03/29/1982 CONF - 6068. e . � CITY OF FRIDLEY CONFERENCE MEETING MARCH 29, 1982 � 1� CABLE TV FRANCHISE RENEWAL Q � �� D. E, F, G, SID REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL 1� LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Z� RENEWAL PROCESS 3. RENEWAL TIME SCHEDULE FRANCHISE RENEWAL REPORT REQUEST FOR PROPOSA�. �ALTERNATE ��B��) PROPOSED FRANCHISE ORDINANCE PROPOSED RATES AND RATE CHANGE PROCEDURE ORDINANCE PROPOSED FRANCHISE AGREEMENT/CONTRACT DRAFT RESOLUTION Z. .JUNK YARD CODE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 3. UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENTS IN CENTER CITY 4� OTHER ! NOTE TO CITY COUNCIL: PLEASE BRING YOUR PACKET OF INFORMATION ON THE CABLE TV FRANCHISE RENEWAL TO THE MEETING '�JITH YOU MONDAY, THI INFO;RMATION WAS IN THE FOLDER YOU RECEIVED MARCH 5, 1982. . TNE CITY OF � FRfDLEY HOU�ING and REDEVELOPMENT AUTHARITY FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTO DATE March 26, 1982 SUBJECT �ity Council Consideration for Phase II- Center City Projects Nasim Qureshi MEMORANDU TO MEMO NO. $2-22 ACTION I INFO. In the Center City district, the Columbia Park Clinic and Office projects are very close to final contract commitment with the HRA. We expect to make these corr�nitments by April 8, 1982. There are several issues that have to be discussed with the City Council relative to these projects so that the HRA can have a good understanding by that meeting. CITY PROPERTY The proposed projects that are being developed would require the use of some of the City's property around City Hall. The options that are available to the HRA are as follows: The office project as proposed will acquire approximately 10,000 sq.ft. of land from the City for the building location: This:. property will be deeded to the office structure and paid over a ten year period. The parking will be a joil1� parking arrange- ment with the City Hall by which the office will lease parking for 31 years with option of purchase after that period. These terms have been reviewed by the HRA who have given tentative approval based on discussion with the City Council. The options as we see them are as follows: l. The HRA will purchase the land under the building (10,000 sq. ft.) directly from the City at $2.00 per sq. ft. so it can be deeded to the office building, with the following parking options: A. The HRA purchase that portion of property to be used for parking by the the office and r10 the necessary improvements. They will then lease that parking to the office for the full term of the mortgage_(31 years), at which time it would s�l�lthe property to the office for a set purchase price. � B. The City retain the property and to the parking lot improvements and lease the parking for 31 years at which time it would sell the property ta the office for a set purchase price. C. The NRA would purchase the property from the City, would do the necessary improvements and would lease the parking for the life of the Center City ' Page 2, MEMO #82-22 March 26, 1982 ' Project at which time the property would revert back to City ownership for the term of the lease. After 31 years the office would purchase the property for a set purchase price 2. The City wauld sell the property under the office directly to the office developer, with the payment over ten years as stated above with the options on parking as noted above. EISENHOWER SQUARE MONUMENT We have discussed this item briefly with the V.F.W. who are willing to work with us in the relocati�n .of:the monument. We have been looking at the following options and would like some direction from the Council. 1. Locating the monument in a spec.ial area in Commons Park or the Cor�nunity Park. 2. Keeping the monument in the City Hall Plaza area. JLB/de THE CITY OF FRIC�L Y DATE FROM �[ i SUBJECT � . �- DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS Junkyards - Annua1 Licenses� TO MEMORANDUM' ACTIONI INFO- Since last surmner, we have been working on obtaining code compliance from the three junkyards located off 732 Avenue. We initiated action in December to obtain a schedule for accomplishing the necessary work so that we could properly advise the City Council:on their cooperation when the annua1 1icense applications are made in April. While Special Use Permits are required for junkyards to operate in an M-1 zone, the City has been remiss in the past in requiring compliance. The City Attor.ney does not fihink we can pursue this issue, due to our past inaction. . The City does require an annual junkyard license, and we have been accom- plishing this action. Accordingly, if the Council desires