01/07/1985 - 5165QFFICIAL QTY a'1UNCIL AGFlJ�A QO[JNCIL 1►�EETIl� JANUARY 7. 1965 � � FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL � JANUARY 7, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Following are the "ACTI�NS TAREN" by the Administration for your inf ormation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ :� • � � Council Minutes, December 17, 1984 Minutes received and filed for future reference : � N \ � s � \ � � � � � � � � � � Brian Goodspeed, Ward I Edward J. Fitzpatrick, Ward III Oath administered by City Clerk : � •► - -� .� . _. - Edward Hamernik Services as Councilman, Ward I - - . ;.. - .� Brian Goodspeed � Human Resource Commission and Planning Commission Presentation of Plaque and Certificate made by Mayor Council Meeting, January 7, 1985 :�•• i+ • ��: Aaaea: Receiving Letter f rom Fridley 49er Days Committee � �• • � •; � •: John Gargaro, Chairman of Fridley Chamber of Commerce presented communication f rom Chamber requesting close working relationship with City � . : . Page 2 Public Hearing on the Issue of Amending Section 4.06 of the Fridley Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 C Hearing opened at 7: 43 P. M. Closed at 7: 46 P. M. NO ACTION NEEDED--See Item No. 3: Ordinance adopted on first reading Public Hearing on Vacation Request, SAV #84-06 � to Vacate Part of 67th Avenue, 6689 Anoka Street NE, by Patricia and Mary Ruta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 C Aearing opened at 7:46 P.M. Closed at 7:48 P.M. PUBLiC WOR.RS--ACTION TAREN: ordinance for vncation placed on next agenda for consideration Council Meeting, January 7, 1985 � , � Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 4.06 of the Fridley City Charter. ..... Ordinance adopted on first reading PUBLIC WORRS--ACTiON TAREN: Ordinance placed on next agenda for consideration of second reading. Title changed, Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission of December 19, 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Consideration of Special Use Permit •84-25 to Allow Reopening of a Service Station at 6500 University Avenue, MAT Properties, by James Trapp ......................................... Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial Coun�il Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Reguested Special Use Permit denied PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Applicant notified of Council denial of request . . . 4-4E & 4L - 4N B. Consideration of Lot Split Request, L. S. #84-12 to Permit Additional Land for Parking, 7200 University Avenue, Winfield Developers, Inc., Attn: Rick Martens ................ P?annina Commission Recommendation: Approval & with Stipulations. Coun�il Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Request approved with stipulation PUBLiC WORRS--ACTiON TAREN: Applicant inf ormed of Council approval with stipulations 4E - 4F 40 - 4P Page 3 3 4 - 4 Y � Council Meeting, January i, ly�� � . + •� � '•� (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) C. Consideration of Lot Split Request, L.S. #84-13 to Make "0" Feet Lot Line Between Each Side of "Double Bungalow, 7396-7398 Symphony Street, by Randy Anderson ........................... 4F - 4G P? ann; ng f Commission Recot2mendation: Approval & 4Q - 4R With Stipulations. �ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation Council approved with stipulations PUBL•IC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Appl icant f nf ormed oL Council approval with stipulations D. Item from Appeals Commission Minutes of November 27, 1984: Requested Variances to Increase Maximum Allowable Area, Square Footage Variance and Height Variance, 7210 East River Road by Larry Clanton ............................... 4S - 4W 8�neals Commission Recommendat±on: Tie Vote & 4X - 4Y �ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Item Council approved request with stipulations pnBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Appl icant inf ormed of Council approval with stipulations raUC � Consideration of City Council Appointments to Diff erent Agencies and Receiving List of Commission Members Whose Terms Expire April 1, 1985 and Consideration of a Resolution Designating Director and Alternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority. ..... 5- 5 F Resol ution No. 1-1985 adopted naming Mr. Ed Hamernik as Representative and John Flora as Alternate Representative to the Surburan Rate Authority. Council appointments to diFferent agencies were made, and those Commission members who wished to serve again were reappointed to their Commission. S:ITY MANAGER--AGTiON TPLREN:Informed Commission rfembers of their reappointments and put "Commission Appointments" on the next agenda f or f urther Council consideration Council Meeting, January 7, 1985 ��. ► •� � -. Page 5 Consideration of a Resol ution Designating Official Depositories for the City of Fridley. ....... 6- 6 A Resol ution No. 2-1985 adopted CENTRAL SERViCE--ACTiON TAREN: Inf ormed proper suthorities of Council designation :. Consideration of a Resolution Designating an Off icial Newspaper for the Year 1985. .......... 7- 7 A Resolution No. 3-1985 adopted CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Informed the Fridley Focus of Council designation Consideration of a Resolution Designating Time and Number of Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 A Resol ution No. 4-1985 adopted as amended • (:ITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Amended Resolution to add two more conference meetings: January 28 and August 26 Consideration of a Resolution Ordering Preliminary . Plans, Specif-ications and Estimates of the Costs _ � of Street Improvement Proj ect ST 1985 - 1& 2. .....: . 9 Resolution No. 5-1985 adopted � PIJBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Will proceed as authorized � ► • ► •� � -. Consideration of a Resol ution Receiving the Preliminary Report and Calling For a Public Hearing on the Matter of the Construction of Certain Improvements: Street Improvement Project S T 19 8 5 - 1 � 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - l O B Resol ution No. 6-1985 adopted PDBLIC WORRS--ACTiON TAREN: Proceeding with public hearing arrangements ADDED ITEM: Receiving letter f rom Fridley 49er Day s Committee regarding use of eRA land for carnival ...... 10.1 Council forwarded request to HRA indicating Council was in favor of request PL�BL.IC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Letter given to HRA for Jan 10 meeting f or their consideration indicating that the Council is in tavor of the request Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Approved sENTRAL SERViCE--ACTiON TAREN: Paid claims Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A Approved CENTRFL SERViCE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses Estimates. . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 13 - 13 A Approved CF.NTRAL SERVIC�--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates COUNCIL MEETING � ����� �� �� � ��= 1' �► � �► (CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) ' : � ' 3i1�[�►� PUBLIC HEARING ON iHE ISSUE OF AMEND1i�G SECTION 4.06 OF THE FRIDLEY CHARTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 C PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV #84-06 TO VACATE PART OF 67TH AVENUE. 6689 AtvoKA STREET �E. BY PATR I C I A AND MARY KUTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 � COUNClL MEETING, JANUARY 7, 19�5 . • PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENOING SECTION 4,06 OF THE FRIOLEY CITY CHARTER, ..... 3 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLAN�ING COh1MISSION OF DECEMBER ly. 19t�4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 Y A, CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT �84-25 TO ALLOW REOPENING OF A SERVICE STATION Af 65(00 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. MAT PROPERTIES. BY �AMES TRAPP ......................................... 4 - 4E PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL b 4L - 4N COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIDN B. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT RE�UEST. L.S, #84-12 TO PERMIT ADDITIONAL LAND FOK PARKING. 72b0 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, WINFlELD DEVELOPERS, (NC.. ATTN: RICK MARTENS ................ 4E - 4F PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 8 40 - 4P WITH STIPULA710NS. COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION .,,,,,,,.. � � �•ICC I � n,�. �aNUaRY �. 19�5 I . • •� � � (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) C. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT RE�UEST, L.S, #84-13 TO h1AKE "0" FEET LOT LINE BETh'EEN EACH SIDE OF DOUBLE BUNGALOW, 7396-7398 SYMPHONY STREET, BY RANDY ANDERSON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4F - 4G LANNING COMMtSSinN RE[' MM NDATION; AppRUVAL b 4� - 4R h�ITH STIPULATIONS, �OUNCI� A rinN N FnFn; CONSIDERATION OF RECOM�1ENDATION D, ITEM FROM APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 27, 1984: RE�UESTED VARIANCES TO {NCREASE MAXIFIUM ALLOWABLE AREA, S�UARE FOOTAGE VARIANCE AND HEIGHT VARIANCE, 7210 EAST RIVER ROAD BY LARRY CLANTON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4S - 4�! PPEALS COMMIS�►nN R�rr�MM N11nT�nti• TIE VOTE 8 4X - 4Y �OUNCIL ACTION PJ FnFn; CONSIDERATION OF ITEM CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO DIFFERENT AGENCIES PAGE 4 AND RECEIVING LIST OF COMMISSION 1�1EMBERS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE APRIL 1, 19�5 AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DES{GNATING DIRECTOR ANO ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY, ...., 5- 5 F COUhCIL MEETtNG. �ANUARY 7, i9�5 PAGE 5 'EW B�,SINESS (CONTINUED) CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL DEPOSIT�RIES FOK THE CITY OF FRlDLEY. ....... 6- 6 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE YEAR 1985. ........•. 7- 7 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING T IME AND NUMBER OF COUNC I L MEET I NGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - $ A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICA710N.S AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS OF STREET IMPROVEMtNT PROJECT ST 1985 - 1 8 2. ....... 9 COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 7, ly� . : t► • ► � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC � HEARiNG ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST 1985- 1&2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10- 10B CLA IMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 L 1 CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 A �1 � � THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETIPIG OF DECEM��R 17, 1984 �.� „�1�. �4 �,� �.i ; ar, 1:; 4��+�M1�. �, y:i ; n � 4M ��. i�� 1 �, � �,M�+��:.�1; �he I�egular meeting of the Fridley City Qouncil was called to order at 7:40 p, m. by Mayor Nee. P�GE OF' AI�L�F]GIANCE • Mayor Nee led the Cbuncil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. i�LL CAI,I.,: I�ENBERS PRF.�II�]T: i�ayor Nee, O�uncilman Barnette, O�uncilman Schneic3er, O�uncilman Hanernik and CAUncilman Fitzpatrick , P'�NBF.RS ABSEN'I': None APP�L OF MIlQ[TrES: �IJt�ICIL MEETING. DECENNIBER 3 . 1984 • NDTION by Gouncilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seoonded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. AD�PTIC�1 OF �IDA• O�uncilman Hamernik requested an iten be added: "Discussion on Speed Limit on Osbarne R,oad". M�TION by O�uncilman Schn�ider to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seoonded by �tmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISIZC)RS: �here was rio response f ram the audienoe Lmder this itesn o� business. OLD BUSINESS ],. [Y��mFRn�� pg �nr��r Rv gTM L• OL-� NORTH STAR VIDEO REGARDING SIGN (FFtOM 12/3/84) • Mayor Nee stated this item came before the Council because a question was raised on the validity of the ordinance. He stated, ander normal circ�anstances, the item would come before the Council in the form of a varianve request. He stated an opinion was requested frcm the City Attorney which the �Lmcil naw has before then. Mr. Olson stated he is the sole aar�er and proprietor af North Star Video in 1►'bon Plaza and has Ieased spaoe previously occupied by 9Q6 QEfioe Dquignent. He stated he felt the sign, which was used by SOS, could be -1- �� a�,�� „i�+�+�r,. �: � a,«�+„�: �+; reworded since his business is differer� that the products marketed by SOS Offioe Dquipnent. He stated no other changes would be made in the sign other than to have the wording changed. I�tr. Olson stated when he oontacted the sign c�oanp�rry for this to be reworded, he was advised the sic,� was norrconfonning sic,g� and appraval was needed f ran the City. Mr. Olson stated he has invested everything in this business and it is critical to have the sic,g� reworded and this misunderstanding cleared up. douncilman Barnette asked if there was any mention of the sign at all when he leased this building s�oe. Mr. Qlson stated the landlord suggested he talk to the owners of 9Q6 C1Efiae F]quignent regarding the sign. He further stated the first time the owner of the oenter saw the sign plan he didn't reaoc�nize it as sanething he had sent out. He stated he was told by the manager af Moon Plaza that he oould use the sic�. Mayor Nee stated the question is whether or not the use of the sign is subject to a varianoe. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he concurs with the Assistant City Attorney's opinion and any disagreements would probably be between the �uncil and awner of the shopping center rather than with Mr. Olson. He stated the awner aF the oenter agreed to a si gn pl an and it is correct to asstune that when there is a change in tenant, the City should reasonably expect the aaner to conform to his plan, rather than a remodification or reuse af the existing sicg►. He stated it was their opinion �hat, while it is probably true that changing the message on a siqn would be permitted under a norrcoriforming use, it is the shopping oenter awner's obligation to change the sic� and bring it into wnformity with the sic� glan be submitted to the City. He stated it is hoped there might be some reasonable interim settlement so that Mr. Olson isn't put out of business whi.l.e the issue is being resolved between the City and the vwner of the shopping oeriter. �uncilman Hamernik asked the o�st af doing a f ace 1 if t on the si gn . Mr . Olson felt it would probably be about $1,000. Mr. (�tson stated he purchased the sic,p� f rcm the previous tenant, 906 C�Ef ive Dquigner�t. douncilman Barnette asked if the sic� v�uld be changed with a stipulation that Mr. Olson must oame into oomgliance with the sign plan of the center within a oertain a�nount of time. Mr. Herrick stated this would be in the pawer o�' the Go�ci1. Mr. Aerrick stated he dic�'t believe a variance was required because the size and shape of the sign are not being changed, only the message. He stated his oonoern is not with changing the message, but from the standpoint of interpreting the ordinanoe because of the siqn plan agree�nent the City has with the vwner af the shopping oenter. Mayor Nee stated he felt the ordinance needed clarification as he didn't -2- �� l�. � �ia�a,+�r�. �; � a,«�„�:_�+; knaw haw the agreenent oould be enforoed the way it is naw written. Mr. Herrick stated possibly the ordinance needs some clarif ication to specifically state when there is a non-conforming use and a change of awnership or a change in the type of business being conducted, the oonforming use will oease. He felt when the City enters into an agreement, there has to be so�n►e length o� time stated when there would be a oonversion. Mr. Herrick stated to settle this situation, Mr. Qlson could be allowed to use the sign for a period of time and, in return, he or the awner would agree to bring the sicyz into �nEormance within a oertain specified period of time. Mr. Qlson stated when he applied for a five year loan to open this business, the sicpz was part of the plan shawn to the loan company and felt he woulc�'t want to make any changes before this five year period. Mr. Gus Doty-asked in what way the present sign was in violation of the sign ordinance. Mayor Nee stated it was too large. Mr. Herrick stated the question is whether the grandfathered prwision oeases when you have a new owner, ne�w type of business, and new message on the si�. Mr. Qlson stated he understands the agreenent exists between the awner of the shopping center and the City, but didn't have ariything to do with him. Mr. Herrick stated it has everything to do with him as long as he is a tenant in the center. Mr. Herrick felt the owner or a representative for the shopping center should oome in and let their intentions be knawn regarding their agreesnent to the si� plan and when they intend to put it into effect. Councilman Haa�►ernik stated he woulchl't be �mfortable with allaaing Mr. Olson to use the sicyz for ariy period over two years. He felt to allow the existing sign to oor►tinue for ar�other f ive years is j ust making a mockery of the sign ordinance. Mr. Olson stated he dic�'t feel five years would be an unreasonable length of time. douncilman Hanernik stated if Mr. Qlson was uncomfortable with a two year time period, he would then revatunend this itgn be tabled until staff has a chance to discuss the matter with the shopping oenter aarier. MJ'i'ION by douncilman HaQnernik to table this iten to the next regular meeting for a report fran staff. Seoor�ded by Cbunci.lman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION by aouncilman Schrieider to request staff to review the current sign ordinanoe, specifically norr-oonforming uses and change in messages, and to make recommendations what can be done to enforce sign plans f rom the shopping centers and to provide a check list on what has to be done. Seconded by Qouncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Olson stated he dic�'t xealize a vote had been taken to table and would like to �nsider the two year time limit. Mayor Nee suggested he bring up this iten after they have finished with the other agenda. Rbward the end of the meeting this itan was discussed further: -3- �� 1�. � ���+�M��. �; � a,«�+��: a+; M�'i*ION by Oouncilman Barnette to renwe this iten frcm the table. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Olson stated he agreed with the two year time limit in order to bring the sign into oo[nplianoe with the vode. M�TION by (7�uncilman Hanernik to allow Mr. Olson to maintain the present sicyi size for a period not to exceed two years (January 1, 1987) , or if he is no longer in business before this time, the permission to maintain that sic� would be terminated. Seconded by Qouncilman Barnet�e. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ;_�• .� •.� �� . .. �� r..���� ��:� �� �� !a a � . �. �.«�t__: ��!c � � �: � �.i;� , : a+� . Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this resolution is necessary in order for a lot sglit to be reoorded which was approved by the Council on April 16, 1984. Mr. Flora stated indirectly associated with this action is a bill for $330 for cleaning the sanitary manholes at 7820 University and 8010 Rancher's Road. Mr. Flora stated there was also a stipulation made by Council for an agreenent to be reoorded at the Oounty to allaa tenants of Lot 1, Block 2, East Ranch Estates to use �rking facilities of Lots 4 through 8, Block 3, University Industrial Park and vioe versa. He stated the Ci.ty has a c�opy of the agreenent, but it has not been filed with the �unty. 1�TION by �uncilman HaQnernik to adopt R�esolution No. 136-1984. Seconded by O�uncilman Barnette. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would contact Mr. Paschke's attorney for the original oog� of this agreement so the city could process it for reoording. Mr. Flora stated in order to pravide for a�quate parking, it is dependent on the reoording of this agreenent. It was the concensus of Council if the cost for cleaning the sanitary manholes was not paid, it would be assessed. UFa01�] A VOI(E VO►I'E TAt�1 CN �iE ABOVE N1�TION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �i?. ��!_ '�� � i_ ,� e � � i_ _i_s � �i e-: - :_� �1� 4 i � s- i ti�, _� M 4 � � '� _ �1/� « . � R� !,� �t �i�! -`_��-� � ' �_��4u�?I��_ • i 1= _: �M Mr. I1oyd L�md, .Deputy Director af the Finergency Services Division for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and Mr. Zbcn Alwrn, Aazardous Material S�ecialist, presented information regarding the hazarcbus materials response team. Mr. L�d stated the State has tried to imprave their capabilities for handling hazarcbus waste incidents and, in 1982, an executive order was issued for the Deparl�nent af Public Safety to coordinate with other State -4- �� a�. � vi?!��M��. �, � �«a�,�i: a+; agencies in order to better resp�nd to energencies involving hazardous waste materials. Mr. L�md stated a great deal af training has been done in this area and, in 1984, the Legislature authorized a program for a State hazardous waste' materials van to help local governments. He stated the Department of Agriculture, ibllution �rYtrol Agenc,y, and the Department of Transportation have trairbed personnel and equipnent in the event they are called upon to give assistanoe in a hazardous waste accident. Mr. Lund stated Mr. Alcorn would explain the procedures and what.was available. Mr. Alcorn stated, to imglenerit the hazardous materials response team, there are two cars with the Department of Transportation, one car with the Departinent of Agriculture and one car in the Follution Control Agency to respond to hazardous waste incidents. He stated the van would contain sophisticated equi�nent to support local jurisdictions in the event of a hazarcbus waste energency. Mr. Alo�rn stated 22 per9ons went through their training prograQtt and out of these, 15 wi11 be members of a response team. He stated the other seven persons would be based in the State cars. Mr. Aloorn stated Fridley had a menber of the Fire Degart�nent participate in this training. Mr. Alcorn stated they are here this evening to obtain support and commitment fram local jurisdictions to permit the persons trained in hazarcbus waste prooedures to be orrcall as a menber of the hazardous waste response team. He stated this is a pilot program only and they would be asked to attend quarterly drills and safety meetings. Mr. Alo�rn stated a bill will be presented to the Legislature to permit the Dnergency Servioes Division of the Departrr.ent of Publ ic Saf ety to recover �ny aosts incurred for handling a� hazarcious waste spills or accidents. He stated, as of now, a person would be orrcall approximately once every seven weeks and the van would be placed on the premises when this person is orr-call. He stated they would also like permission for this person to go outside their jurisdictionat boundaries. Douncilman Schneider asked what type of help they could lend to the City. Mr. Alc�rn stated persons are pravided with the expertise to assist local jurisdictions in making decisions. He stated in Fridley, there is a very well-established hazardous materiat handling progra�n in the Fire Department. He stated the reason for the whole effort is a lot of communities in the metropolitan area do not have the necessary equipment to respond to hazardous materials acciderrts. O�uncilman Sd�neider asked if the City has an evacuation plan. Mr. Robert Aldrich, Fire Chief, stated it is almost impossible to set up an evacuation gtan because there are so many variables. He stated you really need to analyze an inciderit ?aased on the facts at that time. Mr. Aldrirh stated they activated indeperx3eritly needed to be evacuated. are trying to get the sirens set up so they can be in the event only a certain section of the City Nir. Lund stated it is felt the van would also be a -5- �� A.MI 4i��,+y��. �; � a,«�+�i: �+; good training tool to familiarize personnel on the equipment used in handling hazardous waste energencies. �ouncilman Schneider asked if there was an accident on the railroad i.f the City would know what is in the yard or the o�ntents of the cars. Mr. Aldrich stated there is a cbc�anent on the train that identif ies every car and what it contains. Those that have hazardous materials have to be specially marked, and the railroad knows what is in every car. Mr. Hill, Publ ic Saf ety , Di rector, stated the Fi re Departmerit has accepted the resp�nsibility for hazardous materials work. He felt the specially equipped van would prwic3e a back-up for the City. Mr. Aldrich stated Haaard Simoris�on participated in this hazarcbus waste training and, essentially, he is given the training as a trade-off to use his servioes if and when he is needed as a menber of this response te�n. O�uncilman Hamernik asked haw many weeks out of the year this individual would be orrcall. Mr. Aloorn stated about onoe every eeven weeks. Mr. Lund stated they cb intend to train more personnel and the f requency for then to be orr-call would beoane less. Mayor Nee thanked Mr. Lund and Mr. Alcorn for their presentation and infoxmation on the response teaan. 4. II�'ORMATION BRIEF'ING FOR IMPRWF�fr OF 5�i S'TREET: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this informal hearing was called to obtain the feelings of the property awners regarding the impravenent of 5th Street between 61st and 63rd Avenues. Mr. Qureshi stated the road was constructed in 1961 and is showing some signs of deterioration and felt it would be prudent to make impravenents and save the investment in the road. He stated some State Aid Funds would be available to finanoe this impravenerit. He stated it is proposed to use the existing base and mat and to add concrete curbing on each side and a sic�ewalk on the east side between 61st and 63rd Avenues. He stated there is sufficient right of-way to make this impravenent. Mr. Qureshi stated the oost of the imprwenen� is estimated at $60 a foot and would suggest the property aaners pay only the oost of the curbing and the balanoe would oane fran State Aid funds. He stated this would make the assessnent to the property awn�ers less than $15 a foot. Mr. Bill Sims, 6281 5th Street, asked if the east side of the street would be wic3ened. Mr. Qureshi stated the street would be widened more to the west than the east. He stated the improvements would be made within the right of-way which now exists. Mr. Sims asked about the f inancing. Mr. Qureshi stated it wuld be f i.nanoed aver a ten year period at an interest rate o� about 9 1/2$. Mr. Henry Roester, 6141 Sth Street, asked who would maintain the sidewalks. Mr. Qureshi stated the present City policy is the City would maintain the sidewalks. -6- �•: a�, r ��a���r�. �, � a,«�,��: ; ' Zl Mr. Roester pointed out he has tree roots in his sewer line and is on the list to have the line replaced. Mr. Qureshi stated this item would be checked before the impravenent is done and if it is in the C�ty's right-of- way, it would be oorrected. Mr. Gus Doty stated he was representing the vwners of four of the properties on 5th Street. He asked if the plan was for 5th Street to be widened to serve as a main oorricbr for traffic frcm the new Target offioe building. Mr. Qureshi stated the street would be widened to �he west, but within the City' s right of-way and no additional property is planned to be taken f rom the property owners. Mr. Doty asked if they intended to matrh up 5th Street both north and south of 63rd Avenue. Mr. Qureshi stated that is the intent if there is er�ugh riqht of-way available. Mr. Doty asked if 5th Street would be cbuble lanes both ways. Mr. Qureshi stated it would be single lane traffic with s�xioe for parking on both sides. Mr. Sims asked haw soon oonstruction would begin. Mr. Qureshi stated it is hoped to begin oonstruction the beginning of May and it would be completed in about three months. Mayor Nee stated a public hearing would be held before proceeding with the impravenent. Mr. Roester stated one af the reasons the street deteriorated in the last fEw years was because of the heavy truck traffic when the medical oeriter was built. He felt p�ssibly the City should pick up more than 75$ of the cost sinoe he felt it was the trucks that led to the deterioration of the street. Mayor Nee stated more details on financing would be given at the public hearing and Mr. Roester oould bring up this iten at that time. � _ «_ �� �. 4. _ u M�t �4_ • 4� _ �J : �!, � fi� V M � � ,�_ � • � • � ui= _+ . ��� 1�.91�: M ��\ � ��1 e � � �4 � ���' �� i �t i�� �, �� � � * �� • V� 1 �'�:_� ��I �� � � � �.r4 r : M\I � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to allaa an addition to the east portion of Unity Hospital's �anplex. Mr. Flora stated, if this special use permit is approved, staff would recommend that Madison Street be widened all the way to the �nergency eritranoe. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special use permit with the stipulations that the parking lot expansion on the west end of, the property be completed with related stipulations by August 31, 1985; hospital will take necessary steps to ensure adequate garking during construction; additional landscaping to be pravided on Madison Street; a$10,000 performanoe bond be pravided; and Madison Street be widened to the a¢nbulance eritranoe. Mr. Flora stated the hospital staff did not object to the suggestion to widen Madison Street to p�wide a better �� �— �� a�. � �� �4�r�. �, � a,��,�i:-�+; acoess into the facility. Oouncilman Hanernik stated it appears the widening of Madison Street would be a significant expenditure. Mr. Flora stated this isn't a substantial oost in relation to the oost af the addition. IK7'I'ION by douncilman Hanernik to apprwe special use permit SP�84-22 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) parking lot expansion on the west end of the property to be aomgletec3 with related stipulations by August 31, 1985; (2) hospital will take the neoessary steps to ensure adequate parking during oonstruction, i.e. reallocation of spaoes; (3) additional landscaping to be prwided on Madison Street; (4) prwide the City with a$1000 performance bond; and (5) the City reoatunends Madison Street be wider�ed to the a¢nbulance entranoe. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5B. OONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF PART OF 67TH AVEN[IE, SAV #84-06. AT 6689 A��A �rRFFT N. E.__BY_ PATRICIA_ AI�ID MARY KI)TA: M7I'ION by (buncilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation request for January 7, 19&5. Seoonded by douncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5C. ITEM FROM H[JMAN RESOURC.ES UONIlKISSION ME�E,TIIVG OF 1S�lF,N1BER 1. 