02/25/1985 - 00012017,i__ u �1�1_ • 4.i_ ;�y,r,l_s� ui��_ �. �^ y:i_ �;1�_� 4 ��J� • y�. . . . _,--9 ,._ The Regu7.ar meeting of the Fridley City Counci3 was called to order at 7:35 p. m. l� Mayor Nee. a�� H- � � � �� « Mayor Nee led the Cpuncil ancl audien� in ihe P� ede�e of A1legiance to the Flag. � ROLL CALi�• N�NBIILS H',ESFNT: Mayor Nee, Cbuncilm�s? Goodspeed, Councilmar? Fitz�xtrick, Cburici � niar_ Schneider and Councilrr�ar! Barnette P�NBERS A6S�1T: None ',l�L�_ � u _ALI _ �� A . I� _ \, �: ; .�; . . P�D`I'ION l� Councilman Barnette to approve tlze minutes af February 4, 1955 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schne�der. Upon a vozce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unamnously. ADOPPION OF AGQ�IDA• NDTION 1� Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt �he agenda as sul�nitted. Sec�nded by Councilmari Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all aoting aye, Nlayor DTee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPIN FORUM, VTSITORS: � 7f�era was no response frcm the audien� under this item oE business. - OLD BUSINESS � ���_ u ;_: _��. � 4 •� i� �'s� �L�51 ���� 41 �l � S _`_� � _ �� � • �T � M7PIUN 1� Councilman Schneider to table this ztem. Seconded by Councalman EYtzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nsayor Nee declared tlze motion carried unammously. 2. ORDINAN(� N0. 829 REOODTgyINr TEiF FRIDi.EP CITY CODE BY ��p`?'ION OF A NEW GIIAPPER 216. SPQRM WATER DRAINAGE LTPILITY: Mr, Flora, Pub].ic Work� Director, stated this ordinance established the means for a fee for storn� water ma�.ntenance and re�ir. He staie� charaes are based on a Residential Equivalent Factor accarding to the land use. Mr, Flora stated the fee would be charged to properta.es on a quaxtPxly Lx�sls anci in�rk�orated with the sewer and water biliang s�Istem. —1— �i i '�� 3 �1.L�,.�_ �!_.x+ � �: Cl4_; �.��%I� P�TIGN by Cbi,mci3m�n Schneider to waive the seoond reading of OYdinance rlo. 829 and adopt it on the second readzng and order publication. 8econded kry Councilmar! Gooaspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the mouon carried unammously. Mr. Qureshi, Cii.y l�anager, stated he reoeived a call fran Mr. Haggerty, who � is the attorraey For the petitioner, and he incU.cated he had another meeting L-o attend and would k�e at the Council meeting aro�d 8:30 p.m. NDTION I� Coimcilman Barnette to table thiN ite[n until later in the meetir.g. Seo�nded by Councilm�an ScYirceic�r. Upon a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, 1�layor Nee cl�clareci the rnotion carried una�vmously. i�TEW BUSINESS: ' � � �e �� � '�C +�_:�.1\� '��� i.�M •i ��� i� � i �_ i ��� � _�` ' � � � _ Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated on January 25, 1985, the City received infornation regarding a closing on property in the Doty-Wellner plat. He stateca it was found that the home extended over the utility eawerr�ent on tkie property. He stated a request, therefore, has been received ta vacate a partorA of the existing easement. Ms. Flora statec? thc petitioner has requested the Council Uet a public hearing in order to expedite the process and allow the closing on the pro�erty. He stated by schedulinq the public Yaearing on March 18, the Council would then be abl� to reoeive the Planning Commisson's reoonvnenaaton regarding thi� vacation. � NDTION lsy Cnuncilman Goodspeed to set the public hearing on this vacation request, SAU #85-01, for NL�rch 18, 1985. Secxanded by Cowicilman Schneider. P�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motlon carned unantmously. �,� � • • 4_S �� � �� �i� z!__ .�_,�M_ • •� � _ _ ��4_:.\ ''�� A :' ��li14_.. • I_71 �. • . Mr Flora, Publzc Worl;s DirecL-or, �tated a request for variances has been rec�ived for a sna11 �nrtion af property ].ocated north of 53rd Avenue and ac,�acent to Target, fde stated, in order to construct ori this parcel, varianaes are rc+�uired. Mr. Flora state� rl�e peti.t�.oner is requesting a reduction in the lot size fran 35,000 �quare feet ta 22,160 �uare feet; reduction of the rear yard setback fran 40 w 5 feet; reduction of the front yard setlx�ck L-ran 80 to 65 feet; and an increaee in the nYaumimi sa..a�-a height frwn 25 to 35 feet. -2- � ��1� . 