09/09/1985 - 5184FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:September 9, 19E5 NAME _ ,--�j----=______ ^ ________________________ i � � � �� ��s� �%� e �s � �, -,% � i�,-4�J �A t��}-/L�.I �v�.lSc,G ,�,�,�� ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER ------------------------------------------------=====r� ���.T 0 �( - l'I S(, H�Je�/ ' SS � C.. - 7Ta/ ��� s�� �?� � l7-1� 75�/ Li%r-��cu /�°� �'/� %�-- �? � l�/ J�!!/ �' L- Ya 7 a `�<l 3 .�2 � 41� �4�D 1 (/ri : ✓e �7 � � I�� c 2233 � � s �� � �,,� L.� ,�ew liR �Y�t f a-✓ '� D- 7� ; � �v. C ? rr� — �2 � S5y' �-/ l• /T��M� ���-�. C�3.;./ � > T� ��� �tZ� to !� i� C- ' ',3 � � � �= � FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL SEPTEA'�B ER 9, 1985 - 7: 30 P. M. Followir.g are the "ACTIONS TAKEh" by the Administration for your information. ------------------------------------------------------------------ �LEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MI_Nt'TE : Council Mee�ing, Aucust 19, 1985 A�.troved ds sub,;.itte:' ADOPmIO:: OF AGE?vDA: Ad6ed: Considezati�n of Resolution to Ite;. 15 CPE'� FOR�":. VI_SITORS: (Cor,sideration of Ite,.,s not on Agenda - 15 MinutE:.? ho r�sponsE FUBLIC HEARINGS: public Bearing on Final Plat, P.S. i85-03, GrEat Northern Industrial Center East, by Alfred helson (and Special [;se Permit SP#8�-08, Burl ington Northezn by Jon Monson) . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Public Hearing opened at 7:31 P.M, closed at PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Iter, pl aced on next agenda under olc business . . . . . 1 - 1 � 7:40 P.M. .. Council Meeting, September 9, 1985 FL'SLIC HEARINGS (Continued) : Pa ge 2 Public Hearing on 1986 Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Public Hearing opened at 7:41, closed at 7:44 P.M. �lE T�AL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Budget ordinance is on next agenda for consideration by the City Council QLD BL'SI NESS : Consider�tion of a Variance Request to Reduce the Setback of an Industrial Building to a Residential Building, 6951 Central Aven�e I�E, by John J. Ri�sin, Jr. (Tat�l ed 8/19/85--Item now h'ithdrawn at Petitioner's Request) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 D Iter. withdrawn b�� petitioner NO ACTION NEEDED Considerction of h�.pointmen: to Hur;an Resources Cor,.;.i ssion (Tabl ed 8/19i 85 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Appointed Peter Pierce, 572 Rice Creek Terrace ITY_ MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Inf or:ned M.r . Pi er ce of his appointment .I Co�ncil Meeting, September 9, 1985 ?�Ec•; BUSINESS: Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recodi- fy ing the Fridl ey Ci ty Code by Amendi ng Chapter 205 Entitled "Zoning", Sections 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, 205.08, 205.09, 205.13, 205.14, 205.15, 205.16, 205.17, 205.18 and 205.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordi na nce read on f i rst readi ng PUBLIC WOR�--ACTION TAREN: Ordinance placed on next agenda for consideration of second reading Fn g e 3 . . . S - 5 C Consioeration of First Reading of ar. Ordinance Recodi- fyir,g the Fridle}• City Code b}• Arr,ending Cha��ter 6 Entitled "Com,;.is=ions" Section 6.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ordi r�ar.ce was tatl �o by Council PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Iter. pending. Will discuss witi� J.F. return. hill take approYriate action at his direction. Receivinc the F1inUtes of tre Planning Cortn:ission r'.ee :i nc of A�oust 21 , 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Consioezation of Setting Public Hearing on Rezonin5 Recuest, ZOn �8�-02 to Rezone f ror, P.-1 to R-2 to Al I ow Const r ucti on of Dupl ex, 5586 , 557C, 5560 Fillmore Street NE, by KEr,t Roessler..... Planning Cor,mission Recommendation: Approvzl 6 with Stipulations ouncil Action Needed: Set Public Hearin5 f or Sept ember 23 , 1985 Council set hearing for September 23, 1985 PUBLI� WO�--ACTION TAKEN: Have made arranger,ents f or publ ic hearing . . . 7 - 7 D;� 7 - 7C 7G - 71 .� Cour.cil Meeting, September 9, 1985 �Ek BUSINESS (Continued) (Planr.ing Commission Minutes Continued) B. Receive Recommendation of the Planning Corur.ission foz Adoption of the Satellite Dish � Antenna Ordinance, with suggested changes........... 7D- 7E Ordinance referred to future meeting PUBLIC i�iORK�--ACTION TAKEN: Mayor is read}• With report Mayor foz report at Will put on agenda when C. Iter,:s f ror� Appeals Comm.ission Meeting of August 13. 1965. C-1. Consideration of Vaziance Requests to B�ild on Less than 1-1/2 Acres and to Have a Zero Side Yard Setback, 7800 Elm Street, by Jack Linoahl....... Appeals Comrr.ission Recommendation: Approval b with Stipulations. Council Action Needed: Consideration of P.e co,;,.T enda t i on . Variances approved with stipulation PUBLI� WORK�--ACTION TAKEN: A�:�.�1 icar.t inforrr�ed of Ccur.cil aF�.�ro�•al with stipuiation C-2. Consideration of Variances to Increase N.aximu,.. Square Foota�E of Fcee Standing Sign and to Elirr.inate the S Foot Setback Betweer, Building and Hard Surface Area (Mini-Storage Warehouse S�ce) . West of Bt: Tracks and East of Great Northern Ir,d. Plat, by Jon Monsor►.......... AnDea_ls Com,:,ission Recommendation: Denial of Sign Request and Approval of S' Setback ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Re comrr� e nd a t i on . Variances WEZE approved contingent approv�l of the plat U� BLIC WORK --ACTION TAKEN: Applicant of Council approval contingent on plat on inf or�r,ed a ppr ov al 7K - 7r; 7�' - 7�' 7M - 7k b 7Z - 7EF: Pa ge 4 i � Council Meeting, Septenbe: 9, 1985 i�EH BL'SINESS 1Continued) Pa g e 5 (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) C-3. Consideration of Variance to Reduce Side . Yard Setback to Allow Placement of Trailer to be Used as Office Area on a Temporary Basis, 7879 Beech Street, hE, by J. Keith Warner ................ 7R - 7T �peals Comr,ission Recommendation: Approval 6 7CC - 7DD with Sti pul ati ons Council Action Needed: Consideration of Re comir. e nda t i on Variance approved with stipulations PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Appl icant inf orn�ed of Council approval with stipulations Cor,�i derati on of Sign Pl an, PickMick Building. . . . . Sicn Fldn approved PUBLIC WOR�_ ACTION TAKEN: cf Co�;:cil a�:pro�•al 765-53rd Avenue hE, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 F AFpl icant inf or�r�ed Corsideration of Approval of the Six Cities katershed kanaoement Organization 1986 Budget. Council approved Fridley's share of the budget PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Pa rti es inf ormed of Council approval . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B � � Cour.cil Meeting, September 9, 1985 2:Eh BUSINESS (Continued) Consideration of Approval of Sale of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Biock 7, Edgewater Gardens. . . . . . . . . ._. . . Approved the sale of these three lots in Edcewater Gardens to Mr. Aspenson PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Will follow through with appropriate steps for sale of land as approved Cor,sideration of Chance Order No. 1 for 1985 Mi sc. Concrete Curb 6 Gutter Project. ......... Ap�roved Change Order No. 1 in the arrount of $5,845 PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Appl icant inf ormed of a�pzoval of Change Order and pruceed as authorized Consideration of Chanae Order No. 1 for StreEt Irr.prove;.�ent Project ST 1985-10 (Sealcoatir.g) ... Change Otder referred to staff to elir.inate Hol ly Shoppi ng Center pa r ki ng 1 ot and i ncl ude additional streets as outlined PUBLIC WORK_�--ACTION TAKEN: Will resubmit Change Order to City Council for consideration after suggested changes have been made � Pa g e 6 10 - 10 F 11 - 11 C 1"t - 12 C Consideration of Change Order No. 1 for Mi ssi ssi pgi Str eet Lands capi ng Pr oj ect ........... 13 - 13 D Chanoe Order No. 1 approved in arr.ount of 54,08G PUBLIC WQRRS--ACTION TAREN: Will notify contractor of change as autr:�r � � c tinq, September 9, 1985 P:Ew BUSINESS (Continued) Pa ge i Receiving Bids and Consideration of Awarding Contract or, the House Doctor Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 14 Bids received and contract awarded to Enercy Outfillers �LIC WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Will notify all bidders of Council action Consideration of Payment, as per Resolution No.95 fc.: State Aid Project No. 02-602-10 for Improver,�ent �f Ir,tersection at 44th Avenue and East River Road, ir. the Arr:ount of $7,323.97 AND (As amended by Council ) Cor,sideration of Resolution A�:propri�ting Municipal State P.id Funds to Anoka County Highwa}• Project at 44tt, A�•er.ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P�}�r�ent approved and Resolution No. 66-1985 adopted PUBLIC WOR�--ACTION TAKEN: Will forwaro pa}�r,ent for City's si:are of prc�ject and use State Aid Funds to cover cost Consideratior. of a P.esolution Authorizing Chanoe� in A�rropriations for Parks Nainter,ance, Recreation, E1 ectior.s, Pol ice, Fi re and Reser�•E Division Budgets f or the 1'Ear 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resclutior. No. 67-1985 ado�ted CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Made changes in arr: opriati or.s as authorizEd 15 - 15 F . . . . 16 - 16 B Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the City of Fridley to Enter into an Er.ergency Management Assistance Grant Agreer,�ent with the State of Minnesota. ........ 17 - 17 P. Reselution ho. 68-1985 adopted PQLICE DE_PT--ACTION TAKEN_: Grant Agreerent Executed i , � . Cour.cil �teeting, Septetnber 9, 1985 hEh BUSINESS (Continued) Pa ge 8 Appointment: City Dnployee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Debbi Ka}• Heikke appointed as Office Assistant in the Police De�artment �ITY MA�IAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Informed Accounting of new em pl oy e e Esti�:ate� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - 19 A Ap�:roved CENTRAL �ERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Paid estimates Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 2C I Ap� r ov ed CENTRAL ,�ERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Issued 1 icenses C1air� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 AF�r ov ed CENTRAL�ERVICE--ACTIO�I TAKEN: Paid clairrs ADJO(;Rh: 8: 57 P. M. • �� �' FRIDLEY CI TY COU N CIL l_-=--= SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. �' 1 1 , . :'"►� : � 11 1 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 19, 1985 :1�' I► 1 : 11: �' 1 �C . �i iCONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) � � � :� 1 PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL PLAT. P.S. #85-03. GREAT 1�ORTHERN 1NOUSTRIAL CENTER EAST. BY ALFRED NELSON (AND SPECIAL USE PERM�T SP#85-08. BURLINGTON NORTHERN BY �ON MONSON ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 J CCUhCIL MEET{NG, SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 . � • :: ► +► ► t PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON 1986 BuDSET. . . . . . , , . , , � � � , , 2 � 1 : � CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE THE SETBACK OF AN (NDUSTRIAL BUILDING TO A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. 6951 CENTRAL AVENUE NE. BY JOHN J. RIPSIN. JR. (TABLED 8I19/85--(TEM NOW WITHDRAWN AT PETITIONER'S RE�UEST) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 - 3 D CONSIDERATION OF APPOfNT��VEiVT i0 HUMAN RESOURCES COMM I SS I ON ( TABLEO 8/ 19/85 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ������, i � i1�cT i i�u. SEPTEMBER 9. 1985 ► � � ► �►�.�i PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READ{NG OF AN ORDlNANCE RECODt- F�ltN6 THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 205 ENTITLED "ZONING". SECTIONS 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, �- 205.08. 205.09. 205.13, 205.14, 205.15, 205.16. 285. �7, 205. 18 AND 205.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODI- FYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 6 ENT I TLED "CO�N�1 I SS I ONS �� SECT I ON 6.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMh11SSI0N MEET I NG oF Ausus7 21, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 DD A. CONSlDERATION OF SETTING PUB�IC HEAR4NG Oh REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �85-PJ2 TO REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-Z TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEX, 5586. 5578, 5560 F���MORE STREET NE. BY KENT ROESSLER..... 7- 7C P�ANNIN[ CQMMISSION REGOMr�1ENDATION; APPROVAL 8 7G - 71 WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTIOI� NEEDED; SET PUBLIC HEARIN� FOR SEP7EMBER 23. 1985 l,UI:�:C I L fy1t�T I�t�. SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 . •► ► � (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUE�) B. RECEIVE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ADOPTION OF THE SATELLITE O1SH - ANTENNA ORDINANCE. WITH SUGGESTED CHANGES........... 7D- 7E C. ITEMS FROM APPEALS COMMISSIOIJ MEETING OF AususT 13, 1985. C-1. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RE�UESTS TO BUILD ON LESS THAN 1-1/2 ACRES AND TO HAVE A ZERO SIDE YARD SETBACK. 7800 ELM STREET. BY �ACK LINDAHL....... 7K - 7M APPEA�S CoMr�11S51oN RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL $ 7V - 7Y W{TH STIPULATiONS. Cf,ZUNCIL ACT{ON NEEDED; CONSIQERATION OF RECOMMENDATION, C-Z, CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCES TO {(VCREASE MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE OF FREE STANDiNG SIGN AND TO ELIMINATE THE 5 FOOT SETBACK BETWEEN BUILDfNG AND HARD SURFACE AREA (MiNI-STORAGE WAREHOUSE SPACE). WEST OF BN TRACKS AND EAST OF GREAT NORTHERN {ND. PLAT. BY �ON MONSON.......... APPEALS COMr.1 i SS i ON RECOt�1MENDAT I ON : DEN I AL OF SIGN REQUEST AND APPROVAL OF 5' SETBACK COUNCiL ACiiON NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION. PAGE 4 7M-7R �7Z-7BB Cu�r�C�� NEETING, SEPTEMBER 9: 1985 . � � � (PLANNING COMMISSlON MINUTES CONTtNUED) C-3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK TO ALLOW PLACEMENT OF TRAILER TO BE USEQ AS OFFICE AREA ON A TEMPORARY BASIS. 7879 BEECH STREET. NE. BY J. KEITH WARNER ................ �pPEALS COhMiSSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL WITH STIPULAT(ONS _ ,�OUNCIL AC710N NEEDED; CONSIDERATION OF RECOMh1ENDAT I ON PAGE 5 7R - 7T $7CC-7DD CONSiDERATiOt� OF SIGN PLAN, 765-53RD AvErvuE NE, PICKWICK BUILDING . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 F 0 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE SIX CITIES WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 1986 BUDGET. ....... 9- 9 B CUUN�IL i�l'tETING. SEPTEMBER 9, 1985 1 � � 1 •► ► � PAGE 6 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SALE OF 1�OTS 1. 2 AND 3. BLOCK 7, EOGEWATER GARDENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 B CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR 1985 MlSC. CONCRETE CURB b GUTTER PROJECT. ......... 11 - 11 C CONSiDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR STREET (MPROVEMENT PROJECT ST 1985-10 (SEALCOATING). .... 12 - 12 C CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 D COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER 9. 1985 . ► ► � PAGE 7 RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT ON THE HOUSE DOCTOR PROGRAM.. . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CONSIDERATION OF PAYMENT, AS PER RESOLUTION N0.95 FOR STATE AID PROJECT N0. 02-602-10 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF INTERSECTION AT 44TH AVENUE AND EAST RIVER ROAD. I N THE AMOUNT OF $7.323 .97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 F CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR PARKS MAINTENANCE. RECREATION, ELECTIONS. POLICE. FIRE ANO RESERVE DIVISION BUDGETS FoR THE YEAR 1985. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO ENTER INTO AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ........ 17 - 17 A C�����y� I L+yi��T i tvG, S�PTEMSER 9. �985 PAGE S APP01 NTMENT : C I TY EMPLOYEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - 19 A L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 I CLAIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 0 � � � �► 1 � r • i � ar •• i� 1 • i • �r •���i ii�i� r � Zhe Regular meeting of the Fridley City Cotncil was called to orc3er at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLF•DGE OF ALI�GIANCE: Mayor Nee led the CAwzcil and audienve in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. ROLL CALL• l�ENBIItS PRESIIVT: Mayor Nee, Gbtu�cilman Goodspeed, Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick, tb�cilman Schr�eider and Co�cilman Barrette AENBg2S ABSEi�TT: Na�e CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: Mayor Nee indicated that Barbara Kocher will receive a Certificate of Appreciation for serving on the Hunan Resouraes Comnissian fram March, 1983 to August, 1985. APP1mVAL OF MII�UTES • QOUNCIL MEETING� AUGIJST 5. 1985: M)'I'ION tyy Do�cilman Barr�ette to apprwe the minutes as presented. Seoonded L� CA�cilman Fitz�.atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tuianimously. , ADOPTION OF AGEDIDA• l�DTION b� Catmcilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda as preser�ted. Seoonc3ed by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. OPF�T FORt3M, VISITOR��. Zhere was no response frcm the audienoe tnc�er this itan c� busir�ess. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON TI� REWCATION OF A LIQUOR LICENSE TO RALPH VIRGILLU� RAFFAF�E'S SUPPER CLiJB (828� LINIVERSITY AVENqE N.E.) : NDTIDN by Co�cilman Fitz�atrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seo�nded by Cotmcilman Barriette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �u�animously and the public hearing ope�ed at 7:38 p.m. Mr. Sic�ey Irman stated that Raffaele's Supper Club was in violation of a state leaa which states that if a business is in arrears on any state taxes they can supercede local authority and direct the City not to issue a livense. ZY�e situation was reviaaed in March with the aaner of Raffaele's and the -1- 2. � �► ,�i�a► �� • : c: ' L•Z� state and at that time reoeived a verbal okay to issue the license. The C�ty was o�ntacted three weeks ago b� the field offioe and they stated that there is still a p�roblen o�' arrears. In discussion with �e (�ty Attorney, the prooedure is revocation of the license which is the reason for the public hearing. Mr. Irunan stated that in a letter from the State of Minnesota dated August 15, 1985, the state wants to suimit a good test. In further c�►ec:king, it was found that there is oonfusion on the amount of taxes that are in arrears and that they are very close to a settlenent. Because Raffaele's is a good carporate cvstaner o� the City and since they are very close to a settlenent, Mr. Irntan re�rnen�, and the state agrees, that the Qo�cil reoeive ir�ormation but take no action for 30 days. NDTION by Co�cilman Barrette to receive the letter � August 15, 1985, into the record and that this item be tabled for 30 days. Seconded by Mr. Sc�neider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried. Mr. F�alph Virgillo, l�iffaele's Supper c1ub, ir�dicated that he would pay the amamt a,�ed when he is notified of t�e exact a¢no�uit. M}TION by Cotmcilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motio� carried taianimously and the public hearing closed at 7 : 42 p. m. PUBLIC F�ARING ON REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205 AND CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY QODE - �DTING • NDTItJN by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and ogen the public hearing. Seo�nded by Coz.u�cilman Shcneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousZy and the public hearing ogened at 7:43 p.m. Mr. John Flora, Public Works Director, indicated that the changes are to clarify ciefinitions, incorporate terminology, identify conditional use permits, establish maximun driveway slope, c3�ange requirement for curb and gutter, and change the Sl zone criteria for a v�rner lot and setbadc. No persons fran the audienoe spoke regarding the prop�sed changes. M�TION by Co�cilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Co�cilman Schr�eider. Upon a vod.oe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unana.mously and the public hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. OLD BUS Il�SS • 3. Q_�D1�NCE #840 - AN ORDII�NCE UI�IDER SECTION 12 . OLOF THE CITY CHARTER _ TO VACATE SI'REETS AI�ID AI�LEYS AND TO AMEIJD APPEAIDIX � OF THE CIT�DE ( SAV #85-04. HF�ARTI�,I�ID O�RPORATIOI� : MpTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to waive the second reading of the Ordinance, adopt Ordinance #840 and order publication. Seconded by -2- � � i M • � r O��cilman 5chr�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the matirn carried unanimously. Oo�ncilman Barr�ette reported that he had received phone calls f ran senior citizens suggesting that benches be plaved at the Hally oenter. Mr. Flora indicated that the entranoe to the Hally Qenter should be widened af ter wor k i s�ngl eted on Mi ssi ssippi Str eet. 4. ORDINANCE #841 - ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 126 ENTITLED "HOUSES OF PRDSTITUrION. PiJBLIC NUISANC'.E" , SECTIONS 126 .02i 126 .03, 126 .04 . 