03/18/1985 - 000120014. ._ ul _�l �4_ •. 4r � �l11_ : : ul_ � 1�. • . y.. _ ' 1� � y_ �� J1 ._ • i..« .. - The Regular meeung of the Friclle� G.ty Council was callea to order at 7:35 p. m. b� Mayor Nee. � a� � � a � Nkzyor Nee led the Council and audi.enoe in che Piedge of 1111egiance to the Flag. � ROLL CALL: L+�1�BII2S PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, O�unp.ln�an Gcodspeed, Counc:�lmasi FYtz�trick and Counciln�ar? Scnneicler MENBERS ABSFNT: Counca.lman Barnette 4 ' • ,���il:��Ci�;�il-�-�3 �i.��i1.�CM�ui�4���i12�;i•f��.'�1if:I�'� N1�TION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to apprave the ninutes as presenteci. Sewnded Ix Gouncilman Goodspeed. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor P1ee declared the motion carried unammously. ��.1� ui u_• ' �� ��'F%� N1�TIOtd by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the ninutes as �resented. Semnded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously. • �� y �e • � � u:. The follaaing it�n was added: Public Hearing ior tkie Transfer of � Beer � License at University Station Restaurant. MDTTON by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above add�.tion. Se�nded ]x CAUncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, ail votijig aye, P'L�yor Nee declared the motion carried uriammously. OPIIV FORUM. VISI^lORS• There was no response fran the audtence unc7er ti?is item of business. PUBLIC HEARiNGS• Pi1RLTC' HE.�RTnTC' �pg '�F TRANSFER OF A BEER LiC�NSE AT TNTV�R `rTY STA^1TON F�rAmatv'r. 7610 �'R�STmy AVEN� •. N.E.: NDTTON Ix Councilman Goodspeed to waive tne reading oi the public hearing noti� and open the pu]al.ic hearing. Seconc7ed 1� Councilmai? Schneider. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee uecl�,red the mocion carried unammousl.y and the publ ic hearing opened aL 7: 40 p, rn. � it'{} ��d i ➢ �� 1� ui ._ 1�. • _ u!��i� • : Mr. Irmtan, City Cterk, stated tYiis �ublic hearing is for the transfer of a beer license to Lioyd and Asciis Sraith at tne Umversity Station restaurant at 7610 Umversity Avenue N.E. He stated background investigations have been wr�pleted L� the Ix�lice Dexartrnent and staff would reoonunend apprwal. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there had been an agrerment with the previaus aaners £or s�ne unprovanents on the property. Mrs. Arc�i � Smtth stated these imprwanents wa�il d be cvmpleted. � No persons in the audienoe spoke regarding this license transEer. NDTI�] i�r G�unca.lman Schneic7er to close the publie hearing. Seconc�ed by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiori carried unammausly and the public hearing closed at 7:42 p.m. ;i �u v4 � �_ • � s �:� �� �� � � � � . � NDTTUt4 tr� Courira.lmar! FYtz�trick to waive the readtng of the puL�7.ic heariny nota.ce and opera the public hearing. Seoonded 1� e�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammousi.y an the public hearing openeci at 7:43 p.m. Ntr. Flora, Pub].ic Works Director, stated this public hearing is for vacation of �rt of a dra�.nac�e and utility easement. He stated, due to a survey error, a residential cl�aellznq was oonstructed in part of this easement at 115 Satellite Lane. Pe stated, t�ierefore, a request has been received to vacate a 3 x 12 root �rtion of this easenent in order to obtain clear tttle £or the property, He stated this vacation is a snall portion of the e��.stiny easement. Mr. E7.ora stated tYae Plamm�g Commission did recommend approval of this � r�uest. No persons in the aucli.enoe sp�ke rec,farding this proposed vacation. NDTION I� Councilman Fitzxatnck to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilmar? Sckrneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motior carried unan�mously and the public hearing closed at 7:44 p.m. � � : � r � � • • �� 1� � ' y� _ ia� • . u�4� � ' ��Y�_�7Si�i� _. �� - - M7TION b3 