05/06/1985 - 5175Oi�E'IQAL CLTY Q'XJNQL AGIIQ�A U�JNC�, I�ETIlaG I�Y 6, 1985 �: .' . . . � i fRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING , . ,/� PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:_�P'����85 �A� �o.I� �S NAME ADDRESS - � - ITEM NUMaER _=_- ------=-====-==--====-=-=-----=-=-===-==-====------==--=---=-�__=____=_____-_-_____=_=_- �� , s z� o L '�'.� -�P� s s- s,� 1 o � � � � �� � �- .� �. _� _ . . �.{s �.,.�"'9�y���� �:� _ -��-., ..� � P '� �.�` � ��: � � .�� ;��� G � � � ����,... --� ��. :.� �... �,��.-�.�.� �� �t�,. ��� , '� r� /' .. , . :'i a- r� �:? . . . � �.� M � � ��1�� 1: � .�� ��c �.� ��� �;;���,.� �� � � � t , . � � 7� ._` " \ �' � ' f �� 'c.'}. �' ,' .^^ f,, li:, f �' 4 a� I `�e, �� ' F� � � _.., '"'' � ;��... V ,(t� .36 3 � r� d �i w' .�.e-�e -.�. � +�,,� , �'1 �.�.,�,.�::.r.�^'-e-�- � � � 6 � .._ '�`, , � J� _.d r...� * � �� ��d/ ►1/ L� � I iT �� , �sSl �/ ` � ��~�� //'�_ /� COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 6. 1985 � �. ■ : i ► PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE 15SUANCE OF APPROXIMATELY $750.000 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS - GERALD W. PASCHKE. ....... 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF VACATION REQUEST. SAV �85-02 TO VACATE A DRAtNAGE AND UTtLITY EASEMENT. FOR ERECT(ON OF GARAGE. 6747 WASHINGTOM STREET NE. 8Y ARNOLD M. KUHNLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 E [� . : �1►1���# RECEIVING THE M(fYUTES OF THE CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEET I NG OF APR i L 18. 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 F COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 6. 1985 1 � : 1 •► ► � PAGE 3 (TEM FROM APPEALS COMMtSSION OF APRI� 9, 1985: RE�UEST FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A FREE STANDING SIGN TO BE INCREASED FROM 80 SQ. FT. TO 144 SQ. FT.: 4800 EAST R�vER RoA�. FMC CORPORATION BY RODNEY D. SYKORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 E :' • •uu •► : •�►� ►�, •� �. .� , � ► : •� ► � � � � -• • • • �� � ITEM FROM APPEALS COMMISSION OF APRIL 23. 1985: RE�UEST FOR VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTlON OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING. 6800 OAKLEY S7REE7 NE. BY ROBERT ANDERSON. ......... 6- 6 E . _" : •�u •► . •�u ►�_ •� ►...� . � ► = •► ► � � • � •� • � • • �� • r '� 1TEM FROM PLANNING COMMISSiON OF APRIL 3. 1985: RE�UEST FOR A SPECIA� USE PERMIT. SP �85-02. TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING. 6800 OAKLEY STREET NE. BY ROBERT ANDERSON. ......... 7- 7 A APpEALS COMMISSION RECO MENDATION APPROVAL W1TH STIPULATlONS. COUNCtL ACTION 1�E�DED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATtON. COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 6. 1985 ► � : 1 •► ► � PA�E 4 CONSIDERATION OF SIGN PLAN. 7580 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE. KORD i AK REALTY. BY DENN I 5 DEMARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 E � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELlM1NARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT. REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE h11NNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS (GERALD W. PASCHKE) . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVI�G A SUBDIVISION LOT SPLIT. L.S. #85-04, TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES, 1040-1050-1860 - 67TH AVENUE NE. HOMELAND REALTY COMPANY. BY �EFFREY N. CAINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 D COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 6, 1985 1 , : ► •► ► � PAGE 5 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . 1� - 11 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS: MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .� RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWAROING CONTRACT ON CURBSIDE RECYCLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 6. 1985 1 • � 1 •► ► � PAGE 6 RECEIVING BIDS A�iD CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SEWER PROJECT �f150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 B � RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No . 1985 - 1 a2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARQING CONTRACT FOR 1985 CONCRETE PAVEMENT �OINT AND � CRACK RESEAL I NG PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% - 17 A :� RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 1985 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CURB. GUTTER AND S I DEWALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 � COUNCIL MEETIN6. MAY 6. 1985 ► � � ► •► ► � � PAGE 7 APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 19 � RECEIVING CONTAINMENT CLEANUP PLAN AT ONAN PROPERTY AND APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION TRAILER PERMITS. 1400 - 73RD AVENUE NE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 B LI CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 21 N ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 22 A CLAI MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . L� � .1 • YSTBBAA'S BUDDI POPPI DAY l�lAY 17. 1985 Willi�m J. Nee MaYor fridiey, MN. WEERBAS, The annuat sate of Buddy Poppies b� the Veterane of Foreign idara of the United States hae been offi.ciatl� recogni�ced and endoraed by governmentaZ Zeadera aince 1922; and J�HEREAS, VFW Buddy Poppiee are aseembled by disabled veterane. and the proceeda af this �sorthy fund-raiaing aampai.gn are used excZusiveZy for ths benefit of dieabted and need� veterane. and the a�idoa�a and orphana of deceased veterana; and iJEBREAS, The basic purpose of the annuaZ sate of Buddy Poppies by the Yeterana of Foreign iJars ie eZoquently reftected in the deeire to "Xonor the Dead by HaZping the Living"; BOW. THEREPORE, BE IT RBSOLVED that I. l�iZtiam d. Aee. Mayor of the City of Fridtey hereby proclaim Ma� 17, 1985 as YBTBRA9'S BUDDY POPPY DAY and urge the citisena of Fridley to reeognzxe the merita of this cause by contributing generouel� to ita eupport through the purchaee of Buddy Poppies on the day aet aside for the dietributi.on of theee e�mbota of appreciati.ort for the aacrifices of our honored dead. I urge aZZ patriotic citisens to �aear a Buddy Poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this country ruho have risked their Zivee in defenae of the frsedoma r�hich r�e continue to enaoy ae American citiasna. I8 WITIVBSS WHERBOF. I have aet my hand and caused ths aeal of the Ci.t� of Fridtey to be affixed this 6th da� of Mar�. 1985. C/ " ��� fi�ILLIAM d E. MAYOR • SKALL BUSIIYBSS IiBBF XAY 5 - 11. 1985 Wiliism J. Nae M��or Frid1�Y, MM. J✓BEREAS. the hiatory of America ia the hie�ory of a nation at �ork -- a natio» of farmere, manufacturera. and merchante �oining together to buitd a better aociet�. The ded�cation and commitment of these sarZy cittisens provided ths foundation for a gro�zng and proeperoua America -- an America buitt on individuat initiative. a competittivs epirit. and an intenee pride in the achievementa of a net� nation; mid i✓HEREAS. today. thie enterpriei,ng determi.nation to t�ork and to proaper ia embodied in more than 14 raittion enratZ buainesees. vhich provide ths technotogy tc keep ths economy gror�ing, the manufacturing and marketi.ng aki.lla to kesp ths nattion competiti.ve. and the innovatlon to guide ue into a better futurQ. It ia thia enterprising geniva that haa hetped amaZZ buainesa creats moet of our ner� �oba and provide sconantic opportunitisa urcaurpaeasd by any nation irs ths a�ortd; arrd WHEREAS. our euatained econornic 4spaneion ia sncouraging young Americana to form their orvn bueinesaea. Theas aapiring �ntrepreneure havs atr�aya been on ths Zeading edge of i.nvention and proqr�ae in our aociety. and their confidence in the future haa Zed to the creation not onty of new �obe but of t�hote ner� induetriea. Na att benefi.t from ths contribr�ttiores of amatt buaineaasa and those r�ho creats them. AOW, TBEREPORE, BB IT RBSOLVBD that I. NiZttiam �. Aee. Mar�or of the Cit� of Fridtey. hereby proctaim ths vssk of 11fay 5 through Xay il, 1985 ae S61ALL BUSI9BSS fiBBg and ask that aZt Americane �oin irith me in eaZuting our amatt businesa men and a�omen by obaerving that �eek vith appropriats activitisa. IA WITNESS f�bIEREOF, I have eet m� hand and caueed ths seaZ of tks-Cit� of Pridte� to be affi�ed thia 6th day of Xay. 1985. v c * WILLIAN J. AEE, MAYOR BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING MAY 6, 1985 Fam No. A.F. 4—Not1x to Clerk of Meetmg af Bwrd of Reviesv—•Eqaalfulim ��,". .' BUNK it°: �: `.� 1 1 � OFFICE OF COiTNTY ASSESSOR TO THE CLERK OF THE City OF Fridley Anoka COUNTY, NLINNESOTA: :�OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 6 th (Mo� day of A!a�.� 1 g t� 5 at �� 3 0 dcloc�P�M., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Board of Beview—/'���l�z�t��n (strtw oot oos) in pour City for said qear. This meeting should be held in your office as provided by law. Pursuant to the proti�isions of Minnesota Statutes S�ection 274.1� you are required to give notice oi aaid meeting by publication and posting, not lster thsn ten days prior to the date of said meeting. Given under mp hand thi¢ 25th daq of March 1985 c�i�------= Gayle Leon��ty Assesaor Anoka �unty, Minnesota •Appiias ody to dtias whae cbarter provtder for a Bo�rd of Equaliuttoa iastead af a Bwrd of Review. CITY OF FRIDLEY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Review of the City of Fridley in Anoka County, Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambers of the Fridley Civic Center in said City on Monda�y the 6th day of May, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessments of said City of Fridley for the year 1985. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to cortq�lain that the property of another is assessed too low are hereby notified to appear at the said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Given under rtty hand this 15th day of April, 1985. Sidney C. Inman City Clerk Publish: April 22 and 29, 1985 �a 2 Notice of Public Hearing Commercial Development Revenue Honds City of Fridley, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minne- sota, at the City Aall, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, at a meeting of the City Council to be held on May 6, 1985, commencinq at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., C.T. At the public hearing the Council will consider a proposal that the City assist the financing of a commercial or industrial development project by issuing its bonds or other obligations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. The proposed project consists of the construction of an approximately 30,000 square foot office/warehouse facility (the "Project"), to be located within the City on the east side of Main Street N.E. approximately midway between 79th and 81st Avenues, by Gerald W. Paschke (the "Borrower"j. It is proposed that the City assist financing the Project from the proceeds of an issue of the City's commercial or indus- trial development revenue obligations in an amount presently estimated not to exceed $750,000. If issued, such obliga- tions would be payable from lease payments or loan repay- ments to be made or secured by the Borrower. A dzaft copy of the proposed application to the Minne- sota Department of Energy and Economic Development for approval of the Project is available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. All persons appearing at the public hearing will be - given an opportunity to present their oral or written com- ments on the proposal that the City undertake and finance the Project. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 6, 1985 4;1 ����l�I4a�. � - y;i ; ar.�i : ; ���+����. �.' ti:i �; n � �+44 i�;i„�ii�i � . a; .. �e Regular meeting of the Fridley City ��mci]. was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLID�E OF ALLDGIANCE• Mayor Nee led the O�tmcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. i�LL CAI.�L • MENBII2S PRFSII�IT: Mayor Nee, Q»cilman Goodspeed. O��mcilman Fitzpatrick, O�lmcilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette N�NBII2S ABSFNT: None APPRL7VAL OF MINLTrFS: OOCTNCIL ME�TING . APRiL 1. 1985 : MJTIO�J by O�i.uicilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as p�esented. Seoonded by O�Lmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �PTION OF AGII�• The follawing itan was added to "Lioenses": oonsideration of a Food Lioense for Sears Surplus Store. Mi0TI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seoonded k�i ��cilman Schr�eider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously OPII�i FCCJI�RIJM, VISITORS• �ere was no response fran the audienoe under this iten of business. OLD BUSINESS 1. QONS�ERATTON OF CITY mIJrIQL APPOINL'I�I�Fr TO THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION (TABLID 4/],�85) - �uncilman Goodspeed raminated Steve Billings, 5215 Lincoln St. N. E. , for app�intment to the Hunan Resouroes Carmission. �ere being no further rnsnir�ations, the follaaing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointment of Steve Bil.lings to the Hunan Resouroes O�mmission. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried iulanimously. -1- 0 2. ��. I�.M� �� � ��. �' ; �; � �, �� �� � 1� �; ; � � � �+.�a,�; � ��. ; �� �.� �•� : � v _�M �� ; u � : u C : 1 • , 1�M�/�+: M ; /�+�11 � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated when Midas Muffler was in the prooess of oonstructing their sign, the oontractor inadvertently placed the footing for the si.cy� in the utility easenent. Mr. Flora stated the awner would have to renwe the sic�n or enter into an agreement not to hold� the C�ty resp�nsible for any damages that might occur sinoe the sign is in the ease�nent. Mr. Flora stated the awner has agreed to execute such an agreement which is naw before the �uncil for apprwal. A�DTICJ�] by Qo�cilman Goodspeed to approve the execution of the agreement reiative to this p,�lon sign. Seoonded by O�uncilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Lmanimously. K ; � .��N �. 4* _ v� �l �4_ • 4,i • : �►�M��. •!.uiy ��� v�_�. �►, • ; �: ��:Y�'�i •� � n �.: ��� • ; : ��. a _ � a� ; ; • �M : • �+; ���+ ; : � �� � � �. � • � _ �� �,� : v���l�_* +�_ i 4* ' �� N� i V a� � � � � � : ��. ��i1M �� v►vt ��M1�!! � � ��� 4� : �� ; � : � `_��� � 4. �4; yl ► NDTTC�T by O�uncilman Fitz�atrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Se�nded b� (bimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the hearing operied at 7: 40 p. m. Mr: Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit for p�operty at 54th Avenue and 5th Street in an i�3 zone. He stated the request is to oonvert the existing four-plex into a single family purpose use to allaw for a mentally ill facility. He stated it is proposed to modify the building by cutting doorways between each of the units to allaw for program s�pervision. He stated of the four kitchens, one would renain as a oongregate dining area and the others used as offioe space. He stated the staves, ref rigerators, and sinks would be renaved f ran the othe� three kitchen areas. He stated there are eic�t �rking stalls, four outside and four garages which meet the code. Mr. Flora stated the petitioners propose to have two occupants per bedroan. He further stated this building lacks some landscaping in order to prwide seg�ration to the properties to the rear. Mr. Flora stated it is proposed this program will serve approximately 14 men or wanen at least 18 years of age or older with the primary diagnosis of mental illness. He statecl priority would be given to the residents of Anoka �Lmty. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this -2- �� a�.�+� �� ��i�. • : �; � r , / �. request 'for a special use perinit and a re�nendation was made for approval with nine stipulations, outlined as follvws: (1) operation to be reviewed annually with a public hearing for the first two years; (2) residents with autcmobiles be restricted to five or less; (3) rear yard to be fenced with six foot high solid wood fenc�e. �is is to be voqngleted prior to oocupancy; (4) proposed Advisory �m►ittee to include City representatives (i.e., Hunan Resources Commission member and/or Police Special Operations Division staff) ;(5) petitioner to prwide a landscaping plan and install prior to October 31, 1985; (6) oontingency glan be initiated with Unity Hospital to oover any energencies; (7) facility will �nply with a].1 State and County rules and laws and be f ully licensed; ( 8) facil ity will comply with the local and state fire codes; and (9) client characteristics will be aonsistent with petitioner's o�ntract with Anoka O��ty. � Mr. Flora stated an �3 zone does allow a conva].escent type home with a special use permit. He stated there are sane single f�nil.y hames in this F�-3 zone. �. OoLmcilman Sc,hneider asked what use this type af facility wnuld be permitted in without a special use permit. Mr. Flora stated it would be allowed in a c�unercial C-2 general business zone. ��cilman ScYuieider asked if this was a C-2 zone, if the building would meet the zoning requiranents. Mr. F"lora stated the area requirements are larger for a C-2 zone and 20,000 square feet is required vs. 15,000 square � feet in an R-3 zone. , , �c :� ��.�` ; � F k : �`? �cx... c ��., �Mayor Nee stated a lot of peogle have v�ntacted him with reference to the la� on this issue and he asked the City Attorney to respond to some of the questions raised. bir. Herrick, (�ty Attorn�y, stated the first thing he would like to comment on is the authority of a municipality and the authority of the City ��cil. Ae stated a city in Minnesota is a sub-division of State goverrment and the authority the City Council has is the authority given to it by the Legislature. He stated the Legislature can give vertain authority to the (�ty and can take oertain authority away. Mr. Herrick stated, in reference to the special use permit, the City has a zoning ordinanoe which divides the City into various types of zones where certain uses are pern4itted. He stated this property is in an R-3 zone which is, in oommon terms, multiple housing. He stated the City's present ordinanoe says that a use of this type is permitted in an R-3 zone with a special use permit. He stated what that means is it is a permitted use, w�ess there is a realization that in some locations this use may be a hardship or a detriment or won't fit into the area. He stated one of the key things to keep in mind, unless there is substantial evidence to the effect that a permitted use, even though it requires a special use permit, will cause a pro4len, it is inc�unbent on the Council to grant the special use permit. He stated the burden is nat on the applicant, but on those who want to have a spec�ial use permit denied�whether it be the neighborhood or -3- i ��t �q�' G�, {� f. t ... �^.� �, _ , , � , ri': , .... . . , , � .. . .. . ,� . . . r,. . fr. �� Z CINt � —I s3 ��_i���w� �ia+a�Mr�. • ::; r �:��I�� the O��ci�l. He stated there has to be an affiimative revord of facts that the ��c�.1 can p�int to as a valid reason to c7eny a special use pern�it. Fie �ted, iiq this particular case, the matte�_i� som�ahat more oomplicated ----- -- _ _ �ecau�se of the action taTceri by the Legislature. 'Tlie Legislature adopte� statute that says they want faci.lities of this type in residential areas within mtnicipalities. He stated what the statute says is a facility that houses six or fQaer peogle is a permitted use within an R-1 or single fanily zoning area and facilities which house 16 or fewer peogle is a permitted use within i�3 areas. Mr. Herrick stated the statute does provide that the Council can determine, by a special use permit, whether there are circ�anstanoes regarding the location of the proposed facility that wo�il.d make the granting of the special use permit a detriment to the residents of the facility. Mr. Aerrick stated there was a similar case in Brooklyn Center and the ��cil has reoeived oopies of what had occurred. He stated the Appelate O�urt indicated that the area of discretion the do�cil has is limited. He stated he felt what the do�cil should cb in this situation is listen to the presentations of the applicant and to ariy persons in favor of the special use permit and then listen to those opposed to it. He stated the Council should oonsider these items and take into consideration the information reoeived fran the Planning Commission and their reoommendations and any other evidence officially before the Cb�cil. He stated the Council would have to weigh this information and come to a conclusion. He felt they should make written findings of fact as to their wnclusion. O�uncilman Schrieider stated he attended the Planning Go�anission meeting and several af the Commission menbers commented, prior to the vote on this special use permit, that bec�use o� a si.milax case in Brooklyn Oenter, their hands were tied and they really had no option in their vote. Ae asked haw much bearing this case in Brooklyn Center has on the Council' s oonsideration. Mr. Herrick stated he thinks it has a great deal of bearing. It s+eems to him �he facts in that case were quite si.milar to the facts in this case. He stated, �s�less there are soane factors that differentiate this situation fran that one, the discretion of the ��.mcil is very limiYed. Mayor Nee asked about this building being a rxuroonforming use. Mr. Herrick stated he thought the same question was ra.ised in the Brooklyn Center case. He stated he thought, in that case the rr�r�conforming use is related to the ��i 1 ding and r�ot to the use of the building, but would like an opportunity to recheck this after all the �rnnents are received this e�vening. M�TI�1 ky Councilman Barnette to receive into these minutes the entire minutes ot the Planning Commission meeting relating to this special use permit request and all the petitions received and attach them hereto. Sec�onded tr� O��cilman Goodspeed. tlpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried imanunously. -4- ��. I��M� �I�ial�i��. � ; *; � Ms. Renae Aanson, the petitioner, stated she would be the ac�ninistrator of the faczility and she and Ms. Diane Wric�t would rin the progra�n. She stated she oould answer any questions about this p�rograan. Ms. Aanson stated the facility w�ould have up to 14 residents all of them will be adults that have a primary diacyaosis of inental illness. She stated they will not have arYy residents that are dangerous. She stated the staff would include the Acfiiinistrator, Program Director, Z'herapist, dounselor, Nurse and Secretary. 