126 .05� 126.06 AI�ID 126.07: MUTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading of the ordinan�, adopt Ordinance �841 and order publ ication. Seconded by Co�cilman Sc�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. 5. �NSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUES� _TO REDUCE CURBING SETBACKS. 1241-72ND AVENUE N.E.. DE'TERMAN WEIaING1 BY RICHARD S�I9�N_�_T�ii� 8/5/85) : Mr. John Flora indicated that the Appeals Commission has recommended approval � the variance request with stipulation that the variance be extended to the 1988 planr�ed e�ansion. Mr. Flora revarmended changing the date to Navanber, 1989. Mr. Determan is inkerested in pur�asing 15 feet of property to his west and using space above Norton Creek for employee -� parking. �e purc�ase a�ntract will be terminated in 1988; hvwever, the reoonmenc�ed extensian of vne year would allvw Mr. Determan time to obtain the property and oanplete work to be cbne. Mr. Flora indicated that the varianae is to request a 2-foot setback rather than a 5-foot setback for curbing. Mr. Determan is planning to canstruct addi ti anal buil di ngs on the pr oper ty and needs addi ti onal spa oe . Mr. Flora indic�ted that the varianoe would grant a 2-foot setback with a c�ard rail-type bumper 2-feet away from the fence or building. The same variance would apply to future develogne.rtt ir�ide the fenoe ai the southern portian of t�e property. Mr. Detennan indicated that a guard rail at bumper height is easier to see than a curb. In addition, he o�uld o�nstruct the guard rail and would save ma�ey. Mr. Virgil Herrick indicated he saw no problens with the varianoe. Mr. Flora indicated that an agreenent had been executed fo� $20,000 bond to be pravided to the City, a permit be issued for ac�nstruction of a building, screening alang the fenoe, a se�nd application for a permit to canstruct th e se oond buil di ng. 7he �S r ki ng 1 ot w er Nor ton Cr eek m ust be appr ov ed by the Rive CYeek Watershed District. If the �arking is not apprwed, emplvyee parking must be provided inside the fence. There is also a pravision requiring landscaping and sprinkling on the boulevard. Completion of -3- �,W�iCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 19. 1985 everything would be Navenber 15, 1989. Mr. Flora indicated state has requested pavenent in f ront of the new building. Mr. Determan indicated he would prefer C1ass V hard pack or voncrete because the heavy-duty equipnent tends to break up the �aved areas. M�TION by Councilman Schneider to ooncur with the Appeal s Commi ssion rewnmendatim for a varianoe frcm 5 feet to 2 feet for cvrb and gutter and that �e curbing be a metal guard rail-type devioe approximately 3 feet tall aro�►d the building and the s�uth fenoe lirn to be installed se�rate fran the existing fenoe and that �e varianoe be in effect through November 15, 1989 in acoordanoe with the agreenerit with the City. Sewnc3ed by Qo�.mcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Lmanimously. Mr. Qureshi inquired if hazardous materials were rn the �operty and if they were handted properly. Mr. Deteanan indicated that he is lioensed to handle hazardous materials. 6. OONSIDERATION OF APPOINI�iENr � HUMFIN RE9�URCES QON1NiISSION (TABLED 8/5/85) : NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table this appointment. Seconded by Co�mcilman Barnette. Up�n a vaioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. NEW BUSINFSS• 7. RDGEIVING Ti� MIN[TrES OF TI� PLAN[1ING OOrR�IISSION NIEETING OF AiJGiJST_J� _ 1�85 : A. OOI�ISIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �85-09 Z1� ALIAin7 �NSI'RUCTION OF A SECOI�ID ACCES9�RY BUIIDING. A 24' X 20' Si�D WITH AN ATrACI�D BREEZEWAY, 13 1- 64TH AVENUE N.E. BY JOHN RAU.: Mr. Flora indicated the area is zoned single family. �e proposed building would be located in the rear c� the lot with half being used for a shed and half being used for a breez�aay. No objections have been raised from the neic�borhood. 'Ihe Planning Ca�mission has recommended approval with the stipulation that the building not be used for motor vehicles as there is no driveway provided. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the Planning Commission re�rcnendatian for approval with the stipulation that the building not be used f or autanobil es. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Barnette. Upon a voi ce v ote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motiai carried uraanimously. B. C'ONSIDERATION OF S�,TI'I_NG A PUB�LIC i�ARING ON FIi�L PLAT� P. S. 5-03 . GREAT PURTHERN II�IDUSTRIAL CEIJI'ER EASr. _ BY ALFRID NEL90N ( AI�ID SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #85_08 L BURLING'inN NO1�rf�RN BY JON MrJN9�I� . Mr. Flora indicated that the public hearing would be held to discuss the -4- .�.1►, ul�I�f1YI►, i. ,�: y prel imina ry gl at east of East River Raad and south c� I-6 94 whi ch i s bei ng platted by Burlington Northern for a mini storage facility. Items for discussian at that time may include a varianve for sic�age and a varianae to extend the roof o� the structure to be visible fram 694. The area will be fen�ed and there is a security program rn the buildings as well as a live-in c�stodi an. NDTIfJN by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to ooncur with the Planning Commission rea�onmendatio�n and set a�,ublic hearing for Septenber 9� 1985. Seoonded by O��cilman Gooclspeed. Upon a vaive vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried tmanimously. C. ITEN! FF�JM APPEAI� OOMMISSION I�.�ING OF J[7LY 23. 1985: QONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE RE4UEST Z� REDUCE THE SE,TBACK OF AN I1�IDUSTRIAL BUII�ING TO A RESIDENrIAL BUILDING, 6951 CENI'RAL AVENUE N.E.. JOEIIV J. RIPSIN, JR. NDTION by O�tmcilman Barrette to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Sd�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. 8. G10NSIDERATIOiN OF SETrING PUBLIC HEARING UATE TO CONSIDER MODIFICATIONS TO CITY OF FRIDI�Y HOUSING PLAN: Mr. John Flora indicated that a publ ic hearing must be held in order to amend the housing plan for m�ici�al housing. Acoording to state law, The public hearing must be announced 30 days prior to being held and the suggested date is October 7, 1985. Mr. Qureshi indicated that �e current plan was apprwed in 1982. The plan now requires modifications. �tmcil menbers would reoeive the proposed plan two to three weeks prior to the piblic hearing. ��mcilman Barnette asked if there was a deadlim. Mr. Qureshi indicated a time prolalen does exist, hawever Cotmcil menbers would have ample time to reviaa the gtan. MJTION by Cotmcilman Barrette to set the public hearing date for October 7, 1985. Seoonded b,� Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick. NDTION ky Gbuncilman Schneider to reoeive the proposed plan, review the gl an, and schedul e the put,il ic hearing f ar the f i rst Ci ty Co�cil meeti ng i n 1986. Sev�nded tr,� Councilman Gooclspeed. Mayor Nee requested further information on the deadline. Mr. Qureshi indicated the possibility of losing Federal funds makes it neoessary to exercise opticns at this time. Because the plan must cp to the Metropolitan Coimcil for approval and to the State, anple time must be allaaed before the actual deadlir�e for this to take plaoe. Upon a roll ca].1 vote for the amencfient of the actirn, Councilman Barnette and Fi.tpzatrick voted no, �tmcilman Scfineider and Goodspeed vated yes, and -5- ��� i� r � :__ri_ �]�LI� I�yor Nee voted no. I�yor Nee declared ,the motion failed tr� a 3 to 2 vote. Upon a roll call vote on the original motion, Councilman Barnette, Fitzpatrick and Gooct�peed and Mayor Nee voted yes. Councilman Schneider voted no. I�hyor Nee declared the motion carried b� a 4 to 1 vote. 9. ,�ION #b4-1985 AiTrfi�RIZII� CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUI�ID, REVENUE SHARTNG Ft7I�ID. CABLE TV FUI�ID. F�ME OWI�RSHIP FU1�ID, AI�ID HRA FUI�ID FOR THE YEAR 1984• I�. Sic3zey Irman reviaaed the resolutirn and the c3�anges being authorized. PDTB�I by CA�cilman Schr�eider to adopt resolution #64-1985. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. 10. RE90I�)TION �65-1985 AiirHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE GRANT APPLICATION AN EXEC�l'I'ION OF TI� GRANr AGREEMEN'IL-ANOKA TRI-CITY ALCOHOL COUNTERMEASURE (A.T.A.C.) : --- NDTIO�] tyy Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt resolution �65-1985. Seoonded by G��cilman Schr�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the moti on ca r ri ed imanimously . 11. QAIMS • NDTIDN by Couzcilman Barnette to authorize payment of claims no. 4019 to 4256. Sewnded tr� Cotmcilman Schr�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12 . ESTIMATES • NDTD�N by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to ap�xave the estimates as su}�nitted. Her r i ck & Nc-�aman, P. A. 6279 University Avenue N.E. FYidley, NN 55432 For Legal Servic�es Rendered far July, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,376.85 Hydro-C,on Inc. Box 129 Pbrth Brandz, M�1 55056 FINAL F.STIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,691.29 Water & Sewer Proj ect #150 Rillmer F1ec�ric 7901 Brooklyn Boul evard Brooklyn R3rk, MV 55445 -6 - �pUNCiL t��rING UF AiIGUST 19. 1985 FINAL ESTII�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 42,880.00 Mississippi Street Lic�ting Ptoject H & S A.��halt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, MV 55303 Street Impravenent Project ST 1985-1&2 F�rtial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36,646.06 Albrec�t Irrigation 1408 W. �tmty Raad C Roseville, M�] 55113 Partial Estimate No. 1 Mississippi Street Irrigation Project ....$ 9,222.98 Seoonded tr� Coincilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. 13. LICEISSES NDTD�] by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to apprave the li�enses as sudnitted and as on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe. Se�nded by Councilman Schneider. t)pon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously . ADJOU�IlKENI' MOTION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ��ncilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the moti on ca r ri ed tuianimously and the Regul ar Meeti ng of th e Fr i dl ey Ci ty �u�►cil � August 19, 1985, adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully sutrnitted, LaVonne (boper William J. Nee Acting Secretary N�yor to the Gity Go�.mcil -7- I � �� � CITYOf f R1 DLEY O�t[ 9/5/85 .-_ - - -- /� Y t ► �. �v��ECT � pcAECTOaATE OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMOAANOUM John Flora, Public Works Director Final Plat, P.S. #85-03 TO y-- -- Nasim Qureshi, City Manager PW 85-275 �:t�p� Iwr� — - -_ — --._ --- — — _ --_ When the Burlington Northern people originally came in to discuss platting this property, we indicated a desire to have the existing Naegele billboard sign located on the property by the railroad and 694 section removed. At the Planning Commission meeting, this item was apparently overlooked. Recommend the Council add the additional stipulation to that recommended by the Planning Commission, that the billboard sign be removed if the plat is approved and the Special Use Permit for the Mini-Storage Facility is granted. J6F:jmo 1A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7� 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Minton asked wPt�t this building would be used for. Mr. Rau stated he ori 'nally intended to build a 24' x 10` shed but decided to add 10 more feet for a breezeway. He stated the shed would be used strictly for storage of wnmower, garden equipment, etc., and a bbat, Mr. Bob Calderon, 6401 Cent�l Ave., stated he was a neighbor, and he had no objection to this building. \ MOTION BY MR. SA.BA, SECONDED BY 1�4. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE TNE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP ll85-09. \ UPON A VOICE VOTE', ALL VOTING AYE, CiJl�IRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:44 P.M. � MOTION BY MR. KONDRICR, SEGt�NDED BY MR. M TON, TO REC01N1NEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE ERMIT, SP �85-09, BY JOHN I2AU, PER SECTYON 205.07, 1, C, 1 OF TXE FRIDLEY C Y CODE TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A 24• BY 20' ED WITN AN ATTACHED BREEZEWAY ON LOT 2, BIACK 1, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, THE E BEING I341 - 64TH AVENUE N.E., WITH THE STIPULATION THAT TXE BUILDING NOT BE US FOR MOT1�R VENICLES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNA L DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated this item would go to City Council o Aug. 19. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #85-03, GREAT , eing a rep a o a that par o e quar er o ec ion ,-,- and of the NE quarter of Section 27, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, that lies Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 694, Easterly of the Easterly line of the Plat of Great Northern Industr�al Center, Fri�le�, Northerly of the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block l, Midwest Addition and Westerly of a line 92.9 feet Westerly of and parallel with the center line of the Burlington Northern Inc, main tracks as it now exists. Containing 12.4 acres more or less. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, Tt� OPEN THE PUBLIC XEARING ON ►i85-03, GREAT NORTXERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST, BY ALFRED NELSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CIYAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARF.D TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:47 P.M. Mr. �obinson stated this proposal involved approx. 12.4 acres located south of 694 and west of the Burlington Northern railroad spur. It was in a plat of land that is rapidly developir•ng. The zoning for the entire plat was M-2 (heavy industrial) and the proposed use of mini-storage would fit into that zoning. � 1L PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Robinson stated access to the plat would be througfi 53rd Way onto Industrial Boulevard which would be extended in a new street (Ashton). He stated two existing railread spurs would remain as outlots dividing the site into two distinct tax parcels. Mr. Robinson stated the only stipulation was the park fee de paid before the plat is recorded� and the petitioner has agreed with that stipulation. Engi- neering on the development is being worked out with city staff, and they feel all requirements will be complied with with no problems. He stated the third item on the agenda was a public hearing for a special use permit Which was related to the business proposed for this proeprty. Mr. Al Nelson, Burlington Northern, stated this was formally o�erating property which was not included in their original plat of the industrial park. Concurrent with the interest in developing the property plus the fact that the operating use of the property has been released freeing it up for development purposes, that was the reason for platting the area. Ms. Schnabel askec� if B�rlington Northern was selling the property. Mr. Nelson stated they are selling the 7+ acres, leaving 3+ acres which. they will also be selling, MOTION BY NR. SABA, SECONDED BY NR. 1NINTON, TO CLOSE TXE PL'BLIC XEARING ON PS. M85-03. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING $YE, CHAIRWO"!AN SCKNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:57 P.M. NOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY NR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF PR£LIMINARY PLAT, P.S. N85-03, GREAT A'ORTXERN INDUSTRIAL CENTEP. EAST BY R.FRED NELSON, BEING A REPLAT OF ALL THAT PART OF THE SE QUARTER OF SECTIOsN 2?, T-30� P.-24 AND OF THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 27� T-30, R-24, ANOY.A COUNTY TXAT LIES SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTXERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE f1IGHWAY NO. 694, EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF TNE PLAT OF GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER, FRIDLEY, NORTHERLY OF THE NORTNERLY LINE OF IAT 1, BLOCY. 1, INIDWEST ADDITION AND WESTERLY OF A LINE 92.9 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL W�f THE CENTER LINE OF THE BURLINGT10ti NORTHERN INC. MAIN TRACIGS AS IT NOW EXISTS. C�ONTAINING 1?.4 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE PARK FEE BE PAID b�FORE THE PLAT IS RECORDED. UPO11 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEZ DECLARED TXE MOTI?: CARRIED UNANINOUSLY. 3. PUBLIC HEARIt�G: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �85-08, BURLINGTON HE , BY NS er ect�on ., , o t e ri ey �ty o e o a ow�ex erior s orage of materials and equipment on a strip of land generally located West of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and East of the Great Northern Industrial Center Plat. All lying in the South half of Section 22, T-30, R-24 and in the North half of Section 27, T-30, R-24, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 1C PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING LAUGUST 7. 1985 PAGE 4- MOTION BY MR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP �t85-08,BURLINGTON NORTHERN, BY JON MONSAN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXALRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this proposal was for Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, of the praposed plat. It involved use of approx. 7.3 acres, lhe building area was 127,930 sq. ft. Lot coverage was 37�, and nine parking stalls were proposed for the plan. Mr. Zobinson stated the proposal was for outside storage of recreational vehicles. The storage facilities would not be visible from any public right- of-way except possibly from 694 and that visibility would be limited. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner has completed a landscape plan with screening of parking areas, drives, and storage area. Staff's only stipulation was that the landscaping plan and screening be worked out with staff. Engineering is proceeding with a plan for on-site drainage. Concrete curb and gutters will be around the perimeter of the site. Mr. Jon Monson stated they are purchasing the property from Burlington Northern. Ne stated it was a somewhat broken up site in terms of efficiency with the Burlington Northern railroad spur going through it. Fortunately the spur is used infrequently (1-2 times a month). The spur which goes to Plywood Minnesota is currently not in use at all, and they have requested that Plywood Minnesota take it out. Plywood Minnesota does not use it, but they want to leave their options open. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding the railroad spur, do they want the gate to run across the tracks on each side to prevent the trains from going through or do they want gates to run parallel with the tracks? Mr. Monson stated that was a good question, and in their negotiations with Burlington Northern, they have expressed their preference for putting gates across the tracks. From a property standpoint, Burlington Northern would be in favor of it, but from an operational standpoint, they would not. Whether it goes like that or whether they end up putting up a moving gate parallel to the tracks is a matter of negotiation at this time. They feel their preference for the perpendicular placement of gates was not unreasonable due to the infrequency of trains and the proximity of the gates. Mr. Kondrick stated that regarding open storage, is the property going to be fenced on all sides? Mr. Monson stated, yes, because security was of prime concern to them. They are the only mini-storage company in the area which alarms every door. This doesn't apply to the outdoor storage except for the fact that they use a parking lot type of gate access�to get on the site. They not only have chain link gates that close after 9 p.m, until 7 a.m., but they also have a computer 1D pLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 5 system where a person has to register his/her personal code to get in and out, and then they also have data on file as to who comes and goes. Mr. Wellan stated that with a double gate system at the railroad spur, what kind o,f problems could they run into as far as fire or police emergencies? Mr. Monson stated that because they prefer the perpendicular gates, there would not be a problem. There might be roore of a problem in the case of a power outage that would preclude easy access across the tracks. That was not to say the fire trucks could not access f rom Plywood Minnesota or along the railroad right-of-way because it looks like there is good access from all around the , property. Mr. Kondrick asked if there were provisions in the contracts with the renters that prevented the renters from storing chemicals. Mr. Monson stated, yes, t�ey do have provisions in the lease agreement that prevent the storage of any materials that are dangerous in any way. Mr. Kondrick stated he had a concern relative to vandalism. It seemed that areas along railroad tracks were extremely vulnerable to vandalism and that type of thing. Mr. Monson stated they have experienced being by railroad tracks at their St. Louis Park facility. That facility is within 100 ft. of the tracks. They feel more comfortable in Fridley than in St. Louis Park because in Fridley they can put up an 8 ft. high chain link fence while in St. Louis Park they can only put up a 6 ft, fence. However, they have not had any problem in St. Louis Park-- probably more problems with kids in the neighborhood than with transients. The site is very clean, the garage doors are alarmed, and even if there is unauthorized entry, what persons can do on the property is very limited. If they try to get in a unit, as soon as the lock is cut or the door opened, an alarm will go off. He stated they have 3M monitor system, and they have a good working relationship with the City of St. Louis Park so that if and when help is needed, the police will respond. They do not want to endanger the resident manager so they do ask for that type of support from the city. Ms. Schnabel asked about lighting. Mr. Monson stated they use a high pressure sodium light which is spaced so they can light not only the perimeter but also the interior aisle From the lights on the building. The unique feature they have is the covered aisles which are lit on the ceiling. Ms. Schpabel asked about electrical outlets, water, or drains available to the renters. Mr. Monson stated that in the rental agreement they try to make it clear that these units are for passive use only and are not intended as a workshop area. That disrupts the whole purpose of mini-storage. So, no, the renters will not have access to water, if a renter wants a light in his/her unit, it will cost so much extra. Because of the way tfiey are c�r�`�y;:� �� �:'� `""''.