4�__�'i �1` � ,�I�i: �. f' � _ � • Mr. Flora stated the hardship stated was tt?e sna11 size of this property and the low elevation from Central Avenue rcauires reduced setbacks and increased �lon sicyl height. P�r. Flora stated the business to be locatea ir_ tl�is site is a Pickvrlcls Book Store. He stated the Appeals Commisslon reconmlended ��proval of tYie varianc�s, with some changes in the rear yard anc7 Lront yard sett�acks, and stipul.ations xegarding soil xetention and a iandsca� plan. � O�uncilrx�n Fitz�atrick stated Land O' Lakes, locate� or? the south sicie of 53rd Avenue, has gone to a great deal of expense to proviclz landsca pirag arad meeti.ng the setbacks and immecb.ately across the street, you have the aas r�angeable sic� and it se�ns this would ackl ar.other. Fie felt tY?ere w�s a great contrast fr�n one s�.de of the street �o the other. Councilman Schneider asked about the access to thzs property. Ms. Flor� stated access would be off Target's sexvice c'�zve, Go�mcilman Sc:hneider felt there was a real hazard when yoi2 h�ve to cras� over this sexvioe drive to get lx-�ck on 53rd Averiue, Nir. Qureshi, Ca.ty Manager, stated, in this case, you wotil.di�'t be able to make a left turn because of the median and traffic would be forced Lo 00 right. rr. Norman Broa'y, the petitioner, submitted a drawirig of the propased buildiny. He srated it would be swred til.ock w�th a ranvass cana� cver tize windows. He stated this is the typic�]. building construr.ted by Pickwick. Mr. QuL�eshi stated all the structures in tY21s devela�ment are brick a?7d he would rather have a building tk�at kzlends into the total developnent. Mr. Brody stated they would work with the C�tp sLaff on tne e�erier ai the buildtng. Mr. Brody stated they have workecl wit]? the City and the owner of � the property to the narth reaarding a lanoscaprng pl�n, P7r. Qureshi asked what type of retaimng strt�eture woul.c� be used ror Lankincl �n the east side. Mr. Brody stated they �1an to use railroad ties foA the retaining wall. PDTIO�i by muncilman Goods�ed to grarit the varianoes t.o redu� the loL size fran 35,000 square feet to 22,160 square feet� to reduce the require�� rear yard setback fran 40 to 10 feet; to reduoe the reqair.ed front yard setback i-ran 80 to 75 feet; and to increase the masa.m�An si�? heic�ht fran 25 f-eet to 35 feet, but to be no higher than the Q-Fptroletfi s�.aJn, with the following stipulations: (1) the petitionex demonatrate to tkxe City that sasl retention has been made to insure the safety af the property to the north; (2} the petita.oner work with the property cxaner to ti?e north and the Ca,ty ta develop a landscaping plan, to include the Tocatic�n oi rk?e d�unpster, and to enhance the northerly section of the builc�i.ng; (3) the pet�tioner work wit17 tlie City to clevelop an exterior for the buiiding tl7at better i�t� i,� witY� the surrotu�ding developnent; and (4} the retaining structure to tl�e east should be apprwed 1� staff along with additioneAl landscaping. Seconded by -3- �L� %� .� .�,.� ��. h uL.�lill�. • _�?!: �.1. ._ ' : Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declarecl the motion carried unaru.mously. �� •� • • i� •� « � •�� •• ��� , • � � J �•r��i • ,_ � si,_r: �. •u._ :s_«,� ;� .. 4� • � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated tYiis is a reo,uest to reduce the re�w,red front yard setlx�ck fran 80 to 55 feet for pro�erty at 6250 Central Avenue. 1�1r. Flora stated the variance is requested in order to line up a � �roposed building with existing stuctures currently located along the sexviae drive. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission recommended approval of the varianc� req�st with the stipulations that both lots be oombined into oale t-ax paroel ar?d the propertp on i:k?e east be landsca�ed and not be used for a�rking lot. Mr. Flora stated staff felt it would be appropriate at this time to allaa the �roels te be ge�rated until such time as oonstruction begins on the secrond �rcel to the west. Mr. Herrick, C1ty Attorney, asked if there was public access for the secorid �rcel te the west. He state� these twe parcels wou7.d have to be �oined because a build�.ng permit couldn't be issued if there was not acoess. Mr. Qureshi, C�ty NSarrigcr, stated xf the Counctl apprwes the variance, it should be nated in the nunutes that the owner of the p3rcels �uiderstand� that no 6uilcli.ng permit would be issued £or the �rael to the west, unless the p�rcels are cbmb�.i�ed inta one s� there is access fran the servioe drive. Mr. Qureshi s�tatecl he also felt the oatside extenor of any bw.lciings sYzould be oom�ti}�l.e with surrouncling develoYsnent. Cb�mcilman_ Schrie.tder asked Hlr. Bricker .tf he was in agreement with the stipulation that prior to the issuan� of a building permit for property to the west that the twa �aroels would be oombined 1.nto one gr�rcel. � Mr. Brickner statecl he had no ob7ec,rtions and indtcated the� would eventt�al.ly have to be combir�ed �r�to one �arcel. P'DTION l�j Councilm�l? Schneider to concur with the recomrnendation o� the fi�peals Cora�ussion and grant the vananc� to reduoe the front yarci �ett�aek fran the required 80 feet to 55 feet for property at 6250 Central Avenue, with the follawing stipulations: (1) that no building permit woiil.d be iss��ed for the west garael until such ta.me as both �nrcels are combined; (2) the �ro�rty on the east be lan�caped and not be used for a parkin9 lot; and {3) the outside facing of the building should k,e compatible with surroundina developnent and approved by the City staff. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrieci unaru.mously. ' _�._ _• \,� ___�.• ` A4��S_ . I _UI'.�� 1!I_� � 41__Q��i11..:_���_ •.�� �� � �� A b uL � ��, • a�c ;_: ;_ ' : Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council has been discussing the im�rwanent of h�acbwlands Park. He stated func�ing for this improvement would be through sale of City avrted property on the east end of the �rk, NSAS fimds, and other aaailable �rk f�mds. Mr. Qureshi stated the resolution beiore the Council authorizes a study and inprwenent of Meadaalands Park. � d�uncilman Barnette asked if additional lo�s are created and the strPets extenc3ed, if there would he arry assessments against the present property aaners. P4r. Qureshi stated there is no asses�ent prorxrsed to the existing property aaners, but only to those properties who would potentially benef it such as splitting their lots or possibly the church property. NDTTON irH Councilman Goodsxeed to adopt Resa3ui-lon T3o. 12-1985. Se�ndec7 kx� �uncilman BarnettE. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. i � � • \ • " • � _� � \ _ 4 ' �'. i Y � � � � i � ':. • ��fl 1� 4i_ �' 41'��li.Yl_�, '��e � '� Co�mcilmati Goodspeed stated he wntacted perqons or. 5tY� Street who carne to the last cbuncil meet�.ng or who wrote letters regarding this im�rovenent. He stated he ]a�sically found most persons felt they could live with the in�rwaiient, if the assessrnent was reduoed .[ran $15,00 ta $10.00 a foot and that there be no sidewalks. He statec7 a question that was repeatedly asked was what was beinq done c.o r�route traffic to other streets, rather tYtan 5th Streat, Mr. QureShi, City Ni�nager, stated there rs a plan to provide zdditianal lanes at the intersectian of Nti.ssissippi Street and University Avenue. He � also stated they are working to improve ihe �ignalization at tlais intersection. He stated it i5 hoped to direct as much traffic as possible to this matn intersection. NDTIOt� by �unca.lman Goodspeed to adopt Resalution No. 13-1985. Secondec� kr� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vota.ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. Mr. Qureshi stated it is his understandin�� that in the final assessment hearing, the oost to the property �ners for this improaement should be aroiuid $10.00 a foot rather tktan $15.00 because of credit being given ror tYie existiny asphalt cut�ing. . � � +� , .. �;� � •;• � �• �• � � �;� _� '� � •��� � �4; 1 :��i •,� � �,, f•: P37TION I� Councilman Barnette to adopt Resalucaon No. 14-1985. Seconded by d�tmcilmau Schneider. TJpon a voioe vote, a11 voting ay�, Msyor Nee declared -5- �J �� Je �� li� �� �. � ��' f._� f. the motion carried unammously. ! � A �.