished to use the concession stand on Friday evening, June 26, 1981 and for the past three years, the DFL Club had a stand in Commons Park during the ' 49er Days Celebration. However, last year there was a mix-up in communications and another group used the stand. Mr. Minton stated he didn't know this request had been submitted to the Parks and Recreation Comr:lission and discussed there. Councilwoman Moses stated in talking with Or. Boudreau, Parks and Recreation Director, last year the Nockey Booster Club used the stand and it was felt they should have priority because they were associated with recreation. How- ever, they will not be using the concession stand this year during the '49er ; Days. Mr. Minton stated at a recent '49er Qays Meeting, they made this same request and they were in agreement and stated they would send a report for the Council's information. 3a � ' REGULAR MEETING OF Fc�RUARY 2, 1981 PAGE 10 Councilwoman Moses stated the impression she received from Dr. Boudreau is the concession stand wouldn't be manned since they have no other requests. Councilman Barnette asked Mr. Minton if he was at the Parks and Recreation Corr�nission meeting when the request was denied. Mr. Minton stated he wasn't aware it was on the agenda that evening. Councilwoman Moses stated one of the cancerns of the Parks and Recreation Commission was, if the request was granted to the DFL Club and then the Republican Club made a similar request, they would then have two groups who wanted the stand. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to grant the request by the DFL Club to use the concession stand in Comnons Park on June 26, 1981 during the '49er Days Celebration. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Schneider stated part of the proceeds from operation of the stand have gone back as contributions to the '49er's. ADJOURNi iENT : MQTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the ftegular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February Z, 1981 adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carole I�addad Secy. to the City Cou�cil Approved: William J. Nee Mayor e — --______i � � THE MINUTES OF THE PU�LIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 0 _ ._ THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:3Q p, m, by Mayor Nee. � PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAtdCE: Mayor Nee ]ed theiCouncil and audience in the Pledge of Al)egiance to the Flag ROLL CJ�LL: MEP�BERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilwoman Moses and Councilman Fitzpatrick MEMBERS ABSENT: Fdone ADOPTION OF A6ENDA: Mayor Nee requested the fol]owing item be added: "Considerati�n of Easement Agreement with Northerrr States Power Re: North Park Area". MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the abave addition. Seconded by Counciltivoman fdoses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanirnously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON REZO"dING J COIVSIbER EITHER R PROfESSI TO REZONE FROM R-3 T� CR-1., EST TO REDUCE SETBACK FOR OFF-STREET PARKII PJT YARD SETBACK TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTIO� OF A 14'ERSITY AVENUE, DR. JERONiE C. SGNURSTEIN: t�07I0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice anci open the public heariny. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vuice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public heariny opened at 7:32 p. m. Mr. FTora, Public 'rlorks Director, stated the property invo]ved in this rezoning request is located east of University and north of 53rd. The property is currently zo��ed R-3 and rezoning is requested to CR-1 i:o allow construction of a two-story office building. Mr. Flora stated the property is located on a short, deadend service road that cul-de-sacs at the edge of the property and it is difficult to build on because of the triangular shape. Mr. Fiora stated Dr. Schurstein's plans, if the property is rezoned, is to have , a building with professionally orierted tenants such as attorneys, dentists, doctors, etc. He stated thc Planning Conarrission reviewed this request and has recommendeci approval and staff has no abjection to the rezoning. Mr. Flora stated, in conjunction with the rezoning, variances are also requested to reduce '; the setback for off-street parking from the required 'L5 feet to 5 feet; to reduce ' the rear yard setback from the required 25 feet to 20 feet; and reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 15 feet. i � Mr. Flor�� stated the Appeals Commission has recormiended that this building line u7 with the structure to the Soui:h. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he was not as concerned with the front setback, as w�th the rear setback, k�here there are sii�gle family residences in back. He stated, hov�ever, he hasn't heard any objection to this rezoning at the public hearing before the Commission. 31 32 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Fiora stated the only item brought up by residents was that the fence to the back of this property be of like material as the one to the south. Councilman Barnette pointed out the homes on 4th Street are above the levei of this property and could see where there wouldn't be any partTCUlar objection, as they wouldn't be on the same level as the parking lot. Mr. flora stated currently there are a number of residents using the alley for access and by constructing on this parcel, it changes the access and affects the traffic on that alley. He felt, with this construction and fencing, the Council should address the use of the property either, by completing the alley to inciude the road which would then tie into 54th, or provide some type of access for the property owners to use their garages which now exit to the unimproved alley. No per�ons in the audience spoke regarding this rezoning request. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voide vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous7y and the public hearing closed at 7:52 p, m. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked Dr. Schurstein if there was any urgency in obtaining the rezoning and he stated, he would like it done within a month, if possible. Mr. Qureshi stated, if the Counicl desires, they could have the first reading of the ordinance to rezone this property and could consider the variances at the time of the second reading of the ordinance. CONSIqERATION OF FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE RE: REZONING REQUEST ZOA #80-04, DR. JEROf�IE C. SCNURSTEIN: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading for rezoning request, ZOA #�80-04. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �4ayor Wee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Gouncilevoman Moses to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:55 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this property in question is located in the Paco Industrial Park. He stated the original request submitted to the Planning Commission was to rezone lots 2, 3, �4, 5, and 6, Block 1, of the Paco Indust��ial Park, from C-2 to M-1 to construct a�8,000 square foot buildiny. He stated, after discussion with the Planning Cominission, the developer revised the request and stated they could build two separate structures which would leave lots 2 and 3 as C-2 zoning and only rezone Lots 4, 5 and 6 to M-i. They further reduced the size of the buildinq from 98,000 to 94,OOQ square feet. Mr. Flora stated he understands the petitioner has communicated with the City Attorney and he indicates there isn't a problem of using this building as an office-t��arehouse type structure in a C-2 zone. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission rec�mmended approval of rezoning Lots 4, 5, and 6 to M-1 with the following stipulations: (1} That the developer work wii:h tE�e City staff in coming up with a fair portion of roadway costs for the City road going into the City park facility; and (2) If the developer fails to develop the proposed section, as shown in Exhibits A and a, the rezoning will revert back to the original C-2 zone. �� PUBLIC HEARING ME[T1NG OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated Mr. Paschke had some concern about an M-1 zone next to his property and that was the �°eason the proposal was made to have the property adjoining Nir. Paschke's remain as commercial and only rezone three lots to M-1. Mr. Rob Taylor, representing Winfield Development Company, stated they don't have any firm leases for the property, but it is quite possible they will have some: service-type commercial use. He stated they have other buildings under construction in the Twin Cities area and would maintaia the same quality of canstruction. Councilwoman Moses asked about the office-warehousing type of use in both buiidings. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he sent a letter to Winfield Development Company regarding his interpretation of the code regarding C-2 and M-1 zones and areas where there are similarities and where there are differe�ices. He thought, from this letter, it was their feeling they know what would be permitted. Councilwoman Moses pointed out one of the stipul'ations is that Winfield Development would wo�°k with the City on the roadway and share in � e cost and questioned if this would be a problem. Mr. Taylor stated he couldn't foresee any problem, as they felt they shou7d pay for some of the costs, since they will be using the road. Mayor Nee felt is should be considered if they want strip commercial or industrial and indicated he was skeptical ab�ut strip commerica7 zo�ing. Mr. Herrick s�ated, in view of the stipulation recommended by the Commission, he would sugyest withholding the publication of the rezoning ordinance until the petitioner is ready to make application for the permiL. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning request. h10TI0N by Councilwoman Pioses to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor P1ee declared the motion . carried unanimously and the pub7ic hearing closed at,8:22 p. m. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE RE: REZONING REQUEST ZOA ,#80-05; WINFIELU DEVELOPPrENT COhtPANY: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading for rezor,ing request, ZOA ;80-05. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON PLAT Ah1ENDMENT, IPJNSBRUCK NORTH 70WNHOUSE PLAT VIi MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the pub]ic hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cieclared the motion carried unanin�ously and the public hearing opened at 8:25 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City has been notified by the Darrel Farr Corporation that they intend to amend their Innsbruck North Townhouse Plat 1�I by eliminating six garage sites. He stated the Planning Commission reviewed this at their January meeting and referred it to the Council for action. Cot�ncilman Schneider questioned the purpose of eliminating the garages. P�1r. Ray Cunningham, representing the Farr Corporation, stated when the piat ; was originally approved in 1979, they thought they would be able to sell a lot of trro-car garage units, however, this has not proven to be true, iherefor•e, they t�rish to eliminate them from the plat. He pointed out there are 48 units i in Plat VI and they haine 60 garages which will be enough. 34 � PUBLIC HERRING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 4 Councilman Schneider asked if someone wishes to purchase a double garage, if they could do so. hir. Cunningham stated they could until the garages are all sold. He explained every unit has a base price which includes a single garage and if another garage is desired, the additional cost is $3,995. Councilnan Schneider asked the provisions for parking besides the garages. , �4r. Cunningham stated there is some off-street parking provided, but didn't i know the exact number of spaces. He explained they were not reducing the parking, just elimating the optional garages. Councilman Schneider asked if this matter has gone through the process of the Townhouse Association. Mr. Cunningham stated it had two years ago. Councilwoman Moses asked if they were to go before the Townhouse Association now, if he could see any problems with the tenants as far as parking is concerned. Mr. Cunningham stated he didn't see how the owners would be affected by this changes. Councilwoman ��oses stated she has a letter from owners in which they indicate they saw additional parking areas when purchasing their townhouse and now didn't foresee any off-street parking available. Mr. Cunningham stated an alternative would be to make the whole strip, where the garages are now proposed, off-street parking if that would be helpful. Councilman Schneider stated he has this same letter and the owners stated, when they purhased their townhouse they were shown a site layout and didn't purchase a second garage because they couldn't be assured where it would be located and they state off-street parking has been eliminated. Mr. �lora stated construction has been according to the plat. Counci7man Schneider asked if the plat was adopted without any provisions for off-street parking. t4r. Cunningham stated each garage has a turn-in area in front of it and they haven't eliminated any off-street parking. Mayor Nee stated any guest parking needed then is nat provided. Mr. Cunningham stated there may be one or two stalls, but not a number of them for guest parking. Councilwoman t4oses stated perhaps the cost for the second garage was excessive and may be the reason they �,�r�n'tsold, however, she did feel they nee�ed sosne off-street parking. The President of the Innsbruck Townhouse Corporation and members of the Board of Directors were present and it was requested this item be tabled until such time as it is brought before the Board of Directors and Architectural Control Coinmittee. 7he President requested, in tl�.e future, the Tosvnhouse Association receive notices of the public hearings. Mr. Cook, a resident of the 6th Addition, stated one of the main concerns is parking since the streets, basically, are only ZO feet wide and it is very difficult to park along the curb line. He stated a concern of the Architectural Control Committee, if garages are eliminated, is that the 1and is not just left barren and wild as they felt it would detract from the townhouses in the area. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Cook if he felt a parking area would be considered an improvement to which he ansNrered in the affirmative. Mr. Cook stated the Architectural Cornmittee would li4:e some time to discuss this issue. � __ _ PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 19II1 PAGE 5 Mr. Cunningham stated he was puzzied, in that this pTat was approved, and they are asking to eliminate garages they don't feel are needed. Councilwoman Moses stated when the plat was approved in 1979, the City should have been aware what type of parking needs were needed and so stipulated at that time. Mr, Cunningham stated they wauid be willing to put parking in this area. Mrs. Walker, owner of one of the townhouses, questioned why she had not received a deed for the second garage. Mayor Nee explained that the plat, where her yarage is located, has not as yet been filed, therefore, this is the reason she hasn't received a deed. 3� Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt there was a need to rev�iew the parking requirements and a report back to the Council and also to give the Townhouse Association time to review this proposal. Mr. Cunningham stated they have some units sold and wouid like to fiie this plat. He stated he doesn't kno�v what their options would be, however, ifi they eliminated the garages, they woul� be happy to put in off-street parking. P1ayor Nee stated it would fiave been helpful if Farr Coporation had talked to the Townhouse Association about this proposal. Councilman Schneider stated, in the time he has been on the Council, any dealing with the Farr Corporation has alway.s been a problem, apparently because they have not gone back to the Townhouse Association which, in turn, creates delays. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to continue this public hearing on Innsbruck North Townhouse P1at VI and request staf.f to review the parking situation in the area, as well as any other agreements that may or may not be made as a result of this plat, with a report back to the Council and to table action until Counc9l hears from the Towrthouse Associatiori. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON FI.00D PLAIN ORDINANCE: MOTION by Council�aoman Moses to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mobion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:55 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City must enact a Flood Plain Management Plan by March 2, 1981 to remain eligible in the National Flood Insurance Program. He stated an Overlay District 0-i, Creek and River Preservation District, is proposed in the draft Zoning Code and this district establishes the legally enforceable instrument to remain elibilbe in the NFIP. h1r. Fiora stated the underlined items are new items added to the code, Section 205.157, and the cross-hatched itc�ms are deletions. Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated the only change from the 1976 adopted maps, which used the Army Engineer Corps Flood Study, is that the Moore Lake basin is incl:aded. Mr. Boardman stated the control is with the Council, however, the Department of Natural Resources would be notified of any building, special use permits or variances. _ ___ __ _ . __ _. 