Councilrn��n Schneider to nominate Sue Sherek, 1530-73 1/2 Avenue N.E., IYidLe�, NN 55432 for appointrnent to the H�unan Resources Commission for u term which expires Ppril 1, 1987. Sec�onded ]x Counc�.lman Fitz�atrick. There being no further nw�inations, the follaaing ac�ion was taken: -2- 1 �� a� ui_� �. • u � ; «. . . MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to cast an �xnanimous ballot for the appointrnent of Sue Sherek to the Hunan Resources Commission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�rec� the motion carned unanimously. NDTTON }� �uncilman. Schneider to table the appoinunent to the other vacancy on the Hunan Resources Commission. Seoonded k�jr Cnur�ciiman Goods�eeq. DpoiA � a voice vete, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NII�T BUSINFSS• e ���._ � •� • � '� �. � •, �;� _N� �, i � ... ,_ui��. A�. �s �-' S a, _ �. a� • . • ,• r _ _ `„ . � ' �i� - I�. Irgnan, City CLerk, stated last year the State Legislature passed a lzw requesting all cities charge a vendiny machzne license fee ln direcL proportion to the oost of inspecting these machines. He stated staiF has reviewecl the inspeetion aosts and is reoo�run�nc�.ng a flat fee of $15.OU per machine. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatxick to wazve thE reading and approve the ordinanoe upon first reacLinq. Seconded by Counc�lmari Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the n.otion carried unanunously. ' �!� _ � �5;. � � • � �. � �-� •.0 _ • �� � ,. _ � ��� •y��� �. �• . � • • ••� • • 1F �l � . i ��u ;�� � . � Mr. Herrick. City Attorney, stated a change is rc�uestecl in two sectioi7s of , this ordinanoe. He stated it 1s prop�sed to add Section 126.01, STAiEb�F�IVT OF ftIRFOSE, which sunmaxizes the purpose or reason for adop�ion of this ordii�anc� Mr. HerricK stated under Section 126.03, Sulrsection l. It is proposed to add the words "and ariy moveable property" which would bring the City's ordi.i�ance in line with the State statute. He stated the most irnportant change is the change in the language under Section 126.03, Sub-section 2, b� changing the words "conclusive evidence" to khe words "a rebuttabie presinption". Mr, Herrick stated these c�anges are requested as a resuit or inierer�ces� made by U.S. District Judge Miles Lord during a hearing on tlre �nstitutionality of this ordinance. He stated tht ,7udge Lord has been requested to withhol8 his ruling on the constitL�tionality until the ordinance can be amended and fonaarded to t17e aourt. MOTION by Councilman Goocispeed to waive the reading and appro�Te the ordinance upon first readinq. Seaonded � Counralman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the notion carried -3- � 't'o 1 jyal ��ll, 4� � �i� � ��i�t�� � � unammously, �7r, Herrick_ statec? the City had receivecl a restraimng order against the No. 1 Health C1ub at a hearing held wl�ere the City and County asked Lor a tauporar.v in� unction. He stated this in� unctlon was grantecl lx the D1strlct Court 3udce, Ne stated an appeal was filed by the attorney representing this establishnent for a stay of the temporary in� unction, haaever, the 7udge has demed the re�uest, � Mr. Herrick stated, as oi nc�w, this establishment is closed an it appears it wil.l ranai.n closed for an undeterntined tune. i M�_ 1_. l • M.i N l�yl_I _- ��-�I 'J1 1\, �_-__�I_'__-_-__'_-' MOTION by Councilman Schneider ta receive the minutes of the Charter CAnunission meeting of Januaxy 21, 1985. Seoonded l� �uncilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor idee declared the motion carried unammously. . � ��l � �:_ • �� �• ��uiu�_ .`.�,� u.__ � • o: . - MUTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Teleais�.on Cor�ssion meeting of Fe�,ruazy 21, 1985. Seoonded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. I)p�n a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the rnotion carried unammou>].y. � X _• ,� .. ...