� ��� • : • � �. � y_ �!_ `_� ; � ';_�� _ � _ • '_._ s� ; e • • . . , � �' • 3�. • : - � -- �� � ; . �,P � . z_ 1� \ ' `� 'i/ M �' �1 Mr F`iora, Pubiic Works Director, stated the City has been attenlpting to imlreve the sExvlce drive on the west sid2 of University Avenue, north of �31st A�enue. He state� Hazard El�mination Fi.mds are available through the � state and this resolution requests the Department of Transportation to utilize fihese funds for oomgletion of the loopback of 81st Avenue, P'D'PION 1� Counca.lman FitzZ�atnck to ado�t Resolution No. 15-1985. Seconded lx �imcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. �_ � �• . �• •-__ �, . ��L �•u • :� •; a _III"+��.4�_\' �i�� ss'_�U i • � � 1�. �_ a�1:.. • •\� �_. 1/��C. '_�9 I' _yl_ Ma�St ':-_ ` L,l itY__._ �\ Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated since this item was discu�sed. Mr. 3ohrtson, aaner of vacant land in this area, has petitioned for a rezonrng. He stated this wou7.cki't, haaever, affect the general road pattern or tYae n�aJor unprovenents at this intersection. Oa�mcilman Barnette asked if eventually there would k�e a public hearing on khe plans for im�rwenent or the inter�ction. Mr. Qureshi stated notioes would be �nt to resid2nts in the area regarc�ing Pns. Johnson's rezoning request. He felt, at this tirne, the plans for unpravenent of the intersection would also be discussed. bDTION by Cpunci.lman Srl�neic�r to ado� Resalution No. 16-1985. Secanded � � Councilman Barr�tte. Upon a voi� vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unamnously. • • • �. , , • �;• � � �� � • • �� • � u�� � ; � •�Ut_� ' ��, •• •;� • .�� ���� • c� i •�_ • �. 4:i ���_ �� � :_v_ i� _� ' : •' : MS i �_Y4:_ �.-` �� i- � � : i �.� � ,• z.l� •�� L_�'�� ' ' •; 4 � i� �• � • � � �� 'r'�- � � s �11,i� � L;4 �':_ �, � �MS_ui�!,' :��� • � •'_� I�7r. �ureshi, City N�nager, stated the HRA apprwed this resolution at their last meet�ng and is now requesting thE Council's approval. He stated it essentially prwides a mechanisn to combine all the tax increaerit districts and release the fimds being allocated in the Center City for the existing bonds. F3e sEated, if bonds were sold independently, it wotild cost more than lf th�y are �ld with the refi.moU.ng. He further state� this woulcV not be ac�ng nore lzabila.ty or e�tencung tYte time of the bonds. � LJ �� ��i' ��-�%. _ �� � �i \. �i 1. NDTSOIV i� muncilman Schneider to adopt Resoluton T3o. 17-1985. Seconded by Cbuncilman Gooaspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimou5ly. ; _`_� _ � • � � • •I: � • �. . r ' .; 1 � ; � �� �� 1�� _ } Mr. Iiunan, C�ty Qerk, stated there is a problem r�gaxdrng the 3ei�gth aF � t�.me it takes in oounting ballots at the Couaty. He stated after rev�.ewing a ntunber of potential alternatives for reducing the amount of tirne in caimting the txzllots, it was felt it would be most effective to count th� 1aa11ots at the C�ty Hall. Mr. Irmlan stated this resolution directs and author�zing staif to begin revi�aing the prooess with the County Auclitor and evaluate t}ie costs, Cotmcilman Eitz�txick questioned wYzy Fridley was getting ir�volved with the other cities. r1r. Iranan stated the only irivolv��ent with tYte orlier ca.ties wouid possibly be through the joint puxchage of equipnent az�d supplaes. He stated the City wanted to work with the County �o help solve some of these �xokzlens. NDTTON }� Councilman Schneider to aclopt Resalution No. 18-1985. Se�xzde� i� Cotmcilman Saruette. U�n a voioe vote, a7.1 voting aye, Nayor IVee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' '._' �� . \� V171 . _4 41• _ � � i�� 15 � NDTTON L� Coimclman Fitzxatrick to ooncur wi�k� tkze following appointmencs ky the City Manager: Name Donald Carrigan Michele Junkert R�sition Water Forsnan Public Works Starting Salary $28,77U per year De�rtment $ 1,287.97 Nanagement per month Infosmation Systens Assistant Stax t.zng Date N�ar. 2, 1985 Feb. 4, 1985 Re aoes NQrle Longerbane Bonni e NIeN�yere Seoonded 1�� Coimcilman Schneider, upon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, b7ayor Nee c�clarecl declared the motion carried tmani.mously. M-� v._ NDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims N�. 