06/08/1981 - 00013186� � 1 THE MINUTES OF THE PUBL?C HEARING MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF �UNE 8, 1981 The Public Hearing Meeting of the Fridley C�ty Council was called to order at 7:35 p, m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT A�OPTION OF AGENDA: Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Mases and Councilman Fitzpatrick None MOTION by Counc�lman Schne�der to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Counctlwoman Moses. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: � PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRI�LEY CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE FRIDLEY ZONING CO�E: AND CONSIDERATION AT PUBLIC HEARING OF AMENDMENT TO 7HE EXISTING R-i1 ZOfJING CODE nr runoTCO �nc. I�E ITY COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION FOR ILY MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to waive the readir�g of the public hearing not�ce and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a vo�ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motrion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:38 p. m. Councilman Schne�der stated he would like to break the public hearing into three �ections: first, to consider the ordinance which would modify the existing zoning code concerning double bungalows, by special use perm�t, in an R-1 zone; second, to cons�der the Commum ty Development Corrumsslon's recommendation for existing single family dwelling untis to allow two families in single family dwellings in an R-1 zone; and third, to consider the proposed amendment to Chapter 205 which covers the City's entire Zoning Code. Councilman Schneider felt discussion on the proposed ordinance to delete double bungalows in an R-1 zone with a special use permit and discussion of the Comnunity Development Commission's recommendation would not take as long as the discussion on the entire amendment of Chapter 205. He felt something may be accomplished this evening on the first two issues, however, it may be necessary to continue the hearing on the amendment to the entire Zoning Code. Counctlwoman Moses indicated she agreed withCouncilman Schneider's comments and felt they s�hvuld deal with these issues rn the manner he had suggested. Mr. Herr�ck,City Attorney, stated the public hearing has been opened, and after discussion and testimony g�ven, the Council may etther close the hearing or continue it to another date. He stated, if 7t �s continued, he would be satisfted that the public hearing, as it relates to the proposed ordinance to delete double bun9alows in an R-1 zone with a special use permit, has been adequately covered, unless someone indicates a desire to appeal on that issue. , ,� PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 2 Councilman Schneider clarifted that the Council could proceed wtth first reading of the proposed ord�nance, as shown on Page 1B of the agenda book, even though the public heartng rema�ns open. Mayor Nee felt the Council should proceed on that basis and enter discussion on the proposed ordinance concerning deletion of dou6le bungalows in an R-1 zone with a special use permit. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Planning Commission has recommended that the section in the Zoning Code, under the R-1 zone, that permits double bungalows, with a spec�al use perm�t, be deleted. Counctlwoman Moses questioned if they were talking about this in comparison with existing units or new units, and if they are separate, under what conditions they would be allowed. She stated if they are lookin9 at th�s proposed ord�nance in terms of existing single family dwelling untCs, she thought the quidelines outlined by the Community Development Coimm ssion were good. Mayor Nee po�nted out �hat the Council is considering at this time is deletion of Sections 205.051-3D and 205.05�-2C which would remove from the present Zonin� Code the provision for double bungalows tn an R-1 zone. Councilwornan Moses asked �f there could be a provision to allow a single family home to be converted to a double bungalow. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if the Council wishetl to adopt rules to allow conversiana, it would have to 6e subm�tted in another ord�nance. Councilman Schneider stated the City has had for a number of years a provision to tssue a special use permit, upon four-fifths vote of the Council, to allow a dou6le bungalow �n an R-1 zone. He further stated, with a special use permit, the burden of proof is on the Council why this permit should not be issued. Counc�lman Schneider felt, by removing this provision, �t would require a rezoninq application, if someone wished a double bungalow in an R-1 zone, and would place the burden of proof on the applicant. Counc�lman Scfine�der stated his concern is that a lot of people purchased or 6uilt homes in an R-1 zone assum�ng the zonin9 was rathar solid and didn't expect