10/26/1981 - 5306OFFICIAL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIP�G OCTOBER 26, 1981 9 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN NAME ✓�I/��{�� .�. �rt1o� � � ' � DATE• October 26, 19�1 ADDRESS 6390 s'�ac,�� a�vp TTEM NUMBER __________=� I'� r !,,. FRIDLEY CITY COUNC I L REGULAR MEETIPdG — OCTOBER 26, 1981 — 7:30 P, M�, MEMO T0: DEPARTMENT NEADS � FOLLOWING ARE THE "ACTIONS NEEDED��. PLEASE HAVE YOUR ANSWERS BACK IN THE CITY MANAGER�S OFFICE BY THE ►'�EDNESDAY BEFORE THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. THANK YOU. ��. � � \���\ �NTRAL SERV.I REGULAR �EETING, OCTOBER 5, 1951 Approved � ADOPT I Oi� OF AGE�JDA : I ADDED: Consideration of Resolution setting public hearing for Industrial Revenue Bonds on 73rd Avenue Partnership Project Consideration of Resolution setting public hearing for Industrial Revenue Bonds on Rice Creek Company project Consideration of Setting Public Hearing on establishment of tax increment district in north area OPEN FORU�1, VISITOR : � � �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 P'�INUTES) No response OLD BUS I ��ESS : CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE I'�1NNESOTA P•�UNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL �EVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT�TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES OF THE STATE OF P'�INNESOTA AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF iJECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND i'iATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT, FEHLING, FEHLING AND iJYBO �TABLED 10/19/81)� Resolution No. 121-1981 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Inform petitioner of Council preliminary approval , , 1-1D � pUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS ING, OCTOBER 26, 1981 OLD BUSIPJESS (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, P'�1NNE— SOTA BY i�1AKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS, FROM R-3 TO CR-1 �ZOA #SO-OZ), 921 IiILLWIND ROAD (PRESENTLY ADDRESSED AS IOOI HILLWIND ROAD), TED BURANDT, DBA�SWING REALTY� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Administration to enter into agreement with applicant No action taken on second reading ACTION NEEDED: After agreement has been executed, put ordinance back on agenda for consideration i'JEW BUS I �JESS : PAG E Z 2-2� CONSIDERATON OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, P�INNE— SOTA BY h'rAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS, FROM �1-2 -ro C-2 (ZOA #81-04), 350 73aD AvENUE, MARK HAGGERTY � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . 3 - 3 G Ordinance approved on first reading �CTION NEEDED: Put on next regular agenda for consideration of second readin CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE �ITY �ODE �SAV ��1-03, PETITION #9-1981) TO VACATE 66TH AVENUE BETWEEN PIERCE STREET AND LUCIA LANE, BURTON N � SCHERVEN � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � Vacation denied ACTION NEEDED: Inform applicant of Council denia of request , 4-4I REGULAR ��EETING, OCTOBER Z6 �EW �USIi�ESS iCONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6O2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED ��BEER �.ICENSING" BY ADDING $ECTION 602�01, SlJBDIVISION 4; AMENDING $ECTION 6�2�02, SUBDIVISION 1; ADDING $ECTION 6�2�02, $UBDIVISION 5; AMENDING $ECTION 6�Z��%, SUBDIVISION 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 - 5 B Ordinance approved on first reading INANCE ACTION NEEDED: Put ordinance on next regular agenda for consideration of second reading � CONSIDERATION OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE FOR WELL �0,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-6A Emergency Ordinance No. 742 adopted CITY MANAGER ACTIOPd NEEDED: publish ordinance in Fridley Sun on November 4, 1981 RECEIVIN6 CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1981 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � — � B t�linutes received PUBLIC WORKS ACTION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference RECEIVING CATV ADVISORY �OMMISSION ��1NUTES OF OCTOBER �, 1981, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 8 - 8 E Minutes received PUBLIC WORKS ACTION NEEDED: File minutes for future reference IC WORKS I ICENTRAL SERVJ CENTRAL SERVJ CENTRAL SERVJ PUBLIC WORKSI i�EW BU$IPlES$ (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE �'�ETROPOLITAN COUNCIL� � � � � � � � � 9 Plan received. To be brought back for consideration of adopted ACTION NEEDED: Put plan on next regular agenda for consideration of adoption �I CENSES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , 10 - 10 � Approved ACTION NEEDED: Issue licenses � " �LAIMS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � 11 Approved ACTION NEEDED: Pay claims EST IMATES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � IZ Approved ACTION PJEEDED: Pay estimates CONSTDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED NOUSING PLAN UNDER ��1NNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 462C AND AUTHORIZ- ING pUBLICATION OF i�OTICE THEREOF, � . � � � � � . . 13 - 13 A Resolution No. 122-1981 adopted ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing on December 7, 1981 ��.��1 i���: SEE NEXT PAGE FOR ADDED ITEMS 0 REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 26, 1981 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) PAGE 5 COP�SIDERATION OF RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 23, 1981 FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE 80NDS ON PE7ITION OF 73RD AVENUE PARTt�ERSHIP PROJECT: Resolution No. 123-1981 adopted CENTRAL SERV. ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing on November 23, 1981 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARI�JG ON NOVEMBER 23, 1981 FOR ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS ON PETITION OF RICE CREEK COf�1PANY Resolution No. 124-1981 adopted CENTRAL SERV. ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing on November 23, 1981 CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 23, 1981 OPJ ESTABLISNMENT OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT IPd NORTH AREA Public Hearing set for November 23, 1981 IPUBLIC WORKS ACTION NEEDED: Make arrangements for public hearing on November 23, 1981 ADJOURN: 9:05 P.M. p� FRIDLEY CITY COUNC I L � � - REGULAR MEETIfdG — OCTOBER 26, 1981 — 7:30 P,M�, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAiVCE: - APPROVAL OF P�II�JUTES: REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 5, 1981 ADOPT I OiJ OF AGEfJDA : OPEN FORUM, VISITOR : � � �CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) G OLD BUS I �dESS : CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE � P��INNESOTA i�UNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL �EVELOPMENT ACT, AUTNORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT�TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES OF THE STATE OF I��INNESOTA AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF iJECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND i'�ATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT, FEHLING, FEHLING AND NYBO �TABLED 10/19/81)� �� 1- ID ULAR MEETING, �CTOBER 26, 1981 OLD BUSI�JESS (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, P°�1NNE- SOTA BY Iti�AKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS, FROM R-3 TO �R-1 (ZOA #80-�2), 921 NILLWIND ROAD (PRESENTLY ADDRESSED AS IOOI HILLWIND ROAD), TED BURANDT, DBA�SWING REALTY� � � � � � � � � � � � � iJEW BUS I ��ESS : CONSIDERATON OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, P�INNE- SOTA BY P'�AKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS, FROM �1-2 To C-2 (ZOA #�1-04), 350 73RD AvENUE, MARK HAGGERTY � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � PAGE Z , , . 2-20 ,,,3-3G CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE �ITY �ODE i$AV �81-03, PETITION #9-1981) TO VACATE 66-rH AVENUE BETWEEN PIERCE STREET AND LUCIA LANE, BURTON I'� � SCHERVEN � . � � � � � � � � � . . . � , 4-4I REGULAR �iEETING. �CTOBER 26, 1981 NEW �USIf�ESS �CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6O2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED ��BEER �ICENSING" BY ADDING $ECTION 6�2�01, $U$DIVISION 4; AMENDING $ECTION 6�:2��2, $UBDIVISION �; ADDING $ECTION 6�Z�t�Z, $UBDIVISION 5; AMENDING $ECTION 6OZ,��, SUBDIVISION 1 � � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5 - 5 B CONSIDERATION OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE FOR WELL �10,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-6A RECEIVING CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1981, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7 - 7 B RECEIVING CATV ADVISORY �OMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER �, 1981, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 8 - 8 E i�EW BUSI�JE$$ (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE �iETROPOLITAN COUNCIL� . � . � . . . . 9 LI CENSES � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � IO - IO B �LAIMIS � . � � � � � � . � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � 11 EST IMATES � � � � � . . � � . � , . � � � � � � � � � I.2 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED NOUSING PLAN UNDER I��1NNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 462C AND AUTHORIZ- ING PUBLICATION OF ��OTICE THEREOF� � � . � � � � � � 13 - 13 A ADJOUR�J : y THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNGIL MEETING OF THE FRIQLEY CITY COUNCIL QF OCTOBER 5, 1981 -� THE MINUTES OF 7HE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEOGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses-Martin, Mayor Nee. Councilman Schneider, and Councilman Barnette MEMBERS ABSEYT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1981: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Nee requested the following items be added to the agenda: (1) Request for a Temporary On-Sale Beer License, Bob's Produce Ranch; and (2) Discussion Re: Liquor vs. Food Sales Ratio for Two Establishments in Fridley. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to approve the agenda with the above two additions. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPE�� FORUM, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience under this item of business. OLD BUSINESS: x CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS #81-06 TO SPLIT OFF NORTHERLY �no rrrT nr ono'r n[ �l17 1 AIInTTf1R�C CIIRf1TVTST(1N !l1f) RFVISED_ 1360 - AVENUE, ROBERT AND KHK�AKN wVUtro un l���tu y/ca/ull: Mayor Nee stated this request for a lot split was tabled at the last meeting in order to give the Council an opportunity to discuss this item with residents in the area. Mayor Nee stated this is not a formal hearing, but an informal meeting to hear from neighboring property owners concerning the affect of this lot split. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property in question is one lot just east of Siverts Lane, and the owner is requesting to split off the bottom 100 feet of the parcel to make another 100 x 97 foot lot. Mr. Flora stated, if the lot split is granted, and the other property owners to the east wished to split thier lots, there may be a problem in the future in providing access and utilities to service these parcels. Mr. Flora stated consideration was given to placing a street midway between the lot splits, tying into Siverts Lane and the access road to the future County park. `L � �• REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 19£31 _ PAGE 2 He stated, however, the County indicated this could not be done since the property was obtained strictly for County par_k purposes with Metro funds and it would also seriously effect the development and security for the park complex. Mr. Flora stated another consideration was to provide a road between the property being split which would require a cul-de-sac at the end, if a City street were to be constructed. Ne stated the cost of this plan would be considerable because the front properties already have a street and sewer and water, therefore, any properties being split would have to bear the full burden of the cost of the street and utilities. E1r: Flora stated another possibility is to require an easement, for a possible future street and utilities, in the event the pr�perty owners to the east, as well as to the west of Siverts Lane, wish to split their lots. Mayor Nee stated the question the Council wishes to explore is if the property owners want provision made for access to the back of their lots, or if it isn't the tention of the owners to split off the back of their lots. Mr, Ron Germundson, 1390 69th Avenue, asked if there would have to be a road between the houses or on the south end. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated access would have to be provided, if they wished to develop their property any more than it is now. Mr. 6ermundson stated he didn't want anything to do with it and to leave it as it is now. Councilman Schneider clarified, for the record, it was Mr. Germundson's position that he didn't intend to split his lot and wouldn't have any problem if access, in the future, wouldn't be available. Mr. Harry Nelson, 1370 69th Avenue, indicated he was against putting in a road and against the lot split. Councilman Schneider stated they are not talking about putting in a road, the question right now, assuming this lot split is approved, is should an•'easement be provided for the eventual future access to the rear portion of the four remaining lots in case the owners would want to split their properties at some future date. Councilwoman Moses-Martin stated when F�r. Anderson splits his property, and depending on where a person builds who purchases this lot, it may prohibit obtaining access to these other properties. Mr. Erickson, 13E0 69th Avenue, stated he was not in favor of a road. Mr. Germundson stated, in listening to further discussion, he believes prnperty is getting scarce, and if he is requested to make a statement, he would like to see an easement provided on the south for a possible future roadwaty. A realtor, representing Mr. Anderson, stated he is sure the taking of property for an easement would affect the sale price of the house. He also pointed out they have a proposed buyer for the lot which is to be split. Mr. Tikkanen, 1400 69th Avenue, stated the easement didn't make any difference to him right now. �J� REGULAR MEETIWG OF OC706ER 5, 1981 PAGE 3 Councilman Schneider pointed out if the easement isn't required at this time, he may not be able to split his property in the future, depending on where the house is built on the lot requested to be split. Mr. Tikkanen stated on that basis, he would go along with requiring the easement. Councilwoman Moses- Martin stated she realizes some of the property owners don't envision splittin9 their property while they are living there, but if they do decide to sell, she felt it would be economically feasible for them to split off the rear portions of their lot. Councilman Barnette stated all the Council is asking right now is for an easement on Mr. Anderson's property in order to make a corridor in the event the other property owners want to split their properties at some future date. Mr. Neleon, 1370 59th Avenue, and Mr. Erickson, 1380 69th Avenue, both indicated they would then be in favor of requiring the easement on Mr. Anderson's lot split. Councilman Bahnette asked Mr. Anderson how he felt about giving the AO feet easement on the back of the lot for potential future access. Mr. Anderson stated, when Siverts Lane went through, both he and the Bacon's were told one of the benefits was they would be able to split their lot and no one else would have this advantage. Mrs. Anderson stated they were told, by putting in the sewer and water, the privilege they would get would be to split their lot. She felt if the easement is required, it would affect the sale of the house and the proposed lot. Mr. Anderson stated when he filed for the lot split, he was told there wouldn't be any problems. He explained they have made comnittments and monies have changed hands, as they bought a business in Wisconsin, and was counting on the sale of the house and lot. He stated, if the lot split isn't granted, it may affect the sale and they would be out the back door with nothing. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager� stated the City has a responsibility to all the property owners in the area. He felt Mr. Anderson has the privilege of splitting his lot, but the City wants to make sure other property owners are given the same opportunity. T�ie realtor, representing the Anderson's, stated he came to the City Hall when he listed the property and asked about the lot split and was told there would be no problem. Mr. Qureshi explained the only body that can authorize the lot split is the Council, and they may attach some conditions, if they so choose. Councilman Schneider stated the Planning Comnission in their recorronendation for approval of the lot split asked the Council to make a determination on the road access to service additional lots. Mayor Nee asked if ar�yone was present who lived on the west side of Siverts Lane. Mr. Ed Widzinski, 1320 69th Avenue, indicated he was opposed to the easement as he didn't want to split his lot. Mrs. Lois Aasland, 1330 69th Avenue, stated there is no possible way of having an easement for a road because of the location of the homes on the lots and the terrain, and indicated she was not in favor of it. �G2 REGULAR N�ETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 4 Mrs. Joy Logid, I340 69th Avenue, stated she enjoys her lot the way it is and felt if she ever sold her property, the selling factor wou7d be � the size of the lot. Mr. Darrel 8acon, 1350 G9th Avenue, stated he didn't think he wouid seTl his lot and liked it as it is now. The realtor, representing the Anderson's, stated by requiring the easement, it would take away from the vaiue of the property and felt tF►e other properties should have to pay for the amount the Anderson's lose. Mayor Wee stated by obtaining the lot split, it aiso increases the value of the land. He stated the Council has some responsibility to the other property owners and that is what they are trying to fulfill. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he wou]d suggest if the majority of the property a�rners want an easement provided, that 40 feet be given to the south, with the understanding that these property owners to the east will pay the fuli cost of the roadway and sewer and water, if the majority of the people want the improvements when the properties are split. Mr. Qureshi stated, as far as the property owners on the west of Siverts Lane, a11 present have indicated they were not in favor of the easement. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recomnendation of the Planning Commission and grant Lot Split Request, LS #81-06, with the stipulation that a 40 foot easement be given at the south side of the property, with the exact dimensions to be worked out between the petitioner and staff somewhere between 93 or 100 feet. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2 ORDINANCE N0. 740 ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR 7HE FISCAL YEAR 1982: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated an adjustment has been made to increase the contributions to service organizations from $5,000 to $10,000. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 740 and adopt it on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, MayoriNee declared the motion carried unanimously, NEW BUSINESS: 3 FIRST READING OF AIJ ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 506 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, pointed out on Page 3D, Section 506.12 that the way the ordinance is written is to only prohibit truck tractors, semi-trailers, buses, mobile home and house trailers, or trucks having a licensed gross weight over 12,000 pounds, from parking on public , streets in a residential district. Mr. Qureshi stated the ordinance would not restrict recreational vehicles. He stated there could be an interpretation that a bus couldn't be on the stree;. and if they want to make it more clear, an addition would have to be made that this doesn't apply to any licensed recreational vehicle. Mayor Nee stated he had a call from a school bus driver who takes the bus home at times and parks it in the drivewa„v, Mr, Qureshi stated the ordinance would allow for this, however, it couldn't be left on the street. REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 5 Councilman Barnette stated he had several phone ca11s regarding this proposed ordinance and they all felt it was a good idea, as they always .._._. had trucks parked on their residential street. Councilman Schneider stated the only feedback he had received was in favor of the ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the first reading and approve "the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy, 4 CONSIDERATION OF NAMING AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR 1981 AND RECEIVING LETTER FROM THE GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize the entering into an agreement to retain the George M. Hansen Company for the 1981 audit. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. t` 5 RESOLUTION N0. 112-1981 SETTING AN ELECTION FOR COUNCILMEMBER FOR WARD I AND WARD III• MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 112-1981. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6 RESOLUTION N0. 113-1981 DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 3, 1981 GENERAL ELECTION: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 113-1981. Seconded _ by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � RESOLUTION N0. 114-1981 CERTIFYING CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE � LEVIED AGAINST GERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR COLLECTION WITH THE TAXES PAYABLE a. f40T10f� by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 114-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. $ RESOLUTION N0. 115-19$1 CERTIFYIN6 CERTAIN DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER CHARGES TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR CpLLECTION WITH THE 1982 TAXES: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 115-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �Q, RESOLUTION N0. 116-1981 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIN6 THE SPLI7TING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, PACO INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to adopt Resolution No. 116-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��RESOLUTION N0. 117-1981 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING nccr��urr,iTC n�� nnnrr� r cnnn n�m rnrn rrnTTn.� n nun nrn� •rrr.�n MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to adopt Resolution No. 117-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. nlJ.� (1 /� A 6J V 'S RE6ULAR MEETIN6 OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 6 � 1 RESOLUTION N0. 118-1981 CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1982 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 118-1981. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, 1��REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE BEER LICENSE - BOB'S PRODUCE RANCH: Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, stated the Council has an application before them for a temporary on-sale beer license for 6ob's Produce Ranch. Mr. Nil] stated it is the recomnendation of the Police Department that this temporary license be denied, as the establishment requesting the license is not elibible either under the State statutes or the City Code. Mr. Hil] explained the State statute requires temporary on-sale beer licenses be issued only to charitable or religious organizations that are non-profit in nature, therefore. Bob's Produce Ranch wouldn't be eligible for the license. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses-Martin to deny the request from Bob's Produce Ranch for a temporary on-sale beer license. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the .. motion carried unanimnus:ly. j� B.DISCUSSION RE: LIQUOR VS. FOOD SALE RATIO FOR TWO ESTABLISHMENTS IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff wished to bring it to the Council's attention that two establishments in Fridley are not meeting the requirements '_ of the ordinance regarding food sales in relation to liquor sales. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff wished to bring it to the Council's attention tl�at two establishments in Fridley are not meeting the require- ments of the ordinance regarding food sales in relation to liquor sales. Mr. Qureshi stated, if Council desires, staff could check further to see what is currently being done in other cities since this ordinance has been in effect for a number of years, however, he felt there was a definite purpose and research should be done on the requirements. No action was taken, therefore, at this time regarding this item. 1 2 CLAIMS: MOTION by Counci7woman Moses-Martin to authorize payment of Claims No. 244512 through 268F09. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rnotion carried unanimously. 1 3 LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the Licer►se Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 7 1 4 ESTIMATES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted. Continental Custom Bridge Company P.O. Box 153 Alexandria, hN 56308 FINAL Payment - University Avenue Bikeway/Walkway Bridge Boda Construction 12325 Cloud Drive N.E. MPIs. , hN 55434 Partial Est. - Repanr of 1.5 Million Gallon Reservoir Bud Johnson Construction Company Southgate Office Plaza 5001 West 78th Mpls., MN 55437 FINAL Payment - Springbrook Nature Center Design Consortium, Inc. 1012 Marquette Mpls., hW 55403 $20,847.00 $ 6,528.69 $ 8,373.00 FINAL Payment - Springbrook Nature Center $ 1,717.10 Seaonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a]1 voti:ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of October 5; 1981 adjourned at 9:02 p. m. Respectfully Submitted, Carol Haddad Secy. to the City Council Approved: Willaim J. Nee Mayor „C~ 1 RESOLUTION PJO. 1981 RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION-OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES OF THE STATE OF MIL�NESOTA AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT (FEHLING, FEHLING & NYBO) WHEREAS, , (a) The purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota MunicipaZ Industrial Development Act (the "Act") as found and determined by the � Iegislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the active attraction and encouragement and deve2opment of economi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as possible the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chronic unemployment; (b) Factors necessitating tY►e active promotion anc3 development of economically sound industry and commerce are the increasing concentration of population in the metropolitan � areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of governmental services required to meet the needs of the increased population and the need for development of land use which will provide an adequate tax base to finance these increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such population; (c) The City Council of the City of Fridley ("the City") has received from Fehling, Fehling & Nybo, a general parthership organized under the laws of tYie State of Minnesota (the "Company") a proposal that the City assist in financing a Project hereinafter clescribed, through the issuance of a Revenue Bond or Bonds or a Revenue Note or Notes hereinafter referred to in this resolution as "Revenue Bonds" pursuant to the Act; (d) Tl1e City desires to facilitate the selec- tive development of the community, retain and improve the tax base and help to provide the range of services and employment opportunities required by the population; and the Project will � assist the City in achieving tizose objectives. The Project will help to increase assessed valuation of the City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and debt and enhance the image and reputation of the community; , (e) Company is currently engaged in the business of owning and developing real estate. The Project to be financed by the Revenue Bonds is a multi-tenant office building containing approximately 30,000 sq. ft. to be located in the City and consists of the acquisition of land and the construction of buildings and improvements thereon and the installation of equipment therein, and will result in the em- ployment of additional persons to work within the new facilities; (f) The City has been advised by representa- tives of Company that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only on a Iimited basis and at such high costs of borrowing that.the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but Company has also advised this Council that with the aid of municipal financing, and its resulting low bor- rowing cost, the Project is economically more feasible; (g) Pursuant to a resolution of the City Council adopted on , 1981, a public hearing on the Project was held on , 1981, after notice was published, and materials made available for public inspection at the Civic Center, all as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 7b at which public hearing all those appearing who so desired to speak were heard; (h) No public official of the City has either a direct or indirect financial interest in the Project nor will any public official either directly or indirectly benefit financially from"-the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Council Y�ereby gives preliminary approval to the proposal of Company that the City undertake the Project pursuant to the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act. . (Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes), consisting of the acqui- sition, construction and equipping of facilities within the City pursuant to Company's specifications suitable for the 1B operations described above and to a revenue agreement between the City and Company upon such terms and conditions with provisions for revision from time to time as necessary, so as to produce income and revenues sufficient to pay, when due, the principal of and interest on the Revenue Bonds in the total principal amount of approximately $1,975,000 to be issued -pursuant to the Act to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project; and said agreement may also provide for the entire interest of Company therein to be mortgaged to the purchaser of the Revenue Bonds; and the City hereby undertakes preliminarily to issue its Revenue Bonds in accordance with such terms and conditions; 2. On the basis of information available to this Council it appears, and the Council hereby finds, that the Project constitutes properties, real and personal, used or useful in connection with one or more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdivision la of Section 474.02 of the Act; that the Project furthers the purposes stated in Section 474.01, Minnesota Statutes; that the availability of the financing under the Act and willingness of the City to furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to Company to undertake the Project, and that the effect of the Project, if undertaken, will be to encourage the development of economically sound industry and commerce, to assist in the prevention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land, to help prevent chronic unemployment, to help the City retain and improve the tax base and to provide the tange of service and employment opportunities required by the population, to help prevent the movement of talented and educated persons out of the state and to areas within the State where their services may not be as effectively used, to promote more intensive development and use of Iand within the City and eventually to increase the tax base of the cor�nunity; 3. The Project is hereby given preliminary approval by the City subject to the approval of the Project by the Conr missioner of Securities and Real Estate, and subject to final approval by this Council, Company, and the purchaser of the Revenue Bonds as to the ultimate details of the financing of the Project; � 4. In accordance with Subdivision 7a of Section 474.01 Minnesota Statutes, the Mayor of the City is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the Project to the Commissioner of Securities and Real Estate, requesting her ap- proval. and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized to provide the Commissioner with such preliminary information as she may reguire; 5. Company has agreed and it is hereby determined that any and all costs incurred by the City in connection with the financing of the Project whether or not the Project is carried to completion and whether or not approved by the Commissioner will be paid by Company; • 6. Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, acting as bond counsel, and First Corporate Services, Inc., investJnent bankers, are authorized to assist in the preparation and review of necessary documents relating to the Project, to consult with the City Attorney, Company and the purchaser of the Revenue Bonds as to the maturities, interest rates and other terms and provisions of the Revenue Bonds and as to the covenants and other provisions of the necessary documents and to submit such documents to the Council for final approval; 7. Nothing in this resolution or in the documents pre- pared pursuant hereto shall authorize the expenditure of any municipal funds on the Project other than the revenues derived fram the Project or otherwise granted to the City for this purpose. The Revenue Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property or funds of the City except the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof, nor shall the City be subject to any liability thereon. The holder of the Revenue Bonds shall never have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the outstanding principal on the Revenue Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City. The Revenue Bonds shall recite in substance that the Revenue Bonds, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof. The Revenue Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation; 8. In anticipation of the approval by the Commissioner of Securities and the issuance of the Revenue Bonds to finance alI or a portion of the Project, and in order that completion of the Project will not be unduly delayed when approved, Company is hereby authorized to make such expenditures and advances toward payment of that portion of the costs of the Project to � be financed from the proceeds of the Revenue Bonas as Company * considers necessary, including the use of interim, short-term financing, subject to reimbursement from the proceeds of the Revenue Bonds if and when delivered but otherwise without liability on the part of the City. 0 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, this day of _ , 1981. � Mayor Attest: ' 0 City Clerk 1D 2 � •�� � �� `. , � AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MARING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS. Ttye Council of the City of Fridley cb ordain as follaas: SDCTI0�1 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fric]ley is amended as hereinafter indicatec7. SDGTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and c3escribed as: Part of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision Np. 25 (Parcel 1100) lying in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby desic�ated to be in the Zoned District known as C�1 (general offioe and limited business). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Z�ed District 1�3 (general multiple family dwellings) to CR-1 (general offioe and limited business). PASSED AI�ID ADOPTID BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DlAY OF , 1981. ZOP, �80-02 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATI'F�T: SIDNEY C. I1�II�'1�1N - CITY CLF�RIC Public Hearing: 5epte�iber 15, 1980 Reopened Public Hearing: May 4, 1981 First Reading: Qctober.�,9� 1981 Second Reading: Publish: / � .� _ f ..,; � *�. r � _.3 � i ;z `4 CITY O� �Ri[�LEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571-3450 i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: October 6, 1981 This is to inform you that the City Council will be taking off the table and discussing a Rezoning Request, ZOA #,80-02, by Ted Burnant, to rezone Part of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, (Parcel-. 1100}, from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) to CR-2 (general office and limited business), genera1ly located at 921 Hillwind Road. Any and all persons desiring to be heard on this matter shall be given an opportunity on October 19, 1981 at the City Council meeting which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 6431 Univ��sity �_ Avenue N.E. Sincerely, JLB/de 2A �` K��rE � � �- - – ��` � �h. • ��L �'�1'�� .�./ �C�J �(- COON IIYID! • � ;f • d� .,_. ' �f.11 rw•.�.• .wwoilw. � . _ �[��'• ��..i • � �-- . �y; � �.'r__� �M.11 I r.s�jp.•i� �+nr.r u � ( �\ • ' �,_.• s i ,T. '\` I . . �'.�w � � �1�,_;"p;_ �� 1 II � �„ '; : r�•�.oi. �'� � � L ; •!,� � - kJ 9 f•! M.iLI ««r ' �'y._ �% �.auJ':�. � fr �. � �t '� ; •�f\ 2�� �� �` �� Qc•4 �fLl!c I :Y. ���.. :,�' _ 11 � i _ � ?C�4�L� ,�� �i L-�'i�� ::i. 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Mr. Flora s ated the Appeals Camiission has recomnended approval of the variances, w h the stipulation that the owner work with the City Planning Department to stablish a landscape plan and improvement schedule. Mr. Flora further sugges d a bond to insure canpliance. MOT10N by Council n Fitzpatrick to concur with the recortrnendation of the Appeals Commission o grant the variances to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 22 et; and to reduce the rear yard setback from 25 feet to - 11 feet; and to reduc the side yard setback frar 15 feet to 2 feet, with�the stipulation that the ner work with the Cit PlanniFlg Department to estnblish A landscape plan and im rovement schedule. �econded 6y Councilwoman Moses-Martin Mr. DeMars and his partner tated. in the interests of safc+ty, they would like an additional parking ea they can use as a turn-around so it wouldn't be necessary to back onto Ea River Road. Mr. Dick Harris, Chariman of th Planning Carmission. stated the�code requires a 20 foot setback to a parking area and if they put ariother driveway in. they wouldn't have t required 20 feet between the turn- around and the street. He s.tated a other variance would be needed in order for them to provide this turn-aroun they are requesting. Mr. Qureshi, Lity Manager, stated if t y want to put in this turn-around, they would need a variance from the requ'red 20 feet to 4 feet in order for it to be accanplished. MOTION by Councilman fitzpatrick to amend t above motion by adding that a variance be granted from the required 20 fo t setback from the street to 4 feet in order to provide for n turn-around a ea. Sec�nded by Ceuncilwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote. all voting ay Mayor Nee declared the moti�n carried unanimously. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION, a1 declared the motion carried unanimously. (p) REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO REDUCE LOT AREA ed aye, and Mayor Nee TR MOTION by Councilman Barnette to concur Nith the recomnend ion of the Appeals Lonmission and grant the variance to reduce the lot reas fran 10,000 square feet to 8.909 square feet and reduce the lot widths f 75 feet to 66-1/2 feet on Lot 6. Auditor's Subdivision No. 89. Seconded Councilwoman Moses-Martin, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec red the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the Planning Comnission nutes of September 16, 1981. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice, te, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated the Council would proceed. at this time, to Item 11 on the agendn. �� RESOLUTION N0. 109=1981 CALLING FOR PUBLI '' STATUTES_L SECTION 474 _O1 SUBD. 76. ON BEh MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 109-1981, setting the public hearing for October 19. 1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-Martin. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 'L 5'L RlGULAR I+�ETING OF SfPTEMBER 28. 19B1 PAGE B MOTION by Louncilman Schneider to direct staff to renotify the people in the area thnt there will De further discussion on the rezoning request for this area at the October 19. 1981 Council meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . � RE SSIOh MIt�UTES Of MAY 6. 19ai: MOT1 Dy Councilwoman Moses-Martin to receive the minutes of the Charter Commiss'on Meeting cf May 5, 1961. Seconded Dy Councilman Schneider. Upon a ice vote. a11 voting qye. Mayor tJee declared the motion carried unanimous . �' RECEIVI��G C LE TELEVISION COMN,ISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1961: �- f� RECf1VE^ �UEST'TO�AUTH�ORI2E 5500 PAYMENT T� LEA6UE OF WOMEN MOTIOt� by Counci an Schneider to authorize payment of 5500 to the League of 4lomen Voters f r the Cable Television Canmission study and that these funds be taken fro the Cable Te7evision Comnission's budget. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatr k. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye. Mayor,Nee declared the motion rried unanimously. � -, RECEIVE C01 — AGREEMENT• APPROVE Mr. Mark Scott. represent g the Anoka County Communications Workshop, appeared before the Counci regnrding their 1982 budget request in the amount of s17,109. Mr. Scott stated the quarterl report and budget request pretty Ne11 outlines their needs fcr 1932. MOTIm; by Councilman Schneider to concur with the request of the Cable 7elevision Comnission in funding t e Anoka Lounty Lommunications Workshop in the amount of i17,109. Seconde by Councilman Barnette. UDOn a voice vote. all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl red the motion carried unanimously. i� ( J N AT OF COMMISSION TO 3�END ST CE AND THAT WLY MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve t request of the Cable Television Commissicn to send a staff perso to attend this conference. Seconded by Councilwor,an Moses-Martin. Upon voice vote, a11 voting �ye. Mayor t�ee declared the motion carried unanimo 1y. MOTION by Councilw�man Moses-Martin to receive e minutes of the Cab1e ielevision Comnission Meeting of August 13. 1981. Seconded by Countilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, al1 voting aye. Ma r Nee declared the mution carried unanimously. ;'' RECEIVING CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSIDN MINUTES OF SEP MBER MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatritk to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Comnission Meeting of September 10, 1981. S onded by CouncilR�an Schneider. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated he wished to bring to the Council's attent� n the request by the Commission to set up sub-comnittes or task forces and e1t the Council should respond. 2E ' • . 1lrY .` , , � 0 � , ; RE�ULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. iverts stated a petition was circulated over the weekend which, essen 'ally, outlined the reasons they were opposino this project, and they have we over 300 signatures and expects the total to go to at least 500. Mayor Nee ated the Council would like a report f rom staff on the issue raised regar 'ng Ordinance 555. He stated the City has no vested interest in this projec and is not taking a position one way or the other. Councilman Barnet stated he received a number of phone calls and is sensitive to the wh e issue. He felt the County's position was they are willing to listen and hings can be changed. He pointed out it is the Gounty's property. Mr. Siverts pointed out tha New Brighton,.in,considering this issue, had a very thorough public hearin where written notices were handed out to the citizens in the entire City. stated they have been informed that New Brighton considered their segmen of the County's Master Plan unacceptable, as proposed. � Mr� Siverts asked if a report fran stai re9arding Ordinance No. 555 could be on the Councit's next agenda so they uld have this information before they appear before the Watershed District. Councilman Schneider stated what he heard was willingness to meet witfi the people. County has indicated a Ms. Mary Gilbertson, 6801 Channel Road, a member o��he Concerned Residents for Environmental Quality, asked if the County is exempt form the Department of ��atural Resources requirement regarding environmenta� impact studies. She pointed out anyone who has done any work on the creek bank needed a permit, and asked if the County has to comply with the same ordinances as the property owners. •� Mr, Herrick, City Attorney, stated, in his opinion, the County \would have to obtain permits for work in public waters, the same as a private citizen, but would be happy to look at the various statutes and ordinances, and prefer to wait until next week to give a definite answer. Mayor Nee felt a report could be obtained from the staff by the next Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1 RE-OPENING OF A PUBLIC HEARIN6 ON REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #80-02, TO REZONE FROM R-3 TO CR-1, 1001 HILLWI��D F.OAD, TED BURANDT, dba: SWING REALTY: Councilman Schneider stated one of the surrounding property owners wished to comment on this item, however, they had to leave for a meeting in Coon Rapids and indicated ti�ey would be back as soo� as possible, thereforc+, he requested this item be tabled for another half hour. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table consideration of this rezoning item for one half hour. Seconded by Counciltivoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. \ . • �G+ CONTIi�UED PUDLIC HEARING 0�� EST ; MOORE LAKE Rf{3EVELOPhtENT AREA� � AND /; RESOLUTION #56-1981 Of TH -�IY � �NCREMENT PLAN al Of THE MOORE � . AND � nrrrivtur_ DCTiTTl1�1 rin o_ ieo, o P1ENT OF•A TAX INCF UED FR0�1 fMRCH 30, IL Of FRIDLEY, MIN EDEVELOPf�1E(�T AREA: IPlG CITY P IN A APPROVING TAX Mayor Nee requested the Council recc�ve the petition requesting the Cii�j purchase porperty in the area north of Hillwind Drive, east of Polk, and west of Fillmore for park purposes. 0 2F � � -----,---- --- -- ---- - -- _ . ___ _ __ ` � RE6ULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 1981 PAGE 8 0 i � �) �RE-OPENING OF A PUBLIC HEARI��G ON REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �QO-02 TO REZONE FROM R-3 TO CR-1, 1001 HILLWIt�D ROAD, TED BURAt�DT, dba: SWING REALITY: 1�� 2 G MOTION by Councilman Barnette to reopen the public hearing on this rezoning • request. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice v�te, all voting ' aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, and the public hearing opened at 10:10 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property in question is tocated �just �ff Hillwind Road in the area of Polk Street and Lynde Drive. He stated I_� the request is to rezone the parcel from R-3 to CR-1. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Lommission recommended approval, with the stipulation that the existing structure be torn down, and a building constructed for comnercialpurposes and that fencing be installed. Mr. Burandt, the petitioner, stated his intent is to retain and update the existing structure and the reason for this is the tight financing. He stated now that this area has been approved for tax increment financing, it appears there would be more favorable terms to putting up a new st+-ucture. He stated, if it is objectionable to remodeling the existing structur�, perhaps some type of time limit could be placed on it to allow,ttier:i to remodel now and use it and to wait for financing. , Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated with this property coming under the tax increment district and under the jurisdicti.on of the HRA, they could move to acquire the property either by purchase or condemnation. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt there are several questions and one is if there is a need for an office building in that area and if that is the proper use of the land. He stated the house being used now for an office, south of this property, was a model home and that is how the structure got there in the first place. He felt, if there is a need for an office building, then � it shuuld be constructed as a corrmerical building. L � Mr. Qureshi stated Mr. Burandt could fix up the structure and rent it as a residential home if he isn't willing to build a comnercial structure at this time. Councilwoman hb ses sskedif the property were to remain as R-3, how many units could be constructed on it. Mr. Qureshi stated the property would accorrmodate about ten units. Councilwoman F'�srs pointed out the Planninq Commission determined it would be better suited for commercial use. Councilman Schneider stated the pattern has been set where there are other offices in the area a�d the Tand has been rezoned. He siated they do have a traffic problem in this area and ten units would probably create more problems than an office building. Councilman Schneider stated if he was to act in favor of the rezoning it would be contingent on removal of the existing structure. Mrs, Fassett stated in Tax Increment Plan 1 it states it is the intent of the HRA to acquire this property and remove a substandard structure. She stated Mr. Burandt kr�ows the HRA will buy it fran him for $56,000. �' Councilman Schneider stated the HRA would not acquire the land, untess they - have reasonable assurances someone would develop it. T } i I ti ��o � 1 _ i 1 I �' REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4, 1981 PAGE 9 Mrs. Fassett pointed out that this week Mr. Burandt can develop the property because he is going to get help • which he couldn't do last week. She felt if Mr. Burandt didn't get the rezoning, the HRA would acquire it and have the rezoning anyway. Mrs. Fassett stated she didn't object to a smail office building, but would question whether ten units on the parcel wouldn't add less traffic than an office builc:ing. She felt the dwelling units would fit better into the area than an office building. I,rs. 9ancy Jorgenson, 5730 Polk Street, stated she felt the existing structure should be removed and it would be to Mr. Burandt's benefit to re�nove it, as long as this area is in a tax increment district. Mr. Burandt stated he would like to take the building down, if it is economically feasible. Mrs. Karyn Prois, 1060 Lynde Drive, asked that the Council be responsible to the neighborliood and take a stand now and not let the structure remain on the assumption it will be removed. �, MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing on this rezoning request. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10:40 p. m. The Council then proceeded to Item il on the agenda regarding the tomnunity recreation building needs assessment canmittee final report. 1 �. RECEIVING ATION Dr. Boudreau, ctor of Parks and Recreation, introduced Mr. Jack Hansen, Co-Chairman of th Corrmunity Recreation P�eeds Assessment Camittee. Mr. Hansen stated the o�nittee's report has been presented to the Council and the Committee vote n February 26, 1981 in favor of constructing a community recreation bui ing by a vote of 11 in favor,'1 against, and 2 abstention. Mr. Hansen stated the Com,iitte lso made the following motions: (1) That the Parks and Recreation Comniss recommended to the Council that before a building is built, the City Coun '1 advise the community of the results of the report via the Sun Newspaper and ther media; (2) That the Parks and Recreation Commission recomnend to the ouncil that before a building is built, the City Council go to a referend vote of the people; and (3) That the Parks and Recreation Commission recomm d to the Council that before a building is built, the City Council discuss 'th School District 14 any alternative sites or facilities that could be ed or developed. Mr. Hansen stated, in regard to Item 1, there has en an article by Ruth Du�n in the Sun Newspaper and he had one interview w h Barb Hughes on Cable Television. He further stated, in regard to Ite 3, this motion came �� about from those on the Committee who felt school distri facilities could be used. He stated the majority of the Committee members lt this wasn't feas�Ale, hcwever, the Council should check into it further r verification. Mr.'Hansen stated the Comnittee also recommended the building i lude three multi- pur�bs��3ymnasiums, a multi-purpose auditorium within the st cture, and an indoor, scaled down pool. Mr. Hansen stated copies of the minutes of all the Comnittee meetings a attached for the Councit's reference. He explained the concensus of opin n Nas the building could be built for approximately 54,000,000. � �� 0 .� 1 � THE MINUTES Of THE REGULAR MEE?:��G QF THE �RIDLEY CITY COUtJCIL OF SEPTEM[iER 22, 19d0 e Regular M.eeting of the Fridley Cit.y Cou��cit was ca?led to order at �0 p.u:. by Mayor Nee. PLEDDE Qf ALLE�IAt10E: Mayor N led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Alleoiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: ME�•13EPS PR �NT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Qarnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilwcman fdoses and Councilroan.fitzpatrick F1E146ERS ABSENT?