to improve their appearance and operations, we could`use this tool to obtain Com- pliance. When the application is received, the Council could establish specific stipulations that would have to be completed during the year, or the license would not be renewed the following year and legal action initiated, if the operation continued without a license. This procedure could and should be initiated with the other similar opera- tions in this area, i.e., Cen�ral Auto Parts expansion and Limpro, Inc. If it was desired, the Council could also requi;re each business to apply for a Special Use Permit to satisfy the letter of the code, but it would have to be understood that approval would be very difficult to deny. Therefore, as a condition to the license satisfaction, the Council could provide the carrot of granting a Special Use Permit. Since this is a very sensitive and confusing �iivatiorr; -�--- ' request guidance on how the staff should proceed with these properties. JGF:i�k � � �. . ; ., ,:;.:... �_ . __ . . 0 /� ,' MEMORANDUM GtTY OF FRIOLEY 6431 UNIVEI�SITV AVE. NE. FRICLEY. MN.. Sb43� (612I57'I-�450 MEMO T0: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGEFi NASIM M. C�lUi�ESHI March 26, 1982 THE HONORA6LE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER RENEWAL OF CATV FRANCHISE The attached memorandum dated November 19, 1981 outlines the posi_tion of the administration of the City with regard to renewal of the CATV franchise. At this point in the renewal process, the City is requesting a proposal from Northern Cablevision. This request for proposal is couched in very general terms and does not deal with specific details. Once Northern Cablevision submits its proposal it will be possible to spell out the details. The matter at hand is to approve a resolution authorizing the City to issue a request for proposal from Northern Cablevision in order to get started on the process of negotiating two ordinances and a contract acceptable to all parties concerned. The next step is to scrutinize the actual proposal submitted by Northern Cablevision to be sure that it addresses all the appropriate concerns, including the or►es mentioned in the November 19 memorandum. � NMQ/WCH/ms ,: ., i , . � �M Y �►' �, ' � � 1) :� 1rIS!lORANDOM 'i0: CITY MANAGIIt AI�ID DF�AI�[� AEADS Fi�M: SID I1�flNAN� CLYDE NYJRAVEtZ� AND BILL HUNP SUBJDGT: ADMINISTRATION' S POSITION �1 REr�iANCHISING Nfl00�1'IATIONS D�ATE: NiDVII�iBER 19, 1981 l. I�F�1GgI OF R� The present franchise ordinance calls for a five year renewal period. We recom�nend that the City be open to a period of ten years or more if the provider requests it. There should be a contract provision requiring the provider to update equipment an3 procec�ures in acaorc3ance with developments in the field. 2. A�C(�PTAN(E FEE We reco�m�end that the City set the accep�tance fee at $50,000. This fee should be used for expenses of renewing the franchise. If the City's expenses exceed $50,000, the provider should be billed for the ranainder. 3. USE FEE We recomanend that the use fee continue to be "5$ of the annual gross syste�n revenues receivec3 by �he oompany for the services provided within the City" and that the monies be "used by the City for purposes of CATV regulation and other activities directly related to achieving the public purposes for which this franchise is granted."(405.051) Monthly payments would be more desirable than the present annual payments. The City should establish a careful review procedure to account for the uses of the use fee and this should be reported to the provider on a reqular basis. ... . Page2 ! Ref ranchising Meno •� Nov�nber 19, 1981 4. CITY OV�IP _ Nobocly seens to want City awnership. The lawyer, Adrian Herbst, also feels this is not a good option, partly because of First Amendment problens. We recoimnend that the manag�nent position be against City ownership either in whole or in part. Also, we reco�nmend that the City explore with legal oounsel the advisability of a contract with the CATV provider in addition to the ordinance. This might be protection against federal action which would renove franchising authority from the City. c• �+• + I�+ � ��. The question has been raised regarding the amount of staff, time and other expense justified for operating a governm�ent channel due to the very limited number of viewers on that channel. This might be due to the present quality of production. However, in any case, only 40$ of the homes are currently wired. This reinforoes our opinion that no money for the operation of the goverrunent channel should co�ne fran general tax revenues. The advantages of CATV provider the City impossible, and at the that channel. a government channel are that with the help of the is able to provide services which otherwise would be same time the City has control of what is shown on 6. 