07/01/1985 - 5179FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: �uly 1, 1985 NAME ADDRESS � ITEM NUMBER ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ �, - - - -- - ` ---- ------ - - - - j �0 3 . � �� ' �.�� 6�7�r,�rS� � ay�3 ,��<< ��:� � ,� . �P� � � � �z6�►,� 7�T - Za .� � � .� � v� � S � � s—� � �,�- h.Q 5<<� �� 1� r.�v �; -s- 5�/ �=c�� i � � 330o r� ss l � � � '� �ID� `�%9,'��.5 /�y� �v�� �e�e �.��Y � ��..�� , I�.�� . � ��6�5 �.,w., �. I ♦ �i FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL � JULY 1, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. � Following are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Department Heads for the City Council's information ------------------------------------------------------------------ FP.ESE!:TF.TIOh: Ho;:�e Insurar,ce Cor.r.ar.y's Certificate of M�rit to the F.rr.pl oyees of tr e Ci ty of Fr i cl e}� by Joar:ne Laney ar.d Dale Hadtrath Presertation Was m�de to Council F�FPROVAL OF MI2:C'TES: Council Meetin5, June 17, 1965 �'inutes were a:.�roved as presented Y MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Minutes have been filed for reference F,P:, PTIO:: OF AGE2�DA : Added: Consideration of boulev�rd cuttinc in comm�rcia� a�:u industri�l areas + Consideration of Weiving 1:30 evacuation reeuirE-c�:.t for Georoe's in Fridley Restaur�r,t Receiving Petition ho. 14-1985 to LEr.ove �;:si�e� cr; Eest River Road QF�� FORI'":, VISITORS: PROCZA!lATION Proclaiming Greek Heritace kEek J�ly 1- 7 vas is��E� r � Cour.cil N.eetin5, July 1, 1985 t:t��� BL'SI!�ESS: Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodif}•ing the Fridley Code b}• Adopting a New �hapter 2C8 Entitled 'Satellite Dish Antenna Regul ati ons". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ite,; was tabled for further study PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Will put back on agenda for consideration of first reading when study completed Pa ce 2 . . . . .-. . 1 - 1 'D � � Aeceivinc the �:inutes of the Planning Comr�.ission 1•7eeting of J�ne 19, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 £i:is A. Consideration of Special Use Permit, SP165-06 to Allow Out�ide Storage of Conrr,unication Cor�uter Discs far Area Phone Syste�:, 5750 East RivEr Rcad, Ncrtt�we�tezn Bell, by Jose�;h hhalen...... 2- 2B Flanr.in5 Cor:-,ission Recom��endation: Approval 6 2I - 2L �itt: Sti�.��lations. Co�.;ncil Actior. heeded: Consideration of FE cor. r.:enda ti c,n S�ci�l Use Permit approved with stipulation PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of Council approval with stipulation 5. Con�:derution of S�cial U�e Perrr:it, SPt�S-07 te A11ow Out�ide Storace of p;oteri�ls ano Cor.struction EqLiYr-ent, Lot S, Ca�a Pealty Adc� ti �n, N�er tens-IIrenn�� Constr ucti on Cor, �an�• t��� Jcse�h t�:aei tens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2B - 2D P]_ar.rinc Co-�-.ission Reco,:::-�erdati•un: A�.�:roval b 2N - 2G M�tr: Sti��lations Co�r.cil Action T:eeded: Considera:ion of RE co�.;,. E J:da t i on S�c:�l Use Permit approved �ith stiFulatior� PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of Council approval with stipulation Co;:r.cil Y.eetin5, Ju:}' 1, 1985 ?:f'�; Bt'SI'.ESS (Continued) (Plar.ning Cor,,,;:ission Minutes Continued) C. Review of Special Use Permit, SPt64-20 to Allow Continuation of a M.obile Ho:�es Sale� Lot Under he�: F:er.ager�ent, 7625 Vizon Road NE, by Randy GrohnkE ....................................... 2D - 2E Plannin9�o.�-.issien Recor,,:�endation: Recorr,meno 2P - 2V Approval h�ith StiF�ulations �ounci 1 Act i on Needed : Cor.siderati on of Recommendation Speci�l Use Permit apFroved with stipulation PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of Council approval with stipulation D. Considerotion of Setting Public Hearing for J�1}• 15, 19E� cr. ti.E t�;atter of Vacation, SA�� tP5-05, to Vac�:e �LIEE�. P.ight-of-k'a}•, Part �f 63rd Aver.ue, t•}� Ted C. Shirley ................... 2G - 21; Flanni_nc Co:-,-.ission Reco,::r.endation: Approval 2�+ - 2Y Ccuncil Accior, I�ECCJECj: Set P�tlic Hearino P::t1ic hearinc set for July 15, 1985 PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Public hearing set for July 15 E. Iter. f ro:: the Hu.:,�n Resources Com�;,issior. A;EE:lr.�. of J�ne 6, 1985 Co��id�ration of Er�dorse�;.er.t of Recomr.�endation of tt:E H�-.ar. Resources Cor,mis�ion Recarding Al l oca ti or. of CDBG Funds to Hur,�an Serv ice Or �a^iz.�ti or.s..... . .. . ........ ........... . . . . 2Z - 2 Y.K A:lccatior.s of�funds a�provEd as presented� CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Informing Accounting and Public Works of funds to be expended. Informing Human Resources Commission and all appropriate organizations of Council action. Pa �e 3 ,. £••`,.•_ cc���.L1rUE� �r;;,,-,;,.rc Co-.- ission N�in�tes Continued) F, Ite-.� fro-, Arp�als Conr..ission of JLne 11, 1965 �'-1. Consideratior. of �'ariar.ce Rec, uest to ;r:cre�se N�xir.::-� F,11owaCle 54Presidentaof N,otaie �15n, 7625 Vizon Raad I�E� by ........ ............ 2LL - 200 Hc-e USA .................. ' b 2�'ti' - 2 XX A`;�Fal s Co-.� =_`_= =�"�—�ec° -.ecc`; �cn : Deni �1 Cc..r.cil F�c=lo� r:Ee�EC: Con.,idezatior. of RECOJ':;'.Ef.CcL1Gf1 aE�lEG� Variance M�`- P�!�'L1C WORY.S--ACTIOh_TAY.EN: Informed applicant of Co�nCil denid ! �-�. CG::�:CE-tu:1C�, G. Vc:lc'.CF tC �CC,.CE� � hcce:���. ,• P..:lc.in;. : tc-� � ;•� ..:EC �i ..-c�r: O o:., •tF.E < <t, �E:.��►: �.c;,.-cf-�•: , a�d to E.., ir.:::E J` �. .c. � p♦ : r,u� f:c- }��:c S.::f�ce�, �7�G i��. - �i; _ �r c: ..:� ._ �`- � ............ , -- � �. j �: •1 F.r . . . . . . .. J� ..i.r t'� � l _ t . • .`� .. . . . . iC• F . �'. c..� � �. . — ..... ��:2 l ... _il � - � -. �� —�-l_ _�'� E_ . .. _- ' ! t ' C:,..`CL�;..:-�:�.��.�_E:E... CG:I:..iGE:u:iUi; Gr � i F. � : rC��': t..:..:_:C�. ` �C".EC b'.Lt: £:�l, :i:�.C•J.� �'4:.c.:CE ��� �rr PU6L:C '�+0?►:S--ACTIO+ TA�'.E_�: Informed applicant of Cour,�i ; appro�:a' ti�:ith stipulations 0 . I:F �•. B�SI?:ESS (Cortinued) (Plar,ning Con.:.ission Minutes Continued) F-3. Consideration of Variance Recuest to Reduce Setback of a Driveway from Street Right-of-ha}� Irtersection, 441 Hugo Street NE, By Don • . Chouinazd ........................................... 2RR - 2L'l' . �eals Cor�r.:i�sion Recor..�endation: AFproval i 2AAA - 2Fi�FB vith Stipul ati ons • Souncil Actior, heeded: �onsideration of • Recommenda ti on Varionce aF�zovEd With stipulations PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of Council approval Ccr.si der ati on of a Rescl uti on Su�.�oL ti rc Legi s- ]ativF Ct�ar;ces Enatlir.g the Six Cities i��tEISr.ed N.�r.a;Ercr.t Orcar.ization to Lev}� TaxES. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 i', Fc:c�lu:ior, tat�leo for staff review PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Study completed. Item placed on July 15 agenda Cor.sideration o: a Resolution AFpzoving ReSistered Ior,c Sur�•E}• ?�o. 86 for the Ashlar.d Oil Co,:��r.y/ S;.reiF,-_erics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 L RESOl uti on No. 58-1985 adopted PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Will complete procedure to finalize Registered Land Survey � C� .::. c:l t�:eeti nc, July 1, 1985 ::I�F: BUSI t�ESS ( Cont inued) F� ct �� Consideration of a P.esolution Authorizing the Purct�ase of Propezty (Police GaraSe) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C Resolution No. 59-1965 aoopted CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Proceeding with accounting procedures for purcMase of property as authorized 0 � Consideration of a Resolutior Authorizir,g the I: ; �ar.ce of trE City's 5720,000 Cor,;��ELC181 �e��EI a�r�er,t Rever:ue Notes (Paschke Pro�ect IV) . . . . . . . 6 - 6 I fics�lution No. 60-19E5 ado�tEd CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAY,EN: Proceeding with issuance of revenue notes as approved kccci��ir�c a Fc;itior, RE�cardir.g Street Light on Bri�adoon Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 C Petitian No. 1?-19E5 receivEd PU6LIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Will inform appropriate NSP department to install street light and that petitioners will pay the cost for light in mid-block Appointrer.t�: Cit}� frployees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 David Jenser, fYSainter�ance I, Putl ic Work� De�:t. and Jose�:h Gror..ek, Pol ice Off icer ap�.ointed CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Accounting has been informed of new C�ty Employees � f Ju Pdc�e �� _ 7 l:Et�; BLSIhESS (Continued) Consideration of Change Order I�o. 1 for Water and Sani ta ry Sewer Pr cj ect No. 1 SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 L� h0 ACTION NEEDED: Item withdrawn by Burgl ingtcn Northern _ ., Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 1-0 C Appr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Estimates have been paid Clai�r,s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A�.pr ov ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Claims paid Lirenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 fi AF•��r ov Ed CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAY,EN: License: have been issued Aodec�: CcnsiCeration of Boulevard Cuttinc in Co:,•;,,criol and In�u:tripl Areas . . . . . . .. . r.. . . . . . . . . 13 A�.��r o�� « cut t i nc of boul ev ards G}' Ci ty PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Will schedule cutting of boulevards of undeveloped commercial and industrial areas Acoed: Censideration of W�iviny 1:30 AM Evacuatic,n Rec;�ire- r,�ent f or Geor ge i s i r. Fr i dl e}� P.est a ur cnt A��ro•: ed w�i� ina of rey�: rE„ent for occo:,icr, CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: City Attorney was informing George is in Fridley Restaurant of Council approval ADJ URN: 9:35 PM COUNCIL ifEETING. JULY 1. 1985 ► � : ► PAGE Z CONSIGtRATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CODE BY ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 208 ENT�TLED '�SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA REGULAT I ONS" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 D RECE I V I NG TH� �i I NUTES OF THE P�.RR�4� 1 NG COMh1 I SS I ON MEET I NG OF .1UNE ��, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 BBB A. CONSIDERATION OF SPEClAL USE PERt�°t�". SP�85-06 TO ALLOW OUiS 4�iF STORAG� 0� COMhtl1N I CAT l ON COMPUTER DISCS FOR AREA PHONE SYSTEM, 5750 EAST RIVER ROAG. NORTHWESTERN BELL, BY .10SEPH 4';HALEN.,.... 2- 2B PLANN I NG GOMt�1 I SS I ON REC0�IMENDAT I Oh ; /�PPROVAL 8 Z I - ZL tti'ITH STIPUL�+T�ONS. COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATIO�� OF RE COPIMENDAT I ON B. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERN;IT, SP#85-07 TO ALLOW OUTSIDE STORAGE OF h1ATERlALS AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, LOT 5, CABA REALTY ADDITION, MAERTENS-BRENNY CGNSTRUCTION COMPANY BY JOSEPH P+iAERTENS.......» .......................... 2B - 2D PLANN I NG COMM l SS I Oh �ECOMMEh;�QT f�N : �PR�VaL 8 ZP� - ZO h' I TH ST I PULAT I ONS �OUNC I L ACT I Oh� �!�ED��3 : COtvS { GER�T 1 Gt� OF RECOMMENDATION 0 COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 1. 1985 � : ► �►�►�� � ► ► � i (PLANNING COMh115SI0N MINUTES CONTINUED) �. REVIEW OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP#H4-20 ?:� ALLOW CONTINUATION OF A MOBILE HOMES SALES LOT UtvDE� NEt�� h+ht.�.�EMENT, 7625 V�ROtv RoAD NE. BY RANDY GROHNKE............. .......................... ZD — ZE ��ANNINC COMMISSION REC���IMENDATION: RECOMh1END ZP — ZV APPROVAL WITH STlPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; COMS�DERATION OF RECOMMENDATION D. CO�d51DERATIOPd OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 15. 1985 ON THE MATTER OF VACATIOtJ, SAU #85-fl5, TO VACATE STREET R I GHT—OF—I�.AY. PART OF 63�o Av�tvuE. 8Y TED C. SHIRLEY ................... 2G - 2H PLANN i NG COMM I SS I ON RECON'��E��DAT I ON : APPkOVAL ZIr� — 2Y COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING PA�E 3 E. I TEM FROM THE HUM�AN RESOURCES C0��1�11 SS I ON h1EETING OF �UNE 6. 1985 CONSIDERATION OF ENDORSEM�NT OF RECOMtSENDATiON OF THE HUh1Al� RESOURC�S CQ�'�� � SS i�i� REGARD I NG ALLOCAT I ON OF CDBG Ft�tr�s To NuMt�tv SERV i CE ORGANIZATIO�dS ....................................... 2Z - 2 KK COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY l. 1985 ► : 1 �► ► � (PLANhiNG COM�ISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) F. (TEMS FROM APPEALS COMh�ISSION OF �UNE 11. 1985 F-1. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO INCREASE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SQ�ARE FOOTAGE OF A SIGN, 7625 Ui�ON R�AD NE. BY PRESIDENT OF NiOBILE HOMEUSA ..................�..,,..................... APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMh1ENDATION; DENIAL �OUNCIL ACTION NEEDFD; COt�SIDERA710N OF RECOMt�ENDAT I ON F-2, CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE REQU I RED SE7611CiC OF AN Acc�ssa�Y BtS I LD I NG FROt�� A R I GHT-OF-I�:AY. AND TO EL 11�; { tr'ATE THE 5�T . SETBACK OF BUILDINGS FRO�� HARD SURFACES, 5750 EtisT RIVER ROAD. BY JOSEPH T. WHALEN ........................... APPEALS COh;MISSION RECOM�ti"ENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNC I L ACT I ON NE�D� : CO��iS 1 D�RAT I ON 0� RECOMh1ENDAT ! ON PAGE 4 2LL - 200 s2VV-2XX 2PP - 2�� � 2YY - 2ZZ COUNClL MEETlNG. JULY 1. 1985 � : 1 •► ► � (PLANhING CONIMISSION h11NUTES CONTINUED) F-3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE SETBACK OF A DR{VEWAY FROM STREET RIGHT—OF—I��AY (NTERSECTION, 441 HUGO STREET NE. BY' D�N CHOUINARD.........6� ................................ APPEALS CONLM,1 SS I ON RFCONSR;EhDAT I ON : APPROVAL WITH STIPUL�TIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMEhDATION PAGE 5 2RR - 2UU 8 � - 2BB6 CONS I GERAT ( Ot� OF A RESOLUT I UtJ SUPPOR7 i(�G LEG P S— LATIVE CHANGES ENA6LING THE SIX CITIES WATERSHED hi�,NAGEh�ENT ORGAN I ZAT I O�d TO LEVY TAXES .,.......... 3- 3 B CONSlDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVIhG REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. 88 FOR THE ASHLAND OlL C0�•1PAhY/ SUPERAh1ER I CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 — 4 E COUNCIL MEETING. �ULY 1. 1985 t . � 1 •► ► � Pa�E 6 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY iPOLICE GARAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C CONSIDERATIUN OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZtNG THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY�S $720.000 COMMERC(AL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTES (PA5CHKE PROJECT IVi ....... 6- 6 I RECEIVING A PETITION REGARDING STREET LIGHT ON BR I GADOON PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 C APPOINTMEPJTS; ClTX EMP�OYEES. . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . 8 COUNCIL �EETING. JULY �. 1985 ► � •► ► � PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR WATER ANO SANITARY SEWER PROJECT N0. 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B � EST 1MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - lE C CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1 L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 B � � :► 1. M:� v���l �4�- • ' 4;� ; ��'i 1 ; ; �i�a+y�►. • 4;� �r; ��, a} wy+M ��. i��«� ��� i !�! 7he Regul.ar meeting of the Fridley City Q��mc�l was catled to order at 7:38 p. m. b� Mayor Nee. PI�FUGE OF AI�IANCE• Mayor Nee led the O�imcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALd.• NENBa2S PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, O��mcilman Goodspeed► Q�tmcilman �tzpatrick, O�i.mcilman Sc�uzeider and Q�uncilman Barnette r�r�EII�s �BSFNT: rtone ; �:?;���/, � ����1 I � ��. !� ���� ��. 11�1 ' i �uncilman Barnette requested the follaaing o�rrection be made on Page 20: �e vote on the motion for the varianoe at 940 Pandora Drive �ould indicate that O�uncilman Barnette voted against the m�tion. �ie motion carried by a four to one vote. : �� ��1 !� • ; �►!�: The follawing item was added: Receiving Petition from Residents on Meadawrroor Drive. M?TION by Gouncilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seoonded b� O�uncilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. �'�� �!:.lu � M�!� � - . .• -- . - .� - .- � . - . . - : l: ► _ * � 4. :1=_ *�_.� � •� � •C•y� �� •;� � ;�}f 9. _;� • . ..C�� v'; � � 1 1 1 ��i� .7+4s ; ! �►L?� ! �u�?�� � �►/��l �_ :_�:�i�. 4 ��;� � al�+ � a����� l�DTION tr� �unalman �`itz�atrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seo�nded b� O�uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the puialic hearing opened at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Irman, C7ty Clerk, stated the O�uncil held a pu�alic hearing on Naveqnber 19, 1984 regarding this request for industrial revenue bond f inancing. He stated the reason for this hearing is due to an increase in the amount -1- �� a�, � „i�+a���,. • t !�i �I��Z� requested to $4,500, 000 and an increase in the size of .the building f rcan 120,000 to 140,000 s�uare feet. He stated the proposed is for o�nstruction of an offioe/warehouse buildi.ng which would result in 80 new jobs in the City and have an annual payroll o� 2.6 million cbllars. Mr. Irunan stated staff would recommend approval of this request for industrial revenue bond f inancing. No persons in the audienoe sp�ke regarding the proposed issuance of these industrial revenue bonds. NDTI0�1 b� ��cilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by O��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 7:42 p.m. Qr� BUSINESS �; t �� ; � M � � � � ���;� ��f�. M._ �� �� �_ 4M �!1� _ : ; v����� ��. 4, : '� : ���M4Y �+� �,� �� �'� • � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this ordinance would change the code by permitting the ringing of a mechanical bell such as used on a ver�cbr' s ioe cream truck. NDTI�N Y� Cbt,uicilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 834 and adopt it on the sewnd reading and order publication. Seconded by �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. !; � ►: �. . �.� ; ����� �*4. _yr_ �+� � � _ 4M !��� : u _ � � �, ..: � _.� ��� 4 �+� � �+� � �; a�,N r,� 1 • I�. Flora, Pu41ic Works Director, stated this ordinanoe establishes the time and deGi. bel s f or ringing of inedlani cal bell s in the C�ty . NDT�ON tr� O�uncilman Sdzneic3er to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 835 and adppt it on the sewnd reading and order publication. Seconded by O�uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �.; � �,►: � . , � : . ; a���� ����. Y�1_ �� ! M� !��� :.u.�� � �. . � � + • �►� M� a+� 1�4� �+�1 /a��i� ��. �� �� . � Mr. Flora, R�hl.ic Works Director, stated this ordinance makes a change in the o�de to allaw for the ringi.ng of inedzanical bells in the City for the sale of oertain itens. l�DTIC�I b� O��mcilman Sdzneic3er to waive the seo�nd reading of Ordinance No. 836 and acbpt it on the seo�nd reading and order publication. Seconded by Q�uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -2- , �� )�► II v1.�i.1iY��. �i 1 )�� �,�J� /+�� + M \ � �._ • � ,. � � � r� � _ e 411'J1��� \. � : � _ . � �►� My �+� d� • 4_ �:� � � - � . : ►i� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this ordinances changes the sign ordinanoe which defines an illegal non-conforming sign and expands the c�iteria for shopping oenter multi-use buildings si� plans. NDTD�1 b� O�uncilman Sdzneider to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 837 and acbpt it on the seoond reading ar�c7 order publication. Seo�nded by �uncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . �,;�� /\ : � M � � : : ; ?���� � ��. 4,� �� �� � M.� !�i1 ; VI?�1� 1�, •, : � � ��� M �� : � � .��_; � �� : v�4. 4 -• n ►4 �4 � ��-.; : ►�� : 4� ��. �• a,�1 ��� : �,� ��. �:�M !\ � : ; �i� � : �i� : : v �!►!� �� 4 • � 1 1• 1� 1 1. 1 1• ��� 14DTD�N by O�tmcilman Fitzpatrick to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 838 and acbpt it on the seoond reading and orc3er publication. Seconded b� O��mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��.� I� .'M�:. �I � � � : �ii!�� : � �� � � : : 1 : \�� Y: � � : ��� � � ���.�.��� v--' �' N Mr. F'lora, R�htic Works Director, stated this plat involves a 190 foot wide parcel of 3.61 acres between 77th way to Osborne Road. He stated the petitioner is proposing to o�nstruct two large buildings on this p�operty to be used as mini-storage facilities. He stated there would be approximately 42,300 s�uare feet of storage space and the structures will be 705 feet long, each se�rated with fire walls. Mr. Flora stated there would be a snall aFfioe/resc3eritial facility on this property for a live-in caretaker. N�. Flora stated the paroels to the s�uthwest and east are large enough to be developed separately, with large buildings and sufficient garking and setbacks. Mr. Flora stated the Planning danmission reoaNnended appraval of this plat with nirbe stipulations which he outlined. He stated a landscaFang plan has been reoeived whici� leaves the St. Aaul Water Works easanent for landscap�ng and heavy landsca�ang along 77th Way. N�. Flora stated staff has met with the petitior�er and he has agreed to add a mansard trim along the top of each building and screen the entire perimeter with vines. He stated the building and office/residential facility would be faoed with brick and the storage buildings with brick faoed 41ock. O��cilman Barnette asked Mr. Mc�,dam if he otrjected to the reaaood or cedar slat fencing. Mr. McAdam stated he would prefer the new vinyl slats, as th� are more attractive arrd maintenanoe free. -3- �� i�. � v���V��. • ' 1 J►I ' � O�uncilman Sdu�eider asked if there were any drainage problems. N1r. Flora stated there is a detention pond aver the St. �ul Water Works easement and water would then be �dped irito the storm systen at Osborne Rpad. I�. Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated if the Cb�cil wished to have mini-storage faci.lities in the City, this would be the least otrjectiona4].e area for it to be located. Ae stated it would serve the need of industry as well as the residents. Ae stated staff requested the builchngs to be brick faced block and the of f ioe/resi denti al facil ity, at 1 east on the m r th and e a st si de s, would be brick. Mr. McAda�n stated he felt 60 to 65$ of this storage facility would be for industrial use and the rest would be used b� res,ider�s. l�yor Nee felt there hasn't been adequate planning for this area and the market plaoe is dictating the glanning, and felt it was a mistake. Mr. Qureshi, (�ty Ngnager, stated there is about 12 acres in this area and it was felt this type of operation would be best located in the middle rather than the outside areas of the parcel. Mr. Qureshi felt if the Council wishes to approve this plat, the stipulations should include the metal facing around the storage buildings, brick facing block on the builc3ings, and brick on the office/residential facility sides visa4le fran the street. NDTIOrt b� ��cilman Gooc9speed to app�we final. plat, P. S. #85-01, Lanc3marlc Addition, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) Vinyl slats to be installed and vines plamed along the fencing. Additional screening to be pravided depending on future developnent; (2) Developer to work with the City to ac�ieve a satisfactory landsc,ape plan; (3) All storage buildings to be brick faoed 41ock with the metal mansards (4) Offioe building to be tarick masonry on the sides visatil.e fram 77th Way; (5) Developer to oomply with f ire code requirenents ;(6) Develaper to prwic3e and reoeive apprwal of a standard rental agreenent with rules and regulations for storage facilities; (7) Park fee of $3,616.36 to be Faid prior to issuanoe of a builcling permit; (8) Plat to be reoorded at the Qo�mty prior to issuanoe � a building permit; and (9) Prwic3e a performanoe bond or letter of credit in the amount of $15,000. Seo�nded b� O�uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, O�uncilman Goodspeed, O�tmcilman Barnette, d�uncilman Sdzneider and O�uncilman Fitzpatrick voted in favor o� the motion. Mayor Nee voted against the motion. I�ayor Nee declared the motion carried b� a four to one vote. I�1 BUSINF�S g. mv�mFUATrc� nF SEITING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE JULY 15. 1985 COUNCIL 11�,FTTN% (�I THF. NRITTF.R ()F A RH7ITTFS`'T' �nu vA['ATI�] OF STREETS AND ALL_EYS. SAV #85- 04. HEAIM'LArID a�RPORATICIV: IrDTION tr� Cb�cilman Sc}�neider to set this puhl.ic hearing for July 15, 1985. Seoonded b� Cbimcilman C,00c3speed. tJpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. _,� �� 1�. . r �►�+�11��. � ' 1 !�! �I��-'] • •r, r� �� : � ��� • ; ��!?.��►. 4.1 _ a _ ; �; _ _ ����p : �y. �� . � ; �I� . � • � i�� 4 �,� �� � 4* . ,. � t � �� � 4 _ � � � 4• ►I� '1= � � ' : � � ; ��4,11; � NDTD�1 by O��cilman Barnette to renew the lease agreenent bet�ween the City and Sci�ool District No. 14 for leasing of the "A" fraane at North Innsbruck Park. Seoonded tr� ���i.lman Sdzneic3er. Up�n a voioe vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ; _ • � • � � • • � �. • �_ � �.i � _ • c �� , • : • ; � � ���� � v�4��!_ �U : u'� i� •; ��i� �4� : � �►/�+ ! �y����. : �! * ; � : �. , _ ' � • �� �� 4:� „n�i� �. �� : � �: ;�w�����_ • ��l���� ; �n a��;�.�,�� � ��� � �u���l �! : : �����. : : ►�� :. iM��� i h. 1� ': � : � \ � ���M�. .: 's _ � � �! yl}►�4► M1f►.�.\ � �1��1 � ' v��\�1� 1�D'I'Il�N b� O��cilman Goodspeed to adopt Resol ution No. 56-1985 . Seoonded by O�uncilman Sciv�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all wting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion c�rried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, (�ty N�nager, stated it is his ulc3erstanding that the apglicant has been working with a large aompany to suYrlease a portion of the building they are o�nstructing. He stated if the situation arises where the C�ty has used their allocation for industrial revenue financing and have other oom�nies requesting this financing, Zys�n would be given a deadline when thei r p�aj ect had to be f ini shed. He stated staf f has tal ked w ith the appl icant on this issue and thc� are c�ocnfortable with it. :_ • • � � • ' • �� � : v �. ' �� �M 4��!�M k� , y1 • : � ! /� V�M � � �� � M�_ _ � � i ' : M�I'ION tr� O��Gilman Sdzneider to ad�pt Resolution No. 57-1985. Seaonded b� O��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote all v�oting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; ? ._ �f��. : ��. � �i� ��:� u �±;:_ !;� • : J* � � 4. •! ��4�; � �� � ' . M . . Y4:__?# �M 4. ��� a,� : ��. •�a��?!� ,,; •: 1�. Flora, Public Works Director, stated bids were opened for the 1985 MississipFa street lic�ting praject and eic�►t bids were reoeived. He stated staff would recommend the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Rillmer ELectric. Nl�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the bids for the 1985 Miss-issipp� Street lic�ting project. i• :�I, • �.�+; Royal IIectric 7401 Centr al Ave. 1� �ic�.�, MV 55432 Ridgec�].e Electric 524 Brimhall Ave. Box 450 BQJD 5$ TransAmerica 5$ Cap� tol -5- ��G-"�r��.if:f � $ 45,367.00 52,100.00 �� i, w� y��+a�M�,. �:' t !�� !l��7� Ir�ng Lake, N'N 55356 Bao�n's Electric 6525 Oer�tral Ave. NE Fric�.ey, M�I 55432 �I.ectric Servioe O�. 1609 Chicag� Ave. Nlinneapolis, M�I 55404 Rillmer IIectric 7901 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn P�rk, NN 55445 H�t Flectric Qorp. 2300 Territorial Rd. St. Fhul, NN 55114 Desic� Flectric P.O. Box 1252 St. Qoud, Md 56302 Piersori-Wilo�x Flectric 6 E. 19th St. Minneapolis, NN 55403 5$ United 58 Unitec3 5$ United 5$ St. Paul Fire 5$ �nerican 5$ deritral 49,995.00 46,846.00 42,880.00 48,950.00 51,772.00 59,649.00 Sewnded b� O�imcilman Gooc7speed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mption carried unanimously. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to award the contract for the 1985 Missssipp� Street lic�ting project to the law bidder, Killmer ELectric, in the a¢notmt of $42,880. Seo�nded b� O��ncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion c�rried unanimously. 13. .� Nl�TION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Qaims No. 2930 throuc� 3066. Seoonded b� O��cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. LIC.E3ISFS• NDTICN tr� Cb�cilman Fitzpatrick to app�ave the lioenses as sukmitted and as on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. E4� �-'yMiv ;�lM?+�# NDTION b� �uncilman Goocispeed to apprwe the estimates as sutmitted. ?s'1yi12 Mi71T1290t3, Illc. 3147 Cal i.f orni a Str eet Minneapol is, NN 55418 -6- �� i,, r „� a�yi,. • � l��,i � F'II�IAL FSTINg1TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,602.00 Repai r c� Wel l& R�np No. 10 O�ncrete Curb danpany ?71 Lac�bird Lane BurnsJ ille, I�N 55337 1985 Misc. O�narete C�rb, Gutter & Sidewalk Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,154.Q0 D. H. Blattner & Sons 1 South Wak�sha Nova Island, St. i�ut, NN 55107 Nbore Lake Restoration Proj ect, Phase II Partial Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 61,826.00 H. & S. Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, NN 55303 Str eet Impr w enent Pro j ect ST 1985 - 1&2 Par ti al Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14, 410 . 6 4 Hyc��Con, Inc. Box 129 North Brand�, M�T 55056 Water & Sewer Proj ect � 150 Partial Fstimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 59, 296 .51 Sewnded b� O��cilman Shcneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � �: __ � ��. ' �� � �:� i i��� y � _?. Ii 3i�� �.+ �I_ � � � ��y � � � � � ; / � �� J�i �\, r=��I�'� �� ; � : k • �� ��, � �_ . 4�; �� : � _ � O�uncilman Sduieider stated residerits on Meadowm�or Drive have circulated a petition asking scmething be cbne to help alleviate the drug traff ic and speeding on their street. He stated some of the possibilities suggested were making the west end of the street a cul-de-sac or to install speed bumps. O��mcilman Sdzneider stated the residents felt their residential street was really becuning a thorouc�fare and th� w�ere concerned with the safe�ty of the sc�ool age c�ilc�en in the area. NDTmt�i tr� O�uncilman Sdzneider to reoeive petition #I1-85 fram the resic3erits on Meaddwmoor Drive. Sec�nded b� O��cilman Bar�tte. Upon a voi ce vote, all voting aye, A�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��cilman Schneider stated wer 90$ of the resdents indirated they would like to see the street closed off. He felt this was a o�hesive neic�borhood with some good leaders who are willing to offer some constructive -7- �� I�. � �������. �� 1 !�� suggestiOns. Councilman Schneider stated he talked with Mr. Qureshi regarding the speeding and possihle c�ug abus�e and it wi11 be brought t�o the attention of the Ri41ic Safety Director. I�. Qure�i, C�ty N4nager, stated polioe patrol cvuld be �rcmoted, possibly block off the street, or other actions wuld be taken whic� mic�t help. He sugc�ested staff be c�ven the opportunity to look at some options to help solve this prok�lsa. O��mcilman Sdu�eicier stated there are a few streets in the City whose only purpose is to serve the residents on that street. He stated, technically, there �oulc�'t be other traffic on it, if it c3�esn't serve as a connector or thoroughfare. He felt possi4ly staff oould come up with some criteria for limiting traffic on these streets. I�DTION b� O��c�ilman Schneider to c�rect the acfiinistration to take action relative to the sQeeding and potential c�ug problan on Meadawmoor Drive and to study the request for limiting traffic flaw on Meadawm�or and report the findings back to the Council in one month. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl.y. ABIQV�'�� M�TION by Qouncilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by O�imcilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all v�oting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the moti on csrried unanimously and the Regul ar Meet3ng of th e Fr i dl ey Ci ty O�uncil af 3wze 17, 1985 adj ourned at 8: 30 p. m. Respectf ully sutmitted: Carole Haddad Willian J. Nee SecxetaYy to the l�yor G7ty �uncil �roved: � 1 !�!�!0 T0: John Flora� Director of Public Worka .L . �, !'�HO FRON: Ph.l Dommer� Planning Assistant• t l�HO DATE: June 24� 1985 REGAF?DINC: Coccents Aegarding the Propo�ed Sate:lite Dish M.tenna Ordinance The City Adsinistrative ataff has so: icited coc�sents frc� re: ated Dusir.esses regarding the propo�ed Satellite dish OrCinar.ce. The following itecs ���arize Lhese •commer.ts: 1. For effective receptfon in tGis geograpr:c area, aatellite dishes dust: a. have a �outh-aouthwest expo�ure b. De mounteC at a fixed angle of 22 degreea off the line of tte horiton c. be free froc obstruction Dy trees or building� 2. TGe placeter.t of a�atellite dish ar.tenr.a on a lct varies vitr the character ot the ir.CiviCual lot in question. 7he restrictiver�ess of the proG�esed ord:nar.ce vill vary for eacr lct. In mar.y cases the FrcFcseC code will not creaie e harCsr:t. In sooe cases a.l Dut thE most libera: reEulations �ill be wer;y restrictive. 3. GrounC aounting is the preferraCle mour:tir.g method. D. $creening of Lhe satellite dish anter.nas and their mounting device� will not create a proble� provided the �creenlr.g does not oDstr�1ct th� receiving surface of the dish. 5. The larger 8' - 10' diameter dishes are uaually grour�C mour.te� ar.d car. receive a variety of frequencies� the saller dia�eter dist�es are o: ter. roof mounted and are cocFonects for the receFtion of a particular freQuency sold try an iadividual coc�pany. Based on these coeaents, the proposed satellite dish ar.ter.na ordinar.ce 1° a reaaonaDle and aecessary tool to protect and promote the velfare of tre reslder.ta of Fridley. Nany of the propo9ed restrictions are preser.tly !n force in Nev Brighton� Bloomington and r.inoeapolis. For case� in r+i:ch eompliance vith the ordinance prevents reception, Lhe Appeala Com¢i��lon procedure can exa�ine appropriate alternatives. �t-S�-SS 1A , � TYPICAL FRIDLEY LOT ; � 6•!��'��R tii. a ( �-. "4 �.�. � "A. � ��4• - - � KEY - - �J - - n��a a�a� fa ��� o� sat�rte asn n�tema o�n�r� No. � AN O1ZUIl+11�N� RD�IF'YIA� ZHE Fu�rry.FV QTy �DE BY ADOPTIl� A NIIeI (�APTER 208 ENTITLED SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA 208.01. P[IRF06E 'Ihe purpose of this �apter is to protect and promote the public health, safety and general wplfare of the City of Fridley through the establishment of a comprehensive and impartial set of regul.ations governing the erection and location of satellite dish antennas upon public or private properties. �ese regulataions are intenc3ed to pravide an opportunity for effective satellite signal rece�tion, allow a reasonable �nount of cr�oice, and promote a concern for the visual anenities on those peogle desic�inq, erecting or utilizing the satellite dish antennas while at the same time assuring that the public health, safety and general welfare of the Gity is preserved. 208.02. PERMIT R�UIRID 1. Satellite Dish Anterma Permit. A. Before any satellite dish antenna may be erected in the City, the satellite dish antenna erector shall file an application with the City for permission to erect such an anteru�a. B. A peunit is required for all new, relocated, modified, or redesigned antenr�as. C. Zhe issuanoe of a permit may also be subj ect to additional oonditions in orc�er to pranote o�nformity with the rharacter and uses of adjoining properties. 2 . Permit Apgt ication. A. Apglication for a satellite dish antenna permit shall be made to the Gity on forms supplied by the City. B. If a satellite dish antenna has not been erected within 90 days after the issuance of a permit, the permit shall become null and voicl unless an extension is granted kyy the City. C. The City May requi re other information as necessa ry to insure that the satellite dish antenna is erected in compliance with this Cllapter. 208.03. DIS"IItIGT RE�U�iS 1. No more than one dish antenna per site is permitted in all zoning districts, • � �i: • �• � �� a� � �• w • a� 1 �• a!� ti 1B 1C 2. Dish antennas having a dianeter of 30 inches or less may be roo� mo�ted pravided the antenna and its mounting structure does not exceed the height requi rsnents for that particular district. 3. Ab �rt of any antenna, tower, lir�es, cable, equignent, wires or braoes shall extend at any time across any right-of-way, public street, highway, siclewalk, bikeway or property li.rye. 4. No exterior dish antenna having a dianeter in excess of th irty (30) inches shaZl be allowed in any zoning district unl ess it ao�nglies with the tollawing requiunents: A. Dish antennas shall not be located on the roof of any structure. B. Ground mounted dish antennas shall only be located in the rear yard and shall not be located within ten (10) feet of any side lot line and ten (10) feet of any rear lot lir�e. C. Gro�d mounted dish antennas shall not be located within ten (10) feet of any princigle structure. D. Ground mounted dish antennas shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet fran any neighboring princigle residential structure. E. No part of ariy ground mounted dish antenna or its mounting structure may exceed 15 feet in height above grade. F. All ground mounted dish antennas and their mounting structures shall be screened f rcm the right-cf-way and adj acent public and private properties. Screening techniques shall be such that screening is effective throughout all seasons of the year. 5. Appeals. Zb pravide for a reasonable interpretation of the pravisions of this Chapter, a pennit agplicant who wishes to appeal an interpretation by the City may file a variance application and request a hearing before the Appeals Canmission. Zhe Canmission shall hear requests for variances and make their reoanmiendation to the City Council in the fc�llawing cases: A. Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirenent, decision or detern►ination made by the City in the er�forc�nent of this CYiapter. B. Requests for varianoes fran the literal provisions of this Chapter in instances where the strict enforcenent would cause an �due harc�ship. Before the Ccaunission shall grant a variance, it is the responsibility o�f the applicant to prave: (1) That there are exceptional or extraordinary ci rcunstances appl icable to the property or the intended use that cb not apply generally to other property in the satne vicinity arxi district. (2) 'I�at the variance is neoessary for the preseivation and enjayment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity (3) That the strict apglication of the Chapter would oonstitute an unneccessary haraship. (4) That the granting of the variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, saf ety or general welfare or detrimental to the property in the vicinity or district in which the property is located. 208.04. �TIFS Any vialation of this Chapter is a misdeneanor and is subject to all penalties provided f or such violations under the prov ision of C�apter 901 of the Fridley City Code. ��� � M��'-� PASSID AI�ID ADOFI'ID BY �iE QTY �[JNC'II, OF ZHE QTY OF FRII�EY Z�iIS IaAY OF _ �_., 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - 1�YOR ATTFST: SILINEY C. INMAN - QTY Q,ERK First Reading: Second Reading: Publ ication: 1D 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAh"TING CO`^II::SIOh MEETIhG, JL';�E 19, 1985 G1LL TO ORDER • Vice Chairperson Oquist called the June 19, 1985, Planning Commission meetins co order at 7:38 p. m. R OLL G+LL : Me�bers Present: I�. Oquist, I�tr. Kondzick, I�. Saba, Ms. Gabel and I� . Minton I� mbez s Absent ; Ats . Schnabr 1 and A6r . We l lan Othcrs Present: Jir.. Robinson, Planning Coordina[or • Joseph Whalen, 3300 Bass Lake Road, Brooklyn Centcr Irene Maercens, 144 Rivezsedge Wa��, Fridley Rand�• �;�ohnke, Mobile Ho^�e L'SA, 7C;�5 Vircn Ro3d, F: idlc:: �+FPF(�t':'+L OF T4a1' 22 , 1 98 i, PU1ti`:ItiG CO"^:I SS I0� "II'�L'TES : �x�:IO': BY "�t, f�0:�'DRIC}:, SECOA'DED BY I�t. hQ�TON, TO APPRO�'E THE "41� 22, 1985, PI��.�:�L�G CO`�:1SSI0� MI�'L'TES aS WRITTEA. L'F0� a\'OICE �'OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE C}ialRPERSOK OQt'IST DECIAREU THE MO'iIO:: G=+fiFIED l,'i�1I`tOLSLY. ?. Pl'SLIC HE�RItiG: CO�SID£R�+TIO\ OF � SPECL�+L C`SE PER�'IT Sf' ��8 �-0� "ti+C�?I\I�C>, I�C., BY DO:� SCHLOSSEF; Per Section 20�.18.1, C� 9 ot t},�• Fridley City Cod�, to allow ex[erior storage of r.aterials and cq�ip:-:�•nc on Lot 6, Block 2, Eas[ Ranch Estates Second Addition, t}�e sa^��• beinb i773-7779 Ranchers Road Ir. E. : 1�h�. Robinson stated the petitioner has requested [his i[er.. be considerec' ac the Planning Cor.u^ission's meeting on July 17, 198�. 2. Pt'BLIC HE�RING: CO�SIDER�+TIO\ OF A SPECIr1L L�SE PER!ZT SP �-8�-06 NOnTM+:ESTER� BELL, B�' JOSEPH WH.�LEti: Per Section 20�.0y.1, C, 10 of tt,e Fridley City Code, to allow outside s[orage of com.�unicacion conputer discs for area phone s�•s[er� on par[ of Tract C, Regiscered Land Survey �38, the same being 5750 East River Road = MO?IO!