02/25/1985 - 5169�; � M � Myl� ��_ � M� � � I� ' �1NCII� MEETII�' FEBHIARY 25, 1985 COUNCIL MEETING. FEBRUARY 25, 1985 DLD BUSINESS:(CONTINUED) Pa�E 2 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE � RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADOPTION OF A NEW CHAPTER 216. STORM WATER DRAINAGE UTILITY. ......... 2- 2 E CONSIDERATION OF SIGNS VARIANCES WITH STIPULATIONS, 5201 CENTRAL AVENUE NE. BY MAC MCCLINE (TABLED 2/4/85) ... 3- 3 Q ► . : \ CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 18, 1985 FoR SAV #i85-01 TO VACATE A DRAINAGE AND UTILiTY EASEMENT, 115 SATELiTE LANE. BY G 8 G BUi LDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 A CONSIDERATION OF REAR YARD. SIDE YARD. AND SIGN HEIGHT VARIANCES, 765 - 53RD AVENUE, BY NORMAN BRODY iFROM APPEALS COMM. MEETING OF 1/29/85) APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCtL_ACTION NEEQED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDAT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 5-5G � COUNCIL MEETING. FEBRUARY 25, 1985 ����i��i�1� . � PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF FRONT YARD VARIANCE. TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK TO LINE UP WITH ADJACENT BUILDINGS. 6258 HI�HwAY #65. BY THOMAS BRICKNER iFROM APPEA�S MEETING OF 1/29/85) �iP,�EALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS OUNCiL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDAT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 F CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT OF MEADOWLANDS PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES: STREET (MPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST 1985 - 182 . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND 14PPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERlNG ADVERTtSEMENT FOR BIDS: ' STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST 1985 - 182 ........ 9- 9 A � 0 PA�E 4 NEW BUSINES� (CoNTiNUEQ� CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MNDOT TO ACT - AS AN AGENT-FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ACQUIRE H.E.S. FUNDS FOR UNIVERSITY WEST SERVICE DRIVE . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT - OF PLANS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND CHANNELIZATION OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 65 AND WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE/CENTRAL AVENUE INTERSECT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATION OF THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT N0. 1 AND ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATION OF THE MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TAX (NCREMENT DISTRICTS LOCATED THEREIN. AS AMENDED BY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE REFUNDING OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS OF THE AUTHOR i TY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 P CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY STAFF TO _ PURSUE PUNCH CARD BALLOT COUNTING AT CITY HALL ...... 13 - 13 C . � . THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL �1EETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 r:i „rr�. �+r �: ►;i ; �.r 1 ; ; �i�+�M��, r,� r:i �; u � M44 �� J�. � �. �1�=_.� ,; �+ �e Regular meeting of the Fridley C�ty �Lmcil was called to order at 7:35 p, m. by Mayor Nee. P'LIDC'�E OF AI�DG?�NCE: Mayor Nee led the do�cil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1mLL ('AId, • I�NBERS PRESFNT: Mayor Nee, O��mcilman Fitz�atrick Cotmcilman Schr�eider, �wzcilman Barnette, and dotulcilman Goodspeed MENBERS ABSFIVVT: None APPRWAL OF M'rNrF_r�'G; m[1NC'rr. t��_r''r_w_;, JANCJARY 21. 1985: M)TI�I by do�cilman Barnette to appro�ve the minutes as presented. Secbnded by Oo�cilman Schneic3er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. BIX?FrION OF AGEI�IDA: NDTIot�1 by Ou�cilman Sci�neider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Oouncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. o�t Fo�tr�, vssr�R.s: FMG �!'RI&lTION '!�D �TNITY PARR: Mr. Arlen Wittrock, representing FMC, presented a check to the City for $25,000 for future develop�nent of the Community Park. This check represented a partial payment o� a total pledge of $75,000. Mr. Wittrock stated FMC was pleased to be able to make this oontribution and add to the exoellenoe o� the Fridley ooaYnnunity. Mayor Nee and menbers of the Qoimcil extended their thanks and appreciation to FMC for this wntribution. RF_P�F.S�,'i_Z7F: (�� $A(IQ�LINDS Represer�tative Backl�d appeared before the do�cil and presented an update on issues before the Legislature which �fect Fric�l.ey. He stated they are looking for a resolution in the House to make sure the liquor stores have insurability �der the dran shop laws. -1- �� 1� M V� .� �\. � ���_�t .t +� Representative Backl�d stated a�ther issue a�noerns the City's request to reduoe speeds on Hi�ways 65 and 47. He stated he has oatar►unicated with the Departmerit o� Transportation regarding these �xoblens. Representative Backlund stated he would like to schedule a meeting on Saturday, February 16 at 9 a.m. at the City Hall to receive input from citizens regarcling their oonoerns on these crossings, in order to make sure the Department � Transportation reacts to the needs of the va�anunity. He suggested an article in the Fridley Focus would be help�ul to inform the residents of this meeting. Represeritative Backlund stated another issue before the Legislature is property tax relie�. He stated the Governor has proposed to fund school districts at 100$, as opp�sed to a combination of State and local tax f unding. He stated, more than 1 ikely, it will be a vombination of the Stat�e f�ding and a reduction in local tax funding. He stat�ed local taxpayers in Fridley would receive an estimated 7 or 8$ reduction in their property ta�oes. He further stated the differenoe would be p�wicied by the State so school aid would renain �mchanged. Represeritative Backl�md stated another issue is the gag rule and the DFL caucus feels that is hanpering then frcm e�oercising their rights. He stated this has to cb with the manner in which they budget ar� spend money at the State level. He stated in past years, the Legislature has looked at the appropriations and then determined what revenues were r�eeded. He stated at this time, the Legislature is reversing the provedure and f irst determining hvw muci� they will spend and then deciding haw it will be appropriated. Representative Backlimd stated he felt this was a sic�ificant dlange. Mayor Nee thanked Representative Backlund for informinq the C7ouncil on these issues. Representative Backl�d stated if he can be of ariy assistance to the O��mcil, they should not hesitate to call on him. �,• ti 4, « . �: Mr. John Anderson, 831 66th Avenue N. E. , appeared bef ore the Council regarding the No. 1 Health C:lub in Fridley. He stated, as the Oouncil is aware, a large nunber o� oonoerned citizens f ram Redeemer Lutheran Church have been picketing this establishment. He questioned what support o�uld be e�ected f ran the City. Mr. Anderson stated they have requested assistance f rom the Pol ice Departmerit in advising then of the awners of vehicles who patronize this business. He stated they have not received this su�ort and must go to the State Motor Vehicle Department in order to obtain this information and it involves a fee and only three na¢nes and addresses can be obtained at one time. Mr. fli11, Public Safety Director, stated the Polioe Department is prohibited by the State f ram praviding this inf ormation. He stated if the Pol ice Departme.nt prwided this information, they would be subject to criminal penalties. Mr. Hill stated the Fblioe Department is conducting an active investigation of the No. 1 Health Club, but coulc7n' t reveal any specif ic -2- 1• �� 1�� � V���+ ��. � ��1%.� _, : . . ir�ormation. He stat�ed the ooanglaint regarding the ordinanoe passed by the City is pending in the court. Mr. Aerrick, City Attorney, stated some activities oould be discussed and it would be to the mutual benef it of the oonverned citizens and the City not to discuss others. Mr. Aerrick stated the ordinanoe passed by the O�Lmcil is being challenged by the vwr�ers of the No. 1 Health CLub arnd action is pending in the Federal District Oourt to determine whether the ordinanve is oonstitutional and if the City c�n prooeed to er�orae it. Mr. Aerrick stated there have been sane arrests at this establisY�►ent and a large perc�entage of the arrests have resulted in c�onvictions. Mr. Herrick stated the Ci.ty, do�ty Attorney, and City Prosecutor are moving on this matter as quickly as possible. A lady in the audienoe asked if there was anything temporarily close down this establishment. She illegal activities are taking plaoe. that could be done to stated the City knows Mr. Herrick stated if the C�ty prooeeds in an arbitrary maruzer to close this estabis�nent, they oould be sued. He stated he dicln' t f eel a�one would benef it by attenpting to close then cb�m for some minor or trivial matter. He felt the City w�ould be better o�f taking the more reasonable approach of working throuc� the wurts regarding an interpretation of the ordinanoe. O��cilman Barnette stated he felt the O��mcil was probably as f rustrated as the residerits, but they are obligated to proveed acoording to the laws and sanetimes this is an awfully slaw prooess. Mr. Hi11 stated marry oatununities are interested in what happens in court regarding this ordinanoe and felt, if it was tzpheld, you would see similar ordinanoes in other aa�n�uiities. 4 l�- 4�. i�� i 1� *�_ : i ��. ��� 4t�_ v�:- M4 _ � • yr� _ •! �.i�4�t 4 • ► • � � M ' � • � M \M �4; ��_ ul� 4�1�_ ui?+�� ' �! � 4 y • : NDTIot�1 by O��cilman Sc,�r�eider to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic hearing oper�ed at 8: 06 p. m. Mr. Flora, Put�lic Works Director, stated there are a total o� five projects vavered under street improveae� project ST 1985-1 & 2. He stated these imprav�nent projects involve the follawing areas: (1) University Avenue West Service Drive, 81st Avenue to the north; (2) University Avenue East Sezvioe Drive, Civic Center to Mississippi Street; (3) 73-1,/2 Avenue N.E., cul-de-sac to 110 feet west; (4) East River Road Servioe Drive, 53rd Way rbrth to cul-de-sac; and (5) Sth Street, 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue. -3- �� )� / u� _�MM1,, �i �� �t : �� ' � 1�M�/�+� �+M : ��!�l � .!__�_ '!�C1/� «_ ! � ��_ 1�Ir. Flora stated the imprwenerit of the University Avenue West servioe drive was petitioned for last year and was postponed until this year and construction is scheduled for this spring. He stated the total estimated cost of the project is $72,198.76 and it is proposed to split the assessne.nts on either side o� the properties. Mr. Jor�es, 8391 Lower 138th O�urt, Apple Valley, Minnesota, stated he had concurred with the loopback to facilitate traffic in the area. He statecl he had requested the assessnents be deferred until developnent of the property and would 1 ike this request shawn in the minutes. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it would be appropriate at the assessment hearing for the Qo�mcil to oonsider this request. �����?+� M ; ��+�; � : � ��!��� « � ; �� Mr. Flora stated the imprwenent � the University Avenue East Servioe drive from the Civic Center to Mississippi Street is estimated at a cost of $40,493.75 which will be assessed to Target Northern Operations Oenter. r c�w �?+�: � Mr. P'lora stated the imprwenent to 73-1/2 Avenue is the result of a lot split on Lot 28. He statecl the estimated oost for oonstruction of this 18 foot wi3e street with curb and gutter is $10,612.50 which would be assessed to Lot 28. He stated also prop�sed is wnstruction of water and sanitary sewer extensions and services to both the north and south sides of the street, at an estimted cost of $5,187.50 to be assessed to Lot 28, and $5,187.50 for the south side whirh would not be assessed to Lot 29, until such time as the property owner chooses to develop the rear portion of this lot as a second building sit�e. Mrs. Saba' s son spoke on her behalf regarding the assessnent to Lot 2 9. He questioned why this was being clone and haa it would benef it Lot 29. Mr. Qureshi stated this imprwenent is being done to prcyvide access to Lot 28 which is being split. He stated there would not be an assessnent to Lot 29 unless it was split. ;� � ��?+> ;!c� ��+��� « !: �� Mr. Flora stated the estimated aost for this imprwenent is $70,253.70 and involves the wnstruction of ooncrete curb and gutt�r on the east side of the roadway and a final bituninous wearing course on the entire street. Mr. Qureshi stated when the streets were imprwed in this area, the curbing on the east side and final mat were left tmtil this area developed. He stated developnent in this area is now taking place and the street would be imprwed when aonstruction is aanpleted. _, �+4: �!�+ . �� . . : ��+�i � -4- �;� ��� � V� .�. �,. �i �i��_f�. e +a � � Mr. Flora stated the majority of this impro�ve�nent would be funded thraugh I�Dunicipal State Aid f�ds and the property owners would pay only a portion of the ooncrete curbing. Mr. Qureshi stated the (5.ty has reoeived six letters f ran property owners who object to this improvenent. I�i0TI0N by (7ouncilman Goodspeed to receive the following letters of objection: Ross aryd Carolyn Martinson, 6221 5th St. N. E. ; Henry and Elaine K�ester, 6141 5th St. N. E. ; Albert Mc Q imek, 6271 5th St. N. E. ; Howard A. Nelson, 6261 5th St. N. E. ; Mrs. Willian Kennedy, 6101 5th St. N. E. ; and Mr. Gail Jeffers, 6241 5th St. N.E. Se�nded by �imcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gerard Duf resne, 6121 5th Street, questioned why this impraveqnent was being done. Mr. Qureshi stated an ir�ormal hearing was conducted over a month ago to give ir�formation to the affected property awners. He stated, as indicated at that inEormal meeting, the present raadway has been in existenoe for wer 24 years and it was felt, in order to protect this investrnent, improveqnents should be made. Mr. Qureshi stated there are State Aid f unds available to pay for the bul k of the imprwement and only a sznall portion would be assessed to the property aaners. Mr. Duf resne questioned the oost for this improvenent. Mr. Qureshi stated the estimated cost is $14.94 a f ront foot to the property aaner. Mr. DuEresne asked if the street would be widened. Mr. Qureshi stated they generally would just add width for the curbing on the east side of the street, however, the west side would be widened. Mr. D�'resne stated he was against this imprav�nent as he didn't like the increased traffic this widening would bring and does not wish to pay for the imprwenent, as he felt it wasn't ryeeded. Mrs. Lonnie Burgess, 6151 5th Street, stated her main conoern was if the impra�enent would result in increased traffic on this street. Mayor Nee stated there would be a modest widening at the north end on the west side of the street. Aawever, to di rectly answer her question on whether there would be more traffic, no one knows for sure if this would occur. He felt whatever tr�fic would use the street would do so whether or r�t the imprwenent is cbne. He stated staff's position is to imprave the street so it doesn't deteriorate and to protect the original investrnent. Mr. Ron Nienaber, 6261 5th Street, stated he was opposed to this impravenerit. He felt wic]ening the street would increase traffic. He felt that is why the street r�eeds to be widened bacause it would have more use. _� �1 1�. 1 41�i�1 1�, • �I: �+_ , • ;� ' ' He felt the v�st was quite high for something which he does not want or t�eed. Mrs. Martinson, 6221 5th Street, stated she is against widening the street because of the oost. 5he stated she was also against widening the street because she has snall children and to put more tr�fic on the street would be dangerous. Mrs. Anna Peterson, 6191 5th Street, asked if sic7ewalks would lae installed, as this would affect her trees. Mr. Qureshi stated the staff is not proposing sic3ewalks for this street. Mr. Qureshi stated he reoo�izes that r�o one wants to pay ariy more of the oost than is absolutely neoessary. Ae stated the CYty is trying to protect the investrnent in this street and there is a chanoe to use State Aid f unds to pay the bulk of the v�st for this imprwenent. He felt traffic using the street will use it whether or r�t is is imprwed. O�imcilman Barnette asked the residents where they felt the additional tr�f ic would be generated. Mr. Nienaber stated he felt, with the new Target building and the office building c�omplex, there would be additional traffic on their street. d��cilman Goodspeed felt the alternatives had to be weighed. He stated if residents felt traffic would not come down 5th Street, unless it is improved, that is taking a gamble. He felt if the street is not impraved and a nunber of cars use the street, residents may f ind the street needs re�irs and State Aid f�ds may not be available. He wondered haa many felt it was worth taking the rhanoe. Mr. Nienaber stated he felt the reason for the improvenent is because it is anticipated there wi11 be additional traffic oaning into the area and using this street. He felt he dic�'t benefit at all and, iri fact, his property may be worth less. He stated if they clic3n't have to pay ariything for imprwenent, perhaps he would be in favor. Mr. D�resne stated if the street isn't guing to be widened on the east side and there isn't any o�st to the property avners, he would be interested in the imprwenent. Mr. Qureshi stated, basic�lly, there would only be widening to add curbing on the east sic7e and the renainder would be on the west side. He stated there would be � additional lar�s, but would increase the availability of parking on both sides of the street. Mr. James Erickson, 6171 Sth Street, stated the concrete curbing would improve the street scmaahat and he would be in favor c� the imprwanent. He stated he was reluctant to pay the assessment, but felt it would be an improvenent. Mr. Qureshi stated there is no question in his mind that the value c� these properties would be increased by this impravenent. Mr. Qureshi stated it is preseritl.y p�oposed the residents pay about 25$ of the a�st, with the balanoe ooming f ran State Aid f unds. He stated another -6- ��.1� � �i��+ 1�. • �: �t .: �+ ' � approarh would be to give credit for the existing asphalt curbing and charge the differenoe between this curbing and ooncrete curbing. He stated this would result in a lower f ront foot oost o£ approximately $10.00 per f ront foot instead of $14.94. Mayor Nee asked who would be in favor if the oost was reduoed. Ztao persons indi.cated they w�uld be in favor; four persons indicated they w�ere opposed; and one was unciecicled. 1K�TION by doimcilman Barnette to close the publ ic hearing. Seconded by �tmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the pu4l.ic hearing closed at 9:05 p.m. • i i� • • � . r � . : �!� �� ,� � • ; _ : :.� :1:. *l_ : ; ��. ��� 4�; , : � �._ ._ �� . ,r:. � ; �� «�!