04/01/1985 - 00011995�_ uU�ll�� 17�4:1�l;77:l;i1�4\;�Vi�1��M1�ll�I�i!4:�?f�,il]il�'��14.4�Z�� J, � .� 7`tle Regular meeting of the Fridle3 Czty Councii was called to order at 7z37 p. m. 1� Ni3yor Nee. a�� � _-°—-'+ N�yox Nee led the Couneil and audience in ttie Pledge of AllegiancE: to cl�e Flag. � ROLL C1��L • MENBIILS PRFSIIVT: [4ayor Nee, d�uncilman Gc�odsp°ed, Cnunciln�an E'itzg�trick, CbunciTmar? Scl�neicler and Councilman Barnette MENBF�Ri PBSINT: None � ..;i� �_ • u� L' �� A � u;�4:. fil�Fi.�i NDTT�d b3 Councilman Barriette to apprwe uxe ninuces as presented. Seconded t� Councilman Schneider. Bpon a voice �ote, all vating aye, I�IdYOY idae declared the not�.on carried unammously. ���� • a n• The follaaing iten was added: Cons�.derat�.on oi a Pztition fran �lze b'Iulta.ple Sclerosis Society Re: Gaming Pu11-Tabs. � NDTION 1� Councilman Schneider to ada�t thc agenda wii-h the above acaditzon. Se�nded b� Counc�lman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all vct-ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the rlotion carried unammously. , • ' �+� 7� • u N •' Mr. Ed Wilmes appeared before the Council reqarc]ir!c� brochuxes to be distributed conoermng the Tslands of E�ace. He state� the Islands of I'-eace Fbimdatton had a meeting with the various groups throughout the meLropolitan ar� such as the Shriner's Hospital, Veterar_s' Hosp�.tal, Couraqe Center, represer�t.attves of the Anoka Cotanty Retarded Czci�ens, Cpon Rapids Seniar Czt�zens, and local. nurs�.ng hanes. He statec, iran this meeting, there was agre�ent that brochures regarding the Isl�nds ci Peace should be distnbuted, �fie Coimcil received a samgle of the type oi brochure which is proposec: co be d�stributed. He stated the Islands of Peace is the result o� a yteat deal of volwiteer work and ho�d the brochu�:e wo��1c� be seni� throuyhouc tl�e Srate and country. He stated t,e thought the Tslands of Peace has set x.i e�npte for rnarr� areas to follav. ii � ,� l. 3 4 5 6. �� y _ ui ��. •_ . .. �JM 73��L�X� �'�_�.:_A .� 1 _�, i� s ' �1 • �;�l�.4 Y _ ` _u�� ' •�� s' 11� � 3 NDTTON ]� Councilman Goodspeed to waa.ve the re�clting of Ord�.nanoe No. 83D and adopt it an the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarec� the niotion carried unammousl.y. • � � • � �� � � _ • � �� � � Uia�i� � � � a�� • � • • ,� _ � • r. _ � _ �.. • � . � ; �n : e�� M,� � � M7TIC�i tr� Councilman Barnette to wa�.ve the reading of Ordirrance No. 831 and acbpt it on the :�eoond reading and order publicatton. Seconded by Council F'Ltz�trick, Upori a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. •S� �_:.� � • ��� •_� � 4 ��� :ui�+i� +, r-�s• a� �� �+ �;�_ . •��1 - • , i� �I � �. 1 • ��i� �. NDTION l� (buricilman Scl�neider to waive ttie reac3�.ng of OrcU.nareoe No. 832 and aaopt it on the secono reading and order publication. Seconded by Co�u�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Nk�yor P7ee cteclared the notion carried unammously. CONSTDEa2ATTON OF CT'�' GOUNCTL APPOINTMENT 'I'�J HUP�IAN RESOURGES GONLMISSION (TABLID 3/18/851 : NDTION {� Councilmar? Barr!ette to table this iter.i. Seconded by Councilman Schneicier. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, [�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. NEW BUSINFSS: R�'�1�TTNG THE MINUTFS OF THE CHARTER CONLMTSSTpN MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25 1985; NDTItJN k� Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the C`harter C)omnission rneettng of Februaiy 25, 19i35. Seoonded !x �uncilnian Schnelder. U�.rori a voioe vote, a13 voi.ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammous.Ly . ��u _� • • � + •• _ • • •; a �� u _ �1�; �I��J�LR�.���L��11L4����3+�'.