5he stated pers�ns voming into the program would be taught independent living skills so they �uld live on their avn. Ms. Hanson stated there would be some upgrading of the facility, including fencing and landscaping, before it is occupied b� then. She stated she met with the Fire Marshall and State 8�al.th Department and anything that has to be done will be taken care af such as adding a fire alarm systen. Ms. Hanson stated there will also be an Advisory Board and it has been suggested that a menber of the Hunan Resouroes Qomnission be a menber. She stated they will be aocepting peogle who have indicated an iriterest in being on this Advisory Board. ��.uicilman Fitzpatrick asked who deterniines the iritake for this facility. Ms. Hanson stated the intake requirenents are already set. She stated the Administrator will determine acfiission based on this cxiteria. NLs. Wright stated Arioka ao�ty Services has apprwal of each per son mov ing irito the facility. Qoimcilman Goodspeed stated the Janus House has a require4nent regarding a oertain I.Q., and asked if this faca.].ity w�ould have such a requirenent. Ms: Hanson stated no one would be accepted who is def ined as mentally retarded which is the same as Janus House. Ms. Hanson stated when s�neone is referred to the facility, it is generally through the Anoka Oo�ty Social Sexvioes. She stated sometimes people are referred tr,� a psyc�iatrist, fa�nil.y manber, or hospitals. She stated they are screened over the phone, written materials are s�licited regarding their backgrotmd on fanlil.y, psychological, and sociologic,al matters. She stated this information is revi�saed by the Prograan Director who decides if the client is appropriate for this program. If it is determined they are acceptable, they are interviewed, their motivation is assessed, and a deternnination made if they meet all the criteria. Ms. Hanson stated th�y have never had an inciderit where the residents of �he facility assaulted arYyone in the neighborhood. She stated they would be very concerned because they would not want to lose their license and residents are screened very carefully. She stated those who may be dangerous to anyone are not adnitted. _cr ��.1� M/ „i�����. � : i; � � � Mr. Herrick asked in the screening process, if a representative of the do�ty and City could be involved. Ms. Hanson stated the County social worker is involved who makes the re�erral to the prograQn. She stated, as to involving a City rep�esentative, they do have to follvw p�ivacy requirsnerits and no one cauld be involved who Zegally doesn't have access to these reoords. Mr. Herrick stated if the City was part of the Qam►ittee, they w�ould then be involved in the screening prooess. Ms. Wright stated she couldn't comment on this without a legal opinion. �e stated, hvwever, she felt it would be in violation of their privacy lzaas. Ms. Hanson stated if someone was a3nitted who dic�'t fit the criteria, they would be in violation of their wntract with the ��ty. O��cilman Fitzpatrick asked the qual if ications of the persons making a determination wh�ther saneone should be admitted to the facility. NLs. Wri�t stated this would be the Program Director, Ms. Molly Cronin, formerly an Anoka County social worker, who has her masters degree in clinical social work and 8 to 10 years experience in the field of inental health. Mr. Herrick stated it was anphasized that rr� one will be ac7�nitted who has a backgroimd of violenoe and asked hav this was determined. Ms. Wright stated the resources they have are from the community professionals who know the client and an interview with faunily menbers. She stated the client may have a private psychiatrist. Ms. Hanson stated if an Anoka �imty residem applied for admission to the program and they dic�'t have a social worker, the O��ty �,rould be contacted and a social worker assic�ed. Ootmcilman Schneic3er asked what problens have oocurred in operation of other facilities. Ms. Wright stated at one facility, the neighborhood was very rough and clients were wlnerable in the evening. She stated a client was assaulted by a neic�bor person. She stated they have not had an incident where one of their clients assaulted anyone in the neighborhaod, but their clients were often vulnerable to assault. QoLmcilman Schrreider stated he has a wp� of a mental health proj ect where homes were surveyed and one of the problens indicated was disruptive behavior of the residents. Ms. Wric�nt stated disruptive behavior might be clients walking on the street or loitering. Councilman Barnette asked Ms. Wright if she purchased this property oontingent on appraval af the special use permit. Ms. Wright answered in the affirmative. O��cilman Barnette stated that, to the knowledge of residerits in the area, this building was not on the market for sale. He asked haw she ca�ne to hear -6- ��. i„w� „ia+�M��. • ' : ,; � �-��I�� about the property. Ms. Wright stated the vwr�er did, at one time, have his property on the market or was looking to sell it. She stated he was not actively looking to sell it at the time they fotmd the �operty. Ms. Wric�t stated they worked with three different real estate agents and viewed sites throughout Anaka ��mty. She stated they reviaaed sites that may meet their criteria such as easily aocessi4le public transp�rtation ancl enough bedroom spaoe. She stated fran the 12 facilities they looked at, this was the best they had seen. . O��ci.lman Barnette stated some residents in the area thought perhaps a hic�- �ioe bid was sulmitted in order to obtain this facility. He asked Ms. Wric�t if she fett she paid a fair market value in relation to other buildings she had seen. Ms. Wright stated she felt they Faid a fair priae. Mayor Nee asked if the i3ea f or thi s f acil ity i s to hav e suppo r t f ram the oonm�mity. Ms. Wric,�t stated it is part of it. She stated there is no way to cleny they wouldn't want neic�borhood 000peration. Mayor Nee asked if such a facility would work if residents were opposed. Ms. wric�t stated nobody has ever agreed, and most r�eighborhood �oups feel as strong in opposition as this group feels. Ms. Hanson stated either the neighbors ignore the facility or they get invalved. She stated they would prefer to have involvement from the residents in the area. Councilman Fitzpatrick asked the benefit of pursuing a facility in a residential area if there is hostility frcm the neighborhood. Ms. Wright stated it is, in part, an issue of right or discrimination. She stated their residents cbn't want to live in a aaYUnercial or industrial area and that is their right. Cbuncilman Fitz�atrick stated while this is true, he felt they wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood that is hostile. Ms. Hanson stated their residents have to learn to deal with being mentally ill and the discrimination that arises frcm it. QoLmcilman Fitzpatrick stated many, if not most, of these facilitites are r� tr� private, norr-�ofit vorporations. He asked if th�re was a rea�on for this being a �xoiit organizati�. . Ms. Wri�t stated ab�ut 90$ of these facilities are for profit and stated they are for profit because they are also a business. She stated the majority of rule 36 prograans are rr�t norrprofit. Ms. Aanson stated they tried to start Janus Aouse as non-profit and it was almost impossi4le. �Lmcilman Schneider asked the type of drugs which would be on the �enises. Ms. Hanson stated they have a psychiatrist present who o�uld answer some of these queskions. -�- �� �,,�r „� �+���. • ' : a; � �I:� Dr. Jerane Rroll of University Hospitals stated he was not here to sell this proj ect, and has no vested interest. He stated �/2 to 1$ of the gopul ati on suffers fran sdzizophrenia and 1 to 3$ suffers �ran depression. He stated when persons are discharged fran hospitals, it is riot easy to find a place for then to go. He stated the risk involved is �inly with the patient. Dr. Rroll stated as far as medicine, there woulc�'t be any naroatics on the �xenises. He stated there would be anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs and possit�ly sane sedatives. Dr. Rroll stated it is not in the interest of the psychiatrist or social worlcer to minimize the problen. He stated if there is any problan, the person would be taken out of this envirorment. He stated by law, mentally i11 patierits' hau�ses are not violent. He stated a fair amount is known about clients before they are referred, and have seen social workers and had psychological testing. �wzcilman Barnette asked of the patients going into this treatment, haw - many ultimately enter back irito society. Dr. Rroll stated he would say a fair a�no�t. He stated the sickest o� the population renains in hospitals. He stated he lived on the grounds of a men�al hospital for four years and had patie.nts living in his home. O��mcilman Barnette asfted if he was afraid of these people. Dr. Rroll stated there were times when he was on the ward and was ooncerned he would be assaulted, but these cases are rare. He stated these were in the early stages of an illness, before treatment has been initiated. He stated aggressive and assaultive behavior is, by and far, not true. do�ci.lman Barnette asked if he thought these persons screened to live at such a facility are dangerous to children and if they tend to be sex offenders. Dr. Rroll stated sex abusers are mt people who have histories of inental illness. Mayor Nee asked if it is useful in the treatment for these persons to interact to a hostile neighborhood. Dr. Kroll stated it is never beneficial for a person to react to others who are hostile. He stated he would agree there are not neic�borhoods that invite then in to build a halfway house. Ae thouc�t in order to get people back into the mainstream, this has to prooeed. Cbtuzcilman Goodspeed asked if these facilities c�oulch't be located sanc�ahere where there are rio hanes. Dr. Rroll stated the philosophy was to put the m�tal hospitals in rural areas. He stated it is not he1�u1 for then to be isolated. He stated if we expect people to reiriteqrate into the oommunity, then these facilities have to be pravided. He stated if they are going to be mwed out of institutions and back irito the oonm�ity, it wouldn't help to mwe than into a rura). or factory area. douncilman Goodspeed stated he �mc3erstands they have received support from St. Williaans Church and asked if any other groups have indicated they w�ould help with this program. -8- �� �, wr �� ����. • ' : �; • : Ms. Aanson stated St. Philipp's and 7nmaculate donoeption churches also are supportive as we11 as other agencies in the area sud7 as Rise, Inc. and the North Suburban Family doimseling Ceriter. d��mcilman Sc�uleider stated he is cvnvinced it is a worthwhile program and something needed to better soci.e�ty, but can't �derstand why they chose this location. Ae stated it is substantially different than the setting of Janus House. He stated there is alm�st a claustrophobic feeling to it. He stated it secJms they wnuld want an open, aiiy setting. Ms. Wright stated they went to the Planning Departraent and areas were outlined where such a facility may be acceptable. She stated they did look at other areas, but needed some key items such as transportation, affordability, enough aquare feet and many buildings didn't meet these requirenents. She stated it isn't easy to find the ideal location. Ms. Hans�on stated a lo�t c�f buildings they looked at were so much worse. She stated requirenents are so hic�, it limits the structures that would work at all. She stated the interior of this building is well suited to their program, as it has adequate living space. She stated they liked the ap�rtrnent building, rather than a big, old house because it is similar to where these people will be living when they are on their awn. She stated the builcling looks pleasant as you come into it and there is garage ancl storage spaoe availalale. Mayor Nee asked if they w�ould consider building a facility in a C-2 zone. Ms. Aanson stated they had to find a building that fits into their budget. Mrs. Doris Gretti, 6690 Lucia Lane, Apt. 10, stated she attended all the meetings regarding this special use permit. She stated there are those who form their opi.nions of the mer�tally ill fram t�el�ision and those who live with it. She stated those who live with it know these people are not monsters and psychopathic killers and are not strangers o�ming back to the aomm�ity. She stated s,he has a son who was in this situation and at the age af 16 clianged fram a healthy boy into a recluse. She stated she would like to see him have the opportunity to return to society and felt this facility would be the an�aer. She stated it makes � difference where it is located, residents will feel the same. Ms. Rathie Prc�re, Merital. Health Advocate Coalition, stated in May, 1981, they advocated changes for persons with mental health proble9ns in Anoka O�tmty. She stated she dic�'t care where in the ��ty such a facility is located, but these servioes should be Frovided in Anoka ��ty. She stated these peogle are citi.zens and taxgayers and when they return to a regular living situation, they will be paying taxes thenselves. Mr. Peter Treuenfels, 5248 Horizon Drive, stated to run a business for profit is good for Fridley. He stated he isn't garticularly af raid of mentally ilI peaple that �ne into this nei�b�rhood. He stated he thinks this f acil ity is a good idea as these peogl e need help so he woul d w el come then into his neighborhood. ee stated some people don't feel quite as hostile as others. _} ��. 1�.M „I ?I I�. � : 'IC � �� Mr. John LaBreche, 1381 Q�ndaga Street, stated he has lived in Fridley for eic�it years and has been mentally ill since 1974. He stated this type of facility wasn't available to him when he was ill and, when he was released fran the hosgital he had to live with his mother and received no support fran ather peogle experiencing the same pro4lens. He stated he t�ed to take walks and look irYto people's houses in order to have a normal life. Mr. IaBreche stated he raa has a mrmal life, a job, hane and two children. Ae stated all o� these peogle will be screer�ed and they will be like him and need a plaoe to g�. He urged the Council to support the request for the special use pernut. Honora4le Lynn Olsen, Judge for Anoka ��mty (burt, stated part of her job is to determirie whether people who are mentally i11 should be hospitalized. She felt too much en�asis is plaoed that these peogle who are mentally ill will come into the City and act crazy, and disrupt the lives of the residents. She stated she deals with peogle who o�nit child sex abuse and today a man was f o�d guil ty and he wasn' t mentally ill . She stated all she wants to say is there is a very real need. She stated she has seen peopl e who shoulcY�'t be hospitalized, as they are depressed and need help and support. She stated these mentally ill people are very vulnerable and hopes the doi.mcil realizes it is their o4ligation to �otect then. She stated that mental illness can hit anyone, our c�ildren or our family, and the �lmcil should protect than and allaw them to live in a community they are fa�nil.iar with, and to reoeive the support of their aan ooanm�ity. Mrs. Linda Soderholm, 5336 5th Street, stated she lives three doors fran the proposed facility. She stated she had reservations at first, but her questions have been ans�aered. She states she has two children and is not ooncerr�d or afraid. 5he stated her ctinaern is for the patients and hoped the neic�borhood would at least give theqn a chance. She stated she is looking forward to vol�teering to help and sees this as an opportunity for the oomn�mity to prwide a hunan service. Ms. D�rlene Rusch, 561 63rd Avenue, stated she was a member of the Social Niinority �nittee at St. Willian's Church. She stated this �mmittee took an action to support this grou� hane facility. She stated she appeared before the Planning Commission to ask these questions. If not here, where? If not us, who? If not now, when? She stated it seens Fridley has a�ni.que o�ortunity to help people, who through rx> fault of their vwn, are cliacyzosed mentally ill. She stated if a gr oup hane was being opened for di abeti cs, woul d th er e al so be this opposition. She stated mental illness is a chenical imbalance of the brain, diabetes is also a chanical imbalanoe. 5he stated there isn't a lot to say to the people who fear it and hopes these fears are �founded. 5he stated we can't keep saying they should mave out to the oo�mtry or inner city. She stated she wouldn't want to live in -10- �� i� M� yl�i�i I�. �" :�� / the inner-city, why should they e�ect a person who is meritally ill to live in the oountry or the inner-city. She thought they need stability and dich�'t think the inner-city prwides this stability. Ms. F�sch stated she is a pro-life represeritative for St. William's Church and believes peogle who have mental illness have the same rights. She thought we need to give help to those who are a bit differem than us. Ms. Susan Lentz, 222 Grain F�cchange Bui.lding, Minneapolis, stated she was an attorr�ey with the Minnesota Mental Health L�a Proj ect. She stated she urges the do�mcil' s support for the special use permit. She stated she was not here to speak about the legal requi.rene.nts. She stated despite some of the testimoriy given at the Planning Catuni.ssion meeting, this is a residential use of Fxoperty. She stated the opposition from the neighborhood is not gro�ds for denying the permit. Ms. Lentz stated despite opposition f rom the neic�borhood, this opposition usually vanishes and turns to support or acceptability onoe the facility has been in the neighborhood for a while. She stated she hoped the neighborhood would c�ne to accept a facility like this as a valua4le oontribution. Ms. Lentz sukmitted documents relative to legislation governing these f acil iti es. M)TIQ[�i by ��cil.man Sc�u�eider to receive the documents f roan Susan Lentz with referenoe to the law. Sewnded by Qoimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the rmtion carried �animously. Ms. Becky Fink, 1958r105th Avenue, Director of the Anoka/McRnight Community Health Support Prograan, stated one af the things they have been working on is the need for aon�nulity based servioes in Anoka Qo�ty. 5he stated there has been an absenoe of resideritial servioes in the O�tmty. She stated she hoped this facility w�uld be oonsidered another vonm�uzity based �ervice for people with mental i1lr�ess and asked the O�imcil's support. Ms. Linda Reating, Rise, Inc., stated she works at Rise with 20 chronically i11 individuals. She stated she is not afraid of than, but they are afraid of her sanetimes. 5he stated they try to c7�velop their skills so they can find job�s. She stated when they find jobs, they don't have a plaoe to live. She stated these people already live in the oa�n�mity and not in situations that are �nfortable, and th�y are mt getting the support they need. She stated these persons are mt involved with the criminal justioe systen. She felt the hostility will only be resolved with experience, time, and patienae. 1Ns. Rana Maloy, 7995 Broad Avenue, stated she is a foster parent to mentally ill adults. 5he stated approximatle� 23 girls have oane through her h�ne. She stated one of her girls naw has to go to St. Paul to a facility and if one was available in Fridley, she would be near her home. She urged the O�tmci]. to support the facility and the request for a special use permit. ��mcilman Barnette asked Ms. Maloy if she has had any trouble with the mentally ill adults in her care. Ms. Maloy stated she has not had any -11- �� I�� . � 4� ?1�1��. ��' : �+ � prohtens and the nei�bors are aware she pravic3es this care. Ms. Judy Schaaf, O�ordinator o� the �niuzity Support Program, stated they have been providing services since last year and have assisted 20 indiv idual s in mai ntai ni ng i ndepen3ent 1 iv ing skill s. She stated this facil ity is a bac�y needed servioe in Anoka ��mty and f el t it is an obligation on the City's part to provide the types of services needed. She stated she would be willing to provide names of the landlord and neighbors whr� live b� these persons wha are mentally ill and are �a out on their own. Ms. Graoe Merry, 212 Panora¢na Avenue, stated she lives five hlocks fran this proposed facility. She stated she started working on a vol�teer basis with the chronic mentally ill. She stated where she works, some of the persons would be eligible for this program, if available. She stated she is not afraid of these people who awne to hen c�me and ride in her r.ar. Ms. Lucy Micjrnian, 1631-66-1/2 Avenue, statec7 she is a psyct�iatric nurse practitioner who works at the Family Life Health Center in Anoka. She stated she supports this facility as she has experienced the gain of her clients when they are taken out of their o�mm�ity. She stated she favors the prooess of �ele�etion for this prograan. She stated the persons running the facility are very professional and she respects them and asks the do�u�cil' s support. Mayor Nee asked Ms. i3an.son if she had been in a�ntact with A1 Kc�rdiak as he had offered to help them find another location. Ms. Hanson stated she called him and he wanted to wait to see what action was taken tr� Fric�.ey. Ms. Vicky Otis, 5378 5th Street, stated she is a tenant in the uiit proposed to be sold for this facility. She stated she has heard about the ric�ts and discriminations of the mentally ill, but sane peogle aren't thinking about her rights. 