�� _ Y :�, _ � • � � � � •• :��1 �., � � _u_ z: •� ��' '� ; ; ��. 4.�n :�_«�_ 1►n Mr. �1.ora, Public works Director, stated the City received the final survey � for this property and rhe �unca.l is required to pass this resolution in order for the lot split to kae rewrded at the County. hDTTON I� Coimcilman Schneider to ado�t Resolution No. 21-1985. Seoonded tr� Councilman Fitz�.trick. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Ntayor Nee declared tkie motion carried unammously. ,_ _� �� : v_ l � • � • u • '� •�_ .. �� � • • , •, ' �• ' � ,� 4 ' , ,��• f� � � u ��� _ � '• � 7�• � � fu � • � 1?� � _�� � _4S _� Mr. Plora, PubTir. Works Director, stated the Plaiuung Conunission heard ti7is request for the vacati.on of a 3 by 12 foot port�.on of a drainage and utility easemerit on Lot 8, Block 1, Doty/Wellner Addition. He stated tY�is vacation is r�uested k�ecause, due to a survey error, the daelling was oonstructed on this lot was located partially on the easement. He stated, in order to -4- � �� �� �_ vi_?�. r�. • u��_:�. pravide a clear title on this property, Nlr. Wellner has re3uestect a portion of the eas�nent be vacated. NLYPION b� Cauncilman Gooc�speed to approve this vacation re�uest, SAU #85-01. Semnded 1� Cotmca.lman Schneider. Upon a voiae voce, ali votina aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. �� �_;; • � � •• •:_. � � •�� � � •• ..��� q!+ . • • � �1� . � `� : ��,� • ' ' _ �. �!► �: Mr. Flora, Public Works Directar, stated this is a re�ue�t for lot sp1iL-s to s�xlit off two �arcels, one beiny glrt of Lot-s 16 ar?d 17, and the otrer �rt of Lota 17 and 18, ad�oining the ShorEwood Iruz sa this property can be ac7ded for �rking and bm.ld�.ng expansion. Mr. F`lora stated, through negot�.ations and cl�.scuss�.ons with the two owners, it was suggested the servioe drive be relocated to provic�e a �oint access oif Riae Creek Road. He stated the t�ao Fart�.es have e�cpressed an rnteresL in the �oint driveway easenent. Mr. Flora stated the Piannirrg Commission reviewed this rea,uest ai_d recommended approval of the lot split witn the three sti�ulations� as folla�s: (1) a verifying surve� be wnducted ior lacat�.on oi utility l�.nes; (2) the two property aaners work with staf'r to esS=ablash a �o3r!t c3riveway; and (3) the lot sp3it be recorded at the County prlor to z:;suar.ce oz a building permit. Mr. Flora stated stax`E would also recomnend two additional stipulations (1) that Lot 2 Ue combined with Lot 1 for tax purposes and (2) before a final resolution Zs adopted � tYie Cr�ulcil for the lot s�alit, it woul.d be contingent upon receivulg th� �oint driveaay easemenc for these two properties. � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the purpose of ��rwi�ing a �oint drive`aay, located to the east of the 5ears store and Shar�aooa Tnn, ls to iaimmize tne traf£ic prokt7.en at the intersection of Hi�wZy 65 �nd Rice Cree}; Road. Mr. Laaell A�.nas of NSi10 Architects and Engineer�, oonsul`.anLS for tne Shore�aood Inn, stated they would be willang to compl�r with stafL-'s suagesi.ion reqarding the relocation oi the service drive. He stated, haa�ver, no formal agreenent has been reachecl regardiny this �oint driveway access. Mr, Saliterman, the petiti.oner, stated he had nc+ �b�ec�ion L6 the �oint drivaaay access prwid�.ng that, in the future, it woelc� be posszble to relocate tliis drivewya, if thc� wished to bu�.ld to the east oi the Sears store. Ms. Qureshi stated staff would have no prolv.an as long as tl�ere is an access which protects both Mr. Saliterman and the owners of the Sh�r�wooc Inn property. rlr. Nicklaa, aaner of the Shoraaood Inn, statecd 'nis first unpression is that perhaps to cr�te a nEw servioe road migktt result in a bic�ger problen than wi�at thc� have naa. He didn't believe there was a sericus traffic problen, as he has not seen any accic3ents at this intersection. -5- �I �r ��� �d �� 1� �_ i_?