09/26/1983 - 000124604. _ u �1114_ •. 4:_ :a,r,l_�: �� �. • 9: . �� �� A • SEP'r_'�tuw.0 .6 . � 98 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Coancil was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PI,IDGE OF ALI,EG7ANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. � ROLL CAT�L: MF�I+'IBERS PFtESII�TP: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider Councilman Hamermk and Councilman Fitzpatrick �ur. �. �. �+� . •.� • 111� _ ���A , �4_�: a�: .. PZOTION by Councilman Hamernik to approve the ninutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, i�iayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �i�'��Ii]�CiI��T� �i� • Mayor Nee requested Item 4 be deleted as it was put on the agenda by mistake. P10TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the deletion of Item 4, which was a resolution concermng the release of portions of trunK highway turnback to the City of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � OPET7 FORUM, VISI�RS: � Mrs. Susan Sikorski, representing her husband Congressman Sikorski, presented the 1982 community Partnership Award to the City. She stated this was also a welcome home for her since she is a graduate of Fridley High School and was pleased to be able to present the award. She stated the lives of disabled persons are greatly enhanced in the City aiid personnally thanked Barb Terpstra and Marion Anderson for their promotion of the International Year of Disabled Persons. Mayor Nee accepted the award on behalf oi the City, and thanked Mrs. Sikorski for the presentation. • ��s� �� ,. •��, r� � � •� � � � Mr. nennis Johnson, 6336 Starlite Boulevard, requesting a progress report on the action taken by the Council at the last meeting. He asked if a lawsuit had been filed against the Waste Management Board; what publicity has been ��� � 'I � �� 1\ _l. • _ iY�C'JI[ � �: given to neighboring communities that will be affected; and what zoninq laws w11I be changed in order to promate other industrial development in this area. Mr, Qureshi, City Mana�er, stated the Council authorized the achninistration to engage the law firm of Popham, Haik, Schnobrich Kaufman & Doty, Ltd. to file a lawsuit against the Waste Management Board, and this firm has been authorized to do so. He stated, as far as the zoning regulations, the Council is now working on this issue and hopes to present some changes shortly, He stated the Council has also received a list of other cities � that potentially could be affected by the Waste Management Board's designation and a letter could be sent to these communities, if the Council so desired. •' �. ' : � �. �� ' � 1����4,�1���Y�:�i����� �i��a s f� • u� �7� � �� • � �I� � 1 � a� �� � ��, . _ • �i� ; 's_ � • � G+JY G '1� - - - N1�`PION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Secorxled by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:42 p.m. Mayor Nee stated this hearing covers the proposed renewal of a gas franchise with Minnegasco. He stated the City Was operating under such a franchise for over 20 years. He asked Councilman Hamernik to comment on this issue, since he is the Council's representative to the Suburban Rate Authority. Councilman Hamernik stated the Suburban Rate Authority authorized their counsel to negotiate with the gas company to come up with a franchise that would cover another 20 year penod, retroactive to Janauary 1, 1983. He stated this franchise pretty well follows the same outline as the � previous franchise. He stated, however, anything relating to specific rates was omitted since the Suburban Rate Authority doesn't have rate negotiating authority. He stated this was taken over by the Public Utilities C'.on¢�iission. P1r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City worked with a number of other cities and the Suburban Rate Authority on the franchise and felt the dociunent was worka6le. Councilman Hamernik stated since there is no authority to cover xate regulations, this franchise primarily deals with coordination for installation or removal of facilities in the City. He stated, however, if another utility came in to the City, the franchise doesn't preclude any negotiations with other utility companies. Councilman Schneider asked if this doc�nnent gives the City authority with regard to service problems and the responsiveness of Nlinnegasco. � [i�]i �: _ i �. • �4�ur. �: . . Councilman Hamernik stated the authority is probably there to eliminate or cancel the franchise, but there isn't another utility company to take over. Councilman Schneider asked if there was any authority or body overseeing the actions of Minnegasco. Mr. Nc�m�n, representing the City Attorney's Office, stated there is the state agency, the Public Utilities Commission, which could be contracted regardinq the actions of Minnegasco. No other persons spoke regarding this proposed renewal of the gas franchise with Minnegasco. � M0'PION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Pnayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:50 p.m. �_� :_—� � [� • � _ • ►Mu �i � t .ul •. ' � �n � a�lt _ l. �4 � • . 