� Bl I�t. KOA'DRIC}:, SECOA'DED BY I�t. SA&1, TO OPE:� Tl� Pl'BLIC NEARItiC Oh SP �s85-06. UPOfi A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING aYE, VICE CHr1IItPERS01 OQUIST DECL�RED TNE PL�BLIC RF�IRING OPEh AT 7:42 P. M. 2A PIs'�Iv^vING COIvL�1ISSI0N MEETING. JLTNE 19, 1985 paGE 2 I�tr. Robinson stated this is a request by Northwestern Bell to place a small storage building, appr�ximately 16 x 17 feet, in the Georgetown apartment complex. Mr. Robinson stated the property is zoned R-3 and the actual location of this facility would be just off East River Road and immediately abutting existing garages. He stated the building would be leased from the owners of the apartment complex for storage area by Northwestern Bell. i�. Robinson stated there are also some variances involved to eliminate the curbing along the perime[er of the building and to reduce the set- back from the right-of-way from the required 35 feet to 16 feet. I�. Robinson stated, if the special use permi[ is approved, it should be stipulated the architectural character of this building would be the same as adjoining buildings and the variances must be approved by the Appeals CocrIInission. I�. Robinsori stated le[[ers regarding this special use permit have been received from Northwestern Bell as well as the owners of the apartment complex. MOTION BY I�2. KOi�1DRICK, SECOI�ED BY I�t. S�1BA, TO RECEIVE THE LETTERS FROrf NORTHWESTERN BELL AND GEORGETOWN APt1RTI�ENT COMPLEX REC,�RDING THIS REQUEST. i!pON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING �YE, VICE CN�IRPERSON OQUIST DECI�IRED THE MOTION CARRIED iJNr1I�IM0USLY. • I�. Joseph Whalen, 3300 Bass Lake Road, Brooklyn Center, was present representing Northwestern Bell. I�. Whalen stated Nor[hwestern Bell hopes to have several other Locations in Fridley, as well as this site, for storage of [heir equipmen[. I�..Kondrick stated there has been some vandalism problems in this area and ques[ioned the security of [his building. I�. Whalen stated the facili:y would have a steel door and be fairly secure. Mr. Oquist questioned the [ime of the lease for this building. I�. Whalen stated it would be for 15 years with the option of two five year extensions. Pir. Robinson stated the City has not had a request of this type so felt it was important to issue a special use permit to hear comments from the residents. He stated the other locations in Fridley proposed for this type of storage are located in industrial or cor,r�ezcial zones. I�. Oquist asked if Northwestern Bell would actually be operating equip- ment from this facility and I�. Whalen answered in the affirmative. I�r. Kondrick asked if this type of facility was being used in other cities. Mr. Whalen stated they have these facilities in Golden Valley, Bloomington and Plymouth and eventually there will be about 150 of them throughout the metropolitan area. 2B PIs�Ir'ITING CO2�*fISSION MEETING, JUNE 19, 1985 PAGE 3 No other persons spoke regarding this request for a special use permit. MOTION BY Mt. MLNTON, SECONIDED BY I�t. SABA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.�RING ON SP ��85-06. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE PUBLIC HE�RING CLOSED AT 7:55 P. M. MOTION BY I�t. MINTON, SECONDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP ��85-06, NORTHWESTERN BELL, BY JOSEPH WrWLEN: PER SECTION 205.09.1, C, 10 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW OUTS IDE STORAGE OF COf�*1[JNICr�TION COMPUTER DISCS FOR AREA PHONE SYSTEM ON PART OF TRACT C, REGISTERED IAPID SURVEY ?:38, THE S�r1E BEING 5750 EAST RIVER ROAD, WITH THE STIPULr�.TIONS THAT THE EXTERIOR MATERI�LS BE COMPATIBLE WITN THE ADJOINING BUILDINGS AND COh"TTNC�NT ON APPROV�L OF THE VARIANCES BY THE ApPF.�1LS CO`1�QSSION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL Vv�TING AYE, VICE CHr1I�tPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. PUBLIC HF.�1RIhG: CONSIDER<+TION OF A SPECIr�L USE PER�1TT, SP �=85-07, M�IERTEhS-I3REti�'� CONSTRUCTIOK C0. BY JOSEPH �1AERTEKS: Per Section 205.18.1, C,9 of the Fridley City Code, to allow outside storage of materials and construction equipment on Lot S, Caba Realty Addition: MOTION BY I�t. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY M5. C�1BEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARIhG ON SP 9f85-07. UPON A VOICF. VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE C1�IIRPERSON OQUIST DECLs�RED THE Pt1BLIC :iEARING OPEN AT 7:57 P. M. Mr. Robinson stated this request is for a special use permit to allow the outside storage of construction materials and equipment on property located east of Main Street and south of 83rd Avenue. I�. Robinson stated the property is zoned M-2 and all of [he adjoining land is industrial. He stated the area is quite undeveloped, with the exception of P.affaele's and the golf driving range, and is located i� a redevelopment tax increment district. I�. Robinson stated, if [his special use permit is approved, staff would recommend the following stipulations: (1) petitioner work with staff [o complete an approved landscape plan including planting around the storage yard; (2) entire storage area to be fenced and screened with slats and vines; slats to be approved vinyl or wood; fence to be eight feet high; (3) petitioner work with Engineering Department �o complete an approved drainage plan; (4) site plan to be refined to meet code prior to Council meeting; review with staff before Council hearing; (S) building elevations to be supplied, with indications of architectural character and appropriate building materials, prior to Council meeting and review with staff before Council hearing; �nd (6) a$25,000 per- formance bond or letter of credit to be supplied prior to issuance of building permit. 2C PIANNING COP4ffSSI0N MEETING� JUNE 19, 1985 PAGE 4 I�. Oquist stated the special use permit is for exter ior storage, but one of the stipulations recommended was that l�uilding elevations be supplied, along with informa[ion on the architectural character and appropriate building materials. Fie felt these items should be included with the building permit and not as s[ipulations for the special use permit, as this involves storage and not the building. Ms. Gabel stated she also had the same concern with telling people what kind of building materials to use. I�. Robinson stated he felt the whole site development has [o be con- sidered in conjunction with the special use permit. He stated it has been staff's concensus, especially in [he redevelopment districts, there should be good quali[y construction that would fit in well with future development. Ms. Irene Maertens, representing Maertens-Brenny Construction Company, stated the reason for the request for this special use permit is because they have a purchase agreAment for [his property, depending on the soil conditions, and need to know if outside storage Nill be allowed. Ms. Maertens stated her husband talked with staff on the stipulations recommended and she is not sure he [otally agrees. She felt it is somett�ing that can be worked out. Mr. Kondrick asked if they would use this property as the %-,o:n�-b�se for their construction business. Ms. Maertens stated this is their plan as t!-.ey now are operating tl�eir business in rlinneapolis, with outside stozage ia Andover and wan[ to bring it all ai one loca[ion. I�tr. Oquist stated if [he special use permit is granted, it wou_d be issued to Maertens-Brenny Construction Company so if the purchase of the land doesn�t proceed, the special use permit is null and void. Atr. Robinson stated this could be made a stipulation since they are in ti�e process of negotiating for the property. No other persons spoke regarding this request for a special use permit. MOTION $Y r�. SABA, SECONDED BY l�t. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HE.�RING ON SP ,':�85-07. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIR PERSON OQUIST DECis'�RED THE PUBLIC HE�RING CLOSED AT 8:12 P. M. I�. Saba sta[ed he has a problem with requiring building elevations and information on building materials which would be used. I�. Kondrick stated he had the same concern and did not agree with this stipulation. I�. Oquist felt the stipulations have to address [he topic of the special use permit and not the whole development. I�. Minton stated he didn't feel as s[rongly about this issue. He felt it was fine if the special use permit �s used as leverage to carry out other policies. J� PIl{NNING COI�L"SISSION MEETINGLJUNE 19. 1985 PAGE 5 M(7TION BY Mt. SABA, SECQNDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO RECOrQiEND T�J CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 9685-07, MAERTENS-3RENNY CONSTItUCTION COMPANY, BY JOSEFH MAERTENS: PER SECTION 205.18.1, C, 9 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS AAID CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ON LOT 5, Cc1BA RE�+LTY ADBITZ�1, WITH THE FOLLCJWING STIPUTATIONS (1) PETITIONER WORK WITti STAFF TO COMPI.ETE E1N APPROVED Is�NDSCaPE PIAN INCLUDING PIANTING AROUND STO�AGE YARD: (2) ENTIRE STORr1GE AREA TO BE FIIVCED AND SCREENED WITH APPROVED VINYL OR WOOD SLATS AND VINES AND FENCE TO BE EIGHT FEET HI(�i; (3) PETITIONER WORK WITH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO COMPLETE AN APPROVED DRAII�GE PIAN; (4) SITE PI�N TO BE REFINED TO MEET CODE PRIOR TO COUNCIL MEETING aND REVIEW WITH STAFF BEFORE COUNCIL HF•r1RING; AND (5) A$25,000 PERFORrfAI�TCE BOND OR LETTER OF CREDIT BE SUPPLIED PRIOR TO ISSU�NCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE Ci�r1IRPERSON OQUIST DECIs�RED THE MOTION CARRIED UN�NIMUUSLY. Ms. Maertens was advised that this special use permit was issued to Maertens-Brenny Construction Company, and not the owners of the propc:rty. 4. VAC�TION REQUEST. SAV �:85-04,� BY HEARTI�ND CORPOR�ITION: Va�ate all that portion of the University Service Road West (loop back) lying in Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition: Mr. Robinson stated this is a request to vacate the loop back portion of the west service drive at Holly Shopping Center. He stated the portion of the service drive on the east boundary would remain as right-of-way. He stated the vacated loop back would be used for additional parking area. Ms. Gabel stated the vacation or elimination of this loop back should be done in an orderly fashion so as to not create a-greater [raffic problem. She pointed out traffic has grea=l; increased caiicing access problems to ttie shopping ce��ter. MOTION BX I�Ilt. SAB�, SECONDED BY Mt. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, S�►V ��85-04, BY HEARTIAND CORPORATION: VAC�TE ALL THAT PORTION OF THE UN NERSITY SERVICE ROr�D WEST (LOOP BACK) LYING IN LOT 18, BLOCK S, RICE PIs�Zr�► SOUTE[ ADDITION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE MOTION GARRIED UNANII�USLY. 5. REVIEW OF SP ��84-20 TWIN CITY HO`tES. INC.L BY RANDY C�ROHNK.E: Per Section 205.15.1, C, 3 of the Fridley City Code, to allow the continuatian of a mobile home sales lot under new management on Parcel 2681, Section 12, the same being 7625 Viron Road N. E.: IYh. Robinson stated the Co��ission had asked that this special use permit be reviewed at the first meeting in June, 1985. 2E PIs�NNIlVG COrL�iZSSION MEETTNG. JUNE 19, 1985 PaGE 6 I�. Robinson stated the stipulations placed on this special use permit when it was approved by the Council have all been met except for the filing of a drainage easement with the County and City and bringing the existing sign into compliance with the code. I�4. Robinson stated a variance for this sign was before [he Appeals CorrIInission which recommended denial at their June 11, 1985 meeting. I�. Robinson stated, as far as filing the drainage easement, the awner of the property has not responded. hh�. GY ohnke, the leasee of this property, stated he would take a copy of the agreement for the easement to the owner for his signature and if there is a problem, would contact the staff. Mr. � ohnke stated, as far as the sign, he felt the awner of the property feels pretty strongly about keeping the existing sign. It was the concensus of the CortIInission that time limits shouid be recommended to the Council regarding compl�ence for the easemen[ and the sign. Ms. Gabel felt ample time should be given in order to replace the sign and not u�nalize the tenant. MOTION BY I�2. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY Mt. rlINTON, TO RECO*Q�r'D TO CITY COUNCIL TH�1T IN REGARD TO SPECIAL USE PER"�QT, SP �=84-20, TF�1T THE FILING OF A DR�It�GE EASEI�NT WITH THE COUNTY AND CITY BE ACCO*tiPLISHED W ITIIIN TEN DAYS OF THE COUNCIL' S MEETING ON JiT��Y 1, 1985 AND TNaT THE E}iISTING SIGN MUST BE BROUGHT INTO CO�iPLI�NCE WITH THE SIGIv CODE AND REMO�V�D OR RE-ERECTED WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE COL'I�CIL'S r£ETING ON JULY 1, 1985. UPON A VOICE V02E, ALL VOTIIVG aYE, VICE CH�IIRPERSON OQUIST DECIs�RED THE MOTION C�RRIED UN�'�NIMOUSLY. 6. ELECTION OF VICE CHaIRPERSON OF THE PL��'tiING CO�L�fISSION FOR 1955-1986: Pi0TI0N BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO NO.ffIV�TE rIIt. OQUIST FOR VICE CH�IIRPERSON FOR 1985-1986. THERE BEING NO FURTHER NOMINATIONS, THE FOLLOWING ACTION WAS TaKEN: MOTION BY I�Ht. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY I�t. SABA, TO CAST AN UIVANI�DUS &1LLOT FOR THE �PPOINTMENT OF I�t. OQUIST AS VICE CHAIRPERSON OF THE PIANNING COI�SISSION FOR 1985-1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHdIRPERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECE NE HOUSING & REDEVELOP�NT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1985: M(7fI0h BY I�t. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY rR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HOUSIlVG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTEiORITY MEETING OF �WY 9, 1985. PI.�;�'t�ING COyL"fISSION MEETING, JUNE 19. 1985 PAGE 7 I�. Oquist stated there are some real problems with the Community Development Commission as members feel they have no direction on their purpose and goals. He stated a lot of their work has been taken over by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. I� . Oquist stated he would like to discuss this mat[er with the Council at their conference meeting to see if the Community Develop- ment Commission might, in some way, assist the Housing and Redevelop- ment duthority. He stated they would like to determine if the Council and HRA are interest�d in this concept. 1�. Saba felt there is a lot of concern in the City about what will eventually develop on the drive-in theatre site. Mr. Minton stated it may take some time for the Comnunity Development Commission to decide in what specific areas they would like to become involved. Mr. Oquist felt it may be time for the Commission to review the Com- prehensive Plan. He further stated he fel[ Ms. Schnabel should actend the meeting with the Council regarding this ma[ter. UPOh A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, ALL VOED AYE, aND VICE CHr1IRPERSON OQUIST DECI�IRED THE MOTIOI�i Cr1RRIED UNr1NIM0USLY. 8. RECEIVE EA'VIRONi�NTAL QL'aLITY CODL*ffSSION *QNL"TES OF D1r�Y 21 , 1985: " ' BY Afft. SABA, SECONDED BY I�fft. KOh'DRIC[:, TO RECEIVE THE MItv'UTES OF THE ENVIROh'MENT�L QU�LITY COI�PffSSION MEETING OF r1�1Y 21, 1985. UPON a VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIhG AYE, VICE CtiAIRPERSON OQUIST DECIs�RED THE MOTION CaRRIED iJIQ�NIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE APPE�ILS CO*L*IISSION MINL*TES OF Me�Y 28, 1985: rtOTION BY AS. Gr1BEL, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECENE THE MINUTES OF THE A PPEALS COMAlIS S ION MEET IN G OF Mr1Y 28 , 198 5. UPON a VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION Cr1RRIED UNr1NIM�USLY. 10. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREaTION CO1�AiISSIOh MINUTES OF JUNE 3. 1985: I�TIOr BY I�t. KONbRICK, SECOIv'DED BY I�2. MINTON, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF TtiE PARKS A1�ID RECREATION CO1�QIISSIOh MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1985. I�. Kondrick stated the Parks and Recreation Commission is in the process of zeviewing several parks regarding their design for possible changes and/or improvements. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE I�TION, ALL VOTED AYE, AND VICE CNaIR PERSON OQUIST DECIARED THE MYTION C�►RRIED UN�hIMOUSLY. r� 2G PLr1NNING CO'°L*QSSIOIV_ MEETING. JUNE 19, 1985 PAGE 8 11. RECEIVE APPE.�LS COA'II�tISSION MLNUTES OF JUNE 11� 1985: MOTION BY M5. GABEL, SECONDED BY I�t. SABA� TO RECENE THE MINUTES OF THE AppEALS COrII�tISSION MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1985. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHaIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOT ION C�'►RR I ED lTIve�N I MOUS LY . . 12. OTHER BUSINESS: a. RECO�L"�rD�1TI0N. FROM THE HU:�i�Iv RESOURCES COMMISSION REC�RDING CDBG FUNDS TO HUMAh SERVICE ORGAhIZ�TIQ�S: Mr. Minton stated the Human Resources Comnission, at their June.6. 198� meeting, recommended allocation of CDBG funds to human service organizations. I�. Minton.stated the Cormnission met with every group requesting funding and questions were asked of each of these groups. I�tr. Kondrick asked how the allocations this year compare with last year's. He ques[ioned the amount given to SACa and the senior citizens. I�. Minton stated more funds were �iven this year to counseling agencies. He stated SACA received no fun3in� last year as they didn't apply and the senior citizens received less this year because of the nature of their zaquest. He stated they had requested funding for part of a staff's salary and the Commission felt this was an area in which they did not want [o become involved. Mr. Minton stated the Commission did recommend, however, funding to CAP for an outreach worker as they felt it was a good service. He stated CAP was advised this would be the only year they would consider funding for an outreach worker. ' MOTION BY I�t. I�Qh'TON, SECONDED BY I�t. KONDRICK, TO ENDORSE AND FORWaRD TO TI-� COUNCIL THE RECOI�f.*fENDATION OF THE HUM�N RESOURCES CO:�L�IISSION REGr1RDING ALLOC�ITION OF CDBG FUNDS TO HUMr1N SERVICE ORC�'�NIZATIOhS. UPOI� A COICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CI�IRPERSOh OQUIST DECLr1RED THE MJTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. �'_.CATION REQUEST, SAV 4k85-05, BY TED C. SHIRLEY: Vacate a street right-of-way lying within that part of 63rd Avenue, Sandy Terrace, all in the South Half of Section 14, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota: I�r. Robinson stated this vacation would allow for straightening [he existing right-of-way line on 63rd Avenue in conjunction with the improvement of Sth Street. He stated if the City vacates this eight foot strip of land they would, in turn, receive a small piece on the southwest portion of the intersec[ion of 63rd and Sth which would provide a smoother transition of the curb line. 2H PI.A:d;�1ING COI°Q�tISSION MEETING. JLTNE 19. 1985 � PAGE 9 TIOT BY Mt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY Mt. MINTON, TO RECO�TD TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVaL OF VACt'�TION REQUEST, SAV 4685-05, BY TED C. SHIRLEY, TO VACATE A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY LYING WITHIN THAT PART OF 63RD AVENUE, SAPIDY TERRACE, ALL IN THE SOUTE[ HALF OF SECTION 14, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA� UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECi�►RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c. HYDE PARK LOT WIDTHS: I� . Robinson stated [he staff has reevaluated lo[ width require- ments for corner lots in Hyde Park and recommended a change in the ordinance [o require the width of corner lots not to be less [han 65 fee[, instead of 60 fee[. Ms. Gabel stated when there was a neighborhood gronp review- ing this area, their concept was to make the R-1 in the Hyde park district, the same as other R-1 properties in the City and sometiow this did not happen. I�. Robinson stated this change would affect only a few corner lots and, even as they exist today, variances would be required in order to build on them. MOTION BY Mt. SABA, SECONDED BY I�2. KOIv'DRICK, TO RECOM*1END TO CITY COUNCIL APPROV�L OF A CHr1NGE IN THE CITY CODE TO REQUIRE THE WIDTH OF A CORNER LOT IN THE HYDE PARK DISTRICT SH,�LL NOT BE LESS Ti�►N 65 FEET AT THE REQUIRED SETBACK. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION G1R1tIED UI3�INIM�USLY. ' �DJOURN"IEh'T : MOTION BY I�t. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY I�Bt. SAB�+, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V OTING AYE, VICE CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECI�RED THE JUNE 19, 1985, PI�fiING COrL*1ISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:55 P. M. Respectfully submitted, �` iL` '�-:. V 7'�. e"� le,.� _� Carole Haddad • Recording Secretary ! '� � \\ �.,, ; i - I " " � i� �-'- _ .... r.. V . � � .... S R--ik�5 —A�-- � ; , o . .. - ...... � • , ;, r°`on.s `'' "�"'" Northwestern el Telep ne Co. �— "— � a� ;'ti � � -� � \ 1N N � — 5750 East Ri r o d '—" '� — ' ��' "' . " — .� , ,�i� .... � — ,� .� . � ' ' 11 r� ww �'�� � .� .��� �• 1 q .��. 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A..s�r.+. 4. r Q.� i, �-w .ri..,, .�.i�s� q+�• •r., - BI.�I G.. ^�� •..,• ll�iat��Ir.urf bN. A' 2P oOUtx�, t�.�'n�G OF' NwD�+e �t s, 1984 �1� � y ��: • � _: � i \�� �� �� e � Mr. Flora statec the Planning Carur.ission recommen6ed to the City Council apprwal of this special use permit With nine stipulations. I+p�TION by Co�cil�ran Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Co� ��ission ar.d grant special use permit, SP �84-20, with the following stipulations: 1. Qean u�p the rear yard. Zl�is includes reauving debris fror,. mobile hmes, several dilapidated storage sheds, and junked trailers. 