12%4 tnrough 1478. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. U�on a voice vcte, �11 -7- �6� `� i�J �111\ C 41_ _�. • ��+p 5..,'s �.�i�3'i�� votiny aye, NL�yor NEe declared the notian carried unarv.mously. 16. LIC�NSES• I�DTION I� Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of tlhe licenses as subnutted anci as on file in the License C].erk's Office. 5econded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl ttie notion carried unanimously. 17. ESTIMATES• f�DTSON k� Goimcilman Fitz�strick to authorize payment of the estimates as sukmittede Mo�rette Construction C'o., Inc. 2050 WYaite Bear Avenue St. Paul, NN 55109 Fra.dley Garage & Storar�.e Fac.ility Partial Estimate No. 7 Layne Ni�nnesnta Com�rry 3147 Calaforrua Street I�orth Minnea�ralis, NN 55418 FTNAL Estimate 49e11 and Piunp No. 9 FU.ckok and P�sociates. Inc. 545 Tnolian Mo«nd Wayzata, Nl�nnesota 55391 Noore Lake Restoration Pra�ect II ParL-i.a1 Estimate - �riod Ending 3anuaxy 31 � 1985 EIerrick & Ne�aiiwn, P.A. 6279 Umversity Avenue N.E. Fndl�y, NN 55432 Sero� ces ren�reca for January, 1985 k�y G.ty Attorney $ 3,250.00 $ 250.00 $ 4,214.94 $ 2,257.50 Seoonded 1� Courrcilm�n Gooaspeed, upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unantmously. RECESS A 15 minute recsess was called at 8:30 p.m, i� Mayar Nee. RE�NVF1`1ED• � � � � ..1� . u�— ,. ._ ��:; 2: Nfayor Nee recorn�ened the meeta.ng at 8:45 p.m. AIl Council members were present. ���� �;. _�i • N� i=s_9! y_ ,M • � M_hi�4�_. 4 u' W1M___,I • w - - - r1r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for variances at the Skywoc�d bBall and Nk�tel pro�rty at 5201 Central Avenue N. E. He stated � the variaric�s irivalve a total of four g�lon sicy?s, an identification si5m, a motel sic�, a mall s�.�, and an entry s�.gn to the motel. Mr. F7ora stated the onginal request presented to the Appeals Conmission was for a variance to increase the total �uare footar�e of a�lon sicy2 frcn the maximun of SO square feet to 521 �uare feet; to lncrease the he�ght of a p�lon sicyt fran the maximimt of 25 feet to 5Q feet; and to increase the total square footage of an informational szcy? ircn th� maximtun of 4 square feet to 38 square feet. hu. Flora stated, at the P,p�eals Canunission neetang, thexe was cx�nsxderable discussion regarding these variances ai2d conce�sions were m�de by the developer to rec3u� the total sl�age. I3e stated Szgn No. 1 was LG be a maximun of 361 square feet and a max�.mun of 50 fcet higY!; Si� Nc, 2 to 1� z rnaximim of 48 spuare feet, 8 feet hi� and lirhied on one szde only� Sign rdo. 3 was to be a maximun of 60 sxuare feet and 22-1/2, feet high; and S.ign No. 4 was to be a maximtan of 16 square feet and 10 feet h7.c�h, He scatecl tkae Commission recon¢nended apprwal of the varlances, with the above figures, and five stipulations wh�� he outlir�ed. P7r. N�rk Haggerty, attorney representiny th� petit�aner. stated several residents fxan the area were here an manbers o� trhe Chambec of Canmexce to speak ou their behalf. � Mr. John Gargaro, Chairman of the Board oi Directars oF the Chamber of Commerce read a letter which was addressed to Mayor Nee. This letter regarded the unanimous support of th Charnber of ComrnercE for the sicln varian�es requested L� the Skywood Tnn for a 361 squ�re foot �.ylor_ si�, 5D teet high. He stated it was the�.r opinion that the i�v r�otel and restaurant is a ma�or Cti.ty-wide asset that would genera�e �ob�, attract people from outside the City, and provide lodging for l�rge cammerical users aaid resider�ts and add an addita.onal $250,000 tax revenue to the City's annual t-ax hase. He stated the Skywood Inn isn't asYang for �nyth�.ng greater thar. what the Ci.ty has granted in the past to other business in the immecii�te area. He further stated there are aver 27 businesses within the ��hop�ing mall oovering approximately 225,000 square fcet. ' t9r. Gargara stated he was informed the Counci3 w�ammausly granted a 47 f.00t high sia}i for Vik�.ng Chevrolet within the last year, an increase of 11 ieet fran the former sign. He stated, in �ntras�, tlie Skywood Inn is requestlny an increa� of a