� Hone APPROVAL Of MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING. SEP ER 8. 19E0: MOTIO� by Council�:oma� +loses approve the �!inutes aS�submitte6. Second=d by Councilrran Schneider. Upon voice vote, all voting aye, l�layor ti2e de- clared the �rotion carried unamm sly. PUBLIC HE_ARING McETI(�Gt SEPTEf•'IH�R t10TI0N by Councilman Schneider to apprdye the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vuice v�e, all vo:ing aye, Nayor Nee de- r,lared the motion carried unanimously. � ADOPTIOi� OF 4^�P�DA: t•tOTIO�J by C;.unciliaan Barnette to consider Iter� subsectior, 6, regarding Ene�rgy Week, as the first item of New Business. c�rded by Ccunciln�an Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, May Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. P�CTIa� by Cour�cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda wi� the above zmend- ment. Secorded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vo , all vu�ing aye, Mayor tdee declared the motion carried unaniinously. OPEN fORUt4, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience under this item �f busine . PU6LIC HEARI��i>S: COyTINUED PUELIC HE�1RltSG dN REZ01dI��G REf��G , 7_OF =�E�0�-0�2�� �T REZt1�aE fR01" R-3 T(1 f.R-]_ 10(l7 H1�Lk�iV� ROAL TEG I3UF':.S��DT. ';�1�III�1ti��lY: Mayor Nee reopened the public hearing on this rezoning request yrt�ich had L•eer. continued from the Septer:�ber 15, 1900 Council r�eeting. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director� stated the petitioner, Mr. Burnandt, was notified to be present. ha•rever, he was not in attendance at tiiis tir�e. Council�an Schneider fe1L it was unfair to the public to have the �ublic hearing withuut the petitioner appearing. F'r. Roger Fassett, lOCl Lynde Drive, was present regardir.g this item of busin�ss and was in ayreement to table this request until E p. m. in case lir. Burnandt would arrive. .; 2I 2=� � 2J REGULAR MEEiJ��G OF SEPTEf!L'tk ��, ]9E0 PA6E 2 P10TION by Councilman Schncider to table this rezo�ing request to 8 p. m. SecondeC by Ceuncilman Fitzpa±rick. L'pon a voice vcte, all voiiny aye, Mayor �ze declared the mot�on carried ur.animously. GlIC N�ARIN6 OPJ THE FINAL ASSESSM[hT ROL: FOR THE 198� WATER A��D SEWf.R . M t;S, LA?ERAI.� �4trD SER'.'IC� CO�i:'�Ei.T10'JS: MQT1 'J by Louncilwornan Moses to waive the readiny of the public hearing notic_ and open th2 public hearina. Secor.ded by Counci;man Schneic+er. Upo� a oice vote, all voting aye, hlayor t;•�e declared the �r�otion -arried unai�imou ly and the public hearing cpened at 7:25 p. m. ' Mr. Qureshi City �lanager, stated this hearing is for Lhe final assessment roll tor the 9E0 service connections and involves those properties which have connecte on to City kater or sewer a:�d have never paid a iateral � charge. He si 'ed, when building permits r�ei�e issued, agreements were signed to the e ct tha*. these charges wo:�ld be paid. He explained the hearing process i necessary in order to put these charges on the assess- ment roll. Mr. Howard Crabtree, 00 River��ier! Terrace, raisec+ a yuestion on his assess- ment for ! ot 3, 61ock Marien's Terrace Additior�. He �tate� it v�as his understanding he would b given credit because of the extra 3ong r�n of 290 feet. He stated a cr it af $1,000 was allowed against this assessment, but feit he was being gi��e anly a partial credit and requested Council �o�:- sider a full credit. , -� . Mr. Q�i�-e�hi, City h�anager, stai�,d staff did prcvide Mr. Crabtree with in- formation regarding his assessme'�t, however, ii' Council desires further in- fo:mation they would checl: into tl��s iter, turther and report bcck. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to �lose the public hP;ring. Seconded by CouncilTan Schncider. Upon a voice vbie, all voting ave, Mayor Nee declared the rot�on Carried unanimcusly and the ��blic hearing closed at 7:'s' p.m. FUBLIC H:ARIY6 OtJ THF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOft'rTHE TREATPIENT AND REt•�OVAL OF T��rc-T.�un�-- — T---- MOTION by Counciiman Schneider to waive the r diny of the public hearinc notice and open the �ublic hearing. Seconded Council�an Barnette. Upor a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor N2e declare the motion carried unani- mously and the public i;ear:ng o�ened at 7:37 p.m.� Mr. Qureshi, City i•tanayer, stat?d this hearing is f� the puryose of assess- ing the reu�ovaT of trees on nr•operties in the Lity. fie stated property a•�ners were �otified of the hearing and the costs inve�`?�yed and there was no objections. � No persons in the audience spoke reoarding this proposed a�sessm�nt. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Sitconded by Councilman Schneider. U;�on a voice vote, ali voting aye, P1ayoP�hee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at��:42 p.m. NEk� at�Ir�ESS: IV:�+G ENERGY CU�a�a15SlUr� NtN,iTES, AUG�!ST 26, 198� ITE�4 - COy tNtY.GI_WttK: F10TIOJJ by Councilman 3arnette that the City proclair� the wee'r, of Septer,�ber '8 thro�gh October 4, i9�0 as �ridley Energy Wec:k. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upen a��oice vote, all votir�g aye, Flayor Nee declared the rwtio� carried una��i�;�ously. - �.�-_���..:�-,�- . _ . _ --__ - - � 2 K s �: :' `� �' `''� REGULAR P'�EETING OF SEP7Eh1BER 22, 1980 PNGE 4 ' IDERATIOP� OF FIRS7 READIP�G OF A�W ORD1P�ArJCE ADOPTIftG THE BUUGFT FOR fISCA � 1981: �� Ptr. Qureshi, City , stated this ordinance reflects the nemo to the Council, as per their ins 'ons, so there has been soTe chan9e, however, the total is the saur�e. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the re and approve the • ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman ette. llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion c unanimously. ' CONTINUED PUBLIC NEARIP�G OiJ REZOidIPlG REQUEST, ZOA rE0-02 TO REZO�}E FROi4 � R-3 TO CR-1, 1001 HILLWIND ROAb, TED BURPdAi�DT, D3A:'S.JIP�G P.El1LTY: . At 8:00 p.m.,.the Council again considered this rezoning request. Since Mr. Burnandt was not in attendance at the meetin9, the City Atturen� ad- � vised the hearing could be closed and the matter of the rezoning taken � under advisement by the Council. � Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, felt favorable consi�eration;should not be � � yiven on this rezoning request until the petitioner has fully discussed his plans with both the staff and neighboring property a•mers. He stated ! the Council may not necessarily make approval completely dependent on -, � whether neighboring property owners are in agreement with the plans, but there should at least be a discussibr� and a report back to the Councii. Mr. Fassett, 1001 Lynde Drive, stated he was curious as to the type of building that rrould be constructed. i MOTION by Councilman 5chneider to close the public hearing on rezoning reqi�est 'LOA n80-02, and direct the administration to contact the petitioner anG have him indicate to staff and the r.?ic;hboring preperty o�rrners what his plans are for this property. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. � lir. Dick Harris, Chairrr,an of the Planr.ing Co��nission, stated there had been � Some talk of remodeling the existing structure on this proaerty or if that wasn't feasible, to tear da�rn the existing structure and rebuild it. � UPaV A VOICE VOTE TAKEN 0�1 THE ABOVE t40T10N, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:05 p.m. IVING THE PLANPlING COPitdISSIOt� htINUTES OF SEPTEM,BER 10, 19E0: i SIDERATION OF VltCAT10�1 REQUEST, SAV 1�0-07, PETITIOi� =7-1480 TO ' ' VAC ^ ALLEY EASEFIENT, 4300 ELOCK BETbJEE�� P1�rAIi! STR�ET �+'iD 2�1? S�R%�T: MOT10N by Counci Fitzpatrick to spt the public hea��ing on this vacation request for• October 1980. Seconded by Councilwoman Floses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, r Nee declared the motion carri�d unanin�ously. CONSIpERATION OF VACA y RE UEST, SAV '-`$0-�8, TO VACA7E UTILITY a1Q --g------- � pRAlidAG� EAS[t•tENT IN UACH 5%-1/2 AVEP�U�, 5750 - sR0 STRtET, cni.iriori �rninv. MOTIO�� by Councilman Barnette to set the lic hearing on this vacation request for October 20, 1980. Seconded by C c�lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Wee declared Rotion carried �nanimously. ' REOLIEST FROht PARK CONSTRUCTION TO PARY, R�CP,EATT9�VEHICLE_ TRAILERS A Flayor Nee stated the Planning Comnission has recommended approv of this request with certain stip�lations. . � /� l • ( ! 'L3U THE MINUTES OF SHE PUBIIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1980 Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order ,�38 p. m. by M�yor Nee. EG Mayor Nee led e Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: � � . MEMBERS PRESENT: Counc an Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Mayor Nee� Councilm Schneider a�d Councilman Barnette MEMBEP.S ABSENT: None ADOPT?ON OF AGENDA: The following items were added: "Discussion ef L nsing of Multipte D�•:ellings that Haven't Complied with the City Ordina s" and "Receiving Letter- from Islands of Peace Foundation, Alex Barna, Pr 'dertt". MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the ove addi- tions. Seconded by Councitman ScfineidQr. Upon a voice vote, a oting aye, Nayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: �_ . _ ZOA �80- �1 � MOTION by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open.the public t�eariny. SEC;,,:��d by Councilr�n Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma�or Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:40 p. m. Mr. Mark Burch stated Mr. Burnandt was requesting rezoning for the property at 1001 Hillwind Road from R-3 to CR-1. He stated the property is presently being used for rental property and the applicant would like to tear down this structure and construct a new building to be used for offices. He further stated a screening fence would also have to be provided. Mayor Nee stated the Planning Commission has recorrmended approval of the rezoning, however, there was some question regarding the use of the land for comnercial as opposed to residEntiat. Councilman Schneider stated the Planning Commission minutes indicated Mr. Burnandt may want to use the existing building. t4r. Burch stated, if Mr. Burnandt used the existing structure. he would tave ta bring the building up to code. Mr. Roger Fassett, 1001 Lynde Drive, questioned if this was going to be an office buiiding and if it would be one or two stories. wayor Nee stated, at this point, they have no knowledge of the type of building to be constructed. Councilman Schneider stated he had several concerns and wished the petitioner was present tliis evening to answer some questions. Mr. Fassett stated he 4idn': have any particular concerns as there are already real estate offices, he didn't have a probTem with the rezoning. He indicated, ha•re��er, he would like to know what type of buildin9 they would be constructing in.terms of effice space. 2L k*=-�; � PUBLIC HfAR1NG OF SEPTEMBER 15. 1980 PAGE 2 2 M MOTION by Councilman 5chneider to continue this public hearing to the ne�ct meeti�g and notify the petitioner to be preser.t. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tl�e motion carried unanimously. �80-^3 TO RE20NE t�iJ7I0N Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice a open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vo , all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the pub 'c hearing opened at 7:47 p. m. Mr. Burch stat Mr. Christensen presently operates an au±o body shop at 5501 E�st River Road s a non=conforming use and is, therefore. requesting rezoning of Lots 21 throu 24 to C-2. , Mr. Burch stated th� discussion, their re to leave Lots 22,.23, parcels. item was before the P�lanning Commission and after pmendation was to r one Lot 21 from CR-1 to C-2 and I1nd 24 as R-2 and �nt a special use permit on these Mr. Christensen, the appli nt, state since the Planning �omnission did not wish to rezone all the four ots �to L 2, the alternate they reco�enend would allow him to expand his buil g, bu not increase the size of the C-2 zoning. He stated this would be accept le o him. Councilman Barnette asked Mr. Ch tensen if he needed the lot next to Lot 21 in order to expand his business. Christensen stated his buildiag is now on the back let line, therefore, e ould need the other lot in order to expand. Councilwoman Moses asked if thi p�o;.:. ,1 was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Christensen stat d it was iscussed as a possible alternate proposal, however, they didn't come up th that as solution. Mr. Christensen stated, on t be feasible to put in a nice unless he could add more to he proposes is 20 x 60 feet� feet. Ne presented a drawij� completed. ( �e lot he wants o use for parking, it wouidn't lot with curbing screening anC landscaping, is building. Mr, hristensen stated the addition hich would make a t tal builc+ina size of b0 x 60 � showing ho►r the bui�l,�ing would look when it was Councilwoman Moses asked trow much of the sscond lot w ld be built on. Mr. Christensen stated he wou1d use approximately one-hsif f that lot. F;e �lso stated there would be 110j 115 feet for par•king which wo� d be more than aJequate For his business. Councilwoman Moses quest�oned his hours of operat�on. Mr. his hours would be from a. m. to 5:30 p m. Councilwoman Moses aisolasked about the bikeway/walkway easeme stated he didn't see a�roblem with providing this easement th stensen stated Mr. Christensen the landscaping. Mr. Hanheuveln, 6979 �ckory Drive, stated he has iived in this area for the past six years and fias dri en past this property and seeri it at it's worse He stated, since Mr. Christensen took over the business, there has been a marked �^rovemert with the area cleaned and the building fixed. Mrs. Langer, 6530 Nickory Street, stated she is hone most of the day and o in her yard and has never heard any noise or snelled any fumes from Mr. Chris`e �,en's business. She felt, si�ce Ftr. Christensen has taken over this business, it h 2 �1 pLANNII�G COMMISSION . PiEETII3G JULY 9, ].980 PAGE 1. I � - - .«.. - .r..f.....-r...- _....��..-.--�.,.�---- ��TO ORUER• irman Harr.is called tbe July 9, 1980, Planning Cor�nissi�n meeting to order at 7. .�►• � ROLi� CA.L : Members Present: Mr. arris., Mr. iangenfeld, Mzs. Gabel (for Schz►abel) Mr. Wharton, Mrs. Hughe Members Absent: Mr. Treuenfe, Mr.. Oquist • Others Presenti: Jerrold' Boardman, Ci1�3�`anner. APPP.OVE PLl:'.�tl�'ING CO"'L'IISSION MIr'UTES : JUJ�'E 1SL 1980. _ ____.:,........---.. --- - — � — . Motion by Mr. I.angenfeld, seconded by Mxs. Hughes to ap�xove June 18, 1980 planning Com�1ission minutes �s written (or amende3). Upon a voic •ote, all voting aye, Chairmsn Harris declared the motionVcaxrieci unanimousl.y. 1. PUBLIC HEARIN^� ��7�NING RE UF;ST ZOA � 8��02 �BY Ti'�:D BL�Y.l�A�'VUl . ri a%� ;�,�Ty � '.,' ,�. art of Lot 3 A. . � arcel 1100, fron R-3 (genera�. S�dIi�G _�„^_� ..e. une P the' s�me beii.g multip7-e family awellings to CR-1 (general offi.ce snd li�ite1 business), 921 Hillwind Road N. E. Mr. Ted Burnandt, the petitioner was present. � Motion by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Pir� Langenfeld, that the Planr.ing CoL-�:ission open the public heari.slg on rezoning requeFt ZOA ��80-02, b;� �ed Burnandt. Upon a voice vote, all voting a3Te, Chairman Harris decl2red Lhe public hearino open at 7:37 p.m. . -_ Mr. Board�an stated thEt Mr. �Burnandtwas requesting rezoning on the huuse south • of the neighboring property. iie �aants CR-1 resoning. There is a parlcing a'Lea located in front of the pxoperty. The �lot area wit-h tt�is lot is 25, Oo5 sq. ft. and t�,e required lot area is 15,000 sq. ft. Mr. Harris asked if the petitioner had anytl�ing T.o add to t1�e discussion. Tir. Burnant stated that his intent was to either use the existing structurz or tear it down and bui].d a new structure. Iie had not determined k�hicl� would Le the best for him as yet. Mr. Boardman stated that Darrel �lark, Building In�Pec�.or, had recom�+encled that the existing str��cture be taken do�an as it is in poor cor_dita.on. If he uses Lh� existing ouse, ie wi ave to �ing t e structure up to code. rir. Burnant saiu that he wotild like to keep that option open as it is presently bei.ng xented as a residential unit. ?is. Hu�hes stated that �l�e had sor,:e real conc�rn a��uut rer.�oving rotential resi�ential land. She aslced tir. Boardman ho�a man units could be p].aced on the prvperty. Mr. Boardman'ans�•�ered that by land area, they. k•ould be able to bui].d approxin�ately 10 units, ho�aever, this would probahly be reduced duc to low width and parking requiremcnts. � . � 20 Mr. I.�n ,�nfeld stated tt�at }Le dian't have any problrc� with rezoning tt�e property sincE the property just to the scuth was al.so CcZ-1 �zonirsg. T.his wauld not constitute spot rezoning. • Mr. Ro�rdman state3 that if the Fiannin� Coi:miissiou approved this request, Dir.. • BurnanciC shoulci t,e aware oi the requirements of CR-1 zong adjacent to 3_..resideritial district. � • � • Mr. Buxnl�zdt stated that he had a copy of th� zoning regul3tions. Mr. Boa;-dman said that a screenin� fence would be rec�ired when the property i� converted. 7�w.�u�1 �.iw�.+�s.������rer�w��w■ �� � - Mr. Bur�iandt stated tha� this was not a requi.r.ement when he rezoned the property to the So;ith. lie said that the Council all.owed him to build witho+it the £ence because the property owners to the ]�orth said he didn't want tt�e fence built. The,property manager of 910 L}�nde Drive, (just north of the petitianer's property) stated that she was concerned abont the property being rezoned to commercial She has tenants which face this property and if a sczeening fence was put up it will mean that soA� of lier tenants o•ill be looking at a wall. N'k. Board�ar. said thst the paricing wouldmost 3ikely be locat�Ed in the front of the buildin� and mtiy c�use soule pr.ublems for the tenants fo the north. •M�tio� by Ttr�. Hughes, �econded b,y M�S� Gc��+Rl that the Plal�ning Co�r.