5he stated peogle mc�ve tr� choioe, not because th�y are forced. She stated to move would place a financial hardship on her. Ms. Sue Jensen, 5384 5th Street, stated sl�e warited it brought to everyone' s attention that the aaner of the building in question c�ame to her and said if she sic�ed c7ver her lease, they would pay her $200. She stated she is a single parent and has no extra inoome. She stated the awner, Mr. Burman, told her one way or the other, she was mavi.ng so she signed this release. She stated she cal.led the City to s�ee what she wuld d� because it is a HUD lease. 5he stated she was informed that the release she signed was not legal. 5he stated evexyone is saying �hese mentally i11 people are being discriminated against, but what about her rights. Ms. Jensen stated she is a single pare.nt and works full-ti.me. She felt when she came tonight it was her execution and the question is if she wi11 be alale to stay or will she have to mave. O�uncilman Barnette asked Ms. Jensen haa long she lived at this location. Ms. Jensen stated about one year. ��clman Barnette asked if she recalled 12- �� i� wr „i�+a�Y��. • ' ; a; i if the groperty was ever up for sale. Ms. Jensen stated she never saw a sign on the property that it was for sale. Mr. Ray LaF`ave, 5375 5th Street, stated he is one of the leaders in the opposition to this special use permit. He stated he lives directly across the street fran this p�oposed facility. Mr. Ray LaFave stated he dic�'t think the issue here is mental illness, but the special use permit. He stated he can safely say that 90$ of his neic�tiborhood within a three b�lock area are opposed to this special use peanit. . 1Hr. LaFave stated both he and his wife were raised in FricllEy and have lived in Ward III for most of their lives. He stated their neighborhood is established and has been for a good nunber of years. He stated they have vexy little troutal.e in their neighborhood and the City receives very few a�mplairits frcm then. Mr. LaF'ave stated they are opg�eed to the special use permit on the basis that it would change the oomposition of the neic,�borhood by disglacing four residential families and reglaring than with a business. He stated he is against the idea of having a special use permit for this property on the prsnise it is a resideritial neic,�borhood. He stated residents are opposed to any private business, be it a Rute 36 progra¢�►, a barber shop, �nvenienoe store or any other type of business. Mr. LaFave stated the area is�n't zoned for ooannercial, but for residential R-3. He stated they cannot afford more traffic in their area. Se stated this facility would involve eight staff people, 14 clients and several part-time workers. Mr. IaFave stated he felt the property values would go down as who would really want to live across the street fran a business or next to it. He stated they dic�'t want the area turr�ed irito a special use area. He felt this facility should locate in a wrcmercial zone. Mr. LaFave stated he felt the case in Brooklyn Center is completely different. He stated he felt the decision of the Planninq Commission was because of the legal imglications put on then b� the lawyer. He stated he wishec3 to state something about mentally ill persons. He stated he knaws of and has friends who are mentally i11 and who come to thei r hane. He Lmder stands these peopl e do need a pl ace, but has a pr obl en with such a facility �ning into a residential district where the zoning laws cbn't dictate this type a� use. Mayor Nee asked Mr. LaFave what gave him the impression he was being threatened b� a ladvyer and asked who made him feel threater�d. Mr. LaFave stated Ms. Lentz stated they dicln't need a Council hearing or Planning C�mission hearing and that they just beat Brooklyn Center. He stated all cases are different, but was mac]e to feel the� were going to have -13- \ I � �r.���, . i �i�+�+Mi�: • ' : :�; � ' � this facility whether or mt they wanted it. O�uncilman Barnette asked Mr. LaFave if he recalled at any time that this building was for sale. Mr. IaF'ave stated he dic�'t renesnber ariy time when it was for sale. O�u�cilman Barnette asked haw this bui.lding got singled out as a location for this facility when it wasn't for sale. Mr. I�aFave stated he has some ideas, but di.dn't care to a�nent. O��cilman Gooc7speed s�ated he tnderstood Mr. LaFave was the author of this petition in opposition to the special use permit. Mc. LaFave stated he ws one o� the pereons involved. O��cilman Gooc3speed stated there is a list aF nine very strong accusations made on this petition and wanted to knaa what facts they had to back these accusations. Mr. LaFave stated he has no doaments other than omm�on sense. He stated 90$ of the renters stated if this facility goes in, they were mwing out. C,ouncilman Schneider stated in light of the testimony at the Planning Con�nission and here this evening, asked if there still is a fear for the safety of tYie children as we11 as the adults. Mr. LaFave stated people do ha�ve a fear whether or not it is fo�ded or uzfo�ded. He stated he would have apprdzensions of raising his children there and would hate to be foroed out of the area. He stated �rents are scared, as well as older people, aru7 this facility wnuld bring unstable persons irito the neic�borhood. Mr. LaFave stated the residents do not f eel thi s f its in w ith thei r neighborhood. He stated he cbesn't want a treatlnent oenter located across the street fran him. Ae stated he has uaproved his property considerably and dic�'t think he should be penalized and this foroed down his throat. Ms. �nny Lar�olborg, 5400 5th Street, stated if this facil ity goes in, her lanc�ord will lose all his tenants. She stated she would be scared to live there. She stated these people would be there fran four months to two years which is a fast turnaver. She was also aoncerned about only one person on c�ty in the evening hours. She stated she was not noti.fied of this special use permit, and didn't hear anything about it �til she was approached with the petition. �uncilman Barnette stated the aaner of the building would have been mtified. Mr. Wayne Johnson, aaner o� the property at 5400 5th Street, stated he was notified of this request for a special use permit, hawever, he felt it was his fic,�t and apologized for mt mtifying his tenants. Mr. Johnson stated he felt the area is zoned for a specific use and to issue a special use permit opens up a"can of worms". He stated it i s z oned f or residences and felt it should renain that way. ee stated he didn't think there is ariy guarantee there woulc�'t be a prot�7.en with this facility. -14- ��.n+ Mr yi��y��. • ' : a; � ' � Mr. Johnson stated he has a lot � time and money irivested in his property and asked who would oo�npensate him and the other awners for their losses. He clic�'t think it was fair that it should o�st him money for this facility to be located here. He stated there is the p�ssibility the value of the �operty w�uld be laaered and who can say he �uld even sell the property. Ae stated he felt he would have to tell new tenants about this £acility. Mr. Jerry Skaare, 5380 5th Street, stated he is a tenant of this building oovered in the special use permit and has been in oontact with the owner, Jim Burman. Ae stated he and his wife mwed to this building in December, 1984 and was told tr� the landlord that he had the property on the market. He stated when he was asked to beoome one of the tenants, he was told � the aaner that this property was taken off the market and he was, in fact, g�ing to hanq on to it �til the balance of his mortgage was gaid. He stated, therefore, when he maved irito this building it was with the intention he would renain there Lmtil such time as he purchased his own property which would be within the next two years. He stated he rnw understands they wiZl have to mave and is upset with this turn of Events. He stated this would be his third move within a year's time. He stated he does-n't wish that kind of schedute on his worse eneny. Mr. Skaare stated he is upset that his rights may be subordinate to a private corporation that wants to oome into a oa�untmity and displaoe him in the interests of making a dollar. He stated he strong2y urged the O��mcil to deny the special use pernut. Mr. Skaare stated the fact is that this lot is 11,000 square feet and the requirener�t, if it were a r�ew structure, is 15,000 aquare feet. Q��mcilman Barnette asked Mr. Skaare if he had arYy knawledge how this got on the market. Mr. Skaare stated he can specx�late, but di.dn't care to c�4nent. Mr. Skaare stated one o� the things that struck him as strange was before the opposition had a chanc�e to ,express any type o� opinion, mariy things were brought up by the persons su orting this request about the oommunity hostility and that isn't a p�int upo this Oo�cil can act. He stated he dic�'t want a grofit business in their midst and it seems to him that perhaps a less �ofita4le, but more appropriate facility wuld be fo�md. He question�ed who was really on the side c7f the mentally ill in this case. muncilman Schneider asked, in previous Eacilities that were opened, haw relocation of tenants was handled. Ms. Wright stated relocation o�sts were not offered when these other facilities were opened. Nls. Han.son stated they cannot budget for this in their contracts as it is not a permissible expense. Ms. Janet Taylor, 5400 5th Street, stated she has recently beoome a girl scbut leader and has 19 girls in her troop. She stated they meet at her house where th� have all the supplies available for their proj ects. She stated she talked to the parents of these girls and was told they would not allaa their girls to oome to her hane, if this facility was located in her neighborhood. She stated thEy have r� assuranoes these children would not be harmed. 5he stated she didn't fepl she c�n safely stay at her residence, haw�er, she is a single parent taider a HUD lease and cannot get out of the lease. -15- ��. �� w� „i�+��i�. • : a� � ' � Ms. Taylor stated the clay care cer�ers in the area weren't informed of this requesk for a special use pernu.t. 5�he stated parents of these children have stated they would take then out of these centers, if this facility is located in the neic�borhood. She stated there is no room for recreation facilities on this p�operty and these persons would have to go to the park where the children play. She stated she fears for the saf ety of her children as we11 as others in the area. Ms. Taylor felt there is already enough traf f ic in the area and thi s f acil ity woul d generate addi ti onal traffic with the staff and visitors. Ms. Marian Crandall, 5370 5th Street, stated she is not against this facility, but is not saying she is happy with it. S�e skated she will have a prok�l,en with �arking as she currently has to park on the public street. 5he stated she wouldn't be happy with the fenoe. She stated she has lived there five years and was not in favor of any business of any kind at this loc�ation. Mr. Dave Hart, 7525 �ap� Terraoe, stated he is a former avner of property at 5353 4th Street. He stated he sold this duplex, hawever, and oonments he keeps getting are-aren't you glad you sold when you did. He stated he feels sorry for the mentally i11 as he had the problen in his family. He stated he also feels sorxy for people who have put 20 and 30 years of their lives into this ooa�un�ity. He stated if this special use pexmit is allawed, there will be a negative img�ct on resideritial property in this area. He stated he hoped the ��mcil would vote the will � the people and derry the specia]. use permit. O��cilman Schneider stated in the wurt case in Brooklyn ()ecriter, there was reference to a study made on p�operty values, and asked if the CAUncil has this information. Ms. Wright stated it was part of the information Susan Lentz presented to the Cbi�cil. Ms. Rhonda Peterson, 516 54th Avenue, stated she lives 1,320 feet f ram this proposed facility. She stated she originally came before the Planning �anission regarding her �noern for the day care oenter which she operates. She stated she takes exception ta the legal issues of the State statute, and the licensing requir�nents which she outlined in a letter read to the O��ci.l . NDTICN tr� Q��mcilman Barnette to receive this letter suYxnitted by Rhonda Peters�n. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Ugon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the docixnent carried wianimously. NLs. Michele Kurok, 5120 Clearviaa Street, stated the people who have a lot at stake are peogle who really don't have an interest and are not Fridley residents. She stated she was opposed to the undeqnocratic way this is being oonducted and opposed to the legal jargon on chenical imb�alance. 5he stated there are alot of variables involved in a halfway house. 5he said it seems the criteria for entering surh a facility oould change if they decide the criminally i11 are having a c�ianical unbal.anoe �oblea. She stated she is opQ�sed to this mental health facility. -16- �� 11� M� „I�laj{�/\. ��� : �� � Mr. Dick Byers, 5300 5th Street, stated he has lived in this area for over 20 years. He stated they have elderly people in their area that live alone and won't be acanforta4le with this facility in the r�eighb�rhood. He stated peogle who deal with mentally ill persons should l�ow fear is real whether it is founded or not. 8e stated this is not a halfway house, it is a treatment facility the same as a doctor's offioe. Mr. Byers stated a girl testified at the Planning Qarntussion meeting she had a c�oice to gn irito a halfway house or Anoka O�imty M�erita7. Institution. He stated the 4iggest thing to him is this is a highly profitable business. He stated any time you have goverrment money floating around, people get into these businesses. He stated there isn't any money to relocate these people who would be disglaoed and saneone shvuld have oonsidered this item. He stated if the persons buying this building were doing it with their awn money, rather than goverrment subsidy, they should pay relocation o�sts. He stated most of people who were in favor of this special use permit have their salaries �id tr� the taxpayer. He felt it was up to the Council to represent the peogle who elect than. He stated they are r�t discriminating against the mentally ill, but the residents are being discriminated against. He stated the whole poirit is whether the Qo�mGil is representing the people or representing the State. Ms. Margaret Otten, 5311 4th Street, stated the lac�y who spoke f roan St. Willia¢n's Church didn't reflect the feelings of all the parish as not all these parishioners would think alike. Ms. Otten asked haw Ms. Hanson and Ms. Wright would be irivolved in the prograQn at this facility. She stated a limited partnership is one silent �rtner and the other has all the responsibility. Ms. Wri�t stated she and Ms. Hanson are 50/50 partners and she is �xesiderit of the o�rporation and has resp�nsibility for policies and prooedures. Ms. Otten asked if the supervisor and program director would have most of the oontrol and Ms. Wric�t stated that was o�rrect. Ms. Otten stated they have worked in keeping their neic�borhood a good plaoe to live. 5he stated they are fighting for the right to determine what is best for their neighborhood. She stated they believe goverrment is to be of the peogle, by the peogle, and for the people and to protect all people. She stated the persons rtmning these facilities can move in any neighborhood they choose and residents have to sit back and aocept it. She stated this is ooirnnercial business and belongs in a commercial zone. She stated the persons who would occu� the facility are p�imarily diagonosed as mentally i11 and need extensive treatmerit. She stated many tenants have already decided they w�ould leave the area if this facility goes in. Ms. Otten stated it is argued the State doesn't want hospitals, but questioned where do sick people belong. services this facility would pravide are not free and the beaoming big business. a�Z these peopl e in She stated the fact is, this is �� II��M� �I�i�M�\. � : 1� � Ms. Otten asked the O��ail to listen to the peopte of Friclley and deny the special use permit. She stated this is the Council's right and they shoulch't be intimidated by the State. I�Ls. Otten stated she called Mrs. Burman and talked to her. Mrs. Burman stated the building was not on the market, but these peogle wme to than and offered then a fabulous sun of $170,000 which they couldn't refuse. She stated this building on the real estate market would be valued somewhere between $130,000 to $140,000. 5he felt if they have $170,000 to purchase this building, why they wulc�'t buy something with a larger yard f or these persons occug�ing the facility. O��ci.lman Sdzneicier asked Ms. Wric�t if the $170,000 was a true figure and to whic� Ms. Wright answered in the negative. Mr. Andy Haechrel, 5367 5th Street, stated when he first was notif ied that �tuiity Options was going to aoquire this building, he took oopies of the letter to the neic�bors in the area. Ae stated only three persons received the letter. He stated there was very little notioe given to the residents of the area. Mr. Haec�rel stated whenever there was a tornado the people who occupied the building proposed for this facility used to c�ne to his apartment building as there is no safe plaoe in that bassnent. Ms. Irene Vasecka, 5427 4th Street, was not in favor of drugs kept on the premises of such a facility and indicated she was not in favor of the special use permit. Mr. Skaare stated, as me.ntioned before, he keeps in touch with the awner of this building. He state3 Mrs. Burman stated they signed a purchase agreenent in excess of $30,000 af the value of this property. He stated whether these are the facts they do not knaw. Mr. Herrick stated what was offered for this building doesn't have anything to cb with the special use permit. Mr. Iawrenoe Zimmerman, 5380 4th Street, stated he has worked with mentally ill people and questioned if they can be provoked when they are on the street. He questioned their behavior if they were teased tr� children and if they w�ould beoome violent. He stated an incident did happen between his supervisor and a mentally ill person where the person became violent and struck the supervis�r. Ms. Wright stated they w�uld not be arry more violent than another person wlx> was prwoked. Mr. Zimmerman stated this case before the Planning �ission was ramrodded and he a�ould see what action they were going to take. Mr. Steve Rurak, 5120 C].earview, stated the reason people are here to protest is because they are wncerried with their oo�ummity. -18- ��, I��M� �I�iyl 1�. � : �� � Oo�cilman Schrieider stated there has been a lot of discussion about this being big busir�ess and big money and questioned haw much money is involved as far as the business aspect. 1�. Wright stated their budget is negotiated annually with Anoka County. She stated the clients are responsible for room and board gayments. She stated the O��mty oontract is a public d�cunent and open for peogle to view. Ms. Hanson stated a line-item budget is included and expenses are broken dawn. O�tu�cilman Fitzpatrick stated the p�im he was trying to make is a good many peogle think this is a business with 12 or more anplo�ees in a residential area. Mayor Nee stated he was sorry if anyone got the impression this was predetermined. He stated the Planning Camlission was reacting to what they believed to be the law. He stated he can't think of anything worse than to tell a neighborhood they are without p�wer and is disturbed by a few who seen to think sanething was wired in. �imcilman Barnette stated he is very sensitive to both the needs of the peogZe requesting the spe�i.al use permit and very receptive to the people who elected then to serve as their ��cil representative. He stated he dic�'t think the State should be a dictator and nothing was predetennined. He felt so�ne time was �ec3ed before making a deczision on the request for a spec3.a1 use permit. Ooimcilman Schneider stated he discussed this with many people and spent time trying to �derstand both sides of the issue. He stated there are two very strong interphilosophies. He stated he was elected to represent the peogle and has a feeling they feel an iritrusion fram goverrment. He stated, on the other side, he feels this is a very w�orthwhile program. He stated he visited Janus Aouse and d�esz't believe there is a problesn as some of the residents peroeive, hawever, the fear is still there. He stated it is a touc� issue and prooedures and policies in e�ffect that allow this to happen should be changed. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he agreed substantially with Councilman Barnette's aomments. He stated a great deal o� testimony was received and he is not prepared at this ti.me to make a final decision. ��cilman Goodspeed stated he first wants to assure the people that when he vo�nes to a decision, it will be his wnclusion and not that of the oourts. Ae stated he may agree with what the wurts say or he may npt. He stated he will be resp�nsi4le for his decision and without the threat of retal iation. He stated he also visited Janus House and if the outoane of this special use pernnit was preaetermined, he oertainly wouldn' t be spending time checking into this further. He stated at this time he was not ready to make a final decision. -19- 4. 5. �� J� M� �IDI�i ��. � � : a+ � NDTICt�I by Oo�cilman F`itzFatrick to oontinue this hearing tuitil the May 20, 1985 meetinq. Seo�nded b,� ��cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. 