duplexes to be built next to them. Councilman Schneider stated he would recommend this ordinance be adopted and then the Council can deal w�th conversions as a separate ordinance. Councilnian Fitzpatr�ck stated he would agree with Councilman Schnetder and believed, by adopting thts ordinance, the Council is really adopting something they liad practiced in the past as they have usually denied these requests for a special use permit. He further stated the special use permit isn't what they have assumed it has been and, in effect, it is a rezoning and that is the way it should come before the Council, and not as a special use permit. Councilman Schneider stated, for the record, he received a call from Pat Gabel, Chairman of the Appeals Commission, in support of th� proposed ordinance. Councilwoman Moses questioned if there would be a separate ordinance and public hearing to add a spec�al use permit process for existing single family homes. Mayor Nee stated there isn't an ordinance covering this issue, therefore, no act�on could be taken, however, it would be discussed this evening. Mr. Nerrick, City Attorney, stated if the proposed ord�nance is adopted, it will mean that double bunyalows, or at least new construction, can't take place in an R�1 zone by use of a spec�al use permit, � � ' PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 3 He further stated, if an ordinance is adopted on conversions, it would mean that existing stngle family homes in an R-1 zone may be converted to two fam�ly units 6y using a special use permit, under certain circumstances. Mr. Herrick stated he didn't know wheiher thts ts inconsistent, however, from a legal standpoint, it probably could be defended. He questioned tf there is a d�fference in allowing conversion of an existing single famtly unit to a double bungalow, as opposed to allowing construction of a new double bungalow �n an R-1 zone. He didn't know if they can rationalize the , difference between the two. Councilwoman Moses stated one of the Commum ty Development Commiss�on's recommendations for establish�ng a special use permit for existing single family dwelling unl�s to allow two families in an R-1 zone was that the second dwelling un�t cannot be permanently sealed off. She felt, in new construction, they would be built as two distinct units and will always remain as such. Mr. Harris, 6200 Rtverview Terrace, stated he has a great deal of problems with special use permits and perhaps a better way to apprcacM this would be the variance procedure. He stated he didn't want to overload the Appeals Commission with a lot of work, but with a variance, the burden of proof to show why �t should be approved is on the appl�cant. He felt this would be a better way to approach it and ustng, perhaps, the guidelines of the Corronunity Development Corrm�ssion. Mr. Nerrick felt another approach might be through a licenstng procedure to grant a license to the present owner for a period of time and is not transferrable to another owner. Mr, Herrick felt a licensing procedure would solve the problem of inconsistency between existing single family homes and new construction. Councilman F�fszpatrick questioned by the licenstng procedure, if it would � be any more deniable than a special use perm�t, Mr. Herrick felt it would be, but wanted to research the question. Mayor Nee reviewed the recommendations ofi the Corttnun�ty Development Commission regarding criteria to be used as the minimum requirements for establishing a special use permit for existing single family dwelltng units to allow two families in a single family dwelling unit in an R-1 zone. These recommendations were as follows. (1) Minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet (2) Floor area for either family unit not less than 65D square feet (3) Off-street park�ng, including garage, for at least 4 vehicles (4) Connot be permanently sealed off (i.e., common entry way, one adc�ress, one water meter, one gas meter, and one electric meter)(5) Special use permtt expires at sale (6) One apartment is owner-occupied (7) Conditions of spec�al use permit on file at County with title (8) Conforms with State Butldtng Code. Mayor Nee felt the Council should discuss the desira6ility of a licensing procedure that would perm�t a single famtly dwelling unit in an R-1 zone to be used by two fam�lies. Councilwoman Moses stated, in looking at the eight recommendations of the Commtssion, she stated another should be added regarding renewal of the license annually, if conversions were allowed under a licensing procedure. � Mr. Herrick felt it may be premature to talk about specif�c periods for the licens�ng„ before staff has an opportunity to review it. He pointed out, if Counc�l proceeds with a ltcensing procedure, Items 5 and 7, which make reference to special use permits, will also have to be changed. He felt what the Council might consider is whether they wish to implement some