05/07/1984 - 00012274f�� (� Tl�3E MINOTES OF THE REGOLd1R MEEP Nf' OF THE F1zTDTFV i7'y Tnt T OF MAY 7. 1984 The Regular A9eeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE: Mayar Nee led t1�e Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI.L: MII�IBERS PRFSENT: Mayor Nee, Councilm�n Fitzp�trick, Couricilman � Hamernik, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Earnette NIEMBERS ABSENT: I�one PRl�Cf11r�7ATION• VF'TERl1N' S BUDDY %�PPY DAY - t�7AY 18. 1984: h7ayor Nee read and i�sue� a proclamation declaring May 18 as Veteran's Buddy Poppy Day. F,PPROVAL OF [�1ID70TES: COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 16. 1984: P�IO'PION by Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded �y Councilman fIamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Counci7.man Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Cauncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee i� declarecl the motiori carried unanimously. OPEN F'ORUM. VIST717RS: Mr. John Gargara, President of the Fridley g9�ers, appeared before the Council and asked for the Council to give consideration in finding an enclosed storage s�ce and to provide maintenance for the 1973 Chevrolet coavertible owned by the 49'ers and used in the annual p�rade. Mayor Nee steted the Council has asked for a report from staff on the feasibility of this request. l. PUBLSC HEARTNGS: PiJBLIC HEARTNG ON FINAL PLAT P S r�84-02 HIDDEN WOODS BY THOMAS E �wr�s�c: � � �� 1�� ul� , • MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive tYte reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing, Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trzck, Upon � voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor I�ee declared the motion curried unanimously and the public hearing openecl at 7:43 p.an, Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this pl�� a.s located east of Old Central Avenue and north of Mississippi Street and identifies nine parcels. He stated the Plantting Canmission considered this plat and a11 lots meet the ordinance requirements with the exceptiar, of Lot 6 which is only 8,RU0 � square feet instead of the 9,000 square feet rec;uirecl by the ordinanee. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommendeQ approval of the plat subject to the follaainq stipulations: (1) a signed �rks fee agreement of $13.500; (2) approval of plat with vanances an Lat S and 6; (3} ii yara�e is located on south side of Lot 6, a fire wall shoulc7 be providea; (4j developer agrees to �y all applicable assessments; {5) cleveloper agrees te� recoxd plat at County prior to issuance of bui)c7ang ��mits; (6) re�rioval oi the existing garage on Lot 6; and (7) p�rk L-ee � clarifiec3 with respect Lo the existing house and lot. Mr. Blanberg, the developer, stated he has reviewecl the drainac�e for this �rcel with the City staff. He stated he would i�e ready to pra:eed �ssumxng the drainage plan worked out is acceptable to the Ciry. Mr. Blomberg stated the �rk fee is basec� on nine lats at $_1,500 per lot. He felt he is only creating eight additional lots, as there now is aia existing dwelling on the ninth lot for which he is payinq Laxes. Mr. Flora stated the platting ordinance rec�uires ten percent of the land be dedicated for park purposes or ari equival�nt arnaunt c�f cash. Mr. Blamberg stated he contends he is creating eight new buiT�7able lats and didn't feel he should be paying a park fee �or nine _lots. � Mr. Flora stated, as far as the drainage, they are working on a�ondzng system for the plat and didn't anticip�te any problem. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated ii the Counc�l wzshecl tca gzve consideration to Mr. Blomberg's request regarc�xny the gx�rk fee, actien could be taken when tl'ie plat is aggroved, Mr. Curt Barsness, 6581 Central Avenue, sta�:ec] he lived �ust north nf the lot which would require a vaxiance ane9 questioned the location af tY:e power lines and who would provide the easement. Mr, Bl�il�erg stated the power lines would E�e moved and he would be prov�c�ing the easement for access by Northern States Power, I�. Martin Johnson, 1381 Mississippi Street, ask�d about the pJ.ar�s for the park in the Gena Rae Additaon. He stated it seems like a lot of- �lans were made for the road at about the same time tlse City was enteiing l�:to -2- � (� I'1� J 1 ��� ��1� _ i • � : � 3, negotations for the land for the �rk. Mr. Qureshi stated the rlty wishes to acquYre the land in the Gena Rae Addition for �rk purposes, however, both Mr. Brickner and Mr. Blomberg coulc� develop without a road through the g�rk, He stated the City wants the �nrk and road itt orc�er to provide recreational facilities for residents in the area. Mr. Ken Moxness, 