1�Ls. Susan Lentz stated in light o� the allegations regarding her, she stated she did not make ariy threats, but was merely making her legal arguments before the Planning Carnnission. S�e askec7 Co�cil tro disregard her oor�ane.nts by the citizens about the threats. RE�'SS; A reoess was ca].led by Mayor Nee at 11:25 p.m. REQJ��]VENID: Mayor Nee reoonvened the meeting at 11:40 p.m. All Council members were present. �r,� ���+.�_. �,� • �� ��: ; {i: .i ::r�. �� /Z�:+��,~�i;�.�!I��� i � : I �� �e e. � �i N��i :+11 � M �V��+� • 1 i � r+�+�L, l.T� _.�. � i 1�� 1 4 1t �l��� M)TIC�I by O��cilman Sc�u�eider to set the public hearing on this vacation request for May 6, 1985. Se�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried iusanimously. NDTION by O��mcilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Planning O�rnnission meeting of April 3, 1985. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. ; �. __ �Ir�, y� ��r�t � � • 4. v: = 4�+ �I� � � : ��� `� ; �� M � • � � a►� ; v : 4�_.� +. � u�: ��� ' ' � M?TIC�1 b� O��cilman Barnette to reoeive the minutes of the Cable �elevision Advisory Commisson meeting of March 19, 1985. Seoonded by Gouncilman Sc�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. ��i� �� ��: ��� • `� e �. _ \ : .� � � + � �i� _� 's �� 1f M �\ � � � .. .� ' U __ \� �i«� � e �� �i I,I� � � ?���ylyl.91+1� .T� *� �V e_\ � _ ��i 1��M •� ylyl �i� NDTION b� �uncilman Fitz�atrick to wncur with the recommendation of the Human Resources Commission for changes in allocation of Community Developnerit Block Grant Fluids. Se�nded 1� CAUncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . ; �,: � � ��� � � � ' � : i4,.� : �. : �u � ; �4 � + _ ' M � • ' : y �it� •+ '�� 11 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ; � � ' . 1 ; � • ; Y 1: � \/ �1� � � � : �.!� ; • : _y �, ���� �� _ �+,�; r� ; �,� �.� NDTICt�T b� ��cilman Sc3u'eider to ad4pt Resolution No. 38-1985. lbLmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1K�yor the motion carried iularu.mously. -20- Se�nc7ed b� Nee de cl ar ed 0 ��. �, « „ia+�Mr►. � : �; r ; � • . � �;� �! • .. �M.,� : r�. : �i� � C �4 �, . � �, • . u��+�l ��� �/ �.«, 1�1�/�� 4 4i� .�4; ':;, �. �+DTIC�I by ��cilman Sc�u�eider tA acbpt Resolution No. 1�1985. Sevonded by O��cilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. ; � i 1 !'� � � � � ' ' , �4,.� ; �. : �u � ; �;�14���, 4.. _ � 4M ��, : ►i� �� ��: � � • ' : : . y ��� • ': ;�. • �! � «; : �i� ; • ,�� : �I� : � M, •; �� �i� �4; : . ; , � NDTI0�1 b� �tmcilman Gooc3speed to ad�pt Resolution No. 40-1985. Seoonc3ed ty �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. ; `• . �M �,� � � ' ' . �y� � � ��. ; �u � ; �� � ' 1� � • : . � v���� ��� ' � �eM�i 1 7� ��� : ��� ' ; � 1 : 1 .�1 ' ; �1� ' : ;1� • �` 1 ; I� ���; i)C_� �/ �� �! NDTION b� �imcilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 41-1985. Seconded by Qo�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried �uianimously. 1 ; � � . � � � ►! ' ' : /M,,� ; �� ; ►!� � ; 4 u . �� yl: � ►� • . ����� �.� �� : � M, „r�� .1 � ; �1� _ ��� : �n !� . �.«, ; �i� �. �9 !� ,�, v�u . ��� �i� ; : � � ;�M. �+;�� ►i� �y. : �+�� �+; ND'1'IO[�l by O��mcilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 42-1985. Seoonded by ��ncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion c,arriec7 �animously. : �-`.• . ! �;� �.� • : • ;�� �; 4. u����hl u��+�� : ' • ;,��/. • ' : � : �n • ; � _ : �, : ����C� _ 4i��� �� ; : r� �4� _ �_ v � ;! / u _��N � ; � �i � • • : � ��• ND'1'I0�]] by �Lmcilman Schneider to acbpt Res�lution No. 43-1985. O��.azcilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor the motion carried �manimously. 12. .SI�BI +r.J� Sewnded b� Nee de cl ar ed MUTION by Gouncilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 2040 through 2259. Seoonded b� O�imcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. j,3. T.T('�1.SFS� O�nsideration of a food lioense for the Sears Surglus Store had been added to the agench �ring the "Ac]�ption of Agenda" p�rtion. MJTI�I by ��ci.lman Sdu�eider to apprwe the food license for the Sears Surplus Store. Se�nded tr� O�imcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all -21- ��.��,,w� „i�+a� r�. • : '�� � ' � voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NIUTION by Gouncilman Schneider to approve the rest of the licenses as sutxnitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Qotuicilman Barnette. Mr. Inman, City Qerk, stated there is a probl�n with the license for . Shorewood Inn because o� delirquent taxes and Pulaski's because they were mt meeting the requirene.nts of the ordinanoe regarding the relation of food to 1 iqupr sal es NIQTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to amend the motion to approve the 1 ioenses, with the exception of Pul aski' s. Sea�nded by O�i.uzcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. UPC�T A VOICE Vo►1'E TAi�N LN �iE t�1Il�1 M�TION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried iulanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff would be oontacting Shorewood Inn regarding the cielir�querit property taxes. He stated Pulaski's was belaw the 40$ ratio of food to liqt�r sales. A r epr esentativ e of Pul aski' s was pr esent anci she stated they wer e try ing to raise their food sales. She stated this year the nimnber of banquets has increased aver last year. Mr. Qureshi suggested a six month extension of their license in order to give than an opportunity to meet the requirenents of the ordinanoe. NDTIC�I b� O��cilman Schneider tA approve the license for Ail.aski's for six months with a staff review at the end of three months and at six months to de�ermine the percentage of food sal es in rel ati on to 1 iquor sal es. Seoonded b� �lmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. 14. RSTTMATFS• M�TIO[�i b� ��cilman Schneider to apprave the estimates as sutrnitted: S�nith, Juster, F�eik�na, NHlmQn & Haskvitz 1000 ILlS aenter Minneappl.is, NN 55402 Fbr Legal Servioes Rendered by City Prosecutor for January, Fhbruary and March, 1985 January, 1985 $6,550.00 Februazy, 1985 5,962.50 I�rch, 1985 (,700.00 $19,212.50 -22- �� ��� N� „��+��I�,. • ' ; :�; � ���I��•� Fiickok & Associates 545 Indian Mo�d Wayzata, M�1 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Proj ect II �gineering II Serviaes Peziod Ending March 31, 1985 Moore Lake Restoration Proj ect II Reports and Et�aluations Period Ending Mardi 31, 1985 $ 834.97 $ 11.54 Seoonc3ed ty ��cilman Barnette. Llpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor N�e declared the motion carried unanimously. : ! • �;��,�u�a�� MDTION by Councilman Barnette to adj ourn the meeting. Seconded by Q�tmci.lman Sc�rieider. Upon a voioe vote, a2.1 voting aye, Mayor Nee derlared the mption carried unanimously and the Regular M�eeting of the Fridley City do�cil � April 15, 1985 ac�journed at 11:50 p.m. R,espectfully sutmitted, C`arole Haddad Secretaxy to the City O��cil Apprwed: �� William J. Nee Mayor PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, May 6, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAY #85-02, by Arnold M. Kuhnly, to vacate the 7 foot drainage and utility easement on the North side of Lot 14 and the South 2 feet front and rear of Lot 15, Block 1, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 4, in order to install a driveway and erect a garage on the rear of the lot for 6747 Washingto� Street N.E., all in the North Half of Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above state time and pl ace. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: April 22, 1985 April 29, 1985 �� 4. 5. 6. �� �� M� �� N ��. • : ;i. � 1rD'I'ICN by ��mcilman FYtzpatrick to a�ntinue this hearing �til Ma . 1985 meeting. Seo�nded b� ��ncilman Schneider. Upon ice , all vating aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried NLs. Susan Lentz stated in lic�t � the al ti rding her, she stated she did not make any threats, but w m making her legal arguments before the Planning Carimission. ed Co�cil tA disregard her oasnents by the c�tizens about the . RE�'SS; A reoess�led i� Mayor Nee at 11:25 p.m. B. �yi�rMayor Nee rev�nvened the meeting at 11:4Q p.m. All Council s were present. I�DTION by ��mcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation request for May 6, 1985. Seaonded by �uncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. M)TION by O�uzcilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Planning OorcIInission meeting of April 3, 1985. Seconded by Gouncilman Schneider. ttp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, IKayor Nee declared the motion carried unar�imously. _ � � �. • � : ;��. ' �i# M?TICN by �tmcilman Barrette to reoeive the minutes of the Advisory Commisson meeting of March 19, 1985. Second Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor N carried �animously. HDTION by O��.mcilman �tz�atrick to a Htunan Resources Commission for D�velopnent Block Grant FluZds. �n< voi ce vote, al l voti ng ay May or unanimously. �'f�el. evisi on Councilman I the motion r�r with tlie recommendation of the nges in allocation of Community �d by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a Nee declared, the motion carried M�'I'ICN cilman Sci�n�eider to adopt Resolution No. 38-1985. Sewnded by � Barnette. Upon a voic�e vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared e mo on carried �ulanimously. ���� 3A PLANN�NG COt�MIS5I0N MEETING, APRIL 3, 1985 1 2. Set back garage at least 25 feet or obtain a variance. vide hard surface driveway; curb cut by City. 3B PAG E 26 Mr. Robinson s`t,�ted the petitioner r+ould probably be applying for a variance to match the gar'�a,qe setback with the house setback. Mr. Anderson stated �e existing attached garage will remain as a garage as he needs Lhe extra ga e space. MOTION BY MR. XQNDRICK, S NDED BY M2. OQUIST, TD CLOSE TX£ PUBLIC XEARIN6 ON SP NBS-07 BY ROBERT AJVDE ON. UPQN 11 VOICE VOTE, 11LL VOTING HEARING CLOSED AT 12:30 �1.l�1, , CNAIRtdOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC � MOTIOI� BY !!R. OQUIST, SECONDED BY NR. INTON, 4'D RECONNEND TO CITY COUNCIL a1PPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR 11 SPECIAL US ERMIT, SP N85-D2, BY ROBERT aIJDERSQN� PER SECTIQN ?05.07.1 � 3, 1l, OF TXE FRID CITY CODE, '!b ALZ�OiJ THE CONSTRi1CTION OP � SECOND 11CCESSORY BUILDIlVC, 11 ?� FUOT ?6 FOOT DETACHED GARAGE ON LOT 23, BLOCIi 3, HRDOiC1'IEW SE'COND ADDITION, TN£ SAME EINC 6800 OAKLEY STREET N.E., f�►ITN TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: l. SET BACK GARAGE AT Z.EAST ?5 FEET OR OBT N A VARIANCE. ?. PROVIDE XARD SURFACE DRIVEf.14Y; CURB CUT B CITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, a1Z.L VOTING AYE, CNAIRWOM.ri1U SCXNABEL ECLARE'D ?NE lYOTION CARRIED UNAAIPlOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on A'1 15. 4, YACATION REQUEST� SAV #�85-02, BY ARNOLD M. KUHNLY; Vacate the 7 foot drainage an'a utiTity easment on t�e 1�`ort�i "side o�' o l�and the south 2 feet front and rear of Lot 15. Block 1, Rice Creek Terrace Plat 4, in order to install a driveway and erect a garage on the rear of the lot, the same being 6747 Washington Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this property was tocated east of Washington St. just south of 68th Ave. 7he request was to vacate a drainage easement in order Lo install a driveway and erect a garage. The house does sit very close to the lot line (9.7 feet from the corner of the house to the existing lot line). The existing driveway ►!hich comes in and abuts the house is presently on ±he drainage easement. 7he proposal was to extend that driveway and build the garage. Mr. Robinson stated Staff Nould recomnend the following stipulatfons: 1. A drainage plan be coordinated with and approved by Engineerinq staff prior to City Council meeting. � 3C PLANNING C(lMMI5SI0N MEETING, APRIL 3 1985 PAGE 27 2. Neighbor to the north provide a letter agreeing to reduced driveway setback and drainage plan. 3. A new ten-foot drainage and utility easement to be provided on southerly 10 feet of lot. Mr. Robinson stated all utility companies have indicated they have no problem with this easement. lMDTION BY XR. KANDRICK� SECONDED BY KR. OQUIST, TO RECIOMMEND � CITY COUNCIL APPR�VAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SA�� NBS-02, BY AR.�tiJLD K!'YALY, � VACAT£ TXE 7 FDOT DRAIIVAGE 1WD UTILITY SASEMENT Oti THE NORTN SIDE OF LOT I4 AND TXE SOUTK 7 FF.ET FRONT Al�D REAR OF LOT 25� BLOCK 2, RICE CREEK TERRACE PLAT 4, IN ORDER TO INSTALL 11 DRIVEI+�AY AJVD BR6CT /1 C1IRAGE QN TXE REAR OF THE LOT, THE SAJ� BEING 67d7 f✓ASHINCTbN STREET .N.E. � b►ITH TXE iL7LLOh'IhG STIPUIrZ?IDKS: 2. JI DRAINAGE PL�l1V BE COORDINATED MITX J1ND A?PROVED BY ENGINEERING STAFF PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL 17E'ETING. ?. NEIGHBOR TO THE 1VORTfI PROVZDE 11 LETTER 11GREEZNG R�O REDUCED DRIVEWAY SETBACK AA D DRA: NAG£ PLAIV. 3. 11 NEW TEN-FDOT DRAINIIGE AND UTILITY EASENE:YT TD BE PROVIDED QN SOUTHERLY IO FEET OF LOT. UPON A VOICE VDT£, �I.L VOTING 11YE, CHAIRWOHAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE PlO:IOfi CARRIED UIVAlVIMDUSLY. 5. TABLED 2/27185• �OT S�LITt L.S. �85-03, BY ROBERT GILSTAD: Split aff ��ie � steTy 1�6 t, except t�e l�ort r y eet o part of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivisio No. 25 (see file for legal) to be used as a parkinq lot for the apartments n lynde Drive (Moore Lake Apartments Complex). This item to remain table��until April 1T, 1985, at petitioner's r�quest. 6. RECEIVE COr�MIS510N MEETIr�G MIhuTES AND WORKPLAN: � !�!O?'IQh BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY . MINTGW, � RECEII�E THE FOLLOWING: HUNAN RESOURCES CONl�lISSION WOR PLA1V FOR 1985 AUMAN RESOURCES COl�AlISSION lIINU OF JANUARY 32, 1985 AOUSING i REDEVEIAPMEhT aUTHORITY NUTES OF FEBRUARY i4, 2985 ENVIR0IVMENTAL j�UALITY CONNISSIQN P1I ES OF FEBRUARY 19, 2985 EtiERGY COMAlISSIOh PlINUTES OF FEBRUARY 6, 1985 HUKAN RESOURCES CONMISSIGIN MINUTES OF CH 7, 1985 hOUSING i REDEVELOP!lENT aUTHORITY �IINUTES F NARCH I4, 1985 UPQN JI VOICE VOTE, 1tLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOXAN SCH1tiA�EL DECI.AR£D TXE PlOTIOb' CJIRRIED UNANII�lOUSLY. � SE'C. /4, T. 30, R. 2 4 C/TY OF FR/OLEY � . �, � . '1-• - ., �I � � � . .�, IfN COM�C� �w ;j' Ki �'`' ��r: _ *� ! i!ri ) � 1 = � � � 7 � � , _-� ,� � ��__ . j' � �: • �.` � ,� • .. , M i R10E 1 •� � . �.�•.� ' �i�st�s��t! '"i ° ''J � �r �• 1 a � •_ + � X� �^_ _ r �"� ,.; ` • , 'L���` � , � `\ �L� Z ��•� ` (�j //��� G:i '!I lf�i I�t T b. ' �`/ti �/y/�� �! 4 ���.�.�� I I t� V ` ~~ �� ,, r ,�/,;jsi� Kuhnly 3D �r�usa.�or-._�cM y�e:.=::as as rMEV u�su /w �-•• �Ne•• c�•vn � 1 �nus u,:o.Nc •�n .,E. „�o��N ru.s �.M ��+c n ro �t vsro aw� r� �EHNCE ►W!'OSES �t: tMF CJW n rs r.or �ESrnHS.0 ►�e .r:. x+ .�w.�,.s ��� ��►� 539/4 .< <a�.�. ,ttY N . . v �BR OKV/EW , I•- � • � • _ . .-{ �: .: 1 '� i.s 3 s�i..� 'e' CREEK TERRACE . r '� � ' ' : .... .�.. �=.s ,�aa.,+..irS •_ �: s� s�,'•.C. r M�Mi � „ �'�� j � � . .s T�R� .. (��-•� -.-- s = _.�.�.i.`,--. ,�� •;I RA E�t�it�`n�e�a�.J Z �.: / . • j! f � )L y �!�✓�'��. '✓ ►ANOQRA "" ORNE •. ;.. � 1! n_ , � . � : --.. �C0�j�/ !- +a�.� �•c' �i.l� �• ,t .�i�ng.�,a3�+is=•''!•ar�,!C�:�"�,, _; l � t � � • �'r j �� • r. _ : � � �i- t�� s . . � • . a�. � ' � •� �'�r _ `C+ , � � . . � i..+ � :• i�-4i �� 'ti� �1 ,'� y . /_ . i,J ! �; � `r '� �-• � yl�♦ �•'� '�i�• � � -w.� ��' i:l.sli��.v �s•��::+�9�.;r,� � '.• �',. 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As �r►ryed � �r�t lldiCC�=''_ ail�/ -� y u ��� St/dURBJW ENGJNEE2tNG , INC. . :t . � s � �,,.�, . � ; �a+ /'� � � . 'cA � ____�_ , ' • . �Y ��: ,.,,,, 7_� 4,A CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 18, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Wegemer stated they were exrloring both alternatives and were open to any suggestions the Comnissioners might have. Mr. Stouffer stated that personally he would choose the KTWIN Jazz. Mr. Kaspszak stated he thougF�t KTWIN Jazz would do a lot for Storer. He felt if it was marketed right, it was worth 500 subscribers just within the Fridley market. a. Sponsorship of Channel 3 News Mr. Wegemer stated they have researched the cost to produce a ten-minute video newscast. It will cost approximately $485 for labor,plus the cost of tapes, transporation, etc., would add on approx, another $100. So, it could run about g600 per newscast. Ne stated the difficulty is they ' do not have an ad sales force in house or ads in place at this time. Mr. Kaspszak stated tf�at if they started making some phone calls, he would guess tF►ey could sell $700 wortFi of ads in about one hour's time. Mr. Wegemer stated one thing he wanted to bring up that was related to this was regarding the LO Dept. Right now they are reaching the point where their cameras and editing system are marginal. They are seriously evaluating whether they need to re-invest the money into the LO Dept. He stated he would like to discuss tF�is more formally at the next meetinq. b. Quarterly Breakdown of Subscribers and Rates in 1984 (requested at last meeting) Mr. Wegemer asked if there were any questions on the breakdown provided to the Commission. Mr, Kaspszak stated he was disturbed that the numbers keep going down. Mr. Wegemer stated that last quarter, the basic subscribers were down to 3,841. After the campaign, they are up to 3,926, so it was on the upswinq. MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE THE QUARTERLY BREAKDOWN OF SUBSCRIBERS AND RATES IN 1984. UPQN A VOICE Vt�TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MQTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c. Semi-Annual Business Report Mr. Kaspszak stated he would like a description of the Twin Cities Cable Marketing Consortium. Mr. Wegemer stated the Twin Cities Cable Marketing Consortium has had about three meetings. They meet monthly. The first joint marketing 4B _ . . .. ... ... . . .. . _. .. . . .. . . ._ _ CATV ADVISORY CONIMISSION NIEETING APRIL 18 1985 � �� PAGE 3 effort was a mailing on ca61e N information (generic cable N}. He stated Rogers and Storer have jointed together to put an ad in the Minneapolis Star & Tribune. Mr. Kaspszak stated the only complaint he had about the market research done by Storer to test the response of non-subscribers to sales contractors was it didn't identify the age group and the occupation of the people who participated. A persan 55 years old is going to have a different perspective than a person who is 25 years old. If the report would have had that information, it would have meant more to him. Because of tfie information he felt he needed, he did not draw the same conclusions from the research as the report indicated. Mr. Kaspszak stated that with the demands on people's time today, cable TV is competing with boats, recreation, vard work, etc. People only have small segment of time left over.'� Cable TV's chaalenge is to capture 51% of that narrow segment of time. They cannot capture it unless they can identify it, because it costs too much to promote. Cable TV cannot afford the luxury of promotion tfirough mailings,and a full page ad in the Star & Tribune costs about $8,000. If they do that too often, they will run out of money. Ne stated if the rate of return is only 2�, then there are real problems. MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BX MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE THE SEMI- ANNUAL BUSINESS REPORT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON PBTERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. d, Subscriber Privacy Notice Mr. Wegemer passed out copies of the Subscriber Privacy Notice that will be sent to all new calbe subscribers. Mr. Stouffer questioned the first sentence of the "Non-Disclosure of Name and Address Form" which stated: "Unless you object, this cable system may disclose your name and address for mailing lists and other purposes not related to the offering and rendering of cable television service to you." Mr. Stouffer stated he read that sentence to mean that Storer could disclose names and addresses for mailing lists. Mr. Kaspszak stated that his recollection of the ordinance was that Storer could not sell the mailing list. So, if Storer in fact was d�ing this when tF�ey are soliciting, tF�ey are in violation of tFie ordi�ance, or if there are some changes witfi reference to the rew Cab1e Communications Policy Act of 1984, tF�e Corrmission should know it. He asked Mr. Moravetz to check into this and report back at the next meeting. 4C CATV ADVISORY CONiMISSIO�� MEETING, APRIL 18, 1985 ���� PAGE 4 MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY 1�lR. STOUFFER� TO R�CEIVE TNE NEW SUBSCRIBER PRIVACY NOTICE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. e. Results of Fridley Focus Groups MOTION BY MR. KASPSZRK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE TXE RESULTS OF THE FRIDLEY FOCUS GROUPS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. f. Receive Certification of 1984 Cable Revenues MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEIVE TXE CERTI- FICATIQN OF 1984 CABLE REVENUES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED TXE MOTIQN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. g. Receive Renewal Related Correspondence MOTION SY 1NR. STOUFFER� SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE RENEWAL RELATED CORRESPONDENCE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTIGIN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. RECEIVE MARCH 11, 1985, FCC MEETING MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, T10 RECEIVE THE MARCH 12� 1985, FCC MEETING MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRP£RSON PF.TEA.SON DECLARED THE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Stouffer stated Storer will be sending the Commission a letter of intent to renew during the 30-36 month "window" provided in the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (Section 626). He questioned if there was an option the City should be exercising, or was there something the Commission should be doing? Mr. Kaspszak asked Mr. Moravetz to get the Commission some niore information on this question for the next meeting. Mr. Morave±z stated he would report back at the next meeting under the dis- cussion of the re-franchising. 