19$4: IAC3ZE HdUSE/BANFILL TAVFI2N REl�]UVATION: Mr. Minton, representing the Hiunan Resources Commission, stated the Oa�nission has been discussing Locke House and consider this an extremely good asset for the community. He stated they realized how fast this structure was deteriorating and, as part of their work plan, they have made several reoanunendations to preserve this historical structure in the City. Mr. Minton stated a nuN�er af alternatives were dra�an and several meetings were held with Mr. Zbrkildson, Anoka Oounty Parks arid Recreation Director, and the Anoka �unty Historical Society. He stated it was felt Alternative No. 1 was favored by the Qounty which would be to accelerate the County' s restoration schedule and pravide funding for maintenance. Mr. Minton stated the majority of the O�ranission tavored Alternative No. 2 which is to sell or lease the property to a private Farty. He stated this alternative would involve less public funds and several persons have indicated an interest in locating in this building. Mr. Minton stated it is felt this alternative should be sutmitted to the �tuity so the building can be restored and preserved. Mr. Brian Goodspeed stated when this idea was brought up, the dounty Park Department's wnoern was not to have something in the building that would haim the nature of the park. He stated it was his feeling the •Qounty vaoulc�'t want to put any type of business in this structure that would generate more than a few �trons a day. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 137-1984--A Resolution Requesting the dotu�ty of Anoka to Expedite the Renovation of the Bar�fill Tavern/Locke Aouse. Seoonded by ��cilman Barnette. � �r 1�.M �i�+�Mi�. �, � _a,�a�,�i: �+; • ; . Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt perhaps a oaver letter should be sent along with the resolution indicating a change af use may require zoning changes or there may be traff ic impl ications. Mr. Minton stated he dic�'t think it would hurt to have a cover letter to indicate that if the structure is going to be used for a business, it would involve some zoning changes. Ae stated their preferenoe is that it would be �mder tight oontrol oonforming with the historical period and with the park. Cbuncilman Hanernik felt there should be a oover letter expressing some of the oonoerns and whatever is cbne, it would have to be in compl iance with the zoning ooc7�es. UPON A VOI(E VO►I'E TAi�N CN �iE ABOVE rYYI'IO[�i, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION by �unci.lman Fitzpatrick to direct staff to send a oover letter with the above resolution expressing the Council's ooncerns for zoning and traffic. Seoond�ed by Councilman Fiamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to receive the minutes of the Planning (7ommission I�ieeting of Navenber 28, 1984. Seoonded by O�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . ��1� � _i: yM �� • �_ � +u • �� � 1 �_i� u�_� � �+_: �1 �i� �� i��.i ���.� � e Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated SuperaQnerica reoently purchased the Big Wheel property on the southeast vorner of East River Road and Osborne Road. He stated they are remodeling this building to bring it into oangliance with the o�de. Mr. Flora stated it was suggested to Superanerica they contact the County regarding imprwenents on East River Road at this intersection. He stated Superanerica representatives met with �tmty representatives and the County has a M�norand�n of Understanding with Superamerica which indicates they anticipate an ease�rt►ent for road purposes will be acquired that will not exceed 30 feet af the Superatnerica property on Fast River Road and will not exceed 20 feet af SuperaQnerica property adjaoent to Osborne Road. He stated it is also understood that the ryeoessary driveways and landscaping would be brought into a�riformanve with the oode when the intersection is approved. Mr. Flora stated it would be appropriate for the Council to authorize a special use pennit, specif ically to Superanetica for use o� this building as a servioe station, sinoe the original special use permit was issued to Big Whee1. • M�TION by �uncilman Fitzpatrick to apprave the request by Superanerica for a special use pennit to use the property at 7451 East River Road as a gas station. Seoonded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. _¢ �� a�. � ���+�MM�. �; � a,«�+„i:_�+; . � _� . ��� �.� �' _.�+� M 4 �4 i� �,� �.�:� ��!_ ��: � Qouncilman Hanernik stated a report was reoeived regarding the speed 1 imit on Osborne Road as a result af a resolution pass�ed by the Qouncil last year. Ae stated he felt the resolution was misinterpreted and questioned if the City is foroed to oangly with the State's reoe�unendation. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Minnesota Department of Transportation has criteria to evaluate the speeds and their response was to leave the speed limits as they r�aw exist. Mayor Nee felt it might be appropriate to request the reason for their decision. Mr. Hi11, Public Safety Director, stated it is samewhat oorifusing as it appears they authorized the change, yet everything is still the same. He stated he would check into it further with a rep�rt back to the O�uncil. ���,. 1� �I�: _ � � • � " � ��/. �� -_ • �� . � �i; �,MI: �i�! ��� 4 M�TION by �uncilman Scfineider to authorize the City Manager to sell Lot 16, Block 1, Blanberg Estates for $22,500. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ;�M \I �, �_ 4��� �� : �?M a �. ��!�'!;4v �� � �� _� ��_4�� �_«a� i: _; •:- M7I�IpN by douncilman HaQnernik to receive the report. Se�onaed by �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried unanimously. • ��� n _ �� �.� • 4��4�! J, �4 !����4�� �. _�_��i���+ �� . M�TION by do�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprave Agreement No. 67 with the Metro Waste dontrol Oatunission. Seoon�ded by O�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 ���� �� _ ;4 _MM ��� • ' � : � M: •!1��_��� �������_ �I Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated two proposals were received for the animal ooritrol ooritract. He stated one proposal was f r�n MAPSI and the ather was f rcm White Bear Lake Animal Qontrol Servioes. Mr. Aill stated the primary cost to the City is for patrol and MAPSI is proposing a vost o� $14.50 per hour and Whi.te Bear Lake O�ntrol Services is proposing a oost af $17.50 per hour. Mr. Hill stated MAPSI's oost is $3.00 per hour lawer and they are also dropping the $100 a month administrative fee. Mr. Hill stated•the CYty hasn't had any sic,�ificant problens with A�,PST wer the last year so would reoanmend the City oontinue their wntract for animal aontrol servioes for 1985. M7�ION by �uncilman Barnette to apprwe the ooritract with Mi.nnesota Animal -io- � ;� �� i�. � �i��4�r�. �, � a,«a�„ic �+; Patrol Service, Inc. to provide animal control services to the City for 1985. Seoonded by �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. «�+� � M7i'ION by Qouncilman Barnette to apprave the lioenses as sutmitted and as on file in the Lioense C1erk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. F�r1'n�mFS; 1�D'i'ION by Oo�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe the estimates as sutmitted. Monette �nstruction 2050 White Bear Avenue St. Paul , NN 55109 Fridley Garage & Storage Facility Partial Estimate No. 5 National Store Fixtures 2517 North Waoonia Circle N.E. East Bethel, NN 55005 Store Dquipnent and Installation for Fridley Liquor Store D�tec3 Deoember 11, 1984 $ 98,804.75 $ 59,552.61 Seoonded tr� �uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13 . .S��IN� M)TION by ��cilman Hamernik to authorize payment of Claims No. 326E12 through 349Z03. Seoonded by oo�mcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. f.�7�. I� �w����l� Mi0TI0N by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by �uncilman Barnette. Up�n a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridl ey City O�uncil of Deoember 17 , 1984 adj ourned at 10: 02 p. m. Respectf ully sutmitted, Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council Approved: -11- 61i 11 i am J. Nee hlayo r PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, January 7, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of; To amend the following section of the Fridley Charter as follows: � �.06. I�DMIIaAT�S BY P£TITIQJ. Rl�e mode of election of all elective of f icers provided for by this Charter shall be by petition. R�e na�e af any elector of the City shall be printed up�n the ballot whenever a petition as hereinafter prescribed shall have been filled in his/her behalf with the City Qerk. Such petition shall be signed by at least t,en (10) electors qualified to vote for the office in question. No elector shall si� petitions foz more candidates than the number of places to be filled at the election, and should he/she do so his/her signature shall be void as to the petition or petitions lnst filed. All narination petitions shall be in the hands of the City Clerk not more than //one hundred twenty (120)// one b�area thirty (130) days nor less than //ninety (90) // � �a�dred (1001 days before the general election at which time the filings shall be closed. ZY�e City Qerk shall prepare the ballots with the names of the candidates for an office in a manner to be provided by ordinance. Each petition, when presented, must be accu�panied by a five dollar (S5.00) filing fee. (Ref. Special IIection 4/1?,/60, G�eral Flection 11/3/64) The purpose of this amendment is to give the City an additional 10 days to prepare for a primary election. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be give an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: December 24, 1984 December 31, 1984 1 R�. J►.M� „���Y��. • �.�,r�„ •_ �: lA Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. .��r�� �\. `• � �\� �4 �i ��� : � i �:� �� i� �l� V�V � \ � � \. � \ � � V�� � KriZON by O��.a�cilman Barnette to reoeive the minutes of the CATV Advisory QorrQnission meeting of Nwenber 15, 1984. Seoonded by Councilman Hamernik. tlpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. + « �I�\. 1*1 y I\l �y �. �• �� : � � �� v V � \ J �lf \ � 1 V�� + M7I'ICN by Oo�cilman Sdu�eider to reaeive the minutes of the September 17. 1984, �arter OQrcr►ission meeting. Sevonded ty O��cilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, � all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. A. Setting Pulalic Hearing on Amending ('�ty Cbarter for January 7,1984: 1�TICX�] by O�u�cilman Sciir�eider to set the public hearing for anend- ing the City �azter for January 7, 1984. Seo�r�ded by O��cilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan,imously. : :• . /11 ! � 11y. � : 1►. !� � M : ?� !_. � � � : : ► �l. � 1\. Y : � � : i � �/ i �•� : � _ �� �\ �'/��.\ � � ��,� � ♦ i i ��1: � Mr. Flora stated this Iot sglit was for the mrtherly portion just south of 61st Way. �e property has naw been surveyed a�nd in order to reoord the lot sgl it with the ��ty, it requi res a resol �rt.ion by the C3ty Oa�cil . l�DTICN by O��cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Res�lution No. 134-1984. Sea�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. � - =� . I ��► �.� • : �S. � � 4. : �u � • 4 4. S. � � • �yl}\/� � � � r, ; _ ; � � ��� �� � �� � �; � . : ��� � : � _ 1 1 1 : �n � � ay � � ; ►i� � ?�a :_� ��, h�,� �i: �� � :� : _: «?���4. : M)TTCN by O��cilman Sdv�eider to acbpt Resol ution 135-1984 . Seconded by O�uncilman Hanernik. L1Fon a voioe vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . • .• �.�bv�a,r « y �'v�;l �11�� l�7t'ICN by �imcilman Barnette to cancur wfth the appointment of the city enployee. SeoorY3ed by ��cilman Sd�uieider. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -5- : CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING� SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Jackson called the September 17, 1984, Charter Commission meeting to order at 7:49 p.m. ROIL CALL: - Members Present: Sue Jackson, Peter Treuenfels, Larry Comners, Bruce Nelson, Margaret Hendley, Donald Betzold, David Pinks� Ralph Stouffer Mer�ibers Absent: Walt Starwalt, Robert Schmidt, Pat Kindom, Bob Pierce, Francis van Dan, Bob Peterson, Irene Maertens Ot�iers Present: Bill Hunt, Administrative Assistant APPROVAL OF APRIL 16 1984 CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY NR. TREUENFELS� TO AppROVE THE ApRIL 16� 1984� CHARTER COMMISSION MZNUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL ypT7NG AYE� YICE-CIlAIP.PERSON JACKSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �• RECEIVE UPDATED VERSIONS OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER: MOTIDN By 1�1R. STI�UFFER� SECONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS� TO RECEIVE TXE UPDATED VERSION OF THE "FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER REVISION". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON �7ACKSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN,IMOUSLY. 2. CONSIDERATION OF SECTION 4.06 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER RELATING TO THE D R I I S; � Ms. Jackson stated that since last November, the Charter Commission has been discussing a proposed change to shorten the filing period. This change had been requested by the staff of the City Clerk's office in order to give staff more time to prepare for an election. The recomnendation to Section 4.06, Nomination by Petition, was as follows: "All nomination petitions shall be in the hands of the city clerk not more than 130 (now 120) days nor less than 100 (now 90) days before the general election at which time the filings shaTT be closed." Ms. Jackson stated she would like a feeling from the commissioners present as to how many felt they were ready to make a decision on this change or would like to discuss it further. a.�.� ---� CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 PAGE 2 Mr. Treuenfels stated he has listened very carefully to all the arguments presented in the past year, and he has not yeard a good argument for not allowing the extra ten days which is needed for handling this item. Ms. Hendley stated it dit not really matter to her. She was willing to go along witf� giving the City Clerk's office extra time if it is needed. Ms. Jackson stated she had not seen any compelling reason for not making the change, If the staff finds it easier with ten more days, she felt they should accomnodate them. Mr. Stouffer stated he would agree with that. Mr. 8etzotd stated he agreed with backing up the time period and giving the staff the extra time. What had been bogging the Commission down was the question of whether or not to leave the 30-day filing period, shorten it up two weeks, or make the filing period to coincide with the state, but those were really separate issues. Mr. Pinks stated he would go along with the staff's recomnendation to shorten the filing pierod. Mr. Nelson stated it was his feeling to leave Section 4.06 as it was, but he was amenable to changing it if that was the consensus of the rest of the corrmissioners. Mr. Commers stated he agreed they should make the change. It was just a mechanical thing and he did not think it affected the substance. 1NOTION BY MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MR. STI�UFFER, TO RECDI�IMEND THAT E� CTIQN 4.06, NOMINATIONS BY PETITIDN, BE CXANGED AS FOLLO�•7S: "ALL NOMINATION PETITIONS SIiALL BE IN THE HANDS OF THE CITY CLERIC NOT MORE THAN 130 DAYS NOR LESS THAN 100 DAYS BEFI�RE TXE GENERAL ELECTION AT WHICH TZME TNE FILINGS SHALL BE CL0.SED. " UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECi:ARED THE lNOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. XUTION BY MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MR. PINKS, TO TRANSMIT TO CZTY COUNCIL THE RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE TXE WORDING OF SECTION 4.06, NOMINATZONS BY PETITIQN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VZCE-CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED TNE 170TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. CONSIDERATION OF LANGUAGE IN THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER RELATING TO VARIOUS Ms. Jackson stated that discussion at the March meeting left off at the beginning of Section 4.06, Nominations by Petition. She stated the Cormission has agreed on three working terms to be used as they go through the Charter. Those terms are: � _ _ _. _�_;,,.