workable means to accomplish the recommendations of the Community Development Commission. PUBLIC HEARING P1EETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 4 Councilman Barnette questioned the square footage in the senior citizen um �s. He pointed out the recommendat�on from the Commission was 650 square feet and that the senior citizen unots are not large, but comfortble for one or two persons. fie also questioned if there are limitations on the number of persons who can live in the newly created second dwelling unit. Mr. Qureshi stated they would check into the square footage of the senior cttizen units and the standards under the building and housing code regarding the occupancy. f4r Harris stated, in the present Zo m ng Code, fi ve unrelated individuals may l�ve in a single family dwelling. He stated there is no real limit on the ' nur;ber of persons living in a unit that are related by blood or marriage. Mayor Nee stated he would l�ke an expression of the Council's feelings as to whether they would like to see a proposed ordinance for licensing conversions. Councilman Barnette stated he would be in favor of allomr�ng for some conversions and felt they should look at a reasonable square footage and that the newly created unit should include bedroom, living room, kitchen, a�nd ba�h. Counctlman Schneider stated he has a real problem with it, as tt didn't see how the City will be able to cont�ol or lim�t the number of single family homes that would become duplexes. He feit if staff can come up with the necessary criteria, which is not inconsistent with the use of the_neighbo'r�hood, he would be in favor of �t. He felt there had to be some control so everyone isn't converting to R-2 in a zone that was designed speciftcally for R-1. Councilrrian Schenider stated his concern is that, ultimately, they would be changing the character of entire neighborhoods. Mr. Harris stated it was the concensus of the Planning and Community Deve7opment Commissions because of shortage of affordable housing and senior citizen housing, they felt there would probably be a great deal of pressure for "mother-�n-law" apartments. He stated they felt a need for contrml from the safety standpoin�, and th�s was a way they could have control and people do this legally. Mr. Lorbesk�, 6101 Sunrise Drive, stated there should be concern about fire and , safety and to be sure there are proper exits for persons living �n a basement apartment. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt if the license could not be denied, without a hassle, they would 6e right back �n the sam e situation they are with the special use perrm t. He felt, with a licensing procedure for conversions, they would have a lot more of this happening in the City. He felt what they need is to have a proposal they can discuss and there are too many open ends, and could very easily get out of hand. Mr. Harris po�nted out the average family size is decreasing, therefore, the number of persons per lot or per acre would probably remain about the same. t�r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated a number of questi,ons have been raised, however, trie question he sees is if the Gouncil wishes to allow the conversion for two f amilies in a single home in a R-1 zone. He pointed'out the extsting ordinance provides that a person rnay rent out rooms in their home. Mr. Qureshi felt no matter what they come up with, �t will be difficult to enforce and that enough revenue would never be collected to control this type of activity. He stated he understands the Council wishes staff to try and find a way to allow single family homes in an R-1 zone to be used for two family living, under certa�n�conditions. Mayor Nee stated Councilwoman Moses had asked that this issue be brought up in ' con�unction withthe nroposed ordinance to delete double bungalo�ms in an R-1 zone, with a special use permit. , � PU6LIC NEARING MEETING �F JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 5 Mayor Nee stated the Council will proceed with the hearing on the amendment of Chapter 205 of the Fridley Zoning Code and asked if anyone was present who had a particular interest in thts item. Since there was no response, the following motion was made: MOTION by Council�nan Fitzpatrick to continue the public hearing on the amendment to Chapter 205 of the Zoning Code and the heam ng on the proposed ordinance to delete double bungalows tn an R-1 zone, with a specia7 use permit, to the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared'the motion carried una m mously. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded 6y Cou�c�lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motton carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 9 10 p. m. Mr. Bill Deblon, Planning Department, appeared before the Council to present some background information on ihis proposed noise ordinance. He stated the first talk of a no�se ordinance was by the Environmental Quality Comnnsston in October, 1977. Mr. �eblon stated in January, 1980, the E.P A. gave a grant to the League of Minnesota Ctt�es and Fridley was one of the target cities to receive techm cal assistance for work on a noise ordinance. He stated, in April, 1980, a meeting was held to get a feeling on whether the City might want to go with this ordinance. He further stated the Community Development Commtssion supports the no�se ordinance and the Env�ronmental Quality Commission has sent it to the Planning Commission, vrith the Plann�ng Commission approving the ordinance and now passed on to the Council for the�r consideration. � Mr. Deblon siated, by documenting all the regulations into one ordinance, tt puts the public on notice that unnecessary noise is unhealthy and the City wants to minimize that noise. Councilwoman Moses felt the entire ordinance was directed towards people who worked an 8 to 5 �ob and didn't know how you would enoompass persons who may work a night �ob. Mayor Nee felt Sec�ions b and c> under Item 3, on Page 4 needed further explanation. He felt Sect�on 6 needed to add where the persons were present and more explanation under Section c regardin9 who is causing or has control over a disturbance. Mr. Harris stated he was not speaking as Cha�rman of the Planning Commission, as th�s ordinance was recommended for approval when he was not present. He stated, he wished, however, to comment on several ttems and asked if the memo from the staff which stated the ordinance has been reviewed by a multitude of people, if they were trying to say that all these people concurred w�th the ordinance. Mr. Deblon stated the City Prosecutor had quest�ons on the nuisances and the Building Inspector had questions regarding the air-conditioning. He stated �t was felt the nuisances, as written, got at the noise problems better than , something in general. He stated the City Prosecutor had an opportunity to review the draft, as the City wanted to elim�nate a�y of his concerns, and he hasn't rece�ved any comments back from him regarding the ordinance. l i PU6LIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr Harris felt that Sectt�n 124.06 was controlling activittes and didn't have anything to do with noise levels. Mr. Qureshi stated he does see, even though the intentis,goori, there may be some areas where the City may get into neighborhood squabbles. He stated he would like a more clear defi nition of what they want to control and only cover the ser�ous problems. Councilwoman Moses asked if a permit is required to install and aar-condition�ng un�t. Mr. Deblon stated it is not requ�red for a window unit, but a permit is required, under the State Buildin9 Code, for a central anr-conditioning unit since mechanical and/or electrical procedures are involved. Mr. Harris stated he didn't believe the costs for enforcing this ordinance, and felt they would be higher which would mean adding a full-time staff person w�th police power or another police officer. Mayor Nee stated the enforcement of this ordinance would be worked in with normal duties. Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated, from a general standpoint and pol�ce prospective, they don't oppose the ordtnance, but mildly support it. He felt this wouldn't take away from any other police effort and stated they do have two officers trained who would operate the no�se meters from their vehicles. He stated their prtorty would be strictly vehicle noise. Mr Hill stated they do not recommend a compliance center because of the cost and can see no value at this time. Mr. Harris felt more neighborhood squabbles could be started than solved regarding noise problems in certa�n areas. He stated he was referring especially to Section 124.06 cover�ng outdoor activities. Mr. Harr�s stated he wanted to go on record he is not opposed to a noise ordinance controlling noise, but doesn't feel they are controlling noise alone, but people's activities which is a completely different ball game. Mr. Qureshi stated defi ntte iter.� are clearly spelled out in the ordinance and they should make sure they want all these tncluded in the ordinance Mr. Herr�ck stated, in order to get a conviction on a nuisance charge, there would have to be a number of people involved andsuggested this section be changed. Mr. Qidreshi stated staff would rev�ew the language in the ordinance and brtng it back to the Council. tdo ather persons �n the audience spoke regardin9 this proposed noise ordinance. f�OTIDN by Councilman Schneider to close the pu�lic hea�ing. Second�d by Oouncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared�'the motion carr�ed unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10 p. m. RECESS� A recess was called by Mayor Nee at 10 p. m. RECONUENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 10:15 p. m "�` CONSIDERATION OF MI�- All Council members were present. 