� • ti;��M ' : Mr. Flora stated, wlth 'rhe proposal to mwe add�.ttonal traffic on Fsoe Creek Road to Aiqhway 65, it creates a clifficult sttuation at this intersection. Pe stated loop}x�cks are attempted whenever possikil.e in order to facilitate the mwenent of traffic anc7 pravide a better approach and vehicle stacking area. Mayor Nee sugyested perhaps the e�tisting sexvice drive could be ke�t open only as a one--way gc�ing soutki. Mr. NiclQaa stated he would be in favor af the service drive being a one-way � and felt it would be beneficaal to their business. Ns. Qureshi stated if the Council considered making the service drive a one-wy cloing south, he felt the ncia �oint drivEtaay access shotil.d provide for traffic going north and sovth. Mr. r'l.ora stated fran a safety aspect this is not the best solution and if it were to be accomglished sorne constraint wo�il.d ha�e to be constructed within the gzrk�.ng lot in order to lunit traffic to onrway on the existing sexvLce read. M7TION I� Co�mcilmar! Schneider to concur with the recomnendation of the Flann�.ng Cwnmissian and a�aprwe a Lot Split, L.S. #85-02, with the fallaaing stipulations: (1) a verifying survc� be aonducted for location of utility lines; (2) the two property cxvners work with the City staff to establish a 7oint driveway; (3? �he lot split be recorded at the County prior to issuance of the building permit; (4) Lot 2 be combined with Lot 1 Yor tax purposes; (5) the exasting sexvice drive be mac� a onrway going south ir�to f,he ShorEwoocl Tnn, and (6) tkiis lot split is contingent upon the City receiv�ng a oop� of the neta �oint driv�aay easeaent agreenent. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P7ayor Nee decl�red the moLion carned unammousll. C. CONSTDF�ATION OF I�T SPLTT RD�UEST, L.S. #85-04. TO BE USED FOR ST�LF FpMTLY RESTDENGS. 1040-1050-1060 67Tfi AVENOE N. E. , BY � J.A. MENKVELD & ASSOCTATES, INC.c Mr. F`lora, Public Works Director, stated there are variance requests which will be heard b3 the Appeals Commission im m��unction witti this lot ep].it, thereEore, this iten should be aons�.dered 1� the Counral on April 15. ThE peti.tioner, Mr. Menkveld, stated he was told the item woalq be before the Council tY:is cvemng. The Council then did consider this lot split ra�uest. Mr. Flora statec� this reluest is to split Lot 7, Slock 2, Brookview 2nd Addition into three lots. He stated one would be a 75 foot lot and the other two wo�ild 70 foot lots which would be used for single family residences. Nlr. Flora stated the lots meet all the �de requirenents, except variances are requested on the two 70 foot lot: wluch should be at least 75 foot wide to meet the r�u�.renents of the eode. � � �� 1�.� . UI5161 1\. � 44S�Ir ��.�'��y Mr. �iora stated the Pianning C�nmission recommendecl approva7. of the lot split with the stipulations that the petitianer agree to �y ior any street and utility improvenents; Lxy two xark fees for a totai oi $1.500; the lot sglit be aontingent upon apprwal of the variances; and the lot split be recorded at the County prior to issuanoe of any builclin� pennits, Mr. Flora stated it is recommended another stipulation be added iox tl�e � pet�.tioner to prwide a 25 feet translator easement across the wrner of the lot at 67th and Brookview to allaa for arry street unprwanents. r7r. Qureshi, Gtty Manager, stated the Council could take action regardinc� this lot sglit aontingent upon approval of the variances by the Appeals Coims�ission. M7TION ix Cotmcilman Goodspeed to concur with the reconmendat�on of ihe Planning Comm�.ssion and grant lot split, L.S. �85-04, with tlze following stipulations: (1) the petitioner agree to �y for any street and utiliLy improcrenents; (2) the petitioner pay two �rk fees fox a total oi $1,500 ($750 �ch); (3) the lot sp].it be oontingent upon apprwal of the vanances; (4) the lot s}al.it be reoorded at the County prior to the issuance oi any building permits; and (5) a 25 foot easenent be provided across the corner of the lot at 67th and BrookviEw to allow for any street iniprovenents. Sewnded 1� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unamrnously. u •.