2. Rer.air ano naintain the gate on the screening fence surrounding ref use corTtainer 3. File a drainage easenent with the (?�unty and the (�ty 4. S�br:it a landscape plan. Tt�is plan should include additional screer,ing along the mrthwest and southwest �rners of the �,ro�erty. 5. Existing sign must be brought into compliance or a variance apprwed for excess square footage. 6. Setback trailers a minin�m af 35 ft. frm ric,ht o� way 7. Special use permit apprwal aontingern. upon petitioner sutr;,itting a S5,000 perfornance bond 8. All impraver�ents to be cor..pleted by Nov�ber 30, 1984, witr� the exce�tion of landscaping to be oompleted by June 1, I985. , 9. Special use permit to be reviewed at the first Planning Cor;,,.i�sicn meeting in June 1985. Seoon3ed by O�uncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, t�'�ayor Nee aeclared the motion carried unani,nously. � ,crr,rn*mTn►,. nr * nmrTrc.n cv�n enr�Trt ricr DCDI�ITT CD �Rd-71 _?Y'i AT TlX�: , Mr. Flora stated was a special use permit for the Hyde Park S-1 zcne. �ere were 3 lots whi e been used in the �st for a golf cart sales ana repair operation. An �1 z. lvws this facility to be used for the sane type af operation with a special rmit. Mr. Werner is requesting to locate his wood furniture repair shop, e property. Mr. f'lora stated they have discussed the impro nt of that garcel to inclucie landscaping along 59th and 3rd Street and a s and 3 parkir:g s�ces for his business with the future reguirer.ent of 2 ad ' nal spaces if required. Based on the square footage, city oode requi res a '� of 5 spaoes. Mr. Werner has stated he only needs 3 spaoes; therefore, the= . -16- PLA�,r�Ir�G COh���S10N MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1984 � � - - 2Q PAGE 3 Mr. Rosberg tated that besides the safety hazard of people going thro��gh the buiicling the offices, he would be very concerned about people walking either on the treet on the north side of the building or in the truck lane on the south side of the building in order to get from the parking lot in back to the offi'ces in front. There are no sidewalks around the building. Mr. Saba stated he'�,felt the City should come up with some compromise for parking stalls in front of the building. Mr. Oquist agreed with Mr. Saba. Mr. Robinson stated he felt that if they could come up with a good land- scaping plan� the City cauld probably compromise with seven stalls. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CLOSE THE PUDLIC HEARI�'UG ON SP N84-19 BY KURT MANUFACTURING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC NEARINC CLOSED AT 7:55 P.M. MOTIOlV BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOF!ME1�D TO CITY COUI�CIL APPROVAL OF A REQUEST F1UR A SPECIAL USE PElW.IT, SP 1+84-19, BY KURT MANUFAC- TURING, PER SECTION ?05.09.1, C, 4, OF THE FRIDLEY CITl' CODE, TO ALLOW ADJACEf:T R-3 (GEITERAL lNULTIPLE DWELLI7�G) PROPERTY ':O BE USED FOR A PARt:I��G LOi POR A BUSItJESS IN H-1 ZO.":ItiG (LICHT INDUS�A.IAL) , LOCATED ON THE WEST 375 PEET OF I�OT 2, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVIrSION NO. 89, TXE SAI�fE BEING 7191 XICHTJAY M65 N.E., WITX TNE F�DLL�WING STIPULATIONS: 1. AN ACCEP:ABLE LANDSCAPE PLAN'��WHICH WILL SCREEN THE HARD SURF'ACE AREAS. � 2. SIX FT. AND EIGHT FT. SOLID WOt2D FE:�CI!!G IN FRONT OF THE LOADINC DOCK AND AROG7VD OUTSIDE STURAGE�AREA ON TNE EASE SIDE OF TH£ BUILDING. 3. SIX-INCN COIJCRETE CUItBING AS PE. CODE. 4. APPROVAL OF SOUTHERLY CURB LOCAT�I�N CONTIh'GENT UPON VARIANCE APPROVAL. � 5. SPECIAL USE PERMIT IS CONTINGENT N TNE CITY RECEIVING A 510,000 PERFORI'1ANCE BOND. 6. ALL IMPROVEM.ENTS TO BE COMPLETED BY NE 1, 1985. 7. THE EXISiING PARKINC SPACES IN FRONT THE BUILDING BE REDUCED FROM 10 Tt� 7 AND THESE AREAS BE LANDS PED. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SC�ABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Counc� 1 on November 5. 2. PUQLIC NEARIt�G: CONSIDERATI�t� OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, ' ,,, ,��e Fr�3Te "�i o e, o a ow e continu- �e r �ec�i on ' Y � Y � ation of a mobile home sales lob under new management on Parcel 2691 in Section 12, a sitE approximately ��0 feet by 600 feet, except that part taken for highway purposes, the sa�Qe being 7625 Viron Road N.E. 2R PLAN'�ING COMt1IS5I0N MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1984 __ PAGE 4 NOTIDN BY MR. KONDRICI�C� SECONDED BY NR. NIELSEN� TD OPEN Tl�lE PUBLIC HEARING G1N SP M 84-20 ��WIN CITY HOHES D/8/A NOBILE XOJ'fES U511. UPON J1 VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWGIMAN SCX:VABEL • DECLJIRED THE PUBLIC I�ARING OPEN J1T 7:59 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this business was located on Highway N65 north of Fireside Drive. It has been used as a mobile home sales outlet in the past. and this special use permit request is for a continuation of that business as the last special use permit lapsed in 1983. He stated Staff was recomnending the following stipulations: l. Clean up the rear yard. This includes removing debris from mobile homes, several dilapidated storage sheds� and junked trailers. 2. Repair and maintain the gate on the screening fence surrounding the refuse container. 3. File a drainage easement with the County and the City. 4. Submit an agreement signed by Randy Grohnke� owner of Twin City Homes and the property owner to the north� to the City stating they will share equally in the erection of a fence aL the time of development to the north. 5. Submit a landscape plan. This plan should include additional screening along the northwest and southwest torners of the pro�►erty. 6. Existing sign must be brought into compliance or a variance approved for excess square footage. 7. Setback trailers a minimum of 35 ft. from right of way. 8. Special use permit approval contingent upon petitioner submitting a 55,000 performance bond. ' 9. Ali improvements to be completed by Nov. 30. 1984� with the . exception of landscaping to be completed by June 1� 1985. Mr. Robinson stated N4 was not a code requirement; however, in the Nov. 4, 1981 Planning Commission minutes, it was one of the stipulations in the approval of the special use permit at that time. Upon receiving notice of this present proposal, Mr. David Harris, property owner to the North, requested that this stioulation be reinstated at this time. Ms, Schnabel asked the petitioner. Mr. 6rohnke. if he had any comments regarding the stipulations. Mr. Grohnke stated he had no problems with any of the stipulations he had control over. He was not the owner of the property and, therefore, had no control over stipulations N3 and �4. No. 3 was filing the drainage easement with the County and the City, and �4 was sharing equally on the cost of a fence with the property owner to the north at the time of development of the property Lo the north. Mr. Grohnke stated he has already cleaned up a good �eal af the debris out of the rear yard. That should be completed in about 1-2 Mreeks. 2s. PLANNING COMf1ISSI0N ��EETING, OCTOBER 17 1984 PAGE 5 Mr. Jack Maxwell, owner bf the property, stated that at the time he had agreed with the property owner to the north that he was willing to share in the cost of a fence at the time the property to the north was developed. But, that property has not yet been developed. He was still willing to honor that agreement, but only when the property was developed. Ms. Schnabel stated she was a little uncomfortable making the f.ence part of the stipulations since it was really an agreement between the two property owners and was something that should be worked out between the two oh�ners. Mr. Robinson stated that since it was an agreement between the two propety owners and Mr. Maxwell was still agreeable to honor the agreement. this stipulation could probably be dropped. Ms. Schnabel stated she would like to see this special use permit reviewed in June 1985 to make sure all the stipulations have been accomplished. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY NR. hZELSEN, T1D CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARINC ON SP R84-20, TWIN CITY HOMES D/8/A HOBILE HOMES USA. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRk'O"'AN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC XEARINC CLOSED AT 8:15 P.M. MOTION BY MR. 1NINTON, SECONDED BY HR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COL411CIL APPROVAL OF REQUEST F10R SPECIAL USE PERINIT, SP �Y84-20, TWIN CZTI' HOMES D/B/A MOBILE HOMES USA, BY RAIVDY CROlPJKE, pER SECTION 205.15.1, C, 3, OF THE PRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW TXE COt.'TINUATION OF A MOBILE HOME SALES ZOT UNDER NEW M,A.vAGEMENT ON PARCEL 2691 S7V SECTION I2, A SITE APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET BY 600 FEET, EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR HICNWAY PURPOSES, TNE SAME BEING 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E., WITN THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. CLEAN UP THE REAR YARD. TXIS INCLUDES REMOVING DEBRIS FROM MOBtZ,E HOMES� SEVERAL DIUIPIDATED STURAGE SXEDS, AND JUNK£D TRAILERS. 2. REPAIR AND MAINTAIN THE GATE ON THE SCREENINC FENCE SURROUNDING THE REFUSE CONTAINER. 3. FILE A DRAINAGE EASEl�NT WITX THE COUNTY AND TNE CITY. '0. SUB:!IT A T.�iNDSCA?:. PI.�W. THIS PLAN SXOULD INCLUDE ADDIa^IONAL SCREENING ALONC TXE NORTHWEST AND SOUTXWEST CORNERS OF THE PROPERTY. 5. EXISTING SIC1� MUST BE BROUGI.'T INTY� COMPLIANCE OR A VARIANCE APPROVED FOR EXCESS SQUAR£ F'OOTAGE. 6. SETBACK TRAILERS A MINIMUM OF 35 FT. FROM RIGXT OF WAY. 7. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL CONTINCENT UPON PETITIONER SUBMITTING A S5,000 PEP.FOR1�fANCE BOND. 8. ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE COMPLETED BY NOY. 30� 1984, WITX TXE EXCEPTION OF LANDSCAPING TO BE COMPLETED BY JUNE 1, 1985. 9. SPECIAL USE PERMIT T1� BE REVIEWED AT THE FIP.ST PL�WNING COM1�lISSION MEETIN6 IN JUNE I985. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCXNASEL DECLARED T'N� JYOTION CARRIED UNANIJNOUSLY. � r— .� �.,_4—� •---�-+—� � 1 � 1 IU! t � i_�_���.��--�T ��1 -� � � w ,' ' -�� i � . - ' c�U��s�"'' � �/ � �l � . � � � , �� � � � ;� . � . - << /,•i/i, _ • ,� ' � � � - s . i, �i . ' / j, �• • � . .� / .�/ /'�M / - ,/ � 1iTM �vE � f, - ��t � . . ' r /� • f ' �'�'�.. '�: O^� � :7 O�O !� .t' 'i ' t �.`.� r�.:_��� � � � . .'n�.J�G'�O�O � - /1 � t I Y � _= '�-.'_^,. : .,��°�oa' �• �c°o^°°c .. .! J ►r'• �� � �� w• ��� ,.-•: ',�^'�° � . -^• ^�e� • ` o`��;,ce� ; . : . :VY.� : :�4.4^.?:r,t..^.-� ,^^ =�:�°oCO^°o k' •J ~ .� / ► ^ '' '' ; ? °'-- '' � _ • f '� :..3►� !? � �^��.^ � . � r c , �.�►. C' � � ^ C�t,� �f �O �, : � � S � K��'��ti� 1�'���^l+Ce'��'�^^�^-. � � I �� . �y j„ � e ��^c� ce•e� � � - . . e - � c 7S �H �vE M E . ��„y _ �'{ ;,� _ ^` ='�°r`'�.;••� �.. ��,�. � ' ��„° c.o°-°_ e r ' . � • � � i �,! 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We had been told that Mr. Doty owned the property and would give us a sliver from the corner lot on the southwest portion of the intersection in order to provide for a smoother transition of the curb line. We have since found out that he is only a contract purchaser� and as such have gone to the f ee owner and requested this triangular sliver from him. He has agreed to provide the requested amount with the stipulation that the City provide him a portion of property along the northerly boundary line from that which the City retains for the road �ight-of-way of 63rd . This additional amount does not impact on the existing right-of-way, establishes a larger taxable lot and ensures maintenance of the intersection area. If the Council would have no objection to vacating this 8 foot parcel, we can initiate and retain the desiyn of 5th Street as originally outlined. JGF:jm� Entlosures - 2 i . : - - - - - , r. _ - -C{�Ui�iTi�- -�-_ -�TATE . � --�}{) - - � r• � �, � ,..- � . . 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I . • , '., , .^ - , . 4. � � I '�` � �'2 � ' � ! _ 1r � � . W . � � � 4 2�ND. � AVE = = v �,'� o _ _r�{� i � — � � . L~y,7 , ' � : �� • W .._. _ .�, _,- — � � � , t a�v�td ���f �0 � � �. R � � :� ''r. � � � . tv �� •,. ., .,� �� v � � � � � �! . ..z r � � � TED SHIRLEY � 2Y � •.- . ', I : i .. t: � I • ( �..lh lr �ila/ . � ` t�., � � . — ,. � . — �.� . • � � � � . � . . �, . , � �Ll � { ` � �1 � � � hi � a � �D � �1 i N ��+. � + CITY OF FRIDLEY HUMA�� RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6, 1985 0 . : 2Z L TO ORDER: Ch�-person Minton called the June 6, 1985, Human Resources Commission meeting to o�r at 7:32 Q.m. ROLL CALL� Mer�bers Prese►l't: Mer�bers Absent: Bob Mir.*on, Sue Sherak, Steve Billings ra Kocher, Narold Belqum Others Present: Bill nt, Assistant to the City Manager Stephen lein, Director of Planninq Community Programs. Anoka County CAP Darlene Zur ki, Fridley Senior Outreach Worker 0 APPROVAL OF MAY 2, 1985, HUMA�� RESOU�S COMr1ISSI(1N MINUTES: .ND'_*70'� BY MS. SHEREK, SF.CO:VDED BY NR. BIL NGS, TO APPROVE THE 1NAY 2, 1985, HU.'lA:�' RESOL'RCES CO!!�1ISSI0': MI:t't'TES AS WRITT UPOti A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTI:ti'G AY£, CXAIRPEP.SOA' 'TOti DECLARE'D TNE MOTION CARRIED UICA9IMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MO:'IO'ti BY HS. SNEREK, SEC0I�DED BY NR. BILLINGS, TO APPPOVE AGE!�DA AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON MINTIDIJ DECLAP.F.D 7'!� MOTION CARRIED UNAhIMOUSLY. � 1. OLD BUSINESS• .� a. Consideration of human service needs in Fridley Mr. Minton stated one of the Comnission's main concerns on this whole issue was to get a feel for the needs of the poor peoole in Fridlev. The Comnission wanted to hear from different people and then eventuallv possibly make some recommendations to the Citv Council. He stated the Commission was not so mucf� interested in programs that are now in place as they were in the needs. Mr. Steve Klein, Anoka County Community Action Program, Inc., stated he and Ms. Zurawski really appreciated the opportunitv of being invited to the Comnission meeting. He stated Anoka County CAP's main focus was on county-wide needs, but obviously, there was a great deal of variation between individual cortmunities in terms of how severe a specific need would be. Nis focus was a little more the macro overview of the County, 2 AA HU"tAr� RESOURCES COMMISStOr� MEETIN�, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 2 but he cculd allude to some specific needs in Fridley. Mr. Klein stated Darlene Zurawski was the Senior Outreach Worker in Fridley since Sept. 1984. She could better address the needs of the seniors in Fridley. Ms. Zura���ski stated her position was a Sept. - Hay position, and durinq that time she has contacted 440 individuals and made 296 vis�ts to homes. The age grou� ►+as basically 75-79, and 112 were below povertv level and 158 �rere above the poverty level. (Poverty ievel is S6,563/yr.) She stated 221 of the 440 individ�als are livina alone. 173 of those were female. Ms, Zurawski stated that riqht now she saw the greatest need with the ho�eowners. partfcuTarly the ferRale head of household living alone trying to cove with maintaininq a home. dealinq with the loss of a spouse, taking over the budget. etc. Man� did not know where to call for assistance if so�+eth;ng needed to be done on the home. She stated she woulcl refer them to the County's Home Maintenance Service and sone of the aro9rar�s that LAD offers. but the waiting lists are long. Ms. Zurawski stated there are a lot of seniors who just do not even know about the programs. She saw outreach �is beina a very necessary �arL of the ser•;cr po��lation in Fridley. She stated she has met with Mr. Klein to see if there is some way thev can expand the ou�reach in order to reach more seniors, possibly utili=ing the Befrienders program in FridTey or utilizing seniors at the Seni�r Citizen Center. Ms. Zurawski stated transnoration is a big need, �articularly transporta- tion for physical therapy appointments, �ost office, bank� some of the basic every day senior needs. She stated the County is starting to address this need by hiri�g a person in the transportation area. Mr, Klein stated that he coordinates the Plannin� Coc►�unity,progracr�inq Dart of the Community Action Program and directly su�ervises 15-20 orograms. After talking to s�me of his staff peonle who are involved in progra►Tming in Fr��ley about senior hor�e maintenance. they felt senior fiome maintenance did seer� to be the most inr�ediate need and sor�ethina that"couid be implemented fairly easily. He stated they ran a Mociel prograr� last year through the State Employ1►�ent program. Of the jobs d�ne, 22� were in the City of Fridley. so the need is pretty substantial. Mr. Klein stated that with the increasinq number of seniors, there seer�s to be a decreasing number of kids even fnr the seniors who can afford to hire someone to do maintenance. As the comnunity gets older, the nu�+bers of children are not there; and also it appears that it is very hard to find school age chilQren who even want to work. The County Surtmer Youth Errnlov- ment Proyram has a number of openings because the number of applicants is just not coming in. 2 BB HUt1AN RESOURCES C�ISSION MEETING, JUNE 6� 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. K1ein stated tF�at geographicallv regarding the lotation of poverLy in Fridley, there are six block groups in the City of Fri'dley that the Co►�nty. through HUD and Anoka County, has designated as low incor�e block groups. 7hose are located on the map relative to the census tract: Tract 51103, " 51102, " 51201, ' S1202. ' S1205, Block Grouo w M M • Y M w r 3 � 2 3 �a2 He stated a block groun is approx. 8-12 square blocks. Mr, Klein stated there was a serious shoriaqe of board and care-ty�e resources for the elderly living alone who are trying to maintain an independent living environment. A living eRVironment short of a nurs�ng hone was a county-wide need� and he felt it was also a need in Fridley because of the increased population of seniors. Mr. Klein stated that earlier Ms. turawshki had alluded to the needs relative to wh�t the senior outreach progre� is tr��inq to address and that is the need to involve seniors to get ther� inforned, to fo11o�� u� to se� if they receive services--the whole coordination, advocacy, ombuds- man� solving-tyne problem area. Ne stated seniors not actively involved in senior clubs often have a hard time in �robler� solvinq in ter�s of resources that might be available, so they really see in the four corr�uni- ties where they are doing senzor outreach proqrams, the need to address that whole area of helping seniors make matches with the services th�t are available. Mr. Klein stated the area of seniors qoing through the loss of a loved one or suffering a tragedy in their lives is an area tfiat the Befriend�rs prograr� atiempis to deal wi Lh. 7he school di stri ct an�i �s. Wi 11 i ar�s are actively involved tn this service. What is being provided by the Befriend2rs program is a qood start, but small compared to Lhe needs. Mr. Klein stated subsidized housing for seniors is also a need. Village GreeR has 100 plus people on a waiting Tist for the elderlv housinq, Fridiey is probably better off ti�an so�e of the other communities in the County in terms of the provision of elderly housing. Mr. Klein stated annther area relative to seniors was respite care. That is basically where an individual who has either chronic or an ongoing illness living in a residential setting with a spouse or fa�►ily has some type of "escape valve" so they can get out and get away once in awhile. Mr. Klein stated something that came out of the Metropolitan Council stu�iv of Anoke County for seniors was a whole area they call lir�ited case manage- ment. Limited case manager�ent relates back to the earlier Jiscuss�on abouL board and care and individuals who basically are able to live inde- pendently but need someone to keep track of ther� regarding special needs-- some form of a tracking system and support monitorinq. z cc Hu�tA�: RESOuRCES COMr�tSStOr� MEETJt�G, JtJrvE 6. 