36 ' ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 6 It was pointed out there were some typographical errors in this material and on page 9 of the proposed ordinance, Section 205.157,: Item 1, the works "would increase" should be added after the work "which". Mr. Qureshi, City hlanager, stated the first reading could be held this evening and the language would be reviewed and errors corrected at the time of the second reading. i No p�ersons in the audience spoke regarding this Flood Plain Ordinance. � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded ' by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee ' declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing meeting closed at 9:20 p. m. ' PEALING OL IDLEY CITY T READING OF THE FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE: DISTRI MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSII�ESS: I ICONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO APPEALS COMMISSIOfd AND ENVIRONMENTAL UALITY I CO(�IMISSIOh TABLED 2/.2/81 : i APPEALS COMMISSION: ' MOTION by Councilman Schneider to nominate Don Hippen, 464 57th Place, for � appointment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. i MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast a whiie ballot for the appointment i of Don Hip�en to the Appeals Conunission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. ; Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried � � unanimously. ; ENVIRONh1EfJTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: � � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to reappoint Lee Ann Sporre�to the i Environmental Quality Gommission. MOTION FAILED FQR LIICK OF A SECOND. � � This item was tabled to the next meeting. NEW EiUSIhdESS: APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR COM�dUNITY 6LOCK GRANT FUNDING: � Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated the County has set up a Steering Committee to handle funding for the Gomn�mity Development Block Grant Proyram. Ne stated this committee involves Fridley, Coon Rapids end Blaine and they will be holding a public hearing on February 17, 1981 at the Blaine City Hall regar�ding a recomnendation to the County Board for final projects in the County Application to HUD. hlr. Boardman stated Fridley has modified their proposal to inc1ude $280,OQ0 for property acquisition in the Center City Project and a secondary application for the Riverview Heights neighborhood in the amount of $25,000. Ne explained the total funding availabl� to the three conmunities is $846,825.00. Mayor Nee asked if submission of these two applications was acceptable to the Cauncil. r' __ _ _ _ ____ __ ___ _ .__ , ! �► 1 i ; PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 7 , MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the applications for the Center City Project and the Rivervie�a Heights Project in the amounts of $280,000 and $25,000 for submission to the Steering Cor�nittee for recommendation to the County Qoard for inclusion in the County application to HUD for Community Development Block Grant Funds. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried:unanimously. CONSIDERATION -0F EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NORTHERN STATES POWER RE: NORTH PARK AREA: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the proposal for thi� easement agreement is that Northern States Power would deed to the City, an equivalent amount of land they are getting the easement on and would pay the City $121,750 as a cash payment. They would further agree that the poles would be lined up with the existing line and would be a single structure pole type instead of a frame type. Councilman Barnette asked why the �121,750 is earmarked for use in North Park. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney felt there are tvro questions, one being, if the 5tate and Federal requirements require this money to be earmarked for North Park. He stated he doesn't have any opinion, ��i?,thout doing some further checking. Secondly, he stated, if there is no legal requirement, it would be the Council's prerogative to decide where the maney should be used. Mayor Nee stated the reason they need the approval of the State and Federal government is because of the LAWCON money and their interest in the land. He stated the reason for getting land onthe south is thaf: it is part of the trade the State and Federal government approved. Councilman Schneider stated it would seem th� property is being damaged with the new wire, and is part of the property furnished by LA'r�'CON, and the payment from NSP is for tiie damage. ` MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve this easement dedication to Northern ; States Power and authorize the' Mayor and City f+lanager to execute this easement with the following stipulations: (1) To dedicate the following property: The Northerly 135 feet by 920 feet byj870 feet�of that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section Three (3), Township 7hir.ty (30), Range Twenty-four (24) evhich lies East of the Railroad right of way> and containing approximately 21 acres. (Subject to easement NSP Westerly 60 feet). (Subject to access easement for Town Road to City of Fridley, January 19, 1973). Plat 55903 Parcel 1400; (2) To pay to the order of the City of Fridley �121,750 for right of crossing and to dedicate those , funds to the fdorth Park Nature Center; (3) To match the 115KV line spans with the existing 354KV line; and (4) That single shaft steel poles will be installed io minimize visual impact. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice I vote, Counci7vroman Moses, Counciiman Schenider, Councilman Fi�zpatrick and I Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Sarnette voted against ; the motion.. Mayor Nee declare� i.he motion carried 'oy a 4 to 1 vote. OLUTION P�O. 9-19£�l ORDERING IMPROVEh1ENT�APPROVAL OF F ERTISEMEPlT FOR 6IDS�: RFMOV�I! A`�D REPLACEMENT OF MISCE a AND GUTTER, AND 8 INCH CONCR'ETL SLAa SFCTIONS - 1981 MOTION by Councilrnan Fitzpatrick to adopt Fesoultion No. 9-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ,38 , ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 8 RESOLUTIOPd N0. 10- 1981 ORDERING PRELIMIfJARY PLANS �SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE �F COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEF1EfiT PROJECT. ST. 1981-1: Mr. flora, Public Works Director, explained this resolution covers street in�provements for 29�t and reviewed the proposed improvements. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, suggested Council add the alley improvement east of University Avenue and north of 53rd to this resolution. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Reso]ution No. 10-1981, with the addition of the alley improvement east of University Avenue an north of 53rd. Seconded by Councilwoman hioses. Upon a voice vote, all voting ' aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ON N0. 11-I481 RECEIVING PRELIP9INARY REPORT AND_SETTING A PUBLIC PROJECT ST. 1981-1: MOTIJf� by Councilman SChneider to adopt Resoiution No. 11-1981. Seconded by Counciiwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriedc,unanimously. RESOLUTION fd0. 12-1981 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECI;FICATIONS AND ESTIMATE OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET IhiPRQVEMENT PROJECT 1981-2: MOTIOW by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 12-19£31. Seconded by � Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rnotion carried'unanimously. . RESOLUiION PJO. 13-1481 RECEIVZNG PRELIP�INARY REPORT APlD SETTING A PUBLIC NT 'I ECT ST. 1981-"L: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 13-1981. Seconded by ; Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared I the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION fJO. 14-1931 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TREE REMOVAL: MOTIOid by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution flo. ).4-1981. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, al} voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. , �i RESOLUTIOf! N0. 15-1981 P;AMING THE DIRECTOR OF CEPJTRAL SERVICES/CITY CLERK AS ', RLTERNATE DIRECTOR OF TH� LACAL GOVERNP1E�JT INFORMATION SYSTEM LOGIS : � � MOTIOfV by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution Pdo. 15-1981. Seconded by ; Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ` � APPOINTMENT - CITY EMPLOYEE: � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the following appointment I � made by the City Manager. i NAME POSITION EFFECTIVE SALARY REPLACES � i ; William C. Hunt Personnel February 9, 1981 $23,771 Peter Fleming ' Officer per year , Seconded by Councilwoman hioses. Mayor Nee requested some background information on Mr. Hunt which Mr. Qureshi furnished to the Council. ' UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE t�10TI0N, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. ; � m � .....___ _.... .. i PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PA6E 9 ESTIMATE: MO1"ION by Councilman Schneider to approve the estimate as submitted. Bud Johnson Construction Company c/o Design Consortium, Inc. 1012 Marquette Mi nneapol i s, h1N 55403 Application #9 - Springbrook Nature Center $31,434 Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaninwusly. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize payment of Cla�ms No. 027W06 through 038601. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 16-1981 TO ADVE42TISE FOR f3IDS fOR RADIO PAGER RECEIVERS: Mr, Bo6 Aldrich, Fire Chief, appeared before the Council regarding this request to advertise for bids for radio pager receivers. He explained they are upgrading their alerting equipm�nt u�hich would result in improved safety of the men on the fire ground by providing better corr�nunication, and it would also help in maintenance costs as some of the equipmen'C now being used is over 20 years old. He stated they will be converting the entire department at one time, and request per�nission to advertise for bids. MOTION by Cauncilwoman ��M1oses to adopt Resolution No. 16-1981. Seconded by Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Council�rian Fitzpatrick to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried uranimously and the Pulbic Nearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 9, 19$1 adjourned at 10:15 p, m. Respecfully submitted, Carole Haddad Secy, to the City Council Approved: William J. Nee Mayor � 39 ORD1(�F�NCE N0. Arv Of7DIt��Af�CE TO �1r•��^�D TNC CITY r(1DE OF TF�E CITY OF FRIDLEY, MIfJPlESOiA L'Y PfAKI��G A CFiAiVGE 1N 70PdifY� 7IS7RICTS The Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follod�vs: SECTIQN I. Rpp�ndix 0 0� the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SEC'flOr� 2•. The tract or area ��;ithin the County af �noka and the City of Fridlev and described as: Lots 2j i:hrough ?OS Block l3, Hamilton's Addition to Meci�anicsville, except that part of �ots 24 through 30 taken for high��av purposes, ail lyinc in ihe Souih Nalf of Section 23, 1-30, fi-24, City of Fridl�y, Couniy of Anoka, Minnesota Is hereby disignated to be ir� Zoned District known as CR--1 (general office and limited �usi��ess}. SEC7ION 3. Tnat t}�e Zoninc, Adminisfirator is directed to change the official � zoninq map to sho�,N said tract or �rea to be rEZOned from Zoned Uistrict R-3 (general mult:ple d�•:elling areas) to CR-1 (g?neral office and limited 5usiness). PASSED A{vD ADOPiED BY 't"HE CTTY COUP�CIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF , 1981. ATTEST: �W1'OR - bJILLIAP�I J. NEE CITI` CLERK -- SID IN��'��N P«blic Hearir�q: First Readina: Second Reading: Publish . Februa�,v 9, 1981 Ee bra,i-a.r:�c-29-1-`� f31 ' ZOA #80-04 �. . � ;- � . � , . , " . 1 I'� City of Fridley APPLAi,S COMf9ISSION NIE�,TING - JALdU1�12Y 27, 19�31 PAGE l L TO ORDER: � ---�- Vice Ch '�woman Gabel called the nppeals Comcnission meeting of January 27, 1981 to order a�:3Q p.m. � ROLL CALL: riembers Present: Patri��a Gabel, Dick Kemp�r, Alex�Barna, Jim Plemel . �` ;°�� Memaers Absent: Virginia 5chl's:�bel . � Others Present: Darrell Clark, C�e��,Building Offi.cial ' APPROVE APPEALS COMMI5SION MINUTES : JADTLTAR'��,13 , 1981: MOTTON by Mz. Barna, seconded by Mr. Kemper, to a��?�ove the Appeals Comrnission minutes of January ].3, 1981 as written. UPON A VOTC�°��OTE, ALL VOTILIG AYE, ZTICE CHAIRWOM�N GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNArFI! ib�7SLY , 1. RFQUEST FOR VARIAIvCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TYE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE Z'HE; SETBACY. �OR OE'1' S`I'P.�ET PE�'.'�'zC.IT�G FRO:�I `�'FiE RR.OUIRED 20 FEE'i `.CO 5 F�ET� AND E?�'I:E�.R RE,'DUCE 'Z':iE P,E�.R X11R7 Si�`1`B:1CK F�27_-i 'i'iiE �L'.F.S�UTRE� 2,i FFF'T TO 5�'EET OR REDUCE T"tIE FRONT YAP.D SETB�CK FK(�M 35 FEET TO 14 FEE^, TO �1T�L0:^I 2'I3E CONSTRUCTIC��: OF A PROFESSSOrJAL F,'?1Tj,LTIJ� ON LOTS 23 TiiROJG:-I 30, iiAP$ILTON`S ADDITIOt� TU i•Si:CH_�1�IGSV2LI;E, TiiF�S:1liE BET_:JG 53a5 UNIVL.P.S�TY AVf:NUF. N.E. (Request by Dr. Jerome C. Schurstein, 1102 43-1/2 Ave;.ue N.E., Co2umbia Heights, P�IiQ 55421) , Dr. Jero?�e C. Schurstein, 1102 43-1/2 Avenue N.�., and 'nis contractor, Jeffersan "Jef" K. �Iolle, Consfiruction, Inc., was present. M�TION by Nir. Barna, seconded }�y Mr. Kemper, to open the publir. hearing. UPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOD7AN GAIlEL DECLARED THE Pi7BLIC HEI�RING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. � Vice Chairwom�n Gabel xead the Staff Raport: 1:i��:�:t�.r.s1 i�r��rz�.�L ��7���z��t�� RF:r'ORT 53�l5 Univ�i:�ity 1►vc.i�ue Pi.E, T�. 1'U13L:CC F'Lii:.e':)SI: Si?ItVI?I� I37 t:F�;nIllltl..'f1•:i�"I`: ____ _____. ____,_ ___.�_ �_ _._1.�__-----_, SC'.Ci.lC�Tl 7U��..I.1.'i_, 7.T_;1, ',l� pi-oliibits o£f--:,L-zceL Tar.ki.nc3 iri a�iy �,��r�:.ion of t}ie r.�c,ui_rc,ci "1_0 I��at: fr.�i�c ya1 d. • Yul��.ic� p�ii-1�o:;c �cr.vc�cl 1>1 Lhzs reqti:i.l.c:�:l�rlt i:> L� 1.im_i.t vis�tal e�croac�-��c�n� in�o ilei.c?ti}�orit,:7 ;si�Jhr_ ?.i�u:s �tilc! t.o ala.o;�i fo.r ae�;tlic:Lir,�;lly �1e�isinq open . a�c�ts �icijacc�nt to pu�:lic r.icJhL of. �-r<iys, � Sc�ct:i_on ?05.113,, �1,. :'�l, �:c;clu:ia_c5 �: iioni_ y��rd sc��bslck for thc �:�ain buildit�q. o�' itot: 1es..� i�lxiri 3`i f.coL. � � 11PPEIaLS CONu'�TSSTON t•IEL?TI:tdC, - Jar�uary 27, 1��81 Page 2 . `•� y �'ul�lir_ pur_I�o�:� :.^iv�d l�y i�l�i�, x�cquir.i�mc�iiL- is ia provicic� adequate open `• si���ce �er.eas ar.��uncl comi�e:rci�l st.ruc�.ur�s f.or ae�thet�.c arid fiYe fiyhting purpo�e�; attd to prvvi.de dcsired front yard �:���zc�� to be used for green axeas anc3 tr� adcl to �the s�i:tractabi_].itl cf a corirl:.•rciaZ zone. � �:� Sectioti ?_05.1.13, �SC,_ #4.1., requires a rear yard denth of no� less �han 25 feet. Pub�.ic puz-�ose served by i�his requirement is to provide adequate apen spaee around c.onmercial st;ructure� far a�sthetic and fire fightiny purposes. B. STATED tf.�1RDSFIIP: � ii Due to the odd sha�e of this property, and the s�r.gle fanily residences f behind this p.rop�rtv, tize bui.lciinc� would have to be located closer to either f the frcnL or ti��e h��cn :iat linn �c.�:_,� rrn�.�1d not-r.ially be required in order to � get the appropriate amount of p3rY.ing spaces �or an otfice structure, � C. AD:,IIIISTP.EITIVE STAFF REVI�G7: The staff recomn�er,ds that the Ap�eals Co-nrnission stipulate that the new building be pl��ced no further �•�est than the co�.^�ercial structure to the south o£ this site. Tliis would position the building appraximately 15 feet aff the iT:oizt lot line a� 4he nortll:aest corner and give a 20 foot rear yard (both dir,ten�ions are scaled) . � Vice Chaixwoman Gabel stated �hat ti��� `z'�d b�c�? :�e.^ore t:ie Planning Comznission on 12/17/80 for zezoninc�. Mr. Clark stated that there were sever.al neighbors at that hearing and it appeared that most of them �.ould rather see it developed into an office building rather than an apartment building, He said it would be better to encroach in tize f_ront yard, that it could be pushed for�aard 15 fe�t and line up with the building to the south of it. Vice Chairwo�nan Gabel stated that she was at that public hearinq and verified that the residents prefer an office building rather t:han an apa-r�ment build?ng. Mr. Clark said there are three variances - p�rking lot, front yard and rear yard. He also said that part of the zoning requirement (Hrhen you have commercial. next to residential) is to have fencing that has io be � feet high. Dr. Schurstein said he has o�aned the land for 2-1/2 years�and the b uilding will have 9600 sq. feet (4F300 sq. ft. each level) and tnere will be no barber shops or beauty parlors. H� has t�ao tentative insurance tenants. Vice Cfiainaoman Gabel asked ho�,r so�n he would start c�nstruction. Dr.. Schurstein he had to get rezoning and the vari,ances before he could approaciz financing. 2fs. iio�ner Melton, 5334 4th_Street N.E.� was present, and suggested tnat Dr. Sch�zrstei.n's fence match the tence of the structure to tIie south, whicti is a 6 ioct �aaod fence. He said th.ey have a 1ot of p.roblems with kids and their motor dirt bikes in the alley and he came mostly to find out �ahat is going to hanpen to the alley. Vice Chair- woman Gabel. info�.'cned hizn that he and his n<_�ighbors could come b�fore the eity Council abaut the alley anci i:hat nothinq �-�ill happ�n �vithout notice of a public he<3ring. i�7r. Clark agreed that the Council �•:�uld ha�re to make a decision on tlie a]_ley at a publiC hcaring. 2•;r. I,aurence Ai. �im:r.`rman, 53B0-4i�h Street N.E, r was presc�tit, and said he was in favor of the office builcling but also expressed conc�rn ��out the alley. rls. Laura Vagovich 5400 N.I.. 4th Street, was also present, and expressed� no objc�ct.ian i:o the o£fice buil�ing but was concerned a}�out ttie alley. r10'1'ION by F4r. Uarna, secondcd by r�r. rie:��i, to clnse tlie public het�rin�. iIPC�N 71 VO:rC:E VO'tT, 71T,L VOTIi�G f,YL, �':CCI, CH�1I.1:":70?