03/04/1985 - 00012013�_ u� �IL�L • ;ar,Z.; ui_ ��. • 4t_ �; �� _�. 4 !� 1� • V�Sra The Regular meeting of the Fridle3 Ca.ty d�uncil was cn].led to order at 7:30 p. m, b�r p�yor Nee. � �� • a Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in r:�r� Pledae or Allegiance ro thc Flag. � ROLL CALL: NIENBERS PRESFNT: Alayor Nee, �uncilman Gooclspeea, Counca.lmat? Fitz�atrick, �unca_lman Schneider and Councilrnar_ Baznette NENBIIZS ABSINT: None ADOFPION QF AGETIDA: rDTION I� Councilman Schneider to acbpt the agencla as submittea, Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. OPIN FORUM. VISTTORS: No persons in the audienoe spoke regarc3�.ng this �t�n oi cwsiness. OLD BUSTNESS �� � y _ �� � • + . . Y� _ 4 .91 • _'ti.\ C_ _ • • �: �I� � NDTION i� Councilman Schneider to table tYiis appointnent, Secondeu by Councilman Barnette, Upon a voice vote, a1i voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �!�.^l:Iib���L�.Y� ��� � ; •� • ���/ • � • � � A1r. Flora, Public P,iorks Director, stated a si� plan has i�en sutmitted for Holly Shoppiny Center as reqw.red b� the G.ty mc�. He statecl this �].�n w�s also sui�nitted to the Housing and Redevelop�ent Authority to make sura at was oom�atible with develoXznent plans for th�.s area. Ivir. Flora statec scaif has zound the si� glan oonsistent with the orclinance, with the except�on oi the p�lon sign, wYuch will �ntinue to be use�, but reduced frrn 206 to 337 s�uare feet. Councilman Scl7neider asked if the owners of tlie center had meL witl? the tenants regardinq this sicpi plan. P9r. Flora stated the owners, Hearrland Associates, did have a meeting with the tenants last week rec�arcu ng the si��r! plan and, he has not heard any adverse comrnents, as a result of tl7at ' � ��s _. � 0.w � ��L _ i�� � ��y � {���_ � «� � rneeting, Niayor Nee questioned if the p�lon si� would be grandfathered. Mr. Flora stated this would be a�ntinuatlon of ar. ex�.sting norr-conforrning use. N.r. Flora statec� the si� plan is outlined in a letter dated February 12, I985 iranI�avid Todd Runyan and Associates, Inc., architects for Holly Shogping Cerster, anq is found on �ges 2B and 2C of the Council's agenda. N1r. Flora stateci the center wished to obtain permits in order to have the sic�age up this spring. � MDTI�N k� Cbuncilman Fitzg�trick to apprwe the sign plan, as outlined in the February 12 letter from the architects, for Holly Shopping Center. Seo�ncled l� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a Voice Vote, all voting ay e, Playor Nee declared the motion carried imammously. I�s. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it is hoped to begin improvement of. the erztranc� into Hol1y Shopping Center. The entrance would be moved west to allaa For mare stackiny ro�t for vehicles. Further, in con7unction with this imprwanent, it is hoped to add adcli.tional lanes at this intersection to help allEVate some of the traffic problans. � , � . .. ���_ �•� • �1� : ',_�� �1.• -� � � - NLYPION L� Counra.lman Barnette to ado�.i Resolution No. 19-1985. Seoonded 1� �uncilman Pitzpatrick. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, P7ayor Plee cleclarecl the motion carried unammously, � � �� � 1 • : � • ��1 �� �M + � � _.�L� ,� ' .� • �� ���5. �., �' [i • •.