� u �_ .• y �u � � u � �: _i3 ' • • � ;. � � . , • �, • � ; • � � "� .« •. • � � ���� • � 1 , .� ..��� . �� � � Mr. Flora, Puh7.ic Works Director, stated tY?e pefiit�.oner is in the �rooess oi constructing Buildinqs 2 and 3, Building 3 is only five feet from the � exi.stiny property line. He stated the wae requires a 20 food side yard setback, therefore, this vanance is requested to allaa a f-ive foot side yard setback. rfr. E7.ora stated, although there is 40 feet qetween Bw.ld�.ng 2 and Buildinc� 3, the actual properiy line occurs five feet irom Buildiny 3 and is im�ossitale to mc�ve because that line is set aI Pinancing, boncltng, etc. for this building. He stated, instead of mwing the �roperty line ir_ order Lo sattsfy the �de, it would k�e more expeditious, ac this cine, ro obtain the varianoe. DIr. Flora stated staff would suggest a stipulation be added triat Lots 2, 3 and �rt of 4 be mml�.ned into one tax parcel and, in the future, Loc 4 should be split to allaa Bw.ldings 3 and 4 to be on se�rate �rcels. NDTION 1� Cnuncilman Fitz�trick to wncur witk? the recomm�ndation of tlze Appeals Coimnission and grant the vanance to reciucv the required sicle yard setback fran the re�uired 20 feet to 5 feet for the F�hase 3 building to be wnstructed on Lots 2, 3 and p�rt of 4, B3ock 2, Greai Northern Industriai Center, 5201 Fast River Road with the stipulauon that Lots 2, 3 and part oi -7- � �'1 iR ..i_i •�i �\ 4� ��.. � 4!'._� rt . . 4 be �mbined into one parcel for tax purposes. Seconded by Councilman Goadspeed. U�xin a voice vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee declarec7 the motion ca.rned unamnously. N�TTON by Councilmax? Goodspeed to receive the ninutes of the Planning Commission �eetlnq of February 27, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�txick. Llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiar? carriec7 urtammously. E. �NSIDERATION OF FIRST RE7IDING OF AN ORDINANCE PERTAINTNG TO � THE VACATION OF A DRAINAGE AND LITILITY EASEMENTT BY G& G BUILt?7NG, INC•: MOTTON by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the orci�.nance upon first rcading. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the rnotion carried unani.mou:�.y. • • • •: � •• � � ; •q u��� �. '�y' '�A7 C ��' 1 �• � • �'iJ'__ •��_ •' •�� 'I� Mr. Qureshi, City N9anager, stated this agre�nent was negotiated on an area-wzr�e txZSis with the 49er's. He stated it basically covers a 4.9� to 5.2% u-icrease, clepending upon the posz.tion and there are minor adj ustments for tYae insuranc�e. A'DTICA�7 }x Counralmar! Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 22-1985. Seconded L� Goimralman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tlae motion carried unatv.mously. 1 , � � • ': � ••_ 1. _�. •_�-41�� �7�� �; C_�\ UI•. � • � •U_L�I � ••Y 1JI+ •• �•,_-��� - Mr. gureshi, Ca.ty Manager, stated this basically covers a 5.3� ad7 ustment � ior firzfiyhters anci a minor acfjustrnent in the heal.th insurance. M?TTON Ix Councilm�t? Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 23-1985. Seoonded 1� Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayvr Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � �� • • � •: ••r,� • • ' _�u�_�. • �' �14 *�� � •! � �•� �� �• � ; �� � � _ �, `��' Mr. 7rnnan, Caty Qerk, stated this reeolution is to oppose the sale of wine or other strong alooholic beverac�es in grocery or convem.ence stores. He statec the resolution is somewhat serf-serving, haaever, it does help eniora�nent 1� centralling these outlets in the G.ty. Mr. Ir�man stated this year Ng1DD and othe institutions are lobbying ag�inst the bill and tY.e Liquor Association requests the Council pass trie reso3ul-ion. �'�" � �11\ 4�_?