03/09/1981 - 00013306I, � �r THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUfVCIL OF MARCH 9, 1981 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:32 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLE�GE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience tn the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT PRESEIVTATION OF AWARDS: Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses, Counc�iman Schneider and Counciiman Barnette None CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION Virginia Schnabel, Appeals Commission, Plam m �g Commission Richard Kemper, Appeals Commiss�on Lee Ann Sporre, Environmental Quality Commiss�on Wayne Saunders, Human Resources Commission Mayor iVee stated the Council w�shed to recogm ze four citizens who have given a great dea] of time and concern to the people of Fridley through partic�pat�on on the cit�zen advtsory commissions. Mayor Nee stated it is difficult to properly recognize the people who work on these commissions, however, perhaps one reward is the real effect they had on the C�ty. Mayor Nee then read the �nscr�ptions on the certificates and they were presented to the two persons present, Virginia Schnabel and Lee Ann Sporre All members of the Counc�l extended their thanks and appreciation to them for thair work on the commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR MEETING, FEQRUARY 23, 19II1. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously. PRESENTATION FROM JAYCEE'S Dr. Boudreau introduced the President of the Jaycee's, Mr. Kurt Schrupp, and stated the Jaycee's have agreed to help with the new commun�ty park and wrshed to make a presentatton this evenTng. Mr. Schrupp and Mr. Bill Klinsing stated the Jaycee's wished to make the first half of their donation to the community park for the purchase of four electronic scoreboards for the fields in the amount of $3,000, with another �3,000 donation next year. Mayor Nee and the Council extended their thanks to the Jaycee's for their support and donat�on. ' 1 ' �� � , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: PAGE 2 Mr. Richard Stanton, 521 Rice Creek Boulevard, appeared before the Counc�l to voice h�s comments regarding the Springbrook Nature Center. Mr. Stanton stated �n no way shou1d his remarks be associated w}th h}s daily vocat�on. Mr. Stanton stated he ob�ected to providing support to the Springbrook Nature Center as he felt it would not be desirable in the future for its intended use. He stated to allocate $121,000 to the nature center was contrary to the best long range interests of the City and felt these monies helong in the General Fund and not forever burden the City by continuing the nature center. Mr. Charles Ross stated in 1975 he was solicited by theSpringbrook Nature Foundation for support of the nature center and he appeared before the Council as a proponent of the nature center. He stated, at this time, the Council was assured there was funding available and the nature center would be totally privately funded. He felt on the basis of that information and under those circumstances, the nature center should have an opportunity to exist. Mr. Ross stated he appears before the Council this evening embarrassed hts name ever appeared associated wlth the nature center. He stated, when he learned of the recent allocation of funds from Northern States Power for the nature center, he was disappointed. He felt the Foundation hasn't fulfilled their promises and thought it was time to re-evaluate the Council's stand on the nature center. He felt the Council should examine the promises that were made, before the Springbrook Nature Center was established, and the procedures now being carried out. PUBLIC HEARINGS: � PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1981-1: AN D 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET Ih1PROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1981-2: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the reading of the public hearing notices and open the pu6lic hearings. Seconded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the public hearings opened at 7 47 p. m Mr Flora, Public Works Director, stated the public hearings cover the street tmprovements proposed tn the City for thts year. Viron Road South 450 Feet to Existinq Viron Road Service �rive Mr. Flora stated the first improvement to be considered is Viron Road. Staff has worked with the property owners on this particular improver�ent in attempt�ng to establish a 40 foot right-of-way. Mr. Flora stated they are proposing to obtain 10 feet of right-of-way from the Frostop Drive-In property and 30 feet from the ad,7acent parcel. He stated the total estimated cosi is $34,69D to be split evenly with parcel 2570 and parcel 2550. Mr. G. Stanley Rischard, attorney representing the owners of the Frostop, stated his clients feel since their parcel is about an acre and the other parcel is about three acres, the proposed amount to be assessed would be a disproportionate assessment. He stated the owners would not like any land taken on the south or east portion of the property. , ,� � , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARGH 9, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr Flora stated, wti.h the scheduled improvements of Dsborne Road by the County, where they will install a concrete median for traffic control, it will not be poss�ble to exit to the bJest from Viron Road. He further pointed out that traffic coming from the North would find it difficult to get on Viron Road and proceed south. He stated, therefore, with �fL County's improvement, staff is suggesting a dogleg around the property to allow traffic to exit in either direction. He stated, because of the size of the property, �t would be difficult to request a road easement or dedication. Mr. Flora stated the owner of parcel 2550, Mr. Harris, initially agreed ' to the 30 foot easement, but later felt it would be a problem and he is out of the state and will not be back unt�l April. Dr. Dahl, 177 Hartman Circle, who �s proposing to open a chiropratic off7ce on the Frostop site, stated the existing building is structurally sound so the �dea of tear�ng it down really has no merit, at least not at the present. Dr. Dahl pointed out �f 10 feet are taken from the �ast side of the parcel, �t will only leave 14 feet between the curb and back door and didn't feel it should be taken from that side. He felt the south boundary would also have to be taken into consideration srnce the County has plans to rnstall a sidewalk alor7g Osborne Road and, therefore, wouid take about 10 feet off the north boundary. He felt if 10 feet is taken off the east, south and north bourdaries of this parcel, it would be a lot of trimming and was concerned what it would do to the parcel as there wouldn't be anything left to build on, Dr. Dahl also felt, because of the size of this parcel, it didn't seem equitable to split the assessment equally with parcel 2550. Mr. Quresh�, City Manager, stated if there is no great urgency on the part of the owners of Frostop or the other property to develop, staff didn't ' feel strongly regarding the right-of-way. He felt this should be brought to the property owners attention, however, because of the improvement of Osborne Road.Councilman Schneider questioned tiaho initiated this improvement and Mr. Flora stated it was �n�tiated by staff to be brou9ht up in con,7unction with the County's imprc�vemeqt proaect � Mayor Nee felt the question is if the property owners want the dogle�. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, pointed out the C�ty has done numerous loopbacks and, essent�ally, �t has been paid by the adjoining properties. He stated the reason for bringing this before Council is the potential safety problem that exists there and th�s would be an extension of the improvement by the County of Osborne Road, with the City trying to prov�de the loopback. Mr. Hanson, 841 Kennaston Drive, stated they are not aga�nst the dogleo, but against taking any amount of land Councilwoman Moses asked if they didn't want the 10 feet taken off the Frostop property, if they would be willing to make an agreement wtth the other property owner for the fuli amount. Dr. Dahl stated he appreciated the idea and it had crossed his mind, however, the question is why he would pay Mr. Harris for the land and then split the ' assessment equally. Dr. Dahl felt he wouldn't benefit as much as Mr. Harris as he wouldn't get any addtt�onal access to this property. He felt, with the improvement, Mr. Harrts would have a frontage road and be able to split his property into parcels. PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 4 Mr. Flora stated Mr. Harris felt it was unreasonable to take all the property for the road from his parcel. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated both parttes have ob�ections to this improvement. He stated Mr. Harris indicated to him he would rather not have this loopback and would live with the access as it �s now. Mr. Qureshi felt, from a safety standpoint, �t should be done He stated the public heartng could be closed and staff could conintue to ne9otiate for an amiable agreement. � Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated Viron Road was assessed previously and felt both property owners could argue they aren't any better off with the loopback than they were before anythtng was done. He felt there may be a pro6lem in saying the property benefitted by atleast the proposed assessment. Councilman Fitzpatr�ck questioned if the Frostop parcel can be assessed for access when they already paid an assessment for access off Utron Road. Mr. Qureshi stated it has been done in the past with a number of loopbacks in the Ctty, however, if the Council desires to change thetr policy, this can 6e done. He felt the hearing should probably be closed and then staff can meet with the property owners to try and reach an agreement. fdOTION by Counctlman Schneider to close the hearing on this portion of the proposed street improvement pro�ect, Viron Road. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted unanimously and the public hearing closed on this portion only of the proposed street }mprovement pro3ect. f�iadision Street (Osborne Road South 290 Feet): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated, with the improvement of Osborne Road, staff has been in contact with Unity Hosp�tal for improvements on P9adtson Street. He stated it is proposed to expand this road to the west � to allow access into the hospital parking lot and emergency service drive P�r. Flora stated Mr. Haines, the Hospital Admim strator, contacted h�m this morn m g and indicated he was in favor bf the improvement. He pointed out the ent�re iinprovement will be assessed to Unity Hospital. Commerce Circle East - South Ext. to Commum ty Park Park�ng lot: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this street vatll service the 6Jinfield development along �niversity Avenue and it is proposed to assess three-fo�nths of the cost to Lot � on the east side of the street and one- fourth of the cost to Lot 7 on the west side of the street. He stated the road will also provide �access into the Community Park parking lot. Councilwoman Moses asked if the width of the road was such that it wouldn't discourage people to go north to the light. Mr. Flora stated he felt those people living to the north would probably extt in that dtrect�on and those living south would probably go along the service road to 69th Avenue. Mr. Qureshi stated, when 69th was no� signalized, a ma�or concern was traffic crossing the highway with no signal. � Ccuncilwoman Moses stated she wanted to make sure the w�dth of the road would encourage people to go north. Mr. Quresh� felt the width of the road wouldn't make any difference on the traffic flow, as people will pro6ably proceed in the direction they live. PUBLIC HEARING MEETItdG ON MARCH 9, 19d1 PAGE 5 Councilwoman Moses asked about maktng the road wider so there could be parking allowed on it. Mr. Qureshi felt there was ample parking in the parking liot and if additaot�l park,�,ngti�Pt�e qceu�d the lois of the industrial bu�ldtng4 could be used, Mr. Flora pointed out the parking lot for the Coinmunity Park allows parking for 200 cars. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed improvement. 69th Avenue (Old Central Avenue East to Stinson Boulev Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this road was improved to a minimum standard tn 1968 and felt this was the time to upgrade it because of the added traffic volume and additiorral traffic that willbe generated by the Medtronic complex expansion. He stated all property on the north side of 69th and the Anoka County °ark property on the south side of 69th will be assessed for the street surfactng. He stated future overlay for the southern portion of 69th is to be paid from State Aid Funds, as residential property owners have been prev�ously assessed for street surfacing. Mr. Quresh� stated, as far as the curbing, all affected properties that do not have curbing will be assessed. Mr. Quresht stated on the north side the total roadway would be irnproved to the State Aid Standards which are now a minumum of 48 feet wide, with an additional lane at the inter section of 69th and Central Avenue. He stated the policy in the past has been to fully assess the iridustrial roads against industrial properties, therefore, Medtronics would be assessed for northly portion of the improvement abutting their property. Mr. 1�1�ke Perkins, representing Medtronics, asked what the total cost would be for this improvement pro�ect, and Mr. Flora stated the cost is approx�mately $209,000. Mr. Mike Perkins asked if the City knew if Ramsey County had any plans to upgrade the�r portion of 69th Avenue. P1r. Flora stated i,he upgrading of 69th ,7,s �ncluded in their comprehensive plan, but he didn't h�ve a timetable for this improvement. Mr. Perkins stated, ori behalf of Medtronics, he would like to oppose tfie total scope of the pro,7ect. He stated Medtronics earlier presented them with an EAW document which contained facts and fiqures regarding the adequacy of the road to approximately the year 2,000. He felt it would 6e more prudent to take a look at this pro,7ect on an increment basis. Mr. Perk�ns stated, with the expansion, there will be about 800 more people on the�r site, but didn't know if that would be a significant load on this road. He pointed out there would be three different exits, two t� 69th and one to Central Avenue. He stated he realized they are going to be the pr�me benefactor of these improvements, but perhaps they could 6e phased over a period of several years and would look to staff for recommendations on the var�ous phases. Mr. Perkins stated a portion of the �mprovement could be tied tnto what they are doing, that is, curb and gutter along the north side. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if all these improvements were done, the actual assessment to the property would be in 1983 and after some years, the overlay could be provided and the cost for this would be about $47,000 He stated the curbing and widening could be done and that would be a major portion of the cost and approximately one-third would actually come about five years from now. ' , ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OFMARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. Perkins asked if storm sewer improvements would be put in along with the curb and gutter. Mr. Qureshi stated there is now an existing storm sewer system that takes care of most of the roadway already so they wouldn't have to put in any substantial system. Councilman Barnette asked if the properties on the south would be assessed about $1,OOD for curbtng. � Mr. Ron Germandson, 139D 69th Avenue, stated he thought their road was very good until last fall and , as he understands, all they are leoking for now is a concrete curb, the roadway is adequate. Mr. Qureshi stated the road would be substantia7ly improved, but it would be unfair to burden the res�dential properties w�th such a high assessment, therefore, staff has recommended they would only pay for the concrete cur6ing. Mr. Germundson voiced no ob�ection to the concrete curb. Both Mr. Tikkanen, 14D0 E9th Avenue and Mr. Bacon, 1350 69th Avenue, were also present and indicated they had nu ob�ectton to the curbing. Councilrnan Schnetder asked Mr. Perkins what he meant about proceeding on an increment 6asis, and wondered if he �s opposing the proposal as it is now. Mr. Perkins stated they would l�ke to see it spread out and the assessments paid in different year. Mr. Qureshi felt the City can work with Medtronics on that basis. He stated they would like to proceed with the improvement and to extend the life of the existing roadway, but w�ll do as much as possible to keep the assessment as low as poss�ble. Mr. Qureshi stated he realizes Medtronics is putttng a heavy investment in the�r expansion and can appreciate their concern. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed improvement. 73rd Avenue - 400 Feet West of West Comnerce Circle: � Mr. Flora stated, currently, 73rd Avenue terminates at West Commerce Circle. He pointed out Minco does have plan� for expansion some time in the future. He stated they have �een working with the property owners on extending the street and determining the length and also the requirement for the cul-de-sac. Mr. Qureshi stated the proposal is to finish the curbing and build any portion of the roadway that needs to be built before the final inat is laid. He stated the length on how far this should extend is negotiable, as far as the City is concerned. Mr. Karl Schurr, one of the property owners, appeared before the Council and read a letter dated March 9, 1981 in which he and the other property owners felt �he improvement wasn't a good investment at this ttme hecause there is no current need for the extension. He stated the plans to build on the property to the south are in the early formative stage and it is not known if the street extension will be needed to serve the property. He further pointed out any expans�on of Minco may make a street extensiori desirab1e, however, no expansion is anttcipated during the next several years. He stated it did not make sense to have $45,000 invested which is neither producing nor serving a useful purpose and the property owners request the Council to defer this �mprovement until it is acutally needed Mr. Schurr stated the letter is stgned by he and his wife, as well as Mr. Dallas Anderson and Mr. Gene Hetland. , Mr. Qureshi stated the City is doing a substantial portion of 73rd this year, hut if the owners feel they want to wait, the staff doesn't have any strong feelings about this improvement. He stated since this improvement would only serve two properties, it can be done when they want it. v F'J Pl1BLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 7 73rd Avenue - 300 Lin Ft. East and West of the Intersection of Universit Avenue at 73rd Avenue: Mr. Flora stated thts improvements is to �ncrease the w�dth to provide turning lanes on both sides of University Avenue. This pro,7ect would also include �mprovement of the Un�versity Avenue East Service Driv�. No persons in the audtence spoke regarding this proposed �mprovement. Allev Improvement - Between Universitv and 4th from 53rd to 54th Avenues Mr. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated because the Council was considering a rezoning in this area, staff felt it may be the time to consider improvement of the alley. He stated, from observing the property today, the driven por•tion of the alley is not on the easement. He stated the portion being driven on �s probably six to ten feet off the platted alley. Mr. Quresh� stated tf the Council felt improvement of the alley isn't the right approach, then enough space should be providetl to give extra room for the property owners to get in and out of their garages. Mayor Nee stated the estimated cost for th�s improvement would be $10.04 a front foot. Mrs. Vagovich, 5400 4th Street, felt, if the alley is improved, they would have more problems and a public nuisance. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the only reason some of the owners are able to use their gara9es is they are using property that is actually west of the alley easement. Mr. Zimmerman, 5380 4th Street, stated Mr. Kappes �s his neighbor and has used the alley for 20 years and questioned the width. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the total alley width is 12 feet. Mr. Zimmerman stated he would oppose the improvement if it were to be assessed. Mr. Chuck Schurstein presented some slides show�ng the alley from various angles and pointed out the number of encroachments in the alley. Mr. Qureshi stated if it is the desire of the property owners to improve the alley this would 6e the appropriate time to do it, in con�unction with the rezoning. If the desire is not to �mprove the alley, then he felt additional right-of-way should be requested from the property owner asking for the rezoning so the persons affected can, basically, use the property as they are now. �r. Schurstein stated he has been through three generations of trying to develop this property. He stated he was sorry about Mr. Kappes being cut off from the alley as that is a bad situation and he would allow him access, but was told he would have to install fencing. Mr. Chuck Schurstein stated two-thirds of the people from the residential area don't wish to have the alley and the commerical people don't want the alley, the quest�on is what they are going to do with the alley. Mr. Steven Hanson, 5333 University Avenue, feli the rezoning �s one problem and,the othen as that a lot of residents don't want the alley and don't use it._ He stated the ones that use the alley are residents of the apartment buildinig and one home owner. He suggested put�ng �n the improvement up to the apartmerit building and the one home to g�ve this person the access he needs. ' 1 1 , PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 8 Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the question of abandon�ng the alley is completely different than improving it and the City can't a�andon the alley, unless there is 100% agreement by the property owners. He stated it would seem to him the concerned people should meet with staff and work something out. He po�nted out the distinction of improving the alley and abandoning tt are two different questions. Mr. Chuck Schurste�n stated they want to work with the City in solving this problem, but want to know their stand. He stated they originally worked out the plan that they should provide access to the property owner. Ur. Schurstein stated what they want to trade off �s for him to pay for the al1ey in order to gei the rezonrng and variances Mayor Nee stated he thought when this came to a hearing several weeks ago, they had an agreement and, obviously, the� did not. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the item before the Council now is a public hearing on the alley improvement and closing the hearing does not preclude liow they are go�ng to proceed from there. No other persons �n the audience spoke regarding th�s proposed improvement. MOTION 6y Counctlman Fttzpatrick to close the public hearing on Street Improvement Pro,7ects ST 1981-1, ST 19f31-2, and ST 1981-1, Addemdum No. 1 covering proposed improvements for 1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously and the public hearings closed at 10:15 p.m. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorney, suggested it would be ;�rudent for the persons who have use and need of the alley and people who have requested the rezoning to meet with staff anc, review the options and alternatives. � OLD BUSINESS. � �SECON� READING OF BY MAKING A CHANG UNIVERSITY AVENUE � � DERATION OF A VAI:IANCE IONAL BUILDING, 5 THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRI o_� Tn ro_i cnn �rRn_nn ��n� TO RE RSITY SETBACK FOR OFF-STREET PARKING DR. JEROME SCHURSTEIN MOTIOtd by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to table the above two items. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votrn� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECESS A recess was called by Mayor Nee at 10:25 p. m. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 10 38 p. m. All Council members were present NEW BUSINESS: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY EDUCATION f40TI0N by Councilman �arnette to approve the payment to the Community Education Program. MUTION FAILED FOR LACY. OF A SECOND. � p-' , c) � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 9 INCN Mr. Flora, Pu61�c Worl:s Director, stated seven bids were received for th�s pro,7ect ranging form �107,000 to $47,757. He stated the low bidder was Halvorson Construction Company in the amount of �47,757.50 and it is recommended the b�d be awarded to them. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the bids and award the contract to the low bidder, Halvorson Construct�on Company in the amour,t of $47,757.50. PLANHOLDER BID DEPOSIT LUMP SUM 6ID Halvorson Construct�on Great American Ins. 4227 - 165th Avenue N.E. Company Wyoming, MN 55092 5% $ 47,747.50 Minnesota State Curb-Gutter Corp 68D1 West 150th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 Adcon, Inc. 9140 Davenport Street N.E. 6laine, MN 55434 Sam-Con Corporation 4086 valentine Crest St. Paul , hiN 55112 Progressive Contractors Inc. 3736 Zachary Lane Osseo, MN 55369 Thomas & Sons Construccion, Inc. 419 - 3rd Street S.E. Csseo, MN 55369 V�ctor Carlson & Sons, Inc. 2246 Etlgewood Avenue South Mi nneapol i s, P1fd 55426 Company Check $2,550.00 Universal Surety Company 5% American Druggists Ins. Company 5% Travelers Indemnity Company 5% Universal Sui�ty Company 5% St, Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. 