1 1 1 \L�:. ' /al\1 \ . 91� � . Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this was a rcquest for a variance to increase the maximnn size of a free standing sign. Mr. Flora stated the Western Station currently has an existing identifrcation and price siqn which is 75 square feet, however, they wish to relocate this sign on Osborne Road and install a nEw identification and price pylon sign along University Avenue. The new sign would consist of a total of 108 square feet. Mr. Flara stated there seems to be a difference in opinion in interpretation of the code as to whether or not the pricing signs should be included in the total square footage of a sign. � Mr. Flora stated Council may want to give sane direction on how to proceed with the gas pricing sign and, if the original ordinance is unclear, perhaps it could be changed to be more explicit. � Councilman Barnette stated he felt the Council should do what they can to help business in Fridley and, if necessary, shouloi change the ordinance. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he didn't feel there was a problem of identity on this corner. Mr. Gordon Griffin, representing the petitioner, stated they felt exposure was needed on Osborne Road, as well as University Avenue, which is why they are requesting the new sign. He stated xf they had a smaller sign, there woul�'t be room for pricing and this was very important in the gas station business. Councilman Schneider stated he has difficulty establishing a hardship in this case, since nothing has changed since the station was constructed. ?1 �4 ` ��'� a� {a k�� ��.1� _ _ 4... � _ �, • _ �4a�: � Z�['I:I�I �� Mr. �Tewri�an statec7 he didn't think there was a hardship in this situation, however, it is a discretionary matter that has to be decided by the Council. Mr. Griffin stated the ordinance refers to only one sign so if both of the signs are included, it would mean each sign could only be 40 square feet as they wanted one each on Osborne and University Avenues. Councilman Hamernik stated he has no problem with the sign, but felt there should be some clarification of the ordinance. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to grant the variance to increase the maximum � size of a free standing sign for the property at 7600 Uraversity Avenue to allow construction of the sign, as proposed. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Councilman Barnette felt signs are very important for retail businesses and, in order to be fair, he hoped they received some requests f-rom others that were turned down in the p�st. Councilman Schneider stated he doesn't necessarily think there is a valid hardship. The question is what is fair and he woula like to know the amount of signage for other service stata.ons in the area. Mayor Nee stated he is all for signs, but tends to agree there isn't a hardship as nothing has changed with the property, Councilman Hamernik fe1t, in all fairness to the petitioner, the Council has to take action before the middle of October, if he is going to install any signs this year. t4r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff could do a study of service stations in the City and come up with a report on the size of signs. The Council could then review this information to determine if they want to make changes in the ordinance. He stated another approach is for a gas � station to have one Pour-sided sign as Champlin has done at 73rd and Highway 65. P10TION by Councilman Schneic7er to table this request to the next Councxl meeting and instruct staff to do a study of the total square footage of service signs in the City, identification and pricing signs, with a report back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Hamernik asked if the Commission would have a chance to react to ihis information. Councilman Schneider felt, in order to make a decision on this particular request, he would like the information fran staff. He felt the information could then be further stucv.ed by the Catrcnission, Mayor Nee stated if the staff's report indicates there is more signage for other service stations, he felt the Commission should definitely revie�a the ordinance. � •� 1� . 