04/16/1984 - 00012291�� mtaF MT�PCFS OF THE RFY��L�R I�LE`PTNG OF THE FRIDLEY CITY OOL�'7L OF APRIL 16 1984 The Regular Nieeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Playor [�ee. PLEIIGE OF F1LLF.GIANCE• Mayor Nee led the Couricil and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLS, CALL: MF�IBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider ' Councilman Hamernik and Councilman Fitzpatrick MF�MBERS A&SENP: None PRESENTATIONS OF APARDS: CERTIFTCATES OF APPRECIATION: Harold Belgaun, Cable Television Comm�.ssion Mary van Dan, Human Resources Commission Jan Seeger, Parks and Recreation Commission Elizabeth Kahnk, Police Conunission Playor Piee and the Council members ackncrwledged the above persons who served the City on various City com�mssions. They were presented Certificates of Appreciation for their service to the community. SPECIAL AWARD 'Il7 CITY MANAGER: Mayor Ivee and the Council members acknowledged Mr. Qureshi's service to the City for the p�st 20 years by presenting him with a proclamation commending his service and dedication to the City and a plaque for outstanding public service and appreciation for his extraordinary contribations. Nlayor Nee stated Mr. Qureshi was very instrumental in the reconstruction of � the City after the tornado when he was then serving the City in the capacity of City Engineer, Mayor Nee stated Mr. Qureshi has been the City Manager for the past ten years and the Council wanted to give xecognition for an outstanding �ob he has done for the City's graath and for his devotion and leadership. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it is heartening to knaa that the Council felt he has a goocl relatxonship wxth them ta serve the citizens of Fridley and execute the Council's policies. APPRQVAL OF MINUTFS: �� . 3:7l4'IiA MOTION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. C� �� ��.1� u � • :�' u 1� u � MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unammously. :��:� �. • ur= MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded � by Councilman Hamexnik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISI'I1�RS: There was no response from the audience under this itan of business, • �: i �� l � • �_'• �� •� _ � ';�l� .�� .;, .�� �� •,� Mayor Nee reopened the public hearinq on this pro7ect at 7:43 p.m. which was continued £rom the April 2, 1984 Council meeting. Mt. F1ora, Public Works Directoe, stated the total estimated cost of this improvement pro�ect is $270,894 and there was concern by the developers that this was too high. Mr. Flora stated there is a resolution to be considered by the Council, later in the meeting, to advertise for bids for this prcject and he felt, once the bids were received, actual figures would be available on the cost of the improvement so a determination can be made if the developPment should occur. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the staff is now working with estimateci figures and when bids are received, there will be refined costs so the , developers can evaluate these figures. He stated if the developers feel they can live with the wsts, the bid coulcl 6e awarc7ed; however, if they feel the costs are too high, the bids could be tabled, Mr. Qureshi stated it is hoped the costs would he smnewhat lower than what was estimated. Mr. Brickner, 6249 Ben More Drive, stated until the final figures are received, he doesn't knaa where they are going with the development. He stated the estimated figures are so €ar apart than what was originally estimated and, if these are correct, it would be hard to proceed with development of the property. Mr, Brickner stated their plat was £or 9.3 acres, however, since the land to the west is naa involved, he felt it was driving the costs out of siyht. Councilman Schneider asked when the bids are received, if the costs could be broken down for the Brickner development, the park development, and Mr, Blomberg's development. Mr, Qureshi, City Manager, stated, bastcally, there would be no difference in cost for the street and water construction and the only thing that could make a difference is the sanitary sewer. Mr. Blomberg, lbbl Camelot Lane, stated the estimated figures are over $2,000 a lot higher for this property than Mr. Brickner's because of the additional fill needed for the roadway. ' Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated once the bids are received, it is hoped some agreenent may be reached in order to proceed with Mr. Brickner's and Mr. Sloml�erg's develoFanents. �• •� _� • . •:� Mr. Blomberg, 1661 Camelot Lane, stated the estimated figures are over $Z.000 a lot higher for this property than Mr. Brickner`s because of the additional fill needed for the roadway. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, statec3 once the bids are received, it is hoped some agreenent may be reached in order to proceed with Mr. Brickner's and Mr. Blomberg's developments. M�'PION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearinq closed at 7:55 p.m. � 2. �ONPIN[lED PUBLIC HEARING ON 4VATER AND SEWER PRf.k7ECP #145 (FROM 4/2/841: Mayor Nee reo�ned the pablic hearing on this pro7ect at 7:55 p.m. which was continued from the April 2, 1984 Council meeting. Dr. Dennis Rens, Superintendent of Schools, stated the concern of the School Board is the sale of the Rzce Creek School property in a timely manner, as the sale of this property is �rt of their long-range financial plan. Mayor Nee stated the bids would be ordered so actual costs will be received and the developers would then know what their costs would be and a determination made if they wish to proceed. Mayor Nee stated the City would also be paying quite a sum for the park and its share of the street improvement. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City desires to develop this area and felt the proposed plan is good. He felt if the developers are satisfied with the costs, it would be a nice develoFenent. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:56 p.m, 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REOUEST. SAV #84-02. TO VACATE THE 12 FOOT ALLEY ' ADID BAT�NCE OF GUMWYIOD STREET SOUTfI OF IDT 11. BIACK 6. ONWAY. BY DISPLAY ARTS. INC.- MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrxck, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to vacate the existing alley and the portion o£ Gumwood Street remaining north of 77th. He stated the utility companies were contacted regardinq this proposed vacation and DTorthwestern Bell requires an easement down the alley; Minnegasco requires an easement over the westerly one-half of all that part af G��ood Street proposed to be vacated; and Northern States Power would like to retain some access on Gumwood Street in order to maintain their lines in the area. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Conunission has recommended approval of this vacation request with seven stipulations. These were outlined by Mr. Flora -3- ' � � � 4. 5. ��1 i�, �. � . as noted in the minutes of the Planning Cammission meeting of n9arch l4, 1984. MO'i'ION by Councilman Hamernik to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vete, aII votznq aye, f4ayor Nee declarer3 the motion carried unanimously and the publtc hearirng closea e,t 8:05 p.m. OLD BUSINESS: COAISIDERATION OF APPOIN`iP4ENT 20 THE SNERGY tX7I'Ilt'iI55I0N fTAELSD 4/2/$4) : N�TION by Councilman Barnette to table this �tem. Seconded by Counczlran Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, A7,ayor Ivee declared the motian carned unanimously. OEtDINANCE NO 812 7U UACATE 67TH AVEN[lE N� AD.7ACENT Z+D I,OT 1 BIAQC 2 C?79F' GROVE ADDITION (SAV #84-01) (FIRST REFIDING 4/2I84): Mr. Flora, Pub11c Works Director, stated there was a petition to �acate G7th Avenue between Fridley and Anoka Streets anc� this vacation is to be adde� to Lot 1 of Block 2, Ck�k Grove Additian. Mr. Flora stated there were stipulations ass�ciated with this e�cat7�an to provide a five foot utility easement along "rlde east pro�erty line Gf Lot 1, Block 2 ana a ten foot utility easement along the southerJ.y ancl c��est�rly boundaries. He furtlier stated the vacation was �ub�ect to receipt of the survey and the vacated portion of 67th be combined wzth Lot 1, Elack 2, Oak Grove Addition and recorded with the County. Council�n Schneider asked if a structure can he constracted to meet all the code requirenents. Mr. F1ora stated the petitioner, Mr. Larsan, gs aware oi ihe 5etbacY,S required and the hame proposed to be built w.�ll noi require any vara.ances. Mr. Larson, the petitioner, stated the home waula be as� energy Eifaci�nL-, probably a bi-level dwelling, meeting all t'ne code requirements. Mr. & Mrs. Drevniak, 6684 Fridley Street, ti,�ere present regarding th�s vacation rea,uest and indicated this was the first time they saw the proposal on haw the home would look. Hi0TI0N by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and a�lopt Ordinance No, 812 on second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Piiayor Nee declareci the mc,tion carried unanimously. Mr, Qureshi, Cit�� Manager, stated he assimmes the 1?etitloner ��ould rrovi�7e all the necessary easements needed on the �roperty b�fore �he buildinq permit is issued, Mr. Larson also requested the water loop l.ane be irtstalled as soon zs possible. � , 'a u�, �k } �� 1� � • . NE[�1 BiISINFSS� 6. CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL PLAT P S #84-01 