�issi�n c3�se the g�biic he�,r.iag on rc:zonirg xequest ZOi� �` 80-02, by Te3 Bur:�andt. Upon s veice vote, a7.1 vot���g tz3*e, Chai2:,an Hrj,rris declared the public hearing cl.osed at 7:50 p.a,. MOTIG\ BY MS. HLi�c3E5, SECCT�DLD BY I��. I..�NGEI:%i:LD, THAT THE P:sAi�NIPIG CGMI:ISSIO:� � FcECO?�?-ii:N� TO C�TY CGUP+CIL APPROVAL OF REGONIIvG F.r;tjllE5T, ZOA r'.'80-U2, 23Y 1ED L'U^..tiAi:''Ji, D/j3/!� St��ING R�ALTY, TO Rt �Oi�E °ART OF LOx 3. ACDITQR' S' SUBDZVISIUN N0. 25, (PARCr�L 1100), 'r'RO:i R-3 (rriiltiple fani.ly dc�elling�) TO CR-1 (general office and li,-�ited business) TkIE SA�•,"r'. ��ii�G 97.1 1?ILL�•7IND �OAD PI.E. t1PCN A. VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTII�G AYE� CH!�IFMAN li/'.1'.i:IS D�C�RED 1`:ir t,OTIOI� CP�.�:IED iJNl�iIiiO'JSLY_..,. : � t T T T t- � v± i JL . l't,li1��.0 liE.1.'tLrG: F•F.��E�i FUR A SPF;�,�L-L'�S.� �PF�2�iT,� SP ;�in*•OG $1 J��0;�7�'�C�iIiISTi.2�5t�Iv: .. _ _�.�,�....�.. ,.._..._.�__„-_ Fex .��ti on �?.C�.S]. 2, �:., ot t:he�l'rid"Le:y City Code, �to &llow �he construetion of s seco;�:i ��- sso� builc�i�S, �: 30 ft., by 2� ft, detache� gara�,a, on Lots 10 �nd 11, Bluck 1;, 5y�• .� t.ill Pl�t Three, the eame being 6250 St�rlite Blvd. N.E. r:x. J�.rom� C?�ris -�O?'ir the petitior,er. w�� present. r:0'iIOi; �v ��. Langerifeld, ::FCOna y As. tihar�on, that the Plannin� Ccn�ission opE�n the gublic hearin� on the requcst fo Spec.ial Use Per�it, SP 180-06, by J��rome Chrisi-e�lson. Ltpon a vo3ce vote, all ��ut: aye, Ctisi•rmrn Harris declared the p�iUlic liaaring open at 8:.02 p.m. pir. Soardman �tated that ti�e p�titioner is interested in .' �:�ng a 26 ft. x 30 ft. garage on lot 11, an� he cciii use it as a stc�rag.e g�rage. rir. rdman stated that ttie st:�f£ want5 to tie t',e two 75 ft. lot� t��p,ether. Lots ]0 a:�d �gether �TOUld ma.:e a 150 f.t. lot. Tl�e special-use peimit is for a 2nd �i�cessor. �ilding. Thc on].� way he can. buil� tl�c ,;ara�c is f.o: t�e lot t-o be lega� ly tie� to�e Zt iy thc pciitior.er's i�.r.c .L Lo b�,i.l.d tl�e �arag� i:ow, _�,..<.- • t.: -. , 3 a�� �. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF Tf3E CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MARING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISl'RICTS. The Council of the City of Fridley do ordai.n as follows: S�3C.TION l. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SDCTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Block A, Registered Land Survey No. 78, located in the South Half of Section 11, 7�30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. • Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-2 (general business areas). S�CTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District M-2 (heavy industrial areas� to C-2 (general business areas). PASSID AT�ID ADO�TID BY � CITY OF FRIDLEY �IS DAY (.� , 1981. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATPF�T: SIDNEY C. INN1�N - CITY CLFRK Public Aearing: October 19, 1981 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: ZOA #81-04 � PLANNING CON9�9ISSION MEE7ING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 2 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING RE UEST, ZOA #81-04, Y MARK HAGGERTY:-� Rezone-. oc , R.L.S. 8. from -2 he indus " areas , to C-2 (general business areas), to allow the constru on of a commercial office building, located in the South Half of Section 11, the same being 350 73rd Avenue N.E. 1NOTION BY 1►�t. SVANDA, SECONDED 9Y MS. GABEL, TO OPEN TNE PUBLIC XEARING ON ZOA M81-04 BY 1HARK XAGGERTY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN BARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC AEARING OPEN AT 7:44 P.M. Mr. Deblon stated that Staff has looked at this design from a land use standpoint, and Staff does not have any problem with the rezoning. Staff feels this type of use is better than what could be built under M-2. Mr. Deblon stated the overall site plan had some problems with the traffic flaw and accessibility because of the nature of the drive-in type bank. He handed out a design that Staff felt was a more proper design for the site for traffic patterns, etc. Ne stated the petitioner's initial proposal has only one driveway, and Staff felt there would be a lot of congestion because of the ingress and egress of the auto bank. Staff felt it would be better to turn the building to faee the frontage road and then have three driveways with a separate driveway for the auto bank traffic to exit out onto the service road. Mr. Haggerty, 6431 University Ave. N.E., stated this request is in his name. In this juncture, they have a tenant who has already approved the site and the laca- tian. This is a bank in the area, but the bank would prefer to remain nameless at this time. The other tenant will most likely be his law firm which will relacate in this building. He stated those are the two main anchor tenants. Mr. Haggerty stated they had no objection to Staff's groposal to the three entrances or to the switching of the bank building 45 . They would like to retain as many parking spaces as possible and the flexibility to go three stor=es, pro- vided they retain the same ratio of parking per square foot as in their initial request. He stated it is possible they will be breaking ground this year if things go smoothly and they can put the rest of the package together. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Haggerty if he had any elevations of the proposed building. Mr. Haggerty stated he did not at this time. He stated they were waiting for some feedback from Staff in order to take the changes back to their architect. The primary problem is traffic flow and now that they have a feel for what Staff wants, they can work on that. He stated another consideration with the three stories is that they may have some soil problems that will not support three stories. 7hey have been told this by the City Engineering Dept. 3A � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Haggerty stated the main thing right aow is the rezoning, and they are asking for the flexibility on the rezoning to go from two stories to three stories and still stay within the same parking ratio with this plan so they come within the City guidelines. Mr. Erland Thor, 7325 University Ave. N.E., stated he owns one of the double bungaloes and is concerned about the traffic flow that will be coming onto 73rd Ave. It is bad enough now going around the service road and getting onto 73rd. Mrs. Erland Thor stated the main problem is University Ave. She stated there are no left turn lanes on 73rd crossing Univ. Ave. She works at Minco and now with the �ew Paco office building, the.traffic coming out,•of there is terrible, and there have been a lot of accidents. Mr. Thor stated that with more traffic from the new bank and office, there is going to be total chaos. Mr. Harris stated the traffic from the bank could either exit onto University or it could take the service road past the ice arena to 69th Ave. Mr. Haggerty stated that one thing Staff considered is that by turning the building around, there may be a lot of people going out the other direction so it may be splitting the traffic up in both directions. Mr. Harris stated that one thing he did not like about Staff's configuration is that on business days, they are going to have a problem with stacking on the frontage road to get onto 73rd. His concern was with the short distance from the nartherly driveway to the intersection. Ms. Gabel suggested that the northerly driveway be an entrance only. Mr. Haggerty stated he could see no problem with that. The second driveway could be both an entrance and exit, and the southerly driveway could be an exit only. Mr. Svanda stated it seemed to him that the traffic flow in Staff's plan is just going to be a mess. In fact, he might not even bank there because of it. He suggested that they go back to the petitioner's original plan for the building, but that the traffic flow be reversed so that the traffic flow to the auto bank is not going through the parking lot. Mr. Naggerty stated that it may work out best to bring the traffic in the northerly driveway and through the auto bank. The auto bank traffic would not come through the parking lot, and then all the traffic would exit out the southerly driveway. The northerly driveway could be an entrance only. They may even be able to add some more parking. Mr. Harris stated that Mr. Haggerty should check with the County to see if the County has any plans for a left turn lane at 73rd and University. With the ice arena, the City Garage, the park, and now this building, a lot of traffic wi11 be generated in this area. 3G PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 4 1NOTION BY 1bR. SABA, SECONDED BY AQ2. OpUIST, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XEARSNG ON ZOA 1181-04 BY MARK BAGGERTY. � ' UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HAR,RIS DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT B:38 P.M. • Mr. Harris stated he had one basic problem. The Planning Commission is being asked to rezone this property on faith without a guarantee that this structure will be built on this property. He felt the office building and the bank will be an asset to the City of Fridley. He stated the problem is (and it has happened before) that after a property is rezoned, for one reason or another, the proposal isn't carried through and then there is a parcel of land that is rezoned for a multitude of other uses that may not be as desirable on that particular piece of land. Mr. Haggerty stated there should be a stipulation made that states that the rezoning is contingent on the building of an office building on this site and that the rezoning will not be approved until the building permit is pulled. 1HOTION BX 1►II2. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TD CITY COUNCZL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST� ZOA llBZ-04� BY MARK XAGGERTY TO RE20NE BLOCK A, R.L.S. �178� FROM M-2 (XEAVY INDUSTRIAL AREAS)� TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS AREAS)� �TO ALLOW THE COIVSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDING� LOCATED IN THE SOUTH XALF OF SECTION 11, THE SAME BEING 350 - 73RD AVENUE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. THAT TXE OFFICE BUILDING PROPOSED BY l�2. HAGGERTY BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE PROPERTY, AND 2HAT THE REZONING NOT BE APPROVED UNTIL TXE BUILDING PERINIT IS PULLEDj 2. TXAT THE TRAFFIC FLOW BE WORKED OUT AS DISCUSSED WITX THE STRUCTURE TO BE POSITIONED PER 1►gt. HAGGERTY'S BUILDING PLAN WITH TNE NORTXERLY DRIVEWAY TO BE AN ENTRANCE ONLY AND THE SOUTHERLY DRiVEWAY TO BE AN EXIT ONLY. IF THIS IS NDT PO5SIBLE, THEN STAFF`S PROPOSAL SHOULD BE WORKED OUT. Mr. Harris stated that three stories is allowed by the zoning code and it will be tied in with the building permit. Mr. Svanda stated he liked Mr. Haggerty's proposal as the motion stated with the one entrance and the one exit, and he did not like Staff's proposal because of the traffic patterns. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated that ZOA #81-04 will go to City Council on September 28 for setting the public hearing. The public hearing at City Co�ncil will be on Oct. 19. / , N % � 1 � 1 •NOIIA CQ NEM�1 ►IN C0. � �� i ' MNME�10U5 �� ZOA #81-04 350 - 73rd Ave. Mark Haggerty ,LGICAT/O11/ SVMNG L�KE �Y11( � ..n.��..,w � ;p..,o. �..� : �..ss >;;�:,.�,: ���,,..,o � � ��� � � s::.�.�<<:: � `` � �-�.,c�; �:�-_. � . � ����- �-�� :,...��. �—,; COLUMBi� � � MEiGMTS STREET MA.P-CITY OF FRI DLEY 0 3s333 6,66� � ) L i G� ���� f �81-04 - 73rd Ave. ; Haggerty REZONE Feon,� IKousTe�sL ro COMMEQCIAf. TO ALLOW i'1-tE CON5T2D!CTIOw1 oF AN o�FticE aw� - , � j = ..�R #81=04 . ;,� . � � ' . -' 350 -- 73rd.- Ave. � � ,- . , . - � . , '' . . �rk Haggerty . - � - - ,, . _ � : `_ _ . . . , : . '. : _ �. . _ � � �?3RD AVE �� -- - � - . �e�a.�. - :.. � - � .::� u� . � � - _ . _ . - -- - -. - � � ` :86 PARKING. SPACE� - " a t - - � _ , �-� � - � - - ;- Q � � ��� � � W� . . � - � '. - : . . : �j,/ � _ _ " . � .,_ _ '� � � � 1 `�'�`� - . � - _ - .. o ..._.,_ .,. . . , PROPOSED'�bFFiCE� ` � �: � �� � - BANK -. ._ 2 S1i0R{ES � ' - - - f/ t� 9,500 sq R / � __ � � , � - o - - �� � � - _-_--�_ � 34 ' � _ . ,. 5 � ; � . .. . . T�_ ---� , i � � � � S' , � i � � �= � : POND - - - �, _ �. . - ✓' �6 . _ � � � . - �� ; • � - . 3F� , � � � � Alternate _ ZOA— #8� 04 � • � � r. = `' 350 - 73rd Ave. Mark Haggerty 73RD AYE J����11 ����a.� 1��J _� .I�� 1 r i.��� �- --86 � PARKING SPACES. � � \�` \� � \ � ' (�'1 . _ .� \' � �; . . 4. � ' , - — -. . a'f ► . {�' �.. ' 1 / . , , � ..V,� � , � . � ' e � � ��f�. r - � 3 � ti. . ; I �I- �_�_ � �� - JQ O � V Q / . � ,, 4 �� :,� �,,. . �� ,. AN ORDINANCE UrIDIIt SEGTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER + � VA('ATE STRE�'PS AI�ID ALLEYS ArID TO AMEND APPENDIX C � OF Z4iE CITY OODE T�e Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follaws: SDCTION 1. For the vacation of street right-of-way, described as follvws: 66th Avenue Northeast, between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane Northeast as platted in Alice Addition and Don's 2nd Addition, all located in the South Ha1f of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, Gounty of Anoka, Minnesota. Be and is hereby vacated except that ��he City of Fridley retains easeznents for drainage and utility purposes. SFX.TION 2. The said vacation has been made in confor�mance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. PASSID ArID AD�TID BY � CITY OF FRIDLEY �IIS L1�Y OF , 1981. WILLTAM J. NEE - MAYQR ATI'F�'T: SIDNEY C. II�N - CITY CLF.RK Public Hearing: October 19, 1981 First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: SAV #81-03 � SAV #81-03 Pet. #9-1981 66th Avenue CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITIUN CUVER SHEET Qeti�io+� N.�, 9-1981 Date Received September 8, 1981 object Property owners who abut 66th Avenue would like to have 66th Avenue vacated between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane Petition Checked By percent Signing Referred to City Council Disposition Date � 4A City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Sirs: '/� � �/-�._ 4 � � 4J We, the property owners who abut 65th Avenue on the corners of Pierce Street and Lucia Lane, would like to petition to have 66th Avenue vacated between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane. Name Address Date ��- �� �y�l ���� � �la� l /� MEETING -' CALL City of Frf8ley -�` 4C 22, 1961 PAGE 1 Chairwoman G called the September 22, 1981, Appeals Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. J ROLL CALL: Mesabers Present: Patricia Gabel, ex Barna, Donald Hippen, Jim Pleme. Members Absent: Jean Gerou Others Present: Darrelf Clark, City of Fridley APPRWE APPEALS CC�A'IISSION MINUTES QF AUG[7ST 25, 1961: MpTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to approve th� Appeals�Coirrnission minutes of August 25, 1961, as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINO YE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECIARID TI� MO'TION CARRIED UNANII+lODSLY. , 1. VARIANCE RE UEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO R�DUCE � __� — - TH,E SIDE YARD SETBACK ON THE STREET SIDE OF A CORNER LOT FROM THE REQUIRID 17.5 FEET TO 9 FEET�_'PO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 24 FOOT WIDE GARAGE QN LpT 3, BLOCK 1� ALICE ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 6610 PIERCE STRE£T N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (Request by Burton Scherven, 5960 Anna Avenue N.E. Apartment 111, Fridley, Minnesota 55432). MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to open thE public hearing. UPON A VOICE VdrE, ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARITIG OpEN AT 8:04 P.M. Chairwoman Gabel read the Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 6610 Pierce Street N.E. � A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RE�UIR�lIIJT• �_-____.. Section 205.053, 4B, �5a, requires a side yard width on a street side of a corner lot to be not less than 17.5 feet. Public purpose served by this requireJOent fs to maintain a higher degree of traffic visibility and to reduce the "line of sight" er�croachment into the neighbor's front yard. 8. STATED HARDSHiP: '►If variance fs not approved, I Will have to build a garage behind the hous e. " C. ADMINISTRATNE S;AFF REVIi3�T: This lot is on the northwest corner of Pierce Street ana uni�nproved 66th Avenue. The house and attached garage that are prcposed meet all other setback tequir�nents� The applicant has applied foz a vacation of 66th Avenue which is to be before the Planning Corunission on 9/16/81. If the vacati.on is apprwed, the variance vould not be necessary. 4D Appeals Co�nission Meetin� - Se�tember 22, 1981 _ Pa e 2 Mr. Burton Scherven, 5960 Anna Avenue N.E., was present. Chairwon►an Gabel reported that the Planning Crnmnission recammended to vacate it and the City Cwncfl agreed with that. Mr. Clark e�cplained that the process takes about four weeks and the public hearing will be in a month and it will be Novesnber before the vacation Will be law. He said Mr. Scherven has excavated but does not have�the footings in. .He further stated that the utility ease�►ent that is being kept will make no 8ifference as Mr. Scheroen will still be 9 feet from the south lot line. Mr. Scherven said he has hn8 the lot for 11-12 years and he is planning to build a house with ea attached garage. Chaizwoman Gabel aslced if the sewer and water are hooked up and Mr. Scherven said no, but he has two estim t�s on that. Mr. Clark said that can be done without any prcblems. 