� h.. • V���SMs .. NDTION b� Cb�cilman Fitzgatrick to adopt �:eselut.ion No. 24-1985. Seconded }x Cnuncilrnan Goodspeed. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, I�iaayor Nee declared the motaon carried unammously. `_�_ • �� •: •;��I! � _�, u . ...� . � � M_�41� /�11 '�111� .i+l� � ':' � • � jl �. J� 1,. � C�+I� '�i�!�:. S_—YIiX � I�lr. Qureshi, Ctty Manager, stated this resolution wvers �areliminary apprwal for issuance of tax incranent re�enue reEuncti.ng bonds in oLC1er to refund the outstanw.ng bonds in advance of tl�eir maturity. Mr. Qureshi stated, in order to accom�xlish L-his the HP,A could sell revenue bonds or the City sell general oblic�ation bonas. He staLed if rEVEnue l�onds are sold, there is rio obligation 1� the Caiy and rlie boncl, would be totally supported by the increment created by the tax increment diatrict. Tf, haaever, general obligat�on bonds are sold, tney have the full Paith and lxxclung of the City. Mr. Qureshi stated the HRA has re�iaaed this issue and ind�.cated they would like addit�.onal facts fran Miller & Schroeder tn_unici�ls, Inc, who wau1�J be the �mdexwriter for the refuncti.ng i�onds. Councilman Schneic9er stated when the City originally i�ecame i�nrolved in tax increnent dtstracts, one of the ob�ectives was to elzminate risks to tlze City and he Eelt general obligat�.on bonds m�y put the City and Taxpayets at risk. Mr. Iranan, C�ty Qerk, stated the City currently has general obligation bonds naa for these tax incre�nent districts and it is his apiiuon k� is worth it to spend the additional money to remove tk�e c�eneral obliyat�on bands. � NDTION L� Counca.lman Schneider to acbpt Re�lution No. 25-1985, Se�nded l� Councilmar? Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. t_ � • � . •�� ;_ .. y . , . � � � u,� � •• z • ••� '.. k ': •��a+u u ; Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this resoluc.iori would acid tlzree iLens to the 1985 street imrpovenent pro�ecz, These pro�ects involve the Holly Shopp�.nq Center �rking lot, Ashton Avenue {52nc� Way to Tndustrial Boule.�ard) and Madtson Street (Osborne Road to Lyric Lane) . NDTION fx Goimc�.lmaz? E'itz�trick to adopt Resolutlon No. 26-1985, Seconded l� Cow�ailman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, P'iayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. ; •• � � • • • ' • � ; y� � • � ,[: �L . <S • u' � �� `l�� • . � L _1 r�ek �� Q�i]NCII. MEEPING OF N�1RQ3 18, 1985 �• •���L ta r ,� � � � •,_� � : � � � ��i� y NDTION l� Cauncilmarz Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 27-1985. Seoonded kx Councilmar? Schnexder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. • • � •• •.� '.S !� �.•� • ' • �� � ��_ '�� �G �5_ . �L�: •;,! � 1 PDTION l� Cpuncilman Fi.tz�trick to acbpt Resolution No. 28-1985. Seconded � 1� Councilrnan Schneider. Llpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. , . . .. . � • • . � �_; �._ y� � _ �_� � , � . � � . . � u� ; • • •, • ;� z •.��1LU�� • /' • i� �_ �.! : ':.� a, � � hDTION }� O�unc�.lmar! Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 29-1985. Seconded 1� �uncilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unamnously. � � ,� � � : � • � �•._ �. ur.����v��' �...,��[._ • � � _ � n •; � ` � a�• u� • • ; n _ •� «• ., yia�. • _ I� .; • , . ; �1 .. - • • . . - .- ... - . . . � -.. .- . . .�. .- .� . . . . - .- . . • � � • 1 ': •s��_ u_..,�� ui�+� :••;�u:_ � • a�_ :_�� �'� : � � �v u� • : � •_4��[:_ i�n ._• _� _ui��� � � _ � • � ��: ei s •�n na.�._, '' NDTION !