4D . . . . . ... .. .. . _ . ...... ...... . .. . CATV ADVISORY COMMISSIO�� MEETIt�G,�APRIt 18, 1985 ����� PAGE 5 3. RECEIVE FIRST QUARTER ACCW�FINANCIAL REPORT: MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER� TO RECESVE THE FIRST QUARTER ACCW FINANCIAL REPORT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE 1�lOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. a. Telethon Update Mr. Moravetz stated the telethon will be April 29 - May 4. There will be open sessions from 6:00 - 10:d0 p.m, on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m, on Saturday. The Comnissioners are welcome to drop in any time and are welcome to go on the air if they ��ant to. He stated $300- 400 have already been received ir f�elp and rledges so tfiings are going well. b. Minutes of March 13, 1985 MOTION BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK� TO RECEIVE THE MAR. 13� 1985� ACCW MEETING MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED TXE MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE 5% FIRST QUARTER FRANCHISE USE FEE: Mr. Moravetz stated that in tf�e Calculation of Franchise Fee Due, Storer did lnclude a colum entiiled "4tFier" whicFi included leased access and advertising revenues. He stated he had checked the numbers, and the numbers were all correct. MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STOUFFER, T10 RECEIVE THE 5� FIRST QUARTER FRANCHISE U5E FEE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Wegemer stated that right now "leased access" and "advertising revenues" are about half and half. He stated there was some discussion by the Commission in the past to break apart leased access and advertising revenue. Because they were talking about an average of about $l00 a month for each of those (and now with Infovision going out of business, they were looking at about $200-300 a quarter), he would ask the Cortvnission that they not have to break those down any further unt11 such time as revenues are significant enough to make a difference. Mr. Kaspszak stated he had no problem with that right now, but when tf�at amount becomes around $1,000 a quarter, then he would like to see leased access and advertising revenues separated on the quarterly report. � 4E CATV ADVISORY COMNIISSIO�� MEETING, APRIL 18, 1985 PAGE 6 MOTION BY MR. 7CASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. S�UFFER� T'f?AT ^LEASED ACCESS° AND "ADVERTISING REVENUE" CONTINUE UNDER THE "OTHER° CATEGORY OF THE QUARTERLY REPORT UNTIL SUCX A TIME THAT EITHER ONE OR TXE OTHER OR BOTH EXCEED S1�000 FOR THE SAME PERIOD. UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON PETERSnN DECLARED THE MOTI�V CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 5. RECEIVE CABLE COMMUNICATION POLICY ACT OF 1984: MOTION BY INR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY NR. STOUFFER, Zt7 RECBNE THE CABLE COMINUNICATION POLICY ACT OF 1984. ' UPOrN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED 2XE !�lOTIG1N CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. -. 6. CON7INUE DISCUSSION REGARDING RE-FRANCHISE: Discussion continued until next meeting. 7. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Kaspszak stated he had talked to Joe Lapinski, District 14 School Board, and had told Mr. Lapinski that the Comnission was going through the re- franchising process and that it was conceivable that the new franchise would be a ten year franchise. He told Mr. Lapinski that if the School Board was going to move in terms of participating in cable TV and all its benefits, now was the time to do so. He called Mr. l.apinski's attention to the fact that the school is now wired and that the school system, for all intents and purposes, is not utilizing the facility. He explained to Mr. Lapinski that Mr. Weaver had indicated a microwave tower could be installed for $14,000 and that he (Mr. Kaspszak) had another quote for $20,000. Mr. Kaspszak stated Mr. Lapinski had said Dr. Rens was definitely interested and Dr. Rens was examintng what was being done in the Osseo school district. Mr. Kaspszak stated he has asked Mr. Moravetz to check into what Osseo is doing so the Comnission will be knowledgeable also, Mr. Kaspszak stated Mr. Lapinski had said Dr. Rens was looking for a two-way capability: (1) between �he school system, between Columbia Heights and Fridley and possibly Spring Lake Park (2) a private channel that is part of the public system Mr. Kaspszak stated he told Mr. Lapinski the Commission needed a letter by the end of June outling the objectives the school system saw in terms of the school system participating in cable N, their requirements, their needs, and put together a timetable so the Commission can take it and hold public hearings and incorporate it into the franchise if they think it is something they should be doing. . CATV ADUISORY COMMISSION MEETI��G, APRIL 18� 1985� �� � PAGE 7 8. COt�FIRM DATE FOR NEXT �NIE�'T'IIVG: Next Meeting Date: Thursday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURtdMENT: lUOTZOlP BY 1�t. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MR. STI�UFFER� T1� ADJOURN THE NEETING. UPG1N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THE APRIL 18� 1985j CATI! ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING AA70URNED AT 7:50 P.1N. Respectfully submitted, � ;r.�;, ;ti, . . . . . ynne a a Recording Secretary , 4F 5 APPEALS COMMISSION MEETI��G, APRIL 9, 1985 PAGE 4 TIDN BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO APPROVE TBE REQUEST VA ES PURSUANT T10 CHAPTER 205 OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY C TO E THE SIDE YA BACIC FOR AN ATTACHED GARAGE FROM THE FEET T10 2 FEET WITH THE STIP N THAT TXE VARIANCE BE A M 2 FE£T OR 3 FEET ZF A 22 FOOT GARAGE C BTAINED AT TXE EASUREMENT� AND THAT THE WESTERLY WALL BE A FIRE- WALLj UCE TNE SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR LIVING AREA FROM THE REQUIRED 10 FE FEET; AND TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 29 FEE 1 F LOCATED ON LOT 3� BLOCK 6, BROOiNIEW TERRACE TXIRD ADDI XE SAME BEING TON DRIVE N.E. UPONIED UNfE MDUSLYALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL D .•D THE MOTIQN 2. VAR�I�CE REOUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIOLEY CITY CODE TO ALLOW 0 . � �, ..,�., o ney . y ora, orpura ion, . 55421). t�TY PARY. ROP Y ONTOTT�3,—+ . , equest as � ver oa .., ri ey, MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEAFtING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:56 P,1K. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 4800 East River Road N,E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 214.26 limits the maximum size of eighty (80) square feet in area for a free-standing sign. Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in industrial areas. B. STATED HAROSHIP: "This is a unique manufacturing facility; partly Navy-owned and operated, and partly FMC-owned and operated. The directional sign will clarify FMC ownership and safely direct southbound traffic to the proper entrance. This facility averages 120 visitors and 65 contractors per day using the designated entrance, exiting off a major road." C. ADMINISTRA7IVE STAFF REVIEW: The existing sign is approximately 448 square feet ih area and the sign is in good condition. The County Park system has purchased the land 5A APPEALS CONIMISSION MEETING, APRIL 9, 1985 ��� � ��� PAGE 5 the sign is located on and they have asked FMC to reduce the size of the sign to 144 square feet. The County has no objection to having the sign located on their property. If the 6oard recommends approval on this request, the Staff has no stipulations to suggest. Mr. Clark stated that on one of the sign plans in the Commission's agenda, in the upper right hand corner, Mr. Torkildson, Director of the Anoka County Parks & Recreation Department,had verified t�e fact that the County has requested the sign be replaced with a smaller sigri. Mr. Sykora presented a letter to the Commission which was addressed to hi�self from the Anoka County Department of Parks & Recreation which stated _ that Anoka County has requested FMC to reduce the size of the informational � sign located on Park property in the City of Fridley and has agreed with FMC for a sign approximately 12 ft. by 12 ft. being placed in a similar location for directional information only. The County was requesting this sign be replaced by the end of April 1985 or at least the existing sign be removed by that time. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY !�lR. BETZOLD� TO RECEIVE THE LETTER ZNTO THE RECORD. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARBD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIlfOUSLY. Mr. Sykora showed the Commissioners a pFwtograph of the existing sign. located on Anoka County property. He stated there are five entrances into F1NC, and this sign is the only sign for southbound traffic. The only other sign in the area or across from East River Road from that is a large 30 ft. by 30 ft, sign tha� indicates that FMC is navy-owned, so people coming south, about 200 vehicles a day, have no indication that this is the main gate for them to enter so there is the potential safety hazard of peo�le going too far or slowing down and not being sure of the right entrance. Ms. Gabel stated it has been her position that any time they can reduce a large sign as significantly as this, they are headed in the right direction. MOTION BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, T�0 CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE', ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING CiASED AT 8:04 P.!!. Ms. Gerou stated she had no problem with this variance. The sign was beinq reduced to about 1/3 of the existing sign. Mr. Betzold stated he felt a directional sign at this particular location was needed, because there are so many entrances. Ne had no objection to the variance. AppEALS COMMISSION FIEETING, APRIL 9, 1985 � PAGE 6 Ms. Gabel stated this sign is a necessary sign, and the reduction in size was very desirable. She had no objection to the variance. MOTION BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY 1�lR. BETZOLD� T1� RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL r"zc-PRD'✓AL OF A VAP.IA.YCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALIAW A FREE-STANDING SIGN TO BE INCREASED FRQM THE MAXI!►!UM OF 80 SQUARE FEET TO 144 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL BE LOCATED ON COUNTY PARK PROPERTY ON LOT 13, AUDITOR'S SUBDNISIQN NO. 79, ACROSS FROM 4800 EAST RIVER ROAD N. E. UPOIJ A VOICE VOTE, GABEL, GEROU, AND BETZOLD VOTING AYE, BARNA ABSTAINING, CHAIRPERSQN GABEL DECI.ARED THE XOTION CARRIED. Ms. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on May 6. 3. ARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHA.PTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE 0 RED . , S equ y . . i, �nson v . . ., r� �ey, �n. 32). MOTION BY M. U, SECONDED BY PlR. BARNA, TO OPE THE PU C HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON ABEL D D THE PUBLIC • HEARING OPEN AT 8:0 . . Chairperson Gabel read �e �iiinistrati A t�I TIVE 6040 tin B, Staf eport: F REPORT evard N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RE I ENT: Section 205.07.3D.2a re ' s a min'�nu�n o 0 foot side yard setback between living areas � any side pro erty 1 i public purpose ser by this requireinent is to m tain a minimum of 20 feet between ving areas in adjacent st ctures 15 feet between garages and ' ing areas in adjacent structur to redu exposure to conflagrat' of fire. It is also to allow for esthetic pleasing open ar round residential structures. B. ST RDSHIP: extra space (width) to a]low for easy passage thro��g,h to the out and to make room wide enough for normal use." \ 5B 1 �.�. �.�-�..� � �Yt�' FMG� �1C� 12� 5�� ,�`� � � . 1N � r--- � _t2� � � _. ANo�� Gou�Y ��o�� (U�"�� G''1AT� �Afz�--L�►N � ) � i i � � � �� � ��. �_ �. .,, A f ��,, � . : ., �. �. �. .� �.\. ,� I � �,. \ f , .., . � Q�.-. � � � � ,. . �� �� ��,. , , ., � � �� . � �, ,� �. � . , �� . .\ �l �\ ��� �I,� ��-�o cN� �, 0 G ��C� � `� - � N= -o �� 5C 0 �t ��xw �g Nyy �1od.a�a�y alrp ry+odd+r �++as**� :��5 �1 siM 21E ��� r� yy�s J�IY�WiYY� p �4rimd aW q �,w�r+D �Il � � � �� � F �� �� � � �� � � �� �� �� �� ��� � �� ' � a � � . • K �� � ti � � � J � ►; -- 5D .� •C � a�+s �1. � • � _ r4c � � ��'�PS ,�w ��v � n �,� 7 V/.3 � . � .._ --__-- � C � a ; � , .. � • o : - O o` c � c s C �' '�O'' • q � � M c� : ` .�. �,. � Q � � � O O .0 E i a ° : ... � � '�M `€ � s � n � � � C� �► cs cs a c°� �O Z 1=1d' 'r � .� � � � �� • � ° �� �3 �� ���- � . _ _,� (Jy� — �i � � � . � -- A 3 � ��..o - — .► � - - � � - V� .� � � .� � !9 sQ , � � � � / L J • � � � `R:i�= � _ .i� � � .�. ♦ • n ° " � . '�� � '.=':}� %r' _ - �; L.ii... i. .t � . ` '� . { � . Vw • = `- j . I_ � � . _ � ... . � . . 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"' Ya- }?_,'''� �- � •_., YW-> ;;*•.3,�. !��� �;.,t . -.�".� i: `'-: ty.. '. - �, _ ..3.�.� r i,. � �. `-. «. 2� �.� - . .�''•Ly ; f. ., . �.� .t ••4' �� � i � . J.� " .��,>�' ! - �`�7. r � �.� M �. ••.r � t. • . - � �•a - �' ,� . :'e^:. -'�ti � _ .. ,r.-. • � �''R h. r.. ' - � � i";, � _ . •�•a..�.� =�-y � :.?{ ' , � ', _ . �. C . _ ' � � � � Y '�y7��: .{ . Y .. �� p c: : d :,r� -A � t t l : .. . �i,._ �.75-. S =•_ f . � �." '�G. s � a _. . fjl �� �y i �. �F � _ � . s =� -'� . .jx l . '�y ' • � � " . ��' �1 � j� „�i� v 'ri :-'f. o ' t .'� �'. �� � � � �'YM r . s, _ ..;, p; { � r t . . t, it� •iy�.i s �� � 'Y /� '.--� � �♦ `4�'- � � „ �'�4. � ! 1r ai;: g � 1 ".;sq a�._ . s� rr. - i. ;`�. ��� ` -' ' -> } ' ' � I � .,y..�. f� i} �„.. � . ���J �'���,'�..'.. � ��. , -�/. .y�.,,. �� � ' _ � �2� ' _ �2 � . . . .. � • � . , .. " t � ,. 't 4 �.�.. � • � "� •,' �: _T.� � .� � ' �. • ���_y ;'�..� . L., � r �' � v7 . ~ • ' �. r.. , .`-�" - �. _ - . �y. i Y;�'� v +f�y L .���._ � j�.. �r.�.��� • �IF� �'" � t ' • �_ `*'_! � -X l Yl ♦-:r�:, �F PEALS COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL�23, 1985� ._ �_ PAGE 10 Ms. Sprang stated she woul ike the Comn' ion to table this item until the next meeting, MOTION BY MR. BETZQLD, SECONDED R. BARNA, TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THS NEXT MEETING AT TXE PETITIONE REQ T. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL• ING AYE, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GABEL DECLARED TNE MOTI�t►1 Ms. Gabel stated the next Appeals Commission meeting was May 14. 4. VARIANCE REOUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CI7Y CODE TO REDUCE ���HE cOr15TRU�TI�N �F R- �� �T.- BY�� FT: D�TA�HE�-�AR�� aN l�fi 13,- BL��1C �— , � . equest y o er n erson, a. ey ree .., ri ey, n. . . MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� T10 OPE'N TKE PUBLIC BEARING. UPQN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL D�CLARED THE PUBLTC HEARING OPEN AT 8:54 P.AI. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 6800 Oakley Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRE1�fENT: Section 205.07.3D.2c.1 requires the side yward setback on a street side of a corner lot to be not less than seventeen and one-half (17.5) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain a higher degree of traffic visibility and to reduce the "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "I would like to build my garage at the same setback distance that my house is from the curb line on 68th Avenue. This would keep the house and garage in line for a neat appearance and ;save as much of the back yard as possible.° , C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The only thing the staff would ask the 8oard to consider is that the garage be placed 20 feet off the street right of way so as to provide space to park a vehicle in f ront of the garage door without encroaching into the street right of way. � 0 6A APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 23� 1985 � �� PAGE 11 Mr. Ciark stated this variance request was simiiar to the variance request on Channel Road. He stated the house right behind the petitioner on Pandora was closer to 68th Ave, than what the proposed qarage would be at 17� ft. He stated the petitioner has a sir.gle car garage off Oakley St. The petitioner 6as requested a special use permit for two garages. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the special use permit. That recomnendation, along with the variance request, will go to City Council on May 6. Mr. Anderson stated he would like to keeo the garage in line with the house. As it was, he was going to have to sacrifice three trees. If the garage was to be moved back to 20 ft., he wo��ld probably lose a fourth tree. Also, if the garage was at 20 ft., he would lo�e a good portion of his garden which wes very important to them. They have a 20 ft, by 20 ft. garden. He stated that a member of the Appea�s Comnissf�n had mentioned a concern about ]ine of sight - earlier in the meeting. By keepinq his garage in line with his house at 17� ft., he definitely did not see a problem. He stated he has two big blue spruces in �he front yard that were more of a problem for visibility than the qarage. Mr. Anderson stated that, as Mr. Clark had mentioned, the house at 999 Pandora, stuck out 10 ft, farther than his does. The house is 23 ft. from the curb. If he had a 1Q ft. boulevard, which was quite normal in the City, rather than 15 ft., there would be no problem. He would be over the 20 ft. for parking. He stated his hardship was losing an additional tree and losing part of his garden. He was back from the street 32 ft, now, and he saw no visual problem for traffic. 1NOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY XR. BARNA� TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYS, CNAIRPERS�N GABEL DECLAREb TXE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:03 P.Pl. Mr. Barna stated he had no problem with this variance request. Mr. Betzold sta�ed he would have difficulty approving this variance when they had approved the variance for the garage on Channel Road at 20 ft. He stated he also did not.like to see trees torn down, but the fact was that the petitioner was already tearing down a few trees. He did n�t like to see gardens torn up, but the petitioner was already teartng up a good part of the back yard which was the petitioner's decfsion. He could not see granting a variance just for those reasons. He would be willing to approve the variance at 20 ft. in order to be consistent with what they had done earlier. Ms. Gabel stated her comments were similar to the first variance reauest. She personally had no objectfon to the garage being at 17� ft. However, she felt the hardship was a little vague, and she also felt they needed to be consistent with these variance requests. _ APPEALS Ca1MISSION MEFTING, APRIL 23, 1985 ��� � � �� PAGE 12 1NOTIQN BY MR. BE2ZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA� TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A I�ARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TXE SIDE YARD SETBACK ON A CORNER LOT FROPI 25 FEET TO 20 FES?' T�O ALLOW THB CONSTRUCTION OF A 24 FT. BY 26 FT. DETACHED GARAGE ON IAT I3� BLOCK 3� BROOKVIEW TERRACE SECOND ADDITION, TNE SAalE BEING 6800 OAKLEY STREET N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. i5. RE UEST OR VARIANCES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE F OLEY CITY �ODE TO QI � , E a ��sb-55.s� i�� SiKE�I N.t, equest v., oon apt s, n. 5 �. JNOTION BY 1hR. BETZOLD� SECONDED UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIR'G , SEARZNG OPEN AT 9:11 P.Pl. Chairperson Gabel read A. PUBLIC PURPOS ��� � - � ►�.�:l��I�l:�:� ' � • � • i'I:1� [�1�•3►j�llll , , ..i����1:1�•_ �: ,1�1_y� , . . . - :�X� � �I:�i:l�:»1�:�y11►1:���►[ei� �^ � - � : � 7HE �BEI NG ---..----•---•— sstsslppi � .. 1�IR. BARNA� TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARIN6. IRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC istrative\Staff Report: DMINISTRATIVE STAFF�tEPORT 5536-38 7th Street 11�. VED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 20 .08.3A requires a minimum lot area of ,000 square feet for a two-fam' y dwelling unit. Public urpose served by this requirement is to avoid e condition of over owding of a residential neighborhood. �tion 205.08.3D.2c.1 requires a side yard width on a stree side of a rner lot to be not less than seventeen and one-F►alf (17.5) et. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain a higher egree of traffic visibility and to reduce the "line of sight" encroachmen into the neighbor's front yard. Section 205.08.3d.1 requires a minimum front yard setback of not less thirty-five (35) feet. n Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide desired front yard space to be used for green areas on access and to add to the attractability of a residential district. ss _. _ � : ._._. . _., NwCORNER Robert Anderson I � 8C SE�.i � , . �• - , , ..:.. O -if�1 ��l ff•. ! « o k �, t = t � � T � � • • = `� � i .�. c_ �,',�,� , c i O••�. � ° . +, 1� . �/i� � rM'i� r+? � .' 1 � ��►- '= ' ' L�l� .r �i:I/•� .A� �. ' '' ' � � � '.� .�� /� �iw� �y�..��) �,r • . �1 108� � � i . � • � � -• . f� ,' O OI►� � � / � � .� , „ „ ` 2 t � �� � �� �1� w ,� i W�b �� '• !e� ,�� � � ..,�-'' ."�.'- � � � �., ` ,�o �4��� � ..�'�' � � � � •� N I 4� � h�• / � � �/�►� ,• �. ` �� r . 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As surreye�d 6y �t I)�f ' 4A�/ � .t r �t,,,; , ,: AD �. , - . �1l6�IRBAN ENGINEEI?D�1IG, /NC. 5. a,���� ..._ . •pp•;'� �t+ �cat e ..... o�•, nvca aQm aa QI ' 9' Z �D . :1 �. � � �i- C'� � y � 7� . ' ��.,i: ; , �� Robert Anderson ���� � G �soo - �� �-�. �y- s? .s 7i- ►3y5' �i-� ��' �U � ���;� 6`E � �� � �-, .h �~ ---� �; T �� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 3, 1985 PAGE 25 Mr. Joseph Fahey, 5719 West Moore Lake Drive. petition and r�+ould like to withdraw his name. a rezoning when there was no plan for property state�,t�e al so "stgned the He,Eould not be in favor of Mr. Dick Glumac. 