�"" "` 1E PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 6 their operating hours, the use and requirement of electricity is really kept at a minimum. They do have outlets that a renter has access to for a trouble light. There are no interior drains. All the water leaving the site will go down into the middle of the drive aisle which is 40 ft. wide in the middle and 25 ft. wide on the outside and then channeled away to a catch basin. Ms. Schnabel asked about the office/residence and snow removal. Mr. Manson stated there will be an office/residence where the resident manager will leave. They do have their own maintenance vehicles, but sometimes they have to contract with larger vehicles for snow removal. In case of heavy snowfall, the snow is hauled out to another dumping ground. Mr, Monson stated the gate hours are 7 a.m, to 9 p.m, and the office hours are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOTION BY MR. SABA, S£CONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCEIIVABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING CLOSED AT 8:42 P.M. Mr. Oquist stated he was impressed with this proposal and was very impressed with the security. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMI2', SP A�85-08, BURLINGI�ON NORTHERN, BY JON MONSON, PER SECTION 205.18.I, C, 9 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALIAW EXTERIOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ON A STRIP OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF TXE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD TRACKS AND EAST OF THE GREAT NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CENTER PLAT. ALL LYING IN TNE SOUTN NALF OF SECTION 22, T-30, R-24 AND IN 2NE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 27, T-30, R-24, COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA, WITN THE STIPULATION TNAT TNE LANDSCAPE PLAN BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CNAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIEn UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated that at their Aug. 19th meeting, the City Council will set a public hearing on this item for Sept. 9, so the special use permit, the plat, and a sign variance will all go to the City Council on Sept. 9. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPME COMMISSION REVIEW: Mr. Oquist stated that the Planning Commission members knew, in the past the members of the Commun Development Commission have had the problem of the lack�of direction for t' commission. He stated they have again f�ad a lengthy discussion and feel th are really nothing more than a mini-Planning Corrmission. Things they normal would have done in the past have more or less been taken over by the HRA, so the orrrnunity Development Commission is somewhat lost as to what direction their comm sion should go. •: . r ; � . . - �• ; � ;� � �. , . . -: ,� � .. P.S. #85-03 ,.4 F , � `���3�— . � , .; t � Great Northern Indus.F.u,,_ .,t - it ! --=--..__.=_-- ' �•.•'�,—.' =--�=.��_.._, _ ' Alfred Nelson �- -- -- ' T - :"' - -- .�.._--- �vrE'RS`t,ar�- - - - w � - � � Ic(drd 1 .�..L ,- "' � �sfiArE - � �` `'�. :I�•;� � � � -.�:��, --f'"�__'__ , � �+ �- � 1 � ..�..,.,,,.. ,`� � I -- WAY -- i.. `'t�7.�-, - .�� _ . _ .. 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' £0-58# 'S'd 1H � i R L 0 � i —� SP#85-08 Burlington Northern Jon Monson � �I. . 's � i `� ' 8 I r--- i� � � �- �-- _L._, � «.i-' L.`-i Q�4 i I i� � , �. `�. � ����\�� : ��� . �o a R �! 84 '_'� �� �� 4 ,� � = n I � a � o_ � i; I �� '', �.'3'G\i� �']I'�L7 1t� 8Q i 1 � �l. . . , ; ; � � ■ � . .� �": :� � �• � . �y . � � . ... S � � - - -- - - - � �• � '--r . � , r 1i a �� �� ' � . � . �� � � .� O ; .� �— � W � Z � H'f � N ' .f,OI .o',S/ i PapM UOSUOW U0� O 1 uaay�aoN uo�6u�tan8 80-58# dS � �� � �� ru �E� `�� o � � � � � � •t 1J (Otficial Publication) P08LIC EB�YI�: �� � �� �� �a TO WHOH IT HA7 CONCERH: hotice is hereby givea that there xill be a PuDlic Bearing Defore the City Couacil o! the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenua Northeaat on Honday, September 9. 7985 in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. for the purpoee of: Conducting the Budget Hearing Por tUe 1986 Hudget� including Federal Revenue Sharing Funda Por 1986. The City oP Fridley would like to eztend invitationa to all citizen� and particulary senior citizena to participate in thia public hearing oa the 1986 Budget eapecially Reveaue Sharing Funda and to make written or oral comments. The unappropriated funds tor Revenue Sharing on dand are none. Reveaue Sdariag Funda budgeted tor 1986 are E232,652. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter xill be heard at t61s meeting. Detailed information may be obtained at the Citq !lanager's ofPice, 6431 Univeraity Aveaue NortheasL� Fridley, MN 55432. G�SRAL P�� BS?IMAT� 4E9�t1� Taxes and Special Assessments: Current Ad Valorem Delinquent� Penalties, Forfeited Special Assessments Licenses and Permit9: Licenses Permits Intergovernmental: Federal State - Homestead Credit (Current Ad Valorem) Local Government Aid All Other Charges for Servicea Fines and Forfeits Intereat on Investmenta Mlscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources: M.unicipal State Aid Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Liquor Fund 2'OTAL BE��IfB3 �/D 01ffiiit FI7�/CI�i SOQRCE3 Fund 8alance: Designated for Replacement of Fixed Assets General Fund Surplua TOTAL F�1� B�I.�/(� TOiAi. G�BH�I. FOIID SPBCI�I. @E�08 FOIIAS He�enus Sharins Pt�nd State lid Pund C3Q�f ii F110d ?O2A1. SPBCLL �EVBYQB FUl@S D�i SSBYICS PQIID3 Ci�io Centtr Bocd Ptind PrQperty Taz - Curreat Ad Yalorem Interest lOT�I. D�! 38i►IC= FQID� C�PIT�I. P1tOJBLT Pi11�S Capital Lyew�e�ent Fnad Property Tax - Curreat Ad Valoreo InteresL Other Financing Sources: General Fund TOT1L CIPIT�t. PiOJ�C? 101ID4 NASIH M. QUAESHI, City Manager ; 2�671�290 as,992 4,900 144,874 115,552 30�82? 367,395 1�858,643 210,000 121,828 160,�62 290�000 5�1,000 tb2,863 232,652 50,000 ; 6.50�,2'f8 150,000 311.768 i �61.T68 i 6.966.046 232�652 414,462 55,098 i 702�212 3#�485 6,666 _ ♦1,151 �- 44�100 55,284 12,600 i 111,98� Lagislative: Citq Council planning Comoissiona Other Commisaions City !lanagemeat: General Manager Personnel Legal Cantral Services: Electiona Finance laaeaaing Civio Ceater Police: Police Civil Delenas Animal COntrol Fire: Publio liorks: Code Entoroe�enL Planniag Techaical Engiaeering lY�affio 8ngineeriaa Street Lighting Stora Drainage Publio York� Maintenance Recreatioa: Naturaliat Rscreation Reaerve: �pppOPYL7I0�3 = 155,38�► 3�2 � 560 617�895 2,099�806 078�901 2,293�833 583.#95 394.172 �6.966.0#6 232,652 4tA��62 55,098 = 702,212 � �1s151 = t11.98M Y 2 3 EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO. 3300 BASS LAKE ROAD, SUITE 100 • BROOKLYN CENTER, MN 55429 • PH. 612-566-1036 September 4, 1985 Mr. John Flora Public Works Director City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Dear John, This is to inform you that we have changed plans for a Northwestern Bell SLC-96 Site on Medtronic property. The new site will not require any zoning or variance from the city of Fridley. We will be applying for a building permit in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ; ��ill �� � � %Gal-iL i�' � � �John Y. Ripsifi, Jr. President JJR/sm CC: File CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COt�tISSIOt� MEETING, JULY 23, 1985 CALL TO ORDE� . Chairperson Gab called the July 23, 1985, Appeals Comnission meeting to order at 7:30p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Pat 1, Alex Barna, Jean Gerou, Jim Plemel Members Absent: Donald tzold Others Present: Clyde Mor vetz, City of Fridley John J. Rip 'n. 3300 Bass Lake Road, Brooklyn Center Tom Taylor, 1 7 Oberlin Cir. S. leonard Rence, 628 Brigadoon Place N.E. Cynthia Mabel, 1 14 Norton Ave. Don Elias, 7393 C certo Curve N.E. APPROVAL OF �ULY 9, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSI�V MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL, COI�MISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVE TXE JULY 9� 1985, APPEALS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED l. VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE - - . ,. . equest y o n . ipsin, r., ass a e oa , roo yn 5429) r, Mn. MOTION BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY XR. BARNA� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the A�ninistrative Staff Report: - AOMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPOF:T 6951 Central Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: T 3A �LS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1985 PAGE 2 Section 205.18.3.D4.d requires whenever any industrial district is adjacent to or adjoins on any other district, permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting spaces shall not be c]oser to t�e boundary line of a residential district than fifty (50) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open "buffer" areas be}ween zoning districts for aesthetic and development reasans. B. STATFD HARDSHIP "This location chosen by Medtronics; other sites in the area would adversely affect other uses of total planned facility." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This building would be constructed in the N.E, corner of the Medtronics parking lot. The building is planned to be 14 feet by 22 feet. If the Board recommends approval, th� staff reco�nmends that you stipulate that it have a brick exterior and that a curb be placed around the structure to separate it from the parking lot. Mr. Moravetz stated that Mr. Phil Rustad, 5568 Danube Rd. W., one of the co- owners of a duplex on Norton Ave, had called the City. Mr. Rustad had said he did not see any problem with the variance request but would like to review the location a little bit more and ;�ould call back. Mr. Moravetz stated he had not received another call from Mr. Rustad, and Mr. Rustad was not in the audience. The petitioner, Mr. John Ripsin, stated he was with Evergreen Land Service Co., a consulting real estate firm, that buys land for utilities when they have an excess need. He stated this would be a single story structure similar to the one put in by Georgetown Apartments. Ne stated the exterior of the building would conform to the area. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Rlpsin to explain the purposP of the building. Mr. Ripsin explained that the new high technology that Northwestern Bell is going to develop throughout the whole metropolitan area, as well as nationally, is going to utilize fiberoptics and digital equipment that will allow them to transmit both visual and voice comnunication very fast, It is a new technology that will allow for better communication facilities for the whole area, not just for Medtronics. 3g Mr. Ripsin stated this was stationery equipment. The equipment is left in the building, and there is an equipment operator who checks the equipment maybe once a week. There is very little activity in any of these types of facilities. Ms. Gabel asked why this site was chosen. 3C APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1985 PAGE 3 Mr. Ripsin stated this site was chosen because it is in the middle of a service area for Northwestern Bell. It was chosen because Medtronic w�s agreeable to leasing this particular piece of property in this location to Northwestern Bell. Ms. Cynthia Mabel, 1214 Norton Ave., stated she was a h�r.�eowner of a single family home. She asked why this building had to be on this site, She stated she felt there were other locations on the parking lot that would be just as suitable away from the residences. She stated the reason for city ordinance is to protect homeowners and their property values. She stated she was definitely opposed to this building in this location. Mr. Don Elias, 7390 Concerto Curve N.E., stated he owned property at 1240-42 and 1250-52 Norton Ave. He stated ordinances are for a purpose; and even though he had no real objection to the building, he felt the City should stick to its ordinances. Mr. Barna stated he would like to see a full plan of Medtronics' total planned facility, because this location did not seem like the best place for this building. He could see some visual affect along Central Avenue. The building at Georgetown Apartments was completely invisible from anyone except a few residents in the southerly building. This building would be sticking right up towards Central Avenue and would be visible to everyone driving by. Ms. Gabel stated there has to be other areas around a given vicinity where a building could be located. She was very much opposed to putting this type of facility this close to a residential neighborhood. Mr. Ripsin stated there were other sites. One was down along the railroad tracks by the transmission line, but the transmission 7ine would interfere with the operation of the facility. They also talked to Onan, and Onan was willing to give them a site, except Onan has to dig up an area because of the creosote pit from the old pole company. Mr. Barna asked if it was necessary to be close to Central Avenue. Mr. Ripsin stated, yes, it was. He stated the telephone cables run alor�g Central Avenue, It becomes more costly the farther away they get from the te]ephone cables. Mr. Barna stated he was also opposed to this building being so close to a residential neighborhood. He couldn't see why this faci]ity couldn't be closer to the Medtronics building as�actually Medtronics and Onan are going to be the major users. He could not see why the major users were getting the less impact. He would feel more comfortable if this was more to the south side of the parking lot. Mr. Plemel stated he felt parking lots are never very beautiful. He could see why Medtronics would want the facility located on this corner, and he could not see where this low building would cause any visual harm. 3� APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Plemel stated Northwestern Bell could build this building 40 ft, farther south without a variance. Would that really make that much difference as far as visual pollution? � PlOTION BY MR. PLEMEL, SECONDED BY NS. GEROU, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HSARING. UPONA VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:09 P.M. Mr. Barna stated he could only visualize other telephone company substations he has seen which look like big brick buildings, and he just did not feel this would be a very appealing-looking building, Since he did not have Medtronics' site plan and did not know what other areas there were where thi6 building could be placed, he did not feel he was in a position to grant the variance. Ms. Gerou stated she felt the building was too close to a residential neighbor- hood, and with the neighborhood opposition, she would vote to deny the variance. Ms. Gabel stated she also was opposed to the variance, because she did believe city ordinances had a purpose and that purpose was to protect the character of the residential neighborhood. She �elt there was room on the parking lot to put the building elsewhere. She did not think there was a defined hardship, and again she felt perhaps it was encumbent upon the heavy telephone users in the area to cooperate in some way to bear the brunt of the building� rather than the people who will benefit so little. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONLED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF VARIANCE REpUEST PURSUANT T1� CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE Tl� REDUCE THE SETBACK OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING AA7ACENT TD A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING FROM 50 FEET TO 10 FEET ON THE SE 1/9 OF SECTION 12, TOWNSNIP 30, RAIVGE 24, ANOKA COUNTY, THE SAME BEING 6951 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E. (MEDTRONICS PARKING LOT). UPON A VOICE VOTE, GABEL, GEROU, BARNA, VOTING AYE, PLEMEL VOTING NAY, CKAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE 1�lOTION CARRIED. Ms. Cabel stated�this item would go to City Council on Aug, 5. 2. VARIANCE REQUES7 PURSUANT�O CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDIfCE cuu �iunr�KUUtc wHr. �Kequest David Kondrick, �80 �tonybroo�k�Tay,�dley, n. l70TION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY M GEROU, TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL TXE AUGUST i3TH APPEALS COMMISSION MEETI AT THE REQUEST OF THE PE2ITIONER. UPON A VQ7CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAI ERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � -- 4 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY �OUNCIL -- APPOINTMENT� : Tabled August 5, 1985, August 19, 1985 , APF�OIlV'I'EE • •s.• •• u � � �� • , � _ L 1 _, . � !!�. � � - - � 3/�/21/12 ►�+- �• � s. 4-1-86 RESIGNIl� MEIMBFR Barbara Kocher 7550 3adcson St. NE (H) 786-0944 � •�•�� r • � • AN O1mINANCE RDC�DIFYING �E FRII�.E'Y QTY QODE BY AN�IDING Q3APi'ER 205 Fi�ITLED "ZONING" SECTIONS 205.04, 205.05, 205.07, 205.08, 205.09, 205.13, 205.14, 205.15, 205.16," 205.17, 205.18 AND 205.20 1. M •• M� �, i. M • ' 1�, �� �. � •�� • 1 �1 • 205.04. C�ER11L PRWISDO�IS 4. BU]I�DIlVG SITE G. Where the f rorYt yard setback of existing buildings is //within a distance of 100 feet on both sides of a structure to be erected and is more// greater then the minimun front yard settxick required d��d exi tinglbuildinas are _ _ ' _ '____ ' L_ �.��..L...] then the setback for //such a bui.lding// �.he ne strLCtLre can be six (6) feet more or less of this mean depth �f he a�acent �tructLres but in no case shall it be less than the required front yard setback. .T,.n �� �'aGP where one - -. . .. . . ---- inr� 6. RD�UIRID �FtD ADID OPflV SPAC� (10) In no case shall a fence or similar barrier impede vehicular vision or cause a hazarcbus oondition to exist. 205.05: AI�MINIS'IIZATI�1 AI�ID FIVF'OR(�N� 4. SPEQAL USE PERMI'r A. Purpose. Zhe purpose of this Section is to provide the City, of Fridley with a reasonable degree of discretion in deteunining the suitability of certain c3esic�ated uses upon the general welfare, publ ic health and saf ety. In making this detennination the City may consider the nature of the land upon which the use is to be located, the nature of the adjoining land or buildings, the effect upon traffic into and from the prenises or on any adjoining roads, and a]-1 such factors as the City sha].1 reasonably deem a requisite of oonsideration in'determining the effect of such use. For the �sP of r�ord�nQ. the texzns S�eciai T1�p pP,-�„'t nd Conditional U�e. r�rmit sh�l_� be ��d tQ n�an one a*� the same ,�»r�nant t0 M.S.� Section .._ e�� _�S9 , �t�t�ivision 4. 205.07. I�1 Ci��-FAMILY DWII�.Il�1G DIS7.�tIGT R�C,fJLATI�IV.S 5. PARRING 12D�UIl2II�TTS A. General Pravisions. (3) All driveways and parking stalls shall be set back three (3) feet fran any property line except as agreed to in writina by adjacent property a�r�ers aru3 fi 1 Pc] with thP Citv. 5A Aage 2 — orainance r1o. . . �• r• « i�• •�. B. Exterior Storage storageeof� aterials, �cept for B� above. ��it for any exterior D. Drainage and Grac3e Requirenents. (2) The (.ity may specify a minimtun f inished ground grade for any structure in order to allow proper drainage and a minimwn top of footing elevation to allow for cannection to City utilities. � . • �tab�;sed curb arade. 