���� : : /�+�11 4�4 � 4M ��� ; : _ ; M)TI0�1 by O�uncilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seoorb3ed by O��mcilman Sc�neider. iJp�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried un,animously and the public hearing opened at 9:05 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, City 1Kanager, stated the Qty hired a consultant to see what o�uld be cbr�e at the iritersection of Hic�way 65, West Moore Lake Drive, and Old CerYtral. Ae statecl the reason for this study is because the property now occupied by the 100 �ain Driv�-in is zoned commercial and it is anticipated that, in the future, it will develop so the traffic problems should naw be addressed. Mr. Qureshi stated the oonsultant indicated that onoe the 100 7.Wi.n property c3e�velopes, it would generate about 4,500 to 5,000 vehicles per day, as oan�xired naw to about 2,500 vehicles per day on West Moore Lake Drive. Mr. Qureshi stated to facilitate the proper moveqnent of the traffic, adequate stacking roan should be provided with traffic separated into different laryes, depending on what direction they would be going. He stated this would be r�eoessary to mwe traff ic through the area as quickly and orderly as possible. Z�vo plans were presented which would cause traffic to flaw around and throuc� the area more eEficiently. Mr. Qureshi stated the City wanted to obtain some feeaback frcm the r�eighborhood on what plan they would prefer for this area. Mr. Bob Guzy, one o� the aaners of the drive-in, stated he would 1 ike to hear any �snoments f ran the residerits. He stated he wanted to insure they have a developnerit that would be oompatible with the neighborhood. Mr. Flora, Pub�lic Works Director, stated the biggest o�nvern of the oonsultant was to preclude cars f ran driving into the resic3ential area. Mrs. Sac3ie Grmderson, 5707 West Moore Lake Drive, askecl why a cul--de--sac was proposed on one o� the plans when only two properties are affected. Mr. Qureshi stated other lots, to the south which are zoned residential and not, as yet, d�vel oped woul d al so be af f ected. He stated one c� the pl ans cal l s for a cul-de-sac on West Moore Lake Drive and eliminates direct access onto Hic�way 65 for residents in this area. He stated the other plan has direet -7- �� ��. �� .�r r�. • a�:-�� ::+ 'I� acvess to Highway 65, but would probably encourage more traffic in the residential area. Mr. Guzy stated it was felt acoe�s is important to the developnent of this property and the use of a service road would be pref erred. He stated the plan for the servioe road to run parallel to Highway 65 and pro�vide a cul-de-sac on West Moore Lake Drive would be pre;Eerable. He felt this glan protects the resideritial and oc�nercial aspects of the land. �e question of a pedestrian acoess was brought up and Mr. Qureshi stated there would be r� problen prwiding sudz an acoess. A gentlanan in the audience stated it is almost impossible to get onto Highway 65 fran West Moore Lake Drive now and if traffic is increased he ooulc3z't imagine haa they would ever get out. Mr. Qureshi stated there are 1 imitations about what can be done, however, it is hoped to provide su�ff icient stacking room, imprave the signals, and tra�fic channelization. Mr. Willian Kell, 5675 Jackson Street, stated the plan for the cul-de-sac on West Moore Lake Drive is probably the best of the two plans being oonsidered. Mr. Rell stated he has been in traffic oontrcil for many years and felt the proposed plan would be r�thing more than a"band-aid" action. He stated he has sane suggestions that would be very expensive, but would probably solve the total problen. He felt this glan is prob�ably the best solution for the present traffic situation, but would prob�ably wnrk for only a short period of time. Mayor Nee stated he would apQreciate it if Mr. Rell would give the C�ty the ber�efit o� his expertise and coc�n�icate his ideas to the staff. Mr. Flora stated the �nsultant's study p�oved, at best, the impravenent of the intersection when there is additional develognent would remain as it currently exists. Hawever, without the imprwenent, �onditions would only worsen. Mr. Qureshi stated, on the east side � Hic�way 65, there is a problem of inac3equate stacking roan. He stated it is proposed to mave the existing entrance onto Old Ceritral farther east and north. He stated this would prwide additional stacking and sorting of traffic so it can mave more freely. He stated, if this plan is adop�ted, one house would have to be renwed. Mr. Qureshi stated what is proposed is traff ic f rom the apartments and oaranercial c�evelopnent would be directed onto eillwind to acoess to this new entranoe and, basically, residential acoess fram P�lk, Lynde, and Hathaway w�uZd join at this eritranc�e. Mr. Qureshi explained haa staff is working to minimize the traff ic coming north on Old Ceritral. � t�.1� v+�±� ��. �, ��:.:�. ::+ �I� Mr. Gilstad, 930 Hackman, stated he wanted to put in a driveway in the future and asked haa this proposed relocation of the access road would affect his property. 1Hr. Qureshi stated his property wouldn't be affected and by maving this acoess, he would have a better chanoe o� getting orito Old (7eritral Mr. Gilstad further stated he felt if speeds were reduoed on Hic�way 65, it would be helpEul. Mr. Qureshi stated the City is on record requesting a reduction of the speed l imit on both Hic,�ways 65 and 47 throuc,� the C7ty. Ms. Nancy Jorgensen, 5730 Polk, suggested Polk Street be dead-ended. She felt this would relieve the oongestion at the Fblk/Haclanan irrteraection. Mr. Qureshi stated Ms. Jorgensen' s suggestion would el iminate one of the exits, hawever, the traffic eve.ntually gets to this destination and felt it was better to provide two exits rather than one. He stated, at this point, the tr�fic you are dealing with is locat fran reside�s in the area. A lady in the audienoe stated she lived next door to the house which they propose to renove. She stated her only problesn is getting out on Old Oentral because o� the tr�fic fran the north. l�ir. Qureshi stated he felt traffic by her ho�ne would be reduoed because vehicles would be using Hillwind. Mr. Qureshi asked Mr. John9on, owner � the vacant property on West Moore Lake Drive, if he had a� comments regarding these proposed plans. Mr. Jahnson stated he would like to reseYVe his oaronents for sometime next week. M)'I.'ION by ootmcilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cb�mci.lman Barnette. LTp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10:10 p.m. 3. ORDT'►J �' No 837 VACATING PART OF 67TH AVENUE, SAV #84-06. 6689 ANORA �zFF'i_' N. E. . BY PATRICIA AI�ID MARY RULA_: 1�D'i'Iot�T by O�imcilman Sdirieider to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 827 and adopt it on the seoond reading arrl order publication. Seconded by Cb�cilman Barnette. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. nunrr���� *R; a�g R�� � FRmLEY �ITY oODE BY AN�IDING (�iAPTER 116 �'•►�*!'�� "AJBLIC SANITATI�I FACILITIES" SEGTION 1? 6.02 : NDTICN by do�mcilman Sd�uyeider to waive te se�nd reading of Ordinance N0. 828 and ac3opt it on the seoond reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -5. CONSTDERATTON OF CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO ENVIRONMENTAL OUAI.'_rTY aON�+ITGSTOI� A� HUMAN RESOCIRC�S ODNII4IISSION (mp,RT.� 1/21/85� : MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Maynard Nielson for '� �� 1►. � „��N 4, � �+�t=.:� .: �+ ��� reappointment to the Envirormental Quality Commission. Seconded by tb�cilman Barnette. �here being no further rxminations, the fallowing action was taken; MOTTON by Qotmci.lman Sdzneider to cast an �animous ballot for the reappointme.nt o� Nlaynard Niel son to the Env iror�nental Qual ity Commission. Seconded by O�Lmcilman BarrHette. Upan a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M7rI0t�1 by O��mcilman Sd�r�eider to nQninate Richard St�anda for reappointment to the Envirormental Quality da�nission. Seoonded by ooimcilman Barnette. 7here being no further mninations, the follaaing action was taken: MOTION by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to cast an iu�animous b�allot for the reappointment af Richard S�anda to the Enviror�nental Quality Commission. Seconded by �imcilman Goocispeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. M)TION by ��cilman Fitzpatrick to ncminate Harald Belgun for appoirment to the Hunan R�esouroes Oatanission. 77here being no further naninations, the follawing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the app�intment o� Fiarold Belg�an to the Hunan Resouroes O�nanission. Sevonded tr� Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTIO[�i by Oo�mcilman Schryeider to table the other appontment to the H�nan Resouroes Qoctanission. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6� �j�j$T�T �ATTQjJ O FIRS� RE'�ADING OF AN O�INANC� RE�DIFYING 'l�iE FRID I.EY CITY �ODE BV 1��PTTOI` OF A I�1 QiAPrER 216 . S'I�RM WATER DRAIl�A�E UTILI'1'� ( PUBLTG NG 1/2 /85) : Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated thi s storm dr ainage util ity f und establishes a special f�d to c3ea1 with storm water drainage and allaws the (�.,ty to oollect fees frcm those properties that contribute to storm water r�off, based on the type c� developnerit. He stated this ordinance would establish a quarterly fee, to be incorporated with the sewer and water billings, at a rate o� $1.75 per residential unit and $5.25 per acre. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and apprwe the oric]anoe upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� u_F,(�'r�m�v; �E MINLfi'F'� OF �iE PLAr?�?TNG COMMISSION MEETING OF JA NUARY 23 . 1985 : 7A. TfIT SF?.rr R�nrrF�r =#RS-ni ,, PART OF IAT 49 , AL�?'�R' S SUBDiViSiON -io- QOUIVC� I�ET]I� � FEB1aTARY 4, 1985 �.� � �� � � 1�►; 4_ Ia � : � �_ : � ' ; ���.1 !� �4� __�+ �N �� ; �n ; M:� .1�n 1Kr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated this is a reque st f or a lot sgl it to sglit 40 feet fran the property at 5809 Arthur Street and add it to the psoperty at 5805 Arthur Street to eliminate a variance for the side yard setback. He stated the lot sgl it c3oes pre�l. ude the spl itting of the 1 ot to allow two bui.lding sites. He stated Mr. Wiens was aware af this situation. Mr. Flora stated the Planni.ng �ocnmission has recommended approval of this lot sgl it. M�TD0�1 by ��ci.lman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Ca�nission ar� grant Lot Sgl it, LS #85-01, with the stipulation that the survey be recorded with the County. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. � `� ,l� �\ +� ' � �, �: ''s��J �i �r� � J�:. 1�, � 4 « �\. ���N��V Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Environmental Quality �a�unission, the O�arm�mi.ty Developnerit �nunission, the Enerc� �ansnission, and the Planning Commission all recommend the establishment of a curbside recycling progran in the City. Mr. Flora stated a resol utic establishing such a p�ogran, the �unty and Metropol itan n is before the O�Lmcil to adopt the ooncept of and setting into motion the means to contact Qotmcil for funds to sup�port this progran. M�TIO[�1 by QoLmcilman Schneider to adopt Res�lution No. 11-1985. Seoonded by �tmcilman Goodspeec�. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • : ��.���11� M� � �1�� ! �4�?��d % !.«; rC: �� •� : �;� �� _; Mr. Flora, Public Warks Director, stated the H�an Resources Oommission reviewed several organizations involved in the field of hiunan services to reoeive Oc��an�ity D�vvelopnent Block Grarits. Ae stated it was recommended that 15$ of the total ano�t o� the grant be used f or htunan service needs and for the following organizations to receive funding: North Subburban F'a¢nily Seivioe Oeriter� $2�960; Central Qenter for Family Resouroes, $5,000; Alexandra House, Inc. $3,200; arxl Anoka County Community Action Program, $6,129 for a total o� $17,289. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Oaranission has reoaranended funding a project for an elevator to be installec7 on the east side c� the City Hall in order to make both floors af the building totally acoessible to the handicapped. Mrs. Lillian Meyer, 7868 Al.den Way, a board menber � the Family Life/Njental Health Deriter, spoke to the Council regarding the Center's request for f�ding under the Qaanunity Developnerit Block Grant program. -11- ��. J�. r u��+� ��. �, ��=.;� .: �+ lyrs. Meyer stated when the Family Life/�iental Health Qenter was established wer six years ago, there was not a facility in Anoka O��ty offering mental health prograns. She stated, before this time, persons in Anoka County had to g� to Hennepin or Ramsey oo�mties for suc� sexvioes. Mrs. M�yer stated the oenter is loc�ted in Anoka and provides services to people o� all ages in the areas of psychiatric evaluation, psychological clisturbanoes, danestic problens, etc. She stated the Qeriter prwides these services to 150-200 patients each month about 30 of which are Fridley residents. She stated many free hours of service are pravided to persons residing in Fridley. Mrs. Meyer went on to further explain the personnel on their staff. She felt it would be appropriate for $2,000 af CDBG funds to be p�avided to the Qeriter. Mrs. Luc.y Miclanan, psyciziatric nurse practitioner o�f the Qenter, stated she would like to address a few issues which were of concern to the H�nan Resouroes O�mission. She stated the Center sees about 325 new patients each month and sinoe the f irst o� the year, 28 residents f ram Fridley have been served by the aenter. Mrs. Miclanan stated one o� the requi renents of the CDBG is that these f unds serve lower inoome people. She stated 64$ of thei r cl ients have incomes �mder $7,000. Mrs. Miclanan stated their Center differs f ram the North Suburb�an Family Servioe aeriter and the Qentrat oeriter for Family Resources because they are a psydiiatric model and see more of the chronically ill patierits. O��cilman Goodspeed asked what rr�w servioe or increase they w�ere glanning. Mrs. MiclQnan stated they have expanded services by 30$ resulting in a 208 increase in new clients, and are expanding the staff ar�d looking at srnne r�ew prograns. Councilman Goodspeed stated one of the menbers of the H�nan Resources Qa�nission questioned whether or not this Qenter fulfilled the requi reqnents for C�eG funding. Mrs. Mickman stated she bel ieved the requi rnients to obtain (�BG funds is to either have an extension of services, or new servioes, and she felt they are cbing this at their oe�ter. O��cilman Schneider questioned their source of funding. P'lrs. Miclanan stated it is all private so their charges are reimbursable through most insuranoes. She stated their pol icy is not to turn anyone away for financial reasons, if they do need he1p. ��mcilman Sdu�eider asked if the Qenter had requested funding fram Spring Lake Park. 5he stated she believed they will receive funding fro�n Coon Rapids and dic�'t know, as yet, if they would reoeive assistanoe fran Spring Lake �rk. Mrs. 1Ki.clanan stated the Ci.ty af Blaine has been funding then for two years and unc3erstands they will rer�ew this funding. She stated they are applying for the f irst time to Anoka and getting a grant f rcm then. -12- � ��. 4��� h. �, �=.�� : �+ ��:I•� �wzcilman Fitzpatrick stated it is a lazawn fact that Anoka do�mty has less of this type cf service than any other county in Minnesota. Councilman Goodspeed stated he felt the datmission has given then a f ramework so the oo�mcil could have some flexibility. Mayor Nee stated he dicln't, hawever, want to take fLmding away fran the other organizations recominended by the Qa�snission. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff has been advised there would be a cut in the CDBG funds by about ten percent. Ae stated if there is a reduction, the aanotmts reoonunended to the organizations would be reduced proportionally. Mr. Qureshi stated CT�BG funds rannot be used f or on-going servioes, it has to be for additional services. m�mcilman Schneider questioried if it would be inappropriate to possibly consi3er f�ding f ran souroes other than t37BG. O��mcilman Barnette stated several years ago he made the motion that the ��mcil diso�ritinue giving to any c� these agencies out af the CYty budget. He stated other aouroes were looked at and the wuncil came up with the CDBG progran. Ae f urther stated he would 1 ike to 1 imit f�ding of these agencies to the (I�BG program. He felt the da�nission should advise than regarding apFxopriation of these ft�ds and perhaps things should be left as they are for this year. �uncilman Fitzpatrick stated he would 1 ike to knaw what amount of f unding is availa4le. Mr. Flora stated $127,840 w�ould be re�eived, with 158 of this amount to be used f or hunan servioes. dotmcilman Gooc'�Speed stated the Hunan R�esouroes �anission established the rule that there would be rn presentations at their meeting. 8e stated he imderstands there were groups making preseritations, while others follawed this rule, and did not attend the meeting. Representatives of the Qentral Oenter for Family Resources and the Anoka Cb�mty Oa�nunity Acton Progran were present and indicated they did not make presentations before the Hu¢�►an Resources Qommission, although their organizations were reoa�enen3ed for f�ding. Ni7't'ION by Q��mcilman Goodspeed to ooncur with the recommendation by the Hunan Res�uroes Qa�nission to fimd the following organizations through the CUBG program: North Suburban Family Servioe Qenter, $2,960; Central Center o� F�mily Resourves, $5,000; Alexandra House, Inc., $3,200; and Anoka O��ty datunwzity Action Progran, $6,129, and when this process is reviewed next year, it should be cbne in an orderly fashion an�d either a11 organizatin or rnne make preseritations. Seoonded by �Lmcilman Barnette. O��cilman FitzFatrick stated he felt they should continue to check the f igures to see if there are any additinal f�ds available. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAi�N �1 THE ABOVE MOTION, Councilman G,00dspeed, Q!k� �� 1�� v� � ��. • �I�1= �� _: �+ O�Lmcilman Barn�ette, ��mcilman Sciir�eider, and Councilman Fitzpatrick all voted in favor � the motion. N�yor Nee abstained f ran voting. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a 4 to 0 v�ote with or� abstention. Seconded by doimcilman Fitzpatrick. IMDTIoN by Councilman Barnette to concur with the recommendation of the planning doc�anission for poteritial funding of a76G projects as follaas: 1. 15$ to Hunan Servioes Grants 2. plaza Qenter Projects: a. Fbur �rner Larxinark - Desi� Imglenentakion b. Area Directional Sic�nage - 3,750/unit (7 units) c. Utility Dnprovenent (underground power) fran University Avenue to Main Street d. Mississipp� Boulevard Landscape and Sidewalk Tmprwenent 3. Developnent of Riverviaa Heic,�ts I�rk (matching funds to possible 1985 L�+1�1 Funds) 4. Curbsic3e Recycling Progra►�/Subsidy (Eooncmic Developnent - Jobs Creation) - not needed if Cb�ty funds project. 5. Elevator to be plaoed in Civic Oeriter to enhanoe handicap�ed aoe ssibil ity. 6. Any proj ect benef itting desic,�ated law and moderate inocme on oensus tracts (gark project, street improvenents, etc.) Further, to sutmit this request to Anoka County. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. It was the vonvensus of the O��mcil that the proposed f unding of proj ects for �BG fimds be sutmitted for then earlier next year. 7D. �M FROM '�' HUMAN RE90URC�S mNA�IISSION MEETING_ OF JANUARY 3. 198� r�LFYNiF�SI'T1�Y; � PFtEVENTION PROGRANIlyING BE �PANDID 'In AT,T, pr�r.T� �mr s wrrHrnt � CITY LIMITS OF FRIDLEY: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City has expanded their prevention programming except in North Elementary School. Fridley and Col�anbia Hei�ts Fblioe share the servioe and felt no formal action would be r�eeded. It was the vonoensus of the ��cil that they ooncurred with this request by the Qa�anission. 7 E. T'�'� FROM '�' 1��'�n.LS mNA'IISSON NlEE,'TING OF JANUARY 15 . 1_985 RFYYIF�1'TNf; S'r[T] VARIF�NC�S. WITH STIP[JI,ATIONS, 5201 (�3V'I�'2AL AVEN[JE N.E.. BY MAC MC'Q—�: -14- �� �� r v� -� r�. • �!