�.,.,,,�. 1C . PUBLIC HEARING SEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Counci) of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, January 7, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation Request, SAV �►84-06, by Patrick and Mary Kuta, to vacate 67th Avenue N.E. adjacent to Lots 29 and 30, Block 2, Oak Grove Addition, to be used as open space for 6689 Anoka Street N.E., all in the Noth Half of Secion 13, T-30, R-24, City of fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: December 24, 1984 December 31, 1984 2 2A PLANM1! \G C�MIMISS�j�?N MEFTING, NQYEMBER 28. 1984 PAGE 9 THE F1�LLOW3{VC STIPUZATIQNS BE INCORPORATED INTO A PIaN lbiR REVIEh BY TXE PLAIVh�,TNG COMXISSION BY JUNE 1, 1985; 1. CURB ALL XARD SURFACED AREAS IdITH A 6 INCH POURED C�QNCRETE CURB, REPRIR OR R�'PIACE D.1rJAGE'D CURBING. ?. PROVIDE A N� SURFACE f1DR ALL A]REJiS BEING USED BY VEHICLES. 3. PROt'IDE A 5 . SETBRCK FROM THE BL'ILDING i�OR PARKING AREAS. 4. REDUCE VENICI�'�NTRANCE TO 32 FT JYAX�il�tilk iJIDTX . .` THE FOLI.OWING STIPULITION TO BE CDI�LETED BY JUNE 1, I9B5: 2. PROG'IDE XOR£ I.i�NDS�APING, iSPECIALLY AL01tiG OSBORN£. UPGtN A VOICE VOT£, ALL VOTING��IYE, CXAIRWOKAN SCHNAB£L DECL4R£D TXE MO:IO��' CARRIED UNAIUIXDUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated there was sti 1 the question of whether or not this was a replacement of the sign and thence,� in terms of the Sign Ordinance. would require a variance. Section 214,13 f the Sign Ordinance should be reviewed again by Staff, She would feel comfo table leaving this decision up to Siaff. 4. VACATION REQUEST: SAV �84-06� BY PATRICIA AND MARY KUTA: Vacate 67th Avenue a�jacent to �ts an � o�T c�l, �a G�rov-e A3ditio along with vacated 1/2 alley. to be used for open area at 6689 Anoka Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this was a single family house located off a cul-de-sac bounded by 67th Ave, on the north and Anoka St. on the east. The proc�osal was to vacate 67th Ave. fror� Anoka St. to the vacated alley and to utilize the property as open space. A similar proposal came before the Planning Commission last spring for the property directly to the west, and that portion of 67th Ave, was successfully vacated. Mr. Robinson stated Staff had no problems with this vacation request. The only stipulation was that a utility easemeni be r.etained within the area for a water line. The City will draw that up and notorize it at City Hall. Ne stated the ordinance sho��:d also be recorded at the County, and the petitioners will need a new survey. � NOTIDY B}' AlR. SABA, SECONDED BY XR. OpUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY CDIT,VCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV NBa-Ob, 9Y PATRICY. AND MARY KUTI,, TD VACATE 67TH AVENUE N.E. AA7ACENT TO LOTS 29 AND 30, BLOCK ?, DAY. GP.OVE' .tDDITIOh, ALONC MITX YACATED 1/? ALI.£Y, TO BE USED FOR OP£N AREA AT 6689 alVOKA STRE£T N.E. , b►ITX TH£ ibLLOWING STIPULATIDNS. � l. A UTIL.•TY iASE�lENT 8E RETAINED IN THE VACATED PORTIQN. 2. THE ORDINANCE BE RECORDED AT TAE COUNTY. UPQIV A VOIC£ VOTE, JILL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOXAN SCNNABEL DECZJIRED THE MD:IDI: GRRIED (1NANI!lOUSLY. � . .._ `: * - . . .'j- � � ---� _ - � 2 � "SAV #�06 �Cut�a� • �s�! "� �r� � ` tov i f'-�"`t . . . . . . . . . � ` _ , _ _ � `,-. � .i aw.� .�TCe� •�. .% _ , . . s pvrcor � � � � ' r : . �. .� . � = � . '• _ . _ � � .. J. �•».�; . . � < -" � . _ , , � r• ' ` �., �� ' � :' . c t� ��,i4cario./ �ctiYiCUS�y � ' ' ' ' -� � • . ' t . E G �' � n� I R EQUfSTQ'a ��lq� � r , . . i � � _ - .. . 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NOMII�IATIONS BY PETIT�7IJ. Rl�e nbde of election of all elective officers provided for by this Charter shall be by petition. ZY�e na�ne of ariy elector of the City shall be pr inted upon the ballot whenever a petition as hereinafter prescribed shall have been filled in his/her behalf with the City Clerk. Such petition shall be signed by at least ten (10) electors qualified to vote for the office in question. No elector shall sicpz petitions for more candidates than the n�mber of places to be filled at the election, and should he/she do so his/her sic�ature shall be void as to the petition or petitions last filecl. All nanination petitions shatl be in the hands of the City Clerk not more than //one hundred twenty (120) // one hundred thirty (130 ) days nor less than //ninety ( 90 )// one t1Ln�� (1 OO1 days before the general election at which time the f ilings shall be closed. �e City Qerk shall prepare the ballots with the names of the candidates for an office in a manner to be provided by ordinance. Each petition, when presented, must be acoanpanied by a five dollar ($5.00) filing fee. (Ref. S�ecial Election 4/1?,/60, General IIection 11/3/64) PASSID AND ADOPTID BY �IE CITY 47UNCZL OF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY Z�iIS AAY OF , 19ffi. WILLIAM J. I�E - N�.YOR AZ'I'FST: SID�TE�'Y C. Il�II�IF�I�I - QTY CLERR Public Hearing: January �, 1985 First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publish: 3 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PIANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1984 CALL TO OitDER • Chairwoman Schnabel called the December 19, 1984 Planning Commission meeting to order at 7;30 p. m. ROLL CALL : Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Minton, 1�. Nielsen, and Ms. Gabel Members Absent: I�. Saba Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator John Flora, Public Works Director APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 28, 19�4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BX I�t„ KOI'DRiCK, SECONDED BY I�t. IrIINTON, TO APPROVE THE NOVEI�ER 28, 1984 PI�1NPlING COI�QSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE AUTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 4�84-25. MAT PROPERTIES, BY JAMES TRAPP: Per Section 205.15.1, 3E, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the reopening of a service station on the South 120 feet of Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Creek Plaza South, the same being 6500 University Avenue N. E. MOTION BY Mt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY I�IIt. NIELSEN, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP �684-25, BY MAT PROPERTIES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P. M. � Mr. Robinson stated the property in question is on the northwest corner of University and Mississippi which is part of the downtown redevelopment district. .. He stated the site in question is 14,400 square feet and is zoned C-3. The lot was platted in 1957 as part of the Holly Shopping Center and the _ service station constructed in 1959. 1�'�. Robinson stated a special use permit was granted to Phillip's Petroleum Company in 1972 snd the station operation was discontinued in 1981, therefore, the legal nonconforming use sriatus includin g reduced setbacks was lost. , Mr. Robinson stated the Appeals Commission reviewed the variance requests at their December 11, 1984 meeting. He pointed out several variances were needed involving the setbacks from the street right-of-way, reduction 4A PLANNING CONIMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1984 PAGE 2 of the lot area, parking lot setbacks, driveway setbacks and to reduce the widths of the parking stalls. I�h. Robinson stated the Appeals Commission tabled any action on the varisnces pending further information after the HRA met. fle stated this intersection is being studied for proposed improvements and widening and it was felt the re-establishment of this property as a service station would not be consis[ent with plans for the downtown area. I�. Robinson stated the HRA met on December l3 and reviewed a proposal, for this intersection which will be further studied. Ms. Schnabel stated what is decided by the HRA and what action is taken by the Appeals Commission on the variances would probably have an effect on the decision made regarding the special use permit. I�. Robinson presented a drawing of the proposed improvement at this intersection. He pointed out, with the proposed widening, there would be virtually no space left for a service station. Ms. Schnabel asked if Heartland is interested in purchasing this property whether or not the variances or special use permit is granted. 1�. Robinson stated their intent would be to purchase the property and remove the station in order to provide additional parking and increased landscaping. 1�. Minton asked if the HRA wou�d purchase the property through eminent domain. l�tr. Robinson stated 'ne believed Heartland would purchase it. I�. Minton asked about the restrictive covenant. I�. Robinson stated it is really Heartland's covenant and they have the option to exercise it. Mr. Parta, attorney representing the petitioners, Mr. Trapp and Mr. Mischke, stated the matter of the variances was tabled by the Appeals Commission, as they wished to know what action the HRA would take regarding the pro- posed plans for this intersection. . He stated it was his understanding that the development plan for the northwest quadrant of that particular intersection was developed by the HRA and the new owners of Holly Shopping Center. He stated it was de- signed in a way the owners of the shopping center wanted it. He stated it was also his understanding the entire plan was predicated on the owners of the center acquiring this pro perty so there would not be any cost to the City. He stated he understood if the owners of Holly _ Shopping Center did not acquire this property, new plans would have to be prepared. Irh. Parta stated the restrictive convenant presently on the property indicates it can only be used for a gas service station and other pur- poses related to a gas service station. He stated the covenant wasn't created by these particular owners of the property and there is a 1eg21 question whether that can be released by the current owr.ers. He stated it is possible, through title proceedings, the present owners could 3o it. . � � P'LANNING COI�QSSION MEETINGi DECEMBER 19, 1984 pAGE 3 l�tr. Parta further stated if there was an objection by the people who originally created that covenant, it is not certain the restriction could be released. I�. Parta stated the impression he initially had was the HRA had a plan for the redevelopment of downtown Frid�ey and it appears it is more of a plan for the owners of the shopping center. . I�h. Parta stated the petitioners plan to use the building on this pro- perty for Sparks Tune-Up. He stated because of the covenant, it may be necessary to install a gasoline pump also. He stated his clients prefer not to do this, but if it is required, they would comply. I�-. Parta stated 1�. Trapp and I�. Mischke have entered into a purchase agreement with Phillips to buy the property and would then lease the property. i;;; st•ated they assumed there would be no problem because the building originally was � service station. I�. Parta stated the City pointed out they would need a special use permit for their operation and also some variances because tt�is pro- perty is no longer grandfathered under the ordinance. IYh. Parta stated this property is totally surrounded by a public road and has an existing building and there is no way you can do anything to make it conform to the code. He stated if it was going to be used for any purpose, variances would be required. I�. Parta stated the petitioners wanted to use this property the same as the one being used across the street. He sta[ed both of these par- cels are identical and no variances or special use permits were required for that parcel. lYh. Parta stated logic tells him it is inconceivable to allow the identical use across the street and prohibit it on the other side of the street. I�. Parta stated they are under a good deal of pressure from Phillips to close and will be doing so by the end of the year. He stated if they can't get the special use permit and variances, it would seem the City would ta�ce the property. He stated cities have the right to do that, but it is not what they have here. He stated, in this situation, you have some private developers who would like to redes�gn their shopping center another way with cooperation by the City. He stated he doesn't know if that is the only plan which could be used, but it suits the Holly Shopping Center people quite well. lrh, Parta stated the County has no plans for this intersection, but wi1Z _ develop them in 1985. He ststed it is not known if they would require right-of-way for upgrading the intersection, however, the feeling is pro- perty would probably be taken on the other side of Universfty. I�. Parta stated he understands the HRA plans call for this improvement in late 1986. He questioned what was to be done in the meantime if the item was tabled and force people to go through a court process in order to get a decision on the matter. 4C PIANNING COIyIIyIISSION MEETING, DECEI�BER 19. 1984 PAGE 4 If the property is going to be taken, I�r. Parta stated that is easy to deal with because then you know where you are at. He stated the IiRA wasn't going to acquire the property, it was Heartland who was interested in it. I�. Parta stated it wasn't the land owner that put in the street which made this parcel small. He stated when the City put in the road around the prnperty to the north and west, the driveways were designed so they wouldn't cause a traffic problem. Mr. Parta stated he understands the Planning Commission may have a pro- cedural problem to act on this special use permit when action hasn't been taken on the variance request. He felt if the Commission made a re- commendation for issuance of the special use permit, it could be contin- gent on approval of the variances. IYh�. Parta stated he didn't believe tabliag this special use permit would resolve anything because even if the HRA took action on the plans for the intersection, it could be several years before anything took place. He felt the property couldn't sit idle for this period of time. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Flora about the County plans for this improvement. I�r. Flora stated this spring a consultant looked at this intersection as far as [he traffic, and additional lanes were recommended. He stated a proposal has been submitted to the County with a request for them to initiate this improvement in their 1985 plans. He stated this would require taking some of the property associated with the Holly Shopping Center and service station on the corner. He stated the County would have to finalize the plans with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and there may be some re-arranging of right-of-ways. Ms. Schnabel asked I�k. Parta if it is his clients intent to proceed with purchasing this property regardless of what actions would be taken by the Commissions. Irh. Parta stated they have no choice as things may or may not happen. He stated they have an excellent lease and tenant and this is an ideal site for the use proposed. ' Mr. Trapp stated they would be leasing this property to Sparks and they have two other operations at this time in the metropolitan area. He stated they prefer not to put in a gas pump, but would do so in order [o comply with the covenant. Ms. Schnabel stated the difference with this property and the property to which I�. Parta referred to across the street is that the HRA owns the parcel where Dr. Ryan's is located so it is under their control. l�r. Parta stated decisions have to be made whether or not IIhis property is to be acquired and, in the meantime, it should be used. He stated the property could be taken within 90 days and, in a sense, they are looking for a temporary use also. • PIANNING COI�AIISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 19. 