205.08. i�2 ZWO-FAMII�Y I�]'IIZIl�1G DISIRIGT R�ULATI�].S 6. F�ERF'ORMANCE STAt�ID�iZD6 B. Exterior Stotage (3) T'he City sha7-1 require a Special Use Permit for any exterior storage of materials, except for B� above• 205.09. R-3 GENERAL� 1�IJLTIPLE �1E�LING DIS'IItICT R�UI�ATI(�TS .. . • � • a• �• � ia� t. D. Desicpz Requiranents. (3) C�rbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard s urf ace areas that handle motor vehicle traff ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb and t er. (4) Driv�aay Requirenents. (c) �'he edge of the curb opening �o a g�,rk�na area with faur (4) or more stal�s shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right-of-way intersection than seventy-five (75) feet, or two-thirds (2/3) of the lot width, whichever is snaller. 205.13. C'-1 IiOQ�L BUSINF�S DI5IItICT RDGULATI(�1S 5. PARKING RD�U�TS D. Desic,� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard s urf ace areas that handle motor vehicle traff ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb ar,c] uut er. 205.14. Cti-2 C�IERAI, BUSIi�'SS DISIRICT R�GCTIATI�t�1S 1. USFS PERM1iTID A. Princigal Uses. (4) Coavr�ercial recreation, ` x�' '"�" �•'^^�'�' nq.-��ys and health & f; t-nPsG centers not including massage Laarlors. Page 3 — Ordinanoe No. 5. P�,�RKING Rff,�UIRII�VTS D. Desi� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. ' The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard s urf ace areas that handle motor vehicle tr�fic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb and gutter. 205.15. CL3 GIIJERAL �OPPING �I�R DISIRIGT RFIGUI.ATIO[dS 5. Pr�RKING RD�U�]TS D. Desic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our {4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaoes or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traff ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high voncrete curb ancl gu ter. 205.16. CC�1 GENERAI. OFFICE DIS'II2IGT RDGUTATIONS :_ : : r�. ; a• �: au�a+�Mi.y D. Desic� Requirenents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, acoess driv�aays, truck loaaing spaoes or other hard surf ace areas that hanale motor vehicle traff ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb and Qu�. 205.17. I�1 LIGHT Il�ID[)S'II2IAL DIS�2ICT RDGtTIATI�iS 5. PARRING RD�UIRII�NTS D. Desic�n Requiranents. (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, access driveways, truck loading s�ces or other hard surface areas that handle motor vehicle traff ic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high ooncrete curb and Qu ter. 7. PERFOR1�iANC� ST�IDARDS B. Exterior Storage. (2) Al1 materials and commercial equipnent shall be kept in a building or shall be fully screened so as � to be visible from any public right-of-way or adjoining property of different district. 56 page 4 -- Ordinanoe No. 205.18. 1�-2 HEAVY IAIDtJSII2IAL DISTRIGT RDG[JIATIQNS 5. PARKING R�UIRII�VTS D. Desic� Requirenents. ' (3) Curbing. The entire perimeter of all parking areas in excess of f our (4) stalls, acoess driveways, truck loading spaces or other hard s urf ace areas that hanctle motor vehicle traffic shall be curbed with a poured six (6) inch high concrete curb and uu�. 205.20. S-1 SP£C'IAI. DIS'II2IQ5 5. IA� RFX2UTRII�1'I5 A1�ID SEZB�ACSCS B. Lot Width. (1) 7.'he width of a lot shall not be less than sixty (60) feet at the required setback. C�rner �o s s �>> n�t b� �ess �han G�xtv�-f ive (6�) feet at t required setback. � •• M u�•�. A. Parking Requirenents. (2) No �xirking stall shall be located in any portion of the f ront yard, except on a driv�aay or hardsurfaced parking space, approved by the City and set back a minim�un of three (3) feet from the side property lir�, except as agreed to ?n wr?t�ng by adjacent property pR,�perS an�] f i ��d W? t}1 t1L G? tV. PASSID AI�ID ADOFI'ID BY �iE QTY QO(JNQL OF 7�iE QTY OF FRIDLEY TH IS DAY OF , 1985 WII.LIAM J. NEE - I�YOR ATI.'EST: SIDNEY C. Il�'l1�N - QTY CZERR First Reading: Seoond Reaning: Publication: 5C OF�INANCE N0. ••.� r� �• y��,• i ►: • n�. w •��� • a� �� �� e� •: • � �+• . y r �� �• i • a�+ �� . � THE QTY OOUNCIL QF �iE QTY OF FRIIY.EY DOF�S OFi�AIN AS FC�,LQ�+iS: 6.07. APPEALS QOl"II�lI.SSI�1 9. Lapse of Varianoe by Non-use. Whenever within one (1) year after granting a variance, the recipient of the variance shall not have //oo�ngletea// co�anenced the work as permitted by the variance, then such varianoe shall beooane null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which to complete the work has been granted by the oanmission. Such extension shall be requested in writing and f iled with the (�ty Manager at least twenty (20) days before the expiration of the original variance. 7he request for extension shall state facts showing a good faith attenpt to oo�nplete the work permitted in the varianoe. Such petition shall be presented to the Appeals �unission for hearing and decision in the same manner as the original request for variance. P�,SSID AI�ID ADOFrID BY 7�iE C�TY Q'XJNQL OF ZHE QTY OF FRIDLEY TH IS UAY OF , 1985 WII�LIAM J. NEE - I�YOR AZTFST: SIlaNEY C. Il�N - CTTY Q,ERK First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publication: � � CITY OF FRIDLEY PIANNING COrAfISSION P£ETING, •AUGUST 21, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the August 21, 1985, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, I�. Wellan, I�. Sielaff, Ms , Gabe 1, Irh . Minton Members Absent: Ms, Schreiner Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Gerald Iwen, 5605 Humboldt Avenue Kent Roessler, 10666 University Avenue Richard Heaqik, 12323 Gladiola North APPROVAL OF AUGUST 7. 1985„PIAIJNING CO'�A4SSION MINL*TES: Ms. Schnabel requested the following corrections be made: Page 3, paragraph 2, change the word "formally" to "formerly" Page 6, paragraph 3, change the word "leave" to "live" MOTION BY I�2. WELIAN, SECOA'DED BY I�?. MIIJTON, TO APF'ROVE THE AUGUST 7, 1985 PLANNING COrQfISSION MINUTES WITH THE ABOVE CORRECTIOt7S. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHIvABEL DEC'IARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. RTBLIC HF.�RING: COrSIDERATIOT OF A REZOrING REQUESTL ZOA ad85-02, BY KEr'T ROESSLER: Rezone from R-1 (one family dwelling) to R-2 (two family dwelling) to allow the construction of a duplex located on Lots lA, 1B, 2 and 3, Block 1, Iwen Terrace, the same being 5586, 5570, 5560 Fillmore Street N. E., all located in the South half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. MOTION BY I�. OQUIST, SECUNDED BY I�. G°►BEL, TO OPEI3 THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOA ��85-02 BY KENT ROESSLER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWO:NAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE - . PUBLIC HFARING OPEN AT 7:33 P. M. Mr. Robinson stated this property to be rezoned is located west of Fillmore Street and south of Lynde Drive and includes three large Lots. He stated adjacent Land is primarily zoned R-1, but there is a mixed band of R-3 and nommercial uses along the highway frontage road. f• � 7q PI�1t� K I_;� G CO*L*Z SS ION MEETING , AU_GUST 21 . 1985 pAGE 2 I�, Robinson stated the rezoning is proposed in order to cons[ruct three double bungalows with sero lot•�lines. He stated all lots are over 26,000 square feet and the code requires only 10,000 square feet for R-2 lots. Mr. Robinson presented drawings of the proposed structures to be con- structed on these lots. He stated the estimated market value of each individual unit is $75,000 to $80,000. I�. Robinson stated there is a large easement on the back portion of these lots and easements along the north and south of each of the proper[y lines so there are sufficient drainage and utility easements, as weil as a ponding area. He stated the west side of the plat is owned by the City. I�r. Robinson stated there is a covenant on tfie pronerty and one of the key points was that this property should remain R-1 detached single family dwellings. He stated this covenan[ can be changed by the petitioner and the City and would have to be recorded at the County. T�. Robinson stated, if the rezoning request is approved, the covenant sF�ould be amended regarding the building restrictions for single family detached dwellings. He further stated the scructures should be built as indicated in the site plen and elevations submitted with [he �ezoning anplication and to be constructed with brick and wood siding. rLs. Schnabel asked if tne City had received an�� response from suTround- ing residents regarding this pr000sed rezoning. Mr. Robinson s[ated the City ha; not received any comments. I�. Iwet�, ovr.er of one of the lots, sta[ed he contacted residents on [he south side of Lynde Drive and received positive response from seven persons. He stated one resident was not at home and another was undecided. PSs. Schnabel asked Mr. Roessler if he was in agreement with the stiou- lations, and if the exteriors of brick with wood siding was acceptable. T�. Roessler stated he would face the buildings with material accep[- able to the City, but this may vary slightly from what is shown on the plans. He stated because they are a custom home builder, it sometimes depends on what the customer wants as these units will be individually owned as a single family dwelling, - I�r. Robinson stated the City's goal is to have the structures somewhat uniform to tie them together so you don't have [hree radiaally different stvles of homes and also have them be as low maintenance as possible. Ms. Schnabel asked if they presently have buyers for these units. I�. Roessler stated, basically, they are just beginning, but didn't feel the�• would have a problem finding buyers. 7B PIANNING COM.�tISSION I�ETING, AUGUST 21, 1985 PAGE 3 Ms. Schnabel asked if they would star.t construction prior to s81es. Mr. Roessler stated they may begin construction on one of the units. Ms. Schnabel questioned the value of the units. I�. Roessler steted the cost would be from $65,000 to $85,000 per unit depending on the amount of features the buyer would iike in tl�e unit. Ms. Schnabel asked if a covenant would be included with the purchase agreement which would indicate the responsibilities of the owners in terms of maintenance of the structures, as well as the yard and land- scaping. I�. Roessler stated there wo�ld be a rider attached to the purchase agreement stating the uniformity of the structure itself and if there was to be any drastic color change, it has to be signed by both owners of the property. Ms. Schnabel asked if �he units would have a common driveway. 29r. Roessler sLated they Would probably be aeparated by crushed rock or shrubbery. IYh. Robinson stated there should be a protective covenant on the exteriors of the structures and the City's main goal is low mainten- ance wfth possibly aluminum or cedar siding ao it doesn't have ta be painted. I�. Roessler stated aluminum or cedar siding gets extremely expensive so it prices them out of the market. He stated he didn't have a prob- lem with the brick, but did with the aluminum. Mr. Minton asked how the restrictive covenant on the property could be changed. Atr. Robinson stated the petitioner would draft an amendment to be approved by the City and then recorded at the County. He stated there is a provision in the covenant itself for changes and, in this case, involves only the owner and the City, 1�. Wellan asked about drain tiles for these structuzes. r�. Roessler stated these would be installed as they are a standard feature. Ms. Schnabel asked if Mr. Gearman was involved with this development since he has aigned the rezoning request. Mr. Iwen stated I�. Gearman owns two lots and he owns one. Mr, Roessler is purchasing these lots from them and has signed a purchase agreement. Ms. Schnabel questioned 1�. Gearman's roLe in terms of changing the covenant. I�r. Iwen stated he works with Mr. Gearman and there is no problem with it. _ Ms. Schnabel stated the Commission tends to feel a little uncomfortable when someone other than the owner makes these requests. She stated, in terms of changing the covenant, she wanted to be sure they Would be protected legally. 7C PL1NI�ING CO:�L�fISSION MEETL''IG� AUGUST 21. 1985 PAGE 4 M1r. Iwen atated the City ovns three lots and he owns one of the lots so over 507, of the property owners are vresent this evening. He stated when they pla[ted the lend, the covenant was put in at that time just to protect themselves. - I�-. Wellan questioned the elevations if they were to have full basemencs and if it would be necessary to fill the lots. rh-. Roessler stated the basements will be down only 36 inches. No other persons spoke regarding this proposed rezoning reques[. MOTION BY I�St. OQUIST, SECONDED BY Mt. MINTON, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEaRING CLOSED AT $:02 P. M. MOTIOh BY I�Gt. OQUIST, SECONDED BY I�t. SIEIAFF, TO RECOI�ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROV�L OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �k85-02, BY KENT ROESSLER, TO REZOI�E FROD1 R-1 (ONE FAPtILY �JWELLING) TO R-2 (TWO FADMILY DWELLING) TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX LOCATED ON LOTS lA, 18, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 1. IWEN TERRACE, THE SAME BEI23G 5586, 5570, `�SbO FILLt�RE STREET, N. E., ALL LOCaTED IN THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 24, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COUh'T� OF ANOhA, MIIJNESOTA, WITH THE FnLLOWING STIPULATIONS: (1) AMEND- ME\T OF COVEPla11'T OF BUILDING RESTRICTIOI�S TO BE DRe�FTED BY PETITIOI4iR, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED AT ANOt� COUAITY PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING PER*fIT: (2) ALL COVENANT RESTRICTIONS, EXCEPT STNGLE FAMILY DETACHED CI�USE, TO BE ADHERED T0; AND (3) STRUCfURES TO BE BUILT AS INDICATED IN SITE PI.AN AI3D ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APFLICATION, TO INCLUDE BRICh WITH WOOD/M�SONITE SIDING. UPO;V A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECII�RED Tl� MOTION CARRIED UIVaNIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to the City Council on October 7, 1985. 2. CO�SIDERATION OF A 10T SPLIT REQL'EST, L. S. 4685-07, BY KE'1T ROESSLER: Combine Lots lA and 1B, Block 1, Iwen Terrace and split in half to allow a duplex to be sold individually, and also Lot 2 to be split in half and Lot 3 to be split in half to allow duplexes to be sold individually, the same being 5586, 5570, SS60 Fillmore Street N. E. Ms. Schnabel stated this request foz a lot s71it does not need e formal heazing, but there will be sn informal discussion. I�. Robinson stated this request for a lot split is in conjunction with [he rezoning request which the Commission has just recommended be ao�roved. He stated the purpose of the split is to create six lots vith zero lot lines for the construction of double bungalows. ' MT. Robinson stated there presently are three buildable lots and, with the lot split, it would create six buildable lots so three park fees would have to be paid. 7D PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING,� AUGUST 21, 1985 PAGE 5 Itr. Robinson stated a pro[ective covenant would have to be executed to protect the subsequent owners of the property and approved by the City and then recorded at the County. He stated it would also be aecessary for the subdivision to be recorded at the County prior to issuance of any building permft end the lot split should be contingent on approval by the Council of the rezoning. I�k. Roesslez questioned the three park fees to be paid with the first three building permits. He stated he would be taking out only three permits, one for each two unit building. I�. Robinson stated, with each building permit, two buildable lots are created where there is presently only one buildable lot. He stated, therefore, a park fee would be collected on the three new buildable lots. I�h�. Roessler stated he could not quite understand this reasoning. It was explained to him that it vas a policy adopted by the Council, and how these fees are assesseo. MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNIL APPROVAL OF LOT SP'LIT REQUEST, L. S. 4�85-07, BY KENT ROESSLER, TO COMBINE LOTS lA AND 1B, BLOCK 1, I4lEN TERRACE AI�J SPLIT IN HALF TO ALLOW A DUPLEX TO BE SOLD IND N IDUALLY , Ah'D ALSO LOT 2, TO BE � S PLIT IN � HALF AND LOT 3 TO BE SPLTT IN HALF TO ALLOW DUPLEXES TO BE SOLD INDIVIDUALLY, THE SAME BEING 5586, 5570, 5560 FILLM�RE STREET N. E., WITH THE FOLLAJING STIPU- IATIONS: (1) THREE PARK FEES TO BE PAID WITH FIRST THREE BUILDING PER- MITS; (2) PROTECTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN SUBSEQUEA"T OWNERS TO BE A pPftOVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED AT ANOKA COUIiTY; (3) SUBDIVISTON TO BE RECORDED AT ANOKA COUNTY PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING PERMIT; AND (4) LOT SPLIT IS CONTINC�I�T UPON COUNCIL'S A PPROVPL OF THE REZONING REQUEST. UPON A VOIC� VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMADT SCH2�IBEL DECIARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMUUSLY. 3. STATtIS OF SATELLTTE DISH ORDINANCE : Irh-. Robinson stated the Council had tabled this item fn order to receive more input from businesses in the Cfty. Mr. Robinson stated some comments fraa� SPACE (The Society for Private and Commerical Earth Stations) have been received in a letter addressed to Mayor Nee dated July 2, 1985. He stated they disagree with prohibiting roof mounts, overly restrictive screening, and installation in rear yards only. Mr. Oquist stated he felt they woi�ld disagree, however, this ordinance should reflect how Fridley wishes to comtrol satellite dishes. He felt it shouldn't be changed because vendors didn't like it. • Mr. Oquist stated when the Commission wrote the ordinance they"wan[ed no roof mounts, screening, and installation in rear yards only. Ms. Schnabel stated in reference to SPACE's comment regarding restrictions of dish antennas to insure the financial success of cable orerations, she felt there should be a disclaimer included that the City in no way adopts this ordinance to insure the success of the existing cable oaerations. 7E ''" ^'"��SIC': I�ETING. AUGUST 21, 1985 PAGE 6 Ms. Schnabel stated it never was the Commission's intent vhen they considered this ordinance to protect�the cable system. Mr. Oquist stated this issue was not addressed at all at the Commisssion meet ings . Ms. Schnabel questioned the Satellite Earth Station Zoning Book referred [o in SPACE's letter. Mr. Robinson stated this reall}� addressed persons w}�o are purcliasing satellite dishes. He stated some of the model ordin- ances were really broad. T�. Robinson stated Minneapolfs has adopted an ordinance controlling satellite dish antennas and is considering a revision to eliminate any appeals for roof mountings. He stated their ordinance also prohibits any satellites in front and side yards. Ms. Schnabel stated she is not totally against these s8tellites as they provide a lo[ of entertainment, but felt their visual impact on the community should be controlled. I�. Robinson stated the FCC has come ou[ and stated City'� cannot inhibit this growing industry. There was discussion [hat there should be no variance or apneal ptocedure for roof mounted antennas which exceed 30 inches in a residential are8. It was felt a variance could be zequested for commercial and industrial areas. MC►TION BY I�t. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MK. MINTON, TO RECOMl�ND TO CITY COUNCIL THE ADO PTION OF THE SATELLITE DISh ANTEN2�1 ORDII� NCE, AS WRITTEh, WITH THE ADDITIOr OF A DISCIAIMER REGAkDING CABLE TELEVISION, IF POSSIBLE, AND THE TOTAL ERCLUSION OF ROOF MOUHTED DISH ANTEPII�IAS THAT EXCEED 30 INCHES IN R-1, R-2 AND R-3 ZONES WITH NO VARIANCE OR APPEAL PROCEDURE. UPON A VOICC V OTE, ALL VF�TINC AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED THE MOTIOr C�RRIED UI�aNIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE P:�RKS AhD RECREATIOr COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 19�i�: MOTION BY I�t. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MS. C�BEL, TO RECENE THE AU0.1ST 5, 1985, PARI�S AND RECREATION COA4�SSION MINUTES. ris. Schnabel s[ated in reference tocomments on Page S by Commission members �regarding the "people upstairs", she stated it was as much a surorise to the Planning Commission as it was to the Parks and Recreation Commission - regarding this public heazing. She stated it was not the Planning Com- mission's idea to hold that oublic hearing. .� UPOr A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MDTION, ALL VOTED AYE, A23� CHAIR- WO'.�S�h SCHNABEL DECIARED THE MOTIOr CARRIED UNANIMCHJSLY. � �F P'LANNING COI�ffSSION MEETING, AUGUST 21,_1985 _ __ PAGE _7 5. RECEIVE ENERGY PROJECT Cdi�AiITTEE MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1985: MYTIOI� BY Mt. SIELAFF, SECONDED BY I�t. WELIAN, TO RECEIVE THE AUGUST 6, 1985 , ENERGY PROJECT COI�IIT'TEE MINUTES . IYh. Sielaff stated [hey are moving right along with the House Doctor and N.E.W. programs. I�k. Robinson steted on Yage 3 of these minutes. there is reference to most of FYidley's funds going tawards the downtown redevelopment. He stated this s[atement is �islead ing, in that none of the public service funds go toward downtown redevelopment. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAREN ON THE ABOVE MC7TION, ALL VOTED AYE, AND CHAIR- WOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED THE M(YTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1985: These minutes were not available at this time, Ms. Gabel did state the Appeals Commission had recommended denial of a request for a 200 square foot sign. Ms. Gabel asked about the sign plan for the East River Road Business Center. Mr. Robinson stated this was the sign �lan for t!:e firs[ nhgse of the development. He stated it met all the code requirements and was approved by the City Council. l. QTHER BUSINESS: a, parks and Recreation Budget: Ms. Schnabel stated the Commission had discussed park and recreation development and wondered if there was an overall plan for park improve- ment. She stated, in conjunction with this discussion, the Commission wondered what kinds of funds are available for such improvements and requested a copy of the budget. Ms. Schnabel st�ted the Commisaion has received a copy of the budget and felt perhaps it should be reviewed and brought up again when a representative of the Parks and Recreation Comnission is present at the next meeting. b. Banfill Tavern: I�h. Minton stated he was pleased with the action by Anoka County regarding the Banfill Tavern. He stated it seems the agreement made with the Arts Association is very good. - ADJOURNMENT • M[1TION BY I�t. OQUIST, SECONDED BY I�i. MINTON, TO ADJOURh THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VO'TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE AUGUST 21, 1985, PLANI3ING CO2�4�SISSION I�ETING ADJOURNED AT 9:10 P. M. Respectfully submitted, �f�-C'-c, �"`•�.�l�r . �� �` , ►T«� �� .'I�a , �1��/lS/ON /55 �� ` �a�``� zoa �85-02 � , ---�IA TF �' 4N0 O F . � 1 � y B �.,,� f � �` 3 ., UD/ "S �vea� ,rsionr . O, 51 l � i � j 1 � • • i � � � •♦�,1 � 4 � � � }' • • I ' ��..�. 7 j�� - • _ � �� u � .� = Hl: . K �A'C a:,0�'�Cn . i .` % - , �r � ��''v C�~�v� ��~ n � �. � � ? � .�, p� ��N.. 7, , , , ? , , �, . •' � A ` / ' .�� � � ,. ,. . .. , .. ., .. �� - �� / '' �� �. . . . 0 W � �, T : � / � � � 'f , � , > � - � / -� ' � ��; � ,,'' �' � ' /� -. . , - •� � . r r f a p�� �� % �� Qr� f�' " � . �- - - z , 'Z • • �' E' `' — • _ , ►'' 3 - .. 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C�� � � � 1 � � I �� � O ; � � � � � � � � � ' v � ;�`� , C � '$ i • O s , � l� ' P � .i� . a � � y�` , � � i ; �� : � � � •::. � , �, • N G� � � �1... � T . � � a�l. �r ` 26if __ pov_5_s-- � -----DOZB--- 't �-fZ6S-- � � F� DOZ -- � :� �� � ' o I M..Sq,si,� n '� o�N 15 `' � �, .,•n, � -�-,,�;; .�,.�� � �� h�10d � . � / Y � �I-/C„/_� J / / / Li(,� i � .vi..l7.si./A - - -- — ��� � ��..�.��� : . . - . . . . . ��l I'LANI�II�IG 1�IVISION � ci�roF MEMORANDLIM fR1DLEY MEMO T0: John Flora, Public Works Director ��tEMO FR0�1: Jim Robi nson, P1 anni ng Coordi nator� PtEMO DATE: September 3, 1985 REGARDIP�G: Appeals Commission Minutes of August 13, 1985 The Appeals Commission minutes of August 13, 1985 were not available for the August 21, 1985 Planning Commission meeting. Ms. Gabel of the Appeals Commission did discuss some items she felt were of interest to the Planning Commission including a sign variance for the mini storage South of I-694 which was not recommended for approval. In as much as the other items were recommended for approval and the petitioners were told that they would be heard by the City on September 9, 1985, it would be appropriate for City Council to hear these items as originally planned. JLR/dm M-85-88 7 ��1 . ., 7K 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSYO�� MEETIWG, AUGUST 13, 1985 . CALL TO OROER: Chairperson Gabel called the August 13, 1985, Appeals Comnission meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Pat Gabel, Jean Gerou, Donald Betzold Members Absent: Alex Barna, Jim Plemel Others Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Tom Taylor, 1537 S. Oberlin Circle 6. B. Chapman, Barton Aschman Assoc., Mpls. Jon Monson, 5200 Willson Rd., #401 B. W. Ekstrum, 6401 University Ave. N.E., #301 Linda Hanagan, 7879 Beech St. N.E., Pa�py's Foods APPROVAL OF JULY 23, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY lNS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO APPROVE THE JULY 23, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAZRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS: TABLED FROM THE JULY 23RD MEETING: 1. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE RE UEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIQLEY DE, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YAR SETB C E �STRUC IO F E , , � , , G 8 B Y, Y.. equest y avi on ric , tony roo ay .., ri ey, n. 2) Item to remain on the table at petitioner's request. � � •� � � .. , . � . , � .. . i � • � �� � :1 � �� �. . � .,� .� � °�•� :� � �' �.-■ ,� � . ..1' 1 li ' �i.. • 1 •�'' , • �.. ir�r����.\��r■r.��fdll�val[��.1�6a+1�����.���Jeaai�i�aca�r�r.�...s.a��n�....w�. - ...,.., .! Ill\4J �v� v�v�.�� �� vnn�tini nvut�ivn� �n� SAME BEI G 8 ., eques y ac in a, m reet N.E., Fridley, n. 5 3 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED�BY lNS. GEROU, TO REMOVE TNE ITF.1N FROM TiIE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPE?5QN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7L APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Clark stated they have a new plot plan with the new concept of building and parking, If the new building is built, the only two variances left to be looked at wouid be the size of the lot (which is pretty restricted by the existing buildings) and one of the zero lot line clearances would have to be approved (the north one�. 7he way the petitioner eliminated the other variance requests was to reduce the size of the building and to construct a parking lot along the south side of the building eliminating the parking stall variance and also reducing the lot coverage to below 40� maximum, It also increased t�e number of parking stal7s and meets the requirements of the present code. Mr. Clark stated that if the Appeals Corimission approv�s these two variance requests, the only stipulations would be that a joint driveway easement be filed with the County, because the driveway as shown does encroach on the property to the south, and that the north wall be a masonry wall with no openings. Ms. Gabel stated that at the last meeting, they had suggested the petitioner consider platting both properties as one parcel. Did the petitioner have any desire to do that? Representing the petitioner. Jack Lindahl, Mr. Tom Ta��lor stated they did not. He stated it was very difficult with the unique partnership and ownership situation. He stated they will have a letter from 78�0 (existing building) and the other building recorded at the County before the building permit is issued. They will also have a letter from the tenant nn the north size recorded consenting to the zero lot line. The joint driveway easement will be recorded before the building permit is issued also. He stated they have no objection to the stipulation for a fire-rated wall on the north side. MOTION BY MS, GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XEARING. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:50 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated it would appear that in order to build anyth�ng on this particular lot, it would require a fairly small building--probably too small to be very usable for this type of area. This was a far preferable plan than the one presented at the last meeting. It would seem to serve the purposes of the city as well as the petitioner. Ms. Gerou stated she would be more in favor of this buiiding plan than the one submitted at the last meeting, and the petitioner had dropped the variances from four to two. Ms. Gabel� stated she appreciated the work the petitioner had done in reworking the plan. The zero lot line was not an uncommon thing. At this point, she did not know what else could be done with this piece of property. There was probably a point in time with a piece like this when they would have to grant a variance, She thought these variances were reasonable. 7M APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 3 0 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TY7 RECOMMEND 2b CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUESTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO BUILD ON LESS THAN 1-Z/2 ACRES AND TO HAVE A ZERO SYDE YARD SETBACK ON THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE, WITH TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. THE GRANTING OF A JOINT DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FROM TNE JOINT TENANTS TO THE BUILDING TO TXE SOUTHj 2. THE NORTH WALL BE A FOUR-HOUR RATED FIRE WALL WITH NO OPENINGS UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on Sept. 9. 3. COrJSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY 0 ST �� � � A 1 � i� � � � � ' ���� �� � �� � � � �� � �� �� � , � , , • \ ^ \ � � , 1 � � ' � • 1 / 1 i , � , ' • � / , ' � , �' • 1 , � , � / • 1 � ��� � 1 , �'� � � 1' �� ' � 1 ,' • • , , t • � � / • 1 1 i � � ,' , ' � , , / � I � �' � �, • / �'1 , , � , I I � � � 1 1� 1 ' �7' •'• ' � • �• � • ' 1 :. .�•�� • � �. MOTION BY MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BE'TZOLD, TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE 2ABLE � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON GABEL D$CLAF2ED TXE INOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTZQN BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 4055 East River Road A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.18.5D.5d requires that all parking and hard surface areas shall_ be no closer than five (5) feet fram the main bui]ding. - Public purpose served by this requirement is to protect the building from unnecessary maintenance•due to vehicles hitting the bui]ding. 7N APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13 1985 PAGE 4 Section 214.12.26 requires a maximum size of eighty (80) Square feet in area per development. Public purpose served by this requirement is to control visual pollution and excessive use of signs in comnercial areas. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "205.18.5D.5d - Concrete curbing is not necessary and is economically unjustified." "205.12.26 - In order for business to be successful we need good visibility of our sign from 694." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Oevelopment plans calls for platting of 7.7 acres of industrial land south of I-694 and on the west border of Burlington Northern tracks. Plans call for the construction of 125,250 square feet of mini-storage warehouse space. The �-2 heavy industrial zoning is appropriate for thi s use. Along with the development the petitioner is requesting a variance waiver for installation of concrete curbing 5 feet off the buildings. The staff realizes that with the many door openings on this building standard curbs would be impractical. We recommend a 5 foot concrete apron in lieu of a raised curb. The apron would provide for separation of building and driveway, channelization of drainage as well as a clean uniform appe�rance. All other curbing areas, for example, perimeter, lot curbing and curbing at the blank ends of building should be raised 6" concrete curbing per code. A second variance request is for square footage of free-standing sign area from 80 square feet to 200 square feet. An adjacent sign for Plywood Minnesota has 300 square feet, with a variance granted in the spring of 1976. LaMaur has a 120 square foot sign, with a variance granted in the fall of 1982. More recently, in October 1984, East River Road Business Center was denied a variance request to increase the size of a real estate sign from 50 square feet to 300 square feet. Petitioner should provide evidence that this size increase is necessary. Mr. Clark stated they have received more current plans for the building and parking and driveway circulation. The design of the bu�lding pretty well dictates that the curbing or separation from the parking and driving aisle cannot be maintained so the variance from 5 ft, to 0 ft, aiong the front of the garages almost has to be approved because of the way this is being desiqned. Therefore, the recomnendations made by staff in the staff report were not necessarily apropos,to this situation, 701 APPEALS COMMISSIOfJ MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 5 Mr. Clark stated the Commission had received at the meeting a letter from 6. B. Chapman of Barton-Aschman Assoc., Inc., whicf� spelled out the reasons for the request for sign variance. . MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TU RECEIVE INTO TXE RECORD THE LETTER DATED AUGUST 12� 1985, FROM MR. CHAPMAN TO THE APPEALS C01�AfISSION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CEIAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Clark stated one thing that will be addressed with the plat at City Cou�cil is the existing Naegele billboard located adjacent to this property. Staff is recommending to City Council that this billboard be removed. Burlington Northern is the petitioner with the plat, and the City Council can deal directly with Burlington Northern with the plat on which the billboard is located. Mr. Ekstrum stated he was legal counsel for the petitioner. He stated also in the audience were Jon Monson, the petitioner and President of Investment Management, and Bill Chapman, Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. Mr. Ekstrum stated they would simply request that the second variance regarding the curbing and 5 ft, setback be withdrawn. The way construction of the storage facility has been presented, that would simply not be appropriate for the request for variance. Mr. Ekstrum stated what sign. He would like to request: they are asking for is a variance for a free-standing make the following points regarding the sign variance 1. The increase from 80 sq. ft, to 200 sq, ft. sounded like a lot, but the fact was that under existing code, they could erect wall signage that would be larger than 200 sq, ft. Wall signage is planned, but they have decided to reduce the wall signage, because they feel a free-standing sign would better meet the needs of the petitioner and the City in terms of aesthetics. 2. The sign is really designed for identification and retention of the information to people driving by on the freec��ay. 3. A 200 sq, ft, sign is still not a large sign wf►�n compared to other signs in the area. Plywood Minneseta has a larger sign at 300 sq, ft. They they had no objection to the Naegele sign coming down. This of 200 sq. ft. would not be overly obtrusive or overly large cor�pared to the other signs in the area. This is a start-up situation with a -business moving in and looking to establish a sign configuration it can live with and the City can live with. They feel the granting of the variance request is going to be an aesthetically good thing for both ihis facility and for the area. 7P APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 � PAGE 6 Ms. Gabel asked what was the planned si_ze for the wall sign. Mr. Jon Monson stated he believed it would be about 5 ft, x 18 ft. Mr, Betzold stated he thought the sign was rather °busy". He would not want to be looking at something this busy wf�en driving on the freeway. Would the petitioner consider dropping the address? Mr. Monson stated the main reason they have the address on the sign is because they want to provide some congruity to the site. They do not expect people to read the whole sign the first time they drive by. It is the repetition or number of times people drive by that more of the sign will be noticed. Mr. Betzold stated that if•the sign variance was approved, what was to stoo the petitioner from still putting the large sign on the building as well? ` Mr. Ekstrum stated if the Commission approved the sign variance, they could put on a stipulation that the wall sign be limited to what is being shown in the plan. He did not believe they would have any objection to that. They felt that it was more aesthetically pleasing to have a smaller sign on the wall and have a free-standing sign that would suit their purposes better and the City's purposes better. Ms. Gabel stated the Cormission members really labor over thPse type of sign variance requests. They understand very well that every business needs a sign for identification, but there are some other problems. She stated they have worked to kind of establish a policy of discouraging billboards and signs that are of a billboard nature. This came through a citizen'�s committee that was set up through the Community Development Commission and went through Planning Commission to City eouncil. There were people on the committee from the Chamber of Commerce so the business community was represented, along with input from a variety of people. Ms. Gabel stated she has statistics f rom a rather old traffic report from MnDOT about traffic accidents along this area of the freeway, and it was horrendous. The last time she talked to MnDOT, they said the situation had only gotten worse. She stated this has been a strong consideration of the Commission's. They cannot prove signs cause accidents, but if people are driving by on the freeway and reading signs, they are obviously not paying attention to the road and traffic. Because of this concern� the Comnission got caught in the middle of trying to see the businesses get what they need, yet assuming some responsibility for the public. Mr. Ekstrum stated he was very appreciative of the Canmission`s concern. He stated he did not see this sign as an abuse of over-signage. He would be really concerned if someone wanted to put up a sign that was askinG people to react in some way. He saw this sign as being something that attracts people's attention. He thought�it was a necessary sign for business and one that was done with a great deal of thought and discussion of what was in the area and what would be appropriate to the area. 7Q APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13 1985 PAGE 7 Mr. Chapman stated this sign would be 2/3 the size of the Plywood Minnesota sign and 1/4 the size of the Naegele billboard. It was really quite a reasonable size. An 80 sq. ft. sign would not be visible or readable at all, because t�is was a distance of aboui 600 ft, at a 30° angle from the driving path. Mr. Chapman stated there was definitely a hardship here. That piece of land is landlocked. When the City allowed the platting of the land to the west, it provided no access. The only access it has is visual. It is a circumstance unique to the property. Also, the hardship is here because how eise can they use this piece of land? Mini-storage is a use that fits and it can be done from access to the south, but they do have to have some kind of visual access to the site. Circumstances beyond the owner's control relate directly to this situation. Mr. Monson stated that beneath the Plywood t•linnesota sign� it says "Exit off East River Road". He stated that same logic applied to their situation, and that was part of their rationale for including the address on the sign. Ms, Gerou suggested that the petitioner also put "Exit off East River Road" on the sign, eliminate the address and telephone number� and still be able to cut down on the size of the stgn. People dri��ing by would then know where the business was located and how to get to it. The address was meaninaless as it was not readable from the freeway. Mr. Monson stated he would be prepared to go back and study the possibility of making the sign smaller. He thought they could live with 180 sq, ft. He did not think that would be a detriment to the sign; however, he would like to have the option of either having the telephone number in larger numbers or the "Exit off East River Road". Ms. Gabel stated she felt the Appeals Comnission has been fairly consistent for a number of years, has tried to recognize that there is need and has tried to keep these things in line with what meets the needs of the community and business at the same time. It was her feeling from the Commission members that 200 sq. ft, was too large. Was there some way of compromising? Mr. Monson stated they would like to proceed to City Council with the 200 sq, ft. sign, keeping the logo the same, but picking either the telephone number or the "Exit off East River Road", making the letters large enough to be read, yet would not endanger the safety of the people driving on the freeway. Ms. Gabel stated she still had a concern about the size. Mr. Betzold stated he would be comfortable with the sign only saying "Minnikahda Ministorage", He felt that was all that was needed. 7R APPEALS COMMISSION MEETI��G, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 8 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARZNG CLOSED AT 8:50 P.IN. Mr. Bet2old stated the sign was too busy and too large. They have had similar requests before and a lot of people want to put up signs that are visible f rom 694, so this is not a unique argument. The problem is thfs is still one of the busiest stretches of freeway in the state, and it is going to get worse over the next coup�e of years when construction begins. People should not be looking at signs, especially signs as busy as this one is. He would recommend that, as presented, the variance request be denied. If, for whatever reason, the City Council chooses to approve this variance or approve a smaller sign, he would ask that the City Council consider limiting the wall space and limiting the information on the sign. Ms. Gerou stated the sign is too large ar�d it still cannot be compared to Plywood Minnesota's sign which Zs grandfathered in. TfLe Commission has turned down other large signage. This is just too busy an area for large signage. Ms. Gabel stated she was also concerned about the size of the sign. She felt there was a need for signage and probably a need for a variance to the sign code, but she would not like the sign to be this large. Over the years. she hae stated her reasons many many times. Her primary concern was the safety of the people on that freeway and the statistics MnDOT has documented on the accidents that occur on that section of roadway. She was reluctant to put up big signs and busy signs, and she wished they could find some method of compromise but at this point there did not seem to be one. For those reasons, she could not vote in favor of the variance. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MS. GEROU� TO RECOMMEND TO CTlY COUNCIL LBVIAL OF TNE VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTL�R 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CZTY CODE TD INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A FREE STANDING SIGN FROlN 80 5QUARE FEET TO 200 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW TXE CONSTRUCTION OF MINISTORAGE WARPHOUSE SPACE (TXREE BUZLDINGS) ON A STRIP OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF BURLINGTON NORTNERN INC. RAILROAD TRACKS AND EAST OF TXE GREAT NORTFIERN INDUSTRIAL CEN2'ER PLAT. ALL LYING IN THE SOUTN HALF OF SECTION 22, T-30, R-24, AND IN TXE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 27, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COUNTY OF ANOKA. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRPERSON GABEL DECLARF.D TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Gabel stated this would go to Cfty Council on Sept. 9. NEIJ BUSINESS:- 4. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY I - . . . .. equest y, el arner, eec ree .„ r1 ey, n. 432) 7S APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 9 MOTION BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:00 P.M. Chairperson Gabe] read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7879 BeecF� Street N. E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.18.3D.2 requi.res two side yards. each with a width of not less than twenty (20) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open space areas around industrial structures for aesthetic and fire fight- ing purposes. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Pappy's Foods Company was acquired over two years ago. Due to an aggressive growth plan, space is required to serve temporarily as a locker room facility and break room, until the continuing space needs of Pappy's Foods Company can be evaluated and met.° C. ADP1ItJISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: If the Board recommends approval, the staff recommends that: (1 a time limit be established (2� the unit have State certification for code compliance (3) the south wall be one hour fire rated with no openings Mr. Clark stated tf�e Comnissioners had a plot plan at the time the build�ng was built. The area they want to place the trailer is adjacent to the south wall 4 ft. away from the building and 2 ft, off tf�e propert� line. In the summer the unit would be pretty well f�idden from the street by a tree on the boulevard. He also showed the Commissioners an aerial photo of the entire area. Ms. Linda Hanagan, 7879 Beech St. N.E., stated her family and her husband were involved in the business which they purcfiased three years ago. Pappys Foods itself has been around for about 20 years. Since they purchased the busi�ess, they have tripled the sales so they are outgrowing the building. They need more room for a locker room and break room. The existing locker room and break room will be made into a storage area. She stated that at some point, they are going to have to make a permanent decision of probably relocating the office facility somewhere close by. 7T APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 10 Ms. Gabel asked how long they anticipate the use of the trailer. Ms. Hanagan stated the trailer permit is for 3 years, but she th�ught they would probably not need it more than 2 years. Ms. Gabel stated that by providing the trailer, would t�is allow them to increase the number of employees? Ms. Hanagan stated it would allow expansion on each shift of possibly 2-3 people. Mr. Clark stated there was no question that this business had outgrown its facility. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MS. GEROU� TD CLOSE TNE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:10 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated that because o� the temporary nature of this request, he did not think there was too much of a problem in aaproving the variance request. He appreciated tf�e problem the company is facing right noy►;and realizinq the realities of business and that some debts have to be paid before they can make the next move, tf�e City does appreciate their business here in Fridley and does want them to stay in Fridley. He felt they could make this temporary accommo- dation as long as the company is willing to meet the stipulations. He wanted it clearly stated in the minutes that this is intended to be temporary� and he would absolutely not be receptive to extending the variance for either this business or anotF�er business or for a perma.nent structure, Ms. Gerou stated she would be in favor of tf�is variance request with stipulations. Ms. Gabel stated she was also in favor of the variance request. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMINEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 2 FEET TO ALLOW THE PLACEMENT OF A TRAILER TO BE USED AS OFFICE AREA ON A TEMPORARY BASIS ON IATS 16-I9, BLOCK 2, ONAWAY ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 7879 BEECH STREET N.E.� WITH TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. THE TRAILER PERMIT BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. 2. A TIME LIMIT BE ESTABLISI�D OF 36 MONTHS. 3. TXE UNIT HAVE STATE CERTIFICATION FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. THE SOUTH WALL BE ONE-HOUR FIRE RATED WITS NO OPENINGS. 5. THE VARIANCE BE FOR THIS PETITIONER ONLY AND NOT FOR ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRPERSON GABEL DECLARED ?'f?E �lOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7U APPEALS CONMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1985 PAGE 11 AUJOUR��IENT: MOTION BY NR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY NS. GEROU� TO ADJOL'RY THE 1)EETZNG. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE AUGUST 23� I985, APPEALS COK'YISSION PlEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:16 P.Pl. Respectfully subm'tted, � ... .. . .. - 'r - r_�C ynr� a a Recording Secretary \, � .... ` ' ' v ` , :*� _ �� � `x` ' � �. r . ,.r •� �,' ' M . � ►, . � \�. ;,�w r • � - � F .. �T-: i. �` _ � � �� '�1 ;,, _ _ 1 � , . � .�i :�� �+ e � . �� � ..� r . ,. . ,, . .�A � � UN 3 DD. . ^ i. r � w • itt N - � iI+ , . • ' �if � �� . / � , � a.! .4�' � ��� � Jeck Lindahl I , T V t 7$C�0 Elm Street� ` � _ � Warti 1 \ 1 � . � � ( , �n�.vw , ..' •.' � . _ i ►• �' T �J � O � `� \ 'V �� � ! � , �� � ^ ,\ :, ,,d � � ,. � _ ! � . , -- - - - - - - -,� - - - --i - - � � � , ,v .c _ � r � _ �.. ^ � .�:. .. --- ��'��,. r��res� - ; �i/` ; ��� r „ iG ; 'iv � i � i• • � - � .--� �?4 ' � � ; . ; t : W � �� ' ��` -�� � �; W _ = /9 4 • � � ��6 � �.I�s-� S � ���r _ S 's_ � Te T N . � � .� , .� f � s � L�'� i � t • . • �� ' �q \ �� . 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M/NNEAPOLIS, M/NNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE.• (612J 571-7474 September 4, 1985 To Whom it May Concern: Regarding the projected building on block 2 Onaway Anoka County '�innesota We do not need permission from the owners of lots 11 through 15, 7800 Elm Street Associates, because we propose to build the building on lots 9 and 10 only, owned by Jack Lindahl. 1.lr _♦ _ �.a:'3-u � - . i ' � � ,� ; � � i � - --1 , ; � ; I , � � _ ; ; - - --; , r` ' ',.! � , `� i , _� . �y , -_ - _" �F � {A � \ O �� �ti 4 � �ai .fi�`+ � -- - ---� 1 ��. � I ; �s I �✓ ; � � 2. 1 I �:, � ' 1 .� _.. __ _-J i• Y I � � I � � -- -^ � __ %����5 --- 7 'Y P � .:, _. ._:'a .��� ��, �� ... � _,_ � — � r � 1 f � � . +- - - 1 i i ` . .. I. � I •I I � � � � , � - - � �� � ,; . ;, �,. �5 . , . . i . • � �; . . . • . _ . , , � , � ; !� � �d' , � - �1 . ' ^ — - � ' -__ = : _-- � _ � , ; - : * - �—__._ 135. 50 - v__�_._._ _ ��' L r � c - , . . . . . . 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IS • /O I�) o t i . _ I _ . .�� 4 - --- � - \ � .. �. l . � 1 �i � ?y � . ii • W . 2� . . �� 2 , ; � ` �.. .i. � ,i. � •i. s ` � � � ' � � � " .. ' .�� . ,. � , . , 9 q ..w �� v 'v'}'r ti ` � „ ,a►.�o,� T •� � I -�r-�i �� '� 37 ►�1 �� � /7 � �� ,.� • • -. �,, j • J� , � �. st , � • � • . � . . . . . _ZZ T Mt _ �WdY ` . . -- - S E CO/PNEI� : , . sEC. s . ,. . ;: .: - ... ... .. _ ��, . . ,..s' �•. . • �v ✓ � � - • . •. i. �� .Ii. �.1 � I i�, • i.,i � I � o Ae�.s • •• � ,tr. �..f' ,ty � e s •Ii. ♦ nr . � .��. . . • • +w J •Je It �I /Y ,I /- Nr ��. ., ,�,� s. '! .-��� .•'' --- J. Kei th Warner 7 D D - ,,tr--__ _ _ _, 7879 Beech Stree�� I ar � � � ' ` � , � � � � ' �' , ( -,� i_. ��. 12 � 1�, �t Is. I l�. (?» tb I� �-- ' i � r I i � � �- - r + � ----L f � ( � � . 5s s� �c W� t K �`�. i.f. w�,�,M �t ' ' • � • -� -_—_ __�--�--_�_— �—�� - _:- � ' • ' . , '� /� / • , ' /�. / . , • . �/• i � �' � / / / �� , , • . ' /; /. . , i � / /� / /�• ' � / I •� � / j' • I � �, � ' , ' j� .�, _ I i �� �� /� �' • �, �' - � . � // . �/ � � � ' .' ' 20� � ' ' • % , --•- y i � ° F c f. S�� bv�L.DING, ' ( . , . . ' � Ae . � ��t ,, ; 3,�N . - ' . . � � � � % • ! '� �'1 , - � ,. . , / .' .� � � �' � � � � /' �u►:w.•.�M �, c:tv. I�►•S' � _-�' � ' ,� =_--=-- - % __� -� 3 -._ --_-- -=-= -�! -= ,--� _.l-=-=--� {�- � .:� v��_.c .� Si w.:Y. ' I M �� �_ I � � . . �1 � ��1,• . . � � 1 1 '' 1. _ � " '. Z.�� 7 Z . . : 1, i �' � �t� _=�=`'�•° • �4' t:�l:cT�� . ' � / S.v I . � � . . � t , � � . .- ' i � � i •' --� --------- --- ' ( � � i .�r � — �� /i ,� / '� \ .. � __ � . : ? K � � �' r � t_. .• � NE[rD ZfJ: John Flora, Public Works Director NEI�D FROM: Susan Merrian, F�lanning Assistant I�END I�,TE: August 15, 1985 R�ARDING: Sign Plan for Pickwick Building, 765 53rd Avenue In July, Mr. Norm Brody submitted a sign plan for the Pickwick Bookstore Building at 765 53rd Av�ue N.E. Staff reviewed the �lan and requested minor modifications to it. �is week Mr. Broc�y sutrnitted a revised plan for appraval. Staff reoonmencis apprwal of this sign plan as it is in oc>nformanoe with tr�e Gity Code and would create a pleasing envirorme�t. It would be appropriate to place this on the SeFtenber 9, 1985 agenda for Co�ncil revi�a. SN(/sk M-85-7 4 8A � �=� � . BRODY A�S►.SOCIATES iiAl ESWE OEVEIDPMEM OE,�GN BU4D FH�ANCE MAWCaEMENT LEI\SiNG !'r. Jar..e� L. Potinsor� Flanr:inc Coerdinator Cit�� of Fric1E�� 6431 t�r.iver�itti• Ave. :'.£. Fricley, l��t: 55432 De� r J ir.,: Auc�.'�:St lr 1^85 I 2��vE incor�oratec: your �uace:tion� into a revi£eC. C1c'ri C:iteri4 ��,�ic� i� sub-itteG for your ap�.roval. t.s �:e ciiscLS�eu, I ar:�. "'4r�et ra�-e aFFrevec e leeo �icr. for Ccst Cutters cr. the ?•'e��t enc of tre builciinc 4�ove the �-cldier cour�e as �i:o��:r. on tt�e enclo:e� elevaticr. Rlso, I ar.�. cr.cle�inc a �icr. �:14r. �hoc��inc a Cost C�tters sicr.zee cf 15 feet in ler�cth an�. 2 feet ir. I,eicr:t. ^ :'ihcekely, L^c�Y1 P.��GCIF �'F: ► I2C . t:C�.i'Fa' i' £:: 2't:B; 1C zra� r�oRrF+ w►�� a�n� s� w�u. �.�soa ss,n Ta�++o� s,u��a i � - - z r�' f`�a� •,���{..�.�_....�._� Illill' ' 1 Z I �� . `E ( �� � �I I I � �I ;I _ �I - ,� Y � !I f� ;i �z ,� �i o� � ; � " �� '�.� ' r YYT� �J�O �JW� 000u v �. Z +' s o< ,o-,il h• O � I 0 � i�l �� , ► 7� " i a�,r � ���n r � � �F 4 i rZ I� o< �f, 3 a � i. �� I; �~'I� _ I j, ; I, _ 1II ,�� iI I� 0 � 1 Q � i W J V 2 r � O � ii�•���.,� i II�II�II Ill�lll�i� � fl�I���li�� � , ,. Illli i!I � ��� �11� � �i!�ii�i�;l �IIl�iil��l !I I!il�I;, ii�iljtlll! liliii� i�i i�i�t��i��� IIIIl��!I�I ill��il�l� i�t�i�il�� C �III'. i� I il�i�l;li�� II�Ijifil � ���Illl�if� �II�II�IIII ; Iltl�t��:�l ; � �•.; s ; I I �''' W : � ������ iil;�i� i, , i�IIIIIII�I W i� i���� �i � ����i1�11�1 3 , � , ; � � •.� -- -- - - -- _'s .b'.f' f � p � � �. M � O � t� J 7 i 8 B 8C t'E ['C TO: TLi:F.lT'S FRO !' : P& B PP�t mtl� �' S P.E: SIC?' CFITEF:IA 7E5 53F.P, A�'EIZ£ t'. F. FF.IDLEY, t�:It'I'ESC�A The�e criteria have been establisrea for tr,e Furpose of assurin5 an outstanding buildinc apF-earance, anc fcr the r..utual bec;efit of 411 Ten�nt_. Cor.forr,ance kill be strictl� er.fcrcec:, anc any in�tal?ec: noncor.forr.=nc or ur:a�Frove� :i�ns r.ust be brouc?:t into corforr.ance at the e�:F:ense of ien�.r.t. � Tt�:e Cit}� of Fricley strictl�' enferce_ its sicn crc:r.ance. 1�11 provisior.� of this Sion Criteria area sutject to revie�; anc: aF�� roval by tt�e eI�F-�rot.r iate City author=tie� �r.��r. have tl:e f ir,al authority to crant or den}� sicn Ferr..it� notk-ith�•tanu�n5 the terr..;� cf this � ion Criteria. ' �1. CFIT.T'FL I'E�C'IPE'"F1'IS: (1) Ter��.nt s;�al l sut-rit of ca�:e to te sutr. ittec; to tt-.e Le��or for at �roval before f�bric�tion at lea�t threE co�-ie� ef cetaileG cra��:ing, incicGtina the location, �ize, laycut, ce:-icn anZ color of tihe �roFc�ec signs, includir.c alI letterir.c anr./or r. r�• �.r: _c � . (2) The Le��or �hull ret�rn .one (1) set cf tre �::Sn Gr�winr_.�, as �oon a� pos�irle to the ^enant. The �.ra�:inc r•ill eitY:er be r..4rkec "A�.ircvec", "AFFrcvec as i"�tec:", or "D�_a�F roveci". Fie�n drawinc� that h2ve been "A: �,rorec a_ r�otec", arE to be returnec� to the Les��or t;e�.rir.c� Ten4r�t'�� ap�roval, or are to �e rece�•icnec an�, resutr..ittE�� fcr L•es�cr': a��� rcv�� ��: ith in . even ( i) da}-s of rece iFt �y Ter.Gnt. ;' �,r. �r4� inc � tl:at have beer. di�zprreveG are to be rec;e�iy;.e�. anc: re�uLr:.itte� to Le::sor fcr aFFrova2, also 4:itY:in :ever. (7) u��,-e of receir t by menant. (3) After the �icr. has teen apFrcveG by tr,e Lesscr, tt.e api rovec� sie�n cr<<��inc k°ith Lessor's �icr,atcre, r.-:ust i�e suL-_ttec: for agFroval of the City of Fridley Frior to erEC�inc tl�E �icn. (4) r'o sier. sr�.11 be �err:�ttec outsice of tr:e ae:.�icn�.te� areas e:ccegt Gs Frovic:ec� herein. (5) A�1 perrit� for sicn� anc: their installetion srall re obtained by �'enant or its regresentative. (6) Tenant sh�ll be resFohsible for tr�e fulfillr.ent cf 411 zeci;irenents an� sF•ecif ication�. � E. DE�IG?' F.E'�C�;RFI'Eir'c (1) Sicr.s srall be perr;.itted only within the sian aree� on the buildinc a� desigr.eo by the P.rchitect, anci as shoc:r on the site Flans. (2) Each TenGnt r�ill be allowed a I5 foot by 2 foot area cn the front of the buil�ing fcr their �icnace and such other signace as the Les�or an� the City of Fridley �hall allow. (3) Z�:hile it is desirea to Fernit Tenant to present to the public its tyF ical si5n irage, �igns which do not conforn to the cirersions ano lccation c3escribed :n Sections £- (2) anc P- (3) abcve r�,ust t•e subr.-.it te6 to the Lessor anc tt�e City of Fr ioley for aF�proval. (4) t:o ; i5ns of an�- sort shal l be gerr itteu ahove tre roof 1 ine . (`) P.11 sicn�ce, exce��t for logos, shall be intErr.a� ly lit ina iv idu41 lette rinc . (6) ExceFt for loco� anc: �tylizeo lettering h�t-,ich is incorporatec in their service r,iark, all sigr. letterir.c shall be in Hel�etica t:eo�ur. ana �hall be either red cr white. C. G�?'FF�'.L �FECIFICI�.^'IOI:� (1� PaintE�; lettering ��ill not be Ferr, itted, exce�t a� sFecif ie£� unc:e r 1'_rticle D-?.. (�) Flast;inc„ r.ovinc or auuible �icns e1i11 not be �err..it tec . (3) F11 electric�� �igns shGll bear the LTL label, anc' their in�t�llation r;ust ccr..Fl}� �:ith all lccal builc:inc ana electric�l coce� . (�) t'o e::goseo cor.�uit, tubing or racer,-Gys hill be �-err.:ittec'. (5) P'o exFesec . necn lightinc shall be useG on sicns, s�-r.:bcls or aecorative elerents. (6) All concuctcrs, transfcrr.:er:: and ot%er ec_uiFr::ent st-:all be concealec. (7) Electrical service to all sicns excert tr:e pplon sicn shall be on Tenant's r..eter anci not he a part of Conr,on �_re� construction or operation costs. 8E (8) Al l sicns, bolts, fastenine ar.d cl ips sha? 1 be of hot oippen galvanized iron, stainless steel, alur..ir.ur,,, brass or bronze, and no blac}: iron r�aterials of any type will be pernitted. (9) All exterior letters or siQns exFosed to the weatrer shall be mounted at least 3/4" from the builoing wall to perr�it praper dirt an� water drainage. (1C) Location of all operino� for conc;uit anc sleeves in �i�-r. panels of builaing walls shall be in6icatec b�• the �ie�n ccntractor on cr4wings su�r,ittea to the Frcject Architect. �ign contractor shall in�tall s4r.,e in accerdance with apFro�e6 c'. rawings . (11) t;o sionr�aker's label or cther icer,tificaticn hill be gerr.;itteo on the ex.pose� surface of sicns, e;;cept those recuired ty local ordinance k�rich �hall be in an incor.sF�icuous location. (12) P.11 penetrations of the building structure recuirE� for sign installatior. shall be neatly �ealec in a r:atertiaht cond it ior.. - (13) Sicn cor,tr4cter shall reFair an�• car,4ce to an}� work causeG by his c:ork . " (14) Tenant shrll be f�lly resronsible for the oieration� of Ter.ant's sir,n contractors. D. f'ISCEL,IAL'£CCT� F£��UIRF:t'E2:T� (1) Tenar.t k ill be Ferritted to ��lace urer. each er.trar.ce of it� F�reni�es not �r,ore thar 144 square inches of golc le�f ur �ecal a�.Flication letterinc not to exceed t4:o inches (2") in heici:t, indicatinc hours of bu:ine�s, er..ergency teleFhone nur�be:s, etc. (2) If Tenant has a non-cu�':or:er door for receivinc nerchanci�e, it r�,�y h4ve uniforr.ly apF�lie� on that docr in � locGtion a, cirectec ��� the Arcritect, in two-inch hicr: Clock letters, �enant's ner.�e anc: adGress. (3) Lessor shall install on the frort of the builcing, if require� � by the U.�. Post Office, the nu;��ers or.ly fcr the street address. Size, type anc: color of nur..bers �hall be zs determinec by the Lessor. E. TEt:POF�IF.Y SIGI:S (1) Ter.,porary sians shall be liritec to the use of banners, Fenr:ants anu holi�ay si�ns in Tenent's interior wincow area for use not more than sixty (60) days within one calender year. (2) 4'indow signs sr.all not exceeo Fifteen (15�) percent of Tenant'� kindow area or 25 square feet, whichever is greater. F . pDf`It'I Si FATICi: In the event of any conflict of interpretztion betweer. �n�• Tenant ana the Owner as tc the application of these criteria, the Landlord's decision shall be final and binoing uFor. the Tenant. E & E PP.RTI'EFS By SignFrid A5 Datec: 1955 8F , �. ,� .. s .� � ;� IC 1 �--__.__.. CITYOf f !Z� D1.iY pcAEGTORI�TE 'co 0 OF , � p�o PUBLIC WORKS - - --- t�oR�xnuH ro: l�HO FR OM: SUBJ EC't : DATE i CODES: COPIES: MEMOi�ANOUM Nasim Qureahi, City !laaager - John Flora, Public iiorks Director Sis Cities iiaLersDed Management Organization — 1986 BudgeL 8/26/85 PW 85-268 SI � �� �-- The SiY Cities Natershed Nanagement Organization Das prepared a budget for 1986 for a total amount of =32�000.00 as compared to Lhe =47,700.00 budget for Lhis year. T'fie exact amount of Lbe City's participation vill aot be available until the County Auditor complete� hia computer run� but tbe City of Fridley portion ahould be some place ia Lhe vicinity of =10,880.00. In 1985 the City of Fridley portion wa.s �16,200.00. The budgeL is predicated oa oonLlnuing Lhe development of the Watershed !lanagement Plan through the State agencies aecessary for the Water Resources Hoard approval. Once the approval is obtained Lbe individual cities xill bave Lo adopL supporting resolutions and policies for the plan'a implementatioa. Recommend Lhe City Council approve the 1g86 Six Cities Yatershed Maintenance Orgaaization Budget in accordance vitb the J oint Pox ers Agree.ment. JGF: jmo �� ,..�e��m 9A � su�+ c�,�,n,r,� H,�n,. �ss aso c�xn REy.dS � ' s�n asao • F�id le�. srt a� Hill Tqr Itles .. � � ��;� �u. �,�. . ...._ wat��ed � �ugust 21. 19� Mr. lfasim Quresbi - . City Manager City of Frialey 6�31 IIai�erait� 1�enue l.l. Frldley� � 55a32 Dear Mr. Qure�hi: le �ou uy reoell. the Joint Po►+era �grsement Detweea the sis cities involved la the Siz Cities Vater Hnna6emeni Organisntion call� for a Dudget to De euDmltted to sacb City Council for revirw ar�d aDproval on Septer.� er tat of eacn year. I bsve attached a copy of the buQg,et s,e adoDted Dy rasolution ot the Siz Cities Mater Managemeat Organization Board. T�e Droposed bu4get ia 331 lta� tban the budget laat year. The �ain reason for tt�ia ia tDe fact Lhat Lhe ma3orSX.y of the plan ahould De completed. Hotiever. as you yill aote. approzimately �?S of the DuQget ia for oompletioa of tDe Dlan it�elf. Ye iaticipate Lhat tbere �ril� De some increased legal exDeneea involved vith reviev and implementatien of the Dlan it�elf. Ye sl�o enticipate thnt ve vill be in aeed ot liability in�uranee for potb the organizatioa and tbe Board eec.bere. 2 have sent a copy ot the budget to tbe Count� luditor's Office in order to obtain the mil rate that will be necessary for each eity. I will torvard tbat inforDation as Quickly a� po�sible. Base� oa tbe sil rete last year of .11 m11�, tbi� year'a ■il rate ahould �e �oaevbere in t�e area of .08 mila. However, the setual mil rate vill eot be •vailaDle until LDe County •uditor provides u� xith that iaformation. �e 7ou say recall, it vill De neceasary tor eacb cit� to Ievy the tax for the six eitie� individunllY vitb their oity Ievy. T'tsia levy is aDove a.od Deyond aay levy liaits eaLa�11a3ed D� the Stata. I vould :►D�r�iate rflur inclvOing tb�a oa the Cauneil age��a as aoon a� posai�le, sinoe the doint Pouera 1,gree�eat reQuires that twe-LhirrJ� of the Councila arprove tbe �udget 1n order for it to flecose oTficial. 