� , • y Mr. Dean Saba af the Ener� Canmission appeared before the Cotmcil reqarding � an application for a Department of Energy and Economic Development (D.E.E.D.) grant. Mr. Sakx�t stated this $15,000 grant wou].d allow the City to develop a progr�n whereb� thEy aould find out where sub- standard housing is located in the Ci.ty wluch cbesn't meet the 1985 energy efficient codes. He statec3 steps wuld then be taken to upgrade those dwellir.gs to meet this mde. NIr. Saba statecl in oxder to qualify for this grant, there must be an Energy Council oonprised of representati.ves of labor, small business, volunteer orgarnzati.ons, setuor cit�.zens and lar� and moderate income individuals. He stated he does have a problan with this as the State is telling cities how tYie� have to �mprise their C�u[ussions. He stated one way to handle it woul.d be to have a pro�ect committee assicysed with the task of developing this progr�arn and seek the ftulding with assistance fran the CS.ty stafY, Cauncilman Fitz�trick asked if this program would be confined to multiple housing. -2- � ��.a� . __ �i �, • Ue_U� �1��'Rby Mr. Sa� stateci it would be eanfined to reiatal prcaperties whe�i�er �t pe s�nqle family daellings or multa.ple ckaellbr?os of iour or less. Mr. Saba stated, if the grant is received, sulrstandard rerital units in the Ca.ty would be eligikile for funding to upgrade their properties to meet the 1985 r�u�.xenents of khe IIzerc� Coc'�. He state� the aanexs thanselves would only have to p3y 50� of the oost, with the k,alar.ce coming �rom the grant � rnonies. Mayor Nee asked haa this program would com�are Lo wix�t the Cormluru ty Actiorr Proyr�n (CAP) entails. Pir. Sa�ia stated the C�1P progr�n aroers all properties and thi program would be strictly lzmited to rental preperty. He state� the probl�m �aich rental �JYOj�T� is there is no incentive to upgrade lt. Ae stated if t'rne yrar.t is received, funds would be availabl.e for a�rners to upc�rade tiae properties. Mr. F7.ora stated the Q1P program focuses mostly on �enior ci��ens, low ancl noderate income persons, and aaner-occupied ��roperties. This grant would prwide matching funds to owners of rental properties who wish to make imprwanents to meet the Enerqy Code re�u�.rc3nents. Mr, Flora stated, in oon� unction with this �rogr�, the C�.iy is al so looking at Ma.nnegasoo's ftuiding for ener� consea.vatioxz and insulatiori, and woi�ld try to tre these two progr�ns together. Mr, Flora stated this would require a pro�ect comnittcee and would sugc�est 000rdinata.on with the Commissions to establish ari Ener� Council and try tc� provide the means to start this program in che Caty. Mayor Nee stated he was not opposed to this program, but felt tlZe stafi person involved should meet with representatives oi CAP ir_ order to avo�d � ar� duplication. P�DTION ]x �tmcilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 2D-1985 with the iciea that a pra7ect oomrnittee or Ener� Counczl be estabtisl�ea ap�lying for tlbis grant. Seoonded By O�unca.lman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carriec3 unammausly. 5. LIC�ISES• M7TION 1� Cowicilman Barnette to appxwe the licenses as suliaitted and as on iile in the License Qerk's C1f£a.ce. Seooncled l� Counw.lmar� Schr_eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�ecl�red tl�e moticn carried unanimously. . «_4 v- PDTION lx Councilman FYtzg�trick to authorize payment of Claims No. 1479 through 1651. Semnded kx G�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, ail vottng aye, Nl3yox I3ee declaxed the motion carxled unanimously. -3- � �`a %• ��i�1 _ 4�_� . • 4�:��I � ESPIMATES• NfYi'ION Ix Cnuncilmar! Schneider to apprwE the estunates as subnitted. �n.ith, Juster. Feik�na, f�lmon & Haskvitz Attorneys at L�a 1000 II� Center tti.nneapolis, NN 55402 Por L�cJal Sexvlces Rendered for Novenber, Dec�nber, ]984 Novenber, 1984 Uecer.ber, 7 384 $5,950.00 SS .075 .00 $11,025.00 Seoonded 1� G�unciin�an Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carned unammously. � • • � MOTION by Councilrnan Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unammously and the Reqular Meeting of the Fridl ey City Council of ri7arch 4, 19£t5 ad�ourned at 8 p.m. Res�ect£ully sukmitted, �i.,�-,-�t `��,--zA'-�i'-�� j � . Carole Hack3ad Secretary to tY:e C�.ty Co�cil Apprwed• f/l/ ����� ^�/ � � WLlll�[! J. 1Q2e Nlayor � ��I , �