1985 PAGE 4 Mr, Klein stated that basically sumned up the bulk of the needs relative to the elderly population. He would now address some of the issues that are typical of b poverty family. Mr. Klein stated that subsidized affordable housing was obviouslv a big issue for far�ilies. There are 210 people on the waiting list for Villaqe Green for far�ily housing, and, apparently, it is an excessively lonq wait. It seems that as the elderly housing has been cut back, family housinq seems to have been terminated. Mr. Klein stated the Headstart program� the preschool children's situation, is a real critical need in this area. He stated that in Fridlev last year� the Neadstart prograr� served 28 children, 3-S vears old. from verv low inco^�e families. There are 35 certified eligible children on the waiting list fron the City of Fridley in need of this service who were not able to be served this vast year, He stated they have not been able to do a lot of service in the Fridley area. They have not had a school district desig- nated site in Fridley since 1975 when ii Mas at Parkview. They were at Riverwood for one year When the Co�nty leased the space. But. in r�ost cases, they go into areas where the school district and the city cooperate to provide an elementary school classroom. They witl be opening up a new center in Columbia Heights at Imnaculate Conception Church i� the fall, wh�.ch will serve Southern Fridley. Northern Fridley will be served bv Woodcrest Elementary, Mr. K1ein stated a lot of issues can be dealt with--educational, emotional, develorx�►ent-type issues--with the preschool aqe child-en more easily than when these children are 5-6 years older. Mr. Klein stated that relative to families, the whole area of economic development and employr�ent opportunities is a real critical thino, �arti- cularly regarding inco�es that are going to provide "head of household" inco�^es that wi11 alic,w someon� ro have a meaningful opportu�itv to qet off Lhe poverty cycle. 1t is a very difficult thing for those rECP.1v1�cJ medical assistance or day care assistance. When they go to get a job and lose the benefits from public assistance, a minir�um waqe job actualiy leaves them financiaily worse off than when they were on public ass�stance. If they are qoing to create jobs. they need to create jobs where there is me3ningful opportunity for financial advancer�ent. Mr. Klein stated his staff had indicated that sor►e probler�s persons on AFDC might come across were probler�s with affordable day care. problems with having disposable income for housing, difficulty in the stability of their livinq arranqements. Mr.K)ein stated the area his staff indicated as a problem area was that there is a uerception in the media and in society that things are better off and the econany is improving. This could be giving people a faise sense of securitv relative Lo the number of people who are already havinq difficulty. So, one need they really F�ave to be aware of is the potential for complacency or a false sense of security. 2 DD HUhAt� RESOURCES CO►�"ISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 5 Mr. K1ein stated one of the areas the Headstart staff talked about as beinc� a need was the r+ental health services for younq fa�ilies. particularly single parent families. He stated there are some excellent programs in the County--Central Center for Fan�ily Resources and North Suburban Family Service Center. These facilities are not in Fridley so transportation can be a problem. Because of budget cuts to these organizations, these services have become more expensive and sonewfiat more inaccessible to 1ow and moderate income families. It was important to have some fo m of community mental health services available to serve this need. Mr. Klein stated the whole area of housinp in terris of housing rehabili- tation and energy issues was still a substantial issue in Fridley. Ne stated the CAP Agency runs the Countv's rehabilitation program which is a M�1D prograr� and tf�e weatheriiation proarar�, a1�ng with some other prograns. He state� that in the past year� they have weatherized 30 homes in the Cit� of Fridley, and 10 homes that are eligible are currently on the waitinv list. Mr. Klein stated the County has what is called the WIC proqra�. In Fridlev, there are 68 wonen who are either oreqnant or nursing tn the nro�ram. 74 infants in the orograr�. and 194 children uo to age 5 in the progran, Above that. there are 60 certified eligible children on a waitino list. nutri- tio�ally at risk, who are unable to be served because of financial con- straints. "Nutritionally at risk" means und_rweiqht, ener�ic, with chronic health problems. The County's pr�gran has in�reased substantially the last three years through additional fundinq fro� the Dept, of Agriculture. Mr, Klein stated another need for families is dependable transportation t� anci from work and to health and social services. Most of the public assistance programs limit the amount of value of an individual's car, and many times people are budgeted so tight between housinq costs and car costs that when the car breaks down, they cannot afford to fix it. So. for people who are really motivated to go to school or work to improve their situation, dependable transportation i's a real factor. Mr. Kle�n stated one thing pointed out was the difficulty in securinn a iocal grocery store that is econor�ical. For families lacking Lrans- portation. many have to shop at high-�riced convenience stores. , Mr. Klein stated the upkeen of private hor�es is Aracticallv imr►ossibie because of high costs of repairs and maintenance and utilities for those of iow income, either temporari)y or permanently. Mr. Klein stated that 1979 data showed about 7500 families in the City of Fridley with 931 of those families having a fer�ale head of the household. Of the 931 female head of households, about 30-42� looked as if they were below th� poverty level with younq children. Ms. Sherek asked Mr. Klein if he was familiar with the volunteer senior chore service provided through Northeast Elder Care in t�ortheast Minneacolis, It was a whole cor�plex of services that included a skilled nursinq home and 2EE HU!1AN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETIN6, JuNE 6, 1985 ParE 6 many of the services Mr. Klein had talked about the seniars needing. She was not talking about this service including Fridley people. but a service that could be used as a model. Mr.Klein stated he was not familiar with that particular program, but was familiar with the concept. A lot of what Ms. Sherek was talkinr� about was similar to a"skills bank" where people volunteer to do those tasks they are skilled at. They have done a lot of research on it and have attenpted to put some funding together to expand their chore proqram. Mr. Minton asked Mr, Klefn if there was a�y role the Citv of Fridley could play in any of this. Mr. Klein stated he saw two roles the City of Fridley could play: (1) a fundinq role; (2) a supportive networkinq, Cooperative. coordinatinn role with volunteers and local fnitiatives where, for example, thev could expand the caoability of reaching the seniors. Mr. Kiein stated they ►+ould ltke to see the City helpi^q the County identify ttwse individuals who F�ave a desire to provide cormunity servi�e; the County could work with the City to train them and coordinate and utilize thPir skills in support of a staff initiative. He stated they are a big fan of using volunteers to supplement staff; they are not a verv biq fan of volunteers as a replacement for staff, Hr. K1eir. stated he would really encourage the City to look at the chore service area. That was a totally untapped need that is just really co�inq to the su►-face i� the County. Mr. Minton stated the Cor�missioners appreciated the ��ork Mr, K1ein and Ms. Zurawski had done to bring this information to the Comnission, and he thanked ther� for coning. • b. C�r,;;deration of proposals fror� hurw n service organizations for 1985 CDB� furtds Southern Anoka Corrnunit; Assistance - amount requested - S5.000 . Ms. S�erek stated she Tiked the uniqueness of tfie prograr�, the wi�ie range of needs that are served at a la+ cost, and the large number of Fridley residents served at a cor�paratively low cost. The peovle served, for the most part, are the working poor--peoole trying to make it but who need a little help. She would reco►amend full funding. Mr, Minton stated he felt SADA served a very basic human need. Mr. Billings stated he had heard a presentation by Rosemary Byrnes fror: SA�A several months aqo, and had gotten a qood overview of SACA. He, too, aould recommend full funding. 2FF HU�!AN R`ESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 P4GE 7 the Alexandra House - amount requested - S3,000 Ms. Sherek stated that after hearing the presentation at the special r�eeting on May 15, she did not feel the proposal was all that clear as to what they intended to do, but they obviously do have some well defined goals and plans to achieve those goals. They are actually doing outreach to the groups they consider critital to reach� including the school children, law enforcement personnel, volunteer grouDS. etc. She felt this would be money well spent because there is not any �ther organization performing this tyoe of service. They are cooperating with the schools and are n��t duplicating any existing programs. Mr. Minton s:ated the it was ear�narked, but organi2ation. amount requested was really for a budgetarv purpose; that did not bother hir�. It was a very worthwhile Mr. Billings stated he would be in favor of funding the total amount renuested. Anoka Countv Corm�unitv Actior, Program, Inc. - amount requested - S4.388 Ms. Sherek stated this would be a tompletion of a vear's com^itment to having the senior outreach worker. She saw this brganization rerforminq a lot of valuable services and having a lot of qooC ideas. but she did not thi nk the Ci ty shoul d be fundi ng tf�e e+npl oy*�ent of an ongoi ng prog►'ar�. She thought th�t should be a definite stipulation for the fundinq of this organiiation. Mr, Minton agreed. He stated he felt the Cormissioners had made that pretty clear at the speciai meeting on May 15. Ne felt the outreach pro- gram was doing a very valuable job. Mr. B�llings stated he :�c��ld be in favor of fundinq the total amount requested. Central Center for Famtly Resources - amount requested -�5,000 Ms. Sherek stated atil the cou�seling services look like qood services to fund; Central Center for Family Resources was a counseling service that is pe rforming some unique things, one of which is the counselinq of children� and the large number of grouns that they serve which tends to helo reduce the cost. The other thing that entered into her decision was that Family Life Mental Health Center was way out in Anoka, and as has been pointed out, when people are in crisis situ�tions. the trans- portation and proximity to services is very importa�t. North Suburban Consumer Advocates for the Handicaoped - amt. requested - S1,200 Mr. Minton stated he was not in favor of fundinq the total amount requested. He felt the request for offi�e equiprient for S550 was a worth- while Droject. He thought the ins�ruction and the seminars see�►ed a little 2GG HUMAN RESOURCES C(1MMISSION MEETIN6� JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 8 vague. He wouid like to see them get sor�e funding to help them becor�e a better organization, and he would agree to S550 for office equipment. Ms. Sherek stated she would also agree with the 5550 for office equipr�ent. Rainbow School and Ch114 Care Center - amount requested - 534�863 Ms. Sherek stated that after listening to the presentation on May 15, the person from Rainbow School really had no idea how she would even adr�inister these funds tf they got them. Mr. Billings stated Ra;nbow School was addressing the same probler� that was expressed by Mr. Klein. Since there were so many children on a waiting list�any otttznce the City would be able to contribute directly to Rainbow School �u�idn L be close to being able to resolve any of the prohler�s. The problem is so large. and the City's funding caoability is so small. The Commissioners agreed they would not recornnend any fundinQ to Rainbow School and Child Care Center. Foundations of Islands of Peace � Ms. Sherek stated again this was a salary request. Islands of Peace was requesting the e�tire amount from Fridley, even though there are other communities that use Islands of Peace. They did not come up with any clear idea of hoa� many people from Fridley would benefit if the City did fund it. and they did not have any C1ear plan of any sort for future fundinv. Mr.Minton stated another consideration was that they were initiatinq some prograrm,inq� and they did not have any good rationale or necessity for doing that prograr+ring. The Commissioners agreed they aoutd not recomnend any fundfng to Islands of Pea�e. Fridley Senior Citizen Ce�ter - amount requested - S6,7Q0 Ms. Sherek stated the one proposal request she feit was reasonable was the r�quesL for fans far Congregate Dining in the amount of 5500. She did not know if she could agree to paying for their ongoing travel and utility costs. Mr. Minton and Mr. Billings stated they would agree to the 5500 for the fans. The Comnission felt there were other funding capabilities that have not been explored at all. Famil Life MeRtal Health Center - amount requested - s3000 (18 mo. request) or u ur an ar�z y erv�ce enter - amount requested - 54,000 Mr. Biltings stated Ms. Sherek had mentioned the fact that both Family Life Mental Health Center and North Suburban Fa�11y Service Center are far away from Fridley. He tended to agree with Ms. Sherek that if some- 2 HH HUHAN RESOt1RCES COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 9 c: one has a problem and is in need, is that person qoing to be physically able to get to Anoka or even Coon Rapids? Is the fact that Anoka is so far away going to be a 6arrfer? Ms. Sherek stated that if they are talking a6out service to low income residents, the question is: Can tF�ey even get to Anoka? They can get to Spring Lake Park, because there is bus service right by Central Center for Family Resources. The Com*issi�ners agreed to split whatever funding was left over Detween Family Life Mental Health Center and North Suburban Famiiy Service Center, !�lOTI�N PY 1�!�. SXEREI.', S£CD�DED BY M.R, BIZ,LIhGS, TD R£CD"!M£tiP � CIT�' CC'.'.ti'CIL THE 11",_�'A.�. �': OF :9F5 C�5_ X�:�A.': SFR:'ICE FZ'.�^� AS FD:..'..�F.3: SD�''K�R�: J11�'Of'.A COKY;.'1l'ITY ASSISTAVC£ 4'NE 11LiXAl�DRA HOUSE 1N'OKA CDUh TY CAP, INC. NORTH SUBJRBAI�' CDA'SUMER ADVOC'AT£S FOR THE HA'� DI CAPPED FRID:,i}' SiRIOR CITIZEti CEhT£R CE�"'R.�L C£RTER FOR FA'!ILY RFSOL'RC£S F.41�!ILY LIFP XF.'vTAL HEALTN CEI�T£R NOR?H SUB;'RBAti FAJ�!ILY SERI'IC£ C£NTER - S 5,000 3,000 0,388 550 S00 3,000 1,369 2,369 SI9,276 UPOA 11 VDICE VOTE, ALZ VOTING 11YE, CHAIRPER5�1► MINTON DECLARED TN.E MOTIO'1 GtRRI £D UAA� I!!� �'SLY. onsideraiion of matLers relating to the ethnic backqround af Fridley �dents Discuss� ontinued until next meetinq. d. Consideration o destrian safeiy on main thoroughfares in Fridley (See,May 6. 1985� 1 r to John Flora from J. 5. Katz, District Traffic Engeiner) Mr. Hunt stated he would keep Commissioners informed. He stated he would check with Mr. Flora and try ive the Comnission a progress report from time to time, Ms. Sherek stated her greatest concern was tha o one, especially children because children tend to be so impatient, can cro ighway 65 on a single signal cycle, so they are always trying to beat the ic. Because of the way the lights are tiMed, if traffic coming off Highw 10 or I-694 can hit the lights just right, they can go all the way throu ridley and Spring Lake Park at 65 m.p.h. If someone is driving 65 m.p.h, a as not had to slow down for any lights, if a child goes darting out tryinq ake it across the street, that person is not going to be able to stop. Beca � � M EMORAI�UM City of Fridley I�+�ND �: NAS IM M. QC1RFb'H I, QTY I�1NFG IIt FROM: WILLIAM G HU'IJr, SrAF�' P£R.SCN ��iE FRIII.,EY HUN�1N RESQJR�S O�M�IISS�1 �JBJDCT: REQ)N��1UI'IONS FUR CD.B.G. FUAII]6 � HUbg1N S�VIC� Q�ANTLATIONS II�TE: Jt7NE 25, 1985 Gl� J�e 6, 1985 the Fric�ley H�man Res�urces Comanission met to consider requests fran ten (10} organizations for 1985 QBG f�nds. A chart �aaing the anotmt o�f the requests and an extract fran the �nappraved minutes of the meeting are encl osed f or your inf ormation. Fadz of the organizations sutmitted grant applications to the Hlunan Resources Commission, and on May 15, 1985 representatives fran each o� the organizations made an oral presentation to the O�mission. At its meeting of June 19, 1985 the Fridley Planning Commission reviewed the recommendations of the.Human Resouroes �ocimission and c�ncurred with then. �e Hunan Resources Commission requests that you forward these recommendations to the City Council for their oonsideration. w�/ss 3/ a6 _ �... . �,.,..�: ,, 2 il �� ��e �� . �� N� A� � � "'� �n a�� �'� � 9 "� �M �a ��w og 0 o� � M o� o� �. �� r � R ►t �. a � � � I Q J r ! r � i M � i rt I � \\ VNiIF�+ I \\O�� � ��°o�� � �� � i% � � �� a loo � � �O \\o� ! � �� °o�n°i j I p I N \ tlf I0� I O� � N h 1-� O W � I � I .fC \ \ l�lf CO �c r r+ - w � �$o� � � �N �� �z��������������� ,� y ���������� �m ��� ,� . ���y��������Q ������ � 9 ����o�������� �� �� � ����� �� ��� 1 �� y � �o � ��Q��� Q �� � � ���� �z� � � �� ���� � ���� �� � � � � � � � � K N �Ae 9 � $"'�8�g� �' �E� � � � � gQ � ��4� � �� � ��� g � �gQ � �I � �� y i = ►-� n� r N ►-� � � a� 0000�r�no O� 0000 �000 I� N N I �~ J � (�O ���O �� O I N ! �' I O IO OI �� � 0 O � O N IO� �' � O N a O 0 y�IO� {p�,�� �D 10 O N a O� F�+ � � � � J O� N V V1 O O O � N N (7� O O O O r n� r o°OO °o 1� !� OD O lJ� O O O a r N °o °o °o N O O A W A O O � N W N Vf pO N �i O O O O O Ir A�O W W A tJ� 0� Np OD ln O O W O �pl O W O O O � O O �w �w � �o �o � 000 �o �o 0 � � r �pDp O !o N n� � r �� O I~ � N �1-� � �° O �N N r �r 1�O * I F-� � N I� � � �~ o I��� N � � ►.. �D A �1-' � 1 � O jt0 �� � h+ N 10 l7� 1 C�. � O O t+] � v ,� � � �� � o� ��� , � z� J� 6, 1985 PRII=.� ST!!�N RQ90� �!l�IQi Aeoo�a�dations for 1985 QHG P1nds � ���. 1. FYidley Senior fxtizen Certer 2. North Sutxuban Family Servioe Center 3. Fb�mdation foc Islaruis of Peaoe 4. Anoka O��ty Wtan�¢►ity Action Program, Inc. 5. Alexandra House 6. Fainbow Sct�ool and C2►ild Cace Center 7. North Subur6an donsumer Advoc�tes for the Handi- capQed 8. Family Lif e Mental He31 th CtL. 9. Southern Anoka da�ty Assistanoe lO.Central Center foc Family Res�ucaes ' n•r� �: Staff Salacy S4,000 Suppl ies, Travel Util ities 2, 200 B�uipner�t (fang Eor o�ngregate dining) 500 'Individual marital group and f amily oo �nsel ir:g, pbydzological and psyct�iatric evaluations arid medication II1dik19QR2i►t' Salaty foc pcogran 000rdirr ator (1/2 time for ore year) 8,000 Supplies, postage, teleFhore 1,500 Senior Art.rea� Progran fran Jan. 1, 1986 to [�y 31, 1986 Ctiran�uuty Education Proga�n "Aid to fanilies who want to work tut c�n't afford the expense of ciiildcare and do rot qu3lify for f�ding elsewhece• ZWo four hour Section 504 w�orkshops 650 Offiae D3uignent (elec�ric typewriter & 2 files) 550 "FS2ITtd1 hE+3� �1 9E[V 1� 111C.1. li1CilVl�Ud1 dRd CJLOIip �C�]P' therap�, evaluations, ar� medication pcesrription• "Half the salacy of a parttune eapiq+ee to help the executive director haridle the heavy lifting, deliveries, aolleetions and sane o�fioe details" Fanily, gro� and inciividual ao�selir�g: childrer►'s peet s�port gro�s; consultation and in servioe training for staff Zt71�4T.S Amo�nt availat�le for distribution ZVl'!iL A1'�P A!@1t R1�XiFSTD � RBCI)!!� $ 6r700 S 500 4,000 1,369 9,500 0 4,388 3,000 34,863 1,200 3,000 5,000 5,000 $76,651 4,388 3,000 0 550 1, 369 5,000 3,000 $19,176 519,176 2 KK 2LL CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS CO�iMISSION MEETING, JUNE 11, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Barna called the June 11, 1985, Appeals Commission meeting to orcier at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mer�bers Present:' Alex Barna, Jim Plemel, Donald Betzold Mer�bers Absent: Pat Gabel, Jean Gerou Others Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Randy Grohnke, Mobil Home USA Joseph T. Whalen, 3333 Bass Lake Rd., Suite 408, Brooklyn Center Kenneth & Diane Warner, 4952 Roman Rd. N.E. Don Chouinard Allen Mattson Terrence & Patricia Poss, 321 Huqo St. N.E. Ron & Jan Zaczkowski, 314 Hugo St. N.E. Ralph Officer, 315 Hugo St. N. E. Robert E. Venne, 8118 Rutf� St. N.E. Frank Hegner, 450 H�ago St. N.E. aary Claggett, 440 Hugo St. PJ.E. APPROVAL OF JUNE 4, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSIQN MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 4� 1985, APPEALS COl'�MISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, �lICF.