•tAN C�I3I:I. DLCL11FtED TI(� PtJL�I.,TC III;7IRING C7�0.�1,D A'P 3 s 10 P. ri . � � APPE712�S COMMTSST_ON MEETING=_JanuarY 27, 19£31 ' Pag� 3 M�TTON by Mr. Baxna� seconded by rir. Keniper, that thc Appeals Ca*�ission recommenc2 to tne City Council, through th.e Planning Commission, anarova]_ of tn� ziarianr� to redtice the setback �'or offst.ree��rking from the rec�sireci 'l0 feet to 5 fee�, anc�`�..��.. ,� ��.�,�� a.�. �r��ctu�,F� thc� r_ear y�ird �;etbaek �rom tti�� .rcc�uired ?_5 fc�et to.���;.�.�t�1y ?_0 .�....�,,.�,:,�..�,; z��.:,�.,.:�,,�. .� feet and recluce the iront Zrd � c�t:nack f�ori 35 feet t.o c��,�ro-r.z,�a���Iy ?� =��t �am...�Y..�ny ,� , . - ���wer�rm�.mne.w�s�s.aor...w...�ir:� � o e it�i �`�ine 4�i.t:��t'c�i� structur-c. to the� South to allo=.a t:�e constru�tion of a ��� .�...�, prafessional bui].�1ing of I.ot�; 2_3 through 30, ilamilton's Addition to "_ecl�anics- viile, the same being 5345 University Avenue N.E., G�ith the s*i u��,�-, ri,�r the rear. lot fencin� Ue of like material to the fenc� to ti�e south�. L`P� E.T:3�« ��. .. VOiCE VOT, A��L V�i'Ii�1G �1YE, VIC�: C[it1II:LJUriAN G��L DECLARLD TFiE ::OTIO�v' C.��.P.IED UIvI�10USLY. ; � � . � - REQUEST FOR �RKI ALLOW A V�.'TERIi3,{� OOF, TO BE I,OCA ` OON PLAZA SHOP (R uest by Step Cedai:�Lake Road, E PLT8SU71D]T `.CO CHAPTER 205 OF THE CI`i'Y C��E, TO Ei�II�RGENCX CLINTC WITHOUT THE �,F.'JTJ,��c.D °P.r.C?.�'i CO_iCP,�.TI ON PAR`P OI' LOT 4, �1UDI'IbR'S SU:�_^ I�?SIO�J I�O 59, G CENTER) , THt; SAME BEING 620��WIVER.SITY �V�•Tu� Zi.E. n�Brandgard, Affiliated Vete nary Services, 5303 e`apolis, MN 55416) . � Dr. Davi.d R.�teiner, 10532 'on N.W., Coon 327 Dean Avenu Champlin, was present. � MOTION by Mr. Plemp,,l, seconded b Mr. Barn A VOICE VOTE, AT,L VO`�,�ING AYE, VIC CHAIRW NI OPEN AT 8: l7 P. Di . °� , and Dr. Richard N. Ruerson, ; to open the pu:nlic hearinc. UPON �N GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC :iEARING Vice Chairwoinan Gabel note� that thi as before the Pla.�ning Co:��ission for Special Use Permi_t on �anua� 7th. /Mr. \ ark said approval cYas reco_*:�ende3 F�itn two stipulations. `� � : Vice Cliairwoman Gabel read the ��faff Report A :t•9):tdlS`i'iLl't'S:�f: S'i'lll?r' I�I'012T 62,�1. t1�i.ivers.t`i�Y �'�vcrntie �1I. �:. . . . f` `�� 1'�. PUI3T�IC PIJRL'OSI; ST:I2V ?i) BY Ri;QU:C1tE,[•i`:':IT� � """ . r -��-----T.�____— ^ t� Sec�ion ?.0�.101, ,..,P, #k�, rec�uize� �in animal�^#clinic cons truction, oui�ss.de U;a]_1 thic}:ness to be £3 �Y nches , concreie roo �� � ° ���� � Puulic �urpcas� servec� hy ttlis requ�.r_�anent :;,s �to pr�i,t safety, �Z��e?� qei,eral v:el.f�re, oI t}ie residc�nts of tii�� the er�is�ion af pos�iblc c>dors and sound. F3 . C. r % /� STT�TEt�I FI!'�Ri�SIIIP : be of r.�aso*:r� itn a precasz ect he ?:�lt'�, �it; y el�-�?^a`ing ��-, r � ��E�.ctY'G' �,j01.2]�J {�O I�C' Yf_'Ilt:lll� OI1C= SE'.�til('.I7�; O� tlll C':il£��1IZ� S�lOj�`3?I?� ' E'.1'.:^Y'. i'�:'_j'�ti'L�.1. j�C ilS1I1. t}"11S 1.00:cIr:LC�t1 C7Ii1 C�t1i:L11. t:�1C f'Vv111T�. .T Y "j ^ �S zIl:� C7C��,; 'S TOY' CT'�('Z �: CI1C}' �13111i1�11. �'.7'Ci� (:Ill('tli:. �� � e'll):iT[I:C�:C��1�PI�'I•; ;�'.il�l'3' TZf;V:C`:t�1: r If t.liis vai-i.zncc i<. r��co:;i*��.cndc�a fox� �1�?�>rc:v�z]., t:e Yr;CO:;L";-�•nd thZt t:�e I C'or.l:,i.i�;:,ic�li r;t:i��ti?,:Ce lhat aS_ :::>t��icj �itl:t oclor:� trtc�r;le Z i,ro�I.e�:�, t::�t � t:�Zi' �>i:}',2i:1C�:1u1: 1t2;,t�lil. �S VL:i1f:1..1.�21:.1.0I2 '::}��;1:('_Tt� �II:C� i2COU::;t:2Citl f:l ;�`,.c?�;.c�1.S � t.lirzt: �.�caul�l c�lira.in�tt_c all ��rc.>1�1c�r.is. � 8: ��NE 1 �� k_l/ _ . ... ..J_ � ' - � �. �i ' ' , ....,�� �, ;, �� COOH N4D105 • -" � . iii / �. �� �fa�1, ` .��M•r�• .. � ' � � ��" �5 . _ ,� �� g �� t.cc r. �...:t,i r:.� y ' �r ' v�P t � " � ; ..� � � ��, . r. � ��. � �-- d � � � � '' I �L_ �M -a- > >��7 �� \\ ��n. � n� f � � [u �.II �� � � �.._.: � � r�"' � . �t�� ' U }I �' _ E ;` �, �.; r, Ie � 1 I i � r. _ ���+4 I •♦y `� r/ " )q . � 4 ' ''. �'Y� 1 . �_J T\ .�i. �_'t•l.�AKA ��_� � �.A'.�. �: f --1 -- : r \ �` � - � r�.���� „ ��� �� � ., ��d ` af �jY'�ACP %C,T� "t kl +I �C � s r +� ��:s� v�/ ds°�� � = r�l', � �I. E !S T 9 � J. �l y{�l� ��,9� Y �� ` �� %� \ � � ylr �\ K, e �� � �� � � L ��°' k � .:F � � �� �� y � y �,; , � � . �� 4 .x�� `t . �� ` ' � �'_ "1��'? 1'� �� �_ __ � � s�_. — k._ �Q. _�r: . � Y_. i R � �') ��I i_y' �2_FC � 2� 5L J,/ 1 Y' LO��.-t' � es r� � W F V z J Y O m � `e - ..� pY O � m �=3"'_'- � � � Rezoning Request ZOA #8U-04 Dr. Jerome Ce Schurstein SPRING l.�KE �P4RK �±J! 1��jJ�JrQJ! Jil ��Ir;��� � ird��������; �.. . lr .�i � J � � � J- �1 II .� � � ��L���. �], r r v� �r s h ��-� � ��i_n f' —ii-� „ ., � ,.,g J ��, � .. , i �I� r, .,�� � � L �f�. �, � ki ���� IP��.of ) I - .4�f6� " .� _��� Gl 1� " �FiE.`J����� 41 F �'"�— ��- �l s i ,�` ` � ��� ,.� { � ��g � �" s\ s" ���'-„'�.4'� � f / ti�� v.' � s = � .a' � iryt(p '��_ �R L ���`1'� `*e/ `� U M =9 �� � : II���, � ...�j � J - C.Cli�. � f "'Q' � r ;�. �` `` � `/��i �i -� l •.,� jjM ', ir.� F�` .. 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AN ORDINANCE REPEALING OLD SECTION 205.157 Ai�D ESTABLISHING NFW SECTION 205.157 OF THE �RIDLEY CiTY CODE ENTITI.ED ''CRfEK AND RIVER PRESERVA7ION DISTRICT" 205.157 0-1 �ISTRICT REGULATIONS - CREEK AND RIVER PRESERVATION DISiRICT 205.1571 Purpose and Intent The purpose of this district is to: l. Regulate and ensure orderly development of Fridley's flood — p ain an s. 2. Preserve and protect the natural state of creeks and rivers in — Fr� ey. 3. Protect surface and ground wa�er quality and quantity. 4. Minimize the losses d�ae to periodic flooding and elirninate obstruc- t�ons o 00 ow t�at wou cause azar s to �fe an property. 205.1572 Lands Subject ta this District �. The establishment of boundaries The boundaries o�f the Creek and River Preservation District are hereby established as shown on the official Zoning Map of the City of Fridley. This boundary is made up of two protectiot� zones (CRP-1 "floodway", and CRP-2 "flood fringe") <<hich contain all lands within t�ie � jurisdiction of �he City which are subject to periodic flooding by the regi��nal ilood ai�d tvhich lie belo4v the regulatcry flood protection e evat�on on the official creek and river profile (hereinaft2r calZed the profile) contained �aithin the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Fridley. Tfie Officia�Zan� g iap- toqetfier wit a matei�ia s attacheci t ei°eto � s �ere y ado�ted b.v ref erence and de- c�l ared to be a part o t�7s orc3�inarice. T--Fie attache maieria sia inc ucle t e F ood Insurance Study or the City�'Tof Fr�idTey pr•epare �y t e FecTerai Insurar�ce A min�str�at�on a�i� t�-�Sept;em er 2, 980 ar�ic-t��e F o'[Toc� Qoui�da��y and FT�od4�ay hia��s and F�ood Ir7surance Rate Maps t�Fierein. 2. Location of boundaries The elevatioils as shown ori the Profile and oLher available technical data Coniai��ed in tf�e Flood Insurance Study shall� tfie governing factor 1n Toca �ng cre` e� anc� river protect�on �unda►°ies. 2 0-1 QISTRICT REGULATIONS CREEK AND RI VER PRESERVRTION DISTRICT PURPOSE AND INTENT LANDS SUBJECT TO THIS DISTRICT 2� Page ? -- ORDINANCE N0. 205.1573 Definitions For the purpose of this district the following definitions shall apply: 1. ACCESS�RY QUILDING: A subordinat� building or use 4vhich is locaied on the same lot on which the main building or use is situated and which is reasonably necessary and incidental to the conduct of the primary use of sucM buiiding or main use. 2. CHANNEL: A natural or artificiai depression of perceptible extent, with definite beds and banks to canfine and conduct, either continuously or periodically, the water in respective creeks. 3. COt�iMTSSION: Means Fridley Planning Commission DEFINITIONS 4. COMMISSIONER: Means the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources af the State of Minnesota. � 5. COUNCIL: Means the Fridley City Council. 6. CRP-1: ,��X����G���'/Creek and River Protection Zone 1. This Zone is synonomous with the term "floodway". 7. CRP-2: k�X¢¢�/��`�'�5���'/Creek and Rive�� Protection Zone 2. This Zone is synanomous vrith the term "flood fringe". 8. EQUAL DEGREE OF ENCROACHMEt�T: A rnethod of determining the location of floodwav boundaries so that f1o�d plain land on both sides of a strearn are cGpable of canve,ying a proportionate share of flood flows. 9. FLOOD OR FLOODING: A temporary rise in flo�v or stage that results in the inundation of the areas adjacent to the channel. 10. FLOOD FRINGE: That portion of the flood plain oR�tside of the floodway. F1ood it°inge is synonomaus with the term "flood4vay fringe" used in t:he �lood Insurance Stucl,y -for the City of Frid]ey. 11. FLOQD PLAIN: The ar°eas adjoining a watercourse which have been or hereafter may be covered by regional filood. 12. FLQOD PROFILE: A graph or a longitudinal plot of water surface eTevations of a flood event aiong a��y`��p� creek or a river. 13. FL000 PROOFI�VG: A combination of provisions, changes or adjustments to properties and structures subject to flooding primarily for the reduction ar elimination of flood damage. 14. FLOODWAY: Tf�e channel of the waterco�ar�se and those portions of the adjoining flood plains ���hich are reasonably required to carry and disch�rge the regional flood. 15. OQST(tUCTION: Any storage of material or equi�ment, dam, wall, wharf, emf�ankment, levee, road, dike, pile, abutment, pro�iection, excavation, channel rectification, culver.t, buil�iing, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, deposii, cleaririy c�f trees or vegetation, structure e►° �natter in, along, across o�- projectinc�, in whole or in pat•t, into any f1oocl �lain. Page 3 -- ORDINANCE N0. 16. PRESERVATION DISTRICT: River and The District boundaries shall be conti aun aries �n ent�f7e as a part o t C�ty of Fr�d ey. Creek Preservation District. uous with the regional flood F�loo�Insurance tu y or the 17. PROFILE: Official Creek and River profile. 18. REGULATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION: An elevation no lower than one (1) foot above the elevation of thhe regional flood plus any increase in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the flood plain that results from designation of a floodway. 19. REGIONAL FLOOD: A flood which is representative of large flaods known to av� occur�°re genera y in M�nnesota an reasona y c aracteristic of 4� at can e expecte to occur on an average frequency �n t e magnitude of t e 00-year recurrence �nierval. Reg�ona f oo is synonomous w�t t e term " ase f oo " use �n the F oo Insurance Stu y, 20. STRUCTURE: Anything that is built or constructed, an edifice building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, whether a temporary or permanent character. or of 21. UNNUMBERED A-ZONE - A special flood hazard area inundat�d by the 00-year f oo , etermine y approximate rnetio s; no ase f o0 e evat�ons are s o�vn or f oo azar factor� eter�nine y t--Tie F-Tood Insurance Stu y for t e C�ty of Fr�d ey. 205.1574 District Uses, Permits and Standards 1. District Use The intent of this section is to provide a supplementary overlay district which is made up of two protection zones. CRP-1, CRP-2, within any ofi the existing oriyinal zoning d�istricts. pevelopment of this district will follow the requirements of the original zoning district in addition to tf�e requirements of this section. 2. Permitted Uses in CRP-1 Zone (floodway) A. No structure or an,y portion thereof shall be constructed or placed within protection zone C�P-1 of the Preservation District. Nor shall there be any grading, filling or excavating of land or any land use established on any property within this zone with the fo1lo�,ring exceptions: DEF�INITIONS (1) Any use havinq a low flood damage potential incl:ading recreational uses, parking lots, residential yai°ds, lo�ding areas, storage yards, wate�° control structures and other open space uses. 2n il DISTRICT USES, PERMITS AND STANDAROS Page 4 �- ORDIisANCE iVO. � Rl (2) Structures accessory to the abave use may be permitted if• a. Struct�ares are not for human habitation. b. Structures have a low flood damage potential. c. Structures are firmly anchored to prevent floatation. d. Accessory buildings are flood proofed in accard�nce with e State 8uilding.Code. �i��/p����/����/x��l��v����l����• B. All structures �radin�, fillina, and excavating permitted in this section, with the exception of public uses, require a Special Use Permit. C. Any removal of existing trees over 3 inches in diameter shall require City approval. D. No structure (temporary or ermanent), fill (includinq fill for roads and levess , deposit, obstruction, storaqe of materials, ar equipment, or other uses ma be allo��ed as a Special Use which, actinq alone or in combination with existing or reasonably anticipated future uses, adversely affects t;he capacity of the flootlway or increases flood heights^ 3. Publ ic p��Ji,T,i�,i�� lJti l ities, Rai lroads, Roads, and Bridges A. Public Utilities. All public utilities and facilities, such as �as, e?ectrical, seti�:er, and ��„�:ter s�ap�1�sys�ems ic� be located in the flood. plain sr�all b�� flocid=proofEd in accorcfance wiih the State Building Code or elevated to ai�flve the Regulatory Fl�od Protection Elevation. B. Public Transportation Fzci1ities. Railroad tracks, roads, and bridqes to be located tivith�n the Floodway District shall comply a�ith the sections of this Ordinar;ce. Elevation to the Regulatory Flaod Protection Elevati�n shall be provided �u�iere failure or interruption of these trans�ortation fac�ilitie� ��,��uld resuit in dan�r to th� uhlic healtfi or safe�,y or vrhere such facilities are �ssential to the orderl,}< functionin�� a� th� ar�e�. h1inor° or auxi1i�rv roads or railroads ma,,� I�e corstructed at a lC���er elevation where fiailure or interruptio�i of transpo►°tation services would not endanqer the public health or safet . 4. Permitted Uses in CRP-2 Zone (flood fringe) No building ar structure or any �ortion thereaf, shall be placed within protection zone CRP-2 of the Preservation Distr�ict, unless a S�ecial Use Perr�it is granted. Nor shall there be any gradin�, filling or excavating of land or any land use est�hlishcd on Uny property within the Preserv�tion Uistrict unless a Special Use Permit is granted. A Special Us� Perinit sl7all be qranted within the CRP-2 zone P_XCP t in accordance witf� the follc��.Jiny regulations. 2C DISTRIC7 USES, PERMITS AND STANDARDS !�J Pagc 5 -- ORDINANCE N0. A. No Special Use Permit shall be authorized which would result DISTRIGT in incompatible land uses or which w�ould be detrimental to the USES, RERMITS protection of surface and ground water supplies. ANp STANDARDS B. No Special Use Permit shall be authorized for structures w�ich will increase the financial burdens imposed on the community and its individuals through increasing floods and overflow of water onto land areas adjacent to the creeks and rivers. C. No Special Use Permit shall be issued unless the proposal is in� keeping with land use plans and planning objectives for the City of Fridley and which will not increase or cause danger to life or property. Q. No Special Use Permit shal] be issued in those cases which are inconsistent with the objectives and encourage land use that is incompatible with the preservatian of the natural land forms and vegetation. E. No Special Use Permit shall be issued for any fill unless shown to have some beneficial purpose to the property and the amount thereof m�st not exceed that necessary to achieve the intended purpose, as demonstrated by a plan submitted by the owner showing the uses to which the filled land will be put, tl�e kind of fill, and the final dimensions of the proposed fili or oiher materials. Such fill shall be protectecl ac��;inst erosion by rip-rap, vegetative cover, or bulkheading if d�emed nceessary. � F. No Special Use Permit shall be issued for garbage or waste disposal sites or systems. , G. No Special Use Permit shall b2 issued unless the applicant, in support of his application, submits engineering data, site pians and other plans and infor►nation as the City may require, in order to determine the regulatory flood protection elevation in unnumbered A zones, an t�e e ects of suc deve opment on the bed, Tanl:, ctiarine-T, fT-oodway or flood plain in the Preservation District. The applicant shall submit four copies of ihe application and the information. H. No Special Us� Permit shall be issued unless the proposed use or obstruction has been revie�,!ed by all gavernmental bodies having jurisdiction ov�r such use or obstruction, ir" said review is required by statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations applicable to such �overn�nental bodies and to such use or obstruction, but in all cases the City of Fridley will make the final determination. Page 6 -- ORDINANCE N0. 205.1575 Additional Restrictions In addition to the requirements set out in Section 205.1574 of this section, �� any Special Use Permit ���X�'/�¢ issued for an obstruction in the CRP-2 zone �ipiX¢�� shall meet the following pravisions:�p`¢/r�¢� l. Structures: Structures for habitation constructed on fill so the basement floor, or first floor, if there is no basement, is above the regulatory flond protection elevation with the fi11 at that elevation. at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the limits of any structure or building erected thereon. Where existing streets or utilities are at elevations which make compliance with th� foregoing sentence impractical, or in other special circumstances, the pX�p��(,���/�9��D�����'�G� City may authorize other techniques of elevating the first floor (including basements) above the Regu atory F oo Protection Efevation under t e Spec�a Use Permit, t at con orrn w�t t�e f oo proofing requ�rements of t e State Bu7 ��ng Co e. 2. Other Uses: Accessory land uses, such as accessory buildings, yards and parking lots ►ray be at elevations lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation if a Special Use Permit is first granted pursuant to this district. Acc�ssory structures must comply t�rith section 205.1574 2A (2) (a-d o�� tFiis is�trict. 