1604 66th Avenue, questioned if any soil from the back of Bacon Electric and the garage on Qld Central would be used in the park. He stated, if this is done, he felt it should be tested tor contamination. Mayor Nee stated no soil from these businesses would be moved to the �rk. D10 other persons in the audience spoke regarding this propnsed plat. D4GTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. L�pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carr�ed unanimously and the publxc hearing closed at 8:1G p.m. � • � a� •� 1_ • •i •• . ; • .. � ��}. . � I� �I� �•� • :�_ •\ • 1 � ! l �� ����r ��i,L�_ : � : C MI�TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and apen the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously anc3 the public hearinq opened at 8:10 p.m. P4r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this rezoning is associated with the Hzdden Woods plat and the request is to rezone any parts of lots 6 and 7 from C-2 �nc3 R-2 to R-1. Mr. Flora statecl this rezoning was before the Planning Commission and they have recommencied approval of the request. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this rezotung request, MOTION by Councilma�l Schneioer to close the public hearing. Seconded by Co�ncilman Earnette. L7pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:12 p.m. OLD BUSINESS: CONSI➢ERATION OF A FINAL PLAT P S #84-01 CREEKRIDGE BY THOMAS BRICKNER (PUBLIC H�ARING IIELD 4/2/841: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the plat, Creekridge, proposed by Mr. Brickner calls for an outlot to be designated for property on the north side of Rice Creek. I3e stated the plat would extend 66th Avenue from the existing deac�end through the Rice Creek School property to Arthur and -3- I i ___1 � � �� 1�, _ I �. � constYUCtion of another street, Creek Park Lane from Arthur tc Old Central, Mr. Eloca stated a 15 foot access easement is requested on the west boundary of the plat to allaa neighborhood access to the �aark area. Mr. Brickner, the developer, stated he felt the access �asement shaul�' bE moved to the west between two lots that his sori owns. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the easement proposed by £9r. �rickner would be more centrally located to the park. � Mayor Nee asked Mr, Brickner if he felt i� was feasible �o proceed with the development after reviewing the figures an the uost �f the improvements. Mr. Brickner stated he felt the bids received c]o makc it more feasibJ.c ttian the original estimates given for these improvements. Mr. Joe Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, questioned where t1�e power lanes caoulc7 iae located for this plat, Mr. Flora stated Northern States Power cr�ui�3 0� pr�avidiny underyround service for the development, but overhead service erould continue L-c�r the existing homes. Mr. Menth asked if existing power lines woulcl be placed underground. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the resiaentu would have the option to leave the lines as is or else to have than �;7.aced une'�ergraund if �hey wish to p3y tYte cost, Mr, Menth questioned where the power lines woulc be moved, [�r. Flara stated he felt they would probably stay, basically, wherc they are now IocateG. Mr. Menth stated at the public hearing there was disctzssion aL�aut 1�ast�oraing the assessment until such time as each lot was spllt. � Mr, qureshi stated if it is the Council'�� clesire to fibstpone the assessruent until such time as a lot is split, they could so direct staff so uhe assessment ro11 is preparec� accordingly. � Mr. Ken Moxness, 1604 66th Avenue, asked li xt wc�ula be posszble Lo o�taiia an easement to the creek. Mr. Qureshi sta�ed 66th Avenue goes to �r�i�ur Street and Arthur Street has access to the creek, NJOTION by Council.man Schneider to approve l-.he preJ_ininary fLnal plat, t�S #84-01 with the following stipulations: (7.) Uutl�t l� be declica�ec! f-or public use; (2) a$1.500 �rk fee per lot icr 29 lots pe paid; and (3y an access easement from 66th Avenue be prov�decl tc� tkie future �rk. an the Gena P,ae Addition and the location of this easer,�ent is tc 'r�e workcd out with the City staff. Seconded by Councilman I3amern7i:. Upon �_ v��ce voke, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimuusly. Mr. Gottwaldt, 6424 Baker Avenue, asked when the issuE of the par�: in the -4- �_��,� ��11 • •�. Gena Rae Ac�dition woulcl]ae on the agenda, Councilman Schneider stated the point the City is at now regarding acquisition of the groperty in the Gena Rae Addition came about during discussions at the Planning Commission meeting. He stated he believed representatives af the owners of the property were present at the Planning Commission meeting and indicated