1984 PAGE 5 � Mr. Parta stated when you have a request for a special use permit what you want to take into consideration is if it would be detrimental to surrounding property values and if it would cause any traffic congestion. Ms. Gabel stated she felt it would be detrimental to grant a special use permit for this property because of the traffic problems in this area. I�k. Oquist stated he didn't feel a tune-up business would generate a large volume of traffic. Mr. Kondrick stated he felt the gas station went out of business at this location because of the difficulty to access in and out of the station. IYh. Robinson stated the traffic problem is really two-fold. It is close to the loop-back and if the gas sta[ion remains, there wouldn't be sufficient space to widen the intersection. He stated this was not consistent v_tk plans for the downtown area. Ms. Schnabel asked if it is known when the HRA would be finalizing a plan. Mr. Robinson stated he believed this would be taken up at the next meeting of the liR�1. Ms. Schnabel stated if the special use permit and variances were granted and then the HRA decides to acquire the property, she was not sure what would happen to the business at that point. I�, Parta stated there are uniform relocation benefits. He stated the crucial issue would be if they would take all or part of the property. He stated, in this case, no one knows what is l�kely to happen. Ms. Schnabel stated in normal circumstances, you wouldn't allow the busi- ness to continue. l�k. Parta stated that is a decision the City would have to make. 1�. Minton asked the length of the lease agreement with the proposed ten- ants for this property. I�. Trapp stated it was for five years.with a five year option. He stated the lease also addresses the condemnation issue in the event this would occur. 1�. Minton stated if a business moves in with a five year lease and dev- elops a clientele and then the property is acquired, would it mean the City would have to pay a lot more because of the value of the business at this location. I�h. Robinson stated that is generally the case from what he understands. Ms. Gabel stated a statement was made that the petitioners down payment was completely refundable and asked why this wasn't their choice. Mr. Trapp stated his tenants like the site and would really litce to locate on this parcel. He stated they offered other alternatives, but they wanted this site. 4D 4E ING COI�AffSSION MEETING. DECEMBER 19, 1984 ' PAGE 6 I�. Flora stated with the opening of Target's office building and the medical center's plans to expand their space, there will be a substantfal increase in traffic at this intersection. He stated it will affect the safety going into the shopping center at this service drive. Ms. Gabel stated since Old Country Buffet opened in Holly Center, there is constant and consistent traffic and she couldn't imagine doing anything that would add to the burden of the traffic problem. l�TION BY Mt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY M5. C�BEL, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HFARING ON SP 4�84-25, MAT PROPERTIES, BY JAMES TRAPP. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSID AT 8:43 P. M. I�. Oquist stated he was not concerned about the traffic as he felt this type of business wouldn't generate a lot of traffic. Hz stated he was not sure of t!�is type of business on this site since they are working to upgrade the downtown area. Mr. Kondrick stated he would agree this would not be the type of business he wou3d like to see on this corner. He stated, however, he didn't feel the traffic would be a problem. Ms. Gabel stated she stati.on would add to as she felt Lhis was town arca. does feel there is a traffic problem and a service the problem. She stated she was also concerned not the type of business [hey wanted for the down- I�4. Min�on stated, considering the planning and use of the downtown area, this would be inconsistent. He didn�t feel the traffic would be a problem. I�TION BY I�t. OQUIST, SECONDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO DEAR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��84-25, MAT PROPERTIES, BY JAI�ES TRAPP, PER SECTION 205.15.1, 3E, OF THE FRIDLEY CIiY CODE, TO ALLOW THE REOPENING OF A SERVICE STATION ON THE SOUTH 120 FEET OF LOT 18, BLOCK S, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH, THE SAME BEING 6500 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. - UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANII�USLY. 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L. S. �684-12, BY WINFIELD DEVELOPERS. INC.. (ATTN: RICK rWRTENS): Split off the Northerly 35 feet of Lot 4, Block l, Faco - Industrial Park, and add it to Lot 3, and Lot 2, except the Northerly 50 feet, the additional land to be used for parking for 7200 University Avenue N. E. I�k. Robinson stated this lot split involves a piece of land in the Paco Industrial Park on the west side of University, north of the Community Park. He stated the proposal is to split off approximately 35 x 269 feet of Lot 4 and add it to Lot 3 and part of Lot 2, Co be used for additional 1 4F �LANNING COAII�4SSION MEETING. DECEMBER_ _19� 1984 PAGE 7 parking for a 30,000 square foot Nautilus Fitness Center. I�. Rob- inson stated the land is needed to satisfy the parking reQuirements. IYh�. Robinson stated it is recommended a park fee of $221.38 be paid; the lot split to be registered with the County; and the remainder of �Lot 4 be combined with Lot 5 to Create a buildable lot. Itr. Rick Martens, owner of the property, stated they have a letter of agreement and are finalizing plans with Nautilus Swim and Fitness to be located on this site. He stated they are a company out of Colorado Springs and based on the research he has done, he felt they were a very we1l-organized and well-managed company. He stated the company is aware of the licensing requirements and that they have to provide a letter of credit and surety bonds. I�. Martens submitted a proposed drawing for this building which would be two stories. He stated on the first floor would be a lap swimming pool, whirlpool, saunas, offices and a day care facility. He stated the second floor would contain a running track, aerobic workout area and all the nautilus equipment. Ms. Schnabel asked I� . Martens if he was in favor of combining Lot 4 with Lot 5. He stated he would prefer not to do it, but would agree to the stipulation. MOTION BY Mt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY I�t. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L. S. 4�84-12, BY WINFIELD DEVELOPERS, INC. (RICK MARTENS) TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTHERLY 35 FEET OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, PACO INVUSTRIAL PARK, AND ADD IT TO LOT 3, AND LOT 2, EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 50 FEET, THE ADDITIONAL LAND TO BE USED FOR PARKING FOR 7200 UN NERSITY AVENUE N. E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. YAYI�NT OF PARK FEE OF $221.38. 2.. REGISTER LOT SPLIT WITH THE COUIv'TY, UPON ApPROVAL OR PRIOR TO ISStWNCE OF A BUILDING PIItMIT. 3. THE REMAINDER OF LOT 4 BE COMBINED WITH LOT 5 TO C$EATE A BUILDABLE SITE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNA$EL DECLARID'THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST; L. S. 4k84-13 RANDY ANDERSON: Split off the South- erly 36 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Melody Manor, to make g zero lot line between each side of a double bungalow, the same being 7396-7398 Symphony Street N. E. _ Mr. Robinson stated this lot split is for property at 7396-7398 Symphony Street for a 0 lot line which is allowed in this particular zone (R�2). He stated it is proposed to split this double bungalow in order to allow each side to be sold separately. A�'. Robinson stated it is recommended a park fee of $750 be paid; the lot split to be registered with the County; and a declaration of coven- ants be submitted to the City and recorded with the County. 4G PI�►NNING COI�iISSION MEETING. DECEMBIIt 19, 1984 PAGE 8 Mr.`Kondrick asked if any correspondence has been received from per- sons who were notified of this lot split. Mr. Robinson stated he has not received any comments either in favor or against the lot splft. Mr. Anderson, the petitioner, stated he would have the declaration of covenants drawn up by an attorney. 1�DTION BY Mt. KOAIDRICK, SECONDED BY Mt. MINTON, TO RECOMMEND APPRO�VAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L. S. 4�84-13, BY RANDY ANDERSON TO SP'LIT OFF THE S OVTHIItLY 36 FEET OF LOT 5, BLOCK S, MELODY MANOR, TO MAKE 0 FEET LOT LINE BETWEEN EACH SIDE OF A DOUBLE BUNC�ILOW, THE SAME BEING 7396-7398 SYMPHONY STREET N. E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPUiATIONS: 1. PAY MENT OF PARK FEE OF $ 7 50 . 2. REGISTER LOT SPLIT WITH THE COUNTY. 3. RECORD WITH THE COUNTY AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY, A DECIARATION OF COVENANTS FOR THE PROPERTIES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIs'�RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. CONTINUED: DISCUSSION OF AN ORDIIZANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE By ADOPTING A NEW C1�WPTER 216 ENTITLED "STORM WATER DRAIIV�GE UTILITY": Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated in 1982, the State Legislature passed a statute requiring surface water management of all land in the metropolitan area. He stated the legislation formulated the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization which, together with the Rice Creek Watershed District, encompasses surface water management for all of the City. Mr. Flora stated the intent of this legislation is to manage the sur- face water quality and quantity of runoff. He stated recent develop- men[s in the City have been required to establish surface water detention ponds and filfration systems and many of these ponds are or have become the City's responsibility to maintain and operate. Mr. Flora stated the City's storm water system is not complete, but that which is in place is at least 20 years old and the required maintenance o f this system will increase over the years. He stated the greatest re- turn on the City's investment in the system would be through preventive maintenance by inspection, cleaning, patching, repairing and small scale c onstruction to keep the facilities operating at an acceptable level. I�. Oquist asked the cost per year for maintenance of the storm water system. I�. Flora stated it is estimated the cost is between $170,000 � to $200,000. I�. Flora stated staff is suggesting the establishment of a storm water f und to handle expenditures connected with this system similar to the Utility F�nd for the water system. He stated fees would be charged to categories of land use based upon the intensity of storm water runoff, with each contributing a fair share. 4H P'LANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 19. 1984 PAGE 9 I�k. Flora stated an analysis was made of the land uses to come up with a residential equivalent fac[or on which the charges would be based. He stated, basically, for residential properties the fee would be $1.75 per quarter or $7.00 per year. Ms. Schnabel asked where the funds were coming from now to maintain the storm water system. I�r. Flora stated these come from the General F�ind . Ms. Schnabel questioned what would be different if monies from the General Fund were not used. I�. Flora stated with a separate storm water system fund, it would provide the means to maintain the system without competing with other programs or projects funded from the General Fund. I�. Kondrick asked I�r. Flora how much money he felt would be generated by establishing this fee for the storm water system. I�. Flora stated it is estimated about $150,000 would be collected. Mr. Kondrick stated in the final analysis, it would be a tax. 1�. Flora stated the only way to generate money is through a fea or tax. He stated they have tried to make this fee equitable and those who gener- ate more storm water will pay according?y. Ms. Schnabel questioned the life expectdncy of a storm sewer. 1�. Flora s[ated it is about 60 to 60 years, but this doesn't r�ean money wouldn't be spent on it. He stated preventive maintenance must still be done in order to save the City's original investment and, at some point, you have to look at major reconstruction. I�. Flora stated the establishment of a storm water system fund would identify specific funds for a particular purpose so it can bz assured the system would be maintained. Ms. Schnabel asked htr. F1ora ahen this proposal wot�ld be implemented. Mr. Flora stated it is hoped approva! could be given in January so billings would begin the second qva=Eer, collectible with the third quarter. ' 1�. Oquist stated it i.s the domino effect r_hat bothers him and possibly every department providing a ser�ice would begin charging a fee without raising taxes. 1�. Flora stated many cities are going in this direction and some charge for snow removal, street lighting, etc. He stated it is hoped Fridley wouldn't find this recessary. _ I+h. Kondrick felt by establishing such a fee, it takes the pressure off those responsible for spending the City�s money wisely and gives them 8 carte blanche. He stated the City is able to handle this expenditure now using funds from the General Fund and didn't understand why they had to have a fee. IYh�. Flora stated by having a fee, these funds are designated for a • specific purpose. He stated the City envisions the requirements for storm water management to increase substantially in the coming years. 4I PLANNING COI�QSSION MEETING. DECEA'BER 19. 1984 PAGE 10 IYh�. Flora stated it is hoped to hold the line on taxes and attempt to maintain the City's investment in the storm water system by collecting fees from properties which are ca�sing the problem. Mr. FZora stated he would like input and comments from the Planning Commission for submission to the Council. He felt their concerns should be addressed so the Council is aware of their opinions. l�h. Minton stated while this is definite�y a means of raising additional revenue, he would raise the question if they need $150,000 more and if this is the best way to raise it. Ms. Schnabel stated hez concern was the establishment of a precedent by having a separate fee for specific City maintenance problems. She felt this may open the door to other fees being charged to property owners for other City maintenance responsibilities. She questioned if it is a concep[ being started because everyone is afraid to raise taxes or doesn't want to�take on the responsibility. Mr. Kondrick stated he would question what happens [o the $150,000 in the General Fund which was being used for the storm water system, if a fee is imposed. He stated he felt the fee would take the respon- sibility from those who are in charge of the City's funds and give them a carte blanche. He stated he didn't know if taxes would be reduced if the fee is imposed and another consideration is the fee couid also be raised. Ms. Schnab el asked Mr. Flora what were the projected repairs and main- tenance problems for the next 10 years. I�. Flora stated open joint pipes would be repaired and there would be increased ditch and ponding maintenance. The Commission thanked Iyh. Flora for his presentation and for providing further information and input. 