3. Storage: Any storage or processing of materials that in time of f1ood�ing m�y be buoyant, flar�nable, explosive or�couid be injurious to human, animal or plant life, is prohibited. 4. Non-Residential Structures: Commercial, manufacturing, and indus r� a structur�s s a or 7nar�iyT�e�e'ievated on fi'fT'so that t eir f irst � oT or - In� u� nc� basement � s a ove tTie ReguTatory FTood Protec ion E evation ut mayin spec�a c�rcu�r�st�nces �e f�Too proa ed in acco�- i�nce w�t'T�fi iTa State B- u7 (-d�ing Co��e. Structures t�at are not e evate�a6ove t�e Rec�u atary F oo Protection ETevatio�i sfi a1�Te #Tood proofed to Ff'-Tor FP-•2 ciassif�cat�on as der"�neci y�:he State Sui ding Coc�e. Stri�ctures f lood proo�e to FP-3 or FP-4 c ass�f�caiion s a not �e permi ttec�'—'�V �,� �t �����,��1���`l9Y�s�¢l�t�����/!�$��t 5. Residential Uses. Residences that do not have vehicular access at or ar��v� an eTevai�ion not more t�ari two fie�-it beTow the Requ�tory F1-o�c� 1'rotect:�on E evat�oi� s-iia�l not e pc=rrnitted unless grantec3—a vai°�ance �y �tlie C�ty. Ir7 c�r<�nt�ng a variarice, t e C�ity s�F�a'1� s(�ec!-�ify-Tim�tations on t,�ie per�od of use or� occupancy of tFie res��ence. 6. C��r�r,7�crcial Uses. Ac.cessory land uses, suci� as yards, raiiroad �rac�;� �n�a"r�iric; iofis �r�ay c-�-at e evations—Totver tTian t��e R�quTatoi�y �Toocf I'r�oi:ect.ior���vatii�n. Nowever, a perm�t for such faci �t�f:�5 tu Z�e -us��i,y 1:f�e En�p oyee� or t.he c}en�r�a pu� ic s�a not be yranted in ti�e absence of a flood warninq system that �)1"OVIC�i?$ ddC?(jU<?�('. tlliiZ l�;Y'•--�VciCUc��IOCI 1� t—t;� �t"'�'.d ��lOU�—<j inus�date t0 --,------ - a c3�ptii �tr��at��r� tfi,,n two i t�t�t or� �e �uf>>c�ct. i;o �i�oc1 v�� oci ties qrt�ater 1�han � fieet per seconci upon occixr�r�ence of tT�e re__yi�nal �ToacT. 2E ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS Page 7 -- ORDINANCE N0. 7. Manufacturing and Industri�1 Uses. Measures shall be taken to m�nim�ize inter erence wit norma p an� operations especia y a on� streams or river' s`Faving pratr�cted f oo urat�ons. Certain accessory an uses such as yar s an par,�ng ots may e a ower e evations su ject o requiremen�s set out in suf� �v�s�on 6 a�ove-.�—��In cons� er�ng permit ap� �cat�ons, ue cons� era ion s a be g,ven ta nee s of an �n ustry w ose usiness requires t at it e oc�tEd �n f ood_p ain are as . 205.�536 Administration 1. The City shall administer and enfiorce these district regulations and shall—maintain a record of the eievation of the first floor inc u ina asement o�a r�e:v str�actures or ad it�cns to ex�st�ing structures in the f ood p ain distr�cts. T e Crty s�TT a�so maintain a recor o fi e e evations to w ic structures or a d�iions to structures are f ood proofe . 2. Special Use Permit: A Special Use Permit shall be applied for and obtained prior to the construction, erection, addition or alteration of any obstruction who]ly, or partly in the Preservation Dis�rict. 3. Flpplication for Permit: A. Application for Special llse Permits under this district shall be macie by the owner or owners of the land„/�'p(/�!���'�¢���/��/��� Qj'��y� on forms furnished by �he City and sha11 be accompanied initially by the �¢,��'¢�i,��� inforn�ation, �q��/��¢,�������). ,i�f�¢���i��,���i�/data, and plans as is deemed necessar°y by the ���;��� ���;I�(����f��¢�' City for determining compliance with this district, and for determining the effects of the proposed activi�ty in the Preservation District and the buildability of the particular site for the proposed improvement, use or obstruction. The applicant shall submit four (4) of the application and informai:ion. 6. The City Council may attach such conditions to the granting of �e Specia Use I'erm�t as it eems necessury to fu f7 � t e pur�uses of th7s Qr�inance. Suci con itians may �nc ude ut are noi �im�ie�t��'e f�Tlowing: (1) Modification of a�aste disposal and water suppiy aciiit�es. (2) L�mitations on period of use, occupancy, and ope�^atian. (3) Imposition of operatianal controls, sureties, and deed restrict7ons. (4) Requirements for constr�rctior� af channel mod�fications, �`il�es, levees, un ot—Ter {?rotective mEasures. — (5) Flood proofin� measures, in accordance witli the State E3ii�ldir�g Cor�i�_.� +�T�-�ppTica��t ���i su�mii a pla�, or d-ocument certified�by a regist�red profess�ional enqineer or rec�ist2red a-rcfiite-'�ct tliat.'t�e f�lou�d p'roofinq nie<�sures are consistent w th ru__ ��e Reyu ai.�;iry fTai?�� f>rutect�oi� ETevatiG�i and� associated- fTo� factors t��r l:l�e paf=t i�:ii'l�ar- �srea. � - 2F 205.1576 AQDITIONAL RESTRICTIOPdS ADMINISTRATION Page 8 -- OROINANCE N0. C. Plans (surface view) including a survey by a Minnesota registered land surveyor, showing elevations or contours cf the ground, pertinent obstruction elevations, size, location, and special arrangement of all proposed and existing obstructions on the site, in relation to existing and proposed obstructians ta the ehannel location, location and elevatian of street�, water supply and sanitary facilities, photographs shoHaing existing land uses and vegetation upstream and downstream, and soil types. D. Specifications for building construction and material, flood-proo.fing, filling, dredging, grading, channel improvement, storage of materials, water supply (including withdrawal and discharge of ground and surface water) and sanitary facilities. 4. Issuance of Permit: The City shall issue the Special Use Permit upon approval of the application ���q���¢�¢ by the City Council. The applicant shall be required to submit certification by a registered pro essiona engineer, registere arciitect, or reg�stered an surveyor t at t�e �n�shed f� and ui ing eT�vations were accomp �s ed �n comp iance w�t tie provis�ons o t is or �nance. F oo -proofing measur�es s a e certife y a reg�stered pro�essiona eng�neer or regis ere arc �tect. 5. Application for Variance: Application for variance under this district shall b� made hy the owner or owners of the land�/,��/�y���',�¢��¢/ ��/��i¢/�,��� on forms furnished by the City. Variances to the Creek and River Preservation District must only be for reasons of exceptional circums�ances when the strict enforcement of thesE regulations would cause undue hardship and strict conformity with the standards wauld be unreasonable, impractical and not feasible under the circumstances. Variances granted under this Qistrict must be consistent with the general purpose of these standards. Although variances may be useo to modify permissible rnethods of �lood protect�on, no variance shall provide fo�° a lesser degree of flood protection than stated in tiiis districi. Th� applicant sha11 submit four (4) copies of the application and information. 205.1577 p�'���(,i��/Qq�,�y�,����'��E,t//Potivers, �yf� Duties, and Technical Assistance 1. Powers and Duties The City shall hear all requests for Special Use Permits and Variances under this tlistrict. Requesi:s for Special Use Permits and Variances shall be subject ta Sections 205.053 and 6.141 respectively, of the City Code. The �����'��/����,�i����Y`���Y`/��`/��k��i�/����i��t�/�y����y�����/��/�1��; X���X City shall sub��it to the Commiss�oner a copy af any application for a Special Use P�rmit or Variance where a hearing is to be held i;o consider sueh applicatir�n. The ComT�issioner shall receive at least (1Q) days notice of the hearing. Such notice sf�all specify the time, place and sut�ject matter of the hearing and shall be accompanied by such supporting infor�nation as is necessary to indicate the nature and effect of the proposed use. A c��py of a]1 decisions grantzng a Special Use P�rmit or Variance to th� provisions of the C�°eek and River Preservation Qistrict shall be fcrtivarded to the Commissioner within ten (10) days of such action. 2G 205.1577 ADMINISTRATION PICa➢"�4X➢4� �OD�D�X��X�D4 POWERS AND Dt1TIES AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Page 9 -- ORDINANCC N0. 2. TechnicaT Assist�nce The City may transmit the information received by it to the appro�riate Nlatershed District or the Commissioner for technical assis- tance to evaluate the proposed �roject in relation to flood heights and velocities, for determination of the regulatory �lood protection elevation within unnumbered A zones, an to deterEn�ne seriousn2ss of f oo amage to t�e use, t e a equacy of thE plans fos� protection, compliance with all sections Sections 205.3104, 205.3105� and 205.3106 of this district an�Tc -com�ance v{it tatewide Stan ar s an Cr�teria or Management of Flood Plain Areas of P��nnesota f�iinnesota Regu�Tatzo'�ns N-k o5-93 , and other nical matters. 205.1578 Existing Non-Conforming Uses An obstruction or structure, or the use of a striicture or premises, which was lawful before adoption of this ordinance, but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this district, may be continued, subject to the following conditions: 1. No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity. 2. No structural alteraiion or addition to any nonconforming strueture aver tn�e �'ite o't e stru��.�re s �a excee 5 r�,�rcent of its assesse va ue a� tne time of i�'� s T�ecom�ng a ��oncnri orm�ng us�, un eTss�t� ent�re structur� �s permanent y c ar,ge to a conforming use or un ess t e a t�rat�on or a. �t�on ��ou d su stantia y re uce �otentia�lood damages for thE entire str�cture. 3. Any alteration or addition to a nonconf arminc� use which would resu t�n su siant�a y increas7ng— t^Fie f�oo, amage potentiaT t—that use s a e f oo proo e�n accoz° ance witn th� State Q�!i�ld�ng CocTe. 4. If such ��se of such obstruction ar struc�ur°e, or the use of such premises is discontinued for twelve consecutive months, any subsequ�nt use of the obstruction, structure, or premises shall comply, in all respects, W1Cfl the prUVisions of this district, including, but not limited to, the obtaining of all required permits and variances. 5. If any non-conforrning obstruction or siru�ture is destroyed or damaged by any means, including floods, to the extent that the cost of repairing or restoring such destruction or damage would be 5U percent or more of its r��y���� assessetl value, then it shall not be reconstructed except in full con�pliance, in all respects, with the provisions of this district, including, �ut not li�nited to, i;he obtaining of all required permits and variances. 6. 7he preservation district regulations shall in no afay prohibit ruutine rnaintenance of ex�isting properties. Roui:ine maintenance is considered to be tf�e work property otivners could do previous to the adoption of tl�is district �fitheut first obt�ining a building permit. ? r� 205.1578 POWERS�, DUTIES AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE EXISTING NON- CONFORMING USES f%age 10 -- Q�?pT NANCE IvO. 205.1579 Subdi�visions l. No land shall be subdivided which is held unsuitable by the City of Frid ey or reason o fi fooc � ng, inar equai;� dra�nage, water supp y or sewage tr°ea ment ac� �t�es. 2. All lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a building site at or a ove t�e Regu atory F cod Protection E evation. 3. All subdiv�isions shall have water and se:�ac�e disposal facilities t�iat comp'f-y wit tt�e prOV�slons oi� t is pr inance an ave road access ot to t�e su �v�sion an to t�e �n iv�dua :�il ing sites no ower t a�'n —t��o feet 6e�ow t e Regu atory F�oo�d Pr�tection E evat�on. 4. In the General �lood Plain District, applicants shall provide the informat�on requ�red Zn ect7on �5. 5 6 0� t is Or inance. T e City sTa-TZ evaTuate t�e sup ivis�on �n accordaneE w�t� proce ures esta �shed in Section 205. 5/6 und 205. 5 7 of tnis Or_ �nance. 205.1580, hlobile Homes and Mobile Hom� Parks 1. PJe4� mob i 1 P s�i a 1'�b e-`- s uT ,7 e -� - _ _ _ _ _ "_ _ t _ _ ' _ _ .. A _ ... _ ...... F. .. �I �. I� ., m .. ark s on 2. Mobi7e homes in existiny rrobile home parks thai; are located in f1ood pTain �str�cts are noncon��rmrng uses uncT�may e rep aced on y�f �n comp �ance wit t�-�e f°TTo�ti��ng con �t�ons: A. The mobile hcm� lies in the Flood Fringe District. B. The mobile home is anchored with tiedowns that comply with requirements of Minriesot;a i�eru at�ons i�io i e Home 5. C. The mobile home o�m er or renter is notifieci that the mobile home site Tes in the fy oi c�d��p ain and may e sub�ect to f �oocf�ng. D. Ti�e m�bile home park oG�mer develo�s a flood emergency plan consisl.er�t w�t� t�e t7mc ava7��T�ble �r�e--r� a fioo--c�arn�ng. T�e plan s- �Ta fT-��iTe-a ti�"viiFi an ap{7r•oveT6y �'ci�e C� ty. 3. Individual mobil� homes nat iacat�d it� mobile home parks may be permiit� i�a�To�ve y et��e ap-�Tica e or �nances an � t e,y cam�ly wit t i� pr°ovi�s�ons of Section �05. i 14, 4G of t�l_�F�s Qr�inance. 205.1580 SUBDIVISIONS MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOP�IE PARKS l� Page 11 -- ORDINANCE N0. 205.1581 , yi,i�����h���(��1/ Publ ic Nuisance: Penalty 1. Any person who violates any provisions af this district, ar fails to compiy with any of its terms or requirements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $300 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both, and in addition shall pay all costs of prosecution and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. 2. Every obstruction or use placed or ma�intained in the Preservation Disfirict in violation of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and creation thereof may be enjoined and the maintenance �thereof abated by appr•opriate judicial action. 3. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City from taking such other lavrful action as is necessary to prevent, remedy or remove any violation. 205.1582 Amendments 1. The Pres?rvat��n District elevations on the Profile may be changed by amend�rent to this dis'trict, and such change, ti�hen made, shall be shown on the Profile. If future conditions make it nec°ssary to re-evaluate the d�strict Uoundaries because of increased flooding potential w��ich ��ould af�ecti �!�e health, safnty znd general welfare of the citizens, �:he elevation wi11 be correcied by i;iie Council by amendment to this district. 2. All amer�dments shall be submit�.ed to the appropriate Watershed Districts and the Commissioner, �nd shall be approved by the Com- missioner prior to adoption by the Council. 2�$,�x���lla����v`X�� . Tl���/D�'���x��/��/�u������/�!�������/i!�l�G��I ���k�v��X�.�/�v`�c����/�� 4��c�������/��������/x9���lQr�����G'/����,� 205.1583 Interpretal;ion In interpreting and a�piying the provisions of this district, ihey shall be held to be tlze mininium requirements for the promotion of the pu�lic health, s�zfety, and ge��eral welfare. It is not the intention of this Preser-vation District to interfere with, abrogate or annul any covenant or other agr�ement bEtween parties, nor the provisions of any ordinance of th� City; provided, hotvever, where this Preservation District irnposes a greater res�;riction upon the use or improvement of any premises than tP�ose imposed or required by other statutes, ardinanc�sa rulc�s, regulat;ivns or permits of the Cii;y, State, or ap��ropriate �ya�ershed Qistrict, or by covenants or ayr2ernents, the provisior�s of this Preservation District shall yovern. 2J 205.1583 PUBLIC NUISANCE: PENALTY AMENDMENTS �l�X���XXX INTERPRETATION Page 12 -- ORDINRNCE N0. 205.1584 Partial Invalidity If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Preservation District is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforce- able, as to any person or circumstance, the application of such section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase to persons or circum- stances other than th�se as to which it shall be held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affecied i:hereE,y, and all provisions thereof, in all other respects, shall remain valid and enforceable. 205.1585 Warning and pisclaimer of Liability This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the preservation District or land uses or obstructions permitted within the Preservation District will be free from flooding or flood damage�. 7his Preservation District shall not create liability on the part �f the City of any official of employee thereof, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any City action taken or administration or Council decision lawfully made hereunder. 205.15£i6 This ordinance shall be effective immediately u�on its passage and pu ication. PASSFD AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COU(VCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1981. ATTEST: CITY CLERK - SID�JEY C. INf�Af� Fublic Hearing: First Reading: Second f:eading: Publish. . . .. 0014AJ1025/� MAYOR - tdI�LIAt�1 J. f�EE Feh�°uGry 9, 1981 Fc.!-�T�ruary a, 1�$T 205.1585 pARTIAL INVALIDITY WARNING AND DIS- CLAIMER OF LIABILITY 2K EXPIRING COMP4ISSION POSTTIONS TERM PRESC��T MEM6ERS EXPIRES APPOINTEE ENVIRONMENTP,L QUALITY COMMISSION (Chapter G}(5 Members - 3 Year Term) Chairperson Richard Svanda 4-1-82 1521 Waodside Ct. (N. 571-6154)(Q.297-2713) Vice- Jon Erickson 4-1-�3 Chairperson i601 No. Innsbruck (H. 571-2577)(B. 421-4760 X1268� Dave Engstrom 4-1-8? 510 57th Place N. E. � (H. 571-5447)(B.296-5553) Bruce Peterson 4-1-83 7503 Tempo Terrace N.E. (H.786-9898}(6.853-5041) ...�. 