�1��@Lr r7r. Jim Hi11, Public Safety Director, stated the Council previously chscussed this iten at the budget hearings and decided to wait until this cost estimates were obtained before appropriating funds. He stated authorizatton is nav being requested in the amount of ($34,000) to purchase �w.gnent and sexvioes i-or Phase I of the upgracv.ng of the outdoor warmng systen. -2- � , �I � � , , �� h � vi_a� �,, • ; • ; • : t�9r. Hill statec� the Council had apprwecl encimibered iunds in the amount of $E3,000 for this pro�eck. He stated the total cast for Phase T is $57,000 with Anoka Gounty oontributing $15,000, a ieder�L grant for $21,000 and the G.ty's share would also be $21,000 to rnatcYa tY�e c�rani�. He stated the City must initially front the $21,000 federal grant, ihereEore, $42,000 would be needed less the $8,000 alreacY3 apprwed or U tota]. of $34,000. � Mr. Hil.l stated Phase I prov�des for replacenent of t.he siren actieation systan to rach.o oontrol telenetry rather than the current landline type systen. He further explained the results in unLala�.entat�en of ttii� pro�ect. He stated Phase II of the project would be replacemerct of actual s�.rens fran mecham.cal to electromc, haaever, both these Fhases are independent oi each other. He stated there are no federal funds or mntract awards Por Phase TI at this ti.me which wi.7.1 at an estimated cost ai $].00,000, less cxade-in oonsiderations. He stated amortized over a 25 year service expectancy, thls would equal $4,000 per y�r. Mr. Hill stated what is requested at this tine is authorization f_or the transfer fran the reserve fund of $34,000 to complete Phase I oL thls proj ect. NCYPION 1� Councilman Schneider to direct std�f ta �repare a resolution authorizinq the expenditure of $34,000 for Phase I oi L-he outdoar szren activation syst�n. Seo�nded b1r Councilman Barraette. Upan a voice vote, a11 votiny aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion carried unar�mausly. , � • � •.� ; -�c' � � ` ` ' � • a. •� ' I� __7� _ ur• 5�45_ 41..�s L�11�1 .� ����11� V ; rDTI(�I b� Counciiman Fitz�trick to adopt �esalution No. 31-1985. Seconaed b� Gotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, �7ayor Nee � declared the motion carried unani.mously. $. RESOLUTION NO. 33-1985 ORDERING IMPR(JVEMQ�'I`, APPI2�TAL OF PLZ�TdS ANfl ORDERING ADVERTISEMFSTP FOR BIAS: STREET IMPROVEfTEN^1 PROJ�C^1 N0. ST 1985 - 1& 2 (ADDE[�IDUM #11 : NDTTON }� Councilman Fitzgz�trick to aci�pt Resolution No. 33-19Fi5. Seconded !� Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion caxried unanimously. � � • _ • • i • • � f � i . � �. � � � • � � � D �It • • 1 a • � � � � � � M�TION 1� Councilman Barnette to acbpt Resc�l�ion No. 34-1985. SecandEd by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unammously. � �_ � � •;�� _�, ..,�� ui� �•• �i ` � '_�_ i� • '�L�y � �• � i,- �i� . �. � - � � -3- � i�:a �+ { H 1, 4�� 1. • � � •• N17TION l� Councilman FYtz�tnck to acbpt Resolution No, 35-1985. Seconded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee derlared tl�e motion carried unan�.mously. �_ • � . •• •s�• . . � • ' •�_ � � • � �,� � v - Mr. Ir,�nan, (Si.y Qerk, stated tkiis resolution is in support of a bill to � alla�� a L�llot g�ge and pimch card to be sent to an absentee voter so they carr be allaaecl to vote via the punch card on an absentee basis. Mr. Irman stated, currently, absenree ballots are cast on �a�er ballots wluch have to hand tallied and reoorded on carn�ass sheets. He stated this is a time o�nsuniny and c�ibersane prooess and questioned the secrec.y of tYre absentee kz�llot. He felt this new system would speed up the process and rnaintain tYie secrecy of the vater. rDTTON f� Councilmar? Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 36-1985. Semnded lu Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I3ee declared the motion carried unammously. , � • • ': � �. _��., i\� • r �u� �, � . �1� _ _ �!{_ . •' _� ��' � U NDTION ]� Counc�.lman Fitz�atnch to adopt Resolution Pdo. 37-1985. Seconded b� Cnunc�.lman Goodspeed. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. �• �a•� • • � •a� •• us�'•' '�_ � .� •' ` b�Ir. Fiora, Public Works Director, stated a request has been received to put two temporZry trailers on the property south of the new Nautilus � oonstruction s�.te. He s�catec� the owner of the property has approved thE request and the tra�.ler would ranain at the site during construction of tr�e �acilaty and be renwed within seven months when oonstruction is �mgxleted. NCYPTON !x Councilma.n Schneider to approve this request for a temporary traiier license. Seooncied 1� Cc�unca.lnan Goocispeed. Upon a voice vote, a7.1 votiny aye, Mayox Nee dec].areci the motion carned unammously. 14. LTCINSES: NDTION Yy Councilman Schneider ta apprwe the licenses as sutmitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Otfice. Secoaded hy Councilman Barnette. Llpon a voice vote, al.l voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �narurnously. 15. (ZAINLS: MOTTON by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Glaims No. 1851 throuyh 2D39. Se�nded L� �unra.lman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all '� � � u ��. I� ul_ ?I_Y _,. � ' � voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion cazrlecl unammously. . � �_ n _�� � � ;��u Y: u11_ _'Z «_�;,�_ _ � ��__ ': [�7r. Bud Chalct�, Nl3rket�.ny Representative for the Multi.ple Sclero:�.s Socie�y, appeared before the Council regard�.ng their re�uesL- for a gambling license at the Shorewood Inn. � Mt, Irunan, c7ty CLerk, stated the City Coc1e speca.fica7ly prol�ibits gambling in an orgamzation where liquor is sald for profit. He stated to rssue a license to the MulYiple Sclerosis Society for the pull-tab o�ration at i:kie Shorc-�rtood inn would be in vio3ation of the G.ty's liq��or orcl�.nanoe. Mr. Ciialc� stated according to State stata�tes, it is legal to engaqe �n charitable gambling to aid the handicapped. He stated, however, he understancis the G.ty's positi.on because thEy have ?-un into this problern Lrti otl�er m�nuca.xalities. He stated he is not asking the Council to viol�te the�.r laws, but would like then to �nsider repeaLing this section of the oode that would be in �nflict with allaaing these type pull-takas and enact a new ordinance. He stated the City could then also enact aclditional legislat�.on to �xl.ace restrictions on gamblang such as nim�ber of locations, hours of operation, etc. which could lae more sLringent than currer,tly imposed b� the State. r7r. Chalc7y stated the sole purpose of having the pull-tabs is to hel p the many people who need this charity and, it rs hoped these chariLible c�amir.� funds would replaoe those sexvices Yeing cut l�� the government. He stateca the� are required to file monthly reports to the State Gaming Board and would be hapg� to supply these reports to the Council. Ntr. (iialc73 stated the� pro�ose to lease space fson the Share�aoou Inn for � their operation, however, this establishment would have rzo interest what�ver and wouLd not receive any of these funds. He stated triey hope to rai�e bei�een two to three million annually fraa about 120 different locatzons, Mr. Irmian stated the League of Ctties is lool�ng at �ree of these zssues as there are already cit,ies that may have pull-t�bs, He stateG another issue is the defimtion of a charity. Mr. Cnardy stated the State c�aes specafically identify what oonstitutes a charity. Mr, Herrick, City Attorney, stated if the Cocu7czl was r.o approve tnis request, it would be necessary to change tt�e orclinance. He stated there was an Attorney General's opimon issued in August 29, 1983 Lo the ('a.ty Attoiney at Cross Lake where it wasn't considered proper to issue this type o`x li�nse for yar,tbling where liquor is being sold. Ne stated ii the Counc�l wishes to amend the ordinance, he would c�et in touch with the Attorney General's Office rec,ard�.ng this opiru.on to determine if it is current, as amenc�nents to the gambling ordinance toai> eff-ect in Plarch, 1985. Nir. Herxick stated he felt clarification is necded as to whether the State feels, in i:hese circtunstances, the G.ty �ulc� issue a perrnii. -5- � ;� ,,>y ry c� : i �� J, _ 4�_. 1\. � • • Mr. Herrick asked if there were othe communities in the State that have authorized the sale oi- pull-tabs in prlvately operated establishments. Mr. CharcYy stated Mecli.na Ballroorn has pull-tabs and the City of Austin is cons3.dering action to allwr this ty� of operation. Mayor Nee stated perhaps the Council could study this issue further, but ielt this was rather short notioe. Mr. Ck�arc� stated he would withdraw their ap�elication at this time, rather than having it denied, and give the Council an opportunity to study it furtt�er and file another application at a later date. AA70URNMIIVT • MQTTON by Councilman Barnette to ad�aurn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed, iJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the notion carried unammausly and the Reqular Meeting of the Fridley Ca.ty Council oi Apral l, 1985 ad7ourr_ed at 8:30 p.m. Res�ctfully sul�nitted, '���i��w�-�- ,�%->Ld �„�'� Carole Had�ad Secretaxy to the C,�ty Council A�proved: -6- �' `-' 4� Y '_"'� Willi� J. Nee Mayor L_.1 � �