01/12/1981 - 000133561 THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JANUARY 12, 1981 The Public Hearing hleeting of the Fr�dley City Council was called to order at 7:42 p. m. by P4ayor Nee PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag ROLL CALL: i�1EMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT ADOPTTON OF AGEN�A Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneid�r, Mayor Nee, Counc�lwoman Moses and Councilman Fitzpa�rick None MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Qarnette. Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted unanimously. OLD BUSINESS. �i ;CONSIDERATION OF ' CITIZEPd'S ADVISO DEVELOPMENT BLOC FRI�LEY CITIZENS ION NO 80-126 AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF TA�LED Piayor Nee stated one Councilmember, Councilman Schneider, has 6een appointed zo this Cittzen's Advisory Committee and another appointment is needed � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to nominate Barb Favre, 1590 73-%z Avenue, to serve on this Committee. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. � 4;ouncilman Barnette stated the person he had approached to serve on this Committee rndicated they would not be interested - There be�ng no further nominations, Mayar Nee requested a vote on the above motion. . � UPOfJ A VOICE VOTE TAKEN, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously. NEW BUSINESS WITH PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND THE iar. 4uresin, t,tty Manager, stated th�s would be an agreement with Parl: Construction to remove some granular material from the s�te and replace ic with suitable fill at no cost to the Ctty, contingent upon Park Construction being awarded State Pro,7ect 27�1-235 (I-94) 49th and 61st. P1r. Qureshi stated the C�ty Attorney has recommended a change in the wor�ling of the agreement. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he doesn't have any problem w�th the concept, but for clarity the last sentence of the f�rst paragraph should 6e deleted and substttuted with the following "In consideration for the receipt of the matertal descri6ed in No. 1 above> Park Construction Company agrees to perform that work described in items 2 through 5 above at no cost to the City of Frtdley." � MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve the agreement and autho�°ize the Mayor to execute the same w�th Park Construction, with the amendment noted above. Seconded by Councilman Fttzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously � PUBLIC HEARI�JG f1EETIfdG OF JANUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 2 �jCONSIDERATION OF PLAT AMEN�MENT, IPJfJSBRUCK NORTH TOWNSHOUSE PLAT VI, F SETTIP�G PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEQRUARY 9, 19�i1- MOTIOPJ by Counc�lman Schnetder to set the public hearing on this plat amendment for February 9, 1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous1y. . � a ' � DISTRICT �14 SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENT Mr. Quresh�, City Manager, stated, at a recent meeting with school adn�in7sti°ators and some members of the School Board, there was discusston that poss7bly the policy making 6odies of the School and City should meet. Mr. Quresh� stated the reason this �s before the Council is to determine �f the Council wishes to meet �m tially with the School Board and then on a regular basis. Councilwoman D1oses pointed out that she and Councilman Barnette were nominated to represent the Council and they are st�l] willing to meet with the School 6oard. Mr Quresht stated he is suggest�ng a meeting with the full Council and School f3oard and from there, possibly a commtttee approach could be taken. Counciiman Schneider felt a meeting between the entire Council and entire School 6oard would be beneficial �n open�nq communtcations, however, he would be w�lling to let them choose �f they wished to meet wtth all r��em6ers present or �ust the committee. Counc�lwoman Ptoses stated she favored the Council meet�ng with the ent�re School Board and suggested such a meetirig be scheduled with no staff present frora either the C�ty or the School D�strict. f10TI0fd by Cour�cilman Garnette to request Playor fJee to write a letter to the Chariman of the School Board suggesting two possible dates for a meeting between the School Board and Counc�l Seconded by Councilman Schneider. U�on a votce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�rnously. LEASE AND ASSIGfJMEfJT OF REPdTS RNS LEASES (WIN STEPHEPIS DATSUN NORTH, iNC.): — ` i�lr. Herrick, Ctty Attorney, stated the resolution provides for the issuance and sale of a revenue note. He stated Win Stephens is enlarging their building and facilities and the mecham sm they are using is a notc and loan agreement wtth P1idwest FerJeral. He stated the loan will be secured by a mortgage on the real estate and on the existing build7ng and new building. P�ir. Herrick stated, in terms of tiidustrial revenue loans, tt is a rather simple one �n that there are no bonds �nvolved and no sale to the puhl�c. It is, in effect, an industrial revenue mortgage accompanied by a note ��ir. Herrtck stated, in exam7ning the resulution and drafts of the document referrea to in the resolution, he is sattsfied it is in proper form. Ne stated, �t is his understand�ng, that Wrn Stephens intends to have a closing with Midwest FederaT etther this week or rext and then there would be a number of documents to sign and they wtll get these documents to the p'ersons whose signatures are needed. He stated he has not seen a final oraft of the document, but would examine it before they are presented for signature. � � 1 � . PU6LIC HEARING MEETING OF JAfJUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 3 He stated any changes tn the document from what is in the drafi and the final document are minimal. Councilwoman Moses asked why they chose to proceed this way with the financing. Mr. Herrick stated th�s was their chotce and they chose to go through Midwest Federal and, in terms of the amount of the pro,7ect, he would classify this as one of the smaller. Councilman F�tzpatrick clar�fi ed that the interest on this loan is tax free the same as if it were an industrial revenue bond. Councilman Schneider asked if there would be no liabil�ty on the City's part, the same as industrial revenue bonds. P1r. Herrick stated the only funds that are available to pay the mortgage are funds coming from 4Jin Stephens' operation and the C�ty's faith and credit is not pledged. Pir. Ben�amin, representing W�n Stephens, stated, �f the clostng �s completed within the next few weeks, they hope to get the pro,7ect started this w�nter P�OTION 6y Councilwoman Moses to adqpt Resolution No. 4-1980. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, flayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Herrick stated he would be present at the closing when the documents ar� delivered. � CLAIMS � �'� MDTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to author�ze payment of Clatms No. 363Z02 through OD5V05. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. P1EETING WITH CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION: Mayor Pdee stated the Cable Televtsion Commission �s starting some deliberations on the question of renewal of the present franch�se. He stated the Chairman .;f the Cable Commission talked to h�m about any pa����ular views he had and felt �t might be appropriate for the Councal to meet with the Cor��misslon and see what their chotces are and clarify the ways in which they may proceed. Mayor Nee stated, eventually the Commission �vould make a recommendation to the Counctl and whether or not they want to consider other compam es would be relevant. He asked if the Counctl could meet with the Comm�ssion on this Thursday, January 15. Mr. Herrick thought it was a good idea to meet w�th the Commission to review the franchise, however, he did feel before they start considering a lot of options, the franchise should be reviewed and interpreted. Councilwoman h1oses asked if the Comnnssion could meet with the Counc�l the conference meetin9 on January 26, as some of the Council did have prtor commitments for Jaiauary 15. It was the concensus of the Council see if such a meeting could be arra��iged. AD.lOURIJMENT at to � MOTION by Councilwoman P9oses to ad,7ourn the meet�ng. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Playor Nee declared the motion carr7ed unam mously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley Crty Counc�l of January 12, 1981 ad,7ourned at 8.1� p. m. Respectfully submitted, -�u,r,L✓��,�- � � Caro1e Haddad Secy. to the City Council Approved; January 19, 1982 � `,�(`.�- C,� �`.��L-�'���j William J. f7ee P�1ay o r �