1►ny question� you may have coacerniag the budget cnn be answered Dy eitber your Board re�resentative or myselt. ?!y telepnone number 3s 78fi-9221. utea�ion 16A. Sincerel�, � � ' . , � � Fredrick 9. Salabnry � Sreasurer. Sit Cities Yater Hanagea Organizatioa FYS/ks �ac. 6 CITIES iiATER NANAGENENT ORGAI�IZATION 1986 BUDCET PROPOSED ITEH BUDGET Administration Ezpenaea = 1�000 Insurance Attorney wudit 5,000 8�000 3.000 Nanageaent 15.000 TOTAL = 32,000 � , r;rv �r,ned Single Family (Excess Property) io ee �old `,�. . , �, , LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEALED BIDS RECEIVED, DATE SOLD NEGO?IATED PRICE ND REJECTED ' 1. Lot 14, Block 1, �13,561 Biomberg Estates 15,100 2. Lot 15, Block 1, 515,100 Blomberg Estates 16,301 3. Lot 16, Block 1, 515,100 Blomberg Estates 14,561 4. The West 80 feet of the 58,527 South 150 feet of Lot 6, 5,100 Aud. Sub. No.129 5. Lot 1, Block 7, Edge- 511,396 water Gardens 6. Lot 2, Block 7, Edge- 515,157 water Gardens 7. Lot 3, Block 7, Edge- 510,952 water Gar�ens 8. Lot 11, Block 20, Frid- -0- 1ey Park 11/13/84 CVM 9/9/85 MLS 11/19/84 11/19/84 12/17/84 �22,500 $22,500 $22,500 � 0 517,500 iSubject to Financing) 517,500 (Subject to financing) $17,500 legals of Public Properties That Could be Sold by the Ci� i. Lot 14. 81ock 1. Blomberg Estates � Y. lot 15. 61ock l, Blanberg Estetes �. Lot 16. Biock 1. BlomDerg Estates 4. ?he West 8Q feet of the South 150 feet of Lot 6. Audito�'s SuDdivision No. 129 5. lot l. 61ock 7. Edgewater Gardens 6. lot 2. Block 7. Edge«aier Gardens 7. Lot 3. Block 7. Edgewater Gardens g, lot 11. B1ock 20. Fridley Park lOT SiZE 1) 75' x 136.68' 2) 90' x 136.68' 3j 75' x 136.8B' 4) 80' z 150.00' 5) 89' x 142.00' 6) 88' x �42.00' 7) 88' x 142.00' 8)�40' x ]26.00' S UARE FOOTAGE� (10.266) (12,319.20) (10.266) (12.000) (12.638) (12.496} (12.496) (5.040) *Sub-Standard Dy itself 10A EST1Mu+7ED MARKET YAIUE TAXABLE VALUE SEAlEO BIDS RECEIVED 9/14/d4 2�m. — Robert L. lrhi fe �John Murpny 17.200 SlS,�oo.00 S13.561.00 18.500 515,100.00 516,301.00 17.200 515,10�.00 S1a,561.00 17,200 S 5,100.00 � S 6.527.00 11.900 17 , 200 17.200 600 511.396.D0 515.157.00 510.952.00 � • 3 ,; �� �.� -- ' k - . ,��.: e 'S ' � : �'. _ ,. ..�. �' ��� �� y. '�' + i� ! 1 M � . , 1� , � �. . �, � 1 �, ; � . - - . ; � � ..�. �M�' \\ t� � , ,�� �de� , � �r i' �.. . . , !a� ♦ 6� . 2 �� � _ �ly - _, .�u+� � ,��- : 1 id .` i �� • �,... 3� t ' � r :'' / ,'i ��, r ?? i ��j �~, �� t• "• 1 p // 7/�� ir � ' �±. � : '�„ %*% ��` f �r � ' � ' � : �� � Y' .'�►� r • � � .r,f ; r � s �� � _ � � % T �r : 3 �.. . . H .;� „ ' � ''' �'q .S3F . K . •--- , � p�:, , qa � , ?q � Y � - - ..-. �' �'���'? ; `�' _ + 32 �•�' � ti1• � o� � � ,8 _�-% . .., , ��• : � ; �<< , .,.; t p� 4�� , � . y �. i., 33 , i °t' `' " / � ss , �� ! " ' . 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' b�40 ~ ' i ,18A . --,� � _ _ �,o �P � P ' � iy� s {,730 _ j� � �R � b,z� �7,ZO , � V �� - -- - ? , , ,.,�. � 6���-►s � 6 - ,Z l. b�� o . �,N, , � j� --- _ Q. � o __ ` _O 666�- '� ~ `660 -- - - p 2 .!:`- '� � 'O � %S 4Q t� � • � �� --- O drsW 1 � b53 6 �,5 30 � �, � • �N � �. ' � ' • � �6525 ; �O �►/M •` • � ., 0 = , `sz � o �� , � �o , � _ _ , ��� "�' �-,fi - -- — � � �' • •(rlL .ww�: A4Y �_� t, ��� � _ ;,,.,, �°' �..: �` � 1 , r � �– --- "- ______-- #� . _---��;: Ml�5�SS1�t'�_ s sT. � E !�_G�NER i � _ S�"C. /3 , _ , _ ,�, , _ , � . _ , . �,.:.� _ - Z�' 8l � ' � . MEMOR�NDUM T0: John G. Flora, Public Works Direetor MEMO FROM: Mark L. Burch, Asst. Pub. Wks. Dir. DATE � CODES: g/4/85 PW 85-274 SUBJECT: Change Order No. 1 for the 1g85 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb and Gutter Project 11 In order to facilitate plowing of sideualks t+e are upgrading our pedLstriab sidexalks and bike� ay/wallcaays to make them more serviceable by our nex snoubloWer. To do this we xill have to add xider, tapered ramps at intersections. These ramps will allow the sno�abla+er to continue plowing xithout having to jump over curbs. These ramps will also make our side�alks more accessable for handicapped citizens. This year xe Will install tapered ramps at the locations sharn on the attached map. Funds are available in our budget to cover tbe cost of these improvements and the additional work Will increase the contract amount for the 1985 Miscellaneous Conerete Curb and Gutter Contract over the original bid amount but will keep it within the a1loWable limits for increases. We recommend that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 for �5,845.00 to the 1985 Misc. Concrete Curb and Gutter Cor�tract for eonstruction of tapered ramps on our sidewalks. I�II.B: jmo Enclosure 3/6!2/27 �T•—'E__�T�"—'•T•_T'—"'y � � A -�. �t-.� -_ —��' - - .�{.,� " ` — ��. �rr�re.^r c '- � j • .." �• �.. '' S - :,{i I �� �, •- ' VO�MG " l004 � }, _ •.4' _� .._ '.� 06T1�R5 �_ �'11�CT5 , _�� �.R� �Y :� �� == :j=Y �.� �� :: -.--. \� •.-__ . � • Z---' - - . i ...._ � �- i - • _ . �-- �'� - f � •:�= . - - rj'~ _ -� �i t � =.. ..� �' `, �--- � � � � ' `r"_ �!_ � _-- _ . _ � � _ _ _ � ,�-�._ -_ ; _ � , _1 :�_ _ I,J : . � � ; _ _ _ . _ _ -- �_ ,�`�-= ' '' •� '�-,, .--L-:-t` ; 'l, � _. � - _- -- _ .._ �-! „ _ ' � ,�i' � L, �;`� ` ' __- t - � -- �,+ µ��� • .' - - '-� . � - - - � " - - - _ — -- �,.�_ �j� _��� �r � -- ,- =: b��d - - - :j � - ��_= _ ,; ; _- ��- , . ,- �, '` =; � • '. _ .� �_. =- ',{. ��. � _ R - -�, =___ _i��-== � ' -_ __ �''=� =- - -. ' -_ ' . �� � '�° ' . � N , '"' i Li , i ; � t V' .' ' ' ' _ . 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C= - =-C� = =A � L�: --� C� � ti t" _ ' �' ' ' �.�. a�rv� ! et °- _ = -_ ___ __ = =`i. � �_ ` � � _ -�' - = � ' = = - = = = = = _ __`� -_ �= _ " ' i• - — ° =_• • __ - �---- _ - - e=: _ ...,.� � . �� STREET MAP-CITY OF �"- : '= _r� FRIDLEY �L-: . p_ _�R�=���._ �._ =s-.-_..�_� _-___ �==_ � e s • s s PIIBLIC WORRS DEPARTl�NT $ngineering Division CITY OF FRIDLBY Fridley, Minnesota 55455 SepLember 9, 1985 Concrete Curb Compar�y ?71 Ladybird Lane Burnsville, I�RI 55337 Subject: Change Order No. 1� 1985 1yliscellaneous Concrete Curb� Gutter and Sideualk Project. Gentlemen: \� � M You are hereby ordered� authorized and instructed to modify yo�r contract for 1985 Misc. Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project by addir,g the following work: �DDITION Remove and replace Concrete Curb � Gutter 400 Lin.Ft. @ �10.00 Lin.Ft. Construct 5 ft Wide (u") thick sidewalk 1230 Sq.Ft. @ �1.50 Sq.Ft. Prepared by Checked by. Original Contract Price Change Order No. 1 REV ISID CONTRACT PRICE � 4,000.00 � 1,8�5.00 � 28,65G.00 $ 5,845.00 � 34,495.Oo John G. Flora, P. E. Public Works Director Page T�ro 11C Approved and accepted this day of , 1985 by Concrete Curb Inc. Approved and accepted this Fridley, Minnesota 3/6I9/6 by Ron Kosso day of , 1985 by the City Council of WILLIArS J. 23EE M�YOR NASIN M. QURFSHI - CITY MANAGER 12 MEMORANDUM T0: John Flora, Public Yorks Dir. FROM: Mark Burch, Asst. Pub. kTks. Dir. DATE � CODES: 9/4/85 P'W 85-273 SUBJECT: Change Order No. 1 for the 1g85 Sealcoat Project The oarners of the Holly Shopping Center have requested that we include their parking lot in our 1985 sealcoating project. In order to add this Work and the additional City streets (shoWn on the attached map) that we were able to prepare xe xill have to add Change Order No. 1 for �13,927•89 to our contract. The Holly Center vill pay 100x of the cost of sealcoating tbeir parking lot. This change order Will increase the original contract amount but will not exceed the allowable contract increase. We recommend that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 to the 1985 Sealcoat Project for $13�927.89. IYII.,B : j mo Enclosure 3/6/2/26 y -�-�� .--�-�-�—� 1 2 A � i�__ �.�._ ..�:Y ��' CR! M f��a[\ �' __ 1 • , "�.t' - �. ". _"° w��c - woa �•: _ =.�; -- -- " - � os?wcrs -"-� � osrwcrs - �' 1,-� `� -' •� �t! ? �= Y `\ - \ . �� '- � ' =- `_ " - . t �-- - _ '�' RI_ '-�-y j �4 : � =-•... � - ....�'_' — I n." . e v .-� / -• ` . i �J ' � � 'j 1• ' _' _-_ .� �, ��..--; s � ".1���'� `�.-- :� `� � , j _- w --= � . ...� _`-S'Z _: ��.-�-i�J�.�_. �' � ^��__ = ~ •-� «` \_� v ,".\•�:.. -.:�jl���._ �. . _-_ _.� � ,/ V � . -.,, . 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" - _ - .� _T11 __ ___ _ _ °-: -:: -=- � __ , ';,, __: . j- -_ __ -: _ ==> __ - = � g-- __ _::• : •_" -- =-_ = "= _ - � .�.'� _ ?I1, __ .. _ �:. . _ __ - _ _-: _ - -�. - �, - � _��; �= =__ =--__ : ____ =:. -. _= -_ s �'- = J-- � ' _" - ��_ -- _ -- � __ _° �_ ` p• ' ' __- - - -- . f ��-- .4.-i���' - _ = _ = = _ - --• -- -= = — _= ! � �' ' , , � /i - �- - -- _ - = _ - ';;. ~ ~ � - _ _ � _; - _ - = � -= = = = = _ _-- -= __ _ _ • �• ' _=• - = = - - ---- _ ' - e=_, _ �� . .-,� I' - $TREET MAP-CITY OF _ ___' p- �'`=s - FRIDLEY - ` _ _-� = ,�.�r�_ _s-�._..��--�-�--._ _ _ , . . . , . 12B PUBLIC iiORBS DEPARTHENT Engineering Division CITY OF FRZDLEY Fridley� Minnesota 55455 Septe�ber 9, 1985 {'.11ied Blacktop Inc. 10503 - 89Lh Avenue N Haple Grove� P4�' S5369 Subject: Change Order No. 1, ST 1g85 Sea1 Coat Project Gentlemen: You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for ST 1985 Sealcoat Project ADDITIOtd 30�017 Sq.Yd. of Sealcoating @ �O.L64 . . . . . • • • � �3�927•89 Original Contract Price Char�e Order No. 1 REVISED COHTRACT PRICE � 57, �72.00 � 13.927.89 � 70,999.89 SuDsitted and approved by John G. Flora� Public uorks Director or. Liie 9tr� day of Septe�ber, 1985. Prepsred by Checked by. John G. Flors, P. E. Pi:blic iiorks Director � ■ 12C Page Z1ao �llied Blacktop Inc. Cbange Order No. 1 September 9, 1985 Approved and accepted this day of � 1985 by Allied Blacktop Inc. by Eugene Cayistrant �pproved and accepted this day of , 19a5 by the City Council of Fridl ey � Mir.nesota WILLIAN J. NEE - Ml�YOR NE►SIN. M. QURr.SIiI - CITY M!�?�AGER 3/6/9/6 ._..__-- — — � r � CIF�EGTORATE !_ 1�'3 ( : � I OF , `�c:r � ��� c � o ��_� PUBLfC WORKS -�' -�- C�11�'O�' .�= fRlDLEY MEMQRANpUM � _ — e�t� 9/4/85 • � - - - - ---� � �` r �►r"'ark Burch, Asst.Pub.Wks.Dir. � u��[Ct Change Order No. 1 for the Mississippi Street landscaping Project � ---___-____ 0 PW85-272 ______ f O John Flora, Public Wks.Director �_ a : t �p1 �� p -- -_ — - — --�. _ _� It will be necessary to add Change Order No. 1 to the Mississippi Street Landscaping Project for 600 Cu.Yds. of topsoil borrow to accomodate the requested berming along University Avenue and Mississippi Street. This will increase the contract amount by $4,080.00 which is within the limits allowed for change orders. We recomnend that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 for �4,080.00. MLB:jmo 13A PiJBLIC iiORBS DEPeRTl�NT Eagineering Division CITY OF FRIDLEY Fridley, Minnesota 55455 September 4, 1985 Lino Lakes Landscaping 18400 Lexington Avenue Wyoming� I�� 55092 Subject: Change Order No. 1, 1985 1'lississippi St. Landscaping S�p. Proj. Gentlemen: You are hereby ordered, suthorized and instructed to modify your contract f or Mississippi Street Landscaping Iaproveaent Project Dy addir.g the foll aring work. AI?DITION 600 CuYds Topsoil BorroW @ 6.80 CuYd Original Contract Price Change Order No. 1 R�Y ISID CONTRICT PRICE = 4�080.00 � 28,97�+.7� � �I, 080. 00 � 33�o5u.7u Sub�itted and approved by John G. Flors, Pub�ic Works Director or. the �1th day of Septe�ber� 1985. Prepared by Gbecked by John G. Flora� P. E. Public Works Director 136 Page 1Lo Liac Lakes Lar.scaping Char�e Order No. f SeptemDer u, 198� 6pproved and accepted this day of , 1985 by Lino Lakes Landscaping by Gary Houle� President Approved and accepted this day of , 1985 by the City Council of Fridley� Hinnesota NILLIAN J. NEE - !'SE,YOR NASIl: M. QURFSHI - CITY I,.�.2�6vER 3/6/9/6 tiT� Of �RlaEr Enstntt�in�, pep�*t�+ent 6131 Univt�sity Avenut f�i01tY. Minnesot� 55�32 p�te 6/?9/85 tp; �b nO•�Dlt M�yof •�C City COUfKiI (Sty Ot iri0lty N31 unive�sity �vt�ut N��t�t�it Fr101ty. Minnesci• 55�32 �O�t��Ct �tt� -Tr�eria ocustZ�`� - �Tie.3er7u��per?1�''•?4 "Pott� �u0nytr JS -Ra,.�ant Crab �o - T�o s� 1 Borrow - �d9i,n.� _ �e n;, he S 13C � (P�*tial) ItF: Est. Mo. 1 �t�. E�din�9l85 :o� �inc �akes Landscaping 184�0 lexin9ton Avenue wyomi ng. llt� 55092 S� �� E�f *'� 0� YORK �6� t�kc,=1 � 5� R E�-- - 'St►TeieO 1fi�t �in�{'tLy �juantity Amo�nt :,►�+:tities trice 1��s Est. Tc Date Ta Dete 10 ��5_00 0 0.00 ?32 __,�9.0� ?32 4,4G6.00 _�6 __.1�� ?.29�.00 � g_ 114�QD 0 0. 00 � ?�}�Q�1' 1.1B 6 297 7 . — 700:uYd _�.�p 1,284 8 7�.20 2 �19��nF �Z _ � _4____IlO o __1�1.9.�Q4,. . ...� ..,. � � nn� nn '� -- - - '�- -- — �- — -- TOT�I: � � - �- - , - _ -""� ._ .------� -----------� ------ � � ------- � --�_ — I------ 26,016.66 s���ar: 0 pri�in�t (ont►1ct M+ount �pntr�ct AdOitton: • Ch�nse OfOtT Il�t. �1 � Conir�ct peductions • C�an�e Ordt� Nas. _ Revtst0 Contr�ct M+ount ��l�e Con�lete0 To O�te SUB TQTIt1 AR+�unt Ret�in�C Q�7W; (.OSS) ttss Amount i�id Previously A�!�U�'� DUE TMIS ESTIK�+TF CE R1) �) C�TE 0� TMF CO►,TRA'TOR H _ ?8,974.74 i 4.080.00 �. _ --------- � 33�054_74 Z 26,015.65 f ?6,016.66 i 1.300.83 f Q 00 f 24 .715�$.3 13D I^C�CDy C�rL��y tRat �n� v0�k p�TfO�mtC •�O t�t ��tt�l�is fupplie0 to dett u�0t� Lt�S O1 L�t CO�t►�tt �Or ��tt�l�Ct p�0)lCt. ��0 •11 •uth0�lt�C Ch��9pS t�l�lt0. ��vt �� �ctuel v��ut Y�Ot� t►►e �o�t��ct Ot t�t ��+�ut'tS z��vn pn this tstimatp (��d t�►e tinal Qu�ntittcs ot the tin�l est�R.a:e •re to�rect�. •�c that tnis est,R,ete is �ust •�d co�r zt •n0 np p+*t ot t�e `A1*�u++t Oue Tnis Estimate" f+�s De�� r�ce�ved. ./ �� ' . �.�,,.�...�, o � t e �� ��Ly� �— `y , • - - �o�t►�CtOrTi ut 0��?tCTitp�tS�r,ti'Civl�it t —� [fRl)Fl[ATE OF THF EN�1�ER j A!�lDy t��tity t��t I ���� p�tpaflQ 0► tj��*�^�C i�SS lStimatt. ��C that t�e Co�t►�cto� ti lntitle0 t0 pa�ne�t ot t��s tsti�nate Y�Ct� t►►e [o��trect 10� �ttertnc! p�oj![t. CITr �- laEr. l TOR dy � �' pete `, 30��5 eo Qy acsoectully :�cR;tcco, 100At1�91A [lT1► OF fRIDLEY �� 3�+��� : Ti�z �. . Puat �c Mcrt s Di►ettor � �a ME1�S0 T0: John Flora, Public Works Director t1Et•�0 FROtd: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator � i�:i;0 DATE: kEGAFiDI2�G: September 3� �985 Bid Opening for House Doctor Services Bids for the House Doctor program vere opened on August 28� 1985. There Were three companies bidding for the t�ork: Anoka County Community Action Progr am (A. C. C. A. P. ), Self-Reliance Center (S. R. C. ) and Energy Cutfitters� Ltd. The following are the total bids from the three companies: A.C.C.A.P. S. R. C. Energy Outfitters, Ltd. �37.�50.00 a3o,,50.00 �2a�450.00 Er.er�y Outfitters Was the apparent low bidder. Energy Outfitters performed a ���or.stration of their House Doctor abilities on a Fridley house during July and confirned the excellent track record they have in the field of energy corservation technology. Other than in Fridley, Energy Outfitters has cor.ducted House Doetors just recently in Richfield for Kinnegasco. t�:ir.r.e�asco i� funding the l:ouse Doctor program and it is essential that they �FFrove the Contractor and Lheir bid amount. Minnegasco supports the decision to cor.tract With Energy,0utfitters to complete the House Doctor progr�. 4'e are requesting approval of this cor.tractor at the September 9, 1965 City Co�r.cil r�eeting. The cor�tinuation of the House Doctor program is ready to icplec;er_t as soon as Couneil approves Energy Outfitters as the contractor. JLR/d� t•�85-89 �_� - � CcAECTOa�►TE - ----� � � � �F ��'� Qr (' �� e o �i:� a�B��c woRKS _h� .,� c�n �._ F 1�1 DL�EY �r+E nn o A A rv o unr� �__ � e�t� 8-z2-s5 .__ -- �� 11 � � M_._ �u��ECt C1 delV. Moravetz, Eng._Adm._ _ City Cost Share On Street Construction at Main St. & 44th Ave. (SAP 02-602-10) PW85-257 70 John_Flora (PWD) �hru Mark Burch .=1 �o� �� a � - r -- - - - -- - ---- Attached is a billing from Anoka County regarding the above mentioned improvement project. As noted in the attached Joint Powers Agreement the estimated City costs are as follows: A in Powers A reement ITEM EST. COST EST, FRIDLEY�SHARE Concrete Curb 8 Gutter 8,801.00 50: 54,400.50 Red Brick Median $2,745.00 (100•:)52,745.00 Engineering Cost $7,145.50 (8�:)S 571.64 TOTAL b7,717.14 As er Count Billin CITY OF FRIDLEY ACTUAL COST 3,981. 45 $2. f300. O�J 5 542.52 $7,323.97 The Joint Powers Agreement requires the City to reinburse the County upon billing for the Cities Share. As the above totals reflect the actual cost to Fridley is 5393.17 less than the approved estimate incorp�rated in the initial agreement. CVM:ta ► ���--W---�-----� +o-' `°�.. . • r � �^rris��' August 6, 1985 15A COU NTY OF ANOKA Department ojNighwavs Paul, �. Ruud, Highx•c}• Enginee� COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 612-421-4760 John Flora, Public works Director City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue NE FridleS�, MN. 55432 Re: SAP 02-602-10, intersection of CSAH �2 & CR #102 Joint Powers Agreement Dear John: Enclosed find a copS� of our final Contract Voucher for the abo��e referenced project. In accordance with our Joint Pow�ers Agreement, dated August 14, 1984, please consider this billing for the City� of Fridley's Share. Concrete C&G $7,962.90 X 50� _ $3,981.45 Brick Median 2,800.00 X100� _ $2,$00.00 TOTAL 6,781.45 Engineering Costs =$6,781.45 3i 80 = 542.52 TOTAL FRIDI,EY SHARE ?,323: ? Please remit $7,323.97 in favor of the Anoka County Treasurer and submit to: Paul K. Ruud, PE Anoka County� Engineer High��a}� Dept. - Courthouse 325 East Main St. Anoka , ?dn . 55303 Thank you! Yours very truly, t'��,-� ' � Ohrn V. 0'Dette Contracts Administrator AHirmative Action l Eq.: �ortunity Employer � RF�(a,L1TIC�] AD. 95 - 1984 RES(�,LTTION iI1I�tII� WIO A JOINT P�T�tS AGR�NI' WIR�I '�iE mIINI'Y OF ANOKA FOR �l E RECOh STRU CT ION OF 4 4 th �VFZIUE (C5Ai� t2) fRal MAIIJ SgtEf.T (Qt 102) Z�0 577' +/- WFS'Z�iLY gE IT RFSOLVID, that the City of Fridley enter into an agreer^ent with the Co�ty of Anoka for t�,e following purposes, to wit: Zb reoonstcuct and widen street including concrete curb and gutter, xed brick treatnent of the median, bitur,:inous surfacing and channelization of the above referenced street. All ir.�provenents will be nade in acooroance With the tem� and conditions set forth arzd co�atained in said joint powers agre�ent, a copy of which vas befote the City Council, BE IT F1,7Ft'I�:ER RESoLVID that the propez offioers of the City of Fri�.ley be ar►d hereby are avthorized to execute such agree�ent, and therebs• ass�a-tie for and on behalf of the City all of the oontractual obligations aontained therein. pA,S� 1L►� RDOYI'ID BY 1�3E CITY t�UI�CIL OF Z�-?E CITY OF_ FP.IDL� Z�iIS 20ZI; IY�Y OF AUG �Si , 19 84 . �•7Il.LIh: J. ?ii.� - tJ:YOi'. A'I �'L`S: : S I�t:7 C. IIti. L� :- CI TY Q.EP.F: 15B 15C JOL�TT POf�iS A('�.�YT FCR Zl� R�G�Ch'S'IRC�G'TI� �' 44TH AVFh'CE (CSAFi #2) F�Q.i USAI�J S'IRg.T (Q3 102) TO 5??' ± v'I:S'I�tLY This agreanent made and entered into this �� day of u � 1984, by and between the Caunty of Anoka, State of Minnesota, a political subd.ivision of the State of �iinnesota, 325 East Alain Stree�, Anoka� ►iinnesota, 55303, hereina.fter referred to as "Coointy"� and the City of flridley. 6431 University Avenue, FYidley, �iirmesota� 55432, hereinafter referred to as the "City". i�FIT.r'�.�'fi : �'HE�RFAS� the parties of thi.s agrear�ent have long e�hibited concern for the inadequate condition of 44th Avenue {(SAii #.�); and, �'.AS, said parties are mutually agreed that the reconstruction of 44th Avenue should be done as soon as pos.sible; a.nd, WI�RF-AS, the parties agree that it is in their best interests that the costs of said project be shared; and, �F'AS, the project Will be built to State Aid Standards, but due to time constraints, shortness of project, etc., the project has been processed as a total local fund project and �v�ill not be eligible for State Aid fl�nds. �1'i�F'_AS, I�finnesota Statute Section 471.59 authori�.es political subdivisions of the state to enter into joint pvw�ers agre�ent for the joint exercise of pvaers caTrrr�n to ea.ch . IJ�ti , Tl�Rgl�RE � TT IS ZlL'ItiAL.LY S'TIPLZATID A.1� AGFi�D : 1. A'RP06� " The pa.rties have joined together for the purpose of reconstructic� the roadaa�•, drainaoe as �vell as other utilities on a portion of County State Aid Hi.g?�a3� �'2 (�th Ati�enue) as described in the Plans ar.�? S�� � f� cs*_ io^s munbered SAP 02-602-10 on file in the office of the Anoka County HighAap Depar�trnent and i.ncorporated i�erei.n b3- reference. s�ti.,s.