1"�• o���e�ttand hesis�doingetheccony built. Mr. Scherven said it will not be pre fab p tracting himself and showed the conunission a photograph and'blueprints. He said it will be a 28' by 32' hvuse. Mr. 8arna asked when 66th is vacated how much land it would qive on the south side. Mr. Clrark said probably another 25 feet but it will be utility easement. Chairwoman Gabel note8 that there is gardening in tbere now t�nd Mr. Schezven said he did not want to cut down any trees. Chaizwoman Gabel askea about the costs to build. Mr. Scherven said about $42,000 to build, another $S,OO�for the plim�bing and there will -be electrician costs and blxk and brick work costs. Chairwomsn Gabel asked about the number of bec3rooms and if Mr. Scherven would be living there. Mr. Scherven said he lives in an apartxnent right now end he plans to move into the house. Chairw�an Gabel said Mr. Boardman didn't think there would be any problem with 66th Avenue. Mr. Clark said about 5-7 years ago there was a petition to vacate but the city was not vacating at that time an8 does not see that the street will go through in the future; people do not want to pay for improvements and there is no reason not to vacate. Chairwaman Gabel asked how much footage there would be between the curb and garage if the street were not vacated. Mr. Claxk s8id about 18 feet and the garage w�uld not really obstruct vision and it would not be $ high density txaffic area. Mr. Barna said he did not have a probl �n with tlzis variance. Mr. Plemel said it looks like a nice hon►e and a nice a8dition to the neighborhood. MOTION by Mr. Barna, secon8ed by Mr. Hippen, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED T1iE pUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:17 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to approve the variance request to reduce the side yard setback on the street side of a corner lot from the reqvired 17.5 feet to 9 feet, to allow the construction of a 24 foot wide garage on Lot 3, Block 1, Alice Addition, the s�e being 6610 pierce Street N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 2�y�►RII��ICE REQLJEST PURSUANT TO CHApTER 205 OF Tf1E FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO REDUCE 'I'HE FRONT Y-AR�"SE`�'BACK_FROM THE REQUIRED 35 FEET TO 20 FEET� TO ALIAW 'rH CONSTRUCTION �_,.��___._..-._�___ -��-. - OF� p pppT� GARAGE ON 1�� = 3�-�?D 31, BLOCK 7� SPRING BROOK PARiC ADDITION� THE —'�"�_"`_`�"____��'_ Richard G. Gay, SAME BEING 799g FAST RN£R ROAD. FRI�L�Y-,-=�4INATESOTA. (Request by ------�---�--- --_ -_ 5104 Glenview Drive,'Minnetonka, MN 55343). PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. liarri� - would go to City Council on September 28. and he � would recommend that Mr. Hadtrat a-a1� t lans prepared by that time. 4. VACATION REQUF�T, SAV #81-03 „�Y BURTON H. SCHERVEN: By Petition #9-1981, to vacate 66th .. etween P�erce Street and Lucia Lane. Mr. Deblon stated that at this time, the land is being used for gardens which is probably the best use of the land at this time. He stated that NSP has requested that the City retain i0 ft. for a utility easement, and the City is requesting about 30 ft. be retained for a drainage easement. Staff is recommending that this entire area be retained for utility and drainage eas�ments. 4E MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY l�2. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER DATED SEPT. I5, 1981, FiiOM NSP REQUESTING A UTILITY EASEMENT. UPON A.VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist questioned why this area isn't made into a street so that there is � another way to get off Lucia Lane, rather than having to come all the way back to Mississippi St. Lutia Lane is about 2-3 blocks long. He stated there are only four people listed on the petition that are directly affected, but what about the other people in the area? Mr. Harris stated he understood what Mr. Oquist was saying, but there does not seem to be any problems. 1MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TD RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV�181-03, BY BURTON X. SCHERVEN: BY PETITIDN �19-1981� TO VACATE 66TH A VENUE N.E. BETWEEN PIERCE STREET AND LUCIA LANE� WITX THE STIPULATION THAT TNE CITY RETAIN TXE WHOLE 50 FT. FOR UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 301. 302, AND 303 BY REQUEST MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� ONDED BY MR. SABA, TD CONTINUE THIS I2EM UNTIL THE NEXT 1NEETING. UPON A VDICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� IRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED iJNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE AUGUST 11� 1981, APPEALS _COMMISSIO NUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY 1►!R. OQUIST, TD RECEYVE AUGUST 11� 1981, APPEALS COMMISSION lNINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOATE� ALL VOTING AYS� CHASRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE h!O CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. F. �.'r'. oelien , .� l ;j � ISfAL�: � y'�� � - -,� �.- .+ 0 � Q) , __.__—�, _ ,� ��� ��y`�- 4 F F. C. JACKSON `��Ga �'"'"� ���' ` LAHD SURVEYOR f%f� �ST � R[GI�T[Il[D UNDtR LAW� OF fTAT[ C� MINMi�OTA LIC[Nf[O �1► ORDINANG[ O� GITY Or MIMI[�►rOLM Ssta EAST satM fTREET PA. a-46Q1 �urbtpor'g l�tttifitatt -- _ __ . {�' =' � s.. �`T o � � � � izo.o � � I�— �, � � 1 � ` � �� � � I J � . . , . � - a N � � � / z .�. .� '� ,Q � �i T � � ✓�. ��� 0 � 4 : /'✓o. , i� ' � U �� w r.� . ,�t,�1 � Lot 3 Block 1, Alice wciditi�n. Anoka County,winn. 1��� ��� .������� ,-�� .�� s Af fURV[VED �Y M[ TMIf-13�--�Y ���8rs'�•D.—�� / 1 • �• r . �1_'-✓� $IGN[O- F. C. ACKSON. tNN�fOT Rtcs�srRwT�oN. No• 3600 ^ N � �wac• ca �id�nM eo. ,��, - r»MC.rous �� SAV #81-03 Pet. #9-1981 Burton H. Scherven LOCATIp N .�.,a �� • L�� � v+�OUR�[ CN • waix C�a t i��lwi! fy • �t YrN00 t� • w�u�� # c ��w+75 STREET MAP•CITY OF FRIDLEY �� G � o �� 6845 b��� ��'�t � � =-: ,, ¢� l5 /6�/ � �°°' . t°�'� bBos 68os (,�f� � `� ° .. ✓orsP/� .f.' //YJaI�� R. �� � � �• i_ ` �' �'%' �CHANNEL ROAD SAV #sl- _ Mar�.�_ _ :,� ; -� �-"^ `' t #9-1 68 � 6 B b�4 ,�� ,u,� ,�, „� � 6B 0 ! _ - - ��. •, ��,-.�-�•�•fo�E � � �. H. cRerven , , :.�, y:. b�46 6830 681 b� 10 ; 68�Q6 t' e d. .f�.� g Q.� .e,�- Q _� v '� f zzo) r �ss 4 J Q ;- C��A � _ . ; rr�a�� �� 6���i-� �t. �45 . - - �. 4i 4 � � � R = �ozqi �q6 (rioo�; (�r4o�, : N � 6'f3, � 74�J E . ,, N �. _ , , : . �8 , �g p � 23 2�f 6, 4 � - .. _ ; � � O v, � r�s, i �o� E � _ � 6750 �` l � �� " 6716 . : - , , o , � �;�� : pu� �D 4 L �/a 6�� -� � • �� � : � � �5 ' � � ! 6 $ 3 � � o� � s! � st�r --�si � C n� ., . .. • ,c;ts s� �� • .6s ` (2� �F �O� /soo 'i°s8T �, _ . , S ��b4M �� -- �s '�ty �' Il.lo o �rs9 N� T I O r; 9 „ ,�•t � + su.•., n.: �l�t_ �6 _ - ,; 'e �! /so - .'t5t�a � � �Cw�7op ; �e � (� i� — i � � , C z„ � : � � .: � ----- �,,'� � � • .. � , �`j cc�6 ,.�, ...,� ---- (ir4 K Z s �► 6 , --- ' 5 � 5 E ��„� ; f ��O �� 4 E 663 ��. �� _ �/ 6<o i Ca./ ✓. �. N d�/� M. 6 G T O � 5 ' 6 � 6661s..�'fo� 27 � 6�-r 66Tb --- DeeBeeCo��-ocr���o. _ _ _ J 6663 _ � bcs� ..� � 6670 - 9O (��) � ��� �no�' _ � ----- -- ---- � � • 4 0 � ' -- ____, ° � A <i`6� 0 6645 �isa�� �/380) 6��t � � �� � ��o� /O 9 � ' y 6 IT � 0 66Ao et �PfS A��,� �2 8 T,,,�, �� «3� Q . ----- 0 6 g (/f7oi 5�- � • • �� 66� �� 66�0 �if,rol 6t30 �� 4 L • - 660 1: 1 � �j� Q � 0 6 C u��> �,, �, . � �,�, , ----- 0 O �Y�66R0 w �/�ii�> �6�.� 6L� 6%��. �V � ; z � J t --- ,��� � � W6GH,S n` ilo 1D6�� i7�� •• r.... h �� 0 6 0 ���ro, �� • o � �ZSS�� �6� � --K� � 6 0 �. �� +�6 6 � oe rr+� ���� e) 66� 9 6600 .� 6581 - ,� ..__ � � f.c .�, 3 X -- {: � 6 6 ( 0 � .�'� � •f � � (eso�� (990) �.s� � � 6 E���•� ,. < ;;;..,�.� "��. 6609 '4 G " 'z�.�%t.f ; • ' sa e - qt c�-,.� -a�. 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Z7 - 33 ,;i;b, t ,� • �3:. �w} 33 6 ' ✓r - � so � �,f 6SC � � ��773�1�. �t �TT�GG T — '+ �+ c i _� ..1+►twr- a� � � _ EN7E� � £C. / _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ ,;�.- ,, _. _: : . <. . . _ � . , ._ . - _ . _ . . _ -_ . � . , ._ _ . . � � � �. . . . . _. . _ _ 1_ it_���, I�'�� �=� L.:i �.,r,`-, , � `^ � � , ��_ ,� [� �� � � �s) � '.� �� � � : ^ ��: � r3 4 /�� c� , �7 �� ` � . '� � Q J � . SAV # 1-03 ; �,, `,-�� . � Pet. 9-1981 -;-. .= 4 I � RBurto H. Scherven f 6 _: � � � � 25 �.�` ; 'tf __ ',--.._. =�cKC..+sa.c.�.---�"� _ . • __ � �--a � � — � . 9 � 1� �� , �--, � � ` � . �, 9 ,25 ��.. .� - . � r �r� G 3 . , � Q' ° •� , ' Zo - `, � �ss ' N a i �� � . .S — I� yA .'� r. r� AV'4."'1�. �� 1 � ' n � • G,.Ay3N � r-'1 p� ""1 C.-4 i �Z...�.��'� 1�O'L_ � ' " ��, � Q j,(� • r � �'? ,� f '''C��-' . 'T .�� }. =�t � � � �,� R�SEA� � =S � _ _���' E . � � �� 9 s d � � � � � � �� � � � � l� ' n � � � N � I• i � ,� � S �� u� � 94 � � I a y , . 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Il � � �' �r � Q 0 �-�_� i� ( �C -T S� ' �-- ��,) 9 1� _, . � C-� �� , ^ � -- ----� --- �`=; _:...� � � ��' � � .�_t; �=r � � � � :J.= � L ' v � � �. � :. �; I � � � , r z ,� 3 • . : , �-� � , .,��.�) � �� , '1 � •__.�i ±�'-a . ._ _z,,,•..�c�'�; =' -- — J� �----� l ;-,o--� POLICE DEPARTMENT ;�"'�E,.\ ,;.��,, ��� Cit of Fridle �!, �, y y �'���`` ,; o Minnesota DATE OCTOBER 21, 1981 ,FROM J.P.HILL, PUBLIC SAFETY DI SUBJECT PROPOSED AMENDMEPdT TO CHAPTER 602 OF THE FRT_DLEY CITY CODE NiEMORANDUM � TO NASSM r?URESHI, CITY MGR. 5 INFO X Enclosed youu �aill find the proposed amendment to Chapter 602 of the Fridlev City Code entitled "Beer Licensing". As I had indicated to City Council at their regular meeting of October 5, 1981, our current ordinance regulating beer in the City of Fridley did not permit a business to give away beer during a s�ecial event. In recommending that the temporary on-sale beer license be denied, ? indicated a proposed amendment would be forthcoming to allow such an activity. The proposed amendment adds Subdivision 4 current ordinance. Section 4 simply more to Section 602.01 of the clearlv defines what the term sale, sell, or sold is intended to mean and is consistant with the definition in Minnesota State Statute. Under Section 602.02 Subdivision 1, minor deletions have been made to make it permissive to give beer away without a license. New Subdivision 5 under Section 602.02 explicitly provides for the exemption of the license while giving away free beer. In addition, �ubdivision 5 still gives the City control over the possibility of givina free beer au�ay which c�ould create a public safety danger or ir`ringement of peace and tranquillity or violation of laws.� Our beer ordinance as currently written, technically makes-it a violation for businesses within the city to even give away beer during open house ceremonies. Within a very narrow sense, it could even be construed as prohibiting home owners of giving away beer in their homes. Of course this is not the intent or spirit of the ordinance therefore it is my recommendation that Council act favorably upon the recomr.iended amendment. JPH/sa 5A �;;,� t,;,�• ,� Ar1 pR'DII�3NCE AMEI�IDING CHAPTER 602 OF TSE FRIDLSY CITY �DL g�I73� ■BEQt LIQ�iSIlaG' BY ADDII�IG SDCPION 602.01, SUBDIVISIOl�1 4; AI��DING SDCTION 602.02, SUBDIVISION 1; ADDING SF]CTIQ[d 602.02, SDBDNISION 5; AMEt�IDING SDCr'ION 602.07, 90�IVISI(lN 1 7�iE 00UNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO ORDAIN AS FOLIA�WS: SDCTION 602.01. Def inition of Ternis Subdivision 1. Beer. As used in this ordinance, "beer" or "non- i.ntoxicating malt liquor" means any malt liquor with an alcoholic content of more than one-ha].f of one peroent by volume and not more than three and tw�tenths peroent by weight. • Subdivision 2. �yern,. "Tavern" means an establishment for the sale of beer, cigars, cigarettes, all fornis of tobacco. be�verages, and soft drinks sold at retail for consurr�tion on the pranises. Subdivision 3. terfi,�inment Entertair�¢nent as herein used is defined to include, but not be limited to, music, singing� plays, dancing either by the public or performers, rrotion pictures, exposition, performances, male or female reviews, fashion shows, TV other than regular public channels, concerts, or any other 8eliberate act inten8ed to amuse or entertain �trons and/or enploye�s. �- �v��3.,� 4���e, Se 1. �ld "Sale" and "sell" and "sold" mQan a17 �,�L�. �;�Lo-�,. ;^c��d�nQ s�ch #�,lrnishina iri V].Ol�inn �r P��;�n _of_ aw. S'�CTION 602.02. License Required Subdivision 1. L,�.censes. No person, except wholesalers and manufacturers to the extent authorized by law, shall deal in or dispose of by ���x, sale qS�` pSj?yi�x`y6���,� or keep or offer for sale. any beer within the city without first having received a license as hereinafter provided. Licenses shall be of three kinds: (1) Regular "on-sale"; (2) Temporary "on-sale"; (3) "Off-sale". Subdivision 2. $ a�i On-Sale. Regular "on-sale" licenses shall be granted only to bona fide clubs, taverns, exclusive "on-sale" liquor stores, restaurants, and hotels where food is prepared and served for consumption on the pranises. "Orr-sale" licenses shall permit the sale of beer for consur�tion on the pranises only. Page 2 - Ordinance No. Subdivision 3. ��rarv "On-Sale". Tenporary "oai-sale° lioenses shall be granted only to bona fide clubs and charitable, religious, and non-profit organizations for the sale of beer for consumption on the prenises only. Said temporary lioenses shall be grantec7 upon written application to the city council up�n fornns provided by the city. The provisions of Chapter 61, Fridley City Code, as applicable, shall be observed by said norrprofit organizations. Subdivision 4. Off-Sale" "Off-sale" licenses shall permit the sale of beer at retail, in the original package for consuzrg�tion off the premises only. 1 . � � • � � �f • • � . _ _ _ ! _ _ � • • • _ �j� � • i �� ��� ��'. ��. •� •� • � �. - • � � • �j�J • ��• ' ' • • � � �� t /. • •� ��� � _ • � � • � • � , � �._ !_ � • _ . � • ' '. � . L� . . . �. . � � � � � � � _ ' • • � ' ' • ��_ ' • " �'_ �_" •u�• _ . � �b ..�i _ � _.�• • ' ' �• • • �� _1• • �-� 1 !i •�•.! •f • - { • _ - � - • • - -- -- -- - -_ �_- -- .• _ • • . - p.�rs�.,� �ervinq or disp4��^^ of "free" beer shall cease servinQ o� �;�.,....:..,. ,.F n�r,,,,n t�„o,. „w,,., nrr7cr nf a la�u anfnr'�PmPnt officer. Person� - - �• •- •t. • u •-IL--1• SECTION 602.07 P1�ces Tne��g�blg for .; n Subdivision 1. D��'- nce from Schoo�s and G �rche . Exce�t for those Q,�an�zat�ons who have been issued temporary licenses to sell 'o No license shall be granted for any place within 300 feet of any public or parochial school or within 300 feet of any church. In applying this restriction, the distance shall be measured in a straight line from the school or church building to the main public entrance of the premises described in the application. pFLSSED AI�ID ADOPTID BY TFiE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , 1981 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR AZTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: UAY OF �r TME CITY OF FRI�L Y TE IFROM D.P.W. DIF�ECTORATE oF PUBLIC WORKS October 20, 1981 John G. Flora, Public ,� .. . E—! '� : � � <'y� . . - , - - ,;�: TO � MEMORANDUM �SUBJECT � Nasim M. Qureshi, City Mana � Emergency Ordinance -- Well No. 3 r ACTION{ INFO• This spring, we considered abandoning Water Well No. 3, which has been a non-producer. Since its development, we have continually obtained large quantities of sand wf�ich has made the production of water diffi- �ult, and therefore we have not used the well. In our attempt to cap the well we are required by the Minnesota Nealth Department to clear the entire well hole prior to filling it with concrete. During the clearing process, it was determined that air jetting of the well could possib1y remove all the loose material and therefore allow the well to function properly. Accordingly, we received proposals to set up an air jetting system at the well. We awarded the low proposal to Layne-Minnesota. An additional item in the proposal called for a weekly rate for well development. After the set-up and first week of operation, we were able to remove sufficient quantities of sand to realize that we were developing the well hole. We initiated the option for the additional well development rate, and have been able to clear the entire well hole--plus remove additional sloughing of material which has occurred. It appears that our efforts have had positive results. Since Layne-Minnesota has the equipment on-site and development has been continuing, it would appear prudent to authorize an emergency o-r.dinance- to continue development of Well No. 3. I would anticipate that we will have all the loose material removed within tfie next two weeks, or deter- mine that the well will not be capable of producing water. � The attached emergency ordinance requests authority to expend a maximum of $30,000 for further development of the well. Funds are available within the Public Utility Fund. We will attempt to complete the work on this well below the eatablished amount. Recorrpnend the City Council approve the attached ordinance.; JGF:ijk Attach: 1 �:•,� � �• �. , � AN II�ENCY ORDINANCE FOR THE OONTRACTING AND El�II�DITURE OF FUAD6 POfft T� RF�PAIIt OF WF��, #3 IN 78E CITY OF FRIDLL�Y The Council of the City of Fric7ley do ordain as follaws: SECTION 1. That the Council finc3s that it is necessary to repair Well #3 in the City of Fridley in order to furnish an adequate and safe supply of water to water consusners and to safeguard the present investment in said Well �3; that accordingly an eqnergency does exist within the provisions of Section 6.06 of the City Charter. SDGTION 2. That it is c7eaned necessary that the City of Fridley contract and expend funds for labor and materials for the repair of Well #3 on a negotiated basis without advertising for bids, not to exceed $30,000. PASSID AND ADOPTID BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TfiIS L1AY OF , 1981. WILLIAM J. NEE - NiAYOR AZ'i'E5T : SIDNEY C. INM�II�T - CITY Cr.FUrc Readi.ng of Ordi.nance: Publish: 6� City of Fridl ey CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING - TUESDAY SEP7EMBER 1, 1981 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER : Chairman Ash called the Charter Comoission meeting of Septe�nber 1, 1981, to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL• M�bers Present : - ;'M�nbers Absent : Clifford Ash, Jean Schell, walt Starwalt, Irene Maertens, Francis van Dan, Susan Jackson, Ro6ert Scinnidt, David Pinks, Pat Kindom, Brnce Nelson. David Schaaf, Robert Peterson, Larry Commers, Bob Pierce, Peter Treuenfels, 1. INTRODUCTION 0� NEW MEMBERS: Chairman Ash introduced the new Charter Commission members: Robert Schmidt, David Pinks, Pat Kindom, and Bruce Nelson; and discussed the function of the Charter Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 17AY 6, 1981: MOTION by Mr. Starwalt, seconded by Ms. Jackson, m nutes of May 6, 1981 , as written. UP4N A 110ICE DECLARED THE �lOTION CARRIED UNANI1�OdSLY. 2. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: to approve the Charter Comnission VOTE, ALL Y OTING AYE, CHAIRMAN ASH 7 Mr. Starwalt reported that he had not drafted the words yet for Item #2, Election Recount Question, on the Search List. Ms. Jackson reported that she did not have tfie sub-committee repart for the Search List Items �1 and �2, regarding Section 2.05. Mr. Nelson asked what the issues were regarding Section 2,05. Ms. Jackson explained that they were concerned about tf�e possibility of muitiple vacancies. Chairman Ash explained there is no mechanism to keep the Eity moving in the event of unforseen absences sucfi as someone resigning in Septanber in a year wfien their ward is up for election and the position�has to be ftlled in 60 days and the new person elected could not take office until January or, in the last election, Ward 3 had only one person fi1e, or, what if nobody filed, Chairman As6 explained tf�at tF�e commission wants to clean that up. Ms. Jackson said these are unusual circumstances that may come up and they would need something to cover those circumstances. Mr. Nelson asked about Searcf� List Item �13, the good cause question. Chairman Ash explained that is it, tF�e commission does not know and said it is in Section 2.05 regarding vacancies, "...by reason of the failure of any councilman witf�out good cause to perform any of the duties of inembersf�ip in the Council for a period of three months..," and asked what if someone is elected to the council and travels alot be- cause of his jo6 - is tFiat good cause? Mr. Nelson felt a person w�ould have redress in Court. Chairman Ash felt the question was subject to marty differences of opinion. Ms.Jackson felt the commission has to decide how to limit it. Pa e 2 7 A Charter Commission Meetin - Tuesda Se terober 1, t981 8.� a� 8,05 �Item �8 Chairman Ash said i�e �d tt�at tf�e secondesentence of Chapter 8, S��i� �ay�rePareLand from the Searc�► listl a�� the City Co IMPROVEMENT REGULA7IONS, sQall 6e �� cribing t6ea Procedure whicfi shall determine all adopt a comprei�ensive ordina�ce, P�' �e subject and may be amended �oatters p ertaining to t6e making of local i�eprovemsnts t�ereafter, and such ord nance sha11 snpp�ant a11 ot6er provisions of law on t e He said that the thtr 4 members ot the City Council." W.,,T he award of by a vote of at least four �� sentence in Section 8.�5. PUBLIC WORKSn t�usand�dollarshshallerequire a vote of at a�y contract amounting to more than least four (4� merebers of the City Council." 30 days after off��ia1 census REgarding Search List Item �9, Ward Boundary question, ara rapfi of Section 2.03 of the Charter, Chairman Ash announced that this data, last p g it was de- was open to additional debate and tFwt t�He also saiditf►ere hascbeendno Council feed- cided to change the 2 years to 30 days. back on tbis issue and he t6ougF�t tf�e censaslei�g�u��s90eaays �fMrci�elson,askea woblems Ms. 3ackson said she would 6e more confort �hairman Ash exp1ained some of the pr the commission wanted it done so q�ickly. a lot of political 3o�k�Yi�9• the ii ty h ad a6out 10 years ago wf�en the war� boundaries had to'be redrawn, that i took op too much of the Eouncil's time and there was aone before October and Ms . Jacks on asked if the change was effective for ti�� next e�ection and what if it happens in Octo6er. Ms. Maertens suggested ��i�9 done within 90 days or before h satd he felt that 30 days was enough timitto have it done. Ms. Jackson Cfiairman As rovision to hav e ro riate and would tfio�gfit it might 6e aise to have a p f;ling for offtce opens or closiitical�ra ifications? yMsrSMaertens saiee t�ings n a11ow people to consider tf►e po o s eed that np. Cfiairman Ash re�oindedit�h 9 et extr�ely large and Chairman Ashtfelt it was the E�uncil's job o i � equal and the cor�nission was trying P d this and their co�+�n�ssion that they had sent correspondn��u eSOmeeothertbodY toc�o asking had any interest tn the conmission setti g P response was �o. re was further discussion regarding the time frames and the political issues The r not the City Charter should be a polei�� 2�yearSewasCtoorlongAandf30t and whether o litical issue. Mr. Starwalt f it should not be a P° Chairman Ash suggested the change to say that tf�e City Manager days was too sf�ort. 6ouncil, with his suggestions, and W111 prepare a report and submit it to the City Manager will give the City then g�ve the Council 60-90 days todivide it�upee4ually. Ms. Jackson felt this would the numbers to tf�e Council and say be faster and easier if the council had a document to start wttF�. �on recanroends M07ION by Ms. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Siarwalt, that the Gharter Commiss e ollowing changes to the CitY Counci . LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS REGUL�eiare'and Chapter 8 of the City Charter, Section 8•04�...The City Coun�il may p P second sentence, shall be changed to read, the procedure whicF� shall deter- adopt a comprehensive ordinance, prescribing ne all matters pertaining to the roaking of local impr.ovements thereafter, mt lant all other provisio�s of law on if�e same and such ordinance sfiall supp ro 6ers of the sub3ect and may be amenaed by a vote of at least four C4� �' City Council." � Charter Commission Meeting _ Tuesday, Sept en6er 1, 1981 __ Page 3 Chapter 8 of the City Charter, Section 8.05, PUBLIC WORKS: NOW PERFORMED, third sentence, sha11 6e cf�anged to read, ",..The award of any contract amounting to more tf�an ten thousand dollars shall require a vote of at least toor (4) mem6ers of tf�e City Council." UPON A YOICE 110TE, ALL 110TING AYE, CHATW�IAN ASH DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . There was furt[�er discussion at this time regarding ward boundaries and it was decided to send correspondence to the city manager and to let the city council know t6at t6e commission is t6inking a6out changing the time from two years to one year. Mr, van Dan said he would bave his subcommittee report ready by the next meeting. AD30URNMENT: .� MOTION by Mr, van Dan, seconded by Mr. Nelson, to adjourn. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL 0 ING AYE, CHAIRMAN ASH DECLARED THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP7EMBER 1, 1981, ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P.�I. Respectfully submitted, . . /��,�j `�v�7ZG<i i��c - — Deb Niznik, Recording Secretary . CITY OF FRIDLEY CATY ADVISORY COMf�1I�SI0N MEETfNG - T�URSDAY, b�TQBE�R �6; t981 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Cf�airroan Weaver called t�e CAN Adyisory Coromission Meeting of October 8, 1981, to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present; Burt Weaver, Duane Peterson, Harold Belgvm, Ed Kaspszak, Larry C6eqalier O�hers Present: Clyde Moravetz, City of Fridley Terry 0`Connell, Northern Cablevision Jane Bremmer, STORER Carol Wold-Sindt, Northern Cablevision '• Ember Reicf�gott, Attorney for Northern Cablevision liirginia Steinmetz, League of �fomen Voters L111tar► Meyer, League of Wome� Voters Gen Peterson, League of Women Voters Paul Kaspszak, ACCW APPROVE CATV COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1981: MOTION 6y Mr, Peterson, seconded by Mr. Belgum, to approve the CAT11 Commission minutes o�eptember 10,1981, as written. UPON A 110ICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. ANNUAL TECHNICAL REPORT fROM NORTHERN CABLEVISION: Mr. 0'Connell reported that he turned this report in on October lst and that they had an outside group come in and test the system - Com Sonics, Inc., Harrisonberg, 11A. He stated tf�at last year there was some confusion and same clarification wanted and in the report on the back pages there are charts and explanations of how the tests were done and what it is su pposed to indicate. He said if any6ody had any questions they could get together with Glen Hovland. Chairman Weaver said he was comfortable with the report, Mr. Kaspszak felt they are at a point where they are eventually going to have to hire an outside expert to analyze wfiat they have and what they don't have. Chairman Weaver stated this aas discussed at a previous meeting and it was decided they would bring in outside technical consultants at the appropriate time. Mr. 0'Connell reported that the man who did tfie tests has �o affiliation with STORER or Northern Ca6levision. Mr. Kaspszak stated tfie Commission F�ad no input in picking someone and they sfiould have a meeting with the person who made the surveys and analyses and tF�en, as a separate agenda item, start thinking at what point in time they should decide to hire an engineer. Chairman Weaver said it is a good suggestion and they have already accomplished that and they should get the outside consultant wf�en they have something roate�"ial to work witi�. MOTION 6y Mr. Kaspszak, seconaed 6y Mr. Chevalier, tF�t tf�e Coromission accept the nnua Tec6nical Report from Northern Ca6levision on tFie condition that tf�e Cornrni� ssion has a m eeting with a tec6nical expert from Norti�ern Cablevision on the 29th day of October, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. UPON A 110ICE 110TE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLAREO THE MOTION CARRIED F1ITH ONE ABSTENTION. • ►1 CATV Advisor Cammission Me�eting = 0etober 8, 1981 � �-Page 2 2. SEMI-ANHUAL' �BUSI�IVESS RfPOR�T fROldl NORTFiER�t �CABLEVISION: Mr. 0'Connell reported on System Expansion and said ti�ey completed construction at BLomberg Estates and the Rice Creek Townhouse area sf�ould 6e turned on and serviceable by October 16th and that t6e 44tE� and Main Street area is scfieduled for aerial con- struction and should 6e completed 6y next week. Mr, 0'Connell reported on New Services Planned and said tfiey now have a new Scientific_ Atlanta 5-meter dish and aill start construction of this disF� on October 9th and that their intention is to receive signals from Western Union's satellite Weststar III. Mr. 0'Connell reported on Programs and said tF�ey 6aqe two new programming services to its basic package - WOR, an indenpendent from New York and Cfiannel 10, the Fridley Library CF�annel . Mr, Kaspszak said he f�as a f�ard time seeing stuff on the library channel and asked if they conld make ti�e type 6igger. Mr. •0'Conne1l said tf�ey have asked the library people to turn down the modalation and Mi�. Peterson explained that the type cannot be made 6igger, similar to a typewriter. Mr. Kaspszak asked if they could do a'qoice-over' and NJr. 0'Connell said yes, and saggested f�e talk to the library. Mr. 0'Connell reported tf�ey f�ave a new set of tapes from tfie U of M for this fall. He said CBS cable will 6e added on Octo6er 12th for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in rotating 3_f�our blocks. Mr. 0'Connell reported on Business Plans and said the door-to-door campaign has in- creased su6scribers for 31� penetration. Mr. Kaspszak felt the commission ought to make an effort to meet with Nortf�ern Cablevision manag�nent and their accountant and to visi6ly look at t6eir books to see if tf�ey fiave any qvestions prior to tFie re_ fra ncf�ising; tfiat tf�e Commission or Council go to tfieir 6usiness office and examine their books over and beyond tfie reports tf�ey receive from Nortf�ern; to set a date and give Council and the attorney an opportunity to do tfiis. Cf�airman Weav er said it is a matter flf timing and a lot of extra effort on the part of Northern would go into that and that a reviewal should 6e sf�ortly after tf�e closing of tfieir books on some normal accounting period, Mr. 0'Connell said he would cfieck on tf�edates. Mr.Chevalier asked if that was not a function of tf�e accounting department of tf�e City, MOTION by Mr. Kaspszak, tFiat tt�e responsi6ility of tf�e Eommission members as part of the renegotiation process, that the company provide a reasona6le period in which Commi- ssion members and any City staff tf�at isnecessary, that the time 6e available for these people to examine these 600ks at Northern Cablevision before tf�e refranchising period is terminated. CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION FAILED FOR LAGK OF A SECOND. MOTION 6y Mr. Peterson, seconded 6y Mr. Belgum, to accept and receive the Semi-Annual ustness Report from Northern Ca6levision. UPON A YOICE yOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3, INTRODUCTION OF Mft, ADRIAN HERBST TO THE COMMTSSION: Mr. Nloravetz reported he spoke witFi Mr. Herbst w�io apologized for not being able to attend the meeting and tf�at 6e would 6e at the meeting on November 12, 1981, He suggested that he would develop a franchising renewal process guidelines for tf�e Commission and sFiould have this 6y the Nov anber meeting. Ne alsa suggested that the Commission could appoint a negotiating committee as that worked real well in tf�e Northwest and that wonld be an alternative to tFie Commission serving as the negotiating cominittee. Mr. Kaspszak asked if tFie Commission mem6ers were free to call the attorney without tf�e time clock rnnning and tfiat F�e woald like to contact f�im as f�e has some questions of a tec[�nical matter. . . CATV Advisor Comroission Nleeting -�October^ 8, 1981 �� � Page 3 Chairman G[eaver said 6e o6jected to Fiaving Comroission men6ers talk to t�im singularly, Mr. Moravetz said the Commission members could giye fiim tfie question and he could steer thero to Mr. Her6st for tfie Nove�n6er 12tFi meeting. 19r. Kaspszak suggested they could write down the questions to tF�e attorney and address them to Mr. 1Noravetz on the condition that they want to set up a special meeting with f�im prior to the public hearing, Cf�airr�an Weaver felt t6e attorney deserves tF�e privi lege of pre-screening tf�e questions and asked if tfiey would 1 ike to change tf�e meeting of tfie 29th to meet with tf�e attorney instead, Mr. Cf�evalier felt the legal part takes priorty over the technical part, MOTION by Mr. Chevalier, seconded 6y Mr. Peterson, that the Corr�r�ission change the unc �on of tf�e meeting set for October 29tF� to present any prepared questions they may have to Mr, Her6st and for tf�e meeting to 6e Field at City Fiall and to extend an invitation to the City Council and any other interested parties. Discussion: NJr. Moravetz said he would contact tF�e attorney. Chairman Weaver asked f t ey are prepared to meet on another date tf tFie attorney is not free on the 29th and to give Mr. Moravetz the autf�ority to set up another date. Mr. Kaspszak any da t e pr i or to Nov em ber 12t f� . UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANINIOUSLY. 4, RECEIV E� DISCUSS SURVEY CONDUCTED BY THE LEAGUE OF WO�IEN V OTERS: Mrs. Peterson reported that they contacted 1,001 people and tf�e expenses for the operation sere $39,48 whicf� brings the total 6i11 to $539.98, Paul Kaspszak asked w6at �►as meant by the response 'educational access.' �Irs. Peterson said it meant scientific, astronomy, etc., not talking a6out conrses. Mrs. Meyer said they used the Fridley City director and they did not call commercial places. Mr. Moravetz said he has the telepf�one pages that they used and that tF�enames are checked off. Mrs. Steinmetz reported tf�ey asked their interviewers to be completely neutral and not to lead into questions. Mrs. Meyer said the people contacted were v ery pleasant and they did not have probleros. Mrs. Steir�netz said 28 people said they did not want to be interviewed. Mrs. Meyer reported that an interview took conservatively 5 minutes and they called in the mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends and that the interviewers fonnd it interesting. Mr. Belgam wondered if the people who did the interviews would be willing to write up sometfiing. Mrs. M eyer said she would not feel comfortable asking then to do that 6ecaase of the time imolved. Mr. Belgum said the League of Women Voters was a good group to do tfiis survey and that they have done a real service for tfie Commission and for cable improvement in Fridley. Mrs. Peterson reported tf�at it took 3 of them over 20 hours just to do the tallying and they couldn't do it again for that amount of money, MOTION by Mr, Belgwn, seconded 6y Mr. Chevalier, to accept and receive with gratitude i�'ie survey done by tfie League of Women Voters and to autf�orize payment of $539,98 far tbeir costs, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOfING AYE, CFIAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIEO UNANIMOUSI.Y. Paul Kaspszak said f�e was surprised to see hearing impaired and services for the blind as responses on the survey, roughly lOX of t6e people tFiat aere called. Chairman Weaver a sked what conl d be done for tfie bl i nd . Mr . Ka spsza k sa id you ca n 6uy somethi ng from Sears for t6e hearing-impaired and tFiere would 6e notF�ing wrong witf� putting audio tape as part of tfie reqbirernent for tF�e francfiise. 