-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. VARIANCE lKequest Mn. 5543 ST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITi� CODE TO ItJCREASE , -, . rest ent o o�,e ome S, 6 5 iron Roa .., ri ey, MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO O,.'EN TXE Pi1BLIC XEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:36 P.M, 2 MM APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 11, 1985 PAGE 2 Vice-Chairperson Barna read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7625 Viron Road N.E. A, PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMEN7: Section 214.11.26 limits the square footage for a free-standinq sign in C-3 zoning to be no more than 80 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is ta control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in commercial areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Sign has been in existence for approximately 15 vears and without it, the lot f�as minimum appeal as a retail sales lot and the desire to rent by any retai l mobi 1 e f�ome merchandi ser i s diminished. " C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Prior to 1972 tFiis sign was classified as a billboard. In 1972 Castle Mobile Hor�es leased this property and constructed a sales lot. At that time they petitioned to the City to keep tFie billboard as a business sign and were granted a variance to keep tfie sign as a business sign with stipulations. One of the City stipulations was that the variance was only approved for Castle Mobile Homes. Since that time the mobile hor�e lot has had several tenant changes but has always been a sales lot. If the Board approves this request, the operator still needs to comqlete the landscaping, meet the 35 foot setback on all trailer units, and return the signed utility easement. Mr. Clark stated the Commission members had an aerial photo showing the loca- tion of the sign on the property and a picture of the sign as it exists today. He would also like to report some of the sizes of the signs in the general vicinity of this nobile home sales lot: Viking Chevrolet - 241 sq, ft. Variance granted for that size in 1983. Lampert Lumber - 144 sq. ft. Petitioned for 176 sq. ft. in 1983, but petition was denied. Hart Custom Homes, 7355 Hwy 65. - 96 sq, ft. Sign was in compliance at the time the sales lot opened (100 sq. ft. was the maximum at that time). All Seasons Mo6ile Homes, 7151 Hwy 65 - 92 sq, ft. Sign in compliance at the time it was erected. 2 NN APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 11, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Randy Grohnke stated he was the owner of Mobfle Home USA, Ne stated he leases tF�e property from Jack Maxwell, tFie owner of the property, who was not at the meeting. He stated he r�oved onto the property in Sept. 1984. He stated the sign has been located here since the early 1970's. When he took over the mobile home sales lot, neither he nor anyone else was aware that the sign was not in compliance. After they submitted for the change in personnel, they found out that they would need to apply for a variance. P�Ir. Betzold stated tf�e stated F�ardship was tfiat "the lot has minimal appeal as a retail sales lot and the desire to rent by any retail mobile home mer- chandizer is diminished". He asked Mr.Grohnke to explain this a little further. Mr. Grohnke stated the sign is obviously an attractive advertisement for the lot. It was a major sign and does attract sales. So, F�e was a little concerned when he became aware of theproblem of the square footage requirement. Mr. Betzold stated that apparently two neigf�boring mobile F�ome sales lots have signs of 96 sq, ft. and 92 sq, ft. If the City granted this variance for a 300 sq, ft, sign, should tf�e City also be granting variances to these other busi_nesses so tf�ey can increase their signage for tf�e same reasons? The City would 6e f�ard pressed to turn down tf�ose requests. Mr. Grohnke stated he could understand tf�e Cfity's position. Apparently, when the other businesses' signs were put up, the codes were different. This sign was erected 15 years ago with different codes as far as square footage. The sign has been there so long, Fie was sure everyone probably thinks it is part of the area. Mr. Barna asked wf�o maintained the sign, Mr.Grohnke or Mr, Maxwell? If the sign was destroyed, who would replace the sign? Mr, Grohnke stated replacement of the question. he is responsible for maintaining the sign. As far as the sign if it was destroyed, he did not know the answer to that Mr. Grohnke stated he would like to point out that this sign would be verv costly to replace, It cost almost $1,000 last fall just to have it painted. MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SF.CONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PCiBLIC FIEARING, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:50 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated this was a very large sign--almost four times as big as the code allows. He stated everyone Fias been too lenient for too many years, and they have to draw the line somewf�ere. He quoted the motion by Councilman Kelshaw in the �larch 20, 1972, City Councfl minutes: "Motion by Councilman Kelsf�aw to concur witf� tfie recommendation of the Board of Appeals and grant the variance to Castle Mobile Homes provided tfiat there be on]y one business 2 00 APPEALS COP�1MISSION MEETIf�G, JUNE 11, 1985 PAGE 4 sign for the time that Castle Mo6ile Homes is at tF�is location, and that the sign stay as it is except for the inscription cF�ange for the sales office." Mr. Betzold stated he agreed with Mr. Plemel. His concern was that this sign is far larger than anything the Appeals Comnission has entertained. The City has a specific code to qrohibit signs exactly like t(�is. If they were to allow this sign for whatever reason, they would certainly be reminded about it when others came in with the very same argument that the Commission always hears-- that they need a bigger sign tfian tfieir neigfibors so tf�ey can sell more. He stated the neighboring mobile home sales lots have far smaller signs and appar- er�tly are still in business. Therefore, he would have to vote to deny the variance request. Mr. Plemel stated he realized the replacement of this sign would be very exoen- sive, but they have to draw the line somewhere. They could approve this variance again, and then farther down the line, there would be another owner and another request, and they wotild still have the same problem. Mr. Barna stated he agreed that this sign was greatly oversized com�ared to the other signs in the area. Even the other largest varied signs in the area are still one-third smaller tf�an tfie Mobile Home USA sign. 1NOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEME'L, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DF.NIAL OF VARIANCE P.EQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THF. FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO INCREASE THE M.AXIMUM ALLOWABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A SIGN FROM 80 SQUARE FEET TO 300 SQUARE FEET ON PARCEL 2691, SECTION 12, THE SAME BEIDIG 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Barna stated this item would go to City Council on July 1. 2. VARIANCE RE�UEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO INCREASE -- 'v�� ��n� ��v�• uV 1.,J� nVV11 V�♦ J JVU✓lY 1JiV�� • . eques y o a . prang, . t ree , inneapo �s, n. . � MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDEb BIr MR. PLF.MEL, THAT TXIS ITE1N REMAIN ON THE TABLE UNTIL THE JUNE 25TH APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING AT THE PETITIDNER'S REQ UEST . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE,VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ✓ � . APPEALS COMMISSION h�EETING, JU��E 11, T985 PAGE 5 3. VARIANCE REOUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE ���L nG�jVlf\GU JGiDf1l.1� V� Y11\ t1l.l,CJJVR� DU1LU11\l7 fRUI'I H RlUfli�Vr�YYh11 �RU'1 ; � D � � � � eques y osep , a en, vergreen an ervice, ass a e oa ,�Suite 408, Brooklyn Center, Mn. 55409). MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF,, VICE-CNAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:55 P.M. Vice-Chairperson Barna read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 5750 East River Road N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205,09.3D.2d requires a minimum setback of 35 feet for accessory buildings adjacent to street right of way. Public purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off street parki ng ari thout encroacF�i ng on the publ i c ri ght of way and al so to allow aesthetically pleasing open areas around structures. Section 205.09.5D. 5d requires a11 parking and hard surfaced areas to be 5 feet from any buildings. Public purpose served by this requirement is to protect the building from unnecessary maintenance due to vehicles hitting the building. �- B. STATED HAROSHIP: "Need the variances so the building will be compatible with the existing structures. The new structure will lfne up with the existing garages and the existing setbacks will be maintained." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The purpose of the structure is to store telecommunications equipment for systems in this area. Due to the nature of the equipment, access to a man-hole is necessary to accommodate underground cables. ihe site chosen is the closest possible site to a man-hole and the farthest possible site from the residences. The proposed structure is to be an addition to a row of garages and storage rooms which presently encroach on the re3r yard setback requirement and do not have a five foot setback from the driveway. The ex9sting setbacks are "grandfathered" in. 2 QQ APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE li, 1985 PAGE 6 Approval of the variance would permit the structure to maintain the existing building lines and approximate setbacks. If the request is granted, the administrative staff has the following recommendations: 1. Variance be contingent upon tfie approval of Special Use Permit #85-06 to allow such storage. 2. The structure to be constructed of brick materiais to match the existing structures. Mr. Clark stated this building �vould attach to an existing garage which is behind a rather high beam so it would not be visible from any street right- of-way, other than the service drive going doavn to it. As far as the variance to the drivew�y, it is just going to be an extension to the garages already there, so it would not pose any problem to traffic any more than the garages do now. Mr. Joseph Whalen stated that, as Mr. Clark had said, this building would hardly be noticeable. MOTZON BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED $Y MR, PLEMEL, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC KEARItJr. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTrNG AYE, VICE-CKAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:03 P,M. Mr. plemel stated that because tFiis building would F�ardly be visible from the road, and will cause no problems and will be no closer than the existing buildings, he would be in favor of granting tfie variance with the two stipu - lations recommended by staff. Mr. Betzold agreed. He stated.he had 11ved in this particular area, so he was very familier with the area. He did not think this particular structure would be offensive to city code or the area at all. MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY MR. BE'('ZOLD, TO RECOMlNEND TO CITY COUNCIL APP120VAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT 21') CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED SETBACK OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING FROM A RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM 35 FEET TO 14 FEET; TO ELIMINATE TEIE 5 FOOT SETBACK OF BUILDINGS FROM HARD SURFACES ON A PORTION OF TRACT C, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 1�38, THE SAME BEING 5750 EAST RIVER ROAD, WITX TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. VARIANCE BE CONTINGENT UPON THE APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERINIT #85-06 TO ALLOW SUCH STORAGE. 2. THE STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF BRICK :►!ATERIALS TO MATCfI TXE EXISTING STRUCTURES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 RR APPEALS COMMISSIOP� MEETING, JUNE 11, 1985 PAGE 9 5. VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THROUGH 3, BLOCK A, RI ERVIEW HEIaHTS, THE SAi1E 3EIN( STREET N. E.. (RequeS� by Don Cliouinard, T356� Central Avenue, MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HF.ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:14 P.M. Vice-Chairperson Barna read tf�e Administrative Staff Report: A, PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.09.5D.4c requires ti�at the edge of the curb oneninq shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five feet, or two-tfiirds of the lot width, whichever is smaller. puhlic purpose served by tf�is requirement - is to allow the stacking of vehicles, without blocking a driveway, at intersections. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Original plan not feasible, bank would not finance because of garage; 6 unit with attacFied garages i.s O.K.R C. ADP1IPJISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: In August 1984 City Council granted a Special Use Permlt to allow con- struction of R-3 garages on R-1 property, tfie same being Lots 78�and 79, Block A, Rivervfew Heights. According to tFie petitioner the project was deemed unacceptable by f�is lendor due to the detached nature of the garages. The new proposal calls for tuctc-under garages. The most westerly unit will fiave a driveway which is 29 feet from the Zntersection of right-of- way lines of Hugo and East River Road. According to code R-3 driveways sf�ould 6e set bacfc 75 feet from tFie intersection of right-�of-way lines. Tfie driveway in question is approximately 32 feet wide and services two double garages. Note there is no such restriction for R-1 or R-2 driveways. If the Board approves this request ft sF�ould be with the stipulations that Lots 78 and 79 be combined with the townhome partion, as it is needed for rear yard and the necessary street easements be granted to the city. 2 SS APPEALS COMMISSI�N MEETING, JUWE 11; 1985 PA6E 10 Mr. Clark stated that as the Commission probably remembered, there have been several other requests on this same parcel. The lates� request was to build a multiple family dwelling with a parking lot to be located west of the build- ing. This proposal was approved about a year ago. Apparently, there were some financial problems, and so now tf�e petitioner has a new townhome design with tuck-under garages with additional parking for company to the residents. The reason the code asks for the separatfon ?f to try io keep congestion from parking lots entering streets too close to street intersections. It may not have been the intent to restrict tf�e driveuray serving a two-car garage. They are thinking of recormending a cfiange to tfie code tfiat a driveway serving parking lots of more than 4 stalls has to be separated 6y 75 ft. Mr. Clark st��ted the petitioners have agreed to dedicate to the Citv additional right of way for Hugo St, and East River Road. The �etitioners, Mr. Allen Mattson and Mr, Don Chouinard, were in the �udience. Mr. Mattson stated they went from a pr000sal of 7 units to 6 units with double tuck-under garages. If this was a residential home, the variance would not be necessary. He stated tf�ey will be selling these units individuallv as homes. Mr. Ralph Officer, 315 Hugo St.,stated that once East River Road is widened, the people backing out of the driveways of the townhomes are going to spend a lot of time waiting to get onto Hugo St, because cars on Hugo will be stacked up waiting to get out onto East River Road. He stated he felt there was an effort being made, 6ut tfie effort was being diminished by the street dedication. Mr. Barna stated that whether or not East River Road is ever wfdened and whether or not there was access to southbound East River Road from Hugo St., east or west of East River Road, depended on F�ow much the residents in the area express their concerns to the County as to wf�ether or not they want East River Road turned into a freeway. Mr, Barna stated the R-1 50 ft, lot on the east side of the property was being dedicated to the townhome development so there can be no possible construction on the lot. It will be a green area for the townhouse development. The owners of the units can determine wF�at they want to do with the property. Mr. Gary Claggett, 440 Hugo St., stated his main concern was the narrowness � of Hugo St. Mr. Barna stated that if the neighbors are concerned about the narrowness of Hugo St., they can either petition for street widening, or the City Council can decide that tf�e street needs to be widened. Mr. Betzold stated he had talked to Pat Gabel, Chairoerson of the Appeals Commission earlier, and she had stated she had received a telenhone ca11 from a resident living at 8180 East River Road who was f�andicapped.� This resident had stated she did not object to the variance requested but was concerned. 2 TT _ _ _ _ APPEALS C0��1MISSION F�EETIpG, JUpE�T1,1985�� � PAGE 11 Mr. Clark stated he wanted the petitioners to 6e aware tf�at there may be a drainage problem. He belfeved one of the stioulations on the last nlan was that a drainage plan be submitted and approved by the City Engineering Dept. prior to construction, NortFi of tfiis property tfiere is a ratfier old multiple dwelling of 4-5 units. Tfie rear year of that building is lower than East River Road, Ironton and Hugo Streets. In that sar!�e yard is a garage that is lower than any of the streets. The northerly portion of the townhom� �ro�erty is also low so there may or may not be a drainage problem wf�en the water runs off into the hole. It was possible tfie fiole could 6e made large enough to hold the existing run-off. If that was not possi6le, tfiey might have to have a stnrm sewer pipe installed to the nearest outlet, probably at the creek about 400 ft, to the east. Mr. Clark stated otfier stipulations put on the plan were: (1} City approved landscaped plan; (2) right-of-way dedication; (3) drainage plan be submitted and approved by the City. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.ARING. UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CFIAIRPEKSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:45 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated he felt this variance request was consistent with similar plans they have had in the past. In trying to make some use of this particular lot and also to make it fit into the exfisting neigf�borhood, there was going to F�ave to be some stipulations to go along witfi the variance request. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2d5 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TNE SETBACK OF A DRIVEWAY FROM 5TREET RIGHT-OF-WAY INTERSECTION FROM 75 FEET TO 29 FEET ON LO^S 78 AND 79, BLOCK A, RIVERVIEW HEIGXTS� TNE SAME BEING 441 HUGO STREET N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: Z. CITY APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN 2. DRAINAGE PLAN BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY 3. RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION 4. LOTS 78 AND 79 BE COMBINED WITFI THE TOWNHOME PORTION 5. NECESSARY STREET EASEMENTS BE GR�2'7'_�'D TO THE CITY 6. RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER A"NO PARKING" BAN ON ONE SIDE OF HUGO STREET Mr. Plemel stated he got tfie feeling that tfie neighbors really had no objection to the variance request. They all seemed to agree that this plan was a much better plan than a 7-10 unit apartment building. Mr. Barna stated tf�at,living on Nugo St, four f�ouses down on the opposite side of East River Road and having looked at this lot for 15 years, seeing in the past a plan for a 10-unit building, Fie felt the townhome development would look nice. He did not really like the 24 ft., but there were other driveways up and down East River Road tfiat are tfiat close or closer to East River Road. He would f�ave no objection to tFiis variance request with stipulations. 2 UU APPEALS COt4MISSION MEETIfJG; JUNE 11, 1985 PAGE 12 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CKAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED TAE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Barna stated tf�is item would go to City Council on July 1. AD�)OUR��MENT; MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDID BY r1R. PLEM�Z,� Tf1 ADJOURDI THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED TXE JUNE ZI, 1985, APPEAIS COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:55 P.M. Re pectfully su itted, eSaa Recording Secretary � � i � � , �1 '�y'�"� °—�T.--•.— : �h' 1�=^ _ ..�`. - ±= LA,:fPERT'S � ' _ = � i t ' . .''�DD/T�ON ....-: c �'-�.. .. . . 1 ..�.•.� ...,: ic'.:..eii, o..ri % — -'--- - ui.�� ------ , �.id •'r.w • . ♦.. �.w i . . ..i•I __ . . _ "1 .�uv�__'�".. � �� � ; � '� : � � ' ; --- -- �;� l i ., 1 � � � �_. ; �. . ! �fo , �s �fe �� 0�� �'.� �. ��� z �� ��CIS �'"N V C/TY OF . 7625 Viron Rd. N� Mobi]e Nome ll�A ��� rrc�3oqR� ��`� / N/J'I C0�'iE . ... . . ...,. .. ,. ., .... � " �-�•�' CITY LfM S •>•••.•-,: � •`""""�^^ ; OF F R 1 EY ' , . , ; � __•r__s � SEG /c'� Ft9y4� ,,... .•: ... .�. ... <o �� • =.. � ,..:..:, ' ± � ..,. ��H. `..� 3 � 2 I ,... ANDERSON � ---J'0�---- 1 ..�.,. --,. � .•�w. --- ' s; � 4 : — i ' ; . � _..o ; S I '- - .. , , - ____-- -- , , _ � �....r DEVELOPI'.�c NT ' .r+,ii... a � v..,...,I i. 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' � � -� . ` ♦ � 4 � / __ S�R c I � � RMC i��� � ' �•' � • Mi� � `� , .� • � • • � ' �' � � • ` •. - _ 1. - � • . .� 1 ; r A� �` 1 1 1. 41[ S � , 1 1 � �� C � � .. - 6 ..,._ ._ _ - 441 Hugo 2 BBB Variance Don Chouinard . .