p�lon sicg� fran 42 feet to 50 feet and, ii7 addition, they nave r�aaved approximately 5,000 s�uare feet of siynage on their builcl�na and wiil replace it with attractive u�to-date aesthetically pleasing sic�age which wLll aover far fewer square feet of area, � �:�a � d�l �� �� ui_ � �. • ��: • —,-;. Mr. Gargaro statec� tY:e Cl�amber of Commerce i� of the opinion that the Skywood Inn should be grarfted all of its reauests based on the reoommendations of the Appeals Cbmmission and the City staff for the sign variarice. He statea thEy strongly and unanimously support this variance rea,uest. Me. Haggerty stated in 1982, the Skywooa Mall existed in sort of a d�lapidated conditi.on and a group of 10 local investors purchased it. He ..s-tated thEy agproached the City staff to find out what the City wanted or would like to see for the exce:� land. He stated the City had t�een trying � for years to obtain a motel and it was discavered they could obtain some financing for such a pro�ect. He stated each of te investors signed a $7,000,000 note and another $1,000,000 was razsed to develop this facility. Mr. Hagcjerty statec3 tize nwney they have inter� ected into this pro� ect is generating an excess of $250,000 oi nEw tszx reven� for the City. He stated he is �ersana].ly irivalved ir the restaurant Fhase of this pro�ect wtth over a $200,00� uu�vvestrnent. Mr. Hagclerty stated their bzggest a�mplaint they receive is people c.annot zind than �nona, the other businesses in the area. He stateG if they could reduce the size of other s�.cgis in the area, they wouldn't have a problem. He stated �rhexa the Sl+ywood Inn was granted a Best Western franchise, they ���ere told they had to have certain size signs and as much visability as possible. He stated they att�npted to have sic�age on the freeway and were infoxraed there was a wait�.ng list. He stated they do have one billboard sicyi on the north end of Fndley. Nlr. Haggerty stated they want to present a sign that is attractive and cleanup the ma�matcYted p�lon sic�?s in the front and give it an attractive appearan� an� still havF the visability needed. Mr, f?aggerty stated sinoe the motel and restaurant opened, they've hired 100 cannp7.oyees wiik? an annual �yroll aF over $7�0,000. He stated more t-han any other business in the area, they need signage that is visible froni the � freeu�ay. He stated thEy are looking to attract people outside the City, while mc�st otYier ha.isiness in the area attract local residents. Mr Haggerty stated probably most important is the Counw.l in 1983 granted a sia,2i variance gor Vikzng Chc�rolet which is a si.nqle bus,tness and compete� with no other s�.c�s in the umnediate area. He stated Viking Chevrolet was allaaed a 47 foet s�.gn fran the former height of 36 feet. He stated the reason this was granted was because Viking Chevrolet was cleaning up the old dilapidatec3 szcyt. He staten the s�uare foota5e was deaeased, but the height was substantially increa�d. P9r. Hagc�rty stated, in com�rison with Viking Chevrolet, they would be �rwicliny actiutaona7. en1ala�ment, inereased real estate taxes for the City, �nd hetter ea�posure fnr the other busiraesses in the mal1, Mr. Haygerty stated tYne3 face the possibility of losing a$7 to $$ million cbllar irroesL-rnerit and Viking Chevrolet cti.d not have that to lose. He asked the Coimcil to c:ons�.chr thea.r plight and possikale damages to the �zrsons who -10- � N.1� . 41_ 1. � �?�C f_:_� they enxzl.oy and oonsider their needs Eor tY?e fuEure invecunent in tYse Caty. P'Ir. Haggerty stated he hoped the Council recz�nsiders tYte reoomnendatlons at the last meeting. He stateci they neecled tYae Cbuncil°s help ta stay �iable and revital�e the husinesses in the mall. P�'. Hagqerty stated they would be willing to reduce cheir request an tl�e � sicp� height fran 50-1/2 feet to 47 feet. Coimcilman Goodspeed stated he wished to clarify a fcia points mad� recyG,rdi ng varianc�s this Council has gsanted in the �ast. He scaced he wo�zl.d 1 ike to ranind peo�zle that he didn't vote for those v�.riances, and looking up ana down Highway 65� he didn't think he oould su��ort than. He stated, eeveral faets were brouc�t to light in tkae last fe� weeks, anc? he would camgletely agree there are some rules that i�ed to be b�nt ai�d some oz the varian�s he oould go along with. He stated he wa�Lld approve o£ thE variance for Si�s No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, ana woiud be willing to support a heic�t of 35 feet ior Sx� No. 1. Ooimcilman Goaispeed stated the motel had a 36 foot high sl;m which �.s as hiyh as the Menard sic� and as bLg as the :�yr� for Graund Round. EIe statec; Y.