5725 Quincy St., stated was strictly opposed to the rezoning. The traffic was very bad now nd he did not like the idea of not knowing what would go on either this �perty or the drive-in pro�erty. Ms. Sadie Gunderson stated she r+o�yYd also like to withdraw her name from the petition. / Ms. Gloria Hayes, 840 West re Lake Orive, stated she was opposed to the rezoning because they have lot of conmercial traffic going through there right now. Instead of t drive-in traffic taking the cut-out onto Highway 65, a lot of that traff' goes around West Moore lake Drive all the way to Highway 65. If this perty was rezoned comnercial, they would have that much m�re traffic. � Ms. Schnabel aske,� Mr. Krouch and Mr. Johnson if they would like to respond to these concerp's. Mr. Crouch s�ated his client, Mr. Johnton, would tike to table this item for 30-6G�ys in order to hopefully answer some of the questions and concerns expressed y the neighborhood. !lOTIOI�' Y PlR. S1ilBA, SECONDED BY MR. 1CQNDRICK, � TABLE REZOA'ING REQUEST� 20A M 5-01.BY GERA LD G. JOHNSQN. 11 VOICE VOTE, 11LL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWJYAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION ED UNANIMDUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this iten aould remain on the table until the petitioner requested it be put back on the agenda. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: RE UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PEItMIT, SP �85-02, BY RI�c T�?+u��J? :"`�er ect�on�03:�T.T�,�o��ie�ridT-ey ity Code, to aiTow t e construction of a second accessory building. a 24 foot by 26 foot detached garage, on Lot 13, Block 3, Brookview Second Addition, the same beinq 6800 Oak]ey Street N.E. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOND£D BY Jbt. SJ1BA, TO OPEN' THE PUBLIC H£ARING GW SP #+BS-OZ BY ROBERT RlVDERSON. UPQh 11 VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN6 AYE, CHAIRWOlNAN SCTfhABEL DECLARED THE P�►BLIC flEa1RING OPEN J1T i?:20 11.J�1. Mr. Robinson stated the location of this property was on the corner of Oak'ey St, and 68th Ave. The second accessory building Nill be a 24 ft. Dy 26 ft, garage to be located on the southwest side of the lot with the drive off 68th Ave. Staff would recomnend the fallowing stipulations: 7 . ; PLANNING CONMISSION MEETING, APRIL 3, 1985 PAGE 26 1. Set back garage at least 25 feet or obtain a variance. 2. Provide hard surface driveway; curb cut by City. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner would probably be applytng for a variance to match the garage setback with the house setback. Mr. Anderson stated the existing attached garage will remain as a garage as he needs the extra garage space. MOTIOh BY NR. KQM1'DRICK, SECONDED BY Mi. OQUIST� TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC N£ARING ON SP NBS-02 BY ROBERT /WDERSON. UPOdd A VOICE VOTE, 11LL YOTINC 11YE, CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT I2:30 11.IN. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY !!R. MINTON, 4'D RECONMEND 41D CITY COUNCIL 1LPPROVAL OF /1 REQUSST FOR a SPECIAL USE PERXIT, SP M65-0?, BY ROB£R:^ A.�tiD£RSJN, PER SECTIQh 205.07.2, 3, A, OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, � ALS.OW THE CQNSTR(!CTION OP A SECJND JICCESSORY BUILDINC, 11 ?4 FOOT BY ?6 FOOT DETACNED GARA�£ ON LOT l3, BiUCK 3, BROOKVIEW SECOND 11DDITIOX, TXE S�ll� BEING 6800 OaKLEY STREET N.E., WITH THE FOLLCK►ING STIPULATIONS: 1. SET BACK GARJIGF aT IFAST ?S FEET OR OBTIIIN JI VARZANCE. 2. PROVID£ HAP.D SURFACE DRIVEWAY; CUP.B CUT BY CITY. UPDA a VOICE VOTE, 11LL VOTING 11YE, CHAIRWO�tJ.h SCH:�ABEL DECLARED TNE XOTION CARRI£D UNAl�IPlOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this iten would go to City Council on Apri1 15. 4. VACATION RE EST, SAV �85-02, BY ARt�OLD M. IN Ht� : Vacate the 7 foot drainage an uti �ty easment on e ort s� e o ot and the south 2 feet front and rear of Lot 15. Block 1. Rice Creek Terr e Plat 4, in order to install a driveway and erect a garage on the rear the lot. the same being . 6747 Washington Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this property wa ocated east of Washington St, just south of 68th Ave. The request wa o vacate a drainage easement in order to iRStall a driveway and erect arage. 7he house does sit very close to the lot line (9.1 feet f ron the orner of the house to the existing lot line). The existing driveway �thich c es in and abuts the house is presently on the drainage easement. The pro sal was to extend that driveway and build the garage. Mr. Robinson stated St�f would recommend the following stipulations: 1. A drainag plan be coordinated with and approved by Engineerinq staff pr or to City Council meeting. 7A MEMO T0: City Council MEMO FROM: Philip Dommer - Planning Assistant MEMO DATE: April 30, 1985 RE: Consideration of Approval of Sign Plan for 7500 University Avenue N.E. In accordance with Cha pter 214 of the Fridley City Code, a comprehensive sign plan has been submitted for the property located at 7500 University Avenue N. E. Your consideration for approval is requested. Signage permitted under this sign plan meets all City specifications. Maximum total signage area permitted is 136 square feet. Proposed signage area is 135 square feet. PSD/de 8 sa I ��. CITY OF FRIOLEY SI6N PERMIT APPLICATION o.►r,e�: ko /� Di/� �< n�4,� ���i Address:__ '� 5�° v N/ y. Tel. No• � - �7Q�� — q�oJC� Effective August 1, 1982 Sign Erector: �e�'� �+'�S s�G�S Address: �i4 �4 F�S � Ri yr'r� ��Q� Tet. No: � g � ^ /3 /5` SIGN LOCATION Street No. ?5°b Street•__ �nl1 Y, Lot: Block: Addition: DESCRIPTION OF SIGN SIGN TYPE: *Well **Pylon s#;Roof Temporary Other:_ /N�' E'�4 n/�4Lc.Y �/(vN ?i�'� F<,� i o/Y t�vq�t,�- Length: / S� Height: 3� Sq. Ft.: `�� Constructed Of:/+`�M{N�/�� Iltumineted: i�E S � Estimeted Cost:i %� QO To Be Completed: ��'— � 3 � S SIGN MESSAGE: �� �� � � �U S iN E s� /O�ZD,t�vG i � /�Q�N ! ��?' C� •Length ot relt sign is to be placed on: �' 6�Max. Attow. Aree: 3���� � •�Distance fros Prop. line: Inter./DMy.: Sign Height: e ���Root Sign in Lieu of Pylon Sign ZONIN6: C��r��'��/ti`� PERMIT FEES: Up to 40 sq. ft.= :24.00. More than 40 sq. tt.= :60.00 Add i.50 Stete Surcherge if sign is not illuminated. TEMPORARY SIGNS: Po�ta penels, banners, pennents, etc.= NO FEE POLITICAL SIGNS: i15.00 deposit, refunded when signs e�e removed. STIPULATIONS Revolving beacons, zip fteshers and similar devices including eny sources of light which chenges in intensity are prohibited. The undersigned hereby makes epplicetion for e permit fo� the �ork herein specified, egreeing to do att work in strict eccordence Mith the City of Fridley Ordinences end rulings of the Department of Buildings and hereby decl thet ell the facts and representetions stated in this epplication ar �true and c r t. DATE; �f ' °� �'�� SIGNATURE: , 86I �. � CITY OF FRIDLEY Effective August 1, 1982 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Owner: l�/��41'�A�� (L!�A� %1/ Sign Erector: �e �� d!n S s�(o/V 5 Address: �J v o v�0 / V, Address: �l� �/O �A F�Si � I v�"at 1P�, Te L . No : � �- Te l . No : 7� / / 3 /S � '� '� Q� d _. ct (� 5/ SIGN LOCATION _ Street No. ?S�v Street: (J/�� 1' � Lot: Block: Addition: OESCRIPTION OF SIGN SIGN TYPE: *Well •*Pylon •�*Roof Temporery Other: /NT�dLi�rAwY L/!'o,yT�'Q �L,/�� oN W/�Lv Length:��/ Height: 3� Sq. Ft.: �5 Constructed Of:�LdM�NVNC Illumineted: YE5 Estimeted Cost:i_ /8�� To Be Completed:�' �3 g5 SIGN MESSAGE: �/�0 R�l h� ��Zd S %hFF �ISNIKG S�F�,/iALTY 5?d�Z� •Length ot Nell sign is to be pleced on:� Mex. AlloN. Aree: 3 X/S � •�Oistence tro� P�op. line: Inter./Dwy.: Sign Height: �� •�#Root Sign in L1eu ot Pylo� Sign ZONIN6: C6�NivHF%Z���a `' PERMIT FEES: Up to 40 sq. tt.= i24.00. More then 40 sq. ft.= i60.00 Add i.50 State Surcharge it sign is not illumineted. TEMPORARY SIGNS: Porte penels, benners� pennents, etc.= NO FEE POLITICAL SIGNS; t15.00 deposit, refunded when signs ere removed. STIPULATIONS . Revotving beacorts� zip fleshers and similer devices including eny sources of light which changes in intensity ere prohibited. The undersigned hereby mekes appticetion for a permit for the work herein specified, egreeing to do ell Mork in strict eccordence Nith the City of Fridley Ordinances end rulings of the Department of Buildings and hereby declares hat ell the facte end representations steted in this applicetion ar rue and cor c. - DATE:_ � � ,� " � S SIGNATURE: l�cc.� �/1� SIGNAGE GUZDELINES 1. Each Tenant in the front East side of building will have one sign which Will be three(3) feet high by fifteen (15) feet in length. 2. Signs will be of aluminum construction with HO high output lampa internally lighted flat on the wall. 3. Each sign will be placed on the building ia the approximate location as shown in the attached drawing. 4. Sign will not go above the roof. 5. Color choices for signs may be selected by individual tenants. 6. Existing Tenants are responsible for the`removable of signs if and When they vacate premises on the North side of building. 7. New Tenant must erect sign in accordance with sign plan and Eity codes. 8. A11 signs sha21. be secured to buflding by a licensed bonded sign company with lags and shelds bolts. 9. Size of letters on (3') x(15') feet signs selected by individual-Tenants. 0 0 , 8C I � SIGN APPROVALS 1. Tenants shall submit three i3)�'sets of drewings for all its proposed sign Work to Kordiak Realty. The drawings shall clearly shoW locations of sign on the elevation and graphics layout. 2. The Landlord shall return one (1) set of drawings within five (5) days to the Tenant. The drawings will either be marked "Approved", "Approved based on Gandlord's modifications", or "Disapproved". Sign drawings that have been ��Approved based on Landlord's modifications" are to be returned to the I.andlord bearing Tenant's approval, or are to be redesigned and resubmitted for the t.andlords approval within seven (7) days of receipt by Tenant. Sign drawings that have been disapproved are to be redesigned and resubmitted to the Landlord for approval also within seven (7) days of recei�t by•Tenant. C � : � � z �� NI �" � �, . �' J 0 � � � � 4 � 1- � � � � ij� � i N :� � � ► � , ► � 1 � i, I 0 SE 1 r,�� NJ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTZON GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUS- TRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL AND AUTHO- RIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. (Gerald W. Paschke) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows; l. It is hereby found, determined and declared as follows: l.l. The welfare of the State of Minnesota (the "State") requires active promotion, attraction, encour- agement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and it is the policy of the State to facilitate and encourage action by local gov- ernment units to prevent the economic deterioration of such areas to the point where the process can be re- versed only by total redevelopment through the use of local, state and federal funds derived from taxation, with the attendant necessity of relocating displaced persons and of duplicating public services in other areas. 1.2. Technological change has caused a shift to a significant degree in the area of opportunity for edu- cated youth to processing, transporting, marketing, service and other industries, and unless existing and related industries are retained and new industries are developed to use the available resources of the City, a large part of the existing investment of the community and of the State as a whole in educational and public service facilities will be lost, and the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to areas where their services may be effectively used and �om- pensated and the Iessening attraction of persons and businesses from other areas for purposes of industry, commerce and tourism will deprive the City and the State of the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental sezvices and facilities for the remaining population. 1.3. The increase in the amount and cost of govern- mental services requires the need for more intensive development and use of land to provide an adequate tax base to finance these costs. � 9A 1.4. Gerald W. Paschke (the "Company") has advised the Council that it desires to undertake a project which consists of the construction of an approximately 30,000 square foot office/warehouse facility (the "Project"). to be located on the east side of Main Street N.E. approximately midway between 79th and Slst Avenues in the City. . 1.5. The contribute to land, thereby opportunities existence of the more intensive increasing the in the City. Project in the City will development and use of tax base and employment 1.6. The City has been advised by the Company and on that basis hereby finds that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available at such costs of borrowing that the Project would not be economically feasible and would not be undertaken but for the availability of industrial devel- opment bond financing therefor. 1.7. This Council has been advised by First Bank Robbinsdale of the financial feasability of the Project, as so undertaken with the assistance of the City, or of its intention to purchase commercial or industrial reve- nue obligations of the City to finance the Project. 1.8. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to issue its revenue bonds, notes or other obligations to �finance the cost, in whole or in part, of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improve- ment, betterment or extension of capital projects con- sisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, including the Project, and the issuance of such obligations by the City would be a substantial inducement to the Company to construct its facility in the City. 1.9. The City has been advised by O'Connor s Hannan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, who shall act as bond counsel to the City with respect to the Project, that the Project constitutes a"project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. 2. On the basis of information given the City to date, it appears that it would be in the best interest of the City to issue its obligations (the "Bonds") under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to finance the Project in an amount presently estimated not to exceed $750,000. - 2 - 9B 3. The Project and the related financing thereof by the City are hereby given preliminary approval, and the issuance of the Honds for such purpose and in such estimated amount is hereby approved, subject to approval of the Proj- ect by the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic De- velopment (the "Department") and to the mutual agreement of the Council, the Company and the initial purchasers of the Eonds as to the details and provision for payment of the Bonds. In all events, it is understood, however, that the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City or a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City except its interest in the Project, and each of the Bonds when, as and if issued shall recite in substance that it is payable solely from the revenues received from the Project and propezty pledged to the payment thereof. 4. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 7a, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the Project to the De- partment for approval. The Mayor and other officers, em- ployees and agents of the City are hereby authorized to provide the Department with any preliminary information needed for this purpose and are further authorized to initi- ate and assist in the preparation of such documents as may be appropriate to the Project and the financing thereof. 5. The adoption of this resolution by the Council does not constitute a guarantee or a firm commitment that the City will issue the Bonds as requested by the Company. The City retains the right in its sole discretion to withdraw from participation and accordingly not issue the Bonds should the City determine that it is in the best interest of the City not to do so or should the parties to the transac- tion be unable to reach agreement on the terms thereof. Adopted by the Fridley City Council on May 6, 1985. �� RE30LIITION N0. - 1985 A RE30LUTION APPROVING A SIIBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, L.S. #85-04, TO SPLIT LOT 7, BLOCR 2, BROOK�IEfi SECOND ADDITIO�i (E%CEPT THE SOIITA 100 FEBT THERSOF) INTO THRBB LOTS, 2- 70 FOOT LOTS AND 1- 75 FOOT LOT TO BB IISBD FOR SIHGLB FAMILY RESIDENCES, THB SAMB BBINf 1040-1050-1060 67TH AYENiTE N. S. WHEREAS, The City Council approved a:lot split at the March 18th, 1985, meeting, and � WHEREAS, such approval was to split L.at 7, Block 2, BrookvieW Second Addition (except the South 100 Peet thereof) into three lots, 2- 70 foot lots and 1- 75 Poot lot to be used Por single family residences, and WHEREAS, The City has received the required Certificate of Surveys Prom J. A. Menkveld, and WHEREAS, such approval will make three neW residential building sites. NOiW, THEREFORE BE IT RESO�.VED, that the City Council directs the County oP Anoka to record this lot split within six months of this approval or else such approval shall be null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 2/8/21/15 i ;7- , :-t , �`: t r9'.A. . � � ...f*� . .. ..- . .� b 10 R� � /t c , 9p 1 �� •4 �� v"�'`.. ;° � ,.� � CREEK ` �. " o�� �� Y�' K0 . � �� �,� i = ' �.�r v�0,4 ., z�,� � � A� � C 'e � � 110' `�� 941 � �� + � 9t8 4 •�o �� � 3 +� .� ,; : � # .� z �e�° ' qz� - - - � •� : ►�� 9�i' ��o O, 1eq 18 �ti �•' ' v s� �, �+ 4p s�,� �, � �� �! 9 •� �� � o ,� „� � ► • -� ,4 �s, . '"� � �. z 9, � 6 e .. �� „ �. � ��. 3. S � - � -• �:� y� � �� � �`�, ��a 6e :. �.. � . 991 � � M�- 4 �• �0 ' 1S! � � �3 B � .9�� � � ; ; -� - � -- ��s ; r� 79q� `�6 � . �� 453 �61 � � /4 /: � � � �..� -�„'"'S8 -� .�..���,�,�,,,r...�,� ' • �� w ���'�Z� ,..,. ,..«• ,.... o� � i.�:�: ���3� �, � , s� ���1j��� � �d �► � �� 2 a .... ,... � ��,e� � , .' ; 9��. � ioo�,, I��'' �� f?S: �. i :' . ��� � . / , tt ��f l ' ..;+� ��•.�,.r.. a_ � � ; :. • . � ���ae�= '"'j,..�o� tAea - � _ , � � 0 A s�'z j� ' � • : 68�H AVE.�i� � L . 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Sodervi//e, MinnesoJo 55304 � 434-7646 ��ERTIcICF.TE OF SURVEY FOR: Homeland Realty DESCRIBED AS: The West 70.00 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview Second, EXCEPTING the South 100.00 feet thereof, according to tre plat thereof on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. � • / p \ 2 0 � � � � W a � � o • o � � e � i . t N , � � � 1�` � 0 V 4. 0 u .� � � h S 67t� Ave N.� �-Nort�i /,ae of Lot T 8/o�k Z, Bi40oKy/EYt/ � S98 /3¢9 E --- �a o� --- -- `� �ourl, /:ne of Lot 7� B/o�k z, SCALE� / /MCM+� fEET. ,BROOKY/E11/ SEGO/1lO Q DENO�LS //t /NCN /�90N P/Pf S!'T. � OFNOfEJ f0(/ND /RON MONUNENT. ' BEARiN6S SNOwN ARE ASSY/MEO. SECOND / NENEBr CER�/FY TNAT TN/S SUAYEY� ILAMi OR REPORT M'AS PREAI/9E0 Br ME d9 LAbEH AIr D/RfCT SfJPERV/SlON AND TNAT ! AY A Of/Lr REG/S7ERE0 LAND SUFVf1'QN UNOER TNE LAwS OF THE STATE Of AI/NNESOTA. . n�_ arE Ao��9�S,vEC. �o. �?rai rar tir1 R�1 - 9 /A es� / 2 � �n . 7G. CERTIFICATE OF CA/NE � ASSOC/ATES LAND SURVEYDRS, /NC. 17720 Nighwoy 65 N. E. Sode�vi//e, Minnesoto 55304 434-7646 SURVEY FOR: Fiomeland Realty DESCRIBED AS: The East 70.00 feet of the West 14Q.0� feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview Second, EXCEPTING the South 100.Q0 feet thereof, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Anok.a, State of Minnesota. 0 C t � , � � � -.�---------. . � . `� � � �, a� � � �� c� O � � �� � � 1�` � 0 � � 0 � .� � � M �i 10C 6 �'th A Ye NE �North /i'r�� ofLot 7, B/k ,Z, BROOKV/,EYV SEGOND - } _ S 8a°�3 49 �E - - = 1 -- 70.03--- � � 0 - ----- �o oo--------- /¢0.00------------------ SCALF : / lNCN . -3O FEf T. Q DENOrFS //1' /NCM /RON P/Pf SfT, � OfNOiES FOl/ND /RON MOMIlMEN7. IEAR/N6S SNOM'N ARE ASSY/MED. � iv, v1 - - - �Y88°/6 %6 "1�V :xcEario�Y �� r+vNr/! �i%!G Of BRoo�e viEyy P �� �o O d, MO �a �O � � i �_ / M£REBY CE/i7/Fr TNA7 7N/S SUAYEY. PL4M, �OR RfPORT WAS PAfPAREO 8r AIE OR u'VDER A/Y D/RECT S(/oEAV/S/ON ANO TNA� / AA! A DULr AE6/STENED LANO SUFVE�Op UNDEA rME LAWS Of fNE S�ATE OF N/NNESOTA. -'--- __,i__- d..� ,cot �.sikz, , SECOND LLI TE A �Y��� AEG. NO. /?PS/ �as � 84-2i8 sEC. /3 r. 30 A 24 10D CA/NE � ASSOC/ATES LAND SURVEYORS, /N�. /7720 Highwoy 65 N. E. Sodervi//e, Minnesoto 55304 434-7646 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR: Homeland Realty DESCRIBED AS: That part of Lot 7, Block 2, Brookview Second, lyir.g east of the West 140.00 feet thereof, EXCEPTING the South 100.00 feet thereof, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Anoka, State of Minr.esota. � 0 U � � W � � 4 �Cl � O � � v � m . � ° ---/g0.00--- V 0 6 %th Ave JY� /{�orth /ihe of Lor 7, B/k z,� BROOKY/E11/ SECONO S 88 °/3 49 E [ SCA�[: / /NCN•..�� iEET. Q DENOfES //t M�CN /AON P/Pf SET. � OfND�ES fOlJNO /RON NOMUI/ENf. sfARiN6S SNOwH ARE ASSUM£D. � � ,�� �^ O '� �' O M. � � � � SOl.�f'ii /i�e O� �Of' 7 /,j/.F Z� BRoo,� yiEyv S,Fco�ip � � � � � � � � 4 � � / MENEBr CER f/FY TNA7 TM/S SURYEr. AC AN, OR �iEP0�9T WAS PREPAREO Br ME Oli LIVOER A/1' O/REC7 S(/PERV/SlON ANO TMA7 / AN A DULr FE6/STE/oE0 LAHO SURV£YOA UNDE/7 THf LAWS Of THE SrATF OF Al/NNESOTA. dI TE D I' i�- I�/ Jd'�REG. 1y0. /2?3! ✓u �t 84-Z/8 sEC. /3 z 3o w. Z4 � � FR1D� � O�TE 4/17/85 o�AECTOa�sTE OF PUBLlC WoRKS MEMORANDUM ��Or >.