�: ;� ; � ���•� Mr. Flora, Puhlic Works Director, stated this is a request for a nunber of varianoes to the Sign Ordinanoe by awr�ers of the Skywood Mall. He stated the varianoes originally requested were to increase the total square footage af a p�lon si� fran the maximun of 80 equare feet to 521 square feet; to increase the heic,�t � a g,�lon sic�n fran the maximun o� 25 feet to 50 feet; and to increase the total square footage c+f an ir�ormational sign f rosn the maximun o� 4 square feet to 38 square feet. Mr. Flora stat�ed there was oonsiderable discussion at the Appeals �mission meeting regarding these varianves and the original request was c�anged. He stated the (k�ar►ission reoa�nended apprwal o� the varianoes to increase the total square footage for g�lon sic�s frcm the maximun of 80 square feet to 469 square feet and to increase the hei�t c� a g�lon si� f ram the maximian o� 25 feet to 50 feet. Mr. Flora further stated these recommendations would affect the signs as follaas: Sic,g� #1 to be a maximun af 361 square feet and 50 feet high; Sign #2 to be a maxim�n af 48 �quare feet and 8 feet high (single faced with no back lighting); Si� #3 to be a maximun c� 60 square feet and 22-1/2 feet hic,�; and Sic� �4 to be a maximun af 16 square feet and 10 feet hic,�. Mr. Flora stated these p�oposed changes in the varianae request were agreed upon by the aaners of the shop�ng center and the Appea].s Commission and were, es9entially, supp�rted by the ryeighborhood. Mr. Flora stated the Commission recommendec3 appraval, with the square footages and heic�ts noted abave, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) an acoeptable wall sic� gtan be sutrnitted to the Council; (2) Sign #1 to be mwed to the riorthwest into the green area with a shrub bed at the base; (3) Sign #2 should have landscaping at the base; (4) Sign #3 should be inoorporated into the green spave ar�d have landscaping at the base; and (5) Sig► #4 should inoorporat�e a clirectional arrow and be 10 feet to the east. Mr. Mark Haggerty, attorr�y representing the Skywood Mall owr�ers, stated the sic�s at the Gro�md Ro�md and Great Pmerican N�usic are 36 feet high and 43 feet hi�. He stated Menard's sign is higher than the one at the Ground Roimd so he estimated it to be somewhere between 40 to 43 feet high. He stated they are proposing their si� to be 50 feet, whic� would be a 1 ittle higher than scme c� the other sic�s in the area. He stated they would be willing to acoept the reoa�anendations made by the Appeats dam►ission. Mrs. Judith Etigebretson, 5216 Taylor Street, asked if the back of Sign #2 w�ould be blacker�ed an� have shrubberty plantecl behind it. Mr. Flora stated that was the reoonunendation aF the Appeals Commission. Mrs. Engebretson stated she app�eciated the reduction in the size c� Sic,� �3, but still felt the heic�t c� 5Q feet for Si� #1 was excessive. She felt the sic,� would not be rroticed f ran I-694 due to the position of the exit r�nps. Mrs. Engebretson stated she didn't believe this developnent was basing its sucoess on a 50 foot sic� that is visible f ran the f reeway. She fel.t that billboards should be sased to advertise the motel. Mrs. �hgebretson stated she dic�'t deny there should be a varianoe for Sign -15- k�. !�. v��+� ��. � �f= ��. .: .+ ' ' #1, but it should be oompara4le to other si.c�s in the area. She stated si� heights shouldn't be based on the amount spent for develognent. Mr. Haggerty stated, as far as using the billboards, they would pre£er a�3vertising on %694. Ae stated the problem is the sign companies will allow then to exist for only a short period of time. O��cilman Gooclspeed stated he dic�'t go along with the argument that the more square footage in a developnent, the more sic�age it needs. Ae stated he didn't support the idea of this varianoe. Mr. Haggerty stated this is a situation where varianoes have been graritecl to other operations in the area. He stated they are the f i rst maj or hotel in the City and trying to have their sic,� stand out so peogle can f ind then. He stated these sic�s will clean-up the preserit eyesore. O�uncilman Goodspeed felt when you have a Sign Ordinance, it should be enforoed. He stated he felt the sign was "tacky" and was someth�ng that would be expected at truck stoFs. He stated he would like then to meet the requi rements of the Sign Ordinanoe and stay within the 80 s�quare f eet allowecl. NDTION by �Lmcilman Barnette to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeecl. i7pon a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MDTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning �ranission meeting of January 23, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, atl v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; �« �IM�. 4.� v ��l �4 • 4. .. ; � . � �� u y • � �. � • � • / �I: ; . MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter Oa�nission meeting of Novenber 19, 1984. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous].y. : �.«_ \/4: 4.!_ u ��l �+k_ • 1,1_ : :. 4_ �l/� �:� : ��f `_� ;a �� u�v �'� v�_� 1�. � :�l..s+ MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Qa�nission meeting of January 17, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. [)p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 ��;+ u aIC: �1 �i� �1 ���� 1�, � ��4�� �� 4s�_ u��4�! �� _� s �� )�� � ; �. : � � � 4, �! ,• �� .l. �4 �{; �►� -- M►�,� ���� � ;yi�„� r, n �� �! � : � Mayor Nee thouc�t perhaps the letter should include a statement that the t�ty is al ready taking steps f or a curbside recycl ing progran. -16- �� �►, v��+��i�. �� a��±:.;� ; �+ 1�DTION by (b�cilman Barnette to authorize submission of a letter to the Metropol itan Council regarding comments on the sol id waste management ci�velopnent guide/polic,y plan. Seoonded by douncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a).1 voting aye, 1Kayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�animously. : ' �� ���ti���+�,� 44 _ v�� ����+ IK�TION by Cb�cilman Barnettre to aoncur with the follawing appointment by the City Manager: Nane Sherree' Snith Fbsition Qerk Zypist city Mgnnt. Starting Starting Salaiy Dat�e Re aoes $1,020.38 Feb. 11 Sandy morith 1985 F�terson Seconded b� O��cilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all wting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. .�'7�AIN� NDTIpN by on�cilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 1134- 001773 and Nos. 36550 through 365Z06. Seoonded by �imcilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. «�, -� M�TDO�I by �uncilman Fitzpatrick to apprave the lioenses as sc�lmitted and as on file in the Lioense Clerk's 0!Efioe. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � � u►: 4 NDTD0�1 by ��mcilman Barnette to apprwe the estimates as submitted. D. H. Blattrer & Sons, Inc. 1 South Wabasha, Navy Island St. Faul, 1�N 55107 Moore Lake Restoration Project, phase II Partiat Estimate No. 1 Herrick & Newman, P.A. 6279 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, Md 55432 Servfaes R+endered for De�nber, 1984 by City Attorney -17- $ 9,804.00 $ 2,215.20 ��: ��� � v��� ��. �1 �= ��_ .; ;+ ' ' Seoonded by �tmcilman Shcneic3er. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �Z�.� IHOTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Qotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City �tmcil o� �ebruary 4, 1985 adjourried at 11:37 p.m. Respectf ully sut�nitted, Carole Hadc3ad Willian J. Nee Sec,y. to the CYty ��cil Mayor Apprwed: -18- 0 '� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- ' FEBRLIARY 25, 1985 (Tabled F3ebruary 4, 1985 APR�IlV'.I£E ffiJI�N RESQJR�.S �NA'IISSIQJ 3/�/21/12 i ►�•. �+�• - �. 4-1-8? 1 APPOINTMENTS' RESIGNIlVG ME1rBER Brian Goodspeed 731 Rioe CYeek Terraoe (H) 571-4822 _Z . •.� 1 �• «- • � � •.� � �• «� • ��� � � � �:t� � • i� - �� � - - � � ��"--�" �� •: • � �• � r �� • -. �• � • • � �• � r �iE CITY QO(JIJCIL OF ZHE QTY OF FRIDLEY DOFS OI�DAIN AS FOLI,CWS: 216.01. St�OPM WATIIt DRAINAGE UTILITY FS'rABLISHID The municipal storm sewer system shall be operated as a public utility pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 from which revenues will be derived subject to the pravisions of this Qiapter and Minnesota Statutes. Zhe storm water drainage utility wi11 be part of the public works department and under the ac]ministration of the public w�orks director. 216.02. RF�IDII�IAL DQUNAI.EI�TP FAC.`I1DR A Residential Equivalent Factor (REF) is the ratio of the average volume of r�nnoff generated by one (1) acre of a given land use to the average volume of runoff generated by one (1) acre of typical single family residential land use, during a standard one (1) year rainfall event. ZI6.03. I,�1I�D USE C[�SSIFICATI�l �e REE` values for various land uses are as follaws: Q.�fSSIFICA�ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I�ADID USFS Cemeterie. � Park facilities Single fa�nily �r►a a�� residential Public and private schools, co�nmxmity center N�ltiple family residential, churches and goverr�nental builc]ings Camr�ercial, industrial properties Improved vacant 216.04. SI�ORM WATER DRAII3AGE FEE � 0.25 0.75 1.00 1.25 2.50 5.00 as assic�ed For the purpose of calculating storm water drainage fees, all developed one faanily and duplex garcels shall be considered to have an acreage of one-third (1/3) acre. 2lze storn� water drainage rate shall be $5,25 per quarter per REE'-acre. 216.05. (3tEDI�S Zl�e Council may adopt policies recarnnended by the public works director, by resolution, for adjustrnent of the storm water drainage fee for parcels based upon hydrologic data to be supplied by property owners, which data d�nonstrates a hydrologic response substantially different from the standards. S1ich adjustments of storm water drainage fees shatl not be made retroactively. Page 2 — Ordinance No. 216.06. �H�IONS Zhe follawing land uses are exenpt from storm water drainage fees: 1. Public rights of way. 2. Vacant, uni�roved land with ground cover. 216.07. PAYI�TP � FEE Statenents for storm water drainage fee shall be computed every three (3) months and invoiced by the finance degartment for each acco�mt on or about the tenth (lOth) day of the month follawing the quarter. Such statenent shall be due on or before the last day of the month in which the statement is mailed. Any pregayment or averpayment of charges shall be retained by the City and applied against subsequent quarterly fees. 216.08. RECAIrQJLATIQd � FEE If a property aaner or person responsi.ble for paying the storm water drainage fee questions the correctness of an invoice for such charge, sach person may have the detennination oE the charge recomputed by written request to the public w�orks director made within twelve (12) months of mailing of the invoice in question by the City. 216.09. PF�I�fLTY FOR LATE PAYI�TP Each quarterly billing for storm water drainage fees not paid when due shal 1 incur a penalty charge of ten percent (10$) of the a�no�utt gast due. 216.10. (�'IFICATIQ[J � PAST DOE FEES CN TAXFS Any past due storm water drainage fees in excess of ninety (90) days past due on October 1 of any year may be certif ied to the County Auditor for collecton with real estate taxes in the follawing year pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, Stibdivision 3. In addition, the City shall also have the right to bring civil action or to take other legal renedies to collect unpaid fees. PASSm ADID ADOPTED BY �IE CITY OOIJNiCIL �' � CITY OF F'RIDLEY THIS DAY QF , 1985 WIIS�IAM J. I�E - MAYOR ATI�'.ST: SIDNEY C. IDII�iAN - QTY CLERR Public Hearing: January 21, 1985 First Reading: February 4, 1985 Second Reading: Publication: 2A zs CITZ POR.IC? STORM iIATER DRAINAGB QTII.IT? TSTLS Credits and/or adjustment� oP municipal storm Water drainage fees. BACKGROUND S�TEMENT The municipal storm Water drainage utilitq utilizes a Pee atructure based oa the anticipated relative contribution of storm drainage runoff volumes to the atorm Water drainage system. A parcels contributioA is determined by that parcels size and its 2and use, under the prineipal that more intensively developed land uaes typically have a larger percentage of impervious surface and contribute a much greater volume of �►ater and/or sediment/nutrient Ioadings to the syst�. - It is recognized that aome parcels, due either to their unique topographic� vegetative, geologic and other characteristics, have a hydrologic and sediment/nutrient loading response substantially different from that of similarlq sized parce2s ot the same land use. To provide tor an equitable assessment of storm drainage fees, baaed on reasonably expected contribution of flrnrs and sediment/nutrients� provisions are hereby made to permit adjustments or credits to the storm drainage Pees for those parcels Witb unique or unusual characteristies. Existence or construction of on aite atorm drainage control, detention or retention facilitiea by themselves are not eligible for storm Water drainage tee credit and/or adjustment xithout complying With the procedure aet farth in thia policy. In addition to continued maintenance and repair of these facilities it is equallq important to provide necessary vater quality control s in order to be e2igible Por any cred3t and/or adjustment. '• r._�M The basis oP the City of Fridley�s atorm Water drainage fees is the anticipated relative eontribution of storm water volumes and sediment/nutrient loadings to the storm drainage system from a given parcel. Where unique or unusual conditions exist that the actual contributions of water volume and sediment/nutrient loadings from a given parcel are substantially difPerent from those anticipated by the storm drainage fee structure, the public works director or his designate may adjust or credit the storm drainage fee Por said parcel Lo an appropriate level in accordance With the guidelines speeified herein. 2C •;� � ; r� ,r �� •�: �i. !- • • •- 1�- • 1 •���_ •� It is the responsibility of the property o�+ner or his agent to preseat to the Public Works Director or his desi�ate� sutficient information concerning a parcels hydrologic charaeteristfc� to permit an accurate asseasment of the conditions that ezist. This information may include, buti ia_aot limited to: A. Site plan shoWing locations of sl2 buildings and other development relative to lot lines at 50 acale. B. The total lot area and area oP impervious surfaces. C. Site topography or contours of suPficient detail to ascertain flox direetions, rates and volumea. D. Size, details and/or volumetric characteristics of any drainage control facilities. E. Hydraulic calculations specitying outflos+ volumes and ratea for various rainfall events. (2) Ad,�istmenGs iihere Pareel Runoff Is Significantiv DiFferent From Land Ose Standard iihere the untt runotf generated by a parcel differs trom Lhe assigned amount for that land use category by more than 20�, the Public Works Director may adjust the parcels storm Water drainage fee in accordance xith the follorring procedure: A. Calculation oP unit runoff for the parcel shall be determined by the methods outlined in the Soil Conservation Service Teehnical Release No. 55, utilizing a 2" total rainfall amount and antecedant moisture eondition ZI. B. IP aalculated unit runoft i� shorrn to diPfer from the assigned amount for that land use category by 20� or more, the number of assigned REF'a Por that pareel ahall be adjusted by multiplying by the ratio oP the calculated unit runoff to the standard unit runoff. C. A parcels storm water drainage fee shall be subject to inereases as Well as decreases by this procedeu�e. D. Because one family and two family dwelling Pees are �.�. based upoa actual parcel acreage, no adjustments tor unit runoff di Pferences xill be made for those land uses. � � E s � � � • � � � � � � 2D i3) proeed�re for Calculaticn of Credits fcr Sediment RemoYal A parcel �ay be credited for uD to tift� (SOi) percent ot tbe ato�m vater drainage tee for on�ite measure� wbich are orrnea and saintained D1 the applic�nt which etPectivel� reduoe tDe outflov of aediment/nutrienta fram tbe aite. Credit percentage shail pe Daaed on oae-half of tDe actual perceatage of eedimcnt removal efficiency, aa determined Oy tbe tolloxing procedure� rounded to ttie nearest Sf; ezcept tDat no credit vill be given for aediment removal efficienciea o! leas tban 20f. ., . •. � •. Determine total site acreage and percent ot site Lbat bas aa improved or tspervioua aurface. B. Calculate the annual depth of ru�off from the following eQuation: Dr = P (.75 I� ..15)-5•234 (•25-.1875 I�).597 Yhere Dr s anaual de�tb of runoff in inchea. I� : perceat of eite impervious area� ezpres�ed a� a decimal. P s ar�nual depth of precipitatioA s 29 iaches C. Calculate annual �olimme of runoft in acre-feet: �anaual s aite acreage z Di./ 12 D. Ditermine pond capacity �Y outlet elevation in acrc-feet. 8. Calculate capacity inflorr ratio (CIR)� YHERE: CIR : pond oapacity / V�D� F. Read aediment removal etficieacy from follvwiag sraph: �■ - •f •r •M �N •Y •w •� �• •• BRONE�S ?R11P iFICIENC? WR9E M •• .� .� G. Credit : s sedi�ent removal etficieacy/2 z storm draiaage tee. 2E (�) Credit� for Storm Yater Detention: ♦ parcel oay De credited tor np to 25f of tbe atorm water draiaage tee for onsite measures which limit storo vater outflow rates from tbe aite in acoordance vitb the follvr+ing procedure: �. 10� credit tor parcela vbich limit peak outflow rat�s during a 5-year rainfall event to predevelopment rates. � � H. No deteatioa credit vill De givea tor parcels vbich do not limit 5-year - event outflow rstea to predevelopment levels. C. Additional 15� credit tor parcels Wbich limit peak outflow ratea during a 100-year rainfall event to predevelopment raies. (Ba�ed oa tbe ratioaal metDod ot runoff analyais. Predevelopment conditioa ahall De considered to have a rational •C" ♦alue o! 0.2. Time of conceatration ahall be ao ahorter than 30 ein.). D. No peak credits vill be given for parcela wbich do aot limit tO�Prear event overflow ratea or predevelopment levels. (5) Credit+ thn�n in (�) tnd (4) aDove mav be Cumulstive. (6) Periodic In�oection and Credit Ad,�u�tments. ?he Public Worka Director reservea the right to inapect periodicallr all atorm Qrainage control facilities to a�certain Lhat LAeq are operatiag properl�. If aucb a ayate�, due to improper maSntenance or other rea�on� faila to detain or elean�e atorm xater runoft la an effective aenner� the Director may eliminate or reduce vater Quality or deteation credita to an appropriate level. Any euch facility ahall aot De eligiDle to apply for atorm drainage fee ad�u�tmenta for a period of 12 months follorring any credit adJustment. Credit ad�u�tmenta sha21 aot De made retroactivel�. The laauaace of any Duilding permit or other actioa vhich changea or intenaifiea an ezisting land u�e ahall be cause for an ad�u�tment of atorm vater drainage feea to an appropriate level. .�y.•� CHAPTER N0. 216 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. 6/2/16 % ;�� j � : 3 APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JAWUARY 15. 1985 PAGE 2 2. REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO �'NKI U� LVIJ I��� Y.UUI IVrt J JUDUlYlJ1Vn AIJJ� ���� .+���� �+�-+�•� �+ •-� .., . . equest y ac c ine, ort � t treet, �nneapo �s, n. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY 1�LS. GEROU� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE,CHAIRPERSOI� CABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.1�1. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT; Section 214.11.26 limits a free-standing sign to a maximum size of 80 square feet in area per development. Section 214.11.2C limits a free-standing sign to a maximum height of 25 feet above the finished ground grade. Section 214.05.5A limits an informational sign to a maximum size of 4 square feet in area. Public purpose served by these requirements is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in commercial areas. B. STATED HAROSHIP: "The signage is for a new 200,000 square foot shopping center mall, restaurant, 100 room motel, banquet facilities, and office building. This complex needs more than the allowable 80 square feet of signage and would be grandfathered in by redesigning the existing signage. This reqoest would decrease the existing signage and improve what is there now." C. AUMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Presently there is one pylon sign, constructed in August 1965, for the Skywood Shopping Center. It is approximately 28 feet high and 279 square feet in area. In December 1972, a variance to allow the existing 279 square feet was granted. In /tpril 1973, an additional variance request to allow 312 square feet was denied by the City Council. 