4 __7i _ \. •. _'�S��SLG �IC � PAGE 5 K �� •��_ •� ��• .S •� �M � 1. '�� ��. • �iu• �. _. A���. •� �� ': • � � �• ,� • S � ._�n .i ��.1� • ���� ���� - � ' .- -' • . � « � 3�u �M �� ,�� � :d � �` l_ •� ,� �e.. •' �' �;_�_ '.1,u � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stted at the last meeting, Ms. Ronn � brought up basically five issues. They were as follows: (1) The City used more salt than they would have if they had used it with sand; (2) Fridley is the only community that is using black slag from NSP. �.Ven the material the County is using is different and more envirorunentally safe; (3) None of the other communities of the County is using this material. Hennepin County did an analysis and decided not to use it. The cities of Anoka, Colwnbia Heights, 5pring Lake Park do not use this material; (4) She indicated there are some other reports that indicate envirornnental hazards regarding use of this material; and (5) There is a high mercury content an the slag. Mr. Flora stated the City uses mixture close to 1/3 slag, 1/3 sand and 1/3 salt, and feels this prwides the best material to melt the ice. He stated Fridley is one of 18 cities and three counties using NSP black slag. Mr. Flora stated the reports submitted by Ms. Ronn indicate that "none of the EPA Primary Drinking Water Standards are exceeded by any of the ash materials leachates. MPCA stated that "salt pro6ably represents the greater detriment" envirormentaliy than ash mixture. He stated the reports provided by Ms, Ronn indicate there is substantially less mercury in pure black slag then in a slag/salt mixture. Also, mercury could not be determined at the drinking water standard 3eve1. �Ir. Flora stated some of the advantages of using black slag as a deicer are � as follows: (1) laa cost; (2) less sand required; (3} black slag remains in place; (4) black slag cuts ice; (5) 61ack slag is a recycled material, inert and safe; and (6) acts as a catalyst to the salt because it is black and absorbs heat to reduce ice. He statec3 the disadvantage is the biack color. Mr. Flora felt if sand was used it probably wouldn't stay through the first ice storm, haaever, slag would renain through several storms. Councilman Hamerru.k asked if �ust sand was used, if more would be used per application. Mr. Flora stated more sand would be used because it wouldn'r stay as long as the black slag. Councilman Schneider asked what the Highway Department uses for their streets, Mr. Flora stated the State uses straight salt on the ma�or highways and also uses sand or a sand/salt mixture in other areas with lower traffic volumes. �J �pa��Li L.� �,�� ,� •�. t� ��. • �+ r. x• . • : . Councilman Schneider asked if there was any changes in cost for operation and manFower in using slag versus sand. Mr. Flora stated more passes would have to be made using sand, as it doesn't stay on the streets as well as black slag. Councilman Fitzpatrick questioned the amount of salt Fridley uses, as compared with other neighboring cities. Mr, Flora stated a number of mixtures was tried and this was found to be the best in eluninating the ice and providing movability for traffic. He stated Hennepin County uses 100� salt and Fridley uses 30°o salt. � Councilman Schneider pointed out the cost difference was only about $600 so perhaps the City should try using �ust sand this winter. Ms. Ronn, 169 Hartrnan Circle, thanked the staff, on behalf of the Fridley Beautification Association, for responding to their request. She stated they are here torught for a very serious objective which is to have the city use 100% sand for winter street maintenance. She stated she was ovenahelmed that over 9Q% of the people in the metro-area agree with then. She requested the Council's support in getting Anoka County to cease using black slag. t4r. Ray Ronn stated he was concerned about what they were puttinq on the streets because of the dirt and the aesthetics. He felt it was also a safety factor and because it is black, it is dangerous to drive on the streets as there are no reference points. Mr. Willis Unke, 1422 Trollhagen, stated his wife has been after him to stop tracking that "black stuff" in the house. He felt because of the angular shape, the black slag tracks easier into the house. He thankecl Ruth D�uni for her article and also Ms. Ronn for her efforts. Ms. Lee Ann Spore, 295 Ironton Street, stated having served on the Envirormlental �uality Commission for 10 years, perhaps she is responsible � for not solving this issue sooner. She stated the City