►w Mark L. Burch, Asst.Pub.Wks.Dir. iu��ECT Mississippi Street Improvements � TO John Flora, Pub.Wks.Dir r. Nasim Qureshi, City Manager • o° °a •� ��o ��_ -- � _~ �'� PW 85-102 �C T IOw tw p — - —._ -- — —� - - --� - --� We have prepared plans and specifications for three improvement projects along Mississippi Street in the Holly Shopping Center area. These projects are: 1) Landscaping Project, 2) Irrigation Pro�ect, and 3)Lighting Project. These projects have been requested by the HRA and in an agreement between�the HRA and the owners of the Holly Shopping Center, they have agreed to pay for parts of these improvements through assessments to the property. The agreement between the HRA and Holly Center states the Holly Shopping Center will be assessed an amount not to exceed $127,000 for these improvements with the balance paid by the HRA. TF�ese improvements are to be constructed during the 1985 construction season and coordinated with other site improvements. Please have the City Council act on the three resolutions attached so we can progress with this project on a timely basis. MLB: jmo Enclosures - 3 � / /A` � /^\ - �_._ ,.� ., .::;� � � f (i `�� � 11A G� t RESOLDTION R0. - 1985 A RESOLIITIOA ORDERI�G IMPROVEMENT, APPR09AL OF PLANS A1ID ORDBRIBG ADYERTISEl�:NT FOR BZDS: 1lISSISSIPPI STREET LAKDSCAPING PROJECT WHERSA3� Resolution No. 26 - 1985 proposed certain improvements in the City of Fridley and ordered preliminarq plans, specifications and estimatea of coata thereof, and � WHEREAS, Resolution No. 27 - 1g85 received the prelimiinary report for these improvements and a petition to waive a public hearing and have the cost of the improvements assessed, and WHEREA3, Resolution No. 32 - 1985 ordered these improvements: NOii THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOLiIBD, bp the Citp Council of the Gity of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as folloWS: 1. That the landscaping recommended bq the Public Yorks Department be constructed, and the Work involved in said improvement shall hereafter be: desi,gnated aa: NI3SISSIPPI STRBBT LANDSCAP6 PROJECT 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the Public Works Department for auch improvement and each oP them� pursuant to the Council action heretofore, are hereby approved and shall be filed With the City Clerk. 3. That the improvements to be made under this project are special in nature and can best be construeted under a separate contract. 4. The Work to be perPormed under NISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPE PROJECT shall be performed under one contract. The Public iiorks Direetor shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisement Por bids upon the making of such improvements under sueh approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published Por tWO �2) weeks (at least 10 days), and shall specify Lhe trork to be done and Will state that bids Kill be opened at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Lhe 22nd day oP May, 1985 in the Council Chambers oP the City Hall, and that no bids Will be considered unless sealed and filed with the� Public xorks Department and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five per cent (5x) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement Por bids for MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPE PROJECT shall be substantially standard in form. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAAi - CITY Q.ERK WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 11B RESOLIITION N0. - 1985 A RESOLIITION ORDERIxG IMPROYEMENT, APPaOVAL OF PLAHS AAD ORDERIIC ADVERTISEt�II:NT FOR BIDS; HTS.STCSTPPI STRF$T IRRIGATTnx vuru�c�r YHEREAS, Resolution No. 26 - 1g85 proposed certain improvements in the City of Fridleq and ordered preli�inary plans, specifications and estimates oP costs thereoP, and, WHEREA3, Resolution No. 27 - 1g85 received the preliminary report for these improvementa and a petition to xaive a public hearing and have the cost oP the improvements assessed, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 32 - 1985 ordered these improvements: NOii THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, by the City Council of the Citq ot Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota� as folloWS: 1. That the irrigation recommended by the Public Works Department be construeted, and the vork involved in said improvement shall hereafter be designated as: NI3SISSIPPS 3TRE8T IRRIGATIOA PaOJECT 2. The plans and specitications prepared by tbe Public ilorks Department for such improvement and each oP them� pursuant to the Council action heretofore, are hereby approved and ahall De filed xith the Citq Clerk. 3• That the improvements to be made under this project are special in nature and can best be constructed under a separate contract. 4. The Work to be perPormed under MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT shall be performed under one contract. The Public Works Director shall accordinglq prepare and cause to be inserted in the official neWSpaper advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for two (2) - weeks (at least 10 days), and shall specifq the Work to be done and Will state that bids Will be opened at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, the 23rd day oP May, 1985 in the Couneil Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids xill be considered unless sealed and filed xith the Public Works Department and accompanied bq a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified cheek payable to the City tor five per cent (5i) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement Por bids-for MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT shall be substantiallq standard in Porm. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � DAY OF , 1985. MILLIAH J. NEE - !lAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN _ CITY Q,ERR i/�/?/14 12 RB30[.oTIOB �0. - 1985 � RESOLOTIOH ORDERIIIG INPROOEMBN?, APPBOOAL OF PLAHS A�D ORDERIHG ADYERTISF•MENT FOR BIDS: MTS4I'�STppT STREET L-?GHTTNC PRO�TEGT WHEREA3, Resolution No. 26 - 1985 proposed certain improvements in the CiLy of Fridleq and ordered preliminarp plans, specifications and estimates of costs thereof, and NHEREA3, Resolution No. 27 - 1985 received the preliminary report for these improvements and a petition to Waive a public hearing and have the cost oP the improveaents assessed, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 32 - 1985 ordered these improvements: NOii TAEREFORE, BE IT RESOL9ED, bq the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as Pollrnrs: 1. That the Mississippi Street Lighting Project recomme nded bq the Public Works Department b� constructed, and the xork involved in said improvement shall hereafter be designated as: MI3SISSIPPI STREET LIGHTI�G PROJECT 2. The plans and �peeifications prepared by the Public Works Department for such improvement and each of them, pursuant to the Couneil aetion heretofore, are hereby approved and shall be filed �ith the City Clerk. 3• That the improvements to be made under this project are special in nature and can best be constructed under a separate contract. 4. The �rork to be performed under Mississippi Street Lighting Project shall be performed under one contract. Tbe Publie Horks Director shall according2y prepare and cause to be inserted in the official nexspaper advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for two (2) xeeks (at Ieast 10 days), and shall specify the xork to be done and xill state that bids Will be opened at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 21st day of May, 1g85 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids �ill be considered unless sealed and filed With the Public �orka Department and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certiPied check payable to the City Por five per cent (Sx) of the amount of sueh bid. That the advertisement for bids for MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJfiCT shall be substantially standard in form. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985. WII,LIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTF.ST : SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 13 � � C�TY Of F RI DL.FY O�TE 4/29/85 DtRECTORA?E OF PUD �iC WORKS M E M O R A N D UM ��pr �►.Ml. John F]ora, Public Works Director iu��ECT Curbside Recycling TO Nasim Qureshi, City Manager . o oo- �.� ��ID ,, _� , � = 1 � i� PW 85-116 �:tl�� �Irtp -- — ---�. — - —._ —,._ We opened the bids for the Curbside Recycling contract on Monday, April 29, 1985 at 11:00 a.m. in Community Room I. He had sent out 12 specifications to designated haulers. Only tWO bids xere received, 1) Beermann Services, for �633•33 per month and 2) SORT Collection Inc. for s1,500 for the Pirst two months and a1,200 for the remaining ten months of the year. Beermann �ould pick up on tWO Fridays in Fridley, one ha1P the City in each collection, and SORT Would use Pour days per month� on Tuesday and Thursday for the Pirst quarter and then three days Por the remainder oP the year. Beermann Services is an experienced hauler, currently hauling out oP Inver Grove Heights and is involved With the Minneapolis Recycling Program. He advocates running the program for one year and then allowing the City to rebid another contract, he is Willing to operate this program Por tWO years as identiPied in the specifications. iihile We only received tWO bids, the Beermann Services proposal is vithin our original estimate of �10,000 and Would provide for a start-up program to be initiated with the City option to renegotiate a recycling program after either the first or second year. It Would be appropriate, then, to accept his bid in order to expedite and initiate a Citywide Recqcling Program. JGF: jmo Attachment SUBSIDY/MONTH NUHIDER OF DAYS TO .RECYCLE THE CITY NUI�BER OF TRUCRS/ PICK-UP MISCOLLECTION PROCEDURE CtJRBSIDS RECYCLI9G BID3 BEERMANN SERVICES �833•33 (No change When participation rate inereases) RECYCLABLES ADDED TO LIST f Participation Rate 3 DA YS 2nd, 3rd & 4th Fridays 2 (more iP needed) � SORT - CONNIE 0- 35K* $1500 1st 2 months 1200 remaining 10 months 36 - 45x 1000 46� -0- 4 DAYS 1ST QTR. 3 DAYS THEREAFTER 2ND & 3RD T(JESDAY � THURSDAY 3 They Would have an Pieked up same day if put employee in Fridley out that day. In case of for misses. Bad bad weather, schedule weather caneellations Would be moved back a would be picked up on week. the Pollowing Friday. clean rags and any battery 14A i � � CITY Of F R! DL..EY Oti�ECTORATE oF PUBLIC WORKS M E M O R A N D UM O�TE /1/85 ' --- ��pr �►w Mark Burch, Asst. Pub. Wks. Dir. �u��ECT Council Award of 1985 Projects TO John Flora, Pub. Wks. Dir. . �� - ..�� �o �_ � ' y� �_ PW 85 - 119 a; r �o� ,w p — - -- --- —� The following improvement projects have been advertised and bid as directed and we are now recommeding that the City Council award the contracts to the respective low bidders. The projects recommended for award are: ProjecL Low Bidder Amount No.6ids Received 1. Water b Sanitary Sewer Hydro-Con, Inc. $ 123,456.78 15 Project 150 . 2. Street Improvernent Project H& S Asphalt, Inc. � 337,565.25 ST 1985 - 1&2 • 3. 1985 Concrete Pavement Joint Arcon Const. Inc. S 24,450.00 and Crack Resealing 3 10 4. 1985 Misc. Concrete Curb, Concrete Curb Co. � 28,650.00 4 Gutter and Sidewalk Please ask the Council to consider these proposals at their May 6 meeting and award the contracts so that construction can start as scheduied. MLB:jmo WATER 8 SEWER PROJECT �150 , . BID OPENIN�, 11:00 A.M, - MAY 1� 1935 (WEDNESDAY) Ayres and Associates , 700 Transfer Road ----------- NO BID ' St. Paul, MN 55114 American Ductile Iron Pipe 12112 Lynn Avenue South P.O. Box 278 _ —�a�Se, MN 55378 Lametti and Sons General Contractors Hugo. f'N 55038 Orfel and Sons In�. P.O. Box 16358 St. Paul, MN 55116-0358 Crossings Inc. P.O. 6ox 10 Prior Lake, MN 55372 American Contracting 11661 Eagle Street N.W. Corp. Coon Rapids, MP� 55433 M& M Sewer and 1•Jater Inc. 3508 Belden Drive Minneapol is, �1N 55418 Elk River Concrete Products 7575 Golden Valley Road Minneapolis, MN 55427 Gammon Erothers Inc. Route 3 Rogers, MN 55374 North Star Water Works 610 Hamel Road Namel, MN 55340 Water Products Co. 15801 West 78th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 F. F. Jedlicki - 14203 West 62nC Street Eden Prairie, HN 55344 Sarah �ontracting 80 East Little Canada Road St. Paul, MN 55117 5� Hartford 5� U.S. Fidelity 5% Capitol Indemni Capitol Indemni � �� 5% United Pacific Central National Insurance � NO BID NO BID �158,012.46 $153,970.12 �129,808.09 5145,956.00 NO BIO NO BID NO BID ' NO BID 1 i / � �147,063.75 ! �143,540.50 � I ; _ -- ' 0 L P Contracting Box 506 Osseo, t4N 55369 i ACG Inc. I, 791 Raymond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 WA7ER 8 SEWER PROJECT #150 BID OPENING, 11:00 A,M. - MAY 1� 1935 (WEDNESDAY) Central National =164,848.68 Insurance 5� �142,877.20 Great American Insurance Co. Spencer Construction 5� g142,509.50 6701 - 79th Avenue North U.S. Fidelity Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Burschville Construction, Inc. Box 161 ' Loretto, MN 55357 Northdale Construction Co. Inc. 14450 Northdale Boulevard Rogers, MN 55374 Channel Construction Route 2 Cox 53 Isle. MN 56342 Hydro-Con Inc . Box 129 North Branch, MN 55056 Hayes Contractors Inc. 1010 Currie Avenue Ninneapol is, Mt� 55403 Bonine Excavating, Inc. 12636 Main Street Rogers, MN 55314 5� Capitol Indemni 5� Lumberman's Mutua 5X Inland Insurance 5% United Fire and Casuality 5X Wausau Insurance 5% Captiol Indemnit $160,635.25 5146,924.50 �144,955.75 a123,456.78 $138,489.00 $141,918.75 15B BID OPENING - ll:00 A.M, 1l�SDAY, APRIL 30, L485 STREET INPROVFJ`�(YT PPoQIECT - ST 1985�-1�2 Ayres and Associates 700 Transfer Road St. Paul, MN 55114 H & S Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Arcon Construction Co. P.O. Box 57 Mora, NN 55051 Gammon Brothers Inc. Route 3 � Rogers, MN 55374 � , Alexander Construction � 14561 Johnny Cake Ridge Road ` Apple Valley, MN 55124 Hardrives Inc. 7200 Hemlock Lane Mapl e Grove, MN 55369 �lidwest Asphal t P.O. Box 338 Hopkins, MN 55343 Alber Construction Inc. 4901 West Medicine Lake Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 5% Capital Indemnit 5� Lumberman's Plutua 5% Fidelity Deposit NO BID $337,565.25 NO BID NO BID NO BID �374,531.62 NO BID $348,865.95 16 BID OPENING - �1:00 A.M. IJEDyESDAY, APRIL 17, 1985 19�5 C0�lCRETE PAVE1'�ENT JOINT AyD CRACK RESEALING PROJECT PLaNF;OLDER Arcon Construction Co. P.O. Box S7 ' Mora. MN 55051 Minnesota State Curb and Gutter 6801 West 150tfi SLreet App1e Valley, MN 55124 Palda and Sons 1462 Dayton Avenue St. Paul. MN 55104 Applied Surfaces Construction 4031 Old County Road J St. Pau1. MN 55112 ' West Central Rec�eational Supply Division of Mc�room. Inc. Girlstout Camp Road �_ Spiter, MN 56268 Con-Spec Corporation 380 Layfayette St. Paul � MN 55107 D.H. 8lattner 1 South Wabasha Nova ]sland St.__Pau1LMN 55107 Oiversified Concrete Se�vices I�c. 245 East 6th Street Suite �t40 St. Paul, MN 55101 Hallett Construction Co. Box 90 St. Peter. MN 56082 Highway Se�vices Inc. 21925 Industrial Boulevard P.O. Box 65 Rogers, MN 55374 Contrete Curt C0. 771 LadyDird lane Burnsville, MN 55337 Gannon Construttion InC. Box 44 Mingo, lA 50168 __s�':= BID BOh� 5% Wausau Ins. 5% U.S. Fidelity 5X Marshall 5� Peerless Ins. 5% Dependable 5% Am. Home Ins. ���� TOTAL BID b24,450.00 NO BID $26,950.00 NO BID NO BID NO BIO a63,000.00 �JO BID NO BID �32,500.00 �78,125.00 �45,325,00 ?� 17A BID OPE��ING — 11:00 A.�1. NEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 19g5 � 1985 CONCRETE PAVE�IE��T JOI ��T A��D CRACK RESEALI ��G PROJECT PLANHOLDER BI.D BOND TOTAL BID Great Lakes Contracting Corp. 5� P.O. 8ox 96 ' Great Am. Ins. �53,625.00 Suamico, MI 54173 P.C.I. . 8736 Zacha�y lane NO BID Osseo, MN - 55369 P.N.L. Inc. P.O. Box 665 Hastings, Mh 55033 Construction Materials, Inc. 6725 Oxford Street Minneapolis, MtV 55426 Allstate Paving, Inc. 7200 Hemlock Lane N I Maple Grove, MN 55369 Forby Contracting Inc. P.O. 8ox 211 Route 3// Hinkley, MN 55037 0 5� Capitol Ind . 5� Lumberman's 5� Wausau Ins. �26,175.00 No Bio E47,125.00 E28,750.00 . __.---�.--_.... . . _„ . ____. . . - � � I B ID OPEtJ I yG — 11: 00 P,. �1. TL'ESD�!Y, APR I L lE, 1985 19�5 "1ISCELLA�lEOUS CJ�dCRETE C�,RB �l"�� GllTTEf? PROJECT I PLANHOLDER BID BO�JD TOTAL BID Minnesota State Curb and �utter 6801 Mest 150th Street NO BID App1e Valley, MN 55124 Arcon Construction Co. P.O. Box 57 NO BID Mora, MN 55051 Halvorson Construction Co. 5% United Fire 4227 165th Avenue N.E. 8 Casualty Co. $ 30,375.00 Anoka, MN 55304 Sta�dard Sidewal k 124 Meander Road NO BID Golden Valley, MN 55422 Victor Carlson and Sons 2246 Edgewood Avenue NO BID Minneapolis, MN 55426 Independent Curb and Gutter Contractors, Inc. NO BID I 4690 Penkwe � Ea an MN 55122 Gunderson Bros. 2325 Snelling Avenue 5% Capitol � Minneapolis, MN 55404 Indemnity Corp. S 28,725.00 Anderson Masonry Rt. 1, Box 123 NO BID Ten Strike, MN 56683 Concrete Curb Co. 771 Ladybi�d Lane 5% Dependable Burnsville, MN 55337 Insurance Co. $ 28�650.00 I, Boda Construction . 11260 Buchanan Rd. NE 5% Central $ 47,580.00 , Minneapolis, MN 55434 National Ins. Co. of Omaha . � tJ � BARR ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING EN6INEERS DOUGLAS w BnRR JOHN D DICKSON l. R MOLSAiHER ALIAN GEBHARO LECNARD J KREMER DENNIS E. PA�MER April 19� 1985 Mr. John G. Flora City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 6800 fRANCE AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55d35-2062 TELEPHONE (AREA 612) 920-0655 Re: Construction of Containment System National Pole � Treating Company Site/Onan Property Dear Mr. Flora: We are enclosing copies of the Contract Documents and Construction Drawings for the referenced project. The construction includes a slurry wall containment system, placement of contaminated soils excavated from the site within a vault in containment system, a subsurface drainage system including an outlet to the sanitary sewer interceptor, and site restoration. In particular, you will note the construction of a new watermain con- nected to Onan Corporation's watermain service line. From the point of connection, a 6-inch watermain will be conatructed to a new fire hydrant located as shown on the drawings. The connection is located so that water entering this main has already passed through Onan Corporations water meter. This watermain and hydrant will be of permanent construction. The contractors will obtain their necessary water supplies from the hydrant using temporary services during construction activities. The temporary services will be removed upon completion of construction. You will also note that the outlet pipe for the subsurface drainage system discharges into the existing sanitary sewer interceptor manhole just south of the railway. The discharge from this outlet will be measured in the gaging manhole using a V-notch weir and stage recorder. The responsible parties will pay the City of Fridley for the water discharged through this system. The necessary permits and approvals are currently being obtained from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and you will be kept informed on the status and conditions of the permits and approvals. .You have previously explained that the project will require two permita from the City of Fridley; one for the excavation work and one for the siting of the contractors construction trailers. The Contract Documents and Con- struction Drawings indicate the general areas on the site where excavation is expected to occur. It is currently expected that a total of about 80,000 cubic yards of material will be excavated on the site. The proposal form indicates a substantially larger quantity because the contractor will be paid separately for the double handling of materials which will be stockpiled 20 Mr. John G. Flora Page 2 April 19, 1985 during various phases of the construction. The excavation quantities do not include the materials excavated for the slurry trench or the subsurface drain since most of these materials will be used to backfill the same trenches and the contractor will not be paid separately for the materials. No excavated material will be exported off-site, however, some select materials will be imported fram off-site for the subsurface drsin and for topsoil purposes. Based on this information we request the issuance of an excavation permit for the work represented in the Contract Documents and Construction Drawings. Until such time as the contractors for this work (the contract will be awarded in mid-May) are selected and they prepare for mobilization, we will not know the exact number of construction trailers they will be using. We anticipate that the number of trailers is most likely to be in the range of five to eight. The site plan included in the Construction Drawings indicates the portions of the site set aside for the construction office, storage and work areas. Based on the contractors need to use temporary trailers for office, storage and wash-up facilities, we request that a trailer parking permit be processed and approved subject to a final designation of the number of trailers required by the contractors to execute the work represented by the ConCract Documenta and Construction Drawings. The schedule for the work will require the contractors to initiate mobil- ization and site work between May 20 and May 31, 1985. We will notify you if any change of schedule should occur. Please call us as questions regarding this project may arise. If the questions cannot be effectively answered over the phone, we will meet with you a[ your convenience. Sincerely 1 Earl. C. Bancroft ECB/msh enc. c: Mr. Richard Nachbar 20A i � T � � 7 � � �� � m� _ ; �' ^� � � > �� � Z �O 3 � � r � ..� � • s w � � � / �� r �n r - Z s f+� ! •O �� e - D � 3� ��i >� .�i�� �� � � O � �� � � / / ,- °g � < _� _' 1 . A� T� � �� � � � �_ _ ;� � t@ � » ' s T� � = � � � � � � � �� � �- ONAN ! �� � � � _ -� i % ' -- - . � � - ' . . • � >� � �� ; �� - - —"� -- - � , 3 j� , .� _ I . � . � � ;; �� � 1 � � ;��� � �. n � �t ' � : sr � ��� s -- r , , ' � � � � ' ' % iJ , ;! � ;� �. � • 'y = � s3 �� ,_�� td a 1 �'' � s rk i �� � c s.,�z � D� ^ � I �� - y i IS � � � �. � � � • ' a� � o= e . � j ; � y I n�� � � f e'� a '� 1 .� s� � : s � I ` 4� � _ N � � � � , q � ,{� D . ''�� � � . : � _ � -- . .;.�� -. � ' -_ � ,- - - !- `�� . � . � i - . �� � � � s�. � � � i t � 1 � � . � � � 1 � < . � � � w ���� � - - - � - - --- , � --_ T - a + �a�� v : � � �o � -- -----� - � ' ; � :i .; .: . ---- --- ----_----.