CREEKRIDGE BY TOM BRICKNER (PUBLIC HL'11RIAIG 4�2/841 : Mr. Flara, Public Works Director, stated Mr. Brickner purchased the Rice Creek school property and �s proposing a plat for development of the property. He sta�ed the plat originally submitted to the Planning Commission cansisted of � total of 29 lots with five in the lower south corner resErved L-or a�rk area. � Mr. Flera stated, during the Planning Commission review oP the plat, it was felt the fxve lots of U.9 acres wouldn't provide suffxcient space far recreational facilities in the area. He stated the Planning Commission recommended that the Czty try to �btain property ad�acent to the Rice Creek School in order to provide a�rk around two acres in size. Mr. Flora stated the Council �ssed a resalution authorizing the City to negotiate f-or the gurchase of property in the Gena-Rae Addition for park purposes and the City is now in the process of attenptinq to purchase this groperty. Mr. Flora stated in lieu of giving property for the park, Mr. Brickner would have to give an equal amount of money. He stated, normally, the City receives l00 of the property or an amount equal to the value of that property. Councilman Schneider asked the status of the acquisition of the property for the park. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City is still negotiatinq with the avners and they are willing to seil the property to the City. He stated, however, they haven't reached a decision on a pxice which satisfies bath p�rties. He thought perhaps the 7udicial system may have to be used in order to establish a price for the property and, unless Council has any questions or ob�ections, they would proceed w.ith this process, Mr. Brickner st�ted he is canfused as to how the plat can be approved when ' they haven't worked out the problems rcgarding the costs of the improvement. Mr. �.7ureshi, City Manager, stated the Council would be approving the plat; however, if Mr. BricY,ner decides he doesn't want to proceed with the development, the Council's action is mute. He stated if Mr. Brickner wishes to proceed, but wishes to make changes in the plat, he would have to come back to the Council, Mr. Brickner stated what was originally peta.tioned for was the plat with the cul-de-sac and not for the street to go through. He felt because the plat the Council was wnsidering was not the one originally submitted, he would like the item tabled at this time. MOTTOIV by Councilman Schneider to table the final plat, P. S. #84-01, Creekridge t� the next regular n�eeting. Seconded by Councilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimuusly. -5- _' •�.1� u� ��. � . .. , . ; , 7. RECEIVING PL1�7NING COP9MISSION MINUTES OF MAFCH 28 l 9ft4 • 7A. PRELIMINARY PLATi P.S. #54-02. HIDD�N T�ODS. BE1NG A REPLAT OF P'r1�C OP IAT 6 AND 7 AND ALL OF I�tYYP 13, REV. ADUTIRO'S SUBDIVISION N0. 10 BY TH01�1AS BIAMBERG• MOTION by Councilman Schneider to set the �ublic hear�ng pn tY,is �r�llmir�ar� plat for DIay 7, 1984. Seconded by Councilran Ilamernalc. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr.�ed unanimously, � 7B. REZONING REOUEST� ZOA #84-01. TO R�ZOP7E FRONi C-2 AND P-2 TO P-1 (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS) �7Y PAhTS OF LOTS 6 AND 7. AUDI^lOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 1D. NOT 11LREADY ZONEI7 R-1 BY THOP7AS BI�Oli9BII2G: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing an this rezaning request for I�1ay 7, 1984. Seconded by Counciln�an Fitz�trick. Upon � vc�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the nx7tion carried unaninously. 8. RECET�� pL�T?NING CONI�7ISSION MINU'_TT�'S OF APY.IL 4, 19$4: 8A. SPECIAL USE PERMIT SF #84-02 TU 'r�LLOVi' AtiTC1MOBILE PAINTING AND REFINISHING AT 8070 UNIVERSITY AVENIJE I`�.E. BY ROLLIE BENJAMIN: Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated tf�is groperty is south oi 81st dnd of£ the west service drive of University Aven�e. f?e stated the propasal is to use one of the units for an automobile �ainting and refinishing o�eration at this location. Mr, Flora stated the Plannittg Comxnission recommended apgroval with iive stiptilations outlined in their m�.nutes of Apral 4, 1984. Councilman Schneider asked about the ventilatzc,n in order to make sure otY.er tenants aren't affected. � Mr. Jim Benson, agent manager for the builaing, stated they have an air makeup system which they feel would 6e very effective, Councilman Hamernik asked about 7unk cars and vehicles being storeci ou�sicle. Mr. Benson stated they have a restriction in their lease agreement where vehicles cannot be stored outside, MpTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Special UsP Permit, SP �k84-02, vaith the following