02/09/1981 - 00013327� � I L_ J � THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Frtdley City Council was called to order at 7 30 p. m. 6y Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Nee led the�Council and audience in the Pledge of Alleg�ance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilwoman Moses and Councllman Fitzpatrick None Mayor Nee requested the following item be added "Consideration of Easement Agreement w�th Northern States Power Re: North Park Area" MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above addit�on. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses-. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1 PUSLIC HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST, ZOA TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE/PROF AVENUE, DR. �EROME C. SCHURSTEIN AND CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REOUEST TO RE PROFESS 04. TO REZONE FROM R-3 ?0 CR-1 SETBACK FOR DFF-S7REET PARKING AND NG, 4345 UNIVERSITY AVENUE C. SCi�URS MOTION 6y Councilman Fttzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing not�ce and open the pu6lic hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the pu6lic hearing opened at 7:32 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property involved in this rezoning request is located east of University and north of 53rd. The property is currently zoned R-3 and rezoning is requested to CR-1 to a11ow construct�on of a two-story office building. Mr. Flora stated the property is located cul-de-sacs at the edge of the property of the triangular shape. on a short, deadend service road that and it is difficult to build on because Mr. Flora stated Dr. Schurstetn's plans, if th� property is rezoned, is to have a build�ng wtth professionally oriented tenants such as attorneys, dentists, doctors, etc. He stated the Planning Commission reviewed th�s request and has recommended approval and staff has no ob,7ection to the rezoning. Mr Flora stated, tn con�unction with the rezon�ng, variances are also requested to reduce the setback for off-street parking from the required 25 feet to 5 feet; to reduce the rear yard setback from the required 25 feet to 20 feet, and reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 15 feet. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission has recommended that this bu�lding line up with the structure to the South. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he was not as concerned with the front setback, as wtth the rear setback, where there are single famtly residences in back. He stated, however, he hasn't hear�d any ob,7ection to this rezoning at the public hearing before the Commission. ;k �� � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Flora stated the only item 6rought up by residents was that the fence to the back of this property be of like material as the one to the south. Councilman Barnette pointed out the homes on 4th Street are above the level of this property and could see where there wouldn't be any particular ob,7ection, as they wouldn't be on the same level as the parking lot Mr. Flora stated currently there are a number of residents using the alley for access and 6y construcLing on this parcel, �t changes the access and affects the traffic on that alley. He felt, with this consfruction and fencing, the Council should address the use of the property either, by completing the alley to include the road which woultl then tie into 54th, or provide some type of access for the property owners to use thetr garages whrch now exit to the unimproved alley. No persons in th e audience spoke regarding this rezo m ng request. MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatrick to close the publ�c hearing Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Plee declared the mot�on carried unanimously and the public hear�ng closed at 7:52 p. m. Mr. Quresh�, C�ty Manager, asked Dr. Schurstein if there was any urgency in o6taining the rezonin9 and he stated, he would like it done w�thin a month, if possible. Mr. Quresh� stated, if the Coum cl desires, they could have the first reading of the ordinance to rezone this property and could consider the variances at the tnne of the second read�ng of the ordinance. NSIDERNTION OF FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE RE: REZONING REQUES lrnnnir r oriuino�rrr�i. MOTION by Counciln�an Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon fi rst readin� for rezoning request, ZOA #SO-04. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, f4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmous]y. MOTION by Counc�lwornan Moses to waive the read�ng of the public hearing not�ce and open the public hear�ng. Seconded 6y Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ�c hearing opened at 7:55 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this property in question is located rn the Paco Industrial Park. He stated the origmr�al request submitted to the Planning Commission was to rezone lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 1, of the Paco Industrial Park, from C-2 to M-1 to construct a a8,000 square foot building. He stated, after discussion with the Planning Commission, the developer revised the request and stated they could build two separate structures which would leave lots 2 and 3 as C-2 zoning and only rezone Lots 4, 5 and 6 to M-1. They further reduced the size of the build�ng from 98,ODD to 94,000 square feet. Mr Flora stated he understands the petitioner has communicated with the City Attorney and he indicates there isn't a problem of ustng this building as an office-warehouse type structure in a C-2 zone. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commiss�on recommended approval of rezon�ng Lots 4, 5, and 6 to M-1 with the follolMing stipulattons• (1} That the developer work with tne CSty staff �n com�ng up with a fair portion of roadway costs for the C�ty road going �nto the City park facility; and (2) If the developer fails to deveiop the proposed sect�on, as shown in Exhibits A and B, the rezoning will revert back to the original C-2 zone. L1 1 1 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated Mr. Paschke had some concern about an M-1 zone next to his property and that was the reason the proposal was made to have the property adjoining Mr. Paschke's rema�n as commercial and only rezone three lots to M-1. Mr. Rob Taylor, representing Winfield �evelopment Company, stated they don't have any firm leases for the property, but it �s quite possible they will have s9uve, service-type commercial use. He stated they have other buildings under constructton tn the Twtn Cities area and would maintain the same quality of , construction. Councilwoman Moses asked about the offtce-warehoustng type of use in both buildings. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he sent a letter to Winfield Development Company regarding his interpretation of the code regarding C-2 and P4-1 zones and areas where there are similarities and where there are differences. He thought, from this letter, it was their feeling they know what would be permitted. Councilwoman Moses pointed out one of the stipulations is that Winfield Development would work with the City on the roadway and share in the cost and quest�oned tf this would be a problem. Mr. Taylor stated he couldn't foresee any problem, as they felt they should pay for some of the costs, since they will be using the road. Mayor Plee felt it should be considered if they want strip commercial or industrial and indicated he was skeptical about strzp commerical zo m ng. Mr. Herr�ck stated, �n v�ew of the stipulation recommended by the Commission, he would suggest withhold�ng the publication of the rezonin9 ordinance until the petitioner is ready to make application for the permit No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning request. � MOTION by Councilwoman P1oses to close the publ�c heartng. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, f4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unam mously and the public hearing olosed at 8:22 p. m. NG OF ORDINANCE RE: REZONING REQUEST ZOA �80-05 MOTIDN by Councilwo�an Moses to wa�ve the reading and approve the ordinance upon �irst read�ng for rezo m ng request, ZOA �80-05. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vonce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmously. 3 PUBLIC HEARING ON PLAT AP1EN�MENT, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSE PLAT VI. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hear�ng. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vot�n9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8 7_5 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the C�ty has been notified by the Darrel Farr Corporation that they intend to amend their Innsbruck North Townhouse Plat VI by elim�nating six garage sites. He stated the Planntng Commisston reviewed this at thetr January meeting and referred it to the Council for action. � Councilman Schneider questioned the purpose of elim�nating the garages. f�r. Ray Cunningham, represent�ng the Farr Corporation, stated when the plat was originally approved in 1979, they thought they would be able to sell a lot of two-car garage units, however, this has not proven to be true, th�refore, they wtsh to eliminate them from the plat. He pointed out there are 48 units in Plat VI and they ha�e 60 garages whtch will be enough. ; � �- PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 4 Counc�lman Schne�der asked if someone wishes to purchase a double garage, if they could do so. Mr. Cumm �gham stated they could until the garages are all sold. He expla�ned every unit has a base price which �ncludes a single garage and if another garage is desired, the additional cost is $3,995. Counctlnan Schneider asked the provistons for parking besides the garages. Mr. Cunningham stated there is some off-street parking provided, but didn't know the exact number of spaces. He explained they were not reducing the parking, ,7ust eltmating the optional garages. Councilman Schneider asked if this matter has gone through the process of the Townhouse Association. Mr. Cunningham stated it had two years ago. Councilwoman Moses asked if they were to go before the Townhouse Association now, if he could see any problems with the tenants as far