has �ust f ailed to see this problem and thanked Ms, Ronn for bringing it to thear attention. She felt the black slag was a messy eyesore and other communities are finding black slag is an inferior product to sand, She stated black slag is impossible to clean out of carpets without having it professionally done and it also cuts bicycle tires. She felt it is also creating a problem in the p�rks, rivers, and lakes as it is collecting in these areas. She felt sand was a superior product which is easily cleaned and blends with the envirorattent. She stated black slag is an eysore and unnecessary and concluded they should use sand. Mrs. Carol Ulrich, 157 Hartrnan Circle, felt black slag added to the dangers of night driving, She stated in some areas, especially on East River Road, it is impossible to tell where you are on the street and in what lane you are driv�.ng. She felt the black slag was a real safety hazard. Mr. Grant Merritt stated Ms. Ronn is an example of a citizen spotting a problem and bringing it to government. � �� 1� �?�_ . �� • ���I: �; . He stated it seems to him the City should be wary and the burden should be on the supplier of the substance to prove there is no feasible or prudent alternative. tdr. Pderritt stated you have visual and aesthetic pollution with black slag and the fact is there isn't any econanic advantage to using it. He stated he would like a decision this evening to el.iminate the use of black slag in the City. � Ms. Ronn presented a petition regarding residents' concerns about the use of black slag. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the petition N0. 5-1983 presented by Ms. Ronn. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Schneider felt, if the Council made a decision not to use black slag this next winter season, he would like some feedback on whether they made a wise decision. Councilman Schneider stated he wondered what New Brighton uses on their streets, because he lives near the border, and the streets in Nc�v Brighton are more slippery than the ones in Fridley. Mr. Flora stated they could make an attempt to provide some feedback, but it all depends on the winter conditions. Mr. Qureshi stated the best place to obtain this information would probably 6e frcxn the residents. Councilman Schneider asked if they could obtain accident statistics from last year and this year. Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated this information could be provided, but didn't know if these figures would be valid since every winter is different. � Councilman Hamernik stated he had comments in the p�st regarding the use of black slag and the tracking problems. He stated he went along with it because he thought it was a better method of controlling the ice. He indicated he would favor the use of sand, iF it does nearly an equal �ob. Counci]man Barnette stated he had five or six calls and all of them wanted to get rid of the black slag. Ms. Muriel Anderson, 5194 Matterhorn Drive, stated she has lived at this address for 16 years and is only two houses away from Colim�bia Heights and didn't notice any difference in drivinq in Fridley or tYie Heights. She stated she has talked to Mr. Flora about the black slag and if the men had to clean it up, it would become a very emotional topic, MDTION by Councilman Hamernik to direct staff to discontinue the use of black slag material as a deicer for the coming winter season and to re- evaluate any results and bring back a report for further discussion on � �� fi� r� L<.�� � �x r _� �,� �r1s � s. � •�ic�; . •: June 1, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec7 unanimously, MOTION by Councilman Schneider to direct the administration to prepare a resolution to send to the County Soard requesting they not use black slag in the City of Fridley. Secon�ed by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •� � • • • � s . ..� � �s � .i � �� �� i �� : �� � �IOTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item to the next Council � meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motYOn carried unammously. . �. � • • u� •� �•� � �� • Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, requested this item be tabled to the next meeting for further information from staff. P40TION by Councilman Schneider to table this item to the next Council meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, [�ayor Nee declared the mation carried unammously. _� � . L.'-_ � a� �� • �1� �• , a :�: .. •.- � - - MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive and approve the statement of canvass fox the September 13, 1983 primary election. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 8. aDNSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDIN7INCE ADOPTING CHAPTER 404 EPFPITLID "GAS FRANCHISE" AI�ID REPEALING OLD CI37�PTER 404 OF THE FRIDLEY � CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated ntanerous communities have adopted this ordinance or are in the process of adopting it. Councilman Schneider had voiced some concern regarding the public's interests. Mayor Nee stated it covers the City's concern, but not the public concern. Mr. Qureshi stated he would ass�nne the Public Utilities Commission would represent the public's interest. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a roll call vote, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � � , � ���i`IJ�I�i�l�y��� _�i�K� _�4�yl:m. Z�i�kk] f�C •] ���. � ' •�, • _S_ ;.'�_�� • �� ••� ��� '��• �. �. ,��Y_� _�' � 9 �� • � �i� � �� • ,� 1 � � � ; • •+i� _ �_ � ,C�_ • i • � ��� � _ Councilman Hamernik stated he talked to several persons on the Envirorunental Quality Cammission and the Commission hasn't reviewed this proposed ordinance. He felt they should review the changes for their recrnmnendation or com�nts to the Council. Mayor Nee stated he would like to see, as a general rule, these come to Council and then referred to the Co�r¢nission. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to refer this proposed ordinance to the Envirormental Quality Conunission for their review. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NSayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � •�,_ �_•� •� • ; : ��1� • �� •;� �,�� •��• t. ,I� �J����: [IF �� �� ', �l_� ��� :� ��,I� :_ ' _ ,. • � �3�9_ :_ 1 , �� �M � •�,�1 1_ �i' �11 31__4:- ��� '• � D 1 �I �I� � •�_ • I� '�� • � _. � �_, ��� , 12 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table this item until after it is discussed at the next Conference meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � • •� � �_ ��_�,_ • �� ••�_t.� �i� • •� _ � • � ._�S!�4� � !� _: 4_ . 4.- �4. �! u � �u • �u � • ��u _ • y •_• � � « , -- MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the readinq and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��� _� • •� � � �� �. • �� •�� �� ���� � � � �+� ��i� �, • • ; �� �._ •� � • � • • � •�� Councilman Fitzpatrick felt if there was no urgency, this proposed ordinance could be su�nitted to the Commission. Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, stated he would consider this a simu«er-time ordinance as the problem developed this sLmmier which predicated the preparing of this ordinace. He stated the problem of tailgating had developed where persons would actually drink in a liquor establishment psrking lot, after the establishment had closed. Mr. Hill stated the Police Departrnent became concerned when they felt they didn't have any strong legal authority to remove them. He stated the City of Spring Lake Park has a similar ordinance, however, some of the other neighboring cities feel they have authority to regulate this problem under r 5k 13. 14 ��il� . _�i� � -Si'4�i�\ � the establishments liquor license. practical interpretation, as the City p3rking lot. � Mr. Hill stated he favored a less licenses the building and not the MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer this proposed ordinance to the Plamm�g Co�nission for their review and comment. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. ODNSIDERATION OF FIRST REIIDING OF AN ORDINACE AhL�7DING CHAPTE'12 504 OF TEIE FRIDLEY CITY OODE ENTITLID "TAXIC11R5" BY AMEDIDING SFX,"rION 504.02: Mayor Nee stated, along with this ordinance change, he would like to see a resolution in support of t�i cab licensing by the Metropolitan Council. Mr. Dick Bierbrauer, a local taxicab owner, stated what Mayor Nee has proposed is now before the regulatory committee in the House. He stated he wasn't in favor of State regulation where they would build a large bureaucracy, but wanted this controlled on the local level. Mr, Bierbrauer stated the reason this change was requested was due to the Aiinneapolis ordinance which he felt was unfair. He stated he felt the Hlinneapolis ordinance would be changed once there is a new Council. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. I 7xM�!.Y.