they would be willing to sell the property if it was used £or public purposes and not for residetttial development. Mr. Qureshi stated the City has had a number of negotiat,tons regarding acquisition of this property. He stated the City felt as the owners are � willing to sell, the best method to establish the value of the property is through a non-6aas third party and the owner's attorney was so advised. Mayor Nee told Mr. Gottwaldt he understood his mother didn't want to sell the property for housing, but wanted it developed for g�rk purposes. Mr. Martin Johnson, 1381 Mississippi Street, stated the City never did negotiate or come back with a counter offer yet they are surveying and driving stakes into the property. He felt there has been no negotiation in good faith on the part of the City. He felt a lot �oas being taken for granted to proceed in this manner when the property is not owned by the City, and several asked why a�rk was needed on that property. Covncilman Schneider stated Rice Creek School was the only recreational iacility in this neighborhood and when the school disappears, he felt smnething has to reglace these facilities to satisfy the recreational needs of the neighbarhood residents. Councilman Schneider stated he felt it would be irresponsible to have housing on every lat and not be able to meet the recreational needs for the neiqhborhood now and in the future. He stated, as iar as the developers, they would �ust as soon not see a park, but felt it is part oE his responsiblity to provide such an area for the residents. Mr. l�,artin Johnson stated he only hopes his father and the Gottwaldt's get a � cecent price for this land as they have contributed to the community for many years. A. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT P S #84-02 HIDDEN WOODS SY THOMAS E BL�OMBEE:G (PUBLIC HEARING I3ELD MAY 7. 19841 : MOTION by Councilman Schneider ta approve the preliminary final plat, PS #84-02, Hic7den Woods, by Thomas Blomberg with the following stigulations: (1) a signed �rk fee agreement of $1,500 per lot for eight lots be paid; (2) approval of the plat includes variances for Lot 6 to be 8,890 square feet and front yard will be approximately 60 feet at the proposed setback; further, the existing house on Lot 5 is to be five feet fran new lot line to the north; (3) if garage is located on south side of Lot 6, a fYre wa11 should be provided; (4) developer agrees to �y all applicable assessments for street, water, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer; (5) developer agrees to record plat at the County pnor to issuance of a building permit; and (6) -5- � �� 1� _ 4_?� _ �. � y_'. . . the exxsting garage on Lot 6 is to be remaved, Secondeci by Councilmari Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all votina,s aye, C4uyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ���. � . � � ...� �l4�� � �� • r � MOTION by Councilman Barnette to table ckais appaintment. Secondeci by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting ayep Mayor Nee ceclared the motion carried unanimously. � NEW BUSINESS: . �� � • • • �� �. • �� ••► � , • � •• � ��i� :�s� • r1u1i.��� �J�.. • � �.� •►' :� I , , MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to waive th� Pir.st reading ar.d approoP the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by rounciTman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c]ecl�rec; the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST RFS�I)ING OF AN ORDINANCE � AD7END THE CITY CODE OF Tf3E CSTY OF FRIDLEY BY MAKING A C[IANGE IN ZONING �'JISTRICi' ;ZUA �k84-011. THOMAS BLOMBERG• hi0TI0N by Councilman Schneider to waive the fzrst reac�inq and approve �d�e ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Counciln�an F'itzpatrac�C. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�ecl�red che rnotxon carriec� unanimously. : � I� �� ��.� •� �� • , SA. LOT SPLIT REOUEST. L.S. #84-03. ZO SPLIT THE WEST Ht1L•F OF LfJ'i' 4. At�76 AL,L OF L,OT 5. 6 ADID 7. LUCIA I,1�NE ADDITTOI3 IATiY7 'PRACKS A. B AND C, � ADDRFSSED ON LUCIA LANE AND MISSISSIPPI STR�ET, BY GERAII) B. JOI�ONs Mr. Flora, Public Woxks Directox, this is a cecguest �o spll� ofi the wesL- half of Lot 4 and all of Lots 5, 6, and 7 ln Lucia Lane Addition t� make three tracts A, B, and C in order to make four buildable resxdential lots. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recomnended approval of the 1Gt split, providing a 15 foot bikeway/walkway ease�r,�ni� on Mississippi Street, and that the clerical error be corrected to refl�ct that the �0 feet from Lot 6 added to Lot 5 be changed to 15 ieet and a correctec� docuwen� submitted to the Council with the recommendatior� tha.k the fronLag�z on �ract A be chan9ed from 90 fet to 85 feet, adding iive feeL- to Traci Fs. Mr. Flora stated the above corrections recornmendvd !