3A APPEALS C0�'IMISSION MEETIt�G, JANUARY 15, 1985 PAGE 3 The present proposal calls for three free-standing signs, one on each of the three street frontages in the following manner: Si n#1 (Central Avenue) 361 square feet and 50 ft. 5 in, high; Sign �2 �52nd Avenue) 80 square feet and 18 ft. 7 in, high; Sign #3 (53rd Avenue) 80 square feet and 22 ft. 5 in. high. The total square footage of the three pylon signs is 521 square feet. Code allows for one free standing sign per street frontage with the total square footage of not more than 80 square feet per development. Therefore, Variance #1 is for total square foot area from 80 square feet to 521 square feet. Variance #2 is for the height of the Central Avenue pylon from 25 feet to 50 feet. Variance #3 involved the proposed informational sign (Sign #4) and is for area from 4 square feet to 38 square feet. Two adjacent businesses both have sign variances for their free-standing signs, the Ground Round to allow 120 square feet of area and Twin City Federal to allow 171 square feet of area and 28 ft. 3 in . of total height. Other signs in the general area are Menards which allows 180 square feet and 36 ft. high (variance granted in 1974), Great American Music which allows 166 square feet and 43 feet high (variance granted in 1972 to 212 square feet). and Embers to allow 370 square feet (no variance). Staff makes the follc:,ring recommendations: Sign #1 should be moved to the northwest into the green area with a shrub bed at the base. Sign fi►2 should have landscaping at the base. Sign #3 should be incorporated into the green space and have landscaping at the base. Sign #4 should incorporate a directional arrow and be 10 feet from the driveway. Mr. Clark gave the Corm�issioners a plot plan of the entire development showing where the various signs would be located. He stated the sign variance for the Ground Round was granted in October 1973, the sign variance for Twin Citv Federal was granted in the spring of 1971, and the sign variance for Great American Music was granted in June T972. A permit for the Embers' sign was issued in 1959, and he believed that was prior to any sign ordinance in-the City of Fridley. Mr. Clark stated the Target signage, which includes their free-standing sign in the parking lot facing north and south, is 36 ft. high, has a 72 sq. ft. Northwest Fabrics logo, along with the Target logo of 144 sq. ft. Citgo was recently granted a sign variance to increase total square footage to 264 sa. ft. Mr. Clark stated he called Columbia Heights to esk them to give him a record of the sign square footages along Central Ave., but he has not yet received that information. 3B APPEALS COt�1ISSI0N MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 � � PAGE 4 Mr. Clark stated it was his understanding that basically all the wall signage will be coming down with the exception of the Lee Wards sign. As he understood it, Lee Wards is going to be redesigning but will probably still have a wall sign. In the sign proposal before the Commission at this meeting, there are going to be two new wall signs rather moderate in size-- one over the entrance to the Skywood Inn and one over the restaurant entrance. Ms. Gabel asked if the petitioner was in the audience. Ms. Nicole Nee stated she was at the meeting on behalf of the Skywood Mall partnership. Also present at the meeting was the sign manufacturer, Mac McCline; a representative of the partnership, Darwin DeRosieu; and Kurt Hart, manager of the hotel/motel complex. Ms. Nee stated they were proposing four basic things: (1) To remove all the current signs; (2) to replace those signs with uniform and upgraded signage; (3j to reduce total square footage of what is existing by one-half to two-thirds; and (4) to attract the freeway traffic from 694. Ms. Nee stated the Skywood Mall development is about two blocks away from the freeway, and they believe they need to attract the traffic goinq by on 694 or this development is not going to pro�per. The Skywood development is a huge development. There is a$7 million comnercial revenue bond plus $1.8 million partnership investment. The whole development will be 200-225,000 sq. ft. in area by the time it is completed. The shopping center itself has been exoanded by about 10,000 sq. ft. There is a 100-room motel that has just opened. The office building is about 20,004 sq. ft. The restaurant will seat about 160 people, and the banquet facilities are for about 470 people. Ms. Nee stated they feel it is very important to attract the traffic going by on 694. People driving down Central Ave. are not necessarily looking for a motel. There is so much clutter in the area, and they are very much afraid that two blocks away the development will not be seen. She stated she had some photographs taken from the freeway to show the Commissioners what it looked like when driving by on the freeveay. She stated it was even difficult to spot where the current Skywood Mall sign is from the freeway. They believe they have to have some kind of height variance. Their sign people have calculated that, in comparison to all the other signs that currently exist in the area, the height is going to have to be about 50 ft. high in order to be seen from the freeway. Ms. Nee stated they are requesting variances for the follov�inq siqns: Sign #1 will be the largest free-standing sign. It will read "Skywood Inn" at the top, underneath that will be the "Best Western"logo and underneath that it will say "Restaurant". The square footage for this sign would be 361 sq. ft. and would be 50 ft. 5 in, high. They believe this square footage would be enough to make the sign visible when compared to the Ground Round and Great American Music signs. 3C APPEALS COf1MISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 �'� PAGE 5 Sign #2 was a free-standing sign which will be on 52nd Ave. It will be 18 ft. 7 in, high and 80 sq. ft. It will say "Skywood Inn". The intention of this sign is to show where to turn to get to the Inn. _ Sign #3 was a free-standing sign which will be on 53rd Ave. It will be 22 ft. 5 in, high and 80 sq. f*.. This sign will say "Skywood Mall". This sign will direct traffic to the combination Skywood Mall/Menards parking lots and office building which is behind the mall. Sign #4 was a directional sign. It will say "Skywood Inn Entrance". It wiil `�s 38 sq, ft, and 13 ft. high. Sign #5 was a wall sign. It was 9.63 sq. ft. It will say "Skywood Inn Office" and it will be put up above the overhang. Sign #6 was a wall sign, 50 sq. ft. It will say "Minnesota House Restaurant". Mr. McCline stated that in keepinq with the applications used for the facilities, these wall signs would be routed wood signs and would be painted. The main sign and the two smaller signs are internally illuminated displays. 7hey will be painted on flexible faced material. It is the latest material that has been developed and used by the sign industry, permitting them to secure the material on all four sides so it cannot be blown out by the wind or torn or broken by vandalism. It was a very durable material. All three of the pylon siqns will have the same colors, same painting, and same materials. Ms. Nee stated the total existing sign area �s 1,651 sq. ft. This does not include the Lee Wards sign which will remain in place. 7he total signage they are proposing to replace it with is 618.63 sq. ft. (excl�ding Lee Wards). The signage will be uniform. It will look like a total plan, not a hodge podge of various colors and various types of signs. Ms. Gabel questioned the�need for the size and the heiqht of the motel siqn. Qnce the peop]e have gone that far, people will not miss that sign. Ms. Nee stated their theory was that as a person looks toward the parking lot of the shopping mall with all the parked cars, lights, colors, etc., it becomes confusing and a smal] sign might get lost. Mr. McCline stated the height and size was basically determined by the traffic coMing off 53rd. Ms. Gabel asked if there were any comments from the audience. Ms. Judy Engebretson, 5216 Taylor St. N.E., stated she lived directly above the motel. She stated that before making any personal comnents, she would like to read a letter dated Jan. 14, 1985, from several residents of the neighborhood who could not attend the meeting. The letter stated: 3D APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 � � PAGE 6 "The variance as it relates to any pylon sign placed on Central Avenue or 52nd Avenue larger than that provided for in Chapter 214 of the Fridlev City Code would be totally unacceptable. In fact, it is preferred that if a siQn is necessary on 52nd Avenue that it be as small and inconspicuous as possible so as not to further obstruct the view of the residents and further commercialiae the residential area." MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLII, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER DATED JAN. 14, 1985. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOl7 GABEL DECLARED THE INC)TZON CARRIED UNANIINOUSLY. Ms. Engebretson stated she did not deny that the motel needed signs. She was not in agreement that a 50 ft. high sign was necessary. She had taken some pictures of the view from her dining room and these pictures also represented some of the views from other homes above the Skywood Mall and motel. Since the motel has gone up, they have lost more and more of their air space and visibility. They purchased their p*operty because they could see the city lights, and a lot of their property value relies on the view. Since the motel has been constructed, they have lost quite a bit. If a siqn is put on 52nd Ave., it will be blocking the only view they have left. Ms. Engebretson for visibility by Menards. A business to the stated she could understan from the freeway, but there suggestion might be to ren motel. d why a 50 ft. was already a t space on that high sign was wanted billboard located billboard to attract Ms. Engebretson stated they were also afraid that the sign on 52nd Ave.was going to commercialize and draw more traffic into that corner than there already is with all the businesses that are in that area. She wondered if that sign served a large enough purpose that the residents are being asked to give up more of their view. If the motel needs an entrance sign, she could see a small sign indicating the entrance, but she was also afraid it would draw a lot of people who have missed the turn into the motel up onto Taylor and the residential streets. Ms. Engebretson stated that, as stated in Ms. Nee's presentation, this was an $8.8 million investment. As homeowners, the� do not have million dollar invest- ments, but they do have investments ranging fror� $90-150,000. These are their homes they are trying to protect and maintain their value. They were upset when the expansion of the motel took place, but they were told they had to accept it because it was within code and zoning. So, if the Appeals Comnission grants these sign variances, they, as property owners, must have the feelinq that the City feels its commercial people are much more important than its residential people. 3E APPEALS COhMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 _� PAr,E 7 Mr. Steve Kantorowicz, 5200 Taylor St. N.E., stated he was a truck driver and drives 694 two and three times a day. He stated there was no way that people travelinq east on 694 were going to see a sign (even if it was 250 ft. high) and have time to be able to exit and get to the motel. People travel- ing west would not be able to see it at all. He stated there was another motel on Lexington and 694. There was a billboard siqn on the freeway long before you get to the motel, so people are prepared for the exit. He does a lot of traveling, and that is the only way to find a motel. Mr. Kantorowicz stated Central Avenue was already "sign alley" from 52nd to 53rd Ave. He bought his house 17-18 years ago because he liked the view. and now he has nothing. If three more signs are put up, he will have even less. He sincerely hoped the Appeals Commission would decide to say "no" to these variances. Mr. Donald C. Delich, 5284 Taylor St. N.E., stated he was a little away from the congestion or possible noise, or excess lighting or whatever. The thin� that concerned him the most was when they make laws and theoretically make them for the betterment of the people and then start amending and changing the laws fo suit personal and private means. When people buy and own property, they have to consider what is in existence at the time, what the laws are, and assume they are going to live within those restrictions. The City has to govern for the good of all as much as it can. He was sure the Appeals Comnission members had good judgment and he trusted their judqment would be for the good of al l . Ms. Jo Jaroslawski, 5201 Taylor St. N.E. stated she lived on the top of the hill where 52nd intersects with Taylor St. She stated she did not receive a letter telling her about these variances or the signs. She felt the best entrance for people going to the motel was on 53rd. Ave. because there are already semi-fores and it is already a high traffic area.. She stated the signal to turn east off Central Ave. onto 52nd was already a long signal, and she did not see how more than 6-7 cars could wait in the left hand turn lane to turn left. Most people taking 52nd Ave. are either going to Twin City Federal or up 52nd Ave. to get to the neighborhood streets. It will cause a traffic tie- up on 52nd Ave. if people are usinq 52nd as an entrance to the motel. If people miss the entrance into the motel, people will be coming up and making U-turns in her driveway in order to turn around. This extra traffic could cause a safety hazard to the children.in the neighborhood. Mr. Clark stated it was very difficult for traffic coming south off 694 to shift lanes in such a short distance in order to go east on 53rd Ave. One of the reasons 52nd was signalized was to give the traffic another place to make a left turn. He stated some sort of directional sign at the entrance driveway might help keep some of the commercial traffic from qoinq up into the residential neighborhood. Mr. Kantorowicz stated he was also concerned about the number of small children from the apartments across from the motel on 52nd Ave. who play in the street because there are no sidewalks or play areas. M�'ION BY !!S. GERDU, SEG�ONDED BY 1�2. AETZOLD, TO CLOSE TAE PUBLIC HEARING. �_ UPON A �/OICE VI�TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:35 P.1l. 3F APPEALS CO�a�ISSION �EETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 � PAGE 8 Ms. Gerou stated it was her opinion that this was an excessive amount of siqnage and maybe Sign #2 could have the arrow on it and eiiminate Siqn #4. She did not feel Sign #1 needed to be 50 ft. high, because it will not be seen fron the freeway, and it would serve no purpose to have it that hiqh. Mr. Plemel stated it seemed unrealistic to him to limit the three pylon signs to a total of 80 sG. ft.. but to allow them to qo to 521 sq. ft. seemed unrealistic also. He realized the motel and shopping mall needed the visi- bility so he could understand the need for Sign #1, and he did not think 50 ft. was too high. However, he would like to see the square footage cut back on the other two signs. Mr. Betzold stated he agreed with the comment made by Mr. Plemel that it might not be appropriate to limit this type of a development to 80 sq. ft. and three pylons. He did think there was a desire for visibility on each of the three street frontages, but he thought the proposal was going a little bit too far. He did not accept the argument that it was necessary to have a sign that is visible from 694. The Commission has had similar arguments that have been made, and they have rejected those type of arguments uniformly in the past, because the Commission members believe, as Mr. Kantorowicz mentioned, that it does not serve any uurpose for people to be lookinq at things wh��n they are supposed to be paying attention to driving. Safety has to come first. He welcomed the new motel, but he did not think they had conditioned the motel upon a sign. Mr. Betzold stated the hardship stated that "this comolex needs more than the allowable 80 sq, ft. of signage and would be grandfathered in by redesign- ing the existinq signage" The Commission has rejected that argument in the past also. He appreciated the concerns of the people in the neighborhood; and, although it was a concern of theirs that this was turning into a comner- cial area, the fact was that 20 years ago, this was all undeveloped area and a lot of people bought property which has developed around them. These things happen, and the Commission cannot prevent the businesses from doinq the thinqs they need to do to develop their business opportunities, but he would reject the proposal as presented because it was just a littie too much signage. Mr. Barna stated he basically agreed. He could not see limiting an area as diverse as this to just 80 sq. ft., but he could not see 521 sq. ft. either. The Cor.mission has deLated quite extensively to other developers about the hazard of people trying to read signs 1/2-2 blocks off 694, because that is how people get killed. The Comnisslon would rather people saw a billboard 1-2 miles ahead that tells people to exit at a certain street, and then have a sign that is large enough and high enough to be seen as they come down the exit ra�p. He would personally like to see the height of Sign #1 dropped from 50 ft. to 40 ft. He would like to see Signs #2 and #3 reduced from 80 sq, ft. to 60 sq. ft. or less. He had no objection to the height of Signs #2 and #3. All he saw necessary for Sign #4, the directional sign, was the word "entrance". He would like to see an entrance or an arrow sign on Sign #2 instead. 3�. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 � PAGE 9 Mr. Betzold stated he felt it was the sense of the Commission thaIftthe would like to see a oroposal that was a little more reasonable. petitioner was willing to consider coming back with something smaller, he would be willing to make a motion to table this item. Otherwise, he would. make a motion to deny the variances. Ms. Gabel stated she was not so concerned about the height of Sign #1. She seriously doubted that the height was going to be an advantage from the free- way, other than if there was an earlier sign alerting people that the motel was ahead. She felt Sign #4 could be a norr.�al sized directional sign and agreed with Mr. Barna that perhaps there should be an arrow on Sign #2, and that those signs could be smaller. She was not concerned about the height of those signs. Mr. McCline stated the motel has already opened and they are not complete without signage. He would request that the Commission proceed with Item #3 on their agenda and allow the petitioner to have a short meeting, possibly cor�ing back with a different proposal later in the meeting. The Cormissioners were in agreement to this request. MO'_"IOP7 BY MR. BE^_'ZOLD, SECONDED BY l�II:. PLENEL, TO T�_TXIS I�'EM AND MOVE TO ZTEN N3, SUBJECT TO RECALLING THE ITEH BEFOP.E TNE MEETIPIG IS ADJOURNED. UPON A VOICE VO^_'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSOPI GABEL DECLARED THE 1NOTI�? CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RE UEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO �DUCE H� T SIZE FR0��1 3, 0 SQ RE FEE 2, SOU E EE ; 0 � __ _.._ ___... �.,��.