3 Page 3 APPOINTEE TERM EXPIRc� Lee Ann Sporre 4-1-81 Tabled to 2/23%81 4-1-84 295 Ironton St. N. E. (H. 786-4237) , ___-_—__- . HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Me�nbers - 3 Year ierm Chairperson Peter Treuenf els 5248 faorizon Dr. (H.560-5907)(B.638-7652) Vice - Mary Van pan Chairperson 6342 Baker �lvenue N.E. (N.571-3177)(B.546-9035) Jayne �oble 7381 Jackson S�. N.E. (H. 784-4771) (7�6-0800) Wayne Saunders 500 63rd Avenue (N.571-1937)(B.296-8913) t�layne Lti'el ch 6115 L��oody Lane (H.571-G323) (1901 �1 4-1-82 4-1-81 4-1-83 Mary Van Dan 4-1-84 Reappointed 4-1-81 Brian Goods eed 4-1-84 731 Rice Creek Terrace �-571-4822 4-1-83 �i City of Ir.ic7ley ctinrrrr•:ti cr,r•�r•1�.s;,l:���a r�1:eZ�Irrc - Tc�i;sDnY, J111Jt1AF•:x 6, 1��8]: Pt�r�;�1 cnr,r, �ro orznr•,r : _ , President Ash called the meeting to or.der at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CAI,L : Mer.ibers Present: Clifford Ash, Davi.d Berg, .7ean Sch.�].1, Wa1t Starwalt, Bob Pierce, Francis van Dan, Peter Treaen�els, Susan �ackson Memb�rs ;7-'�sent: . Kcnnet}-� Brennen, Jahn Swan:;on, Tim F. Breiclex, Irene Maertens, • Larry Commers, David Schaaf � 11YPROZ�E CKA?ZTiR CQP�il��iISSIO?�I I•SINUTES C�F NOVL;i��ER 18, 1980: � MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Mr, Starwalt, to approve the Charter Corrc�iission minutes of November 18, 1980 as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V07.'ING �YE, PI�SIDENT �SH DECI�IRED THE MOTT�N C�IZRI:;:D L7�tANTMOUSLX. 1. hTEW BUSTNESS: A. Receive Chapter 410 from Minnesflta ctate Starutes President Ash poir�ted out: that the C:hartex Commission �an have from 7 to 15 members and is required to z:lect at leusv on�e per year. �r�ai���� Csiart�r Co:�mission happeris to havc� IS men;ners and meets 6 tfl ?��_rcies p�r year. He also stated that we hat�e a separate attorney fr-om the City Council and that we are allocaed to spend $2,�Q0 for same. Mr_ TreLenfel, had _a. queszian a,bout the �nrnial report that the Cos�nission is rec?uired to submi_t on or befo.re Dec�z,�a,er 31st of each year. President �sh said he wil� recruest copies of the annual repor� for the Commission. President Ash also poi:nted out that anybody that has failed �Lo attend 4 consecutive meetings caithou� being �cuse�i by the Co��ission can be petitioned for removal �410.05, Subd. 2). He t�en asked t17e Commission about other �nembers that rarely atten�? if -they have interest �iout ma}:inq i:hem active ox disch.ar��ing ther.i. 2. QI.�D �3IJSI?�ESS : A. Re�ort from Subco�mittee on arty ch�iges in by-laws This was t�led tu�til the ne_Vt ?neeting. 3 . QTli�� � I3USINFSS : A. Discussion of Repl.z�cement ��r Ci;�rles T.angcr B. Discu�;sio�i ori Chaxter Coitunis �ion iuein�ers h�liose �i:erms will expire on I��ay 11, 1.9�1 ' �resi.dei�t Ash z-eportcd that there are �3 a��r�oinisner.t� �oming up .and one open position ta be f:illed, :?e said }ie <<il.l i�ave .a 2eti:er ��ent i.o the peop�.e ��:hose Ceim eYpi.res on 5/3.J/:I ta as1: tt��in i.� tl�ey hsve .ai� ia�tc�re��,L in coutinuiz��7 �'z�id then find out 1117T1j' �>O,;li.lOIZS i1li:' C)pCYl. iiZ"� T'? (.2'C'C' XC'j�O,Y.f:C,C� "i-}l�lt P�Ir.,. :iWi37ISOTl ,�'la.�-i .lc"�C3 c. Ct13T1i�C'. 1T7 his jcl�. F'rr::i dcnt- :1�;',i : a;_d ihc�- }iav� :t'at�r xi�:�nc.:5 i`or xe��l.ucc�tt�ent of rI� . Latigcr Utit: tliic.c liave not :>ent in resu:u�-�:_;_ Pir.. Yat.r.rson";; rcr.um� i;; on fi.le from two ycars �ic�o, �:i1nP,Ti:Ft C,�)[���T:;t;7C)P] t41;T„'1'I:C�C -.7��riu.�r� C,� 1.��£�1 � p���e 2 � 4 �i� .-- - _ --- - . - _ _ _ .---�----- _ ,. � �lr, ���-c�urnfel.s thou��l�t L-t�►��t thny sl�ou]_d be contactcd by L�].e�hone. President • I���h :;aid }�r, woi�lc3 li��ve Llie Corranission Secrctary call i:i�ose people and have �hem Send in a.r.c;�ume �,y �a sJ_,eca_�ic date, C. Newsi�aper. Item -- �/5 Vote Presi.dent I�sti reported of a news article regarding an adjoining community about t}ie lecaaliL-y of �/5 vote of financial action their council has tal:en (apparently /4 merr�aers wc,re present and one �sent r- one ai�stained and 3 voted in favor) . �'resident I�"sh notecl t?zat, in �kinuning I'ridley's Charter, there are some ambiguous �laces r�gar_ding 4/5 votn. Ms. Jac:kson and Mr. Eierg felt that it meant four out of five, President �sh said 7,07 and.7.0£3 were prei:ty clear but that 8.05 was clefinitely ambiguous (.4/S of the members preseni? 4/5 of the members voting? ' �/`i of �.he city council.?), Pr.esident Ash, Ms. Jackson and Mr. van Dan volunteered to study �lie Charter and zevi.ew trie �/5 questions, Mr. i�ierce m�ntioned �.he use of masculine pronouns in the eharter and suggested � i � e � n �� �� �� �� �� piit�ing in � catch- a].1 clause he sha11 mean he or she ). D. Redefining Ward Saundaries � �resic�eizt �1sh statec� that witli the census just passed, it is now time for the Couiiril to _r.edefine the ward boundaries accordingly. He suggested changing the Charter an� have a}�i-partisan committee do this job. P�Is. Jackson felt this sliould i�e k�ack on the agenda fGr the neyt meeting and get feedback from the City Council. Mr, Pierce sta�ed th�t the last time this was done it toolc quite a bit of #�h� Council's tim� and Pds. Jackson said the present members may not know how mucli wark is involve.d. Presi.dent Ash said he would have a letter sent to th.e : ��tinci_1 to e�et tliEir vi_�.�apuint �nci c��}� ihem to r_espond by the next Commission meeting . �. t�f�irinat.itT� Act�on � �`rarleis van Dan Mr, van Dan stated h� cqnt�cted the League of. P�unicipalities by telephone and letter. fie spoke tti�it.h Don31d Slater about affirmative action statements in city charter �nd learned, to 2•1r, Slater's }�nowledge, there was i�one in the state of Minnesota. Mi:, van L�an ciiscussecl his backqround and 'nis personal philosophy of affirmative actic�n. He felt that aifixmative action is not equal employment opportunity but e�ercisinc� a po>i.tive he_lping hand so that a person can compete with all other 1lmericans. He further felt that affirmati.ve action should be limited to public ser_vice jobs, not si�ject to tl�e volutions of the market place. He felt that, �s f��r as inclusion in the Charter, it should be done as a recognition and declara- tion of that prinripl.e. President Ash said he was.not sure what yau can do in the Charter except. make a,statement of philosophy and suggested Mr, van Dan draft up some worcis that he would like to see in the Chari�er. i�re:sident As`.i said the nEat meeting c�ri.11 be Tuesday, i'ebruary 3, 1981. ADJOUls�rll?NT: ' • 2•i�TT�N by t•ir, van Dan, �ecpncied by b,r, Treuenfels, i:o adjourn. UPON A VOICE VOTE, 11LL VO'}'ING :1�'2:, I'PESTllLNT F�SEI I)LCL�IFJ.0 T�Ir CHAI:TI?.P. CO.�IhiSSSION tiELTING OF ,711NUc'1E:1' 6, 1931 �1DJ(�UI:�:LD 1\T 9 P�b�. Pesk�er.l.fuli�� siLbntit.ti�d, �. / . � �'' J �.��-� � ) c-�-; -,-'<� I),,1� Ni � ni}; , RecoZ ��i r1� Sec,z'et.�z���` 5 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAP��VI(�G CUiiMIS5T4i! l�tEETItdG, FEf3RUARY �s 1981 CAL.L 70 ORDER: Chairman Harris called the February 4, 1981, Planning Cammission meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: � Members Present: t�1r. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Svanda, Ms. Iiughes (arrived 7:41 p.m. ), h1r. 4fi�arton Meinbers Absent: Mr. Oquist Others Present: Jerroid Boardman, Ci�y Planner Louis J. Hamlin, Midwest �rinting Company See attached list APPROVAL OF JANUARY 21 , 1981 , PLA��NIidG COMi�ISSIOi�d MIPdUTES: DIQTION BY :15. SCiI�`1ABEL, SFCOi\�DED �Y l✓R. TREUEIJFEL5, TO APPI?OV�' THE JAP�. 21, 198I, PLANNING CO.:�MISSIOIJ I1I�. U7cS A.S YIRITTEA� . UPUlT A V4ICE LrOTF. � ALL VO�:I:dG AYE� CHAIRt1:Anl -H�RRIS DECLARPD THE I�10T:ION CARc'ZIED L'N�i1V1"t1C)USLY. 1. CONTIP�UEQ: PU�3LZC HEARING: Z0� J;'80-(�6, SY t�l.G. DOTY AND GARY A. WFLLNER: Rezone the fol i o:�: i rg descri bed parcel s rrci��� (�l-1' 1 i ght i ndus tri al areas � te R-3 (ger�eral m�►1 �;ple �`..i�ily d,a�el �ings), that par�; of Qiocks 8 an� 9, Lowell i�ddi ti on to Fri d1 ey Park, 1yi ng So:�th of the North 1 i ne of Syl van f�i 11 s f'lat 8, together ti��i�:h the Easterly 1/2 of vacated Elm Street, and �:he paNt of Lats 1 and 2, �lock 7, Lo����ell Addition ta Fridley Gark, lyi;�g Soutl�erly of the Westerly f,a1f of �dacated Elrn Street, iocated South of Mississippi Street, and East of Burlinyton Nor�hern righ�l-of-�vay. Public flearing closed. �raT.ro�J BY TSk. TREU�.�FEZS, Sl:�ccn�n�D �Y rs�. [JHARTOIV, TO REOPEN TFIE 1'ULaL'IC HEARIIvG ON 'LOt? '�80-06 I3I'' W. G. D02'Y rtiv'D GARY f3. WELLNER. UPO�a' A Vl1IC.E VOTE, fiIL L'O1'1:VG �IYF, CflerllZ"1J1N fI�lXRIS DECL��RED Tt1E _nLTBLIC HEAP_I'AIG F'•i0i'E��'ED flY' 7:38 P.�`L � h1r. G oardn�an stated tnau tir. Qot�.y had cor�tacteci h�im and requested that the F7anniny Con�!,�ission c���tinue i:his itern �ntil tk;e �=ei�. 25 meeting. %;r. Doty had stated he t��as gettir�g a.siarveyot� i:o find out exar.i:ly ho�;� n�uch lunii he does have in ordr.r to J�ut toaetl;��� ;om� p?��;zs fo�, the f�ianni►�� Commiss�on for R-2 pr�operty. Unfo�•tuna�:ely, ther�c� ���as not enougl; tiir.� �:o notify the neigFibors. � � PLANNIT�G C0�-iMISSION I�EETING, FE�RJARY �, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. �oardrnan sta�ed that in view of the nurnber o�' people in the audience and th� presence of a petition, the petition and any further testimony f rom the people should be presented to the Planning Commission. (Ms. Hughes arrived at the meeting at 7:41 p.m.) Mr. h1ichael larson, 6390 Starlite 81vd., read the petition opposing the rezoning from t�l-1 ta either R-2 ar R-3. He stated the names on the petition were just a small 5ampling of the neighborhood. Many more p�ople support these views and they wil� be at the next Planning Commission mee�Ling if needed. MOTION BY ldR. WHARTON, SECQNDED BY MS. SCHIJAEEL, TO RECEIVE THE PETITION REQUEST— ING �'t1E PLANNI"NG COMl1ISSION TO REJECT THE CONSIDERATION OF REZONING THIS PROPERTY FROM M-1 TO EITHER R-2 OR R-3. (Petition 1-1981) UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN NARI�I5 DECLAR�D THE MOTIDN CARRIED UIJANIMOUSLY. Mr. Narris stated the petition was received and would accompany the Planning Cor�mission's minutes to the City Council on this item. Ms. Judy Kidder, 6360 Starlite Blvd., stated they had spent tf�e past week getting organized a.nd conta.c�ting �ther neighbars. They had made arrangements to come to this rr�eeting, and many of them F�ad babysi�ters. She asked if the Pianning Commission could make a decisian on this rezoning request that evening as none of thPm had been noti�ied of the request for continuation by the petitioners. She di d not th i nk i t��ras fai r i f thi s�ras con �i nued. Mr. Harris stated the decisian to continue or move on this item was up to the Planning Co�nmission. Ne stated he ti��as rather upset t,hat Mr. Doty has asked for a continuation at such a late date. Mr. Narriss�ated he theught the Commission had made it plain to hir. Doty and e�er��one else ccncerned that he was exaected back at this meetir�g with his proposal. Mr. Rice, 100 Sylvan Lane, stated that back in 1965, they had a pi�oblem with a lotv spot in tf�e Sylvan Nills ar�ea, btlt tnere Gv�r� no complaints about floocfed basen�ents or sewer problems . �i'ter Sa�:el l i te East and t�lest was bui 1 t, al l of a s«dcien ti�e Ci ty Engi nee ri ng Dcpt. ���as fl ooded tivi t�� compl ai nts of fl ooded base- ments and backed-up set�ers. A new p�amping station had to be built and water mains enlarged. This cost the Sylvan Hills neigr�bors quite a bit of money. He stated t1�at, if additional un�its <<rere built, would the present puinping station be bi g enougl� to handl e tl�e ex�ra sewage? h1r. 6oardman stated the City Enc�ineering Dept, hac! looE:ed at this and did not see any problei��s. Mr. Rice stnted that he was �:o1d that hir. Doty �h�anted a blanket permit to put in tvi�atever• he t��anted. t,ihat is to si:op P1r. Doty frorn putting in G3 units instead of 34? 5 I} PLAfdN I PaG COM��1I SS I OiJ MEE7I h!G ,(� EQ 1?UI�RY 4 y 1981 PAGE 3 � Mr. Boardrran stated that 34 units is the maximum c�ensity Mr. Doty can put in on that property with that zoning. Ms. Caroiyn Johnson, 6336 Star7ite Blvd., stated that Mr. Doty and Mr. Wellner had indicated they �lere concerned a�out their financia7 losses. She stated that before t'r�ey purchased theland, they should have made the agreement to purchase the land or�ly after it was rezoned ta tj�eir liking--not to purchase the land first and then decide they want it rezoned. Mr. Longerbone, 780 Sylvan Lane, stated t;here are very few double bungaloes in the Gity of Fridley that are decent, and why should their neighborhood be ruine�+ because P�Ir. Doty wants to put in double bur�galoes? Ms. Carolyn Johnson stated that Mr. Doty has con�mente� on how beaufifui his dupiexes are on 5th Street. She stated they are r.ot beaut�fu7, they look terrible and are not kept up at all. She wished he was in the audience to hear that. Mr. Larson stated one of the big issue5 brought up at the last Planning Commission meeting vaas the opinion that it was not financially feasible to develop this property inta single family homes. He stated he was convinced it a�as feasible. He thought the real pc�i nt Mr. Doty was tr��ing to make ��aas the maximum profi t would be realized by rezoning the property to R-2. Ne stated their a�hole purposp. for being at the Plan►�ing Ccn�mission in greater numbers this evening (and would be in even greater nu�7;bers at any future meeting) was they feel any incremental profit that might be realized by �ev�lopin� this property into double bungaloes is goiny to be directly offset by their i��dividua7 homes. They feel they have enouyh multiple family housing and feel it vrou?ci be a rea7 burden. They would appreciate it if this request t�tas rejected at this time. Mr. Fran!� Lieb1, 222 Mercury Dr., stated he lives a biock and a half away from this property. He stated he co�ld see both sides of the issue. He would like to point out that they already have quite a few multiple housing units in R-3 a�hich have created tr�affic problems. If r��ore R-2 or R-3 are pt�t in, it would � just multiply the problem ft�om a traffic standpoint. He stated Mr. Doty and Mr. 4dellner ha��e the right to develop t}�eir property, but even an additional 14 uni ts are goi rig to � r�crease thei r tr�ffi c probl em. If thi s property i s rezoned R-2 ar R-3, he �elt it 4vould t�e de�rin�ental to their neighborhood and wc�uld compound the problem they are facing ric�'r�t now. Ms. Jan Christenson, 62G0 Starlii;e C31vd., stated that last summer her husband w��s g��anted a special use per�tiit to build a garage ►�rith i;fle intentiort of bui 1 di ng a ne�� hon�e. Ri ght noti�r, �iS tllei r pl ans stand , the house wi 11 cost aroun:i $1;0,000, Now they wonder if they'should put that house there if these uni �s ar•e to be �ui ] t. 1�Jhat wi 1 i l�e �.i�� val ue o� that home t�ao years from notiv if thase units are built? Ms. L�o��r7a P�t�sser, 114 Sate71 � te Lane, stated she l i ves in the second I�ouse from the enci on Satel 1 i te Lane, She stated sh� ���atcf�cs tl�e cars use thi s street as a d►,an stt�ip. Fl cou��le of chi7cfren always piay c�n the biind carner, and tfi2y just ha����enc�d to not be pl ayi►iq th�re or�e day �.�hen a truc�: drove up into the nei�hl,o��'s yard. ` j � PL/1N[dING COMP4ISSIO�d ��1EETING, FEt3RU�lRY 4, 1981 PI1GE 4 Ms. Gail Ahrens, 198 ��ercury Dr., stated they have suffered around $500-600 worth of damage frorn cars that come across their lawn and hit trees. She stated they are fortunate that the Satellit;e Apartments are kept up as we11 as they are. but this may not altivays be the case. She stated the apartment owners should be commended for the good up-keep of th�se apartments. She stated if dupiexes are added, the whole neighborhaod cpulci go down the drain financially within a couple of years. Mr. Liebl stated they are not opposed to P�r. Doty doing something with his property, but they have to look at �rhat kind of impact this proposal will have on this neighborhood. Mr. Larson stated that P�r. Doty could come in with plans for the Taj Mahal, and if it is in an R-2 or R-3 zone, they wou7d be very much against it. He stated that in the best interests of the Planning Commission's time and their time, they wauld appreciate it if the f'lanning Commission would make a decision on this proposal that evening. MOTION BY MR. WNARTOIV, SECONDED BY M5. SCFINABEL, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 20A #80-06 BY W. G. DOTY AND G�2Y A. WELLNER. UPON A V�ICE VOTE, ALT VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN FIARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT S:dB P.M. Ms. Schnabel stated that last time when they heard this proposal, she seconded and supported a motion to deny this request. Si-�e stated she did not have any reasan to ci�ange her mind; ho�r�ever, she ��ras a 7itt7e uncomfortable denying it again in h1r. Doty's and Mr. Wellner's at�sence. She stated the petitioners have paid �125 for the rezoning request and $125 for tf�e vacation request, and she felt uncomfortable denying t;hem their "day in court". She stated she kno��rs tl�e residents' feelings and she. supports those feelings. � � Mr. tti'hart�n stated he felt that if the pe�;itioners were that interested in their $250, they would have been at the meeting. h1r. Svanda sl:ated he agreeci wi th that and di � not have an�� sympathy for the fact that the pel:itioners were not at the meeting. Mr. Narris stated he also ayreed. Mr. 7reuer�fels stated he dic' nat see any reason to continue this item. Ms. Nughes stated she also did not I�ave any sympathy in terms of the money, h1r. Doty came befor� the Planning Coi11f111SS1�Tt unprepared and prematurely, but she did thi��k they oGti�ed him a hearing. 