9UMIE DEPAt�rAL APPLICATI�iS 7."he Police Department sees possible applications for public inforn�ation progra�ns, crime prevention projects, crime sumanary data, and civil defense inforniation. The degartment recommends a tone alert systm for emergency inforniation such as weather alerts, fire alarms, or police alarms. The Fire Department would be interested in public education applications and alarm systen monitoring. This would require significant computer capabiltiy as part of the system. Bob Aldrich is reviewing information he has receivecl on a systnn in Syracuse, NY. The Public Works Department sees possible applications of CATV for notices on public work activities and information on changes and policies pertaining to the City as a whole: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Street �aeeping Schedule Snowplo�wing Program Snowbirds Street Striping Fire Hydrarit Flushing Major Construction Inconveniences Sealooating Progran The Central Servioes Department forsees a wide range of applications for presenting inforn�ation to citizens on government activities. � � Page 3 Refranchising Meno Noveznber 19, 1981 7. PRWISI�T OF SPAFF - We recamnend that the CATV provider supply staff to work at the Civic Center on progrannning for the government channel. This can be accomplished 3.n .three ways: 1) 2) 3) Continuing to provide staff to televise oouncil meetings�only on the government channel. Provision of technical aclvioe and assistance. Dedication of same of the use fee for City staff. 8. �QUIPMF.�TP We recommend whatever equpment is necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in the preceeding sections. The CATV operator should provide at least the follawing: a. b. A revamped community access studio brought up to state-of-the-art standards including editing equipment. Complete portapak unit(s), preferably one each for the government library, and public acoess channels. c. Access to a sophisticated mobile "studio on wheels" for priority government, library, and public acoess channel use. d. Time based correctors for the government, library, and public access channels. In addition, the City should use revenue fran the use fee to purchase equipment necessary for character generation, taped programs, and live telecasts from the Civic Center. � 1�1' } � �i'� • �1' • � :r This should be required in the sense of a notice or sound alert for local eqnergencies that would refer viewers to the government channel for explanations. It is not clear that this should be or can be operational when the television set is turned off. 10. ORi3IIt ISSZIES The CATV provider should be required to inform users of up-to-date channel information. The CATV provider should produoe a quality presentation of City Caancil meetings and meetings of other City Co�nmissions and Camnittees. � = Page 4 � r Refranchising Meno November 19, 1981 The inital franchise required a$50,000 Surety or Performance Bond. Early indications from the company call for major overhaul or re-construction of the system to bring it to "State of the Art." We recairnnencl a larger Perforn�ance Bond or Security Fund. Likewise, Indemnification and Liability Insurance should be reviewed and cbllar amounts increased. F1,inding of the public access channel is another crucial issue. We recommend that in the franchise the CATV operator be required to make provisions for public access programming by supplying needed technical assistance and by providing funds in the amount of 5$ of the annual gross systen revenues. Determination of the recipient or recipients of these funds shall be made annually by the City Ca�r►cil, We recommencl that the government channel be changec7 fram U.H.F, channel 30 to V.H.F. channel 7. This will encourage greater vooperation, planning, and program sharing among the government, library, public access, and (hopefully) school channels. We also recmrunend a universal service package for all CATV subscribers which would have a one-time-only installation charge, have no monthly fee, and incluc7e government, library, school, and public access channels. We reca�nend that the franchise agreement include other appropriate penalties in addition to revocation of the franchise. 11. (�2tICIAL ISSUES All of the issues listed can be considered crucial. Respondents singled out: length of franchise period, use fee, security systems (police and firey, and local City Caincil weekly presentations.