�y the P�.�nn�.nc� Co�mnission have been made on the Council's copies, Mr. Mark Haggerty, representing the develaper, stared residents in this arna were concerned about traffic on Lucia Latte. He PEIt �l7zs plan provides an 7� � � 1_�i �� ���f� COUNCIL MEEPING OF MAY 7. 1984 8B. fiC. economic�lly feasible solution for four residential lots. Councilman Schneider clarified their intention to build four single family homes on Tract A, B, C anci Lot 7. Mr. Russell Burris, 1150 Mississippi Street, stated if four single family homes are buiit on this property, he would be happy as that is what the neighUorhoacl wanted for the last 30 years. Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Haggerty if he knew of any plans to come back for other permits. Mr. Haggerty stated if this is approved, he was assured by the cwners they will be putting up single family homes. M�TION by �COUncilman Schneider to approve Lot Split, LS #84-03 with the following stipulations: (1) a park fee of $1,500 be paid; and (2) a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement on tracks E and C and Lot 7 be provided along Mississi�pi Street. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �� J� • �� i • ,l� • •:' • �• i � � • •� • :1_1� 4� 1�i� � � � : M�: ��t� Mr, Peter Treuenfels, representing the Human Resources Commission, stated the total funding recommendec] was $17,000 which was broken cbwn as follows: SACA, $5,000; Central Center for Family Resources, $3,700; P,noka County CAP, $4,150; and Senior Citizens Center, $4,150. MOTI�N by Councilman Schneic]er ta concur with the recommendation of the H�ni�r� Resources Commission to make a$17,000 allocation from CDBG funds as followsc SACA, $5,000; Central Center for Family Resources $3,700; Anoka County CAP, $4,15Q; and Senior Citizens Center, $4,15d. Seconded by Councilman Barnette, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor rdee declared the motion carried unanzmously. � u .� .. . u ai i_ •� � ••� • � � H� � • .�. . .� � -� - � Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a vaxiance to increase the size of a sign located at Target. He stated the gas station on this property is leased tc Citgo and they have requested a separate pylon sign and the code limits the signs to one per development and Target currently has a sign on this g�rcel. Mr. Flora stated because of the distance involved, staff does not have any ob�ection to a separate pylon sign for the Citgo operation. Ae stated the harclship is Citgo is leasing the gas station from Target and they need exposure ta iiighway 65. -7- � � � ��.��, -- �- ,� • Mr. Flora s�tated the Appeals Commission has recommended approval of this variance. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur uaith the recommendation oi the Appeals Commission and 9rant the variance to inerease the sign fror�i 216 square feet to 264 square feet to allaa the ser�ice station to have a 6 foCc by 8 foot sign on Target's second py1�n sz�,n, Seconded by Counci3rnan Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�on carried unanimously. • ��� �� • ��i • � . y i � .�� .+�� .�� .. �. . .�� • �� � � .� � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated tlzis is a request for varia[aces tc reduce the rear yard setback for an addition to a clwelling and to xeduc� tYie side yard setback for the construction of � swinmunc� �ool. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission felt the swimming pool cou]d be moved so it would 6e a.n compliance with the cac�e, therefore, they recommended denial of the side yard vanaryce and ap�roval of the variance for the rear yard setback in order to construct fi.he addita.on. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommenclatian eF the Appeals Comnission and grant the vanance to reduce Ehe rear y�rd setback from 25 feet to 8.5 feet and to deny the vanance for reduction of the side yard setback �rom 3 feet to 2 feet. Seconc?ed Ly Councilman Earnette. Upon a voice vote, all vot�.ng aye, Mayor Nee deciared the notzon car.rzec� unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Pianf�ing Con�nission Meeting of April 18, 1984. Seconded Y�y Cc�uncilman Hamernik. ❑pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor nee deel�red the mation carried unanimously. � 9. RECEIVING c'F1At�rF:R COP�II�IISSION MINUTES OF MARC�I 19. 198�: MOTION by Councilman Harnette to receive the ninutes of t'r�e Charter Commisson Meeting of b'farch 19. 1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneic7er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee der_l�red the motion carried unanimously. 