5D PLANNI�;G C0�•i��1ISSI0i'3 MEETItJG, FEBRURRY 4, 1981 PAGE 5 MOTION BY MS, SCFINA73EL, SECO:`7DED BY 1112. WHARTON, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DlNTTiL OF RE'LONING I2EQUEST ZOA #i80-O& F3Y W. G. DOTY AND GARY A. WELLNER: REZONE !'l1E FOLLOG�iING DESCRI£1ED PAHCELS FROl'd h1�-I (LIGIIT INDUSTRIAL AREASj TD R-3 {CENERAL 1rULTIPLE F'A11ILY D6�7F•,LLIP�GS) , THIIT PART Or BLOCXS 8 AND 9, LOWELL ADDITION TO FRIDI,EY PARK, LY.I.IG SOUTIi OI' TFiE NORTfI Z,INE OI� SYLVAN HILLS PLAT 8� TOGETHI:'R WI7'fl .TfIE I;ASZ'E'RLY 1/2 OF VACATED EZ,�"�1 STIZE�T, AND THE PART OF LOTS 1 �lIVD 2, BLOCK 7, LO'vJELL ADnITIOII TO FRIDLEY PARK, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE WESTERLY HALF OF VAC�TED ELl•1 STF2EET, IACATFD SOUTfi OF MISSISSIPPI STREET, AND E11ST OF I3URLITJGT011 110RTfIF,RN RIGfiT-OF-WAY. THE REASOIdS FOR DEAIIAL ARE: 2. �THF: OVER;�IFfF,'LMIPJG F'EELI7IGS OF THE NEIGHZ30P.HOOD AS DEMONSTRATED BY TfIE NUi�1BERS OF PEOPLE A'1' BOTH PUBLIC IIEARINGS AND BY THE PETITIO�V TfIAT WAS SIGA�ED BY TFIE NEIGh'BORS; AND 2. 7'HAT t1ULTIPLE RF'SIDENTIAL ON fiHAT PARTICULAR PIECE OF PROPERTY IS NOT IN Tf1E BEST INTEREST OF THE NEIGFIBORHOOD ��ITH REGARD TO, BASICALLY, TRAFFIC AND TfIE FACT THAT THE NEIGHBOP.HOOD ALREADY HAS A RATHER HIGH IMPACT OF MULTIPLE D:aELLINGS IN IT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRI'�IAN HARF:IS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRTED Ul1ANIt10USLY. Mr. Harris stated that ZOA #;80-06 was recommended to City Council for denial. �, :.,,.� _�m��� .� Mr. Boardn��n stai:ed this aaill be set up for a public hearing at City Council on Mar. 9, 1981. . 2. GOi�TINUEC: VACATION RE"Q!!EST, SaV 7`i30-1�, QY Ld. G. DQTY AND GARY A. 4JELLi�ER: V�:cate t{}at part of P1i' nneso �a S�;reet, as 1 ai d ou�t i n Lo�,�e] 1 Addi ti on to Fri�iley Park; or Mercury Drive, as laid out in 5ylvan Ni17s Plat �, now kno.vn as Satellite Lane, 7ying t�lest of the �dortherly extension of the West line of Starlite alvd., also being the East line of Lot l, Block 4, Sylvan Ni��s Plat 3. Frr. Harris stated this �vas not a pub7ic hearing, but they would conduct it as an informal public hearing. h1i^. 5oarc�man stated at the end of Satellite l.ane, the City has some street right-of--way. The eventual plan at; one time was that Satellite Lane 4rould cross the t�ailroad tracks. Ne stated �:his is not going to happen. The petitioner has req��ested vacation prii;�ar°ily because of additional land for development. At this time, the City has no problem tiY�ith the vacation. The City is not using the s�reet ri ght--of-��1ay and G�i 11 not be us i ng i t. Mr. h;ichael Larson, G�90 Satellite Lane, stated he is really tl�e only one affected by this vacation as his 1ot line ac+jains the ease>>>et�t. He has mixed fee � i ngs ak�out i t, b�it he wi 11 not oppose the vacai:i on i n the liope that he wi 11 see �;hi s p►�o��eri,y deve7 o��ed R-1 . If there was any chance i t G��oul d be d�veloped {:-2 or R-3, he �vould speal against ihe vacation, PLAPdNIPdG CU��MISSIOid MEETI�aG, FEaRUARY 4, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. Boardman stated he wanteel everyone to understand that he cannot keep the peti�ioner from developing industrial if t►e so chooses as this praperty is presently zoned M-1, light industrial. MOTIQiJ BY 1�1.5. HUGIIES, SECONnT;`U BY M22. TRLUL'NFELS, TO 12ECOMIiEND TO CITY COUNCIL API'ROVAL OF V�CATTON IZEQUESZ' SI�V /{80-14 BY W. G. DOTY A1VD GARY A. WELLNER TO VAC�!'E Tt1AT PART OF' r1IIJNESOTA STRF.ET, 1�5 L?lID OUT IN LOWELL ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PARK� OR I�;RCURY DHIVE, AS L11.TD DUT Il� SY£Vr�N HILLS PLAT 3, NOW KNOWN AS SATELLITE LANE, LYZ�dG Y:EST OP THE NORTIIFRLY EX'1'ENSION' OF TFIE T�JE5T LINE OF STAR— LITE BLVD., ALSO BEING TIIE T'AST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 4, SYLVAN HILZS PLAT 3. UPON A VOTCF. VOTE, ALL VOTI?JG AYE, CFIATRI•?AN HARRIS DECLARED THE IdOTION CARRIED UNANI1�10USLY . htr. Harris stated that SAV #�80-14 is recommended to City Council for a�p ro�val � :���. and will go before City Council on Feb. 23. 5� 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOP, A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �80-13, BY WATTER J. f�ILI_ER: Per Section 205.051, 2, A, to a ow an existing accessory t�uilding 14 ft. x 20 ft. to be m�ti�ed to the rear of the property and be used for a storage sh�d, and a net�r detac��ed garage, 24 ft. x 30 ft, to be constructed on Lot 8, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 21, the same being 945 Mississippi Stre°t hd.E. � • F MOTION BY liR. T?iEUElJFETS, SEC_O11I�ED BY i1R. SVANDA, TD OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING Ol1 SY �80—.� 3 B1' W�'�LTr R J. I11"LLEI2. .. UPON A VOICF, VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRi�"AN HARt2IS DECLARED THE PUBI.,IC HEARIP?G OPEN AT 8:32 P.M. h�r. �oardman stated tnat t�1r. r1iller �aas not in the audience. He stated Mr, t�1iller i ntends to tnave the c�xi sti ng shed to tl�e rea r o F the l o� and bui ld a netti� garage off the exis�,ing blackto}� area. Staf�f has no problem vrith this request, and he has not received any objection �rom the neighborhood. Nr. }iarris state� t�is was a rather larg� accessory building, anc3 he Gvould feel rather uncomfort;able approviny it ��ithout talking to the petitioner. MOT_TpN BY i�'S. SCfIAJ:s�3F'L, Si;CO`JDE'� B�' II.S, FIUGHE5, TO CO:�'TIidUP SP �r'BO-13 UNTIL' TNE NEXI' ��JEETING A�\1D R�QUEST STAFF TC CON1'11CT D1f2. MILL�:R AND ASK THAT IIE BE AT TIiE FE73RiJARY 25 PZ�r7i4'N.Z�R'G CO_111�1ISSION ��1�E7.'XNG. t•1r. 7reuenfiels stated he I�ad same proulems wi�;h delaying a request for a 24 �ft. x 30 ft. gat,age, UPON A VOICE VOTE, Ht1PRIS� 5Cf11�'�'1I�i;L, �1.4rD IIUGf1F•,S VOTING 71YE, 2'hEUENFEL5� SVt1NDA� 1lND {t'fIf7R'PO.l1 �'OPZ�NG It'�lk'� Ci1f�I.�i�.'e�V N�1FPi5 L)ECLAIZI�D rHL'' 1�:C)1'IO:V 1'AILfiD B�C�1t�SE OF A TIE VO'T'F'. PLAtJ;�If��aG CUf1;;ISSIOf�d t�CETING, FEL3RUARY 4, 19£31 � PAGE 7� MaT.ZOr' 13Y 11R. SVANDA, SI,COI��DED 13Y I?R. TREUENF'ELS, Z'� RECOt=11�1�:JD TO CITY GQUNCIL AF'1'FrUVAT� OF' SPECIAL USE F'EF2i7=(T,SP #80-13 13Y WALT�'R J. 1dILLER, 6JITF! TI/L'' PROVISION T3I11T TilIS G11R11GE BE USLT� AS A Gl!121'�GF..' FOR P1�RKING .�ND .S2'OR�1GE AND NOT BE USED F'OR A ZZF.PFiIR SIIOP OR IINY BUSINZ�;SS-FOR-PRO�'.IT ENTERPR.ISE. . Ms. Schnabei stated she could understand h1r. Svanda's feelings. Ner perspective c�rne from being on the Ap�eals Commission �rhere t.hey hear these kinds of requests al] ihe time. As a regular practice, the Appeals Cor�mission has always requesl:ed that tne peti�:ioner appeai� �efore 1:hem. ihey feel it is not good policy to roufiinely approve things beca�se a person fills out an application, pays his•'f�e, etc. �y having the oppartunity to speak to the peti.tioner, it brinys out a lot of information that is not contained in the 8]ines of print on paper. Even though, on face value, it appears to be a very straightforward and simple request, they have often foun� many under7ying reasons and circum- stances. One important thing requested by the Appeals Commission which must be included in the hearing is the hardship of the petit�oner--why the petitioner needs what he is requesting. She stated that in this case, there is no hardship shown. Why do�s the petitioner need t}�is building and why should the Zoning Code be circumvented or altered to permit the construction of this building? For these reasons, she stated she could not support the motion to approve the special use permi t. Mr. Narris stated he concurrea with T9s. Schnabel. . UPO1V A VOICE VOTE, S�TANDA, TREUENFELS, AND WHARTON VCTIPyG AYE, HARRIS, wCHNABEL, e�ND HUG.�IES VOTING NAY, CKI3IRl1AN NI'iRRIS DE'C.L'�lRED TfIL' NOTION .FAILED BECAUSE OF A TIE VOT�. MOT.ION BY MS. N_UGHES, SECONDF,D BY riS. SCHNABEL, TO CONTINUE SP #80-13 B�' WALTER J, h9ILLER UNTIL THE FEB. 25 PLe'iNNING COi�1l3ISSION NiEETING. L'PON A VOICE VOTt�, HUGHES, SCF�NAB�L, HARRIS, AND SV�4'1?A VOTI'IJG AYE, TI2EUENFELS AND WFIAP.TON VGTItVG ?VAY, Ci�.AIRI�IAN HARRT.S DEC'LAhED THE t10TI0iV CARRIED 4-2. Ms. Schnabel stated she fe7t the Planning C;:n�n�issinn should be cautious about these kinds of things. Sl�e did not think it �aras i�� tl�e City's best interest to act on �hings a•�hei� they do not have the opportun�ty to speak �o the petitioner. Nirn.Narris requested Staff to ask the petitioner to be at the next meeting. 4. PUEiLTC HEARING: CONSIDERATIQN OF f� PROPOSED PRELIh1IPlARY PLAT, P.S. rr81-01, MI�DLdEST F�DDII�ION, C7Y LOUIS J. �iAi�iLIN, f�iIUWE�T P'ttiTNI�IiJG C0��1�'F1"�Y: E�eing a replat af BIocE: 11, Great Northern lr�dustria7 Centcr, f�riciley, along ���ith sor�t� ttnplatted 1and. (See P�lbiic Ifearing notice for• com;�iete 7ega1 description) to allo�v�f�e const►�uction of a new buildit�g for Webb Printing Company, the same beiny 5701 Industrial 61vd. N.E.z M07'.ZOV 13Y R.S. SCIi�VABEL, SLCOVDL'D B1' 1�lR. SVAA'DA, !'O Fv11IVE TfIF` P.�AD1'1VG OF Tf1E L1;A�G2'H.�' I.LG:'iL DESCP.TPTIO�V. UPO:V A VOiC.'z: VQ1'E f f�LL VO'lING t�l'1: � Clfil.i7:,+lt'�N H�IHRTS UZ:CL.i1PZD '1�.iE h70T.TON Ct71ZRIE1) U�'�'ANI:�;OUSLl'. 5� �, ..,. -- 5G PLI�PJNING C0��1i�iISSIOPd MEETI�lG, FE�R!JARY 4, 19II1 PAGE 8 •— ---�----�— ^ � MOTIUN f3Y f�lR. S�✓AIdI�A, SECOiJDL'D BY MR. A'1(AR7'ON, TO OPL'N Tf1E PUBLIC iIEARING ON P.S. �181-01 t3Y I.vUIS J. HAt1LIl�, MIDl;7ESZ' PRINTING COriPANY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C/IAIRI�AN i1�iRRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN A7' 8: 52 P. M. Nlr. Boardman �tated �hat instead af replaitiny E3]ock 11, Industrial tenter, they deci cied to go wi th a ne�,r p7 at ��i th the porti on i n the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on agenda. It made �t a lot simpler to set up a ne�•� add�tion, ca7]ing it Midwesi Addition, Block l, Loi 1. This is included in the legal description so they d�d not have to readvertise the lega) description. He stated this property is presently o��rned by i�idti�rest Printing Cor�pany, but they cannot close on the property un �i � th i s i s strai ghter�ed out. P�4r. Naml i n i s i n the audi ence to ans��2r any qu�stions. City Staff has no problems with this request, MOTIDN BY MR. WHARTON, SFCONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS, TO CL�SE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON P.S. #{81-01 BY LOUIS J. fiAl7LIN, MIDA7E'ST PRIIVTING CO. UPON A VOXCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AXE, CHAIR111AN FIARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARSNG CLOSED AT 9:03 P,M. kOTI'ON BY MS. HUGHES, SECONPED BY MR. TREUENFELS, TO��j���?�',r-��x't�'.D i0 ClTY COU�VCIL A�P�OV� L� OF A PROPOSBD PRELIt1IT.���P,Y PLAT, P..S. #81-01, l✓IDy�IEST ADDITION, BY LQUIS J. 11�'il•IL.�'ll, l•1ID�rEST .Pi;IN?'IPTG CO:IPAP:Y: BE�"P�7G A 12�PLAi` OF BLOCK 11, GREAT NOITZTHERN XPJDliS?'RIAL CEPITER, FRIDI.�Y, ALONG WITH ,SO��IE TJNPI�AfiTED LAND, (SEE PUI3LIC HEI:I2ING NOTICE FOR CO.tilt-'Lc; l'E LEGe�L DB'.SCRIPTInN) 7'O ALLOW TFIE CONSTR'JCTION OF A NEt'T �UIL: iXIJG F'Ok [ti'EI3.3 P�'2TP�'I'ING C011PA:dY, `lflE S�'�IE BEING 5101 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. N.E. UPO?Y A VOZCE VOTE, ALL i�01'ING .�Y�, CfIAIR1IAN HARR�'S I1E'CLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNA11IrI0USLY. Mr. Harris sta�ed a public hearing ar�uld be set at the City Council meeting on Piarch 9, 1��1. He thanked h1r. Namlin for his time and patience. 5, CONTINUED: CONSIDERATION 01= R PROPOSED PdOISE QRDINANCE Mr. Qoara'man stated this Gvould be se� up far a pubiic hearing at the Feb. 25th F'1 anni ng Con�o7�i ssi on i��eeti ng. Ms. Kathy Cal 1 af�an wi 11 al so be at that ineeti ng to discuss the noise ardinance. h10T_TO?V BY llR. [ti�iIE7P.T0�'�j, SECORTI7EZ) BY A,'S. HUG"HES� TG CC�NTINU.F' CONSIDERAfiION OF A F'FZO}'QSFll R'OT:;F OR�?TNAiJCE UN�'IL T;IE FEB , 25 h1EF:1'ING. UPU.J :i VO.rCE VOTE, ALL VOTIATG ��Y1?, CIfI�In,�;%1Id f1�1P.12I5 DECI�ARED TiIE AJOTIOiV CARRIED Uh'A;VII�IOUSLY. 5 I� PLA�dPdI�dG CQM.�ISSIOtd F�EETIh�G, FEL'RUAf2Y 4, 19�1 PAGF 9 6. CONTINUED: PtSBLIC FiEA2I�dG: �1��1E_��D��EP�T TO CHAPTER 205 OF T�IE FRIDLEti' CITY COUE. GENcRF�LLY K��OtJi� NS TH� FRICLEY ZOf�I�dG CCDE P�r. Wharton stated thc Er�ergy Commission has been reviewing the Zaning Code and has received some recommendations fro�n Staff for the Energy Commission's consideration. Ele would not 17ke to see this document concluded until the Energy Commission has passed on their recammenda�ions and comments to the Planning Commission. Mr. Boarelman sta�:ei1 he vroul d l i ke to get a17 the Pl•anni ng Cammi ssi on's consi dera- tions done, so that ��rhen t;hey get the Energy Commiss�on's concerns, they can deaT only with those concerns. The Corra�ission began reviewingthe Zoning Cade on page 74, C-3 District Ragulations. Mr. Boardman stated that v��herever it is stated "on f11e in the office of the City Engineer", it should be changed to "on file in the offiee of the C-i�-t-Y-" Also, wherever it is stated "by the Zon�ng Administrator", it should be changed to "by the City", f�r. Boardman stated that ur�der "Drainage and Grade Require- ments,° #4-A, "not to exceed four (4) feet" shou1d be deleted. Paqe 83 205.16 CR-1 DISTRICT REGULATIOPdS 205.1f1 U�es Per�n�tted Delete C(Recreational facilities such as swimming pools and skating rinks, which are available ta the public} und�r #2, Accessory Uses. Page 99 P�f-1 District Regulations should be ch�nged to "M District Regu]ations" 205.18� Uses Permitted #2-A should be "Offices" The Co���nission ended their review on page 106. h:02'InN isY 11R> Tr2EL'ENPELS, SF.CC)VI?EI� Z3Y 1�15. SCFiNABEL, Z'O CONTINUE TFIE P71.F3LIC NEARIII'G OAT iF.E AA:.x.'iUD�ilENT TD CHAP'PER �05 QF `1'tIE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, UPQIV ll VOTCE L'OTb', AL'.1� VO�'IP�'G �YE, CHArF�i'lAIJ Ii�R.RIS DEC.L�IFLED TH� h107'20N CARPIED U�'AiVI ^,OUSLY. �1r. Harris cieclared a ten-minute recess at 10:10 p.m. (h1r. Id4�art��i 1ei�t the meeti��� at 10:10 p.m.) PLANPJI�dG CUtf1�1�SSI0P� F4EETING, FELRUAltY �, 19£31 PAGE 10 7. REC�TU� JANUARY 14, 19�31, PARKS & RECREATION COMP�IISSION MINUTES: MDTZON BY M5. HUGHE'S, SI;CONDED BY �IS. SCHNABEL, TD RECEIVE Tf1E JAN. 14� 1981� PA.RKS f RL•'C.REATIGN COMIdISSION MIIVUTL"S. UPON A VOICE VOTI�, ALL VOTING �11E, Cf1A.1'IZMAIV H�1Rr'ZIS DECLAR�D THE MOTIOIV C�iRRIED UIJANIMOUSLY. Ms. Hughes stated that on page 4, the Parks & Recreaiion Con�r�ission had made a motion and they �rt�re asking for the Planning �omrnission's concurrence on that motion requesting financial assistance from tt�e City C�uncil to the Citizens' Advisory Committee i;o determine a cost esl:imate for the construction of a building at the Con�munity Park Site. She stated ther�e ���as some thought the assistance could �e provided on the staff level, in which case an architect would not have to be hired. MOTIO�'V BY MS. HUGFIES TO COIVCUR WI'TH TIIE PARKS & RECREAc^1'ON COMMIS5ION IN REQUES7'ING THE CITY COUNCIL TO PROVII7E FINANCIAL ASSTSZ'A1dCE TO THE CITIZENS ADViSORY CO.'�1N,•ITTEF, TO DETEP�fINE A COST EST.IMATE FOR Z'IiE CONSZ`RUCTIDN OF A .BUILDING AT THE COh1'�1tTNITY P�'iRY. SITE. THE MOTION DIED FOtZ LACK OF A SECOeVD. 8. RECEIVE JANi1RRY 15s 1981 , NUi�IA"1 F;ESOURCES CO"�1��1ISSIOfd MINU7ES: MOTION BY i�Z. TREUENFEL.S, SECONDE'T� BY 115. SCFII��ABE'L, TO RECEIVF TFIE JAN. 15, 1981, HUl9AN RE50URCES C0:1:�.'T.SSION IIINUTES. . � UPDA' I� VOICE VOTE, ALL VOT.Z�h'G AYE, CfiAlRl�fl-iN HE:RRIS DECLAI2ED THE �?CTION CAFZRIED UNANI�.OUSLY. 9. RECEIVE JANU�kY 13, �9B1 , COi�iMUNI7Y hE11F����f�1Ei�T COMMISSIQN MI«UTES: hSOTION BY MS. HUGi3ES, BE'CC�UL'LD Bi' 1�IR. TREUENFELS, TO F�;CEIVE THE J�N. 13, Z981, COMIiUR'ITY .nIiVELOPME�VT COn9.1ISSIOIJ 1�1IIVU.�ES. UPON E"� VOIC�; VOTE, A�,L VOTING AYE, CHIlI1u�fAN HARRl"S DECLARED TfiE MOTION CARRIED UNAIV I�hiOUSLY . 10. RECE�IVE JANIlARY 20, 19�31 , ENVIR01���-�ENTRL QURLITY C0�1MISSIO�! MINUTES: r:oz�rn.v BY MI:. SVAN➢.:, ST'CO.dDED BY 11R. T12EU��tiTFFLJ� TO Ri?CFIVL•' THE J?1N. 20, I981, ENi'IRO�r.�IENTAL QCTAX.I'TY COAIi�1ISSIOPJ A1EI;TTtVG. UP��ti A VOICE' VOTE, fiLL VOTIA7G Ai'E, CHA.IR2•7:1N itARRIS DECLAP•LD TNE MOTION CARRIED I1l1ANI.�fOUS LI'. 5I _ F,,� - � , PL.ANP1Tf�dG GO��P�ISSIO��! MEGTI�JG, FEQRUARY 4, 1981 '� PAGE 11 11. RECEIVE JAP�UARY 27, 1981 , APPEALS COP�i�IISSIOC+ P�iT(yUTES: ldOTIQN BY MS. SCHNABI;L, SECOP�'DED .BY 1�1R. TREUFIJFF.LS, TD 12ECEIVE THE JAN, 27� 1981, APPEALS CO�ti11fISSIGN MINUTF,S. UPOIJ A VRICE VGTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRI�IAN HAFtRZS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLX. ]2. OTHER BUSINESS: Ms. Schnabel stated she had been reviewing old Planning Commission minutes. In ihe June 9, 198�, Special Planning Commission meeting minutes, one of the questions the Planning Commission had discussed was when should there be public hearings for public improvements. The Planning Commission did not come up with any special definitive ans�,�rers, but they had requested S�aff to write a letter to the Charter Corrrnission asking them to review this. She thought it tivas important that the Rlanning Commission fol]ow up on this as she did tlot know if a letter was ti��ritten or if the Charter Commission had done anything about it. She G�roul d 1 i ke Staff to send a fol l os��-up 1 etter to the Charter Com�ni ssion and report back to the Planning Commission. s�r 4r 9c �c k sr Mr. Harris stated he had talked to the City Council at their Jan. 26 conference meeting about the Housing Sectione �f-he City Council apparently does nat share the Planning Cor,rnis�i�n`s concern apout providing the �ppartunity for affordable housiny in the City of Fridley. `ihey seem to feel they have made a covenant with the City to i�aintain 9,000 sq. ft< lots and ma�intain the level of affluence they no4�v enjoy. He stated ��e isfor Nromoting reasonable and affordable housing in the City of Fridley. M►�. 7reueni�els sta�ed he agreed that housing is ane af the concerns he also has for the Ci�.y of �ridley. ADJOURNf�ENT : I�:OTIO:d £iY T1R. TRFUENFELS� 5EC0?