as parking is concerned. Mr. Cunningham stated he didn't see how the owners would be affected by this chanaes. Councilwoman Moses stated she has a letter from owners in which they indicate they saw additional parking areas when purchasing their townhouse and now didn't foresee any off-street parking available. Mr. Cunningham stated an alternative would bet� make the whole strip, where the yarages are now proposed, off-street park�ng if that wou]d be helpful. Councilman Schneider stated he has this same letter and the owners stated, when they purhased their townhouse they were shown a s�te layout and dtdn't purchase a second garage because they couldn't be assured where it would be located and they state off-street parking has been eliminated. Mr Flora stated construction has been accord�ng to the plat. Councilman Schneider asked if the plat was adopted without any provisions for off-street parking. t4r. Cunningham stated each garage has a turn-in area in front of �t and they haven't eliminated any off-street parking. Mayor Nee stated any guest parking needed then is not provided Mr. Cunningham stated there may be one or two stalls, but not a number of them for guest parking. Councilwoman f�loses stated perhaps the cost for the second garage was excessive and may be the reason they �-�zr���'tsold, ho�vever, she did feel they needed some off-street parking. The President of the Innsbruck Townhouse Corporation and members of the Board of Dtrectors were present and it was requested this �tem be tabled unttl such time as �t is brought before the Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee. lhe President requested, in tlie future, the Townhouse Association receive notices of the public hearin9s. Mr. Kook, a resident of the 6th Addition, stated cneof the main concerns is parking since the streets, basically, are only 20 feet wide and it is very difficult to park along the curb line. He stated a concern of the Architectural Control Comm�ttee, if garages are eliminated, is that the land is not �ust left barren and wild as they ielt it would detract from the townhouses in the area. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Kook if he felt a parking area would be considered an �mprovement to which he answered in the aff�rmative. Mr. K ook stated the Architectural Committee would li4:e some time to discuss this issue. 1 ' , , L�I � PUBLIC HEARING MEETII4G OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 5 Mr. Cunningham stated he was puzzled, in that this plat was approved, and they are asking to elimtnate garages they don't feel are needed. Councilwoman Moses stated when the plat was approved in 1979, the City should have been aware what type of parking needs were needed and so stipulated at that time. Mr. Cunningham stated they would be willing to put parking in this area, Mrs. Walker, owner of one of the townhouses, questioned why she had not received a deed for the second garage. Mayor Nee explained that the plat, where her garage is located, has not as yet been filed, therefore, this is the reason she hasn't received a deed. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt there was a need to review the parking requirements and a report back to the Council and also to give the Townhouse Association time to review this proposal. h1r. Cunningham stated they have some um ts sold and would like to file thts plat. He stated he doesn't know what their options would be, however, if they eliminated the garages, they would be happy to put in off-street parking. Mayor Nee stated it would fiave been helpful if Farr Coporation had talked to the Townhouse Association about this proposal. Councilman Schne�der stated, in the time he has been on the Council, any dealing with the Farr Corporation has always been a problem, apparently because they have not gone back to the Townhouse Association which, �n turn, creates delays. MO7ION by Councilman Schneider to continue this public hearing on Innsbruck North 7ownhouse Plat VI and request staff to review the parking situation in the area, as well as any other agreements that may or may not be made as a result of thts plat, with a report back to the Counc�l and to table action until Counctl hears from the Townhouse Association. Seconded by Counctlman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. [� PUBLIC HEARING ON FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the pu6lic hearing. Seconded 6y Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mobion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:55 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Dtrector, stated the City must enact a Flood Plain Management Plan by March 2, 1981 to remain eligible in the National Flood Insurance Program. He stated an Overlay District 0-1, Creek and River Preservation �istrict, is proposed in the draft Zo m ng Code and this district esta6lishes the legally enforceable instrument to remain elibilbe in the NFIP. Mr. Flora stated the underlined items are new items added to the code, Section 205.157, and the cross-hatched items are deletions. Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated the only change from the 1976 adopted maps, which used the Army Engineer Corps Flood Study, is that the Moore Lake basin is included. Mr. Boardman stated the control is with the Counc�l, however, the Department of Natural Resources would be notified of any 6uilding, special use permits or variances. 4 P �� "v c3 PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 6 It was pointed out there were some typographical errors in th�s material and on pa9e 9 of the proposed ordinance, Section 205.157, Item 1, the works "would increase" should be added after the word "which". Mr. Qureshi, City Nlanager, stated the first reading could be held this evening and the language would be reviewed and errors corrected at the time of the second reading. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this Flood Plain Ordinance. , MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanirnously and the public hearing meeting closed at 9:20 p, m. SIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF ION, 205.157 OF THE P90TION by Couricilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmously. OLD BUSINESS• CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO APPEALS COMMISSIDN AN� ENUIRONMENTAL QUALITY rnr.nnnrccrnni /rnni rn o la ioi 1 APPEALS COMMISSION: MOTION by Councilman Schne�der to nominate Don Hippen, 464 57th Place, for appointment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast a white ballot for the appointment , of Don Hippen to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted unanimously. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to reappoint Lee Ann Sporre�to the Environmental Quality Commission. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. This item was tabled to the next meeting. NEW BUSIiJESS: � APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY BLOCK GRANT FUNDING Mr. Boardman, City Planner, stated the County has set up a Steering Committee to handle funding for the Comnunity Development Block Grant Program. He stated th�s comm�ttee involves Fridley, Coon Rapids and Blaine and they will 6e holdtng a public hearing on February 17, 1981 at the Blatne City Hall regard�ng a recommendation to the County Board for final pro�ects in the County Application to HUD. 1�1r. Boardman stated Fridley has modified their proposal to include $280,OOG for property acquis�tion in the Center City Pro,7ect and a secondary applicatton ' for the Riverview Heights neighborhood in the amount of $25,000. He explained the total funding ava�labl'� to the three communities is �846,825.00. Mayor Nee asked if submission of these two applicat�ons was acceptable to the Council. ��A r � � ' � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 PAGE 7 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the applications for the Center City Project and the Riverview Heights Pro,7ect in the amounts of $280,000 and $25,000 for submission to the Steering Committee for recommendation to the County Board for �nclusion in the County appltcation to HU� for Gommunity Development 61ock Grant Funds. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried,unanimously CONSIDERATION OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NORTHERN STATES POWER RE: NORTH PARK AREA. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the proposal for this easement a9reement is that Northern States Power would deed to the City, an equivalent amount of land they are gettrng the easement on and would pay the City $121,750 as a cash payment. They would further a9ree that the poles would be lined up �vith the existtng line and would be a single structure pole type instead of a fra�ne type. Counc�lman Barnette asked why the $121,750 ts earmarked for use �n North Park. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney felt there are two questions, one being, if the State and Federal requirements require this money to be earmarked for North Park. He stated he doesn't have any opinion,vtiithout doing some further checking. Secondly, he stated, tf there is no legal requirement, it would be the Council's prerogative to dec�de where the money should be used. Mayor Nee stated the reasa�u they need the approval of the State and Federal government is because of the LAWCON money and their interest in the land. He stated the reason for gett�ng land on the south is that it is part of the trade the State and Federal government approved. Councilman Schneider stated it would seem zhe property �s be�ng damaged with the new wire, and is part of the property furnished by LAWCON, and the payment from NSP is for the damage. MOTION by Counctlwornan Moses to approve this easement dedication to Northern States Power and author�ze theiMayor and City Manager to execute this easement with the following stipulations: (1) To dedicate the following property: The Northerly 135 feet by 920 feet byr870 feet of that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section Three (3), Township Thirty (30), Range Twenty-four (24) which lies East of the Railroad right of way, and contatning approximately 21 acres. (Sub,7ect to easement NSP Westerly 60 feet). (Sub,7ect to access easement for Town Road to City of Fridley, January 19, 1973). Plat 55903 Parcel 1400; (2) To pay to the order of the City of Fridley $121,750 for right of crossing and to dedicate those funds to the PJorth Park Nature Center; (3) To match the 115KV line spans with the existing 354KV line; and (4) That single shaft steel poles will be installed Lo mim mize visual impact. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, Councilwoman Mases, Councilman Schenider, Counciliran Fi�zpatrick and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Barnette voted against the mot�on. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a 4 to 1 vote. lUIY IYV• J-1JU1 SEMENT FOR BIDS CURB AND REPLACEMENT OF PLANS AN� ORDE MQTION 6y Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resoultion No. 9-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schr�eider Upon a voice vote, a11 vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriedlunanimously Cl � �, PUBLIC HEARIIVG MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 �RESOLUTI i ESTIMATE �+ � � � VJ � � " � � � � 0. 10- 1981 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLAfdS, SPECIFICAT F COSTS THEREOF: PAGE 8 -1: � Mr. Flora, Pu61ic Works �irectar, explained this resalution covers street improvements for 19�1 and reviewed the proposed improvements. Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, suggested Council add the alley improvement east of University Avenue and north of 53rd to this resolution. MOTION by Councilman F�tzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 10-1981, with the addition of the alley improvement east of Un�versity Avenue an north of 53rd. Seconded by Councilwoman hloses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carrted unanimously. -1981 RECEIVING PRELIPIINARY REPORT AND SETTING A PLBLIC OF CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPRO1fEP�ENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 11-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriedcunanimously. OF COSTS MOTIOfJ by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 12-19£31. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carr�ed'unanimously. -1981 RECEIVING P,QELIMINARY REPORT APlD SET7ING A PUBLIC CT ST. 1981-2 MOTION by Counc�lman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 13-1981. Seconded by Councilman 8arnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot�ng aye, h9ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION N0. 14-1931 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TREE REMO�AL: MOTIOiJ by Councilman Schne�der to adopt Resolution No. 1�>-1921. Seconded by Councilman F�tzpatr7ck. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. UTIOP; N0. 15-1981 NAMIfJG THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES/CITY CLERK AS T MOTIOIV by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 15-1981. Seconded by Councilnan Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. y � APPOINTMENT - CITY EMPLOYEE: d MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to concur with the following appointment made by the City Manager. NAME William C. Hunt POSITIOIV Personnel Officer EFFECTIVE February 9, 1981 SALARY $23,771 per year REPLACES Peter Fleming Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. P1ayor Nee requested some back9round information on Mr. Hunt wh�ch Mr. Qureshi furnished to the Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declar�d the motion carried unanimously. �---, � I ' , � e�, � J, �� � 6 � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1981 ESTIMATE: PAGE 9 MOTION b,� Councilman Schneider to approve the estimate as submitted. Bud Johnson Construction Company c/o Design Consortium, Inc. 1012 Marquette Mtnneapolts, MN 55403 Application #9 - Sprin9hrook Nature Cenuer �31,434 Seconded by Counc�lwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS. MOTION by Councilman Fttzpatrick to authorize payment of Claims No. 027W06 through 03II601. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion carr�ed unan�mously. RESOLUTION N0. 16-1981 TO ADVERTISE FOR k3IDS FOR RADIO PAGER RECEIVERS• Mr. Bob Aldrich, F�re Chief, appeared before the Council regarding thts request to advertise for bids for radio pager receivers. He explained they are upgrading their alerting equipm�ent which would result in improved safety of the men on the fi re ground by providing better commu m cation, and it would also hclp �n maintenance costs as some of the equipment no�wa 6eing used is over 20 years olcl. He stated they will be converting the entire department at one t�me, and request permission to advert�se for 6�ds. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to adopt Resolut�on No. 16-1981. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor PJee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrtck to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Counctlman Schneider Upon a votce vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted una m mously and the Pulbic Nearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 9, 1981 ad�ourned at 10 15 p. m. Respecfully su6mitted, �� � . ,���� Carole Haddad Secy. to the Ctty Council Approved: Fe6ruary 23, 1981 � � — / �` �' .+� '�k, 3 , �%- _�'�'�r William J. Nee Mayor