10. RECEIVLNG CABLE TELEVlSION COMf4ISSION MINOTES OF APR1L 19, 1984: NIOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the m2nutes oP the Cable Televzsion Commission Meeting of April 19, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Sci?neacler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor A➢ee declared the n�otion carried unanimously. 11. REVIEW OF SP #80-11_. FOR A COUNSELING CLINIC r'�T 7599 L�i_�7I`lFRSITY AVEflNE 1�?.E., BY JAMES GILBER7'SON: � � I �'� �a � ��'� N N ,� � •.� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Dr. Gilbertson received a special u�e Fermit in 1980 and the stipulation was to revie�a this permit after three years ef operation. Councilman Hamernik stated with the concern there has been with some of the neighhors, he felt tl�e proposal to change the sign and provide landscaping �s a aooc� one. Dr. Gilbertson stated sane of the landscaping has been done around the sign on the northwest corner and future landscaping is proposed to disguise the small parking area and to provide additional landscaping of the building. � Councilman Hamernik asked, with the l.andscaping ad�acent to the sign, if it was visible to the east, Dr. GYlbertson stated it is still visible until the landscaping installed gra�s. Dr. Gilbertson stated he understands this current xeview of his special use permit is because of complaints with the neighbor to the east at 310 Osborne Road. He stated he has ried to work with this resident regarding the sign which was his primary concern. He stated each time he went forward to him, he had another complaint and Mr. Gabrielson is concerned that the sign lowers the market value of his property, Dr. Gilbertson stated Mr, G-abrielson's �ro�rty value has increased over the last several years so it appears his property is gaininc� in value. Dr. Gilbertson stated he has had no complaints eiher than from Mr. Gabrielson. Mr. Ron Gabrielson, 310 Osborne Road, stated he does not want Dr. Gilbertson out af his structure, but wanted some hard and fast stipulations for ogeration of his business. He stated when Dr. Gilbertson first approached the Council for this special use permit, he stated he would be operating 20 to 25 hours a week and that he would be the sole operator and possihly get a �rt-time secretary. He stated he has three part-time secretaries and two other gsychologists in this buxlding. t4r. Gabrie3son stated he has kaeen in to see Dr. Gilbertson six to eight � times and he has not been willing to work with him. He stated when Dr. Gilbertson fzrst came to the residents for their signatures for his operation, he asked if there was going to be a sign on the property and Dr. Gilbertson tola him he wouldn't need to put up a sign as he didn't need to advertise. He felt if Dr. Gilbertson's operation is going to continue to grow, he needs to fir.d property elsewhere in a commercial area. He stated a professional appraisal he obtained shaas this devaluates his property. Mr. Gabrielson stated he tried to work with Dr. Gilbertson for two years to chartge the sign and turn off the lighting. He stated he wouldn't be here if it hadn't taken Dr. Gil6ertson two years to get ttre sign changed. Mayor Nee asked if the specific problems Mr, Gabrielson had have been accomnaclated. � � •�iA� _ �. • _i. ': Mr. Gabrielson stated he felt there shoul� be bushes and trees around the sign so it isn't visible from his propert•� �7d i-hat F;r. Gilbertson shouldn't be able to change the sign without permission frcm tl-ie Council and that the light be permanently taken out. Dr. Gilbertson 5tated the sign has been c3isconnected since January 10, ana five days later there was an attempted break -in at Yais establishment, �7e stated he did feel the light illuminated the propert}r, and woulcln't r�mov� the light, but it is disconnected. � Dr. Gilbertson stated he is in his office at t3:00 a.n. and out by &:30 p.m., haaever, the ntmiber of p�tient hours at the clinic runs about ?0 haurs a week. He stated he is holding very firm to a ha]f time operatian, i3ut the trouble is the �tients come in at differint times, Dr. GiYbertsore stutec he does have an assistant who is there three days a week and eees patzents. He stated during g3tient hours, cars average �.2 per hour. Mr. Gabrielson questioned why Dr. Gilbertson had fio xent p�rking s�ace zf he had six s�ces and needs only sFace for 2.2 cars per hour. F?e stated he didn't feel tihis was a law-key operation. Mr. Ken Bloan, 330 Osborne Road, stated he has yet tc see more tYran two cars in Dr. Gilbertson's yard. He stated he dicin't feel the sign i� in any �vay intcusive, He stated Dr. Gilbert5on's opeeatian xs low pr�file and dsdn'S� feel he wan under any obligation to explain how h� conc�ucts his clxnic particularly when he has been coopera�ive. Mr. Robert Blosky, 305 76th Avenue, stated he was against Dr. Gilbertson setting up a clinic when he first applied ior the special use permit. He stated, however, he feels Dr. Gilbertson has been a ���c�d neighbor. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to contlnue the ��prcval of special. use permit, SP #80-11 with the following stipulations: (1) tl�e s�yn as it exists would not be chanqed and not be lxghted in the future; and (2) � landscaping be maintained around the sigb7. Secanded by Councilman Schneidex. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�1ee declared the nx>tron carried unanimously. Dr. Gilbertson asked if his next review coulcl be three �ears fro��, now. Councilman Hamernik stated he preferred to keeF the same stapulations as originally approved in 1982 so there would lx a review ut three years or in 1985. 12. RECEIVING BIDS ADID P�I2DING CONPRACP FOF DEMOLITION OF BUILDiNGS IN C�IVTEP CTZy p,gg,A (MISSISSIPPI STREET AND 5TH STREET) (EID� OPENID 4'/15(84)• MOTION by Councilm�n Barnette to receive the bids, BID BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING P'LAI�1Ei0LDER BOND 1 2__ 3 -10- � �+�`� � �� � COUNCIL MEEI'ING OF MAY 7. 1984 Ted Renollett Salvage Bid 927 Andover Rd N� 5% Anokc, NII�I 55303 Renoval Bid Park Construc;tion Salvage Bid 7900 Beech Street N� So Fridley, [�a3 55432 Removal Bid Ganunon Brothers Inc Salvage Bid Rogers, MN 5� Removal Bid Safeway Housemovers Check Salvage Bid 5885 155th Street NW $500 Hugn, MN 55038 Removal Bid Dale Movers, Inc. SaYvage Bid 7816 Central Avenue So SLP, MN 55932 Retnoval B1d Herbst & Sons Salvage Bid 2299 County Road H 50 New Brighton, NA] Removal Bid Badger Movers Inc, Salvage Bid 2844 Johnson St NE Mpls., NR7 55418 Removal Bid � � � :• u Ted Renollett Salvage Bid 927 Andover Rd. n�E Anoka, MN 55303 Removal Bid Park Construction Salvage Bid 7900 Beech Street NE Fridley, MN 55432 Removal Bid Gatranon Brothers, Inc. Galvage Bid l�ogers, PMI 55374 Re�noval Bid Dale Movers, Tnc, Salvage Bid 7A16 Central Ave, 5� SLP, MN 55432 Removal Bid Herbst & Sons Salvage Bid 2299 County Rd. II. New Brighton, MN Removal Bzd Badger P4overs inc. Salvage Bid 2844 7ohnson Street P7E Mpls „ MN 55418 Removal Bid 6560.00 11,460.00 4840.00 400.00 14,980.00 6665.00 3998.00 10,895,00 8000.00 2100.00 No Bid No Bid 7060.00 14.480.00 12,260.00 4000.00 18,000.00 12,500.Q0 2000.00 No Bid No Bld 1000.00 BUILDING BUILDING 4 5 1200.00 6340.00 2500,00 5000.00 2500.00 7127.00 1400.00 8500,00 1000.00 6500.00 No Bid No Bid � BUILDING 6 1780.00 48d0.00 � 7280.00 1740.00 4500.00 1000.00 Seconded by Cauncilman SchneidEr. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor -11- � � � � �� ��. _ _ �_ �, • Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flora, Pub11c Works Director, stated bids were ac7ver�ised for the r�noval of one building and demolition of the ather tauildings for the Civic Center develoFanent. He stated Dale Movers was the high bidder for remaval of the Madsen Building (Building No. 1) and tl�e laa bsc7cler on demolitzan of the house (Building No, 6). He further stated Renollett Trucking was the laa bidder on the Telephone Building (BUiiding �Tc�. 2}; Fark Cons�ructi�n v�as the low bidder on Gary's Garage (BuiicJing No, 3) and the NIUSic Center (Building No. 5); and Hetbst Constructior�taas the laa biader on the garage (Building No. 4?. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with tria recommendatiari of szuff and award the bid for the removal of the Madsen Builc7ing ,to the high bidc�er, Da1e t4overs, and award t�he other bids for demol�tion of buildings to the laa bidders as follows: Renollett Trucicing for Building I3o. 2; Park Construction for Buildinqs No. 3 and 5; fIerbst (:onstructian for B�i3c7zng Nca. 4; and Dale Movers for Suilding No. 6. Seconded by Councilman Ha�arnik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor h�ee declared the motion carraed unanimously. � u •� ��,�•� �; � • •� r «•�« •:�. . � ��� �� , , ;� MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the hicls. I�if��� Highway Service 6315 Cambridge Street St. Louis Park, LyIIV Forby Construction Inc, P.O. Box 211 Route 3 Hinkley, M[�II 55037 Palda and Sons 1462 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Great Lake Contracting Corp. P.O. Sox 96 Suamico, WI Arcon Construction Co, Inc, Mora, MN 55051 D. H. Blattner Avon, MN 56310 BID BOND 50 5� 5� 5� 5% 5� � •1 : � $21r35Q.00 $27,495.00 $23,670.�u $29,775.Q0 $29,910.00 $29,975.OG Seconded by Councilman Hamernik, Upon a voice �ote, �ii.l voting eye, iWiayar Nee �clarec3 the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the bzd to the low k�irlder, HigYiway -12- ] �� :�� ��� �� 1�� � _ �. � •I:L! Services in the amount of $21,350. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � ��� •� �� • '�� �� "�� �'Ii � �•� �� :� 15 P40TION by Councilman Barnette to receive the bids, Planholder H& S As�halt Hardrives, Inc. 700 Industry Ave. 7200 Hemlock Lane 1lnoka, NA7 55303 Maple Grove, MN Bid Bond Base Bid Alternat. #1 Alternat. #2 Alternat. #3 Total Bid 5g 5� $323,876.50 $361,361.46 $ 37,214.65 $ 38,219.00 $ 59,400.10 $ 54,037.85 $ 23,36Q.00 $ 32,375.00 $449,095.25 $485,993.11 C.S. Crossan, Ihc. Box AD Osseo, MN 44369 5� $431,166.10 $ 45,771.10 $ 71,515.61 $ 68,220,00 $616,672.81 Sewnded by Councilman Hamermk. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor D,Tee declared the motion carried unanimausly. MQTION by Councilman Schneider to award the bid to the low bidder, H& S AsFhalt in the amount of $449.095.25. Seconded lay Councilman Baxnette. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the bids for bath Mr. Brickner's plat and Mr. Blomberq's �lat came in b�laa what was estimated and he understands they are both comfortable with the bids received. Both N'ic. Brickn�r and Mr. Blanberg indieated they were in favor of the bids received for their proposed plats. � Nir. Qureshi stated if the Council so desires, staff should be instructed when the preliminary assessment roll is prepared that any owners of the five � lots on 66th Avenue who don't wish to be assessed would not have the assessments levied on those lots until �uch time as a lot split is requested and approved and at that time, assessments plus interest would be levied. DPON A Vt7ICE VaTE TAKEN ON THE AHOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee d�clarea the motion carried unanimausly. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to direct staff at the time the assessment roll zs grepared for the improvement pro7ect that the five lots on 66th Avenue have no assessments levied on those lots until such time as a lot spl�t is requested and approved and, at that time, assessments plus interest would be levied. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Schneider, Councilman Hamernxk, Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitz�trlck and Councilman Barnette all voted in favor of the motion, and Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � u •� �� .. �� +i� .� ��!� •� •; �. .y� �y -13- � � � � �i7NCIL MEETING OF MAY 7� 1984 �.� � • �u�� �L•L�� MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive tiie bic]s. PI,P,NHOLDER F. F. Jedlicki, Inc. 14203 West 62nd Street Eden Prairie, MN 55433 Amencan Cont. Corp. 11661 Eagle Street N.W. Coon Rapids, NIN 55433 Hydrocon, Inc, F.O. Box 129 Dlorth Sranch, MN 55056 Honine Excavating 12636 Main Street Rogers, MN 55374 Crossings, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Prior Lake, MN 55372 Orfel & Sons P.O. Hox 16358 St. Paul, NAI 55116 BID HOAID 5% Borid 50 Bond 5a Bond 5� Bonc] 10% Bond 5� Bond Nodland Assoc, Inc. 5� Alexandria, MN 56308 Bond Burchville Const. Co. Inc, 50 P,�, Box 167 Bond Loretto, MN 55357 xennen Const, Co. 5� 14520 Main Street � Y�1 : � $125,712.00 $.110,42A.20 $llt3, 93 4.2£ $120,2I6.50 ."r125,712.�0 $134,4�31.40 $134,799.e0 $137,139.30 q 14].,734.OQ Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a13 votir.g aye, T�layor r7ee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the contract to the low �idder, F. F. Jedlicki, Inc, in the amount of $105,652. Seconded by Counczlmaia f3amernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Niayor Nee declarec� the r.�ation carned unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to direct staff at the time the assessment roll is pre�red £or this Improvement Pro�ect l�o. 145 that the five lots oi� 66th Avenue have no assessments levied on those lots until suc:h time as a lot split is requested and approved and, at that time, assessments �lus interest would be levzed. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik, Upon a vc.�ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the m�tion czrried unanimausly. -14- _� �i _p C1.� •� �� �. . ,� � • : . 16. RESOLUTION Pd0 56-1984 SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT MANAGEMENT STUDX OF METROR�LITAN WI�,STE CONTROL COPMIISSION: MOTION by Councilman Schneic7er to adopt Resolutzon No. 56-1984. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammausly. • � • .;, ..• :� • � . � �� ' �• r M• •��� , P�I�TION by Cauncilman Fitzp�trick to adopt Resolution Na. 57-1984. Seconded � lay Councilman Schneider. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated he felt it should be brought to the Council's attent�on that a p3rk fee of $750 should be p�id. UfC7N A VOICE VOTE TARII3 ON ZHE F18WE N�TION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motinn carriecl unanimausly. 