�, The County shall pro�ide all engineering sen•ices and shall ca.use the construction of said Project SAP 02-602-10 i.n confo�nance with said plan� and specifications. The calling for all bids and the a�cceptance of all bid proposals shall be cbne by the County subject to the aPproval of the City. -2- 15D 3. OL�'I5 A. Zbe c�tract casts of the avrk, or if the �ark is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials�,nonnal engi.neering costs and equiFsnent rental required to curiplete the work, shall constitute the actual "constzvction costs" and shall be so referred to herein. B. The estimated cost oi the tota2 project is ��J8,622.00. Participation in the construction cost is as follvas: 1. The City will pay to the Crninty 5�(�"�oP the cost of concr e curb and gutter1 The estimated total cost of curb and gutter is �8,801.00, of which the C;�s_estimated s�a,re is 4�,_ 50._ 2. The City will pay to the Caunty ��� of the cost of Red Brick -- -..._.— for the median isla.nd. T'be�stimated cost of inedia.n island Red ffi-ick is $ _745.00. � C. The otal�,� constniction cost to the Cit3• for the project is �'�35_� The City �ill participate in��r�� t a rate of 8`; of theis constn�ction oosts as set forth above. The estimated V cost to the Citv for ineer' Total estimated City � _ cost Of project : 7?1? w��+�� � 7� �� � i�' D. Upon carn��letion o� t�niction, the City shall � to the Cauntp, . �.� upon �ritten da*�and bp the Count�� its portion of the construction cost of the project estitnated at $7,717.14. The City's share of the cost of the project shall include only construction and er� ineering exPense and does not include ac�ninistrative expenses incurred by the Countp. 4 . Tf�.�i This agreanent shall oontinue until (1) teiminated as pro�ided herei.nafter, or (2) until the oonstivction pro��ided for herein is ca�leted a.nd payment provided for herein is made, �vvhichever of (1) or (2) shall first occur. �,���:_ : � �a� �� wi.� All funds disbursed by Lhe County or Cit�• pursuant to this Agrear�ent shall be disbursed by eaCh ent2t� nn�rcl�ant to Lhe method provided by la�. 6. OCZ\ i�i�CIS A'� P[.�tC'H�SF•S All contracts let and purchases ma.de Purs�uant to this agresnent shall be made by the County in confomance to the State I�ws. 7. STRICT AG�LOC"_�TABILITY A strict accounting shall be made oi all funds and report of all receipts and disburs�ents shall be made upon request by either party. . -3- ' 15E R . TFR'.SIIATICH�1 This sgz'e�nent may be tP**n� n�ted by either party at a.ny time, �ith or with�ut cause� upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice delivered by mail or in person to the other party. Ii notice is delivered by mail, it shall be deaned to be received two dass after mailing. �ch teimination shall not be effective �vith r�ct to any s�licitation of bids or say purchases of seivices or goods particigated in by such notice of tP**n�tion. 9. I�ATIC� For purposes of delivery ot any notices hereunder, the notice s,hall be effective if delivered to the County Acinins�trator of Anoka Cainty, 325 East �lain Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303, on behalf of Lhe County, and the City 1►lanager of �Yidley, 6431 IIniversity Avern►e, Fridley, Minnesota 55432. 10. Il�E•�'IFICATICA The City and the Camtp mutuallp agree to inda.mify and hold ha�mless each other fran any clailas, losses, costs, expenses or darrr�es resulti�g fran the acts or cmissions of the respective ofiiceas, agents� or erg�loyees relating to activities oonducted by either party under this agreenent. 11. FTTIRE A�`.�T RDQ!_'IRES�IT �' A RRITING It is understood and agreed that the entire agrec3nent of the parties is contained herei.n and that this agre�nent svpersecies all oral a�reanents a.nd all negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter tbereof, as well as an3• pre��ious agrear�ent presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof. Any alterations� variations, m�diiications or Waives of the provisions of this agres�nt shall be valid only afien they have been reciuced to writing and duly signed by the parties herein. -y4- � 15F IId �iTIT:t'FSS I�F�F, the perties ot thi.s agreanent have bereunto set their hands on the dates written below: i�UAlIY Cff' A'�ARA , � 81: �, � , , , ' — . •� Chaimm�, Anoka Coiuity Board of CaIIni_ssioners DATID: S C ����� ATI�S'T : � � . �---P . CITY C1F' FRIDLEY � ��?�v 'illiam J. � 1►laS�or �� � . � � `�' . SY �'� �� �: ( `� � -� - hasim Qureshi , City �fana�er DAT�D : � �l; � ���¢ �---- 16 ,«�� ., :�: �. �� liEMORANDOM 'P0: NASIM M. QURF'SAI� Q�'Y MAAl�1C'IIt -.• �� � i �• . • a�+ • • •. �a ►• • ti�• • �: a�+ : i� v� • �• • ti �1TE: AUG'UST 6, 1985 Attad�c-a is a cop�� of a resolution authorizing budqetary transfers for the year 1985, that bein5 the current year budget. Iter,.s rnarked one, two and three are the 1985 transfers rreedeo to real ign the f unction of Fark Mairtenar,ce f rom the Parks Depa rtment to the Publ ic Works Det.artrnent. Item n�ber 4 is to show the expenc3iture for the new election eeuig�ent. Zhe revenue for that oomin5 frur. Dr�ergenc�� Reserve. Ita•.� n��ber five sha,s ar, expErxiiture by the Fblioe DegartJr!ent for the F7r,ergenc�� harning Siren S}•ster and additionally a reali5nnent of a Fa,�back for the Optiao�:� S��ste-.. Ite:. n�r„ber six in the Fire DeF.�artrrent sha►s a r�liga;;ent of �yback for the Optio�n S��ste:.. If you have ar�� questions, please feF1 free to let me kr.vw�. SQ : sh 3/0/4�/18 RF�LLTt�N N0. 1985 A RF�(Z,VTICN AL1'�CIRIZII�]G �NGFS II�l APPR�PRIATICX�S FOR PARRS A'RINIII�N�� RDCRFATICN� II.DCTIQNS� P�,ICE� FIRE AAID RFSiRVE DNISICrI BtIDGEIS FbR �E YF.AR 1985 WHf�tE',AS, the City af Friciley has aeteIInineci to change the responsibility of the �rk M�.intenar:oe to PuDlic Works, and i�THEREAS, the City of Fridley has suthorized the purchase of election equipner,t, and WHF�AS, the City of Fridley has suthorized the purchase o� election equipnent in the ano�t of 515,200, and k'HII�F�S, the City of Fric�ley has aUthorized the early warning sirens in the anount of $34,000; HCh', �I�ORE, BE I'!' RE SQ�VID, that the bucbets of the following divisions and f�ds be ane�oed as follows: Ite� h'�Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 Public Works (Division 635� Parks (Division 710) Recr eation (Division 715) F1 ecti ons (Division 305) Fblice (Division 405� Fi re (Division) � �� .: � i►�. ;. .. .. Personal Servioes Other Expenciitures Other F.�c�endituzes C�pi tal Outl ay Other Financing Uses Aersonal Servioes Other Expenditures C'apital Outlay Personal Servioes Qpital Artiay �pi tal Ovtl ay Capital R.•tlay Other Financing Uses �F�ital O�tl ay Other Financing Uses 4 Resezve Used for Elections 5 (Division 605) Used for Fblioe $313,240 -140,000 315,304 120,700 140,000 -325,829 -315,304 -120,700 12,589 15,200 34,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 15,200 - 3A,000 -0- 16A F. •� SF� AI�ID ADOPTID BY 'l�iE QZ'Y �ID]QL OF �iE QTY OF FRIDLEY '�iIS ._ ._ 1 6 B r, :�• nr __ - --► 1985. I�YOR - M'II.LIAM J. I�E ATI�S`I : QTY (I��R - SII�'EY C. ]I3FAti 3/7/3/5 RESOLVI'ICN I�. - 1985 A��50LUTION AIJIfIORIZING 'IIiE CITY OF FRIDLEY 'PO IIJl'ER IlJI�O AN II�JCY MAI�G�TT ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREF•MF.L�fl' WITH � STAZ'E OF MIl�IIdF.SOTA BE IT RY'SOLVED by the City ��cil of the City of F�i.dley that: 1. Zfie City of Fridley enter into, with the State, Department of Public Safety, Dnergency Managene.nt Assistance Grant Agreanent No. ; ar�d 2. Zhe Public Safety Director for the City of Fridley, James P. Hill, be authorized t�o execute the agreanent ar�d thereby assume for and on behal f of the City of FYidley all of the contractual obligations contained therein. PASSED AND ADOPTEll BY Tf-� CITY COINCIL QF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY QF , 1985 WILL IAM J. I�E - MAYUR ATTES'T: SID[QEY C. I1�P4A[3 - CITY CLERK 17 ��.� . � t��DtF`� , �� • - t��a���f: `�_"�_ _'�� R�'�� ;=��.��;� DEPARTMENT c�ty of Fridiey Minnesota DATE SEPTEMBER 5, 1985 fiROM pUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR, J.P. SUBJECT CIVIL DEFENSE/EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION MEMORANDUM a TO NASIM QURESHI Attached is an Emergency Management resolution for Council consideration. 17A ACTtON', INFO X � This Emergency Management resolution is a new requirement from the State of Minnesota which allows us to apply for and receive the Emergency Management Assistance funds that our city has always received in past years. At this time no grant number has been assigned by the State of Minnesota. Therefore, no number appears on the resolution. JPH/tt/sa , � 18 ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL �- APPOINTMENTS' c'F'°�'c�►�;�? 9, 1985 U I�►!E �_ S'PAR'rIl�IG S'TP,ttTIl�1G F06PT�1 SAI.ARY �P►TE �'e Debbi Ray Heikke Offioe Assistant $1,091.81 Augu�t 20, Laurie 4629 Pblk Street Fblioe P�r 1985 Roatch Gbl unbi a H ei cj� ts De�.a r tmerrt Irbnth 55421 ���; � ' FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES 1 �� QI 1 �_'_� .,�_ . ...: �:., 9 , 1985 Her r i ck � Newr'ar:, P. A. '. . � 6 27 9 Univ er si t}• Av �t� h. E. Fridley, Mh 55432 For Lecsl Servioes Rendered as C7ty � Attorr�y for the I�bnth cf August, 1985 .......$ 1,657.60 Hic�cok ar►o Assoc�ates 545 Indian Nbimd Wayzata, M�T 55391 Moore Lake Restoratitan Project II Insp. II - Praf . Serv. i�riod End 7/31/85 ......$ 291.19 Mboze Lake Restoration Projec� II Rpts. 6 �al. - Praf.Serv.F�r.�d 7/31/85 . . . . . $ 405.89 H & S Asphal t 700 7ndistr}• Av�ue Anoka, M: 55303 Street 7mprwaeent Projc-ct ST 1985-1b2 F�rtial Fstinate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 117,478.33 All ied Blacktop Cor:��ny 10503 - 89th Av�ue N t�pl e GraJe, M: 55369 St. Im�. Proj . ST 1985-10 (S�1 Cc�t) Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 44,080.00 Albre�t Irricptiar. 1406 h'. Cb�ty Road C Roseville, M� 55113 M.i ssi s: i pgi Str eet Ir r i ga ti an Pr oj ect F�rtial Estir�,te No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,219.42 Lino Lakes Lanc�taping 18400 Lexinc;ton Av�ue Wyming, !rN 55092 - I�h sGi ssi ppi Str eet Lancis ca pi ng Pr oj c�t I�rtial F.stim�.te No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 24,715.83 � YU�G�� C M[RII,C■ QAViO • M(wY�N �.,.es [ sc�rccRn►e■ HERRICK 8c NEWMAN. P.A. ATTOwMtr{ A� 6l�w - September 5, 1985 City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Mti 55432 August Retainer: EXPENSE ADVANCED: 52 xerox copies: BALANCE DUE: �., -....�� S1650.00 7.80 S1b57.80 �9A ��f UwrvE�S��� ��Eauf « [ FRIOLEY, MINNESOTA SS1]2 571•�lSO � �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES L!' .� September 9, 1985 Type of License: �: Food Establishment E.L.4. Eng. Inc. R.C. & A Vending 7770 Ranchers Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Tree Removal Stennes Shade Tree, Inc. Mark Stennes 462 Old Highway 8 PJew Brighton, Mn. 55112 Vending Machine Sunliner Motel Tasty Snack,Inc. 6881 Hwy. #65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Sunliner Motel Metro Beverage 6881 Hwy. #65 Fridley, Mn. 55432 Off Sale Beer Central Oriental Foods Kyung Sook Choi 6440 University AvP. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 ITIP�ERAP�T FOOD PERP4IT FMC's United Way "Fun Day" Bonnie Linder 4800 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55421 ., Approved By: Ralph Volkman James P. Hill Public Safety Director John Flora Fees• �45.00 �40.00 $1�.00 515.00 560.00 530.00 � � I �— FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2 � A 5EPTEMBER 9, 19$5 GAS SERVIGES Triad/Minnesota Co. P.O. Box 17172 SL. Paul, !�I 55117 GENERAL- CONTRAGTOR Nimz Construction 3907 Vincent North Minneapolis, !�� 55412 Paco� Inc. 797a University Avenue N. E. Fridley, t�R� 55432 R & M Associates 3�+82 Auger Whi te Bear Lake � irW 55110 Viking Home I¢provement Co. 4832 - 2 1/2 Street N. E. Fridl ey, I�+I 55421 EAT Trisd/N.innesota Co. P.O. Box 17172 St. Pau1, !QI 55117 By: James E. Ethier By: Del Nimz By: Gerald Paschke By: Ray Palme By: Lloyd Merrell By: Jamess E. Ethier Yilliam Sandin ' Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel C1 ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofc. Darrel Cl ark Chief Bldg. Ofc. iJilliam Sandin Pl bg. -Htg. Insp. � � _..� � ►— � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2� 6 ���teriber 9, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY ��t IACA;CIQj�] OF F3LtILDIIQG IINITS FEE �1PPROVID BY , R. H. Larson, FBp/ Housing Insp. Donald Findell 6850 Siverts La. I� Fridley, IrIN 55432 A and L Mgmt. Co. c/o Alexander A.Levitan 2051 Long Lake Rd. New Brighton, NII�I 55112 Saa��e awner as above Sarne c�wner as above Same a,mer as above David Co. 2299 Rainbaw Ave. New Brighton, NIl� 55112 River Road East Corp. 321 Univ. Ave. SE i�ls, NIIV 55414 R & R Littler 41 Rice Crk . Way I� Fridley, I�II�I 55432 Laurence & KarenRussell 6011 Main St. I� Fridley, N�] 55432 Cir-Ox Properties Inc. 13562 Highway 65 1� Anoka, NRV 55303 Ace Supply Co., Inc. 3825 Edgewood So. Mpls, [�IlV 55426 Farr Marketing Inc. 4600 Lake Road N�ls, I�II�1 55422 Park Associates c/o A & L Mgmt. 2051 Long Lake Road New Brighton, N�l 55112 6634 Central Avenue 1200 Cheri Lane 1230 Cheri Lane 1260 Cheri Lane 1290 Cheri Lane 5940 East River Road 6540-50 East River Road 6379 Highway 65 6011 Main Street 137 Mississippi Pl. 157 Mississippi P1. 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr. 610 Osborne Road 10 49.00 18 61.00 18 18 18 12 61.00 61.00 61.00 49.00 141 307.00 8 49. 00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 62 149.00 9 49.00 I ■ �� � l=./ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2� C September 9, 1985 Rf.SI(1FN?I111 F:ChTJ11. t'R(11'CRTY ��.����: ! _• �1 �,► �; � 1�1 4• � �' •:.� �� • • . Same c�mer as above 630 Qsborne R�ad 34 SaQne owner as above 690 (kborne Raad 34 Polk Street 5650 Polk Street 16 Investment Group 6800 France Ave.S., �760 Edina, NW 55435 Same awner as above 5560 Polk Street 16 David Heryla 5761 2nd Street 3 1100 Polk St. I� Col. Heights, NII�t 55421 Promise, LZD 5400-2 7th Street 3 c/o Richard Paulson 3216 Poe Road Brooklyn Center,NW 55429 David W. F�st 262 57th Place 8 5735 Quincy St. I� Fridley, I�4�1 55432 Jerry Dold 290 61st Avenue 3 6110 Star La. I� Fridley, I�4�1 55432 Rice Creek Zbwnhouse Co. 1565-7-9-71-5-7 68th Ave. 6 1652 69th Ave. I� Fridley, I�W 55432 jaQne owner as above 1566-8-70-2-4-6 68th Ave. 6 Sane awner as above 1578-80-2-4-6-8 68th Ave. 6 Same aaner as above 1579-80-3-5-7-9 68th Ave. 6 Same c�+mer as above 1590-2-4-6 68th Ave. 4 Sar�e owner as above 1591-3-5-7 68th Ave. 4 Same c�mer as above 1600-2-4-6-8-10 68th Ave. 6 Same owner as above 1601-3-5-7-9-11 68th Ave. 6 93.00 93.00 57 .00 57.00 36.00 36.00 49.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 ��i � � L�..� FOR CONCURRENCE 8Y TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2 � D September 9, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY !.►�i�; .� • y �,► � : � 1►r y- �+ � • • -�• /» : . . . Sarr�e owner as above Sart�e awner as above Same awner as above Sarne awner as above Saa�e awner as above Same c�mer as above Sa��e awner as above Same c�,mer as above Sarne awner as above Same awner as above Sair�e oMmer as above Same oMmer as above SaQne aaner as above Same aaner as above Same owner as above Same c�mer as above Same aaner as above Same oMmer as above Same aaner as above 1612-4-6-8 68th Ave. 4 1613-5-7-9 68th Ave. 4 1620-2-4-6-8-30 68th Ave. 6 1621-3-5-7-9-31 68th Ave. 6 1632-4-6-8 68th Ave. 4 1633-5-7-9 68th Ave. 4 1640-2-4-6-8-50 68th Ave. 6 1641-3-5-7-9-51 68th Ave. 6 1652-4-6-8 68th Ave. 4 1653-5-7-9 68th Ave. 4 1660-2-4-6-8-70 68th Ave. 6 1661-3-5-7-9-71 68th Ave. 6 1672-4-6-8-80-2 68th Ave. 6 1673-5-7-9-81-3 68th Ave. 6 1560-2-4-6-8-70 69th Ave. 6 1590-2-4-6 69th Ave. 4 1600-2-4-6 69th Ave. 4 1630-2-4-6-8-40 69th Ave. 6 1650-2-4-6-8 69th Ave. 5 0 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 _�` __ - 2oE �� � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES ���__� September 9, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY � � ��; .� �. •► � � �. 1►r 4- . ...����a� : • . . William J. Urban 7313-15 Able Street 2100 Windsor Vlay New Brighton, I�W 55112 Donald Findell 7890 Broad Avenue 6850 Siverts La. I� Fridley, t�4�1 55432 Same cx,mer as above 6640 Central Avenue William Ouellette 7432 Concerto Ctirve 2933 Valerie Lane New Brighton, IrW 55112 Karer & Douglas Hornsten 6190-92 East River Road 10916 Miss. Drive Char�lin, l�II� 55316 Allan & Pamela Fehn 1247-49 Hillwind Road 1251 Hillwind Rd. I� Fridley, NW 55432 Same owner as above 1251-53 Hillwind Road Thomas A. Knaus 4591-93 Main Street 5665 W. Bavarian Pass Fridley, t�4J 55432 Daniel Wintersteen 6671-81 Main Street 6661 �fain St. I� Fridley, NA� 55432 Joseph Teague 1361 Meadowmoor Drive Rt. #4, Box 192 Cambr idge, NIIV 55008 Michael & Julie 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., Achterkirch �108 1249 Hillwind Rd. I� Fridley, t�] 55432 Daniel Erci�nann 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 2525 Co. Roa�d l34, #279 �103, 107, 122, 158, 170 Burnsville, MA1 55337 Preetmohinder Sindhu 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr. 16321 Franklin Cir. SE �131 Prior Lake, MN 55372 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 5 36.00 1 12.00 '��i'r t i �� l!"_� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES "_�`_ :.�:- �, 1985 RESIDENTIAL RE�TAL PROPERTY O � ¢qt�t LtX'ATIC'iN CF' BU LDING LJrIITS FEE APPRCNID��_ � R. H. Larson, FPB,/ - Housing Insp. Rpger Challrnan 8212 - 14th Ave. S. Bloomi.ngton, A4a 55420 Earl Hagg 5140 Rainier Pass NE Col. Heights, [�Rd 55421 Angeline Sewall 15340 Afton Hills Dr. Afton, P'4�l 55001 Owen Rassmussen 3650 N. Cleveland St. Paul, I�W 55112 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr.► �133 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �140 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., #141 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., #148 Darrell b Carol 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., Westling �160, 162, 209, 223, 7415 Borman Ave. 225► 22�► 229 Inver Grove Hts,i�l 55075 nnnett & Lorraine Gosselin 6872 7th St. I� Fridley, NII�I 55432 Hvward Lee 145 E. Viking Dr. St . Paul , I�I 55117 Bruce £1lingson 11750 Slst Ave. N. Plytnouth, N4�1 55442 Jas. Lawrence 1550 6th Ave. N. Long Lake, N�1 55356 Ashok (�apta 23 - 15th Ave. SW New Brighton, MN 55112 Robert Danielson 16333 Valley Rd. Eden Prairie, [�II�l 55344 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �178 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �180 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., #214, 255 1601 N. InnsbruCk Dr., �215, 332, 339, 344 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., � 249 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �263, 271 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 7 36.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 4 36.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 (� �i I��� I � 20G FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES �eptemoer 9, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REP�TAL PROPERTY !.����: � � y • • _ . .. 1 I : • �:.�.�a. : . . . Elizabeth A. Farr 5422 Meister Rd. Mpls, I�II�I 55432 Rristin Chambers 1372 Carling Dr. St. Paul, IrII� 55108 Jack Halverson 697 Osceola St. Paul, NII�t 55105 Charles Levis 5411 E. Brenner Pass Fridley, I+Rd 55432 Donovan or Sharry Elias 7390 Concerto Cr. Iv'E Fridley, NW 55432 S�ne owner as above Dawie Bo�ut�a 16165 Bass Lake Rd. Maple Grove, I�W 55369 Faye Christianson 6389 Pierce St. I� Fridley, N4�1 55432 Ronald E. Schmidt 1405 Pierce Terr. I� Col. Heights, NA] 55421 Jerane Dold 6110 Star Lane I� Fridley, NA] 55432 Robert E. Dove 7505 Jackson St. I� Fridley, l�Al 55432 Violet Rocek 1924 Garfield St. � Mpls, t�ffv 55418 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 1 12.00 �265 2601 N. Innsbruck Dr., #302 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �315 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., �361 1240-42 Norton Avenue 1250-52 Norton Avenue 1285-87 Norton Avenue 6389-91 Pierce Street 1375 5kywood Lane 6110-14 Star Lane 7385-87 University Ave. 5791 2 1/2 Street 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 0 '�1 _ I �) � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 2� H �eptember 9, 1985 RESIDENTIAL REhTAL PROPERTY !.�.i�; � _ • �, � � .. �.r y _ � • �:.� /a� : . . . Will is Ring Ring Benson Apts RR #2, Box 116 Cokato, !�l 55321 Arc3rew Rociscak 1419 W. Danube Rd. 2� Fridley, i�T 55432 Douglas G. Fiege 9220 Bataan St. t� Blaine, t�At 55434 , Dennis Blake 6504 - 116 1/2 Ave. N. Chan�lin, NII�I 55316 William J. Urban 2100 windsor way New Brighton, r'R�l 55112 Joseph or Irene Maertens 144 R.ivers Edge Way Fridley� NII�I 55432 Ted 6 Elaine Shirley 2800 Huntington Ave. i��ls, NII� 55416 Same a.�ner as above Sarr�e o�wner as above Donald Findell 6850 Siverts La. I� Fridley, MN 55432 Gordon & Alta Johnson b944 Camino Degrazia San Diego, CA 92111 Charles Gramith C.P.G. Dzterprises 233 W. Grandview Roseville, I�4�1 55113 5069-71 3rd Street 2 24.00 5131-35 3rd Street 5461 4th Street 5840-42 4th Street 5932-34 4th Street 6232-34 Sth Street 6242-44 Sth Street 6252-54 Sth Street 6272-74 Sth Street 110 58th Avenue 1333-35 73rd Avenue 380-82 74th Avenue 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- � Septc�nber 9 , 1985 CX)NWMiNUM LICENSES 201 C�� LOC11T�9TLD£�IL�DI� ��TS FEE 11PP��� . R. H. Larson, FP8°� , Housing Insp. Black Fozest Condo Owners Association 1601 N. Innsbruck Drive Fridley• N�l 55432 1601 N. Innsbruck Drive 196 50.00 i.i �wwi. i ��i _� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiI -- CLA{MS � �Z." ; S�ntember 9 1985 � � - � ClaimS 4257 - 4550