5. RECENE HOUSING � REDEVELOPMENT AUTtiORITY MINUTES: NOVEMBER 8, 1984: MOTION BY l�t. OQUIST, SECOPIDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO RECENE THE NOVEM- BER 8, 1984 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHN�BEL DECTI�IRED THE MOTION CARRIID UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECENE PA.RK & RECREATION COI�IISSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 20, 1984: 1�YTION BY I�t. KONDRICK, SECONDID BY Mt. NIELSEN, TO RECEIVE THE NOVEM- BER 20, 1984 PARK AND RECREATION COIyIIyIISSION MZNUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA7RWOMAN SCHIZABEL DECIARED THE 1rATI0N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �E J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. DECEMBER 19. 1984 PAGE 11 7. RECE NE ENV IRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISS ION MINUTES : NOVEMBER 20 L 1984 : �TION BY I�t. NIELSEN, SECONDID BY Mt. MINTON, TO RECENE TEIE NOVEM- BER 20, 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COI�QSSION MINUTES. I�. Robinson stated the Environmental Quality Commission looked at the satellite dish ordinance which will be coming to the Planning Coaunission in the near future. He sCated the Commission talked about curbside recycling and a report was sent to the Council which would be discussed at their conference meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE I�TION, ALL VOT IlVG AYE, CHA IltWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIF�USLY. 8. RECE NE APPEALS COI�QSSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 27. 1984: MOTION $Y IY6. GABEL, SECONDED $Y I�t. MINTON, TO RECENE THE NOVEMBER 27, 1984 APPEALS COI�QSSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIM(A1SLY. 9. RECENE ENERGY COIYAfISSION MINUTES : NOVEMBER 27 . 1984 : M()TION BY I�t. MINTON, SECONDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE NOVEMBER ?7, 1984 ENERGY COIyII°IISSION MINUTES. I�h. Robinson stated 1�. Groody, Manager of the Minneapolis Weatherization Program, talked to the Commission about the Neighborhood Energy Workshop and Operation Insulation. 1�. Robinson stated there is the possibility of using this program in Fridiey as I�h. 6Y oody indicated he would be willing to expand his staff to include Fridley. He stated he would report on this possibility. Mr. Robinson stated the State Legislature passed some laws that the utility companies had to work on some of the energy programs so Minne- gasco is paying for this program. 1�. Robinson stated they had about 50 requests for the CO chemical badges and they would be sent out tomorrow. - UYQ� A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE rDTION, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED Ti� MOTION CARRIED UNANII�USLY. 10. RECENE HUrWN RESOURCES COA'Il�IISSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 6. 1984: MCJTION BY Mt. MINTON, SECONDID BY I�t. NIELSEN, TO RECENE THE DECEM$ER 6, 1984 HUMAN RESOURCES COI�IISSION MINUTES. PLANNING COrA�QSSION MEETING. DECEI�ER 19, 1984 PAGE 12 I�. Minton stated the Human Resources Commission is working on the CDBG for the year. He also stated the Commission's recommendations regardfng the Locke House/Banfill Tavern went to the Council and they forwarded the information to the County. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKIIV ON THE ABOVE 1►nTION, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECI�IRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. RECENE APpEALS COIYIl�QSSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 11z 1984: MOTION BY IYS. CABEL, SECONDED BY I�t. NIELSEN, TO RECENE THE DECEMBER I 1, 1984 A PPEALS COI�IIrIIS S ION MINUTES . Ms. Schnabel stated she really has a problem with the square footage for the property at 6500 University Avenue. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE I�TION, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNIP►NIMOUSLY. 12. OTHER BUSINESS: There was no other business to come before the Cocm�ission at this meeting. ADJOURNMENT : Chairwoman Schnabel declared the December 19, 1984 Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 10:50 p. m. Respectfully subr�itted, � --�-rc.c..�c y�,�-!'�,� Carole Haddad Recording Secretary 9 4h • G . .. � __ :� ��,. � , ..� �,�, � ��4��� f �r. �� � �.. �1 , �. • '' i` Q��, rti • st� �0�, � 1�� ' ��� • 36 .. � .., � � V, � ,� t G � - . .. , .. . r � , i: w � � � �. ',•�'..` �'�. '. 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L_...i � Mortgage Loan Survey for RANQ�_6.__ ANpE�SQN 7tiTN AYENUF �/.F '� I ro �6E'_-ci ZeX'o - '� Lcr1- �ine � , � 0 ; � � <o ' ; �; ; i `'� � , . 6� ` ( � � - .� 99 �f -- - �� 0 ; .. -_ ,, ,- , - ----_ LOT 5, BLOCK 5, MELODY MANOR C1TY OF FRIDLfY , ANOKA COYJNTY � MINUESOTA ti w l ti � "� �o O� ^ "'� �0 L ��y x �O , �`� O ,, � � C,� 4" 4 � � � 0 � �' � � �; � ', '1 , 1, � � 1 1, � I SCCICC' �mc�'= 3U�t i Zone.d %�— Z� 7csff"�t � �.�f ,�{Yect. _ �p�Z'ZQ �j + Tl�,� �s o��ue and co�recr rep.ese�tatio� o� o survey of thr bou�do��rs o� �he lond obove de�cr�bed und o� �hr loaa��on o� al1 bu�ld�ng•, �l any, �he•eon� ond ol1 vis�ble envoochmrnts, �� uny, }.om o� on sn�d lund Th�s w���-y n mudr on�y m connret�on w��h a mo.tgoge loo� now bn�ng placed on �hr prope.ty and no ��ob�l�ry �s u1eumrd � ace-p� �o �hr holdr. of fuch mortgoye or any othr� ��trrest acqu��ed by �hr .roson of wch mo•fgagt 1� �e u��de,stood and oy•ard �O mo�ument� havt bee� pla�ed �o� the purpO+e O� eficbl�sh��y l01 I�ne� o� boundury corn�-.� Doieti +h•� %' do� o�_.��_.A. D 19�_ SUdURBAN, ENGINEERING, INC. Fngineer� � . � Su•veyor♦ . . . . br_ �y . __ .�.___ ,L - ---- � I, .. • . _ _ - CITY OF FRIDLEY � APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gabel called the November 27, 1984, Appeals Comnission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Pat Gabel, Alex Barna, Jean Gerou, Jim Plemel Members Absent: Donald Betzold Qthers Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley � Larry Clanton, 7210 East River Road Richard Lennox, 16120 Potowatomi St., Anoka Gary Obrycki, 6267 Kerry Lane N.E. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 13, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO APPROVE THE NOV. 13� I984, APPEALS COItMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE UOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHASRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO equest y arry an on, as iver oa .., r� ey, n. 32) MOTION BY MS. GERDU, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO OPEN TNE Pi1BLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the following Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7210 East River Roa d N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.07.1B.1 limits the total floor area of all accessory bufidings to a maximum of i4Q0 square feet. yS 4T APPEA�S COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 1984 PAGE 2 Public purpose served by this requirement is to eliminate the condition of overcrowding of residential sites. Section stated the maximum height for all accessory build- ings shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet above grade. Public purpose served by this requirement is to limit the height of structures adjacent to lot lines. Section 205.O7.1B.4a states a private garage shall not exceed 100� of the first flnor area of the dwelling unit or a maximum of 1,000 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to limit the size of accessory structures to prevent a]tering the residential character of a building site by insuring that the garage is the accessory structure on the lot. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "One of the City of Fridley`s codes iimits the garage size of a personal dwelling to 1,000 square feet. I am seeking a variance to this code so I can store my many vehlcles. I feel this would improve the looks of my yard as I currently must leave the vehicles exposed on my property. In order to house all the vehicles, I will need a garage with 1,440 square feet." C. ADMINISTRATI'VE STAEF REVIEW: � This garage would be qufte large and quite high because the petitioner wants to be able to store his motor home in it. The lot is large also. The Board should determine the real need and hardship before acting on this request. The staff have no stipulations to suggest except to enforce the hard surface driveway requirement. Mr. Clark showed the Commissioners a copy of an aerial phutu of the property with the proposed garage marked in red. He stated the lot was one of the larger lots in Fridley at 29,760 sq, ft. so the lot coVerage, if the variances were granted, would be only 12.4� when the allowable is 25%. He-stated he had asked the petitioner to bring in elevations of how the garage would look from t�e front and also a fioor pian of how he planned to utiiize the floor space. Mr. Clark stated that included in the agenda was a letter of recognition singed by Mr. Clanton`s neighbors. MOTION BY MR. BARNA� SECONDED BY M5. GEROU, TO RECEIVE THE LETT'ER OF RECOGNITION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. C1ark stated this would be one of the largest garages on private property. in Fridley. To his knowledge, they have no precedent to look back on of any other garages this large. The one thing in Mr, Clanton's favor was the large lot and the large setback from East Ri�►er Road. 4U APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMSER 27, 1984 � PAGE 3 Mr. Barna asked Mr. Clanton if there was any reason why he had not considered usi.ng his present garage for the cars he drives and putting his motorhome and other vehicles in a second garage in back. Mr. Clanton stated he had not realized he could h�ve two garages. Mr. Barna stated a second garage or second accessory building was allowed with a special use permit. Ms. Gerou asked if a hardship had been established. Mr. Clanton stated the real reason why he needs this garage is that he works for NSP and is out Qf town quite a lot. Ne would like to store his motorhome and other vehicles inside the garage so that they are secure from vandalism and weather. Also, he thoyght that by getting these things inside and out of the yard, it would help make the neighborhood look better. Ms. Gerou stated that most people do not have places to store extra vehicles. A big problem in a iot of neighborhoods is that peopie go out and buy motur- homes, campers, boats, etc., before deciding where they are going to store these things. 7hat is why there is so much visual pollution in some neighborhoods. t9r. Barna stated there are 2-3 car collectors in the City who have wanted to store their antique cars under one roof. They have had to put up second accessory bui,ldings with special use permits. Ne stated getting a special use permit can be a long process, too, but he had a hard time defining a hardship in this case of needing an attached garage when there was available space for a second accessory building that cou]d be tota7ly hidden behind the existing garage and house. By building a second accessory building, it would eliminate two of the three variances. Mr. Gary Obrycki stated he was the carpenter contractor for Mr. Clanton. He stated when he went to the neighbor's to get their signatures that they were not opposed to this proposal, he had also told the neighbors about the possi- bility of a second accessory garage an the back side. The neighbors on that side,said they would rather see one full attached garage than another unattached garage closer to them. He stated he used to be Mr. Clanton's neighbor, so he knew all the other neighbors. Ms. Gerou stated that by approving these variances, they would be setting a precedent, and then everyone could come in wanting to build a warehouse-type building on their property. She stated ��is is a metropolitan area, not a rural area where you were more likely to see a building like this. Mr. Clanton stated that as Mr. Clark had mentioned earlier, his lot is a very large lot. Ms. Gabel stated that was true, and the lot may very well hold the building. What bothered her was that they have never done this kind of thing before. 7he Appeals Comnission has a responsibility to the community as a whole, and �V APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING,�NOVEMBER 27, 1984 PAGE 4 they do have to think about the impact this could have on the City in terms of the future and how many other people will decide they need to have a garage this size. There are many people who have recreational vehicles, and many people have to rent garages for storage. As Mr, Barna had mentioned, the City does give special use permits to put second accessory buildings in the back yard, sometimes quite regularly, and many times those extra buildings are for storage of extra vehicles. � Ms. Gabe] stated she had some current concerns about the size of this parti- cular building and in terms of the fact that they have not done this before. Mr. Barna stated he could understand what Mr. Clanton wanted to do, but he could also see where it would be better to have a second accessory building than to haVe an attached garage that was bigger than the house. Ms. Gabel stated the other thing the Appeals Commission is charged with is the hardship, and she felt the hardship was not really well defined. The only hardship was something the owner has imposed upon himself by the purchase of all these vehicles. It was not something that was natural to the lay of the land or anything like that. So, it was diff�cult to establish a real valid hardship. Mr. Clanton stated the problem with another building in back was that the people behind him have very exclusive homes. 7hey would much rather see a larger garage than a second building closer to them. Mr. Clark suggested that if the petitioner reduced the width of the garage from 36 ft. to 32 ft, that would reduce the height of the garage from 23 ft. to 21 ft., making it the same height as the house. The square footage would then be reduced to 1,280 from 1,440. It would eliminate one variance and wouid reduce one variance. Mr. Clanton stated he would probably be agreeable to these changes. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA� TD CLOSE THE PUBLIC FI.�ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated it seemed to him they were again getting into the business of trying to redesign this man's garage, and it might not be something he wants to do. With a lot three times iarger than most normal Tots and three times the sethack of most other lots, this would not be an eyesore from the street. Also, because there was no neighborhood opposition, he would be in favor of granting the variances as stated. Mr. Barna stated because of the fact that there is a large setback from East River Road and the fact that it is on a curve and is heavily wooded on the north lot line, people driving from both directions would have a hard time seeing the house and garage. The people most affected by this proposal would 4 6d APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 1984 PAGE 5 be the people on Alden Circle who, if a second accessory building was built, would have it basical]y in their back yards. The peop�le most affected by these variances would be the people directly across East River Road, who were a long way away. Ms. Gerou stated that if they grant these variances, would they be setting a precedent? This proposed garage would have a great big door, and to her that looked like a warehouse. She did not like that idea. As Ms. Gabel had stated, the hardship was not weil defined, and she wouid not be in favor of granting the variances. Ms. Gabel stated she was opposed to the variances because of the two reasons she had mentioned earlier: (1) She did not know what kind of precednet they would be settin . If a precedent is to be set, it should be set by the City Council. �2) She believed the hardship was self-imposed. MOTION BY MS. GEROU TO DENY THE VAP.IANCES. MOTIAN DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOT,ION BY MR. pLEMEL, SECO1'IDED BY MR. BARNA, TO RECOIiMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REpUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE Z10 INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOG7ABLE AREA FOR A GARAGE FROM Z,000 SQUARE FEET TO 1,440 SQUARE FEET, AND TO ALIAW THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TNE GARAGE TO EXCEED THE FIRST FLOOR AREA OF THE HOUSE, TO INCREASE THE HEIGHT OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING FROM THE MAXIMUM FOURTEEN (Z4) FEET Z�O TWENTY—THREE (23) FEET, AND TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SQUARE' FOOTAGE FOR ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM 1,400 SQUARE FEET TO 1,440 SQUARE FEET, d�N LOT 35, AUDITOR'S SUBDIYSION NO. 77, THE SAME BEING 72I0 E.�.ST RIT�E'R ROAD N.E. , FRIDLEY, MN. 55432� URGING THE PETITIONER TO KEEP THE BUILDING AS LOW AS POSSIBLE AIJD IAGIER THE GRADE IF POSSIBLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, pLEMEL AND BARNA VOTING AYE, GABEL AND GERDU VOTING NAY, C�11'RPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION FAILED BECAUSE OF A TIE VOTE. Ms. Gabel recommended the petitioner contact the City Manager's office to find out when this item would go to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY 2�iR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE NOV. 27� 1984, AppEALS COtfMISSIDN MEETING AA70URNED AT 8:25 P.M. Re pectfully su itted, 7'� �/' yne aa Recording Secretary ,i � u�uas�w ��MOIMteMMO .- --wR�. ��� �6 7210 E. Ri ver `" O1ai S" "'�'' T: �I'ww wc, b? I� ! � �, Y.....a. • • M.�+rt+t� �S�l • �i ,�,. � . � .r, o, •, 1 �y' . .� tip� f wi ��l.r�rr Lrwwry � A�f Tw�y � L��t Sw�!�t �!�I I'rrwl . Ii.,,.�.,.. M•.N.o,. �� L ocafio� �_�`� �" /l/or�h i�i.n .. •�"'- �,., W � : n' r � � � � � �� T ` v ��� � � _. burVQ Or y }� . � o� LG� �s : /; �i ♦ �n � nl r � . i� .` r � �� � f � /• 1i �i/ S ,- , r�� 1 �_ .o � �drr �'/dn�on y �i�_ ��— r _ �3 . N N . Q � ` . O ' � 1 � ' � Or j � l � ,�-� '-� QC I � � �� '� �'� �'oufh � ; �` �t/W �_��Q o f' �o� v' . COr�Fr o f .�5 � , That �art of Lot 35, Revised �G� ��. .� Audi tor' S SuSdi vi si on tiunber 77. , lyi ng 1� East of the folTowing described line: '' C��encinq at the yorLtiwest corner of Lot 33 ef sai d Revised �� 1�f Qaf /',uditor's Subdivision P�u�ber 77; thence North 11 deqrees 50 �inutes East a distance of 93.2 feet nbre or less to tt�e i�ortherly line of said Lot 35, it �ein� underst��d that tl�e East and �1est �uarter Section line of Section 1�. T�wnshi� 3�, Ran�e 24 is a true East and �lest line, accordinn to the duly recorded �lat thereof on fi le and of record in tne office of the County ^ecorder in and f�r Moka County, �tinnesota. EXCEPT?N� there fro�-� L.�at oart Uiereof 1,vinc� '•lesterly of the folio�vin� described line: 3e�innin� �t a ooint on tl�e 1Jortherly line of said Lot 35. said �oint bein� 421.38 feet EastQrly of thz intersection of tt�e said Norih li�e and the �lortherly extension of the '�esterly line of L�t 33; thence South- erly to a ooint on the South line of said Lot 35, said �oint beinq 431.G feet Fasterly of the '�orttwrest corner of said Lot 33 and thereby Le�ninatinv. I her�by cerLi fy that thi s Di an, survey or re�ort was pre�ared by r.�e or under ry di rect supervision and tlia,t I am a duly R�gistered Land Surve r under �s of the Stat� of tlinnes�ta. Qated this 3�Lh day of Auqust, 19�4 i �� _/ j-,s.�----� �.y. :t�gers, Land Survey� Li c #� 10945 Noc �,w„++.e ��1 Ripl+ta Fi...Me � 4X - \ ls o 4 Y , . 8 �s` �arr y � �anr-or. 175 ,,,, � ,� � �,? �" e:i•,.. : �o�/O �aSt /�iuer t�c� . S1 � . q�. 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'�� � 4.II/1Cls. �:. . � . � / � O � / • r.' a *'. � ' • yh.•� � � 4 � � ,� . f�B 0 � � • ' , ',. 5� .`� I '' . . r . ._. �. �. ,,• .•�,,. •� � �� :�• � • • • w •� � w� � •• i � a � 1��� *t'� `:Jy 1984 Repceserrtative: Q��cilman Ec�aard H�nernik 1985 :� • y.. , - �� Li4�1 II�+QRQ'•1�3� mtTl� (1 Rep�rese,ntative ac�d 1 Alt�ernate) Councilman Schryeider, Rep. 12-31-84 12-31-85 Q�uncilman Ha�►ernik, Alt. 12-31-84 12-31-85 �UIBAN RATE A[T� (1 �I�i�er and 1 Alternate) Councilman Hanernik, Repr. 12-31-84 12-21-85 Cbuncilman Barnette, Alt. 12-31-84 12-3I-85 ��[JIBAN S�1IIt SERVI(E BO�II.1 (1 Rep�resentative and 1 Atternate) Councilman Barnette, Repr. 12-31-84 �uncilman Schneicier, Alt. 12-31-84 _ ,. • « �• . • �- �•.•�•.: v• � « ; �:� (buncilman Fitzpatrick 12-31-84 �tmcilman Hamernik 12-31-84 J 12-31-85, -'-� -�� 12-31-� 12-31-85 12-31-85 9�OCL DISlRICT #14 �4�ITNITY 9C�I0(L ADVI.9CnY QO[A�,'�, Ootmcilman Barnette 12-31-84 12-31-85 9CROCG DISlRICT #13 Oouncilman Fitzpatrick 12-31-84 9CBOCi. DIS1RiCT #16 Qouncilman Hanernik 12-31-84 i':r.�a' •,• ����.i�:_ur_ „u.� w s M�i� O��cilman Fitzpatrick Rep. 12-31-84 O��cilman Schneider, Alt. 12-31-84 12-3I.-85 12-31-85 12-31-85 12-31-85 . �.. �'��, •• 1 `�. I• �51'. . 1: •� 1 , :r�.�• /' : ' 1 ' :r ' • ' M �� 1 MI 1 I' �.'� '• 1• ► � � PLAHIdIldG �IISSI�I (Ct�apter 6) (6 I�m�ers - 3 Year �) General Virginia Schnabel 4-1-85 Chairperson 1527 Windenere Circle N.E. (H. 571-3318) Qiairperson LeRay Oquist 4-1-87 Connnunity 1011 Hacia�►an Circle N. E. Developnent (H. 571-0415)(B. 642-3832) Chairperson David Kondrick 4-1-85 Parks & 280 Stoneybrook Way N.E. Recreation (H. 571-2359)(B. 521-4767) Cha.irperson Patricia Gabel 4-1-85 Appeals 5947 2 1,/2 Street N.E. CJ�runission (H. 571-1288) (B. 571-4600) : �:� I���.a' Chairperson Maynard Nielson 4-1-85 Env. Quality 7144 Riverview Terraoe N.E. arnmission (H. 571-6608) (B. 571-0761) Chairperson Dean Saba 4-1-86 E�erc� 6325 Van Buren N.E. 0�¢nission (H. 571-1953) (B. 635-5860) CY�airperson Robert Minton 4-1-86 Hunan 153 8 North Oberl in Ci. rcle Resouroes (H. 571-1173)(B. 291-8358) aDI�MDNITY �VIIA�N'P �l�IISS�Qd ((�apter 6) (5 !�l�ers - 3 Year Z�em�) Chairperson LeRoy Oquist 4-1-87 1011 Haclanann Circle N. E. (H. 571-0415) (B. 642-3832) Vice- Alfred Gabel 4-1-87 Chairperson 5947 2 l,/2 Street N.E. (H. 571-1288)(B. 561-8800) Dr. Renneth Vos 4-1-85 990 68th Avenue N. E. (H. 571-2246) Louis Sc,Ynnidt 4-1-86 7300 East River Rpad N.E. (H. 571-1557)(B. 571-9201 x 2647) Clarenoe (Gene) Rezac 4-1-86 1315 Rioe Creek Road (H. 574-0629) (B. 574-9919) ••• I 1�1 �:i�.� :+,�J1, � 4-1-88 , �. . _ _ _.._.r 4 1-88 TBIi�! � � PAt�S AI�ID R�(I�TI�I �IISSIGN ((�ap�ter 6) (5 I►imibers - 3 Year 2� Chairperson David Kondrick 4-1-85 280 Stoneybrook Way N. E. (H. 57I-2359)(B. 521-4767) Vioe- Mary Srhreiner 4-1-85 Chairperson 6851 Oakley Street N.E. (H. 571-3045) (B. 571-1010) Steve Nel son 4-1-87 850 Overton Drive N.E. (H. 571-8613) Dick Young 4-1-86 5695 Quincy Street N.E. (H. 571-8098) DanieZ A11en 4-1-86 6200 Rioe Creek Drive N.E. (H. 571-3137) (B. 373-0956) AP�EAIS �l�IISSICN (maptet 6) (5 I�obers - 3 Year �enn) Chairperson Patricia Gabel 4-1-85 5947 2 1/2 Street N. E. (H. 571-1288)(B. 571-4b00) Vioe-- Alex P. Barna 4-1-85 Chairperson 560 Hugo Street N.E. (H. 784-5468) Jean Gerou 4-1-87 1650 Briardale R�ad N.E. (H. 571-6736) Donald R. Betzold 4-1-87 1601 North Innsbruck Drive �201 (H. 571-0098)(B. 533-1555) Janes Plenel 4-1-86 6864 Charuiel Rpad N. E. (H. 571-0026j(B. 421-4760 x I126j !� ' .� � •• � ra+ �a+;.,, �»,���;�:-. 4 1-88 4-1-88 4 1-88 4-1-88 ��•, M�'�+'��',"�� Y�:r�'.:rl�-. ;����I���. ��� 1���:� � 1'�• I :r V� • 1►' •• 1 (� r� . • - � cii � - - • � Chairperson Maynard Nielson 7144 Riverview Terraoe N. E. (H. 571-6608) (B. 571-0761) Vi�- Wayne Wellan C�airperson 6793 Overton Drive N.E. (H. 571-4141)(B. 571-1000) Richard Swanda 1521 Woodside dourt N.E. (H. 57 1-6154)(B. 296 7333) �cmas G ronl tmd 7411 Lyric Lar�e, N. E. (H. 786-7459) (B. 370-3688) Bruoe Peterson 7503 R�enpo Terraoe N.E. (H. 786-9898) (B. 853-8909) 4-1-85 4-1-87 4-1-85 4-1-86 4-1-86 ffi��Y QOl�l�II.SSICN ((*sapter 6) (5 !l0ot�ers - 3 Year �) Chairperson Dean Saba 4-1-86 6325 Van Buren Street N.E. (H. 571-1953) (B. 635-5860) Vio� Bradley Sielaff 4-1-85 Chairperson 6770 Plaza Curve, N.E. (H. 574-0470) (B. 296-7753) Glen D�uglas 861 66th Avenue N. E. (H: 571-2074) (B: 635 7029) Dale 7#icmpson 4976 3rd. Street, N.E. (H. 572-86 $4)(B. 296-7753) Bruoe Bondow 6616 Central Avenue N.E. (H. 57 1-0163)(B. 378-8084) 4-1-87 4-1-85 4-1-86 SC . .. � �� � ?i �� � :�,� � I �� :-. 4 1-88 4-1-88 4-1-88 4 1-88 � .� �� Bll�i� I�OOiXFS �D�1 ((�apter 6) (5 l�bers - 3 Year �e� Chairperson Robert Minton 4-1-86 1538 North Oberlin Circle N.E. (H. 571-1173)(B. 291-8358) Vio�- Arl ie Nieni 4-�,-g� C�airperson 5368 Matterhorn Dr. N.E. (H. 571-6814) (B. 641-6200 x 314) Peter Treuer�f el s 4-1-85 5248 Horizon Drive N.E. (H. 572-$229) (B. 536-5481) Brian Goodspeed 4-1-87 731 Rioe Creek Terrace N.E. (H. 571-4822) Barbara Rocher 4-1-86 7650 Jackson Street N.E. (H. 786-0944) (B. 425-3292) C1�B�i� �.�S�Q'1 �'1"BSSICN (dode Section 405.28) (5 �lenbers - 3 Year �) Chairperson Barbara Huqhes 4-1-85 548 Rioe Creek Terraoe N.E. (H. 571-6182)(B. 224-4901) Vioe- Duane Peterson Chairperson 5460 7th St. N.E. �102 (H. 571-3386)(B. 374-1120) Burt Weaver 928 Rioe Creek Terraoe N.E. (H. 571-4237)(B. 571-1249) Edward Raspszak 1317 Hillcrest Drive N.E (H. 571-0441)(B. 339-0549) Ralph Stouffer 6065 McRinley Street N. E. (H. 571-1735)(B. 647-5820) 4-1-86 4-1-87 4-1-85 4-1-87 SD • �. � �� ��I;.� :�,���;�cti 4-1-88 4-1-87 4 ].-88 4-1-88 �:�•, �ff�.11�1.�}�� f�i►� : :7�1^• .y,�����:1 e �/�� �\%i.�: ' 11 : •1 1 • �1 ' :r�' � �l• �;r • 1 1: �' cii � - - - �" r •- v t�: - � . 12 St. Moritz Drive N. E. (H. 571-8925)(B. 339-3355) Vio� IImars A. Prieditis C�airperson 6031 Benjamin Street N.E. (H. 571-7230)(B. 332-1401) Walter Rasnussen 7806 Alden Way N. E. (H. 571-6232)(B. 379-8811) Duane prairie 489 Riae Creek Terrace N.E. (H. 571-3993) (B. 786-9800) Carolyn S�endsen 6171 Rerry Lane N.E. (H. 571-6060)(B. 571-2345) 6-9-86 6-}-87 6-9-88 6-9-85 SE �� � ��. �a+;.4 �,,��r;��.� 6-1-90 �I� �IQ�I (�apter 102) (3 l�embers - 3 Year �m) Chairperson John. R. Hinsverk 4-1-85 4-1-88 170 Hartinan Circle N. E. (H. 571�038) (B. 425-4541) Vioe- Mavis Hauge Chairperson 645 67th Avenue N.E. (H. 571-1083) Tim Breider 7550 Z�enpo Terraoe N. E. (H. 786-5341) 2,/],/21/14 4-1-86 4-1-87 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of � , Minnesota, as follows: is hereby designated to serve as a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and is hereby designated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1985 and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ) CITY OF ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the City Counci�. of at its meeting on , 198 , as the same is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said date, on file and of record in my office. Dated this day of , 198 (SEAL) City of City Clerk 5F � • �. r • �- �i�„_� i; ��r . �� !;� �! � :r OFFICIAL DEPOSIT0�2IF�S FOR Z8E CITY I, Sidney C. Ir�¢nan, cb hereby certify that I am C1erk�I'reasurer of the City of Fridley, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. I further oertify that at a meeting of said corporation duly and properly called and held on the 7th day of January 1985, the follawing resolution was passed; that a quorian was present at said meeting; and that said resolution is set forth in the minutes of ineeting and has not been rescinc3ed or moclified. IT IS HII2�Y RF50LVID that the Fridley State Bank is hereby designated as a depository for the fLmds of this carporation. IT IS FVRZHER RESCLVID that checks, drafts or other withdrawal orders issued against the funds of this corporation on deposit with said bank shall be sic�ed by two of the follawing: Siciley C. Iranan, Qerk-Treasurer Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard D. Pribyl, Finance Off ioer and that said bank is hereby fully authorized to pay and charge to the ac�unt of this corporation ariy checks, drafts, or other withdr�al orc3ers. BE IT FURTHER RF�OLVID that all transactions, if any relating to deposits, withdrawals, r�discounts and borrowings by or on behalf of this corporation with said bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, in all things ratifited, appraved and confirnied. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any bank or savings and loan may be used as depositories for irivestments purposes so long as the irivestments comply with authorized investments as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. . BE IT FUR�iIIt RESC�,VID that the sic�atures of two of the follawing named City emplayees are required for withdraaal of City investment funds from savings and loan associations, and for acoess to the safety deposit box: Sic�►ey C. Ir�¢nar►, Qerk-Treasurer Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Richard D. Pribyl, Finance Off ioer BE IT �IER RESCGVID that any brokerage f irni may be used as a depository for irivestment purposes so long as the investments comply with the authorized irivestrnents as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. Page 2- Resolution No. - 198 I further oertify that the Cotuicil of this oorporation has, and at the ti.me of adoption of saic3 resolution had, full pawer and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the pawers therein granted to the persons named who have full pawer and lawful authority to exercise the same. PASSID AND ADOPTID BY �iE CITY QOlJNCIL OF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY ZHIS �I DAY OF JANAURY, 198 . WILLIAM J. NEE - MFIYOR ATPEST: SIDNEY C. Il�Il�N - QTY (I�EI2K 6A RE.SOLCflZON NC). - I985 RF.90LIfrION DESIGNATING AN �'FICIAL NQn1SPAPER FOR T8E YEAR 1985 WHEREAS, the Charter of the City.of Fridley requires in Section 12.01 thereof that the City Council annually designate an official newsgaper for the City. NCxa, �IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the Fridley Focus Newspaper is'designated the legal newspaper of the City of Fridley for the year 1985 for all publications required to be puUlished therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fridley Focus A7ewspaper is accordingly designated the official newspaper for the year 1985. PASSID AI�D ADO� BY THE CITY OOUNCIL QF THE CITY OI' FRIDLEY TfiI5 TH DAY OF JAI7UARY, 19 8 . WILLIAt-1 J. I�EE - r;AYOR AT1�.ST: SIDNEY C. IP� 1�I - CITY CL,FftiC �� 7A1 Minnesota Suburban N ewspapers, I nc. 7401 Bush Lake Road • Edina, Minnesota 55435 •(612) 831-1200 26 December 1984 City Council . City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Council Members: We would appreciate your designation of the FridZey Focus to be your_official newspaper for the year 1985. Minnesota laws regulating charges for publication�of public notices have been updated this year. In order to avoid con- fusion in administering the rates for 1985, we will calculate the rate the same as in 1984, and add 'l0�. Therefore, the rate will be 24.SC per line. Tabular matter, i.e., proper names, numbers, legal descriptions, etc., will be 8.2� per line additional. We will provide, at no additional charge, two notarized affi- davits on each of your notices. Additional notarized affida- vits, on request, will be furnished at 254 each. In order to expedite our service to you, it is requested that you direct your publications to the attention of Meridel Hedblom, Legal Publications, Minnesota Suburban Newspapers, Inc., 7401 Bush Lake Road, Edina, MN 55435. Please calZ her at 831-1200 for deadlines for your area. We appreciate being considered as the officiaZ newspaper for the City of Fridley for the ensuing year. Very truly yours, MINNESOTA SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. f���A � �� -_ Donald K. Mortenson Operations Manager Publisher of Current Newspapers • Focus Newspapers • Sailor Newspapers • Sun-Current Newspapers 0 RBSOLIITION N0. - 1g8S RBSOLUTION DESIGNATING TI!!E AND NII1�BR OF COIINCII. I�BTIMGS WHEREAS, Seetion 3.01 of the Charter of the City of Fridley requires that the City Couneil shall meet at a fixed time not less than once each month; and WHEREAS, Section 3.01 of the Charter of the City of Fridley requires that the Council shall meet at such times as may be preseribed by resolution; and WHEREAS, It has been the practice of the Couneil to meet on the first and third Mondays of eaeh month at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of holding Couneil meeiings, except when those dates.are impraeticable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Couneil of the City of Fridley that: 1. The Council will hold its Couneil Meetings on the first and third Monday of each month exeept for the month of February when the meetings Will be held on the Pirst and fourth Monday; and except for the month of September when the meetings Will be held on the seeond and fourth Monday. 