�!is heic�t would be taller than the 7.tvin Gity Federal sign. He stated whatever hardship is there, aithough in a l�rye part he Pelt is was self- inflicted, he felt in good conscience this was as iar as he coul d go ta compranise. Co�cilman Schneider asked the height of tk7e 'r,�llest si.�i in the area. Mr. Haggerty stated the Great Pmerican Music sAgn is 43 feet lv.gh. Wtmcilman Schneider asked P7r. Haggerty i� th� oould acoept a sign 45 feet � kngh. Mr. Hagqerty stated, because of the Lnvesunent mac7e ir. this business, the aaners are very a&irnant about the heiaht. 2hey feel to survive, their aic� has to be higher than others in the area. � Mr. Haggetty stated the3 wexe pranised the c�opexa'rion of rhe Ca.ty in orcZer to make this pro7ect staxvzve. He stated wi�zt they saw and oti7ers saw w�: an opportunity to bring a first class motel to the City to serv�.ce the businesses and peogl.e. It is not the best s.i.te ln the world, buc tt was the best thEy had to work with and they were wxlling to go on the lzne witl7 $7,00,000 in industrial rc�enue bond fznancing. He stated this is a plea ta the Council to assist thesn in a difficulL situatian. He statec these investors are not big wheeler-clealers and nced the G�uncil's Yte1p rnore tYzan a large �r�.oration. (buncslnian Schneider stated he was supportzve of r.Y�e moi.el, �ut dicl have a protiLan with the heic�it of the s�.cg� and not tse aq�re iaotage. He stated it s��ned if the� were granted a 50 foot Y�igh sia�;, sorneone else may come irc with a largex developnettt and request a hiaher sian. He stared ic seems wh�t is pertinent is their sign has to be at least as high and mlybe sl ightly ingher than other s�.cy7s in the area, -11- �� � d" ' �1� ��1�, U�__ .�� � �i �. �i� � lJ Mr. Haggerty stated his instruction fran h�.s clients are that thEy would be willing to have the s�.c�, 47 feet high, He stated if the O�uncil suqgests 45 Leet, he wauld pre�nt it to than, but can't pranise they would accept it. He felt that, wer the lonq r�, the �c� wou].d become arx attractive symbol of the area and ger�rate positiae things for the C�.ty, Counczlnrn Schneider stated he oould support the varianoe for a heic�nt of 45 feet, �sed on the canoept that other sicyzs in the area are 43 feet htc3h, in order te give than �me height advantage. � Mr. Haggety �tated he can't give them a 100% pr�nise his clients would agree. He stated if that is what tY�e Councl feels is the maximun they wouJ.d a�rwe, he ooul�'t argue witki it. He stated they would still like the s�,n �7 feet high. Mr. Frank Job, 5260 Taylor Street, stated he doesn't want to look at this sign as it is offensive. He stated the r�eighborhood d�.ch�'t want the motel. He questioned haa mZriy arrests there had been at the motel s�.noe it opened. I3e �tated he had squad cars ir. his yard in the early morniny hours and woul�'t put up with it. He stated he w�s definitely against the sign anci the motel. Mr. Enyebretson, SZI6 Taylor Street, felt they could live with a 47 foot high sic�. He felt if the� wanted more exposure, the3 should increase the si.ze of thei r ach�ertisinc� in the yellaa �ages. Mr. Hac�gerty stated, in answer to Mr. Job's question, thEy Ytad a problem at the motel on Saturday ru.ght when one of tYie quests pulled the fa.re alarm. (buncilm�i BarnQtte stated the O�mmission did recommend a variance for the sign to be 50 feet high. He stated, with additional develo�anent on the ciriv�in si.te, the developer possibly would be coming in for aclditional :�.r�age and variances hecause they also would need the visability. He � statec� he ctidn't want to discourage �runercial and industrial devclognent in the pro�rly zonec3 areas, �imciln�ar! Barnette