8C CATV Advisory �CaaroissioR l9ee�fin = Octot��r 8; 1981 � � � ' ' � � � �Ra e 4 Ms. Bremmer said norroally a ca61e company �►ould offer 'talking 600ks' tf�rougf� the FM band, a local Fh� access kind of service, Mr, Belguro pointed out tFie value of the survey and said they never wonld have tfiougfit of tf�at. Chairman Weaver said they pro6ably would f�ave some assistance for tfie F�earing-impaired in the future. Mr. Moravetz said tf�ere is a questionnaire in the City newsletter about disability and the Comroission sfionld be a61e to use tfiose results when tFiey are tabulated, Mr. Kaspszak asked if tfiere are com�pantes in tfie country doing ar�ything like this in their francfiise procednres. �Js. Bre�nmer said tfiey are going to be making 'tele_ caption adaptors' and making tFiem available to the f�earing-impaired subscribers and there is also a new satellite called tf�e 'silentnetwork' for the hearing-impaired and talking books witF� the Fl9 band. Mr, Kaspszak asked if Medicare or Medicaid has made any provisions. Ms. Bremmer said Medicaid has taken some steps as far as the 'tele-caption adaptor' and Chairman Weaver felt tf�e Federal 6udget might affect that. Mr. Chevalier said that service could start witf� tf�em and that assisting those people would be great. Ms. Bremmer said in tF�e NortFiwest subur6s proposal they will have a special service channel for non-profit organizations tFiat 5erve the F�andicapped. Mr. Kaspszak asked about a'plato syst�n.' 19s. Bremmer said the 'plato systen' would require a full video channel and they are comtng closer to an arrangement with 'plato system' and it requires a costly special receiver in the home. She said video text has separate and special d ecoder and may F�av e to have an adaptor with television sets. Mr. Kaspszak asked wF�at manufacturers are doing to adapt. Ms. Bremmer said very little progr�ss being made in equipment and the format is not determined yet in t6e U,S. Mr. Kaspszak asked if the system were in place would it be an additional fee to subscribers. Ms. Bremmer said not necessarily; they have not big video text services 6ecause of the costs to the su6scriber for the equipment. Mr. Moravetz asked if the Commission wants to publish tf�e survey in the Sun newspaper. Chairman Weaver suggested tFiey recommend to the City Council that it be done. Mr, Chevalier suggested asking permission from the City Council to release the infor- mation. Mr. Kaspszak said he does not know what the survey is telling him and a news release may not be good, Nlr. Cf�evalier suggested summarizing it, give opinion and highlights. C6airman Weaver saggested designating a Commission member to do the job of coming up with a press release. Mr. Kaspszak asked Mr. 0'Connell what he thovght of tfie survey and Mr, Chevalier asked if the programming a nd marketing people would be interested. Ms. Bremmer said they would be interested as it could form a foundation for their market surveys. Mr. Chevalier asked if a press release could have any effect on the pu6lic hearing. Chairman Weaver said he did not think so; that the o6ject is to give the League of Women Voters a'pat on the back' and this is separate from tF�e pu6lic hearing. Mr. Kaspszak asked about exposure on Channel 12 and perhaps Channel 3 about the survey; to write up a release and go into more depty. Mr. Morav etz said Will is interviewing a number of people on tF�e refranchising show and that could be part of t�at. Chairma n Weav er suggesting having a couple of t6e women from the League of Women Voters appear for this. Mr. 0'Connell said they would getting input just from subscribers. Mr. Belgum suggested giving it to the Star for their community section. MOTIDN by Mr. Kaspszak, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that Mr. Belgum put together a press reTease and su6mit it to tf�e City Counci� with tF�e CAN Commission's recommendation that we run a written and televised� press release. UPON A YOICE 110tE, AlL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . � CATV Advisor Comnission Meetfin _ Oc�tober 8, 1981 ` Pa e 5 6, OTHER BnSINESS: Mr.Kaspszak had a question from tF�e minutes of last montf�'s meeting, regarding the cable syst�n lasting anotfier 10 years, Mr, 0'Connell said it would last another 10 years with periodic maintenance. 1�r. Kaspszak then asked Chairman Weaver about his cor�nents about having a contract witF� the city and t�iat the contract would sti11 stand if the ordinance was struck. Ms. Reicfigott said the contractual provisions don`t have to be separate; ti�at this is a special kind of contract called a franchise and they go by those rules and those rules require that all franchises be granted by ordinance. Mr. Kaspszak asked wi�at if the cable board decides that an ordinance is not proper and if that sFiould invalidate tf►e contract. Ms. Reichgott felt the ordi_ na nce would include provisions to alleviate that, Chairman Weaver reported he received a flier for the Arts and Cable Exchange to be held on November 8_10, 1981, and tf�ey should make a n effort to attend at least one of them and the City Council may approve whatever expenses�,'are irrvolved. Chairman Weaver discussed meeting with tf�e attorney on a different date if he is nat available on October 29th. Ne suggested taking the technical meeting and meet with the attorney an a Saturday. Mr. Belgum said the C9ty Council concurred with the Motion that five sub-committees be established to develop work on programming and asked tf�at the Commission communi- cate this 6y letter to the � people who will chair these committees. Mr. Belgum read his stat�nent {see attached stat�ent�. Mr. Belgum said he will call a meeting with these 5 c6airpersons and discuss witf� tFiem f�ow to proceed and report on this at the Novem6er meeting. Chairman Weaver suggested tf�e report at tfie Dec�ber meeting instead. Paul Kaspszak asked what tF�e major objective is of these su6-committees. Mr. Belgum said it is to bring ta the surface content that would ma ke good programning in these areas. Paul then asked what are they going to do with the content once they bring it up, N1r, Belgum felt that the workshop has enougf� to go in training people to produce good programming and tFie problen of finding the program that is worth doing is what these 5 chairpersons would be doing - discovering and exploring. Mr.Kaspszak suggested that 2-3 commissian members meet with tf�e 5 members of the workshop and this group at a separate meeting a nd let tf�em brainstorm. Mr. Selgum felt that was too compl icated. Paul Kaspszak fe1t they would have to tell th�n whether or not their ideas are feasible. Mr, Belgum said he would meet with them and get what those ideas are. Paul Kaspszak said he wanted 1-2 members of the work- shop to be part of that discussion. Chairman Weav er suggested that the sub-committees put their ideas together and have a member present tf�em to workshop board. Ms. Bremmer reported that on October lst they submitted a proposal to the Roseville 10 and they palnning to provide a copy of this proposal to the commission and she will send it to Mr, Moravetz as soon as she can. Sf�e also stated tfiat a consultant to the Northwest territory has indicated she will provide 4 proposals on January 15th and they will 6e reading it to giv e them an opportunity to review what other companies are providing and it will be v ery time consuming. She asked the Commission for an extra 30 days becaase she felt they could not do a good job before Dec �nber lst. She said the additional time will be needed to incarparate new ideas for Fridley and that whatever they submit on Decgnber lst may not be a total picture and may be subject ta significant change. � CATY Advisor Comnisston Meeti�ng = October 8, 1981 � �` Page 6 Chairman Weaver said fie was reluctant as tfiey 6ave already advised the City Council of tf�e December lst deadline and t6ey arejust looking for an initial indication from them and they conld just give tfiero an amendment after ti�ey review tF�e other proposals. Ms, Brdrwer felt it arould be too difficult to come back with an amend_ ment, HJr, Kaspszak tf�oug6t f�er point well taken and would be willing to give them until the January meeting. Ms. Reichgott asked if the Commission has reviewed their procedure aitF� tF�e cable board, Mr. Cf�evalier said they feel tF�ey are taking the direction that was given to then. Mr. Moravetz said there is a certain amount of latitude because it is a refrancF�ising and that tF�e initial reqaest was for an initial proposal of services that Northern was going to submit to the Commission to review; that it was not going to be set in concrete. MOTION by Mr. C6evalier, seconded 6y Mr, Belgum, to acknowledge and receive the e ter from Mr, 0'Connell in response to the Commissto�'s request from the Sept�ber meeting for information an renewing the franchise and for a response to the question of partial City ownership and that this be on the'.agenda for tF�e December CATV Commission roeeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Chevalier, that the CATV Commission gives Plr.�elgum tF�e authority to meet with the 5 Chairpersons, Barbara HugF�es, Sally Almen, Joe Lapinski, William Nunt and Gus Doty, of the 5 sub-committees tf�at he has selected and bring the developments back to tf�e Commission, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANINIOUSLY. Ms. Reichgott said she wou19 like an opportunity to spea k with Mr. Herbst, Chairman Weaver stated that would 6e appropriate after tFie Commission has an oppor- tunity to meet wi�h f�im first, Nlr, Chevalier suggested tfiat Ms. Reicf�gott call Mr, Moravetz. Ms, Reichgott felt there may be some problems witfi tfie reneWal process. Mr, Moravetz said tf�e only official iterns to date is the request for the company's position and wf�ether or not t[�ey are interested in renegotiating and setting the publ ic hearing and tf�e survey, Ms. Reichgott stated she has several questions re- garding the legalities of this renewal procedure as this is going to be the first big-city renewal t6at has taken place. ADJOURAIMENT : j..--- MOTION by Mr. Belgum, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to adjourn, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL Y�TIIF� AYE, CHAIRMAN WEAVER DECLARED THE CATV ADYISORY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1981 ADJOURNEA AT 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Deb Niznik, Recording Secretary. TME CITY OF FRI L Y DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS iATE October 22, 1981 M �p,p�y, Jerrold Boardman - Planni Comprehensive Development Plan �<i� � � . , ��,� � - _ ,;�: i � : . John Flora � MEMOtaANDUM ACTIONi INFO. X Please find attached the revised copy of the Comprehensive Development P1an to be reviewed by the City Council. We have met several times with the Metropolitan Council staff and have made the necessary modifications to remove the suspension of our plan review. The major issue that had to be satisfied was the determination of sewer capacity for the City and how 1990 growth would affect that capacity. We re-evaluated our estimated growth of population based on existing residential land remaining and our proposals in the City's Redevelopment Districts. We are not proposing any changes to the City's present zoning other than in the Redevelopment Districts and then only as projects take place. The Metropolitan Council has formalized their amendment process to have a ten day review of a11 changes in zoning so as to make a determination of the effect on metropolitan systems. We will work this process into our present system after the Planning Corr�nission has taken an action and prior to the City Council Public Hearing as required by law. This process will only delay those proposals which will affect the Metropolitan systems. Please ensure that the plan is given to the City Council for approval so that we can resubmit to the Metropolitan Council by November 13, 1981. We have gotten a delay until that date and will lose entitlement funds if the revisions are not submitted in time. JLB/de Attach: io� . p F.OR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL — LICE'�SES October 26,.1981 T,�rpe of License: B� Approved By: Fees: Auctioneers John C. Dudley Auctioneer Inc. John C. Dudley James P. Hill $20.00 7510 Cahi11 Rd. #210 Public Safety Director. Edina, Mn. Food Vehicle Johnson Fish Co. 7345 Old Central Ave.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 e Steve R. Saba � � Steven J. Olson Health Inspector �55.00 10 oG, lo a 0 F.OR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCtL - LIC�ts�s OCTOBER 26, 1981 GAS SERVICES Egan & Sons ao. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, t�ltd 55427 By : Ftpy Straiton ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR Don R Benson Construction Co. . 2006 - 55th Avenue North Brooklyn Center, NII3 55430 By: Don R. Benson Ives Boisvert 1200 - 72nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, i�IIV 55432 By: Ives Boisvert Panelcraft of Minn. 2309 Snelling Avenue 5outh Minneapolis, NIl�] 55404 � By: Dennis Johnson S.J. Construction, Inc. 1628 Highway #10 Spring Lake Park, !�1 55432 By: John Doyle HEATING Churchill's Home Heating & Cooling Inc. 818 North Prior Avenue S t. Paul , t�IN 55104 By : Dan Churchi 11 Egan & Sons O�. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55427 OIL SERVICES Egan & Sons Co, 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55427 By: William J. Egan By: Roy Straiton GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ackerson Building Corporation 8085 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 210 Minneapolis, MN 55426 By: L.E. Ackerson Antler Corporation 2954 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55113 Tenpenny Builders 3148 - 45th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 By: Eldon Schieber By: Ralph F. Johnson Z�ILLIAN4 SANDIN Plbg.-Iitg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CI,ARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. WILLIAt4 SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. WILLIAM SAt7DIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. WILLIAAi SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofc. United States Insulation Oo. 2701 - 36th Avenue South DARREL CLARK . Minneapolis, t�l 55406 By: James Broderick . Chief Bldg. Ofc. � • �- - 1� � Ul�, . . Q F.OR CONCURRENCE SY THE CITY C�UNClL - LIC�r��s OCTOBER 26, 1981 General Contractor Cont. - J & P Design, Inc. 7317 - 39� Avenue North LIARREL CLARK New Hope, NIlJ 55427 By: Jim Shears �ief Bldg. Ofc. North Star Services • � 688 Hague Avenue DARREL CLARK 5t. Paul, I�IId 55104 By: Verne Butler, Jr. Chief Bldg. Ofc. SIGN ERECTOR Thomas Sign Company Route #1 DARREL CLARK Clean,�ater, MN 55320 By: Thomas LeGro Chief Bldg. Ofc. iTnivessal Sign Company . 1033 Thomas Avenue � n� �� St. Paul, NIDI 55104 By: Rick Palmateer C�ief Bldg. Ofc. � GENERAL CONTRACTOR 5tan's Alumin�n Service 10933 Beard Avenue South LIARREL CLARK Bloomi.ngton, M21 55431 By: Stan Kazjzanink C4�ie£ Bldg. Ofc. 0 ! �, _;; � ��> (_.._...__. �o�; c���cu���_r�cE WY T;�c c� ; Y cour�c�� - CLAIi�1S OCTOBER 16, 1901 CLAIf� f'JL'f-1BEf�S 2br,B�2 - �9oi i73 �� --,----� i _.� '� � .I � _ / 1 r 7 t - T \ ,+ � C�; F a�; c���cu.�„�_r;c� �Y T,j� ci � r�,aur�c�� - ESTI�IATES �._�_ _ l _o�..,��� �w �q �, Halvorson Construction 4227 - 165th Avenue N.E. Wyoming, MN 55092 Partial Est. #7 - Miscellaneous concrete curb and slab construction $918.25 � RESOLUTION NO. ftESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEAftING ON A P80POSED HOUSING PLAN UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 462C AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREFOR WHEftEAS, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462C et se . authorizes a eity to plan, administer and make or purchase a loan to finance a multifamily housing development after adoption of a housing plan; and WHEREAS, the housing plan must be considered at a public hea.ring held after notice published 30 days prior to the date of said hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The City Council of the City of Fri�ey (the "City") will conduct a publie hearing on the proQosed housing plan on the 7th day of December, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. 2. The City Clerk of the City is hereby authorized to cause a public notice, substantially in the form af the notice attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City on November 4, 1981, or some other date which is at least 30 days prior to December ?, 1981. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1981. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK 0 13 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF A HOUSING PLAN UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTE3, CHAPTER. 462C, AS AMENDED THE CITY OF FKIDLEY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing body of the City of Fridley, Minnesote (the "City"), will meet on December 7, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. at the City offices in Fridley, Minnesota, for the purpose of condueting a public hearing an s proposed Housing Plan for the City of Fridley, prepared and to be eonsidered pursuant to, and in compliance with, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended. The plan will describe the housing needs of the City, the plan of the City to meet those needs, methods of financing housing, minimum qualifications of lending institutions participating, City-sponsored mortgages and other matters regulating the use and issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds. All persons interested may apQear and be heard at the time and place set forth above. [ Date of Publication] BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY By City Clerk 13 P,