2. The Couneil shall meet at 7:30 P.M. on the above designated days. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: � SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK `� '. • JANUARY S M T W T F S �I( 2 3 4 5 6 07 8 9 10 11 12 t3 14 t5 16 1T 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 APRiI S T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 t0 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21�22�� 24 25 26 27 JULY S T W T F S 1 2 3 �.' � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 2�0 31 25 26 27 OCTOBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6Q7 8 9 10i1 t2 13 t5 16 17 t8 t9 20 22 23 24 25 26 [27 8293031 ��Q'� 8 A CJ �C���j�G� ?G 1985 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULES FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 04 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 MAY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 < 5 6 7 8 9 t011 12 t 14 15 16 17 t8 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 AUGUST S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 �5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 t6 17 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 252 2728293031 NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 40 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 19 20 21 22 23 2 26 27 �'�30 MARCH S M T W T F S 1 2 3Q 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 20 21 22�2 3 24 25 2� 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE S M T W T F S t 203 4 5 6 7 8 9 G t 12 13 14�15 16� 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER S�' 3 4 5 6 7 8 t0 t 1 12 13 14 15 1718192021 22 24 25 26 27 28 2 OECEMBER S T W T F S t�2 3 5 6[7 8 �101� 12 13 14 15 61718192021 22 23 24 � 26 27 28 29 30 31 KEY X = Holidays (11) 0 = Council Meetings (24)* [� = Conference Meetings (4)** * Council Meetings will be held the first and third Monday of each month except February when they will be held the first and fourth Monday, and September when they will be held the second and fourth Monday. March 23 - 26 NLC Congressional- City Conference Washington, D.C. June 11 - 14 League of MN Cities St. Paul , MN October 27 - 31 ICMA Conference Philadelphia, PA December 7 - 11 t�LC Congress of Cities Seattle, Washington Jan. Feb. May July Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 1 18 24 2 14 11 28 25 ** Conference Meetings will be held the fifth Monday July 5 of April, July, September and the fourth Monday Nov. 29 of November 11 HOLIDAYS New Years Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Christmas Day (9 Days) Day after Ind Day after Than Total Days Day Day ependence Day ksgiving Day RE'SOLLflZON N0. - 1985 RF�SOLIirION OI�ERII� PRELIMINARY PI,�►N.,, SPECIFICATIONS AAID FS'rI!•fATES QF 7.iiE �'S �': S'I'REk,'T IMPR(�lNlEDfP PR4TDCT ST. 1985-1 & 2 BE IT RESOLVID, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as follaas: 1. That it appears in the interests of the City and of the property owners affected that there be construc�ed certain iriprove�nents to-wit: Street improver.ients, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer systen, and other facilities located as follaws: 5th Street University Ave �•� Service Dr University Ave E Service Dr 73-1/2 Avenue E River Rpad Service Dr 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue 81st Avenue to North Civic Center to l,lississippi St C�1 de Sac to 75' 6dest 53 rd Way North to (�l de Sac 2. That the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, rlinnesota, is hereby authorized and directed to draw the preliminary plans and� specifications and to tabulate the results of his estiraates of the costs of said 'u�provements, incluc3ing every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incurred) in connection there���ith, or the financing thereof, and to make a preliminary report of his findings, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other inprovements (and the estimated cost as recommended), including also a description of the lands or area as riay receive benefits therefroqn anc3 as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. That said preliminary report of the Pui�lic Works Director shall be furnishe�i to tne City Council. PASSID AI�ID ADOPTF� BY �iE CITY CO[T�ICIL OF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF , 1985. t9ILLIAtI J. t�E - I•1AYOR AZ'1'E.S'T: SIDNEY C. II�II•1AI1 - CITY CI,ERK DAY �J �NO. -1985 R�.LLTTION R�CENII�IG �E PREL�IINARY REE�tT At�ID GLLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON ZiiE MATTER OF TBE CONSTRDCTION OF (F.F�I'AIN IMPRCNElSENTS: STREET IMPRWFI�N'T PROJECT ST. 1985-1 i 2 WHF�tEAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest af the City of Fridley and the property owners affectec7 thereby. BE IT RESCLVID, by the City Co�cil of the City of Friciley as follvws: 1. �at the preliminary report submitted by John G. Flora, Public Works Director, is hereby reoeived and acoepted. 2. 4i�at the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owr�er of each paroel of land directly affectecl or within the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said imprwenents, and calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. 3. �at the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of then as noted in said notice are all the Iands and areas as noted in said notioe: All of the same to be assessed proportionately acoording to the benef its reoeived. 4. R�at the estinates of assessZnents of the Clerk shall be available for inspection to the awr�er af any paroel of land as may be af fected thereby at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and oonve�.ient. 5. Zhat the City Qerk is anthorized and directed to gfve notice of such Public Hearing by p�lishing a noti�oe thereo� in the official newspaper af the City of Fridley and by mailed notioe to all the property awners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements aco�rding to law, such notioe to be substantially in the form and s�fistance of the noti ce attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 6. Rhat this Council will meet on the 4th day of February, 1985�a� 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall in the City of Fridley for the purpose of holding a Public Aearing on the improverzent noted in the Notice attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". PAS.S� At�ID ADOFT'II) BY 7�IE QTY Q'�JNC� OF Z�iE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF r 1985. WII.LIAM J. I�E - MAY�R �f` �?•�� SITJI�'Y C. II�i+I - QTY QrII2IC 10 l0A Page 2-- Resolution No. - 1985 OFFICIAL PUBLICATI�1 QTY OF FRIDLE'Y (E�QiIBIT A) 1�TICE G1F' HF1�i2II� ON IMPF�OV�IETTIS � STREET IMPRpVII�TP PRQ7DCT ST. 1985-1 & 2 WHEI2EA.S, the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, I•iinnesota, has deemed it expedient to receive evidence pertaining to the improvements hereinafter described. NC��d� ZiiEREF'ORE, NO`i'ICE IS HII2F.BY G1VIIJ THAT on the 4th day of February, I985 4t 7:30 o'clock P.I�i. the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City and will at said time and place hear all parties interested in saia improve.�ents in whole or in part. The general nature of the imprwgnents is the construction (in the lands and streets noted bela•�) of the follawing improver,ients, to-wit: CAt�]STP,UCTIOt1 ITEt�! Street irnprove�ents, including grading, stablilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system, water and sanitary s�wer services and other facilities locate�3 as follows: �'I'. 1985-1 University Ave W Service Dr University F,ve E Service Dr 73-1/2 Avenue E River Road Service Dr � •: 5th Street 81st Avenue to North Civic Center to t�lississippi Street (ul de Sac to 75' West 53 rd [•Iay tlorth to Qil de Sac 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue FSTIl�9ATID CX�ST 1985-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ F,STTI�]ATID OOa�'T 1985-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ R�IAT THE AFtFA PROPOSID �0 BE ASSFSSID FOR SAID IriPRCNII•�N15 IS AS FOLLQ�]S: Far construction Item above All of the land abuttinq upon said streets named above and all lands within, adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improveznent. Page 3— R�esolution No. - 1985 That should the Council proceed with said improvenents, they will consider each separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the follawing authority, to-wit: t�iinnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. LIATID THIS DAY OF Publish: January 15, 1985 January 22, 1985 January 29, 1985 , 1984, BY Oi�EP. OF �iE CITY OWNCIL. MAYOR - T•7ILLIAt�1 J. I�E 10 g ll FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- CLAIMS � .JANUARY %, 19�5 CLAIM NUMBERS 347M75 - 361Z03 . ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � A JANUARY 7, 1985 GENERAL CONTRACTOR APPROVED B�' _ FML, Inc. P.O. Box 96 DARREL CLARK Newport, ML7 55055 By: Mershawn Pikus Chief Bldg. Ofc. North Freeway Investors 7841 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 By: Kenneth i3elgarde Same Opus Corporation P.O. Box 150 Minneapolis, NII�i 55440 By: F�I. Lyle Meyer Same Reynolds Construction 5305 Dunkirk Lane North Plymouth, D4J 55446 By: Same Stuart Construction Co. 4611 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55412 By: R: O. Swenson Same HEATI NG Four Seasons Air Specialist 4739 Division Avenue [�ILLIAM SANDIN White Bear Lake, MN 55110 By: Kenneth Koetz Plbg./Htg. Insp. Refrigeration Systems Inc. 293 Como St. Paul, NII1 55103 By: Terry Gaetke Same � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL —' ESTIMATES 13 JA6UARY 7. 1985 � Herrick & Newn�an, p.A. 6279 University Avenue N.E. FricIley, NN 55432 For Legal servives rendered by the City Attorney for the morith o� Novenber, 1984 Invoioe No. 2928 oi Deoember 13, 1984 Legal Servioes, re: Paschke-I� Invoioe No. 2929 oE Deo�iber 13, 1984 Legal Servioes, re: River Road-IlZB Hickok & Associates, Inc. 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, MV 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Project II Professional Serviaes - Nwenber, 1984 $ 1,926.25 $ 375.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,134.50 V111GIL C. M[q111CK OAVIO I. N[WMAN JAM[S E. fCMMECK�E►EA VCH � 13a HERRICK & NEWMAN, P.A. ATT0r1NErS wi LAw December 13, 1984 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 November Retainer: HOURS IN EXCESS OF 30 AT $25.00 PER HOUR BY LAW CLERK: EXPENSES ADVANCED: Refund from Anoka County Recorder (Filing Fee re Gottwaldt): Refund from Anoka County Recorder (Filing Fee re Johnson): BALANCE DUE RE FEES: CREDIT BALANCE RE EXPENSES: $1650.00 276.25 - 5.00 - 5.00 $1926.25 + 10.00 62�Y Ur+wEwSiir AvEr+u[ M.E FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 35432 57t•3E50 o`'�v cNq�� Q _ � Phone: 511-9781 �- � Fridley Plaza Office Building, Suite 310A, 6401 University Ave. N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 O.c� � � V c�MM�P January 7, 1985 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD John Gargaro Fridley State Bank 571-2200 VICE CHAIRMAN Dan Ficken SOS Office Equipment 780-8686 Mayor William Nee City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mayor Nee and City Council Members, FINANCE nixECZOx In November of 1984 our Economic Development Committee met and DeWayne Schleiss Schleiss, Hage, cist, s coS.uggested the following to enable the Fridley Chamber of Commerce 571-6921 to assist the City in Economic Development. nia�c�oxs We would like to ask the Fridley Planning Cotmnission be expanded Don Chapman Upton Advertising to include a Fridley Chamber of Commerce member to work with the 536-0970 City of Fridley. If this is not possible we would like permission to allow a representative of the Chamber to be involved with the Ar1en Wittrock City at such a level that we would become aware of various FMC Corp. 571-9201 development activities at an early stage. We do have a person who is willing to become an ad hoc member. Barb Aune Rice Creek Agency 571-7200 Roger Humola Norwest Bank 780-5757 Maynard Nielsen NW Bell Telephone Co. 571-0761 Robert Cook Specialty Advertising 571-6984 David P. tdewman Herrick & Newman 571-3850 Jayne Noble Larry Noble Agency 786-0804 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kerry A. Van Fleet 571-9781 The Chamber would recommend that the council appoint a staff member from the City to serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber. This position at present is being filled by William Hunt, Assistant to the City Manager, and we are very glad to have him attend our monthly meetings, both Board and General Membership. We hope to establish a committee to review the Zoning Code, Sign Ordinance and Planning Restrictions. We realize that the City adopted new codes last year and we were perhaps remiss in not providing more input regarding these changes. We would hope that this input would be considered by the City in the future as they make the necessary amendment to fine tune these ordinances. The Chamber would like to assist the City in the retention and development of business in Fridley. Perhaps when the City meets with potential developers some Chamber members could also be included to speak to these potential new businesses about the virtues and quality of doing business in Fridley. Thank you for your consideration in these important issues. Sincerely, � hn Gargaro Chairman of the Board of Directors