stated the Council also has to be responsible to the residents that abut these properties. He stated he lived a block from Colunbia Asena and is not sure what tktis has done to his Froperty values. Fie stated t1�e arena c33es cause ku.m sane ino�nvemenoe, but felt it was good for the city. Goimcilmasr Barnette stated he personally felt the developers worked well wzth Lhe staff and made every attem�t to work with the neighborriood, fIe felt ilzey hacl made yome oonoessions ta make the area m.oer. NDTION 1� Cnuncilman Bari?ette to apprwe the varianoes to increase the total s�uare foetage of a�lon si� from the maximLan of 80 �uare feet to 469 square feet and to increase the height of a p�lon si� from the maximiun of 25 feet to 45 feet; (Sicyz No. 1 to be a maxim�m� of 361 square feet ana 45 feet in hei�t, Sign No. 2 on 52nd Avenue to be a maximun of 48 sqtaare feet and 8 feet in heigYrt, s�.ngle faoed with no back lio�t�.ny; Si�? No. 3 on 53rd -12- � ��1 �\ 4� �+.. � ��: f. �i � • . Avenue to be a maximun of 60 square feet ai7d 22-1/2 feet in rieigtat} ; und to increase the total scivare £eeL to 16 sqiare feet and 1D �eet in nEi�t, with the follaaing stipulat�ons: (1) an acce�able wGl.l sic�n plan be su�itted to the City Cbimcil; (2) Sicyi No. 1 6e wns�.dered to t�e the northwest ii_co a qreen area wath a shrub bed at the base; (3) Szgn No. 2 should nave lanoscaping at the ixZSe; (4) Sign No. 3 should be incorporated into tlxe greett sp�� and have landscaping at the ]x�se; and (5) Sic�n No. 4 shoulci �.naorporate a directional arraa and be 10 �eec to tne east. Seconded by � �uncilman Schneider. �tmca.lman Gooaspeed stated he felt alsa he c7icln't want to disaourage business. He stated what they are t�lking about ir! the sic� varian� is government rec�ulation. IIe stated Lhe President oi tt�e - United States says goverrment regulattons are kc�d. Coimcilman Goodspeed cited a case where peorale have lobbied ror aoverrmenta]. regulations in order to protect the cons�uner. He stated he wanted the entire area to prosper and not �ust the motel, He felt i£ the3 mnunue the escalation for the� variances, businesses ir: tne end would suf-Eer, He stated his vicwpoint is also pro--business, t�ut is looking at business in tile more overal.l sense. Mayor Nee stated he woul.d abs�ain from voting an the motion. He stated he felt the Ci�amber of Cc�mmeroe represented the business point of view. N�yor I3ee stated he was shockea at the Council's conduct last meeting and apologized to Mr. Haggerty. He felt the messaye tize Coimc�.l is sending the business m�nwnty is awful. He stated herE �s a business that made every effort to acwnmtodate the residents' aoncerns and diclr?'t really need to do it because thEy met all the reqtunnents to aonstruct this motel, He stated he can't see where this motel hurts residents on Taylor Street at all. Mayor Nee stated if they can't assure businesses they are going to get � fai.r shake, he was �ncerr�ed about the future business activzty. O�w'icilman Goocispeed stated if the� manage� to put all of this together wizY, no other variaziaes, this was a point that wasn't bro«yht up bezore. He � statec3, keeping in mind this is the only variarice reciuested, he ielt he could support C.otmclman Barnette's motion. Mr. Herrick. City ALtoxney, stated he felt the hardship had been discussed and if the motion �sses, it should be because of the hardship. UA7N A F2GLL� CAS�L VOTE, d�uncilman Barnette, Cbun�lrnan Schneider, Co�ncil,��r? Fitz�atricl. and Cowicilman Goodspeed voted an iavor of the motlonT Mayor Nee abstained fran voting. I�yor Nee declaYed the mouora carned with four votes in favot and one abstention. , � • 1S '��L�9 P"�TIQtd by Cr�uncilnan Barnette to adjouce the meet�ng. Seconded by �uncilman Sckrneider, Upon a voioe vote, ail voting aye, M�yor Nee declareci the motion carried wiammously and the Regu],�r Neet�.ng of the Fridley City Coimcil of F�bruary 25, 1985 adjourned at 9:�5 p.rn. -13- � I�SM ._ ` Y' �]♦ � L�u ay�n J��,#'i${�}�� � �}r��. ; ��u'L N..���� �'t�i-�...�.����' i��14 .�,� t.,-�C �' � � �-��-.t" Carcu� g��� Secretar�' ta the CYty �,�cil �Pprcrved: Will z � �� Nhyor �? ,7, � � � � 1