5% ' $ 51,000.00 $ 57,9�5.00 � 59,500.00 � 62,85D.00 $ 75,702.00 ' $ 107,000.00 Seconaed by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously. ON N0. 21-1981 IMPOSING LOAD LIPIITS ON PUBLIC STREETS AN� HIGHWAYS MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to adopt Resolut�on No. 21-1981. Seconded by Councilman FiLzpatrick. Upon a vo�ce vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carr�ed unanimosuly. � RESOLUTION N0. 22-19�1 ORDERING I FOR 6IDS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PRC ISING MOTION by Counc�lman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 22-1981. Seconded 6y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr7ed unanimously. � RESOL AGREE STRATION TO ENTER I MOTION by Councilman Schne�der to adopt Resolution No. 23-1981, and authorize the hlayor and Ctty Manager to execute this agreement. Seconded by Councilman Barnette Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mosuly. 1 _ ,� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981 PAGE 1� �RESOLUTION fJO. 24-1981 ORDERING IMPROVEfdENT AND FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 133: � � , MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 24-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimosuly. RESOLL'TION N0. 25-1981 REQUESTING CONTINUED FUNDING OF COMMUNITY DE TO ANOKA COUNTY THROUGHOUT THE TH GRESSI ' :: IDERATION TO PROVIDE NT ENTITLEMENT FUN�S Councilman Schneider stated Anoka County has became an entitlement County, but due to decltne �n population, this may remove them from receiv�ng enti- tlement funds. He stated this year the County w�ll rece�ve entitlement funds and there �s a comnn ttee meeting with neighbor�ng communities to come up with how a certain share of these funds would be used Counc�lman Schneider stated Congressmen Sabo will be introducing a bill �n the House to attempt to keep Anoka County as an entitlement County and he requested the Council adopt this rosolution in support of the bill before the House. MOTIOfV by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 25-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. Upon e voice vote, all votrng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unantmously. ��� RESOLUTION 140. 26-1981 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE SIGNING OF A MEMORAN OF AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY F � � 1: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 26-1981. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses. :pon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS - CITY Eh1PL0YEES: MOTIOW by Councilwoman Moses to concur with the appointments trq the City Manager. NAME POSITION SALARY EFFECTTVE DATE REPLACES Shirley Haapala Record Specialist/ $1,286.21 Nlarch 2, Jean Christ�anson 2416 103 Lane N W. Deputy City Clerk. per L981 Coon Rapids, MN Central Serv�ces/ Mc�nth Data Processing Sharie Ahlers Secretary-- 7150 Central Ave. Police Dept Frtdley, MN $982.00 March 2 Shirley Haapala per 1981 Mbnth Richard D. Pribyl Finance Officer $2,000 March 23, Sid Inman Position 1043 126th Lane N.E. C�ntral Services/ per 1981 Bla�ne, MN 55434 Data Processing f+lonth Seconded by Councilinan Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�moGSly. 1 �) ESTIMATES. �� � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted. Toltz, King, Duval, Anderson and Associated, Inc. 1500 American fJational Saint Paul, MN 55101 Bank Bu�dl�ng For Engineering Services in connection with the Preparation of Infiltration/ Inflow Analysis, for January, 1981 �184.28 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a ve�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimoulsy. .� .�� � � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCN 9, 1981 CLAIMS PAGE 11 MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to approve Claims No. 027R30 through 063V08. Secended by Councilman Schneider. Upona voice vote, all voting aye, P1ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatr�ck to approve the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1�CONSIDERATION OF SETTIPIG A PUBLIC HEARING FGR MARCH 30, 1981 TO I ESTABLISHMEPIT OF A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1N1D TAX INCREMEPIT PLAN Counc�lman Barnette felt this may 6e an area where the Community Development Commission should be involved. MOTION by Ccuncilman Schneider to set the public hearing for f4arch 30, 1981 to consider establ�shment of a redevelopment district and tax increment plan. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor fJee declared the motion carried unanimously Councilwoman Moses stated she felt badly about the action regard�ng payment for community education, but was angry at being set-up and having someone froin school speaking against the nature center. She felt they should all be working together, not against each other. A��OURNf�1ENT: MOTIOfJ by Councilwoman Moses to ad,7ourn the meettng. Seconded by Councilman Schneider Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley City Council of March 9, 19�1 ad,7ourned at 10 55 p. m Respectfully subm�tted, ���. /5��(,,.o(_i Carole Haddad Secy. to the City Counc�l Approved: March 16, 1981 ( X f /° �-� l/ " � � Willta �. N°e Mayor ' ' 1