� Councilman FYtz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 31-1985. Seconded � ]� �uncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � _ �1 _ • • L � stii _ _ ►' • _e � � 4 � � ' _��_ Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated based on citizens concerns regardanq the west basin of I��ore Lake, the G.ty requested informatian f rom the Dep�rtrnent of Nat��ra7. Resources regarding weed harvesting. He stated the IYVR wotSd only support a 1C� percent chenical application, but wotLlcl support clo� ta 100 percent at week haxvesting Mr. Flora statec� the chanica7. a�pl.ication oould be a�glied to approximately fzve acres of the west bastn of Moore Lake at a cost of $300 per acre or $1,500 per year. He stated this would, hopefully, el�.minate the weec�s and graath in that area being treated. Mr, Flora statea, as far as week haxvesting, it oould be acc�iglished over a larqer area at a mst of approaamately $14,000. -10- � �� J� _ u! � ��. � v,5_� ��il��� Mr. Flora stated 32 letters were sent out �o res�.dents alony tY�e west basin of the lake and a total of 15 re�zlies were reaeived. Fie sta�ed lA were zn favor of the unprwanent and one was against the weelc harvesting. A'Ir. Flora stated staff is seek�.ng d�.rection frcm the Cou�7c�.1 on 1�aa to proceed. Councilman Schneider stated there was a neicy7borhoocl meet�.ng when the letter fran the Ctty was serit out. He stated Y.e aLtended th7s meeting and che � res�.dents were vexy interested in having something done to the west basin, havwer, the aost for haxvestinq was quite er.Fensr.ve. He felt tYiis wouldn't be supported 1� the residents because of ch� wsts if it had to be clone several times a y�r. Mr. F�lora stated the City would share in the aast ancl where the lalee borders City property, it would be �aid by the City and resLdents woul.d pay t_tie �st� where their property borders the lake. d�unc�.lman Schneider suggested another meeting tc obtain Purther anput anc� comments fran the residents and it probahly shouLd be held the �irst Fart of �1pri1. He stated most of the persons attend�.ng the last meEting were in favor of the weed harvestiny, but the�r were aoncerned about cosis. It was the ooncensus of the Council to proceed wit1� ane weed harvesL-ir.y in hopes ot determimng what would be the weraV.l eEfec�. 20. cZAiMS: NDTTON b� Coimcilman Fitzgztnck to auth�rize payment of Clairns 140. 1492 through 1880. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneidea:. Ui-�on a vcice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. 21. LICINSFS: � tfDTION b3 �uncilman Schneider to appra�e the licenses as sul�aittec7 ar.d �s on fi].e in the License Qerk's Off-ice. Seconc7ed ]x Coianc,ilman Fitz�trick. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor ilee declared che nlouon carried unanimously. � � 22. ESTIMATFS• NDTION ix O�uncalman Schneider to apprwe th� estimates us suhnit�ed. Herrick & Ncjaman, P.A. Attorneys at Law 6279 Umvers�.ty A�enue N.E. FricU e�, NN 55432 Sexvices rendered for Februaxy, 1985 $ 5,402.86 by Ci.ty Attorney -11- ���j �� Z,i yl • y��M.� Hickok & Assoclates 545 Indian Nioimd W�ayzata, MI 55391 b�oore Lake Restoratton Pro�ect I]C $ 422.04 P.eports and Etzaluata.ons Partial Estuaate - Period End�.ng � February 2f3, 1985 H�.ckok & Associates 545 Tndian Matutd Wayzata, NN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Pro�ect II $ 2,263.67 �hgineering TI Parta al Fstlmate - l�riod Ending Febr �ry 2 8, 1485 Seconded 1� Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unarrimously. t�TIQN by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the neeting. Seconded by Counciiman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tkze motion casrried unamrnously and the Regular Meeting o`r the PridleY Caty Council of P�arch 1&, 1985 adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Re�pectrilly sul�nitted., `'�/ � VVd:�.LC�y�i�� � � fii.. C�z- r. %��.-.-�' •. Carole Haddad Willi�n J. Nee Secretaxy to the DHyor Caty Cotmci3� A��roved: -12- �