� Mayor Nee called a recess at 10:00 p.m, Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 10:15 p.m. All Council members were present. ��� � • � �� � �� �•� ��� ���• _�, �_ =�� ._ ��: .. Mr. Inman, City Clerk, stated the ma�or change in the ordinance from the time the draft was presented was in the area of estimated revenues. He stated there is an increase in the areas of the General Property Tax from $3,202,138 to $3,025,804; and increase in the Grant and Shared Taxes by $25,317; and an increase in the General Fund Surplus of $151,017. Mr. Inman further stated, in addition, there are some changes in the Civic Center fund and in the area of capital improvements. He stated the City Manager has detailed these changes in a memo to the Council. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. , ' L..� ��1�,� � � . i� � ..���i�i �j � f ��_ �� i.�i��i �i� �� � _� �i ,� LS_. � �i � I � �,i �\ S � I� � J�l �� � � � �M [i�. _ _ � � �1�� � � � � � �.— � 1 i� '!S� � � • � L . � . _ �i1�,L1_ � � � � � �. . � ��� � ��t ��4 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated originally this development came into the City as a condominum proposal, however, there were delays � concerning the financing which caused the applicant to apply for a zero lot line recluest. Nlr, Flora stated the buildinqs were constructed so they do satisfy the intent of the zero lot line ordinance and the loE is split to give each unit an equitable split of the property. He stated the City has approved zero lot lines for double bungalows, but this is the first request for zero lot lines for a four-unit building. Mr. Flora stated several items were discussed at the Planning Commission meeting regarding maintenance of the buildings and grounds. He stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Iot split with the following stipulations: (1) there be na fences in the rear yard on individual lot lines; (2) there should be cooperative lawn maintenance; and (3) there be rear yard access easements to all properties. Mr. Flora noted the Council had received the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions for this property, He stated the stigulations recommended by the Commission are included. Mr. Flora stated another item which has come up is the petitioner has requested a turn-back of the highway easenent to his property. He stated at the time o£ this request, the City didn't have the document for the turnback, haaever, it has since been received and there is an item for the Council's consideration later this evening to change the legal description � to incorporate the property to be turned back to the property aaner. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the lot split, LS #83-05, sub�ect to the acceptance and execution of the covenant. Further, the three stipulations of the Planning Commission be made a part oi the covenant and the excess property, if it is turned back, be accepted by the petitionex. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. � Councilman Hamernik questioned i£ perhaps they may be missing something with the way these units are layed out. Mr. Flora stated the difference is when you are dealing with duplexes, a line can be reasonably drawn to serve the units. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt the City's concern should be the outside maintenance and it should be fairly uruform. He stated the covenant covers provisions foi access and yard and building maintenance. U1�N A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON 1HE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Dlee declared the motion carried unanimously. L�i V in J -���� r_,� �cJ Ni1,� - \, •. ' SI�I,lIC'JI• • • i _ MOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 14, 1983. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimausly. . � •� s� :� •: .�• �. �su � �. � s � ' ,� • ... � ��n �:1 �.�L.__ •�� • � u _�� ����� N - - 71�L[ ' � � •,.. - - - MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 84-1983. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • • �� : � J�4��' _�� ' _,_��N � � • • ; �a� � •�..�.. •� • • ��,i��� .,i� ...r_�' �. � ����� �' •. •; �� ..,�N� , M�TIO?V by Councilman Hamernik to adopt Resolution No. 85-1983. Seconded hy Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � •� • :. �: 3_ � •• : sii �. •� ' •��•� � • 1�n .t � �u� � �� � ��uw �xi ��ui��t • �� u • •� ��•J� •4�_ k_..AI����� b:.-- Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there is a proposal to revitalize Skywoal Mall and to add additional shoppinq and office space as well as a motel. He stated there is a request for the City to authorize a$7,000,000 industrial revenue bond to finance this pro�ect, Mr. Mark Eaggerty stated the existing mall would be added onto both the north and side sides. Eie stated they have met with neighboring property aaners and staff and the structure wouldn't be any higher than two stories. He stated further information regarding this pro�ect would be available at the public hearing. Mr. Darwin DeRosler stated he 1s the owner of Fair Oaks in South NLinneapolis and the motel would he Fair Oaks North. MfJTION by Councilman Hamermk to adopt Resolution No. 86-1983, and setting the public hearing for October 17, 1983. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • •� • •; ••••e �, :� •+ _�� � � � • : � � u � :_��« �. _��� •�� �a _�� ' _yL _ ��� . • �u � , �+ ' ' • ' , � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated if the Council wished to include the turned back �roperty, the descriptions would have to be changed to include the turned back property, the descriptions would have to be changed to include the property from the State which is no longer needed for highway purposes. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adapt Resolution No, 87-1983, with the amenchnent of the descnption to include the property which the State has turned back and no longer needs for highway purposes. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, � � � � � � ��.1� ��. • �yr�- �. . . . � � i. �.� •� 1� 'i ' L�4��C l. • y �i�l� •��' �� '' ' �� • !I , �� 'U'JI, J L�J1 •� 1\ � 'G'�91 � ►' '�i� �1;�1s�. . ��S_ �' MQTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt Resolution No, 88-1983. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �►!�� _��� •; y�' .�� � ��. .. . , i� .� , � � �• •• � ��i�_� � a r ; •: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the letter from George M, Hansen Company and appoint then as auditor for the year ending December 31, 1983. 5econded by Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P7ayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. 22. r.T E� E MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the lzcenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Secondecl by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 23. CLAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to authorize payment of Claims No. 253507 through 265F22. Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 24. EST7.�7ATFS • MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as submitted. Hardrives, Inc. Niaple Grove Executive Center 7200 Henl.ock Lane North Maple Gzove, MN 55369 Street Pro�ect St. 19ffi-1 Street Pro�ect St. 1983-2 Estimate #5 Monette Construction Company, Inc. 2050 White Bear Avenue St. Paul, [�I 55109 Estimate #6 Center City Plaza Pro�ect Noble Nursery 8059 Central Avenue N.E. Blaine, tMT 55434 $21,744.54 $24,406.80 FINAL FSTIMATE #5 P1aza Landscape Pro�ect $46,151.34 $46,755.21 $ 2,179.20 � �� _,,,, � ry"°7� i �_� ti9 . 25. 26. •�,J� _ Y—_si _ �. _• ��1a�_. � ' � •. w� ��� . .� � • • �_ ���i •, ��s � .:' � • �� � s . ! , • �I,l • • . �I�l P'IOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the communication from Diane Ferry, President of the Sister Ca.ties of Fridley. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �• �i� •'�•�• 1,��� :�M �� � _ • . Mr. Fehn, 1251 Hillwind Road, appeared before the Council regarding a proposal he is considering to develop eight taanhouses ad�acent to his property. P1r. Fehn stated, in order to make this feasible, it would be necessary for him to have the property, which the State originally took for highway purposes and has since turned back to the City, turned back to him. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff's approach is they would like to put as much of this pro�rty back on the tax ro11s and, at the same time, protect the easements. He felt properties which have been turned back by the State and are not buildable in tha��selves, should be turned over to tlte property owner as lonq as a survey and legal description is provided by the owner and any easements needed by the City are obtained. Mr. Fehn state�, if Council was in agreenent with his concept, he would put together a legal survey as well as request a change in the zomng from R-2 to R-3. Mr. Qureshi stated Mr. Fehn could build double bwigalows with the present zoning. He felt what has to be determined is haa much property he has and haa the drainage would work into such a develognent. Mr. Fehn stated he would begin work to come up with a proposal to be sukxnitted to the Council. P40TION by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Alee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of September 26, 1983 ad�ourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully sutxnitted, i '�z*�^--'-�-r- ��-� ��i._ Carole Haddad 5ecretary to the City Council Approved: Octo6er 17, 1983 ' � j,� 1 /? ''�, ,/(,/ frC.-C��k.: � � � `'� C� � � William �! ee Mayor � � �