�,. . - ♦'_^. — • ----� r—. . . i M � A —' • • • � a— __ ' 1�� � .� i • , 1 ' ?^ -��M� - --- P:M - - ---- �I o �' _� e'�� -- ,-=Z . ,o. y� y :� S + . - i � . 1' �`� '', r �,'r_ l ♦r� i �` I � ,11 i,,.,,.,,,91 r I �.v �d'. �� � '� �, - � .� � � `�0 T � v � � � i I I �i Iy) ��� � � � � CITYOf F RJ DLEY _:�____ O�T� 6/24/85 ►_ _ — �` Y � ► M, tut�ECT • Oti�ECTORATE OF PU6l.lC WORKS MEMOAANDUM John Flora, Public Works Director TO Nasim Qureshi, City Manager Six Cities Watershed Management Organization . o o� ..� ��o = .�= � _ �� PW 85-192 .:, �o� ,w o — - —� — - __ — With the request by the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization to the County to levee taxes for it's operation and maintenance requirements, it was recently determined that the Legislative Statutes did not authorize a watershed management organization to levee taxes. Any funds that were required could only be levied by a local government unit. The Six Cities Watershed Management Organization did contact Connie Levi, author of the Storm Water Management Act, and requested necessary changes be adopted which would allow the local governmental units to designate a watershed management organization authority to levee taxes. The attached resolution is submitted for approval by the Council as a means of informing Ms. Levi of the City's original intent and support to initiate appropriate change in the statute. JGF:jmo Attachment LAWSON. RALEIGH & MARSHALL. P. A. LAWYERS AOOERICK A. �AWSON 3880 LAVERNE AVENUE NORT1i DONALD T. RA�E�GM • i7AYMONDO.MpRSNA�� LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA 55042 JCMN SCOTT M�pONALD IFjIZI 777-6960 • AL50 AGMITTED �N WISCONSIN June 14, 1985 � Mr. John Flora City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear John: 3A REUBEN G.TMOREEN 19�2-1967 MIITON LINDBLOOM 1925-�936 CMESTER S.wIL50N 19�5-�977 Enclosed please find a form Resolution for each City regarding proposed legislation which you requested I prepare. I have not enclosed a Resolution for each City regarding the levy because after discussing it in detail with Mr. Treska he has now determined that he does not need an additional resolution at this time. Instead what he has determined to do is to pay to each City of the portion of the levy attributable to that City when the settlement is made sometime in the first week of July. At that time each City can in turn turn those funds over to the organization. He does not now feel that separate resolutions are necessary. If there are questions ple contact me. Yo rs t uly, Raymond . Marshall ROM/d kp cc: Members Engineer '>. RFSCt,IITIOA N0. - 1985 A RF��.IITION SIIPPORTIBG LEGISLATIVE CHAHGE3 EAAHLING THE SI% CITIE3 WATERSHED NANAGEMENT OiaGANIZATIOH TO LEQY TABES WHEREA3, Six Cities Watershed Management Organization was ereated pursuant to a Joint Pawers Agreement entered into by the City oP Fridley; WHEREAS, the intention of the City of Fridley at the time oP tbe execution of the Joint Powers Agreement creating Six Cities Watershed Management Organization was that that organization could separately levy an amount oP taxes annually to take care of its budget; NAi TBEREFORE BE IT RFSOi.VED by the City Couneil by the City of Fridley as follaws: 1. The City of Fridley supports any necessary legisl ative changes required to enable Six Cities Watershed Management Organization to levy taxes sufficient to meet its annual operating expenses follaWing approval of its budget all as pravided the Joint Powers Agreement creating said Watershed Management Organization. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to Connie Levi at the Minnesota House of Representatives. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCII. OF THE CITY OP FRIDL EY THIS DAY OF , 19$5. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDNEY C. IHMAN - CITY CLERR 3B � � CITYOf f RI DLEY O�T� 6/24/85 �_ --- ��Or�M. tu��ECT � � _ - OtAECTOFZATE OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM John Flora, Public Works Director SuperAmerica/73rd and Hwy 65 to___._._. Nasim Qureshi, City Man 4 o° °o ..t o� o ��_ _� � _ �� PW 85-194 •:t�o�� o ...� _ ___ —! - i ' _���� On October 17, 1983, the City Council approved Lot Split, LS #83-04 for the property owned by SuperAmerica on the southeast corner of 73rd and Hwy 65. The lot split established Parcel B for the service station, Outlot for the loop back road and Parcel D to be developed in the future. The resolution #108-83 approved the lot split. Subsequent to that, SuperAmerica commenced construction of the service station and submitted the lot split for recording with the County. Due to the length of the descriptions involved, the County required SuperAmerica to prepare a Registered Land Survey (R.L.S.) to properly record the property. When the Registered Land Survey was received, Staff reviewed the document to ensure it was an exact copy of the approved lot split. The City executed the document on February 25 of 1985. It was filed with the County on March 21, 1985. In reviewing the documents involved with the SuperAmerica Stores within the City of Fridley, we found there was no official resolution specifically approving the Registered Land Survey, which could result in a future problem transfer of the property. Accordingly, we have prepared a resolution which officially approves the Registered Land Survey, retroactive to the February date. Recommend the Council approve the attached resolution. JGF:jmo Attachment RFSO�.IITiON N0. - 1985 A RF.4Q.IITION APPROQIBG A S�BDIYISION, RE�ISTER� LAHD SIIRQEZ #88 FOR A3HI.AND OIL COlSPANY/SIIPERAI�RICA WHEREAS, the City Council approved Lot Split (L. S. #83-0�) at the October 17 , 1983 meeting, and WHEREAS, such appraval was to split ofP part of Lot 1, Auditors Subdivision No. 89 into two parcels, subjeet to road easemettts, utility easements, etc. that are specifically identified in resolution 108-1983, and WHEREAS, the City received the required Certificate oP Survey from Ashl and Oil Company/ Superamerica, and WHEREA3, the County Recorders Office required the petitioner to submit a Registered Land Survey in lieu of the approv ed Lot Spl it for legal description simplification, and WHEREAS, the Lot Split was voided by a survey identified as Registered Land Survey (R.L.S.) #88, and WHEREAS, in order to expedite the development oP the property the R.L.S. was signed by the City oP Fridley on February 25, 1985 and recorded at the county recorders office on March 21, 1985. NOii, TfiEREFORB BE IT RFS(x.V� that the City Council authorizes: 1. The replacement of Lot Split #83-04 with R. L. S. #88 in order to accommodate the County Recorders legal deseription concerns, and 2. Approval of R. L. S. #88 as of February 25, 1985 • PASSED AHD ADOPTLD BY THE CITY COIINCII. OF THE CI?Y OF FaIDLBY THI3 DAY OF , 1985. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOa ATTFST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - CITY CLBRIC 3/6/3/2 4A !?EGISTEQED LAND SUQVEY �/�� Qnoko C'oun/y, Minnrsofo. { SuperAmerica . I ��) I i .� No�1h /in[ o�l'ih�e N%z o�' fh! NE �/a o�' �`' I l � h� SwI� Q �� � i c� � o� ��, r 3 o, Q� a . i r'� N89'S?'37"E — � � '''<^.^ ?500? � �'� � , .= • � �v.�. � � g � . � � S 3Rcr �Q ��E ,, � � � i 175. D? s� ,,,� 75.A7 a `ir � I �F \ � w ,O i � v � ` � � 0 b ; �.\ �. v � � � rQQCr e � � � a e N r w I � � � � 3 N � � -c " ° . N � � s� � � � ' �� ti � 4 � : , �� � � � � � so 0 �' _ �u 1� � W � r a� `�^ � `�, � ao, �` j��( cti o h ; l? ?8 '��',,�`� ,h e � 1 V�CC � � � �� ' � sa9•ss •s� "w ;,�` o� � � C� o `��, v ,a�c� � �� ��.� rQQ cr c ����o ,.� r"'� pP 105 ?5 w� v�v 4%'Q'� O ' � �0 �. N89'S?'S )"E , � C � �. ��l v � � �� � � � �� � , � V 3 ; � �� �S � � „ \CO �orpu�'f � ' � � T,Q�1 CT � � � �ht norli a, Q o D ^ v 1 NE �/a ol'. �; � b� N '�'� T 3,; , Q 2J � `�� � � bQvri n9 � ` o deno�t s y�s. • deno �c s oe �J ?,,. mtn 1. � ; �-� ��a.9s � `;� »s. oa � ��( o � _,� s rQQ c r E � �' 72 "�° L, � ,� c� � � � _ �so. oz �; s o v A 1; i� A ii. A — E� CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: NASIM M. QURFSHI, CITY MANAGER FROM: SID INMAN, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES SIIBJECT: HRA SALE OF LAND DATE: JUNE 25, 1985 On June 13, 1985, the City of Fridley HRA met and approved the sale of land in the amount of $35,000 to the City. As you recall, this is the land that the Police Garage sits on and the City previously agreed to purchase it form the HRA. I have attached for your revieW a copy of my memorandum dated June 6, 1985 that raent to the HRA and a copy of the resolution the HRA passed. I am recommending that the City of Fridley adopt the attached resolution authorizing the purchase of land. SCI:sh 3/0/2/ 14 RFSQ�t?TI1Cr1 N0. - 1985 A RE5Q�i1TItI�I AU�ORIZ JI� �E i�R�ASE OF PROPERTY (P(I,I� GAR�GE) WHEREAS, the City of Fridley and the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority have jointly o�nstructeo a Polioe Garage � walkway systen, and WHEFtE'AS, part of the City of Frialey Police Garage currently sits on land owryed by the Housing and Rec3evelopnent Authority, and WHgtF.F,S, it was agreed upon that the City of Fridley would purchase that land frcrm the Housing ano Redevelop�ent A�.thority, and FT�!II�.EkS, the ga raoe i s naa ooenpl eted. NQa, �iERF�'ORE, SE TT RFSCGVF�, the City of Fridley agrees to purchase frori the Hcusing and R�c3evelopr.ent Authority 9,029 square feet of area for $35,000. PASSID AI� A.DOFI`ID BY g3E QTY Q'�NCSL OF i�iE QTY OF FRIDLEY ZiiIS DAY OF , 19&5. WII.LIAM J. NEE - I��,YCR � AZ'TF�T : smlv�. c. n�r�: - cz� a.a�x 5A ._..-- ______ '« •. - �� � M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: NAS I?! ['4. 4URE5I3 I� CTI'Y l4At�1Gf�2 F�G1M: SID II�'F1N, DIRDC'I�OR QF C'fNII�tAI, SF�NI�'.S SZJBJDC'T: HRA SAI.E fF L�t�ID �� : Jt7I� 6 , 1985 As you are aware, the City of Fridley's Police Gar2ge is Farti�lly sitting on l�r:d that was ac�quired by the HRA. It was agreeo uFon earlier tt:at uFon oo�r.:�,letion of the garage, the City of Fridley woulc� purchase that porticn of ti:e land fror,. the HRA. The Public Works DeF.artrr�ent ir.f�zr,� mE tr�at the garac� is sitting on an area of 9,029 square feet. Zhe Assessing Division has informed me that the property wo�:Id sell for a�proximatel}• between $3.80 to $4.00 a equare foot. I arr, recor�,r.�er,ding that the HFcA pass the accor�F,an}�ing resoluticn a��thcrizir.o the s�1e of the property to the Cit}� of Frialey for $35,000. If you have ar�� questions on this matter, please fee.l f ree to let me kna,�. �� � cc : N.r . Jehr: Fl ora, Publ i c Works Di rector T!r. IvoEl Grazcyk, Budget Off iaer 3/0/2/6 5B RES OLOTION �0. HR� 10 - 1985 11 R�SOLDTION AU1ilORIZING THE SALE OF PROPERIT iiHEREAS, the City of Fridley ar.d the Fridley HoLSir.g and Redevelop¢er.t AutY.ority have jcintly constructed a Police G2rage ar.d x�lkw�y syste�, and iiHERE1,.S, part of the City of Fridley Police Garage currer.tly sits or. lar,d owned by tt.e i:ousir� ar.c ReoevelcY�er.t Authority, ar.d W�:EREA:, it r+as agreed upon that the City of Fridley xould purchase trat lar.0 froc the HcLSing ar.d Aedevelopaer.t Autt-.ority, and Wi:EREti: , the 6�rage is now co¢pleted. NOk', T};EFEFCRE, bE IT AFSGLVE�, LhE Fiousing ar.c Fedevelopcer.'.. %UC�:C!'1 ty' dGE: agree to sell tc tre City of Fridley 9,G29 square feet of area for �3:,COC. P��SEL Al�L �UQF;ED BY TEiE HGUSII�G Ati� REL`EV .F�,OPlEl:; AUT�CF.ITY OE TFE CITY GF FfiI�LEY TiiIS 13TF: DAY GFJ(:hE� 1965. LA{;RII:CE A. COF:tiFS - CF:�.IfiF:�.l. F TT� i ; 0 I��IN. N. QL'F,�i:� - DIFEC:C�C 5C CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D 0 M T0: NASIM M. QURFSHI, CITY MANAGER FROM: SID INMAN� DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL SERVICES SIIBJECT: PASCBE $720,000 INAUSTRIAL DEIIELOPMENiT BONDS DATE: JUNE 25� 19085 0 � Attached is a copy of the resolution authorizing the issuance of $720,000 Industrial Development Bonds for the Paschke Project (Paschke N). The prelimianry resolution was appraoved on May 6, 1985. All appropriate documents are in place and the staff recommends approval. _ SCI:sh 3/0/2/19 _� � c�no� f RJ DLEY e�,E 6/26185 V ��Y /�M►. J�,ahn Fl iu��ECt • Ot:�ECTORATE Q F puB��c woaKs MEMOF�ANDUM lic Works Director TO Paschke IV Industrial Development Bond Nasim Oureshi, Ci o°C �°o �.���i0 .=J ��_ -- � _ �S� PW 85-195 •:?Ip� IM�p -! ' r Manager —_� _ _..� _ __ r The request to issue the Industrial Development Bond for the Paschke IV Development involves the property of Lots 5 and 6 of the University Industrial Plat located along Main Street. Lot 5 was designated for development and Lot 6 for the detention pond supporting the University Industrial Plat. By separate agreement between the HRA and Mr. Paschke, they agreed to complete the detention pond by September of 1986. Staff has a concern with the completion date for the detention pond, based upon the fact that the University Industrial Park is programmed to be completely developed this year and tna� one of the tenants of the Main Street Development is programmed to deposit �.1.asL�� water into the detention pond. Accordingly, it was felt that the pond should be completed as soon as possible with this project and no later than September of this year. JGF:jmo � RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TH.� ISSUANCE OF THE CITY'S $720,000 COMMERCIAL DEVELOP- MENT REVENUE NOTE (PASCHKE PROJECT) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. Definitions. 1.01. In this Resolution the following terms have the following respective meanings: "Act" means the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, as amended; "Agreement" means the Loan Agreement, dated as of June 1, 1985, between the City and the Borrower; "Assignment" means the Assignment of Rents and Leases. dated as of June 1, 1985► given by the Borrower in favor of the Lender; "Borrower" means Gerald W. Paschke, his successors and permitted assigns; "Building" means the Building as defined in the Agreement; "City" means the City of Fridley, Minnesota, its successors and assigns; "Costs of Construction" means those costs defined as Costs of Construction in the Agreement; "Disbursement Agreement" means the Disbursement Agreement, dated as of June 1, 1985, by and between the City, the Borrower, Northstar Title, inc., a Minnesota corporation, as agent for Ticor Title Insurance Company, a California corporation, and the Lender; "Equipment" means the Equipment as that term is defined in the Agreement; "Holder" means the Lender and any subsequent owner(s) of the Note; - 1 - 6C "Land" means the real property described in the Mortgage; "Lender" means First Bank Robbinsdale, National Association, in Robbinsdale Minnesota, its successors and assigns; "Mortgage" Agreement, and June 1, 1985, Lender; means that certain Mortgage, Security Fixture Financing Statement, dated as of given by the Borrower in favor of the "Note" means the $720,000 principal amount Com- mercial Development Revenue Note (Paschke Project), dated as of the date of delivery thereof, issued by the City to the Lender pursuant to the Resolution; "Pledge Agreement" means the Pledge Agfeement, dated as of June 1, 1985, between the City and the Lender; "Project" means the Huilding and the Equipment to be acquired, constructed, and installed upon the Land, as defined in the Agreement; "Reference Rate" means the Reference Rate of First National Bank of Minneapolis, as further defined in the Agreement; and "Resolution" means this resolution of the City Council. Section 2. Findings. 2.01. It is hereby found and declared that: (a) based upon representations made to the City by representatives of the Borrower as to the nature of the Project as described in the Agreement, the Project con- stitutes a project authorized by the Act; (b) the purpose of the Project is and the effect thereof shall be to promote the public welfare by the attraction, encouragement, and development of economic- ally sound industry and commerce so as to prevent the emergence of or to rehabilitate, so far as possible, blighted and marginal lands and areas of chronic un- employment, the retention of industry to use the avail- able resources of the community in order to retain the benefit of its existing investment in educational and public service facilities, halting the movement of tal- ented, educated personnel of mature age to other areas - 2 - I and thus preserving the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and racilities and more intensive development of land avail- able in the community; (c) the financing of the Project, the issuance and sale of the Note, the execution and delivery of the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agreement, and the performance of all covenants and agreements of the City contained in the Note, the Agree- ment, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agree- ment and of all other acts and things required under the Home Aule Chazter (the "Charter") of the City and the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Note, the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agreement valid and binding obligations of the City in accordance with their terms are authorized by the Act; (d) it is desirable that the Note in the principal amount of $720,000 be issued by the City upon the terms set forth herein and that the City pledge its interest in the Agreement and grant a security interest therein to the Lender as security for the payment of the prin- cipal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Note; (e) the Loan Repayments provided in the Agreement are fixed and are required to be revised from time to time as necessary, so as to produce income and revenue sufficient to provide for prompt payment of the princi- pal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Note when due, and the Rgreement also provides that the Horrower is required to pay all expenses of the operation and maintenance of the Land and the Project, including, but not limited to, adequate insurance thereon and all taxes and special assessments levied upon or with respect to the Land and payable during the term of the Agreement; (f) under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.10, the Note is not to be payable from nor charged upon any funds of the City other than the reve- nue pledged to the payment thereof; the City is not subject to any liability thereon; no Holder of the Note shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Note or the interest thereon nor to enforce payment thereof against any pto- perty of the City; the Note, premium, if any, and in- terest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, Char- ter or statutory limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers and - 3 - .� 6E shall not constitute a charge, lien, or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City other than its interest in the Project; (g) the execution and delivery of the Note, the Agzeement, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agreement shall not conflict with or constitute, on the part of the City, a breach of or a default under any existing agreement, indenture, mortgage, lease, or other instrument to which the City is subject or is a party or by which it is bound; provfded that this Finding is made solely for the purpos� of estopping the City from deny- ing the validity of the Note, the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by reason of the existence of any facts contrary to this finding; (h) no litigation is pending or, to the best know- ledge of the members of this City Council, threatened against the City questioning the organization or boun- daries of the City or the right of any officer of the City to hold his or her office or in any manner ques- tioning the right and power of the City to execute and deliver the Note or otherwise questioning the validity of the Note or the execution, delivery, or validity of the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement or questioning the pledge of revenues to pay- ment of the Note or the right of the City to loan the proceeds of the Note to the Borrower; (i) all acts and things required under the Charter and the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minne- sota to make the Note, the Agreement, the Pledge Agree- ment, and the Disbursement Agreement the valid and bind- ing obligations of the City in accordance with their terms shall have been done upon adoption of this Resolu- tion and execution of the Note, the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement and the Disbursement Agreement; (j) the City, a municipal corporation and poli- tical subdivision of the State of Minnesota, is duly organized and existing under its Charter and the Consti- tution and the laws of the State of Minnesota and is authorized to issue the Note in accordance with the Act; and (k) the City shall allocate $720,000 of its bonding authority to the issuance of the Note and further certifies that the allocation of bonding authority to the Note was not made in consideration of any bribe, gift, gratuity, or direct or indirect contribution to any political campaign. - 4 - sF Section 3. Authorization and Sale. 3.01. Authorization. The City is authorized by the Act to issue revenue bonds and loan the proceeds thereof to business enterprises to finance the acquisition, construc- tion, and installation of facilities constituting a"proj- ect," as defined in the Act, and to make all contracts, execute all instruments, and do all things necessary or con- venient in the exercise of such authority. 