� .,���� o-�� nM n ccr� � FFF7. THER � . ,. . , , , osev� e, ues rman tsroay, MO^_'ION BY !�. PLEMEL� ONDED BY MS. GERDU, TO OPEN :'ffE PUBLZC XEARIPIG. __._�_ UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN YE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:50 ?.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrat Staff Report: ADMINIS7RATIVE STAFF ORT 765 - 53rd Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.15.3A requires a minimum lot area of 35,000 s are feet under one ownership. Public aurpose served by this requirement is to avoid the conditi overcrowdinq of a commercial area. � 3H APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 PAGE 12 Mr. Brannon stated they feel the Pickwick Bookstore would be a good neig r. Mr. Brody and Mr. Matson did meet with him and were very interested i working with Mr. Brannon. He stated he had expressed these concer to both gentleMen. Mr. Matson stated they would be willing to stipulate thes oncerns in letter form because they are reasonable concerns. Mr. Brannon stated he would recommend the Commiss' n consider a 5 ft. variance to the south in order to give a 10 ft. varianc on the north. Mr. Clark stated that the last time the . ission granted variances for this property, it was for 10 ft. on t north side and then there was a_front yard variance a1so. Ms. Gabel stated this change uld necessitate the variance notice beinq republished. If the peti ' ner was agreeable to this and there was no time bind, she would sugges is be republished with a front yard variance. Mr. Matson stated t would be agreeable to both he and Mr. Brody. 1�10_TION BY M. BETZpLD, SECOlIDED BY 1�t. BARNA, TO TABLE TXIS ITEM TO GIVE TXE PETITION AN OPPORTU?IITY TO SUBMIT ANOTHER REQUEST FOR VARIANCES. UP A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE 1NOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. TABLED: REQUES7 FOR yARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY Tn rr�r.RF sF HE T T SOU E T GE F PYL N_ SIG FR„M HE M XIMU � NHKI Ur LVIJ 1—�� MUU1�Vrt J a�uva�a.aav�� n�.+..� .••� •• —--- -- „ , , , eques y ac c ine, or i th ree , ��nneapo is, n. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BAPNA, TO REMOVE THIS ITE1H FROH TXE TABLE. UPON A VOICE V07'E, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Nee stated that after some negotiation, they have come up with the following proposal: Sign #1 - They would like Sign #1 to remain at the same square footage and same height as originally proposed. Sign #2 on 52nd reads "Skywood Inn". They would reduce it in square footage from 80 sq. ft. to 48 sq. ft. and lower the height from 18 ft. 7 in. to8ft. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 PAGE 13 Sign #3 on 53rd Ave. reads square footage from 80 sq. in height. •3I "Skywood Mall". They would reduce it in ft. to 60 s� ft. and leave it at 22 ft. 5 in. Sign #4 was the directional sign within the property. 7hey would take off the "Skywood Inn" logo and just have it read "entrance". That would reduce the sign from 38 sq. ft. to 16 5_ q. ft.. The sign would be l0 ft, high. Ms. Nee stated Mr. DeRosieu has indicated they do want to try to get billboards. They are going to make an application to the State of Minnesota for the symbols that indicate "motel/food/lodging ahead". Ms. Nee stated they do think the sign on 52nd is important to keep peopie out of the neighborhood. Mr. McCline stated the neighbors who live above the motel had just made a request and he agreed with it that the sign on 52nd would be basically a single face sign so the people coming off the highway would see it. but the backside of the sign would be blank. The neighbors would not have to look into a liqhted sign as it would be illuminated on only one side. The Commissioner�s agreed that was a very good idea. Ms. Engebretson asked if this was the total signage for the whole complex or just for the motel. Construction has not started on the mall and are they, the neighbors, going to have to come in again when more signage is proposed for the mall? Ms. Gabel stated that as she understood it, these will be the only free- standing signs in the complex. It has been stated that there will be some wall signage for Lee Wards. The people within the complex are entitled to sor�e wall signage depending on the agreement with the landlord. As she under- stood it, the wall signage will be very minimal. Mr. McCline stated these are the only free-standing signs for the whole comp)ex. The existing signage in the mall will come down and, depending on the tenants' leases, additional wall signage will be strip-type signaqe, uniform color and size, basically on an opaque background, with just the names of the individual tenants in the mall. Mr. Betzold stated he thought this new proposal was far more consistent with what he thought was within the spirit of the code, and it sounded like it mfght be a little bit more palatable to the neiqhbors in the area. He could go along with it with the stipulations suggested by Staff, as weii as the stipulation requested by tklite19hbors that the sign on 52nd face away from the complex and not be bac . 3J APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 15, 1985 ��� � PAGE 14 Mr. Barna stated he appreciated the reduction and the large change on Sign #2. It was still a little more signage on Sign �1 than he would like to see, but he could see where there was a definite hardship, so he would go along with the changes and stipulations. Ms. Gerou stated she appreciated the changes the petitioners have made. She still felt Sign #1 was excessive, and she was not in favor of qranting the variances. Mr. Plemel stated he thought the petitioners have made a definite effort to comproMise and he would be in favor of granting the variances. Ms. Gabel stated she was not happy with the s�ze of Sign #1, but she did think there was a hardship and that the petitioners did compromise with the Commission. They have demonstrated their desire to work this out. both with the Appeals Cortmission and with the neighbors. She would vote in favor of the variances with the stipulastions as stated. Mr. Clark stated he thought it would be beneficial for the petitioners to submit to the City Council a sign plan for the wall signage they may be puttinq on the wall of the mall. 1NOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY HR. BAPNA, TO RECOMl�ND TO CZTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TXE REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT T10 CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE T�0 INCREASE THE T1�TAL SpUARE FOOTAGE OF A PYLON SIGN FROM THE MAXIMUM OF 80 SQUARE FEET TO 469 SQUARE FEETj TO INCREASE THE HEIGH'!' OF A PYLON SIGN FROM TNE MAXIMUM OF 25 FEET TO 50 F£ET (SZGN NS TO BE A M1lXIMUM OF 361 SQUARE FEET AND 50 FEET IN F.EIGHT; SIGN �l? ON 52ND AtBNUE Z�D BE A !K.�iJCIMUM OF 48 SQUARE FEET AND 8 FEET IN HEIGHT� SI?IGLE FACED WITEI NO BACK- LIGHTING AND A DIRECTIONAL ARROWj SIGN 113 QN 53RD AVENUE T10 BE A MAXIMUM OF 60 SQUARE FEET AND 2? FT. 5 IN. IN XEIGHT)p TO INCREASE THE TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AN INFORMATIONAL SIGN (SIGN M4) FROM THE MAXIMUM OF 4 SQUARE FEET � 16 SQUARE FEET AND 10 FEET IN XEIGHT, PART OF LOTS 1-5, AUDITOR'S SUB- DIVISION N153, TNE SAME BEIP7G 5201 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MN., WITR TIiE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONSt 1. AN ACCEPTABLE WALL SIGN PLAN BE SUBMITTED TO TNE CITY G�DUNCIL 2. SIGN #1 BE MOVED TO THE NORTFIFIEST I1UT0 THE GREEN AREA WITH A SHRUB BED AT TXE BASE. 3. SIGN N2 SHOULD HA�JE LAIVASCAPING AT TXE BASE. �. SiGN N3 SHOULD BE INCORPORATED ZNTO THE GP.EEN SPACE AND NAVE LANDSCAPING AT THE BASE. 5. SIC�V �4 SHDULD INCORPORATE A DIRECTIOPIAL ARROW AND BE 10 FEET TO TXE EAST. UPON A tjOICS V03'E, GABEL, BARNA, BETZOLD, PLEMEL VOTING AYE� GEROU VOTING NAY� CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTIQN CARRIED BY A V1�TE OF 4-I. Ms. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on February 4. January 14, 1985 Patricia Gabel Chairwoman, Appeals Commission City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, MN 55432 Subject: Reference: Auditors Subdivision 153, 5201 Central Avenue N. E. Your letter dated January 3, 1985 In view of the fact that several of the residents affected by the variance requested in the above referenced letter will be unable to attend the Public Hearing on January 15, 1985, this shall serve to document, for the record, the position of the undersigned regarding the requested variance. The variance as relates to any pylon sign placed on Central Avenue or 52nd Avenue larger that that provided for in Chapter 214 of the Fridley City Code would be totally unacceptable. In fact, it is preferred that if a sign is necessary on 52nd Avenue that it be as small and inconspicuous as possible so as not to further obstruct the view of the residents and further commercialize the residential area. Please insure that the Appeals Commission is made aware of this correspondence during the hearing of January 15, 1985. Respectfully, T. J. McCauley 5 2 3 4 Ta ylor St. N. E. Fridley, MN 55421 TJM/dac ,� - P �.� .,�,�,"' F�,� ,., c is � .! o B S Z a 1 %hy C• w t% N! / ��� �j� Jo6 W, c[. �«► M a i �v�! �Ky �SI► s L SO � f - �-cc-��. �.t� %�l.� r � '���/�c � . ��,.7Z1, �� .2 � �S �i�Lr'��'� -�N -� ��� �-- " ���.�� v� . �,Q.�-� 3K �,j'; �. �. Mac McCline �--- � ---.-� - - --•� � � Skywood Mall Sign Locations � 3L Mac McCline �_.,--- --• ---- ----- - �'{''"0------ --- ----�- -----� �-'aR^R��n�M��e�4; � =� - _ = 1cs* 1� - / --• - *�t• 3`/ I � 0 . 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We had no other items �or this meeting so a decision by the Planning Commission to cancel this meeting was made before we received this request. It will not go to the Planning Commission on February 21, 1985. Because these minutes will not go to the City Council until March 18th, waiting until that date to set a public hearing would be a real hardship for the petitioner who has to hold up the closing on this property until the vacation is finalized. The City Council will not recieve the Planning Comnission minutes on this request until March 18th, but it would move things ahead by several weeks if they could set the public hearing on this vacation at their February 25th meeting for March 18th. As this vacation is only for a small portion of this easement, we don't anticipate any problems with this reqaest. We have already heard from Northern States Power Company that they have no problem with this vacation. If the Council will set the public hearing for March 18th at the February 25th meeting, then we can send the Public Hearing notice to the F�idley Focus on the 27th of February to be published on March 4th and llth. We will have the ordinance ready for the meeting on March 18th. If Council has the first reading of the Ordinance at this same meeting, it would expedite the process which would allow the closing on this property which would benefit both the buyer and the seller. JLR/de __- �� - tI �� J ltl � � .. � � � l3. v � � , p � .� � � � •i t — / �L1�'6! �j :1 -� � F` 8 � � !tI ao r�� rv � � ,���� ; S � � �� I Lt! '� � �:�� � � � !F �a . .. �v�2'�' , � f O GJ '=° 8, , ,� 0 /J � ' • 1 � � • t�1' . u�+ V M ? M � � ' r � o' � � � i � � � W � � '' Y 7 M � ' Q � � � �� �- /�J . , _ � , . � � — —� —�Z,' RCOF OV�R.HA►.ltq � � � � i � iQ I= �� �o � �LL �� I_ ou� SToR�C �RAM�. � �t ovs� � . - � �,� 4 A SAV #85=81 • -_ � � � .. a •• � ' a..t- , • � �� � . ..+, ��. r..,`s` . �t��.. �. �. �.�. � �. ; �:i.. . i � � y+, , _. .�• . ,�j.f . . . :t�....} . . ., , . � �. . � . � .� . . ; .... .� ; . , . � �� s�r-,et1r� rti ., . �� � � �Z� ROOF oV�:.R►10�N(� . . L------- . Description for partiel release of drainage and utilitj • ease�ent on Lot 8, Block 1, Dotq/Wellner Addition ++� • . Commencing at the southvest corner of Lot 8. Block ��, � Doty/Wellner Addition. thence South 89 degreea 45 ":,. w-•�' minutes 04 seconds East� along the south line of eaid ► Lot 8, a distance of 10.00 feet, to the easterl� line r of a drainage and utility easement; thence North 00 , ' degrees 13 minutes 18 seconds East. 33.56 feet. slong � said easterly easement line; thence North 16 degreea 39 minutes 00 seconds East. 16.00 feet. along said easterly easement line. to the point of beginning of the parcel being described; thence North 73 degreea 21 mfnutes 00 seconds West, 3.00 feet; thence North 16 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East� 12.00 feet; thence South 73 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds E�st. 3.00 feet. to the said easterly easement line; thence South 16 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds West, along said easterly easement line. to the point of beginning and said parcel there terminating. All in Anoka County. Minnesota. r: .APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 29, 1985 PA�E 2 2. REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO "� VARIANCE FUR$UANT TO GHAPTER Z14 TO INGREASt Ilit IhH�1r�uM �t��n ht11�t11 rKU� � . + � 65 - 5 R EPJUE .., I Y, equest y orman ro y, . ounty oa , osevi e. n. 3) Public Hearing Open. 'MOTION B° MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY l�t. Bl�l?NA� Ti0 REMO��E TXIS ITEM FROM TfIE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSQN GABEL DECLARED THE NO^_'IOt� CARRIED UNAI7IMOUSLY. Ms. Gabel read the amended Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 765 - 53rd Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RE�UIREMENT: Section 205.15.3A requireS a minimum lot area of 35,000 square feet under one ownership. Public purpose served by this requirement is to avoid the condition of overcrowding of a commercial area. Section 205.15.3C.1 requires an eighty foot front yard setbac� for all permitted buildings. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide desired front yard space to be used for green areas on access and to add to the attractability of a commercial zone. Section 205.15.3C.3 requires a minimum rear yard of not less than 40 feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open space around commercial structures for aesthetic and fire-fighting pur�oses. Section 214.11.2C limits a free-standing sign to a maximum height of 25 feet above the finished ground grade. Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual qollution and excessive use of signs in comnercial areas. SA APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 29, 1985 � PAGE 3 6. STATED HAROSHIP: "The smGll size of this pro�erty and the low elevation from Central ' _ Avenue requires reduced setbacks and increased p�lon sign heiqht." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This proposal for a 4,500 square foot building includes a Pickwich Bookstore and one other small business. Along with the aropertv's C-3 zoning are the following variances: 1. Lot area from 35,000 square feet to 22,160 square feet. 2. Front yard setback from 80 feet to 65 feet. 3. Rear yard setback from 40 feet to 5 feet. 4. Sign height from 25 feet to 35 feet. Plan submitted is a reorientatian of petitioner's original building plan done at the City's request in order to eliminate a front yard setback vari-ance. The sign height variance is requested due to the approximately 10 foot of elevation differential between his aroQerty and the adjacent R Petroleum operation. Petitioner has stated that the sign would be 35 feet high or equal to the Q Petroleum sign height, whichever is less. V3riance for lot area, front yard setback and rear yard setback for a different proposal for this site were approved in May 1984. ' Mr. Clark stated that the variances were published in such a wav so that there was some flexibility. The front yard setback was published at 80 ft. to 65 ft.; the rear yard setback at 40 ft, to 5 ft. As discussed at the last meetinq, it sounded like it was the feeling of the Appeals Commission that th�re be a front yard variance froM 80 ft. to 75 ft. and a rear yard setback from 40 ft. to 10 ft. Ms. Jane Murdick� 7726 Morqan Ave. S., stated she was rearesentinq the petitioner, Norman Brody, who was unable to be at the meeting. She stated that in discussions with Mr. Brody, the rear yard setback becominq 10 ft. and the front yard setback becoming 75 ft, were agreeable ��ith him. Mr. Clark stated one other thing discussed at the Jan. 15th Appeals Comnission meeting was the possibility of relocating the refuse dumpster from the north- west corner of the property to somewhere within the retaining wall along the east side of the property. Ms. Murdock stated the relocation of the dumpster was discussed with their architect and Mr. Brody. They both felt if the dumpster was put along the east side of the property, the truck would have to come into the parking lot, 5B APPEALS COM�4ISSI0�� MEETING, JANUARY 29, 1985 PAGE 4 and they felt it might be a hazard for the dumps�er to be in that location. This presented a far less traffic pattern for the truck than on the east side. The location�of the dumpster where it is now along the northwest corner could - be screened from the neighbor to the north or the building could be continued as part of the screening in the rear. The truck could then come in, pick up the refuse, and leave. However, Mr. Brody indicated he would do whatever was desired by the City. Mr. Rod Brannon, the property owner to the north, stated that reqardinq the dumpster location, it was not just the matter of aesthetics. There was quite a bit of paper that blows down from the Embers Restaurant dumpster which is screened also. There are things tf�at could blow out of the dumpster that could become an additional nuisance for them to clean up. Even if the dumo- ster is screened, he would still have all his customers drivinq by the screened dumpster. His preference would be to have the dumpster located along the southeast corner of the property. Mr. Brannon stated he would recommend that in the Apneals Comnission's final action it is made clear that there is some type of bulkheading occur during the excavation in order to protect his property, trees, and the light pole. Mr. Brannon stated that since there was some lati.tude within the �ublishinq of the variances, he would like to recorr�end that the variance be 15 ft. from the north property line so they can ]andscape and make the area as aesthetic as possible. Mr. Clark stated that if there was l5 ft. in the rear, it would leave only 10 ft, for landscaoing between 53rd and the parkinq lot. There was also a sidewalk that runs along 53rd Ave. Mr. Barna stated he was not so «orried about the amount of qreen space. He would be more concerned that there be some type of either landscaninq or retaining wall to prevent anyone fror� falling from the sidewalk onto the park- ing lot, especially in the winter time when the sidewalk becor�es slippery. Ms. Gabel stated that with previous requests for variances on this piece of property, they have been fairly consistent with a 10 ft. rear yard variance. Ms. Burdock stated that the enqineer's report that was qiven to Jim Robinson of the Plannin� Department said that at 10 ft. there should be no problem to Mr. Brannon s property. Mr. Plemel stated he did not know how the dumpster could be hidden into the retaininq wall so it could be used. It was like asking the petitioner to put a dumps�er in his front yard. Mr. Plemel stated he would not like a dumpster in his front yard. Mr. Barna stated he could understand the comment made by Ms. Burdock about the truck having to drive through the parking lot to get to the dumqster. SC APPEALS C0�IMISSION MEETING, JA��UARY 29, 1985 PAGE 5 Ms. Burdock stated if Mr. Brannon was concerned about paper flying out of the dumpster, screening was one thing, but an enclosure was another thinq, and an enclosure would control the paper from flying around. Mr. Brannon stated that if the dumpster was in the northwest corner of the property, then it would be in his front yard. Every customer driving into his business would drive within 10 ft. of the dumpster, Maybe this problem could be reconciled if Mr. Brod,y was agreeable to extendinq the wall of the building in the same building material so the dumnster would fit between the building and two additional walls which would literally screen the dump- ster from his customers and would not be visible from his building. Ms. Gabel stated there really was not an approqriate place on the lot to hide a dumpster and so it was easily accessible to the refuse truck. However, if the screening was done properly� it did not have to be displeasin�. Ms. Burdock stated the petitioner was certainly willing to work with the Citv and Mr. Brannon on appropriate screening for the dumoster. Mr. Brannon stated he was still more in favor of 15 ft. rear yard setback as opposed to 10 ft. He would like to get the sewer line as far away f rom his property line as possible. MOiIQN BY 1�II2. BAR2JA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO CLOSE TIiE PC�BLIC HEARING. UPD?� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOIJ GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:00 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated he had reviewed the minutes of the May 15. 1984, Appeals Comnission meeting, as well as the minutes of the Jan. 15th meeting. He felt they were still in the same situation where they were trying to make the best out of this particular lot. He did not see why they could not continue with the same rationale as before. Mr. Brannon had asked the Commission to consider having the rear yard variance at 15 ft, as ooposed to 10 ft. Mr. Betzold stated he did not think lie was willing to consider that because of the boulevard area, the sidewalk, easements, etc., plus the possibilitv of blocking vision. He would be in favor of granting the variances with the 10 ft. rear yard setback plus the stipulations regardinq landscaqing, possible 1•ocation of the dumpster, and soil retention. Mr. Barna stated he would agree. If they went to 15 ft. in the rear yard, it would bring the southeast corner of the Qarkinq lot quite close to the sidewalk. At the southeast corner, it would become quite steep and would be a matter of either extending the retaining wall or putttpg in some type of safety device which would add the expense from one s3de if the lot to the other side of the lot. The 10 ft. rear yard setback did not bother him as long as the petitioner was restricted to work for soil retention. which was Mr. Srannon's main concern. He was sure the petitioner would be willina to work with Mr. Brannon on the stipulations they had made for the last proposal. 5D APPEALS CdMMISSION MFETING JAWUARY 29, 1985 PA�E 6 Ms. Gerou stated she was in favor of granting the variances. She thouqht Mr. Brody was very coope�•ative and would be a good neighbor to work with. She thought the plan for the lot was good� and she agreed with the 10 ft. _ rear yard setback that was agreed upon for the last pr000sal. Mr. Plemel also stated he was in favor of granting the variances. The Conmissioners concurred with the variance for the sign heiqht. They realized Mr. Brody did need the exposure. The way the lot was situated with the steep hill, and considering the main traffic artery was on Central Ave., they felt it would be equitable for Mr. 8rody to have a higfi sign because of the location of his property. Ms. Gabel stated she was basically in aqreement with what has been said. Mr. Plemel stated he felt the northwest corner was the best location for the dumpster with proper screening. JNOTION BY XR. BETZOLD, SECOT7DED BY J�2. BARNA, TO RECOMMBIID TO CITl' COt'NCIL APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR VARIA17CE5 PURSUANT T1� CIIAPT£R 205 OF TIIE FP.IDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE LO'_" SI2E FR01N 35,000 SQUARE FEET � 2?�160 SPUARF. FEF.T� TO REDUCE THE REpUIItED REAP. YARD SF::BACK FROi! 40 FEF.T TO 10 FEETp TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED FROl1T YARD SETBACK FROM 8Q FEET T�0 75 FEET, AND N�OTHER VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 210 TO INCREASE TNE 1N�XIMUPI SIQ� XEIC.H:" FROM ?5 FEET TO 35 F�ET, BU: 21� BE NO NIGXER TXAN TAE Q PETROLEUI! SIG?!, ON LO_^' 1, BLOCK 1, TARCE: ADDITIGIN, THE SAME BEIt1G 2076 W. COUNTY ROAD B, ROSEVILLE, MN. SSQ21� WITH THE FOLIUWINC STIPULATIANSs - I. TXE PET'ITTQNER DE1lOHSTRATE TO TNE CITY THAT SOIL RETENTION NAS BEEN XADE T1D ENSURE TXE SAFETY OF TXE PROPERTY TO THE NORTH. ?. THE PETZTIONER NOR1C i)ITX TNE PROPERTY OWNER TO Tf1E NORTX AND TXE CITY TO DEVBLOP A LANDSCAPING PLAN, TO INCLC'DE TfiE LOCATION OF TNE DUI►tPSTER,TO ENNANCE THE NORTHERLY SECTION OF TXE BUILDING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL WTING AYE, CKAIRPERSON GABEL DECLRItED 2HE O1� CARRIED UNANINOUSLY. 3. REQUEST FOR VARIA��CE PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF T,kl��LEY CITY CODE TO B K EE E E P t S , , � ING � , . eques y omas ric ner, �ce ree oa , ri ey. PlOTION BY KS. GE , SECOIIDED BY NR. BAR17A, .!�0 OPEN TNE PUBLIC NEARIl7G. i UPON CE VOTE, ALL V017NG AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE Pl1BLIC _ ING OPEN AT 8:I0 P.l�l. • SION . - ; � - �` � ;:�lorman Brady � ' •�. � � :765-$3rd Avenue �---- �� _ —�--«--� /� : � • -- _ . . _ �t wf ,r... /• e - : - . . 7 �` � :, - :. , _ .. ��� �/ • �• �,V^fd_r ' � p,�� Ak ; . t.,,�y�, � i= .l + %Ol � � � �= • J � ,l)Y~ �' �y��� I��� ,f � � f � � I ( �� 1 I.. • � � -■--. - ► � � I . • \ . .� . • • t SE ,. . w ; . � � 25 . ,. : _.�_� ,. t.. ..._.�,, . , , • w' Ji _ ,�. - - -- ---- _ . .-- - �---- - �-- �--- � '�f`r.'1. • ' � ••.,,,�,� � � - -'._ 14{.?t �R'1i=I � �� • � � � _ '• - ` . "� • _� . : � 1� • • �� � � � • , :i - --• : � ` . . � � f �V f • , ; . � � �.� , � ., � � , �,�j��f � � � J ��1 : \ � �i\ .. .,. 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M�w�r��r 1�y ��P MM� MM� � ■ � APPEALS COMMISSION MFETING, JAWUARY 29, 1985 � PAGE 6 s. Gerou stated she was in favor of granting the variances. She thouqht M Brody was very cooperative and would be a good neighbor to work with. She ought the plan for the lot was good, and she agreed with the 10 ft. _ rear y d setback that was agreed upon for the last pr000sal. Mr. Plemel� so stated he was in favor of granting the variances. The Conmissione concurred with the variance for the sign height. They realized Mr. Brod did need the exposure. The way the lot was situated with the steep hill, nd considering the main traffic artery was on Central Ave., they fe it would be equitable for Mr. Brody to have a high sign because of the loca 'on of his property. Ms. Gabel stated she was bas ally in aqreement with what has been said. Mr. Plemel stated he felt the no west corner was the best location for the dumpster with proper screening. 1NOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY l�42. A, TO RECOMME?JD TO CITY COifiICIL APPROVAL OF REjJUEST FOR VARIAl'lCES PURSUAN CfiAPTER 205 OF TfIE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TXE LOT SIZE FROM 35,000 UARE FEET TO 22�160 SQUARE FEF.T j TO REIXICE THE REQUIRED REAR YARD SF.TBACK 01f 40 FEET TO 10 FEET j TO REDUCE TXE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 80 F 1�D 75 FEET� AND ANOTNER VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 TO ZNCREASE THE MUM SIGN KEIGN.T FROM 25 FEET TO 35 FEET, BUT TO BE NO HIGHER TXAN THE Q PE OLEUM SIGl7� ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, TARGET ADDITIGW, THE SA1�IE BEZ?7G 1076 W. COUNTY OAD B, ROSEVILLE, 1�V. 55421, WITN TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. THE PETIT?ONER DEMONSTRATE TO TNE CITY THAT SOIL RE NTION XAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PROPERTY TO TNE RTH. 2. THE PETITIONER NORK WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER TO TflE NORT D THE CZTY TO DEVELOP A LANDSCAPING PLAN, TO INCLL'DE THE LOCATIO OF THE � DUMPSTER,TO ENHANCE TNE NORTHERLY SECTION OF THE BUZLDING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAI'.ED TXE 1�OTI017 CA,RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. __ 3. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIOLEY CITY CODE TO E 6 K EE E E P I S , , E . ING , , eques y omas r�c ner, �ce ree oa , ri ey. n. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SEC017DED BY MR. BARNA, :!'O OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARI?lG. UPON A Vt�ICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC - HEARING OPEN AT 8:I0 P.M. 6a APPEALS COMMISSIO�� MEETING, JANUARY 29, 1985 _ �� � PAGE 7 � Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT _ 6250 Highway #65 N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.15.3C.1 requires an eighty foot front yard setback for all permitted buildings. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide desired front yard space to be used for green areas on access and to add to the attractability of a comnercial zone. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Variance is needed to line up the proposed structure with adjacent buildings.° C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: All other buildings in this block are at this 55 foot setback or closer. The staff suggests that both lots be combined into one tax parcel. No other stipulations are suggested. Mr, Clark stated the Commissioners had an aerial photo and the buildinq plot plan. The proposed project would line up with the other buildings and would behind the service station to the north. Mr. Brickner will be landscaping the whole 55 ft. rather than using it for a parkinq lot. He believed Mr, Brickner was going to build in two phases. Mr. Brickner stated he pianned to build condo offices. Ne needed the variance in order to line up the proposed structure with the adjacent buildings so he can have good exposure to Highway 65. The area will be landscaped and will look nice. Ne planned the construction in two phases. The first building will be constructed in the spring; and depending on how sales go, he would probably expand to the back for the second phase. MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, Tb CLOSE THE PUBLIC NEARIIlG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSQN GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC AEARING CL0.SED AT 8:20 P.IH. • Mr. Plemei stated because this seemed to be in the corrm�on benefit of both the City and the property owner, he would be in favor of recommendinq approval of the variance. 6B APPEALS COt�1ISSION MEETINf, JANUARY 29, 1985 ���� �_�_� PAGE 8 MOTION BY 1HR. PLEHEL, SECONDED BY HS. GEROU, TD RECOMMEND Zb CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CXAPT'�R 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CSTY CODE TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROId 80 FEET TO 55 FEET TO LINE _ UP WITX AA7ACENT BUILDINGS QN LOT 1, BLOCK 1� HERWAL 2ND ADDITIQN, TNE SAME BEING 6250 HIGHWAY �65, FRIDLEY, KN. 55432, WITN THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIQNS: Z. BOTX LOTS BE G1DlNBINED INTO ONE TAX PARCEL. 2. THE PROPERTY ON TXE EAST BE LANDSCAPED AND NOT BE USED FOR PARKING LOT. Regarding the stipulation that both lots be combined into one tax parcel, Mr. Brickner stated he would like the opportunity to check this �ut from a legal standpoint and a tax standpoint to see whether it would be more advantageous for him to combine the lots or leave them as individual lots. Ms: Gabel stated that if this stipulation causes a problem for Mr. Brickner, he should discuss this with the City Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. 4.�OTHER BUSINESS: � a. oss�ble Revision of Sign Ordinance (Memo from Jim Robinson dated �� N 11, 1985 ) Mr. Rob on's memo stated that the primary concerns Staff felt needed addressing re: 1. The status o sign variance upon replacement of the structure change of tenan r owner. 2. The status of lega non-conforming signs upon change of tenant or owner, particular when part of an overall sign plan. 3. The restriction of free- anding pylon sign size to 80 square feet in area. In response to these three issues, S f was considering the follo�,�ing solutions respectively: l. The tightening of sign variance duration the immediate sign and tenant/owner. 2. Removal of leqal non-conforming status upon ch e of narr�e displayed upon sign. 3. Revising the total square footage for a free-standin ign area allowed per development to be more sensitive to the wi ange of development types (i.e. multiple tenant center vs singular erations) and total area of the lot and/or structure. Ms. (;abel stated she thought the Appeals Comnission was basically in agreement with #1. • • �� 3• • ♦ . I �� • � � • . . • � I .� A t �i iia. �� .. � � � E K • f r �' � � � • t 2�'• • � � : •' � � • W , 1 w .v ! 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The Council at that time supported the concept of improving Meadowlands Park through various water-draw-down techniques and constructing baseball-tennis court/baskctball and tot lot facilities. Funding for the work would be accomplished through the sale of City owned property on the East end of the park, M.S.A.S. street and storm water improvement and park funds. Chuck Boudreau and I have visited the University of Minnesota Golf Course and the Golden Valley golf courses and discussed the soil stabilization used at these sites with the appropriate representatives. TKDA designed the water-draw-down plan for the Golden Valley Golf Course, which consisted of drainage detention ponds, pipes and geotextile use. Cost to Golden Valley for the plans and specifications were around $15,000. As TKDA is more familiar with the type of problems encountered in Meadowlands Park and has recent experience in designing a similar project, it would be appropriate to request a proposal from them for the Meadowlands Park improvement. If it is desired, we could request proposals from other consultants. In any case, action should be initiated in order to retain consultant support so that a definite plan is established and scheduling of the Meadowlands Park improvement can be accomplished. Request guidance on how we should proceed. JGF:jmo RBSOLIITION N0. - 1985 7A A RBSOLIITION AUTHORIZING THB IMPR09EMENT OF I�ADOWLAND3 PARR WHEREAS, the City oP Fridley has 9.8 acres oP designated neighborhood parkland which is presently underdeveloped; and WHEREAS, there is the potential Por development oP a multi-use park facility at the MeadoWlands location if certain soil and water table problems can be studied and resolved; and WHEREA3, it is possible to develop six new residential lots on the east side of this park parcel; and WHEREA3, the funds from the sale of these neW residential lots could be used to pay for improvements to the MeadoWlands Park; and KHEREAS, the overall plan Por development oP this area supports the proposed layout of Oakley Street which would service the neW residential lots; and WHERBAS, Oakley Street and 67th Street should be extended to service the new residential lots with the development of the Meadowlands Park project; and WHEREAS, 68th Avenue is a designated M.S.A.S. street and as such could be improved using M.S.A.S. funds and that as part of an M.S.A.S. project on this street certain drainage facilities could be constructed using M.S.A.S. funds; and WHEREA3, there are also certain park funds which could be used to assist with the development oP this project. NOW THER�F'ORE, B� IT RESOLVED, by the City Couneil oP the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as Follows: Page 2-- Resolution No. - 1985 1. That the Couneil authorizes a study of the potential Por improvement of MeadoWlands Park. 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to select a consultant to study and design the proposed Meadowlands Park. 3. That the StaPP is authorized to improve Meadowlands Park with funds raised from the sale oP the six residential lots on the east side of the Park, M.S.A.S. funds and other available park funds. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. WII,LIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 6/3/13 7B MEADO�nILANDS PARK MEADOWLANDS PARK ' C l �� �� RFSQ�Uiiatd N0. - 1985 RESOLOTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAL P'LANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF OOSTS TBEREOF: STREET PRQ7ECT N0. ST. 1985-1�2 Wf�RE',AS, Resolution No. 6-1985 a3opted on the 7th day o� JanuaLy, 1985 by the City Council, set the date for hearings on the proposed improvenents as specifically noted in the Notioe of Aearing attached thereto for referenae as f�chi.bits "A", anci, WF�2F'AS, all af the property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these imprwemnts (as noted in said notice) were given ten (10) days notioe by mail and publ ished notice a� the O��cil Hearing throuc� two weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearings were held and the property owners heard thereon at the hearings as noted in said notiae. NQ�I, �IItg�ORE, BE IT RESO�VED by the City Counci2 of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, rtinnesota as follows: l. Zl�at the following imprwenents proposed by O�taicil Resolution No. 5-1985 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, ta-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bit�aninous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewal ks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer system, and other facilities located as follaws: 5th Street University Avenue W Servioe Dr University Ave E Servioe Dr 73-],/2 Avenue E River Road Servioe Dr 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue 81st Avenue to North Civic Oenter to Mississippi St (�1 de Sac to 110' West 53rd Way North to CLl de Sac 2. ZY�at the work to be performed �d�er this project may be performed under one or more o�ntracts as may be deened advisable upon reoeipt o� bids. 3. �at the Put�lic Works Director, John G. Flora, (�ty Hall, Fridley, I�linnesota, is hereby desic�ated as the E�gineer for this impravement. He shall preg3re f inal plans and specif ications for the making of sucii imprwenents. `1}� • I� �• • }1 : 1:1 M •� 1 MI � 1: M � ' -�1�;� ' 1' � • �. :1. WII�LIAM J. I�E - I�,mR ATI�ST: SIIYIEY C. IIJI�g1N - QTY dERK 6/3/7 � r' � l�f'SC[dti'IO[J Np. — 1985 RES�UTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND APPROVAI+ OF PLANS AND O1�ERIl� ADVERTISF�]'P FC)R BID6: STREET IMPROVEMENT PRA7ECT N0. ST. 1985-1 & 2 WI�',RF,1�S, Resolution No. 6- 1985 acbpted on the 7th day � JanuacY 1985. by the City ��mcil, set the clate for hearing on the proposed imprwements as specifically noted in the Notioe o� Hearing attached tlzereto for reference as Exhi.bits "A", and, W�REA.S, all o� the property awners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of these imprwenents (as noted in said notioe) were given ten (10) days notioe by mail and published notice of the Council Hearing through two (2) weekly publications of the required notice, and the hearings were held and the property awr�ers heard thereon at the hearing as noted in said notioe: and WT�RI'AS, Resolution No. - 1985 acbpted by the CitY O��cil o� the City af Fridley ordered all � these improvenerits. NQ�1 qgII2�ipRE, gE IT RFSfI,VID, by the (�ty �u�cil of the City of Fridley, Anoka do�ty, Miru�esota as follows: l. Zl�at the follawing imprwenents prop�sed by ��cil 1Zesolution No. 5- 19&5 are hereby ordered to be