�TDED S�' hiS. SCHNABE'L, TO ADJDURN 1^f1E t:EETI11�'G. UPO�V A VQICE VUTE, AL.i� VOZ'Ii��G Ti�'�, CHATR�'�N FiARRIS DL''CLARED TIIE FEB. 4, .7981, pLAR'NING CO:�1,'�IISSION 1�IEETItJG :�DJOURi�'t IJ .�T ll :15 P. P1. R�spectfully si�bmitted, 'l �,,� ,� C/ �'r�'� �.�.. l �-�_ � L��iIiTC'. S1bu Recording Sect�etary Pi.ANf�IP�G CO1fJ4ISSI0P� t�lEETING, FEaRUARY 4, 1981 NAt4E Michael Larson Jerald P. Severt Linda J. �SEVert Donna h�esser Marijane Tessman Judy Kidder Bill Kidder Bab Strom Bi11 Zurbey Catherine Schenue� Paul Sche�uen Mary Hartfiel Jan Christenson Katherine J. Fischer Caroline Johnson Tom Hati,tfiel Howard Lourien Elaine R, Shupien h�erle Longerb�ne Frank Lieb1 E. L, Rice Gail Ahrens 0 ADDRESS _ 6390 Starlite E31vd. l0� Satellite Lane 100 Satellite Lane 114 Satellite Lane 6390 Starlite Blvd. 6360 Starlite Blvd. 6360 Starlite Blvd. 144 Satel1ite Lane 145 Sylvan Lane N.E. 131 Syl van Lane 131 Syl van Lane 12G Sylvan Lane 6260 Starlite Blvd. 6312 Starlite Blvd. 6336 Starlite 61vd. i20 Sylvan Lane 150 Sateilite Lane 6299 Trinity Dr. 180 Sy7van Lane 222 M�rcury Ur. l00 Sylvan Lane 198 Plercury Dr. Page 12 5 �: PLAhfJIPdG COM�fISSION f�EETING, FEQRUARY 4, 1981 NAME Michael Larson Jerald P. Severt Linda J. �Severt Donna Messer Marijane Tessman Judy Kidder Bill Kidder Bob Strom Bill Zurbey Catherine Scher�uen Paul Schenuen Mary Hartfiel Jan Chr�istenson Katherine J. Fischer Caroline Johnson Tam Hartfiel rloward Louri en E1 ai ne R. Si1U(�1 P_i1 I�;Arle Longe►�bcne Franl: Liebl E. L. Ri ce Gail Ahrens ADD�CESS 6390 Starlite Blvd. 100 Satellite Lane 1-0Q Satellite Lane i14 Satellite Lane 6390 Starlite Slvd. 6360 Starlite Blvd. 6360 Starl�te Blvd. 144 Satellite Lane 145 Sylvan Lane N.E. 131 Sy1 van Lane 13T Sylvan Lane 120 Sylvan Lane 6260 Starl�te Blvd. G312 Siarlite Blvd. 6336 Starlite Blvd. 120 Sylvan Lane 160 Sate77ite Lane 6299 Trinity Or. ,1_�0 Syl van Lane 222 Mer°cury Ur. 10�J Sy1 van Lane 198 h;ercury Dr. Page 12 5L �-�-s�=. c,�t-�� �.�a= �, ,�:.,r r - ;,-� �$ .�� jP \\��.: ;��"1'� � L.�_ �t�„'� R �"`"a � .,. �'gy' Y� '3 �'si.�:..Y b.o t �M.. i: �'r� � i``� � P'°� �i �" � S� . �` i�������6�� �� ����� ¢ - :. rr,s �ax-'� �a 3i.,' y'sA ty k;�argd �wm �, �,,� rs �.s � ta: ,+m k,'a`"� �'*••:a tti�i- ti.ascw u� �.�.eaa ::.z'�t � E§ '�' ..« '�s' � bf-.ta ��� l? �� �•�s"r� E�..�,,k �"�'� �"�� m,: � �A "s � =i � �, � �"a..� � �`i5 ��w" E� �"a FRUA� �=�:�_�€ ��"��-�:� � �.'�� ��:�`��� DAT� February 17, 1981 _ - —_- __ .�'it1�JECT' , HRA-City Council Cooperation Agreement for the Christianson Pr�perty John Flora T� jo .�, �,�Et�O IdO. 81-18 � ACTlONI tAlFO. X Please see attached agreeinent i:o be submitted to the City Council for approval. This agreement ensures the acquisition of the Christianson Property at the agreed to opticn price prior to the July 31, 19�1 d4adline. The HR.� agrees tc purchase the property from the City and i~eimbur�se any loses that the City incurred due to the holding of the aption. I have atiaeh�d a breakdown of estimated losses or� th� property with 3 alternatives involve� in �xercising th� �ptian. The �iP,A i�as recoinmer�d�� that the City hold tne a��;;ion until July 31, 19�i1 before c�osing. Tr,�.s a-lter;�ati�ie will result in the least loss to th� HR� in purc��as;ng t{�e property from the City. A11 calculations of losses were based on a Septen7t�er 30, 1981 time period since a d�termination will be made at thai; time by the NRA as to �he tax exempt status for 1982. JL6Jde 2/17/81 To: Nasim M. Qureshi, City �ranayer The City Attorney has revic}�ved the agr�Lemer��: and t��s no ok�jections to its enactmento Prior 4a fi.he actual pua°chase and c�nveyancc} ofi tl�e �r�operty deed, he will either pre- par� e!c�c�lmGn�;s, ar rev� e�•r tl�ie documee�i;s far� accep��abi 1 i ty. Sugges � iiie Ci ty Cou►ici i cons ider� �hi s agreemen � af cooperati onm / . . / ...,r= .<�:..-;' �_., i�" ` _ = tr- 'r+J�OIICI �. �� o�-,,f�, c. Publ�ic Works Uirector JGF�rik 6 �� AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BET1�(EEN THE CITY OF FRID�EY AND THE FRIDLEY FIOUSING AND REGEVELOP�ENT AUTHORITY THIS AG(zEEMcNT made and entered into this day of , 1981, by and bet�reen the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, a m n cipal corporation organized under the laars of the State of Minnesota and the Fridley Hqusiny and Recfeveln�ment Fiuthorit,y, a public corporation organized under the�laa�s of the State of Minnesota, having its affices in the City of Fridley (here in after referred to as the HRA). 41HEREt�S, the City o� Fridley has an optian ta purchase the property known as the Christianson Property described in Attachement A to this document. WHEREAS, this proper+y is located within the Center City Redevelopment Area, a duly established tax increment financing district established under the State lavrs of Minnesota. WHEREAS, the HRA is the responsible agency for implementing the Center City Redevelopment Plan. WkiEREF�S, it 4vould be in the best 'lI1tP.rest of the City of Fridley and tt�e HRA thai the sa�id option should be exercised by the City and purchased by the HRA. NO�d iHEREFORE, for and in consider�:tion of:ihe n�utual covenants and agreer�er�ts hereinafter contained, ar�d other gooci and valuabie consideration, the receipt and sufficiency whereof are hereby acknoti,rledged by each of the parties hereto, the City of Fridley �nd �he FiRA do hereby agree as follows: l. That the City shall exercise said opf;ion on July 31, 1981 and will transfer title of said property to the HRA. 2. That the City sk�a11 document to the HFA all sucil costs and losses that •���ey h�ve incurred due to holdiny said o�tions. These shall bp submitted to the fiR�1 no latc�° than 30 days follot��ing the exei�cising of said opiion. 3. In consideration for° tf7e above transfer� of title, the HRA shall �gree to pay �o the City ef Fridley all costs incurred in ex�rcising said option in addit�ion to ar�y losses due to tf�e holding of said options. ��. .� IN WITPaFSS ?fICREOF, the parties here t� have caused this instrument to be duly exccuted as of the day and year first above wriiten. City of Fridley � By Its t�layor, William J. Nee OOS�1A/ 10��7f1 And: I�:s Manager, Nasim M. Qureshi FridleyF By: / I �: s An using and Re�evelapment � Authori �� a � �,�,t--�_ �,=��?-� �:,i r�}a}h , l�arry C�g�mers �, � Executive} Director, rrold Boardman 6L' AT7I�C�lMFNT A � C P7rcc1 Tto. 1 i'int pnr.t of 7Cl� Av�:n��c noa vt.c+�te�'. und thnt p:+rC of vccatcd t.Ilc) `� T.ying 5�ut?t of Lnt 3 beJ_nr L af av�nu� nnct �lley. �nd nll of Lot 3, H�ocI; 1� 1:Ne.s Addit:oa to 1'ric;l�� tor�c. Parcel fFo�2 i.oto 20, 21 and 22 rhd tha[ parr af vacated Allcy 3.yx�i? ��st of Lots ?.�, ?.J. cnd 2'l, h�in; �; of r,iley, Bloc1: 2, i+ces !'idditio:e to FriZley Yar�c 2nd C'�at pnrC of )tli .`.venua nrna vacatecl lyl.n; R��st of l,o[s 20, 21 rt�ad 22 beir.f; !f of n:�env<, r.r,cc�t pnrt o: Lot 2� oncl tiint portiou of vr.cat�d �lley l�ina ad�ace:it t:!ereto, excepe Parce7. C170 bcitlQ Lot� ?. F.nd :3 ond that part o: Lots 'LO a.�d 21, i�lock 2, P.�ea Additlen to Pridley Par;; l�; ing b'a3t o; n llna tha;. ia perall.cl tirith anc+ 1T9.3 fer.t :lent of t'r.e i:�st Iiu^s of Lots 2 ar.d 3, f+aid 179.3 feat tu he [ieasared nJ.on� the ;.orth an-S Sout:i linas af Lots 2, 3, 20 �nd 21 nsd thetr. er.[e:�si:�ns, incls��d h�r�in is Che h�_KCtUt`Ore l'aCBLCf� �ortsi-South t�Iley J.yirt+; bc���l;�r.n eaici I.ot� ., a;td 3, sr.d 20 ana 21, anLd A:.ocd 2; nubjec[ to c:�scr�enC 10 fe�t s�ide to clorth�rn Stfites Fower dated :Szy !�, 2967. . . Parcel. .+o. 3 Lotc I�nd 2, Bl_oc.fi 3, P.e.s �� dltion to Fr1.dl.c? I'ark, r�:id thzt part of vacated �3.ley lyiag c;avt of Lo�s 1 aa� 2 hei�r LS of alley and tl:at part �f 7tn t.vcnuc no�� vacatc:: 2�S.r.E I:ast of Loes 1 ac�d 2 b�i��, �: of avenee; sub�ect to 6 font stor,� sc�.er ease�-�ent over c.a�t j of vecbtu:; ylley io City of Frxdley, :iove:.3e: 5, 196�'.. ParCe7: no. �+ Lots 3 to 23 i�clu:>i.�n, i.loc�c 3, ::ees Additio� to Fridlay Patk, exec�:. T.ots II, 4, J.4, il, I2 �nc� 13, an;i ti:rt par.t o£ iti� �:w�nu� no:: vzc:�ed J_Yin�, c;cat of I.et3 S to 13 '_ncli:_ive bein� 1 oi a�•sr:�is ac�d that part o!` vzccted al).e.y J.yir.�; i;en� of Lots 3 to 7 ircl.u�5.va u<�i��� 'i �L �liny+ ' j except part cf i.ot % anci adjacent ^� of vatate�l clley, ezcei>t ��st li of 7th Avent:� nc:i vacatcd lyiit;: f:ast of L�ts S to 1� incl�i�^-_ p-�i Quit C.l.aiT D;ed,. Jucie 5, i3r.4, P.:�cci. �'7�J; su,ject t� atcz,_. ^_:+er eagc�ent E:o CitJ of I'ridle;? 1^ fce� �ride per Q:_i;� CJ.:iw ��ed, ;tove��o�r II, J965; si:b�c^t to cascr:�sn� 10 feat �*i�_'a to I;orth�rri Sta[e.s Poc.�er c',� tcd i.ay 4, 1��7. Pnrcel No�S L�ts 2�J, 21 r.;,d ??., i�locF: 3, .°.e�s P.1ditf.o:i to Fridi.e� Pr.rl: �n:i. thaC pax•C of �acated al�ey lyi�g 'r.sst of Lots 2�, 21 a:ld 22 b�-i�g k ot ❑llc�, e::cept Lot : Q and SouCn �3.7 fecL o; Lot 21 �act ndjr..caut �f oi vacnte3 ullc.y. • Fcrccl tio _ b Lots 23, %4, 25 e::i�' '-Fi, Zlue�; 3, £.e.e� �duitten ta i'r.td!.ey Ysri: a�1 t?i?l }�art o£ vaca[e:i al'_c�• lyf.rs; ::,.:st o: I.o�: ?.) to 2ii ir_crusit•e hCi:i; �� of n12cy: su;,jeCt co scc;.� i.�•,:,�x• _:a::;e,:cnt to G1ty of FTidlc3 �1, feaL' vide , cr �;ui.t Clnit7 i;ced, ::o�•emb.sr. 3, 1>G5. P.:rc;n], :io. 7 iiixC p�rt c�f the l'a:i� �j of t:i�: E: sC �S �= t;•:r. South�:�st �C �',�:sc�ibed r.ri follows: Co:r„a•ir_inr; r:t n{�r.i; ��'.`� fecC t:a:;L of :;oYC!�a���t cvr�cr oI ['r�.:: f:aat '•.� oi [';_ Sc�u:.:r.:c;e , o:. .._�ttou .1.4, iau:�s:i1;� a.), I:�a ; 25; tlti.ticC. SOUtI� 6 tro�'.� c���d 1�� f.cet:; C:1:'::Cc: F::ir;t 1�J rods; Li�c:ica :tur=i 3 rc,',s anci 1� [cct: t��:�nc.� :.•.3t ]�: r�.'..r to o��cc� a: bc;:in:i!.ng; ex�c.pt t::=C +,t.lt'[ c�f t�tr. NC7L �2 0: C'�^. �+0:':.i,.._:;C 4 u! i!�:� :�h:�C.`7'�:JC 1:� ;cc.tiv� 1�,, �ov�i:�!�i;� 3:), i;::u�,.c 2.�:, �u� ci:_it p:�_. oi 1'.c:^_a A�'.dition Yo Frz.d�u•y Pari: nnd ���cat;:�; i;l���y i:t �.^.5:� 9U�!�'.tV�.'lI.00I d�:;c:Ib::c' .�s , t: �in�.iin, rit r� ;>u,'nc o•i t!;� .:arc:� i:n� of s:�i.i ::ec�[ ! t..lio�:iu�;: ! . S of'. ttia :iorClt�:.i>iC i: ul Clt; So;itii•,:e��t .�'t� �;Lir.,.nt�• 3) S��c[ {1c:�t C�L [he :iort:it��:c;t eonta: t^.cr�-n2 ; ti�^.,tc« tioi�,t: i;nd �,: ;:sllr_L a{th l:liv t.;714C IitL•. C�1qYCtil n ii��..:n1C�t O� i1•�� (C.�L .:JTi• L•1' �..5[3 C� C��O Sout:li l.iac oC l.oi. ]. .SloCi: 2. k:r..sa ....ILC'.u:� 1'rit;lcy �'t�i'�:� tt£�ici poliiC l�cint: tiic SouC:�•;;��;. curit;�r c�P�..,li l.or�l; t:!ici�r.c �'nsC rloti{ t2tC SOtttt� li�t!` oI t�t'.id I.:;t 1 nr��I L�,C 7?, :t �i;�:;,'.,1�;� i�l 179,_l f,_�rC t:l��•�ic�: i;a:'!h rnt�! i,..�1.1.,•.]. �r1.'i tL� .;+t:L ]ii;. to ,.: f.�1 �;�T-Ct1 i.:(tUi� tir`ni.�.. k':�:�C iu t:�.� ;���[!�L ��1 ,�_ ,,:.tln;�,; t;�i:�_)uct CO c.11 �tu�.�i:-•nL c,�,�s�' Uio .�orlh .{.S lccr. rt�c•� ��nJ'. (oY r.o.i�l ti,tu'pc,:�od. l'arcol �505U. 6 �J . . ,...�.._..._....._ . r.-^.'t" "•'•'- �' - � 2' ' .. : : i I1; : � �~� � ; � I' : t ; �' t', ' ..... «............ ..,..>...,..o...+.�....•.�..e.. .......... ..� "`°'"......'� �� ( _ • + { 7 : � � ; � ; : i : i � � � � t � � � � � j { i ; 1 ' � � • ' � y w...,. f.S 1 � � . ,...��.- t a �. .( ... , � t � ; i i r � .. . t � • � � � . .. � . � ' '1'! � ' : ;+ ►:1 ��.�. N, p, �1 1 �ll.:. � � � 1 � ! �a.' �jt . . f.. — ,,�,��, v C'. jj t.' � �.. ,�. � '� j �.�, � � .a_in.v+�-� S ` �r�, �`i,� , �'_ !' �..t� 4.l ;��,��:.�t� �=� `��j;.� ��+�� � �� % � � "" I � � i ! L�S-i- f. !�"-. 1 �,v. � 'i3ilt�i �:�:�.�.,1., • .t; 1 ; - •� �- :%� ["`Ft1 �K'; `.�`'-ya� + � r..a: .�. � ' , .�-... �. . : t E �� �,r �J � ,..� ; ,� .- , � � t ...y r., y, �{� s,s. t' � � 4' .+ a �"°' 1 r� . i ,,,«„ f�'..{', l' • • � v .r '(' � . ' � � i.:r : S" '!,r .ve� �t�.ni Y" � u 1.I .. 5 • � ;/' ^y,` f �i 1 >r i^ ,eJ LrA�1 /,�..�/ � -1 4 r t � � � ,� 'a yr.. • , ��' r�� �t �1,�:�+ ��.i•?� � �, �' �� � ,` j '{ ,:,, �r wj<� .�a f � . r� � Tx 1 � �� �,. `;`}` ,��.�� N q.n,`,�._�:'� � � `�'6 . � �`, i �t� . ;�71 _ .. .: .. i .,t _,4. ? f�•j � . �_...1_�._.�... � i��Z��i. 1.«..�.,. .�i•.��+�t•�'�'j�.t t'"• �r�.H�..i., iit::� ,.. a.�� . .-.-t�•-��rr�-r.r���� ?���i*�4 t.- .t�fN.� 4 ft �_„' .!--\F �. ,. ...-..+..-�--.....�-�`� .�.� 1- . . , ,,,�..+,,,,�-,,,,,........�o. .<,......�....... -,,..ri..�..........,e.�..,... .r.,.............,.«....ti..n...-.A..........n.....,.o...�. � � � n ;! ti 1- ;•.. ...� � , •-r• o o� � f -- � C �� =' t'o i""�� �:.^t • y�t ...�__ �__.�.��� = f. � _= . . _._..._. �_ - . _'._..._..�. t� �= -------___._._------�—•.______-- 3E.li.:C1 Purctiase o� th� Chr•istians�n Prcr�erty � �r o FiULt5 i �iCj � ��'Lif'4'�' �if:IYfO E`iC3.��� acY�o� �r�FC. � — ��;�;:�r,t 11t�th '+�� X - X - � ihe fo, io�:ring is a brea�:c',o��m of expenciitures and revenue in looking at the three al t4i'a�� �� vps for• purchas i►lg the Cf�r� sf ianson propert;i es . t. 2. 3. Q�:�chy,ce of arop�riy by Febr,ua:y 27, 19°1 - Rent at same level Exner�se. ... .. 1"a>;es .............................<..-(ir.33b.00) Uti�it�;ES ....................... ....-( �,C�U.00) R�:��e���e. ... ,+ 13 14O.G0 fi�nt� Revenu� ........................ � Inves�.m�nt Re`�en«e ....................� 1,927.19 �otal Loss -(1C,2_G8.f31 j Pu1�Ctl?Sr-. Ct proper�t�� by �eb,°uar,y 27, 1�8i --��m���e i:�nants on Ch�•isi:iansot� 6�dg. Ex�Ft�nse.... "faxes .............<..................--(16,336.dQ} Ut?1��;es.. ........................ 0.0� 4;����ei�ut�.... ��i1t i��V:'l�UE .........................�!- ��O�t).�3�% Yt��'�'$1;1P�-'il� i:°VCtlllf' ...................•!- j�QlJ.19 Tot�l t.oss E'�;rch<Z�e c�i` c�r�o�;���ty c�� ���:iy �l, 1°i�l -( 9,3G9.C,0) �X��L'11Sr.c . . . . �l�1:i'S ................ ........ ........~���i,ijfj,�:�� 1 }� , ;;,.,�, „��1;!�•11� ............. ��)e:;1'�•��� t•j� , c.;', ,. � ► a, . . . . . _ r " ) .�lii.�.��::....... ..................... i �1.�;ii1.�� ��C �'t`tli!!'.. . . . �, � , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -� 'E �i , r, ? 2 . � 7 ,��ti:, .rie':"�!.���;,,���„ f�:�tti. (:��'d� i'� : . .. .... . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . • 1. ,1�i0.(1!1 ��"t,t:!1 �.i�:;:, .. ( i�,�1/�l,��'.,1 0 - I�•1; � M•:n�o rro. �1--i5 Fat�e 2 FIitA from J. Lourdman A11 tfrree o{�tions, a� �c;: ca►i ��e, wi11 crcate a negativc cash fla��r, however, aptian 3 pre,ent, the least r.c,;t to the City. I ti�rould recorrunend that vre follow optic�n 3 and advisE the �itv Council that we �r�ill close on the option at �:he end ' of the fin��l option period. JLQ/de 0 � � 1 ��`r �� � � � �r � a ;� .; � ] .K � ?Y' � i_°.s� ,� �.���; ���� . ✓�l�f�J�' �� C'c�r���� �t� . ���%�����°���'�'1�� �� ��° � �� � ����� � �� �.����'�"�'�����,� l ,i Uavid L. Torkrldsan, f�i�er,fo� 550 t3unker Lake f3/vd. - Anoka, Il9ii7��esota 55303 7"ale��hone 672 - 757•3920 Fcbruary 1�, 1981 Ma'. Nasi.m �ureshi City Manager City of Fric�ley� 6431 Ur.iversity �venue Fridley, Minn�sota 55�32 Dear Pdasi.m: At their regul.ar County F3oard Meeting on Febr.uary lOth the Courzty Boa.rd approved the Ja�_n.t Pow�rs Agreemerit 4�ith the follo�ainy ��ception: Page 4. , Nur��her 9 Tl�ey �ec{�aFSt i�ha-� it be changed to the iol'lc�uair�g, "To estak�lish and to collect user fees, if a.ny, in accc�rdar�ce Uaith the standards of the Coura-lry Farks D�par_ tmen-i� anu . a���z av�c't by t_he City Counci I �o incl�:de tx�e Cnunty policy foi handic�pp�� (all han.dicapped will be ac�m�:t.trd at no charge t� any aizd a11 County parks) ." In the agrF�menf �,�e have with the Cit.�� for the Locke Park it- stui:es, '°To establisl� and to col7_ect use.r fees, if any, with ve� o po�?er t:o hc� hel.d by the City Council ." For so� �z reason at that time, Na��inl, thc� �'��unfi.y l'oa�°d and nlysplf did riot recognize this ��aor�x��c�-r �U be Or could be in car�fl.ict ��it�i th� ur.iform fec estab- lisneci �nrougl�ic>ui� �L-�c en�ir_e r,ount�� It is for this reasar. that tl�ey ft��l tl�a1-. th� suqc�este� o,rord._inc� ,aould he more proper, and �.r� i�c� ii� in t�<e fiztur� �ae c�e es��b]_ish ��ee changes at Locke Park, it �aauld �e the irit�nt oi the Caunty Pa�_�s i��partmen� to rer,ecjot�iate the wordzng in Na. y. �lease conside�- -thi� pa:�sib1.� �o that we T1��ailiz yo�a very mtach. DL�': je cl:ange caith thc� City Council as soon �s may procecd. �aii�h th� Joint Pow�r� T��7reem,ent. Sincerr�]_y, ,- ,` _ � ,, ., , - , �:;_ _ : .,' �: t .-� f `� �; -� � __.4-.-- T)c1.V1_C�. L: `i`:�CiCl�C���U11 ' I)lY('C:lOt OI_ L��iY'): � c]T1C� RE'_CY'C'.1�1OT1 ?;ri0?��l C011ll�y, n�3.Ilri�?SO��. 7• � TMiE? C:iTY [7€= ��t �� i ��� � .� �. � ,�`������.��1� ����������� � � �� ��� �a �' :��" ���, � � € �� �=� c�,� � � �r ��i �:�� w i5 a"�. m�:< QaTE Februar,y 18, 1981 ��OP� t�.P.W. Jc�i�G� SUE3JECT . Uni versi �y Ave►�ue Bi ke�r,ay/WaT kway `cC..._`' ��0� ��� �'. f �Li�'��.k� �- -� �%� �U ; � 7�'��� - , - � � f � � �' �- ��� 1��� � _ � � b ■ aii. -.+ <i. �: - ACTIOfd) INFO. On Wednesday, �ebr�;ary 18, 198� at 11:00 a.m� at the Civic Center, bids were received and openA�! fc�r the U��iversit.y Avenue Bikeway/Walkway Project. Tv�felve bids were received. The bids rece;ved ��ere between $21,560 and $37,OQ0. Pavemas��rs, Ir�c. uaas �he 704V t�idder at �21,56Q. ��� l��ave ver� fi ed the :�i gUres a�d checked �Gt�e references of Pat�emast�rs , Inc. Thts project i s ess v�n�;i al to c��r�pl ete i:i�� �i� ke+��ay co�ri dor bet��reen� Mi ssi ssi ppi Stre�t and 6�ti`�z tiv�nue over �ice Cr��k. � � Recornmend the Ciiy Council award the conttrtact to Pavemasters, Incm for $2i,560. JGF:ik Page 1 �ID OPENING $ � UNIVERSItY AVENUE QIKEWAY/W�1LK�lAY #2 PAVING PROJECT Qi pen�ng: -e ruary , 1981 f11•00 a_m � — w Pl_AI�dHOLDER QID UEPOSIT 6ASE E3I0 PavemastPrs, Inc. 14250 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 �27-1451 N.D.H., Inc. 