stipulations: (1) the special use permit be issuec� to �.he individuals, not the pxoperty, to k�e reviewed by City staff at the end cf the lease period; (2) the body shop shoula provide a one-hour Pire wall between the rest of the building; (3) the petitioner pravic7e a plan as ta how paint and/or other hazardous waste will be managea. �i'he petitioner w�.Il make application to Anoka County for the ap�ropriate hazardous waste licenses with a carbon copy to the City; (4) no outsic;e storage o� n�teri�2s will be allowed without a fenced d�nnpster area; and (5) no �unked cars wi13 be left on-site at any time. Seconded by Counciiman Scl�r.eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, � �_ � y�l; •� � �� / • ' �' i • �i ' i � 1 • • '• • J�I 1 � • � `�� � • : • � � "' • • � � • � • • ii '��' � 1 . �1 � P'ir. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this property is located just north of 79th and west �f Hanchers Road, He stated the request is to split off the northexly 30 £eet of Lot 7 and add it to Lot 8. Mr. Flor� stated staff had s�ne concern if this adc3itional 30 feet was to be used for parkinq, they would be short three feet in order to meet the code. He stated another concern was the lots are substandard by today's code as � only 3/�k acre was required under the old code and under the new code, 1-1/2 acres is required, He stated by taking 30 feet from Lot 7 it would make it more substandard and staff felt Lot 7 should be combined with Lot 4 for future developc�ent and the new Lot 4 would then be slightlp over two acres. Mr. Flora stateci the Plamm�g Comm�.ssion recommended approval of this lot s�lit with two stipulations re�arding landscaping and curbing and the understanding that 33 teet or a variance is required if parking is ever cansidered for this property. P4r. Jim Benson, representing Mr, Paschke, stated he filled out the applicati�n for this lot split and put down parking as the use; however, what the additional property would be used for is added circulation of truck traffic arounc] the loading dock and for some auffer zone and they are not, necessarily, trying to obtain mare parking. Mr. Eenson stated in regard to Lats � and 7, Mr, Dave Harris didn't want to see the lots combined because of this thirty foot change. He stated, even with the lot split, they still have a vecy viable lot and can put a 15.000 square foot bu�lding on the lot and meet all code requirements. l`�fOTiON 6�y Councilman Hamexnik to concur with the recommendation of the Plannan� Cormussian and approve Lot Split, LS #84-02, with the following stipulations: (1) landscaping and curbing will be continued at time of � c�evela�nent; and (?_) it is understood that 33 feet or a variance is required per City Code if p�rking is ever considered for this property. Seconded by Counciln�n Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. MOTTON by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Conun�.ssion meetings of March 28 and Apxil 4, 1984. Seconded by Counailman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. RECEIVING CABLE TELEVISION AT�VISORY l7GPM1ISSI0N MTN[7TFS OF MARCH 15. 1984: Ni1TTON by Counciltnan Barnette to receive the mtnutes of the Cable Television Commission of PFiarch 15, 1984, Seconded by Counctlman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. N�TSUN by Councilman Fitz�n trick to concur with the recommendation of the Cab3e Teieviston Cammissian and issue a varlance that provides for a reductxon in the number of test poir.ts in the cable system. Seconded by -7- � �. � � �- ��� � � � � � � � � � Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all votzna ape, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimouslv. ]0. CONSIDERATION OF MAKING APPOINiMENTS T�J ME'PRO-AREA CABLE INTEFcCONNECTI0I7 COMNIISSION • NIOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick ta concur with the r�commendation of the Cable Commission and appoint the follaairig Uirectors and Alternates to the Metro-Area Cab1e Interconnection Commissian; Directors: Barbara Hughes Alterna�e �ircctors: Ed Kaspszak C1yde Moravetz F,alph Stauffer Secondec7 by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, �Iayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. 11. CONSIDERATION OF ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACT WITFI MINNPSGTA P1`�IMI�L P11TP,OL SERVICF5, INC.• Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, stated the �ity currently has an animal control contract with MAPSI which has been sola to the City of Dlinneapolis. He stated the origisxal "PdAPSI" compariy has been reorganized into a new comg�ny called Minnesota Animal P�tra;. Service, Inc, ancz epera�es out of 10911 Radisson Road N. E., Blaine, Mini�esata. Mr. Hill stated the Minnesota Animal Patrol Service is requesting the City approve and execute a new contract effective March 15, 19&4 through L�ecember 31, 1984. He stated tYie contract renains as e�riqir�ally appraved L-y t�ouncil for the "P7APSI" organization with the additior� of a new sectian givinc� the Minnesota Animal Patrol Sexvices authority tr� claspose oP anarwls under some unique czrc�nnstances prior to the five day imix�urding agreenent specifiec� in item 7 of the contract. He stated this rs because of a new highly contagious deadly disease that has developed in dogs over the �st two yeara which causes death within 24 hours and shaulc� a dog Ue �ound to have this disease, they would desire to destroy the ar�s,rsal reducing the contagiou:: possibility of the entire facility, Mr. Aill stated, in addition� doys tnat are brought in that «re severely injured anG c�nsic�ered terminal, shou3r� be put to sleep to reduce any unnecessar}� suffering. P�?r. Hill stated the n�na9er of Minnesota Animal Patrol Secvices zridxr.�ted thas sectia:� woulci be rarely applied and only in cases where the c�mer of the animal is not knowr. for prior permission. M10TION by CounCilman Schneider to approve and �uthcriae i�e execution of the Animal Control Contract with Mlnnesota Arrimal. Patrol Service, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I+?ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimausly. 12, RECEIVING BTDS p,DID Aw?�RDING CONTf2�1CT FOR 1984 M15CELLANEOUS CONCRETE CURb AI�II7 G[7TTER PRQ7ECP (BIAS OPENID 4/3/84) : MOTION by Councilman Hamernik tu receive the bids iax the 1984 miscellaneous concrete curb and gutter pro�ect. � ��5� 1 �;'y i •��1� • ... �li4'Iil PL�?NHO�ER Lxndahl & Carlson, Inc. 5480 Horizon Drive Fndley, MN 55421 Halvorson Construction Comg�ny 4227 165th Avenue N.C. Wyoming, A�II�t 55092 Victor Carlson & Sons 2246 Edgcwood Avenue Minneapolis, rM7 55426 Concrete Curb Com�ny 771 Ladybird Lane Burnsville, MN 55337 Renard Cement Construction 21353 Heath Avenue North Forest Lake, PM1 55025 : � :�.n So S°s 5° a 5a Check $1,281.95 ,� � : � $25,250.00 $23,900.00 $54,275.00 $31,275.00 $25.879.00 Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declnred the rtotion carried unanimously, Mr. Flora, Publ�c Works Director, stated five bids were received and the low bidder was Iialvorsozz Construction Camp�ny. He stated this com�ny has been doir.g work for the Cxty for a niunber of years and would recommend they be awaraed the bid. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�tztrick to award the bid for 1984 miscellaneous concrete curb and gutter work to the low bidder Halvorson Construction Company in the amount of $23,900. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t4ayor RTee declared the motion carried unanimouslp. 13. RESOLUTION N0. 49-1984 AUTHOftIZING THE JOIP�T BIDDING OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR VuDRK FOR STREETS WITH THE CITIES OF COLUMBIA HEIQITS, FRIDLEY AND N�1 BRTGHZCJid: l�TION by Councilman Sckaneider to adopt Resolution No. 49-1984. Seconded by Counczlman Hamernak. Upon a voice vote, al]. voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousZy. ].4. RESOLUTION NO. 50-1484 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF COSTS TfiEREOF: STREET TMPROVF�IENP PROJEGT N0. ST 1984-1 & 2 (ADDII��I7UM �k2) • MOTIGN by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 50-1984. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upor, a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarefl the motion carried unanimously. �'D � � ' ��i�� �. • . •y � � . 15. RESOLUTION NO 5-1984 ORDERIN IMPROVEB4^'NT �,ND APPROVAL OP PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMIIV'T FOR B17)6 • STREET II��P1�]VEP7ENT PROJECP I� ST 1984-1 & 2 fADDEAIDLIM #2) : MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution Vo, 51-1984. Secanded �y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a�.l votir.g aye, Mayor Tvee declarec; the motion carrieci unanimously. 16. RESOLUTION NO 52-1984 ORDERING II�IPROVEI��NT F�ND F'Ir7AL DLANG PP7D � SPECIFICATIONS OF CQSTS THEREOF• WATER �iND SANI�ARY SEWER IB4P40VGl���'IVT PR0.7ECT NJ. 145: - MOTSON by Councilm�n Schneider to adopt Reso3utiQi7 No. 52-1984. Secorided by Councilman Hanernik. Upon a voice vote, ail voting aye, Niayar Nee decl�rec'� the motion carried unanimously. 17. RESOLUTION N0. 53-1984 ORDERING IMPROVL�M�NT 1�ND F.°PROVb1L OF PL�taN 7 P,I�7L3 ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOl? BIDS: WATER �1A�T� SANITARY SEWER TP%1PROV-EiVIEIQT PRO.7EC.�' I�7J. 145: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolutron No. 53-1984. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vc,te, all v��ting aye, i�layox Nee declared the motion carried unammausly. 18. RESOLUTION NO 54-1984 AUTHORIZING SIGI�ING AN AGPEEM��7`1 FG�R �'�RTAIN gZPT1)y� REpgE,gEN'PEp gy L!)[`AT. r7p. Q9 ��CIO [PUBLIC i�di�RLS ANU l�i1FS.S) FOl 1984-1985: Mr. Sid Inman, City Clerk, revi2wed the con�ract coveriny th� employer contribution for Lnsurance and waqes for 198a. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resoluta.on No. 54-1984. Seconded by Councilman Fztzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, f�!ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 19. �2ESOLUTION DIO. 55-1984 TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR Ut'DA'i'�D OUTDQpR STREPd b+TARNING SYSTII+I: � Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Director, stated the C�ty has for sevecal yekrs attempted to acquire some Federal funds to up�zte the warning systens ana the City has been awarded $21,000 to change frorn a pho��e circuit system ta a radio tone activation systen. Mr. Hill stated the resolution is to advertYSe far bids u�� order �o pr.oceerl with this pro�ect. He stated funds availal�lE irQm the Federal gavernrent don't include any matching funds at this t�.me for the actua]. siren unii=; , but only provides for a different warning sysL�n. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt the City should take advantage of the Federal funding and go out for bids to updaie tile system, The cosi- to the City would be matching the $21,D00 plus $10,(300 for a L�ase statian. Mr. Hill stated it is hoped to get back the $1Q,OOJ f.or the base statior� fram the County. -10- r��y .. ,� � �,. . ::,: � . �� MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolutzon No. 55-1984. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimously. 20. LICIIdSEB: MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to approve the licenses as suixnitted and as a on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Hamernik statec he woulc7 recommend a response to persons who have a concern with the liquor licenses that the City is monitoring this procedure. 21. QAIMS: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 091511 through 103Z10. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upan a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carried unanimously. 22. ESTIMATE4: MOTSOt�7 by Councilman Schneader to approve the estimates as submitted. Hcrrick & Newman, P,A. 6?79 Univer��ty Avenue N.E. Fridley, r�d 55432 ror legal servzces rendered a City Attorney for the month of M.arch, 1984. Invoi�e No. 2267 of April 10, 1984 Lega� Services re: Fridley/Nelson Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malnran « Haskvitz 1250 Buildnrs Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, NII�] 554d2 For Legal Serviees Rendered as Prosecutor f-or the month of January, 1984 E. A. Hickok & Associates 545 Indian P4ound Wayzat�, MN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Pro�ect II Professional Services for C4arch 1984 $1,913.10 $2,500.00 $5,357.50 $1,365.81 Secondec7 by Councilman Hamernik, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declareo the motion carried unanimously. 23. CYJPM4UDiICATIONS: F,NOKA COUNTY AUTOA70$ILE GROCIP: REOU�ST FOR CITY APPROVAL TO HAVE AN -11- � L� � �) f ODUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1984 QFF-DEALER-PRE��IT S ATZ �AT E AT `�E 100 RWIN DRIVE IDT PRQP n'rY 01V MAY � 8 1 & 21� 1984• Councilman Hamernik asked what amount of traffic t.Yiis evet�t woulc7 generat�. A representative of Viking Chevrolet statec; the sraffic probabZy woulc7n°t L� any more than what is normally generatea fvr the clrive-an theatre, aut really couldn't give a traffic count. Ae stated the show is to display all the n�kes and mocleJs af cars and �1i � the Anoka County dealers axe going to �rtici�te. Mr. Qureshi, City Pdanager, stated the owner indic�zte,� this is a slow periar� of time £or his operata.on and the auto show woulca f�t in with his plans. MoTION by Councilman Hamernik to approve a te�srporary special use perrua� for an off-dealer-premises car sale at the 100 'Iwin Drive-In properLy an I�1ay 18. 19, 21. 1984. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a vaice votc, all voting aye, N3ayor Nee declarec3 the mntion carrzed unan.en�usiy, .��_• •���� , MOTION by Councilman Barnette to ad�ot,rn the meetinr�. Sec�nded �y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, M.aypr Nee cleclarc� the motion carried unani�usly and the Regular l�eet�ng af the Fridley City Council of April 16, 1984 ad�ourned at 9:05 �.m. Respectfully submitted, � r� ,�,�.b-� ,�,�.�r �,%,�� Carole Haddad Williar� J �ne Secretary to the City Council d�layox Approvec7: May 7, 1984 � � -12-