3.02. Preliminary City Approval. By resolution duly adopted by the City Council on May 6, 1985, after a public hearing held on that date, this City Council gave pre- liminary approval to financing the the-acquisition, con- struction, and installation of the Project through the issu- ance of the Note. 3.03. Approval of Documents. Pursuant to the fore- going, there have been prepared and presented to the City Council copies of the following documents, all of which are now or shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer: (a) the Agreement; (b) the Mortgage and the Assignment; (c) the Pledge Agreement; and (d) the Disbursement Agreement. The forms of the documents listed in (a) through (d) above are approved, and the officers of the City are hereby autho- rized to execute the same with such variations, insettions, and additions as are deemed appropriate by such officials, as evidenced by their execution thereof. The documents listed in (b) above, being documents to which the City is not a party, will not be executed by the City. Section 4. Authorizations. 4.01. Upon the completion of the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agreement approved in Sec- tion 3.03 hereof and the execution thereof, the City offi- cials are authorized to execute and deliver the Note, in substantially the form approved in paragraph 5.01 hereof, and the officers of the City are authorized to execute such other certifications, documents, or instruments as Bond Counsel shall require, and all certifications, recitals, and representations therein shall constitute the certificates, recitals, and representations of the City. Execution of any instrument or document by one or more appropriate officers - 5 - of the City shall clusive evidence City and the City executed. 6G constitute and shall be deemed the con- of the,approval and authorization by the Council of the instrument or document so Section 5. The Note. 5.01. Form and Authorized Amount. The Note is hereby authorized to be issued and shall be issued substantially in the form presented to the City Council and set forth as Exhibit A to this Resolution, with such appropriate varia- tions, omissions, and insertions as are permitted or re- quired by this Resolution, in the principal amount of $720,000. The offer of the Lender to purchase the Note at a price of par is found reasonable and is hereby accepted. The terms of the Note are set forth therein, and such terms, including, but not limited to, provisions as to interest rate, dates and amount of payment of principal and interest, and prepayment privileges, are incorporated by reference herein. The Note shall in all events contain a recital that it is issued pursuant to and in accordance with the Act. 5.02. Execution. The Note shall be executed on behalf of the City by the manual sign�tures of the Mayot and the City Manager, which shall be attested by the manual signa- ture of the City Clerk-Treasurer, and shall be sealed with the City's corporate seal, and the Certificate of Registra- tion shall be signed by the Note Registrar. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Note shall cease to be such officer before the delivery thereoE, such signa- ture shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all pur- poses. 5.03. Mutilated, Lost, and Destroyed Note. In case the Note shall become mutilated or be lost or destroyed, the City shall cause to be executed and delivered a new Note of like outstanding principal amcunt and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of the mutilated Note or in lieu of and in substitution for such Note lost or destroyed, upon the Holder's paying the reasonable expenses and charges of the City in connection therewith and, in case the Note is destroyed or lost, filing with the City evidence satisfactory to it of such loss or destruction. 5.04. Assignment. The Lender is hereby designated as Note Registrar (the "Note Registrar") and shall keep a Note Register in which, subject to such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, the Note Registzar shall provide for the registration of transfer of ownership of the Note. The Note shall be initially registered in the name of the Lender and shall be transferable upon the Note Register by the Lender in person or by its agent duly authorized in writing, upon �� surrender of the Note transfez duly executed agent in the following 6N togethez with a written instrument of by the Lender or its duly authorized form: For value received hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the within Note of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint attorney to transfer said Note on the books of the Note Registrar with full power of substitution in the premises. The undersigned certifies that the transfer be made in accordance with the provisions of the Note Resolu- tion of the City. Upon such transfer the Note Registrar sha1Z note the date of registration and the name and address of the new Holder of the Note in the Note Register and in the regi- stration blank appearing on the Note. S.OS. Delivery and Use of Proceeds. Prior to delivery of the Note, the documents referred to in Section 3.03 here- of shall be completed and executed, and an original, exe- cuted cou�terpart of each such document shall be delivered to the Lender. The City shall thereupon deliver to the Lender the Note in the principal amount of $720,00� together with a copy, duly certified by the City Clerk-Treasurer, of this Resolution and such closing certificates as are re- quired by Bond Counsel. Upon delivery of the Note and the above items to the Lender, the proceeds of the Note shall be deposited in a Construction Fund hereby created, to be maintained by the Lender, and disbursement of such proceeds shall be made to the Borrower in reimbursement of or to its order, for pay- ment of costs of Construction pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement and the Disbursement Agreement. Any surplus in the Construction Fund shall be applied toward prepayment of the Note as provided in the Agree�ent and shall not be invested to produce a yield greater than the yield on the Note as required by Internal Revenue Ser- vice Revenue Procedures 79-5 and 8I-22 and any regulations amendments or modifications thereto; provided that if the Lender receives an opinion of Bond Counsel that the exemp- tion from federal income taxation of the interest on the Note will not be jeopardized, the surplus funds may be in- vested at a yield greater than the yield on the Note. 5.06 Issuance of New Note. The City shall, at the request and expense of the Lender, issue new Notes, in an aggregate outstanding principal amount equal to that of the - 7 - Note surrendered, and of like tenor ex�ept as to number, principal amount, and the amount of the monthly payment payable thereunder, and be registered by the Note Registrar in the name of the Lender or such transferee as may be des- ignated by the Lender. Section 6. Limitations of the City's Obligations. 6.01 Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the Note, the Agzeement, the Pledge Agreement, or the Dis- bursement Agreement or any other documents referred to in Section 3.03 hereof, the Note, the principal thereof, pre- mium thereon, if any, and interest thereon and the Agree- men�t, the Pledge Agreement, and the Disbursement Agreement shall not constitute any indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, Charter, or statutory limi- tation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers and shall not constitute a charge, lien, or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City other than its interest in the Project, and no Owner of the Note shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Note or the interest thereon or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City other than its interest in the Project. The agreement of the City to perform the covenants and other provisions contained in this Resolution or the Note, the Agreement, the Pledge Agreement, or the Disbursement Agree- ment and the other documents listed in Section 3.03 hereof shall be subject at all times to the availability of reve- nues furnished by the Borrower sufficient to pay all costs of such performance or the enfozcement thereof, and neither the City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall be subject to any personal or pecuniary liability thereon. Section 7. City Representative. 7.01. The City Clerk-Treasuzer and the City Manager of the City are hereby designated and authorized to act on behalf of the City as the City Representative and alternate City Representative, respectively (as defined in the Agree- ment). Adopted by the Fridley City Council on July 1, 1985. William J. Nee, Mayor Attest: Sidney C. Inman, City Glerk-Treasurer � B � � t c�noF f RJ DLEY O�T� 6/24/85 I�Or t�M C1yde �(Qrav iv��ECT � 0 DcAECTOaATE OF puB��c woRKs MEMORANDUM En . Administratio TO John Flora. Publ� Additional Street Lights for Brigadoon Place . o oo- ..� ��o° � �-.; _ � �-° �S� �_ PW 85-193 •:TIQ� Ilrt� — � — —�,.. _ __ Attached is a map illustrat�ng locations for two additional 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium Street Lights. They are, as noted on map, as follows: A. Requested Mid-Block Light Eight home owners have signed agreements with the City to reimburse the cost of the energy. However, when it came to placement of the Tight none of the area residents want to mow around it. We are awaiting a resolve by the neighborhood and wi)] install the light when exact location is determined and requested by them. 6. Requesied Intersection Street Light Also attached is a petition requesting a light at the south cul de sac of Brigadoon P1ace. This Tocation meets the warrants of the City poTicy governing installation of street lights. I recommend placement of a "Standard Residential" 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium Street Light as shown on the map. Both lights would be fed underground with area residents paying installation costs, if any, for Light A. The City would be required to pay $2.b5 per foot mfnus 100' credit or an estimated $150.00 for the underground feed to Light B. CVM:JMO Attachment cc: 1985 Street Lighting File 0 I �_ � _ .�—�•. .� � • � iru • r`� / _\� - • �` . w ��00.�.�' .� •_ r � ' i, I• '*%r � .�r I`. �^ . •' . <<.�;` W .�z � � 7c �i ± '' �a+� � �.4 is�s �;� .. , ,��'�.•-- f/ � 7�'�i ' 7��i 7L� p,.t . 1 "'i � � Fi .• � � ��y � � L � � Z �i II, • p, s . i - s.s . �, . : 'I�7L � 7G7f 7i7i •=? � , t. ; _ . - ` '.�:- • �"� ' -` � 4i ��'�' E� �,� � �P . .. 7Li'J 7i i4 Z `� S�� ��� •; I s ' ,j �,. � � . . ; � �� �• �. � ::, ��i( �s�"� � . . ����! C .��� s � `' � �''� � �' � � , � i,.,�, . � �i �.v ••w � LH 7G s� • _?� '�^i %� � , i1r30 t ! c � ��� �i�. � � • �r . 2 , . �. W' . i, � p 7l.s1' � 7i2i W '�� �� a 'IGsf; '� • • - � ' Lr � � '� 76so w Q�`;��.. ���s N.cu� lt 7i/3 ' �:� � � 7��3 9' e • ,. .: ,,,_. _ r, � , a '�s 1�ei� y�oi . � 7��' , ��fs�'.�-• .. G ' •;^�~ ''` � c3 *���� : , . �� . N.E. � � � w • � I � � . �1/ • 1 •q 1 ! •• i t ` : �.• �� I �: 3 �yp / i ,,,o ,+, ' r�c�i, �, ��.! '�'-, C sj .! �-. ./.y c� f 7.� �,, ,�^,•u ^,•, � .. .. . �--� � � •.o� '�i` .: /4f/ �s�o ; � .. f'. '� t �s� � ' �i��3 . ,�*� E�� `r;5 0 ! ,O �s� - 9 4 � s�E � '.• 7 6 T H �,�. IJDITOR' S t� C. ; � ` �r+�s.fr, � �. • r, vy� .' ` � �.r; � t � .. � * ♦ ,: � : F- � � , ,• '• � � � � , �r.�rN i» ,�� %7�s ,5�� �4��, r• �'��� ���c j �� .� !�0 3 ..� � . • r , 7A J.7�I y.,c�..a •w•.c�"o. •�' K�, �eso�� cou�^ ��O S pRlN � �A / [!T �"��— JI 1 ► �+�J• : • t�lo' �t ([L �- - � i�`�__ � �_�"♦ � = �N ��sQ � ��� ��n,: PPi ; r2 � � 2 ; r,� Lp,KE : , . � ` .71CTL� A� /� �r iM�qt "�-L L�KES�"' "' ��"p' ft [ �� . ' . (!• ,) ' q �RI ��sS �� . ..� .. ,� : . .,. � _ :v AVE. —,�,-.�.-., - iM.f . - �s'—�is �y , � i�1 . � • -- •;, 's t. , • � !� •� N • /t � L. � . �� i ,wi..� y ' • � � { �" � ', � � �t �/ /. i�w� �F- — �� .� f..�. ��..., .+ � ' rioo /Lto �G�O y `IGLD�/L�o?9 ! / . ,s�, � j �,s. � a�11_�,.�� *'° �� _ i. /�.�.�► /b//) � � � 7f�t �� 7t 7�7���7ti ; — - - • � =� : � '��` � .�'4 #i ; 6 . ; .� t 'H sr • . � ��ss � � �'' � � ; ` ,. : ,� , '•, 6 �- �,�� 1� � � �"` :,��'_ }.� , 3 't . Q � f 00 `� � ,,. �. � 71�� ���L 4j 1�» �7� .. � `� t - .� , Z - ,.: _ ..r.. _ : . �..ia„ �� 71�� � � �i �� � 1 �► � � + Y � 7 • , � � r jpf � - ',s,� V • , , t r-- - 4 ; ..—�_ .• �u ����' • � w � � „r,R,,, �i �a,iit.l�- • . . -.� -.� �s CITY COUIdCZL� 7B We are the homeoxners that live at the South end of Sloomberg Estates on Brigadoon Place N.E. The homes at this end of the bSock are t5rom two years old to one aonth old. In this short tiae xe have alreacLy had two robberies and one attempted robbery. We xant to petition for a street light for our end of the hlock. Ye feel that the light �+ill give added protection to our hoaes and chilclren. The closest street light is at the horth end of Brigadoon and one hlock East on Lakeside. Z�ank you BRIGADOON HOI�O'a;v'ERS 7C THIS IS TO Fc.'TITIGt� Ti� CITY COUI�CIL rOR A STRr,�..T LIGHT AT T'ri� SOL'TH ::.�D Cr E3IGADOOt: ST. PLACc. A.E. , FRIDLEY . DUE TO THE 'Iti►0 ROBBE�IES M'D ;i:� 0��� AT'Iy"��T�'D RQBB��Y W� r' r�L THAT Ti� I IGiiT NILL CIVE ADDED PRCTECTIO;: TO OUR HO`rr.-'3 AItiD C}'.ILD�.:'7� . . � -7, 3� f . Z< <�c�Ccz-� � ,��'/��� , �'� - � - , ��,� .� � ' � �;�: . �"�-/� ��/l� � � � ..�� �- � - � ;�,s; � ��,--� � � ...C�._, � X C -•-� �' \ `�'�` '' � Cu � y � i� '� �' %i �.. . ; f ��� Q...h.�- iQ.2�-.�--- ... _� �c �-r`SZJ C�..e�:lJa �✓ � �5��' �r=�un��.r��ti -, . = r�� ►' � � � �-< �- �-�- , 7s"3,z - l'� :t.�C:;-� I�n�- /i f. � �s�� d � ��� � � s a P,�- � � CITYOf f RJ DLFY OtFiECTOFiATE OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMOAANOUM O�TE 6/27/85 • � ��pr �.��, Mark Burch, Asst.Pub.Wks.Dir. — -- tu��ECT � Change Order No. 1 for Water & Sanitary Sewer Project #150 • o° °o ..� ��o ;�_ -- � �� PW 85-196 TO John Flora, Public Works Direct The Burlington Northern Railroad has requested that we do additional work along Ashton Avenue and add the cost to the project we are assessing them for. The work includes clearing, grubbing and common excavation. If the Council approves the attached Change Order No. 1 we can accomplish this work within the limits of our existing contract with Hydro-Con, Inc. MLB:jmo Attachment cc: Sid Inman r �:t�p� �wrp ...._ _ __ — 9I . PUBLIC WORRS DEPAP.TI�NT Engir.eering Division CITY OF FRIDLEY Fridley, Minnesota July 1, 1985 F�+dro-con Inc. Box 129 North Branch, b!; 55056 Subject: Change Order �1� Water and Sarltary Sa+er Project /1�0 Gentleaen: You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for water ar:� Sar.itary Seuer Project #150 by adding tie fol_ow:ng: ADDITIONS Additional lot grading and clearing and grubDing for Buriingtor. hcrtherr. Railway ITEM APPROX. QUAI7TITY UI�IT PRICE AN.OU?;T �. (�iTaG�1T.E 4�0�� CU.Ft. �.47 � 5�88C.�� 2. Clearing � L�p S� Gr�Dbing TOTI4L CHAI`CE ORDEk �� 6,ECQ.00 a 6,60C.00 ORIGI!`AL CONTF?ACT PRICE Cf?AICGEORDEFtf1 (w�S#150) REYISID CONTAACT AMOUt:T � 12,6EC.00 +t123,456.78 +� 12 � 6 80 . 00 �13E,?36.78 Sub�itteC ar.d aFproved by John G. Flcra, PuSZ:: Works Director or. ti:e t st day cf July, t 985 . Prepared by Checked by l L John G. Flora, F. F. Public Horks Directcr 9A Iiydro-Con Inc. Pa.ge 2 Char.ge Order �1 Water 6 Serrer Project �150 Apprwed and accepted this day of __� �9�5 by I?ydro-Con Inc. HYDRa-CON INC. Tom Halls, Presider.t �p�roved and accepted this Fridley, t4innesota. 3/6/4/ t4 day of 19A5 by the City Cour.cil of WILLIAY J. NEE Y.AYOR SID2;�Y C. IN�'.:,I� - CITY CLEP!! 9B ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES 10 JUL7 1, 1985 Herrick � NeWman, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, t�i 55432 For Services Rendered for Honth ot' May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E 3.208.48 Arcon Construction Co. P. 0. Box 57 Mora, MN 55051 FINAL FSTIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 24,497.20 85 Concrete Pavement Joint � Crack Resealing Project H � S Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, A4�1 553�3 Street Iaprovement Project ST 1985-1�2 Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5,37�•u0 Hydrocon Inc. Box 129 North Branch, ly41 55056 k'ater b Sewer �Project 4150 Partial Estimate Ivo. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 58�482.38 Monette Construction Co. 2050 White Bear Avenue St. Paul, A4d 55109 Police Garage � Storage Facility Partial Estimate No. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 59,627.00 Hickok b Associates 5u5 Indian Mound Wayzata, MN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Project Phase II Inpection II - Period Ending May 31, 1985 .• S Reports � Evaluations, Ending May 3, 1985 ..� 221.67 17.11 VIRGIL C. NER171CK DAVID P. NEWMAN )AMESE.SCNMECKPEPER HERRICK & NEWMAN, P.A. ♦TTORNEVS AT LAW June I3, I985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 May Retainer: HOURS IN EXCESS OF H�URS IN EXCESS OF BY LAW CLERK: 30 AT $50.00 PER HOUR: 30 AT $25.00 PER HOUR EXPENSES ADVANCED: Transcript re Massage Parlor: Execu-Form re Massage Parlor: 705 xerox copies: BALANCE DUE: 10A 8279 UNIVERSITV AVENUE N.E. FRIDIEY. MINNESOTA 55632 57t-3850 $1650.00 880.00 12.50 331.00 229.23 105.75 $3208.48 CITY OF FRIDS.EY E�gineering Deparhnent 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Date: 6/19/85 Tt�; Honorable Mayor and City Co�cil City of FYidley 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 10B Q�di(��0 RE: Est. No• 1 6 19 (Final) Per. F]tiding - -- For Arcon Construction Cq. , _, P. 0. Box 57 ._ Mora, MN 55051 � • ` SUt�'U1RY: Original Contract Amaatt Contract Additions - Change Order Nos. __--- Contract Deductions — �ange Order Nos. --- Revised Contract Amamt Va1ue Campleted To Date SZJB Tt�TAL Amo�t Retained (108) (58) Less Amo�t Paid Previously AM�UIJr DCTE Tt�IS ESTII�IATE y�:�Y _s y • y.i �• 1y: �yN : � 24,500.00 s_ --------- s--------- S 24,497.20 $ 24,497.20 S--------- s--------- s--------- S 24,497.20 I hereby certify that the work perf ormed and the materials supplied to date �cjer terms oi the oontract for the reference project, and all authorized changes thereto, have an actual value �der the oontract of the amounts sham on this estimate (and the final quantities of the fina estimate are correct), and that this estimate is just and rrect and �'o part o e"Art�ount Due 'It�is Estimate" has received. �•.�2, Date � �-�2. .�- J - .� � Contr ctor's Au orized Rep�esentative (Title) �:� .: � • y.� _ �i �; I hereby oertify that I have prepared or e�camined this estirrate, and that the contractor is entitled to payment of this estimate under the aontract for reference project. CITY OF FRIDLEY, II�SPECZOR �Y � � Checked By: / �.,. ! �.. _ Date " / / Respectfully Suimitted, City of Fridl BY G. Flora, P.E. Director of Public Works 10C FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 1, 1985 GAS SERVICES Rumpula Pl�bing b Heat�ng 2537 - 5 th Avenue South Minneapolis, NIIJ 55u04 Hetro Gas Installers 2201 - 45th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, I�QI 55�21 Peterson � Pinney 1917 - 2nd Avenue Anoka, t�Q1 553�3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Antco Construction Co. 4175 Lovell Road ?1ew Brighton, t�4�1 55112 By: John Runpula By: D. A. Bill Lahti By: Ray Turnquist By: Harold Shoberg Aspenson Construction 291 Rice Creek Terrace N. E. Fridley, tYW 55u32 By: Charles Aspenson Blue Ribbon Quality Construction Zne. 6 26 7 Kerry Lane N. E. Fridley, t�i 55u32 By: Gary Obrycki D. L. Systems, Inc. ��11 - 8th Avenue N.W. New Brighton, NIId 55112 Richard Hastings Co. 6331 Rivervierr Terrace N.E. Fridley, r�r 55u32 Morin Construction 1210u Jefferson Street Blaine, I�i 5543�1 The Remodeler Inc of Hugo 14667 North Forest Blvd. Hugo, l�IId 55038 HEATING 1Cumpul a Plumbing � Heating Co. 253? - 5th Avenue South Minneapolis, I�QI 55u04 By: Dan Larson By: Richard Hastings By: Revin Morin By: Steve Hansen By: John gumpula -- LICENSES � 2A � ililliam Sandin i'lbg.-Htg. Insp. William Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. William Sandin Pl Dg. -Htg. Insp. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel C1 ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. William Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Peterson d� Pinney 1917 - 2nd Avenue William Sandin Anoka, A4d 55303 By: Ray Turnquist Plbg.- Htg. Insp.