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, P�1d 55303 427-4900 Asphalt Specialties Co. 1900 Quant Ave. So. Lakeland, MN 55043 43b--8589 (Erik Peterson) Barber Construction Co. 5400 Rowiand Raad htinnetonka, MN 55343 938-9001 Yalley Paving, Inc. 12494 t�Jyominq Avem So. S�vage, �1N 55378 890-01�Q (Rich) M��nn Blacktop, Inc, 3601 - 48th Avee Na. Brooklyn Center, (�1�d 55�29 537-44GG Dai1y & Son �7acktopping Co, 1650 A11en Court 6J�-si St, Paul , h9Pd 55118 45�7-1739 E3ury £� C�r�son, Inc. 6003 t�ta�,�zt�i:a [31 vd. M;��s�, «r�� ����c� 545-149C (�ony) � O1 c�(�f1;� �i O, �:i!1 American 5% Fireman's 5% Check ��2763 $1,238.00 American 5% IJriYted Sta�es Fi del i ty 5% Un i ted Fi re & Cas m 51 Seat,oard Sure�y 5% An�c�ri can 5% � $21,560.00� $23,635000 $24,760.00 $25,503000 $26,108.00 $26,�+95000 $28,550.00 $28,745.00 Page 2 BID OPENING UNIVERSITY AVENI;E �IY.CtiJAY/4�ALK4IF�Y #2 PAVING PROJECT Bid Upening: February 18, 1981 (11:00 a.m9) PLt�t�HOLDER , (3I D DCPOSIT Bituminous Consultirig & Contr. Co. Capitol Indemnity 2456 Main St. NaE. 5� Mpls., MN 55434 BituminCUS Roadways 2825 Cedar Avenue So. M�1 s „ , P�1fd �55407 7?_1-2451 r�sphalt Paving Materials 12924 June 7errace MinnPtar+ka, P4N 55343 545-3402 C.S. �RcCrossan, Inc. Box R(� Osseo, MN 55369 425-4"167 O1l?;�f�/1t1:� ;;\ Fireman's 5% American Casualty 5% Fireman's 5% 0 BASE a10 $29,635.00 ` ' �30,262.00 $31,800000 $37,000.00 $ }; ,� 9` G'��/��.�`� �.6'�..t�_,�`�� � � � �fi �J RESOLU7TQN N0. - 1981 �"�����-��-�r�J%�G-.�.� ! � �,�} � / A RESOLUTION TO AD1��ERTISE FOR BIDS FOP. TWQ 10,000 G.V.� . C�"C_t�--,���' C%�-' TRUCKS -r�.� � , BF IT RESOLVEO by the Council of the City o� Fridley, as fol1ows: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the following service and mater�als. 7W0 - 10,000 G.V.W. TRUCiCS 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described service and materials, together with a proposal ��or the ►nethod of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to ihe Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby a�proved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said service and materials. 3. The purchase of said service and materials as described above shall be � effected by sealed bids ta be received and op�ned by the City of Fridley a�—' on the �8�h- day of March, 19f31 . The City Manager is directed and aut.horized to advertise for the purchase of said service and materials by sealed i�id p�°oposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of tr�e City of Fridley, the notice to b� subst�trtialTy in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hc��eta and made a part of by reference. Saia nutice �hall be �utalished at �eas� twice 7n the of�iciai newspaper of ihe City of Fr�idley. PASSE� ANU fi[10PiED GY iHE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y 0� FaIDLEY THIS DAY QF y 1981. �dILLI���i J, NE� - �,��AYOR f1TTEST: CITY CLERK - SIDNEY C�d INf�'�A�! � 0039,'1/ 1 110I� � , � CITY OF Ff�10LEY �ID P�OTICE ' for TRUCK BIDS EXHIBII "A" . . .� y �` The City Council of the City of �ridley, Minnesota will accept sealed bids on 2- 10,00 G.V.W. trucks on the �9th of March, 1981, �tntil 11:OO�.M. on said date a� the �ridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue P�.E., Fridley, P�'innesota 55432 (telephone: 571-3�t50). �111 bids must meet the minimum requirements ef the specifications. Failure to comply with this section can result in disqualifications af ihe b�d. Each bid sha11 be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or gid 8ond and maCe payable without conditions to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5q) of the bid, which chec�C, cash, or bond shall b e forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract, after his bid has been accepied. - - - The City reserves the right to accept-the bid <<rhicn is .determined to be in-- th� best interests of the City. The City reser��es the right to reject any and a11 bids and wa�ive any informalities or technicalities in any bid received without explanation. The City Council also reserves tt�e r�ioht to consider such factors as �time of del i�2r�y or performance, er,perience, r-esponsib ; i ity of thp bidder_, past performance; of similar types of items oi° materials, availability of products and other similar factors that it may determine to bn in the best irterest of the City. . Copies of the specifications and general conditions may be examined zn the office of the Purchasing �igent, or copies may be ob�ained from his o�f'fice. All bids must be-sub�itted in sealed enti�elopes and plairly marked on�the outside ��vith Truck Bids. C,asim Quresl�i City P�lanager Fublish: Fridl�y Sun February 25, 1981 P^arch 5, 19£1 0�) 3 ��,'1/ 110 �?!1 ���, �.. j / ��'���- �-' � g 9 i'� _ - . .: ■ -raa� c:e�rv o� _�Y F f. . ; �7r x � t ,, ,, ����':��.ta�;�' 1 DAiE F R 0�9 D. �? W� SUBJECT ���`����"���� �� � a� ������� �������'�� � Februar_y l�, 19f� Water and Sani tary Sevaer Projec�: No. 133 ��' °Oa , o p �5 �,�=�`' v � � c �_�_,.,.� � � t�� ..��... 1.�'�� �—`—�_ � �� : � � ,� �' : r►`�?`��:trjlj �.� ACTlOP�lI INFO- We have been reviea�ing our t�rater and sev�er systems for passible improve- ments this year, Currentiy, we have idertified tl�i�ee projects wh�ch re- quire attention. Thi s past wi r,ter, v,.�t� � �p� ri �nc�d a sani tary SeEti�er b�ckup or� Jackson Street and E�6th Avenues 1'herc e>;ists an ex7s�ing manho�le on Mississippi Street where c�e can di v�r%t �t:he ma jor i�y c r the ua cksnn �10� i E�to a ma jor 1 i ne, �h�rel�y t�educing t�E� possibility cf futut,e � uck���s in �he Jackson lineo There are ta�ra dQad-�nd 4vater 1 ir1�s 1 ocated on 6�tfi P1 ace and 68th Avenue east or EiTgh�vay Ieog.65G 6y cor�nectirlc� t��ese �:�va ends, we can establish a t��a t.er 1 oap t�hi ch wi 11 in:�rove th�. 4�,fa-ter c�ual i ty and el i mi nate the numer- ous com�'lainis are have received fr�m this area. This p�st winter, 4ve have experiera��d several breaks i� our w«ter line be- ���een Ric� Cre�t; Boule�ard and ihe cul-de-sac on n9th Av��ue. This line has become pitte�! and ccrro�ed du� to the pip� r�zaterial and slope of the 1ire. �de have � conso� i�at�cl �hese #:I�ree prL� jec�s i r�to Ut�ter ar�d Sar� i tary Sewer Project Nu� 133� Totul ccst o�F <<pp;�oximau�?y :;,62,Q00 can b� furided Trom ±}te P��blic Uf;iiii:y l=undm Sin�e tia�se �r� irn�;�ove+�����nt �roj�c�:s, it 4�lould not be appr�cpri a �e to assess thi s���orl: �to ti�e exi sti nc� p� operty o��tir�ers at this tirr�e; th�yrefor�, z� �i�blic i;carit�g or� il�is project is not i�equired. i��e �� Ltt-�cl���ci re:,ol uti o,1s cal l r"or tf�� or•���ri n; and +.°ecei vi rig of the prel i- minary pl�ans and specification�a foi, this �>r�ojecto Su�geet t��e C�ity Counc�il considef° these t~esolutions �t tt�e February 23, x9�3I C��ri�c7 i n��e�ti ng> JGF:i;� RESOLUTIO�! NO - 1981 A RESO�UTION OROERING PRELI^�INARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS I�ND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: WATER AND �ANITARY SEWER PROJECT #133 8E IT RES�LVED, by the City Cauncil ofi tt-�e City of Fridley as follows: 1. 7hat. it appears in the interests of the City and of the property owners affected i;hat there be constructed certain i�nprovements to-wit; Watermains and Services, Sanitary Sewer Laterals and Sprvices and Storm Sewer and Related Ap�urtenances located in the following areas: Sanitary Sewer Connection Jackson Street at Mississippi Street Water Looping System 68th Place (Luc�a Lane to Service Drive) then P�orth on East Side of Highway No. 65 (68th Place to 68th Avenue) Watermain Replacement Rice Creek Boul�vard East to Cul-De-Sac 2. Tha� the Pub1ic ►�J�rks �ir•ec��or, John G. Flor�, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesoia, is hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plar,s anc► specifications and to tabulaie the results of his estimates of the cosis �f saic� irr�►�ovements, incluc�ing cvery item of cost from inceptior� to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incu►�red} in conrectien therewith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of h�is findings, stating therein whether said improvernents are feasible and �dhether tf�ey can best be made as proposed, or in connection ��ith same o�her improve���ents (and the estimated cost as recommended), including also a descriptian of the lands or area as may receive b�nefits �here from and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. Tt�at said prelirninary report of the Public Works Director shall be fur�nisi�ed to ti�e City Counci7. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THc CITY COUf�CIL OF TNE CIIY OF FRTDLEY 7HIS DAY OF , 198�, MF1���LL� i�'i3 NEE ATTEST: CI�fY CLERK w SIDtiE'r C. Ifdt���,N 009t��/ 1086A l0 � UTILiTY PROJCCT tJO. 1.33 PROPOSED SANITF+RY SE4JER CONNECTION t�1ISSISSIPf'I STfZEET @ JACKSO�J STREET LOCATIQ« (;��AP • • 1O J' .. • r• • i ' t,J,,,,,,,�,,,.,•a....z��.>>i r y� � �'!l �"� �� V � Ei�� � � � ;\ .1 •� • • �O ` ',��' C ' � . � �.�/w 1� . .M.yi �„�.1�i �,. . � N�':' /3 a /. � � q,. ,`` •• { >J � / _ I �r� ' �. .��) j 7G . '��a �/;J `,,, :9 ' j/`• � :•j�f��� • � . 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S �l'�-_ �.�.R �. ...._..:.F1:..� C O f � ..� �,..�__,.�.M..� - --��..,..._ � �� � . � �.__,._...�.._._...� �.._... ..�..�� � S.�-C. �� . � � � -tt i , t 4� � �..� _.:-� . . r�� r.::s t.:..�� r�c3 ���: r.u%�, pt-�p�sed Sani tary Sewer Improvemeilt U"fTLITY PROJECT N0. 133 PROIiOSEU I��ATE(Ziir'1Ii'1 LOOPII�fG SYSTEi�{ 6�th Place west t�vey. �G5 East Service Drive, then nori:h to 68th Avenue � LOC�l1TI0�� MAP r� I f� �, le r { , _:.;, . � •. ' � c J �.' . ��:•F..:�� ' - �'i� :_�' : � r �; ' �-. . r 1.T k e* ,, '`' , f}.2 i : 17 y r�� � :�::� � � .;:;i '° -,� j �� i , • . :;�,.:.. ._.__.... - .. . , j � '; `;, ,�: . . '; , ,.� 1; � � - , '; ^ � . .t3 �. ! i . i�, :' E:,. � i s":a�.'T'�. Rl.�..r....._.,_,.,.,`���r..�......, �•._= -t! o � .v � ,.�. , �, � : �' ; v/vf _' �L. .._. �-„�; -"- : �,� �;7 �� � g r 4 s : p. � �, i. !�f , t�ic�l� -- Ff� t-_:� �y ,.ti ,�,, :;.'••'t. 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'�:�,:; -'� j . t . . .�/ c•--.. ! � +._� 1��-. . r�.a uµ� �:� tr:� er��ro r: e rr::.� pY�;�posecf Rr.�no���i 111�i ReplilC�ill°tlt 0'� Existing 6" lv'<�tt:rmain RESOLUTION N0. - ��81 A RESULUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMTNARY REPORT ON TNE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IP�1PROVEMENTS: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �133 wHEREAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed�to be in the interest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by the Public 4dorks Director is hereby received and accepted. 2. That the improvements are nat to be assessed ta tl�e owners of property within the area of constructi�n. 3. That the improveme��t will be paid for from the Public Utility Fund. 4. That any future water connection onto this wate►°main will be assessed for their pro�iortionate sf�are of the improvement cost. PASSED AND RDOPTED QY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS DAY OF , ��$�• ATTEST: CITY CLF K- IC)f�EY C. Ifvi�1RN 009�r1/ 110f �1 4�! I L L I AP�1 J. NE E- P1AY OR � . 11 � RESOLUTTON N0. - 1981 A RESQLJTICN I�,UTIlORIZTNG AND DIRECTING THE SPLIT7ING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PARCEL 140�, SECTION 3(THIS RESOLUTIO�d SUPERCEDES RESOL.UTION N0. 8-1981 DATED FEQRUARY 2, 1981) �� WHEREAS, certain s�ecial assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW; THERE�ORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessn�ents le>>�ed agair�st ihe following described parcel, to-�it: Parcel 14U0, Section 3, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Ori inal Parcel Fund Original Amount Parcel 1400, Section 3 Oivision of Parcel Appr�oved Parcel 1400, Section 3 Parcel 1401, Section 3 Regular SA 4J #34 (Water Main) 1964 Servic� Conn. SW&SS #102 (Wat.Lai.) SW&SS #102 (Sew.Lat.� SW�SS #102 (Storm S.) Reassmt. of SS #102 Fund Regular S� W #34 (t�ater Pfiain) 19G4 Service Conn. SG�&SS #102 (Wat.Lat.) S�d&SS ;#102 ( Sew. Lat. ) S4Y�&SS #102 (5torm S.) f�eassrn�. of SS #102 No Assessments ADQPTED BY TI-!E CI�TY COUrdCIL QF 7NE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS , 1981. ATTEST: CITY CLERK � Sidney Inman Paid Paid $ 4,226.35 19,301.28 24,240.60 5,536.84 6,344.36 59,649.43 Ori�inal Amourt Paid Paid $ 4,226.35 19,3Q1.28 24,24Q.60 5,53E.84 6,344.36 � � 59,649.43 DAY OF MAYOR William J. Nee 12. _ � , . �, l � �.?_ �� � � . ( / ,�. : � �� jo 3U � ...----- �'' ,� �%"�j-p `� - .____-�-^� , // �� . _r�.'. . M( / �!/,:ryd' -`Nf.��l..��,, -l�J..r.: i : •1_�{�Jf��� �_� . �f ' . 1 7''✓� 'r / � I✓^' r�. �' ~y ,- � � �� _ .f!--• y�� ( • � }' N � , � - . l . ` � ' . `y ` ` �� M - �� n�..A�6S 1�_ • ' o ; � ,�.: , � �j� • � µ•„ _,1: _ .i i � . . � � � �G ,O \ ' . , . t � �-- � G2G01 . . • � � • l 3 ` �, � . f � i q e � \ ( � ' • ` ..I ��i�Qd pd � • . ` � . , \. � //1 G'J � . - . \ � . 1 ' ' .,`O .. ' - . �� ►�' . ♦ , � , , 1 �I ; cc� : . , i •�l `.\ . .�.��, . , " l t � I o� , � . . i ��� � � i �O �/�A� p . , J '� I �-�. � �i!i,�tJ/O /� y ' � �. � � ,." � Y•. - • � Ji/kowst� ' . � .: 1 � : '" _,..... •i (�r`� o> ti1 • N � t7�.� �o o�' . . + �, . . i��,��, f � . � ; �' : w 1 � • � \ 1 h, . �5j\�Q() \� . . ' .q i r ; . ` � � 4� � � 6 �` . '- � � . � .�-� { ---- e � � +d � .. . . � � t�r . � � . - ' i ����1 � � � , ]u � � • : . 1� w� t,. �"'` 4 ' o `" -� N ' � � � e � ��o�.�' � � � . . y� � . i9f'L�... ( i' . p '"�".'.o�..e..�..�..�,m. . � °.� G r � � - • ' �y.� . ��� � � , , . � , . , �'� �ry�`�� R�� � ' y� ` i N4G�Od'oP ri�'-, 'm � / t �_ . � � fT.tB � Y Y o I' � Y,n � i � � -n �, �- s. . � � . . � � � �61�1� � �! � . ., � 4r �� � r��iD��l �� � . �{ , � � .; ��,�,� d ,, ,� � , � . �� -::;.::�. , d.�,: �o• ..�5• . , — P��.3L—._ . . �t7.�., . . ... . . . arr���.�u • ' � ` � Area Out1ined is original Parcel 1400, Sec�ion 3 � Crass-hatched area is neti•� Parccl 1401, Section 3, which is bcing s�}Zit o-ffi F�R CONCURREPJCc RY TNE CITY CODUCIL - Appointment February 23, 1981 f NAME` POSITION SAL�RY Mary S. Zwicky . Accounting $11,340 1619 73 Avenue N.E. #304 C1erk-Liqunr per Fridley, P1N 55432 year 15 EFFEC7IVE DATE REPLACES February 23, Florence Engelbrecht 2981 � -- j r __r � �! --� -� � �-.aR co�vevrz�r_��cE 3Y TF-i� ci�rY cou►vc�� - LICEdSES ? 1981 -e r �e of License: �_ �proved By_ �. Off Sa1P 6eer ' � . Hudson Oil Co. of D21., Inc. Koch Marketing Co. James P.Hill . 7315 Highway 65 N.E. Public Safety Director : Fridley, Mn. 55432 . Itinerant Food Girl Scout Cookie Sale Karyn Prois Steven J. Olson 1060 Lynde Dr. � Health Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 . Junk Yard � Central Auto Parts John Buzick. Darrel Clark i201 - 73rd Ave. "�.E. • Building Inspector Fridley, Mn. 55432 • . Vendin� Machine �� I Fees: $50.00 EXEMPT $275.00 Central Auto Parts John Buzick Steven J. Olson �15.00 1201 - 73rd Ave,Pd.E. _ Health Inspector Fridley, f��1n. 55432 � : � . Auctioneer . Anoka-Fridley Auctions Cyril Link �� James P. Hill $10.00 837 Elm St. f'ublic Safety Director Ano1;a, P�in. Junk Yard Dick's Fridley'Auto Parts of h9inn. Inc, ' 7300 Central Ave� P�,Ea Fri dl ey, h1n. 55432 MichaeT Tikkar�en Darrel Clark Building Inspector ,. $275.00 %.�. ' ,� -� � � : :� \�)^ �'.4Ft CONCU1ZfZCi�1CC �3Y 7fiE ClTY CUUNCIL. ` z,zcr•.NS�s L.�._.__ I.-1.F3ItU?�RY 23, 1�J£i1 GEI�Ii:R.T�L, COII`i'I211C:TOR APPFZUVED F3Y L. S. Black Cons�ruction. Inc. Y.O. 12£32'7 New Brigtiton, r1N 55112 i3y: Larry Black 0 DARFtf:L CLARI: � � Chie� Bldg: Off. , zs � I f �j�-.�; �`�{>-' �-.o��: �o�scu��E�,.r�,; ►� �Y �r�-i� ci�r�,,� cau��ci�. - ESTIP��iTES _�_.__. _..FE,�fttJABY. ...�__ __..�..._._.._ . ._._ _ �.1�$.L� ___.�._.. Eugene A. Hickok & Associates, Inc. 545 Indian Mound 4Jayzata, MN 5539� Professional Services January, 19�1 f�r Moore Lake Rest�rai;ion Project Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 1250 �ui7ders Buiiding Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Legal Services rendered as Prosecutor for the month of January, 1981 Herrick � t�ewman 6279 University Avenue N.E. Frid7ey, MN 55432 For legal services r�nciered , during i:he month of January, 19�1 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 $1,524.08 � $2,700.00 $4,253.74 16 STATEMENT SAAITH, JUSiER, FEIKEMA, MAIMON & HASKVITZ ATTORNEYSAT LAW 1250 t3U1LpER5 EXCFiANCE BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS, h/iINNESOTA 55402 339-1481 CJ N DRTE 2-11-81 SUF3U�2BAN OFFICE FRIDLEY �City of Fridley � 6431 University Avenue N. E. fridley, Minnesota 5�432 Attention: P�1r. yasim Quresh�, L City Manager � PLEASE AETURN THIS FOHTION H'�TM YOUR �`AYMENT v' � ! gALANCE • ' FORWARDED i=ROti^. LAST STATEMENT Fo� legal services rEr.dered as.f'rosecutor for the City of Fridley during January, 1981. Repr�s?ntation of City of Fridley in 73 pre- trials, 2 warrants and 16 court tria?s. (42 hours - 15 minutes, Processing camplaints including citizen inquiries and preparation of 64 formal complaints and review of records. (21 hours - 30 minutes). Total Time (63 �aurs - �5 minutes). Jan�ary, 1981 Retairer $1,350.00 $1,350.OQ Time in excess of 30 hours (33 hours - 45 minutes) 1,350.00 $2,700.0� 5M171i, JUSTER, 1=EIKFfJIA, MALMGN & 1fA5}<VITZ ATTORNEYS AT L/�N' � 1� � ._.___....__._.._.. _.__ _ �W ... � .�. � � oc, � � ; � . � � ti .�., � � � � zi w� � t 4 1 W p, � U xi 0 �i 1 Z ze O 1 " ' � H 1 �C 1 O 1 4 1 � 1 nt 1 Ra. � ' t a � i °oa � � oa .j t� � i O N L. 4i �'1 {Y t �1 �' r� Z � h1 � G ?� 7 q ►�{ � � ��j. �. 0o a Wa`�° � a i m" ��'z� � � �,,,Z • � � dfo>�p �, � � � z ,: y.� � o , Y`�W � � .c J � t :a � b LL � � 1 a3 1 0. (� Lx' m t rJ w � i c � ..� ` c' *.� , .� � � ut 0 �� � � � G � ' � i M � � i o i �+ o . � � O C � o�nr� �l1 h� -.7 CYi N � �� � t � v� .w ; �w v ,c � q f-t Ql ,`�', � W' G�J �7 a s_ w � W W � °� ^ j G \ I z a a � , �' � � V d r-i � 8� tn ri n° x i� M;d 1 � i-+ 'b 1. �-e' � •rl > a .7 CJ � �i { a'} � �+ � � i 1 f l �.__..�--^—�^—"----...._��.,�._._. _._...._..._._�------- 1 � OOO-� OOOO �nc��a�noor�o M.--iM�tCVNM {? 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