effected and oomgleted as soon as reasonably possible, ta-wit: Street improvenents, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituninous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer servioes, storm sewer systen, and other facilities located as follaws: 5th Street University Ave W Servioe Dr University Ave E Servioe Dr 73 l,/2 Avenue E River imad Serviae Dr 61st Avenue to 63rd Avenue 81st Avenue to North Civic Center to Mississipp� St �1 de Sac to 110' West 53rd Way North to Cul de Sac SIREE,T pRQ7DCT ST. 1985-1 & 2 2. Rl�e glans ar�d specifications prepared by the Public Works Director for such imprwenents and each of theqn pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore a3opted, a oog� of which plans and specifications are hereto attached and ma3e a part thereof, are hereby approved and shall be f iled with the CC�..ty C1erk. Z'he Public Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisenems for bids upon the making of such imprwenents under such approved plans and specif ications. The advertisene� shall be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days) , and shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and oonsic3ered at Fage 2— Resolution No. - 1985 11:30 a.m, on the 16th day � April 1985 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and that no bids will be oonsidered unless sealed ar�d f il ed w ith the Public Works Director and acoanpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or oertified check payable to the C1ty for five peroent (5$) of the amount of sudz bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPRWEr�NT ST. 1985-1 & 2 shall be substantially in t�►e standard fonn. � PP,.SSID AND ADOIJPE:D BY ZHE QTY 4XJNCII. �' THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. ATI�'.ST: SIDNEY C. IlJI�N - CITY Q,II2R 6/3/9 WII�LIAM J. I�E - I�,Yt�R 9a RBSOLUTION N0. - 1985 A RSSOLIITION REQOESTING TH8 MIHNESOTA D$PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PROYIDB HAZARD ELIMINATION FUNDS TO BB OSED FOR THE CONSTRIICTION OF TSE UPIYERSITY AVENIIg WEST SBRVICE DRIYE FROM 81ST AYENQ$ TO TH8 NORTH. WHEREA3� due to the increasing number of aceidents occurring at the intersection oP 83rd Avenue NE and IIniversity Avenue,.the Minnesota Department of Transportation is planning to elimfnate the crossing of northbound University Avenue traffie to the West on 83rd Avenue; WHEREAS, the elimination of this crossover Will limit the access to the commercial and industrial property on the West side oP IIniversity Avenue between 81st Avenue and 83rd Avenue; WHEREA3, the University Avenue West Service Drive will have to be completed to provide reasonable aceess to these commercial and industrial areas; WHERSA3, the construction oP the IIniversitq Avenue West Service Drive is the type of work whieh is eligible for Hazard Elimination Funding, NO�W, THEREFORE, BS IT RESOLVBD by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as follows: That the City of Fridleq is hereby requesting the Minnesota Department of Transportation to provide Hazard Elimination Funds to pay for the construetion oP the University Avenue West Service Drive f rom 81st Avenue to the the North to conneet to the existing aervice drive. PASSED AI�1D ADOPTBD BY TSB CITY COONCII. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THI3 DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK 6/3/12 10 • t • _ _ ,. .. _ . . . � : ; . . � � ��.� . � H.E.S. lO A I . � ;. . � �• .� ,` • , � ;� � , j �: . 1 ` � � ' A � 'i W ; ' s a � F' • _ ;itlO) � • ac ' Ou�t�T I2 w � o�`"i � • � � . � • . vod . � � 1..- i - � � ♦ • . . , s . • ` . . ; • S ! l�� . i • '' • ! ' v . ' f: . ' , ' • • (t � oj � ; :-� , := '.,' .. � � E .AC � • �. ' ' o' ' _' � ' i �' ! • ' •' . , � � • � � , , �� � � •s, . •�•e , .:: : . .. . � •� � � . — . = i . . . ji, • . � . . • • • �' : � .; � :�.� � . �� �! • � f. � : Q, � ���v �• ' . • •• � . ; .► . . s.� w : ' , • • � i ., � • - � � � . . ' � • R . � .. � �• � ' -� � � ' ' . •.• �y • . • • • �:• • ���� �. •�' iw f • �, �. .. • . � •��'��r �.��,�'1'�/ • � �-rr � �. �' �+.�' � �� ! d qf � .r i r � ��i..�� • 7 � `�+` . 11 RESQ.IITION N0. - 19a5 A RESOLOTION AIITHORIZING THE DEOELOPMENT OF PLANS FOR Ta8 IMPROYEMENT AND CHANNBLIZATION OF THS TRIINR SIGHi�IAY 65 AND NEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE/CENTRAL AVENUE INTERSECTION WHEREA3, the Council recognizes that there is a traffic congestion problem at this intersection; and WHEREAS, the City is anticipating the development of the 100-Twin Drive-In Property in the near future and along With that development an inerease in traffic in this area; and WHEREA3, the Couneil recognizes that there is a traffic flow problem on the east side of T.H. 65 in the Polk/Lynde Drive area; and WHEREA3, $7,000 of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were expended to perPorm a traffic study oP this area; and WHEREAS, Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. perPormed the traffic siudy and recommended several alternative solutions to the traffie problems on both sides of T.H. 65 and a report oF their study was presented to the Council on October 29, 1984; and WHEREA3, it is necessary that the Citq purchase Lot 4, Block 1, ParkvieW Manor Second Addition in order to implement roadway improvements east oP T.H. 65 at Central Avenue and Hathaway Lane; and WHEREAS, needed street right-oP-way or easements shall be required from Lot 5, Bloek 5, Donnay's Lakevie`+ Manor in order to accommodate planned street improvements and revisions west of T.H. 65 south of West Moore Lake Drive. WHEREA3, a public hearing Was held on February �, 19a5 with interested citizens from this area and their comments and coneerns were heard; and WHEREAS, the citizens and the Council reaehed a general agreement as to the best alternatives proposed by Short-Elliott-Hendrickson for street improvemenLs in this area; and WHEREAS, the citizens at the public hearing requested that traffic also be redueed on Central Avenue from Rice Creek Road to T.H. 65. NOW THEREFORB, BB IT RESOLVEA by the City Couneil of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as Pollows: Page 2-- Resolution No. - 1985 1. The Council approves the plans prepared by Short-Elliott-Hendrickson for the improvements on the east and West sides of T.H. 65 at the intersection of West Moore Lake Drive/Central Avenue. 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Short-Elliott-Hendrickson for the development of final plans and specifications for the iatersection in this area. 3. The Council hereby authorizes the stafF to work with Short-Elliott- Iiendrickson, Minnesota Department oP Transportation and the Anoka Countq Highway Department to coordinate the development oP this project. 4. That the City StafP is hereby authorized and instructed to obtain the necessary easements and right of Ways to construct this projec� and to use proper negotiation or the powe r oP eminent domain if necessary to obtain these easements and right of ways. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - NAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERK 6/3/14 11 A � � -. . .•�_ . ' w � . "� � \ .. _ . �� . •Q� _. ��;_;- - _ .-; �,�� _ _. � •�. �.. �` i:� � ��`. � ' �. .. •�, I : � -; � � � . ! t � I � � =�� �sa._�... . ���..� �"�• �.,' ''� . r' _ : . � r�? _ i �-� � _: - • �•. . � ► _ � � _ 11B . � � � . � � � . � . '. � � � � .. __ : ; � � _-�� = �. .. �� .� �. . .. ,�.._. . - -. _ ..._... � . . , � �� _ _ , `_ � . _ � � � �� � v ' ` "� �., _ � _ �-+1 _`'_`+__ �• ' •_ �` ' =1 ��'�. T�-. . � � _ �� ,`''�� �������� � ~ �� �'�• a I � �� _-- � ���• � _ �� • � � ��•�� � \ D � • �� •+ � �+ __ 1__•_�'__ � - : �. �_ � � � � �� � ���� _ •�� _ •� . �� ��1 •� �• � � �•. `�ti�� �+. � • ' • ' � � �. • , �w� 1�'� .. � � ❑ � QTY G1F' FRIDLEY MEMORANDOM Zb: 1�iSIM M. 40RE5HI, QTY MANAGER FiiCM: SID II�N� DIRDG'I�OR �' CENiRAL �ICES SUB.7ECT: Hi2A REEiJADII� L1ATE: FFSF37ARY 19, 1985 In the past, we have discussed the HRA's refunding of their current Center City Bonds. I send you a memorand�an dated January 18, 1985 which included a copy of the refunding schedule and a cash flow analysis of the refunding prooess. This was discussed by the Council during the January 28, 1985 Conference Meeting. Ch February 14, 1985, the HRA passed the first two in a series of resolutions beginning the vfficial process of refunding. The iirst resolution modifies Project No. 1 to include Tax Increnent Districts 4 and 5. In the pest, we had modified all of the existing increnent districts into one plan. Since four and five were created after that action, this is necessary to ensure all the underlined docuQnents are in order prior to the sale. 'IY�e HRA also passed a resolution requesting the City Council to approve and adopt the Modified Plan. On February 15, 1985, the City Council received a marked-up copy of that Modified Plan for their review. Since receipt of that doc�anent, the only change in the Modified Plan (which is included) is the introduction section which changes the dates of City Council Action f rom February 18, 1985 to February 15, 1985. I have attached for your review naw, a oopy of all those doc�anents along with a resolution by the City Council approving of the HRA's action and of f icial ly modifying the plan. I am requesting that this be placed on the agenda on February 25, 1985. Once this process is completed, the HRA will then be suthorized to sign the borid agreenent and on March 18, 1985 we wi.11 have f inal appraval by the City Council and the ref�mding process will be campleted. If you have any q�stions on this matter, please feel free to let me know. 9CI:sh Attachanents 3/0/4/4 12A Councilmembet introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF FRIDLEY COUNTY OF ANOKA STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATION OF THE MODIFIED REDEVELOFMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462.411 to 462.716, INCLUSIVE, AS AMENOED, AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE MODIFICATION OF THE MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS LOCATED THEREIN PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 273.71 TO 273.86, INCLUSIVE, AS AMENDED BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE RE- FUNDING OF THE GENERAL OHLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS OF THE AUTHORITY. HE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed, approved and adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City (the "Authority") that the Authority modify the Modified Redevel- opment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. l(the "Redevelop- ment Project") within the corporate limits of the City, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 462.716, inclusive, as amende , and it has been further proposed, approved and adopted by the Authority that the Authority modify the Modified Tax Incre- ment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts 1 through 5 within the Redevelopment Project (the "Tax Incre- ment Fi-nancing Distri�ts") for the purpose of facilitating the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. 1.02. The Authority has caused to be prepared, and this Council has investigated the facts with respect thereto, a proposed modification of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project (the "Modified Redevelopment. Plan"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modifi- cation of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and the modifica- tion of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts (the "ModiEied Tax Incre- ment Financing Plans ) for the purpose of facilitating the �� refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. 1.04. The Council hereby determines that :t is neces- sary and in the best interest oF the City at this time to modify the Modified Redevelopment Plan and Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans and to adopt and approve the Modi- fied Redevelopment Plan and the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans. Section 2. Adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. The Modified Redevelopment Plan and the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans presented to the Council on this date are hereby approved and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. The Modified Re- development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plans shall be collectively entitled "Modified Redevelopment Plan for Re- development Project No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment District No. 1 through Tax Increment Dis- trict No. 5, Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota, February 18, 1985." Section 3. Implementation of Modified Redevelopment Plan. The officers of the City, the City's financial advisor and underwriter therefor, and the City's legal counsel and bond counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and Modi- fied Tax Increment Financing Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. The motion for was duly seconded vote being taken thereof : the adoption of the foregoing resolution by Councilmember , and upon thereon, the following voted in favor - 2 - �B 0 � and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by the Mayor and attested to by the , Clerk-Treasurer. Dated: February Z5, 1985. Attest: Clerk-Treasurer �� Mayor 12 C• ' c �D �� ti Q,��Ja� c°� ���► _ . d�`� �,� - � s y .�SODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PL�N /�� FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 (CENTER CITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA) AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. 1 ' THROUGH TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA February 25, 1985 This document was drafted by: O'CONNOR & HANNAN 3800 IDS Tower 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612/341-3800 � 0 �� MUNICIPAL ACTION TAKEN Hased upon the statutory authority described in the Modified Redevelopment Plan attached hereto, the public purpose findings by the Commissioners and for the purpose of fulfilling the Authority's redevelopment objectives as set forth in the Modified Redevelopment Plan, the Commissicners have created, established and designa�ec Redevelopme�t Pr��- ect No. 1 pursuant to and in acccrdance with the require- ments of Sections 462.411 through 462.716, inclusive, as amended tthe "Housing and Redevelopment Act"). The following municipal action was taken in connection therewith: May 15, 1979: The Redevelopment Plan for Center City was adopted by the City Council. April 6, 1981: The Redevelopment Plan for Moore Lake was adopted by the City Council. November 23, 1981: The Redevelopment Plan for North Area was adopte by the City Council. August 22, 1983: The Redevelopment Plan for Center City was modified by enlargement to include the project areas formerly included in the Redevelopment Plan fot Moore Lake and the Redevelopment Plan for North Area and was redesignated as Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the City Council. December 19, 1983: The Redevelopment Project No. 1 lishment of Tax Increment within the project area. February 27, 1984: The Redevelopment Pro�ect No. 1 lishment of Tax Increment within the project area. Redevelopment Plan for was modified by the estab- Financing District No. 4 Redevelopment Plan for was modified by the estab- Financing District No. 5 �ebruar 25, 1985: The Redevelopment Plan for Re eve pm ro�e No. 1 was modified to provide technical modifications for purpose of the proposed Fridley tax increment refunding. The following municipal action was taken with regard ta the Tax Increment Financing Districts comprising portions of Redevelopment Project No. l: � LF Tax Increment Financing District No. 1(Center City): May 15, 1979: Prior to the enactment of the Tax Increment Financing Act of 1979 effective August 1, 1979, a separate Tax Increment Financing Plan was not required by law but was included as a part of the originally adopted Redevelopment Plan for Center City. a����S` ??, •?R?• T�e Cer.ter City Redevelopment Area wa=_ :.�c�i�ied by nesolution on�ly (no hearing required) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. 1. y. ��bruary 25 1985: Tax Increment Financing � Dis�ic o. 1 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. Tax Increment Financing District No. 2(Moore Lake): May 4, 1981: The Tax Incr�ement Financing Plan for Moore Lake Redevelopment Area was adopted by the City Council. August 22, 1983: The Moore Lake Redevelopment Area was modified by Resolution only (no hearinq re- quired) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. 2. * � Februarv 2 1985: Tax Increment Financing District No. 2 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. Tax Increment Financing District No. 3(North Area): November 23, 1981: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for North Area Aedevelopment Area was adopted by the City Council. December 14, 1981: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for North Area Redevelopment Area was modified and clarified by the City Council. August 22, 1983: The North Area Redevelopment Area was modified by Resolution only (r.o hearing re- quired) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. 3. ��ebruary 5 1985: Tax Increment Financing No. 3 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. � �G Tax Increment Financing District No. 4: December 19, 1983: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 was adopted by the City Council. � Februar 25, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing orporated into the Master Plan. Ta:: Increment Fi�ar.cing District No. 5: February 27, 1984: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 was adopted by the City Council. � Februar 25 1985: The Tax Increment Financing P an was incorporated into the Master Plan. � �H HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY COUNTY OF ANOKA STATE OF MINNESOTA R�SOLLTIOy NO. /� SS y e�- �d •? .,S% �'s /� S A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 PURSJANT TO TH� PROVI- SIONS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462.411 TO 462.716, INCLUSIVE, AS e�MENDED, AND MODIFYING THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 THROUGH 5, ALL LOCATED WITFiIN REDE- VELOPMENT PROJECT NO. l, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 273.71 TO 273.86, INCLUSIVE, AS AMENDED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING GENERAL OHLIGATION TAX INCREMENT HONDS OF THE AOTHORITY. HE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners (the "Commission- ers") of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Au- thority") in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section l. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed that the Authority modify the Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for Rede- velopment Project No. 1(the "Redevelopment Project") pur- suant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 462.716, inclusive, as amen�e , an modify the tax increment financing plans (the "Tax Increment Financing Plans") for Tax Increment Districts No. 1 through 5(the "Tax Increment Financing Districts"), all located within Redevelopment Project No. l, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.86 inclusive, as amended, for the purpose of refunding general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. 