18. RECEIVING PETITION N0. 4-1984 RDGARDING IVO PARKING SIGNS ALONG 715T WAYR BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET, FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY; MOTIOf� by Councilman Fitz�track to receive Petition No. 4-1984 and to post "No Parking" signs on tlxe south side of 71st Way and to respond directly to the persons who signed the petition notifying than of the Council's action. Seconcled }�� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor r7ee declared the motion t;arried unanimously. . � � .., �. « . .�� � ,+t� �� • • a • •• MOTIOIV by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the petition and to call a public hearing for June 4, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried � unanimously. 19.1 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTON NO. 58-1984 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS. SPECIFIC1iTON5 AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PRQ7ECT ST. 1984-1: M�TION by C:ouncilman Fitzp�trick to adopt Resolution No. 58-1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimausly. • �� . � ' • • • � 4 � � � i � _ l i ' i � 1 � . . � . . � I � i + • � • �+_ •, � � ��• 'JI 91 "� 'JI I'JI ••� �.� _ MOTIoN by Councilman I'itzp�trick to adopt Resolution No. 59-1984. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -15- � ��iJ� � ��, • 1 S l. �i1 '�, M�a� • �`_1 � '�' • I� �` �� .� .�... � �� ':�• � i� • • �. 'Ji ��'.�� � �l� ' ' M�TION by Councilman Hamernik to receave the Creasof:e Clean-up P�eeting Report. Seconded by Councilmsn Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all ��oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanir�cusly. MOTION by Councilman 5chneider to grant a temporary trailer permit far fo�r � trailers during construction to Barr Ettgtneeriny Companp on thc M�dtronic property. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upc�n a voice vote, all vatir.c� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimously. 21. LICENSFS: hi�TION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to approu�e the licenses as sutmitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office, Seconued Uy Councilman Schneider. 22. ESTIMATFS: N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the est�mates as submitted. Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 1250 Builders Exchange Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 T,egal services xendered as City Prosecutor for the month of February, 1984 Legal services rendered as City Prosecutor for the month of Flarch, 1984 Su6urban Rate Authority Jerry Dalen, Treasurer � Edina Clty Hall 48Q1 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 1984 Membership Assessment Nordquist Sign Can�ny Inc. 312 West Lake Street Plinneapolils, MN 55408 Fridley Center City sign Project Final Estimate $ 5,337.5G $ 5,801.3J $ 1,717,8(➢ y11.50O.OQ Seconded by Councilman Sarnette. Upon a voice vat" �.11 votiny aye, n?ayar Plee declared the motion carrxed unammously. 23. C�AIMS: � -16- �1� ��� �� 1s. �. � • I! MOTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 096870 thraugh 126543, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mapor r3ee declared the motion carried unanimously. 24. APPOINiMENT: CITY F24PIAYEE: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with thE following appointment by the City Manager: �P � Jean M. Otten�ann ] 264 97th Avenue AlW Caon Rapids, t�V 55433 �� - � Secretary- Pui�. wks Dept. � � -�i �_ • 71• � M . $1190.48 May 9, 1984 Inez Kapala per month Seconded by Councilm�n Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 25. COMMUNICATIONS: DAVID J. KEDING: PERNIISSION FOR AGTIVITIES AT LC.K'�1N PARK: MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to approve the request by David Keding for use of Logan Park on May I4, 1984 and permission for 3,2 keg beer and a �:olka band. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor �:ee declared the motion carriec? unanimously. . • i � u �r.. ;. � �... .,. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to grant the request of John and Darlene Surawski for pernission to have a band play on Terrace Park facilrties on June 3, 1984. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor nee declared the motion carried unarumously. G R 1, 1: IW illY h10TiOA7 by Councilman Schneider ta ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Larnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Paee declared the motiun carned unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of May 7, 1984 adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectiully sutanitted, ,���� ��'� Carole Hadciad Secretary to the City Council Approved: May 21, 1984 -17- ���� � �l� William J�ee NIayor � � ,