60ULE1IAR� BETWEEN � Councilman Schne�der stated this area has one of the highest bur9lary rates in the City, w�th one in nine homes being burglarized in the last year. He stated, although this doesn't meet the standards for a street light, there have 6een situations in the past where the standards were waived because of a hi9h crime rate. , ' , PUBL�C HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 7 Counctlman Schneider stated he has received a call from a resident regardtng a street l�ght and pointed out the area is extremely dark, Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City currently has three lights in this area and they could probably work with the City of Moundsview to see if they would be willinc to install a li9ht in the block. Mr. Qureshi pointed out, if th'e Council wishes to control cost, th�s might 6e � an area where tt would be diff�cult to cut back in the future. Councilman Schneider stated because of the high crime rate and burglaries, he felt to check on these crimes would exceed the cost of a street light. MOTION by Counctlman Schneider to authorize the installation of a street light on Stinson Boulevard between the 7500 and 7600 blocks, after checking w�th the City of P1ounds View to determine if they would be willing to install it: Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated N.S P. has been contacted to clear tree branches from their lines, but it still will be difficult for a light to penetrate to the homes because of the large trees in the area which provide a lot of sM elding. Mayor Nee also asked about the parking problem around Spring Lake and if something could be done in this area. Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated he has checked with the residents in the area, who have done a door-to- door survey and, at this t�me, the residents do not request any restrictions on the parking. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una m mous�ly. �'�% CONSIDERATION OF HILLTOP FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT ' Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this is a fire protection servtce agreement between the cities of Fridley and Hilltop and is for a three year period. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter m to the Fire Service Contract between the City of Fridley and City of Hilltop for a three year period. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrie d unam mously. �� RECEIVING PETITION FROM FRIENDLY FRIDLEY FOLKS FOR A SENIOR DROP-IN CENTER MOTION by Counctlman Fitzpatrick to receive the petition from the Fri�ndly Fridley Fo1ks for a Senior drop-in center. Seconded by Counctlman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrted unanimously. Mr. Lorbeski, 6101 Sunrise Drive, representing the Friendly Fridley Folks, stated he had one correction to make on the information submitted and that is they don't need a ramp as there are not any steps to contend with. Councilman $arnette suggested the petttion should be directed to the School Board because they operate Parkview Schoolwh�,re the Friendly Fridley Folks have requested space. Counctlman Barnette asked if the se m or citizens use a portion of the school now. � Mr. Lorbeski stated they have one room at the school, but don't have a place to hold dances. He also explained they do have some conflict w�th the _ activity center held at Parkview School at the times when they meet to play cards. ��, PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF ,]UNE 8, 1981 PAGE 3 Mayor Nee asked if the senior citizens proposal would require someone to move from Parkview School. P1r. Lorbeski stated it would require moving the creative play center to another section of the butlding or movtng their activities, as it didn't make any difference on which end of the building they were located. Mr. Lorbeski stated they have senior citizens going to other communities because they have more to offer than Fridley. Councilnian Schneider felt he could support the proposal, but the School Board will ultimately have to address the issue. Councilman 6arnette felt it should be ment�oned to the School Board that the City is providing some fund�ng for senior citizens through the Parks and Recreation Department. Mayor Nee felt they should submit their proposal to the School Board for space at Parkview School, and that he would certainly be supportive of their proposal. Mr. Lorbeski stated they would submit their proposal to the School Board, e,r�d would come back to the Council if they didn't receive any satisfaction from the Board. , �� RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR HIGH SPEED PHOTO COPIER (BIDS OPENED 5/29/81): P10TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the bids for the hrgh speed photo copier. BRAND XEROX KODAK IBM MO�EL 8200 150AF MODEL 40 w/20 BINS Purchase Price Installation Cost Total B�d Delivery Date Service Guarantee Warranty Bid Bond �own Payment $48,640.00 255.00 48,895.00 Est. 30 Days 7 years 90 days Chub Group Insurance Company %5 None Required $56,620.D0 -n_ 56,620.00 Est. 6 Weeks 7 years 3 months Cashier's Check 5th N. W. Bank $2,831.00 None Required $40,016.65 251.00 40,266.65 Est. 6 Weeks 7 years 90 days Hartford Fire Insurance %5 10% $4,OO1J2 Seconded by Counc�lwoman Moses. Upon avoice vo�e, all vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una m mously. Mr. Inman, City Clerk, the bids for the h�gh speed copier were evaluated on the basis of a seven year cost calculation and on ratings from independent office equipment research organizations. He stated the Kodak 150AF has the best demonstr�ted performaae record among metropolitan area corporation and was the only equipment to fully meet the bid specifications, Mr. Inman stated, based on the a6ove findings, it was recommended the bid be awarded for the Kodak 150AF in the amount of $56,620.D0. MOTION BY Councilwoman Moses to award the bid to Kodak for the Kodak 150AF high speed copier equipment in the amount of $56,620.00. Seconded by Counc�lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�mously. ' .1 r� � �� , �� � PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1981 PAGE 9 RECEIVING BIDS AND SELLING XEROX 7700 COPIER (BIDS OPENED 6/5/81'�T 11.30 A.M.): Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated only one bid was received from the City of Brooklyn Center for the purchase of Xerox 7700 copier, and this was for $7,500. Mr. Qureshi stated this amount is $200 more than what Xerox offered as a trad�in,and recommended the sale be made to the City of Brooklyn Center. Mr. Inman stated the City advertised for bids in the Fridley Sun and in one of the League magaz�nes. He stated they have a number of inquires, but received only one bid. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the bid from the City of f3rooklyn Center in the amount of $7,500 for purchase of the Xerox 7700 copier. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrred unan�mously. MOTION by Courcilman Fitzpatrick to authorize the sale of the Xerox 7700 copier to the City of Brooklyn Center �n the amount of �7,500. Seconded by Cbuncilman Schne�der. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flora, Public Wocmks Director, stated three bids were received for Street Improvement Pro�ects ST. 1981-1 and 2. MDTION by Councilwoman Moses to receive the bids for 5treet Improvement Pro�ects ST. 1981-1 and 2 as follows: PLANHOLDER N.D.H., Inc. 700 Industry Boulevard Wnoka, MN 553D3 Hardrives, Inc. 3030 Harbor Lane P7pls., P�N 55441 C.S. McCrossan, Inc. Box AD Osseo, MN 55309 BI� DEPOSIT 5% Fi reman's Fund 5% Lumberman's Mutual @% Fireman's Fund BID FlMOUNT $238,592.60 $250,064.81 $258,820.40 and award the contract to the low bidder, N.D.H., Inc. in the amount of $238,592.60. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vottng aye, P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ii Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated four bids were received for 5treet Improvement Pro,7ect No. 5T. 1981-10 (Sealcoating), and recommended the low bid from Allied Blacktop Company, Inc. be accepted. MOTION by Councilman Sch�uetder to receive the bids for Street Improvement Pro�ect ST. 1981-10 (Sealcoating), and award the contract to the low bidder, Allied Blacktop Company, Inc. �n the amount of $47,052.50. 1-1 y , p^i .., y �_ k� J PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DF JUNE 8, 1981 Street Improvement Pro,7ect St. 1981-10 (Sealcoating) Bid Opening: PLANHOLDER BI� DEPOSIT BASE BID Allied Blacktop Co., Inc. 10503 - 89th AVenue North Maple Grove, MN 55364 Black Top Service Co. 1200 West Highway No. 13 Burnsville, MN 55337 �ustcoating, Inc. Route 2, Box 38A Glencoe, MN 55336 Bituminous Roadways 2825 Cedar Avenue South Mpls. , MN 55407 5% State Surety Company 5% Ftdel�ty Ins. Canpany 5% U S. Fideltty Ins. Co. 5% Firemen's Fund PAGE 10 $47,052.50 �n3,284.09 $51,073.30 �51,256.98 Seconded by Councilwoinan Moses. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carr�ed unam mously. CLAIMS: MOTIOPd by Councilwoinan Moses to authorize payment of Claims No. 155400 through 156C23. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FOUR-WAY STOP SIGN - LYNDE �3 POLK• 1 Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, reported that a four-way stop sign has heen installed on Lynde and Polk, as a petition was received for the stop sign. He stated staff will monrtor this area and if the stop sign proves to be beneficial, ' they w�ll continue it, however, if there are some adverse reactions, they will be reported to the Counctl. ADJOURNPIENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Public Hearing Me�ting of the Fridley City Council of June 8, 1981 ad�ourned at 10 35 p. m. Respectfully submitted, �� ,,/���-�-- Carole Haddad Secy. to the City Council Approved: �une 15, 1981 ���` ���.ca.�-� � Will�am J. Nee Mayor / ` � � '