1.02. This Authority has caused to be prepared, and has investigated the facts with respect thereto, a proposed modification of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project and the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts. 1.03. The Authority has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project and the modification of the�Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts. � �I 1.04. The Authority hereby determines that it is neces- sary and in the best interest of the City at this time to modify the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and modify the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts in order to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds issued for payment of public activities within the project area. Section 2. Modification of Redevelopment Project. 2.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and ap- proval of the modification of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the Council of the City, the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 is hereby apptoved and adopted in and for the City. Section 3. Modification of Plans of Tax Increment Districts � ect No. 1. Tax .thi Increment Re _evelo Financin nt pro�- 3.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and ap- proval of the Council of the City oF the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts are hereby approved and adopted in and for the City. Section 4. Re uest and A roval of Modified Redevelo - ment Plan and Mo ifie Tax Increment Financing Plans. 4.01. The Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans approved and adopted by the Authority on this date, are hereby forwarded to the Council with the request that the Council approve and adopt the modification of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project and the modification of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts, and that the collective Modified Redevelopment Plan and Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans be placed on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. Section 5. Filing of Redevelopment Plan. 5.01. The Authority shall cause the Modified Redevelop- ment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment - � - � � Financing Districts to be filed with the Minnesota Depart- ment of Energy and Economic Development. Dated: February 14, 1985 - Chairman Attest: • Executive Director i - 3 - � �� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF' FRIDLEY COUNTY OF ANOKA STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A 9J s� �yo '� .�� � • RESOLUTION REQUESTING TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS WITHIN RE- DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO FACILITATE THE REFUNDING OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS OF THE AUTHORITY. � / 8s HE IT RESOLVED, by the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") in and for the City of FridZey, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: l. The Authority has approved and adopted the modifi- cation of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Redevelopment Project") pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, $462.411 to 5462.716, inclusive, as amende and has further modified the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Districts No. 1 through 5, within Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Tax Increment Financing Districts") pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, 5273.71 to 5273.81, inclusive, as amended, in order to �acilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. 2. The Authority hereby requests the City.Council of the City to consider the modification of the Modified Rede- velopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project and the Modi- fied Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts and to approve and adopt by resolution the recommended said modifications. 3. The Executive Director of the Authority is hereby directed to submit a copy of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the Modified Tax Incre- 12K � ment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts to the City Council for its approval. - Dated: February 14, 1985 Chairman Attest: Executive Director - 2 - . .__. 12 L � � . r,�'v, t - �},�� . �� �; t� � �. r I ,� �, l/� ?'Os ��OM: CITI O�T TItIDLE� MsMO�•100M �LSIM M. GORLSHI� CITt ILLNACEt SID IIfM1J1� DIRLCl01t Ot CE1lTA�l. SEA9ICt5 SCBJEC?: 1llt� �LTO)iD1/C `� a•n: �u�u� �a, �9es . • Over tAe l�st �ear� t�e ARA ba� peea r��ieMins tAe potential !or � �efur�ding tbe curreat Center City Hond�. Ye Dave �rovided tde Cit� Council vitb intoreatioc oa tbis proceaa •arlier� Out tor tAeir revir++ I Dave •tt�cDed all �DDrop,riatc sesorandums deficina �l�pr Lhey oeea to retund t�e poc0a� �o� tDe� can do it, aa0 discu�siooa •i to tEt •dvant�se� ot it. Oc Jaouary 10, 1485, tae flRA forsall� a�proved tDe refuading ot tat ponas aloos vitA tEe attacDeO �cbedule. Tou vill oote tb�t oa FeDruary 25 aoa Marcb 18. 1985� tDe •cEedule reQuires particular sctions O1 tDe City Couacil. I am Drin8ing tDe�e to �our atteatioa at tEis tiee �o tDat �ou c�n alert tDe Council lo ca�e they bave any additioaal pue�tions tDe� aay vant to posc regardina tAis actioa. It �ou Da�c any pue�tions regardit� tIIis informstion� pleaae teel fres to coatact •t. ittachmeata � �n n � �� .M�4 •' �f� � �+ MEl40RAND01'� ZV: I�SIM M. QURF.SBI► CITY MAI�Il9C',F�t • •,� n � ►. � • � • • •' «s �• • ti�• •:,. SUBJFX,TS � REFUADIK� L1ATE: JAI�]�RY 9, 1984 As you are aware, for the gast three meetings, the HRA has been discussing the possibility of refunding the Center City Bonds. After reviewing the attached bond cash flvw analysis at the last HRA meeting in Dece�r�ber, they gave us preliminary approval to go forward with the process. At that time, they airecteci us to have Miller & Schroeder go ahead with developing the prxess for refunding the bonds with an additional 5500.000 for upcoming project oosts. Attachec3 is a schedule of the ref�ding process for you and the IiRA to review. Please note that there is no additional formal action required by the HRA until February 14. 1965 when they will have to apprave the plan modification for refunding and the� on March 14, we will need their authorization to sign the the bond purchase agreenent. Please forward this information to the HRA and if you have any questions, I will be available during the meeting to discuss it with then 9CI:sh 3/o/?,/il 0 � N � ' � J 2 � i WJ O J m � � O � f.i � � �f.i Z Q � 1P1 � � d m N � _ � 1~Jf 1 � ff� � ii 1 >Q � 4 i.~.i � W � W 1 ii � �f 1 � � ; � � � Y, 1 O m s o i �' M � O 1 � � 1 O iWi � � � �s S �`u� � J r � 6 W 1 � O � s m � = u � r > W = � W Q � W � � O O �� W M � � i � N A A A Y�7 N O A O 1"�� A l'�V f'�V � t � H � A f��► � .0... .O m � � � � �► O H l'V A A H� � m N ? O YY 1'� A 1�� U: U9 /� � m N M��► 1 N 1/� �O �O �O � � � �O � �O � � � �O N O h 1� 11� A O l'V 1f'! N Y�9 h O O S y'7 �+ N/► m 1A � A� N� O O Y'1 IA N O^ Y"! �O N N��fY N O� ?? P 111 N '�O O A/� �O N Iff H m� �O � O P� T m� r+ �� O O�O $ �! 1��♦ f� f f f 1 f f t !'�V N N N N N N N N 1'�v h N!�V N N ev.emmmmmmmmmmmmm p• N H►'Y P9 ✓f H M✓• H H✓f H N M ? m f�! f t f� 1 f�► f� f • M Y'! • � • 1 � 1 1 � • • � � b1 H'! �O � �O .O �O O � -0 � -O �O � .O !�! 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Y7 �O O♦ P ... ��O O� 1 N • 1+ !� p M V'f r+ !V Y7 �O � �O �O �O �O r e � �O ♦ �O O 8 O S O O O O O O O O O S O O m �� r� � m o vs ri � v�i r► o m ��^ lV r► N N 1► N O m?� 0' � .0 O ' M O� � ' N O �O � �► 11'f �► O � � � � � � � M� r�f lV ? ..�� h M7 h t 1 t 1 f�!� f 1� O O S O O O O O O O S O O� S S m N � � • � t • � � � • • • � m N!�f rf ✓f H H M►'f ✓f H M! �! ►�l f9 N�r 1'� 1'� 1'� /� f� 1'� 1'► 1'► A!► A A/� if� � � •O �O �O .�O �O .O � � � �O. � �O Vf O� O O O O O O O O O O O O O � .r � .r � � � .r � r �r w� Q � U'f �O 1� m T O N M� 119 �O r► m• � � m m m m P O� ? T=�� P� W 1 � ? � � � � �P.. � .. p � y = � !C '+» M • � w H � m w � � r = � � N • � y M d M P � ri w r ri w r. w . � � : IPl M ► M A • � » Y'! M � r H » !p� N .O Y � A N Y v M r g r y� � !V M f M • • ? : ♦ 1� � w N � O M � M � i gr w � • O �. w .+ w � w e� w • O � m i P + O � r � 8 � � • • � � r � � � A � � � � • O s g = �e = � yS o`"� � � f.i d W� � N �eW O � � Z � ^ � , � � 1 1 � • . N �. ; � o • O � 8 = n� 4 � � � � � iWTc �' N � � � � S � � �y� � A r � SCE�D► � FOR FRIDLEY TAX ItICRE�IT REfUi1DING '.'•EVF�.�� BOi�� SERIES 1985 January 9 Set r.�eetings with insurance cclnpanies t!eeti-�g with 0' Connor � ��arulan Jar:u�a.rv 17 First draft of Indenture January 21 First drafting sessio� and Official StateJnent plann:r� January 28 First draft of Official Statelr.ent out January 30 Official S*atenent meeting, Second draft of Incenture, etc. February 4 �econd Official Statement meetin� February 6-8 rieetings with insurrance cmpanies Febru�ry 1: Ir.fon:ation or: �lans to i��ic'.ley February 14 Pl�:►n rrodifications for re`unding approved by i�iTZA Febru�► 25 Plan modifica�ion approval by Council February 25 lJork with insurance caapanies T'arch 14 Authorization to sign bond P�chase A�ree�'�ent by HPA March 18 Final approval by Council �...,-- P'arch 25 Closinf; at 0'Connor � Hannan C �P 13 crrsr o� F��t MEMORAND�1�! �: I�1.SIM M. SXIRF�HI � CITY MAI�GER FRL'Nl: SID II�t+1�N, DIRDC'i'OR QE' CE[�TIRAL SEIt�TICES SU&7DCT: RF50'LUPION AUa30RIZIl� BALIAT QOITN�II+� AT QTY BALL QATE: F�RUARY 12, 19ffi As you are aware, we have been working with tne County in order to alleviate tne problen of head judges staying until four or five o'clock in tne morning at tne Counting Center in the Anoka County Courthouse the night of election. Some oY tne other cities that have been included in this resolution are at the point now where ttieir Council's have informed them that they must make a change. After careful review of tne situation, we are convinced that the problen revolves around ttie specif ic fact of counting the ballots. We have reviewed with the County Auditor's office and the County Data Processing Departrnent a n�nnber of potential alternatives for reducing the amount of time spent counting the ballots. After reviewing all the alternatives, it is clear that the most cost exfective way to eliminate the problen and thus alleviate ttie amount time j udges have to sit at the County is to count the ballots in City iiall. While tne resolut�.on ttlat we are asking the City to pass authorizes tne staff to begin a forntial evaluation of the cost benefit, it appears to us on the surface tnat the cost of the counting machine (between $9,000 and $10,000) when aQnortized over the next f ive years in comparison to the oost of the salaries of the staff and judges, that there would be a substantial benef it to the�City. It should be pointed out tt�at as of last year tne City has tne responsibility to pay all the judges salaries. Aside from the cost benefit of this type of activity, there would be same other value. 1. For�nost, we would probably not lose as many head judges and would increase our ability to attract new judges. 2. We would be able to provide results to our own candidates on a much faster basis. 3. We would be closer to the precincts during the period of tune between seven and t� p.m. when tne City Hall staff is usually either on the way to the County or at the County and out of touch. �his resolution merely directs us and authorizes us to begin reviewing the process witn tne County Auciitor and forn�ailizes that the City Cour►cil approves of tnis action. Zhe resolution has al.so been placed on the agenda of Caon Rapids, Colu�mbia Heights and Blaine for ttieir approval. I am recommending that we place this on the Council's agenda for February 25 and then I will forward it to the County. 9CI:sh oc: 5hirley Haapala, Deputy City Qerk, Reoords S�ecialist Elsie Hanscom, Acco�mting/Data Processing Clerk 3/0/4/24 � DRAFT R�TIZQ�I AA. — 1985 A RF�[TI'IQd AtTii30RIZII� �E CITY STAFF TO PURSUE PLTN(S C1�FiD RF►L�IIAr C�CTIJTII� AT QT7C HAI�L WHERFAS, the City of has maintained a high quality electio� prooess over the past several years, and WHERFAS, Anoka Ca.vity has served as the tabulatinq center for ballot counting for the past several years, and WHERFAS, the Anoka County cities have experienced si gnif icant population growth resulting in an increase in registered voters, and WHEREAS, many concecns have been expressed by the City Clerks and head election judges relative to the oo�mting prooess at Anoka Camty, and WHERF'A.S, the Cauity Auditor's office has made ooncerted efforts to resolve the procedure problens, and WHERFAS, the cities of Anoka County have made large investments in the Punch Card Voting Fquipnent and are desirous to retain this process, ar�d WHEREA.S, it has been determined that independent ballot cou¢�ting by individual cities would reneciy this problen in the most oost efficient method. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of , authorizes and directs the City Clerk to work with the County and the other cities in Anoka County to develop a procedure for o�unting ballots at their individual City Hall. BE IT FUFt�ER RESOLVID, that the Citx Qerk be authorized to pursue a joint powers agreenent with other cities within Anoka County for this purpose. BE IT FUi�iER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be authorized to obtain cost estimates for equip�t reeded to oo�t ballots on the Punch Card S�sten. PASSID AI�ID ADOPTID BY ZiiE QTY QOUNCIL � ZI•lE QTY OF �IIS DAY OF , 1985. �1'I'1�'T: QTY Q.F�iK — 3/0/4/26 MAYOR — 13 A 13� DRAFT February 8, 1985 Mr. C�arles R. Lefebvre Anoka County Auditor Anoka County Courthouse Anoka, Manresota 55303 Re: Flections Dear C7iuck: In the past, we have all shated a�tual corycern and worked together regarding the �nount of time the election j��3ges have to wait in line at the County on election night. In an attempt to remedy the problem, we have had numerous meetings and discussions with your staff, data processing and the cities. In reviewing the situation in detail, it appears that the only area of ooncern for both the County and the cities with the election procedures is the individual prooess of oounting the batlots. During a number of discussions with Mr. Dick Sivanich, t�e made it very clear to us that if the larger cities would like to take on the process of counting ballots, the County Auditor would be more than willing to entertain discussions regarding this matter. After reviewing the situation ourselves, it appears that the most eff icient and productive method to proceed with would be for the four larger cities to purchase their awn oo�ting equipment, such as the PEPS systen and have their judges go to their own City Hall's on election night. The City Clerks would then tacansport the ballots, forms, supplies and the results to the County. It appears to us that by us accepting the responsibility of our large voting population, we would be able to aid the oounting process at the County, i.e., speec7 it up and rena�ve the concern that we have had regarding the waiting period for our judges on election night. Our cities are grawing and �his means more voters, more precincts and it can only add to the existing problea. I would like to bring to your att�tion that this is the only change in the election process that we reooRm�end. �e renainder of the election process is efficient and any other problems that may develop can be worked out on a one to one basis with the County. We have pursued the matter with our individual City Councils and we have attached for your review oopies of the resolutions authorizing us to begin discussions with you regarding this process. The City Councils are aware of the co�ting process problens and they are supp�rtive of this action. 13 C Mr. Q�arles R. Lefebvre -2- F�ruary 8, 1985 We have worked tagether for many years and we would all like to maintain the same good relationship. With the increase in population and growth, it has be� very difficult for us and for you to serve both the citizens and the cities. Our concerns are for our juc3ges, the candidates and the citizens we serve as we feel we they deserve our best effort. In s�munary, wail.d you please review this letter ana attached resolutions. We would then like to meet with you at your earl�est convenience to discuss whether or not your office would ap�rave and support such action and what fona anc�/or format we can all take to solve our mutual con�erns. Sincerely. Sidney C. ir�nan Director of Central Services City of Fridley Betty Bell City Clerk City af Coon Rapids Jayce �aistol City C1erk City of Blaine Willi�n Elrite City Clerk City of Col�anbia Heights cc: Anoka Co�ty C�issioners Mr. John "Jay" McLinden, Anoka CamtY Ac�►inistrator City of Fridley Councilmentaers City of Blaine Councilmemt�ers City of Coon Rapids Councilmembers City of Colu¢nbia Heights Co�cilme��bers 3/0/4/25 ` FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- CLAIMS i�► February 25, 1985 P 0 CL�I!"►S �;� , 1274 - �;o , 1478 � 16 s FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ' FEBRUARY 25, 1985 GAS SERVICES Flare Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 664 Meridelssohn Avenue North Golden Valley, NIId 55427 By: Bruce Hoffman Shiith Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. P.O. Box 465 Mound, Ns1 55364 By: Mike Smith GENERAL COPITRACZI�R R & M Associates 3482 Auger Av enue White Bear Lake, NIN 55110 By: Ray Palme Steiner Developnent Inc. 18338 Minnetonka Boulevard Deephaven, NBJ 55391 By: Galen Tongen HEATING Check Refrigera tion Inc. 8830 - 7th Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 By: Donald C. Czech Rassett P4echanical Contractors, Inc. 1322 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 By: Leo A. Rassett, Jr. S�nith Heating & Air Cond. Inc. P. O. Box 465 Mound, Mt7 5 53 64 By : Mike S�ni th 16a -- LICENSES APPROVED BY • WILLIAM SANDII3 Plbg.-Htg. Insp. WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Off icial DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Official WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. WILLIAM SAtIDIN Plbg. -Htg. Insp . WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. 17A CITY OF FRILa�Y � i�gineering Deparbnent 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley. Minnesota 55�3Z Dates Februarv 1Q. 1985 �� Z�D: Aonorable Mayor and City Qaazcil REs Est. No. ---�_ (Final) City of F�idley Per. �ding Februar�v�9,,�. 9st 6431 University Avenue, N.E. F°r Layne Minnesota Company FYidley, Minnesota 55432 3147 California Street N Minneapolis, MN 55418 �II�RYs Original Contract �t Contract Additions -�ange Order I�oe. 1 Contract Deauctions - Qsange Order Nos. Revised Contract Aroo�a�t Value Ccr�leted Zb Dete StTB ZOT1�i. � �t ���a �oaa cs:� Less Arra�ait Paid Previausly 1M'Dt7NT D[1E �IIS �'TDyAT£ ��:�� : � � y.� �� �i�: : y��,: = 10,709.00 : 285.00 i = 10,994.00 = 10,994.00 = 10,994.00 _ -0- = 10,744.00 i 250.00 - 601-70-000-42400 JC 8001 I hereby certify that the vork performed and the materials supplied to clate �det terms of the oontlact for the reference project, and all authorized changes thereto, � have an actual value �der the oontract of the amo�u�ts sha�m on this estimate �and the final quantities of the final estimate are oorrect), and that this estimate is just and oorrect and no part of the 'Amount Due Zt�is Estimate" has bee� reoeived. BY Contractor's Authorized Representative (Title) �:�11 : � • �.� �� ����; , Dete I hereby oertify that I have prepared or examined this estinate, ar�d that the oontractor is entitled to payme�t of this estimate �der the oontract for reference project. CITY OF FRID�.EY, II�LSPFX.'10�12 HY Dat°. Q�ecked By: Respectfully S1.�mitted, CYty o� F�ridley BY Jahn G. Flora, P.E. Directoc o� Public Works 173 , VUGIL C. MEIIRIGK CAVID �• NEWMAN JAMES E. SCMMEGKPEPEH HERRICK & NEWMAN. P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW February 11, 1985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 January Retainer: HOURS IN EXCESS OF 30 AT $50.00 PER AOUR): HOURS IN EXCESS OF 30 AT $25.00 PER HOUR BY LAW) : BALAI3CE DUE : $1650.00 110.00 497.50 $2257.50 6279 UNtVERSIT�' AVENV! N.E. FRIOLEY. MINNESOTA 55�32 571-3B50 17 C