�• 0 20B I _! FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2� �pe of License: BILLIARDS George is is Fridley 3720 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 CIGARETTE Bob's Produce 7620 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Cafe DeFourmies 6401 University Ave.N.E. �ridley, Mn. 55432 Central Embers Inc. 5400 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Citgo Petroleum 759 - 53rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 Fina 7298 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 French Peddler 5201 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Fridley Bottle Shop 6289 Hwy. �65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Country Boy 1301 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Liquor Warehouse 214 Mississippi St. N.E. Fr�idley, Mn. 55432 Moon Plaza Restaurant 6215 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Onan Corp. 1400 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridley,'Mn. 55432 Viking Chervrolet 7501 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridlev. Mn. 55432 � Advance Carter Robt. Schroer Wm. Davis Consumer Vending Same Am.Pet.Co.of Texas Wm. Davis Advance Carter Co. Country House Inc. Advance Carter Co. � JAJ Enterprises Inc. Servomation Twin City Mark J. Dooley Approved By: James P. Hill Public Sdfety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Dire�tor James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director Fees: �120.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 James P.Hill $12.00 Public Safety Director' James P. Hill $12.00 Pulbic Safety Directar �} � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL J_ May 6, 1985 CIGARETTE CONT. Raffael's Supper Club Inc. 8298 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 RAOMfg. 200 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Shorewood Inn 6161 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Bob's Produce 7620 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Cafe DeFourmies 6401 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Citgo Petroleum 759 - 53rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Dairy Queen 280 M1tississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Deli Cart of Fridley 622 Osborne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fina 7298 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 The French Peddler 5201 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Country Boy 1301 Mississippi St.N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Moon Plaza Restaurant 6215 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Mn.House Restaurant Inc. 5201 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 PDQ 620 s orne . Fridley,Mn: 6 & K Music Meirnik Vending Advance Carter Robt. Schroer Wm. Davis Same Donald Fitch Am. Pet.Co.of Texas Wm. Davis Sames J A J Enterprizes David Ranum James Shelton -- IICENSES Paqe 2 James P. Hill Public Safety Director James P. Hill Public Safety Director Jaumes P.Hill Public Safety Director � $12.00 $12.00 $24.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45,00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 '; FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiI N.B.C. Whole Foods, Inc. 1315 Rice Creek Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Ron's Ice Co. 7406 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 T.R. McCoy's 7850-80 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 F000 VEHICLE Blue Bell Ice Cream 3218 Snelling Ave. Mpls. Mn. 55406 Ron's Ice Co. 7406 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ITINERANT FOOD PERMIT Tiger Hocky Softball Tourn. Corrun. Park 69th & University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 JUNK YARD Central Auto Parts 1201 - 73z Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Salvage Center 51 - 37th Ave.N.E. Fridley, MN. 55421 Sam's Auto Parts 1240 - 732 Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bargain Auto Parts Inc. 7300 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 LIVESTOCK George Olson 612 Lafayette St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 R.L. Holum John T. Stacy e R.L. Holum Betty Schweppe Thomas Flaherty James A. Dowds Stanley E. Giddings Gerald F. Smith Same -- IICENSES Paqe 3 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $50.00 $65.00 Fees asked to be waivered James P. Hill $350.00 Public Safety Director James P. Hill $350.00 Public Safety Director James P. Hill $350.00 Public Safety Director James P. Hill $350.00 Public Safety Director $10.00 � �; FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL OFF SALE BEER Fridley Country Boy Country Flouse Inc. 1301 Mississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Finaserve Same � 7293 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ON SA�E BEER Godfather Pizza Godfather's Pizza of Mn. 7910 University Ave. NE. Fridley, Mn. 55432 PRIVATE PUMP Anderson Trucking Serv. Inc. Same 7600 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Land 0 Lakes Inc. Wm. Broberg Interstate 694 & Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Viking Chevrolet Co. Mark J. Dooley 7501 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 REFUSE HAULER Ace Solid Waste Dean O.Warden 3118 - 162nd Ln.N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55304 Bautch Disposal Raymond C. Bautch 1-264 Xylite St.N.E. Mpls. Mn. 55434 Becker's Sanitation Ronald Beckers 18681 Yakima St. N.W. Anoka, Mn. 55303 Fragrance Solid Waste Inc.dba Ronald Johnson Frangrance-Trucking 99 NW. 99th Ln. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 Gallagher Service Inc. Richard Gallagher Jr. 1691 - 91st Ave.N.E. Mpls. Mn. 55434 21C �- LICENSES Paqe 4 James P. Hill $60.00 Public Safety Director James P. Hill $60.00 Public Safety Director James P, Hill $325.00 Public Safety Director Richard Larson Fire Inspector Richard Larson Fire Inspector Richard Larson Fire Inspector $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 ''• FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CI7Y COUNCIL � Mav 6. 1985 REFUSE HAULER CONT. Hilger Transfer 8550 Jachary Ln. Maple Grove, Mn. 55369 Larry's Quality Sanitation 17210 Driscoll St. Anoka, Mn. 55303 Metro Refuse, Inc. 8168 W. 125th St. Savage, Mn. 55378 Mobil Home Sanitation 2463 Lk.George Dr. Cedar, Mn. 55011 Paul & Andy's Disposal 725 - 109th Ave.N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn. 55433 Pretzel's Sanitation 15323 Ramsey Blvd. N.W, Anoka, Mn. 55303 Waste Cantrol 95 W. Ivy St.Paul, Mn. 55117 Waste Management 10050 Naples St.N.E. Blaine, Mn. 55434 Woodlake Sanitary Serv. Inc.dl All State Disposal 8661 Rendova St. PJew Brighton, Mn. 55112 RETAIL GASOLINE David A. Klatke, Jr. Lawrence R. Saba Wm. T. Butler Donald Ramacher Paul N.Eiynck Lawrence Plessel Ronald Roth Ronald Pfeifer Joseph A. Horwath Citgo Petroleum Same 759 - 53rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fina Am Pet.Co.of Texas 7298 Hwy. #65 Pi.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES Paqe 5 Richard Larson Fire Inspector Richard Larson Fire InsRec�or 21 $60.00 $60,l00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $50.00 $90.00 $60.00 $60.00 Fridley Country Boy Country House Inc. Richard Larson $60.00 1301 Mississippi St.N.E. Fire Inspector Fridley, MN. 55432 _� FOR CONCURRENCE BY TME CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES -r/ Ma�6,_ 1985 Page 6 RETAIL GASOLINE CONT. Northtown Car Wash 7300 University Ave. N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 TREE REMOVAL Aaspen Tree Service 17603 - 19th Ave.No. Plymouth, D1n. 55447 Reliable Tree Service 6600 Brookview Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Ron's Tree Service P.O. Box 32105 Mpls. Mn. 55432 USED MOTOR VEHICLES Viking Chevrolet Co. 7501 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 VENDING MACHINE Adventure In Video 5211 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Amer�ican Mold 7230 Commerce C�ircle Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Automatic Engineering 7191 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bizal Mfg. 7880 Ranchers Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bob's Produce 7620 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Soring Machine 7922 Rancher Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bourke Bros. 8255 E. R�iver Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Downtown Min. Car Wash Inc. Dale Palmer Peter Vagouich Ronald G. Smi�h Mark J. Dooley Royal Crown Beverage Royal Cr. Beverage ARA Services Royal Cr. Beverage Robt. Schroer Royal Crown Beverage Royal Cr.6everage Richard Larson Fire Inspector Ralph Volkman Ralph Volkman Ralph Volkman James P. Hill Public Safety Director $60.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $150.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $25.00 $I25.00 $25.00 $�15.00 E :J FOR CONCURRENCE BY TME ClTY COUNCII '' ,.� May 6, 1985 Vending Machine Cont. Cedar Brook Eng. 8290 Main Fridley, Mn. 55432 Central Auto Parts 1201 - 732 Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Country Club 6275 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Auction 848 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Launderette 8150 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Holly Street Hair Stylists 6574 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Hydraulic Spec. 1131 - 72nd Ave. N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Hydraulic Specealty Co. 1131 - 72nd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ICA Co. 7839 Elm St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Johnson Printing 40 - 77th Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Kennedy Transmission 7700 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lee Wards 5225 Central Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Midwest Printing 5101 Industrail Blvd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Royal Cr. Beverage Thomas Flaherty Royal Cr. Beverage Royal Crown Beverage Royal Cr.Beverage Jill Lee Inc. Same Karen Haarstad Royal Cr. Beverage Royal Crown Beverage Same Rayal Crown Beverage ARA Food Service 21F -- LICENSES Paqe 7 $15.00 $25.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 $25.00 $90.00 ��� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL G1ay 6, 1985 'lending Machines Cont. Mpls. Allied Alium. Royal Crown Beverage 7341 Commerce Ln. Fridley, Mn. 55432 INorthtown Car Wash Royal Crown Beverage 7300 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Onan Corp. Servomation Twin City 1400 - 73rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Park Construction Royal Crown Beverage 7900 Beech St.N.E. Fridley, P�n. 55432 - Perfection Grinding Royal Crown Beverage 7269 Commerce Circle Fridley, Mn. 55432 � Plywood P1n. Royal Crown Beverage 5401 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Quality Painting & P1eta1 Royal Crown Beverage 7880 P1ain St. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 R A 0 P4fg. Meirnik Vending 200 Mississippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Reserve Supply ARA Services 5110 Main St.N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 R.M.S. ARA Services 7645 Baker St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Salvage Center James A. Dowds 51 - 37th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Window Warehouse Royal Crown Beverage 8040 University Ave.NE. Fridley, Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES $15.00 $15.00 $1060.00 $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 $50.00 $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1985 19a5-86 Licenses BLACRTOPPING Pioneer Blacktop Inc. 18000 Co. Rd. 30 Maple Grove, M�i 55369 ERCAYA ING Berghorst Plumbing � Heating Co. 10732 Hanson Boulevard N.Y. Coon Rapids, l�IlJ 55433 F. N. Frattalone Co. 3066 Spruce Street St. Paul, I�Dd 55117 Valley-Rieh Co., Inc. 6820 Vincent Avenue South RichPield, t�W 55�23 •�,� • •�; •� James Aaller �eith Zimmerman Frank Frattalone Bruce Olson GAS SERVICES Advanced Heating � Air Cond. Ine. 7805 Beech Street N.E. Ninneapalis, I�IIJ 55432 Maynard Edson Berghorst Plumbing d� Heating Co. 10732 Hanson Boulevard N.i1. Coon Rapids, t�II�1 55�►33 Burner Service Co. 2119 Lyndale Avenue Minneapolis, t�i 55405 DJ's Heating � Air Cond. Inc. bObO LaBeaux Avenue Albertville, !�1 55301 Economy Gas Installers Inc. 6204 France Avenue South Edina� trQd 55u10 Egan � Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, t�T 55�+27 Rey Plumbing � Heating, Ine. 11915 Brockton Avenue North Osseo, IrIId 55369 Rraemer Heating 74�1 Dallas Court Osseo� !4d 55369 Reith Zimmerman Patrick Reller Donald Savitski James Toohey Gerald Egan David Farr Rick Braemer -- LICENSES 21 H I APPROVED BY Dar'rel Clark , Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. ' Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Milliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Ins�. {iilliam Sandin � Plbg.-Htg. Insp. � William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. iiilliam Sandin plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. _] FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- I.ICENSES 2" MAY 6, 1985 (Gas Services Continued) Neil Heating � Air Cond. Inc. P.O. Box 29292 Minneapolfs, I�IIJ 55428 Neil Olson Geo. Sedgrriek Heating � Air Cond. Inc. 1001 %enia Avenue South Minneapolis, �'AJ 55�15 Thomas Sedgfrick Total Energy Heating � Cooling 59�5 Lexington Avenue N. St. Paul, 1rII�l 55112 Curtis Lovegren Pierce Refrigeration 1920 - 2nd Avenue South Anoka, trw 55303 John Becker GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON American Standard Waterproofing Inc. 7935 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, 1�1 55�32 iialter Rikos Randy C. Anderson Construction Inc. 113�0 Sunset Avenue N.E. Circle Pines, t�1 55014 Aandy C. Anderson Brandon Construction, Inc. 311 Sunrise Lane Champlin� l�4d 55316 Jerry Tollefson Construction Analpsis and Nlanagement� Inc. 7401 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, l�V 55432 Vergil Florhaug ' D b D Home Improvement Inc. 7�101 Central Avenue N. E. Fridley, NAT 55432 Dolphin Pool � Patio 3405 North County Road 18 Plymouth, IYIId 55441 Donovan Olson Lon Blumenberg DuAll Service Contractors, Inc. 636 - 39th Avenue N.E. Columbia_ Heights, !�i 55�21 Gary Dooner East Central Builders P. 0. Box 1 �F4 Zimmerman, I�I 55398 Herman Jedneak Hilliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Inap. ililliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Killiam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. ;• � Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Glark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark ' Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. Ofe. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. OPc. A1 Fehn Builder 1251 tiill�ind Road N.B. Darrel Clark Fridley, t�4s 55432 A1 Fehn Chief Bldg. OPc. � FOR CONCURRENCE 6Y THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES MAY 6, 1985 (General Contractor Continued) Franklin Builders Inc. 7865 Beech Street N.E. Pridley, l�I 55432 Franzen Construction Ca. 4250 - 5th Street p.E. Columbia Heights, 1�lt�1 55�21 Giertsen Company 5147 Winnetka Avenue North HeW Fiope, IrB�i 55428 Gorco Construction Co., Ine. 10700 Highxay �55, Suite 280 Plymoutb, MN 55441 A1 Hirsch Construetion Box 633 Delano, IrIId 55328 l�lichael Jackson Robert Franzen Dennis Fisher James Coplin Alden Hirsch Hogness Construction Ine. ?728 Lakeviex Lane Spring Lake Park, I�A1 55�32 David Hogness Jansick 6480 Squire Drive N.E. Fridley, !�I 55432 Gary Jansiek Kraus Anderson Construction Company 525 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, IrIId 55404 David l�rli Minnesota Package Frodducts Ine. 6922 - 55th Street North North St. Paul, l�+t 55109 North FreeKay Investora 7841 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, t�Rd 55426 Hill Dornseif J. Marfield Northland Mobile Home Service Inc. 2279 Oalc�ood Drive St. Paul, l�4�t 55112 Mark Revier Perfection Preferred Construction 8824 Baltimore Street N.E. Blaine, I�I 55434 Remodeling Speeialists �22� Lakeside Avenue North Brooklyn Center, !�I 55429 Bradley Racutt Richard Mntson Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chie! Bldg. Ofe. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. 0 � FO�i CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNGIL MAY 6, 1985 (General Contractor Continued) Satek Companq 3852 Hain Street N.E. Columbia Heights, t�i 55�421 Terry Satek SuperAmerica, Div. of Ashland Pet. Co. 1240 - 98th Street West Bloomington, i�1 55431 Glenn Aill Timeo Construction Inc. 9421 West River Road Minneapolls, l�'D�l 554u� Tri-Co Builders Inc. 22b1 Fair Oak Avenue Anoka, �Ai 55303 EA� Advaneed Heating � Air Cond. Ine. 7805 Beech Street N.E. Minneapolis, t�IId 55432 All Season Comfort Inc. 55 Mounds Street New BrighLon, !g1 55112 Thomas McKee James George , l4aynard Edson Richard Larson Allan Heating & Air Conditioning 6 020 Cul 1 igan iiay Minnetonka, 1rII�t 553�5 ilillia.m Viebahn Berghorst Plumbing � Heating Co. 10732 Hanson Boulevard N.�I. Coon Rapids, t�l 55433 Reith Zimmerman Burner Service Co. 2119 Lyndale Avenue Minneapolis, I�IId 55405 DJ's Heating 14 Air Cond. Ine. 6060 LaBeawc Avenue Albertville, lrAi 55301 Egan & Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, l�Il�i 55427 General Sheet Metal 2330 Louisiana Avenue North Minneapolis, t�i 55427 1Craemer Heating 7441 Dallas Court Osseo, A4�1 55369 Patrick Reller Donald Savitski Gerald Egan James McCarthp Rick Kraemer -- LICENSES Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chiet Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. ililliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandia Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Nilliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. 0 21K 21L � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LlCENSES MAY 6, 1985 (Heating Continued) Neil Heating � Air Cond. Inc. P.O. Box 29292 Minneapolis, l�IId 55�28 Neil Olson Pierce Refrigeration 1920 - 2nd Avenue South Anoka, M�I 55303 John Becker Geo. Sedgrrick Heating � Air Cond. Ina. 1001 %enia Avenue South Minneapolis, !�1 55�t16 Thomas Sedgrrick Total Energy Aeating � Cooling 5905 Lexington Avenue N. St. Paul, IYIIJ 55112 Curtis Lovegren �SONRY Jedneak Construction Co. Route i2, Box 323 Zimme�an, t+Ql 55398 H. C. Wagar Company Ine. 59u0 Stinson Boulevard N.E. Fridley, lrIId 55�32 Chas Wallace Cement Co. 3417 - 142nd Avenue N.iI. Anoka, I�I 55304 QL. sERVZCEs Egan �� Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis� !gi 55�127 ROOFING Kuehn Roofing Co. 902 - 94th Avenue N.E. Blaine, hW 5543� ,�GN ER�CTOR Equity Construction Co. 561 - 3rd Street Excelsior, 1�Q�1 55331 Lararence Signs Inc. 9�►5 Pierce Butler Route St. Paul, IYIId 55104 LeRoy Signs Inc. 6325 Welcome Avenue No. Minneapolis, P4�1 55429 Herman Jedneak Harvey ilagar Chas. Wallace Gerald Egan Tom Reuhn M. R. Walsh Larrp Norton LeRoy Aeite Hilliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. ililliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. iiilliam Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Plbg.-htg. Insp. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OFc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. OPc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. William Sandin Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. OPc. Chief Bldg. OPc. Naegele Outdoor Adv. Company, Ine. 1700 West 78th Street Darrel Clark Minneapolis, t�Dd 55�23 Danny Henjum Chief Bldg. OPc. r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL f r1AY 6, 1985 (Sign Erectors Continued) Roqal Cro�rn Beverage Co. P.O. Box 6��66 St. Paul, !�l 5516� Steven Barthocet Sign Language 6701 Overton Drive Fridley, t�1 55432 Suburban Lighting Inc. 6077 Lake Elmo Avenue North Stillxater, l�A1 55082 �)RECRING Carl Bolander � Sons Co. 251 5tarkey Street P.O. Box 70216 St. Paul, l�QV 55107 TBAILEii Onan Corporation 1400 - 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, trQd 55432 Park Construction 7900 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, t�IlV 55432 pOBLIC SWII�IING POOL Skywood Mall, A IrII+t Partnership 5201 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, !�W 55421 Maurice N. Filister 5750 East River Road Fridley, I�A1 55432 Rlaus Fregmaier 321 University Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, NII�i 55414 Jim Lupient 7100 Wayzata Boulevard Ninneapolis� Mn 55426 Hughes Properties 4h10 Douglas Avenue South IYfinneapolis, I�AT 55�16 Jim Golden Phil Larson Roger �rickson 4 Trailers/�2d0 6 Trailers/�50 LOCATION 5201 Central Ave. N.E. � 21M -- LICENSES Darrel Clark ChieP Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. OPc. Council on 8/6/8� Approved IIntil 6/86 IIntil 4/30/86 5750, 5800, 5860 East River Road 6540 East River Road N.E. 7855 Bast River Road N.I3. 6670, 6680, 6690 Lucia Lane N.B. Innsbruck North ToWnhouses Assn. 5506 Meister Road N.B. Fridley, !�I 55432 5506 Heister Road N.E. Black Forest Homeorrner's Assn. 1601 North Innsbruek Drive N.S. Fridley, !�W 55u32 1601 North Innsbruck Drive N.E. To Be Approved At Site After Inspection HERRICK & NEWMAN. P.A. Vll�Qll C. MERRICR ATTORNE/f AT LAW DAVID ►. NEWMAM JAMEt E. iC�+MfCK►E►EI� VCH April 12, 1985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 March Retainer: HOURS IN EXCESS OF 30 AT $50.00 PER HOUR: EXPENSES ADVANCED: Clerk of Court re Massage Parlor: 230 xerox copies: Execuform (Brief re Police Pension): Court Reporter (Transcript re Massage Parlor): Court Reporter (Transcript re Mass3ge Parlor): Process Service re Massage Parlor: RE: MASSAGE PARLOR (CLERK OF COURT): Court Reporter (Transcript re Massage Parlor): BALANCE DUE: 22A 5271 UNIVEAS�T� AV(NUf N.t. FRIDIEY. MINNE$OTA SSt32 571-3e50 $1650.00 1892.50 15.00 34.50 196.10 6.25 3.00 35.40 9.25 10.50 $3852.50 � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE C17Y COUNCIL CLAIMS -- �i11'I May 6, 1985 CLAIMS #2260 - #2380 J